HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-12-16 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• • --·::--, . .. ' '. I ··~ ' , ' ...... • . . · -"B.low·s-· ·p_p _.. -----· -l . ' -"-. "" . •, .. ' ' • • • ' -/-~ " . ",\ ' -~ • -Hii$5th b ,.rrie . 1\. , .._ ' ~ .. ., . , •, ' ·, ,. I .. i•' .. ' . " .. ,, ... ~. '.'.'. r., -· . • -":"-.-... \ .. " -. I·, .r ·. · • t ~ ,.)! .• · .• . . ' • .. . " . .:: ' - -.. -' . • . > I . . .. • • • un.man "·-- ' J I :f " . ' ·.\ ' ' \ . • . ' .... a1n e. "'8""· . • • • • l : .' :\"). .... .. ' •.f .. ' .' ·• .aro· .. . • Clerk Foils . . . Female Bid ~ ... 1 ~~~ew~~ , "• .$• \ _-t_\ ... Y , 1 : ~~·-·' ~-·-. ·,· • ~~·~ ~ • ~ .JI' I _ ' ·, _J · _ ...... ..,·~£SirAr~llNOON, · "j 'V( . '' _,· Al;11U.·11.:ViNsEL~ , , l '~l~:rt-)t.'i'~f{~, •11\ ~-J ' , .-lo (, ·/". 'l ) •. ,,.· ,a.• , r ..... Hit..... 1: I • · ,. !.'-1 i~••• •wnMlrlil'Pt-"" .. · ' .... rtubin( tilr~, .frolitier-Style .31 c.db. revotvir, Qranp County's ~ hU bil ia liftll time, while a diiln;Di· dlHomit ·10m.1e 1aned · 1n J Costa Mesa stickup, late TUesday. A µufd. Mm robbery was believed ...---so1Ved•this~r.---when 1 .~ 4 • " • • ....... • ..... ' _J..2. ,, ............. .. . ... . •! • lj6N-! ~ .. '. ' -• • • .._ ,. • t·~ .. Keep lljose card~d tellers ~n1l}h. !01lf1, -Out J>8ckages =--~ell, ~ that's another m r. :this wag the scene lOday ai.1ba Orange COun-.. ty Faji~ounds w eret·postal ;cierkS wt!re':'busY &Orti'nk -Ohrislinas .. packages' in one oi the largee xhibi* ha'ItS: l::ech fear.u Post <)ff ice · Department uses Fairgfounds l1ricilitie~ to 11a(ldle Chttstmas v·6lume. · Incidenla\ly. if you haven't·mailed that Christmas package by now. it just_ might not ge t there In time. Check with ¥0Ui' Toca! post ,office .. 'Ktzz ·'ftnything y~~ ~see' .... ,__ • -• By If. D. Q~G -Call!., gave the. te.sumony berdre a sir • . 01 "" o.ttJ l'itet stfff o£ricer p--ari!l heat\ng the court-martial of F1'. BE::"iNJNG, Ga. (tiPJ) -A veteran 1st Lt. William L. Calley Jr., "Who la chsta Mesa poli~ arrested a 17-year· old Calllornia Youth Authority parolee. The youth was sj>otted hitchhiking ~ afternoon on Faifview Road al Wilson Street· by Officer Phil Donohue, who noticed hlm fur:Uvely toss something away. · Sfuppig to investigate, he found it \\1as • switchblade knife and arrested the boy on 5Uspiclo£i ·o'f carrying a concealed weapon. He was taken to he.adQUJrters for completloh of paperwork and released to his partnls, pending further adlon. Detective Norm Biaytock .said Dono- hue .began thinking.about the description or a youth who attempted to rob The Likker Stot'e, 269!! Newport Blvd., Mon- day night and !oUnd his boy flt perfect- ly. He was called to headquarteni again today an~ reportedly identified by clerk Robert P. Roy and ·a friend, Je>~n ~t Rudensk.i~ \\'ho had been playing cards hlonday night' until the attempted rob- bery. A switchblade knife was pressed against Rudenskl's neck by the would· be bandit, who finally fled when a seties of customers kept Roy too busy lo rob. The woman bandit who has hll fi ve times In the past \\'eek throughout Orange County look $200 from the Hyatt llouse motel, 23932 ·Paseo de la Valencia Jn El foro Monday night. · Switching wigs and eye glass frames according to descriptions. she has robbed an Anaheim doughnut· shop; a Santa Ana liquor store, another in Orange and the Paulo' Drive-In theater in Costa Mesa last Friday. Lawmen theot'ize she might be rob--· bing to support a narcotics. hl\blt, based on the regularity with which she strikes. A statuesque Mexican woman with a swirJed·up hairstyle also tried to rob the \1agabond 1i1otel. 3151 Harbor Blvd .• in Costa ~iesa Tuesday nigbt, armed \\'ilh a .38 caliber~ revolver. She eiitered at 10:45 p.m., threatening · _ n~l clerk Jerry ~-Davis and del'nand· Jng everything in the cash drawer. ·Davi~ -who ~rd , ~ car . drlv~ up al'ld had watcfied her get out: leav1' a man al the wheel and thus , arouslrig h~ -lcloos -said he stalled •by say· ing the money was in his residenUaJ headquarters. or the ~1y Lat SW!!ep testlfled today that charged with the premeditated murder or after a 'brlenng by the company 102 South Vietnamese civilians on Utarch- Ordering him Out In rront or the coun-- ter and away from a telephone. the " "·ould·be woroan bandit fled to lhe get- away car which then sped off. commander he and other aoidiers decided 16, 1968, lhe day tbe MJ' Lal raid was Police said ·she was much too Lall, bboUt $ feet, 10 Inches, and weighing up gi\."!n to 175 pound.s, to be ttie bespectacled apl_ female responsible now for a atrin& of !Iv .. ¥1dups. · · "to clean out the whole village -to kill carrjed out. • anything we • saw.· ~r anything that Gonzalez said the briefing was moved." . the clay before 4he.Ap<Utlon.Jll L<onard R. Gonzale&, 28, Richmond, !See ~Y,' P•• I) . ' -. . -. ' w Ill . • I -•• • • Cour.t 1 • - / -. " • . . ' : l .,. ; . 'DeVil CUit' Suspect Sa11e~ ' . ' Will Face Trial in Deaths . . .By .'!'OM BARLEY 01 Ille O.Uy P'llOI Sf1fl Steven .Craig Hurd TUesday. \\'as ruled sane and abl~ to ,rice .lrial in the ",devil rull" kifling"Qf Mission Viejo teacher Flore cC Hrown and the Hatchet slayi ng of strvicc 'stati on atfendant..,Jerry Wayne Carlin.'·•,· ·, The 20-year-0ld transient displayed no emotion at 'hearing ·Juc'lge : Ro6ert L. Corf man 's ruling in .sharp ·contrast to ah outburst wh ich earlier In the.day led to his tjectlon. lrom the eour.ifoom. Judge Corfman ordered HUrd to a~pear In Judge :James F. JCldge's crim1nal ca lender courtroom J\riday for.setting or - a trial date on the dual murder charges. The long·halred morose defendant was sent back to his Oranl(e f'.ounty Jail f~ll during the daylong hearing aftet' .an Wright Writes 1st ·rule Card ~1ADISON, Fla! (AP) -It took a long time, but Howa rd Wright-fin- ally sent his first Christmas ca rd . Wright, ~; a maintenance . mlln ,. at North Florida Junior College In ~tadison, bc'gan ·a· basic ettucalion course at the school in September' to learn' how to read find wrire. lh Octobt;[', Wright began t{Js big project, a letter -the firs;·he had ever written -·to h'is daughter. .. Forming ldlcl) .word ~!th Painful · ca~. he1 began by ~ wr1U11& ~ Gt'bdys" at · feast . I~ times,· bis teac~er. said. . _ ~ "~r·q1acys,":~ f~Uy YrTOte , "I am fine. -t am learning to read 8.nd wrlfe. Do you want to , come hoqle ror Chri;itma&? Your loving !atfler." . . 111,s daughter, Gladys Britt of '.Aflamt. was surprised ~y '\he lotter. outbu'rst sparked ·by the appeaNnce 1A .the •witness box · or . Dr. , SeaWright 'AndJJrson, · assistant m,edical ·director 'Of. · .Fairview State Jfospit~I in Costa )1esa. , Dr. An,dcrson was one of • fl.~ psychiatrists who examined Hurd and 6tie or four wt)o declared tJie young founder of a Satan·worshipplng group to be sane bvt doubtlufly capable of contribuf!~g' much, to his defense,, . · Defense Sttomey Williarit . G1'mble. BpParenOy amused. by his ' client'~ antipathy· to Anderson. explained to 'Judge Corfman that Hurd had erpressed a dislike for Andefson's' race. "Don't 'laugh, lo an.'" snapped Hurd, banging his mnna clfd• hands Ori 'the counsel table. "That thing there is not a ·human be.ing. . . ~ • . "An}"\fay. niy . f·t~er won'1 illow it." Hurd added In an·.apf)ftrent ~erence to the beinil: he has reoeatedly·de.~ibed a1 "my father >&J1! Iiev,lt' as ·Ole angry Jud~ Corfman broke in. · "Do yott"want us to procttd with lhl<t trial or do you want to go back to jail?" the iudge, a.sked . · • "I'm going back to 1jall If he's going to testify," Hlird replied. He was promptlv removed from the ··courtroom . but ·reap~arNl after the lunch break. An(lerson, ul)perturbed by the ooLbreAk. werit on to ' supf>orl the· general conclui;ion of re oort& su bmitted by f out psychiatrist!: thAt l-l\1r'd t~ le.p.ally san.f but confused to the point that his defeme attorney can expect little or nO coof)eraUoR from htm. . ~ It is '8Strted In ttflOrts subriiitt.ed_ IS testimon)( Tuesday tltat he drehk siJ cups of b!Q9d a day. actively wont\fped Sat.an in 11eveca1 rltualisttc and pfli-rntlvt fOnns and coM'anUy rtfema·to him u "my fat•r the Devil." · ... · Satanic rites entered tnto •the ~sJ11ytn11 "fast.. June 2 of Mrs .• Flomiee 1'1·1cv Brown, 31, of El Toro. Hurd ls ac:ct·~ 1 Of being "the leader of 'a 1 K!'OUP of dritt"rs who mlfrdered the teacher in ' an Irvine orange grove and buried b e r dismembered body nellr Orteg" H.lghw,11y. Dr. John Guido'1 report alleged that , .. •. ·-·..- I 'c • . , :".! '' ,·.~:-!\ •u~ ~ ·worn.a· ·n.me.a: ... ' ... ,Tl ~.· :~i Fu111:ignii-a~" .Gases :in H'Oi.Uie · - . • ' . . I . .' ''' • , . . . ' ~· ' Return!Jig 'to unsear a tmlia'""•to& Al ' I'"' •~·-' '••' '~"'-' ''~· .,'.)'"".-." am""" Jiu~ ~ '":'.~."1·~ r,. ... ,;w:nn.-1W.r ,~t .CQDf{OUe~~ W.sC:;o~ ~'tt,ie rj,o.. tent ppi~n fu~Jlad ex~r~~ ·~ lvoman who hired him .for fbel.'routine jOb. • . • • • , ' ••• '1. fnve$tlgato?s today were ·a\emptlrig· to establish whf sp\rley ltflchal.sJ'e, ~\ who lived alofte at JJ0642 IOJ!estnut ;St., re- turned to Uie. Wipence ~befo~ ·tt;'was ready.·· '· -·Ertennfnatbr ;Johli' ·eravey .. weut to ,the home late Mooday to ur,ie~.lt and (See P0~1 P ... Z) . ' -t I: Oraage ' . ' . ll••• I ' I '1 )' "I didn't even know he was starting school,'' she sai<k Hurd ate portions or Mrs. Brown's heart after the womaa -was repeatedly slabbed (SeeUMl!!!.~uuulLI~·~~-•~~~~~~~~~-- 1'- 1 ' i ' • .,..-, ' I • -- 1 • • "' ,. ( I • • • •• J-DAil Y PILDl ' - ~ M;ystery r Of Hu-ghes - Bee • Wtdntsffy, Dtctmbtr 16, 1~70 • • ' .Lie Costs· Joh , I i ... ~\r.1 • ~ .,. i • . ' Sheri ff to Fir~ Dep11tty Af~r Refusal. . ' . 4 LAS VEGAS, Nev. (~Pl -A wltno" • hls 111i~ that on the night Howard Huahea ~ reponedly left for the Bahamu, "he uw 1 • 11 'MN •AJU.EY till , ::•riB wd ii~lnc · Of."iuor' fr0m ~tbe otete t6 u..if Jlllret ""' °''" ,.. ...., r · ~ de r. i::"'ilatlio gf Mure· -· ~~ ... ~allerlll),d+!Hl •Y• r)lriel ellijijl¥od ,ll[u;o.~.ll~jo 8otll ~-. employod u aea&rlty " "lit ,~uatd to t,all< 1 llt,~•r le•t • .,.., dli!lni~ thM 1llat ~ity · ~ · .;di( lllJlllon Viejo eo .. durllol =lnvejjtpUon •V bWcl~ aJ. Fredtrlcl< B. ,Irvine "" · by 0(1 GY Jiour1. Authorit1e1 aa1a ·; collllilftt.4 by'I COlll~.111 the .tbe.Mllaloo \li.je.Compuy'Ua lty ·can · ' lll!tled sul<ldc •t hi• > .min helped or held by two m_tn as he 1ot .. t "" .. ;• lJ:lto a car behind Hughes' penthouse. ( LaVane Forsytbe 'made no dirt.c' link ;' between the man and Hughe•. Forsythe, :..., of Torranu. Calif., who said he was · r, fonnerly a eon tract.or, testified Tuesday 1---··_.uring ~hour ses.sioa..~ · •• battle for ~trol of Hugheat vast Nt:vada-~----t ' properties. With knitted brows and a nervous lwiflil!& Of his eyegtaSJq, ~ol'J)'lhe '8i4 he had 1ccepted • fee of $MXI from one M. 4.. Crawford, who represented bbntell ; al asao<f~ted with HQlhes, . In keep .• rum,.u av.U.bJe on a 2tbour bUIS tor ""over a moriQt ind ceme to Lis V•1u - : ThTnU1ivict1 Eve. , :>._ "lt was Mt clear to me what l was. _ '! goin; In do," he said. Whot he did, " · ·c. Farsythe tt!stified,-wu put 1 amall white ... _ , button on his left lapel and stand .in the c parking lol belllnd Hugbet' ne,.rt fnn i Hoti!I. . . M .' Vltje arutwOI '9 ,lliOd 'today JJQard. _ _:-'2 ' . n tch home aflor b •. ~by Sh er=lf a A. 'Mutict,' tlie Irvine. 41. Of h abra . ;j . . rial tlir auaicntd on bl!rslarY ehar1es. _ DAJL)'.PI .• • leame4. . . ~rP 1.in Oranae. Coontr.IYP.f , urt 1t sheQff's ipves.U&ltOn"'uld Tuesday . Muaiclr __ . Tuelday his d!ci· .., chUJee of burfi.1>. ii'W,. ,au to "'' Beirten !l>d h<en slmltarly •ll!J>loy, ""' lo .~1!"1 jleputy Jelln !tor-theft, -•vlfll .~ Pl'OJlilrtl' ' con· ef1 iJl 1Jw M~sion Viejo aru at tho deo1 ~ of Sii'--'tl· -Ant,, with the CMt· $JPU'acy, au c~td in •a Gr Jury stme tin1e as lrVine and tbeli lnAuirles metit: .. He bis M ~ ~int·• law indictment. · · .j ' '.1 '!' ltd to a Uquest that be Lue tM 11t de.- enforcement officer it·he. ~.M &bserv.e .He Ud 1 fello~ deputy, ArtlUt .Dun· teator .\eSt. llle--tules...of.Jhls depatttnent .... c.@., 3f of Huntma:t.ori BeaCh,. lre ar-., • , rt __ .. .. 'No cbaries bad bettt filed qainst restid :an the M.idlon Viejo :o g..1! l:r'WJIS • am~ot -..ao., wv....wt:, Bearden. Club's :Colf sbOp after lMY; e&edlY Mu 1.tC-=i 'Both the, ~ at· M&Wck aaid tbt demand that Bbrdtn c.arri~ &olf equipment and sev · ca,sd: t~i;. -ty c~atl •· o f I J c e 1 • _ • • SUJ>ROf'I belief that there la n6tllin1 _ 7 • • in liwj tG prevent our. firing bim . .t1 '" ld • · h La" · hes vet ~aiden told the DAILY PILOT tllat -· T" P · . U'"·.I'. ~ · Sberf!UfUsick's deicsion to lire: him wu , .,._. . f ~ bUedtaelily "an my perioOal ~· 'p • ... ~ ..... , fc1r P'red Irvin' and .. fOr ao qQler . • , .. "I 1tand on my principles." .. n 8. l T • h -~ • ~ s .. • ;J said. "Th<>H pri{tciple1 include my re-... ·e t · ig ooning tut.J-Y. ;n::~.!:::~0~f~::!..i'. Chanctllor Danial G. Aldtich Jr. has lng while Income in fees ls falling "sbort · ;And I have not.'' the· deputy stresJd, "flier h<en ;ccusod of 'anl1bl"{ In coo, noctJQn with the 1'-1issi0d Viejo bur1llr· • Crawford· told him he w111 ~re "te ' prev.ent anyone from lnttrfer~ whtn ht ·,came Qllt/' said F"orsYfbe. Crawford was ~-not idenUfied. but that ls the laat rwne , :•. J. UP.IT ....... direct~ vict chi.ncellor1 cf UC Irvine of i1pectitiorw" 'and the state gqve"rn· to dettrn\1!1e what -effect tht Wliversity· ment ls...~ctemandirtg greater economies, leS .or any <1ther erlrne:~· ... · BeatdY s.lid he dtlubtei:l-lhll' he would pertMai1x -file • ti w i u rt 11ainst the cOunty: "I d0n1t. haft: that .kltid tof mftn. ef," M cOmfttented: "and I could find a better use for it if I had it." • : of one of five' 1111Je aNiltant.s •lto llf! • H1l8bea ctaUY and.It Wll tstabli!llod that >'"I H. L. Crawford later registertd at th• . Britapnia '-h ijotel In the BaJwnu, ; wh<re f!ulliea is rtportffly Yll<I=· -lt w11 almolt two o'clock Think : lllg'1ling before anything happened the 't>0r~lng lot. Fonytbe said. . "I aaw twe men-'ratber> till ia ateture, ~with ~r mtn. Tht,e two IU)'ll wt~ ; holdintr the person In the center, or ~walkin& ttjm. The men in tbe center was wearing a topcoat or a ralncoat or batitrobe," ht said. · The Uiree men walked to the middle ; car of a five-vehicle procession lined up In the parkllig lo~ ht gJd. As they ..,. ;puttlnr the man into the~ car, F~ &aid, ••1 heud a perlOft apeUlfll for M'f. .Jlob.M~eu or Bob Hyland." -- • Hyland is general monqer.41 lj\lllles --~:Aircraft Co. in Culvtr City, Ind a :1ongtlme friend Of H"lhes. ;' Robert A. Maheu .bu betn chltf 'executlvt of Hughes Nevada oper""on' .Jor Ole.four years Hughea ha1 lived in the ',Slate Uid ii the central figure ln Uie <1:unent court dispute. · · ; ?,lalleu' WU find by the dlrectora . Of 'T.....-Huihea Tool Co. 10 diy1 !afterRulliea' ~Maheu-. ·and' oblAIMil a coUr1 order provolttlftl twO foot company ~ and Uie tool compey-lawyer, Qlnter Davil, from taking over. Forsythe'• testimony c1me during. the 10th day of a helfinl lo daclde whether to termlnate that r:eatritj{tnc , ordtr. P'ttrtythe wu cllled 11 a wl~a for Maheu, whole aaaoclatu hive: e~UMd concem out of court that Huahei wu·ru and was spirited away. TANK OWNIR SHIEPE GETS LICENSE· FOR ·VEHICLE Cecil Potter (loft). of OMV H•MI II Over • Tiger • ID Tan)? Vehicle Finally Cets DMV Okay_ SANTA f,!ON!CA (UPI) -Abraham A. Slll•pe. Jr., paid 12.000 In May for Ilia choice Of ttwportatjon. · Since then ht ilas put 1Mthet 14,000 Into' it. includin& $1,000 for a new en- gine, Utl\ts and mirrors. But for the past three mont.ha he has arJqed with the State Department o~· Motor Vehicles fQr passenger license ctrtiflation. The department decided this week It could be licensed as a passenier ve- hicle. Shiepe then drove his tank onto public street.I. Shiepe bolqht the World )Var n-~uo personnel carrier.at the Metro.Goldwyn- Mayer movie auction. Its grand career lllcluded atlnts in several MGM movie,, and the television series "Rat Patrol." 'Included in Shiepe'11 expeltus wee cutUng down the sides of the turret far visibility, upholstering interi~ ieaU, and palnUng the outside: milituy 1reen with a white star on each aide. Shtepe SiflUie ciuman is still operable. Sbiepe aaya he plans to a:et aome or hl.s money back by ttnting the aiJ:. whffted vehicle for $11111 a day. Tl\lt In· eludes a driver •. ten C0ast Homeowners Picked for Jury Post,s wide cutbacks wlll Jrla\te en progra.Jns •t li1 1 Jtttit to ~ ~Uors tnd ad- the five and -boll year .old camp111. DiJnil!rators. Ht\cli iUriCtkt th'1 ican- "It 11 lmptlta:ible to lftaiatahi. the.. · cits I.hit apPear when teachers and other 1ame ltvel of quaUty," Aldriah said. •tall l .. ve Mall not bt filltd, even tern· when nwnben Of students tacreue and porarily. the dollars 1v4i1able rtmiin the 1ame. Furthtrmore, Hitch ordered, virtually UCI e.1pects 7, too lt\ldtnU nen year -no new equipment coµld be ordered or compared with 6.400 -thil year 'ind Ald-le~. evf!n for replacement. He mad~ rich interprtU the cutback.! ordered an exr:eption Ill telephone equip ment if Tuesday by UC Pre.sident Charles Hitch no ntw continuin1 cost.a result. ·to continue in4> the 1!'71·72 academic He also banned ioy out-of-s tate travel year u we~I ~ !he remtinlng iii by .Wliverslty peno~el i.n the new erder. months of this f1Jea\,.year. which he called Fiscal Guidelines for Speclflc effects of the cutti.r:b 'fill 197G-71. not be known unUI d~partment ~ "Our ·prospects for the remaining siz: have taken • Jool at the dirtctives, a months of tJliJ fJ4cal year are sim.ilar·in campus spokesman said. many reJpteU to· _those described by The btlt-Ughtenini is necessary, HUch Gov. Re11an for the St.ate of California," said Tuisday, btcause costa are so.tr· Hitch nid. .. l ltm• ·lllot )'Ill 11e alrudy oper,t. Ing "" tmi. el 1Upport •tcnllieuily lie- low ~ needs,. •Pd t very mueh re-cr.t U)at lheae meuures ue necessary to reiuee CW'l'tJlt e1p.n4J.tures even furtMr, Hitql said in hl.s letler. But Burden's dismissal · today may produr, a lawsuit in which the Orlil1e County Fimployees A.uoeiation wl1I be interested if it does' not activtly pirtl· cipate. "We 're certainly fam iliar with the 11- su!." r:ommented Association genertl meaier John M. Sawyer. "But there isn't much that .,,,e r:an say about tl!.i• until hls dismissal is confirmed and filed. "I understood that Beardon hid 11· r~a~y hi~~ an attorney to like le&al action against aay ltrin1." S 1 w.y ~r added . "Naturally. if he came to us htr adviCf; or he.Ip then we'd have to sit do~ with him and see w~t· ceuld be done." ·- Mu1ick'1 •ct.Ion wta beud on f1pn 1 .. gal growlffs, co~lftfnttd Deputy ~ty Counsel Ragnar !ngebrel!fft. . Famed Store's Gifts Hijacked "We find a lot ot 111oport for tqt rulin1 In rer:ent United States SUpreMe Court decisions," he said. "An em,tey'er F p J has the riaht to ask an e.m.ploye to ~ HOUSTON (UPJ ) -A Neiman· .... .,e operate in matters of this nature. Marcus delivery truck loaded witfl HURD "lbis action did not dilplay any pre.; a half mlllion dollars worth of · • • • judice.," said En1etretse11. "And aikinc Chrlltmu _prHeftt!: WIS hijtc:ked Ute ,deputy lo help in Utls Jl\IJlMr WU 'l'Uellday when the driver 1to~ped to ~ • no deprivation of any of that offieer'1 check a street address. Hurd ts also ~«Ull!d .ol Jeacliltg the rights ." The truck" WU found about three hatchet slayiq of Carlin durtni tbe It was !tamed today th•t the quasliori· · houra latu behind an apartment robbery June I of Carlill'• Sint.a Ana Ing of Bearden wu part of a con.sider· house 1~\ bl<ds away. servir:e 11taU08. able investi11Uon Cilnduc·ted by' Mu- """·""tn·df;:: ~~~~i Dtlectlvt T. F. McKinney 11id· .. ;rbe yoon1 attendant'• body, diaftguNd sici:'a ~partment in the wake · Of tM Two other nominees hill from the the truck waa tllfily lrioldtd 1:iut by a ~es of, bio'1"1 Yfhb the u:, was arr8'b of Irv int and Duncan. / county's Second Sllpllrvitmial 'Oil:trlcll . ht dld not know whether tlle 1 CWnd lri a Pool of blood on the wa.Woom 1Ma.qy Mission Viejo homeowfttts and 'llliptrlor COurt ,Jud1es for ~"" on . tht 1971 Orange tJounty Gr1 Juey. Among nominees submitted ~Judge and were .offered b~ J\ld1e Charita A. thievis made ott with lht m61l Qeor. ' 1 scme companies with premi1 in the Bauer. They are 'Jllllf:S C. Caley, 1252 erpen&lve. iltm•. . · Three oth~r illeged meMM:rs of the area had complained of bur rtes tDd Snowbird'" Drive, and Ray Lamoureux, Alphonso !ry1t1t. 80, tht dH.ver, llnl lee! by Hurd also fa ce •trial in the pet thefts for some ~ont ~ e f o r a From P .. e l 'Bruce Sumner of Laguna Beach ls Mrs. --DorHil-Mirshall, former mayor of New· port Beaeh. Sitt ts one of four Newport Beach residents offered for service on the 19- meinber grand jury which will Uke Offici: !fl. January. 5S31 Trophy Drive, both of Huntington 1lld one &ift waa vtltltd at $30.ortl. lc:lllings of Mrs. Brown and Carlin. All those e1ts. And it is erst&od that Beaeh.-Ht-told poUc:t.&Moverall valul-WU-b•ye dtm.ande1t,and_recelvecLJeparati all.dep · _w.ho " ted~in tb• Nonlinatton of John Kamalani of C.OS. $500,000. · trial d1taa in ~aqe Coun\y Superior area dutlng period have be ern t.a 1'-ten as the sole repre&entaUve Or ·1 ~~:;;==========rCourtaii&;' iiiiMiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiOiiii;;;i~q~u~es~U~an~e~d.~,~-----~iiii5';. CALLEY ••. Ernest L. Medini, commander of C Company, of which ·Calley•a platoon wi& • part. ~ "Altar the briefing did you 1'lk with Sgt. Buch&n1n and Othtr me!Ylbtra of your aquad and arrive at a cooclulioo abdut th< brtefl!!I?" llktd 11/ch&rd 8. f(ay, lht defense attorney. ~ Gonult1 aak! he had 111d then related llie eoo<lu.slon lo kDI anything they SIW. Gonzal'fz had tt9llfled TUesdiy that he left Uie brtefing wit!> U>e tmprtiaiM that the village was to bfl destroyed. He alao !&id It WU l\ls undentlnding that the enemy there "could be Women." ~ TOdty. he S'aid that in the northeast iection of My Lai. ( he saw the bodl•a of "about 25 women and children." Later be siid, l'll$ platoon, the seeond, went north to another viU1ge where he saw a group of "maybe 10'' dy4.__women. • DAILY Pll01 N"'f*' l•x9-1-...... OltANGE COAST l'Ull..ftHltfO C.oMP'.llfV Jlebttt N. WeM Pr•llefll •r4 ,_.....,. J.,1r: JI. Cvrl•y Viet ,,..!llltrrt It.• Gtlltftl M1Mttr Th•11'111 Ktt~il ldlttr 'Tht111" A. M111rJhl11• 111-.11111 a<lfit« lic:~1rd I'. H1U a.i..111 c,,,... ~•v ••1• ...... C_,. M•: ut W.I h y ltrM Hl"'8't 111'1'1: mt Wat ltlllot &ov!Ml'f Lttun1 Stteft: m 'llfM' 4""""" M1111ti.,,1tn 811cft1 1'111 kldl Bou""""' kft'. ()1111tnt1; aQ NOl'lrl 11 c.mlnt Jl•I ....... D.t.ll.Y ~lLOT, w1lli w!lldl II ctnlblM41 11141 Ht...:!'•..,., i. "~ltlllf ftllr UOfOI' ......._ .. ., Iii HOfttll '~lllont .,,. \, ...... 8t&d'I. ,.....,..., •••eto. "''' .... ~111tt""' ~ tr-41 '"'""°"' Vtlle1, ... wfflil -, .. -.1 •mw.a .. 0r.,.. c.r ~..,."" ~ ... 1111~ -".m ,,.. '' .,.n ""'' ltltiff l l\ld,, H."°'*' Ml<flt W .. '#91 .. ., a1r"f• ~i. M••· Tel~l714) 641·4>11 Cl•HiM ... '"""""" 641·1111 Ju Clwate Aft hpclMMai ,.,. ......... ,. ~'91't. irn. or.,.. c.ttt "*""""' C-J\'t, N• -1 1!1r1'1. lllllll!r"M. I .. 11«i.1 ...... ... ,.....,, ... ll'lffl. ~ "'-Y be rt.,...11«. WltfWt tt«lll ,.... ""..... ., ~""' ... ,.,., . ._.. et.u ~,.,. "" •t H....., '"~ ttf C.S!• M.a. (1111 ... nl1, ~rtt11to1 llY urrltr N )J "'(lnlfll'l'l l'Y-11 U.11 IMlilf'llYI '""'"" 4ttllrl1t5tM, Jl.JJ """''"'\" that commwiity may a1ain areun CM· I uwnr.-t t~versy In that city. over the appa:~nt dearth of npresentatives on the grand Thme 19 names will be draw.n by Judge Byron K. McMillan Jan. 4 ln court.roOm ceremonies that Will lmmtd· iately follow the d.111charginl of the 1970 pane.I by Ila Su(M!fior Court 1ial110n, Judge ---.rames F. Judge. Severi judges contributed a total of eisht Filtb District re&idents offertd for grand jury servK!e next year. Judge Sumner nominated f.tr:s. ft.tar· shaJI, 367 Via Lido Soud, presiding Judge William C. Speirs; named Mr1. Frances L. Tooley, 1821 Sandalwood Lane and Mrs. Marta Lozano, 116 Via Karon and Judie. Wllllam S. Lee named Martin Mangold, 2144 Vista Dorado, all of New· port Be&ch. Judge Robtrt L. Corfman nominated Bill P'emendez. 320 Haiti Drive, O>rona de! Mar; Judge Wter Vsn Tstenhove wrote in the name of Dr. George 0. Roberts, 5.192 Kenosha Lane. Irvine, Judie Claude M. Owens submitted the name of Wall!lo Drake-; 37 s. La Senda, SOuth Laguna and Judge Herbert S. Herlands nominated J o h n Kamalanl, 303 E. 23rd St., C.Osta Mesa. Jury. • . A ebeck lndoy of (latld JlllY 1<C,Ords aver the year! ltM-1'10 did not rtveal i Cosla Mesa resident . although tbOse same recor~ indicat.& that at Jtast three Cotsta. Mesani were flotnlnaled in that· time. · Ptaclng of Kamalanl. on· Uie 1971 pu· el would. it appears. end 1 'aiI·ytar drought in Costa. Mesa's contribution to Orange County G;rand j~ea. From P*fle l POISONED ... air out the deadly methyl bromine chlhlopicfin gas wed to kill tenniW, coc~s and other insect pest.I. He found Miss Mit:halakt sprawled on the bathroom floor. Los Alamitos Police Dec:tective Tom Hicks said the vieUm was last seen by friends: Sunday about 8 p.m., but her whereabouts be.twttn th.en and trtonday night is unknown; Man Who Gave Up Land Buried In Area He Loved JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) -An 81). ytir-old htrmit who gave away $1 million wortlt-eHUd-for the world to enjoy will be buried toda:y in the wildlife preserve. wherf he llvtd and died alone. William H. Browne..,111. known as "fl.Ir. Willi•" lo the "igbbofll who brought him hJ1 iroctrle1. was rollhd dead 1'tonday . Ht w11 JiUin& in his favorite rocklni chair, a·book in hia lap. .when Brownt was youni bla father a:ave him ntarly 400 acres of wilderness .. •Iona the BOUtb bank of the St. Johns RJ ver an4'told him. " don't Jet the hunt- er1 ha hert." "Nobodr comes here. except the tar collector,' the old man cnce 11ld, "and 1 think f'le '1 pred. 1'axes ire all t owt.'1 Toetther Browne and his brother built a house. They heated it with • wood 1tov1. read ma111zlnes and books by Ott ll&ht of ktrostne lantern•, crew fresh ve11etable1 in 1 backyard garden and watched over the imaU animals &tld birds they loved. But after Browne's brothtt dJtd In 19!.S, lhe lean bachelor aave away a few lush acres to youna t:0uplts as homts"teads • and don..ted several more. to the Ctmt> fire Cirlt. _ I,agt year tie donattd the rtmainlng 3&1 ICl'tl to ~ture Cooittvancy, I nonprofit orgl!llUtton, Otl cOn<liUon II remain In if> wUd atale and that he live there until his death. The land harbors meander~& marsh end . growthl of _ Spant!ll mou • draJ>'d ltt@S and ma~lia. tt has heren ·rock· erles and rare b a I d eaglts mah their nesta In its se<:luded brannies. "I .,.,·as a fool to stay here, prob1bly," lhl!i hermit said lllll ye1r. "but I like th~ "-'oods. I used to hunt a little . but I h:iven 't shot even a aquirrtl for is ye1r1 and I ha ven't caught a fish for 60. "There's t.oo litUe ot everything lert.'1 GEM TALK TODAY by ~ C. NUMPHllD (Q u•l l!lc1tlan Dtterrnlnu Ou11ity) Do you know th• qualificattona of a gem1ton1:' Beauty, obviously, is p r i m a r y in color an4 .shape. Tran.sparenr:y likewise i! important although not in some cases. Hard· neu i1 vital since it often deter· mines the lastinc quality of the gem. Finally, rarity of occurrence under these conditions. makes the gemstone a thine ot v_alue. Dnn't make the nllitab of ucrlb- inf one color to • &•Ill. The ores from which the gems c o m e are highly versaWe in ualn& every rain- bow ,color to fu~lon t!leir pr!Hs. Topues are not t!16tely yellow but also Jiaht blue, orin&e, pink, and whi1-. It would be almo1t lmpo,.lbla for the untrained eye to dlsUn.,U.b' i)t. tween a Y•llow 11pphite llld e ytJ. low topu. Yet even experla he.11-te to ny unW certain test. art made on the a:eins. Excitln& j ewe J creaUons aro yours fr.tim J.C. HUMPHIUES JEW· ELERS. You'll find only the llntlt in all types or Jewelry. Also spteial order work, tine watch & jewelry repalrinc. ' • " '!R!!!'!•" ~~ J. -C. .J/umphriej Jew1fer.~ 1823 NEWPORT Bl VO., COSTA MESA CONVENllNT TllMS IANICAMlllCAlD-MASTlltCHAllGl 24 f u1ts IN $AMI LOCATION ,MONE S41.Jo401 • I I I I • I I I ! I I I ' I " I I ·-' • , .. .. . .. . -••nti~.iton i,eaeh • Yeli!-+~. NO:-~. 6-SECTIONS, M p .. eES-'='-'--- l.' ~ • ' . • EDl'FION ' ., '· ' Beach -Planners • • Nix Airport ,- : ~' . . ' Tbe.-nmway exttnsion ·at• Meadowla'rk void.'• lll4 Commlssioner Hen:y Duke ~emac,...·'~•-,.-,-•lto<---hll-mot1on-1&-lha1-euect pu1e11 The HUAttngton Beach pl a 11n in i unaiiimoosly. c:ornml.ulon Tuesday night.· revoked' 1 But the controversy is expected to permit "!Of uoe· of a ·pbt1joo , ol the confinue. · 00fltroversta1 extension after the• dty M•fcus forter. actlnc chainnan of the llaf:f, reparted that eeveral co~diUons ·of comrntsQ:lit, pointed Out that any decision tlil' ~"'lit h~ l\OI .~ met •by airport of· the board· lll•Y be appealed )'ilhbt IO operatQ_r John Turner. , , days and lhls ·period will overlap next ;·So far as· the-planning comp'Jission I! Monday night!s city council meeUng. concerned the cond1tional excepUon we Tht commission'& decision followed a lf'llpted fQr the 1xteJl4ioq · b nQ.lJ and report on worli: at ~ airport by building .. ~:,..- inspector Chuck Gtrarden. When the con1misston-granted~the -coOOitional exception two montm ago the planners listed several improvemenls that had to be made at Meadowlark. Gerarden reported that there h~ been "minimal compliaooe" with th-ts e requirements. · •. J , The key issue Was lmlallatlon of a blast fence at the Heil Avenue end of lhe runway to cut down on dust and noise. Gerarden 38.id th at ~ 10 foot by 120 . 'l{ill Anything' I Medina .. Order: 'Clean Out Village' ' ' fT. BENNING, Ga. (UP!) -A veteran of the Mf -Lit aweeJ, {estuied today that after a briefing · by , the company commander Jle, af\li of.h.ei: $91dlers decided ••to clean out the whole village -to kill anythi~g we · tiaw ur· . anything that moved " LeotYin1 II. Gofualei. 28, Richmond, Calif., gave lhe testimony before a si% officer panel hearing the court-martial of lst 4 ., William L. Calley Jr .• who is charged with the premeditated murder of lln South V.ietnamese civiliall3 on Marcb 16, lt&S, the da,Y the My Lt\ raid .,..as carried out. , Gonza1U sakl the briefing was given the' day before the operation by Capt. Ernest L. , Medina, commander of c Company, oC which Calley~a platoon wa& a part. "AfJ,er the briefing did you talk with Sgt: Buchanan· and other member&· of. your squad and anive at a conclusion about the briefing?" asked Richard 8. Kay, the defense attorney. Gonzalez said be had and then related • 'Uasleally Bone8t' lhe conclusion to kill anything they saw. Gonzalez had teslifi~ Tuesday that he left the briefing with the impression that the village was to be destroyed. He also said it was his understanding that the eMmy ther~ "could be women ." Today, he said thal in the northeast section of !tty Lai 4 he saw the bodies of ''about 23' V.'Omen and children." Later he said, his platoon, the second, went north to another village where he saw a (Ste· CALLEY, Page Z) io· Nominated loOl !~ l!l\!I i.n !,;.!ailed .bt!! l( WU nOI . s ~illjilly ,oun_d,, an<{·-did DOI comply with the plan that had .!Jetn approve\! .. ll!lli.ad .or. the , f<>oJDdaJ;ons ~ng sunk,~ .feet bt(o,lhe ground, 0\0 feqce1 was s~ply supported by angle br~1.he ~'!-. . . ! . .. , . · Geiarde]l ,aJSo. reported , lb4t electriCal violaUons, .... iJ:I. every str~ture " at ·tile airJ>i>ri·aijll had not beenc~, lhat obsfrucJ!o•rnsli!i~g on th< -~lM(.fen<'e w~!4b!e to~-d!,rlAlt_had .F~ir~d · Patrolnw/;i , Li~d, From Coa~t ·Sfi~~~Pt;fy. ·g, rt1p: h ·E~p; ~rt .. F,~r .'71;:~ J · ·· · , · Ten Orange Coast ~1dentl: a.re a· mong the 30 "citizen!" ri6mlnated ~ 21 • · A police polygriph examtper leatlfle4 although th• drug Coerper WJI taking Superior Court jodges for service "on Tuesday night that he eoocluded tbal ~ have ~ Ilia bear! beat and tbe 1971 Orange Counly..()rand Jury. find ~-palrtlmall ~ 1no1J11nC .,-.,.~. tOol(M Into, account Amoni nominees submiUed by Judge ~-~. Hod Iii 1 ......... ~. 1 ind' did not M!•lder' lbe medication 1!ruCe Surnnar ol Laguna Beach is Mrs. ~P!A" ,..,..,.... ' • Doreen Marahtll, former mayor of New· l!untfuclon Bead! po De~ lnvalldit<ld tlie "iest., . port Beach. • ·• investigation tnto hil conduct. Soremen uJd O:Jerper gave "deceptive She Is one of four Newport Beach Sgt. Bobert Soienaen ~Id the • city'~, respon!es" to three question!· Did you residents offered for service mt the HJ· ' ' . .. .a ff&y's Fl•al ' . .. . ·, ~ ~ jiv;y. s•b' E"Xt~:Osi6n ·Bid ' ' -•• ._... i •• r"- ' ' - ~ ~ss~ a1:~!1,he ~-~P any_of-.the~Jor_youl'-°"miii~~~ J:::ry.~lch will ta~ misapprcipriatlng depart,ment store awn \be? Did yo~ give any 0l the Those 19 names will be drawn by tn~ ~_µegedJy given him for the merchandise to frteods or relaUveiil! Did Judge Byron 15. McMiilan Jan. 4 in ~oliiCe, .Wives ;Guild, bad been good ·~give any of the inerchandise. away as courtroom ceremonies that will immed· 1- I . ,... I ffiends and nelghbbrs for.some years. favor$ for labors? iately follow the discharging of the 1970 . "He lied duting lhe test, but he Is ed h d Id h" h h panel b)' !Ls Superior Court liaison, Judge tJasically an honesi aQd truthful pe(son," A!k if Coe~r · 8 to im t at . e James F. Judge. . Sorensen said in answer 'to a question by was afraid he {night get some· people m Seven judil:es Contributed a total of defense attorney· Cecil Ricks. . troµble, Sorensen answered. "No." eight Fifth District resident! offered for Sorensen saki tie gaye Coerper a 1~ nie· 'hearing was , adjourned after' grand jury service next year. detector test Aug:•18, three days. before SorenSen~s te!tlmony to 1 p.m. Thursday Judge Sumner nominatee Mrs. Mar· Coetptt wall discHarged by Police. Chief in the council chambers. Deputy City shall, 367 Via Lido Soud. presiding Judge Ear.le , Robitaille for asserted I Y • William C. Speirs nam.ed Mrs. Frances millaJ:wropriatlng ' merchandise a~ d , A~torney lrfichael .MiUer, w)lo is acting as L. Tooley, 1821 Sandalwood Lane and railing ·to cooperate""' in the police prosecutor, indicated that he had three Mrs. Marta Lozano, 116 Via Koron arid 1nVestlgation. more witnesses to call, including Chief Judge William S. Lee named Martin A defense objection that evidence on Robitaille. Ricks said he anticipated Mangold, 2144 Vista Dorado, all of New· -· • the polygraph examination not be calling eight defense witnesses. • port Beach. admitted on ground! that such test! were Judge Robert L. Corfman nominated not yet comidered scienWically reliable Bill Fernandez, 320 Hazel Drive, Corona was rejected by the hearing officer, City Laird Reveals del Mar, Judge Lester Van Tatenhove Attorney Don Bonf.a. wrote in the name of Dr. George O. County Iillle1~'s · ~sideldc~' Sorensen agreed that In his report on Roberts, 5392 Kenosha Lane, Irvine. the test he poln~ out that COerper was Necessary Cuts Judge Claude M. Owens submitted the . I • ' • • ' ti • ' • • Under medk:atlorl' for diet control and name of. Waldo Drake, 37 S. La Senda, recommended that another-uamlnaUon South Laguna and Judge Herbert S. Held in Beach .Murde1a . should be given for 111ore aci:UJ"ale . Jn Mill, • tary Hertands nominated J o h n Kamalani, results. _,. 303 E. 23rd St., Costa P.1esa. The officer added, however, that Two other nominees hall from the ' r WASIUNGTON CAP) -Secretary of county's second Supervlsorlol District Defense Melvin R. Lajrd aaJd 'today and were offered by Judge Charles A. Coast Wea tiler Button up your overcoat -and your raincoat -Thursday, for the weatherman sees showers on the · horizon, with the mercury drop. pin& to ~7 degrees. · INSWE TODAY congressional cuts in the defense budget Bauer. They are James C. Ca1ey, 8252 will mean further tutbacks In civilian and Snowbird Drive, and Ray Lamou_reux, military menpowir, baae dO!llngs and 5831 Trop~y Drive, both of Huntington reductions, aod· feWer Navy &hips. Laird did not go into detalla.on the cull! Be~~~ination of John Kamalanl of Cos-\ which are to be spelled out 30metime ta Mesa as the sole represe;1tive of next month. Pentagon spokesman . Jerry w. that community may again ar se con· Frledhelm said the new reductions will troversy in that city oVer the apparent be in addition to previously planned dearth of representatives on the grand cutbacks. jury. · Jn a statement, Laird said cuts in the A check today of grand Jllry recorrl.5 1971 fiscal defenae budget made Tuesday over the years 1965-1970 did not reveal by Houae-&:nate,coofe~, "will requir~ a Costa Mesa resident although those expencµture reductions of about $800 same records indicate that at least million ctunng the six monlhll .rernaining · three Costa .Mesans were nominated in in the current1iscal year.".. .that time. -.... ' ' . The ninermonth search for a smpect ln 11 Huntington Beach" muider · en~td th ill week In l\1Uwa~ltee with the arrest of a sidekick to tamea ·candle Light Killer Robert W. Liberty. Robert Patrick Conoollf, ·40, a former Costa Mesa resident, was arrested Dec. 10 by FB I agents and ls·belilg held for extradition to C&ll£ornla by the U.S. Marshal in Milwaukee. H'iintlngton Beach police said today Connolly faces tnaplng c b a r g e s stemm ing from e 1dllinis March 12 of Thomas C. Astorl a, a laborer. Liberty. curren.tly hf;ld In. San, Diego on murder . charges, bas .also beep cl)arged with the . murdf!f of Astorlna. A third . man,,Randall' G. Allen, is.'also,ln Orange " County Jail .On the Astorina murder Charge!. \ .. : PoliCe said Liberty, Connolly' and Alle'n lived together in a Costil l\fe.sa trS.ller" park. prior to Astorina:s death. ' Jnvestiiators Indicated· Astorina was' a ' . friend of the trio; but }'a:; accused bY ' them of llteallll8 their' color'tlilevlslon set. They allegedly took 1Astorina for a ride to Sunset Aquptlc Park in Huntlngtoo Beach. His bbdy was·found there. Connolly refused volµ.n:tary eK\f'ad\Uon to Cali!ori:tla .when be appeared in a Waukesha Countf court Tuesday . Huntington ~ach . · detectiv.es a 't e preP,aring informalion ,to. t?ke bac~ 'to. Wisconsin where 1 they ,hope · to obt4lln e.~adittoli. papen cin 'Coiu!Otly.i ' " · ' " Even w t t h unemployment ddtlining many ikiJitd tfch.nic·~ ton.s, effort! are ioider 10011 to improve the lof of the "MTd core" jobka1 .. 'See Pagt 1 t. o.ty 8· ~-Meadowlark Course Faces · Thr·eitt . \ . . CHRISTMAS By M.AN DIRKL'I - Of ... '*"' ...... ,,.,, Back in April. liM:, Gomer Simll, a man whe had worked up from a golf cwrse laborer to manager o( the Palos Verdu-COUOtr'y Club, took a chance. on the gime that had 'gtven him a Jiving. Simi and a couple of friends -Cecil B. llollinp-:th al)d CllTly' Howard -paid '3',500 for 103 acres in what is now ~HunUngton Beach's _..ide. The land· was a run-down golf course unkempt from the war yeart and tbe depresaion of the 1930'•· Bui they believed a golf revival \vas inevitable and most golf courses today, Its appeal gpes they were rig bl beyond · golfers. The course -Meadowlark Country It Is open space. lt ls a greenbelt Wiil Club -now is one of the prize piects or · It be pre6erved? Or will It gt re. way to real estate In the city. With current land · urban sprawl? These are questions matly values estimated at $35.000 an acre in t)le homeowners in, the city ask. - area, the tnvestment appears worth $3.5 "~e have talked about ways or million .today. · pre&ervlng it with our parks and "It was a bad deal, wasn't it," chocldes recreation people for a number of years, Sims who has· held SO percent Interest in but we have never done anything about It ttie property since he and Hollingswottb because o( the coat I n'v o Ive d', 11 bought Howard oul in 1948. commented COuncllman Jerry Matney. Xhe private course is enjoyed by "P'edtral funding or a bohd election are hundr~ of goUers every week, but, like two means ·by which It c:oukl: be • -..__.:....._ " ' J,.~.I,,,,. ,• t J ' : . ! ' preserved, b~ :..e have nOf e~lored them . Cully. I would!fl like to ,..-the city, jusl take II over !OI' the sake of the rwmbtg ol a· golf course, but, tr there is a chance it will t>e lost, I ~Id like to'see sOn\e on·to preserve It. U would be 8 tremendbu! loss to ~ ,eity." . · • • Several yearl agO there was some discussion bttween city o!ficlala and .tbe owners, but. OOthlng came of the talks. "II may be prolllable CD!; the owilen at presen~ "!!~!(,.,.hid to buy the laQd at, (Ste GClll tOUllSE. l>ase· I> · ;:-I -. I " ,, , F ountmn 'Valley , __ ..._ . , . Closes 1)oQrs " .. To Sipall 'Lots : · ' ' . , Fountain Valley Cily Coonc!lrnel(cloa- ed lhe door tO IJ'Qall Jot homta Tueaday night on a ff.acre ~l of.Jarid~· ) · 1 ' •• They did it by reilmtng lhe _a(t'elge from R·l, PD ll800 (wfDcih 'alloWll sub- standard lot sizes)· to, sttajght i\.f (a mlntmUm of . 7,200 ,sqU&.{t ~f •f!r ,a lot!. \ • The rczoae<l. faM, .1$ .on. t~ ndrthwest and southwest a i d e '' of Brookhurst St!'i!et and Edinger Avenue. No one opposed the zone chana:e dur'· Ing tJie public bearing and the coqllcll vote for it was unanimous. Councilman Ron Shenkman, priQI' to the vote, did" mau. one" pilch ·for·"""1'- er lotS. · . · . · • · 1. i ' 'Tm a tll~e concern.a with the'IRI concept;" Shi:rikrnan . ap1'l0e4. 0 Can cause ·homes are beiDg 'OOUt sU.t'"t>eo- Ple are · going' to mcwe into?'' ·' · • "Orange COUnly ~ bard pnsaecl •be- cause ·homes arbein& built tbat peo. pie can't bay," he ~continued ... We ought to consider •hetbec we are · add- ing, to . the problem by . 111ckln, ·lo • lbe R·l concept." i ' Tlie land retoned Tue<day nfi>il. w11 the uncompleted baU of a tract atalted across. the city border in Westminlter. y uJe C?ncer · SI~~; 1be Westminster High School ~ra > 'fJlll present a Christmas ooocert Ill 7:3G p.m.. Thursday, In. the IChoOl maaio room. The Glrls Glee Club1 , the LMcet choir In<\ the concert choir, wUl aloe toke parl in the program, which ii open "the public: • • • • , .. I OAILY'PILOI " 1• , .. + ! ! I Wedf'ltsdey, Otttmbtt 16, 1970 1 t • • . 4 1% • , I -. ·rrest ·-.. Costs , -Lie Roaci FJUids · Re~ested • .. . . ' . ( ' . ~ . ~~·~~ey t -;/7 -~1· Sheriff f.o. f.ire ·~eputy 4!fer. R fqsa~· _ · ' By'111t{'IA~ ... -_.. . • •fdi ie ~· •s 1 l ~,.@.:M,jo AA ~~°';':r111~1 dep•lY •:l:a;tJ.. _.tt:f;~.·;:;:· .JQ'!ttlil,._tia ;:-i::-~~- wllo ttlui<CI to take a lie detector test ~ o!llCet il he canni>t·~ the Miaslon-Vlejo E'.onloll\YA~ilty -6trili& ~1U011 of burglat!es aJ. •lbOrilff~-di!iirtmtnt." ' aUard, -1 ' " -. • tecodly-lllltled by• coll .. iue In the · ~·~ baCr -been p1;d' 'afai' · • Irvtoe, ..i. o1. .~ iiabroJp.od trial . .MJllion V!eJoli. will be !Ind todoy 'llW<l.en, -• AprU 5 in Or.,(ge .county Superior Cot\rt .., !!,Y ~~} r I (I 11)1•• A. M~lck, the-• Mllildc,aold,the demand lhlt l!eltdtn on cllarfes ?f bur&li'Y, gr1it4 tbtf~ ••to "uA'"' PILOT learned. take ,a ~arapb teet was mtde durl1:1g theft receiving stolen property 11td ¢on· : M~et cori o1 Tuesday his ~I· ,tua ~e~r' lD.ve~li~~ of bur&· ~pira'cy. all contained iD .a, Gra.ad Jµry ~ • .l • -: ind.Jctment.. _ • . • _ · ~ . 'D vii Cul ' S . · s . He and a fellow deputy, Artbur B. Dwt· ,' e' · t s · e t e taa, 34 of Huntinaton Beach, were ar-: n p C an ' usted Jn the Mi$siog Vlfjo C o u n tr y Club's coll shop after .. th~y allegedly • carried Jolt equipment and aeveral cues ·wm F T ·a1 . n· h of liquor from the atoro to their patrol ace r1 ill eat 8' =~ nion ..... employed .. .....,;ty 111 TOlol 11.1111.SY . Of .. .., "" "'" • Stann Qoali Hurd Tueoday -IU!td · hilt IOd Ult to ra .. trial In tha "devil ru1t" ldllln& o1 Milllon v~ ttacller Florence s ...... and tha ho alartnr or service StaUon attand111t Jerry Wayne . C.irlin. 111e ,,,,.., .. 1d trwltot dllPllYtd 110 el1IOlleo ot lleotlllf Judp ll6batt L. °"'"""'a rulln& In lhtrp oontrut to on llUllNnt wlllch ear Utt la the d'1 lad. to l1la ··~ rr... tha -... -JU<fp Comun'otdettd.lllltd to oppur In Jlld&O. J-F. Jlldtt'• <tiailnal ~r courtream P'l'.ld.t1 !or aeltlill ol • trW ... ,. Oil tha cluol murder cllarpa. · · , guardl by lbt Miisloo Viejo Co. doring their .Gil duty houri. Aulh«lliel IOid Duncan_ . laior •.. ---"led. -_Ill his Dr. ~ wu .one ol five -'"""''" liorcltlatrim who ·--•~ H""" and oiie Hlll!lil!C10a Beach ; bol!le· ollof -be . .iifl..., wbo docl;u;,y;..,1• of 'Ina arretped ~ burilarY:cbarPL •·Solan-wonlripping group to be..., but • Sberlll'a lnmligators did 'Taeldly c!GUbtllllly cop&bie ol .;ontrihuuns much lhat l!oarden had been llmlJarlJ im!'ioY- tO ·hiS defenae. ed ln the Mission Vat.JO area it the i>eft.616 attorney wi1uam Gamble, &ame tiinil as Irvine ind their~iDauities a~y IJtl~.ed by bls cliti'lt'a led to •· rique!t tha( be take t~ fie· de- ltlllpttlijf to Apcletion, erplained to lector lel!i :;; ~ . J~man ~t'Kuni~h1d 'eipret* "He wu adamant IDd so were wi," a~ for AndertM'1 raCe. Mus l ck said.:-"Bc)tli "the district it-·;-~1]>0Btt '"1•llilJ. lm1n,.. snapped Hurd. torney's and county counsers o ff J c e s ~.·his 'm-..clod balds m tbe IUflpotl my belle! lhat tllete 'IJ nothing eoun.frtiblt,l"'Jbt thin&:. there Ls not 1 in law te prevent our firing him." huaion btln(. Bearden told Ille DAILY PILOT that "Alqw1'i, my father won't allow It," Sberlff Musick:'• delc:s.ion t.o fire b1m was Hurd odd<d In on opPmm't n(ere11C< to bued 1<1lel7 "on my penonal lrt.ndlbip tlle btllllt be ha repeatedly deac:ribed 11 for Fred Itvlne IOd fnr 'no other tuJ<1n. ''gly A•k'. tbie Devil" u the angry "I stand· oa my _ptinctples," Bearden J-tidDWI bntte In. Aid. "Tboee prlnciplea toclude my re· DAIL'( PILOT tltff ll>~e GOMER SIMS EYES FAIR MEADOY!LARK!S ,AlllWAYS ' In Huntington 811ch, • GrHn. S.lt ~ • Wey of Life. . • l'rom Page 1 GOLF COURSE .. 'Ille long"1alnd -.s.teiidet ..... .. bad< to bit °""I• CoQl11all all clllNI tlle daylong beartoa -.. ~ oparPd b)' tha ._ ... In lbii -boz cl bi'. SeawrlPt :Alliftnoo. lillllanl -dlrlctOI' cl >FilrrteW'State Hoopltal la Cost.o MM.' "fio YoU want ua to pti>ceed with Uils fusal to tUe a lie detector k!t in the $3.5 million Jt would not be a going thing I'm in Ion witll It" trW or do yeu want to 10 back to jail?" absence of any accuutlon of dlsbonesty. !or the ct'ty," Brander "··"e. ••• ". tant Goll bas mide tbe Silrls. a 1fflltby , . ' 11" Jadp l!lbd. "And !.-not." lbe de!"llY--· ~" -'Tm gdillfl beCk to jaU lf he's loins to 41evtr been acctJS:ed.-'1f· an;tatnc in con. city admini!trator, said. · family. , tattfy," Hurd replied. He w11 prom2tty nection with the Ml!sion Viejo butalar-Talk on sale of the land to developers-At 23, Gerner started IJ a laboru at . ' 'l'.'r' . :.toiiililia~~~~:::11oea to tip lb• ~11'1~1ill TO. .'225,!0I! to b\IY • le' ctidhks of concrett, a few ~Wldred baP ot cetnel)t and several tlectrk I'""'·~ I -. '&''"'" -.,_. . ~ .,. ' I ,l Th~ , '\w-10. Into -lt(<et lmpr~nmit In three areaa.' Qodncllii'en told city em p.t o y '· e,. Tlli!sda~nfgbt to' go aheed and ail for county fUnds on the road replir. , One request is for $38,SOO to widen Edinget .AVenue lo four lanes..:..'betwten BrOokll-'and Euclid Street., oliCI imtall~ali!lill at the Ward Sir<(! lnteniction. · .:. ' !WCatMe pf It. prl>millly to Mlle Squar, p~ !Jronl• Coonty· Departm<\ltl ol H .~es and parks will tl!IP In put nf'uie coot along' wilb tllO cllUlltY. Roid DepartmenL ); Another teq\l"t t. Mr .199,000 lo widen Biioklillnt 6lreel to st. lanes betweell Garfitld and · TAibert avenue!: and te lnsti\U signa~"at Ellis Av~nue and curb m..._nsjbe cfuta\loe Pf Jjr119khurst. ?be t.bkd equest is $811,~ tt> widen .. Slattt .IVenlje to lour .Janes belw,.p Buallor4 .. andl Ward :alreelt iild' ·l•stajl stgnalf'1'«t ~Bulhtrd ind· , War d inter~_Otii? ·;. ' · 1 Al!Oi{ljie F "tai1!Valfey tOquesla will be rated on a priority basis again.!il other county projects btfore money ls taken . from the Arterial Highway Financing Pro&ram. U funds are granted, work might start within the ne:rt few months. -' ,. ~. ,,..... Pqe·J Ci LLEY. ~. Teen Help Unit, mnoved from the coW'trOOm but lea or any other crime!' also has died down. Many people believe · tbe Pa.lo:s Verdes Country Cl~b. In 20 reappeared alter the Junch break. Belrden said be doubted ~t be wou.ld that is because Sims and his wife Helen , years he rose to course superintendent group of "maybe 10" dead women. Ande1'C!lli'µI1-rbed by the outbreak, pers6napy file 1 1 8 w 9 u i t, agains' the would like to see it kept as a golf course. and then manager of the wjlole operation, "When I saw them they were nude," he -. . . . Fotiiitain Valley want on to support P,e general concJuslon county. "I don't b:ave that kind of mon· · coaUnued. "~he.viii (n6l f u i .\ be r of fflPorts submltted by four ey," he commented, 4'and I Could find "I'm going to pull for it and fight for Including the course, pro shop at1d id~ritHied-)·'Yas with me.\1;fe had"ali,,M-79 Joining Hands pJYcblatrlltt:: that.Hurd 11 legally sane a better use for it if I bad it." it," says Sims, who, at 69, cart 1.QOk back clubhouse. (grenade lappcher)."· . • but <xmfule;d'to· tM·polnt Ulat hi& defense But Bearden's dismissal today may on a lifetime in the golf business. "It's CLOSE TO NATURE "Was there any tcatlon:how they attorney can tipect little or no produce a lawsuit in which tbe Orange needed here in West Orange County. The "I just loved to work on the courst.''"he died ?" Kay asked. 000Mr1U011 from "'-. Col.lnty Emf!ayees Association wW be I d h Ilk It Th get a "Yes sir 1't was a ants•-round N;l ~ ·~ 1 · peop e aroun ere e · ey reminisced. "I'm ally i·ust a farm boy ' ~· <" It ii asserted in reports aubmltted as nterested i It does not actively parti-'-·h'J into a 79." -Foantltn VaJley and T* Hein are ....... 1-00y Tu-·•ay ••·t be drank 11·• cups clnate. window broken by a ball once ht a w 1 e and that's about s close to natu re as you r -MQ1 icau 1.ue. .. ,. , Under cross -ex mination by Capt. offfclal buaintu partnert. d blood a c$ay, actlvely wois}\fped Satan "We're certainly familiar ,with the ls-but they don't squawk. ' can get. At Pa s Verdes I worked on the Aubrey M. Daniel Ill, th& chief · Tbelr chief job will be belpltlJ youths In 1ever1l rltualisUc an4 prlmiUve formt sue," commented AssociaUon general Everyboct.Y who plays goU a t course for si nionths with no pay. prosecutor, G6nzalez said.he did noihear "'tll probJtma rllJ&i.9& tr6m drul •bule, arid. constlnUy referred to him aa "my manager John M. Sawyer .. "But there ~ieadowlark, a 6,000-yard layout with "They h no money, but I wanted to a canister round fired. In ansWer to IO<l: llml=-father the Devil." . isn't much that we ce say about this d I ti r · d ~ ees tor ·11 t" b th · ~---· ' C ~ _ ....... __._~ ,_ un u a ng arrways an e r doll an ay. !t naz'd oil _be,.ause later wr1 en ques Jons y e SJX·uuK,%1" ]W')'. ' . ·~ ...,,.,;;;:;-. • ~~-· S.tanic rite& entered Into tbe •~yin& until his dlamlssal ls coo/lrmed .. d ' • ' witb· .. the )'OLI~ cowweJ!nL qtney ltJt Jinte 2 of Mrs. Florence Nancy filed . hazards, knows Gomer Sims. e bas a they ga me a lease on the operatloa he said be could tell by l ookjng 'at the .,....,._ ...,.,. -a.i-s. ...nr -w... · • .... f I eet••g for veryone bodies, from hi! num ex-rtence, lb. l lt ... ~ ....,. wPf'OP , ww ..,. ..... _·I •-31, of '"'I Toro. Hurd Is accuoeu o "f .. -..t..-i-..11 .... _t _ 0 ·--don •·• al· persona gr u• e · and :t.· ade a little money off ii." ~··:· ,... = ..... 111A __ ,,, ... .-...... u, ., , ~0~ wm ~ u.n was a canister round. w •-•~-.•one°""' ~te Jttlne tbi leailer o! • .... p ol drlltera _re•"'• "~ on_ attomey.Jo take le10! H EON rntTA<E •-· II -· both P I '"It ·fl a· year-fer Telrlle)V ·~wm--niuratted tlie teacher in an Irvine -a~ ;'1alnlt'i" '"Y 1;..1 .... , .. s 1 " y e r OM """·-. u.i anaging go -...... rses, 8 °' "Did all of the M·79 gunne.rs(any --•up to" -1o--·-• bu"~ h .... u,. 'The course is his borne, .literally. His Ver:,des and Meadowlark, Si.ms: wis cat;"ster rOundl. ?" asked. the ~ .. ,.,, Col. ' -.. _ ..... _.. orange arove ~ CfCl,I et added. "Naturally, if be c:me lo us for . ,,.. .... tbe Uce IJte. ditmemberedbodynearOrtea:aHl&hway. advtce or help then we'd have to sit h_pme, b\lilt lo 1th~ 19SO's, Is on 'tbl. east httlJ>ed b7 hl1 w1fe wbo took c~ge OE Re W_ Ktnnedy, relayin& a ,jury Tbe. parbWlhlp will dluolve when Dr. John Guido's report aUepd that cktMI with bim and see what could be side of tbe course, n'sUed 'in some trets the iilchin duties. Now their son, RolaDd. question. ' ' T ... Hein -·t -~ onv --city H"~ •• potti-ol M n-•1 •-~ d "No, i'ust a few," Gonzalez renlied. ,. i..-v. ~ uiv•., u.iv aie uuS n:. az\ffl'u -~ one." next to the 4th tee. manages the restaurant facilities at r help flnanclally. Both aides 11Mt T\H:aday after the woman wu repe1tedly &tabbed Muslc:k's action waa based on firm le-d MYdllwlark ~the~ witne&s~ Sgt. Isaiah C.OW-.n.p, they Wert happy With the atrlnJtmtnt. . ., Hilb. r gaJ &rounds, commented Deputy Count)' '"U w.e so\d the COUf~e, J'd ~ave to !in .:,;·-r· . I ' ~Ft. J~on, S.C,, a V.eferan Of 17 ydr' Teen Help wW open lta -· near the ~ i' llso )~ -o!. ~M lJ! COunael Rqnar Engebretsen. snmewbere else to live," be says, leavillg ~ma ~so ~·· major lnten!sl"il ind nine months ln the ArmY, testified fif1! ttl lbe ..f,"' on tlle old cltf' h&Wlt! ilaYins iii C.rllli duilna tlii "We !ind • lot e(,·11tpport lot lbal nne to ..,umo lhal· ~ hs• no lntenUon ol ~l:nw~ c:::;' oii~. 1;:-~t • . Jhlt,caJloly's flrll"~a!OOft·~ nnly Z1 =An~~~~·. 5*ff\·~ ~-·lJnd°)ti:~rlmbod'~ ~1a1'1 r d \,~~=·~~td~~r: e~:r:~~ J~~dir~o~~:;;:o~~~h;i::· partner. ~ri~: .. Lawnaale, ·~\three at·s._ ~ : ~~d~~fat:!~~.~on..,~~~giJ • ~ ~ ey"::-~ rn.~ atte ant II . ' u rt has tJie rl&bt to ask an employe to CO. · squads., . -~ 1,, 9 • Ie&lld •' ndUced ra ftom Mijtitic by a lfri• of blows with the u , was operate in maite:ra of th:is n·ature. like to sell? · "It was possib}e to set "up goU CCIW'Se8 Cowan, the platoon sei'geant, -~Id ~IJ HOD*, ano&ber "new pittner ta ~ fOW1d in 1 pool of blood on the washroom ''This action did not display any pre-"We've been friends since the. mid-20's in the 40'1 ·and early '60'e," Sims he fell back for "rear security as tht troubled teen bUlloeu. .. floor.· Judi. e., ··'d •-b •·--"'·d skin and he know!.._ rgy _fe_e.ij.ngL _abofil._ exglJ).J.ris~oUancLpr)cn.~e-.SG.-high. platoon...swept tl\rou11h-the v1Uage1!tirlna, ,____ Taeldayinarbd the'"flntday·ota-· ---., __ . c ·~ · ~ge re-=u.--J'W 1 i Meadowlark." Sims re plies. "He knows I'm rtot sure u_ would be good business." e.nd he did not see an9one killed. lile lot ,._, Help -by E'fO .a.i tbe deputy to help Jn Ibis manner. was r::::::;:=========iii;;;~;;;;;;~~;~~;~~;;~~;;~ c.r1 -. ..i' tlMll1 dmif . w-.. D-.>.i. P'--... ~l'fv-of any ~1111r'i>r~·· --.... ~ puhilc...,... to Jlilli,;.,;. rmnage mn l'flhtl. '· t~J:F~ Nixed by B~d · '~:.~~~~~: * ~ -Help. ptillad, the , '"*11'. · llclr. • . t !Ir tha , w1D .of_lbe • .. 1-. -•"1111'* tile 118'"C!l',' llld Trullees of lbt Huntington Beach .mats 'lrttoe •nd ~n.· · · elflclolly -'~II from It to UlllO!I' High . School Diltriel ·Ila~ uld Miny lllllloo V~jq -hOnjeO-rs ond ~ it coollltt"rilb C:ity ltUiiilesa. '°"'' Competes .""Ill Pl!'liliies . In lhe ~ /' • "tto., &q a proposal wlUcla, one sald, would area &,d complained ot ~rglaries and :; . . . .poir m ,500 dai<n the drain. ~llf tbe(~ !qr !QMt. montlts ·b • I or e -U · $1 1-..1 -y ve•-• a drain11 •ro""" Jn -oirem. 'And it Is undentood lbat D a~OUle 8 ICU ,_ ~ ' ' ,... • alt det"'-. 'who "moont•••ted" 'm the volvi,,. tbe HunUngton BeoCh Hi&b ~ .... b r f • C . tiChOol site and nearby homtl. area rJng tbat period have b e e n t>Y . .,..Qnp:l'l!ID!ty en.te.r •·'Tbe proje<t WIS asked fot by City qu .. uoned. ·:n-. ·1,ptn hoole at Huntington Beacll'• Eniint<r ·William Hartg< •• a Sheriff. 7. 4, Smitten . ,... ~ty ctnter . ~lght. Cbftee COOperauve measure between the city, ~ and .-menta wW be mve<I vllltOrl dev.elopen Ind the l<hool diltrlct. Tbe Wttil t o'clotk. ••hoot diitricl's •bare was to bave beeo By Chrisbnas Spirit )Cenler dirett«i aald tbat .i11s ol $73,!00. clothing. ciDhe{I &oodl f!'d fupds to •id c:ounty counsel, h<>wever, advised the e needy will ·be :=at Ille cttilar board that Ibey COUid tlll<e the propotal •• St. .......... tM tmu aeaseo or leave it. They cboee to leave iL _, • .. ""-. · '' "This district is iD the business of .. . DAILY PILOT ... .: .,..-CtliltT l"Ull.llM'* CIJIAHlrt _ loMtt N. WoM ,. ~-...... . 'J"k L .c..t.y educatii:Jg not providing dralnege," saJd Trustee Ralph llauer. Added Trustee Malthew Weyuke..r. "Our money ci>uld be used better. I don't want to knock drain-ie, but it'r Jll!t money down tlle dflln. · NEW HAVEN. Olnn. !AP ) -The Sheriff of New Haven County bad a touch of Christmas spirit Tuesday. Sherill EdWard Slavin , 14, told his S2 deputies who serve pa pers not to dis- J)Ossess any family or .attach any wages until after New Y'ear's Day. "l e1pect that all the lawyers will cooperate in not !Misting upon any sucb action until after the holidays," Slavin said. · 'Yf*e ""'*"' .,. .. 0..11 ~ . · -_.' 'ThoM•t K~I lllliW .. / lliol'lltt J.. . M9rJ1liT11e M-tMI H IM AloA Diill11 ''. W.tOn,_~....,., . AIO.tt :Wo LfO\. Autclltl ...... '· .. ~,-~-1717S looai~or4 Orange County,J Jets Incompatible-Panel M~ll1q A'''"'I P.O ... 790, !i'41 •. 1. Ott.OM.I, . '--''-"': m,.... ""'""' -:·~~it:r=•;:.::..':-re .. ,.,~.. ""' ' • ' Oranae COunty ls not cornp1Uble to jet aitc:ri.ft but will probably hive to flnd A way to live witb tMm . • that w•s the general consensus of a · three-hour rap session Tuesday after· noon be'ween ·the county 1upervi10rs and the airport cornmillfonere:. The recently completed Air Transpor· tation Plan of Orange County by the Ralph M. Paraons Company came. in · !or \ ....,al reullng ~Y commtsslon: ers. Director ·of Aviation Robert. Bmn1- han offered a ray of hope. "Owners of air)M)rts (like. Orange. County) can man- date the~ type. of p 1 a.n e we w•nt and klok forward to a quiet, clean plane." Dan tmory, chafniian of the New- port Beach · 1nU·oolse. mmmlttee su1· guled tllat the ·Lockhetd Electr• l•l· prop plane could bo the a:nawer lot tlle pre.sent. ' "The. tlectt• ls quiet. It.. carrtu as m1111 passe.naers as tbt DC9 and as fa.st. Air Califomi1 was makin& mq,ney when they were flying Elect:as. They were forced into jets by PSA's attem pt to rrab the market," Em.o'ry sald..,.:.'You must let the airlines know that you mean busine!!." The eomrili!ISion suggested tha t fu.r· ther studiM be made ba~ on the de. sires o( the people of . the county and that these studies be made by the air· port staff and the connni~:Sion. The rommiSsioners .s a i d no stuctits were made by Parsons on the desim and will of the people and that •1unl~ss thi~ constraint Is accurately ask'ssed all other consideration,, are of · little meaning." ·supervisor David L. Baker said al- though he believed envlrOnmental con- stderatlon1 are par1mount that the: board should decide tha\ a jet airport site ls nttdtd, that one be located that can be protected from urbaniulion! ·111d that upon completion jet.~ be phued out ~ Orange County Airport. ' • GEM TALK TODAY by ., J. C. HUMPHllD (Ouallfic1tlon Determines Quality) Do you know the qualifications of a gemstone? Beauty, obviouslj, is p r i m a r y in color and shape. Transparency likewise is important although not in some cases. Hard· ness is vital since it often dete.;. mines the lasting quality of the gem. Finally, r.arity of occ.urrence under these conditions. makes the gemstone a thing of value. """Don't makt the mi stake of ascrib- ing one color to a gem. The ores from which the gems c o m e are highly versatile in using every rain· bow color to fashion their prizes. Topazes are not merely yellow but also light blue, orange, pink, and white. It would be almost lmpo•sible for the untrained t.ye to distinguish be- tween a yellnw sapphire and a yel- low topaz. Yet even experts hesitate to s:iy until certain tests are made on the gems. • Exciting . j ewe I creations are yours from J. C. HUMPHRIES JEW. ELERS. You 'll !ind •Only !be finest in all types of jewelry. Also special order work, fine watch & jewelry repairing. • • t ' ' Iii KUii ''IY"' , 11 """'ta. C.ltold1r I,. J. C. J41nphrie:1 ~ewefer:1 1823 NEWP~RT BLVD ., COSTA MESA CONVENIENT Tlll:MS IA NICAM E 11: I CAll:D-MASTE RCM.4. J:S E 24 'rE.AllS IN SAMI LOCATION PHONE 141-1 401 . . • • • l Wtdntsday,,Otcembtr 16. 1970' ... - H r-I I " -· DAIL v Pll.OJ 3 \ a .. , ~og f~~ AI~ ·s~~s~~s lJCI Probe Of Cutbacks j . Eff$~t n,pe~. ' . ' . . ~or Danial G. Aldrleh •lr.~s directetl' vice ~l!•• of; UC .IrV~ to determine w)I:( .'eff.ect the .university· wide cutbackl. . will hive On programs at ~ 1ht riVeBnd~oTle.b8l{'year old.,...cafripus. "It ii im~ble to maintain the . same Jev~J of q\iaUty," Aldrich .aajd, wheq_ nEnh«• of stitdenti iwcri!oe· ·and the dollars available rematn the same. UCJ expects 7,100 students next year corilpattd with s,400 this year and Ald· rich lnt_.ts the cutbacks ordered Tuesday by UC President Charles Hitch to continue into the 1971·72 .cademic year as '9.'ell u the remaininl 1ix moqths of this fiscal year. . "6peciJic e.ff~ of t¥ cutbacks will Ml he known untU department chalnn'!fl have taken a look at the · directives. a campus spokesman said. , The belt·tlghteiling ts necessary, Hitch said Tuesday, because costs are soar- ing while Income in fees Is falling "short of expectations" and th"e state gover:p~ ment is demanding greater economi~. Gogi Peterson· Of San Clemente is indeed a dog for all sea- 1.sons . And the ·mi~i~ure silver poodle enjoys it. At right his owner, seamstr~ss , mod.elin~ coach and promoter, Mrs. · John M. Peterson helps Gogi with a change-of costume. She makes them all. At extreine left is Gogi's Thank'sgiv· ing ensemble, a pilgrim complete with buckled hat, black coat and blunderbuss. Next Gogi appears as the Easter Bunny. Then for an uptemPo change of-pace he picks up . DAii. Y PILOT f'IWIM h' .Hiii! V;111wJt his saxophone. Gogi also is appearing this Christmas as the season's most popular man, Santa Claus. FGr that metamorphosis he has a sleigh built by Mrs . Peterson's husband. Mr. Peterson handles all the accessories~ In ~ letter to the chaacellors and ad· ministrators, Hitch directed that va~ cies that appear when teachers afl4 othfr staff leave shall not be filled, even ,~· porarily. --'·I GoGI PETERSON LIKES TO DRE'SS FOR THE OCCASION ' His Model Slei gh Comes COf!tpfete With Miniature Toya Canine . thara~ter Cle1nente'·s Pood fu of All Seasons By JOHN VALTERZA 01 l~I DtHY Pl!ol Ili ff Gogi Peterson of San Clemente is a: clothes h<&C •.• er, dog. He is a Trenchh1an, standing perhaps 12• inches tall in modeling posture, and Gi;igi has a war.drobe that spans t h e ye.ar's holidays. This Christmas, for instance, the sil· ver miniature poodle will sport a Santa outfit-hat and all. • . It looks best when Santa sils In liis sc81e-model sleigh ,...affild bags of mini· ature toys. Rein~eer complete the scene. The reins are made of red ribbon. Gogi's seamstress, owner. modeling co3ch and promoter is Mrs. John M. Peterson of 110 Calle 1Dominguez in Sah Clemente . The woman has waged war on naked anlma\s {pr "dozens of years. And Gog! is her fincsl example yet. Spending painstaking week& on each oii\fit. Mrs.. Peterson has devised more than a half-dozen !Jetups tbat trjndorm JJ:er family pet into an irresistible at· traction. Thanksgiving's "1ardrobe, for exam· pie, comes complete with the buckled hat. black coat and a miniature blqnder- buss held motionleU in the left paw. The get-up concocted for the ~MuaJ )UANILA SHI VERS AT ·74 ·DEG REES t-.fANILA .. (U Pl l -The evening news reported loday that thousands.. of· Cath- olics atiended early morning, pre-Otrist~ mas masses -..despite "icy-low temper. atures." . During the · last 24 hours, the weather bureau said the low temperature was 74 degrees and the high 84. The Manila . weather bureau said the average last December w~s about 80 dcirees·J.aho?n- heit'. !..-' Fiesta Ia Christianita in San Clemente is even cuter. Gogi ..wears, a miniatur~ serape, som- brero, and sits up smartly with a mini· ature saxophone. The mouthpiece stays clutched in his teeth. Mrs. 'Peterson really can't remr.1nber when she first started rmking dogs' clothing: "Every dog we've ever had has been dressed up. l just like to dre~ animals, I guess," she ,said. Mrs. Petersori a)so has tried tf e r hand at monkeys. "My nephew hhd a monkey for quite a while, and I made some clothes for him, too." Her husband., who is reUred , pw·sues woody,·orkini wilh a 'passion and per· (ortns much of the work on accessories to the poodle's wardrobe. 1 "I draw the plans, then he gdrcs to the garage and doe s all the work. The sleigh and reindeer. are his work," Mrs. Peterson explained. The entire Peterson project has a whi msical air about it -reflected even in ttie family's garden. As Gogt sat bolt upright modeling his y,·ardrobe, Mr. Peterson was bbsy with a comer waterfall in need of altera· lions. Beneath the Oow of water was a min- iature walery,·heel with a 100Vable, min· iature man holding ,9flto the hal'ldle. When the water drops to the wheel, the man moves. "I gueSl'I we're both a couple o( kid! about all this ... we 're going through our second childhood," Mrs. Peterson quipped. But Gogi ls no kid-he's all ham . The dressing doesn 't bother him al all. As he fini shed showing off his .St. Patrick's Day suil (complete with corn- cob leprechaun pipe) he ~ame down to all fours. pau.c;ed a second and spat out his pipe. [t was time for the saxaphone. • Jury Urging · Sheriff Job Expansion Expansion of the sh'eriff'f office tp Include all duties currenUy handled by the marshal and th e creation of a county wide helicopter police service ls propos- ed by the Orange County Grand Jury in a special report on the sheriU's of· fice. Lauding· the expanded· use of helioop- ters by several county cities, the Grand Jury warns, hov;ever , "that it would 'Qe an unnecessary expanse for each police force to have its own neet of helicopters In each municipality." · The Grand. Jury· report calls for ''.a e;e.ntralized approach to helicopter serv- ice (in v..1lich) all cities should have regular ac~ss lo this modem approach to law etmlrcement. It wciuld be im- practical to fragml!:ntize this !et'Vlct and restrict helicopter IW'Veillance to small geOgraphlcal enclaves," the panel warns. _ Fumigated County H~me .Exterminates Oct;upant ~ning to unseal a fum igated Los air out the dead!~ 'hlelhyJI' bromine Alamitos house '36 hours later, a Whit-chloropicrin gas used to ,kill termites, tier pest controller discovered the po-4 cockroaches and other insect pest&. tent poison fumes had exterminated the"" """ He found P.iiss MichalSke sprawled on woman who hlr~ him for the routine the bathroom floor. job. ' ·' . Los Alamitos Police Dectective Tom Tnvestl.galof1.today ..yer.a--atemi)tinglto Hicks. said the victim was last seen establish why Shirley Michal~~ 46, who by fnends Sunday about 8 p.m.. but lived alone at ljl64.2 Chestnut st., re-her whereabouts between t h e n and turned to the residenceJ before it was !\.1onday ni$hl is unknown. ready. , Gravey's suspicions were aroused when Exterminator ·John Cravey y,·ent to he found masking tape Used lo seal the the home late ~onday to unseal it and front door airtight pulled loose . .... I. .. Furthermor<, Hitch ordered, -ly no new ~quipment couJa be ~ Or leased, even for replaoemenl He ~ an exception to telephone equipment ·if no new continuing costs reeull He also ha.Med any out-of.taie·trMI by universjty.personnef in th! new m:ter. which be called Fiscal GuidellDes for 1970.il. I .. "()Jr prospects for the remantlng •.iX months of this fiscal year are 1imllar tn niariy respects to those deacribed 'tiY Gov. Reagan for µie State of CaUforata," Hitch said. · "I know that you a:re already o~ 1ng on levels of support signlficanUy beii- lo:wi your needs, and I very much ~ gret .that these measures are neceuao- to r~ current expen4itprea · even ftlrther' Hitch said in hi! l>lt.r. . : .l .. .. " '' And the report asks county ,supervi- sors ·to;-appoint a committee "t.o work with municipal governments to design p r o c e d u r e s .for collective.ly financ-lllg~trallzed-h•ll<:0pter-setv1ce!orf---;-'"'-,;...--,.,....,..,~-.--,--""-"c...,.---,, Orange County." • A committee of top law enforcement • offtcers from throughout the co un.ty s h o u I d consider the admll'llstratlve structure and optrational guidellnd of such ',Ir JlrOjkt, the rC!~ suftests to t}\e.supe~. ;Ill)' . appeals to the se professional 4ed6cati0n a .well as t use of publiC monies of po:_ chiefs throughout tt comity to e· serious suppor~ a 1 t u d y . and, if it shows bettet.:he!k:opter service at a reduction in cosi,] pport. • .the program," the report a ds. It is understood by she iff's -ofilt1!.rs. who contributed to Grand JUry inquiries that direction of such a countyWide helicopter force wOuid be under the sheriff'~ department if the study pro- duced approval. That position ht not re- flected in the Grand Jury report. In ca 11 in g for d0vetailin~ of the sheriff's and marshal's o f f i c e s, the Grand Jury urges superviscts to recog· nize that Superior and Municipal Court services performed by both "rleed not cnlail two d i f f e r e n t administrative structures." · Both departments supply bailiffs and civil process services to both court.s, the report notes. with the comment that all such services provided in Orange County courtrooms "should be adminLs- tered by t~heriff's office. "The Grand Jury believe:. that there are structural and economic adva ntages in such a move" in a recommendation urging county supervisors to "phase out the set'Yices of the Marshal's office and assijiln !hose responsibilities to the Coun· ty Sheryl." Famed Store's , Gifts Hijacked HOUSTON (UPI)' -A Neiman· Marcus delivery truck loaded with a half million dollars worth of Christmas present& was hijacked Tuesd11y when:the driver stopped to cheek>· a street addreS!. - ' The truck. was found about three hours later behind an apartment house 1 \.1. block& away. D!tectlve. T. F. McKinney said the truck 'mS partly unloaded but he dld1 nOt know whether the thieves rqade off with the mosL expensive items. Alphonso Bryant. 60, the driver, said one gift was valued et $30,000 . He told police the overa~ value.was $500!000. . ' • . ~ For 300 years, a whiskey froni B'ushmills has been \Vilh-US:-Charming us. Beguiling us in a smooth , polished and altogether lighthearted fa shion. 15generationsh4vc refined il .15generationshave si ppcd1 I. Theverd ict ; Near perfection. 8 ush mi I ls. Fu 11 of characte r. But not hea vy-handed about it. Flavor· ful. Bui neve r over-powering. Bu shmills. It reflects 1he past with a light and lively flavor that is all today. Compare it to yotir present whis~ey:You needn't purchase a bottle. One sip at ydur favorite pub will tell you why Bushm ills has intr.igued so milny gen• eriltions. It is, simply, out of sight. ·suSHMILLS IMPORTED FROM THE WDR~D'S OLDEST DISTllWY. • ' lltNDDf 1001 IRISHWlltS~ES ... 11 PRQOf-IOllU'D llllRU.AND. IME..Kli. ll•RNUU CO •• MtwlOlll, IL1.•111t ' • ' • ' I • I \ l .. . • <J DAILY PILOT * WtdntSday, Dfct'mbtr 16, 1970 > • ·-. • • Wicks 'He •J like a job for me, pleiue-&ntal' Good Hints On Holiday BYDICXWEST WASHINGTON !UPl)--O>ping with · Cbri~tmas.....four handy hints for over-- coming yuletide problems before they overcome you, compiled aner reading the' December Issues or several house· bold magazines: -Problem: How to di.spo$e of old Christ· .mas cards. Each year the questions a· rises, "What shall we do with our old Cbrjstmas cards? They are IO pretty fl seems a shltne to throw them away.''1 SoluUon: Enjoy the cards for. as long i s long as you like, then l'Ut them in· to envelopes and mall them back to the people wbo sent them to you. Prob)fln: How to dis~ Of leftover poe. Traditjon 4tcrets that you pre-- pare a bewl of ea;noc for ywr Christ.- mas party. ExperianCes st>owa, bow· exer that very few, if any, guests are going to drink the stuff. 1be CoJH>Ut. commonly us.ed Is that eggnog is fatten- ing. Experiep.ct shows, however, that the real reason most guests turn down egg· nog is because they prefer M>melhinl gtronger. Solution: After the party take the left· over eggnog Into the arbor and pour it into tl)e birdbath. Unlikt: your guests, birds love eggnog. A 1few of ll)tm may -.----become-a-bit-obstreperous but lbat-1s a... &mall prcice to pay for getting rid of a bowl of eggnog. Problem: How to dispo1e of leftover· g~. Each Christmas Party produces a ctrtajn quota of leftover guests. The trick ls to get rid of them. For if they IUSj,ect that, tl)ey will never leave. SOUution: Leap upon the eggnog table and call out, "Hey, Everybody! I've got a great idea! Lets all go caroling!" As the guests are turchlng out, the door, make cert.afn each bas bis or fitt'wr,p f;O they will not e:.:CUJe to come back lQ qain. Once outside, at.art tbtJJt J.Jugb- tng down the street singing .. 'We Three lli"i•·" Qulc.kly sUp baclc insiole, douse lighl&, loclc doors, cli!connect doorbell. Problem: How to dispose of Christmas carolers. Each year yaur nelchbors have a Ouislmas Party, after which some of the guest.I go caroling. Experience shows they will appear on your lawn at I A.M .. singing "We 11tree .Kinp." Solution: The~ Is only One rure way to them off. Invite them to come ·in p Of t:unog. · . -UPI . Sf~ Killed Troops·. ·co:r-.tr~I . • . ~olantf .lliQti .~- ~ . ~ .... WARSAW (UPI) -Polish troops and The . Polllh newal\'qeney nJ"ri came tanks won. control today of U..fllll north~ nearly 24 hOura after the· clubet ended, •I'!> Polish clUes where crowds inlurll\ed lndicaUOg ii bad token the enUre clay by food pdce locrePes ,;tone~ ~1 to choose ·111 words carefully and have nlal Party headquarters, sel fire ls ,..., . , b the .. ,., ... .,-, ••••• and looted shops. r m approvea y • ...,... ~ cu. Tbe Polish news agency, PAP, in the 'What emerged appure(to concede that first. official repart by the central gov-the ~orken who 1tarted it all may ernrnent in Warsaw, said 1' six persons have hid some legiUmate grievances but were killed and several dozen were in-made it clear 8 bi.rd uAe would ht im-jured "due t~ the clashes caused by the posed hooligans.'' A prevtous rtpart said at "Utillimc the situation which happened le@Sf. 150 .Polk:emen were hurt, ~ny of . to ex.1st mnong the staff ot the Gdansk them seriously. ahtpyardl ~ booligan eJements Western dip~mata in Wacsaw ~d having DD connection with the workini police opened ftre on a stone-throwing dau., demotisbed and .et Oil fU-, aever- crowd Tuesday night at the heigh! ol the al public buildil!P and looted teveral two.day riot, and today ihe Pollsh .anny dozen ,iiop," PAP Aid,. ' tonk> was reported in cootrol of~ three "Murdt(s 'were•oommftlejl. O. the 1n- c1ties. • . le ·--1.:. lice d there WU't: m11nv The uprising Wl!i the biggest since the rveiw1g po an . ··-v b'read and freedom riols of 1154 when 1eriously Injured in bolp1ls!s. the Polish arJTly crushed an uprjsing at "The ~cessarr 1tepm uncfer t~ cir- Poinan in a pallticai upheaval that cums~ taken by ~ aut.hor1tles, tecf brought threats of Soviet troop tntertien· to the defeat of rtbe. a<Wentur1se el~nts • Uop· and brought PoUslt CoJl'lmunist lead· and to the resttwttioa al. Jaw and order. er;Wladyslaw Gomulka back to power. .Simultaneously, the . atithoritles ~arned Ttlere had been largescale riota tn Eut tbey would real:\ with full decls1vene~s Germany three year1 urfler.. toward all kinds of ~espass of pubh.~ Despite reports the uprisings wer~ un-order and ag~t all an~tate attempts. der control Western diplomats said it ap-· peared the unrest was spreading. 'Illey · said they had unconfirmed reporu of a ' coal miners' strike in the volatUe SHesia art a and · that the government quickly granted raises. Warsaw was quiet, but ang~ was mountini. Terrorist's Grenade Kills The diplomatic reports also t61d of widesprud arrests in ~the tlw:ee 1tricken cities ,-G~_nsk (formerly Danzig), . c Ii !Gdynia and Sopot, Poland·s third largest 3. . I.VI. ans metropolitan area and biggest seaport and naval base. 1\ Polish communique &poke of "street riots •.. murder1 ; •• arson .•• J~.ting ••• " there. ' 320 Now Listed Abourd Korea1i Ship That Sunk SEOUL (UPI) - A South Korean ferry boat which sanJc early Tuesday off .South Korea 's southern coast actually carried .120 persons, ff more than re-- ported originaUy, police said today. Only 12 have been rescued, police said. Eight of the survivon were picked up by ·Japanese boats and the other four by Sooth Korean vessels. AutboriUe1 origin,ally-&ald lhe aunken (ereyboat Namyong-Ho, whtch went- dOwn before. daybreak Tuesday in waten about 100 miles southwest. of·SeouJ, car- ried 276 persons, including 20 crew IJlembers and 256 passengers. During the night, however, authorities discovered 44 more persons had boarded the ill.fated' bQat, au or whorn did not have-tlekets ana were not shOwif on t he passenger list. ·;-- Families of the unlisted passengers re-, p:irted to the authorfties their relatlvec ~ were on board the sunken boat after. learning of the disaster, police said. The survivors agreed that a heavy cargo aboar~ cau:ied the tr~. Kim Bak Ji, 29, radio operator of the boat. said the ferry w1s so ov~loaded on the port side that it left Songsanpo on the northern coast o( Cheju Island with the boat lilUng to the le/L Children Give Away Christmas Money HONOLULU (AP) -The N or m a n V a I e n c i a family had saved $50 for Christmas gifts this-year, but the th~ Valencia ·children decided someone needed gifts mo~ than they did. Grace, 12, Norman, II, and ,Fe, 7, • donated the . money to children in the Philippines left homeless · by re c e n t typhoons and earthquakes. "They ktiew there would not be much for .Christmas if we sent the money but that'• the way they wanted it," Mn. Valencia uld. SAIGON (AP) - A terrorist threw ,J. hand grenade at a soda stand outside a U.S. Navy Sealiee bille\ tonight, killing at least tmee Vietnamese and wo,un.ding about 30 American servicemen anO Viet- namese civilians. ,, Investigators said. the.. t_errorist was be- lieved to be a Viet Cong who escaped. t •re hurled a fragmentation grenade. Mili- tary doctors treated the wounded at the U.S. 3rd Field Hospiti.I, a ,few blocks away. '[hey said half the wounded were Americans. The blast wreeked one car and several motorcycles and left the area littered with glass .... It wu the second ei:plosion in Saigon In two nights . A 30-pound bomb ripped through a U.S. officers' hotel Tuesday · night, wounding two Americans and tw~ Vietnamese. .. Fifteen m t·l es northeast of Saigon, enemy gunners shelled the big Bifn Hoa air base. Field reports said either rockets or molars hit the base but there were Y\O casualties. D&mge as said to bi;! ·IJ&hL , •• , Red Spacectaf t . ' ~1;1 -Cnup:p~e~-~ By Venus_ ije4t ' -MOSCOW. (UPI) -'Sdentifio 1 ~s 1aid ~ .~ "'""alJIMd:Yenas 7 apoce- craJt thOt.-.landld oo ""1us· Tu..0.7 prol>o~ly W.. qumpled by hell and ,,..._ sure as· Jf parachuted down, "11'1 '1IOI llbly it could continue lO fUllC\loo" in the crushing alllioopl>eric presaure and ·aearing temperatures of the planet. ·me MoscoW ·sourct !aid: The1 Soviets, who deposited lhe Luno- khod 1 robot on the moob Nov. 17 •board ' Luna· 17, reported Ve'nus 7 -Aeacendlng by parachute Tuesdajl. 'l'hert tbe offi. claf rtporth1g ended. • • 'I'Helf sllente at. thij point 'PfraUeled Previous Soviet attempts to fOn-land .on Venus, none ol which survived the de- scent intact. NonethelUI, acientific sourcea -said, Venus 7 appeared from .tSoviet report.a to hav~ penetrated nearly to the surface In operating order and m5',)' )Veil have fulfilled the 1>est expectations the ~ \1'1eta bad for IL Winds .Buffet Northwest ' Snowstorms Bhmket Nortli, Midwest; So11th Dre1iched c.i1tor1d• A W9tk •"'"91 ,,..,, ...., Slv!Mn1 C•lffWfl l• _... ,._,.le todt'I' fw tl'lt flrtl of -·· "" If tlltrMll!'ll •'-"' .... -'I' """"' "-""' CDlll ~ '"" OtMrt ·r+C ll'lttf?lilltt...1 Viewers wtr•• hM't\' 11'1 ...,.'11 nKIUft!llll MC;llotw ..... ., 1"4 • v.s. s ..... _,.., WI ..... UI ta JI 11'111" _,. l'lolir IUl1t41 oft 1M Nor11'11rn PtcfflC C1N1l, W• 1tom11 1111 ,. ... tit 1'111 MIOwtlt .... Nort!IWftl 9fld ltw.!Mtr•llr1M 1111-rW \HI "" IClll!h ",.,, ... ". G1l .. IWQ wltlcb r•Hlll 111,.,,,.11 Nortlllnt Glllflrtlkl Md "'rlltw1rl. •«o!OIHl'llM 11J """'° -· Al'I N rl'I' ....,.111.,. its"' ,,..,...L,~ lne""' 11 L1k1vr.w, Ort., ft _. · lnt:M'I •1 0....P. W•1P!. H1k HUH Cr11i:t11f C:lt" 11111 l llffll11_ Ctllf. SIOf"'I dothill 1M fttllofl'\ l'llldlt(• !loft •t-tw ........ fffll Ar'-,l'IMI IO 10Ufl'ltl1ltNI Wl1tor11l11. Sl!OW ftll lrom ...,..111 c1nlr1I Ml11C1Url to .oulll cenl 1r1t • Ktl'llll wflll 1r1vtltn' w1nil1111 -ttd If" 1•Pt("!flf1111 ol ll'!Ol't , 'lvt lndt~ bltftlltltd TOPtll:t t"d l11>110rl1, Kin,. clurlnt 1111 mort1h11. ,,. ............. , ... ,,. •r llHIT•D· Plllll IMTlllMATIOffAL Ttmper1Nr• ....i lf'ldtlllllorl for ttltc 2441wr Pll'lof l!ldfftt .i 4 '·"'· ... ... ....... "'"· .. " Alblli!u.,.,._~ AfldlortM All1rrt• 8tli:t••lftld II""'~ '"" ...... fl""""""'ll'-ClllcaM CIMJMtll '°""'V.• Ot~ Mollltt o.o,.!, "" """' ...... . ,, .. ·-· lnflt11t111t1U1 1<..,...:ciw l11 V- L11A .... lfl M!ltlll MltVittHlll "'""' Orl9t/IS Hew Y61'\ ·~r.J.•1'­.... ~ Oii t '"°"" c ,,., ....... P1lrri S~IMt PIM llOlltl """"'• P!ll1bl.lr111 Pill"llt"ll lllll'ld Cll'I' RH l l\lfl .. ~ S1t,1men10 S.H Lt~I (.llY St'IOl- S111 ,ttr1tlKO SffH11 .. " " . . " ,, n .., 01 ,, ,. .Of 11 11 . " ... ,. ,, .11 ,. " ...... .. " ... ... .. .. IS '' ·" .. 4' M .11 4 lS ,JJ •• "' ~ " . H 71 ,, 17 • • ... .... ... .. " ... Jt ,, IJ ~t " " -~ " •• .1• 1 ·"1 ·" 41 •S .Sl !J ?' ,)0 SI •1 .U ~ » •1 ,. ... ~ " . I ,,,,, , .;20'1Ct ~t~::~~~~EL ADVERTISED OR NOT!. (OUR WAY OF SAYING THANKS FOR YOUR PATRON· • ....,•)'•').__'.I )rf. ' . . AGE .ALL YEAR) '-''S,.•, .,_ . . . . , WOMEN'S & MISSES' CHOWS Comfy, w•rm •nd pr•tty tool Choos• women's siz•• 5 to I 0 in Blu•, C•ris•. Gr•en or Y•llow. Mi11e1' siz:s 10 to 3 in Blu• or Pink. • FUZ%Y-WUZ%Y ·scUFFS Fleecy acrylic pil• upp•r •nd l"sol• •r• toft •nd wttM. Two-ton• Chtck•rboerd or Solid Blu•. Pink, Petcoclr, Gr••n or Gold. Sizes 5 to 10. ' '1'6 '2'6 • - . ..-·~WOMEN'S. SNUGGLY BOOTIE Sh1ggy 1crylic hootie foam lined fDt w1rmth. Choose either tipped_ colltr or sOlid colo"rs. Soft aolt. Lt. llue, Pinlr I Pink Tipped I Vivid Blue ind Dahlit tolids. Sizes 5 to 10. sim . I TO· IO . '• • MEN~S · Lll'.T,., -SQ1t SOLi ~ENTS OPERAS .,Alw1y~ tft9'popul1r "Gift" for "Him".-E•sy on the foot •' • • tricot lining. AntiC:itt• Tan, - INDIAN .HEAD' MOCC•~f.tL ·-= ln.tlL.111 Ht&d V~outn Toe •lve1 ~n1att loelr. to lb.I• comfy nne. H 1.nd1ome NG\ I t.. for ChrS11m11. '2''~. MEN'S CLASSIC OPERA lin1d for coty wtrmth, fl,txibl• long weering sole. Rub. btrht•I. Mtn'1siz117to12. '3'6 IOYS' SIDS $361 3 TO 6 J WOMEN'S ·AND MISSES BROCADE BO.OTIE ......... , Pretty ftmillint broc1de ••tin with fut -~ \''·.~~,.a...coH1r. Soft c ... pe aolt, Wome"'' S to ' 1 :~ l O in White, Grten or M1i1e. ~~. ~ Misses' 9 to 3 in Lt. l!ut · or Pink. WOMEN'S DRESSY POM·POM SC\JFF Feminine gl1mour scuff. Sttin upptr topped with •~ pom-pom dyed r1bbit fur. Gold or Silver. Siz11 5 to 10. ' '1'' C h,. o • • f rom animal he11.d w-ili'l "Stay -On .. •oo;-k i.oo ,.r 1ofl Ptm• Pom acryl!e bootl1. Jn- ran.t1• and Child"• 1lae1 ~ to l :. MEN'S BUCKLE LOUNGER ,. Cl1s1 ic w1rm lined bootie. Soft vinyl upp•r with long _weor- ing sol• ind ht1I. Sii•• 7 to 12, MEN'S CREP~ SOLE ·MEN'S CREPE SOLE OPERAS EVERETT 1··1111 t oft u11 ot r and c r~ne 1ole. Blnl"l t t.01 a1r.:1e. 8J1t1 7 10 11. Der.o ro11.m cu1hloned In· 1011. JVli'Ubr i nd h1lf 1!1e1 7 10 t:. • '2'~ '3''- HUNTINGTON BEACH 10051 ADAMS 11 IROOKHURST 962-9178 (N1xt to Sav•On Drual HUNTINGTON BEACli 5898 EDINGER 11 SPRINGDAL~ 147-9125 . STORE HOURS --WEEK DA VS 9 TO 9--SUNDA YSI 10 TO 7 . 1 ... 't , t ~I " • I I ' l I I I I ~ • ' 1 .• ~m~ittee, N~es ''n·~ghl~ qiarges. • • \'ltdtlHday, Oturnbtr 16, 1~70 DAIL V rlLOI'• 6 . r 'Absolutel11' Sale to Ea~ ~ . . :FDA Hunts Mercllry-t.ai:hted Tuna • • WASHINCTOl'1 (UPI\ -. A ~ia1 liouie-suboo~lltee-, has rejected tmpea~l charges against Justice-Wll4 !lam O. Douglas, whp respon· d_ed today that U)e .Supreme Co11rt "has always been and always will be stoutly inde- pendent." W ASlll~G'!'ON hJPl}-Gov· harm fiom eating ror o n e son which builds up In the day tests disclosed mercury Edwards said about cil»e mu; hairfd traveler-outdoorsman, ernment and Industry opened year two cans or tuna a day body and can cause fatal above the FDA limit in 23. lion cans were belng with· &8 ¥t. a brief formal statement · a massive .naUoowide test-with_ mw:.ury '-b o v e the brain, liver or kidney a1J.._ percenLQ{ J._ na.liollwide @-drawn ffQm. the martet....and bttt ~ef'ed oo questions. Ing and recall prOgram 1oday FDA 's limit of 0.5 parts per men ts. Jt has been found t. can sample. saiTiples from other lob ui "The select commitlte has to find mercur.y-tainted tuna, million. Another. said t un a fore \n fresh waler fish ex· Projected over the aMual · SUP(:rM~wltthoulll and now performed-Its consUtution· but .told Americin consumers never before was tested for posed to industrial · mercury ' U.S. ~1tmption of about 864 · canneries were being-tttted. al duties and I will try to con-the popular canned 1ish still mercury alid speculated that discharges but the tuna dis-million cans or tuna, the fig-"Wlthiq 30 daxs or ie,s, we Unue to ptrform Mine," Doug-was •~absolutely" sare to eat. the fish may have carrie<t covery was the first Involving ure would mean too much' ·will haVe the mar\et cjeared las ~id. ''l hav~ alway~ been One Food' and Drug :Admin-similar mercury levels for salt water fish. mercury, by government of tuna over Our guideline.'' The 924-paj! r¥ft_s&ld.the proOO. to be a me.iiil>U of the lnstration (f'OA) ~lentist centuries. FDA Commlsiklner Charles standards, Jn nearly 200 mil· Edwarjai.to}.d ·a news confer· coort, anr in!lilqHon wlilc)L t .,-_p 1-i " :--nn wo1,1ld !U[fer no ..Mercury, a_metal. is a poJ· C. Edwards announced Tues-lion cans. ! e~._ _..:. ....... · . -scores-o( documents examined by the subcommittee provided no basis ror relieving Douglas or the post he ~s held ·since 1939. But it provided more de- tails of hls relationship with the Parvin Foundation and his ofr-bench income. think all will agree is distin.1-~--"--'"----"'-----------------------------'--------------------~-- In a brief appearance before television cameras and other new!'i media in the oak paneled Suprtme Coort conference room, the 72-year..old gray- Agnew Asks Republicnn guishcd in at least on! respect -it always has been and al· •ways wiU be stoutly indepen· dent."' Adding to his for;nal state· ,ment, O o u g I a s challenged Young people to iniUate "a great reannaJssance" In the world by .,attacking the prob- lems ol population and civil rights. . "l thave great confidence In the coming generatioo and to them r say, 'keep the faith,' " Douglas said. The juslice said he has vis!· ted practically every country in the world during his travel.s of the past 30 years, and ad-v . 'f • • . ded : "Perhaps my real claim Ill lCUttOll to distinction is that I have l.JJever traveled at government SUN VALLEV,'filabo (nPI) . expense." -Vice President Spiro T.1 Ai-.. The 1report show~ that new wants his critia among Douglas of~·th~n~h income Republican g 0 v er n 0 r s to exceeded his JUd1c1al salary "close ranks solidly" behind dur_ing tht .10 year~ he .'!Vas as- lhose of their party stiJJ'in of-soc1ated with the Parvi n Foun- fice. dation from 1960 to 1969. Agnew huddled with lhe \Hi.fi salary for th~ peri~ chief executives in a break-lc\l.alled $389,7~9:26. His ne~ 1n- fasl meeting after presenting ~me from writing and lectur- his stiffest defense yet of his 1ng ~otalled $377.26Q.19 and he hard·hitting campaign tactics. received $96,680 fr~m .the foun· "What is not needed is aq ~ation. Douglas said m a pub-- assessment of blame," Agnew he statem~l last ~ugu.st that told the winter Republican much of his oots.1de .mcome governors association Tuesday represents . royalties f r o 8'l night. rtoting that the GOP books published 13 and 20 lost 11 goverrfurs in Novem-yeat'I ago. her. he said the beaten can-. ' didates don't need "excuses .. and rationalizations for -their Oil Leases defeats ... even when It masquerades as constructive criticism." S }J ff• J ''Republican l{overnors must e 1g } cto..se ranks solidly behind the/· r in the statehooses in .this n-l \ • , ' r Made while you sleep? . Could be. B~cause now that Chevy's bac.k in. business, we're putting in a lot of hours and turning out a lot of Chevrolets. And we're shipping ,them every day to Chevy dealers all over the country. If you haven't taken a good look at our '7ls, now's the perfect time. Here are a few ex;imples of what you'll see. New \ega. The little car that does eva'V111lfl' When we say "everything", we mean it. -For instance, even though most minis would rather not talk about roomines9; Vega brags about it. No small wonder. Aut=otive Industries magazine (impartial and unbiased) -, - • r • • l,. eports_Vega is the roomiest of the new subcompacts, with about 903 as much space as the typical standard sized car. . The '1i-Impab'.We~ bem building up to this Hid Impala ir )UJ'So . - Kno'w what's the roomiest '71 car in the U.S.A.? · No, not one of the big, luxurious high-priced cars, but the big, luxurious Chevrolet-priced Chevrolet. (Aut=otive Industries magazine spells out. the details in their October 1 issue.) lbu'~ changed. We~ dianged. ' leaders, the ones who af.e s II Al B' ddm' g· try and behind our Pres· ent NEW ORLEANS (AP) _ The big difference in the 1971 Chevrolets is a change in attitude. Yours and ours. You're more concerned about continuing improvements. You want meaningful lhange and built-in value, That's why our '71 Chevelle, Camaro, Nova and Morite Carlo have qui,te a-bit of change built into them. But, their looks have hardly changed at all. --in the White House." ·The vice president dis issed Prices ran to $851l million charges that his campai.-:ning Tuesday as oil companies divided the country by asking, bid for drilling space off Loui- "whal is an election if it's not siana's coast in what one oil- an attempt to divide the vot-man called "the last good oil ers of the COUJltry between two l)unting groupd in the !United or three candidates who may · States." .. be seeking an office! There wereil,"43 bids on 127 ''Heav~ns. if they don't div-under.wa ter tracts being sold ide we might never have a re-by_ the InteriOr Department suit. After all , that's our free in a lease sale delayed two system." years by pollution caused by accidents at offshore oil wells. As the s1lle was held, Shell -.._ Pen1isy -Loan -Oil Co. officials continued lo fight a blazing cluster 'of wells which has burned out of COn- ok S trol off lhe Louisiana coast ay ee11 since Dec.I. That fire is some _ 200 miles east of lhe sites be· I C ~ ing leased. Jt 0JtDTeSS High bid in the sale was .e · mede by a combination of oil WASHING TON (UPI) -companies called Trans-Oceft Congress is gearing to stop .a· whicti offcred .~$38.~18J350 for nother national rail crisis ~)' a sl~gle tlract. ni·rthe (;ul( of providing a $100 ·million loan . ~ex1co. That._ wa~ $7,636 an guarantee to keep the bank· acre. . rupt Penn Central Railroad Low bid w~s. $4,487.70 by In· running. dependenl W11l1am S. Marsha]] Both the House and Senate who offer~ ~1 ap ~qe. commerce committees were Some offtc1als···· surpri· expected to approve legisla-sed at t~e amount ~~ money lion for the government-back· offered in ~he sal~!t, which ed guarantee so the nation's capie at a .bme of .tight mon- largest rail syst~m can borrow ey, but aft~r. a period of long to pay its help iand keep run-delays which had postponed ning al least thfOugti Feb. 28. wildcat ..,. prospcctin~ in the A Senate subcommittee has Gulf. • approved the legislation and a Winners of the leases were House commerce subcommit· to be announced Wednesday. tee was to Jlppro.ve tit before Th~ g~vernment is under no full ct1mmittee action'. obligation to award the leases ~·of the' rallfoad told il bids are considered toe low. a House oommer~ panel· ; Tuesday they would be forced • • • ' t.o c u r t a i I pre· Christmas · Vnle Ok freight shiprpents ana shut . v , rs a y down the 22,()(lO.mile line W1th· • · ' Jn 30 to 45 davs at a maxi· N Ch rt mum. possibly ·even by early ew a er January, because of a cash ·' . squeeze. J Jlli ' The Penn Central. sixth larg-n llOIS est corporation in the nation, weiit into receivership .June 21. It connects with three· fourths or all industrial activ- ity in the country. Laird Backs POW Pla_1~ CHICAGO (U PI) -lllnois voters have decided to replace the state's cenlury~ld consti· tution with a new chart~r. but have rejected loweriilg the vot- ing age to 18 and •bolishing the death penalty. . -With the adoption of tbe new Constitution, Illinois bucked a national trend which has seen seven or the last 12 eilortl at 'cOnstitutional remton !>e . de- WASlflNGTON (UPl) -A feated Jn such states a1 New suggestion Uiat ~ N ti r t h YOrk. Maryland, Oregon and Vietnamese prisoners ot Wiil' New Mexict1. should J:>e i'e1easid unilaterally · , 'Tuesday·~te, with J· 7 mil· has been endorsed by De~ell$e · lfon~bf '5.2 million registered Secretary Melvin R. Laira. voters casting b a 11 o I s, Laird said Tuesday he would showed 1,073,297 for and 786,- do "whatever I can to encour-683 against abolishing the con· age th(s proposal." stitution adopted in 1870 -a The suggestton was made by majority of 57 percent. Senate Republican whip Rob-Most of the new constitu· ert P. Grifrin of Michigan. lion's major provisions wlll who said the number should become effective July 1, 1971. Include 1,500 able ~ bodied pri· It will be com e the state's soners and 100 sick and wound· fourth constitution ~ previous ed. He pro~ Jhe Wi~qf?rl, one.s w~re 1870, 184'tand 1818, be released be&lre the-V1ctru1· when Jll inoij became the 21st mcse Lunar~"' Year JaQ. 27., ,state !ti the untoD. • . .... ') l .. • If you're looking for a new car (or even if you're just window shopping), your Chevy \!ealer has a lotmore you'll be interested in. Either way, come on in. We're ~ de~ivering the goods. - ---; -·- , II , .. • ··~ ' . --. ' .. . ' -: _.., •. ., -. ' -· ... I ,, .. .. .. •;,• ._, ' . I ~ -. ' 1-:. • "· I~·" ,, -... ., ,. • ~ .. ,_ • I • f • ·D4RY PU.OT EDITORIAL PAGE . • District's .New .Face l , I ' ~ .. , 1... \; The Huntington Beach Union Hifb School District , has given-itself a new face . It lias appointed J'B.ck S. Roper,'38, assistant super· lntendent of the Tustin Union High School District, as district superintendent. On the same night the appoint· meot was made, the trustees set MJrJ:Jtj l!S the ~ate for another shot at a 69-cent. tax override election-And removed maverick trustee Joseph Rlbal from the board. Both the appointment of Roper and the removal of Ribal (because he exceeded the 90-day limit for a leave of absence) will have a great bearing on the outcome oC the e.lection. The di strict has sufCered Crom a dull image, created by unin spired leadership and a general reluctance to innovate. Negative attitudes also brought negative re-- suits at the polls and there can be few people who re· member when the district was ]last successful in an .election. Some observers thought they detected a new fresh· ·ness beginning in the Nov. 3.election. AJthou&h the override request gained only 44 percent of the vote, the campaign was well organized and the issue well pre-- sented. The backers can rightly lay some blame fot the defeat on poor economic conditions. A team was put together. All it lacked was a leader -and Roper comes to the district wi th impressive qualifications. He has served as . the deputy county superintendent of schools and as temporary superin· tendent of the Saddleback Junior College District. · Another ailment that has hurt the· district is dlssen· sion on t~ board. Much of that grew· from "deep philo- sophical differences among RibaJ. fell ow board mein- ' The Primary 1 Condition f <ir B eing Sincere Dear Gloomy Gu1fr t I J hear Huntington Beach wants to form a special couneil to select and ?J:hoagbta at Large: : -acquire art objects for the civic center ~d library. WUJ the art council be holding gourmet dinner meetings? -P.F.T. 11111 fMtv... nfltCfl "'41.,,. vi.wt, Nt I llM'l•1"rl1Y ...... .. .. _...,.,. $flMll rtur "' ,_WI • 0"""1 °'1&t OellY Plltl. hers and the admlnistratlon'. Last February Ribal went so far as to oppose an ov.e.rride r~quest.JWbllcly. By vacating -his ~eat, the board is reduced to four and will certainly ha'Ve less dis&idence. The DAiL Y PILoir supports the override request Itself and·the -amount.·Last fall we. along with 60 other enUUes in the community, endo,sed ii. W.e .4o so. agai~ and share the belief that the amount should not be re. duced Jest the fal se impressiOn be created that it-was not all necessary· in the first place. Civic Center Expansion Parks and recreation commissioners in Fountain Valley recently held two public hearings on the _proposed expansion oC the Civic center over the next four years. Neither meeting was heavily attended -about 20 individuals the first time, 10 the second -but it is hoped the commission has picked up a good cross section of ·-·· . / public opinion. Now, ii the needs of the community can be determined. the commission should move rapidly to. ward construction of the addition .....: whether it ls a civic audttoi'iwn or multi-purpose ce nter. · Cost of the building and the· money available for it will, of course, be guiding factors in the final plans. , but whatever is· built should meet the desires of the people -they'll pay for it and use it. And with the con- tinuing inflation in building costs, needless delay can only enlarge the bill. The first community centei, opened a year ago. has proved its worth and the addition should easi.ly do the same. Fountain Valley residents can take pride in the work of their city along these lines. ' ; E{Ui o/the liM for the TooMrville Trolky , H Consumers Union's Threat of Suit Condemned 'Let Pe·ople Judge Toys for Selves'~ To the Edil<lr ~ f J hive just finished reading an article in · the ·paper that makes me a little nauseated . The article deals with a threat to sue the government unleas eight toys that lhe Consumers Union (whoever they are), feels are a hazard or potentially dangerous to children. ~ ----·------- Ma ilh<>x . · '• ' on tht campuses. I would like to see S. I. Hayakawa or some of his ilk given a carte blanche authority to correct thJ situation on our campuses. I think he could and would do a gOod job for us, tHe,..taxpayers. · L. GARNER 'Idio tic Illogic' To the Editor:· World and yet wars still seem attractive to some world leaders. ONE Ci\N HARDLY overlook the fact that the two super powers are arming themselves to the teeth, which can only lead to a dev astating worldwide war. Ona would think that the leaders of all the ·na. .. tions of the world would reach the same conclusion as those of us who have had to fight and suffer the inhumanities of war? l r ; : Whenever someone mutioqs llJ 1 .. sincerity," I recall Henri Peyre'& fine Qbservation that "The primary condition for being siJlcere is the same 81 for being bumble : not to boast of tt. and probably Mt even to be aware of it." . - an<! are Wtd lo •Ing they don't want lo, and when they're not ·ul<ed to sing tbey never stop." Some of the toys they have named in the article have been around for a num- ber of years. Toys such as etch-a-sketch and d~ own children have either had or have played with and they are not in my opinion dangerous, nor have they bctn a hazard in any way. Letter! from reader1 are welcome. Normally writers should convey tMir meisages in 300 words or less. TM right to co·ndense letters to fit $J)Qee- or eliminate libel reserved . .AlL let- ters must include signature and moU. ing address, but names may be with- held on request if sufficient 1'ea.son. is appcrtnt. Poetry will not be pub-- Li.sheet. As you know better than most, the reading public Is daily subjected to a great deal of carefully worded bog-wash. Even so, I don't recall any other such as "An Inner Contradiction In Thinking '' by Sydney J. Harris, DAILY PILOT, Dec. 8. What a shame it would be if mankind \ will not get the word until ~ter t he • • U.S.A. and Russia polish <lff each ·other · • • • I Publicly, most people proclaim tl\eir 'belief in democracy; privately, the in.. ~ty would prefer a "good di~tor" - that is. one who would run things to their 4dvantage. • • • superstition has betrayed fewer men ~ t.ban skepticism .has --tomobiliz<d. -• • .: Actors_and enter- tainers and celebri· lies of ih8t sort a1e judged more lenlent- :ly for their derelic· tion of morals th.an .-e judge ordinary people: the reason being th.at we grant cuch Ugures special pr iv i Lege s in 91'der to have them act out our private fentasi~'-I?<> that we might enjoy vlcariousJy what we lack the resources to Cpelience at first.hand . ! • • • • ; Speaking of entertainers, how little the essentials of human nature have changed el.nee Horace wrote in his Satires 2,000 fears ago: "There is a fault common to ,U singers -when they're among friends • • • ' 'f1\e reuon so few n'llfTilps are happy l!: that YOWll women spend more time in making up lheir faces than in making up their minds; and young men expend more energy in trying to achieve physic- cal contact than in trying to learn what lies beneath the makeup. • • • k hypochondria .is-someon-e-who believes that a pound of prevention i5- wortb an ounce of cure. ~ . -· . No matter' how good we may be at 'keeping secrets from others, we are aJways best at keeping secrets from ourself. (This is why sOmeone. after meeting us for 10 minutes, can often tell more about our character tban we will "admit to ourself after a lifeUme.) • • • The capllalist notion that property rights are "invjolable" is as absurd as the oocialist notion that property rlihts are "communal"; all property· is ac.. quired by labor or by theft, and it ia the teak of a· just 60Ciety to distinguish ethically between the two, neither to l!MCtlly nor to abolish the property rtla· Uonship. ,,-/' Th reat to Nuclear Sites • WASHINGTON -There is growing concern in the backrooms of the Pen- tagon over <lur ability to pro~t the Puclear weaponi..._ we have scattered frOUnd the world. 1 <' P 1 o t s have been reported by anU.. American radicals to seek out and se.lW \J.s. nuclear sites in Europe. THEY AI30 CONTEND that toys such as little lady oven, Susie homemaker 11 grill, metal cast set, Winnie the Pooh, , religion? No matter W~t ber. religion. crib mobile and cap guns are a potential sbe is enslaved by Christian rules. heal~ hazard _or dangerous to .chi.ldren. THERE IS NO danger in her gettinr an Quite frankly, I feel t~at their time and abortion except punishment by ·upholder$ money. cou.ld be spent in a ~uch be~ter of the religious laws -the government, way. In this day and-·age chtldren eight federal and state. In upholding these years old and rounger are e~ to laws, they violate the First Amendment baseballs ~avellng al-~ :to ~ miles_an rllht to freedom of-religion;------------hour, playmg football, r1dmg ma car, on _ · a bicycle, swinging 00 8 swinl. climbing . ~o. have IK!hce!11en enfor~ these in a tree and any number of good clean · 1'1!hg1oua l~ws 1s tO ma~e them armed fun ifiings that are far more hazardous. cle~gy~n, wavin' their ~ llJ'Ound That doesn't mean that we must do away saying no no, thats a nau~hty • with aJJ that becomes a po.tentiaJ d111ger One by one we are losing our con- to us. What may be dangerous to one stitutionaJ rights. child may not be to another. More and more the state and .federal govemment.s are controUlng our hves. . WE HAVE HAD cap guns, bows and arrows. guns of all descriptions, race tracks eleetrically operated, electric 'traln11, chemistry sets, darts, and a host of mlsaile projectile toys on the martet as Jong 81 l can remember. Sonle of these toys are dangerous if not properly supervised for some children, but <lthers are capable of using them without danger. • I personally feel that the toys should be put on the shelf and the consul11'r should U$e~ his or her better judgment as to whether it is a toy they would want their child to play, with. I SAY Llrr THE Americsn people, Oii something as menial as a toy~ judge it for themselves. 9 If my children were never exposed to any mor-e danger than a good clean game of jarU on my own front lawn, <lr an etch-a-sketch, I could be happy sitUng fn. s.lde an easy bake oven with it plugged In. MRS. R. B. CAPE!IART" 'Losing Our R ighi. Leu and Jess the people are being beard and respected. But after all, 1984 is only 14 years away. STE~N C. LAUB~Y Tired of Anarch ists To the Editor: I take exception to your editorial or Dec. 8, 1970 entiUed, "!o.1eeling Hea lth Needs." l and several people that I have talked to voted against Proposition 1 because we are tired of the anarchisls and malcontents. Until the university ad- ministrators starl getting some ba ckbone and deal with these individuals seve rely 1 and imm"'iately. I for one will keep voting aiainst any monies for the universities, not •·out of frustration over mounting tax bills" but out of frustration with the university administrators. The title Itself must have been a Freu· · dian slip. In bis enthusiasm to belittle the "Silent Majority." he procteds to com-. pare apples with oranges @n.d in an effort to make them match he descends to an almost i&otic illogic. I found the answer to this phenomenon in his own column: ,......,OBVIOUSLV,7SUCH a man IS Sltnpl}' pl&.ing and choosing among 'rights' em· bracing those that suit bis preferences, and rejecting those that are offensive to him. He has no overall p£iiosophy of what 'rights' really are: he has not thought out the matter carefully: he has merely elevated his tastes and prejudices into 'principles' without rational con· sistency." Then fls ;a ~arting shot he speaks of "the man who possesses bis ideas more securely than they possess him." The ideas which possess Mr. Harris have evidently prompted him ·to once again spew forth . It makes one wonder if the editor responsible had a chance to look it <lver before exposing it to the puPlic. PAliL WESTBROOK B rutallt11 of War To the Editor~ Prior to W\V I, the prevailing thought 'vas that doing battle with one's enemy was glorious and should be indl}lged in by all gentlemen. Then C"3'1e the first of many modem wars which have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that war Is hell ' on earth. Perhaps GO<Ps Com· mandment on killing one's fellow man was a bit of advice on how man could live and prosper with the least amount of ef- fort. _ and half of the living world in an all-out nuclear war! HARRY B. McDONALD JR. I ' . . . ' Auditorium To the EditOr: . i Your artic!E: G~ Dec. 9 concerning the proposed Fountiin Valley Civic Center addition contains !he follow ing quotation from Mr. Stan Stafford. Parks & Recrea· tion director : ''Most groups haYe ex- pre sse d a desire for mulli-purpo·se uses but they also want theater facilities." On the contrary, <lf the 2S g r o u p 1 represented at the Dec. 8 Par.ks & Recrea- tion Commission •ting. 24 were in favor of a fixed· . .s:eat auditorium. one wanted a Teen Center. and one, dance and banquet fa cilities, or a ratio of 12 to 2 in favor of an auditorium:-- VAR!Olls TYPES of multi.purpose facilities were presented by the architect and it was pointed out to the commission that a single building attempting to serve too many differing activities may vt:ell be the most expensive yet least effective solution. A complicated all groups could be prohibitive. However, according to the a'rticle. this is exactly the type of building which the commission favors. During the meeting the following alternative was proposed: it is potentially less expensive and more usable : t. TRE EXISTING Community Center w11s designed to accommodate expansion. Therefore, enlarge it sufficiently for Teen Center activities. banquets and dances, and all other functions needing clear level floor space. 2. Build a sim ple fi)ed-seat auditorium in which acoustics, lighting and Visibility . are prime factors. not orchestra pi13, complicated machinery and staggering cost. Thus neither facility would be equipped with expe,nsive amenities which remained unused half the time and all the grou ps l When the military junta took over Gree ce in April, 1767, junta · troops lemporarily s u r. rounded one stock- pjle of nuclear ~·ar­ heads in Greece. 1hey withdrew, of course. without inci· dent. But the Penta· eon brass. wonder nervo usl y what ~uld happen if a THE PURPOSE IS not only to bring Soviet targets wi\hin range of our medium-range missiles but to discourage the Soviets ever from overshooting Europe and striking only American targets. They must knOck <lut au our retaliatory forcea, as the Japanese tried to do at Pearl Harbor. or we would bounce back with devastatina COW'l- terattacks. Our nuclear sites in Europe. therefore mulllply the number of Pearl To the Editor: OUR SCHOOL TAX dollars are an in· vestment In the future of our nation, but I do not like to see buildings being burned down, riots, and professors who preach the overtbrov; of our form of·government I !\'lore than 50 years qave passed since the brutality of war was discovered by the vast majority of the citizens of the \~-hich use the center could 11tlain max· · imum benefit from bolh installations. '\ • + hostile coup shoold seize control of a D1>Untr:y where U.S. warheads are located. ADDING TO THE apprehension. the Gls guaroing the nuclear .Illes not only are inexperienced but IOITie have been proselytecJ by anti-war groups. More than one deseFter. including ·one who dlsap- P.eared behind the Communist curtain. Is ttJ>Orted to have apent Ume at a nuclear location. The troop turnover in E u r o p e f'meanwhile, bas betn IO grtat that only .-een soldiers often have l>Hn available to guard the sites. , ~hout spy-inf&Sted EIU'Ope. our nuclear wal'beads are. kept in acatt.ered 11lockpiles at the mercy of fritndly 'b ut 10tefgn govenunentl. located in aom~ ~ areas where every flflb pair o! eyes belongs lo a ~Wlial. \ ~ . e Russians must destroy. w, we can't even show our allies t clear weapons they permit us to eep on their aotr. We train their aiWs to handle the mlsalles but the warhuds re- main invllible to all but American eyot. HOWEVER, A MGR Pentagon o(Hclal confeaaed to thta.column: ••Let's not ltld ouraelvt1. Thee government• know when our nuclear fireworks are bidden. They may not know tbe exact bulldlnas, but they know the locations. u This was borne out by the Greek experlenct. To. keep the stockpile& secure, we con- tinually tt1tlte them. We ml&ht ship some nuclear w1rheada .. !l'ay,Jrom Polnl A to Point B. Before they reach B. secret orders may be flashed lo ahlft them in· stead to Point C. "We never leave nuclear weapons in one place for long," explained the Of· ficial. "We assume every htdlng i place 'Nill t\•cntually ht di8COvered, By shifting and !!huttUng, we hope tQ keep a few days· ahead of the Communists." Laws that_ regulate morality. i.e. abof- tion, sex, lind Of.her 0 decency laws," were .based on fhe puritanical belief that one who was 'i~oral would surely be struck down by lightning from aboVe. My ob- jection to this Is It forces people of othtr religions to live by puritan rules. So.viet Dep lo ys Gene rals Abortion ls a prime example. A Chrl~ tian woman cannot get an abortion because she believes she is dealing with the "wrath of God." But what of the woman wbo does not believe in the same I By ZE'EV SCHl)L Jmtaalem Post Military COrrespondent The Soviet Army is believed to have gradually and. unobtrusively bolstered its senior command staff' In Egypt and dozens of Russian generals are now ~---Bg George •NUmed to be on active service with the E&ypUan Army. It is also assu med here Dec!"'"Georre: that lhtst officers have set up their own 1 lam convinced this plaritt 1~.("(ln· headquarters. semi-independent of •·1 i Ill ed b I Moscow, and are capable or taking 11tantly ~ ng n trlll Y v sitors flmlted_ lni tiativc wthoul consulting their trtmr outer space who take humt1n gulM. I believe T can prl;lvt this, superiors at home. but iiobody wlll listen to me. \Vhere This deployn1ent of senior slaff officers -can l tum with my evidence ? could en1blc the Ru ssians to ·resort to _ --4JEBRl[Jo""-1-;;sPce'1iudfertha;!!_~nk-in1 emcrgdtncie~ and althso Dear Terrified: · --ces ",is o .eaves ropping on e E;irthman. you lino'v t 0 0 long !o.1oacow·to-Cairo communication ~ -:.--links. mµcu .•• (Write to George for goorl. cultural , high-class advice . on all sorts lorn problems and like that. l NO CONFIRMATION if avanabl• here or Any new reinforcements for the regul:ar Soviel units -nO'A' believed to number around 13,000 men inside Egypt • ' ' r-·--. I GuestReporl ' ' ' ----- with an additional 3,000 sta.tioned Inside the SQ.km. Suez Canal zone. But the presence of a large number of stnior of- ficers also suggests that the Russi11ns now ba ve in Egypt all the skeletal elements for a command capable of quiC'kly taking over very large un its. such as could be airlifted to Egypt from the Soviet Union, withih ll matter of hours ~using . if necessstry, Soviet armour and other equij)ment formally the pro~rt:Y of the Egyptiar\1). Experts here point out that there has been no Hramatlc new devf.lopnient, but ralh~r a conUnualion of lhe infiltration process parallel to the bolstering of the Soviet presence in the Mediterranean. 'Tbe Jerur.alem Po1t Dec. i, lt70 A~ was al.so stated during the meeting, . Fountain Valley has one multi-purpose building . \\'e don't need a duplicate. We l need a building t.o do what the first one doesn't! . ' DAWN PEEK President Fountain Va\JeY Community Theatec Wednesday, Dec. 16. 1970 The . editorial page of the·Doily PJloe seeks to inform and 3tim.· ulate readers by presenting this 11ewsroper's opiniO'ns and com· rnentary 011 topics. of i11te rtst and sign ificance. by providing o forum for i/1.c expression of our readers' <lpiui ons, and bu presenting the . diverse view- points of in for"\ed Olls-t.r vcrs and spokesmen on topi~s of the day. Rob ert N. Weed, Publisher • '" ' \ • •. -• Velley,, EDIT10.N .. . . . . ' . .;. . ' ' ' -Y-Ol. 63, NO. 300, 6 SECTIONS, 14 PAGES'- ,.;:. -.... ~ OltANGE ~tlNTY, CALIFORNIA· ·TIN-CENTS ' ' -. ' l ... ·-. ~· :;:~· 1:) \I I ·•-.. ... _. -• ~ • . • ~ '. ..p ... .i· ... ,· 4. ,_ .. _; -~ •• • ..• ,, Beach-P-laniiers . ' ~--.: Nix • -. -·\·"-'. t .....__ • •.t . ,, Airport B-xt~nsion . J)id ~ ' •· • Th.e runway e~nsfon at Meadowlark • Airpo,rt has be(!n OU~Wfed. agalu. ; • The Huntington ~atjl p 1 a a n I n g commission Tuesday night reyoked . a (permjt~ for use· of a. .p:n-tion O( the co.ntn;iversial extensk>q after the city aiart reported that seVeral conditlom or .the ~nnlt had not beef! met by' airport operator John Turner. , ~ ~·~ far as the plannillj com~ion is concerned the con~itionat excep1'on we 1,rapted for the extensaon-is null ~~ -. -vOid:" s"'iid Commissioner Henry Duk.e after hl.S motion to-that etfecl passed unanimously. But the controversy is expected lo Continue. · M~ Po~r, a,ci.tng chaJnnan of the "®l{nlsslon, pointed out that any det:ision of the board may be appealed wllhln JO days · and this period'wlll overlap next Monday,night's city council meeting. The commisstoo's decision f~ a report.on ..'l'ifk at the airport b)i building , tlispe\:tor Chuck Gerarden. When the commission granted the condittonal exception two month.! ago· the ·planners Usted several improvements that had to • be made at 1.feadowlari:. Gerarden reported that there had •been t•minimat compliu:e" with the a e requirements. · , The key issue was lmtallallon of a blast fence at the Heil Avenue end of the runway to cut down on dust and noise. !lerarden sald,lhal the 11l fool by 120 'Kill Anything' i , .Medina Order: 'Clean Out Village' . . . rt'. BENNINGr ~a. (UPI).:::-.. ~ .. Y.~.~~ran or the 11-1y Lai sw~p testified today that after ·a briefing by the comp.any . commander .he' an~ o~er soldiers decided •·to clean out the whole village -to klTI anything we sa~ or anything that moved." · Leonard R. Gonzalez, 21. Richmond, Calif., gave the lestlm9ny before a s.ix offictr p;inel hearing the court·martial of I.st· Lt. William L. Calley Jr., who is chai'ged with the premeditated murder of HJ2 Souih Vietnam~~ CivjUans on March 16, 1968, the ·dtt)'"-ibe My Lai raid \\'as cjiiiecl out. Gonzalez said the briefing "'as given the day before the operation by Capt. Ernest . L. Medina, , comm~ndcr of C Company, of which Calle)''s platoon was a part. "After the briefing did .you talk with Sgt. Buchanan and ather members af yaur squad and. arrive at a conclusion about the briefing?" asked Rich.ard B. Kay, the defense attorney. Gonzalez said he had and then related the conclusion to kill anything they saw. Gonr.alez h11d testified Tuesday that 'hs lefi the briefirig with the impression that the villa ge was to be destr~yed. He al~ said it was his tinderstaildlng that the enemy there "could be women." Today, he said that in the nOrtheast section of My Lai t he saw the bodies ol "about 25 women and children." Later he Said, his platoon, the second, went north to another village where he saw a (ke CALLEY, Pap Z) 'Basically Honest' 10 -Nominated Fired Patrolman Lied, Fro1n Coast , Says. Polyg~xp~r1t "' F?r '71-·~~., ..... · ' • · Ten Orange Coast 'resldenls ,r1· a.' · • ~ mong the 30 citizeJlll ' noM.lnated by !l" A· police polygraph examiner testified although the drug Coerper \\'IS taking superior Gou'rt judjel for aiervtce On Tuesday night that he conclude'1 that would have affeCttd his betirt llieat and the l971 Orange County Grand Jury. flred.1 mOtorcycle patrolman Oilbttf .:.,.lqalhlng; rate, he toot that ioto account Amon& nomi~ •ubmltted by Judg_e ~per lied in a polygrap!Nesl during a and did not consider the inedlcatioo :"" ~i:J :--~ !'~ ::::-. Runt~gto~ ~ach. police Department fnvalidlited the test , . po:;e~i;:.• ' ormer y investiga.bon tnto his conduct. . . Soreneen tald Coerper gave "deceptive She ls one of four Newport Beach Sp. Robert Sc!re~n told the city s responsCs'' to three question!: Did you residents offered for s~rvlce on the .19-Pe,irsonn~I Commlsa1on that he and k of th ban••--f member grand jury which will (ak'e Coer~r wJu.. Is c . ,, ,. e cL..Jlf eep any e mere w.x; or your . J' ~-"~ ~ ,,, __.___--.,-Did 1 -r --art'lce-ln anuary:-mjsappro'pr1ating department s t o r e own use · yo~ g ve any o the Those 19 names v.'lll be d r a w n by merchandi.se allege_dly give.n him for the merchandise to friends or relatives? Did Judge Byron K. McMiiian Jan. t in Pqtiar -wives Guild, bad been good you give any of the merchandise away as courtroom ceremonies thal wlll . lmmed· friends and neig~bors for some years. favors for labors? iately follow the discharging of the 1970 · "He lied 'tlur1ng the test, but he Is Asked if Coerper had told him that he panel by'lt.& su~rior Court llaiso11 Judge basically an. ~nest ~nd truthful persan,'» James F. Judge. ' Sorensen said 1n answer to a question by was afraid he might get some people in Seven judges contributed a total of defense attorn~y Cecil Ricks. . trouble, Sorensen answered "No." eight Fifth Distrlcl residents offered for Sprensen said he .gave Coerper a lie The . hearing was adjourned arter grand jury service nut ft!l"· · detector te st Aug. 18, three days before Sorensen'S testimony to 7 p.m. Thursday Judge Sumner nomin""" Mra. Mar· Coerper \li'a~ discharged by Police 'Chief shall , 367 Via Udo Sowl, presklinJ Jodge Earle Rob1tallle for a ss erted I Y in the council chambers. Deputy City William c. Speirs named Mn. France• misappropriating . Tflerchandise and Attorney Michael Miller, who is acting as L. Tooley 1821 Sandalwood Lane--and- failing to cooperate in the police prosecut'or, indicated .that he had three Mrs. Mart'a Lozano, 116 Via KOron and ihvestlgation. ~ wltn,e~ lo c~\I, including . Chief Judge William s. Lee named Martin A defense objection that evidence ori Rob_itallle. Ricks 881~ he anllcipaled Mangold 2lf4 Vista Dorado all af New· the ·pol ygraph examination not be calling eight defense v;Jtnesses. port Bea~h. ' admitted an ~rounds t~at ~~ch tests ~ere _.. Judge Robert L. Corfman nominated not yet consid ered sc1enbf1cally reliable Bill Fernandez 320 Hazel Drive, C.Orona was rejected by.the hearing officer, City Laird Reveals de! Mar, Judie Lester van Tatenhove Attorney Don Bbnfa. \vrote Jn the name of Dr. George O. Sorensen agreed that in his report on Roberts, 5392 Kenosha Lane, Irvine. the.test he pointed out that Coerper was Necessary CttlS Judge Claude M. Owens &ubmltted the under medication for diet control and name of Waldo Drake. 37 S. La Senda, recommended . that another e:w:amlnallon South Laguna and Judge Herbert S. should be given for mo(e accurate Jn Mill tary Her lands nominated J o h n Kamalani, results. 303 E. 23rd St., Costa Mesa. The of!icer added , however, that Two other nominees hail from the «:out . Button up your overcoat -and. your raincoat -Thursday, for the weatherinan sees showers on the borizOn, •With the merCW')' drop- ping lo ~7 degre<s.° INSWE TODAY WASIUNGTON (AP ) -Secretary of county's Second supervlsorial District Defense Melvin R .. Laird said today and were offered by Judge Charle! A. congressional cuts In the defense budget J c c I 8"~2 willmeanfw1her cutbacksi11clvilianand Bauer. They are ames . aey, "" Snowbird Drive, and Ray Lamoureux, military manpower, base closings and 5831 Trophy Drive, both of Huntington reductions, and fewer Navy shJps. Beach. Laird did not go into details on the cuts Nomination of John Kamalani of Cos.. which are to be spelled out sometime next month. ta '-1esa as the sole representatlv~ of Pentagon SJIC!kesman Jerry w . that community may again arouse con- Friedheim said the new reductions will troversy Jn that ci ty over the apparent be in addition to previously planned dearth of representatives on the grand cutbacks. jllt)t. " In ' a statement, Laird said cuts in the A check today or grand jury records 1971 fiscal defense: budget made Tuesday over· the years 1965-1970 did nat reveal by House-Senate conferees, "will require -a~ Costa Mes.a ~esident al tho.ugh those expenditure reductiQns of about $800-same records indicate that at lea!!l million during the six months remaining three Costa Mesans were nominated in.. in the current flsdtl year." that time. ,. I • .. DA.IL'(P,n;Orl'llllit:• ~·- ' t .-/'> ~-....... '\' I •-• ~ • ••' lo•• -·-Jo•'-J.-,~ '"i";.,:.~\ :"• I) ~ -., --~· ·~.ri~ 'di\~~c.ie.t by_·the liunlingt0n lieacli-Fou)itii1; ·Valley Jloard of Realtors ill the. Mile S,quare GO!( Club-in •Fountain Valley, . . . . . ,...; .~ ' '• ' . . Co~nty .1(i11~1~'s :~Sid~kic1~: i• i t •"l' .. .. :_ Fountai1.,; V a?I!.Y:" Closes : Doori "· Heid in Bea~h. M~d~r .·. ·:· ·-t • • .. ·f To Sniall Lots · --- The ninNnOnth ·search ror a· suspect In a Huntington• ·Becicb . rh urder 'fnde(f this • l . • • week in Milwaukee with the arrest of a sidekick to fa'med ·candle Light Killer · R~rt W. Liberty. Robert. Patricic CoMO!lf, .fO, a fonner ... . . ,, ,. . Costa MC!a -resi4'nt. ~8:? N:t'et\~ Dec. 10 by fBL agents and Js ·beihg be~ £6r .. extra·dftlon' to C:tlifornia · by tbt U.S. l\iarshal irfMUw'aukce: . Huntington· Beacb police.. said_ loday· Connolly faces .liian1plng c·b a r g es stemming from the kilTlnl!;: March· 12 of Thomas C. Astorina, a laborer. Li~rty;, c:urr.ently held in San ,DJeeo on murder charges, bas also been charged with' the murder of Astprina. A -third man,,Randall Q. Al}en. is also !Ji Orab&e ' .. : ., ' I Countb · Jan orf the 'i...t-i .. a .inurder Fountain Valley C1ty Coucllmen.clok Z f"'>•VJ "\' ed the door' to 1 small )ot bomel Tuea(laJ., charge;. ' .· . · ... 1 , • night on a M·acre parCel of labd~·· 1 Poltce said tlberty, ~Uy .. a~d A:Jlen J ~ They did . it by rezoning ·~ acre1gti lived togetller· In a ,Costa Mesa trailer f.rom R·I, PD 6800 (which allows lllb--- park, prior to Astorlna'1 death. standar.d lot sizes) 'to strruwt R·t :ta In ~·· lo Ind! led .1.. • minimum of 7,200 sq~ leet for • .•• y~,1ga ~1 1. , ~f. ..~to~11.,was ••, IOt}. • !He!14 OI , tile· ltio, buf. """ r.~~d I by ' · The rezo'\¢ land Is. nn-th~ nor\h,,..C 'Uiein. Of sfeilillf tMtr.;~'ie ev1si0n se·t. and southwest: 1 I de a of Brootdmr:1t They Jlleaedly took Asto(ina for a ride Street and Edinger Avenue. . to. Sun~~. Aquatic Park lil Huntington. ',No one oppoSed the zone'chanser .cfur.: Belich. l."ilbcidy.,wu~ound ,Uiere,·, I the ubl" h l'g nd the _ _,, Conncilly .reflllf;d vol'l\11417 extra~lllO!I ng P " earn • . --..... to Ca11fomia . wtien he appeared in a Vote for it 'i'ia.s ynanimous. ~ W ·'--b Coun rt T d · Councilman Ron Sh-•man, ·prior lo •Wte1 a ty cou u e s. ay · the vote, ·did make op;lj,Jicll, for lrilali.! Hllfllington l\'ach. ·dtt«tl.... are er Ibis:. , , , • • --T I prep8rlng lafomiitlon Jo lake back to , "I'm a llttle condefned' with the R1 Wisconsin where · .they h'oW 'to obtain , .. t._ kn\ • · .....,,,1 l'r.,1..1 1 "C e:w:tradition'Pspers oft ~6lly: · '' l . concept,' ooen an ..... ..,a1.._.... an.1 causf homes are. beip.g bqiltl U)at ,pea.. . .. • ' ' ' ' . pie ate 'going (o 'moVe -mto?" . • Eve11 w i t 1h 1n1e1nplot1ntent ' sldeti1ih1g mcr1111 skilled technic· ian.s, efforts are under wav to improvt the lot of the "hard core" jobleis. See fag~ 1.f. °"" ' . 8 ~ys Meadowlark Course.· Faces "T~r~;~t · "Orange County is· hard _.Pressed t>e-. cause homes a~ buJlt that peooo p!e can"t buy,' he continued ... We ought to cqhsldtt wbetber we' are . ~ ' ing ·lo !he problem by aticking"io . tho CHRISTMAS .,,.. 14 aMllllt n CelHwlll• I c-c.r-1J Che(kl119 \111 r C"••lflM IM4 .. COl'lllU tr CNtt_,., Jr ~Ill Ntllth 14 Ol'tfrtU IC. U s.itllrlt1 ..... ' ••i.rtll-"' ,..,. !'In-•JI ... ...-J4 """ i.....t.... ,, Mli"IHe Lk-14 • ' Miii • S-ke II -•n Mlllu.el ...... • •• ,.,..... """ 44 Ortittt Ctv111r 14 .. ,... » Sri$ .... !tr • S-11 J4·t6 Or, SltlMNfl" 11 si.ct Mtrtlett »J1 Ttttmlliil ti TJIHter1 Jt.:lt w .. 111« 4 W-'• .,,.., U.M --... . . " -. I ' BJ ALAN DffiKIN Of "" ~ ..... Stt ff Back in April , 19'4, Gomer Sims, a man who had worked up from . a golf coune Jab<ftr lo minager 0£ the Palos Verdes C.ount.ry Club, took a chance on the game U.t had gi•en him a lJving. Sims and·a couple of friends -Cecil B. Holljngsworlh and Curly Howard -paid $38.SOO for 103 acres In What is now Huntington Beach's west.&& The land wu a run-down golf course t ' unkempt frQm the war-years and the depression ol lb< 1930°L But . Ibey • ... ~ believed a golf ,revival was lnevitable and they Wera righL • · The course -Meadowlark Counlry Club -now ill one of the prlze pieees of real estate in !he city. With current land values.estimated at $35,000 an aae in the area, the investment appeara worth $3.i milllou today. . "lt was a bad deal. was:i't It,',' chuck1's Sims who bu held SO ·percent Interest in th< proporty 1U.C. ht ind HofUngswolth bought Howard out in IMl The private rourse ls en~ed by hundreds or 'otlera every week, but, like • I . . •ost golf ,courses today, lls appeal goes beyond gOJfers.• , _ ' .. · · ll Is open oj>ace. lt b a•greetibelL ,Will ll be ~erved? Or will It give . way, to_ urbhn sprawl? These are questions many hon:ieowners iD &he city, ask. . . "We • 11,ve ~k~ aboUI way1 ol , presprvlng .. ii, . with ' our parks 'and recreation people for a numJ>er of years, bwt we.ba~e never' done anytblng about it be.eauae of the cost io'folvtd,'' commented Councllman Jerry Matney. "Federat·tunding or a bond eltcUon are two mearlt by · whJcb ' it COUld-' be • • • I \ ... preserved, but we have not explore<fthem , fully. l;''('OQldn'»ll-e to ·oee the dly JUll I.ft< ll over•fnr1hl!aib·of.lbe nnminl of · a golf·d!tlnt, but, lf'lh<re·la·a chance II · w1u be 1os1; I woald fiu.1o,.;, ;olne 0n lo preaerve 1 ti. ll' ,.Wd: ""r' a iremendour ·- loos lo U.. ~ty!', ,-· ' • Sever4l .Y<flf• qo there, was,I some dlscuaslorrbetw>en clly-olfictab and the owntts, l>ut nothing came of the talks. '1t may be p-olilable for,tht owrier1 Ill present. but if we .bad to buy ~ land at (Seo GOLF COURSE, P ... I) • r • • R-1 concept." .. , · The land . moned Tue9day night .yas the uncompleted htlf 'of a \rid·atarled acrdss the city border in Wtitrabiilttr-. , .. . " Y tile' Concert Slated· ~ ~ ---·~·--.. Tlie Westminster Hlgtfsetiool~~ ·' will pm.nt a Oirlslmal ....,.." afl:•· p.m.. Tbunday. in ~ ocbool tllllalc room. The Girls Glee , the liMC:et chofr and the COl1C{rl ho wtll aloo ~ part In the program, whldt lo -lo U. JXibUc. .. • .. s G e e L\S • ":; •• -• ,. I . DAILY PILOT H Test .. ' ' ... ' . ., . ~ .-.J' . ' •SMriff to .F~re. p~puty ;<~~~ ~~f:!Ua.l _ , -l!J'J'OMWAllLEY • -~-~··tJ~-jlztll: r ...... p!ji;Vlojo" .. ... .... .... ••• ~p; AM.. ... .. .... ~--¥1:*, • .;,t/'"ty AnOrJaieCOuatyabetlff'sdeputy •o(Wnt-·--be11-. ~1"t..rr1~·1..Jrvill .wu · _ by w)lo rehl!ed to t,oke a lie dele_Cf:ot .49.t ' ~meot--~he.,-,-.,,...-\11<~9'.VleJO ~tty durfnc lnvesU,:atlon of burelar1e1 &I· dit rules tJ1. J.Q, d6dart.ment." • ~ 1 • ID4fd. · , ' • !epdly commttled by a colleaiueJn lhe :,;., ch-. had. ·1ie.o lilod •Hi9fl lt\iDe,,C, of.La ·~.,--,oo.trlll ·Million Viejo ,,., -will be lltecl""tocby -l!Oiiidiii:" ... ---•• April $Io Orange ~ty-SUperlor C:Ourt b)t-.S her If f James A. Mi.ls1Cl, the ~'Mu&ick~sakl the demand that Bearden on charges ot burgJiiy~ grand tbttt, auto DAILY ,flL.Q.T ·~ learned. ...;· ~e a ·po!Y1r,!Pb test was made during theft,. receiving stoleri' property. Gd con. Musjck confinned Tuesday his deci· his._ depa~Cn.;'s inves&itation ·o1 bura:-spiracy, all cont,.ined la .. ~:Gr .... 1.Jury 11 • • " indictment. • .. . 'Devil Cult' Suspect Sane, ' • Z$ -"I ":!I. I • ' Road Funds -Requ~sted 1 ji>iiiia\ii vane;:. hoJ1411 to tap ~· . °'"""'· . 1y un;1*1 .$225.500 1o buy • -rew chun · or--coneriie, 1. few -~d btlp of cement J1 asveral 't!tctt;lc l'6ts. ~ ·' • , • ~-~-w_ · -io-1nto·-~t Jin~• ~ in thtJO .,.. ••. ' . 1 ... • t!n told city e m'.pt.& )' e es __ 'liirtdlr . 'gilt 1o g9 ·~ead an<1 l!1< !" county f ds on I.hi road repalr. • • -- Will Face Trial in Deaths He •nd ·a fe!Idl deputy. Artbut'B, Duo· can, 34 of Huntington Beach, were ar· rested in tbe Mission Viejo Co u n tr y Club's goU shop .after they alh~gedly cai'ried golf equipmt!nt and several cases of liquor froqi ·the store to the.if patrol ..Qne r uest is ·for $38,SOO to· ~n .. ,; •• ., venue "' tour lanu betwOen -.,B!OoJl!j"if'at Ind r Ellclld Street... ·.IJd -1 •• 1.g. lgnalo t the l Wird S~r-.-----"tf'r>,._ ~ • . • ... Cir. ·Both mtn were employed IJ"-teCW'ity iuardl by the Miulon Viejo Co. durin& their ol.f duty hours. AuthoriUes 11id By TOM B4RLIY Dr. Allderaon wu: one ot five Duncan later Committed sulCidtr at bis • Of ... o.11Y •1• ''-" psythiitrista who ieramined Hurd ind oM HuBUnaton ·. &acb· &me , "i(ter b e • -SteVln Crall Hurd Tuelda~ 'of(O<ll who declorod the young founder of int. mail!led on bi!fll~ty fl>ll'J.,. · • •-•:..---L:lp•;•• -•p 1o "'-........ but · Sheriff's hlvesucaton~Ald Toesday 11.ne and able to f•~·trial ln the "d•vil .. 14.!rwwwi ,.....,.. o:i·-uc-....:: tli 1~~-• h d "'-"" ~-11 .. ..1 .. employ ' •-·btfully-capa-b!e ·of -·trtbu"•• much 1 ~-.iVl:'u a ~__...., .. ..,v • cuH" ld!llnr of Mission V!ajo teacher --"·~ eel 1 th Mi -· ~-i·o ::J-at · the Flo--Brown ind the hatchet 1l1ylng lo _Ill,• defense. n e ssion ·v., """' '""~ same.time as lrvioe .. ind t .-inquiries of service station attendant Jerry W1yne Oeftnse attorney William Gamble, led to a request that be take the Jie de· CarUn. . · / 1lPPIJ'eD.tly • amu&td by his 1 cll1nt's tfllt ._. The 20-yetMld lrtn1lent lbotayod no ,:aiiilootl1>; lo .Anderaon, -uplo_ined lo .-~ .w~ ..... ~--'-and -" were we,,, emotlon pl hearing Judsl ~rt L. ·~ln''thit H~ bod erprellld _ _,, Cotfni&n's ruli~ In. a!i1rp conttut to an 'i d1llae for Md~'• race. Mu .• I ck slid.· "Beth tbt diJtl1tt at· outburft which euher ta the"day led to -;:-:~~t laUchj man," 11napped Hurd, torney'1 and county counsel's off J c e s hil ejecllan from the COllfboom... -~ >his .m1 .. cled hudll on the IUpJIOrt my belleJ that there la nothing Judp Coifmaa ordend'Hurd to appaar •• CiMiiioeT t.ble. "That thlnC 11\ere la not a in !1w to preveo! our firmc him.'' In Judge ·Junll F. Juqe's crlminol hwifu lielng.-' · -'Bearden !old ,tJie1DAILY PILOT that ci.lendar ~ Frlday"for a.ettf?g_of "AnyWay, my fither won't allow ft," Sheriff Musi~'• deicsito to fire him wa1 • tri&1 aaie Ui the dual murder Chari~· ,.Hurd added in an ..apptren& rerere11ce to . hued solely "on. my, ,monaJ. friendlblp The·lOOlf-halnd moroae delendonl...., the be'-• be hlli i<-~'"'ly<lucribed., for Fred lrvh\e ·ltlld for no other rea-. ~t bJ4 lo his Orange~lY .J!!!I ctll "my ~r the ~as tho angry "I stand oa my priociplea,",!IW<k• • . l)lll,.V P'ILOT Slllf P'111'- G0M E!R SIMS EYES fAIR MEADOWLARK'S FAIRWAYS In Muntinfton B••ch, a Gr11n lelt end 1 W•y of Uf1. From Page 1 • GOLF COURSE .. · outburst apu~e<t by tb_e oppeonnco-In "Do you want u. lo proceed witJt this (usal to • lie detedor test In the $3.5 million tt would no! be a going ~ aurtng the d~y!ong heating-ofter .,on -JQdse C«fm1n brolle In. "id, "\!principles ~-""'-re- the witness box of Dr. 5eewrtlht trial or do Y<>V want•to go back to jail?''. absence O Y aecunUon of disbone:sty. for the city," Brandtr Casile, assistant I'm In love with it." Sitns a weiltby -· ua!stoot medlCll dlncUr ol the judge asbd. "And ~.ve not," the deputy 1treued, Golf ha! made the -,Fair!view State u---ttal in Cotta lfeu.. . .J'I'm iffJiOii ~a,,_ ja'1! w •··s-go!ria to "ever been ICCUSed of anytMq in con-city adminiltrator. said. i family . t 4 .._., ....... ~"A w u ire ... T lk al of th t d lo developers At 23, -Gomei started as a laborer at teat!fy," Hurd replied . He was promptly necl.ion with the Mission Vitjo bur&lar· a on s e. e an Lr;:t on. • 'B~ -of lb! ir..uidty \o Mlle Sq•if'• P.ark,, Or11110 CoUiity Depirtmenl7Jf 1W -. "l!<ICll" 1nd Park\ "111 chip .In .o;t" of lbO cost' along ' witlt tM """1tY Road Departjllebl .. •• Another reatitst i!: for $911,000 to w1,n ~ursl ~~ lo six lanes betwlf';n Garfield-.an~ ,:albert avenues and -to ln.lta signals )It Ellis Avenue and cufb· m · ns the fUll distance ot Br09ktiur11t. . third request la ~ ~widen Sia xvenue to, foUr )Jllle.·. tween Bu ard and Ward 11tr~t8\~ ,inst.all si , at Bushard aM ·.1' Watd ~ .. ) . in~':f\t"'1UJ\;,.. ~aliey r~Qu~~ win be rated on a priority basis against other county projects befofe moheY is taken from the Arlerial Highway Financing Program . If funds are granted, ,..ork might start within the next few months. From Pfl#e I CALLEY .•. removed from the courtroom but ies or any other crime." also has died down. Many people believe lhe Palos Verdes Cauntry Club. In 1.0 T He-Jp Uru't, re&"""' ... ed after the lunch break. Bearden u1d be doUbted that be. would that is because Sims and his wife Helen, years be rose to course superintebdent group of "maybe 10'! dea~ "'~·: een '~ ally' f": ·1 · I I :-.. •'--· "When l saw tMm they: were,~lfie,'l be •-•-....,,· •~pe· rturbed by the outbreak, person ue • I" a.u 1gauu~ wo:: w••I' l'"e to see it kept .. a golf.course. and then manager of the whole operation, h ·"' ( 1 b N--,--, ~ t" "I •-•t'" that ~-..a J .... ¥ u. ..., -continued. "Roe e, ... z: not J.IJ t °!-r ' wtit oft to .. .-rt-the generaJ conclusion coun y.. qw u.W: &WV fl" mon· "I'm go1"ng lo pull (or It and fight for lncludm· • tbe CO" ... e, pro shop and had !4 F-., v· ll .... Yl""<• " "'-t·• " d I ----'d find e .,.... identified) was with me. He ID ·79 lain a ey -ol-reporta submllled by Io u r •Y. •~ commen •-, •• •;:w ba k Clubbouse. OUD psychlaµ-iata: that Hurd' Is te,aJly llDI a better uae for it if I bad, it. . It," says Sims, who, at 69, can look c (grenade launcher)." ' but eonftlled to' the point that his defenae But Bearden'• "dismissal·..,..tod1y Jllay on a lifetime in the goll business. "Ifs CLOSE TO NATURE "Was there any indiCation how ~ey -Jpi'n'i'ng Han" ds attorney c1n· . expect : .little ·. ar no _ p~ a· lawsuit in wbicb the c;>ranae needed here in West Orange County. The .. 1 just love~ to work on the course ," he died ?" Kay asked. • ~ U f~• r-··ly •mp!L ees '-~'-Uon wlll be -Ilk Il Th t "Yes slr, it was a citnlster round ut • COOptrt OI 1unl' 1um. , / . ~ a:. uy ~ua , . people around here e ey ge a reminisced. "I'm really just a farm boy • r It ls uaerted In re .... i.. submitted u Interested if It does not actively parti· wi'ndow broken by a ball once rn a while into a 79." · -In .. 11_, nd T Htl ,,.,.... · le and that's about as close to nature as you Under cross .. examination by Cipt. Jl'ounta. v.,_,, 1 een Pare testitnonyTuejlday ·tbathedranlr:slJ:cups "Cipa · but they don't squawk ." A p 1 V d I k d th O ·ei 111 th ciltf offic:lal bualness partnen:. ~ blood .iiidaf, ·ictively wonhfj:ied Sat.an "'!e're ~rtainly famUi~r with the is-Everybody who plays golf at can get. t a os er e~th wor e on e Aubrey M;..·--~I idl b. did 'ot"" Thtlr chief job will be hllplna: yo11tha 1n 1ev .. aJ rituallst1c and prlmlUve,fqrm.1 11ue, commented Assoc11Uon ·general wi·tb course for six montbs WJ no pay. prosecutor, uuii.wi ez sa e n .... 1r With problenil :tangin& from drUg ibule, '-rand const.antly.nferred to him as "my manaeer John M. Sawyer. "But t.bere fl.feadowlark . & 8,00Q..yard layout "They had no money, bul I wanted to a canister ro und fired . In amwer~ to to job buotlnl. . father the. Devil." isn't mucb that we cu. say about this undulating fairways and ample trees for do it anyway. It paid off bel.!ause later written questions by the six-Officer jtfry, · City:. Coundlmea. approved a · CX>Dtnct Satanic rites entered into the slaying until his dlsmj.ssal is confirmed and hazards, knows Gomer Sims. He ~s a they gave m• a lease on the operation he said he could tell by looking it the widl -tbe yOuth COW1Hling •ltncY 11R June ,! of Mrs. Florence Nancy filed. -" bodles. from his own exp!"rience, that· It · TundaJ Dl&ht which wW jlrOvide • a Biojm. at, Of,.EJ 1oro. Hurd ls accused of "I understood that Burdon hid al· personal greeting for everyone. and I made a little money off it.'' \\'as a canister round. 1 •. · sublJdy of.. fllO a moath. a one acre lite belllg the leader of a group of drifters ready hired an attorney to-take 1e·1a.J HO"tE ON COURSE lq mana ging golf cour ses', both Palos "Did all of th~ fl.1·79 gunners carry 1eaaed al.11 a )'ell' _.!or Teen Help, who murdered the teacher in an Irvine 1ctiQn a1ainst any firing,'' Saw Yer The course is his home. lit!rally. His Verdes and Meadowlark, Sifus was canister rounds?" asked the judge, Col. budQuarts"s, and 'up to $2,500 t.o prepare oranp grove and buried her 1dded. "Naturally, if be came to us for home. built in tbe l050's, is on the east -helped by his wife who look charge of Reiii W. Kennedy, .Ying ' Jury the office lite. dlsmembered bQdy near Orte1a Highway. .advicti or help then we'd have to sit question. • The partnership will diuolve when Dr. John GuldO's report· alleged that dQ.wn with him and see what could be side of the course. nestled in. &0me trees fPe kitchtn duties. Now their son, RQ!and, "No, just a few ," Gonzalez replied. Teen Help doesn't need any move clty Hurd ate portj,ons of Mrs. Brown's heart done." next to the 4th tee. manages the restaurant fa cilities at Another witness, Sgt. Isaiah c;owan~i37, help financially. Both sides nid Tuesday after the woman was repeatedly st.ab)ed :Muaick's action wu based on firm le-"If we sold the course, ·rd have to find Meadowlark. of Ft. Jackson, S.C .. a veterin of 17 r.:•rs they were happy with the arrancement. t.o death. = 111 grounds, commented Deputy County somewhere else to live," he says. leavinl , Sims -1.IP bas major interests in fl)!;' and nine months iB I.he Army, t~l!d ' Teen Help will open ita doon near the fffutd 11" P,lso accused of 1 , .the Cou~ Ragnar Ena:ebret.sen. . t f athtr 1o1f . courae1 • -two 1at ~UM &hat Calley's firat pJaloon 'had only '28 'first of the year Oft the old cl~ .lfltclhllt11l*fi11& .of car~ da the "We find a lot of support for tb1t one to assull?'e that be bas no intent on a · Co~ c:Owit& Club, two at-W91idt1 men in two sqUiaS on the lafldin& .. A corpot1Uon ylld a!te 1t Euclid ~treet ud rOl;~{y 1.. June l of Car'lin 1 Slntl An• r:uJ.inl in rtCtent ~ St.a tu Supreme looklnl around for a new home. Park, Lawndll!, ·and. th?ee It Singing standard platoon ba.s 43 men in 1 ~ the San Dtep rre,w11.~ -.; i .emce ~· ~ '.1. CoW1 declalana," bej'.aaid. "An employer Would Hollingsworth, Sims partner, Hills. squads. An office bome for •tbe qeney;-.11 be ~ ydq attendant•1 bodY. mgurtd baa the rilbt to aai an employe to co-like to sell? "It was l>OSSible to set up a:olf courses Cowan, the platoon sergeant, said .. t Ie.ased at rill,:~ rate&_ from iiiijelttc ·by a seriea of blows with the 'U, waa operate tn matters~ ~s ~ltur~-~ "Wf.:.Xe ~ii..Jriends .sloa.tlte.._Dlid·20's i!! ttJ_e_ 49.:L_an~~arJy ,'M's," Sims he fell back for "rear security aS tbe Homea.-anothtr-new ..... ~-tbe-:-fou?i-in a-pool·of-blood-on,tbe wuhroom 'Tftlf'lCUOii-aid-not Cb'!play a~y pre-&nd he knows my filings about ek'plains.-"Now lan d prlfes are so~ -piatOOn swept th!oughll1e v!Uair,~. troubled tet.n buaineu. .. · ~r. • judlce/' said Engebretsen. "And 1skin1 Meadowlark," Slms repli . "He knows I'm not sure ft would be good business. 1 o.nd he did not see anyone killed. Tueldaycmarted the flrlt day.of a.new _ the deputy to help in this manntr was ·~=~============:::;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; lile. far Teen '!:f• founclJd by )Cvo and oo depriv1Uoo of any of -tbal ,officer's I : t!,...~ iilbl1e :'lo~~ Drainage Plan t: -1oc1a; t11ai the -que1u•·-.... -.... --------• ofllee In ilarlhem Foanloln v.nv.--• mi o1 -,... part -ol 1 cooaider- -CilyCoonctbneRon,6l>eolanln.,"'!'ol N" d b Bnnr.:I able ·Inmti11Uoo ·..,~ by Mu-GEM .TALK th<iuJdlnlforeeobeblndthe1-•te!IOa r.xe y ~.,._Ur . llclt's departmenl In the web of th• of Teen Help. prtlled tho " 'many --' • amsta of Irvine ond Duncan. wlltnteen now •lltinc the ag~, Ind Truslets of the HunUngton Beith Many Mialfon Viejo homeowners and · ".'ffi~y. wU.hdrew hlnutU ftOm it to Union High School Distri~ Jipv~ 11id some companies witb preiniaeJ· in the . 1vold a confllct with dty business. "no" to a proposal which, one aald, would m1 bad complained of bUrglaries and : open House Slated· : By C-ontmunity .Cent~r U's open hoUR·at fluntiligton Beach..,s · •* community .ctnter tonight. Coffee; ud·...ire.iun .. 11 wlll be •erved vil!lol'B . unlll "o'C!Oclt. - Center directoNI said that lift.a of : ctoiliin1. ·c1nnt<1-1ood• and funds, lo _aid t~ needy wi!] be 1e<epted " tho <titer 309 5th St., durfnJ· the Christmu Raeop. . pour $73,500 down the drain. petty .Lbefts fOr some 1119n~ be f d re They vetoed a drajna1e project fn. thoH am.ts. And it i!: ~tood that volving lbe Hwitington Beach High al) df!putieS who "moarilighte'S'' in the area during that period have be e n School &ite and nearby homes. qUesUoned. · The project was asked for by City Engint'tr William Hartge as ·a cooperative measure between tilt city, developeni and the' acbool district. The school district's share was t.o have been 173,500. County counsel, however, advised the board that they cOuld tak• the proposal or leave it. They chose to ltave It. "This district ii in the . busineu af educating not prov iding drainage," said • Sheriff, 74, Smitten By Christmas Spirit -J'IEW HAVEN. conn. (AP) -The Sheriff of:. New Haven County had a touch of Christmas spirit Tuesday. DAILY PILOl ... Trustee Ralph Bauer. Sberl(f Edward Slavin, 74, told his 52 deputies who serve papers not to dis· possesa any family or attach any wages until aj6er •NeW 'Year's Day. "I expect that all the lawyers will cooperate in not il\Sistil'I& upon any such action until after the holidays," Slavin said. O«ANGS C.O.Uf PUtUlfflNO c.OfUo,ury •·~· ·w ... "" Jtclr t. ifff4y Vitt f'rw'llt9nl MA """9rtl ~ l\0111•1 Ktn11 l'llllr n ..... A. M.,,s.1"° ... ...,,,., ldlior Alaa.Dl1kl11 W•I Or ..... ~ lidlW Albert W, lit" ~llttrllltlr H11tf .. td ..... 0Ms. 17175 a.aah a.ul..,1'4 Mtlll111 ·Ad''''': P.O. toi 790, t2'41 Ot ... Clf"-w-"9d" IJt ,...., .. -.. cn1a Ma9a: "° w.1 .. .,. •~ N ..... ~c!I: 2111 W•I .. lbtl laultw~ .. fl rt: J0S Ntrll1 II Ctil'l'llM lll .. t • Added Trustee Matthew Weyuker, "Our · money cOuld be uSed better. I don't w•nt to knock dtaina&e, but it's just monty down the drain. Orange: County, Jet,s . Incompatible-Panel Or•lli• county Is not ton>p•Ubl• lo Joi a1rcr1n bul will' probably )lave lo !ii>d i way to Uve with lhtm. That was· the general consensus of a three-hour rap session Tuesday after~ not1n between thi county supervisors and the 1lrport commissioners. The. rectntly comril~ted Air Transpor- tation Plan of Orarige County by lhe Ralph M. Parsons Company came in for a aeneral roastinf; by commi11Sion- m ..... Director of Aviation Jtobtrt Bresna=- llan offered a ray of hopt. "Owners of airpOrt.s (like Orange c:ounty) ctn man· d1te the type Of p I a n e we want and look forward to a quiet, clean plane." Din Emory. ch1irman of t~ New-pori Beaeb anti·noise committee sug- gesi.d that the Lockheed Electra ,,,_ prop plane could be t~ 1n1wer for the prmnt. "The Electra Ir; quiet. ll carries as many pe11en&er1 as the DCt and as fut. Air California Wll malting money when they were fl)'ing El~tras. They Wire forCed into jets 6y PSA's attempt to grab the market,'' Emory said, "You musner the airlines know that you mean business." . •' The commission suggested that fur· lher studies be m&de b&sed on the d!- slre1 of ·the people of the county and that lhtst studies be made by the-atr- port 1talf and the commission. 1'he commissioners s a id no itudies wtre mtde. by Parsons on the deslles and will of the. people and th1t "unless Jhis constraint is accurately 1sseu1d all other conslder1tions are of little meaning." Supetvtsor D1vid L. Baktr 11\d al· tMuih ht believf4 enviroruntntal eon- slderalions are p.aramount that t.M. bo1rd should decide th•t a jet airport site ii nttded, that one be loc1t.ed that can be protetted from urbaniulions and that upon,..complelion jtlJ be phased nut at Orange County Airport. -r ·i . i' ;,0 : )),., ""'~ TODAY by J. C. HUMPHllD (Qu1llficatlon Determines Qu1lltyl Do you know the qualifications 1 of a gemsUu:ie:' Beauty, obvioU&ly, is pr i m a r y in color and shape. Transparency likewise ls important although not in some cases. Hard· ness is vital since it often deter· mines the lasting quality or the gem. Finally, rarity of· occurrence under these conditions, makes the gemstone a thing or value. ~Don't make the mistake of ascrib- ing one· color to a gem. The ores from "'hich the gerru c o m e are highly versatile in using every rain· bow color to f1shion their prizM. Topazes ate not merely yellow but also light blue, orange. pink, and \\'hite. • It !"Ould be almost tmpossible !or ...the untrained eye to distinguish be-- t\\•een a yeUo\\' sapphire and a yel- low t6paz. Yet eve.n experts hesitate to say until certain testa are made en the gems. Exciting j e we l creations .,,, yours from J. C. HUMPHRIES JEW· ELERS. You'll find only the· f!Mst i1' all types of Je)"elry. AIS<> special order work, fine wat.cb &: jewelry repairing. I COllMUOl.,J" 17 )e'llllf-lwed.tlf .,.;q,, _.$.11 .. 'rr-r-r ·-.. , . ---. -"', ., ~'I •'~ --I ~1 "\ -'· \\ I I \ ./ -· '• --, ..... _ ) -r-r "'I . -11111111 '"Cl" 17 lt .... !I, WHI' m l1t1ftt _ a.&SM - """°""'" 11 lt•••t. lllot' rt1!1U~I ~tAl.ot llOCTllN "'T"' 17 )eortl1. llloell rtll$tlllt _$)5 .• \ llilll ....... 17 )ewetl. Wattr rulsllllt -...MO• llfi"OIT"lf"' 17 lt••lt. l llWI' fill -···· . • . . ···-~-· ~I~\ -·-· ·--· 11 i.-.i.. C.leoOr 17 }twlls 1t1o1:• jewl.11. CHI tul'tttl 11 llWlll. Sllvtr , wllldO'll -Pl• ml1t1~I • _f.11.• 01'I 11111 -...... flfi .... When )'OU know whit makts a 1•:itdi t!dc., JOU'U sM: • ~ J. --c-L .J./-umphrieJ J eweler.1 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., «OST A MESA CONVlN1lN1 TEltMS U.N IC.4M E It I CA ltO-M A STEltCHA ltaE 24 Y!ARS IN 'AME LOCATION ,HONE S49·J401 ·-• f • I I I I l I I I t I I ". - ~. ·- --. . -. • rt ~Beaeh~- ED !Tl"ON I . . 6J;-NO;JOO;TSECTIONS;-'H:"TA61:e-.......,~'!;"""~,.,-~-oRANGE-eotiNTY.-~.~RNtA 1, • _.._ .,. ·.uiei Jet v To.Jay's Final • N.Y. Steeb·- -TEN CENTS • • Ellvi'sioned . \ 1( Fu~ure Airc ~aft Needs in County Discussed . ' .,_atterns in . Saiad , D"ILY l'ILOT l"lltte '7 L• 1"11H Orange County is not compatible to jet aircraft but will pivbably have, to find a way to live with them. That was the general l'Onsensus of a three.hour rap session Tuesday · after- noo n between the county supervisors and the airpOrt co111missioners. The recently completed Air Transpor. tation Plan of Orange County by the Ralph M. Parsons Company came in for a general roasting by CtlmmissiOn- ers. Gt:and .Jt11·y Seat Director· of Aviatlob Robert B~sna-' han offered a ray ·of }?ope. "Qwners of airports (like· Orange County) can man- date the type of p I a n e we want and look forwar~ .to a quiet, clean plane." Dan Emory, chairman of the New- port Beach .anti-noise comniittee ~ sug. gested that the Lockheed 'Electra jet- prop plane could be the answer for the presenL "The Electra is quiet. It _ carries as many pwengers as the BC9 and· as • ,Dore·~n.· M.a.rshall , Gets Nominatio,n 1 Pihotograpbet, sent on a mundane a'ssi-gnment to shoot a picture or fttp&ir ..,wp,rk currently under way on the jetty at the mouth of the ;&¥4' Ana River., returned. inSte~d with this photo of ·nature's work -:along the· shoreline nevby; J?atterns were sketched on .sand by t_e- ceding waves. Material consists mailily ... Of millioas. of, tiny pieces of • "fQOCI, be repq~. , · . . • . . . . ' . Comi;nerce Group ~Jiays Railroad ~vewifte~t Aid • WASHINGroN CAP! -The HOUS< commerce _cOmmittee approved today a"bUI to J>ttzn,it the government to i!:uar- "'!)~ $12'5 mllllon to aid [iljancially l~ed railrba<fs, headed 'by the giant Penn Cenlrafl. ·. 1be action, on a 13-4 vole, came one daj • af(er court .. ppblnle<I trustees for the Penn CehttiJ aaid the line would go oUt of busin'm in less than a montti ~SS Congress provides aid. l:hainnin Harley 0. ~laggers (~W. Vll.}J;aald, howtver he pl8nned. to con· ~~ wi\lr , hts Senate COW'Jterparts be- fore declaiol on a spe<:ilic courte of aoiion and liming as to · when )he bill v.vtld be takeii to the House floor. ~ 5enatt Commf:rce_._Commtttee, ~dering a simllar propopl, adjourn- ed•urller tn the day without taking any ll111il . ,,uon. •· 'MM Penn Central had suggested the total fii:ures be set at $100 million, claiming thlll would carry the road only llnOI next Afarch 31. Staggers, however ,said it was f c I t tM' addltlonal ~ mOllon might give a -11\tte .. more-opera tine room. ' • Possible New port Election Se en in Legal Hand s By L. PETE~IEG because of the length of the meeting <the distinct possibility the Issue ?'ill wind up ot n. o.1";:f1tt1 ";1~11 . collncil adjourned ·~ I :3.1 a.m. Tiresday Jn court. The future of the Pacific Coa.st rnomlng ), Meanwhile, CltrCJerk Laura Lagios is Freeway through Newp(!rt }leach m11y Instead, 'he said he will ask for the proceeding with the lepl technlcaliUes of not rest as heavily on the oulrome of a ruling next ~1onclay and indicated preparing the peUUons for submission to city-wide vote next spring as it doe! in Seymour should be ready with it then. the C04Jncil at the same meeUng. the fien. of ~ty,Atiorney~ TUJly Se)'mour. Kymla said be will ask, "Can the city She said she will allach her cerUncalt For It la. In ()ptnlon by Seymout that Ct!Uncll unllater~lly rescind Its CO{llract of suff1eiency· to them either. ~ or may ,_.,,_ -~~-qr not ther"e ,.:... With the state _in light of the peUUons Thursday She already· hlll re-ed 'the UICUUC l't"IRI~~-... filed with the city?" . . ,..,. ~ will be such a vote. or. at ltuL wbetheri ~r this morning declined to give -.CCC obtatne~ more sl~tum than 'the , Ht resul!I caa.be ~. an cation what he will say. but •.~ ~· · · .. ·. The Citizens CoordinaUng Committee con ed the opinion will be ready for Seymour I opin1on Is not expected .to has filed petitions bearing more than delivery at the next cooncil meeting. have a bearihg on another matter the • enodlh signatures to forct lhe election on ff Seymour declares the city has the petitions seek to.brirfl befm:e ~.public. whether ot:.ni>t the counefl shoWd rescind legal rlght •to re.ciclnC:-the contract, if ft This one seeks a vote o0 a propoled . \Jie-. Utstfni route-agreemenl with the so chooses ·the election· will unifoubttdly charter amtn1lihent to require fut~ state Division of Highways: •' • pn)cted. ' ' ,. · .. ~ city.wide referetid\fms before the COW'lcll St.ate-1!fficial& hl-.e ma~lned "the cttY·. -On the Other 'hltndJ If he rules lhe city can approve aJ'IY .few freeway routes~ catu!OI leg11ly rdc!Da Ille ~ '.':ii'liiJlil too liable. for d:lmages If II backs The Clltlndl mull set the election no unilaterany. • r 1 •• , •• ~.ti •. cannet ~k ou \. the eloud.1 sqoner than 74 days from recelpt of the Coon<ilm•n Carl KYlll\a, "ho lf'!lM*'.' • ., lllue would, darken )1<t~lons" end no ,Jonger than M days. said ·he woold ask $01-!or'''llW ;. •j., '" ' . • 1$rClll Is the 6nf Tuelday wtthln-that oPinlon Mood•Yr'IOld he ·dW'1llll ...... T-11 ,to. -te·11 · Jl<lkid. · · . . • ' 'I'r·-;:. \..! .. . ~ t~ ' . -. I '< • ~ . • ' f 1· ~, I fast.-Air -California was making money when 'they were"llyinl:• Electrls. They were,, fOrced . into )et! by ~A's. attempt to grab the market," Emory said. "You must.._ let . the al.rlines know that you m~an business." '. . . The comnihalon SUU•sted that : !ur- tbei stiidies bO made ba..d on uie' d<· sJfts of the people of the ·county .and that ·theoe aludlea be· made' by :the. air· port stalt-;mid. the .con>mlsslOil. -: .ne· CGml:DJllioner1 1 a.1-a::.1»-..iucua -' ----,.. -· -----~-' ·-·-~ -·---· •• . --·-·-... ----· were made by Parsons on the ~esires and will Of the people and that "unless this constraint Ls accurately assessed all other considerations are of little meaning." _ ..- Supervisor David L. Baktr u id a). though he beUeved environmental con- siderations are paramount that the board· should · decide. that a jet airport .site is needed, that one .be located that can be protected from urbanizations and that up>n completion jets be pbued out a~ Oran1e County · Airporl My Lai Order: ~Kill Anything That Moves' Coast Weatlaer Button up your overcoat-<-and your raincoat -Thqrsday, for the weatherman sees 'Showets on the hOriion, witll the mercury drop- ping ~ S7 dtgrees. . I -· INSWE TODA\'. Even w f t h une·mployment .sidtlblino many skilled technU:· imu, t/Jort1 are 11.nde"r way &o1 improvt the lot of the "hard core" ;obless. See Page 14. O.ly 8 ~: csnanMAs • ·• • ' • t DAlk! 'lt~l,, , 0 , H • Wldot"41, DI"""" 1/1, 1'70 < • 0: I 4 I( SW t ._'!., , .,. ':1~S-chooI·s_.TahleOmbuctsn1 anBid .) I • • .., • ._. •• r -·--.-... I • •~ ... _ ' ,,,,._ ;..., .. ' 1 ' . ._ ·i .. .,,.. .. ' t f •• • Ntwport.M"' llnilied S<llool Q!ltrlct • ~ lo'111tlw U!"'ritllCt ii Ul)<l .. r. "'1kh · ..,;.· truatoea 4uestl-.I hod OOlltJntency p1'JI Mint di awn a °"I t1>e ·truateea W-ay llljht ado!>tt4 tJ>e. . 'Jiii: llOt. ~ p_.t11tl ~ "'ff'"°" """VIII p IJl')le'rudljll;"~ttor lilleo g1 ~ ""''" of Iba Civil ._........ ..... 1 !Mir * I .. -·~saw,~~~· . =~ lleliut; .... ·.. 1 ~, -,._,w1111111e ...........,.a -. : . . ~Llll,,apeolnt ~· om~ for ... ' ve . 'l\'Ull'8 c;ae7 .,iifeot.d tbt111e boml 'Ci>l~..M .... Sr.Ii®!. - ' -1 --~~ at ~ _.,... ~ lllfifli ' . .• : JiellC1 ... Ille l!re!t el the delau.d-1\llde In the aba<nce ol trusi.e-ro.nald ·~ ~ • • , !!. . ~ 'llddii1Cl:~cMllllaJI ot Jor'hdurig d!Murbancea he conildtred si.11111 who bu more than 25 years ' ·~~for Oolt&-llOM • , Mesa, auggw.d Ille ')><oposed tl>ltlller by-the board. , nperience in persoMtl management, , I ~~"~•'.~tfl.., and~~ Hey'il Wtguage ''lacb~b.'" I"... Mnl:'Martan C. Bergeson, trustee from ' ~ Tbomaa•C. Casey of Corona del -~ ltn~ tor led and He aid, "It dOesn't"ipiU 1oUt ..tilt II lo 'Newpart Beach, WOd tt the l"'li<l' woold ·Mir ·suir:st.M Ult board table the c;!Jalfltd· staff .to'4mtnlstra s.:._ -be done when a 1ituati&i cets ollt Of band cover "Underground newspapers or . ombudsman p~. " ~ tlt~. ei:tcutive secrttary ,Ol .tlii ~. 1( a-sChool. Wbo"'"""do-tiey; c1ll7!'. • campus apea'ken." She., was told by Or. The review panel did not r~nd Newpart·MMr Educilion Assodatlaq,.. . Dr. Ncrinan Loa"' i f s .Q c-i a t e ~ls that sucb matters fell wider Other _ 1ppttival of a lli~&OO ir111t ~ wtitute told tbl bOard be 'hid rtsen'1UOna aJ>o11t superintendent for i p .. ,tr u c t .. o n a 1 polj~~ 91 the dislrict. • the Newport 'Plan lft Harbor /lilh School Ibo · pUoi and tt..,..effect on 1tallc-operatiena,......i.d that the pohcy 11'" Mt<. 8er1eson . added tqat _!he would .and trustte1 l:Hd not ~ altel'l\llivea . ~UONhtfli . "tl'lough it needs to be drawn lp>'rtaction to the COQnty Cjvil ~'like ~ see 11 long, r4n1e policy Uiat lncludtd in the panil 1 reporl Thus. the iillirfintnted with." · -Dtfe0$e gulde"'that recommet)ds ..board would· inclttde student.a ln the dec~ion fUture of the plan to provide two teachers 1n other aetions, trustees tabled action adoption of a policy. Ht aald the policy making process" as ft means to avoiding ~ guide 10 students. in a mmmunity oo a diit.rict poliey on student conduct complemented a more • d e t a l I e d c6nfrontation in schools. .- 'Firm's Plea Burglary cue ' · F~r $80,000 ·Aid Denied Deputy Will Be Fired· P~r N8¥1ed To Airport Commission • For Lie Test Refusal · Newport Beach will not belp out II• hewest major Industrial resident fiftlnce jlropoled capital lmprovemenll. · The city cooncil haa rejected a l'tqllllt from Collina R•dio CorpQrition to pay $80 ,000 toward the cost of various ·p,.jecf.o, including '30,000 for el1e!talon pf the cit)t wattt system to serve the ' ' _MacArthur Boulerird plant. -· Robert Walkup, -director ";;, mainWlantt for. Collins. had written tie City Jut month requeattnc th! water -8ervlct extension, the iNltallatjon of .street lights: on adjacent Jamboree Road . and the instillation of a traffic lilht at the main entrance to tbe plet on Jamboree. City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt aald the nqut$1i would he preced,.t-aenJng. ,Jn l!lht of current pol!Clea which requlr• ti)• bonellltlng landowner to pay lbeae .c:osu. .. A fourth nqueat, to t1!abliAh a SJ>tCIAI .:.Water rate of 1c·centa per hundred cubic .-feet for· water Used in es.ctn of &00.000 cubic feet per. moii:tb, also wu rejected. . Public Work! Director Joaeph T. Devlin said thil pr!"' atructure would find Ille ·city seliini' water at or below coe:t. The aity curr~Uy charges 16 cetJts ptr .hundred cubic fett for that volume of --~: ; "1 Tor.I B.UU,EY • Of .... Dtltr .. lllt lltff -;Iii 0rm1e-:c..nty sheriff'• d. put y wbb.nlustd .to take a lie detoctor test dur1nr InveattaaUon of bura:lariet al· legedly committ.d by a colleaiue In '\be Millloo Viejo 1ro1 will be !IJ'e!l,Aoday bi Sbirlff J1moo A. Mui!&, tbe DA!t.Y~ hiJ learoed. Musick Coefirmed Tuesday b.ia decl· !ion to dismlN patrol deputy John Bear, den, 32, of Santa Ana, witli the com'· ment: "He has 110. business being a law e})fcrctment offJctr If he cannot ob!erve the ·ru1ts1 Of· thi11department. '' No cbmea bad been fila<I a1ainst Burden. ' Mllll$k .aaJcl the demand jbat Bearden take .. •.~r.h ~t w .. made cinrtnc hta departmtn 's.Jnve1gitatlon of bur&· larles committed i11 ,f.be Mission Viejo ,,.. durlq tbe Ume !bat fonnar cltputy Frodertcl< B. lrvlne w.. employacl by tbe Ml!ilon Viejo Company as a aecur!ty l\W'd: • ' lrvirie, 42, of La Habra, 1oe15 on trial AprU 5 In Orll!P County Superior Court . Cable Station Given · Ext.ension ..... -~ on chlr1• of..,.,,, ,.and theft, au!• thlf~ rectlWll -.,._zy l!ld ~ •• spitaey, all contairted ln a Giand Jury indictment He and a fellow deputy, Arthur 8. Dun· can, 34 of Huntington Stach. were ar- rested in the Mission Viejo C o·u n try, Club 's golf-5bop...-_after they alle&edly c•rried aolf equipment and several cues 'Of liquor from. the store to tbtir patrol car. Both men were employed as ~curity guards by the Mission Viejo Co, during their off duty hours. Authorities said Duncan later committed suicide at his Hwrtington Beach home after b e - Jng arrat1ned 0.. ~ilarY. charges. Sheriff's investigators. gald Tu~day that Bearden had been similarly employ- ed in the Mission Viejo area at the same tiJne as Irvine and tlieir inquiries led to a request t.hai be take the lie. de· CoW'lty supervi&ors reluctanUy named two members to the new Airport Land Use Commilsion Tuesday and decided that members of the group would not be compe~ated for their work. Appoiritterwere John Mcinnis. present county planning commissioner from Or· ange and Donald Killian, presint county airport commlaioner from N e w p or t Beach. Previously named by ·the 0 r a n g e County League of Cities to the land use group were Don McGKmis, Newport Btiach city councilman and Laurence Schmit, Garden Grove councilman. The land use commission is mandated by a law steered through the last ses-, sion of the legislature by Assemblyman Robert Badham, Jt.Newport Beach. It require! tha( If eit:her the supervisors or the League of fi!ities name members the commission must be formed. The commission will have seven mem- bers in all with two more representing the airports in the county and the ' seventl't named to represent the public "'He was adamant and so were we," by the other all' . tector test. Mu s I c k said. "Both the district at-Supervisors many times in previous torney'1 and county counsel's o f f I c e s years turned down requests. principally ~upport my bellef that there is-nothing-.-from...Newport Beac:h, that such a com- 1n law to prevent our firing .him .'" missio'n be named contending that the Be1rden told the DAILY PILOT that present airpor t commission was ade- Sberiff -Muslck1s deicsion to fire him was quate and that very little land around based solely "on my personal friendship any county airport had not already been for Frtd Irvine and for no ·other reason. :roned and. its we established. "I stand on my principles," Bearden ,,,, :-Hurlburt, in reeommetldlng rejection to the ~ Mo"4-tY. 4id -tbat contiu, ·~wblch wu anneted to the> city 111t month , "will add revenue of about $100,000 per year to the city ceneral fund " On Franchise 5aid. "Tb~ principles lnclilde my re- fusal to take a lie detector test in the __absence of any aceusatlon of dishonet:ty •. Sheriff, 74, Smitten By ·· Chrietma_s Spirit "While the city staff is doinC Despite ~I crlUciam of J t 1 · . . . operaf.Jons vOJced by a former announcei-fV~g within its power to •as11t Ne~rt Beacll Cablevtai ha ·ved · Collins m . an orderly and eeonomic ~m· Jta f-s rect.l transiUOii into the city."_ Hllrlburt Hid, , "f find it nry dUficult lo recomm1n<1!{,-a:!,. lol\'tl!el · 1 1°'11"1~1 =~ deviation from lllY ol tho nilllnl eouncll I l,!on-uc "' ve ~ " ra~":"~I pollct• on the lllbi.<t' of ~ I Jrlllled lo 1117, -~-.,. improvemenll tn view ot'ille prob1omi It Iba CATV firm fort~ 1tl.tWi~ would caute in-other-11111 whtdl--bave F~ ·~ offici~!' &ald they are been or will be annexed." ,.....,. a loni>l' per10dol l!Uatanl,.d cper~ 'for aCCOUDUng reasons, 'to give the ~taUon mere flme to repty nott.11. ;Balboa Seaman .. ' ... ,Serrlce.s Sl~ted : Vilitall;,. wUl be held tonllht and·"- lat rlteo Thuradoy for a laoillme. Bilbo& lntr.dliot -· """ died 1\leoday, an.r a -tllal.lndQded 30 yem with :lolotion une.. : Siritces Iii< _Jack c: Boyd, 66, of, 325 ;l.o4de ·Ave., i!U be .at f p.m. Thurodly ~' lqlewo<id Camatoey Mortuaey, wltll ·tllllatfoo.bom 4 o'clock to 9 o'Clock •. ~ Mt. )loid .... a World War II Na")I .,etnn aiiil member ,of Newport u.rt>or :Elb J.o4p 1717. He ae;:vad hlo y111n .wilh Mabon Llnel u a chief ote!'ord. . ~ 14-r<at ruldent of the Harbor Area, M'r. &Yd· WU a bac.htlor. He ltam one ·brother, Sam Boyd, plus a~ten ·Holtn 'Lepka, Ml}'lie Jqhnlon and Olarlotte :O-OWley. Seeond, wtth the longer franchiH, the statiQn ,wo,ujd . be more at~ctlyo tO potenUol PlllOhuers: Tli._b,an~w, ;dfl, aalS have COflffrmed, is· ror.Ie.. · · The critidJm c1me · from:~ r&bert Harb. who .had Ditlcitid the of&tloO mana&~mtnt at an earlier beitlnt:_ Harke charged the statiotJ 11 guilty of ''inept programing'' and. althou&h now o\Vfle4 by a major advertisinJ rqeney, Footcmo 'and Belding, does ni>t ,.. fil to pay much or ill .help. ,;For ~ce," he said, "these bOya you oee behln<UI•• cameras tonl&ht (the •\ation. laped !be Monday <>l&hL meeting), are not paid a penny_ . . "I a&k6d station officials about tt," he , ''J.lld thf)' say the boys ate ge_tting Invaluable experie.nce." Hlrlte said a )'O:Uth working ln • resteUraiil as a disli'!••Mr makes ~t. least $1:,&cl an 'hoµr . Harke said the council shOWd ln.!Jtat the muon be thoroughly up;raded before c:ona:idering the . extension, but his atCWM~t WIS rejecttd. "And I have not," the deputy stressed,' ''ever been accused of anything in con. nection with the Mission Viejo burglar· ies or any other crime." Bearden said be doubted tba t he would, peraonally file a l a w 1 u I t again&t th.j county. ''I don't have that kind of mon· ey," be ~ented,, "and I Could find. a better 01e for tt u I had it.'' Newp0rt Coach R~yes f 9uth· • Orld< action by '1.cOld! preveof<d a p<i&lible drowning <n>e1d4y aftOrnooo, when lie; <love Jnlo Ibo: .Newport Harbor Htch ~liool ·pool to,_,.; an~us yolltlt . '!.. o..cb ·Charlie Dou1l11 pve Maming "1\in&o~· Wagner, 16, mtilth·to-mOuth re:sllscltalion. until a Newport Seaeb -Fire Department rescue &quad arrived with oxy,.._ Wasner. 1118 w. Oceanfront, ms tlke11 to Hoag M.emoria1 HoSflltal by ambulance after tbe 2:3!J p,m. incident. treated and thei released. Firem~n 11ld he hid been swimming beneath the surface just before belnJ no- tic:ed moUonlus and apparently drown- Jnc, . DAILY PILOT OtiMOll! COAST PUILISHIHG COM .. ANY Robert tif. w.94 ,,_ldtnl •1111 M llUttr Je"k ll C11 rl•v YIM Prttilltftl fl'llll ~I Me~lltl' n.,.. •• kffvil 'Devil Cult' Suspect Sane, Will Face Trial in Deaths ~dltor Tholftlt A. Mur,hi111 MIMtlq l'flllr l. P1+.r K;let N'-'1 IHOI Clty bll!lr ·""'-~-. 2111 w •• , l1lk1 , • .,.,, .. ,nf . M11ll111 Ad4r1111 P.O .... 1171. t21iJ --• CO.t4 MtM'! -wat .. ., lttMI L....,_ I-fl: m ,..,.., ... _toll ~lPllfOll IJelcfl: 111115 IMCfl 19\lftvtnl ... ~I .IOI~ •1 C.."11,.. ht! lly TOM BAJU,EY Of.tllt 0.llJ' P'U• 1'9ff Steven Cralg ffurd Tunday was tuled sane and able to face trill in the "devil cult" killing of "Mission Viejo teaCher Florence Brown and the hatchet llafl:ng of eervlce station attendant Jerey WaYne Carlin. Thi JO.year-old transient· displayed nb ~~lion at hearin& Judge Rohtrl L. Cor£m1n'1 ruling in sharp contrast to an outbunt which ear1ier in the day led to his •Jktlon from the courtroom: Judie O>r{mtn Ordered lfurd to appear tn Judp James ·r . Judge's ttlminal caltnd1r court.room ~Friday for setttng of • trial date on the dual rnurder charau. the lan,-llalHd morose defendant wa& , oent back to his Orange Coun1y Ji ll cell dur1t11 the dayloi'lg hearing after an outbunt apa.rked by the appearance In the witness bot of Dr. Seawright Andert0n, •aslstanl medical director of Fairview State Hospital in Costa Mes3. Dr. Anderson was one of five psyc!'IJatrllll who ex•mined Hurd and·one of four who decl•red the young founder of 8 Satln•WOrshipplng croup to be Mne but doubtlulll' capabl• of contrlbullnc much to hl1 del•nte. DeienH 1ttorney William G3mble ... apparently amused by his cllene1 antipathy to Anderson, · t:a:plained to Judge Corfman that Hurd had e:a:pru5ed • dislike for Anderson·11 race. "Don'~ laugh, man." snapped Hurd. banging his manacled hands on the munsel table. "That thing there is not a human being. "Anyway, my father won'.t allow it," Hurd added tn an 1pparent nft:rence to the beinR he ha11 repeatedly described as "niy father the De.vii" a& the 111gry Jud~ Corfman broke in. "Do )'OU want us to pMCeed With thi1 t.tial or do ynu want to gO back to jail?" the Judge asked. "I'm coin1 back to j1il if he's going to testtfy. '' Hurd replied. He wu 11romptly removed from the courtroom but reas;peared aner the !Unch break . Anderson. unperturbed b.Y the outbreak. wenl on to·support the aenlr1l conclusion of . reports submitted hy f o u r psychiatrists: th3t Runf h• legally HM hut C'Onfused to the point that his. defense allome.y c1n expect little or no cooJ>eratlon from him. It II asserted in reports submltted as testimony Tueaday that he drank &Ix CUflS d. blood a dly. actively wor&h lped Satan In several ritualistic and primitive forms ind consb•ntly ~ferrtd to him as "my father the Devil." NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP ) -The Sheriff of New Haven County -had · a touch· of Chriounas lp!rtt Tueoday. -Sbf:.fitf Edward Slavin, 74, told hir 62 depatlea who 1erve papers nat ·to dis· possess any family or att.ach aby wages until after New Year'• Day. "l expect I.bat all theJawyers_wm coopera!e..in n.ol insisting upon any such actioq until aft.er the holidays," Slavin sald. "GEM TALK TODAY. by J. C. HUM .... IJD (Qualiflcatlon Determin• Quollty) Do you know the qualifications of a (eJl!Stone? Beauty, obviously, is p r i m a r y in color and shape. Transparency likewise is important although not in some cases. Hard- ness is vital sinc:e it often deter- mines the lasting quality of the gem. Finally, rarity of occurrence under these conditions. makes the gemstone a thing of value. Don-'t-make the mistake of &scri~ ing on·e c:olor to a gem. The ores from which the gem~ come are highly v-ersatile in using every ra.in· bow color to fashion their prizes. Topazes are not merely yellow but also light blue, orange, pink. and white. Tt would be almost impossible !or the untrained eye l'1 cllitinfUW> be- tween a yellow sapphire and a yel- low topaz. Yet even experts hesitate to say until certain ~U are made on the eems. Exciting j ewe 1 creations are yours from J. C HUMPHRIES JtW· ELERS. You'll find only the finest in all types of jewelry. Also gpecW order work, fine watch &: jewelry repairing. ' J Mystery ., -. . ' . \ Of Htig~e~ --~~~~~mg INVITING AOVEllTISEMINT l•1un• ;ollca Cone•,....., ., • Lagiirµi _ Police Pained Over Yule Happening · Llguna Beach police still have n«tt bten able to find any evidence o f "organlJ&Uon" behind_J Chrlltmu. Day Hhappeninl: in Laguna Buch, currentlY being heralded via .posters, flyers and a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Free Press. Police Chief Ken'neth Huck said be had talked at. length with ·a Joni-haired, 2t. year-ol<t youth who bu been distribuUng the publicity which has disti'essed the police di,parbnent with-visions of a huge, ·--It--. llAI VEG'U;}ifov. (AP) ""A wltneso baa Wd Plat oo th~111J1>1 Howard HUl)les reponi°diy left for the lahamu, he saw a man balped I" ~Id by nod men-arbe got ln\l> a ~ar !!O°hi>ld ~pentbou11: _ I Lf,Yane ronythe made no direct link ~)he man and Hughes. rq(.ythe, or. TO£rM.ce, Calif., who aa¥f ~ wu fonneriY a cm tractor, testified Tuesday chp·g I ls.hour seeaiOll of tht ~­ 'battle for ~trol' of Hughes' vast,!!:"' -.. ' .. ........ . ' With knitted brows and a twlrl!ni of his eyqluses, Fo<SYtbe laid he· had iccepted "i" fee of S500 from cne M'.'Jii Criwfotd, whO repreaenteil'{llmiell as · aeaoclate«I 'with Hup11; ~l.k•P hiin11elf aVal\a~e on 'a 24-bour haifs •r over a month 'and come to Laa Veju ~qlvlng Eve. t ~r 'It was not clear to me what I \W.U going to d0,'' he said .. What 'he djd, Foi-aythe testified, w1a put a stpall w~e button .Qf'I hil left laper and' stand in ~e patliillg lot behind Hughes' De>erl (Jin Hotel. . l ,.,. CraWfot'd told him he ·wu there 0 '° prevtnt anyone from.interfering lw}\en ie came out," sai9 Fol'l)'tbt. Cra'Wfor~ wla not identified, but thaf is the last ume of one of five male assistants who see Hughes daily and it was established that an H. L. Crawford later registered al the Britannia Beach Hotel in the Bahamas, where Hughes is reportedly vacatloni~. It was almost two'b'clock Thanksgivmg morning before anythln, happen.id in the parking lot, Foraylhe aald-· • disoraahlJed gathertn1 tn)lle Art co1ony. . New I-." 'ne City . The po.ters and the ad Ufle "all 'wlse i. • .1. beings" to 0 Come to Laguna , Beach; Call!, Dec. 25" ror ... cominc 1o1ether Incorporation to celebrate the ,birth of Jesus Christ • .--, in wllaeh to the New Age." S d p \ red' ' In the ad, the fillue 144,000 b followed tU y rep& i by a parenthe:Ucal reference to Rev. vn. , 4. An eight-page report summarlzlnc !the The Biblical verse refers to "~44:l100 of finding of the Council of C:Ommui\itiea of all the tribes of the childrtn of Israel." Irvine incorporation study has been ·The ad also promises "Cozmik Light preared for distribution to residents' of Snow" anti "ctleStial MUSICk»" the future "city. John Burton, '(:Cl A spokesman aL the' Los Angeles office ptesident. sa.id-ioday: \; of the Free PreS! said today that a full· Entitled. "A Report to the Peopl~ of page ad in the publication w~ld cost $495 lniine.'' the tabJoid will be hand-delivqed · and that the "N'ew Age" ad which through . community associations ~d appeared Dec. 11 "defihit.elf was a paid mailed to all household.! in 'the !nine ad ." The ad artwork was signed "Dion." area, Burton said,. ~" \ : AuthoritlM-1aid it-i1-the-~"Ork or Dion A11 but two of the 12 CC:f.. 1tl:idy Wni:ht, wtll-known yoµng Laguna Beach committees recommended incorporation Mi11t. -and &ince that time the CCI, itstU~ has 'Huck said he had no idea· where the ~irected itself to become the" formal money to finance the advertising was sponsors or cityhood. ~ 1 ~ from. "The yOUJlg man told me 1, In an Introductory statement fn the \!I ariit -friends jus1 got lo~ther qd · r-~ Bµrton explains Ille CEll'I ,llarted',J!llllN .u! '!!It public!IJ' lleca!li!' ~ o£ lnCOlJ'oO:atlon, and Ille ~ey tl1'tii1t! JI ... uld !if a biiutlJiiJ 'tl)'lic elttum !i..11,' ;_ ·if a lot of people of thtlr 1pl)jiosoplly Burton indicated the position to , be gather on Cbci~as to celebrate the taken by CCI before the Local Agebey birth of Otrist. Rt stressed the .nligious Formation Commiulon ar p u ~ I i e aspect ~OLthe..-gathering,_but___said 110 _hearina;s_Jan. & and 1! v@.J!e oheA ~lJi thought had been given as to just where the people decide" whether they want the it mighl be held ." city. ' cew.a• .. ,. MCTlllll "T" 11 ie-.tt. s-tfld 17 ilwMt."'8ct I ~,. :....._t.B• rttfttllllf _ ... ,. \ ~ J. -C. J.lumphrie!. Jewefer.1 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONYlNIENT TERM S U.NKAM!RICAllD-MASTEl\CHAR'I 24 YURS IN SAME LOCATION PHONE &41 .J401 -· . ' j I I • l I j • I ~ I I I I ..... -.. ~-..... .... .---..-.. -· . . f-' I • -DAILY PILDT 5 / 'C:.omlliittee Nixes -~ I.,. ...... .. Do~glas Olarges 'Ab•olutel"' Safe to Eat 'r· -,. • I -Fl)A Hu~ts Me:t;c_µry-;tainted Tu~~ • ~ t • WASHINGTON (UPI)~ov· bairn from eating ror one son which builds up In t.he day test$ disclosed mercury WASH1NGTON (UPI) - A ha ired lraveler-outdoorsman, ernmt!ht and Jndustry opened yur two cans of tuna a day body .and can .cauge fatal_ above the FDA limit in 2.1 special House subcommittee gave a brief formal statement a massive rfaUoowide test· wiUl mercury_ above the brain, liver or kidney ail· percent of. a natfonwide ~ Edwards said abQut one mil-\ lion cans were beinl wit~ drawn frOrif the marte and'° samplea !tom' other lets Ht supermarkets; wmboWlei a!Kl canneriu--were being tested. has rejected lmpeacltrrlent but answered no questions. illf _and recall--progtoim today FDA's Umiti ot,O.S .. parts·per .. ments. Jt has been~be-an_sample. charges . agalnst-JuSUct-wu; "The Sitect committee has to-noo merarty:;Wn~tuna. . ll. . :1JIOttier ala-t u-n·a-fft"'tn-fifth----1!\ter-. u -Pro}eef.ed over t-h e-aMuaL.. li.~m 0 . Douglas, who respon-now perfoaned its constitution-but told American consumers never before~tested for ~ to industril cury U.S. consumption of about 9'f died Wday that I.hi;: St.lp~eme al duties and f will try to con· the popular canned fish sttll mercury · and s lated that .. dischargeJ but the tuna dis-million cans of tuna, the fig- Court "has always been and tinue to perform mine," Doug-was "absolutely'' safe· to eat. the fiah ·ma ve carried covt!ry w~s the first involving ure would mean too mu eh "Within 30 days or I~ we will have the ·martet cleared of tUDa over our guideline," Edwards ·told a· new1 confer· always will be. stoutly inde-las said. ~I have always been Onf! Food and Drug Adrpin· similar' mercury levels for aalt wa.ter fish. ' mercury. by government pendent." · proud to _}_e 1 member of the lnstration (F D A) scientist centuries. FDA Commi!sioner Charles standards, In nearly 7DO mU-~ The 924-page report sajd the court, an in.st,itiilion wh1c01 !!."id a ~on would-suffer·no Mercury..-• melal. !!, 1 pol-C-:--Edward!_ announced TUe&-lion cans. scores of document! e1amined think all will agree is distin-•---------------------------~~'-----~----------------,---------- ence. _ by the subcommittee provided gulshed ln ~at least one respect RO bas.is ror relieving Douglas -it alWa,YS. has betln and al• of the post he has held since ways will' be stoutly indepen· ·1939. But It provide,!i more de· dent." tails or his relationship with Adding to' his formal state- the Parvi~ Foundation and his ment, D o u g I a s challenged off-bench income. young_ people to iniUate "a In a brier appearance before great reanrtaissance" in the television cameras and other world by attacking the prob- news media in the oak paneled Jems of population ·and civil Su11rerne Court coriference rights. , , room, the 72-year-<ild. gray· "l have.~great confidence In ·Agnew Asks Republican Unification SUN VALLEY, ldaf\o (UPI) -Vice President SpirO T. Ag- new wants his critics among Republican governors to "close· ranks SoUdly" Qehind those of their party still in of· lice. Agnew huddled with the chief executives in a break· fa.st ma!lirig after presenting his stiffest fdefense yet of his hard-hitting campaign tactics. "What is not needed is an assessment of blame." Agnew told. the winter Republican governors association Tuesdav night. Noting that the GOP lost Lt governors in Novem- ber, he said the beaten can- didates don't need "excuses and rationalizations for their defeats . . , e v e n when it masquerades as constructive criticism." "Republican governors must close ranks solidly behind their leaders. the ones who are still in the statehouses in this coun- try and behind our President ln the White House." the coming generation and to theiTI 1 say. 'keep the faith,' " Douglas said . . The justice said he has visl· led practically every country in the world during his travels of the past 30 years, and ad· ded : "Perhaps my real claim to distinction is that 1 have never traveled. at government expense." The report showed that Douglas' off-the-bench income exceeded his judicial salary during Ure 10 years he was as- sociated with the Parvin Foun- dation from 1960 to 196$. His salary foruperiod toLalled ·$389,749. 6. is net in- come from writi a ectur- ing totalled $377.260.19 and he received $96,680 from the foun· dalion. Douglas said in a pub- lic statemenl last August that much of bis ootside income rcpresents 'l royalties from books published 18 and 20 years _ago. Oil Leases Sell Higl1 At Bidding \ '. 4 . ---~ Made while yo u sleep? . reports Vega is the roomiest of the new subcompacts, with Could be. Because now ·that Chevy's back in about 90o/0 as much space as the typical standard sized .car. business, we're putting in a l-0t of hours and turning out a The '71 Jmpata.W:\e bem building up to this nwwft lot of Chevrolets. And we're shipping them every day to lmplla h }Ul'5o . . . Chevy dealers all over the country. If you haven't taken a Know what's the roomiest '71 £3.1' in the U.S.A.? good look at our '7ls, now 's the perfect time. Here are a No, not one of the big, hixurious·high-priced cars, but the few examples of what you'll see. big, luxurious Chevrolet-priced Chevrolet. (Automotive NeW •The little car ihat does ewrything 1't!L . Industries magazine spells out the details in their When we say "everything", we mean it. For , ,October 1 issue.) instance, ev~n thoug_h ,most minis ·w'?l!ld rather not talk ---bJ\>edwtgecLW:\edwtgecL , about roominess, Vega brags about 1t. No small wonder. The big difference in the 1971 Chevrolets is a change Automotive Industries magazine (impartial and unbiased) in attitude. Yours and ours. You're more concerned about 1 • 1 The vice president dismissed charges that his campaigning divided the country by asking, "wbat Is an election if it .. not an attempt lo divide th"t"vot- ers of the country between two or three candidates who may be seeking an offi~~ NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Prices ran to J850 million Tuesday as oil companies bid for drilling spaee off Looi· siana's coast in what one oil- man called "the last good oil hunting ground 'fb pie United States.'' continwng-improvements. You want meaningful change and built-in value. That's why our '71 Chevelle, Camara, !llova and. Monte Carlo have quit~ a bit of change ):luilt ,.; into them. But their !QOks have hardly changed at all. . ,. "Heavens, if they don't div- ide we might never have a re· suit. Arter all, that's our..free system." Pennsy Loan Okay Seen. In Congress , WASHINGTO N (UPI) - Ccngress ls gearing to stop a- nother national rail crisis by providing a $100 million Joan guarantee to keep the bank- rupt Penn Central Railroad running. Both the....H~se and Senate commerce committees were expected to approve legisla- tion for the government-back- ed guarantee so the nation's largest rail system can·borrow to pay its help and keep run- ning at least through Feb. 28. A Senate subcommittee has approved the legislation and a House , commerce subcommit- tee was to approve it before full committee action. Trustees of the .railroad told a House commerce panel Tuesday they would be forced tD c u r t a i I pre • Chr:istmas freight shipments and shut down the 22,000-mile line with· i.n.___30 to 45 days at a maxi- mum, possibly even by early January, because of a cash squeeze. , The PeM Central, sixt h larg- est C<lrpbration iii the nation, went into receivership June 21. It .conne~ts with tbree- f ourths of all industriaJ activ· ity in the country. Lcurd Backs POW, Plans . WASHINGTO N (UP I) - A suggestion lhl.U,IOO North Vietllamese prisc;>ners of war should be released unilaterally has been endorsed by Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird. . Laird said Tuesday he would do "whatever I can to encour- . age this proposal." 'Ibe suggestion was made by Senate Repllbli can whip Rob- ert P. Griffin of Michigan. who said the number should include t ,50011b1~ ·bodied pri ... sorters and 100 sick and wound· ed. He proposed the pti~ntr!I be releascd •.before the Vic~•· mese Lunar New Year Jan.J7. There were 1,043 bids .on 127_ underwater tracts being sold b.y the lnterior Department in a lease sale delayed two years by pollution caused by accidents at Qf{Sh_o!]! oil well~ As the sale was held, Shell Oil Co. officials C<lntinued to fight a blazing cluster of wells which has burned nut of con- trol off the Louisiana roast since Dec.I. That fire is some 200 miles east of tbe sites be- ing leased. High bid in the sale was made by a cqmbinatlon of oil companies called Trans-Ocean which offered $38.181350 for a single tract in 1he Gulf of Mex.ico. That Was · $7 ,636 an acre. Low bid was $4,487.m by in· dependent William S. Marshall who offered SI an acre. Some officials were surpri- sed at the amount of money offered in the sales. which came at a time of tight mon- ey but after a period of long delays which had postponed wildcat prospecting in the Gulf. Win ners of the Teases were to be announced Wednesday. The government is under ho obligation to award the leases it bids are considered too low. . Voters Okay New Cha.i1er In Illinois CHICAGO (UPI) -lllno~ voters have decided lo replace the state's century-old consti· tution with a new charier, but have rejected lowering the vot- ing age ' lo 18 and abolishing the death penalty. Wllh the adopt ion of the new conslitution, Ill inois bucked a national trend whtch has seen seven of the last lZ efforts at constitutional revision be de-- feated in sUch i;tates as New York, Marylind, Oregon ind l(ew ·Muict. . • ~sday·s'vote, with 1.7 mil- lion of 5.2 milliSn registered voters easting ballots, showed J,073,297 for and 786,- 683 against abolishing the con- stitution adopted In 1870 -a majority of 57 percent. ·M o s l of the new constitu- tion's major provisions will become effective July I. 1971. ltwill become the state's fouH ~ constitution -previous ones were 1R70-, 1847 end 1818. Wh(!'n llllnois became ·the 21st • !tate in the union . " .. -. If you're-looking for a new car (or even if you're ___ ,._ just window shopping), your Chevy dealer has a lot more _,, you'll be interested in.· Either way, come on in. We're· delivering the goods. " • ' ' ·" . ' :> ' ' ' ... • 'l '< < ,, ,, ., ·'- ·•I :1 .i •• • ! ., '!~ " . , ,, ... .. . , . ' ' ' " • ... -" -------, -----c·=c7"------.-----·--~-----------------------~----------r·-- • ' ' ' DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE • • A pledge a pawnO<I by a 'Credo of •oelal fElponilbill· ty has committed the resldenll of the future city of Ir- vln&--to a.._.oal-that-wW draw-mixed emotions· among .them. . They have c}losen to a11tan themselves to encour-- aglng the construction of low·lncome. perhaps federally· sponsored, housing within their model city. It is a coura• geous actioo..and one unique in .t.biJ area. r ' -~ ; True, the resolution adopted by the Council of the Communities of Irvine to dOclfcate ttaelf and ill mem· bers to that purpose is by no means binding on any" future city council that mi~ht be elected. But it is an expression of the concern fer peOple. Certainly not the people who reside there now, but con• cern for others. The resOJuttbn was borne out of some internal con· flict. to be sure; certain segments of the community pressured hard for such a statement. The resolution, as it linked to the developme,nt of the C-ity, will continue to spark probably even more. conflict, for it is . a delicate matter to plan for low in· come people in a city of so many affluent. It.is a challen~e to high pi:inciples !Or the residents of Jrvine and the Irvine Company itself. It Can't Survive Forever The Fun Zone, it seems~ has forever been the Fun Zone .. It has survived Ionaer than many who have wished Its demise. It is an ey.esore -a charming eyesore -but New. ·, port Beach will probably be tar better off when it is gone. . RiRht now thert are those who ar~ working hard to remov& it. A major Seattle da veloper will · go before the· Planning Commission Thursday witb elaborate de· velopment plans for the property. of Concern Reportedly, sevel! stoflb of apartments With ground-level shops will be propoHd . As ·in other recent-zone change requests; it is-prob- able the developer will Insist that high.rise residential use is all that is economically feasfble for the property. It is just as probable anY action will be postponed ·awaiting the city's pendina study of buildlnJ:..heieht• alo~ the shoreline. This Is only logical. • Nevertheless. the apparent interest In this historic bit· of BalbOa does not bode well ·1or thi ·future of ju1t about the only place in town you can give a ktd a dollar and know he'll be occupied for an hour. Even if the current proposal falls through, there most certainly will be another, and another. Just like there have been any number iil the past. The Fun Zone cannot withstand the pressures of • progress forever. Nostalgia doe sn't pay the rent. Time Limit Should Be Set The Newport Beach City Council and Planning Corrl.· mission can regularly be found burning the midnight oil in council chambers. And both boards recently have carried proceedings past 1:30 a.m. It i's to their credit they are willing to devote of themaelves to any hour to conduct the city's buiiness. ._ ~ One caMot help but wonder, however, about the .....,__ ability of any member to withstand the strains of lack ~ of sleep while deliber,attng the many crucial issues con· fronting him at such an hour. The planners ostensibly have an 11 :30 p.m. dead· line ; it is often if(nored. Both a$[enci11 should con1ider the imposition of some time .limit. and stick-to it , meeting the next night ff lbey must. It is the Voiume·· of vital issues that is res· t>onsible. but those vital issues deserve -in fact die· tate -clear heads and· even temperan'lents to resolve them . N • --. \ ' . •• ' ' ·: ' ' I ' ,' . .. l End of the Uiu for the Tooneruilk Trolky , '' • ,, The Primary Condition for Being Since~e Dear Gloomy ·'Gus: Consutners Vnion's Threat of Suit Cmade1nned - Balboa Peninaula. Balboa Pier, BAiboa l!lalid and now BAiboa Wblrf! Pleau, can•t the Irvine OJmpany reconsider the name be.. fore they have visitors and rnaJI • totally conluat<f? . -Balboa Resident Tiii• '""'"' l'tfl«h ......,... y.... .... -• .. rllY .... ,, ""' -·"'· St~­.,_ ,.. "'"' t9 • ......,, o. .. OttlJ ,Utt. ."::: X::~ne mtTitiona hi ; I ••sincerity," I recall Henri Peyre's fine '"-------------' observaUon that "'The primary condition for beirfe Sincere ls the same as for being bwnbloo not to bout of i~ and probably not even to be aware of lt." •• • • ,Publicly, mOfl people proclaim their belii! In d!11>ocracy; E_lvately, the ,... jorlty would prefer a ',.od dictator" - that Is, one wbo wouJd run things to their advantage. • • • SUperstition . has betrafi:d fewer men -thin shPUi:isrii bas immobilized. • • Actors and enter· tamers an4 celebri· ties or that sort are judged more lenienl- Jy for their derellc-- tion of morals than we judge ordinary people; the reason being that we grant such figures special pr i v i le g e s in order to have them act out our private fanlasles, so that we might enjoy vicariously what we lack the resources to a:perience at firsthand. • • • Speaking of entertainers, how liltle the easenlialB of bufuan nature have clwlged sin~ Horace wrote in his Satires 2,000 Ytaf~ago: "There is a fault common to all sinTers -wbeo they're among friends and are aaktd to 1ing they don't want to, and when they're not uked to glng they never llOp." • • • Th• ruson so few marriagtt1 are happy fl that YOWll wemen spend more time in matilli up1helr facts than In making up their mlnds; and young men expend more energy in trying to achieve physic· ·cal contact than ln tcying to learn what Iles beneath the makeup. . . ·- A · hypochondriac is someone who believes that a pOU!'ld of preventiop is worth an ounce of cure. I • • • No matter how good we may be at keeping secrets from others, 'fte are 'always best at keepina secretJ from ourself. CThis is why someone. after meeting us for 10 minutes, can often tell more about our character then \te wW admit to ourself afttr a lifetime.) • • • The capitalist notion lhat property rights ar-"inviolable" is as absurd as lb• · ooctalist notion that property rlsbts are "communal"; all property is ac- quired by labor or by thef~ and ll ii tlW taak of a just 10C!ety to dlstln1ul'11 ethically betwetn the two, neither to aoncti!Y nor to. abollJh tha property rota· tionlblp. Threat to )Vuclear Sites WASHINGTON -There i! growing concern in the backrooms of the Pen- tagon over our ability to protect the nuclear weapons we h11ve scattered around the world. -' P I o ts have betn rttiortt<J~ by anti· American radicals to seelc out and aelze U.S. nuclear sites in.Europe. When the military junta took over Gree ce in April, 1767, junta troops temporarily s u r • rounded one stock- pile of nuclear war- heads in Greece. They withdrew, of course, wJthou t incl· --dent. But the Penta. goti brass wonder n e r v ously what would happen if a hostile coup should teize control o! a country wl'lere U.S. warhlada are located. ADDING TO mE apprehension, tbo Gls gu•rding the nuclear tilts not only are ioerpirlenced but tome have bien proaelyted by anU-war groupt .. More thin one deserter, lncludlns ooe wbo disap- peared behind th6 Communist curlaln, Is · repOrted .to have spent.time •ta nuclear location. The trooo turnover in Europ"e me1nwbUe, bu been so areat that only gt'ffn soldlen ofien have been avallable to lluard the sties. 'lii~•lt 1PY·lntt1ted Europe, our nuclear warheach ire kept 1n 'scattered 1t4Ckplla at the mercy of friendly but fore.Ip pemments, l~ted in aome mus *re e\1ery fifth pair o! e~tt betonp to 1 CommunisL ' 11IE PUl\P08E 18 not only to bring Soviet tarc•ta within rana:e of our medium-ranee mllallea but to dlacourage the Sovitll ever .from overshooting Europe and strlklnl only American tarptl. TlMy muit 'knock out •11 our 111tallatory forces, 11 the Jep11*t tried to do at Pearl Harbor, .. or we would bounco back with dtvaltaU!ii coun· ter1ttack1. Our nuclear •Iles in Europe, therefore, multiply the number of Pearl Harbors the Runl1ns must destroy. By law, we c1n't even show our allies the nuclear weapons they permit us to keep on their soil. We train thelr crtws to handle the mls~lles but the warheads · re- main invisible to atr but American eyes. HOWEVER, A HIGH Pentaeon of(lcl•I confeued. to this colwnn: ''Let's not kid ounelvu. Tbete 1ovenunenta know where our nuclear fireworks ·~ hidden. 'Ibey may not know the exact bulidln(I, \ but they know the lO<lllons ... This wu- bome out by· the GAOk .. pertenco. T'O keep the stockpiles secure, we con· tlnually rotate them. We ml&ht 1hlp 10me nuclear warheadt, o y, from Point A to Point B. Beforf: they reach B, secret orders m•Y be nubtd to ahtft them in· 1te11d to Point C. "\\le never leave nucltar weapons ln one pl1ct for long," expllintd the of. ficial. "We aasume every hiding pJ1ce will tvtntually be dlJcovered. By 11Ultln1 and shuttling;-we hope to keep 1 few d1ys ahoad of the Com'l'unisli." ' 'Let People Judge Toys for Selves'·:·:; • i' . To the Editor : l have ju~t fin ished readin1 an article in the paper that ma~es ·me · a little nauaeated . The article . .Uali with a th~at , to !JUe the government unless eight toys that the Consumers Union (whoever they a're), feels are a haurd or potentially dsngerous to children.. , Some of the toys they have named in the article have been around for a num- ber of yea rs. Toys such as etch-a-sketch · arll darts my own children hive either had or have.played with and they are not in my opinion dangerous. nor have they been a hazard in any way. THEY ALSO CONTEND that toys such ;;--- ' \. ' " • .l. Mail~x -Le tttrs from readers are welcome. Normally writers should convey their messages in .JOO words or less. The right to condense letters to fit space or eliminate libel reserted, All let· ters mu.st include signature and mail· ing address, but names may be with.. held on request if rufjicin.t reason ii apparent,, Poetry wiU 'not be pub· ti.shtd. as little lady oven, Susie homemaker 1 grill, metal cast set, WiMie the Pooh, toslllf Our Rlf hu crib mobile and cap (WlJ are a l'_O!eaUal , health hazard or dangerous to cbtldren. To·1he Editor. --~ · ~ ·~- Quite frankly, I reel that their time tnd ., Lawa th1t recula~ morality• i.e;, abor· money could be spent in a mtlcb -better lion, sex, and other dtcency _laws, were way. In this day and age children .iaht ·-.~~ Of! t1!e purllanieal belief that one y.ears old .and younger areJ ipott:d.j!) wtio ~U: tmmtoral would surely ~ struck baseballs traveling t 20 to 10 miles an c;iown by liS~ ~lng from above. My ob-a . . . -JtcUon to thu1 1s it forces people of other hou:. play~. f~ball, ruling ma ~lr,:on religions to live by puritan rules. ~ bteycle, sw1na:mg on a awing, clunbmg Abortion la a prtzne example. A Chris- 1n a t~ee and any number of good clean tian woman c1nnot get an abortion fun thin&• ~t are fir more hazardous. __, becaui! she believes she is dealing with ,T~atdountme1nth1~e-mustdoaw1y the ''Wrath of God." But what of the wtth all that becomes a potential danger woman who does not believe in the same to us. What may be dangerous to one religion? No matter what her religion, •child may not be to another. she Ls enslaved by Christian rules. ' ' . WE RA VE HAD cap suns, bows and arrows~ guns of all descriptions, race tracks electrically operated, electric trains, chemistry sets, darts, and a host or missile projectile toys on the market aa long as J can remember. Some of tht5! toys are dangerous if not prciperty ·supervised for some children, but other• art capable of USinC tbem wlUtout danger, I personally feel that the toys should be put on the shelf and the consunier should use his or her better judgment. 11 to whether it is a toy they would want thtir chlld to play •Ith. I SAY LET THE Amerit'.:&n people, on something as menial as a toy, Judie it for tMmselvts. lf my children were never exposed to any more danaer than a aood Clean game of Ja rts: on my own front lawn, or an etch-a-sketch, I could be happy sitting in· side an euy bake oven with it pluued In. MRS. JI. 8. CAPEHART , B11 George ---, Dear Gtor1e : THERE IS NO d•naer in her 1etting an abortion e:ictpt punishment by upholders of the r:eligious laws -the government, federal and state. In upholding these laws, they violate the First Amendment right to freedom of religion . To have-policernen enforce the!e re.li1iou1. laws is to make them anned cler(Ymen ; waving their guns around saying "no no, th•l's a naughty". One by one we are losing our con· stitutional riJhts. More and more the state and federal governments are controlling our lives. . Less . and leis the people are being heard and respected. ' But after all, 1984 is only 14 years away. STEVEN C. LA UBLY Tired "Of Anar~hlsts To th~ Editor: I take exception to your editorial of Dec . ,8, 1970 entitled , "Meeting Health Needs." I and several people that 1 have talked to voted against PropOsition 1 because we are , tired of the anarchists and malcon tents. Until the university ad· miniStrators start getting sopie backbone and deal with these individuals severely and immediately. I !or one will keep voting against any monies for the universities. not "out of frustration over mounting tax bills" bu t out of frustration with Lhe university administrators. OUR SCHOOL TAX dollars are an in- vestment in the future of our nation, but I do not Uke to see buildings being burned down, riots, and professors who preach the overthrow of our fori:n of government on the carhpuses. I would like to see S. I. Hayakawa or some ·or his ilk given a carte blanche authority to correct the situation on our campuas. J think he could and would do 'a-sood j6b for u1, the tupayers. L. GARNER . , great deal of carefully worded hog.wash. , . Even so, I don't recall any other such as "An Inner Contradiction In Thinking" by t Sydney J. Harris, DAILY PILOT. Dec. 8. , •. The title itself must have been a Freu-. ~-' dian slip. In tiis enthusiasm to belittle the , 1• "Silent Majority," he proceeds lo com·· •t pare apples with oranges and in an effort -• lo make them match he descends to an ' " almost idiotic illogic. I foun?l'1.he answer :• to this phenomenon in his own column : ''OBVIOUSLY, SUCH a man is simply picking and choosi ng among 'rights' em-· ·' bracing ttiose that suit bis preferences, ~ · and rejecting tbo&e that are offensive to ·• him. He has no overall philosophy of what 'rights' really are; he has not thought out the matter cart!ully; he bas \ merely elevated his tastes and prejudices-' into 'principles· without ra tional con· siJtency." • Then as a parting shot he speaks or t ''the man who po!_sesses his ideas tPore . _Brutality of War securely than they possess him." . . The ideas which possess Mr. Harris ·· To t~e Editor. . . have evidently prompted tµm to once ,. Prior to~ I. the pr~vaihn~ tboughl --again spew forth. It makes one wonder if -· was that doing battle with one s enemy the editor responsibl e had a chance to was glorious and should be indulged in by look it ov~r before exposing it to the : - all gentlemen. Then c~me the first or public·. - many modern wars which have proved PAUL WESTBROOK' bevond a shadow of a doubt that war is heil on earth. Perhaps God0s Com-·~ mandment on kill ing one's fellow man was a bit of advice on how man could live Need Support and prosper with the least amount of ef- fort. ~lore than 50 years have passed· since " I the brutality of war was dlscovtred by the vast majority of the citizens of the world and yet wars still seem attractive to some world leaders. ONE CAN HARDLY overlook the fad that the t\Pfo super powers are arming themselves to the teeth, which can only lead to a devastating worldwide war. One ""'OU!d think that the feaders of allthe na- tions df the world would reach life s1me conclusion as those of us who have had to figh t and suffer ttle inhumanities of war? \Vhat a shame it would be if mankind will not get the word until after the U.S.A. and Russia polish off each other and half or the living world in an 1111-out nucleat-.v.·a.r ! HARRY B. McDONALD JR. 'Idiotic llwglc' To the Editor: As you know better than most, the reading public is dally subjected to a Pre.s 'Comments l""'w \ l\fouutaintop, Pa., Eagle: "During the past year or so, citizens groups, such as taxpayers etc., have eprung to life in every nook and cranny of the area. M hard as they try, sometimes they are not . taken seriousl y by political bodies • because of the fet!fffi g that such group's are only 'gripe' groups. And as they lry . · It.I mix politics and economics it is as i( they were caught up in a whipsaw. ff only the public would support such or· .... ganizalions. politicians would soon be (()reed to take a new interest in I.he con· sequences of their acts , and proposals. We think po!iLics and practical econo· mies would follow alnmst automatically.'' I am convinced this planet Is con- tlanUy being lnflltratad by v!sll~ from outer space wbo take human guiae. t believe I can prove this. but nobody will listen to me. Where c1n I turn with my evidence? Soviet Deploys Generals Arllugton, Mino., Eaterprlse: •'A survey shows that the average com~ munity changes its population 10 percent " a year, thus in 10 years you can eaaily see what happens. 1'he"re is a complete change, except for oldtimers. This fact---· knocks into a cocked hat the argument of ' the mer'c:hant who says he's been ln, . bwineas so long that people know where l he is. hence he doesn't need to advertise. He's probably bee'n here a long time, but TERltlFIED Dear Terrified: / Earthman, you know t o p much ..• • Dear Gtorae: J hive this problem. My dreams are con9t1nUy Interrupted by com· mereials. Rlaht in Uie be1t part of • dream the other niah(; when l wu shipwrecked with a redhead, there were two dandrufr com· mttelals: and a toothpaste ad. What can I do? ANNOYED Oe1r Annoyed : Do as I do. Dream pn the educa- tional channel. t've I • a r n t d geometry and been shipwrecked twice with Julia Childs. ' fWrite to George ror gocx!. cu ltural, hlgh-cJass advice on lll sorts lorn problems and like that.) • By ZE'EV SCIJ!,JL_ Jeruaalein Post r.tUltary Correspoudeot The Soviet· Army is believed to have gradually and unobtrusively bolstered its senior command staff in Egypt and dozens or Rusaian generals are now· 1ssumed to be on active service with the E;yptlan Ar'my. It ls also a55umed here tb1t thtse of!ietrs have set up their own h e a d q uarters, semi-independent of Moscow, and are capable of taking llmlttd Initiative wthout consulting their suptrlcn: 1t homt. nits deployment of senior staff offl ctrs could enable the Rusllilans to resort to speedier action in emergencies and Also reduces the risk at ea.yt.Sdropptna on the long Moscow•to-Calro commun ication link.'). NO CONFJRMATJON Is available here of any new reinforctments for the regu l3r So viet units -no"' btlleved to number around l3,000 men lMidc Egypt --·~~-- Guest Report • ) with an addit.ional 3.000 stationed inside the SO-km . Suez Canal zone. But the presence of a large number of senior of- ficers i:1lso suggests that the Russians now have in Egypt s.11 the akeletal element& for a command capable of quickly taking over very large units, allch ss could bf al[lifted to £gypt from the Soviet Union . within a matter of hours (Wing, if nectssary. Soviet a:mour 1ind other equlpmeiit formally tht property of lhe Egyptisns). Experts here point out that tJ'tl'e hss been 110 dram,tic new development, but ratl'let e continuation of the inflltraUon proct$5 p1r1llel to the bolsterlna of the Soviet prest1nce tn lhe r.fed lttrrane1n. The·Jeru1ale:m Poat Dtc.1, 111e a lot of his customers ha ven't." r--------..:'' Wednesday, Dec. 16, 1970 The editorial page of the Daily PUot seeks to in form and stim- ulate t"eaders b~ presentin·a thi.f n•w1popt r's opinkrn.s and com- mtnuir11 on topfc.t of Interest and signi ficance, by providing a forum for the •:pressiO'n of ou.r readers' opinions. and by resenting the divt rit vitw- ohiU of informed obstrvtr;t and spokesmtn on tople.s of th.1 t1ou. Robert N. Weed, Publishe r \ ' 1, • • .. .. i t ' ' ; 4 Wodntsd.y,Otctmll<f 16, 1910 -''Sc-ope~' _ -_ • MOUTHWASH. Cutty Sark · ~::.1U: .•. Curling Ribbon SCOTCH 16 49 -3Sfoo1sct.l•>hone 59c 44 ft.loni x 3116" 16 Pr11f 11 611. • • Wide. Asst. Colors. Paper or Foi I Gilt Wra~pin.g. As- sorted designs and· colors. 30" wide in49 v~rious Holiday de-C . signs and color s. . --~ · Old Taylor ~::.11::: "'~e Tinsel Cord ~ · 'S . k 0 , . ' VICI$ ''NyQuil~' LIQUID COlD MEDICINE -For nithttime 'reli1f. MAXFIELD 'S · • • Masterpiece in · Chocolatt Milk arid dark cllocolate StJrrounding delectable centres! Variety for every taste. -1.75 W1dntsd•Y, °""'"' 16, 1970 $ • N OAILV PILOT J7, :1 ''Mac[eans'' , ToOT~PASTE -. Assorted Siies and De- signs for your HolidaJ en- tertaining. Cnlorful and unbreakable. · 3.79 ... ~ ~·----·-···~~-·-~---rnc--1•1---··~~•-.. ~--·~~~ ·-;44 CASSZ--·,.~-•M--•-·---flR£ KING Ovenware Set • f ANCNORNOCKING "Mu- dow Grten" -Consists of a size ·artd shape for eve1y ba~ing purpose in- cluding 4 ind~vidual size ~~~~··--·-·--~,,-·._.....; .... ~--~ · :· Ex~a strong glitter-~ tic -n CARDS ing clr!d to decorate 49c OeCllla.ted fo il 1or 49c homes, packages, gift packagts. etc. 32 ft. . ~..-9 Pcs. ' ~ . Kentvcky Straight ' I. ~ .,-:!.~··0~&11.l l . 59 I -~·~~~~~~~~~- B~ICH'S All. Filled Candy · 111 59c I .. J l· t • I )1 I ' ' i . • • .. ". " 'I ' ' .. ' . r, ' '. r I n -1 & B Rare was 11.29 . Sne 1.79 ~~~TC~G;J.'16.50 Kamchatka · ~::;•4~:-~"' . 'Sasheen' RIBBON !,~~~~Gal. _8.88 Old Crow \¥1112.11 Save.1.40 •entucky Str•itht ~!~IB0~&.1.11.49 Vat 69 "Gold" Was 14.49 Sne 1.51 • 2 Rolls of Red anl66 Green ribbon, 1/2" >: C JOO' each. _ . ' Tags . Handy Siring lags.33c 35 Pcs. --··--•P ' ---~· ~~~~TC~c.1.12.99 ; Old Gharter Was 14.95 Sne 2.00 Kentucky Str•ight . ~~~RBO~c.1.12.95 Early Times ·was 12.99 Sne 1.01 Ke11hlcky Straight ~!~RBO~s.,.11.98 Loaf Pan Pall fl I . : ~"Dep" ~ ~ Pin;, Hair Styl· ing Gel. Wtth ~ handy d1sJ)i!ns- er. 12 iz. P1k 11 l Xmas Tree Cake Pan Pak 112 Cake Pan 33c r S!Hll Pak If l Santa Ciaos Cake Pan PahU 'Stick-On' CARDS 3-0imensional. per- fect !or packages,5gc decoratio11S, Place. cards, etc. 20 Pcs. Gioria Mix 11u.37c -f :;:.;::-:;;;-------;-:1 Arabian Nights 37c T O M 1· /<'.°!i) s· Clristms Mil I ll "· ' It ~tone--- a IC ~ ~· ,·~; ~ Chocolate Sa~ 3\1 u . 49c • Sci_,.111ic,111 .. ,gtilcd bell '" , .. ,.,1.. ·) , , ! Cards, Tags; Seals· . , I wa1sth11e. • '\, i Solid Milk Chocolate cclorf lly foil wrapped. · : An assortment for your every need . ~ ' "Soft Curly" ~ull stretch Oynet wig. with a wealth of hid- den body. Brush it out or flufl it curly. Nat· ural and frosted shades. Washable. 8.88 "FlOCKED" Head Brilliant · Colors Styrofoam r.Dr:~ 'Vital' Wig Spray HEAD J 1'Swin11r" ~ By DEP-Speciali;' 93c 39c fl)r synthetic vi1gs. ID PRtCES PREVAll: Th•rsday, Doc. 17th thr1 s .. 11,, Dec. 20th • <>PEN9AMtolOPM-7DAYSAWUK . . - Newport Bt•ch tozo 1"1 ... w .. tcutt Pt.. H1tntington Buch . 44.,,.. & lr•••••rtt Hunt ington Beach • s,rh11doto ' ldlltfOr • MEN'S 1tair Styling Brush by SCHICK -Ori"" I.°' brush 15 88 or toll>b. Styles hoir with a lull nalu~I loo~ Ideal for trav:t/i . • Style Mis\ 20 NA11SEn1• , BJ SONSRAND -Exclusive condi- t1onl!r adds nllurishing formula to 13. 98, steam. 20 no·ta11gle ri~ple-edg rollers in asst iizes. Handsom/'.! tortohe shell case. I SM20 • CIAIROl "Kindness" 20 :1:s~ii: mi,.les. J 1ill! of 14· 99 ; . rol~rs. lde1I for all fypn of hair. . A most.,lcome~lt. #l •20 • • . t "Sonae" Denture Cieailer ,, ' Ht• i\dV01<ol 1n1tliod.hrr -· ... · SilWliH- removing 1'ltar a s~rns. 16 95 P,.l!"ion~·like ot.,ning 1: 50 tn m1outcs. • , . • -•• ...J.-_ -• -__ , ___ ...___, ----------'-- . -.. '" • r , ·" ™"-...... 4\ • e e • ~~-.~--------. ' •• . ·-J I QAILY ,!LOT j Vi,td'll4'1, !q'""' I~, 1'70 "LOT ·AOVUTl!l.~ ~· ' Meri in Ser vice Lagunan N·aiµed to HEAR P o s itio ~ , . < • Laguna Beach artlst Ktn A n t h o n y ?tl em o r I • 1 from 60,000 to 120,000 children chainnan of the art festival • ,Arm1 Specialist Fou r received the army com-Rains has betn named co-f Scholarsttlp, bom in the U.S. each year and i! also a member of the MW1111 McCa1hlud, son or mtndaUon medal while .&e:rv· ch';irman of the HEAR r~un-Anthony was a well-known with a hearln& problem. severe boa.rd ol director• of the fo,un-Mt. Ind Mrs. Lt I and Jng,. with the 2Sth infantry dation's Sprinc Art Festiva . ~ ,7230 Granger, dJVlsion nur Dau Tieng, Viel· and 1s sollcltlna paintings radio personality and abstract enouah .to v.:arrant special dation. Ray has suffered from BtU Gardefts, reCentJ:y recelv-nam. .,_ from ~OcaJ artlsta for the artist who died earlier this educaUon. -a hearing Problem -since *1 tba-Brome Star medal in WO t..arr.abee earned tbe charitable event. year. H1e was partially deaf However, many of these childhood. Vlet:um. award for meritorious service '?;he festival; to be. .held In and was on the board ol dire(-'° children art <lften ntt coo-L11una Beach artists v.·~o Bl w1s pmertted the as an aviator in headquarter1 Pasadena March ~28. wij l ton of the foundation . 3klered u having a hearing · have 30 far agreed to donate Brome Star mtdal for company of lhe dJvlsion'1 1st provide scholarship fµnds for fJbe HEAR foundalion was disability unti l they are to the (estlval _are Juli~ dlilthtp1abirci~ jftgade. training deaf and deaf-blind formed in l~ to help deaf several years.old, Rains ·says. maitar1oul HrVice in con· children in California. chlldttn and has rtttntly ex· The fouridaUon attempts to Grtgory, Bob Davis, JosePh nectioa wlib Jni).itlry opera· .. Army privaU! _-l'1fW N.'" . Rains has contacted seve r81 panded ~t& Pasadena facilities discove r..heari!\g dilficulties in Baier, Ron Stevens1 Pat K~lly, titlDl.apimt hostile f~W .....-. lllF6f1"f.'-1n Mrs. ~ ·local .trti!ti and many _hav~.,.. to provide therapy for deaf the infant staee by wing Jum .Tatum, Tonli Nag!~. VJttuam. ~ Eric C. J~. 1800 Pitcatm ------•· ...... • agrtti! to donate at leitSt one ad ults. , . specialh~ hearing te st s Peal Wear, Barba ra Brown, Spec.,.6..Mce&abland receiv· 'Drive, Coetai Mesa,· Calif., ~wew., 'llt.Cfltf4'J.ij..V .4£)05 painting, eculpture <Ji.· other The foundaUon offers ·which record the c.hani e in Abby Koff Vaughn, Charlotte ed-<tbe award wblle as.signed rect.nUy complet.!d a basic A Nf.WNOn 1 • work of art~ the festival. The audlologicar tesling-1Dt._i~ braill waves and heart beat Rois, Eve and Ervin Darai as an artilleryman with_ Bat· army administratloo course at works will be aokl artd the fants, children and ,..aduil5. with aound stimuli. and Ken and Zandra Knutson. tei-y A, ~ Battalion, 320th Ft. Ord, Calif. funds will go ·to the John J. Rains says that 'there are Singer Johnie Ray l 1 ~y artist who would like to Artillery of the lOlst Airborne Diviaion (afrmohile). ·Bia wjfe. Patricia, lives at 2911 Cby SI., Newport Beach. Guy R. ~1cAvoy. son of.Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McAvoy, - •Ballow Lane, Costa Mesa, recerrtly was flromoted lo ~rmy Specialist Five near 9ie1aen, Germany. Spee. McAvoy ii a personnel spOcWjst In Company A of the Mb 1Upply and servite bat· talion. He wu graduated from Colla Meaa'High School. lieutenant C:Olonel Btraatd C. .J-., ·Son cf Mrs. Earl C. J~ 301 Ave. E.'"San Juan. ~ Oemente. has received the U.S. Air Force Com· mendltioo Medal at Phan Rarlg AB, Vietnam. paniQlp.te In the feetlvalii\ay cont>IJ;;K<{l !Wna •I ~'"I f,111\11, j!lf.1596. . ~ TV Ca!11eran}an F ·eed by Reds· P OM PENH (A~) - mm 1st t _ forwi: relhud Korean elet.1sion camer;m•n Joseph Lee SUnd•y after holding lllm capti\>e for more than • v;eek in Cambodl•~ northern fighting :i:one, a military s p o k: e s m a a an· nounced. I . ' ' • ··=·~ ·.•. ' .... ......... "' .... .. :•: .. ..... ~.·:· • • ...... :;; ,., ··:·: Ccklnel Jones: was decorated for meritorious . .servb as dlief "-the airlift command post in the 6191:b ?i-1ilitary Airlift Sµpport Squadron at Hjcbm AFB, Ha wail. He ·new strvet as an air operations of- ficer with the 834tb Air Division, a part of the Pacific Air F°""' at Pb111 Rang. 1WAREHOUSE' lDACRON SHA~ DEEP PILE 3¥2'' ·:{• •• ... ...... ••• •• '" l 00% P<>;ron Polyester Pile -I Beautiful new deep shog with o full 311.1" pile. Many ntw decorator tri- colors to choose from. NOW SALE PRICED AT 99 SQ. YD. ·SAVE $7.00 •••• •• ··!·; ..... . ~-~:::: •• :: .. .. ·~ , .. . An rotstaading act -111 buojsm resulted in the award of the Soldier'• Medal ln Viet. oam recently, to Army Pia- ~ Serieant J. Edward !IUiiU.. son or Mr. and Mrs. 1Wbert ~-Elliott, 5015 Bruce er..c.Dl., Ntwport Beach. ·sA OUR WAREHOUSE IS OVERLOADED ••• MULTl•MILLION DOLLAR INVENTORY MUST BE SOLD BUY NOW AND SAYE CQMPAR~8LE RETAIL ••••••••• ~ •••••• $13~99 ' :. ' -~-; ~ :Be recetved the medal for vcluatarily risk.int his life hi save <>tbers. The m·edal l! the natk>n's bighest award for heroism in a non-combat situa-tion. Airman Dould J. Smilll, ,.hose wife, the f o r m e r Monika Coventon, resJdes ·al 2187 Pomcma Ave., Costa Mea. bu completed ba sic training at. t.ckland AFB, Ter. He bu been assigned to ~ AFB, Tex., for .trainini in tbe civil engineer- fng strocturaJ and pavements field Anny -Major Georfe W. - Bailey, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Georre w, Bailey, 113 Catalina Sl, Lquna Beach, noceived tJ)e Joint Servi e e Co m- mendation Medal during a re- cent ceremony at Aberdeen Proving Gr.ound, Md. Maj. Bailey tamed the award while assigned an in· structor in the Associated Arma br111Ch ol the Ordnance Ctnl<r lllld School. Navy Seaman Apprentice Gary 'W. Eccle1\•a..J011 of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Eccleston of 30IO Donnybrook, Costa M.,a, is *"int aboard the guided nilSsile cruiser .. USS Cliicago ~ch visited Yokosuk a , Japan, following a month of operations with the Seventh Fleet of[ the coast cf Vietnam . · Navr Petty Officer 'Ibird Clau FaBUp J, Ormu, son of Mrs. Levina Whalen of 3282 c.Iifornia St., Costa Mesa . has returned lo Mayport, ·Fla., from a Mediterranean deploy- . ment..Jl>oird t~ aircraft car- rler USS 'Saratoga. O>ast Guard Petty Officer Third Claas Ted e. Bemoa aon ol Mr. lllld Mrs. P. R. Wido!l of · 1n HJah Drive, Laguna Buch. is servine aboard the Coaot . Guard Culler wiJi. neb&go which t~ on an ex· tended Ocean Statlon Patrol in tbe Northern Pactfic. aart D. Marshall, &an cf ~tired U.S. Marine Corps Stnlor Masttr Sergeant and ~ Homer A. Marshall of 2&918 ·Via Del Norte, Missi(ln Viejo, -bas been promoted to sergeant in the U'8.Air-Foree. • lST QUALITY NAME BRAND CARPETS. AT LOW DISCOUNT PRICES •·SELECT FROM THE LARGEST CARPET IN· VENTO RY IN THE WEST •EVERY ROLL OF CARPET IS MARKED AllQ PRICED FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE •All LABOR UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED · SPECIAL TRI-COLO . 100% Continuous Filoment Nylbn Pile Certified with DuPont 50 I Blue "N" lobe I. N 2!? SAYE ..... <COMPAllAILI RITAI L •••••••••••••••• $ •. 99 . ~'-!'~y!.~i~~h. deep, 5" luxuriou&ly thick l)ile. New decorotor si.~a · colors. . . . sue COMPAllAIU lllTAIL ................ $1.99 Cl.elAN ESE'flgRTR EL SHAG The lll!t2 riome in r1beri -' 499 100% Fortrel PolyeSter Pile. lush, deep, long-wearing and _ hord·fo-soil. Stays H YO beautiful with a minimum of ca~. U.vr · COMPAllAi E lllTAIL $7.99 IMO IOOO's OF IEMIAllS LARGE 60 % SMALL · 80 O $1ZE _ o SIZE __ % · SAYINGS . • SAVINGS O UP TO..... UP'TO :.. • i LIVI NG ROOM, DININ<;i HALLWAYS, BATHS, ROOM, BEDROOMS CARS, ETC. lllMI YOUI IOOM MIASUHMiilnt SHAG. SALE! LOWEST PRICES EVER!! POLYISTIR SHA 100% ~olyester Pile. Bea utiful Heovv Shag. New colors_to Stlect from. •,@ , • ll·M·ll DATSMO lllTUIST • COIMNllMT Clllll PUllS Mt IAlll ltlMS AYAllMll .fal Fii 1111 S•·AT-111111 SEIYlCI._ YisJT 11M CUSTOll IWHY ""· ' 1.·~ ~ .. : .. ~ 7' !• :: :. ~ ~ •• < ~ " •, ~ '.' ~ ,_1 ~ ~ {· " ~ •• :1 ~ I ~ • "'i " " :'.I . ' :~ ,:~ < ' 1·~ ·~ .r, . -.. :,; ' • •• • ... ·: ... .. -.~~ .. ' ' . l • ~~.: ~ . ' ~ ~ ~ \ ; ~ : ~ " ,., " "' .. . " _. ~ . J . " . •' . , ... " ;~· • • '' ' . ' • • " ' ·:}...~ ~f ·)!! f. .,,, .. , ' -· ,, ·" • ·'!• ~ • f Sergeant Marshall is a weather observer at Van- dtnherg AFB .. eam. He ~ wigned to . a unit of the Mllltary Alrllil Command. Marine Seoond Lieutenant , J ..... L. -· hUJband of !\In. Arlent JI:, Prtldlard of PASADENA 26601.c., ..... 11.., 577.1900 GRAND OPENING ~OSTA Ml SA I 714 Mtw ... rt II••· ·=·~' ·~ .~:: ; I -.... : . ' ·y 2816 Calalpa SL, Newport B&cb, was 1nd1111td from Ille Marine ·C<tr'Pt Basic Of. fleer'a Set.I at the MariDe • Corp1 O.~Jvpmenl a.n d EducaUon "Command, Quan- tk», Va. . ,. WmUJ! Oflic<r Ste,.n M. Lamflot.>ltbn of 0mwi G. Lara~· 23:1 OCean Ave., Lacuni Beach, recently C~~CIGAPA ll 2101 S"'"'"'• Wt r 347·2l34 V11111110 frftWff 10 Co~ Aot frtot11'1 10 S""'"'°" Wo• lhfft rrgM MAWTMOllll 12'2' Mtwth Nlt llt<I . ." '"·1221 !1411 Olf'90 r r~ to fl ~"" d(I T111~ fosi o Moo¥1ho•11t ''" WIST COVIN A llOUYWOOD 252' I. Werll"'H b t. JIU •· Vo""'"' Awa, ... -44 71 .... 74SS Soll lltr'IOrdrf'IO ,,......, 10 r 1lru1 7 bl(IC ~ ' Hortlrl of M&l\ywood St 1 blot l s Ho Of! (111ui ro Wor• 11..d Otr Vttf!'IOlll - YlllTUI A 25011. Molo St. Ml·S041 l bk11:•1Wtstol f"" '-"tsC111 Mor11 , . I r nlorodo Al'd ot Sa.1 Gabnt! Blvll SAN FRANCISCO M1Ll81AE 320 II Comino Rtol 692·2SH 645-3020 ~· lllid.1'111 11~~1 TORRANCE 4236 Artesia llvd. 542·'6•• lllni'lo tn~t Qt H""'"lflr••• lllvd Df' M t•\' 1 ' ·' ' • ; • ' f I I ! • ·="~ . .; "~.. . .. .. . . -..-..... .,. -J . . . Costa. ;Itfesa .. • £b lTION 'l 'Oday'• Flnai '---•· -· -. ' . , -. N.Y. Stoeks" VQJ.. .. (13, NO. JOO, 7 SECTIONS, 94 .P».6,ES j • "' , I,. ' : -' ' • " . . . . .• -" . ORAN~E!CQU"ITVr e"ALIFORl~U~; :"' . ... , . : WeDN"ESDAY,' O~E~BER '"J. .. . " ., TEN CENTS Mesa High 'SChool Mediator Bid Held Over I ' • . ; '• 'Newport-Mesa Unified School ."'District ·™. re\l~W )Ulnel did not,recommend .lrus~ees W~Sday nig(1t Pdo¢td the ~ appf1'JVPI of a $lf,500 grant to tnstitute ncbmmendationz ot their Hol Idea the ~wporf ·Plan in Hai'~ Hijh ScbOOl --:Ravi~ P1ine1 with the xeeptiml ' Of ii ) ·-and tru,iees (ild not discvs 'altematlves prOpc}$81· to .appoint an ombudfinfah 'for i¢1.ilded1in ~ p8.nel'1 n?pOn. Thus, 'the Costa )fesa High Scbo<!l • ·t\l\uie fl the plan io,P<ovide "'°'teaiben In the absence ol trustee Donald to gulJ(O~'i11 oludillti· In :a:-commuhlty Stral.lD' who has ~more than ~ yWs '.profectl learnirig ex~fe1JCe la.undear: ex~~ ~ ·persannel management. Ttie ,bot . ideas . Pana ~d ~1t.1ggeiled TruiW Tb_~, C .. Casii of CorO!l8 del PlJJ'.SU~n& the ~p~oject; • 39IMt~ · ~ f ~ h . ... . M.a•·~i"!t.d ~tbe !Miilrd ~\l!t: the Ub!9erpfty ol S<iutbei;i •!ifs>i:,rua ·»r . . ~ft~·~!.-; ' p)ap~,tllo ~~~:~~en!! .. ~[ • ..i ..:....,..... •.• • _.;:;_ --,.~ • !. . .. __ . ~ -. . ' ' . ), Packing' th,e ltl•il ·. Keep:tliose caf<U and letters coming in, 1ollii., bUl·package..-·,;...u, :that s Soother matter. This was the scene" today-at the Orange Coun· ty Fciirgrounds where postal clerks w~re. busy sorting Christmas .packages.._in OtJe of the large exhibit halls. Each year, Post-Office • Departm!lh uses Fhlrgrounds facilities 1o .hand.le Cbristmat_ volume. Incldentally, if you haven'( mail@d that Cbril1 tmas packagt!.by now, it just might not get there in time. Check with your local post office. Mesa Higl1 ·'Sc1lools Join ' ~ Aiding N~edy F~ilies ~· kroup of youngslers from two Cos~ 1'fesa l\lgh schools staged a Christmas pift)'·· Tuesday night lo nlake ~re the holidays are'happier for others. Breaking up into· five gr~p:t, the 2(1(),., Estancia and Costa ~1esa high _s~llool students met at St. John the .Baptist Catholic Church lo put pPckages together for poor familie s. "Orle group made decorations and tfimined 53 trees. The second.-sewed buttons on c1olhes and mended sma11 rips, while lhe third 1roup repaired toys and dressed up ·dolls~ , A foorth team wrapped and addressed the Christmas gifts t() pre.pick~ ~arq!Jie! ' . and a fifth wu on lhe refreshment and entertainment detail. Jphn J1jtchcock, a leader I in the church's religious eduba(f-on/program, said the teenalers in that group and SOS -Share ourselves -engineered the Christmas spirit project. • Shipments of Christmas trees and gifts will 'be distributed to cential ·points at three Orange County locations and some will be handed oU't to lndivtdual families. Concentr.ation areas lot the teenagers' work will be Colonla Juarez in Fountain Valley~ the Delhi area of south-central Santa Ani and the Pan-Cio Orgahization, also in Santa Ana. students for~ summer sessions at a lower cost to the district. The ombudsman plan· for ~la Mesa HJ1h involvec:t .. •1.290 and ·would prOvide a c6mmunications link for certificated and classified staff to administrators. · Bart· Hakt, exicutive .waetary or the Newpoft·Mesi ' EducaHon A.S90Ciatfon, told the board he had reservations about the plan , and, fts ef!eet on staff rela~onsbips ''though it needs to be experimented With." ' ' ' In other actions, lru.stus tabled action on a district ,policy on student con·duct which some trustees questioned had ·received an , earlier reading. The inatter was on. the agenda for .. its "second reading." I>Lstrjct policies must rece.jve t"'ci P\ibllc readings prior to 'adoritlon . Ti:mtee ·Roderick H. MacMillian of Cocita ~1esa, suggested the proposed policy's language "lacks strength." . ~~ f&ld. "It doejn't,spell out what ls to :'be: done when a situation &el.I out of hand J: ; al a school. Who do they call?" Or. Norman Loats, a s sociate superintendent for i n s t r u c t i o n a I operations, nottd that the pollcy was drawn · in reaction to the County Civil Defense guide that recommends board adoption qf a policy. He said the policy complemented a more· d e t a t I e d contingency plan behlg drawn along the lines of chapter seven . of . the Civil Defense code. Trustee Casey suggested that the board policy and !lie draft o!'t!ie·detalled fl1llde for handling disturbances be considered together by the board. · Mrs. Marian C. Bergeson, trustee from Newport Beach, asked if the policy would cover ''underground newspapers or campus speakers." She was told by Dr. Loots that such matters fell wder other policies or the dl5trlct • ., Mra. Bergeson added that she would "like to see a IQfig range policy that would Include students .in the deci!:ton making process" as a means to avoiding coofrontatlon in· icbools • •• ·' Lady Bandit Hits Again ' Female Stick-up Artist Makes 5th Appearance . ' By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of ltle"EMlllY r 1i.t Sl•ff . FlashiDg her familiar, frontier-sly le .38 caliber revolver, Orange County's Jady ban<l.it haa hit a fifth time, while a distinctly different female failed in a Costa Mesa .stickup l&te T,uesday. A third anned robbel'.y was believed solved this morning. h.oweYer. whe'n Costa Mesa police arrested a 17.year- old Californla Youth Authority parolee. The youth was spotted hitchhiking Tuesday afternOOn on Fairview Road at In Jtfllwtiukee \Vilson Strttt by Officer Phil Donohue, who noticed bim furttvely tor;s M!melhing away.· Stoppig to investigate, he f~d it was a switchblade knife and arrested the boy on suspicion of carrying a conceaJed weapon. · , He was taken to headquarters for completion of paperwork and released to his parents, pending further action. Detective Norm Blaylock said Oono- bue began think.Ing about the description o( a yoUtb who attempted to rob The Form.er MesaMa-n, H.eld' • • ••I' . • I oi • ~ • , ~ r• ••• ~ ' .~ I>"" ,, -·~ j :;'1 ' ~ 1 ~ " .. ' : In -lfunting~Jl ··Mur&r .- . ' . 'Ille nina-mi>illi INrdl !Ot a s~ In • n.m::i::, 1Ieaehnnankr .-tllla weeli In iotee wltb the ftreS~ of • aldeldcl<'"l> 'fanied Candle Light Kiiier Robert vt. lJbtrty.' RobtrW' .. trid<-Connollyr .O, I [onner_ Costa Mesa re&Jdtnt, was arrested Dec. JO by FBI agents and Is being held for eitraditlon to CalifornJa by the U.S. Manhal lD Milwaukee. \ liuntlngioo ' !!each police said ~ay Connolly facts kidnilptna c h a r g e s· stemming 'from the kll1injj: March 12 of Thomas C. ·Altorina, a laborer. Liberty, Cumntly helcJ In San Diego on murder charge·s, has also been charged "'llh the murder of Astorlna. A, third man, Randall G. Allen, Is· abo In Orange County. Jail ~ an the Astorlna murder charges. , Police said Liberty, Connolly aJid /Jlen lived together in a Colt.a Meia trailer park, prior to Astorln~'s de11~h. Investigators .indicated A!torina waa a friend of the trio, but wa~ accused by them qf stealing their color televl.sion set. · They allegedly took Astorina for a ride Mesa Water District Opens Study Bidding Bids on a Costa Mesa County Water Dlnrlct staff pay scale study have been opened and the $3,000 contract given to· a San Francisco firm. Public · Administration Services Inc., was the same company t.hat-last year streamlined the Costa Mesa iiiu!llclpal pay system tG conform, to cities of comparable si~ and wealth. Jo -. Aq0aUt. Park In HlllJtJilaton BelCb. 1111 Jicjdf wu·louncl there . <:oqnon(roftlted voluntary· extradtt!On to Callfotnia 'When he appeared In 'i Waukeilia'' CoUDty COW1 T u ~ a d a7 • Hunun,ton !Wach detectives-1 re Preparing Jnformatlon to take back to W~in w~re they hope to obtain extra4ition papers on Connolly. Some Old -Story..:. 1 Costa Mesan -' For Grand Jury . . ... Ten Orange Coast re.sident.s are a· mong .the 30 citizens nominated by 21 Superior Court jud"ges for servica on the 1971 Orange County Grand JUry. Among nominees submitted by Judge Bruce Sumner of Laguna ~ch is Mrs. Doreen Marshall, former mayor of New· port Beach . She is one ·of four 1''ewport-Beach residents offere<t for service on the 19· member grand jury which will take office in Jpnuary. Those 19 names will be d r a ?In by Judge Byron K. McMillan Jan. 4 in courtroom ceremonies that will immed· iately follow the discharging of the 1970 panel 'by its Superior Court lialio111.Judge James F. Judge. . . . ·-· . Likker Store. 2602 NewPort Blvd,, Mon--The woman bandit who has bit ftve day night and found hb boy flt perfect.. times in the paal week t.brougfiout Jy. . Orange c.ounty took $200 from the Hyatt He was called to ·~adquarters a1aJn House motel, 2"32 Paseo de la Valencia today and, reportedly identified by derk in El Toro Monday nlght. Robert P. Roy and a friend, John M. Switching wigs and eye glass frames Rudwki, Who had been playing cards according to descrlpUon.s, she has robbed Monday · night.. until the attempted rob-an Anaheim ,doughnut shop; a Santa be.ry. Ana liquor store, another in Orange and A switchblade knire·~ was . PreAed ·the Paulo Drive-In theater in Costa agall'l{lt Rudenskt's neck by the woW<I--Mesa last Friday. be bandit, who finally ned when a 11erle1 Lawmen theorize she might be rob- ot customers' kept Ror too fusy to rob. tSee Bi\NDIT, P11e. Z) )~ Where's BoPf'l 11'1 T...,..lt Traveling again.:. After ·a wann up .aL-· West •Foint · Tuesday, comedia,n !)ob' Jjope and his en• toura2e embarked for Europe and Southeast Asia . where be will enlertain American trdaps with bis ·an n u a 1 ·Christmas show. • · Math Textbooks • My Lai Order: .~·Anything, That Moves' · rr. BENNING, Ga. (UPI) -A veteran cl!. the.My' Lal rweep tesuned today tllal liflet i brleflnc by the comJ>lnY commander he and other soldiers de<:lded ''to clean out the whole vill!ct -to \1u anything we saw or anything that moved." -~ Leonard R. Gonzalez, 28, Richmond, Calif., gave the. testimony before a six offM:er panel hearing the·court·martia.J of 1st Lt. William L. Calley Jr.,. who is charged with the premeditated 111urder of 102 South Vietnamese civilians oo March 16, 1988, the day the My Lai raid was carried out. Gonzalez said the briefing was given the day before the operation by Capt. Ernest L. Medina. commander or C Company, of which Calley's pfatoon was .a part. , "After the briefing did you tatk will( Sgt. Buchanan and other membel"! of your squad and arrive at a conclusion about the brlefin1.?" askt!d Rlchard B. K8y, the defen!& attorney. Gonzalez said tie had and then related the conclusion to kill anything they saw. Ganzalf\!Z hP<I t"tstlfled·TUesday-that-he ' left the briefing with the Impression that the villa1e was to ·be destroyed. He also said it was his understanding that the e~y there "could be women." Today, he said that in lbe northeast section or My Lal 4 he saw t!le bodiea of (See CALLEY, Pqe Z) Or••tle Weather Couple Arres ted For Drugs, Gas ·Heroin Addict Nabbed Seyen judges contributed a totar or eight Fifth District resldcnrs offered for grand jury service next year. Judge Sumner nominated Mrs. 1t1ar· shall, 367 Via Lido Soud, presiding Judge William C. Speirs named 1i1rs. Frances L.. Tooley, 1821 Sandalwood Lane and In Area 'Don't Match Te~g'· Button up your overcoat -and your raincoat -Thursday, for the weatherman sees sbowera on the horizon, with the mercury dro~ ping to S7 degrees. In COsta .Mesa , A young couple ~ho ~llegedly hPd slJl(lb In their eyes,-pol. smoke -were · gtVf;ft • something eke to weeo .. about 1\!etda.Y night; when arregted Oil ·four drq charges, plus illegal possession ot 1 U1'18S. Jellny A. Uttman, 22, of 2119 Port Drive, Anaheim, and Denise A. Prall, 20, of 307'h 33rd St., Newport Beach. "·ere s~tted by Officer Oel'lnls Ho5$feld . He said tie was passing Finnigan'• Rai!lbow nightclub at 1714 PlacenUa Ave., a frequent drug arrest •rea. when he noticed the pair pa ssing a cigarette sUsplclously. CMck.irig them and Ultman's parktd • v1n. be recovered a suspected marijuana clgaretle, plus 100 seOds. smoking pipes, 3 su.rpected mescallhe capsules. and also what appeared to be a be~rlne tablet. The pjlrolnM1n said ffie vehicle all;) yield«! a .22 callbtr oµtomalic pistol loaded With sq teargas st>ells -'Dd four mort p,.joctll .. 'In a plastic i..,. . ' ~s Mesa Theft Suspect A1rs. Marla Lozano, 116 Via Koron and California students may .5COre below Judge William S. Lee named Marlin national norms on the state's mathema· Mangold, 2144 Vista Dorado, all _2f New· tics test because they are handicapped by . - A, Santa Ana min Vtho ·Costa :Ptfesa police elalm was dtiv~ by the demands of l! • $40--per-day heroin habit was arrested on IUS'J>icion of burglary Tuesday, while. series of separate tbelts was inveat!g1ted. Ronnie W. Horton;'8,"0f,999·N:-Towner St., was booked ror Investigation of bur.lary after a ciUten called police. T~ machinist was calm a n d cooperative after being arrested at Coolidge Avenue and Cheyenne Stree t by patrolmen Biii Bechtel and Bob Neal, they uid. They were disi>atched lo the :Pttesa del Mar tract and said the)' were flagged down by a man wh() claimed he watched HOfton drive a:tound casing residences, entering at least two garages. Jnvestlgators said usorted tools and fquipmeat were con fl 1 cat ed. from llorton'• parked truck as evidence. • One Costa Mesa man, airline Pilot Jack N. Bolk:k, of 1885 A1aui Circle. k>lt an arsenal of shotguns and camera· gear worth SS30 for the second time Tuesday. He said someone entered through an unlocked window and stole tht Items - taken once before in .a burglary and recovered .!... from their hldln, and storage places. The' loo't includes JO, 16 and 20 guage weapons, Bolick told po!Jce. Cash kept in hidlng"f>laces was rt,,P.C?rt.ed stolen by two other Costa ~esans living In the·same ft'.flPeral area of town. • port Beach. , 1 use of state-iha:ndated textbooks which Judge Robert L. Corfman nomJnated don 't matc'h the test. Bill Fernandez, 320 Hazel Drive, Corona Newport-Mesa Unified School District de.I Mar, Judge Lester Van Tatenhove . students, however. are' expected to ,rank wrote it1 the name of Dr. George 0. favorably with other California pupils, Roberts, S3t2 Keno&ha Lane, Irvine, Superintendent William CUnninp.am SC\ld. Judge Claude M. Owens submitted the ~ · k •'-A 'th name of Waldo Drake, 37 s. La Senda, "He told trus~ Uus · wee ll*L e -~ ~.:r.:: -..c_..:r-comparison of the-test cbaae:n by_ the South Laguna and Juoge Hei-1.1en S. State Department of Education tO mea· JJerland11 nominated'· J o b n Kamalani; sure math skills l!ihows it-does not test 303 E. 23rd St., Costa Mesa. materials covered in the~new math teXt .'TWO other nonilnci!s hall rrorri ·the series adopted by' the state last year. county's Second SupcrvlsOrlal District "The California Test of ·saslc Skills, and ~·eni offered 'b)I Judge Charles A. published by M_cGraw-HiU1 covtrs only Bauer. They· are James C. Osley, 32S2' seven concept areu of !he If' which are Snowbird 'Drive, and Ra)'. Lamoureux,' lnch•ded in ,lhe textbook &eriea." Dr. · Jere R. Dake, or 198 Del Mar AVk; said $120 was ato}en from an ebony box on the kitchen table while he and 'his wife were out for dinner and a movie. , 5831 Trophy Drive, both Or Huntington Cunningham said. ,. Be.acb. Further, of the • seven artaa tested, Norninat19t1 ot John Xamalanl of Co!--some · are "lnadeqliat.ely te1ted." ".The llo!Jgl.as B. Pendleton. of 2653 Oranse Ave., said aomeone who entettd 'by1 a slldiAg glass door took '60 from a dralf'r whlle\he was aw19" from hi1 apar.Jm.~.~ 1 , ta 1@58 as tJle sole representative of-. whole area ol geometry ls. covered by t.har\5ommunby may, again arouse con-only two qu1sU'ons which m&f be ex~ tnivm\t pi tAa\ eitr over the. apparent ted to ,ptoduce data.that is not valid.' be 1"-•"''h•9"•;11ilrr .. _,I) 1alct ' ' '••«!• ...... l.'t-' .. ~-"1 ... •ti;.~ t. •' ~:. ~"'4" ' ' . " ' I , INSIDE TODAY ·Even w i t }ft unemployment $idelining many alcilltcl technic- ians, t/fo'ru art under way to improve tht lot of th.e "hard core" ;obltas. Stt. Page 14. ; , , ' . ' -·. \ z 0A1tvi Py-01 io=, 1.. -·.-·w~ .. ~i~~t1! .... . _ ~ -i ,...., •• ;., --:--~· ___ _ -· Parsotu Report " -. W,itpess Paid ~·~ . '"t~.-~~ _.' ~~~-,~~ .,;. Hugh~s.)Ietped 'in,_C~f?----- • :super\rish~s Ask · •• • . ' -:-'f ·rurthe'r .. Stutlies LAl'VEGAS, Nev. fAl'l -A wimoas "-~~proiell!•1111111f .f ii* lf~~·w ...... ~.:.. · bu&aldthitonthenightHowardHughU · will!' ll~Jt~--· ~~·~I ~.C-"fjb;t . ttportedly left for the Bahamas:, he saw· a . _ on. a, J+.llour' bati. for ~ m ltt!-d:llffotd ~nafilNtd.'.lt"'the ~, .;mon bell'fCI or'held by two men aa be got '.I\~ 'moolb ·on1 tome to Las-VtP4 BrJ~ Seacb Hotol 'llrtlle Blll*!IW, ·, -• • IQto··a .l:Ar behind ~ughes' pent~se. . r~~ !>{e • t · "' ::. "here1HU,bes ls re~y v~a~~· · Or~nge· County t.s not ~\'~l:fle· to c tav ... Eon1the made "° dirf<f link -.!!.11.:W .. OOl-tlOat lo ma whol·I •.u 11.w .. .i-two b'~~wmg jef aircraft but will probiblY;!tlve to •.between the: man .and Hughes. Forsythe, golnJ lo ·~'' ht said. Whit J\t d1cf, momiJ\g before anythins~_ppened 1« the Uient 1.:of , Terran~. Calif., w~ said . he .w!s ;~~ly~~fes_!!f~_. ,wa~ pul,~ ~ni•U !'h.ite -arkinJ Jot1 Fcrsythe~id. __ ,.... find_ a way to live with ,_. :rof'!l~rlt a contr~tl?'" testified Tueidiy · button. on 1ili·li'li lapel aM stand in the •'I saw two men ra_u.tr tall In stature, · that jras the generai C:O~ 9' a . durlnl a .l~ seuton of the courtroom ~'kin& ~ behind Hughes' Desert Inn with another man. TbtM ,two, ·gu:ya •-were . three-bout rap session Tuesdl9f after· ··.t>ritqe fot·a>ntro! of Hughes' vast Nivtd.a Hot.et... . holding the person in ~ 'celrttt, or noon between the county, ·iui*"vllors 1proJ)er.ties. , __ Crawford told bi.rn he Was thert ••to • walking him. T~ man tn tb2 ctnttr..wa.s and th~·airport commlssiUe~. ' : ~ With knitted brows and a nf:rvOus :prevent anyone fr_or'n intirftllring when he weaiing a tOf)coat Or a rtinetlat or 1.'he rkentIY completed Air 1)'.,nspor- twirling of his eyeglasses, Forsythe ta.Id -came out," said Forsythe, Crawford was bathiobe," he said. tatlon Plan of Orange County, b)' ,the , be hid accepted a fee of '500 from one 11ot idel'ltititd, but that is tl1e last mme Tlie three , men walke4 to the mid"1e J.!.slph M .. Parsons Company c;e,me in ~ · Car , of a• fiVe-Vehicle pi-oce•f.ion I.in~ up for a general roasting by. commls&lon· ( ·· ' · tn the parking lot, he said. As they were ers. ' F .. -Ele • I putti,itg the man into the car, Forsythe INVt.TING' ADVERTISEMENT Director of Aviation Robert Breana· . •' reeway . . c.· twn SS'Ue Wd, "l hW:d a per!Ot\ speaking fbr Mr. Lagut)a P•ll••''l""'•rntd ban offered a ray of hope. "O!vners of Bob Mlill'eu or Bob Hfland." airpOrta .(lik• Orange C!>unty) can man· ,. ijylapd ls' general~aftlger of Hughes ... datt the type Of p 1 an e we want and ' Aircraft Co in cplver City and a p z · · look forward . to a quiet, clean (it™." I ' c ·i· At'to ' . H 1ll1,s longtiln.e frl~nd of HU&iMs: '· . Laguna 0 ic~ Den Emory, chalrriian o! the New-: n 'l _ y · r~y a , ex=~ ~~:hi:a.N!!ida~i:!! r:tedBeai:! :i·~~~~11!:;a j~f: -lot the IOOr years Hugbu bu Uved Jn the ,Pained Over prop plane could be the answtr for the , State a1\(! is the C.Otral figure in the _ ,,, , present. , 1 By L. PETER KIUEG. OI ,.._ 0.llY l'llo! stiff . . The future of .the • 'f11cifiC COast ,,Freeway through Newport Beach may not rest a1 heavily on the outcome of a city;.wide vote, nen spring a$ it does in . . . tbe·P@ll of City AttorJ:ley Tully 5eyrnour. currtnt court dlspute. ' "The Electra is quiet. It carries as ror. ~ la an opini0n by S.yrtt<iur that Milieu waa' Ured by the d~ectors o! Yule Happening many paasengers as the llC9 and aa may decide whether or not 'ther~ ever TexaS..based Haghe~ .. Tool Co. 10 ~ys fast Air catifotnia was making money . Wilt be ·auch-a vote, or at ltast whether after Hughes' departvrt. Maheu re.aim<!, ( · · · When they .were Oying Elect'ru. Tbey jfi.~ can;_ be bindina. . -and obtained a court order preventing Laguna Beach police still have not bftn were .~ ilO jets by PSA'• attempt The\~i~ Coordin&ting "Cornmitt~. two•~ company directors and the tool able to find any evidence of to ara\t)he ~ket,"r-EQWry said. 11yo11 has filed peUtibna bearing 1n0re than company lawyer, Chester 'Qavis, from "organti.ation" behind a Christmas Day must )et the airlines tnow that you .: l 14.-. ~-C""·-, that tl:ieUJ stadies be made by the .a.Ir· port llaff and the com!11fsslon. .:?11e. cqmmls&lofltri S a I d no stu~s wfft~rilide-by-Parsons-on the .d¥1iu arid .WW of the people and that "tililess tliit conStraint is ·accurately a'sfe!sed all othft' considerations are 'Clfi little meaJ\ini." ~ • ' j S~pe:tvisor David L. Baker said ll· thquiJ:t:-he believed environmental. Con· sid,e,rattw ate ~ para~unt 1 that tfie bolid ~ould decide that a. jet -altJl!tl si~!{.'lleeded, th!t' one be locatett ttiat caq 'tll"• protected • fr.om urba.niaatiOlis ·~!!\!I upo~mpjetfon•jets be phuM oul. '1·-0range County Airporl .. . . , , Jr!eal{y cuts . .. ¥.:~rt Co~!'~)· Mf nt"'l :.4t4 . • ' .i • -i' .,, • {. .. •t I By JACK BR.OBACK-' 01 tilt DlllY 1"1191 St•ff. enou&bai&Datur:eatafo~-the-electionon taking over.·Forsytba's ·testlmony came ''happening in Laauna Bea.ch, currenUy mean bw:ine!s." , whetl\e.r or npt the cowicll should rescind durinc the 10th day of a hearing to decide being heralded via posters, flyers and a The commission su11ested that fur. Mental health programs 'It\. Or~ge the exi.sUni route asreement with the whether to terminate that restraining full· d . ili Los Angeles Free ther studies be .made based on the de.-County have been crippled finan&lly by :NewpQrt Poliee ·.S90n to Get slate Division of Highways. order. page a lf1 e sires' Clf the "'""pie of the county and , h • Y...... _ eavy cutbacks in state contril:ifltions, State Official! have maintained the city Forsythe was called as a wil:11ess for Pre~s. , cannot legally rescind the agreement Maheu. whose associates have expressed.-~ .Polic.e Chief Kenneth Huck aaid he bsd aupervtsors were told Tuesday, , , unilaterally. cor1cern out of tourt that fiu.ghes was ill talked at Ienitb with a long-haired, 24-' Fi'ont Paire J ', Becauae the state had failed by 27 ·,'Bo' mh Blanket's Councilman Carl Kymla, who last.week and-was spirited JU'ay. year-old youth who has been distMbuting • t>ercentto m~t its pledge tO flii~ 90 . said be would ask Seymour fOr his h d' t d th CALLEY • ,.· •' ~ percen~ cf th~ .. ro"nJl!I }t"''lh..activitles, · .. ....... opinion Monday, said he did -not do so -the publicity which as is resse e 'T'' ~ · The Newport BeatP Police Dep~t because of the length of the meeting (the Co Sh •ff police department with visions of a huge, ~ ' . programs costing $652,000 may have to be IOOl'J will be getting bomb bl1nke~. council adjourned at ~:33 a.m. Tuesday unty en " disorganized gathering in the Art .. COlonY. "about 25 women and: ehlldftn.f~j Later eliminated, accqrding to . ~rt E. · mo111' Ing) d .. ll 1 he said. bi! Platoon, the leeond, went · Thomas, county a•-•·"traUve office•. . 1be clty council thia week aut.hmized a • , The posters aild the a· urge a w se · uuw= , In.tead h •• ald •-will ask !or "e T T • north to another village where. be aaw a Supel'Vl'sors, after a -•ort •'·-·-sion 'budget 'omondt!!ent.appropriatlng' $200"to ' ·~ "' .0 ernun·ate beings" to "Come lo Laguna Beach, ~.•up of "M~be IO" daad ,.--. · mo '"""= bo b blank ti t the ruling next Monday and indicated ~.,. H-J . ....._. decided to po-+-fie a fin.al decisioa for a :purcllue two ·. m e ~ · Seymour should be ready with it then. Calif, Dec. 25v for "a coming together '!When t uw them t.MY ~ere nude,'' be ., ...... reqQel't of City Manager Harvey L kymla said he will ask, "Can .the dty to celebrate the birth of Jesus Cbriet coaUnued. "RocheViti (not further week. ' -~:::rt explained th~ "p~t 14ve1 =~eut~r~lyli~~d ~~ ·~~:~ patrol D.epu ty . ." '1~ ~~. w!:,e~ ~i;e~::.:~·'followed ~~~~\;!~~~ ;!11e. He bad an M·t• •t~~~ed·l~h~~ :,~ti:ttba::r~ a~ -- "Of ·radical activities throughout the filed wtth:ttie 'tlty?" lly TOM BAltLEY ''Was thm any indication how they the Orarige County Medical Center:: a naUon, the destruction of property Seymour this momina: declined to give or t11to .,.11,, ~ "•" by a Pa.rentheUcal reference to Rev. VII, died?" Kay asked. $110,000 outpatient druc crisis clinic~ a thrtJUgh the use of e~Josive devices bas riy lndleatl6n what he will say, but An Ora"•e COunty ·sheriff's de Put Y 4. "Yes sir, It wu a canllter round put drug 8buse prOgram tiudgeted at $120,000 become a threat to all &eetots of society. conflrm!d the opinion will be ready for •oe The Biblical verse refers to ·"144,060 of Into a -79.'' that provides support !Or the Ha'.r&or -"Prtleritly,'' he said, "the 'Newport deliv~ry at the next council rnettinf , wbo refused to take a lie detector test all the tribes of the children of Israel." ,1.Jnder cross. erarninatiOa by capt. Area Youth Problem Center, the· Tustin Beach Police department mwt rely on El If. 8eymour declarea the city has the durirtg iJlvtstigation -C burglaries al-The ad also promises "Cozmik. Light ·Aubrey M. Daniel lit the chief-ORarapngCeeConteurn,tyulndA. ntahh"e1mFr.ee ctinlc ;,or 'Toro Marine Corps Air Station personnel tegal ri"ht to rescind the contract, if it Jegedly committed by a colleam•e in the TWftllecu•· ~---1-· Id h did th I la. nd ~· f po•-•1-n " •y Snow" and "Celestial Musick.".. ,, . ..,., wr, uv•uol.,.. 11 e_ no ear Also tiffected are two mental •·~th 'b COG 1D a -poae. o .,.nlUU1Y so_chooet1. the election will undoubtedly M1·5,1·0n v·1·e1·0 area will be f'•ed today I !ft a c--•-•""r -und fired In to ·~ explo&iVe devices should they ~ e ---... -. . _ l.L A spokesman at tbe Los Ange es o ce · anai.c .. ., • answer screening team.a, $170,000: mentat.:he· th .discovered." t"Oir'th; .. 0ther hand, if he rules the.city by Sb er if f James A. Musick, the of the Free Press said today that a full-·written quest.fans by the shi:4ficer jury, wot~rs;140,000 and jail and juveille hall -Ho.w~r. Hiltlburt noted, thL.D&via. .. would.be. liable fer damag~· if lt backs DAILY PILOT bas le!l:rned. page ad In the publication would cost $495 hbodt ~aidfhe coubild tell by IQ:OI king at the • programs, $30,000. , . ll. '. -Aircraft Products C.Ompany Offers. • out. or tlmply ~ot back out, the clouds Musick confirmed Tuesday his decl-and that the ''New Age" ad which ies, rom ·s own exper ence, that it Thomas said despite ·the $652,0001cut;tn bo b bl •·t d · --• •• 1. d '·-ad •• •-· Id d k appeared Dec.' 11 ''definitely was a pa.id was iCiiiiiltr round . . pl'narams budgeted, an 181,000 'deficit m an~ es1a,..,.,.. LU con 1ne an au-e Y-over w1e miue wou ar en 51·0n •·dismiss patrol deputy John Bear-'......,f "o· " "Did all of th M 79 ·~ 'if th d tru t. e If t I ·•-•ft u LU ad." The ad artwork was s1fi'"'"' ion. e'aii · e · irunners carry remains In the local program. To rrect suppress e es c 1v e ec o an ooe•" can Y· den, 32. of Santa Ana, with the com· A"tho'rlties said It 1•8 the -·ork of o1·0n lste -·-•·•" k~ th•T;•••• c I I · d · h'cb be 'd be El"• th · to be • " . r ,..,........ · as .. t ,.,...~ 0 • this would -uire laying off 1o· 10 exp os1ve ev1ce, w 1 • sa1 , may w..::r way, ere appe1rs a ment: "He bas no business being a law , • B cb •j• w K ed · 1 yin · •• , , f Id d d 'ed by '"U t lbllit th · will 'nd ·wright, well-known young '"'°guna ea AlllQi • eon y, rt a g a JW'Y -...pie. , ' o e an carr1 one man. U'fl nc poN Y e issue w1 up enforcement officer if he _ cannot observe ~ artist qUtstlo~, r-The -administrative officer . a 1 s 0 J> ·;;wo s~ch blan~ts ~ould allow thd ~ m court. · · the rules of this department." Huck said he had no idea where the .. No, ~st a few," Gonzalez.replitd. iirl .. ti · i!les another $74,000·deflcit In .ltate 11. o ce partmen o r e s P o n . w Sile, City Clerli: Laura Lagi~ls No charees had been filed against money to finance ~· advertising, w,as ,Anotblr wltnm. s,t. Isaiah 0Jwan41T:• COata payments required.by ·aw. Immediately to.emer1encles o! this kin~, , irtlll, .. legtlte<ltnle&liij•sol Bearden. · comip&,jrom., "Tha ~ow>c ~ 19ld me 1!".Jt.·J,1~/J.C,.Avew..,oll1•1Wi ~~ oaldl II the,coitnty absorbed .the and to tnnilmize ctam•le or Jnjury, '"'!"I the pet!Uons !or f!bll)llilOo to. .M114ick oaid)be.~nd that Bearden ' )le "1cf!Ome frl!ndl jua( -"t JoCetl\er Olld 'W nl,t!~ ftlo'll!l' ,11.tlle, ~ ~ • f¥ ~..,de8cita it ""'1ld lie-Increasing Hurlburt told tile ~~ f" ~I~ Ole l!ll!le m"!lol;:. ~' i.k• a P6JYv,aph te . wa·s made during I started putting tlut the pu~llclty because lfiit OO!ey'1 nm Pit-.~.r. Olilyr• tfs 's no.of meotal heilth cosi. from;U ' J f f1 Slit a.W ihe wtll attach~ f ate hii· d9~'1!t's in s&ltlUon of burg. they thought it would be a bealitilal thing men in -P.o ,qu~ds op the • landitltt :A percent to 14 ·percent. • .,, ltifficleney to them eithtt today or larles corrim.ttted in the Mission Viejo If lot of -pie of their philosophy standard platoon has 43 men In four Thomas ,aald the c-··ty ,.., pena"-• From Page I 'lllundty. Sile air<a.dy has repol'!Od the area dur•·· the time that former dtputy 1 ~ -· ~ •l.L.. .... gather on Chriatm.u to_ctlebrate-1he squadL_ --~ . ·----beca'use it-did--not---spend'.~·111 -moMy NDIT --r-~ °r"'-· CCC'Otlfafned'"lD.Ore-!lgrtatuf!l ·t!}ln-ID8 P'redttidf B. Irvine-wuemploYtd""by-birth of Christ. He stressed the rtll&ious Cowan. the plat0on seraeant, said that, appr'opriated the prf:vious year. He 41ld BA . • • • 4,~ nted~ •. ,_,. 1_ 1 ,_, 1 the Mdi!sion Viejo Company a~ a security aspect of the gathering, but sald ·no ht ,tell back: for "rear ~rlty as tht ct1Unties which oversp,ent their ·bUdliJ.s ~ymour' op111JOD ~ no erpec~ 0 guar · . thoujht h~d been given as to just where platoon ·swept thtough the villa.ce, firing, were give11 the full amount tl)ey a·sked-!Or ~~.:b. .. ""' ... ..-.a· n.~,·-bablt,1 ba.d. ·. have. a bllrint Oll •. anothet matter-the ·Irvine. 42. .of La Hlbla, l;Oes on .trial it might be held." • and he did !lOl see anyone killed. ._ .. -this year. • . • ~ : ,"" .. w _,,...., ..... -. Ji<Ut!Onl ltelt 16 bring befono the pibltc, April s in Orange CoUnty Superior Court i::::::;==========iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iii~~~~~:t~~~~~~~~~~~;;~ ··Pft tbe.ngWarily with which 1he~1ttlba.· This one 11et• .. vote on:·a ,~~ on charges tif burglary, grand tbtft, auto I ~~.;; A;ati~ ... ,...!!leez~~ ~~~ ~~~~· charte.r amendment to nqulti;,.._tu~ theft, r!teiving atoleu: pfoperiy and con-Mwrt"""8nt .-..p•; ......, w-~ LU lvu -clty.wide referendums befot.'·tht1tiimdt · . , · : aa MeteJ, 3151-Harbor Blvd .• ln. can approve any few f~wiy routei.·J -1pt~acy, all contained ln a Gr111d Jury :~.Mola Tueaday night1 armed wltli The COW!cll must set the eWcllOn no lnd!ctmenl. !p .311 C.llber revolver. . soaner than 74 days from rtce1Pt of tbe He ind a ttllow deputy. Arthur B. Dun- !;' -.entered at '10:4$ J.m., threltenine pettU.ona and no longer than 84 days. can, 34 · of Huntingtcn Be'aCb, Wire M· ~ '1eft.J.a-ry L. Davis and demand-March 9 iJ the first Tuesdly within that rested in t~e MissiOO Viej~ .,.9-e u n t1 y :11!C everylbing in the cash dra~ar. l'tl1<>d-..,_..,". Club1• golf shop af~r. they ailepdly ~ .. ; Dav:il -w\lo. beard ~· (ar dtive up carried golf· equipment· end several cases :;fnd had watched beri. ~ out, letvtnt a of liquor fro~ tbe store to their patrol ., :inan at the Wh!el and: thus atoilllng ,., m'", v=••t car. . •li14' iiiap!\iJO!tl ·-aai4 \la ltalled by aay· ire en. ..,i Both min were employed as secqrlty . ~ moriey w~ in .bis itsidtl!lfill -auan!s, by the Miss)Oll Viejo Co: during ~ ' . ~rs.. New' port Home the,iJ· off ·duty hours. Authorities said ·: O<derlllg him out in frOlll of ·IM cow>· . Duncan laler commiUed 8lliOide at bis : ter . arid . awat · trom a telephone. 'the Huntifl.aton · Beach hotne after be • ·liouhl·be woman balldit ·n•d to ll!e ,.~ 'fw=ce :n Day 1n, arraijned on burglary charges. ~a~ tar which tben sped off. " " Sheriff's investigators said Tuesday .• PQUce. said she was much teo tall, that B~arden had been similarly employ- •,a)out;S ~fei!t. 10 tn¢ies. and weighing up • NeWport Beach firemen wet e ed in the Mission Viejo area at t1\e :jb '175 pounds., to be the bespectacled ·dispatched to the saine address twice htn~. time as Irvl!'le and their inquiries ·1emf!e ~nsible now for a it.ring of wit~in eight hours today-. due to a Sl,200 led to a request that be take the lie de- li.ve tio1dupa. · 1 1 kitehen fire that left two women suffering tector test. .: from amoke inhalation. "He was adamartt andS o were we.'' M u s l c k said. "Both the district at· • . . • . , • ' ' . • • l • • , • ' • . • • DAILY PILOT ,~01 Co.ut PUtlllHIHto CCIMl'>Jrf ltobtl't N. WiN ,,.4 Praktlllf a,itl l"UblftMr Jt1k R. ,Cvri.., \Ike P,.ldtllt.,.. 0-.1 ~ llftlOr TI!tt11n A. M...,t.tn• M.wtlrltl Mllor ·---IJO W..t ltY Sh••f ~ Mtllillf A.Uttu: Vb. In tl60, '26.J' i ' • ---~ llettfi: 1111 W.t 1•11•• _...., """"" ...... : tat ._, """"" • "'-" ...... a..c:ll! ""J ·~ lllUIDWl'I .._ I. • .... c.lll>IMnt.1 as ..... II C.-lllt ••I • • • 'the secortd call involved mopping up torney's Bnd county counst•'s off Ices water leaking into two other apartments support my belief that there J11 nothing at 4703\i: River Ave .. after a tenant who in law to prevent our firing him." sl~t tJu:ough the 12:11 a.m. blaze got up Bearden told the DAILY PILOT that to shave and shower. Sheriff Muiick's deicsioo to fire him. was He turned on the water gystem liremen bi~ spJely "on rilr]:itrson1l friendship for Fred Irvine and fot no other reason . shut Off. "I stand on my princlple11." Bearden Occupants Of the upstairs apartmmt said. "those principles include my re. which 1u11tained ' the d:unace were fu5al lo take a lie detector test in the- admirii1tered oxygen in both the first and absence of any actus!Uon of dishortesty. ''Ani! I have not,'' the deputy stressed. second iilcidenta. f "ever been accused of anything in eon- Nancy Moore. 38. and Tanna Zarr, 22. nection with the Mission Viejo burglar· were trea~d 0by firemea ·on the 11ctne fes or any Other crtme." after the unexplained fire ~'Qle structure 8e1rd~ said be doubted t.hat be would -• b s t "'bert f s City personally file a lawguJt against the own-Y · · rw '0 uo · coun~. "l don't have that kind of mon- Mh1s Moore called 1gain about 8 a.m., ey," be ct1mmented, "and I tould find aft.tr the tenant went to the main valve a better use for Jt if I had-it." ~ and turned tt beck on, firemen oid, Durin& their second visit to shut off the now and mop up, beth Mias Moore and Miss ~ complalntd of chest p1ln1 1nd dlfftcully' bre1thltfg so they were 1Jveft mar. OlcylOlL ' From Page 1 JURY· ... ' dearth of repreaentallves on the srand jury. A che<k today of gr10d jury records ovtr the years 1~1970 did mii reveal a Costa Mesa rt1ldtnt ill.hough thole same ~ds lndicatt that at least three Costa Mesan11 were nominated In th11t time. Mes~ Revelers . . . Help Out Kids You dOn 't bave to dlnct ind drink to have fun. But revelers at a Coat.a Mesa night club, the New Pier, tormuty known as Pi« 11, iuaranteed some holi4ay fun for needy children by doing so Tuesday nlcht and earl y today. Instead of a re.cular covar charge. they_ brought alfts worth $1 or morl! tn gain admt11ion to !ff: a five-hour performance by Billy & Concepcion. just off.tour. The toys go to the Marine Corps' Toys for Tots program. GEM TALK TODAY by L J:. HUMP'HllD (Qu1lific1.tlon Determines Qu1llty) Do you know the qualifications of a gemstone? Beauty, obviously, is p r i m a r y in color and shape. Transparency likewise I! important although not in some ·cases. Hard- ness is vital since it o f t e n deter· mines the lasting quality of the gem. Finally, rarity of occurrence under these conditions. makes tbe gemstone a thing of vitue ... Don·t make the mistake or ascrib- ing one color to a gem. 'the ores from which the gems c o m e are highly versatile in usin) every rain· bow color to fashion their prizes. Topazes are not merely yeUow but also light blue, orange, pink, and white. · It.would be almost impossible for the unltal.oed eye !<> dlslillf\!Wl be- tween a yellow sa pphire and a yel· low topaz. Yet evtn experts hesitate to say until certain tests are made on th-e gems. Exciting j • w •I creation• are yours from J. C. HUMPliRIES Jt.w. ELERS. You'll !ind only th• finest in all t)1l~ of jewtlry. AJ5o apecial order work, fiJle watch & jewelry repairing. · ,' • d· C. .J/.~mphrie3 Jeweler:! 1823 NEWPORT Bl VD., COST A MESA CON'ftNl\NT TERMS 14, NICA M E ltlCAlO-MAS fElc'HA lt'f ' 1~ YlAlS fN SAME LOCATION PHONE 14t.)401 ' • ' -Committee Nix'es . . .. - • -. ~ouglas Charges ' f W~SllINGTON (Ul'l) -A haired traveler-outdoorsman, special House subcommittee ei{vt a b$f fonnal~atateJ:nent has rejected impeachment bul answered no que!tions: charges against JusUce WU~ · ''The select committee hes liam O .. Douglas, who respon· now perfonned its constltutiOn~ ded today that tha. Supl'tn}I! al duties ~ I !ill .. lry to con- Coort "has always been and tinue to perform mine,'' Doug- always ~ill be s!LluUy Jnde· las ~id. ''(have always been pendent. , proud t(l ,be a me,liber o( the , . -----... -"-·-· • DAILY PILOT 6 ' Wrdntsday, December 16..1 q10 ~Ar..olu o Eat • FDA· Hunts Mercur :.fftinted ·Tuna · WASHING'l'ON (UPI)--Oov- errunent and industry opened a massive .na~~dl! te@:_ ing -and l"Wlll-program today to find mercury-tainted tuna, but told American consumers the popular ct:inned {ish still was "absol~tely" safe to eat. One Food and Drug Admin· lnstration (F 0 A) scientist si:tid A rw'"~nn wnuld suffer no .harm from eating for o n e year twa cans of tuna a day wllh .P"lertl/J"Y .ab o·v e the FDA's Hmlt ol 0.5 parts per million, Another said l u n a never before was_ fisted for mercury aJJd speculated that the fish may have carried similar mercury levels for centuries. Mercury, a metal,. ls « pol· eon whil:h builds up In Ille body and can cause fatal brain, liver · of kidney all· menta. U bas been1 found beoo fore In fresh water {W\ ex· poSO<I Jo Industrial m!lrfl:'l' dilcharges but the tuna dis- covery was the first-lnvolvlnc salt water flsh. FDA Commissioner Charles C. Edwards announced Tues- ' day tests dilc1osed mercury above the FDA limit in 23 percent Of 'i. nalionWlde SSG- cart sample. Projected over t h e annual t).S. C!'lll§Utn.P~n of about 8M. million cans o na, the fig· ure would mean mu .~h mercury, by gavernment standards, ln nearly 200 mil-· "on cans.. • Edwardl'sajd about one mlli lion 'Cana were being with·, drawn from the market an~ sampfes from ~tt• Jots i~ aupermUketJ, wate~a and· canneries .were being tested.: "Withia'30 d11;y1 or less, we· will liave the m(lrk!!\ cleared' of .• Jutta '"over tw' guideline,, .. Edwards .told a news confer- ence. 'llle.9'l4·page report said Ute . court, an Institution which I scores of docum~nlS examined U\ink all will agree is dlstin-1---------------------:;_,----------...,-----------------------~------- by the !lllbcommittee provided guished ih· at· least one respect no basis for relieving Douglas -it alway$_ has bei!n and al· of the post he has held since .ways will be stoutly indepen- 1939. But it provided more de•. dent." tails of his relationship with Adding to his t0rma1 state- the Parv~ Foundation ;and his ment, D 0 u g l a s challenged off-bench income. young people to initiate "a In a brief appearance before "great reannaissance" in the t,Jevision cameras and olher world by attacking the prob- news media in the oak pancled ~ms of population and civil Supreme CCJUrt canference rtgbts. l'_?Om, the 12-year~ld gray; "I ha~greit confidence tn the coming generaUoo and to Agnew4sks Republican Unification · SUN VALLEY, Idaho (UPI) --Vice Presi dent Spira T. Ag. new wants his critics among Republican governors to ''close ranks solklly" behind tbose of their party still in of· fice. Agnew huddled with' the chief executives in a break- fast meeting after presenting his stiffest liefense yet of his hard-hitting campaign tactics. "'What is not needed is an assessment of blame," Agnew told the winter Republica n govemors association Tuesdav nlght. Noting that the GOP lost 11 governors In Novem. her. he said the beat.en can· didates don 't need "excuses and rationalizations for their defeats ... even when it masquerades as constructive criticism." "Republican governors must close ranks solidly behind their leaders. the ones who are still In the statehouses in thiS eoun- try and behind our President In the. White House." The vice president dismissed · charges that his campaigning divided ,the country by asking. "what Is an elecUon if it's not art, attempt to divide the vot- el"I of the country between two . or three candidal'es who may be seeking an office? '.'Heavens, if they don't diV. Ide we might never have 8 re- sult. After all, I.hat's ouc.. Cree system." Pennsy Loan Okay Seen. In Congre ss . them I say, 'keep the faith,'" Douglas said. . The justiCe said he has vis!· ted praclically every country in the world during his travels of the pasl.30 yeus, and ad- ded : "Perhaps myll'tal claim Ui distincuoO is· that l have never traveled at gbvernment 1e.ipense." · 'l' • The report showed that Douglas' off-the-benc~ income exceeded his judicial salary duripg the 10 years he was as- sociated with-the Parvin Foun- dation from 1960 to 1969. His salary for the period totalled $389,749.2ti. His net in· come from writing and lectur· ing to la lied $377 ,260.19 and he received $96;680 from the foun- d'ation. Douglas said in a pub· lie statement last August that much of his outside income represents royalties . f r o m books published 18 'and 20 years ago. Oil Leases Sell Higl1 At Bidding NEW ORLEANJ; (AP) -_ Prices rltn to $850 million Tuesday as oil companies bid for drill ing space off Loui- siana's coast in what one oil· man called "the last good oil bunting groi;nd in the United Stain." ' 'fhere. were 1,043 bifs on 127 under.water tracts betpg sold by the Interior De~ment in a lease sale delayed two years by pollution caused by accidents at offshore nil wells . As the sale was held;~Shell Oil Co. officials conlinucd to fight a blaziilg cluster of wells which has burned out of con- trol off the Louisiana coast since Dec.I. Thal fire is some 200 miles east of the sites be-,._ lng leased. High bid in_ilie sale was made by a cmnbination of oil WASHINGTON• (UPll -egmpanies called Trans-Ocean Congress is gearing to stop a· which offered $38.181350 for nother national rail crisis by a single tract> lrl 1he·<(fulf of providing a $1.00 million loan 4· N_e-xico. Th~. waS .$7,636 an guarantee to keep the bank· acre. . . rupt Penn Central Railroad Low bid w~s. $4,487.'lil by tn· running. dependent \V1lham S.J4.:u'Jhall Both the House and Senate -who oHe red $1 a'n acre. • commerce committees were Some officials were s,urprl- expected to approve legisl;\· sed l}t t~e amount of mo~ey lion for the government-back-offered in !he sal~s. which ed guarantee so lhe nation's came at a time of _tight mon· .. largest rail system can borrow ey but lifter a per.iod of long ·to pay its help arid )l:eep run-d~lays. '.whfch ha~ pos~poned 11ing at least through F'eb. 28. wildcat prospecting Jn the A Striate subcommittee has Gulf. approved th e legislation and a Winners of the leases were House commerce subcommit· In be announced Wednesday. tee was to approve it before The government is under no full committee actioQ. obligation to award the leases Trustees of the railroad told if bids are considered too low. 11 House commerce panel ; Tuesday they would be forced ID c u r t a 11 pre ·Christmas freight shipments and shut down the 22,000-mile line with· irt 30 to 45 days at a maki· mum, possibly even by eatl)' January, because of a cash squeeze. The Penn Central. sixth larg· e!t corporation in 1he nati on. Went into rtceivership June 21 . It conn~ts whh three· fourths of all industt"ial &etiv· it y In the country. Laird Backs POW Pla11s. WASITTNGTO N (UP I I -A 1111ggestion tliat 1·,soo N or t h Vietnamese 1'rl90ncrs ot wa1' should be iel<astcl u•ll•ttr•Uy1 has been tnclOr-std hy Ptrense Secretary Melvin R. ~ird. Lair<! ,.id Tuesday h< would do.''whatever I can to et>COur· age fhls proposal ." • Voters Okay New Cha11er . 111 Illinois CHICAGO (UP I) -lllnois voters have decided to replace the state's century-old consli· tution with a hew charter, bu! have rejected lowering the vol· ing sge to 18 and abolishing the death penally. With •he adoption of the new constitution , Tilinois buc:ked a nalional trend which ha! seen ~ven of the la.._. 12 efforts at c:onstitutional reyisiOn be de· reated in such Stales as New York, Marylanct. Ortgon and Ntw .M~xico. 'I\l'esdaY's vote, with 1.7 mil- Uon or 5.2 miUion registered voters casting ballots, showed 1,073,297 for and 786,- 6'3 against abolishing the con- stitution adoiifea .1n f870 ~ a m~jority of 57 percent'.. . . ' . i . Made while you sleep? Could be. Because now that Chevy's back in ,. business, we're putting in a Jot of hours and turning out a lot of Chevrolets. And we're shipping them every day to Chevy dealers all over the count~. If yo u haven't take n a· good look .ai our-'7is, now 's the perfect time. Here are a few examples of what you'll see._, New~ The lit~ car that does ewrything 'Mil When we say "everything", we mean it. For instance, even though most.minis would rather not talk about roominess, Vega brags about iL. No small wonder. Automotive Ind ustries magazine (impartial and unbiased) • Chevrolet The suggestioti waii made by Sen;te Republi can whip !'Wb- t'rt "'J'. Gclff\n of M~hfgtJn. "'ho said the. .nurnbtr 11hauld Include ! .SOO ab!~~ bbdied pri· 80ner11 and JOO sick and '.'·ou11d· ed. H• l"'!PoSed tile pM•on~" be released before tht ~i,i:ria· m~se Ltmat" N~ Year J11'11. 27. f\.1 o s l of the ,new constitu- tion's major Provisions will become ertcclive July I, 1971. Jt will become the st.ale's rour\h constitution -_llrevious <:iAe.S were 18701 1847 and 1'18, when nnnois be(ame the 21 st state !rt· the unfori. · 1971. You've changed. ~'ve changed. • • • .. • , -. ' ~ . ' reports Vega is the roomiest of the new subeompacts, with about 903 as inuch space as the t ypical standard sized car. The '71 Impala.~~ hem building up to this mxb Imp.tau~ Know what's the roomiest '71 car in the U.S.A.? No, not one of the big, luxurious high-priced cars, but the big, luxurious Chevrolet-priced Che.,.rolet. (AutQ171otive Industries magazine ·spells out t he details in their October 1 issue.) -·-··-., . ba'w dianged. ~w dwigecL The big c\ifference in the 1971 Chevrolets is a change. in attitude. Yours and ours. You're more concerned about continuing improvements. 'You want meaningful change and built-in value. That's why our '71 Chevelle, Camaro, Nova and Monte Carlo have quite a bit of change built into them, But their JookTllive hardly changed at all. If you're looking for a new car (or even if you're just window .shopping) •. your Chevy o ealer·lias ·a Jot more you'.ll be interested 'in. Eitber•way, come on in. We're delivering the goods. ' • ( ,,.. ·II .. • . . , ' . 1 ' ' ·' ' I ., . -. ~ .... ' ~ • •• ' . 1 ·' I' ' ' . ., ' • • • • .. ., ' • ,, I.._ ' • - ' I. . • ' G DAO.Y PO..OT EDITORIAL PAGE ). ' ' • f Fine Chri.stmas ' ' ~ I ... ' Comln11-about el&hl weeks before thel holiday sea· SOD, In insurance flrDHUpported acency hlS CIVtn Costa Mesans a nice $3!0,000 Christmas bonus. .Every Ian.downer In town should be certain he eel• bis fair share of ii. A new Number Three raUng, one notch lower than btfore, has been destcnated for Costa M11a by the Pacific Fire Rating Bureau. This agency studies and evaluates cities to detennine hi'lw safe their residential, commercial, and industrial property is in case of fire. . Costa ?I.fess is one of tJte few ci ties o! comparable size to enjoy such a low ratini. · City Manae-er Fred Sorsabal urges anyone renew-.. ing fire insurance at year's end to call his carrier's attention to this money-saving new category. Examiners for the San Francisco-ileadquartered bureau conducted an exhaustive survey covering various aspects of local fire safety and found many 'improve.- . ments. . One fs a .new ci.ty co~unications Setup and con- solidation of fire equipment dispatch opetations. coupled with automatic callbox alarms at points around tOwn. One Js a city Buildin~·Salety Department camp aign of inspections desjgne_d to uncover viol1tion1 and force owners to brin~ fire-6aiardous property up to top uni- form Building Code tequirements. One more is the Costa /Mesa County Water District. whose continuing il'l\prOVement in supply linkage sys· tern and storage. capacity tssures adequate resources for the worst blazes. One more -last, but really first, obviously -is the Costa Mesa Fire Department iUelf, with its educational The Primary Condition for Being Sincere ' Dear Gloomy Gus: Why is It that a planner !or the city of Costa Me8a can leave his trailer t1ut on the street for rmntha ~ without moving It, yet he will turn in his neighbor• for JeavinJ theirs · out for two weeks? procrams and plan-ahea4 concept o! fire!iahtinf. • PerJodler checks are made· throua:hout the year of potential pnoblem-properties which are pre-mapped and analyzed for training purposes in case ol lire at those l~ations. A specific case In point -largest structure in town. . -is the Bethel Towers oretlrement skyscraper, scene of two serious fires within a one-year time span. Firemen conducted drills using high-ri se firefight· fng technioues before it was occupied, then trained resi- dents in i;a!e methods of evacuation. Whether a Number Two rating with Curther in sur· ance reduction is feasible remains an open ciuestion. because it would require at least two additional engine companies. The annual cost o! $200,000 might not justi- fy the Class Tv.•o rate saving. Costa Mesans should, in any case, join city officials In commending the departments wJl ich helped achieve the newest reduction in out-of-pocket expense to citizens . Fire Chief John Marshall notes the Class Th ree category now enjoyed by Costa Mesa may sound even more exclusive when we consider these facts. Only 170 among the 1,800 regular, paid-staf! fire departments in the entire United States have attained the coveted Cla!s Three designii.tion.' "That's a very sel~ct cate~ry." he emphasizes. "There is no Class One ." • He notes that without !ull city council coo peration and agreement to the expense and manpower commit· rnent involved, however, Costa Mesans would still be paying that $200,000 e«tra. But they aren't. And that's a Merry Christm as pr•·· -~--r-....._ gent indeed . · . ' c I . ' .,, '. •• < .. " End of the line for the TooMroille Trolley •' ' , ,. I -Con•umers llnion's Threat of Suit Condemned ·' 'Let People Jpdge To:ys · for Selves'·.;; " To the Editor: •Mailbox -·-..... .. ___ ,...) great deal of carefully worded hog.wash. i • •'EVen so, I do.n't recall any other such as · 1 "An Inner Contradiction ln Thinking" by · ·1 Sydney J. Harris, DAlLY PILOT, Dec. 8 •••. I -W.B. Tiit '"""" ""*" ,......,... ...... ... -rilY fMM M h ......,..,, SW I have just finishe<t reading an article in the paper that .makes me a little · nauseated. The article deals with a lhr11t to sue the government unless eight toys that the Consumers Union (whoever they are), feels are a haurd or potentially dangerous to children. Letters f rom readers are welcome. Normally writers should convey tlteir mt!sages in ~00 wordl or less. The right to condense ·le tters to f it space or eliminate libel reserved. All let- ters must include .signature and mail· ing address, bvt names-m4t1 be with.-- held on rtquest if sufficUnt reason is apparent. Poetru will not be pub- lished. are tired of the anarchists and malcontents. Until the' unive rsity ad- ministrators start getting soine backbone and deal with theSe individuals severely and immediately, l for one will keep voting against any inonies for the universities, not "o~t of frustration over mounting tax bills"" but out of frustration witb the u,niversity adritinistrators. \ The title Itself must have been a Freu· '; dlan slip. ln bis enthusi qsm to belittle the , ~ "Silent Majority," he "proceeds to com· I pare apples with oranges and in an effort to make them match be descends to an .... I almost idiotiC illOgiC".-r-rciiffia: 'the answer WbeMvtr IOmlODe meatlonl b ls "sincerity.'' I rteeD HIN'i Peyre'a lifte -..Vallon thal "'Ibo primary coodilloo for beiq '""""' la tbe Mm• u f« _, blunble: nol In boost o! I~ aod probably not even to be aware of tt." • • • Publicly, moat people procla1m their belief In de!noc:rlC)'; priYlloiy, tbe - jorily would pr<lor 1 "IJOOd dic:tolnr"' - tbat bi, one wbo would run lhlngs to their ldvantqe. • • • Superstition has hetri)ed fewer men than skepticism Us ~illud. • • Actors and enter- tainera and celebrl· ties of that sort are ... judged more le:nient-Jy tor thelr derelic- tion of morals than we judge ordinary people; the reason be:ing that we grant aucb figures special p r I v i 1 e g e. s in order to bave lhem act~ out our private fantasies, 50 that we might enjoy vicariously what we lack the re:.sources to espertenoe at firsthand. • • • Speaking of enttrtainen, how little the eaentJals of human nature have changed since Horace wrote in his Satires 2,000 ye.an ago: ''There is a fault common. to all singers-when they 're arnon& lrien<b: ....... "'" .......... °"" Delly l'ii.t. and sre 11ftd to lln1 they don't want to, Ind when they're ool asked to aloi lhly never atop." • • • The f tlltln IO flW marria1es are happy II that YOW'll women spend more tirne in Jfl.aking up their faces than in making up their minda; ind young men expend more ene:rgy in trying to achieve physic· cal contact than in trying to learn what . liea~e_!th the makeup. --· .\ .. A -hypochondriac is· somec>ne who believes that a pound of prevention is worth an ouru::e of cure. • • • No matter bow · good we may be 1t keeping secrets from others, we ire always btst at keeping secrets from ourself. (This is why someone, after meeting us for 10 minutes, can often tell more about our character than we will admit to ourielf lfter a llletlmt.) • • • The cspilolilt notioa thlt propert y rights are "lttvlo!lllit" lo u 1blurd u tho ooclolilt notioa thlt pro~ r\ihts are "com1nunal"; Iii property ii 10- qu!Hd by !lbor or by lhell, and 11 ii tho tult Of I jUlt oocioty In diolln'"1ah etblcally betwetn the two, nelthv to -iii)' nor to abolilb the property rel•· tlcolhlp. Threat to Nuclear Sites WASHINGTON -There is growing concern in the backrooms of the Pen- tagon over our ability to protect tbe nuclear weapons we have scattered around the world. ' P l o ts have been reported. by antl- 1tmerican radicals to seek out and Mlle U.S. nuclear sile5 in Europe. When the military junta took over Gree ce in Aprl l, 1767, junta troops temporarily s u r. rounded one stock- pile of nuclear war· heW in Gre«e. They withdrew, of course. without inci- dent But the Penta· son brass wonder n e rvously what would happen if a hoetile coup should seize control of a country where U.S. warileads are loclttd. ADDING TO 1'111' apprehansloa, thl G!o guardinl llte nlfCle>r lltea DOI oolJ ore lnupertenced but ..,. ban - prooelyted by anll·WIJ' IJ'OllP•· -Mo"' thin one deserter, includJllC one .Who dla&P- ....,...i· behind the Communlat eurt1tn, II reported to have spent ume •t· • nuclur loc1tton. ·"lhe t.rooo turnover 1n E u r o p e munwhlle, 'bu bten 10 s;re1t that only green 90ldJen: often have been available .. guard the lltts. Th...,pout opy·lnl"led Eµrope , our sauclur warbeadl are kept Jti scattered 1tockpllel It the niercy of friendly but tortip pemme:nta1 located la tome arus whtre every fifth pelr. of ·~yt.1 lllloop lo"1 CommunlsL TlllC PuilPotE ta not only · 1n bring Soviet llrltll within rona• of our medltDD·ranae m111Uu but to dlacouraae the Soviets ever from overahootlng Europe ind 1trlldn.1 only Americsn tarptl. They muat knock out all our rellltatory !ol'COI, u the J1p1-tried to do at. Pearl Harbor. or we would bounCe back with dev1atatJna coun-· terattacb. OUr nuclear lites In Europe, thlrefore, mulUplf. the number of Pearl Harbora the RUM ans a1111t destroy. By law, we can't eve.n ahow our allle1 the nuclur weapona they permit us to bep on their IOU. We trllri thtlr cr11w1 to handle the mlAllta but the w1rhead1 re- 1111in lltvtolble In 111 but AmeriClll eyes. BOWEVD, A moH PenlolOfl oiflcl1t COllllllOd In thil column : "Lei's not kid ouraelvea. nese 1overnment1 knOw where <>Ur nucltar flreworkl •re hidden. '1111)' 11111' not know the euct bltildlna•. but they know the locations." 'nils wu borne out·by the Gl'lll< 1xpet1•nco . To keep the 1tockptlet Mcdrt, we con- tinually rotate them. Wt mt1ht •hiP 10me nucltar warbtada, oy, from Point A to Poin t 8. Before they reach B, HCl'lt orders may be nuhe:d to 1hUt them ln- Sl.e!'ld to Poin t C. ' "We never leave nucl1ar we1pon1 in one pltee for long;" explained the of· ficial. "We assume eve ry hldln1 pl•ce: will eventually be discovered. By 1hintng and shuttling, we hope to ketp a few days ahead of the Commun.ls ts." Some of the toys they have named in the article have been around for a num- btr of years . Toys such as etch-a-sketch and darts my own children have either bad or htve played with arid they are not lr\.IOY opinion dangerous;· nor have they beeo a hazard~in any way. THEY ALSO CONTEND that toys such as little lady oven. Susie homemaker arill, metal cast set. WiMle the Pooh, crib mobile an:I cap guns are· a potential health hazard or dangerous to children: Quite frankly, lfeel that'their time and money could be spent in a much better way:-In this day and age children eight years OICJ anQyoungef m elJ)oHd to baseballs Lraveling at 20 to IO milts JD hour, playing football , rldln& in a car, on a bicycle, awlngln1· on a swine. ciimbin1 in a tree and any number of &ood clean fun lhings that are f•r more buardoua. That doesn't mean that ,we must do away with all that become:s a potential danaer to us. What may be dlrl.ltrOUI' to one child may not be to another. WE HA VE HAD cap "'"°' bows snd arrows, guns of all descrtpUons, race tracks electric1Ily operated, eltctrlc tralna, chemistry set.s, darts, and a holt of rnlgile projectile toys on the market aa long aa I Can rtmember. Some et lhele toy• are dangeroua U not proparly auperviled for &0me children, but other• are capable o{ t11iug them wltbOut danger. I p<raonllly f .. I that the toys ohould be put on the ahelf and the consumer should use his or h•r better judament as to whether it Is a toy they would want their child to play •Ith. ' I SAY LET THE American people, on 10methln& u menial as a toy, judi;e It for themaelves. "' · lf my chil~ were Dever exposed to any more danger than a 1ood clean 1ame of JW on my own front lawn, or 1n etch-1-1ketch. I could be happy sltUng in- a!de an easy bake oven with it pluged In. MRS. R. B. CAPEHART ---811 Geo1"9e ---. Dear Georae: t am convlnctd this planet ls con- otenlly beln& inllltraled by vllltors from outer space who take hum•n gulae. t believe t can prove this, but nobO<ty will li1ten to me. Whtre can I turn with my evidence? . TERRIFIED Dear Terrified: Esrthm1n, you know to o much .•• Dear Oe:or1e : I have thil problem. My dreflns are' con&Wltly lnttrrupled by com- merci1il. Rigbl In tht boot part of ' dream the other nla:ht, when I w11 ahlpwrecked with a redhead, there were two dand.nlff com· mercl•il ind a lnothpute Ad. Whal can t dot Ol!lr Annoyed: Do ai J do. Drt•m on the: educ3· tlonal chllMtl . I've I e a r n t d 1eometry and been shipwrecked twice with Julia Childs. (\Vrite to Ceorge ror good, cultural, high.class adv1ce on all sorts lorn problems and like that.) Lo•ltlfl Our Right• To th&.-Edl\or.: Laws that RJ&Ulate morality, i.e. abor- tion, se.x. a~ther ''d~eney laws," wtre hlsed on the puritanical belief that one who was Immoral would~IW'ely be-lltruck down by ll&htnlng frdm above. My ob- jection to this i1 it force1 people of other re:li&lons to live by puritan rules. Abortion is a prbne tx:ample. A Chris- tian woman cannot get an abortion bectuse she believes she ts dealing with the "wrath of God." But what of the woman who does not believe in the-same rell1lon? No matt.er what her religion, ahe Is enslaved by Christian rules. THERE ts NO danger in her getting an abortion. exctpt punishment by upholders of the 'nllgloua laws -lbe government, federal and 15ttte. In upholding these Jaws, they violate the First Amendment rtsht to freedom of religion. To have policemen enforce these r1!1glous laws .js to make them armed clergymen; waving their guns around uylng "no no, that's a naughty". One by one we are losing our con· ttltutlonal rights. More and more the stale and federal governments are contr.olling our live!. Less and leis the people are being bea rd and respect ed. But after all, 1984 is only 14 yea rs away. STEVEN C. LAUBLY Tired of A11archl5ts To the Editor: I take exception to you r editorial of Dec. 8. 1970 entitled, "'Meeting Health .Needs." l and several people that I have talked to voted against Proposition 1 because we OUR SCHOOL 'l'AX dollars are an in- vestment in the future of our nation, ~t I do pot like to see buildings bejog_bu~ down, 'riots. and professors who preach the overthrow of our form of government on tbe campuses. l would like to see S. I. HayaJcawa or aopie of bis ilk given a carte blanc~ authority to correct the si tuation on our campu&el!i. I think he could and would do . a I~ job for ua, lh'e taxpayen. L. GARNER ---.~tallt11 of War To th• Edl\o" Prior to WW t. the prevailing thought was that doing battle with one's enemy was glorious ~nd should be indulged in by all gentlemen. ~en came the first of many modern wars which have proved bevond a shadow of a doubt that war is hell on earth. Perhaps God's Com· mandment on killing one's fellow man ~·as a bit of advice on how man could live and prosper with the least amount. of el· fort. r.1ore than 50 years have pissed since the brutality of war was discovered by the vast majority of the citiuns of the 'vorld and yet wars slill seem attractive to some world leaders. ONE CAN HARDLY overlook the f1d th at the tv.·o super powers are arm ing themselves to the teeth, which can only lead to a devast~ing worldwide wtr. One 'vould think that the leaders of all the na· lions of the world would reach the same conclusion as those of us who have had lo fight and suffer the inhumanJUes of war? \Vhat a shame it would be if ma'rlklnd will not get the word until alter t h e U.S.A.' and Russia polish off etch othtr and half of the living world in· an all-out nuclear war ! HARRY B. McDONALD JR. 'Idiotic lllo9lc' '!o the Editor: As you know belier thin most, the reading public is dally subjected to 1 Soviet Deploys Generals By ZE'EV SCITTJL Jeru11lem Post MUltary Correspoodent The Soviet Army is believed to have gradually and uriobtrusivel y bolstered it's senior C<1mmand staff in EgYPt and dozen• of Ru ssian generals are now usum¥t to be on active service wi th the EppUan Army. lt Is also assumed here that thete officers havt set up their own head q uarlers. semi.independent of MOICOW, and are capable of taking limited lnlUstive wthout consulting their superiors at homt. ~ This deployment of senlcr staff officers could enable the Russians lo resort to speedier JcUon in emergencies and also rtducH the risk of ea\·csdropplng on the long MOSCO\\"to-Cai ro communJ.ctUon linkJ. . NO CONFIRMATION Is available here: of any new rtlnforceml':nts for the regu\1r Sciviel units -nov1 btllevtd to 11umber aro~ IS,000 men Wide Egypt ( i ·-· ....... _ . GuestR~oti,_ J 'vith an additional 3,000 stationed Inside U1e 50-km. ·suei Canal zone,. But the prtsence o! a large number of senior of· . flee.rs also suggests that the Rual1na now have in Egypt all lhe sklletal elements for a command capable o( qulrkly taking over very larae unltJ. 1uch as could he airlifted to Egypt from the Soviet Union, Within a matt.tr of hours (usln&. if necessa!I'. Soviet armour and other equtpmtnt formally the proptMY of tbe Egyptians). Expert& he:re JX!lnt out that there has btcn no dramatic 'new development, but rather • continuation of the lnllltratlon process parallel to the bo\stt:rin& or the Soviet presence In the Medlterr•ne:an. Tbe Jemulem f'o•t Dec. I, 1171 • to this pbe~menon ih his own colwnn: • ~'OBVIOUSLY, SUCH a man is simplJ .. 1 picking and ch00&ing among 'rights' em· .. , bracing those that suit his preferences, and rejecting those that are offtnsive ·to hlm. · He has no overall philosophy of wh~t 'rights ' rtally are: be has not} thought out the matter carefully : be has qitrely elevated biS tastes ·and prejudices ~!~. 'principles' without raUonal con~ SIStency." · ~ Then as a parting shot he speaks or "the man who possesses hi's ideas more securely than theY possess him." ... The ideas wbich possess Mr. Harris ·i. have evidently prompted him to once .. aaain spew forth. It makes one wonder if • the -~tor responsible had a chance to , ' look it over. be.lore exposin& it to tba ~ public. · · ' · PAUL WESTBROOK "' • Need Support ' Press Comments \.u..l. ' ' I I . I I Mountalntop. Pa., Eaale: "During the past year or so, citizens groups, such as tal])lyers etc.. have sprung to Ufe in every nook an.d crawy or the area. M ht rd as they try, sometimes they are no t taken seriously by political bodies, ;, because of the feeling that such groUps , , are only 'gripe' groups. And as thef try. , to mix politics and economics it is as i! they were caught up in a whipsaw. If ' • only the public would su pport such or-' ganizations. politicians would soon be · f.')rced to take a new interest in the con." • scquepces cf their acts and proposals. We think politlcs and pracUcal econo-· mies v.·ouJd follow llmost automatically.·• Arlm,toa, Mina., EaterPrlae: 1 ' A · · survey shows that the average eom· munl ty chanaes iu population 10 percent a year. thus in ID yea rs you can easily " see .wbat' happens. There is a complete · change, except for oldtimers. Th is t&ct knocks into a cocked hat the argumen t ol f the merchant who sa ys he's been In business so long that people know where he i&. hence he doesn't need to advertise. He's probably been here a long tlme, but a lot of bis customers haven "t." ----- Wednesday, Dec. 16. 1970 Tht editorial pagt of the Dail.11 Pilot setlt.s to inform. and stlm.- 1'lott rtadtrt bu prettnting thit ntwtpcper's oplnians and com. meiltary on "topics of inttrise and significance, bu providing a forum for tha t zpression of our readers' opln(on1, o·nd b11 prtsenting tht diverte .vitw- polnta of informed observ11r1 and spokesmtn on topics of tht day. Robert N. Weed, Publisher • ·< ' • • ' I -I· -. . . ,. ......:;_~ ' . • ' • • ..., '~. • • . . - • S" ,, '. -, . .. .... " . ivo~::~3· ~· 300'.'' SEf!.~NS,,84 P~G~S·~' ORANGE COUNTY, CAtlFORNfA I ' j ' -< \YEDNEsDAY, ~R . 16, 1.970 TEN CENTS ~· • ' . .. • . I • 'Ill · .. . .. -I Qevil -s.Iaying Sane, ,. his .ejectjon ~from the ·courtroom. ·Judge Corfman ordered Hurd to appear in Judge Jamu,F ... Judge's criminal calendar, Cotirtroorn FriClay for setting of a frial'date'tin ·the duaJ murder charges. ---'lbe'JOng-haired morose.defepdant v.·as seJ1.t,11Acli:'~'hls O,ange1County. J.811 cell ~ur!Jii .lhe. jlayloag ~ a!Ier •n outburst sParked' by the appearance In the wi.loets box .of Dr. Seawright Andenoh~ ~tant medical ' director of ~ai(Y!tw. s.-te ~i&il iiO Costa-~e!a._ ''Every tlog we've ever had has been cftssetflij).'l jwt like to dress animals, 1' gues!," she .. ~. ---·- M.rs. Petei-son also has tried h e r hand at monkeya. . . •a ·~e~e:rl h~~d: ':~!e~i!:e!11~1!~ Dr. Anderson was one . ol five psychiatrists who examined Hurd and one of four who dtclared lhe young founder of a Satan-worshipping group to be sane but doubtfully capable of contributing much to hls defense. Defense ittorney Willlam ·Gamble, apparenUy amused by his 'client's antipathy to Anderson, explained to Judge Corfman that Hurd had expressed a dislike for Anderson's race. "Don't laugh, man," snapped _Hurd, bal)ling his manacled haftds on the counstl table. "'J'bat thing there l5 not a human being. "-Anyway, my faU,r won't allow it,'' l~urd added in an apparent reference to the being 116.has· repeatedly desa'ibed 111s "my father the Devil'' as th1 angry Judge Corfman broke In. . "Do you want us to proceed with this trial or '° you w111t to io back to jail?" lh• Judge lllj~ed. • '1'm gojng back lo jail il ho'• going lo tutffy," Hurd1replled. Re was promptly removed · from the coortroom but reappeJ!ftd after the lunch break. Andet"90ll, unperturbed by the outbreak, went on to support tbe general conclusion of reports aubm!ttecl by f o u r l:°chiatrists: thit Hurd is legally sane conliiJe<l,~.11!<. ~!'11..1!!'1 h)s defonse attomey can eipect lltUi!i or no cooperation from hlltJ. It' is autl'ted in reports subnlltted as testimony 1\lesday tbai be drank six cups ol blood • d>y, actively wonhlped Slton in aeveral rltuatlstic and primhive fOnns and constantly ?trerred to him as "ID1 fatber Ute Otvll. •1 • -Sallnic ri1's en~ inlo ~ llaylnJ · l11t J upe 2 1 of ""· Florence Nancy B"""1. 3~ or El 'l'oro .. ll•id·b accused or holng the leader ol a ·-.ot driftor> who murderid ~ teacher in an Irrinl orange grove ·and bWitd he r <llsmemhtred bod)'11ear Ortep ~· , : • 1 I • J~! Airports Inevitable . , -( . . . ~ . -~ For County, Board TOid I - • Po st Offic e Sarglary Case ' In Clemente Deputy.Will Be Fired . For Lie Test Refusal ? . ' ' . .By TO~·BARLEY Ing ural~ on burglary ~es. Gets Okay . -ot t1te D911Y '"1~"11." , • SOOiff't lnm(la:aton salll. Tuesday San Clemente will have Its new post An Orange County sheriff's de p11 t Y that Bearden bad ~ similarly tmPloY· office headquarters ifler all. h ref11c..t to ta1t -11 detector t t ' .News ol ,q>e 11!9"~~~1at.,!'" w o, ...,. . ~a ·~.~ ·~i£,llllllm .mJo "I"" •Lli!e last w .. k alter ...,........._ of C<iluiletCe ..tur!li: ~-of , ,' • ,_ u lrvlne .mf l!!'lt ~ ditictors had •~'wrlle a 'Iirt\or leg\ldly ~~by•~"" tile 'led ·~ •• -!hat bo 'lab the,~ ci.. asking' why !he Jarge-w, hea"'"•artm M"slon WJO ~wUI "', flttd ,lo<lay 1~or· •~; •• , · · r Ree •-"'" by Sfl er i fJ. Jaioes A;t Mun ... i. 'the .,.1 .citLO -.... ~ ~ar the ve1 RuWN!r ComP!Bny bad -, ~ouHe ·.was-adamaatrand io ~"Wt;"+ btien bumpedfromaprlorityllst. DAILYPJLO.T·bule~rned.. "-d 1 Mutlck·aald."'Bolh thl •••.""' '11-A few d~Y.I later news came fr.om Rep. Musick ~ Tue.s~x W,) ec -~-John Schmitt Iha! the posl office Indeed •ion lo cllilllla Palh>I deputy John Beat-tol'.1111'l ·and cotuily "'°"'!i"f• o 11 l eu ~ad .been. i;i;u!Jmi~-den, 32. of Santa Ana. with-tbe com. support mr belitf thllr thfn SrDotbtaC nie new buHding more than four times inenl: "He bas no business being a law in Jaw to pin'ent ·our fidbl biJb.•~ latger than the existing headquarters in enforcement offi"cer if he cannot observe Bea...&.. n told the DAILY f rtbr' thlt =· CJ ~1 ~ b t' the rules oLthiS.J:iepartmeot," ''"t --.. •. ement~. w, r.uc un on-ia:nd-!Old No charees had been liied ag-afriSt "'"" ShentnruSiC:Jf'S dE1CifolflOf11'e liUH Was to the government by the Reeves finn. The ·site lies on the northeast corner of ~earden. besed solely "on my persGllal friendship Avenida Plcio and AvenJda de la "Tajama. l.fusicll: said the demand that Bearden for Fred lrYine and for no other reason. No construction date has yet been an-take a poly·~aph test was made during "J stand oo my principles,'' Bearden nounced for tbe project, which will in-his department's invesgitaUon of burg-said. "Those printlpfe! indude my re-volve a M,715-square-foot bu!lding and laries committed In the 1i1issioo Viejo large parking area for post office rolling area during the lime that former deputy row · to take a Ue detector test in the stock. i Frederick B. IrVi~ was employed by absence of an'y ·~ceusatlon 0£ dishonaity. E3rly last week Chamber of Q;im"1erce the· Mission Viejo Company as a security '1'And J have not." Ule deputy stressed, l\.fanager Robert Evans told directors thaf guard. , "ever bef.n a~used of anyt,hina Jn con.. the project apparently had been scrapped lrvlne. 42, of La Habra. goes on trial nectlon ,with Uie Mission "Viejo~ burglar· and that the government's option for a April S in Orange County Superior Cow1 ies or any other clime." · postal headquarters .ille....bad. beea.~abao. ... _<!n _rjlarg~ of ~glary, grand theft, auto "Bearden said he doubted Ulat he would doned. theft, receiving stolen property and con· personally file a I a w 1 u I t against tbe 11e also cited a terse reply from spiracy, all contained in a Grand Jury cqunty. "I don't have that kind of mon- Schmitz to city queries on the matter indictment. ey," he commented, "and l could find saying I.he project was "under study" He and a fellow deputy, Arthur 8. Dun-a better use for it ii I had it." but no decision had been reached. can, 34 of Huntington Beach, were ar-But Bearden's dismissal today may Pru·soris Air Plan .Draws Criticism orange County Ir not ~ !O Jet alrcralt hut will piollobly ·~ya It fiiid ·a' way to live ·Wttb tbtim. • 1 'nWt ytU' tt\e ~I CDMll• .. Of' I ~boor •Ill' ~ ''lileodOy ~ noon helween lhe q>UD!y • ..........,,.. aild lhe airport ·~~··-'.-T- 1be rteenUy comj.leted >.ii Transpor~ ~Ion PW. of ~-Coli!ty by the llllph M. p.,.,..,. C0111pany · came In tor1 s-ra1~ by commisaloo-m i. ., . ~··or ~~On R.obtrt Bresna. hail effertd a ray of hope. "OWnen of airports (like Orange County) can man-· d>I~ type of p I a n e "We want anc( Jook rward to a quiet. ~ea..n plane." -Dan m•~rmalror•hrN•w· port ach anti-nOise comrrµtttt sug- gested Iha! the Lockheed Electra Jel- prop plane could be .the answer tor tbl present "The Electra ls qtliet. lt carrits as many passengers .as the DCI and u · fast. Air Calitomla was making money when they were flying Electro.-'Jbey were forced into jets by ',PSA11 attempt to grab the market," Emory Aid. f<Yoa rouat let the airlioea know that you mean business." The -commission suggested lbat flir· ther stullies be made bued on the de-- sires of the people of the county and lhat lhese studies be made by · lbe air· port staff and the commission. .... too"'' ' , ,..1m, ,· ~ Aft.er the information directors had rested in the !\fission Viejo c ·o u n try produce a IClwsult in which the Oran~e agreed to prod the department by letter. Club's golf shop after they allegedly County Employees Association will be "'Ille commissioners s a I d no studies were made by Parsons on the desires and will of the people 4nd that ''ualetl this constraint is accurately assel!lllfd all other considerations ,· are of JitUe meaning." ' ~ Her husband, who is retired, pursues wood\Vorklng-with a passion and pe.r· fQl'tns much of the work on accessories to ti~ poodle'.s:wardrobe. , "I draw 'the plans, then he goes to the gar"age and does all the work. The sleigh and ·reindeer are his work ,'' Mts. Peterson eipJained. 'I1ie tntire Peterson projccf has a. whimsical aif ·about it -reflected. even 41 tht; ·r~lly'i: garden. · As Gokl sat ·boll upright modeling his wardrobe, ~-·Peterson was busy with a cornet' waterlall in need of altera· ttons. . I Beneath tbe now ol water was a min- iature Water.Yhttl with a movable, min· lalure .,.,.. holding onlo the liondle. l'/llen !he "'Iler dr!IPS lo ~ wheel, the man moves. • "f guess we~ne both ·I couple Of kids 11b0Ut all this • , • we.'re going through Our second c:hlldbood," Mn. Peterson quippe<l. . • But Gogi is1 no kid-he's all ham. Thodlmolng doesn't bother him al all: I • ' I A> ho finished '.llKIW!ng off his 'St. Patrick(s-Day luft -(complete with corn- cob Jepi<diauo' pipe) ho "!'me down lo •H foun, pauted a se<:OOCl and spa! out hb 'pipe. . . . It was time. for the saxapbone. "Those plans, obviously, have been carried golf equipmenl and several cases interested ii Jt does not actively parti- scrapped," Evans said toda y. or liquor from the store to their patrol cipate. Service Station . Bandit Strikes, Uses Same Ruse The bandit who hit a Snn Clemente service stalion for $50 ·last week reappeared with his gun Tuesday evening, makin_g off \\."ith $30 from another stafiOn OJlflleOfher side of town. Gardner Langley. an cmploye of Ray's Enco Station at IOI Avenida Calafia, phoned police at ll :$4 p.m. lo repo:t the ho}dup by a young Negro In his early 20s. Officers said the' same rose as the robbery last week was used In Tuesday's heist -an initial r;iuest for i ca~of gasoline. · TI1e bandit, matd'ling lhc description or the weekend gunman, asked for thr can, then produced a pistol and demanded cash. - After taking the loot the man fled on foot Into the darkness. Langley told pclice he saw no automobile. car. "We're certainly familiar-with the ls- Both men were employed as security sue,". eommeDted A.!lsoclatlon general guards by the Mission Viejo Co. during manager John M. Sawyer. "But there lhei1 off duty hours. Authorities sai d isn"t much that we can say about this Duncan later committed suicide at bis unUI his di3rtdssal is confirmed and Huntington Beach borne after b e • riled. • • Saddlebacl{ Hospifal Se ts Special Geriatric Care One reawre of the propcsed Saddleback Community HospiUI\ has pottntiiat nation· al $1gniflcil~ in that 10 m.illioo Arnerl· cans will be 75 years old or older by 1990. The hospital's geriatric and gctrontol· ogy center will provkle patient care and do research that ·"will reach far beyond Saddlebaclc and this community, touching untold scores of others throughout the country," according to Robt.rt Hartman. lie ill director or architecture and plan- ning for the Lutheran Ho~tal Society of Southern California, developers of the ,. 256-bed general care fgclJJty. · The ~ferfwether , Cetitf.!r for Gerontology will be. 50 tor 60 bed:8 located within the 181f..bed me<lic•l·surgic•I area of Saddler back Community ffospital, Hartman said. The area wlll be 11'!.served ior treab'hent of the expected 30 percent of hoapital patients wbo will be ln lhe over.flS" age grOl.IP.-. . . Additional featuru of the ~ltdlzed factllty will be melabollc, cardiac func·• tlon and ambulatory study centers as well a! a pulmonary l\.lnctlon laboratory. Whales to Ca vor t at Yule • "Of greatest slgrilflca11Ce ·to 'the com- muillt.Y at 1~1~." llarllllJn said, "will be the geria~elltal bealfh center with laboratory SPIJoCe fGr study or the agiog phy•lology and lb elleet oo psycot logical ~s." Some people take Ceribbe~ crulses and Olgttts to Hawaii in lhe winter, but many you~sters of any age think the best CbristmasUme,excursion is a whate- watch jaunt oo a boa& along tbe Capls- traoo Bay coast. . . 1be excursion offeN rttorl!: than close- someUrnu ·only 10-20,feei away-views ol. ~acln& whales, nlonsters of tlie sea. There an sea Jipns and porpoises, even 1lylag. fish aod large colorCul umbrella- . " . ' ~ shaped jellyfish blobs. Adults frequently take 1tie 1iunt j\15t lo enjoy the,. invlgoraUng two.aftd-one· half hour ocean cruise 'ard t9e beauUful Sh<Jrtllno of !he Cal!lstrano Bay. · Al. a bonus on Sdme trips. the ocean tourists art given a view from the sea of the San Clemente home or President Nixon, Cyprus Shore, and Dana ltorbot. S11n Clemente • High School Parent. 1'eacher.Studcnt. Ahoc:laUOn 1eader1 or· I I: • g3nlie the tours as an educ•tl<>MI fUnd- ralslag project. 'tltey lR'OVi~ a marine eci>logy student to give a r11Mlng com- meh\8fy on U\e wonders of fta life. Mrr.-Davld~Robbina, project chairman, ""Id lho first trips will be Doc. 23 •nd !O, atld that reservationr at S3 ~t •du!t and $1.50 for children under It yean ln?I now accepted at 4.93-5.219 or by mpll tG Whale Watch, '4971 CaJlt l'ortuna, Capistrano Beach, California 92624. ( I ' or lho m,1111 -" e'Pee!ed 1o be IMng In tho Sadd"bock hooJ>llaJ 9'rvico are•· that -t:l Toro, MIS!k>n Viejo and Laguna JllJl.I, 45,000 wtU· ~ more tban ~. y .. n ol 1p, Al)olher 18,\)00 will be clllldr<n. . • , 11le hospital · i. beh>g geer«J lo pro- vide the tul.f 'pectrunt of care b'oln In. lancy lo •dvanced •JI<, llanmon noltd. The gerontokl&Y cenl~r 11 namtd for the LeiSUte World co\.l}lle who provided · tunds for II, Mt. aod Mn. !:. JI. Meil· wet.her. Supervisor David L. Baker said at~ though he believed environmental con- sideraUOl'l3 are paramount th•t the board~should decide that 4 jet •irl'Ort site is needed, that one be localed Uid earl be protected from 'u.rbanlzatlont aM'lhat upon completion )el5 be phlilod out at Ora e Cou,nt tt. Ora•l!fe • ButtOn up · your overcoat -t.nd your raincoa!f-Thurllday, for. the weatherma~ ahowert .. on Ul41. hotizon, wW. the mereury Mop. ping to 57 d~ereea. INSIDE TOD.\,Y Even wt t h "ntmplovmeni 1kleUning mcmu 1killld kchnioo iaiv, e//Mtr ari to~r way to Improve thi lot o/ Ule "hard core'' joble11.· See Pagt 14~ °"" 8 ~ CHRISTMAS I • ' I I l .1 .. , . . , OAll.V PllOT SC ·<&tension Of Sheriff Joh Urged E.panalon ol Ill• sherilf's o!fle< to Include all duU" ClllTtnUy handled by the marshal and the creation of a county wide hell®pter police oervlce is propos- ._ed by lhe Orange Coun\y Grand Jury ' Jn a apeclaI report on tilt !heriU'a of• nc.. . Lauding the expanded" use of helicop-' · ters by 5evera1 C6Unty citiea, the Grand JJU')' warns, however, "that it would be ~ Lllll\eCWlry upan1e for e.Cb police force to have Its own fleet of belicopten: ... ••ch l11lll\lclpallty." . 'I'l)e 'Grand Jury report cllls for "a centralized approach to hellcopltt ..,.. Ice (In whlchi all c!Uea should have regular access to thb modera approach to law enf«cemenL Jt would be im- 'practlcal to lrqmenthe lhil .. rvlce and ratrld helicopter surveillance to small geographical enclaves." tbe panel warns. And the report asks county supervi· 1ors to appoint a committee "to work with municipal governments to dtslgn 'P.r o c e du re 1 for coJledJvely finaoc- :1ng centralized · helicopter service . f(Jf' Orange County." .A committee of top law enforcement ·officers from throughout the c 0 u n t y 1 ho u 1 d consider the admJnistrat.ive :l'tructure and operational guidelines of such a project, the report ltJUe!bs to tile supervbc>-s. · ''The GraJHI Jury appeat. to tile sense of profesaional dedication as wen ·as efficient use of public monies of po- lice chie[.s· throughout the County to -give serious support to such a 1 tu d y ~and, if It shows better helicopter service •at a. reduction ln cost, to support .•. the -program," the report adds. . It is U}'tdmtood by ibertffs offkerl who contributed to Grand Jury inquiries •1hat diredion of suctt a couniywide 1ieitcopter force would be under lbe !herllf'1. department II "° study pro- . duced approval. That poa:llion is not r& fleeted in the Grand Jury report. ~ In ca I J I n g for dovetailing of the. lherilf's and marshal's o ff i c es, the -Grand Jury urgea aupervltors to recog· ntu tllat Superior and Municipal Court :..rvtm performed by botll "need oot eut.ail two d i f f e re n l adminlstratlve . •tructurn." Botll deP4rl'11enta supply ballllll , and civil· --to bOtb courta. ·11\e report notes. wltll the comment !bat ·au al<h atrvlcta .provJdod in Orllll• County ccurlrool!ll "should be ·-tered by the 1herlff'1 office. "The Grand Jury believes that tbtre are structural and eeooomJc advantacea kt sucb a move" in a recommendation llrgin& county superv18ors to '1phase out lbe terVicea of lhe Manhal's office and wlgn !Moe re1ponalbll1Uu to the coun-ty Sherill ... • o..llL Y PILOJ'. lltll PllOI• ENGINEER MARTY REN~RO SQUASHES BALSA BRIDGE Students Spent D•ys Building l111 ir Entries S1nashing ~on Dark Horse BrUlge Wins Squeeze It took more than 90 separate squashes Tuesday nia:ht before a dark-horse bridge builder emerged ttle surprise winner ol ... ~· ~b School'll Jllllllll balM brl<!P eompeUUoo. the annuaJ event. Laird Reveals Necessary Cuts. lnMilitarf Bud Butterfield's lightweight mast.tr· -~Jcbitig a-mere few ounces-bore ~ pounds before giving way. Re won !20. Parents' and students appeared In large numbers to watch volunteer civil engi· neer Marty Renfro twist the lever of ~ large drill press as a student chanted the increasing weights computed on an electronic testiiig system. According to -the rules, the small balsa spans were built to llimensions smaller than a shoe box with wood strips no more than a fraction of an inch in diameter. W.wriNGTON (AP) -5t<:retUy of -· Molvln R. Lllrd aald 1odaY --Ill cuta In the de!..,. ~ will mean furtber culbacU in civilian and military mdpower, 1>0se c1oo1ncs and reductiofts, and fewer Navy abipt. LeJrcl did not-1<> Into dell!ls on lhe cuts which .are to be spelled out aometlme oext month. Pentagoo spolreonnaJl Jerry W. Friedbebn said the new reductions will be in addition to . prevlOU1ty planned· cutbacks. In a stattmeflf., Laird aaid cuta 1n the · 1971 f~I defense bud&~t mad e Tuesday by H-.S.nai. <"1feraes, "Will require expenditure rtductlona: of about $800 mlllloo during the lb: montha rematntnc In tile curreiit fiscll yeor." DAILY PILOI " ............. -·----ORANG! COAST f'Ut tllMfNG COMr,..., lokrt N. 'WMI "·"'"-PWlllMr j,,~ I. Cllfftt Vici P~""I •1"4 Gtrltrtl M.,,._. lli•Mei k' •• .,fl ldlltr lhoM•t A,. Mu,,lilit• M1nt111"1 lfltiw IUclo1 rd '· H1I Soulll Or•llflO Ceunl~ ldtlor ....... C..19 M-1 UO W\tt 1tV lflwt Jl~I INlll'li Ull Wat ..... •wtn.N • • ~ lh«l!1m11om1 ,.,.,..... MiimllltlWI ... di; 11111 ... hullVll'll ·a.II Clfmt111t: JOI Htrl!I 1!1 ~ ... The Yo!JllC designer's bridge topped the favorite's entr)' which crumbled ·un- der· 330 poonda. Jim Ke1ley, ·the winner of the a.Iµ'luaJ cont~ ~wo separatt ti~es. scortd .second with his ~t SPf.D. He won last year wltb 404 poands. 'I'bird place went · to G·a11 · Kingman.' whoot span ltd for a timeWlfb a c;nimf>., ling weight of 320 ponnds. ·in all, 96 bridge sections were tested and smashed in the annual competition in the High School UtUe Theatre, which was filled with a capacity audience for Airplane glue was the on1y adhesive. . Some students spent days building their e.htrles. only . to see t®m squuhed in a· matter Of Rconds. ; 'I.be niost intricate s.paM, lt seemed, g'ave way 'the soonest.~ . "A lot of the entrieS wue beauWuJ . bu~ i;iot practical at ~I. bp.t t!'~ ~inners were sound litUe designs sOOwing ei:· cellent work." said physics instructor Don Schwenn, a 1»sponsor of• the aMual competitions. 10 Orange Coast Citizens Nominated for Jury Jobs Ten Orange Coast resldtnta are &· mong the 30 citizens nominated by 21 Superior Court judges for service on the 1971 Orange Coonty Grand Jury. • Among nominees 1t1bmitted by Judge Bruce Sumner of Laguna BeKh is Mrs. Doreen Marshall, former mayor of New- port Beach. She is ohe of four Newport Beach residenls offered for service on the 19- member grand jury which will take office in January. 1bost 19 ·names will be drawn by · Judie Byron K. McMillan Jan. 4 In courtroom ceremonies thal will lmmed· Jltety follow the discharalng of the 1970 panel by Jta Superior Court liaison, judie J1rnes F. Judge . Seven jUcfaes contributed a total of elgbt 1'ifth District resident& oUered for grand Jury service next y~ar. . Judie ~,r nominated itr1. Mar· shall, 38'7 Via Lido Soud, presiding Judge William C. Speirs named Mrs. Frances L. Tooley, 1821 Sandalwood Lane and Mrs. Marta Loiano.. 116 Via Koron and Judge William S. Lee named Martin Mangold, 21ff Vista Dorado. all of New· Po<t Beach. Judge Rober! L. COrfman nominated 8111 Fe:~tl~ZO Hazel Drive, CorOna del Mar. Jwtg'l"tt•r.r Vall 'Tar.nhove wrote ln the name of Dr. George O. Roberta. Sl92 K•nosha Line, jrvlne. Judge Claude M. Owens submitted the name of Waldo Drake:37 S. La Send11, Soutll Lsguna and Judg> Horbert S. Kerlands nominated John Kamalanl, 303 E. 23rd St., COsta Me ... Two other nominees ha il from the county's Second SuPervlsorl11l District and were offered by Jud&e Charle' A. Bauer. They are James C. Caley, 8252 Snowbird Drive. .and Ray Lamoureux. 5831 Trophy Drive. both of Huntingtoo .Beach. Nomination of John Kamalani of Cos- ta Mesa as the sole representative of that community may again arouse con- troversy in that city over the app11rent dearth of representatiVes on the grand jury. ~ A check ttday ()f_ grand jury records over the years 1~1970 did not reveal a Cost.a Mesa resident altbou,gh those game records indicate that al least three Co5t.a Mesans were nominated in that time. · Placlhg of Kamalani ()O the 1971 pan· el wou1d, it appears.· end a 5ix·ye11r drought in C<lsta M~a·s contribution to Orange county Grand juries. Teachers' Merit - Pay Ruling Seen A merit pay schedi1le may be adopted at tonigbfs 7 p.m. meeting of the. San Joaquin Elementary School District Board of Trustees in the new warehouse bullding • ...li600 Sand Caey:oa Ave., East frvlne . The board voted rteently to eliminate all automaUc sal1ry increases as of June 30. 1971. • Aiso on the aaenda will bf' a report by the school district's thret nursts who serve ntarly 9,000 students. Trustees also will consider a claim for . N!lmbursement bf rnedlcal c<1st& in treating a cut sustained by a student ·on school di~trict property. I I Cuts liurr ·' MeD:taf Aid • : hi: C9urity By .JACK BRO&ICK Of ,.,. Dell'I' '" .. ,,_,, Mental health programs in Orange County have beeq crippled fl.llancially by tieavy cutbaW · 1" 1tate contributions . supervisors ~ told Tuesday. Beca11:1e the . et.te '.had faiJ@d by 'l1 p!tcent to meet its pledge to finance 90 per~nt of the mental health activities, programs costing $652.000 may have to be ellDUnated. according tci Robert E. Thom.as, county ldmlniJtraUve officer. Supervisors, after a short disamion ~ided to postpone a final declsio1 for a week. Periled by the state cutbacks are a ftat,000 alcoholic inpatient program at the Orange County MedicaJ Cehter: a $110,000 outpaUe.nt drug crisis clinic: a drug abuse program budgeted at $120,000 V.at provide! IUDport for the Harbor Area Yolfth Problem Center, the Tustin Rap Center, and the Free Clinic of Orange County in Anaheim. Also affected are two mental b(lilth screening teams, $170,000;. mental health workers, $40.000 and jail and juvenile hall pr~ams, $30,000. .Thoinas said despite the $652.000 cut in programs budieted, an $81,000 deficit remains in the local program. To correct this would require laying off 15 to 20 peoole. The adm inistrative officer a 11 o . anticipates another '74,000 deficit in state hospital costs payments re.quired by law. He said if the county absorbed the latter two deficits it woold be increasin.R: Its share of mental health costs from 12 percent lo 14 percent. Thomas said the cou nty was penalized because it did not spend all money appropriated the previous year. He said counties which overspent their budgets were given the full amount they asked for this year. . Laguna Library Design Approved Preliminary deslgn ()f the proposed new Laguna Beach Library was approved Tuesday-by-the Board of Super_y.i.Sors and architect Fred Briggs was ordered lo pr~ with final specifications. the s;d':lo square foot structure at Glenneyre and .Laguna Avenue will be built at an eetimated ~ of '215.00l. lnc.luded in the design ill a Chamber of Commerce office of 450 i;quare: feet. Architect Briggs, of Laguna BeaCh, showed the supervi!ors a scale model of the proposed building. ~uperviaor5 Dayid L. Bakei and· Robert Battin expressed concern over the proposed wooden shingles, but Brigg~ said they would be llre-.retardent treated ..and would la.st .as long as any ()ther material. . The site ill sloping and parking for 34 cars will be provided beneath the structure, Briggs said. - GEM TALK TODAY by '-C. HUMPHIJIS COuallflcatlon Determines Qu11Jty) Do you know the qualifications of a gem.st.one~ Beauty, obviously, is p r i m a r y in color and shape . TransP,arency likewise is important although not in some cases. Hard- ness-is vital since it o l t e n deter- mines the lasting quality of the gem . Finally, rarity of occurrence under these conditions, maketi the gemstone a thing of value. Don't make the mistake ot ascril> ing one color to a gem. The ores from which the gems come are hi&hly versatile in using every rain·· bow color to fashion their prizes. Topazes are ndt merely yellow but also light blue, orange, pink. and white . It would be almOsl imposs.ible !or the untrained eye to distinguish be- tween a yellow sapphire and a yel- low topaz. Yet even experts hesitate lo say un til certain tests are Made on the getn.!l. Exciting j e we 1 creations are youn from J. C. HUMPHRIES JEW. ELERS. You'll find only fbe linest in all types of jewelry. Alsn special ord r wnrk, line watch & jewelry repairing. Famed Store''s Gifts Hijacketl . . • HOUST6N (ll1'1) -A Neiman· Marcus delivery truck lolded ..till a hall millloll • dollan , •orlb of Christmu Prellllls waa bl~ Tuesday when tbe driver sto"'"4 to check a street address. ~ The truck w91 (pund atio.ll thr~ hours later behind an a~t house 1112 blqcks away. ·.Z.' · • ·netect!Ve, 'T. F. McK!tUJeY saU:I the truck .wip partly uni~ but .he did not kno~ wtu; . the . thieves made off wll!1 ~-.. moet upeosive items. · ... AlpoonSo Bryant, 80,. the:driver, said one gift was valued •• Pl),000. He told police tbe overall vtiue was $500,000. .. My Lai Or~er: / 'Kill Anything That Moves' FT. BENNING, Ga. (UPll -A veteran of the My Lt! sweep testified today tbat after a briefing by the • comPany ~mmander he and other aoldlers deCided ''to clean out tbe whole VU!aae -to kill anything .~·"Pe aaw ;or · anyilµna that moved ." • · Leonard R. Gonzalez, 28, Richmond, Calif., gave the testimony before a siJ officer panel bearing the court-martial of 1st Lt. William L. Calley Jr., who ia charged with the premeditated murder of 102 South Vietnamese civilians on M°'arc.h 16, 1968, the day the My Lai raid was . ' carried oot. Gonzalez · said the briefing was given · the day before the operation by Capt. Ernest L. Medina, commander of C Company, .,of which Caliey's platoon was 8 part. "After the briefing did you talk with Sgt. Buchanan and other members of your squad and arrive at a conclusion UCI Prooo- ' . ·Of .Cu hack s Flfeei Diie· . • ; • .l ~ ~ •• ' -~1· -!C~~Oi<lQl.!11al G. Aldrich Jr. has ~ vlq ~llors of ye Irvin• t~. term1ne w~t-'effect tl!t runlverslty-ly,i~cytbacks will have on programs at tbe :Jive and one-half . Y.e.atr.old camp1,1s. :"II J.s..lmpoialble1• to. lnaintaln tile oliti,i'~tovol ·or '111.1\lty," ,X.ldi'/cli , >aid. .. nuinbera-of itUdenl!; iJncrease and ~-aqllara avi ilable ri!maiit the1Same. .UCJ...expects 7,JOQ studevts neJt year compared witll 6,400 UU.. year and f.ld· rich tnte.fprets the cutbacks prdered Tue.May by UC President Charlel!I 'Hitch lO contiriue into the 1971-721 Ufdefl\ic year·: a.a well 11.1 uje, rema~g ail montm of this fiapaP.. ear. · · SpeCUlc-.effict. ..of e cutbacks will ~ bi known until tment. Ma.!nntn tfve~takep ·a _loo~ the dlrtCijVes, a campWI tp0ke;srnan aid. ,. The belt-tl&ht.enln fs necessary, mtch ··~8fjid-:·'ftteSdly,.\:.~e COl!lts are soar4 fU Wtiile incorbe in fees is falling "abort " expeCtationl" and the state govern- me"l'lt i' demandi ' , greater ~mies. '\ln;;iJ:~ 19 ~ltli, and ad· ~JP!· i.~..;:; stall: l04ve ihlll bf~,....,ttm· porarily, .-11 _ ; ~ "' li. ;.Fur~& , 1 ~~YJrtµ,ally no new equipm nt courd Se Oidered or leu:ed. even f9f replaceml!f\t," •He Made an e:rception lo telephone equtpment lf no new continuing costl result. ' He abo banned any oot.«..tate• travel by university personnel in the Dew order, which he called Fiscal Guidelines for 1970-71 "oi.ir prospects for the remaining aix months of this fi&caJ ye.ar are almilar in many respects to those described by Gov. Reagan for the State o! California," Hitch said. , "I know that you are already oper,at· lQg <¥1 levels of support significantly be· low your needs, ,and I very much re- gret that these measures are necessary to reduce current expenditures ·even further, "Hitch said in his letter . 1 about the briefing?" asked Richard B. Judges to View . Kly, the de:fense attorney. Gonzalez said he had and the"'n related the conclusion to km anything 111.y ••w. Y ul.e Decor a ting Gonzalez had te,,tilled. Tuesday that It! left the briefing with the impression that Judges will be viewing decorated the village was to be destroyed. He also homei in Lake Foreat on Saturday, sa.id it wu his understanding that !he Prizes will be awarded to . the three enemy there "could be women ." moat. beautifully decorated homes in Today, he said that in the northeUt the co.mmunity. First prize will be '25, section ()f My Lal 4 he Saw the bodies Of lecond will be $15 and third will be $10. "about 25 women and children." Later Each prize winner will receive ~a tro- he aaid, his platoon, the second, went phy and a perpetual trophy will be .iin north to another village where he aaw a display !ll the Beach and Tennis Club. croup of "maybe 10" dead women·. \ Selections will be made from 6 , to -'.'.Whtn..l_l&W...tb.em thty w'ere nude," he t p.tb. wl.th___kophle1 and prizes .being continued. "Rlxhevltz {not ,;cu~rl't h~e";r--'a.,w":a~rdted:i'-at the Christmas· pltty 'lf"'or'---I identified) was with. me. He had an M-79 all Lake Forest homeowners on Tuesday, (irenade launcher).'..' Dec ... ~22..- "Was there any indication how they "The conttst 111_ sponsored by the Oc- died ?" Kay asked. cidental Petroleum Land and Oevelo~ "Yes sir. it was a canister round put ment corporation. All Lake F o re.st into a 79." homfs are invited to participate. IU Clllll ''Cl.• 11 """'· ..... rwllUlt -'4M • J. C. ..J/umphriej Jeweler:! 1823 NEWPORT BLVD .. COSTA M~A CONVENl lNT TERMS UNk'.AMEll:ICAIU)-MASTEltCMARGE • 24 YIAll:S IN SAME LOCATION 'HONE S4j.J401 I • • " f •• • --• -TodAy's Flnal .. . . -N:.Y. Steeb ' ' . . . · ( ff ,11 ~ '· 1 > J ¢7.· 1 f. ,, -J •'< ... ':" .,. ~· I.' 1 ~ ... t ,.1 •. • ·: • .. r· ;11 • ..-, "~~tl~d ,C9~inunity DenSity R.€d~ced Agtlin ~. t0~' • -<~ .. ,~ :•:~ ;,._~· c•:;; '-\ I >:~ 1-o1 I h ha t it d lo ~--'d I ,_' 1•·· d '(t b·1·1 "of tri Un ·~ PRD t Id h . if d '-'-· . '-~ I u~r .ITT":A ~m n'~ei'ln .mit_ ~v~opmeot dlflicul . illside supportnomoret noneor ·'foun s a eve perl\'V\U rywaw.1n ens1y 11y res cg u~. zone o wou appen a eve,.,._. wani.eu. o · PlJ:e~· .~ J\ipdi~ .for; tJit . p~d ·arW, -uDits 00uld ~ "clU:Steted" in .. per 1 acre. , in a small area if much of his land:'is ·parcels . Ot not less than JO acre!, the donate-his unbuildablei <!pen spece In . ~.-.l~Pl!,~~~ .. ~e¢plfal :dlne\iel~~) one-~of' .a ijrge parce.. ,I, With the Commissioner chairman \Vllliam Lam·· diffiCult for ~uilding." · Comm~ioner~ were, reminded they had s1.!ch manner and specifically who would JlUne -.-,;......... U-..+& aM & o;uuwur boume re.Jt it would pt.it the commis-JohnSton said a ~Va raU9 .wouJd per-eliminated lhl:! restriction at a previous \ntai 't . /~•i!lners !decided (ol hdlct den!"it)r even :~ranee ·o~:the lind n'ialnta"itled Os open sion in a d.ifflcuJt Position if it became mit a JOG-a, ~~ parce, ,f to ~)Jut ~ units session. ma ' n I . .~ _l_, ~11rt•·•,:•.:...-1· .J._ ~· -• ol. nru. "'~'ts space. , .. • , , ... • 'I r 1 I -· d lded to .~.. It • U . JohnsJ,on said i.ua~ re:nrictions of sales I • 11 1im-uVU& .-'"' '""' pecessacy to rule, on .s~ifylng d~ity 'On ·a· Iv-acre s1 e; or eXl!flP e. ·11..::Y ec r~..,.e ua -way r ·per.~JO:Ti·~w~1~r·. ·~14 Pir~Ue: .;~•i9nei~·'nwmas Jqtw.~ s~id for ,each planned developmen,. He fav .. , 'Lamboume said this mllbt be the and specify that parcels ·must be at In such a r.one woµld regulr~joint.main- •. ~~~~f.d.5)wity•~ prtltht't1\-l ·M~ he was. \afrf!id tt\at' .sPf!ClfYplg ored establishing the rpaaimum -·at a worst possible thing· if It> _provided , iO le~ five acrea' ~ quaijf_y _for PRO zon-tenance ,of open space by property owD- (smgJ& ff1~ot.@jll)~~~tiJ)l.se'9el) 'tndts· a nuriJedcal maxirrium of units per-acre "reasonable level" but added. "that acres of open space . .ilt's ~ter thap ing: . ers. P,l-·r•ct:e;lnrt 'w;idl • "Ctf uldtj.1Qii ·a. ·Jot woulCI lead developeai·to-believe · tb!:J. doesn't mean the developer always can the R-1 1 cut.. and fill procedure:• he Noting that donations of open space to If space w:ere -donated to the Green- oJ.rat iea.¢.:'1000"aquare'f~: · ·: ..:. w0uld191W ~ 1be'ent1Ued tO thls'maii-get the maximum." added. 'the Greenbelt would provide a tax ad-belt, said. Carl Johnson, the Greenbelt ·. uiMfer·,~~~ · ~ ~~~~Q, 'iiir-, ,mUm, !'hi~fS m f_!ct:~dle· terr am woWd "We don't want to get in a. box where Alter some diScUsalon of the advJsa· vanf.M:e, Lambourne wondered. what w.ould be obliged _to_ ~lntain it:. ~· '-~:r-~ .. L: .. -· .--~ l . • • . .. Dog Ban , Dug Up-Again ,..-;Surprise Agenda Revamp Ires Laguna Officml . . . ( .... . ( - Two Laguna Beach city councilmen said today they did not realize until they r.~ived their agendas Frid~y that a i:evamped version of the controversial dog ban ordinance·wou}Q be up for voting tonight. . Mayor Richard Goldberg. however, said he had assumed all along that the revised ordinance would be back on the agenda as soon as the city attorney could draw up new wording. The ·ordinance is substantially the same as the one repealed Ckt. 21 following a .. referendum, except for a new·.p&ragraph JimiUng the beach ban on Jogs to the summer months.· The_ or1j10a1 oidinance'-.Jn~· by councilman Edward·Lorr, provided for _a year-round ban on dogs on 'the benches, as well as in three city parks. The park ban remains. • · . "I dQn't_!ow~~why anyor>e should b~ surprised,'' said Goldberg. "The council agreed to this' compromise and we told them (tfie protesting dog owners) that we would be adopting this ordinance. I see nO reason to delay lt." ... :· · Writer Arnold Hano, who. apearheaded the rtCerendum driye, Called: the new on:Hn1,~ • "fraud" an4 malnlfined it may be illegal '.lince the law· bars the council from, adopting within one year an ordinance similar to one repealed by referendwn. • • • O~·this aspect of the 'matter, Goldberg said, "The difference seems to be that he considen th!S compromise a minor change. I would say it's a major _change.'' • Insurance Costs Take . . . . . ( . Ga1heri~g Seen· Laguna · Happ~nin$ Piiim f Q!ite . , • I. t I : f Sh .. s· • •. ,, l!f'P · .. pw· ~-. ~~!c!l.~llf• stijl llA'~'!'11·beeo . · · ~ " · • '· ,.. -all!'. ~ fii .. ~ P!i<!> .lllJY ~ j ill 1 • .. ,. ··~rgy~·+ ~a ~·D1y ,,! Insurance costs for the Laguna Beach "happening 1n ·Laguna Bach.f, ~nt1y· U . ..,. I · I •· lb ~Irie ·~aided via posters, .. IIY'1'S and a ru.1._ Schoo Distr1c mave more an full·p!!ge ad . in .. tM Los Ang~}es Fret· doubtid ~ ~e µet.~ ye~, a Pte~ • '/. , . ., 11 atanlld'ldioo! ·Mm ~a°l:ned' Tlitiii{a; 1*·q,iol11...0. Hutlt·~-­nlilbV . . • ·' . . . ' : talke<l•11e1&111d~...-, _. 1--;Jitstr.t<:,b,,llil· tr~, ..-'. .. --.. tlUld~ , diltrlbllttng 1 ' . .. . • .. "• ....... l'l;' •• °'" . pabllclty Wllidf blo· ltistrtaod-llie . . ~) , GGGl '.PETE RSCIM\~i"~',TO·D-.SSS ~II· tHE0 0cCASION Charles 11 .. ,.-'814 that cOst o! ~'°"' police '<lepartmel!I -YlllOnl or "'lulge, , .... .. Maolil J.liltlLc:.mn c""'""" )Vlth.ftllnlatvre TOJI" ' i.m;m.,· his Increased this . eat from dlsOrplm.J gatbol:llfi'lh tile ~7~ ·,• •• p '.~ <".,,. "· · .-;r.1ottE :J!t!OTq5 1P.~2 · " · · ', aliout $111;008 to ·$4i,9'l1! He noted that .The pool&" ancl 'lbe•ad•lltle "ali •wlle J .,,. 'If ' 1·' • • ·~ ; t ; :., 1 { 1 lnllll'8nce for fire and ~~rty 'damiige 'beings•• to "Come to .Ltgima Beach, ""r r· ,. ,..... . . t • l-.. · -(;·· + ··~-t . .. -. ..,. . i~reased .J'n cost -by :ao~percent. Ca'lil; l)ec..1'15" for ••a oomlftg together ', • ,'d' ,. ·i•, D.'' .... " ·a·-Ma'"~"°'r The district was COV<!red under I to ceielinle ·the birth o! ,Jesus Cbrlst ft' .m.raAU " ;I-......... ~ ... In ,witness to the.Ntw Age/' ·.:i1 • ~ , , • , ,.. • • • biankel Insurance policy by the Insurance .ln the ad,i the figure 144,000 is roUo~ '· ,;..... . ·-~ _. ... -l ·? ,..._ Company otJ!-. North ...America during the-by--a-paren..lb_etlcal reference to Rev .. VJl,, f. c· ~i-. i .. , p: 'odl f -~,All S · 1969-70 sc.hoot year and w11s supposed .to .4~' • n • • , ~ '~Jtle:~.fW>., S 0 ~. :. 0 _ ,.11 .. e .USOUS be covered by that c°'"9any for tnis The Biblical verse refers to "Jl!.ii!!P. of ,..., . , ... , ::T1' . . . . . year. Hess said. However,~ the company all the tribes of the children 'of lsr;11el." : ·, By .roQN-.vi\tTERZA · , dftssed. pp. l just like to dress. ~nimal s, cancelled the district pOllcy in Octot>er • 'Tbe ad 'al&O promises "COzmik Light •' ' or"" Dl.lt-rht st•" . • , 1 kuessJ'' !lhe said. . · and the district was forced to insure'~ts Siiow" and .''Celestial Musick." £Gogl 1',ter'sotror-smrctement~ IS, a ' Mrs. ·Peterson also has tried b e r property' :with ,other compani6. A spokesman at the Los Angeles office ddhe~ 1~ • • • er, .. ~og. · · hand at monkeys. ' He&S said that no insurance company of the Free Press said today that a· fuO· ·~ls .a F~~an1 ~t~ndl~g per~pa .... ·~My nephew ~d· a mon~y ·for-quit~ would cover a. schOOl district or other page ad in the pablication wou1d cost~ 12 ~ital I Jn .model mg :p(>Sture, aiRl · 8· .f.hil~ -aM I liurde some clothes for public agency under a blanket policy any and . lhat lhe "New ~e" ad which G~ "fW'• •· -wardrobe :~t spana ~hf:· ',hin\ 1toO:.,· ... more and the district is now insured with appeared Dec. 11 "defmilely was a paid y~S holi~ys: • . ,. • . Jf+r ~.1who is retired, pursues s"eve ral companies. Under t1lis multi· ad ." The ad artwork was signed "Dion." ~I' ChrJStmas. 1or ~lance, the sil· · ~Oodworkitig with a passion , and per-company arrangement, eac h company Au~horitles said it is the work of Dion v• ~ture poOdle\ va0 s~. a ·Santa for~s 'mych of the work on accessories to insures a portion of the district's \Vr!ght, well-Jmowp young Laguna Beach ouf£4?-\~at _and. all. ' . ~ · · , the poodle.'s warctrobe. . property artist. , ).'~tiest ·~hen ~ants.sits in :Ms -"L dra••the plans, then he goes lo Anoth'e~ aspect of Ute lnsur<lnce ffuck said.he _had no idea Vi'.~re the , ~~;t;-'· I sle~ ~mid bags o( V\hit 'I the' 'garage and" dOeS ~aff the work. The coverage that surprised the sc hool board mon~y to f1n~~ce' the ,adverti sing · wa.s aK~• ys. Reindeei' co~plete.t~ stebe. • 81 . h d · •·· hi k " M , h h f' and ro rt da mage coming Cron1 . The young man told me ·""'' ,' . · , . , •. . e1s ·an re1n~r are s .v.·or ·, rs. ua~ t at t e ire P pe Y . he and some friends ju• got together and Ti., ns ar:e made of •red. ribbon~-. .... :Peteraon explained. poli cy went ~rom $1 ,000 deductible to started putting out the 'Publidty beCause ~:~ •seamstress •. o~'ller, .. modelini The entire Peterson project has a $10.000 deductible. . . they thought it would be a beautiful thing ~ , ~ , promo~r 1s. ~trs .. John ~.. whimsical air about it -reflected even Hess noted . that th~ 1.nc~ases were if a lot of people •of 1 heir philosophy Pt4tts0n ot 110 ·Calle Dommguez 10 jn the family's garden. inconsistf'nt with the d1str1ct s lo:;.ses due gather on Christmas ' to celebrate the s'6 ~ente. • . · As Gogi sat l:iolt upright modeling his to fire or vandals, poi~tl~g out that the birth of Christ. He stressed the religious · Tile' Woman.-Jaaa wa&e4 v.'at. on naked wardz:obe, Mr. Peterson was busy with ~eatest Jos~. the district has ever aspeCt of the gattiering, •but said no a-Rinifis:' foj-: dolefts: Of; '}'e'ars. ~t a 1:9mer waterfall' -in need of alter a· incurred w.as $3,583. That sum was the thou&:ht had been given' as ·ta just where iOcf Gpgl ~il,~\l1nest!example yet. liOflS.· , • . _,, . total district loss in 1969 due to it might be held." . . ~ng 1~ii9g Weeks on each Beneath the Dow of water , waa a min· vandalism, ·burglar,y and m a 11 c i o u ! The chief continued. ''I enCouraged him edtfit,· Mrf,•.f.;~-~ devised , m~· lature~ wat~heel ~Uta 1119vable, min-.. "mis'.chief, he said. · to try to establish some sort of an t~·a haltmenj · r"SeJuP.S ;that transform iature man . ho!ding onto the ~ndle. However, Hess added tha't the Laguna organization if' they think a Jot of people hft! J~lllt ~t.:tJitofan ~rresiati~le,'Bt.:' WhelJ \¥water .-drops '\qr ~ wheel, Beach schools are not the only public INV~!rlNC) ADvk'RTISEMiNT' . 1 LagUna , Police Conce\-nM ~ ~ f'\llght a>me here so they won't , be roami~ arouOO with no place to ·go,· nothinl to .eal•and nothing lo-,dj). <fle ,.id perhaps they should think ~bout this." Huck said be also reminded the youth that pennlt.8 wOuld be neected for otitdoo'r music if tl\is were , planned, .but added that :so far no pef111its have . been reciutsted. · . ' . Lagunilns recalled thit a simitar flurty oectined about three fears ago· When i&n "lnternatM>nal love-in" was supposed _ to draw up to 30,000 people, to the Main Beach one weekend. ' ' On tha.t occasion an esUmated f.O persons turned ~-' ' .. tr~. , · 1 1 ~ • the 1'l\art. ·.moves-. ' bodi~ feeling the rise in Insurance cost! 1'P\lnli:~¥ing'I ; warilrobe, for exam-''.I ~ss :We're 'bo(b " a couple "of kids and that a record of small losses _weant PIJl, .~~ #rii!!ete,.wil~ the b~c~ ~ · about all lhis '.' • ,i,..;;-goil!i· lhrough nothing. . h8';,.,tiltck (!38~1afMJ a·m,piiature b,lu~ff" our second cbil4}tood, Mn; Peterson "MO'St uni versit.ie$ are now taking out bup' he)d tntillimless In ule lef't paW. 1 quipped) ~ $1 million deductible policies," Hess said. ~..:st.t-ap c01*Jc~,for the_'~nn'val • But 'Gogl1 ~s flo kid-; he~s all h.am. Board presldent ·Larry Taylor agre~ F~-,la'•c;hrJsUahJt. U1 ~¥1 ~t~te· • ·The .~mg . doesn l b<ither him at there was no guarantee 4'th~l ~e wont b(t!M"drter. ·. . ' • .. all. · . have an uprising and a lx11ldmg .burn ~--t lhlnJaturti .'!era,P,e • .som-. A~ ·~e finis~ Showing off his St. down for a lremendous loss." tir.i01• ·1p~martly.,.Uh 'a mini·• .Patrick's'Day suit (complete with corn-,.:..-------------, Brief hut Lively ~gend~ Seen for LagunitCou.ncil Colinellmen Roy Holm and Ch~ttod Boyd, who' vote<l. ~gainst the origtnai ordinance, said that copies.of the rev'ised ordinaOce -had · .been placed In · councilmen's boxes at City ball about 10 .. days ago, but they did not know until the agendas came out -that it was scheduled for action .tonight. "I was pretty irked about it," sai<l Boyd. "l was the one who lobb~ for a policy that-wouJd enable councilmen to have items put on the aget\da (or discussion, but I question· this matt.er of permitting individual councUmeii to have the clt)r attorney, who is. 'paid On an. hourly basis, draw up entire Ordihances • ' • • . . t ' . and 4ump them into the agenda Without pi~~ conauilallo\1. }'hi> ~· be ~ lillo." ·-• ·~4~11J1id lie" fell ldio!I DI\' II!< rev\'<d orcfm&nc. would well bavt wilted Ull .. . . , 1fth the first of the year; qmmenting, ~·'fh11 ",council ·is not strong o .n <jjpllrnacy. ~ ifolm _ll.id be undlrttood councilman totr lllll . hid coplei,.o! -thi'-novlsed ordlilan<e plaCed in the Imes and later noted it ria on the agenda. "At least lhis ts progress," he quipped: '41.ast time he just jiopped lt under ' C01111dlmen'1· epi>rtr." He noted that the new ordinance contained tfi~ amendmerit he originally propo&ed, limiting th'e beach ban to the summer, but said he would hive favored a more complete revision ot animal conlrol ordinances; working in proposals prepared by Hano at the· request of the counc!T. • -·c;;oidberg sal~ HB}\O'S ~mtnents on ri!visloii of certain archaJc portions of the animal laws bad been. received too late . for inC!dsion in the fevised ordinance. :'However," he e'mphasized,'"lhey will bl' carefully· studied by the staff an<J as toon as we get their recommendation I would. expect to se~ the cOW'ICit implement his suggestions · at the first opportunity. b{aybe they can be 1worked into the or~lnance at the nex( meeting." Hano's study of exist.ma:' ordinances pFoduced proposals for· relJldVal of a number of inconsistencies, increasing penallties for license delinquency,. revising a chapter barring posse8siCf1 o,, more than two dogs, extending redemption periods for owners of impounded dogs and extending periods for sale or deitruction Of· unclairtted. animals. Oruge Button up your O~t -and your r.aincoa\ -Tbunday,~for the weatherman sees showers on the horizon, with ttle m~rcury drgp- ping to S7 degrea. INSmE TODAY atuie' · •-.'The ~tlfJilece ' ys ·.·rob Jeprechaun)ipe) he came down to cl~: it' .. '1µ1·, ieittt.• jl 1: .•· 1 1 "' • : an-1fours1 1paused. a secoJl{t tnd spat ~:'P,~~!IY· 4'j!'l ·~emeri>bel' ,,ou\'rus pipe. • . . This Burglar Had Real Guts Even w l t h Unt1]'lPlO'V'¥t1it For lts Jaat meeting before the Jack Becknell, 1595 Caribbean Way; ts sidtHnlng nUrnv: &killed technic· holidays, the' Laguna Beach City Council ap~g ~aril et A(ljpstment def)lal o,f iani, eJJorU are under ioay to wbi;ft1f8*.· .brit 1 ,~l !Daki!!&_. ,dogs" ' Il· waa time. for the saxapJ:>one. C·-· .-• '' • • ~I• • J '< ' I ~~1 \liW ·we've<..W·l!I"! bu "'"1! · · · ! \ ' f ,,' • • 01 I !','' . -. l.aguna ,,Art B;urglary faces a brief, but potenUally Uvely, his reqµest..for nPi-ml~tpn. to bl!,il~ . .a liJ.... imprbvt tht lot oj tht "hard agenda. -r~··""7\' I The revised dog control ·ordinance,. foot ten« ITOW'1d his swimming poo . .... , c~rt" joblts1 .. Ste Pape 14. which ap~arl as. item J9 on ~ ~ri· other-buaihesa,. 'the council Will · ~ Laguna Beach police are looking unusually. shdrt; 13-ltem order o f consider':· · I 1 • • r'or a brash burglar who 'broke into 'busi~,. ~' M>Uk. JUftber prof.es~ -An'apptlcat!On• from lbe South Coast · Kf~tL4 -SH~fERS ·Studied by ·p?Jice -~4-'DE-GR:fES::--~·~1!e•clrl>OU..:-.,.,1~estigatinir . , ' , the overnight 'theft or an esthpaled the. police . plstof ran8:e In brOid . ,from, 1 J>e!&m;IS · wbo. .orCan~ a . Cinema Soele'y tO· ihoW clauic films at ~Ught Tuesda afternoon 4nd." re.rer.eDdµm.;tO ·~al fhe I~ onh~nce. , tt\e Fe~Uval Forum Theater beginnlpg in • -StOle severil p etts oLibOOl.1 --:--~PrNentation--ol--'fPe-;-gener;al;--1 plan January. ' -: ' : equipment. . ld~e~t, two .years lru preP,aration, "ill -The question of cofllinµlng O.ly 8 '.tr -CHRDDMAL ttt:ANILA (UPI ) -11le 1even1n.gr ~ws $15,000 Worth of paintings from the Art re_qoi:f.ed t~ay that t.bous•nds -of ~th-C(!}ter Gallery in Laguna Beach. ol~:altended earl)' ,mo~\Al,~~ri&L-·'fhe-'£allery, at 1492 S. C.oast Highway, ml~s 111.~ -despue.__i.C)ldo.w temper.. one-of the oldest in the Art Colqny, Is • u.;es. ..__ owiied by Alrred Dupont.. welf known Qurlng tlll! ·last 24 ttours, the ,ll(eather Festival (If Arts exhibitor liupont said bu:luu sald~the 19w. temperature WN 74 sometime Tuesday night,: the building ~ rf,.2:' J~Ch the~ .'!e~~~i! was broken Into and Six pi~ntings .,,<ere w -••1.,,..1 IO i1eg;.8,'iahreo-taken: ·He ,.14 t .. of the patollntlt were • the works of Wade Reynolds and were • · • ptlOed at 11,500 each. .. ' r' • I. . ·) I " . "i Police said the firing r8nge. a ibe ma~ 'bY p\iMing consultant 'Abraam adverliaiOg on citY buMis. \ • building al the end or "Pop1ar, Kft!ihkhlw .. ot Dinie~}MaM; Jlohnson !• '-Application .... :!_or ~ tr!nsfer . of an Street was locke~l. -The-Chlarprrat t ·Aterufepllali. The .. ~ is·not ·expeatd • alc0bo1i_s: beverage license to DQra and the J)idlock from ~\ door_,. The. , to delve iqto the docuinent tonight,, but . Harold ·Taberski: ·who ·will' ta~e. o\ler itemsta~eiilopud~i;v>ral'ipoodll ·• *'olfi<lill\Y' ~..,,it> to •hable the operation ol ·The Celi>r 'restaurant, ZIO Of. 'PraCttOO 'ami\u.i., ,1 -,ak: 'of' , ,thi to;Diet,itft.~ dtadlmo for the . ForesJ~Ave. • • • 'eir covers Ulied .to ~e. nolse-l: pro1"L ·, ... • .~~ : i., ~ -AppUcsiUoh for niatching county . and ._if>ll(tlllg -.,.,. toi<llC>llpe< · ·~ ~' o! .-..ni!ation la ha* lorfll'rdlueolrltl!H>l"'.Y lot the · iikedevico111ect"""'·lltba .tlriolo ~ '~.It"~ PftMllled to rellrhlc pi\>pW<l~ion'o!(;ampmDrl11< er haa btl llw .tarifoL ' · • .:Flidi iliiiiltt lllqletvbOr Mtm· &. '~ -.r.llril Iba <Olllcll d>alnbera -... ,.+-....._... ..,.. -r ..,... early in tbt eveWna, at.cit, ·baU.. • • • • ' .. .-....... . . . . . , • 1 ,. l 1' • ,• ~---~------------~-----·--~-~ ------------~____.___.._·~-~~~~-------------'---.... -- • :Extension Of Sheriff - J~bUrged , . E>pwlon iJI the •heriff'J of!lct to Include all duU11 curronlly lw>dltd by the marohal and the cr<atl!n or a COW\ty 1ride hollcoptor police gervi<e I• propos. ;ct by the Clran;e COUnty Gland Jut'f In a 1pecill report on Ille ohffi!f'1 of· flee . Lauding the Oipondod uoe of b•Ucop- ters by sivtr1l county ciUts, the Grand ,fury w1rl\S, however, "ttlit it Wit be in unn<ceswy ellJllN6 for each J>O!lct ·force to have its own fleet of belk:optcrs ln each municipality." . The Grand Jury reJk>ri calla for "• ctntrnllaed approach lo belieoptu ..,,,. I« (In which) all cities . 1llould hive ('elU}ar acceq '!Othb: modern aPPl'OICh I<> ilw ·,ntqrcemenl II -Id be .lm- pr1ct.ieal to frapnenUJe thil: ltl'Vice tn<f ,..trlct helloopt.r IUfVeillanoe to Small geographical enclavt1," tbe panel '· warns. And the report aab county suptrvi-· &0rs to ~lnt a committee "to work Mth rnuniclpil governments to d,mgn pr o.,C e du re a for COUectively financ- 1111! <'ntrallaed helicopter servile lot Orange County." ~ A cornrnlttee of top law enforcement Qlflcer• from 11\roUihOut the e o u n t y 1 b o u 1 d eoruider the adrnlnistrativt iiructure and operational ev.JdtlineS of ~eh a project, the repOrt '""""' to· '-e supervilorl. · ~"The Grand Jury appeal& to the ~ of profession•! dedicauon u well is efficient uae of public monies of po. llce ehlef1 throughout the oounty to 41ve serious .support to ouch a 1tudy !ild, ii it shows better htlle>pter service ai a reduction In COi~ to support. . . Ille program," the report ad41. ll t. un<lerstood by 1berllf'1 ofliceri t oontrlbuted to Grand Jury lllqutp,. t dJrt.ctlon or such a_ coun.tywtde !copter force would be under the o.llerllf'&. department if the 1tudy pr~ dilced approval. That pGliUon h: not re- Uected In the Grand Jury report. ;In ca Iii n.1 for 4ov1tallln1 of the oberllf'• and m>rallai's o fl i e • 1, lhe GrU¥1 Jury .,, ... 1upervl.lol1 to raeoc· ftfle that Superior and MunlelPI) court !<rvtcts perf6rme4 by both ··-not :-1Ju!: .. d if fer e nt adminiltrative • Bolll 4opartmenio auppty bailiffs and dvll _.. aervieea to boll\ courta. Ille roport notea, with Illa c:omm.i that 811 s11C1t 11rv1""8 p<0v-..1n orance - County courtrooma "should be admlnJO. tered by the 1heriff'1 oUict. "The Grand Jury believeo 11111 there are structural ind economJc •dvantq'M In aucb a move" In a rtt0mtn1nd&Uon urging county supetv~• to "phue out lhe oervtca of the Manlta1'1 office and ualgn thole rNPOftllblllUu to the eoun- ty Sbttlff," Lairo Reveals ~~ryCuts In Military ;WASHINGTON (Al') -Seerellry ol Qe!~ Melvin !\. Lalr4 uld IOday ~ cuil In the def..,.. budiot '!Ill -fll1her culbiCb In elvlllaa and '!'llillr1 m-. --elo1t1111r·'and -· and ,...., Navy 1hlpo. ~Latrc!'dld not IO Into detalll on the euta wl>leb 'II!< to be opo!lld out -Din month. chntacoo opolwman Jerry, w . bladhelm 11id the new reducllonl will be In · addlttan to rnvi...ty planned cptbaeka. ' .ln-a ·1fai<mtll~ Laird Uid cul& In the 1rn· lllCll def,... budpt madt 'l'uaa4ay bf --Senate. eonre...,, "wlU r~ ~ rtductlona of abOul '800 nlllUen during the 111 monthl ramalnlnl in the current fiacal year.'" ' DAILY PILOT .....,.,.. .... , ............ . ._ ..... --· ,. C....MeM s.a 1 '0 MAHGa to.u'I' PUIC.aMING ~,M't le'Mtt N, We.4 .. , ...... ~ .... 1 . .:..1.., V1c.I '"""!..,, .,. ..... , MfMtW n .... I ICWriJ ..... Tll•M•• J.. M11rp•1 ... _ ........ •tah•r4 P. H1I llvlll 0,..,.,. Cl@llly ... ,,. - DAILY P'ILOT Still ll'llllte ENGINEER MARTY RENFRO SQUASHES BALSA BR IDGE StudM1t1 Spent D•y1 Building Their Entries. S1nashing Fun Dark Horse Brillge Wins Squeeze It took more than 90 separatt squashes Tue.daz nl&bt before a dark-borltb 1e ~~d the IUf!'tllll . . of -.... ,~·SehilQI'• *"' 1111'1 brWce:;lion. Bud -'• JJshlweJ&bt -mH\er· plaCe · a mere rew ounces bore 318 -poundrblfora-glvlng way. He won flO. . The "'""' delllner's bridge toPptd !hr ravartte'• entry ivhlch crumbled un- der 3111 -41 •. Jim Kelley, the wlnJler of Illa uimi&h:oolell two 1t"'aie -· ICond aeCond wllll bl> r<>!i1J11 ~ Ra won Jut year with I04 pounds. • . Third place went to-Gail ~. wbooe •p&n led for a tlm< with a crumb-linl wellhl of 320 poun41. Ill all, M brfdae oeclionl wve teated and miuhtd In the annual eo'mpetltlon ia tbe,Hlgll sq.o.1 Little Thealrt, whi~ waa ~ wlth a capacity audltnct for lhe annual event. Parenti and students appeared In large numbers to wa tch volunteer civil engi· neer 'Marty Renfro twist the lever of a; large drill press as a student chanted the increaaing wetg1'$ computed on an ~c testing system. According to the rules. the small balsa spans were built-to-dimensions amaller than a shoe box .with wood strips no more than a fracUon of an inch in diameter. Airplane glue waS the anly adhel!llve. Some students spent days building their entnes. mily .to .see them aqua&hed in .a matter of seconds. -'Tbe -tnbst intricate spans, it seemed. ga~ way the soonest l•A lot of the entties wiere beautiful, but not tpta'ctiCal at-all. but 'the winners wer'e sound' little designs showing e1- eellent 'lftlrlt, •• said physics in!trUdor Don SchJJentr. & co-sponsor of the lMUal compelit!Ona. 10 ·orange Coast CitiZens Nominated for Jury Jobs ·Ten Orenae Coast midints are •· monc the 30 eittz:ens nominated by 21 Superior Court judges for service ·on the 1971 orange County Grand Jury. Among nominees...r;ubmitted. by Ju.dge Bruce Sumner of Laguna Beach b Mn. Doretn Marshall , former mayor of New· port Beach. She is one of four ?,itwport Stach rtsident! offered for service on the JS. member grand jury which -will-take office ID January. 1boae 19 names will be d r a w n by Judge Byron K. McMillan Jan. 4 lo courtroom eeretnonies tbat will immed· latf!ly follow the' disc:harging Of the 1970 p&l'IC!l by It& Superior Court lll1son, Judge James F. Jud£t . Seviil judges contributed a total of elQht Fifth Diatrict resident! offered for grand Jury sarv!Qo nut year. Judie Sumlief nominated Mp. Mar· shill, M7 Vil LJdo Soud. presiding Judge William C. Spein named Mrs.. Frances L. Tooley, 1121 Slndalwood Lane 1n4 Mn. Marta Loaano. 11& Via Koron and Jlld&e William. s. Lee named t.farlin MUllOld, :Utl Vista Dorodo, all ol New- port l!Nch. Judge Robeft L. Corfm1n nominated Bill Fernandez, 320 Haiel Drlve. Corona dd Mar. Judge Lester Vin Tatenbove wrote: 1n the name of Dr •. George o. Roberti, 4392 • Kenosha Lal"lf, Irvine. Judat Cl1ude )f. Owens submltt~d the name of WtldO Drake. 37 S. La Senda, South Lagun• and Judge Herbert S. Htrlands nominated J o h n Kamalanl, 341 E. 23rd St., C..ta Meu. two other nomlntea hall from the _,,1y·1 S.cond Superviaorlal • Dlstricl a"d were offtred by Judge Charles.A. ' 'I Bauer. They .ire James C. Caley, 82.;2 Snowbird Drive, and Ray-Lamoureux . 5631 Trophy Drive, •both of Huntington Btaeb: Nominatian of Jolin Kamalani of COs- ta Mesa as: the sole representative of that community may again arouse con- troversy in that city aver. the appartnt dearth of representatives. on the grand jury. A eheck today of erand jury records over the years 196.s-1970 did not reveal a Costa Mesa resldent although those same records indicate that at least three Co5ta t.fesans were nominated in that time. Placing of Kamalant on the 1971 pan· el would, Jt appears, end a six-year drought in COsta Me!a's contribution to Orange .C6unty Grand juries. Teachers' Merit Pay Ruling Seen A m,rll pay schedule may be adopted atltonlgbfs 7 p.m. meetlni of the San Joaquin Elementary School Dfstrlct Board of Tru!itees in the new warehouse bulldine. 14600 Sand Canyon Ave., East Irvine. The board voted rtttntly to elimiqate all automatic s1l1ry increases &Ii of June 30. 197l . Also on the. aetnda wtll ht a report by the sci'lool district's three nur!les who serve ne1 rly 9.000 studenta. Trustees 1Jso will consider a claim for rtimburse.ment of medical cost& ln treaUng a cut sustained by a 1tudent on school d~trlct prope rty. Cuts.Hurt Mental Aid • in.Comity ' ~ • .. 11;.•1 •• By JACll 8llOllACK ot!M DtllY .... •ttff Mtnlll1' huith• Jirosrams-In Orange County .bave been dippled fmancially by be.aVy cutbac\:a ia st.ate ~ntributions, 1u5?t1rviJors_w;re told~~JY .. Becau,. tho ·sw,e Bid failed by 'ti percent to m!et It•' Pledce to finance 90 perceot of~ the mental htalth activities. pf'Otrarns coaUng $652,000 may have to be eliminated, according to Robert E. Thomu, coµnly adrolnisVatiye officer. Superv1son, alter a 'short .di5Cllssion decided to posipo.ne 1 final ' decision fcir a 1'eek. ~ Pulled -by the r;t.ate Cutbicks are a Sl82;000 alcohotle inpatient ~proeram at tfle t:>ringe c!cilnty -M~eal Cent~r; a lllO,ilo6 ·outpajient dnl{ crisis clinic: a drug abuse program budgeted at Sl?D,000 that provides suJ)port for the Harbor Area Youth ProlSlem Center. the Tustin Rap Center, :Ind the Free Clinie of Orange CountY fJI Anaheim . ,Also affected are two mental htalth sereenirlg teams. $170.000: men~1 health workers, $40.060 and jail and juvenile hall prO(rams. $30,000. Thomas said despilt the $852.000 cut in ·programs bucbl:eted, an $81,000 deficit remains In the loca1,Program. To correct this would require laying off 15 to 20 people. The administrative officer al 1 o ·anticipates another $74,000 deficit in state hospital costs P,ayments required by law. He said if the county absorbed I.he latter two deficits it would be increasinl{ Its share of mental health e08ls from 12 percent to 14 percent. · Thomas said the county was tien~llzed because ft did not spend au ~ey appropriated the previous year. He said counties which overspent their budgets were give n the full amount they Wed for this year. Laguna· Library Design Approved Preliminary design of the proposed new Laguna Beach Library ~i!S approved Tuesday by the Board of Supervisars and architect Fred -Briggs was ordered to proceed with final specifications. The 8.000 square foot structure at Glenneyre and Laguna Avenue will be. built al an el!ltimlted cost of $215,000. tnduded-ih the design is a Chamber of Commerce office of 450 square feet. Architect Brigp-, of Laguna Beach. shewed the supervisors a acale model of the j)ropoled building,.SUpervilors David L. Baker and Rotiert Battin e:ipi'esoOd concern over the proposed . wooden shlngJes, but Brigp' uid they would be fire-retardent treated and would last as lO{l:g as any other material. 1'be site b slofitng ana pitldnf1'or 34 ears will be provided beneath the structure, Briggs said. GEM TALK TODAY by .&. C. HUMPNllB (Qualificatlon O.terml"• Quality) Do you know the qualifications fJf a ·gemstone? Beauty, obviously, Is pr i m a r y in co1or and shape. Transparency likewise ls import.ant although not in some cases. Hard- ness is vital since it often deter· mines the lasting quality of the gem. Finally, rarity of occurrence under these conditions. makes the &emstone a thing of valu& . Don't make the mlstake of asCrll> ing one color to a gem .. The ores from which the gems come are highly versawe·in wing every rain· bow color to fashion their-prizes. TOpazes are not mere1y yellow but also light blue, orange, pifik, and white. Tl would be almO.t Impossible for the untrained eye to 4iltUiguJgb be- tween a yellow sapphire and a yeJ. low topaz. Yet-even experts besitaU! to say until certain tests are made ()D lhe gems. Exciting Jew e 1 ereatfon5 are yours from J. C. HUMPHlt!ES JEW. ELERS. You'll find only the finest in all types or jewelry. Also special order work, fine watch &: jewelry repairing. I I Fa~ed Stqre's !Gfits Hijacked '! n&uSTON (UPI) -A Neiman· Marcua delivery truck ~ with a hall mi~ do~ 'ertll, of ~ )w ... ota ..... "'*""' Tuesday wfien the driver stDpped,to -check a street address. ~ The truck w14 found 1bout Uu:ee hours later behind an .,.._t bouse I~ blocks away. ; . : .,, Detectiv T. F. McKIMef .IJ!d 'the truck Was partly unloadtd tlut. ti~ did not know ;ytbitbtll t.Jie thieves made off wlth ,t.be ""lbo&t tipeulve it.ems. Alj!hOOJO Bryant, 60, the l!r1¥er, " SI.id one gift w~ va1ued .a& $30,~. He tqld pOlice the overa.\l value ns ISOO,IOO. . r ·My Lai Order: 'Kill Anything . That Moves' FT. BENNING, Ga. (UPI) -A veteran of the My Lat sweep teaUfied ~•Y that alter a briefing by the company commander he and other soldiers decided "to tjeJi.out~u; whole \lj,ll,Jge -to kill anything we ·uw or anYthfng that moved ." ' Leonard R. Gonz:alez:, 28, Richmond, Calif., gave the testimony before a six officer panel hearing the court·martial af 1st Lt. William L. Calley Jr., who is charged with the premeditated murder of 102 South Vietnamese civilians on March 16, 1968, the 'day the My Lai iaid -was carried out. Gonzalez u.id the briefing was given the day 'before the operaUon by Capt. Ernest L. MedJna, commande~ of· C Company, of which Calley's platoon was a part. "After the briefin_g did you µlk with Sgt. Buchanan and ether members af your squad and arrive 1t a ~luslon about-the briefing?11--ask!d Richard B. Kay, tHe defense attorney. Gonzalez aaki be had and then related fhe coneluslon to kill anything they saw. Gonzalez had testified Tue!day that he left the brleling with the impression that the village was to be ·destroyed. He also said it was his "'understanding that the enemy there "coold be women." Today, he said that in the northeast seeUon of My Lal 4 he r;aw the bodies of "about 25 women and children.~ Later he uld, rua platoon, tbe. second, went north to another village where M siw 1 group of "may9e10" dead worr;wl._ __.. "When I aaw them they were nl14e1" he conUnued. "'Rocbevtl. (not ·tu it her identified ) wu with me. He bad an M-71 <arenade launcher)." "Was there any indication how they died?" Kay asked. "Yes sir, ii was a. canister round put into a 79." • ---- UCI Probe ' ~ '.()f -Outbacks I -Eff &t .Dfie ~ 't -' I . • !... ·-" O~-~ha1 G. Aldrich Jr. bas taira.lid· viiit ~llorl DI UC ll'vlne ~-1 (fet...mtne wl'lit effect ·tht "inh'trsity- 'wilde:' ¢Ufbaeks :jUI have on prOgraml!I at !tl\i, fl)'e a~d 9'\i ·llolf y~d <a)npUI. :•u ii ' !~lo to miln(ain th• ~-'of 1quallty;'' Aldrich' said. wMA l ! studenta <Ina WO and -thl d6llan available remain the aame. µCI es:pects 7,1!)0 students neit year compared \\'Ith 6,400 this year and Ald- rich Jntqpret,, lbe cutbaW orde.rtd lfu~y by UC President Charles )lilch to · omUrwe into. the l.D71-7l academic yW u well ~ the remaining · ail: montllf of thl• yacal year. -• Speclfio e!(ecta Of the• cutbacloi will not be1known u.oUI department c:baltmen hav~t fden a look at the diredwea, a campus spi;kearpan aald. The belt·ticllll!nilJi lll nect,..ry, 111iteh sajd Tuesdayr becauae costs are pr-. i.ng_ while incQme in fees is falling "shart af · ei:pectattoM" and the state: govern- ment Js ~andjng greater economies. . Ip" a lel\U to the ch~~· aJ!4 ad- mli\llti-atm/ Hitch ~-ll>at ¥l<on· c1~i:11Jat apP,etr when t,f~al)d "l!'er stafj feav~ ,ahall not be !ill~, eyen -tem· ~-·""" ' .. .• ' jN6--..+.,J_·~· ..... J. .~ • ..-.. Furtllerinor•, "llltdt' cit •Yfrt!iallY no new tl:qulpmlnt Could be: ofdtt!d or leased, even for replacement. .J;Je made an exception lo telephone equlp~t U no new continuing costs result. He alSo baMed any out-cf-state travel by university personnel in the new order, which he ealled Fiscal Guidelines for 197~71. ·~Our prospects for the remaining sb: months of this OscaI year are almllar 1n many respects to ffiose described by Gov. Reagan for.the State of C8llfornla.'' Hitch said. ' . "I knoW that you are already operat. i.ng•on lev~ls ~ ·1~9port slgnifl~ntly be- low your needll, and [ very much re- gret that these measures are necessary to reduce current eapenditures even further, Hltcb s&Jd in bis letter. Judges to View Yule Decorating Judges will be viewing decorated _homes in Lake Forest on Saturday. Priz.e!: will be aw,arded to the three most beautifully decorated homes in the community. First prize will be $25, second will be $15 and third will be $10. Each prize winner will receive a tro- phy and a perpetual trophy will be an dls~r:;.t~t t.he Beach and Tenn11 €1ub. ~-· ns ·will be made Jrom 6 tto 9-,,p.m, with trophies and prlzea beina: aWarded at the Christmas ,pairly for all Lake Forest.homeowners on Tuesday, Dec. 22. The contest Is sponsored by Uie Qc.. cidental Petroleum Land and Develop- ment Corporation. All Lake F o re 1 t homes are invited to participate! J. C. .J/umphrie!J Je,;eler:i 1823 NEWPORT BLVD ., COSTA-MESA . CONVE:NIE:NT TERMS IANl(AM,Rlc.ARD-MASTERCHAl!;E: ·I • I ' 24 YEAlS lN-SA.Ml LOCATION 'HOfllE &4a-1401 J 1 r I I I I I ) \ ' -I • ' San · Clemente Cap~raI!_fi· ' .. ' '. ~ * EDITION . ' • . ·- YOL". 63, NO. 100, 6 SECTIONS, 84 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . , . • • • WEDN!'°"'l'.JllCM.ll ;'.lfl, Im. . ~· .... ..._ ... ----.. ---- Suspect • IR Devil Slaying · Sall~~.-~F'f.lees Trial . By TOM BARLEY his ejecUon from -the courtroom. 0t"" °""' '"'"' s11t1 Judge Corfman ordered Hurd to appear 'Steven Craig Hord TU1!sd3y was ruled in · Judge Jam~s· Ft' J udge's s::rlminal 1;me .and able to face tria1 ih the "devil calendar.: courtz:oom Friday for setting of cult" killlng at MiMlon Viejo teacher a. 'trial date oo"'tht dual murder charges. Florence· Brown and the hatchet _sleying The tong-haired• moro~ defendan,t. was -of x rvice station attendant Jerry Wayne sen4 back to h1a Orang~ C'..punty Jail cell Carlin. du~ -tbe day tone ~ng after an The ».year-old transient displa~ no outbUrst spar~ed4ly the appeal'Jlnce in ~ emotion at ~earin& · Judge Robert L. the ·~ .. .box , of Dr. Sea\i.·rlght <;oa:Jm.ap'sJ'tllini jn &harp contmt~ an AndeQon, .usbtant medicaf dicector of Gutl>!irst 'llllkh. eadlu in' the day .led !0 -~~w,Stl1e.:1""!'1tal"ID .O>sta Mesa. -·-. Dr. Anderson was ont: of five psychia trisll who examined Hurd and one of four who declared the young founder of a Satan-worshipping-group to be sane bllt doubtfully capable of contrlbutlnJ!: much to his defense. Defense attorney Wi!Uaffl Ga.mble, apparently amused by his <:lient's antipathy to Anderson, explained to Judge Corfman that Hurd had expressed a dislike for Anderson's race. ••Don't laugh, man," snapped-Hurd, banging his manocled huda on ' the c0u ... 1 titb!e. "'lllil'Wna tlieri! la not • human belDg. · • · "Anyway, my· father won't .allow tt,0 Hur.d addtd In an apparent tfftrtnce lO the beinJ ht bu repeatedly desciibed aa "my father ~ Devil'' u the angry Judge Corfman bn>l<e In. "Do you w_.m us !O proceed wil1\ this trtal or do you ,.ant·to go back to Jail?" the jud&o asked. "I'm 101nC bad< !O jalJ.U he'1.1olng lo -. .. . . .. ;,,· blapd a dlly,.actfve!Y wei'alilped·~tan ~ ,.~,..;'! ritua1IJllc w .1>1·1m1uve 1.n.. aod. c:oostantly ""''"" lo liim .. "m1 father the Devil" . -'ritu -Iulo the 1layiq fast · Juno Z .ol Mn. Flomlee Nancy Brown, 31, of El T~.',Hliril'l.s a~ ol being the le!d<r 61 ·a IJ"UP ol drillers who miudered 'the, teacbet.in an lnino Oranie 1gove -~ (burltd he-r --bodyheai' Orltp 111Pw•1· ' . Jet AirpOrts fri.Cvitahle -. ' -.• -.. '• .. · :-; . . .;:.., . -. : ~ . ' • t..: .. .. • --' . •• • For C9ulltr, Board Told .~.GOGI PETERsciH LiKl!S 'O QltESS l!'OR ,Tlli.otCASlqN· ~,·His MOctel Slel~ Comn c.mDtete With Mlnli1ture Joys _· · MORE PHOTbS PAGE.3 . <"7. ·---------- fani,ne ~hararier : Clemente.'s Poodle of AU Seaso 11s ' . . By JOHN VALTERZA · ~ Of n.. o.ur r11o1 11•11 Gogl Peterson of San Clemente is a clothe• horse .• ; er, dog. ' · He is a Frenchman. standing perhaps -12 inches tall in modeling posture, and c og1' has a wardrobe that spans t,h e yeM'# holidays. ~ 1his Christmas, for instlnt'e, the sU· ve.r miniature pood]e will sport a S{lntjl outfit-hat and all. · It )ooks best when Santa sits in his scat~model sleigh amid bags of ·mini-' ahire toys. Reindeer complete the scene. The reins are made of red ribbon. ' ~gi's seamslress, owner, modeling tolkh ·and promoter is f\.l.rs. John ~t. Petenon of 110 Calle Dominguez . in sari' Clen1ente. The womln has waged war on naked animals for dozemf of years. • And Cogi ls her. fmest example ye~. see~dlng' painstaking weeks on each ou.qtt, Mrs., Peterson has devised more thin,. half-dozen setuPlil lhat ltariSfarm her' family pet lnto an irrC!lislible ·at. lta~n. l 'nu\Qbg;vints wardrobe, for exal'}l- ple, oOmes comple.te with the buCIUed hat, black cOat. and a minia ture bl wider· ·buss held rpottoo1ess: ln•the left paw. Tbe.t:&et.-up-concocted for the annual Fiesta ita. Cbrlatianita Jn San Clemente Is even cuter. Gdgi wears a miniat~rc serape, sozn. brero,~ and stts up smartly wl~ a mini· ature saxophooe. The mouthpiece stays clutchecl In hll leeth. -• Mn. f!~n really can't remember t.·ben Iii .rfirst started JIUl.klng dogs' dolhl4 "Every dog ·we've ever had has been dresset! up. I just llke lo dress animal s, I guess," she said. · Mrs.\ Peterson also has tried h e r hand at monkeys. "J\1y nephew had a monkey for qnite a while, and I made some clothes {or him~· too." · ,:Her husband. \Vho is ret ired, pursues / woodworking with a passion and per· forms mucti of U1e work on accessories to the poodle's wardrobe. ••1 draw the pla ns, then he goes to the garage and does all the work. The sleigh and reindeer are his work," J\1r s. .~eterson explained. The entire Peterson project has a wlJimslcal air about it -reflected even in the ramlly's garden. As Gogi sat bolt upright mode1ing his wardrobe, Mr. Peterson was busy wit h a corner wa~ in need ot altera· lion!. Beneath the Dow of water ·was a min· lature waterwheel with a movable, min- iature p-iiin ho!~ onl:o the handle. , When the •water -drops to the whCt!1, the man moves. "I gues..s -we're both a couple or kids • about all thil • , • we're going, through our second childhood," ""Mrs. Peterson quip Ped. But Gogi, is no kid-he's all ham. The dressing doesn't liother him at all. A! he finished showing off his St. Patrick's Day suit (complete with corn- Cob leprechaun pipe ) be came down to aft fours. paused a secood . and sp;1t out his pi pe. .... It was time for the..uxaphone. Post Offic_e . In Clemente Gets Okay Sajl Clemente wtn have Its new post oflice headquarters after all. News of the $199,430 project came: 1ate last week af~ c}>amber of commerce dired'!f• hid •lll1tf.li\'!·~·· .• ,Jelfj_r ulilog why the l•r(e if<y/ headgu&riei'i near the Reeves Rubber eom,.ny bad. been bum~ !nm a prjor!ty Ust. • · ~few days i.ter news came from Rep. Jolin Sdunia lhlit the PoOI olllce Indeed bad beenauthorked. The new bulldlng more than roUr times l~rger than ~ existing headquarters in San Ciement.e, wiJJ be built on land sold to the govemnient by the Reeves firm. 'nle site. lies-on ·fhe-nonheast corner-of Aven!da Pico and Avenida-de la Tajama. No conslrlH:tion date ha.a yet been an· nounced for the project, wh ich will in- volve a fl9,715-9quare.loot building and large parking area for post offk:e rolling stock. l Early last week Chambf.r of Commerce Manager Robert Everu tOld directors th at the project apparently had been scrapped and that the government's option fol-a postal headquarters site bad been aban- doned. He also -cited a teree rtply. from Schmitz to city queries on the matter saying the project was "under study'' but no decision had been reached. After the information directors had agreed to prod the department by letter. "Those plans, obviously, have been scrapped," Evans said today. Service Station Bandit Strikes, Uses Same Ruse The bandit who hit a San Clemente service station for $50 last . week· reappeared with his . gun Tuesday evening, making off wi th $30 from another station on the other side of town. Gardner Langley, an employe of Ray's Enco Station at 101 Avenlda Calafla. phoned police at 11 :54 p.m. lo report the holdup by a young Negro in his early 20s. Officers said -the same ruse u the robbery last week was used in -Tuesday's heist. -an ini tial ~est for a can, of gasoline. ' The bandit, matching the description of the weekend gunman,~asked for 1ht can. then produced a pistol and demanded cash. · Alter taking the loot the man fled on foot into the darkness. Langley told police he saw no automobile. Btirglary Case Parsons Air Dep~ty Will . Be sFired /' Plan Draws, F orLie Test Refusal Criticism Orange Counly Is not Clllllpotible By "rot.I BA.llUY Ing amlinoll on barPrr cbaqes. jel •ircralt bot wW ~·fie• Of•""",,.._.'"" Sbertff's tnvestillton ukf.-·'Tuesday find a .w.y tb live •ith them. An Orange COunty sberlff'1 depu t y niat wu· tbt: ~ginerat milenlUI thol Beordtn bad been similarly emp)oy. u..e.hour . rop ..io, ~ •, wbo refused to 1nlr.t • lie detector test •ed•la, Jlle .~ Ylfjo ,..&, .i-!he noon b<tweoh • lhe: county oupen. during lnvestl(,Uoo_ of' ·~ ll-.am,.1-it tmM .Opl lllolr'..~ and Ibo aJrporJ ....-.. ~ ~ 111 • c'illoUlt" ~ '"''If' .I ~ lbat111 ,.._ .. "-... ""41 ...... lly'dlHI .... & TiTJ ............ r. Milsion YliJO• n 'lrw lit iti\ia tlldlf ,w:_-~ · ', ...,,. :.-""'' latl!Jn P~ of Or.uV CouillJ by lhe ""Sb•n11 J-A. ........ 111o --•,, • 11o1p11 !IL P-Cllial~ .... 10 ., r •n. _ .. __ .. - --.• -......_,,...,,...,. -=~=• .. •-DAILY P1W1' .... 1ume4.. . :J , , ">;• • , ,.,, -a --·--Musld< .-.,..,'i'llel<lay bit dee!-MI' I$ .. Aid, ".lolb' lllO ~ II-~ , • · • , stoo.to.-.,.... do!>!ilJ\Jd>n Bear-~~ Ud -ty -1·~ ~.lltlO:.•~ ~ el ~· llober! Bmu- den, 12. " !li!ll--.._Ille -.... .,~-lbll lllorl ... ijllllliC ~ ... ·--· '"'" "'*-"OllWt-., ment: "He bai~--bOin( • 1.,. Iii ,..., to ......,. .• 1 -" ..__ L:.. .i, ailportl 11Jn ~ Counltl con moo- enforeeinonl .• be ~ -. -r· ·•u:r .... ~t'!, "I"> i ~ dale~ jype ol p la •• Wiii 'want """ . lhe rules oftblo · " .Bo.-.tiJlil lhe .~'t ~.ii* bl!< 11\1'.*lrd lo a g!l)_lt, dOiii pillie." No diar<tl had '-llled qainll Shettll Mulid:'I dtlcslon lo llre.lllm·'""' Dia ~. c:lloiiiiimi 'Of .U.. -Bearden.' __ · · • _ , hUoji iololy ·~ my:P'""'1it lrlabllliip , Poe!·~ ..U....111 commllloe 111&· Mustclt salcf.lfiOCliiiiiM tliirBearden-fiirn'OaliVfiN'illd'~-~~J!!e.IW-t"' ElecbJ~Jri;. 1,~ke • polygropb -.... m1c1e clurlnC · .. , lland' .a lllJ. prim..._• ·a.:... -"""' cou1 -r... llii J111 ·dep1ttment~1 ·1Avm1ltatlOn or burg. · ~' .~ · ~ • ·i -; prtllllt. • • l~rles COll\mltled to the M!Mida Vlejci salt!-. Tbpoe:•prindple( i.c!~. llll!ln '°' "The l!!)eclra Is ~-It~. P area durini Ille.time that ronner ilo!>UIJ fuaal lo tab • lie '\'l"d« lat-tho many -nPN !I' ihlr, DCI ancl.ao Frederick B. Irvine WU e1111>lo;ed ~, --of atf;. llCOUl!llloli p'I'~ fut. A~ Calilomia WM l)IUlng money ' the Mlislon' Vlejo'Com]>any u •a' security · "And'l'bilV.'aot." H ~ ilrUoei£ trl>en !hoy ••r.e. qy1ng peetru._ ,,,.,. ~uanl. "p•er ,heen.....,... ... ~,fn coa; ~ lomd.tnto Je\!."1 PSA'• -Jll lrvme, 42.'ofl.11 Habro, ,goes'!" tr11J nectJil\ Ji1111' jbe -~·Vijjo. ~ lo_l!JI>,°" ~ ,Emocy....,ld.J"Y -. April 5 In Orang. County Siiperiot Court if!I J>r 11111 Glbi\f .cm.,::' I ', .. ' 1· mopt 1iot the ~ii"!'~ .tbai: .yad on charges of'ljuril•ry, l!land·thell; aalo ~Plil be~ !II!!! be -~ .~. ' . ·.. . ' thef~ reeelvinf stolen properiy and· con-JierjooaDy ru. 1law1·tl1 1-1iioiiiot· tile ,,,,. ~""'.·IUdU!ed' that.Jur. sp~acy, all contained In a Grand Jury cOunty. "r don't have'Uiat ·klnii of...,. '1:. ·~be aiade1 de_,~ on. Ille• Jnd ictment.' ey·" he commented J'and J could find s 0 peop e "" "'~. countJ ... ' He and a fellow deputy, Arlhur·B. IJun. a better .,. for it it 1 bad.It." : tbal !hue stUdi.S &e made by. theclir- can, 34 of· Huntington Beach, were •r· But Beardeq11 dlsmiallJ. today may port •tiff· and tbe ~ion. · rested Jn the J\1lsslon Vlejo C o u n t r y · produce 8•. lapalt w Wlilch the Oraftcl The . comml&sionei:1 , a • l d no ~ Club'• golf obop ari.r lhey allegedly Counly Employees Anoctatlon wlll be :r .made by P.arso'l" on tbe. del'1u carr1ed 101! equipment and aeveral ca.ws fniereated if Jt does ~actively parti.o. . Will of ·the people and that ~ of liquor from the store to their patrol . clpate. -. · , : · , · • ~:0~:1::1:=~ 'o11•:-C1r.: Cir. , nwe1J'e certainly fi.JDUfar witb~tbe••Js.. ' ·;. .. ~ I 'If Ulr Both men were employed· a1 security sue,,.. commented Alloclatioa 1eni!nl ~g. · ' ..,., _,____ --' guards "1 the Mtsalon Viejo Co. during manager Joba M. Sawyer. ''BU! there u!:':°'"David L. ,e.,.r · aid ol- theit o{f duty. ha,lfS. Authorities said Isn 't much .that we -c~ ... ay aboot .th.11 at&raUons·.beUeved 9'~~.a. Duncan later committed _suicide it his unut bis dismlu1l 4 conllrmed and board ahou!d 8~1r~ jet ~ •funUngton Beach home after be• flied. m1e .. ;. needetfo tbat Obe'be ·JocatecttW; Saddleback Hospital~ SelS ·· Speci~ Geriatt~c-C~e.c .. ' One fealuno of Ille·~ So-cl< Community Hospital has poltilllal ilallon- al significance bl·that 10 million Amerl· cans wW be 75 ye ats old or older by 1a,. The ·fwispltal'a 'tertatrlc ·arid ieronlol· ogy center Wl.U pi:ovtde patient care·and · do research thaf i'wlll reach far beyond Saddleback and this oommlUltty, touching untold scores of others lhrou.thout the country," ac~rdipc;to Robert Hartman. He Is director o< u'chitedure and plan. nlng ·ror tht·Latheran Hoopltat Society. or Soulhern California, ilevelopu1·o1 the' can be . prolecttd , from W'banilltJoM """ lbet upon --jell be pjlued. ... at • . • r' •• I ' ....... ~ . ' Wei~ Button up ' JOUI" ~t -lblL your raincoat -\'111undq,:10f lbe weathermaf! 9"'' ~ on tbt- horizon, wllh tbe mercw:1 . ~ ping to 57· de.,..S. . . . L. ~JIDB···y<· •. Evell wfth~u.-~ ricl~U1iing man~ a~iUfd ·ttchnfo­ iam, •ff°"' "1't Vlldcr 111GV IO 1mprove the lot~ of tM· ..,.hard corr""Joblc~.'S~iJ'age J4. ' . Rockwell Fire Barn Approved in Niguel Whales. t-o Cavort at Yule .. • 'Ooly. 8 .· . '. . fir ... Eapenditure of $27,117 , for c;tevyop- ment . of Oie North Amencan R<x:kwe ll fire station Site In ,_ .. --... ,.,. · ' •.. , been approved by. lhT Board or Super- ~... . The acre site as donited fo the countY by North Amer\can and ii lhe coUnty dof• not proceed with constnictlon by 1911 the !Inn agree. to take bock lhe propert7 aod pljy all Improvement COitl. -I •• ,_.. ~ Some people take Caribbean cruises shaped jellyfish blobs. - .and Oights to .Hawaii in the winter, but Adul ts frequently take the jaun t just rqany youngsters of any age think the to enjoy the in•igorating two;and-one- best Christmastime excursion 11 a whale. baU hour ocean cruise and the beauutul watch jaunt on a boat along the Capls-Sh:irellne or the Capistrano Bay. trano Bay coast. As a bonus on some tnps, t.he" ocean The excursion offe rs more t.han close-tourists are glvt!'n a view lrom the sea sometimes on ly-10..20 feet away-views of the San Clemente home or President of surfacing wliales, monsters of the sea .• Nixon, Cyprus Shore, and Dan~ Horbor. There 1lf'e sea. llons ancf'porpolses, even San Clemente 1-llgh School Parent.. Oying fllh and large colorf~I umbrella· Teacher.SLUdent Association leaders or-· ~-~ ) •• ' _, =-· . ·•-:ff .... • -ganize the tours as an tducaUonal fUnd;. raising project; They Jl'OVlde • marine eeok>gy atudenl in give a ruMlnt ,,..,: mentary on lhe wonders of sea lift. Mrs. bavld Rill>biN, project i::halnnon. said the !Int trlps wlll be Dec. II and 36, and that rt.serv•Uon• at P per adult and $l.50 for chlldren and.er 12 yeira m now acce(>ted at 493-S2t• .or by mall to Wba!e Waldi, 14911 Catie ~ortuna, Caplltruo Beadi, Calllornla .IZIK --~ . . • . " r • . • • ~ • 4 , I • • ,, I • .. -' • ' . . . ' • • Expamion ol the sherlil's office to Include a~ dull" currently handled by Ui~ .marshal and the creation of a county yti~e helicopter police ·service is propos-, 'ed by the Orange County Grand JW'Y . to a speclaJ report on the sheriff'•· of· ,. tice. · tauding the expandtd use of belieop· lers by several county cities, the Grand. !Jury warns, however, "\hat it would be an unnecetsary erpan1e for each police force to have lta own fleet of hellooptm tn each municipality." The Grand Jury rePorl calls for ••a Untraliied approach to helicopter 1erv· Ice Ctn which) all ciUea should have i:e~lar access lo thla modem approach to law enforcement. It would be Im· JJracUcal to fragmentize thil P rvice ~d restrict helk:opter 11~tllance to , fmali gOOl'•Phical enclavas," the panel , ivarn.s. • And the report asks county supervi 11ors to appoirlt a coinmiltee "to work l¥ith municipal govemment& to design ~ r o c e d u r e 1 for collectively financ· . lng centralized· helicopter set.vice fCJ." prange County." · . .1 A rommittee ~f top l;aw enfcr;ceinent . Dfficers from UirOughoUt the co u n t y g h o u 1 d consider the administrative • alructure and operational guidelines of · 1uch a prQJe~t. the report suu:ests to the 1upervilor1. , '"nle Grand Jury appeal1 to llfe •l'\le of profealonal dedication as well is efficient 111e of public monies of p&-- l!Ce chiefs throuahout the county to jive serious support to such a s tu d y find, if it shows better helicopter wvlce 8t a reduction in cost, to support .•. the ··Program,"' the report adds. · It la understood by s~lff't offlcen ·who contributed to Grand Jury inquiriel that direction of such. a co~tywide 'fielicopter force wouJd be uf14er the sherlfl's deputment II the study pro- duced approval. Th•t pos.IUon b:_not re- !Jected in ~ Grind Jury report DAILY l'ILOT Sltll l'lloll In ca 11 i'n g for dovetailing of the liher1.ff's· and marshal's o f f i c e s, the ·<;rand Jury urges supervlaon to reco1· riize that .Superior •nd Munldpal Court services performed by both "need not ENGINEER MARTY RENFRO SQUASHES BALSA BRIDGE Stvdenta Spent D1ya Building Their Entries • ·entail two d i f f e r e n t administrative ,itructure1." Both departments aupply bailiff• and -dvlt procesrler'Vleer to"-1>oth courts, , the report notes, with the comment thlt • . an such ie:rviet:s. provided in Or1111e ~,County-courtrocm.I "sboald be -admlfti>. S1~ashing Fun tered by the sheriffs office , "The Grand Jury believes that lbtre Dark Horse Bridge Wins S-queeze are structural and economic advant.qea It took more than 90 separate squashes In such a mOve" in a recommeMatlOn Tuesday ni&ht before a dark-horse bridge urging C?unty supervisora: ~ "phase out ~~ emeraed the surprise winner of th< sen'lces of th< Marshal s office and • san Clemenie-llil)l School'• aMllll l>flsa- ... 1gn lboae ruponalblllUea to the Coun-;Ji.:...· < '' U"..:. ty Sheriff." ' -.r141f9 GDmJe !"'-· ' L Bud Butterneld'a lightweight master· -Laird-Reveals Necessary Cuts 'In: Military WASHINGTON (~) -secretary IJI : ~. J\f~lvln R., Ltlrd 1114 f<>4,lY :congreealonil cull In the def..,.. bulllit ' Wm mean·further cutback& In clvilllnAnd . :rnlllwY maopoWtr, ~.,. claslnca and ~redl.diona, and fewer Navy ship&. , pi.!C\_ we1ghing a mere few cunc~ bore 398 pounds 'before giving Vfa~y. He won -$21. -• Tbt youna deaicner's bridge topped the fa vorite'• entry which crumbled un· dtr 3):) ~ds. Jim Kelley , the winner of the annual contest two ieparate times. ·-lecOnd ·Wi\11 his rollult span. He wmi lut year wiU..404 poonda. · Third plaal went to Gail , Kin&man, .whoee span led for a time .wJ.tb a Q'.Umb-lihg weight <i 3241 pounds. · Jn all, 96 bridge &eetiODI were teated and smashed in the annual competition in the Hi,ah School Little Theme, which wu fUled with a capacity audience for the lnnual .. ~ent. · Parenta '1ln students appeared in large numbers to watch volunteer civil eng_i· n~r Marty Renfro twist the lever of a large drill press as a sfudent Cha1itea the increasing weights computed on an electronic tesUng system. According to the n.iles. the small balsa spans we.re built to dimensions: smaller than a shoe box with wood stripJ_JIO m2re than a fractiiln of an inch in diamel.er. Airplane glue was the only adhesive. Some students spent days building their U1trieJ. only to see them squashed in a miitter of seconds. ·The most .intricate spam, It seemed, gave way the soonest. "A lot of the entries were beautiful, but not practical at all, buL the winners wera IQUJld little designs showing ex- cellent work," s:aid physics instructor Don Schwenn, a co.sponsor of the annual competiUona. · · Lalld ttid itot 11> Into d1tall1 bn tl>e cull ,wlilch ·are to be •P.Ued out someum. c ~~~!~· apob•man J•rey w. 1. 0 Orange Coast itizens Ftledht&n !Bid the new reductions will be "' •dd!Uqn to pttviOUJ!y pilMe4 . c:\llbe<:b. . , 1~lli~~:~~~~e:%da~~ Nominated for · Jury Job s by HO\lse-Senall confer.ees, "wlll require eri>endJ.tui'e · reductions of about MOO . • mlllldn during the 1ls months remalnln& in the i:un'ent fi1eal year." DAllY PILOT ORANGE C.OA$T Ml.mllNO GOMfl.t.MY R.Nrt H. ""'•-' • , ....... 1 ...... wr. J•t k •• e urlw Viet l'f•~t .... 0.....1 MfMIW Tho'"•• Keevil a• ... }k•111H A • .M ... ,J.!11• ,..,_,lflt 141W l ;,her4 '· tft lt lw\11 C""'' ( ... !)' IEfltW om---a.i. Miier lll•w.t a., l trwt fll'll'Mff .. c11.: m1 w.' .. ~ ....,,re • i........ lffll'll ttl .. .,., ·-I • .t4.U11llntltl'I lucll: 11111 l lKll -.UleVt"' &111 Cl•m111te1 #I NorU\ ~ C..mlM WI Ten · Oranae Coast resldentJ .are !· mong the 30 citizens nominat.t!d by ~1 Superior C'.ourt judges for · service on the 1971 Orange County Grand Jury. Amcni Domintes submitted by Judge Bruce ·sumner of Laguna Beach Is Mrs. Doreen Marshall, former mayor of New- port Beach . She is one .of four Newport ~ach residents offered for aervict on the a. member grand jury Which will take office in January. Those 19 'name• -wlll be d r a •;n by Judp Byron K. McMil\an Jan. t in courtroom ceremonlu thlt wW lmmed·. lotely follow lbe dlscbar1l11i of the mo penal by lta Superior Court liaison, Ju(1ge J.amts F. Judtt. Seven judaes conttibqte~ a total of eight Fifth Otstrict residents offertd for grand .Jury service next year. Judse Sumner nominated Mrs. Mar· shalt, ~7 Via Lido Soud, pr1Sidlnl Judga William C. Spelra named Mr1. Frances · L. Tooley. 1121 Sandalwood Lane and Mra: Marta Lozano. 116 Vla Koron and Jlld1• Wllll•m S. Le:e named M1rtin MM1old, 2144 Vt.ta Dorado, all of New. port Beach. . Judga Robort L. Corfll)1n Mmloated Bill P'tmandti. 3il Hazel Drive, Corona del Mtr, Judce Lester Van Tatenhove wrote In the name of Or; Georae O. Roberts, 5392 Ktno!hl Laue, • Irvine, Judge Claude M. 0\\'tns submitted the name of Waldo Drake, S7 S. La Se.nda, south La(Ul)• and Judge Herbort s. Htrland& naintn1ted Jo· h n 'Kamalani, 303 !. 23rd 5L , Coe!> Mell. Two othtr oominets hall from the county'• 6eco!'ld Supervisorlal District and were offered by Judge Charle• A. ' Bauer. They are James C. Caley, 8252 Snowblrd Dr ive, and. Ray Lamoureux. M.11 Trophy Drive. both of Huntington Beach. ~ Nomlt1ation of John Kama lai\i of Cos- ta Mela as the sole representative of that commll!lilY may again arouse con· troversy io that city over the appa rent dearth of representatives on the grand jury. A check today of ifand jury records over the years 1965-1970 did not. revea l a Co6ta Mesa resident although those same rtcords indicate that at least three Co.ala.. Mtsa.ns were nominat.ed in 41at time. Placing ol K~malani on the 1971 pan· el would, it appears, end a six-year drou1ht in Costa Mesa 's contribution to Qranae County Grand juries. Teachers' Merit Pay Rulin g · Seen A merit pay sch~dule ma y be adopted at tonighL'a 7 p.m. meeting ol the San Joaquin Elementary Scllool District Board of Tru stees in the new warehouse building, lt\600 Sand Canyon Ave .. East Irvine. The board voted l'f!ctnl ly to eliminllfl! all automatic salary Increases 15 of June 30. 1971. .AllO on &he 11enda will be a report by the 5C.hoof district's t.nrfe nur5ts who strve nearly 9,000 student.. • fnistees 1lsc wlll COrt$ld@r 1 claim for reimbursement of medical costs in tr@atlng a cut sustained by a studrnt on school district property. I I • Ctits Hurt Mental Aid -·-·· ·In County -,'ill' JAClt-BllOIACK ' OI 1111 Otllr rlltf lll ff . Mental health programs In Orange County have been.crippled financially by heavy cutback~!" st.ate contrib~tlons:, 11upervtsors Were lcld Tuesday . Bec;ause tlte state had failed by ?7 percent lo mett Us pledge to flnan~ 90 perCent of · the mental health acllvities:, progr~ms co.sting $652.000 may have to be eliminated .• accord.in& to Robert E. ThomN, county ldmlrliltraUve officer. Supervisors, after a . short discussion 1~eck!ed lo postpone a final dedsion for a week. Periled by the state cutbacks are a ~SLC,000 alcoholic tnpaUent prctram at ,the Orange ~ty Medical Center: a '*110,000 outpatient drug crisis Qlinle: a drug abuse program budgeted at $120.000 that provides suoport for the ,Harbor 'Af.ea· Youth Problem Center. the Tustin Rap Center. and the Free Clinic of Orange County in Anaheim. Also affected are two mental health screening teams, $170,000: mental health workers, $40.001 and jail and juvenile hall proirrams, $30.CXXI. Thoma$ said despite the '652,000 cut In programs bud.lteted. an $81,000 deficit remains in the local program. To correct this: v.·ould require laying off 15 to 20 peoole. Tl1e administrative officer a l 1 o aotici~ates another $74,000 deficit In 1tate hOspit.al cosl~ payments required by law. He said i( the county absorbed the 1alter two defictfs It' would be increasin~ Its share of mental health costs from. 12 percent 't'o 14 percent. · Thomas said the county was oenatized because it · did not spend all money appropriated the previous year. He s:ald counties which overspent their budgets were given the full amount they asked for th is year. · Laguna Library Design Approved Preliminary design of the proposed aew Laguna Beach Library was approved Tuesday by the Board of Supervisors and architect Fred ·Briggs was ordered to proceed with final specifications. The 8.000 square foot structure al Glenneyre and Laguna Avenue will be bullt at an estimated cost or $215,000. Included in the design is a Chamber of Commerce office of 450 squar1!"feet. Architect Briggs, of Laguna Beach, showed the supervisors a scale model ol the proposed building . Supervisors David L. Beker. aad Robert Battin expreseed concern over the proposed .-woOaen 1hlnglu. but Briggs said they would be fire-retardent treated and would last as Jong as any. oUier mat'-"ial. The site is sloping and parking for 34 cars will be provided beneath the structure, Briggs said. GEM TALK TODAY by J. C. HUM~llD (Qualif.lcatlon Determines Quality) Do you know the qualifications of a gemstone'! Beauty, obviously, is prim a r y in color and shape. Transparency likewiu is important although not in some cases. Hard· ness is vital since it o It en deter· mines the lasting quality of the gem. Finally, rarity of occurrence under these cobditions, makes the gemstone a thing of value . . Do.n'l make. the mistake of ucrlb- 1ng one color to l gem. The ores from v.1bich the genu com~ are highly versatile in using (!Very rain· bow color to fashion their pri}:e!I. Top~es are not merely' yellow but also light blue, orange, pink, and white. ft WtHLid be a!mnst impossible f9r the· µntrained eye to diatlnguisb be· l\reen 1 yellow sapphire and a yel- low topaz. Yet even experta hesitate to say until certain tests are made on the gems. Exciting j ewe l creations are yours from J. C. HUMPHRIES JEW· ELERS. You'll lin4 only the finest in all t)11es ol jewelry. Also special order work. fine watch _& jewelry repairing. ----- ' \ I ' Fam '3d Store's Gifts Hijacked HPUSTON-(Ufll -I< N•iman- Mlmll dellvarytruck loaded wllb a h1lf million dollars worth of Christmas pre'5nts was hljacked Tuesday when tM driver stop~ to check a strtet address. -The truck .was found about three hours later behind a.n l}:al'tment house i~ blocks away. ' -~ · DetetUVe T. F'. McKiftMY' 1ald the truck was partly unload'ed but. he· did not know whether the thieves made off wit~ lh1I most e.1perisive items. • ' Alphonso Bryant, to, the driV.er, said one gift was valued 'a! ~.000. He t.old police the overall value "as i;otl,000. My Lai Order: 'Kill Anyt· h. . "1P That Moves' · FT. BENNING, Ga. (UPI)· -A Yeteran -of .the My Lai sweep tesWiad today that alter a brtefinJ \by the 'company commander he and ot}\er soldiers decided • "'to-clean oul the whole village -to i,111 anytbiq: we uw or aeything that nioVed."·- Leonard R. Gonzalez, 28, Richmond, Calif., gave the testimony before a si.1 officer panel hearing the court-martial of lat Lt. WilliW L. Calley Jr., who Is charied with the prtmedilated murder of 10: South Vietnamese clvlllaru on March 16, 1968, the day the My Lai raid was carried OJL ' ~ • Gonzalez said the briefing was given the i:11y before the operation py Capt. Ernest L. Medina, commander of C Company, of which Calley's platoon was a pa'rt.' . - "After the briefing did YOl! talk with Sat. Buchanan and other members of your squad and arrive at a conclusion about the briefing?" asked Richard B. Kay, the defense attorney . Gonz.alez 5:1ld he had and then related the conclusion to kill anything they saw. Gonzalez had testified Tuesday that he J~rt ~1e1 b~.~!~(.~.~~1t ~dh~··ri~preaessiHon t~1 at lue VI age was w 111:1 cs roy . e a so sa.ld it wu his understanding that the enemy there "could be women." Today, he said that in the northeast section of My Lai 4 be saw-tht bodies of "about 2.5 women and children." Later he -said, hi.5 platoon, the second, went north to another village where he saw a &roup of "maybe 10" dead womm. "When I saw them they were nude," he -conumr~'R«hevttr(nti u-r-t-b-e r ldentlfied) wp with me. He had an M-79 Cgreaade launcher)." "Was there any inc;tication how they died?" Kay asked . - "Yes sir. it. was a canister round put into a 79." UCI Probe .Qf Cutbacks ' -' ,_ 1Eff eet~Due. , 1 • ·01ao~Uor· o'a.nial G. Aldrich Jr. has directtd Vfce chancellors of UC Irvine to deterrn.tne Wbat effect the university- wide cdt~clts will ha ve on programs at the five and one-half year old campus. "It is imPQSSiPJ.ti lo maintain the 1ame level oJ (IUAlity," Aldrich said, Wtten. numbef'1 of studenls lhcrease and the dollars available remain lhe same. UCI expects 7,100 students nest year coinpared with 6,400 th.is yet1r and Ald· riCh interprets the cutbacks ordered Tuesd8y by UC President Charles Hitch to continue Into the 1971·72 academic year as . ~·ell as the remainlng six months of this fi&cal year. Specific eflecta: Of the cutback.! will not·be known until department chairmen have ~en a l~k at the cUreeUves, a campus-spokes"'8n . &aid. , The belt·tl1Jht.ehlilg Is necessary, Hitch said Tue8d1y;'because cos:tg are Soar- ing whUe lncomf ln fees Is falling "short of expectations"'-and the sta.le govern- Q'.ltnl is demanding ifeater economies. Jn a letter to the cha!)Cdlors ·and ad-atlnlstra~rs, Hitch dlrfiictid .that vacan· c::lea Uiat ·appW-when 1'acli8rs and other stall ~ve sh~ not bi'"fJll~, even tern· poi:WJy, •••. Furlbermor , Hite~ .-Jill, virtually no -new equlJ»'nent coUld be ordered or leased, even for replacement. He made an exceptioil to telepho~ equipment if no new continuing cosll re1ult. Be also banned any out-of-state travel . by universily personnel in th~ new order, which he called Fiscal Guidelines [or 1970-71. "Our prospects for the remaining six months of this fiscal year are similar in rilapy r~specta to those described by Gov. Reagan for the State of California, .. Hitch said. "I know that you are already operat· Ing on levrls of support significantly be· low your lneed!, and I very much re-· gret that these measures: are necessary lo reduce current expenditures even further, Hltch said In his letter. Judges to View Yule Decorating Judges wj.ll be viewing decorated homes in Lake Forest on Saturday. Prizes will be av,.arded to the three most beautifully decorated homes in the community. First prize wilt be S25, second will be $15 and ttiird v.·ill .be SIO. Eacli prize winner will receive a tro- phy and ~ perpetual trophy wlll be on display al the Beach and Tennis Club. Selections will be made from 6 lo D p.m. wlth trophies and prlzes being ;awarded-at-the-Christmas party-for all Lake Forest homeowners on Tuesday, Dec. 22. The: contest Is 1ponsored by the Oc- cidental Petroleum Land and Deve1op- ment Corporation. All Lake Forest homes are invited to participate. comnt1 .. ,.. 1tttm1tt 'T' 11 lt .. 11-........ 17 ltll'll .. lllac' •r'Mn _J.A.11 resf1ttllt -PS•' Ill 111111 "Ir 17 JfWf11, Wtttr 1'101•1 ---~ . tMtl'tllY"I " 11jrwtla.~ •111 -"'· Ill •n• ''If" Vllfl "C"-11 l lUn ODf • ., .. 11 if,'fl't", Cll!~~r 1tw•11 GJ!I Mtrtl'I. U /""'111 . II'"'° •llllllrw _..,... oi1 .i11 ••• flO.IO •11 _ _.... When ycu know what makn a watch \!Ck, you'll 1Jv1 • Bulcv• J. C. ...J/.um/'hrtej Jewefer:I 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA ·CONVEN IENT T£lMS IA. NKAM El I CA. o-MASTI lCHA lG I 24 YEA~S I~ SAME LOCAT ION PHONE 14S.J•Ot ' ' ' . . . .I ~ . J ' . ll'lieater Note.· · · " ! -, i SCR, Huntington, Nifty . I • 1 Glose Out Theater Year .. • : .~$ BUFFALO BILL ~ ·t.:andon in 'lndii1M' AS GOLDBERG l•ncfon in 'P•rty' By TOM TITUS Ot tflt Diii' P'llM llltt South Coast Repertory t.Pkcs 1 breather after this weekend, and some of Its resident actors can Quit leading a d~uble-life .... tor a while. ? / Four members of the Costa Mesa company are featured in • SCR's two current altracUons 'A1hich give their f i n a I perlormance s thi s • week-"lndlans" and "The Birthday Party." The former 'production will be on st a g e tonight and Thursday. the lat· ter Friday and Saturday. Viewing them back lo back. 8ugl1es Who? • , notes SCR managing director Warren J. Deacon. glves the theatergoer a chance to see the same actors in totally dif· ferent roles. For instance, Hal Landon Jr. plays the Jegen· dary Western here BuCfalo Bill in "Indians.'' then reverts to an avuncular Jewish character as Goldberg in "The Blrthday Party." 2 Mystery Men, Missing The productions are being offered at the Thirlt Step Theater, 1827 Newport-Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tickets may be ordered at the box office, 646-- 1363. By VERNON SCOT!' HOLLYWOOD IUPlf Sout'hern California newspapers and, indeed, much of •tbe country is mystified by lwo men named Hughes - HOward and Ronald. One is a billionaire, the other a self-admitted pauper. 1 So far as is known they are not related except in the news and in an 'Off.shoot of show business. B i I I i onaire indl4Stiialist Jloward departed for the Bahamas for a vacayo n while hla top Heutenanta ~1taged a power struggle over control of Jfughes' vast holdings in the stiite of Nevada. In addition to his many flqancial Investments, Hughes is a former owner of the defunct RKO Studios and the progenitor ol Jane Russell's film career. While. Howard H u g h e s 1 welfare is the concern of thousands of employes, Ronald * Hughes is feared dead by at Also closing this weekend is least one of the other lawyers "~1y Three Angels" al the in the Manson case. Hunlington Beach Playhouse, Concei:n for the whereabouts wrapping up a five·weekend and well being of Qoth men run under the direction of named Hughes i s un-David J\1aiville. derstandable to residents ol Frank 'Rutherfocd, GI en California and Nevada. Eckenroth and Jay Conklin ~ billionaire employer share the title roles of the con- aerospace aJld airline person·· vict trio, with John Phillips, nel in California and he is the Floria Mose. Joaliy Fairbairn, ch.ief owner of real estate and Stuart Anderson and Paul hotel<aslnoS in Nevada . Sullivan cast in featu red Jobs, salaries and futures assignments. ride on H. Hughes. Performances will be given R. Hughes, on the other Friday and Saturday at the hand, may cost the citizens of Barn, 2110 Main St.. Hun- Los Angeles a milllon dollars tington Beach. Call f>36.386I for reservations. in the event a mistrial is call· eel because !>f his disap-* pearance. Another lluntington Beach Tax money and justice ride group, the Nifty 11rl1tcr, puts R H gh its double bill of one-act plays on.ues. Because so much attention into storage after t h i !I P~ ~ughe.5 is an at· has been focused on both men weekend, but will resurrect torney in trie Charles Manson ln the past week they. have the production for three more murder trial or Sharon Tate provided more suspense than weekends in January. , and.six others. He is defending most of the mystery shows on "The Popcom Machine" and ~r...._was_unUI his-disap-~·-television. _ _ _ _:::" '"" Deotist''-..vt"...i 11 be pe:ar~ce -Leslie V a n The quC;SUon surrounding H. presented Friday and Sattir. Hou!tolt,. pne of the Manson Hughes and R. Hughes is when day at the Nifty prior to the group. and ii they will return to Las Christmas holiday b r c. a k . At ,the moment both are in-Vegas. ,in the fonner•s case. George Betar directs both and communica and the _bas Angeles County wrote the script for "Popcorn Ronald Hughes, too, went on Superior Court, in the latter's htachlne." a vacation -in Los Padres situation. The experiemental one·acts Nationa l Forest, a resort Jess The answers are v It a I are being performed at the grandiose than Paradise because g.rot amounts of theater, 307 Main SL, Hun- lsland where the other Hughes money, 1ives and death hang tington Beach. Reservations purportedly is ensconsed. in the balance·. are taken at 536-9158. NATIONAL GENERAL TlfEATRES Last ~t yo1J1 friends ·and neipbon, 10::1 alld old; hall a wonderful time •t · movlts! They laughed. They cried. They sat on the edge of their seats as the fury of a tornado swept across tlre screen. They thrilled to the magnificent panorama of the Grand Tetons, and cheered as a courageous family named the Tanp~rs stood together against every challenge of an untamed land. Your friends and neighbors had a wonderful time at the movies •.. the motion picture ,. they saw will be yours to enjoy in early 1971. • COMING SOON '~ COMING SOON ' ' WJdnesd11. Dtetmber 16. 1970 DAILY PILDr :')IJ · GE Plans A Career 111 Sho,vbiz NEW YORK (AP) General Electric Company has announced plans to enter the e n t e r tainment production business in the fields of television and motion pictures and eventually the legitimate stage. Pop Si~gers Conspiciioii s > " -' By Absence on Television By RICK DU BROW been that the right showcf.stng ha!i yet to be foWld -one that HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -t will convince the desired audi- went down to my friendly ence of a program's commit· neighborhood record shop for ment and integrJty. Ill)' weekly visit and checkup It is dll!icult to 40 this -to on what Is being sidestepped fit such a show into a oelwork on commercial television. schedule admittedly made. up The networks , as you may primarily for the middle aged· have.theard, say they are after to-older audience, which video the young audience. But you has locked up. . begln to think th.at maybe no But .if. would be a pity If the one at. a network ever sent networks just give up on anyone to a fr i e n d 1 y tryi ng to find the right format neighborhood ncord shop to and approach for the io- see first-band · some of the fluenUal music of today. things I.be youn1 audience ls ,jiiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOi""il buying. Occa.sionally we do get some of the hot contemporary groups or singles on television, but the proportion of time , ~ ' , ... · I U<Jt1·1z 11Uotted'~lheirf . b us 1.ra 11 y ALllltT f'INHIY relatively small so that they ''Sl0091" !l!.: I• make little impact on the au-'"" dlence video says it wants. • "AN ELEPHANT CALLID SLOWLY" I mean , it'f very tbriUlng c..i1. s.1. a '""· t •lt ,.m. Johnny Cash Is part of Uie way there with hla seritti. Wboevef toes the rt:at of the w1y1 ·with genuinene.ss and know how, will not only strlke a bona.nu, but ·will score a major bieal<through. 536-9396 • FINAL WEEK I · Al!OLUMLY THI LA.ST 1 DAYS IN CALIF. llPOll ITS NATIONAL llLUll THE .o.e STRAWBERRY . STATEMENT - -Al- " PASSIONS OF ANNA" • • ' 1'he company said a new subsidilfry, Tomorrow P.rocluc- Uons, lnc., has been formed and named Thorn.as W. Moore as president. He is a former president of the A BC television network. that ABC-TV it living.a serie11~~~~~~~~'!"!'~~'!"!'~'!"!'~'!"!'~~~~~~~~'!"!'~~'!"!''!"!'~ next summer to Br\Ush slnger "\Ve plan on becoming a m<!jor source of capital and lnnovatioo in motion pictures. We are vitally interested in feature films oi quality and sound box-0ffice potential ," Moore told a news conference. "We will quickly become in- volved in all phases o{ television programming - series, specials and syn- dication. We will place great emphasis on sports events and industrial programs. "lnitiallv, distribution will be throU'gti the television networks, and our own syndi- cation .'' he said. "However, we will constantly explore the possibilities of participating in the expanding fields of cable te\evsion and casettes. "Closed circuit broadcasting wi\f' be an important part of ?Ur operation," Moore said. Donald D. Scarff, GEl vice president In charge of con- sumer products, said ll)e cor- poratiOn hoped the subsidiary would match "the growth potential of the parent com- pany 's other ventu re businesses." Val Doonican (who he?}. But where are Joe. Cocker and Richie Havens and Judy Collins and Jaro11 Taylor and the Grateful Dead! Look. Dean h1artln Is a gas. But where are Steve Sills and Ten Years After and Led Zep- pelin and Paul Kantner and Jefferson Airplane aod Cream and'Elton John and Sky? . It's tqae that Ario Guthrie and Botl Dylan and R11ndy Newman have done nun1bert •on commercial television, as have other pop artists. But why don't they get a lot more air Ulne? Why aren't con- dilioni 11111de attractive to them so that they wUI want to appear on the home screen? And where are Laura Nyro and Sant.ans and Chicago and Canned Heat and the Who and Tim Buckley and Phil Ochs and Sly and tbe Family Stone? It is really a very odd thing that television, In its com· mercial quest for the ric}J young market, should give relatively limited attention t the art form that most often and most readily separates youth from its money Occasionally, a network tries a series geared to such records -as with ABC-TV's "Music Scene,'' which failed in the ratings. The trouble haS Movies "P.inall y Get Some Real New Blood HOLLY\YOOD (AP) -Ever onward and upward -tech- nologically, iC not always Ii· nancially -the movies have a new fake blood. Its virtue :" It doesn't stain costumes. "In black-and·while pie· lures they used chocolate sy- rup. wh.ich photographed beau- tifully and washed out easi- ly,'' says veteran makeup man William Tutti~, tracing the history of film gore. "When color movies came In. we'd go ·to a soda foun- tain ,and get spme cherry sy· rup. which we'd thicken \\1ith a litUe cofn~tarch," Tuttle .said. . "In 'Mutiny on the Bounty ' we tried a red toothpaste made in England. The trou· ble with all of these, and oth· er concoctions by makeup peo- ple. waS that they slalned the wardrobe. Most red pigments have a Stalnin~ quality like dye." Makeup men finally con- suited the Motion Picture Re- search Center, an organiza· lion subsidized , by major stu- dios and in touch with chem· ical mlnulactuTers. Minneso- ta Mining & Manufacturing Co. devlsed the new blood spe· cifically for movies. "Almost mlcroscop~c red spheres of red plastic are sus· pended in a liquid, probably gylcerine." Tuttle explained. "Spill some on a white shirt and it rinses right out under cold water, without any soap." ·Tuttle, for 21 years MGri.I makeup chief, expects the sub· stance to save studios thou· sands oJ. dollars by prevent~ ing ruin to costly costumes. Tuttle is 11ivlng the new blood its first use In a film called "The Best of Friends,'' starring Debbie :Reynolds and Shelley Win· tefs. Miss Winters ~s gashed oo one hand, another actress is knifed in the back, a fall downstairs batters a man and rabbits are slaughtered. I NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES .I • •10••• ••GAL lUTH •o•DoN "WHERE'S fiOPPA?" · • fll ¥·CALL TH~tll '°' 1How 1111115 .. · POSITIVELY LAST WEEK ENDS THURS. DEC. 24 "' \ .. "**** IT'S ALL SO FUNNYl'iATID • I • I MMllttllT UTIMO I · -H•• Yor-01/lr N1w1 "I" ••: (0011 .... Al -~ .... : •• ...._. -01lla ~ "'-"' ... , .• _ ........... PLUS -Tony Muson!• •Suzy Kendoll in "THE BliD WITH JHE £1YSTAL PLUMMAGl" (GP) t .•Dwa,.Ds ~' POSITIVELY: LAST WEEK ENDS THURS. DIC.24 •f:t ,!ij!<> PAULNEWMANAND//WUSA' .-.. ~,~~~-;' .. ''°'JOANNE WOODWARD (GP _ ....... ---...... --. CAtl 546·310j ANTHONY PERKINS JAMES CAAN, CARRIE SNODGRESS IN "RABllT, RUN".fll BARBRA STR EI SAND -YVES MONTANO. JACK NICKOLSON '' . "ON A CL/EAR ~ DAYJ.OU CAN '10lJR~ -··-···---.. -···-····· " ..... ·-· ·-. --..... -----.. ·-··--.. ,..··-·-·-.... --CALL 192-4493 -1 WEEK.ONLY CONTINUOUS DAILY MATINEES Sot. -Svn.·-Mon. -Tues. , ..,.,....,ER,,-· -,..,..,,,.. runs•, ~~ 1.B1.WO.t11rcnJ11.•• -~HUN'rE.11 ,....._,..., AIRPORT DEAN MARilN • BURT'"iANCASTER •HELEN HAYES RATED "G" -2ND TOP Hit -* .'* .".plu1 "DARLING LILI" *' * 3 NEW,fDWARD.S LUXURY CINEMAS TO OPEN CHRISTMAS.DAY Al NOONf OPENING .PROGRAM IN CINEMA VIEJO AND HlllOI CINEMA I Fun ... Muslc ... Adventure ... Purr-fect In every way for everyone! r;:;i--·--l!:!l ___ - WALT DISNEY ....._ ,r1ducllon1• A WONDERFUL NEW ~.JI CARTOON .i~ FEATURE · TECHNICOLOR ® ,tlfi,.~ ~I IUOIA YIST• ~ilhikt1 ... C•., IK, "'1!10 Wilt Oi1111y ,l .. IK'*" . . EACH THEATRE IS BRAND NEW· EACH HAS LUXURY HATS AND WIDE SPACE LOUNGER LOGES,SURROUND DRAPES AND HIGllLY SOPHISTICATED PROJECTION EQUIPMENT. EACH THElTiE OFFERS THE ULTIMATE IN PATRON COMFORT AND COllVElll- ENCE. EACH THEATRE HAS A GIANT SCOPE S.CIHN AND STEllO SOUllD, DEEP Pill CARrn.s AND-IJICITING CONTJIAPOIAIY DECOR, EACH THEATRE .WAS DESIGNED IY A WORLD fAMOUS ARCHITE~T AND EACH THEATRE WAS DECORATED IY THI Ill· TION'S MOST OUTSTANDING THEATRE INTERIOR DECORATOR. CIN EMA .VJEJO ·IN· MIS 'ION VIEJO SA~ Ol!§Q FREEWAY ATLAPA!TURNOFF DIAL 130-6990 j g::~&G CHRISTMAS "ARISTOCATS' HARBOR I CINEMA TWIN THEA;R.£S COSTA MESA HARBORATWILSON 12 Ml. SOUTH OF S.O. FWY. DIAL 646-0573 g~t~~G Cffll~MAS . "AllSTOOATS" · -.. .. . HARBOR2 CINEMA lWIN THEATRES COSTA MESA HAR80RATWUON 2 Ml. SOUTH Of S.D. FWY. PIALHHW g:~l~G ·cntlSTIAS "CATCH-22" • .. -.. ~ . . . . ' '• ' . I • • • ' • • :J.0 DAILY __ P_ll.:.O_r __ _:•:;•:_ __ ' -"-' _>_da_..z'-'..D.:.".:.";;c''°:.:c..' .:.l&:::.CC.: Your OVER THE COUNTER Comp1ete-Ne'v YoJ·k Stock It~t Worth Jtlo1aey's • NEii( YQR:I( IAl'l~so;ll¥'C..,.lf~ NtW Yort ~IOCll. E\t~ t n lt,..._tlve l•I•......, -lllleM .. INN•~IY t I m ,,..... NASO l't Soln Htt fin QI\._ • "" "' Fuel Sl101·tage Averted But ._>,t'k.-.. .-t IM""" Rt.ii W mtttff ~-er ctfllfl'llWea. 1•0• 1 Hotll L.._ (Ifft Clll ~-'" NASO, L1st1ng1 for Tuesday, December lS, 1970 -A-~11'!/"' L k f E B Th """" ""' "' •Mo/', . t ,.-Abbll.b t 10 ~ 13 ... IJ~o l:c!' Cl NW ac 0 Iler gy .'lg 1~ea HEW YOR~ IAl'JIEan con• I\, 1,_ P1 c;"W 2t'4 '!'A Sid RWOU nu llV. :~~.t'l:.,1 : \~ i • ~~" "'f[l/I ~ ~ -lhS tollowol'll bid Etull OU l" '! PtM ".C-I~ 1' S!tll HPd fl°" 7' ACml M•t 1U lS ..0 l o0 • lo • fll '11 I 1nd 1111.H -·· Ett Ttc t~ o'I P~tl WI '71,, .... rft'i9 Str !1 U'lol AatntE 1 7~ la nn u~ ~~rl~~~.ct By SYLVIA PORTER l>tsplle fr1 ghten1ng headlines h now seems likely that we IJ gel through the wmter of 71 wlthout a .ma)Or fuel crisis 8 a r rJ n g un predictable disasters a siege or frttZlng weather a prolonged railroad s t r 1 k e, another blowup 1n the Middle Ellsl lhe dreaded fuel fiihortage has apparently been averted for now But the threa. of a long term scarcity of energy 1n the US still rema.ins For the first time 1n our history, we face possible shortages not Pecause of a breakdown 1n fac1 ht1es but because of actual lack or energy an enllrt'Jy different matter expectations For Instance oor use of energy recently has been rising 3bout S P:Cr cent a year -alroost do~le the annual rise 1n the ~s and early-60s At the same time a com plex and long 11st of factors has converged to cu(.b sup. piles To 1Dustratt' -Production and supphe! of .. coal have been curtailed by wildcat strikes mme safety laWs, shortB:ge or railroad cars Tn addition McLean says the Federal Power Com mLSSlon s surveys seriously uodf:resttmaled what current demand!' for coal would be I Z5 m1lhon more tons or coal were needed 1n 69 than the FPC had predicted) and conlnhuted to Its scarcity ~~~~~~:!~f&~ ,15 !~ f~}c' ~ ~~t~:!~ ,J~1:~ ~~~~:~ J~ i~ ~~ ~ln Th U S r I I I llOM DUI ... rfp. Fil Iott s l't 61 Poflr HI( 1i ll.ot. T111U• 11•. I~\} "tu rre Co I ' l .\lo l !'o -~ -e UC Ol supp y •15'!'flllllv• 11111• F1tG AH ·~ '""Pro Goll 1'4 11'o T1¥1or w ,,, ,, A'""' In' l', .a .. )'/\I «I +. JoolO h .... II h d b J Ol!11tr ~l(t't •~ ol F1tP Mlt I~ 111'1 Pr1111 An• 2\'o • Tt ed•I •, 5~ Ar P oo 21lb 4 !1 <16~ ~f• + , 1 as U\.'ell g lenc y 01 pro-'"""°•lm1i.ly , FIPMI ~II Int~ Prll<I M II l. •..:.TV Con 61'1 1\\ "',p '!J'• 1~ • 12~ 11~ •1S -'l • due hon culbacks 1n Libya 1n ~":.ra1!s wllltll k:~ ~rlt~ I\ 11h 1l~ ~::gs, '"iw~ fl~ rr~ 1'~,;.111 A 1l~ ~ .. !~ ~OU,~I J~ 2! "~· 21 + "" I flSVt 210 terr11pl10&1S of an OJI p1pt:hne ~~::.C. ~i'°i P<1J.. ~=:1 or. 1i~ 1711o Publ'11• l:? ft: T/~~~ f~ 1~~ ·~~ !1i°C:'., f o 3t ~~ ~!t d~ t ~ ~l~l~s:;rr,2 in Syns nd ho lag f toWI 1111111 nt11< 1Form!1.__ "1t1 g :11rl:!nt1 10" 2n. r "" GD l•• 11, Al1Jk 4 Jnk') "'• JJ.11 21 .. JJ'lo +1.. 1, S!'J Jl)p a a s r e: 0 cle.alt l'Nl•~lll Fost ~~nt ';~, Purl!¥ Sl 13\'i lSV. Tr1c Cl>'O , 1. A bl 1oe-)1 l8 l7 1 11\,\o ....... '" 4fk Or' I.Ml o!I tankers Simultaneously~~ 01,'"~~~~f''f it' 1~~£.i:1,c11 ;l! .~':~.~~: g 1;t 1;~ !~n'.::"~ 11:o 1J ;i~ ~~'! ~I:+ "!l:~~ci/l\o111eo the world demand ror residual n,111 "°' .,!.~~~ ~~111111nw J~ ii~ it'¥'' 5f,\" ~v. J~ t;r~ 0~ 1i 11 , !1~~~·.~a if., 1~f ~f: ~~i.. "~ = ~ ::~~\11\ /$).1 rue] OtJ eSpe<:ia!Jy JOW Sulfur ~:1~11 or (Gm F).'f j~ r• JIM =~• pri ir9 ,:~ l-r ~I ,Pd 3~'1t ~~ !i'i::L~ l~ tt ~~h ~~\: ~~I,, + \\ fu~:~ t':'I 111 Oii has skyrocketed m c~: ~ lll 111 s!c lt~ lJ: ::;~ c! ff(.. }:YI i~~ Fd ~ ~1 !:!:;).U: f'~ 10: n~ rz,: ~~ = ~ 1~t~'!.t l._ -Bu1lditig of nuclear power AFAP• .s. 1"'111 20'1'1 Alrtll ,~ !2~ 111ym C11 1"' ut.o u" t1111rn ~, 79 All e<t c11 t 10 2u 1t 21 ., ~CHA Flnt so AIO '"' '' ... Kllll'lk ... ... Rt<08 E<I 13 1 14 u~ MtG I 4\4 ~ Aile! M4 n "° ~ h , .. -1\.'t !NA Jlf Al 10 plants has fallen way beh1nd!~1s 1:,i: ;?: ~ 1L•~1~• ~t ,i.. • ., Cre<t 11 '1"us Bkno• ,:Lo,t •!\\~u~,/S~ ~\. S•-1<o °"" ~rG1• schedule due lo pubhc OJ>-!~ "l.. ,.,.. : •1 ~ :~ :::,~ :.: ;i ~~ H~ r~:::. ~~ :! ':1:a111S~r I~ ~f: 1:~ .,.,,., + ~ cru P~!i~ l = position and again bad AllM'te 1" J 3 ~U 'gU ::f" E,_:: ~ ~ H! i~~~ 21 • '' A11 ~ ci..1m 1~ 1 11 •••· _ co11111s Al~ 1 Au•"' E:t J~ I W •n_ -,n JI-Oii I 4 .J.v. U1"1\ Sld I , )\II AlltlQIAUI X: :Ill r ?O r oU n II 1"" govern men l forecasting !!: ~.!d~, r' ~ WI n 13.,. AO¥ c111 11.o 2 u111 tll(I '1 ~'!~~:~;:Pf 15·, is , ~, oll)ln 11 160 Hardesty figures Jhal d the Afrbrn F u. 15~ 5 11, •• ','"" =~~n 5~ n~ ~~ ~:~(~0s. 1, 1 u AIN!Suo 160 ~· l~'i ~: '!, .-~ II t::"~(1S Al-H 1h 1\'IGodW'Y C ,.. 5 I lr li..A.MBAC ~ 11 10 I... n I 1160 nuclear power program had A11111<h 1 111 Gr6llll en ' '"" kactl '' 1"-> • Vlitr011 11 11 Am~• Es 10 1 19, !!'~ 111 • ... c%s i"J:. Alco!.lc 11'> '"" Gr111h k ''" Ill;, Sc anln E ,.., 1'lo w1c:n A:n 17\o 11 ~Am E\ D 1 ~"' .... ~ :i. -'• C8S pl I been on schedule \he demand !I~ 8~ ·~;;,: l~~ G~~~M:,1., :~ tL~ Sccr"°~01~~ l\to : ~ :::i,~w8f 1p, 11,,.., ~::: ~<1$•,3 r ,6i :', 1J ,, , t!llu c;.1 '" for coal this year would have A111e<1 E" ~1 •~ rnu RPE 11 11~ Sci '"" l'• J w "'""~ l•• l • AArr,/fr, 80 .i ~ 1·~ ~ ;: • 1 : lgi~'i: t~ been 15 m11Jion t6ns Jess1han~~OtGco n: ii? ~'t ~ ~ :~~~~r-~ 1:"1:'-~:~"1,iG 1].;1i':AmP.r1~ 90 J I a, 'l .,. oCmbEl) IJO Am 8vsn ll I)~ Guard" c • .tl'I Scrl11to A l lr l'\ Wish RE 9\'> 9 ' ~m8~\ 11~ l<t9' 11 17 11 • t (' tmbE Jiil 10 1thasbeen AEtl•b J~o ~Gui 1111 sv. • Se1rlt Jlf 1t>olf~•W•1 Tr 1~1 i1~Am8ocs1120 10 4;0 ;3" ~·· 1•Com!Solv '8 h could have beco1ne :I full ~::: ~=~~ 1!l;? 7?'4 a::!~ s 1t\I> J ~=~ .. f"mp ~:: t ... :.::i •• "A.• 6 61'> Am c~ .. 170 )1l •D ~ j~ .. ,;v· I J ~::;~~I ;~ lied ed b A G•ffl 611"" 61VI H••ll~ I" ·~ ! $\IC GrD s 5V. Wtl <>fl M .JI 11• ~mc~~11,'{., Jt 111; 1a 1:1· I-~ ComE 1119 •• g energy crisis ul tl A Me<1k11 n'l<o IN M•nred F » l7 l>•ve~ u11 ,S6i,., $7"' Wtl F Bl 16'0 11 ,r." Cfla" 1611 , 11,. ?H\ 2,1, = : f~~ g\ 'lo hasn\ -and the reason 1t!i:,eJ~'18 j~~;~~~t'~~~1 J~ J:;;~el~M '~ ~~~!!~\t'4: l~ i ~~~~~u~ i'1'f 1~l 1~· 15 1s. + •fomPYI sd nasn l IS NOT the publicized :;::11 I In ~ ... a:1~ ... EP 3~v. ~"" il1.f Ui-.1 ,~~ 1~. =i:~ ~~= 11(1 11\o ~Oi,1~:1' ~o!. ~ n~' i~ tl: -"~::::~i ,tf I steps orderl'd by PreSJdent !~~:~ ~ ~"' 3fU t!:r' Rt ~" :&'.'i sw Hi;J~1 ?8~ ?:~ ~ ~ ~ 2l ~ ri !'O'u811~~r:!! 1~ 'j • 'f • 1:1': -1 c~~"f;,n ~ fl'4 N1'on """ o l h•r ad Ar~ MoP 13 n:w;H~·.••,. 1 7\llSwEISvc l6'11171<Wdw E 1t lhAmEPw110 •• '~ 11t 11 .. ••con(~J 811 " U Anow H 2' ~ XI Hu~ 11 4 If SP•ttrv Jo>-J; Wrl!Jhl W 11 , 33 Am fap In~ 8, ro 7S ~ 1 Con Ed! I>! ' We have mo1o1ed from an era of abundant energy into an era tn which the emphasis Pollution curbs have sharply increased the demand for such clean fuels as natural gas But what McLean calls the F PC s ' unreahst1cally low ' price regulations for natural gas have held down exploration for natural gas m1nlstratlon officials Th e Arvld• 1ov. 11 ~~~ p"G,1 ,;~ ~~~ ~tindvn 10-llo 21 11 vro"• E 1 • •1• 11.mE~P ol 11, 110 ~) ~ ~ 1,~ ' f.~FEnu~l~ .l AsC C&o! 38V. 3914 H G U\1 UV> A Genin~ >ll lU U•<. I• , ,• , Co~ Foi 1 )0 reason IS bluntly HI GHER Auto Sc.I • •V. H~~" J' 6\11 1 , A G~111 Dll 50 1 ?1'> 16 t ron i:n p 1 so PRICES h I Sa •d At 2l4 J"' H 11 Cll 24\lo 11~~ ~JI ~ ~., Am Hol" 10 15 I ~ ~ o l l o -• ton F coh! 1 T IS ta e lomorrow B•~ep 1 11 .,.,., H~:n 1n1 1~ 1>.. " HC>me 1 60 111 .,., • in 1n co L~~1i119 ::~m 1fi'1l 1t 0 ~t? r.'°"' Ath 2~ 3\..o A Hllmt pl l S !Ol lo.i ~ lCll C011N•IG I 19 --Will-J!e on conservation ana cautiou"S-t.se........._of our energy resources, Jollii"'G ~cLean cha1nnan of the N"at1onaJ Petroleum Counc il and pres1 - den t of Continental Oil Co , ~atd to me over and over aga)n 1n a long lun£._heon in 1er¥it!w the other day a,nln 11 1 .. 1,. mlllt' Sy 5 • 5\o MUTUAL Am HosD 16 ?'6 )•<.. Jl • J.1 ~ , ro, PO"~• 1 Biumfl , \, •tl't Jnll NIKI 2'~ 21V. Am nvsl >O U 11 o ll 1 l l•• 1 Co"Pw .,,. 'IO B•Yltss l.S lj'l:I 11lr1rO 2•• l "' Mt-a c1 17 1•0 '''• 11 1 1• • Ccn A'r ?~o .i\.r .. ;xo·~n Less Colorful, ::~"'Gie r. t.~i~i.~oti~ ~ .. ~~ !1:M •• ~~ ••• ~,.~ •• '10° J~.., J~:: ·~:: ~rc.c"~n.,!~l 1 ,. U. Seim lnll 5 !Y) Int IWth .... I ' " l • I"• •l .. 11 1.o C0011 (•D 'Ce Sen! Mt• 111/:1 11~ Int Mull I 10' )\\,, FUNDS Am PllOlo 16 90 '""" 9, f \, -, CICOo pfl u Bt -tU .io 11 In\ Sv• lt\'I JO AReso.. ?31 ll.ll .. ... " I • Conll Co•P , ---\ Ben Lib 40 ti l"t 5¥ pl IS U V. 14.<n St11I "' I lJ II l}"li l}lo -, Cl Ca 11tA1 S(I ........_ B ll~ps w ."' ~ 111!4ll I l\r A.m s .. 111 6°" t~ " ,, ,. ~ ~,Co> DIB7 'IO Wi l fl • Bl•O 5oo1 31 36 onks 1µ. l•i1 11lC1nt 0 I l !O )io Jl ~ 30 • Jlll-1 _ cont M19 t1 ls er On n atlon B rt(tlt l J\4 11 !.oUlll lll"i ~ A S.-11 1 90 163 76 , U 1~ t -, Conr O o 111 I Slit~ HI 30 JI J1tobs F "-4 -~~ AmSoAtr 10 5t u <1 ,_, al ~ (on! 1el 10 BO!lue El II\ ,,,_ Jl<IUln c • ' Am S!O I !Jt 19 11 ~ 71 • .... [l)n t D ' We have lef! the age of cheap energy and entered a new phase 1n which prices of all forms of energy "'111 cltmb steadily to new peaks And this phase warned C 1-loward Hardesty Jr seruor vice president of Conllnt!ntal 01! may last fi ve, ten or even more years Behind us is the time when comparatively stable prices of gas electr1c1ty, 011 and coal helped hold down our overall living «:OSts Ahead of us 1s a lime 1n which soaring costs of these essentials will be ad ding to upward pressure on our cost of living Behind us too 1s the t11ne of re I a t 1 v e govemment.1n dustry-consumer peace ' 10 the area of production of energy Ahead or us 1s a hme or almost c on stan t con frontahon between the forces which bold preservation of our environment above all other considttalions and those wh<1 nsm that uninterrupted and rapidly ncreas1ng piOdUCtiOn of energy is 1mperahve 1n our highly industrialized SOCJe- ly .How did we get into thi s energy cr1S1s' What 1s being done and cao be done lo solve 11' What can you do to shave our fuel costs this winter even 1n the face of %00flling prices? To get the an swers, I 1n terv1ewed M c L e a n and Hardesty I also studied the analyses and proposals of Paul \Y McCracken chairman of the Council of Economi c Advisers and General George A Lincoln director of th e Office of Emergency Preparedness On one point industry antl gcwemment author1t1 es thorooghly agree Demand has spectacularly outpaced all Washbw·n Takes Post NEWPORT BEACH Floyd D \Yashburn has been named controller or Newport Pharmaceuticals ~ema\1onal Inc Dale \V announced recently Ho lkcr lhe Pr~sidenl appo1nlmenl Washburn a certified pubhc accountant had been with Ford Motor Co 1n Dearborn Mich and Los Angeles fur seven years ~lost recently he was controller of L 1 q u 1 d N1tr9gen Processing Corp, Yihich he joLned 1n 1966 Newport Pharmaceuticals is tngaged In re se11rch a n d development of new drugs to combat a variety or viral <11e ases In man Washbum, v.ho-hold!:! a BA degree from ~he un1vers1ty nf Detroit served a& heut<!nant colon~! 1n tht U S Air force during the Korea n war 1,IOI'$ Of OIL PAINTtNl>S WHOLDAU WAllHOUSI Ofllll TO THI PUIUC • ....._ Boe.IMC ll\lo lF.&JunWll '1ili }'.<NEW YOllK IAP )l$1 Trutl Jill A51tlol•71 IO 11 85 I 1 ~1 ro 0 .~~ --900I AH IP.• IAllJ1m1S F 3' JI"'° -TM lo1!11Wlnt -Imp C•D 1'6 975 Am St.rfl •I 16 7l~ 111, 71 -.lc~n.!'00:'190 NEW YORK (AP\ h d ol IOI (AD ''~ 71-.Hm•llY •,~ fllo 11rlon• wlll>led by lm11 C.lh 636 6tsAT&T .. 1 1711 !01-10 lf"t • rOl'kUnr so The as moved m the 1rect1nn Brad... ,..,. •'Iii J,!.'!'!. "I,• .. • ""' Nallonj,I A1~I· Inc Fd8 ~ ., 1 06 Am T& 1 t 60 1110 ...... 4 r •• 1 • [-tn I +11 -.,__ gr 11U 111 a~UY) ,....,, 1t~l0,._111on ol Securlllnl...,.ond 5S6 609Am WWk U tt 13"' 11'4 l~ -•• OOPr Tll /SD e>eeullve branch has now more act1v1ty 1Ssu1ng ils se-,~-Sc. ,,\lo 11"4 1C11ser sr ll'.IV:I 11 .... D1111n inc ire 1n11$r v • 11 • n Aw 4 1o1 1 u l!.00 10 10 1'0 I _ . --,,. , - d , fl I I I , nd 11.::.. ...: 1\lo I U K1!.SI Ill ,·.~ JSi:: lhe ~lee• 11 whkn INTGN 7 a. I a Am Zinc 6 ,,, ,.._ n ;. i~ C~Roe ~i;; decided to use more BCllVe]y COf1 In a ton 3 er a Bru1fl Bt U'lli 151~ IC1lv1'(; T' ~ lh~t •«url!IH l"v CoA !? 1113 ?l "'rntron 60 l INI 11 .... 11 , -lo Co~w 11$1 0 aiming cr1t1c1sm at specific 3::'.!"c. r-~~ ~:~m rn ~~ 111 ~"ra111111 a~•: ~I~: f:::iio: : !: : l': ~t'e~..._ 60,; ,.\~ ~: ;~·: ~: .., ._ 1:t~B1 ~°: its abilities to commun1cat~ d ,, B•·r--s --~Ke ... T iov. 10,~ ''~"' Tuesdav 111~ts 10' 11..Sl 12.61 Am!•c BC 11 '° •r.• .. ,, '' wage an price agreemen .. 'i clc"leis 7 i ih 1C111tt1 ?.\lo ... Biii A•-1 .. veito" G 0110 AMP tnc SI "° Sol , 53, }:: ' ._ • c~.,0~ ~""' with and educate the public in thJJt 11 says are inflationary cit w sv 21v. 76':\ ~:!!!'d E 1 1t.,, 2:~ At>e•On 1 u 2 °' 10s nd 'll 4 26 Amoe• cor" 11• 1A•• '"• 16 , ,. "" !n.' sc1c:u ic r Cmbelo N -A9~ ic'"''I Fiii 1,..., l! AO.mlral!J Funll• Mui I 10 01 Am1tdr I 10 JS 311 ... l6 36 t ~ I PC Ill I l It- the battle WJlh lnflatJOn but it This to some extent puts~:~M';:: JJ 1(~1Cu·~~:z1:· P,.~:!: 1r::n rt~ ,j~~,:n:::::~:~t''!a()I '~ 1;: '~~ ''" tc':ci~ur-~1 has slopped far short of com into lhe battle the talents and ~:~ .. ,~IOt 1~~ 1~"' ~f~i' I~!~ ~ ~~ AJe1~.~~ rn t~ ~~r:1Pv : ~ ~ ~ ~;."~on f .o 1N .J', 1:1. ,t,.. ! ~ E ~~~I 80io II " ab1ht1es of lhe ex f! c u t 1 v e c,,", ,"",,. ,1~ •,,, ~[~• c! 5 sv. Ae•"• r-d t 91 9 1• in~ R•Vi 'JJ • 7l Anc~ Hoc:k r l• 31 JO• Jl • ""c ouseH "° 1 ml 1ng I power b h ... c• k vot 15 26 Affll ad 'ia 7 3l 1t e 1110 19 11 ~ncor11 sv, 1 ~1? \1;': \~ • y1._ + ,,• CrowCo •O In the eyes or many m:unly ranc to ed ucate com :;::~lctev n: i"' IC~:~ r I ~:v; ,i~ ~:r~~ .. 11• 11~ ~VVHncoc:k t Jf' ~ ~ ... ~cg'Cvo I rs ~o lllo 11 ll... c o ... n Cork mun1cele Influ ence inspi re c1r1e B1 i ~ 1~ t:~' A:. '.X• 3 4 111111.,, , ~ 1o 68 Jon11i111 19 19191 ~~ 1 311 101 11. J1 Ji ~_ ,i; C•w~ze 1111 the advocates o( wage price ta••r G11 '''"' ,, , s\\ All'I'• ~o 1010 11 15 K1vs1on, Funds .e.Pt ~f'B ,0 • "~' n .. 11•1 -'c1" 2 P •10 and maybe frighten some of C1K NG 10-a 1~ t!:.':on Wd 1~, 1v. .i.m(•11 s 611 6 12 A,,,,uo s s1 • u ARA svc .oi 19f 111/ • 1 I~ • 1:: •, :+ • ~J.~e'" ie"i° guidepost.! or rigid controls the public c.,,, c111 1v. 1<11o Larw11 M ,, 11,,. Am But J 10 l j6 cus Bt H Sl 19 J1 Arcata lte 10 11~ 1 11 cud~v 111 11 Ce11t• '6"'37Vr lt.>c:I• CD 1~ 1•v.Am Dvln 9t71090 ~111 82 llBll105011rch Dani 21 J7..., '?Ill. 31 ,. _1,Cul g~n 18 the President rema'ns 'n the But there are: no en Ctn v11s ltv, ll!'o Lei! ca11 '~' 3 Am Eqtv '60 s Ol us B• 1 If I J.6 11r11 P~v 1 111 ,£ 1,'" '•' ,' , ... , _ ~.,,,,•,,mo'," •''• Celli Liii ''°' 1 l•llllr G I~ f l. Amer E•nre~s CUI Kl 1)J 01 Arl3n•SI 10o .., ~ concerned than a forcement provisions There IS Chlrn11 '"" 111 Lewl1 BF 1GVI i1v. C1DH 7 All •is Cui. ii:2 • 56 • 99 A ""cos 1' Q 2s• 9 10 ~ , , _ r~ c:ur lhWr 60 Chlrt 0 !~ ' line Mt• 114 914 ln.tme I 11 '52 CUI 5116 99 11 ~ A•rnc: llf 110 15 26 l~ "'"' + c tw ,., no indication \hat the of cnm Le• 14 '"'Lobl.w 6,,. 6..., 111vei1 1111911 cu1 s2 9MI077A rmou 611 1 •a' 4 •H 'cuf~1'r 1 tt Ch6 lnll l>• •l\Lolt Cdv 7~ N s111c1 796 too cu, Sl 6ff 767 Armr olf 15 I St. 56 s1 1-c 1 1w fenders will be chastised orc11es uu1 13 .. u~Loa Eirn 11 ~11v. s1oc:k IJO •01 cus S• its •llAm•• c~ "° ,.., 3;,<! ll 1 ~cvtop position or a very spectator rather part1c1panl embarrassed Or accused Of ~~~llrr~I I= 1tl""~.T'G~I l!V:i {~ .... :::: f:.~!h ~~~~I(::~·~ ~~ ~~~~~C~u11Jl~i zra ~~\ ~· r,~=I YPu'>M 60 b ,, f C~rls! Pf ti IDO Mii R!IY ! 'lli Am M~I I !O 9 l't Knick GI 7 89 IM Aro CorD 90 ! 11;, II I _ 0 Dtnll vr l!<> In a :rense e 1s u1e of 1c1al abort1og Uie nation s goals or c ,_l • ..., i .. ,,,,, ,, .,.,~ AmN G1i. 1.17 1 OJ Lt• G th 1 •l 1 61 Ar•rn ind 1 n ,! , 1• , l' + •· 0 ,,, ,, , ,1 Chi• Mii 11'4 11~ l\\o .. 1'.:AllCl>o< G<Ollll leM A:sch U071~38 AlhlaOll 110 .. cf an 1ncreas1ngly brutal foot o f 1 g n o r 1 n g t h e 1 r c1111 o "' 25 ., ,. ~~ ~ s 5, c111 1 1 so 1 :n L 111rrv 5 ,. s" As•d s ,.. f~ 1:,; 1f 1.: g~,\ 11~ 111>0D, b C Ill U B '!'Jo 1S~ M Ml II IS • Gr"W'I" 10 U 11 11 Lile SI• 4 61 S 11 A5'd 0C. I 1'0 3l ""' t , •1 • ., , D~ll Proc:t~~ ballgamewhcadheresslrictly responsi 1ht1es losoc1ety c11.1nM1 1S>i.1• ~'m G~ ,...; •~· lncmt 111 ,..,.5Lnc Hal 9JSl021A.o5o l:!Oll 1 29i,. ,.r 19 o~vcoCP 1u lo the book -(ra1n·"g from Unions a n d corporahons zr-:~ M'°':~ f~~ ti~ M •• ·., • .,.,, 2e ., ,, • FO Inv I 1' • fl t.:..' Sav~:· ) 95 ~~n 05P }) I ~ I • I lltV(O lllA ?S ·~ u• CUntonO 3""~ 11 .. ""'* V•n• l1to •l!.l ci...a Jllll1JlAtrcei\~ n 11,13 1.• •OivtnHv<150 ITIVOIVmg hlmself overtly In may COnllnUe to raise their Clow Cp 1! l~ ~!QVfl" 0 J1to 231• Assoc:I• I '1 I l C•P I 10 U ID 12 A t " 111 d? 1~ ,,.., :n • li'" -• O~~lnPl 1 &0 Coeur 0 l\t 5\41~" "' ll:t., 20V. Aslron J 9• .-,ll Miii ll.JI ll S6 A!llltl>c Pil 15 64 61 • • 0.... ~ (~ ' the OUtCOme l.Ul forced llOW prrllheCCS Sleahn 00 g 8 1b1gg~~ S]lhelCe ~= ~: s;.,, ~ :::ltM\~ 21v. J~ ""r-"u~°'t'1f'ot 5 51 ~.i:,.,a~~ 1,:iJt.89 :ff1t~1>i(/, r » '"°1~~01.i.. 5ta1i.-, 5101.: +• &:1%•n1~ : I~ and then to ut1on the mosl o pie wit ut ear uial cou ... r-1ov. 11 Mt<ltrn 31 lll Fllnll 11 1 °' 1 IJ Ml""'" '-60 s 01 All ,,,111'·., 31 51 so, soi,., -1 0111 Al• 5tl Colon Sir 1I 29 Ml!rlO In 1'V. 2G Stoc:k S •1 S fl Mk! G II> 5 '' '•1 A /" C em 20 2t • 13"~ 71 -I Del ec lnl unruly ptaye or£1c1al will blow the whistle tornctt .v. s M did c. 1 • '"" sci c11 • 01 • ll M•u Fa 10 1s 11 :w AT~· tnr 'O. ,:, ,l • ,l ,' ,l' • o~." •• ",',' _,w, ,be nil I d Com Cir 50 SI M!dtf-• I"", Sall50" 150 MIH Jnc 14 5'1Stt A11•or1 Prod f .. " If Uus analogy 1s earned 1 ation a em e ucate c ..... Ga1 ll'h n"" Mktw Gt 11 , 11 ~ B•v•ck 1 °' • n Miss 111~ 10 n 11 n Au•om 0.,~ 11 <1o1 , •s '6 ., Ot11"v11s1 01 further YOU may unagine the bUL the educated are greedy ~::::: ~fin 2!'? 2t:;: :r.: ~I~ ~!~ n~ ::~°"icnl 17 :'~!.~ ::~~ Tr I~~ 1~ ~ !~:-"2; ~ lo• I t l • I ,_: g~llllDlylnl I -talors-•erinf'when t•-tOO Cetm Ps~ 10/o IOV.~Mo llKll ~ 11\ Be1•,• ",'" 11,.n ,sn M1 hMS 11SI1111 A~coCp w1 ~ l~: l/Ol, 111~ ~!8:11m:O~r~: _!: ~. .. """... ~ 1n:---tomo A ,______. IM!d-kl ~ Ir d .,. Mk!A Mu • 9• S .ct Awco oil 10 1~ 'l' 3 '' " ... II al I r I ti t , J I Cm~ C m 7:. T-Oi Mot>wk 11 19 Bandslk S SI I 10 Mooay Cp 11 11111 Ave•1r PO 1'0 • "' Ot!E 11 I Ill 0 ICI IS gomg to step off n ac le erm a er IS Cmp 11111 lh 1¥. Mani Col !'\-~ ""BCHIOfl St 7 57 '21 Moody' 11Of13 21 A1111tt I" '°" 1~1 lJ~· 3i ~ ~ Oet Ed 1>10 )1 some-stiff penalties or even a misnomer They hardly alert ~~re1"' ~~ ~ = ';,k 1~ 1:~ ::.:0:"11 1:~ 1~ ~~ ~:~ ~1,, ~~~ ~~A!~:;'' :,11 Sil { '°; ~ ~ o111 '> + ~ &::~1~~ ~~; }O •---some ol the part•c•pan•-anyone to a situation with con Rodi: 19 ll Moor t s loYa 11 8r01d s1 1J 1• lt ~ Mu us Gv 10 s1 10 61 Avn" "" 1 10 11 , ~... l ,: 1~ • = .: o ~ F111~11 •O lu;);'J ~ Conlrl<I 1"-I V. Mtoe 1rA \9'4 10\4 8rw11 FO l t9 l 11 Mu O"'C. S 1)4 l AB Af!l!C O I nt 96 4> I< 7 !• + 4 Ol~m n I I ail OUt Of the ballgame l h US Which Ibey alr •.. dy ire qu<le Contra" 1 ~ lVI Mt~1r wt Jt, •l'ti 811ll0<:k Ce v n Mu O"'ln 9 11 10.75 n • 0 om Sh~m " • ,_. l i s~. 15>; Mol(ll M ti~ Sii. 8u!lck 13 IS 1••1 Mui \"'' 1l JO ll.SO -o--0 ~ $~ >I( 1 directly affecttn""'e oulcome lam 1haf' Nobody needed an core s -a l'llo MOt Club i111. lj C•l\dn 11" 2oll Mut at 11• 1 9• se1><:1tw ,~ t J ll"'t n n , + oi.s ~• 01 20 5u1 Coim Yr lo 1:;;Mueltr / ' DIVIO )50 ll•NEA Mui 917 9'6B,ok 011 ~> Jn ~6' 1 lt Dc!l~on ~g The truth JS thal the ad alert lo know that t he Crwlrd 1 •\~ is Mutltl E~ 1 • 7 '-Na1w s ''l'l rn 1.1 Na1 Ind 9 &8 '611 &• r GE 1 n ,, 1 , JI!, 1 , -'o •to<t d •Sb Crou Co 11 :i., 37'.\!i Mver LE 16\• 26'• NY Vn! ll 71 IS Ol Nat lnvs! 6 98 7 6J B~I pt Bt SO t oo 61 0 <11 , 6~ , 1 ,_ PIG org /IJ m1n1Stration has been far automotive settlement was in crutch 11 sv. ' NCC 1n11 J.. lllo &usM r-o s 'l'l • "' Nat secur SPr BangP~ 1., no 1 • 1 , o g 1,. Eqv n Cvp•es c I 1:i..N.rr1g c 11 1J'4 CG l'O IS• •n 1<11811 1on11 :>0a~11Q p 15 15 ll , ll Ohl~ghm •O more active in the 1nflallon flallonary 0•111> LM s 5'1 Na1C•• ~ •'>1C <:aP~m1 1 3~ 1 01 110"" •8" i11 B11.o1ca1 1J4 "13,,. ,,, ""'• o 1o"co ~· D1nly M 9 ,,,,NCm11:C11 I~~ 1\•i•P l lnY 305 ]lJ 0Yld 392 41I B~nko!NV l <1 ii 41\, l O snt• lei~ f<gbl but much or l tS Most dlCtlOnarlfS define the Olla Off I l .... NI! Equt ?l 11 /r a11H Sl<i• S6J 611 G<W!I> BJI 9 15B~nll.T 1 1<! , .. ~., '3 l 1ti 1 ~P 1tS~"Q 111 O•laGt11 25 426 Nal G&O 1•\415 ffil $fir IOJ4115:1 Pl S ii 65111!11 .. tl>O I ll! t •> ·~• ,6 .llv<'fi nO ~ partic1paLionbasbeen 1nd1rect term lo mean an alarm or D•!•t11 P 1 111oH11 LID 11VJ 11t.Ch•""1"9 Fund' 111eom 4 11 s:na,.dcR ''" 11 111 ~ .e ~-0 11Moe 1.s•~ I f II OIVll l<O .,,. 00 N•tl Med 11 ~ ,,.,~ 81l1n 10111111' Stoel '19 I JO 811 t Inc l!O I I • l I I 0 Pep~ :J<I and lackmg m spectator ap-s1gna o danger a ca to a 01, Mlr u:. '' Nat P~• 1 ~ 1 ~ com s1 1 si 111e N11 G tn • n 101 a1s1~ pt? $11 180 1s JS ~ • -1 Oom•M~1 10 I d B be O..:orl" '""''N•ISt<R' , .. G•w" •llS17HtllwCel •M 50lsftt•1Mr9 911 11 11 "o"mr .. d'I• peal st.ate O rea 1ness ut t In o.-~tb Ao 36!. llt"' Nit 5Nlw 1._ 1 1ncom 1 t• 1 ao Neuw r-d t oo • °" BM"' Ml pf ! ~ 11 1, , 1s + oo~M"I ~· " II I I I be d O<ffll Int I"' t\lo Nftl 511v 314 ..... S1>«I • S7 112 New W d 1116 ll '9 8a!h lllO 51 7e t • ,0 , ~· Oo• < (p Jl Presidents Johnson and aion aerli o I a OeuJCfl 6l u NEnGE 161,,16 ,chaseGrBa. N"'lll" i3111s0Jsatn1npt15tl ,.., ,8 1 ~9 ~ Ooro11~e K ed I rf I Sir t' I I I Ott C•nf l•'Wo IS• NJ NitG ,..., 70\;. Ce11l1 6 00 I S6 N en SI II 10 )6 10 lli 6ft1>Kf1Lb 11!1 ] ,1 0 •I , ,1 , _ ~On~~' Co I~ enn y were more coo u m1n1 a on arc us oriea ~ •Br 10 ?Olio Nlet1s" F ,. , ,, Fund 1 01 111 Nore111 J• •s u •s Ba.i tab 1 110 11 • 11 • ii 0owc11m 1 60 r II d I •• anly dsc b g hi hasOe<iWvE l._ ~Nltls/4. )1 '>38 Frnl 6900'2060cnolll'I 6U6 tlBey~C9 511 t '"' o, 9 •or~•oCD ~~ orceu an persona m u1e1r m I e r1 En 11 a 011m er ls IS\:o Ntl! 8 11,,,:rt s.i.r111t 101111110mei• SS9 60IBee•no• 1 11 •1 , 41 ,.,t11:0r•ulna 1 o Sly I es each ol them rolling gone before 00i,c 1,~. ',-'"'• NA R•<e u., 1 S11tC1 • H •" !00,1 ~~ '~ f! 1~ ~' B~•t r-a, t 1 • 11 • lS 1 • or .... "' 1 o Vt<" •• • NCI• NG 10'-11 'c"~I 16 n 11 J3 ~ 5 1J so ll $11 Bf-t~ma" so 16 15 , 15 . °''"' 1110 ' back1ndustr1alpr1ce1ncreases A cynical and unfair JOke 0"",,",~1 • 1~ 1l "NE11• 0 1 J 3i..co1on1~1 ONei'fm 111)t131 s ... 1o c~_jl(I •1 J7 ri . 11 . O•vn•cn 1 ..!>.," • .,,NPA Gt•U •16\ Fnyty J6Jlt1~11 lll l OJ8eechA IS 1111 •11 •\• 011~•P,,.IA~ bycomm1tt1ngper sona l 110w c1rcu\aling describes a°'-' o'"s N,,,~...,~NwNetG • .. r-u,,., 1010 11 0• AM 96i 1052 a"«n cr~10 110 15, u 1~ OJ•t M3 ye •• OU NW PvSv 21 21 • G•w ~ 5 II 5 ta Be!co P~• 50 12 10 8•. ,. • ,. Jlf6 II pohllcal and pres1dent1al desperate m1l1lary s1tuat1on in 00 ',": nN0L 1?, 1~~ Nu<I A•c s J ~ 1ncoo» t Jl 10 11 ~1c:•c}~ !~i '~~ ae10t-,, 1 60 1 2 "211'• "'~ -J Bro i oe h h b h nil Id u1 'IS OftoAr! I•,._ Vefll 11'A Sl p I A.t 706117 BelOnGH 60b 11• I• .. II•-n•n.601 power Nixon eschews such w IC t e enemy as 1 1c e ~~·pan , i: • 10"' °" o W&t 11 '~"' co G11h 11 :i. 11" P:~n "°" 7 sJ 1 SJ Bt • How 1i0 ~1 J1,", ~, , '"• , ,',,~,' •, , • 5 II II d 1" 0111 St•n 11v,u coms BO •ff •Up Mt l llJ 169 Bdll111con Sol u .. act1v1ties but he works as 1 m1 ion casuales unng~•11/cs:'' 1~;:1~0""""1 s J...,Cwlll'IAtl 1 2s11sp~t•u 1711410 Btm1Co o10 u 11 . is .1s,-ia~Pon1atJ so d d I "-I b th •• l b 2 on,. TP 19 1'"" Cwlll'I c l '' 1 &•NI a J1 'Ot Bend I 1 60 6) 77 16 11 OUll l• 'IMI har an maybemorew1sey 1 • .., pa s year nng1ng e~~on s• ~~~:i.ov"N• 1 ~•~EomPA1 111t!Oprg'S'r 10501080 1ltnal•Dtl ~·, a.t ... Oq•1n 201 He: has restramed government total to 5 6 percent of the ~:b!a?~ 1:i: ll~ ~~c'1/.r1 1 \ .. B~ c~ BO : ~ t n ~~ ~~~ 1i 0A 11 ~1 t~;:1':1. ~o 1~ i~ . ~1 : •• g~mL~ ... a i Spending and In coniunction fighting force E dft Bt •'• S\/) P•b•t Br "\,..... com11 Fd 111t '11 "a" "~ • 15 10 4" ~·" 1 s,01 l .so ,,g J1 , 1 ) ovnJAni ltlll El H le I • ' PM: Auto • ) "' Com,tk J 93 ~JO p Ct funds t1!(1Ue ;>SO ~ • l w1th the Federal Reserve 1\loreover an aide informs E Nuc " , B 111c l<•E 25 11 Conco•o 1a JJ 10 11 Grw1h n ao ,, 10 ~'""'IW1 •n ' ' • • • E•q tP " 90 EckDV It l )Pakco Co ,, 3•C1>1'"11 I" l07Jll,I NE•• 9,. ,,. t ktv P~Q r·~ I I lftl(O (Q ~o Board lnStllUln.I a t i ght the ral the t!nerTiySFlrrom ·~s P1"col 1 ~111.(on!IMI 611611 NHo• ?l6l?JMB0Nh S to 3,•1 ?0 I... I \ I ~ El C ~V5 l 1 P&rkr 0. 1 1 I 'i Cl>l'I G fl 11) 111 Pro r-u"d 9 .JD 9 J~ g Thrtp 60 .II • ·~ 4<! f money policy that forced a onsl s have reduced fir mg E1 D•, ss JI Park .. H • 9, cor11 Ld 1i •& 1 sio Pa Par ( ~ s• 1 s e,i.ck Dk I! 48 s1 1 • ~ • 1 ~ •11c. 1 O• F l MOOul • ·~P~ultf p •• I Cnlv CAii l '6"l•Provon I OS ••l "rJo~n •i 2! l•• • ... !:II \J In slowdown pov. about 6 percent ~mps o 1 111. ls p"~ellt 10 ~ l \ C•n WDlv s Y ' lo P u os.. 9 6J 10 51 i ",,!-;:uQ,1 l m • 10, " ~sl(od~• 1 .. L S d I lh Ener11v C ~· 15 Pl'e Ml 10~• 10'• Crn WD"I 6 14 6 1 Pu nam FvnO> ot " 6 1•1 6l • 6 ,~~ • 1•.• L~nY"vt,, I S1 This has produced some oun thcaert snaps c Enere "' '"' 1.PPe••• T ?J 16 '-deYgh M 601811<1&1 E~u &19 1J3B0 ueae1 11G 1,•1•,•,: "'• ,,, c" '' I Ent .. i.1 1 t ~ P• Eng n I ' I , Oeltwfttf Group Gtore IJ IJ 11 ll s'"' • ,ar~10 IS" ~ beneficial results Viewed over genera oec11 '° 11 11 a c.11i. ' o • os ,oo ng o • 1 ~i 1 • ~ • u' -•Ed 1onD10• 1 Oewr 111Jl1tf 1....;0m 1 5~ 87• o~C<11 ?Sn Ill I]) 01._ Al'o _. , FG&G I~ a period of months 1nflallon °" 11 •JO 6 '' 1nve" & 1G 1 n Bond t" llo 1~ 1 1 1, • flMu1 c "' has been Slowed Son•ewhal -•"-.:.·-·"'"'"'~I Ooog CO• 13 60 IJ 60 V11!6 1 51 '11 BookM!fl 1 11 l 18 • 11 • II • -• Lle.c 14.\•ot , • Ort•el n ., 11 u vov~g & 1 , " Boroe~ l 10 3"' 16' 16, 16" 1 •1 E em M•j •'-Otvt Fd tlOl l?GIReYee 199 tBl llorvW1t 11! It 11 1 11, 11~• ,E l '>l~~llP Bul in u1e words of Prof Paul I orev• lv ,, 1 1J 21R111 c 1• 11 u so so man~ .io lS IG-lt 10 10 , E 'n Nai S I N bel P EMon&Howard Ror.e111n ~6~ 617 BolEt1 11~• l l 39 J! J9 + Ell'••o1'(o ! amueson recent o nze i 8,1," 9 u 1on!H:husir 1Jts1s1• BosEo 11ttas 'C •••CP tffl th I" th F' B ' f Grwlh 11 JO U'J klKl<I•• Fun<!• 1 1lS$G ICWI 10$, 106 fmer El I & V.lnf\Cf e reSU are In C 1na11ce r1e s ln(om 5 T1 6 31 ~ Inv !l 39 1) 6A Bourns !"c I • 1 9 ' ~ Emf ... 11, tr I eye Of lhe expert S<>ec:I 11>3 I :Ji SKI .,. I• l9 U B0•1'111 A t 50 81 6 o O'•, ' + • ,mm'oo",',, < ,•,. St«~ 1111 "0 Bel !0111 lt ?O <9~51 l..IG~ 1 loO I loO 511 i -Ordinary Americans "'3Y loo •Et1e•t .11•1ul.l'I com sr 001 •021 B•~•M11 110 11l6 ~··• 6J'• e• ~1:,n9h1An '° ._., £11rtr 11}}12!l~u1u .. r-uno1 BUM•Dl 1 .. u •l ..... noM111 1~ behevethaltheN1xonpohr.11fs llOUSTO'' (U PI) l'HILADELPLIIA (UPI) o:.mrfk s11sS1 Eo~v 29•l7111 1 Ptr •l<' llJ ! 1 11 • Ennslw1..i ,, fl -"'"'''Y 11'911'9 lnVC,1 166 8)111 Pc!fnUt ' in , I to . E<NltGs110 ·-producing undcrl1 '"• and ElllD•>t 5 '' • • Ult • • OS '" eow-. M~IP I ,0, ll • JJ :Ml> I ' E .... r-o IQ< ''" Associated Crcd1t Bureaus the Un 1 v er s I l y of Penn fqu ty 1" , 111 Stltc Am 1 91 1 t1 ad .. 11ti• 111' •l • AO-'• •1 _ ·~ ~' "c 1 )(I long range 1mpro\ emcnls but 1 ., '"tlOrts lhal the index h S h 1 f.'qut c.1n 1 11 1,, !Ekl ,~Tt~ 1; ~ 'i U ~k~wvug 1 ~ ~i 11 , 111-11loo + • i!' ,~.j~1 lfl 10 lhey v.ant lo see the results " ... syl\11n1a s W arton c oo E11Ut P•o Jjs Jn .,.m Fd '" B9t e ovn c • 1• • ''• Jo~;.~ i!1r1111 JOr Ftirfd • II 'S7 a• AD 1.S •1 ll 71 Bw;:"s'l.rD ~ 10 10 ~ • ~ ;1 l~•l CD 84 tOO:Theydon twanllorelyon uf ercd1l reporting has of Finance IS graduating an~::;mGr~~ 1?J~1;u~h °''" u 1t u1,Bwns11 .... 1-5<1 JD J•" 21 , 3i ,+ ~~~,.:".~ h I be I I r-kl Oet 61' Sde 111: ·~ 8rUl'li"'~ 10 181 II~ 11 , 11 •• ot ers to te I t m steadied recently fnrecas\Jng unusually large fall c ass 0 r-!del , .. • GrouD $l~m· r-un11,1..so • )0 8ucv E"< l 10 9Ja '~. 11. , • ::1 ~:~~1:0 r~ I lb. d lh I l ciall 109011•! •11 "' '' Buoa Co 110 l• 11 tr', 10. -F•lle•o• • no r wors ert>'r: ~ 1tononiic1mprovcment1nthe masters of business ::i.dmin-e11-· 1111nu ~"~~;' 1~61 ;,1 g~al.D11>f ! 1UG.J1 1 ~ ~1 ,~l'>F1c••""' 60D llOt on lhe e\e O( the l"Xpt rl E¥•l 1180 Uto!"'"' 8 Ill lllBu.:9 1t .fo 1~ ~· 6 6 t !'arc~ C•m lOllllng 1nonlhs In November stralton thi s \\Ce" Four per FkUI l•M 1100 w,r •n~ 136 901 BOlli<org ! 0 6'_g ]) s ! ~. H 11 ~ Y.ho Can St'e the SmilJl lnl P\11<!" 9611050 wt"v GI !9• tl1!1ul<>v~IV i.o i, n' JI Jl-'o lll,r-~tmonl 1 h 1 total of 74 tll!11lon credit 'cent of the 175 1n the class ~19"' •N siis..ve 111• "''""au"~' P~mo 13, • 1 1 "•mi.F 60 PIO\cmenls It rs on t er "'"' 711111 C~1>1<:1r• 101111 11 ~11 '• ' 9 • ,.. 1rr1 1~,. I I ''r"'"n'"'' re~•led a ., .. bl .. cks 0, lrom olher F1"1nc111 P•Otl jti<rm Gt •!1 1s1 B~i1 1,.,;~1 .~ s l • 11 l1. 1 •F••Y.1>1 r n pocketbooks Th~v either ll ......... \1<1!1. ,,.. ,_.... •• o,nm Jm• •10 t&te s1 •7tl'1H But Nol II• ~~ ·~ ' •J•-~FA•~"~tq 81 lU see y,hat 1s being done or di oµ of 4 perC'en1 lron1 a i\n1encan rn1nor1\les 16 per l::~ ~ ~ l,U ·~~"\',.~ F3u~s3 11 Bu• No ~1 li 19 1i • ':: 1:' , ~:~:. !&D n' r d 4 pe \N!nt 319 • 16 Fld!K s ., 6 0 Burncly rri 9 I~ I~ 1& -FfderAI 1 70 see only the negative aspecL'i )CUI cor\Jcr but \he sm tlle!lt tc are ore1gners an r F11F v1 10 05 10" s1e1n A.~ F<11 ti. ... rgl\l i.c •JI t'6 "' In• , lOS , -i, r-AS 1n1 101 d tent :ire women F1t1" Oh '" 151 Bal 11 nl1n &Yi.nun~ ? 11 • 11 • 1 • t ,~et1Moa 11a such as unemployment an so )t<ll tuyeir niunthlV decline ~11 1nG1~ 1oe I" c111 011 194 101 -C-~e:~i-.r."i! the Pres1clent give~ the picture ":I' :;s,11~ •, r,'•' , ,','. .. ~5'!'!'!...,0 11n1vn 1 ~ 11 C~b~1 cco n !'(I • " • , 1 IFedPect'1 since June \l'INDSOR LOCKS Coiin , " '" ·,·, ·" , ,, C~d<'o ~ Ind i1 t, ,,, 1 ,•, F P11t1 on 1~ of not being involved in lhe1r ' 1 6 1•' ' •06 ta1 F in•~ I , . 1. 1 , F a~ionl ~ W£JI _A new world spced~r~.5~: 3~.s~11111 ~1111 !M ;~ic,",'m'",",",••1 1n1 10 10 , v.FeoP~11 d 1 concerns lOlJISV\Ll ~\LP l l-00\\ l\ d f ~11•F11C1 I·" ly...-r Gt 1u 161c-11 • l6 1"• 29 Jt flt!tra1s l'I(" Already Ill' 'dlnln<,tral<o•I rccor or helicopters was ~ a Gth n ~ ~ MR "" 10 as , o ,,~mp so ~ in Jl\o ll , J " ,00ec s .... • " th\1lllcalCosa1dcxQanslon 11 d "d bSkokP1111 Gth•Ol•J11''•chs ·~~'oco"a~"''" 1.1 1 11 .atr ....... .. t a rn(' 1Y10n RY y 1 rs y Fo> 11111111 G'•O' 0 Ttc~"' 1 ~ i /1 1d ~ ta1c 1 J8lJ n ~6 'I 12 ~ 61~ -1; Fer o Co 10 of lg Hchanle Ln1vers:il D1v1s1on of lJn1\ed Alrcrafl Si= a~ u a 1'=' ,x~ 1~ u 1: ~I 8~. --~," 10 ' .: , I< t:•· -I~ :1f,'r~~·~ .t' C..:hcn\Jcnl Coatings plnnl .111 C l 216 72 1 ho Mu!At , ff l" ,.,. ca11 1 01 1 61 10 ... ""a .,1 iii. :. , ,~, _ l"J" Ft11e 11n orp a nu es an ur Si>«• 111 N !rev '" to1 , ~J ~·•ttr, un 1 so • 11 .... fl _ F ••sri.e 1 t0 lllgh Point N:C nt 11 cost for IL<; S.fi7 Blackhawk 'fhe Favr,i:i .6,1, ,,, ""°' Fd 10 •111,.~:·~~°"6(1s u ~\ ~ ... U'~= ~::z.7~1 1'1'\'~ Of ii lllllllon IS about COlll FrtnllHn ~•OU11 ~ Gt 2 1' l OO S•o PL!! '6 't~ 1o 1 7f 76 1 + ~ F1t1<1Cllv 11'' \VAS•llNGTON (UPI prev1ouli mark was 21Z mph ~.:,~ 1~ :r~"11 ,.:_~ lU;J~~1'°" 1ec160 H ~ "~ ,1 ..,_..,r$t"l$t•, ,,_ n CA Corp has obtanlM $Q ~ ~:~~~a~~ ~~~~1;·~~e~ll~~ held by a Super Frekin bull! ~~~ 1 ~ t ri ~~1,r11n1 I~ ; ~ ~:;~1!'1050.60 1ej r.11 J:~ H~ ~ :~~~~ ~ mHllon In m1hta..., con1racL'i nionth ~n1plo)mcnt will be by Sud Avl8Uon of France ;~":"' 1 n I U u~~<m Fllllflt.$11 112 ~:l;~~ ii 'S. ,;.: ~' ~,,. -1 ~~~n:~' 1~· . ,, set back 1n 19&3 The Black F-un11 ":;:: G~-:' ki: 1 .16 'l ~; c~~· ~:,_~ "°;, '1, , ~ ~ ·~~ ~ "' ;"':~;a~ .54 8cl SS and up one for enginl'erlng services built up fro1n 160 to 200 hav.k 18 a Sikorsky compan~ ~ :U t~iJ.',""" Jfl,: 'J' ~::: ... :;~11 ~· U ~ ::.~ ;.i .-,' !F1,~:~~ il: 1619 I aDIMOI• a&WTA a.-on the land t'Omba\ suppor\ t.:apHCll)' WIJI eventually be venture nit hough dl'Stgned pr\ lk;lt nn rn Im V'y:: ~:It ~~t S'l f:!~ r::• = n' ir: W4 li ~ = r; :~.1~.~ ""°"' ~ 1J:yslem and another for Naval tloublc.-d lo one milhon gallons mar\ly for loll risk mlhta..., iwoct Am 111 1.H ,,,.._. •.'ii st~ Ct~t ,dY l• '"" • •, • •i "i. ¥ow • 68 ~~=~·:""'-~~a~u~w~•~.,~·~·~,.~~~~~-;··~~~;~~l~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~l:n:on~l~h~lv~~---~:--i '" •'-W'f "' 1°" sot s '/' "j c ... Hud' 111 ' Jl•• 2l '' 1 ... "'FitPwLr f 12 r...,..,, equ1pmcn J use Test pilot Bvron Graham f~ * • 1• • 11 v...:•S 1111 1 • , , t~n u11.1 , .. n 2~·~ 1P1 ·• '1• s-1 lbr1nr Ill t !tvt'ldtll! Sfl •;9(:~111L ot..'O -~~I fl ? Fu C1 ~I of Bridgeport set lht: speed ~~a 5r 7 05 , 11 ~·:'91nc1,. I~ : .. 1c:~lt":.~1 1 ~ !j ,, ! ~.; ,, · -• ~:~t .; n I" rteord 811 FO l.l6 •u vfk114 1~ 613 f~MPw 1?0 11 11t ". 11 1 "~'" I Com SI 12 13 u ,. W•llM II • 1ft to f!lt. ~>Y 1.-o m ., .. ·~ I II ... , f pn..:s 86 STORES ALL INSIDE GrtftFd A IDt 7&t\Y<'llh Mu 111!117 Ce~I Sg,,11 I) 11\ 1'1 tt -• F•r o0 Or"' lnll II~ !19l W1'1 "1111 GtOllJO 1tnTelU "Otl 12• 111 1"" J' + • fllClf Cll 14 • • 1 SAN FRANCISCO (UPJJ tW•rdn ,,,_,,,. E'PI• nun?• •••o ,.,.~ ,, 11 u, ! -°"'' "'" HamlllOll IV•I• l)" 1$ n • f '"" llO 1~ ,,... '! ' , .... 1-otl• rl I 10 Security Savings & Loan Ht1 11• •-" MDr11 •111ou ''"'•it ol1-11 1 211~ 1 1 ~ '""~M 1.oc SHOPPING 's FUN h If Gltl & 1l 1~ T.-:h"' 1 ,, ruf"AA(• 60 1~ 1<1 , 11 • ~ • -•1 l"l'r\\(l(i ~ Assoc.iat1on has cut on~ a HP•ll'Of. 14" 1 iru'' 10 Jl 11 tt n1dt1 n 111( 'I,' '"" • -• rMu( ro ao h r "11w11 10M ln Wtll•I 1?4.iljM "8nlo$ 1~ *•)I . • ""~ll'tW"f" ~ ?I po1ntfromterate nrnt¥iH C L•Y 1111 wt111n ll!IO o-c11.,,11Nv t n11·•li• -'FM•w~"'' oafh f ~HA nd V eleransHMllGotr ,,. ,,. winer• '"1oo~c11,uf¥n 10 1?n•....,, ,, ""•-" rg·~·4 31"11 Oas • •a f" 8 Medlll' 9 3'f1 l~ II W••I 11\d S II j "t (h~Ml •le !It JI 0 '°"' 31 ' t I\ l'r~"~ !It MJ .... Adm1n1~lr&t1on ho1nc~•rJl':'"n .:r:,~~:ZF,i11!"1~d 1.~1~u~::."f::1 r.~ ,, ':: l). 1; ··~·';'!,'?utl?ttl/ I H~n )II 11o1w .~ l •l •I• C~t ... •tg~ ., I '' ?• ~QUI" ~· mnr ltAge~ IC:M tll"I 6 ., .. w SC F!! A •1 I OJ ~ .... ,.,,,.v • " fl I t~ •l flu: new rate IS 7-pctCCJlt 11/-.' !U" ] a114 .' C~':°0, t;:. J :J it :J ~~~~: 1 •i:o ?: l. '' 1 2: .. 1 1t C-.AC c .. I JCI .... .. Ii.ft I Hltll ~ CleM Cl! .. ' " ,. ' ' , f) t ti ' . " ' ' " " ' I) 1 • '~ ~' '" I ) - • , (.~~'~~~~~~-·~ - .. ' • W1dntsd1y, Dtctmbtr l• 1970 SC DAILY PILOT ~l • I Wednesday's Closing Prices-Complete New York Stock Exchange List ' ~ ' ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, .... .... ..... .... ..... "" .... ,,. .. 1 .... 1 M .. lMr ClfM Cflt {M1 1 Nltlt lftl C•te Cllt INt 1 Mllll L .. Clht ("' jll'• I Ml .. 1 ...... C• CJit S 00¥1 JONlf AVlll1ri0l$ ij"' _, ~ _, I·-,; I -. " J ffi . ~-u . t ~ tock Leaden '"' -~ ·~ 1/ 'Im [ ., I""~· I. a'" 11' "I = " .~rx.'.~""" ~ -"M' ........ i: ,, • .Jl J j~ r..~w. "' w· i: ,, MOST au··-.. ;,:l' D' u ~\ -.: I. =t: M l R . ~=1~11\ fir.:$;' ~'· .. o-Hiii\ ..... t'IOU N~ VI ,, :r.11 11,o 1~ ~ ,, " "'1 "' ~ .... ~ lolt 1 tt -'· t . 11''1 Cl u. .... \ ~ ·~ ·~· ~ .. , .. ' rr•o1-o llerl\4119 !'' '"' 1•·~ ., , ' •• • '"'' ,, '" .. , I ,, : .... ::: " ~ ar •e eman1i::i ... , "'. " I ' 1 •.: ' " ' " I " ll " I")_ I ""~· • • I 'I' JI 2J 1 J\'t ; I ,. "' I Lt• '""'' .JOii t)(I ~ 11 ~ .~ 0-w111 to to )1 jf. ff ff 1 ~ \JI I 11t I Ill It • t I I -O Vy •"Mai I • I ' I H • I • Nllli YOltll: (.-,,,_,.,,,, ti06l111 ,.,.,, II 0' I" "l • too " Yb<M 10 ,, JJ.k lj • + • k ",, it 11 ll It I -0 " YWll Uft . 11 • 111 II~ II l' !~ + l'I •f>d ~· ~"'""-J' "'-'"'"" l'l\Ollt K> l "lilit ~ l .ti + lo !Y'/'Ol'I p 1 •o ' 1 .it"l.o , U. -I r1n11<1 11n1 11 1 oc~1 111td n ••t ~llt' W X y Z-q 11,. 1: /1'-t -141 I ~f ! ttkt lft(I Ofl lllt NY l!Kll (Ii· :l\VG Ol16a.0 ~·, ~ I I 1 ?. j ~ 111 QI\ 00 1 21 r ' • IJl tiii + I.. ~nl~~.• I J,~~·~100 W1tllDYI !,;.;; I 11 ' il'' ·1~ -> ·,~ t~ i1i =-~ Y;,r.: ,.,. , 9·, 11 ... -~ •• ~, •• I' ~ • , n· -• U I d T I --IJJU, ,, ~·"'Pf,,..... • • i · y· -.. "•llil ~---~"~-• 7 ff\i-tl;i~fWWm I 'o It o t flllo c1ange ocay 1tt!.11d.0 tOP.o13\t'l""-~tJ 11( l l !Ml tl<tfft 'l !j I ,,... \Ol<o f llt ~ ~ -i: lff'f"MIOll 1 1:i'! 1 ll J~h l.'~ n i'Ji',o I ~· 1• ~:I II I I.<+\: ~::r-M~';J..w:'"'' J f; l I• ·~ • • ' o:..r,•1 •• I • t' S'' tO ,., I >l 1 \l l • • ~ -Wtf'O " 1. l' • . • • \~ ~ .. ·n' 'r,;"' 's .. l~ + s IP.:"llfl'I" I I :: \ii '"' .. '" Ml l l '!• 'I 1 ~. -• l~ ~~~I I ~-!h 11'· '~~ -... ..... "'" Wt "'"'11'1 • 1(1 m J 1 I' . . .. r --"··-A ... ti T1J ~ •• ;,. 1 ,. ~ +h ,~ •• 1111 ll, 1· ~ ~. 4 , .. J I Hl9llL1•Cll'*Cllt w.,,..,. , , •• 1'i,,, . 'I .... o.n (111!1 I~ a~ -11'11 l•ntl•I \ ,, .. I ... 1~ f•..av ..... '' • -It. W• I•'" I ,., ii\:~--. 1 ._ >i -. Wfltt I 1 ""--1"-"""" . .a. .,_. .. , j JI {' Ttllt•onl• ,. ;'i -un C:""" I "' .. J' • -~ 1"1> o 11.. I \ '• • ~ •'" "Hfh11 HJ I I.. -u .. IModl'. i.. " \ ORK I ( b '1:"r~.· 1fi 111~'1~ n!J. 1ri +1 \u"'r'co tel ' t.t.1. 111 ••1 ~ itW••n.w 'll I' +. ~I '!"-:ll'-·1·· I .. -·1-•r..:·. ,.,..,,.,,~ .... ~ NEVY (UPll-A ae uy1nt1 s purlen· r(.IOn/(\&n (• ,u..:11 ... •1 .0 "UnlHll !Ut !U"li'~ . .._-$"" ll ~ h l ' ' .. Ch 4' 1 -::• IDO ?•• -\Ii "'It• • t..il l tJ~,, j 0 f14 ~ 'I od Tu od l ~ • ' • -t~ ~"~" Cor~ '"' !'It ''• -it W1vn Got It I lD tio ,, r."tt' IN)'fl.l•nto ill 11• +1•1-'l'"b '' '' H t1 .. abledthelitockmarkettoclosevrtuayunchan~cd l '"',li"' Jul~:0 2~0 *n~-~u11c1rblo11 '~, u ,1.111Jon11t $1 "• ""' ·- I l"l"~.'•"••tt1 •• ':flt:.': ~J&j!~ ::'t?k~,r.1'&uf0 ~ t aAyf rbnovcrd\1as m Cr()d••. t I T, v11,•rl• :l -.:t • .,.:.."~~f"' .. d~·,'r. .• ;~,;'• ~:!~u11J~t !11t~,~ ~-· .. 00 ~ .. 1 11 c o I ' !J.1~ ff" -ti t er e1n£ O\vn aroun ., p oint$ a n oon l 1e T•I•~ !) u>\01 c. 1.60 1. ll'• ll . ""', ,,. w.w 0,1 s. I\: j' , ; 1 ~ • ~"" ti~ ff ~ "1 1h'10 'i '° ·~ ) "" nt; "" t i Dow Jones I ndustrial Avera,'!o was off 0 75 Al 818 87 T1mp' I 71 11;;1 ~~ jt\o, ;~'~:: ~ ~~)t.(11t~ ~ :1 ~i.: : • :l, + 1: ::1'r,1t~~· ~ ·~11: l .:? ~. -• Id 10 • I" 11:.l"t"U• l•IM Ntf mlll lntl «l II I o •• , .. _.. J #. l:NI ffll"-CO IU I ~ 11'-7 't-t_U11 o11 Pitll7 1 ._,,. ~It Wtl ''• iiO I•!' I ~ i•i.. ,~ 11 +IH tlllb.) Hlttl LN CllM c-. i 11 "F ' J"' 1tl• ~· • to -• near the final be! Standard u.; Poor s ;,\IV s tock 1n Ttf'IN( w1.., 1 s .. + .. u11 "*'., io ~ '" •'• ... w~'ii" , , n, '" !! _ •• .... fl• •It -M Id of ~ ~ dO 11 ti ,, ~ki.1 ~,. 1i ~~ n'I! ~l, +1 0 dex \\as unc han,R"ed at 89 66 and 0 ftbe 1 653 issu es i:im 'i'lo~ :, ~ ~ ~>t\ ... , ~=~ ">oi/j l ff . ;i ~ tt .:; : ~ "" t ,':, 1n ;;r, r,\4 TI -• 1''-t ll\ 1'4. d Ill 1 IO 11!_ .U .U J.5 + \.'I 1 lt ,.. •I• 1 • h d J d -" d 90 1't•ll•n I $1 ti •~ i/j I I + 'lo U11lrll\l1I .i I n1'1 q~ tllo -. worn Ar Lin ttO 77 ~ 11 «~ i ' •, I~ 11~ 11'--14 k1,~r: 1 ii -,.... m. " + 14 v c o ~ 1DI !jg t',.'.' t'I"• ~ ~ c rossLn gt e tape ec lllCS e ,ii:1.."U a vances 6 to '••G••T 111 •J ui,., s1111 ''" -"'uft1..,, • lH Ii" !l a \. -t 1, w n •·~c 1.t0 11 ~,.., :u• .. > lj " -'* G Pit~ "° •• ~-•• 1•1<> LIM JI~ \. "' "' 6 J 1~MG •11.lt • 31 JI ll io 1. UftlA!• I.IC I 1, )I -1 W\1ftMd 1 . .0 l' 1'\ 11 t _ ... ,, 1 »I• s • "' -.._ " I""' 17 ~ .., , 1114 1 u ' ,. 111. ,. .. um o un ~ c mpure f!!~tll'•,• ,• '! 1o t1 , ??'• " ,._ •1110 , 1 , 1 >'Ii ., • w11. u" 111 • 1 ?ftt 11 _ v. U \ "' U~ -1•G ol UO ll'• "!Ill \i 0 Cll<l0• •10 "1 1 ~ 1J ~ 1 ; -1 ! ;) lt• Ci Sul f(I td ~ Ult n1~ ,. \Jftllril'lll! ,!4 !'9 '" IS o j \.i Wti1ll Pt( 1 t W. 1J.lli ~, • , 1 " lh -1N i 1 4 it .ii 19 l "' .,. c. ec ,_ Vo l e ( aro d 13 750 000 sh ar•s 0 d Tt••• "" iti ,. l'I .. ! !'" , s IV , I' ,, ,, 1 w v ,111 '° , »~ ''" h , \• '1l"'10~10w ~~·111 ~11"1tt111•" ·~~ .. n: 1'7, ... r~H1' 1 \v1thl3420000~hareslradtdTuesday ,;;0i<~o:t ·~··l;"'-1.'1 "j~r. hf,.•·•·~ w"u".'4'° tu1-i ll' •}~1 11~20 t{.t 111..'1 11 1:/: =,: "t'l1•.L•1 ; l:i: ,:" !:t l ~ S'~"~11 11 ' fn; ;, '"" -Oils and electronics mov~ In both d1rect1ons T•• vrn iG' 1 • \1 ;~1 1~ \ l" v~j o:, '' ] 1ho 1;.; ,: \ -"=~.~".t"~ 111• "''' .. 1o .. 1 ~ ' •!I: l•:.o ...... 41 ''g]' 110 l'I 1Ht """ '"" Ill llf 1 511 ~ ri"' rl~ m: ~ . l;J\I ,,~ on IC 01 l ~I\· ~ " Un lllCI 10 il t I -0 Wti! i' ) t!IO " t ~ .. Jj .. l ii• 'lll'" •l< +1l0 1 1"' 11 '°" 4•• •m \lo 1::'•'~'l' , 5 , Jm ;,,11o J.11. and a lso \Vere a1nonN the days 1no~t at:t1vc stock s j'~:1~ :ne: 11 >c; 1 JO,-'~ •1 unJ••••••' • "-• "--11 w ... 1 .. c1 10 ~ n • ,, 'lh -• 1 '11 .,,. + ,. ''-c::o u • l • 1tr. 12"' "' H '' 1 "' '" J\1emorex which l mbled 9 !/' Tuesday "as 111(11(0 '° t0 1 • n, '--v11. Hucir ..s '! ,.. • w,,~.. o '' 1"· ll" -, I • ~ 11 M•r t 1n f"' 7•~ 21~ 14 11 • i" ij'i"' ,.. ?i H ... I U11llMJA lliD '-2• 21 -loW111v11 01t ll '1 l \ n~ 'fi't ~,! ±_ \.ii• ....,.,.,.,, IO I I ''~ 7•V, 1 PM; I IO i1 !$" r'~ ·~ :.: U , n lllmll.i 1 Cl .OI l•,~ ii g~I +. ~ 1i11l1 Pk Mn J) ... J j , I 0 Wl•tfl\\ l H "' J 1.o t l.o 1 , •• ,.. • • "C11t n 10 oil 41 .. J ' + ~ *111•n•Y ~ , " •· delayed In opcn1n• as a res ult of a n influx of trnd TNim tnd '° " ».. -.. u s Ft110 1 JO '°' :Ilk '' i :i -"'w~•nr r." 1s "HAl us.>. 1 '"' .. ., -h u-t8:1P1fll1.1S 3'1J71J~H4, ._S<l\llllllYpl I 1 n , 1 ,., ' Tlll'nJWlll1 ll• ~~ +l..uS,.-11'$314' S JJoU .. l} ... WllMIP!Sll «'f l lOYf lOo _..,, • ~XI I~ ... llO It ''i: IJ . 11~ -.,. Wt1r'j,S • I ~ IJ!~ ' &<'O 0 ;$ -• v GOl>lrll l JI ft"" ~ ... r: w111P1111 1' JI 0 ' ~ ii l1' 1 .!: j' \.... i.. '"'7 '"11 ltf4.7.s "• "'•• .,.. •1.1o +. \lo ~~?!! 1j ,f ~..., .,.~ ' ..., -" 1nrorders The company res tated down1vard lt!i ~~·1 t or 1'Jo •: 1'"' .~ n, , vi Fr••' 1 , o 101 ll'-n 1. nv.. -\, w11 Pu •• ~ 11 • •J.',•. ~"' .. ,1 it i!~ l~! li ~: ~ :i~1r1tx~:ID u 1~-ill.. l~~ ;1~ r:r~ :s: 1k r: 1~5 ~l.;:: ~~~~It ~n~ li~~e:l ~~d~~sr;,o~r~~l~I~~: ~~~th:c~~~,~~1 J$':i~f':': i; n; fl! ff~! \~ 8 °L~1 ¥. 1it if: n~~ i~: ~ ~~1:~;,~; l~j .. r,12~ ~~ ;; ; ~ ~ l°' ~,.. s!~ •10 -" :•c:•trl >Gt 111 u1o 1\" '«.-"-,..,.Hll, 1 jl.J ''"'"' ' -'-tn• meth ods whe11 1l firs t ""no11nced nlnemoo1th ~'::.\'"y 1 ~11 !! ?J~ l ,\:;i~us Pvc" ·~ 104 Hi. 1~ '" 1 w11 1''11 " '1 ' 11 ' ni.-•. (I •• 11\') 10. -4 It wL ',. n 1''41 ,..., 1...... ......vR •It l 13. 7J ~ 13 . ~ " ~ -· l Qll fl Pk •D ' ' ll USPCh pf 0 ,, 11 ~ , u . • w -Mo :.00 ., ~. • ~ • ... M Pie 1'"11 Ar lt I 1 11 lit. ,. ~ sor1tYf :top 6 '" 9 "' -~ It T 5 110 10 '° ' U~ Shoe 11 ~• 11.1 I 11 • wn ~~ar 111 6, 6'• 6 • --:e(f&l 170 )D ll'li 11.o lflt -'4so•11•nM!l"1 '6 , ... 16 .. ' resu s r)!?.':iE~ 111 l l• I~ i~· ,u\ Sntl D 30 ?• u. 7• ~c··~Cop,,1 n )'I 3' )9 ~:;~1d~ • ,'!11 1!t! 1~~: ~ ,.:1c ~~T1,• ''j flkj.' fl" n '-v.js;t~'i i't ll ?J'i /1h 1!\li • • Telex Corp was a ht'a \1ly t rad e d stock <1S a 'ao'R2 •~b 1~ • •• .,, ·~\JO:c 71'fo ~i ~~ 19 1,i ~. 0 w1'1bR0~1 J Ng': d~ ~t ;' ~~~·.~,)Q ll ~ ~~-~ :: ... ';_!:111 ~ l: ,: 1t;: 1 '~ +\lo ~:~nd~0/J 7: X. !): !J::~~. result of an early block or 300000 shares t raded at i!~f~a1,,;& ~;ft · ~s 1111 -~~~II~:,:!~ ~\i 1!lc t 0 1: ·trn··~:"f~ '°11 • ~l ~ ' MICVf!1 2J 1io1',l~lri!v~1 Ptn ... "'WAI~ lffl 11 1l~+\\ ldllrdPll~ zlOJShJS~H\\-J6 Offl 3/4 ln3('r0SS lfttn SRCli0J1 l ~V.Alr PI t \1 1-l'" 1~:+\VftV!pll tl t15l071 'lt.0 ~w::::or..~i' f~1-1~ f~"-.. ~Id Fd ~"9 JI "-, '>I o ..,. t. Pt"ll l!I' I Ill 111 41'4 •!Iii 'I -" ltl•l'tln 30 J.I •H• 411'1 11:0.. +. ~ l "W" n .o •l 0 9 ' ,,. .. io V11 UI r11 )II t ~, l'I l" • W ~l>no Ind 1 1 1 1 \, ~ _ ~',"c'~11· .. SI ].. ::-;:,• l(J•-.'° .l!I J.I'• l ~h Id n l" I 1~ 11 , -i.. Other active tssue s included Cha se J\I 1nhlltan .~.,., ... " JI! ,, 1 0 l ... _ ,u Lt• 1 511 ~ l ]7, ;17 ,_ w fPw 14 16 1•~ 7'1• I • JJ 7• ,JlO; ?l ..... p ""' 1'"i ",. .j. "' '" l(o 1m1~ 0 ... .... • .. l ~Mt"" lo l • Ii • 1 • I" •0 Pa 10 lll 7 • '°. 10. w { p~ I • 71 •• l•' tt + •nnva• '"° l l l l'"" ~1 • J1 ••nonu l •3 •J 1J -lO ~IC• 1 10 iu 11>.,, 111 Jl -l1 Corp Tenneco Lone S tar Cemen l Jer!iC\ Stc1nd T 11n" lft~ 11~, s s~.-. .u~·t comp 111 n . "10•0 1 • ~ w1coc11., 6-0 •i 73 .. 1, M• orv IC l) .. JT 11 -' ... llH~n l ;1(1 IJ )i ll\6 33~• -~ 1 lllnd 'JI') ,,. SJ't / \;; n"" ~ • '··~ ~" •11 • • I uo ~II~ .., tl 41 •6 41 -1'0 WO. WW la •• '. 81.. ~ fM1111 11<1 u11 16 4~ 10 ••-Pi ~P"' ID 1 70, ?O , 10 ~ jt•11HJ 1111" .,. 10 ,, 10 _.,.. ard FederalNat1onal l\1otti;!agc \\cst i n~1ouse and Ira•' '° ,., ''• n U•h !lao •o i111 .. 1 ~ •won t co .. ~s 1•~ 16 I _, IN~iiow 12 U J7 11 • l l -'lo P•nn Ctn su • • ff'o • -~ OllOll l 10 11 Jf\lo 711;, 191 I Tr~~• r p/ 1 "I /~ 1a , ,..., + 1 USL FE IO 11 nio JH, JJ.lo ~ • WOO!tt c e 11 •O 1 , I!, _.. , "'',"' •' '° 10,j H (, ""• H. + :i. P1~"01. IJ• 1 • 111 1 1 \ ... \1 s~ °" ~ l 1s 190 s1 J1 s1 + 1 Amer ca nTelcphone 1\ T& I 1 cported 1gher p e r T 1 c ... , , • I,' , I'" 111. u!M ct .a s ,11., 1•10 ,, -i. woorw 11 r 1<1 161 ,,,, Jt> 1 ... ,, MA.-0 20• 1• 1• -1-.Ptn11Frul 3' lS'llo Ulo 1~-\ S Prn• Jlp 41 Jt JI\' O"'lnd 10 \ \1t Sl• UM olJO 1 ll j l 3) •Wooht101'l10 / Sl SJ :i ·~ MlllC~l 2 13 •'-~! ;.~llen,..vJC1 ll•l•'loSJ\foU .. +~Strv<11nli.. IS llt l 't ''"'" Share earnJllgSJnthCqUaftCrCndcdNOV30 T Qot•t1Pd ~~·SJ }l 1 U1~("'1/.6a 7•t!:o oSI <->twold ,..wv o ~, S•• "°':I ' Ml ti l llO 1U ~" JI • ... ., P1Ce I'll 01 I U!'t •JI• •N _ .,. Siii.iv Wt.; 1 6C 1S 50" IO"' 511"' .i. " TRW nc 1 •• '1 , 17 1., -1 '>II ~n PL 1 9? 611 1l , J Jl, ,. I w 0 1v ~ 1 l 1Mo 1 LOii 1 \I, =:rear IO 26t JO(' 29lt HI!.-\'J P•Pwl! I 40 II 7'l• nl\ f) + 4' Stt"rtv .0 ll f~ I II.. -"-TRW p l '>Cl 11<. U\o ' V• an ""oc f3.1 U ll o 1' "-' Wu h1 ... 11 I I I I ~ ~".~m••" .•,•, q" ... .,•. "•'' :501, -.... ,P• Pl ! "'' '° 1!CI !Of '"' l°' !''"'It to 'l' u'•'·· ~· •• tt::" . • ~ --,•,•,• •• •,',' •,, ' Ill 4, 11 -1 VCA (D p .... o '1 » 1 , ' -1 ' l(f O• Co IO J 0 ~ • I • ;· --t loo.... ... • PL! pl• 50 rlll! •J\\ 61 '31.; -l-] lt\11 c~ IO ... --__._ ~ " '.'II l ' r, • 1vcA Co pl to I ,I • 71 J -' )I • ti(' 11 ,, 1l • " .;. l 'M~ 1 10 l?o l>'o -'-t •I'l l el• ID 1t:IO 14'4 40 tG"l .+. 1.i. 11utl .. ID ll l l'I l\.'I T,.eftt C•M tt I I , I ~ "Ve..,tr 1 llO J l' o 10 • ll .;. • '1'"'11 SD I 1(1 I U I , ""°' -i-• M1r1onllllJ ~IJ <O<o -"'P"'wll'Of 114?•\\'I ti1 1 -o.1,S 1rc~ll II '"' l 7""-l'ISoneCc~!ll 11 1~~ 8 ~ ,,_,,.51n Cfi•m«I ~\1lot6ol•• f~ff(Orl' ti 11>14•-\.ll•nCIOCo .60 S to , ... ,,_,~oil'c'."oratiJl.A l1Sl1'oll 1111-t. ~:~:; 1 1 C~~ f. 1o~ , ,• ~~ -~ ::~=~ ::7 lf 1l :l" ;1'-'I :1v, ~1 ' 1~~\0o ":11 ':i 11, fr! ~' fs°il ";'. ' t'~:w! d1 #: \l, ~' 1 11~:.. ~1\', ,. !11~~~ 1:12 .s 11~ •j ' '1\ • )1~' -+ -U V-~F~,~0 wdG •~I 3: , ~ • 1t , ~ 1" 1!n~ "..'"Norn J~ ~..... ~\ ~ + • $"",',,',', ~, 0 1ll !!'•' , 7! • -~ Pe11n1U" 10 ''0 3'•'o :n J? ~ t.."" si.v1111J 1 IO l'I .n l Jl l 7 s u wo P es 71 • 11 , 111, -• \~nb•em 80 10 !l ', • 1s, V'-l t"c 1111 11 • -•• Vl'/Como lO ,, 11 1 lj'' 11'--lan~Nor rr J l <1 >" 1 It f f1 7 -._ l>1ftr Pll '3 1l• •I• <I I O ~ -... 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Ya11r Jr•al .. • lrf.tht 1llYW 1rr.11• Cllll ff ltH4 t.r ''"'• w&.wMw •c-tl•111, ~~ • 4JO .....,...pff ptick- 11" "-"'· • Jirapr••'-111 11•! tarnith. ••I· 2tc •ml,..•wlth .,acy ..... ,.,._ ..M•ritNn-t,W.1, ' _.i.., .. ,. -liiiit.-.- "D" .. . .. 5~. . ....... ,12 CRYSTAL PENDANTS • 3111• i..~. ,,.,. .... dear pla!tlc. •c·~•littl . m• h.11f"". ·19~, ... .. ~•'' '-'I' C~l$1'.MAS • STOCKING "1• H•:1• ly '"• Clll'"fMY Wfflt Coral,. • Stuff tti.11• t,IU •f prl&et, ~,,'I ... a11.t1111•P~· • 36" ._,... t.it1teckl"lt •fftl 1,.rt.:1•1 h•lllhoy •wc.h••· •... ,,, 4tc ... ......... . MINIATURE I CHRISTMAS 'LIGH. '''•rmon•nt Contact fype-One Or More lum1 O•t, The •••t Stoy Uri'' • Perfect '°" trees, mantl<' ; windows, entry doors, centerpieces, etc. • Radiant push-In replac .. ble _ bulbs are pr•-te•tff anti approved. • Colors or clear--co with fl,Qsher bulb. Reg. 99c ' • 1~1.r• wide_ l•tt fer • Mde4 1tablHty. • i19 '" Wetff ltml11 kM,. · tre11 fr1Jh t.11911r. • N.JU 111! ttwe1 11p te 3 1/1" ........ 11 •• ..... , 59' • ( J. " .. DON'r GIT-~ . ovr O!V ~.-PMll •• '<111~ .. YO.v.R. HOLIDAY ,. P'URCllASlii'S :'(W' t Yo(/R.. !,IN;~ · ~E\-t1£ vi~ ~11,AKJt;El . -; ,:. ~·" . . . .......... '• . · CffltfS'i'MAS .TA"BUCLOTH . ... ,......,..,. ......... , ,,~ ........ • SIQt 54" • 72"__,... •Ice •f ... .,. llAecemM ..... ., ,...__ ·.· ·····27~ .. ' ~~~ l .,. -~ .1 '. ' . • -l ~ c ..... 'SftOW BLA1!1KD . • Cn!-f. ,... ~ -•r·whM• ~·-· • J2'' • 21" ,.._,.....,, ffwffy ·""'" W...et. • ....... --i. ..... ..,,,., •••. 3'~ 2s~ ' ' " ............. PONllEROSA •. CHRlSTMAS ·. . ' . lRE•S ".SH.aen'• Mosr•Popular Oownsw•pt StyMngl~~ • Extra f.ull~ delux• tr.ees · a• .. mllJle In mlnUt•'i--look "•hly '"'. : \ . • Corn:plete with sturdy \land. 6'h Ft. . 71/i_i ~ ... • ... $'14.99 .. ,. ~1 •• 9.~. •999 't2'' \ , ~ .. ~'' D .. :,. \ . . SNOW·FLAKI ' •Sw!~.!.~.!~.!-~ , "\, ... we Ii! -Y Orl1t-\ _· , -••rcrtl~. ' ,,. . • P.di:a .. -k" 10 1lii11•.., 5 ,,. ff•ltlti .......... L • C•IRP..,.. wlfll h,":!!lfrt. ' \ ·-··· 39c \ ~--~--,2~·4·~·~ • l•y•• ~~- • 13 O_L .. ,..°' 19..;_ . . ' ••• 49c 29''. "aJr.1M'' CH.RIST MAS ,....._ \ . ~.· i ·,· ~; ORNAMENTS . ' ' . . . • .... 'tMlhy, --~· ... -· • •nt•-11tl, • SpertrUn• ·-~-hMc• of Ml"Y ~ c•~n, • ~ k .• c•lthitlM 12 '"""'?911ft. ....... · 49~. • . ~~ ·~'. I :• \' I .... ~24 MINI ORNAMENTS • Sfilny glass omantents to use by the handsfull. : 29:.~ ' I l I I I l \ I I ! - • W•dnH<lo:I. 0.C.mbf• 16, 1970 S DAILY PILOT· :J ~i "",, .,.!~, """.="". 0:::. "",""' ....... 111 ;"""'. mij;.i....,--+-.-.-, .---. .,;,..,,....,.....,...,.._.,,.'°"'"-..==::IClll=-=--~;;;;;;~ F estivaI' s.:. ·G~gi.~s a Q~g . -~'r AIJ · Season~ ' .. " " ' . . Board OKs Comniittees • BY FREDERICK SCHOEMEBL Ot "'-Dll"f ,IM Sl1H Rli:sponding to a written request from the Laguna Beach~ O!.amb:er of C<im~ merce, the Festival or Arts board of directon Monday nljht agreed that a i;:ommittee system between the . two ll'QU~ and the city council would be in order. . Noting the FesUval of Arts greatly af· fects the business community and the need for close communication, the Cham· ber suggested creation or four com .. m i t t e e s : decorations, transportation, parking, and box office policy. A representative from the Festival of Arts board, a downtown busineSllman. and a city councilman would make up each. of the four committees. Thi! letter isklng for the committee structure, also asked for study on opening the Festival Of Arts a week earlier to stimulate doWntown business. However, directors and producer Don Williamson agreed that, as far as 1971 is concerned, there is no way to ch&l)ge the opening date. Gogi Peterson of S~£Jemente is indeed a dog fo~-all sea· sons. And the miniature silver poodle enjoys il At ·right hi$ owner. seamstress, modeling coach and promoter,. Mrs. J ohn M. Peterson helps Gogi with a change of costume. She makes tbem all. At extreme left is Gogi 's Thanksgiv~ ing ensemble·, a pilgrim complete with buckled hat, black coat and blundei:buss. Next Gogi appears as the Easter _Bunny. Then for . an uptempa change of pace he picks up DAIL'!' ,ILOT ........ ..., ...... V811wla his saxophone. Gogi also is appearing this Christmas as the season's most popular man, Santa Claus. For that metamorphosis he has a sleigh built by Mrs. Peterson's husband. fflr. Peterson handles all the accessories. ''The opening date is not an 3J'bitrary decision," explained Williamson. "We have a real problem getting our volun· teers together. It's av~ difficult thing to d'o." Referring to the decoratioos o>m· mittee, it was· ~uggested "that the festival could work with the chamber in P\llting up banners .and other advertisement! 011 utility poles to protjaim the event. . " • "Efforts t o Redecorate Suspension Rates High In Clemente Mom 's 'De ad' GI Son Plwnes Fro11Lfietnam The transportation committee, the let· ter suggest.ed, t"Ould attempt to find some means of replatjng the Festival of Artl trams, which were stopped ~t summer because they fell short of vehicle code re- quirement&. :City Chambers Debated With a new transportation ~. the • chamber suggested, Oyers describing the KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) -Rita as his rank and serial number. service CQUld be mailed to ticket buyers. By BARBARA KREIB!CH . Of .... ~lly , • .., ,,,,, An attempt to draw the expertise of Councilman Peter Ostrander, an archi· tect, into the knotty problem or redecor- . a ting Laguna Beach's City Council cham- , bers has provoked a flurry of official memos, three of which have found their way into tonight's city council agenda. It would appear that the project, lnili· ated by Councilman E'.dward Lorr, is making little progress. Lorr, afler visit· ~ing-neighbot'ifl« council chambers, sug- _gested that Laguna's rather drab meeting place might be livened with. cheerier decorating tints. Ostrander was asked to g~rve as consultant -on a volunteer bisis. • As outlined in memos, acting city man. ager-Joseph Sweany, en en~l who "<111 see the lighler'-•lde cl tliit prolilem, . ·Land Acquisition ~·· -. -- ·Boosts Camping !Sites at Park • • ' t The number of camp sites at San k:Jemente State Park will double with the iicquisition by the state Or 15 additional !ticres of land, according to the state . . ?>arks department. , The $6.i million project may be com- ft>Jeted by" 1973. The entire 110 acres will :be redesigned lo provide 300 siogle camp £ite~ and seven group sites at the pi"rk. '. Food and Laundry concession buildings :Will be built on the freeway frontage road :8t the edge of the park near the Avenida '.San Luis Rey bridge and six restrooms :wu1 be t"Onstrucled on the beach. The en- :t.ire park will be landscaped.~ · George Rackelmann, projeet director, Said only trees and shrubs irf the path of ·the projected roadways would be remov- ~e,d and "every effort ';'ill be made to w eserve trees already on the site." The imprOtemeuia ~t provide for an expected attendw\ce of 835.000 people 'ayear at the state piirk. Park officials Te.port a coostant oveffiow use of the ex- isting park during i-ecent summer JieSSions. e hristmas Treat : : . Lane said the two men wearing military One of the relatives, Roberta Johnson. ei\couraglng them to use .such a servk:e set things orr w1th a communication to • J uniforms who came to her home one the boy's aWlt, was , su!piclous because and shop downtown. Ostruder: Nearly 100 suspensibns have been made 'Ille letter suggested that a committee night this week to tell her of her son's the Navy sent no official notHlclition of r ki I k t bolb t d hort "I would suggest a capri blue with at San Clemente. Hig~ School and Marco or par ng oo a ong ~ l!i . Irish Emerald Isle green trim and pink Forster Junior High since the beginning death were nice, very neat and ev~_sat Lane's death. She contacted Navy of-term needs for the Festival. The with her awhile after breaking the news. ficials in Washington and they told her Olamber suggested that charter buses elephant molding on the doorways," of the school year• according to a report. She said the men looked very official wmething was amiss. They began an im-park away from lbe Festival, leavilll opined Sweany in his fonnal memoran-presented to Capistrino Unified School and she did not question them even mediate check. more room for cars. dum . District Trustees Monday. though she thought her son, Seaman ~1rs. Lane received a telegram from The box" office policy C1:1mmittee •. lbe Jrridescent paint and replacement of Much of tbe .disc ip\lne wu for·truancy. Ralph J, Lane, was In Hawaii and the the Navy Wednesday saying her son was Chamber noted, could seek to e.stabttsh ,a present llght1ng faciliUes wit.h black Ught The bilgh suspension rate is a reflection men told her he died in Vietnam. alive and told her to stand by for a pool of tickets to be released on the day would be appropriate he adcftd and "Jie of .a new policy in which more students The men carried briefcases, she said. ttlephone call. Thirty ·minutes J.ater the of the performancts of the Pageant-of the ... :.d.i also . ' ·' . ' are suspended. butlor a.shorter period of and had such lnformatlon about her son telephone rang. It was her son. Masters. Such a group of tickets could be uug,uo. .couider..push..button nip away-time, "stahted;j:Dre;.;,::JJ,.,;i' • .;n:;·erena;bin;.,:.,A!O)A!iriiis~tm,;1rt-1-1".:;;:;:..;;:;.;;;;;;;.;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;::;:;;;;;;:.:;;::;.;:;...;;;;;,.::.._...._ ____ ~;;;;;.;;.;;;;;;;.;;.::;.;.;::..;;:..;;;;;;;;;.::;;;;;~~--~ seats 11f the audience and recliners for Superilltendent ~ Iosttudioa. • lhe.COODCU W!lb "eytilmlilsligo -ot .)>ice ·:Tbe "'"·policy Riso fenecta a c!01er versa." · _1 w~king relationship with the hon\I!," ln .a page.Jong respanse, ,o~er said Crain. ''Mogt uf &he 1uspensklns (noting that his professional oJ>iniOll. ~re for one day or le• and parents· . -'-"• be bt·~ ••-_.....,.1 hoi>'I were , Immediately call!'f Jn lot con-._..,. ~ on-w.c <.;u11~ v 1~·•-··. .......... '....,, Mr' Colmcllmen an~ ' .rt:h1.~ 1':.~~ .,h,,.i, ..tlb a.Jtud.lit popula· which he estimates at t.vo cents) dis--lion reaching 2 500 had the most a~~eed with Sweany's color)selectlon1: suspenllons,-a~diUteJy 75 . . . . I ~eel .that a Cool Blew Wlt!t John Smart, boys' vice , principal, Gr~belt trim would be -':!~e ~_!'n-resgirted t~Qf the BUJpeoslons ate, writes OS~ander. ks pink ele-were for truancy. phant molding might be out of character, "No one was suspended ror narcotics I ~uggest Tape Red and Brown Act A~-·Use or possession on campus, but a few phque on the doorways. Fo~ a furjher were smpended for incidents involving' accent, can we h~ve Journalism Yellow ... .......t;ci off camn11t" aaid Smart {or the press section?" ..,.. .. v... r-• • · A timing device that would automatl-olHe sa.td other suspensions were for acts cally shUt off the lights at 10 p.m. would ant~lal bebavb' and a few tor dress be convenient, he suggests, as would a ~e vl~J~UiiiC'He said the number al.so self.destruct device installed at the speak· 111~.Judes some repe~ters. . er's podium with · a three-minute fuse. " As a whole, we re quite happy with Furnishings, "in keeping with Laguna's the ~~udent a~.itu~ pn C8:lftPUS ~his character " could include Ue-dyed drapes year, he said. I think the~matt lenient candles ...'... preferably perfumed -and dress code haa helped."· ... Persian wall tapestries ... " • Ostrander agrees strongly with the idea of cyclomassage recliners for the council and suggest!, in addition, that spectator seats might be straight·backed wooden pews with a center aislt. "for seating either right or left." Cost of.!.all this, he suggests, might be met by cHarging admission to council meetings, or by imposing an amusement tax. • Summing up progress on the project, City Manager Lawrence Rose notes that "nego~iatlons have .failed, as it was des- tined to do where matters of taste are concerned," and recommends as council action : a) A consult.ant be retained with ex- plicit direction ii to say and do -11othing. b) That ci[y ,hall be rezoned Primitive Agricultural (P-A). c) That everytio«V .soea for a JVal~ on ~)~~·~ Ostr .... be paid two~ Libr ary Model Debuts in La guna A model of the new Laguna Beach branch library will make Its public debut at a C'hristmas party in the library fore- crurt from noon to I :30 p.m. Saturday. The model was commJssioned by the Friends of the Library and executed by Terry Mechling, associate of architect Fred R. Briggs. After the party it will remain on display Jn the library. Mrs. Joseph O'Sullivan and Mra. Wil- liam Longfield are in charge o~ the party1 presented by the Frie nds of the Library, and will serve refreshnients to guests. A living Christmas trte will be the . decorative highlight, also a gift of the Friends and destined to be planted in a patio iii. the new library bullding. ---JB,ldSAmiJJ-s,,--. - -'Ill€ whiskey that spans the-generations gap. · Choral Readers of Laguna Beach High School help- ~ ~d brighten the "\"ule season for residents of Laguna " Beach Nursing Home recenUy by performing a ~hri stmas pro gram. The ~roup is directed by Fred Stouler. Girls, from.lei! to right, are Pam Purcllly, Kathleen Cooper, Paul "Diamond , Joanne KeMedy and Connie LaPort. Boystfrom left are Mark Hamil~ ton, Robin Buck, Ed Austin aod Tom Houts. For 300 years, a whiskey from Bush mills ha s been with us. Charming us. Beguiling us in a sm001h, polishc.d and altogether lighthearted fashion. 15 ge?era1ions have refined it. 15 generations have sipped it. The verdict : Near perfection. Bush m ii Is. f u 11 of character. But not heavy-handed about it Flavor- fuJ. But nev~r over·powering. Bushmills. II reflects 'the past with a lighl and lively flavor 1hatisall today. Comp£re it to your present Whiskey. You needn't ·purchase a bottle. One sip at your favorite pub will tell you \'lhy Bushmills has intrigued so many gen· er.llions. ILis~ply, out of sight. BUSH MILLS -Something Special - Almon l ockabty on '°'U119, Torn Titus on ttiuter, Sylvl1 Porttr-on fl111nce, Utt DAILY PILOT on the Ora"lf ~t. It's lt!e a11t of ~ptellllzitlon. AAd Oll'·Sptcl1llf ts being really something speclal. , • • IMPORTED FROM THE WORLD'S OLDEST DtSTtLLIR'( A 11.lNDOF 1001. IRIS~ Wl!IS~LS-• PllCOF-10mm1111MlJ,liO. !ME.OS. GARHEMICO .. Jt[WYOlll, 11.Y.e!Ut ' ! • I / .. l 1. ' . 1 . ·-I ]. ·~ ... !fl;'~-·~.'. ~r 'DAILY PILOT Wtdnrsc11y, Dec:tmb" l&, 1970 • ' Wlel<s 'Six Killed . • ' 1 ...:... L....L-l ·. ..:. • .. - -,...__ - -Troops---~o~ti;ol - •• ' ' \ .. ' • .... • t • • -Poland .Ri~t~~g . ,. . . .. · .'Jbe Pollab newt ·agency repor! came 'lbe .,....11111que f8ided to -llm file __ neirly u ~ aller the ~ ~ . beUel <it tbe Vleanaloui.eo, that tJiO food . 'ncli """·~I had 1ake ·~ ~ ~._.,... '·'· price 111......a -whldl-••eraged 20 J -ca-,. ' • ,... __ .. ..,.. _ _, · -pere<JJ1·-·:-r.,.-at tlle!i<llrlt'tlle-llillt· to chooee its words carefully aod have Ing. Tile mcr.-_. a1mec1 at di..n- them app~ed by the hlgbest levela. 1ng abopperi• DIOll6J'fr<lm ft<>«r1 stores 'He'd like a job .for me, pleaae Santa!' What emerged app<ared to concede thal with their peniltent ·-.,.., to 111eh the dockworkers who start.ct II all may cooaumer dlll'lblea u refrigerators aod ba've had some legiUmate grievances but television aeta wblcb are available but made it clesr a hsrd line )fOUld be Im-priced beyond 0tbe average Pole's poet.~ posed. _ book. Prices on-durableo went down HUtilizi.ng the-tituation which bappene4 at the Ame time 11 fOod COltl went up. Good Hints lo exist among the staff of tbe ~ · On Holiday sNpyards, adventurist hooligan elements, having no connection with the working class, demollshed and set on fire sever· al public bulldlngs ..a looted 10veral dozen shops," PAP said. "Murders were committed on the fn.. lervening · police and there · were many •erlously Injured 'l!t 4Jospitals. :'The necessary .. 1feps Wider theae cir- -cumatancel, lakeo·by the autlErltiea, fed to tbie defeat Of tbe adventurial eteniehta WASlilNGTON (UPl)~oping with . and:'to,the l'Mtoratioo of law-aod'order. BY DICK WEST Christmas-four handy hints for over·, SimllltaneOilsty', ·the authorities wsrned coming yuletide problems before they they would, react with full declliveness · toward au kinda of tres-. ot pubUp cvercome you, compiled after reading order and against all antiJtate attempta.,. the December issues of several house-One unconfirmed report frolil a German bold magazrties: coastal station .atd·at ·least ~ ihlp tn Problem: How to dispose of old Christ· Gdansk (formerly Danzig) harbor silw names from a burning ·bulldlng · in the mas cards. Each year the questions &· city. The same station said some German rises, "What shall we do. with our old ships had been ordered to leave Gdansk Christmas cSrds? They are so pretty harbor, apparenUy by the ships' owners. An eyewitness report carried by Gdansk radio reported looling of stores. · --..:k-broadcast ce>rnmunique urged ·all Wotket.s. io retW"n to .their joJ>s ~ ·indi- cating the riOls may have been accOm- panied by ... strikea -and called on all food stores to open a'nd begin deliveries at 6 a.m. It assured the people there would be enough 1upplies. It seems a sha;;,/ t.i '~j. ii,;,m aw~y." /J20 NO.iv Lis(ed Solution: Enjoy the. cards for as long as Jong as you like, then put them in· lo envelopes and mail them back to the people '1!0. ~t Ille,. tci . you. ' ,..; ...... ,, ' . . . Problem?Jm _,i0_;~ ol leftover · ·Aboard Korean Ship -That Sunk tggnog. Tra~~~-~ec~s ~t ,-ou .. pre. SEOUL (UPI) --A South Kora n are a ho Jl! g fQr y.our Christ-'ch ·Terrorist's • ' •• t • '( ... " Grenad~ ·Kills ' . .,.. - 3 CiV:ilians _, -"· ..... -· ... SAIGON (AP) -·A terrorist threw a ham! grenade at a soda lliand oullfde a U.S: Navy Selbee billet tooigb~ kfltlng., at !eat -V-ind'i<OUlldtng. -8bout lp American ~n and Vie~ .. namete ctvllianl. . • ":. ·: Investigators aald the le<Torlsf was be- lieved to be a Vlei Cong who ,...pod. He hurled a fragmentation greriade. Mili- tary doctors treated the wounded at the U.S. 3rd Fie1d Hospital, a few blocks · away. They said halt the wounded were Americans. 1be blast wrecked one car and several motorcycles and left the area littered wjth gl3ss. . · - It was the second expiosiOn in Saigon in two nig!its. A SO-pound bomb fipp<d through a U.S. of!icera' ·hotel Tuesday night, wounding two Amtlicana and two .Vietnamese. · · Fin.en m II• s northeest of Safff"I!, enemy gwmen shelled the big Bien Hoa air bue. Field reporta aald either roci<ots or D)CStars hit the hue but there· wen no casdltlll ... Domage waa said to be Ug!it. Red Spaceeraf t Se.en Crum led mas party. ~riai:i~ ',s~Qws;: bOw_~ 5'uth Koi;ea's southern coast actually exer that very-few, if~any, 'guests are . carried 320 persons, H more than re--By Venus Heat • · ,., -ported originally,· police said today. · 1• coing to drink the stuff. The cop-out Only 12 have been rescued, police said. · commonly used is tliat eggriog bi' fattep-Eight of the survivors were picked up MOSCOW (UPI) -Scientific sources I .. ·-' ' r • r . . ' • ' ' ,;·:.!:~: .... ,.::·:2CJ~~-:OFF ANY HO.USE .. · I • ' ~ /0 <• \ ' I• 1 .--~. .. -_ .SL,P.PERS ~WMETHER • ADVERTISED OR NOT!-IOUR· WAY ·OF SAYING THANKS 'fb~' YOUJt PATR ,R· AGE ALL ·YEAR> I . .-. I ~ \ \ ~ • . '': t . WOMEN'S & MISSES' CHOWS Comfy, w.trm and pretty tool Choose Women's sizes 5 to 10 in Blue, Cerise, Green or Yello w. Misses' sites 10 to 3 in Blue~ or Pink. FUZZY·WUZZJ ·· • • ~., .1 ...... •~r ... .. ' . ·,:. s c·u F"F s ' ' . " ' ' . ~ . ,, Fleecy ..,acrylic,pilt upper. i1nd insole lire'toft ..-11d wiMt._ Twc>-:'tont Checkerbo•rd · Of Solid Blue, Pink, ,Peacock. 6rnn or Gold.'Siz:ts 5 to 10. J.'' 1 \ , ~ ..,,,-,_ ~1'6 ·~2,96 . ' . "\- WOMEN 'S WOMEN'S AND MISSES· ... ,, " . ·' ' .. , •; SNUGGLY BOOTIE Sh1ggy •crylic b~otie foa m lined for BROCADE BOOJIE · : · wm'flth. Choo•• either i !pped collar or solid ~olors. SQft &ole. Lt. Blue, Pink lPin k Tipped ) Vi ¥i .. Blue al'ld Dahlia solids. Sizes Sfo 10. ~296 -·.~,.,. Pretty feminine brocade satin with fur ·' ~ •1\,, . , ~l coll1r. Soft crepe sole. Wqmen • 5 fO-'I ·~ 10 in Whit1,'Grt·1n or 'Ma lI•. ,. · Mi11e•' 9 to l ifi Lt, •r!'.• 1 .. or Pi11k. . WOMEN'S DRESSY POM~POM SCUFF Fem inine glamour •cuff.' Satin upper topped with • pom~p.om dyed ,.bbit fur. Gold or Silver. Sizes 5 to 10~ " .. I• . •g. Experie-shows. however': that the" by J@Paoese boats and~ other four ltY aald today the'\lnmanned Venus 7 space-·:--~-· · -' '' · -·-~ Kor I&. a _that-landed-Oll·-Venus Tuesda"''l-~--real-~ason-mos~c•rt~~~-~~~ori~~nally ' uid the imibn"\ · probably was cpmpled by heat and pre.Jo ,._. . '.I. 1og 1s because tfiey prefer somethliig ferryboat Namfong-Ho, Whlch .' Went. -eu;,e ,as Jt pai;achuted 4own. . ',~".'' :=~~~d:~· .. Jtronger. __ ... --down.before.day.break.l'llesdiyJn wateTI It_s ~ot likely it ~d ~nb~~. ~ · -about 100 miles southwest of Seoiii~ car• fu11.ction in the c:rushjng at:tru~Jibinc Solution: Aft~r the party take the left· 'ed 276 rsons includino 20 crew pressure and searing temper~u~U of •ver eggnog mto the arbor and. poiq: n lie --pe_ · ' ·~ ----the planet;-one Moscow souree-said-. -- 1 . t th b' db th U f'k ts mem rs and 256 passengers. Th So . ts ho d ··J:.1 the "·--. 1n o e ir a , n 1 e your gues , During the night. however, authoriUet e Y1e , w epos1-.. · "-Uliuo 111rds love e_ggnog. A few of them i:nay discovered 44 more personi had boarded khod 1 ro~ .QD,the IJJ.99!1 Nov. 17 a~rd ~come ~ bit obstreperous but tba~ is a the iltfated boat, all of whom did not Luna ,J.7:;. rejJoited Ytnus 1-descending •mall . pnce to pay for getting rid of have Uckels and were not shown 00 the !?Y ~~ute _Tuesday. lbere tile -om .. a bowl of eggnog. passenger list. -·csat ~·.ended. ·~ "'"' ' Problem : How to dispose of leftover· fuests. Each Christmas party produces t certain quota of leftover guests. The trick is to get rid of them. For if they ruspect that, they will never leave. Sollution: Leap upon the eggnog table tnd call out, "Hey, Everybody! I've got 1 great idea! Lets all go caroling!" As lhe guests are lurching out the door, nake certain each has his or her wrap IO they will not excuse to come back ia 1gain. Once outside, start them Jaugb- 'flg down the street singing "We Three tings." Quickly slip-back-inside, douse iights, lock doors, disconnect doorbell. Problem: How lo dispose of Christmas tarolers. Each year your neighbors have 1 Oiristmas Party, after which some •f the guests go caroling. Experience !hows they will appear on your lawn at J A.M. singing "We Three Kings." Solution : There is only one sure way to· ward them off. Invite them to come in for a cup of eggnog. -UPI Families of the ~ passengers ..,. 1'M!lf lllenqe .at that polJU paralleled ported to the authorities their relaUffl pre~ Soviet attempts , to 90ft..land Qn were on board the sunken boal after· Venus. none of which aurviw;cl the de-- learning of the disaster, polld! iiild..' · ·scent intact; " · . The survivors agreed that,_. .,_vy · N~. ~ ad~ifte llOUfC'U· S&Jd, cargo aboard caused the traleAJ, KiJt\ Vtm11 . 1 appeared fiom• So~ report,, Bak J i, 29, radio operator of tbe bottt, !-" hlvt penetrated nearly to the surface said the ferry was '° overloaded on the Jn operaUng order and may well havt port side that Jt1el( Songsanpo on otbe fulftlled the best ~Uons tbe So. northern ~of Cheju lsland with the viets had for iL boat lllUn&"iO'lhe tell. • Sheriff, 74, Smitten By Christmas Spirit ·Nl>W HAVEN, Conn. (AP) -"lb• Sheriff Of New Haven County bad a touch of Christmas spirit Xuesday. Sheriff.Edward Slavin, 74, told his si deputiu who serve papers not to di&- J>031eU ~ family.or attach any wages udti'J" after New Year's Day. "I expect 1hit all the lawyers will cooperate in not insisting upon any ~ acUoo uritil after the holidays," Slavin said. Children (five· Away Chris~as Money HONOLULU (AP),_ 'lbe N 0 rm a n Va le n c i a fa mJly had saved $50 for Christmas glfti this yeai, but the three Valencia · childten dtclded so m e o n e needed giflll more thlll they did. Grace. 12, Norman, 11, and Fe, 1, donated the money to chpdren in the Philippines lert homtless by r e c e n t typb-and earthquam . "They knew there wouJd not be much for Otristmas if we sent the money but that"1 the way they wanted. t~" Mn. Vllenc!a aald. f/.S •. s ..... ....., Wind' Wl to 1t mi._ .ti "°"'r wtf1id 011 the ,N...,..,__,..cltlC ... ,, snow. ,,_. hit """' 9f ,... ~ldwft1 •nd . Nortll-t •nd ............ IOl'IN tlltnd llP lfll" toUlh .Mrly toltl'>', G•l•IOl'U •Wl!llU ,..... tlltolll~ NortMNi c.ittontre Md llOrtllwtrd. •«"OmP-IM"9 1W tiM'vy '"°"'"' "" N•I'>' mornl"' '1ofm """""' flVI" IM l'ltt •I L•Mtvltw,, et... tlld lol,lr IMllff 1t Om1k, Wt1!1.• Hill "''K t rnctnl Cff'f •nd, .Eri•• Celtf. SlonN lltll!M ffll N !lol'l'1 mld,e<• lfon fl'OrTt 1011lh-1llr" A..._l"MI 10 MIUlfltl l!ffto Wl"Olltln. Snow It'll ''°"" °'°"'" <tn•r•I Mlt$1Wrl lo -"" Cf!'I< 1r11 K•nw1 with 1r1v1t-en' w1ml"9• -lld 1n tl!Mcitllon ol miirt , Flvt lnch11 bl..,ktltd lOPtllt •n.d Emp0r11, Ktn.1 Cl~rlnt tilt mor"lnt. ., UNITI' Pant lfllTllU•ATltfllAI. T ...... ~ .lftd PACl.iletlofl ,flt ttl• ~ .wlM .,..,,.. •I 4 •.m. ' "llll'Lw Pftc. Al~ .O ~tt Al!d'lor1" n ·2' .01 All1nt1 n .. .If ''*""r .. 111 ,, .s ~ 1rim1rell n 01 hlM c~m '"'°" " lJ ll"l'fl'l'llVIU. .1' ,IS (hlUto 4fi '6 C.lntlllfllll • J1 .11 o.n..... d :n O.S MolMI , 3f,. M -" O.trolt " l"wtWGftll .t 4' .1S ,,..,,. s. ... '°' Hlltnt :M u H6'KlllllU U '' ll'ld!1nePOfl1 • u » .10 IC1nM1 City .. 11 .5' W1 V""1 JI 31 ltl Al\Hlts 6' JO Mltrnl 1' 11 Ml11,...,.0lll H H HN Orletllt 11 6t Htw YOl'll » H Horlfl "'-,,. • u o.-.,. u ,, .n Olc!1hOl'M Cltr " JI ,19 om.. ... • o n P.itn Stw'll'lf• 1t 41 "•• Rob!" S1 4f .Ol ,...,,,. ., ,, Pfl ltbu .. h .U 2S """M R1111d CITY RMllluff •~no~ S1Crf .... M1 S11! 1.tkf Cl,., ~ .. 0 19'Q . Sin F111'1tlff0 , .. ,u. .. ~ " .. -43 ,)a " 11 J(I 51 ,, .1. ~ ~ " . so ~· ·" • a .., • j •• "'' ",.. -INDIAH'HEAl>-.-lwlyl:fflo--popurJl"'E;;ft" ~- s 'for '!Hiift".; E•s+ -.·!1!· the MOCCA IN . fool· • ;'. ;-. tri<of " 1i.in9. ·· ' • · A:nti'fu• Ton. i .. f' -·2•6 t ndl•n H ead lJoecaata Toe irlv•• •n·" rt look lo ihl• Comfy one, H11.ndeom.-.· "Gl tl" tor Chrt1tm11. -· MEN'S ' .. CLASSIC OPERA . lined for cozy w1 rmth, fl exible long we iring 1ole. Rub. ' , .. ber lite!. M•n'• 1l1es 7 to 12. '3'6 · IOTS' SIDS s361 3 TO 6 BOOTIES · . , C ho o • • tr•ro IJlbb&l hH.d w ith '"li!t&Y • 01'1"' •ock to o or 1oh Porn• P orn a.cr.vlic bootle.ela- fllnte' a.nd Child'• 111 .. ~ to 1~. MEN'S BUCKLE LOUNGER Classic warm Hned boofht. Soft vil'lyl upper wi th long wii•r· in9'~1ole e1'd. heel. Size• 7 to 12. · ' ., . ' MEN'S CR!PE SOLE MIN:s ,CR"E SOLE • OPERAS EVERETT }'lne 1o!t UDOtr M d Dtt•io1.m.cu1llon1d,ln·': crftle 1011. Blunt tn" 10!1.•·~tlfu'l~r and hall 'i'i ij96. r HUNTINGTON IEAeH 10051 ·ADAMS of· UOOKHURST 962·9178 (Nti t J o s.v.6n Drul) -- • ,, HUNTINGTQN iEACH 5191 EDINGER at SPRI NGDA LE -147·9125 J .. STORE HOURS --WEEK DA vs 9 TO 9--SUNDA rs 10 TO 7 .. ~ . ' '" . -: .\ • ' ,p I I ,. . .. ·.• ·'' :.• .,. . " • ,. ' ' . ·. ) • • < DAILY r,ILIJ f • '"Absolutel11' Sate to Eat • Committee Nixes r ·-r -- • as · -~~7es_ ··. . __ . __ ) WASHINGTON (UPI) _ A "'haired lraveie"' •. .-.1__,... . WASHINGTON (UPf)~ov-llarm from eating for one ' v • _F~~~~·u~\~ ~erclfry~:tainted . ' ' Turia 1 h •"Y'ull..,....•n-..., ernro.ent and ' industry opened year two· cans of tuna a day s~cial House subcommittee gaYe a) brlet formal statement a massive nalioowide .test· with mercury A b 0 v e the has re.leciied. • .impea.~ei,l but 11\.'!Wt~fo itu~. -N and reeaU program today 1FDA's limit or o.s parts per charges 1 apln.st "':Justice WU· "The ~lect commit.tee. his to find. mercury-tainted tina, itmlllloii. Another said · t u n a llam O. Douglas, who respon-now performed its constitution-but told.., American' cons9'1lers . 1never befqre 1Was ·tested for. ded today that ,the Supreme al duties aqd ~ ~fl.I tiy to con:-the popillar cirined. fish atlll • i mercury and speculated that Court 4'has alwayf been . and tinue to petfotid .fnine~·· Pou&·' was "absolutely" safe lo eat. ~the fish may have carried alwa ys will be lfoutly 111de-las said. "f have alwa~s been One Food' llld• Dr11& .. ~dmin-:similar mercury levels for pendent." • proud to be.:a ~ of tbe • lnstration (FD A) sclenUst ~ceqturies. son which builds up tn the body and can cause fatal brain, liver or kidney all- .menta. It has been found be- f~ lit (resh water .fllh ex· posed to industrial mercury discharges but the ·tuna dis· covery waS the first Involving ult water fish. FDA "Commissioner Charles C. Edwards announced Tues- day tests dlsctOsed mftcury above tile FDA limit In 23 ~~nt of a ,naUonwidt SSO.. can sample. Projected•over the annual U.S. cons'um~ion of about 864 million cans of tuna, ~ fie· ure would mean too m u c h mercury, by government standard!:, In nearly * mil· lion cans.· Edwards .. Id 1bout Mt mlJ. lion cans were beinr with- drawn from the market and 1 1amplel from other· .Jota 1n I supemwbta, -Ind c~lea ·"'!t>,belnc leal<d •• 1 "·Within JO d•Y•'• leas, we will hi"'.• tl\e JD&tkt cleared , Of tuna 0V. our auWeUne '' I Eclwltds !old 1· Ml'I eon!~· I ..... The 924-pag' report said the court. an insU .. ion which' J ... .... !!1>1it A T'f!"l<O"! wpuld suffer np MerCury, • metal , ls a p01. scores of documents examined think all will agret L5 distJn-,__ ___ _.. __________ '-----'-'---'-----..;...--,-------------------------'----- by the subcommit~e provided guished In at ieas~ 't\)t respecJ no basis for relieving Douglas -It alwayl ti.as '&een and. aJ.. or the post he has held since \\•ays will be stoutly lndtpen· 1939. Qut it· provided more de-de:nt." . •: .,l • tails of hill relaUons~lp with • Adding ~.his ro;.,na1 ~late-• the Pa~ Found~n and his. tnent,. D o ~ g I a 11 Cblllenged off-benCh income. • young people . fo initiate "a In a brief appearance before great reannaissance" In the television cameras and' other . wqrld by. a\tacking !he prob. news media in.,the"oak 'p8rttJecl.._ lem:S ol population aiid civil Supreme o:wt conference rights. rocpn, the 71-jiar<)I~ • gr!y: "{·-have: ifear confide~ In ... '\ • tbe ·COinln&-ienetatiCI\ and to Agnew Asks . . Republican Unification thein 1,.ay, 'keep the falth,'" Douglas s.aid. The justice said he has visi- ted practically every ·country in the world dilrlng his travels of the past 30 years, and a'd- ded : "Perh~ my teal cfairri to dist,inetion "" is tl\at I.,~~ never traveled at' goven\mfpt txpense." SUN VALLEY, Idaho (UPI) The report Uowed that -Vice Presiderlt SPl.Mj':Ag'-. Douglas' off-th~nch Income • · new wants his critic• among · .. ' • • . • I :l .. • ~ • Republican g 0 v er n 0 rs to exceeded his judicial salary "ckise ranks · solidly" behind during the IO years he was as. those of their party sti.11 !'1 of· sociated with ,Lhe Parvin Foun-,, fice. dation from 1960 to 1969. Agnew huddled, With pie His salary {or t'1~ per!~ chief 9ecuttves in , a llreak-~lied "'9,7~9:28:-'His net 1~ fast meeting after presenting ~me Jrom wnting and Jectur- his stiffest defense yet of his 1ng ~otalled $377 .260.19 and he hard-hitting campaign tactics received $96,680 from the foun- ''What· is not needed is a~ ~ation. Douglas said in a pub-as~~ent of blame," Agnew lie statemef!l last .-t-ugu_At lhat told 0tl)e "Inter Republican much of hJS outs.id\ tncome governors association Tuesday represents 1 to)'.alt1e.s f rll ll) night. Noting that ttie GOP books publish~ 18~ and · 20 lost lt ,ovei:nors In Novem-year5' ago._ - ber, 11'l'faic! ~the beaten can- didate;. ·am;\ Miff· "excuses . ..,, • and rationalizat'ionl for their Oil T -aseS defeats • . • e v e '" when it ~ masquerades as constructive crilicim." Sell High "Republican governors mu st close ranks solidly behind their . .. . . . Made while you sleep? . reports Vega is the roomiest of the new subcomJ)acts, with Could be. Because now that Chevy's hack in about 90o/0 as much space as the typical 'standard sized car. business, we're. putting ·in a lot of-hours <jnd turning out. a The '71 Impala.~ hem: buililing up to dda •m · lot o.~ Cheytolets. And we'~e shi·ppijtg tj\em eyer~ day to --'-Impala ir ~ . ~} Chevy dealers all over the country. If you haven t taken a Know what's the roomiest '71 car in the U.S.A.? good look at our '7ls, now's the perfect time. Here are a No, not one of the big, luxurious high-priced cars, biit the few exampl~ <>fwha:t -you'll see. big, luxurious Chevrolet-priced·Chevrolet. (Automotive New~ The little car that does e,aytbiqg ll'tlL I ndustrie& magazine spells out the d~tails in their Wlien we say "everything'', we mean it. For October 1 issue.) instance, even though most minis would rather not talk bi\e manged:~ dianged. abo~t r0<_>miness, V~a br~gs '.3-bout \t.,No small wond~r. The big difference in the 1971 Chevrolets is a change Autmnotivef.ndustriu .magaz1ne (1mpart1al and unbiased) in attitude. Yours and ours. You'.re more concemed ·about At Bl'ddin leader\, ~ oqes wbo are still g in the statehol¥s in this coon· trf and behind our President · • l ' " ~ . ; ' continuing improvements. You want meaningful change . ' ~-lirlh...Wlrite-Hou,.." NEW ORLEANS (API - The Vice president dismissed Prices ran lo $8510 m1ll;,1on.t"--.-----,, charges . lbal his campaigning Tuesday as oil companies divided the country by asking. bid for drilling space off l.ooj.. "what b an election if it's not siana's coast in what one oi!· an att~ ... ,,to divide the vol-man called "the last good otl e~of the cCitzntrft>etween two hwµing ground in the United -~or=lJ'irtt cirii!laates honra States.'..!...---~~'--'-'-~I be seeking 'an off1ce7 ' . ~ were;-1;Ma· eon. 117 ''Heavens, if theyOOn' di • 1 UJlde"'Jller tracts g sold Jde we might never have ire• ;~~·Interior Dep rtrnent suit. After all, that's our iree in 8 fease sale delayed two system." years by pollution caused by P ennsy, Loµri Okay Seen In ConlJieSs WASlflNGTO 1 (UPll Congress is gearing to stop a· nother national rail crisis by providing a $1110 million loan guarantet. to keep the bank- rupt Penn Central Railroad tunning. Both the. House and Senate Cilmmerct committees were expected to approve legisla- tion for the government-back.. ed guarantee so the nation's largest rail system can borrow to pa y its help and f~.P !Un- nlng at least thfough Ytb,., 28. A Senate subc.'ommittee 'has " approved the legisla tion and a House commerce subcommit- tee wK1to approve it .before full ~omrrtmee action. I Trw.teeo 'pr 'lhe railroad told a 'HP. ... cominef;Ce. ~nel Tuesdilf .they woold'.11e· !•reed tG ~Ur t if rl Jlft"" Christmas freight shipment! and' shut doltn the 22,000-mUe line ·~ In ~ to 45 days al a maxl- muin, PQSSibly even by early Jariuir), beCause of a cash squ~e. -Tfle Penn c;entral, sixth larg- est col'P;Ol'alion in the nation, went tiftO receivership June 21. ' It co.;,..t. with three· fourths ()/,'all industrial activ- ity In the <OWUry. ' Laird Backs iictident.s·at offshore oil wells. As the sale was held, Shell Oil Co. officials conliAued to fight a blazing cluster of wells whlcti. bas burned out of con· trol off the Louisiana coast since Dec.I . Thal fire is some 200 miles east of I.he sites be· ing leased. •· High bid. in the sale was made by .a Combination of oil companies called Trans-Ocean which offer~ $38,181350 for a single tract in the Gulf of Mexico. That was $7,636 •n acre. • Low bid was $4.487.70 by ln· dependent William S. Marshall who offered $1 an acre. Some officials were surpri· sed at the amoUrtl Of money offered in the sales, which came at a time of tight mon- ey but after a period of long delays which had postponed wlldCat prospecting In the Gulf. Winners of the Teases were to be announced Wednesday. The government is under no obligation to award the leases il bids are considered too low. Votei~s Okay 1. __ .. N~ Charter . In Illinois . CHICAGO <UPI) -llfnolJ voters have decided to replace the state's century~ld consti· tution with a new charter, but have rejected lowering the vot- mg age to 18 and abolishing the death penalty. With the adoption ol the new constitution, Illinois bucked a P'., 0 W PlaltS national trend which. has seen seven of the last 12 eUorls at ~ constitutional revision be de· w;.sHINGToN.(UPI J -A f'8ted In such states as New sugestion. Uilt U0Q N or l h · York , Maryland, Oregon and Vielnameie primrs of war New Mui.co. shoUrd be\'OJ<~IJaleTaUy 'Tuesda9's v~)jJll!l1.7·111U· has~ en~ OefWe..-Hon or ·~ ptillion --rt~ Secaetary M~ 'J.lll"lt. -·f"o le r s casting b a 11 o t 1, Lbd ul~ 'llitsdJf he would showed I .073,2S'1 for and 716,· do "whatever I can to encour· 883 agalnst abolishing the con- age this proposal ." stitullon adopted in 1870 -a ~ suggestion was made by majority of 57 percent. Se.nf!_e Republican whip Ro~ \ M o 1 t of the new con1titu- ert P. Griffin of Michigan, tlon's major provl1100s will wh~ said the number should become effective duly I, 1971. lnetpde 1,500 able. bodied prl-It will be e o me the state's son.rs and 100 sick and wound· fourth constltUtion -previou11 ed. fie propoM!d the prisoners ones were, 1370, 1847 and 1818, ' .. • ' • - .-·- .. ' _ .. . ........ ' • •• j. J ;H 0 !c: ~. and built-in value. That's why·our '71 Chevelle, C'amaro, lo .have quite a bit of change btlilt " ' into them .. But their looks .have hardly changed ' at all. If you're looking 'for a new car (or even if you're just window shopping), your Chevy dealer has a Jot more .. :a%~Ul !Je jpterested in. Either wa , -come ·on in,..We're ' · elivenng t e g s. · -- • I • be IJl!!leaacd. ~·e Ult '(jetna· "!_hen Illinois became,&he: a11t ._ • , , .. ~ ,, .t ~ """\ ~. • • -•.• me~ "'-''Y,.,JJn.~. ~·~ In tile unlon. •~--::---=,----~--,-.-.,.-~~~~~---'-----~~-----~----~~----~---~----~--~---' '~ " .· . 'J-· .J,,. • I l ---------------~---~-~-----~--~--·------- . ' .' • . ! ' • ' • ' J I , \ f . • DAILY PILOT ·EDITORIAL PAGE , • 1-Ielp La Paz ·lntormedlate School In Mission Viejo I• out to Influence public opinion aboul the inhlimlillty ol the prison camps ol North Vietnam. . • .Last .. weok 's successlul MIA·POW Day went a .lont way In locusint on the pll1bt of American 10Jdlers. wbo are missing In action In South Vietnam or prisoners of war In North Vietnam. , While, the obJect leHon w•s clearly and convlncjng. ly drawn for the'benefit ot students. tb• attention"that youngsters drew to the neadle11 suffering of POW1 11 the most Important result. Among · those who participated Were Gary Powers, U2 pilot held and later released by tbe Russians ; wives of ainnen downed in Vietnam, and the brother ,of the last""Amerlcan~ pr1soner-to be ridicuied in r -parade· in Hanoi's streets. They all attested to tbe force of U.S. public opinion in improving the Jot of war prisoners. American opi nion is snowballing. The efforts of La Paz pupils are a hopeful sign that in the future more such expressions of concern and care as well as distaste for the treatment of American servicemen will be he&rd In the land. \Their force ,. it is to be hoped, will convince Hanoi that most Amencans regard.less of thtir political views of the war, will not tolerate inhumane treatment any longer. · t ' Arsenal for ·Good • . ,. Sa n Clemente's Walter Hunter, who guided this city'.s Ch~mber of Commerce over some bumpy roads earlier tb1s year as an interim manager will lead the .some task of l{UidlnR the day·to.doy bu1!ne11 of the chamber in the period· between-permanent manaiers. • Ai sumlnR the job at the alert of the annual fiesta aeason, the Interim helmsman and other volunteers brought the fiesta off In Hashing form and• still bad enouah energy remainin& to make a few innovaUona in chamber activities . Th• new president is likely to continue In theW\ova-• Ung rote with a chamber which b11 a new ecological ·---1·---commlttee with a sound budget, another new commit\" «•ared toward bin4.lng retailers together and a new, full·time executive manager. With an arsenal like that, the chamber should have bright days ahead. Grateful Eiler Larsen One of the nicer things about Laguna ls the way the town rallies round at holiday time to bolster the fund that helps support its official greeter. Eiler Lar· sen. Now well past 80, Eiler is still on the job wa vinJt to motorists on Coast Highway and leaving them with a chtertlnemory of Laguna as they drive on their way. Tbe impact of his friendly areeting Is evidenced in cards and letters from far and wide wishing him well and tbanklng,Laguna for this unique welcome. Eiler can pay for about bolf hla modest · support fr:om his !>'nslon. Tb, Greeter Fund makes up· the-. rest so he can live in a comfortabl'e room with people near at band to help him. Grateful for thfs security, Eiler h11 even offered this year to contribute a few dollars be bas-saved up to I • • , .\ • , chamber as its president next.year. ' -· Hunter. a tax consultant and retired Armed Forcu colonel won a unanimous vote of directors rtetntly 1D the chamber's annual electiona. help meet the fund goal.of Sl,000. . . ·-_ _ . He probably won't need to chip In If. enough lellow Lagunans take a moment to send a small contribution to the fund, care of .tha· Qiamber of Commerce, 280 Park Ave. \ End of tJw line for tM ToorurviJJe' Trolley , It was the new president who assumed the awe. Being Sincere ,,..,,.... al torte: Wbenever ...,.... mentiON h 11 .. ainceri\y,"·I recall Henri Peyre'• fine • tijM lb1t "'!be prtm11'7 foadjl.jon tor being alnctre 11 tbe ume u for beinl bwnblt: not to bout <i I~ llld pmblbb', not even to be aware of It." ••• • PubUcly, -people Ji<OClllm t1Mtr belltl in detnocrlM:Y ; )!riYltt!Y, the ... jorily would prefer a "good dictator" - that i.., one who would run 11ilngs to their advantage. • • Suj>er~lon has betrayed fewer men than skepticism bas Immobilized. • • • Dear Gloomv ·Gus: _; · .IAsuna'• lonner plonnln~ aom· -. AYI the D1&10f I Main Beach CQl!UnlttH Is "poqtbly a little lolded" toward hlgbrlle. Doe1 that mean the local holol·l110ltl d• veloptr l)'lldlcate Is l!llOl<e ......,. Ing an ordinance llelmroller for bnch!Tllll~ hotol -hllbrllel -B.S.H. · 1 nit ....... """" ................ ... ....... ,.,,, .................. ,.... ..... "' ...... ......, .... Dlltr ...... and are "*od te..,. llMl' don't wUI to,· and whm lhly're. l!Ot ubd to llnC they JMVtr It.op." • • • The r'a8loQ"' f"' marrl•IJOI are happy r. ll!ar1"111f """"' iplUd mon ume in makill(up thoir /aees Ulan In making up their mind1; •nd young men etpend mote ener()r ln trying to achieve physic· cal contact than in trying to learn-what lies beneath-the makeup. • • • • • Actors and enter- taifl.en and celebri· tie& of that sort are A hypochondriac I&. aom...,. who believes thlt a pound of prevention is " worth an ounce of cure. ludged more lenlent-f for their derelic- tion of morals than we judge ordinary people ; the reason be.Ing that we grant such figures special p r i v i 1 e g e s in order to have them act out our private fantules, so thlt we might enjoy v,k:ariously what we lack the resources to e1perlence at firsthand. • • • Speakina: of entertainers, how little the essen!-Jala of human nature have changed 1lnce Horace wrote in his Satires Z,000 - years ago: "The.re is a fault common to all 1in&ers -when they're among f~iends • • • No matter how good we m•y be at keeping aecreta from otbtrl, we ere· always bnt at ketpin&: eecr'ltl from ouratlf. (Thia is why tomtane, after meeting wi for 10 minutes. can often tell more about our chlractet tbln we will 1clmit to oonell allar a Wot!me.) • • • Threat to Nuclear Sites WASHINGTON -There is growing concern In the backrooms of the Pen· tagon over our ability to protect the nuclear weapons we have scattered around the world. P I o t s have been reported by anU- American radicals to seek out and •lie U.S. nuclear sites in Europe. When the milita ry junta took ovu Gre ece in April, 1767, junta ~ temporarily s. in:'"""'-... rounded one stock- p~ of nuclear war- heads in Greece. They withdrew , of courte, without incl· dent. Bl.It the Penta. aon brass wonder n e r v ou sly whit would happen If a hosUle coup should selu eontror or a country where U.S. warheads are locat.ed. ADDING TO THE appn!hen1lon, tho Gls guarding the nucle.1r.situ oot onl7' •re lntxptrlenctd but IOtne ha.ve betn proeelyted by antl.war"'lfOUPI. More than one deaerter. includinc ooe who diup- peared behind the Communlll CUNln, Is reported lo havt·IP"'t tiliie at a nuclear locaUon. 'nle troop tumovtr in E u r o p e: meanwhll1, bll been IO crt•t that only IJ'Oll1 -on. have been avlilable .. ·"""'.the ..... ' TIUoupoUt ...,,.tnfated Ew.pe. our nudur .. -are klpl in 1e1t1sr<d ""'*PllH ot ·the mercy of friendly but forelln IOf'ti aunenll, located in some ~ where every fifth pair of eyes belonp to a Corumun lsL ·. f ...... :-,. t•~ "'' .~ ' . ' .. ~ .·.~ . . . ·. THE P\lVOll: D not' enly to brln( Soviet tarlets within , • .,.. of our medlum-ranp milllloo but to diacour.,. the Sov!tta tvtr trocn overahootJD1 EUtOpe and llr!ltlng only Amtrlcan taratls. Tho)' must l:nock oul au ""' ntaUatory forcu, u tht Japtnue b1td ' to do 1t Pearl Htrbor, or we would bounce hack with dtYlstatln(. coun- terattacks. OUr nuclear •llal In Europe! tbertfore: multlPlY the number of Pear Harbon the Ruislans must deatroy. By Jaw, we can't even •bow our awu the nudear weapont they permit us to keep on their ..U...W1 iroln their crows to handll the mlA!loo but the Wllheada ,. nialn lnYlllble to all but Amlrlcan 1)'11. llOWEVSll, A BIGR Plllla(oft efflclal C<lllluaod to this colum•: "Lel'& not kid -'!lllR IOVlmmenls -whln -nuclNr lnworkl ore hlddon. Tho)' -net -the ..... bulldinp, but they lmow the locaUons." 'Ibis wu berue CIUI by the G..U e1perllnce. · To kelp the ~"' llCUre, .. -Unualty rotale tbom. W1 mllht lh!p IOml nuclear warhMdl, II)', frc:m Point X. to Point B. Bllen they rt1ch B, oecrtl orct.rs may be Oubed to llllft lbem ln- 1te1d to Point c. "We never leave nuclear "'~ tn ene place for lpns." eaplslned tho .01. flcial. "We •uume every bidtnt: place wlll eventu1lly be dlscovel1d. By 1hl!t101 and shuttll na. we hope to keep a few days ahead of the Comm.unl11i.." -. - Consumers llni•'s Threat of Suit Condemned ' 'Let People Judge Toys Jor Selves'· To the Editor: . I have just finished rtadilll an.~I• , in .~ paper that niakea 'D a "tittle · nauauted. The arUcle du1a with· a thr11t to 1ue the government tadeN etght toys .that the Con~mers um (whotvu they axe), reels are a hQard or potentially dangerous to ·childrmL are tired of the anarchists and malcontents . Until the univertity ad· • minlstrators start getting some backbone ' · • ,. 1 and de11l with these individuals severely .~,;,:.."""·..:~:t:~"'d and immediately, I for one will keep ... "l.'-! 1 .. voting against any monies for the Lttter1 from f'todtr~ Of't )9f&COmt. uni versities, not "out of frustration over Ncnma.1l11writtr.s1ho1dd.~V.V..0eir mounting tax bills" but"out of fruJtraUor:i m~uog~1 in 300 word& Off'*; .fhe with the univen.ity adm~nislrators. right to condemt lttitrs to· tw apace or eliminoU libel re1ervecl tAU. let-_ OUR SCHOOL TAX dollars are an in- gnst deal of carefully WOl'$led hog-wuh. Even so. I don't recall any ot.btr 1uch 11 "An Inner Contradiction In ntinkina" by Sydney J. Hair~. DAILY PILOT, Dec. I. The title Itself must have been a Frtu• dian slip. In his enthusiasm to beliWe the ''Silent Majority,'' he proceed& to com· pare apples with oranges and in an effort to make them match he dtst;ends to an almost i diotic illogic. 1 found the answer to this phenomenon ln his own column: Some of the toys they have named In tbe article have been around for a num· her of years. Toys such as etch-a·sketch and duta my own children have either hid er nave ptayea with irid they are not in my opinion danger~ nor have .they beer:i a huard in any way. . ::rs mwt i~ciud• tignotuil mCi·ifii·'ii;:;i·i!..-'•' .. ',.tmell-li~lol l,_n.,1he-fa.ulburwetdo.,1~0u,_ri.naoil' ti'l.onf.boJ, bu...,',.'-~"IDIWWSU,.jlUQk.,,.in:JHll!llplJ-- htld on request {f IUf ~ down, riols, and ' professors who preach picking and choosing among 'ri&bts' em· U apparent. Pa.trJI will 'Mt N pub-the overthrow of our form of government bracing those that suit hil preferences, liiMd. on the e1mpuses. a~ rejecting those that are offenatve to THEY ALSO CONTEND that toys such ,. u llWe lady oven, Sillie bomein•ker grill. molal cut at.-Wlonle lhe .. I'~,. b1l ... --'hll!.Bff'n.._it crib mobile and cap luna are a pottnUel . . "\;.;~~~ .. ·- htalth hazard or dangerqus to ch_U!Si'en. . -To tbe Editor. •,, '. · ~ Quite fnnklJ. l feel that their tlzne and Laws thlt ~,'mortlitY,~1abl:Jrr.. money_could be 1pent in a much ·better tlon, Ml, and-OiMf "decacy lan, Wtr• I ·th' -d and hi!•-1.. baud on Ille l!'!!llanical belld. tblt one wiy. n . 18 ay •1e-c W"'Cfl e ... t Wbo w11 immoral wOiUCfiUfilybe~sWclf- years old and younger are exp<>Jed to ~ ..... I'""'•'•• baseballs travelln1 at 20 to. to DlUe•' an Uljj' .. n 11' ........... fl'91D, abovt. My ob-••• • ject!on to this II tt lorcos people el other hour, pla.v.,. football, rldinl In a car, on rellflens te llvil>l''j!iirltllrlUlei"" -- a bicycle, aw.lnclnl on a ....... cllmbln( Aborlton Is. NoOM• ''=l?'"le. A Chr' In a i... and 11\Y noimtier of ~ . .... -'?.l't"• · "·'-"'r11' .. f th1 .. --•"• f · ...... -·~an Cluuu a an alN on W'l ......... ;--t are ar ~ . . . ·: WatlM 1be be.Utve1 sbe ls dn.Iiri.1 with That doan t metn that we rnim do •"11 , U. "wrath of God." But what of the with all tblt becomll a po1ao!lal c1anpr wlftlan wbo does n6i bal!Jv• m the .. m• . te 111. What ma.v be ~ to -"1lfll!o? No mattir what ber relllion child may not be .. another. Ibo jj ansla•od by Qlrlstlsn """· ' WE RAVE HAD cap ,,..., boln and 'l1llPI: 1' NO danger in her gelUng an llTOWI, cuns· of an dlltflptlona. ~"ce ·~except punialunent by upholders lracka tlectrlcally _.lad, 1ttdrio <i tlio• nliflous laws -the 1overnmenl, trains, cbemlslry set.. dirts, and • !loll llderal and slate. In upholding these el ·11\lstllt projecWe toys on ,tho market laws, Ibey vtol1te the rir1t Amendment as loni u I can remember. SOml of ri1b1 te lnedom of relil!on . thllt to)'I art danproua If not PfOPll'b' ' To hive policemen enforce these aupervllld for .ome chlldnn, bat othen rtllciOUI la•s Is to make them armed are capable df . ualDI tbtSn wl~ ' bl•r1Ymen: wavlnc their guns around danpr. · ••Ylna "no no, ttiat's a naughty". I peTIOllally feel tblt the toyl should be b put on the shelf and the consumar ahould One Y one we 'art losing our con· 1Ulutlonal rlshls. uae hta or htr ~tter Ju~11Ptnt as to More and .more the it1te and federsl whether it Is a toy they would want their aovernmenta are Controlling our lives. cblld to pity with. Leu and le•1 the people are being • -1 .lllard ind mpected. I IAY -· THE. Amelcan P10P '·.., llut alter all, 11184 Is only 14 years -ethtris u tnelllal u a toy, judp Illar ••• · them11lvu. ---If ·my children wsre never eapolld te- lllY more clangor Ulan a food cllan 1amo of jartl ca rny own fl'OClt l1wn, or ID elch-a-olretcb. 1 ceuld be happy slltlns 41- llde an IU1 bake oven with It pluaad fii , MM. R. B. CAPEHAl\T • .....,-av&eorse-- I>tar' Geor1e: STEVEN C. LAUBLY Tired of Anar«!hlsta 'To tbe Editor : l lakt ex~ption to your editorial or Dec. 8, 1970 entitled, "Meeting Health Nlldl." 1 and several p9ople that t have talked to voted ll&ainst Proposition 1 because we J would like to see S. t. Hayakawa or , him. ~e ha~ no OV'!'~ll . philosophy of .. tome of bls ilk given a carte blanche 1 ., w!:)~t rl~hts really are, be bas n4?1 . . )thpaght "'' the-matllr breluUy; be lid 1 1uth.11rJ!1Acpn1:t tbe situation on our nit"ftlY-tlevattd fiis tastes andP rejudicei camp11111. I tllink he could and would do into 'principles' without rational con· · 1 Sood job for us, the taxpayers. sistency." . . L. GARNER .Tben. as a parting 1hot he spells ot.1 Brutality of wa·r To the Editor : Prior tO. Ww T. the prevaUln1 tbou11:ht was thal doing batlle with one's enemy was glorious and should be lndulied in b_y all gentlemen. Then came the first of many modern wars which have proved beyond a shadow of a .doubt that _ war ls hell on earth. Perhaps God's Com· mandment on killing one'• rellow man was a bit of advice on how man could live and prosper with the least amount of tf· fort. . More than SO years have passed since the brutality of war was discovered by the vast majority of the citizens of the world and yet wars still seem attractive to iOme world leaders. ONE CAN HARDLY overlook the ract that tbe two super powers are arming themselves to the teeth, which can only lead to a devastating worldwide wp.r. One would think that the leaders of all the na~ tlons of the world would reach the same conclusion as those.of us Who have had to fight and suffer tl'lt inhumanities of war? \Vhat a shame it would be if mankind . will not gel the word until after l he U.S.A. and Russia polish off each other and half of the living world in an all-0ut nuclear war! HARRY B. McDONALD JR. 'Idiotic Illogic' To the Editor: As you know better than most. the reading public is daily subjected to 1 ''the man who possesses his ideas more securely than they possess him." The ideas which possess Mr. Harris have evidently prompted him lo once again spew forth . ltlT!akes one wonder if the editor responsible had a ch1nce te look it over before txposing It to tbe publlc. PAUL WESTBROOJ( Hare Krishn .. To the Editor : Council members and William Wilooxtn representing the small Interests of • business group who are uplorinl avenues for criminal prosecution of the Hare Krishnas, should clouly acquaint them selves with Article I under the Amendment3 of the Constitution. Mr. WU· coxen, who has seen flt to castigate these ~ youngsters, should be sure he lncludel the Christmas carol groups who I am sure will reduce the Hare Krishnas ~· Ung and drummina to a whisper. ~ THERE IS CAUSE for alarm, for our town greeter Eiler Larsen who is not pro- tected under the Constitution; he stands at th e rurb shouttng and fl winging . hll· cane at passersby. As a boy, I used to save my pennies and eagerly looked forward to the day the _ circus came to .town to enjoy the antJcs of the clowns. Uttle did I know, by it. tending a city council meeting l coold 1ee them for nothing. SPERO JANISE New• Photog'rapher To the Editor: l un convlnctd this ~ 11...,. .. 1tantly being lnllltralod by vlsltorl from outer space who take huin1n. iut11. I believe I can prove· UU.. but nobody will listen to me. Wblto -I turn with J1l.l' ·"!l.~ L . Sovkt Deploys Generals t am eight ytars old and a membtr Of '. Laguna Beach Cub Scout Pack 3$. I saw a picture In the paP;tf or aome, t people beating up a policeman. Why did • the photographer like a picture of the figh t instead of trying to help the police of!lctr? .. . 4·M\Nl'lBD , DHr ·Terrified: tlrthmu, you know too much .•• Dear a-11: I have this pnib!tm. My dnoms "' 0001lanUy tnterriiplad by com· mordlls. lllfbt Jn· tbe best port of 1 dnan> lbe other •llh~ whtn I WU-llllporecnd irlth 1 redhe&d, then wm 'two dlnctrull com· nwclals and 1 toothpute ad. What can r doT · ANNOYED Dear Anno)'ed: Ile u I do. Drtam on the oduca-Uonal channel. rve I e 1 r n e G pome!ty and been ablpwrected lWICI with Julia Cbllds. . (Write to George for food, cultW'•l ~ hl1h-cl1u advice on 111. , sorta lorn problem,s and like that .) By ZE'EV SCRUL Jerualem Pott MUl"1}' Comtpondtnt 1be SovJtt Army Is believed to have sr•dually and unobt.rwively bolstered its 1tnlor command staff in Egypt and doitns of Jluulan generals are now auwned to be on acti ve service with the EcYPtJan Army. It ii l1lo assumed htre that theee of.Hctn have tel up the.Ir own h e a d q uarttrs. seinJ..itldependent or MOICOw, ind are capable of taking llmUtd lnlU1Uve wthOut consulting their superion al home. -!J1\ls deployment of senior staff offic.en could enable the Russians to rtsort to speedltir ·act.Ion in emer1enclu and 1lao reducca the rlak of eavetdropplna; on the long Moe;cow:fo.Calro communicatton linkl. NO CONFIJMATJPN Is avsUable Iler• of tny new relnforctmenls for the regul 11r Soviet units -now believed to nwnbtr around 13,000 meD inside EIYPl (~ " . " Guest ~e.POJ:l • l ---~~) with an additional 3,000 stationed in1idt the 50-km. Suez Canal zone. But the prcst.nce of a large number of senior of- ficers also suggests lh1t the Ruuians now have in Egypt all the s:kt1etal elements ror 1 command capable of quit'kly taking over very large units. such 1.s could be airlifted to Egypt from the Soviet Union, within a matter of hours (U1in1. If necessary. Soviet armour •nd other equipment lorm.olly the properly of the Emtians). Etperta htre point out that Ultre has been no dr11mt1lic new developqient. but ratMr a continu•tion of lhe inflltraUon process parallel to the bolstering of the Soviet presence In the Medlterrane1n. • 'Ile Jerusalem Pott Dec. I, 1970 ROSS HOBDAY ----· Wednesday, Dec. 18, 1970 The edltori41 l>Oll• of the DaUv Pilot seek1 to inform and 1llm. Nl4&e rtadtr1 bw presnting this n1w1pcper'1 opitiWM aM com. m1ntar;i on topics of interest and slgnificanct, bu prot.tidino o forum for tilt ezprt11iO"n of o"r readers' opjnioni, an4 b)I prestnting the diverse 6irw- points. of informed observers and 1pokeimtn on topics of the 11av. -·Robert N. Weed, -Publlaber \ . _. • -. Ill .Outer _CHECKING ... ~·attery - •-UP e' ·w-'AsHINGTON (AP) ---' ' , ·~ H o 11 f I el d ~ midi the teared fepercusslons I! the n'1ne"Me ipacecraft Involved, chairman of CongteSI' Joint dlaclosure wllllt p,.ientln& the launch . abould. fall •1111 Ul• U,. "-_vi'• •nund Tran¥!-. ... ----. .... ----.... -..1 aomnµttee on Atomic Energy Smltl!IOtliln InstltuUon a nuclear devict ~d fall ID tA navl11t1on . sateWte wenl .., 11ys State Department fears dupliqte of tbe nuc:it1r power Olba. ·~ ' ' into orbit ln June 1861 with W T• h D J ~ .. 1-ble rad·.,-lion dam•&• device left 011 •-mooa by the "I s-t •• or ID min' utes SNAP-3A_ ·as • source or five II w1tc . O_ .c•urs -,.,, ~·~-baof~·th111, ~ttwuo.sy_e.'.'~,~ Apollo 12 ~ a.,year with p;;i~t Kennedy and watts of1>0we?. _ _ ·It . _ ..,."'ft;.!' 1-Uill ..... -uo. ~ bJll a~vise:s. ·and 4ieY ,ai>-Holifield presented to the ., 1 -apace battery. HoUfield taid he went to the proved, the .launch of the Smithsonian'• Natlonal Air S J, • · The chairman, ·Rep. Chet White House In 1981 to talk to small, _grapefru!t4.lle de .. vlce," lOd Space Muteui:n the 421ft. P lttlng Fees Holili<ld (!){;am.): said the Kennedy about State Depart· Holifield said. · RO•nd twin <i Ul~ SNAP·27 lat~ PresJd.ent Johi1 F. Ken· ment opposition t.o launch1n1 a "It did not fall In Cuba, It Is nuclear aenerator placed'" on t nedy overruled ft)e decision spacecraf\ containln1 a SNAP • .,uu in space, •nd It Is still the moon by a 11 tr on au t s . ' first maAe dUring · t h e -space nuclear auxiliary • aendini1 back algnals. . Charles Conrad and Alan Bean By j L. M. BOY ' eetUe for a trout farm ~ad E j enhodr --~dmJUstralion pawer -device. t •• "~t ~as iline )earSago . 'l Nov. 19, 1969. THE jRESIDENT or the of 1 cattle ranch? • and aiP.foved· laun~ng the "Tbe State pepartm~i "'a~ W~not ,~pj>ose4 to ~asl i.tiat He said that after more than DAILY PILOT 7 the Apollo 12 automatic ex· ArmstrOng and ,M'i c h a e 1 P;Crlment 1tat1on on t~e moon Collins of ApolJQ,..{I, iint man. operating. The station is sen-ned vehicle to land on the ding back d a t a about moon .. · tremors, the m1gnetic field1_moon __ · =-~~~.,---- around the moon , and cosmic •oV11t1111MINT ' debris: and charged particles from the sun . ln th! audience at the Ceremonies were t~ fonner astronauts, William A. Anders of Apollo 8, first manned flight · around the moon, and Neil A· FOR WEEKENDER ADVE.RTISING PHONE 642-4321 Dothb If . FALSE TEETH · FeelLoo .. ,ln1ecure Do11,'' '".., atn.ld U-• four i.-tettli wtU oome loc.eor drop J\18' ••t UI.• 1"'0q urn.. Por mer. MeurtJ3 &ll4 com.tori, 1prt11tle l'JJllDI o.otu.no Adheeh• ~ '°" :rour J:llatee, P'A!ITDTH bokle d•WNI .,.il~ia:11JJ .... · """ •tt.aa ..... P' M Dot.Miid • .No~. '°°"'put, \Ut.e. Dali..·~·· ~-.. -. '~ .... ~ b~\h.-... _-Ult.Jlli NC....nr. -.-.. _,. -. 48TllT8 "' llll 4NI COUii. .... South Af ·can Witctl Doctors' LEONARDO DA VJNa P!'W'~~~,.which,plays an too timid to autliorlze long. lt is the oldes't iatdllte a YU/'.' the SNAP·U still is Union is . Mamadon Rodofo. wa$f!'t 80 dumb. ~, Jm~\ :'.role ln ipace e1:-clearance of it," HolifiUduJdr . still 1ctlv1 .in apJict."1: , • producifl& 12. 'percent more He has come m· to the news ...._•aUM ) e1planinirur certain officials~ -1.1'i-. ...t. Hollfiek1 did' '"dOt pow"_ 'Ul1n_ Ls. needed to keep there's np .ense in goln( ii t"Y' .,-· • • • ......... n.au~i ~ rret":ntly because complaina11ts 1----''-'--.:l...-'-'-_..-------'--------------------'"--'-~-~---------:--~---:----,----------lhere acaise his union of fix. you don't ktlow -bow you.'1 ~et , l down, be illvenled t ti e ? • ing the charges by witch doc-parachute l>efore he deslgnnod tors upwa rds as much as 50 IN. percent. 'These· compJai ..... ~. the airptane .... ~·THE ·-~ S U1\~)'iC_ STATISTICIANS say witch, doctors won't testily recently did ·a rundown 'n against Jie another i• court ' men who llYect· beyond the •se refuse to give adequate place or 90. Fouod JQO(t .aJI of thoet: among their ranks to w9'men, unusual fellows are small · in -' ···-. - . -,_- --·· ~~~.i::_tly fPlit .fe~;: merchan-stature. · Chst thrlugh iniennedlaries the Irie y -trinkeUi t h e y CUSTOMER SERVICE prl!!lcribel to cure ailments. Didn't .Presldent Franklin D. and treat!' patients who aren't ~ooseycilt' once write a ,'S;Cript si ck at great expense to said for a motion picture?" A. patients. ,Cou ld this be true? That's ri.R'ht. About 0 l d Oh, the savages! Ironsides. Hollywood turned it , , down ... Q. "Can you dig up . \ I I M~ttel rtj~J<'s it a M-erry Christmas CJt Pen~eys : low prices.· ' ~1ATE 1 A FEMALE ANT how much miletge the:. aver- just once and she can Jay age American car geta 1 per fertile eds for 10 maybe 15 gallon?" A. Can do."Just.13.M ytars. EflJ cient, isn't she? . . . miles. YOU SA YYOU never heard of 0. J. Gude? He was the ad- man who· 69 years ago first identified New York City's Broadway as "the Grea t While \\Tay ." ... ,YES, THINGS are changing. Odds now run seven to one a man won 't get a lie for Christmas. -If' "i'OU WANT TO raise cattle. yo11 need about four acres. counting two for pasture. to feed one cow for one ,vear. So says a n agriculturist. That's like a fair-sized city block. rour acres. But it doesn't mean a cattleman with 50 head has lo own 200 acres. He can buy feed, certainly. Besides, this e:tperl's figures may work out all right for the plains states. but suspect they're high for fairweather coastal country. Still. that kind of land is ex. pensi ve. ff you want to raise fish. you need a dozen gallons ()f \Valer with no less Iha 36 squ;irp UlC es o sur ace for each foot-lo ng specimen. Now do you see why I'm going to HOW CAN YOU call f,oursell a gourmel if you lurn ~n the real Eskimo ice crea~? It's .known as cac· patok. And is a mix of greens, . seal oil. reindeer fat and 'snow. A Nome subscriber offers to send some. I'll pass. Ap- preciate it, however. While on such digestibles, might ask whatever happened to Baked Alaska? Thirty years ago , ladies in the majorit y everywhere smeared mer· ingue cn bricks of ice cream and popped. them into ovens. Thal slufrs,. golng: to melt, Gwen. No it won't,· Fred, you just wait. Long time ago, wasn't it? About then the builders learned to blow foam into hollow walls for in· sulalion. Your questions and com· ments are welcomed and will be used in CHECKING UP wh r ve dleis-your letters to L. M. Boyd, P.O. Boi: 1875, Newport Beach. G-ir:ls--Direct Traffic On Polish Streets WARSAW (AP) -A)i-eute while epaulettes and wear corps of '400 Polish police is booUi. arme~ whh 1ittle m'ore than Despite their charm, they tin whistt~s. winning ways and CSIJ be tough. ''You have to be rrgulation miniskirts. Each firm and aJso know you are day the pert Polish misses absolutely right with the of· wade inlo Warsaw's traffic to ft>nding motorist," says Nela keep ord~r. Urban ska. one of the elite. I The girls are spearhending a have nexer yet had to argue plan to use more women in the.. with a driver. They usually Police Department. A recent pay up fast, glad the fine isn't batt ery Or governmer.t tesls too high." indicated wr:imen could control The standards · of Polh;h the Polish capital's 110.000 drivers aren't very high, the motor vehicles ' ' more girl s believe. gracemully and efficiently" "They are not courteous lo than men. each other," one said. "l h11ve "Girls cope much belter yet to see a dri ver who. afte r with traffic incidents ," says making some slight in· ~laj. Jerzy Domaskl, who fringement of 1l rule a n,d commanls 40 of the girls. disturbing another d r I v er , "they are also faster at find· would at least lift his hand in -I ,-t apology." ing diplomatic so u tons o pr~ bl ems." Just in case of an emergen· Good looks figure high in cy. the girls carry small vials selccling the girls. "They of tear gas. They don 't carry don'I have to be beauty pistols .. quf'ens. but a gracious figure Figures for road accidents and an attractive face arc Indicate ·the traffic depart- neccssary ' lngredienUi," said ment ha s a problem. Last the head of the . training-'.t'eer-in-3&;532-accidents 3.148 M:hool. persons wert kill~a high The young women are late considering the small permitted.to use any makeup number hf cars in the country. or hairstyles the y want, in had to ·W!nsome t r a. f f I c order to look their best. They cops Is takmg some getting us. have blue-gray uniforms with ed to. Stude nts Wif1. Grants · Eight Orange Coast College gtudcnls who are majoring in food serv ice and. hotel man agement have b e e n awarded grants totaling $550 iit a restaurant serd'ln.1\" meeting in Santa .Ana. ~ The seminar was spenSM'ed by the Orange Empire branch nf the Food Service Ex- ecut ive "s· Association. · 'G11bri.ele Hereth of Costa ~iesa \\'as awarded SUIO. She Is a student in OCC'1 rcstaura11t management pro- gra m. Also receiving grants were Miry Elliott, Bllena Perk: .la!W' Ellen Cowan, Orange ; ~teen Rasmussen, C o s t a fl1esa: SCOlt "Holmes, Orange; Earl M1thes, [..()ng Beach ; .Phillip Kolh1.r. Costa Mesa, i nd Stephen Murakami , Costa Mesa . "The other day I was on traffic duty when a driver noticed me," one of the girls recalled. "Staring me up and down. he crashed straight Into the back of the car in front. I had to book him ." Another girl said she was on duty .. wben the driver gef.ll out of his car. Without any warn-' Jng he holds me high up ln hi1 anns. hugging me a n d shouting congratulations. Then he puts me down and drives oft. leaving me a bunch of cemations. I was too amazed to protest." The girls go lhrouih 10 months o( training in such matters as accident pro-. C<ldure. the use of radar traps and how to detect drunkenness and doctored taxi meters. Applicants ha ve a high school certificate and know at least one foreign language. The girts are paid well , compared with the Polish average wage al 2.200 1lotlts or bl a month. Their 1tartlng salary Is 2.600 slotie!I and they can eacp up to 4,000 u 0(4 ricers. • • " -" HotWheelt•Sizzler Lagunl• racfna aet. Includes Juice Machine, 1 car and track. 511 , 148 Hot Wheels• Sizzler Juice Machine. Power supply for Siuler cars. -~.-1--+--t---J~s . - '. •. Francte•with the growing -prettY hair. · Barbie's• friend·wllh blonde halrthat· canorowu . (9ngMher ' . di'e... 4e1 .... Hot Wbe•!••-car de,1one.-!~tlg__tgi tha cardi In ~li'C:e. r;i~rgn --· anddraw216dllf.rent · 266 . Hot Wheels• cars. . ' Barbie• Fuhlon Designer• set. Now your little girl can design 21 e Barbie . doll fashlona. • 2ae Hot Wheels• Sizzlere Car assortment, The fastest electric cars! Run 4·5 minutes on 1 charge. Lifetime power cells. Mattel·A·Tlme• talking clock.:Teache1 children how to iOJl·tlme> They- ' ' simply move the hands. 7aa Baby Go Bye·Bye•. This pretty little 11" tall doll rides ln her own little Bumpety-Buggy•. 1()88 Now all Penney sto"" open 6 nights a week, Monday through Saturday for your sh;pp;ng convenlenceJ .......... _ ..... ' • .. A••ilabl• •t th o lollowln9 •toroi: FASHION ISLAND, NowP.Otl Contor; HUNT[NGTON CENTER, i'llintlngton 1 ... h. Chor9• it, • > , ... ... ' ' • - •. " ' '\ • l L . • l ' • I . I I \ ·1 I I l i. • .. ) l ' I l • l • • • • i< • • • j • l I • I - I D~LV PILOT WfdMsday. O.C•mb" 16. 1970· Surve, Findings Students' Drug .. Use 'Declining' fA1.0 ,Al,TO (UPI) -. age for drugs-alcohol. lobac- ,~r41 chi e:s:ptrt Robert co. marijuana, LSD, and am· C. -.w-bell the pbelamlnes-was generally 1 ..... ~·«r· eves use less in 1970" for both sexes « ~y.ma, UD, ·&11d am-in each grade levei. ·~nea may be declining · ,.\t the senior high level, Pet-~~ bigb schoo1 sW-erson said, students were us- denta ing less tabacco, LSD and am- . Dr1·Pe'\ereon, director of the phetamines, !:bough marijuana Center for Studies af. Nar-. a usage was up. But he said colics and Drug Abuse for the increase rate of marjuana us- National Institute of Men la! age was "much less" than .in Health (NIMH), reported 19fi8..69. Tuesday on surveys conduct· Peterson said the three- ed in Northern Calitomia. year survey was. taken jn He.said the research suggest-schools in a Northern Calif· ed that al the junior high lev-ornia county which he declln~ el, "Almost ev~ rate of us-ed to name. Kodak film for color prints Kodak 126-12 exposure color film. only 88¢ r' • • -·· Avallabllat ...... .,_: CANOGA·PAfUC-CARLSBAD. DOWNEY 'fASHl6eJ\V~=IAN DIE<lO !'\A.LEATON HUNTINGTON IEACH ·~ MOl!l'Ci;Alll,; }IEWPO!'f IEA~ ~~ AIVFflSl~VENTIJllA Ukoll .•• CtJarvtlU I . " .... ·- Long Beach Councilmen Beat Recall ' ·van Houten .ca.e ·~ ' . Lawyer to Ask· . l ·For NewTiial . ' ·· ·:Coi<l, l.8~ Murdered ~·At VCLA • LOS ANGELES (AP) -A • · , UCLA coed was alashed to LOS ANGELES (UPJ)-1be·. frial,~dou coot ·want -Xeilh to death in 1 camnus a:arage by H~pital · N egle,ct Cited LOS ANGil.Es (UPI) -prove condillons, A sroup offtsidents and ht-.. Patients die-li:caUit: they terns charged ' Tueaday that . bleed. 1 to death bel~re bein1 Uenta at tbe CowitY-USC seen, said Dr. Dav~ Ga~11. a pa . .., spokesmao for the aroup, ~edlcal Center wue &till dy· "Some become permanently 1ng ol neglect because lhe paralyzed fro m aulamobile board af supervisors has not accident Injuries because lhey lived up to It1 promise to im· are not attended to jiromptly. (Adv~•> ·new attorney f6r l..a11e ~v.n repre&fllt ·~ -and wants to • Houten, one o( three yuung take the wrlneaa atand -b~t a koif .. Wieldlng male assail· The·u....·ExcitiM Heidache Newiln_Yearal •-f nda ts •1 ·th onlyill abe can ~onduct her ant as two atudenta he~ her ~ :.."1111 women U!: e n . n e own defense. d hed to bet L _ --• Sharon Tate· murder cue, screa1n1. an rus p, ~ .. ~-~ . .....,,. ~t~t ... ~ r:tr~~h!i 'A·bn"""' Case po:;nysai~ D~gowltz. 11: was ~ Docto,sj Tests ~n ,Treatirig1 cor.i::~ Jud(• Ch•r-~ ~~1~1~,:~~~:"'.~ lirvousiTensionJ Headaches I~s H. Ohler Tuesday otdered· Di. llll" • ~ tacker eigh~ reet from ~r car l · • • the trla1 ti> "'"me )llonday S S 1n.thegarageusedbyhandre<1s. · NowiM&de '.PubllC 1 afte& a two.week break oo-of students daily, officers said. · . _ _ ·A • . • • casioned by the myateiiow: ALHAMBRA (A:P) - A The sophomore w h o Uved • ••. .. --- disappearance of Miss Van mother accused of k~ping her with her parents In Beverly 1 Non-Narcotic Ta~let Th~t Needs No Presc_ription Houten's lawyer, Ron a Id lJ.year-old daughter 1 prison-Hills was walking to her car • ProvesJustAS Effect1ve As The Expens1ve,\ LONG BEACH (UPI} -Vot-Hughea. when she w a .s approached Lead irig Pa in-Re lief Pre.scription Of Doctors. ers refused Tuesday by a 3-,,. Older appointed Maxwell er in a small room for mOlit and knifed in the chest, arms, -. ~ -_-:-·" Keith, a veteran of the Findl-of the girl's lilt has been clear-hands and back, police said. U you're one or the many whO"' needs no prescription and IS far to-1 margin to recall four city Tregoff trial of a decade ago, ed of a child abuse charge. set tense, nervous headachcs,1 moreccooomical. _ • councilmen who supported the to substitute for the missing Alhambra Municipal Court these · latest tcstafby · docton II" Wi1h Anacin, headache pai.al CO!tly Queen Mary project and Hu&heJ. Keith told newesmen J d P te 5 .th dis . • Innocent Say ibould be of tbc.arcatc5t._ifn..~ and its nervous tension varusbl the expansion of Long Beach Tuelday he intended to ask u ge .. e r mi_ nus ' portanef,..,_... .. . in minutes. Desp ite ill strcngth.j the t court ,Mciriday · that her sed, Tuesday: ~/cbarge. •a-/ .. ,. ., I ~Jo r,r,nt me4ical teats doc-Anacin is not narcotic. You call! • Ai~·.·on· ~11c'"'· ·, --··. .. .... CaJe' t...::..V--"fl'Om thlll pl I .gains~~ ~1. 11!1 .. .,,-;.,... 4 City .Aides ! ' lon,proved. ~ lablel th".: .. k. it witho"' getting diuy oc ~· "'' WWI siuu -w" the oii;t'f"~ J Char:' cadla. J}I~ utd the . district· . , L needs no ,p~r~pt1on,11Yes~ an upset iJpmach.-. ,,._ ... ·1 percerit·ol the city's rtgl.11.tred les ·Manson, 5ua1n, Alkins and ittomey couJdn't prove . she CARSON .. (UPI) _ Carsoft 1qm.t l°'{T,Plit~ f'<adgc~it, re/1~/J ti' Ncx.t1lmc take powerful. fast.! voters -one of the highest Patr.Jcil4~-kJJ ' ~ an'd had \>lntt~ to ha r m""tier "City Councilman Dannie' I!· .::J~:Jt:!:~;.,~~dina. pr.,( ;f~~n~~:~aaC~~·· c~~a;ie~eT~~~J~ percentagesfor anyelection in a miltrial , ~fot.;hi!r.· .dau~r.J.SUsan.. ! . , Spence, his ,brother Tho~ ... ~.doctori, tests proved,. ache pain rel ief as the leadinc city history -turned ·out for Thi~ woul ·mean a com-".'rs. Wiley l!lld after tlie and two othe r men· plpited b,'yOM,'a doU.btj lhat Anacin is prescription prO<.luct for whicb the special election. plete new trial for,Miss Van ruhng that now she anly innocent Tuesday to char1es 1;iut ..,·efitctive'to relieve ten-{ doctofs wrote 21 miijioo prc- The resu1ts, by councilman, Houten. Slle prevJously h •a wants to "try to he!p Susap or aoUciting and ae<%pting 11ion boaijacbU • ..1.yet Anacin· 'cfiptioiu Jui year._.. -• ;:;:-' were: ~·~ai'.'.'.d~sbe'.::~-~-:'.'.-~·w:aa~t~a;m:i~•·_:m:ak~•..!p~r~og!'.r:•"~·:..." __ ·::.· ___ b:'.'.r:'.'.lbe~s.-------..'.::=-==·==·=·=· =~===·='=·:========:-;:::-Pau1 Dl!ats-No, 55,796;,yes1 f• ., - 24,449 (69.49 percent against ). Bert Bond -Na, 56.441; yes, 23,756 (70.39 percent against). E. F. Cruchley -No, 56,- 989; yes, 23,202 (71.07 percent against). · Russell Rubley -No, 56,· 147; ye11, 24,089 (69.98 percait against ). Proponents of the recall, who collected 18,D signa· lures on a peUUon to alagE the election, said the four were "arrogant ·a.ad unrespon· 11ive'' regarding the Queen Mary project, '·airport expan- sion and an "unn.ecess,ary" five percent utility tax .. Homosexual ' I ... . Ban Upheld-.._ , SAN •l'RANCISCO (AP) -. . . mission has ruledithat Pacific Telephone has the ril~t:to turn down adv~:_~tegi,_ad­ vlce and urislabce· to homo. sexuals. . V91ing 3-2 Tuesdey the com· ·misilon beld"'.that ~the utility •aa~oa·IOund ierritory when it claimed aucb advertising was "affensive"to .good last"." \ . \ ' I \ ., ' . ' \ ' ... • . ' .. • I • ! ' .. • Giv.e:diamonds •. At P'nneys~~ l you can afford to. For her: ....... 2dlamonda, .oa ct. total wt. 41.15 141Cgoht_ .. ~ 7 dlaMOndaJ .14 ct total wt. .... 0.171.ts' 141C ""' .... 20 d&amond•, .411 ct. IOlalWI. ••• - -·-IJI>. .,.,. tOK rolled aold-ldla• rnondl ••••••• 115 .... -·. . --- For him: 11K goht .... 7 diamonds, ,39 et. · -1otaJ wt. ••• tno • 1'K -......... 7 diamonds, .25 ct. 1otl.I wt. •• 137.50 • 14K""' -• diamond ••• 24.15 .,.,,_.Hara' 14K 00'.d trio. M ct. to- tal wt. ••• 227.$0. ·--............ ,. tokl trto. X ct. t~ !al WI. ••• 331.50 ' I • I Up and down .the state, the 27 offices'of the subsidiaries of Imperial Corp6ratlon of America, the nat ion"s third largest publicly-owned savfrigs and loan holding company, have taken tile name of Imperial Sa'14ngs. Here you'll ,find the same " ftiendly staff backed by experienced ,manage- ment dedicated to community growth. Here you'll find the highest inter.,i rates germitted by law insured safety With':your funds pro¥ecf;by a~ a1ency of the federal govemment,.aii& a•great range of financial services. . Wh~thir you open a passbook, or gUari~teed growth account, your funds will ·sfak earning instantly. Come in and start your savings growing at Imperial Savings, a subsidiary of Imperial Cor· poration of America . ,.,._ ·:6.00 % -- i 7.50 % ,._. tll 911.dq tertifk.1ta, Actual Jll!d 5.39% /;' wlllt sMncs aid • ,. IDtwut~ S .... ' .lmPERIAL SAVlnGS • 1Ublidi111 of lmPtrMl CorpoNtioii ofNn•rlel 1 and.L6an Association of Newport-Plsadena Newport Balboa Savings' new name . · , Executive Office: 3366 Vi.1 Lido, Newpor:!_BeaC ,.§Z..J~i.30 Majn Office 61 South Like Avenue, Pasa"der\a, 795-8441 . Utt,...,_ 1"le """*" Plin. Coroni dtl Mar Offite: 550 Newport Center Driw, NewpDl1 Beleht 6"· 1461 31~Ent FoallJin eov-.r, ,.._..,~1ro..<1 · -l.3'""11tGltndora"-·"-:33--3 -- . l\nne111 • •• . fine jewelry I . . ' ' Avtllabloat-l'enneyslorea: CANOGAPARK CARLSBAD DQl'INEY · FASHIONVAl.lE'f•SAN DIEGO FULLERTON HUNTINGTON'IEACH tAKEWOOD MONTClAIR NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE "THE CITY" RIVERSIDE VfNllJRA Charge It. • ' • )ff'eMlt!MI t.Oll, OffiU1.J.ft041Yelthira a..1 .. 1'4, W•otllt!M t,lill1, J ... lt20 .. r ' ' • ii • • ' • ·-- ' T ' ~ ~. "'. ' ' ' I 'Y ,, a p. ly Je >Y y, .. iol <bl hJ <B " • . t..: ' II :I~ •c 'h !:: ~ .... I -Wtdntsd.y,. OfWl'\bfr 16 .. ,1970 DAILY PILOT 9 Hazards Lurk " • • m Children's ~ oys-.:~ • Area 'Men· in Servi~e ' l ,/ ' I ----- > " ........ ""'""""""'--;mJ"'"'"""'"""""'""'""" .... .,., ............. .,.,::ml ....... was pro~ot.ed to hli ·pr.l.ient Cathj, Is the daughter Qf Mr. rank while serving w l t h and MJ'S. Joe B. West, 3827 it: By G. DAVID 'WAIL!~--' '~" year and proposed ban-stay In the marketplace ft>r ed. The firm 1topped U&ina: 1 WASl;JlNGTON (AP) -.SO'f)• Dina· four olher11 Consumers montM or years, said Kapla"n.1 the style fJI nose and eyes. cuddly"·anfinals whicb ,h••bor Unl,on has petitioned the courts Olie yardstJCk or the dan· -Jibe. noile of a cap pistol ... --· ~,,.., ~I 4• t ... • • -' ' l r·~ ~ l !'. .,, . .• . • .. Marine Pvt. Adam' A • Gll"Cla Jr., ol l 7 S 91 ~ cameron. tfuntington Beach, was graduated rrom bask:. training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego. - Firsl Lleulenant Stephen R. Tyler, son or Mr. and Mr~. Gordon A. Tyler of Huntington Beach, has c o·m p I e_t e d heliccpter pilot training · at Sheppard AFB. Tex. · '. Lieu.W!napl Tyler:' already.a qualified fixed wing pUoi, WW.I be asSigned tO an operational helicopter unit Where he win Oy the ·cH-3 Jolly Green Giant search· aM reseue-bt.licopW:r. Marine Cpl. Lo n E. Blake," husband .of the former · Mlss ~ hurt children's eardrums. The Marine Medium Helicopter Humboldt Drive . Huntington ~~ Squadrorr 364, Mariftti Air Beach. has~ been awarded ' G~up 16, Fi!st. Ma.r~ Air · silver wings upon gra~ation Wmg ._at Marble Mountain Ajr from U.S. Air Force navigator FacilitY near Danang, Viet· training at Mat.IM:r AFB, Cal.if. natn. . 1 . - . . . Lielltcnant weaver ls bein._g barbed teeth or wire. if{,thelr ~ require jhat the govern-gers inherent in some toys is ears. Toy wea~n~ which C!ll , im:ni ban five others. the list of 24 on. which the FDA -'._P_lsto_~_w_aa_c11sco __ ntinued_· __ • __ dama,&t a, ch.ii~ 1 hcarf~. · ~· JJ the blD'D'est loy-buying has aded unofficialty since "" No*tnakera which can eas--. the toy Sf.fety • Act. became ily -be.COmi ·dislodged and be season of the year ts under Jaw rn 'Jannaty: 1wallowe<I. way, ~uer suggested that -In a toy clarinet tbe..agen· --· . 'I of h.. the best way to make sure cy,found a four-inch.metal-nin · ·. · assigned to Langley AFB,\Va., ,, ,_., art eiamp es az. toy's are safe is for narenl! r ards ,whlc~ private and aov· toi examine them carlrUuy. with a sharp point which Navy Seaman Guy E. Smfib, son.of Mr.,and Mrs. Harry G. 'Smith of 470 Lenwood Circle, Costa .f1es~;f1as reported for ~ al:ioa!'\~ the a t t a c k aircraft ~carrier USS ~stellation a\ the-). Puget ScJl.nd Nava •S•h i py'ard, Bremerton, WaSh. i.$rllth is a 1966 graduate or Newport Harbor H r g h , Mewport Beach. . ' for duty with a unit of ·the Tactical Air Comma~(t. ernment org.Uons s a Y . . '!TQO' qften. parents b a v e :'au;d m~:~~, i11~: 'f1:le P "o i n t parents sho~d watch for .w~n ~urcba$ed toys un"c!er" t h e Marlhe sicond Lieutenant ther hoy ~"!strnas .toys this mistaken, Impression .that the -Lenses in toy sUnglasses RichanfG. Morley, son of Mf. , holld~~ ~ason. , holida~h•ses would pe were found atrong enough to and Mrs. Constantine Morley; Presii;te'dt Nixon s consumer safe -for use.' said Mrs. J(na· alter 8 child's vision. The 208 Tuslin Ave., Newpcrl , j.i:liifl~ assistant', Virginia Knauer, uer. "Mistaken impi'essions manufacturer stopped distri· Beach, has .been "'wa-rded iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii warned ~arents last week Can be d"aiigerous opes." bution. · silYer P.ilot wings u p 0 n to examine carefully t h e And Morris Kaplan techni· -'Mle poln~ dn an electric grad)J;IUon at Webb, AFB; ·tor s tl\ey give. Children. "San-cal director for do~.umer:s woOO burning set exploded Tex. Priltt· ·you• Graffiti~ On '• ta Claus thould not be follow· · Unicin h·as wirned that manu· ·.when plugged In. The point Lieutenant Morie)' is being . polt card and etnd. it lo Biil • ·.ed by. a .~!sit' to the doctor," ractur~rs' agreemen~ to stop was redesi.gl)ed. Leary,c/othis pape1',8nd if "'he said assianed . to th.e 3rd 1'.tar.in. •, '· ,, . · , selling toys cited by the gov· . -A stuffed dog contained a .,... selected, it· will appbr in '"' ~ · • Corps Air W.ing at Y.uma ,,The rood and Drug Admin· emmerit as tiri.safe are no.t nose anchored by sharp teethl \••.lliii bil.S und.ly,GRAFfm,; · ( . Marine "Corps Air Station,· · • 1stra Ion has negotiated chan.-assurance11 that the toys and eyes whlch could be re-· Arlene G. Johru\Qn of 6942 Secon~ Lieutenant· Cecil G • Marilyn, ijuntin~n &e~ch. ~ Weaver .J r., whose wife, • • Ai-iz. . ges or tenninatlon of ~4 toys aren't still arou~d. They can moved and .p<>S!lbly swallow· ' 11 I 11 I ' ' OPEN · IJARY .. 9-9 SATURDAY 9 'Iii 6 SUNDAY 10 'Ill 5 • 1• · MAIE 1 ~~GIANT'S · YOUR · CHRISTMAS :sTO•ll .. 1-1 I ' ' ....... -... --·-----,_,. ~----··--.... --~ ··- fJQY ilzf * ''MR. LEVI'S®'' USE YOUR CRfDrT Al GRANT'S/ ·, DRES f FLARES 8y 'U Vl'S' 1!1ckt wlth tht M-•t TO lwl'i' 11u1lity St1-P'r11.,. $11 ,,,,.. •tyli!tf. '°"'"''"' : 11ltictltfl ,, 111 of-lht .... . . : s 14 coi.n. Sitts 21 to 31 . LEVI'S®· NU¥0. FLARES ' ~ . ' ..,l T1it lllL IOrtOM Lwi'1 look ~10 i .. :e ·r6f1•4 hem11pu11 ••••• thttJ 1MY1f 11n41 lr•ftln1. Gr11t 1.ltcti." •f 1roovy celers. \lift 26-31.' . . ----·----- -------------------~ PLENTY OF FREE PARKING IN .OUR NEW LOTI Fiie Answer for ''Her" Christmas! ,: ... ... LEVI'S® for Gals f.lVl'S' for 91ls hlYo 111 the tnditton1J Levi's' qudty ind sty ring .. • .• ind Gr1nt's hi s the gre1test selection you've ••tr soenl 111 of tho styles .•• 111 of tho colors •••. 1\1 of tho .si101-AND ·ALL· AT. GRANT'S! GAL'S IWI JU.N PU.Ill UVl'S COO-S?U.IONTI ,. Mu.I .... ' .............. $9.00 ...... '-.•-··" .. $11 .00 •AU' "ITOVl-'9PIJ" IOf-1111:'" .U.HS · -. ...-. .;,.., ... •· $10.00 ......... ~·"'"~ ' --""""···· .. $14.00 MLJ-COH ........ 100%-.tt .. , .. , .. · .... , •• $11 .00 --.--... $10.$11 Lt.Nell lftlPI ......... ' _,,... .... _>M'$10.00 ' ' llVll·IUADI ~ 1 " • ........... -.......... $9.00 N UIMID cons ....... _ ........... $12.00 ~~~---;EYt'~se~~~ CORDS ·• .-~'6'' ;-:-_·' UinilE -c;du~, tNt .._ •IY• i.M:t 1r11t llKauN lt'a Lrri'•'· P'ldi. -,.ur fnoritt t•i.t ef Geld, l tift, Chott· l1t1 INWft, Ol!Yi, Pait •r I• y •I l lut, Navy, Dertt ........ SIDI 26 M 38. .,.-.y~ COaDI •s•• *EVERY STYU · . \ ' ;;, * WER'f..COl~R i '~ ' . ' •' . ' .. * iVERY i1zi CORDyR~y ' -81'~ .. •orroA1s. T•· '--" , " ·\ .. • '"' ~ ,, .,,, .1 • ., - "'ld'!!llle' ,• "''·wffd In t• ~•tton corduroy All "' new eelo · a.11c • rs '" •II ,;,.. '''"' con1truct1ott. • ' " .,.,,,,. . -•111. aorroAQ ·'r .. ,~runt XX ' dtn/mr In du •900 27 to ,U I ' ·. USE YOUR CllDIT .. llWIT.'Sl l l i\ \ '\ ' r ; • ' '• l l ' i j I I l· ' • ' • • •' .• • I r ' jf) 'DAILY PILOT ' Wtdntiday, Drctmbtr 16, 1970 Conservation Move \ f .. --_R~ds Adopt New Watet B,µJ. ., FAMll.l.' CIRCVS '111 Bii .llreeite ' .---(;'arhage Solution? MOSCOW (.tJ>) -The Soviet Unien has adfpted a )i1o1Jgh water conservation bill chambers~-said water J)OllU· tion has taken on "increasing tmportance" in recent years, due to increased in· dustrialization and use of chtmlcals such as pesticides and ferlilizers. dumped along Its &horea. ..:. Nwneroua other rlver1 wtilch have' been exPo.sed as dirty ind polluted · m articles in the Soviet press. In recent months. Sc.wntiSt Suggests Dee p ·Earth · Dumping combat growing pollution of 1.the nation's riven, lakes il,nd :~tal waters. _. The tecl!laUon codifies a 0 disorgan1Md array of govern· ~ .. P.?ent decrees, directives and ~ ~lutioni that have been fssued separately as the pro- ~ ~lem ere~. 0r. Approved en the third and <! .Jast day of the winter session ~ the Supreme Soviet - "·parliament -the bUI is aimed t the "protection of water ..tagalnst pollution, littering and exhaustien." ~ Nikolai Borisenko. chairman 5 ~ the Agriculture Committee .. af the Soviet of Nationalities ~;: one of the two parliament ' Some specific probjem areas are: -The Volga ruver, which no"'' through the Soviet in- dustrial heartland. -The Caspian Sea , which is polluted by oil, aod a gradual, drop in sea level because or dams on the Volga, -The Black Sea, also pcilluled ln some areas by oil spillagl!!. -Lake Baikat in Siberia, the world's deepest lake, polluted by industrial wast.es . The 4&-article bill .is the first antipollution ~aw to have na- tionwide elfect. PreviOU!ly on- ly local and regional regula- tions had bee.n created. Among other provisions, the new law makes it illegal "to use watu objects for the discharge or ·ind us tr i a J. household and other waste products exce.pt for sewage water.'' • .:'i';..!:t....:: .. Only when sewage water has bee.n purified accoril:ing to · 11This soys 'from the SI X of us. 1 prescribed norms may it be _-, __qnd Borfy?" dwnped into rivers. :___ __) What abou t Sam SAN FRANCISCO CAP} -solid ..wastes. When burned. A 1eitnt.i.sl says man can · they pollute the air a n d a~oid being. overwhelmed ~Ith when burled mech~nlcally his own garbage by letting . the earth swallow it. they use needed land. Amer1- Dr. Robert c. Bostrom, ca alone produces one mUli?n University of Wuhington ge<>-tons of solid wastes a day, physicist, made "the proposal he said. to the annual mttting of the New York will exceed i Is Americap Geophysical Union land-fill capacity by 1975, he recently. noted, and San Francisco will . It should be possible to em· e1haust Its new Jand·fill site ploy the global forces that near suburban Mountain View move continents and thrust in 10 years. up mountain rarigl!!s to bury Boslrom proposed two .other all the world's solid waste methods, both first Using the miles below the surface, deep Japanese process ·ar baling with the molten core that un-solid wastes with giant ma- derlles the earth's crust, he chinery into dense' br ick-like said. bundles bound in a waterproof Bostrom said the world Is asphalt shell. The Japanese running out o! room for its use these in some cases to PLENTY OF FREE PARKING , IN OUR-NEW tOTI / , . , l~' ·"*' DISCOUNT SAVINGS ON AUL \ .• ~ • • ' '> :t SPORTING GOO,DS -at GRAN,TtS! YH .._. It ••• 1M1 If lt'1 NMM lrtM Spettlf'I 'fM" · · · OUNT'S ku ltt All 411Cf1tftf, "'"' NOW fw ""''/ Chri1tMu ......... COMI IN TOOAYI ........ h "'"""''"'. • USE YOUR CREDIT at GRANT'S 0 and SA VE! ' WM~~~WMW!)WMWM~ * TENNIS UCKETS * FOi THI WEIGHT LIITTISI J ' DLX, A'llCHERY 1•RGns """''"' wrth .,,,., mow $ J 99 S •fclttfll ind 36" flrtt t fact. 4::" .. U~r ,.,a $29.;s:-:-:-... -.. --~ l l 11·,.; fretl ... , TAIGIT SIT . . COmpl1t1 "' lftdud•• 2s.ti. $ 8 88 _.,,.,, ••ltht Nw, cN1r 1r. rows, fl nttr tip-; inn 1u1nl1 -- 1rrow 111ul.,.r, t1r,tt 11111 "9rt-lor onlr HAR TARTAR IOW ........ t"i.o-1 115. $110.tS .......•. • .. " · • ·" • • • $6995 THE MOST CDMPUTf 01111 SllOP ii CAUPOlllA OlffR 1,000 GUNS AIO R/fW ON OISl'UYI "S1nta" gets .his guns from the Grut Boys. Our gun department Is staffed by experts In fir1irms. Como In and see for yourself. l et Our rrien advise you lll •WINCHlml • AUAUTI • llMINeTON • llO'#NING • WU.TNlllY. • CNAILIS DALY • WALTMll •111m.t. •LUMA '" & • •COLT •SAKO •ITHACA •1uoa • SMml • WUION "The lzplortr'' AR-7 by Arm11it1 .22 CAL RIFLE Reg. $49.95 $)4~ .--------~ I Finl Ou•lltr I I~ CLAY I I BIRDS I W . louf 135 I UNIVERSAL M·l C~BINE $7995 I UST PRla $1~.::::-.:..... ..... wl Stow1 in it1 own 1totk - w1i1h1 1111 tkln 3 pou11d1 -111clu •••Y In 16YI lnch11 -11ml.1utomttic ••• 111d It fl11tsl ~::.:: .. t~:.J ;:sa;.,. ......... .... ·1 --RIMINGTON·PIDll ~ ~ SHOTGUN SHELLS BROWNING IOYS' CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! 1\pparel .. Remington BtgiMtrS' ' 22 'l::r' RIFLE Liii $26.9! 'Mile Th1y Lott $1995 REMINGTON 660 BOl T ACTION RIFLE 222 cal.-6mm 243-308 REG. LIST $1,24.9! W -DDY~'a., ~AIL i . $Jff ~ ~ :::~Tlfl 12,91 ~---r~;;~~~1 ! DICOY~ i I UST $39 • .SO .L---~!: . .: ' ·- build dams , aNt other !true· tureJ1 Bostrom said such b a I e s coold be taken by barge rrom the mouths of large American rivers and dumped 'M'here silt would cover them within 5ix monlhs as at the moulh of the Mississippi which extends the continent into the GuU of ·Mexico 28 feet a year. His Gther solution would be to dump the bales into deep oc'ean trenches off continen- tal shelves, where a "swal- lowing" process goes on con· tinually, accorping to a the- ory widely accepted in recent decades called "plate tecton- ics." USE YOUR CREDIT at GUNT.'SI ' I i: • .. . . . • ' .., _____ - • . . ' . . • • Wedntsday, DKtmbtr 16, 1970 DAILV'plLOT 11 Cambodian Communist ·~Nerve Center' ·called a Hoax By ROBERT KAYLOR SAIGON (UPI) -Seven months agG \J.S. troops smashed across the Cam- bodian border in what was billed as a drive against the Communist headquarters for the Vietnam war-the much- famei COSVN. They never did find anything ~ that could be identified as the j1.V1gle "nerve center" they were see king . Now authoritative U.S.• s o u r c e s believe that COSVN may be one of the· biggest Communist hoaxes ever played on allied in- telligence. "We chased a will of the wisp for a couPle of years," • Men Ill Service Captain Ytilllam rtf. Nice, son of Mr. and Mes. William 0 . Nice of 1200 · Hig)lland Drive. Newport Beach, hjs recei ved the U.S. Air Fmte Commendation Mejlal f o r meritorious &ervi~ in Viet- nam. Captain Nice distinguished himself as an -air traffic con- trol office r with the 1883rd Communications Squadron at Phu Cat Air Base. Na vy Pett y Officer Third Clas~tephen E. Buckey, son of !\tr. and Mrs. Hatold ~1. Buckey of 4533 Tremont Lam. Corona del Mar. has returned to San Diego aboard the at- tack aircraft carrier USS Bon Homme Richard . Navy Petty Officer First ·Class Kirk L. Burns, son of Mrs. ~1ary r. Burns of 2506 \~ Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa, has returned to San Diego aboard the attack aircraft carrier USS Bon Hom me Richard. Navy PetJy Officer Second ClaM Billy t. Lamb, husband or the form~r Miss Tannis F. Lack o! Tullow Lane, Hun- tingt_qn Beach~ Wa§...fil!vanced to his present rate while serv:- ing at the Naval Air Station, Albany, Ga. Coast Cufrd, · Seaman Ap- prentice-Scott Fl. Smith:; son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Smith of 407 Gloucester Drive, Costa 1'.fesa, has cOmp'Ieted Quartermaster and Signalman School courses at the Fleet Training Center, Newport, R.I. He is -a 1954 graduate of Newport Harbor Hig~ School. ·Navy Seaman Apprentice Thomas L. l\tcNealey, son of Mr. and f..trs. William T. 1'.1cNealey of , 836 Santiago Road. Costa h-fesa, w ·as graduated from basic training at the Naval Training Centr, San Diego. I 1 McNealcy. aJ t9tll graduate of Costa Mesa High School. Navy Petty Officer Second Class James C. Federico, son of Mr. ind Mrs. Alfred H. L. Federico of 813J. Malloy Drive . Huntington Beach, is serviflg aboard the faSt. qimbat sup· port ship USS , 'Detroit \'' Newport, R.I. · ' Coast Guard Scaman Ap- prenti~ .... Scott ' H. Smit., husband of the forwer Miss Lynn w. Williams, or 1325 Cir- cle Way, Laguna Beach, h completed Quartennaster and Signalman School courses at the Fleet Training Center, Newport, R.I. lte is a 1964 grad1.1ate of Newport Harbor High School. Marine Second Lieutenant James W. Roach ID Cit 9735 Port Roya l Circle, Huntington Beach, ha s reported for duty with · M a r i n e Observatiof( Squadron One ai the Mirlne Corps Air Station, New River, 1 Jacksonville\ N.C, Navy Airman Robert D ! lljortb, son i;>f Mr . an4 ~t.rs. Roy N. Hjorth or 3175 ~1ade1ra St., and ,husband of the (Ormcr Miss Lynda L. Carpenter of 900 Dogwood St., all of Costa Mesa has returned to the Naval Air Stali'On at Miramar, Calif., after more than eight months' In the \Veslem Pacific with . Fighter Squadron Ill aboard the aircraft carrier OSS Shangri-La'. Navy Seaman Charles T. F!)rkaer Jr~, son of Mr. and Mrs. CharJes T. Forkner of !"$1 Bayshote Orl'(e, Newport ·Beach, Is se:r.-ing aboard the 4uided missile cruiser USS Chicago which v i s 1 t e d Yokosuka , Japan fo llowing a month of operati-Ofls ~·ith the 'Seventh Flett ofl the coast of Vietnam. • said one 'U.S. military source The initials COSVN stand covefed sevtral sq u are when we crossed the border who w8' actively involved. in • for the "Central Office for kilometers. but some weeks eailier, When the search for the ~lusive South Vietnam," an elaborate Security precautions were so the Communists-wert for'C'fJlll. t'OSVN. commaOd and control ap-tight, the defectors said, that out (If their embassies in Rather than bunkers and paratus that was said to con-~high o!hcials at COS~ mov-Phnom Penh," said · a long· I I d b bla k . th ,1ed their sleeplng locations to lime American C 0 S V N . unne 5 manne Y c • trol the war in the sou em different parts or the complex watcher. pajama clad officials Jn t h e hair f South v· jungle, said the source, it is 0 tetnam. every few. nights. "Some of u.s think it, was.in much l'DM!: likely that the According to the COSVN By the time it could be Phnom Penh all along." headquarters complex was in legend, the j u n g I e head-che(ked out, COSVN' had This SO't"Ce sajd that it was comfortable offices in the quarters moved from time to d i s a p p ea r e d from the known that the Communists Cambodian capital of Phnom ·time but was last located in Baphloam arelf.. sent orders to units in Viet. Penh. the "Fishhook" area of Cam· The U.S. forces which swept nam from radlo transmitter The search f6r COSVN in,,-bodia just iilside the. frontier into ·the "Fishhook" in May sites near the border. Much of volved clandestine U.S. Green ~bout 7.5 miles northwest of and June found some ad· this tratfic was di.srupted Beret patrols through the Saigon. ministrative complexes and when the North Vietnamese Cambodian jungle, monitoring Defectors provided details of many supply dumps. But and Viet Cong embassies ceas-- of C o m m u n i s t com-the <:0mplei and in one case COSVN itself re~ a ed. to function about one week munication.s circu.its, inten&ive even a map which placed it . mystery. U.S. commanders after the March 18 coup in iqterrogations of prisoners and near the Cambodian village of said the top Communists )lad Cambodia. defe(tors, and he 11 cop re r Baphloam. 'llhe map showed fled ·on a few hours notice as "It would have · been a "snatch missions" to detain details such as "teletype com-allied lroops approached... simple matter for them to Cambodian civilians who munlcations section" and . "It's now apparent that-the dfaft their , orders in Phnom might have clues to its loca· "NaUonal Liberation Ftont Communist command an d Penh and put them in a car or- tion. area," in a complex that control network fell apart not · on a motorcycle," said the • " \ OPEN" • DAILY 9 .. 9 SATURDAY -9 'Ill 6 SUNDAY 10 'Ill 5 Mll/•r source. "Tbey could h111ve got- ten them to tbe transmitter site ln UtUe more thin ~ a better boti, ror morale and• Another indication outside appearances if e'ver,,,. mystery surrounding of the OOSVN bo41'." Phnom Pel\n had the added advantage of communications that <:0uld link Communist of· ficlals with virtually any ma- jor center of the world they needed to contact, the sturces said. "You do not run a n organii.ation as exte~ive and as efficient as theirs from a bunch of holes in the gr.ound,:;,, said the source, adding Unit in Phnom Pefth the Communist leadership would not have to worry about shifting locations frequently to escape detection and attack. U.S. soUrces aCIOed that an elaborate deception would not only be aimed at allied in· telligence. It woulcl be much one thought Communis t leaders were In the jul'lgle like their \l'OOP5 rather than in the comfort or Phnom Penh.· Evidence or dummy COSVN locations at various points in Vietnam and Cambodia has been found. One high-ranking defector to I·d with amuse- ment ohiillow a Russian observer wTs comp I e le 1 y deluded by a false COSVN that was set up inside Vietnam ~le.ly for his benefit. The defector said the Russian was briefed in a "war room" by Mme. Nguyen Thi Dinh, deputy commander of Viet Cong liberation forces. Mme. Dinh was instructed by telephone while the briefing was in progress bow to handle the visitor, the defector said. was a statement from another defector, North Vietnamese Col. Tran Van Dae. Dae was a highly-trusted offieer w h o commanded 8,000 Commwtist .. troops in the 1968 Tet offensive against Saigon. DesJ)ite--iui h-I fh standing, - said Dae, he had never been to COSVN and did not know its location. He said that the com· mand function of COSVN would remain with Philm Hung no matter what his lcia- tion. .., "Pham Hung could .be anywhere .• ,"_said DAC. "He could be giving his Jn. structions by radio and the people receivlf!g t h e In: st.ructions might think he Is just a few miles away. That is how they operate.". PLENTY OF FREE PARKING famous SWEATERS Ham• by * fllUU UACH * 'oaD llFF A glpntlc 1my Jost arrivttl for your /' Chrl1tm11 gift giving. ,ullov1r1 and cir• 1.· cU91ns In wools and orion • •cryllcs. S-.! M-L·XL c '14 TO $22.50 " *All Colon * All s1... * Alls., ... Converse DECK SHOES $895 r ' I I, ' ~ I ESHR by Pac c ra • SHIRfh -=-!4!~--- '18 f A M 0 U S .. DURANGO"' Western l oots ii'! tht 111· '9St 1tylt. "Rou9h · Out'" le1ther for rv;ttd weir. -...,.;..sizes 6 lo 12. ACME IOOTS from ..•••. $20 .. s27so "'WINDSOR" FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! HANG· JEN TEE SHIRTS "The Ultimate in luxury" l'.;;J!!J All OF TH[ NEWEST styln of the flfl'IOUI "Hang-Ten" T-Shirts· and Trunks plus the new Gal's styles, tool ~ ... . . '6-'7-•8 Solids and Strip•• --~~ Or1ng1 County's Llrgest S1lectlon · . ~ ''Pin Tracks" ••• , , , •• , ••. $7 ''HI loy" ..••...•.•.••••• .$8 ''Bold Pin'' , ..• , • , , . , .•• $7 ''laby Pin'' , ....•••••••. $6 ''Walleby'' .••.. , . , ...• , $7 ''T••·Off·2"-............ $7 "Si.tnshlne l ime" •.... , , .. $7 ''Wiid Child'' • , •.•..•• , .• $7 ''Arlrona" ..••••.... : •. , $7 ''Broken Track'' ..•. , ••••• $6 "Maule-Wowl•'' • · •.•.. , •• $7 ''K ennJngton'' BODY SHIRTS -•10 TO $14 • THI LATEST snw 1f ...... IMlt ,.,.,,, ltMl!tftOir'lffy Sllirts :-: • ""Ptifdf, 5""".~ wif4 ptych.MHc Ntitl'lt. ledlte ,,..h, etc. C...i1tl1r1 ,, ... of 1f&t1, ft0I GRANT BOYS "Exclusive" ''SoJty 0owr' DENIM CPO SHIRTS SJ9S Thrtt exciting colon .. : in. cotton C'°'. thlrt1 In brushed donlm. Fully lined collor. S. M-L-XL CPO SHIRTS ·9~l~10.9S NEW STOCX of fM 1ll·tim1 ftnritt fer u.itl wl11ttr· _,,, •uttt• '"' ··"" Wotl CPO •'Y*' 1hirt1 Ml 111 o( the Mw pf1tft 111d sofid cotor1. Slz11 S·M·l-XL I Zip ...... Cl'O lhlm ••• ,., $12,95 Unod Cl'O Shim ....•• , .$15.88 '°Y•' Wool Cl'O Shim •••• $6.aa • *''·~· STROCH SOCKS •1so , .. AOUl'S flMlt ~ stntcfil htN ht, JO INifM •"""-Al• -wt carry•~ 1tr1c•,1f Adlff'1 ,..,.ftlHIH ...... "RANGER" WAH 'I Wl.lt S-•I • .._. llfMf ...,... _, .. wltti 19M!fltjl ........ ..,., ........ ,.ii. Ii.IHI -"' ~-c-'luhlll •"-._ ,.., plk. n.& THOU FAMOUS Convone Oe<k-Shoos !hot 111ur1 you of 1 perftct flt. ,osltiv1 grip soles, In N.svy 1n4 White. All sizes hi 1toe•1 ~ . -. - Fruit of the loom Thermal Underwear '1'' EACH PIECE TOASTY "Thtrlft1l i'' for w1rmth ind comfort on th• coldtsl 1f d1p. NOW-Wdlt1' "TI!trm· $298 111" by H11lth Knit ..• I.I.CM ,_ICI rcNOLEION ., ,, .... " USE YOUI CllDIT Ill ~· ~ . I 1· • ' t • I 1 I., 1 ' I 1 I I -- • J 2 DAIL V PILDf ,.Run Down Batter y .A Problem '"' By Peter J, Stehu:roba, M.D. ' ~ Dear Dr. Steincrohn: To put ti crudely, my husband's bat- : tery has run down. Is there any-way of recharging it! lie 1 is only 42, yet he has been : impotent for the past six months. As I am a nonnal, hearty woman who feels it Is natural . that man and wife consum- , mate their love·by nonnal sex- 1 ya! acvtivity, I am more than ., disturbed. t The trouble is 'that my bus- -band passes it off as a tem- ·porary thing. He won't even ~:see a doctor about it. Tsn't it ;likely that the battery will gel ~so run down with disuse that .\·e·ijizi!\'' no doctor will be able to help? I'm sorry if I have appeared to be impatient, but I think · you will agree it is an im- " JlOl'lant problem-Mrs. B. · COMMENT: I see what you meen. But let us call it lmpo- 1-tence rather than battery trou- ·ble -~ause the problem c: isn't as simple as a run-down ··battery. There's not onJy the -'Physical to consider -but the ·psychological as well. We don 't really know why .. some men are underse:1ed while olhers are oversexed (a . problem, too). Why some be-- come impotent in their early )tears, while others are sexual- : _1y active in their 70s and sos. .·. I believe, as you do, that -Your husjland should take his . problem to a doctor, in rair- ~pess to himself and to you. ~;SomeUmes a man becomes im- . 'J)Otent because he has worked ':-so hard he has tired himself . 'COmpletely without the powers ·of regeneration. The reaS-On 'may be so entirt.ly psycholo- gical that only a psychiatrist "can unravel, but not invariab- Occasionally, administration ..Pf t~tosterone (male sex hor- moae) will help. Whatever the ·reason, I believe your husband -for your sake as well as •.his -should allow a good doc· tor to in vestigate. To come back to your description, run· down batteries don 'l recharge themselves. MEDTCALE1TES (Replies to Readers) For Miss R.: I do not un- . derstand., You say your doc· ~tor has gi ven you a '"clear bill .of bealth" yet has told yoo to • avoid foods high in cholesterol. -He says you "have some cho- lesterol in your blood." I suggest that you ask him tf your cholesttrol Is aboor- ·mally high. (Everyone ha s cholesterol in the blood.) If . yrur cholesterol level is nor- : ma!, and there is no other evi- dence or illness, then most ·doctors would agree that such a person should be entitled :to a,,,normaJ diet without fear of cnolesterol. -Double-check on your "clear ,bill of health." For Mrs. U.: Just reached 40 and depressed about it? Shame on you. Consider the Jollowing note : • Dear Dr. St~incrohn: 1 have •been losing my appetite, 1 feel fi ne otherwise. As I am only 81 . I can't understand .,,hy I don't enjoy eating. Do I need a tonic?-Mr. Y. He writes "only 81." Are you sti ll depressed at reach- ,ing 40 Mrs. U.? 'For 7'in. T.: It's not uncom 'man for yoong girls to be pale land suffer from a low grade of second ary anemia . Taking ,iron pills usually solves the .problem. But ifs possible for boy1 to be anemic, too. I sug- gest you ha\'e your family doctor take a look at :i1our son. For Mr. T.: Yes it's possible to have a high uric acid level In the blood and still not have had any allack.s of gout. .But your recent attack of kidn<!y stones may tie in with a high uric ae:id content. Has your doctor considered putting you on special dru&s which are effective in "high Uric acid states," and giving you a diet to cmtrol your uric acid metabolism'? ' Quest.ioM often asked about chanBe of life are answered 'in Dr. Steincrohn's booklet, "'Whit To DO for Change cl Life.'' For a copy, write him jn care of this l)e'l:Spape.r en- closlna 25 cents In coin to cov- er handllnl( and a STAMPED, SEU' • ADDRESSED ENVE- LOPE. Who Listens To 'Landers? . . Wfd11tsd.ly, Oet:,mbtr 16, 1970 ' Wtdnttd;iiy, Dtctmbtr 16, 1970 PILOT-ADVERTISE R HAVE YOU VISITED OUR NEW STORE AT1 5881 Warner at Sprin gdale in Hunt ington Beach '0UNT•IN VALLIY-17M4 MttMlla ft, 11 Ttlllff'I '0UNTAIN \/ALLEY-UHi Ht tMr llwl/& Ellll11t• IL TOllG-1:1 Ttrt ti llKl!tlflll llMll liUNTINOTON llEACli-Jllll lttcll 111¥4, ti All•11l1 SANTA ANA-1..W W. ~6l11t• 11111 &ritll{ SI. WESTMINSTEll.....V W1S1mln1i.r ti Otk1111 Wnt OSTA MllA-2M N1.-.. l l'tll, 11 Wll-COSTA MIU.-tJJ E, 11111 SI. HUNTINGTON IMCH-tNl All1""1 .. t a..-.....u HUNTINGTON lllACH-1-~ & ldln,t• HUNTINGTON llEACH-W1t11• & Sprifltld1 .. Prices Good thru Tuesday Men's No-l!'On I Sport Shirts ~ 31s500 · Sale Priced Just in time for holiMyglftJng--pd JoolrJng, lhoft 1l1rii.t ihlr1s of easy care polyt!ttr (:r cotton• In popular sollds and prints, Tapered ond tolled, with regular or button down collar, S-M·L-XL. Boys' No·lron Shirts 4 F $5 Drip-dry polypt1r (1 cot-0 tons kt prints or plaids~ I 6-18. . Half Gallon Jalia Vodka -. \Yhtre but ot ThrJfty can ycu buy a half ;ollon offinequof• ity vt:>dka for only $6.66 ! Non• finer-try It todayl The tell· ing's In the tasting ... , _a f Gallon I Scotford · .. ~Scotch · ~~ s711 Distilled and ble nded in Scot. land. Built-in pourer. Pri'ced eve n lower than our everyday low price of .$8.99 • Rene Bouchard Champagne $666 FIFTH BALLON • ra ' 5 Men's I weater f Sets I ...., ... !ll -01,' s5sa 1. Gteatglft-tetbflong iii .•i..v.d ca rdi g an. aw«iter with coordfn. ~ citing ahott sleeved hi-1t'' crsw n1ck knit lhht.1. S-M-L-Xl. In Mint, "' Molzt, Red, Whisby, · , Blue. • -~.11:1'1 ~~V,..~"Wtti~V. Lady · Wilshire Foldi~I,-' Slippers ~,~::= 2 s3 Of9CI vlnyk'. brocades, pr. gold & silver V rnylors. '24' Value! Women's Knit Hats Lady · Wilshire Cantrece II Nylons '."".''."~~~~sr g ing M sag- . 1a~~I~~~= t'• _ _ fort . Mak• holl gifts thane Discount Hand Decorated Ceramic Servingware ' or Cold Du ck ~~~ON $149 $1.00 VJ.LUil s4~ Chip 'n Dip, Salad BowJ, s,-ctioJI Seiwr. Gift· """"· Enjoy the .icciting s.parkfe of Cold Duck or natura l. Iv fermented Collfomia chompoone, l l Glamorous nylon lace at nylon satin mini gowns with ponty M long ny lon gown with sheer overlay, lace style In bl~ ~hers in popular C'Olors. 1 IMtant Magicube i Camera Outfit RfilC2" Infants' N-'-iron Playwear "'""'· 1 ........ 3 • "· s221 Eaton suits. diaper and angel sets in gay colon for Jiolidoy wecir ••• gifts. $soo.s700 value1! Eyelure Eyelashes Thi most natural ...... , .......... & s1·11 eosv -to • weor ,_I [ooh """' modt, cuMd to the co ntour of )'OUt eyelid. OiKtd. pko. ' I infant1 Gift Sets , ·"" • pc. ....,"' '°' s2·sa Infants 1 to 3 months. . Bnishtd nyklri or stretch · · cotttin ttny, Gih boxtd. ' $1M Y1l11! Hai Karate I After Shave Spec lolly ·gl!i· ..... u..... ur ... , .. .,2so Value! Bourlols Evenll'.ll 11 Paris 'f'. 2 Pltct Set Duff .. ,.....,. ··T,~ttW.ms.t. • Tokn flosh pletutmwlth· 88 out flolh botteriel. With film, cube, wrist strop. sg ·~Mirrored Yanity Trays .Rlchlooklna 10xl-4"ovol ire at 1 lxl6" rectonpulor mirror mys •Ml OOfcftone • ,fjlig'" fl'Qn\u for her. New Fashion Jewelry Belts Ont of the mod tn. -·-·97 kw todov'• -..or. C S"'"'11no~t I • t tn choirs of {; sll· ---with pents alftt « d...W.. • Othol Jowelry loltr •. $1.6t $4511 Value1 '104' Hand Mixet '""'°"'~"" ot o Thri IOllf price: I ~ gift. \. 1 .--· JS PILOT ·ADVERTISER WeQesday, Dtctmbtr 16, 1970 1 HA YOU VI ITEO OUR NEW STORE ATi '0UHTi\IN V.l.LllY-lMt MttNlll St. It f11Mft 5881 Warner Spri.ngdale in Huntington ·Beach •OUHTAIN Vf.LL IY-16141 H• ...... llvd. & 1•l"'tf' IL TOlt0-11 T-•I A9Ctffell ... .. HUNTtHOTOH tUCN-2\UI I-" 111111. 11 All111l1 SAN TA AHA-14M W. IE .... Ml l rlit.t St, - WllTMIH5Tllll-al' W ... 1111Mttr II o.iMlt W .. ·"orful rte 1prware -=-• 2 F $1 PNktl . : ........ Cotn Popper .~ l Mu,111oy .,..... '333 .... UYd I~ fun crowd! Heol oo f JJM-lhru cttYer. ,., <lton olu-I mi"1.lm "'' th cord. oto lroll ~ '1 49 2 FlashUpts 1 with lattorios 0... ..... utility, '"' 9· 9"' tOf'l'lpOCt flothflght wfth ~ d gUOrds. 4 bottttiH ....... 441 Aerosol . s ... IJ·OI. 33' ·Ttw b.u WO'( to cvt J:' t Im • 'In holf! "'f trow on trM fTIQl'lhf end gifts. ,_,,,, a.1 Cao •r·Frrar ' Ll1~t 961 Sil• Aulofri'Otlo •• Gii ltmP . $6'' T41 "' 111~ tr0I . 12 TrH ffi 'lMW I land Or11•ent1 p I tflflf 111 Val.I ~.our to l'lir. Snew Whit• 591 ......... ; ·•s" Of' ttovel • .., 11111111 .. ' $3" & $4'~ Values · Sport Balls $1211 Floor STAHDIHG Smokers Christmas .771 laf of 25 39~ Holl ay I • fJr1d. Candy 'Cards lows 1t1·11 ZS 87 , 43' ~"'.'" 29' $J.OO VALUll Grond ohOl'tmfflt De'lcioul ~ r•ody to deck rnent of f::lr" tour colorluf gifts. sure to p east ~•rront. s t 0 c k. ~ c.,G111111 1.,a, FoU Wr1p -~:!'I! ;L-?> ,, .. , •• o .. 111on 1t111u l!c 'Rtr. 131· Ice Cream ·59· R1g. Ile Curllnr Rlh11 .Strini Tap Ii Gaflpn 1 '"' ''' IZ1 P11k1IH zzc 79c • R1g,TT1 Rog, Ho D11111t11g Wrap Ho'Ribhn F'toturw cf the 4·Roll C ,, .. , ... . Month-EGG. Ras. SI ,H· 99 01l1ri' 771 NOG ••• plus 11 VOl'liedel. ---------------~-------- Wtdntsd1y, DKtmbtt 16, 1970 DAILY PILOT JI COITA MISA-t,.. Ht~ ,;;o.,;;-,'dotwi"-fi-;;;To .. -, ------------~-~ co''" MI JA-t » IE.·111'11 $t. MUNT!NOTOH llACH-M41AHMt11 l"'*lllllnl HUNT IHITON llACH-IMC:• A 111"'9tr HUHTINOTOH 11.1.CH-Wtf"lltl' & $,.-l-..11e s13" Men's $12'' Value! Fllght·Bag SAVI $5.tl $697 , \ · Rich looking ton, b!uti ot whit• : vlnyl for mtn ond w om 1 n . •1 Heovy duty bross zipper wltk padlock ond 2 ktyS. Contlnentol s~yUng. •1'' 60-min. Audi0Ca111He Evaluate : Your Goals This Year By J.OYCE LAIN Not movtns up bt U.. bu>· lnesa world 11 rast -11 you'd like? With a new year coming up, th.ls ls a good, Ume to test - , your Succes•·Ablllty, the sell· evaJuaUon concept developed by Dr. Whitt N. Sdlul!i, a leadtn,,: per1on1l development authority. Dr. Schul~ vice prta.ident- manacement education divis- ion of Winter. ~ahn, Nielsen, Ross and Buckwalter, a well· known management consultant fi rm headquartered in Lake Forest, IU., hu allowed me to ahare his Success-AbWty quiz Career Corner to help you rate youneU. 'Ille quiz contains 50 questions. They are to be anawered "yes'' or "no" ... HAVE YOU aet a definite goal for your businesa life? Have you put a time llmlt on yourself to reach that 1<>1 I? Are you sincerely workln& with others to attal• your pll! Do you understand company pol· icies? Do you always try to make your boss look good? Do you fully underttand how your position contributes to results and profits? Do you plan your work. Do you diligently work . your plan? Do you regularly study yoUr .Job? Do you con- stantly search out ways you can improve your job? ' ARE YOU almort the Ill'!! one at the offJce? Do you I» lleve In hard smart work? Do you always do your ''home- work"? Are you up.t6-date on current developments in your field? Do you reauJarly make conatrucUve reoommenda- tions? Do you wllllJtily adopt new ways to do your job? Do you think poa!Uvely all the time? Do you associate wlth affirmaUve -rather than neg- ative -people? Do you work hard daily to improve your memory? Do you ehJoY ttad· in1? Do you pnicUce yout" writin~ sklll> regularly? Do you 11ncerely aeet oppertun· JtJes lO verbally cunmunlcate? Are you active Jn community acUvltles? Do you wort at llstenla1? Do you 1Jway1 al· tempt to see? the obv10UJ - and beyond! DO YOU always understand first, then judct? Do you pre- fer to work alone? Do you en- joy working as a member of a team? Do you frequently "11>-thwxtra·mllt" to help a colleaaue? Are you paUent? Do you pralle more often than you crlUcize? Do you search out the strengths Jn others, and encourace them to use thtir ablllUes? Do you get adequate 11ffp? Do you work at havlq: a good sense of humor? Do you ' filt and stand up straight? Do you cet plenty of llttelae? Do you have semiaMul ph)'llcal check-ups ? Do you have one or more confidants w 1 t h whom you can share your In· ner thoughts? "'Do you believe that every indivtduat you meet Js a potenUal friend: that he will abnott always sha re his abllltles and strengths with you if you tteaUvely open a dla· logue that ls meaningful ta him, and Offer to ahare your own Jcnowledge with him? DO YOU avoid sarcum? Do you look 1t m<>Jt problems: u a challenge and/or ID eppor .. tunlty? Can you keep a con.fl• dence? Do yau "hl&b pel1ah11-· every job you do? Are you close to your famlb'? Do you have at least two hobblea?.Do you alwa)'I make others feel important? Do you ktep your promises? Do you take prom pt action when a~ate? Can you delefl:l.e authority? Do you mate deCWORs eu;ly? SCORING. Qlve~)'OllTSOll 10 poinll for every YE.S, S point. for every NO. 'nten total your 1core? 'OI> -Ptrfect: Crtat. Rare, but p"3ible. 40IM95 - Good. Above aveni1e, but Im· pravemtnt Js possible. 300-395 -Avera~. You can improve consldera ly. J00..295 -Below average. ere'• hope. but It's kind of dim. Below IOO -Un- satisfactory. Recheck yo ur goals, values apd atnn,ihs. You may be better off ln 10me other~. JI you would like a free list of mod<ralely . priced ,.,.,...1 development material• dtvel· oped by Dr. Scbult.t. write to him at 2ZI WlaconslJI BuJ!dlns. Laka Forest, m. IOOll . . ·-· ....... ' -. C:Hll.DREN LIKE UNCLE LEN ~==::c:========='' ' ... • • I r •• l • ' - Jf DAll.Y'PILOT WtdMSd.11, -16, 1970-• For .the Record Progfam Aids H~rd-core fOl'ff"I'· SllWWI l . •1'111 tdwtNI A. laWYtl'• ~· L. .... lrYlll T. , ...... ~. Jo/WI'°"' .... _ E. _,, 09n' C. ,,.twtttr, llt\1111 ...... ... Otr"' ........... MCC•il•n'lll~ 11-111 fN Flovcl I". Jr. LAI VWGAS.' ,...,., -M&rrl•ff Colltlmo. oi.-""""' ~ !.~rt! J. lk-IUU'M ,.re lfltlllde; ~-. ,,,..,., M.. •1'4 Ool\61d G. HOW.\TT.(IW"'""NO¥. "· Tnomt' Slrlcil;Jef', J_,M l. IM W...,.,llM!\ ._, ~ tS. Ill Nrw-t l1tc;ll, 111ff Gn.on!IHf\ Allll1 l • ..W Cl'la•91 A, Jlldltfl •-· ts. ot,Ciilt1' ~-$lrallle, M.1\INrtl Mtl and Cero1Yn JU'lle CHE lit 11t Y .QAl~!ill-Now. Jt S!lrUne, an.ak1le tnd J1mn W. ~ LeroY, IS. Ind Jo.n A. 20, t(1llllh" Altfl ltoie fl\d blf<'!IO!'ld Judd """ ot W'al!l'lln1i.r. ,,.., Oec•mMr 1 WllJtl.111$0M·ll09111N._N o w . 1', MCl<lrt-,, C.rol Dor"n •nd G1r1hl °""'" .lllltwrt, n ...... M1<itlfn1 '~ l•~;:.u11. NA•m• )(. •ncl A11M .. Mj. ·1:1ro111 of W..'1111"'"'· ... " • 'OTH EHIUltGlll.ARMSTPIONG-LtRO'P' W.V. :it. L••no Al111, 21, of lae, Keren I nd Dll<>tl•• L. Wntmlnsffor. '"" C••oli'n ltt. 2F. ol Cl~1, Dontlflr Alllfltltl'I •lllll Frfferl(ll;; • Wi.oftlilltlool 9MCh. ' F. ftEICELIEltG-aOYEll:-No¥. tt, K•ll tNTlll:LOCUTOllY Ol!'CUIS 4#, H~ :it, of l1 Puente, 1nd Efftllle ........ Otc ....... 1 ~rlt. ,,_, ol Wnlfftln1l1r. we!l'll:lereer, Ch1rlOOt Dtle 1nd lttr-T AL I E II T -TA ILEltT-NO¥. :SO IMl'ld Lew111'41 TiieMM Vtn, S7, ol 'Co111 Men, C11Nrllle. Vidor 0. tMI Ttr11llt ""'91l'IN GWWlllOIYn It,, 51, ti Hvn-,.,.,,,,.,,, MIWrM T1r .... 1nd A.ati.rt JtNto11 l .. dl. Al1H TA'#tEll·HAll:T-:i'ic". JI, Ciatk C., l:Utt. C.lfltrlM A, end ~ H. -"~ -... of c-·· ""' K•lflrvn HUlll'lf.. llU•t•rY Ellffn •nd HIH'lfol' . LA!lt/ ... 61 llf H11r1flnelon leKll. Fr•ncls ITEl>HENS.-THOM.t.5-Hcw. lO G1r1ld MamoMI, ~A. Md ChrlstlM 1(. it 4. Ind Cll'Olt. SI, bofll of MCO.rmott, .$1.o,_., L. 1nd Jt,,_ It. Ml ....... Turi.bl. Jernild I... lfMI 11\ltll M. ~I'! llAOHEll -DK. J, Cl'll11es ~rldl, ltrt>ert J, tnd lob , ..'J' W.IMlllll« tnd Velw1-Mltole, L'fflde O. 11111 """'°"" L ~J.a, \8f:l!1:...-rt'l-DK. 4, ~l!Mrt Crltl, Mrl'lte Fl'ft Ind Edwtl'lll Hk1111-. n. "' MuntlneT(lll .-,c;ll.. ~lanll. Loul1 e. •lld FlorlN A. lflll $Uun lr-. n. o1 1.-c.,1 ltld. 11omen, Mlk• 1nd ~uvn T1:DCCHIANO.WOLLMAN.......0.C. 4 • ~ Mtd. Joell FtlllCIJ MCI ltsltr Vfl'ICtl'lt, 10. Of P1r1maunt, •nd Sill'!· Er...st .._ Clrol. 16. d Huntl"9twon Ber.to. Krr...11, o-•Ml JCllVI J. M>l.LIHG·IUllNS-OK. 4, D....,v, "f Aubr'I', J1~llnt L. incl R-ld E. t:J':'b'1 Anll. 16. bolll Ill N•-CUtrtll. hll\frl'f J. 1nd Mt1vl11 F. Glt~t:N·KENN£DY -Dec. 4, A""'ur k1mtn. KrlnlM 'AklkO tnd Gto,11 10, •nd Ann. 11, bDlll of NfWl>ort J091ft/1 a.di., DUl'ftlf, Katl'lfrlN Ind $1utlill'I Ill. F1SGN£1t.J.t.MES-CDK. 4, Arlll11r c ,, HKlttlt. Eltwlnl JOH,ii l<!d PtlrlcJ1 Mo Mid oen-c1nnon. '' bolt! or ll:lcll1rdson, J1mes M. 1111111 CordtUt J, ~ti,..._, Smllfl, Ntlffll'I D. 1nd,C11'i11 Ann AIWltl • Mtrv-Lvnn. n, o ltdlm1n, Mldltel Scott incl N•Mtte A. I •·HUl~'s-, (, Otv!d l .. 11. 01 O'Q11IJt, Collftll Join 1r'MI Ktrl Al'ltOl'I cflt.J.m.o-A. "6LL OK. " Robert J-., Srt'fl• hll 11'111 G-•t Allen , 11,, ,,..n, ,,, both of Sutton, Townlt Jurtlof' Ind Oorot!ll' "'"" ' Mfr't' . • M 1M..tECHi!1t-=0tc., (, fOW.rd J. SOl>O, IU,t1 IC•l' Ind JostP" Stepf\111 -fl, ~ MerliiM, -ti, belt/Ii Of L-M Flrnrt. Gtt'lldlne AM llld Don•ltl . 'E!l!I~. D ~II · H£M,,H1Ll-~. ., w:!'.'':..':'..r. l\Ullt ""' W•lt.r I" . • 51, U ';!n1111111on e..ui. •na tM . Torr...ee. J--. J1ntt KtY lnlf KellT 'John co•.J.11'1-MA.w-~ 1i !··-":"'.~ ... '· .. ~. "1 •. D., kldlllf, DllM ll:ost Ind 9'H-, lt•ndoo"" ts ol -lnii·---oe... "' SJtM1111, GlrJonl Merlln •nd N1dl"' M~t}j{(ft!'ToH--,o.e. S. Cll'lldt ltDMmttl' F F_,..., VllllV, incl OJ.t"' T1v1W, E•rl W: l!'O:I C1relvn tt. ''· fif Go-II• Mont 'Tv-n, 11111 MM'"" TlmotriJ Mlle• °K-·n.t., 5. 5"°'.,; A., lt, D1vi., Judlfll tnd Atno .;ie•eo11"" M., 11. lto!tl el' Co.ill .L-. J1tn Merit Ind ll:onakl Wllll1m M ""-·-" • -... lit~ Dorlttl Slntnnt I nd WUUtfft 1'01Utia-C(l(IK-ntc. J, Gto~tt ~ Atlln fdwllf'd )f, of W"lmlMW, tncl Adllftl, Dl¥lcl LN Ind 11 .... tl'IOnlll •M~lt L~1. ,., nf l"OUl'lllll V1tif'v, Mtrlt VAN fNT"ill·'<llll!IY-Dt<. 5-Ktf>. ''"' ... __ > ~""" .,1, 11, :15-nl l-&Itch. Ind -A 20 of w.,1m1~1'1r 11111, C111r1-ll'ld Jerry E111t r>e G -Ml.~1!-Dtc. :S. 'N•roltl lf1rd, 51tS1n K. •rlll 111<;1\enl Andrt ~tlllo. M .• l;,J:td• Ana. _,... Cl!trvl C•ml>Wll, EdW1rd F, tlld Iris L . . U I!, om"''" ... · 5 ._ • Kowre'f, ~·• D. 1/ld M1rtln E. GtlMC'll"-1.£AiVITT-· • • WM1t, ,_ '°' •·,•• , ... ,,,,, 11, fif w...tmlnill.,, .... G•v\t M., n. .,. "' ,,... ~ S...I• ,1r,n1, • erl)Ob, Slfnelt ll:Ose i nd L•rrY Clllrlu O'HALLA.llAN-GUSt--0«. S. Mkll~I Jld:son, l!ltlvl~ I . and F. M. Jt-,' n, of Hul!tl....., IMdl. t r.d · -ot!tler, Clltlord Ch•I""' Incl Oorl1 Vlrtl ~.~. 11, "' c~·· Mn•. Jent Dl!TIGUY-YAN WAY-Dec. S. G-tt Roblft. Timoteo 0 . er.d ol•1>e1 M. It-Jr., H, 9!'ld Deri.M Mtrle, Jl, Reufl, Sltlrle'f J•1t1 Ind Mitlllef bolfo of Hunllll911111 lt1<ll. Y/l11!1m Bledt:blth. ltr't'I H. t!'MI tlfr._bttf_ T. Dissoltitioias Of Jtlarriqge s1nor. ll:lci'l•nl L. 'Ind OorH'll s. c T lk Slone, SU$11! C••ol Ind H1rrv ,,..,., Jant1, P1fu A. 1flCI Keri""" It. aoaer . a """· "" '· '" ... ""'""' " .... '" J<>'lff, M41rlon Ann Ind Dlvld LH Mts1l11•. ,\\Irr TllertN end Gur Don l'INAL OIClll!I!• erw~. Dr1ne Jo •nd John A. 'Q ' ks'' c· • d' D l'llM DICMIW I S.1e, IC1lhlttn GUI 1nd O.rrtH II. uac -·· #n -n fl anger • "''"'""' l'rtdffkll L. 1nd D1!>11nt V. Wltll!, M¥•t 1ild 1tu11tll 1. ~· 11..&a.. T111'111or!. MelVln •ncl M1r11 S I Pt! lcl "' S O ... •·· ,,,•~ M ... ChlrlH N. . o o. r I• 1""1t , ..., ,..,,.., 1Wi'nlt r, A""• •rid L1111l1 8 ~• ~1, l.lnd• 1'•¥ 91'M1"011'Y LH Derrington, DO(llld E. •"" S•fMI•• M. y IVl1f BARLEY But many Aqwricans, sJ.e Cl'lllden. Jt1M1 N. Ind 1111 Jt1ne Lunl, ll:tYmond H. and Porlll O< "° .. ,, PO 'I CUl'INrf, Htf1"1' •llll'flllNll' I . s-. Dian E. Ind JoM 0. ... llltf wame:cf, allow themselves to .,....Jt, C-l•llq A. 11'11 J ..... , A. Dunl••· Otvld Wt !llY •nd Oorl1 lilllll s·-A ANA N1hno!Wft. Lert'ltl P:. tnd G1tnn W. Jr. Pirlttr, l!ltllV C•rOlrn •1111 1t•rt w. ,...~a -An estimat-be misled by prollt-orjenttd ~. Y-C1rolt Ind ll•I" No·• N K'· ·-v ,.. P1u1 ;.;a,,. 9uY"" ,.,., •nd 11 eel one third of the 300,000 quacks who ·tike quick ad· Mt~. Luclllt 0 , •nd F t tlle ..,,neodo, Floetti J. encl PVrkk C. Am·"···· h aJI ~ M!ttr. s.r1111u....-•1111 Llord c.u.111 iul\.:al'3 W o aMu Y con-·va.ntage .of the fear lnsUlled 1'11Jn, Sf)lr\n E. 9nd oll~lft Lt•ltr Gre'f, MIChl'I E. ll'ld S/ltlla D. t · " • -Dr-. ••'"'t 1'111 llottr A111n Robbins, M•~ L. •nd c:.r...,,., L. rad cancer turn to quacks m the average sufferer by Smlll'lo p.won It.. ...i R11111ICI 01rrell f' p _. 464 S. Main SI. Orange 333 E. 17th St. e 5tnlil Mtftk1 •e V111k1 • w111n1w • Ltnc.111.,. e Ylllhtrl e Slit""" O.llt • H.lf1ll Hell~ i ¢ you've seen this same ty COME IN,,. pt! MAIL IN YOUR ORDER TODAY . ,--------------------··· •S •·A SHOES I 9130 W. PICO BLVD. I .LOS A .. GELES, CALIF: 90035 I Enclosed 11 S Mont1 Orcltf I § Ctltck C:.0.D: I ~''~'====·~·~'"~'~'!"~'~Ir 11'1011•114.tl Pf, I ZE (AddlV.."a*bl•) SI (IOl' c.o.o. Nd •1.00 rorJmldllngJ . "'" .ADDRESS•---------------- cort·--------'TATE·----'"--- I I I I I I I ·po11,-i;1"<il J.'•'rld 1tldllnr v. ic:»::."O::li L~'!1111"f~,..ei,, for costly treament and-con· ~ ..... tnowledge that he has ·-· c-t A... oillOll l11nltv K. A!,_ ..... _ , _. ... --A ,....,IQ. Gwen flhtl ..... cn11ton Dt1n ~·~""' ... -· .,.. __ ,., • solaUon .and at the same Ume cancer. "Our fight th•••I------=================================:::::::::==.===:_ __ Mott. o.r1n E. •li<I Callltrlne M.. l.l1rcllo, Dtllt \.ft •!ld'Eftlrd Hereld ~I Ohl'-Jiii mlubtlll 1nd Gertr~ Pr~-· lrlfldl C.lntY'll •1111 '"'""' foolishly fritter away Whlt diys:," ·she said, "ls l! much •~owfd Ltw4 1nd O-• 5ue 101IO(ll;;, E4;j:/ ~":n. '· are now uceDent chanca-thit qainst. ~e name Jtaelf and Mftt[, MerltJn ~.... •nd 1111~11 l•-·· Ct•ol IE. """' ·~ ... J. n ... • ~I···-· -.. I.I \.,,. ---.1 wilHlm , Gor>a. TOlfll7!V I!' • .,... Frwd M. "~ll" ~ 10U1.1JU ~ 11;1a~ what it hi$ come to mean in ~ Ma,_rllt C. lnll JOHl h H. H-~o ' 0.. • -~ Fr-5 • .Miii Ch1r1ea A. ....,. "''· .._ J . _,_ 'd • ot at.:J.ut control'-' -an our aocietv ..• ,-Wtil• .Jo1tn Ar1Pllll" ..... Jo,~IM !~di, Jofm HJd!olft 1'111 itt'P Ula -.....,- ,....... f'l'l'IVIM w . ..,.. Gt!!• c't.",'!"'~010'" Anll• * Hertlf Amerk:ln Cancer SocletY au<f. • She blute<I as "absotUtely Kii ..... ,,_. f , ··l'MI GtrdnH Fl...,lnt, Kell!.._ I'. •nd Ktinf D. ,-.. -WU ~'d ~..... rth!-J -~ McCll'lln. 0-"°'" :tHll 1nd w1m1m Hvrd, Sl!•ron .err...,. ''-"••.M-, ...... • "Wl i..::~y. WO Qill • .......... ·cancer-fight- CIT1rll• ,.1'" o.c.;..,., , "'~'!:;"'""· H11Mn NtitM .... 011111 _ 'The v~ majonty of those ing. substances 15 Laetrile and Homt11. J1c1111tllM Ker 11111 A111~on1 OHll, s11eii. 1n11 G•,., L" ·victims die needlessly, "Mrs. K b' and d' . Pllllll" l cwr, Edltll •1111 Jt. Helene Brown told a s·-·-re 1ozen 1sm1ssed Lae-"°""· Terlilto tnd Wld' H. Cl)ll!.~V•l(!'la~tflll-11:•rt w. . OU.kl -liil-.~ -11~1if -In -tvwr •. cttn11r ston Sr. •1'111 Jetnne MHltr, 1e11rtre c. and M~,,,. 11. Ana meeting of the aoclety, e ! ~gcu e sav g prop-D~~1 An ... tlld w11n1"' Lill ~ur91r, l\Urr Alke ind ·1tor wu11t"" "They get smooth talk, worth-crties as "being ~•Ing more PHH otCtll'IMI' s Dm1n. ~n• Jlfll •Nf«obl•t lt•l!'I' ~-:1'. ~. •·•• ,.-,.., il'lll J-E. t1rus1. ~Id A. •nd Ptt•lcl• tees concoctions and a big bill than crushed &pl'>CV\ pit! In ......,..,.., "' 91Ptl1tr. l'rM tnd Mrrn1 Sm1..,;Gr11'* Judtlll 1ncr Jolln M111•ll 5e111, Gl,.,.,.~, tnd c11v1n Mlkote before they meet a death that water:" _..,_,..,-'-._ __ ..__,_"'_"_'_~~·-·---··H~~·· Lout11 illd L1ur•nc1 could have been avokStd.'" This·naUon has· Ina qalnst DeetJa · J'Votlees Sii,,, Gwell*lvn """•nd Ltwrenct J. Quacks arc erpJoiUna cancer . suctt"quackrend.they are be- 1o"ro Jed: C-So10. lJS A~cll. t1lbD1, Ctllflrnil. luNlvH Irr 1111., .. , Heltn L...._ Mvrtle L .. ~ Cl\M'IOlll (~I "'°""*'• Sifft A.. l!lo'ftl, Strvk K . Tftulrioliiro I PM. I.......... CllMtlr"f ~ Mtnc~llf Cll-4-Vlllt1tlon. W"'1ucllv. 4 \o t PM. lntllW'llOCI c- '19rt Mer'!Ulr'(, DlrtelOf'I, COMllOY Wlllllll'l'I H. COllfW. 1'4 Otlt SI., C~ll M119. Oe19 d -II\, OK. 15.. S\lr¥1ved tw .,.,._, Mn. O.W.. lrlOftn-.tni rnotblf'; vtolet \.I Mestir1, boll! of Co111 ,11\1$11.;. ·F-11 ..,.."" Mwf ln1trmen1 Witt .. ..... "'' CICOI• Florldl. l1llt COllf #Ml.I Mortu1ry, l"ortw•rClll'tll DI-"'""'"· . • P•Y •o11trt M. ""'· "' W. lftll St .• N-f l••t ll. Dtl• fif Offtll, Die. IS. Prlv11t Mrvl'91 _,,. htlCI l:f .. ttz Ca1!1 Mne MortutN Ct\u91. ·•·· ' ,,_ Wtit.f 0 . Tlrmo. 1» Albart P'l«e, COl!t Meta.l,D1!1 of dllfll. Hev •. 2'-Prlv1t1 -.lclt wtA lltlCI 11 hlll C-dtl #Mr lt\Orl\tttl' Cllllllf. ZIMM•llMAN Ger•lf S. Z1fftll'ltf'n\.lll, A .. 1, of lWI f lr""-'"f (lrclt, Hul'lllntlan IHdt. D1t1 ef dRttt. Ole. 15. s-lwd 1IV n'IOll!cr. M'••· °'""""" ~' .... ,,,.,., J111'111 Lamlll'll 1l•lft'• 0.Wll HI,_ Mt11 d 1hol ..... It """"aNy, I ~ st ...... Mr1't C .. flalla.Churdl. 5el'lll .lr.111. Pttll: Fe;mllY Coiomtl ,.....,.. "°""' Olrlldon. ARB~l<l!ON w--Mortury C7 E. 1,.. SL, Celts Mera -• • BALTZ MORTUARIES C-aHIMar .. -.ORM451 Coa&a M~ r' •• 1 .... ml I-UM • • ·B!LL llBOADWAY MOl\'l\JAllV . ' ~ Ill Broadway, Caoa Mesa UHm . • Mc(l()RMICK T,A01J1'!A BEAaJ MOBTVARY 1111 ~ ea.Joa Rod. -5 •• • PACl11C VIB!'' MEMOmL 'PA11K C.-lel? _,, a.pet ,. ' 1J11 Pacllle Vlow lidft NM,_t --...~CllM1rlla -• PDK-.P""""Y COl.ONDL ftlllDAL -......... , .. .. Wtflr' ta .... ..... • AllTlll' MOSnlARY 111.,. .. ~ .... ...:Wa ~ I Hll1, ltoblr1 A. I nd L1'41 M. ''& ' ' L ..... wort11r. Jtmts L11Mnt •rd victims in ever greater ·nwn· ial enf«eed, ·Mrs. Brown K:i:::.1'i:r= w. •nd f!obtr'I H. bers, said Mn. Brown, wbo is said, "but our best method of N1t1-. J_.ltw _,Bord vice chairman of the· State attac:t against these ruthless Dtftlllll'lt, N"°" o. •nd Mlc:llMI c. ,.___ Ad·.1 r-..... n --~ I nl ""'-s.nv J. -Ge,., 11. '-'fljl\;er ,,sory """"......,..., UN peop e is. to I orm and con-5111di~. ~"" D. end Ctnnll M. one rea110n_ for that li '1tbe vtn. ce '"" public ·that, its best Johnf, a.i1>1A Ott tl'lll WlllllJI" '1"" Fyi:;.::iu11 Joal'IM •nd 1.1r1 1Ud'l1rd failure to mfonn today'a, ~ defense-.against . canctr and Locto;wood, Slltron A""' .,,.. 11:1c111n1 ciety and its cancer victims curt ol the diaeue is only D.a=:~, DonM K,1,11119 ...... Mkll•rl that chances for a recovery png to·oome·from the ~g- ''*"1' · are better then they ever nbed raedk:al·community and ,...,..,. o.c,......, 4 were. , :methods."· Smit!\, lonalM E. •nd lll•VmtN'IC II Sr. Ltwr-. _, .. _111nor '"" 0on11d "For example,~' she Aid. ¥1P1·o[ 'the ao.ealled cures w::~ Ktlhmi M. lflll •oMrt A. "we are curing 75 percent of ~,-have willina:)y testified ...,,, Hormt J"" •nd Mtlvln Wnle'f tho$t cancer cases spotted 'by for quack talesmen 111d man- si;-ciira Mt1'11uert1"' iM Cl'llrle• early detection and many Ufmcturen that they were ~ ~~;::-~·.:r,:: .. ':4.:':i:i!!:G. types " cancer that were re-cured or cancer "by this or M•M•I. Jo1rw11 "'-•I• •rd Fr.111Clno garded not so long ago as ~tbat' concoction" never had ~~~d,•ic:: ~~.:"11.~~~;, incW'able can not be so cite· ·Cancer in the first ·place, Mn. Hto111on. Kala AM •M Ha•llll't Stton gorlzed' today." , "D--....:. ·said. . . Gu't', Jfllllfl Dtwltt and Tiit,... '""''f""" M•••1rt1 And some methOds. of con· "It's pretty eaay for many LOM1. P1t111 ••lltiol 1nd kf1ti• trol are a Jdl hln --•" · I ho Ntcson. Gllbtrt A. •nd 11Ur1t111 o. • r P Y approac g s,..~ve 'ptOp e w get into c-"· G111 c. •nd c1111ri. e:. the paint that we may see their .rotttea and fifties to be-Dp""· Lt•n~r P. tnd s""'"'" w. I I ''-'-· c1ro1 uu1,.-end T°"'"'" v ct ma 1oC ceratin forms or lleVe-<that aomt' unusual physi-0u":!.."" Mirt1¥n S. •nd c.,., fdwir'd cancer exercising llh!lon.g cal eyroptom · adds up to can-w~~..,!'fNI Enutirlh ,,... Ltllflf CGl'Jlrol of the disease in much 'Cf!ri~" she, saJd. "Thiey go to a Thor11t, Ktre11 L. 1n11 t"'" ... the same manner •that diabe-quick even ... lf their own doc· ""1e1. P1t1u11 Ki., and J-Pth'klr tics uae Insulin .• to COUlrter tor 111y1 --.it isn't cancer ·nd ll:ermtr. 1•¥Wlr Jte11 allll L" ' .. A1orr11111 their dilease, Mrs. Brpwn the. qaact professes to cure Isom ... rbill'I Jo 11111 ,_ Shrtr aak!. .-. ~--l1rtltll, A"""' 0.111 llllf Ml,..,... Wllll:' ~ J••-:11F.!~~!!!~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~il k ind, lollll• Loulll 1111111 Jlfffl'I' Ooullal -ciw....rn. Clltrfl lllttl lftd Clt'ltlef'Wll ,_ H•ll. Ovenl D. Mid l llldl K. McKl1111f, Artt111r J, ltfld lltltt Lau Fllfltl'. JeM E. Jr, 11M1 11-.CU l . ttokofn._ Cllrlttl!ll Lindi 11111 G"'""" w ... I.Ir•, Dolof'fl Ind J1mn C. Auu1n, Willa Dttll •l'ICI J1c11; L"IHP Ktnt, tobblt lte tnd Mk~t L. Sm1111. Laa! MIUrftn ll!CI S,...lfl EntHllt • aectotfl. DorotfTv Mll!IN 111111 Ylnct!lt F. ' Sttw1rt. Sll(k. AMI ft WH11'tfft Altfl C1th-. Clorft O. 1nd Cllerlu H, Adi ¥, AODtt' W • .Ind Nl"tlt Jlfll Hlll, JOMPll C. Jr, •nd J-1 C.rtf l'IMAl: Dft•llt ·--o.c--.-' . GullJ, "'-rlor~ l.. •nlll Jolln Metfl!tw ....... 0........ ltdl:\ll'OOd, Ctftll I". llld "'"" W. J-.., ltlllW L. 11111 1Edw1rd 5. Lt11m111. Ottofllr c. 1'111 .,._... 1. Hlflff, 5rllt'!ff J, Ind l"rwf ( • .. ....,. Mtrlen H1r111a. 111111 ~• ..... llANSECDENTM. MEDrrATION AS TAMMT IT MAHARISHI Tffl . lntrMuctery lechrt• I.MUMA llACN WOMAllf'I CLUI .. IT. AMW'$"9•, YM•IMY, NC. '""-'•» t'.M. AliMm"* Pllll 'fH.-0 ~ - r '' ' VERY CORRECT TIME ' Thil Speed-Reid dodc by. Setll'T-hH everything. 1nc:lu'itlng1ligllted dlol for easy night ,.mng, ond dl)"<lote feature. In walnut wooch:aH. $37.!iO . " Jf\Wlm Sll'IOI' 19'17 II FASHION ISi,),NO, NEWPORT IEACH -644-1 llO .Opao -· "'"' Set, 10 ..., ,. t 1H P."'- I ~@~Il~oo , and we love it~ • LagunaFederal Savings loves being locally founded, l~y wried- we're a.mutual association, oWI!ed by our depositors .. , 'th ' , the oldest Federal Charter in the county. j Yes, we love being the Association-who has 'grown up minmunities it serves; who is proud of its independ t leadeiship in Orange County, and who intends to keeii it way I 90% of our home loans are made within a 50 mile r.Jwu. 1°"% of savings from ~ur Orange Col1Dty BBter• is invested in PraDP.:ColllllJ'~ And no lllS~ pav• higher imerest or offer• more_ ooried W<llJt to,,_: Our doors Swing wide to welcomeyotil l ' ~~tma6f/Jea6<;n@pen~~ Coroe one! Coroe all! Meet your friends hosting the afternoon's f011tivities at our / 1 Laguna Niguel branch office. Enjoy Cbrisbnas music and holiday refreshments. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18 2 TO 6 P.M.' ~UAa7~$~ AND LOAN AllOCIATION " p 111 I ' . /, ,. ' ' I , • ' ' ·• ' Wtdntsday. Dttembtr 16, 1970 2.00 OH! de London • • ''Luv Bir~s" Spriy C1 lo&ne--\\lith t~e un for gettable Ira- !"""' ol-wi~llow~• 3 00 Stull in her stoc_king ' " 1 • or hang on tfle tree. 2 oz. size • ONLY Tell Her She"s An Ancel ... Gi1e Her 2-Piece Gift Set An elegant gift !Of lbal special someone •.• De· rne· Ousting Powder with • Eau de Toilette Spray M!{f 4.50 "Heaven . Sent" By HflENA RUBl"SmN CllSTll-LIKE 4 00 . ~~~~? .. ~i~t_.... • • ..ij . • .llil.. . '~at _\ 2-P.c. Gift Set . Eau de Parfarn Spray 3 75 Mist combined with Dusting Powder. • . . .. . ... 1, 3-Pc. Gift Set • Eau de Parfom S~ay 5 00 Mist, Oustin g Powder • and Foamma-Batl! 011 • . . ·"Hea n Sent" Danie Her with Ye COMPAOS Chic petite compm:ts Iha\ !l ip open to reveal a cake of neath its lid. Ptrll ir Slell ' . 3~0_0 : .. , t i...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'--~~~~~~~-~~~ Wedntsdat~ Dtc'l~ber 16, 1970 ~ 1~iL1~~~L Russian Leather Wil~ an a11tboittati1·e outdrior-in-dborf~agrance.:. in uniqUe hand- decorated gold i:olor bottles. Hand- Aft~~ gith~~~d. 3 00 Cologne ·:::: 3:50· . ' 2-Pc. cift set& 50 After Shave and Cologne, • Dl. eac~ • · 3-Pc. Gift Set . :~~~~~ll~~OI, ... 04 OZ. eoach 0 plus Soap on· R!1pe. • ''Hai-Karate'' Vower1ully d1tlerent -be care1~1 how yuu use it.. Eacj'I package contams in· ·st111C.tions on· htlw lo defend yoursl'll !iom women in case you apply an overdnse. After sh3ve Lotion 1 · 9 r·· • '" fiift Dt.ca•ter · , ,:i~B.Ol.Stl~ · • , . ~Jo'· , • Rer.2.1! 97:4 :::Attar~have ~otion ·. · · . ~ · Rer.1.l94oz.S1ze ~ · . ' . . -. · . 2'Pc. Gift Set · ·4 01. bo"o of'Aller '4 69 ,,. ' Shave a~d CaJogne· Aer,5.29 . • '' . ' . .. 3-Pitce Set contains 2 oz eaCb Of Ori!irtafUme.., DI~· Spiee-l ,-,gul!r" After·Stlave. -Rt&:, 2.19 . ' 1··.97 : ·, 2-Pc. Gift Set -. . · · 4 ·01. bottle of Af ter 3· 29 Shave ~n6 s~p·OO· Rope. ·Rec. 3.69 • . ' ' YARDLEY "Origina,I'' Di~li"'tive! WrU brrd and self- a~sured • After siiave 1 .. 00-/ :;::g LOJIOi! 1 '!< oz. S~a1J;gSoap 2.·25' ::::::, ·in·aowi .. tild10 LEY '' Blac_k .Label'' ..... 1,1: · 1 l> ' ,. ,1 •• 1 A ypu/lg, ~ool, Clean langy scent!· . . ·2-Pc. Gift Set After Shott' & Cologn• . 2·25 2 lotlle! 111 -% 1l. Si1e • 3-Pc .. Gift Set Aft~Sbria,~ilp1.SprayDeo-' & ""Y e..-~o~ot, 5 oz, 5 00 • der 501 ' '•·' ' . . ~ • • J " ~ _I .. , - .• . - HAIRSPRAY MUSICAL "Santa" Face ' Wi~ 0011-down cord in 3 59 Gnld Window Bn~ • . . • I - Christmas Trays Assorted ooliday designs in 59c rourid 13" plastic trays. \ Ideal for Christmas cookie 1 gifts. ' • coNCDm!Au .. ''Prell'' s·HAMPo(; Extta Ri c~ ... Lots of Lalfl'tl J oz.f arge S i~e • • -r > ·- ' ; : '• CR~E FORM,U~ r· Miss ·cla'irol .. ___ HAIR COLOR .AT ALL ............ .,., ............... ,..,~~ RADIO Wagon • PLAYSKooL Tyke Bike · Higlrstyle~ile !Dr th"lo~ il,er. Chrome plated ingte Billfold Billfold , . ~ ;~~·r~:i~~~:;Comp5. act sgtyle •5ith I~. cess, toads of pockets. ~ Black or a·rowrt Waler Bltffalo. • ~ · Sports Fla ir ••• Steel hub r.aps, semi·jllletJmatic .tires. 8.88 AMF.Jr. 12" Velocipede .. l•e1tifi1r" -Idea! for the man who has ~. ~ l Swept-wing step deck, ad- ju~t;ible hand!ebars & steel saddle. Semi-pneu ma tic tirts. RediChrome. cards by tie. caselul. Secret poCie~ spare key l>Jlder. Blool Silk GrainMorQcco. 7~50 "WIRIN~ ••• 14 push button speeds to assure perfect texture every lime, plus off/Ofl butfun. 5 ct111 lleat resistant jar w/handle, 2 oz. measuring cup & recipe book. #11 10 Cup Coffee Maker 26.88 ly PRESTO ••• All stainless ste<I for rasy 18 49 cleani ng. Inner fitter basket lor clear coffee ' always. Flavor selector for slrength you like. " I CMIO . • SALTON Hot-Tray . "''-11rm1t" ••• Wilh ad)u:-.t~ble temperature c·ontrot. 1g1,2x914" overall, 1 4 lhx8 ~12" hea!in:; ~· ,1. . 4'H·ll l Electric 1Knife •1 HAMILTON IEACH ••• Switch· b'8de lets you cut like a professional . • • vertical or horizontal cuts. W11h safety switch. N 359 2-Slice Toaster IJ PANASONIC .•• OuilJr level toast· ing and automattc pop up. Shade con· trol selmor. High lustte chrom~ finish. #NT·ID6 19.95 15.49 9.39 ' . · barsw/p!asticgrips,rontouc- . ed wood seat Vciy colorful. ~ 4.99 oH;o ART Trap Drum Set "C11me Alive" 15'' pro hard- wnod drumstick s! 20;4 " base drum, 9" snare drum, 6"Tom Tom. cymbal, 2 bells 2nd a triangle. 8.77 __ ~ Rattle Battle ... bJ PARKER .•. Marble -£.. . family. Chann el your • , ac!lon garne for entire 2 69. H/i · " martlles through a maze · ol PliSIS. • a --..... • fltEE. Gin J!TIAI> ··~Cl • 12.88 ' MEN'S & LADIES' POND'S • •Steam & Dry Iron "Dreamflower'~ ·-~ . • I ;\':-~-·) ...... ----· ....... . ' ' ... Hair Brushes by SEKINE ' 25 steam vents to provide overall steam coverage. Non-slick coated sole,tate. With heal setting for perm· anent press labncs. #f90WT 12.88 DUSTING POWDER All-lfme lavorlte in pretty feminine conta1ne1s. 59c Assorted popular 3 88 ::.lyles to please any- one on your ~Christ- ms list. Attractively • I g•lt packaged. EICH PILOT-AOvtRTISER 1J . GLASS ARE for the HOLIDA 'f\, SEASON I , " Punch Bowl Set "Vintace" or "Arlin1ton" Crystal, 27 Pcs. 7Yz Qt. Bowl, 12 4 98 cups Wfhooks, La- die &.Base. • . Chip ''n . "Double" Twl)lli~ _bm\'ls, one 10~.,b6wl, one brass clip. Olive or Gold Color. I nstamati c 109 MOVIE PROJECTOR • .98 Accepts 50 &' 100 It. :• •• proiection cart ridges. , 09 88 "'• -Autumatic hjg!Fs'peed re· ~ :~;;;;~~·;;~. x . cP ft.LM -CXl26·11, CXt17, CX610. 88 - KODACHROME ·II • Movie Color Film tcsa smm 2.99 , SYLVANIA "Flashcubes" "8111 Dot" -Just · .. pop it in! Sox of 3 llashcubes (I 2shotsl Re1. 1.29 '' "Broxoilent" . AUTOMATIC ELECTltlC TOOTltlRUSH '1 SQUllB Six brushes for ... "" ~:~!:~·~: 12 88 ute. Delux~·Modef Re1. ll.ll • • • . ' ' ' ! i . .\ . • ~USH · ~ -~.--.==;~~.o;-:"=-;--;---:--. ,,,-:--c~----,~~....,...,-~~~~~~:.:;:::r-·~~~--~~~~~-~~~~~-~~­ / ' ' , ·' . • . ·9 PILOT-ADVERTISEllt Wtdnt$1Uy, Dteember 16, 1'70 Wtdntsdi.Y, Dtttmbtr 16, 1970 H DAil Y PllOT J 7 Brylcree,i; HAIR DRES,SING Puts life in dry bir. Imperial Size , • • ''Scope~' MOUTHWASH It keeps ynr breath fresher ftr hours. VICKS ''NyQuil'' ·-LIQUID COLD MEDICINE For 1l&btti111e relief. '' Mpclea.ns'' TOOTHPASTE ~ For irresistibly white t11tb! KANIKAl.ON -Double dome, comb clinging. Blunt cut or ~age girl. Natural aild frosted shades. "Sampler" 2i.$l ~I MEAT I. TURKEY · Platters f Assorted Sizes arid De- signs tor yGUr Holiday en- tertaining·. Colorful and unbreakable. l The all-lime favo1 il~ choco- lates in Holiday~Wrapping:-···· 11~. 21~. ~2.40 4.80 MAXFIELD'S Masterpiece in Chocolate Milk anij dark ctlocolate surrouoding delettabJe centres! V3fiety tor every taste. I lb. 8.88 1.75 Brilliant Colors With faces ! 1.39 1 Travel kit -2 bullet 2 88. -~ brushes, 2 daubers, 2 · ! cloths & 2 cans ol Kiwi I Polish (black & brown). • 8 Lighted Make-up Mirror Wltb C1rryiog Cue -Day, Of. f>ce, Home & Evening light set· 21 98 tings. Swivel mirror, Regular & Magnified for pedect make-up . #IM-2 • SCHICK Hair Dryer Nothing touches your hair but 16' 88 warm air, oo hQt hoses or bonnets. , 4-Temperature settings. Portable ,L and compact. #301 • 'II MIN'S Hair Styling Brush IJ SCHICK -Ooies as 1" brush 15 88 or·comb. Styles hair with a full "~1ural look. Ideal for traveling. #335 • Style Mist 20 HAtlSITTIR By SONGRAND -hclusive condi- tioner adds nourishing formula to steam. 20 no-tangle ripple·edg rallers in asst sizes. Handsome tortoise shell case. #SM20 13.-981 "K' d " 20 CLAIRJ)L m ness HllRSITTU Sets hair in minutes. 3 sizes of rollers. Ideal tor all types of hair. I roost .,lcome gift. #K·2D 14.99 "Sonae" Denture Cleaner flew advanced method for Sol1ti11 removin.& tartar & stains. 16 95 rrof~1onal-like cleaning 1 50 111 minutes. • , • .,. ,... J 8 DAILY PILOT W~nrsd.ry, Dtetmbt, 16. 1970 .. Wtdntsda)', Otc:tmbtr 16, 1970 . .. PI LOT·AOVERTISU ~11 L~gunan N ~ll!~d ·to HEAR, P ositio:p Men in Se • ce Lieutenant Colonel Bernard C. Jones, son of ~1rs. Earl C. Jones, 301 Ave. E. San Juan. San Clemente, has received the U.S. Air Force Com· mendation Medal at Phan Rang AB. Vietnam. Colonel Jones \\'as decorated for meritorious service els ch ief of the airlift command post in the 619th ~tilitary Airlift Support Squadro n al Hickam AFB, Hav.·aii. He now serves as an air operations of- ficer wilb the 834lh Air Division, a part of the Pacilic Air Forces at Phan Rang. An outa:tanding act o ~ heroism resulted in the award of the Sold1er's Medal in Viet- nam recently, to Army Pla.. toon Sergeant J . Edward Elliott, son of Mr. and ~1rs. Robert P. Elliott, 5015 Bruce· · Crescent. Newport Beach. He received the medal for voluntarily risking his life to save others. The medal is the nalion's highest award for heroism in a non-eomba t situa. tion. Airman Donald J: Smith. whose wife. the C o r m e r Monika Coverston: re sides at 2187 Pomona Ave.. Costa Mesa , has compleled basic training at LeckJand AFB. Tex. He bas been assigned to Sheppard AFB. Tex.. for training in the civil engineer· lnf!'. l!ilructural and pavements field. Army Major George "1• Bailey, son of h-ir. and ~1rs. Geor~e W. Bailey. 613 Cata lina St., Laguna Beach, received the Joint S e-r vie e COm- mendatJon Medal during a re- cent ceremony .at Aberdeen Proving Ground, r..1d. l\1aj. Bailey earned the award while assigned an in· structor in the Associated Arms branch of the Ordnance Center and School. Navy Seaman Apprentice Gary W. Ecclestoa, son of l\1r. and Mrs. John D. Eccleston of 3040 Donnybrook , Costa Mesa. is serving aboard the guided missile cruiser USS Chicago \Vhich visited Y o k o s u k a , . Japan. following a month of operations with the Seventh Fleet off lbe coast of Vietnam. Navy Petty Officer Third Oass Pbillip J. Orman. son of r..trs. Levina Whalen of 3282 California St., Costa Mesa. has returned -to J\.layport. Fla ., from a ~fediterranean deploy- ment aboard the aircraft car· rier USS Saratoga. Coast Guard Petty Officer Third C1ass Ted B. Beason son of Mr. and ~s. P. R. WidoU of J71 High Drive, Laguna Beach, is serving aboard the Coast Guard cutter Win· nebago which is on an ex· tended Ocean Station Patrol in the Northern Pa cific. I Clark D. Marshall . son of retired U.S. Marine Corps Senior Master Sergea nt and 1frs. Homer A. Marshall of 25966 Via Del Norte. /.ti.ssion Viejo. has bttn promoted to _secge.ant"bt the U.S. Air Farce. Sergeant Marshall is a weather observ er at Van· denberg AFB. CRlif. He is as.signed to a unil of the Military Airlift Command. Marine Second Ueulenant J1111e1 L. Pritchard. husband of Mrs. Arlene E. Pritchard of 233S Catalpa SL, Newport Beach, w•s sraduated from the Marine C«po Buie Of. ficer'• School at the Marine Corps Development a n d Education Command, Quan· tico, Va. Warrant Officer Sttvt.n ~f. W..bee. son of Orman G. La rabee., 23S Ocean Ave .. Lafuna Be:ac.h, r e c t n t J y • l ~WAREHOUSE . !SALE OUR WAREHOUSE IS OVERLOADED ••• MUL Tl·MILLION DOLLAR INVENTORY MUST BE SOLD BUY NOW AND SAVE • lST QUALITY NAME BRAND CARPETS AT lOW DISCOUNT PRICES • SllECT FROM THE LARGEST CARPET IN· VENTORY IN THE WEST •EVERY ROLl OF CARPET .IS MARKED AND PRICED FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE • All LABOR UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED 100% KODEL POLYESTER PILE, RICH, DEEP, LU XU RIOUSLY• THICK PILE . MANY NEW Hl·STYLE DECORATOR THREE COLOR SHAG· TO SELECT FROM. RESIST DIRT ANO SOil STAI NS. . LO't'l__ FIRST TIME OFFERED AT THIS SALE COMPARABLE RETAll:; .•••• •8.99 DuP NT ~lie NYLON l 00% Conltnuous Filame:t Nylon Pile 299 Certified wilh OuPonl 501 Blue "N"' lobe l. ~-~~- s2.1N1 COMPARABLE· RETAIL ••......•..•.••• $4.99 PRICE 100% kodel .!l Polyester Pile. Thr~e pile heig ht pattern in graceful design. Rugged · du~abilily. ,Beautiful colo rs. COMPARABLE RETAIL •........••••••• $8.99 Cl.ElANESE· IPoRTREL SHAG ' · Beautiful new ·de'ep Shag wifh~o Juli i • , { 3Y2" pile. Many new deeo rator lr i· par;ticipate In lhe fe11Uval fua:· contact K~n Ra.ins at Meta! Al!lnla. 494-9195, . TV Camera1nan F reed by Reels PHNOM PBNH (A P) - Conlmun ist forces released Korean television cameraman Joseph Lee Sunday ..after holding him ca ptive for more than a week in Cambodia's nor thern fighting zone, a military sp o ke s man an· nounced. .. colors to choose fr om. SQ. YD. NOW SALE PRICED AT . ~:,~. COMPARABLE RETAIL •••••••••••••••• $13.99 . . IOOO's OF REMNANTS ~~ZREGE 60 % i~~Ll ,' eo·% SAVINGS · SAVINGS · . O UP TO..... UI' TO... • •. -UVING ROOM, DINING .. ROOM, BEDROOMS HALlWA'(S , l!ATHS , CARS, ET<;:. lllNG YOUI •OOM MUSUllMEMT1! POLYESTER SHA 100% Polyester Pile. Beautiful Heavy Shag. New colors to ;selec: from. SQ. YD. SAVE 14.00 99 S4. TO. SAVE , .. S2.00 COMPARAIL RETAI~ •.••......•.•.•• $5.f.9 ~~~~~l!~~~ome J99 i bra nd s. Luxuriously heavy 4" deep s:.:~· pile. New hi-style tri-colors. 156.00 COMPARABL-E RETAIL •••••••.•••• , •• $13.99 l OO'Yo fort rel Polyester Pile. lush, deep, , The l!!_}!i!d name,,.. fce1) 499 long·weoring ond hord·IO·S01l. Stays 'SO. YD beout1ful with o minimum of core u.v1 · The •e ~1ed no me ,,.. fiber~ 5 99 100°/o Fort rel Polyesler Pile Popular two level pa tte rn Corribines bea uty so. YD. and dura bility. DistinctiVe but subtle :;;v1 twetd colorot;on. COMPARABLE RIJAIL. $8.9; COMPARAILE RETAIL $7.99 n.oo INDOOR·OUTDOOR COMMIRCIAL CARPIT CARPITS IUILDERSI ftNIST QUAllTY299· CONTRACTORS! 1299 NAMI BIANDS HOMEOWNERS! ldeot for family You,. Choicel rooms ploy se.To. • Nylon ~.T•. • S&Yl $1Yl rooms. de ns. s2... tut COMPARABLE RETAIL .. $4.99 COMPAIABL RETAIL... .99 BRAIDED RUGS 9x12 ........... 24'5 <OllPAUIU 1na1L .........•... $60 9x12 ..... , ..... 39'5 100% (0111. f1lomr 111 Nylon -(-rra Heovy COMPAU Ill Rn All ....••••... $15 _...., /' ·-' -. -~~•.,. • lD·IO·ID Olli NO INTUIST • CONVIMl[NT CllOIT PUN ~· '~ o w1 n•Ms A¥All.lllE ·CALL FDI nu SlllP·AT·llOllE suv1ct • YISIT ou1 cus10M ourui: ''"· GRAND NORTH HOLLYWOOD WEST LOS ANGELES AllANUM 7007 Leur•I C••Y••' ... 11141Wilshir•11•4. 649 N. Ewcli4 St. 11.~. -912·2200 ' 477-SS2S 615-1174 Moll ,-...ood lr-1 IO !illt •...an Son D<f?O "-· 1a W~\hll"t 7 blocki Nonh of !lan10 A.no f•tt- Wot fo\I to louttl (onyo"" 111..-d Tu<n aff. 6 bkltl \ ~'~' O!I W4 wot Ol'l lutlid ~roi1 lrom Calo! '"'"~ '"' CANOGA PAIK HAWTHOINE WEST COVINA 21031 Shtrmu Wor 1292' "'"'""" 1111<1. 2SU E. Workmoo An. 347-2134 17'·1221 916-4471 \ltn•v•O lttt· .. 01 IQ (OflOQO >.>1t '..nn O'f'Ql'I ''""""°1 to 11 !tfqv11 !.o11 ltrnord!llO '""'~ In (•llv~ Horth •o !iflt•mon wo, 111,.11 •lljlll do !111r.otl 1011 fG loio""l\o.nt St '} bloc•1Ho an(1!rv11a Wor • ,, .. ' -' • MONTEIELLO LONG BEACH 71S W. Whittler llv4. 3001 l•llllow•~ llv4. 72&-0117 421 ·1934 (Of11t• of Morlttbtlki it D'l'QO f•ftWO t to 8tllil~ ond Wholl~r lllvd d Jvrn olf Not1h Oii llfllflOW'· .. MOUYWOOD VENTUIA 111SM.Vtn11101An. 2$01 !. Moio St. .... 7455 '41·5041 ' 7 blocl ' North 01 Ho~"(W()Od J blocks Wt\I OI 8Jwd Ol\Vtrmont I •>1t Point1 on Mo"' PASADENA 2660 (. Colorodo Blvd 577-1900 I ( olorlldo Rt .. rl nt <,.n•• (ml>"tl 111 .. d SAN FRANCISCO MILlBRlrE 320 El Comino Real 692-2555 10PENING I CQSTA MESA 1714 Newport Blvd. . 645-3020 N.....,1 ~'' fllvd nl 171~ <;;1 . TORRANCE 4236 Artesia BIYd. 5'42·6696 & 11o ~ {n~I at ltnw!I•"", P. id on A.r1r~ • • ' ' I • ' ' , ' • •• ' 1 '\., ' . # PllOT·ADVERTISE• Wtdntsday, Dtwnbtr 16, 1970 " . For the.· Reeord . •.· I Di••olutions Of Marriage -~ • . Glamorous P6otwear for After-Five by. rt~ 700 ' Matchin g 2 s5 Handbags for • ~Iar $1099 Corfam®Slip-on Little Girl's CRINKLE PATENTS • . · I - 777 ·--~111 Cowboy Boots • Cbildr"''' 699 .. ,,, !lie Bors 1099 111ers 17~ 2 ~7 w1rs for . REG. $).99 Red and blue combinat ion. Sizes 8!-· J. INFANT'S SLIPPERS 144 YID t.boice .... either style in sizes 4-8. House Slippers for the entire family 199 399 tr I STORE HOURS: MON. thru FRI., 11 ·9 SAT. 9-9-SUN, 12·$ ml HARBOR BLVD • IACROsS FROM K-MART) COSTA MESA • ' Wtdntsday, Dtctmbtr 16, 1978 DAILY PILOT. II VALUABLE COUPoN. VALUABLE COUPON.1 lt~ll 1 ......... CH __ ,__ . HOT WUER.S - Lbt •·•c ttc -~ ,. C•~ ....... lf.11 t•-. 12-H VALUABLE COUPON -Llfllfl'-lllf ___ _ CHAIDCAntY 6.99 -.... Jl.00 MonOCJfCllll B52 .. 1 Lid ' ,...,, 6.99 SKITTLEIOWL :!'.'" 4.99 CAROM IOAltD 4•99 LI• 10.00 Ct"''" t"4 11-17 tlr• IJ·ll VALUABLE COUPON u.11 1 11 ..... ·---- IARMABUS COLLINS .... J,,, 1.99 ' .. SO°lo CHRISTMAS o· F F SALE SAYE$$ SAVE$$ LAST M1NV11 TOY S'l'!CtAU .... 1.17-J.... ~ Crazy l's Now ... ---·--·· .... 10.17-M-.t Rod RullllU --. .... 11.tt M:m:M Deluxe Rod h1Hr .... 11.17 'Ollie 'Al't Astroscope .ow .............. . 7·· .... t .tt-IW.. Computer Truck NOW 4•• .... S.H Poddle Pool llOW ............... 3" ..... '·'' Steer 'NScore NOW ..... ,,_,,, s·· .... l :U -Jllllons ef Jewels NOW -l!!ot-i·" -ftftc • . . ' 77 Gr.. Toro s NOW .•............ .... 21.M I uMI ..... "IOI'" 11•· Road Radng Set · Now. .... 1.47 Tippy Tepee 77c ~-............. . • ... J.tt Sc~rplo Now ·---······· .... jt .ti ...... .._ 29·· HI B•ked Raceway .... • .... •.• ~'\i..., w.. 3.•7 Billie Ror.ot NOw ..•... " .... r. .. -.. 3'' Biiiie Blastoff ""w .. _ .... I.DO Space Crawler •ow .... J.tt "' 1 '' Renfry_Gllder_.ow ...... .. 1.,. I.ft Star Seeker .... 2.67 Frustration Ball 1., NOW Mr. Bones NOw 1h >llCI Tog'I Bullclers .. ~ ............. . Phoney Baloney LIU 99c 2.4t ll•ll I I-, .. c ..... ,.., , __ UPSY DOWNS'Y :-:':. 1.48 ll•I\ I !!fto ,., ........ I<" J"IH c ..... "" 1:.11 I••• rt-?t Antt in IM l'..,ts \'.:', 1.99 Lllltt I "'°' ,., .. ~"" ,... -C••-t M<ll 11.11 t••~ 11·1t ll"'I! I HOM. J" """' IMI' °'"'" C••••• tMf 11·11 !~rll ll·lf IJ£5IGN-MACHINE . 1.49 BATTLESHIP 2.88 A CHRISTMAS TRADITION trom Ol'frt~;pt A DISTllCTIYE -SELECTION OF INDIVIDUAL CARDS. BOX Assortments, GHI Wraps, I . GIFT WRAPPINGS •.•• Gin WRAP ENSEMBLE only $187 2 Ralls Tissue • 2 Foll Rolls • Reel~ Ribbon ' Xm11 Rolls • Giant Rells of &111 ·wrap 1 ROU ... _ Wrappiltc ---Y6x26 Mdt e Rolls X11111 Paper I ii lollt 16•1 feet I Rolls Foll Paptr Giant Jl"x26" 88C . Only 187 Only 187 Only 187 PARTY SUPPUIS IV 11HOUSE Of PAPER" . ---ALL STORES OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 6 ·MIG.HTS . . NEWPORT BEACH ()ppoliti Brdwy. 50 Fathlon l~tnd ~I Choose Party Maid for the perfect Chrlsfmas party from ~~ • j -I j l - • L -...-, • •• • ,!f DAILY PILOT ~ ... • Wf!(lnesd,.y, Dt<tmbtr 16, iq10 'MINNE;,.SOTA FATS' SHOWS HIS FORM L•1•nd•rY Hustler M•y Hang Up His Stick "'Hustle1·' Tired Fats May Hang Vp Stick BY MIKEL MILLER BATON ROUGE. La. !UPI) -"Minnesota Fatl/' king o! the pool hustlers for a quar- ter century, says he is think- ing of chalking _hi! last cue. The p:icket billiards matches that last all week with o n I y snatches of sleep are getting to him. And at age 57, he's not as young as he was back when the folks in Minnesota were so impresst:d they gave him his nickname. ''It's a tough racket, pool," h! sa id in an interview. ''It 's one of the tougklest racket! in the world. Ain't no tougher racket on earth. You got to never lose. I'm about ready to give it up now. The first time I book a Jose. that's when I quit" By his own oidmission, "Fats" -as they ca ll him for short -hasn't "booked a k>.te" yet. And when he opens that brown alligator case and slips out !hat custom cue, you know he doesn't plan to. "I don't book oo losers," he says in his best New Y o r k accent "I beat everybOOy. I never lost a match. They may think they gol a chance but whefi It's all over, they got a better chance going to Viet· nam with a BB gun than beat· Ing me.'' For 47 years, "Fats" ha~ been winning matches, ever since he took on Eric Hagen· Jacker when he was 10 end sUll \\'ent by the name of Ru· dcilf Wanderone. When he was 15, he beat Charles "Cow- ~y " West, then the world champio n. He doesn't pla y in cha mp i· OMhip tournaments himself. he just sits over on the side and waits for a new champion to emerge . Then It's his turn. In October , he waited for four world champions lo finish in Johnson City, Ill., then broke all of them, pockeUng almost $12,000 for his paUence. ln between Eric Jtagenlack· er and Johnston City, "Fats" has played almo!t anybOdy and every6ody who could lift a slick. He's played most of the world champKins at one time or aoother and beaten ·them .all. drawn 100.000 peo- ple lo see an exhibition, serv· ed as president of the Billiard Players Auociation of Ameri· ca , and formed his own billi· ard supply firm. There was a movie about him back in the 19608 called "The Hustler" starring Jack· ie Gleason as "Fats" and Paul Newman as ''Fast Ed- die." Now. "Fat!" is starring in a movie or his own called "The Player" and just fin- ished shooting his scenes in Baton Rouge last week. In a tw.o-hour exhibition for the local sports, "Fats" made the balls look like they had strings. The cue ball jumped over a cluster of eight other balls, smacking two object balls into the corner pockets. Another cluster of six balls raced around the table a n d clicked into the pocket!, one by one. Once he squirted the cue ball out towards the mid· die of the table fro m the rail and let the English on it bring it back to a .corner pocUt- tf "Fats" Is good at trick diets, he's at his be!t in a game of one-pocket, a highly skllled version of pool t h a t emphasises defense. For the serious hustler, there isn't anything else. "Fats" once ran 500 straight balls in a game of one-pocket in Cleveland , using only one hand. And back In the old days . he ran 300 one-handed on a five-by-nine oversir.e la· ble with small pockets. Snooper Buttons Hear Calls to U.S. Agencies WASH INGTON (AP) When you telephone any or 62 federal agencies. s o m e~ n e may be eavesdropping and at least nine agencieB ma y oot ttll you about it, a House report says. The nine agencies range -from the supersecret Central Intelligence Agency to the Puce Corps, but not the FBI. the gO"Yemment's domestic ir.- vesligation unit. A report of the House government Information sul> committee said the FBI and aeven other agencies told the panel they prohibit monitoring citiuns' telephone cal11 . The 52 agencies havt 4,790 "snooper buttons," the re part aald, only they don't like to call them that anymo~. The report uld the butlons which cut out breathing and other oolse for lhe person .. listening in surreptltlously or othtrwlse" •re now called pu!!h-to-talk 1wltches. The agenda alJO uae 161 I telephone con versa t io.n recordi ng machines, 92 of them permanently wiNld into telephone circuits. the report said, and 147 attachments on phones to record or eavesdrop on conversations. The listeners are wually 5ecretaries, callers are usual ly told so1neone else is on the line and the avowed purpose of the widespread practice is s i m p I y to get straight the caller's request o r in· formation. said subcommittee Chairman John E. Mass 10- Calif.). "It remains a fact," Mou said, "that Wltil tht practice of monitoring i1 abolished , a citizen will never be able to know for sure to what extent or for what underlying motive ht is unwittingly sharing his telephone calls with silent listeners." The eavesdropping devices cost the taxpayers about tl37,000 • year, the report aaid. . Army'~ 'Re-Ups' Drop to Lowest WASHINGTON (AP) -R .. enlistmerits in the armed for~s have dropped to their lowest point in 15 years and there's no sign the Pentagon has succeeded yet in reversing the trend. ' President Nixon stressed the i1Tlportance he attaches to re· enlistments in his goal of achieving a n all-volunteer se rvice .by presiding recently at a special White House ceremony for five men sig ning on for more service. StatisticS show the re-enlist- ment.rate for the services as a whol e ,rail to 30.~ percent in ln fiscal lts.5. Figures , for Augwt , tht: most recent month available, show the over-all re-enllrtment rate for the services reached only 33.5 percent. Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird started a year ago to promise improvements that would make military life more attractive as a lure for re- enlistme ts. Spurr by Laird, the chiefs of Army and Navy in pa 1cul.ar have moved to m basic changes in service life d eliminate old irritants. The ·r Force says it has 3DAYS O.NLY. ~our had the best service cottditions the fiscal year which ended June 30. This was the lowest level since a 27.2 percent rate for years. The Mtrine Corps ... has made plain it won't 10 , alona with the · lead t f the other services to a n y noticeable extent. ... Some critics have suggested the Nixon AdministraUon has placed undue stress on pro- posed pay increases and bet· terlng the lot ef first·term enlistees. These critics argue not enough inducemen ts have been offered to keep seasOned non- commissioned ofCicers and other veteran servicemen . many with skills acquired while in uniform. The Pentagon ~lgures in· dieate first-enlistment lotals are holding up well. Jn the first 11 months of this calendar year, the Plntagon reports, more than 329,000 new eq]istments were recorded - about 7,000 more than had been planned-for~ La st year. a c tu a l enllstmen.ts totaling 463,800 !ell below the objective by about 9,000. But the statistics, e1pre ss edrin percenla.ges rather than in ac· tua\ numbers. tell a differebt tale. The serviei!s' re-enlistment rate is about 20 percent below what It was in fiscal 1965. just prior to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam ground war. The Army, biggest of the services and the one which draws heavily op the draft, recorded a 31.l percent re- enlistment rate in fiscal 1970.. The Air Force, which has the best rate among the services throughout the years, recorded a 42.2 perctnt re· ~fir lafy robn rriC"' ror sift &i•ln1. N)·lon quiliiiij:" fill"' "''i•h roltu•t• fibt• fill. \\'omtn't 1in S. SHEER STRETCH PANTYHOSE Sale cho\C8 • hirtS in co-iy . rnas, or s\ccp .s washable. 77c tOO':f. pRE~t1ur.1 QUAt.lTY K11neka\nn . 0 wns, pa1a All rnach1ne Choose {rorn g hcd acct~te . or brus cotton . n's srz.es. "\\rorne .. ~ ~f:.J "Heather" GIRL'S PERMA PRESS BLOUSES '" N1w11t ft1hlon look for Dadl HANDKERCHIEf 'N' Raglan sleeve 'Y' neck TIE SETS Point enlistment rate. The Navy registered a 26. 7 percent re-enlistment rate last fiscal year and the Marines trilled Ule other services at to.a percent. Elections Set The Sou1J1ern California Finn Association will hold its annu nl meeting Saturday, Dec. 19, at the home of retiring president Fred Miller Jr., 108 Via Flor- ence, Lido Isle. New officers for the coming year will be elected. GIFTIO . Bij)U 4 W :riout 10(, \\"hir:• -"'l!imp:' Joi4: ~r 1ir. ~ :;z.~:. "M,.,l.,.a ' ~ ,. Boid ed LEG CA • la· 3. .. • 1 ' Plaid ponh; width-it 1ty}, la blC'Tld cotton/acetate/Orlon" ~lie \Vi de Mlection of colon .t9 your1 . -the chooainrl 6 to 16. :·: ri SHIR'r 'N TIE ·S Sale I Pre-Curled & Pre·Stvled · . STRETCH WIG Sale 1494 Sale 296 pullover sweeter 3s1 4~ I $196 ••• ~lu n~ia1 shirr ind • ~ cti.• i:J• tie .. ~h.irt never~fll• Sale ~···U•PQJ1nt~•· Gnat for lil the men So/1d or t triptd tits Witb In your lift! Tit and ... colored •hirc1. S·M·L~L Choose rrom seuon'1 f\I11chin e ~·1~habl1. tumbla dry in 1oft &0rtl:d handlterchiefl in Short Sleeves also '"~ , ncwc1111ylt1 in air! '1 acrylic. Futures ribbed cutr1 And bot· brilliant i:Clon, •t.riJIC'r - 11 comp1r1hlt /ow pric.: 1ittt? to 14. tom. Rich colors in 1i1!1 S-~1-L-XL. N • S.v1 New, Pl- -----------, ------GinciitlncATIS AVAILAlll \ \ WtGA NOVEL G~!!!~~! ___ J L------------ ·" • . ' ~ ... ' ~ ... .... , .. tf,j; ~ "!- - ·~ .E . J I •l-> Wtdntsdar. Dtctmbtr 16, 1970 DAILY PILOT ~l Miseries . U 11solved '"o_u_e_EN_1E _____ a_y_Ph_n_•"_'._"_a"-",' Mystery of Lndwig"s ' ' CHICAGO (UP f ) -His mu- • :11ic made LudWlg Van Beelht>- -Yen famous but todayt 20(I yea rs after his birt h, there is still speculation about t h e misery which made him a tottnented mso . Through most of his life ... Beethoven was burdened in ··t:roublesomt relaLiYes .. start- "ing when he was still in , rompers. His father, according •to Encyclopeadia Britannica, inexpertly tried to turn hlm ·into an infant prodigy. La~ter he had money dlffi. .. fultles, and his many women :Jijend.!I presented their quota of problems. But the trouble that turned his life into a composer's nightmare was deafness. Ear:ly in his career ne noted signs of hearing loss. T he realization that he was threa- ~ened_ with deafness nearly drove him to suicide. Tb e affliction progressed st,eadlly, and from the age of 48, it was only possible to converse with 'him by writing. At 52 Beetho- ven, for practical pur)>6Ses, was totally deaf. The idea of deafness in a man to whom sound was the J!ntire world has stimulated keen interest in Beethoven's afflict.ion. Through the years there have been numerous medical papers on the subject both In Europe and America . But an article in a recent edition of the Journal of the American 1w1edical Assocla· tion said the exact pathologi- cal basis of Beethoven's ear disease remains unidentifi ed, although his grave was opened twice in an attempt to find an answer. Beethoven, some biograph- ers· say, had smallpox ·as a boy. At the age of 'll he con- tracted what was assumed to be typhoid fever. Later he developed conjunctivitis and jaundice. Even before he died FAMlLY SLl'PPER SALE Men's, Boy's, Women's, Girl's Styles Reduced at the age 6f 57 the COnlro-1.a_teJy, scholars have ob-BoM, Oil Dec. 16 Or Dee. 17, versy about his deafness al-served that the three periods 1 no. Perhaps characterlstl· ready had started. -of Beethoven's compositions cally it v.·asn't unUI he was in 'nJe possible diagnoses have 1 correspond cl~ly le>. stages ttis 403· that he found out how included syphilis and vascular of Ute progression of hls deaf- insu!liciency, with the former ness . ~ey have. speculated old he was. He had believed receiying perhaps the great-th.at this interesting correla-he had been bom in 1772. H~ est support. lion tends lo point to cochlear r a t h e r , acoording to The autopsy produced a di-o~osclerosis as the cause of some sources, subtracted two agnosis of alcoholic cirrhosi s his agony. years from the boy's age to and subacute atrophy, a n d If so, and we re he alive and help promote him as a child chronic pancrealitis but these suffering the same ailment to-~p=rod=ig=y=. =======;! examiners could not ascertain day, chances are he could r what caused the hearing prob-come no closer to alleviation lem. or his problem than he did in Resu1ts of an. exhumation 36 19th century VieMa, for there years later and another 61 is no known cure for t h e years Jater likewise were disease. Jnconclusive. Beethoven wh born in Wh~ ~ares? No other new1p•p•r 111 the world c•r11 •bout your Coll'llftU• nity lik• your coll'lmu11ity .leily n•w1p•p•r Co•1. tt'1 the DAILY PILQT. 3BIG DAYS Dec. 17-1-8-19 :·.-~·· _.-~.; .. ;. I_.~~!''~.,.~ .. ~. ~~,,..:-:-,.-i.:-""r . · '?J.,,..;·.~,-:.t : ·~ ..... /..-;.. ___ .,._, __ ,·~~!-~ ,:,,,..---1 _r.f • .--. · .. --~~~;~,..... / , ' ' ~t ~· ~ ~ ·· -' ! f ~· J , }. ) "-~ " ' "Which war did you say?" Canada's Worries Still Not Over 1ifONTREAL ( A P ) lerrori.!t.s' t a c t i c s had Cana&. is breathing easier backfired so badly that the use now that James Richard Cross af violence had been is oul or the hands of ter-discoura1ed. Tbe re d e r a I rorists and resting in Britain. government would have But the relier is not com-"blown up the country" if it plete. and it may ,not be had acceded to the kidriapers' permanent. deman<tt he contended. The immediate conlinuing Pri mler Bourassa In turn worry fs that the violent Front argued that the outcome or the d e Liberation du Cross affair was the breakup Q u e b e c -FLQ-separatists of a well-organized part or lhe who carried out the other kid-FLQ-and that use of the war naping -and killing -of powers was deei1ive. Quebec's labor minister, While he withheld details Pierre Laporte, are still at that are still police aecrets, large. the Quebec premier said : Al least as lqng as they are. "The Special Measures gave there is little prospect that the police the powers to make ar- government or Prime Minister rests whic b prov I de d in· Pierre Elliott Trudeau, despite formation . leading to the some opposition grumbling. release ar fl.tr. Cros!I." will relinquish the powe r-to Unofficial estimates give the take s u c h extrao rdinary FLQ a memberahl~ or about measures as holding suspects 2,000. with an activist inner without charge. core of perhap~ l~ organized National troops, though Jess into a score af small cells. visible in tbei r redu ce d They are clearly a tiny numbers. stUI are deployed in minority of Quebec's six Quebec Prov ince. The young millian persoru. U, as many son of the Quebec premier. believe, they expected tbe.ir' ... Robert Bouras.,a, has been violent chaJJcnge wouJd set off laken out of schOOI for tut or-an insurrectlon, tbey were ing In hls gua{ded. 1iome. wildly wrong. Police are st/IJ c o m b i n g But FLQ slrength is not a - neighborhoods, showing pie-~easure of • .separatist 1en- tures of-suspects, asking lj:ue s-t 1 m e n t . M a n y m o r e lions. Quebe.ckers stand far bringing rar~Jam_~nL _hJl.s _v_oted __ a.Jbout-by_w:hoUy_Jegal..means .....,..-•• 1 Public Order T e m p o r a r y some sort of special status for Measures Act to replace the the province, ranging from In· sweeping war Measures Act dependence downward. The ~ involved after the kidnapings, Part! QuebecOls, wtuch cal.l..s SAVE NOW ON YOUR FAVORITE STYLE ~ A. Marabou Trim Scuff G•r colon, 1Lu. S w l(l B. Acrylic Shearling Vio1IJO!e, 1i.a SwSJ, Sale ••••• e 3.33 C. loag Hair Sbag Hl0% Adj lie,' 10 10 .. Sale •••••• 4.33 D. Women's Girl's Moccasin Pll.-uiM. pAUI colon. Girl'11Qeo 9 lO}. Womtn'oStn9. Sale • e. • • • 1.66 E. Men's Boy's Corduroy Moccasin TeTJ"J tiaed ror comfon. Bor'1tius310 (., Mtn'1,iza7m 12. ~ Sale e e. e e e 2.54 OUTERWEAR 801 Every Coat and Jacket In st!NZA B;g,b;gsav· 25% o~. Girls '"' 10Rs.oo Ol.lt r, 1-I , wollleo's e'""-'ear ii Urry-in 3Jtd.picf chiJdre11's s o; the fl.QJiJy, Sa Your favoritetys es. Every coat ~e oo Afeo's B • -ave 25% Jq Stock· -c1 oy s. · · .... uced. Super Power 1·,e. ••••r-tH1• T1flM II (r) . $1176 Vacuum Cleaner htoYJW•l1ht .1 •• 1 ••• .., SIYr''JOllD-sJIR' 7.SPEID ILINDIR MElAMINE DINNERWARE SETS Sale Sale SINIU C011110L GIAll1I n1m1c 11AMK1t 784 ••• c•nv.rt!W• fftt-4 tol'ft.,, Sef ely tbtrmost.atl ac)j111tau to- rnatially to room temperature. Non-aUmenic polynter/ rayon /cotton. Gold_ ~Dr. pink. blue. Picks up 11ud and gra•cl J'ilO...... ... bedJ, ,.,jth ease. E1:tra loo1 cord rtaehes aU paru ofrour car. ' Sale 1466 The ultimate in cookware:! Outer perctlai11 fllli1h, intr· riot coated ,.,ith miracle Tt*Jion• for non-1ticlc: cook-Ink~ Fashionable avocado, poppy. Sale 1666 Pttds full power to e•try 1pcrd. Remo•1ble 48 Ol. cup. Fashion colon: piot•P- ple,iYOCado and .,-bite. Sale Choo.t from tntral p11- te rat In ]4-pc. k 'S·pt, 1et1, 111 r1r1, (or bt1t wlrcdoa. Si!lw1tlwlrtliori, 88 but this continues the essential for an autonomous Quebec applicable powers. The new with continu.ing economic ties law specifically outlaws the to the rest of Canada, got 23 FLQ. percent of the popular vote In As the first sigh of relier the most recent provinci1I dies, questions like these are elections ... being asked In newspaper col-. Other c1t1zens of the pro- umns and conversations? Is it vmce argue that separatism is true the FLQ has a program an e~ape from, rather than • of selective assassinations. solution of. lhe pyramJdln1 and agents trained in the Mid· problems of Quebec. die East to carry them out To the old complaint. not 1s will the arrests under the War wholly valid a!I it once Measures Act-456 persons, all was-that . business in the but 49 released in fairly short province 1s dominated by order-stir resentment against English-speakers and young the government? Or, on the Fr~nch-canadians must learn contrary, will wavering their language and their ways citizens rall y to the govern-to get ahead-have been added ment Jn horror at the Laporte other, less partic~lar factot1. crime and in admiration or the There are nagging problems tough police work and refusal of lack of capital and persls- to cave in to t e r r 0 r i s l tent unemployment-as high demands that brought about as ~ percent. much above the the release of British offi cial national level. Cross afler 60 days' captivi ty? The cities, especially !he Cross himself seemed tc> metropolis or Montreal, are hint at lhls in his tactful trying to accommodate to a farewell message to Canada. huge ihfl ux of population, with He praised the police and paid the attendant howling shortage tribute Jo Laporte's bravery, ancl urban stresses. Canada as saying he wanted to express ~ w~ole. far-nung and dJverae "my convictioq that his in its . regional Interests, ls sacrilice was net in \!aid'." perennially afral~ of economic There are solid Indications ·a~d cultural domination by Ill or backing from Trudeau one giant neighbor to the south. or Quebec's own. in the pro-Now has aime the violence, vin ce as well as in the country and with it shock and shame. at large. The cooperation '.fhe Canadian Magazlne. In 1n among federal, provin~ial and issue devoted almost wholly to M o n t r e a I m u n i c I p a I the kldnaplng crisis, de scribed authorities is described as un-the mood this way: paralleled. "At 6:18 p.m. on Oct. A long-time po 11 tic a J 17-lhe instant the Front de observer says T r u d e 8 u • s Libera~ion du Q u e b e c Liberals would sweep the a~ass1nated the Q u e b e c Quebec constituencies If an !"'unlster of labor-the easygo... election were held today A 1ng sense of security that most newspaper poll show! 78 Pet· Canadians felt almost as a cent support for use of the war birthright was lost. In lhe measures. A FrenchoCanadlan mi~~t of th~s innocent, 1aw- volunteers that be is especially ab1 d1ng, pohUcaUy detached. proud the government stood right-thi nking counlry, a small firm against the kldnape rs' band of urban guerrillas had demands, '500,000 · jn gold, resorted le> the ifl.!anity of kid- release of 23 so-called polit1c81 naplng and murder as • prtsonen and an tnd lo potlce challehge to our system of invelligatton. values and a Canatlcal gestu~ What the terrorists got in to the world ... return ror Crass' f'reedom was "lt was• already clear th1t the chance to go into ezUt in our sense of safety Will go~. Cuba . not much of a bargaJn The nerve and the wlll to keep In French-CanidJan eyes. A Canada to~~ther Wtiuld h•ve to cartoon in the . r re n ch. replace it. langua ge La Presse shows r=========::; F'idel Ca11tro welcomin g I.he Mike 1 Sh1rp exile!-and poln!ln1 them ta Tracie·, Ust the cane rle:ld.11. Trudeau 1ald In a broncdast Dim•·A·Linet alter cross' rescue that tbt ,_.._ •-------....J I L ... = ..... ---,;_,;...;,...;----------- -~=-~----~_,...,...,.,=-----------------------------------· ·----- U 6AILY PILOT Wtd116dQ, Dtttrnbtr lb, 1970 LEGAL N0TK:E LEGAL NOTICI LEGAL NOTICE • HEAD ED SOUTH -Bill Ervin of Long ~acb has 5ome capable and attractive help from Miss Laura Kaparoff in putting fini shing touches on Aquarius.. 23 sloop Posada Manana as they prepare, to trailer the boat to San Felipe where they will start a .cruise of the Sea o{ Cortez and thence to Aca~ulco. Off on Odyssey , l Inaugural Raee 1 ,. .' ,. Pue1·to Vallarta ~l Entries Pour In Delldline for entries in Del Rey Yacht Cfub's first Marina del Rey to Puerto Vallarta race has beeri set for Jan. 2. according to DRYC Commo.- dore Gerald Blankfort. Blankfort said there are al- ready 17 firi:n entries 8.Dd that about 30 are expected by the time the entries close. The entry list will be the largest for an inaugural long distance raCt!, despite lhe fac~ that some 50 yachts in ·last month's Los Angeles to Maz- atlan race are either still in Mexico or on their way home. At least four boa1.S in the MazaUan race hurried home, however to retune and gear up Other improvem·ents which for the Puerto Vallarta Race. have Jent themselves favorab- , . No local yachts have al-Jy to PV as the-terminal point ready filed firin entries for a yacht race was intematlonal the race and several more are ol a yactlt r a c e was inter· expected by deadline. Local national telephone communi· · yachts planning to ·make the cations (a few years ago the race. are Freestyle, co-skip· only comlllunications ·ror the pered by Rod Lippold and resort were by r.a di o from Saint Cicero, Newport Hatbor Guadalajara and olher Mexi .. Yacht Club, and Siren, skip-can cities) and the inaugura· pered by Fi'ank Rice, NHYC. tion of daily jet service direct Pair Set Sail • in Other Socal skippers who from Los Angeles to PV. have expressed interest in the The latter makes it pr11:ctJ .. race are J.D. Little in Bae· cal for wives, sweethearts and Slf!op carat. Bob Beauchamp in friends following the race t<> . Dorothy o, Fred MacDonald be on hand for the finish, and · • In Encore, Richard K. Smyth for skippers and crews \~:ho A Long Beach couple Tert' they· wo,uld reach, by ~1~rch, (Huntingtoo Harbour ) in Pleia.. havf to return home after the Costa Mesa last week on the April <1r May; depending on des. Bob Lynch in Sirius lI, post-race festivities. first leg of a voyage ihat may the Weather .and other"·cruls-• and Peter Davis in Orient. Mexical) Airlines and Aero. take them as far as lhe Car; ing conditiOn$.~ ·" "" ·several yachts which visited naves de Mexico both proyide ribe~r maybe around the Ervin said he does not plan Puerto Vallarta following the service to Putrto Vallarta. t<1 make cleeP:wa,te'( cruises Ma.tat.Ian race found that the Mexican has dedicated ooe <If w~rld-by land ·and sea. or more than 400 miles. Afl.-. nl!w hilrbOr and marina had the major lrophles for the Bill Erwin. <fS. and Laura er visiting Costa Rica, he. ·said been. seriously silted arter race. Kaparoff, 25, have chosen an he would possibly ship the heavy. rains and did nol pro-Puerto Vallarta is one of the Aquarius·sloop. built by boat by freighter-through the vide -enough draft. However, most pictyresque villages on Coastal llecreati<1n of .,Costa Panama Canal to the Carib-Blankf<1rt said he had been ih· the Mexican coast:-It becamt Mesa as lhe. craft that will ~n, . . ftnmed by Mexican officials popular with the jet set after take them first on a c;ruise It !Y1ay be that we will w1~d that the harbor would be R,ichard Burton and Elizabeth <1f the Sea i:>LC~11_rul.lit: Ufi:sgotng a_r:~!\Y~--~~ .• ?'.'.?J!~}!!_-dred~-hefote.,.race...time __ .l'a.Y.kir~-it as the se~ ter down dhe Mexican coast. ~anner. e ar~ going. to Puerto Vallarta has always for the fiirrl."Niglir-or· fie Th f. t 1 h take 1L easy and JUSl en1oy 1 ., " e irs eg. owever was ourselves ., Ervin Said been a favorite stopping place gu~na. 1, from C()Sta ~1csa to San F~ ; . · 1 h • 1 · f Since then many ·we:a t "We will sail only the day· or yac ts re ummg tom A . h 1'.li'll L lipe with the !:!oat on a trail· . . M · b t t d · mer1cans ave v' w.v er. At Sa n Felipe Ervin plans tu;ie, beaching ~he boat at exico, ~ was'flo con ucive homes in the area and·!'flet to I a u'n ch the boat for a rrug~t or an~hor1ng offshore. tp andlonng a 1arge number a half dozen lush hotels .. keeping mainly -ii.long the <1f yachts because of the poor . P ......., -leisurely cruise of Baja Cali-shoreline., he added holding ground and heavy opeT~~ting. --: 1~ fornia. . ; ' . · th t ·1ed · to 8 d ..... new imar1na ~ near i Ervir\, said he chose the Despite the leisurely aspects su.rge" a p1 1n an eros H J•l>ia d Oro .. Aquarius-23, which has a keel or the trip, Ervin had his fir.st Bay. p ote. d J~1 ~ ' H ta:"1 'llie and retractible centerboard, mishap before leaving. The_ Witn the growing popularity 1 ~~ a .11 a a a 0 e · h~¥­ so he could be assured of get-rud~r broke eff as he was of \the resort, the Mexican aua~e;; serve as race e .. J ~~fe/~ag::n a~~trl~er ~~u~~ water to place it on the trail· water and a iiUmber or slips to Total ~istance of the race · d f h 11 "beubng the boat out of the government has built a break-q · · I where a larger boat could not er. protect small boats. 1.125 miles as c~mparcd 1,430 for lhetSan Diego to A • go. pulco, 970 for the Los Ange Ervin has been active in to Mazatlan and 930 for yacht racing to Mexico in the Yule Rega·, tta Closes Long Beach to La Paz. last few years and has cruis· ea-tfiegu1r-on-various occas-- sions with a deeper draft boat. y h y c First destinaUonafterlaunch ac t ear on . oast . ing al San Felipe. is Aca· pulco which Ervin said he hope First Races ' In Sunkist Series Set The first races of Balboa Yacht Club's Sunkist Series get under way this weekend with -competition scheduJed on· inside courses for both large and small sailboats:. The Sunk.isl Serles Is com- posed of three races, one each monU1 during Decembe r, Centerboard classes will r ace Saturday with starts scheduled off the BYC race Newport Harbo r Yacht The actual final regatta ·will Clubs' annual Cllrisbnas Re-ht NHYC's White Elephant Re- gatta Saturday and ~undayv>'ill · gatta Dec. 26-27. an event the virtu~lly wind up the major club uses to get rid of some of yachting year. its surplus trophie1 for the McCulloch :Wins Cup From Buscl1 year. The Christmas Regatta will be for all classes. Racing will -be on inside and outside courses. Classes tnvlted to race on In- side courses are Licfo-"f4'}. & B. Kite A & B. Thistle, Fihn and Sabot A & 8. There will be three races saturda y starting at 11 :30 a.m. and two on Sun- LAKE HAVASU CITY, Ariz. day st8rting at 12:30 p.m. -The coveted August A. O!Jtside classes scheduled for Busch Jr. citation, emblematic starts are Ocean Racing, star, of exceHence in support of Soling, Shields, PHRF, MORF boating, was presented to and Luders-I&. There will be R 0 be rt P. McCulloch, presi-two races Saturday startiJlg at dent and board chairman of noOn i 1anc1 one on -SundaY McCulloch Corp. startingfat 1 p.m. The presentalion <1£ an etch· Seven yac~ts will be re- ed plaque mounted on stone qtiired for a cl3ss. Starts will from the famed London Bridge not be given for less than took place following the recent seven. World Outboard Champion· ships held here-. - Larry Maloney. assistant to the reg~on manager for An· heyser·Buscb, Inc. and Mer- ritt Willey, vice president o( D'Arcy Advertising Co., lnc., whore p rese n L the nation· Boat Safety ' Act _Okaycd al brewing firm 's Budweiser, WASHINGTON -The House Busch and Micbelob b e e r s, •of ·Reoresentatives has approv- made the presentation to Mc-1ed HR-15041, the Federal Boat CUIJoch. ' Safety Act <1f 1970 by a voice The plaque features a racing -vote. outboard and commends the The measure now moves to recipient "for his vision and the Senate, where passage be· stimulating I ea de rs h ip in fore the end of the current crealing and developing the latne duck session is uncer· Outboard World Champion· ·fain. Should the_Senate'fail to ship, Lake Havasu City, which act, the Hous~ is expected to has resulted in signifk!ant con· re-pass the bill shortly aft~r tributions to safety and leis. the 92nd C4:lr-.rre.ss convenes 1n uretime pleasuhe <1! American January.- boating familiei." -j Key ~tlons or the Housc- Anheuser • Busch. lnc .. this ~a~ed bill call (or : . . year embarked upon a major ! -Federal gr a n .t s-1n·a1d to boating promotion program In states tor recreational bont- the western· area designed to ~n~ pr~grams. sue~ as safety stimulate interest ln boatffig leducatro~ and marine law t.n· safetf and concern fo "clean ~forceme t. harbors and waterwa;s" ' -Gove~ment slandard!I for . 1constructlon or boats 1ind bonl· One phase of lht program ing equipment Manufacturer~ has included the disJribuuon of j' wru bf: reqblred tq certl{.y lha't attractive litter baas to boat thfllr products meet tbtse: owners with a message en· standards and win be~ li able couraging support of the clean to heavy civil penalties r or wafers progra(ll. llOIWOrl'l'pliance. , .. I The brewery's efforta have -Registration or all molor- received commcndaUons from boats. rt:gardles.'! of horse-- nu ni e rO u' boating organ!· power. This iii already a fca- zations and the United States lure of m o s t state /booting Coall Guard Auxlllary. laws. J MOC TOE IOOT OlliRTAM LEATHEill, NEOPRENE CltEPE •IOLE. s1799 /MOC. ~· TO~ O)(FORD. s13tt .• OPEN DAILY 9:30·9 ' SUNDAY 10·5 . • l 1 I I h .. ,_ ' • l I• l I· d • d 0 e > • •• If e ·• n e h ~-'-• • New Law (;ore for' 'Le.moos' 'Drive_rs, i~ .. ~llSSac~imeta, Hold .Up .. fay1n~1t~ ' DAILY PILOT lt:J Road Violations· Driving ~iUden~ Fe~ ·vp Editor'• Note : Holder it1 ~at Js holdtr in due H01du In due ~ourse RhOde Island hive baftned its '--RED\VOOD CITY, Callr. fht Sfu(Jeh~.~bect~mostJy taUons,.lhe,ifudftlt .Ucket.wrl· due. cour'Sth a, ll!!otil doctriri't' ourw?· ~ Ptrmi'8 shady operators lo set use in home solicitation. (AP ) -"I am a "drlvtr's edu-on parklnC and otl'ltr nonmQv.. ter )'11d to be :in the car wllh ~:;n!o!°tr~n~ 1r~0~1'',"::",~ A New Jersty family found _ uo...buSlness with nothlng buf a Rhode Island 1 b It · cation stul:!ent from Sequoia Ing vlol1lion1. On moving vi<> the otfeh'di.nf 'driver. · • • " out when they 11~ a CQO-o te)epl'lo{le and a rente4.2.ffl~-8 so ans in High Schoot-on.Js tieket I! to'-:;;:;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;:::;:::;:::::::::;:::;::::;:::=;=:i:::,;;;~=;:;::;:=;~ iumers. How it con ttffeet-i.-~-~---~ A bi!•• from salesmen work1'ng car sales. •1• . , Ir JIOU, and what is btltia tract to purchase a stereo rec· w. inform you that you have vio- dane to change it.s impdtt, ord play~r and }40 {e<.'Ord. al. on commission hits an area. Court cases in New Jersey, lated Vehicle c~e 21703, fol· is ezomined m Oli$ di.a-,urns ove, ~ thr~Yttr period... Local contractors are hired to Callfomia, Alaska and Hawaii lo\ving too closcl~ known as . , patch from lhe AP Special 1'he family received the do the work. A few months hJve weakened the. impact of Jaiigating." 1 • A · t T record player and 12 albumi later hitne owners who have holder In du e course. ,. This was one or sevcTal )Jun· .!ingnmen ~m. I d be kl hi paid rf~new siding find only Support for holder ' Jn. due ~ drcd unOrriCia l tiaUio tick ets ~ BOSTO"' (AP! _ p bl . an gan ma ng mont y 1 1• 1 ro em . payments or $~.77. They one side1of thl!lir house dorfie or course usually comes from ~. :' that aQo~t 160 !jt!V~r educli· ~ ~lru6t •_:~car this fall . never received another record the .sldiriS petllng, flaking. ~nd small lenders an.d small busi. l ' ~ ~-, , ·· ; tion students handed oot to . ·~ ·s{.we~"\.the carburetor yet it wasn't until the famllf falling off. But the siding neSAfnen. Oppos1Uon to It is ~~-;!:.. ~. ,".t ., , l motori sts in this suburban San · ~ 1~Ull~t. ~ .se· had paid over $300 that they seller has sold his financing broad based. including-it •::;''.,1:,•:;·:1\:.1,~i:!:~··.~., ·,•:,•lt·~•1:~ Francisco community: ~tdem-1rf~U . ~.n•'i..d 5 . .,'"k1 tri~d ·lo slop making ·contracts lo somebody else, least in ~lassachusetls--large tti.i.:1.1.~~· ...... x .• "'11·""1"'.\\\':,.~.... c "The purpose was to help ..,,.. inc ull• .. pa . l , taken the cash and left town. banks. us as '":Cl!. a~ the people we the brak ent out. And the ·men s. . . The homeowners are left '"t.th Co B tickcto.l under.stand tbe vehl· It turned out the firm which ... \Valier Malcolm. general t ' • d .;fourth wee the lernon just had sold the record play d sizable debts, a shoddy job counsel for the First National Ull Y lf. cle code," said' R~ Kr11h· ~ llOnked <M,ll· completely... ' er an and no way to get back at the. ner, slU:dent ~Oordinator or the Solut,,r , Stop· m'"lnl th-· albums had gone bankrupt. 11 • 'Bank ol Boston. says his [irm , .1 .... Kiii~ -";><:; se er • .... A bol't' r h Ide Co S recen Jy completed pro1ect. $80 a m<>nth payments unt il meanwh.ile, the firm had sold , •. ".!of suppo.i.cu. a 11on o o r unts et ACCOOJpanying each ticket the car 11 put in working the ~ending "?le signed by the pro"!~!11'ontrcfmor'"dfooraud.s "~ ... lllda Jn.th·4~~\,~seland !ls ~~sfhied was a nole 'that read: "Please •·'er. (am1Jy. to a fmance company.. aJ/~ WI .:.oc,·l"CSU ls . ., l ~ ad k "' ff · } '" Bl Sh1'ck one o(' ••--pp-· bl rf I Orange Couhty's chapter or do not ta e, tius o ens1ve y, Thal ••lu!t'on seems lt'ke a The finance company urged it • ul'C no a .~1a e e ec on con-"'1 •• hi . . ~ fl -ho "' la....,e ... wllq •·s ,..,.;.11Jaed'1n s mer c edit f' llJI " ald the Nat""'al Audubon •··1·ety as 1~ ,1s , 'I• lo t"'nc t yoo. ''"am •• owners of was not a ·. lde_r in dut . "~ ·~ ,.,. ~ u_ r inane , 1 ...... ~ Pie '" . 1 ~ w h Id d •1 Mal I ~ -'···1·11 t"ake the C"'t'.s(m-as ·bird ast ma~e ·com.men s, automoti•e lemons. But in course. me~n1ng it was no\ o er1n uecours:e.-com. , .. nr slamPthi°%f.,/ert.e 'siileofthls ~ ?t1assachuse'lts a· new set of res Pons I b I e Io r the th~;l~~tril~--~~:~~~~~-:!.~ Qsrm,9tt P. Shea, e1ecutive cbo1·rudnst.saonJlecnd Jan'. 227 f!oror ~ .. ",s .. ~111 ticket' and drop it in the mail . law' has mad. S·~h· re-·rse performance of t_he tecorcl. en ury, wue n K'WBll airector or the Maseat'husetts 1 1u ho Th k Se la Ori .... ~""' adopted aa a de I to •-bl~s. 1'!·has •··n an-·nced. x. an )'OU, quo V· mnre than a dream-it !las' one sel ler and was ~titled to col: v ce ..,..~p COnshmer Council said results 1u ucc '""' ·~· EducaJlon\" . pfficial said, become "a' real le.ct ·the money. due under the..-money ffJowing i.n rrercantile ' or a 191i6 law re$µ-icli~ the The public is invited to • The ,mas who ·received possibility." And consumer ad-contract, even. If th.e merchan· tr~n~actton~. Althoucll ':".0 t doctrine have been' 'most participate bY contaclin& Tom 'tailgatil\g ti cket retumed the . vocates are working 10 get d.Jse_ w:as never delivered. The ori"'allt illtended ' Jor COii· remarkable •.. Jn ;tht first Heinde l, 64D2 Cavan C'trcle, ticket, commenting : '''.fhis ir· similar law across the coun-finance compa~y ~emanded sum:r t'r ans~ c I 1 0 n s • it year \l'e knocked oH 50 pe.r· Huntington Beach. 897-5791. • r.ltatCs me fnaiilly because J . ' • .I See ·~i~Qday's · . Warit 'Ails: , . • ("Drum roll, pleaM'')·_., , "It ..-.•111 the, night bel<ll'e Christma.s, •. And all rhru lhi!o hO\I~ ••. Not a etta• lure \\.'Bs stirri ng, Nol even 11. ,mouae~·· /Drum mil t1ga,inJ, •. "SANTA'S .SPECIAL TODAY" (for )OU o\' yoo'r 1pouse) Col:· ier than a' "GOPJi ER IN A HOLE", , · ... Pardon Me!" <:.'OZIER tharr the ''NORTU POLE" ID~ roll I, CK 5710 NOW! - e R·EMEP.18ER u\e s n n i "MUSTANG l}ALl.'i"? \Veil, lt's~a J<'AS'I'-ZlPPY! Llttl~' f\lne.' , ,BUT!' We have a ·li ttle more to otter .• :LO<E" BEAU'J'Y: + FASf & ZIPPY! CK 8830 . , tf'v. the $500 the family stil l owed. ~urvivcs today in some form cent of the fly-by-nights.' They will be assigned to a hear the same comment from ·Laurence R·. Buxbaum, the The t-rial court upheld the '"~IJ but a handful of states. But Richard A. Hesse. member of the Sea and Sage. ~:m~y~w:•:·re'.::~c=o~n~ti:nuo:· :u:s~!Y-:'_' __ £:=::::::::::=:!:::::=:=:=:=:=::;==:::::=:=:=::::::::::::::~::::=: Massachusetts assistant ·at· finance company, 'Fortuoately ew York an~ \'.ermont another attorney at the law chapter member for the count .; toroey general who described for the family, a higher court have outlawed it in the · center. cautions: Heindel said the count must the Car 'c •. nar\o as a ruled that because the name purchase of cars and other 1 he tak Ith. 24 h f rea \ property . New ''Hoder in due course is on· en w Jn' our , • J>ossibility, adds : ''.To my o the finance compay was p-Hampshire. ConP.ecticut and Jy one of ttJe evils'' in con· period in a circular area with CO· .LD • • • ·NEY. ER . knowledge It has never been printed oo the back of the Jen-sumer :ending. Adds Shick: a diameter not lo exceed 15 tested .'' The state's newest ding note ,at the lime the sale "Changing holder in due miles. _. SHOPPING IS E.UN law is only a few months old.' was made, ~he finance com· . Who Cares? course -abolishing it-ls no The reports are then sent to The main effort nationwide pany was familiar with the No 11tk•r ·~•wsP•P•• tn tti. panacea." the Audubon society wher·f' .. ~. 1 ~ """"ulh.. ~ ast ?I ' has been in stripping the law record s&les firm and thus not worl~ ,.,,, •bo ut vour commu· '.'Ifs not NO. t on every con· they are compiled and publish-CJU . · 0 IJI of prov isions which have pmtected by the holder in due 11itv Ii ~• vour tommu11itv d•ilv sumer advocate 's list," Shick ed for use by cooser\'ationists. created a haven for outri.,...t course. 111'"1P•Pt• do,,, tfi !kt DAILY said. "But it's one of the first orinthologists and researchers •.~tsTOL ot·.sA~ DllGO ~lW'( .. COS.,_ MllA 11windles. The swindles ha ve The family was able to get five." interested in the field, •" ll:'~'~LO~T~,:,,,=o=o=o::==o=o=:=1.~~~:::.~~::::..::~~~~i'.~~~~~~~:::::::.:iL._...:...::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ included home improvemenl."I out from under the lebl bc- and ·the sales of pol."! and pans. cause the finance company records, books and f o o d had made the taclical error ol ·freezers. pre-priiting its name on the Getting the heavie s t back· of the contract. Other _,s.cruliny is a doctrine called consumers have not been so holder in due co u rs e . lucky. T\.lassaci}usetts has outlawed Attorneys at the National ·it. Virginia Knauer , the Consumer ,L,w Center, a Of- President's assistant for con· fice of Economic Opportunity sumer affairs. has urged other study center at Bo 1·t on states to follow suit. Th.e College, say the most flagrant Consumer Federation o f abuses of holder in i:lue course .American has endorsed its are in the home imProvement ·repeal. sales field. COSTA M.ESA STORE Harbor Shopping Center 2300 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa I \ .Co~par,~ These Prices .. An,ywhere ' :!· littlo <;h ubby Stuflocl M;eo ........ : ................... $2.44 :i Super CJeeker 84ills, Impact Toy -·-·-··········-· .69 , .. . " • e Little F"tl•• 1.thrMm l tt1emlllt Sit •• H-~. w.,,.._.,. nd Tl1111e H114e? 111 O.Cer.r• Celtrs S]44 Baby 'Softin• Drink & Wet De ll ................. $4.H Baby Go· lye-BY. in.1her Bump tty l ug ........ $10.11 e Cri11y Dclf with H1ir.that Grows & Grows •... $5.tt I e World of ~erbie D~ll;C111 ............................ $2.22 e Skipper fjt hion Set · •.. : ........ ,,_ .... .' ................. $1.49 ' • See It Pop Co ri· Po1p•r ·--····--·-.$3.11 e M inl~Metic Kiti.i.~"Applitnces .................... $2.22 . .,. ' e Rint-O..i1.,h1nt.,Rln9 Toss ·····-······················SS.II . "' .. ' • • ·Power Blocks. 12 RC• Ythicle Set --········--·-··$1AI I . I t ,e Giv .... A.Snow Pr•l~ctor by Kenner ................ $4.44 e "F11c inetion" Electric M111 Gem• .... : .. :. .... :$4.22 le Chips Art Oewn Game ................................. _$3.22 ' . S]44 • • .. It; • ' e Fi1c~tr Pr;ce'.•Pu1h 'N, Pull Toys ........ -..... -....... $1 .tt e FishJr ~rice Player Piino ........... -................... $5.22 · e Ji1h1r ,ric e T.v. Radio ·-·····--· .. --····--·---·-···$2.44 e Matf•I "Scorp i•" Th• Spte• Creeture .......... $2.44 • Motorifie Computer Ctr ................................ $2.JZ 9 Sttr:S•ek•r with Guiclance System ·····--·-··-S5.H e Monopoly Gem• by P•r~tr lro1 ..................... $4.JZ . . ' .-".Battling Top•" F1mily 61m1 .... \ .... _ ........ ~ ... $2.U . Mot W~•I }od Runntr Set ............................ $4.tt Hot Wh eels Dr•9 Cht:itt Stunt Set _ •......•.... $2.lt Cl\Cit'ft It ' IHOf' NITtlT 'TILL f 14 "NTIL IMAS--CLOSID SUNDAY ,~, .' , FREE All in contemporary 'eaSes lo riatch today'• pa~e. Choose Carave11e • by Bulova , In many styles 811.t.IClUFF ".t," $14,9S COMPARE Price • Oualiiy Style • Guarantee 18.8 S1ainleu,St1el Salad S9t with purch1se of "S4i)9's ............... . His n' Hers Sell·Windin1 Walches .ln 111 occ1s.on "•ten, Worl~· 1amou1 aen .• ,ndtng Om1q1 mo••· Mo nt. 011t-1t ll••t Cl ltnd•• cn1ns11 1u!om1t•c1ilv 1•1rv m•~· nogn1 s1a,n1110 >1111 c111. 5,.p10 aeco•d ti1n<1 ..... , ... , ...... It~ S~J·••P'<Cl••t l •d1m11oc. ••nd1 lt- 1111 on 1n1 '"''"'· UK •n•t• o• ,,11ow 101111 so10 ''''· S1ppn1111 ll<l lHI Cf)llal ,,.,,,,, ....• l l~f Wolh 1111~ •. , ........ IUO • Au1h1ntic Atproduct ionm •Alt Metal "' t TA e2 and TA 53 ,,_ TWO GREAT STORES TO SERVE YOU HUNTINGTON BEACH AND -coSTA MESA 1' $ 199S 00~ :! f)() ~ CHILDREN HEAD CHARMS --These·an.neW riiat'<tung . enga gement and w&d- d1ng 11119 &ly18s brights sparkling· in.Vo!h1 ta or y~l­ c;J""-"'~low 14 kt. gold. ~~ k 1 00 trt . PIERCED 0 0 EAR.RINGS 14 Korot, onroctivt!y 11yl1d to motcll ony mood. Trtm1ridou111l1c11on, ..St1JJ'"'9..5JJwr,' 12 Korof Gold Fiiied ~ I <I Korol ~Id. ·s PC. IHTERHATIOHAL . SALAD BOWL SET . fO" llut1d ·cryii10J iolod bowl ond IOI.Kl bowl w'!th l Jllvt rolot1d 11,.....11'\Q pi.Ctt Lim1!f<I Q~.&.n!Uy . $J99 <:tm,.ttlt ' SETH THOMAS A most fo.tllohoblt woy 10 1oy "wt ll dc>nt" to your fol'Orilt ,.Joll,.. or friend, · •-·$4ts DECORATOR WALL CLOCKS , , . Ulottt1y operalt d) (Al BEN FRANKllN ...... $2S.OQ (Bl STARLIGHT .. : ...... $29.00 (C l LANC'°'ST~R .. ~ ... $~7.50 • • ·CHARGE IT! Ttkt t hill rur It ,., •• "' "''"'"" ;u ... ·11, U1••1f 11tw lor Cbfiallftt• lhclt ' (41""" Hu')tlngtou &:Mach 89l·S501 · • HARBOR. SHOPPING CENTER · , . . • .. .. J. " 2JOO Hett..r lhtl. i Coit• Mes• 54S-948S Open MON., thru SAT., 10' to 9 . 'SUN., lz to 5 ... '• i f. t ) . • • .. • ,. •• • l I ~I f 11 I I l ' 1 ' • I • • I .. ~-..... '""=""~-----·-~--·---------------~-------------~--------- I ..... . ·CI1ai~ers \ .. · ·~o~s :Angry \ " . ; Witl1 ·Waller , ... ' SAN DIECO -Eug~e Klein, major .... o~·ner Of the ~n Dieg9 Cbargers, t!!:Y.• , " he's angry with comments_ attributed to ·} . Charlie Wader,. head coach of the Na· tioi'tal Footi.,n· League· team. "tn commmts ~1ll sPort.swritens Ia s t .- 1lweek , "railer used 11\e ~r~ ~·J:f I'm . Th.ere nex:l ye!U°." J• • .. "I think "Charlie's ,rfi'.marks last f"k . . ~ ~""ere most unfortunate · an.d ·AhQUI rot have been ma<le,:' "said Klein. . .. ' ,1 ' • .. Tbe 'Chargers. after .a 1747 tie ~ ·• T 1Denve r. are 4-6-3 with the finl\I game· '· at home Sunday against Kansas Cily. Klein called the season ''one of great frustration and disappointment.>+- .,,~ p-•• Ju "It seems to me this year we have the best talent we've had in the five \;ears I've Deen associated with the Club. But we've won only four of the 13 games," he said. . ' •. TOKYO -Stan Smith of Piisadena '~ lost Tuesday to Mthur Ashe, 3-6. 6-3, 6-5 on the closing da y of a $50.000 round· robin te.nn~ tournament but he 's stilt a ,winner. _ . ' . , Smith had clinched the champ1onsh1p, worth $15,000. Monday by overpowering Ken Rosewall 64, 6-5 in sudden death •1~ -· for his fourth victory against no de· feats. '•':>r -Corona del !o.1ar's Rod Laver defeate~ ,.,. ·Ken Rosewall Tuesday, 5-6. fi-3, 6-5 to ,,, I . tie Smith's record . But tourney rues • n.-. gave Sn;illh the title si nce he had de- feated Lavar in an earlier game. .. PHILADELPH IA -Doctors treating Nate Ramsey, the '"Ph1t'i'delph_ia Eagles defensive back \\'ho w(IS ...,·ounded Mon· i~:i :' rlay, say they will ope rate to remove I · _,.,. "·' the bullet from Ram sey's chest r ! ..nni. . A_ spokesman for the...E a.g I e s said ~·";I· T uesd ay the operation would come after the wou nd heals -in 10 days to two weeks. Ramsey was out of danger, iii IT'·· but still hospitalized in satisfactory C<Jn· dition . '• I A municipal-judge has issued .a war- rant chargin g Jimmie Louis Harrison. tt• ,, 25. wit_h shootin~ Ramse~· as the Eagles' -~ defensive capta in walked along a \Vest rt .. °!<.'!' Philadelphia street on the way to h,ave 1-: ·a beer with a friend. · VI' ;./' • SAN FRANCISCO -Ph il Vuk icevich resigned Tuesday at head basketbalJ ~,,... · coach ~f the L'ni versit,v of Sal'I Francisco -:;• ,..;, and freshman coach Bob Gaillard was ._., o: .,,a ppointed in his place. ...,, • Vuki cevich has been hCad basketball l'i': , . t oach for the Dons since 1966 and on the coaching staff since 1961. He \'.'as a star pta_ver as an undergradua 1e in 1950-5.1. , ... ~ ~c The Dons are 0.4 this season. Vukice- , " ..... vich, wh'l had a 51 -51 rl'c'lrd going into l , the current c:impaign, said only he was resigning "after careful consideration .:. 'l1' and for the best interests of all con- 1'1!1.., cerned.'' Gaillard. 30. was a sta r ~uard for !he Dons in 1115!1-62 and coached at Jesuit High School 1n Sacrame'1to before becom- • ing Vukicevich's assistant and freshman ;:~~ .. coa ch in 19fi8. His fre shman teams ha\'e ""'I -a two.season record of 38·7. ,r"t•>".· :. .r;· • ., . SOUTH BEND, Ind. -The t:nivers1ty 1 ,,.~.of Indiana overcame a 10·po1nt defici t '· ' at halftime and edged seve nth-ranked Notre Dame .. 106-I0.1. Tuesday night de· ~pl!e a 54--point perf ormance bv Austi n -"~"'r Carr of the Irish. · 'f-.~;: The Hoosiers su rged to virtorv behind rir~ the second-hair .scoring punch ·of .Johy •'' \\'right and sophomore Georg~ 1\!(.'G inni5, "'.:1' ., Each finished \\'ith 2!1 points. '!~· ·'Indiana pu llerl even midw;i~· 1n the fln)ll r:)<, -Jialf and traded leads wnh thr ln~h. 3-2. four limes beforr pulling ahead to stay at 81 -80 wit~ 8.14 10 pJ;iy, • ., __ , ---1~· . . • -" .. -~"'.°' ·-" • ' ' ~-, tlPI Teft11llo .. SAN DIEGO'S CALVIN ·MURPHY 123) 'TAKES A BACK SEAT TO 76ERS"JIM WASHING'l'ON 112>'. Washington Stored 20 Points to Lead Philadelphia to 1 122-98 NBA Victory. Gringo Sport Goes Over Big Bowl Game ClicksinMexic·o MEXI CO CITY (APl -Don 't laugh . It might not be as famo us· as the · Rose Bowl but th~ stadium is •there Waiting wit h· 108.000 seats and the promoters know what happened lasl Saturday. The occasion will be the annual Aztec Bowl · this Saturday at Mex ico City's Azlec Sladium _belween the l\1exi- can llniversity All Stars an~ Mesabi State Junior Colleie of Minnesota . ' That Mexi\o still has a Qqwl game - and that it .s being played in such a huge stadiwn for the rirst time-indi· .cates just how big a jump futbol Anfericano has ·taken In this 'country iri the past four years. · MeXicans. the book ' sa0;, are crazy : aho-ut Soccer' football. Thi~ .... ·as' where 'the' World Cup of sOcCer was held ·1aSt June, where cheering,' 'screaming. h~s­ lcrical fans jammed Aztec stadium for the game between Italy and Brazil which determined .'tbe king o( world soccer. '··1 that·game "on Ju.ne 21 was the last:i time Aztec Stadium has been full. Un- til this past Saturday. • On that day the Univ Mex- i;o met Polytechnic Un . . to d,e- termine the Mexican ·champions. ·The hOu:~e was full -pe<iple fought outside lo gel stand ing room only tickets. Ana 1he ganie was American -foot- ball. · The atlendanci!, of course; caugflt the eye of several Mexican newspapers and led. one columnist to again_attack \he _orgaiiizers·. of soccer· football in ~exito. : · He pointed out that an important First Division soccer game was. being played on the same day at the Olym~ pie St?dium and Jess than 30,000 people showed up. Wi ·lson Does It Again This proves. he said. that what Mexi- cans like is a spectacle -a spo rt with action. a sport where there is drama. And, he said,. .the kind of soccer being played in Mexico's First Di visio n ·now .has neither. ' . ' . ' , . . ' --This Time LA Suffers --. . American foot ball has been played here in organized leagues for more than 2.0 years but it has not been until the" past four years that it has attained a ~idespread popularity. This is due, in large measure, to a Mexican television executive and an American advertising man who both lnve U.S. football. CINC INNATI (AP) -Living nut. of 11 suitcase., catching planes, i;irabbing a quick breakfast and a clip of coffe~ for. dinner. practicing after a tong fli ghl are all part of the pro basketball play· er·s routine on_ a road trip. 1 • The Lakers take on the Cincinnati noy- a!s here tonight. the second slop, 011 a fou r.game road tour. The· Pacific Division leading Los An- geles Lakers have built their 17-12 reco rd on !he basis of a fine home-court per· formance and generally tired-looking 'play on the road. 1 Tuesday night the Laker~ lost lh('ir ~eventh of 12 road games \vhen the lo"·ly Buffalo Braves. last in the Atla ntic Di- \'ision at 10-2.1 beat the buzzer in over- time and won a 113-1 11 dech;ion. The de cider was (Jcorge \Vilson·s des- peration shot with one second to play. Los Angeles ba sketba ll fans may re- member Wilson. He \\'BS the guy who beat UCLA out of a chance lo win a na- tiona l' title jn 1962 at Louisville. Here·s a refrc~her course in !hat game: ' The Bruins ltci Cincinna ti· for most of the semifinal game but the Bearcats r.a me back to knot the score at 70-70 \lo'ith just · seconds to p!'ay. ,. \Vil son, ..a · f~r,1·ard who hadn 't hit a si~le basket the entire night, let fly "'~th a dcSpcra\ion jumper with one sec- ond to play and UCLA Jost that g"ame by two points. . \VilsOn. much-traveled since that win· nlng shot. got· off anot her Tuesday night to beat the tired Ji,akers after Los An- geles. trailing mo~ of the night. tied the game al the end of regulation on \\'ill Chamberlain's tip;in of a missed shot. Los Angeles then stormed Lo a sevcn- p<iint lead before lhe Braves came back for _the victory. LOS ANGEL[S . ' ID S-1 I 1-l l>UffALO ' lS 8DWITO~n . , ' o ·e-o o 1! lhyaM l ,t.O I ~ O~vl• l 0-0 • 1& G•"•'1 10 .J.J 7• They arranged to bring into Mexlco City. live coverage of a few games of -1he "Dallas Cowboys in 1967. Advertis- ing response and audience in{erest were so high th at they expanded their plans and that first season Mexicans got to see a total of 22 pro games, including the playoffs and the Super Bowl. Tulane's Pittman 1'akcs TCU Joh Cn~ml>l!•Woln E•lt~1on G!IOdrkn M•k<•+OO Mr;M;lli~n Ail,y ' " s ~-· l 2-l ' .. t G10i•m ' '"""'"'er ?· IC.~1t•+..,,,n- 11 M•y o ,_, . NE\V ORLEANS -Tulane announced S J.J 1] tod -"-h J. n : · h.h. , ROl!f'roon Wfl• . i---e-o· ' 10 ,,, Wll•o>1 TCl•I• •J ?S-l• 111 Tol•I, Lo• An9elei II 31 11 ;oo B~~~ U 11 ~ 1• Fll\Jled 01t! -BuH1lo, Hu"'-' 1J-1-•____..-aJ-. l.lwl.co.ac -1m~u.inan. wit 1s ~ t~ 7~ team fresh from their first bowl game ,, 1'-n 11. in 30 years. has quit to take ove r as head ;~: ~\~ football coach at Texas Chris tian Uni· versity. T11!ol toul' ·-LOI Angelos 11,' llU!tflO '3. ,; Al!end•nce -j,1!1. Piltman had bcirn coach at Tulane ror five ycars.-a-pefind in ,\·hich he re- built the school's football program. \. Otller Tuuil1y llth•lh New Yor~ 11Q, Clev•lond ') Ft\1lodtlpt1;1 1n. S8~ ~ H Ct.lc•110·11s. B~tllmll•~ '' S•n Fr1ncisco 1l'I. Ptloenla U J 0.!tOit 111, Pprn~ml !Dl Onlv 11•ml!1 1ctlt(!uleo. Tulane finished 'vi1h a 7-4 season and .Qefet1 ted favored Colorado 17-3 in the Liberty Bowl last Saturday. J It ·1·~i ->Vikes Don't Like 'Ball--Snow, That Is I ! • l '''i ·~ MIJ'INEAPOLJS • ST. PACL IA/'l - f!r •• :,. The Minnesota Vikings are used to pla.v. { 'J • Ing on froun fields and in icy tempera · ,. tures, but rarely come up against the "rflJI',' snowball barrage' llll'y received Sunl1nv ';?\ !J~ frorii Boston Pa triot fans. · "!. · ,_ The Vikings defeated the ratrioll) 3.l- 1~ Sunday in Cambridge. Mass., and :l ,r, coach Bud Grant wou ld just as soon for - V. ,,. 1et about playing there in the futurr . ,...,, "It was an un real lype of slluAllon Jo ••.~r, get involved in," Crant saJd Tuesda y. i.• •• , ' , .. ' , • "It "'as almost a ca rn iva l .11tmosphere. i\'e never seen so many pOlicemen. Bui 1hcy dilln ·1 stop the snowballs and rve nC,'cr seen !;ucn thievery.'' Grant said fJpectators S"'OOJ>ed dov.·n "1!1 thr field .11nd attempted lf.I ma'ke off "l1h hclmels, chln str<1ps and coals. "They poured ot1! of ·the slands Hke ant~ and W<' "'ere ""ashrd .11wnv ." s11id <iran!. "/ mu.~t h:i\·{' been l11l is tin1es by ~nri11'balls dt1rin~ t/le (H1n1t . You - cou!dn 'l turn around or you would 'get it in the face." Grant was asked if: the Vikings . plan· ned t.:i fHe a formal complaint with the. NFL office. "We ·would just as soon forget._ about the whole lhing," Grant said., "Nex't year lhcv'JI be in a new stadium a11d every· thiilg will be _prachcs and cicain. '' The Vikings do not. pla y the PatriOl.'i again until 1974; &nd site al the gafne ha~n'l been announced . . Vikings officials were extremely critl- f cal of the playing field. saying ice on the field lwas. arl inch thick in some areas -<1-l ga me Ii.inc. ''We lined up for one. play," said run- ning ba ck Dave Osborn. "and I happen- ed lo glance do\\'n. I could sec my re- flection." The Vikings. 11-2, close out !he rtgular scal'on Sunday at Allanla in thei r final game before hosling a National Confer- rnce sen1ilin;il pla~·off gatnc Dec. 26 or Dec. 27 at r-.1et.r opolitan Stadiu1n . -· ,. Because Of some outstanding yea rs, Ma loney became involved in three hold· 'outs ·bl.it ht iald that "there's no bitter· ness abolit that, That's iii! business."' • Garrett; like Maloney, tias a!reaay es- , -tab Ii shed himselt as a strikeouf pifcher. -· In. four years Of professional baseball. in- cluding last year. he has fanned 4~ bat. ters in 405 iil11ing s. He ·was originally signed by th.e San Francisco Giallta and .Played 'in their farm system. · Howsam said Garrett is ''ideal" for Cinchmati since he ·can start or pitch ahori or long relief. ' GREG GARRETT Against Oq.kwnd ' 4?ers Will Enjoy l Extra Incen-tive OAKLAND (AP ) -The Oakland Raid- ers, once pitied by the area's i~tbaU --tans, enrer sUnday·s s·an-Fraocrsco .game with a playoff berth nailed down. The 49ers are fighting for their Iives. Nevada bookmakers·pick the 49ers .bY 2 ~-z citing San Francisco's extra ihei!n· tive for victory. With the Los Angeles RamS' 28-23 loss to Detroit Monday nigfit'-lhe 49ers. 9-3-1, are a game ah!ad in the West Di- vision or the National Fo0tball Confer- en.ce . If the 49er~ lose and the Rams beat New York Sunday, the Rams will enter the playoffs bc~ause ·or a better divi- sion record .. Oakland. 8-3-2, clinched the AFC's West Division title with a 20-6 victory over Kansas Ctty Saturday. The Oakland Coliseum game will ht agonizing for many Raider fans, who 0 ft en root for the '.!5-year-old t ea m across the bay too. "Lots of people want the RaidCrs to put in their second team,'' said Oakland bartender Eddie Pazarro .. "They'd like the 49ers to get in and maybe play Oak- land in the Super Bowl." The first regular-seas'on match between the cities across the bay is a victory in itself for the Rajders .. They gol the last fran chise when the American Football League was formed ln 191)(1 and' ended with-a fair 6-8 rec- ord before sparse crowds. The next two years they won 3 and lost 25. . : In the pa~t four years the· Raiders ha\'.~ WO!') fou r divisional cha mpion- shipS. losing to Green Bay in the 1967 §uper ~wl. The 49ers have never won a divisional championship. 0 n c e the on I y major league athletic team in the Sart 'Fran- cisco area, the 49ers are consisteOtly out-drawn by the Raiders in attendance. Besides incentive. coach -Dick Nolan's 49er s will llave going ·for them the passing combination of quarterback John Brodie lo f1 11nker Gene Washing .. ton. They connected for three touch- downs in the 49ers ' 38-27 triumph over New Orleans .Sunday. The Raiders haVe a formidable aer- ial team in Daryle Lamonica and \Var· ren Wells. Not lo menllon tbr' last.min- ute antics of 43-year-old George Blan- da , who has kicked field goals as rar r· ._._ 1 :-=--.,er -1_,,_,. =- ' as 52 ya rd s and hurled last-minu te touchdown passes. Oak land has .,..·On three ot four exhi· • bitions \\'ith San Franciscg but Raider lineba cker Gus Otto says this game wiil be no exhibitlon . "This g a m e involves comm unity pride. A win is a big re"•ard fof-UI and for our fans. \Ve O\\'e them some- thihg," he said. --. Oakland coach J .o h n l\1adden said, "There won 't be anybody holding back." TV Blackout Bugs Bay Area Football Fans OAKLA ND (AP) -Sunday's game pitting Oakland 's Raiders against their cross-bay rivals, San. Francisco's 49ers, is stirring up a controversy because of a television blackout. Since the entire San Francisco-Oa k- land bay area ls blacked out, the game will not be televised to the visitors' city, San Francisco. ~late Sen. ~1 ilton r-.1arks, R·San Fran- cisco, has called upon the hosl Raiderf" to follow a California Assembly resolu· tion passed last.session calling for lele- casiing of the..game. But the Raiders have refused, sayi ng they want -to protect their season ticket holders. Thus, ~he roads out of town ...,,ill be filled with folks hoping to see the game electronically' elsewhere. The 2,500-seat Fresno Convention Cen-- ter, some 200 miles southeast, has been rented for out-of·IO\\'n fan s driving to see the game on closed-circuit TV .. Seve ral cable TV companies which provide a slalion from the Sacramentc> Val ley ci ty of Chico .... ·ill also show the game. And Reno , Nev., gambling houses have set up color TV pets in various locations, expecting hundrtds of football fan! whc> \Vant to kill two birds with one V:ina: drive. For fo[!ts without a ticket, the exodus Is on. New UT Tt•agedy Fresh1nan Griclder Dies t KNOXV ILLE .. Tenn., (AP) -A 19· C year-old Tennessee, freshman foo!bal\ 1 player. J11ck Stroud Jr .. died late Tues· day after he underwent surgery on his shoulder and encoun~ered post opera- -live coml?lication~ .. ~ University Hospital ufficialS' said Stroud's death followed "an unusual post operative reaction '' and did not elaborate. Whelller an. autopsy woulCI be performed was not' disclosed, Stroud son of Jack Stroud Sr., cap- tain of Tennessee's 1950 football team and a standout lineman, 11 year with the New York Giants of the National Football League, wa s a fullback and defensive back for the Baby Vols this fall. He also was an All-State fullback at Knoxvil le Bearden High : He had undergone corrective surgery at the hospital earlier ·in the day for an old shoulder ailment. "The only thing I can say is that my thoughJ.s and P.t3YU,S_ and those m__ " JAC K STROUO, JR. the entire state are with the fanli ly crash in (iaincsville. Fla .. in October • I f • and friends," said.Vol coach Bill Bat-1965, three UT footbnll cOachf':<. _Bili ll~:ll v»as a r-ea l pfeasure to have r.1ajors.,charles Rash and Bob Jones-i been associated with him for the short were killed in a c~r·!rain collision time I was. This is a shocking and near hCrc. ,. tragic .thing that has hilpper1ed. one of Tennessee g;idirnn players Tom ~ those· inexplicable things... F'ishcr and .lnlin Crunbache r \\'f're ' Young Stroud is al least lhc eighth kll lcd in a c<1r \\-reek near Ocoee, person associated 'wllh-'the UT ath· Tenn .. in ~l:irch 196!i. letic progra m to have died tragically And in E>rcen1br.r, 1!ll;9, UT diver the past 61,1 years. Ed1\·in ,\~ Collins Jr .. 11as found shot Jn 1964, Vol assislant b11ske1ball to de11th near a highw;iy out~ide Oen- ~oach Bill Gibbs "'as killed In a plnne ton, Tex, ~ 1 • ~ •/ • I I ~ " ' ... r e y • ,. I. • r '· I e ' ' f' I• > ! e n D , ) ! ) I • ! i : -. ,. • 'Oiler s, ·cdM Ill Feature Tiff's ' I .. Qu,.rter finals lCtloq lb tbe 4.Znd annual -nuntl.ngton Beach InvltiUonal basketball ,1i>urnameJ!l Ls on tap ~·Ith, a p&ir -et-gafi'lei-tnvolVffiiOr'--.11" ~a5t a r e a 'tell!". ' ~ .Host Huntington ~~ ~n the betl1 of ir\ overwhelming 107-fL 11tst' rouod Vic-·Wrr ~er hapleu Sieri-a~~s featured ln ·the 8:30·batlle with Pacific High of San Bernardino. And 1u,rpri1ing Corona del .Mar seeks a se~ slraight upset when the Sea Kings meet last year's CIF AA.AA finalist, l\fonrovia, at 7. Coacb Elmer Combs' rapid Chargers ·~tagger · LB Wilson By' HOWARD L. HANDY Of 1111 D•llY ~Utt 11111 Winning has become a way of lite at Edi.son High School and coach Dave 1-foh;;: basketball team has inherited the victory 5pirit from the CIF champion- lihip Charger football squad. The Chargers upset favored 1.<ing Seach Wilson Tuesday night in the first round play of the 42nd annual Hunting. ton Beach tournament and will relurn-t!L action tonight in iheir owa gym at 8:30 against Warren High. Final score found Edison winning, 77· J 70. • _.; ··1rs fun to play with these boys out th ere," Mohs said after the game." He was referring to Mark Harmon an.d . John Fisher, who finished up the a::r1d1ron campa.lgn Friday night. · "They give us some !leight and con· trol of the boards along with their scor- Jng. Wt\ile they aren't in shape to play basketblll, .or perhaps I should say they are a little rusty and behind the others, they will have to play themselves into 1hapi1[!. ''We 'll brtng Greg Mills and Terry ?.1cNay along a little slower but boll:t.of them vdll be playing with us this year.'' Tonight's sficoncrTOurld game was switched to Edison , at the request of tourney officials. Originally, Edison's gym was listed for consolation bracket; games only but the Chargers won and were accorded an opportunity to play at home in their second game. Tuesday night's g<,1me was close until the fourth quarter. Trailing 5&-54, at lhe third.quarter break, the Chargers scored lll straight points to open the . final lilania and take a 64-56 lead. Wilson, the runnerup team fn last week's Lakewood tourney. moved into contention at 64-63 with 3:27 rema!ning. Bul Harmon and Fisher put jt out of reach by scoring the next sii: poinl.3 and the closest Wilson could come after that "'1as three points at 70-67. ldlMll 1r11· WilMll tn) Wrlll!I ·-H•-, ..... _ •N• ...,,. Mt.Ntr Mltt1 Fh!'lv To!1!1 Edl10ll )""" f1I ft ,,.~ ff ff-,, Iii 2114Curtll lOS• oooon.om.s1111 '''2 ''1fOll:t;ltncl 411 11 S 4•U Wllco.on 1 12 " J l 012 S.Oe!'>Otll U' 110 111.SHunll•~ JOS' O O I OMtril'il ll 0 010 00100on(lf! 001 0 76420SHlt•r 0010 » 111111 To1111 ti 14 n 70 Scor1 "' OINrl'" UJlittt-n 1• n 1' ,,_,.. Frosh's 31 Topples MD By PHIL ROSS 01 11!1 Dall'Y ,11111 lt•ll A bright new star is rising on the narth· ern horizon. · His name i~·Mar\ Wulfemeyer and he's just a 14-ycar-old freshman who plays basketball for Troy High Sc,hool. 1 And Tuesday, in the first round' of the eighlh annual Valencia toumament, coach Jerry Tardie's ri.1onarchs found out about the Juzzy-clleeked, &-1 rookie the haf'9 way. 1 ,, Wulfemeyef canned Jt points on an as.!6rtrnerit of l!lediurft~~~h Jump shots and JOme snaking lay.ms, as the unbeat· ett *Warrior11 (s.-0~ dUlt-the-Monarchs lhtit second Joss in e.fght contests by a 7~ tally, ' Tardie's quintet, which was blown out by a third period Troy rush. was slated to lock horns with EJ Dorado in a con- 1olation round affair' at the i;ame loca· lion this afternOOfl. ~' Mater Dei lraUed by ,at least eight points after the first ha lf hltd developed following an early ~2 Monan:h edge. Trailing,36-20 at haUtime, the Monarchs were outscored, l+a, in the first portion ' of.the third perlocf:and It was lbe sneaky lVulfemeyer who aparked the Warrior• in that string, . The classy freshmtn stole the ball ·on twn ronsecullvo oce1sf0Rs rrom Monarch ball hanGlers and breel.e<f in for easy l•Y· ini; each time to provide Troy with Its faltest adva ntage (SG-28 with 3:4a le.ft in lhe th ird quarter ). A JO.point Mater Dei r8lly In I.he final periOO fell (light points .short, The Mon· archs were guilty of 19 turnovers. All fi ve Monarch starters connected in double figures w!Uf Rick ~iffln account· ing for 20 point! and 13 rebound3. St~ve 1o~r1tz took t"\lDM.NP Monarch hnn"" With 13. Tr91" C1't M1tlr 0.1 fMl ... " ,, "' , 7 4 1) ... , H!,l'IJ1'11'1 C11!otr\ Wvlfil!o'rl,..,tr Ll1'191tftfttl!«r ,_ ·--<1,lll'fl LHll'f Du11v , ••• 1. ft ltllfl• l ) J ' ' 0 ' • 1 0 I 4 IJS J )l • ' J u ' , ' . t 0 1 1 ' 0 l ' 0 0 1 D I II J 1 ,,19, l(~jffl~ ·-· ...... 1(11 .... ~-­Mt~rv 11 1114 If Tot1ll IC'"° b~ 011lrttl'I n 11 10 I 11 II • 4 , '° ' ' ' 1' t ' , n j ) ' 11 a f 4 II 0 0 1 ' ,, "'' .. '° -'' ~ -~ transit Huntlngton Buch quintet is up against a Pacific crew that features 6-S center Ear!_!l~u!.t_a tremendous lea~r ~d acorer. And it's been the rebounding depart.: m~l that has concerned Combs during the initial stageg of the campaign as hi.a team has chalked usf i 4-1 mark. The leading scorer for Combs' Oilers hu beeii junior Steve Brooks, a reserve on the junlor ·varsity last year. Al the post, a new position for Brooks. he's scored at a phenomenally steady pa~. In his five -outings, bt's tallied 28, Costa Mesa Comes Close, Falls,~79-73 By RON EVANS Of tM DaUr ,1191 Sltll Dave; Baker intimidated the Cost a Mesa Mti1tangs and his presence in ttle Warren High Bear lineup propelled the Coast ~gue entrants to a 79-73 victory in first round action of the 42nd annua l Htµltington Beach basketball tournament. Tuesday night. Baker, at 6-8. is one or the tallest men in the tournament and his control or b o t h backboards overcame a ghastly number o( turnovers for t n e Warren team . ' flaker scored 33 points and repeatedly grabbed tM ball off both boards, In other u_mes at Huntington Beach High Tuesday afteroo<in a n d evening, C:Cmpton's pre-tourney favorites toppled Glendora, 85-38 and Villa Park advanced to second, round action by defeating Ar·. cadia. 66-54. Ed Ison surpriSed Long Beach Wilson, 77-70. Costa Mesa was to face·WiJson in con- ~lation round action this afternoon at Beach gym and Warren will contest Edi - son at the latter's gym at 8:30 tonight in championship round action. All losers ln consolation play today are eliminated from the tournament. Coach Emil ?ieeme's A1ustangs played catch-up most of the night but remained withln"striklng distance to the end. l_t ~a! !_fU..n:_and-gu_p game.Jrom the start and a full cQUl1 pressing defense by Mesa forced numerous Warren tum· overs, 27 for the game, to be specific. Alan Moore and Tom SamP6()n kept the Mustangs in contention with aggressive board play a,Dd outstanding scoring abll· ity. Moore had 19 points and Sampso11 22 for the night to lead the Mustangs. While Neeme was disappointed in Jos. jng, he felt his playeni had done a good job in staying with the taller Bears. "The kids did a good job but that guy was tough and he also weighs a lot 1245 pounds). I'm sure we will get better and start wiMing before long. "\\'e got some bad breaks tonight but Warreo has a fine team.'' "''" ""'"' IJ)) W1rr1t1 Otl l •ld11!o M1rc~l&rlt1tt ..... J1rnp$0ft \ MlcLHfl .... Allllft You~~ To11IJ '-"''~ ]1 11 .. ~,. ] I. • 1 ,1111"'1 1JlU J .... "V ' • 3 n ~utt1rlleld )Ol6l'•tn1• :'I 1 0 I Mc(U!IOlll~ ' 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 19 15 1113 Tottl, k••• lty O~tl1tt'\ JS 11 '1 :n " 11 •• fl .... 1l ''" , 0 • ' J 0 J ' I I J IJ 6 1 I II I 0 J 1 l2Hlllt H -11 " -It Aztecs Shade '.Artists, 71-52 By ROGER CARI.SON Ot 1111 DallY '1111 Stiff Laguna Beach High solved La Quinta High 's scoring threat. 6-6 Jeff St. Clair, in the second half of Its non-league bas- ketball tussle Tuesday night, but it was a shade too late. La Quinta ·s host Aztecs whipped the Artists, 71-S2, behind the first hall scor· ing exploits of the Aztec ace. He scored 19 of his 22 In the vtt&I Hnt two periods. and although coach Jerry Fair's rrew llmtfed him to three Points in the second half, the 17·point margin the Aztecs maintained at the half stood up. F11.ir'11 crew wrapped 8 i.one defense around lhe Ailee center In the latter go- ings lo slUk! his !)coring antics. And the. Artists pecked away at Ls Quinta's lead in the third quarter -par- ing the mMgin to 51-43 with 38 seconds left In the period. But U'!e-host came back, with St. Clalr on the bench, using a fast break 1ttack to gtt several Iayupt and p.it the game away. L11un1 lt1tll Un LI Chll11I• 1nl c-111 Giii-i• "''" W1>11"-9~ N~I·~~·~ HlrllilMd Nl(l'<O!I ft fl " '' ' 0 •• ' t. J I I I J !1 , J J 1• 0 4 I ' ' • 1 ' 0 0 I 0 Mtun~r '°'In• ·-· "· ,,,,.,"ft' ..... "'" C~rktM~ ,... ... (;1111f:rMt SI C!1lr JJ I IT " Tct1Jl S(ll'I 'r' fl'Wtrllf'• l••~"' 8tl<I> 11 t lt LI Qu11111 :IO ,_ U ,. " " i. S II J 18 ' f I I 1 1 ' ' , J 1 , I ' 1 ' 0 I I I ' I l j O O I O J 0 , ' ' • • T.! " 1' 11 11 • -n 11 -11 u. 27, 26 and U. And. Huntington counts on two other Jun ior atarJers. They're Jim Worthy (16.1 averag~)' and Tom Crunk (1.0 av· crage). Pacific beat Rancho A1amil06, 63-51, to earn a shot at Huntington. Cwona del Mar, meanwhile., with the doubtful playing statm of sta.ndout Don Kiiiian (a first team All-Irvine League player last year), Is up against the steady Monrovia quintet, which ratUed Newport Harbor in the opening round, 63-5'. ln San Berdoo Monrovia (6-1) featum one or the best guards ln the CIF Southern Se<:tton in six·foot Willie Jacbon, a playmiker who s~ well from the outsfde and J.s-deadfY al the. free throw lint. He hu excellent moves on d r I v e 1 towards the. basket and bis coach, Tony Stillson, calb him, "my super player:• Coach Tandy Gillis has had M Mlk• Sevier back in action after a bout with the flu but he's undecided on th use or Killian (torn muscle in the knee area) despite. the apparent doctor's ok fQ[__lhe 6-4 playm1klng guard to play tonight. Western Little League Compkx Vnder Wa r. The phenomenal growth or Wttle League baseball aroupd the country has dictated that training in 'all aspects or the prOgram be provided in locatloas con• ven ient to thousands: of adult volunteers. the sport was born in Williamsport, Pa., where the national championship is determined each year. More recently Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., haa opened a comp!'< whiclt was built by that city. Bul the most recenl.-undertaking Is • western regional center, currently under • HOWARD HANDY construction five mitta o.ut of San Ber- nardino On the highway to Barstow and Las Vegas. One man having a hand in the project is Bob Thornton (brother of the UC Jrvine athletic director). • Bob became involved in Little Lea14e play many years ago In the city of Com· pton and has since been a leader in the movement in the western region . ''We will have one of the finest faciUtie!I of this type in the country," Bob proudl y relates. "There will be a regulation, Little Lea· gue fie ld with111eatlng for 6,500 •fd LNll- or LL' field along with two practice dia· monds and an additional infield. "There. will also be a headquarters building and eight bunkhoiues where we can house 16 teams. There will be an infirrpary. tOO. "We will also have an Olympic size swimming pool for use when the boya aren't playing or practicing baseball." The entire project w1! designed to oost In '"the neighborhood of $950,000. At the present time construction is aboul one· fourth completed!_ "\Ile have spent less than $10,000 110 far," Thornton says. "Many big companies hive been out- standing contributors to the projed.1 by furnishing materials. ·we do a lot of the work on weekends with skilled craftsmen from · the bulldiri.g trades furnishing the labor on a volwtteet basis. "The entire pro)flct may coat us \n the neighborhood of $200-$.100,000 but it won'\ come close to the original figure , thanks to all or the material donations we have received ." The original lnvutment of $101 ,000 came from an uMssment.. on Little . League players Jut year of one. dollar per boy. The money is being uaed aparlngty, What'w:lll the1fadlity be used for when It is completed? More than 20 pertent of the chartered Little Leagues are concentr1ted in the Western region and particularly in the state orcallfomla. According to a brochure put out by the regional leaders , the facility will be used to train league presidents, umpires, m1n- 1tgers and coaches fqr a portion of the year. , ..... -.......... ···•····- Summer cam ps for boys of Lillie Lea· gue age are also being planned with individual instruction from competent coaches and professional athletes and former athlete11. · When the facility is completed, a com· petent staff of employees will dirttl the program, and Bob' Thot'Jlton's name ls prominentlY. mentioned as the future western regional director when Albert E. Houghton retires. Meanwb.ile . Bob attends every UC Ir· vine basketball game he can get to but he is generally out of town fin San Ber· nardino I on weekends-. helpinf to make the western home of Little League base· ball become a reality. • White 's Loss Big Worr Y, I • J For Newport's Johnson tn addition to garnering a piece of IL! first Sunset League football title since 1942 this past season and posting an 8·2 record, coach Ernie Johnson's Newport Har'bor crew was also a happy one. Johnson, who had stops at El Rancho High and Cal State (Long Beach ) be· fore assuming the head reins a't New· port this year. claims the best way to get kids out for football is to have ha~ py players. "Winn ing didn't hurl us al all. But the main thing Js that we a'lJ had I good time -the coaches . -player!! and everyone involved," says Johnsoo. "We'll have 2S players back off our varsity and we'll try to hold 2S to 30 sophomores from last season plus 10 or U kids who didn't play much.'' A prime concern for Johnson's staff is the graduation of all-round quarter· back Alvin White, a 6-2, 210-pound spec· imen who doubled as the team·s kicker. "Blaine De Kalb Oast year'11 junior varsity.signal ca ller) has shown promise along wilh Kevin Reeser ta· prospective junior) and Steve Dukich. who'll be a sophomore." Johnson notes. Dukich is the son or former prnle,s. sional quarterback and Orange Coast College quarter)>ack coach Rudy Buktch, County lineman or the year Grant Gelker deparla the premises at tackle but Johnson has all-leaguers Ter~ Al· britton and Jim. Swick back to ~d dOwn the fort. · The latter pair will be supported by • Rick Devine and John Weatherwax. Depth should be a little better in the line and al the llnebacking positions despite the losses or Gelker and all· county backer Ron Tripp. Mark Dalby, Chris Capallo. Roy l'"os· ler, John Fitzgerald. Ed Higgins. Mlke Keller, Mark She pherd, Mike Byers, Warren Ray and Erie Strickland are prospective junior line c&ndidates men- tioned prominently by John'°!!. Litt~ Mike Easterling and medium- sized Chris Dahl pack up their h J g h school bags and diplomas lil June but there is no panic at the running b4ck spots which they'll vacate. Richie Simons. Dan Seals and Tnny Horvath all logged varsity ball carry· ing duty in 1970 while Brian Cokaa'!'Russ West. Kirk Stricker, Mike Thompson. Bill Blue. Randy Hamilton and R IJ s s Tucker are newcomers expected lo tote lhe Pigskin. .Uni Scares Fuller.ton By JOHN CASS Of n.. ~ '"'' Sii i! Thal nld corny line about the never- :o;ay.<ftt basketball team takes on a more genulne connotation Wben the first year University Trojans are mentJoned. Tuesday, coach John Drllcoll'1 rled&· ling Trojan caaers came !rom the bottom of the.barrtl in the tl11t halt and r11lled ln the final period to almott catch the hoat Fullerton Indians before droppinf a 57.SS verdict. Al the outset the Fullerton squad bad run up a quick 11>(1 edge Ind didn't per· mlt university Its first J>Ofnt until 4:09 had t~pstd, And the 1'rojans weren't able. to put through their flrst field goal until another minute had Ptsted. However, University slowly iolvtd the Indians• full court press and countered with an ·tffcctlve prei;sure game of ltJ own. ' The Trojans erased 1 seven-point Fuf· ' lerton lead in the fourth quarter 11nd managed to tie the Indians with tour.min· utes left· in the tilt. Down $6.SS with just three second~ r~ maining, a University defender fouled 1 Fullerton player, who aank the first In a one-and-one gratis aUempt. The Indian shooter missed the 'lecond try aRd a fin'al 80-foot toes al &be buzzer by Bruce M.ico provtd fllllle. University, wNch holt1 Boys RepubUe at Mission Viejo Thurad1y night, Wat led In ~ring by Tom Mulllnlr (21) and Dan Stuart (16). Uftlnnlt'I' IHI "" ,,. • ' ' 1• l • J 10 , , J " I t I J ) . . ' ,,llitrlttl 1111 Slu1rt ••m Mulllnl~ .,_ Wt1'::tf lo!•!• U11!v1nl1Y f u!ltl'fcln • L•m0rlvr11t t rr..,.1 '•r•ln Huldwrtell v,., HorM ·-· JO tJ I .U TOl81a k«t ty Chlertltt t 1) 1, IJ 10 If ...,, .... , ' ' j J , 4 11 l ' f j ' 1 , ,. I I I l • ' o 1e lllHJ, II -JS n -'' " OA.11.V ,t~OT.111111 ,M._;,. REBOUNDING BATTLE -Huntington Beach High's Jim Worthy, •. (50) battles with Villa Park's Pat Mcinally in non-league basketball i action. Both school s are currently involved in the 42nd annual Hunt·\~ ' ington Beach tourney. Huntington battles Pacific High tonight at 8:30 •• in the quarter finals. 1, • -~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' " W o~en's Club President !(; .. " M.ost lmproye.d Golf er .. , ,. .. ,. " •'' • Cu~r1, president of the Hunting· ton Seaclifr women's club, didn ·t let her duties · is head or the organization interfere with her golfiflk progress dur· ing the P!'Sl year. Mrs. Curl reduced her handicap from 21 lo 16 and was named the most im· proved goiter Jn the group for the year J970 .•t the annual Christmaf luncheon and award.! presentations recently. In the annual Chrislmas turkey 1hool, Joanne Buckley 'and Patty Shottmlller won birds in A Oight. The B flight winners Included Virginia Stevenson, Helen Cowden. Shirley Cum. maro, Barbara Pond and Betty Peterson. Jn C fl ight. -Bess Peterson. Olah Mor· 5an and Betty Johnson took home t h e birds. · Jane Dehne and Haze! Molica tied for the most chiplns awards for the year. Costa Mesa Roy Stoddard fired a 72 to win low gross honors in a men's club sweep- 1takes tournament at Costa Mesa Coon· try Club over the w~ekend . Leon McBride had a. 66 to win low net followed by 'l'om Richard 167), Fred Gammon (61) and Mel Heike and Don Clark (69), Jn a women's club 'ones' tournament. Vi Hoakins aws the A flight winner with 38, Rosemary Skillion won B flight with 35 followed by Merilee Dungan {391 aDd Mai:ine Assmus (40l. Nina Daniel· aon won C flight with 40. El Toro In a womcn·s club tournament at El Toro Golt Course recently, Mrs . J. J. Hilburn closed with a 29"2 to win A Flight honors. Following Mrt>. Hilburn were Mrs. Floyd Ha1ton (321~). Mrs. E. R. Ciampa (33) and Mrs. Chuck Yelton (3.'!lh ). In the B flight competition, M r s , Leonard Burke was the winner with a 31. A ije resulted for second between Mrs. James Roberts And Mrs. Joe Walters at 33. Third plt1ce went to Mrs. Walt Bay· lor. Mrs. Russ Nelson Md Mrs. L. J. Murtha. all with 33'h. Tbe C flig ht competition was won by Mrs. Jamek(;anser (291 with Mrs . Cleveland Rfuy (31) and Mrs. William Eluy (31 1~) nei:t in line. Huntington Bea c h The HunUngton Beach men's c I u b staged what could be its last tourna· ment at doomed Huntington B e a c h Country Club over lhe weekend with Bill Ptrklns the winner of the low net competition wu a 64. A three.way tie resulted for 5Ccond between Doc 1''or:d, Bud H8rrls and Gary Chaney at 65. Buck Jordan was next with 17 rollowed by a four.way tie at 68 between Larry Jacobi, Lefi Cuty, Carl Krelzmer and Ken P1ae. Meadowlark Gomer Sims' hookers won an elonaa· ted aeven-hour tolSl"nunent for hookers and slicers 11 Me8dowlark Country Club over the Pl!Jl weekend. The hooker• dined on atuk while Cece Hofilngaworth's slicers wert fed beans. Santa A11 a Santa Ana Counlty CJub professionals will play a post-Christmas match De: " 2!. -1. Gerald Hjlll and DeMy Stevenson w1:. team together against Dusty Elford an Mike Rhee! in the annual battle Jo'. supremacy of the pro sbop. ., ' Th1e women's club will s'faie Jts nuaJ ·Christmas partf Friday. ar.· · Rancho SI ' ' ' "' ' , .. , .. •• ,. Jn a men's club low net tDumamen ., at Rane.ho San Joaquin over the wee~­ end. Jlrn Dooley. Joe Kosins~i ·and ~.:_· nold Acselrod tied for first place wit.'' ' .... The group will stage a Christmas tw'· . ' ' key shoot Saturda y. •! ~ .. •" 1'1ile Square ,.; ' Iii • More than 200 entrants are signed L for'k Christmas Jow net and handice' ' tournament at Fouotain Valley M 11 1°' ! Square Golf Course this coming weel. d ,· • en . ~ 1'1esa Verde .,. :· : , .. Joe Marci!'i and Pal Healey closed wlt11 • ' ' ' a low net score of 61 to wtn a partner " · b~l ball tournamen t al Mesa Verdf' COi.intry Club over the weekend wit~. · Dick Urich and Ray Schroeder finish· · ing second at 62. la In a Mr. and Mrs. scotch tourney, Don. and Joyce Crowell posted an 81 ror low gross honors with Mike ani" Bobbie Y/asco second at 85. :· Low net honors went to Pete an·~ Dottie Francisconi with 70~ followe< by Ellie and Bob Kitson at 71 "2. ··~ • ,. ,. 1 9t h Bole . '' · ' . As a prelude to the $25.000 Unlied Ai1• • tines Ontario open g-dl£ lnv!tational , .1 '. : S2.SOO pro-am tournament has been ac! • ded to the agenda on Wednesday, Feb; 3. Area golfers interested In particlpal" '- lnt''are-urged to contaot Ray Echols a.l : the course. or to phone hiqi at (714 :t 984-3362. : four of professional football·~ premle •. quarterbacks, John Unitas. John Brodie r : Daryle Lamonica and Bill *15on. wil: be going for birdita Instead. of touc downa Feb. 5-7 In tht fifth annual jet Goll Clwlo 1t Goodyeor GoK Country Club' cowse In Phoel:il, Ariz. R us tlers Honor 1~ Runners, Polois Golden Wtst cross countr-y 11tar Terri )1cKeon walked .away.with four award 'l'yesday night at 1 banquet ~-_ RusUer croA count.r1 and wa\er pcl teams. McKean wu not only ••met\ 1\Ultler . the year, but allo-wu aw~ tbt improved, moat Jnspit1Uoual ehd c · · :C trophies. , In water polo RUJller of the ~. ors went to pon !Jppoldl tt,rry llDI and Roy Butll were oelected ~ and Mark Mansfield was named most proved player. Casey Chet was 1rcorded Rualltr of ye$· honors ht soccer and Rick Ulivi 1'1 £lvtn the captain's award. I • . .. =. Jn ' .. -:, ··";-· .,.. · rr ,r.r •• , -;;i ~·. • • Free1co11 League t UINA P'All;I( I! M •v111r & e~,•~(•• • \• !-11.,. ft rO• I Fullfr10tl ' ,.,.,,.,, Jo+l!b I> SI YI ....,. ''""""' • Lowtll - ' " ' " ,. u n " ,. " " " " " " ~ " " " " Conferenre GOlDIN W•ST (Ml I! Ort "'• COlll t i Mt. S111 AAf.Of<le If S11111 Ant " s ... ,. ··~·· e 1111> HONIP 11 LA H1rbor 10 LACC 0 CVPrt SJ U E11t LA o llivorsill' I StOOl,btc~ 0 Or1n9f C1111t 2fl.J'.tM !llrl• 1l LA Ht rbllr ll l!tit LA :13 ltlo Hondo ll Ge111~11 W11I e LACC DAILY PILOT CARRIERS ~ HONOR ROLL ,; ;he DA}.LY PILOT is proud of its corps of yo ung saltsmtn w'ho dtlivtr tht ntuispa p1r to your door. Thtst young men Gf't the cream of the community. Each month, the btst of thtm will be" selected for listing on the Hunor Roll. Each carrier 1istl!d here has obtained at least f ou r '"!W cu,,tomers during tfle past month, had no more than one cuatom~ complaint for the month and must havl'. paid hk bill for the new1papers he 'bought "wholesale" 01~ time. Numeral in front of star <• J precedin g his na me indicates 'number of consecu tive monthi that carrier has been on the Honor Roll. L111i1 Sh1!+111 J 1rn11 HuH R1191r Htrri' Joli11 Crilly bl4it F1 rlt11 p,,..,. Meo4y Crt io;i l ur thtl'P'I D111ni1 St1lou1 G1ry Al~11lre Dwight Ahlii•lllt Robt rl Gwi11n 5,,,,., Sn11tl J1l•y Mu11ytr J1h11 Fo41l1 •·••• u.;,,hat .,.hri• M1oru11e11 Ot1111y R•lli"''" G~1 Vot+ G•rv H,,,,, Cr•it Huck C lev Sl111e r Mllrt Spr•itr l r111t 1Cr1111 0 1v1 FJ1lch1r Mitcht rl Altm1n J 1fl Wi111 Ti"' ln1111 D.11n Rv111> Chri1 T1uk1 c •• 1 s:,1c, •• Jim P1l•t1on Phil W11+ M<kt Kt tr Lt rr'I' C1mpb1ll Jo11 G1rm1!11u1111 J i.., W e,.mi•• l rutt Odr111lll1r D1•yl 01lr1nlll1 • A11dy C•ockford J i"' f l111""''" J i ff R.undtll -icky H1mpl1111 lellld McGr1w Joi 01;,,.,, Mikt H eck l relll W1i111rl Ch1rl11 J,..,,u S+t "t A11dt 'ltll ,,.,1 .,."'.' l• Frink Sh1119 1• J•ll11 Cto,+111 1• M1 rco l1li111 1• si, ... C rilly 1• Tim Cl•w1011 ,. Chipp•• libb1v 2" Milr1 llil1v ,. r:.,111 ~, •• , ... l" Rob~rl R.11110 1· Pit Cr1i11 1• Mtrk Spi"Y 2• To'" H1ll1ni 1• Aliio Orti1 l' D•vi.I f,,,..,,,. ,. o ... ;111 si. ... chu• 2• St•~• l11ll1ri PAUL -ANDERSON, 13, NEWPORT BEACH Carrier of the ·Month ' S111 •f M1. 111CI Mr1. H111ry T, A11f11r10~ ef 1•41 Pod lri,tel, N,...,,,,._,t 111.c\\, P1ul A11i1111", ll, k11 "''" 111 th' DAILY PI LOT c•rri1t1 ' Hent r Roll f,, 1i1 con•1c11liv1-1fl'l•nth1. A 1tullllt11t t i ll11ctlN l11+t rm1tl itlt Scltotl. ~. 1;~,, .11 11111rl1, <1 1c.li~1 i~ l oy Sc.ouh 111111 i1 1 "' • .., ... , •f !ht Chu•ch of J11111 Cltriit )f L1tl11-i1y 51 i11h !Mo•tt10 NI, I 1° Milct Fe llllt l• Ot,,illl D1lm1nn l" M1 rlc l id1y i • J1h11 Moi11 3• •R.ebtrto Lun t l" Kurt C1rr 1• Wt!t Wolf •• s1,,,., Crein 4• City Glovnt •• Ttrry Mtlllden 4' ll ickey Hill s• 5,,11 r • .,,11 I " Sccill MtK•n1i1 •• Mllrt P1lll rito 6' Ptul Aitd1r1011 6' Chri1 l1rlow J• St1111 Ft utrt t 0° Fr111lr R.•rn19111111 ,,. l ill ..... , 14° l olii Holl1nd 16" 01 .. id Colli111 • • r " " ll " " " .. .. -·-- Catdina~ iose, 9-1; Face A naheiin After dropping a 9-t decision to Pasadena, the Ca(dinals of Fowita_in Valle;: are schedul· ed to meet the Anaheim Ben· Kais &tlnd•Y ln '~ml.pro ~ bin action at.Brookhurst. Park The Cardinals were llm.lted to just two hits at Puadeoa last week. A five-run rally . I~ the eighth lnning by the will4 n~a put the game out or reach. " i 1 1 in Anlheim .. d~e Ume ~ 1. Pasadena jumped to a t.0 le.p4J;. in lhe first inning, but thlt-"1Cardlna l11 tied the score in the fourth. The wil'lneri; !Mn added single tallies In the fourth . nfth and 1\nh frames. Non-varsity Basketball • " " • ~:~ JC, Prep Wrestling ., " .. .. u M 1\1-MOl!rt !01 Ill«. G1rcl1 (IU, t-4. II 1211-lt.lo Hofldll -11\1 ll!rltll. J l:M-MUltr (01 ~· ICepklrd (IU, ' ~ 16-J. 0 ld-Morrlton (01 pl<1necl Fe~ (lltl, t1' llrsl .,.,1..i. - 3, 1»-lrt~lr l•I llK. ODorho!lr JI 101, l•·J. )0 IU-C1.rrry (OJ dtc. l'1v11n1 (Il l, ,, ,.,. n 16'-Slodut1111 CO) plnntd S<~ ... t •t (II ). HCl!ld Hrll!d, 117-Ftlt (0 ) di<. lufhl~r i l l, M . l'll!-111~11!1 {JI) plnntd M , MortllOn (0), H~MI ttrlod. Hvv-GI"""" !OJ Pinntd Ot11nttl111 ("l, 11 .. 1 . .,.rlod. V.t.•SITY 1'911t"'911 USJ fl) Miul.., Vlllt .. -O.vl1 IFl tinned Gt rclt (Ml, '" -G1!1ow1r (Fl 11tn.ned o,.11er IML "' {Ml. "' (f). 130 11~111,.,.uez U'l 11lnned M&111rlcle..,llJ fM). 136 -Nttt,,,_ !Fl Pl/ln~ll Jtull fMI. ,,, -WIUl1m1 {Fl plnntd GotllOn IM>. 14 -Stroud CF! p(l'l/ltd Courtwrl•llt !Ml. 1J7 ..... OO<itl11 (M ) •llll1td ICtt!tr (Fl. 161 -Summit IF) PIMtd IC1»kv fMl. l'S -Smit~ !F l i>l<1<1ed M, Gover fMl, it• -ten.no-. !Fl 11lr1111d G. GoYtr CM ). Hvy -Wttlm1n l'l 11l11n~ (Ml. The Cardinals committed. six errors in the game . C~t1l111l1 111 1,.091,., .. Glt1!.0I" U·• 5-1•1r, I& o.unoncf, cl...11> HHtfl, tf 5;.,c:t11f, J~,. l!lltr, t l tG••Jld, 7fl Dogu1v. rl Morriw.n. • cnrlst°""'" "''' V&dfr, C·1& Slt t ll, 11 Muletllf, II T11r111 .. ' ' • ' • ' ' • ' • ' ' ' ' n ' • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • ' • •• • • • • • • • • ' ' • • • • • • • • • • • • ' . • • • " ' ' l'ountt l<1 v1111v ... , . .,..,.. • • DOO 100 000 -1 t 100 no 1.sii-t • !JIM'S 1HTlltNATIONAL HAllt STYLING C(NTall 2tt a. !ttll, Cttlt MHt TIY ou• MIN'S HAIRSTYLING e Privtlt ll0011'11 e Stvnno &. 0.,111" e lti\"OdO SIMtt Curling e l'K'-1 Slructuru Rofffef Sc:u!Plur 1Cu1 Ml!Nllll .. f.VANTf LOOIC . "Miid &. LO<lf H1lr Sfyllfl9" CUSTOM HA111 PIECE S H•lr 11ltcu cletnld &. 1tvltd wlllle '1'6\1 wt lt -""' 1p1>11tntmt11t c11t 642-2631 .GOLF TIPS L•• Sc•N l1el1Hs • G"-' s-..rt G•111• Pr.ctk• ......... . NEWPORTER INN PAR 3 GOLF COURSE e DISC IUD IPICIALIST ti COSTA MESA STOii ONLY 1111 H ..... lift. 149-4122 ., 14f·225f 10-POINT BRAl<E OVERHAUL Not just a reline-.we do all th~j l, fuplace brake lining on all 4 wheels 2. Arc lining for perfect contact with drnrm 3. Rebuild all 4 wheel cylindera 4. Turn and true brake drwm\ 5. ln.spect m.Ster cylinder \ 6. Repack front wheel beerings (gr11111ul1 extra, If needed) --7. Inspect brake hooes 8. Inspect bl'PJ<e shoe -re ... I:um-oprinp GUARANTEED 20.000 Ji 9.Addsuperheavydutybiakelluid MILES OR 2 YEARS f1 10.Roadtestcar ...,., ,...,...ft-...,,. hroU ~ hir ~ .,..._ 11...i ~n1111w!t rrl m~ .. ., ,_.. """t<l•it al. $ '""'AJ!ol-... ~.,~ .......... 1\n L -\o pmni.1"" ....... - .,,._,I ri tirM of td,;.-t. Mott Fords, P s, ~twtys. American compacts and Ught tnJcll.s. Others allghtly high#~ DISC IRAlllS IX~LUDID 4th Shock Absorber I Bay 3 l&moua brand 'abod<lhoorbenoat our ll'\lltrydly price • •• ret the 4t.h 1or only HuY1tl11tt• lffc._ 'lrnt•111 ~,,,. 11111 I I.I.CM &t.V0.-141·611111 HOUltl1 Mtll.•P,1., I t .111. " I ... 111.-Stl .. • t .lft, ff I .,m, CCHt• M11e -Jefry H .. I Hit NlWl'OllT l lV0.-44f.JIH HOUllS1 I 1,1!1 ... 11# tt>• Sii., I 1,m. .. I IJ.fll, • ' .., .... -" ' ' . : -. r f J ( • i~ ---~----------------~-------......-------------· --------------~---------------.. JUDGE PARKER MCMliF! I CAN'fllO'IHAll 1 MIGl!f GIT SHOOTEP ! AN' WHEN I GITS S\Wtw. I <il1S ALL~ ~'WHEN I GrTS ~LEEDY I 60l'5 MNAHERS AN' WHEN I GOES E1ANANERS, TH~ FEl.Le!IS MIGHT LAFFAT ME! •..• ly Cliester Gould .......... __ . ~A. At( ll"N lliE FELLERS LAFF AT ME I'll PROlnY STARTCRVllf, AN' IA1 I 5TAR15 CRYJN' M' WAR,AINi' U. START RUNNIN', AN''THEN ltL GIT 'IW\RAsseP, AN' WHEN I GrTS EM~ -- By Al Smith I 'M SOtt'RY, 51R:! MR:. ORtVER:'~ PHONE IS &U!N! ltltlVER: 6.l.VE ME MIS lltOOli\ ~M&El1: BUT I rorGOr IT! NOW GIVE rT TO ME OK 6ET ME TWE MA.NAG El! By Harold Le Doux JUST /tt. MINUTE! t U;W R'ING JAR'. VR1VE~ ROOM NOW! -· ·---- ' I DAIL y -fROSSWORD:: ~by R. ;.'PO"(ER I -ACROJ', ~ 4D Solkf-\t 0Ye1ttrd1y'S fl'Jz:zlt Solnd: r~ fl1ttons 11. s s A 11. ' 1 Go on· 48 No. Atllntlc • buyi"'1 ls11nds sp-tl! ~0 °Sl1!Jll 5 Colder f -51~tilav! - 10 Man 's ·--!": nlckna111e 14 Emotl o11 15 Household ;sppllanc• lb ---nfrit tails: · 2 WOl'dS .17 Spt tial platt 111 thll'th: Z words 19 Iowa city .29 H1rn;ilt19· ornament 21 Mtsstngtrs 23 Surmise •25 Htad movt mtlll 26 Ok1ah04lll na\lvt 29 Not • expresstd in words . 34 Support~ of Ott 1evolutlon 35 Ital ia " is land 37 lla ke h•P9Y 38 Adltctlvt suffix 39 Ern : 2 wqtd~ 53 Plane mOvt111ents 51 ""'II• "-!.J!.IJJ ill~-~ 1 · mosque tower 61 Per iod of Inactivity 1i2 Watchful 12116no li4 Auto Pltt e:.5 Heat 11 Physically 40 Most source im pa ired irnmedlately !iii "East of-" 12 Roman ava ll1ble 67 Untidy thorottgh· !or us t co'1dition fare 43 Sens1tlons OB Plett of 13 Smalt from candy plant txcilement 69 Make a" lB Walking 45 Turned impression slick 47 Sc\e'1ct 22 Famous dea!l'1g witl-DOIN l Hl! 2Do'mlcl!e 3 Part of a stove 4 Until s Wash-and· Wf l t,., 6 Meno: Fr, 7 Stopping plat• 2• "Nonsense!" light 26'Dr!n ks 49 Metal 27 Scar ltlt --SZ Sufficltn.l 28 Under the quantity l11fluence: SJ Trlc ~ Slang 5( Elegance 30 Fastener SS Sick111sses 31 So. American 56 Winter animal grou11d 32 Musical CoYtr compos ition ,$'1 lfilliCul~ 33 Britis h '59 Level PERKINS .~·~ ~.::!"io J. (F,l;i..,. "'"'• MISS PEACH iT'L~ wow "rHli G lllL.S! By Frank Baginski - ... -·~-. Wednesday, Dectmbtr 16, 1910 DAILY PIL9T ·•l , &'.. By Al Capp -Ll'L ABNER WHAT IS E.D.P.? . ' p ' I~ . Ii · It is ll<tra Diamond Perception -c; -found only infemoles 11.·lf, SALLY BANANAS GO_RDO MO~N MUWNS ~··' ''°~ .... ,~ .. .•. . " It lies dormant until o · d iamond Oppi'O!ICheS-e -even tho t inlut e.ngogement; ring- Then tlie E.O.P. QIOnd ~lttl up and taKn. not!~c;g-)l -1(- • lt:;ends rressal!eS to the entlrl( per.onantv·-· By John Miies By Mell By Saunders and Overgard r By Charles Banottl lJ' ~ .. ~ -- ·~ " . . .. -. .. HeY,aRTl-!UR! -. By Gus Arriola .. .. • ' . · .. . -. . -. '. ,- ·. ' I .. ,, . .... ., '". ·1~· ., •1'•1' • ,.,_, ., .,.,, ... ,-' .... . ' '~ . , ..... ' ., ' . a....;,~:::.... _____ ...J.1 ..... .... -.. I .. -" .. " -.. •"· ' ! ,. ' • • ,. , . ' ,_.,., ' l II • • 1· •I~• ' . ,. ' " . ., ... I - ' ! • •• ' :{' . .. ' .. ,.. I ' '·-' .. r .. , . I'; l .. ' ,' --:; ·I ' 11 j" ~.:-: i .. . .. ' ' I,' .. I>' ' -. ·' '~ -. ' . , ,: " 2 words 41 For111 of wit 8 Gtrm1n rivtr sand 00 Canvas hills structu rt ALL RIGHT, LUTCHElr5 !JOT IN HE~E, JOE/ ··Aloi' NE ITHER IS THE SPARE BATTERY/ Y-----:-~ 42 ~-Garbo 44 Entlc1111ent 4S DisMyl1nd feature • I • 9 Summer TV fire 10 Disgraceful actlon 36 Grassy fl\) Soc iely of area Automotiv! 39 Wile or Eng ineers : Abrah1• ,~bbr. ' 12 1 -, BVT \VHY WOULD THEY BE SHOOT!"'6 AT US, MIKE~ , By Charles M. Schulz r-r------""" ~~~r~='°-1 AAAUGHH! <tJ !I al (,~i:> ' I , ) . . • ---~---------- I ------.. .-• '' .. " j • • " l ..... . ' l '' r ' • ' I ' , l 1 ·~ J " • . " !I OAJLY PILOT -1:0011 Ill Jltwl <C> !&al ..ltny DunPhJ . • UK Jlsz:Mi (C) (60) ••• .,..u, 1q 0 Col~r-"300 SPARTANS" * Part !--RICHARD EDEN, DIANE BAKERI D Sb O'tlK• MOYie: "JOO Spart- lllS" Put I (dr1m1) 62-Rlc~rd £11n, Di1nt B1k!r, 8111)' C(ot, Sir R1tplt RltNrdson, D1'tid f~flff. SIOf1 cf lht monumenltl lourth- ctnllllJ B.C. B1ttlt of Thtfl'l'IG~. Cl M Viti .,., (30) .. Tiie nu.t._ ,(Cl '(JO) e @ CIJ Sbt '"' (q I"'> fD ~ .. LM11 CC) (30) a (() Cts ""' <ti C30l El flltttr r •• a, (JO) f.11 JI~ l4 (CJ (60) @I) W111der111rt (C) (30) &')LI Hen f1ltilllt' ctl fi1t1kil Q') Nm 111 tllt IHn• (C) (30) 1;05 U llnp Ice Hod.'7 (C) (2 ~r) LA IUnp vs. Bo!lon 81uin1. 1:30 0 Candid C.JMrl (301 m Tiii fl7i111 N1t1 (C} (30) @ (I) NIC Ntws {C) (30j m "•ri•1 .-. &iiitar <30) 9 (I) My fmritt M11tl11 (30) EE) Stci1I S«11ritr (C) m ni. DIMrt ,..,.,. (C) (30) GE t:ts ettwidades (30) # 0) AIC ['ftfliftl """ (C) (30) 7:001J CIS lnDilll ""• (C) (30l 0 11:) NIC "ifhlly Nm (C) (30) fJ Wlltt'1 Mr l in1? (C) (30) .. f;45 El,....,., Dttl (C) m !l1l (I) I l•H L-cr (30) ID a.itt tt1t croct <t> <30J @ (I) lr1t1dtd (C) (30) 10:00 B 9 00 Hn•ll fiw-0 IC> Cl!Ol Mont• M1'11h1111 ,tin convlchid murderer H1ny K1Utm, m tt.llllWOOd (C) (60J 13 CJ) Tiulh tr ColllflllllACH (CJ @m Cilrllt tllt LIWl11 Wwf (C) (30) m "'•rlt 130> _ ml Sl•plt.,1111 Mlril (~5) Q)"" "' ,q {30) o 9 @ m '••·lR.:O..: ...., Serll•(• "ipl 1111.,... (C) (60) Pr'emiere episodt of Rod Strll111'1 d11m1s conee1ninf lhe biz1rr'1 ind tht occult Strlin1 ii host end 111r- 11tor. '1ht Dud .Mtn," sl1rrin1 Ctrl Bttz, Jett Cottr. l.olllt Sorel and Micha.I tlldaett. 111111 with r=• a a (f)·swrttmt· u.,m <ti --·-~.!Lo!~ ~1~_!1~ __ (60) Tht Stortlrurll LIW)'lrs dtlelld . . , ' ~ 1 73·)'flr·old disposswed homt· II Iii 5 ..._ (q ('°) OWfttr {&Utst slar ()t1n Ja11tr) IC· fJ (1}) (f) &') Dal Alplt (C} (60) c111ed of mu1de1. "Qu1d11n111 fDf Oet!h." Din Aua· 0 QI@ a;, I PICllt 11"' Little ust lnmti11tn !ht mu1d1r ol 1 Dr11•111t 1., (C} (30) (~) M t0lle11 thanctlor, Ricll11d Bas1hart 1ni1111t1d thrblmls mulia l sptdal 1uutL blHd on lkt son1 l_bout 1114 little 0 Mnit: '1H fe111laif1"'4" ftvmmu boy who arriws 11 t11t (d1am1) '49--i:tl'J Coopw. m11111r of tht Christ Ct!Hd. m CIOflt NM• Ntwt ('C) (60) 0 l]1} (f) a~ " E;dil'J m I IHC\Al I ClMti'lt "'""' (30) ,..., (C) (30) "ftar Js tor Ulldtr· (RJ "ftdtrieo f11H11i." Studj If 1 1t1Mln1." When Mtt. lMnploll wortd-famovs lil111-diftclor. UJS &ht llW sholtl Ill [dcli1'1 m La ft.Uil (30) fOOlll, Tom Corbett or11nittt a mJ Tt!H:iN .. ~ (Z ltr) itiost lrnnt kl 1U1y hit IOI!'• f11r1. 0 MiHlo1 $ Mtwit: (C) "£Jupt fr•• bhrai11" (adventu11) 'ti2-lO:lO ID 1111 lelln ,.,.. (C) (30) Sil Minto, Yul Brynner. 1n an Arab fil) Flick Out (C) (30) "M ~mtli· oil st1\1 cont1olled by 1 cor1upt ca• Beuquet." ~ ... mori11ch, l1n1tic1t IQ!loliren of-Ha, lio.n11isl ltldlf rescue ~im IS ht Is 11:001J a (lJ @E'I Ntwl (C) bt1n1 t1~1111 for extcution. Di» <II m Men (C) m Trdl er Con1tt1t.1t11U1 (C) (30) Q hMI ActiH (C) Q) It Tllln I Thifll (C) (60) fJ ID .... (C) 8:) hftrn ... t fll• (C) (30) ID Mtvlt: "Tiit M11 Iii Ii.ck" ti) r.t tfM • ltl HMIN• (JO) (rn)'llkJ) '5G-¥11enti111 Oy1M, CBNtN:"OM J••Olili ... (comedy) '4~Wi11i1m ltndii. !HJ Cil ""' .... • Gl Eabrt WllMtl •Ill M .. r1 Litt: "On Btin1 V11111." i II BELL SYSTEM FAMILY * THEATRE-BING 11:30 II rat CJ) N111 lriffi1 (C) Gutsls: CROSBY XMAS SHOW O~@ m WW!U 11111 Cro~ thrlslMll Siio• (C) (60) Music•l·comedy u lut1 to v1rioll! Yultlid1 tr1dition1. J1ek Wild. Mel· bt MOO!r and Tile Ooodletown Pi!)trs 111t!t. fJ (HJ (}) GD 1111• Rotii fN Crtt1dd1ddJ (C) (30) "Women of !ht World, Unlit." A wom1n'1 lrn· dom 1<1Yoc1t1 dtm1nd1 lh1t 01nn1 "A Tribute to iht Si11nt film En" wi th Lil1i1n. Gish, 11.ina Vidor. Glofil Swanson, Ktn M•ynlfd, Bulfdy Roi· trs. Betty Bron50n, Heil Hamilton, laura LI Pl•nlt, Ch1st1r Con~lin 111d B1b1 londo11. D ID Cil m i.ti1111, Clrt111 (C) M1nt1 list Kren~li11 Is 1 ael!eduled 1u11t. OMNth .. (C) Oal"'*....., tcl drop 111 )o~es •bout ftmiles. Jtcklt 12:00 IJ Morit: "tnltrt )Ji tilt lttft" Joseph plays Doll1. (comltdJ) '41-Bob Hop .. m Tt Ttll tllt Trvtli (Cl (30) ~Cf) Dick Cmt1 (C) ED 1111 f rtlldl attf (C) (30) .. • Ci1izens Get Into 1he ·Ae1 ·--171·1162 "IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAO WOllLO" !GI plu1 e Stctlld HtUdty ,. .. 111•• "AllOUNO THI WOllLD IN ti OAYj" !Gl All Celer l'•mlly ERll'rttlnm"'!I A1Mrt Pinney e Alec 011lntt1 "SCllOOGE" !Gl •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• O•~ .. (•I ORANGE ORIVE-IN l HMTW , .. hi••• Same 1'1'91••rD Vl!K..,l·l'•k t "OaLONG IOX" (Gl'I pt111 e "CONOUlllOll WOllM" pin e "CJllMION CULT" IGl'l •••••••••••••••••••• ••• •••••••••• -·-·-M~lllJ E•<l1ttlv• Orin-ho SIM,.11111 Afl C.lff' P-tmlly l:•fwtlll'lll\MI ''2001: A Sl'ACE ODYSSEY" IG) •IUI lilllC-H ...... ilmttl ltrtnlM "ICE STATION Zl:lllA" lGI •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SZ.00 nl CARLOAD Ml"'"• IQ•< "'A(M WARNER ORIVE·IN .,, .. __ -· -~· .... ••1·l51• ~­·--M2~7l7 Dettbt• He .... r SIMW! Under IT Mwlf le With P'••"'I ''VAMl'IRI! LOVl!JIS" !JI! 111u1 • s..,.ncr co .. ~ ,.Nhltt "CULT 0, THI OAMN•O" (Ill AU Color l ... wl Concert Set By Gllitarist In Fullerton "' Costa Mesi resident Law· rence Paul will perform clas- sical guitar selections in a re- cital sponsored by the Or- ange County Guitar Circle Saturday evening at Fullerton Junior College ReciJal Hal l. Paul, who has studied • in Califomia and in Spain, will' perform works by Frescobal. di, Bach, Sore, Villajobos, Tarrcga and Albeniz in the a p.m. -rfCital . The 20-year-old guitarist has toured the Wes\ Coast and al- so has scored performances in London, as well. The concert is free public. IYI. SHOW STA.ITS 1 P.M. CONTINUOUS SHOW SUNDAY PlOM :I P.M. EXCLUSIVE.:. ENOs ... TJJiSOAY HO PLACE TO lUN-NO PLACI TO HIDI m Tht AlllWtf (Cf (30) U:30 m AK·Nllftt Sliw. "'1111 .... II) l.dlt 1.1Jr1 (C) (tiO) S.tlJll """'·" "frtll llllM!ul, SICOND DrHrs Tt lllr 1114 "lr1111 tw FEATUll LH Ml,..kl • Cl111t 1it1h0i .... "P'AINT .YOUll WAGON" (01'1 ~In ~•m•• Gilmer, Ii•• M1ri. s11111 "GRAND P'Jllll'." "MEDIUM COOL" a:os m r ... ,. 111 Dt!MrtH t~l Dtn ... • 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .................. ..;.....;.....;... ................................................................................................ ~1 ~I089 [f)-llJ. (q (JO) T '1 J :--, '"' '. · DXYTIME MOVIES t:oo D .... .,_,., f.tl ..._ .. (dr1m1) '52--frl~ Alie~. MM B1xt1r. 1:119 •1 ....... v..,..11et .. (dt•· m1) '4&--Alltl l l)'tb. Chtrltt loyt1. "'Alie• Jllct; ...... (,.ttry) '49- Rrr Mll!nd,' Audl'lf Tottw. l:OOIJ ...... : ........... kth Celllltry" {1dventu1e) '!il -Rutlt Ron'lln, ttod Cal'JltrOfl, Jellfl A&•r, IDO-tcl t:JO II (C) "'V.,.,. • 0.pl"' C•d· VlllfUfl) '62-.klhn H•nttn. m ..,.,..., All.,-. (comHy) '61 -Huao H11s,, 81!11 Cillbut. ' 1:oom.,...., ... HI....,.. ccomtdy) '43-frent Sin1tr1, 2:00 o cti "lit! '" .._, "' 0.1 AlrMt Ult T1"'9ii111 Stt.NellJ" (CO!Mdy) '61-1'1\ytlis Dilltr. 4:JO 8 ...... fKt" (llr1m1) '53- Robtrt Mlkhull'I, JM11 Sinuncn•. e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Qutilty Printing t l'ld Oeparid•blt Service for mo l'a than • quarter of a century PIL OT PRINTI NG U11 WllT &A.LIO.I. ILYD., NIWPOn 1ucH-42-.4121 •-- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT SHOWING NOWll CO.HIT SfCOf\ID f£ATVl!EAT HW'I'. ~OM Y "THI MASK tNllSTIAN" {I) "WNlll'S POPPA" Shown At &30 P.M. "MAii( tNllSTIAll" Shown ~t 6,30 & 11),30 P.M. IOI tnKI OPIMt IJ41 PJil. lltOW If Al TS llJl,.M. ' "WMlll'S POPPA" Showirig W(Doys At 6:30,8:20 & ,10:30 P.M. SA'NROAY & SUNDAY 2:30, 4:40,6130. '120 & 10110 lot Offir.• °""'' W/Oo'f~'14S ~.M. 5ot.I Sun. 11145 P.M. lUXUIKMJS Sl~flNG SUP fl SOtJNO fRll,AIKING • EXClUSM °''""' '~· fnt09ffNl!I! ··-tt51UUH1 10 lHf tl<•llllHG DlHGtl Of .11151 lMllG1 ~ --..,., :-:r.:,=~~ . ___ ._._ _ .. ,--- ' "A" U .. (ll!(;J~ MAITll• "lU\ •d AMO AV•Ar, Tiii[ 11 5r aw1•1ca" r1~M 1 HA\lfSUN TIOISHMl!Jo<\ "" ... -r.. ........ -.,.,_ ..... ...--.. -"'·-··~ ... _, . .......... o1 ............ -. • Ho rtMfWICI s.atst" CONTIHUOOS ~ERFOlMAHC!St "A ,•oa1HO '°l"'' Uf<· US\Ji l ~lllll'llOIH -HD 811l' l""_ .... _lr o...i •U!•••'•<'''" "'""' ""'""-"'""''""""''t ~ ......... .-"""'c ...... ... -Iii'~.!..~.!!'-"' _,., ....... _ .......... I ........... ~-.... -·~-...., ...... --. ..... ,. ....... ....... -t.ilf !..Cl!( llOll\Y Ill<( l'ltTU•C YOU a.II KC 1111$ Yt All. "Y( CASI ' ~Cl1 SHOUlD K ITI" .. ,,_ ........ --....... ....... - "YOU MUST SEE THIS FILMI ... "GREAT MOVIE MAKING" ''" VC4 .. 7' .. f S -/lf;t;'ft•r* Sclli~kol, lJlfl ' .. ·--... flll PAlKl•t -.. f.t. 1:00. ''°° -10.00 !tot. 2;00 · ''°° · 1:00 · I M · I 0:00 -2'00-J:,5-~30·7,lO ·f::IO ... , .... !Wnll,....,,.,. -_ ... "LOVERS AND ' . AIM GP OTHER "TIUU-T STRANG~R§" _ DD~~~=:yr -·-...... , .. .. Alse ''SUPPOl'r • YOOI LOCAL SNlllff" (G) CINDY & DONNA . .(--· DI.fl -SHIW•?Oe ""'""" SUSMIT TD THE \ATIMATt VIOUTIOH AMXKMJS 10 GiOW UP •••• 1- . ' ' Stl GllW I ",,J ,. UP TOO ll\5TI \ . ..... "WlllllD WIJMYJll U.'flP'Q'H,. DECI~ 219'_ .-~, WAlT ' ••IT'S "The Aristocats" -- r " "' . ;. ~- ' ... . . ... ~- ) le ---nuo ,.,,IJ ' 11'r I L , (G) .. ts" • -4-·· --------------·-----------------------------___,,..--------...... ------~ ------ - - ----- • I L -- ' - ' OA\LY PILOT :'!f) • I !!j.i' .. ' . ear By RICK DU BROW been th~ the right showcasing Johnny Cpsh ls part of the has yet to be found -one ·lhat .w_ay t!ietf:_ with l;lis series. By TOM TITUS Of lits DIHY 1'1101 $1111 Sout h Coast Repertory ta..€ a breather after-this weekend, and sqme of its re~id~nt ;lctors can quit leading a double life for a while. HOLL~OOD <UPI). - l will convince the desired audi· Whoever goes the rest of the w~nt ~own to my friendly ence of a program's commit-way, ,with genuineness and ne1ghb0rhood _r~ord shop for menl and lntegrlt.Y. know how~,will not .only strike my weeltly Vts1t and checkup , It is difficult to do this -to a bonanza, but will score a on what is being sid~stepped fit such a show into a network major breakthrough.· on conun~relal te1evls1on. schedule admittedly made up·,-==========11 Tt,M: network!, as you may primarily for the middle aged. have ·hear4,.aay they are after to-older_l!Mfieoce, Which viaeo Qie young . audience._ But you has locked up. THE ...,,.9 STRAWBERRY STATEMENT - GE Plans begin to tliink that maybe no But it would be a pity if \the FOur members of the Costa A C one at a 'network ~ver sent networks just give . up on Mesa company are featured in areer a'nyone -to ·a r .. r I en~ I y trying to find the right format SCR's two current attractions neighborhood record shop to and apprQach for .the. in· wh ich give lheir f i n a I Jn Showbi' Z see first-hand some of the fluential music of toda'y. p e r f o r m a n c e s t h i s things the young audience is' IOOiii••iiiii•••;;;;;iiiiil week.:_"Jnd ians" and "The buying. 11 , Slrthday Parly.'1 The former NE\V YORK (AP) Oeca~11ona11y We do gelliome production '\'1ill be on s tage General Electric Company has of the hot contem~rary tonight and Thtlrsday. the lat-announced plans to enter the groups or.singles on television, ... ,.~~!.!.~!~~~1 .. ~.~.~-.S.1:1~.~d~}" e n t e r tainment production l)ut the proportion of time ~ ' " ... '/ u.1 /111 1'" ' ' . 1 ~. L ' ~ -~ Viewing them back to back. business in the fields of allotted them· is u s u a t 1 y notes SCR managing director teleVision and motion pictures relatively small so that they "L!i:Ot::~v 1 Warren J. Deacon, gives the and eventually the legitimate make litiJe, impact on the au--»Iva theatergoer a chance to see stage. dience v.ideo says it wants. "AN IL:r~:,.~~.~ALLl!D the same actors in totally dif· d I me. ifi,1 tt~J , vtry . thrilling' s s · The company sai a new c•t. 11. & 1111. 1:>0 J.m. 536,9396 -' FINAL WEl!K ! ,_ .AISOLUTILY THl LA.ST ',:S·~~~~o~~~~: .. •::,~r "PASSIONS OF ANNA" AS GOLDBERG Lendon in 'Party' ferent roles. For instance, Hal that ABC-TV is giving.a sei'ies,1i...~~~~~~~~'!" Landon Jr. plays the Jegen-subsidiary, Tomorrow PN>duc-next sumltjer to ·~rltish sini:er 1: _ ,. dary Western here Buffalo Bill tions, Inc .• haS: been formed Vat Doonican (:who. be?).' But ••••llll!l!mll!!ll!!!!!!l!!!!l!!!!l!!ll!~!!ll!l!!!!tli!!!!!!!l~!IJ!ll!!l!l!!ll!!~l!!ll!!l!'!ll•••-.. ·ughes Who? io "'Indians." then reverts to and named Thomas w. Moore where al'<!. ioe COC!ter end ' • 1 POSITIVELY LAST WHK ENDS· THURS. DEC. 24 an avuncular Jewis h character as president He is a former Richie Havens and Judy ··• - as Goldberg in ''The Birthday president of the A 8 C Collins and· J"aTtles Taylor aild .• :t-Ill-. llf...-o.J c1t• ·~ • **** .. IT'S ALL SO FUNNY! 'iATED Party." television network. the Grateful Dead? .• e • IHMIHUT uTINGI -N•• vo1• o.11y """' "R'' The producti ons are being ''\Ve plan. on becoming a ' Look, Dean Martin Is a gas. • , · offered at. the Third Step major source of capital and But-where are lteve Sills and ·-.: c~r. ..... ~ ...... : IOVaJ .., Olm: j j lllWiCiaJ 2, ~ystery Men Missing Theater. 1827 Newport Blvd., innovation in motion pictures. Ter. Years After,.aild I,.ed Zep-~ 11tat11 • .. , .. "° . . . , Costa Mesa. Tickets may be We are vitally interested in pelin and Paul Kantner and PLUS · Tony Musante •Suzy.Kendall in "THE BlaD WIT H THE CaYStAl PLUM(ttAGl" (GP) ordered at the box office, 646-f6ature films of quality and Jefferson Airplane and Cream While Howard Hugh ~o' sound box-office wtentiat," and Elton John and Sky' t •owA"D~ ~ POSITIVELY LAST WEEK ENDS THURS. DEC. 24 welfare is lhe concern .M l363. _ _ ' HOLLYWOOD (UPI), thousands of employes, Ronald * Moore told a news conference. ldt'sBt rubeDythla t Arlod GRuthrdie : """-i"'.;:•-·.J=·~. PAUL NEWM_ A_N.AND//wu SA' So lri h·e r n Ca li ! or n i a "We will quickly become in· an o an an an Y 91: :., ill!- ne. ws'pa~•a and, ,·nd-d, much Hughes is feared dead by at Also closing this \veekend is vol"'ed ,·n all phases Of Newniarl have 'done numbers "*'"-" JOANNE WOODWARD ,.-... ~ least one of the other lawyers •·r..1y Three Angels" at the • I I I · --•..... ,-,,·: ... _· ,·,.,,,, !GP) :...1 • ..: .. connt..u ,.,. mystilled by 1·n the Menson ca"'. tele .. 1·,1·0n programming -on cominerc a te e\lis1011, as ....... ----... By VERNON stoTT w ..,'Y' ... ._".::..".'_. ~ •lunti=lon Be'ach Playhouse. • h th rti ls "1 .. -.......... __ .,._ .. , •• ,~ •. lwo 'men nam.. Hughes -~ seriss. specials and syn-av. 0 er pop a s · ou (All 546~3102 ANTHONt PtRKIN'S Howard an. d.Ronald. Concern for the whereabouts wrapping up a five-weekend dlcat1'on. We will plai:t!: great why don 't they get a lot more d II bel·ng of both m run under the direction <>f ,. un. • JAME•'rAAN CARRIE SNODGRESS IN "RABBIT RUN" (R · -an we en eriiphasis on sports events and air time. , ... y aren t con· 1. ·---~~~~~~;;;;.;·~;;;~~-~~;;· ;::;::::;;..· ~-::i:~:i·~~~~---1 · One .i a billl()naire, the named Hughl\S 1· s un-David J\-1aivi lle. d'"-· •· ttt t" t ' (. d 11-ed 1'ndustrial programs. h .• .., ·ma-=-8 ac ive 0 ;, "BARBRA STRE ISAND . YV S MONTANO . JACK NI CKOLSON olher'I stl -a m t pauper. derslandable to resident.at: of Frank Rutherford. G 1 en thmi,ao .lbat they will want to ' Si ferl~s ,is knO;,.,n .they are California and Nevada. :· Eckenroth and Jay Conklin ''Initially, distribution will aPJ>i!lr m lbe home sc'reen? . 1 4 .: : "ON A CLEAR 'ba.1ur not related txcept in the news The billionaire emplo:Yes share the 'title roles of the con-be through _the television .\J'.ld where are Laura Nyro DA_ y$EE·YOU , CA .. N·····.. \t)UR,f"l'!W\G().l'I . _ N. and in an off.shoot of .show aerospace and airline· persOn-vict trio, with John Phillips, networks, and our own syndi-&ad Santana and Chicago and business. . nel in California and he is \he Flor\a Mose, Joaiiy Fairbairn, catiM," he said. "However, Can'ned Heat and the Who and 8 i 11 i Onaire ~ , iQduitrialist chief owner of real estate ·and Stuart Anderson and Paul we will coostanUy explore the Tim Buckley and Phil Ochs 'FQlfO,El!I" ft . Howard departed for the hotel-casinos in Nevada. Su1Jivan cast ln featured possibilities oI participating in and Sly and the Family Stone? Ba~maS jOt ~ vaeatiori while Jobs, salaries and futufes assignments. the e·~panding fields of cable It Is really a very odd thing hia';:top ileutenants staged a ride on H. Hughes. Per(Qrmanc;es will be given televsion and casettes. that television, in its com· ·1j.' wer-s1"'""gle· over centr-oJ. of· · · n· .---Hug·---h08·· ·•· -·0·n ·1·h·e· ·-·0· ·th-;,;. -·Friday--and Saturday·· a.t ·tne· · -11Closed -circµit1'ruadcnsttng·--.:--merc1ar · quest fOr the rich """ " Barn. •110 Main St.. •tun-'W1ll'De··an-iiif'p0ft8llr''\\llff'Of y·oung m_ arke.t. should give ughes' vast holdings in the hand, may cost the citizens of ~ [" ., 8tak! 'of Nevada. tington Beach .. Call 536:3861 our operation," Moore said. relatively limited attention ·to • Los Angeles a million dollar;s for reservations. Donald D. Scarff, GE vice .the art ·form that most often In addition to his many in the event a mistxial is calJ.. financial , investments; Hug bes ed t>e;cause of bis di:tap-* ptesldent in char~e of con-,and JJlQit ~adily separai:es la a former owner of the Another llunlington Beach sume~ products, said th~ ~r-fOUth fr.om its money -·-, ... _,. ........ --._.-., -·-· Hl'!"l•-·-·--·•n. . . .. .. .... -DEAN MARTIN e BURT LANCASTER e HELEN HAYES RATED "G" • 2ND TOP NIT· * * plus· "DARLING LILI" * * de•-~ RKO Studios aod the pearance. the N'ft '"ih 1 te ts porat1on ho~he subs1d1ary Occas1onaUy, a network ..--1""""-,. Tax moiie'· and 1'ust1ce ride _ groupL 1 Y 1 ~r pu 1~ rnA ""'" °"Owjh tr' '•• • a ed t h -enl'·r o1 -•ane Russell's '~' ·1 d bl -bill ['""'"·>"' · ··· wou 0 --.-~ .. 00 J! ''"--... tes 8.~~~-r'"iio,,.su:;Jc;";'l--1_,,,'°' -~"· .::,. -· ____:on !f.· Huihes. . :~ ~ s ou ~ra 0 v;ie i..: t . potential of the parent com· records -as with · ABC'"TV's · ,·,t·.'·)'· _. r-· •• " ~ause so much atlenfum into st ge ~ter his pany's -Other venture "Muslc Scene,"whichfailedin r ~ ttr tBn ·at·· .lias been focused on boUf'meb weekend . but will resurrect b . ,. · th ar g The troubl h t.Qrney in the Charle~ Manson in the past week ~they i1ave the production for three more usinesaes. e r in s. e as ~rder trial ot, s.haron T~te provided more suspe~ than weekends in January. ~ si.J: others. Hl~.~efen:ding most of the m;,rstery show on "The Popcorn f.1.achine" and ,_ or .~!S unUI h.is d1sap-television. ·. "The Dentist" v.• i 11 be '~ -Leslie Van The q·uesUon sum>undin~·H. presented Friday and Salur-'~one ·of the Mltnson Hughesanl:I~'· Hugh~'.isw,,n day al the Nifty prior to the " • ,, and if they will retllrn to ~s Christmas holiday b re a k . ... t the ~put. both are in· Vegas, in the .forq:ier!s . caae. George Betar directs both and '*'UnunicadO.-. ·, and the Los Angeles Co ty wrote the script for ''Popcorn ·...'.Ronald_ Jfia&bes olooi-wint on Superior Court,in ·the-la ell's Machine..·· a vacation -In Los Padres situation. ~ The experiemental one-act! NaUonal Forest, a resort less The answers are v .t ii-I are being performed at the grandiose than Paradise because great am·oun of theater, 307 Mai n SL , Hun· hi and where the other Hughes money, lives and death bang tington I.:each. Reservations purportedly is ensconsed. In the balance. · are taken· at 536-9158. GENERA 'tHEATRES • • -_!!'hey ~augh.~d: They cried. They sat on the •· . -edge of th~ s.eats as the f'l}ry o~ a tornado : swept acros~ ~e screen. They thnlled to the magnificen,t ,'P~norama of the Gral_ld T~~tons, and cheel'.ed as a courageous family named ·'Cthe qia nners stood together against every "challenge of an untamed land. ~ . ' Your friends .. and neighbors had a . '·,IJ)Onderful time at the movies.:: t.h~ motion picture _, they saw will be yours to e11JOY in ear.ly 197J . .... "' ., ..,.,. ~·"• •. ,,.,,~"'°"co .... ... , . ..,. .4 ... i.-··- ~ " ..... "'cam a.uoB.1.• Mll'fl.Cl " .. CQ~l"G SOON: . -, . 1----..... --·'"---~ . ' , .. _ Sim b~ · Ronny an~ FORREST • Ell+! • HOWARD • Ve11 Mll[S ~ Kale ' 1 ..... ti.... ~' ·w. t•"" lAl!ll lol.OCff ,_Clll '7 • M~t(I CilttM i'r Ql!ll IOll£~ 1 • 11111!!-...: C.OMING soo~ --- ' Movies Finally Get Some Real.New Blood HOLLYWOOD-(AP) -Ever onward and upward -tech· nologically, if not always fj • nancially -the movies have a new fake blood . Ils virtue: It 'doesn't' stain costumes. ''In black-and-white pie· lures they used chocolate SY· rup. which photographed beau- tif u\Jy and washed ouf easi- ly," s'ayS veteran makeup man William TuttlJ?, tracing the history of film gore. ''When color mo vies came in, we 'd go lO a soda foun· tain and get some cherry sy- . rup. which "'''d · thicken ·with · a little cornstarch." .Tuttle said. "In 'Mutiny on the Bounty' we tried a red toothpaste made in England. The trou· ble with all of. 'these, and' oth· er concoctions by makeup pea. pie, w.11s that they stained the wardrobe. Most red pigments ha ye a staining quality like dye." l\1akeup men finally con- -suited the Motion Picture Re- search Center, an Organiza· tion subsidized by major stu- dios and in touch with chem· ical manufacturers. -Minneso-ta Mining & Manufacturing Co. d!vised the new blood spe; ·cifically for movies. "Almost microscopic red spheres or red plastic are sus- .pe!)ded in a liquid, probably gylcerine," Tuttle explained. · "Split some on a wh.ite shirt and it rinses right out under cold water, without any soap."· Tuttle, for 21 years MGJl;I makeup chief , expects the sub- stance. to save studios thou· sands of dollars by prevent~ ing ruin to costly costumes . Tuttle is giving the new blood its first use in a film Called "The Best of Friend!," starring Debbie Reynolds and Shelley Win- ters. Miss Winters is gashed on one ha'Jil. another actress is knifed in the back , a fall downstairs batters a man and rabbits are sl.aUghtered. i ·1 NATIONAL G.ENERAL THEATRES '' th•4-film1 f~r tb.umc•_of one I 'A Jt!lRd j!Jl I s1 I 1 o] U OQy'gNiGhT . ~!llii j1..1 • .. Yello.v .. Let Su~marin~ it be·· oro••• 115AL lU1H •OIDOM "WHERE'S POPPA?~' "' PLWI CA.LL THIATlll '°I S'40W ti Md I • ' - ·•l'WI• . . ...,... --~~-·---CAl.L 3 ' 1 WEB<'ONlY CO~INUOUS DA!l-Y ·MATINEES Sat.· S~n. -Mon.; Tues. ·3 NEW EDWARDS' LUXURY CINEMAS TO OPEN CHRISTMAS D.AY AT NOON! OPENING PROGRAM IN CINEMA VIEJO AND HARBOR CINEMA I Fun ... Muiic .. ~dventure ... Purr-fect in every way for everyone I ' . ' rm ... __ _ ~----- WALT DISNEY ...._ ,r1d11ttlont' .; .• ''\· .' ' f , ~ ., ,., • • i.l..v'.;, ' .. . . "" .. A WONDERFUL NEW .Jt CARTOON J~ FEA TURE ··-~ 5!~ •1A ,(}-,\1·~:/&:s -~~~«Mt) T'ECH NICOLOR®. Rfl,.,.d by 9UI N• VISTA Ol>ll•buiooft Co , !>It: li.11910 W11! Oou1ey ~•a<lucUOfl\ ' . '• . .. . EACNTNEAT·RE IS BRAN.D NEW-EACH HAS LUXURY SEATS Af!D WIDE SPACE LOUNGER LOGES,SURROUND DRAPES AllD NIGNL'( SOPHISTICATED PROJ~CTION E(!UIPMENT. EACH TNEATRf ·OFFERS THE • ULTIMATE Ill PATRON COMFORT AND COllVENI· 'Ell(E, EACH 'TMEATRE HAS A GIANT SCOPE SCRHN AND STEREO SOUND; 'DHP PILE CAI PETS' AND EXCITING CONTEMPORARY DECOR. EA.CH TNEATRl,WAS'DESIGNED BY .A WORLD FAMOUS ARCHITECT AND EACH TNtAfRE WAS DECORATED BY THE NA- TION'S MOSt:'OUTSTAllDING THEATRE INTERIOR DECORATOR. CINEMA VIEJO ·IN· MISSION VIEJO SAN DIEGO FREEW11Y ATlA PAZ TURNOff' DIAL 830-69?0 ?;t~~c: CHRIS'tMAS "ARISIOCATS" HARBOR I CINEMA .. TWIN'tHEA'TRSS COSTA MESA HARBOR ~T )'.llLS_9N , 7 Ml. SOOTH~ s'XJ13¥-' lllAL Ht'OS " 8~.:'.~c CHkl~MAS "ARISTOCATS" - HARBOR2 GINEMA · TWIN THEATRES COSTA MESA HARllORATWRSON 2 MMQUIH OF S.O. FWY. , RIM-646-0573 ' g::~G · CHRISTMAS ''.CATCH-22" --'&.. _____ .;.. ____ .:,..;..:;.:. ___________ ..... ____________________ -----·-·----·-. --· ---· ---. - J 1) • ' . "' I.! ' . • • ! I• r • ' ,, J ! ... • - ' • ' 1 " T •j • 'I ' ' • s • Your Compleie-Nelv y otk I Sto-ck Lis t ' ,r.s,wv!i"~J:'t;,=•~:1c::"°1''-• ~=.J "• .,_., ci-. c':r. ~~I Kitti L~ c;-,c": s.1.. N.i til fut IN ,. "'' I'\ IC\+ .. fr"*'f.ti .• ~ ~M r~ ,, ..... tllilt.IKltlll-c'-t"'. 1.wJ.ir$'f st l:t l"" ll~!.':! =~l.,ofG 1 )1.1 u,,. U.'C•· · -- m~,N~ .~ ll1 tt'• ""+• ~~" .... ~ jj~ n., + .. ""F'"' I'll '" 16\'J-Vt -G-~=t~~ 17:& !J .:!"-~ft: }/-,. = e ~"u "2'£. ~ !~ 11"-1f ... -;~ g.u C•' 1.10 tF 21'• 21"" 21'11r. -'• ACF Incl 1M il •S "j°l ft j ~? 11r1tCn r:r 121 );. 1i... I +?!a""' Cil M fl IH• 11\• II .... -i,. .~m .. ~~;~lii'T~ Je ·A1:=~;. ~'JS:~:~~ ~-n:~~~~ J ·\~1'l: ~l:t ~~=e =cr-4i~ ~m~ ~5~1,_~:!,~~1 ~ ia~1: ~ ~!=;: 11oti1. Wtllilltd b FB Ctco ll.O \lo P1trollt 0 11 d 1r1w Cl 'f 31 .J'J:1fi1, 20 14 IN I ·~·•.• ~tlr 60 •14 :II 21 :II i .., "" ~I t~ 4 ~ + I• 111ti P.:'11GMI Ai.lo()( Fib TH. 2Vt 2''o Pl\1101 pl y 42 1,111t( '1¥ V. l'h Addr"~ I~ :!i • ~ "' M 8tll 2 a:1 ' '3l't 41 4 \\ \.1 nMlt • U I 14 ll"' -11• f_llon ol s..rwrh!ft "•••!"' HI 1~ Pill \It m• 201'11 119NI F Jlfl "'AOmlr•I 1l/o \'.t -~ GE I $0 u 11 .. 1"1 271/; ~\ r:r•De" I 311 " u :W.\.'t 11 -'• • SYL'"• PORTE , l 1~. . I DM!•n '"'· ~ Fl,.ltl' •~,. ..,,,,._ • tw-m i&e Ft i M111o1L"' I.A .. "' .,.It "' +111o, ,tt30 1100 114" 11•\~ 1~ " ••loci. • 1 11 U~ 1 -•, uy •uo. R expectatiOTJS For Instance, anu ron r 1JUted tolls scare ty no• l(lu.11 1r1~e-Flntl'ht I"' "'Pllil;1'k U\.'.I" .,.,.,... 1n.,,20 "ri-;1,., Ce 21 "'11 ~ ~ -i... (" E ,. t uH1 ~·, u1oo , i \• 1i..,qv Incl • ' /t. t -11 Despite fr 1 g h t en in g our use or energy rectntJy -The US fuel oil supply ~::,.,,'ftJ, .,., 1~1~ ~:li'iJ!s ~.'~ J!ll~l= ~tr a.11 't~ 't~ l:•t:;t w rn; u" ~l~'f.~"'.-i fft! 'ja ;i~ !.: ~ ~l~.c1 lt° 31 ~~" ~ q ~'\! &~~1~°'l1e 1191 't"'\• ..:: 1 hi -~ headlines, It now seems likely has been r1SJng aboul 5 J)l'I'-has been lightened by oil pro· :::~1:;t:r: ll '1 ~:~Mi .... ~ '"" ~~= ~':: m. • Tl~ m \: ~~· 1nJU,,~ 2 ii ~~ l 2 it: IT :a iSt 1lU~18~"' l8 • .. G~I~" .:n: , ~; il,;,L lttt ! ,, t I d bl d t'--Lb om, 41 w!'llCll tfll'fl! Ft! WFtn ,,'1: ,,,.. P11bS NM 21-~ t!M1n1 lt\lo 20\4 A ••'!J f ll lJ\lo 3 '" IJ-.l~ 2.)) 10• -"111 ~" "''" It GAMOl1 "10 11 1l\t mi -':; lhal We'll f Cl through the cen 1 year -a most OU t l.ICtlOntl CU ~f ks Ill I I ya I In· ~ ... ~tl!ltt..,. c~ ~!:,.~P j"° "~~~,HC 11" jj,il 1~m A 1 :,:Z 2 ~ 'ar1111:a ff n .. ~~ n~ j! Iv l1tw ~ 111 Ill• U'-~ -&~1r111 Jtt-t~ fiU: ~" ~tt t ~' !he annual r\Se Jn the '565 terrup OllS 0 3n 01 pipe tne cMMd (Ilk.cl/ OI' Forst 011 I YI I \lo P1t,tN :t m 1:= f: 1a"" lo:llo ~f=~~ 11 s I'~ ni4 n~ 'l 1~:~ Jt l11 J~ n~ J.J\o :llh t I: Gt" r:.ll(o-Jl J 1111 fl~ II -\oi wmttr of '71 without a ma Joe and early 'fiOs in Syria and a shortage <lr ::i ... i111c11 ..,.,N:;s1~:~lrm1 '!J~ ,Jt! P e~1 '°""' "-"•" Gp '" ti• Ak:M~ i .20 n1 tt"-n .. tt'1o l% lfY sJ .-' , ''• ~1 -"g""ri: 1• '' JI~ ,. JI -.,, !ue.I crls:1s. B I r r I fl a uo-.. t the same l•me. • Mffi· I t k s I"' I thllltN lh<Ol/91' F•!tr \ 2~ P\/fllV SI '?:Z 1in 1~:n,c°C? I:'" ,i~ :~:'n!:i:t 18.i': ~ l!~ l~i: 11!'.' :: •.. !~~: ~ ~., TI ~\'r 1i" f~ + ~ G.~it¥ti '.it s! ~\', ~i! nn -}t e n ..... ot an e~s imu ... neous Y, ou• tilt d•Y P•ltu "'~hi,, ct 1~\ii 1!U ~"f•• Ct ,~ 1ov. :pnu• ~ l"' J'" A ~" c. 10~ ~ 0,:z + (.: r. ... c 11 ':tt » )6 w.. !ii , Ill ~v~ ~ ,. 1~ 11\\o 11" ~ • prec;Uclable disasters a plex and Jong Usl or factors the \lo()r\d demand for residual :i:1111 nol ~~~~ ~~~•·oia;: t\\ I i¥' s~'t' f"' r~ T~r..'i:t.ti o~ 1 ~ 1j\,lj ~ :::~ :. J ~~ ' ~ + h \~"~1.1u1.1511 it r,1• tr~ r.t -u x:~ t; 21.0 IU :tra :t': = ='~ .'e"' of Ir-zing •ea••-r, 1 has con\lerged to curb sun.. fuel 011 espec1all11 low sulfur rnt•"dow" °' corn-Fqu.t <• 1,~ I~ llto o~" •'-"'Trice Pd 3 ¥.i 3'\'>" 111 1.n 1 l ni0 .... nr. +·~ 1or• 11 oi ,..~ lf;; ~ -\II G;;:.,._, ' '~ t\!o '"" e ,.,. '"'"' .,-• / mlllloti Gill .ru""' 1 ;% 1 v. 1t•n1u c If 1t'4 Tr d•lr l )* A 11<1 II l,l'O m 21'111 ,1'4'+. •u•lll!"' .tO T tl\11 l h tt-1\ -"" a..i,'~1 ,J&t ' 'j ~-" I• :.. \~ Prolol'"ed railroad , 1 r 1 k e , piles To Illustrate · 011, has skyrocketed. ~~ c~.' ,1 !~ G:~sV(" 1 "' 1~ 111nt11 E• :z.J~ u Ty-. Fiii • 11~ "Id ~11n "" J ,, .., " -i.:.e11p Pl 1 1 lt\o\ Va 1""' + ""~" "-r DI> ~ 1~ 1 + ~. ~ -i ' .. 2\'i R•Yth i· 11\') 1tV1 Unlle<: ' ,.., " MIU l5b I "" 2Ji4 U\11 + IQ NA Fl"I 10 m ISliro 1S lJ~~ tn Ni llt " 1.56 • ·' -_ J•, -Production and su pplle!I -Bu1Jd111.g of 11uctear pvwer :FtPi'"'s •:1! :ro~ :/'enc no 214 R1Ym P 1.w. uv. u" 111um "'" 29:ir, •11i.o Pd 61 l'1 1'1'1 1.i,. l•'h + ~ NA 1>1Ai.1g ~" 2111. ».1f. 21" + 1o1o Ml"i"•'J~ ·1 .. another blowup in the Middle of coal have been curtailed , T 5 • 1149 ,,,. 2,,... R1t011 " lllo'J " un McGn '"' !I'> AHl9!!$1r 1"" • ltM 21 ~1 2•11: _..., 0111 si G11 121 -61\:r. .sVa ,.. _ \\ ~-, ... , •1, ~. l< _ • plants has fallen v.ay behind ~·5 1rw:: ••• 3 ... iiur •·~ , 1t11 er~ ., ""us Bkno1 ,,... ,,,. "/klsuo ,1$11 121 •""' • ,.,.. +"' t~G' 1111• 1 50 50 s.• 1'1 •. .._ ~' + East the dreaded fuel b Id t t• ml r bl " & lnCI 7 11 ltl lfil ,,. l\lo ltlOa, ~u ""' ·~ u1 EnYtl 11 n A 111 Cllllm 51 ui.. l•I\ l4i .. -lit OCI Col 1 '4 105 ... ,i ... 14\\ + ... 1 s \! ,. y WI ca str .,es, l)e sa ety schedule due to pu IC op--~~M Pt t .... : "I"~ ~ 4 1tl1tV io n 1• u S..N• 41 '21\ Alir1tit.1.u1 60 211 20..., JG\~ JG~+ ""coca a1~ ... 11 2"° 2•-. ,.._ -141 ~'lum 1 ... •1.,-'t" ~"~ »~ -" !',., ho~-b 1 1 hort r .,_ d 1 d 1 b d , .. , • 1 JI r1e11 ,,"1 :u."" ltll(I J 20 3111~ us Trtl u " ,...,..PC .Clot • u\.'a uv. u ''" P.i 1.. • 4-1'" ~ .... " .._ ~ 1 ... •? .. ,. • 3 • ....,ge as appareoty been aws, ~ age o ra1uoa pos1ton an agan a A.C,;,,'~T ·~ 1,? .:."' w :Kl....,~111111111 M n 7• Up PenP 211.1o12 Ak:w 1111 '° l41h Y\15' +i:..co/IPpllJO 1100 'l ~2 52 ~\.'t ~5 !Jf~t~ !{£ + •,,_,~ for now. car11 In addition. McLean e n me ... 1 forecasting Ah si. ~ ·~· 1o11 Rub 2 .. !.,.. 1tot11on l.,.. J\lo ij'"" s1.d ·~ ~ Ama151>9 1 60 2 ,. J?-11. 2,,,. _ .,., co "' Alk i .. »l1 3no -..u. _..., "~'Ire ' • »vt '+ I• ~""' M:1.1 gov r " • t. A!r lr•aui , J<·, Id Cye lf I '"ltov Cell H• 2 H/ lf!d 21y, 2JV. AMBAC so ,. IO\ii 10\\ 101"1 Collf" It 20p :u 14;1 u~. Jlf. -'A nst ',c. 9 i... ?t.~ -• t;avs the Federal Power Com Hardesty f•gures that if 'lht> Al,bfn F 1''• 15'.lo ood 1.s 1 lYi 11111 ~kl~ 19\io :io11, • 1.0 ~. ''lo Amt• E1 1 '° ~• 11111 111oO 191\ + ,,. co1o1nts1 1.llO 4' ~ .. J11oo !11'11-\'i ~-r. ? '" 1 .1: 'ifii. l -_.. .But the threat Of a long• I ' • Albff H 21'1 J\.. wv C l ~'I 2 1t,.,••,o,0,Ho •1 '1~ Vtrw::e $, 1•1'1 ISV. Am l1 Pl2 60 l 3' :)I J6 + 11 CaU Ind I 11 1 " 1''• U\i T \lo Ge" 1 1 11 i?~ if -1• mJ.SSion's surveys seriously nuclear power program had AW:''" 1 w. ,..,.., cn • 11'1 2~ 'lt' v111'°"' 1"' 21\ ""' H-.s JOr :w "'v. "'1' ""' -~ COit 1" iM• 1s J ~ •11.<J Jfu -,,. G.., re , 1o 11 L~ ti · ·• term scarclt r • Ao~c J'•''~Gr1pl\Sc 1,u,1• fe~~tnE 1~2tt.W.cn lltl ttVtT.1 "'.N,Hpl).50 71f1\lo~t1'\t-\lotont"Pil.O 111\'i ll\itll\/t lfl8Klll 1t ?1601fl 2 ..... iJW-JM the U.S. 'lil y] Orem~~ensrgyFolnr underestimated what currel')t been on schedule the demand :\i o i},":' 1~1: 1J\% g~!e.,M~1 ~ tli. ref"~,,~n ~~ 4j'"" ~:l'Jw11: {J~ {:~ ~~r.{11Ufn i i:J ~~ ~~· ~:,! :+ ~ ~i\ :.,.,-1fs ~~t; '~;~ ~~;t + \lo e:::i\~'J.t·~ J6 Mt ~y.· ! t._ ,._, demands for coal would be for coal thJ.S year would have "l'r"' Ea l~! 6\lo Grnu RE lJ 1v.1 sci 1....,~ ~1'' ww ""' •"' 2" Am 111i.: 10e 21 1n-11 ,, _ ""C1111 G11 1.a 107 lH1 ~' :ut>o -v6 •P11c11 Mil ·'• ,..u>1o 3~R; -1· ~ A IHI Gea .. 2''o o~• Pr l~ ,.,.. S<.ot ... v. i·~ .,.,,... ,.. 1,." lmdl 210 2d0 ""' ov. 44 ColuPlcl ,.i51' y 1~ 11)1,lo -It •"c1 • I"' 1 7,... m . ~ lhe ~first time 1n our history, ( 25 m1lhon more tons of coal be!n 15 mllhon tons Jess than Amid( il 1J~ 111::., 1~ ~v; ::; ~l:f: .., l~"Ai ~ =::!: :i ':~ 1:"" ::::•~ 71.io"° l1 J4~ ~1oo 2~ -'-~~~ 1 !: ~~ ~{~ _Ji 27\• -i,, •Pf; 011 .;a• • """ 2 "' f.li. we lice possible shortages ooL v.·ere needed 1n '69 than the it has been. :"'e1a~: 3,,... M 1111 1n1 J\11 I ,..111• " 1~ ""'wit ""' • a\-\" t•" Pll n ~l ~ f,,. "'~ -""CmbE pf),7t 1 4'\.'a "' lf~ ! ~ S,•v 1 Ult .J! ·~l:. ' -f: •-h I Am E•P' 7t•11 1t vroan 111 Se' Cm• ~ ' Webtl Rt 12'1t. 11'<11 """Ctfn Op 16 I Vt ,;: 21~ = ~ Com!Sol't .o 11 lf 11~ 11'"' -1,lo r!I 1111.20 / tf..i 1jU + (• ~use o! a breakdown in :FPC ad prechctedJ It could have become a ful ·Am F11rn ..,. 1v. 111111vr s 1 20 Se1111trn ~1,1, Pi!. w11c11n1 • ,..., A c~1rn 1 '° u 20, t~ i..... Corn15ol pJfO 1 1s ., 1s _ v. /'" eo. <S l:tto 11'Ji -~ r Ult '·• p II b h f b '( A Gre,1 ~&IV, Htttlll In 4'N S jvt GrP $ 5\'J Wtlint M 11 11\4 ACrvSuu I 40 71 25'Ao 15 JS ' • ~cmwE 1 20b ,1 31\\ ll''t 3114 bttll Fin I 1l-\1 f1'"'°'2 -V. ac 1es uut because of aclual o u)1on cur !I ave f edged energy cr1s1s. ut 1 " MtdlCP 11>i1 lilt; HtnttcJ F 35 u wtn uit sa11, 51Vt we11F 111 1w. 11~ ACv1"1c1 1.25 i" "'• Diii ~ • v. ome "''' J 11sv. 11614 1uv. ''1 • 1111aL1w lllo i u 16\'J o 1 l' lac" or energy, an entirely sharply increased the demand l>asn't -and the rc•••n •I ~-',•t1v "'14 nv. Htrll \P 21" m Slltndah '1~ 1..., wtiut P •'-9 •m D1um 1 ~' 11 161't 161" -, ome p11..i1 2 1,..., '• 1•vi +'YI G 11"11' ''° 13'-I Ill;;, d -=. • 1. «<7V ..,K_, 8 1' 7•1'J HklOC "' ,,,. , .... Smltll M 111'> 1(\ W1I" NA J.\i 4 AOl$1Tfl "'DI JJ 2' lt \o'J 2t -~ Cornw Oii 60 lU 1'1\ JSV, I&\\ ... G/mbtl Br I ll :i.i., 31.\t -'• dllr. t !( r h I r t tu t h 't NOT th bU ed Anlt"1 In 1'41 '""° HOim EP :n .0 SPl!d SI S P,, 2 Wit" Mi. 5..., i A"' OualVetl 11 nll A\ Alo -C0"1P111 Sci 111 "' "°" '" +: YI G""' 1rw:: -CJ IN 11 ren ma er. or sue t:ean uesasna ra asn 1s e pu c1z Arc• •nd 1._ , •• H11ob<ft ,.~ 11'W11 w11 u .... u .. itnPub 1n~nv...,0uv1 "' .... 5 nu. 12~ ll'~=~,,,.,,,., 50 1., .,,,, 11•1 •t·i+YJGl•nAd'" 11 '"' ~ m\1 ...:1; We ha•e moved from an gas But what McLean calls •leps ordered by p,estdenl Ard9n M J."' 1:ir. 11~,-, ,, ..,,, ",,.... E Ttl 3!~ """ wi"' Wfl 3'" • AmEtPw i 10 '11 ?9\lo 21--i, ·~ 1'"' MH11 1 11 2e1;' 1911 20"' t'" ~'""I 011 7J • '9Vt 2'Yl + i , Ardtn Pl "" 12 H... .... ... G1C11 17'"0 1U1 WIK PL JI~ 2l Am E•• lno lot' 10\Jo tl'o t -•• annGn 1 041 46 ,, 2J'1 2l{ "" oQ.t Merln ''16 131-1J -JI• -1· era ()f abundant energy •nlo the F PC 's "unreahst1ca\ly Ntxon and o l her ad· Art MOP n 1~ Mow•• GI 1 1'h ! ... El5vc 161:< 11"" Wrctlw E 1'• 1~ A Gen1n1 i.o o112 1u-. 1o11°' 1~ + t:, Mr•< '° 1s j''• u•% u•0 +.,,, iooe un •o 4 1s1. "'• Ulif -• Arrow H l'tV. JO Howm I" lit~ lt D&Cerv 31, l\< Wrklhl W l1~ lJ A G"I" I'll IQ 191 '" 21 Uh +t CM EGii I IO 20I ,,~ 7·~• 1,,: ~rich I 1•0 IT1 21"' ''!! + t. an era .in wluch the emphasis low" price regulaoons fo r ministration 0U1c1als T h e ~r,,·•,•,. 10•/i 11 Huet •Mt J~; 29~ sia""'v" ~. 2 ""'~Y E 3"0 '"' ,""' 11o111 40 JO 1~ 'h ..,. + ~ Con ,edit !} 1 s ,...., 11'-"" + ..., GorJ:fivl •, • tjl lf~ l:-t; 13f,.. + l: ti be I ( h h I< d bl \I HIGHER Ill• ~"" ~ ~:: ~:. 1""1 lSY, 11..,. I IO JS1 70•• 1'\!io 1'\lo -loo CM ells "' S I M1' '3111 MlN +1~ GwldlN: 1 olO ll fi' ll « w1 on conser\lationano naura gas ave e :l own reason 1s, uny, :11~d5j,11 '~'"'H~•"P av,111o. AHO-•P•2 llo.A4nM--1M~-v,~°"'~"1 ~ 1n.n\,u1,1;'/"'+-1toGi1ee1.sc 5tt 1,21~ .:.:1.4 caulious use <lf our energy explorabon for natural gas PRICES This tale tomorrow. B0••~r l • 1•v. ~::K ft. '•it 21•~ ~ ~~ ~~~ •. ~ 1~ ~,,. ~ fl~+ "' c: .. :~~ 1 ~~ 1~~; 1~"' 1~:Z -·~ ,~:~•n1·f, " !9 1~: fj"jli" 1t\ + "' John 8:~r:•it1\ l'l• .a~ HYllt Alh j'.lo v, A Mldlc11 12 n 23\.\ 2l'llli 2~ + '4' ClOI'\ L1a1ln1 14 '40 •'II '"~ -I' r.:iiT\( IJ' 11 5' 11'' ' O"'I -b resources, G. McLean, fm1 .. sr ~ ~. MUTUAL A MllCI• 1 '° 2•2 lll'J JI ll'llo -"\o onNt!G I.. 65 2'\1 """ 2'Vo -"" rat!! viii • 11lo< 1 ,,... t ... C'-i'rman or the Nat1onat :•sl" p i~· m lt'ld Nuc; 'j11 21\o'o A MtlCt• pf ' " .. ., •Wt +"' Ol'\J Powtr , 10? »¥. :)ll'lo 33'-o -lo ''"' w 1.50 1S2 4711 ~· •1-loo +11-. Ila "'""' •j51<1: 1nlr1rd 'i J Am Motor• lfl fl' Slt .n. COl'\Pw Pf4 52 1111 •z t1~ 11>1 +14 '1n1 C11 j ·H :dOO SJ ~ $1 Petrole"-Cou-·I •·• p-•". N • L c l f l BiYlel$ 1 23 fil Cont 1-1to 1 AH11G11 111 JJ •2"" ~ 41~ _; v. CMPw pf4 so tm 17'!, •1i. 61'• + "' G••ri><q 10 u 1111 21 j'l-r _ '• ..... ,...., ouu ,...,... -ixon ess 0 or u :.-/ "'l"1 If lt'llo I rm !ft 2V. JV. Arn Photo lil 9t 9°" t\lo ' Mio -\,\ COl'llllw ofr.11 llO 51''1 !1"'1 J7\o'r + 'h Gtl A&P l JO St 21\-i 7!,;i + ''1 d••t or Co tin taJ O'\ Co ae II 11 I llW<ll ~ •h AltnD• Jle 191 ~ •7VI '"" _, ~Of\t A!r 2511 J)l 11 ll'to lllio + ., i'lotor!rtn le tt •!• ·~· •t• -· n en I .. ' e..,'i'~':: 1f,,,1i;z "' MYlllf .20\'lllY. FUNDS AmStallng I IS U \'4 11 16 _.,.. "".t.Ce" 1t0 13' 39\ii lf\11 :>tv.-16 IHol'tek 160 lO• ., •1'4 42 *~ !iaid to me over and ()ver aert 11 <40 ,1 Int svs ,,_,.., :111 Am si.111 '-1111 • ,, ~ 13\1 _ \' 1 """" Pi4 25 t:ioo '° s•~ to +1 1ot,l1 CllB 1 6G f 1jVi 21\ll' 21vi •, • ge11 L:b <40 •1 l::J 5' pf 11 1:~ ~m5s'°:1I~ 1 ;& 'll ~ ~ ~~ + ~ ~!.,c~, rs-11U 1~'! 1~ 1;;!? ~ Gr :,,r:~~ 12 ri><i Hi .. ~12 '"' agaJo• 1n a long runchfon In• w . I fl . e.n'.rss:' J"' 3'~ IMi:: 1]-1/o 1"'· Am Sit 1 lolt 1t\lo "'"' ttfi -\\~'""Gorp 2 .. ll'llo ln. ll GIWnUn•I .. l.I ~'-14Vo • _,,~ lerv:leW the Other day, iser on n at ion 8h1chl' ) JV. I• SoUlll JOl'J ~ .._,. A 5111pU15 1 161\ 15.,., IS\"I -V, I Co pfA2 SO V ltVi 311'-lt\~ t .• , §WUn Ill I U J )ii_.., JO"'-\~ -V. 8! Ml :JO ,1 J1<1>ln F :Rt • """" Am 5"'11 4 7 22lt 221'1 22\lr -111 I Ce af82 SO I 3t lt :it + "° IWtlhl" SO f ll'o 6'"° !1 We .have left th r 8~ El 1~o '"' J1aul" c • t AT&T"" 7U IOl<i 10 lOl<i t \lo "''Mtg 9? Ill lt•~ lt•,. 11>1 -"" rn(lltnl 96-:JO 1• '23\\ 24 + l1 e age 0 Boothe C lJ'.lo IJ~ Jim W•I ~' 5W NEW YORK {APJ~SI Tr111t J 0!1 Am TJ. T 2 60 1154 •f'• 414 41\lAo I Cont 01/ 1 50 2'1 l,jl• 30>.:. 3!~ t ~f Grn Slloe I l'O 16 :IOU :IO\IO ~ -'i cheap energy and entered ,. -Booi AM ni. 1~ J•mH F 11 ,.,, -'th• 1o1iow1ne ""' Imp C•P ,,... '"Am wwt s. 24 Uh 1l°"" 1Yro Cont OI at 1 J •J•.-, ., ..., Gr1~11ound L 1l' u111 u jJ -~' ... 8os c 7"11 !ll 'r&:""bY I I!+ •!lo .. uore lo\/9Plltll bV Imo G11> & ll 1 '' !}W' 111f I ~ 1100 2Cllo\t :io,,, 10''1 -'l'o !o"t Stt Ill 1 19\,\ ltl'I lflf, -"" Grotlef 90 2 1'10 %11/t •'4 • new pha•• in wh•-' prices NEW YORK (AP) -The has moved iD the direction of 1.-~ ,,.. J"" Fd• '"' • ''" H111o1111 JUS«I· "' Fda '"" '°':Am l""= l 1"" '+• 1•0 -on1...1t1 '° , .. 2!\1 '5 JJ'll +,,... Gr11"'1Nl(p 1 ti 1t~. 11t<t 11u:. ..,. '""' •?lilii UYI J Ml Pd ,.'4 XI llllOI'\ of Sewtllll• t"°eond J!il •Ot Am.rOll M 1 11~ 11 ... 17•1 °"trot D1•1 1:g SO'• ..,,~ so.. GHL!Hld olDt 1• 'I"° 21~ 71~ of all forms or energy \\'lli executive branch has now more act1\11ly, 1ssu1ng tis se-B;~~~: 11,,.11~K111er s1 :JO\-\J1""oe11ers inc. ,,,1naurv •l l •n"'"'""' 60I 1113111~ ll'•+lo\ "°'1111f•50 i1so Jn~ s111. s1~+'•G11Mw2ao. 1 41 ~7 61 '1¥.i-Y, rl I , d ·~ ' O!,(,o ''" K1l1$! pf 11\f 11\/> 11>• prlctt 11 wlllch INTGN 114 Id AMF Inc 1111 11>1 2114 71\(o f7Y, -l"I Dnwoocf 11111 S )oil• JJ>l Zl ... -'lo\ Gutf II l !O $fl 311"' 2' JO + '!;, chmb steaddy fo new peaks d d d cond "Jn at1on a erl an 8•.,;, B~ 1,.., u•i. K•I~•· 11'11 l''"' th•te H"CY•lll11 1"" coA 11111123 Amf•< 10 31 4011.i •o "°"" + v; !IHK u"11 !O o 29\, ,.,,... ;.;~+~Gulf e1t<;t J4 11• •~ ~ -'" eel e tO USe fflOrl' acl1vefy f 8U(;lo 5-lt '\'t Kett Gr11 I~ 2~ could lllve ~ Inv Guld t 19 I If AM.f' In<; $1 '° JI Sol'4 Sol'li -"'I oooetln 1 olO ' l2 ll ll -''I G~llllH Pl XI 1 I ,_. 12 1, -•t And this pllase, warned (. a1 m1ng CfltlClSffi at Spec.I IC 8Un"r,CP l J\11 K1vsm 7\llo ~ IOICI fblcll or bou11nr Inv l""'lt 6M 14' Ampt• Coro 1 .. 16'9 1 ...... 16\lo -~ OCll>l'TR ISP 11 llt'o II•• HM -'• g1ts1~11 l,Q.I '' 2,1, :m•1 tl':i -l>+ H 1ls ab1hlles lo communicale wage and price agreemenls a,•,,'""IP •• 5, XI xiv. icur T 101-. 1 \ull;edJ Tllftlll•Y 1" .... B•• 1\-" 12 61 Am111r 1 10 "' lll4 J)\1 ~ -1 -T pfl zs 1 1&'9 1111 "~ + Ii ulfs PU 211 uo 54"1 s.1•1 S.l'o + •.11 oward Hardesty Jr . seruor ._ 7 ,.,.. K .. 1111 1'-'""' •lei ""' 1"Y<11Jloc• G.._ Amil•• llf" • tu. ...., t'llo -lend 1 20 n ""o uVa •J•''I _ ~ Gu11 Wp_ !O J1t 11'• 11~, 1~ • wrth and educate the public 1n th t 1 fl Li c~1 w SY 2,1,. 2~,. Ktllwd 21 """ Ablrdp 1.81 2.o. 10s ....,1 l n .i 1' Amutc1 t.• 3S 171'1 '"' 211/o --; Cooaltoe !Ob llt r.IJ u1,1o 21~1 -1:ia Guirw Ill' l so J n 7Aa 11 •• ,. vice president or Continental a 1 says are ID a onary Cmbclt "" 1:i,,;, 1111 g"'" E 1tt 1!v. Admlr•ltv Funds Mui t tt 10 02 Am111 l1 l• &>:i ~ '~ -\'-e::r,:1ds11 '° 1.. or.. '°"' 111>o11 _ v, gu11W of l 11 2 4l'h a •1 •J~to _ .. Od, may last five, len or the battle Wllh Inflation but Jt This, to some extent, puls i:~ ~ :: ~ ;;: l~~ ~:\-\ I v. f~ i ~ : l~ r,~ 1J ~~ ,: ~ ~~~k901 ''r, ~11 ~Y! ~ ~ 4; :t&'1~8 2:: l~ ,nVt 1U~Ji~~ G~if!J::.ii-1j ,1 "5t~'ft:~;:- ha' Stopped r.r short Or COm• lnto the battle the talents and •"''M'• 1'-'t 2'1.1 iii:" PC "°1"' 9 1nwr 112 1,112 5-lecl 1n t4.S "nco"' Svc. t J '''• 11" 111\ or~,-.J2~, ~ 2sv. zs1~ •• .. -~1-cven more years. •• " 11111 17 K"' 1n1 1'19 2-\lo ....,""" •tJ "' v1r--,.., •• 11M AM c1w 1 '° 1 ~,,.. »-m-+ii ~ om • -~1 "" 1;o, • B -"' b I ( ( the X e C U ! j ' i•P Sow ~ I K fl JU. ~ Fd I ti t 1' '"" R~ ( :13 t 13 Apldllep 25 11 IJ!i IP!. lJ~ OJ< 114ot lO 22 11"" 18"-l~ -to, H1cl!W11 2 711 ol JS :M\11 SI---9' cudxl us IS l.he lime when m1tbng its power. a 11 tes O e e 111 in1.1. ~ 1~ ~ \Pi 1J 2f> Z,~,d •,. 1 J3 11111 11 to1t,21 A1caO 1 m 11• u-. ~ 2:1 = .v. !PC 1";1~11 1u Wt 34\.lt 3"i4 + "" ~1111~• 'cs• lff ~6"' ·~ 4.5" -..., comparatively stable prices ()( Jn the eyes: of many. mainly branch to educate, com-:~lC.S.,., r.z rl 1t,1ft1r ot 1'111 714 Atutr• 111 111 ~°'1.l>COCk flt 9 ~ !~t ~°'ti °' i~ ? 71\.\ 711'1 -~ ;:.:i'1111 F1" • ~ ~;.i, in: ~~ + ~ H::::..., P1!.st1 lf, ~~ ~r: ~~ ., J mun1cate, influence, Inspire l'''' B• n~ ,., Le1tee '" "?'le 2f,Z !Jl1t;, I' ,~ 10 fi John.in lt 19 lt ''AAA Svc 1 °' 12 11~ 1lE 111:2 =1"' rodi:NKI ~"° 36 fj~ " ,.,,,, = i~ ~a::,';""d Al ,, 10 91, ff" I(? ~:f~ :1~c:z~0·~u:n!ve~~ithe advocates ()c wage-price and maybe rnghten some or c:~ ~t ~~~ i: ~=~ !!~ ,!~I l~ :=:~11 1lf. li·il Kt:~, ~Hi\:~ :ffi::~.:: l ~ ~ ~: ~~. ~ ~l s:i:~ 340,.i ,11~ l.r-•. •• li~ :.: a;= i 1l ,:,·. 1i~ ID:,: •• : ttS-.t lJVJng COStS, Ahead Of US IS gu1depClSts <lr tLgJd COfllrDis, the pU~)IC. l~l~~Cl9 lt~ fl~ LI,..,., M 14 U\-i Am Ovl" tt110 t0 111$ llt I' 1110.lo(t A,•:r PSY I Ill 40 '3\-\ 11:~1 1~\. -~{ rownO l>I J 1 ,, ., .!,~ -\\ H•tCO\lrl I"" ~ );,, -~ 50,~ + ~ th P d t I th But th.re are no .,,. C11n VPS llYI 11\iLL:t:tlll'(~f 7'.l J Am E<1ty '60 5~ YI Bt M jM tlMSt 20o 110 P• JI') n;. rwnZtH 110 17l XI'--··· • H1rrl:ll"I 1 ,,,• •· :)I,,_,~ 8 bme in Which soaring costs e re51 en remains n e ..._,,. !en! Ltb tr. ~I'! Lt iur G I~ 914 Amir E•lll'HS Cus ~~ ~ ~ 4 01 :rmcoS I~~ 71f 19'' lt~ 19'ti .(. '\ TS Cnrp «! 19 11'" JiiZ n::-:z Maroco Cp I U p-t\ tz:: ff:: ti•\' of these essentials wJll be ad-position or a very concernc9 forcement prov1s1ons. There is ~:~r•ao s•~ ' trr• J.: l~::Z ':.~ f:t,!:, ~ ~ i l~ c~ s1 l•.., 1g n A~~~~ i 60~ ff !:~~ !~t: ~·1.1 = ~ c~~::n ~ ,~ \~'i 16h 11 = i~ ~:~1S..,'i"·~ 20'° ~I 1;h u,,. , • .., -: : d no 1nd1cation that the or nm T.: I\· tv. L~IW .,_ .i. ~'!':~1·' ':l ; ~ ~'t'l 5~, : = 1, ~; ~~:;:~, Pb\'5.., 1i h;: *~ ~ -._ CwmmE" II 43 l''~ :UC: l:t.. +: :: ~·w~I El l .. 16 31 ~~ ~l·n = t: 1ngto upwardpressureon spectator rather than a rd ill be h 1 __ _. coo .. ,, ,',~,~.·,l1'Lo11cdv ,.,,~. ,..,, c,, •. ,.,,.., ,,.,, ., ... JJ -'i.cu11"0ro:uo '11. 11, 1•~ o.:. •v~Albnl 1111·~11..,1 ~·+l t of liv en etS W C as l:.t:U Of Ch•i u• IO" -'~ I.Cit E!rn 111~ 1211< ''rot,.11 _ ll •,, 't '•1 Po~r-l 10 Ji A~;:i Co~P "::, ~ l71,~ 3ni. l'I•~ -'~ CurrluW' IO !14 lO"o 10\!i 1~\ = •-H~1eOlrae J.I 1\o'I 1\~ ~ -\: OUr C0$ lflg patt!Clpan\ b d ed f s;nl BrJ.I lOI lll LYrw::h C 11 .... 11 m ..,,,~ K k:kb t 51 '~A I "" .... 11 1,.. + h C11rlWr A l 1 2•\t 14 14 \1o H•dtM~ 11r Jl 2J H'Jt 21 + \ Behind Us too 's the time em arraSSe or 3Ci:US 0 ("'II, S ''I •OO Mtll GEi 14 14''1 Am l"v .·~. ·.~K~ICk GI 1" ll>IA~~o'{,'° ,',. ,1 2•liro 2tii,, 2•~i+ .... C11llerH 120 to 21 15'-11 :;...,~e•n1HJ I 41J lei• J1'1o. 31 +1: I h th ''I I bo U , I nro•• Pl Mtl ltnv 5 '1'""' Mut "L G"• ''' 0 J! 7~\• 13~ 23"•-•nCYCIOD ''° 'j' 731\ 7ll\ 114 ne!ent Curt 11 1>1 ''' ~· , of r e 1 a t 1 v e government-in· n a sense, e 1s e o c1a a rung ie nation s goa s or ~Jlt,<HM1 ,f}l 1fMo M• 1t'' 71 10"" AMN G111 2 n 1 OJ 1.:~ R~n 1• 01 u.1' !'n~o ln •o 1 .. ~~ u .te'i + ~ '•""onM 1 '° 11 114 52v. 51-1.1 = "" He11u 1n1 60 1u 1311 72~ r.il! -t' • dustry •onsumer "peac•." of an 1ncreas1ngly brutal foot-0 r l g n 0 r I 0 g l n e I r CUii u l 2l''r 16 ::::.: ~ l:Z re A~c::t; G""IPsc I n Ubt•IY s~ s .. A~:., oG~ 10 71 .t ....• ~ .t~ :+' ~ -0-~::~ IJ! 0: :it 1f." 1~ 102 '· -'" b I' CIUl u B 2jl4 ™" M Ml '"'' u Grwtt. 10 I• 1111 tl::: ~:, :-rs 1'• •,, ....... So l ~-j JO JtV. 7t~ -"°'"ltl•r 150-11 7h '"' '"' -t .. HelmrnP ;.~ 20 20 "~ J;l;t-... (h f rod t ( ball game Who adheres Strictly res pons! I ltleS to SOC!ety. Cll'VI" Ml 15¥1 1& ~ r,1 tk f!I ln(nll .J 11 I .fl LI l '1 l.. Tr111 """' 15 l'i I'~ I'• o.,,. Co I 2! .SS n ,_\~ 26'% + v; Heml1pn ._., 31 1·~ ~~ J)i -l • t area 0 p UC Ion 0 h U d ( (11,k Ml n"'° Jl\lr M :' ,,_.; ,6\-\ 11''> FCI l"Y I 1' I t4 U::.,15 S.vlti :1" ....... ,, •,"!!, 171 IJl'O ll" !:Alo ' ' Dirt ll'!d 301:1 lff J.ll't 3JV• Jll'> _ ~ 1-f~ IM '2!!' 5 10 6'14 0~ -' Worth Money's OVER THE COUNTER .Fuel Shortage Averted But a...-1111e 1.......,. W1it111R1 1t ~ ' '·"'-~ ,. ... D. Prlc.et • 11M Ille......, ntaM w _,.,.., _....... Ir ~ ,.,ASO Listing s for Tuesclay, De~ember 1 ~ 1'7~ • • La~k Qf E11e1·gy Bi g Threat ' eoerinr. Ahead of us is a tame to t e book, relrammg from ruons a n corporath1ons ~U~l°"M~ 1~~ 1~v. Miui• 1.P iv. ti• vt"' a1 t0 •t ~ C•ntd "ls tt 35 "i1cRf1 1 -"" mi tt•~ n•. +\lo 01rt 1"" ~ i ,,•, l'I~~ 3111.i Je'h ni Htrc1111 1 211e tJ •i" ~ 4~.,. +'•' f!W 1n\lolv1ng hi'mse" <lverUy 10 may continue to raise e1r c1ow CP 1s 15,. M1~" o ,,, .. 1n1 ""oc11 111 1 l3 c1PU 10 2 10 n ..,, Actic"' 11 Js l~ •l'ri fll/i t.J'lio -\\ Cra1• Pree••$ 1~ ,",1o1o 10\.lt '.""" Hf,,hF 'ID n ' '1 26'" Ha \~ of almost c 0 0 st a 0 t con. u 0111r 0 •"" 5,,1r.1eow 19'~ 20"" •~iron ''' '31 Miit 13 u u u A 11 1crr~, 3 'io 1 ~· !Jh SJVi -1,~ r:vcoe:P 1 1• a 111\ 1w. '• 11e1111r1111 1.5 11 a.... ., 4714 -. ":. the outcome but forced now prl"" .. rt ........ ~b1gger shce 111ar c-11 s1 j Mtdlc H s 5'111 .l.Jo:t HouG111ot1 Lu1h lro 11.11:11 'j °' At Itch :nJO "0n 101 101 -"" •Yeo 1>14 21 rJOO'' 6l'"' fliir •l"'1 =1"' H~ "'-<• m 211 m. 2t'!l 2,,,., ::...1_ frontaUDn between \he forces .,__....~ • ,.s.~ oil'" SI' l\'t 11\111 Mtt 2j'llo !i~ F11Nf A 50I 551 M.11n1 111 I.JO 07 Al c....... !II 50-ij-14 eY!nHt>cl » l0"9 :I0\.1 ~ H -VDllGI II 1\111 I IV. +'l _J ch hol and then to caution the most of l.he pie without ear u1« -...i: 10\lo n MtcJ!rn 3 ..., ii F11n11 • 1 cu 7 4S """""'" '•to s OJ A :: Corp 1 1~ 2~ 2::4' 2~1 • • 8Jt"'PL J·~ ~ 2•11S ,... 1"' ... • °" Hoil 1 JS .n '''fl •l'li _ \: whi d preservahon D( our unruly players. ofl1c1al Wiii blow the whistle. =115"~ ~ ... =1'3 ~: in: '"' ~~"c. ! ~ ~ li ~~I Gr.n: 1l Hlf 17 !YgJ~~af.lk w: 1:1-. 1f,~ 1},~ = u gfu· '8 1 l ,. ~ r~ ~~ ~ 'l': ~~~t.~120" IT f1t! ~ ~~ +'lt en\lironment above all other Jf th I · ed The 1ntlation alerts educate. ~ ~~. tfl'I 1J,,. =i=•GT 1l~ 1iv. ::~ l# •,., ~:! 1~ l: J~ •,r~ ~~[Fgror• b~'I: ~ ~ J~ JtC +.,., 0:1~ri1~ l,l: 1~2 lJ'' 1! ~itt l ~ ~:U,Jt':'·~ ~J J~ ~ ~~ + ~: conslderahons and t.hose "''ho JS ana ogy is carr1 "·-ed ed _ _. om T•• 1j" 2,..., ~· G•• 31u ""' BtlCG" 1l 40 11., Ml•• Tr '"°' s.37 Au rn Ind 1n ,,,: .. -4MI D•ll• A•• ,.. i~f 11;, l \.\ 311;; -1-. Holld A 1 1011 • 5' say, Ji\-\ ....1\1 furtht!r, you may tmaolne the bul uic ucat are grccu)' ""' Htth 1-.,. Min v1G 11'4 1•.\I e""' Knt 11n1v111 M11es J .o J-«t Avco 0 .oe "' 11~1 1~ 1fi\ + ·v. Eec '"' J7 S\~ J s _..,10 Hol1YSU11 110 '' 1"" 1r, 1ni. _ \i 1ns1st that uninterrupted and e t om Pif 1 1,;;1~JMo R1e" rn '"a.,.. G111 s11 snM1lht1"J 11.111111AvceC•...i ,,, 3" 2 J -t. n~1 '° 11 211(.i '"°"' '20!fr-v.Homn1111" 11 ts .. ,,,. ,J\o\+· ... rapidly !-•sing production Spectators Wondering When t.he 00, omp A • •V. M6d Sci •"' .,_ 110 .. 111r •'° s"•' 'o ~ •• Midi\ Mu '·" l _, A"co ofl.11! 1' :G\'i 3S l~' -• g: II pf 1 ' 11\1 11~ II"• -I.Ii !!Dn•wt1 I JO Jlt IP~ 8G n\o'J -Pi ·-· -I f ( th t " I rt" . mp c m 1Vr 1'\o< Mol\wk " lt '° ' Moody CP 11171 11 AVfff ft'cl 'O .,, l51' lS , •• + ""¥ ,, 0' 107 1~ "" 11i nto'lfB I 10 IS 21'11 :itv. i. + l ()ffiCJa/ IS going 10 S!Cp or( n 3C , e erm a e IS mp 1"11 R• ,.-. Mon1 Col J"o •V. i!lol!OI'\ ~I 151 I 71 Mooct'f'I 11 Oii lJ 21 Avl!tt '" lllo 1'2 Tllo 71. ...., 'h fnl•PIJ'lnl 1 16 'S I') 1S'Ao ?J\~ + HOJollCI Am 21 25>< 7J:i; 51 1' of energy IS imperative In The h di I ( mp T~ 4V. ·~ Manm Pk 10'4 11"' Ba.st Fcl" 10 1111 13 MtF Fd • OS • 70 AV"ll "" 511 1 olOl<i .io•" .i)J; -Vo °'" ltGr I 10 J 1~• 11~ ltlt -~ Hos! 11111 .31 I ,... ~~ ,,.:;:: ~ • some stiff penalties or even -a 1n1snomer. Y ar Y a er ,,,.,es 1,... 1v. .......,.., P ,.,, • Bott'" • oo 1 14 MtF G1h • 11 sat """" Pd 1 1~ 211 13o;, 17~ 11.. , 8''1CO "' e ~? '1 «>'• .,i.1 , ' HO\/d1111~ 60 ,, 10" 1 10.., our highly 1ndustr1ahzed soc1e-1 ... some of the partic•panls anyone to a sllualion with !"'•!!•K' ~ ... ',' .• MM-,,.•.,•, 1c"" 11 BrOlct st IJ i. 1• :16 Muus GY 10 n io" A11ec orr 1lt 56 I.fl• 14v. 14y, -~ o'ilJo'ft( ci ... 25-11 'I"'" 2'it + ~ HQ1111 Miff .., :n 1•'• 1• 1,,.. _ ..;; t """ ~· '' '• .. ' 19,,. 20·~ arw11 Fd l n l I! M11 OmG s Q.I s.. -ti di.I 1 .. " 10 1 ~ ltl'o -.... HOUSll\f 1 XI ... (J ,2 .,. -4 Y out of the ballgame, 1 h u s which they already are qui le ~n, ,,1~-· ,!~ M .. ",,',' ~M Ji~ (\,\ 111111ock c11..-in Mu 0mr" • 11 lO lS -8--Dei d "'·" irn 1ic 109"" 1°"" HOll!.F pl• ci 2 114~ u6:r.r. 1~~, _ "' H d d ( t th !~· .. .. .... '\1 5"" 81111(1'; 11 u l.t.j1 Mui Shfl 11 so ll.50 I 11c•w .50 R!! Ed •f$.j0 I IO"t nv. """ . \(,, Mo1,11F of2 so .... ...... <lt'4 ''" OW l we ge 1n 0 IS d1recUy affect1ng the OU(COme. fam1!Jar Nobody needed an ',','m 'v, >,,., ,>;) ""M·-•o',,kiti 111" 12 Cl"lfn ll •120 l MUI Tri! '' 1 f4 ll:krOltT ..\S l,ll, 23\~ 2111, n~ -lll ~:·~r '' 11 1111. 1~1 11 = \'o HQ!Jsf olJ,31 SI '6\o\ '5~ 6)~•.:.: '' IS , Wh ( betng -~· 1 1>~ 0 1111 l SO J,14 NEA Miii 9 21 f -46 lltU GE I IJ: J61'o ri"' llri"en 40 ' ll 'lt 1' 'I 12\lr 14 HousLP I 70 2' t•"* .. ~ 44\0 + • energy er IS a IS The truth IS that the ad• alert to know that the Crwlrd 1•'.lo 3'11,,_Mu,lt1Et 11• ?>\ Na!WS f'2!016N1l I"° 961 tUa11tGpfC• JIOO Jl~ j!~-+l._,g1•ml~~l llO +I 3'11o 3''11 )6-'4 =\i HOll!.INGs 80 61 U•ll 52 52.,,.+.t! done -~coo No done tn solve Crots co Jl"' ... M~1r 1.e 26'~ 2614 NY v"' ll 71 u 05 H11 •""'' 'M r 6l B•f111P~I 150 11 sh! 51v. 1 0 ,'•,. am 1 'l Jt<i;. lt 1011o ~,OllG 1>11 50 r m1i SI st"" + 10 e1u1.1_..J ~-"" -ministratton hu-bttn far automot1ve.settlementwas 1n-c,•111<:hA ~,••,,.Ncc1nc1 ,.,~a....sMFe5"'-"'"'"kcll"5er I Ppf'1 •ii~,,,..._ -•.i. • a1c2 121.,,,n 21•1o+\lo<MJ011n14 "'''"H 11..1• It" What can you do to shave forn c ... ,..1,,1, c-13 11\lC:G Fd 1 M 9lJ g11.1n lOiJ1120 :::; Ptl.u ,.. i1,"-'"8[•,s p10120 10 16 1s:>, i6 H°""'111 10 JI It.._ 1t•'lo j,,._,: more acti\le 1n lhe 1nflallon flallonary o,•~, "' ,• '•~•""•''••R "''' C1P1rror 115 1oi °"° •N•JJ1B-o1c 1134 10 12 11',.... cfPl'lool '6a 'l'01 °>o ~.' l-iut>Dl'111t 41 """ 21~. 1'4'"''• our fuel costs this winter even d t d r th 1n Y M " NCmp Cp N, 1.,.. C•Pll 1"" 1 01 1 n 01 ... 1c1 l tt • n Btnk J NV 2 1i ,_..,.. .,. 21~ •• -1 00•,<','" 4811 17' 11V1 61\lo ""' t ·~ ~\Id B•Y l 20 1 1•1~ 19v. 1•~ J.. , f1oht but much of I t s Most JC 1onar1es e 1oe e Olla Dt• ' ~·,, NII EQUI '' 7'\l:r CepU Snr J 6l ',, Grwl~ • J7 'u 8 k T 21 .~.~ '1"" olJ "ort _,611 11 114-11·~ 11~1 \\ n\/Oh Hit ~ 1tl I 13 ll .... il In l.he face of zooming pMces" e ' • I Diii Gen 25"4 26 N•I G&O ,,,~ 15 Cenl snr 10 J.j 11 5l Pl ST!( • Sl '11 a:~bO '211t' ... 5' S91/J + v. 811~\1•1 IOQ\/I P ,1, 611 $1\. 51'4 -Jlt H11~• Clim 12 81 1 ~, II>.~ " ··'· partlc1pat1on has been indirect term to mean an a arm or 011,1n P 1 11~ Ne1 Llb , • .,., u11i Ch•n"1"' F11nas 1rw::om • 11 s 11' 8 I'd Cit 25 H 16\<t 4111.i .,., • +01ro 1 nai.m ci a1 1 ,_.. 11 1;, 11~ ldahoPw 1 6Q 20 .Ul\ u 1, mt._. i\ To get the answers. l in-and lacking m spectator ap-signal <l{ danger. a call to a8:;1',/i~ 1~~~1:"'~::1 ~ '1~011,, 2~"s1 1~~1l::N:11ecc.k''" :;r, lfie:sic lrw::to' s 1{11o :f tt:i1}!81/~c.":a"r J l~ i~~ n:z-u\::\:,••,,f 13: h~ #v, ~:1oot,1• terv1ewed McLean and f!fil ,,_,_of read•ness But the in· "",.,~,, ,'", .!,'.,• ,,','•" ,..,1 s1e1t ~ ..... ~l;, Gnw!n 4 n s 1' N"""' c11 '"' so1 1:1:;:i111 ,, 1• 11'11 11 11 -~. c•,·-, lOb n-HJ11t 13?" 140,1.o .::,, 11,',','"' 1 u Jl 151~ ;s•, 25,, _ ., ... i.c -NISh ,,,., '"com 71•Jl!ON111WFd900tOO p 111SYJ 15''U\,_•4 D1tSe111 110 J~Jo 50-foio+"' el'ollSll '" "''•'!'.t.-1 ---Hanl•~f al•• stud'-"'1 he----( th d Q.e1n1 lnl '"' '"' 1 ,ow >"· ,,, SPe<:I 1.511n1ot-Wld 1116132t 8a"•"oo'M01 f'2 20 1f\'1 lt"1-~1 00•0Yet1lnd » 6! I\~ 1''1 o •"••,•,,Pow' J:to 10 •1'~ '°!2_•1 +•' ....,,, • ""' icu Pres1denL'I Johnson a n d fl a lion alerts 0 e a • Oo!u• en 6J M ~E'" gE' li~ ~~~ c:'Ca::u Gr gtOo , 56 ~~'~''' /l ;t :~ ~ 80!Ysci._P11 ~ J. 4:1 ~" '-k,-. _ \II or"P~~e,1 st 1Jj Ill: TI~~ ~~:l t ~ l,m.11r~wc:'X~-Jlf8-f2~ iii:r f;[1 ~· ': analyses and proposals of Paul Kennedy were more colorful 1nin1strahon are h1stor1cal. 8:l ~~~T M\lo~NJ Ni!G 11v.29 Fu"<! 107 111 Nor11•t 1•4!144J •~tL111 i1 11 2s1~ 25 1J•11 OotntM"' 11t ,1 stlio 59 Jt~:i:, ... At11 1.o 111 J.1~1 u i. .u•,,+ W. McCracken, cha1rman of forceful and personal tn their' niatnJy deSCrlbtng whal has c.0,~~v ,', -'>1llo 1n: :,.,'~,r,,,'"•, I' JI"> ll'41 Frnl '' oo 72 DI g;..ntoh 6 •S I '5 :iv~ Cit 50 U 9'1 tl'I f~t ! \'o &,~F"° f7t '1 ~ t:ito J>,;; -y, l~""' Cl~ &J ro.o f.\;o 101~ + I t h C I f Ee ... r »v.:n, snrM io1a111J1001~ ,~V,1f~!e::~?J$\ i.6 ~ ~: olO\I ""~~18 ~1°4 ~ l~~ \'"' i1~-k1nd1~u"Hd IQ ,, ,n,'"11~'·;,~ t e ounci o onomic styles, each <lf them rolling gone before g~,·~~ ~~ ~~~a.,1Rm 1~tii~:cns.=:11 1!Hi:Y101 Fd 116 •s1 8e111' p!lJO ! 11 IQ•~~ 111o0o,, ouvtr J ,.,, f1o 11\~-~:ndmi 11••so l 11 11 1~'.:..:.4t• Advisers. and General Geo1 ge back ind""lrial pr•ce •ncrcases A cynical and unfair JOkc 00oc111e1 L '•' ',')~ N~ur 011 :i :i14 c;:,1,"1~1• ~wms 13 !.0 11 so geckrnen i.o l' '""'-25y, 2~~ -"" ~hm 160 ,,, 1a:o. 10v. ,0,., .., ,:~:l"r~· 1 n 11'-. a"" 211\..,. i,. L I d ( r th "" "!Gin "NPA Gal lN 161,1 Eo\ltY J 63 l '7 Nell 1137 lj 3' •cl Oldo .JO 1 JI~, 31 31'• + ti ''"OC:p 1,o!O I 3'>o 31V> 3'''t -14 PS L I SO J,1 2•'11 16\1 '6 .. -•• A 1nco n, 1rec or o e b•1 comnutting p e r s 0 n a 1 now circulaling describes a 0ow Jon "·~ 39'-:0 NW NatG , 9,, F11...., 10 ia 11 o.i nh 1 JS OJ BHC11 A" 11 ls 1211 11c;. 11 .. -,,.. re•l-1"<1 1 " ''' n•, ,,._ l7'~ -.. :nd•!I N11 !'t:t 111. i"o 1~ _ 111 Ofr r E ' • OovleDI 1•.,?Gl•NWPSY 2? 71,• Gin !•ISH AIM t&llOJ1BllKllCr-1o i70U!;ilj'•JS'~ Oress ... 2.20 .J2l6\lo~»V.:f:V.nterR1"°l •1 .. 4~J4lb+\la ice o m t r g e n c Y pohtical a n d pre,.denlial desperate mrhtary situation in 0o~~.-"o' ,',,i ,•,:·. Mud ~K s 1,; 1.Q°'om , 15 10 22 o CS« • n 10 o.i Belco P" !O l9 1t 1 1. I>,\, + 111 °'g:u"' !JIB i • Jl'i JlV. 31"-ti !~ltd Pl1 is xi JM ~ !'v. + lo ~ ... " v • lt .51 P.c• F...., '9• 7..$1 Btlclt" 1 60 ' n 72>1, :2U -11. rrricos CP 1 lt ,,.,. 7'.l'Ji "'~ -u "I"<! 511 1 6a ,, .. 17' 1 -'• Preparcd112ss power Ni•on eschews such y,·hich the enemy has inrlicled 011'1'on ,,, IN ~l0, w'"•• 1'~ 1" "" • • P1u1 111..., 1 a. 1 n 8eldnQH bOb 1 u•~ H'4 ••'• -\1 k• Pw 1 " 61 14~ 7,, 2., -1""""1 Jto u,, •• o J\' '''" -• , d ( d "' El Pt•"' fl• 10 "'" ii .... :~"1 ~rt 8':, 1! ~ 1! n Pen" SQ 1 51 1 SJ 11111 H<lw 60 51 31Y., )0 ..... l''~ t ~ Du~e all 1fl ?'80 107'1.i 101 ' 101': -~ :n•11co 10 U~ !41.', l.i~, -,, On one pcnnt 1n us ry an actl'1t•es but he works as 1 5 mil hon casualties dur1n11 E,•,•,," ,•, • ,,•',", ,•,~ 00•,!-,'.'," , ,, .. c llh A& 1 25 1 ~· P1 Mv1 1 '' J 69 Btll 1n1rcon ll 1 ,,,. 1 ~ g:k• 1114 11 l n v. 9111, ,2,, • ;A ," ', 1>1A1 2s ' 11 1ra l~ --.. <:> .,. "' •• ,, w ..., Pn111 111114 to Btm!1 Co 40 Sl 16''• 1st;, tffi + "" n&rd I JOll " ,1'4 51>"4 51 ,1 -~ ""' r C'\' lt 11 41'11 "'11 #1\ -• gove rnment a u t h o r 1 t 1 e s hard and maybe more wisely. I he past }ear, bringing the ,E~-~ L•''• ",,',' 't., 'o!!,e; ~P' ''' · l•~~ cf .... 11h ~ : s1 1 '' Piigrim 1 J1 , °' eeno1. 1 60 in 21.... "'" 11 + i 1 up11n 101 J.so ,,~} ,.,, 71 + I'll 1n1erco l'll 14 •~ ll'> 311~ _ ,,,: ho hi De d u.... • ,. T ,',',.• ,,':~· omD I s I~ : so,, Pine SI 10 to 10 ID Btndl~ ot l ? ••:ir. '8~. '1111 -l. du Pont Se I" 111h 111'1 111 ,0,ttlklrw:: I .. 13 u·~ ZJ\, 21\lo • t roug y agree man He has restrained government tolal to 56 percent of 1he e1 PasE• u•-1s ~v,c", .,. •m111 •· Pio" E"' lo.I 1•2B1 ... 11c11114 "11 !1 52 +\\d11PMt1r•.!Ct 10 11\.. 1o•i 11 1.~ M•lll :mJ11""~J11 +)< t t ed ti EIT>a Sv•I 6111 ,,,_,Pt:. IJr 11'")17•·C,~• ,ad IY tllplon Fnd lOIS! JSlll"tft al•~ U10 !14 55 M d\IP""'t Pl).50 • 51"• j!'• Sj!\ I ln!Cbm NC1~ 4ol 4 1Jo 4 .-Sir\-, has spectacu ar y outpac a spending and •n coniunct•on f•ghling force, E1oe '"" •'• s• .. Pab'' ar "''~ "'" ""'" d •" 'n Pl•" Inv • 5s 10 t1 Benell pl• JO I 11~ 11•\ 1n., _1 ~U'! u 1" 11• n1, 1•1 13,.., 1nu=11Fr IOb 11 iU'M •s ''YI+ ~ • • !=I N!!I l , )'~ Pie AU!O 411) !~• ~Ol"l;lt)l.0 ,j',', I: r. p,lct F\lndl 81"11 Sol 1-l>O zS Jl 31 31 , UQL! '1tf 1 1.SC ?I"" 2P-11~-_:: lnl Htrv 1 llO •:U 21V, 16~\ 11'" + 1! Washburn Takes Post NEWPORT BEACH Floyd D \Vashburn has been named conlroller of Ney, port Pharmaceuticals International Joe Dale \V a Mou need recenlly. Holk er. Pres1dC'nl. the appo1nhnent \\1ashburn, a cerl1 f1ed puhhc accountant. had been w!lh Ford Motor Co 1n Dearborn , ~heh , and Los Angeles ror se ven years Most re~ntly he "as controller of L 1 q u 1 d Nitrogen Processing Corp , \\'h1ch he joined 1n 1966 Newport Pharmaceuticals is enJaged 1n research a n d development of new drugs to combat a variety ol vi ral diseases 1n man \Vashburn, who holds a BA degree from the Un1\crs1ty flf Detroit, served as lieutenant colonel 1n the U S Air Force during the Korean "ar. • • • • with the Federal Reserve Moreover an aide informs Fl N11c .. 1'"' 1s1. P.c Fifa 2s 21 ontof Grw1n n '° n"" B•"ll11e• 119 '" 51. ,., ii l 7Jot! 11 r240 'I 14~, 15 +Ju 1" 110111 1 '3t J 11·~ us.. 13i~ · . Elclco~ P>o ,,~,..·~co .. o 11• J1i Con.., '"101s111s NE•• ,,.,,,B.,•1\P"° 191 1•1 ,,, 1._-Oymo l"<I 11 1, ,,~ ,._ •1 1n1•M11ST 1 t \> 1:i. "'r\~ Board Jnslituted a tight 1he general. the enemy seurom ,,., s""P•nco1., 1,., 1•1 Conn Ml 111 1 1 ,.. .. ,., 21a52J•ss,1~ 1111a J9J 11 20 1 10-.-11tcvn1Am '°" "' '" s:.1 5 _,~1nr 1nd 0!110 l6 II•• 11 1"" 1, • Fl c Sv• 1 •, 1• o P1rkr 7' • 10, Con I Gii> I IJ't 11 Pro Funll t JO t lO BIO T11re1 '° rt ff •1•, 411"" ..o.1•1o E F ' 1"' Ml.,.••t m ••"-I~ 1' v. money pohcy thal forced a onslaughts have reduced hrmg Fl o.,. 5Sl1 51 Perkw .. 1 •·~Coro Ld 1• 161s 56 Pro P0t11 4 'I' 11s •11ck °" .11 11 s1 ~i. ~ + 11 ---1~1 Mnp .oe 12 111r\ 11 11•~ ~ ho El MOllUI ' •1~ Ptule¥ P 41• 5'• Cntv C•P 11 ~ 12 lt Pr•vOn! 'OS • Q II 1l1JDll" 4' )9 1'~i 1'\lo ••'i :Iii El•lePk: .t(I J '1'1>. 22\'J 21', I" Nido I d01 lJI •S 41'1 61•11 slowdown po11er by a Ul 6 percent ErnPS O•I l•'o H V. P1vtll~ IG•1 11·~ ''" WOlv j y ' 1G Pr11 dS•i • 6J 10 ll BllH L•Y9 I 11 ~ 10'• 20'11 -E•KO (p '° 10 H•o 11 11:i.., .. !4 !nl Pao I ~ 2$1 11•• ~ ! .:: "' h , So d I I t" th E"ergv C '' t~ Pttrl M• 10~o 101. C•" W01I 6 U 6 11 Pul"'"' F\l"<IJ BleckHA l6 a> 61V. 5'l-ol\) +I'• E1i! Aor Lin ll'9 11'~ ll'• llt'i 1"1 Re(~fl~r 79 ~ _ \, T is has produced some un tie a er , snaps e En••a 111 1•"' "~ P!t•lfs T 15 u•,., aevvh M '° 111 !IG" E•m!I 6" 1 s:i s1,,. eeu i 20 ,, Jllol 50'"1 .50>1 a E111G1 1 a.it , s-15, lS 15 • ~ 1~1 T~ 1 15' ..., "'') !,, +· ~ be''er'cl.al resul ts V•ewed O"er •encral . E"'"'"1 ' 41~ P1 E"'I" 1 ... 1~• oe11w1tt GrQ1111 Goo•• iJ 1J u u Bobbie ark• 11 rs-... 15,, 15,,. = l~ @•'ll1eutu 1 "° 16 111, 11"• 11,, -• i•"Fffr 010 ' •611 1u~ 11 hJ•. _ \! • ei Otcll 10 11 11 11 G•tn t.10 9 9S totlnt Cc '° l\1 U•i 14 1•11< -·~ el:~·· la 41S 1,µ. n•. 7)l, -~ "IT T ou= I 11ip so•. 1.SC\o'J lftV. -· :i.. a period Or months. 'nrtal'on 0t1wr H•lUo1t •rw::o,,. 1s.112• o11c111 .1.lb ~·1 •3'4 410 4\1-'llle:hu .l!..1e1,, ..... 1s•,. "'• .l5'4+~t~•*rr',.! " " .J\1 Dtlll llll•H lnvelf 11111l28'""1"llD I 1~1 1"o I.,.~ ""~ 15:!0 ::tt•t~'o -l ""' 181'~N 'lo+'\t• h be Id h ~ -----~ Doa1Cox1l601J60Vl•I• 151 t 72BOCll<M!hll. 11• 1' lt-Vteck1rdJ7I 6•1' JS JS•o-1'l"!ltDtJ ~ •13'1 11 v.-·~· as en so"e somew al.1"" _ _. ~ ....-10,,1et n tt n •4 Vo•~• 111,T4a.r.r1" 1.2e1 10 ,,,, 16'~ 264 j'dJ"'.~'l'Ol, 1 1 2811o 11~ 181•-·~l~if!r{>' "•'n• ,,, 'l"' 11 11~t " Bl 'h d rp rp I OrertFd11Gl 170111!"''' 19tf~lBortW~r11! '611U11'1.ll\•:_'\(o "0 •71 1"111\~11""-"" l r10 6 h 6J1~611 I• u.1n ewor so ro au 1 o,eyf Lv 1111u211t11trt1 l'11usoeorm1"s .o •12 1tA, 10\1 1~ :MM11,1c, 21, J• 4'o • •''0+•1ITfJ 11•,'1 2!6" 60'Ai 62 •• S t ( N be\ P Ea•on&Howera Ao11>1t" ! •S I !1 &ot Edl1 114 .:i 3!•t ~1 JS\l + • II n 21E 9 l'1 l'o J'i n •e Ml l• ... l•'~ ll"• -·1, amue son, recen o • nze ~ 8,,,,.. t 15 10,, Sc11o.rs1r 1315 n 11 8ou'"" 1n, 11 ,1• -,1~ th " l~!-"5.1.oc "6 •l~ 4 .. \~I u:;, "1 10 ll11 J1•1 lJ_.,. -· llo ••1nne th lls are I the F" B • f G,..,.•n lll0111sSc\lddef" """"• err,"' Air .so n ' 1 .. ,,.., .. """'" M11 IN t<1 1'• n __ ,1, •a' ct s ''"' 21 11 f." r ' e reSU n 111ance r1e s ll'ltom 5 JJ t 11 1"1 !~• U 1' U ~ Br 1rs1 l t01 ] J ~Ol, ~. = ~ IMM1.: pf 1 J9 lO'o t>, 10''o + ~t "" ritl'!d tf ?l 15\0 !5 JS~ t': eye of the expert ,i ~;:'~ 1:3t~~'~'!'i1 n;:n~:;11:,~Y 11\'f 'U !:"" 1I~1 !:11 -~EJi~OllM~ 1 1l~ i:;: ,:\• 1#'• • /~1:~~:':/to• 121 ~\'1t \~"' '!\\!_;~ Ordinery Americans may ... • Eb1111 11 9s 13 11& c-°'"" 5t '01 ''111 e, 1 p., ~l• uo 11·~ 11 11•1 t "' ~ 1••C11 ' "l 16 1&0, 16 26'. -+-'I 1°w• E ee t 11 • •it• ,j •• E0,!1 11 SS n SS Sec",",', yFund, ,•, ''' Br Per '"143• s 10\o 10 ... 10\l 1:::r1 El~.: ., ~:~ •,•,:· ...., ... + '• 1~::11d. I f0:11 b lf:;" ,.,., ,.,~ --''1 belle'' that the N•xon pol•c1es ltOUSTON ( u pr ) PHILADELPHIA [UPI) Ernrt k s 1! 'H E u Bd ..... Ha f l 4 J.j l• J~ a1 .... • • .fl'• lo••• '.,, • • .. l4i ,, -E"Pf11Y 11 n 11 .... I""!!'' 'u I ll BdWYHll Ill 1 ' •!•'i •1 •1''> + '" Em~yAllF 1 • $1h 51'. !1~ low1P%~ 1 'ii '• 2.?.,1 1l~ 1JI, 1'·'• are produc.1no underlytng and · e"111·~ 551 104 u11r• •M 4., art ...... G1 .40 1. J1 301 11 • +, m ... r1 10 n 11•0 11•• J1\1 1 J 11 """ 20.,, Xl:it. -t-\• ''lO Associated Credit Bureaus, the u n I \I e r s i I y or Penn· EtuUy • " ',. '-:-C, ••• ,: • .. • ,•, ',' B•lv"UG 111 Jo6 24~ 14 • 2•': -~ !ii~=~!n I 1:i i! ~... ',•,4 .... -.. I~~ ,o,:, ~ fs\ J:;: }:~· ,1:~ -!• long-range improvemenls, buL EQut 0111 1 n 1 ts~ Pf( 1 11row" co • 5 ''~ ••• .:i. + I'~ 1 11 1 1Jl!r + '• 1rr S• otuo , 11o 1 • '" -"' they want to see the re.suits l nc , 1 eports that !he index sylvanul's \.Vharlon S c h o o I ~:11..\dPro i ~i ~ r, ,,.~ G~~ ''1' I :r g:~~~ ?oso .~ 1~ 1) 1 ,;~ :_ •? ~~~Ir ~Js' J 1~ ~: ill: l~: = i~ ne11 Coro 115 w., 1:'"' 1jl" :!.1.,.. -. h r F d ( Ft rm e.11 'n , n ""' Ae 7S •2 J7 7t llllCI' Er 1 lO 60 tt'• 2avi. ,,,, i ~ ~ ... ~ f ,!Or 119 'i'lo 2J ?l"' .+ 'lo -J·K-• too They don't1,1,•anttore\yon of credit reporting as o 1nance 1.s gra ua1ng an Fld Grin 11n 11 IO h Ota" 1'1•1•1t1uddco •lo ,, 111, 1o>;, 11~ .. , "'•2G :xr 20 1t1, lt'•-~Jett1""'11 •• 12 1 " , +···• ' • Skit 1 12 t.s&e""" c atl I'"'' ' -. •<>Urre '11'o 11\ot Hl'J -•1 ., , • .., ,. others lo tell them steadied r-ently, forecasl•'ng unusual!" larae fall class of 111 111 11• s11m• Fl.Inds· 0 1 .... .JOO.:. st ""1!11!•1,,1 1111 s. 37i.. :)1'\ n1' +• •ts • 1 I'• •Ioli I' •• ..... / e Flclllltv G'QIJO CtPll 1 St I JO 8udoF pl 60 I I"' ,.. ,..... ~ En1• 1112 •• ' .. , ,, ' JltOI, 10 • 11) 1\~ .., ••• I O(h d th I Ca11ll 10to 11 fl I I '''" '' BUCIO! In . .can 4) 6 S\l !l!i -'E ! II '°' l • JIMlllll .60b !l 1J1o U'• ll"-.,.. n er wor s e1r eye s economic. imprO\ICmcnl 1n the masters of business adm1n-Eue~ 11 n u" 1~~ri 1 6i t ~I eulfForo 1 10 s 3l 31~\ '1''t -e~~';1 ~P 14 ,11 ,1~t ~1• ..!." -'• J~11•nF111 Gloe ,,, 9.1 911 tlo .:;~: not on the e) e or the CXj>ert EYrll II llO 11 I'll ! !th 8 I )1 I IJ Bu!ov1W 60 60 2?'\ 11 t2Vo1 + lo El~yl pf? •O 60 JI' ' •v 1 -'l Jnol'd '" lllrl' 60 I'~ I~ ,. co1n1ng monlhs In November stration this v.eek Four per· ,i=1ar1 1,'" '•600 ~ii '"v IM °' gun1i,., R.!""', ... 11•, ,·,~ 9'1 ''• .. Eurnlnd •O. , 11•! ~ .• ~;.: ': :t ~:~'B:rr1g.~ r. ',',~· ,,,.I , \• -.·~ y,•ho can see lhe small 1m-"'" 61 O!O wltW G1 st• ,~1l u" ... ,. l< 311<+ 11,.+ ... E .. •n~P 60b ~ ., 'O'• 4l ... 1 Jew1c 1.sc ~ n .,, Pro•ements. It •s on their a Iota] of 7 4 mill Ion credit cent of the 175 in the class t~= ,; ~ rl 1~ $0Wr"1 in• 'l 'o'> •o.01 =~~j U': 11;? ';; ;:"' ~v !!.. -+1,, ,e.ce110 1 a B' M'\ 1' 11!•1 + ,, Jom "w.~t ,0 1~~ ~:: i~;. 50l: ,.. i-. Fl I I p Si>ecl•• • 1 a IN I u ..... -'"''"' '° 101 11·. 111• 11... v Jlmw 01 1 '° 1• JI• 11 fl, -• pocketbooks The y either fail refereni:cs was reported. a arc blacks or from other ~~· ;~ , 70 1:rrt"'si'' .; ~~ .~ il e~ina~ ~ 1; ,:,': it,'; 1tz: :!:. ~: ~!t~°i:'" ,.~ ,_t; ;;;· ?J,~1 '°'; t' j~ w111 D1• J a10 13 ~ 1J•,.. ~J~ !. ~! to see what ls be.l.n11 done or drop of 4 percent f ron1 a Am~r1can minorities. 16 per-:~:::.! l3f, l" '18r::m1~ FJ11t11, ,, l~;~'"J"1:0 ·~ '~r~" '\It~ 106,, \t -11 ,••,1• ~111 3" •J ii;, • • • 1 /.~' '+ ,, Joi.~~!·~~ ~1 \fo ~~\ nq~ J:t: -1,~ 0 r I d • v ' .. , n ii ,. • e rmOll! 1 1 lilt 111. ll'io Joflnl V( IO lf ., .., "" see only the negali\e aspects. i·ear earlier but th< smallest cent are ore gners an " per· F11~" v 10 0j 10-11Fld11<. 5,J. •43 -... -F"11J1e11 .10o 4S so. 3·~ !'~L ., ~'"Loo" ~ 1, 511 "' J.111o \ .. ' " ~ ''" e" llot u• C Ool C-70 II '"' 40lo F&Mll~ FL .0 " l)l. 11\o 11._ , •O'!LIV 34~ "6 t , t \t such as unemploymenl, and so monthly decline ccnL are women F;1 7n ~ tC 1JJ ~:~ Oii 1;,n 1;.~ c!?""j•'ina "' 1 ,,, 41! + !' F~"~'"' 'ft( n 11"• 11 •• 111.= .; J~?1111"' 1 :io i 70'4 "" '0-. :-. h P d t th year to·)'~ar ,.,, 1n ,~ 1,31 9 11 s1oc~ 12 3, 17 11 celi F ".,.,1 ~~ 111 ," '• t .i1~~~.~~lg F~ ~ !r~ !~~· 11•• -"~ jg}~r ~040 ~' !::w ~1'> 2•tt -•1 ~f eno~e~1~; 1~~:l~ed e1~1~~~~ since June \.VINDSOR LOCKS, Cann ~:l ~~I' : il '~f st_;; id 1f"1·1 , n l!:~~L M~• 11 10"" ~~1, ;: + !! ~~~~ ·~1 ~ ,ta Ji:i ~ ! = ;'; ~:1:'J'l~ 1l "t y·· fi\.'a fl1, f ~ concerns L (UPll -A new \\'.Qrld !peed:~, s~e;: 3~\~'"'14 T~1 it 1lf E:'B,r:=.1 ~ 1:f ~1o1 j5 'fil :+" ~:"_. i,2:. ~~ ·~~~ ~~11 ~~~; ~ ~ 1(:1•.t.J":,1 .!.i'?. 1! '• ~·• :I~=':; Already the adm1n1strat1on LOUISVILLE (\..Pl I -Do\11 record for helk:opttis y,•as :::i l,r f·f! s 63 t'Z.'W ..,G,,' 1l 41 IL~ CllP•~ 9f..l ~ 1 ,, "111~ ~=~lt .. ,.~ ,~~1 ~r.; 1": +11: K!ti~~~lml: jt r.~. u~ un~ i '" Chenucal Co sn1d el1pnnslon 1 d M d b Slk k l'nd Gih •G1 4:11Te~chrt •e~ ,ac:111ca«to 15 #"+ ~~ +v.,.p ,. • • 1'\-1;1 civPL c11 n • • '' ""' or Its RC!hance IJn1ver5aJ ~:~:~., eir J~1tJ Au?:afi Ff,,!' iJM0u !t ~~!IC~~ ~Pl ,!U ~=~~%cJ0~ ~ll 1;~ n:: !:j~!·~: ~::r.:~aJ.l l~ ~i~ ::~ ~ji; =~ ~~ !: ~~ ':;! i ~ H~ h~ -'~ Chemical Coatings plant at Co 21672 1 hour Mu1&1 J9't nT•1nCH 10 112t1ro PLt1" '" n"" 's'"• P1t .... rfllfri .. fl( 11 "' ''• ''• K GE, 13 1J -•• Coll ll•acl ·C l rp at m1 es an SPtcl 10 116 Tr.., e. , 4• , ,, r:r• T« 1 '° ll ,,. 11 , 20'-•• F..io.•tS" 1 1n ci :it ,. •• -.-. K:~N~11r 1 ~~ 1. '1" ll + •• ~ lhgh Point. NC, at a co!! for , •• S -Bl•ckhowk The'~ 911 '·" Tlldor" l'ct TO tt 11,, rri.rc.1 '° i l1'I ,,_...._ ,, ,"~ai De-1,• .]'4 .111 ''it .c," Pu 1 u II \• 77'• ':) .. ":" '' f $1 II bot .... ~I . Fri l~GH!\/fr• t~ GI l'•JOO err pf ,5 floe 31 u n ..... 0•:1; ... ;'I '° -~.c.•v •no p,i u •. l<•..-'1 WASll\N''TON 1 Pl i 0 ml ion. 1:s a u com· prtv1ous mark w::is 212 mph ,~ J·U •~u~1 ,.:.: !! ii :rl~lS:. .: f:>\ u~! f~!::-1'.l fl~&'"~ l'~ >ii Nu Jn;i ~:~.:,':1e1~1Brd 'o d~ .,:: .i~ ... ~:;'!; v pleted and prod11ctlon will be held by 8 Super Frtlon built 111 611 •111 u"l1d '4 ;sss:u11~211: 60CI •• to'f' '°'~ "1Y.-~li"t 1.4> 11 u1~ "" 11l--,..~:~:e',\0'°!4 ·~ !;"' ~f'• i110 -..., RCACnrp has obta1°'it ti) steppedup sharplylhereneirt lt!Cql'I •u nu"ce•1'W"''· .. ~J1"c,r 1 .20 4"'41tf<40~•1 -i.i." ".,"" '"•11)-ou f.'•1C.Hti1tt 110 1u , 1 -\i by Sud Aviation of France,F~"'i"':vt :i6 •;tut_~mF !'~rn~:cor:i1 21 ' •1 1~· ~"ll...":11 :t1 :t ~: lti: :f,":+1•Ken.11111 .. '1 "';Ti~ t:,,..:1\,. mil hon in m1htary contracts. month Employme.nL will he set back in 1963 The Black· ~lttldr Inc Grp: t inc""' 1 u·,, eca lor~ ii 1 lftl li'" Ii:-111 F11 M'! 1 111 ., "'• 11,,. 13•, _ ·~ K1:1~ \JO ti ~: • !I jjl!t -'-' one fQr enoineerlng SCl'Vlct!:i built up from 160 to 200 cmrr. 1n tJI sci"" j.S? tt.11111 P7 I•'°'" l.._ -'lt.P1•Nc:1 Y ''' ld ,,,.. '1 11•·-·-~•n 'i': • -P. ,, · hawk is a Slkoniky company 1~ , " 1 SJ Vi nt 11 "' 11n 1>1 i so J s'" 1Vt -·~ FJtNSt• 1 25t ,5 37~ :i..., ~''~ 11.., ....,m11 f~ j 1'\7 JO f " on lhe land combat support · Capacit~ v.•ill evcntuaJly be venturt although designed prl-~i1o11·•d ll u 11 n ~::..Ce\?,,. 1i~ 1" ~:r .. :: '° ·1·1 ~ Jim'1' , .. i ~ ~\i~.,~ ~ ~ ftU t'~; liit + ~ 2t(~FJ~r~1~0 ''a l!I• r:~ 11'" ~ syslem,andanot.herforNaval dOUblcdloonen11llJongalJOnS F11ndA!'P't 11a1 .. ValLn J•l !y~tn udl41 jj.. '2.tlo )~Fl,,.kl lt ~•,,ltp... 10 10 -i... 1rMc.G J.I fi H"* 2' ~ d hly marily tor low-risk mihtary !:~ 1..u '"' ~~51 • K s ~ 1111.1 1...u 116 ' 11 ll ~'"''f."' u lll n lf1 :i. ... -~ .,Mc. et• I'!~ 1ll." 1~ -111 ra 10 equipment. mont · use Ttst pilot Byron Graham Gf;,.11r :M I~ v,J,-. 1~1 :n ti :r.'U,.'sPi''if 'U L 1&,, t! .. ~ \,1j .. Im .. ~ ri .i 1 .. m 11"' J".:.. \,\ ~rct:.;~' • 16(11 ''l 1;-ffi~~ 1 ::1v. peed Gf{lltl Sec V1,..,lttl ~u • tntl.•El 1 '1' .. f• ~-V.Ft\nlO'IA •Mi 1611 1!14 14 7•>1 !t k;lilil ·10 :• ~ ~-1"' or Bridgeport set the s ~=-·F:··1os 'n ~~~ndP ~ .. !H :~P~w 11r ~~ .~:: ll;,:-":l,°V°t!.lils 1l ~L' ~1, j!:J J~;~~ Af.JO :~ 1b ,1 '*='~ record. ~.si 11n1;,:i~1UST '"it:,,· .• ~ :tt ·-I 201: n~~::=";.~·~·t"as l~ "'• ·~ k~::~:~~:N~,n ~,:"?I\~ .t ~ 86STORES ALL INSIDE llllndl1nn' 1ll1Mu 111i'1.t1trro "t, 1 1""1"" '"+ Fl•PWUJ'' 61 ff~ 11on•• 16.c.1""' ~ 1102 10> lllf .• • • • SAN FRANCISCO (UPJl ~~~11::,". na ""' wi!~V1" ,lrll"l, 11 i; WY1'°''1o 1 ' ~ «: 1~\:; \'I ~\~'t:' 1 ,., • ui R~,1 Y,·~ n· : •• :~~J e:~'f ~ !: ff: n~: ;1:, Security Savings & Loan HF1 •11 • H Mo,. • e 10.u ~1dbr" 1ric 10s ii}; 5·~ J~ '"'"'°' Piii ' • ~ • 1• "~ -"')il.M 1n. n '• ,..,, ~\• + 1a SHOPPING Is FUN C!lll •n, Ttc:llV ,., ~•MaS 1.20 ]1 >1 ?f'i lt\.\ • ~t't Tl<1r Ill St 2i 7{~ ?I ~ \\K.L/11 1~1~ I I w' "1'• Association bas CUI onc--h1ll •fbof ' .. I "tr111I if'" 11.1t htrltr NYJ ),i 1U )6" >ll'l -' i'".,"..,' ' ',1" w· ?.a· ?? + 1• K~oqMN JOii ) 4 l1 • '· •l•~ ••· f •1rrwN '1"10M weud ~ ,~Jj .. ~~ 1110 •!t ~ o1t>, ~·~-'-" -~ t(CIO'f'l111'Q Ito 10 111, 1 , tf,' •, S Ci ,,. point rrom urc rate or new~ c Ln n ! 11 w.ittn 1 ca ot 1 ,... '' ~. ~" ~ . ,. ,"' •,•," .. ~ ,, , 1~ if' -'• icoo.,,.,, 1 '° -. j \• J '• J t ..; fb st ' d v H• Gor , ..... Wlf'd<' 'l§'00t ktf Mai , 1, 1. -... l)Olt ,.. -+~.Kor/Kort Ind I& "" "' "" - I Oa 01 aza f HA a n et er 8 n I Htdtt t 50 1 :ll fftJI Ind~ ' ! a -'"' .2-' ~ 1, 'lo + I Foot• Mii' 10 111~ ,,,, l~\11 t ·~ K•l!T(O \10 ,., 4 , .. •O., llll + .: I I h M~rl!M lfl 1l}~llthll l I ~-tron I ,,.._ t1 h-OiF111111ta1 f,_lO t 16''1 l~~1ci\;-~otr11•t5 u I"' SI f11 • $11>, , Adm nl stra t <ln omeH M'"" "!;'•:i;wi~ Fd , .o. emNY i• ff~ 'j "-'-'~ordM '"" ??'! s.•-;;i: ~ ••11t111tr '°" :r fl•· i:~ 11 1~=.: mort_ge,ges rc~~ .. 1 l1 J!iw1:.l '~d l ~lf -~-·\.o 2 • '11'1 'fT 'm1 ;_.ll=~~n= ., l?"-lll) .,.'•=~l(row lXI l.J1 l,l6'• 1' 31 , • ( 'I' Glh ~.14 4 LWllfltl 'SI 1 n "" Olllo I )' .. " -~ ... ~ -..,. ~°'' Wl'll ,ft(r • n., 11 11·~ - -Thenewra1clS7-pen:.e.R .11 111c • .., '· i.re1tr f.ti,t.4t '°" .. u •, u1, 4"-~FOllWllM 1 lt U''I 11 1 -i..~1 Ge, 1 ·~ > , .. ~ '4'11 2'~-~ '\ ( " '"5 '" ... •• • '" •• '• "' " .. t: ,. :: .. ... -~. ~ . f. L; "' •• . t~ : {! ·!' . . ~ ~§ :~ ... : t'. "' . '· ••• "l• ' . •• . .. . '• . "• •• . ij 'ij -~ 1• .• .. .. .. '• .. '• " •• ~ ... .. '• ~ -~ " '.~~ '• " •• '• l\ •• " .. :s;, " ,, " ~ ,, .. • .. ,, • ' .. .. " • ,, ' .. l ' • ' ' . ' • • • ---~--~~~~~~~~~--~-------..------------------------~ ......... -··--~-·--1'10 DAILY 'IL!lf l ' • • . ~ ! ; • • • • I • .. I ., ' • ' ' •• • , ... ,. ' I ' . I ' i ' ' t • J I ) I . . -------. . . JI&. OAJlY PILOT Wrdotsdai. Ottrmbtr 16, 1970 . Del!'•• Quallfr '. TINSEL GARLAND ''Christmas SpectacularJ'' ·• Lush, shimmering glitter 114dl that final touch to trees, doors, mantl9s, etc. ' ' . . • 3 .stYI•• to choo•• from in a rainbow of colors; ·--3''x1 S'·2 ply · 4"x25'·2 ply- 25~. 99~ .. · 3"x2S'·3 ,ply Deluxe •.so,. ... fCICLE TiNSEL ""' "'"' 11 Slt/,..mer o" Yow 1t••I" • arltht ill~•• 1tr11n•h con lte ..,..4 for Ire••• whul•w ... ,oroffen1, olc. • 4SO 1tnind1 P"' P"•k- 1a" Iona. • n ... ,.. •• 1-w111 net t9rnbh. •••· 2tc 15c ,.._c..,.. HOlilDAY ·- CANDUS •rill the elr with -·~CJ' ~.,_ -_ ... ._,.It .... -+-wiii..n.1,---.~--­ Sc11nlff 1.,. ...... 7:.. l'frw. el 12 ... Cf(YSTAL PENDANTS .. •31/i" 111119 cryttal dour ,+01tlc, • Co111_,Mt1 wmi. trff h11n9er. 36'' ..... CHRISTMAS _STOCKING "1• Ho1111., ti!• Cltlni1111., Wftlt C.SreJ'l' • St11ff tho10 =!:}. ,rlae1, "'''"''' en4 "''~ , , • 36" lo119 ftlt 1t1ckl11,. •ftfl 1,cirldln1 hellthiy leudt". ••t· 79c 49~ .. .,,, .... ,5 MINIATURE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS ''l'ormonent Contact Type-One Or More " 1•'11• Out, The Rest Stoy Utl'' • Perfect for trees, mantles, windows, entry doors, conterple4:es, ek. • Radiant push-bl repJaceoble bulbs ore pro-tested and approved, • Colors or cl..--complete with flasher bulb. Reg .99c 29C . . Set ••• n1, •••• ; ·TREE STAND • lxfro whlo i.,s f..- cid•cl 1tablllty. • l lf 6" wotor buln koopt tr•• ,,..,h lan9ar. · • HOich oil ,,..., up ta .J 1/1" '"""'"· •... "'" --59c ~·'<'. ; ;;'\ ., . ' . . 1?0N'r: 'f/IT ~ • . Ott,r ON 'A IJIM8 .. C#AliJU YOl,IR HOL'-c1"'0A"'.:':-Y,..,___,.._-1---~ !-.-.-· · Pl.JllCkASES oN • •• YOCIR t. IN,;sRcoK, : fl.~_VIM(Cl/Al!l;E/ , ' ,,_,. CHRISTMAS T~BP.E CLqTH • ht yMr f.Me f.t IM mi. CIJri•hnu ,,eru. • SI&•• 54" a 72"_,,-our cholco 'of pUy .i.c-tod hoUdciy ......... ···--:21c.. . l ........ kN .......... thr-.h ht., he. ~ •• -SNOW BLANKET I C ... ata ,._ OWll -W)'•Wh ... C~l1hn .. ·•-•• • :J2". 21" f'-m9,,...t, fltirffy . cetta11 11i...1t9t. • • .,..,... e"4 IMl11111M "'"'''' ..•. ,,.. . . , 25c ... Ct, 0 5{ -01/ Tl ' &..,Neeilfe PON DEROSA CHRIS'tMAS TREES i'Seaaon's Mosf Popvfar Oown1wopt Styllngl'' • Extrci fu._, delu:t, trees assemble In minvtet-look. freshly cut • I ,.. Complet~ with sturdy 1tand. '· l 6 y2 Ft. 71/t Ft. J',f •••· $14.99 leg. ~19.99 ~·999 •12·99 . . ~II~,, D'9. SNOW·FLAKl -... ~ CRYSTALS .. . • S111-,...i'4 tt.;"' from ., ..... ''" er V•• Ill 911., Chritt,,._1 . .It. ..,,.~ ...... ;, '. ' • P11ck ... mek111 .t01ktei. MI ileiitltle 1n•w fklkeL • Ce,..pkte wJfh he11..,.. l•t· 3tc 25c , , -' -"'•· •• 10~~1 ' ' ------.• ~. ''. CltrlthwS_."~ · REPLACEf\UNT BULB~,, --t . ~ _ , 1a o., <'•...., ;-· SPR~Y$ .. O\f:# • Mok• 1111. 0'4 ' ._,. Wltltor eir h'wn, •f"M!_tfdl, lrincr-1,'9h. 'i : ; . "'• .. ,.. .. ~ -., •1.J ............... ..1 •••· '4tc , z9c IJt' 1%'' ' ) ... CHRISTMAS ' ORNAMINTS· ., . ' .... , ~ ... ., ............. _., .,,.•men11, • Spc1rttftn9 11011 ,,....,._h.ice •f M9rry ChrlltmcD cokn. • loch b•• centirhM 12 _...,._.,, le9. 6tc 49~. '• -..... 24 MINI ORNAMENTS • Shiny 9los1 omoments ta us.e by the hondsfvll. · '• 29~x -""•· .. 3 -PACKAGE DECORATIONS • C"-.• ... d holly with berrl .. or r9d flock.eel holly ties. •••4•• 2ftc y,k,. of 3 PRICES HONORED AT BOTH LOCATIONS! LIN-BROOK HARDWARE -ANAHEIM • L IN-BROOK HARDWARE FOUNTAIN VALLEY • • • i' 1 • I ' '· - ' 'I ''' . ~\1 r ~ ~· ._ ., . . . ,. . r •. ··~. ~ ; ~. • J • • I • .... (, '+. I ~ \ , I .. ' • • ~t .. t.. "i ; ~ ... : -- I - • - ' • 'r· :c. ~~ •. '.s, IT "''. .; ~ • I ' ' . ,''". i . ! ,. . . ' t ' . ., . ·, "· l , . ' { j • . ' ••• " . "• • ·' • •• ' \· '. . u• ., / , • ' "\ .. "o!,"t!.jlo~ihoaaa!·::.i ,. . . 'l';. '• ... 5outli' :·~oast ~Jlaza _: ·-.·~ . ' t • ,.. .. l Sarita has stoppe.d here. ·A11d boys and away ·from home unti.I the big night. girls, Mora and Dad, the Jolly old man Free candy canes and ll,l~asant shop- will be' waiting to see you .each day 'til pi 11.g .surroundings a:I so .a.wait you. Christmasfro,m 10.:3o·a'..j11. to8:30 °.· , 'LikeSanta's'gingerbreaa ·~:euse,·we're p.m. A gingerbread hou se-:in our Car-· w~rin, and c.oiy, and·always 72 de- ·o,u .. sel C<;>urt will' be _'Sa:nta's home :.grees. Par~ing :for ·6500 cars. ' • ~ . • , .. .· · ·P•-·I . '.-;-' ' .. . • •, 1 • t • ~ ~· , '· ' . . . • . . . -. . . • . • . . . .. , . • ... ,. ·. 'J . -..... loath Coast ?tua . 1aam;ia.ATSANDllGOPUnAY,C01TAMDA'. ·. "hft C...ff's '-fest faW.. C•W' ' • 'Ovft M FIMI UOllS A~D Sl~IQS. • .A 11 cri. AIHrt'1 Mesi~·• Alrot'•• Awct s....,...i L1t1·•1trH~1-T1ll f11hlo11.• .. ,.,,,. •• , h'1 •••••C.H. lokor,• J!•~•I A111trlc1 • l1rrlcl11.c11•l•.1 • ltll•r .. ,.,,. ·' • (1Ht'1 Clil....,_ IHol ~C-. ...... ci.\ot'1 • Cllto"'I" .,,..,.,C111tt e Cllo1l1'1 e Chi Y 1 Ole Acco111rlt1 1 Orh' f11kl111 • Cll11'1 St1tlt11ry • Ciichr Cltla-M111Moth1k • C-.1 .. tfery Sol•·• , . llOc-u.01 ·r;,1 Jeck'1 c-,.., • Fl1l1'1 n .... Fl11'1 , ...... -1 .... flnt Wuton laok • , •• -(Hit ...... -• Tllo hll-tlftt & CIMIH • ...... • '""" lltl. llff'I• .. ..., • ...... ...... • : ~Ir•·." ~~'!·le"!'" Slot~ t llell~rk Si,tle~' ~ l\<f .... e U.C. •-I "i~:lelorll e Mlcli!HJ ,,.,., ele11t el l1•rlcs • 11111ti1111 •11111 el T1llerl11 t l1111el ,f ~rry • ...... • _ ...... • ....... .., ............ •11i11o~'°'!'"~'~··,..,..,.,l,l11llc•t1·~·' ' ~ .............. •u-l•lllllWll•IH•lll•••l•rs•lHllry11t • LtPotlt •·L•h•JIHl•-•Hl•ltM'• ..... •lllllW••Lll!iAtra •11111···~ ..... ~~··111yc.. ... *-II •'I!!.~ .. _,...,..,,.~~,. .............. \ & """. Plc•k:IHk ... ,. TH ,.., n.,, • .,, •• lo.it.,. ••I •·~•Hllt111l .e ... .... . ....... :.r·,,.~., ........ w ............ ~.ljo ............ ....,.~ ..... c.o.t ...... .....,J!eooe•"'°" ...... .,.. ... k.,...., ..... ,., ................................ •.s.-....... . w.fllck'• ·a,, •lfllafloW'1 ""oton •TH Wot 1eo1 • wi .. ._.., eo .... • wu-· ..... , ..., • r.w. WHlwertll • ,_ .. ,.,.11y •.11111•1 Ylll .. tMl<IJht • • " ' • . I -.ill!"!"""~-------------,..--....,'""!""'-----_,..-"'":"':'r;"""'-_., __ T __________ - • 1-South Cout Pin• Supplement to The DAILY PIL~T, Wed., D•c •. 16, 1970 South Coast Plaza: "'It's 'Home' SCULPTURES IN LIGHT A dr•matic, ·conver5ation provokin9 ntw ide• in kinetic lighting. These tw inklin g spidery light bunts create your own mini-fire w o r k 1 display , cepturtd by the mirecle !. of fiber optics. Grtceful ' 1prays of soft briUienct : i htt dtnle the :: · irnegination. ' ' ,. " .. .. ,_ .. ,; •: •! :'. lUY-BU(BS ·: ROSES OF RED, BIRDS OF BLUE, HEARTS OF PINK, TM 09111 •D·l IJ 25.00 ' • . . • . . THAT SAY I LOVE YOU . -: a glowing token of love ceptured i" 7las1- : a delightful idea in • most unusual n1te lite. : the perfect gift. • : de~orator line 6.48 SECTIONA~ AND .W All SYSTEMS -l•mps and So1•fb Coast7Jaza The Sen Ole90 Freeway, Costa Mesa Lower Mell Le¥el 540-7777 Tiie Mh1I Git =D·1 06 15.95 TH •altxy t:D· 101 29.95 7.48 accessories IANKAMERIC.ARO MASTER CHAR.GE - Santa's In Youngsters who visit the gingerbread house at South Coast Plaza will find that Sant.a Claus is "home" and ready to pose for pictures. take Christmas re-- Quests or just chat, And Santa'·s helpers band out candy canes (above, left) to all who come. The act~ ion is centered (above) in Ca rousel Court where giant gingerbread-boys , and girls are suspended over a scene that looks like a child 's dream of Christmas, .. a giant, cookie.laden Christmas tree, Santa's gingerbread house with suger·frosted roof and, the carousel, too . Muscovites Ready For Big Tree Rush MOSCOW (AP) -The an· nual New Years tree rush is about to begin. 'l'houund1 of Mu.scovit.ea will tuck 1n ax under arm and take to the woods to chop down a fir tree to cele· brate the New Year's holi- da y. Some will be loving parents who want! Jo put presents from "Ded Moroz" (Grand- father Frost) under the tree. Others will be "speculators" who will sell the trees for a tidy profit in town. But if the annual rush to the woods is allowed to con- tinue, .a Moscow newspaper says, soon "There will be more bison in Byelorussia .than 'fir trees in Moscow su- .burbs, "---- ; OUR WAREHOUSE The desire ror a real tree 11 "absurb snobbish." l he daily Moskovsky Komomolets childed, and added that arU· flclal trees are just as 1ood . • IS CL.EANED OUT! [~ We're_down to floor samples ~~ ''AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS'' .; ·~ • - If you don't mind a few nicks and scratches, a little dust here and there, and you like to save money - ~- NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY!! SAVE $465 ON A HAMMOND ORGAN SAVE s725 ON A WURLITZER ORGAN SAVE $200 ON A SPINET PIANO A PIANO OR ORGAN --IS A. LIFETIME GIFT FOR' THE ENTIRE FAMILY Headquarters Far Wurlitzer & Hammand Pianos and Organs . ' ~.McseOy , SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MESA PHONE 54().3165 .. .. • SAVE $699 ON A STEINWAY GRAND PIANO SAVE s499 ON A CONN ORGAN SPECIAL SPJNET by Wurlitzer s595 FULL PRICE Gr1ndfather Fro11t is t he Soviet equivalent or Sant a Claus and he dispenses h i s gifts on New Year's day. Christmas isn't officially cele- brated in the Soviet Union. State woodcutters will be able tO: provide about 500,000 trees from special tree farms and from forests that need to be thinned out. "But thia ii only half a million," the paper said. "Does this mean that h a J f our children will not h a v e their Grandfather Frost? No •.• Papas and mamas are not people who can look cold- ly on tears dropping from chil- dren's eyes." ~ They'll eilher to the woods and cut tree or find a speculator who has. Either way , the paper said, the woods will be stripped bare. Bot the trade organizations have come up with an alterna- tive -the artificial tree. "They are just as green and well-proportioned .'' Mos· kovsky Komsomolets said , "<ind the main thing, th ey don 't wear out. They are eter- nal. ··And where is the smell of woods and winter? The chil- dren and romantics will ask. And nature lovers will retort : sprinkle them v:ith pine-scent· ed mixture." After all. "we wear nylon shirts instead of ordinary cot- ton ones. We sit on easy chairs made of foam rubber instead of wooden benches. And a long time ago we replaced goose feathers wilh plaslic fount ain ptns." And there is an even more convincing Argument for arti· ficial U'ees, the paper said. "Let loving· papas and mon· ey-grubbers know : The gov· ernment -wilh the help of woods conservationists -is going to wage war on amateur cutters not only with words. ··Hardly would the ax of a paacher start to cut a thin trunk, when a rearsome woods Inspector would appear from · behind the bushes. And if the cutter manages to make off with a tree •. militiamen and Ulelr volunteer helpers -will corner hlm on the road. in a sub~'RY car. or at the station. "ls it ~·orthi risking?" to \ Sa-rita 1 Claus Plaza to Honor Prep Gridders at Banquet South Coast Plaza will honor Ralston. There is also a area high !Choo! f .. ., o t b a 11 possibility that he will be ac· players next month at the Se-companied by H e i s m a n cond Annual South c 0 a 8 t Trophy winner and Stanford PJaza Football Player of the quarterback. Jim Plunkett. · Many of the S4 boys . to be Month Awards Banquet at the honored, representing three Santa Ana Country Cl9b. from each of the 18 schools The fathers of the 54 players which participated in the representing 18 Orange County season-loig program held at schools also will be invited to South Coast Plaza. are All· the Jan. 28 banquet, along,"iiOiiriian;igi;;eiiCoiiuiinoityiisiOeiile;;;ct;;;io;;;ns;;;;.;;;;;;;; with ·head football coaches, II principals and activities direc- tors of the various high achoo ls. CIF Commissioner K e n Fagans: Orange County Leagues Commissioner John McDonough and executives from South Coast Plaza and members of the Segerstrom F a m i I y will also attend. Main dinner speaker for the event will be the head football coach of Rose Bowl bound Stf;nford University, J o h n SOUTH COAST PLAZA For Unusu al Gifts l ri1tol ti th• Stft Di•90 Fwy. Co"• Me11 540 -9011• Sa11lh Cot1t Pl111 HOLIDAY SALE SAVE 1/3 & MORE ON SYROCO MIRRORS CORONADO MIRROR REGULAR $35 NOW 19" ONLY Our lntire stock of fine Syroeo Mirrorl on 11le while quantity l11t1- Pi er Mirrors, Treditional & Conttmporery-4111 with true pla te 9f11s1 _ ~n idee~ifj at ~i9 sevin91I the newest -most comfortable .~~>l 16 ~~~~~~ JUMBO SIZE BEAN ·BAG e Wet Look Vlnyl CHAIRS • luftny fur • LMthr loek H•t•hydo NOW ONLY 3f:a. Comp1r1 with ch•ifl l liO I mare! Rtlt• In cam. fo rt w1tchiftq TV -rt1d:nq O• iu1! pl1i11 la1fi119, El191nl caveri in cola,. & t1xtur11 to fit into 111y 1oom! Buy 11v1r1I for the whalt ftmily. KIDDIE SIZE 25 50 "· KING SIZE-QUILTED DECORAfOR SPREADS Re9. 39.50 24 99 B11utHul poli1~'1d calto" prifth ..._ fully quPh td to *~• fl.,or -Flar1l1 or 1b1lr1ch '" colo11 far t v••y d1eorl l uv now & 1tv1, USE YOUR CREDIT • Ud~f~~ South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa Brlttol ot ,the Sen Diego freewoy PHONE: 546·6812 ~~.;:;-.. ~ -·· -...... -. .:----·-....... ·-~·-_ .. ..., _ ...... --..... ;.... --··-·-·---·-··-·· -• South c .. 11 Ploza Supplomtnl lo Tht DAILY PILOT, Wed., Dtc. 161191('-3 'Christmas Tree' ls , Coming to Solith Coast Plaza Ecology Gift.s 'In' For Nature-minded SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - To the ecology-minded, this year's ideal Christmas gilt would b e nondisposable, hlodegradable, re u s a b I e , nonplnstic, nonsynthetic and nonpolluting, but beautiful, preferably handmade or a pro- duct of nature. Conservation groups in· the San Francisco Bay Area are pushing such smoke I e ss, noiseless and pollution-free presents. ,Why not ta citn or worms or a bQa of ladybugs for the orpii,lc g~rdener?. Al WDklDsOn of Berkeley Ecology AciKin.SJ,ys Jbey have ''.double value'' ·~use they enhance both the person and the earth. The top recommendation of the Berkeley Ecology Center is a SO-pound.bag or coco bean hulls. Business Manager Penn Hughes said they make "ex- cellent mulch in the garden'' and sell for only $1.89 a bag. The center is also pushing "e_ncfangered species puppets" of tigers, lobsters, bats and other creatures being threatened by man. Also, ecology flags which Hughes '"' said "look like American flags except all the colors are green." Friends of tbe Earth recom· mends little trees, roas, fossils, conservation books and membership in conservationist· organl!ations. For these groups, the wrap- ping is as important as the preseit. Friends "of the Earth suggested cloth napkins or towels. Now YOU can knit- on a MACHINE! 'SINGING CHRISTMAS TREE' TUNES UP FOR COSTA MESA Western High School Choir Set for South Coast Plaza ' 100 Bright Faces 'Decorate' W es tern's · Singing Yule Tree One hundred young faces, each glowing brighter than any Chri stmas tree orname nt possibly could. are the "decorations" on the_Western High School ''Singin g Christmas Tree." Th, "llOTHll'" knittin9 machin• i• th• •a\v and 1wift way for yo1,1 to f•sliio1t y our ciwlt wardrob•. Co!TI• in, let u1 ,i..,..,. you how to knit yoiir own pa ~t 1uit• end dre11e1I lt'1 the Ideal gift for Cliri1tmell The pric• i1 mode•t -'"' our lay 1w1y plari. The choral group v.•bich specializes in forming its 28· 'foot..tall human Christmas tree while singing traditiona) songs of the season, will perform at 7 p.m. Friday in the Carousel THE KNIT WIT Court of South Coast Plaza. The concert at the Costa Mes a shopping center will be SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA . -- j1 open free of charge to the _ public. INTERNATIONAL-Save 25% on all serving pieces and $3 on each place setting piece I REED & BARTON-Save 20% on all servin g pieces $8, $10 & $12 on each 4, 5, & 6 pc. plate settings in all pattern s. GORHAM-Save 25 %·on eac h and eve ry piece of Chantilly! Also save $8, $10 and $12 on 4, 5 & 6 piece place settings in all active patterns. I WALLACE -Save from $3 to $6 on· each and every serving piece. Also save up to $165 on a set of Grande Baroque. -' e BRIDES REGISTRY e SILVER •CHINA• CRYSTAL• GIFTS f 8rl1tol at The San ~o Ftwy .. Cotta Mno Phone: 5~0.2627 Fashions Tei Be Seen At May Co. ' An afternoon of Informal modeling in all May Co. stores will feature "The Elegant You" Monday, Dec. 28. A cOIIectioR or fashions for those special evening parties and entertaining, each of the creations shown will reflect a festive mood for the college and career m.indcd young women. The genUemen escorts and llosts haven't been forgotten. Each of the young men will be showing the look or today for the dressed young man who enjoys self expression styles. TRADITIONA~ AMERICAN FOODS SERVED WITH A FRENCH FLAIR HOMI OP THI "EIFFEL TOWER" BURGER South Coast Plaza CAlOUSIL COURT LOWll LIYIL ' 't' ,., ' ··~ "f~e McM-µrtrey, Claim You~ Bond • . ; ., ' JACKsoN, Wis. (AP) - Jose Ph Patton McMurtrey, wherever yoll are, Mrs. Carl Nurkala has a Christmas gift for you. Actually, its been rours all along, u-oi\'Jt she couldlloo .. you. Mrs. Nurkala accidentally spilled the contents of an an· tique cinnamon jar on her' llv· ing room rug. Included was a $1,000 U.S. Savings Bond bought by McMurtrey 19t9. 1~ ~nest~lde "fobDCCJ ~0Jlp¢ ... Mrs: Nurka1a Isn't awi where the jar came fro!! because she "has been I~ cumulating a bunch of junk for a rumma.e:e ~e." A bank· told her the bOnd w~ now worth $1,546.40. ·rasid~ ~I CAtl1C)llP I 1q~r ' Rohe~ of (';.Jffqmio. sc ulptured ~olto1t kr~ et11Jgo.11:l- h~rn.~~ n>be $,trt.f; ,·"' iV11r~, qru1t. or !D(U<> ~28 . . : .. ' • < RICH· 1 GIRL , !.\. ;. l f,~.:: :• .. ' :' '~ ' . ABSTRACTIONIST ERNIE TATE . ,_ Winter ;Art Festival On Tap for · J~uary 'BOO:KS BOOKS I BOOKS BOOKS. . . " • ,, NOW SAVE UP TO $11.00* on Magnificent GIFT BOOKS at Sunset House r~E~?~ u .. ··~ I WOltLD Of CATI Pnsena all breed. of ~•t• ia 22' .aoperb photos with 4.f l a color. lad•d• hdpfal adTice oa. .how eo niM het.ldtJ C&Q. ,.,fw: fcx • mt.a.we.: -.,_ a poceadal.ooel.r• IJ.JJ•·Y•o Sf~.fl . ' ' ' .... W.W .. c.ta r •• ,. i ... , ••••••• N.tl -,. . . ,_ ~ aootrW,UMQ AND ITUNTI A tnaly ~ oi.2000& dooC' aod oaidOOc ac:ti,.~ , •• pmes. pus· slel, 1n1ats, nai,' pUtt ~n. sl<lu ••• all lot fan and t. foll' NII, FM 17.9J• Yo• s,,..U.91 ~· ' ' ' 1 o-tmttl~"•••-••••••2.H i\~) JJ~ ---------· DICOUPAOI Beautifully. 11ttnttd hiscotr and techniqucS of dcrorariog :.,ith i-~r aitouts. Enjoy intettsting projecu for fua and profit! w .. 11091• Yo•S11V1U-. D•COUIHltJ9 , , , , , , , , ."o,,,,,,,, $ol.9S . COMl'Lm COUlSI JN On. PAINTING Over 200 illwrn.tions of "'"'«ep iasuucdo.a. in fttl'I' methods 0£ oif JIAinciqg , , • m1te- riab, tetting up your ptJcne, uses of li&ht, color. W .u $1j.(JQ• Yo# S•v• $10.01 OU P•lntlng , • , •••• ; •.•••••• M.ff ODTSllT IOOK Of AMlalCAN ·~ wn.o fLOWIRI 305 Jlowrts presented in la11r full color photo11 for irasy idrn:. tificauon. drsctiJ?rivc text, growc.h t.hararumt:ics. hab- jrar, etc.. WM $l2.1J• Yo# S111111U AGM• ken Wllcl rlowert .• ••• , • , •• $6..95 Alt OP Dl!INll P~N!f AND Pl.OWi.. ~ HdpfW gwde co f1.11,dn11 a.a.d •electi.q --{ planu, 1o1;...., ..... ....i ..... .,.4 -' . bat .Wied for colorlv.I un.apmenta. !Vi. ncititlg, Cftf.tin hobby! W • U.JO• YM 1 SllH $2.81 • v'I -' Art of Dryln1 Planh. • • .o .,. •, .1.6f TMITAI01' ~A-'· era av.idc to rad- i na 1tb e m11tic :l;.bolJ1m oa aadalc f~ taoe telliOI'. cards. """JJ.JJ•l'H .1"1. s.. 131 ··--- HOMI ~UWIN• WITMM (. JAILU. Compku iufoc:.. tioo foe ma.ldq JOQr owa beer, ale.acotir and d dit.. Be a ~•muter io 7011r ow.a ~om•-.•a.~ \A.T• llDOIH!Y ' bter, baicltihl9'o .{n o·o it '· " HO Flrffell Train Sat ':\r ~e'.-0· loctmOtl.YI.·! :s:ica:JI ~(.1Jack .) ' .. '"'"' •, -~ ]I . ' .... Jiorse Rides Hospital Elevator . -· . ' . . • OAKLAND' (AP) -A Per· I!<>, be_Qnd four teen-age aita hospital ·attenda!ll press· gir}s w~o also board horses e~ the service elevator button with bim took Poco Mr. on the fourth floot., and...wlten Sberba, a 5-year~ld' quarter Uie-cloors--opened, there stood horse stallion, in a trailer te a horse. -the hospital . • Wlille the-attendant rec.oiled--"If Ron ¥or~ says. h~1ll ~ In #f!se, the, el~vator tonli~-so~thlng! he 11 do 1t, said ueil up to tbe fifth, Door, the Miss· Davi:s. Mi-Se set foot iJ", the cOrridor:\;;~ii;;i;ii;ii;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"i i anl:f then rOde down again In REG. ·~·~8 SALE 1 s21.9z :; tbe1·eJev8tor. !It wlls all aecomplisbed on al •to b:et:by Ron York. man- a11tr ot·a tiding stable, and his frt~nd Kirn Davis, 15 or Pied- m"/'t. . Miss Davis. who boards her oW:ri horse at the stable, was hOfp'ital~ed on. the filth n~r fOf. S4fiery. · ~e said she. joki~gly told YQrk, .<1r11 bet you caa't get a }lo~ up on this Door." ,i- '· for Fine Oiemonds South Co11t Pl11• ltilfol •• th• San Di•to Fwy, Cott• M11• 540-9066 • ,, HO ·Thunde~lt Train Stt, Gear ~rl~e!l Dlt!~el w/3 Freight Cars w/pac'r< AEG. 127.98 SALE s15,97 .r : itl's;l'.imz.rwt:·.-.. ; HO Thund...-..k T111ln Set' -TWbt,D'"91 ·-&.car ttaln eet lea& pack REG. S27.98 SALE s17,97 " • n> " . Y·6B. USRA MA(LET 2.·8'8·2 BRASS 4·8·2 BOSTON & MAINE. LEHIGH & HUOSO'i . , ~ ..... ' ' " ··" ,. ' t· ; - •(IO.. $44.91 • .An er1ct 1c1lt 111ocr11 of lht most popu l1r 1rl_itul1ted fo comot!v1 ct 111 time. '"'$24$9 ··--iiiESEL toco :. READY T~ RUN ... .Drl•t• ; r t.uh ~ · i1'tralln1 , Htt'dU1hh ll~·tt.n ' ' --. ' .. $.ltE ~ RIVER RR •EC. $1?0.00 "" Hfnd Crllt•d J1p1n11e "'8r151 rowerful locomotive' u'td lor bot~ lrtl t 1nd hetvy pusen1er 'uvice . $77 77 HO SOCHA PLYMOUTH "MDT" INDUSTRIAL SWITCHER Ootr1tr"r htldlll"' & lllUI In rour '",JHll", Am1rle11'1 blJltd 1tllln1 locomotlv1_ .SS.88 1---. H_O _________ ___, 5!41A USRA 0·6·0 " ·. ' ' ,·. ' ·ff0·"-5211A OPERATING CRANE & WORK CABOOSE !i• ' ~ =-....---.,. ,._ REG. S7.91 s~~r . . . -' .. $4.88 STOCK CAR~ ll(G. O S2.41 . '"'i99¢ H-0 531DA RE,1:ER .$2.,9 • SAlE . 99¢ " HO SUQA SINGLE COME • ~ STEAM SWITCHER .., 1~J't ,_, . READY T!rRUrl 1 1 -ftfG. St lil79S--- SAL£ ·• ·~ $9.99 ----· -fealurrs oprral ing l!ead!ig~t and gear drive .. HO TRACK ij!!!i!!!!iiifiiii!h!IH!H!~· lS40 "· .2SlG fl £C. S~L[ 2~27 Dilint Cros~i•l G1te Rtrillltr 98e Wtt 2525 UncOUpler Tiit~ W/Fl1ure 9k l!t . ..., ' . . ' Rq:. S4.91 TANK CAR l~I •41111 Rtmote Control Swlltll ·$4.98 $2.IJ 2S02 ., lH RtmO\• Contrel Switch $4.91 S2.t7 ' ---- -•"" -- ' . GP-30.., 4 Car Set w/paek "~" , 42JSA MDT DIESEL ,S)'ilrCHf~ ' :--Pft . -·lllC. is:k .;{; .. "" ' .; ' . 13~88:., .· "It" REC. li.91 "" $1.29 • R~AIR S~OP REC. si:s1 S.ftt.E • $U9 RE G. 119.98 : SALE ' s12.97 REEFEl JUMBO C446A COVERED HOPPER • lt[,.,tl.M '"' 99C COAL MINE ..... ' -·u:...1 --!:.- '"' $2.66 .li:"fi"'· "" . $ S.llE . 99¢ 2507 *''RH Rtmott ltst Control $4.50 $2.11 2~ *'6 Lii ~t,nole ltn Contiol S4.SO $2.77 25!8 t>olltJle Shp Swltch $1.91 j'·'• 2S60 ~~¥ .. ~, 2Sl9 Sln111 Slip Switch $7.91 S.41 2Sl0 3•r1t1Tru1: 19C 2/S1.1f 2S60 II" R1di1n Cuf'ltd Trick 2SC 2/2~ £':; 25'0 9"StrilJ M Ttl t k 25{ 2/21; ~ ITEM 2~30 whtn purch1s1d !'!Ill ordtr -minimum ord1r 2t pcs, "=:' Regular retail µrtces will be higher 1n 1971 BUY NOW FOR BIGGEST SAVINGS EVER N G1u11e Thundtrbolt Train Stt F·7 Oleser, 3 cir Freight w/paek REG. ., ... , S] 0 97 SAL E 1 REG. S21.98 SALE Olb ~ Car Set w/pack s14,97 Q11 2-6-4 STtiM TANK ' ltCOMOTlY( •ea. Sl4.91 ""'$9.88 "/II" CHEMICAL FACTORY ~EC. S3.91 "" 12.» 2102 '"' .... 2131 "H .. ... AJ<.TO TRANSPORTER • ' W/12 CARS Str11111t l umoer Rtt1Uer f l•• lFl(k •u:. I~ ::i '" llEC. $3.11 SAlE • $2.88 JUMBO CISJA COV!R{O 'GONDOLI , ., .. -It••· $2.41 '"' 99¢ N5831 WATER MILL KIT WITH MOTOR a:tO.Sl.M Sl it • $1.97 ' ' • • • : . • l • ' ' 1 y lo u k • s r a n a c c d h .. SI N (1 ~ t< u " oJ ,, b lj n I> c: w ti .. p ti ... ' '· ~ ,, SC .. a EC 1 . ., ?tudent Report~rs .. ,• I • ' q 1 2 a 1 2 iftsk Nixon Coverage W A S H I N G T 0 N \AP)-aiiernated betW.;.. teyln& -;-to ThJ)ugh besltant at first, 19-take notes and recognize year-old Donna Greene soon rep9rten whose bylines sbe lost her Stage'rrtght and stbott knew. Afterwards &be aaid 'sbe up shouting "Mr. Presi~,1 • cftdii't think the press cOn- knowing full well $'.he probife! 1 fer,epce accomplished much"':'\ wouldn't be reeognlzed. \\; other students said· they "I wabted to IBk ·if he's ~~ also Wanted to aU;: the Presi-si~red let ti.rig s t u, d e o t de;rit • about irpproving com· reporters cover tbe.presklehcy munications with yo u ·QI as a way to improve com-people. Several were crt\!Cal munications between t b e of the coriference forMat; 'al administratiOn aid. c o 11 e g e . Well 8!l some of the questions. ccmrnunitit.s," said the Syra..---'"'l'he conference was over cuSe University ·junior. "I much too quickly," s a Id dkin't come to Metribarrass Stephen z rt k e , 21, 1 bim." Dartmouth senior. "The ques- Miss Greene was one of tions tended to be superficial · several high school and college ana no new information wai students invited to President pthered, no· new i3IUN were Nixon's recent news con-raised and there was no ne ference after writing ta the u n d.e.r st l\~.d in a: ,of -.. ., White House, ex.presSing in-~nt'• poucy;;-P:Os!tion:~ · terest in attending. ~ ~s,{1:1, •J.Junilf 7,524 .. . ' r ' t • • \ • ' Although the White House fro'm '·the· \.U•r1ItY o . made it clear the stu~ents Redlarids ~ ~'The Presiden were there as guests and was adq. tit .,et 'ij -.ltbDU& , J. 1 ~· \. abServe,rs, not r ·e porter. s , . follow.Up q!-*I~":--~; · . "., . " s.eyeral joined MtSs Greene in 1 "l wesn"t !tha{f Uh · · • · • " \ trying to get in a question. but sure, I'd .. like to come None succeeded, • again," said Robert Go ,lrfiss Greene. who is con-16. a~ riporter :i.:r his Newton, ~ed about the President's Mass., high,.._schOol paper, The 4bility to communicate with Newtonite. YQUng people. said she would "Nixon said in his 1969 e1» l~e to see Nixon make more paign he wanted. to brinl the ~of school newspapers. ~ntry toge~r." Gortiqn "Things are pretty bad said. "I wanted to Uk blm nOw," she said in an interview what specific actions be wu before the conferenct. taking to fulfill this promise to "Even when the President American youth." dOes things right, student.s The , t h i n . freckltrfaced ~on't believe in his sinc.er}iy. young m~'"'said \le thought-the *1Jdent reporters might". llelp President bandied, .bi m re If close the credibility gap on superbly, ~but . "aome of\tbe campus." questions asked bY 'the prest In a red-and-white blouse were rather sol~" · .. with a navy midi skirt slit to Asked ii he considered cut- the knee, Miss Greene found a ting his modishly long, curly seat about 20 feet from the locks for the occas.ion, Gordon President, where, throughout said somewhat indignantly the 36-minute conferen~, she "Wh at do·youlJJean? J·did:u·' -· DELUXE SNAK PAK $8.111°' -' ' . Mild Midget Longhorn, Edam Bu, four Ch .... Spruds, Gouda. ~mokf (Siiaobd Cht+.-~ • • Bar}. Balle Flem Cheue, Cracbrs. Oval W.,_ ... M8ltard ud imported candies. . ' TASTY TIUO if I ' ' I Here ore tluW alft ,..,... Foar BEEP STICK, SmokJ [lmi>bd Cb.- &nd • 8 oz. far ofs.not.aot lftatilil. fl •t"AW ·•4&Mil~ c ..,.,,.,, ·• ·-i1ia ftalt ?1m ' lllSTllAfWl ........ T,CllTI MA . ..,. ...... , .................... _--l -----· ' •' • . , • ; -. ' . ' • " .. •• • • ' 4 • r up_• 0 ,, • -.. ~ " .; ,. • " "' ' .. .. . . -. ... • . ·''"' ,, " •. ) . .~' •, 1 .' ' '... I I ~ ,. . .:... ,·---'1 ~~ \ "'' .. } : " ' ' ' . . • , ,• , ' I ' ,'. ', I ' , ~ ' . . ' ~ . I . ... -. •; ...... '' ' ' -~ : ' ' ·' ' . i , . .. .. ' ' ' .. ' , '• ' ~·~,!.~!ft11montte Tho DAIL·Y,.tO-T;'Wlll., Doc. 1', 1'7!-.f . ' ' . ' .. • ' soft nylon sleepwear; pajamas and c~~~ From Gossard Artemis; SOft, smooth sleepwear. For the · · . · ~h who loves tailored simplicity ... Pajamas and match ing coat Striking in na~.or tan, brighten~ with white. Of nylon tricot that washes with ease. A·gift slit's sure to appreciate. · From Gossard Artemis. ; a. coat,' sizes s.m-1 b. pajama, sizes 32-40 ma'y co lin(lerie 1 O 11.00 11.00 ' . ~· I ',", ,; I, ' " ' . ·'· .. ' ·~ ' • ·' • '·' . . ~ :~ i ~ ~ -~ ~ ., -~ . ' •• ·I :: t. ' . '· .. ' ' . " • .. " ... ., ~ '.it . -: :! .• . . J ., I ·\ ! ' ' I • 1 • ' I • Season Changes Face of Poland WARSAW (AP) -Christ· mas ii a season when Poland looks least lili:e the Conunu- nist state it is. Roman Catholic sources predict an overwhelming ma- jority of the 33 million Poles will attend midnight Mass in one or the country's 13,200 churches. Shop Y.'indows are aglow with Christmas trees and col- ored lights. Greeting cards a~ also in abundance. Polish kids are vjsiting red robed Santa Claus at depart- ment stores -although he is oCficially ca lled "Grandfath- er Frost." The Polish house"'Ue, long accustomed to nagging food queues, apparently is in for a treat. Shopkeepers report that the govern ment will put out large quantities or goodies in the final Christmas week. Rare imported items for Polish eyes "'ill be bananas, grapefruit and oranges. They will cost about a dollar per pound, very expensive when compared with the average monthly wage Qf $96. Shops have also been pro~ lsed plenty of meat. The gov· ernment is believed to be holdlng back supplies for the Christmas rush. • Two pounds of pork loin coet $f.50. More than the av- erage daily wase. Pouliry is mucb cheaper. A chicken 5ells for about $2. Plenty of clothes and leath- er goods are available but al high prices. A man's sui t takes more than a month's \\'ages. Christmas trees cost $1 to $6. Toys, one of Poland"s top export items, are plenti- ful, but often ex~nsive. A small electric train in one Warsaw' store sells for about quarter of a morilh't aalary. For tbe nine-counie Feast of the Vigtlia on <Jui.stm&.!I Eve, some families keep to tradition by laying a white tablecloth over hay, to com- memorate the birth of Christ in the ,manger. In the coun- . tryaide morsels are taken from the table and given to fann animals. ~--......... 7"""'" Sjlflepn°•~ pf11 Barr ton The store-tvithin-a-store at May Co. 's Costa ~·Jesa location which caters to the campus and dress-up tastes of you ng men (Barrton Haij) has been moved to a new location. It's on the second floor now, just at the south entrance tOtlie bJ~ South Coast Plaza department store. Barrton Hall Shop still offers the same mixture of fine brand names. Only the location has been changed. Christmas ahead lots of pantyhose on Santa's gift list mesh, sheer, cantrece pantyhose $1.99 • } oin Alber'ts HOSIERY CLUB 1 PAl~FIEE Wrth 0 PufdloMof12 P'tifn. HOSIERY · South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa UJ'Pt'' man next to May Co. Bristol at the Son Diego freflWay 540-4997 :: .. . ' :· " • • :· :- . -: ' ' ...... Universities ~udy New Plan For Long-term School Fundi.ng '--------------.... --------·\ . ·. Tiie MOTHER'S RING" ., TIM .UJOcltlM l"rtu support with private foun-r----------'------------------------------< Twin b•nd1 of 1<4K t•I" 1ymbol i10 Mothor •nd F•fher - jOined bv l111trou1 1ynf"•lic 1t•n•• of the month, ... for ••ch child in tho ftmily. . She'll cheri sh tht 'Molh•r'1 Rint fo r•~•• Dtc11110 1h1'H ~now you could t iv• h•'f nothin9 more indivi .. utl, mo11 p1non•l, mor1 5't•lftc•. • Spt cl•I 0CC•1 lo11 or "j111t lt.ct111t", t iYt ll1r th1 t ift of 1 milllo11 h•ppy m1morit1 -Tht Mofhtr'• Ri119."" .... ...tl~1••• ONLY tht Motllor'1 Rint <•rrio1 a ttt with U.S. P•ftnf .fll l6,llJ • , look for it. Pric.d f,.111 $21.00 -ehi~ ACCESSORIES SOUTM COAST PLAZA - C.OSTA MfSA H ......... C....,_,.,.,.. Pork e e~ ·Our best Yale and several other universitieii are negotiating for private support of a pl an to allow students to finance their education on a long-term basis -perhaps 30 years -through paym~nt of a percentage of their earnings after gradua- tion, a Yale spokesman said. Called the deferred tuition payment plan, it is designed as a new way to eventually meet ri!ing collese operali!Jg costs without having to in- crease tuitlo'n, already at record levels, the spokesman said in a telephone interview. The spokesman said "the Ivy League and some small private co!Ieses are actively involved wllb Yale" in finding Glftthelb!Jlr ~zag portable sewing machine bJ' Singer wilh case. Makes buttoo-- holas, embroiders.·$139.95. Give One lbuch Sewing on the newest Golden Touch & Sew' sewing machine by Singer in lhe handsome Bakersfield desk. Features lhe • exclusive Push-Buuon Bobbin, a buil!-ln button · holer, plus a choice of nine stretch s11tches. FREE INS~UCTIO~S show you how to use FREE DELIVERY anywhere 1n the U.S A dations for the plan. H>. declined to name the founClations and other schools involved. 1-te said he believed that Yale is the only school hopeful of being able to put the plan into effect next yea r. He said the idea or the plan is to orrer students the option of financing part or their educational costs on a very long-term basis, perhaps 30 years. Graduating students would then pay a percentage or their annual income to the university. The percentage paid would depend WI the amount of tuition deferred . Students are prfsently able to get government loans to firiance education but such loans are b ecomi n g in- creasingly difficult to obtain. Government loans also come with fixed interest rates and the aver-age payment time is limited to about three years after graduation. Under the Yale plan, the borrower \\'ould pay a fixed percentage of his income. A graduate who went on to become wealthy 'W o u I d therefore pay more than a man of lesser means. Yale President Kingman Brewster, speaking of the plan, told.the Yale Dally News that the program is hopefully "a new way of financing education on a national basis with government support." The government is not presently involved in Yale's attempts to institute the plan. the spokesman said. lie said Brewster was expressing the hope that if the plan got popular support, eventually the government might take over administration of it in much the way it handled the GI bill after World War II. "I can't really give any of the details in the middle of negotiations," Brewster said, adding that the "outside deadline for the ahnouncement of any new tuition plan, should it be approved, would have to be the middle of January at the latest" "If \\"e know where we stand early enough in January," he said. "then we might ex- periment with the plan ·next year. Otherwise we wOu!d have to wait a year." Bre\\'&ler said the plan would not reduce the number of gift scholarships at Yale. About 50 percent of the students at Yale are on scholarship. BOOKS BOOKS your new ~~ seW1ng _mach1ne. including Alaska and Hawaii. FREE GIFT WRAP all bnghl and Pe-nbboned -GIVE A SINGER GIFT CE RTI ACATE IO"""' )'OU CIYistrnas IJ&-ups. IO tho lr1encl wno·s halO IO shol> kl< . Tiit llrigorUtJF ~ 1'191-""' keep Cto1 __ ,.....lludgit ••• . . BOOKS or you maydejer monlhfy paymenisbU Fee., 1971. Or-use tho Singer t.ay.Awayl'tan-<lOJ)OOI holds ;itlYilembl Dec. 19. Foraddreesofthe SlngcrSe..;ngeonter Gett11e SINGER cnirit' n&areS!)'OU.9l8Wh1rePages '"+"''. urxfer SINGER COMPANY, "A "t'°""""' cl TIE: SINCli;R CQMPNff. COSTA MISA •n.'91&~ ... _ ---- COSTA MISA i• "'"" •"11. ........ ~ "'"""" Ctllltr BOOKS aTJICMCL'I' WCI' lf'OCIC • fvM1"p 'lll 11 PICKWICK ~ BOOKSHOPS lltutJI t.Mlt '11.ta, C.1.1 ...... $41)-111_, __ 114l HoUywDlld l!rd. lloll)'lllOOd (ll)l HO Nltl ' - acific • av1ngs • • • • • • • • • • AllD LDAll ASSOCIATIOll for maintaining-a $50022 balance in -any of our high rate accounts-take your choice. - ANNUAL YIELD ANNUAL RATE MIN. BALANCE MIN.YEARS 6.18\ 6.00\ 5,000!!! TWO 5.92\ 5.75\ 1,000~ ONE 5.39\ 5.25\ 500!!! %th 5.13\ 5.00\ 1!!! ONE DAY AN IMPORTANT EX I RA Your money earns interest from the day you deposit. till the da~ you withdraw even if ifs just one day. ~-ASK HOW YOU CAN RECEIVE, SE1MCE CHARGE ~ FREE ,. ~111111~· 1. Traveler's Checks 3. Tlcketa to Spot .. encl . . · ~SY~,,,. 2. Collection of Notes Theatre Attractions (Ttcketron) ~ 4. Many other FREE Servlcee OPEN NIGHTand DAY Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30 A.M. to. 9:30 P.M. Saturday 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3333 8RISTOL STREET • COSTA lll9A, CAUl'OllllA • PllOllE ~ J . ~llom'iiii;;...ii?ftiilf?iiilMR .. ME .. lllR .. IEillllRISS .. 1?1111RlllRIPllSl .. IPllPl .. lllRREMRSOl"..,SOl.., .. .., •• ~a=-m.., .. ~--~-MiiM·0..~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • \ \ South Cout Pin• Supplement to The DAILY PILOT, Wed., Dec. 16, 1971'--7 Santa Discb rtnected OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) 'Jlie Telephone Company ·his diSconnected Santa Claus, the re&ul~ lhey swamped '1ulpment a~ bacted up into other subscrfbers' telephone numbers. ·S11gar Crop Depresses Cubans For a time, children could \1\sit Witfl'Santa by di'<iling a specified number, a project of an electroni cs firm . But a Southwestern Bell, Telephone Co. official said as. many as 22,000 calls a day· "-'ere burning up the lines with ' 1.4.Dll:S 'Fl:IUl't' \t,LOlRRO•l: .•• 'f\JOO""'M. OttP ~"'~-G<t•~ "'"""· .. SM 8-10. MEO lZ-1 ... l11g• 1& 1e ...... ,ao. rooo1.t.R ~ J l !llPSllF, •• \1•11-"'AQuo •• 2r, ;IT. 'T ..••• f.5. Now ~:hen the kids dial~they get . a recorded mes s age saying: "I'm sorry, but the number to Santa ·c1aus has been dis- connected. He's getting ready -for ~s trip on Ch ristmas Eve.'' 1"\faking 1-Ier Beel NEW YORK (AP) Failure to reach Premier Fidel Castro's goal ot a IO. ~milllon-tOn sugar crop, plus the lack of con_sumer goods, has left many Cubans depress- ed and io a grim mood, the New York Times reported tO· day. The Times dispatch was sent from Havana l;ly two Cana d ia n fr e e lance journalists, James Reed and his wife, B~verley. Although th e fii1al sugar lnll· put was only 8.5 million tons, ~· il did set a Cuban record, the ' story says. The report relates milk pro· duction is down, and the meat rations for each person stands ' -al,J.hree-quarters of a pound ri , .,l'Cek. Housi ng also "is in in- 9easingly short supply ." ''Clothing is inc~asingly dif- ficult to obtain and Pren1 ier Castro has wa rned of even more serious shortages iri tex- . tiles,'' the account s a id . 1 "Cigarettes are rationed at ' two packages per person· each week ... also in short supply are costume j!'we!ry, women's stockings and plastic hair ·curlers ... a pair of nylon stockings on the black market is priced up to$!~. A package of chiclets from Mexico will bring $5." In addition lo "chronic \\'ater shortages," I.he story continues, "those Cubans '11ho slill own cars arc rare, since irnports of private automobiles in Cuba have been suspended All it t8kes is a garden hose, lots of water and some place to plug the heatin~ since 1961." element into electrical current. Those are the components for preparing King Public telephones , "111h<'n .,.. .: Koil's new water bed for use. The luxury of "floating." sleep atop a vinyl mat-they are working ," are free, .','i.-'.;.: /J.-.,>,.. the report ers write, add ingc -~ \ tress full of heated \vater has to be experienced to be appreciated. The revolu--r .... ! '.,.-'J. · .~:; tionary. water bed is available at Sears Costa Mesa (South Coast Plaza) and "educalion Is free for \.. .. t: can be delivered to your home in time for Christmas. , . everyone but, it is said, a stu-'t-J-:,..~·· / ·'..,. dl'nt n1 us l be politically in-~·:.~ · &.· ' .. ::~. r---------------------------------tegrated to receive a f i n a 1 such as m'edicine and lltw." "Among radical students," the account states. "there is a strong un~ercurrent of criticism of e c o n o m ic fnanagemcnt by the Cuban Communist party and the g9vern1nent bureaucracy.:__ Special! 5.99 Fringe Bootie 3 DAYS 4so ONLY! I Pow! \Vow! The Indian hootie is all the news in tan ' j ,.pHt suede "'ith soft-walking vrhipstitched sole and ~ 1 load! of fringe all around. Save now on a favo rite! , louftl Coast ?Jaza Costa Mesa I f. /~ -~ degree in the key professions t . 1 :.:''.J N ew Hope for Mexica n Farmers '--'---~-------- .. . • . . ' .• · .. • •• . .. ·. ~ ' ,-:. MELCHOR OCAMPO, Mex-desert spotted with 26 ejidos-The government will al so ~ ico AP-"We!come Mr. Pres-the communa l farms that spend abou t $6.4 million over .;~~· · ident to the door to the des-grew out of Mexico's land the next four years on irri- ~ ert." revolulioil a half century ago. gation projects. schools and •. 1 The banner v.•as strung a-For the people who live on sanitation. This will include • cross Ocampo's u n pa v e d those farms little has changed help for construction or re- main street. since the days of the revo-huild ing of I,600 farm houses, Faces Of peasant farmers lution. They still try to force two health centers and three ref\ected._ surprise as they a living from the desert with schools. One school will teach watched"." their president and primitive methods. managing uew agriculture techniques. his party stir up cli;iuds o( only a marginal existence far Eleven states or terl'itories white dust in walklng 'through from me current of this coun-in Mexico contain arid lands. the streets of this outpost in try's flourishing economy. Echeverria plans 5,000 miles the,florthern state of Coahllila. The average income for a of rural road:; in the next six OCampG is indeed a ''door head of household in this area years al a cost of about $20 to ih~ desert."· The surfaced is $28.32 a month. million, plus 665 irrigation pro- road from the outside world President Luis Echeverria jects costing $52 million. ends at the city's limits. Be· -48. promised in his inaugural Next year he expects to yond, there is nothi ng but address Dec. I to do some-spend at leasl $11.3 million for at thing.. ab!wt !he problems of fa rm cattle and reforestation the "campesinos" and thei r projects. Much of !h-is s-pending - . poverty. He called this the 'I-Vil! be aimed ~t agriculture most serious problem Mexi-diversification. co faces. Echeverria flew north on an His visit to the northern de-exet:utive jct that seats only scrt was his way of showing-eight people. thus avoiding the he means business. He has ~ 'flock of politicians y,·ho usu- created a national Arid Lands ally want to go along. He Commission "to promote de-was aCcorcipanied only by his velopment of the arid zones of closest ad~isers and the see- the country." retaries of agriculture, of pub- About half of Mexico's land lie works and of hydraulic re- RAY WILSON'S MEN'S SHOP SOUTH COAST PLAZA EVERY DRESS SHIRT IN 'STOCK' .. ONE DAY ONLY THURSDAY, DEC. 17 area is considered arid, land1_c':.:•:.:"':.:':.:':::'·-------~----':....0=====~-~--.:__-----------------­on which no cereal crops will grow without irrigation or land where croj>s fai l at least half the time beca use r<Un- GAF 660 • lnclud11 c1mt'1, l1tt1rl1s, Color Film, f laUtcube Ind Stnip, • T1k11 Color or lllCk Ind Whllt Plcturt1 JIEG. $12.fl SLIDE PROJECTO,R GAF. SC tz Super 8 Zoom M~vie Camera • U111 Regular or Rotary Tr1y1 • M1·nu1I Control for Easy Op1r• atiol'I. • Brilliant 500 Watts Illumination • S1lf.Ccnt1ined Carrying C111 Re g. S47.99 $ Famous Brand 88<. ... Your M11tt r Ch1r11 . .. llnkAmtr~ • Electric Eyt for Ptrf1ct MllYitl • Drop.'" Lotd lnr • complett With Pistol Grip Rag. $59.99 KODAK COLOR FILMS INCLUDING PR.!ICESSING BY OUR LAB Processing in cluded by our Lab, Kodacolor 126· 12 film w/proc11sing. ~:i·o -···--~ s3J1 4Codt chromt s.,.. per I Rim l /Pro· c1s1in9 s3n btJ.SU5 .• SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3333 BR~TOL ~T SAN DIEGO FREEWAY COSTA MESA 546·00Sl fall is scarce. Echeverria is tell ing the farmers not to expect spoc- tacular overnight results, and i~ urging them to help him help them. He inaugurate d here one of the self-help pl~ns. This area's main product is candelia _ wax, _a subs~nce WRh several uses, the most im- portant as an ingredient in the hard white coveri ng of some kinds of chewing gum . The Ocampo area produces one -fourth of Mexico's na - tional candelia wax production and exports large quanlltles to the United States. But ov- erproduction has forced down the pr ice and built enormous stocks in Coahuila warehouses. Echeverria· wants to stop production for a while put the Canners to work build ing roads. They v.•i!l be paid the mini- mun1 v.•agc of $2 a da y and their own contractors for 400 miles of dirt toads. r..1achines v.111 be used" sparingly so the construction will take longer. Thal wage is more than double the average daily in- conte frorn the land he re, so the government hopes this v.•i!I stimulate the region's cronon1y \vhlle federal and stri le riulhoritics look for new 'vay!l to provide ~tcady cm. ployment for the 13,960 ejide farmers ln the Oca mpo area . For . Fine Wefcftes 1,1.tol "* S•11 01•90 Fwy, Coile M11 t 5'40·906~ Soulh Co11t Pf111 t e ristmos-....... t/f;/~4-' f~ffe-ttfJ!if/£,~ &»~&;~iffe~,(/-' The Hooke r ... desk- top diversion ' Competit ive ring-tos s game. 8.50 Concentrics Circle within a ci rcle within a ci rcle ... Magnet Magic! 10.00 EXEC UTIVE SANDBOX The ultimate in desk accessories ... for an enterta1 ning diversion. Complete with sand . . 10.00 We gladly gift !'rap every purchase'FREE! SOUTH COAST PLAZA-COSTA MESA-540-7187 t lso loc•ttd in ''The City" -Orange Lakewood Center -Lakewood H oll te b• ht ''Tyler Mall" -Riverside • \ . l ' l I (, r 1 • ! I I "I I . ' I . I I I ! L DMoiftM~ 16, lt70 . SoUth C .. at Pl•u S.Ctlon P•ge I • • ··~.:PREST® spOrt shirts handsomely s·~tyle4 fol" mature men • ,, ' I ~ .. • "'' I -· -' priced just right -for the holiday seas_on RegUlar•6 SAVE •3 OJ}. 2 ' $ for '· ' . ' Ilse att short aleeve PERMA-PREST sport shirts that have the ,---liiitafM!.9 look and fine feel of silk. In a handsome blend ofJ>acron• • - ~ and·cottoii. Choose a solid or pattern, 6-button front with matdling bmton• and bandy cheot pockets. They're on sale now at gree!HvingO! Uu Sean R'et:olvi 11g Chargr. Sears IUIHA PAall: TA 14400, .$21 ... »0 IL MONTI ot Wttt CANOGA PAllt J4~1 OU'NDAU CM S.tOCM,. Q .... 11 COM"°'9 NI ... '.1511, Nl 2•f7t1 HOLLYWOOD HO ... ,.., lldl,9(9•.QANDCO. COVJNA f•6-ot11 fHOUWOOD OI: 1·2121 LONG llACN HI J.0121 Ol.TMPtC & JOTO A"N l •S211 OUNOI 6i7"'2100 P ... IAlllNA •11·3211, JS1..C211 .., Nfthh .... .,. through Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M., Sr.ow.lay 12 Noon to S P.M. 0 Satisfa,tion Guoranteecl or Your Money lock.11 ' --------- POMOlt4 NA M161 PICO WI .... M2 IANl'A MIA ICI 74*11 tAHTA Pl ININOJ ....U11 IAHl'A MONICA IX •·6711 \ - : Searshns everything · for him I """" -.............. lHOUI,_, OAll..,.... TO~Mia1111 VAW'I" PO a.M61., """2m Vt•MONr Pl. •·1911 • Fe~~ting -fi avo rs Fine FG.ods , • The" Hanukkah feast, celebrated this year by. Jews the \l.'orld over Dec. 23-30, is a joyous festival. Jt commemorates the recovery of, ~ temple in Jerusalem by the Maccabee warriors in the year 165 B.C. Israel bad been captured by Antiochus, wbo dedicated tbe temple to the v.·orship of Zeus. When the Jews recovered the holy plaCe, ~y. purlfll!H the altar and once more wished to kindle the "eternal light" customarily burned berore the ark ol the Talmud. The only conseerated oil retnaining was a tiny vial ... enough to burn for one day. Afiraeulously, the oil burned for eight days. It was then decreed that every year the eight days beginning with the ?ilh of Kislev by the Hebrew c~en· dar should be celebrated by burning candles to commemorate the evenL And so the beautiful holiday ts known as the Festival of Lights or Festival ol Illumina- tion. Every holiday requires a fine Ieast and the Jewish homemaker serves really special food for Hanukkah. Brisket ot beef, simmered in a splendid sauce, is perfection for the festive dinner. Into· the pan with the brisket go grapefruit; juiCe, tomato paste, carrots, celery and season- ing. The brisket simmers for •bout two hours until tender, is removed_ to a pltt· ter, and the cook finishes ti# 5'11ct with a little brown· sugar. The ·~ sugar and grapefrug juice1c0mbile to lend the sauce a won8'rfuP1 ~eeMart flavoc. , Noodle ~1, 'a· b:l.ked pudding, tarns up for many, a•Jewi.6fi(hollday. Oodles of broad ~ .rpmbif\e with·~~. cream and cottage·fhe"tse ahdi'our.vers1on adds chunks or app~s •. or,n&e stctiOns and juice, s.ua:ar, ciJtwnoil and v.anilla. This kugel is a . wondef{ul luncheon ac· companiment for ·~dairy menu during the Hanukkah 1tason. Hanukkah ls a'most joyous holiday ••• and the recipes tfiat follow will help make the feast memorible. Happy Hanukkah! ')IANUK~AH BRISKET 4 pounds beff brisket I t.ablt¥>poon Oil 2 cups! ga"'ruit juice I can (6 e11lices) t.om1to paste 2 mFdiwn onions, sliced I cli9'e: garlic 2 teupoons salt ~~ teaepoon Tabasco pepper sauce 3 Cf!TOlS, cut in Z.inch pieces 3lit. celery, cut in Jo.inch pieces 'It.· !;IP 'pecked brown sugar .. tn )sc9. ~ or Dutch oven brown brisket. in olL Combine grapefruit juice and.tomato paste ; pour over brisket. Add eniOk, aarUc, Ah. Tabuco, carrots and . ....,... ·~ Covei-and simmer J to 2'rii hours or un- -til tender, turning biiSket after r i r s t hOUf. Remove brisket to platter, and stir brown sugar into sauce in skillet. Slice ... • brisket and serve with sauce. Yield: 6 to I seryings. • ·HANUKKAH NOO.mt-Ptlt>DING 1 box (12 ounces) broad egg noodles 1/z cup plus % tablespOons sugar divided ~2 cup soJt butter or margarine I cup (8 ounces) sour cream Classic Ch eese Spre ad Yul~ Log Wreathed 'Tis the sea.son for frosted noses and window pane• -so why not frosted party spreads? . Any ..homemaker capable of wielding a spltula can turn out an elegant -and highly original -party spread shaped as a Christmas wreath or tree. The "'frosting'' Is already made, for you simp- ly whip cream cheese with mllk! , HOLIDAY ~HE~E SPREAD 1 l:tip Amer1can blue clletle (about I ounces, crwnbled) I CUPI cheddar, RJ:aled (about Y. pound) • l kunce eackage cream cheeae 2 tablespodns grated onion I tablespoon Worcestershire sauce Have three cheeses at room tem- perature. Blend_ well with WOrcestershlre sauce and grated onion. Chin. On serving platter, shape lnto wreath or tree. Fros!, decorate and chill until serving time. Frostlrig Soften one additional a-ounce package cn:am cfiee.se with 2-3 tJbleapoons milk. Beat 1n blender or electMc mixer until mixture reaches the consistency of cake frosting. I cup (8 ounces) creamed cottage cheea< 4 eggs,· beaten I teaspoon vanilla 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 can (6 ounces) frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed, undiluted I large cookiJl&_.apple, pared1 cut in ama.._ ~ea and li:6(ed - 2 cups orange sections Cook noodles according to package directions; drain; toss with 1h cup sugar. Mix together butter. sour cream. coltage cheese, eggs, vanilla, cinnamon and un· diluted orange conctnt.rate~ stir in apple and noodles. Turn into a 13 x 9 x Z.inch greased bak- ing dish: sprinkle with remaining 2 table- spoons sugar. Bake in 350 degree P. oven lor 50 minutes. Serve with orange sec- tions. Yield: 12 servings. Masterpiec·es of Art Edible ' Yule Buffet Blooms Under Deft Hand By JODEAN HASTINGS Of l!ot D1itJ P'ikll St1H Artistry in the kitchen was displayed Coast Hom emakers by Dick Detanna. i::x· ecutive chef of the Sheraton Beach lnn , Huntington Beach. Using a turkey and a ham as his can- vas the youthful chef painted them with colorful preserving glazes and added tomato roses on stefT\S created from leek leaves and a flower nosegay designed with thinly sliced carrots, olives and red cabbage leaves cut with a truffle cutter. The cutter is available in most hardware stores. "We can't use it in competition." he explained, •·but you can cheat at home." The glamorous additions to any holiday bulfet table first were roasted and chilled before being encased in Chaud-Froid (meaning hot and 'CC)ld) sauce. FESTIVE EFFECT Detanna suggests using the stock f~m whateve r meat is to be glazed combined with boiling water, unflavored gelatin and mayonnaise. For an additional festive ef· feet , food coloring may be added and a thin coating of the aspic spread over the platter and decorated as a base for the piece de resistance. . He used a mixture or lour ounces of gelatin, tv"o quarts of boiling water (or water combined with stock) and a quart and a half of mayonnaise strained through a fine sieve into a bowl resting in ice. Stirring gently to avo id creating bub- bles, the chef pronowiced the sauce ready lo be used when it coated the spoon. \Vhile waiting for the sauce to "eel" the dexterous chef used a sharp paring"knife to verlicaU y separate leek leaves which had been parboiled in salted water to re- tain color and make them more pliable. From these he fashioned his flower stems. When the sauce reaches proper con- sistency it should be poured -not ladled -over the meat which has been placed on a rack. 'l'be sauce wb!ch does not adhere iS caught in a pan underneath and may be reheated aod used 8galn1 Oetan- na explained. ADDITIONAL ·GLOM Each piece of tri1nming shoul<t be dip- ped ln a clear gelatln mixture before being placed on the tur~ey or ham, and additional gloss may be added by pouring a similar mixture over 'the 'completed producL When completely sealed the meat \Viii keep t¥.·o to three weeks in lhe refrigerator and four to five hours on !he buffet table. Ordinary potato salad becomes more appealing when, after smoothing tlie top with a spatula, it is garnished with food- colored mayonnaise nowers formed \Vilh a pa stry tube or ordinary paper cone, and tomato roses. To create roses Detanna selects firm- sklnned tomatoes and with a sharp knife, peels them from the bottom keeping the skin intact. The skin then is laid nat, remaining in· side pulp gently scraped away, and notched at intervals to permit easy roll· Ing and create a petal effect. After roll· ing them Inside out the petals are pulled out and the finished rose dipped in the aspic. ENTREE A SHOWPIECE For special buffet entertaining Delanna likea to see the ham or turkey treated as a sbowpieee by giving it height and color. He suggesls putting it on a box covered with a contrasting cloth, or tipping one end of the platter to display the decora- tions. Timbales tnay be placed around the meat for added appeal, and his were created with tiny baby peas and sliced cooked..carrots. other vegetables may be used. After coating tndividual molds with the clear aspic until it starts to congeal around the sldes, the excess aspic is poured out and the lightly co11ted vegetables added to fill. 'The aspic might be lightly seasoned with Chicken stock or bQuilUon. -Detanna, who placed third in the nation with his entry in the Miami Food Show, al90 is an accomplished sculpturer in ice and can transform a 300-pound• block or ice into a swan in -approximately 45 minutes. It took eight. 300-pound blocks fused together to fashion a three-masted tchooner and to do this he had to work in the refrigerator at 13 degrees below zero. For his Ice carving he wes a five-pronged ice shaver and wood chisels. Gl\EW UP COOKING Although he went to the University of North Carolina on a football scholarship and intended to become a dentist, Detan4 na claims he grew up cooking spaghetU •nd pizzas. Followlr.g a death in the family he went ARTISTIC BUFFET Chol Dick Detoma to Florida and worked hill way across country by cooking in v a r t o u 1 restaurants. "I probably worked in 20 restaurants in my first year. I'd learn everything I cuuld in one place, and go on to another.'' said lhe young man, whose culinary skil ls also y,·ere sharpened by reading .every book Ile could find regarding cooking. Detanna COOCIUdect h.is program by showing slides depicting true arUstry in rood displays taken at varlo\1.1 shows throughout the country, --------------- • . '. 1U ANDlltSON, Mltw WMllftllff, ~ 1 .. ltn Pett » Ho me News Nutrition r Notions Cracked By DOROTHY WENCK or-c-tt ..._ "'¥1 .. r Some people have the nutty notion that nuts are not nutritious. But the fact is that nuts are highly nutritious . They are the seed !tom which new planls grow and so must contain concentrated nutrients for this first growth. Nuls contain fat, protein, starch, Iron and B vitamins. From SO to 60 percent of the nut is fat, which provides the most potent storehouse . of energy for the growth of tbe new plant. (Fat contairui two and a fourth times more calories per ounce than either protein, starch, or sugar.~ · . " It's this high fat content which causes folks to look upon nuts with suspicion. And it's true -a level tablespoon at. cbopi)ed nuts suctt as peanuts, walnuts.· or pecans hu about 50 calories . . But remember, nut calories are no~ ~pty calories since other nutrients ac· company them. Just don't sit down and eat a cup or nuts unless you can. aHord the .xi calories - Nuts are fun to crack and eat out of thr- shell.· Having to stop and crack tben; slows you down , too, so you don't e11l s~ many. · But if you're buying nuls for baking then you may wonder whether it's mori economical to Duy them shelled or in th shell. The answer, of course, will depeni on how much you have to pay per poUDl for the shelled and unshelled nuts. Usually shelled nuls cost more becaUlt' of the extra:·1aOOr~ in'fdHtd._"1trlhelllnj_ them. If you. hav& (l"te \abet -for eJ ~Pie, .chil~n ~r~~ gr8?dP8 who want · sometnmg to do ;..:.... -thei)·.~ t1nshelle. Mla ~ay tJ&.a: barp.iu.,,. ......... You can usuo~ Oi!w.\J~I a pound ' nuts in the stle!l \fill' )+it'ld"· about half pound of shelled nut! or about I 1Ai cups <l kernels. An exception is peanuts where pound in the shell yields about 2/3's poun, of kernels, or slightly more than 2 cups. When you buy nuts in the shell, look fo those that are clean and free from scar. cracks, or holes. The kernt'I should 1¥: rattle if the nut is well-filled out. When you buy shelled nuts, look fo kernels that are (f}'-piump and meat) for full flavor and freshness, (2) eris and 6rittle -limp, rubbery, shrive le kernels denote staleness, (3) uniform i sire and color if they 8J1jo.-be used as garnish.· . lf you buy nuts in quantity for u.~ throughout the winter. you will want 1 store them so as to maintain the freshness. This meam protected from o: ygen in the air and from high ten peratures, both of which may cause tt fat in the nuts to become rancid . Nuts in the shell retain high quali1 · longer than shelled nuts, and whole nu' stay fresh better than nuts in piece, . Store nuts in the shell in a Cool, dr .. place. Avoid storing them in a dam place. Shelled nuts keep fresh for sever: months when stored in !ightly closed co1 tainers in the refrigerator. For longl keeping time, freezer storage is best. Shelled nuts packed in u n o p e n e • vacuum-pack cans will keep well in cool dry place, but will maintain eve bett~r freshness it stored in refrigerate or free:zer. Some cookbooks adVlse preserving nui by heating them in lbe oven, but this oot a good practice because temperaturl above 110 degrees cause the oil in tt · nuts to break down and lt will then tur rancid in a few weeks. QUESTIONS WE ARE ASKED Q. ts there an easy wly to get ti coconut meat out of the shell? A. To open a coconut, pierce the "eye; with an ice pick or large naU. and dra: 1 the liquid from the coconut. 'To remo\ ~ the shell easily, bake the drained cocont : at 350 degrees for 20 to 30 minU~s, or p1 lt µt the free~r for an hour. ~ · . Then place the coconut o,n.. a fin surface and tap the shell ligh~ly with hammer in several places until it crack· Separate the meat from the pieces with sharp knife. Use a vegetab)i! parer i remove tbt brown skin if you don 't ce1 to eat this part. Q. I would like to make •chestnut s'\u fing . The recipe calls for,blanched cho· ped chestnuts. How do l blanc chestnuts? ·A. Blanch chestnuts by putting them I boiling water for 2 minutes. Remove few at a time, cool slightly, then pe< with a paring knife. If nuts are difflcu to peel, return them to the hot water t. a minute or lwc. Roasting also will loosen the skins '· chestnuts. To roast chestnut.! In the she! . slash throuih the ihelU-ori' the flal slci of the nuts. Place cbectiiut.s, cut side u1 on a~baktng sheet and roast at 4(_, degree1 until tender -abOut 20 mlnut ·· Remove shells and skins wltUe nuts 11 warm. I ' .. • .. • " • ., I I " I I /' . . . I fllll'!l'9!!--~~""""~"""""....,......,_.,,.,.,,.,..,. ___ ~--------""!~---------------··--• • ' "· 1. ,. . '• .. ' " 34 OAILV ~!LOT Hang-ups Bf JO OLSON 0t '"" Dtlly ,._. Sl1U The most beeutlrul -.·ords In the E;na:Usb language to a woman, may not always be ~:you are beJijtl[ul." Parents of beautiful lillle girls should be careful how they romplinlfnt t h e i r daught ers . so '.they are not building up themselves. Self-esteem ii a more im- portant asset than beauty. and 1utteas ln other fielda than " beauty is essential to a happy . !Ut. These \\'tre among the com· ments offered by Dr. Joshua S. Golden, author and as90Cia te profess or of psychiatry 'al UCLA. v.·ho spoke for members or the L'C.1 • ~1edical F'aculty W iv es Chinese feet , were bound. all AJ1ociat lon in Don the for be1uty's aake. Be1chcomber reslauranl. SURVIVAL IMPORTANT Hia topic wu Beautiful survival also is important in Women and their Sexual what makes a w 0 man Han1·up11. and he began by beautiru l, he co nt In u ed. describing three b e au ti f u I Eskimo women who are plump women who were sexually are considered beautiru l, but hung-up. their condllion makes them ''Beauty innuen«s the way able to withstand the extreme personality is dive loped," he cold. said. ''Every culture gives "Our whole econ om y beauty status or wealth or survives on change such as both.'' change in w"bat is considered CUitural standerds or beauty beauUrul or fash ionable." vary rrom place to place and Looking · at the beautiiul from lime to limt, Dr. Golden child. Dr. Golden said that added. F'or example, a TWi(lgy btlauurul girls are exposed to may be the most popular unique e1tperiences. Insecure beauty Image ror a while. then parents may exploit the child's a Sophia Loren type. Ubangi attractiveness or place ex· women distend their lips and.__~ceu.iY.e.......demand! on them, • . -. .... . . -' ' • • such 1s a mother who fea rs that her child's bad ap· pearanct will rtfitct back on h¢r . Stage molhetl place their needs above the child's when they push him into the li;nelia:ht . Beyond a ceNlri age, • 1lrl's beauty bteomn v1lu1ble to her peer 1roup as an at· traction for boy111 compliments and friends. EXCESSIVE COMPLIMENTS "A beautiful girl may later find herself in netd of ex· cesslve compliments and wlll seek the company of boys in search of approval. Movie starlet.s ofte n need to .stek reassurance •l t b e l r al· tractivenns," l)r. Go Ide o pointed out. 1 BeautffUJ. ·women who have found satisftctlon In no other area or Ultlr life than their beauty will often resort to childlike coyness lite in life tn clutch Ule.ir fad.Ing be1uty and po:!!lpone. Ute emptinw; of their life. 1 A po1itive approach to beau. ty Is to build lift qn more lasting qualillee, Dr .. Golden said. -Movln1 on to se1, ht 11.attd ~ that physical beauty in no way guarantees seiual responsiveness. Becauae of her attractiveness, a beaulifUI v.•oman often is aou1ht u a commodlty or becau1e of hilh expectations tf htr ·sexual ... ability. ' may bt1ln to doubt h"ir atlf·worth. ' "ln the find. her re1ponu: dep<nila on ho.,l 1ht ~a• bttn !rained to 1!111\k 11>ou1 "' and respo~. Ind ho" 1ood her aelf-ealAfm Is. * f BEAUTY llnRACfS "A p~upatlon with b!au· ly detractt from tM complex, int1M1te ~1tual process, and thl!! t>tauUful woman may btcomf In obilerver. She retilt§ ov1rlure1, wkhdraws frff11 .NSUal encounters or ttits~ "to ht a 1 e :1 u a I 1uNnroman.1 ' •"frtatjN: beautiful &lrl• as a stereof)'pe ' ii ~tntially harmfUI . They iftu~ ·dfvtlep a MnM of ·bell\& 1wortl!:y for ll!IJMthia& elae. ... ..,... '· -Thty take • fal ure personally, view ln1dequacy lj lolal lt11dequacy and blamt t~4:Jr par,tn·ers or aycid !eI. i'M'eY are unable to talk lo , thflr partners or anyone ' else of their 'fallu re.'' Se:xual hang-ups are not universal mong beaut i r u I women, Dr. Golden cautioned. Tht psychiatrl!t. who wa1 very popular wit~ hls all- female audien~. offered this Rx ror a happy life ind sa1U!· fying seiual adjustment for all :women beautiful or not 10 btautlful: build self~steem: ftel 'rrte to talk with your hu.s· band about sex ; ha ye a realistic concept of sex, and bt I.bl~ to withstand 4ttackl •n your Hlf~•teem. '.•• ; ~1ffI:llll'lllll"-.01lt""''"'"'~~~~=...,•s""a""l:<li""'""'""'""""'""'"""""'"""',.'""""""'""""''"" .. ,,.""'..,.., .......................... .,.,. .. ..,..,..,,..l!l..,!llllll .. .,."" .. ""!!1.,.,lll Ho roscope I I . Ca·ncer: . Don t Give Something for Nothing THURSDAY DECE MBER 17 By SYDNEY OMARR Evangeline Adami wa1 the most famCM11 ti America• •1trologer1. In Ute 1130!! 1he went to court and battled to legalh:e the practice o I astrolo1y ta New York. Site wo" 1fter _an~lpin& a horo1cope which proved t.o bt that of ~e Jud1e'1 ion. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Accent on how .You relate to young persons. Be rectptive. Sentitize yourself to trends. Someone Is trying to tell you somet hing. Apply knowledge. Be willing lo learn new tech· niques. TAURUS {April 2().May 20): Concentrate on basics. Avo id t~ fla,,hy , Evaluate needs. 'fnkc Inventory. Build on solid b:ise. J.:nvi ronmcnt is due to ch:ingc. Travel plan.!! ac· Avoid premature decisions, starta. ,A little patience now cln me1n a ·areal delt:1-Know this incl' reapond accordingly. AVoid sell~ptlon. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 221 ' Spotlight on emotional at, h1chments. Nothing seems Jo ocrur halrway . Full com- mitment i.,a necessity. Mak~ decision Involving member of opposite sex. Some desires due lo be fulfilled . SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov . 21): Ob1Lacle can be removed if you are willing to rin ish 1Hignment. Keynote is rom- plellon. Don't walk aw ay from apparent conrlict. One in authority will lend helping hand. 8AGliTARIU! INov. 22· Dec. 21 ): 8t sure com· munications are not garbled. If you don't know , 11iik quell· lions. Answers will b t !Qrthcoming. Key Is to try new t1clics. Accent on new starts Jn difrerenf directions. CA~RICORN 10.c. 22.Jan. 19): Dig deep for information. Pool efforts with Sa,tttarl111 individual. Quest for infonna- tlon will succeed. Be ready to accept valid advice. AQUARIUS tJan. 2G-Feb. 18 1: Make wise: concession to mate, partner. Permit others to express viewt. Key is to be \"ersatile. What appears dt!:lay or setback is but temporary. Play waiting game. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Be moderate. Going to ex- lremes now would be error. Acce nt on pets, ba sic chores. Relative in tran sit could bri ng significant message. One cJQSe to you could overlook im- portant d!!tail. T• ll11d out """''I lu<~Y l&r YllU 111 morwv .,,11 '°"•· O'""' 5vd11tv °"''""'' bclollltl. "5~••1 Hlnl1 tor M~ 1~d w.,,...11."' S1nd to+rlhd1!1 •"" 50 t.nt1 lo Om1rr A1!rolotY lf(t•h , IM OA!I.. Y l"ILOT, l111• JJ ... Grind Ct11lrtl S11non. N1w Yorl". N.Y. 10017. cented. po•n,.•••••••.,.• .. -•••••~I .. Gfil.1IN1 fMay 2l ·June 20): I Obtain hint rrom Taurus ~ message. Overcome tem pta- tion to scatter erforls. Look ahead to ultimate goal. Chec k details. Re \Villing to w11it for Human Tableau ., J •§ t ' .. , ' • .. Fe,stival of Lights Parade Sparks Warm Welco me RaisinJ: their voices in sona "''iJl be members. hu sbands and ~uests of the Florence Crittenton Sea Circle. Junior Auxiliary. as they \vatch the Fe&tivel or Lights on \Vednesday, Dec. 22, from the Gloom Shades .. Tree Business FO!t18ELL, Pa . (UPI) -their buyers to make their Pennsylvania's Christmas tree Lree s as attractive as possible. growers ha ve fallen victim to The Christmas tree business modern tech no\(lgy, the af-is inherently risky financially fluent !OCiety and th e as many professional men who American drive ror perfection. went into it strictly for in- Vi'hereas in the 1950& thtre vestment found out. v.·ere more than 2,000 growers Trees nl>ed professional <'are of Christmas trees, today and proper shearing bcrore there are 11n estimated 600 and they v.·i11 be bought by some-1 only a doie n try to use Chri st-one ror their Jiving room. mas trtcs as their princi pal Dambach said th is SCt'me4 source ol income. even 1nore true as people .__ ·~~ Y{oodrow YI'. Dambach, ex-became richer an·d could af· tcu!ive secre t11 ry or I h e rord to demand only a perfect f Queen of Balboa. Follo\1·in g the boat parade. the group 11•i.ll ~ath· t.'r in the Park l\1e1rpo rt for a buffet din ner. J1armonizing are (left) "lrs. Ke ith Keppler and ll1rs. J ohn Ralphs. t ight de:i I. 'l CANCF.R (June 21 -J uly 22): Beneficial change reRults in , addition to posM!sslons. pro- fi ts. There Is apt lo be back· :ind·ro rth exchange w i l h relati ve. Key is to protect position . Don't give something for nothing. LEO (July 2.1-Aug. 22): •1 arn1oni7:e r a m i I y rela- t inn.~hi ps. You break through log jan1 . Accenl originality. in- dependence. Be confident. You have more support than others mi~ht imagine . VIRGO tAug. 23-Sept . 22): Much appears to be illusion. · 'l''l:il .ti i.>l ) i" Nativity Viewed Fountain Valley Woman's Club will pre-. sent its gitt to the community J\'hen it aa:ain sponsors the a.nnual !Jvin.R Nativity Scene at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 22, in the First Bapti&t Church, Fount11in Valley. The public is invited to view the scent which leatures authentic period costumes and scenery of the Biblical story. Narration !or the Christmas story Crom the book of Ar1atthew Will be provided by Mrs • .Lorrin Lammers. Back.Rround vocal music by the chorus of the Fountain Valley Woman's Club. as- sisted by the Junior Auxiliary, will include carol selections arranjled to coincide with the narration, Mem bers of the club's Drama Section will serve as the traditional figures in the human tableau . ·~\ .,, ............................................. .,,, .......... ... ' "'· -;. •1 ',i .l ..J~· • • Newport Setti ng Couple Recite· Vows In Afternoon Rites St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Newport lJeach w11 the setting for the arternoon rite.!I joining Barb11ra Lee Reinhardt and Frede r I c k Grover Cummings of Hun· tington Bench. ' •1 Pennsylvania Christma!I Tree tree . .YGro"''ers Association, said the Growers seldom cut more 1"hc bride, daughter of N1vy Capt. fret.) and Mrs. Ch11rle1 0 . Reinhard!., of Santa An11, was gi\•en in marrl11ge by her fa ther for tht> double ring ccre1non y conducted by the Rl.'v. llr. Charles Dierenrield. main problem U! that growers than ~ or 60 percent of their tire sell ing the same number marketable crop because of c,f trees they did IS years ago the need to take only perfect rather than selling a la rger specimens. number aa a rtlUlt of the in-lie .s:i id shearing of the trees creased population. v.·ns almost an art. It cnn be One reason is the arHrici al done by practica lly 11nyone un- Ghris tmas lr(!(.'S, which n1any tier supervision, he said, but are buying for their lon g· nurseryman is llmlltd In the . lasling \'Blue and their sus· nun1bcr of people he con tainlng good appeAr:1nl'e :1nd supe rvise durin~ his pc:.ak as a result of the mcrcha.n-lime 'A'hen he n1t1st harvesl dizing techniques used to "'"5'11 and ~hear !he trees. them . Adding to lhe ri!>k.., or the ·l' ' .. " • " l Leland Bull. Stale Secretary bu.~iness are the possibility of of Agr k:ulture, notes the insect damage nnd other artlncial trees are "'usually things which can arrccl a trtt displayed in a. btauliful stttlng 'A'hlch must be in the ground in 11 warm department store. . eighl lo 15 years before it is ,(with) ll&htlng effC!CLI.'\ harveiiled . County · Guild Members Para de-ready The growers associalion has With ·all the problt•1ns. not tried to nght the arlificial hovtf'vc r. 11nyone with good 1.fembers and husbands o! the Orange County Guild trets but Jnste1d concentr111tes qu~llty'trttt M9: 1 market for for lbe J ohn Tracy Clinic \I'll! CMl~lne a cro\\•'s nest on 1/djn1 ,IJ'Ow1r1 to p~ them, 'Dambach 1ald. Wha -\1lew of th~ Festival of Llghls wllh i Christmas gala tit • bell Jma p6tslbli and thty don·1 h>ve II 1ufflclen1 whoo they 1alher in the Ba lboa Bax Club fr om &:30 1uggeslint ~y offu help to ~IL . . ~ -lo a:Sll-pJn.\Vellnesaay, Dec . 23. A traditlonal al· ' fair, the members thank husbands for .their con- tinuous cooperatio n throughout the year, Parade-read~ are l!ol( to rl~hll the Mmes. 'Rorer Marsh, Ronald Perkins and Stephen tryer. • ~1~. l)c:in Teach servl.'d l\S tnatron _g( honor for the bride who :.asked her si~lt·r·l'n­ law, Mr~. Chnrle!! Micha el Relnhnrdt or El Pa!IO lo be her fi rsl brldtsm11id. Other bridesmaid.~ w t re i\fr!I. William \Vrighl, -Mrs. Harold Lowary and Miss Carol _ J,(Jvel:ice. Mi!!! Judy Ctcchlnl attended the guest book. The bened ic t. son or Mrs . Harriette Cummings of Hun· tington Beach ind Grover Cu mmings or Sweet. ldahQ was attended by Lowary, be~t man, and ushers includtd Retnh1.rdl. • Dana Holt ,~ Bifr P1rk~ and John Gllh•er, COU5ln Of lht benedlct. Tht aew Mrs. Cummings rmlvld btr BS. MS and pupil .... i lo' MRS . F. G. CUMMI NGS New Br;de pcrsonnrl certificate rrom tnt Univcrfllly or Soul her n Ca liforni a where she w1s a m"11btr of ;.JCappi Delta Snmrlty: while ,~r husband attMded oranatK.10a.5t Co llege And 'Cltifomla Slate College It !..Cina Beach. ' ... ........ --'""'-~----------... --------------... -------..... ----------~------.... --~ ------ ' .,.. --··-...... . . ...... ,·-~. ,_ ........ , ----~... . . ' Wtdntsday, Dtetmber 16. }fj70 DAILY PILOT !JJ Couple Selects • Eastern Home A nuptial n1ass in the early afternoon linked in marriage Mary Hale Barnard oC Albu- querque and Raymond Pineda Jr. or Stamford, Conn. The Rev. Lawrence Burke officiated at the double ring rite in the St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center, Albuquerque. The bride is the daugl\ter~of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Albert Barnard of Newport Beach. Parents of the benedict are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pineda of Albuquerque. Elmer Hale Jr .. the bride's uncle escorted her to the altar. She asked her sister, Mrs. A. J. Mills Jr. of Boulder, Colo., to be matron of honor. Other attendants w e r e M r s . Charles Ederer, Miss Bec ky Wilson and Mrs. George Foulhaber Jr., all of Ne1v Mexicu. and Miss Frances Ann Barnatd, sister or the bride. Carrying the flowers were Deborah Lynn and M:iry Cirrelda Mills, nieces of the bride. Best man was Peter Pineda. the benedict 's brother. Seating the guests were Ederer, Bi!\ Fanning, Kevin Doherty ·and Tony Adsley. The new Mrs. Pineda is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and the Universi - ty of New Mexico where she was an affiliate of Pi Beta Phi. Her hus~and graduated from Highland High School. Albuquerque. and the U of NM. He was an affiliate of Sigma Chi. Following a Carib b ean· honeymoon aboard the Queen Elizabeth JI, the newlyweds are making their first home in Stamford. J. M. Bergs Say Vows During Noon · Rites James M. Berg a n d Howardine Susan Downing ex-........... cha nged their nuptial vows during a noon ceremony in St. Polycarp Catholic C h u r c h , Stanton. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mr s. J.loward F. Downing of StantoR and the benedict is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Berg or Orange . Given 1n 1narriage by her rather for the double ring rites. the bride was attended by Miss Marjorie Susanka. maid of hoa or, and bridesmaids were the Misses Susan Ripley, Cheryl Glancy and. Debbie CUrtis. :X Terri Ann and M a r k Lauth erboren were flower gi rl i:: and ring bearer. \ '· • Eric Paiton of South Bend. ., lnd., attended the benedict as • best man and ushers v!'ere 'i Blaise Evers, Tom O'Connor and Tom Olmstead. MRS. J. M. BERG Lillian Kato Now Mrs. Roy Y. Sasaki The new Mrs. Berg is a Nuptial Rites J!raduate of Mater Dei Hig,hlp;iiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiii.Oii ... iiiiiiii"i School and attended California M.,...., State College at Long Beach. t 11•111""1 Lillian Masaye Kato of h'e.r honor attendant. Miss Fountajn Valley becan1e the Jane Sasaki of Honolulu . sister bride of Roy Yasuo Sasaki of of the bridegroom was a Garden Grove during double bridesmaid with Miss Linda ring ceremorues conducted by Osaki and Mrs. G o r d o n the Rev. T. s. Hirata in the Nishida of San ..Mateo, the Orange County Budd h is t bride's cousin. Church, Anaheim. . Attending his brother as · Her husband. also a graduate of Mater Dei High School, is attending UCLA where he is majoring in hi story and is defensive left end on the varsity football squad. Women's League The---Orange-€oast League of Women Voters meets in various locat ioos throughout the year. For Information regardiilg the neXt meeting date and time telephone Mrs. t ltl'lllAIMl'kll'd • M11t.f. C ....... 21 v .. n 111 5fl" Loclt .. • 2717 E. Co11t Hwv. Coron• d,I Mir-Ph. 67)-1950 The DAILY PILOT- Tops in Local Sport. Niguel Brownies Live Up to Their Pledge The bride is the daughter of best man was Clyne Sasaki, Mr. and Mrs. Masaru K_ilo of while ushers were Franklin Fountain Valley and her Riola and the bride's brothers, husband's parents.are Mr. an? Douglas and Bert Kato. Tam- Mrs. Henry Sasaki of Hanate1, my Sasaki, \he bridegroom's Kauai, Hawaii. . · niece was the flower girl while Henry Cord Meyer at 644-0838. _____ - ·For the second year, Brownies from Troop 1792 in ·Laguna Niguel have learned to think of others first during the holidays. ln line with their thoughts. members (left to ri ght) Dawn Thomas, Mrs. Alan Smith, leader, KeUy Lowes and Jallene Johnson Huntington Beach Pair Recite Wedding Vows Cathleen Marie Dreschler and James Louis Ange.ley Ill, bOth ~of HWltington Beach ex- changed vows and rings before the Rev. Michel Duffy in Sl. Bonaventure Catholic Church., HunUngton Beach. , Parents of the bridal cuup\e are Mr. and Mrs. Frank x '';.'*, MRS. J. L. ANGELEY HB Home Cho5en Dreschler of Huntington Beach and Mr . and Mrs. James Louis Angeley Jr., Westminster. Miss Joyce Dresch.ler was her sister's maid of honor, while bridesmaids were the Misses Nancy Dre s c'h I er , another sislfr. Linda Micheal and Molly Ftobertson . Attending his brother as best man was C ha rles Angeley. Us~ers we~e Robert Olson, Mark Nath.a~ and Steve Nelson, and ring bearer was Chris West. The bride is a graduate or ~1arina High School aoa her husban d is . a: graeluate of Westminster High. S c h o o I , They will reside in Huntington Beach. ' - Nuts 'n Nibbles Attending meetings every Friday at 10 a.m. are the women of Fountain Valley Nuts to Nibbles TOPS Club. Membe rs have selected the Recreation Centei; in Hun - HngWn Beach for the meeting place. Traditional Songs Yuletide Welqf)med Traditional Christmas carols \Viii fill the air when n1embers of the Costa Mesa Women's Club, arrive at the cl ubhouse for their annual Cbristmas brunch Friday, Dec. 18. Playing the carols for the lt a.m. affair will be Mrs. Franklin 0. Myers. music chairman . Following the brunch a pro- gram will be presente~ by an Estancia High School singing group. ' , Members of the GardeA and Literature s ection s have prepared the club Christms.s ti:ee. ' I ' . ·, ,,..{ prepare a basket for a needy Dana Point famil y. Leaders, including Mr s. Leroy Janes. have organ- ize d a busy holiday season with caroling sessions and visits to Children's Hospital of Orange Coun_\y. Dress Spells Charm ~ f)u~ ".lU.t~ .... 41>. \.;. I I Given in marriage by her Jimmy Katc., the bride's father, the bride asked her cuusin was the ring bearer. sist,er, Miss Arlene Kato lo be The bride is a graduate of Plans Told At Dinner The engagement of Tere Kinkopf and Donald · Bailey \vas announced during a fami- ly dinner in the San Clemente home of · the bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Kinkop!. . Miss Kh'W!Pf-• &raduated from San Clemente High School and attends Saddleback College. Her Hance, son of the Wi!Uam D. Baileys of Newport Beach, is a graduate of Corona . del Mar. High School and f attends Orange Coast Coll•~·· . The cuuple plan to be mar- ried when the bridegroom- elect completes a tour of Cuty with the U.S. Navy. Huntington Beach High School, attended California S t a t e College at Long Beach and is a graduate of San Jose State College where she earned her seC<1ndary teaching credential. Her husband is a graduate of Kapaa High SChool, Kauai, attended Los Angeles City College and is an alumnus of a Los Angeles Trade Technical College. The.y will reside in ._9ar~~n Grove, -HB Auxiliary Auxiliary to Huntington Beach rf Vetera11s of--rGreig'I Wars, Post'7368 meets at 8 p.m. The fi rst Friday of each month they gather In Odd Fellows Hall for a business meeting and__tbe _ third FrJ!ta!l they socialize in variou s locations. Further information may ~~ secured by calling Mrs. LeRoy Hennan11 at 536-3580. ' Chapter Fetes Husbands ,\,\1li/,/{( ~ ~ _, -:..--° ) 723.i Party Opens Season Husbands will be inv ited to join members of Zeta Tau A!ppa. Soulh Orange Coast Chapter, for thei r annua l Christmas party Sunday , Dec. 20, in the Balboa Yacht Club. \Vest!ey Wright. Graham 'Gib- bons, William Dana a n d Robert McLean . -~ ASTRO ~ Rt, ,O.~ -·SCIENCE -~ ~V:!JI -:;;, CENTER .:S... -,,,,. ~ Following a 5 p.m. socia l hour, din ner will be served at • Mrs. J erry Nash, chairman will be assisted by Mrs. Win- ton Warner and Mrs. Burton Grant. President Mrs. Patrick Ma cDonald and her husband "''iii greet guests with the ass istance of the Mmes. Are<1 Zet a s entertained pledges of Della A I p h rt Chapter during an lee cream party at Ca lifornia State College at Long Beach to in- troduce them to alumnae .members from Fo u nta i n Valley, Huntington Be a c h , Newport Beach and the South Orange Coast. Hostess for the party was Mrs. Roger Crumm. chapter advisor, assisted by Mrs. MacDonald. /z ''' / f I f'I'(''\' ASTROLOGY-' WE ARE CONTINUING OUR SPECIAL INTROOUCTORY OFFER! FOR A LI MITED TIME ONLY YOU MAY STU,l RECEIVE: YOUR INDIVIDUAL PERSONALIZEO HOROSCOPE YOUR IN·DEPTH 1971 FORECAST COMPLETE WITH CHARTS ANO A CASSETTE TAPE OR A PER SONAL APPOINTMENT FOR YOUR ANALYSIS OR BOTH IF YOU WISH ALL OONE BY A NATIONALLY FAMbUS ASTROLOGER '" PLUS • A COMPLETE HOME STUOY COURSE IN ASTROLCGY MEMIERSl-:!IP IN THE A STRO SCIENCE CENTER lm•1lin91, l•elur11, 9u•1I 1p•1\1r1, etc.l TWELVE MONTH SUBSCRJPTJON TO THE "ASTRO SCIENC E NEWS." All this "t our i"lroduclo•y oil•• ol o"!y $<1~.SO. !Yo" wo11ld •~Pitt lo P•Y tlli1 m .. ch •"d mot• lor 1 good Ho rose op• 1lon1 ! ) 1--~,,.:.,IT'I 1r1 1v.!l!Jbl1 .... P•V •t '"" l11rn. C:•ll ., Wrltt>; ASTRO SCIENCE CENTER 1714) 543·8100 1100 N. laOADWAY ll'Jll SANTA ANA 9270, stereo 103FM • • • • music music music music ' d / ., goo music " '. r ·' ---·----._ __ l ' • " . I ' " { ' '· i ,, ' r,; • . ' -' :JG OAILV PI LOT • Wedl\esd~y, Dtetmbtr. 16, 1470 Chin1neys Duste'd Off f o·r • !EC1ltor'1 No11: A -d-1..i to f:011111tln v.111,, H1111111191on !ltKl'o. Oc:H11 \tJ9w, ~ll &eHll-i 1111 WH!mlluttl' 5<tlool Oiilrkl N•"'I· 1•KMr -.ilr1tio111 wilt •-•• In lhf. o.A!LV PILOT MC10 --.. lnlor..,..llon m11~1 bl rtctll'«I b' Mrs, Giio.r1 Turr.bull 5111 Ml1191'Um Orlv~. H1111· t11111on l!lffC!'I b\I s 11.m. Th11ri.d•' tor ~lc:tllon WeclntMI•,,) ' 'FV Ele.:PTO ~lrs. Walter Tate President CO~flNG UP: Gen e r a I , meetln_g and Christmas pro. gram are scheduled tonight al 7~30 in the multipurpose room. On display will be two living Ch ristmas l r e e s donat-ed by the unit and decorated by s tudent s. Under the trees will be can· ned goods collected by the unit for distribution to local needy fa milies. fi·lrs. Ronald !Merry Christmas • \Vitt . welfare chairman, was in cha.rge -0f the drive. Fulton PTO l\tn. RObft't Welch President COlt·II NG UP : Mrs. Henry Lange r~ports room mothers \\•ill host Christmas parties in all classes Friday, Dec. 18. Special visitor will be Santa Claus. REPORTS : Teams currently leading lhe. bowling l«:ague are the Vice Squad and Famous Farkels. Mrs. J. D. Simone holds high game honors. Mrs. J a m e y Jacobsen, high -series . . . Library aides and alternates are the Mmes. Roy Cunningham, Richard . 1n ' the Bag Zeylmaker, David Vasque:. Don Lucas, Richard Ballard, Edwin Seymour, Theodore Coleman, Robert C h e w , Anthony Pirolli,. Johri Hin- ton, Michael Henry, Darryl Buck, Kenneth K I e b m , Theodore Bergestrorn, Bill Ramsey and Wayne Stewart. Gisler Inter. PfA Mn . Donald P.1ullen Presllent COMING UP : . Christmas program will be pre1ented tOnight in conjunct.ion with a bake sale ... Unit will se;1 sncrcones at school basket- ball games .•• REPORTS : Students are sup- porting Operation Merry Christmas by donating can- Santa's bag: \viii be jam-packed full when he visits Fairview State Hospital, \hanks tc the efforts of Circle View PTA members, ..students a nd faculty. The PT/\ no\v is sponsoring its annual drive for toys and other gifts for ·children and adults in the hospital. Contributing to Santa (Ken Barrick) are John Neil- &on (center) and Debbie Falk. I n"..d goods and toys. . .320 par.tnts and teachers joined PTA durlng the recent mem~p drive. Harper PTA J\lr1. ftettr Bet1e1 President COMING UP : Instrumental music concert and unit meeting will take place tonight at 7:30 in the Ta· mura School auditorium ..• Board membels, will judge 1 door deooratktn contest at 9:15 a.m .. Frklay; Dec: JI. Christmu •asambly will follow at 10:1$ a.m: Parents are Invited. REPO~TS : Board members votad(Jo donate shrubbery aa a Qnistmas gift to the ac_hool. • .Vo'lunleer' are ~ In primary and mid· die Jeaming centers, ac· cording to Mn. poµa1d Crejg!lteri, cbaJrman • • . Scboctl swut!Hrts 1 n· d Jackel! now are ava11able. More will be ordered next month tt'the demand is suf- flcient, acciordlng to Mrs. Thomas Mulcahy, ways and mew chairman. Newland PTA Mr1. Paml Scett President CO!.IING UP: Christmas pro- gram will be presented tonight at 7 in the Wardlow School auditorium. Un it members will host. liEPORTS: Unit purchased stereo turntable to complele the school's stereo system ... Meml;>en assisted in ad- ministering tuberculin akin test& to tint graders, ac- cording to Mrs. "-1 i k e Phillips, health and welfare chairman. • .Sirtetn youth groups participated in PTA Christmas bazaar. Proceeds will , be used tc purchase equipmtRt !or the school. Pleasent Vw. PTO · ' l'ttr1. Cbarlea Taylor Prttide.nt - COMING UPo Unit will 1poh- _.a-film pl"Ol?IJD Tuesday, ' Dec. 29. "The TrOuble. 'w:ltfl Angels" will be !hown _!It It a.m. and again at 2:30 p.m. Admission price is 35 cents for children ·under 15, 50 cents for all others. Refresh- ments Will be sold before and after the movie. ,.Christmas Carols Fill Air tEl!ilo•"• Nole A o&oe ~1101e<1 10 Co>lt Mn,,, N'"ND<ll"! Bt'i!C~, Ll'lunl 8t<lC" jrJ M"~•otl V 'IO oa•enl·!flC!ltr 0"<11rl111ion< will IDQ~lf Ir l"9 DA IL V P ILOT tat~ wet'll.. l~lormlliGn rnul! bt M~~iv,.~.~~ ~h~r~"i1~6' c~~:i'1~m~7~c~'. N•wuon Be~<h hv ~ 11.m. T"u•\G•• lo• OUhl!<aT1()"1 Wt<IM:\<l~V f Ada ms PTA .'llrs. Paul Ohlse n Presidenl CO~llNG UP· Christmas pro- gran1. Las Posadas \viii be presl'nted by students in fourth grade al 7:30 p.m. t om o rrow in th e 111ul11purpose roo n1. Direc- < , ling are ~trs. \Villiam ~tan· ning, l'tfrs. Rich ard Shuck. ~1rs. Betty \\'right and Frank Va i us o. Perfor. mances for student body will lake p I a c e during the day at which time student~ may place toys or cans of food to b e distributed to needy famil ies ... Santa will visit school from 9:3'1 to noon Friday, Dec. 18. Preschool chi ldre~ are welcome to at· tend.' • Good Sport Adds to Program Bey View PTA l't1r&. J. R. DaYi5 Preside nt CO~tING UP: Bay View chorus will perform al 7 p.m. tomorrow ;it South Coast Plaza. directed by Mrs: John McKamey and Mn. Anita Butterworth. Beer PFO f\lrs. Peter .Vena President COMING UP: G en era I Going to school at Corona del Mer Elementary School is really a ball-hand· ball , that Is -since handball backstops were donated to the school by a·paretlt. Tryi ng out the new equipment are (lfrt to right) Mike Flamson and Tim Terry, uflysical education lnstruqtor.' 1 meeting at 7:30 tonitht will reature tht st udents' Ch r istmas program. Students Jn kindergarten will sing, level one will present Chr istmas One H u n d r e d Years Aao and Today and level two will give The Gri n ch Who Stol e Christmas. Canyon PTA f\lr1. Jobn Sl•llful,1 President COMING UP: Father and Son night with a Karate demonstration by G a r y Hollenbeck of the Japan Karate Federation at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 2l, in the multipurpose: room ... Beard meeting at 9:30 a.m. Tues- day, Jan. 5. in the multipurpose room .. ,\\1in- ner of the paper and membership driYet will be treated to an outing in Atlantis Park, Garden Grov e Wednesda y, Jan. 13. PT A will furn is h lht , refreshments. REPORTS : $150 prorit Wll! realized from the paper drive and daffy apple, ide?'t· tificaUon ta.as and sweat- shirt sales. Meter Dei PG ~Its. Jtrome 1'1oort Pn!sident COMING UP: Loa: Ami1os de Mater Dei lnvi '~ 111 partnls to attend the annual Nt\V Year's Eve benefit dancr, Balle de Ano Nuevo at 9 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 31, in the Carpenten Union Hall. 3601 W. Sth Strttt Santa Ana . Music \\'Ill be provldf'd by Del Espinoza and his latin orchestra. Refresh. menll, cocklaJls, menudo, party hats and ho r n s wUl bl! lncJudtd In t h e donation of $17 per couple. Rcservltlbhs may be made by contactln& V I n c e " l Jimenez, .president at 541· 45'1. i Schroe.de r .PTA . .. 1'1n. Terry Wilson Prealdent C9M1NG UP~ O)ristrna$ proF~ gram for c 11 s..s e J froln Jllnde'llanen lhrnlli\l"lhlrd , gr~s wtll.' take ,;..Pl:4t:C'e"i tomorrow at t :j$ a.m. and again af I: ts p.m. lh tht'J • tnultipilrpose room . , .Bowi.. Ing league Christmas J>al1Y and ... gift exchange a r e scheduJed at t lt..m. Friday, Dec. 18, lo W!stmtnster Lanes, according lo r.jn; j. A. Feldhacker, secretaq. : . REPORTSo ChriJtmiis Aro~...; ' the World was ~e of unit meeting and Chriltjoas Pl\> • gram Jut Monda 'y ·. PartltjpaUng In thc.prograni were the school choir 1and fourth , fiflh and sil:th irade clasr..s, directed by '-Olen Stice and accompanied by Mrs. Stice. Seal ·Beech PTA Mra. Norman Karkut ._ President COMING UP : Clas s Christmas__ 'J)arties a r e scheduled Friday, .Dec. 18, and Santa Claus will visit primary grade classes in 1.oeter School. In charge of the parties are "e Mmes. ·J)on Stegen, William Pet- tingill and Zay Brand, room representatives. Assisting will be the fi.1mes. Larry Menser, Howard McGovney. Harry GorniSh, G a r I a n d AJan Harbour,•Russell Garn· by, Jack Whitney, \Yayne Cunningham, Jay Lindberg. Don Kucera and Ri cho rcl Holiday Treasures Uncovered Park View Pirates have received a clue that they \Vill di scover Holiday Treas- ures at the new school \Vednesday, Dec. 16. The "treasures" comprise the Christmas program. Preparing to step into the spotlight are (left to right ) Jerry Nieto and Marlene Muebring. · Carlson, grade I e \1'1! I chairmen. REPORTS·-T.oys fO'r Tots drive is in progress. Sequoia PTA t\Jn. JameJ Blaser President COMING. UP: Chri§,lmas pro· gram is scheduled tonight .rt- 7:JO. Part.icipaling will be lhe school choir and clt'lsses of Charles Lamb, Jerry Carter and the ~lmes. Richard Ogden. B Io u n t Clark and Jack Kolo. REPORTS: Choir and classes cf Phil Seymoor and the ~1mes. :J'homas K 1 e b au , liarty Gornish. G a r I a n d . Ht_n~ and Hugh Shellen· berg~ pre s ented a 01rislmas program I a s t night. . .Guest si:zakcr at unit meeting was James Harrison of lhe Westminster Police Department. His sub- ject was vandalism <tnd juYen.ile problems in the area. Sun View PFO Janie' Burgard President I{EP.ORTS : ~t unit meeting. Christmas program w a 3 presented by the sludents. Prir:nary s~udentS presented . the Christmas _story, and fifth · and sixth grade chorus performed. Or. Leon Hilton presented pins to teacher aides and parent volunteers . Youthful Voices Raised in Christmas Song .south Coast Plaza, COsta ~esa will ring with Chrisl- n1as music when ttie Choir School of the Prince of Peace Lutheran School appears \Vednesday, Dec. 16. for a 7:30 p.m. concert. The JOS.-voice choir is .. Monie Vista ., PTA ' ~trs. Fred Betts President R E PORTS : Citii.enfi>f-the- month 'awar ds were presented ·to Heathe r D a v idson. ''t indergarten; Paul ?i.toor and J a m i e ~lcAleer, first grade: Richy Goodsell. second grade : , -. Debra Bums. and Stephen Longabardi. third grade , and Renee Bugel, fi rtf?, grade. P.lr1. Hrnry \\'.Hofmann, .Ir. President · CO~flNG UP: An n u a I Christmas canccrt l.l 7 ~ tonight by the music deport- ment. j11ss. Su~M~,'ijaig. vocal dir~tor .ancl Ricl\ard A. Eniland, ln s1rumrnt11.I director ~11 p r e s e n t performanc~s by tfle Ninth Grade Chorus. Chanteilcs. Harbor Choralle, S a i Io r Band, Conce rl Orchestra and the Midshipmen. PT A \\•ill sell baked Christmas goods, 'A'ith · proceeds going to the scholarship fund. Pau larino PTA J\·Jrs. Fred Pahner "Presic,lenl COll.llNG UP: Student~ in sr · cond and third grades \\'ill presenl Season 's Greetings al •7:30 tonight in the multipurpose room ... Room parli :?s will take place the l~t half hour of school ~rl· · cl~'. bee. 18. l\lrs. Nick I lanson, r o o m represen· laUYe chairm an annou~s that Santa Claus will visit the claissrooms w h er e donl~s·. punch ·and candy canes will be distributed. REPORTS : Flrst·-g r a-de sluclents hosted lhe program that lhey presented I a li t under the direction of Jan Unvert. Ready to sing are fle rt to right) Lisa Hale, Jeanine Cozad and · Donald Dixon. night along with the kin· de rgarten. Refreshments were se.r\'ed-b~_t,.s . Richard Schmick and Mrs. \Villlan1 Brannick . hospitali- ty chairmen. Pomona PTA l\lrs. C. DarT)•I Bradll'y President COi\11NG UP : Aluminun1 can driYe wit\ conlinuc through Friday, Jan. 29 ... Symbols of Chrlsl1nas is the theme of the program that · will be prese nted from 7 to 8:30 p.m. tomorr-ow , in the mullipurpost room. Faculty members. fou rth, fifth and · sixth grade students are in charge. TeWinkle PTA Mrs. Lawmtct Enalebart President COMING-UPo &ard.,..lftbers will host a Chrislma~ snack and dessert table far the fa culty meml:iel's Frid"ay, Ileo. 18. REPORTS : Three hundred J¥.!Ople "'ere. se rved at the dime-a-dip intemaUonaJ din- ner. DecoratiVe centerpieces "'ere raffled. Victoria PT A i\1rs. Douglas Bowltr President CO~i lN,(f UP : students ha¥~ inYl!'ej;f their"'pate'nts to. it.- tend the annual Christmas program ~t w;ill tak e place at 7 toJ\ight. Rdreshments "'ill be sifved and Santa wU! visit the st u@nts. \.• Woo.die ~~ l'FO Alri. E. \.: Ko1dan Preaident C0~11NG UP: Christmas play "The Vllllan and The Toy S h o p , ' ' an oldfa1hloned melodr11rn11 wlll be f)tt'\:enled al ·7:.33 tonight. ~f iss Karen Sauers, filth i:rade teacher will direct. 'I .. ' r --~······------ DAILY PILDT 37 Crash of Thunder Awakens Wife · to ~ounds ol Thanksgiving_ DEAR ANN LANDER.s: I've read -i;;ty tf av;t ~llilJg a y;-ngsi;-.,. , ~Ue two of theM-three locidents had p.m. class. H; h~ asked me to phone aeveraJ letltrt: In your column from wu todtulna: ltlcr&ss I.he '91r:tet. (ffe-. •u happy endings, hundreU of children are him every Monday, Wednesday and Fri- women who are miserable because their wearing only a diaper.) I got out of my killed 6r seriously Injured because their day at 4:40 to wake him up. ti usWadl anore Pleue let me-tHI mY r•r 1,.. help the astonis~ .1..i_ ver rescue_ parents were thoughtless. Do what you My mother says it is not nice for girl! .--0; v--· r -~~ '¥.~ can to-help lbese youngsters stay alive, to call boys. I think-.She'Lli.v.ing_ln story. It might help them. ·the child from the busy traffic. His Ann. -J. w. H., RAPID CITY, s.D. another cenlury. What do you think? -For )".In 1 was annoyed becaus, my mother came running toward us,• DtNG-A-LING ~u~ sno~. At times 1 a:o~ so_m1d l hysterical. She had left the boy in· a park· DEAR J.W.H.: I'm prlutlag your letter DEAR DlNG : 1 think you oagbt to bay Jabbed him with an elbow or nUdg~ him iOuch bim be ~k 1 deep breath and to recite three incident! which 1 wit· eel car while she went to make a aad 11tAT lltould belp. Ttlaaka for-your boyfriend am alarm clock for in I.he ~ck with a knee. One niCht , I started to snore •again: Ever 1ince that nessed this past summer. telephone call. He had managed to get writing. l'd like to add that eYea though Chrlslmas. was awake~ suddenly by a crash of night I have ceased to be irritated by his A family from out of state left an 13-out "somehow ". tlte iDcldenls you related were 1ummtr• thunder. It was so quiet in tbe house you snoring. In fact , lrs music to my ears. -mont.h·old chlld in ·a )ocked car while Several days later a family vacationing type, similar ha&i.rds exist In the winter What is French kissing? ls it wrong? couJd have heard a pin drop. HUNTINGTON, RA. they enjoyed a tourist attraction. The at a lake resort left a 3-year-old boy Jn a 11 well. Who should set the necking limits -the MY usband was Siill and silen ot DEAR B.UN : .JVU.1 a 1wttl 1locy. temperature had .rben to nearly 100 statiQn wagon. The child pull~ the !?rake boy or the girl? Can a shotgun wedding only was J,here no snoring -thtre'wU nO 'lbaiab: for .-.! degrees. Inside the car tt wu at least 20 and the car rolled down--the-hHHnto the DEAR ANN LANDERS: What's wrong 1uccecd~ Read AM l.AJ)ders' booklet, breathing. I was frightened out of 'fTIY degrees hotter. The thild was virtually Jake. The boy's falher saw it just in time with telephoning a boy . My.mother thinks "Teenage Sex -Ten Ways to Cool 1\.'' my mind. I wu sure he had a hea.rf'at· ·paren never to leave a child locked In a The fallowing week, JS I was driving the car and pull the child aut -seconds fruhman at,Narthwestem University. He dressed, stamped envelape in care of the will. A thowiand thoughts rushed through 0Wl 11 ::" LANDERS: Please tell "cooked". She died a•few hours later. to grab a rock , break the reac window of II is t"rible. The guy l go with ;, a S.nl,50 cents in coin and•. long, self-ad· tack and died'. Just u 1 rtacbed over t.o car Jt is convenient. I wQjlid like home, the car ahead of me atopped aud-before the car sank in 40 feet of water. enjoys a ilap in the aftemoOn after his 1 DAILY PILOT. Front Row Viewpoint Promised • Members Ind guest.s <>I ti.. Ebl.iJ, Club of Newport Beach will have a prime vantage point for the traditional Festj.. val of ~ghts in Newport Beach MondaY,, Dec. 21. Members, their families and guests will gather at fi :30 p.m~ in the ·Newport American · • Legion Hall for a buffet 1up- per and later en.}oy the sight ol the decorated, lighted boats parading. ll-frs. Jack P. Frank, ways and means chairman, has di- rected arrangements for the (~d-raising event which will benefit the club's extensive i lcl>olarship program. 1. Club Plans tr ~ .. ,. .. Yule Party · Red candles surrounded by holly and gold tinsel will ••"" ,,..., decorate tables in the home of Mrs. Richard Breeden as members and guests of the 'San Clemente Junior Woman's Club attend a Candlelight Fan· tasy. Guests will be greeled by president Mrs. Gerald McDonald and her husband as they arrive on Saturday eve- THE SWAl LOWS COME TO REST -Mrs. Bonnie Grant, proprietor of the Swallows. stands before her new misslon·sl-yle buildin~ in-San Juan Capi- strano. It is believed to be the first structu1e speci· Pieces Hedge on Inflation ning, Dec. 19. Baron of beef will highlight the buffet menu planned by Mrs. Breeden . social chairman, Mrs. Raymond Lynch a n d Mrs. Everett Antique Deale.rs Upswinging Lyster. ~ Following dinner, music will be Jll'OVided for dancing . . Betrothal Revealed • 11le engagement af Diane Lynn Collins to Timothy Marx has bee n announced by her Jn()ther, Mrs. Dorothy Gordon , of Costa Mesa. The benedict-elect is the son of Mrs. Barbar.a Marx , also of Costa Mesa. , Miss Callins i.s a graduate of Costa Mesa High School and attended Orange Co a s t College. Her. fiance a I s o graduated from CMHS and at- tended occ. A midsummer wedding is planned in the First United Methodist Church ol Costa Mesa. Woman 's Club Serves Lunch A Christmas bridge Jun~ cheon will be open to the public at noon on Friday, Dec. 18. in the Laguna Beach Woman 's Clubhouse. Lunch will be served at a cost af $1.50 by members af the Waman's Club followed by card play. Seasonal decor will be used on tables and in the clubhouse. Miss Faye Bentson, presi- dent. will head the committee assisted by the Mmes. Clifford Loucks. F. A. Franke, Louis Underwood, Karl K. Louther, Lela Flnkk!a, Thrift Hanks and Frank Hurlbut. DOWll TOWll Hospital Gift Shop Staffed ·by . SB Club· e IA~KAMlltlCAltD ,,. S•1 You Soort l JACKIE e MA.STiit CHAROI ,. Salesclerk Meets Twin bf Famous First · Lady By HELEN THOMAS .. "'l!INGTON (UPI) -Pot Nixon recently made, ·pne ·I)( her ,.infrequent shopplftl tour.i a,ro.urid'W,aShtngton, searchlng oU~Chzistmas gift! for the faro · tiy. Courses v :aried On a stop at ooe fa shionable vacation since he entered Naval specialty shop, she looked in OHir.ers Training School at vain for a bed jacket trimmed Newport, Rr thls fall. That In maribou feathers -the will make Julie Nixon Eisen. height af femininity . hower's Ghristmas happy. While she was in lhe store, The Nixo ns' elder daughter one of the saleswomen came Tricia, 24, also will have her up to her and told her. "You beau. Ed Cax. a Harvard la" c, know, you look just like Pat Nixon ." Mrs. Nixon smiled but student, at the White House did not identify herself. during the holidays. She made the rounds with a Eisenhawer's parents, U.S . close friend, Mrs. Roger John-Ambassadar ta Belgium and m , · whose ·husband is an ll-1rs. John Eisenhow'er. will assistant to President Nixon. come to the United States Swedish, Italian apd Mexi· •• fo~~'~!n!~ l~'sf~;:~1; t;~~i: :~~~~ d;:~~~~a;us~n's a~:~ can foods will . be 5:frYed "dur-tion to op@ their gifts on at the International Ball id ~g a progreM1~e dinner to be Christmas morning. Each New York, Dec. 29. g1vep b~ the. P1 P~ Chapter of member of the family and Susan, 18. will be ·escorted Beta Sigma Phi Saturday, their dogs have red knit stock· by her fiance, Alexander Dec. l~.. . . ings that will be hanging from Hugh Bradshaw, 30, soil. Of Be1inning 'at 7:30 p.m., ~'mantel. a British diplomat in Brussels. cocldails ~nd Swedish-style :The Prtsident and Mrs. Nix-She will be married in Brus- hora d'oeuvres will be served on have invited former First sets in April. in I.he home af Mr. an~ Mrs. Lady Mamie Eisenhower to•--;;;=;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m Steve Harvaths, Fountam Val-join them for Christmas din_I LAGUNA BEA( ley. '*r, set far J·p.m. to give the An Italian salad will be af· household staff a chance to SCHOOL OF fered in the Fauntain Valley "serve and depart early for . home of Mr. and Mrs. Don-• their own family celebcations. ART AND DESIG ald . Wolford, . and a Mexic~n The First Lady plans a tra· main dish will be served 1n ditional menu-fru it cup, roast the Westminster home of Mr. turkey with celCfy dressing , a~4 ~rs. Harold Proctor. igiblet" gravy, acorn squash, -Climaxing the evening will • mashed. potatoes, blueberry be ,n American-style g If t mttUlns and ruincemeat pie. exc h a n ge with ·Christmas 1'!e PresJdenfs 10n·in·law, ~ ll\ the Founta.i{I Valley . 6\vid Eiseri1'!9_Wer, 22, will be DOIII~ Otr Mr. and Mi's. Mar~-u..,;;,,e fi>r Christmas -his first n.tillOoirdleu. ......,,__ -.-- '~ . ~ " .. 1 Seniors View Holiday Decor WINTfR PROGRAM ' . • , t; I .. - • - 31' DAILY PILOT Old, New W.orld Specialties Find Tuna a Fp .vorite Tuna takeg to oover In two each of four ti.Inch pitctS of degrees F. oven 20 to 2.5 1 lable!poon instant minced ~·ith Tuna Filling. Return to oven and continue ~e browned befo~ turning. 1 package (10 OWlCtS) fJ"ORn C\llinlry speclelUes -a blend heavy-duty aluminum foll. Top minutes. onion Cover filling in each mound baking 15 minutes or until l.J): 12 knishes ; 6 serv· pea.a, thawed ~ ol'dii\.old world and the new each with one-half can tuna, YlELD: 4 servings. Combine mashed potatoes with small amounl of re-knishes are golden brown. 1 1 can (3 or 4 ounces) cho~ • -that instantly c0mmunicate naked. Spoon pliza sauce ovtr TVNA. KNISHES with remaining Ingredients to maining dough. Dust hands (Knishes may al!o be lrled. '1:nstant mashed potatoes ped mushrooms, drained Of'-~ aJJ ldnds of delightful eating each portion of beans and 3 cups sort. unseasoned form a soft dough. Make 12 with flour ): seal dough around Heat 2 tablespoons salad oil in may be used, omitting butter 1 egg, Ughtly beaten · pleasures, tuna . Sprinkle with chopned mashed potatoes small mounds of dough on a filling .and form into irnall large skillet and cook 6 and salt. 1 tablespoon dried parsley First, there'1 a testy green pe pper. olives and 2'h: cups biscuit mix -A'ell·floured surface using 8 ova~ kn1s'1es. Place on a.reased . knishes at a time, turning flakes ItallaJHtyle tuna dish. that graled Parmesan cheese. Fold 2 eggs scant i;" cup dough. for each. baking sheet. Bake in 330 one£. until crisp and well 1 "TUNA FILI.JNG Flake tuna and combine comes to the table en~onced foil over all ingredients and 2 tablespoons salad oil Make a small depression in degrees F. oven 15 minutes; bro~ed. about a to 10 3 cans (gin, or 1 ounces with remaining ingredients. ln individual foil "packets." seal securely. Bake in MO 1 ~ teaspoons salt center Of each mound; fill remove from oven nd turn. minutes.) Make sure kn ishes each) tuna in vegetable oil YIELD: About 3\IJ cups filllrig. Secondly, there 's a homeyj ~:::__:::::=-::::_.:=_:::_:::_:::__:.r__:::,;".:'.'.:..'.::'... ___ _:::;_:::::_..:::__::::::_=:::::c__::_::_==.:..::::==--=-==--===:_:_=.:_.:::=.:=:=.-__:=.:_:__:___:__:__.c.:...:._ ______ :___c. Jewish treat. knishes, the plump potato pastries en· veloping 11 sc rumptious stuf· Jing of tuna, onion and peas. This "cover up" facet of c~~ .• .::ry wa3 the brainchild of frugal·living, inventi\'e cooks ~in many lands who had to make do with -A'hatever thrift y protein food s and vegetables were available In t h e i r particular country. They learned to create simple yet intriguing deUcacie! that would make the same foods seem different from day to da y: And what better ~·ay to vary them than to encase them temptingly in pastry or dough or pancakes or leaves! Just look at the popular food s of other nations: There are Russian plroshkl, Cornish pastries and J:<,rench cb.aus1ons -turnov ers of one kind or another. Then there are Italian ravkill, Chinese won tons, Cr.echoslovakian kntdllcky -filled dump.lings, of course. The list could go on ·and on, But essentially they are all native interpretations of the basic theme : to add in· terest -and fun -to the family table with me a I · st.ntching, appetite-satisfying, low-cost dishes. FRESH MEATY s:c,~~L SPARE RIBS WILSON SLICED THRIFT . BACON 39~. ' .3 LB. FAMILY PACK GROUND BEEF FRESH HOURtY LIGHT & LEAN HAM SHANK ~PORTION CHOIC,E-ALBERTOON'S SUPREME Flitt CUT BONE IN ROUND STEAK 89~8 . Canned tuna in vegetable oil -the succulent kind -serves this purpose beautifully. Even when not on sale, the amount needed to serve a family of si x comes to little more than one dollar. There aren't many main.dish protein foods that register that low a price, these days. c,...."""' '°""''"'' s 119 TOP ROUND STEAK ........................ 8 . FISH AND CHIPS. ................... 69~ 'fiSH STICKS-_., ....................... 39~ SALMON STEAKS..... .. ........ ~.1 39 c~,,;.-.,,,,.i .....,.1.,. 9~ H.,. .... 1c~·•!1 . S 139 P'l<M>0t •....i..I lM 1ec1 W...,.. SWISS STEAK , ... -.,...,..~ .............. • BONELESS HAM ............. _ ... _.. VEAL PATTIES-......................... 77 SALMON ROASTS ................. -•• ~.1 79 ,,, And while you're counting you_r_bJ~~~ about saving money, keep in mind that these recipes are time.saving, too, Would you believe that the only work Involved In making the Tuna in Foil ltaliana is opening a couple cans and chopping a few vegeta bles, then tpoonlng them onto' the foil! -·--· The Tuna Knishes take a lit· tJe longer -but even so, you can cul short the pastry·mak· ing, if you use instant mashed potai..s .. TUNA IN FOIL ITALIANA t package (9 ounces ) frozen Italian or regula r green beall.'l 2 cans (81!1 or 7 ounces each) tun a In vegetable oil ·t can (IOV' ounces) piu.a sauce 'ii cup chopped green pepper 'ii cup chopped ripe oltves v, cup grated Parmesan cheese Divide beans into four por· lions and place in «nler of Trimming Darts 9215 8-16 r.., 11f,..i ... 11fr.."1'- Prinltd Pattern 9275: NEW Mlsses' Siles 8, 10, 12. 1-t, 16. Siie 12 (bust 34) requires 1 ~~ , yards 45-lnch fabric. SEVENTV-FJVE CEl\"TS for e11cti pattern -add 25 cent.<; for each pattern for Air ~1ail and Special Ha ndling : $1.herwtse third-class delivery will take three w e ck s or mC'llf:. Send to Marian ~farl1n. 442 the DAILY PILOT. Pal· tern Dept., 232 \\'est 18th St.. New York: N.Y. 10011. Print NAME, ADDRESS ,.;th ZIP 0 SIZE Md STYLE NUMBc;ll. ' I c....,..s-;~... 89~ t~t>gfl ... ~-· 65~ '...,,. 79! ~U~ROAST--. .................. • HAM BUTT PORTION ...... _._..,_ RED SNAPPER.-................. _.... ("RA,,,BMEAT . ...::::: .................. ~1 9 . BEEF STEW MEAT,......., • ..,,._ ........... 89! lii'M"sucEs ....,,,__ ........... 984 'P'Ac1F1c OYSTERS. .......... -.... ,,.,,,,. 79! SiiR'iMPMEAT .......... ___ .. _ ...... ~1 9 --5 LBS. 20 ' OFF 25' OFF ~-. t ;j GOLD ~· IVORY GAIN • MEDAL -~ ... f' • • ~ __.,_,"'""· " .... s.:: LIQUID ,.......FLOUR-. Flour KING SIZE ~'11,,·,._.n ~ DETERGENT DETERGENT );:-:J ~ 11 J6." -· ... --=-. WE ' ' WE I Ci!Vf GM!' • MORE LOW-LOW-MONEY SAVING GROCERY PRICES HILLS BROS. COFFEE ~::::. .... -.. -.......... 6Z! ALBERTSON'S BISCUIT MIX ____ .. ~43! LADY SCOTT TISSUE ;-;;.: ................ 4/1. MOTHER'S COOKIES :;;.::= ___ .... -66! PITTED OLIVES ,-·""'~ .................... ,,, 79! POTATO CHIPS ........ _ ................ -.12~ 591 CAMPFIRE MARSHMALLOWS ........ .191 INSTANT COFFEE -·--·-··---"" spa ZEE SPICE TONE NAPKINS ... N ......... 17! PUREX LIQUID BLEACH -·--.. ··--·"" 561 GALA PAPER TOWELS """"'"'· ............. 371 REG/DIET PEPSI COLA .... ...., ....... _ 3/1. IMITATION SOUR CREAM .... ,, ......... 79! PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES .,~:_ ...... __ 34~ JOLLYTIME POP CORN ..... ,,,,;_,,, ..... 41i SWEET GERKIN' PICKLES """ ....... _,;~69! LIPTON MAIN DISH DINNERS ...... M . 75 1 CRUSHED PINEAPPLE ~-:.~'.". .... -.... 70~ ::.~0~:· In-Store Bakery LEMON MERINGUE PIES ~ 8 INCH PIE· PILED HIGH WITH MER INGUE CHRISTMAS STOLLEN.-.-.891 DINNER ROLLS ;<:;,:.«;;.: ....... 3 .. J. LIQUOR DEPARTMENT ~J~BRANDY Gold Coast RUM •WEST 339 IND!fS IMPORT ff TH fresh best PRODUCE AVOCADOS ... ,.,...,,..., __ .~ 191 TANGERINES ,__,.....,_3._791 WALNUTS .... --...... _ .. 391 PEANUTS :,~ __ 7._...,991 FRESH CELERY c..,.._ ... _.7/291. FROZEN FOODS POTATOES AlBERJS()N"S CRINKLE CUT·TATERGEMS- FRENCH FRIES -2 lBS. 46~ WHIP 0 TOPPING :~~~-391 FRUIT PJES ~".:'..'!t.;-... -. 591 STEW VEG ET ABLES""""''~ •. 361 POTATOES ;'".;.:.~ .. -... , .. 471 DELICATESSEN TATER TOTS ~ ..... _ _,..s11 COOKIES ~::;= ...... ,,,.. 971 Pl CTSWEET PEA s __ ..-431 BOLOGNA:;:";::::-:.='=""-69! PEAS AND CARROTS::;.:,431 LUNCH MEAT:.':.:.':."c,:1,~ 971 MIXED VEGETABlESi::•;.;::, 441 COTTO SALAMI .,.....,.. ,, ••. 8,. BOXED COOKIES ._. ...... 3 .. ,891 CHATEAU BRANDY ..... '3" OLYMPIA BEER "'""-~• .. '1" KESSLER WHISKEY-..o.'S" R & R WHISKY ,,_._,. .. ~5" &.,.,_..; TEN HIGH BOURBON ri::.'9'' TEQUILLA ,._,....,._,. '4" MARGARITA MIX ::Z: . .79 ~~l~C:E CREAM --.in""'-'"' 591 CHEDDAR CHEESE ::.::.~~-~"".551 We Gladly Accept U.S.D.A . Food Stamps SUNSHINE FRUIT CAKE DOWNY SCHlllll'jG VANIL'LA •• - '" . ~ ' ' • , SNACK CRACKERS CLEANSER • 14 01. 18i SOFTENIR ' .. •OOl 39! C~.EEZ·IT Huntington Beach-15511 So. Edwards Huntington Beach-8911 Adams - GI. 86! 20Z. 531 Fountain Valley-16042 Magnolia 31 Convenient Locations to Serve You. Corona del Mar -3049 Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach..:.. 700 So. COCllt Hwy. -.. - Fl !u.~ ... Sl So " '01 ' Fro SI Ra G Sw qui • ~ Qc su: tu: S· F s \ /. . - ·It's not too early to start planning for your holiday feast! .. El Rancho knows that, but we'll h.elp with this week's menu, too! ' ' . ' . FULL CENTER CUT Season it right with Schilling'• Black Pepper ... 4 o:. t in ... 49• Swiss Steak .......... IONELESS ......... 89~ Rump RoasJ .:,, ........ ~ .......... , ... Btt1. So tender ••• for a delightful December dinner! U.S.D.A. Choice beef,,. lean, tender, tasty I 'Omaha Roast ......................... , 98~ ! Sirloin Roast ....................... s1.691b. From selected beef rounds, •• for a fine pot roast! From the heart of the sirloi~1 tip! ••• great eating! Sliced Bacon ........ EL RANCRO's ....... 59 t Ham Slices ....... :CENTER cu1 ....... sl.0911. Ranch style ,., s. little U1icker ••• lea ner ! From El Rancho1s own hams ••• lean, flavorful! G J·H" . 99·· ·· -ame ens .. ~~-.~:.~~~.. .. Chuck SteaWs ~ITTER 69~b. . ~ • , • ' , ; Swift's Premium ••• the 11ame speaks fa.• the U.S.D.A. Choice beef ••• compare the quali ty, •. . quality •• , arid the size offers greater vakl.e. 41 .see that El Rancho offers more goodness! I . NORBEST ••• GRADE "A" fRESH fROZEN WITH AUTOMATIC TENDER TIMER! Quality that can't be 1urpassed by any frozen turkey at any other price! TOMS .' •••••• Plump and tender! ..• 1\orbest is a turkey yo u'll be sure to serYe "·itl1 pride ! HENS •••••••• FRESH TURKEYS, TOO! )l'e'n have exactly the bird rou want ... fresh as can be ... and just the siz.e yo u '"ant •• , ready '"hen !'OU v..-a11t it .•• order it this \\'eek-end, be sure you're getting the very best ! ' '/ Designed · for Giving! ' Happy BOllltions to your uiit buying for tho holidays alicad! A uataxy of appel ling gift baskets, beautifully packed, 1nod· rslfy priced •• , fresh fruit packed to order , •• epirits i1& Uie holiday spirit ••. a11d, of co«rsc, E,"l P.a.ncho Gift Certificates arc altvays 11..'elco111ed! .. FREE TURKEYS!. .. 60 OF THEM! ]{ave your Christmas turkt'Y on us • , , free ? , , • be & lucky 1 ,,·inner at the El Rancho nearest you ••• No purchase neces~ sary ••. just enter your nan1e on o~e of our entry blanks {or any piece of paper) ••• \Vinners \\'ill be notified J.fonda)·, Dec. 21st ••• to pick up the :f.ree t urkey of their choice I • FREE ROSE PARADE TICKETS! 100 .OF THEM! Fifty lucky people get two tickets each • , , plus free parking , , , fo r the world famous Kev; Year's Day Rose Parade ! No p11rchase necessary-just ente r yo ur'name at any El Rancho. Great seats ••• fabulous vie\V ••. conven~ent parking! \Vlnhers '''ill be notified Doc. 28th , • , and will be overjoyed on New Year's Dayf . . , -. Super Fresh Produce! ~ Mushrooms ........................... 7 9~ •, So rood .•• so fresh : lJothouse grov.·n to give you the goodness you expect from El Rancho ! · Fresh Carrots ................... 2 1or 19 '! Sweet , , , tender ,, , crisp , , , I lb. packa11es. Spanish Onions ................ 311. 19' For !Javor that enhances even the !ineat mea t&! You'll want Uiem on Y,our holiday table ... Apricot.-Pineapple, Seedle,. Blackberty or Strawberry! . . Your choice ••• Glazed Can'Ots, Peas 'vith Cream Sauce, Creamed Spinach, Peas with Onions. Peas with Potatoes and Cream! Aren't you glad Birds Eye loves to cook •• , and does it ao ~·ell? Choose decorator designs in assorted colors ~ •• and save sC on cacl1 roll you take home! Sli~ed Pineapple ... \ ........... : 4 for s1 Doles ••• No. l }i ••• to go 'r1th your Xmas ham! Whole Peeled Apricots ........... 43'· Glorietta •• golde n ripe •• s"·cet ., No. 2Y2 can! Frozen Hors D'Oeuvres .... .!. .... 89' Durkees •• choic e of party fa Yori tea •• 5 oz. pkg.! HOtltoll Mix ............................ 39' Pillsbury's ,; .fresh rolls so easily! 14 oz. pkg, Nut Rolls .............................. 4 for s1 Holiday deli ghts from Crosse & Blackwell ! Hidden Valley Dip Mix ............ 29' Front the people 'rl10 make dressing mix! 1 oz. Afpo Meat· Trio ................... 4 for $1 Dog food your~pet ,,·ill appreciate! ••• 14 oz. cans Northern Tissue ....................... 39¢ Bathroom tissue in the four rol l pack ! Delicatessen Specials! e· . 1<1• t.•11n .,,11 •I-I I' HAM I\ ' • • .. I I Canned Ham Rath's Hickory Smoked! Heat and s429 serve, and love it ! . 5 LB. CAN ••• Shrimp Cocktail .................. 3 1or $1 La ssco , •• read1 ~o serve , .. 4. ounce containers! Avocado Dip "' ......................... 49¢ Pen & Quill offers 4 ki nds .. , 8 ounce! Pricea in ef fect Thurs. througTi Sun ., Dec. 17, 18, 19, 20. No sales to dealers. Open dailv 9 to 9 .. , Sundav 9:30 to 6:30. . . Snap E Tom ..................... 2 ~ 25• Tomato juice \vith. "po\v:11 ••• 10 OL cans •••• 5 fot S.l Big G Snacks .................... .-...... 39• With dips , • , or good munchin11 ! Reg. 47e kind., Ritz Crackers ........................... 37• Nabisco's favorite ! Buttery r ich •.• 12 oz. pkg. Hills Bros. Coffee .................... 87:. Two lb. can .... 1.73 Three lb. can .... 2.49 Reaut ifu l packs, great gifts! Gift \vrapping, too ••• on the i t erns of y Ou r choice, at no charge, of course ! Harvey's Scotch .... ~~~~ .... ,'5.98 You save $1.00 at this very special price! C d• Wh' k HALF-GAL '11 49 ana 1an 1s y.......... • \Vindsor Supreme •• sn~ooth ! .• Save 1.00 ! A • t A HALF GAL $1198 nc1en ge ................... • Straight whiskey, , 6 years old , , Save 1.00 ! El Rancho Rum ..... '.'.~.~ ...... '3.99 For holiday parties . , , 80 proof! .. ,QUIRT 4.99 Blended Whiskey .... ~1.r:'.'. .... '3.99 . El Rancho's own .. , 86 proof I .. , QUIRT .. 4.99 El Rancho Gin ...... '.'.~~ ....... '3.85 Mixes so smooUily,, . 90 proo f!,, QUIRT .. US HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonquin St. NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also conveniently located-stores .in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena • ' . ' ' • • 1 \ I ~'"' •• I I it ' ,. p p • r • I· 1. t I r • . t, ... .. ~ , ' ' ' f t I I J I • . .. II d • I l " .. ' , ~ I " '" .. .. "' •• -· ' ' I • ' : . ~- , - • 'Cf DAilY PILOT . American . Cooki e i'?' Filled • NEW YORK (UPI) -No pina association. says Orne A chain in Seattle, where be~nning. A vegetaian varie-plua that beats in a pop.up ane under 30 is ~ina to persons staunchly ..... maintain jumbo jet planes are built, ty contains soy protein bacon touter and dou~le-erust pizzas believe th.11 -·but p1z.u was that it originated ln lsrael as features a · jumbo, plane-substitute instead of meat. Big that heat the same way. - Calories Don:t Count 80 Utlle-ll:nown in-Ult-United -tomato spread on unleavened shaped--piua -for-$7~47,-ol sellers include..aauer.kraut with _ALlhe...oppositiLencl..of_the To fiW: the cookie Jar fer the Z egg whit~ Stites in the 1940s that special bread and was carried bacll: lo course. or without smoked German scale is a plu.a 20 feet in calorle cOOSCioos, try AM~ ¥4 teaspoon salt until very stiff. Fold Jn alnionda ancr a radio and newspaper ~ppeals Italy by Roman soldiers. A Texas and a New Mexi~n sausage. diameter reportedly made in ti cookies. 1 cup brown sugar, firmly extract Drop by teas were necessary ~ obta.in 110me If the thought of matzos plzzeria make a chili piu.a The Loveland restaurant" Chicago. The previous record Brown sugar adds the uht. packed , one-inch apart onto to L'ratlfy the dying Wlllh .0t·a wilb tomato sauce turns you containing jalapeno chilies. also makes heart-shaped for size reportedly was an 11• que flavor to these treata. 1/t teaspoon almond ex~ract sheet lined wilh un GJ .at r Denver military off, consider some more re· A L 0 v e 1 8 n d , Colo., pizza. in keepipg with the footer made by a Milwaukee •--p11al I · u mun1'ty 's n ,. ck name p1'••er1'a for a party gt'"er The Prelly on your cookie tray, Gr'tnd a!mcnds 1'n an eleclr'1c paper. Bake in 351! uu;! • cen mnova ons: restaurant makes a full line of com • ~ -• · , , oven fo r IO to 12 minu One paper, the Denver Post. A midwestern resta urant what it calls "Oddball" or Sweetheart Town of the U.S.A. same baker previously had too. 'blender or nut grater. Set until lightly browned. C identified it as "lapitza" and reportly makes a banana '10ft the Menu" pizzas. American technolOgy has made nine and IO.fOOt ;pizzas, Al\fARETI'l aside. Beat egg whites wit~ minutes before re described it this way ; van·e1y, ,.......,, w1'th sl1'ced Strawberry, cherry, apple, added other , variatlon.s for baked in sections and \ . h l "II' 'd to be do gh rolled """" · · bled f r Ing on blanched NII until frothy. Add sugar om cookie 5 ee to s s.ai u bananas. powdered sugar and apricot, pineapph!, rhubarb home preparations -In-assem or se v k 4 d thin baked 11.ke 1 tortilla s . 11 made trays , .....,ually, beating continual racks. Ma es ozen. ' ·1 ~c~ln~n~am~o~n:·~~~~~~·__:a~n~d~bl~ue~be~rr!y~a~r~e~o~n~ly~the~~c~lu~d~in!g~o~pe~-~n·:fa~ced~~f~r~o~z~e~n'....::p:ec:••:::::Y_:::_:::::~:'...:::·__:~~~__:~:::_::::::.:::...-:--:---:-;_:;&r=-~::;--::,-~-;;'~;---~-'-~~~--,.:--~"jf" served with a garlic and 1- tom1to sauce, sprinkled with cheese ." The response to the appeals included homemade p I J: i a prepared by a Denveritt, 'Mn. J~h Hughes, and· two varieties made by New York baker John Sasso, who shipped them by 1lr express •ith the sauce in 1 eeparate container. That happened only .24 years ago Today, pizza is secO(ld only to hamburge r s and cheeseburgers as the favorite U.S. snack food. l~'a Jn first place with 21 to 34--ytar-olds The Gallup Poll that record- ed these fiildings for a trade magazine also found that P,iu.a Is the ranking ethnic• food in this country. . Exactly how much pizza we eal annually is uncertaln,.but the figure certaiply is in the billions of pounds. '!be N6rth American Piu.a Assn.,·a trade organization : calculates one pound of pizza for each dollar 1pent. One trade magazine estimated l h a t Americans 1penl Sl4S million for froren pizza ill 1969, plus another '2.5 billion for pizzeria-produced varieties. No figures were given for packaged mixes.' Universal Foods eorp.,~ihe - naton's largest single producer of Italian-style ·cheeses, which are important p I z z a in· ~lents, says res taurants serving · only ptzza · increased 1,500 per . cent between . 1950 and 1970. A spokesman predicts that the current total of 30.<KXI _ pjzze~ias will. dou,ble. by 197);. . · Bui until ·1934, there · were fewer than 500 in the entire United Slates. according to one frozen pizza . maoufac: turer, Toasta Foods Co., Min· neipolis.' Pizza had been •introduced to the United Slates with-the first 'dig wate· · nf ·ltalian· · ·im- miirants.in.the late ltlh cen- tury. Many settled on Ntw York's lower East Side, where the first U.S. piu.eria Fis · believed to have o p e n e d around the turn of the ·century. Not unUJ. World War•)t end- ed did their popularity ,.sJ1re11id beyond big cities with l~e lt.alian populations. M a n )l American veterans of · the Italian campaign h t I p e d create the demand. Ne.apolit¥s usually ate credited with inventihg piua in the .16tb"cfntury,'.but the . ' Pineapple Delights Veal chtips really "waikaik.i" tas1e buds when prepared with pineapple, ac- cording to Weight Watchers International. VEAL f HOPS HONOLULU YI medium pineapple. peeled \t cup Worcestershire sauce If. cup vinegar :I tablespoqps sleak sauce 3 tablespoons sugar l cup tomato juice 14 teaspoon cayenne pepper 2 teaspoons monosodium glutamate 4·10 ounce veal chops Cut pineapple into w~dges. C o m b f n e Worcestershire sauce, vinegar. steak sauce, sugar. tomato juice. cayenne pepper. and monos o d i urn glutamate. Pour over veal chops in bowl : add pineapple . Refrigerate •I )east three hours. turning occasionally so that all meat and fruit is covered with marinade . Remove chops and pineapple te broiling rack. Broil about three inches from IOUl"Ce of beat for 12 minutes or until c o o k e d throughout. Turn &net! during broiling. Ba!le with marinade several limes. Makes four 1ervjna:s. Frost Free The majority of ttfrlgerators sold t Gd a y defrost automaUcally. Thia feature may be called lrost-lree, nc>frost , frostless - ._ dtpendlng on the brand. Ask the aalesman if bolh th! refrlgtrator 11nd freezer are automaUOIJly defrosted . Some models defrost only lhe refrlierator automatically . CHRISTMAS EVE CLOSlllCi HOURS WILL BE POSTED CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY ···- 'i { MA YFRESH SELF liASTING: PRIME lu"i.ii~is ·~ lb. TO l ACH OJ THl51.YOUNG l lRD5 Wl 'VE ADDED J. LIC.Hr CORN 011.,I ASTING INc.RlOIENT. W~ICH . I Ull l l.S UP ·TO IASTE EACH TURKEY. EASY TO fOll o'N COOfClNJ' INSTRUCTIONS Aft INCl UD· ID IN EVIRY PACKAGE YOUR SATISfACTION GUARANTEED OR Wl ll GIVE YOU OOUSLE YOU R MONlY I ACK. 5&WYEGETABLE5 WHOLI Kl•Nl l. O• C•E.t.MlO co•N. CUT ,.llN IEANS, l'IAS 303CANS 5t$ ... YOUR CHOICE.......... • I I POR:JERH T-BONE ·SI Wtll T~IMME0-1A1l5 Off .......... -• BEEF RIB STEAKS ,VICTORY BRAND U;S;D.A. INSPECTED YOUNCi Wfll TRIM/I.ED !:.JEER &C.EF .... ~ ..... _,. -- TO·AtllU;RKE~Y.·5 J'\ii.~ < ~­ ' ~04 . J c U.S. D. A..G RJ\D E•Ai F.RESH:FROZEN MAYFRESH 'T'.URKEYS '.I YOUNG TOMS WE HAVE All VARIETIES AND SIZ- ES OF SELF-BASTING AND STUFFEO TURKEYS ALONG WITH THE FINEST SELECTION OF , DUCKS, Ci.!ESI. GAME HENS . JUNIOR TURKEYS AND BONELESS TURKEY ROASTS FOR YOUR HOLIDAY NEEDS ... YOUNGHENS OYSTERS 'WES Tf-11 H DZ.'i I [&$T(lll l·tl. ~i I 79' 98' Ml Yl'lllMGl40f AA LAINi~ EGGSooz.45' I . _, ·~-STAtn I 0 ~ CRISP CELlRY -........ !1 TANGERINES JUMBO SIZE ORLANDO TYPE FAllM FIESH I ~ RADISHES or 5HVEL . GR. ONIONS ORANGES • lU ' ' to ( ~·· • .. .. Wtdntsday, Otttmbtr 10. 1970 DAILY PILOT 4 J , ' Bu ff et Menu Spa·rked with New. Jdea for a-Cassero re · Soft'n Easy Cooks are often In a ..qµao~ ol a dish lhal can be. pr~red dary over what lo serve al a. 't\'ell ahead add heated.in tbe .... buf(t!t supper thal features oven. ham or turkey. Baked bean s? Arid .this dish is made the l-1 acaroni an cheese! easy way: it calls ,for. frt¥en Both are good but they P.all small white wbole peeled when they've been ofrtred potatoes and frozen green Ovt'f' 11nd over again. peas: Nb peeling~ the potatoes So here's a new sugges tion-. or shelling the pe"as necessary. Team potatoes and gr.cen peas. Isn'tJL,nice to know fhat su<:lt in a crcan1 sauce and lQJ> with a nutritjous -and attractive buttered fres h bread Crunibs combination can be put mixed \\'ilh cheese. A beauty•. togeftier in jlgtime? POTATO AND GREEN PEA CASSEROLE 1 packa1e (Z pounds) frozen small white whole peeled potatoes 1 package ( 10 ouncM ) fi'ozen green peas 1/3 cup butt.er 1/3 cup flour 1 •,.J teaspoons ~alt ;a teaspoon white pepper ;:. teaspoon nutmeg 1~··:·:~~-.. l&~~~ i U.S.D.A,. CHOICE 01 MA YFAll ~ BLUERIBBON STEU BEEF .~ Z-% cups milk 1 teablespoon butter I cup fresh bread crumbs ~i cup grated {medium fine ) Cheddar cheese Paprika Cook . potatoes and peas separately, each according to package direct.ions; d r a In · thoroughly; mix together In a buttered oblong 2-quart glas1 baking dish (ll,. by 7'h by 1:v, inch~) or similar utensil. Meilnwhile in a medium . SS BEEF ·),'E A KS : ALLCUTS INCLUDED , :HOICE OR MAYFAIR IBiON STEER BEEF ' 'C ~~~~::~:1~~:~~~;~~:~!.' 39' ~!~~'~E,~.~I~~----. •oz S i$ I !~.~~,~~!~!.~~~1.~~m """ 2 tc BREVO NI-STRETCH •C > ~a~l~ .. ,.69c ' S~lltll, CDtlllll "'"''ti ,.-·---•DJflfi~ c1ust aars U!alll ·lll.!'1.--· - ADVERTISED PRICES EFEECIJ'lE.A.fULL DAYS THURSDAY DEC. 17 th•u THURSDAY DEC. 24 .!. < ,_. • VOllNOFFIOPIOOF IEIWICIC"SIOPIOOF i2. OiAICOALFU.nRED IXTIASMOOTH t i VOD!!!.:.~N ! c;;' 56.99 l tofou.K-f.-:'I '",. 1oei. u.~ .......... tl tl "-.:l_... Of"'""'l'••• 1£1Gl&M11 -Si.M U.at Ul UITt•nSCOTCN -S59'1 M.H l(lftlMlf,0. S6.'J5 1US 'l llCOTCH Sl.iGU.14 .Mllll£A111--S!IYJ U.15 MClOUIEllr.0_.., SJJ SslH Cll&DIQ Cllll s,.'5 SUI ctllmtll(I COCI AI, YI sa.r.i SJ.IT LK llAINI -!l 1' $1,M IMlllOff VOOllA --St.n U.4' AllClllTIGf. -SS . .l! M.M WOlfSCHM IDTVODllt _SI 9'1U.M •UlATll Ill Si l, 16.1' CMll&TIU.110l llAIDY15.J• M.U OLOCIDW .~--15l!U_H MC&IDl lUM' 14 9'1 U.ft llllllf'l llW -· 14.S• U,\I lltlllll'1 ll[IO .... _JI 6! M.:; eumsa111 -11.W M.M CMIVAlllli&l 11,.. .. -SllS II.Tl DlD11tl01 -SS ~! D.U ~llllUl WM.lllt .. ftttllh Sl ilJ\l.M llllTTIM[I ft• S~.t9 U ~t 1Alt01ffllft11 ·-S51' Sl.71 sau~pan over low heat, melt and sauce; sprinkle with 1/3 cup bulter ; stir in flour, paprika . sa:lt, pepper and nutmeg : Bake in a preheated 4U. remove from heal ; gradually degree oven until vegetables sti r in milk , keeping smooth. are very hot and crumb mix- Cook over medium heal, sti r-lure is lightly browned - riog constantly, until boiling about 10 minute!. If dish has and thickened . Pour o 1/ er to be held for a br ief lime polltoes and peas; mix light--before-~erving. reduce oven ly. . temperature to 325 degrees. In a small skillet over low Makes 5 to 8 servings. heat, melt I tablespoon butter; To Prepare Ahead : Up to 5 mix in crumb!, then cheese. or 6 hours before casserole is Spoon evenly over W!getables to be served, prepare it but do lNlll&Ur VAWABll COUPON YOU SAVE 21cWHENYCUIU'[ 2 HUNT!S PEACHES SLICED 01 HALVES NO. 2 ',~CAN W ITH THIS COUPON llMll I COUPON P~ll: AOUlrCUSTOMEll: DEC.17-DEC.24 WITH THIS COUPON l lMIT I COUPON'Pfll: ADUlT CUSTOMEll: OEC.17 -0EC.24 WAX PAPER CUT-RITE 12S ft . ROLL nol add crumb mixture. Cover dish with foil •or transparent plastic wrap and refrigerate. Abolll 1 1~ hours before serving lime, remove dish rrom 'refrigerator, un- cover and let stand IS minutes. Sprinkle with crumb mix· lure and paprika. Bake, un- covered, in a 325-degree oven until bubbly-hot and crumbs art ,browned -1 hour and 15 mlnutes. LIMIT 2 All sort and easy motion beautifully destgned for those fashio nable, nuent fabrics you Jove -the carefree crepes, sleek knits , blends. Send ~ Printed P8ttern 9457 ; NEW Misses' Sizes 8, 10, lZ, 14, 16, 18. Size lZ (bust 34 ) lakes 2\9 yards 6B-inCh fabric. SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS ror each pattern-add Z5 cents for ea ch pattern for Air Mail and Special Handling ; otherwise third-class delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to r.farian Martin, 442 the DAILY PILOT. Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St .. New York. N.Y . 10011 . Print NAME. ADDRF.88 with ZIP, •SJZE and STYLE NUMBER. NEW. Fall • Winter Patlern Catalog. 114 dynamic designs. Free Pattern Coupon. 50.cents. INSTANT SEWING BOOK sew today, wear lomorrow. Sl. INSTANT FASHION BOOK - What-to-wear answers, ac· cessory, figure tips! Only SI. Slimmi ng WITH THI~ C-OUPON llM\r 1 COUPO"' PEii: ADULT CUSTOM Ell: oi:c. 17 -DEC. 24 22~ < 9265 10~20~ . ,,,, 11f ,...i.:.. -nf ...r' ... ·' Panelled pantdress carefree way to travel. clever way to stay at home! Has a Jean, low waistl ine. fronl zip- per and a na tterin g band neckline .. Printed Pattern 9265 : NEW Hal{ Sites JOY,, !Zlfl. 14~. 16'h, -181h, 201k. Size 14 !bust 37 ) takes 3 yards . 45-in. SE¥ENTY·FIVE CENTS for each pattern -add 25 cents for ea-.:h pattern for Air Mail and Special Handling ; otherwise third-cla ss delive ry ~~d1 ~!~'~;i~~ ~=~~n~r4~0[h~ • DAILY PILOT. Pattern Dept .. 232 West 18th St.. Ne)Y York . N.Y. 10011. Pr inL NAME, ADDRESS with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. NEW Fall • Winter Pattern catalog. 114 dynamic designs. Free Paltem Coupon. 50 cents. INSTANT FASHION BOOK -sew today, wear tomorrow. It. INSTANT SEWING 800'- What·te>-wear answers. IC· cessory, fl~re. tips! Only St. LOCAL No ollt•r fl•w1p1p1t tol!1 yo11 m1or1, •"IM'V d1¥. 1Dout wh1t'1 9.,.;119 011 i" tho Gr11l1r Or'"'' C1:1i1t lh111 tho 9AllY PILOT. • I • i 1 I I I ' . ' I ':;> . • \ .. .t I , •• • ' ' ' . ,_, • l1t9wlororDrip 87 Luzianne Coffee ..... . ...... "' c f•gporo!td Pet Milk .. . ....... 1 ac New Do•i1h Borden's Margarine ......... 42c j. --~•xTRADl~~~u_":T""f CE P'e';;ut Butter .. ,,,99c ;:.u~;M'G.1 INST AN RI , '" .... ;,c,,, ....... t\\~~0011 \ 43c " !'.~!~.!~ves ............ . ..... ,.,999c 1111"--~-c-':1· ... oz. H D'O Ml 4 c .. __ ors euvre x ..... . H~m;s'D;Oeuvre Onions ...... 49c HEALTH&: BEAUTY AIDS-"ri fflJIXTIA DISCOUNT PRELL-LIQUID ~-----fl MRS. FRIDAY'S-FROZEN SHAMPO.O-_\ ";~;Li5'' \ BREADEDSHRIMP I TONG I . 99 I 39C 1-14 -0Z. C ~--------------------l l ~~:~~:~.~~.~~ ............... 69c l 1--------------------- THE 5·5 'iii1J, EXTRA RICH c •· SHAMPOO ' 3.,·0Z. D•. S<holl CORN PADS 43• OTHfltS CHA.RGf SI Tobl1th-J0'1 Dl·GEL ...... 78• ~QJHERS CHARGE J'lc f o• Ch :ld•1tn-S1. Joi.1tph'1 J6'1 A~PIRIN .... 28• OIHfltS CH.t.llGE Sl.79 (1tro o..,. O.odotont 9-of. ARRID ...... !1 37 Clo1e0 Up TOOTHPAITI ~fciiH°EitroiiSJ 72 ............-I CHARGE I 4.6. C L __ l!f~--! oz . I 11 PKG. I ------- • PI LOT -ADVERTISER 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA • 13922 BROO KH UR·sr, GARDEN GROVE • 1308 W. EDIN Gr R. ~AfllT/'. ANA 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH e 23811 EL TORO, EL. TORO .. ' 1 • \ . ' ' .., ~ \ 1 • ~--~hC~P·~·~,---·-•--.·~....,.·-~----~~-------·........,.,.-. ---• --•----."",. r r,-··-,.........-•·~~ ........ 8 PILOT·ADVERTISER 5 Wednesday, DKAmbtr 1,, 1970 GIOUllD ' ROUND . FflESH • LEAN DELICIOUS ' u.83' ' U.S.O.A.CHOICIOllTATHUOS.CftTHOtffF 89C ' RIB ITIAKS .......... _ .............. _ ...... _, Ll- u.s.o.A.CMOGotsr~raHOS.a1r1F11D1Hf S 125 T-BONISTIAKS .................... -.. Ll- • STATER PROS: RANCHO BRAND-YOUNG U.S.D.4. GIU\DE "A" OVEN READY ·':!~HENS TOMS ' H SHANK PORTION - c LB. BUTT PORTION 57' OR WHOLE HAM u . 18-24 L!J. AVERAGE c ·GROUND BEEF .... .... U.S.D.A. GI.ADI 'A' OPOCO IRANDOVIN IE.ADY F"lisilEi .. 49' F'iisitoM •. 45' FRESH• LIAN• DELICIOUS GROUND HOURLY 49~. Holiday Poultry WE JUTUIE A COMPUTE UIE AT STAnl llOS. LOW-LOW PllCES U.1.0.A.OtOKIOISTATllM05.CllTWB.., 45 TAIU•AN>1.U.,ACXAGI 49c CHUCK ROAST ·---·-LI· ' SUCED BACON ............. LI. . ... -............. "' ............ T-•TIMID· .. .,., R'°""'o"1-LSllOULED ... ROAST 89' R"''1"""'a'·R'" .. o· ·A·'"·s"'1 75c · tuTT,.AU 1u11<n • .-.nUO<u • AIMOUt '""''° 1\JIKfY • ............ LI. I-TH I l· TH Ill .. LI. . AIMOIA: aoNIUSS • JUNK>fl TUll(fYS • 1\llltl'f'ltOU.S • TUllCl'I" U.S.D.A.OtOKIOISTATHllOS.alTl'•DNlf 83 U.1.D.A.CMOtCIOISTATRllO$.CllT1RIOIHf s 1 09 H&NDQUAITHS • OfCXINS • DUCKS • GHSf ( ..... QU(OIU.llAOYTOIAT \ '439 RUMPROAST ... mm LIO STEAKS:.o::. .......... LI. ~ 'I CANNID HAM IOHIWt .• ·'"·"' 83' ,..._OUIOWH"""'1'1YSnu..-< -·······-·S'Ll.CAN ROUND STEAKIONE-IN LI. PORK SAUSAGE ........... c U.S.D.A.CHOtaOIST•T•Hos. 5·9c· USTHNGl.t."4-flDSHOULDll 5ne -MANNATTANAU.lllFTMICIC 59e " ROUND BONE ROAST L1. PORK STEAKS ............... 1.1. ;r SLICED BOLOCillA ,,.oJ. u.s.o.•.atotaotsT•THuos.an••o•lf' S 129 -. • PORTERHOUSE STEAKS .... LI. MOftlilNIDl12-01.PKG. 4nc fAIMB.tOHNllG.OITHIClt 59c OSCAIMAYlll·OLOtul ') age All MEAT WIEliER ........ ;r SLICED BACON ............... LI. BU•SCHWEIGER .:i& • . U.S.D.A.CHOtaOISTATlllllOS.CllTIF•DIHF S 149 · · TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS ........... LI. GIFT " CERTI F! CATES fRIW!t STAlER BROS. • '.';. I 0t•1STIMS ~ IS Ml.Of • !.". 1.Uf WIT~ Giff CIUlflCAflS /. • ... , f~ AHY STAil• MOS. MNl«l f, !Hff .UI AtWA\'S WfLCOMI IY IMPLOYllS. f.ill-ID!i AHO Ill .... TM5, Olfl Cfl lflC.All5 NI! If· DUMAIU ON Al.l l'VICHASIS Al ~ 51.llilll MOS.MNllCfl , PRICES EFFECTIVE from TH URS. DEC. 7 7th thru SUN. DEC. 27th All ST,ATEI l~OS. Mltl<m Will IE CLOSED CHllSTiqlDI' CHALLINGI EGGNOG on.49c ,,.": - ~-7~1~11~1 ; .tnll~IN_.a 34' , MORTON PIES ............ ' '"°' lltDGf09D-lfADTTOIAKI 53' BREAD l-IOAfPA<K .......................... .. .. . l lllOSIY( 59' COllOH£l !OOl . • ·'"' 29c COOL WHIP _ ... •~ ONION RINGS . __ •·•< Wlllt Cll(.lliM SAUCl 3')C l lA05 IYE 47c BIRDS EYE PEAS .. _,.,_ ~· ORANGE PLUS ·-·-•·"- e111os IY( 33' 111105 (YI 29' ' GLAZED CARROTS .. ".,_ 'TASTI FRIES _,, . .._ C.UFAMI 3 69' ORANGE JUICE . . ...........•. oz. •DOWHYFl.AKl-TOAITAHO "tYI • 3 .,. WAFFLES _......... . " ':«~~: ; llOSA~•TA .lliSSI, 49' CtUC~ENOfTH~SlA SJ65 MEXICAN DINNERS -·-1.0.F. SHRIMP --n= , llQSAAll.lliBCtF•CH(lSE 39c fl.lliSH BEEFOAVE.lli~ 5111: • , ENCHILADAS _____ ,,..., BUTTER STEAKS ..... ,,. ;i > ~RION'S 11.oz. 54c MORION 59c i ·:I-COURSE DINNERS ·-POUND CAKE ......... .,_., 1 MORlON 27C CAAN.llillON 67" CREAM PIES _........ •·"· I · __ c_OD_FIUET_S --····-"., r · . 'fAIMet.K>ttN . 50c . ftuHWISTllN 70c OSCAIMAYlll.Ol.a... 2 age All ME4T WIENER .. _.1.1. ;;i OYSHRS ............. 10.0L1A1 :I ·SANDWICH SPREAD .FOi PREAM COFFEE CREAMER 200< 95' GOLD MEDAL FLOUR .. ----"' 60' HOLLYWOOD MARGARINE ... "· 41' ORANGE JUICE .,,.,."' --... o, 73' OVAL Tl NE ~~~'!."~""'" -----'""' 69' -. -lfAUAN . ·- MIS.CUl•SON"•ALLPlllPOHOICDIN•EAD 49 DRE S-S I NG ....... -...... ~.;~; _ ~ &OYALDISSHJ-olWOITIDRAVOIS 3 2 7 GELATl .. N ~ ............ :::s. c WISHBONE DRESSING .. -•• -.. -•= 69' .BORDENS !'!'AYON~~ISE , .. =z.o;.61_ ~RGARINE =~~St'.l'~'.'.'.'. ... _ .............. "· 31' IWICHMAIDWITN"ANUTS ' 69 c ll'ORDENS CREMORA __ ..... o, 79' MIXED N uTsll-OZ. STUFFED OLIVES ~~~r.~7~".'.'.'~~ oz. 63' CAii . ~ MIR.WHITE RICE INSTANT ........... 1'-0< 45' 0 NU1U'S~SWllTotOCOLAT! 4 9 ! YUBAN COFF~~.0,..5 ........... t•LB "" 93' MOR 5 ELS 1.2-oz. C MARGARINE DAN'5H ........................ LB. 40' PKG. ' ' BORDDl'S 99c ..... · · ...... KAYA __ ............... OUN<IU.• SUNSHINE~l·HO -__ ._. 3 9 1-0UNaJ.U .•• s1.•1 CR Ac KE RS l&..OZ. c· II J A-1 STEAK SAUCE 100,69' ....... _,.o, 3~ ............ IOX ' JIF PEANUT BUTTER ............. U-O< 47 - CRISCO SHORTENING DEAL -,_,, 88' SOF-Sl'tWllMPllllRAL G N 43 c HUNTST0MATOSAUCE ._.31oz.33' MA ARI El·LB. HUNTS KETCHUP .................... uo< 22' -PKG. TOMATO HERBSAUCE HUN<S '5-oz.27' ALLl'UIPOSITIDE 69 STEWEDTOMATOES •u•ts -"·,_oz.26' DETERGENT GIANT C HUNT'S MANWICH ';~g_• ........ 1101. 39' -.... PKG. HUNrS PEAR HALVES .......... •~oz. 49' suNGl.OASSOmD<1tcS111 MARGARINE P~',i,,., .................. LB.43' SNACK CHIPS 39c MJB COFFEE 2"8.CAN ••. S• 7' 89' ~·lB. CAN ... S2.58 , ..... 1·lB. WHITE KING D DETL•GENI ............... , 58' .. . DIALSOAP ~6ioRS ,.,.21• .............. REo.15' IOLDDW.PACKAGE • s1 11 KITIY QUEEN ~:z~;~.0.. . ......... 2ooz47' DE TE RG E NTKIJIG LIQUID SU CARYL "oz 11 ~ ....... i-o< 79' SIZE e Roll ' EESE Wl'APl'IO 9t' .. I BORDEN SCH SllC{S •.• _ lt.OZ ''!•!P KRAFT CHEESE S~\i•s,~t·i~clt -10.0L 17", ------HUNTS TOMATOES WHOLE .•. 1'.5·0Z 25' •o ·~~l*~~~ . iffR CREAM l'T.52c 28c' PRECIOUS MOUARELLA CHEESE _ ,..._91' ,., DIAMOND-ASHOESTRING 8EEJS _.., 19' FAGAL DIAMOND-A DICED BEETS .., 11' o TillUll DIAMOND-A HARVARD BEETS .. 27' l..lliOYKOn ; PICKLED WHOL~BEETS mAMONO·A -l!JJ 31' 2 9• DIAMOND-A sue.:~ BEETS 1odi' .,,.., A 'DIAMOND-ASLICED.~ETS """''-'"'11' VIV RED TART CHERRIES "'"°"'~ ,.,33' T~!"J,LI DIAMOND·A ITALIAN GR. BEANS __ ,.,27' 3.6' DIAMOND-A SM. WHOLECARROTS _,.,31' ... SNAP.£ TO", COCKTAIL ,..,,_2J' -% '"29' IRON.WIVE MACLEAN'S:.. BUFFIRIN PANTY TOOTHPASTE TABLDS HGUl.A•Ot~IHT . ' ,ACKAGl .. 100 HOSE ~M'"' 7 6C ' $1 e 19 AHOITID'1ZH MINNIN • AQUAND . SKIN BRACER HAI. IPRA Y PRICES EFFEC. FROM THURS .. DEC. 17 thru SUN., DEC. 27th. . 1 -------~----- ·N,.Uls . ,.-, , :-~ -~ AU IULK VARIETIES LARGE EXTRA FANCY LARGE FRESH CRISP TEND& STALKS . c DOG FOOD ALPO Ml.AT TltO 29' I ' AUNT .IAllE'S KOSHER ICEBERG __ ,..._SI' " AUNT lANE'S FRESH KOSHER DILLS _ ,, .... 57' AUNT .IAllE'S POLISH ICEBERG ·--••o:.17' , AUNT WIE'S FRESH SWEET STICKS ....... 49'. . DIAMOllD·A WHOLE GREEN BEANS _ .. I -DAILY PILOT " ~ r . ' ' , We@.!sday, Otcembtr 16, iq10 ' ' 1 ',' • Mex~a1~~~~__#_~~~~~~~~~~~~==::::::::::::~~ -· • ten els Name An old<aahloned dessert that desenrts a come hick is called Mexican Potato Cake. ' ' Don't a.sk us wby It's labeled Mede because we aren't surt t's not to be found in an of our dozen or so Mu- . an cookbooks. • OUr guess is that it was given t bi 1 nomenclature because the recipe calls for both chocolate and cinnamon -two flavon Mexican cooks like to team. Well, here it ls -with the same delicious flavor and moist tei:ture it's always had , but made the modem way. The original recipe called for regular mashed potatots; our up(tated recl~,_.uses the U; cellent instant country-style mashed potato flakes -a 1reat convenlenct. We like the cake best served warm 'with a topping or whip- ped crtam. But other ta1tm Jike it as well eaten cold and out or hand. We suggest you try it both ways. MEXICAN POTATO CAKE. 11h squares {l'A ounces) unsweetened chocolate 1 cup flour. fork·stirred to aerate before measuring 2 teaspoons baking powder '' teaspoon salt 'S teaspoon cinnamon 1>2 teaspoon nutmeg ,. teaspoon cloves 'i1: cup water % cup milk 2/3 cup instant county-style mashed potato flakes 1h cup ('14·pound stick ) but· ter 1 cup sugar 2 large eggs li cup chopped (medium· fine ) pecans or walnuts Vanilla or chocolate-flavored Whipped cream, if desired ! A<, Line ~ square cake pan (8 1 by B by 2 inches ) with wax --.-:-paper;.grease paper. ~., On another , 11heet of wax ~ paper coarsel y grate :ft chocolate; chill until needed. ~j On another sheel of wax 1£ paper, with a fork , thoroughly ~ stir together tbe flour, baking !'; powder, salt, cin n •mon , !' nutmeg and cloves. ~ Jn a small saucepan, bring ~ { "' water to a boil ; remove from · heat: add Y• cup of, the ·milk •,, and the Instant potato. When ~-· liquid is absorbed, stir lightly \V with a fork : do not whip. ~ In a medium mixing bowl 't{i cream butter and sugar; add '";J eggs ; beat until thoroughly } blended. Beat in warm mash· :'--ed Potato. (Mixture -wlil look ~ curdled, but this ~·t affect '!j finished cake.) Stir in re- :-;i J'1ainlng 1,2 cup milk. Add flour ;;. mixture and stir until well :,?, blended. Stlr in l/, cup of the ~ nuts, then grated chocolate. ·~ Turn into prepared pan ; ~ sprinkle with remaining Vt cup • ~ JlUlS. Bake in a prebe8.ted" 350- -degree-oven 3&-to 40 minutes .tr: or until top is browned and 1'i cake teste r inserted in th e e; cente r comes out clean. ~ · Place cake in pan on wire ~J rack and Jet stand 5 minutes. ~.Y:: With a small metal spatula '1 loosen edges; turn out on Q rack; remove paper. With ~ another rick tum rigllt side t' ap. '--~·,., .... __ serve "'arIDJ:>r cold. If used, rJ., top indi vidual port ions with ~ ·whipped cream . Makes 9 serv- '.!> ings. :~ Note : Be sure to grate the :Y chocolate coar11ely so the cake "j/ will be chocolate-flecked. -1 I ~ 8 ti ,r, Topping Enhances Enhance your gel atin molds "'ith th is qui ck and easy to prepare Cheese Crunch Top- ping. It can even ·be whi pped together in an electric blender. The pink color or the \Opping comes from the t a n g y cranberry sauce, and the nip- py taste is added with crumbl· ing Ame rican blue cheese. The special crUnch is from tidblt.!I of chopped nuts. To make the topping, wh ip one-fourth cup dairy ~r ,• ertam and 'one·fourth cup • ' jellied cranberry s a u c e together. Blend in one cup mayon· 1 n11Je.' Add one.fourth cup American Blue cheeae (about tJ IV.. OUltC'ef, cnimbled) and two f tablespoons Chopped n u I I , Cblll. Sttv• on gelatin sal1dl. f. Trim Vu e TOPS Trim Vue TOPS mctl at '.a u 7:30 p.m. each Th ursday In FWey SChooJ, Trask 1\venue a~l-~dwarda St ree t s , ~ W~ninster. a Fres/J Fruits oni Vegetallles at DISCOUNT PRICES 'IN .SHELL NUTS ARE FRESHER' EXTRA FANCY CALI FORNI A e FUERTE . GAfioEN ,if1ESH LA~GE/Sl;2'E· 'l MIXED NUTS AVOCADOS AVOCADO OR GOLD (.E:) TEFLO'liAVY DVTY , ~FRYPAN -------- sOTTI.t or Ml EXCEDRlll P.M. ·-----------·------ 00 TOTAl OISCOUNI S (l/[Rl DAY SOM£ Al1HA 1£TA STOR£1 OISCOUIO' CHARGE l'ltlet OF CALIFORNIA olso SUN.DRIED • GOURMET'~ OELIGMT FRUIT • Jf'ni~f~LlH~~siKS CPAc,r:ro fO~ MAI UNG I • HON!)'. er~. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS • Velour PolnMHloa· 9t • (hrittnt•I Stem Flowers 18' • Chrl1tn101 Novelty Arron9e11M1nl1 88' PLUlr • Wre.th1 • DMr Swags • Candle Arrt1119e1nent1 ~'-MO!<ED EDAM • CAR>.WA'f GOUDA • ~M'a'Yilfii"cii'E.ES'E'J'al"'49 1 A~PHll IETll • 12·0't. • FROZtN ORANGE JUICE 351 -BATittOIL · llfi.QZ. % l 23 ~tR~~~tt6~10u~~A~OZE~~ 37' LO'tJON • LlOU!O. DRY . ~-OZ. nft.t"""78' CREAM mu: CO/IN )k :n., EllDEll SHAMPOO --I @pias'ii~ciiRN""'" .~ 1ac HAiR SPRAAYES . ll.o :O: AOIOS.far sac --...; SUNSHINE • l~O'Z. BOXES .f'O~ "'-'-Hl·HO CRACKERS 4DfC 391 @l'Aa'Y'l'.o'Tlo'li"0""')15'841 'Cl!tl'Z IT CRACKtRS ~; '"- . ~21h·O'l, AEROSOL• fEM HYGIENE 991 ~ Ma'cclA•:SOUUll "" Ml"' 691 ~©vEsPRE . J.,Ag ~TOOTHPASTE J..89' o... DISPtNStR CUPS ••.oz "" 471 ' GIANT s1tE • REOUlJ.I\ O/I MINT .,...68t. •tc "'·-DIXIE REFILL 804~ or)SE ,.,..,,.,.,..,.,..,,,,.,,,.. · •·,<{ .. , .. ,..~~ rp..'s'"w0'E' E'"T"l"11.,L10· 'w' • Allf' 391 $ 1000 < "OOKHURIT ...... ~ ' ' \!!::::;:/ 7.,. ,. (ULL~:T~1~.:0~LIF. 926JJ • l DOUBLE coot . PACl:AOE or ~ l g,~ .,..,,,, ... "' _... ..... '( PERSOlllll BLADES ~ 641 ;,. TRAVEL GIF T CERTIFICATES t. ~-... s.0<.c•"'·uv£R &e111rn•o• , l Of $25.00 o r m ore m a y be applied t o any ~ -· llON f.:Y" CHICKEN 1 n.(" 131 ;,. tour or trove! orrongement, hotel, cir trans· l. CALO CAT FOOD )"• · J,.,..:;:,z:;:;~,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.l ~ i'LP'ocoo&"ro'o"o°""'µ( 211 DOUBLE DISCOUNTS MEAN D~BLE SAVINGS AT ALPHA BETA Dou ble Discounts ore dovble savingCJ i ddition to our regular low discount prices. They ore mode po~sible by e"'porory purchQSe ollowonces from the manufacture rs wit h this extra sov_ing ssed on to you ' CitE.RY ·. FOR ... TOTAl DISCOU NTS EVERY OAV lll,111 IETA • ooURMET • 1/1 GAL. -......... 3TOllH OllCOUflf QWltl l'lllC£ IC! CREAM · 99: YAl.UE 931 S.:PACX: • FROZEN SllO·BALLS ~ 851 11.oUNc £ TUB • n1arDJ @coOL'.il"."ciiEAMY 15t 41 c 3S-OUNCE Tl.18 .;Jf,: n. @ JOHNSTON'• 36-0uNcJ: • Fl'OZEN • APPLE, MlNct:il OA 641 PUMPICI 'PIE c . 7~ PLASTIC WMP • !11).fOOT RQLL 26' STRETCH 'II SEAL ~ 100.roor 11ou. ~ .we @IA'G'ii°rEs os ... COUNT )7j 31 c IW.COUNT JIOX ~ -., t:D:::\ CHlrrotl • .. CO\JNT ,.... 221 t::1 FACIAL TISSUE _,..,. ('Ji;;::\ W.(:OUHT • SPlct T0Mt ~ZEE NAPKl•S )& 10' All' of us ot ALPHA 8ETA wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS WE WILL OPEN I HOUR EARLIER ON DECEMBER 24 •. ·OPEN 9 .A.M. TO 7 P.M. • fOr your shopping co,.v9nience ~AMAL STORI HOURS- MONOAY·FRIDAY: 10 AM. to 9 P.M. SATURDAY·SUNDAY: TO A.M. to 7 P.M. ALL .. LPHA BETA STORES • \ CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY f(Jldl 01''01JlrtJ<; (~f "Y C·~¥ 1·UI CA1'1 •11LGUUJl•DRIP• ELtC. Pl:RIC AIPHR lf!R COFm m: VALUC 2-LB. CAN • !1£0.o1.S9 YALU! 1-51 .i.UI. CAN • RIG, OR ELEC. PERIC • 2.31 VAL "'' l l·LB. CAN'• rnu:· iltGUU.R • PRJP • IUCTRA-MATIC YU BAN B3I COFFll )IC 3.LB CAN • R£G. OR q.ECTl\A·MATJC •-O'l. TAR YUi.iN DISTANT COFFll )flt 8&1 11,\,-0%. CO!fTAINE1' • RU> Oii Gl'ICEH • DECatATOI ~r1ii:·s JJ(141 JCKU.UNG'S •FAMILY SttE: • 6-0t. 101 IARUC l'O'llD!R }If · lS.O:. CAN • OtflMAtl POTATO 151/i-OZ. CAN• ).Bt.\N 321 RI.ID'S SALADS J1t @ Ctfm.rli:sH. 41/t"OZ. CAU D&VE!Q SllAll SHllMP .JTc &81 il~i:1·'Vn"~eF· BRISLIN& SAIDIN!S kALSTON • 22-0t. 10X WKLIT CHIX COA:H CHEX ~ 11-02. IUct CHE'.X • lUJZ • }IQ ,,. ... ... UfllfACTION GllMIAlm'tO ~--.. -~.:.··'>"'~..,,, .. ..., •. _.,.,.. ........... __ , ... ,_b __ ~. -··-· ...................... -....... --..... •· ··-----.. -..---·":.'.'t,r-~------~------------~-.. ---r p • -•• ., 5.94 *'' SlJBJI:CT TO S'!'OCK" ON HAND BORDtN·s NONESUCH • a.oz IAR BRANDY-RUM f"l.AVOAEO R!AOT·TD·USE •"' 891 MINCEM!Al ,.. JU:ADY-TO-USt•R.EGULM:421«,JA!I ~ .. Y.!IAfT • l·L&. PACl'.AOC MINllTUIE MIRSHMlllOWS l·LB. PKO. • J[T PUTT MIATSYOll'Ulll'IOUlflO._ •l!llCOUlfl Pl~ • ~TY a IAllVICTIOll llJAWT£!D I-LB. PACKAGE · MORRELL PALACE ·BACON l 0LB. PACKAGE DUIUQUI ROYAL 111unn llACON ,'' DUBUQUE HAM 7 LB. CAN 5'' 3-LB. SIZE .................. 2.91 lllTCIZrt Ml BUFFET 13t BONELESS HAMS ... ~ JOI.at D1<[U• ij l) (W[ll\ f,A, SOME ALIKA IETA &TOflCS oiscoulfT CffAAC[ N IU @l'i'.lioDYMARYMix }Jf 69< ~-CANS.• CRAPE • IUD • vtRY BlllRT • @HAWiilAI PUllCH 43t 374 !·OZ. l om.E • 1.IM£ JUICt ~!A~~!~• Ul<ON ]UICt ·REALEMOll @oNioti soup"'"0 '" }It 231 j3C 42 1 13€ 91 71/o.OUNCE CONTAINERS • CUM •GARLIC • Bll:U CHEESE • TRENCH. ONION 3 51 .,.. .. DIPS "'VALUC l!h-OUNCE AI:RO~r:>L CAN •TOPPING ROD'S WHIP·O 43€ 41 1 M1Hiou'R·c111.AM J.p!Nf COHTAIMD\ • Meo VA!.Ut ®'ouii&i~'u1·1ir1L£ri'D;rc lllf'lttl lfl, •. • li-O'l. JARS • ~VA LUC BLEU C"EESE DRESSll& llXXI JSLANO • 61i: VALUE ROQ.UEfOflT • ~ VAWt AtPlll llTI •·JS.OZ. COHTAnttft HAPPY HOUDAY • 3'k VAWI CRAllBERRY SALAD 2.LJ. CONTAINLR • 6'k VAUJC t ARMDAU: I ·LB, BOLOGNA '"' u ... wt I 27' ... 71 1 631 ... ... 371 ... 65" ) 1LPJ1A em ALSO f!ATUR!S A ML VARIETY Of USOA GRADE. A "TOP Of lllE tAUfORK\A. CRDP" All>KA BETA BUTCHE.R'S PRIDE fRESll AND FROZEN lURllEYS FOR ~OUR tiOUOA'f OllOKG PlEASURt Wedne~cl.l1y, Decembtt lt>, 1970 FRESH FROZEN ll!!CBU'l lllDI or ARMOUR STAR USDA GRADE A SELF-BASTING TURKEY LB. WITH CORN OI L FOR GUARA NT EED FLAVOR AND TENDERNESS •CALIFORNI A GROWN •TRUSSED WITH E·Z STUFF •BASTES ITSELF INSID~ & OUT CLAMP FOR. CONVENIENCE •ROASTS MOIST & TENDER •COOKING INSTRUCTIONS ENCLOSED I ALPHA ""A nti!cacn's PRIDE "" AT .,.c••••• .... 1m11rr 111Df R[C/Pf: ...... cuua .... FRESH ECDN·O·PAK 3-LB. OR OVER 53~ GROUND BEEF T·BONE STEAK BONELESS 7·BONE ROAST ROUND STEAK FULLCUT 89C... ~MOULDER CLOD ROAST98~ •. ' . BONELESS TOP SIRLOIN STEAK !OJAI OISC(1ll"IT~ lV-lPY n~1 Wt'STERN • 1 O.OZ. JAR. FRESH OYSTIRS SO"£ Al.I'll.I. ICTA STORES DISCOUNT CH.llGE ft1C( DEL MO~ • 'l~ CAN ~YELLoW°CLllG 291 ~PEACHES .33f DOU:• BUfT[T CAN • CRUSHID NO. I rt.ATCAN •SLICED P'lliEAPPLE'"• ~ 191 ('Ji:;;:\ DOtI • 301 CAN • SEASON[D ~'ilfi'(£f.Bta11s JJ£ 21 1 ROYAL PRINCE • NO 2 CAN • ~IN ORAt:Gt pao:.AP!IU: SAUC'5_~ 341 ~YAMS ,,,.. ~ 4~·0UNC[ JM • Al>PLETIME f!~ 551 ~ Al!PLESAUCE )IU• s'li'Al'sPilira )9c 311 ifE'Failoit'1 · '""'· c'83t 111 SPAGHl!Ttl W/M[ATBAUS p<.,..... 1:1e B[EF RAVlOU )at 14< <S coitcoiD&iliPE~ 371 'jiii( JELLY STRAWllEMT JEU.Y ')£: t:le • (8) st'li'fwiiR'llYRS 7,... 571 ~ PRESERVES ,... S[[OLl:SS BLACOtftff'f ~ 51" APRICOT·PIN'EAPPU: ~ »c: @s'Puit'iiaii'Ei"' m 391 EVAPORATED'"MILK Ut" 181 TR[CSWEET ~· 6'-0Z. !OTTU: ~ ~r:::E ~UICE ;a( 611 s.<)Z BOTTLES • lfAUAN ROSI: @wlsrliorl£""' ·LIQUID 33 , , ,_.., DRESSl•GS JSt @F'~~.:iiD~i )St 291 (Ji:;::\ ..... !AC •COLD •El>.U. .,J 51 I ~ FLOUR ' P4C COSTA MISA-441 f. 11t\ $,. HUNTIN6TON ll!ACK-t04S Adntt HUNflN•TON llACH-11&11 N. 'M•ht Sr. FOUNTAIN YALLR-tltO WetMt LAGUNA HILLS-21541 Call• de la L1IM llYINl-11040 C.iftf, U•lftftlty , .... SOUTH LAGUNA-10122 s. c ... t Hlwey ~[01 PUlED 78c COCKTAIL 99c SHRIMP V2 LB. fOIAl OISCOUH!S lV'!RY DAY SOME IJ.1'11.1. lfTA STOit[$ OISCOUHT CIWIG[ N ICE @ DROIER • OUAJIT JAR tR£SH • SWEET PICKLE CHIPS ~ 491 ~ SI• J3C 531 ~ ::: §at 52' LINDSAY RIPE OLIVES ~ lOO CA• 2ftC ~MEDIUM OLIVES ~, .., @c'itoP'P'ED oLIVEs J9t 13' @~iNCED OLIVES J.Bc" 131 @si.lcE:'D' OLIVES ,rc 131 UNOSA'f • ~1'-0%. CAN • PllTtD SPICY 281 GREEN OLIVES jle Clf[RRY BOWL • 8°0'l, JAR MARASCHlllO CHERRIES ~39' . - DAILY PILOT TV Turtle ' ' .j Children bounce with sheer pleasure on this TV turtle. Lovable, paUent pet pl111 a TV hassock all in one. U1e coJ.. orful scraps to whip up and pad plumply. Saves l In e furniture wear and tear. Pit· tern 7171 : pattern pieces. flFTY CENTS for each pat· tern -add 2S cents for each pattern for Air Mall and Special Handling; otherwise third..class delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to Alice Brooks 105 the DAU. Y PILOT, Needlecraft Dept., BOx 16.1, Old Chesea Station, New York, N.Y. 10011'. Print Name, Address, Zip, Patten Number. NEW I I 1 I Needlecrtll Catalog-more lmtant fashions, knits, c r o c h et 1 , quilts, ·embroidery, gifts. I free patterns. 50 cents. NEW Complete 1aaJ.t GHI Book~er 100 gifts for 111 oc- casions, ages. Cr0chet, lie dye, paint, decoupage, knit, sew, quilt -more. ,1. Complete Af&ll,1• Book-fashions, pillows, glfls, more ! •t. "II Jiffy Ruga" Book. 50 cents. "M Inatut Gifts" Book. 50 cents. Book of U PrUe A11U... 50 centa. QalH Boot 1-IS pattern!. 50 c e n t • • Mueam Q'llilt Boot I -pat· terns for 12 unique quilts. 50 cents Book 3. "QRllt• for Today' a Uvln&". 15 p&ttemt. 50 cenb:. Fresh Pleat 9317 L..J.....J SIZU 10~-20% =t.., 11f,,.;-11TMT'-' Party.going o r vacatlono pl&Mlng, you couldn't do be!· ter than to chooJe this ltan shape with swinging pleats at either side. Hun")', tend now! Printed Pattern 9317: NEW Half Sizes• 10~, 12'B, 14~. 16'ii, 18'ii, 201!!. Slze 14 (butt 37) takes lli yd<. IQ.In. SEVENTY·FIVE CENTS f<>< each pattern ~ add 25 cents for each pattern tor Air Mall and Special H1ndlln1 : otberwlae lhlrd<lw dtllwery will take lhrM wetka or more. SMd ta Marian Mortin, the DAILY PILOT 4C P1ttem Dept. 212 Wost 11th St.. NW York, N.Y. IODTI. Prtnt NAME, ADDRESS witb ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. NEW Fall • Winter Ptltem Catalog. 114 dynamic desl1n1. Free PaUern Coupc>n. 50 et.ntl. INSTANT FASHION BOOK -What-to-wear answers, ac- cesa>ry, figure Up1 1 Only 11. • g . ,, j: J r • ,, ' ' I •• '. ' I • I .. .,\.., .... ,. .. ~ -~·~> ...... ~ ... -... ........... -.... .. -----·--··------· --· • ' -v •• ,,, ··~--~-~ :r ..... . .. _..;.,..,,. .... ·-f·'-.:.. ·-~· --..._,_ •.~ .. '.-.: ;,,.. .• -~-.... •M_......--..;._,...., ...... .... . .... ·-· . .I .i.; L ! .. ; • • • .jJ ( -. Fresh-~ears Fabulous 7 .lma~gin~'.tion Ft~.~ishes -Miia: and <~ ' j.:.;,,~~·· 7 and I tablespoon. tk llASPBllRRY PEARS CalJlornla Bartletl'pom ~ i'oYruP in u-. WIT R 'MAR SllMAILOW • b1ne ...ii will"k:e CIW!l,and S!iC* ri!f low beat, 1Urrlng z SAUCE ! aherbtL Wt Lb tmap.U~ , y, •until chocOlate ls. Part, halve and core ·I -ullcel, ynu caa ~'~ ~tcld ~ mllture ts smooth. BarUett.s. Add l or 2 table- freSh pear . suftdaea. . . Remeve from heat; cool. spoons water to manhmallow -' and 6 topping and mix to desired PEAR m<KX}LATE " Pare, quarter _core. sauce consistency. • -, .pean. ,_or each ~· SUNDAE SUPRBME 1 arrange • quarters uptight m Place 2 pear halves In each ·- Combine l .pocllage (~ GI.) 'deep d<a!ort dUh. Add Ice dessert dish. Add '"""PS _ol -tem1-1Weet cbocollte pieca, cr:eam and chocolate sauct. raspberry sherbet.. Top Wllb _ ¥4 cup water; 3 tablespoons f Mlkea I aervings. marshmallow sauce. ..._ ··~----------·----1 I 7 ~~~·REFUND I -1 f -~lalofrwwMARDIGRASTl'l,GARCIAyYEGA l I ·, 'Gt'· _ES clgan&get $1.CIOb1d(tromB1ndwagonU.s.A. 1 ··. I ni1a·111w 111111111·1t,.. •. ,... flmllf 11m r111 ••• 111 .[ I ., 1111 Dr'• 111111' • slln Ill tlll IUt llx montlts. 1 · IW>$LIO• .... I 'r-,..11JD.•z -•-""'"'~U··· ,,..,__m.-" I • •z orlll •--"'1!"f'!\'f'•UMCtAJYIGAor - I ,, Fr,111.•.1. . ..t'-.llrz~tl-.PLllltt NS83200 J -· . «."'"' ' tr ~ I--"'·----t-t------1 ... -.. '. . . . -· ··~ .. 'TASTY' VILLAGE -Chef Lorenzo Dolcino. the confectionery .maste:mind at the Trattoria restaurant,..New York, turns1Vision& u,1 T.._.. 1, ~".. ~. It nm ,.~~. of· sug.!rplums, marzipan· elves· and ging:eer~b:Fr:•·~· H~ho:u:•:•:•~in~t:o~1~5()().'.:~~L~~·-~~·~·~-~ ... ~-~·~~=~f5~C~'"~-~_,,~~-~~·~·~·~·~"'~·;~""~'~'·~..,~-~·~-~ ... ~~~~~·~·~ pound edible village. . 17 · 7 ·:J • SOD-pound Village ~ :.: Gingerbr.ead House : a Reality ·• I I J ... .. •• ' NEW · YO,RK ·(UPI) -ed, baked, built arid decorated squirrels. Marzipan ls an al- Visions Of 5 u gar p I u m·s·; 8. 50().pound g·I i'.t g' er bread mond confection. I I d II · "It usually takes about two .mar-z: pane ves an .vi age. , ' d all ••z an a h monu~ to com-. gl"ngerbrtad hOtlleS-are. part The· 12-foot long, 4-foot wide plete," the 4~year..old Dolcino ·~ --: .. ..... and parcel of the\ Christmas culinary hamlet includes a said. "We do a little at a time, season, b;ut LoreDUI Dolctno miniature : ·chlU'.Ch with a rny boys and I, every day:" turns these visions into a 500-frosted gjnge.rbr~ad steeple, Dolcino; whose surname CQm-. . , :~ pound reality. gingerbread evergreen trees eS from the ltalian "dofce" .~:: For . I.he '·put-~· six Yule smothered .in ·a ·royal glaze; a meal\lng sweet, is based at the '· J;e~Ohs ... DolciJ'lo.._\tl.e l'l)a$fer· . ska~~ ~· m~ntains sj)Un Trattoria (one or several mind of conle<:tionary ere a-of sugar and a "wishing lake." r e S t a u r a n t s owned by tions for a New York The vill8ge Is .Inhabited by Re.stauran~1 .i\S50Ciates Inc.). ~:~ restaw:-ant Chain, bas desigp-. tJ1¥rzipan in•l~d people and , lllil: gingerbread village is · ~-~-----,-'-----'--_;:;:.__;__;_ __ _;~.,~-'-_;_-~--~ ' > ;· ' .. .:. I . . 7. serup in the restaurant about two or three wttks befort Christmas. It is displa where it Is visible to all diners and passersby. PatrOOs are tn. vited to toss coins in the wishing lake . ·The villace, fashioned after the stl'Wlll. JtNian town· 11 Bedogna, is dismantled after New Year's Day and sent to a nearby orphanage for the !Ole eating plea.sur,-Of t h e youngsters. The. mo~y in the wishing Jake, wblch' jj, cleaned out every day, is preeenttd to · · the orphanage to. buy gifts for the childr~rf. ;. : · ' · ' The gingerbread village, however, iS only one of many stately creations credited to Dolcino's baking cln!er. Ris culinary resume al!O includes "the biggest. ~ake , .in . N~w York," made' ior the" orlPill1 founder of the restaur'ant (hai?). ~d_a m~ve. Easter. display with over 200 in- div~lly .ctecorated chocolate , eggs. ·When the Beatles made their first visit to New York, Dolcirlo also .baked a four-foot high Tower QI ,r,ondQD.. . I . ~ Dolcino, who speaks with a heavy Italian accent, began his baklng career at the age of nine i~s native Genoa. "My father diei:!. The 'War was dn. My fflother saw a sign in a bakef.'a· window f~-·• helper,'' ' be explained. "She said to me, 'at least It's something to eat,' so· I took.IL". I 'l ij ~ ~ ~ ~ . ., •• :~ I;;. 1: . ' The baker's apprentice took a job on ·a luxury liner si:r years later. "It was a lot mort mone.Y •. and yoJ c:,ou~ learn more;'.' he :said. "On the ~t if yoU made i mistake, you would throw the batter out. You couldn't ·do that in ·""'iiurope. Ninety niftf percent of · •1~·.1 lean'led . I learned myee'll-a Jittl~--til a time, most of it on the boats." •• ·? FESTIVE CHICKEN DELIGHTS GUESTS Oolci.Jlo manfged to attend .a hotel School's. P¥try courSe for six months -in between Caribbean cru1ses ind Atlantic crossings.--: tQ masw tbt: line .... I\.:· 'h Extra Touch Added points of his profession. z' Holiday Spirits : His career on the high sea1 1. ended duriftl a New York •lc!P when be JOl · married. HI · -ope!lld a blkerj-wltlr his·itew brother~in-law but soon aold the sb~p ~use "we enly made ~aoucJi money "to P•Y· tb:e . rent."~ ·.HJs . rtstaur~ career then began. . j1le ~olidar.t . are a lime when frtendJ and family gather lo enjoy good company and good food. This season, Jt;:·· make YOUC. 1p.eals memorable with the additio11 of wine - both for drinking and cooking . • · · \Vine adds that extra .touch that puts a festive note ·1n -~ anything you prepare -from ~,..,,, drinks before dinner to the ·~ ·--malQ.._ct>Urse and dessier.L ""~· -Instead of the usuartmiey · for QJristrne.s .aim\er, serve _UMli.lal,~cken b~ts stwl- ·led ~with-·a ·fruited . dNssing. 1-"be "thklen bfeasts ate boned btfore stuffing which tna'kes tbem easier to eat and at· ., .....,._ tracUve: to serve. Tbe stuffing -........i.tln IH)IW.~hoppod ' ~ 4rled apricot.a and peaches, JI ~Md laced wilh ~ 'f. robust fiavor . Of blackberty i~, ·-wi.nt.. . -• . -· ow-Jng baking. the ~chicken inestl &et more .Oavor lro(ll '"T-!llq''1l1liltl!fi orDtlller and more blackberry wine. Round out the menu "''itb al- mond studded rice, Green Beans Gourmet. QlOlded cran-'· . 2. On eath ·-~n breast berrr sal!d, fresh crescent Pia~ ;, co.p-'rtut'ltng."" RoH rotls ana "s(eaiTied blackberry ~ each chicken breast and pudding for dessert. 1be Oav-secure with a wooden pick . ors of ~ fOIKI blend weU with , ·PJabe the s_tulfing pieces seam c~llltd glasses of blackberry ·41de _down in a buttered baking wine. dish. The DOlclile ·household· has .:only one pastry miter. "My wl(e's· a good ~: bOt lhe d6e!n't· blate··-only sn· 04!-- . casioaal cbtesecate," Dolclpo FE!TIVE·FRUtrED 3. Heal-:Wine arld' butter ·and said. · He · -.dded · be rafily CHICKEN pmp-over .chicken. Bake in a bakes at home birt~brlriis a 6 boned chifkeJ! breasts ·3'0-4e&I# .o.v"en ~r abo~t 45 lo cake te the family ft-om · U. . l/t ·teaspoon ..,...,!+ .... season-M, minutes. ~as~e occas1onally restaurant on Saturday's. ,,.... .. , with pn-~s.-fitrve to --·-.-,·--· ·-. ing ··-six with rice. Dolcmo ~ only child was Stuffing Mlxhut. :manied last·year. Wbo made 3 cups prepared stuffing mix GREEN BEARS G<iUJU1ET tbe~ake."?-HI did,'' be said. "It ~~~blackberry wine 1 (I poun4) can whole ereen ~as a bl& ene like that,11 poin· l/t cup water beans · • ling to •· photograph of 1 aix· ~cue p d!ced dr!ed apricots l l't!p"ttriidy sl:ltedft'terr"·· . ..Jltt:..~lkc • .ll.e: ...mJl~_.hi,_ ~wn 71' up diced ~ned pea~s 1 teaspoon seasoned salt wedding cake too, 20 years 1 small 1ar s 11 c e d • I c~ chh:.lu:.n)>rotb ago . 1 ~1-1shrtl>ma -p-~·'f!l!Pd!~e ~~.-.... .... . ..... isUni Mlztll!"e • . 4 !8bl~~ J>utter En.liye n Safods • bl • .._. . .. ., . .,. 31•!!1~ wnstardl ..,-., ct1p ac.._.. •, wme· • 7'-b .. · · .... · I " b 1••• \Alm me ans, c e e r y • •4 cup ~Kol 11euoned lllll ~btolh In • Use lmaJ!nation in selectlng I. Sprinkle chicken breasts aaucepan. ~k ~ntll beani salad greens. ' wlth poultey seasoning and set are hol SUJ:. ii ..at~ butter for lnttre.rtlna texture and "TM. 111· 1. l1'ge'blni1~l1!1r F'il>l!Yan'wflliTt.'"l'lilol'>n 1f.-1fM"aY ~"t"ry'~Im: . · stuffing mu:, wine, water, quid with 1 Uttle cornstareh watercrtu, tndlvt, 1plnath, apricots, • Pe• c h es andr mi1td with cold water. Serve bett tops, dandelion ueena, mush/<loms. Mlle In egg. lo I. mlllt and ctler)' Iopa. ' ' r • ·•·? ... ' • 7'1!![ ' r < FOR UNUSUAL. GlfT IDEAS ••• ,, a t' K~AS- He>~· a 'Gift Shop l / Sil VER JAM POT .· Ba roque silver pot wit h . ~matching spoon. G las s lined ...........• 6.00 lA nice hostess gift). THE GOLDEN EGG This cunning egg Conceals a practical stapler! .•..... 9 .00 <Nice for a ladies doskll · · · ENAM EL FLOW ERS Ughthearted matal sculp- ture •.•••••• , •• 7 .00 CANDY DISH· Fluted crystal dish on a pedestal of gilt roses. Would make an elegant soap dish, tool .. 10.00 HUMMEL MUSIC 80~ • From Switterlcind, nicely finish ed · woi.d.'-op.n the lid and watch the ·works, under gloss? • ..•• ; 1 o.oo · f . 7 • _ !To_.tuck in."· ~qc~ingll 7 "4-.lfih~~-~~L«V ' · ~!R FROM OUR COLLECTION OF FUN GIFTS. WONDERFUL FOR "EXTRA .GIFTS," FOR PARTlfs, FOR STOCKING STUFl'ERSl CERAMIC BIRD it o clever cleans· er d i1pen1er ...•...... 4 .00 PAPER ROLL fo r notesl ... 2.50 TURTLE PENCIL HOLDER .. 3.00 SNAIL ST {IPLER ••• 7 •••• 2.00 _R!CHARD'S LIQO CENT~~ '3~~-".l~ LID.9..,~~Pq8T ~EAqt Co me where the ahopping ia fun--Ooily 97 6 I • S3 673-6360 ... -..... _ ... _ . • --·~--~-~"·"·~·-·~-~------.. I . ' • .. • : . . ,• • . ! r --.-----~--------------.,-----------------~----~--~-.•-----·,...·---· ---r -_.,,. -• Ill',. ·I ... "' ed • ch •• of ith . ' ~ : , I ~ ' .... . < • .. • " i •. • f .. ..... ' __ l ' ,, DAILY PILO'f .,. . -.. PHONE 673·6.l 60 FOR HOME DELIVERY PRLCES EFFECTIVE DEC. 17, ·ia, 19' " c-. /i'NKl(,[~e ' ';· .1.~~tJR ·QlLIY~~-~ .. ",·'"' •• , ..... t, .,. .. · ~ ,,:-1• , ,... : t' t I . . .,,. ,, ' • •• J ,f' \ l :: . ,.'I ' r ·n"', .... '. I WITH · ';;;;:;:::~ . SALLIE , . l ·CHRISJ'MAS CARDS COME IN ENVELOPES WITij PRETfy STAMRS · · • · please save them bte envelopes, don't thro~ them in the trash. Want a I _ reason? Her.e _it J!i }fould . Af ·you 15ell6ve $:187 ,Wi tli' un-· bo bl• otamps ,.,,_~eq. , by :ior~loc~'I ~··• 11 '. . 1ut yea ro~u lhe ~ .' m Or SS. eren m.-. panies, including the City Hall,. an~ our good gas ·Ugti~ ..... &0wa~tfr1eicis: Out . ,J.,.; '"'-'.•\' x I ~lhl~ ri9fled, 1!iKl\ttil .... ' """ m e SOulhwest. 'This is a · -' ' ' national thing with Y's ~ti.Ji OWllt COl.ltdJM UrM! \I ,_... • ' r. •• ,, ,) .., I '"!it I -0 ~."nol~, ·• J .. ~ t • .. f'.ft ~, I t .-S, .. r. ,{r';!a\e. • , .• , • ••>1 ·, ·-n.~ '· • 0 "" ·"project,. ' ·L .. ~\,· d .'( •• •P l. -~Wt.-~ .( \ I knowq as hte Brother.hood ·1·•:t"""fl; ''·~ \\ • ''"" , -~ < .... f.1un~-tQ:.U~~W~~ipn;. •.. .-··-"· . 'J·1·1··'1-t1 kb-1 ·:·~1 :1.11-~.: .. ,4·~· a fr1.endsrup:-•bieh'i!Si ·ao-~ ' ~ . j.' r • \; r' ' .·'' ' •' 1··· ' pl' """ b ' ' . , com 1s ': y using the ., 1 •• 1 ~, 1 ·~ .. , ... · · money raised to bring dele· -!1 ·~ from--etheP--c9ttfllries ,.Jo .. lb~. InJ~tio..P•l Y'• , · Mens Convention. Last year '1t""Wlls'lrr' QIJSE-nhag@rt:·''Mtis · i ___,.._ · -- ... y1ar .. u •.• w.UL-be.. in • .Eresno, ....... , ... ___ --- 4Cllif1'm+a . • -laYe··-thoso-ea-- "Velopes, .. with' the &lamps, --l:'1olat.:Jl .• l'oQ -~.on'l . :._ .. ~~ :·_ -__ •--,r++- .. ' A FESTIVE TIME TO : know what to do With them, bring them here. We've been throwing ours in a box for years, and once a month, the Y's Men come ~~ou~ ~-.pi~k_them up. J!IOW-ON-wJTH . ,;J1.!E CHRISTMAS SHOW ~-Gift Shop and Yacht Shop IF YOU'RE PLANNING A PARTY-RICHARD'S IS THE STORE THAT M ... KES IT EASY! ENTICING F006S, FESTIVE FLOWERS , ALL KINDS OF P.tJl,~liA!!ESJ.ND CUPS. IYQlf,;:,.N FIND IT ALL IN ONE PLACEll AND- YOU 'LL GET THE FR!tNDLIEST"'IfELCOME ><ND THE MOST ATIENTIVE SERVICE IN TOWN. RlcHARD'S'.l~·THE CHJUSTMAS·Y·PLACE TO BEi • are open Sunday and are ' :. ·' loaded wit h ideas both big and little. ::..,,,.:_ '•r;-,. ... .... . ..... Metal sculpture is today ' m ,~ ~!i'.~rn:~~::ii~ ~~'. .l .~ J:.1 v ... ''-," , • .. :'~..'·-· . . ...\.,..{;~~·( ~~~(;;;:~~~;: ~:t~~ .. w.· .~Yl,,i.iif LE~1~ BRODY ?VFRBYVF ins· .· . ers runs the gamut of the ~ ·- Stuff and re11t f or •n ·ot.,•nt porty dish. ~- 0 ' '· • j FOR SLICIN6 •IN ·PUNCHES, TO MAKE RELISHES, FANCY SWEET• !..AR6E CALIFOANIA HAVEL OR-ANGE-~ · .. j:,1:~-s1_ FOR FESTIVE MOLIDAY' S~DS IUTI!RY, R!CH I f.UERlE • AVOCADOS ... EXTRA FANCY, MEDIUM.SIZE 'AP;lES DELICIOUS ~ 5 POlt s1 • 6 LIS. •1 . G-"RQE,N FRESH, CRISP, LARGE STALKS UTAH CELERY EACH 19¢ ,9~ ... ND NEW! A FUN GIFT! MACADAMIA NUT TREE KIT 1.98 Grow your.own! FLEISCHMANN'S REGULA~ • MARGARINE ~· l LI. 39¢ ,_ ' ll(KERS CHOCOLATE CHIPS'' az.·,. •. .-5 for $1. SPRECkLES POWDERED SUGAR SPRECKLES LIGHT OR DARK BROWN SUGAR HUGGINS YOUNG 1 LI. 2 for 33¢ 1 LI. 2 for 33¢ Mocha Ja.va Coffee 1 LB. 89¢-. .. Arden AA BUTIER NABISCO VANILLA WAFERS 1 LI •. 83¢ 11 oz. 37¢ Betty Crocker CAKE MIXES ·3 for $1 SCHILLING . -, Lemon & Pepper Seas.oning "'' o.z. 39¢ ~ GLORIETTA PEELED WHOLE APRICOTS 30 ... 39¢ GLORIETTA ELBERTA PEACH HALVES .. oz. 39¢ · ~~i:§ ,iQ,fl\nl~)i~M'P'iilJ•T :, . .. :il~;~--iii"': tYfoUNaN.DAKEYOiOillCO:~TAILMEATBAUS 1 CRYS'l'Alo. Tl!i!.8¥·BEARS u f ·:, . 'Lighl ti,; a 11ililt' hip. '. l..1 ! ; .... ' · ' '>···· ' '='':U;"'c~~· ;:;;e~~ ,.fr~nl :, )C' 'ftfild-FINN' .. ·;'.HADDIE A pr•holld•y ,, .. 11 '• . -.. .. ' • GLORIETIA ELBERTA SLICED ~EACHES '.UANNA WHOLE JI 0%. 39¢ Water Chestnuts ··"' ... 5,oR SJ OCJ>,.N SPRAY GRANAPPLE DRINK • I 59¢ ' • ~ ~JI ' or. squatty1; birds, sit-• . , . , . . , . _ -~~~gt~~:~~~~~ F;;cyTH A'~;; __ Kj;9~tti M~~r FOR,tih:E;::~;:~ :~~:~.:~ SPR~D sm09\h. ·i'cool, and loving, . .1 . . '.f •• t--; .,,,, , _ _ ~.. . . hanctr,-made or lead crystal . \ · ' · ~' · ., k. · · r· · · ~e =:;~0 v;~~~.;·~:!~; . Mediitnti"~·Slze ·'-(oc hd >·SHRIMP Coo~d & poolod 'frosh d•lly blower from Italy. Zaretti .., :. -· -a!Slf -does some beautiful ' ... .fisfuo_".. ' . . .. ' ·, . . . If y~ lik~ ~ee. people with far away loOli:S • aild whimsie:r ·without ' reasonr to really catch onto your heart , •• a ssnail, an ele- phant candle holder, an· ·• gels and little mothers ta adore . . . If beauty '-in glass and silver bring the ,. -'~ ',.,. •• -CHICKEN A LA KIEV ....,_ ••" ~~ .. ~.;.... • .... . 1.39 ... 79c 1.1. sparkle ot .YOlll' eye . . • . s 1 \' .. Silver City does luscious " · j ~ecanlurs, brandy snifters, ' • ·', sandwich · plates "and-!ietv· ._ · ing . pieces to sparkle for· .. : . . ever .•. lf ,)'91.(~ ~earch· ~ ! .: , EBM ing f6r a treasure to tern . 'i 101 n_~· into an heirloom tomorrow, . f 1 ... ! .. ' . ~-'·: Ql j Vermillion America n lus-• trous _b!~-wa"1<!,l -salad TOPPED WITH POPPY OR SESAME ·5~EOS ' .::.. . ·l WJs· .• fr6m Hte one · · -· 31 _ ""tvin8 iiie'l<i'a :nioiistrpus •. SEEDED ROLLS 6 ,r._oR.·. ¢ •.. ,\ .. -. ~ ._,J(h it's °"" staod, ,:~row mors .J>e•l!llh!I' _.,~ 1• -• · • , .,.··<'· .-· .~ • .. POTATO BREAD 41¢ ; : Wai1;'J>'! ~. "'" $~ · : BRAN MUFFIN~ 6 for 69¢ . ,'9(lll!Jfpapti,·gtea!,lliilct • ' ' ~ ' . •'t) ·Of ;~4,.:.JX>ts:· and Juclt• 'OATc-NUT' euert Loaf --" 8t¢ sptti11ded with gold .. Tem· ' Ii~ . . ",·· ... po luxurious insulalorf1't.o ... 1'le ··:; ~, \ go either the i~ ".~hit, • '' . " ' mS:,.;·· ,~,,, .. '.. . . water route .•• A-1mall • U..I~ l · ..,,.; tw050mi for caviar and -, cla m dip or a large beautr~ --.. ~ .. · · · .• to kee p stroganoff piping. .THE .ON6 GIFT YOU ·CAN STILt ' . but mellow ••• Tea seL!~ In the shape or pumpkins, SEND AlilYWHERE IN THE'· WORLD! -- hurricane lamps Jor can: y -.. -· d Fl b w· ·•';)lei'., '''WiCker ftt1gizliiC!! \ T ou .. t'e~. ski owers Y. ire a \in--~-.i'.su-,,d your gift w1n ·racks .• · e.vtn •• ~t.r' _, ~Yt_fQLChristmasJ ·· · for .half a box of INertex. 1 , ~ • . 'a.. ., Birds to fi ll with oirir.:;.: · · · l ""Ill!': ! . "· :~;.~::,\.:.o~.~~l~i bt:~ ; f' ti"1r• H. ~1:.J_~. ,,,__.ee"" ••s" . sheets, peacock ~11 hold· ~ .. ,,. _ ~· -UI _ QI · , ers. stapler1i in lbr: shape of ..-: ; -:, , • ~-~= ~1.·,,_~ ,_ :ii'£.':~:~-..·. ·, gras~'"-.n-•i )-~ ,_. . • ·\ _ , 4C!:'Te•th.s,-aTa:,t•s, p1,.n'fr1sft"' ·• -~ · :--•. ~~,~ '-l~· "I -It ·--· · <" ~ · ' · -· Gfti stioP. at ."'f' ·, the ' _ . ".~ -·.I . . ,. "" .... , • ..... ·£~-:--' ·~.:,wrt. •)91.zti 'ICOVerf ( • •l'!".!'"t Po1nselt1as, Uniqul'lvy_ __. .. -· 'ol pla'be~dr ur~~ ·~ . I. \ ' ,. l'.'f.rees and much, much mort . _,, ····· -.• '"• -er;~"-;'°:. 1 'i'i_. f i.o!L. ' !f ~ .>"'. ' · Ricli~rd's ·own Oven Ready M$T LOAF ... ,.., ... ,,.,. -.... ' ... . . I : : . We;,-re "ow tff:i1119 order' on spt ci1l.holid1f . meats •. .' fRESH TUR .. KEYS, SQU'AB. UIRGE EA'STERN GEESE, CAPONS, AGED PRIME Rll, SPENCER ROAST, KAMS,'EASifRN OYSTERS , SHRIMP, DUCKLING AND TURKEY ROLLS. ~, .... ,I'" ,. "· . ... " <_. ! " " .. · ·.<EJeli&sf~B:n . . .. .. . . ~ l 6R~T :roR C;l:1it1stMit\S PARTY MUNCHING! ROY.A~. fjAWAll<!.N,, . .' MACADAMIA :NUTS 3'/i oz. . . . ~ REESE• PETJn · · · SMO~ED . OYSTERS . .... ---·· THE ESCOi'l'leR .SA'UCE$, Sii 01. SAUCE ROBERT or DIABlE · -. KRAH CRACKER· BARREL·. SHARP·" CHEESE . ' 10 oz. 79¢ oscj,R..MAYER,. J.J:l MEAT, AL~ BEEF, OR I COUNT WIE-NERS . A FU LL 1 LI. PKG. 79¢ SANT-A .1s HERE! · · 'WITH CANDY FOR THE KIDS •. 't' .. . ••' . , ·DAILY 3 ~5 SAT. & SUN. 12 • 5 .,. ·-. ' ' ; . . ' •• OZ: " CASE 'SWAYNE Golden Pride Y AMS -zt·oz. • 4 for $1 ' ' LIPTON · Onion Soup Mix2 Pk. 3 foR $J DEODORANT AND BEAUTY SOAP BATH SIZE DIAL CHUN •KING , ~ VARIETIES 2 for 39¢ EGG ROLLS 6 Oi. PKG. 59¢ BIRDS EYE QUICK THAW STRAWBERRIES RICH 'S 10 oz. 3 for $1 WHIP TOPPING 10 oz 39¢ DOWNEYFLAKE I 2 01. Homemade Size WAFFLES 3 for $1 OH IOY POTATOES WITH CHEESE, CHIVES or BACON Stuffed. POTATOES 12 ... 29¢ BIRDS EYE PEAS AND CARROTS 11 oz. 6 for $1' 1 , BIRDS EYE CHOPPED OR LEAF SPINACH 10 oz. 6 fOlt $J BANQUET SLICED BEEF BANQUET SALISBURY. STEAK ~ARA LEE POUND CAKE J LIS. 91¢ I W. 12 oz. IF YOU HATE TO COOK IUT LOVE EXOTIC GOODIES-WE'VE &Of SOME MARVELOUS FROZEN HORS' D'OEUVRES JUST FOR .YOU! risen , r t't~'.Fi s i15sz '~ ~-.. •z,.r .!?·!~ .}'!1 ~~j n s j s•" •zim en ran 4za z {-----7 -SJ -2 I F1 us U&Rn; s r: an a z as s 53 --pg £ F 72!1£27?UU& J __ I 2 , '£tcJ...,...J!-MAR~~~ H~ & GIFT SHOP LIDO Y~CHT SHOP OPEN DAILY 9.7, SUN. 9.6 OPE!:! DAILY 9.6 OPEN Jii IL'Y, 9'6 • . II ........ ) ...... ,,, .. !.----...:... -~!'·--· __ !J.,__ ---------·· ---·,.':'-r"ll'2' ·~ --·-. -· ' . . . ANTHO NYTS-SHOE REPAIR ; . '. . ' ' ' . . DAILY t.l:!O, SAT. t -1 ' FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS O~EN DAILY 9.6 DAILY 1,JQ.6, SAT. 1,30-1 - ·- l ,. ' j ~~.,.-~ "i ~ ....... _.-.. - --~ "p'f.• ~ ·-~----.. ~-~_;i-_ •• ~.i: -.-, -~:-¥li'*''"* *~,_. ... """n =:::,.,.,...,.=,..,.,.,,.,.., __ ...,.~,.,.,--..... --............. r'l_'R_""""""--"""'-~--.... -----~~~., . ' H ,DA!l.Y l'ILOT Wtdntldq, D!<tmbff 16, 1970 Wed11rsd1y, December 16. l q10 N PiLDT·ADVERTlSER JO tJ . Pumpkin · Pie Dilemma Can Be a . Professiona ·I Problem D~NAN: CuJM tell• 1plll befOft they are evenly like up much &toraee space. their spleces also have better mixed ill with,.4.,pot of chili. It r find your watel\chop Mrs. R1chard Plyler, Kings eimartlnc eyea and what a ... • &t ~te ~ pam,Jtklll pie brewftt4 ~ tooktd throUgb, J can't PY 1 have ever been keeplng qualities. I regard used to \le po'pular at short melhod best but I always had Mountain, N.C. breeze to clean! MRS. M.l\.B., 11 dll 1Midtm a.-... -t be becolfte cruJe aaturated. bothered with the sugar flying &0me of the fine ground pep-order counters becau!e a little watery slaw. I flnally tried GroH De, Mlclt. -ll&O w JUl_M&_ wMd Too lqJr a but make.s_ wund ct.000&..Jiflin&. I~ a per on the market as more chili.went a long way and pulling the chop~,' drained DEAR NAN: 1, too, had ....P? r bl•e troUle every douihnutl IOID· 'Ibat's where little kup sifter held over a like pepper dust. ·Wholesale plenty of patrons liked It. l do cabbage in a plastic bOWt the problem of &moke in my Christmas time is the Ume time alO-O tl.e fllllli Is °'*Y first aot the name, deep bowl . Or you could slip a buyers of pepper could be too. r serve <..Tackers and a which has a tight fitting cover. ktklte:1 ~iery time l used my fo• .special treats for the •Jkloa1. DOLORES MA.SON, "sinktrs." There ls that old plastic sack over the bottom likened to wholesale buyers of tossed salad with mJne.. On top of the cabbage I fold brolltr, even with the btst fam ily, special candies and W.dREN, Mlal. ru1e •bout browning a cube of of the sifter. leaf tobacco. , tv.·o or three paper towels, Delmon~ 1Celk1. What little fruitcakes.· You ma)' have Even professional bakm brtad for so-and-so-many I like to grind my own pep-It's all tobacco , but some is DEAR ~AN:t am wriUng in put the cover on, flip the bowl fat tbtte w11 dripped down several recipes for fruitcakes aometimts have this prtbtem teconds to ~test heat. but it per. Other than Ullt I rely on far superior to others and the answer to Mrs. Grooms of over. I refrigerate It upside Ud burned. My'problem wa5 just b)' writing to Nan Wiley in as wttnesse4 by the number of Isn't re.Ua.ble. Your best bet one or two spice linel l know bidding at the auctions get Westland , Michigan, asking down for an hour or so. When solved, however, by pultl.ng care of the DAILY PILOT and restaurtnl pat.tens who eat all WMl1d be to inveat in a cooking will always tum out a superior very excit ing. "Spaghetti about how to make slaw 1n her I remove the towels to add the about a balf·IDch of water In asking for her free leaflet. of a p,iece of pie e:icept that _the_rmom_...,..eter_. 111a_t_d_o_•_•_•_' _t _P;...rod_uc1_w_itho_u1_v_a_r11_u_on_._A_ll_R_ed_"_i_s _ius_t_coo_k_ed_s-'-pa-gh_e_1u __ b1_end_e_r_. _______ d_re_ss_in_g_it_i_s_n_ice_ly_dr_a_in_id_. _lhe_8_·,._11_1n.:.1..;pu:........_No_m_o_re_·_·r_rw_·1_ca_ke_Fr_a_nc_ie_s._" __ bottom crusl Oddly enough, n.- ia: olien overbaking t h 1 t makes for soggineu o f CllSlard type pies. pumpkin in. eluded, .i.ince it can cause 1eparaUon or the f i 11 i n 1 some~here . aloQg the line. 'l'h~n 1 watery substance runs down Into the crust. MOit recipes tell you. to test for doneness by inserting a knife into the center ()f the pie. LETS ASK THE COOK by Nan Wiley It is better to make that test aboul an inch off center. No farther than thal When lb< · "\ knife comes out clean at that point, that's it. The pie nnmi may atilt look a liWe wobbly, but It always continues c.ook· ing from it.s own heat after it is out of the oven. Another reason for soggy crusts is the use of tins that are too shiny. They ref1ec:t beat. the crust doesn't cook properly. Dull tins or gliss ones do a bdt.er job. Don't aet the pie t!n on a cookie abetl or dittcUy on aluminum foll. 'lilt! also r<flect. heal Make sure. of course, that therfi isn't even the tiniest break or tear in the shell when you pour In the filling. Don't be skimpy wilb your shortenin1 w'1en you make these cnull. .. ';tlley bate faster to keep up With the ct11Wd,-are-more Daky. An overdose of flout or water is bound to make for a cardboard crust. When yeu pour the filling into the -~ pot the whole thing in the oven at once. Dol'l't let it aet. Be sure the oven is bot enough; 400 to 425 degrees lJ about right for·these pies. Make sure your thermostat is registering corrtctJy. Some coots Wist that a light brushing of the !hell with sliibUy beaten •n whlte a:iva insurance aa:ainst 10gineu. USDA Choice Beef • Flavorful Blade Cut O..lone R-•t =:~ ... , a. &9- SLICED BACON ......... ...., ...... f·lb.49· • OdM!u• MIH lo•• k • •U.'1 IN flnlll p f• COOKED HAMS F•ratr .1•11• tr l••r'• Q11lltt ~ '"::' 591 H'.:tt'~. 691 Wiison Corn King :'!~ :::: 59¢ Armour Mlr1·Cur1 ~~~::1:..--:.·19¢ Pacfflc Oysters::.·1~ .. 11: .. '19¢ Gallo Sliced Salami :.":: 491 Gallo Sliced Salami ::t 891 Sausa'. • h !IO ,, ...... t 39' • M<i;t(1 '"' .. , S SWiii"• lrowo 'N '°""I«. 67' 1usag1 s .... ..o "''' -11111 "'" , Link Sausage ~;·,~:'" .. 99~ USDA Grade : A' Who e Plump and Meaty Cut-Up 35c Fryers lb. lb. • Dubuque Royal Buffet • Swift's Premium • Lue1's Quality Canned Hams large Hams • Dubuque Royal Buffet • luer's • Swift's Dubuque Canned Ham 5 •.. $439 ... 8 ·lb. $6'' "' 9.11.$7'' . .. Gourmet Hams Wii.on's T'""'"""'· • lu!r& $1 i t · •farmer John • S1emans ni. Cure81 Hams Also Oscar May!r Jubilee • • Dubuque • Morrell's ,., s10 49 ! $ Boneless Steaks- USDA Choice Beef Aged and Trimmed Exeellent to Broil! lb. Boneless Steaks run Center Roulld 11. 98' USDA Choice Beef Sirloin Tip Steak Boneless Cuts $11' USDA Choice Beef 11. Beef Rib Steaks Llree Meaty C'uts II. 98' USDA Choice Btef Beef Rib Roast l1rRe Meaty End USDA Choke Beef JO, 89' Boneless Roast Rump Or RooOO lJSOA Choice Beef II. 99• 'NEW' SOFT MARGARINE BEER BROWN DERBY FROZE TRAWBER ' ' BEL· AIR FRUIT PIES Stock Up How On This Cttat Buy. Perfect For Parties! • Six Pack 6 12-oz. cans SAVE ON THESE EXTRA SUPER VALUES! • Scotch Tl'lllt Brand-An Ideal IQ.oz, pkg. Oi1eo11nf Pritll fiiiiilfWDi AT DISCOUNT PRICES I Orange Juice· DISCOUNT DAIRY & DELI. Shady Lane Butter r·~~d~h::,:•d !;'~: 82~ Lucerne Sour Cream Pu~~; .. :.~. 491 L erne Yogurt low C•l-1• y,.,,, 20~ UC A'locl•d flavors '''· • ~ • ~ ~ ~ .. { .... ' . !!I. .. , .. ' ' ' . That to~nOtcb authority, -Monroe Bost.om Strlu.ie, of. fers another fine idea in hls excellent book, "Pie Marches On." (Ahrtns Book Co. Inc.J N.Y.) He calJI it "taking lb< cuss out of custard" crusts. BY using a perforated tin you 1•t away from those raw spMI and blisten caused by air bub- bles behften dough and Un, somatimes large enough to blow the crust right through the fllllng Jike a miniature Vesu vius, A tin like this helps dough lie tight and flat. You can make them yourself by pounclting a ¥, inch bole in the center of the pan, surrounding that with four or five equidlJ.. tant holes. If the man of the house doesn't have the proper tool or inclination, you m•y ha,·e to hunt up a tinsmith. The nearest hardware store lhould be able to direct you. DEAR NAN' W°'ld YH ple1se dl1cu•1 deep fryin& where an electric deep fryu II not med? I wooli like to try douPa•ll, frttten ud a let If ct.her tlllng:1, bat can't stve 1tor1g:e space to anything: th1t take•~ up a lo& of room wltn D0t ii Ute. St Busy Baker Snackers 1:;::·33c e Onion Soup Mix L~:i:;s !~~ 34c e Pineapple Hi~~~~~~~;~es 2:;~L 29c Scotch Treat Concentrated 6·DI. can 19' Bel·air Peas 2 ·lb. 49' Lucerne Assorted Dips Lucerne Cream Cheese ~;i:!· 34¢ ~. ::~ 14-~< Cinnamon Rolls ~':0i~:~h;;! •;;:~L 27~ ; Baby Gouda Cheese ~~.~ ~:~ 59¢ ' ' How do you sift -powdered gugar without having It fly •ll around? There are several branda of "pure black pepper, ground" at a wide range of prices. \\'hat makes one b r a n d superior to another~ Years ago ''spaghetti red" WIS popular. Now I n'ver hear of it. nor can I find a recipe. How was this made and with what was it served? M. WHITSE'M', SHAWNEE MISSION, KAN. t count my thermostatically controlled deep fryer .1s well worth any space it tak~s up , because t can use it for so many thina:s. No.t jusi fryini but for things like soups, stews. chili. anything else I want brewed slowly without a Jot ot -pel'IOl'lal attention. Lift out lhe buket for Ulose thin&s but fdr spacbetU cookery leave U in. TM when the ,pq1iew II done, I can lift Ollt llio -buketlul for 'q u I c k , thoroogh drainage. My doep fryer alts out on a counter top al' all times. I would have to ;irtla· a omall -to cover the ketUe intlhed of deep f.rylna. Not every1hlng takes the ...., de,,... of he•t. ~ti are done at about ll70, ii1tter• at :m degrees. If laL la too ~ dOlllfulull ·wil! I Bel-air Cheese Pizza 1:;::·6Sc Pre mi um Qual ity pkg. l ·Paper Towels~~~~~:~~~:; "11 31c ~::~ ~!:le:~::e J~~~ a Chopped 01.IVeS rownHouse 4vror·10c-B~ked Potatoes ~t,!~I lll Brand 11• Mixed Vegetables "' -P•tted 01• Town H~use 6 • .,, 29c -Cotillion I~ Cream Asst y • .,, 851 ,.,. 12'/,.0L 75¢ ,.,. ,, . .,, ·29¢ ..,. ll·OL 201 ,.,._ y,.,,,, 69¢ • .- I IVeS LargeS1ze ... 1 Potato Chips R~~'~:~~~ip 1 ~~'.'· 54' Fruit Salads luc1mt Quality Yow ChOlct Of Many Favorites • pint 1t11, Molld1y Ring Sal1d1 '::!' 511 c LargeEggs - o,.."' o• the Crop BRIDE 'AA' doz. lLLllJt 55; 1·DIL Cta. Mffi•• 46~ 1·DoL Cbt c ·, • r ct1. DISCOUNT COFFEE LIQUOR SHOP BUYS! Old Crow Bourbon ~~lflo ~i. s1149 Kamchatka Vodka ~;·o:i1, ~i. 1811 MacNairs Scotch ~'"t~:::I ,1. ssst Canadian Hill Whiskey ~~:''· '499 Cold Brook Whiskey 811~~.~rr. '42' Old Calhoun Bourbon p~~, ... ~ 1521 St t . G' '" K"''"' Vodkl s411 an ons in o;,1111., c1-1r. , .. ~ DISCOUNT HOLIDAY BUYS ' Cranberry Sauce w~:i:i:rs:;~red ~:~~ 25' .. L•bby' p k' Ideal fo< ll·tt. 23' ~ I ump ID Tuls, p;., El• ... . . ~ Canne.i Yams H,.,,.,, erand i•~• 31' ·:~ "-· Cut or Whal• ••• ' ., Stuffl·ng Mr·x ~ •. Wrlrhl'•-T•o• u~L 45' , for Stuflin( Poultry! •kr. Marsh.mallows · fl"·'"' "''"" 23' <· Mi•illuru •'•· P11ultry Seasoning ~:~:.~ ~;:~ 23' ,;. Crown Colony Sage s~~~~%, ~i::· 27' ~: SAFEWAY SUPER SAVERS Peanut Butter s • .:i:':i i::«h, ·~:L 62' Mashed Potatoes Or!·ld1 u .... 49 ' Instant ,k,, Soft 'N Dry Deodo11nt U·"·66' All Day Prol!clion 1111 Kotex Napkins R1,ul1r .... 79' J or u~rs ,, '' Macaroni & Cheese t;i:, ..... 491' . ' ' •••• 1. •' Johnnie Maid ""~~,~·i: .. •• 7~1 . . Zee Paper Napkins .... 10' 1f II Cranberry Juice °"C::.~,:;1 U •OL 69' ~ .. l • [ • ' ' ( I .. ,, .. , .. ' ' .· '. • . . ' ' '· .. • :::! . ,,. .. •,' • ...... ,. -~ ~· -· -------~------~--------.--·~·--~~,.--,~-------------~--. --~-----------~----------·-·-·-· . .,,. ·-... ___..,,.,-,.......,... .. ' J J PILQT.ADVER~ISER N Wtdnesday , C>Ktmbtr \6, 1970 . ' DAILY PILOT 48 ~ •: Cheese Bread Pleases No need to knead this bread. I egg, room temperature Topp!ng:~. soft--· butter 1 Romano cheese, COl.l'Sl!l salt -about 4S minutes. Beat down raised batter in about 25 itrokes; batter will be thick and somewhat sticky . Teens Make Magic with Tuna T ricker.y ·:~ CHEESE SNACK BREAD For under 21ers, the popular image or tuna -canned Luna in vegetable oil -bi that of a with-it food !or teen.s on the go. What's so coot about tuna , mainly, is its adaptability to the changing scene, i~ quick at.lkln. Zi~lp ...with J he can_ opeoer aod there it is, ready to eat. Another flick of the wrist or two aod, presto. a sandwich, a a salad, a bot skillet quickie. You name it. Tuna does It. bas to work late, or for a fasf but yummy lunch for yourself, or for 1 party of your own hostessing, remember tuna_ fills the bill everywhicbway. SWISS TUNA TREAT 2\-i cups WlSlfted nour 2 tablespoons sugar "11 tea9poon sail 1 tablespoon instant minced onion t teaspoon dill seed 2 tablespoons butter l cup (4 ounces) shredded Provolone cheege Measure the first 7 ln· gredient.'! into ahow!; blerld with fork or pastry blender; set aside. 111 a small bowl dissolve the yeast ln the warm water; add the egg; pour into flour mlxtwe. 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 tai>l••J>OO~ - 2/3 cup chicken broth 2 egg yolks \\ cup 1lgbt cream 1 cup warm water (110 to 115 degrees) 1 package yeast Beat until thoro1J8hly blend· ed. Cover and let rise in wann draft!ree place until doubled Spread batter in ;reased jelly roll pan (IS by 10 by 1 Inch). Tap pan on table to set- tle batter. Let rise until doubl- ed -about 20 minutes. Brush top of batter with soft bulter; sprinkle with Romano cheese and coarse salt. Bake in a preheated 425-0egree oven 15 to 20 minutes. l t will come as no surprise -especially if you're a cookery aficionado -that with all the new foods on tbe market, canned tuna is still a favorite for totally toothsome temptations that can be whip- ped up almost blindfolded. On days that you're chlef cook and bottle washer for the family dinner -when mother Even if you never au.gratin- ed a tuna casserole before in your life, you can-cCme up with some great eating with tuna tbat will make you look like an instant C.ordon Bleu graduate. Try your hand on these rec:lpes tor starters. 2 caJlJ -(6\t or 7 ounces each) tuna ln vegetable oil 2 tablespoons cbopped pl· miento 1 tablespoon dried pantey na1tes U.S.D.I. Grade "A" Oven-Ready TURK.EYS YOUNG TOMS NORBEST • CALIFORNIAN • POPPY • LANCASTER YOUNG HEN TURKEYS 161022" FRESH TURKEYS 45c =~:~~~='" l~~~39-~s YOUNG GUDE 'A' TOMS s!1.~.;'.~d lb. SELF-BASTING TURKEYS Fresh Hen Turke s u!~~ "'49c . , ... 111o-11o1DJ-•11oo ,:_::..:,.;_ _______ ..JI-------""""-·-, llLf llAITlllG HIN -T11A-TntlosTorllyl MANOlt HOUll NIMIUM QUALITY 'RIUQ'I TURKEYS SAFEWAY . GRADE 'A' ";~",:",~ 49-YOUNG TOMS IL. DN4e 'A' no. 18 to 22·1•. lfg, Wt, u. Toms 1~1:i:.37'•Hens ~i(43' wift's Butterball s.i;:::i~11:~·:~ 49; If -Basting Toms fs'1:'~9;:;_ "' 49; If B · t' ff Poppy 49'et 51M • as ing ens 10 to ,, 10s. ,~ ;ii· LUCERNE EGGNOG Brown 'N Serve ~~~1s35c of 12- Mince Pies Al•8,'::.\.~\ke4 ~~ 75; White Layer Cake ~~~~·~;~ 99¢ Coffee Cake M:~:~~~.:jG~oo! •••• 391' Coffee Cake Apol1 Kuchen 39; Heit and Serve ttoll TUES., JAN. 5 at 8 P.M. Self-Basti1g ·:";:.r:;!"'~~·~· ,~ 55~ Self B t• Junilll' Tu1~ey.-Under 8-lbs. 591 • H Ilg Sll•••I Prem. Qulfity I~ A St Stl.lffed Hens 59-rmOUr ar 11o 12.Jb. .,,. , .. CRAGMONT BEVERAGES DISCOUNT FILM BUYS! ~~~:c:,!~!!ilm...., $)69 Kodachrome KX-126 ~.~~ ... 11 '1 14 Kodachrome KX-135 i!~ .... '1 14 Polaroid Swinger Film 20 .. o11 '1 91 Black & White "107-Stock Up Polaroid Film lnstamalic Camera '" •••• ... ~ ALL SEATS SOl.D AT s2n sg11 DISCOUNT PRICES $625 TICKETS ONLrSJ25 m.r;::.... $525 TICIETS ONLY$275 ~~­ $425 TICKETS ONLY$225 l'J'l.i;::_ SJ25 TICiETS ONLY$l 75 l'J'l.'l::..., fl•~•h •r• 9ood for Opt11i119 Ni9ht 011ly. Now A~1 i ltbl, •+ 111 S•f•w•v S+o••• i11 0••11111 Co11nty, -------------------------- ' Fuerte Variety (abana Variety lb. . MUMS Rill Blft Qullty l11trlld Ctlen 118-llCh Pit s1ss POINSmlAS 3 lloo• or More Ch~1:~11l-lnchs199 Glltl Pot --------- T rk R . '""'' '"· '2" .u ey oast """ ....... Turkey Roast""""""''""''2" -.... Turkey Roast ";;.::"'~3" Turkey Roast ".;:~" '·'"·'2'8 ~· . Cahfornla Grown Cabforala Navels I .. u......... .Ollll!llll • l l'OllZI • Butttr ...... Ctilp & frtsh BIMIChll llwl F11H ~~':!.'I~;·• a~"'-H ,...,,,. 1.,.11• tap Sire Yellow 011011 •• ·~- Ca llfl -""" I ••• , llNdt-Vttutlle P.p.J.. ~ ...... "" M Ao1rn froM 111111,1il Pi1upplu ~r r1~'1;;':.':~ Fresh D1tu :·~· ~. urp °'"" • .. 21'. .. 22'. .. .- 2 "' 2111 ... 11' 8 ~Ill' 3 ;!; 29' ... 29' .. 31' "::41' ·~:-w .. 22' .. ' I tablespoon dry mustard ~~ liii teaspoon cayenne pepper ""1• Hot watnes or pancakes ... • I cup grated ~bl cbeeae Paprllta - Melt butter in sauctpen. Blend in flour and stir in 1 chlclwl brotb. Cool<. stirrina ·. conataoUy, until sauce .: lhJcU:ns and t'Omes to a boU. . • • - Remove from heat. Beat ·\ ·. · together egg yolks and cr~m; "~ •• stir into sauce. ' · Sflr in tuna, p I m I e n to 1 •°'tf• parsley Oakes and aeasonin&s.; · . beat but do not boil. Spoon f.·: creamed mixture over waffles ~' or pancakes placed on a bak· ., Ing llbee1. Sprlnltle wilb grated ·-c. cheeae and piprtka. Place · ~ • under broiler unW cheese is .. melted and lightly , browned. i Remove to plates witb pan-· . cake turner. Yield : 4 servinp. ·,. TUNA LOUISE ·~ ' 3 cans llY.t or 7 ounces ~ •. each) tuna in vegetable oil ; .. r \i cup chopped onion ·• ..:: 1 clove garlic, minced 1,,. '' 1 cao (l pound, 12 ounces) :~ tomatoes, drained a n d 1 coarsely chopped 1 package (10 ounces) froze.n ,cbopped spinach, thawed .. ~: and we_U drained ::i.,~ 1 cup sour cream - 1ii cup grated Cheddar ' cheese ··-·, .• 1 tablespoon lemon juice • 1 1 teaspoon salt • -~ Dfain 2 tablespoons oil from '1- tuna into large skillet. Heat .t • oil; add onion and garlic, 1od · I cook until tender. A d d • ' • tomatoes and beat thoroughly. • '----._ Turn into shallow 2-quart , casserole. Flake tuna and · .: .. sprinkle over tomato mirturt. ·'· .. ~lix together spinach, sour .' ·: cream, grated cheese, Jemon ·t~'. , juice · and sa1t. .Spread over .~·. tuna. Bake Jn 350 degrees F. · ., .. even 20 to U minutes. If ; • desired, serve with hot coated .·~ :w: rice. YIELD: 6 aervings. ... Jiffy Crochet 7452 ~Aa.e B.,,i£ .. '" .. ·:. • ">• ., /• ·:· .. , . •• -., ~. , ... !'t: "1 o ... , ~ . ' ·" ~· .~· .. .. Look snappy, feel cozy ind~ ·,,· ty or country in a pillboi: •. m1de of knitting worsted. i.. JIFFY pillbox is studded all · -~ over with bumpy popcom1. ·; Crochet in 6 idenUcal stttion!. • ..,, one or two gay colors. Pattern ~ 74!2: S, M. L lnclud~. . ~'. FIETY CENTS for each pat. tern -4'add 25 cents for each · , ~ pattern · for Air Mail and 'Ii:-\:· Special Handling; otherwise .• ,~. third-class delivery lYill take · . .;-t• three wee~ or more. Send to ":'!•'· Alice Broo~ the DAILY " • .,~ . PILOT. 105 Needlecraft Depl, .,.;,, Box 16.1. Old Chel~a Station, •i;I,. New York. N.Y. 10011. Print Name, Address, Zip, Patten Number. -.. 'NEW1971 Need l ec raft "!•i Catalog -more I n sta nt fashioru, knits. c r o c he t .s , , quills, embroidery, gift!. 3 • ' !ree patterns. 50 cent.!. -::"" .. NEW Complete Instant Glft Book -over 100 gilts for all .. .,~:: · occasions, ages. Crochet, tie ~­ dye, paint. decoupage, knit,' 1••1 sew, quill-more. $1. ·"~& C.mplele Alllwo Boot -' • . fashions, pillow1, g1fts, more! J. : $1. ' •, l\. . ! Don't Take -~· .. ... : This Gift ·~ ' ,. LINCOLN. Neb. (UP!) '· ', Keep your cold a secret • • • . ... that is, away from others. ~ Take cover behind a hanky. .1 when you sneeze. .'"~,· Or, If you want to avoid lhe ·=~ cold, here are 30me prccau. J. lions from Helen Becktt. -,· ! Unlvtnlty of Nebraska Ex· ,.~ tension health e d u c a t I o·n ~ ~· speclall1t. l~ ... Stay away from thole who •' have colds. Don't use thejr 1~1: towels, cups or drlnkln& ';1, glasses. Wash your banda If.' ofttn and alwaya before bandl~ ·:o 1n1 food or eating . ' ' , -----·----~--------~~--- , , ' -. r I ff DAILY PlLDT PlLOT-AOVERTlSU Abs -ence Makes· Him ·Lik·e·d Better i. .. t u • w I( .. 11 o{ b< ii m Ct ch .. IO '11 do I~ lrn I 1 87 JOHNA Bl.INN NEW YORK -'the foible of the sleepy-eyed actor Robert Mitchum Is fallacious. He was animated and then 'quiet, attentive, polite, at times enigmatic and probably ~the best . story teller around (particularly if you could write for an "X"·rated au- dience). His interesting face, and rb r oad-6houldered . maleness maker a woman feel instantly feminine in his presence. ' "How do you entertain in your house?'' he was asked. "Take off my clothes and rdance around~" he said, a dead-pan expression on his lace. "You said most of your friends are outside of show business." vl1lt -all the agt.nU, those clowns -: brought cfiUi ln their attache cases. And P made. chill for two days. I could get the heaps in Soho. And I hiiid a ham , You c4n't git 11Ua good Virginia ham -a good smok· ed ham -any place else in the world . Thank God, TWA delivered It to my front door! "Where'd you team to make you chill?" he was asked . "Mexico, at the border really," Bob said. .. Did you Jiu the I~ In' Ireland? I know they have marvelous Gu~ stout." (Bob spent neer))' a year in Ireland for the on-kK:ation filming. of David L e a n ' s "'Ryan's ,Daughter" in which he stars as a genUe middle-ag· ed I1·ish school master.) ''With lunch ,they serve five kinds of potatoes and they. eat them all and take some of each: fried , roasted, JDB!hed, creamed or scalloped any way." Much of his time Bob spent cooking for cast and crew in a small hotel he rented during the filming . The restaurants were all closed so he'd have 30 cold In ~ wintertime . And she said, 'You're always off'on those glamorous locations.' I'd be in some pest h o I e somewhere." So the house was soia and they returned to California. "Did you live in Maryland because the kids were small at the time? Was educatln'g your children a fa ctor?'' he was aske4. (The 1\fitchums have lhree grown children). "I just didn't want lo be dependept upon what J regard more or less a-transient socie- ty. I've been around the business all my life (he had one sister in vaudeville and his mother played piano) J didn't want to be dejiendent upon anything becaU!e I felt that on my feet, t could do a better Job. "I don't spend too much off duty lime involved with people within this industry because their time is too valuable; they're always auditioning, they're al it all the time because they're highly paid and they work at it. It's very competitive. I mean they're professlonals in that sense and Dash sugar, optional I'm not. 2 teaspoons salt, freshly "I regard myself as an art-gl"OWMI pepper to taste ist. of sorts. With me, it's not ~ ounce bitter chocolate, the be-all-and-see.all,'' I mean shaved -in the professional end. I'd 1. Cook bacon In large stock do lt in a closet and I'd still pot until crisp and brown. Lift be tht! same person, wouldn't out bacon, pour off excess fat 1?" And I feel I waste their so only 3 tablespoons remains time. I think J'm much better (or use olive oil). Brown liked by my absence !" onions slowly ln fat unlii soft; Recipes from the very lift out. talented actor-chef follow : , 2• Shake cubed beef in ROBERT MITCHUM'S seasoned flour; brown quickly CHlLI WONDER on all sides in onion-flavored 4 strips bacon (or olive oil) grease (add me olive oil if 2 onions, peeled, chopped nea!ssary ). Add b r o w n e d 2 cloves garlic, pressed onions, garlic, beef stock , seasoned flour : 2 parts chili vinegar, tomatoes, chi Ii powder to 1 part flour . powder-water mixture, bay 3 pounds Jean beef (top leaves , cumin ~s. sugar, round) cut in :y,-inch cubes salt, and pepper lo taste. Mix 1 quart beef stock (or well. Bring to boil ; simmer water) slowly 3-4 hours. 2 tablespoons vinegar Add chocolate during last 2 large tomatoes. peeled, half hour. Taste to c6rrect chopped, optional seasonings. Add more liquid 2-4 tablespoons chili powder during cooking if needed, stir mixed with a little water often to prevent sticking. until smooth Serve with cooked pinto (or 2 bay leaves, crushed kidney) beans on the side. Top 1 teaspoon cumin seeds, op-with chopped sweet onion if tional . deiired. Serves I. MITCHUM'S BORDER RASH 1 tablespoon olive oil t-----medffim oblon, ~d, chopped 2 pounds lean ground beef v. teaspoon garlic powder ~ cup beef stock 1 cup chopped f r e s b tomatoes /peeled) 1 tablespoon choppe d parsley 2 dried chili peppers crushed red pepper chill Powder to taste} 1 teaspoon orega!'¥> 1 teaspoon salt. freshly groUnd pepper to taste Heat oil Jn large skillet. Cook onion in hot oil until transparent, stir in beef and garlic powder, cook until meat begins to brown, stir often. Mix in beef stock, tomatoes, parsley, chili peppers (or crushed red pepper) oregano, salt and pepper to taste. Cook over medium heat stirring about 3040 mins. (or until mixture has reduced to a "loose" textured, "gloppy" consistency. Serve alone, or top off with poached egg. Serves 6. sc'ENE FROM 'RYAN'S DAUGHTER' Actor Robert Mitchum II ab "No, I didn't say thal. It's about two plumbers to about two actors. It evens up. I'm ~ust not very social. We enter- tain at home. I'm far more .comfortable and they feel more comfortable. Normally, we have a party once a year. 'Jt's like the party. It's pretty cboosey, yeah, and very well cast." for dinner. He detailed hisl---------------------------------------~.~----------------------- fl! Im po "" b<r inf jg , en an be. pn OJ> the or "Normally, we tarpaulin the back yard and we invite 150 to '200 people ... like the best par· ·ty in town. We have five.foot Jced. bowJs filled with shrimp, .Crayfish, osyters and clams. _And two suckling pigs and we've had 150 quail. roast bee!. hotel as, "consisting of nine bedrooms numbered from one to ten, I leave that to your im- agination. .. There was a huge fireplace-and coal burning stove In the kitchen. And; I had to furnish the whole joint even down to pots and pans." Mitchum never had less than seven or eight ~pie for din- ner cooking anything from steaks to elaborate stews, even washing up the dishes afterwards. 'Ill' "Dottie (hi1 wife) and Reva Chis secretary) and the caterer all work it out. Their big deal is the wine because aJI the wine snobs are very impressed. YoU know, if you cast It, you can hardly fail, because you ha~e JI? obliga- tions. It's the only party of its cype where there are no phoWgrapbers. "The whole hotel bit was a comedy anyway, but there isn't much funny that happens on a David Lean set. You start off by taking a deep breath and a year later you exha)e." aw Jan tu Pol !&i wb Th wtt flll I WI Cl1 Pol P<ll at IU! 400 rig'. yot cor Iha = IOI T Mo lot .. , On N.~ cw By 111 aric ble "" blo the v.., dOl car poi cen Iha tan hou tool hav Th• Ibo D pl• '"'' not dot oil> ... , lak ... fl IU! ar.o 'I "p~ al Wh •up •10 pop Jl, I Wiil W8' SH1 I """ WO! bee ma but llal war Jot. out bul laa• :c: thOJ fry• 11 1 "" tho lryl ~ w "We tiave a~ Chinese • Jady now · and my wife and I both cook. We don't have formal meal times, not if we can avoid It. I make chill. •• Man- darin Duck. Whal dO you want?.. ' "I make good chill! 1 made chill one .time ln jEngland and a II the people who came to "Do you still have your farm in Maryland?" be was asked. "I sold the lwse J n California and J moved to Maryland. That was seven years ago. But Dottle found It inconvenienl. .. lf you forgot something, you've got to go 12 miles back tO the . store. And it's humid in 1wnmertlme, SPICED EGGNOG WREATHED Dessert Variation Eggnog Molded If you wish to vary the pie and ~dding l rad i Ii on a'I desserts at Christmas, here ls a wonderful molded eggnog chiffon. It can be spooned inlo sherbet glasses and chilled, or turned into a baked pastry shell and fruit-trimmed. For Christmas, add cherries and nuts to the basic mixture and turn the now ··nessclrode" chiffon into a ring mold . With a Chri stmas wreath dccora· tion. this dessert makes a most festive appearance at a holiday buffet NESSELRODE WREATH 2 envelopes u n f I a" ored gelatine '~ cup sugar J quart commercial egg nog i , teaspoon nutme& optional 4 teaspoons ru m extract. op- tional I cup heavy cream, whipped 113 cup chopped drained maraschino cherries 1/3 cup chopped nuts Combine gelatine and sugar in aai.g:tpan. Sti r in I cup of ·the cold egg nog. Place over low he~t and stir constantly until gelatine and tu1ar are dissolved. Remove froui heat: add remaining egg no&. II ad· dlUonal navGring is desired. add nutrn!g and eitract. Chill unUI mixture mounds ' •lahtlJ whtn dropped from 1 1poon. P'old In whipped crum, ' • maraschino cherries and nuts . '"Turn into a 6-eup ring mold ; chill until firm . Unmold. To garnish. whip additional in cup heavy cream. Tint green. Spread over top and sides of mold. Garnish top with maraschino cherries a n d green colored citron or pinta pie to represent "wreath." YIELD : 10 servings . EGGNOG HOLLY PIE I envelope unflavored gelatine 1J cu p sugar ~1' teaspoo n salt 134 cups milk 3 eggs. separated 1~ teaspoon nutmeg I IO·inch baked pastry shell Combine gelatine, "' cup of lhe sugar and salt In saucepan. Beal toget her milk and egg yolk1 : add lo gelatine mixture. Place over low heat and stir constantly u n t 11 gelatine and sugar are dissolv. ed alld mixture thickens slightly . Remove from heat; add nutmeg and extract . Chill mixture until slightly thic ker than the consistency of unb!aten egg white. Beat egg whiles until sliff, but nd\ dry ; gradually add reRJalning 1,/4 cup sugar and heal until very sliff. Fold In gelatine mixture. Turn Into pie shell : chill until cream, pirces of maraschino cherries and citron t o resemble holly wreath , YIELD: I 10.inch pie. ,-._.""~~;:~;;-ff-'\. ... ··~~ ·~ -~~~·-~{'.~~$~ --. ·~·PREMIUM--Q UALIT'i_. CALIFQRNIAN BRA~Q, et Quality GRADE Cl FROZEN . WITH @11111> EXCLUSIVE PGPUP COOKING GAOOE TEllS YOU W11EN YOUI TlJltKFl"'S PE•FECTl Y COOKED ROASTRITE ® TOMS 29~ TOMS 18 TO 22 LBS.- AVERAGE 'WEIGHT c HENS c ae to,22 LB. AVERAGE WEIGHT -FROZEN :g·~-~~~: BROWN or POWDERED SUGAR ~ lEGUlAl 1 LL PKGS. MARGARINE -~· TURKEY ROAST ~ EGG ROLLS ==~ PIE SHELLS fH:"'""""" CUT BEANS ??J?"' BIBY FOOD :?!r~ BUBBLE UP !':~?-'' OL FAVOR r,"oi_-W" SAN KA ".., ········' •. 1.06, ...... •~ 1.96 MAXWELL·=1u.89•,,a1.77, t ~~.63 YU.II.AN ~ ..... "93•,. -1.85, • ~2.75 ' . ' ------- .. -"f'11'/C ,.. .. ... • .... ' OWN IAKEllY .. ..L ' ··--15~ I Gll>FRESH BROWN 6'• 23C 2 'N SERVE ROLLS .... ... · .89 GD 8" PIES ~:;.· 691 69-GD FRUITcAKE l-U. 1.49 35-LOAF41GHT or .DARK 2·LL 2.69 23-s- • DUBUQUE 9.tJ. .CANNED HAMS 74.! ~~~-49-~~gg ...... 69- ~ HOLIDAY SALADS ""''° ~"°"' 33c O«AJ«<;E P'UW'ICIN-Mt:QT MINCEMEAT, 14 0L CUNlfttY !.U.,_.SE, 13 OZ. P1llSIUWY CHOC. CHIP or SUG,#.l COOKIES-16-0Z. ~WHIPPED TOPPING ••oz. 49' 431 ·'"'"'er ORANGE JUICE BLEND .., oz. •n. 591 75-LISTERINE u.oz. BOLOG·A OSCAA MAYER All MEAT 491 92 C n OR PURE mF-B OL - OI WIE.ERS OSCAR""'" All MEAT 751 1.09 !iAl..:_K!ATt· .. 79J 1,~f.!~N BLACK BRT .... 1• CREST ~ ""9-WlOllON '""'"'-..m_,.OL n OR PURE IEEF-1 ll. 1 1'1tlNCtS.SVISTA TEU:l'HON[. OOU,$, 1r ,.;i~-w. llmM 88 DOCTOlt ot NUllSE KITS • toWUNO ,IN $fTS • .usc>f'rfD c 66-COSMETIC SETS • '11:""'1$ • HdfwA'I' MAlllftS COMBINATION MN'olCEIS"" 'Alff' c6.+.r Dt TKIUSEI .... U:lrT MANGO YOlM CHO<£ .&&-IN!.lAATfO ICf IWCnT Olt OIY""°"""1 l'MOTO AUIJM •••••• ··-·• .-~~!Ml!''°'-1• ~~~~OI. ~~~NY DIP .... 1• ~!1!5 ~!~~!!.,:;.... 1" ~!!'! !~~ . ..:OL 87-~'!--WOL 47- ·~ 1" 95- J. G. M.0-.W IOXBI CHOCOL.t.rt:S • V~lift, Oorii ot liplf •••• , ·•- Ml.M OtOCOU.T'l' CANO'!', ,,,,., 11.a •L. ,_ 12;1 oa. ........... -• ,ANTY HOSE -Qt.If $!IE 'll5 All-" COlOltS-1.Jt VMUf ·••••• fANCT KANlil, WE\." loVtKEUP MlUQU ••••••• , • , • , .• , • , .... : - t• 1.71 .. 77• .. ... . .... ·1 CHRISTMAS STEREO RECORbi-CARQtS, t?rltOREN'S .• IAVOl!rTES, W!STfl!N, VOCA.LS AHO INSTRUMENTAlS INSTANT COFFEE TY-0-BOL SOFT I QUE MAXWElL HOU$I! ClfANU aA TH Oil IEAOS 4 OZ.· J.21 10 OL 1,49 12-0Z. 17 OZ.· YIJIAH 7'/f 87' 'oz. 99' • oz. 1.33 I PUNCH DETERGENT 25c OfF a+oz. PKG. 1.09 PUSS 'N BOOTS CAT fOOO \IWI I OIAV't', -I GMYT 6»0Z. 16' CAN CLOROX M.fACH Yi GAUON 35' I Hawaii Sencls '1is Bi1t· DAILY PllDT II I ' ~fare F_la'iOr~f_uL and Festive . OMELET GOES HAWAIIAN FOR CHR ISTMAS BREAKFAST BEEF :::;:. ROASTS BEEFflA~ STEAKS SWISS--0-BONE CUTS 51'EAK . WILSQtfS TtN~OE BONEL~ -COOKED HAM 49c PORlf SAUSAGE 79c c LINK SAUSAGE 93~ 55 ' ' c oviiii~69c 7 9 fREStt-SMAU SIZE COO<ED 89 C 139 SHRIMP ~"' Sff OUR C~f Mi.KTIOH Of l+OllOAY LB l'OUl m' rtEMS, FEATURING I.AIMS f~E~ ' T\lfi'KEYS WITH OLM rof'-1# COOC!NG G.llJG(S. • ~-~~~~~ STUFFING MIX ~~~~~~!/ ICE CREAM SUPUI CATDING /,;;;i 6 FLAVORS -Y, GAL. L.!::f} c YOUR CHOICE FIFTHS For a fe1tive h_ollUy brunch, let the symbol of hospltallty, the pineapple, add a dellcioua tone to the party. A combination of a 1 a t e breakfast and an early lunch is a great way to entertain during the busy holly season. One of the most elegant and lesUve of all brunch entrees is a quiche with the added golden flavor of canned pineapple. The 'crusts for individual quiches or for one large one can be prepared the day before and stored in the refrigerator ovemight. Fill with t b e pineapple-cheese- a1stard ml1ture ln the morn- ing and bake. They'll be Wl'lrm and perfect for lhe party. With the quiche, marl.Q.ated fresh vegetables and wat.ercress make If rerre sh ing ac- companiment. Another entree that has Jong been a favorite Is the tender fJlled omelet. The filling for this holiday version contains carined 'pine1ipple tidbits, and chopped ham -an unbeatable L•l'9• 1lze Sunld1t Nnel ORANGES LM .. 11U C.Df, Pu-.c.i..,,. AVOCADOS Fre1h crlop CELERY· ' . twosome (er lfllt navor. Seasoned gently with "'uallrd, the omelet ls topped with aour cream before servtnc. With the omelet, airf popovtn are delicl.ous. One other idea Jor a brunch is slices of canned pineapple, dipped inin buttermilk pan- cake batter, and fried golden brown. ServO<I wjth a dusting of confectlan<·n' 1111ar. Ibey are dellghtful with a lllce of ham or pork~11uaa1es. · - Canned ~le la ever rudy on 'lhe obelf and in I variety ol a1zts for a needed use. Whelher the Nclpe calls for slices, chunks, tidbill, or crushed. c4nfltd pineapple ls ready in all seuon, and for every oceaalon. cmdimwi MORN PINEAPPLE QUICllE I (11Mw1ee) packoge pUlry Jiili< 1 (13'4-ounte) can crushed pipe:apple 3 eggs 1% cups hall and half u. 25: 15~ 10~ c I EARLY TIMES 5£~5" JIM BEAM ~~ 5• SCOTCH ~-411 SCOTCH ~~~ 5" J & I SCOTCH ::=-7• CUTIY SARI :o 1• -~ CHAMPAGNES ••:·~-.. ··--~·:·'°11f BACARDI-~ 4" C.HA TEAU PETITE • i.:EGULAR • PINK • SPARKLING 11.l~GUNDY or COt.O DUCK 219 · YOUR O<O!CE flfTHS RINGNES-FROM NORWAY BEER 1t~L 1.29 1' IVORY LIQUID D£11AGEH1' 10C OfP 22..0L 49' - 1 SMIRNOFF mr°"' 411 ·RuM ~~AIAH 3" ~ILBEY-S :f'~ 45• -BRANDY-~ 3• B_OURBON ~~'°""' 411 g:• MENTHE ~ 2" SEA GRAMS 7 ?!LH 519· =EME COCAO =CAM 2" DASH DEmGENT JClc OFF 9-LI. 1 S.OL 1.89 TIDE Dn!llGENT BLACK PEPPER SHIWNGS 40L c.>H 53' DAILY DIET DOO rooD "".oz. 7' I GRAVY-QUIK """' ...... ""-..... 19' ----------------------------------- 1 v .. teaspoons 11\t \\ teupoqn white pepper 4 drops liquid red pepper se110Ding 2 cups grated process Swiss cheese 6 slices crisp cooked bacon Prepare pastry m i x ac- cording to package directions: divide into 4 portions. Roll each into a 71A-inch circle and nt into Mnch quiche pan or in- dlvldual pie • pans. Preheat oven to·~ degree F. Drain pineapple lhorou&hly, pressing out excess · syrup. Combine llghUy beaten eas with half and half, salt, pepper, pepper seasoning, well d r a in e d pineapple and cheese. • Tum · in~ pastry-lined pans and top with crumbled baron. Bake for about 25 minutes or until set in center. Makes 4 &ervinli. PINEAPPLE HAM OMELET 1 ~ii ·cups--ground «--finely choPptd cooked ham 1 tablespoon prepared mus lard 1/3 cup mayonnaise 1 (131Jc.~n111ce) can pineapple tidbits 8 eu• 4 tablespoons milk 1 teupoon pit ~I tea.spoon pepper '4 teaspoons butter ~ii cup dairy sour cr'am €ontblne ham, mustard and mayonnaise, ad d I n g a tablelpoon ; more mayonnaise It ham seems dry. Drain pineapple very . well. Add drained pineapple Udblts, sav- ing a few tidbits for garnish to ham mixture. Heat over hot water while preparing omelell. To make individual omelet.I, beat together 2 eggs, 1 table- spoon milk, Y. teaspoon saJt, dash pepper. Heat 6 or 1 inch sk.Jll~t wllh 1 teupoon butter. Add egg m!J.ture and cook over moderate he1t unUI eggs are tender--finn but still slight· ly moist on top. Slip out of pan onto hot plate. Repeat to make 3 more omelets. Spoon hot fillln1 into cooked omelets, fold and serve on heated plates. Top with sour cream and .garnish with pineapple Udblts. Makes 4 servings, HOUDAY PINEAPPLE FRITTERS t (l"flOUfld 13\1.-ounce) can pin~app\e slices 'h cup buttennilk pancake mix - Oil for frying; about 1 inch deep Powdered sugar Drain pineapple well. Dip each slice in dry pancake mix. shaking ofr excess. Heat oil until deep fat thermometer registers 375 degree or until 1'" square of bread browns in 40 seconds. Add pineapple slices and fry until golden on each side. Drain on paper towels. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve hot. Ma.kes 8 servinp. APPETITES APPEASED Soon a Favorite Fruit Cake's Formula Guaranteed to Please Once you've tried t h i s flavorful fruit cake, you'll be certain to add It to your col- lection of successful recipes. The cake is made with the able aulstance of apple spice cake mix which give, it a hint of spice flavor or you ca n make it with yellow ·cake mix. Thia recipe makes t w o cakes-one for your ramily and one that wUI be a welcom· ed gift for a friend. APPLE SPICE FRUIT CAKE 4 egjS Ill l tea.spoon salt 1 teaspoon oranee extract 1 pound (about 2 cups) cut dates 8 ounces (4 slices) candied green pineapple, cut in narrow strips 8 ounces (about l Y.a cupsl whole red candied cherries 1 pound (about 4 cups) walnut halves ~ cup unsifted all-purpose fl our Emply cake mix into bow1. 1 packa~ _ ~pple~_£i~e yellow cake mfi: ~ii cup applesauce Seamstresses Lig htfooted or _Add applesauce, eggs, salt. and extract. Blend at low speed of electric mixer just to moisten. Beat 3 minutes at medillm speed until creamy. Combine fruits and nuts and nUr: welt with flour. Then stir into batte'r. UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. (UPI) -Home seamstresses should only use the amount of pressure:. on UJe presser foot qece1aary to feed the fabric through thelr sewing machine, advl:i:es Mrs. Ruth Ann Wilson. extension clothing apecialist at Pennsylvania St.ate University. If the pressure is loo heavy, It makes the machine run hard and can leave marks on the •toth. Line two 8 x 4-lnch loaf pins with triple thicknesses of wax paper; gre88t well. Pour bat· ter into pam Bake at 275 degrees about 2% hours. , Cook cakes in pans on cU. rack.! until thoroughly cold, Remove from pane. 11 desired, wrap cakes in cheesecloth, which baa been sprinkled with sherry, rum, or brandy. 'nlen wrap in alumimim foll · or transparent saran and store la refrigerator 2 to 4 weellf ~fore servln1. t .. •• I · .( [ ., ' ., ': ' .. •; .•. .. . " . " ·.:.· ,, "' •: " .., ~· 1• .. '. ,, ., . " •.. .. " ·' -·· 't!'· ,. ..... .. ,. ···1 ;_,., • • .•. ·,· .. .. .. -. -.. " .. ·~· • .. • I ' i "' I ' II'. .. " ii Ill ~ .. .u .. o( bo ii "' ct! ch .. .. 'lJ do foo Im I 1 It ab I~ Im po "' bu "" ii <;: or ... pr .. lb .. Tl .. "' la : "' Tl "' Ill .... .. po pu at •w 40! rij yo coo th; .i. wt ... • I& Im .. Or N. cu 83 •• .. bl .. bl tb v. ell> ca po ce tit w ho to< ha n oh -Pl' "' .. do oU •• tol .. I "' ar • .. , al w Ill "' p ll w " ~I 0 .. I> ... bl • Ii • lo • ~ I • II = I! ~ II ~ " b2 DA.llY PILOT _1 Wtdnesday, Oecember 16, 1970 Busy l~omemal<er ~ F.inds Frozen Natrirror1 ' " Limas a ' -Today's bwy homemaker and bake In a moderate oven 1 package fresh frozen green ~4 cup (1 ounce can Draiii liquor fnm mushrooms ol serving bowl or platter. Add \~ teaspoon oregano Comblne cottage ~beese, and working woman need not for 35 minutes or until golden lima beans mushrooms, stems and and add to liqoor the onions, mushrooms and sour cream to \~ teaspoon b.aall oregano, basil and pepper; S&Cfifioe the f I av or. ap--btO\\'n, 3 table::ipgo___M tomato catsup pieces _Ja r Ii c s a It, w a t er 1 meat and H.rfia mhture and ntis: well. Blend in fresh frozen pearance, and nulrilional LL\tA STROGANOFF 2 tablespoons bu t l e r , 1 cup (~·pin{ carton) sour catsup, and sin1mer for Vi heat throug h, Fill no6<11 ring dush .DI ~ppcr_ greetrttma beans and spaghet· values of fresh green lima margarine cream hour. with meat and lima mixture .2 P$Ckages fr e 1 h froze'l 11 sauce. Pour into llf.i.quart beans because she must cook 1/4 cup flour 1 cup sliced onions '4 ounces noodles Add fresh !rozen green lima and serve immedlltely. Serves green lima beans, cooked casserole; sprlnkJe YI Ith in a hurry. If& teaspoon pepper I cup· wat~r Tenderile mt!:Bl and coat in btans and simmer 10 more 5ix. l or 2. cans beel spaghetti Pannesan cheese, ·and bake The versatility of fro zen I teaspoon salt dash of garlic salt mixture of four, sail, and pep. minutes. Cook noodles ac-5Juct 20-30 minutes in medium J ow green lima beans makes it a % pound beer stew meal, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire per. Brown on all sides in cording to package directions COTl'AGE BAKED LIMAS '14 cup grated Parmesan oven 325 degrees. Serves liX natural for recipes tha t are cubed sauce melted butter or marg.arine. and place in ring around edge l cup c~ttage cheese cheese to eight. quickly and easily preparedi------~----------------------'-----'------''----=------'-'------------------=-------- and yet provide nutrients and flavor needed for a tasteful, well-balanced menu. Plump, buttery green lima beans are delicious and filling as a vegetable di s h, mashing for smoolh soups or particularly i£ sprinkled wi th pannesan cheese or crisp bacon bits. They also go smoothly into recipes for entrees, salads, and soups. The "jusl·picked" flavor of fr esh frozen green lima beans combines well with · mas t meats, fish, or poultry ; and the texture perm i t s holding shape a~ maintain ing color and appearance when combined with o t he r in· gredients in casseroles. For Big Saving s Mak e Von s Your Ho lido y Food Headquarters ... Plus You Get Blue (hip Stumps! The "following recipes have been developed toward a goal · of economy oI time, work, and money. GREEN LIMAS IN NESTS 2 Ctl,ps cooked squash l 1h cups cooked green lima beans ~lash squash, season to taste (a pat ot butter, salt, pepper, sprinkle of sugar are suggestions), whip until light, . place in indi vidual mounds on greased oven proof platter • (if such a platter is not • available, a greased cookie • sheet may be used}, dent cent.er of eaCh mound and fill With lima beans . Place in moderate oven (3SO) degrees Wllil healed through. Serve with meat course, Or, use u luncheon or supper main dish. serving with 1 cup medium-white sauce to which l tablespoons grated cheese bas been added. (Servn 6.) DELICIOUS LIMA BEANS Cook tmtiJ tender 1 quart fresh lima beans, adding 1 teaspoon salt the last· five minutes. Beat 1/4 cup butter until smooUt. Add 2 egg yolks •• aDd continUe be:aUng \\1hile ad· ding 1 teaspoon m i n c e d panley, a few grairui of pep- per, 1'12 tablespoons lemon juice and a little paprika . Pour J 'ii cups liquid from the beans over this and stir until smooth. Pour over the beans and shake . .Stir gently with a fork until egg i5 set.• UM& BEANS WITH CHEESE Arrange 2 cups cooked green lirnas in buttered di!b. Season with salt and pepper, add 1h cup grated cheese, l t a b I e 5poon butter, and 1/-t cup heavy cream. Stir well and sprinkle with cheese and dot over with t tablespoon buUer. Reheat in hot oven. 15 minutes at 400 degrees F. LIMA BEAN CASSEROLE :Z tablespoons diced onion 2 tablespoons fat 4 tablespoons flour (heap-- lng) 2 cups milk Juice from drained lima beans Juice from dr ained canned salmon 1 teaspoon salt 1 tall can salmon 2 cups green lima beans, cooked and drained 2 sli ces bread 2 teaspoons butter Cook onion in fat until golden brown and tender. Add floo r and blend. Stir in milk. juice from lima beans and juice from salmon, and salt. Cook, stirring constantly unUJ thick and smooth. Alternate layers of fl akerl salmon, lima beans, and "'hit e sauce in a greased casserole. ending with white sauce. Bui· ter bread and cut in cubes. Sprinkle over top or casserole Top'em Tastily The day after you cook a big 1 turkey or chicken, g i v e gourmet appeal to Ille lefl - ovm by fixing a rich mom;iy ,.uc:e. Blend t,hls delicate .. uce by combining one pint dairy sou r cream. one can condensed crum of mltlbroom soup and ~H cup mill< • Add color and flavor with one-fourth cup American blue cheele (about 11/-t ounces) crumb)td) and two table- IPOOOI chopped chlvts. Stir un- til blue i:heese Just begins to ,. .. -· -WITH ANY GIOCIRY PURCHA.51 !XQUOES l/OUOll. JOUCCO, ANO CAin' HOOUCTS ~ lPf. DfC. 11 -~· e•e& ue !Ml I l'P a.lllo.18 AllLUI °"'' LOWER TMAI DliCOUIT PRICE PLUS BLlll CMIP STAIPSI SPRECKELS ON All NATIONAL BRANDS } __ .} EARLY TIMES. Str11iglit K1ntu<.ky Sourbofl, 86 "'· .... 11.01 11.911 I OtD TAnOR. Stralghl Kenkky Sollrbon, 116 Pr ••••. t.\VI IA 11.59 t. OLD c"°w. Sln!olght Ken!u<.ky !ourbofl, 86 Pr. . $.OVI l .tO 11.49 "<' OLD CHARTER. Straight K"cntucky l!.ourban, 86 Pr, '""'If T.oo 12.95 l TEN HIGH. A 511-oivh• l!.ourbon. 80 Pr, •..•.......•... "''If"" 9.85 (' CROWN RUSSE Vod~o. 80 Pr •••••••••••••.•••••• M"I ... 8.88 l KAMCHATXA. VODKA, 80 Pr ..................... 1•v. -1• l .88 (' CUTTY SARK, lmporkd Scotch, 86 Pr. •••·•••·• "''If ''' 16.49 l J&8, Imported Scotth, 116 Pr., •... ! ........... ,..-.....,. l.'f 16 • .50 (' LAUDER'S. lmporl~ Seotch, 86 Pr ••••••••••• ,.$.01'1 IOI 11.99 l BACARDI, Pverto Rican Rum, 80 Pr. ···•·••••••· .. .,. •• 10.115 '(' CHRISTIAN BROS. Calif. lroncfy, 90 Pr. •••··· $.OVI 1• 11.97 } rHOuD"iiw'RAPPiN~~ 1 I ~~~~;:t!f.:::~10;: 77 i 1.: _____ ... ____ (' Spttials for Your Holiday Pictur_i! Taltin9 .•• a -,.. Polhbury flour 111. ••o .••• , , • _ •....•.••• 60c PttlO<"' ,Ob•k F•11hll ....... oo "''""· t•Of ~II •• , . .5k ""><hmon11"1 ""°'!JO'~ •><;. •u c•.. .,.,,.•ok Walltt l(ttldoU I"'~ l ih "" lto;l ., oo• •..•. 71c l.,._ leof ~" &ogi. ••ti ru . , , ...... , $1,14 , Wott.f ~n iclbbl«I bog food -••••• $3.11 I W1111i.r Kt11cloll alKult1 l)oo foocl l!O&, U. ••• .42< fltolochrno1111'1 $off Mc1r9oolM t .ll. M •• ••••, •• "6c Tlri)o Toll loiilio!Q Sordlllti u..cm, "° ~ ., .. 39c io...,... Doww. Dip ~--.,..,,,. , •••••• 41c CHRISTMAS TREE CAKE e: ~..:'.::.'!~~ ~ $)29 .. ..,. ... ~,,... 21c ___ , ... . i}fj]filfg DETERGENT Shell Fish Party Favoriles '-1"""'1 ... l""tor .., ... , Llhtw ei.tm -· ·--••c-.n-..... I0 ... 1 .. _, 1 ... -s;.19'· lontl111 89~ O..tk ... SAVI CASH ON All YOUR HOUDAT T11ADITIONA1 PRlil llUIT AND GARDlll-lllSH YIGITABW AT YONSI ~mm~ HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS I lllAIP CllllDAI SOUi OWi ---~---27' " '"'· . ····· "·<RI. .. 49'1 .. Westwood Ice-Cream ~i? 65' I Lemon Juice ~·~~!:i~ 49' ~ Roger~ Petite Peas ~~25' I Cranapple Juice ~~ 48 ~ 59' I Egg Nog '5!--47c *Butter ·~;::: 81' ...._llott rv!ldl ,,..,tu-.*'Ot.tMt •• ,, ..••.• "3c fl'M To,Apple Jub.., <Ml •••••••••••••• -"c Spathtttl t. M.ot 1o111 Olf' !Of.Ml.en~, ••. 82c I Cioro.-2 •IOI'.\.'·"· .au."" -u-on. . • • •.• •· .49o DffllllOll All ... f Clllll •HI. Uill •••••• , • , • • • · 5&c Or. I OI\ Pt! food •II. 11.0\'0llJ, IJOl.c.u< • • • • • • .2/33c Chf k)r..Ar.0.. t.eforonl -.on.a.-110D. ••• l8c Dixie~ l .tilt1 -••ioc1 °"'°"" ...c1.1P..~5c CMI hyoAr-0.. lttf -...io11-. CNI .......... -'hlOotl ~ M&ut-Nt.1•-w. •••••••. 93r: I !~~~~~!~~~s .Candy 39• ., __ ,_ Pri<;e1 Effecti•• Thur\, Thru Th11n., Dt<. 17.24 melt. Serve over turkey or ,chlck•n ,.ndwicfl.,, or o•er IOl l l other leftover meat. I This 18UCC mall.. aboul 4 34081 cupo. Adams Ave.,' at Brookhurst,, Huntington Beach Doheny Park Drive, &apistrano Beach 5922 Edinger Ave.1 at Springdale, Huntington Beach Laguna Hills Plaza, El Toro 21082 Beach Blvd., Hunlir.gton Beacb 17 950 Magnolia, Fountain Valley I I ' I . ' ·-~ . --·. ------- I - J ~ I . NORBEST TENbER TIMED r · HE~ TURKEYS POP UP ,'(AUGE TELLS YOU WHEN · .• • \ ,IT'S DONEi •• \ "l ,~ l . ( ~~·;... ,f I '' \ . ALI: · TURKEYS ARE U.S.D.A. ' t oltAD~ ·A" ' . --. -. . . , ' • \'Jtdntsday, Dt~tr.iber 16, 1970 • . .. , SA_l.E ST ARTS THURSDAY, DEC. 17th ENDS THURSDAY, "DEC". 24th BAR M HICKORY .St.10.KED TAVERN HAMS r L. WHOLE OR ·HALF · . " ' 1r.·r.r':l"=l'T'lr.'lr:T::T:"'ITI7';•----· \--I a :l f1 l I J :t•l ·11l3 I.-..-. FULLY COOKED · .N:,IAAN . . ITS .JHe FINEST . ASSORTED '"NU:TS YOUR CHOICE 39· ¢ 1 e WALNUTS . lb FRESH LEAN • • GROUND BEEF ' ~ USDA 1. ~ GRADl "A;• ~ .. ..., ' . '"l1 ' FRYING CHICKENS • Lil. MEATY BREAST ... : .. , . 69¢ lb. LEGS-N-THIGHS . . • . . . . . 59¢ lb. ·- cur.ui-37 l·LE•GID C PRYllS . , , ,, , • • LI. PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR HOLIDAY MEATS EARLY! ' FllESH DRESSED TURKEYS, SWIFTS, aunERBALL, ROASTING C H I C K E N, DUCKS, GEESE, FRESH BREAKFAST BACONS IA_R M .HICKORY SMOKED U.S.D.A. CHOICE STEAKS OYSTERS, PRIME RIBS, LUTEFISK. $149 "· OSCAR MA YER 'soT.,,E,HAouK"S $159 ALL MEAT OR LI. ALL BEEF • . BULK B~CON T·IONE STEAKS 69~ .. COIN ION& BACON 69c IONELIU TOP $179 LI. SIRtOIN STEAKS -· .. OSCAlt MAYEll. 79c LI. FULLVIEW BACON LI. SPENCER STEAKS 51 9~ •. WIENERS 69' LB. Tll-1 BACON FOREMOST SOUR. CREAM . 1 LI.) . PKG: 49( FllfT MIGNON ·" ·STEAKS WILSHIRE •I•; 49' CARTON ' SWEET ·~.f..L 49' PICKLES ROGERS -•lOl CAN $249 • LI. CUlllSON'S STUFFING M!X ' 49' DICED 2/25' CARROTS f ORCHID DECORATED ·PAPER TOWELS l BIG ROLLS · '!'..'.>.~· GALLA FAMILY '•.,.,_,.... NAPKINS -4/$1 Wltk llhc•r•'ed berd•r Re9, JSc • thrlh poek • 1 '0 11.,kl•- WISK LIQUID DETERGENT COCX·OF THE WALk ·::.· 59' QT. YU BAN COFFEE 1 LI. CAN CAL PRO . GLAZE FRUIT MIX ; ... PLASTIC 39' FOREMOST-Fr15h, Rich and Creamy ~i~ QU .. T 49' VERNOR'S GINGER ALE LARGE 26 • .llhJl)TTLIS • REG. lOc TOMATO JUICE 46 OZ. CANS SNACK PACK e APRICOT • l'IACHIS e FRUIT MIX • e PIARS lEG. Slc ·J·PAIC NABIS_CO •••· .,, ""'· 39' e WHIAT THINS e SOCIAILlS _ _ __ e ONION THINS e IACON THINS 39' MAXWELL INSTANT COFFEE 1 ~.?'· • -- V/\1111'\lltl 1 .0IJf>(1.$ FRITO.S CORN CHIPS :-:.c i:r. ••• e BRAZIL e ALMONDS . ; '.flLBERTS REDDl·W~IP IN REUSABLE QUART PLASTIC CONTAINER 59c VALUE 10 oz. 39' BIRDS EYE I MINUTI y~~ETA!'c~~~ ,. ',0•00~5-. 6/$1 • PEAS & CARROTS e SP'INACH --. ·---.:"-'_ _________ _ B!RDS EYE I CANDIED 29' y AMS 12 oz. PKO •• -:,-oHN-STON'S PIES e APPLE 65' e PUMPKIN BIG 9" _...!~ ----...,,... -~ LIQUOR DEPT. ~;:.. CROWN RUSSE VODl(A lllNTUCMT llAU ·~ENTUC!l'.T STRAIGHT BOURBON 11, GAL 16 PltOOll 1/1 GAL. s9s9 ltOUllLOF $399 VODKA c.. FULL fUART ISLANDER RUM FULL 9UA•T ,$399 8 BIG SALE DAYSI Prir••s Eff••o·li\'r Thurs. Thru Wrd., Of>c. 17 Thru 24 Prlc•• Subj.ct to Stock"'" on H•nd WE ACCEPT U.S.D.A. FOOD COUPONS 1· we GIVE Jii i With !hi1 t o11pon, no ..,,ni..,um purr.ht'• r•quir•d. l 1m it 1 I•• l!tr r.011po11 -On1 co11 po11 D•• r.11110..,tr. Veid 1ff11 T~un., Dre. 2•. Wah th l• eoupo11. no '"ini..,u.., purr.h t1t ttqu!rt d. L:..,;1 I ctn ptt coupo11 -On• r.ou,on ptr tu1+t 1111r. Void t ll•1 ll111r1 .. Otr.. 2•. W ith 11111 tnuoon, no lftini,oiu,,, purcl.111 11qui•td. Li..,,+ I b11 ptr r.1upon -Ont coupon per r.u!IOMt r. Vold t fttr f}.11 11., Ott. 2•. I BLUE CHIP STAMPS COSTA MESA PLACENTIA WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS 19th and Placentia 710 W. Chapman -ClOOD ONLY AT IA .. GAIJrl IASKIT ~ GOOD OHLT AT IARGAI N IA5K.ET I ' \ , . .., ' . ·' ' ' l ;.., .. :· ;. !·· . ,, .. ' ') ' "l •. .~-- ,. • .. • J • ) 1 ' . ' . ' ' I ' ~· I I I I • I t I ( t I ' I I ' I ( t t I I I • " . ' ••• ' I .,. _..._,1.. . H DAILY PILOT \.I' •·•• • " nectmbfr 16, 1971 I ,,_ t \ ., Wedntsday, Oectmbtr 16, 1970 PILOT ·A~Vf!'Tll'I! I . . •r , ' -, . ------• -. .--·--r--• ·•· • ' -.. . 'SA" .. ·:." .. :,· . ' ' ALL 1970'5 TO .. BE SOLD BELOW .COST . * EXTRA. PWS * EX'Elbf PLUS * EXTlbt n us * EXTRA. PLUS * EXTRA PLUS * EXTRA. PLUS * ' ' ' . . ' • -~- . ' ... · ; 1.: I ·.~ ,: "I l . ; . . " • ~ -·" ~ .lj : ' · · · -· -· ·· · :u '" , · · I :i." , • r .WE,DON'J c:~,:)YllERE YOQ'.VE IEE' O!t .W~AJ',fq'.ij'.'#.( .:. IH.M of.FER~D ,.tilU'RE suili·to .Go roil o.lia Of.f E1 i» . DON'T SIGN ANY ORDER WITH ANY DEALEt'.ON•ANJ .'fltW : : . CAR OR TRUCK OR USED CAR UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN·QUOT· . . ,. .. I . ED·DUlfTOlf FORD PRICES. . ;. ·, '·, ·:·: ~· _· I ' I 'J! • I' CAB&1'·"·· •TRUCl(S 'AS CHEVY~~~~•>• R&H, PDE ,2ll . "88 ' . -- ~,68 PLY . OUTH !~~~~I $1'288 , 69 PONTIAC . ~~~(~~~0 ... ,.. ,,~2388 . R&H. tXtJ 750). , '6. ·7· FO· ·R·D :iro 4 or. Ht $1·588 , ~ 1 -·;,~'fis~ a/Ir .. fact oit, p/st .. ra .. vnl 'JO FORD ~..1~J!ick Up Ovtrdril'I W/C«ff(I«. LiclMI 80873f ' • . . . ' • • ~·· .. -..:\----,.,.tr-·----·-·--·-·-·---.-.......... -.-~·~ ..... ...,,...,..,_,..,,_,~:~""' .. ,-~-·~ ' . ··--- , ... _w_ .... ,_-"-""-· ----.~16_, _a_10_____ DAILY PILOT g ·; 1 ' • . .. t .·'··. ,, ~· I 1 ;·; I 1<. • ' , . -.... .,... •.. ' -" -i I I 'I -.. . ... ' ··i ·« . 'f .... ' . 1' • .. • • • >,1::. I • (" I • • .. .. "Th< cli<nl Ital·• ri¢1t·lo know tvtrt1thing>CO»Unting- tM tran.sactton before he f ocu .... " lAHOA.ll R..."'-C CARDLE Pres ideillt of Th• Ro•J. E1t•t•o: • ' con.,. r••' •• , •• , i111.tTuctor ud '-itllf_-r; _.uthor of Ml•· L•oli: ..,,,II l'1tott Trcb1i11g i~ C•l!f0:raio Col-· l•t•I": • R•il ht ... ' celu1n11N't fei'"" Hie Dcilw. Pilot; 1hit,• 'ir•ctor •'·; CARET. .. ~· .. '. ,. ' • • ' ·· .. I ' . ' ' " I "I ' 'i ' I . • l~ ! , • '. ;\' ~ '. ' • .. --·· \· -·~ . ,. ~· ... '· .., ' . ,. . . • ~. J • • J " ' " . . \ ' ' I ' .. .. .. ' .. I ' rj ' ... -' .. 'Won Jer/uf: {!e~p/e/· ... ·.; .. '._·: ,:·, m er"! lo you, 1970 . ' i j _:~nolher · recorJ , '!ear. · · appreciale 'JO Ur conlinueJ ~pp,Pva.f. RanJ'J • . TO EXTEND OUR ·SERYICE WE ARE OPENING A NEW OFF-ICE IN --··HUNTINGTON BEACH AT 1:79Jl ·JEACH.BOULEV•RD HAilOR VIEW HOMES COR0'1!A DEL · ~R · 4 · 1EpROOMS * FORMAL DINING * REDUCED $6,000 , • .. . " , '; l " ' · t Be<lrooms, family room, girden kitchen on •ii&l'.1e lot with.room for bOat or.trailer. Lui: .. ury bath with sunken tub --•JL~most new · · --hom~·wilh many.added utru '4:1,000 -~.:not •. 1 leisehold-you own thelo¥.-Pl!,one MS.7111. 4 'bdrms, 31,i baths, formil din. rm.: famllv rm., breakfast rm .• laundry rm., with bltift. Hwinl center, lovely pool with loads of deck- il\I a. shade· tree yard, courtyard entry, and .Ven a bomb shelter. All for $62,500. Phone ' 1146-7171 to' Inspect. . -. PAY ·YOURSEU: $1;000 The most outstanding Value ori today's mar- ket in a luxury _(nearly l~ sq; ft:J.,3 bedf001!1-,_~ ... ~~· _Con11ider theee ~eat~. ll:rBf .. lemk ;:- 1 , ·-~'l;ainUy room wilh··Wet , lorma(clJn. 1 ~ .fDg,. ~'h baths, nearly new• s g carpet, liea .. ,, ;\ ,;y ~hake roof .. PLUS a huge 4ti'x 62 well !and, . acaped rear ya~d with lots of. con~rete:. And. . 1 ,. ,only,. 10% .clown fo the new reduced, pnc• df --· · , ~1,500.-<:all:'673-8550. ' • : ', I EOitOl'EA'll' c.i-~M . A home with a ·very ltiVing ·andiiiarm ·uruch ' is this 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in Mesa DeIJ Mar. Walk just steps to schools, Orange Coast College and shopping. Manicured yard with room for boat or camper .. Call no.w to take a look. $31,900. 546-2313. LUSK HOME IN HARBOR VIEW HILLS • The !winkling lights will fascinate, you. The fresh. ocean breeze will reCresb you. and the apacio"us well--engineered floor plan will please you. 4 :Sedrooms, 21h baths, walnat cabinets, tinted glais and red brick patio, '57,500. Call 673-8550. "l'H E NEWNESS HA$N"T WORN OFF ,:. . • But our owner has had a ·change of plans and . now wishes to sell his wen ·decorated,' roomy '2 Bedroom and den, dining room home on an elevated corner •lof in Newport Beach. Only $43,500 (includlnli the land). with excelle.nt terms. Call 673-8550. . ' • ~~:ir·o:•-.,.., 4""!'.l Ff • '-I~ I: MOST UNUSUAL POOL H.OME Interes\ina: floor plan with rooms gaJ.ore in the heart of Newport Heights with deluxe · pool 5 bedrooms. family room with fire\)lact =l>alleeue. ·Do1un-.kltdlon ·with bWlt-iil ,.refrlgefatl>r and·blehcler.-Let u111-· ' lndlt interesting home you'll be.Jlod yw did pblme M&-11n•and on11 '3f,500. "' . .- UVE IN .ONE . RENT THE. OTHER Profitable to own ••• A··pleasure to live in! The home is a custom, luxuriou1 charmer with. 3 ki1Jg size bedi-ooms; country kitchen with huge family room, formal ditiing,J 18- cluded living room •.. PLUS a· separate one bedroom rrtoney-mak:er that really· reduces those monljlly payments! $45,950 for both! ,_ down: See today. Call now. ThBnks. 51&-2313 or 616-7171. EA5TIWflF .••. 5 . ' . Ro0ni for lots o(kjils .. Wii'liiive 5.'~ijis •. and three .l>f!ths. W&pt"lo 1wim! W.e· ~ve .•-- buutiful pool. Wa~t, to,bUY a bo!lt! We ~av• room to park off .the street. Wa)lt . a •wlni set?•We have room for-that too. Want a fin9· 1ch0ol diatrict!'Newport • Coat.. Mesa. Want a fair price? ~.ooo. Phone M&-7171. . : . ' ' 1 lx22 FAMILY ROOM ADDED AT NO EXTRA COST Most attractive home in 'this .fashionable Cijff Drive area - 3 bedrooms ·.new b4ths, plush c a r p e t s and drapes: ~ 1 Bv~I .sparldea .with newneas. A ha7·at ~ - Don't miss this one:... PbOn0-616-7171. • . YOUR. OWN OCEAN · Luxury & corftfort by tHe .... j~ 69 .11ep1 away. 4 bedrooms -5· baths. Entertiln .In pmeled family room atmO!phere ·or fcii'inal living room, both have • JDUlife ·fireplaces. Watch the Spinnakers sail by on the ·root. There's a speci-1,· income feature, too! A rare value at $69;500. Just call 646-7171. PWSH EASTSll>E DUPLEX Hu to, be one ot the cleanest, sharpest du· plexes in town. 2 Bed.rooms each -complete· ly carpeted and draped -Enclosed garage&- Beautifully landscaped. Just celebrating it_, fifth · birthday -$39,500 ...., Phone 546-2313 to 'lnspecl . 'MdYE IN FOR CHRISTMAS · -. ,, ,wmt 10°/o DOWN ·Near entrance to Baycrest. 4 dandy bed· roOiti.s (master bedroom separate.d on other siae .of home): full size formal dining room, family room with built in desk unit, lo~ely ~rilan carpets, vinyl wall covering -$42,950 -·owner will help finance with 10% down. Phone.lt&-7171 to view. OWNER STOPPED . MAl(ING PAY~E~. _,,, On 1hli'.3 -""""· "J •bathrlllnlwaodli:tloor home in Mesa Dil:•Mar. There is::a _.tar .. 2odo cove~ pool that·go's wltb·!l.,Tbe·~· ls in ?b:>v~in condition. 1tr1 · • .befP.Jil ·at fl!!~. or make offer,,<:aJ1"54fr23µ. .. CAUFORNll' RAN CH; . Lov.ely California Ranch Style' on a cUI-d .. 1ac Street in Newport Heights. 4 bedrooms,· large living room overl~g the fr.ee.!orm pool with loads of decking. Walk lo tennis courts 1 and schools -All yours for $45,950. 51&-2311 A RARE FIND •LUFFS 4 IEDROOM A 4 ~room, 3 bath "C" plan in the 0~1Uff!" witb. OJ)'en beams and a balcony for your Juliet and patio for Romeo and nearby pool for everybody. Make yourself part of the carefree life in the Bluffs. $46,800. ·Call 673-8550. ALL SPANISH Split level -4 bedrooms -3 baths -S car garage. Large family room and formal din- ing room. 2200 sq, ft. home beautifully· situ .. ated in one of Mesa Verde's most prestigious neighborhoods . If you like Spanish deaign~ou must see this cbanning home. For fu'.il parti- culars and appointment to inspect call now I 51&-2313. -ir:rivr-Tr"~ J .... ._:; .. :-~--~------::-.---~-:-~::-··r-·-··---;-:~--,~ .•• ~, ~1 ~.-. -~~__,.,..-. ---·--··-,-, -- ,. .µ, "' ' • . • ' •• · .. '!, •. . • ... ' f 't"J •1·4 .• ~ ,..,., " ~ <' I Serving Newport 89ach •·Costa Me sa •.<Arona del Mar • Huntington Beach · 4 Convlnient locations Near You . NEWPORT BEACH COSTA MESA . . . CORONA DEL · MAR INVESTMENTS .1700 Newport Blvd . 2790 Harbor Blvd. 332 Marguerite 2784 Harbor Blvd., Suite 201 646-7171 546-2313 · 673-8550 Costa Mesa 546·23'16 EXPERIENCE .ELIMINATES EXP.ERIMENT IT 'S FUN TO BE NICE· TO PEOPLE -------~ ---· J __ . __ ' ------~-----• -4 ~~ --· . ~ • • , . • ·-~ . I n I • • .. , I , ~->f ~H s .... .W.,tw S1111ce1 I ... WMlh HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSIS POii SALE HOUSll fOll SALE HOUSIS POii SALE IOOOGenorel 100!) ~~ 1000 Gener•I 1000 -r•I 1111 Gonor•I 1000 .;;C,oot:;;.l•"-'-M~•.;;.•;;._ ___ 11_• Unlv•rollY P•rk 1217 H\lftll"""" BNch 1• ~-... MUST SEU. BEFORE 1971 3 BR CONDOMINIUM 3 & Den, 2 baths, VA or Fl{A In choice section of Mon1ictJ. OK, $24,950 • see p<li"e 1087 lo, 10 be completely redec. telephone yellow pages • ora1rd lnduding new car-Costa Mesa's Fine!lt Real pets. Priced bek>w market. EstateOHice, See Your home TAYLOR Co • Stops To Oco•n • GOOD 5 BR "" 0 " Lon-MARRIAGE , Empty I-JIU n e wi Only donbert')' in No. C , M", LOCK THI DOOR SJ2.500. 3 BR, tam, rm., 2 A11ume exl1ting 1'"HA loan Ao1 _ _!.~•tc~f1' re~_t & the101~-Wt Don't NHll 2 Hom11 .. QUIET CUL-DE-SAC ha, 2 car gar., blbul, of approx $25,750 w/in~re1t \ll"U ...... US• wehwi 1.~;: Force1 sale ol nH.r new, Im· Mammoth llv , nn., ll(llat!d CAYWOOD REALTY a t only 6%%. 12500 down lock the door ti) t 1 1""' macu!ate 3 bed.rm 1 bath, mstr suite, 3 l)R. Room for 6306 w. Coa~ Hwy., NB paymnt. Chai. C. Marlin 2 bdrm. cutie; 'perfl!ct 111!1· customized Ayrei Built Act fast on this one. on TV . 1000 F'ree Chri!tmas $20,500 gills at office . Owner/Mgr. pool. $69,950 · e 54a-l29t e Rltr. 54S-li95 tlna, Pl! 28 rfl!Ct aiu, perfect home, Corner lot, all bltns, BAYCREST $78,500 hs~.~11-, ~1.-.-.. ~/-opt-c"-.,-r-e-nt'" 2 BR/2 BA OONDOo Adlt 'i .oooed. h II drapl!s, full w:.~ cat'Pf:r ting, /. · 77 Linda Is le Drive :· ·:New 5 Br., 5 bath home on lagoon. tvlarble ;, ~ filitry, \Yet bar , AM/FM Intercom, Huge mstr ~ · · l3r. has beam ceil. & own frplc. Large liv. & Charles Quintani Realtor, & GU EST COTTAGE uintard CUSTOM 2 BEDROOM ~ A mOllt unt.IMlal "land of en· 2 ,.._. Sec. 2-pool!l &: clbh!I!. Owner . . .. ·. ·, r · ,· firepla~ 1ha1<e to0 , pro-• BR., 2\.ii ba., fli>lc, '-Al Wanta Deal! Anx1001! Stll fe9"iona.dy 1and1epd, block tertainment." Inside pool, 3 ••r. 3 Yn. old. -•·. Ft. o BR. d -~. 2" be•"· -~ $21,500 w I terns I or lM! wall. Patio with cover. nl! en ,. ...... ,.. n ii1n. A-1 Cond. Vacant--·1ck po&. S ..... $215. Call 651F7976 or write Ru)O.· mile from Huntington tale i ' ·.fam. rms. \V/frplcs . \V/deck ....... $185,000 F or Com plete information on all h omes & lots, pi e•&• c all: BILL GRUNDY, REAL TOR 833 DoYOr Dr., SuHe 3, N.B. 642-4620 j~~~~~~~~1 E.1Crellt nt Easts lde location, REALTY c omp I c I cl ':I rcdccorat-Since 1"6 CTI. lleavy shake roof & n1any bl1n fra1ures_ Re.frig ,f.. y,•asher inclllded. Perfect for the adult family and ln- la\\·s. 1mmcd occupancy, .. Downtown Coda M .. H~~~OR 642-2991 Be in by • • • • • "OUr 25th Yeu" !l!S..~. Call today! JG A~ 41~ M·..;..... ~ Stach. Exerllent financing. W I N T I C · k w~ 54" 'YltV'I '"""l'90n '""' ......... Univ. ,,__.. ""'nttt, •-•-· e1 e y · ly or o. Call Pa hie ....,... ~~ D H et Di .--~ .. >.,.c u-.,uJE A 11eal al $30.900? ! Call for • REALTORS e Bill Haven, Rltr. r., em ' · !!l!!!!C.U!!!!!!Anl!!yti•'""'••-.. •l!I' I appointment. 962-2929 Bro.k:-1 2111 San Joaquin HUI!! Road 2111 E. Coast, CdM 67l-3l'll •. COLl.EGE PRK ~ S24,900 .. N rt "·nta"' ., •• '""10 3 BR-'1-IA 1 1,~%-LO DN , ,,•.r·,....,.,. • ..,,.,...,.., ewpo ~ -~~ 4 Bdrm. + F•mily rm. *BY OWNERo 6';..o9'll * HIGHLAND~ I' Allsume existing apr. loan of _________ , •~%. Etepnt , • ..,, h"1, • MeH Vord• 1110 2 Beclnns +·Pool POUftl•ln V•ll•Y 141D I Macnab-Irvine Bedrooms, h u r:.. family Larae m1tr bedrm, .11,4 ba, I Ch • t I . " R<alty Company ...,.m, natural bn<k Ji,.., 3 BDRM, 2 Bath, Ov" ml !rpk, dbl• rar. 137."'1. LEASE/OPTION ENCHANTED ns mas. HOME ON 2 LOTS ,,., ... w;m pool, park lik• ... '" Game rm, lrpk, OWnr/A(l 673-0139 I • PEs::iPON 1000 naral 1000 G e ner'al ;.~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; .. Attention Investors ' Need a nice home, plus rl'n1- ~ al unit, plus large Jot \\'ith /.. •mom to build 2 n1ore unils ? .H01 ve your cal<(! and l'at i! ·:~ too! Lh'C' in th\~ lnvely 3 • tiedrm homt• "'ith dlJlC' dl'- JachC'd gar:icc and \vork . ,shop, rent ou1 !he olh<'1' 3 bcdrrn home for $210 per .lfio., then hu ll d for Jh<! fu- ··lul'e on this 100x l40 ft R·2 lot: INVEST S•MOO NO\Y fl.ND PAY LO\\'ER TA.XE'S ~ NEXT YEAR! Total price ~ 543.950. , .. ~ COtTS ·~WALLACE • REALTORS ·-546-4141- {0pen Evenings ) -.. .,. .... -_ .. ,,. Facing park, near bay, ocean yard. 540-1720 fe~ yard. l 'it blkl from d. COTTAGE 642-1771 Any time 3 Bedroom + den home. andl•no,.,,1.~,.,~•"-Pen-2955 Harbor TARBELL golf ttiurse. $5800 d'n .1---------3 Bedrm, fam rm., 1" nn .. F ·1 /d,. '•• room ~-.. ...., .Dnluutl Pym 1 $195/mo <OWNER> Irvin• 1231 + --·11ed den, C!'J>lo, d.,.., Shai:p 2 bedroom 2 bath home ami 'i "1 ''6 ' ,.,..,.. 1ll1IUl& Point. OJl1om built. 5 REPOSSESSIONS n 11 · bl~:=t1. S995 Down. In Corona de! ?-.lar. Paneled place, bllns, di~hWash~r, bedroom, top qua.lilly home. Spllf'kllnc clean homes, tome 54s..31A2. ~P;,,;,.;=-,-..,--/nl_te ___ ';4 HAFFDAL REAL TY living room with coiy fire-·TAX DODGE crpts, drpi. cove~d pa tio, A be.rgaln at n'i.IXXI. newly palntetf&: CA!'Pf!led. 2, !:,'r:~. 2 1ty, ~·BR, Ml-440S place, Dining room \\'llh · dhlP. .~ange. All 1~ perfect 3, 4 &: 5 bdrms. Some with Be ch 1200 pool, 00..t at. Adj, PCI, ml-~=....C"'---~--1 slirfing p:lass door to p;1tio condition! Immediate Pol-pools, FHA-VA conv. t ewpor1 • 0055 BY oWner end of cul-de-sac 11nd garden ?I' car ~urat:1."' · Sl'Ssion~ S2S,?50. ' fro S17 $40 EACH COTTAGE on Pvt P11rk, P<>Ol & clubh!I! I f. • 00~ .... 1 32 Deluxe units in rhc city of Wells·McCardle, R ltr1. 642 -35 675-3210 mColt•·•'•~ !~'at•.'""inc·. ,,,,·1. 5 B". J.<or gar, '" pus room or at or "al· 0 Gold ~I da.Uion all d CM ""'~ .,. w .. Ice 2 BR. home. Xlnt cond. 1• er. AU this on a 40 fl. lot el~:~g-c .. S .f."ourp~excs 8;m 4 l8W Ne;r._r;7;~v '• · · "'""'"""'""""""'""'""'""' """~!.A~d~am~• ~A~'~"=-~~~~:Clott to beach. O'!ized R-2 _c_o_ron_a_d_•_l _M_•_r __ 1_2S_0_ 1 ~IJll=,000=·..:""'="="'----I and only 2_ blocks lo thC' 1'riplcxcs \l'i1h con1munityl.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'""'"'!"I RARE FIND -$]800 lo!. Take 8 look ~u'll like FIXER UPPER bcat·h. $46,950. pool, plus grcl'n IX'lt area. B I B I B I Three Bedrooms, large living II! Special! 3 Bdrm., 2 bath; 1 Santa Ana Hgt1. 1630 C I th Tl'nifW:: tax drfcrmeot on usy. usy. usy. room, dinin g Rrea, tiled Maves you into this beautiful MORGAN REAL TY blk. to the beach. Needs lots 0 eswor y· high income, Call for details. Businesd~ Is greN a_t:, .. 1W'm~~ buill·ln kit. and servi~ =e·fa~~wl; :; 673-6642 675-6459 of work? Ju!lt reduced 2--SI'ORY Southern Colontat expan ing • eni sa es · porch. Extra lao:e step firepl•0<, Central noor ...:i-~. MUST SELL BY OWNR S.i.000 Owner sailing arcund 5 br/3 ba, din'&: I rm• & Co. Rraltors Nev.•pon &ach Office 1028 Bayside Drive TAKE YOUR CHOICE Newpor t 1be Real Eslatt"rs· learn down den with Franklin ,_,, Brand new, fee simple, 1 blk 11..-World & wants arlion! fam/rm. Located in Beaut more earn more & serve 540-l720. '"I' section of s.A. Hghls. Ex· •t 646-8111 (o nytlmo) bette;, .Professional, per.;on-stove and B/N Bar-B-Que. TARBELL 2955 Harbor beach, 3 br, 2 ba, 2 trplc, $44,950. l.sli"" GI Mortgage, can be Nev.• cpts. including rlen. beam ceil'g, w/w crpt, hure Dtl•ncy Reil Estate .... 111ized 1raining. Earn over Larie: fe:noed yard ~ Two SPECIAL FEATURES dbl gu_ 642-7523. 2828 E. Cout Hwy., CdM assumed W/Lo Dn pymL 80%. Call 546--2316 for Inter. single pra.ges. Priced a t Pool, patio & splendid Dover 1 -'C.:..=c~~~=~~-$.37,500. 54!).2992. viev.•. D':i,500 • ASSUME . $21,lllO Shores View. Ivar. Wells-*LIDO SANDS* ==~~644~-~rn~o~~~-l ..:.;""°'c.:..~======I GI LOAN. Built 4 bedrm, 3 ha.th, pwdr Sparkling 3 bdrm., 2 baths. CUSTOM constructed, im-0 THEREAL \'."".. ESTAT ERS ' . . . M M L B d RI' room tiome. Lg din rm, lam l Blk. to beach. $32,500. maC1.1late 4 BR home. Living • • • or e, r. N t Be h R·ai~ lrpi 9' · •-• 646--4S7'9 rm w/frplc. Avail now. Roy ewpor ac " Y rm c has mirror • Laguna Baach 1705 Swim in your pool or the 64&.ffi.i6 Eve!!: · J. Ward Rltr, 103.1 Mariners * 615-1642 * mantle. Billiard size activi· i ............................... i ,,., .... Sh"P 3 bodrm homo $129 Mo. total pmf. CORONA HIGHLANDS BAY FRONT DUPLEX Dr .. 646'.1'00 °"'" ,o..;fy. 'DUPLEX . 4 ,, "" 2 bf dn, '"" ""'m w/w<t bar,'.,._ $1 DD Down one mile from the beach. . · · 3-c t &: cl nicely pica! brick patios. No ya.-d lleated & filtered pool ,vit h . . . View & pool & you own Ute 2 BR., l balh & 2 BR. l~ * FOUR HOUSES * u, ne~ ean, . work. Use aa larre family HANDYMAN SPECIAL Jots 0-f decking \Vall to wall Buy 11ub)('ct ln 1h_1.s bc11utlf1.1J land, In Corona del Mar, 4 ba .; on Big Bay, Very Jlv-4·2 Bdrm. 11eparate homes turn. ID:> to bch. Sacrifice. home (privacy for in-laws) 3 Be.d(OOm 2 Bath ,-1 ,;..;..1 126000 5\i% annunl ':n rate VA B<lrms., 2 baths. On ly able. Room for 40 ti . boat. on lie. Jot. Room for more. Owner. TI4/ 542-lM&. crpts Ins ...... r ace n-d 2 or 2 income unit.I, OWNER ' ' · ' loan nnd :rou J:<1 3 0t-· -$69,500. Owner wanls quick aate FORTIN CO. 642-5000 DUPLEX a t ocean • 4 br, $19,950 • COATS room• 2 '"""· ""'' o.;<h-CORBIN 1107.000, ' ba "" 3 br, 2 ha dn. View. 152.500. 61><13L'I & borhood nrar ~ and • 673.-3663 968-7015 Eves. Prep int&: furn. 675--0922 2 Brand ne:w unlts -unique WALLACE shoppin~ .• ov.·ner asking $23.-MARTIN J~C;;ot;;;;t;;•;;M;;;;•i;;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1;;1;;0D;; I·---------trr deluxe dupltx: Beat area, r·I·-· <I••'"'" ......-.. •and ""'' !rJCJ Sec 11 By owner. 673-691M. "' -~ --~ ,,_ REAL TORS · . ' N•wpol'f Hol•hh 1210 --------<"in move into ttllA un beUev-546-8640 REDUCED • '"" '"'"' bolo,. xm... Open Even;ngs REAL TORS 644-7662 CHARMING --------l1'"s only 5 yrs, (lkl, has a e 962-4454 e By owner for fast sale be. LW. Isle '1U1 fiJT.place, built-in kitchen, I "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I LARGE, immac, 3 BR + fore Christma11. Wu $38,500, Prestige home like ne~. 4 S-clou1 Lido Home -• air "-all I l B k .,_ now only $35.750. 4 Beclrm, BR, 2 Ba . Beaut decor. ...-for .. ..,., ,...,,at, new Y HELP am rm., near ac D<JY WESTCUFF Prime 3 Br. 2 ba. single _,,;.,.,.....,!~ -H'~·0 Y on H<!a11 or 2 brl k lrpf hrd -~ family, arxl formal dinin&. l..uie kil, all bl!ns. Italian ,~-..., .... '""" """~ 11rea, c cs, Wu story, 3 Sunny patios_ On •this one! 2629 Jlarhor, C.:\I. floors, bltns, w a 11 ed Des.irable 4 BR, dining room, Shag crpl!I, hllnl!, I~ fire. marble frplc. Chandelie?'I, strfft 10 street corner lot "' ""0 · l'iiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil k i'k .~ •••d l 'I 3 B ·d al ploo<, Vacant for fast pos. large !iv Ir din rm facing ~-r.todC'I horn<! \\'ith all !he cx-1" par -1 e Y11.1-u, cov am1y room, a, 'e Ir ~. Reduced to S81.500. G.I. NO ON. PYMT. ''ntAT'S THE THEME" far this sprawling contempor- art styled home. Detailed roofllnes, wood, stucc:o IC Paloa: Verdes Stone. Well de1liTie(ffBDliM.-&. DEN, CENTRAL HALL FLOOR PLAN. Dbl. door entry ha.J.J opens. to LARGE LIV. RM., 25 FT. LONG, wrm CENT: EAST.Luff · , Qu ,., hou•• r ·1 I 1~ 500 ltf!uion! Beautifully located la""e --i. Partial ocean - tras. Sparkling 4 bedrni. 2 paflo, rtts. a. 1 Y = am1 y arrani;:emen . '"· . .., I"""' Pri'mo Lido Nord -• '-• 1·1 t --1 10"" near schoo'·. For details view from lllf'""" balcony, • _...,... story honle v.·ith f01'!Tlal din-4 BR. :.i Ba. homt" Jocalcrl on on a uo::au 1 u 1'"'"'" • 7" PETE BARRETT RLJY "' .. ~ ~ BR. 41Ai ba.. waterfront ER FIREPLACE OF. WHITE B RT C K. Sliding glass opens to reu RTOUnds. Mstr. bdrm. suite \Y/M1R· RORED \VARDROBE DOORS & PRIVATE BAnf W/MARBLE TYPE PULL- MAN. ·. a.. ;F:-1 Do"'n .,, 000 Kinpanl "ii 5j0.1151. 155.000. in~ . family and 2600 ~· H. a IRr"<!, trt'e lincrl, 1;ecluded "' • """'' · ho~. 60 ft. 101. ~• pi" ' " RE"Ml 2-2222 "The Only Way to Buy" CALL ~ '"' 1414 ~ · .. , ~all.or 1'.lust be sold immediately-fencrrl Joi. ldral for young · · -· 9"',, · • Ooa t, $250.000. :.'G..'19 Jfarbor, C.;\i . SfiOOO_ under 1he_ niar1\et at l'hihlrrn & Jarge ~O(i::~. Own. $28 OOO 642-5200 :tJdfMltrL Prime Tir. $39,950. call 545-8424. er 1van1s o!frr. $42,750, , . . A&ALTY of Lido Is e . EASTSIDE SLEEPER ...-4 BR + Family rm. * BALBOA * 1 ~~;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Nt1r N••••rt P11t o rr1c1 Beaut, 4 BR., 4'4 ba. home : BuCooLO BUJl,T -Three BE-11.utiful homf'. Prime ittta. 4 BR. home. View, plus Rllr · 1 ! BY OWNER: 4 Br, 2 ba, with 56 ft. water frontage. :~ ,Bdrm. Two Bath home wllh n--t..-Enclosed & cove.red patio. 11ge apt.. 11ncl . on 2 R-21011! LOVELY, quiet, secluded, 'i&n>lc, bltns. Many xtraa. Room for 11.rre boat slips. :~ .B1N Kil., l)in ing area anfl Coldwelf,Dal._-4 Bednn, huge family rm. SS.11,500 ocean view home. 2 br. den, Walk to..3 .schl!I. Would COD· Price S.'i00,000. IE1ti;c h1m1ly Rn1. \vilb usC'<I .........__MO~~ 5'10.1720. Newport Bi11ch Realty 2 ba. $39,500. Consider ildtt lease. 548-5306. Biii Grundy, Rltr. ~ br'irk f1 repl Rcr. Thia ramli-1---------;1 -TARBELL 2955 Harbor * 675-1642 * leA~e/option. Owner 548-8007 1:::========= 83.1 OOVer Or .. NB 642-4620 ' lln~ n·rl\\·ood sirlin~ hoinc FIX IT UP Unlver1lty Park 1237 ON STRATA CENTRO ·: wfth hra.vy sha~r. roof is lo-Outside of needin~ paint, a 833-0700 644-2430 General 1000Ge~ral 10000.neral 1000 · cakd in one of Cosla 1'.1esa's little repair & sonle yard__ WE'RE SPECIALISTS 4 Bedrooms, 3% Baths :· ,JinC'51 rei;idential areas-near \\'ork this "Mesa Verde BEACH DUPLEX WF: UVE HERE -WE 3.i Ft. + Loi . ' schm ls ;uld 1hoppi11i:;. Fresh-camhridge" tton1e \vith 3 & 2 Furnished Units WORK HERE -and for the Stree~~~trata ;Jy: p:linted in & ~t -fully family ,i;, forn1al dining r m Xlnt location 1 d. ~-() R\ '"\,. ,( /I "C li'::ii:aC:.. 9 past 3 ye~1. have ~pr,c. LI DO REAL TY INC. <:arp<'tcd anrl dra prd, Com-is in great :.:hape. Vacant . $28,000 ~~ I'~).:-~ 'J:.i...(./~ \:) r,•,..L-IZED,,•• ,',",' 'sh~g o;. 3377 Via Lido 673-7300 ·p1eil'ly fenl't'd · wrll land-r-.Iake your offer . G eorg e W illiam son 1\1..c. "' <·~ yards. A l\tUST SEE R 1 The Puizle with the Built-In Chuckle LEASE Jn this lmmedia1e at S2S.tn:l v.·ith FllA-VA ~ 54,·511111 ea tor area. We bave a fine 1elec:. , 'PF.R~1 S. (Mtfelnemllh•tlt) 673-4350 64.S..1564 Eves. O f:,rr~r:"'~er~~1 t ,,,-~.,, tion of hOmes .1Jvail11bJe in M'..M . LA BOR DE, Rltr. OLLEGE REALTY ON THE CHANNEL low' 10 for,,. lovr ~mpl• WOfds. UNIVERSITY PA R K & . '&\6-lr.Uj E\'t's: 646-4579 l!:OOAdansatH.lrbor,CM 5 BR. + f11 nuly rm. 3 Bath!!. A O E N U S I TURTLE ROCK & k n o w 675•3000 Steps to Ol-'ran. 5 yeArs "first hand" the many ad· ESTATE SALE youni:. S.19.~;.,o. 11 I I I 12 vantage11 o! living in 1. Th<> Num hr.r To Cllll Whc1hrr CAYWOOD REAL TY PLANNED CUMMUNITY S1l_11ng. Sellin~ or L<"11.~1ng S~lfl.000 Fr>r dupll'x, near 6306 \\', Cna~1 llv.-y., f\8 We shall ain1ider it a rel..! IRVINE TE RR. •2 rlo\\'ntown C.\1. P~rk. \\'r.m-548-1290 G U G 0 £ I i privilege to con1ul t with you Open Daily 1-5. Tn•e stiRded hOUSl'. Always rented. J-iurry Eastside 5-P.lex • a I I I I solve your housing needs - 1501 B•ya dere T errace rufs, Girl's, Boy's Clob-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... .• 1 i at ANYTJMl: In an effort to 3 BR. 3 Ba. hom<' PLUS on this slreJ'l('r! ! e . . . . WE'RE H.ERE TO SERVE bobhy nn. & 2 ''" '"· Lg" $88,000 r--::Tc-::-R-:I:"":"D-F=--i1 YOU! stn'(!l • to • street lot. Price ~ Bn)y· s~~.500. 356 E . 20th Street \ I I IS I "! Sign· on the wind'ow of a Cos t a Mesa . . _ . _ confectionery: '"Here Come -"[ i11 l1 I 11·lltl. Lachenmyer Re altor "F!HAl & llE.,fll1 REAl:I'\' ·~(',I l EST~1119 b7~J000j :e\\'E57CLIFF CONDO e 2 BR. 21t; ba. Clubhou!le. . Pool, Sauna. Owner/carry. East C.i\t. 3 BR. 2 Ba. VA no do\111. FHA $1650 do1.17l, -. f"ORTIN CO. G~2-~ 1860 N~'J)Ort Bl\'d., C.M, 642-4905 r--------~1-·" 11•16. CALL 616-39211 Ev"'' 64Z.Oi'1 l~!!!!!~:":'~~!!!!!~I P E H 0 I N y $23,000 i--,1,--,1-,,1'...-rl --..17-I C) c~olo~ "'" !II"'""• ""'"'" $29 500 by f·!flno Ill ,.,. mlsslng lltlCll'ds ~ 1 Assume 5 1/4% . . you develop from.ftp No. 3 below. 53/4,o;0 Loan Loan, apr. 3 b<!drooms, din· $ r 1 in .. m 1, rlN'!lm kitchen, till· PRIN NUMBERED LEnfRS $154 e. mon1h v.·hrn you ,ns-M"" IN THESE SQUARES sume thif 5~' 'iC· apr loan. 4 irui, p;1yn1cn!s less than rent. bedrm, dining rm, e~try 54().1720 hall , built-ins, large rooms. TARBELL 2955 H a rbor 540-17'10. For an arl to Y il around TARBE LL 2955 Harbor \h clock, dial 642-5678. ., UNSCRAM&L'f lETTERS I • FOR ANSWER --~-...._.._, SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 8000 General 1000 General 1000General 1000 Generel 1000 General 1000Gener•I . . " -I : I ' 11 I I 11 1· "SINCE 1946" lst Weelern Bank Bid&. University Park D•ys UUIOI Nlohrs * PANORAMIC VIEW Luxury Octan Blvd. Duplex. Overlooking Jetty & Harbor. By Owner; 673-8866 * NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Huntington Beech 1•00 4 BEDROOM S19.000 Full price. Elec bltn ra.nge &. oven, family room, Jqe living room, 2 baths. CaJl)l!ta, drape.s, FA heat, dble gar Age, completely fenced & landscaped, sprink- lers, clOSf' 10 shopping and schools. 60x100 Lor. One lender, usume existing fin - ancing payable $182 per month Including taxes. ,, '61-4471 I :::: I 146-11 OJ REPOSSESSION Assum!! VA loan, anyone qua.lilies. Your terms. 3 Bedrm, l" ba, frpl.c, bltns, crpta, drpa. VACANT, 847~7 1000 Completely modern kitcken w/a tt. brkfrt, atta, ha.s AW BJLT-lN RANGE & OVEN, OISHWSHR., GARB DISP. ETC. This better built home located in finer ttsidentil..I section has been leased out. NEEDS YARD WORK &. A FEW MINOR REPAIRS. Ottered "as is", for the V.A, APPRAISED PRICE OF $33,250 FULL PRICE . ]'.jO ON. PYMT . to elig. veteran. Payable S244 .78 mo. for 360 mO!I. with an annual percentage rate of 814 7,,, MISSION REAL TY 985 So. Coast Hv.'Y .. l..aiUnA Phono (n41 04-0731 · FAMILY SIZE 2.000 sq It on cul.cl~sac cJOM to school. 4 Bedrooms Ir 3 batlui. l\futer bedroom, din- ing room .r. patio v.~lh litt· pit all overlook glimmerlnt night lights. Built-in kitchen with di1hwasher, family room, fin!plaee. Reduced to $35.950. Call • A&tan REAL ESTATE 1190 Glenneyre St. 494.9473 :>49-0016 EMERALD BAY Just listed! Attl'. tl'adltlonal 3 BR, 3 Ba., RP. liv, rm., din. rm. & tam. rm. n6 Eme:rald Bay .m .ooo Shown by app't. 1111 Grundy, RHltor 833 Dover Dr., NB 842-462.tl :l'(/;1 ·" :i §4 ;; 01 =t #J ~4~~~e1R0~ .,~~t.CH OFFICE 0~;?.?;!! •C•O•S•T•A•M•E•S•A•O•F•F•IC•E•-•5•45•.9•4•91•.5•4•5..()46-•5..-H.UN•T•l•N•G•T•O•N•B•E•~-~~ OFFICE-G1184 540 2-44_ 51 5 40 .5 279D HARIOR ILVD. Op• 1 ... 1 ... 'HI 9 P.M. 7411 141otor .... , •• , .. ""'" ODD HOUSE Opon lvonln91 1/J ACRE Custom C&!.1':' Cod hnui;,. that is really "11onu~lhing different"! R·2 lot. 305' deep 1n the heart of EASTSIDE Cost11 J'll<'SR. 3 ba1hi;, 4 bedrooms, BIG separate family room. Even on OCTAGON,\L playhouse in tht' ranch sized yard. Pr!crd a t VA llflPralgJ of $36,950! CAMPF.R SPECIAL Great roncrrlr storas:.r r11r boot, trailrr, and campers. Shar p 4 bedrooms. 2 bath hllme \.I.1th f OR:'>·IAL DI NI:XG ROOl\t. Tfl kr l'ubJect to 5\1 annua l percentaie rat" fHA Loan pa)·ablr S193 'mo. Quil't EASTSIDE (fll\ta l\lcsa neighborhood and you can bfi tn tor Christmas ! Exttllc-nt value et $.29,950! POOL HOM E $2 6,SOO ~ bedroom, 2 belh sparkler \\'llh beaml'd l·rilinll: fam!ly n'M)m and f'RA~'KUN fJREPLACE. IS x 32 heated POOL. \Vinter bargain "·Ith VA or FHA t,.nns at n""' LO\V RATF.:1 VACANT GIANT! f.rJny 11 rrAI fitniil y f'h ri~tmR~ in !hi~ m<Xl,.rn fl l)l"t1 ff)(l1n, :\ h.1Jl h lu ~ry homl!'. Bi>amrd calhl"(lr11.I rr rlin~. lll'GE: family r•>flm. ma~~J''" rl)o·k flREr LACE. drll· m..1Jllr n.ll!'<Mf m1u hlf• ,..ntry holl. Pricrd at V~\ a11pra1sal of .$39,900. Out of state ""'Tl"r ll'llnl\ ACTTf'l7'! :s$:1f;S: f.H.A. 6'/1% LOAN $20,500 PRICI TOTAL payment for this •harp 3 ti.droom homfl Is S116. Subject to FHA Lou \.I.1th 6\1 annual percentage rate. All appU anct'!I such •• wuher, dry11r, refrta· erator-&ll also Included. \VHY RENT If you are ? Submit your dOWTI pl.)"ment- SELLER ANXIOUS. ANYONE QUAlJ1lES. $15.100 f.H.A. Anyone qua.Jilin 1ubject lc:'t 1''HA l.olln \.\.•Ith 614, annual perctntaie rate. Total payment $148 ()f'r month. Sharp 3 bedroom home cllstenlns: with HAROWOOD FLOORS. 2 luxurious baths. modern bullt·ln kitchen. Rtady tor immediate OttU· pancy. GI buyers welcome. CAU.! $19.500 WHAT A LOW PRICE for thi11 s:ori::rnus J bt>drnom, 2 bath dnll house. Utt.a of Tend('r Lovina Catt here. Dttp pile call)ets with matching dr11pe1. Ttme-saver kllchen, double pn;re.. Yard completely fenced Including front for th!" kids. 10% down w1ll handle? CAU. $17,750 FULL PRICI 3 huge btdroom1 \.\.'Ith mfldl'rn ROrRC'Ou~ tmth. It nt'f'd.~ 11omr cle:aninA bu t you rea p the harvttL \VUJ It'll with FHA and No Dnwn Tt'rm1 GI Terms. WHY RENT! NOW IS THE TIME TO IUYll MOVI IN IY CHRISTMAS with roem to run In this 2 1tory, 4 bedroom Cotta.at with low, low $144 payment. or FHA or VA Term1 1vl llahlt , $26,000 TULL PRIC!:. $17.900 FULL PRICE If you can afford to rent you can afford your own hom11 cl01e to u.M,y. llU• P&dtlc. l ullttn kitchen. fenffit ya.rd. Jdtal 1tartfr homR-109' down h.tndlest $19,IOO WHAT A LOW PRICI for tkl1 1or1eous 3 bedroom, 2 beth doll hoUH. Lall of Tender Lovins Ca.re 'Nith deee pile carpets and 1Mtchlnr drapes. Ttme·1l!lvfn1 kitchen. cornple.Uly f~ yard Idea.I starter home or for rellttes. 10"' down handl,&! -' 4 llD 2 STOIY Rooh'I t.o run In this 1600 14. ft. Cape Cod Cotta.Ct "'Ith low low $144 payme.nt.t or FHA or VA Terms available. 126.000! :~)}?: ' ., .. -...,=-.... -r----..,.-----------------.,..---.,..--...,.-----------------------... -·--~ ' -- PILOT ·ADVEllT!SU . ' w~, -16, 1970 w ....... ,, Otctmbtt 16, 1970 DAILY PILOT ·f!J',. ' . USES ,OR SAi.i !f..1'-"LS Rl;~TAlS RENTALS RENTALS Rl!NTAlS RENfALS RENTALS '• ..... IAIB CASH! L...,... llMdi Ills l~llOUMi~'~~-~u..fu~~m~l11~ ..... ~~~tj~·~Fu~ml~oh~ed~iii~!Apts.~~Ffu;m;l~1Md=~q~~Apts.~~F;u~m~l"'9c1~~~~Apts.~~F~um~llhed~~~ Apls. UnlumlWd Apb. Unfumhhojf, , -e ~$71;511 ..---l~•J J0!!9. H . ....... ~Newport Beach 4200 Hunll"f!!!! Beach -Hyntlngton ~ 4«11\ fO"'• -. 5100 c..to -. I .. : .:,. " " :' ·. . '• ,. ,~~"'· tu~ 'i 'itWON'T LAST* . , ' • ' ~ Q JiAUOR GRE!NS $l6S COZY s BR cottaae • l JI. GARDEN &: STUDtO APTS BRAND NEW 2 BR. -"" 111l>'• • a u·1n a ermo•a ·eac• ' • s BR'•.~ "'O. * GOOO TERMSll *' wltb pool, built-IN, ""'"· " --~ ~ ~--REALLY DIFFERE>m ~ ...... V I.I. OK VACANT 2700 PtltrlOIJ W•v, C.M. - tK ~-= Bay -BLIJi BEACON • Casual estate living. Enter La Quint. Her-~ ~ All d•h""' '""""'· Priv. pe. ;;.i l-W ... -;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;:==:;;;;; ""-645-0111 * mosa's lush green atmosphere & stroll tree-l--.~ni~E~GAB=1~..,~5 -*-~· :~ ~..'!'.,~;.. ... '::; ~ OanrPOfiit 730 ~ ~ -lined walk ways to your apt. 2 Br. w/gar Sls.5. Adults "16 --------V!ORY CLEAN and •P«lou• ALL UTILITIES INClUDEO c•ts I d-1 bttn$, fned yd bldg, pUtting """"· .. lid -c L A s 5 I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 The • .DAILY :PILOT ORANGE -COAST'S ' ~· hom wt·• •· f .. ~..... volley~. (You Namo lh). $30,950 New 3 BR ruideoce. uo:unn e rn -& enc-1 BR. Unf. $150 -Furn. $1IO w/patlo, 24~8 Orange Ad\lltt, .,, P'tl. ~-lo 34041 Callita Drive ~·yard, bltns and lots or 2 BR. Unf. $175 _ Fum. $210 Ave. 6364U'l. ..__ BlJILDER * 842-4005 room. Mo/mo OK at $2fl0. I =o=,-,,~~~~~~-1 t~.rythlng. f)A eau Agt!nt 5f6-4141. 3 Spac. flr. plans, decor. furnishing!: live BEST &side delux: 2 br, 11,1 Condominium 1950 within romantic setting w/fun or privacy. ba, cpt11, dri>s, bltns. lncd 387 w. Bay St. Cbtwn Ha~ ----Terraced pool, pri. sunken gas BBQ's w/ p1tl.lo, 1111.r., Adlts, no pets, 4 Newport Blvd, ~ ml N. seculded seating compL w/Ramada & Foun· see to appreciate $140. Avail of 19thJ TIBURON TOWNHOUSE Re-Cost• Mes• 3100 ~~:;;;;;;;;:;;=1 aale, 2 Bednn, 2 bath. one story, carpets, drapes. love- IY private patio, dble gar,, alt conditioned,. Take over GI IOa.tl with only $2450 cash' ·+low cloolng """'· · · arwin ·Realty. Inc. 2-6918 Anytime ~GE 3. pedroom, 2 bath, Westside borne on a Juli actt. Outside BBQ and fire. place, newly painted &: new carpets/drapes. S2SO month. PER~ON 642-lnl tain. Ja.n. l . 548-9632 aft 2. • 648-0073 * Coldll: co·ord. kit w/ indirect lig hting. VACANT, Re-decorated •Also ask about our • * D•luxe r•nge & ovens * Plush shag crptg. throughout 2 BR, I ba, cpts. BRAND NEW SUPER apt, • * Bonus storage SP.ace * Cov. carport drps, refrlg. bltns, ~ all featuttt above + 2 Br1, * Sculptured m•rble pullman & tile baths Joann St, No. D. 2 yng 3 Ba., 2 trplca. 0 k d * Elegant recreat ion room. ~ch~ildrc~n~ok~·;"°~P<~"~·~''!'.140~· ..:: l ;::::l~~~~ll::::!l=IZll: a woo FURNISHED MOOELS OPEN DAILY * *NEW 2 & 3 BR. S""' DELUXE M.tsA VERDE s BR. 2 Bath, • • • Blk from Huntington Center, San Diego ~~~bo~~ ~r o~dg~ TOWNHOUSES· tam.Uy room, bltn range .. ' t li . Frwy., Goldenwest College. Cbild ok. Nr. S, Coast ON NEWPORT qACK BAT own, lrplc, ...... """'· a new way 0 ve In San Diego Frwy. to Beach Bllld., So. on Pt,,.. 540-1973 °' 56-2321 3 & 4 BR-3 .. Frpl .... $269/mo. 1644 Labrador. B h Beach 3 blks. to Holt; W. on Holt to... * DELUXE 1 &: 2 BR room.,doublePn.re.ie.ul _G-'•_ .. _,_._1 ___ ,_, _2000_ ~. w. Baker). ()pen Sat & Newp" ort eac LaQuinta Hermosa 714: 947.5~1 G~tlo ll ... ~Ptled!I. B~~· lrpprilv. lounge. Pool. Bllll.a1d.. * $80 /ut'I *'"""""'-=-=,,...-===-I pa ' .... a ......... c. Adult &: Children. aret.• • W I 2 Br, drps, stove, relrir . Adults. U45 mo. s.t6-Sl.63 J2j0/mo. 642-0300, ~n Oceanfront l BR apt, ideal crpt.1, 1arage· It fenced Costa Mes• 4100 L•guna Beach 4705 2 BR. 2 Ba. Sunken liv. rm., I ~""'""'!!!!"'!"!!!!"!"~~!II "forainglesorcouples.·Move yard. No pell!. 174 Monte It's fun. fine nC'ighbors and prestige living, 1----------1 e MARTINIQUE ·· "' . -·· ' Vi•tL • • • • • • • • • 1 $30 WK LUXURY lrpl., botoony, Adwi. $1£0. ' , "°''°"'~~~~~~-.-I all in one luxurious pack&&!?. That's Oak· Sti nite up $27.50 wk up ~0-0896: 54().2.5'10 ll55 Baker Park·Llk• Surrouriean.. * BL~S~o:~~N * ~: ?;!w Mart ~ r~l~: ~~ ~~!n =:;::.:"a::::r~~~~~: • ~~D~. ~t!!'!e~~l &e:~ ~~;:1~n~~ejtil~ ~·~"'~II·~'-'-"-· -"-'~----i DELUXE 1.2 & s RR APTS. ----$250/mo. Dys 54&-9m, eves There's a %, million dollar Clubhouse with •Linens, maid serv avail. hid pool, lint"ns, rec rm, D~~dloUX. cCple~." 2 ...i~ l%. bat, Also FURN, BAOIEl:.O& Rentals to Share 2005 _54°"5-4=354"'"'===-.:-=-I party room, billiards rooin, indoo r golf driv~ Social clubroom-billiards, etc restaurant, cocktails, danc-1'" -• ...,, ""'tm. poo' Prv patios * Htd Poah: ATTRACTIVE 3 Br. ing range, men's and womcn·s henlth clubs. Live where the tun is! lng. ~~~ acllts. 1 chld ok. Nr shop'g • Adults OD.I)' NEEDED: 2 roommates, 3 Bdr. 2 stry. ruse., utiJ. paid, no deposit, mmpletely f\lrn., $67 a mo. Inquire or leave meti&ge, 1662 (oldJ New. port B! ... d., C.M., Dou1. BEACH Pad, Laguna, to share w/hip person. Pvt bch., $115 mo. John 5334456, Ex >JI. Townhouse, nr CM city hall, saunas, tennis courts, resident tennii1 pro 2376 NeY.'POrt Blvd. 548-975.5 Villare Tnn Hotel Apts lTn Santa Ana Ave, CM. 2 batha, ~air h-, pool, • • • • • • • • • I JJ9..J.9436 2~~ BR, 1~~ Ba. encl patio, Mgr. Apt Ill e &tlJ.5542 "" and .pro shop, and Otympic slzt' pool. AU 1 .:;~7'--"--"--"-~-".-~' I -~---"==-~-~· I 1 hid t i r 2cu.ar.$2'J5/mo54S-.74'14. FOR You•-room-mate on LARGE STUD 10·1112. poo , ws ry, s v re '* VALUE . ~·lot 2 ~. this. and much more, just steps from your '"' I id p " k $180 ~ ~ * 2 BR DUPLEX' Un. guaranteed payment plan . Beautl.tul view on Cliff cps rps. e 0 · ' rs d d h hr ..;_, professionally decorntcd a1:K1.rl.ment. t.•ach o .. ,. o""" crp , rps, s w , ....-tumlshed. Crpts & drps. Unusual NEW unit gives ea. Drive. Call collect 213: ,~~==~·=--~-= Adults, No peta. SUO. 22915 Nice &: clean. 5(8..-04,22 v.ith private balcony/pat!~. Air cond ition· fully private areas &. entry, 437-6204 DELUX 2 BR, cpt, drp$, FA Pacific Ave., C.M. 548-6878. ing/fireplaccs optional. ea w/f-plaao, bath, beamed I ·LG"""'E="i".,.-. --~-.-,.-., ~,~.~ .. -, heat, O & R, encl gar, lg or 642-4429 NEW crpta &: drps, l1e fenc· ceilings, patio, refrig. All nwu• uu back yard, 1 child ok, no ed yard. 2515 Elden Ave. Oakwood Garden Apartments rec. facilities. Available to bch. Sl.55. days 835-1220; pets, Sl60. S.1~7411., Rel. e NOW RENTING e $185. 545-1657 On 16th Street betv.·cen Irvine and Dover Dr. mid·Dec. &l&-00'13 eves&: wknds 49-1-'lm. :P.iesa Verde Area, NEW Du.. (714 ) 642·8170 NEWLY DECORATED plcxes, 2 &: 3 BR, bltnl, ~ FEMALE roommate wanted 2 Br. Crpb, drpa. Sl.50, Ref * 2 BR. Furn. $155. 2 BR, cpl.I, dJ'tls, bit-ins gar. patkls. wlhr' I ~ to share furn hoUSe on Bal-req'd. 1 ~: .. ~n. S,-c:io•s shtdlo, 1 a. 2 ledro-wit.I. ~"'''Md PCXJL. Bltns, crpts, drps, no Din• Point 4740 Pool, Adlts, bO pets, $140 hookup, Abo lrg 2 I: S BR boa Island. ·Please call1----------1 .,. •rilllntb.Nd. frOM $145. J111mecff~ Occ•pnc:y. children, no pet&, J2S..J E, 149 E. Bay 642-9520 Ir. 4-plexes. 546-10.14 675-6446 or fi?3..8497. $190. Attractive 3 br, util rm, Modehope. dolly lO •nt to 1 P111 17th Pl, CM. 548-2738 ~GLE, TV, pool, pea ok. EASI'SIDE 1 br, w/frplc. l~N~E:+,W~T~Oi<WN="H"===,_I """'~--'--'-'-'--~-I yard & patio. No peta. 31!1 1~="7'=--~-'-~~~-1 S'." & up wkly, DANA Ma· $134 mo ulil pd. 1 adult on-VVX GIRL to share ocean view, Dehn 644..m2 FURN B•chelor & 1 Br. nna Inn, 34111 Cot.st H"''Y· ly. Call .&42-8520 2 BR, 1% Ba, & 2 BR.'~ beamed ceiling house, Vic-1,.:;;;::"':=.· ::-::;.;::::::,· ;::;--;;;;;;:;l;;~;;-..-.------=::::::::::::==:::::::I Exceptionally nice I 1----'------'--'C l .'!c~~~~"---~-drps, sell cleaning gas O'r· toria Beach.. 494-2764 3 Br, crpts, drps. Rent $250/ RENTALS General 4000 2110 Newport Blvd, CM RENTALS $135. 2 BR, carp, drapes, en, encl 1nr, Patio.. 54S.J605 , Costa Mesa· 2100 IF $225 mo. Ulil paid. _H_ou_•_•_•_F_u_rn_i_sh_ed __ ::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=====:;1~?t:"!~~~~~~rt:I Apts. Unfurnished bltn11, gar. t Child OK . No lTI w. WUson. 8384426 alt 6. -• l BR. furn. Upper. Carport. pets. Nr. stores. 548-6357 ---------•r 2 BR. New-·-, d-. Cou-l•guna Beach 3705 * $89 M th Pool . $135/mo. 560 Hamilton General 5000 N n. ch AVAIL Jan. 15. HaleaesL 3 .. ,,..., .,.,, . on or call 545.0100. NOW Taking applications for ewport U9• bedroom home. Nr Baker & ple only, no pell!. $155/mo. 2 BR 2 ba split level house. Jan 1 on spacious 2 br. 111.i •• Fairview. Adult family. no 548-1405 or 646-6762 s200 'mo. ' 23· trailer _ Nnt includes Newport Be1ch 4200 VENDOME ha studios, 755 W. 18th St. ·PARK NEWPORT -care pets $310 mo. Box Y-3>43, , ------:--:--: l•=~-..:':;":-:·114:".13::'..,,-,,,,----,. utility &. ground ~nt, ~, ..,.B~R-A_p_t,-ne-w-,,,,-,-1,-. -0-,-w· I free llv& ove.rlk& the water. D·"·· Pllot , 120 Dan>••· d•••-•"t -. SAIL-Inn Motl!l. Deluxe rms IMMACULATE A-• 1 1 1145 7 poola:, 7 tennis eta $7501000 ~ N rt B h -oo •~•. Beaut 3 BR 2 BA cust· " ... ......, '"'" r ~~. drps, b t 111. mo. s"". From $175 to •~ l --~------2200-ewpo .-•-•_< __ ., __ I~ -Phonn. &16-9666 anylin1e betwn Bay & Beach. month ADULT and .~ -- Newport Beach -bit. Beams thru, frp l, 'Yle \v . ..,..,.,.-,....,..,..,..,..,, 1 frm $ll5, wkJy !rm $37.50. FAMILY Section ~546--0l=-.-.-"-·-.,-.,-,o-,---;-· I Bach. l or 2 Br. Also 2 sty 3 Bclnns., 2"' baths; new Immac. 832-7449 eves. ""' 67>-1841. 1 BR. Upper Apt. Crpts, drps, Townhouses!· Elec. kt. pr!; TOWNHOUSE. be'-ut. mod· carpeting. Faces J>OOI. $275 ----------l;-n;;:'-.:=c:::;-;'"'-;;-.;-;;;-Close to shopping, Park blLns, w/ night-light view. pat or bat Subtrn prkg, op) em, 3 br, 2'A ba, b'plc, pa· month. Realtor 548-6966. 1-------- 3 - 7 - 0 - 7 Costa Mes• 4100 1 BR. furn apt. Util. YEAR.-• Spa.:ious 3 BR·a, 2 ba Gar, No pe111• 646.tiSJ:i aft 5. maid scr cpls, drps Ju.sl N~ tio. pool, Z.Car garage, all Laguna Niguel LY Garage. No children or * Swim pool, put/green of Fashion Isl at Jambo~°ti . 2 BR fireplace S2M 1.:;.;==--'-"----CASA d ORO pets. Call 675-2930 art 5. * f'rpl. lndiv /lndry fac'la lf.11Ac. I Br. Lrg closets. & San Joaquin Hills Rd .• bltns, crpf.s. drps. Lease JA block to beach 118 39th NB GOLF course view home -4 . e . , 4 BR, 2 ha. garage, yrly or 1845 Anaheim Ave. Redec. Pool. Adults, no 644-l900 for leasing info. . $325 I mo. Mr. Ruppert, 6'7>3699 or ~10 br, 2 ba or 3 plus den. CASUAL C11hf. L1v1ng In a y,·in!er. Steps to beach, COSTA Mlo:sA 642-2824 pets. Util pd. 548-0336. 523-4710 or 846-59!11 e\>es or J'rplc, drps, l'K'W shag crpt , y,•arm l\icdi1errancan at1nus· 1,"'~"~ =-~"'..' ~·~•t,!6;,_·. ;968-~70~11C;-. c I""'""'""'""'""'""'!!!!!=:::"! il SEAC1J1''F f.fanor A 'Pt I . wknds. 1-----------37-I bltns, outdoor patio!'!, grill, "-S . I ~" 2 BR studio 1 ~t BA, Ul rm, Spee. boUday di.scaunt -4- Universlty P•rk ol-' breezeway, trees. $295/mo. P:;·.r('.,_ .. pac1ous co. or Co· STEPS. to Bch, lrg 2 Br. close .to S('hls, Avail 12-15 monthly dl!IC. $145--$1.liO. 1 & 3 BR, 2 BA with view & o.-ui na ""' a.pts -designed & b< .1. lrp! -•·o Sl65 ~1753. .-_ htdifiltrd pool avail now al 49&-5238 f · 1 ~·• 1 1 t • am ce1 1ngs, c, 1aul 2 BR, 1% BA, crpta. ..,~.• S475 •mo. call Mr. Hoegee 4 BR., Fam, Rm.&: din. rm.I·---------urnisi .. "' or s ye "' com· ·gar dr $2'l0/yrly 642-3490 RENTAL FINDERS LRG 2 BR apt, patio, drps, patio, pool, children on~ • .,~o; fort • Heated pool • Kitch. · · ts til 1 ho • oome. ··-p 1 , c, n 11 .,· 54:>-8424, Agt. 2""' ba. Tui'tJe Rock •• _.,., • <'n "''/ Indirect lighting • Free To l•ndlords cp • u rm or wa.s r 0t "~" ._,,., ~. _ • 4~B~R~&~d,_<n~, '"1>,..,.b"tk-toc-.bcC"7h". I 3 BR, D.R., 2 ha. ····•• S325 Dana Point 3740 Deluxe RIO, Adults only, No Newport Hgt&, 4210 645-0111 dryer, gar. $155 up. 54&-8688 .....,.._., Yard. Vu of ocean. Wntr ! ~~ ri:1:m~ Z1Ai 2i: .. ~ 2 BR, 2 ba, frplc I crpts I pels. CLEAN 1or2 Br. Adults. no 4JS W.1M.C_.. ,._ NEWLY decorated lge 1 BR. * BAYFRONT •fr' ashore Dr. 6'2-7671 -"'-Ft •• .': ....... •~ drps/bltns. Sma,11 self care Bachelor-$145 furn. pets. Lg kit. $13!)..$150. 2421 bltns, $137.50. Furnished & UnfU,;. .wuu ~. · ....., .. , yd .-Ad its 496-2002 l BR.-$175 furn. "~" ~°"t * 847-3453 * o M.--:=:---,, 2351 WE _[AVE OTHERS! . ~"""'· u . UTfLlTIES INCLUDED E. 16th St, NB. ~J.QU $175 NEW 2 BR apt Beat nishad from $295, . _ location. 356 E, 20th St. • 1 &: 2 BR. Newly carpeted, 642 2202 LIDO '·lo 3 "--2 Ba RENTAL~ 1 .-"::'-;':::V::. ::"':::;':::~:-":-::-:-::&t:-2-;-1971:-:::IS:~~:..!!!!..~~__:~~ 1 _:~:=-!!..:~~:::_ __ _c•:::'°~ -'. 1 dranos, elec. k Itch en. • · ui l:Sl<, • ~orona del Mar 4250 ~ ~ .... 2 BR'•· 1170 •up. Ne•:Hcr · comp!. furn'd hse. Avail Apt~. Furnished Children ok. Ph. 64&-8153 ..... ~ Util's pd. fi73-628I. ,_;_;:;.;.;.. _____ •_ooo_ I · Bca1.1, !iful 1 'oe'FBERRIN!uGrn NE\VLY decorated I BR. I C---M---~~-5-100-l:*';;'c-';B;;R;-.~1'"••=-.•M""E"s"•' I hosp~ .• O'pts, drpa, blbtf. Gane·ral "' or un urn apts. . : Ideal location. $lfi()/mo, utit 01t• es• VER.OE N drp9 was.JCI,/ ryer space,· 1ar, RENTALS · self clean: ovens. D/\V (111 incl. Adulls only. 514 1----------1 ·no pets.' $~.~'7-8400.; pr, fA~ti~~...., 4217 Dana Road:· Hou NI Unfurnished "SINCE JJKG" -Just For 2 Bt·). d1sp~s. shag crpts, Femleaf. 6 4 2-6 7 6 6 or BRAND NEW Eaatside 1 &: 2 '-:;iAN'>iiiii-A<;;;T.-;;;;;;: II ;~~~~·~-~-~.:....,-! G ... r.I _ drps. Jacuzzi & Saun11 bsth. <194-4U? BR. l &: 2 baths, $155 to I CLEAN 2 BR. Adults over 2 BR carpeted dnip!d '"""" ht Western Bank Blda:. Hu~c Pool }'QR ADULTS i~~~~--~-~-t Sl!l5. Crpts, drp11, dshwhr, 35. $140/mo. Gas &: water ' ' ·• 3 BDRM. + family rm., full dining rm., built-ins., brk. $390 a month. NO FEE, Unlvenity Parle s· I Ad It only 2 -BR, fully crptd, pool, So. self clean gall oven, all w1r paid, 548-2407 Ocean view, au nd eck;o qays 83U101 Nights 1ng e u s MERRIMAC WOODS of Hwy. _Close to 213shops. & gas pd. Htd pool, 324 E. LRG 2 BR. crpla, drps, bltns, :;;;:o yr~hi~ta~:~s South Bay Club is a whOle 425 MerrimRc Way Adults $l85, lse. 673--8 · _>l_th_S~•-· ""-__ •_148_. ____ 1 patio, no pets. '$135. Wkdys & wknds. new way of life-designed Costa J\1esa. 2 BR l·Blk to Ocean WILSON GARDENS APJ'S alt 5:30, 54~186'1 '"""'"'"~~-,.,--.,..,-_,'I Newport, 540-1720. DON'T DELAYI just for single people, It's NEW APTS. CLOSE IN Cali Aft 4: 544-4558 2 BR Unfurn. Newly dec. 's~R~OO=M-,-.-1.-2~B~,-.-b~ltn<-, 3~~'. l~e~:~~.~ :fu~ ~~ 3 BCRM., Famlly nn ., pork CALL US TODAYI fun Eving ""ilh warm, dy· Some kids & pct!I' F I UF l·BR., PRUo; walk lo stores New cpts & drpa. Spac range & stove, liv. rm, din bay & ocean. Ava l! Dee 17~ namic l)('ighbors. It's a 1-2-3 Br·l & l 'h B-From $140 & beach. 1 Adult over 40. grounds. Adults, no pets. rm&: den. Sl!IO. 64&-8333 Apt I, 745 Domingo Or, NB; like yard. Costa Mesa. Kida 2 BR. 2 batha , .•.•••• $275 OK, brk., nlO a month. NO. 4 BR, 2 ba.. El Toro,,,, $275 FEE. ~173:1. Elegant 3 Br 2'iii ba •• S42S health club, saunas, swim-1·-'lo •gt 67~......., $140 mo. 2283 Fountain Way I~~~~-',--'-~-~-"·" 64• ·-· Built In ranges • d/w • d isp '--"'" · · .ru.." 1 BR. Duplex. Stove/relr. .....,. .l"UAN ming pool, party room, bil. Pool . rt'<" rms. elev . patios Pvt. bach. rm &. ba. ;il~~11'.1'bor, turn w. on O'pts/drps. Yard, 242 OIANNEL Jront 2 RR; -. ...,, ~ ~ 1 4 BR. 2'>S baths .••••••• $350 3 BR., mo. to mo ••.•••• $350 3 BR, 2% baths ••.. $300-$325 3 BR. 2 Ba. tnhousc .•.. $340 ired hill REALTY Univ. Park Center, Irvine Call Anytime 833-082.0 Corona dei Mar 3110 WI~ rental . l br, So. of hwy: Encl yard, gar., dsh· WBhr, Htove, shuttl":rs, crp~. Utll paid. Adults. $210. Avail Jan. l . 675-5571 2 Br., view. Furnished. 'Til JUl'I(! lsl. $300 Mo. UNF, 3 Br. 2 Ba. "'eslcllU. Exttptional at $350. Univtrsity Really 673-0.ilO liards, Indoor golf driving Gas r>d. No lt'asc • mov<' in Nicely furn'd. No F1ower. &tZ-7806 upstairs apl, New cpl, dli-, range, tennis courts, pro 525 Vic1or1a CU1 • 5484651 cooking. 673-6904 GOLD MEDALLION Boat dock, Cpl only, - shopandresidenttennis pro. -""'====c-c'"""'=-l;--,;;===-.=-c:-::-;IP..100 2 B l'" Ba 1 LRG 3 Br, crpts, drps, new .-Single. I & 2 Bedroom lux· SHARP-CLEAN 2 BR I BEDROOM furn a p I cm r. 7JI " pat o, pttint. Kids ok. 1998 No. l mo. 673-9556 alt 6 '~ P oot, $13" Adlts, oo nnts \\'/garage $175. crpts, d"P5, GE kit, Encl. 1-iaple Ave. 642-0344. DUPLEX • 2 Br, g•--,· ury apartment$ with all the "' ,.. 67c: ~""'" gar, Many Jwrury extras! ' ..... ~ modem convenience!! avail. Teens ok &12-9520 * .I',,,,,,., * Nr. bus, $l55. AdUlll. 120 E. 2 BR. O'pt'd & <lrp'd. Adults, drps. stove. shag cpts, l&fKt able. Furnished and unfurn-TBh~NUSk A RRANGESa:YIEN•~• 2 BR ;ipt, furnished. 5 blkii. 20th. no .pets. $145/mo. 820 PA•dt·i·o11-,, ~cpekt,.~;2_2261s1S:i •• ished. is "''('{' ··••···· · ve ff.II from hf>ach in .Corona dcll-o=~~==~==-1 Center St., CM , 642-5348 u ..... .,.. ... · M St7"i 54• ~~ VILLA MESA APTS. ?lfODELS OPEN DAILY 10 A.M .• 8 P .r.t. RENTS FROM $150 NEWPORT BEACH 880 IRVINE AVE. IRVINE & 16th ( 714) 645-0550 Acapwco Apls attraetive, ar J mo. · o-'""'' NICE &. Spaclou, 2 "'· JtL 2 BR, 2 BA, bltns, cqitl_. P I Utlt Id G -" 2 BR, Priv patio. lftd pool, 1~ d 1170 N H H 00 • P8 · D.•uen 1 BR F1.JRN-Nr. Shp'g $150. Ba, l"lf'W C""fs, -· bltns, rps, · r. oa1 osp. I. · Ad It " 2 car encl'd gar. Children ... 1 41= p trl R d ivinJI:. u '· no pe • r.o2 Heliotrope, 646-6300, Nr. schls &: ahop'g. No ""IS. nq. ""' a ce · 2 BR $17" 1 BR $145 welcome. no pets please! ... &12-438'1 642-1771 . · a • · 644-8397. $1°" mo. 719 W. W"-n., ~1~1.55~54~'~·~"""=~540<.1.18~~"""~ -:.=====.-:==-I 1800 Wallace Ave, C.M. "" ...., , : ' ' · ., 646-1151 NEW LUXURY 1 & 2 Br. BAYFRONT YEARLY $25 P er Week & Up Balbo• 4300 1-~~~~~~~--1 Dshwhr, ahag cpt, garages. 2 br. 2 ba, unfurn (will flu'tl), BACHELOR & 1 BR. e $25 WK-OCEANFRONT Quiet Adult Living Pool & Rec. Quiet adult llv-Pvt beach & patio, NO~ 1'V & mnid 11erv 11vail. 1 &: 2 BR. Shag cpts, bltns, ina! 642-4410 ;300 pe.r mo. Call 673--07'1+;, 45() Vic!orta. C.M, Lovely Bachelon, 1-Bdrm. beaut lndliCpd . $150 &: S170 ... I '°"==~~"""'~~--I l\.tald ser, Pool. util. incl all utll. Adulu only no * TOWNHOUSE * IMMAC., Newly deco~ DELUXE 2 BR. furn & un· e 675-8740 e pe!s, 2 BR. 11h BA, crpta, drps, 3 B<lnns, bay view,:~ fui:n Sl·l5 10 SIG.'i. Puol. 2 NICE 2 BR apt Yrly Adults 241 Avocado Sr. 64&-0979 patio, Adults. $165. 134 E. beaches. $2'15 Yearly · ,':'·.· children ok. 17'1 E. 22nd St. 1 $!5() ' .1• 507 E Melody L ... 1768 Davidson Realty 673-ll60 642-3&15 on Y. mo + Ufl · · $162.50 2 BR unit with n, .roo- SOUTH BAY CLUB $30 wk-1 ""r, w/kit •""'· Balboa, Rltr . 673-688o. fireplace. crpls, drps, beam 2 BR. Freshly painted. Crpts, 2LBR,l'den, 2 ha, cpt, drpe: ,... ..,... ceiling, patio entry. Adults drpi;, paneling. Quiet &: rg JV rm, storage, pat, l-1aid ser, linens, TV & tt>le, Lido Isle 4351 only, no pets, referer!Ce'I. roomy. Sl60 util pd_ No pool, jaceuzl, b-b-q, am APARTMENTS SeaLark Motel 2301 Nptl---------'-2354 SantA Ana Ave. children. 331-A Avocado1 CM peta ok. $255. 642.-5765. , , • Blvd. -7445. 1 BR. Ll;; °""""· Pool. 673--0395 3 BR. e med brick fpl. e e Bl!:AUT. Bueh, & l Br . .Shuffl ebo8:rd . Ne· ----=~---2 BR. unfurn, crpls, drps, 2ndFlr-4BR.2Ba,2pe,~ bltns • 2 car 1ar • So. of Liv• where the fun isl ripts. $3:1.00 wkly &· up. cplldrp~, Util ~· 1884. * $170 * bltna, S130/mo. 568 W, Wil· frplc, gar, near beach! Hwy • $250 Mo. · or wiU1~==~-====-1 Furn., incl ulll. S4&-01St. Pi onrov1a Ave, CM 3 BP., 1'1i BA, patio, bit-Ina, 110n or ca.II 545-0700. 548-3148. . · .. ~"=1,.,1 ·.,n.,.,.,,_1'°-,''°"6,,_,--5726,-,--,...,.-1 RENTING FURNITURE crpts, drps. Ask about our Turn thoee White Elephanlll 3 Br, 2 Ba. unfurn. EUbw ' LRG J Br. 2 Ba, best area. 1 BR. !uni. apt, l.feated Pool. Balboa Island •355 dilloount plan. 880 Center St. Into cash thru a Daily Pilot crptsr drp.s. $225/mo. Call COSTS LESS No pets. Chlld1-en ok. ~al ---------642-8.14{) Dlm--line _,11 541).7573 or a.ft 5 ~ ~ frpk. bit"', cp.,/drpa, 1.325/ 126 Moore Vl•t•, CM. COLLEGE a, wrkg g~I. i;,,. -';===--=====-~::~:::::::.!~~--__;========~Rf mo . 613.Q.XM -Complete 1 BR. Jo'urn. l~tl\1AC. 1.2 BR. Lrg closets. at the Balboa Island Inn. • l"'" , lido Isla 3351 'as low as $22 per mo. Rf'rlrc, Pool, Adults, no pets. TV & 11'.le ph in rec rm. 1 "" • :r. , 11--------1 100 7. PU RCHASE U•;l'•.P<l.54'~336 ~~~$65imo&up.l27Agate f3TAR GA"ZER'.11 1¥ 3, Br, crpt.9, drps, bltns, OPTION 1 RR. Adults. Pool. Ideat fori========= ~!!.,,:.---Br CLAY Jt. POIL\Nl---~---1 frpl c. Adullll. $300. 673-1'168, Jncl, item selection b:ichelor11. Spaclou!f. $125. H ti t Beadl 4400 N r-Doifr Adi'lffy G4liJe N ' 'u•AA "•1=4;l;V;ta=U=nd=ln;•=·====I Zr: hr. dely, Month to D.1o. 199.1 Churrh. 54~9633 un ng on V AccorJinf to 1ft• Slorr. V sur. ~1 ~ " ~USTOM ONE room apt wfbatl1. BEAUTIFUL FURN. APt'S, To ckrw:lop mew3ge for Thursdoy~ ocf. 21 m>d "'°'ds c-...-Aing to runbers 9.10.1a.11 .. Furn ture Rental Older tenants only, $55 mo. $140.$165. Quiet, priv, patio, 2 of)'Ol#'Zoct~'b;'";;h~ ·71-12-89 SUBLEASE 2-slory 3 br, 1~~ 517 W. 19th, C~I. 54S.31R1 Utllllies included. 6·12-6.560 wardrohes, f:rplc, dl'ell!llng ba, crpts &. drps. Thru Anaheim ............ TI'4·2800 NO\V Rentini:. 2 Br lurn, 1td rm, locked sep. gar. Pool. J~= :~~~. Balboa Island 3355 leading Marketplace ~. l . ""'""\. ; ' -.. ~' . • Sept. 1st. $325. Aft 6, l.al1abra .......•.•• 694·3WI loc. n·c r111, htd pooL No Sauna. Rec rm. JJr.-1 r.JS. 6"""121. --chlldrcn. $140/mo. 64~24 17301 K<'4!lson J.n. {l blk W. i;~1:~ ~~ PALM MESA APTS of 8'.ch Blvd. on Slot<'). '"" • l Lil{. furnishl'd. Adults, no * 842-78~8. ~~ 67W•lh Huntington Beach 1400 pel. Call a~::."~Jm. 113 OFF IST MO. ~~.. ~~ BEAUT'4 bednn, 2 ba home. l BR FURN, St 49.!'A) This \.\'eek only. 2 BR 2 BA, .OT-709it Crpts, drps, all bltns, hid It BacbelOrs Furnished BR. Adu~ts only, No pc':'. all extrrur. Hun')''. Call :~~ ~~-'GN filtered pool wt th auto from $140. Near shOp g:, S125 Incl. util. SJ6..3107 Zl3'.J Floridl Un. -tJ ~ 7:J Sten sweep, 3 car pr. Avail now. 2 BR apts $l7!i mo. 532 Center SL ~ turn ab,, · :;~ ~~ nu ·sT lllYSI rtJ .Read Cl•Hlf-lons For Expert Aulstance 6500.6900 In ""' DAILY PILOT Call Mr. Hoegee 545-8424 mo.Imo. OK ~ASTSIDE 2 BR unt. house/ l BR, ~"ROM Sl.25 MO. <NVt11,1',. 76f~ South Oout Realton. : ~~A tum. apb $145 &: up, Pete Ovt'rlooking beaut garden !::-ft~ 2 BR, 2 BA mobile home, • JACUZZI 557-9181 or 842-4423 patio &: hld pool, adlls. 1035 :X~ ~~ Driftwood Park at the 1561 C 1 1 RR. lurn. $J:50 incl utll. 12th St. across from Lake 51 Celllnf •1 '°" b•aeh. Adult• only , Mel!ll Dr, O!Jlll l\csa Pool, garage, d 11 po11 al . Park. 536-4900 »'-·12Plbllc Tra.Mwfnd1 fUty 847-8511 Phont 5-46-9860 Ac:lul!!J, no pf'h1. 61~~ 1.ux. 1 Bit. Sl 50. 2 Br. 2 Ba. ~t:_ :!r=l\tfOf'IO 11•'. '' . B S~F•I" 85EM11v • ~ 4 Br, 2 ha., criitt. d~/frplc, HOLIDAY PLAY.A 2 R parUy furn'd, bit-ins, $185: in lov<'ly Spanlah hldg. :..i,y..,,. l6SiaiMd 77~1.90 bltns, family nn. $225 n10, DELUXE Sp11.clou! l BR pa!lo. SISO. Quiet l'IC"rene atmosphere. ~71"oughn 111nc11v1duoli 962-5SAS furn apt $135. Healed pool. * !J.IR-142;, * \\'11lk 0 to heh. 2I9 15th SI. ~~ :=rl':' ~. Option to buy, 4 Br & Ample parklnf:. No thild· $,~.i & Up. NIC}; 1 &: 2 DR l.RG altrac 2 Br. Avail now. 60T-;.,,,.~tr,{; d~n. dlshwa1_her. Nr Adams ren • no pe!,. 196.'i Pomonl'l. I TniO~. Adult-!!, M pe ts, Pool, Kids & ~ts ok, $159. @Ad'l'tnl'l .,;Ntntril .., &. Maanolla. 962-0003 CM, ll.l r;, Hilh SI., C!\f. 642-126.'i 847-8335, 008-'1510, , ___ _J~-=~~~============="='='=~~---1 _.._ ____________ _ ' • I ' r • • . .. . I I I ·-., . . \ I ....... WtdntMf.IJ, Dtctmlatt 16, 1970 PILOT·AOV£mS£1t Wtdl'lffdu. Dfctm~ 16, lt70 .. l<k A • T LS 9 lllAt: ESTATll ' 1•----·*.---.--!!1111-~IANNOUNCIMINT '! RV Cl DI 0. Y SE Unfwlll-Apb. Unfum._. Apb. Unfuml-0-rol ' • 1t ' ' * ~•. · 1 ; 'tt olld NOTICU -• ~ Cle1nl11f _( 6W Polntln9, • : ui~~~~~S~200~.l!!~•!~~o;t~ll1~og.c1o~~5lflll~I jH~wnt~li'llen~~eo.<lt~-~~S400!!! I ·,..;_.==p:..,.-,,-,itt-f --:-~I Letf · !!'! o... 0..... ~-; P•tiofliMi'"9 ~ t . MA,.,, lftY ohorth.'iud Kii!'\,, _.,_,Ctrpt.t l CHRIS'l'MAS 5jiiil&I ~ I * FREStt Alt CORONA tlft _,. -............. ... •lt»t. .. vi. U"""'1ny Cl•""""-S9 Price! Fut. Rlpll Ext. I i t· PRESTIG~ tOCADON Walk3blkatoBt•ch! ::,~~ .. ~~·.U::~ "":·~~ .... o.;-·"·~ .... ~-~.!: :.~. -:nn.·~, •. .,~os. ~~~-Bob .~ .~'.MARl~ER SQUARE APARTMENTS f "mmeQi~tely ~djocon.t.'lioslj;liff sbo · ~; ping· center -hes a To'"".nhcuse ave ii- Beaut. blc S BR apt. w/w ,..., -~ WIS" ''"II" .,_...._ .,_......_ bl 181.000. °""" ... ~ .• ~. ~~ 0 •••• ~~ • ~.. ·--Cl'Ptl, drt>tt. 1:1111 except sue ·• ~ mr:M-Poo/tfflo. ....,.,..~ ~t tl•ua~ J.l~J~n. -_ ... r. A ......... refria:. $225. NO pet11. SSS.:1ru PIUC& REDuctD ·rln approx 3 mo old, 101t New Year SJ>tt,iall ceWnp ~.low piou WANT O!.der cciiple Io iut~ Cui 6 wdts, OWnn Sat... Vlc: B ake--'r A Fteo .MlQOr. ltepalrina • ad work. SST·1455, M&-mt. manqe fi·units;-(2 bdr). ~ 4 8r.,.Ula hro....t J !tudlos. • ·•G"rant;--C.M, 5tf.21m-!-W~CJMnUW-G' •· PAINTING. Ell:t-Jnt 11 ~ allowance on 1130 rental. $.196,500: Owner 6'l'S«¢l.. BLACK' wtwhite tmak po&. ~.est, ~UlT 'nper, Ins. Uc. Free ffL Write DtJ\y Pilob Box M·U. • dle, black collar, lost vie STEAM Jet carpet cltulna:. Aocooll Ctllinp, 968-9126 , r:. 'b~· f8~ring private r8sidentiel et- ' , masphe.ro. 2 Bedroom. W a tor, gas & 1 · , cabl~ TV included in re n t. Kitc hen 330 \V. Bay St. C:O,la Mtn.. ·a...J,....,lental 6060 1 Brookbi.ast 1: Aduru:, H.B.' By ClarKart,, nattwwidt PAINTING: Honest. IUIJ'BI). WALK TO OCEAN WMddr•·Want? wtio.Wro 'o.lf Rowml. 96Mm ....... : ......... -'"""""'·Llc'd,J..9al"1". ,.,,..,. Now I & 2 BR, Crp... IMMEDIATE • -· F"R UJST,. IRISH SETIE!t"P~P· · ,,_ Cd! 6'15-5140 al!• d.,,., dwhr, 1.19509 P.im: ·OCCUPANC~ SPECI"' CLASSl"C~TI-, " PY, fom.i" 12111/70, < ri>;,,,' Droporlt1 -- 1 • · NATUl.l.AL IOltN SWAPPIRS, p• I p 1~ · 847 . l,080 Sq, tt. in convenltnUy ·s 1 1 Rite JD Jba, Surf.side &rea. Re. • DRAPERY ,a1t1r nt, • uw, . MORA KAI 2 BR. Patlo. PooJ, los:attd shopping center, $350 PM e ward. 592-l40'Z. :P.lANUFACTURER RtR-lr .... 1 . . • . i : built-inS include dishwasher & disposal, ; . woll to woll ce,pels, foll leng!h linen '~:; i:lrepes. l'llso evaileble 1-2 & 3 Bed. Children OK. $155 up. Inquire Per' mo. S year I~. For 5' Llnes-5 thne1 -.J lllUCkt L.OST, toy Frtnch poodle, 22 Yrl In .b,rtt! 54!MmS * PATCH PLASTERING rental bonus · plan, 8131 information ct,ll .• , • · •""'' -AD M'fn fllCLVD:tl~ ~ .,..., ~'hilt Yflttd..-fttl. collu'. INTERIOR TE'x"nLES All typea. Frtt estimate& Garfield, ~ blk E. of 's.w...5440 t='tTw..,..:,:~ · """=:'.:; :-:,.-:,.,... ReWard. 962--7017 We've Dpnt All "I'M M.odtb , Call 541).6825 · ;:, · room, $185 lo $255. Cell Bob Buck ley : at b45 -0252 or come by MARINER ., . Beach, 96z...8994. "'!!~"!!!'~~~~~~ .....,.OTNtNe '" ""-• -~ NLYt MALE. Sealpoint SiamHt Let Ua Design For tou! 'STORE ·~ w'19tb St CM To Ploc·o '!ffNr TrMtr's Pared ... Ad ~-·-··-11o1· .,. Salt WALK TO OCEAr-'I --• ·• · cat,9ynoJd,lost"Ylc~tt .,.~..,r-•..-1 ay • Plumblnt "90 1 & 2 BR NEw aPts. 'Fi-pic'•. A\taU. 12'19. • . PHONE .. 2.$671 Me11 St Ii Il'vint. MS--lllS =~i;,tl~;J~~~·,;24~lln;;:· ;:;ll'-';;'~;;;~;;;_;;;;;;--1 ':;t: SQUl'IRE Aper!ments. 1244 Irv ine -... Ave ., N.B. Palio, Adults. Llndbor&.Co. SllS/mo. * MS-1763 3 Units Nwpt ·A:.or ! units fficH DE.ttaT Jor lltalth. PLlJl\IBING REPAIR 536-2'!9 c M · •u· n1 ..... ,. .... ~-"' "'-·. •. M •••• p--·1• .eos Fumftu,. Rntwlna No job too small Offl .. R.nt.I 6070 . tM tor.,.. u ti rre-' " ..... ,,. ~ ....... 6">) ··--& Roll llhl '675 ..... ··-* Sm•ll Children OK ol C.fit.sa , Garden Gr .. ~r RAVEClcor.90xllT 2bklp E n "I e ~ e '!'!!'~~~~!!!'!!!:!~!!'['~~~!!!'!~!!!'!~~~1 NEW!.2 Br 2 ba. ~Uo stiPER-DELUxE QUALrrY Anahtlm.1Aak !or Al King SSB,OOo eq.$f2,0 inc. J'4S Re FU~ ·11::.!i~strt~ FtJRNl'l1.TR!: STRIPPING DRAINS Plugged'!' Dr&lnmg ll or ba1ro .. u '"""". Aft; 1·2-3 room, up to 3,000 sq. Janes Rlt,j Int, Nit. 6'1l-6lll) n\o 0Wner CM . 646-8558. '!O u p GRAND OPENING SPEC' alowT 'ExJ!trtly deaned S!I. Jo.· ' 1.:.1. · 5 1' 0 L'-'• I •-5351 '03 ...,."'" • => · -AdVice on all matten. · 25 hr ~ rw:lrport ·He..,..ts 2 ~ ,,. * 645-1070 or 631-0514 * n. olliee aultes~ .lrnmtd. oc-8 couunerc:ial unlti C2 Jot. Trade -~ eq. in. 2 BR. 2 l.!lvt, Marriage, Bu•lnt•• lAL! Any average chair ar.J.i=::="="'=·======I sbr.rA•s Sptclai-oo;der than ;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:;:;::;:; 2 Br. dbl bath. pvt patio. cupaney. Ore.nee,.._:~ ty,. 98xl00. Inco~ S900. mo. Ba. mobi1 borne in lowly Readings a:ive,n 1 ~ll'A a roc}ltt stripped $5. 6fl..M45 .. Roofint ff5D dsh\\"hr, pool. Adults, Quiet Airport Irvine .........,,,ere. $45.poo eq. Trade for home Bayside Villaat, for late Week, iOam: 10 ,pm , ~f::h~l~. ~.~.· LUXURIOUS front . apart. & btautHUI. SlSS inc's ut,il . Complex, .adj. Airporter here or Otegon~L!on .Ylbtrt model camper/van or car. 312 N. El.Camino Real, ' Gardenl"I MM WENEDA Rootlfll' Co . ,.... ,..., ment, l "bed. room, 2 bath, 17616 Camo•oo, HB. Hotel&: Restaurant, banks, Rltr ~ ·~=•• OWNER-'"" . Sa Cl 'nt n--N - d • . ~·eve"''_,....,· , "'-P'1aou.· I\" tmt e ·A• ,0 GARDENING Repairs, n.cu.1vtr ."' ow . blllls, CMptts, rapes, sun-84.2--6!21. San D\ego &: N'pt Fwys. -492-9136 492--0076 ........ A $17D . 2 BR. 2 BA Studio. Tri· deck, fireplace •nd patio.1..c~c=-'°==""'="°'= UNCROwi>£D PARKING 22 , Unlti1~ older; Long Can t.,iild 4 Oita on R-4 · • for Gardening &·small Jand. Roofl.r 1700 SUpenor ve, ~eJC. Priv. patjo,gar. BJtna, $..195 ~ase. To 3te call .. , * BEACHBLUF.F ~pta LOWEST RATES Bta,ch. E,:1 .. $85,000, Want tot,.Co&ta Mesa. Exchange Oriental, S~h & .f'rt:nch .J1CapJ.na services call 540-5198 CM. 645-1691 24 HRS. ~ recite.' 615..1708. JEAN SMITH, RL TR. NE\V 2 BR., 2 Ba, ~hdiwei1h.. Owner/ingr. 2171 Du.Pont Dr., vaC!J.llt R.-2,• lJ.-4 local land. S?SOO ~ + 'ID's: For units, MASSAGE Serving Newport, CdM Cog. BEFORE You buy, call T. ,, 646-:µ55 400 E. l7tl;i St., Cl\f ers, pool, paiio. 8231 Ellis. RlTI. 8, ,Newport Beach PYRAMID EXCHANCORS , hse,1c:ar or:!:Agt:·fi45.1070, ta Mesa Dover sborea Guy R<ioflng Co . ·Recover f~M 5231 184:~~~nf::n84:~~5ldu111 on. ~~~s~ ;~~ers l-Bw-.~,.-.,-.'-'.":-:: . .::. :r::ltad~.~..,-w =~O c ZONED. Ui: ~~~~··~t~~(:M West:;~ REPAIR . 01c~::';_::,'.::~::.1;;~_1_"'_'_·~-"-'_._"'°~·-I . ' 1;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;::;:;;1 Balboa l1l1ncl 5355 ly. -No pe!s. Encl gar. hOuat e<PPl.Y in Qe.na Po\nt 4+ acres, Free &:·Clear, 642-045,0 Tree work·, surgery, bracing, LEE ~FI.NG CO; RoofinS :NOW LEASING! $11-0/mo. s.12--4549 222 Forest Ave nue for ·in1provtd ,lot, .beach $l3{),000:TRADEforincome LJ----.o prune Landscp main t of all tyi1e1, recover , LEASE i BR, 2 BA unfurn. d 1 .. Utll h ,.. . . ..L,._.. · ' repairs roof coatlnp Lie I: KtW. ,·. 1 .. -11 .. 111d adul_ ta unit. l BR. A u ti, no "'""· Leg una. ·Beec · c ues. , or 1 cltaftup jobs. Time · open. • . • -•'-t;;;(,reaeation club StoVe, re'lrig,. cpts/drp~. furn. NEAR OCEAN. Infant Mr. W~b * 642.4905 REALTOR 548-ml *MASSAGE* Profesa Gard.00. GeorJt bonded smce1947. 642-7222. ·~" ~boOl. ),. ·2, Ii 3 ot"~.,.....~w~t~• '._. _•"'-'~·~N~··~-·~·~"-' 1:•:k:. :lll=Ol:m:o:. =536--.1==,.,.='='="=· $M96 12 U.nitB, prime I~. ,Sanla . · · SAUNA· * WHIRLPOOL 646-5893. "'° ---t:lSO. N _,,,,_ ...: OFFICE space w I Ph Ont Ana. 7X Grosi. ~.OOO Eq. ~ To 40 acres P~~ Lo\'ely G~. Pltt1h fadlitln. AL'S Landaca:pin&. Tr 1 e wJnt ~ .. .., tr'QN,.. · ., ......,. .... * B"-cnA ISLAND. 2 b,, ,_,.. .... •· ~ ... ,]] •mou•t ol CiU'UI .......,.. · Riverside n-8 d m••-,.· ht . -.1;._ IChool J t ~ II 5410 1 ·~· .... ""' ..... " Trade for $50,000 to $li0,000 -y·~· · ..,~n llY• noon-""' removal. Yard rtmodeline. e 0tewnaktna: -Alten.tionl ~; Solt, 1· 1.18 Irpic, C a JI after 4, llJ/ Fountain V• rf secretarial . l\"Oril: WANTED $1500 Per acre equity, Jor 2930 w c~t Hwy Newport cl :arv: of ~~~ 37;1-2149 AU. 'NEW" in Newport area. P.leue ho~~~~~~ local, W\lts ot ~-Be8ch' 543-3008 ' · ~~r h:i,~~~~ 67;~~-~: ~· ·, .'"PADrR .• K w'E·sr ' VA' LLEY PARK "" 962-25'! ' \Vlll ...... up. • MIKE STOMP • ' •'ARDENJNG Altor•tlon• -u2 ... •5 ,. TMENTS ocsK .SPACE Lo ..... y Organ. Top COO· HIGH DESERT.for Hoolth, ·.1 LOVE YOUll ~ --~A.PAR . Huntington Bu~h ~ For FA..'\fILlES . -Mth Prt· ~ dldoo, Chinese·Orienlal nig WA'NT Calif-NeY.. 2.J M elev By Experienced Japanese Neat, aet:W'l.te; ~years exp. ·OWned and .Z,tana.pd by school chU!lrtn only, 305 N.o-: El 'Camino Real and ,1tvtral small diamond HAVE Cl cor. 90tll71 bldgg * SHARON * . * 54&-0228 * 6174 ·:'The Irvine ~rripan)' ON BEACH• 2 & 3 BR and 2 BR Studio San. c iem'.nt• rlnp. Trade -for auto or .? $68,(QJ eq : $42,IXXI inc. $445 ALCOHOLICS -AnOnymous. Exper .. Japane1t Gardtntr, Tiie, Ceramic · • $160 tO $215 492-«20 ---~3'2-0821"-'-~~~---~ mo. O>A.·ner. CM 646-85511. Phoot 542-7217 or write to Complete yd lfl'Vi~. Neat ~ e 1 BR Un1. From $225 17156 Sout:· ~uclid, FV CORONA DEL MAR . Profitable 26 A orange (?'O\'t View R.-1 lot, n&,000 equity, P.O. Box 1223 Costa J.feaa. &. Relia. tree ut. 642-4389 ~~=k.1ir:~~ ~-:.:.. l.~t 'Bluff '. 52tf2 e 2 BR Furn. From $285 (Just South cf Wamer) 5 Rm suite, ator. & prk&:. xlnt tax ahtl., 1''M!, 1or tor income, TD f?t-? . '4lt Complete Yard Ca,.I No job too iml Plaster •OUsE 2 Brl l% ba: Carpet5-drapes-di&b.washer (714) 540-4715 1 Ba, 1100 sq, tt. grnd Or. yacht, Inc. prop., blll. A Tarbell Realtor Antnouncement• _ JIM 540-4831 patching. Leaking ihoftr bltins & Frplc. enc!·dbl ·pr. heated pooJ...sa.unartennf1 * 673-675:7 * · ittal at $3500/acre. ?<.tcCrea, !>«).1120 CHRISTMAS CARD ' MONTHLY Lawn !11• i nt. repair. M7-1957/M6-03>6. ' "". ·Amitos. ~ Wy; 675-5033. . rec room-ocean vitwa Santa Art• 5'2G * NEWPORT BEACH· Civic 1200 Riverskie Dr., Burbank A&k ror Nliomi RETURN ADDRESS Lawn Ii 9J)rin)dm wtalltd. CERAMIC TUe wort. Free ~ · patios-ample parking. 1;;;;;;;;::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:;;;;;~;1 ee:iiter 300 ft to 1000· ft. 196.1 DATSUN P.U. ~w STICKERS .' Rotirtillinr .. Trtts, thrubs est. No job too aman. ~·:~•I Mor 5250 Security guan11. I• VILLA MARSEILLES Answ ti secl'l'tarial 67~160.L tirH:, .Good ·.ColllJ. TRADE ..\Vhl.t.do.)'Oll'..b&vi_to tn.iJe! $l FOR -1000 rernoved. &l:s.3433.. 536;2426 · HUNTING TON NIW 3700 NEWPORT BLVD. N.B. FOR: A GOOD' TranlJP()rta· List it Hre ·-in <>rana;e ·Send .,...., .. dollar and EUROPEAN ·LANDSCAl'ER , ____ .._ ____ 1 , ' . llltAND ON -·..,. BAY . tion Car.' Count)''• laq:e1t read trad. .,...... Cl T S ,-. PACIFIC SPACIOUS ' ~ -·•· .,~ · t•••56·~· ' your oopy1oo ""·"•· ,.., ""'"' T II ~ • · 675..-2464, SU-5032 · • 494·:r.W,.49t;~ in,i pos .uu-.'0 · ./ Pilot Printing, Label Div, Rea'.lonabl,t~ Eves. 496-3383 .;_op,_•;,.• ______ .,_., .t . , i 111 OCEAN AVE H B 1 & 2 Bdrm. ·Apt1. I ~,,,.,;:;;;;:;:;.,;-c'i'i~-;;o; I - . !',·, a.;.0i '.~.,-~ " ' ' I 1670 SANTA ANA ·AVE. CM ..a.. * * * ' *' . * Box 1875 EXPER. Hawaiian Gardener Top Soil, Sandy Loam -<7l4J 536-1481 Adult Liv ng ...-. ' 3X 1q. ti. · ' , Newjlort Bea.ch,.Ca. 92663 Co m·rl e·te. Gardening LYMAN LANDSCAPING , , , ' .,,.... Ole. open IO am-6 P1·• Dally Furn. & Un urn. 675-2464 or 541-5032 YOUI'· labels will be sent by Service. Kamalani. 646-,4676. 633-7636 j . , Mana~ by . Dl~hwuher. color coordlnat-* XLNT OFFICE Space REAL ES·rATE BUSINISS 4lncl return man . . :.' ON TEN ACft.ES WILLIAM \VALTERS co. ~,!!',Pl~=~~ ~u': :: Now Avail . LlOO BLDG, GMeral FINANCIAL SERVICE DIRECTORY General Services "'2 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT "!. • .2 BR. Furn · I: Unfurl I "'"'""'""'"!!!!!"'"~!!!!!"" ·-~ 2 "-•"-"all 3355 Via Lido, NB. 673-tSOl & Do 6•10 u._. W nt·• n•• ,.,......,.. ' .., •• patios ' Sublease On Beach '""m" . ~"· . Mount•I• urt • ~r • --·11011vt1tt1nt 6550 CARPENTRY, c.1"., Pam. Job W•--7DDD P~TeMSs .CbntnMBldlt. showers -Mirrn~ ward-300-~1200 sq. f1. DIVORCED! Muat.11tlJ 1Big COMMERCIAL STAB~ b . M ting, Furrnica, Plbg,rtpair, , , Q Sea 1.4nt, OdY l;U-~ Lrg •1 BR. Only $200 robe doors • indirect light-OFflCES, sm-W-Sl80, Bei.r lots, 2.UIOO ea.-Valued eo,....;,irttnn &:' penn&ntnt MOTHER Will ba y11t. y concrete, applianc:H &: MATURE Man deah-,. "work (arac.vthw ~· CoNI ff'lt'J) 2 Br, 2 11a . Only $225 Ing in kitchen -breakfast ==eo.;;;'~'='="'~'·:=.,._:C3Uli==:= $3000, sell~ cash or $500 ti·--7 ""-·nttdled. $M 000 ·home. Fenced Yard. 9 mos water heater replacements. of any kind, Hu dperit.nct 2 Br w/ocean view IE. bar • huge private ftncH dWn .. tenns. Bbb Awitin,· 0:17n.2'l59 . ' . to l, yrs pttfen_'t'd. Weit ol 646-3Sll Mon tbr\I. Sat 1 to ln janitorial aJd buildlni · patio • plui1h Jandacaplng • Industrial Rental A090 "" r · · Harbor Center. ff day. 50c 7. maintenance ... Also holfst: oif~·~. ~~ ~!s 484 'f~r':,~~~~~~~~i $300 brick Bar·B.Q'a ·luxe beat. : :u:oor BJvd, ap • 22• AMNOUNC~~S hrl>:; Full ume ~ oc-RAlN Gu 1 ,, r,s Installed. and apt. window. & wall :....v...-;....;_v, """"""· aU bit-Huntingt p jfj erf pools &: lanai. SMALL UNnS 1nct NOTICIS c~10na1. Da,ys. Expene~ Quafity WQrk. Reuonahle c 1e•n1 n g. Also floor ~--'" . On 3C IC 3101 So. Bristol St. COSTA MESA ""-139•. -· -' maiotinanci. 64'2-uh ' · U., cptd. draped, lmmed. • . Pl l R. E. ~-ntff. 6240 p'-. ...!...a '(F _ ...... ) . ••-Free est. --"-· , • · • $225 p M (%")11;-N. ol So, COU· Ill.I $95 &: $ll5 'mo. lmmed OCCU· ""-"-'-'=...;c..o-----rM -• -UC'D day cart, to4dlar. 7 ALL Types of Ct~mlc tilt, a.nytirne. . • ·~~ricy. tr o., APARTMENTS S1nt1 Ant panCy, ~775 "sq ft. Prlvatebli)'ttwintsaptulilts . . . am-~;30. pm wkl,., Hot plastering & ma.50nry work. SANTA · CT.AUS 'ior hire. '.::.rear lease. 'ill Oce11.n Ave., H.E. PHONE: 551-8200 * NEW BUit.DiNG · * ifood Jocatlon:&ny condidon. FOUND: Yng. Sb 8 II I Y me.a, a. Harbor/Baker, Al!IO !icy wall. ~1598. Exp. for children'• and/or ' :. · ~: •7S..60!sO o 53&1487 •""" so ft unit.11; office, rest.-675-3Sll moatly wht w/grty tones. ~li39 · · ' adult partin. 536-C'.16. ;; ;; • JM>U • Red collar &:. flea collar.1~==~· =~~-~- .. Iii • .... ?<.fanaged by CAN'T BE BEAT room: llo.22.0 p0Wer, plenty 4 BR . home • v;anttrl from Vic: 15th " ·Marguerite. BABYSITI'ING, My fiotne. Hauliri't_ 6730 1--~-------I ____ W..;il:;lia=m"-W-"-'-'-"_eo_. __ 1 ol parking. 18lh & Whittier owntr ln N.B. area. Up to Cd.,f. 67J..I.520, 536-8340, by ·9;eek or month. ec>l l9th J b W ted .. ,·· NEW ~·PLEX ' HuntiM+on Gr'anada ., .. , C..ta. '1'''"· • ..:S30=·""';:;·:..64;.;!>-0:..:.:14.i.:6 ___ ~==· ::::•_.:,· _.:,· -,---1,s="=· =H=··=· =..,..=""=·===-y ARD/Gar. Cl•anujS. • ·w. .• ' 7020 .,v ng~ SINGLE STORY C. Robert Na treu, Realtor 1 · :-: Remove trees, lvy, trash. men Pf.>. patio. Enclosed i•ra.n. South Sea Atmoiphere Costa Mesa 641.1485 BUSINESS· and HUGE male cat. 1rey Brick Mis.,ry Grade, backhoe, 962-8745. LADY: club experience, u - Cf.rpeted &: draped. Comp. 1 BR. From SU5 2 BR .. 2 BAnl NE\V Bld1. 1728 to 2.'l:XI sq., _:.,F..;l"N._ll;;N;..C;;.l;.;A..;·L;;.____ 1op1idt, white bottomaide. ..tc' , . ' '560 JUNK Wanted. Free metal sizt & serve, cocktaU or din· lM)il~lns .. lmmac.· Iarulscap.. 2 BR. 2 bA. From $155 Carpeti1 Ir drps fl Nr. Baker and Fal.Jvitw, lu1IM11 Vtty friendly, but milM'll-"-"'-------• pick up &: garage cleanups. ner1 party babysit week· l!.J!' 3 BR, 3. ba .. Price rt-Sep FA?tULY SECTION Jor Air Conditiontcl ) ' ·.,.. ltiast,. Su I i"I van. ........ his owner. Pleue call BUILD, Rtrmdtl. repair. Hauling Ed Stone 543-89U. _.. IO'>L' A~16 • 1 diittd 10 $300 ;>er month. children ur.der .S. Private PaUo11 ~29. ·Gpportunltfes _,,.. ~ Brick, block, co 11 ere te · · ' e,P.J~ . .....,....;i a .. e.r p.m. ' /\. >, 675.,~50 o Just Soufu of "Warner HEATED POOL APPL y .NOW! SHEf'llERD /. Sp.ar\ieJ m 1 x carpentry, no job too.~ TRASH&. GU:,~ cl~up, ~ MATURE Woman wishes - - . . on f.olderi West , H.B. Plenty of lawn L:.ot •tOO 15'"·20'~ liigh, Gold w/bjack. Llc. Contr. ~ days .. $10 a · t s HOUS~~PING by day, M"M' 'I ca..a 1714) 147·1055 Carport & Storage . 1 Candy Jobbar1 NMded Good w/childttn . .found vie BRICK. BIMk/stOnt. Patios, Anytime, MS-son. or Babysittuig. ~2050. · • ' HIDDEN VILLAGE Enjoy'· openiting your cwn HU nttngton Seacliff tract oH enirance ways. No job too JUNK Waht@d:. Fm metal AIDES -For convalescence, ...... COROLIDO A·PTS * ' CASA .del .SOL GARDEN APTS. , BA YFR0"1· hustn~s:s. Lit h I, pleuant C9lden West. 536-9533 sniall .. 64&=-7825, JteC furn; pick up 4' gan.ge .cleanups. elderly care or famlly care. 2 JIR Studio. Unfum. All 2500 South Salta COMMERCIAL v.l>Tk. Days or eveninp. FOUND black ' and v.·hite f1B:u1inr. Ed Stont, su.:8913 Homemakers, 547.fi681. e1;!C,. d1hwhr. dbl carport & Channing, casual, new apta Santa Ana • 546-1525 Ftilt or patt time, hwdc;y tYsie long haired dog. Fumltvre Restoring HAULING&: Cleanup. Trtts, __________ 1 1-_pool. SHiii Ir. up. 613-3378 at· ........... ,h. Strategic Commert:ial Loi !\fen end v.-omen, ages 21 & Refi ithl 6'75 &: shrubs td F 1-·• u.., "" with T:i' yea.rs arfd o\'tr may handle Vjc Santa .Alia betv.·een n "I ·. rtmov • ree Jobs--Men Worn. 7100 C'Ji$!ERFUL &•Charming 1 l BR. From $145 on tht.·Bay a given nllmbtr of locations. ~~-~and Dtl Mar, Cl'l1. GIVING'--•. Don't pan· estimate. ~3433. • bro newly dee. Sundk. To .2 BR. From $215 CLEAN garden apt 2 br. i 1: .,........,..., ...,....,. mi.turt empt per 1 on . 21661 Brookhurst St; HB ba, din are11, dshwshr, di.sp, Adjacent 10 Refilllrig our warehoused ===~--,----,I ic! Instant Nelp! Bartend, Houaecl•anlr'lfl •7l5 A Better ~97 1714) 962-6653 stove, crptll, "drp1, patio Public Parking Top Brand c • r: d Y and TERRIER puppy, brown. w_I college students. Reuonable Temporary f>Olilion SITO -~ \l'lth Ne1\.'J)Ort Bh·d, 11nack!1. Collecling monty black markings, found vie fi75.I483 !\Teas Cleaning Service 2 'Br clean, upper, Stv/ttf, 2 BdnnS .. 2 Bath gar. · · Frontage v.·hile attending to locations. Cosla l'oftu. Library, 566 · · Carpe'ls, windoW!!, floors etc. gtitr,' CID, S, ·cf h"'Y· $190. dt 5705 Reduced to Equipment shall be 1upplitd Center St. 646-8845 Cabinetmaking •6510 Res & Commc'l. S48-4lll SECRETARIES ~;pets . Cpl pref. 61~7478, L1gun1 Bea $195,000 as per Investment. $975.00 NOTICE S ~ So bo 213:43~-1195 aft 4 coll. $150 MONTH ·POOL ...._.. $8125.00 CASH REQUIR.. u.ier.! • as re ClJSTOM WOODWORK ' • .1•10 Interim Tncl cpt/drp!!, kids OK OCEAN VIEW ~ Lrg 2 BR. iv Dr area. Your 2 dogs: Sm L1nd1caplnt - EXECUTIVE 4· Br, 21., Ba, DELAWARE STUDIO a:pta apl.11, Unturn, Ctpta. drpl, Ep. \\'rite , or phone Multi-blk/ ·wht &: ·Shepherd, Call ~··=ta P1rsonnel .S.fvfc• •2380 liq. ft . Frpl, bltns, gar. 262(1 Delaware, HB. blt-inB, patioR, wa I k Ing State Distributing, Inc., l681N ·~p~t,__. ,'.:P:?:ou~o~d'-, _:Im'.".".m'.'.od~!--·I====°"· ==·'==;== LA\VN 8.nd 1arden Work, free 445 E. 17th St. CM ., $ 34.S Im •. I• t. 714 G42-222.l; after 3 p.m. 536-l8l6 distance to town~ 100 .Qlff W. BroedWay, Anaheim, Ca. ,... seat . estimaies. Rt a son ab le 642-752J ' ~tnrod. 958-86Ml Dr., Lai\ina Beach. 494-5498 91SO:J. 714 _ 778·5060. FOUND fem. yng point Carpent•rlnt· 6590 1~r~al~es~.~53&-438>~~-~af~to~r;<~P~M~l""r.';'l'!'i'!;~~:;;:;'!'; .... 1 e NEW 1 BR a pts, ------~---1 Siamese vlc:'Gtlaxy Dr. &I-'-;.,.---''----A · M 2 BR. trplc, Garden i;ettiug. ·rrym S135. Cpts. drps, bltns, Condominium 5950 Realt~rs S~(\~L ex~'dl elect7ni~alco~ Rigel Cir~ .Dover Shores. , CARPINTRY MAID SER.Vl(.E . 6825 Stro~;1~t=~~iJ •;::ir~:nce, 1-Ch,,lld. · 64+2562 Famlly section. 346-7777. 1---------''Our 25th Year .ac or ""' rg po en 1 646-813.\ ·. MINOR REPAIRS,' No Job • 1 d' F h' 1 ~'.';'.:"'"°;:'.:'--,..--.:::.:c.==;1 "°''"°'"'"""'"-:;::=;;:-;:;;;;:; BEAUTJFUL Ccuntry Club In The Harbor.Ar••'' good nsme in industry, FOUND ·otrwhl-a>ck·a.poo Too "Small. CabiMt iii gar. ANXIOUS-lo--pleue. hard a ies wear. u ion • B~O new, \ge ., 1Jnique 3 2 &: 3 BR. downatn, bltns, needa backer for short ttnn ages '& 0 t h 1 t cabinets. working loeal girl needs land. 644-44ll .~~2" BA. Best area. $325 pa~ .. 2381nr ~1;_7~ Edinger. :~~; ;:b,2d~~.1i~1~!,· :i~ l ~~"6"7!!3"-4"'!'4"00""""!!!!! ~~~~ ~inanb cl~ & bot'.;1i~. on Udo 111~. Day: 673·3llO, 545-8l7S u no answer leave holiday joba. Good refs. BABYSJTrER: For 2 yr old fnb . 673-6904 84-or $260 mo. Call Jeanne ~ure ' Y 11-uuu con ac 'I =E~·""='~'-7_3-8346 __ ·-,,-,.~-=c-I msg at GfG.2372. H. o . &G-JUL boy. Livt·in, lilt' hsewrk. 2 fiR. Frplc, Stv/Rt.g, nu DELUXE 2 Br. Nev.iy dee., EdWBrrls, 968-632l NEED Christmas money. Good ~ of gn:>ss prolH to FOUND -young Cahco, nea Anderson 1 ;;::==::::=:===;,;;;i,Good~~pa~y.:.'64~4-~524~9~.,....--1 ..... cpl, ericl gar, $195/rao. pool F?tl, adults-..219 lSth l ==='======;:;;I r-.fust"sacriticemy btautiJul, backer <ln contract bY con. collar. Vicinity Santa Ana M.in .. nance 6121 BOAT Sales, Amb~ttoui yng "' S HB' •~ -' Rontola Wonttd 5991 t I · I '· •-· t-"' · tract basis . No gimmicks or Htighto, .,.,. ""''1. REAIODEUNG &. R~palr 1;.::::::.::::::::;::_ __ ...=:::1 ~ _ ... ~. 1.\09. t., . .......--eve . view o.,,, ""'"'cu 1n .... ,. . .,,u • . ma" ···"t-• 1--·m lull """ l"l""" .,,...,. dlslionesl , practices. Good Speci11liat Comm'l, res\dtn-}IQ:\fE Renairt: Painting, .... "" "" ""' na. Apt. w/ ......... l BR apt. Near beacti. $lla. prestige Arizona subdivision oppty ''' --·o '"/ ,... B)UCELE! ,;.,,.Pano.ti"•, cabinets, .. --time position v.•/an est Co. P"::_,, ontra-. ..,;;;1~mo·. Adult•. \\'ANTED: By non-driilker-for $495 each. i\.1. i\torgan, ,,,.,..., .. .... 'C" nd p clfi A " ·"O carpentry, ttment 1'i>rlt. Sm .,~1 + ·--•-A ........ • .... ~ _,... tegrity. Can bt protected by ~ 0;\1 • on a~ c A Vt, ma.rlilt, formics. 644-7598. jobs OK. 646-6446 • ,,.. ary commi_,u... P-1~' N·-'"ftua. 6Th-l874 3474.t6] ·or 536·1710 ·~moker, prof. \\"Oman: 4 Br. 1215 S&. 7th ' SI., Phoenix, 11 &12.()l 16 ply 10Bm-12pm only, %U4 ,,... ....... ..,.,, hM" or apt. on Penin. Will Ar i 'Z o n·a.,. 85(13.1-Telephont k('y man insurs.nct. ( 4) . LET the s"·ed• <kl IL Rtp&ir, •• 30 \V. Coast HwY. NB. N~:2 br. l ba, trplc, shag STOVE & l't'frig, 2 br, pvt pay lroro $200 • $250/mo. 602-94&-7~. 67)-~.Sam·jpm YN~ cat, smokey.grey lo~~· remodel&: patim. ~M~O~l~Oft!!,!:'Y~·~B~rl~c~k-~-~IOii":~:::::::::::~i crjlt, drps, patio, laundry terra"ce. Secluded. $IS5 mo. 540-34M, 5<1S.'i74S. -I===='='==='==== haired. Jound on Pacific 673-5417 494-7853 .. BOOKKEEPER ~; S200/mo. 67'";>-5724. l9tfl & Aca cia, H.B. 536-9771 A '200 PURE·RITE Ave. 642--0176 ' COl\tFLETE Cement A:: LEASE -on lof &. ·tiou~ I ;,.;.;.<r'-'o'-'l"t.;.•------SEALPOJNT · Muonry. 21 yn txper. Frte Thru T.8 Some typing. ~tafn Valley · 5410Fountaln Valley 5410 suitable for building 45' 10 ACRES sou~ of Palm SYSTEMS Siame,. kitten. Cement Conc...t9 6600 ·est. Anytime, 146-4917, NIGUEL PERSONNEL boat, Rt.uonablt. .213 : "'"·· "' h ' • ~ • .., .,~,.. 281-2581 Springs. vwMr ne s cas . 67>1877, Coro:na de! l\.lar. CEMENT wP~·~ job too _....._. AGENCY ':J.ounlaiiM AlediW.-Sl)'le l..a•ury l&l--l- .Ualt Lk1DS l"lnloW &. vllltlnllbod ., ... • INr' .. ·~­.,.,.,.. , ... ·a.--·-~ _..._./I._ Room• for Rent 5"5 Vs.Jut Sl~$lOOO/ac:re. \VIII Otrtt"S UniQ\lt opportunity. ......,. "" TERRIER •mall ,., bit .• f' re• p I I 2763S ['ortlts Roi.ti sell for $350/acf'!. Owner '3u..n.:i; • a nt nt La N1 .... I will c ......... on ea~ "terms: Current newwpaper expo1. Vic. Parle l Center Estlm. H. StumCll. 54&-tins p m' I ll50 guna 'll'"e ...... q.. ure item. Small inve1tment, · e 5'8.(15(8 e CE. MENT.""rk. ~-u~*" •pe Hf "I 131-1477 k S:,00 dov.·n, $3:;/mo. "'" rw v * Sl j PER Wt.I ·U P 833-8412: large profits. Call Mr. DaviJ FOUND iold ·oerby,bicyelt & state .l\c'd,· Side DO It yo&nett. 'You do trim. "'/kitchen~. $27.50 p•r l·SA""'C"!;.:;$1;;6-;;,000""', -;3r::p;:llll::-;:,,.::,:;1I for app!. 537-.'l19Z: v.·/combimi.OOn lock. drlvl!s,.eJ.lol. &IU514. Avr. 3 Br. house. l::xter CARRIER· ·.~~k-up Apts. MOTEL. MS. Acrs. Lake ,l\.f at hew & l\tAJL 01'der. marine equlp I: 8J0.5042 ?.!ORE. Concret• .patio for stu C'CO $150. Jncl mal'l & B'OYS Eslattii. 14 m\/Rivenidt. suppli~i. Net SIJOO per mo =========I 1es1J money. Artisttc'settlna. ~~441.All "'Ork au a r · SLEEPlNG roon1. Ckt11n-Ungrnd/utl's.' Gort view "°'11 pi tlmt. Rtq's S2000 Lost 6401 Llc,, c111l lolax at-644-0687 .:.;.c.:,."""'=::;::c:---1 WAN'{ED h'<lnt, rldf'rly 11:r n1ltman, all n'IOunt & lakes. 548-&U9 a~ c11sh &tcured by O\'tr. S&n> -No \\'utlng 111u . $70/mo. 673-7:ifJ6 · t n,v en tor y·. 96 8·8 8 7 3 I.ML!: grey & ~·hile tat. fluffy. FREE' E11.t. Sawina-. break· * WALLPAPER * S I I. · 5· rves/wknd1 female. Vic Huntington Har. Ing, haul1111 " 11klploadlng, \'~-, ....,., ~n "M11.c" * UPSTAIR pr v. iving A?\'TELOPE Valley inVtlil· Se · &. aJlly su...8663 l''"" .,~ ..... -m. Bdrm Ii ba th, ~ep r11: PART or full ti me l\0holesal1 hour. Rew. 846-5054 ' rv1ce qu . . $41-1444 64&-lnl '"" mtnt property, mus1 sacri· tr, no e;ook.lna. $8;>/mo. fiet: nioving out of 11tatt1. Bu11. ~ply,. for lhott who BLACK Afghan. FtmaJe. PAPERHANGING--Frt 8»-2Js.;. Bo:<'' 2325. Newport Bch, "·ant F,1111ncial 5'c. For no Vic. Vic toria and Plactntia Contr•ctM't 6'20 est., satisfacoon l\l&ran- sruDIO, pvt •nt " b11th, 92660: =km l n t v; Call on U!I. P.LEASE 8S3J.'°°9 y Way, qualrty hOmt teed, Dan Schwartz, kitchen: Pool. Back Bay, FD.I, longb&Imi··gray 'cal repair. Walls, celllni.·ttoon ..;&41;;,:-'8;;"';,·=-.,-==="'°I tor the DAILY PILOT Dana Point, San Juan Capistrano and Ce,pbtnno &tarCh. Contact Mr. Sn,t al DAILY PILOT Studtnt/glrl, $70, 646--5607 Out '1 St1bt ,;rpp. 6!01 M°"'y to· t.:.HI:' if2i 4 1''hlte feet, rreen, eyes, etc. No job too. small, INTERlOR &: BX'l'ERIOR N.e, .. P"I lolri~·ermaleve~./v~, ... " $395 FULL PRICE 1~t. 'l .D LQan Laguna ~11l!fl 495-522'1 543-1494, 2.4 hr an.a. ltl'V. Jury's•PA~o,~. :roce -~.~"!.~~~ po IO, re II. )' """ . " PIN£ Ttte.· CO\'t"red cabtn LO!IT • P.talt labradar: mix. U C'D , O>ntr. Remodeling, .,_.. -_, ~ 111"" ge nt, $too. 66-09.'lO sight, "''toad. CloM to 2. black 1il.'/Whitt tnatWnp, 6 1add-orls. roofing, i-11.tiDI I. tNT/Exttt Palntlf'C.' Fretr~~~,,.,:::..:,::;==~·• NICE Room, prl\•. home. laJu.•i, surroundf!d by Nari TS~ INTEREST mos. 0ays-&t2·3i03. ttp1ir:s. !if0-71,'T' or est. Ref's. Immtd. Sq-vice . COASTAL AGENCY k1tch. prlvll .+ Nta.r-shop'1 +~orti;I . Sootht.rn Oregon. 2n·d TD · Lo·an ---~-~---1 M0-7664. .•. . 646--0110, 6U-3di4~' . A membtr of . .t trlln!tp. C.:\t. M!t-106t 213/240-1186 or 714/644-41&5 ' Old you tYt'T think of AWi.Po Addltioni * Rergcdellni FIRST Oau Painting &. 5rwlllng.lr SnelUnJ IM. Term11 butd on equity. Ina; that White Elephant lB Gttwl~..,\.Son, Lie Paper.hanging. Fret Est. TIM World's '-Larg11t- M isc. Rentals 59"'"' ·"'"~· ==-==== -""-'-'------;-. \t' H 1 T E ELEP11ANTS" I SINr.L1': Car ai rait tor rtnt, O\'trrunnin,ir your l\ou5fl? Jfurirtngton Bt11ch 1 rt:a, ''Cash'', .sell them lhru S20/mo, CAii f16-2687. Daily Pl~ Cla8!dtlfd 642·2171 $45-0611 the a ttic for 10mtthtnc you 8T3-$)D' ~ · '* 549-2170 Call ~NIM!. Profe11IOMI S..:rvlng H.vbor -rt• 21 yn. CM use? Try the Tradcm Rtmodcl!nr * Additions TIJE Faatcst draw in the Employment Service S•ttler Mortga9e Co, Parsd\1t column in the DaJ. KARL E. KENDALL Weit . • • Daily Pilot 27Uo llarbcr BJ.. CM ~GO&i 338 Z. 17th Street ly Pilot Want Ada. Llct~Sed·Sondtd ~t~tT C\Mstrltd Ad. 64J..6671 Harbor Blvd. Al Adam11 • • -1 . ' .. -I ., ·--( ---~·---,_ ·- ~5 PllOT·AOV(liJISER _ W~. Dttflnbtf 16, 1970 1 WtdMMllJ', Otttmbtr 16, 1970 DA.ILY PILOT~~(! ;Jbls,i i¥tli,i)Y4\1Hti JOU&ifliiiU>'i'M.EMt Joa~&IMPLOYMINT' MlltCHANDl-OR· MlltCHANDISl 'l'OR ' MERCH&NDISI FOR MIRCHANDISE FO R ' MERCHAN01s1· • .,,. PETS ••d LI·~~ i Joki -· w-7100 ~.... -.. -11eo: ~·k• ·;Mon.:w-7100 ~LI ;~D· TRADE I ~'~ TR_ADE ' SALE AND TRADe' SALi • AND T RAD& SALE AND _!RADI C•I• -i COMPANION tO.ll•e IA ._ NIJRSB AIDES.t> a. tline. s£l<Jba.~. 2 ... ~ r~~~I< fi'J .· -.Setl!int Moth!"" 1120 Mlsctll-, -M'-11--M lsa. Wtnltd 1610 • C!IRJSTMAS KITrENs~ ' help_wllll ............. Rrt-""""mfi1'1lt1>1.'1!0., ..P' ·.1.r.r men .. ollmttolo •i'•··· 'EJ:4!'b •o ·SPE CIAL • I ., WA'NTED • Beauc '""' Rr• Kii•. '.ii ·1 .... ._ mJtll6 . N.B. ., _ ........... thllt. Su· .. .,.. . ,,. ~-.......... -.. , ' MAD INE'PR'DDUCT ·!"~· P8\t"JY.ShoWotptl. ~ pASTf.ilP " --'""°"· • om ., 10 ""· ~· w'E•S ta '>•iU. 0"" bOD\1. Cl•an. *· CHRISTMAS SPECIAL * · 1• · PUMP "' 1 1. 962....,· 1 COUNTER GIRL.• part time i>Art tim~ ~tor ~0.C. Adv'. Lite.M)f'k, $2 N-. can ,flf"Ptl'• • ~ adJUlt. e pl Y. nJ5, _., t wk. tndl. OVl!r ! 1$. ~ A&'c Call 1133-!670 btttJ'ii 'IOR~ •t K1IW &Lido •. ' -'~ . • -.,. off' of ·fli t prlct on .my rlnt 2%." Int~. 2" output. DQP au : S.N D .Rr181Wurant, 2576 l :U:lO:l5 AM orly ._ R~ld. ltillO Newpirt , },..~~ -;"'Dl'l.lti-, • • . • ' In our atock from now 'tll C.h~btm11 646-5361 "'ST lN TIME FOR .,' ""PQrt vd., C.M. 9'.vd., N.B. tmPeDll _ DI: FUIJiGE '.. _ • with this ad oe.., · · ·• • -• P -·"· ......... ~ I · •"-• --.,....,,,_ j _,_, · ' Chrlolmu : DENTAL RECEPTIQNisr a yf'lH ... ~ ... tsor SERVJ~E frATION' 1 ""'-""·"e!L4 • • 4 9'1t.ruNntt-'"" 1125 • Cllstom m_1de jew~lry, using your design • MachhMryr E tc. 1700 * fl.fll• l'ttalteee, whlM, l ~ Deak only, Exp'd. Protk:lerii i$350 +. EXprr: n~ on 11'1 s AL E-SMAN-MEO:IAtilC1· ee1.;=1~~ "Here. Coine ' . or ours e Gold, silver, gold filled, plated Yl'I, Reg, * Silver teacup : with ins~. Aliemoon to ~urne •. Kno'f.t:empu.fubai D V~r , ..... , ·4 Pc. DRUM~: ~ pearl, findings & settings e Jewelry-making sup-1..AnrE ll. duly 21" tWing, s· female Poodle '* Blade toy J "~ hn. (14 or 9-t>m), tome PIY!'OU (rnulU • branch ot Full.or,plrt'tlme. r,tOVlNG! lilkt New: 8 + hi-hat. 22 cymbal, plies & tools e Precious met al casting C4!nter11. O>mplele w/taper. female Pood.Ui:. No paJJUJ. t Sat's 'Sal.acy open fl'ini;e mu.It!-1tate).-t SuptrY'l&e 4 Expe:rienct p~rd. VECTR.A tor.. $100. Game -thr'I)~. ,all access. Xlnt equip •Gem tumbling • Wood carYing 4 jaw ehuek. motor, 1teady ehcap! * &lS-014.2 ~,333 E. btnefllll. Ph: anyti~e {H.3, cl:e~ ~-mgmt pa.y. : ~:~:01~°:!1y. table ~ dUk $11, ,new r;J· ~~~e::i -~criflce & sculpluring kits for the amateur re9t. $1250. 673-52'14. 17th St., C.M. , aru) .a am,! pm ~. t c . c1 ng .eo. . ... ~ , «>ft-,tout:h ~so a. ~rn-.. " . nd . . .er pm or SHERRY'S POODLES · -' Ntwf.'irt · • raid vacau ... '1-modes $35 ea., match~ weeke . . r • · " • -111 "-" · --==--.,,.,-.,..,.....=-:-.,, Gift• for tvtry cu•tomtr FREE TO YOU 9 -·• , ·* EXECUTIVE * Pe rionne • Aiency ..... ., a • ....-.ne chn,_beaut cstm.aola,~dar ROTH Coronrt $75 Roth , . yrs ex,,....ence *~LES-CAREER* 133 O,nr Q~., N.B. e w•U«1o'd.•tation peoanoock~~~~':l'.'!'mO<I~•. trombone.. 175. Nobl•t * * Five M Gems * * All.,... grooming, Frt• Stli '4t.3870 • Xtnt. location M11d1t K.Jng •or ,.......,n. bQim clarinet Slll. Artley flute WE Are ready to ·help )'Ou pick up &·delh!ery, Qirill· salary plu1 comm, •. · e HigaJlonage unit seti'l&mPli 96&9061, $12S, 545.-l&il · , 270 E. 17th St.1 Hillgren Center, Cost• M9u etve someone a Merry mu pups; In al) colon. Flnt· ye a r •earnings or wl :Yor interview 0>ntact. Bob ~51909 Chrlstmu. Cock-a-poo and 5'\6.~8 Sl2,000 • plu1 """s.ible 2 .,.. PBX. exper. Pf'Ff'd. U ,......... • • ~· -w STEREO -Ii ~U ' PIO ~u •. fj AND ""lsllO.I, v..,i-Fender • ? pUpplrs, Siamese kittens .l--~-~--,.----1 1rainirig'pl'Oll'8';n-by-Cenru:.;· ~i~;0lrigb~ .. person. Pb: Cf,;~ ~:,..Y~.B:"• """" · S200. S225 ctinet~1 &et. ·ne~ Mustana: .iitta.r, ~GI baon !-------------. &: mixed puppies. Will hold Dane Puppies oldna\ionalco,_Bu1l""8or ~ -• SERVICE ,STATION AT· Sl~, ~fa~taSl:t:·satM;r lhvader amp. ~ others.I ~ until 'Chrislmas, CatJAK~Fa'\'n. ~ale. Arir~ ; sar~ baci:irolµld, bl!lpfuJ, No PERSONNFJ. bIRECTOR'" 'l'ENDANT all·shffll open. R ~ .. rn.-n79. Tape Recorder• mo Ml1~11eneot11 l600 6-12-1319 l2/l'I ca 11" now lt\g accep • l"'-1/u-1 ,,,.,-., .. iu., CP · C.!\1'. CONN mRONEIT ....i for parenthood $200. MS-3708 F'-.. ..,..,, • "rt-"".. · • att"Titnt) APPb'-in ~n. 4671 Cam-· ... v , very 6"· FREE To qua.I. homes. al 6 Pf.i MR. RON Sf\flm AdmlnisterClassifledSeMCt pU.ibr.,•HewptBch.. MOVING-Piano, Sps,ni.ah rotVJ. Appralled$75. Bstolr AKA.IM 9 * AUCnON * Beaut purebred, female, G.1=~1 ==·""'=,,.,.--=;I _ 8J5..4545 _PetsonneJ.JU"OinlflunderdL · Couch, Hi-Fi, luthtt cha.it, takes 64>2475.. TAPE (tECORDER $325 FRIDAY 7 ,00 p M Shepherd 1•~ yrs. +beau! CHRISTMAS P~le -A~~~ /&!I equal opporrufuty ~tion of tbe Personnel SERV. ea1ab.~·uuer Brush \VUher, ·Retrig It mi1e. See SN-ARE drum. LUDWIG, • .546-2009 • DECEMBER tith' male G. Shephcrd ,pups, 4 l'<'G~ Chan1p sll't'd, '~-.,. _ Eml!rO)'.tt M/F Comminion of the Sdlool rtt, $1.T~l.15 Yi'k. to st., IJao Sa.l:al218 Jasntlne.__CdM. chrome. Sfi(I, Call &16--05'13 n'IOs. nd homes w/fer!Cf's. apncot. 'I "·kl. Sholl!. V"'~ _ EXPERIENCED Pen ta I District. Requires kno\\.~ledge pt time. S4&-57~~ LIKE-NEW tuhlUure," color after 5 PM Sporting Goods lSOO Unclaim ed Storege S alt 649-2637 12117 precious. W i 11 hold ti.I • chaitlide assistant . .J~th of ·Public Ptt!onrret Adinln-• ' TV consoJi. 50 to t.0% oU. * CONN dlr@C!Or trombone Partial Ll•tlngs BEAUT Pu~ wht yng adlt, Christmas. 540--0.l.1-1 • I Laguna .Otnae. Mon-rn. X-iltratiOn: .. two )Ts of college ·'SERVICE CENTER .Call 6~1409 bt'A'Jl 3-T pm. SURFIOARD l\1'anr seal~ boxes,: cartons spayed cat blue eyes-shols . EXPERT rroon1inz S7.!l0: \ rays. Send rtaume 10 32341 (Or tf;1U1valentl : five yrs. Employ.m i nt Agency 311).A Dahlia. l'lact, Cch\f ~·~fs';,x 2 yrs old., S'lO"L x 19~,.W x . l~J"T. &: dish pack~. 7-pc dining set a180 2 beaut tiger, alterf'd Poodle puppies, most colon'.. ~ CO.st Hwy, So. Laguna. Proless1ona1 Pe~nnel and ti'SOVJNG. r.tirrori;, lamp!!, TRUMPET CAS Ex_ Cond Ask $40 00 Call w/Clipl na ca~~ ?-pc :~nd male& -shots. 548--0813, $j() up. Monkeys 135. Spec II(! Q • GEN"""'L HELP rel~ted. rXJ>f;"ri~e. prete_r. *I-. 'R•ltr' .. $l3S wk cMft&. beds, paintings, · & E • · · · ma e Bet. w sor c 11". 836-4493 12111 on all birds. 5'17-3851 Ot C..fV\ * bl ludl Schoo n;~ ··-.; Good tondltion. $25. 548-2008. Good Christmu Bdnn Re~. Divans, All s1zes : . . s.i7-9591. . . l $3 75 HR a . y inc ne ' I '-''f'" comm~ 'exper ., min. 2 ~rs/ ~~":i296"·,. dishes, artifacb. Call 642-0Mll Present. mattresser; Se"•ing machln. PART Siamese, bcauf'iful, lll-. ~ ' • hif exp, 5.aiary ran Ge koov.·I~ cUua!ty, 'proKf-.....,. ~ Chests' Desks Dlne1tes 1ell, \veil trained little blk TWO yr old male Golde'TI .-: Filll' or part Uine $5?0.S(I • $658.· (20 Hn per ty, liablllty. \ 'l . LfVING rooi'h chair._ li1ht POOL tables, &late, $395 & up, C~rrre tabi~ BU w/refrlg' k It ten needs hom e Retr iever "Champ," gtlt('l • Oependabll', live in 'area~ wk.) ' *M . I M $3 hr Pi & 0 10')::0 discount on all sec:es-n..10-• TV" ~rtabl . badly Had shoti;:. 548·3839 color. Choke chain &: fl•'\ ~fr. Powers 54&!1862 Ae.PLY Classified PersoMel a1n ; an .. : . aqua I gold, gb;'p casters. ano1 , , r9an1 1130 BOries ti! Dec;, 31st, .Beach ... u '"" ~. ,-u es • 2 I F U . I -~· prior to 4 'pM Jan~a.iv 5th, Res po~. for o~atM>ns hvy ,$50. Like new. S.7-8307, evt Billiard, 547 ·0933. StefeO!I E\ec organ Reclln'. alt 7. 1 / l'I co . am )' i!iev na: .....! 1-i GENERAL ·pnict • renial & 1971 ' J mach1nerv .t.ic.1owledge of 968·ll'l8.~ !!! NOTICE!!! ers, o'i11hwasherR, ·Washer VERY lovable gentle Aust. RE\VARD . 54~39J7 '.A l nt..t-,.._,, btwn 9 30 /'' b We have put every Plano 6: SURF'BOADS • 9·10"· Russel · e CER!,IAN S h 1 h I ~g nee. •...au : · l-'TESThflNSTER oil !Mus ~Oip. ~lptul, ut 1oVELY Sof~. 'newr used, .,o;n. 9,8., Allfn S30. & dryer sets, Avocado ~ic1e. Shep, and 1errle l' mix m~e. · or a r }; le. U:,30, Dwtwn H.B. area; SCHOOL DISTRIC'l' flQt 6&f!Dtia.I. quilled Dora, scotchguarded Organ on Chri&tmas Sale for _, ' by.side refrig & matching f.fed. sz. hsbrk, Jov~ child· Point.er, 6 mo, ready fQf P1 536-2579, 14l2l CedvWood Ave ,tfEngr. derk . $400 mo $125. Matching klve,eat $75. 8 clean sweep sellout! New, 646-0024. gas stove. Poo! table, Pwr ren, sholJl. 11,; ye a r 'l, training, AKC reg. Li"!·~ 1 ~ HELP Wantrd.;-·Rert. pref. 1i Westmi.n&ter .Caill. • Xlnt ;io I benefit1/req'1 only 5JG.83S1,. • --.--~:1ed ~'7s~n So~ed~~; • Scuba tank, brand new, edger & Ja"'n m 0 1v er. 539-TI8I: 836·4493. 12/18 field champlong, 644-519-1_.,. ~· i or over, niles I: graveyard. • m.fl'I e~ng exper. Mahogany Credenza nur dt!aler's.cost. 9Jme al NEVER bttn uSf'd, J·valvc, Lo/"Ps, Lota or misc 1o~s. SLAF\IESE • yng inaln cat & DAl.ltlATIAN S ~hamp. br'-CJ.." it t Must' be cOurt~us,. nea,t, '* PHARMACY CLERK * *Sec'y/Ins :·. $450 me roo large lor• trailer,' $75 or cost-plus. For a mooey sav. bool, $60. 83J.3910 Bar--:b-que, Exercisbr, Pie. 2 female kittrns 10 good Tllke home Chris1!11as or~?', honest I: reliable. Apply Office procedures. some trP-Req'S. gd typing skills &: min ·tra.df' for small dinette set. ing deal on q u al It y 1u~. Etc. 1970 250 Yamaha h 0 m cs Housebroke-n. be lore. 'fyp cond. Pvt Ptr" .) ! Jack-ln-lhe-Box, -385 E. Ing & bkkpg. Full time4ays, 1:.2 yr:s casualty. • '536-4222 -merchandise, shop or call Miscellaneous l600 E;nduro, And much morr! 536·'19Jo . 12/lS 642--1937. ! 17tb St, C.M. see manaitr. SouU\. Coast Community ~ . ' • * CUSTOM· FURNrnJRE us. Ope.n Thur & Fri eves & WINDY'S AUCTION BEAUT!f"UL Tabby female AIREDALE P\.lppies: AKC ~ HOUSEJtliPER. I fv e ·In, , H,!"pital,, So. Laguna, Per. 500.Ne't'ROrt Cen(lr Dr .. f\"B lt:ENTAL. See ad dass Sun alt. CHINESE Hooked nig. all kit1en 3'i mo's, blk & gray, ~rn 911.l/TO. $125 _ea. re& l Refs, tp cave for ',elderly 90Mel OHfce. 499.1m Suite 200 • 644-4911 400l 'CalJ ~ WARD'S BALDWIN SJ'UOJO >.A-'001, 10 x 14 with rubber COlttE BRO\VSE AROUND drM-ried. Needs gd hm & =hamp Ped I a re B • v.·om\tl. 847-4441 PRIVATE Chrla_tia.n ichool .SERV1CE 'Station Attendant. LAitGE Dlnini room table 1819 NJ!wporf, C.M. &12-8484 padding. Beige ~ith floral 207S~li Newpor~ Blvd people of ~er own. 54()-548'1 -.• HOUsEKEEPER &: COMJ?lm-needs ~us ~ver,, ~rt exp'd. for · grave yard &hlrt. with 6 clialrs, NO\\' IN ONE LOCATION ~te~tf Pa-~a~~ing~::c~ Behind Tony's Bldg 1\-l~t'ls aft 1 Pl\T, 12/17 O!AR1\tJNG Beagle puppies. ·1 ion foil ,eld@rly J:i.dy, Own ~urs..:..~ train_'~ d~ Emle'1 Union· Service, ma $25. MS-3427 Conn * Yamah• Provincial cotfee table with Costa .ltfesa ":. &I~ l. Part Poodle, fema\~ pup.. ~::-7s~~ A:~· :1 =~~ ~ ~ "'""-C_ a.U 494·6070. tng n"\.vn.i requu.,..., 1 Jlirbor CJl,f '* Thomas Or9•n1 lo\\'er shelf and dra\\'er $20. OPEN DAILY 9 lo "" pies 6 wks. Ideal for Christ-• e. . •. : : Brookhur11t·, ''FOuntaln • · ••-A complrte selection · ma•' -1 Tiller Circle, terms. 831.65l8 · · '• 8EKEEPER SERVICE Sta · Pum Isl' at ,........ Kenmore vacuum "''ilh at· _,,,, i:uy w/f ChiiJ:eV::µiH.~: Valley. 962-33U. tendant. Lube rc:m txp~ Office Fumlture IOIO of pianos & organs tachments $l2. 646--4032. Antique Spinet Desk Hunt. Beach CHRISTMAS puppies (AKC'l': ~ ; Own ~1341 P.Urchasing._Agent. pret'd, Over.n CdJ,1', 1 R.efin'd 34x9'.I wood tleaks, ·~'!_Pe, 1~6Dai,•ly 5·1llunUll .',-GIRI..S Schwinn Bike in gd Studio bed w/attached d~k. 3 Lovabll! tiger striped kitt· Small. min poodle•. ~ill -1 ~~ nJ9l1l. . * .S'15-4112 * $69.50 9··Re.rin·d wood arm .,... .,. .,.. 6' Koa~ \\'Ofld coffee table, ens, 4 mo's, Need perm. hold till 01Ntmas. Sh?ll ~ _ HSK;PRS Emplyr--pays fee. ~n~~ P ~ na ~·1 Pu=:~ SMALL-f!aJ1s avail. In TV rotafy' ~hafn. $29.SO e· We (:OAST MUSIC :~·;,a::::e~~ S:i Sm teak tables. V~ry .old homei;-shots. 548-0813, puppy chpped. 962--21!15. • :> GeOrxe Allen ·Byland ~n--&ts.mo, 2043: W~tditf Dr,, \\'Ork for right person. No 'hAW. the .. largist' 5'lectlon NEWPORT & HA;= bed w/bxsprngs & matt, :r~ Chi:se BlaCk .,..ood 836:..4493 ' 12/17 r.11 NI AT URE Schnauzer, M.1 z;.o:;s .~·· ~!th·~· S.A. N.B,, • ' ' • exp nee. lAG Inc. 835-3001. ot used Oft!Ce fUm in thil Costa l\.1esa * hdbrd & ftbrd $30, sofa $30, os a r, I lA 3 ~lored l~~h· BEAUT, SI, Be.rnard & ;KC hr:'· 6 f~rk9.C~i~~Y-~ t' Area. Special HOiiday Siile rocktail & 2.mlllCh end tbls, 0 \ mrrican yac •, Shepberd mix fe.m 1 yr, -0 me ma · HOUSEWIVES &. .TEENAG· RECEPT TYPIST STUDENTS. Age 16 -or over. , , Mc M~ De!k J."REE GVTS SiJ. kitchen tbl oak wino Lge co 1 l e ct ton rou1 of hsbrkn all 'shots• h:ives 642-1269 ERS Dor pt time. Sell phos.. ExCitag position With ~ lot Wanted part-time for new , 1800 Newport Blvd. \VITI-I PURCHASE chrt1, Sl5. 19952 Lotug Ln,· prinl) •hook!! on saillng, childre~. ~2379 ' 12/1T1~2~,-,.-1,-poorl--l,-p-,.-,p-;-,.-.-,;-1"-,-r 1 ± pM.te fl'tt ·• • nonpollutant .of Challeiige & adVancement. EdW,rds Harbor Center r: 6C:set_ i:._ ·tttAMMOND H.B. 968-9142. • Bone &. ivory l'h~p's morf('l, LOVABLE .,.,, tiger slrlpe minialure, 8 wks old, Used .1 J au n d r y oompaund. Ph: Tt,eatre. Apply at Cint'ma ORGAN mtJDIOS Chinese porcelain, .Japan-. · · to children, no papen, $40 t &4'2_.1522 aftr s.-. S1art $350. Call Linda Lee, 'Theatre, Harbor z.. Adams, • .SOLIO WALNtrr e 2-Pc sectional, 1 curved w/ elll! carved Ivory Soapstone k11ten. short, soil fur,"~ nio. ;,.ia-42'10 be! 4.30 1 r"' 540-6055. C't ~. 7 lOPM \V•" • ·oFFlCE DESK * -In CORONA DEJ.. ]l.tAR. table $25 ea. StauUer tahle 2 . ' nds good homP 545-801;) aft ea. ore · · ~' . , . ,,,,.es . -' ' ni. 2&5't E:Ooast Hwy. 673-8930 4·~' Oriental screen. 40"X 1 m. ..,,,. • 12117 ,\KC REG TOY POOD' ~ • COASTAt AGEN,CY 4-6P~t.' $25. .893;-~82 m. Vanity bench w/pad 23 Coromandel plaque, P MALE CALI.. AFT fP1'i.;. A member ol THE' DAILY Pl'';()T -· ' Spin9t' P lano $295 SS.50. Annchalr $3.50. Bar· Ml'f'rt1chaum pipe, Au!llrian l'"REE male or female cat, ~" ,.~u. : Snelling ·.c: Snelling, Inc. ~ Thomas Org•n·S19S gtoul U.50. l.ge civil.I v.·Ool fAntl\oral ~ase. Toby muga, very aUectionate: both have ,,....,,...,.,. • • . .> 2790 Harbor Bl, Ot ~ hu an opening for an expm. Office: Equipment 8011 100 New &: Used braided fl;lg $60. Honda 55 German 11telns, Ant 1 q u e been fu;cd. Call 968·8:1Sl. f.UNI Dachshund puppl~. '. Harbor 81vd. at Adams •need, joumallst in its w~ L. C. Smith desk model. Pianos 011 Sa.le for parts sa!, "642-0558 ' je...,elry, Mink atole, PLUS, 12/18 ~lk/tan. 2 tna.les, AKC. Plt.t . !"!""!!'""'!""""""!\"'"""!"'I rre'n's department. Appliciant 16 Inch· carriage type-Beach Music Center 39~· HOTPOLN:r-e I e c t-r i c PLUS. PLUS!!! Apl •3. LOVABLE 8 mo male looks at&-7440_ , ru11Board + salary for ·11'lust be able to report, :·wr1rer $25. S48-79Ql . Huintington Sch.: 847-8336 range· $35, o\Vm. Rogers \'r'e9tc1Ur ·Villas, N.8. (On llke Sheep dO£, brn,'bik & e AFGHAN P UPS, AKC ... ;J F /~ BookkHptr Corporate finance exper, Ac. cur typing & 10 key adder. Plea.58.n! foung group: Al· 1rac1. offices in Orange, PBX -~eceptionist Need exti-emely poised \\'O· man for busy 608 board & heavy reception d u t i e 1, Lovely Anaheim otfice9, To s<:itl. Acctnt Aui1tant New company ri'loving to this area req's sharp gal. Great oppor • -ror advanceml!nt! Must .be.-wtlling to·commule to Porbona area 'tit March 31st. • :;:~~b~k:s.~L~~.~~~.5 vmie clrar\J, understand Cl;Jj,tfsr!\fAS S:µui:stlpns _ s!lv~r'\\·aft and ,<; h~ s I , 171h beh1.·een Dover .t Buck· "'hi Jo\-es children h.brkn Pick of litter! Black mask:-~ $ .;, c.~ntfals 'of photography & Gerata Sai.~ . I022 Hamfuond, s te 11) way. 1' lair pat~eri:i. cpst .$125, US· ingham). . a IL '962-0M. or ~237912/11 eel silver. !)62.6956 aft ~. • ~ • • • • • • • • lll)'Qllt. .l'QP company bene· 'Yamaha NeYI~ 69ed piiiboii ed approx, 6 tlni~s. $50. S2CKl •.. ~"ACTORY CLEARANCE p Up py~, ..... --'•-'port e ST. BERNARD pupi, ! 'fill ... aOOCI aalary, attra¢ve M~vtNc.~ i Likf; "flr.w· • ;...,,i,. Be 1 b · stenolype maclime never ....._ .,. •... .....,....,, C o_ most.,. ...... aM 5 uy5 in ro si·-847.QQ17 • OUTST.6C1ufN<r VALUES, Scotch Terrier. 10 wka. ~·ill AK , reg. Sho"' qua!. ~ · nt'! ~· Apply in writ-fu.i sOMng & mattress· Lane So. Calit ,at *hmklt r-.1usic us i;i, r: -· AU. Ll.KE NEW. BIG DJS-hold till Christmas. Aft 5. · * 96Z-7537 * ' ~ LADIEµWIVES WOMEN lng Oflly, citing experience, cedar chest -· stereo. reclln-Co., 1007 N. Main , Santa CO'-IPLETj>; Eire. lntin set. COUNTS .. CJI RI STM.A S 213/598-5774 . 12/17 A.KC Blk miniature Poodles, : · backg:round &: educ.a.lion to er_ commode: Spanl.5h en· Ana. 3 engines "'/Cat'5, 2 levels, LAY AWAY 3 ha 11 ht '-' i.. 1tfargaret Greenman, P-f'r. ...., wa.11, c0ruiolr'. picture11 • on s!and Orig cos! ST.'JO t -' c nne 18 CHILD'S Allergy fort-es to 3 mo old-. $7S. -"1 ""'/. u;, STEINWA'Y PARLOR , · '. ' ' sbo\Vllo Color org~na, Auto give up 21 ~ yr old Blk * 67.J.-0139 * --f TJl\tF.S ARE TOlJGH• HERE l!Onnel Manager, I ~560, gtatueS • Jennis rackets. GRAND \ r old, sell 1t!!-IS ;250 al: !n-color bars, Oo-tl·yoursell PoodJe..,"""""il'r, Cat &l ,7 ki t· IRIS/I SE'ITER PUPS . • ! lS . YOUR OPPOit1'uNJTY Co~t.: Mesa,.C&ll. . Bric . a . Brae ETC!· ETC! Refinished, Overhauled z..: cl~ed. Other lols lt\'al at LOntrol~, Stel"l!"Oll, Flt! stereo I ~113 12111 REGISTERE'I>-6 wks , i ·:~ TO HELP. YOUR FAr-.tILY * TYPISTS * .. 99~'."Sa.ndt:~lf" Dr. (H1rbor auarantttd.· s.e & hnr to 10 ,o -of cost. 75'-3003 or radios, tape players & ens. . • a.t~2969 • . • ' l HAVE WHAT TifEY NEED! ,-. "·gt"ol•r 1.... Vie~ ~UJg) 641-5924. a ppr e c I ate . WARD'S 673-502l. tapes. XREXSAR CORP., FREE To ' qual hoine, red ' • ,. Jo ' · """ v• " BQUGl.fT ,,Mobile -Home. BALDWIN STUD I 0, 1819 MOVING!-Musf ~ sel} by 875 "8" W. 15th St N .·B. Doicie mix. sweet & lovable, SCHNAUZER Pups. J\.fala af . , ·SET YOUR OWN TI!i-fE TO a temporary job ·Everythin&·i'Of!S. Elec.,appl, Ne~'[IC)rt Blvd., &12-8484. 12111! Tent tTlr 1$150,' couch · ' lncd yd. ~s--0813 12/ll stud. Grooming. Hold 'Uf 1,1• 4 WOR~. FULL OR PART today clocks, lamp&, silver.van-, "~'°W CLARINE~S & $15, mod. rtlri.g, St?. t'lfC * HO TRAIN LAYOUT. 6 NUTTY Cock-a-.t.v.. 1 yr old Christmas. 846--0839. • ~ Tll\1E, CAN EARN' FR0!\1' Jnletvwll. S.12 uc.. , ~· Re.mm. ty_pewcter.$40 dill elec switches, elec . .,..,., $200 TO.SlCOO PER· MO. WE. Weafem Girl Inc. dinette;-diA~~ .set.. · , YK>UNS , , bed comp!. t'f5 •. 1~ E, ... 16th turntable new dual loco Seml-tralned. 642-4589. 2036 GEFL\IAN Shrpherd Af)C TRA1N-YOU. NO EXPER. 46iU ~ac~ut Blvd. You ·name·lt! . 19. 2214 Rent !o~a.rdg purchase St, sf, J 01 646-217.:4 , controls,' mounlaln, tunnel. Commodort, N.B. U/17 large pups. 2 li~tcrs. TerlDJJit NEEDED. NO GIMMICKS. Ne11i'JIOl"t Beach B. Jtui.a:e1' Dr, C.M. in lrtne (or Chr1slmu · · · · · bridge. \Vlred for 2 train 2 Yng fem. cats, 1 whl/blk Call 714'63'1-ZlSG. i Y,Al miiit bave a atrious <Ir.. MIJ-OJ25 GA.BAGE1 #&le, Ott .. 15th, School a'pprtlved 2 -C 0 UC ff E-s match/ operatlohi .. Mounted on 4x8 Short hair. J~calico long • SPRINGER Spaniel Gqll ~ 1 sire 10 make money\. have I --~=~~,--,,--,., llfh, 17th, 18th &J9th, 10115 Coast ~i~ilic Si!rvlce, 646.0271 !Oveseat, dlnetie M-t; .cmplt boa.rd for fold up & cabinet hair. ~6-1308 12/17 Dogs, pi.ck ot Utter. ~;' :.:. car .. be able to talk to other WARD SECY.· Receptlonisl Swsllow, 1):iwi;tain Valle}'. EBONY Fisher Baby Grand. King.a bed .. coffee tbl,, It. ":'/bulletln·board ~n reverse 2 Parakeets & cage 1 blue, 1 Call 53S-ll'l3 . , , , \!.-Omen. This is your chant'f' in nursing are&. Days. Oothe1,, office supplies & What a beaut Chrtaf.mas refrig. Lido Isle, 61l-0487 side. $100. 646-2165. green. i\Tu~t be k e p 1 RARE bN'f'CI mixed Lhapsa-, '. , lo ptiw• ,,..., can do it. p;\fs, Periohriel Dept. Hoag ..,,,,Ip El< 0 Aft 3 ., . .uo -1o, 12117 A poodl 1 2 ·'f .. J ---.. -• • -present! SU95 wnrr. · .,-pc aectiona.J, 1 curved w/ toge!hrr . .no-J..., pro e Ptll>S. ony 1 .. _ .· '! CALL !\.Ir. Cousins for ap. ~>c.l"::::,,pltai~=N~.B~.--=-~""""" HAND-Made it"11.s.. Barbie fi73.,.2259, &14-5912 JAKE'S Used Everything table $25 _e«. Stauffer table A Home for Chr1stmfls? Kit· hurry. $40. 499-2128 j pointment 53'1{;792. \\'AITRESS. Over 21. Student dolls clothes, Stoi>-Smoking ORGAN By O"•ner: Cl>nn 2 Buy-~11-Trade, Elec. golf $20. V~n1ty Bench w/ ty spayed fcn1. -needs kind * .. LOVE FOR SAl.E. AKO • ' preL 20-30 hr "'k. $1.6~ hr MD' kit. Art 11o-oric, \\'ail 2. 1 1 c11rl S21. Front lhro\v pad S3.50. Armcha ir $3.50. adull ..... '037 12111 I••'"· C-•l Do"•• 7 w~ .~: PURE RITE , + tips Golden Be a r ,_ _.... M ~-" CM manual , J · note Pl'< 11 ' nio"·er SG.>. Color T\'. $125. B 1 1 M "" Lg 1 I •~1<1"""' '"' "" • -\ -Secretary to Pres • . 531r-9102. p111quee. "';,-" e.""'-· . , percussion, like ne~·. $1200. a1~i; oo ~ ... ~. e ova "'oo CUTE J\.tixed puppieg, 292 968-5348. --- Top position for sharp per-=========:= FREEZER. chain, IIll &.-J&e 642-2393. ll'I E. lSth. CM. braided rug $60. Honda 5S V ; 1 I a Nov a , C . f\f .. i 80nable girl w/x'lri't. ~dy • • • • • • • • Schoo: .. Instruction 7600 items. W~ thru Fri' aft 6: LOWRY Splnel organ, :.:lnt I.15(),000 B.T.U. Day & Night for P&rt• S20, 612·tr."158 54~797 12117 Horses U3Q •• !' &killll To $600. . SALf:SMJ:N, full or p/bme, ,.,-, S11-t .l Sun 10-5_ 29381 Va1er-cond. Orig co~t $8j(I, "•ill furnace, exterior mounting $350 TUITION to L . A , AKC S . S . I 10 mo :: t · pick your own hrs, Sell to Discover a G,.•t N•W , ~;00-. "La~"';;--"°--,-N_lgu'=e.,.I °'49&5559-----·-·,,,. sell for $430. 846--6371. $100. Contact ?>-fr. Lai:iey or. Coll1::ge ol Med le Dental pringer p~nie f;n_ 684 ~ SALE! 1970 Bay Filly; •t 488 E. 11,h (.l 1-.,·-) c .;t. pvt hOines & indu.i.-·· SaJ. Corttr w~ The " __ , TV • 1 ?>-!rs. Greenman at ,the Asit·Ana'helm. FOr sale at old, liver & while. 12 1 118 Three Bars and Clabber l{ ·, • • "" ~:1 'm 2f' RCA °"'or , .,.pc. d n-BALDWIN Otgan & speaker. DAIL'¥ PILOT • ...,, W Ba ' ' 642-1470 ' acy .u11limlted. For matt in· -"'e, 2 wl"I ~back chain, f 11 d 1 , ~". . y, S275. Pvt Ply: Clasliea soon. Breeding. 1970 Bay FI U:,i. ~ • ' I ct M R1 .....;, 9 • "'" Llke new, u Pe a Costa Mesa. " ';, 673-4853 !' Husky, Black w/ white. Mndd('r l\.Jui;lc. J""' Reed U' ' ,' I). con a r. .ica~w, AIRLINES clothing~ mlsc:838-17~. keyboilrcl. $1600. &14-42'77. S"· Lo h'ld - I• IS MONEY YOUR PROB.LEM'!' arli-2:30 pm: i.t 900-(33) Sea • FOR sale: Used ·4• Ouor.is-NAT gun metaJ mink jacket Male. null!. ves c 1 ren. and Buzzie l?<'ll H breeding;.-:: -·t;ane; Cd.M. Applf•nC•• . ,_ ll~ LOWREY Spinet organ, dhl ceiit fixtures, $5 each. a.~ is. !ale. style. ring collar, nev'. Call S..1&7781 alt 5 pm. 12/18 114/737-5649/Norco. : Here·~ the answer! SECRETARY'Te A natural 1or younr people keyboard, blon~e. :.:Int cond. Contact Mr. Laney or l\.lrs. er worn, Xlnt Christmas gill, PUPPIES, hsbrk 8 weeks old. CARVED Western Saddle. , ·:: ho I 'l•m•nt pluo' nd' Moving-sac 1350. 548-3846. c Dail PlJ 1 330 ~ , Become an AVON Representative earn gpod morfey in your /lP8re time SUPERlNTENDEriT w \\'an exci · LARGE r.el~tion of reco ,.. reenman. Y o, $800, f1750 Yllluc. 541-&133 Toy Shepherd and .,.,agle saddle bag.'!, breal!t collar.;."; REQUIRES 5 ~ "broad Ticket Agent? Air F.reight? tJoMd appliances, repos, a:p.. * Farflia combo organ. ::>.1nt West Bay, Costa Mesa mrx. 546·1374 12/18 tapideros &. bridle. BeaUt. ;.. : J ·~ Station ·agent? Reserva-pll fro od I ,_A sound. Cost nrw $700, sac 8' whl couch, Stuffed arm r~---------r Ch . Ill ""''" ,,_ -, secretarial eXperlellet> plus ance!'I mm ' uumes. UPRIGHT Piano; $225. ch1ir,, 48" rnd table, 4 2 Small breed playful pup-ristmas g ! .,..~-: t ' u·'"''· 0 ·mR or · travel \V delivrr ,.rv,·-• .,.~.. $210 213/""" 5816 c ll I 120 •••• 2 yrs: college education or ,,... e . -"'II< .... · ""'.,... · u a.r w case • cha.ii'&,· Reasonable. 1675 pie!!. 6 weeks old, female. · ·. t near hOme, CALL NO\V 546-5341 or 5-10. 7041 KITCHEN ~1an, <Wtr '21. Stu· dent pref. ~ hr ~·k. 1'1ust be hard \\'drker. Golden Bear 5.1&-9102. · equi\1alerit. !\lust.be ab!@ to agenlf \Vc'll train you for antee. l105 Stereo-phono AM/FM con-Tustin Ave .. C.M. 546-5659 12/18 BAbK Bay Saddle Cluts I .:: these and more, day oi: nitr. DUNLAn Television --• S25 Port TV & s•--• • 1 perfonn responsiule 'clericaJ We include placement a. r-. -'--------""'e . . ....._,.. MISC. J1em1. Elec. train, TO good homeg only, Shep.. boarding $45 mo, Steel i;or-1 I k. ~tarial WQ?k; retieve ' APP.LIANCE CURTIS • MATHES Combo, $15. 536-3839 after 5 pm. dressin&' tbl desk hanglna: h rd & COUI fNps &42-45.SB rals for sa,le SOO, Engl1sl\, • ~ Superintendent of adminis. silltance. 1815 Newport Blvd., C.M. B/W tv & stereo phono w/ BICYCLES 20'', 2-f' le 26" lights, coff~ tbl' a: ipice e . • e • 12118 Western les90ns. 54()..1877.' ~ f tratlve detail and deaJ ef-Es 2'i A ed for i ~~·~·"=-~541-=.,.n_u __ •_,_.1 AM/Fl\f radio $200. Gd g:irla & boys. l &'3 Spds. rack. &46-73n. FREE -·i R d IF You v.'OU!d like to boy.a j MACJllNE OP£RS. Single needle for sportswea r . Exp'd only. Gd. pay,' f('(1l\'ely ~ith .a \\ide variety t. 1 yts, P"PfO\' fRIGJDAJRE. Auto washer, Cond. 962-2622 Nicely painted. Good cond., , P~·ruuu e pups-ea Y nice, lively pony t o r : _ ol penonalilies & sltuatJons: Veteran&. EHgtble Jn~r\1ution $60, Kemnore· auto ~her 21" 1.e !th Col TV reSM>nable. Mini Bikt 4 HP, CARPET layer has hl·lo s, tor Chr1stmftll, 968-1857 12/18 Christmas call S.1D--6002 an , ... ' ~ 6:i "''Pl1J, Sh) 100 ,wpm under the tcdcc·ally Insured $65., Both xlnt eond, n or tube _ xlnt. $95, 642-1272 ~hags att. fan~Uc i'avlnp. 12 CUte Christmas-rl'\iee! 5:?.0 Pi\1 . ' · I * &1%-3412' • MAN "'ith Citfzt>n ·Band lechnicat· kno'<\'ledge & de- sign for m&nufacMna:. Call Mr, Sacks 894·75!;1, " req'd. Salary range $624 to student loan proi:ram. ·guaranteed & de 11 V. Sl75~remotrJ ,, ~~ 54~ LADIES 1.06 carat diamond . mre:WS:s P e • s e · 5'19·0958 aft 4:30 pm, 12/18 MUSTANG. mare. bay roa1' : f ;;~i..v Classified Personnel Airline S.~11 Pacific ~72, 84T-8U5. • aolltalrP. VVS, blue white, POOL T bl Bru wt k KITIENS, 6 "'ks . 3 mo; box 8 yr old in loal. $150. 518.T61! -:! 610 E ll·~ S I A KENMORE Or Whirlpool HI-Fl & Ster.eo . 1210 appraised $1250, Sell S850. 5269 ..., • It rsc, ......... nBow• '1 trained. 836.4493 12/18 or 549-0815 eves & wknds.~. "! prior to <4 pm Dec, ?I, 1970. · • '"'' an a n• 'elec dryer, Ola but in iood Prl. pJrty, 212 No, Cout ·"" .. up. n\IUIO 5 "l==~~-~.-~~.-1~---,--'-----~1 WESTMINSTER ' . --S4~!6 condj20 ea. Also Krnmo_te_ CAPE Hart am/Im mulliplex Hwy, Apt s, L.B. • ing & Billiards, 2750 Harbor FREE baby1 Guinea Ptg5:: TRANSPORTATION ... SCHOOL DIST!RJCT COSTA MESA wrln-er type wasbet $2S. 8 tnck llln'l'O for .ale. 140 Blvd., C.M. ~7340. 546-fl965 12/18 MECHANIC N red e d Im· .14121 Cedar\\1>0d AYe, PflJ:.SCHOOL ~?2: M'l-a1ts watt.a per chanl'M!I JncludeR SOFT Drink vend In; e SKI lantlllei reserve now! 2 ~#rakeets. w I cage Boets & Yechts 9 mf!Cliately. f'/IJme.· 1101 ' \\'ttitmi-ter.· Ca. lit · ' 181". & Monrov•·. 1• .... + ' . k -· Ori . l """"' machine, chest type. Walnut C bl l M . lh 'I I °'7 ~ 12/17·1.o.;c..;.;;_c_;_=-'---..;..;.; v~ " ... 11 v.....,. GE n.o. ... r,'oa.n 'be u~'ed .on spea e... g, cos •-· rinfah, Paid $350, take $l00. a n a a.mmo "n · ~"'"II ' VOLVO Bayside Dr. N.B. ,SeC'j7Ca(N,! $pot Fun day ae~lona. Pta.1.., 110 ;~1.t'. GOOD COND. Too AlllO, 8 track>tape1, lnqutre Like new 536--~ Slps 7, Flrepl, etc SlS-$20 4 Lt'lly kittens ~~ Russian . Medic. al 1$ec .. • $500. 'fop job tor sharp girl ned· prog\1lm,. hOI lunthes. lge tor our mobile borne. 9 AM·2:30 PM, 900 133) Sea · · pe~ day. 531-3.'t74 days. Blue;'642-l354 12117 71'• A<t Htrt I 'L CdM ' CARPET layen, have ·shag Front oHlct . exp. required, 1-vl10 Is "''O ing to relocate-Ages 2-6~ hni; 6:30 ,arn-6 pn1, 'Bargain $20. · 557-8905 n.. ' c11>ts •deal direct, exp in-CH~NA. 51 pc RORt'!nlh11l PET.$ and LIVESTOCK Savii;igs.Up To Call Annr fj5-2771J, 2043 !\Mi ~b~el .area. O~~~ to $18 "'k. Ct:i1np&1'1!! &12-4();,o SUPER 1970 dtt, 30 .. 1''r1ga. AKA'.I Mode l JM!D, !'ff! to ataJI, can tin. ~. Fanlasia p11ttern, 11erv 8: 1---------·I $466 \\'estcliff Dr., "N.B. ~·ork 1n trade sho11i•1, 1n11iatr or 838-J231. datie · clL<c. range; yellow: reel custom l1tPf.' deck. 3 827.:.&740 perf, Cost S280, Sell $170. Pets, Gene ral tBOO on remalntng 70.1 t atBT82) • W P'uU· "'\' ldeu &:· think on lttlfgd TAHJTlAN z... Hula ClasseR used 2 mo. ,Sacrifice· $125. Mad~. microphonl'tl, "''Ood 714: 522-5945. 0 0 • ~i '-" . ~!EN 9r o~n._, .·· olc skills, SH not req'd. p <ruJ! cablnl'I, m11ny leatures. LADIES Full ltt out double TRON.CAL Fl1h It iequlp. · vcr --as ..,.,, · "l"--.... I'm.. -hr • '""ro.us ....... 1,,-·nie'r ~P •--y By 11.falh!okalana. hOne 49$.2686 or 96 11 . ~ 1 • . BRUNSWlf"l.." VI p -1 ta-1, 1 Cl 1 " ..,.:, • ...., r.m 6~,... -;.:: • -Vse(I l mo. J\.1&Jefo oUer. 212 co ar"1T11n,. sto P:-npprai&ed '"''' · · · '""' me11 r.a e OS ng our siort bomui~a. C~ll or come }n., 500 Newport Center Dr, N.B. &4S.20l2 aller 3 Pf.f, • R~J.~RJGER.ATORS • f>'o. Coa•t Jlwy, Apt~. L.B. value S1400. will sell for hie $500. Jn xlnl cond, ever')'lhmi must gt>, 20~ fo (;Ii••• L • 1869 N'ewport Blvd, F, Colt.1 Sulttr ~ 644-4981 *POPULAR PIAN°* t'ROM ttftiDEL HOMES TAPE Df'ck, Roberts-Akal ~· 8J.l..2649. 675-8M6 50rA, oft. 3500-B E. Coast WA eW(A 1\lesa. -Leuons tn home. S25 mo. * 531·8105 1i X2000S, 8 track playi cart· 113 ~T • 35 Pt.s, total WE Loan·8uy-8ell anything: Hwy, CdM. G7J...5451i. • IM PORTS i\tODEI..S for promotional ~ Secretary. · • 546-m!J • rid 1 N •'tddl...,. flt't. Never been us. Coast Plwn & Auctton. 2426 CHINCHILLAS: EmMPDCY ' ~ I bo )Im .... -nch,..· Antl-~1 1110 ge, caS11efle, ree • ·' cw. ... Ne .. ""'rt Blvd. 64U400 Ill-1-1 --~•,·-of 196G "-~, C.11. 64~ v.·ov-Or u .,..., u• , A 0tpt. No SH. id typ. LAGUNA Pn!-School, ages ..-K@nwood ~-l<kl AMJ)'M ed. Coat $375, Stat oiler. ~,,., ·~ ..,, .. 'C --.:.iu ~--..uu-<Nl" No i"P nt'C. JAG rnc ~ ist. Statiatie&! typ~~ ... _Lt~ 2\i-6, S)J.400. mo. tuldon, ROLlrl'CP dttk, ~k., Xlnl stereo rtet\Vtt, . I'D ~'&tt, 544-0617 MICRO Wave oven, like new, ~11~e anlmaU I: equip!. Fishermsn's DtlJi:ht, 1 Nursing: ... lllfCDmpe.n:J,Fan ... ~btn· 4~ or 4954498 Edna cond 1325 Mi-m5 c Uk@ new. 67}06&0 NEW .ro •pd boy's bike pi, UeaNel tape sterta for _..,_,...2241. Thunderbird run-aDout, SUPERVISOR·l.f'N, 3-1J :l) ecf~s... -.. -CU.hilw, Dlr. . 2131~ 'a1t Jo-tn. r l --~,;.,.-:==c---1 Custom built g\ln t•blne't ho~ new. Sac. 846-2157. CHINCH'ILLAA: Be ice & hp OMC stem dJ1vt enr. p.ni. M~_S EXEC AGENCY LE;AR.N Piam at home from --· WtlmitR'to!;~~orarY $150. Man's ....inut bachelor TALKING Pln'Ot for Chri&t· standard f!'.(capg. ,gal Pl capf 1>ther e:i: Liit;iUPpmE~VlSOR. RELIEr k uu W.-cout. ~ ... ~wy. -NB · ~=llonal. _ ~n.pr:lter. SlO Uwlng Mtchlnn 1120 <"f.bfnet, Excellent condition chest 1 minor S75. 543-0012. maa! "Eaay Ip 'l'each -run 60-2814 Boal le trlr. 2200. 545-Sl . .....,,_,,,. .,,...,,...,. -S-A'RIFICE $175. N.B. Ttnni. CI u b famUy to°"'"!'' $70 or ?. 54"477 S llL.. 901 LVr-1 SUPERVISOR RELt!:F MIRCHANOISI fOR ~ • S9WS3:9 • _ mem.bttahlP. _ S375 plus BABY'S play pen, tar seat, Ca h , • 8820 • _.ts . -MedlClntl 3-11:!0 pm, * SF.cRE'l'ARY I OFFJCE SALE •No TRADI ·mo-Stngtr aulG itg.ua, 1'UIO I J Call u.. !<-·~ ..... _,nttt• wlnp ·~ or I t.VN SVPtRVlSOR 11-7:30 MANAGER for amaJJ bual· · ~ buttonhol'°~. blind Mms, ov. CRAIG P!Onecr 4 track play. r&n;,itt. .roq"'o>i:NO· _...,, • 1 • .-SEALPT Slame~e rrtflle, oot 8' sailboats • Sabots, mt am. · ne1& 'in 1/11b0r a.tta. Gen'I. PumltvN .000 ercut, zt11:·Qfl'I, et<.t, w/out er, Uke new. 'hp.es av&U. NEW Black leather "couch 1 beat. Will 1ell sep. 54M348 regil. to brHd wnlke fem 111$(. =complete, Rotri1 LVN,nELlEF SUPERVISOR 11ccy'l" bkkpa: ~per, req'd, •ttachm,nlt, W/walnut con. * 846-PJ6 * Spanish lun cut. GE DISHWASHER, good con. lor pick OI Jllf~r. 646-016'9 ·m. '675-5775 11·7;30 am. 111..laty open. S«id resume SOLU) maple dlnlns table, 4 10le. $42..22 rull prlet, or AKAI·X360D, J6 w.pu ** 675-4678 ** ~ 2 yrs old, $100. DAILY -PILOT DIME -A FUPER • Perftct Ou'btm Park Lido Convalttcent to B.S. lltinry, Gen. Del. Bal· awivtl chal11. 11eat1 t. Ask· t1T'IBll payments. se.8231.. $300 THE SUN ljEVER SETS "' after 6:00 PM. • LJ1(!:'S cost 10ll juat peO: CJft l \i }'Ml Old. Xlnt Cent t r 64U«M4 bol~· ~·~~-"''-· _92881 __ • ---~l~••~J~lOO_, "~·'-1-_U_,;J'""-. -~--.... , 1.0-t dally..__ .... • 548-7162 • -Pilot O.Ulfted ' 'l'IRED ot that oJd turnltun? n.les a d13. · -S.'iOO. 67U68S ' --------------------~-------------·---~_,. • ' ' ' t I ' I l ' • ~ I l I I , • • I I l I • t l ' I " • ' " I " ' ' •• I · . ' ' • ' \ ' 18 DAILY PILOT WedMSday, December lb, 1970 ·" .CRANSPO TATIOJ.I TRANS ORTATION TRANSl'()RTATION TRl,NSPORTATION .. ' ; .. .. .. FREE • 7 DAY TRIAL EXCHANGE Buy one of our a,dvtrtlsed used car• -Drive It for 7 d1ys and if you are not compltttly pfidl1d, trade towardt one of tht 200 used cars avai11btt. BRAND NEW '71 .,.~$1998 $68 TOTAL $68 TOTAL MONTHLY DOWN ·rYMT, PYNT. 36 MONTHS $61 is tht tot&! down p1ymtnt tnd $61 i1 tht tot.1 month· ly paymtnf including I••, '1 0 ljctn1• at1d ,u fi111no1 ch•rgtJ on tppro~ed cr•dit for l6 Months. D•f1rr1d p1Y. intnt' pric• is $2516.00 induding all fin 1nct c:l••NJ11, ltx· es, •'70 lic•n1• or If you pr•l1r to P•Y c:t1h, tkt full c;uh prict i1 cinly $21 14.90 indvd in'll 11l•t t1x, '70 lic•nt• IRIOW lll5ll A.P.R. 12.00'/.. BRAND NEW 1971 MAVERICK $1998 FULL PRIGE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY .jt lK91Ul34473 BRAND NEW 1971,. MUSTANG '65 FORD Cuttom. A"tom•tic, u1n1 9ood. ( l'1ZASPl '64 OLDS Cutlass H.T. Good lr•n1porl1tio11, OUJ . .f87. '65 MUSTANG Hardtop. R1dioA.11t1r, b11c•1t t1at1, IOXEl24J '65 T·BIRD Hardtop, lo1d1d, Including air conditioning, IPCA2991 '64 FORD FIOO P.U. V.a t/1 Ton. E11tr1 Nice. V4-4J77 :~~.;~~.~~~~. Wgn. $968 h•1l1r. fWTF 6551. 0 '68 EL CAMINO VI, r1dio, .,,.t•r, all original, ! 101661). _$2548~~~E ,, OIDll ·NOW IN THE COLOI OF YOUI CHOICE '68 FORD Torino . '· . " NEW THUNDERBIRD HARDTOP $3788FULL · PRICE SERIAL NO. OJ83NlSS98S BRAND NEW, 1971 F-100 PICKUP GP. VI, Aufometic, P·St11rin g, Radio, H11ter, XDL-492. '69 VW BUG N11r new condition, !YYJ 212-1 .---~488 '67 FORD . f.250 $1488 Automatic, , radio, .... 11r. 1¥32229) '68 FORD LTD Hdtp. V-8, 1ulo., powor ll11ring, r11dio , .,,,ter, l1nd11u roof. XI•• nic1 tluuout. Y 120177. '69 PLYM. ll.01drunn1c. H.T., )83 V8, R&H, !XVS 254!. '69 MUSTANG Sp!. Roof, VB, f1ctorv a ir , r11dio, .. 1at1r. (9FOZFl9979ll. $2488 $250 ~~:.~ I :~.!"~'~'~ T. VI,.,.. F1JLL PRICE 578168 p~~f. P.S .. vinvl trim. 19H335100SI S9 L $250 i1 th1 total dowri peym~.•,•, •,•,,-l?•l•.6•1•;•, •,h•.•1•01-'a·I '69 CHEV• monlhlv pavM1nt iricludin9 1111, '70 lic:1nt• o&nd 11] finance lmp1la Cu•f. Cp1. VB, aulomati,, ch1rg11 ori 1pprov1d cr1dit for ]6 moriths. 01f1,,1d piy·. R&H, .,;,,~~ i11f~r1or. tYZZ5251. '"ant price ii $3082.-41 i11clvdin9 all fifl1nc1 c:h1r911, te11;• 11, '70 lic•n1• or if vou pr1f1r to"pey c11h, the full ca1h price it onlv $2630 includin9 1ale1 fa){, '70 lic1n1e. #FJO. ARK07265 A.P.R. 11.75 % BRAND NEW 1971 TRUCK & CAMPER $ 34·al8Do,.do C~;~C•m~~~~. $113.75 .::.-. FULL PRICE $250 i1 the total clown p1vm111t 111d Sl ll.75 i1 ,.,. tot•I Monthly p1y1111nt inc11ldiri9 fair, '70 li'1n11 and all fi111nca c .. 1rg11 on 11pp1oved credit for 16 morit .... D1farr1d pav· '"'"' p1ic1 i1 $414 5.00 iridudi119 all fin1~c1 c.,ar911, 1111· ••· '70 lic1nt1 cir if yo• pr1f1r to ply c:11h, lh1 full c11h pric1 h only $3611.41 including 1al1t tax, '70 lic11111. .. '. JO-~· " -~ ,... .4·•'"' •. ~ LEASE A NEW ,'7:1 ~: BRAND NEW '71 PJNTO FULLY FACTORY EQUIPPED $5810 MO. .. .;· BRAND NEW '71 LTD "2 DOOR HAROTO' PACTORT AIR CONDITION v.a. a\ltomat1c, power !>leer· ing & brakes, radio, heater, linltd glts~. whilewall1, ,$1076~0. TAKE YOUR CHOICE IRAND NEW IRJ\NO NEW ·11 e.200 ECONOLINE VAN $ -~s-6--76 MO. '71 F·lOO PICKUP TRUCK ! #F26ARK20723: #1'1297 A.P.R.11.76 % li MONTH OPE.N ENO LE4S£ TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Sellboob RENEGADE of 9010 ; . . Wodttftdq, Dtctmber 16, 1970 PILOT..4DVERT1SU 16 TR,t.N$PORTATION TRANSPORTAT.ION TRAHS~RTATION ' fltANSPORTATION Trucks MOO Trucks f5oo lmporf9d Autoo -.... r•ed Autos 960« JAGUAR BMW ;, G. M. C. •'RUCK C.ENTER '6'1 BMW >ltlO "'°·No rinP. J~GUAR 2 "" ""'"' t1rea, ra•to. Xlnt HEAD"UARTERS ' end. $1995/otter. 615-5720 ...,. ' Tbt only aulhortztd JAGUAR NEWPORT FatllOU8 25' Tops'l cutt!T, diesel, A.P., 7 bags. o! sails, every possible ~pmefit to go anywhe1e L't the world. £All 546·6750 Asking $9500, 646-1914 Eve. 24 t\r. Phone _DATSUN <1eo1tt to tb1 ..... -, ____ .c_ __ ,_ WOULD YOU SALES e SERVICE REPOSSESSION '69 2000 ROADSTER Comp!• SALES SERVICE PARTS BAUER BELIEVE CORONADO 27 UNIYERSITY OLDSMOBILE OFFER 28!0 H1rbor Blvd., Cotti Moso 2912 W. Coast Hwy, N.B, 5 Speed b'al'll., prt .. spec P riced for quick sale chrome wheehl, red exter- 'BUICK co M bl' H -oo A •-tor,. plwih black interior. RONAOO 25 . . • • • • SS995 o • omes ..,..«: uto ~rvlc1 Co .. ,,.00 M New motor, galley, 150% 1----------1 & Parts MOO st <f.71. • ust sacrifice! JN • COSTA MESA: genoa, etc. ~ at 2912 w. Want To Live In ---------" Take old trade or will fin-23f E. ltth 5tn1t Coast Hwy, N.B. COSTA MESA '66 VW Eng, Comp! rtblt to ance pvt_ pty, ZNV731 dlr. '541-7765. Local spaces available now! lGOOcc, Sig Enon c;am. Aft 10 AM call Mau.ry[::===:;::=:=::=:==·I BANSHEE Fbrgls '8!1boat -U yoo""' oerlous aboot b"Y· Holley 2 barrel, -crank 540-3100 °' 494-7506. MERC.EDES BENZ IJ' of hi performance. .,.,11 r-· Complete, ready to sail. bwamolJUebome., .Now's ~~ .. $450. 53$-,SlS, DOT DATSUN the tlme to see --......uo (),.lll•J•' (,,ur"'' \ . ! , · t '~. I,,• '· _," Good «>nd. $345. 675-8990 aft BAY HARBOR OPEN DAILY 6. NEW 4 speed Comp. P &: G AND 16~~· 505. Extn!mely tast, MOBILE HOMES shlfter wt revene lockout SUNDAYS good cond. Full race. J ib & 1425 Baker St. (at Harbor) ~~r .. 7A~uncie trans. $li 18835 Beach Blvd • r~. ,>: u,, :1 r,<., ''·' L g .. ,: Costa Mesa. 540-9470~ ·=.:.~=. ______ ( spinnaker & trlr. $1250. Call ~ Hunttncton Beach eves, 213/9li6-8033. Triple Wide Cornell '69 Dodge 383 engines. 14 bbl 142-7781 or ~6-0442 Jim Si em on; Imp,. CORONADO 25 No. :;>;. By Contine"W • Panunmmt power paok, 12 bbl f15. "'" '71 DATSUN PICKUP owner. Like new, many ex· Barrington • Universal Yellow Cab, 186 E. 16th, CM, '.'/,11nt·r 8, M.11il St ~,,nt,1 A:1,1 54-J.-<114 tras. $6500. n4/495-5261 F1amingo • General Oroadrnoor • Star Trailer, Travel 9425 Used • Radio, heater, ~tep 20. JR Ji'olkboat th Hillcrest • Cambridge -bumper, dlr. Pin strippmg. · ' sea-wor y, CHAPMAN 1970 FULLY -nt'd '''" Will take car in trade or wml---------·1 eves, MG mahog. keel boat $1000 or "" ,/}J MG best ofr. 545-3280 days, MOBILE HOMES tandem axl. Pvt pty, Ph: finance private party, SID-1389 eves. 1206 N. Harbor, S.A. 714: 531-11!00 546-8736 or 494-{;8U, COLUMBlA 22, lmmac: ~T~r~lp*~1.n.c.W41~1531=,:.:_.n~C05:..0,:..*00~1-1 1-------1'6J DATSUN WAGON ~. Servioe, Parts Immediate Deliver)', All Models J\totor, ?-.fany other xtras, '"' Trailers, Utility 9oC50 Slip. Sacrifice S 2 7 5 0 . Hillcrest • Flamingo A t tl d1 Radi he 4M-121i5 Paramount • Universal 14' Tandem Trailer, aJJ steel, u oma ~. r. o, a!. Barrington • Broadmoor "-'eided CONtruction %" er, special wheels. .<YOE-J 2l'lllPL1l I 31111por1 ·, UNBELl EVABLE! ContioentaJ " Star Deck plating. 54:S.43fil or 951) WW trade or finance COLUMBIA 2'l '""" .·S2995 General e Hillcrest 642-5845. Will trade on Pick pri4nA~!~ party, 546.8736 or 2912 w. Coast H'-''Y. N.B. CHAP"' 'N u ~~. -P. 3100 W, Coast Hwy., N.B. Lido.1464';'.~~r !895 MOBILE HOMES l-------i'68 1600 ROADSTER 64~9405 54!J.1761 12331 Beach Blvd., G.G. Trucks 9500 • --------- LIDO-Clean & completely * 714/530-2930 * 1--"'=-----';:.:c:11Re d d1 ~ rn1w. North "'i". ""· No. --.c"'o"'s=TA.,...,M"'E"'S'"A,--'66 FORD IL2·TON w:UY ,::o;,...;· ~= !'q» 1HINI 1865. $975. 673-0676 aft fi. '~ "MG" C&sual Mobile Estate L!v'g private party, 54&S736 or VICTORY 21', 3 sails, out· N" 12 -& 24 w1·•-Mode'· 4~ 0~• .. • MJ ""' ~ C'ustom cab, bucke! seats, '""""',_,__ • ~ .. ~~~' 11950. 842-1847 N.ow on di.play in 5 Star ranger package dlr. camp. '68 DATSUN PICKUP =""=~=-~-~i GREENLEAF PARK er eqolpped .. cTI;11144i. will -IEDLAND"""' CHRISTMAS F11pper No. 794 1750 Whittier Avenue 642-1350 tak trade t fn D\ I Yard dolly & cover $350, p" e "1" partm .~ ... ' 736mance Radio, heater, Dlr. 4 speed. 1 -· Call 646--2165 Bicycles 9225 4~ Y~ .... · or <WPP 762) Will ~ car in J89J.;:C~ 1t\7"~ L!DO 14 t#~'7l tull . . . trade or finance private par. NEW-USEftSER" """ • Y equip-J a· J b'k & 2 'k i· ht 1950 FORD%. T """"'I truck. "' rn ~ or 494••1J ~ v, peel Rigged for racing XI t ir ~ 1 e tri es, s ig ..-·~ <J J"N"O+JV """ cond, $1350. 646-8411 ' n "-ttpal?', C~!905 ~!;, ~~=·b~~ur~~:~: 'JD 2000 ROADSTER - CHRISTMAS SABOTS Make offer. 212 No, Coast '69 MGC Roadster Finest Quali ty & Realistic 1----------1 Hwy, Apt 5 L.B. Like new. Must sell (WPJ. AM/Ji'M radio, $240() -Prices. 645-1567. Mini Bikes 9275 '69 GMC ;i ton pick-up. 104) dlr. Will take· car in 642-4955 After fi pm 4-spd, cU'Slom cab. Heavy trade or finance private par·i----------1 Speed-Ski Boats 9030 * Micro Speed Boat 7'h' * $75 * 673-4537 Boat T railers 9032 * 1lf HULt..-7' Be a m 111/trailer. Accessories, Best Offer. 646-7560 . Marine Equip. 9035 •.WANTED• MARINE PRODUCT PUMP .2'..'." Intake, 2" output. 646-5361 2 HP SEAGULL outboard. Xlnt shape. $75. 673-2400 Boat Slip Mooring 9036 15'.30' slips avail for power l>oa!s. B~y~lde Village, 300 E. Coast Hwy, N.B. ~LIP Ren!al for up to 40 ft. boar. Linda Isle, Newport Bench. 645-1260. BOAT Sups available 26 to 40 ft, Newport Beach, 673-6600 Boat Charter 9039 Christn1as \\'eek Charter 32' Tu·in-screw Chris jlVSi\. *. 548--243.f Boat Storage HOAT STORAGE,85c pt>r ft., per rnonth. Electrlcity & \\'Iller supplied. 5-15-8148 FINEST ADULT PARK SURROUNDED BY ORANGE GROVES ANO AGRICULTURE $WO.OOO RECREATION CENTER '70 Zebra mini bike, Xlnt cond, SlOO or offer. 67~753 BENELL! 50cc UJO, Poll<el! 5 hp $150, Bonanza 9 hp Mac S200. Xlnt cone!. 644·25n NEW mini bikes _ 1 Nova Rooghrider $150. 1 Nova Mustang $100, Call 968. 7429. KA\\'ASAKI MINI BIKE Xlnt Cone!. $135. 548-6025 Afte 6 pm. Motorcycles 9300 n.l'V'Ll'U'I 1HINI HONDA Ill "FRIEDLANDER" 111• aPQrl ttfWT. •1 537.&!24 • 893-7566 NEW·USEO.SERV. 1970 Brid gestone 100 Only 218 mi. $325 833--0536 duty equipment for camper. 1Y. 546-8736 or 494-6811. MGB $2495. 82&-3IXXI or 67a-8169 '71 DATSUN 1200 Coupe, 2400/ ---------J 64 Ford ~~ ton P.U. mi's, am radio, vin. top; 1967 MGB-GT, Yellow, 6 cyl. Stick. custom unde~at. 10,000 mi 27,200 mi. Fine cond. , e 549-0674 e \l'arranty. ~l89a. 673-4607 aft $1675 * + :::>, '33-0449 1951 Ford 1,1 Ton Pickup. 5PM. , '65 \VHITE MGB: O~wn. Good condition S350 FOR Christmas 68, 1600 er, F8f1tastic Cond! Fania. e 642-8593 e Rdstr conv. &: hard top, tic Gift! 64&-8420 alt 5 '62 Ford Econo. New engine, xtras, 1500 mi, like new. · rear end, lace paint,...mags,l.4~92-~!l64~6 ~~==---1----:;:;:::;;;-----I wide ovals. Alt 6, $19.2484. '64 DATSUN OPEL :~Chev, perf cnd,bnu paint, Bst otter pvt, pty, 673·0502 1-t-.,,-O-P_E_C---,,-.OOO--Mil-.-,.·1 wc:I, eng, seats, att, Mu.:t l02 H sell this wk. 548-9202. FERRARI • .P. engine, power U· sisted Disc Brakes, 4 spd/ '62 Ford Econoline P.U. ---'-":..C.--.J trall8. Radio w/~rear speak. Xln't Condition, $600. Call FERRARI ers. Posi·Traction \\ide rear 645-3694. Newport Imports Ltd, Or-tires. Dual pipes, New ra- 9 ange County'• only aufuor.. dial spare + 2 other sparea, JNps 510 1.7.ed dealer. ft475. Pvt Pty 6'12-6643 CM '67 JEEF, CJ5, V-'6, SALES-SWE1;_'::~PARTS OPEL GT, yellow, 1970. Has 32m miles $1750. 3100 · .....utUil Hwy. air cone!, Xlnt cond. $2950, * * 642-n43 * * Ne\lr'POrt Beach 646-6129 ====~===I"~""' 540-11641---===---1 Campers 9520 Authorized Femui Dealer 1---------1 PORSCHE FACLllEACRAAMNPCEER FIAT ·10 Porsche 914 gn,,,,.fl 5-speed, radio, heater, only Over a dozen brand new smj 64 miles on this never own... ft. to 11 fL campers now _ -ed be~uly! C•P3J5ll ~.,bed to h $3895 $49 .~~~L I e ' FACTORY 71 ,( INYOICI :J Positively no add~ deaJer charges! Every unit ready Jor immediate installation on )'OW' truck or a ne\v llln! THEODORE ROBINS FORD NOW ON DISPLAY auto sport ltd Authorired SALES e SERVICE e PARTS Coupe 912. 5 sptt'd, brown 2060 HARBOR BLVD. 9625 Garden Grove Blvd, with black interior Brand COSTA ~IESA 642-0010 537-Tm Call Collect new Perrelli tires. XY°J474 '64 Ford camper Yan """""""" cH1cilivERsoN Completely equipped with 1'THINK11 vw pop top, ice box, stove. dlr. aamfl 549-3031 Ext 66 I). Radial !ires. 1 owner. {UEO. A 1970 HARBOR B~VD· 104) ~ill take car in trade COSTA MESA or ftrJance. 546-8736 or -494·6Sll. NEW 124 CPE. DEMO PORSCHE 914. A-fetallic red, ** 1!167 YAMAHA 80 dirt1~---------1 $2795 app. grp. Chrm whls. bike. sso. New '71 Datsun s.. sempertts, AM / FM. ski =~-~646._00_24 ____ 11soc OHC, Plckup with camp. ''FRIEDLANDER'' rack, 8,000 mi, Warr. $3600. '69 "Yamaha 175 Enduro, lo er. Sale price $2099 dlr. • Eves 541-3953. mi's & Clean, $495 (# 459454) \Vill take car in 1J710 HACH ILYO. e '69 91l T Euro tyl IHwy. Jt, , fl!Bn s e .. * 641-laJO * trade. \VlU finance private 893-756& • 53'l-ti824 Ta~, full comfort group, 1970 Honda Trail 70, like party Call 54&-8736 or NEW·USi:O..SERV. mags, AM/FM, 23,000 mi. new, lo mileage, $280. !!94-6811. lmmac. 673-6265. i ~lS-0551. 9522 ~ '6? 911, 5 • slld, Weber&, nu * '70 HONDA 750 * Camper Rentals • tires, 4&,000 mi's. $3950. Dues s1 .001r.to, PCT Couple Xlnt Cond. Call: 646-7244 or FOR Rent; 22' Pace Arrow '68 FIAT .850 543-8105 deys, ask f.or Greg. ~"30-=6000~~· =-----I sips 6 to 8, SISO wk + 5c .$PYDER '58 PO~ 1600 cpe. Xlnt NO ENTREE FEE-PET O.K .. HONDA 1970 CB 450, like mile 548-3554. FtOSTR, Red with black In. co&d. Student sacrifice, new, S&.<J5 terior, lJke new. YQYS34 $900. 5484738 Eves, 14 MODELS ON DISPLAY WANT TO !tfOVE IN NO\V? I Double Wides Set Up Complete W ith Awnings, Skirting, Tax 1 & l;lc. From $9999 (Sor. 71691 FINANCING AV All.ABLE DLR. TR 193 14851 JEFFREY RD. 5 ~n;{ s~~~3~ 1};1~· SANTA ANN. FR\VY. (1* l\fl: NO. OF SAN DIEGO l'iVY.) (7141 832-8585 8:-\:11 PARAA10UNT in C.~1. Adult Park Spa('.'(' rent S52 mo. Total priN' $2495 IBZ 2Z2jl An1erican l\1ob\Jhome Sii!e~ . • 545-8241 * 831-Zll7 or 499-2366 Dune Bugglff 9525 $999 '67 912, 5-spd, air cond, HONDA 00 Mo10-Cro.,, $>JO, * BODIES $75 ..L CHICK IYERSON FM/AM. New tire• & new --·--"'· . ----." ,,..... 2084 So. Anaheim Blvd. YW 1968. Perfect. 494-7280. Anaheim '66 912 5-spd, all extras lo HONDA 50, good condition, 639-1151 549-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 mi's, Must see to apprttl. Jow miles. $100. I ~---'~='----1 1970 HARBOR BLVD. ate, 646-3040 aft 6, Pvt pty. '69 Dune Buggy, pn> COST M Call 548·9678 feS!lionally built. Clean. J--.,.,~==:CA=.:;ES~A=-·/1966 Porsche. Perfect com!. *Scr;,bl!~Xl~O~~~ 100 $975. 646-5983 '68 FIAT 850 5-sl><J95=·af1f'r 5.pm •RAIL buggy* 4-!lpeeti, radio. heater . 1250. 548-9697 incomplete, SlflO {\VJC.283) '67 912, 4·spd, New clutch. * 1970 1-IONDA * •962-5618* $895 GOOd cond. $3695. 644-5321, CB ~ 2012 Port Bris tol. N.B. ~15-7717 after 5 P~I Imported Aufw>s e '57 PORSCHE e ·10 YAMAHA-LO Ml AUSTIN AMERICA .s:E_,~05967STE*R* $400. • >18·9884 ll't't' '65 SUZUKI BO Xlnt cond. $125. &12·6820 Auto Service & Parts 9400 T"-'O Porsche SDeertsler H.ILI'dlops. Best Ofter • 642.4689 • NO ma!ter what 11 ts, )'OU ~1t11 sell it with a DAILY PILOT WANT AD! &CURlS Sales, Ser\11ce, Patti Iuunerliate Dcli•CJ All Modelo ' For a.n ad to ~ll a.round the clock, dial 64Z-5678. SAAB ·~ ot Ornngc Coutity Inc. 1200 W. Pacific Coa.1t Hwy. 6424106 • 546-1529 I • I • •· ~ ' • I ' •· '· , • y • ' l . j -I . t • ' . I WednHday, Dlumbtr 16. 1970 T ll I T NS.PORTATION .TllANSPORTATION "l;.;.m.:.po_rll_od.;...;...;..A..;.utos.;....;._HOO'-'-'-'-lmoortod Autoo HOO Imported Autos HOO Autos W•ntod '700 ,. ~- SIMCA TOYOTA VOLKSWAGEN \,W[_.PAY CASH ,FREE! '69 TOYOTA '66 vw FOR YOUR CAR Corolle Station Wa9on Gmin with oontra1tlna: lnter. ''6 Surukl 55 cc. Whl~ w/black lnter'4>r. Llkfl klr, tuned exhaust, tuns llkt new, Lie. XWZ928 new, SJl,..184 $12'9 "" CHICK IYEltSON CHICK IYERSON With Purchue 01 '66 SIMCA 44pffd, RWlS srt-al! (TSJ-033) YW . YW $595 '64 Sunbeam Alpine "-IPffd, .radio, heat:er, aool'f rubber. ~ne cond. See thia GM! (0XH-87Sl $495 In stock. Immediate deli__!".ery. lll!l 11l •r'1ris U'tnoltrs Laguna B.each 900 So. Cit. Highway 4'4-7503 * 540-3100 '71 COROLLA Radio, heater, disc brakes, factory air, low, Jow miles! Take older ca.r or small down. Under fact warranty. Call Maury dlr . aft 10 am 540-3100 or 494-T::il'.>6. 037327. PUT A TOYOTA , 549-3031 Ext fl5 or 67 1970 HAMOR BLVD. COSTA ME.SA '69 CORONA Hardtop, Vinyl roof, 4 gpeetl, Immaculate, Sky Blue. Sac. rlfice. \\'.ill m.lle trade or tina~ pvt. P&. Call Sid, dlr. 541)..1100 or 494-~ alt. 10 a.m. XTS 343. TRIUMll'H Authorlud Dlr. 54W031 Ext. 6S Ol 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA ?o.tESA '67 YW BUG 4·speed , radio, heater. <UWL-13.Sl $1095 In Y st "'·• I x Sales • Serviee • Parts S G ~ ~:;·5 Le~s mu All Models to Choose From VW L.EA ~ N Senice tlfonday 'till 7:00 Pt-..! • Tax & Lic. Down L SRt 'till J~oon • $50.87 per month Wt WJiA COAST IMPORTS • ~m~ s':r." '"' 1 '"' IMPORTS O! Dnn1• County Inc. , AT 1966 Hubo'. C.M. 64~9303 1JJJJ W. Pac!llc Cout Hwy CHICK IYERSON 642-0406 • ......,, vw BIU. MAXEY '69 YW BUG 1970 HARBOR BLVD. CX>STA MESA ITIOIYIOITIAI Radio, he""· <TllRll4l ""· We have the • _ _., _ Must uc: Will take older 11111 BEACH BLVD. car or finance . 546-S736 or finest selection Hunt. Baoch 147-1555 ...... ll. of used YW's I ll'd N of (but Hwy Oii Belt '64 VW. Re bit eng. $495. Oln· d '6' TOYOTA COROLLA tact RAiph Evono 646-TI'3 an sport cars New paint com plete engine or 548-9817 11.tt 5 PM. in Orange County! overhaU.I, Clean. WiJJ consld-* * '65 V\V SEDAN. AM/Fr.I, er motorcycle for equity, sunroof. Clean, xlnt cond. ~321 Ext. 250. "1"°64"'9.,,,541!-o:-983-=7=-...,-...,--I '66 Toyota C.Orona, RJH, auto '68 BUG • RIH, nu brakes, ~ I bod lires 29,000 mi . Xlnt cond. trans, •""""' nrer., y mf'!c h SO!Jnd, Must sell. $6."il. S1299. 497·1231, 675-7867. 642-0558 V\\'. Good Jor Dune Buggy "66 Toyota Corona, RIH, auto Si 5. 241 Santa Isabel, C.M. tral\.':, Good inter., body -"'=·'~"~'~· ~' ~P~M~. ~=~-I mech sOUnd, Must llf!ll $650. '69 VW BUG $1400 Red, \Y\t h mag \\.'hee\1, wide 642-0553 * 644--07!M aft 5 pm * ova.I tire!!, new engine gua.r- Anteed fO" 90 days. IF'l174 Imported Autos 96001mportecl Auto1 9'00 . $799 l~====;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J CHICK IYERSON PEOPLE ARE SWITCHING TO VOLVO YW 549-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD. 'coST\ ~fESA '68 VW SQUAREBACK J.1ust sell. -$1300 firm. 557.3032 '69 V\V, Radial tires. F~l. stereo. Must Sell! $1500. .64~1850 art 3:30 PM. VOLVO tor URd can " trucks Just call ua for tree e&tim.ate. GROTH CHEVROLET AP lot' Sales Manapr lJ211 Beach Blvd. Hwittncton Beach "7-6087 KI.t-.ml / TRANSPORTATION Wedntsdof, _, 16, 1970 DAI\. Y l'ILOT TRANSPORTATION TllAN T TION TRANIP'O '· I U1od C•rs -Used C•rs -Uood C•ro 9900 ..;.;;.;........;.... ____ .. , . CHEVROLET DODGE OLDSMOllLE PONTIAC SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS SM & Drive The Febulou1 '71 ·volvo'sl Wo Havo Thom Alli In Stock, Raody To Gol U'l.l'U'Ll"U THINI ~'VOLVO' BRAND NEW '71 MERCURY COMET -. --~ --~ lin ' -~-\ . .,.._.,. fr9 "FRfnLANDER" 1UM alA(tt tMWY, Jfl 893-7566 • 5.17-6824 NEW-USED-SE RV. R1dlo, Hoato r, 6 Cyl., Tinted Glou, White W•ll Tiro1. #1K31TS1214J . DO YOUR SWITCHING AT 646°9303 COSTA MESA '6.1 Volvo. Rebuilt enzine, clutch & trans. $550. Good cond. 548-8852 Sport Cars 'fi6 LOTUS EI.AN 'coupe. $2350 or trade for van. 82&-JOOO ar 675--8169._ Auto1 Wanted WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR TOP USED CARS U yoor car ta utra cltan. 9l!ol UI flnt. BAUER BUICK 234 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa S.'1'765 SPECIAL THIS WEEK '2 -5 Add Only Fo' S.ln T .. a. Licon ... JObDSOD+SOD LINCOLN CONTINENTAL e MARK Ill e MERCURY e COUGAR 2626 HARBOR ILYD., COSTA MESA I • i.. ' • l • • " I ' , .. • THIODOl.11 IOllNS. JL ', ' . (, • .·· · "YEAR ~ ·END .. . ;,-~ -~ --. . - . ·. · 'INVENTORV ~REDUCTION! · . , . . . . . . ' .. . '' ' -.. .. I • . ' . ' . COMPARE TMEM Al.I. AND' 1 ~~~-: YOU'LL WANT ' BRAND ·NEW 1971 TRUCKS! · UNDER . " . YOUR · ~ We Must Reduce Our , Tremendous . . ., lnveritory of New · · 1971 Trucks · · · · ly December 31 ! " TR Bullt In America By .Americana \ For Americana! EVERY NEW DOWN . 'H · . PAYMENT MONTHS OVER 120 PiCl<UPS, VANS AND MEDIUM DUTYS NOW DISCO UNT·- T Fl.EET PRICES FOR QUICK 1970 . LEFT IN STOCK NOW SLASHED TO $2' 50 TOTAL '63 MO~H $250 i1 th• tot•I ~~w11 p1vm111t end $61 i1 th1 total monthly p1y./.nt inch1di119 t1~ '70 Ji. c11111 i nd 111 fi11111c1 ch11r911 on •Pitrow•d-credit fOr 36 month1. 1D1f1rrM p1ym111t .prie1 is $2511.00 including 111 fi11111co ch1r111, t1xt1, '70 lic9n1e er if ye11 prefer to p1y c1ih, th• fu ll c11h pric• i1 only $2172.•7 including i1le1 t1x, '70 lic1n1._ O rdi r Your f•,.orite Color Tod1y, " I -. - SAlE! • FIRST I N ORANGE COUNTY! ACTUAL FAC 'TORY IN.VOICE !. .... ·-· ,_.. ·-· READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . SEE THE SWING.ING --RANCHE RO "SPECIAL" TODAY! Hurry ·tor the Last of the S Year-50,000 Mile Warra11 s! ~ Ov1r1U w""' .... , ,l",.,.l Tr.- ... ,T ...... "" WOlltltt 1r..) s1-1n1 . ..... 1'1.t'' 6f.4" 5Cl.1" 5J.t" "·r· HM ..... .... ...... .._,.. ... .. ---,,1_, .. t'1.4" , .. ,,.. •1:....-'Jt.i• ,),4H ,,_, .. Jl.t'' 5'.1~ JI.•" #.4" U.1" U.1" ...... $S.2" ltll lfU -. .... •ldn:ll'l•llolt ·--·-' -h it :· ,l~M SHARPEST PENCIL IN THE WEST • • • LET -us PROVE IT! MUSTANG .SALE 20 to choo-.. ftem. ''5 thru ?O models. Coupes, hardtopt, c°"" vertlble and 2 + 2 Fntbac:k1. 5'me with 4 1peed'1, 11M air c:on- ditloniftt ind automatic models. ·, iXAMPL!: :'66 l965 MUSTANG V•. 4 ip1•d tr1n1111ii•l•n, r1dio, he1t1r. CZKU941l OUR PRIC E $796 MUST ANG HARDTOP V•, 1uto1111tic, P .S., r1dio, h11ttr, good 111 il1i. ISAAfl7J ,----------------~-·, '68 ~~~.~~~,,~,~: ~~~~.~ ~~;~,E ford , •uto., P.S., 1ir cond., stereo 1y1l•m, r•condition•d thru·out. Sold 11•w by u1. IZYAJSJI, l'ric td To S•ll. All Qffes"s Considered USED CARS A T.HEODORE ROBINS EXCLUSIVE · • LOOK FOR THE DIAGNOSTIC _ CENTER SEAL ON THE WINDSHIELD! ' 100% 'PARTS AND LABOR WARRANTY 4000 MILES OR 90 DAYS Co..,. .SI -.cMiilcol ports l11elt1dl ......... traAl!iltlo• llllrf" ""- '"' Ht&. PLUS llrak-. bon.ty ud oaltwlt ........ AH-re,.ir ...tr ... I• e1r owe ..mu ........,_.., . ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED TRADES ACCEPTED PAID FOR OR NOT • TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS L TD-G.taxie-Torino Wagon Sale Mliny' to chooM from. '65 thru ~10 Models. Spert roofs, form•ls, 2 door & 4 door hardtops. Full power, air·conclltionlng. Wap r•nfies 1vallable. EXAMPLE: 1969 FORD TORINO HARDTOP Auto., R & H, P.S.,_ P.I., Air CQncl .. Go_od, rnilu. IXSR92 t I OUR PRICE $2096 '69 FORD 4 DOOR · VI, eulom1lic, pow•r 1+11rin9. f]72l l ), Good rnile1, w1rr1nty 1v1 il1bl1, '6-6--~8--9-6-'66 ,..ADILLAC $1996 4.door, fully C'QUipped. Radio, 1"" heato<. CSLU974J foll ''"'" '"'"'' ,;, .. ludod. \ , -Good 111il11! IRSK952> '69 ,'70 MUSTANG 2 +2 Sport1 roof. V•. 1ulo., R&H, P.S., f:tc:t. 1ir, W1rr1ntv 1v1il1bl1. 168lAFXI '67 CORTINA GT 2 DOOR "96 4 speed. radio and heater. · 1 · $23'96 . '65 ~T;::~• MOTORCYCLE $246 1 68 . ~~'~;,·,,.~,~~!!~~~.N~AL $2896 160 cc. Priced to sell. (547273). ·'68 • I ;;.. .. ~~t OPEL KADETIE LS Cpe. 95. Fully tctuipped, •ppll. l2,000 111il11. t90llEI'), ,.. . . GALAXIE 500 l dr. H.T .. V-•, 111to., P.S .. a&H, Air coMI., vinyl rHf. IXEU5691 · PARTS-SERVICE HOURS · • 7 AM To 9 PM MON 7 AM To 6 PM TUE·FRI • I PARTS DEPT. ONLY • 8 AM .to 1 PM SATURDAYS "' . • '