HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-01-17 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesat I r --. - ---· .. --. - • • • • ' . . . ---..... -.- .. . . . - • • • . • -- • ·• • • •Just.' £et1v1J' ·Me'. .JJ.10.ae!)-~ ~ .. •.-. DAILY PILO T • --·-·-. • -Cries Tired Millionaire • f ' • ~ -~ • * * * 1oc * * * SATURDAY, JANUARY ·11: ·1970_ -·--- ' . . :r;-, •. t ._...:.... .. .. ......... -. -..... ·-• 1 ... :...-.. --;.~ .. .. . . --. . .. r 't --· '= ' • --·---- ,. ... • -.. = --. ---·-~ --... ::. -.!:--..:-_ .. , "! . -·--·-- . - Mesa Poli~~ :Bust Pot-mal,ing . . House '' ' • J . Ii~ l, ~ . l -.. - BUYIKG l'fAPfll!{ES~-c'~ve'l!)t.akme or·!11 !. kill-my•eii." sobs fledglliig,..pbilanthropist ·Michael · Brody.,;to wOll)an who aski!CI l!im fol' $1,000'. io pay her niedi~al bills. Brody promised ·to give her the Vf'I~ me};'-bqtii >he begged for cash. be broke <town.' Youn .tlillt.io ~ .Jrilllion was besiegM liy · people-wan f.lnO!iey.:il'f!er announcing he wanted to make pe/Jp e happy by· giving away bis fortune. . ' ~ . Milliona-ire Worn· Out • . • . . ' Harassed Brody F'lees Mob· Whi<:h "'~·¥oney ·I . '' NEW YORK CUP!) -When. MiChael "l""ef away to the ne.cfY who·,.nt w.. .from 'all 0-the ·nation. Pollce•finallr' Jam., Brody Jr. announced ·~ wU\l«f ll'IJTI!, who made telej>-.ealls or wbo. ,..1ec1 off.Brody'a -.y. · · lo give his 125 million inheritance, 'ho eallle to ..e blm. • llnJlly;.-.jbo remed-a I-""-"' ,.id ho want.cl peace for the ~Id.' . .'llie ,..sponse "~' ~Ing. After Jet Jut. Sdnclly to return wttll-1111 wife Within 60 h<lur3. the 21.yeer:01d ol~ gi•lrw;, 1._, tens of thooundl ,rA doUlrs:, from a .lamaka hooe>11noc:ct, ~ fa margarine heir zlmply want.cl .Jleep, ))1111!1 Brod'y. a~ of;<011Tlcted.pro-~ with Blwl1 , Janes, • Hlt- "Jusl let m• sleep, just let me alone," he ..,,..,. Minton "Mb:l;<y" ~'11,n, lt~,fled ltm womin who,.-~ lhOwt. pleaded Friday. · ; witj.-!lls wife of I! days; • Ro;trted Brody (!l'ilnteed lier -~ to 1llild a He had lo W> into hiding to get ii. Mich-unsui:fflsfUJIY to' P=IWt « ,,.. pfafle """'"11111 '1adio in ll"'1<m !or •7°""11 11et James Brody Jr. has started a gold from · Pin Aintricln Afrirbt .t't() 10 up. b~k .talent. • rush. 40.IXI> (eet net pt 10me sletp: ))tit the "He11 lite.an angel of God," old Mn. Brody inherited a third oC the estate plane .on automaUe pllot and Uy around Jones. "'I: want. tq ~ ~ toptber w1th of his grandfather. Tycoon John F. Jelke, in circle.'Jt 'I the onJ1 L~IJ I ca1fgri 1ame the ;&kin. and ~her 'thty'U ra_cue lasl October and decided to "make up for-peate.:" Ht' Aid bt ~.'beth .awake' 60 lhe wor1c1.•• .. 9fre•'l&kl the iHiaf!(:i Wai some of the trouble millionaires have 'hourS'&lt.iight. t formecf ftVe days aco when she pboofd caused." Hundreds of p<r!<llll iJ.eC.kid to Brody's ·!or ~-. Thousands are wtlling to help him nnt..i home i n afflueol s<mdale where Broey hn tipped a cabby ll,000.'tipped •coornplish his foal . The ~old rush gani. he wrote 0\11 tliecb dlldnf the momlna. the 11111 of • rutaurant li,500, wrliten ed momenlom Thursday ni&htwhen Jlto. A lbop¢iw bq lnmc-tlle -bcib oulaehod<lorll,lllfto•---· dy publicly Issued ftfs lelepllone number filled wltlr~ nol<IJ l>ooeDs of other -wboJi*lnlly-lllno'b -.r. in ........... ·--~ ... (114-ns.MI) and ............ bop fiUld u. r..nt ·-ill-....., oui, .. 111111 lo .. -ra •his a~;;',;;' (HP~gton.Rd.I Re alJO ~~--1'111 w-. UOloO Glll<t In tbo.llhtta of Harkm·~-­ lssued the .. cfd ... • of.a.Maohaltall oflict~ ncetved ~of~ 'll..: toJo. i. • .-tolillcf..., ~ 0650 Broadway). He said he'd lglv~ his ' phone·-boe!'l was' dloited wftli'i:'4111 Iii< habit. • • . . ' . • ~ .. 1 F~ :T•reeten ' . . ' . ' By t,i>lli!I Pr1i1 -tiooal l~1~ )"elt.bennan Promi.fd still mOre rain tcinlght and Sunday for Ncwthem'<Jali- forniad11,··aJrudy·plagued with the worst proloiied·...,. M:the winter. ·, T<>l'l'eJrtlal ·rains brouabf riven to Oood sta1e and triggered rock a!ides while btgh ~dnds blasted the Northern coast lot the s~ f'..~iday lD a_ roYf._ . _. _ Br.others Get ' Hot Lecture • · Al iea~ ~ deathl ,have· "'81 1tirlbuted to the 1torm, includln&. four fataUtiei tln ratn-slJck hJ&bW8JI. . The rain wu forebail to ,begin again ioolilfil iliil-~ through Sunday as far 8ooth II King Qly·and·Morcect wflh ~vy rain 'at times., I,llld tqiperatures wtre Upect<ct to ·c:Onlinue. The Ruuian Rtvei; spilled over fls banks al Guernevflle aftor C!Jlliilg al 16 1 .. 1. four feet 'over Oooci ltqe. J;ummer-ca,bl.ns, small buatnesees and trailera along lhe ---~ Several lnoMlted re.Jdents along Iii< river fled to blpei-ground. At lhe height ol the Ooocltng, four feet of water covered highway 111 ln Guemeville. Schools in the .area were ·cloled.• 'Gordon Miller, flood control director 1t Gu'"""flle, feared io;vere ·ffoodlng tt the riins continue today n prfidlded. At Reaicbburg, Ibo lluMlan Rtver CTeSt. . ,._., brother• who admitted the !levere fd at 31' feet, 12 feet above llOod stage, bOoting of a Santa Ana police officer in·• ·~ ~=~;;~ln Men- ln· SA B~ating ~morning fr~aa ln._~•Me<a doclno County bacl<ed up lligh waler inils drew a one-year county jail tenn Frid1y lbu ~-1 ,,. in al and with it .a. toncue lasftfng from I( tan~ c o,lng Hfghw1y•,.. sever Superior.Court Judge James F. Juda•. epot.s between Cloverdale !~-~ort Brag. ~Napa River was repun.eu three fett John Pati'kk Hickey, Z2. aOO hli below' 1t1g'e and rising. The Eel, RJver brother, William Frederick Hickey, 21, crested above flood staie at Miranda, 1ot .the. jail 1'lrn! I/let: pleading gu!Uy to Fern bridge -.n<t ScOlfa. a Mgctiated cbarg9 of assault with a Hardest h!t in the central valley wa.s ~Y l!tilROlt· ,JJIC!le·JY<lge_ ~ --•.e nearly two Inches. o! rain !ht! .Utomatfc f!Te-year sta~ priA!>o trlgg""" flooding. 1'11ny resldenca and and placed the troCbers on piobat.ion !.or bualnt81t!1were aandblaed a&•inlt riJ.. that period. jng watm. ~ men were sternly warned that any In E&st Oakllnd, a major Jandalide wu future breacb of the Jaw, would invoke the feared on a hilllkSe. which has moved two full ierltence withhtld by the judge. BOth feet during a Week ofTlla•. Officials aid weri condemned as ''trouble makers" tf'~tt 'homes were thrutened1 who W!"" fortunate that they "",not1... .ThO "°" movement of .earltr bas a~ more seriOul. charan. · 1 ~ f.....t the lhutdowe of a bui• )llpeo Happily; Judge Jlldge noted, Sgt. Ihle that Wries Jet avfiUon !uel to•Oek· Norwood Wllltaml had made a ·r.u land and San Fnncfoco alrporls. Sewer recovery from hlll tnjurl.,. ..me. lo some homea was I'll off. 'nlef .were irulf~ Dec. 25 !ollowinc ' • By ARTHUll R. VINSEL Of ... D9IY "*' Steff One man es¢aped, three wefe ~ and a young mother with a baby to eue for wu releued FrldiY: lilier< cMa Me~ police ~eked down .the· doOI' of an alleged marfJuana-proce<etng,houae. . Police said-C'Ollfilcated evidence tn- clided one.kilo of hlli><iuality marijuana, plus another 18 plastic bags, or ao-caD.ed lidS, worth 110 to It$ eech at the ,mi, markee;orate. ' · The arr~tees. booked on .ebarJes of pos9e51ion of marijuana for aa1e, were identified as: -Albert Moller. 21,.of 890 N. C.... bridge SI., ()range . -RoMrt A. Hauea,. 28, of 1•11 N. Durant St., Santa An•. -Bnce Reyuelda, 21, of t!IS Redlands Place, Costa.Mesa; · Po.flee said Reynolda' wile wu ·~,._ tloned, but• not. booked, and nleued to ~ P@Jnls becauae she muat. can' .for .the couple'• small child .. A team of investigators went ·to· the Redlani:ls P1aCe addrela about t :31r;.in., alter re<:elving a lip abol!I poeslblo·lllePI activity there. · Narcotics Detect.Ive Norm Kutclt 11id he wu walking ·d~ a conerete driveway ·~jactnt to the two lepll'ate ·apartment units' al lhat locatio11'wbeB be glanced lllto a tltdlen -·. ' "There they were. packagina tt riPf • the kitchen table, .. he .... rted ... Delective Capt, Bob Gr<en Aid ntllat (See ~ .B\JST, Pop ll . ....... l~ --' his pw:wult o! a vehicle occupied by the •ed 1"l'tterend-.ayoonw~.rn,nt Manson De:pi · · • · ., Jeck lllctey, and t!>elr lathfr, Jeek W..sller ·" ~:UC~.·~;~~~ "r"I"' ~. R·.equest fQ··r·_._·. Pl Tbe ra1na ~r-;.·~· WHU..,, ~ 1116 Hldlo.i: auto at )atoer 'll>dat: ~Ying Ibo 'Onin&o ' ,peods \OP to 90 ~i~ an 1)1\!r In a wtld Gl:L , . • COila 'und~ lldlid>'...#1-.! klll&bt · cbue lbot began 1n.$anta Aaa.>od ended 0,~~.Ma~.~A~~~ ~~ay~:~;r c1 · .., ~ llolllevant.fn Colla Mesa. Re o!,llle -·Tale-La~1a.ca·mlll'dera. foi;· ~~,.,-·..i.... --mpoct.~y ttie.t...o defend--mo 1n public !urifll fo 1»>e a.private ll>': · lNs~E :.TC»DAY as hew~ ttjlng to book lhe car'a dJi!Ver vestlgat« was turned do'lrit l[fday. . on .,..,. fl "l'kio!' driving !,. Menson made the recjuest WJl!l• acting ' i ~ ..o);ilng ,.,;;,{ """' U.,.. Will{ama .sa!d 1he .was repettfdly ~Ju U his own attortil)' in t})e UJe. llow· .AITealonoblt 1DCfl to keep '&""'• bed· -his "'"'cJUVfce. "volver ll1 a over Siii>irJor ~ Jodie George ·lo! bj.t qne Lago""" finda tllat Gii , bt,tlihi thal only ended wjth 1/1< in· Dell• turned hlm•lliiim, ftOtlng Mana.,; ·•al'ly a.m. dip im' rnougll. So tervention o! the younger ~. Frank *'ld In ""*-earlier 18' ''wu l\ot tridig' h• ii trana~Uno • iheo~ Jack lllc'ey. At one point. the, officer tot and di~• -to retaiA .,..... toork flom cJGuieqi· Latin. Sit Aid. u.. defendants eerlously disc:uwd ael" If he ... . ~· 4. nether tfle1 thoukl ahoot hlm wllll. hll £ vacattna a ~ MJthDrlz., ... ~'1.;-. 1 •• , .... ""'*'' .,.. 1 _...., ~• ~bj Della!oore)octed •. ,:=;· ''11.'il ' -..-• ,.. Olliilri ,.uld the'•1'11JCeal ~~ .. ~ •he .lie .~<led ' (-'' :-:.::::~ •1 .:. ~ ... lwo ct,!......,, ...... hit ~lo belt•(I09lre bla . ' ·-" -·-... f1,_.di'oV~c«.lfethen.,w~dh~.. ""' 1 ·ii_\•l ... , .. ~ .t= ... -=. 1 1: ·=......,. !:: bflnd'cllii:er wliJe polct .. ClliiiJt,.;ito tJ'4 'Jr..ac . trn w.. • -..1a111M1 ,--u 1. .._ ._ •' -. Jllli"' 6: .,.. . ,·1 """"?•. '"·• r- ~ r ·: .... ~· 1 1 ... ·' •• • • • , •• . . l " ' II ~==~~--~~""."'.'":"'-~-~----:-----~------·~ ·~ . ... .. -.,, J DAILY PILOT '*ZS:: -- S1tlll"dly, J1n111ry 17, 1~70 QUEENIE By Phil lnterlandi "He's a tet:rlble flirt. As & matter of fact he's a temble everything around here .. .'' Pilot Leg book You Can't Beat Phone System By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of n. DtllY r 1i.t Sten This Is the story of a telephone call. Written by me and produced by the Los Angeles Coun- ty Offices S'o''~tchboard -with technica l assistance by Pacific Telephone Company. It is unfortunately typical of something. Don't ask just what. The moral Js, don 't ge> near the water H you're in· the South Bay area of Los Angeles County, or don't get in- to trouble if you do. Luckily, I was only calling for information on some people \\'ho had already drowned, not seeking help for somebody in the pro- Ce55 of doing so. The Initial attempt to get South Bay lifeguard headquarters started fairly well. -I remembered to dial 9 for out.side. .. l'm soorrreeee ••• the nurilber you have reached, Is no longer in service," the gal gooed gleefully. Somebody coo.Id have been_ going_ down for the third tlrne. THE NEXT A ·rnlm jh,-·! Los Ang•les County Officu-was a mind-blcw;er. Oh':"'f'gol somebody on the line after asking for South Bay lifeguard headquarters all right. First it was the library administration, but I rarely borrow books, 1 buy them. Then It was the child welfare department, but t have no children. at least none of whose existence I am aware. Finally, 1 managed to get the county offices operator 'Deck and explained the dilemma -fast. approaching dead- ~-so she obtained a new number after lengthy delay. '· * * * . THE On!ER operator put through my call and the drowsy housewife was very nice, considering she couldn't have had a seco!;)d cup of coffee yet. So I called the county offices back. t explained again the dilemma -faster approaching deadline -and she replied that I must obtain that number from ''my" operator. By this time, I was disclaiming all of them. One finally came back on the line somewhere . • • someplace ..• somebody ..• out there in that vut net· wock of wires who might help. "Which operator are you?," I asked. ''I beg your pardon, Sir?" "A.re you the operator~perator, or the county opera.- tor?" * * * ONCE AGAIN I explained my dilemma and the opera- tor with the blonde-haired, blue-eyed voice (my operator J suppose) tried lhe number that had led once already to the &Jeepy..eyed voice in the fuzzy bathrobe. Suddenly. there was a horrible blasL or electronic rarzberry that led me to believe we'd reached old fuzzy bathrobe again. before she got that additional cup of ..a ... "All t get is a lot or static," the blue-eyed voice nttd- )e:ssl:y aplained. We were In it togethtr. And t thought o( &ll the possible ttpUes about getting a lot o{ static. But for the first time in a 15-rninute attempted tele- phone conversa.Uon, l was speechlw;. For the Record Dbsolati~tas of Jtl•rrUige ' \ Dqily 10-10 Sun. 10·7 .• SPECIAL PRICES FOR I ~--! GIRLS' AND BOYS' -NYLON TAFFETA JACKETS ON. SALE Su11day Onlt1 1' 010• Cltol«:e 1~3 .. \Valer repellent wtnt.enveat with mar.darin collara, w&P fronts. Hoods, eluticiud cuffs and crisp colon. 2, J , · 4 f I, ' •• I I YACCP•nmJ SA YE ON 48 SIZE KOTEX "APJINS it. Sundafl 011111. ~ 97~ .....-: ....... --Feminine napkins. full box ot 48 auper or regular. So aofl &nd comfortabl~. Sht>p now and charge il ft>r a buy! Llmlrtd ~nllty -non• SOid Ill Dfflfft NOW! BRASS POLE LAMP S1n1da11011111 Llaht savings! La m~ \vilh ri-· nector and \\"alnut k nobs. At· tractive additions to Any room. Charge it no\\"~ 747 Ll"'ttM llli&f!lity -MM S11t1 ft C..t.r1 I 77~ The 80 lb. small , medium and large. % In· ch, 1 inch and 2 inch. For all your garden- ina: needs, \rislt our outdoor patio daily for best buys. j u • j ; ' 'V C1 111 "!N'JIZ 9.•Wptill"~ SWf.A TSHIRTS FOR MEN ARE BIG ON COMFORT, SAYINGS ~ultda11 OnJ11 . 12~1 Short sleeve nveat.shtrts for mm. Cotton with a;oft fleecy lining, reinforced neckband. f Color choice. lofen'.s S-lo1·X. Molded Plastic Attache Case For work, school or travel. folio in lid . 314 x 121-2x18". 188 POPIH ~UN! 3-QT. FOSTORIA POPPElf- 284 Pop up a dellcloUJ lln&ek. Pop-per with glass cover, cord. Made or poll.shed aluminum. Specially priced. Char&e It. COLORFUL DINETTE CHAIRS • • ~ l ' 'I !· ' Costa Mesa, Only • (~] ., -~ GIRLS PANTS . ~ 100 l ;--Sizes 7 thru 14. Asst. spring colors. Elastic back. f j Polished cotton. 100% \vashable. ' 100% WATERPROOF ' RUBBERIZED-PARKA S1111day Onl11 ~Icn's olive drab witli tull length zi pper; •4•· length Wfth taped seams. Great rainy.day wear. S-r.t -L-XL. ·~ Sturdy, made to last for years! I-Ii-back floraJ · pat· tern. 596 J 'l HARDWOOD f .OLDING CHAIR Sunday Onl11 2 Sturdy, "'ell -corat.nJ cttd F and beautifully finished. 0 A restful contour 11t!at, back. PerftcL for outa lde. R .! r \~ 20.GAL. GARBAGE CANS, GALVANIZED S 1111da11011111 Sturdily ronstructed garbage can has light lit- tlni cover '"Ith handles. Garbage days \vill be drudge free , sale! I , ' j j ---- j 4 • ·-- f Weekend . . \ '; .. 1 E.DITIC>.N • . . -·•-*..-.-"""'" I 00 s • B~tl_ttg-_of f!fflcer • Brothers_ Given ~ -.. ------. ': TWe btotben who.admitted the IOY<re beltlnJ.Qf a-Sanl:A Ani,1191~ offk:!r in a <llrbltmas mqrning ftJCtl tn Co5ta Mesa drew a one-year county jail term F'riclay and with it a toogue lashing from Superior Court Judge James F. Judge. Jolm P.atrick Hk:)tey. 22, and hi! First Relief Pla1ies Bring Biafra Help brother,•William· Fred<iick·Jlickey, SI, gOI tl>e jail 1<1'111 alter 'Pl"dinll cuJlty ID a neg<tiated charge cl UWllt with a du<Qy weapon. Judge Jud&• llUSpended the automatic five.year state pris>n term and plfced Ille br<>lheis on probation for that period. Both men were sternly warned that any future breach of the ·law·wuukl invoke'the!i full sentence withheld by tl>e judge. Both were• condemned as "trouble makers" who were fortuilate that they did not face more smous charges. Happily, Judge Judge noted, Sgt. Norwood Williams had made a full recovery from his injuries. 'Ibey were suffered Dec. 2S following his pursuit of a vehicle occupied by the two defendants, a younger brother, Frank Jack Hickey, and their fatlier, Jack LAGOS <UPI) -Niguia welcomed Frank IDckey, 51. Pol.ice describe the today the first plane load of foreign aid four Hickeys as transients. for refugees of the nation's conquered Williams punued the Hickey: auto at Biafran region, confident it can end Ur· speeds up to 90 miles an hour'in a wild vat.ion this month. The government also chase that began in Santa Ana and ei>ded hinted it may cut back its wartime-army. on Harbor Boulevard in Costa Mesa. He A cargo plane loaded with t l tons of was then jumped by the two defendants drugs and equipment lefl Britain bring-as he was t.ryin1 to book the.car's driver ing the first foceign aid for refUJees on··suspicion of reckless driving. Nigeria has accepted sin«: the surrender Williams said he_ was repeatedly_ club- of Bi,fra. beet_ "ilk lUs 0"'1 ftrvice reyolver in a An international team or military ob· ~. that GnlJ tflded wdh the: in· '""°" -"""""'1.iW· ~ ot lr!nner -«( .jhe~er ~· F~ baUlrilrnnt arus. It said }'rlday' ft had Jack 'llJCkey. Al one .point, 11>9 -.+ found no evidence ot-w~t,rva.. • ...lild U,. .!l<f•O!lon!O_~_d!­ tion .... ~~-· ... ~~-lbqj!J>illi· th lil! "The relief problem wlil bf! "'"'"''.lie own gun. . , _ . . . this month and thll sauation ... in be a~ Olllcers, aaid !be yidftieill bfotbtt most nonnal within three month!," said diMrmed the two def-.thiJe Ilia Anthony Ellahciro, the federal infonna-father drove off. He then waited with tile tion mlnlst.r. · injured olllcer while ~ came to the "There i! oo Immediate need 'for food acene.. to be nown in from aboard," he said. "We are now feeding 700,000 people a day." · "The urgent thing is foc transport. and helup in improving the 54Xial services," Enahoro·aaid. Relit! agencies said more than two million persons staTVed during the 2\~­ vear civil war. most of them children. Estimates of the number of persons in danger of starving now range from tens of thoosands to more than a million. But the Nl~an gov~ said sut:h fig- ures are grossly exaggerated. Slayer Returns To San Quentin After Jail ·stay By TOM ~ARLEY • OI IM °"" 'llft Sl9" Jl"rederick SatterfielcJ is today on his way back to San Quentin's Death Row .after a :stint in Orange Comity Jail that did little or nothing to affect the statas of the murder conviction be drew here three years ago. The Sanla Ana carpenter 1'8S ttan!lrer· red from the state prison to Orange County Jail pending the· setting or a date for a rtrun of the penalty phase of his murder trial. Satterfield, DOW 53, was one of several occupants of Death Row who came under a California supreme Court ruling ihat challenged the composiUon or juries 1Uch as the one that filed a guilty verdict agairut him. · The ruJmg -that jurors who objeded to the death penalty shouJd not be barred from servic:e:dutlng the _murder trial - doe! not affect Jhe actual trial of Sat- terfield. But it does affect the subsequent penalty phase which must be reheard in Orange County Superior Court before a new jury. 1bat won't be at least mtil July 17. For the courtl are awaiting "'-ruling by the U.S. Supreme C.ourt oo the Maxwell vs. Bi!hop cue -a cue expected to pro- duce a landmark ruling dealine with the COmpo!liUon 0£ juries. It is no secret. and the fact was com· mented ot1 before Satterfield In caurt Fridl~. that the high collrt wants a fuU roster be.rore it tackles the lhomy Issues posed by such cases. Thal means a nplaoement for thf: resigned Justtce Abe Forias. Satterfield was conrided of murder In the Nov. 21, 1916, deaths of hil common law wile ud her da~er In tlldr S..ta Ana home. The calendar saya "No. 45. SIUerftetd, F~ck. 117 P.C. (murder). Noalty phQe leltlnl-Jul)> 17, 11711'." ~ -· --. I Pot 'Factory' Busted hi Mesa , l Flees, 3 Held By ARl'llUlt It. VINSEL One man escaped, three were captUred and a young mother with a baby to care for wa.s released Friday. after Costa Mesa police kicked down the door of an alleged marijuana-processing house. Police said conft.SCa.ted evidence in- cllded one Iulo of high-quality marijuana, plus another 16 plastic begs, or so-called lids. •"Orth $10 to $15 each at the going markee rate. 'The~ an95teea, booked m1 charges of poaesskm of •marijuana for aale, were identified as : '-Albert Muller. 24, of 890 N. Cam- bridge St., Orange. -Robert A. Hamen, 28, of 1411 N • Durant SL, Santa Ana. .-Bruce Reynolds, ~l, of l~ Redlancls Place, Cosla M~a. PoliCe said Reynolds' wife was que!l- tioned, but not booked, and released to her parent.! because she must care for the couple'a mall clUhf. · A team of inve,.,tlgatori went to the Redlands Place addres.s about l::rl p.m .• after.receiving a Up about possible illegal activity there. Narcotics Detective Norm Kutch aaid he was walking down a concrete driveway adjacent to the two aeparate apartment units et that location when he glanced into a kitchen window. - "There they """'· pachglng·H right oo the kitchen table," he userted. DetecUve Capl Bob Green siid at that (See MESA BUST, Pap I) ITALY FAS.HIO NS BAN NECKTI ES • ROME (AP) -Necl!ti<1 have been baniShed from the fashioo ,..ne by Ital· ian mensnar designers. · Tht otyllatl who Jbond their coll..,. lions Friday in the finl ol the Italian sptfng-.nanms' fashion 'PltsentaUooa were unanimous ill cold-shouldering_ the rqll!arllOdlk. Siik scar'Va-and a9COla: were allowed with leisure ahirt.I but formal .JUitl w.-. .....,, with _.,.cked ahlrtl -DOI a necktitinalchL _; " ' ' . . . .. . -. • --- BUYING HAPPINESS -11Leave me alone. or I'll kill myself," sobs fledgling philanthropist Michael Brody to woman who ~ked him for $l1PQO'·to pay ·her mediC8.J Hills. Brody promised to give.net the money, but· when she begged for ca.sh, he broke down. Youn~. heir _to $25 rnillio)l was besieged by peop[e'wanting money alter announcing he w•nted to make people b~pPY ·~y giV!ng away .hl1 .fort""'. . . . I ;.; ~ ' ' ' , .~.Mi-llionaU. -oX.n OQI, · .. ~iii' Brooy ifi~,-:Mob Wltic1i wan-J~y NEW YORK (UPI) -When Michael James Brody Jr. announc:ed he wanted to give his $25 million inheritance, be 3aid he wanted peace for ·the world. Within 60 boun, the 21.year~ld oleo- marprlne. heir simply wanted sleep. "Ju'st let me 1leep, just let me alone," he plq<le<I Fdday. He had to go into Nding to get it. l\lich· .1el James Brody Jr. has started .t £i1ld rush. . Brody .inherited a third of lht estate of.his grand.father. Tycoon John F. Jelke, last October and decided to "make up for some of tbe .. trouble n1lllionaires have caused·." 1 Thousand! are wlllin* fo help him accomplish his goal. The. gold rush gain- ed momentum Thursday nlght when Bro- dy publicly issued his telephone number in .auburban &arsdale (1!4-m..3968) and his address (31 Paddington Rd.) He a?&o issued the address of a Manhattan office (1850 Broadway). He said he'd give his money away· to the needy who stat tele- grl]ns, who made telephone \calls or who came to see him. The response was overWbtJming.-After giving away tens or thousarids of dollars, young .Brody, a nephew of conv.icted pro- curer Minton "Mickey" Jelke DI, fled wiU..hla w11; ot 13 days, Renee. He_ tried unsuccessfully to . purchase a jet plane from Pan American A~ays "to go up 40,000 ffet 'and get some sleeP; pot the plane·oit-automallc ptlot and fly around in ~cle. Jt's the.only way I can get some peace." He said he had been a,,,.all:e 60 ~.strai&jit. ll~··<r:..;.. •. nocwto.llrqdr'• rente'.d liome~ lnr ifOuent ScarsdiJe ·w•e be wrote out Check! durillg the titOl'Jllrig. A shopping ba[ hlOlg •ovef 'the Q.oOr •knob filled with request notes. Dozens or other shopping b.qs fined the front ·room in- side the door. The Western Union office received hundreds or telegrams. The tele- phone 3Witchboard was flooded with calls Prison OificUi:l..Kilkd In New So"led,ad .. Trouble from all om'" the naUm. Pollet finaJly ealed off Brod)''• driveway. • ' ·Brody, who rented a lfO..Mat ,pa,.nger Jet last Sunday to rt!.qm with his wlfe from a Jamaica honeymoon. slciied a partnership with Bunny Jona, 1 Har· lem woman who produc~s m"'lcal shows. Brod.Y prom1aed ber -$350,000 to bulid a recOrdtng rtodlo in Harlem for ~ black· talent.: · , 1 •1He's like an angel or God," aaid Mn:. JOnu. "I want to get him tofether with the 'Beat!~. 4nd .together tMylJl -rescue the1 Wo(k!." She a.tld the· alliance -was formed live days qo )'b<,n she ph\llled fdtbe!'·' I. Pi · t 1, • 'Bfody ha!•tippe.f ·-by ~J.OOIJ; ·tipped the staff of a reitaurant Sl,$00, written out a check for $1,000 to a te1evialon newa- man wbo jokingly asked hl11t for money, -eel 'out flOO bills to chlldi'en playing in the strteU ol Harlem and 1l•en $500 to a heroin addict wbo "pt0mlled to, kick the habi~ Israelis Strike · . . . Q_nly 3 7 Miles: From Cairo · If· AlllOClated Preli "SOLEDAD (AP) -A J'lrison officer. '!'as. facility ho!pitaJ, where. he died. . -braeli -commandoe bin' by . Egyptian be8ten to death at the Sol~a~. Correcuo:n-Forden sakt that none of ·the 95 prisoo-• communications lines i" •·raid 36 mUes al Training Facility Frfday rught, a pns· e·rs In the cell block who were being from Cliiro, · lsraelt· mil{tary spokesmen 00 s~an said. queslioned had ticen partlcipaUng In a astd· loday. • Correctlon.al Offictr John V. 1.fills. 26, hunger strike called to protest the Tueg.. In olie of the deepest commando died fforo "a rnasaive,beaUng around the day shooting. plungM· Into Egypt since the 1987 war, ~ d head·-·d F W For He-said ·the prison wa!f "quiet" after the .c0mfnan\jos aemol11bed powtr and upper """""' an ' SaJ · · • nd ·~ " otiO t•._.......:1-on "-'"ez City "alro den, the program admlni.sirat« at the the attack a liJCI"' was no comm n ~"'""'"" ..,.,.,. i.ioe ..,... ""' troubled at,a:te ... facility. at all." hi&h,traY; apokesma~ said:-~ ~ght-He said 'Mills was the vict.lm of a Milb. who wu married and had one tlq,e rai~ hit what spokesmen caned 'the uslll'plise attac1I: by one or more prism-child. ws aan officer at the prison for center of the ·rear eohekln" of Egypt'• ers In a •medium aecurity housing unlt.. .. ' 14 month!. Suei ·Cantl defeme line. . · La$I 'l)lesc!ay a-tower J!U•nl <hot and · · Other-commandos stroct on the. Ejyp. killed -thrlle N"""'pri...,••" wtio ......, toan-mannecl """1 ·coast of the Gull· ol part ·ot a cnnvtl ol Ii beating .I"• wlillo Manson Denied SUez and s!)elled a tri!ljtaey ·poot"near p1-s'<JO tl>e around. . Bir Aralylda,, G .nillea welt ol Zal-. Earlier "Friday, thll M-Coon(y , :•The Imel! del-lor<M _-..cl V!at<lcC Atton>ey said lhe shooilog would Request for . fl .. no <Jl'PO«ltlon at all tr6rri EDPl!ae ,......, ~ bt riilld .. jnstlfi•ble hotnlcide and ill ri(!ll'nei! salely'I<> 6ase.", the Tel ""om-In perfonna!ll:e' of his Aviv .._ ... Ill. . , ' . duty." -·-l LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A -est by ln•Call<>,.tl\e .... ._Al ·Ahlam.tljd Forden aalc!~ that Mills ·w11 ·attackad Charles M. Mooaon, aooued nwtmnind today an~l ""61' ;;bo""11e4 out llMtl. In a wing on on O)J!>Otlle side of .the of II\< s6~ea.T\te-Lablanu m-rs.'!or Egypt!'" ~ dowoll!l.Jiis ,lkyf~wk - prlson •fri>m -, Ille i!'U<sday allack f1$il In' pill> lie funds, to hire a private In-jet F:ridoy llmded ID lhar~tllji( ~ OC<Uried. • · • ... ugotor wa1 tyme<I tlo"1' Fridar.. . <>! t11e. &J"! l<i!t ind obat'ff,'l\f'f J>t'a Some 95 prisoners in lhe medium 3t!C\lr· '"Maoion ft\"lde the request while actihl' de~r'edpil him. ~1oo.u.... , .... '1. tty .,;rig Were Jck:ked In the cell block. ._, hJi -~.at~ Jn the case. How-. , . ,,~ ot wu seen ,....a\; .. ,.~( ~ . but' not In Jb<lr cells, at the time ol ever, S&iportor''COOir Judge: G.Orge' M. miles llOllth ol Port SUei, '11 Ahr1m sal . Mills:' attaclt • · • Dell tui'qed him -ciown, noting Manson Members of the·distri~ attorney's ilaff said in court earlier he .. 'waa not indlg· quetUooed 1he pr1aonerJ after the at.-ent and did hav'e fUndl to retain .. c:oun- lac"k. ~ set0 If he wlat\t4. Some 30 other members of Ille wing lo vacatlna a orevla<JS. onler autborlz. -< 11 "'mill&-acbool and were bpt in, thll txpondl!ure, DelL Olso r~ !tom ..wmiD11 ID the win(, M._,., rllqll<tl th&t ht bt provided Mills ftl dllcov....r by I ,corridor Wl\h a tape ,_dor ID l>el9 -~ Ids ollka< wlJo weitt ID look for U.. 1laln ca,,., • paid Whlll"bo..dtd not r<poft 1'acl: ID ·M-:1$,.ls ICbedllllld ID ,.W·hll> 1111 -00·-Jla WU liUoa lo Ibo-pjoa Jao. SI,. • ., ' -·' Corpsman Killed .' LONG BEACH (UPI) -A N1vy·11osp~ ta! CorplJnao died Fridly' of• apparent aa~on aboard lhe amphlbiOU1 .. ... 11 lhlp USS Prlacelon whtn tryln( ID ~M.'\11: two -llllon sufferin& frwn a lack ol OIYI'" la "compartment detp below decU.. ,.._, • !' Your Bometowa Dally P aper --, . • Hillsides Crumbling In Oakland By Ullllid Prftl hlmaUoeal 'ftle wtathennan promised still more rain tGllight and Sunday for Northern Calio f-already plagued with tbe ""rst· prolonged atorm ol the winter. Torrtntial nins brought rivers to flood ata_ge and U:iggertd rock slides while high winds blasted the Northern coast far thl aecond ~iday in a J'OW. . At least 1!x deaths have been attributed to the storm, including four fatalities m rain~ick highwaya. The rain was foreca st to begin again t_onight and continue through SU1'day al far South as King City and Merced with heavy rain at times. M.ild temperaturet were ei:peeted to continue. The RuSsian River spilled over its bank1 at.i Guerneville after cresting at 38 feee. four feet over flood stage. Sunimer cabins. small buainesaes and tra.Jlirs akmg tht banks were flooded. Several hundred n:sident.s along the rivtr.: fled to higher-ground. At the height of the flooding, four feet of water covered highway 116 In Guernevllle. Schools In tb'1 area were cl0&ed. Gonion Mlller, Donel control dir<ctll' al Cuemevllle, feared aevere flooding if tht rains ~llnue today as predicted. Al Healdsburg, the RusiitnJliyer c:ivt. ·~ '•11! 1,.~ ll !eet above flood. Ill&•, arid tnJnor Ooodln1 wu reported. The ra@t-swollen Nava~ River Jn Men-docino.COUnlY backotl 11l).lllgh "81et.lo.lla trlbutarlea cfooln& ID&bway di In ....,.al ljlOll'lliltwfffl QOvettlaJ.-·u1U'mtllnQ'; The Napa R!Ver was reported three f<el beloW · atage and rl.!Jng. Th! Eel R!Ver aeated above nood stage at Miranda; Fern bridge ' and Scotia. · -~!lfdest hit In the central valley wa1 Jl'te5110 where nearly two inches of rain triggered fJoodl.ng. Many re3idences and !Ju.slnesses were sandbagged against ris- ing waters. Jn East Oakland, a m3jor 1andslide wa& rured on a hlllskte which has moved two feet during a week1of" r.alna. QfficJll3 aaid 14 expen.aive home:S were thrutened. -The ' slow .rriovement of earth haa al· ready forced the shutdown of a buge pipe. Hn'e that carries1 jet lviatlon fuel to Oak• Iadd ·and 1San Francilco IJrparts. Sewer !ekice to some oomes~waS' cut"'off. Youths Give Up MIT Occupation CAMBRIDGE, Mau. (AP) -Swift acf.. kin was promised against M yoo.ths whO ended a :U.:bour occupation rJ. adrnlnlstra .. tioo offices at M.assachusetts In.!tttute of Technoloio: Frlday night, leaving behind what a spokesman called "a shambles." "They went 1n wllh an ultimatum· of noh·~egOt.iable deiriands," President How~ ant W. Johnson said in a statement "Tbey left with nothing." . "We aha.II move prarnpt]y to set.Ir legal acllon against every one: of the trespass- ers we can ldentlfy. Let there be-no .mis. ~rstanding a boot this." ...... -L An MIT spokesman Aid about 30 stu~ dents identified among the demonstrators will be brougtlt be£ore the lnstitutt's dis- ciplinary board and court action frir ttts- pass will be sought against nonstudentl who CIJ1 be identified. 0r ..... Weadaer The rains are npecled ·to ...., I-today, lea'1n&, the Orante Coast undor c!OO<f7 •kl.. tonight Ind Sunday, with '°""' chance of JJchl rain ,SUnc1111 afternoon. - ·INSmE TODAY A '!':0'1'ina· rwim 1ernw-Ukt e1 retl4onable wav to }cetp bUIV~ buc Ofuf Loounan f.it1dt thcd a" carl11 a.m. dip isn t cnotiah. So h• fa trapiloting a theological tDO•k fTOP/I cla,.lcol Loli!\. s .. Page f. A11 ,.,,,., 11 M"tH•& I a.mt W AM~ t ( ... NflM 1Ht ......... t C-la 11 ....... 11 C,__. 11 •..t ...... H °""' ... ~ '' ....... , .. ,, •• ,.,,.. ''" ' SltO; Mtrbtt 1 .. IS IMlml,__. 11 V.• L• lt • J DAILY Pl\OT !.ilUl'dlf, h11uary 17, 1970 QUEENIE ''He's a ter:rible flirt. ~ a. matter of fact he's ·a terrible everything around here .•• " Pilot Logbook You Can't Beat Phone System By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of 11M1 tlaltt P~ Sllll This is the story of a telephone call. . Written by me and produced by the Los Angeles Coun· ty Offices switchboard -with technical assistance by Pacific Telephone Company. It is unfortunately typical of something. Don't ask just what. The moral is, don't go near the water if you're in the South Bay area of Los Angeles County, or don't get in- to trouble \f you do. Luckily, J was only calling for information on some people who had already drowned, not seeking help for somebody in the pro- cess of doing so. The initial attempt to get South Bay lifeguard headquarters started fairly well. ·I remembered to dial 9 for oul:iide. .. I'm MlOm'eeee .•• the number you have reached is no longer in service," the gal gooed gleefully. Somebody could have been-going down for the third time . + * * THE NEXT ATTEMPT-tlmiugh Lo; Ang~es County Offices-was a mind-blower. Oh. I got somebody on the line alter asking for South Bay lifeguard headquarters all right. First it was the library administration, but I rarely borrow books, I buy them. . Then it was the child welrare department. but I have no children, al least none of whose existence I am aware. Finally, I managed to get the county offices operator back and explained the dilemma -fast approaching dead- line -so she obtained a new number after lengthy delay. * * * THE OTHER operator put through my call and the drcrRgy housewife was very nice, considering she couldn"t have had a second cup of coffee yet. So I called the county offices back. J explained again I.he dilemma -faster approaching deadline -and she replied that I must obtain that number from "my" operator. By this Ume, I was disclaiming all -0f !hem. One finally came back on lhe line some\11here ..• someplace .•• somebody ..• out there in that vast net- work of wires who might help. "Which operator are you7," I asked. ''1 beg your pardon, Sir?" "Are you the operator-operator, or the county opera- tor?" * * + ONCE AGAIN t explained my dilemma and the opera- tor with the blonde-haired, blue-eyed voice (my operator I suppose) bied the number that had led once already to the :;leepy-eyed voice in the fuzzy bathrobe. Suddenly. there was a honibte bla5t of .elt"C'tronic razzberry that led me to believe we'd reachl'CI old fuzzy batlirobe again, before she got that additional cup of co{{ee. "All I get is ll lot of static." the blue-e yed voice need· I es.sly explained. We were in It together. And I thought of all the possible replies about getting a lot of ,;tatlc. Daily 10·10 Sun. 10.7 GIRLS' AND BOYS' NYLON TAFFETA JACKETS ON SALE Sunday Only l' our Cholee 183 Water repellent wlnterwear with mandarin collart, snap ftonts. Hoods, etqtJdzM cutfa &11d crlap colors. 2, 3; 4. SEAMLESS MESH NYLONS ~ Sunday 011l11 ~ ij l"ylon• with nud• h"l.2p . 4 3 ~ II Lovely brown mifil, sun llf it tonr, brown mlsl. For f smooU1. slttk lin<'s; 9-11. -~~~~~. r:., !'l'" • ~i-~ ..-.~::":L--::=::::rt: • SAYE ON 48 SIZE ; "VI "., . n• ' : . \--i KOTEX NAPKINS ~ Sunday Only ~-~ 97~ ii 1t ' ~ Feminin~ napkins, full box ot · 48 auper or reaular. So soft and comfortabl... Shop now and rharr;e it for a buy! l lm119d Qv1Mlty -non1 Sold 111 OMI..,. NOW! BRASS POLE LAMP S1111dny 011111 But for the first tJme in a !~minute attempted tele- phone conversation, I was speechless. Light savings! La 1np~ ''ilh r r • flcctor and v.·11.ln111 knob.s. Al · '-------------------.Jltracth·e Bddillons to any room. Chargl' il no\\! 747 ~For the Dissol11tio11s of Marriage f, Record I r: ... --~ ::t ~- DECORATIVE WHITE ROCK 77~ The 80 lb. small , medium and large. % in- ch. 1 inch and 2 inch. For all your garden· Ing needs, visit our outdoor patio dally for best buys. , r ' t ' ' ' • Costa Mesa, On~ly ·-i ,l ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ J I· SWEATSHIRTS FOR MEN ARE BIG ON COMFORT, SAYINGS ~1111da11 011111 •• ,, :1· tl '' 122 ~.: Short d«vo 'w.at..hlrt• for ~ men. Cotton with soft flettY t'} lining, reinforced nec kband. l~ Color r.hoice. fl.fen's S-1\f-X. n " Molded Plastic Attache Case , I .j I ~ GIRLS PANTS 100 • l I 11 l f88 ~ Sizes 7 thru 14. Asst. spring colors. Elastic back. For work, school or lrave1. folio in lid . 31.4 x 121h x 18". . POPIN FUN! 3·QI . FOSTORIA POPPER S1111dn11 Only 284 Pop up a dcl!cioui; ~nack. ~Of'J· }X'r Y•llh 5:less cover, cord. .~!11.dc of polished aluminuni. Speciall y priced. Chari,:e It. COLORFUL D !NETTE CHAIRS Sturdy, n1ade t,., last for years! I-I i-back fl oral put· tern. Slm•ll• iet lllu1t!'1T10'I • 596 HARDWOOD FOLDING CHAIR S unday 011l11 2 Sturdy. ,,·ell -cons ll'1Jcltd and beautitully flnishM. A restful contour acet, back. Pcrfecl (or out1lde. [: ' l I " I· Polished cotton. 100% washable. 100% WATERPROOF RUBBERIZED. PARKA S1111day Onl11 J\T!'n 's olh·~ drab v.ith full l"n@:lh "Zipper; ~ ·• length with taped tieams. Great. rainy-day wear. S-J\1-L-XL. Ovr Sp1rh 01,1. 20.GAL. GARBAGE CANS, GALVANIZED S1111dn11011111 ' '. Sturdily constructed garbage can has Ugh! lit· ling cover with handles. Garbage days \Vlll be ~ drudge free, safe! \ \ ' -----------------------------------------.. ----. -------·--------------. S.lllldi)', ,,__, 17, 1970 DAILY •ILq'lo 1 County ·Vehicle·s,May ()Ulllge to Smogless Fuel Of ... DlltJ ,_. ,,.., .._ . By 10'ANN!! UYN~ Orange County llUY<\'.Mlenl may swlld> 'IO a form of amosJ,._fuel when the <:OU.Qt$'°sgas COlltract II reaew· ed Feb. 118; ae<ordlng IO CQU#y PuttlJia. Ing Agent Nathan Cheny. ''We'~ ~ ·~UCh lnWeited in .a,ny new smojl~ fdels that are diftloPtdt" Cheny Ale!_ - Tbe am;ent gas eontcact for count)' vehicles amaamta to $233,000 for about 1 million gallcm:. The q:ent Did lbere are. a•r cltiel and speclal dl.uicla (waler,. flood cm- • Boats Go llp in F'lames carbon rnono11de emi!slonai r rom enetnu liliog th• additive. In IS lesl.t "'81~ by Scott Laboraior1 .. of San Bernardhlo, SJ.andard Oil rePorted 11 cars averaged 5eO parts par million enimlSll<ll of bycll.elrboaa. With ll'-310 the ernmb$iql •VM'lll WU 254 ·pui. I!'" million. wi111oo1 r..slo lhl cus &Yetajed U -.. rlloll-· Ide emlsslillll. With· F-810 the 1verage was U percenl, a Sludlrd Oil 1potmnan &aid. 1.:C.n ustnc the ecldJUve abow a 21 pel'T ceot deaease Jn f\iel comumplloa wbeo ' ldlil!li," lle'riblod. The 11pc*11m111 claim- .. the. tuel addiUw lmpfOved engine • perf6hnance and lncnased tnglne life ~-".lt 1' a eleaner fuel ." ::F .SlO does add a ''minute" amount of '1dtrc¥tll ~s 1to the emm!Wons, the •poi<elman adm!Ued. -r .l!O"ibllltr cilod by Cherry "®Id be convenlon of county velllcles IO a dual·luel ~. '11le change WOllld have to wait on the outcome of year-long tests c::n six county can ordered in early December by the boorcl of 1111pa-vlsors. The leJla, amduded II no c:ost Jo the UPI Tl""Mft 1up1yers, wU1 establish lhe f .... bil!IY ol convenlon to natural gu for fuel. The ·system permits operalloct Ii a v~cle on natural gas for ftop.and·&o drM"I and In hllh pollution ueu. GuoUoe la used on longer lrlp1, Tho dual-fuel system was developed by Pad.De hlghting Service C om pan y , parent company or Soulhona Counl!el Gis Company, which hu lolnld the II& conversion klll IO the county. In carbon mmo:lide em m 11tton1, natur&J gas powered c:ora produce OD\y UI voms per mil• compared with 21.1 with &uollne. F!guru for bydro<lrbons wt.re t.•1and2.56 and ror nitrogen oxkles .Sl aDd 3.C. Gu eQmpany opokesman Reldil. J. C«bell said cost of conventon. to natu?al po WIS est!m1ttd •I '*• and noted lonlef qlne Ulo and belier j>erlonnanc:e In CC11ve:rted vthlcles. Tbe converted cars a-eel 10 mlle11 to the 1sllon, Ile said. ' ''W'.batever we do. we're eolnl to dG mrytbJng pouiblo lo ~ Mlco alt pollution In Onnp Cou!IJ1, ,. Cben'y con- cluded. UCI Puts Curbs On War Research UC Irvine irofessoro have voted IO lm- poae conslra!nts ogalnst faculty members dolni war research. The few professors, out of a faculty of !15, who stuck it out to the end or an Academic Senate meeting this week voted 18 to 2 th at clasl!iUied, non- publlshable research ii anUtheUcal to the educational function of UCI. The small representation at the time the vote was taken was an indication that the war research issue is more academic lhan rtal at UCI. Recent figures showed that oni,'tw"o pertent of research money ifanled to the . campus """" from the De~ ol Defense. Two proJe<ll are lmolved -In- vestigation of a funius that attacta Navy stores and research on Jn fr a. r 1 d IS!ro!iomy and space communl<atlon. Two other constraints pamled by the Academic Senate' were : -Fund aollcitatlons for programs whose major beneficlarles are external to the Univcrslty desenre special llC?lJtiny. -In general, proposal!: for fundin1 should show some relaUonsbtp 1o the teaching and publlc service functinol of the University. In other word&, ,Ure research that does not involve graduate studenb is not preferred. A fourth constraint aimed more direct· ly at war research was ttllUbmltted to a committee for rewording. A Jong line of pleasure boats, including several large power cruisers, io up in flames and smoke in a fire at the. Piasa Marina on the .Mis~ 1ssippi River north of Alton, Ill. Twenty-eight boats and a boat shed were destroyed in the fire. Friday. No one was injured. Damage was estimaled at $300,000. f\,anew Returns To U.S. Soil From Far East II Said: "llelelrth dlre<lod loward lho development ol means fot controtunc oc lnclplcltaUni bumln be!np or destroy. ing Ule Jhroogh warfare hu no proper place on this campus." The constrainfa were propoeed by a Comm1Uee on Eztramural Funding' which will have the function of tryinc to penusde the fund appll<ant IO 1blde by• them. · Laguna Playe1·s Board Election Now C.Ontest The upcoming elect.ion to fill slJ: vacan- des on the Laguna Conunmlly Players Board of Directors has turned into a con- ~ bOard nmiunatlng rommlll<e BUb- rnitt.d.J..~U: nam~ and four more by. pd1tkln. The nominating committed picked Hll'· ry AslJeA(~gunalfllJ,;,~9,<\nlle Bloc:k, San JU1f~' C3pistr:mo;· 'fllll'11l. B""'11. South Lagune; Betsy Rooe and Ruth Osgood Salyer, both of Laguna Beach; arxl Joan Short of SouUt Laguna . All et· cept Mrs. Salyer are incumben1s. Candldafes nominated by petition are Otho M. "Sonny'' Budd, Dr. Zllchry T. Malaey, Patty Needennan and Col .• \\'illiam Roley, all of Laguna Beach. Ballots are to be mailed to 2,200 members of the Players. Votes will be counted at the organization's annual meeting Feb. I, starting at 4 p.m. Those elected wW serve tenns ranging from """ to three year15, with length of • determined by lot. Board president Jeoffrey Riker Is not 1eeking re-election. President to Hold News Meet Jan. 26 WASHINGTON (UPI) -'11le White House says Presidert Nixon will hold his first news conference of the year Jan. 26. probably in the early evening, and will deli ver his budget message to Con- gress around Jan. SO. Nixon remained in seclusion at his Camp David retreat in western Mary. IAAd. He has been there since Wednesday working on the Slate of the Union mes- sage he will give nei:t Thursday a3 well as new reduced budget measures. DAILY PILOT "..,.,. .... " ....... .... Leil•IM' a.-1t , .... , ... , ... ., Cnf9M,.. ClllAHGE COASr PVILISMIHG COMPANY lttb1rf N. w,..., '"•.Otftl 111111 Pvflli'11tr . J.,~ a. e.,,,,. V«t P r .. !iftnl 11'1d C.C-11 M1iwo1r Tho"''' 1Ct1•il f:dltw ll>o,..•t A. Mutphi111 Mtri.tlnl Edl1er .,.._ 0411.V PILOT, will! -ld't k ~llltf ... lttWl•P,H•. " "'"'"M'ifd dilly _.,. ._ , doy In •-••fe tdlllttl• .., I....,... l'9tll. '°'""""" ltttll, (Otlt M"''• H11nllftltt<I 11~1t11 11'111 -=-111or1 v1ri.v. •ll!Of· .,..,, ..._ ·~-·· tdll.,.,, 0•""9 CN1I P.-li.iolfle Com~n, '1'lllhllf ~It ... 11 1211 WHI l11l1•u 11'<'11 . MtWfllll'l IHtll, Inf »I Wiii l1y $1tHI, (1\11 Miit. , ... ,, ... 11141 ••2·4111 Cle1Jt#'w4 1,;_.w .. •42·1,71 C-.V•'fM, lift, OtMllt c .. 11 '•klllftf c.....,..,, HI •...... IMrlM. ll""ltll-, P<11 ... JI/ _It., If' .......... /WNl'I .. Mrtll'I .... , .. ,_..."' ~ ~ ... ,.... .... ,.,,.,. 9t ~1'111 _.,, $« ...... t l9" 1111'11 ... !MW ti !'ltwPttt ltldl .... c~ .._, C..1illr11J1. S~cr.,.i*" W (•rr)tr ttot ,,,.,,lfllYI ty 'NI~ 11 . .-~,, "'11.11r1 dalifllll*"ro D• mat111'111(, Launch Due Next Week Of New Douglas Rocket A new, more powerful version of the cload 2t night. not possible with previous McDonnell Doug\as-Gtilt Delta rocket weather satellites. wbidJ snploy'" alx oolid -J><lO motop Earlier weather saJellitH Iaundled by lhllea4 of Gie customary -· will be Della loc NASA weighed about 300 poui>ds launched, probably Monday, to boo8t a u compored with the 700 pounds of the U\()&.11;.•a ICklaa' weather r;pecec:ratt new weather beacm. Imo orbit. ' • ' • loJhe TI1IOS¥ --Ii !be lb: 'l1>e NASA roc:ttt di be lll'ed 1rom·tho llOlid -wtll·lpilo·&HI\ off lo .... West<n-TOlll 1liange 11$t:;Lompoe:c::""'11. the .lft,UI • llli!Jidi of 1!!!.J!1 MclloOD<D Douglas Astronautics Com> generated by Ille !Int llqe 'l1llr !!'liil<I · pany produces the Delta in Santa oxygen engme.. Moni~a. Some 31 seconds after lift off. at about Launch of the new weather satellite is 46,000 feet, the other three soHd motors expected to whet' in a new era in global will fire. meteorology. Delta wu employed as the bo05tet ln The TIROS-M. larger and more 11 of 19 pr~ous TIROS and ~A versaUle than il3 jpredecessors will dou· weather satellite launches. hie the dally weather coverage now possi· TIROS and Es.SA a:atellltes, In addition ble from the present series of weather to providing data for daily weather satellites and will do iL at less cost, NASA predictions, have tracked nearly all ol :oaicl. the more than 400 lroplcll lllOrms, hur· An innovation, TtROS-M will contain ricanes and typhoons recorded since 1emcn kl' taking p~ of the earth'• Tiros I wall launched tn 1960. Cong Put 2 U.S. Captiyes On Exhibit Before l(illing SAIGON (AP) -Two American prison· ers were dragged from village to village. put on display, then exeeuttd by the Viet Cong in front of a hamlet church NorUt of Hue, U.S. military 1pokesmen said today. Ibe U.S. Command said the bodies of Valuable Li~d Mercury Stolen Late night thieves drained 91 pou~ds of liquid mercury from 13 Standard 01\ Co. now meters in the oil fields of Huntington Beach, police repQrted. The theft wu not dlscovtrtd until Wed· nesday by Standard Oil officials who told police their total 108!, including the dama1ed meters, was $1.387. It was pro- bably stolen Monday. Uquid mercury iells for $7 a pound. Someone sneaked Into the oil fields about 10 p.m., in the area of Golden West and 15th Streets and Olive Street and Pactnc Coast Highway, Police said. Ttn snips were used to cut a pipe out of each o( the meters Md the mercury was drained. The time oC I.be crime was learned from oil !low clwta, ch«ked Wednetday bJ •·Standard Oil officials when they dlll<O\'Ued the lou. Liquid mercury ls highly poiaonous and can bum through skin, police noted. . Watson Granted Delay in Hearing Capt. David R. Deven, of Mount Holly, N.C., and M. Sgt. John H. O'Neill were found last Christmas Eve In a Bhtllow grave by U.S. Marines. Both had bttn listed as missi ng In action. The U.S. Command said it withheld announcement of the discovery of their bodies pending an inveatilaUon, po!itive idenUfication of. the bodies through d•n- ial records and notillcaUon ol nell of tln three days ago. "Reports from resident& in the area slit.<! Jhe Vie! COng put lhe U.S. pr!Jon- en on display ln several villaie• wore executing them," said a statement from the U.S. Command. "They had been cap. lured after an acUon Aug. J3, 1986, and later shot to death by their Viet COtll captora." The spokesman said the two were not the flt1t prilOOtt'll necuted by thti VIM Cong. He u.ld there had been reporta of others, but he did not know bow many. · Raymond Moor Funeral Held Servl<el I« the MISl<r of tile • Mor Vista M-1c Lodge, 118"'10"d Moor. were held 1t 11 •.m. today at tht MllOOk: Temple In Newport Belch. Mr. Moor dl«I lul Tllelday. Mr. Moor, a Harbor ,.,_, nold.,t olnce IH2. died al hll homo, Gii Or1nao Ave., Colt.a Mesa. He WU eo. A vettran ft World Wrr 11, he served u an officer with tile U.S. Marino Corpo. Ho ha4 been equipment oper110r 11 the U .s. Naval Weepons Depot, Seel Beach, for the pul IO yean. SurviWKll include his wire, Helen of the McKINNEY, Tes. (UPI) -Charleo heme; dlupters. t,.aura Plllmln. SuJln W•-· char(<d with murder In the U""""111, Morcella Crane, llml COie. Sharon T>t1111aytnp, won a JHlay pool-att of Cotta Mesa. and Ol<r)'I Bomallck ponemn Fr1dBy ol a heartng on Wit-of ·11WUINJ1on 8eacb; • llllter, Mn . IO!l'I extr1dllloct Jo C.lllontla. Bealrlce llunn of knta Qui; JI WallOO, JI, II chorged in. Los Aapl• Jl'llldd!lldrtn and --==.l)lld_, . , with llii ~ otllio:-1&1 "" • 11e111,..w111 ,i. -~ · .• mller pmons lut Augu,L tlm1l Cemettty,.San Olero- From Page l MESA BUST •• point a man sit ting outside in a parked van began honking hia horn, someone in- side shouted: "Bust," and pandominium ensued. Kutch said he ran to the nar door and started to tJct h11 way into the residence as the occupanla trled to nee wt the front "It , .. Oil~ QI lbooe &Juli born °""" tbal .owlngi tba Wl\!ba'fty and We had IO Jake it ap~bl.fflj, . Thr,. ~ ~out the !nlnl door, oolY .ta.bl-by lnve&Jlgatm"Art Courteau, wbo ordered them to halt and they did, baled on his slJe and service revolver. · One wilne!I present sald· Reynolds' wife was persuaded not to leave when Kutch drew hif: weapon. InvesUgator Courteau had snatched the car key1 away from the van driver who alerted the occupants of the apartment to police arrival, but he managed to escape in the confusion. The man vaulted over a fence With Inve&Ugator Kutch in pursuit, but the detective 1ave up the foot chase and chose not to shoot Police l£now the idenUty of the man who got away, while they doubt that the YCAml wife of one captlve -who could face charges later -will leave the &reL Mrs. Romney Eyes Race for Senate DETROIT (UPO -Mn. Lenore Rom- ney, wife o! George Romney, secretary of housing and urban development, has told top Michigan Republicans she would be wilUng to conaider a race for the U.S. Senate Ws year, the Detroit Free Presa reported Fr1dly. Word of Mn. Romney'• willingness lo run ogllnst Son. Philip Hort. (D-Mich.), has been broutht here from Washington, D.C .• by GOP nallonal -chaJnnan Elly Peunon, • fontJ« state Republlcan chalrm111, the p1por "Id in !ts early S.Jun!ay ed!Uons. ' Sweet Dreams HONOLULU (AP) -Vice President Spiro T. Agnew is back on American soil after a 32,000·mlle trip that took him half· way across Asia to tell leaders of l l countries th e United States plans to malntain its Pacific commitme.nU. Hu11 daocers gave Agnew the tracU· tionaJ Hawaiian welcome u Air Force Two landed here late Frldly alt« an et~r nJgbt across the South PaclfJc. He h<d !ell Auckland, New Zealand lhll morning, cto11slng the international date- line en route. Final delennlnatton rW w I t b Chancellor Daniel Aldrich. Higher Santiago Dam Needed, Says Waier Aide Agnew, his wife and staff pl.armed two dly1 of relaxaUon at c#reaort hotel ~ore Iocreulng the ~ d Slatlago Dam hudln( -Jo WISbinJl(Aiil. He' p!W ,. .. clJed IS Ille prlii\t-of-&• IO leav. Honolulu Monday and mtve Jn Orange County'• ~ w1ter -by . W&lhlngton aboat 1-p,p>. !-. Boyla. """"1111111 Ml(l1W« Irr lbe The only bUJ!nea& ill>tlvlty on "-'• " Mllilldpll W1ter 1llalrlet of Oronge • s<hedltle here ls a blleflng &mdly tram COOnty. - Adm. John S. McCain Jr., U.S. P1cl!ic In a report lo the Oranp Coon1y Water · military commander. The yict president AsaociaUOn, Boyle, presldeDt of Boyle-. also plan.s to get in a htlle golf and Enginef!ring ot Santa Ana. Wc:t ltudlea teonls-tw() favorite pastUmes he has indicate raising the claim of Santlaco bad UUle opportunlty for In recent woeu, ~rvolr to mulmum helchl would. be • the most economical way to provide the · Funeral Today For Luther Marr Funeral oervi<es for Jons11me Newport Beach flahenn.an and yacht:mnan Dr. . lAJther Marr were he-Id at 2 p.m. today at a Glendale Mortuary. The phyaJclan died at his Newport home Wednesday. 1be services for the fonner hotelman and rancher will be conducted by Kiefer and Eric Mortuary. Dr. Marr, who owned eeveral yacht.sin· eluding the Sundown and the famed K· Thanga -namesake of. K-Thanga Drive In Newport Beach -came to the Harbor Area 21 ye1rs ago. He and his wife Julla Lee lived at 2054 Vll:ta Cajon, dividing their time between Newport Beach and a home at Kallua, Kona, Hawall, purchased more than a decade aso. Born in Mansfiekl, Mo., Dr. Marr retired from the medical profession 111 1933 to take over the old Hotel Glendale, then went into ranching at Corona 1n 1937 before moving IO Newport Bead!. A member " the Masonic Lodge and the Shrine, Dr. Marr leaves in addition to hb wife, a llOn Lutbf'r Marr Jr., and two arandchlldren, Michelle and Steven Marr. greatea amount " water. He sajd 25 reservoir sites were · surveyed for possible future use. 0 Tftis study determined a storage area in ROiind C111yon on Jhe Irvine Rll1ch foe 20,000 acre feet of water was feasible at a -of 112 mlllJon.'' Ile aald. Boyle noted the mulmum ha 1 •e In Santiago Dam would provide an ad· ditlonal '2,500 acre-feet <I waf« f'or a total volume ot 17,500 acrMett fir .tiout . 17,886,000. "This _.kl out lo 1bout 1186 ' per acre-feet of addltkm.l storage • capacity,'' the qjneer espialMd. Boyle ISked hr publ!c llUppOrt of lhl : SanUogo Dam project in his report. not. ins "Orange CGuoty'1 ulUmate need will • be for one-mlllloo acre.feet of. watet ev~ ery year." Patient Receives Second Transplant ANN ARBOR, Mich. CUP!) -Gerald Kenneth ltedor, ff. Friday became the third penon In history IO lt1ve a ho!ptt.J -•Jin& ro<m wfth I IOCOod lrusplul. ed heart. Rector, a former construction worbr, received the hlllrt In an e!Jlhl·boar' oper. allon at lhe Unl•enity of Mlchlpa boopi. tal here. Linda J>l'llsldJ; an lndial!ac Unlvor•i!Y freshman. . eemt 'jd.;!l&VftUen· hei41ildlif -Hl<rally. Linde, lilt• thousands of other college student• around the nation, laoes final exams known to be a bit tirlnf. this w~t. The job II :. ' . -· l ·I I I I ·' ' ' • ' ' ' ' • 4' _ 1)1.ILY PILOT -. •' ' Ptllpit .• . . Communloft'_ will be celebrated a\ both the 8:15 and !'\~· i1 "1.in. aeri\ces 'aL-Christ .. ..!. IA\beru ORardl, 7SO Victoria, ;,caW.-)J.t~ --suMai . ,lqcar llf.Y ,~efelbein W(U use t~e ~e. i\Take the H a st p y R~' --ior .his .aermon mes· gqe at boUi ser"vic~. tl)rljl':;::!Jitberan members ~~~ _ will jo!n Otfier Orange County t..llltran Qw!i:l1<o at • 41mer .,,.,....id ·Iii· lbe Luthor.n ' .._ IDgh SahooJ As.sociation of OrJ!IF eounty ..at 6 p.ni .• Sun· day, at Zioil Lutheran Church,. Emily· 3:0d" Chartres streets, A,rJabeim. Dr. Edwin Kurtll wiD ~~the speaker. -• -Four men and l\.\·o l\.'omen -wiU be elected \'est:ry.men at ·-' " \ ... ~ . ---· ' ' .f Laguna r Revives J ana Pew and nooi-noininatlons will .be church. Dinner Wi!1 i.. llel'Ved m~ch Man and Church by Red roll lAlUitrM C\urch. Womail of the Year ai.r.·ards At the H-;;;u;.,a; •• ...._. _Jhei!_ogical Work also will be presented. Unf<ed Cburclt of ll•Ulfori< Wednesday, the first in a Sctnct ,..,. loth St th ··. ' 1970 -m0nthl1.: aeries of ' -.. . '' e 81 RICRA!lD P. NALL ud, m!l!~I enenaive ust ol Preaching • Teachl ngrHealiog l~SSOl1 topic:r.at· ~ ... ll a_..rn. ,...,,.. 9l. fM 0.111 "°"....,, .. .the chiD'ch fa then, .ezpoundedr Misiioos will be condOcted by Sunday Seffla!-WUl'"be· '"J.'he .,... --· . .., , the Ven . Kenneth Prebbte • Power of"lleligieas'. Science:"_.' A. Jong, morning swim 1.Dd answers or prtnciples. 'I'1ley Rector oi St.,Paul's Aucklan~. 'l'he ·re~ service will be ~ ttans):atlon of ·a..few pages ol were l\'Orked out by Togic us.-· and Arch Deacon.of Auckland,'~ _J.oll~wed '1•f .... .tke I; n'n1J a·I ~ chfssic Latin 'by· a 12t~ Ceft, jng lhe Bible 8!1 lD • bltallible New ~aland. The church ls = ~inc-.. of.. th•-tury Qieologlst help a 74-year· -absohlte . locate~ at 3209 Via Lido\ '6o:ard 'ol•1)1elndi, berihip.7 The old Sooth Laguiia schola,r start Far' instance, said O'Brian, Newport Beach. · · · • rectors , ":ill be the day"WJCh a zing. • the BoQ~ of:GeneJls refers at -elected ahd plans afMelina~the Dr. Robert F. O'Brlan, 21651 limes to "Gods" In the plural Lutheran Cbwt:~ . of Ille ~re or ~ ~~~ ''.!"i.ll)~ ~-, Wesley D.rive, 11 tU91ing ·the usini .. the .Hebrew word -M~1ter, · 2900 Pacific View rOfJlled. ., . ..,, ~~ ,,, • ~ ... , previously untramlated work: "Elcbim" Dr1.ve, Corona del Mat, offera .. ., .~ ~ _.,._·; tJ\ · ~~ucuttinian molik and , Lom~rd: aaid 0 •'B r11 D: worship al 9: 15 aod ll U)l. D 1E~j.' ~ . ,ldlolar-.Peta: Lombard' iltto attempt. to prove lb< HOiy , S~day.Churchschoolatid castes b ~ e, English. ....,, •. ,,.,. •... ;,tr_lnµ.Y', ·-God Jn three . , ' the an nu a I congregati onal f -~Qg .. rl Salnt ·J ~rm e 1 •.. ~')'Irish Sunday. The I ... meelli'lg, slated at 9:30 a.m. : between regularly scheduled nominating comm.it tee (l\fr . Lymait Farwell, Mr. Barkham Garner, Mr. Jarnea: Dodds, l\frs. Alexander Simpson, Mr. Donald · Fergu$Qn, all of Newport Beach, and Mrs. Helf!'n· Price of Costa Mesa) nominati on papers have been c ir c·ulari z ed by mail throughout tbe congrtgation, Bible classes are held at 10 ri::"nne~ :-&.-=~· ' !.~ i:.:t!:=6,,, .,. l:i'°l!; ll1;.1;•:i16~ the ~-D'ilRtAN-!CEE~~ BUSY-SWIMMIN~, TRANSLATING •-~;, William , It Eller wilf , f:;,,~'• ~~--Sent.Ilea of Lomlli*'!; is tll' •liow)ng "ihat Moses used tbe Lo9uno, D1tploy1 Copy of ~lo11lc Lohn Theoloty Work deliver the message f'Jes\18 Road Newpon Beach on Sun-fOmJdation for mutt.: of. the ' 'Jtotd GO;d in the plural an4 Fi~~~i,~eeting offered 1.,. . d~)I, 'wonhlp -1JOlln ~~~-f'~-~~-=1. lte)kved in the Ho!J< on television at night, he returns to tM··works of J...om. quoted an ancient: "ff you use your eyes only to amuse and , tickle the fancy, you will see ~ services, wilr also coMider the . are at a t ·hmt11-a;m-... · ~· .... , ......... _, ~..," · · ·-· young single aduJU and l!iP9fl· ·--'_· · • 1,088 pages 1ong. O'Brian plows thfough ·his sored by tbeLutheran oongr,. s nd ltd -0::i0 ·--· -·Lolllblnf, --Uwd from Soal ·ot--~foor pages dally, barrl. . 1970_ proposed parish budget. gations o( the area will be held u ay 3 an 1 · a.m. about 1100 to 1164, ~led prob-: .sometimes more. Jf his wire is . Jft addition to the she can· L di~ates proposed by I h e ~· ORANGE . . at 6 p.m. in Wes5ell Hall at the fSee PULP.IT..· flle I). lerils oc. questJcn ol .theology !atching ·1Dmethiq amus_lng 0 1 have A"hOJTOr of beiilg. enlertained," he · said and (See O'BRIAN, P8ge 5) .~ ~, .. =Lo=o=K1=NG=FO==R_=ME=A=N=1N9==& R=E=LE=VA=N=c=e1==~==C=H==R=IS=T=l=A= __ N=_=_.S=(=, 1~-E_-=N~C=-E~-~=--=~=E=. =EP=!=f ... =~:;:;tA=, ~=-~~~;;;HU=R""c=l'f=· _===_. =: =:~ii.'=L=~=~=:;~-A~~=-~;:·~=~!=~=~'iii!=. Lu=~=~E=~H=A~=M=c~=s~=~=H~- . FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH IA.LC.I I . 1,,_,,,... ... ,.., ... , iu.. N...,... iH<> · 2501 CIT!i Dr. LIB-4293 2900Paci!icVleiyDr. ; Fairview Rd. At Fa-ir Dr.,~01ta ~u . (·HURCHES t:JI ..._...., lecNrht · . Corona del Mar J•A.M._:Churc:h School l_OA,M,-Worohlp ''" o.•-M_...,_,.,,...... ,.....,_. __ ......_ DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER . v TWa...J-.6 ..... P...., .' • ..:..._ .. : __ ,tl_,ty_..,,,,, ....... ,G-.,.' . -............ ,... •• ,.'"' ~....... I """ _, ..., ,,. 1 llANCHIS OF THI MOTHll CHUICM t:tl ..........CW6 k1iM1 . """"-crnd ~ C..1t•H11t :-~-145..4,11 .THI fllst CHUICJ.f q; CHllST, SCli'NTIST 11tfl • .-....., I....._ tit & Jr-4 S... l'"tlftilY Wwlh1-t:OO tD 1e::111 i.111, ,., u~ ~ ... l.,. •--• I lvrldlY kPIOel t:• to 1e:• 1.lft. '" Mrs. w.iwe ~-·· , ..... w ...... Pho .. '644-7664 9:15 A.M. FollrtyWlltlh111 10:00A.M. S1HayClt•r.:• ...... tt:OOA.M. htth•Wrilp N11rwty Proridod IN IOITON, MASSACHUSms -...... _,.. ..... .,... -I won111, s.n1ct1 n:•,., 12:00 I ct.Rd C.. et t :OO •·•· ''LIFE'' J • Ti.. 1 .... HM P . ........, 11, lecter , Nursery care av~able 1:1 1 Tiie In. D•rid A. Cn11"'' A...c.~ lecter P'lte111e: 675·1211 ' at all services ! HARBO~ TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 12JO Iner St. 9' folm.w, Cott• MeH tt .... COfllll• Sollos, P•ror I Sunday School 9:45 a .m. Morning Worship 11 :00 8.m. I Baptist. Training Union 6 p.m. Evening Service 7 p.m. 1 Sunday, January 18th ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS WELCOME Pec:lfk ~ Drhti et M-.IHl'fte, C•r•N .... Mw Cost• Mts1-Fir1t Church of Chri1t, Scientist J S1fMkr. 1:00, 9:JO 1111411 :00-CltNd cctN., 9:JO 2110 M"• Y ... de Dr., C"hll MeJ• H•lf Dayl • All11o•tteff All I-. .. W~c•IM S•lldCJJ School-9:1 S A.M. IKtw. Ttot ht'. Jeh ........ Dfth-PMN 644·H6J Clltlrch S9"ic•-11 A.M. 111Mdl114J lll•olft, 2150 M_. Vetd• Dr. 1; ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. \Vednesday Bible Study & Prayer .. : ........... 7:00 p.m. j FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 650 HAMILTON, COStA MliSA ftl!V. J. D. WALL.r.C£ Su ltcl'•y s~hool • , • , •••• 9:~S ·Tr•ining Union ••••• , •• S:OO Mo rnint Wonhip • , , • , It :00 Ev•ning Worthip • , • , •• 6:00 W•cln•1d•y Pr•yer M,.tin9 for 111 •9•1 •.•• , ••• , ••••• 7:]0 P1toH 642·9111 Nllf'Mfl' Ahr.,. A••lloble UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH • 2151 S. I. PALISADl1 •OAD · · · SANTA ANA,JWJ!ktS,,.,. ~ .•. ~ SUMDAY SCllOQ,I.. , .......... ,.,.,.,, ... \;--. •..• ,,,,f1U AM MOllNllOIG WOlllMI,. ........ 1 ,, ........ 1 .. , 11 AM. IOVl!NINO '#OllSHI .. , ............................... , 1 f'.M.. 1 M.IDW••K St:llVICE WIDNllD4T r, . 1::• J>,M. Wllll1m S. Acl1111, '"•'™; v~ .• ~..,_ J4f<lll•• .... .. •· Huntington Beach-First Church of Christ, Scientist 110 Ollwe S1itd., khool -9:30 & 11 :00 Chirch-11 A.M. s.r.ic• loodhtt ... "' -110 011 .. StHtftp 7:ll l 9:JO Ch•rtlt SclMl•I -9:JD Th,,.,.: 6:l0 & 11 •. 1111.; Hofy hp• •H•IM-4 Yk•, TM 1 .... hlHI W. D.1 ..... -l'ttMe 141·1JJ6 L1gun1 B11ch-Flrst Church of Christ, Scientist ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 6JS Hl9lt Dr. 1111 SI. _,-Clll,.i LIM -JllSI "1' sf PPn "'illh Cll1rch & S11MICJJ Scll••I -9:JO & 11 :ff I ...,.,,..,._ •-.~. <•llfern~ lffdhtf holft, 214 fclN1f T~t In, J•-C. Cllty, P'IJIW I Sund•y Services I Newport Btach--Fir1t Church of Christ, Scltnlitt 1~1 •=• A.M. Ht'Y' c1'"-"" t:• AM. '•1111ry ~a c1wrc11 l'I JJOl Ylo Lide I 7:tll P'.M. aw.,._ k1191h 111 Clt•ic• 1 SndSJ Sdi•ol ..... 9:1S·l l1 :00 1 7:• p~, ~:::""6.n,,-ll:OI A.M. ::= r:~~~llH' Ntwpqrt -Be~cf:t-~ond· Ch~rch of ih;i1i,; SCl.titlst : ' ' ' -' " T ,1, ' CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Miuou•i Synocl 760 Ylct0f1• 51., Co1to Mn• Lolll•r V. TorHw, l'mfor 541-5404 Wonll>P Strwkti: 1;15 Ii ,n AM. S1md1y S'llool. t .30 AM. AOUI! 811t~ Cl&!I: t :» AM. CHllSTIAN ILIMEHTAI\' SCHOOL 541-6166 PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH M.M Yorde Dti" I ...., StNet, Cost• M--. Collf. 'ANOllE"¥ C. AHDf.RSOH. P'••tor lund•Y ScflOl.I: 1:00. f:'lll Mid H:llO-Mornlng Woril'llp: l :CIO, t :)I) Ind 11 :111 ·:Pd ~. of.l•-.c• \.utft•rtl'I Scb.~ol -Mi~1 Ellher Olton, PrhKipel ., '. c•..I'~ 54f.OS2 I ~. • .. -~chool Phone: ,5~9·0162 • ..... ...;.:; • ... ")7',~. ,'·~ FIRST .. 1l '.Jl'Al'TlST Cl'lllJ!CH •f Fo.tttei .. Ydff1( l~•.U_f!lltt· ._, 1"411111t IMlll, lJIS Vie Udo ~~;·~~;;;;~~--~;;~~·;;·~· ~~~-~-;;~~~~ I ltOO '•!fie View-Dr ... CMftlll 4o1 M• · · • " • _ , ·.:~~~~~JIA~ 1 • · -~~::.~~~~.:c!:.:-.!-,.·.·. ··'· , F1f;!!_!~5!~~.~~M,°!,,~~D:.~':~~!'I .'}.~ .. ··~-_. -:CJ,_---e,_:_ . ..,. ,. /' ' •• • • · · • 1 All .are cordially invited to attend the churrh • ··r . ·"' :-. · · '. · " " ·-.... ··~ __ _ ~J. --· ~-h,,......,h r Victoria Ii: Placentia A~e . 1:11 .. .seJ"V4:eJ apd enjov the privileguof Ute . ' . M;·C:''Cr..nc. ,.,..,.,.. • • J••• G•ft11kk. ~..,_-~-~ .. --I~ Li~ . -174.11 M.,...nil, f .Y. .... D-H..#i.,_ Ml•hter ' Costa Me sa Rd'' RiO , .ft1yNicholu1n,Mini1l•rofYoutl! ~~ • -• .,_, -·--·-,. Jo~in~!'Ot'Cf . e·a. mg 0 ms . . • SUNDAY SERVltES -~ t ~: 0 ••• bur " . : .. (Ce Morning Worih!p l ;lO & I I :00 ·~~:~:Y Ms.::~:~ : : : : : : : : :· !;!: II PttyBt S.,vic• , ••• , ,, •• ':lO Ew•ni•g S1rvic• • , • , • ••. 7:00 HIW1otr, Av•tlMll •t Ill kn'lc .. D-tttl•·tfHto& C•ll4 Coro 'r•tidM AT ALL SIRVICU SUNDAY SCHOOL _ 9:30 A.M. 1!111'1 w...;:"' . .':1.~.~: .. 11• t .'ft. 11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11 CLA.siu FOi ALL Af'ilS •1•11 tc""'· · ··········-····''• 1·"'· ST MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH F 11 W "1 10 50 A M 7 P M ~~ng·,:.:~'~.:·.:::::::·.~~'.~ ::::: . •m y or,1n p -: . . -. . R2-2421 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH vn,..,.. ....................... .1 '-"'· IMiuoi.rri Synod! CHURCH CHOIR Nurs.ery Care Provided I wonhipillg •• thi Sheril Paulsen, Director "*·<771 ·-141-U<I UNIVERSITY PARK SCHOOL ' • !I S1nclbur9 11 M1 tlh•wt in U"ivanily Ptrk I W01t$HIP: lO:JO A.M. 1 Chur~h of lh• 01ily V(ord • ltev. H. Ni•rm•nll ,r11lor 133·1118 1: I NEWPORT UNITY ,1 CHURCH --Worship Service-8:30 AM P•stor Gollnick, speaking Yillt.n Wefce1M -N•l"Mfy Att•ndo11f St•t. LlcetttM l'ro•Sctt..I -Mrt. John Gollni,k, Oir•clor ~ein & A ams tre~s I """" ..... Corona del Mar I d S 1, L••111 o. ,HUont.. ONRAL~i ISlh I Irvine. Newporl '••th BIBLE CHURCH I · Huntington Belch · · I 15-enoor C!lltfl!I llulldlllg) 1: ' ~ J ~ , I Morni•9 WMthip f ··-J \' •••••••• 1:30 a .1.i:oo·AM t :4SA.M. S11nd•v Sthool II~ ~ J 1r ,.., II y._\lRCf'f () c; " ;.j· o..., I Ph•flf!: 645·2Jtl ll~~~~~i l ib!• School •••••••• ,;45.AM I 10 00 , M o 1-I 5 ~ j , OO PM ~ ,... evo •O"• 1rv1c• • • " Y ouln Groupt •• • ••• 6: ,, Ev .. ning WorihiJI •••• 7:00 PM OFFICE: JOit w (Oiil HI~~ .... ,.. Ne. ; lmpb.4slting I •l1ti. Sii.Mi~ G,..,~-w-..-1 '·"'· i Pllonf. ,~.,111 ~Tht Pl.In of God ' Nvro•rr C••• Proyfded •r •II se•Yk:et DIAL·A·l'RAYll-646·06J9 The Person of Chri~t I O!!ke: .sJ6.2Slt Diii Ocvolklft.J».tSIO I The Power of 1he Holy Spirit 1· . :Sund~ Sdiool ' >iM CHUR~t:.. OF RELIG. ·1ou's SCIENCE Mornins wo•sh•P , ;inct 1o:JO AM \.n Ew111lng ~ltf 7 .,1'\ i • .. N-1'9ff hldt Wldrwtd•y l ll>le lludy ~tmMr Cllll_l'!ll fl Ull!ltd Cllllrdl !''!ltlt:n k ltMt, Lit$ •nt•ltt ~d p,~1 7 r.-.i "' cs t "' z -I~ WI .. .,i + ......... + ~ ' ·~; ":I ~ I 0 ,. .... GLAD TIDINGS ASSEMBLY OF GOD I ITH A MO.NIOYIA, NIWflOltT llACH (\.t l lldr Wftl If NMt Ml11Hl11J ThOl'll•t len .. tnufi, r.itor S1111 Milttr, M11tic1I Oirt~ter 9:45 S•lldoy Schoo~N1rMfy Alrewd•ltt 11:50 A.M. "TIM Jloltlt •f ttM Cll•rclt ht th WllMnieu # J,. S•r'rnol'I by 1'1d'or I; A Cordiel Welcome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH l1ll:.o1 hl1nd THI UNITEP COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH I 15AIJll• 9:l0 Tr1.:lition1l Wo.,hip · l Sund1 y School Co1l1 M111 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Cft i.rrch Wo,.hip -9:10 l 11 Churd1 Sthool -9:30 541.1111 Coil• Mftl North MESA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH Huntington leech-North COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 6661 H1il Awt . 842-4461 Wonhip & Chi.rrch Schtal 9 & 10:10 A.M. 1,.;,,, -E11! Bluff UNIVERSITY . METHODIST CHURCH Sll·llJl t i Uriiver1\ly Oriv• Wouhip & Ch11tch School 9 & 10:30 A.M. L•fJ\1'11• l•ech LAGUNA' BEACH METHODIST CHURCH ' .. SUMOAY Sl!llVICE • , . 11 /VII Mlnilllr ••• Albfrt turl( .. P. S.t F. Nur>try d11rmg ~rv1,es A fuU Youlh PJOg11m ~ltMA~..J;. 7:00 l'.M. "Tht> Old Woy Of The Wlc•M"' S•r111a11 by '••for "SINGSPUIATION IYlllY SUNDAY N15HT M11• V9rd1 I ••k•f'Sh 549.2719 Wouhlp l Ct111rch Sd1ool 9:00 110:10 A.M • l i 612 w •• 1 • ., Oriv. in So. L19~nt We,,hip 11 A.M. TM~ 'llllt' CLUI D, NIWP'O•T tlACM . SU hi-· t1¥d., 11-I ;F;=:~~==:;:~~.~~===:111 Crn. of Or.11nge M\d 2.Jrd. St. I Co$t• Mes. P~tot H. L Joner, llCA Mbt. COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL •• H1o1nti119ton 101,h Church School t :JO A.M. 499-lOlt fll•wport le•ch ' ., PLEASE DON'T COME I ,,. ' TO . I -CALVARY CHAPEL 1f"'YC'U •r• ·look-int fw .,., .1.&M••• P•OIJl111'. or toci•I pr•1ti9•. lut .if vou •r• looiin9 foJ in..;l•plh l ibl1 sludl•1, Chri1li1n lei· 1,w,hip. '"d lfltpirillt 1plrit•d~rMi;, you'll low• ut! To 1c.com · rno4•te our 9rowi119 thi.rrth f11f11lv W• now h•w• two Surid•y mo,11in9 t•rvic''"' 9:10 •rMI I 1100. Nun•ry c•re. Corn•r of G•••"· UMM Clulrcl .t RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 420 10th Sf., Hunti~lo11 l11th 'hon• 5)6.1120 Aclul t j. Youlh S11vicat, I I •.m. ' \11 Y••• Cl•n, w.d .. 7:15 p.m. llNIST l'ATI, MINtsTll· 611 HELIOTROPI'. Wori1t1, -\O:Ol '6.M· Chi.rrch Sc ... .t-10:00 A.M. Of. P~ill'o G, N>uriey; Mfnlstw Min S~lrtey SHbll, D.C,E. 61:i-.ooo 'JJ SABB,t,TH SE RVICES RELIGIOUS SCAOOL harbor reform temple RA881 BERNARD P. KING 4'. b. meet ing at St. James Eplscopal Church o 3209 Via l ido, Newport Beach For lnlorm•lion: C.all 67~7230 FIRST -UNITED . METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17fti $f. SJ6.J517 Strvic•1 -9:30 I 11 A.M. Nurttry th'u llld 9r1de • t l Chutch ~chool-9:10 A.M. CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA 1100 w .1.1bo. 11.-4. 67J.JIOS Wo,,hip J. Church Set.eel 9:1 0 I I I A.M. '¥ill9 l S11nriow.r: ' t:_ • ~ • I ' ... ... .... • ' "';;;:;:;;::=;:;:='='='='·~··='='=·====:;;;i~·~:1;'~~="i=''~~-=·~~ ... -======i1 ~ . ~ . ' . Seventh·Day Adventist Churches ·C .... M .. 271 A'tOC .. $fNet Joh• Sllewrn•k~ ~•slot L°'!" Nlt•9' ..,..,,. .. HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES ·of the Coastal Areas Christ Church. Presbyterian 20112 M .. ffli• CNHr Ad..,.} HW!ltl.,._ leeclt • ..,. heoN I •• ......._ P•t•r • 'JJartor C/iri6lia:;. Cfiur~h ' OJMIMOIT'nAC"-'-!Dhcl,...i _,.....,...,...., ...,,.,,~ kMel . 421L 11rtilf .. C..t.M ... Cbu~ School -•P:30 A.M: Woi'sh1p -l0:4q A.M, • NtmlfY•C..Pt•tf...._ ,' Phone: 67>3985 rhon•t 111·6596" Selfttr S~ hptht CltlffCl 32711 er.... ,..,. , ... .., A. E. lt1wton, P•tlor l.w..+tl ki...I •••. f :JtAM ,~011•1 49J.JtJ4 M•nthtf"-'W.nlilp : •• lltOOAM· ~-Scti..t· .~.o t :IOAM ....... M ..... • Wod·T'J°'M Mo'°I" W...Wp .... 11~1 AM 'i · . FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 740 W. Wilson, Coste Mesa Y. L HlitTWICI, lMt.r f41-4704 flOlll:T I . YISTt• MllllllW fll IM'"*'t Ult!,: tlNTllY Ml!lllttf Ill MM SUNDAY SERVICES · ' . s.-., W...W,: f:Jt A.M. CttlHC• k.._.: 10:41 A.M. ~ Hl1J M..,..il111St ........ : tllo4941 Charch of th• Covenant 2150 ~ • .,.. ~ M ... , • • lrvc• A. ICll!'rl., 1'11tor ft4S ·A.llil.-IUNDA'T SCHOOL • ....., Wenllf': t 1JD a. 11 -Clierclt Scl!MI: t :JI 1 l:SCI A.~ W.., ......... 1ert.1 .. · • ..;..~-·_,.,1._;,,__.,'-,.'0"o''-'-' .c14--,S-_<_IM_·:--=---,.- ' "~" '' ,.,,;,, St. Andrew\ Presbyterian Church ·• Minister: Dr. _D. IV. McElroy t040 ,..._ . .._.,._ fliAM .. M ... otl•l, FOUNTAIN YALLIT / • Tl r!" ' . 6tf s .._......, ..... Nft' ".._. I 7:30 l'.M-• SIN IPllA Olf 111 '· ,. ' -. ,. • UNIFiE-b .SERYICI. SuM•Y Sdtool 9:30 ;_ WORSHlr. IO:JO ' • Th•·So111hl11• Si1fwtt 111 -CHAILIS HlllllT Dll&INFlllD. PAITOl '-:::!:::i;::i:::iil::.::::aii::::;::~=:=~===:::;ill ~ '' • T "' ~ 6 JO , , Wl'f!Mp & Clltlrl• SdtHf: I. f:JI I 11 .t..M. r , ·:•r• P ~ ~ wr•1ipt -= '""'' 1 COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL .. I. ' M&.7147 . . CHURCH OF CHRIST ~~~~·~--~~1~:;""~..,.,.~ .... ~-·~:~ ..... ~··~·:...~· ·~·:...~· ... ~,.~w~··~·~~~~~,·~· ;. ~~-~~";"~"~~~_....~·~;·~-~··;;·;;··~·"~·-~";;'"~"~Ng·;· ~-~~1.1 oSt'.K Mark PNSbyterian Church .-·~ ' • ,,_........., Kirt, , .. ,., ' 0217-w. WILSON ST.~~COSJA MESA I . I CetW , •••• ,.. •••tWeff Drift, c.. ... , "'• . mwnN NUIOI ... PAllYllW EVANGEUCA'L FREE "'HURCH .• -. TEMPLE s· HARON w ... ,,.ci. ......... _,,,.,,. •. M. :f1•_.;~;ti·ii.N:iD:D,Z.~l!g~;;~~~~~f,u~~·;;;ifN·10N~:~ ,:;;: :::: / ''" .~.1~1.t ... : .... ~;t~_.;.,..,, 7_i;,,,. . l *' . ', •· n.ot:: ... _"*""H_..,. ... ~ ™ ,... -l~w~.~.~.~,,.~ .• ~,,~.~-=-~-~-~~~ .. ~·-~."~·~·~-=~~~~~~~ sOtolDAY EY£N1hS wo~sHrl' •••••••••••••••••• · •:00 1'.M. _ _ __... ...,..... 1 ,_ WtONl.sDAY EVENING l!ltE STUDY •••••••••••• 7:JO ,,M, 1 11 rM A.M. _ M11rnlfltl ~.,., ,.M, _ v-o~ ., W11t H•lltM. c.... M... • · UNITARIAN Attend the church '. NUISRY CAii r10V1DEO '1:.:·;:.:;::~::.:.;.::;,: .. ~ • 11t1t ''"'· All J•wlth ftll'lilitt tr• in,.lt•4 t. fti't> 11t ln truly 111••11iatful ' UNICVHEURRSCAHLIST of your choice ., • .._. O • ...,....,. t. •· Htrnt Jirn•• Ch•1t· l.S:I SAllATH MNIN• ll•YICIS fllDAY., 1:11 l'.M. ... ......... ......... ii'*"-,,,.._,.. ,..... Clettd .., ........... ., GH" ~ ~ .................... ._. 1259 Victor!• St., Cotlt "'••• r on Sunday ... . Phone: J.41....5711 D•y or Nlg~J. 1 ll:Mi.rt 21 '44·116t r~~,,. ·sh.,. ~ir -Oft•.• Sft•lt•t. 141·1411,. •46 4'5_ti· tt~~~· ' I I • r .. • L Farewell Sermon The Rev. Clement E. Shoemaker, 'vho has served as pastor of King of GIOry Luther· an Church, 17791 Ne"" land Street. Huntington Beac h si nce 1963, 'vill preach his fa re,\•ell ser· mon Sund ay. I-le has accepted the pastorate al Zion Lu t h e r a n Church in Stock ~on. The Rev . L. K. J ohn· son \Viii take over as interim pastor. ~ '' LBS Confab Elder James A. Cull· imore. an assistant to the Council of Twelve of the Church of Jes!J i; Chri st of Later • day Saints, 'viii speak al the Huntington . Be1ch Stake Conference to- day and Sunday. The Conference session will be held at 10 a.m. at 14271 Locust, Weslrnin· st er. BIBLE THOUGHTS •' Pew obo<rvance wtll be ll<ld for the ne:arly C"Omple ted Wt11t Sanclu•ry whip. Is sledlealed lG..J.be memory o(. Mrs. W. D •• West. The Fin1t United ftfetoodist Cburcb. 2721 Seventeenth St .. Huntington Beach will ·conduct "'orship services Sunday at 9:30 and 11 a.m. 'Mie Rev. Edward C. Erny will preach "Rebekah • When Love Tums Selfish." The pa.st.or will begjn a three week series on ~he Methodist Church at 7 p.m. for those interested in becoming members. Morning worship bi scheElul· ed ror 10:30· o'cloc,_ et Ret1'ureciloa Lutheran Church , 9812 Hamilton. Hun· tlngtoo Beach. Pas&or-Ar1hur R. Tingley will . ~k on "Climbing fll~ Enough to See." 'Mie annual congregational mcettng will be1i~ld at 7 p.m. in the Education building ... \vednei;day the LulheraTI Church \Vomen will meet at 8 R>m . J.1n1. Fran Ursini wlll · discus.~ the lopil.' on .. The Disadv.antagcd Child in Ol!r Cbtnnrunily. ".- --~ --~ ------------------------- • -... ,,..,..,~ . .. - MR. MUM . ~ S•UlrdliY, ~JntJJry 17, l'f70 OT, Ii Your Horoscope Aries; Be Recept!ye A Delight FOR DINGHIES, · SA~1~~~&ENnd BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GUIDE- Mesa Upholstery Uberty 1-4781' Invest by the 20th' •nd earn frot?i-the' 1'1t.on 24-month ii.Ill pa id investrntnf Thrift Certificates. Or SV11.' 9ft P•ssbook AccOu,.+s °" any •mo.inti. Yoor J withdrewels hoftor.td immedi•tely ofl ~eMtRd. J (l"rom Page 4) gets stumped on usage, such · as whY one w.ord was wtitten o1'ly ·shadows· uriUl you too all in capital letters -did ibis" became.a shade." have a t ~ e o·I o & i ca I · Dr. O'Brian Is per:fcmning significance? -he calls an the scholarly labor of.love for authority he know s .lo double the G r a .d u a t e ·Theological check ·or pours over reference- Union Library al .Berkeley. It W1>rks. comprises the c o m b i n e d O'Brian feels that con- libraries of two R o m a n s e r v a t I v e fundamentalist C11lhollc and ·four Protestant Protestant theology will draw , seminarie1 and as such is the support from 1he translation.. AMIRICAN MADI , COMlllANDO MOTORS CALIFORN1'A. TH/UFI'6-LOAN ' flemoriol p~ ' M.AUSOlfUM • COlU.ltlU.ttUM • CfM!Tfl'I' l TREES of the WORLD Communion will be celebrated Sunday at both the 7:30 and 9:30 am. services at St Jolin Ille Divine Episcopal Cburcb. 2043 Orange Ave .• Costa ttfesa. The Rev. Wall er C. ti-tiller will preach at the 9:30 a.m. service. Sunday SchOol classes are held at 9:30 a.m. and nursery care i.5 pro- vided at this time. largest of its kind in the U.S. Although ordained by the rare 011 folt'--11 A••it~ The library hopes to acquire "Old Roman Cat h n 1 i cl !~~~~=~~==~··~·;•~;;;•~~~ .. ~·~·~·~M~'~°'""~~,.~·==:; a subsidy from a foundation to Church," Dr. O'Brian I PhD In!;: have O'Brlan's v•ork publish· education) served as a student ·ed. pastor for the Methodist At 7 p.m. the EYC '<lill meet. On Thursday evening at 7:3!) o'ekK:k Christian Social Relations committee w i 11 meet. "Throua:h the years." said Church while all ending O'Brian, "l have read each Northwestern University. morning for two or three For six years he was presi- houra in (classical) Greek, dent of Morningside C.Ollege in Latin or Hebrew so it is really Sioux City, Iowa, and also no hardship." served aa Sectttary of SU!te of Although he was a student of Iowa . Fram t!Ml to 1945 he the old languages, O'Brian was riational JeCretary for the: said he has argued with coMervaUve branch of the Potluck dinner will be held · educaJors fot years that they Democratic National Com- next Saturday by Temple shoJ!ld n~be required c~ses mittee. Huntington Beech ORTHODOX* PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH fodtt llec.ffftto• l •lldlllf t2tl hHbtt St .. H11ntlnfto1t hcK9t Nur11ry for tm ell child11n MOltNIHG WOll5HIP -11 :00 A.M. S1111ffJ khool-t:4S A.M. Kn. fiffr,. W. MoR,.• t62·7J6) ., 124-Jtl4 •Confo rm • lo !hot• beli,f1 •~d p11ctic•1 k1ld hi1loric•Uy t.Y, P111bytirieftt, Hiiiei at the social hall 401 for student.I. Jfe sees 1t as Re has alAo been a suc· ttth st., Huntington B~h. something of· a, joke that he cessful businessman an d ljmmmmmm~O'f;ep~~OAYt For information call Mr. and has ended up a translator or buSine!s acMser· to foreign ll OPEN TODAY Mrs . ·'Phil ·Blank at SG-6367. cl .. sical Latin.. countties. · lie feels· that the free 'Because he has always liked ~-... 'The1'ook of Job :· faith In translation of Lombard's work to keep active, Dr~ O'Brian Par d I al w Id'' may take another six months reveals he-now takes three--Spilt of a a ox c or ... nun ·11 · -·ne welk home follo·~ng a U; lhe topic for Su:nd<ll''li 7:15 And cw C W1 consume six .,., ..-1 p. m. session of 1 tte · Bible con.1 ~m;;i;on;;;llli;a;;;;;l!;;;te;;;r;;;llla;;;;;l;;;;;It;;;;;O;;;·e;;;n;;;· a;;;n;;;;;l;;;igh!;;;;;;;;lu;;;n;;;c;;;h.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; fPl ence at Fairview Baptl1t11 Cburcl( 'Fairview and Fair Drive. Co.~ta Mesa . Dr. Robert Laurin ")'iJI. present ~ topic and will answer questionr- following a coffee break. · FIRST ANNUAL AST R 0 L·O GA .NZ A ' ' ' . Tb Rev. M"elviri~~ will proadli "lteproduCfng · 0 u r Kind'' at the 10 a.m. 'Sunday "ASTROLOGY: The Selene• of the ·S.v1ntl1111 : I service. SIJNDA Y, JAN~ARY 25th AN~1'1EIM CONVEN1'10N CENTE~ Continuous Stmln1r1 and Dltcusslon· Ofoup1 $t•r~ng At 3 ¥.Ill. Le<lur.,: '7:30 P.M. Adml11ion: $5.00 for •II evtnt1. Sponsored By: THE SUN SIGN 712 E. BALBOA BLVD, BALBOA PENINSULA I DON'T BE A~ SITJINO !.. DUCK ·oN YOUR'~ INCOME .TAX Get oll the deductions you've got corn~nll IOTI. BLOCK men-know tax" f"-al s -and WE .,. alway1 ~v ... ,.. . h AID untrng ways 1o save ·~ you monoy. Protect ITATI . your11tlf by 1ett1n9· BLOCK prepart your fllll!I, rtfurn. Our tttVlce lt.: ~ LUii qulck; rellob)e ao.cl. guoronteed accurate. UP OllAllANnl 1[11••••11!!1• WI ,__,... ---,r1p ..... <ti _, .............. -~-.. .,. _ ....... ,_ . .., ,......, -~· -... .. ....... i!-!!i'•""'!!!"' ... 1111111111111•• ... [3~[rlCo. +m•rl .. 'alo"""~~~~0!9- C•t•M ... • 1175 Harltw l l•d.' Mtlfl Offlc1 .. MHI (7f 41 675-6661 ' • 'IUlllTON· MOlSI "-'JUDY MAllTIN, O_.tn WllKOAYI f.t SAT. &. IUM. M ---------------------'.~~!!!!!~!!! N'O T,j.olNTMINT Nltlllftll; l I • ' -· -• ' -Comme nt -Page . . -· -·---- ·' on't Say You're ~· Too Dfunk ·to ''fry I ~ F,.ID a Pr'e1& ,Rdea,. b....S by Tbe"Department of ~lotor Veb.ictet. il ..on:i1J1 contested a six rnonlM' '' plied coq.aent law" suspension of her Implied Consen t Law I ~. f!.Hti.itJ;p~ to Evade . . ... . ' Since tile laW"~s • on tho book>. peace officers ha\16 filed 37.S71S ''lmpll~d consent law" sta tement& with the ~.­ ment of Motor Vthlc .. ~s. Jbese,.. ·~ve resulted in 32,061 ~-fl'OIU c1r1,. ver'a Jbnae by the Department of Ve:l>lciu. She had relusod lo a tell of her IObriety alter the car w lli:(vl6i erTat.iCally was gtopped 1 pOllcie offlcer, Her defense: she· had " n too drunk to understand the con- uenctS d refusing lbc tes:t. o hit _; and to many others -bing '• ~ring privUegt for slx months apparently a fate more to be feared a drunk driving conviction. Why ! If a ~son i5 found guilty cf dri ving ile ••under the inlluence" a judge has opUon ·of Imposing a Jail te!"!'· a fine, ~simply probation. OMV off1c1als have choict under the law. They mun sus- ror 11ix months anyone's driving Rfvilege after getting a peace officer's qorn st.atement that the person was at• i ed ·on !U.!Piclon of driving "under the uence" and that the person refused to w an alcohol test of either hLs blood, • • lftath ... uriJle. The la" pis Ila name llom the usumption that, when a motorist drives a car on tM hf&hway, he implies COD5Cnt lo th• blood alcohol test.!. -while the levtl or Dl>l>lnto.!cotion ls prllUl!le lo be haU that quant113. A aoctal drini<a' could be on bis way borne Imm a party wall below <he lntoll!C.Uon 1 ... 1. ch!pendhig on bis pliylllque as well as how much and when he had eaten and THE DEFENDANT can ask for a hear· imblbed, Ing, but 11 CIUl deal ooly with the rocta •t ~neralfy !peaiclng, It'• the pe\"SOQ who the time Dt arrest -not with extenu.aUn1 hu had too many drinks and knows jt ci.rcumltances. Whether one wu too in-who ref~s a test when it's offered. Tb'e tol.icated to understand instructions or con.wquences of his refuul may n0t not intoxicated at all is entirely beside really sink in witil he haii: 11ober~ up,· the point at such a hearing. UnW the po.;slbility stares them. if! ·.the That anyone should refuse the test il he face. many persons don't race up to the ~-ere convinced he wasn't drunk ii, c:if implications of getting along without course, unlikely. 1be tests have shown in wheels for six month!. ·It's too late then. many cases that the person was not To anyone who drives a car or a truck tor under the influence of a1coboL One of , a liviDg, a six•month suspension comu Callfomla'1 newest laws spells out the close to total di.saster. "presumptive drunk" concentration or alcohol In the blood as one t.e.ntb of one A STRING of court cases stretches -. > ' ' Technology Won't Do It Ecowgists' Job : Shut Of f Progress, Growth TM authors are ""mber1 of the biology department of the UniveTs ity of CaUforni4. Santa Barbara. ThU article is abridged from Tiu Center /.l agazim. published by the Center for the Studu of Democratic Insti- tutions. By WILLIAM MURDOCH aDd JOSEPH CONNELL The capacity of the environment. lb act as a sink for our total waste, to absorb it and recycle it ao that it does not ac· cumulate as pollution, is limited. Jn many tn.tanc.s, thllt llmll bas already been passed. It seema clear that when lhnits are passed, fairly gross effects occur, r;ome of which are predictable, some of which are not. These effects result in signi.!icant alterations in environmental coodition.t <global weather, ocean productivity}. Such changes are almost aJways bad since organi!ms have evolved and ecae:yatems have developed for existing conditions. We impose rates of change on the environment which are too great for blologicaJ systems to cope with. IN SUCH A FINITE world and under present condltiona, an increasin&" popula· tion can only wonen matters. For a sta· tionary popt.datJon. an increase in stand- ard of living can only mean an tncrease in the use of limited resoun:es, the destruction of the environment, and the choking or the environmental sinks. There are two ways of attacking the tnvirmmental cris1s. The first approoch Is teclmolOf()'; tho 1ecmd is to reverse the trends which got u11 into t.he crisis in the tint place and to alter the structure of· our BOclety so that an equilibriwn between human pcpulaUon and the capacitiei; of the environment can be .... blished. There are thr~ main dangers In A technological approach to t h e en· vironmental crisis. The first threatens ~ environment In the short term. the second concerns ecolORista themselvea, and the third. which concerns Ult general public atUtude, l.s a threat to the en· vironment ln the long term. Our basic premi&e is that, by its nature, technology is a system for manufacturing the need for more techoology. When this ia combined with an eConomic system whole major goal is growth, tho resull Is a IOC!ety In which conspicuous production of garbage ls the h1ghut aocial -virtue. U our prtmlse is corre<:t. it Is unlikely we can solve our pment problems by us1Dg techmlogy. AS AN EXAMPLE, we might consider mclear power plants aa a "'cleen'' alternative to whicb we can incre:Mingly tum. But nuclear power plants inevitably pr~ radioactive waste; this problem w!U grow at an enormous rate. and we 8l"fl not competent to handle it safely. In addition, a whoie new set of problems arises_ when all these pl~ta produce thermal pollution. Technology merely &1bstitutea one sort of polluUon for another. There ii a more subUe danger inhm!nt In the technologtcal approach. The automobTie is a blight on Southern Callfonlla'a landscape. lt might be thout)lt that ooologists should «lllCtrn themselves with encouraging the develop- ment of technology to cut down the emission ot pollutants from the internal combustion engine. Yet that might only serve to lfve the p.ibtlc the impression that IOl!l<thlng t.. being done about tile problem and that It can therefore con. fidently await its aolution. Nothing oignificant could be accomplished In any case becau1e the increasing number of ca.rs ensures an UDdlminiahlng smog problem. TINKERING with t.echnolOI)' Is essen- tially equivalent to Cliling Its: wheela. The very act of making minor alteratiom, in order lo placate tho public, actually 1llows the gener1I develcipment of techmlogy ,to proceed unhindered. Cll'Lly Increasing the environmental problems it causes. This is what sociologists have called a "pseud~venl" That is, ac- tiviUes go on which• give lhe .ippearance or tackling the problem : they will not. of course, solve it but only remove public pressure for a aoluUon. Tinkering also distracts the ecologist from his real job. It js the ecologist's job. as a general rule, to oppole growth and "progress." 1be pressures on the ecolcigtst to pro- vide "tinkering" solutJons will conUnue to be quite strong. Pleas for a change of values, for a change to a non-growth. equlllbrlum economy seem naive. The government. expecting sophistication from Its "experU:," will probably receive such advice coolly. Furthermore , ecologists themselves art painfully aware of how immature their science is and generally take every opportunity to cover up th1s fact with a cloud of obfuscatinc pseudo-sophi~aUon. • • WE SHOULD POINT OUT that we are not. for example, against subat.ituting a i;team-driven car for a gu-driven car.: Our cont.entiori'is that by changing publi~ atUtudes the eCologist can do &O!hething much more fundamental. In addition. by changing these attitudes he may even make Jt easier to force the int.roduction of ••cleaner" technolOJY, since tl\ls al.so is lar1ely a political decision. Thia certainly seems to be so in the ei:ample of the. steam-driven car. We do not believe that the ecologist has anything really new to aay. Hi.I task, rather, is to inculcate ln the gOYernment and the people basic ecological attitudes. The population must come. and very soon, to appreciate certain basic notions. Jn 9hort, the ecologist must convince the population that the only solution to the problem of erowth is not to grow. back to ~bet'. 1966, w~ the implied 11t.oo drunk k,. und~ tnstrudtotls .. ' consent 1'W went Oil tht ~kl; Attorneys , have been thrown' out by the courts as .hitve,. 11b&wn e!X?rmous ~ulty-and dtfenaes against. 1uspenslon ·Under the lhttt clieftt.I, bave1•j>eut ·lli.,,.aums .-in law. one by one; most ot))er chaJlenges to their , efforts to evade the <tilJ8~ina: . th& law have been struck down. sentence ~ u00n•t gd 1\ebind a·steet.ing · wheel foi' a liaH a yeir!'' A DRUNK DRIVING SUSPECT cannot, Since the inception of the. law, for example., insist on call1ng hi• doctor motorists up Ught against a DMV .license u-attorney 'before taking one of the re· ruspension have taken the departmeat to quired tests. When he ·is warned that (Outt 734 times. In lf>3 or these cases, the al)ything he says may be held aaainat oourts overruled the department. In 411 him, he must also be told that the right ~ases the department's action was against self-incrimination does not extend . upheld. The balance are still pending. to .the right. to re(use the test. (He may Reprieves ha ve been won on n,Ql refuse to be fingerprinted,'either.) technicalities and 8peclUc circumstances. 't'he suspect cannot insist on taking all But the law has emerged from the courts three tesls or none. (He may elect wbi.cb intact. It is constitulionat. It is a valid one to. take and may then take the other exercise of police power when properly two at his own expenM:.) The suspect-Who enforced. Rfuses to submit to a test bbt chan1es Being "t.oo drunk to refuse" a test, or bl! mind later la also out of luck • Ing. 'l\1 .. ~ These niuru mi.ght lead someone int o thlnldng the odds are 5507 io. 37,576 to escape suspension. NClt re•lly. At earlier stages of enforcement, police and OMV unfart11liartty ·w1lh proper procedures In making the law stJck resulted In many or these forfe;tures. But now that mc:ist or the defense gambits have been tested in court. and en!orcement techniques have been purged of technical errors, the odds for escaping a suspension h a v e decreased . Between Jan. 1 anrl Dec. 20. 1969, OMV issued suspensions to more than 10.000 di:ivers who had been identified by police. hlg.hway patrol and others as havinG refused to take ineb riation tests. That'i an average of 200 suspensions a week. If you've been drinking, take a cab -or be ready to take the test. ·Latin American ~ ·Qu~ 1r1,1ni. ,.. m id Ult ~ ... "'"a han !' This applies to population and, un1ess the population is declining, to its standard of Jiving. It should be clear by now that "atamlard DI' living" la probably begl?> ning to have an inverse relationship to the quality or life. An increase in the gross national product must be con- 1trued, from the ecological point or view, as dl.sutrous. (The case of un· d~vel~ countri~. !J! S?H,,~J is dif· terent:''.r ~ • 1 · ::-:,... '· · WE DO NOT minimize i~ di~i~~itie4 in.changing the main driving force in Ufe ... The point of view of lhe ecolo'111~ however, should be subvertive; it ha! t be subyersive or the l cologist Wil become merely subservfent. Such a· change in values and structure will hav&·. profound consequences. ' For e1ample, economistl, with a few notable excepUona, do not seem to have given any thought to the possibility or desirability of a staUonary economy. Businessmen, and most economista, think that growth is good , Btagnation or rqrealon is bad. Can an equilibrium be . set up with the environment in a syatem having this philosophy? The problem of converting to non·lf'OWth is prtsent in socialist countries too. of course, but we mllSl ask if corporate capitalism, by its nature, can accommodate such a chanie and still retain iLs major feature s. ., Woes Recit€d By-ERIK VON KUERNELT·LEDDlllN · JouniaUSt ..Educator J ant mentioning only the ·problems or Latln America.and not speaking about virtues. I am nbt speaking about beauty or treasures -I am addressing myself only to Lat.in American problems. It is important to keep that fact in mind or me will get a totally negative and an un· balanc.ed vjew of the situation there. Being a -European, I remember well the borron"of Europe which happened in my lifetime -horrors committed by ex~ .-tingly eoJJgl<ened, ~· .. edu- cated and literate people. Moot lmporiant lo U.. background of Latin America Js the Spanish and Portuguese colonization. which esta.btlsJl. ed nobility there as a scri of oligarchy. economists; a l'hurch that emphasizes mystical faith. It is a church whlch is partly archaic and partly ultra-p~ gressive. And the ultra-progressive church is making more mischief than the archaic church. IN A GREAT 1\tANY nations of LaUn America, the number of !Ue:gitimate births among the masses is larger than those of legitimate births. That in tt.self would not be a catastrophe if these were offspring of ccmmon law marriages or of lasting affairs, but this is not the case. The worship cl virility is one al tho typical traita of Latin America and there is pride even in illegitimate ·offspring. In one Latin American country, that I will not name, 80 percent of all births are ii· legitimate. Many "WOmen have from five to eight and nine or more children. Allo, BASICALLY, five wounds alienate the mother is generally employed and thf' LaUn America : grandm<Jther takes care .of the small -A )ower class family .structure beset children. by 'machismo,' (virility) 1pridelu.1Dt11 .in 'Jbese · ~ifdreft.. Ml'e' lllUe·, or ·no the number or children ~:'-~5' L;':~R • .,-. ·. 'disclplirm"!and! ~~wittv11dultt\.r·'{'hey Illegit.imat.e outnum'der ~eg _1 ,tim~ate ~l8.Y,. only \VI.ti! ~g:....SiJ!'llar ~ children and neither are ~ for in dltions arw ir\ Ifie~ h.ere in the familiar ways, ' u:s. >'M· 1i'lllr-ut~'$a'n!l>'lllWtrouJ -Political structures that imitate the resuil.5. U.S. ConstituUon but fall to offer the 50Cial continuity essential tci> U.JMI: ! politics. _ · ~ •, -Excepting the aristocratic oligarchies of Mexico, El Salvador, and Braiil which b!ld royalty until 1889, LaUn aristocrats, enthused by the French Revolution, play democratic games that dissolve into dictatorships. -Drunkenness and drug a'ot.!:;e, which Is by no means suffered only by Latin Americans. -The lack of a will to engage in, and accomplish sys1ematic work ; a European medieval atdtude conflicting with desires for a U.S. Jiving standard. The general lack of Catholic -~· - IN MOST 1.-11~ ~ ~lia \he u,s. CoMUtuilon h8' lie.n lmitato<i. The result is a rrugh caricature of the Constitution of the U.S. in gov~ form and yet thee are au ~ of dic- tatorships. We see oligardty dtctatonhtpa or perhaps oligarchic authoriUes. But at least these gtve the countries an element of -continuity. Witmut ccmtinutty, no sane political life is.possible. ..------Our M a n I n San f'rancl•ro -----~ No Protests, No Fees There is this type of continuity tn .£1 Salvador, for example -an oligarchy run by aristocratic families. They have it in Mexico. With this continuity, ford~ have a trust in Mexico and wlll invest there. But their princi ples of dentOC!"acy do not confonn with our standards. Latin American countries play the democratic game without any democratfc sen- timents. Pat" Meet Pat· By HERB CAEN that computer a lricl:. SAN FRANCISOO -In his role .. poworful Sooth<ni Calif0"11a lawy.,., a-Gov. Pat Brown ls wtrldng hml lo get reduced ...-... fur three yonnJilh women (me "¥1, the otnera t.hirtyi:sfi) who are serving IS years in Corona without poMibility of parole -- the mandatory sentence for third-c:i· fenden arrested for ~Oll ',o! m:artjUana. "lt's a crud and unfair Jaw," says Brown. "and it JU!t h1SD't worked. It should be taken off the . boots. 'Ibese girls aren't oimlnals, for hea ven's sake. Murderers gtt &hortef' sentencea. 'nlat Jaw has been ab9olutely useless in catching real of- fenders -only the innocent suffer.'' Punchline: 1be mandatory 15-year no- porole marijuana rap went on the -In 11162 wben It WU O(Cned IDIO law by -Governor Pat Brown- BAGATEILE: M". Glem Bll11 .ol B'Hngame WU ablwd a Greyhound bus -cir!..,. ,,... ba!'lng lmlble with a faulty fan box, baJ11inot ti with hlo -trmi time lo time. When ho elopped lo pick up a,hipp(e type, be ...-. -baclr-"and P"' the Im 111re<! ml~ ldclcs. Al wh1cb Che hip- pie ~-bied a1r tho bus, announcing Joodly: "Lite, I'll WALK before I'll ride with TH.AT maniac! " • I AT THE UNION on. D(licea at Ill and Harrison, this announ~ent came over the speaker system a cou- ple of days a.go: "Would the: owner ol the red !ruck parked In front ol tile building plta!e move tt? It Is leaking oil all OV« the pffkfDg area." Santa Barbara's revenge? ELAINE STEELE. cocktail waitress at Le Cai>aret In Redwood City, ps I $4 partl .. Weortng a mui..,,.t and not • . STJ'roH underneath, "It's t.hre wtldeat feelq." obe repor13 "lo be oalrod In a l'OOlnfU1 DI people and nobody knows ff but me! " THE NEW jumbo jet, Boeintr"a 747, ,, !Ming d-1bed by ..... hl&l>flown writers u the "The T1tanlc of the skies"' -an analogy that makei ln- 1UTanee men lhudder. So reports Richan! Glboon In the MIMeapolis Star, addlns that con&orUums are being fonned to insure the ml1hty plane becau.e no single company can afford the r1sk (projected loss In lhe event of a cruh (I( a fully-loaded 747: $100 million). "Computtrs." adds Gibson 1Joomily, "project. at lea rt two 747 crashe> by the e!ld of 1970, but"" - ray ol chetr -••computers have betn wrone be/en. 11le Boelng 737 has flown ~ce since February. 11188. d"!'il> computer projecllom ol IW!\.'tt'll cruhes befn now." Still, tU insuranct erecut.ives ue nervou.s about the 71!. "The trouble wltll pWio crubel/." 1111 ,.,., fin(erln,f his beads, '.Ii llillt !My're ,. fatal. THE RUSSIAN LIFE '111eae -..ii ... of odacali...i life In the Soviet Unfoa we takn h'vaa u In. lerview w1ct. a YCICIJJi womu. Ro bas Just rttunied from that CGa1rtrJ after a number of yean. It Is taken. from the "NA.TO Letter." a monthly pubUtatlon of U.. Norill AllaaUc Treaty OrpnluHon. What sort of schools would be o.vailabLt to school-age children? They are all state schools, but there are different types. Ordinary state schools are alike : the textbooks are the srune; the standards vary somewhat: although. jn theory. they don't accept the fact that children are different according to JQ, in reality they do. Howe var, if a ch.lld has tnfluentlal parents, who have status, thfln·be can go-to a school which ~ an a foreign language ar -piJople U.' pennltlod lo learn mathtmltlcs much f&Ster. 1bere are -,tn-lhe·luge cities DI tho Soviet Union wt>n a child, by the tlm.e he flnl.-IChool, wlJJ be flll<Tll In a foreign language, ard hali his day wtil ha'• been in thllt partkular Ian-and, or coone, tho -cl lhe day In Ru&Sian. What I.! tht fnt-tr-tst for the 1tatt in rwnnlno these 1choots? 1 The tnterest •C1Uld be to train people at a yoon1 aae to speak Janiuages and, thettf'ore, serve their country abroad aa: diplomata, or u translators and guides at home. An important reason , however. for such schools is tbe same as In the West. lt appeals to the snobbism of influential parent .. Schools art fret, 1 suppose1 Ye•. There are no charges for &ehools. And w~n they 100.nt to QO on to 1inivenitic s. are the-11 frtt to choose &ht fr 1ub;ects~ BaalraiiJ, unl'mlty appll<olioi\ and •oceplanal procodUJtt ano tM same In 'tho Soviet Unloa as In tho Wei!. Th•y are ' fnoe lo choose tllelr subject, and lo apply to any university. In the Soviet Union,· although all capital!: or all republics have a university, the most popular university is the one Jn Moscow, MGU. The Russians who live in the provinces, and even those Who live ln larger cities, all · want to come to ~1GSCtJw just as in the days of Otekov's "Three Sisters." fs there o. limit to the time he con sptnci at a u11ivtrsi!11? Iii other· words. does he liave to pass exams after a certain ~ime? Yes he does. He cannot slay in the univeslty indefinitely. He has to maintain a certain standard. The average duration of a university course is generally four years. as it is in the West and ht has to paM his exams within that time limit 1/ow about sludt11t porlicipatinn in. 11niversi ties, a thing we, in. tht \Vest, P.t. i1\J . P.J.Oml!'l,f,..,ar,t 1JCT"I/ CQ»Cf.!tntd with. Do student.t havt a lial/ in tllt 10011 the uniocrrity is run. in the cholct of proft1sor1 and a choice of fhe iUb;1ctt professors ttOth, ttc1 · No. Basically the only way a student can pa.rtictpate act.lvely In unlvenity Uf.e is to ~-a Komsomollst, a Young Com-- munist. Jn that WllY a student can pllrllclpate in cootrolllng lib !ellow studentJ, being sure that they are on "the right path": in Utls way, be jnfluences the activities on tht cameus. But it ii the Communist Pllrly which dttttmlnes wti.t oubjecls will be tauit>t and how .they will be taughl The atudenta can complain. 'll!!re art no· such UllnJs as demonstra· tlons on the university c_ampua ·as we know them In the Wesl They've had, of cwne, writen' proteru, but tt Is unheard of for a group of studenti on the unl,.r~ly campus lo do anything other thin grlpe. " 1r th<r<"• 101 df OT11>£na1 • • : ~ .... }.-... Yes. There are many-atlldent.& whCI gripe. They woold like bolter dormitory rooms; they doo'l like the control" that's put over them, but gripes are i lOt dlf. ferent from rlot.t. I have vi<lited several dormitories. They vary from entirely adequate accommodation to barracks. In one that J visited there wer~ forty .beds in one room ; to my amazement boys and girls had a party and danced in one cor· ncr of the room while the majority of the residents slept or tried to sleep. • Do they they ha ve de~ting socit· ties as 1ve know thtm i'n 1/ie west? There are no free discussioo clubs-but there are cl ubs where debatifig is prac- tice . They also ha ve language clubs and drama groups. I suppo.!t not everybody who toonu lo study at n universit y can Qet into the university. Is there a .'11/Sttm. of 1election and, if so, how dots 1t work1, JU!lt u in the West, there is a system of selettlon and many people are dlup- pointed. Academic standards ire fb'it and fomnost. The Soviet Unloa vory maeh wants fine :lcientlU. lt Iii poilicuJar teenager hu'beell ooutandlng In . mathematica at h1gb «hool. he Is coins to have a mucll 1*\tt chance of bei~ ~epted than ainfeC1tie •ho ha! been on11, adequate ti mathematt·cs .. In the Soviet Union, since "° many people . want to li" In Moocoj;;-tl>m b tho erot>. lem cl -.el octln.! student; from dty resident.5. becauae th~ people who come to MO$COW UnJverslty at t6-Ule UJUver1i- ty d Leningrad will probably '!\'lint to ttaY in that cay aft~ they ha ve graduated. 'Ibey tend to look ror those studenta who are finest in academtc achievement and who have a right to live In that area anyway. M in the West, In- fluence i.. fmJ>Cll:!ant The Communist Party olflclal'•N 1a &Dini lo •ttend the Untve~;Cif hlt dloire. In addition to unlvmlt.illllf. ·~e many jec:hnical ln· aUtutea llft'tiltl>OOl tho SOV!et UnlOO. There are some military dictatorships in Latin America that you cannot call overly friendly to the U.S., wch as in Peru. And some military dictatorships that are friendly like .Brull and the Argentine. These govenmenta a rt somewhat "r~t o! center." MANY OF the military oflk:on lllat nm govemm.ents in LaUn Amm1ca are products or· military universities. Less than 20 percent or the subjects tauglll Jn thtae schools afe of a trtilttary nature. The remainder are studies 'Jn ecooomks. social scienCes. and related areas. lt is very '\\Tong tit look: at Latin America In general terms as "backward." l..itin America in some cases is leading in social movement!. Student movements there have led to ~ management.a of students and professor.i; at some universities ancl in som~ cases have utterly ruined the institution.!!: Earthquake student movtrritnLS moved tn ,Japil.a and ·then to Californ ia , to tl1e east coa'st or the u.~ and finally that virus explodes in We!l Berlin. 11w, Lalin America is very mucb leadinl in orlglnallty ol thO\lghl. · To Solve the pr~lerns d Latin Amer1c~ educaUon of the peopJe is neeeasary-or really re-education. There have to be new directlons in aWtudel ot the .people. m s wlU make La Un Americ. a hellthier. s&Jqer and better continent than wt bave today • ___ •. }. Saturday, January 17, 1970 The Convnenl Page nf the Daily Pilot seeks to inlonn and stimulate readers by presenting a variety of com- mentary on topics 0£ inter- est and sJgnificance from inConned observe.rs i n d spokesmen. Robert N. Wied, Publlahor • 4 w =•:s•••• o: s eoc a z n.e •-4 a :;ttZ :O*lll •Z 4 t& e c ·•=••C•e•:i •¥•l•.s•-•z=• za ce a a :c 4 •; ; ; c c o * s e e ; •,. ... u-. ,-..-·-..--. --------· ., __ _,_, _, ·~--.------·--------------~~~.,... • • Beal Estate ~ c;luostions ond Comment By RHllor Randall MoC.rdlo I was contempl•tlng getting hack Into th• r••I aitete prof111lon this year and now I am • llttle concerned. Mow 11 th• m•rket? What do you , .. for this new year In real ••fate? L. K. -Coate Mott Charles Colesworthy, president elect of tbe Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors, in a recent address to this group at the Balboa Bay Club made the following predictions: - "Orange County, as we all knO\\', is booming, and the demand promises that 1970 will he the hest year yet in real estate. The prime rate for financ- ing will be 9%, but this \von't stop buyers ! Jn many cases, O\vners \Vill help finance, for there is always a need for selling, as well as buy-1 ing ... people need mo re room or Jess roon1, they have been transferred, or recently married ••. 'vhere there is a need, it will be met! Oranje County has all the plus factors going for it, ~hich should make this a $60,000,000 year in real estate for our board. We have the clean air, avail· ability to major freeways, local. industry and busi· ness, which are constantly growlnc. excellent schools, enlightened government, relatively low taxes, quality construction in homes, recreation and scenic surroundin1s and a well structured growth plan for our community. This, is our com- ·munity, and 1970 is the year!" Isn't Huntington Beech one of the l1r9est cl· ties in Orange County? Whet i1 the population of Huntington Beech? Where do Cost• Mesi and Newport S.•ch fit in? How do these cities compare with other major cltl11 in Or•nge County? Huntington Beach is the fourth largest city in Orange County '''ilh a population ttf 113,750. The three largest cities are Anaheim \Vith a populalion of 169,940 ; Santa Ana with a population of 154.620; and Garden Grove with a population of 126,140. Costa i\1esa has a population of 77,080 and ranks above Orange \vith a population of 74,370. Newport Beach with a population of 51,040 ranks above Fountain Valley with a population of 28,860 and Tustin with a population of 21.180. San Clemente with a populatiol\ of 21,930 is far- ther down on the list, and San Juan Capistrano with a .population of:5,MO is one .of our smaller cities. You may also be interested in the total popula· o~Orange .county. ol l,iM,)jQ. Pacesetter Linked To Early W estu,ood The similarity between early Wlltwood and The Rlnch has had a ltroog influence on many recent buyers or Pacesetter homes at the Ranch in Orange County. "Many say they are con· vince<I The Ranch property will appreciate as dramatically as early Westwood home Ws," Slid Landon M. Exley, vice presi- dent. and general manager. The Ranch is lesa than five miles from the University of California at Irvine. The loca- tion()( the hmm iJ at Jeffrey Road and Valencia Avenue - halfway between the Santa. Ana and San Diego freeways. Je/frty Road becomes Uolv«Sity Drive, leading rilbt to the campus. Actual models are o n dilplay fhree.<iuarlers of a mile north of the construction site at lhe Jeffrey Road turnoff of the Santa Ana Freeway, three miles sooth of Tustin. 'The model complex repttSent.! an u n u s u a 1 markeline concept -thlt of bringing the models rl&bt to the freeway for the con- venience of home viewers. Bordered by the famou~ Irvine Ranch. the project is IUITOWlding by an agricultural J¥1ll'l'Ve of orange trees and miles o( farmlands. It will haft an eilht-aae park and tine miles of tree-lined -· "When Wes-w .. beinl developed more !ban 40 yun agO, UCLA was thought to be loeakd in rural Loi Antl<lts c.uity. But, look at It now. The growth ol the Untvonlty is of courM the ma,tor ln-nuenco on property valuea thft,"' Exley 1ald. "Tod1y, many ol der Wtlt-.'OOd houses with leu floor space than in our le8$l 1paCious models are sellln& for -upward! of $45,000. "Becaus-e Of the compari~ many families buying at The Ranch are 1ielecttna l h • llfftll '!DOdel. even thougll they m•y not need lh•t much tpace. 111ey believe they will evenwlily receive a p~o­ porUonately a r e 1 t e r ~ vestrnont rdum 1111 !be lar&ott of the homes ... The three and f<m bedroom hemes by Pacesetter at '1be Ranch are priced from m.eo to $33,950. Al.to on dl6play at The Ranch are four modela b)' Frank H. Ayres & Son. When completed. the "twin" com· munity will have 414 homes. With the sales office open just a few months, almost aD of the fir!lt unit of 58 Paceset- ter homes and more than 40 percent of the second unit have been ooid. The flnt unit was ready for occupancy on November 1 and the second unit is scheduled for late December, Exley said. Pacesetter Homts, founded by John Klug in 1961. hu developed 5tven project. in Orango Coumy; Ventura Kfyl, • $SS milllon. m an • m a d e marina community 1n Ventura County, and Pacetet"r Homu at Rancho, CalUomia i n Riverside County. Beach Tops County in Ho.me Sales Hunlin(ton Bttch not only leadg all other coun\Y cities In home bWl\11111 but '°l'I otben in sale. u well. accordlnl te Director of Bllildlng and S'af .. ty Ollln C. "Jack" Clewtud. Cleveland polnta to !hue sllllifleanl fiF<t to bacl< hi• arrurnent. Durtng the lirst u montht of 1111 4,115 homu were built and 3,171 of thoee ... re 1<>ld itavlng ocly 13 homes on the markel By comparllolJ there were 418 of 1,IG DOI' houses ""'°Id •t Ibo beglMlnf of December In Anaheim, II of N7 UOIOld in Costa Meta. 171 of 2..13$ on the marht In Newport Beach. 419 IMtOld "' l,IM In Santa Ana and 200 unsold of 1,illi In Fountaln Valley. CJevelancl. uya tht IOid u,ure and the antlclpakd 1"' flux of •partmtnt dw'11en to the record number of apart- ment unltt built In the city II> 11169 "111 ruuM In o'JOPU!atlon fncreue 11> ll70 near tbt 11,000 mark. CREA Clatel la Attaele Money Shortage Under-Fire· LOS l\NG~ -The prtsldtnt of the California Real Estate Allod1Uon has called for an end to "a c11-.a federal f1lca1 pollcy • that 11 bleedlq money out of the ·housing market at the very time wbtn we need houJ. Ina: moat." Molvln L. Mould <i Looi Boaob, ln<omlll( head " ""' 60,000.member amclation, OUlllned a HVOD-polnt attack on · Ibo ohort11e of mortcll• money even while taking twipo II federal pollcy. Dui1n& a news conference at the Biltmore. where CREA is holdl.n& its midwinter directors with a $1,000 ml n Im um metUn, and installation (lf of· purchase rtquirement. fietrs, he also hinted at sup-3. RaJae the minimum port of a tu reform ln.IUative. purchase requirement o n He said the association is government notes and U.S. establlshlna: criteria It thinks Trtasury blUs lo $25,000. necewry for tu ref(lnn. "We f. Lengthen FHA mortgage intend to be vig91'(JUSly active amorttzatlcin schedule from 30 In this area this )'ear," he yean to M or 40 years as a said, "if necessary, throua;h means of allowing more poten- aetive support of an in-tial buyers to qualify. Due itlattve." dates v.·ould remain at 3~ On providing mortgage years . money, "how mlght that be 5. Create a state secondary done," he asked, "assuming mort1age market similar to the federal govenunent is tbe P'ederal N a t i o n a I r,eally interested in allowing Mortgage Association. private tnte_rp~~ ~ provld~ 6. Create incenth•es for needed housing· HIS answer· pension fund investment in I. 1\1.lee savinp and Joan · home mortgages. lncreaae In FHA and VA In- terest rates from 7~ percent to 8\i percent as Irresponsible. "fl's inflationary," he :said, ''and will not cause more money to flow into the mortg~ge muket, the an- nounced purpose . "As long as the government ts ln dlrtct competillon with the private sector for money," be added. "and is '411\ing to pay an extremely high price for It, that's whert the money Is going. Raising Interest rates won't change that fact." ~Ie commented that the six J>ercent certificate of deposit for mortgage investment purpose$ recently created by the Federal Horne Loan Bank Board was self-defeating because of a $10,000 minimum purchase requirement He ad- vocated lowering that to $1,000 to allow the mall investor to buy. Compartng tbe F H LB B minimum with minimWflS for U.S. Treasury bills and government notes, which tie said could be bolight in minimums . of from $1,000 to $5,000 "depending (ln where you do our shopping," he remarked: "This is talking out of both sides (If the mouth at (lnct." ••Mpt be to Issue state treasury debentures, bought by peMlon fund!, lbeo putting thou funds into the secondary morta:a1e market.'' Asked ij a Una! balloon pay • ment wC>Uldn't resutt If FHA and VA mortgage payment schedules were figured (ln a 35 or 40.year basis with the due. date remaining at XI yean, he agreed !bat It would. "But the 1vera~e life ol a loan,"'he ad- ded, ' Is only 13 years." Presumably at that Ume. either through an assumpUon by another borrower (lr sale or the property, the Joan would be cancelled, never ~achl.n&: the balloon payment date. To back that proposal he said that under 30-year amortlzation a family ap- plying for • 122.000 FHA loan must have a debt-free Income of $&40 a month. He said not many buyen with that lncome wlll accept a house ln that prke range. ·rf some of his proposals or similar ones are not put into effect, Mould said, "one day we are going to hear govern- ment say to the private sec- tor : 'Okay, fellows, we need the hosuln& and yoo 're nol providing it, ao government ls 1olng to do It.' OAll.V nLOT Bubbling Brook association rates paid in-7. E!tablish a minimum vest.on to .UOw competition mortgage investment re. for tbe Investment dollar. quirement f(lr insurance com- 2. Juue: tu e :i e mpt panie.s licensed to operate in certificates of depoatt. for the atate. mortgage investment purposes Mould denounC'ed the recent He lauded propoaals by state legislators and • othera to create a secondary mortgage market in California and tied It in witb using pen.ton fW>ds for the JMU'PO'f. ' ' 0 D e method/' be au11ested. "'nils ls the excuse that wlll be used," he contended, "and this will be one more atant step toward aodalism In this country, which we want to avoid." Quiet .contemplation Is offered In this view from the living room of the Yale model in Village Tbroo, one of the homes offered in University Park on the Irvine Ranch. The Pacesetter family plan: Room to live, ~oom to gro"' at the heart of the lrvin.e Ranch ' ~ :oo , '" r;----- . I I : . • :, ~"'l 1 ... I KtTOiEN .. ..·... :!. ... ---..... -: ... •·· _,_ § ]\~ASTER. SUI T£ ' BEDROOM 2 FAMILY 11.0011.t NOOK 0 OR[SS BEDROOM l llAlH 2 CAltAGE r·i I ' ' ' ,_, Move up to a P•c:asetter home at The Ranch In IJV!ne and you move Into a new w1y of livlng. Tho R1nch has boon especi1lly·cre•ted for todly's young. active families on the move. Homes, like the Veri Cruz model shown, offer comfortable, elegant llvin$. wllh more iqu&re footage per dollar. Every home has all the Paceseller touches of quality; the spac.lous master 1uites, luxurious carpeting, a fam- ily room, formal and lnform1l dining, beamed athedril ctllina~ and warm textures throughout, from the wood of the double-door entry to the aged brick of .the dra· matic fireplace. Designed for living, because Pacesetter bullds home:J, not just houses. H~ll DIN OR BEDROOM • COATS DIN1NG ROOM lMNGROOM ENTRY And wilh every home, you get room for growing. The Kanch re-creates the feel of an early-Olifomia ranch, with permi.nent greenbelts, eucalyptus-lined pueos and a central park. A P.1ctsetter·home at The Ranc.h is· an Investment In land and an Investment In livi ng. Our 4·b•droom Vera Cruz model ls priced at $30,650. Other models, in i and 2 story designs, starl at $28,450 \Vith the best FHA and VA financing available. Come by tod1y for• look. You'll pro)>ably wont to stay. S•les office n 415j5.9330 Pacesetter Homes · • • t The Ranch ; ' • ... ..,. -.... ,"!>ti Gone... . • \I· ~~ ·-I;_~ ... Cllholll itW • , I • • ... _ l I I . ' . ; ' " ·' . ' . • . ' New Tract Selling Out At Rancl1 Enth usiastic response to the ne~.rly ~ completed eight-acre par~ and two miles or tree-lin- ed paseos within the Ranch by Pacesetter has had a positive Influence on sales. according to Landon M. Exley, vice president and g e n er a 1 manager for Pacesetter }Jomes. · The third unit of homes now Is under conatruci.ion, Exl°ey annour'i<!ed. First and second 1 units are almost sold out. The proJect is located near Irvine. "Homeowners a n d pro- ~ive buyers have com· mented repeatedly on the fact that there is no special assess- ment for upkeep of the park racUiUes, as the Orange Coun- ty Qepartment · of Parks and Recreation has agreed to mainfa.ln them permanenUy," E1ley -§aid. "Y-any of these g a m e homebuyers said they looked at other communiUes I.hat featured ext.ra recreational features only to find that the homeowners themselves were being charged e1tra for these features. "With today 'g rising costs, such assessments create an· noying 'financial pressure - even for families with ln· comes far above the average." ' . .. our models are still going up!; • . . I ' Bordered by the Irvine t1 Ranch, the. project is .sur. ~. rounded by an agricultural ..,_ preserve of Orange trees and miles of farmlands . ll is Jess than ·five miles from the UC lrVlne campus and at Jerrrey Ro ad and, Valencia Avenue, halfway between the Santa Ana aud Sail Diego freeways. ·YOrktowne ·' Models are on d!!;plaY three. quarters of a mile north .at the Jeffrey Road turnoff or the r Santa Ana freeway . The model complex represents an unusunl marketing CODcept - that of bringing the models right to thj? freeway for the convenience of home viewers. 1 1 The three and four bed~m homes by Pacesetter are prtc· ed from $28,450 to $33,9SO. They are available in a varie- .ty of exteriors and high-quail· l)' carpetlni is included. Nde Named At: Republic Wiilia' iL GO)'Mr. pr..tdenl or' ~bllc """'"" Corpor•· Uoa. a ~11on of N1Uonll E Q'~i l'Ollment Q>rporation (NATECI, h¥ ~ the a~ d Philip Steam1 u a~ ma.nq;er. ste«ns, ~ lives _I n Mailhatfjn Bac;h, occupied the """" poslllan .. R & B Defflc4oonont Company fl1J.os Anaelel. He J.t 1 member of the Y o u a. Hom<buildera Co<md). A ,,...iuate ol S a n Btmanlino Valley Colleae. Stuml 11 now wor'killl on Repobftc'1 1'1 1."W' aparlment prcil~ ..Ill GMl'd<n Grove, '-ti~ Tu1illl 1Dd FounWn Valley. ,, ) I HUNTINGTON BEACH · .. ' ' --¥ · . Beautjfu) to sta.rt .((i ii ,' and a great future ahc~l ·~:: ; . . . ' ' ; . :-:.~ . . . . Wait if you wish unti,l.oo.r new rllodels are finiM\cd, then c:qmc'° .~ .the Grand Opc~ing .. Bcttcr yet, come to'Yoiktownc·Hantingttid'r" ·r., Beach right· now. That waf, yoU·n have a head start toward the ' .. . . . . ~ niost exciting newhomcS" yit. Wc''re near the beach. Great loca· tion, g~il design's: #~i fi1!:tQrtS 'arid Priced to ,be.t~c biggest , --1.. . ' . ,, , b4ti:gain:evcr. That's :'fof.k~~u~~$~0ft. ~each! · . • . • • • • l•· < ; '" i ' ' . \ ins.1 oo- ,. industry • llVIME 1/ 2.Uai'ltl'SilJ 1. SQUTH COAST-SHOPPING CTR. * liflLE . 2. UNJVERSITYOFCALlF.ATIRVlNE 6%-Mn.t.S ·I/I§~~~ shoHil\Q J. NEWPORT BEACH ............................ ; '"' MILES , · 1• <t. DOUGLAS SPACE SYSTEM CENTER 6tr )llLES rtCref 14~ .,~. NORTH AMERICAN ROClCWELL •• U;i: MILES IMlllUS ' ~ "" Q,('O) ~~~ -~~~,,, sm~art.Jt-yers ,~:.·~· choose·. . ~ ...... ,, Loe ·· TIO 4 ' . " ... ,,:.~· .. . ,,_ .. , .. . . ....... ,.. .. ' . •-' ' ~ f • ; ·J • · Asi.,~ to«J••-'m•Jor Fut,,-re Resat• •· The h~ ~la, from kinderga~n to cOlle.ge TMst Crut~Mr6' lncfutld: 1 or aniTinS!'jC-one of the cou.ntry'i final .bopping -. • FENCED ·R~R. ~D . • • LUIDSCAPED li'llONT'T•llU> ctnten; nearby, -J;ooming• induatrill centm; • • SI?''lNKLER 'S.l"Sr~iN.:1,1.oNT Yil.D ce:ntral to freeways; 15 minutes from SOUthern /• ·~. • C~RPETJNC :......._ •· Ca1ifomia'a fi.ne&t South Coat beaches; "~ :~fBU~T-IN 'AUTOMATJC 'DIS1{WAmEK marinu and' recreation cenltra. ( •• 1:·~· ' · • ~F-CLUN(N~ ~-.... ./. .., , 1 • t' 11'.()l\MAL DlfflNGfl'Oo 'J · -· FROM $27,95.t\_,'" /. ,' ,-'t!ARGEFAMILYl\00. , t.Jt' -• FlREPLAC6 '\ VA-FHA-and Con~tional Term• AYailable -G · •,WALK-JN ~S t. UP TO 2100 SQUARE FEET OF LIVING SPACE ~ : ~~~~;i:!u.~:;5LIT;ES BOB ~TTDI .1: A5SOCtATfS • S.le1 A1e.nt1 . • . ' e • 3 ~ BEDROO&IS • 2 &-3 BATR!I Pbotit' 21t!MMlC OPEN D~Y II A .~f. 'J'.O 7 P.M. 1 , • O/IE' TWQ STORY J "' SOUTHERN CALIFORmA 'S OLDE.ST EXCLUSrvtLY RESrrlr.ritlAL Butt.DING FIRM \or -PRIVATELY OWNED FOR OVER« yEAltS. ·"TAtrc ii NO ~lilult for ~ALITYI" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , • t .... \ ...... ' 1 • Ma··l'Ol'Ul.liRtl'llATURl.ATTURT1'1 ·ROCK l\tlLtS-I N IRV1NE , I • :,·1,. • ' . Turt:le ll'~k ·B .. ls . . . Wet -Bar Ha.me·:sace·s Point . ' .. .... :.t • •• , -Ala.-· --:.a~-, -~...,...i:~,. ,,,. 'I . "·. '\" . -·tow Fay IOf~ei~d,.. • • . ·1 • I , . ,, • , . . ~ • I '·- ·Eo r-Slave·. Labor . ... ,_:.r..i:..:; ... ! . . . • .• -. .. l ' . .. ... ' ' . -' J,,• • ., .. -- '"7 . ~. "' ... . ..:.-------- ! , ,, '. ' • l I l t ,rJJJj,Y PILOT SatUld•Y. JonU"Y 17. n10 Gurney Seel{s 6th 5·00 Crown. . ; . . ..., Ill . ~ .. 8 Years l\Wl!:RS!DE -T!1'1IS bounc:ed Pame!U .!oats fnlrn flnt oo last In the qualllying neld for Sunday'& Rlvenlde-Motor Trend 500--mlle stock: car race 'on a Fri· day when rain kept. drlvtn of! Ute track. Driving a Mercury CyClone. Jones •verapcl 111.117 miles per hour In Tburtday's qualifying orily to run Into the contfoversy over the tires. The rubber equabble moved Costa i1esa 's Dan Gurney into the polt. )»SJtion with l time ol 111.987 for his Plymouth Super~ird equipped with Goodyear tires. Lakers Edge Celts, 108-103; West Hits 23 BOSTON (AP) -The Los Angeles l.akers moved oul to a 17-point lead al the end of three quarters on tht' shooting of Jerry \\'est. then hung on through a ferocioos fourth peri<xl assault by Boston t.o chalk up a 100.lo.1 t\ational Basketball :\ssociation victory over the Celtics Fri- rJay night. . \\'ith four ntinutes left . the Celtics clos· ,.d the ma rgin to 97-S9 behind Tom Sanders and Jo Jo White. Then Larry Siegfried and John llavlicek took over for Boston, butting the deficit to HM-101 with 20 seconds re- maining. However. \Vest cashed two free throws and thal pulled ttle Lakers oot of danger. West, making hls flTSt appearance ol. the seasoo in Boston. led the Lakers with 23 points. below his league leading aver.age or 31-plus. Hap Hairston con.'." tributed 2{1. Siegfried topped Boston with 14 points while guard ing West most of the game. llavlicek hit for 21. White. a rookie, K"Ored 15, 1"·0 more than Sandcr5. LO$ AHG•lll! IO!TOM • • • • ' 1',•ylor , ''' .. HO'Nfll ' ' ' H•lf'll" • ••• • Sil'ldtrs • ' .. llot>l!rsn ·' , .. " Johnson ' ••• E:g•n ' ••• • Bry•n• • ••• ""' • ' .. " S~trd " ••• <~• ' ' . ' , Fin~tl ' ••• M(irt.., • • • .. H1vlkoll. • ,_. Eri~.on • ,_, ' .. _ ' '.' ....,,n, ' ,,, B•r~u ' ••• Ch•rK'f • ••• Tottl~ " u . 11 ·~ Tott!• u ,, • :!O c~ Angtln ~ " " " -·~ ... " " " " - Fo.tl.cl out --· Totl l ltltJI~ -Lill Angil• If, IOllOn ll. " -7.5J1. Bruins Stop Braves' Stall; Win, 61-56 ' ' " ' • " • " " " ' • "' •• '" ClUCAGO (AP) -Sophomore Henry Bibby scored eight points in the first five minutes 01 the seroOO half to fire top- r.anked UCLA to a 61·56 victory over Bradley in a basketball game of stalling t.actics FMd1tY night. The 'Bruins ran their season record to 11-0 and stretched out a 15--game winning streak from their last defeat , to Southern California late lasl season. Bradley, 10-6, led from the outset until the Bruins went ahead to stay, 33-32, with 2:15 gone in the second half. Although Bradley's scoring ace, Gene Gathers. was rested after the first seven and a half minutes as he collected three fouls, the Braves 1'!1anaged to keep their lead thr~ugh the first half and were on top 30-26 al intermission. They made 12 of 19 floor shots for 111 . 632 percentage in the first half while UCLA collected ooly 10 oC 25 for .400. UCLA rammed in 13 points in tile open· Ing five minutes of lhe last half for a J9. 32 lead . In five more minules, the Bruins were. ahead 51-44 with Bibby hitting 13 point., and Steve Patterson 12 during the 10. minutl! surge. After that. UCLA made only one point 1n 6'h: minutes while the Braves, us ing slow down strategy. cut the margin to ~2· 49 on a long shot by Sam Slmmoru. Steve Patterson and Sidney Wicks shot t.he Brunins out of reach and they padded out the final score. Patterson and Wicks led UCLA with 17 points. John Vallely had 6. Gathers topped Bradley "'ilh 16. Stanford, OSU Def eat Rival s By A11ocla\ed Pre11 The Wuhiogton Huskies ne.ve.r did ~Ive the Oregon State zone. def'ense Friday night BJ1d host OSU pulled aw1y fof a 63-47 Pacific-8 Conference basket· boll win. A determined University of Oregon butelball team fought il.3 way to a ~ 79 Padfic-3 Conference win ovr:r "is· Hing WuhlnglOn Stale. Al Stanford. Dennis O'Neill ~k 11 pair of free throws with one second remaln1ng to give Stanford a 73-71 Pacif· lei.I basketball upee.t over California. Alttr Stanford's Claude Terry tied the game 71·71 wllh 31 £econds left. te.in1· mate Chuck Moore stole a pa" from Cil'a Bobby White. who fouled O'Neill. 'Stanford, now 3·9 over·all and like c.J 1·2 Jn tbe Pac.iflc-a. saw a 10-polnt haliUme lead evapwate into a 66-&S Cal lead wilh lix minutes lefl on Ainsley Truttt'I ,,.. thtolf, The le1d then changed bands four 11,,,.. and Cal took the lead 71-63 on C!lart'1 Johnlon '• lhol with 57 oeconds 1ell. Gurnty hat won the event five of the la.st seven years. Lin Kuehler, executive vice president ol \he National Association of Stock Ca.r Auto Racing, said after a se.rie1 o! meetings and conferences: "The. type of Firestooe tlrc11 on which Pame.Jll Jones, Ray Eldtt 9th and Jack McCoy 13th qualified for the !\1ot.or Trend •500 !lave been declared ineligible for this race because the manufacturer did mil hive ample suwly to meet the NASCAR requirement. "The· dtdaion was reached following a count of \ires on hand at the RJverlide racing facility:" • Kuchler said there were 109 tlrts avaJJable and estimated about 500"WOUld be needed to meet the !l<luirement that they must be avallable for all facets ·who might desire them. ''Jones, Elder and McCQX w-ilJ be allow- ed to starl Sundiy's evenf'at the end ol the lta.rling field provkllng they chance to an eligibl< tire," the NASCAR olftcW added. Threatens Indoor Mile Mark Kip Keino . Olympic record holder in the 1500 meters. will com~te in the featured miJe run at the Los Angeles Sports Arena tomght. Other stars in the meet include John Carlos, Ralph Doubell of Aus- tralia, Bill Toomey. Randy Matson and Bob Seagren. In addition to Toomey. the Orange Coast area will be repesenled by Owen Gorman in the seniors mile. along with relay teams from Golden West and Orange Coa sl College. The meet begins at 7:30. Checking the Tube · Weekend TV Highlights Open With All-star Tiff llou~ton's Astrodome serves as a multi· purpose arena with football and basket· ball action taking place on television '''ilhin the next "'etk. The annual AfL all·st<1r football game lOO.lY 11 'm 141 Cl -ArL .l.Ll·~Tl"l FOOTl•Ll 1;.t.Mf -TOP llorS o! l~t 'flll"n DlvltlOI' ~ltv I~• ~t ~ltylf'I Of l~t WtlTtrl' Olv•ilon tn !~I Ho111ton ASlrOOOM,. 1 om. !•\ (L -BAi5KE18.lL.l. -~lq~ S~l>Oe1 C.1..,• ol I"" Wf'ic l :lO om. CSI CL -F'AiC·I l\ASKfll.lll -W•s~lllOIOft Stilt C111191rs vi. U,,.v~111v Of Ol9QOft Wt"'DOIS ii £\IOll't. °'"'°~ l p.m. U ) Cl -CIS GOLF CLASSIC -From foru-Counl,..,. Ch1D in .l•ro<>. O~lo l .JO p,m. (II (\... -.. 110 BOWLEllS TOUll -Tho l•l.000 GrNltr LOI AinQ-1111 r:n lro"' Arc•dl•. • fl.I'll. C•l Cl -GOLi' -new1 WonclTrlU'I W!lfld n! GOii llltl"IO dtVln(tlTIO. l>M W.likDf!I •NI 0.vo )!tckton com!IO'ff •! tM lltMl•an Country Club ln lllNl'I09 Alt-fl. Arwlfll!N, c;.e... S.r•u11 •ncl Jlmmv ~ .. , '°"'""""''''· l p,m. !1) CL -Al(•t W10£ WOii.LO o,: 5POl!:l5 beginl'l at It today on Channel 4. Next 'Thursday evening the Lakers tangle with the San Francisco Warriors in half of a doubll.'header and in ~ ste· ond game a rematch of a famed col· legiate encounter in the Dome will lake place. Le\v Alcindor , now playing for the i\!llwaukce Bucks in the NBA and Elvin Hayes. currently "'ith the. San Diego Rockets. "·ill n1a lch baskelli. They met in 14 collegiate encounter several yean back with UC L.A and Houston. The NBA all-star game and the NHL hockey classic 1vill be on lhe tube Tues- day night . tbree other drivers with q'*ufymc times alto an lfledtd by tht ni!Jni, Scotty Caln ol Fremo, Sam IUloe, Htghland. Calif., •nil ,JobMy Steol• ol Clrmichati, Calif. • Other driven uaed approved Good)'Mr· Um In their quallfyiif nw. • . Weather l*J!l!lllN, quajilyille' •iU ' contJnue thta m<ii\JDa~or ta . the •f· temm ~ o1 mile Plr!!l&tu rice 1lated to btfn\ 1 p.m. " f'orty.ftve cars Ire 11ated for the->Motor 'IUnd race. lll11ing 'In pair&. Hamey's 69 .: Heads Pack At Phoenix PHOENIX (AP) -Paul Hamey. a grey-haired veteran who hasn't won since 11115, fired a two-under-par 69 Friday and moved into the second roond lead in the. $100,000 Phoenix Open golf tournament. Hamey, a 40-year-old who also led al the halfway mark at last week's Lo~ Angeles Open, had a JS.hole total of 134 and a one-shot lead . Larry Ziegler fashioned a blis tering 65 -sit-under-par on the 6,765-yard Phoenix Coontry Club course. -and was tied at 135 with Howle Johnaon and defen- ding champion Gene Littler. Littler and John5m each had a 63. Bert Greene, the first round leader at 64, slipped to a 72 for 136 and waa tied at &he figure. with five others. They are Lee Trevino, with a secmd-- roolnd 66; TerTY Dill. 64; !IO<I Fw1'eth and Phil Rodgers, each 67; and Home.ro Blancas, 69. Larey Kinson and Dale Douglass, each with a 66, were tied at 137. Hamey, a club pro from Sutton, Mass., who now plays only about JO tournaments 1 year, scored his last tour victory in tbe Los Angeles Open almost six years ago . He had only three bird ies and a sin gle bogey. aU on the front side, as he mo ved pa11t the faltering Greene . He birdied the first and the seventh, both par fives, from four feet. bogeyed the. fifth when he drove into lhe trees, but got the .stroke back wilh an eight-foot birdie putt on the nest hole. Dick Mayer, a 46-year-old veteran who won the 1957 U.S. Open, fell far off th.e. pace after an opening 66. He had a 74 for 140. Billy Casper, winner al Los Angeles last week had ev en more difficulty. Casper took a second consecutive 12 for 14-' and missed the cut for the final two rounds. sicor>d rollf>d 1cor111 ~rld•Y lo\ 1111 1\0MOCI Pf'oOa-rol• Optn. ~•'"-"' H1'"''f ••. , ...... , .• ,. •... , ••• , .. ._. U ·H -Uj Mowtl Jth~ .. .. .• .. .. . .. . " ~:if !ii G-Llttlet ....................... , ~ . L1rrv-ZllO!l1' .. .. . • . .. : .. .. ...... ->; H-· lll•nc1• . ~ .•. : .••••••. :,: · !N:. Rert GrHM ..•.....• ,., ...... .,;tt.~f)I" l l'!'ry 0111 .................... ,.: ..... ~IX Rod Fllf'tt1~ ............. .. ... ..; .• -;-""'1'-1>6 .. ~II iltOOQtrl , ..................... •N7-1.16 l11 lr1~1no . , • .. .. . .. . .. ... 7146-lM l.t,ry Wini.on . ......... ... "'\ 71"6-137 Oilt Oo\19!iSS , . l,. , , •. -.. 71'*-117 (~\IC-MOnitllHl\O • . .... ~1JI 5!evto Spriy ••. . .. .. ""'-UI ~lllh Royer • ....,._lll Biile Hl•-tY • . . 'J'0.41-UI Jae-Ewlnv .•• • .-.10-13' Oi~t Gumfli ••. .. .. . .. .. . •• 70-~1X Sunday in LA NFL's Leading Stars .· In Pro Bowl Collision LOS ANGELES (AP) -Gall! Sayers of the Chicago Bears is just one of 64 of the National Footbai\ League stars who will see action Sunday in the 2oth annual ~t-West·-.e1Jga1eroenL in ~1e_m.r;ltlal Coliseum. No one will deny, however, that Sayers is something special in the Pro Bowl, in the NFL and in other important areas. Friday, in Santa t.tonica·s Civic Auditorium, the glfled running back was hooore<l bv the U.S. Junior Chamber or Commerci as one ol 10 of the nation's leading young men -not necessarily for: his gridiron h·eroics but as a hUman being. · Sayers, th~ only back to run more than 1,000 yards in the 1969 season, devote• in· numerable hours lo youth work in Chicago's poor se~s. ' , 3. As for the' Pro Bowl, which gets upder way at 1 p.m .• and will be natiotially televised (blacked out in Southland):, Sayers' credentials are in order. Washington & Lee Ruin He was named Baek of the. Gamt.!n •. 1967 and 1968. Iii 1967 he set a Pro Bd!d' record by averaging 10 yards per calrY sidelined him last year. \Vith a losing ball club in 1969, Sayers scored eight touchdowns and gained 1,032 yards. Anteater Cagers, 97-95 By RON EVANS Ell fllt Ollly Pit.I 11111 Wuhington and Lee may have been a pair of famed Civil War generals and sub - aequently the name of a famed &outhern university but don 't tell the. UC Irvine basketblll tea.m anything about hi!f.ory. The Anteoters move their road show to Cal Poly (Pomons) tonight for an 8 o'clock game with the CCAA leaders with the names of Washington and Lee ringing in thtir ears. Namesakes of \he. famed Civil V.'ar Authorities became reali ty in the per- sonages of Mike Vi'ashlngton and Howard Lee. big guns for the host UC Riverside basketball team that handed the Ant· eaters a 9'1·9S defeat Friday nigh t. \Vashington. in fact. scorew 20 poinl.s in the. first half to pull his team in fronl at the intermission. 56-48. For the game he hit 33 points and Lee accounted for 22 to erase a valiant, but futile last minute threat by the Anteaters. With 2'h minutes rem aining in the game Riverside held a seemingly comfortable 96-87 ad\'antage and attempted to hold off the Anteater quinte t. BUI Moore and steve Sabina hit a pair ol quick field goals and Ed Burlingame scored on a pair of free throws to nanow the margin to 95-93. With 22 seconds remaining Moort hit another basket from the floor to bring the count to 9&·95 . Riverside attempted to hold the ball for the balance oi the night and Irvine. gave. Washington a free throw to get possession bringing it to 9'1·95. Just before the buzzer sounded, the Anteaters fired a shot from ten feet out, it hit the rim, bounced around and fell to the. floor but not throogh the hoop and the Ri verside team had the victory. UC 11'\'!nt I'll UC IU•t,,1111 0 7\ cun~lnt~•m """ G1<1vlncv1th S1bl~1 ll1•n•• G'orv• llurl!nq~1m llfl~ ... Tot1I\ fl It •I '' It ti •I II '1 510G1H~1 •1,10 t ll11 0•~''' .,,. l !JJLtt llll7 11 2 l I• W11hl11tloro H 11 J ll 1111JM11! •lllO 1C1 •Gordon l t2• 011 1L•nct tJJ I l I l 1' Vtnderl>OOI 0 0 I 0 l lOlK~IPil< 0010 JI n u t5 To111s u 7t n t1 H1llllm1 1COr1: UC Rlvtr)ld• .M. UC lrv1nt Al. U(I ~ROSH (U ) t1llflll' 5 l J 11 , 1 • 15 , . ' . J ' J u ' J • 14 ' 0 J 11 J ,.. J " g D I 0 HtnlOfl Birr II~~ F-l•r smnn l.1wryl( M~JT•)' ltkl, UCll lllltOSH 1111 """'' EYIM l O'' Tt ltlhtlld ' • 1 6 McDllugt l ll l 5 27 l umttt J 1 ' 17 W.it J ttU Hur~ OJ2S llt11tn o ' s ' llr'WI J • , 10 S,.1""1'flr t o o ' '"" 0010 Tott11 32 '1 U '' Tottlt . ~ 11 1J •1 Ht llt!mt $c<etl: UCll p,nh .a, UCI l'rtih X. Gale will be a starter for the. West, along with such stars as Roman Gabriel,· Los Angeles Rams, and Bob Berry;-{ Atlanta Falcons, the a It er n at 1 n C quarterbacks. ' The East quarterbacks. Bill Nelsen of Cleveland, and Fran Tarkenton of the · New York Giants, will have. .such nmnini ' backs as Leroy Kelly, Cleveland, aJidi pass receivers as Paul W a r f i e 1 d 9 - Cleveland: Harold Jackson. Phlladelpbi"·: and Roy Jefferson. Pittsburgh, and two: Smiths -Jackie of the St. Lollis:. Cardinals 'and Jerry 0£ the Wuhingtan, Redskins. , r·or the \Vt6t, offemive heroes also in-:. elude Tom Matte. BalUmore, and Kelli Willard, Sen Francisco, Carroll Dal•,.~ Green Bay and the t"'O Ge n.e-, \Vashingtons. one from hiinnesota, lhe other from the 49ers. The West leads in the series 12-7 and'- the Eilst hasn't won since 1966. Gabr~L led the We st last year, 10.7. The winning players collect $1 ,500, tb e.: losers $1 ,000. And more important, the. Pro Bowl participants cherish the prestige -and the bargaining advantagt it lends at contract time. Two former star teammates in playing: days with tht Rams, Tom Fe.an of the: New Orleans Saint&, and Nonn V~: Brocklin of the Atlanta Falcons. are tb!: East-West coaches, respectively. • '"' lnltrN lloNI W.l IYms>ll'IO clltmploruh!DI In ~'14orf. G1r1N1nv. •:JO p.m. UJ Cl -UCl.A llASICf'Tl.lll -l•uln~ v,. L_.. u" "'"!!" 1Cnlc•ool. G1m. lll>td 11r!Jt r 1 '·'"· fll) ~l -SPfCl.AL -''W• llt11'1tm~ •cx;~y" ,.11111'1,.. th• urffr ll' !Tit ll h II.Kirt Ml t •l1110 wt.e -•11 "ot h!' "'o 11o~1, Ind r•t!rt!I It ""YYW•l~fll (l\tlT>Plotl ol !ht world. ? AFL All-Star Series Ends Today SUNDAY 1~ • m Cl\ Cl. -NML HOCK.f'!' -l.OI .f,l'!Otl'' k •l'l!lt "' Otnolt ll"1lwln111 81 ~!•olt 1o·M I ,,.., .,, Cl -... 9 ... llASICeTll.lll -Ntw York ICnldlt VI. -Id cn1mPlOll lloltori Cel!!(I I I '°'"" G1rdt1T. MOMQAY I o"' (JI (l -S'"f'C 1-'L -T'-I•" HOll•n Sl>l!w ''°"' of • ,,,,, .olltr. lnclvd1nt. Ml Ol'llY n11 VI(· ""'~' Ol'I !flt 1lnk1. bl.II •ISO I" rKOYl<'nt llom • "!'o011S lllfO>D\11 c0Hl1lo~ '.J:l 11 m Ul Cl -llA,IC£ll•ll -Br~1nt I~ •c 1•on Br~I" b11111111t11 hlonnonit. TUISOAY i .J:l pm en Cl -H IA lA$1CETIALL -•!!·St•• ~":.l'I. IS! (l NHL HO(ICE'V L1vt I~ SI lowlt, tN Ulrf 1-1 NHL rll·t11r ''""' THUlllEl•V I 1.1'1. Ul Cl -l.Al(E~S IAKJC lftAll -l.,. ..._""' AJtriiliomf It llW tilt el tn • NI" ~ l'Nkl'llftl.""' l lkt•1 •"' "" S•" Fr•" •JKo WtrrlOrl '" lllt fir•! !'""'· " l'M 1•cllllll g•m• Uw A!tl~ •1'111 ff'lt Ml w!"J ·IK~I ''' •lfl ... ~I"'! 111111 M•~111 •ncl lflf ~~ !1911 lloc:kfn l·Jll o.,,. O CL -IA$1( Ill ll -Los -'1'9t lM cny "IO~ Kl'W cJl,l~!o Ot""-· HOUSTON . Te:r. (AP)-Ri1•1l coaches :said they e:rpect a high scoring affair to- day in the 10th and final American Foot- ball League All-Star Game. The Aii:trodomc conle~t "'111 be the final r venl In the JO.rear history of the AFL 1vhlch will becon1e lht' Americ11n Con· rerencc of lhe merged AF I. and National football League next season. The West, coached by Lou Saban of Denver. has been l.'.tbbed the favorite. and George \Vilson, of r-Uami , coach of the East. agreed. l~O\.\'ever. Saban docsn'l lite: II that v.·ay. tie said ntlther tilde has a decided ;idvantag~ In personnel. ''The ••inner will be the one who makes the re'A·est mistakes," Saban said. The team whose. quar1erback is lhe hot· .-.st is going to u•in tllC game," Wibon Sllid. Saban st1id it "'Ould be more of ~ "lhrO\l·ing game ralhcr than a running gan1e ... "I hope 1t will be high scoring." 'Vilson said. "That's wh at the cro'A'd "'ants.'" Joh n Hldl ol San Diego w!ll start at quarterback for the Weal with ~1lke Liv· ingston or Kansas City l'IS his back up. \Y llson 11.•l\I use ~like Taliaferro of Boston and Ja~k Kemp of Burfalo at quaner- back 'A'il.h Taliaferro getting the slarting nod . The East's rtttlvers blclude Haven t.1o:;rs of Buff alo, Ron Seller• of Bo6lon, Gcoree Sauer of New York and Jim Beirne and All'in Reed of How:ton. Among Wilson '• stable of running bflcks 1re Matt Sntll of Ne\f York. Carl Garrett of Boston, 0 . J. Simpson of Buf- falo and Jlm Kiik of f.1 \aml . lladl and Lh•lngston wUJ have as receivers Lance Alworth of San Dttgo. l"red Blletnlkofr and Billy Cannon of 011kland , Willie Frader of San Diego and Al Dtnson of Denver. \Vest running backs int.lude Robert Holmes of Kansas City. Floyd Little of Denver. Dick Post of Oakland and Paul RobllWUl of Cincinnati . The Eut k>Ot aoothcr playtt to tnjurleo Friday when ll 11.·as disclosed th•t... linebacker George Webster of Houston tA- jured an •nltle in Thursday's practice. : \\lebster was tabbed as a slarler j\(rt Harry Jacobs of Buffalo "·in start in biJ place. Garland Boyette of Houston was add!d to lhe East squad to rep I KC· Weblter. . -: Several other players ""ho originally were srlected 1\'<'r<' unnb\e lo parllcipale be.cause or lriJurtcs sustained in regular lieMOn. Tbcse included ~uch stars a ••. quarterbAcki; Jot Namath of Nf'w York.' Len Oa"•son of Kansas City Deryj ; Lamonica of Oakland, and Ne~ York.'.' !lanker Don Maynard. ' Cions Rip Irate Loop Foe, 63-53 By HOWARD L. HANDY °' tM DtllY l'lltt ••• ,, Sh,ort.-fused tempers not withstanding two big m~ are better than one and the Wstminst.er Lluns proved It with a U-53 victOrY over hoet Anahelpl "Friday night before a pacl<od howie that spilled • .,.. to '"4ndlni room only at both ends ol the court. The win leaves coach Don Leavy's l,ions atop the SUnset League basketball standings with a 4-0 record. The final ctJUnt was po15ted in the seort- book with 45 seconds remaining and a tight pressing defense that the Colonbts had used all evening turned it into a fran- tic climax at the 31 second mark. A foul was called against reserve Jim Shoush at this point and Anaheim coach Bran t Cowser came off the bench to ar- JlU' and bunip one of the otfieials. A tech- fllcal was called against him and at that moment. both teams squared o(f on the floor but few blows ~e landed. Fortunately, a father-daughter activity fourd this groop filling the ~oor level seals oo the home side ol. the coort. The fans standing at the coort """ barged ooto the floor but -offldals """"'1 quickly to avert a frt&-for-all The Aoaheim pressing defense br<>U£1it qulcl<, early foul! and the Lima '"'"' Shooting I-and-I at the line alter only 2:27 ol the action. They made U ol 16 dwity t8sses In the first hall to post a 34-26 lead al the lntenn1ssion.. Westminster's two big gun_,, Dan Bro- rlerick (6-$lh:) and Steve McLendon (~) te.amed together to pass around and over Anaheim's bri!Uanl center Dan Phillips. P)li\llps. on the other hand, hit with con- !>istency from around the foul circle and \l'Ollnd up with high point honors at 31. The Westminster duo scored 25 points :\piece with Broderick feeding McLendon 1Ulder the bucket repeatedJy in the first half to give~ Li~ their edge. ·After a 11low first quarter that found tlfe scoring at a mini.mum (Westminster led, 8-.1) the temPo picked up with a""'° i:eance at oubet ol the 11ecmd !Jllanza. Anahebn hit elght ol ita first nine sllots from the fl...-while the Uons ...,.. hit· Ung el,!ht of II. For the .. en1ng, Weotmlnster b~ 51.3 ""'°"" from the Door -the Coloni!ts connected oo 37: 1 percent. WHfmhllllf' (U) ....... McLe<ldM a.wenck "'"" M11..m.imlf tlJMffl , N.....,w .. f1 "4 '• lt•7SS,,,11t> J II 1 2S Lll'Wll J I • ' P~Ull" tJOJW!oll1 1 •. a J Jr,•W I G 1 2 K1ri1li4I -llllfll>fl >. 20 D 11 ,, l<tlllS k••t llJ OV1rt1r1 '"' f9f1"4" 0 1 ' I • ' 2 10 u l 'll 2 D 4 4 2 0 s • i 1 t s I!. ·t -2 Ill 21 ·1ll "3 W•lmlflll« I 14 I '' -~ A1111'ttlrTI"~'·' ·• " ' ·' " s ti 1i 1l ~ J:!' .. ..,. ~~ Golden West Averts Cellar; Win~ 77-76 By PRlL ROSS 01 1M DlllJ r 1i.t Sl•ll The freshman-studded Golden West College R,u.,Uers, propelled by the clutch performances of forward Ouis Thompson and guard Steve Puelk, avoided the Southern California Confenince. cellar last night with a thrl.lling Tl-76 upset victory nVer the Lo!!i Angeles Southwest C.OUgars in cage action at Orange Coast College. The win gave the Rustlers cl. coach Dick stricklin a 1-3 conference record and dropped the visitors' league mark to 1-i. . ~!rot-year man Pa>elk, the !lultl<n' \renion o( en import since he wmt to hip -in Ddrol~ proYld<d the Icing nd the cake as he calmly 1ank two free tliraws with only IZ seconds left co tba clock. I -Ttie S.10 miri-guard wa1 runner up n GWC scoring hooon with 22 points. Th""fl'Ol1 led his ,quad with :.> marl<· ""' while burly Coogat O!!fUr Lymar Anderson, who stands 6-3 and tips the fia«les at 200 poond5, paced both cUtfits with 34 poirts and 14 """"1nd:I. l'he contest wu touch·and-go all the 'vay, with the lead chacnging hands a W.. tal of eight Umes . The winners twice commanded a seven- Wint lead. the biggest of the game, at 31· 2~ with about five minutes )eft in the first hltlf and at 59-52 midway throt.1gh the final i;tanza . Southwest. which grabbed the ini· t.iht lead. was up lD-5 early in the Wt fot It"&. biggest margin. Golden West caught the COUgan at 19- 11n.ti1:47 left in the first period ma. tl-l<lol jumpei-by~ COii!« Tcm Hard- lnf and then moved out lo 1 U.19 edge flft'tti'o a:niecutive »f<den bt Thomp- son, a Corona del Mar Jl'OdUcl. Exc<pt for the Rustl!<&' brief ttre<k when they ted by seven poln~. the_ rest rlf .tM firr;t half was aiijlght tnth Gen West going iolo ~J...., room with • 'S-38 advantage. The second half wu the same story 13.~ the first as the only time either side :i;aW' daylight w11s when the WestnUmter rol~an.'1 had the aforemmtioned seven-~nt advantage in the mJddle of the per· iod. The R~tlers. WOO now must have some ~ay of hope for the fututt. return to con-(~action a week from tonight 11t LA Harbor. . ·I . d SOUTNWl1T tHt MLOIN WllT Im ... _.. , .. - C"""4W ,.11tWMt ''' Gt.,,... 1 t 4 • TM!ftpMn to II S a ........... ll I t .. H1r.ll111 • I t 11 ~ ''''''"* •••n !'llfl;Nr' J:t,111•,_ JISI ,~ ····~ tttl Cdt!Wi I I t • tmlt \ " 1t I• 1' l e!•lt :n ,, to .,.. "-'ftlmt: LA SOUTHWEST JJ. OOLOEH W'tST • --------~----·~------ DAILY ,ILOT ,~ ... ..,_ Rklllnl ll:MllW MARINA'S BOB BEAL (21) GOES AFTER A LOOSE BALL, KIPP BAIRO (45), RICK MOSIER (23) STAND BY. FOR NEWPORT IT'S BILL BECKETT (44) TARAS YOUNG (24), HB Survives • Scare Fro1n S~i~~,_73-71 ~'·: !· 1;. "!'• ~ • ~ .• , By DA.VE CEARL~Y ., Of tk-0.llJ ,li.t 11111 ,, A·)'ii'f''dr free lO!ISeS by Curt Carlson with 13 second• left preserved Huntington Beach's 4C-game league basketball win streak as the hciel Oilers slipped past Santa Ana, 73-71. Carlsm's free shots capped a seesaw contt.lt in which the lead changed hands 24 times. The Oiiers seemed in trouble with just over a m1mte left when Santa Ana woot into a stall with the IJCOCe tied at 71 a piece. After Huntington forced a turnover Carlson was fouled on a faat break and Santa Ana had one last chance after the niity guard canned his shots. ~ Oilers used a full court press, al· most forcing a pair of turnovers. and Saint center Billy William's 30-foot jump- er a~ the buuer just bru1hed the net. Huntington Beach rtteived a big break with 2:15 to go when Santa Ana forward Chris May fouled out. The Saints relied heavily throughout the ilight on May and Wi!Hairui for board strqth. The Oilen opened up the biggest 1eed o! the nig)lt In the serond poriod at 27-20, moetly on the outllde ahooting cl Carlson. Santa Ana wu far from outdone as Sahlt 1!U4ni Kim Pickering sparked the Sainb: to a 15-7 edge ln th elast ftve min- utes ol tho IM!COftl. Plcti.rlng ended the hall by canning a 6().foot deopa-ttion lll1ot at the buzzer to give the S8'ntl a 3&-34 lead. 'lbe baWe really !tarted in the third quarter wh«I the lead changed owntt· ship nine times. The ~ts twict held two.point edges lale in Che game. their fourth quarter .spurt based priTnBrily on nine perfectas from the gratis line. Lee Walters hit 11 of 17 field goal attempU in rolling up 1.6 points. sec- ond only to Carlsoi 's 23. Walters and Tony Cate bagged l 1h6 rebounds apiece. HUNT!MOTON atACH f1JI SANTA ANA (711 WlH Wtll1r" '"' Ctrlto11 M~ Tot1Js ''"•'" 1 0 2 ' 11 j 2 21 \ s • 1• 10. ,,. I t 2 2 •1111n Haovtr M" WltlltrM Plcktrl,,. WYriefl PICl\>ltlt M-Tet1l1 ICI,. llr Ot•rfln kn+• AIMI " '° '° ! Huntfnt"'" ltKl'I ti IJ 2• It ff •f 11 J 0 , 10 J I J 14 f , • 17 7 ' • ., I 1 2 J • J B 11 l Ill 0 l 1'1fll11 11 -71 11 -JJ PIRATE CAGE BOSS Herb Llv11y Saddleback, Pirates Face Tougl1 Foes Seeking to get back in their confer· ence basketball races, Orange Coast and Saddleback Colleges have lmpor· tant games scheOuled tonight at 8. The Pirates, now 1·2 in conference play following an 80-66 setback at the hands of Cerritos Wednesday night. face M~ San Antooio (1-1) In the OCC IYTll· A 10&1 would virtualty eliminate coach Herb Livsey '• club from South Coast Conference title contention. fl.ft. SAC displays a ball control game, employing a big front line. Thus the Pirate• v.·ill have to slay out ol foul trouble if they are to contain the Mount- ies . In recent games. OCC Cftlter Rick Stickelmaier and forward Phil Jordan have run into foul trouble and the re- sult has been an absence or board work in the late stages of the Pirates' tv.'o conference losses. Saddleback also faces a must win sit- uation. A loss to t.ough Victor Valley tonight in the Victor Valley gym would put coach Roy Stevens' club out or the Desert Conference race. The Gauchos are t-2 in the conference following an 81·78 Joss to Barstow Thurs- day night. Sunset Boop Battle Sailors Outlnst Vikes' ·,Valiant Attempt, 68-55 ·~-'by, GID.'N WHITE • ' 01 IJlt c.111' ,li.t Stllfl NeWport Harbor Hlgh.'1 Sailors fought of£ a valiant I.farina rally in the flnal quarter to earn a 88-55 Sunset League basketball triwnph Friday night at the losers' confines. Thus coach Dave Waxman's Tars keep alive their shaky chances at winning' the loop crown with a 2-1 record while Ma· rina drops to third in the standings with its first league setback in three tries. Newport was looking much like one or the top teams in the universe for three quarters as the Sailors manhandled the Yikes, 60-t0. The Tars owned the boards. the.v were gcl.ting a decisive edge in foul calls and lhey were hitting from the floor. Their · passing was sharp, too. Meanwhile. Marina was victimized by the over-officiating or Bud Dawson and .Jerry Rieser. who managed to assess the Yikes with 26 fouls while the taller. heftier Sailors were found gullty of only 14 infractions. Coach Jim Stephens' hosls had been battered by the unfriendly whistles and lost Rick Mosier Jn the third quarter via the foul route. He. was to be followed by Bob Beal and Kipp Baird while Viking Ray Stratford was one foul away from being benched. But aomehow M&ri11a held Jta poise. --'7:11 to 10 In the half and the Tars never looked back. They played a superb hair, ow ning 11 35-26 halftime edge and Waunan admit- ted it was the team's best half since league hostilities began. * * NIWPOltT (61) MAlllNA IHI It ff , .. Ill ... ",. ~ T11'1ll • • ' • B1lrd ' • "' Yount • ' ' " Motlt• ' ' "' lllKkttl ' • • • '"' • • ' • HIV ... ' " . " 5tr1tford • ' . " Mt llnoll • ' "' CJ'Of'lkrl!f ' ' ' • IC1"1 • ) • • McGiii rt • ' • • Etrlt • • ' • M11lt ll¥ • ' ' ' 10111\ tll l1 u .. Tott!• ?1111'.U le••• "' Ow1rttro "''"'"°'' ,,_ " " " ' -• Mtrl"A " " " " -" Crown toCdM BEVERLY HILLS -Corona del lt1ar High's varsity swim team swept lo the CIF Relays championships Friday night at Beverly Hills High School, overturning Palso Verdes, 48-40, on the strength 0£ three first place finishes. In the process, coach Cliff Hooper's 4 x JOO freestyle team of Bret Bernard, Bill St.enhejem. Kurt Krumpholz and Bruce Black set a meet record with a snappy 3:22.S. Saints Stall To Knock Off MD,4341 By ROGEJI CARLSON 01 1111 o-ltr '1191 Sllrif Orange County's No. I r a n t t d Monarchs of Mater Del High School found out the frustrations of a stall ~ hard way Friday night as St. Anthony shocked the Monarchs, 43-41 , in an Angelus League opener in the losers' confines. Before an overOow crowd In th• steamy Monarch gym. St. Anthony came back from def'lcit.s of eight poinll In the first half to knot the lllCOl"e at ~ after three periods. Then its slow down tacliC$ took com- maOO or the issue and it Wiii the toni count down . Coach Jerry Tardie's Monarchs hit first. hol'l'ever, when Ralph Chandos net· ltd two free throws with 7: ti left to give IM hosts a 37.35 lead. A free throw later the fap was cut tn one and then the Saints from Loni Beach went into a stall that didn't quit until they·d taken the lead with three minutes remaining. Cllt- W•l-tr MtM.,.•mln flttl Kiit, ToJtlt M•1~r 0-! 51. A~!P>or.\' IT. ANTHONY CU) It ft ~I 111 • 1 2 11 ' • 2 16 ' l 2 7 a 3 l 1 II 0 S G 11 It l J •I •••• £11 ... ~"""''" Mui!"" 1!1-111 0111 .... Toltl• le••• ~'>' 011.tr11r1 i. 1J I • H n ,, " ..... I 2 4 4 ' I I 12 I t 2 ' • ' 1 12 ' I I I I 2 I ' 1•11 1sa . -. . -.. And when the lalt period started. the Yikes went into a press. Their strategy worked perfectly. With Bill McGuire leading the way Ma· rlna repeatedly stole the ball, intercept· ed passes and forced turnovers. The Vlke,; cut the gap lo 62·54 with 5:03 left on Seal's 2l·footer. Snow Aplenty to Be Had But then two steals resulted in missed layups and on an obvious Newport back· cool"\ ball violation the Tars somehow were allowed to maintain possession. On top of that. ~tarina missed its last seven shots from the floor and that was it. Newport got off only five field goal trie~ in the. last stanza. Marina Jed early In the game. moving to a 5-0 le1d and holding a 15-14 advan- tage after a quarter. · But two free throws by Bill Beckett and a shot from th• free throw line by Lee Haven made it 15-15 Newport with At Cali for11ia's Res orts By ESTllEllANNE f\11.Ll~GS Of 1111 01111 Piie! Sltlf One thing about cold wea1her , ii fee 1~ good wh en you come in out of ii -and il is good for snowmaklng. five Southern Califomua ski areas -Blue Ridge. Holi- day Hill, Rebel Ridge, Snow Summit. and Snow Valley -are all pumping out snow nighlly for the pleasure of Southern California 1kiers. Las\ weekend'• storn1 In the Sierra Ne\'ada blanketed Mammoth Mountain to i;ii\·e the area a total depth of around flv• feel of snow. All runs at June Mountain, including the Fa~. are now open. Local area Mt. Baldy only needs natural snow to stretch itself farther south lo demonstrate the vast lm· provements made there. Chuck Lewsad· der, president of Wemm RellOrll, Jnc., new owner of the area, is the man behind the •jnew. look." Estancia Upended by· Loara, 62-55 Remember that slow ride -while trying to hold onto skis and poles -on the Sugar Pine access lift? Bench type chairs have replaced the swinging.gate type to allow a faster ride on all Baldy chairs, and plastic mattlng at the Sugar Pine lower loading terminal permjts riders to wear their skis. Br CRAIG SHEFF Of IM DlllJ l'ltl Sttff Estancia High·s baskttball team had its Irvine League ttlle hopes dimmed con· siderably Friday niaht when a well-bl!· .aoced Loan team handed It a U-55 los.s in the Saxons' gym . The loss was Esta:ncta'1 second in four league outings: and left eo1eh Bill Wet· zel's Eagles two garnet behind league- leadlni Losr1 (~).Th< SUons took over unclitouU!d ftnt pla<e, lollowlng Comll de! Mar's loll to Colla Meu. 'Ille SUOlll wse in contra! throoib out !he game jump!"' out lo a oomnw>dlni ~• •dv•ntqt before Emncl1 ,.i rolf. Ing. Tbe Eagles were very cold shooting in the opening hall. Durlhg the first quarter of play. Estancia could only con- nect on three field goals in II attemptl. For the he.If the Eagles h.lt only seven field goals in 27 attempt& (or a 15.9 per· cent. While Estancia wu missing, Loara wa1 hitUna 50 percent ol ill ahou, connecting on ..... ol If In the opening quarta Ind aeven ol 13 In the o«ond period. The E#glea played more aggrwlvely In the IOCOnd ball, but tile Losr1 lead waa just too much to overcome. Ett.andt made a nm,. at d>e-Saxortt early Jn I.he fourth quarter, aettln& to within ieven (47-40). but at lhis point leading rebounder Skip Williams fouled out and E.!ltancla 's board strength \Vas cut Jn hall. Loara did an outstanding job defensive- ly on Williams holding the 6-5 senior to just 1tven polntl., He dld not get his first field pl unut mldwRy through the sec- ond qu1rter • Juolor Gary Ofsill again played a llne 1ame from his forwird spot for Eltan- cla. Orllll led 111 ......,.. with 23 Points. 1C011n1 II in Illa aecond haU. lfe was l'Jlne for II from th• frff throw line. Loot1 .. ., Jed tiy ~ center Rudy Sgonll who toased In l2 poinlS. Guard Denny Nicholas added IS for the Sa:ron1:. Estancia ended the game with a 38.6 percent shooting mark , connecUng on 22. or 57 shots. During the second hall, the Eagles hit on I~ or 30 •ttempts. Loara canned 13 or SO shots for lhe night for 46 percent. •11-11 fJll L.Mfl (IU Ortlll llil'lltr Wlllltlflt Hm Vt11-N•"' ""''" lht\lflllllll'f 'T<tltll 19 " "4"' , t 4 D Wl!Mltf' •• 1 • ...,_ltl 2 1 J 1 iklflh s 1 an NICMIM t • 110 W"". 1 I • 2 Nldltl- 1 • 1 I l!MlllltY ••alDrMI DH,.,. Tft1- twt., '"""" "" ....... a l 2 t a 1 a • 11 2 ttt ~ S 1 IS • l , 1 1 1 t ~ 1 , • ' I I I I t1111aa '• t 11t1t -.H 11 11 ,, )1 -u The new Notch Lift 3,300 feet long to the beM of Devil's Backbone opens a new beginner and intermediate area and bring• Mt. Baldy chairs to four. At Thunder Mountain, ruM have been widened and a new one along the Soutb RJdgt rune down to the left. I n:membfr' 1kling that arta with fonner aki tchool dlttclor Yv" Lltrtllle the JMT alte< Baldy llnl cpened, only ... w.11 tllroulh the ,trees. Now the run ii cut to 1 ~ lortablt tl)l).foot width. Lltrtlile commented at tilt time Illa! It could be one of tho -nma ti tho ,,.ea. You caa try II this oeuoft aad jndp for yountlf. L ' ' I •. -~-· .. . .. . . ' ' ~ ' 1 J2 DAILY PILOT Satul'da7, January 17. 1970 ynch Hits 32, Barons Win,66-52 Salios Saves Mesans, 51-4 7 J V Basketball ' ./.~, Gt•bitl" 021 l"ll!lft 1111 Sh.I~!• IU l"ltt1 to Miiie!' en <•n 1•11•• 1u11"" V•lln G 41(\ Tl'lorN' G (1)1 tumu"'1!.,,, c !61 F!tl.b By STEVE ANDREWS 01 IJM Otlltr l"lltt St:ft Dave Lynch bombed In 32 Points and paced th e Fountain Valley Barons to a. 66-52. vic- tor)' 'Over the visiting Santa Ana Valley Falcons In an j lrvineLeagueba s k r. Iba JI ~ struggle Friday evening. ~ The junior forward had a ~ field day in the two middle ~:_periods. as Ile hit for 18 of his game high 32 in th Ose •• quarters. ;: It looked like it might tun1 ;·Into another close arfair for ~'. Dave Bro\\'n 's Barons. \\'ho ...,; have dropped their first three ~ ga!"les by no more than five · points. \Vith Founta in Valley on top ~ 29·Z5 at the half, Lynch found :f· hlmselr \\'ilh the hot hand. Of" After buckets by Gary Val· ,.. buena and Bill Champion, • Lynch reeled on Len straight • points Y.'ith five hoops. At une ·: point he "'as five fo r si x rrom ~. the field . ·• The falcons <.·ut into the :· lead only one more lime, that -;: coming with three minutes left By JOHN CASS 01 tf\t Dr.Ir l"llol S!:ll Tim Salios pumped four free throws through the hoop in tfle final minute and 14 seconds lo provide thi margin or victory as Costa Mesa edged Coron.a del Mar. 51·47, in a tight lrvihe League basketball c on t es l staged in the losers' gym Fri- day nigh\. Both teams played on even terms throughout the first half with Corona del Mar owning a one-polnt edge, 23-22, at Lile intermission . Costa Mesa captured a 38.. 34 a9.vantage in the &bird quar~ ter •with Bob A~tfu connect- ing on a pair or short jump !hots from the left o( the hoop in the fi nal minute. Alan Moore ~ in the game and Fountain $ :i;, Valley on top, 56-48. However, I ::. four points by Lynch and two ;,. each for Valbuena and Cham· ::: pion put the game on ice. ;.; Valbuena trailed Lynch in ~ the Baron's scoring column ·..; "''ith 17 points and he also led ~= 1he offensive boardwork for ...: Fountain Valley. .;: Chan1pion, \\o'ith help from . Vatbuena, did a good job on : : Santa Ana Valley's 6--6 ce nter Jim Keyes in the middle :: frames when the Barons ran -~ , ' ' away . * ... * * V.lllEY cn l 11 II l'f h 1 o J I I 0 0 7 I f 4 71 s • l 14 1 J J • o o 1 a a o 1 a 11 1,us1 V.llllY CU I ft II •I I• IJ,JJ2 I 3 • 11 I 1 J I 1 0 1 J o a s o 1 a 1 ' 1 , ' s Jll1JIU Self• ~' ou1r1.,, · ~on!~ •n1 llol~~ \) II 11 U -U Feul\t1in V•!tev lJ 16 1$ 11-66 . Orange U.ps By Lagu11a . , ,Five, 92-4 7. .. " ' i • ' ' ' . ' Orange had three 20-plus t'Coring riuarter:ii and downed Lagupa Beach. 92·47. in ft Crestv;ew lA!Bfi!:Ue ba11ketball til t in the Arl ists• gym Friday night. · or the three high-s(.'{lrini;: periods. the second \\'as dead· liest for the Oran~e Panthers. • contrlbuled two valuable free throws between the b,uck_etl by Austin. Corona stormed back at the begiMing of the final frame, gelling eight points before the ~1ustangs could get back .on the board. Ti m Conroy potted a charity toss, Mike Sevier hit on a short jumper from the right of the basket and Don Killian made good on two free throws and a shot from the corner for a 41..Ja advantage. Killian came right back with 11 pair of free thrOws but Aus. tin countered with a jumper from the right corner. Killian narrowed the gap to 47~ with two more gift tosses with 1:48 left in the game. Tn that fra me the Panthers CORONA POWER -Corona del f..1ar l·li~h's Don Kil · :: tan up 21.points and held La -lian r35l t<1kcs a rebound in Friday night's l rvine ~ guna Beach 10 jusl l\\'O. Leagul' crucial \Vith Costa Mesa. Mesa upset 1he Both teams went into a ball control offense at UUs point with little action unt\1 Salios stepped into the charity circle with I: 14 left, making good on both ends of ii one-and-one situation. When r~rank Ford could con- nect on only one of his pair of free throws with 32 seconds left, the gap had spread to 4947. ' With eight Seconds remain· ing, Salios picked up the final points of th~ game, sinking both rree tl}rows resulting from a one-and~e foul. Someone in the Mustang crowd apparently used some rather descriptive language to one of the officials who promptly threw a technical foul on the Matang 1tands. Conroy made good on the shoL for a four.pc.Int lead wlth five minutes left in the game. After the game, Mustang coach Emil Nee.me admitted to plOr& than a little concern over the technicAf r;;f.1 called on lhe !\fesa stands. "ll could have cost us the game," he said. Auslin led all scorl."rs with 20 point~ while Salios finished with nine, five from the Cree throw line. • Killian and Conroy pa.v~ the way for the sea Klilgs wllh 11 points each. Jeff Goelitz pick- ed up nine. , Corona del Pt1ar will/ try to get back on the winning track on Wednesday when the Sea -----: DA.llY l"ILOT P~•t• br Pat o·oa ..... 11 behind Loara. Other Seo Kings arc Steve l·lollcindcr (1 4 ) and f..'like Sevier !ccnterl. Costa !\1csans arc .!\I an !\1oore (50) and Tin1 Salios (30l. • ' l•I Frr1He 111 C~tllo Kings ho.st league leading Loara. The Afustangs entertain score '' OoH•t ... 1 1912 HAHO• ILVO, COSTA MISA. Doily 10·9 • Sot. t.6 l •nt1•1Mrl(trtl e M11fw C:lltrtt A1agnolia ~n the same day . "°""'i.1 .. "'"'' • " 11 1s:-h hllt1 A"f Vtllrr t 16 !J 1.,,o17 COSTA M•SA U11 "°""1•111 V•JleY wl:lf,, Sw•ll-{3), A.y•ll~ Sw111tl1rid "IOON Ntvllt. BridMi Sell.,. l"•i,ttod It II ,1 I• Moliul•I (1) 6110 Willk•r Ill • 1 • • 70 1p';"~"~'~"~'~·~"~·-~:':'~":·:·:·:':':'·::::===-=-===-=-==~:.: Tot•I• ·i ; ~ ~I t • J • l I 1 I 1 6 l ' I l 2 J ,, 17 21 11 l(JU!•n ,_, COll:ONA Dll MA.It {41) ''"~ .. l s s 11 ...... ..... Melltnck• GrltlJbY ·~ .... Tct•Jt l i 2 11 1 1 t ' I 4 I S f n I S I l 1 l • 0 0 l • I I B J li 11 1$ 41 IC-•1 OUtrt.n (fll• Mcu 11 II 16 13-~l COl'Olll dtU Mlir 13 II II IJ-41 Diablo s 111 67-51 Mission Viejo High 's Diablos bounced back to even their Crestview League record to 2· 2 Friday night with a 67·51 rout of Tustin in the winners· gym. Rudy Holmes and Rick \Vadsley led a come·from· behind effort for coach Pat Roberts' crew as U1e winners ou\SCQred Tustin by seven in I the second -period and went on to take a 46..35 lead after th ree quarters on good oulside1 shooti ng along with the pivotal play of Dan Kratz. I \\:adsley hit for 17 while 1-lol mes added 15. K r a l 7.1 garnered J3 to co in plcmcnt I the dlJO. MISSION VIEJO !UI 1-<elm•'> W•d~ltV Kratt Wtll /~., .. , . ..,.. M•t•• 10,~11 Swti"' C.:"'mltV Zr!.koW'k! Roe to Hal'll •• Prnt•IUI P rtsl•llok1 lvft'JOll '"'m "1To1~,·~1 TUSTI M Ull fl II pl Ip J J 1 I\ I I l l 1' \ 1 J lJ ' " 1 i ? 1 J ~ I n 0 ) ll 11 11 6i ••"•t'•I 7 1 J l 1 ? 1~ I 0 1 ? 1 n n 1 " J J 3 i ~ l, !1 1 t 10( " 0 1 0 !~ 11 l~ SI Seer• h• Qu••I.,., M"'"'" •brio I~ 11 I ' Tuslt" !2 1• t :,SC P11lls Off 67-53 ~an Clrn1cntt' Hi~h's an1:1z. ing Tr1tons pulled nff the CrtstviPw League ... hocker of !he yt'nr Fr1dny night \\'i1h a cru~hing 67·53 rout O\'er thr circuil's la~1 ren1a1ning: un· beatt'n 1ean1 -Foollull D ILY 10 TO, 10, SUN. 10 TO 7 ..... ------. !C,W_I!' __ _... co...,._ .. ··-" • II ' '' OffER ~ES J'4N., ZO" 1,970 ~\o 'f-....JY -J' ,-=--:. ' I ~.Hlll·S_ WHAT WI 001 • llepl•<• wilh -w lifll!'t Cht•k ltr•ll• hot• •ntl rtl11ri11 11"•!111 • ... ,...., ......... ,. th• .. ,..k. "'""'' Intl"••! t••••• r11t1il'••f •11tl Ire"! wh11I li•t>rin91 FISK STANDARD DUTY SHOCK ABSORBERS ··88 l•U·O.tll••'• '~• ···k•• .. .,. ... .,..; ., ..... '~""""· Why Walt?· CHARGE IT/ ALL WORK PE RFORMED BY FACT ORY TRAINED B13;AK~ SPECI ALl'TS • h11p••t h1t1••11l l1 1r1t1111 ···"· ,;,.., .,.,, h•••• "•••r <1111y •••k• fl11lt1 •""'" A4f111I •t•k•I I• in111re 11111 ............ ; .. , "•"" ,.,,th• ••• f l5k POWEi ftfJIUST BATTfRY.'.,': 3 97 .. ~.' •·~~, .. ~.;. $,.0.fF INiTAllATION . IA(H •; •' •etc.:K{J5()+1 !" ~fl~ Re"~l.acf ~Kkl t \'e'l'Y 21 (\AA CUI llOUlAI IJCCMifrli:JI mile.•~ Sil.ONG ,.re • ~ Chris Powers and Denny Se;i Kin gs. 51-47. to move into a tie for second place Schmitz scored ln double fig· -----'---------------'------------------------ ures for the Artists. Po\\o'Cr:<. Co;ich .John Raker's crew re- sorted [n a n1<1n·t0-man pres· ~•1rf' dPfrnse on the huge h ni;:;l>t.;; fro1n Foothill and tilt' rn<I rl'1>11l1 sho11e d !ht' Tritons 1 rutsrorin;; Orange Count y's No. 3 tt'an1 in evt'ry quarter. •, finished with 18 points and Schmitz. 11. Wally Hamer paced the Or- M li!e at.la<;k with 18 points v.'hile teammates Tim Healey. 17 and Lafry Goswiller, 15 chipped in. * * OllANOI' ltll •• ft •' ,,. GHN11\er'. au,.. • .., ... : M .. lw ~al!lll•dO l(l'Udl ... •Q Gl•l90W • ' • • ' ' J I 11 . ' . ' ' 11 l ' ' ' ' • ' • ' _ .. • .. • . • • . • • • • • ' • r 1~. ., .. ... •• .. : ' t' ... " •• .. . ' . • '· .. . , -N .. • ··-""""' ~ ... If .. Scl>••clfr• J4d<..,,. ..... ,,,.,,,,,.. Gcbell•• l'otal1 • • ' ' ' • ' " • ' • ' • • ' ' )0 U JI " .. ' ' ' " " l.IGUNll tl•CH HI! McMv"•Y Sc1tmi!1 "'••bO!il Ttbor P-•t •ncte·-"'""' T01•!1 lo fl • • • ' I ' ' • ' • • •• 1. ' ' ' " ' I 0 ' " ' . l • 16 15 l• 41 ,, ••• ,, o.. ....... , '' ,, " 10 1 lS • JC, Prep Cage . Standings Bakt'r ter1ncd hi s team's ef- fort . "Our be ... t garne of lhc yPar defensively. \Ve really pla :Vcd <1S a tca n1 ." 'rh! lat'lit's forCN'I Footh ill n11t or ils usual sty.le of play and· t'auserl numerous turnov· ers an<l :o.ubsequent scoring pla,vs by San Clemente. 18'1'"''" C•"lornl• COl!f"t!l<.f Wlf',l".1 l e 161l :ill J1J4S7'1 L• "••bor , t•r'""' L'-C( Rio HonOoc> l .I !tnl/lhWt't C.olden w~r Et>I ll. JI M0 1U 1 1 JSI 75l , 1 ,,, ,., -· 1 l 2". lfl I l 31 1 U1 JUNlET ll!AOU& We1tml111ler Huntln11IC111 ll••t" M1rl..-roiewo>c>rl H•rbc• .ln41\f+"' Wt•lf"' S•nll Alll W L I"' • 0 7'1 3 0 '" J I !11 l 1 IS• , 1 161 • l 16J o • Ill Jrld•Y'I Score• .. "' "' ' " '" '" "' ~· ~ritllJ'I lllllUlll GolO•n We-,1 17. LA $oulllwctt-16 l " .. ~r\;>Cr n. (ypren JO EA•1 l• " ~·o Honda 11 NPwPorl "•rbcr 61, Marini 15 Hunt•n~lon ftp.o<I( I), S1n11 An~ 11 W•olf"ln•t"' U. .,......,,.,.., II loNCi ElUS lL\GUI!: D£1EllT COM,EIENCI w L •J, l".I W L l"J l"I. 1'1u1 )( I 0 'Ill jl 1..,.,~ ... 1 voll•Y l e n1 111 5t .ln!l'ID•,. 1 ~ •l •1 P•,.trw l 0 ?JS 711 $->"'II~ I 0 •l •! V•<I"< V•""' ? I HJ ?•l 0,'Mfr 0•1 0 1 '1 i] C•·1'~"' 1 I l ll ll? ll•sl>oo ""'81 0 I '-" YI ~..,,,,,r~·· , 1 :1111 J?l S! Pe~I 0 I \1 Jll M"• Co''" l l 131 ''° ••ld1v'1 Sto<t• O••f" 0 ] )()t lll SI •n!l'IQnv IJ, M•lrr Oro •l NI ~•n Je<o~•o o J 20I »< ~·•v1tr .\6 ... 11noo _...,., w '"•a•'• llKUlll Plu• )( SI. SI P•.n 11 C~nvon• ID. Ooot•I 67 l"'IN'tifol V•!lfl ... Ml. San J•dnlo GARDEN OllOll( l &•GUE 5• WlPF PI. Vlclo< V•ll•Y 9/, Mi•• C.:osl• 11 C0••°'1" Ci•ov• 0 lJ " l'Ol'!1~1·1 G•m11 R-ncl'ID 1.llmllo' O \I •! !>A6d~<~ ~· vlclM' V•llev \1n1l190 o n •• Ml'• to,tt at B•rilow 8o!Ja Gr&l'>ll• o 1 •• n D•s.r• Al M! San J~clnlo l • Oulnl• o •I Sii _•m_~-·-"-'-'-'c'"c'_c_"_'o'c"c'~:_• ____ •_•_"_'"-'-____ 0 51 s~ 'rltlY't korP ~'"''"o n. 'llo!tt' G'rtnOt· ff R•ncM Al•m!IOI SI, ~ Q\lin1t If Ca•Oen Grove !S, P1cillt• SJ l'llEEWl.Y lt:.IGUI ~ U\l~,t~n ~unny "'II• Su""• n.,1 l~ Ht~'~ Kenn..iv L""'ell SAVAtl"'° Tro• W l PJ l'I , o 111 n1 ·~l\6?11 ,1n1n1 ? ' ,,. J\l'I l 116 1•1 l ~)A 181 l IOI 15• l 166 71• •ridlY'• k ... U l"ul!~•lon \I, KP<l....iY " T<OY ~I S~v~"n• '9 L4 IO•br• ... 8U~I PAr>. ~1 Sunnv !'!•Ill 11. LOWe"ll )9 OR•NGE lE.IOUl W l P• l'I l ~' A.la"'''"' • D 1.n "1 'l"•ltlT• } ! 1~• 111 ~~•• l I 11• l•? l!r~• 1 1 11~ ;~, V•lr!'K•• 1 ) 701 It() 1;1 Do•-.:to 1 l 260 1n Lo< Af"l906 1 l l&t 10! S•d<ll~b.lc~ O • 171 1'1 ,.,ra.~·· Scerft lM l.m100~ ·~· S"ldl,~t~ Al lot) Sonora II. 8•ta IQ lo~ Alt"'ll,O• 21, V•lfl't'~ U lllVINE LEAGUE W L I'~ Pl. l o•rt • o 1'11 : ?•l (Ol'ClllA del Mftr ) 1 10• I~~ CO'•• Mf.. J l 1•t 761 [~191\Cltl 1 1 1•• 14() £d1:.ori I 1 llS 11i """'"""' , ' 1 ·1 '°' l"ounl~•n V~ll•• I ~ 11" JU ~~nt& ""' V•'l•v Q 1Qf ?•l ~' d•Y'• lco<•s (••I~ """'~ •1 CM""f <1-I Me• '1 ln••• ~1-(••&M;f 5\ ~ounb1n V•llfY U. SA. V•ll~Y ~ CRESTVIEW lE•<"\JE- W l PJ f'• r,,,.·~.11 1 1 2~1 711 r'l·•n~• 1 I ~ !~l v.111 Pa,~ ·' 1 1 !$' 111 Mll"rn V••!n 7 7 IU 111 ~•n C.lrm•~I• J l 159 ''' E,t /\ogrn• 1' 1 Ue ?~• fUt/lfl 1 l 231 )IT l~gw"" P.•otlt ~ 4 l~ JI I J rtllllr'• iCOl'k Or~"q' •1. l19~"• 8 c;itlt n The tenacious 1'ril.cn defense held FootJiil1's 6·9 Bill Bo.vd \n 110 field goal:<. in the fir:<.! half S•N tlCMENl'I .. • -~ l....,~~rrli .,,fldr:rSoo> ~1ctrln1 ON- M"IC""!"' un 11 •I lo I I I\ ·-··-ld41' ~t-o.1•1 Cr>mm 6<>•d H8U1'!" Tu"""" P•l~r.~n P/le1etnf!< C.:ldU' 1 .. uto ' J H ·' 1 l ' ' ' . ' ' ' " " • • ' ' ' " ?J JI H •I •OOT~ILl r•n 11 II ~I I• Q l ' 1 t 1 ' '" ' " ' . ' " • ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I 1 1 1 ,~ n n 5l Ml"lan V•tlo ''· t uslln ll ''"'• '' Ou•rl!•I 1•-~I l n-~J ~"" Cltmenlt i1. 1'00111111 SJ ~•n ('-"" 1' !I IT l<•ltll• •~. El Oo••OO 6S Vlll•.P••k Ii, E• MO<ltn1 S• r ool~ill II H tJ -~-'--'~'-'--'-"''-'.C~~~--=- ····~ ...... Flashlight COMBO Transmission FLUID aac 23~"· Tu10 2-<:ell fiashlighls with rinJ!' 1)1'! "A". Sulllx ' \", !Mtabl• banger 11nd four 'biiueri~!~ for ye.if round u1~. ~I· 1000 Thest Spe<ials &ooci at These ~cationS:.....Only BUENA PARK COST4 MiS,t, ~301-I Hth llvd. tit Lvit.,..iel~r :Z:Zl1D Herber 111 w n1911 Hl-l040 H8·l082 SANTA .AN,t, WESTMINSTU l&OO Edi119fr O' l1lstel 1$4~·0 reoch 11rd. 171 Jrt¢ll1dde"ll ' 516-7832 . 892·2088 IUEN,t, PARK $115 Lincoln Art. ot Y.ii.., Vitw 826°5800 .. C stereo103FM the sounds of the harbor • • ·-= I Saturday, Janull'Y 17, 1970 OAJLV PILOT 13 Ln~y's Long Loved Viewers Ha ve Ball for 18 Years By VERNON SC01T HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Yoo . lov.e Lucy. • •• You've proved it by keeping ... the Lucille Ball shows near the: top. of the raUngs for 1& yean ·11ow under four different titles: "I Love Lucy," "The Lucy -De5i Specials," "The Lucy ·Show" and :"Here'• Lacy'." 1be <.'01nedlenne is a s remarkable a woman as she is per!-. Uoder the oiange-pink hair and P1Una ot hma~y is an ex· tra(f'tlrwily fem lnlne wom&r\o dcdica\ed mother and an ex- pert on sltuaUon comedy. Jtudlo complex -and sold it to a conglomerate. "But I think they've stretched costs as far as they can go." Lucy doesn't deny that she continues with her show in ord er to launch daughter Lucie and son Desi in show business. "This year the kids have more to do on the series than they did lasl season," she ex· plained. "I'd like to get i:.1 one more yea r w i t h the youngsters. It's better for syndication." Lucy v:as sitling al a small round dining table in her elaborate office that is part of what is now called Paramounl Studios. Cast Listed For Dra1na At Ra1icho - Cd/ti Pia1ai1t1 Recital Highlight· By DO.ROTHY BARLEY 01 Ille 011~ l"llot SIJff II now and agai n happens that a conlparatively unkno.,.,·n "'Ork can eclipse the more familiar of[erings on a eoncert prosram and so it proved this "''eek when pianists Kate and Tom Whitney of Corona de\ r.!ar gave a recital for the Orange Coast College Music Club. ''Cossack Cavalry Charge," •·Jtalian Cruise rs '' and ''German Artillery" in sharp contrast to the gentle quality and quiet pathos of the .. \Vooden Crosses." Our pianists 1vert admirably suited to thls particular work with a v.•ell bala nced rendition of an extremely impressi"e compostion. This Yt'riter. in fact, would be well pleased by a further airing of this im- pressive Casella work in the near future. EXCLUSIVE ~EA SHOWING SHOW TIMIS 7:00 • 9iJO lilATINll SUN. J rr JllTIH llNl"'-All c•r •·aANDOlllltO"' Of, lit:r )Qog•vlty on the tube, Lucy said, "There is W much chang• ln the world loC!ay ancl '° liUle we can hang on to, lhtt · our show is safe and see~ permanent It's always ~ •. broad~ on Mooday ..... ~. "We're not just a OaSlHn- the-pan that's here today· and canceled tomorrow, so viewers find•some securiLy t.1 watching tis. l\·~ mdre than habit. Oul_ ,!fr~ts ,k~s p..1ce with the •·r was asked to buy the studio again," she said v.ith a grimace. "No thank y.ou . I've had enough of the business world. I prefer lo stay with our own show and concentrate on mak11g it better. Cast members for I h e Reginald Rose drama '·The Death and Life or Larry Benson" have been announced by the Rancho Community Players who will present the show in its Orange County premiere next month. The piece de resistance of the well received program was Alfredo Casella's ''Pages of War." five movem e nts dedicated to a musical depi c· lion of the horrors of conflict and a work that proved to be marvelously descri ptive and bnpeccably delivered. I A delighled audience al Orange Coast College gave a talented duo a prolonged ova- tion and· were rewarded with a brief but delighqul ~core. No less successful ·were t ·h e1·.----------------------- . ·: times ." ·, Some elcroenls of Lucy's show have 'chtlinged tremen- dously, prinCipally its ca!t. Back in 1951 when .the first black and white half-hour show was aired, the episode cost $28.CKX>. In those early years Lucy and Desi made 39 gegmeots a year. SHE 'S Dl/RABLE Lucille-Ball Toda)' the half-hour color shov; costs $1 t~.000 p e r episode and, as is the cuslon• with n1ost series. only 2~ segments are filmed. •·Labor costs, along with the rise in prices for e\•erything aC<"ou\lts for the increases," said Lucy, who once owned Desilu Studios -a three. Diana and Supre1nes Split Up iii Las Ve gas LAS VEGAS (AP) -Diana branch out and "do cverythin& Ross parted from the rest of there is to do in the y,•orld of the Supremes Friday after the shoiv business." trio sang their last song together, a tearful "S-Omeday She'll open as a single act \Ve'll Be Together." Feb. 12 in Vancouver, B.C. •11 feel like a little kid going Replacing her on the trio 1vil1 out into the \lo'Orld ," said the be Jean Terrell, v.•ho has sung popular trio's lead singer. on stage with her brother. MiSs Ros! let loose at their former heavyweight boxer clsoing show at the Frontier Ernie Terrell. Hotel, singing brier duets with That leaves only ?o.1ary members of the audience, in· \Vilson from the group which eluding singers Lou. Rawls, began in a low-income Detroit Smokey Robinson and Marvin neighborhood before recording Gaye, entertainer Steve Allen, five No. I hit songs in a row. nctar Hugh O'Brian and pro-Florence Ballard left in 1967 fession ~ietbeU star Bill ~ because of~ hectic 1i;:hf!dule Russell . ' 1 ; 1 "! •nct wal· re].11.aCtd bj('Clndy She "'Biso· sang a chorus of Birdsong o( Camden, N.J. · "A~arllli"'4 with the Las ,. Vega/Olli of the rock masical • _-; "HAA."' , .. 'Love' Slal's The trio sang ''Baby Love. "Come See About Me," "Stop In the Name of Love" and other hits from their past eight years. Miss Ross says she wants to HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Julie Newmar and Tony Ran· dall will co-star in a segment of "Love, American Style." Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 54 Lack ol vital t ntrgy l light SS Till1 of rtfrlctlng rlSptCl dev lt1 5" Mov ing ' Muscle about contr1c tlon 58 Blush 11 Rtptile 14 For ttiis liG Evergree n: 2 words reason lil Angry 15 O lrect r;rson attentil)fl Ii& urklsh lli Ext rt mt ty officer 17 Hlfhway Ii 1 Something bu It during that exists WW·ll Iii Glvt 18 Bttwten enio>'.mt nt ourse lve ~; 1i9 Man s 12 Drunkard , 2 words I. IQ F•r from nlcknam' ll Worktd for a photoqrapher 19 iht point of somtlhln9 Zl Kind of noise i 111nn •l Made .i loan 44 Sleeping nolslly 70 Ve1y wet '' orlg ln aJ. 71 Old office 2 Words work 22 M~ic~I e111m l tr'i DOWN c.ooctrn 23 Arrlv t 1 Publlt 25 Employe1s ~ous1ng 28 Lost vl\al AdmlniS· ·' flu id tratloo ' 29 Cry's Abbr. " " com~an tlll'I 2 Unit of 30 No1t Of reluctant' ' 5oulll l April 15th ,. 32 1nwa1d: l"bl••· ' Anat. words 34 Rogue 'Clambtr uP JIJ Oa11!1glng 5 Fi• ,. fossip ii A.rta 42 ra in by surrollnd ing formal ~ goal Instruction 7 Parlits to 43 1dtnllly1ng leases ~ualilles 8 Ship Stc\i on •5 aus's 9 Sea· F1 . 4£. Light saH· 10 Kind or ln11 slllp school 49 Sttlsoo, e.g. 11 Kind of SO Gwmtnt is!arKI ' • ' 7 • 7 23 Part of the body 24 Wtight un it 211 Important food 111111 27 Fish JO Make sens~· 2 words ll Kind of . passagtway 13 lnstcl 35 Ttnnis serve Jli Remov ir the day' g1 1me 2 won:J s 37 Perfume obtained from flowers 38 "Beau·····" 40 Ending used with mal and sol 47 Dtlicirncy of f!ntrgy 4B Miss ·charlsst 50 Group of pfolttfS 51 Amtl ltan Ind Jan 52 Attornty .. ···: 2 wordr. 53 Pattie contraction 55 Le ss pltasi ng 17 "''"" 59 Word tirptfSS· '"' ~!'fll)y· ~ntf lil Uni t of conduct~nct li2 Fruit &4 co_mrm potn 115 Color 12 13 • .. J don 't know whether I ,•,:ould continue with the show if 1he kid s weren't a part of it. J' d like to sec them go on with other things. I've always said J hoped by the tin1c they 1vere college age they'd take a year off to decide v.·hat they wanted to sludy and dis<:ovcr what the world is all about. "No1v that I scr ·what's going on at universities, I'm glad Lucic and Desi aren't in college right now ." Mesa Teens Set Comedy Next Week The play, which centers on a young man·s return hon1e after being nlissing in action for ttircc years, will be directed by Toni Titus of Costa r.lesa. Tilus previously has staged productions of ··Light Up the Sky ," "Any Wednesday" and his own "Summer Lightning." Playing the leading roles of Freda and Sam Benson, the boy's parents, will be Janet Gordon and Terrence Doyle, the latter a recent v.'inner of the DAILY PILO 'r Distinguished Performance award. The returning soldie r will be portrayed by Michael Blelilz of Lagu~a Beach, a The teen division of !he Saddleback College sllldent. Costa 1\iles;i Civic Playhouse Fi ft e e n -year-o ld Dlkki turns back the clock to the Parkhurst is cast as the 1930s next weeke,1d with its younger sister, with other prod u ct ion of James featured roles being taken by f\.lontgomery's fa rce "Nothing Joanne \Volcolt and Judy Det- But the Truth." tenrieder. Completing the casL will be Colleen Clark, Sue Directed by Pati Tambellini, Brennan. Bette Killion, Clark the play deals with a young Farrell and Nancy Briggs. man \lo'ho is determined to tell "The Death and Life of the absolute truth for 24 h01.1rs Larry Benson" will open Feb. Hindeinilh s n n a t a and • Poulenc's Sonata l91B. offered prior to the Casella work. Tone clustering and heavy ;=c==========::;I di ssonance told their own vivid. talc in the mo v em en Is Actor l<'iles Crash Suit I LOS ANGELES (UPl l - Actor Jim tl!itchum , the son or 1 Robert lttitchum , filed a $200,000 damage suit I n Superior Court Wednesday for injuries he received in a motorcycle accident last July 15. Mitchu1n , 28 or Malibu, v.•as • treated and released at the UCLA J\tedlcal Center after ihe accident involving a car drive.1 by Mrs. Eubie Johnson l NEWPORT Bi ACH • O~ 3 1350 "ONE OF THIS YEAR'S BETTER MOVIES! funny, Ramillltic, T oucbing!'.' .. .,.._ '""'" • •• -~ KAIHARINE HEPBURN as The l'll\DWO/lll\n ofGHl\Iu.oT of Los Angeles .. the defendant ALSO in the suit. r.-titchurn was James Gerner riding the molOrcycle. I Gayle Hunnicutt Lawrence Nagin, J\1ilchum's IN attorney. claimed that lhe ac·I ''MARLOWE'' cident prevented his client!'' ~~~~~~~~~=== rrom going to Norway the following week to join in a polar bear hunt for ABC's "American Sportsman'• televis.ion series. -for which he'll win <t $10,000 19 for a three-weekend run atl-:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;o;;,;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; bet for his fiancee's pet chari· the La Pai Jntermediatel~ ty . School auditorium on Pradera Heading the cast as the bet _ Drive, Mi~ion Vie.JO.: maker is oavid Pigman while[[r.;~;~~~;;;~ Kevin • ConNly, 0 en n i S Backstrom and Aler Coates lake the roles of hi!! able adversaries. Denise r.1cCanles will be SCf'•l as the young nlan's fiancee. Also in th'! Costa Mesa com· pany ,are Bonnie Singletary, Cynthia Dins er. Anita Knapp , Toni Bergman . l\1arty Lemke and Leslie Herrick . Performances will be given Friday and Saturday, Jan. 23 1 and 24, at the Commi.mity Recrealion Center on the Orange County Fairgrounds., Tickets, at $1, may be reserv· ed by calling the Costa Mesa [ Recreation Department at 83-1· 5303. JAMES BOND 0 07'" IS BACK! I~"" KIDS MATINEE SATURDAY ot 2 p.m • "MY SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN" •LSO CARTOONS ALL SEATS 50¢ Cont. Si t. from I :30 S11ri. from I :00 THE REIYER: iseSCOUNDREL, •n 0,(RATO" •nd 1 BRAWLER ••• , Steve McQueen "The ReiverS' COLON 89-A Clf\lfN Clr'I-Fiim• Prflef\t.ttlor> -A Nlt'llOr'll! 0.'l•r•I Plctu~ l'lel•- OrtW'11itnf Show :nmu 10 prn w, •• o • .,., I See :by Tooays Want Ads e THAT e IT'S e DIME eA eUNE e DAY! '· "ME, NATALIE" C111t. S11R. l :JO ,,M, • BALBOA 673-4048 • ()°PIH I 6:4S I '"I .•• 1 ... lall!N ,.nln1ufa -~LSO­ P1tty D11k1 ,, "ME, NATALIE" 2001 ACllES Of FRIE 'AllKINCi WEEKDAYS OPEN 6:45 SHOWTIMI 7:00 Sot. I 51111, -Qpe11 12 N••" SHOWTIME 12:30 I'~== .. =...,.=.= .. = .• =.=, =,,..."'""~j-.. ==i.,..= ... =..,::.'11 ~_-:· ~jS I:.'. i: HEY KIDS I * Big P•I Show Today l :00 ..---NJllll1CltlSraefl- .WUM MSllE -PllMEITX Tonlto At 6i00 &,9:50 !"iiiii ~ !!lo. I COLOR hrOtUM t111tt ll Af'flttl And At 7:50 OnCy ' .. h4 °"•1 UTID FUN IHOW W.tt Dl111ey'1 "HANG YOUR HAT ON THE WIND" . · ./Outh Coast Repcrtor.ir ' '' 11 JOI EGG" · wl,. ,.,,.. Ch••'" Of Unbridltd BrUlionce"-PUoi ·~·-~ •hrouth S.,W•r ~··~ '~ CHnty ,...,.~ + 1127 N..,.rt. C.t• ~ -Mf.1US 1111no .1L..------------------''--------------------'' I. I LATE SHOW TONIGHT -loll THEATll:EJ SEIE IOTH l'EATUlllS AS lATI AS U:JO P.M. .::...;,.; ..... MS-311] • All Col•r 51111w ''TH I llolTll. 01' 1.JllTAIN" 101 Alt• ''THt DEVILS lJllOAOI." l•clwll•t 0••119• C.. Drlw .. I• SNwlftt WtlMI' M1tltl•-All C.i.t' "CACTUS PlOWlll:,. IMI ••• J1mH c;,,._ 11 "MAJILOWI.'" 1>11111• Hell....,• Mlt l'ltNW "JOHN & MAJIV" 111:1 ,,_ S!Mtr• •1e•....i w.ic.~ "lAOY IH CIMINT" 111:1 l"MI NNIM-"11 C.lfr "IUTCH ClllllDY • TMI SUNOAHCI. ltlO" iM) "CNI" (M) AH C•t....Cr<lt!Mllll- JIK•mmeMM P•t A,11111 "WILD ANOILI" ''THIE OlOJIY JTOMPl.ll:S" "HELLS ANGlll ON WH l!l.LS" 2nd Popul1r Hit .......... .,. ...... "The Gypsy Moth s" 1!14!> __ World Premiere Engagement ~ .... ..,...,, ._ .. , 20th·CfNTUR'f'-FOX PRfSEHTS Dus6n Mia Hoffman Farrow • 'I ' .. ' • • • - I l!AILV PILOT S1turday Jtnu1ty 17. 1910 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE WEEK'S AND YEAR'S HIGH, LOW CLOSE NY Exchange 20 l\fost Active I I I • • " 'I; •• ~ "' I " ... .. " '· " " -•• "' • • "' • ,,, • .. .. " ' '• ~ '" • " " •• ' ., " '• '• •• '• "' ". ''• ,., ,. ' "· " .. " "' .. .. ~ ~t. '• " ft '• '• " .: ' • •• • • • ' ' . • • AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE • WEEK'S 5,..,,.,, J .. ,.,., 1'. lt70 DAILY '!LOT ]/$ AND YEAR'S '·HIGH, LOW, CLOSE Over-the-Counter Listings For Friday January 16, 1970 • I l • r • • Y l'ILDT S1luf'dly, January 11, 1970 • • • ID By ALMON LOCKABEY Co:Ves .-~a~~ ~~yag~ . out on a leisurtl)' cruise up the northwestern exlttmily of chorage at Isla Parlid1, ao hadn't planned to go farthur. ~wind b.lew .yjth gale force ,11 to eiplore the cove 811d greet ~·hen Couch got up to check west side of beautiful Espiritu Espiritu Santo. Tbe swimminC island )ylng close. to the' north We were hardly under way un-ni41?t but the water in Ult another boat that came lo the anchor about 3 a.m. he Santo Island with no looked good, but it wasn't. A end ol' Esplrltu ~to. 'nic tY.'O UI the northw~ter paid us a •!'fhorage Was a's smooth aa later. came back and awakened me ln crutstng the Sea o( Cortez partluclar destinntlon except few minutes after diving In t~ ls Ian~ were once jolne'4 by a Visit again -although not gl¥S. 'n1e , wind would ho~I AFTER DINNER we had with tbe news that: "The YOU can find beautiful, pro-getting a hook down before wrtnn beautiful water narrow nec k or lfnd, ~l ore "with the same fOl'ce as tJ;e down over the cliffs but rif(le se~ the dlngy alongsid~· dinghy ls upside down in the tect.ed anchorages within a night!all. everyone was back on board now separated by an bUunus Jive day storm ot a few days ooly the surface of the water. but #ing the1 night Jt made w.ater.'~ 1 day's nin or less from Cabo Afler spending the oiomi.ng burning with what appeared to that can be navigated. ac-·before. But it Wu a lumpy This rtSUlted. in our first irrltatl,.,.g noises as it cha!ed • The wind had lifted the HtUe San Luca$ to Bahia de Los ducking in and out of some be jellyfish bites -which in,-cording to rtports, by Jballow ride and we were glad to ,et mishap, however. After get-against! La Prtr158. 1 got up~ boat out of the water · and Angeles and beyond. beauUful coves \\·e.dec:ided l.o deed I.bey were, but the critlo draft vessel s. , an anchor down off ·8 well-pr. Unc the anchor down we had for an anchor, check about capsiud it, mot.or and all. The f\fany of them arc on the call it a.-day st-orilY alter qQOO ters '!~re_ so tmaU that theJ WE PASSED up the '"parted tected sand beach just west f>( launched the, ~von rubber midl'\iatit and streamed the' motor was sU IJ attached, bu l peninsula itself and still others to. •a· ,'.\.'qW:O,..bobJad :·Ballena wmlfardl,r,yi:¢le. . island", ~wever, in flvor of 4 the southeastern ~ty-'Of dinghy with a t-re e,. dinghy about 10 feet behind ... no outboard is designed to • are tucked in behind th,e • .,...,:isJlnct.')a JatgitYOck, abblt>two We:~ ~w.:a recei,vi!U ·~'¥·· an ancbOrage at SW]' Fran-the islaDd. .• . hONepower Se4gull ~board the bjg boat. • take ap extensive salt water t numerous of(shore isLands that 'nl ~~ t·s· '1·<1u t h o f t b e glotfillg ~it.a:. or ~·) •.• clspo tsrahd. It ~as "°'II ,, .. e Well, almost p~cted. The ~tor on the st8rn andJL'led Jt This stop~, the noise, but dousin,a. So, back to the. oars. dotthegult :'~-'-,--'~--''~·~~~·'-~~~--~~~~'"-"..-.,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'~~~~--'-~~~~~--''-~~~~~-.. ..... ~~~~~~--'~~~~~~~ Southland yachtsmen -·-r _ : .. _ ~ , _ '*· . .. _ __:. : .c1.o. of.. • l . ·!.., ·' .. ' po'o\'er or sail -who aie plan-• • ~ 1 r ~ ning to cruise the Gull of·CaU-·... ·: • • , lornla would be weJlJidvtsed ' ' _./.'.:fi:::::;n:;;::.~~F,~'7=:n:=:~:;=i] ' to secure detailed charts of ·DRUGS -' ~ the area before enterin'g Mex· 1' • • ' I•, : lco as up-to.date charts are . : not readily a'8ilable in Baja s'uND' 'DIES .....,;,..~.., c California. _ft ANOTHER ftlUST it ll. O. • (Hydrographic Office) ! Publicaton 26 -formerly H.O. 84 -which has been updated in 1969. H.O. 26 gives detailed descriptions of most of the harbors and coves of the gulf as v.·ell as the west coasts of Baja CalUornia, Mexico and { Central' Apierica. • Bul even with these aids it Js certainly a must to have a good fathomcter and to have \ some knowledge of tidal jn- .~ tervals and ranges in the area you expect to cruise. Weather in the gulf is highly unpredictable, although from November to May about the worst you can expect is oc- ca s ion a I bli ste ring northwesters that often blow from three to five days. But unlike on the Pacific side, these winds do not generate ertremely large seas. A nasty. uncomfortable chop, but not the giant 1greyback:s common on the Pacific side or the peninsUla . sun u.u . w111s • ::'~~a ' 1 98 c1,i11!11 . -• " ASCORllC ACID Prescrl~ions · Vitamin E COMCllfTIATl ! INJl!.U"'1s 2 ·59· -... Ltf·llll • t.a,sales • Multi-Vitamins tKEWAlll -with tasty . * ·ii,.Vf""-· •H;,,.n,;1f ft I ta . '11,.Fllt1" ••• Choose from assci1ed colorful designs. 35130" ' 3&138" ,,,itlc ''''r {~ 17c 2.Sc · · 13c Kl'll·.Slnng 1111 ,, m 1111 ;-••••••• ,_ . - "Play-Doh" MODELIHG tDMPOUHl-Clea~. non-toxic. Bor of fOllr 7 oz. Ci(IS i~ red. blue, yellow ~nd white. 66C Colllf b!efld1ng ckart included. ."5-Day" Antl-Pt!Splrant II 5 ... d?IJ - s1111 ...... ,,., l1r IM W~l1 f&•ilJ- 1.497tLSize ''Barbasol" SHAVE CREAM R111l1r 111 MtatMI ••• 91t 1 T IZ. Sl'l1 ·~ 3~1.00 ., A 1t10NTH'S cruise in the Sea 0£ Cortez certainly doesn't make an expert of one, but perhaps a few or our ex· periences on La P r e n s a following the Long Beach to La Paz race might serve as a 111111. J9c . lleitlt •f 251 T1-l1t1 ~~~~mo 2 58 T1ale\S • OPIN 9 AM It 10 PM 7 DAYS A WEIK MAGGI! "Whee-lo" . HJlllllll.-mtlllHllllJllllllllll~ LP~ pointer. The typical northv.·ester hit the gulf just as some of the last boats in the race were finishing. True to prediction, it blew five days with such force that the authorllies would not clear any of the yachts out of the bay to return home or held electronic Symsanemo- meter pegged al 30 knots at the height of the blow and a number of boats dragged an- chor. · ~ All~ of the ~. ~ere purposely short as "!'"e wanted time w,, enjoy ... ..ll\e... ~we ... .. planned lo visil we''ti!e,.not .. cleared from La Paz until late in the day so we made only a short hop to Pi cbi l i nq ue Harbor. anchoring for the nigflt behind Colorado Point. On board were Vilan and Ada Couch of Corona del ~tar and Betty Moss oI Bayshores. \Ve andlored near a shore ""hich would provide a lee if the northwester returned . 11IEcNEXT morning we set Deat/1 Notices WEBER P-1 WtbK. llSU Wiidwood. S<iutt> L•,..-n.. Ott~ OI dNth, J•nu&rv I~ s~ bt' ti1ttr, Edith.µ... M1r1ls. :r.a. L'9'1•n1 trOlheo'. J1mes 0. PU!lll!•, Slvdfo (llV. Sefvlcft, MondlV, ll ,.,.,.,, Petlfl<-View (!lapel. lnterTMnl, Allt M-CMiettn', P•lo Alta, C.iil. o ;. rf<le'd by PKlllt VlfW Morh>olrY. BURGER P11,11(ne {Pt1191'1 811rtet. A,e 5. OI '1111! ,.-..111nS, fm1nt1ln Vtl!t v. $urvl¥1'd ll'/' "ll'tfttt, Mr, •nd Mr$, Mkllttl 8-1 i .. h!rt, MktltHe Ann tna ~.it Jane. MH• of The At'IJel• .... , redll!d ltllt ~nlnt. Sahlrdtf, ' A.M, s . s . $im0tl I. Juda CtTl'Olk Cl'l11rc11. lntwrment, Good Sheot>l!rd Cemeloer1. 1mltllt Mclt1va,v, Ol~ttora. STOCKHAM A\if'Nrft C. SkKkholm. l,~11 Wfak~ f •1h L-. l'junu...r., S-dl. sur;vlved b\' -..itltel'. Mlldr911 ~; Ont l ilf'!f; Bitlldlt"'Fi'•ntHnt trd two t O\IS• ...... 1>ervlcn. Mondt? 1 PM, Pffli, F•lftJIY Cclonl•I Fr.inf•tt Home. ARBUCKLE & SON Westelifr ftfortuary {!7 E. liLh St., Costa J\fes1 MM1188 • BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del Alar OR 3-9t50 Coda lttesa J\IJ 6-%t2C • . BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY • 110 Broadway. cOst1 ~1es1 '.; LI 8:3'33 ' ' . I DILDAY BROTHERS Huntington Valley ft.fortuary 171tJ &acb Blvd, Huatington Beach ac.m1 • PACIFIC VIEW • MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery • Mortuary CIJ1pef • Paclrlc VJe" Dri\·t ' Ne"°'* Beach. California ·lff.rlN •• l P8ElrJ!'AMR.Y • COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME . 'Jltl JJol•• Ave. W-Uilter m.m1 • ....,, ER MORTUARY i_. ll<lldi ctl-1$15 Sa Clomealt ~111.oJOI I • ~· MORTUAllY r . SI M""Sl. lloollllil!to JlrJldo 51U131 ,_! ____ , __ _ • ' THIAMIN CHtOllD£ 100 •I· 1 09 lot II lr>I 11'11ts · 1 Vitamin B-12 One ·tablel dallJ is a Iii~~ pol81CJ SOU/Ce ol Vil S.il =1~.f:in 1 49 T1•let& I Super B w;th C l·C1•,le11it-Yit1•i1 t ~~~; 3 39 c1,ules 1 Mineral Di I · s ·t · UtP -Odo<less. h st.less t~ uppos1 ones •.. light or lleaY1. ~ U.S.P. -A-rlt Sill .~!1~:i 49c .: ,i::. ••ttl• · 57c ••. •12• r~ --~ EQUIPMENT (,.;. Official Little League BASEBALL by SPALDING ~ ~ C11shianed cor k center. -iell ~ ,.:/'"; grade wool ya111 wmdl~~ Alum-r /:o·~.Jrl L . lann~d leather r..1'~ ."9¥-ai ) &liltlieS. I ,. ®caver with dQuble ·-1 .• / ,; 1:·99 , 1 > • Official Pro League BASEBALL by SPALDING D1~orn1c commessed lelt Wiler. Alum tanned hlr!.&o ll!lili;,;iil\h id~ cover w11h dutiblt ;~ ' deuble ~Mr~-.. -· ... 1.m 98c Baseball Bat ·~i.LolNG •'""'"'' Baseball Bat by SPALDING llfllt lta1111 "Pt wCr· '•~.rt·,,, . .i1:k. yrre~ natbra! handle. td!Gcolot bran;lin~. ~$i'I. Jelljtlls. 18'".JZ'. #U.f!I· ' 2.39 M1111elic S,inniRt Tt, .. eel Milk of Magnesia ... 11 gae~ uphill, downhill. over & 66C under. Cal~rful ''Whee·let~" mcillde<I. run for i i! "Willie. & the Paor ioys~' AHTACID·WlTIY[ ..• ma~ be lakeit as is w . l;:i~il mixed With water. 59c "B"dett " I 8 Tewtltttes Pre-l!'«listened with kltioR tNtt "' old doodl1" """""'"""' 1 98 · izes. 2.39 'f's • .,..,......,.... .. __ ._.. __ .. _ Door Mat --·-~ .... -·,-·~--........ ________ ., -·- Washahle. calta1 llannel cover with flora l prial. braillt-type swilcll •ittl 3 p1sitive heats. Gttnnteed for 2 years. #Sill Steak & Utility Knife •r lKCD -firie ~lily l~fe J11/Vaudillm .stainless ~... 113*. Ila~ ..... , edge tor usier slicing, Pak· Lawool-... ~JI ,4.29 : .. "Desert., Flower" Beauty Bath Oil , ftr Dry Skjl ..• s~in heau· "''" "" "'""'" ~"'· 1 25 soh !rem ~I~ ID batn. •• ,. 2.50' IL Sire I kr U1 C11el11c1 Cl1nat1r lnir1I F11trri11: Ck!MI Poorboy Shllflle', " " th• Co'""· Ii" Side Of tile Raad,· and many otlle1s. " ' •• ,. 3,!7 . 2.99 . . . ~ llll~llllllllUll!llll WinlL& Weather SKIN CARE SALE - TUSSY l~l tile winds hlnw -llle ltm- p&i.itlll'e drop. Jt Tl\<i\ters httle when your skin i; pampered •• : fr()l!I li~gertip to loe ... with Tessy's Wind & Wuther! .. Hand and Body LOTION 111. 1.25 Rei. 2.01 i II. Siit 12 IL Sill 59c 1.00 Lipsticks " Ne,~r l:.efore ottered • 1 ~ 1 ~ most 11.'dnled ~ades -1n 6 spar· ',>klinr'(oll.twt'cij~" cases. " ·-·-t;.··· ~ ""-· ·~-.....~l wmtLDl Pl1i1 Ohl "Baby Ben" 5.98 lWM ClOtlS "'....C-cio<ks' will lnti11n Dirl full 'fig~re fact. CMoie 6~98 from white ~r b!atk C01Dr. ·--~•11<11 -, .< ~· u -a. Tillll "Magic Moment" F11111·i• HAIR COLOR Choose fro111 assort~d shades lo caver gray or 2 59 brig~lfn tillt. fa1:l1ng Jlalr. 3d 11. Sizt ll 1 ~...,_---~-I. 3.98 . • •• ' ' ~ • ... ,I' ..... .._.- ID Pllt!S Plllll~ ' S.U,. loL flri lira .,, •• .,,.,, J11. list 1--- • I 1. • ' • • ' l ~, ., ' ,Y., ' i. ;, -~ft":.-, Pl!CE~ ·AS$ ·: LOW/,A.$ . ·~6. FOR 2·DR., ·,·SIMIL.41 TO CAI SHOWN I .. , ~, .. . l ' . rLus lAX AND LICENSE . OVER '50 TO CHOOSE FROM Before You :Buy ANY New or Used Import, Test · Drive & COf11PC!re A Dunton Cortli;iq. Available With Stick Shifts, Automatics, 2 Drs., 4 Drs., & ·sfcstlon Wagons. 1·974'. TORINO BROUGHAM \ • • , ' ···SO YEARS • " · . .. , .... -.. CHOOSE FRGfi\ ,. ·Of. , · ... • · ·· ' ·• . : : , ' ;··. 'CJYIHl .AOO 1DO .. nl ' ~ ·s~ "'NG$ . . . . <\ARS & TRUf..~s,:_, .. . . . " ;. ·~ \•• ~ I ' .. "MOTOR TREND" ' ·. : J O~R or .THE-~ Y~+AR '. 'lty· ·DUNTON • < . '67 CllU&A'R' " · MA i DTOP ·•.t .. FORD IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ; ~---------------- S1turday, January 171 1970 TUMBLEWEEDS By Tom K. Ryan - ' PEANUTS ,, ! --· Hello again, boys and girb. and \\'elcome to another day of tun and games in Uncle Len's Comer. The old mail sack was really bulging this week as Uncle Len received more drawings, riddles, jokes and poems than he has in a Jong, long time. Keep up the good work, kids, or as Dean Martin would say. keep those cards and letters coming in. Wo;CLE LEN has been look· ing at the entertainment page ol the paper and has noticed a couple pla ys coming up just !or the younger set. first. nexl Friday and ·Saturday, the teen division of the Costa Mesa C iv i c Playhouse is putting o n ' • • • • • • • ... • ••• • • ' .... . . . .. . • •• • • • . . ... . . By Charles M. Schulz r.,-------, . . • • ••• • •• . ~ • • • • ••••• • • • • • • • ... . .... • .. . : • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • •• • • • • -. • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • I • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • ' . . . • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • ./ .. .,,-,." : / ..... -. ·' " . .. . ~ ... . . . .· ... • • • • • • • • • • • • ., . •• ' • • • • . ~.::;:;-. .. , ... •:_r _.-_, .-...... /f1• ---... .. · ;. .... _-..., _,... • ,,. _.. ·-r _.-· -;--. .• ... ,.~?.... ,,,,... ,,..,,.-· --... ··. .. . . . • . -.J... .,.,. -/ ---:·. _,. . (-_.,... . .·. :· .· . / ·"-.,... . ,. -:·=· ..... ~·. ,.. .... -;----:;:~--...-:;:-......... __.-. ' .. · .-·· . . .. .. . ' . ::..-:::..~ .. ..... . .. ··· .. · ... ·~;;::---• . ~ -. . PLAIN JANE Tu; ... •---. ___......~ ....... ··-~·· - By Frank Bo9lnskl STEVE ROPER By Saunders and Over9ard li::;;!!io;;;;Oil••111~-:5s,,1<vtETTHiHE,CCi"'1i;iP:Cci>1MiEE;;N'T,r5S,,j v.,.,,.,-.,..,..,.=,...,,=..,,,=::---~~~,,.-;;;;:;;;.;;;:--Y'KMOW, I TMINK PERKINS SLl6All, ~, 'TJ':l.1.. 1'HE COOK' "IOU'RE GETTIN' TO PUT ON EX.Tt.t. HELP/ .. · I THROUGH 10 AN. MY BUDDY A~ SO..HUN(;R'r' ~E, BELTE~/ WE'D EAT A HORSE At.I' CHASE TliE ~Ol.T/ By John Miles JUDGE PARKER By Harold Le Doux "Nothing But the Truth" at ,--------------------------------·ii MOW~ TME the Community C e n t e r · OlD M"'M WE SETTE~ UET SOME FOOD IN HIM fiEST! MAYSE VOU"D SETTER 00 OllT AND PIC.K UP A FEW 5ANDWIOfB~ 'r'OU C:OOLt''VE PIC.ICEP THEM . UP ON VOUf WAY MOME, ldS, SWEETHEART •. PON'r POUT! IT'S NOT !KOMING! TlHNCrS AlE GOING JLIST GreAT: I MAVE me JUPGE 5TOPPINU gy TO 5EE CA.ltl IN THE MOJ:NIN6! ONCE WE MAVE HIM DECLARED INCOM.PETENT, J--./ auditodum on the Ora"ie * PRIZE WINNER * ....,? County Fairgrounds. Then, on Jan. 29, :x> and 31. "Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp" goes on stage at the Fountain \'alley Community Center wi,th ~ youngsters in the cast. Anne Vircsik, 10, 2383 Santa Ana Ave., Costa ~1esa ~-~w;;{;lilii!fl~#t~YOU k'.NOW ! WE '&!E MALFWAV THE~E ~ Lefs use the theater as the subject of our art contest next week, boys and girls. Uncle Len will send a Kennedy haU dollar to the person submitting . ' . A:ny child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's "Art Contest. Here's all you do: fl} Draw picture on piece of plain, \Vhite papef"-5• inches w~·and • inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy ot trace picture. It must be your: own work. (3) Put your name, age and address on back of dra'"•ing. J\1ail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1500, DAILY PILOT, Costa Mesa. \Vinner will receive Kennedy half doUar. the best drawing about the '--------------------------------"I stage. lllE::=-c:=o..ijll"'.::::::; 'ONORABLE mention win-8\i, Laguna Beach: Debbie ,---------------------,1 ners in this week's art contest Burns, 11, Huntington Beach; are:, Laurie Price. 9, Colla fl.fesa:· Kris Netzelband, 7, Newport Lori Washbon, II, Newport Bea~ Fanny Netzelband, 8, Beach; Janet McGhie_, II, Newport Beach: D e b b i e Costa Mesa, and David Guyot, Schwartz, 9 \1.. Huntington 8, Fountain Valley. Beach ; Jelfri!y P.1arks 8, South SKIING Laguna; Lisa Marks, 8, South Laguna; Cary Miller, 11. Hun-First is the ski lift tington Beach; Lisa Stock.i. Which brings you to the top, St,!, Huntington Beach ; Laurie Then look do\•tn and almost Stocki, 7. Huntington Beach : pop: Richy Goodsell, 6. Costa But people like me Mesa : Danny Goodsell. 4, Look at the ski Costa P.fesa: David Goodsell, And do not get scared at all . t, Costa P.lesa; Gwen Hare, S...4 yew 1n1tle111t t• At1i A11dy, c/• Or••,. C•• Defir r11.,, ••• 11•0. c .. te w .... c.111. ArlO>' Hl\dl • to""'lt!I JO.~ol111"• "' ol IM 'll'tffll aM4I •Rnclt-1• fo Oou9 P•ul, •g• t fl Wkllh•, ~,.,,, '9f llh -"~' WIUcb bird i1 thf: biggest? A liny hummingbird could hide himself under a robin·s wing. A robin could hide under lhe feathery \\'ing of a goose. A goose looks like a big, fat bird -until he s"·lms IH!side a graceful swan. Then you might mistake him for a very young swan with a short neck. Tht lovely 1wan is one of our biggest birds. There are big· ger birds dawn in South America and ln Australia. But evtn they are not the blggesl birds in the whole world. TRAVELINCf AIUlough l've never been across The seven mighty seas, I've traveled all around the \vorld And seen such things as these : The Blarney Stone of Ireland And France's Eiffel Tower, The Black Forest of Germany And Niagara's mighty power: I've traveled down the Amazon, \Vild animals I've met ; All this I've done through the magic Of my color TV set. o\ ICtflflttl>' k•M .. , .. , ..... r. Mtri HtYU, U, U11 Dir.ti!• L.i.t. H111111"'"" ••te~ l•r flit w11111111t tntn' 111 JM lltrv •llf -rfl ct11t111. Nl•ll ••ur -,, 111,.., It llllCll LM, ••• 1161, Cffl• Mtu, C1llftml•, * RIDDLES and JOKES Dear Carol : What can you hold in your le(l hand but not in your right hand? P~llE WINNER -J11111 Kllftr. nu J1t1t1"'111 """'· (o.tll Mew Dear Carol : Why did the lamb fall of! the cliff? 'UJnl t Mt ''fl HI l,UP!P •H :JtMIU"V' -S~tllfY 611u. t, Loi. Mttlel Dear Carol : \Vhat is smaller than an ant's mouth? "lflttl l!H :JtMIU"9' -~-.. Nt!Jtlene ••• NtwHfl •••t~ Dear Carol : \Vhy do witches ride brooms? ·AAl•'f OOJ ..,, •wnn:sitA ••nt:>eg :JtMIUV -ICr!I Ntllfll l'ICI, f, NtWtorl atKfl Dear Carol : \Vhy do some babies' hair turn white \vhlJe they are still infants? •put IUOJM •'f' 8UjJepMocf dNJt O'fM IJt'f'OW ptt'flJSJttu •At'f A•'fl tsnt:>tg :.1eM1uy -Tllt..w "It•, ;, HUf'lllf'lllll l .. dt runner and he has good reasons for "ratchina: what goes on far and near. He shares his homeland with lhe hungry African lion. And lions love ostrich meat, especially '-''hen they can catch a 300 pound dinner. So the ostriches roam in large family groups and at least one ostrich is always on the alert. When P.1r. Ostrich spots trouble, the "'hole family takes off to a safe distance. What's more, the zebras know that the blg bird is a gifted lion watcher. Very ofen a herd of these frisky little striped ponies grazes near the ostrich family. When the big birds start to run, the zebras gallop off in the same dirtctJon . Thty uae the t1 JI ostrich as a look-oot. The '"'an is a splendid flier '----------------...,-----'I and so is the mighty eagle. You \\'ould expect the world 's blgge1t bird to be even betttr at fl ylna. This is not so. In fact. he cannot ny at all. His im•llish wtn1s art much too weak to lift h\1 bulky body off the ground. When he runs. h@ may flap lhem a little. beating the air to help him along . But most of the time his wiqs are folded amon,a: lhe beautlful soft plumt:1 that COYCr his MOON MULLINS '°w! µy .ARM HURT~® r AND II/I !<'NEES AAE: KILLIN' ME· ,. MUTI AND JEFF 'BRUNO'S A GOOD WATCH DOG, MUTT! GORDO t "TELi.. YOU "T+-l!RE WAS A STRANGE N01SE IN T+\E +\OUSE ANO +!E DIDN'T EVEN BARK! +!ES A GOOD WATCf.I POG!;jE BARKS! 1 TELL You +!E WENT RIGHT ON SLEEPING! ~E PION'T SARK! By Ferd Johnson By Al Smith MUTT .•. vou ONLY +!AVE 1t> WAKE+\IM! +!E'LL &ARKI ~. • r ' ly Gus Arriola i I 1 " I '· •I I• II 'I II ti ii ti ti 11 11 11 i,I 11 ,, " I " ' n I 11 " •I ii ' ,1 ' The world '1 blga;est bird Is the ostrtch . Unless you go lo faraway Africa , you will not see him running wild. But maybe you have seen him in a zoo. The ostrlch standJ ei1ht ft61 tall, which Is 1 Jot taller than a tall man. He weighs 11bout )00 pounds. which is 1 lot,beavler lhan 1 big fal man . He bu Iona. strong leis. a le11J•neck and a rath er small· loolln& bead. 111ost ot lhe time he stands up wery straight, looklnl: around at the scenery. Bu' when he wanu to hurry. he can nee alq on 1lant 15 foot 1trlde1. And he can keep gotna •I a •lead¥ pact of •o mlJea 1n hour. Mr. Ootrlch has lo be 1 fall bodv. The WQrld'1 bi1gt:st bird hatchts from the world's big- gest birds' eu. A round 05ltlch tgf Jt Sil lnchta v.idt and it weigha aa much as two dou.n ordfnary chickt!n eggs. P.1r. Ostrich scrapes a hollow in the iround and his "·ife lays 10 to 15 of these tnormou~ tga. At nJ1ht, the Papa bird tilt on the nest and the Mame bird 511' during the day. nit tggs hatch after six long weeks. The puky chicks wear spiky feathen. colored to m•t· ch the 11ndy dirt, Lat@.r in lift, they frOW their huge fluffy ostrich plumea:. The ostrich was not always the y,•orld's biggest bird. Un Lil l ,000 yean ago. lhe great J\1oa bird Jived in Ne"' 7..ca· lAnd . The moa stood r.ine feel tall and weighed 50ll pounds. And until 7.000 ye11r ago an even bigger bird liYed on the island o I Ma&ta11scar. Scientists lh.ink thal this giant bird \Velihed 1.000 pounds, which is half 1t ton. tr this ls so, he was twice. as heavy 1s the extinct moa bird and more lhao three Umes as heavy as the btglt&f. 1ivinC ostrich. I h Ii • 1·17 ,MO<. :W.......l ~-_J,;=~=ILL:"":?.:~!!!rW'"=.:l'I· I • I .._-..... ''" ... _._.,_ HOUSES F OR SALE HOUSES FOR s.4 e HOUSES FOR SALE HQUSES FOR SALi HOUS ES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUS ES FOR SALE HOUS!S POR SALE Genor1I 1000Genorol 1000 Genor•I 1C00Genoro1 1000 Gonirol 1000 0-rol lOOOGenorol 1000 General 10000.nor•I 1000 READ THIS If you are in the market for a NEW home, see these outstpnd· ing customized homes, built by Frank H. Ayres and Son, local· ed in a prime area very close to Huntington State Beach. The homes are priced from $27,550 to $33,600 and va,ry in size from 3 to "bedrooms, 2-to 3 car gar· ages and 2 to 3 baths, witb sbaki' or mission tile roofs, fire- places-, underground utilit_ies, concrete driveways, built-ins. and carpeting. There Is VA and FHA financing available. There are 9 homes available because of credit rejections. Occupancy by March 1, 1970 in this unit. . ' Our next un it is now on sale for 1 :• occupancy in .1\1,ay and June 1970 'nd introdlices the new '·· 3,000 :i;q. Ct, "ELPorado" model priced from$34,490. Rancho La Cuetta Hom•• on Brooiihur•t •* Atlanta, Murrllngton Beach '68-2929 ~ 9"'1318 ·----- General 1000 General FOR THE 3 UNITS BOAT LOVER $29,950 1000 On f!'XC"!wdve Linda Isle, a lwauiou8 3600 sq. ft., 5-bed- room, 41,i-bath home. An electric Tomorrow Kitchen with sell-<:leanini; oven. A spacious master bedroom ~'ith Jireplacc and d~ing room plus fmtneJ. dining and • 40.rt. Dock • and only $13.1,IOJ. Ea.st.side Costa Mesa. Span- ish t ile roof, rtntals on large T1x1SO' lot. Income $385 month. Our bc!st income re- turn in area. Exclusive With 646-7171 'O THEREAL "'\,,, I:STATERS ~ . . '' 1000 Generel Newport at Victoria 64..all (anytime) 1000 ColdWell} llnlter ' .... ' . OFFERS: BA YCRESTS FINEST Custom elegance thruout in this 4 BR., 3 BA. home, designed for large. active fam· ily; pool, fam. rm., billiard rm., wet bar, etc. $119,000. Joe Clarkson WATERFRONT WITH SLIP Triplex (furn) good rental .... , . $63,500 4 BR., 3 ba. 125 fl. waterfront .. $110,000 Invest Now In Waterfront! Walter Haase QUIET SECLUSION Will be yours, living in this gracious home on Jge., well lndscpd. cornrr lot in Irvine Terrace. 3 BR's., fam. room, s\vim. pool. $64,500. Cathryn Tennille OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 219 POPPY. Co rona Del 1\far. Charming, Spanish-type 4 BR. home w/tile roof. Great kitchen. Brick patio. Short \valk do,vn path to ocean beach. $59.500. Carol Tatun1 . UNUSUAL QUALITY ••• and character pervade this 3 bdrm.: plus family room condo. in The Bluffs, on wide greenbelt Many extras such as built· in shelves: artistically decorated. $47,500. Kathryn Raulston EASTBLUFF OPEN HO"SE Welcome lo 2647 Alta Vista Dr., for a pre· view, Sun. 1·5. Lovely 4 Bdrm. home w/ form. din. rm. & brkfst. rm., Jia led entry w/protected pool. $47 ,500. rs. Han1ey I GOOD PROPERTY $46,500 Onl y slightly over·priced. Baycrest's sharp- i~t 3 bedroom ho n1 e. Dining or family toom with garden vie'''· 2 Fireplaces. Large l og or child run. ary Lou Mario~ INCOME UNIT orona Del Mar, 2 units. Nicely landscaped newly painted. Short walk to market & ops. Absentee owner wants ofter. $411500 f's. Davi;NIVERSITY PARK 3 BR.. 2 Ba. home by orig. owner who bas eutgrown same & needs more space. Din. + ldtcb. table area. $35,500. Al Fink COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. S50 NEW PORT CENTER DR., NEWPORT BEACH 133-0700 FINER HOMES BAYFRONT Exclusive fee simple bay(ront home \\'ith a breathtaking view. Pier & float for large boat. 3 Bedrooms, maid's room, den & for· mal dining room ; ex~uisitely decorated. Of· fered at $235,000. App t. only LINDA ISLE BA YFRONT Beautiful 5 bedroom 41h bath 2-'story home. Real family room to accommod8te billiard ta· ble. Master suite with 'fireplace, formal din· ing room; separate maid's quarters. All this !or $135,000. Open Sat. & Sun. 14 Lind~ Isle DOVER SHORES BA YFRONT Large Z..story home on 60 ft. lot with pier &: slip. Spiral staircase leads from spacious en· try to tremendous master suite. 4 Bedrooms, Jarge formal living room, family room, mar· ble fireplace. Formal dining room. 4200 Sq. ft . Open Sal. & Sun. 333 Morning Star Lane. BEAUTIFUL BA YFRONT 2-Story custom buUt .l·owner home, designed by Herb Brownell.~3 Bedroom$, living room with marble firepl~c8; den, willl! Cellar, pier & float. $139,500. MU>t be sold immediately. Open Sat. & Sun. 301,Evening Star Lane. CAMEO SHORES Beautiful home located on 3A of an acre. 5 Bedrooms plus family room; lllrge dining room; professionally landscaped.. with pool, decking & surrounding patio. $79,500. Open Sun. 4536 Roxbury. DOVER SHORES VIEW Beautifully landscaped home with 'courtyard entry leading to panoramic vtew; large liv· jng room with view of the entire back bay. Den; 4 large bedrooms; 4 spacious baths. Al l electric kitchen; dining room: marble fireplace. Over 3.000 sq. ft. $89,500. Open Sat. & Sun. 1130 Santiago Dr. VIEW LOT Large 180' ocean view lot with 2 street front· ages. Fee property. Asking $35,000 BA YFRONT LOTS A fine selection available. 1--------NO DOWN VETERANS LOWDOWN FHA Thtte: l>l!droom. two bath. fully carpeted and draped. BuUt·ln ki~hcn \vith laundry !adlities. Doutile prage. fenced yard, \£ acre ranch· ero al f':nd oI cul -de • sar street only $22,900 -* * • • LEASE · OPTION CONDOMIMIUM J&lS. ?IIO\'t& you in. Sina:!~ Stoey Two Bedroom, bul.11-b! kitchen, carpet!d and drap· !d, n.cJosed p!i\"9.te patio garage, &wimminti pool, t.nd C'lubhouse fadliticl. A BAR- GA:IN AT $18,500. • • • ;i, :ASSUME 6>/4 •/• LOAN " Ne11t tM> bedroom an HARD· \VOOD Fl.OORS, carf'l('lC'd and draped. L.nrge KitchC'n ~·ith breakfast a1u, 1"81lilC' included. Recently decorat· ed thru out. Near schools. playgmmd, and shoppine. FULL PRICE ONLY $20,500. Evenings Call 531.:.070 OUTDOOR LOVER 4 bdrm. Ranch home on 66x 300 A·l lot, 20x40 Jenee<! POOL, 20>;3(} llobby room with wet bar. 4 car garage with storage for camper or BORED •.. With nothing to do. Investigate our Mom and Pop 7 unit motel in f ~ b u I o u s Palm Springs. Single woman asking $92,500, just wants out. Name your terms. Owner will ex· change $60,000 equity for ? Out of wind be~ hind Bullock's. Units have mountain shelter· ed1 sparkling pool. Built in manager if want· ed. Call us nO\Y. EMPRACING.Y~UR FAMILY 'Gracious 'wilnnlh dqes permeate (like Ilia smell o! good cooking) the dtcbr of this 4 bd luscious bo!l)e. RemiQia;cent of tb,e hospitality of old C;Wlornia. Room to e~lertain with. large family ~OQlll,>'.l'ormal dining rOQm, plus_. a setludGd''liVing riloin ebhanctd with arcftl " ed Spanish fireplace. S39.950 is all. O\vner \VIII be most helpful with fin ancing. Can you afford to let this one pass\, LIKE WRAPPING YOUR LOYED ONES IN AN ElECTRIC BLANKET Step down into your sunken living room, open your hearts with your family surrounding you in front of your glowing fireplace, and smile to yourseli looking into the antiqued mirror over the hearth and say, "yes, I am glad we have this home." 5 Bd. 21h bath with like new hardwood floors . $34,500 with workable doY.•n payment. The owner will help YOU be the new owner. This is your dream come true. 2629 Harbor Blvd ., Costa Mesa 546-8640 motor coach. r o om for General 1000 Generi l 1000 JIORSES, conc1'f!tc block------------------ wall fenct'. TI1is properly is ''PERSONAL'' LUSK-EASTBLUFF in excellent condiHon. J\tust Just for you! A J bdnn 1~ O"'ner trans. 4 BR. 2'h ha. be sho-.\•n by appolntnient bath home in better than Jo'an1, rm. w/2nd frpl. Lgc. only · PRICED AT $SR.500. new condition Jusl $24 ?'"JO corner lot. Only $49,500. WESTCLIFF Think of that~· . . CORBIN-MARTIN Open Sat. I. Sun. l ·S CAUDELL REAL TY REALTORS 675-1''2 1407 NOTT'INGH.V.1 ·Charm-546-5'160 Eve 54::r3310 3036 E. Coast Hwy., CdM P ele Barrell f<eaft'I : pre6en l:s NEW EXCLUSIVES EASTBLUFF -VIEW HOME. Spacious & immaculate 5 bdrm 3 bath home. Ideal for family. $49,500. 2645 B1mboo Sund1y l·S TENNIS? ANTIQUE CARS? BOATS? DOGS? We have a Westclifi lot large enough to hold a tennis court or other large bobbles; it at .. really b .. ~ swimming pool & sunken BBf;l. The strWnaly handsome A·Frame booielhllS vatilte~ ceilirig &: abundant use of Palos VU.. • de rCJC.11 & walnut panelUng. 3 bdrms, sepa-' ~ate dining room & 30' family-recreatiorl ' fOQ~)mJDe4.iate occupancy. Owner will car- ry 2nd T.D. 167,500. . 1400 Lincoln L•n• Sunday 1.s ONE ACR~ -ORANGE PARK ACRES. Level view lot. Ready lo build. $22,500. TOP AREA VALUE -BAYCREST. Attrac- tive contemporary Spanish borne with 4. bd· rms 3 baths, family room + formal dinini room. Outstanding value. $54,900. EXECUTIVE HOME-POOL-BAYCREST. Spaciou s custom 4 bdrm & 31h bath resi· dence featurin~: lovely master suite with fireplace, excitmg formal dininJ1 room, large family room with cozy used brick fireplace, gorgeous swimming pool & many other fea· lures. $84,500 BAYFRONT PIER & SLIP -LIDO ISLE. Nearly 50' of prime Lido Nord Bay Frontage improved with partially remodele(\ 5 bdnn & 4 bath home. Superb Bay view. Just re- duced to $225,000. Office Open Seturday1 & Sundays PETE BARRETT REALTY 1605 W11tcliff Dr., N.B. 642-5200 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS BRING RES UL TS john macnab REALTY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suite J20~. lnghomeintlp-topcondltion.J-""'="==="=·==::J..:=::::;::::=:==:::==::-J ----------:---,.----~ 3 ige. bdrms. 2 baths, elec-General JOOO General 1000 General 1000General 1000 tric blt-in's, lge Uv. room &J1======~~~~=====================~r~ din. area, cpt, & drapes, II heavy $1-ke roof • REDUC ED to $44.150. 642-8235 " CONDOMINIUM WESJ'CUF>;.\'.l}J-A. Finell .DR@p.Houtes THIS WEEKEND SALESMEN NEEDED Professional Training program by highly qualified Instructors. LEARN MORE EARN MORE SERVE BETTER • CALL The Rondy McCordl1 546-2313 --------1 FHA· VA MESA VERDE 'O THEP.EAL '"'\... ESTATERS I ' I • Jocat10b, near.~ ,... ,.._ ·1o00 pint, ise. llv. room, din. artt, electrte blt-tn's, 2 Mo For Penional In&pt('don SUNDAY 1.5 New homes, home site1 View i;ile' $il,{J)) • up Irvine Ave. Bet. 22nd & Z.1rd, Back Bay • ~ BR., den -$40,500 2 F'1replaccl'I, form!ll D.R. 29t0 Cliff Dr. NEWPORT HEIGHTS • C.Ontcmp. Spanish • $59,!r() 4 BR. Fonner model for bldr. 49S Francisco Dr. • Executive v!('W home-$78,500 J Br., den, dinin&', pool 4545 Tremont Ln, CAJ.fEO SHOR.ES • Olanning French decor 2 Br, Den, Irvine TetTace. $C2,500 1319 Bonnie DooM Ope-n Sat. &. Sun. • HAL PINCHIN & Associates 675-4392 Anytime nn". 2 bo.th5. POOL· ONLY $4.1.SOO. "C" THOMAS Realtor 224 W. Oout Jiwy. 548-5527 Newport Beach, Eve 545-5643 REAUY ROOMY Three and fou r bedl'oom home1 · All In excellent con-. ditlon and <lref!l!l, $28,500 . J bedmom pl1.15 family room, 2 baths. Recently redecorat· ed S.:28.~ bedroom 2 bathe:, new paint, new ca'1l'f:tlng, very perky!! $29,45()..4 bed- room plt11 t.unily room, ~ deoon.ted through 0 u t, 6hake roof charm. Nothing to do but move in. Take Ytl'lf' pick . Colesworthy & Co. .i.., ... ,...., df19etery .... .,.. ,... --"'" .. you 90 llffM llu.tlot. All , .. locatt.. lhtM Nlew or• dHCrtbe4 hi tJMtlr 4otall '1 w4•rhl .. elM• trltotn I• to4..,'1 DAILY PILOT WANT ADI. P•o111 &llewhll .,.II ""'" fw ......... f9'lt .. wfM to ll1t Mei. lof9'..tt•• lo tW. uh1• Mdi Frl49r • (2 Bedroom) 934 Miramar, Laguna Beach 494-3066 (Sat & Sun 10·5) 234 24th Place, Costa Mesa 646-7171 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 213 Fernleaf, Corona del Mar 673-8550 (Sun 1-9) (3 Bedroom) *5101 Bruce Crescent (Lido Sands) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1-5) *1524 DeAnza (Corona Highlands) CdM 675-3000: 673-0554 Eves. (Sat & Sun 1·5) **106 Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isle) NB 642-8235 (Sal & Sun) Z221 Raleigh, Costa Mesa 646-7171 CSun 1-5) Z24l Vista Hogar, Newport Beach 673-8550 (Sat l·~) 1964 Raymond Ave,, Costa Mesa 645-0303 (Sun 1-5) Open This Weekend 20-13 PAWMA DRIVE Eul.side c.osta Mesa. Love-"Agtml'' "FO'f' A W·i!C Buy" ly tree lined stroet, doese to 642-Tm 265 E. Knox Place, Costa Mesa 645-0303 (Sun 1·5) ""'°"'",,_.,.,All i.,...l r-=~::=-~=====11 ='~~' """'· CHANGEABLE HOME (3 Bed room & Family or Den) *1400 Lincoln Lane (Weslclilf) NB 20Cl1 BAKER STREET Lovely pool home in tht Me- sa Vmle Cambridge smes wtth formfll dining room, 3 large bed~ Ii family room. 642-5200 (Stln 1-5) This new exclU!live list-4231 Branford (Huntington J.Iarboui') HB ing oould be a 2. 3 or 4 846-0609 (Sat & Sun 12-5) bdrm tnme. Take your 301 Evening Star Lane (Dover Shor.es) NB pk:k!! Owner • builder 642-82.35 (Sal & Sun} will put beck .,,.alls 8111 2913 Chestnut Ave. (Mesa Verde) CM )u u desire to mAke thi" M9-2096 {Sat & Sun 10-5) th~ home of you.r i-hoit"C Lots or ~·ood 2298 Waterman Wa y, Costa Mesa panelli'nit i. lndh-ccl 645-2000 (Sun 1·5) lighting. E\·en haa • *1821 Sabrina Terrace, Corona del Mar built-in dining room la· 673-2222 (Da.\ly 1·5) hie. Qui>ets through-9471 Leilani, Huntington Beach out. T~i1 home it differ. 546-2313 (Sun 1·5) ~nt! ! $26,950. Owner 1584 Baker St., Costa Mesa wiU conslder rnA I VA 546-2313 (Sun 1·5) tlnancinr. Sec il now. 1201 Berkshire1 Newport Beach BUILDER'S REPO • CO~TS 646-7171 (Sun 1-5) 0wner·1 loss on tbts 4 Bdnn "" 17646 Rockrose, University Park 2 ....,. -· ..,. be '""" WALLACI 673-8550 (Sat 1-5) gain, Redeadt.d by bulld. lllAL TORI 2900 Alla Vlsla (East Bluffl) NB er, All ""' -teatmu. 5•6 1 673-8550 (Sun 1-5) $1500 do•~ " ......,. "'°"' 4 41 -2342 Cqrnell Dr., Huntington Beach ol 1239/mo..,.. all. Vocant. (Opon ._,nllll 645-0303 (Sun 1-5) stt anytime, CALL RAY GAULT 5'<>U51 Hm.... (4 Bedroom} Real Estate loptn ew•l NEAR OCC 4645 Gorham (Cameo Shores) CdM $28,500 675-3000: 54t>8868 Eves. (Sat & Sun 1·5) 5 Bodrm + Family Rm ~.;;,";;;i.~B1;,~ *2647 Alta Vista Drive (Eastblull) NB Ex.N:Uth·e ftmlly hOme. ~ s;.~ fl-IA ., 1145 per 833-0700 : 644-2430 {Sun 1·5) bedroom a.-dr n, ~f:N. blth1, RICH IRWIN month. or l07e ~ to new 219 Poppy Ave .. Corona del Mar hu1e family rm, with no.tur· Re altor IO&ri Onl S2Si50. CALL. 833-0700: 644-2430 (Sun 1·5) Al brick tlttpltu•f", pnll')' hall, LOVES MR..~ :Wo.11.s1. **90 Linda· lsle Drive (Linda Isle) NB dinln,f rm. 54().1720 Coron• Del Mir Hertlagc Rt:al Eitate 675-3210 (Sun 11·5) TARB ELL 2955 Horbor ,,... .,.,.., 4645 Gorham (Cameo Shores) CdM 3 INCOME UNITS 675-3000 : 548-8868 Eves. (Sat & Sun 1-5) , & 3 Bdnnc. New carpet.. DIAL., ..... 642-1611. aw.,. SCARC E ITEM *-Fairfield (Cameo Shores) CdM dto.pea. Blt·lnii. Prtv•te P•· 10ur lld. thtn alt back and Ocunftont lot over 300 ft. 675-3331 (Sun 1-4) t1o8. Jibo!.oplaces. Top )oca. tlstm to the pbom rinrt (ftp, Call "Lee A SM!" -;;;;:;; tion.Owncr,$48.0Z';T Now:.:.;;_1 ______ ,,_,~B=kr=·~""':::..:'='*'::..:..l~<!M-54!3:.;,,;,;.:;;,...J~!! *8421 AUanla Ave., Huntington Beach 645-0303 (Sun 1·5) ~1 i::ommoc1on (Baycrut) NB 645-0303 (Sun 1-5) (4 Bedroom & Family or Den) *2901 Ebbtide (Harbor View Hills) CdM 675-3000: 673--0SM Eves. (~t & Sun 1-5) 1210 Starboard Way (Harbor View Hills) CdM, 675-3000 : 548-8868 Eves. (Sat l!I Sun 1·5) 2901 Cassia (Eastbluff) NB 644-1762 (Sat & Sun l-5) 1330 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-11235 (Sat & Sun) **333 Morning Star Lane (Dover Shores) NB, 642-8235 (Sal & Sun) 1130 Santiago Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Daily) 2365 Colgate Drive (College Park) CM 549-2189 (Sat & Sun) *zoo:; Balearic Drive (Mesa Verde) CM 540-7573 (Sat & Sun) **l Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isle) NB 675-3210 (Sun ll-5) **57 Linda ls le Drive (Linda Isla) NB 675-3210 (Bun 11-5) 18513 Lime Circle, Huntington Beach 546-2313 (Sal f·5) 17981 Aspen Tree Lane (University Park) Irvine, 8.J3.-0!0l (Sat & Sun l-':30) *2901 Ebbtlde (Harbor View Hills) CdM 675-6000: 673--0554 Eves. (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1210 Slarboard Way (Harbor View Hills) CdM, 675-3000: 548-8868 Eves. (Sal & Sun 1·5) 2840 Monterey (Mesa del Mar) CM 540-1151 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 501 Kings Place (Newport Heights) NB 646-3928: 646-2290 Eves. (Sat & SUn 1.jl)' *429 Isabella Terrace. Corona del Mar 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (5 Bedroom). **14 Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isle) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) (5 Bed room & Family or Den) 2645 Bamboo (Eastbluff) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1·5) *4536 Roxbur.v (Cameo Shores) CdM 642-8235 (Sun) (6 Bedroom & Family or Don) **80 Linda Isle Drive (Linda lsle) NB 675-3210 (Sun ll-5) CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE (3 Bedroom) 2141 Vlsla Entrada (The BluUs) CdM 675-5930 (Sat & SWI l.jl) DUPLEXES FOR SALE (4 & 2 B1droomj 515-515~ Poinsettia. Corona del Mar 675-3000: 644-0816 Eves. (Sat & Sun l~) (2 Bedroom eacltj 432 Fernleaf, Corona del Mar 675-5930 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 516 Fernleaf, Corona del Mar 673-2222 (Sat & Sun l~) * .... ** .... ,,. ... *** ,... ... w...,.. .. " " '· " ,. ' •i ': ,; I .: a "' I < • • ; -OAILY 1'llOT Sat.urd.iy, January 17, 197.0 l , SES POR SALi HOUSES FOR SALE ttOUSES FOR SALE Hous'llls FOR SALE HOUS!S FOR SAL! HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSl!S FOR S.t.LI! HOUSES FOR SALE HOUS ES F OR SALE -~i 0-al 1000Gentntl 1000 G•n•r•I l11110i..;t-::;.;:::;•..:•;::.:..• .:;M:;:•:;.•_l::'250=c:;:°"""=::...:•::::..• .:;Ma=r-l::IS0:::..1;;L';nd;•;;l•; .. ;;;;;;:;;:;ll06;;;;;Llndo;;::l•=l·====U;06 'R;;ntingloo) BHch 1400Huntlngton Booch 1400 ,,.:1;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;.Ir \!;Balboa lsland-1190pal Ave. DOVER SHORES BEAUTIFUL GREAT, BUY ! Thi• DUPLEX must be sold & escrow closed NEW • VIEW! OCEAN VIEW HOME 1: by Feb.16 to satisfy creditors. ' ofinJa !Jdfe PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOM!$ OPEN SUNDAY 11 ·5 3 & 4 bedrooms, 2 blth hom• in ,,.autlful Huntington '••ch . :: No reasonable offer turned down with 10% Ivan \\fells l:. SOni have 4639 F•lrfitld, C1meo 5h,r••· :j cash. just completa:f 3 br<41WI l'ICW 4 BR .• 3 b1ths, sparkling Pool:$1l,SOO. $23,990 ~!, LOWER UN IT. 1 Bdrm, frplc, FA heat. bit-in homt>t1. reedy for lmm~i· ra~e & oven. fl'arbage disposal, plas ter aie occupancy, 4 bclrms; 3 • • bat).s plU5 p0wder room. w s, private patio. PiinE'Ued-ra...tt1,; roont \Y/ --"'~ -"'~ Wm. Winton, R-ltor • UPPER UNIT -2 Bdrms, hard\vOQd floor s, fireplace. F4-mal dinilli: •• I beam ceiling, 'sundeck. room-kitchen breakfast area. • . 229 Marine, Ba Ibo• 11••n.d OPEN . SUNDAY 1·5 1 Linda Isle Drive 4 Bedroom, 5 bath home in llnal stages of completion. ·Palos Verde stone entry & fire-- places. Family room & billiard room .. Beau· Coll (71 41 962-1353 10 AM 'Ill 7 PM SANDPIPER HOMES ' Lux~y carpeted .• Land-f.1~31 Of*' 'til t every n ight. ', • .\11 bedroom furn. included. 2 car garage ¥Ca.l'Cd 1(.-ourtyo.rd Po o 1 s.l-='"''==;:;;:=====o;::;;;;::;:::==::i:::::::i==I ·,: with 3 car parking. ~an wetts' & Sons l=G=·=""=r·::';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;lOOO;:. ll-N'.:•w-:.po:-:-rt-:B-:• .. •".'.ch=-:1:-200:-i tifully decorated. Priced at ......... $1M,OOO 57 Linda l1le Drive On 8 r ookhurlf at Atl1nt1 Must see 4 Bedroom 4 Bath home 'vith patio deck, si tting room !lnd fireplace ·in master bedroom suite. Family room bas sunken con- Corona del Mar 1250 Huntington Bea~h 1400 BY Owner: 2 Br. Convt den, GREAT POOL HOUSE OPEN f:!OUSE Sat./Sun. a~ernoon OCEAN ITVYOJ , i:t'l' l•!!!!!!!!""""'s"'AT"'T"'L"'E"'R 64"''1'":'~R"'1i"'1o"'A"'oE=co"'. ,,,· """""" Open Sat/Sun 1-5 VIEWS Exciting vlew from OiU 455 Catalina Dr. Dnvo in N,.,..., Hoight... I General 1000 General N wport H • hts 3 bedrooms, dining room. ;:,~'. l ~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~l ~~:;::~~~~~~l!li!!!~!!!!! e &ICJ deluxe built-in k11cht>n plus versation pit apd Ci.replace· ...... $162,000. 80 l:"ind• lt le Drive Nearing completihn. 6·Bedroom, 5 baths with IAmily room .& large rumpus room. 3 Fire- places. 4,246 Sq . Ct . oC Jiving area, including deck & boat sltp. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . $159,300 3 Ba, oven;lzed lot. zoned R· GREAT PRICEI .2, ~' Blk from water. Call ~ Mo\!E' In NO\V to this lovely ~67"$-0"""732""". ~==~~-1 3 bedroon1 home with SWUf. ./ NICE DUPLEX S. of ll'llNG p0QL. Carpets & Hwy. 2 R·2 lotl. Owner. Drapes. Gleaming HARD· $58,<kX>. 673-4169 WOOD FLOORS! Assumr. 1; Formal Dining Room tremendou1 buement rum-6% FHA per ann~. E CHOICE HOMES • mast" • "'"" lx<!room,, ""' room -$4,IX'1 down. ,. FOR ST E. DOVER SHORES 31,, bath.~ + maid's quar-$39.900. Panoramic view :! 0 L s 0 N SHORECUFFS ters. Pe.rfect home for ~nter-from M~ Hilands, de· ?O Llndo1 Isle Di;ive . Beautiful 4 Bedroom, 4 Bath, home with extra large living roo m & maste:r Bedroom. Car- pets 4 drapes. Landscaped: Boat .i;lip. Near tennis court & clubhouse •........ '. .. $135,000 Balboa Peninsula 1300 Submit as I o w as $2,250 down. Total paymenta Ill! low as $156 monthly. .,• 1. Custom built by Ivan • tainina. Beautilul panelling 1•...wtu1 4 bedroom arid form-\Vells only 9 month11 ago. OPEN HOUSE ~... I ~"< ! 2 lltory 4 bclnns j bath & SUNDAY' 1•5 in living rm w • fireplace. al dlning room, tastefully • To Settle Estate Duplex nr. bay, yacht club & shopping. 2 BR's ea uflit. dbl gar. $39,950. Principal& only. 67".i--1353 WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES •! 1 n 1 1. · Cut• Colon,·ai 11 .. ,,1, lVet bar. 6 burner elect, decorated-term5-$31,950. '• Jnc" Realtors poo • ""'1egan iving rooin ~ v stove. 3 car gar. Shake roof. 646-7171 Walker& Lee :: 1vlU1 2 story tireplat't, 3 At. 338 Evening Gan.Yon Rd. lgt' healed .pool surrounded OLSON'S (·ar garage&: unique 1l'ine 3 Bedroorns & family room by beautJrul plantings. Linda Isle Devel'opment Co. 1080 Boyoide Dr., N.B. Biii.Grundy 67S.3210 1111!1 __ 2790 l-farbor Blvd. at Adams 545-949.1 Open 'Iii 9 Pi\f • • rt!llar. Outstanding view, Spacious yanJ ""'i~h ASSUMABL~S Reduced to $9!1,000 foe· roon1 lo add on A 51/ o' L quick sale. An C'Xcellcnt buy ssume 4 lo oon ., Dramatic !.tedi1erra.nean at ;60.000 S:ll ,OCY.l Cl loan at 51 1'~ 1u1-1"/vic'"'· Ovtr :;ooo sq It, 4 nu11l inh'l'('Sf rate. Unusual bdr111s 31,~ ba. -.J· bonus :! story hon1r. Jusl 4 years roon1 over 3 car gar. A.~k. Lachenmyer RecJltor 1860 Newport Blvd .. CM C,\LL 646-3928 Eves. 642·01&> ' Lieto Isle 1351 ~~~~~~~~-1_D_•_·~·-•_s_h_•_r•_·~~-1-22_1c __ •r_•_•_•_d_•_'_M_•_r_· ~1_2_so ;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;:;;:;;:;;;. T~~:~\~~N ' Dover Shores -B/B LIDO LOT \-0' THE REAL ·~ESTATERS '-' p •• •, ,,, .. '"·' 216 KINGS PL . N D I CHOICE PROPERTIES cooiee. :1.5 ft. street·to-strret Open Sat/Sun 1-5 ew e uxe corner Via Havre & Soud. Discriminating Buyer 4 Bdrm+ yowig l bedroom. 3 baths. 1ng Sl00,000. f rormal dinin:;. Family room ::. Spacious 5 bdrms 3~ ba, Fireplace. lnunaculatr hard· ram rm. + ronnal din Missing The Back 40? Spacious 4 Br. 3 ba. on 2 e 4 Bedroom·3 Bath ••• FIRST OFFERING $37.500 level~. Have live-in makl:? • 2 marble, 1 Raman tub CA.MEO SHORES _ Custom Lawson Family Room POOL I H·TED & F'lLT'O. Can assume low int. IMn Ov.·ner \fill can-y lg 2nd. I1nn1ar. hoine Spanish moll!, HAf'FOAL Rlty 842-44D5 BY 01vl'l('r: 2 Story, 3 Br, 2l~ Ba. Shore Crest' Home. Crpt.!l, drps, elec bit-ins, "'ood floo1•ing. Shake roof. nn. Cu.slom bit, by Iva.n O Id er family memberl!? • 2 marble fireplaces designed and built luxury Room arrangement provides • ~ret stepdo\vn bar home. 3(0) Ml. ft. with Ocean 3416 Via Lldo, NB 6/.>-4562 Roo1n for boat and tr.1ilor. \Veils. Panoramic view. great privacy. BONUS rooms • Large family rooin visibili1y unlintited. Extra ~2 mile to beach. Impossible R001u for pciol. First time I 'i:l=========I to replace at $33,500. Fan· offered. $95,000. Ii tastic·Hurry~ DiaJ. M&-0303 Roy J . Ward Co. N Here's 1/3 acre PLUS In are a studio + hobby room. $89.500. $20,0CO dwn large living room and mu. Protected patios for sunning 8'i~ 25 yr. loan ter suite, 3 Bedrooms, In. LEASE/OPTION tam. rm, frplc, util rm . 4 BDRM, 3~J BATH $36.:JOO. Assume Gl 6~4 OLSON ASSUM ABLES ; ASSUME FHA LOAN ' , l • • Heye's your chance to save SS. Just take over lantastJc low intere11t FHA loan. No ( • qualifying~ J hedrooin, '.! • bath Co1lege Park f'$!atc home. Sl'i;a1'3.IC' p~u1elcd [a. 1 mily room. Underpl'iced for l area at $26,!J::{J, Be smart see today. Call 61'.).0~:tt ew Listing ea k B h 3 bd 2 (Bayc:rest OUlce) c ay wit rms Lovely 4 bd1m home v.ith b lh & J5x30' I 'lh · 1430 Galaxy ~1:>50 a s , _ poo ""' div. RARE TURTLE ROCK RESALE Near UC!. P1·ize 1l'Jnn1n.;; 4 bdn11 21i balh 1~11h atriun1 . 2100 sq fl. Vacant ~· ready for v.:eculive. Sell ur lease option. great 5~~7~ as.swnable loan ing boa.rd. Try FJIA or VA at a total payment of only or 10'1& do11'n. Sl 70 inC:udini; laxes & in- su•'All'""· 1 lomf' shows Hkr a rnodr.I. (lwner m01•in;:. 10 1\rl1r;1r1 · nlust sell. Offered al S::l1.~~l Rentals ? l...01'f'l,1• ,\]f.'Sa VPrdf' :; & fa mily rnom homr11 oUercd al S17~1 .~ $:?~·1 nn yC>arly leas<'.". $27,500 ' Newport •• Victoria 646-8811 (anytime) k entertaining. Wet bar in OPEN DAil..Y 1·4 PM tercom 11: Speakers in every lower sWte. Other features .1528 Antigua. Way room and patio. Large Lot. incl. all elec. kitch. 2 Frplcs. 1-1. C. VALENTINE Bears careful Wpection a t Elec. gar. door opener. NEW 646-5426 $74,500. wlw oupeting. AU. th~'"' IMPRESSIVE -CAMEO HIGHLANDS only S43,500. Weekdays by SPACIOUS app't. C.all: 4 Br, 4~t Ba + maids. Full 4601 SUrrey Driv~. 3 Bed· . ll!R. ROBINSON ·length view • Bay & ?ioltns. rooms, Separate D i n i n g Davis Realty 642·7COO High ceilings. 50ll sq. ft. Room, 20X31 Living Room. A Doctor's home • no ex· built around court, 4 car pense spared in panelling & gar. E·z maint. Jmmed occp, exttas. A 180• Ocean View! Newport Island ..... · $39.500 $1 78.000. Assume 6~i% Joan. N 0-1·1 ~"" 2 large =tios. Compare at car ..... an ·•· ··•·, -;> ..... u Owner. 54&-7249. ..- 'Pier & Floot ........ $74,5001========= $69,:x>o. e DUPLEXES e 4000 sq. ft. 107 Via Eboli. I ,_10 00a=n."C.=tt=!J63.=236.'l==== I 3 Qr garage. Crpts, drps. 2 yrs young, 1'1AKE OFF· ER! Owner, {213\ 2·14·3101, Huntington Harbour 1405 eves (~3) 246--0700. r-~--------1 BAYFRONT \VlLL trade 2 Etory Hun· Now under constr~ 5 Bd. 5 tinglon Harbour home for ba. Formal din, rm. Choice sn1aller home in local area. of coloNi, etc. NO\V. Pier/ Upstairs sundeck of I er ~ Slip. $235.00o. Submi1. vie1v of lovely \Veatherly R. C, GREER Realty Bay. Only a brieC leisurely 3355 Via. Lido 673•9300 1valk to boat dock &, swin1· 546.5880 I ""-"""~"'""'" _ _. e HOMES e Univeroity Park 1237 1 REDUCED $2,000 OLSON (n!<11cl11trr1o11heatrtl 5 3/4 °/o Loan 4 BR. 2\~ Ba.········ S34,950 4 Bedroom Harbor Vie1v Hill!! LLEGE REALTY Anyone Ca n Assume :) BR. '2 Ba . + ram.· s45.oco . Only 2 years old. Huge cor. $42,500 i Ne wpor t ming beach. 4 BR, 21'1! BA, NE\V 5 Bdrm. 4 1 ~ BA Nord pal'<JU<'L $14,800 equity. Bayfront-pier and s J i p . Birr. Ask for \\'il!na Fitts, Area's best buy. 01'.·ner. ln1· 84~1361 med. occupancy. 4~-6415 l ----~~---LIQUIDA1'10N! ! New tri-: ASSUMABLES at l500Adarnsfl H~rbol',CM. Thi~ outstaoding loan wJ!h 3 BR. BAYCREST" $62,500 FROM SPACIOUS ner Jot: Lovely View. 3 car ~ ASSUME FHA 6 °/ 0 .,.,... ......... .,..,... ..... .,..1 rrn1 likf' payn1ents. Large ~E) fRONT AND REAR PATIOS Ga1•age. Over 2500 sq. f!. $35,0IJ0..3 BR. 2 BA level homt>S. Prices slashed 119 VIA YELLA unbelieVably !o $38,750. 3 & ~ Victoria THINK SUMMER :l:ii>o !>q , fool homt>, 4 bdrn1s. _,.'!,._, to double drapc11 windolvs \Vas a gOOd value at $69,500 ~ ~ Large bedroom!!. 2 b<ith.~. IN A COOL POOL :: W\h.;, Hug:r sepai·atc fan1-~ this :-i br 2~ ba home has • now a real bargain a! OWNER. (714) 454-6448 4 Bdm1s. Bldrs/Agt, 846--0609. el'eS 557-6151 ~ Deluxe kilcllcn \l'ilh buil!· 646.1811 I ' • PR I 1 4 L T Y '--' ins. BeautUul pane!Ji,n, book Situaied on one or \Vestchfl's i .Y Y·ni. :.·.,.' • A Loan. ....:en upgraded. All this plus $67,9j{). Huntington Buch 1400 • .., (anytime ) quiet.est slt't.'Cts. 3 bedrooms. 31 '·172;) Near Nf}! _ Post Ore. 646·2414 LO\\/ A&:."'"UMABLE INTER· ·t cast'. built·in Hi·Fi !'Y~lem. family and 2 ba!hs 1vith CO\" TARBELL 2955 Harbor EST RATE makes this one BIG VALUE Fount1in V•iiey 1410 , All o( rich maple. £normowi I.!!!""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..,.!!!!_. ered patio. Larg1.> poot with NEWPORT you must Hee. s:l9,fJO. 2 HouseSe on :! lots, pri~d : brick fireplace. ~luch more. ABSOLUTELY slide and board and S('par. Costa Mesa 1100 • red h1·11 rK'arland valur , So. of H1ey., PLAYROOM 3 bdrms 2 bath~. \\iestmont 3 car gar. Cor. Jot. 2 yr old "'ith 181)) sq ft + large par-Spanish. 4 BR. .2.~. Cpts, tially linished bonus. rOOJn dJ'Pf!, spklrs. ~ & R.·Owner over double garage., Formal $S.'>.7j0_ 10895 La· .if-erraza , f20.00J FHA loan at 6';"'~. An· 1 1 .~ 1 k'dd ' ~---------1 SHORES rina tor development. "Fine The .tinc11t value in Be.y:trc&t. a I" P ay Ywu or 1 1es. -. ..._. : nual percentage rate. Uwl 5 laJ.'<>e i.......iI'OODUI, '· batl"' -ln11nedi.atc pos. =,ion, possj. c.ozy and .WARM 2 Blr11'ks to:J})t"t:;;:in i,.~ block comer Jot. sa7.500 •\ monthly payments. Only ~ "'"t"----r ... bl 't7 ,_ th JO ' d Jaii:c. low • tnamt['nahcc r ~ ·:""'\Vt I". oivn · Th\11 Easlslde Costa to1c~a lo ron11n. rte atio11 center "EALTY mn.n ,\ Hi:.\1 '11 llE.U.i \ i\I'.. 1 livif!g lU.m 1yith Palos Ver. 96$-J~·lt --· ·- t '1?11.,950. Better hutTY~ Dia.I or -~ibl lea"-'"""""'• • 1 3 ~ b I " ~ pool.:\· car ge~. Exq\liai. 4 .!.~':" ' "" ::r-··~ 1• , • .OOtuc ol[Ors new c.arpct. n&\Y. & FOO ·· ••• ,4 nlDAl\11 "J. at 1!i1 • ! 6 . 45 _ 0303 II' but subtll' dl'('(lr, lo pleaS<' 646.7171 vinyl flOOt' \n lal'ge fanlily rircplaoe, wrublii1gara;c. A Uf\.i'I.'. Plll'k Ce-nttr. lrv'rtte•r d h <J 'Call Anytintc 33:t·CS20 the-very parllcular and 111e roo1n and kitchen. Lol'ely, kid ie avrn. · $'.!5,500 10~1-;l "!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!•I \Vi!I TRADE for -4. bcdrooin Ja1'gr baek yard and TOO down, -I" OPEN HOUSE range, own, custom •drapes 1 EST 1~~9 6_7~~l~~ j -de-s~ '"fil'@la""Ee.:'"'"C-a'filf"n" . ~ • - patio kitchen "'itfi ._bUiJt·in. An!_h_!11m _:::. l : ~ 11 1650 , at Harbor Ct'nlrr lfa1·bo1· Highlands or \\'r st-MANY l'Xtra.~ to n1rnriot1, ~7171 * ,S.44.2313 & up-graded carpels. Ex· Nl::\V '1 BR. 2 BA. patio i 229'9 liarbor BJvd .. CJ\f. cliff or Rl'!idi'ntial lnromr A!l or 1 111~ PLUS a 1011·.in· S•t /Sun 1-4:30 BAY VIEW rtptionally lari;:e block 11·aJJ. kitchen, blt·im. crptg, ! or Comn1crcl8.l. S99,500 on TAKE OVER tel'C'51 loon 10 sh:•p into~ 17981 ASPEN TREE LN. :: BR. 21'1 ba. Enlarged pa. ed rear yard Shake roor. undergrnd util. Very ·r , __ , s·•~ ._,,,, BRAND NEW, -4 bdrm indi. Lio. Tinted ""'inclow11. Decor-SJ:2.500 full prii:c. Your dow" p1•ivatc. Heart or Anahcinr. Onan Sund•y from 1 re '"'"'"'" ~·~"""'· "d ~-COSTA ll 1 ESA ST. Open Daily S:Y• ANNUAL 646--7171 vi ua! home, huge family ator carpets &. dl'apcs + paymcnl 11·ill handlr, A!'· 1 n11n trom S.A. f1'\vy, 2 blks • 1424 LINCOLN LANE FHA LOAN room. Abundenc:e of cabi-that all·important. i;ume existing $28,\CD 1'·11.-\ il'0111 nC'1V 1nulti·1nillion ~ : 10:<40' workshop_ -t-room 1 10 :l;lO \Veekdays on a 3 bedroom Rustic Ranch· NE\VPORT HEIGHTS Fixer nets & closet space, 2~~ Assumable Loan loan. shopping-business c.'llniple:< ~ llbove for sleeping, :!forage 1 to 5:00 \Veekends ero with huge private ba ck upper. Largt> 4 bdrm 2 bath baths. fireplace, buil1-1ns. OPEN SAT /SUN l ·S "The City" 10'.:, dn, no 2nd · « what·n o t. Ovel'Sized den 67J..8550 yan.L "TALL f''OILAGL", home. <lining 1'00n1 8: rum-Larg" corner lot. Priced 2141 VISTA ENTRADA l.!£!ti~Cit11f!f:lf1J ·ff'<!. S2S,450. lnt. 111i!l in-~ patio. 3 bdrms. Flexible $124 per n1on1h P'tYS 11,ll on -pu.~ room & 2 llrcplaces, right! BOYD REAL TY -·••· -·----c\'f'aS<' 1st of Feb. blwn 12-4, I~ terms. $11,500 F_"ULL PRTCE, Ilur-Assume 531. OI Loan 2100 sq rt of living area Bob Pe ttit & As.toe. 3629 E. Coast H\\'Yo Cdi\f 1 ; I 10] r.39-4312 i:y on this bt.'auty!! 14 70 • prit.'ed for immediate iralc Reeltor 675·5930 Immediate Possession !========== WlJ SO. CAPl::.LLA (.'T. WE SELL A HOME al $32,500. FHA/VA • NOl,===8~3;::3-~0;;1~0~1 === on this cute 3 brdroom Cali· Lagun1 Beach 170S J Great new Pacesetter !isl· EVERY 31 MINUTES on this large l bdnn 2 batll DO\VN AVAIL . Call TOGETHERNESS , WESTCLIFF Iornia Rancho 11'ith floor to 1---• ing. Nl'"Wl,y redecorated, w lk & L home. S\71 month pays all ~14:>-342'1 fo""n evesl South Irvine 1238 Two 2-BR. homes ,.. ine<l by ' BR 3 BATHS , ,,... ceiling picturr 1vindo1v. 2 ': a""'triumed ~',•..,U'y.,.,,Own. er tl'ans-. · a er ' ee 1nclu(l1ng laxe11. Cornrr lot Coast Real Estate. kitchrn & dining areas. Priv. Tl · "-· 1·1·" ho " blk · h "-· ==..:.::=-=:.:::~~-1 ---------Bath!. Thick nylon ca1·nP1. ll~ ..,.,..u 1 w me .1 , 1v1r roon1 for uuttl & trailer. ·• acy for the n'hole family! ,.~ : ~ 546 .!JllO frorn Baycl'esl • practically 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams All r,xtras inc/Udirn:; cover· FRE_N.CH ~E~R BEST BUY '.! Lg<'. !iv. roon115 iv/high i~g. Oos!' to schools, shop. THE BIG ONE : (llhfcinemlthettll) ne1v cpt. · bltn, elee. kiteh.. 54.-.. 046j Open 'til 9 Pi\f ed patio, 4·a1·pets. drdp('s & Condominium. ~ms. E.-XCLUSJVE UNIVERSITY bE>aml'd ceilings. 50 Ft, vieiv pmg & all fi'CCll'ays. $22,900 Thar's !he bes\ de~ript1on ot , (&t...U D/\V • out!Jide BBQ • huge interconi. Full pnet' only 2 bath.~. Pool, Beauti!ull,y PAR'' I I 1 ~ lot & 0,ly !'9.""0. FULL PRICE. G.l. No Cash !his d1'an1a!if' Laguna Brach • Ol.LEGE R ,.. ..... :_ patio. prof. \andscpd .. oivn-YES YOU CAN $23.500. .j4Q.115l Jleritage maintained. . '"'· mmact1 .8 "" CO•"'· "" Dmvn or Assume 1011' i111CI'· hon1r_ SPAF:KLlNG CON. : ISIXJ iidlrnsltHltfltr,,,_ $l:.!,JOO Tile 1oof. h~e 11~ rn1 ti'/ OUR EXCLUSlVE est loan. Total pa yments L N , ' ' ,.,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <'1" has created fenced·in en. Real Eslate !open rves! be ed J ·• Bd University Really tin.6.JlO TEi\IP. STY 1 G, BLT. ON 1· try 1v i 1 h ~lumpstone & LIDO REALTY INC. , am cei uig • .i rni, $163 pe1· monlh. 2·LEVEL."i. \VJTll F:"'-'TEN· s GIANT 3377 v· L'd 67'7300 2 bath. W·W Cl'])lii. drps, 3001 E. Coast Hll'y., Cdi\f WE SELL A HOME , ,.,.rought iron . exceptional 1a t o "' bltns, custom land!ieaping. ~IVE USE or· \VOOD & ' FAMILY ROOM noo" plao wit h 4th BR. & e DUPLEX e Take over'""' loon . Yoo The Bluffs EVERY 31 MINUTES GLA'8 ; bath l!Cp, f:i'Olll liv, area. 2241 v· w I k & L SPRA\\'LING 4 BDRM. ~-, y 3 .., _ _.___ ., B h Just a HOP from the 00.:AN. must see. 833-2639 1sta Hoga r a er ee e11, a . ~u11u1, .. at ""·hich makes ideal arrange-3 Bdrm. & 2 Bdrm. plus!========= Open F ri. & Sa t. 1 to 5 DEN OR 5 BDR"°t. FLOOR Home in Mesa Del f.lar, mcnt for m.Ja·7 or maid's PLA N HAS LIV. Ri\I \V t .... 30:) ft dded 1'' ..,A . ijtleSI room. Back Bay 1240 So1nething gpecial. 3 be<lrom, 2790 Harbor Blvd. at ,\dams A,NTIQU'·: OPEN B g' A 'I i \\"Ju• a !IQ'. • 8 am· quarters· t11i.:. hoUse llil sharp Reduced tci !51,500 2 bath. lmniaculate condi-55-0465 O ' il 9 P'I r. -" ' lly Room. C.omer lot with & clean· priced at $52,500. RI l 14 , Jl('n 1 1 ' CEILING:-; & HEAVY CROSS ' f Greham ty 646-.4 REDUCED to ,.11. Lg tion. I fioor plan, Electiic $17 500 ~ room or boat or camper for additional info. call . ...... , TIMBERS. One 11-all ha~ • !tOrage. La~ covered pa· CHILT ROBINETT Near Newpon Post Ottic_e Spanish Casa on 11'!1 ac. for garage door opener, lovely 3 bdrms 2 baths, 60xl00' !enc-MASSIVE CONTE !11 p , ! tio for outside living. If you REAL TOR 645--0128 BY Owner -Eutblull, horMOs. $12l,OO'J . I e r JD s . large P 8 l i 0 overlooking eel lot, electric built·in range, FR.PL. of orn"'tc brick & r il yJ _ _. COTTAGE beautiful view, 2000 ..,., fl. 4 646--5608 green belt & pool. Handy to t d I . •. are am Y type peof'l'e anu ASSUME VA LOAN ;;;,,,!!!!~!!!'!!!!!,;.,,!!!!,,,;OI "'' income on corner Joi. "" ==~======~I hooL < ..,.,._... oven, carpc s, fl'.p<!s. ap-paster design. Kilch. w/ '"an• --to en)O· y ~ ·t bdrm&, 2 baths. · family sc ~ · s . .....,".ng. · te"• '~ r k r il 1 ·• ·-" -NO QUALIFYING Bolh houses f1mced patios. 47• "'SO proxima ~........,»CI I, roe am y rm. has oads of cab-! family, call M\Y. $29,9,jQ, $17 ,500 Loiv doii·n: 7~7% 1st trusl room. panelling. 750' deck. El Toro 1244 _., roof. double garage with inets. BLT-IN RANCE' '& . • . .. '2313 -4 king Bl~ bedrooms + 2 6 11nmac. cond. $46 ,SOO.I--------""" dooble dOol'S for vehlcle ac. OVEN DISH\VR GARB ~ pullman baths +BIG FA.l\f-3 bf'odroorns, I~ bailis. E'LEC· dct'd. Owner alter pm. 644--1762 LAKEFRONT. La.kl' Forest ' .. · I 00 + TRIC k I I !>IS...2394 N ~to rear yard_ Large p&• DISP .• ere . ,· ' \o ·THE REAL ·~ESTATERS ' . . $22,950 ~ CUte ? bdrm &: dro, near downtown C.111. & City Park. : Has 1"NI bnek llcalilator : fireplac(', fru11 tr<!es & • Jarie ff'nc-ed lot For ap. pointment lo see , rail • , . • • Anytime 5 lechoms $24,950 CJllJming home. Brlghl & • clie9n. entry hall, xtra bathA, • anciot~ Uving 'le dining rm. : natural wood kitchen cabi· : nets, built-ins. 540-lTJO : TARBELL 29SS Horbor ' LIDO SANDS S BEDROOMS 2 &th~ Large ya.rd. : 529,950 " Georg• William1on ' REALTOR. : 673-4350 67i..JS64 Eve1. LY R !If carpets & 1c1en, carpcllng ~· ==·~~,.-"""~...,...,.... WESTCLIFF ew 2 BR. 2 Ba home, Lux:-1 tlo. Assume exi!ting loans Lge. r-ntry foyer w/floors of drapes + ELECTRIC buiH-and drapes. VACANT and O\VNER 4 Br. 2 Ba, trplc. urious shag crpts, drapes. payable ns7 per month in-travertine designed t 11 e, in kitchen + California !i~-ready lo enioy_ Givl'--<i·way bltn~. 2 patios, new ,...ts, ASSUME 61',% FINANCING• Boating & fishing in front =====~-=~== cludl · •v • ~ ~,. ' • BY O\VNER SPEC ng taxes & 1n.sur:ancc. opens lo ccnler i;tairv.·ell place + <'Xtra deep POOL price at Sl 7.500! drp~. paint. corner. 5%. o/o. Beautiful Exec. llm. 3 lrg. yard . P oo I . Ir. n n is, TACULAR, NEARLY NEW ~ ~m ihat lea~ kl 2nd st......, PAST siue! Jot 5 minutes 10 the WE SELL A HOME $109 pnits. 546-5905 Hi Rod. br's. 2 cu111. ba.'s. 24' fam . clubhouSf' priv1. B~low VIEW HOME IN EXCLUS. ci3lil::::itl fi1 1 ,DlPI \VALL OF GL.-\sS"J.5 F1', Blue Pa('Hic. $3.000 11nd il.'s EVERY 31 MINUTES 4 BR + Xtra Rm For Bus. r1n. Profes.~. landscaped &: _m='='=k'='='='=;"=·='=!l4-S=4=6.'t==I JVE CAMEO SHORES. 3 T: HIGH. One bd1,.11. 1v/flr, to a.11 YoUl's. Wa Iker & Lee 934 ,r. 191h s1. 0wner. 1213> uec.'1l1-a1ed. s4s.500. 646-55u -BR , BA 3 , .1 1 ArFoRDs A WE SELL A HOME C d I M 12 '. , car garage, am· Sll40'o LOAN ('C!. gas!! 7:¥.1--1647, 673-3448. NE\VPORT SHORES. 3 BR 3 ~rona I ar SO ily room. 2 trplc11. over. /• 11 VIE\V Of' Tiit: OCEAN & EVERY 31 MINUTES '..'tH3 \rcstchff Or. ba. Gre11t BACHELOR OPEN SAT. & SUN. l·S sized pool. Loaded w/ ex· to aSl!UITI<'. Pymnts $167/mo. CATAl~INA ISLAND. TtUs Wa Iker & Lee 646·iill Meu Verd• 1110 PAD. Ne1l'ly decora.~ed.)..01v jl6 i;·ERNLEAF Duplex, So. tras! Must see to apprecia~. J BR. lg fam nn. lg, Joi. Spa(·. home. 1vilh w/1v car. ----'-''-"-'----!--~------dov.·n. Days 637-UM eves. r H ., B.R h ? Owner will finance. Call Priord belo1I' n1arket. Sub-peting & drapes, is immar. $25,500 ~EAVING. ~111.51 scll lm~ac. 642-S911 OWNER of I wy,1 ' 1. 'Prc~c · -675-1:»-t aitr 10 a.m. mlt ijown ·.2nd TD avail. thruouL ANXIOUS O\VNER 2790 Harbol' Blvd. at Adan11i J~j...s.191 Open 'Iii 9 PM 5 Bdrms 3 Baths SHAKE ROOF Near all ICbools. l37,000 b!'!lt of terms. Country. Estate CU~om buUt 3 bdrm homo? • many eXlJ'll.~. Loi ISOx:.\OO' • many, many lrtt11. $75,000. Wells-McCa rdle, Rltrs. 1810 NCY.'port Blvd., C.M. S48-i719 j)i,J.06S4 f'Vtll. CHANNEL FRONT . In l'\t'"1'°n Shotte: Lo11oe11t priced l bdrni, & f111nily rm. on "111rr, Onty $4t,;ieo. \Ve ha''r other-' • al90 ttntals. ~YWOOD REA~TY 6300 \\', (.\if~t H1vy., NB • 541290 • 4 Bd + F 'I R J Br. 2 BA. farn l"nl, blt·1ns, rp Cll .. ~ pa ios. 1Ce re-* a•''SllEAR R JI JUST RE rm. e m 1 y m . cpts, drpi;, cov'd patio. Xtra PIER & slip, \vaterfront. duced tor quick inle. SOUTH OF HIWAY .o,:""" LTY * ·AS DUCl:D IT &autifuJ a.• net, entry hall, ~harp Mki.ng $2'1,500. Make Leai;e opt. ()r sa:ic. ~n Duplex • 2 BR. U'hits 1891!12 Bfi:ac:h Blvd., 1-IB ·ro larg(' living n11, oprn he.ain. offer. Owner. M9-l096 house Sat & Sun 10-5. OPEN DAILY 1·5 Be ready for aunvl\er! 847·8507 . Eves. 9M-1178 $32,950 Full Price l"d ceiling11 In 18 fl. hunily $64.500. Bkr. 673-3663 or 1-.... nnnJA TERR vu.... OPEN 1 S SAT/SUN TER.J\.1S OPEN 1'0 OFFER ~· -·w" · ,... ·-F.ornlool Homo Needs F a mHy MISSION REALTY rm. FUll~rate dining; rn1. College Park 1115 613-8086 over bay & ocean. Pool. ._ 5~1720 BAYf'RONT Apt witff. f'an-Good home t·o r family. BOYD REALTY to eppreciate 5 bdrms, de· 985 SO. Coast Hwy .• Laguna TARBELL BY Q\vncr·4 Br. 2 Ba home. tutic view! Dix 2 BR. 2 Readyforqutckoceupancy! 3829 E Coe.rt • sired buih • im. beauttful Phone (714) 494-4731 2955 Harbor ~; 'foe™!: ~~~.t~~· BA. Dock.•. $44,300 up. DON V. FRANKLIN '67S..S9~wy, CdM ~.:·~:~wthebcach, BEACH Heton MoKe-Rtt" REALTOR BUILD INCOME Pacific Sbotts Really . CONDOMINIUM " BALBOA ISLAND • NoWJ10rt iHoc:h 1200 6<6-0732 e 673-2112 e o...n ride at 111.way 847.as86 or SJ&,!894 SPACIOUS l BR· Bcsi pouible tcmu on 3 BR. I :.;,;;.;.:::;;;c,._;;;.;.""----1 BLUFFS .. l BR. 2 BA. 1plit· Little old house on rear at 2 BATH \~/vr-ry Ja~e beamed ceil. WE'RE EXCITED! level condo. $29.500 or CbrQnol CS.I Mo1r 1250 R·2 lot. Key at -ASS'UME 6% Gt, -4 BR, 2 Facing booutUul large pool liv. rm. Nice tamlly rm. & Abo th' ......,.ali-3 Bed-lease/option. 644-~ SO CHARMING Fitzmorris Riafty Co. BA, shake roof, patio. $2'150 just 100 yards from. private watJ-' patio. NO"t • •·l••n. 111 · 15 0 1'"' ... d Pym -841 ~°' •-·-" '•• ~ • " F II o-m ti 1135 E. ~-lli-\V•" n. nts ~· ~ '-""'"',,. _una an?a, perfect •••.-"°". in, am. Y n.vv · omc. N rt H 'ghts 1210 I ' ~ ~ r ~-I r I "· t ewpo et n f'\lt!f'Y derail -2 bedrooms ,.._ __ d-' M•r ,--o NO GIMMICKS or year round living, in. R iddle&.R .. o,Rltrs. 11·111 cozy n'\'pa.cc • .,.-au,. .....,."111 .,. ,.,..,...~ ,.., E ~ .. 1 11 6 .... ~ ....... fully l11nd~ped grourM.ill LOTS OF LIVING "·~ .convcttibie dtn "i ttt 1 YEAR OLD $1 Total Down To G.I. ~,1,,m,;t•,1,,01'um",.",~8! ... '··m~11~~ ~ · .....,..s ll'Y. '""'''.! '''It!> -••kl'••• _ 36' ""•I_.., bu1ltoin be.:r -2 baths. Top S Sh 3 "-·I '-'-'" ~ rn:u ~ n.11. "'""' ..... -'"" '-"" Jn thi~ 3 Br, home built at' Lu:sk homf'; oonven. to ocean uper arp , "'-' roon1 2 · 1 I $21,950 pool -l..atjtl' cowrtd palio · around & pool, +al car qu ity wool carpel!!, beau. & Fuhion Island. 3 BR, & Mth "''ith added FAMIL'l'. ing OClle r!f!ror. l\vo ~tory Locn lctt In Newport on 8 ..,. tilully decot'8led \\•llh l ow ROOf\l, C:alifoi-nia bi1ck wiU1101\·cr1:n11io11, storage. lo~ly trr~ lint<f strl.'e-I, A~· i~~E:t~~~ ~!a;~;;.s. maintenance Ori P~ tile ~~~ ~~~=.:.i:s.i:.8· fireplact", BBQ and hullt-itu. laundry, Fully n1aintained suinc a 51,~. J-.an, Total H thmughcM.n entrance and din. Features !lt"n~,..,,.A la:und'"" gtll'Jil't"0\111 1:round~ Include 2 2667 E. Cout wy. 673.2020 ing arel\. \Vnnn and charm· Princ)pa.J.s onlY. 644-29j8 ...... ~... ., pool~. ienniii, elc.: <'lo~ 10 P!'ir•· • S·l9.000, room. ca1~ts aM drape11. """ 546-2313 NE\V Cu11tom bl! RANO .. in& and retidy for your catt-HARBOR VlE\V HlUS, .f Will also stll low, IO\v d<Jwn !IU(lCr nikt .. ihopping. Coast STYLE 3 Br, 2 Ba. 15th &. ff'M' ertjoymcnt. Br, 3 Ba. tam rm WI frpl c. ti H~·y, ExC'tllcnt buy, mus! Renter• Attent ion! $12 500 A T ouch of Spanish : t Walled patioo ! BR. + din. Almost nothinit dol'>>n. f\fnv~. t11. :t &:>drn\11. ctrcllfl1 ki•ch· t"n. bcanH•d ceillna., in lux. Ul'JOU.<; li111n1t rin. hrk:k BBQ • rtrepln« . .>40-1720 TARBELL 2955 H 1rbor \-oTHEREAL '°'-ESTATERS Stlnta Ana. SJT,500. 673-6450 Jn t~ Blulfa And only -Landacaping, ltnclne com-FVi~· SELL A HOME ~ lo apprec1A1c. Shown Bkr. m.ri00 plett. ~1,500. O wne r . EVERY 31 MINUT ES upon ":pp1 nH by owner. BUSIEST marketplace in 67J..ISSO 644-1396 w • lk & L phonr. ,199-:llZ.2 or 837-0'l!ll. ; Cutt Euttkle 1 Br cottllie + f•miJ.1 + lee. l'OOm ow.r t ~ R·2 Jo( Only $3:!00 On. garq11. ~:= to ' 21~ fr,Z';;r; n~ Wolkor Riiy. 17S.5200 • · 3366 Vl& Udo, NB Open sun. SACRIFICE! 4 SR, 2 BA. ' . ' " . aep ram rm. 2 11y. Hl'd pooJr-~-~==~~-' wit.Jlde Ir. div b"'. Nr CANAL DUPLEX -Iloc':k #Choois. $.j((K! d11. $43,500. Inc $.if.'j • 2 BR. $?l!n'.I dn. MO.r.i73 $62.500. Owt>tr 6~702 town. 1'h4t DAILY P!L01' 3 Yr old Dupl'11. A-hwy a er ee 11'1 Y<i>. to ""''"'"" ourl. 2 Oaaailit'd. ~l ion. Save on ~faril'Old. Cood i~ ~· channtr. 3 Br. i~ bl.. monny, Ume A clfort. Look vestment. $66.500. Owner. 1iS2 Fdi~ A gle11.l f(lf only $39,600 • ..,u _ ·nowlll 613-2644 ~140 At.2--44M PLACE REALTY 494-:rnH O THE RI:AL "'-t:STATERS -----~------· ... ~~~--~~~-,,.. . '7 ~•-.'-."""""l"""'r> ~~•~'"'i~""''"'"'"•"'''"'~"~•·-·"· •-,.•.,-,~""''"''',...'"'""'""'-'"''"'·...,-I -. .. ~.,.,-~··-•""""'"-'"°•.,,,....., ~, • .,,....,,-•r><"<"'•'"·"''~"~-~-.---~. ·• -·; • ·1 -........ .....,.,.. .... -,~ •; ... " ' ,, •. 'I . ,,~., ....... ~ .... , . ., .. RENTALS J RINTAl.I ltlNTAl.S ltlNTALI RINTALS Leguno lho~h l~ OUMI FUfnl1~M . H•"'"'! U"'urnltllocl HOUM<,, Uolu•!llilhed ~ r uml&hed , ~· l'urnbh~ * EXCEPTIONAL BUY* Corone dol ·,,,_,, 2250 ·Coote MoU , 31 . Huntiniton a.id, ~ CO.t1'M"i.. 4)00Co&t• Moll ' 4100 HOUSl!S l'OR SAi.i Th.it bc•ul.ihlJ.,~bomc, FUJtN. C.Ur .. homt, i .BR.. j_8Jlcm3"*'~Co00o$226.Sl&l YRLY 1$\ Ii: 1 t S50 wen I~ J at' c den, 2 Ba, e~clr;d ~ o, llCIW 2 Ba, 2 sty + rna.lnteflllnct. dtp. 3 BR, 'tenced, w~te·r p<t • •e_ .& LLY:1UYE trees, fenctd yard with nice ~ts. walk i dlS bch. Clubhouae, pooJ~. near OCC. ~ <:hlld. ok. Nr. 1<:hools. Key ~ pal.io art!u, 3 BR. 2 BA , Adu1ts 673-1304, 17 540-8561 eves, 546-4761 day1 at 1""""' v .. B"-n. Nr. • AJ .. -~-----MESA muslvt stone fire plal'Et, CHINA Covr:-, view, 2 BDRA1. 1 Bath house $170 Sl•terlc.Beacll.BJvd. PA'LM family room. dining area, btaulifully furn 3 B 2 BA. m>. Kt-n ROM 646-0055 En: ,4 HUGE Br't , 2 Ba, newly extra larr• kitchen, ..,,.n 1450 mo ydy. ~ appt. 64$-2'59 ·-·"" & land....... "" <;ARDEN" APARTMENTS viev.•. ID &QOd. condition, nice J'URNLSHEO ~l BR bowie in IMMAC 3 ~ 1% Ba, frplc. ~ water Ir tnlh $235. t e PATIO ARiAS neighborhood. near achoola. pri fenotd yd~ IR. 700 Nr achls le shop'&· 545-4529 968-Q.15 ' Absenlet owner MXk>wi to Carnation. 67~ or 6TJ..1434 4 BDR.l'dS !%. balhl, c:orMr ( e SWIMMIN,G POOL ocll. A•>Ong $36,.,.. Lido Isle '2351 11'6. i BR. E-oidr, ..... Jot. Vacant. 6 month or l8 : ~~~r-iA ~~Js ' Riviera Realty fenced yd: Stove, drps. Cpl month tcue, UtO/mo. BJ<r. e JACAt.\U l"'llATHS 30808 Cout Hwy • or 1 child, mo dogs. ~5«17 *'-4141 U%% South La&una 499-2800 l Bdrms 2 bath:\ furn. Jan. •~-------BACHILOlt; I & 2 ll!DROOMS@ 15 to July lft. $275/mo. _. $325 EXECUTIVE 2 1tory 4 F '" _,. 1.A..1· • U f I h-, LEAVJNG country &-3 wks. Prte Banett JttlY ~200 Ntwport lffch 34VY BR. l,I~ Ba, formal din, 2 urmt~ • n urn 1 - PMee<1 .o .. n 1mme<t. ,_ · • h all bltns All Electric a11sumable. Wood-glus con-Balboa ltl1nd 2355 Ad Bl /B I :hl~,pm~/~1 . '"· 2 BT, ' ... bH.·1"', w/w u •• On y Hotpolnt Appl1' "nces 3 8R 2 ~~-••'it lov..1 ~ 3 BR. 1'4 ~th. lrE 2 ttory, "Ill erptini. tt,pl & view. Int. $310 mo/)'l'ly, Fum/unturn. . .,..,..., ~,. 'l'l """" children ck. $2$5 ' mo , '-•-b N R I sand blasted cedar: ext. Del\ihtfu1 2 BR. 2 BA, 2 BR. 2 baths .......... $225 ~ , m1111lt Rt11on1 le tw tnta I redwood. Open house Sat & t.rpl c, 2 cat' gar, 2 J>Qtios, AVAIL.ABLE NOW ,. , In the Airport Ar,• sun J0-5 or call for appt. dock. Aiduli.s only, no peta. Bay 1ec Beach Realty, Inc. •BR TOWNHOUSE, 2~ Ba. Next 'to the Santa Ana Country Clu b. ,~: 934 Miramar 675-1880' 9Ql Dover Dr SuH.e 126 NB Avail W July $220 per mo. Just 'East of Santa Ana Ave. on Mesa Drive. 4 BR. 2 Ba. OCEAN VIEW. wArERFRON'l" -L; 3 Br G<S-:mo. 'Ev ... 64,_ .-oCall=-53&-_,...,,1542,,_-=..,.--=1 e From $120 Unfumlshecl Blt-ins. Near Nev;. $33,950 home, avtil Feb. 6, $350 trio. 2 Bdrm + O>rtvert den 2 N!;:\V 4 Bdl,., l~ ba., cptl!I, ... option. '97-1642 Owni67f>.J803. Bkr ·-!rptc,, •oel-' I.,;.,, vi. ,.,,., blt-ino 12%1 .... ht. • From $140 Furnished cant. last. Mr. Barker,~ Mission Viejo 1708 Duplex•• Fum. 1----,..'----2975 JEAN, ST()MITH CALL: 546°9860 Ligun• -h i10s BY OWNER: Transferred. 4 Br, 2 Ba, Fam Rm, crpts, drps, trplc, dsw!her. 11h Yrs. old· u1..g1~ . $115, New 2 Br. Garage - hCJM . up \V/D. Children O.X:. Bkr 5J4..6980 $131 . .L BR, nr ocean. Child -·------------------,. REAL R 4 -------i======• -· ~=="""-..,..-~..,...,,,.1 beaut. 4 BR. 3 ba home. Cotta Mt•• 4100 '-""'-''""-'"-'-"'=--'= 3 BDRM. den. .2 bat!\, OCEANFRONT J BR $300 ~1255 BY Owner: Leue or buy • , Newport Beach 4200 garage, pallp. Family ooly. Formal .din nn, fam rm. . . • 'l childreq~ ok. $2l> mo t;anyon ViC\\', cul-de-sac, Sl.40 & up. ATTRACTIVE. 1 incl util. Yrly ls.t . Bkr 534~ y~ar·a j~!lll<' & $.50 9cp. blt·in kit: beamed ceilin1, bdr .. poo1;.util ?Aid, nJ'den * 67:H7:l4 * Sin Clemente 1710 O.K. Til• b Falling Off RENTALS Opef\ Sat & sun ~7-93511 dlil pr. practically no yard livine:. adultzi, no i>et.l.'»oo C d t-M 4250 Houses Unfurnl1htd • TO\VNHCUSF.:', 3 BR 21 ... main!. .1~cal tor children k Willacc .Ave:. C.M. .i oron1 • Ir .,,,,,, BA. irp!c, .. ~·tio, pool, 0 2 car :.~e000rtain1~: .,027$300 nio or BEAlIT{l''OU.Y FURN. 2 BR, 1 BA', blk/oatan & In both bathrooms. Terrific 'Gt"9fal """" .,..... .,~ buy fur this 3 BR. lixer·UP. . . gar, all bllJlS, crpls. dI'p5. ' · . 2 BR apt. Adults. no pet.!1. bay. View. Pri pat lo. per. near beach. submit L~e $275 mo. 871-8811 or CHAR1tl 2 Br. z,Ba, Atnum, $145. + util. 22t! Maple SL Adult!!', no pets, $190 yrly, HOUSIS FOR SALi HOUSES f OR SA[i HOUSliS POll i;AL °'"""'" PAUL WRITE CARNAHAN ._,. 1100 Gon1r1I Paul· White· Cainahan~; ' Realty Co. 546-5440 OUR 24th YE1'R WE SELL: '.100 HO.MES PER MONTH L,t yours be next -call now and start packing -our extensive advertising and multiple listing service will ~o the worts for you. Ov•r 850 sales people who meet buyers in all areas. We have waiting buy·· I ers now! CALl FOR A MARKn APPRAISAL. i fNO OILllATIONI down paynienl ! $275/ MONTt'I 642-2497 eves or wkencl~. ~l;i· , ~· White,-\Vater 548-(JlS7 67J...7629 THE HUNTSMAN 496-1268 Extra lip&CioU!I 4. bedroom. EXECUTIVE hon1e , 4 BR. 6iew.ri;n;~h. L.5e $325. MERRIMAC WOODS ~=1AL=L~F~"-rn-b&'-c~hel..,...,.-,~L~i-tel l 341+1 Coast Hv.'Y, Dana Point 2~• bath5. Carpetini. drap. . C::an furn ~ pertly. Adults. wne Furn units avail. see ad un. klng 11 tu.re d It nly I I C'~. ELECTRIC built · in Refs. 2212 ~largaret Dr. LARGE, Newly reclee. 1-Br. der cl~~ 5100. 425 Merri· ~Ole t~ be;~. 67~ ~ ' 1730 kitchen, ganh!ner furnished. 540-6761. duplex. Oc:tan Vie\v. Adults, mac Way. 5'5-&100 \VALKER & LEE . no pett. s~ month 2 BR, Crpts 8t Drps, Pool. :n4J \VestdiU Or. 2 BR. 2 .ba., den, din. room PLACE REALTY 494-9704 $70. BACHELOR apt. $140 So. of Hwy. Adlts. $165, Dana Point 4 BR RANCH STYLE 646-mt In CJiffhaven. $300 . . very nice lg 2 BR mobile Lease. Call 6~13 Pita family room. 3 Baths.I ====~..,..~~-George \Vllliamson, Realtor2BR.2~.ViewhomeinN. home. 132 W. Wilson . Nice residential area. Com· SPACIOUS 2 storY 3 or 4 673--4350 673-15&1 ·Eves end. Lag Bch. $300 mo. MS-95Tl or 642-1265. bdrms • family room ,1 ~=-"'7,..,-,-.==· = Year's lease. Eves, 494--9:5021-~~~~-~~­plfltely refurbished, You r custom carpet!/ drapes, all 3 BR pool home. 1 blk to best QUIET 2 BR duple:oc. Bltns, ehoice of carpet color. built-ins, newly painted. beach. $330/ mo. Fam. 3 BR 2 BA, lrpl, deck, cpts, ganp, patio. E"liide . Balbo1 4300 $29,SOJ. Lo\v, low down. $?75/mo. Heritage Real only. Agent 968-4362 bltiJ!S> walk to be&eb, We Adult'~" no pets. Uil B. Oale. POINT REALTY Estate . 5-11)..llil Copen eves) DELUXE rondo, 2 BR. 2 BA. or lse $250. 497-l60l 642-1298 CLEAN Bachelor Apts. All ulil incl $35 up 315 E. Balboa Blvd. 34.l!J6 ~~~~~5J°~ Point or 557-76~8 Frplc. pool. $250. Bayfront Miision Viejo 3708 1 Bedroom Furnished apart· *HELP! MUST RENT* apt $350. Att646-4732 ment For Rent. Call CLEAN l Bdrm apt. close to BALBOA 613·!1945 Apts. For Sile 1980 90 Houses &. Apl!i. bf o s 1 2 BR home Completely new 2 BR 1,, Ba Eldor&do =-":.:'-..:879=1~-~~--shopping. Quiet couple only. areas. l Bclnn to 1 Bdrm. inside. & out. Ne~rt Hgl!i. Home·. $21'0 "'" ~fonth. Call LGE, 1 l!r, no children, no _54=8-=2!2~1=======- $T5 to $400. Avail imm. 2330 1.>lh SL &t2-9950 &37-1747 r 546-4l99 pets. $125. 641 Shalimar Dr. - 17 UN ITS in C.OSta ?11esa By * call Susan 645-2464 * BAYCRESI'. 4 Br. 2 Ba. RENTAoL"" "A", C.?11. 1 Huntington Beach 4400 Owner . 1.4 acres. \II/ill take • 'nd XI 't'""' · ..;~ G RU5rIC Ne\Y 3 Br, 2 n .. , Fenced Yd. Child, pet OK. F • 1.~..1 1 BR furn, $150. incl util & ----------, , n v.:precia ...... n. ar-""" A ts urn11.,_ N V fan1 rn1, frplc . ..-rd. Immed Occ. S350. 675-4823 P • pool. Adultl'., no pets . STONEHENGE APTS. den Atmosphere. o ac. ~ .... Rents due !ot· increase. Tu8t1n $2&:>., 17141 838-3018 General 4000 549-2627 or 968--1740 Roon1 to bid addt'I units. $225. 3 BR. Compl. m:lec. Newport Heights 3210 LRGE turn. l Bdrm in 4- 2 BR, 2 BA, dishwhr, rf'C. rm. Adult1, no pets. 2320 Florida. 536-2730 C\irrent yrly gross $21.200. Children & pet O.K. OCEAN View, 4 BR. 4 BA. 1 ple.>t. Garage. \Vlr pd. $125. T--• St.IO 000 Sell .,. Trd Bk' 53' ~• s· Qu iet· area, * 548-1517 ........ ' . . .......,.,.,, rumpus roon1. bar, vtt)' 1ng e 673-3456 I========= large! Ne'v crpl.s, drps, BACHELOR apt. maJe only! ~ NE\V deluxe 2+&9-12 Costa Meta 3100 p&int $365 IM. 548-5166 or Comp!. tum. lat k Jut mo. e DEL-LAKE MANOR 41:e I BR $150, util pd, pool. patio. Small comple;'(. Adull.s. no pets, 536-6717. " 24 units. Walk to 1---------548-5371 Adults ttnl ~mo. 543-1861 aft 5. b eac h. Appreciating DESIRABLE NEWQUIETIBR,nrocean, area. Owner I Bldr. HOME University Park 3237 Newport Beech 4209 I $145 pri deck or patio. Llndborg Co. 536.2519 ·1 Br 2 L.-~ .i~ r0-~-' Singles &. ...,ls only. 202 14lh. ~ .. ..... .......... .......... • ... i:t.1 4 BR. 2v, ba. tnhse $350 ' ~ I ----------· RENTALS .air heat, Garb-di.sp, bll·ins, Luxury sin1le, 1 & """" r 536-1319, 673-1784 ~l . New 3 Br. 2 ba tnh..se. S32S room aPfJ"tmel'ltl, furRish. n-ch HouH• furnished .. .,c, patio. garage, water 3 BR 2 "-~--· $300 .... t"" ·~· ~'°'"th Newptrt,...-.e, , BACHELOR & 1 BR tum tum. Adultll only .no Pets. . Del. ,...,....... .,. ' ·' ' •• i4iD Ad I ts General 2000 RATE REASONABLE 2 BR. TownhouSI! S275 ii>Hi ~el . 'C1 a.nd and· ,QRAND t~lin u~~~-~.~4rma I-,,-..,.,=,,-=--,...'-'_. Across ~ O!~!rt, i;l,ub scaped ~.'1!ub $~~tm:l Q""POO.llS <W~st of ~ach, nr Slater}. -$165 ... , ___ . ''' ""tif0~ • ;1'15-M-Dl,.t "P ' T ·• 0 ~ ~,.,,.,, ' ' ·· ·~-RMS 2 B' _,. "" : on., '':I 111,., 0,VLO• .. ". ' • WOl'$h ot rtcrtationa.l acil· • ou • ..,., ., ... pa""', Children & pets tf.'R:. 1'kr. :\,Bedroom. Sbarp ... BJ&.N·~ i~a,.,Qe~est. ~oeerated htated pool. washer It.' dryer· 534-6980 Reody immediately. Owner 2·~.1:., ,1crptltj ... 'jo!lJor ,1;;.i, piopt..' · IMMEDIATE hOok up. 002-899' transl erred. $195 per month. frplc .. pa'tlo, view· $'240. 408 RENTS FROM 2 BR, walk to beach, no sum· Rent1l1 to Shire 2005 We have others. Drop in and Aca cia. 11\ 77'2-m67, 530-4599 $145 to $300 mer increasei 219 15th St, LADY share Hunt. Bc:h. house with sa_me. Some furn ok. Prkg, strg. 714: 968-8178 brow" thro ... h oor Rental ., 837~1Tl. OCCUPANCY Boo\'ALKER & LEECH ~.c.A~.R'"'M=IN~'G~3=sr_ho_m-•,'"'f>V-l'.1 NEWPORT BEACH ="=·B=.====== ' 7M H "-Bl d t Ad blt·1ns, crpts. drp~. Immed 880 IRVINE AVE. Llt.1Unl &elC'h 4705 JOJ aruur v . a ams SM' s= •M• Lu d partm•nts ---~~~-~· -oc<.11p. ~"" mo. ,.....,."'" IRVINE AND 16th xury gar ton a ~· r.rJDDLE-aged woman to share my 2 BR apt, Laguna Beach. Refs. e;'(chd. 494-7860 .1 $179 Plus water tn•• 64>-0550 1 t . THE NEW v1LLAGE INN Y B1lbo1 l1l1nd • 3355 otrering comp e e privacy, Formerly Saddleback Inn, GIRI. Over 21 to share house wJ 2 &:iris on Balboa Island. Reas. rent. 673-8497 BUSINESS Woman desires to share home w/same. Call • 893-3439 after 6 PM. Cost• Mesa 2100 :J.~rooms, 1~ bath, double a:araae. large covered patio, big fenced Yard, qUiet area • near schools. 642·2221 anytime 646-966S 2 BR, Gar. Patio. Crpl!i, drps, slOVf' & refrig. Quiet Tropica l Setting for Adlts Only. 1 Blk Shops. $17:>. 544--0~52 Huntington leach 3400 $19:1 1-fOUSE FOR RENT 3 Bdrrn .. 2 ba., comer lot. 1 blk. lo shops, mkt., bank & medical. Between r.tarina GARDEN GROVE beauurui landscaping & l.B.runa, trom $28 a week. unJlflralleled recreational Lovely apl!. All utll's, Jinem, mliid, pool, laundry tacilltles in " country rm. Steps 10 bch. 696 S. Cit club atmosphere. Now !lwy. 494.9436/494-nOJ . leasing in Newport Beach. ?i.Iodel~ open 10 am to 8 pm Furnished or unrurnished Rents from Sl55 to $310 BEAUTIF1JL Large tum studio apt. Ocean view w/patio. Di&hwhr. disposer, garage. Lse. $170. 494-'2449 or '194-5303 8 mos. lea!f'. 4 Br. 1 ~2 Ba, carpets. drapes, nice yd. No pets $260 mo. 546-6857 TO\'VNHOU S E 2 sty \Y/ba.tcony, 3 BR, 2 BA, Irg liv rm, atrium. dbl gar, dubhSC'. pools. Lease $191.50 968-471)3 NO\V ·LEASING FOR MARCH OCCUPANCY m So. Brookhurst (1 blk. So, of Lincoln)' {114) 7724500 H.S. & Circle Vie w Elem. 0 k d .eboo1'. walk to G.W.C . ., or South Bay Club a woo NICE Room, art 11tudio, kit priv, l block beach, for young tenant. 494-3950 Newport h1ch 2200 Hunt. Center, near Dougla1. G d Built-in kitchen, new Apartments ar en l Br Apt. Also, &Jeeping rn11 . Util pd. Free TV &: radio. 2200 So. Coast Hwy. FIREPLACE. Pool, 2 bdr .. 2 COl\IPLETELY redec. 3 BR ba .. patio, adults. Bayside F.P. New cpts, drapes. Village Until July 1st. $200. Fnced yd. Xlnt Joe. No pets. call {213) :222.-4309 or Max 2 child. 548-9137 673-5419. LOVELY New 3 Br, 2 Ba, 'WATERFRONT Vf.ry private crpts, drps, bit-Ins, 4 BR Exec, unusual· at· dshwshr, $230. 642·5349, mosphere. $525 mo. 615--2117 ~78 """t. lar"' ''""'d ""1 -~~=ro=u"'s"'N=-Apartments yard. 535-1345 \\'eekends or The GORG ew aflcc' p.m. VAL O'ISERE 4740 $190 • 3 BR. 11,1 Ba, 2 &ty Slngle·l br-2 br. Furn.-W'lf. I 700 16th Street C.Ondo, cptli, dps, stove. sauna, Act'y Rm, Billiards 2 Br. duplex, laundry, Dani Point re!rlg, wshr/dryer, pri Therapy & 46' pool, BBQ• 714: 642·8170 garage. patio. Adults, no patlo, prkg. pool, clubhse, 2000 Parsons Rd; 642-86701-----.,=:=----· I peta. $Ifill mo. 4~1408 tennis eta. Collect THE 2131342-3531 Costa MHa 4100 CALIFORNIAN APTS.1 :H.:.:o:.:l•:.:l•:,_ ____ 4_9_75 1---------1 Spanith VIiiage Detl9n LIDO Shores Hotel &·~1arlna General 2000General 2000Gtrner•1 S@\\~1A-~t..21's.·· The Puzrle wilh the Buift./n Chudle OR11Crron~ th• 6 ~ words bellow to moi• 6 1;mpt. WOJd5. Print ltltt•l of eoth in l!1 line of squor•'· IVA.TCOE 'I . I I I I' J f FETNIC I _r ·1111 !~AD PAM I .1'111 ~ I One monkey to an-' l~:T.;I L:.:N;,':..;";-r-;lrlothar: . I I I I r 'Where do you get 111 ~==='.:::'.·=-~·those wild rumors?" 1 01 NS EN I "I get them," replied i.:_ ::..;.l;;..:;l~"'11:--r1-rl:~: digni'.!,•d monk, "over L...L....J-...J..-'-'-' 1-1 e I 0 Compleltl the chutkl• QllOttd l,L .~A;:D~P,:l~Di-,.--ir-1· by 1i11m, '' ti.. miuio; ..,, :: I I I I' you develop~~'::~.! b.1-. e PRINT. NUMBElfD l!!T!RS r IN lHESf SQUARES f) UN!ClAM!lf LITTERS TO I GET N-ilSW!t rrrr1·1·1 I I r I I I I SCRAM·Lm ANSWER IN DIME·A-UNE 2000 -------- * SUNNY * Speetal winter monthly rat· New t '&~ Bedroom, furn ish. es: Bayfront Lanai SUlte * ACRES * f!d & unfumiahed, &!Mondi-$462, View Studio Suitl! $256. tioned, di!hwuhers, !lf:U· up. Kitchenettes. Ma Id, cleaning oven.s, patio, break· phone, coffee, Ice. Day-Week. rut bar. private sun df:cla, 617 Lido Park Dr. 613-l!SOO * Motel-Apts * Jaret atoraae closets, heat. RENTALS 1 signal So. of O.C. rairarounds Studle & 1 l .. oomt $30 WK. & UP ed pool, Saunas, 8.8.Q.'s, Al'tt. Unfurnishe«J sound proofed walls, walk-in closr.ts. Covered carports -General SOOO ADULTS. no pet~. 2 bloc!Qr: \V,' Ntwport }'twy. At McArthur ' Main Day, Wool!, Mooth • Kitchens l. TV's incl. VEN DOME • Phone 1erv., htd pool ....,. fJl'TS •Maid ,.rvict avail. CALL 5'16-2727 IMMACllLA•• · ! '--.,..,.,,.,--,-==--I ADULT a. F~Y 2376 Nlwron ILYD. ,-MESA MOTEL SECTIONS AVAn.ABL£ 541-9755 *LOW WEEKLY RATES * (lot• to •hczf.'"'' Perk * LG 1 BDRM * KlleOen, TV'1, mald ,.r. : ~=.:: o 1• 2 Ba vlc,e, Heated Pool. * Swim Pool. PuVrtten W/W cupe1r, dr&J't•. patio, " 6f6.96&J. * npl. Jndlv/1ndry tae'll ........ se. to appredate.11as -2 BR. 1...., duPlox, 114.1 An1holm Ave. No peta, eouple pref. :MMT tum w/tarSge. (213) CO!I'A MESA &0-'824 Charle St Apt B. 64Ut1!0 69M412 or ,.. 121 J9th St, I !!!~!!!!'!'!!~!!"'"!'""' or ,.... ... 1. wknd1. • RENT • $25". Per Wk. & Up 1'"'•=-2"'~"'R'"turn,-~&-"~nfli~m-.~,1=50 3 ·Room• Furniture Bach<tor & I BR. hid' pool, • l llS. Cpt., d,.., bltnl,$19.95 & UP ma.Id .service. Kitcl'lf.,. & pool, patkl. 1523 Placentla _ TV avail. 45() Victoria (Nr Q.EAN . S.chelar Apl. $100 Harborl. Mo. + ctean tkJx>s. 1703 W. VILLA POMONA BalbOa Blvd. N.B. 67H304. l:Onth-T~M1mth Rentala WIDE sELtcrtON NO DEPOSIT 0.A.C. IIF'R.C Furniturt Ren1al1 51 7 \V, 19th, Q I 548·3481 New 1 & 2 BR apta. Adult• 3 BR. 2 BA. <'rpt1, dl'ps, only, No pets. Enclosl'!d llU'. frplc, dlthwhr. Ye1.r round. a&et ~ laundry rm. 1760 s21:; per mo. 64~117 Coit• Me11 5100 Pomon11. Also unfurn aptll. BACHELOR Apt. 2 Dr'• --------- SUS CASITAS from oc.,n. f'um. um. TOWNHOUSE rum .. I BR. "-Bach. apts. Incl. Sl.25 t.to. Yrly. 84U148 Ne\v 2 BR, 1% BA & t A 2 2110 Newport Blvd. ?.fHaJ: 2 BR. 2 BB. upper. Red~. BR. CrpUI, drpst, sell clq Uon bJ Notpoint. 150' trom bch. 1 l)lk· elem ow.n. 6l1--2lbJ, 377 W. Wilton ATTRACTIVE Priv. 2 'BR aehl. $115 Incl ulll. 675-4269 praa:t apt OVttlookinc IQlf OCEANFRONT 3 BR. cne. 0..-wtr pd. To 1111p. Winl«!r. $185. G•r•ae. yard. rpl onl)'.._$15(11.IM 3651.. ... * SJ3..408I * % BR-epti, dps, bltns, nr thpf, encl .pa.tio 4 pr. 2 ehldtn ()k, m iieu Sl45. 543-Q51 ~ -• HTTIR HUUY! This immac newly pt.int~ ed 3 bdrm, fam room home won't Jut, 1 ~ ba, 1eP din rm, spacious llv rm \\•/floor to ceiling lava rock frplc. Quality w/w cpts thruOut. Bright kitchen, stove A: refrlg. incl. Fenced yard "''/patio. Only S24.~ . EZ ternu. 346·5440 LEVERAGE AND SHILTER Large commercial bldg. ~n good location of Ne"''· port. In need of good management. U you . don't want to manage \\'f' \\·ill do it ror you. 90% financing aval111.blf'o 11.t 7" % interest. $12 .• 000 dov.11 will probably buy th\11 ont. If UnclP Sam is bltlng you this year don't wait till next y~ar to do 11omethini: about \I, 546-5440 SWEEPING VllW Sweepjng vlsta a home 11bove the cloud& overlooklng the shim· mering -rolling blue P~ciric. 2 Bedrooms and c()nv. den in exquiaite condition. ln lhe Heii;:hts or Newport \\•ith Vie\V or Harbor. Mountains .t thf' blue Pacific -180 degr~ vle\v. At $47,950 it is a dream come true./ 5~6-5440 SOLID INCOM~ ' From this business /com• pril!e'd or 3 stores/ one ll i;mall business 'nd two on good leasesf you c:an have a happy13_nd pros· perou11 futui;e: Inttrest· ed? can now tor further dttall.i. 546-5440 I NOTICI 1r you have a'J or.{ bet· rm home i~r l&le or rent. caJJfas todAy. We represeiy the employttl or several larre ftnna movi~ into th~ H&rbor are,.&. they mu.st have h9'1sing ? All cuh If de· &(red. CAW.. NOW! :146-5440 CONTINTMINT llGINS HERll r.oom for everyone tn this lovely 3 bedroom home close to Harbor HJ. Buttercup yellow on the outside. neat a.<i a pin insidf'. $26,500 takeA il all. 546-5440 BUSINlESS IAD7 .ii ' WE'RE I EXPANDll\l •G! . ~- Heve-2-0pening\ ~ S1les.Penonnt11 Mtn or Women -z, !j Openings No:ir -Compl1te•Treinin9 Program (Cl1u Room ~ 1i On The Job) Prof if Shering Bon u s -Medical Insurance I ' .CALL FOlf"CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW ..• 5~6-54'40 IDIAL LOCATION, Tma&:intl Assum~ this beautltuJ loan Bl :{~4 % $211 per month PJTI. and moY~ lnto th(s larg! (JualJty built 5 bedroom All hardwood' floor8 1ho\v nol only the cart" put Into this home but 8.lso rruallty. Full Prier only $34,500. 546-5440 ASSUME 6¥<'1• LOAN ' Jj!)SQ.00 down payntent will move you into thl$ lovtly tv.·o ztory five bedroom AJld family room horn!. Beautiful cpts in LR and family room. Lllnd1C&ping is ferrilic and complements lovely covered patio. Full price $34,9;i0, S.16-5440 !XICUTIVIS DIUGHTI 3 yr8 young, 1hi11 homfl baa been constantly ln1· proved 1inct it v.·as oc· cupiOO. Thi& home i& ll housewife 's dream. beautifully appointed, tile kitchen almost 2900 &q. ft, all room• a.re ovtniized - a muter bedroom 1ulte flt tor a KJng and Queen, railed hearth m a r b I • fireplace. heavy 1ba](e roof....U )'OU want a nal executive home • TllJ5 I~ JT, ~l-l<O MR. rHSNIC:KETY IUYIR Here's one that \\'ill please evet-y mem her ot the r~mily. Priced to It'll at $3t,oo0 Is this extra lge 3 bedrpom aqd fam- ily room home, close to M:hools and 11hopping. .f ully c&rpcted and pol- i~hed to a "T '. Move ria:ht in, nothing more can be done. Has good usumable loan too. !546-5440 MOYE IN TOMORROW Large comer Jot in Hrart of Men. Verde. Im· mediate po11eaakln to a qull.ilfitd buyer. Newly painted Jn and out. Close lo all achools. Owner hB8 moved and must tell this 4 bedroom and F/R for 11nly $33,!ICXI. HUIT)' and t:all or It will b P. ronr. MS-5440 WOODS'Y sm1N• GOOD ASSUMAILE LOAN Roomy four btdroom ne1Ued beneath lovely 11hade Crea. Nice famny 11\zt kltchen. tonnal din• 1"8 room. Near Harbor HI on Eutlidti a t ,46,000. ~· lltTIR HUUYI llG HO)ISl- SMALL rRICE Gorgeous 4 bdrm charm· er. Entertainer'• livins room c'Jllng high firr· place. Large muter bd. rm, all bit-In wi!esaver kitchen. Desirable Metil Del Mar Joe WAlk to aJJ [ lichools. Hurry ft& f.oo I sharp to last at S33,5oo: ... , 546-544-0 NO 'ANCY SLOGANS Just honest value: ukt new. So immacula.t.e, ao' lrresi1Uble. Wjthoot doubt one ot our befit· ' offerings. Walk to all school• and shopping. $1 Bdrma. formal dlninJr room, lg~ P.atl ng Atta. jn kltch,n. Priced for qutcii: s&le at $37,000. 54&·5440 ~ AN EYI orlNIR TI1P. Grand Jury would render a unan imoua verdict that th\~ California. Contemporary 111 a wha.lf-, nf 11 buy, Allliume lhl1 61i4 % r1-tA IOAn of ·~ proximately S2 5,toe. · Pll,)'able $225. per nl!lflttf tncludiqe tax£a A Iris, It a:tt thla elegant 4 bedroo1n• and .sten home, malntai.ne4> ! to perfection. can 'fWf'lll. you won't be dlsap. poitlwt. 5f6..$440 ,. -·-·~-p AUL-WHITE- CARNAHAN . ft~al~ll Co. l 1093 BAKER STRID, COSTA MESA • I l I -----~......-· ·--"""---..-... --· -. -. - , .. ~ATCV '1\0T' ~·: -IF Z~tl}J!'!!>!!!""'. __ g _~{.4.f¥3tj§ffl • 1t-__:_4:. ;r~· -..,_~,.... • ..._~.,__~·=-~:.. IRAND -IEW APT,,.HOMES. ' . Oflp, Rental ., 60iG X L N T N t w port/Harbor- $,AN K I NG N .I W : .._.;... BlW . location.,.468 Ill tt. C, E NT R f~p • ~ 1'1':S • HUNTIN= BEACH A Have!" loc1ttd In The Ct nter of Ora~, Co. :~r .~:C::t:."v-:. EL • Heated Pool • D.lth~·aahc1·1 Desk ¥p&cl! • avaUitble ln Ht\'t.r bclort lived \n, Pti· • T~~apeutic Pool e "Ir c'o11d:-newet offlcl" .building at vate patio lh'1ni. Nt11r a Piivat-; Patio' & e CarJ'et • Dl'&!X'~ p11me location in lfuntinp:· bee.eh &· 8hoppfni. All nt'11 B6Jcop1es • · -.ton..Buc:h. Air eonditloned. built-ins, dWnva1hcn, Y•I~· *'Rte. Room & BBQ' a • Gamt CourU beautiful ant.ranee. Front--· ca~tin&:, dl'llP"t, p1ivate •Adults.Only i e l:;;iplttcd Pc~ ~ -, "'e _on Beach .Blvd.. rt:eJ' living 2 8 d 2 ...... ' $170 ftQ/ Wh1dCly• Want? WhlddY-1 Got? lcaq_s, _to privat" parking • J eR.2 BA·li-ptc .. ptus e fOOP'I-:-...,.,,, • ·-_, ...,f-'1:1 mo. SAECh\L CLASSIFICAT'40N FOR ' ~~e~ne:r lil~~nt~na~~~ •' BR·' BA·P•1~' 9'31 .c'INTRAL AVE., GARDEN G~OVE • 'NATURAL llORN SWAPPERS -avaifoble loc ~-Bu.;,,.,, • 1 B~·l BA-dellJ..~f' ~!n;tr Ju1t W"t of Brookhurtt, 2 Blk·s; N. of G.G. Frwy. · · · Spe(iil-.Rfit9 • hours answering service Corsu;tn Apt. Homes 1 5 3 ·o. 2 3 15,Q ,5 -Lin•_ S times -5 ltuckt ~:11:id ~C:ce~\9-,j!~~~!~ SUNl'LO\\'ER AV1':. • llULlit -"o MV$f INC\UDe DAILY ·PILOT ·• 8h\'T\ S. ~lain '° Bri~tol i-wrwoi ~ 1111" t\J n\111, J-Wriotf r.11 "''l'l "' .,,.._ 17175 .a(A(H 8LVD, ... vov• llflOft4I ent111r' ,..,..., .._-s 1""' o1 HV•"l•l11~ ted 1,; ntUe E. of South '"'-'">THING liO" $Al& -TP.AOEf OHi.Yi liUNTINGTON lt:ACtf 1 Plau Shopping Cen1t'r C t · Mel• SlOO l-!Ciijojiroiijniijoiiijdiij1ijl ijMoiiijriiijij5ij2ij50il PHONE 642-567l M2-Q21 Call 540-1973 °' ~ _ ~ 1., To Place Your Trader's P1r1di .. ·M PEN'J'HOUSE office 1000 aq. SPACIOUS • Clean 1 lb', 3 BR HOUSE, aep 2 car a:ar, Have 20 UNIT apt, bldg NB fl. + deck. $300 mo (util v.·/w crpt, drp$. elec blt-1.ns. ,..~· .,.: 69th Wa. Long Bch. $22,500. Trade for. ~I'll.sh style incl). 3800 !;._ Coasi lJ\!'Y, quiet area. Nr :i;hops A: K1I' S8000 equity; Will trade for hoil.se on beach·w/vie\V + c.dM. Also ground n, ofc. ·! APARTMENTS 54tr~~.• .*~~ts, ~ i>e •• ~·,Call .,.,. 1111.nle In Costa Afe51l, smaller inc. unit« or ! Prin. 42il sq. 1t. $135.mo. JJtil 1.ncl. SPACIOUS ~ , ON TEN AgtES call! 646-77'14 only: 642-8606 or &p-8001. C. \V: !\-'!asters. 673-4120 !TOWNHOUSE LIVING DELUXE Q?rner·~ unit. JiiOO 1 •1 2-BR. J'um •. Unlurn Lake t'ore:st: Lakefront OCEAN VlEW LOT • CAP-.Lft'Dft Se,arale adWI Ii family com· sq. tt. 3 BR, 2 BA. Patio, Fireplices / prtv~ pa(ici11 I Boa~ & Fishing. Nu 2 Br. IST'RANO PWSADES: Industrial Prog. vv.v mumtie~. Bachelor 1·2· 1.: 3 bltns, drps, crpts. Dbl Pools. 'fenpis ~Om.tnrillktS:t. 2 Ba. Home .for duplex or TRADE AS'OOWN ON UN-~ pra~e on small pav· Bdrms, rum It unfun1 apts. gar. $~0 mo. 546-5038 • 900 ~a. Lane, O:IM 6:14·26U-no. S.O, County land part JTS OR '?? ?? PLEASE, ed lot, off »~et, fPnced. $110, per .mo. QUIET Tri--Ple:<. 2 Br, l}i!h11-,· I.MacArthur nr. ~st H1vyl trd, Sll,350 ~uity. 494-8463 CALL 54~083 ANYTU\iE. Old Newpt Blvd. $110 mo. c:rpts, dfpa .• blt-h;s. sep gar. i' 'BRAND NEW Trade S.F'. Valley 5 br. 3 ba 1963 Cad Conv., goo:! cond. i\1r. Thoml?son 646-2486; eve • Larae gard<'.n padoJ Adlll!. No P etg.,7;i2 Scott PL • ., . . . . home wlcveryibing + 5% 'hi Powe 1· brakes, steering, 96'l-30J9 / • ()prn beamed ct'ilin;s :>49-1806 . . 2 ~R;• •. BA, upstait~ • duP:lex. assumbl loan for 4-J br hni seats, \\•indows. FOR part • Fireplace! " Rec. Roo1ns DELUXE" 2 BR immac & iv1tb ~Wl deck pat10! Cptd., coast area. TI4: 527·9614, eq in 51haJI hot'ne or v.•hat Commercl1I 6085 9 1 pool~ :i;aunas, nursery · 1' ~-1 .~• 'ct d h •hr drp'.d., encl. glll'age, contpl. 2•, .. 4~n IO'll, <ves 3'8-1788 have· you? f.1eyer 54&.5880. 1-----~--_;..;..,. • quie · .....:n Jou n · 5 v. · blt·lnJ: Beaut ldscpd 707' "-" ...r C • I 'SI ~chool. Gar patio Adults · $140 0 Id • · · .~ Sc 12 units +. Close -lo Harbor ommerct• Hper . IMf.tED. OCCUPANCY :ws-6936 ' ' ro,h · $2j(), per mo. tYl'lyl 10~0 lnt,_ZOV.. Di.st:. l;!t • & N•wpo'1, CM. Val"' 197,. Commercial ren!als. Gross -m.. cured by land&.' resp signer 1~ 1 R .. 2,vu Pctc!'son \Vay 1160 LRG ~I . 2 B 1' . &7S.,050 0 12000 ··', 500. \\'ant home. Owner will ~ year y. et1r1nr own. "--•-,1 ~.,, ,..,70 ...., uxe r, ,~ ., & final Apr 71, inusl!· ']l ._1 1-· ·lh ....,....., ' esa ,,...,......, o~ G .,.-.,., .:...._ .~2 . ' -d all/ ,,,._ Ii"'~""• •hg• , --n er w1 ·~ p 1nance \Vl '"'""N"c". "H"a"1·ooiiicii&iiiAiidaiimiii•iiil A~dl·,· .c. ...... 10,"'. "24· o C..~ &,,~!hr. ... 'IWFR M.,a pies $34,000 total Tr P.rt Vi~rt. RJ~'.~_54s.'ress ·an ...... ytni"'. $6500 down. SS2,500·ful:tprtce. I" s. no pc s. "'· vac. land · house '! 675-10<17 PHONE 646-Tin FOR ·oE. ~ Pl. '348:6432 .-$155 Llie. clean 2 BR'" upper. Fine C:itt"lls ranch. 31.4 ac. * * * * TAILS. HARBOR GREENS 'M.wwtlNft ,l•c.t their ""' "r ttlt11hen• . en &too a.m •• 5:30 p.m. I t. t· • i ' . '.lur~•Y -Closed Sunday • , Phones Ate · 9 to , Dl~L DI CT ..• 642-5678 ' ' I ' WESTMINSTER & NOR ' COUNTY.'.·DlA~· fREE. 540.122:0 . . \ ' ' Huntington BHch: 540.1 ' L111~nJ 1 Jeoch: 494:9'\66' H~urs-Re94lalions-Deadlines 1•1oas: .W..rtlMt• ah!Krtd cMck t¥!r ••• dally •114 ,.,.,., lmm~Lotoly .,,,.,, ,.,. mltclaulflc•tlOM. THI DAtLT ,PILOT Ul\tm• ll•••Utty for err•n .nly te th• •Jrt•t ef 1Wr.ll1hln, ~· aHtr'tt"ment carrtctly ,-.t• tima. , ' . ' ... -' '· . .,_, ., \.. , . DIADLINI POI CO,Y AND KILLS: 1:M P.M. the ... , IN(oN ,.,._11c1tl.n. •xt• . fer W"kend lditleft and MeM•y Metlons w••n tloalns tlm• la 5:)1 P.M. l'rkl•Y· · _ 1 • ' YOU. MUST HAVI KIL'L NUMlltf' Whfn k~lnt ·an ot1 ·hc1use '*'11ulck ·,...,1tt,. Ille sure h Mak9 ·1..nc•nl tf.tfM: klll nv _. tlwen Yff •1 yew M t•kw .. w.rlflc1tt.n .t pvr· ~II. . . ,• CLASSIFIED INDEX MERRIMAC WOODS EASfSIDE. 2 bdrn1 up~r. New cpta, decor, drapes,~ 3'br hOme'& out bJdgs', $125-cl'tJNCHILLAS & •equi~ THE' REAL Esr'ATERS Just completed, 1 or 2 BR. 2 Cpts. Ganie. -Sinall pet !.rig, range. Adults. Gar $10. 1'-I. U'ant Orange Co. prop. ment. Trad!_ for funjitw:e 1700 Nev.•wrt Blvd., C.M. · HOUSES FO.R s• LE RENT. ALS ,"," .. "•NTc'••""""•· ·-' .. ~. BA turn or unfW11 with air OK. $145. Rltr. 5'\6-5460 Eve 7o.t ~ao:issus. · or 5llbmil, Equity $80AI. or '.''! '! '! Phone 548-5727. "' ... .. ... ~,clcom~-soundrproo~ 54&-2'759 ATJ'RACTIVE •tudio apl. 3 Sanclcutle R.E .. 494-8005 -~*--*'--~*--*-'--1 ~.RB~l~~:· 19lh ~:::A~Llt.t. , :: •1~~~ Furnished •• ~~:~c1~:!11111• = .. il. 'e~. '"'1"'·h ~.·_ .. NEW 2 BR, lg sundeck, shag BR, 2~~ BA, ctpts, drps, anytime. " 33' CHRIS Roamer 548-1768 or 646-7414, Agt. ' MISA DIL MAl u• t'OS,TA Mau 41M C.-!~t•,•,,LAYIN• & 1t•l"Allt..,. ce ~~· ~w rs, us ,,~· crpts, drps, bltm. $175; blt115, Avail Jo'eb lsl. San Diego Coltage 3 Br. ./ 'TU'SflN View lot, a,ll util. Mas& \1111:01 Ult :::..o~~·~ ::: D~IT:,',, = acaping wtth streams wa· Eves & \VkndS 54&-'7234 ~, 64~19'ZT * brdwd firs, frnlc, view. r;o Both fuec A: cleai. Tl-a.de Ind I • I R I ... .....,., COLL•G• ,.All:K 1111 HDll'OltT t1•1eHT1 •t11 DltAntN• 111\11(1 "" teri'alls, e\evatorl!, BBQs, ' -.. for TD's or r i 7>-3143, us .... ent• ~ NIWl"OtT ltlUH IHI NIWl'OltT SHf!AIS. t2tl •c.•CTlllCAC. ..... cl41>house. aaunai. jacimi & DELUXE ;)iB.fi_.LA4ul.ts o~; BEAUT. Jov.'er duple21:. New int, lo pYimts, hl retUn\!. HIWflOtT HllOHTI 1111 w11TCLll""'. ~ · mt cou1,.MINT 1tlNYALI .- N t El Ca:m1no Dr "'""" t .. _ Tfd. $8,(l(l:') eq., NB, CdM 499-4205. IALIOA cov•s 1111 UNl\llUIT'I' l"Altk •m ll'INC~G "" swim pools, p"iv gar. w/ ope ll. _ ·• a;,_, cat·pe S. ...-apes, stove, ---------NEW BUILDING . NIWl"OltT 1woa11 int U.Ck •AY 011 "LOCMJ ..._ _atorage. Everylhin£: new. C:~f. 546-04al rebig. Adult, nQ pets. $200 units or hOme. OWn. 673-6.31~ \\'ll.J.. trade 20 vendinz ma· aavctlll' 1m •&IT ltLUFI" 4241 ~U•NJoc• ll:ll!'Jl.t.J•t. ~ "" &'.tv'Uni:: •t S140. Adults NICE 2 Br l den Apt. p~ ba, nio.-util pd. :NS-5962 Have: Sterro taJ>t> recorder chines and busineM in Or. 1260 Logan Ave., C.O.Sta Mesa :!~w1110::1111 :~ ~:~::: DIL MA• : iru-:~T,u,~:.::r::1t1No .. n pl~ase. Just East of '.!600 frplc. Avail Feb 1. $17~ mo. 2 BR unfun1 house. So of w/ exu·a spc.>aken. Trade-11.11ge Cowity, for $4000. Each unit 1725 sq It,'2 or.r. wisTCLI'' int IAY 11LAH01 •m oA•OE NING .- Jlarbor Blvd, ne..xt to Nabers 642--1508 H\\"'. Fi...,lc, ""'lio. 118:; nio. for 1J Faliber v.·estern style equity in house, Call !Zll) ice~. 2 rest rooms, 110/221) K.l.fllOll: HIGHLANDS 1fu LIDO ISi.i tl91 GINIJIAL s111:v1c•1 ..., ' " ~ 68J.:;..;.l2. f ( · A j '" UNl\llllllTY ,Alll' ltlr SALi~ Ill.ANO tHS OJIAPING, OtSCINO IW Cadillac at 425 Merrirnac:NE\V dlx. 2 BR , :! BA. Shag Open Sat & Suu l ·5. 516 hand -gun & Windlester 94 ...., t' ec ric. mp e par,.;1ng. llt\llNE n• HUNT•N9TDN S'EACH 41• GU.SI ,.,, '" · -I F ·• l Cd'! 3"30 a1 ·•· ·11 ° •0 00~·1 ,...,~ b fl ~.. ·1 C. Robert Nattress Ro•llor SACK s,Y 1fo l'OUNTAIN V.1.LLIY 44\1 Gll:l!IN TMUMI •7M i•lY . .}4,,.6300 crpts,_d.rp.s.. lmmcd oc~upy, C'r1uca, "' "' c i.,.,r r1 e . ...........,.,. ....... tom· u I ~rt.an tra1 -Costa il1csa 642-1485 EASTBLU'" 11't SIAL ltl.t._CN .... ,. OUN SKOi' •11• $1 7f>.$180, .5-10-1973 COROLIDO APTS. 2 BR. \Vhat do you haVt' to trade? er. Palm Springs·Tfi.under-El T••• 12"4 LONG BUCK 4SM HIALTH (LUIS •nt ARE YOU READY? JUST ro1npleted 2 BR. crpts, Lo1ver levels, .studios. List It here -In Orange bird area. \Vill trade for lri· RENT 1\·l·l, 1125 sq. ft. $1211 ~~~1::A T:=~~" :!;! ~!!~i! ~~~~;Y :!: =~~~~~~IANtM• ::: d bltn Ad 11 I no ~'rplcs, pool. dbl 1•a1-ports, County'• l~est read Ind· plex or ~ Alte-rnoons and n10. 13.» Logan, (;\I. * lALIOA l'aNtHSUU UM Wt!STM!NSYE• ~II INTlll:IOI DICOll:ATIN• ''" WE ARE I rps, !J, u s on y, pa1io;;, 111:1 . .....,,._ 613-3378 tn• ,....._. -u1 make a deal. evenings. 612·380'1 67~jll6 ••ACON lt.t.Y uu MIOW.tY c1rY .. u tHCOMI T.t.X •14i • pets, $J:)5. 642-309'.! .f.-i t"""• * ===~~--~--1 LINDA 15LI UN SANT• ANA 4UI ltOfrt, Onl ... 411111. tic. '15' Nf'w · n1ove in no\\': \\'t hav~ 2 BR unfU'l'll. Dupie.'(. Crpt &. :! BR, 2 BA. den, crpts, drps. ,~ .. ~!!!!!!!!!!!~*~!!!!i!!!*!l!!!!i!!~!*""!!~~*~~!!i!!!!i!!!!!JI INDUSfRIAL Spaces, llc sq. ~:~ 1::c.NDS :~: ;~~j~ .I.NA KllGHTI ::;: ::~~~~ING :;: an adult con1mun1ty lhal Iii d ~tl&ll ed only blln11, view. S21J. (1) "2--0367, fl.; 1700 sq f1. Ne\V bldg. SALIOA ISLAND lWI tOAST.tL .,., INSUIANCt l 4ril .cl~ to _aU, J & :! Bdrm, all rpl s. n .. A~ .,~!'n.22 . 5J0..4a99 or &37-4177. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 1240 Logan St., C?<.I 646--0681 MUNTIN•ToN llACM Hlf u.ouHA · 1r•cN •1u 111v11T1eATINO, l>tfldl11t •nt Ulll. Pllld, pool, shag car· p ease . .,,,..,_.... .... .,.....,.. -~~-------~ HUNTINGTON N.tJtltOUI 1415 U GUNA NIOUIL 4JIJ JANITClll:IAL .,,. . pets. bll·ins, drapes, garage 2 BR, 2 BA. unfurn, also . t 2 Br Apl. Parl 'Furn. Ne\Vly General General Lota 6100 ::~~T:~:c:"LL•Y ~~: s':~sit:M~=~: :m f:.:':t: ... Y~,::'.1.1k. 1-. = w/storage area. Adults only. bachelor furn. Nr shop g Dec. AdlL~ Over J;;, 504 IUNS'lT SUCH . 1~1 DAllA l'OINT 47't LOCICIMITK. .,,. . Hur:y on these. rrom $.150. 1.:ent('r. 320 Center St, C.i\1. ~laria:old. Open t3-3 Pil-1" R_'_"_1'_1_•_W_•_n_•_td ___ 5990_ Bu1ine11 Rental 6060 I ~:::',':i:a~ov• :::: ~~:io'o',:,·"fJM ::-:;~::.Ya •,~~:A•• = NEIV 2 BR Bl' _ 50,400 SQ. Jo'T. t::. of Harbor. ,... T HACIENDA HARBQ·R 3 BR apt._blln rangr, crpl5, upper. ns, RESPONSlBLi': wo rk i ni ----------Improved \V/ 6 nice unlts, UKIWOOD ,,... HO liLS ...................... VJJ l'.l.INTIHO, ,._rhlftll•• ...,. drpg. 1552 A Col'iander St. crpts. drp~. gar. Sl9.'.> incl lady \v/2 childttn nttds 2 B / B income $1.050. Can build 27 g~~"':: ~:~:::: :: RENTALS :2~~J:"0' llltM = 2il. Avocado, Costa ?>.tea """ ''""'" util. 675--6737 ouT OP STAT• utt _a 1 Uni I h d ""OTOOll:A,.NY ..,. Betwttn Victoria & \\'il90n l.~-=-~o-=;,-,--~c,,,;., or 3 Bl' furn ho0£f' 'l'/yard. FOR RENT -STORE addl'l units. Lo\v·lO\V dn. ITAMTOlt 1,11 ""'P •· urn I e "LASTlllMO. l"itcll. • ..,.., _. ju8t wesl of Newporl Blvd, Mesi Vtrdt 5110 L'odo Isla 535! To $ZiCI mo. No pets. ,.., • N Bl N rt Owner v.•ill cal'ry. ·$82,000. WllTMINITllt t•it GINlllAL '"' li'LUMllNO ._ !'-""-'---'-----673-6913 aft 3. ,olJ ewport vd.. ev.'J)O Bkr. 646-:l7.JO MIDWAY tlT'I' 1"' COSTA MaSA 11• Pl!T OltOOMIN• .,. . Phone 642.2925 ' Beach: ;),)(I squ~ feet-. Rent --~~~~~~--SANTA ANA ,,,. MllA• V,IDI lllt .. ooL S•llVIC.I 491. 2 BR. C8.l'pels, drapes' LARGE 2 BR. 11l11dy, 1•r B_A1 \\'ANTED : l bdrn1 furn apl, DANA POINT ·· SANTA .t.~A MO"'ll. ''" NIW,Oll:T 11"-LM 1* POWla swaal'IN• M'll RAND NEW d ····-av''' .... _.. 1' ''4 -S200l 1nontb. ...... ,, .... _POll:T Nl!IGKTI 1211 ......... ,,. • ... owns ... ,.,, ... l'CV· ... .cpts, d~. adul18,' l'ICI. pe~. "1.'t'nn'&I Costa ,,.,lesa, $80 • -BAY l.:B'lliH fUITIN . '"' NIW!lO•T IMO••• Int 1tOoll'tNO 4"t ' AdulfSOfilY10J. :;46:-084.l.' ~ j.cAifi. l:>'R J...7jfl~;·--:-,-1' .j9(t--.Tnn;:--can, .after 6 pm. n.e•L~Y..-1·~,,. ·. ..•,Unil lot . Sl4,j()(t .NOll:TH TUSTIN IMS WISTtUJIP '"' •ADte. .4,.lfl, a1c, ... . ,.,T '': ""' .,. ·· '""°r '"' ·~~,.,_-":..:;· fi<\NAHll M IUI VHIVIJIJIT'I' PAltk '°' SUI ll:EMOl:lt'LlNO a 1t•l'.t.lll: ,,. N~.:...-.a'=--." ·;:'.5J,bQ 'H·u"'n'ti''n.gton -8•01•c'h· 5,00t •)M2-~;f:-+~ ·• ., .• 001 OovcT"fni~!S!b~ lie-NB Q.o&e~to...ne.w...., . ILYa'llAt>O-c-,1.H ttt' lAeK-•llY -IHt 111•,ADDaLlNe, kl'R'Hllll ... · Slso & $170 •ft'tr-1' ~ f" "' THE; JiUNTSMAN , 496-1268 )tAVASU LAkl 1611 a.t.S"'[ SLUPll' 114t Sm.rt Sf191YMI ... ,.. ' -· ,. R s-5 64~'1000 ,. ·.i:vn. ~8~966 LAGUNA MILLI "" COlte»tA CllL ti\l'lt SUI SIWtN• t• ' Rboms' or ent .,~ 34144 Cha.st H\\")', Qana Poirrt LAOllN.I. ~•ACN IJtS IALaOA . llH Sl!WIHG MAC"tNI 111: .. Alll:I #C UTILITIES P 'ID NE' WPORt' BEACH FOR rent: Used cai· froil.tage T L•GUN.t. NIGUEL ,,., 1.1.Y llL.ANOI t35t 5111'TIC T.tHKS, ._..,., 11 .. ..., ""' 2 80fu\f 2 BATH· \V/ office. best ~~']JOSUJT in ui;tin • VlE\V LOT. Fl'Cf' & MISSION VIEJO 1Jtl LIDO ISLI ISSI TAILO lllNG #7t ~ & 2 Bdrm, 'l sv.•im pools, lmmed occ. Slli. Best loca· DELUXE in C.711. Priv lO\Vn, approx 7j'x6;)', former clear. All util. Owner will SAN CLeMaNTC ''" KUNTINOTON ·••ACM ~ .. TliiltMITE CONTIOL ..,,, AduJts onli• no -.,., .,","' .. NG' · I bl'· t • Pt ,;, .. ,, horn<. professional or stu· fin•"-o• u·odc. 5•,•32". SAH JU.t.M tAl'1S"PIANO UH l'OUNTAIN \IALLIY ttlt Tll.e:. <••mk .m ' }""C""· • ,,......,.,., LUXURY· LIVI ' tion. " 0 " s. L-..o. · tenant of 20 yrs made A '--' • ~ "" CAl'llTll:AHO 11Att1 171' '"LIOA 1st:'..t.ND JJ51 TILIE. LIMl...,m a w,... ,,,. Days, 64:>0283 Eves. . 7721 Ellis Apt. 8. 8'12-4121 den! only. l\1ale. 3lj v.·k. fot1unc. 1628 Old Newport 499-4206 DANA POINT ,,,. llAL ••ACK f.lllf T••• •••vtt• ,,.. 30'1 Avocado St., C.;\t. CHEZ ORO APTS. 8234 54D-21j..I Blvd. C~t. See l\lan&ger, 5,j x 12j corner Palisadt?ll. ~=~~~~:. :~-= ~~:=G~·:~~NTY :: i;~~r~s.:~::, ·-"" .,.. = ~e M&:r on premilie8 NE\V. never lived in 2 & 3 Atlanta, H.B. Nu, I. ,2, 3 ROOM &. BATI~. ~p. from :'inug Harbor Trailer park. SOOOO. T&ms. PO Box 215, s.t.N 01••0 1m GAJIDIN 011:ova J111 'Wl!LDIN• ..., 1 -...::.M:::o.A""R~Tl-=N-"'l~"'::::U=E=--I bedroom. 2 Baths. 1280 sq. br's. Priv. gar. pool. uw hou.w. Compl. private. :J~S-9080 :Y:":"='=v:.i:le:y:, :c.=92284===' 1 :~"v~:~,~~ ~:u:~rD ~= :rJl:~~"';f: :::! W1Noow cL1AN1H• -• -. m1 • fl., '"" ca......,J1, li.nen drap. "'"~ °" .. " ,,.~,,2121 Co dcl •1•• , • c, "' '"''' NA • '""" rm. ~ or ,,_. rona "... • · SOUTH LAGUNA -top toe. COMDOMllllUM 1 A "21 JOIS & EMPLOYMr:NT tUXUR-Y APTS es. built-ins. Generous 1tor· 1 ~===-,c=-=-c-= 67;;..:l880 Acr.... 6200 GUl'L1x1:1 P011 s.t.L• "" s.1.NtA ANA MllGHTI sut . age, ·.~ited ppol, steps to 2 BDRl\1S. :i BA.·pv1, patio, Coast H\1ry. at 2nd .Sfttet. Al'All:TMfNTS JID• SALi "" 1'\ISTIM ' ... JO• WANTIO,""' ... lttl_ Exoelle"t p&rk·like slin-ound. Weatclilf Plaza lihopping. heated pool, 1~a.11_hc! le dcyer $1j \\IK &·up w/ kitchen $30. 1j() sq ft . $160fm.o. Rlty ~~iT:A':.HACM -:;:: Joa ytt.:l:o, w..,, .. ina~.pools. E>i:tra parking. Balanced 'PO\\·i.>r. F\lrnisheO hook up. 9b'2-8994 ""k studio aJll". 2376 Newport 642-5200 EVt'~. 6-6=2123 CAl\ft>ERS, trailers. 10 acres RENTALS u.GtJMA NIGUEL 11., !:;).woM~~ ,.. Nr; shopping. Adults only. model by Seal's. 2 BR. 2 Ba. Nr Sch. Pool, Blvd. 543-975.'i 00\VNTOWN Costa l\fesa near lge lake, no crowds $25 Hou1N Furnished ::2s~~;::;.o. m: ~:O:~~~~=~::NIJCT1~ = I • "1 & 3 BR APTS 64S-Oll2 Reck Rm. Blt·iM. 32J 14th COLLEGE or "'orking :;-irl. Prime Reh1.il Loe. 20:<95' nio. 897-8478 .... SAN JUAN CAPISTltA)IO sns TMSATlllCAL ,,. ~ FURN BACH. ,,.,,, .""11 """ """'l Live on Bal Isl. Kit. &: Rec. Call . J.18--3401 or 548-3270 :::~:tt TO SKAllC HU DANA l"OtHT 17• UJ1 sa:nta Ana Av('. C.i\t. S!. ,,,,.,.....,., · "'-•·•·-~"·"·' 0 "" REAL ESTATE MERCHANDISE FOR , Mgr, Apt 11.l 646-55-i2 MARINER HUGE 3 BR. :! BA .. Crpts, Rn1 Incl. ioo·l\lo. 67:>-361J ROO~T Suitable for gilt shop, Mount. & D•aert 621 ~~';to"'.~'':u.a ,," G al • SALE AND TRADE QUARE .Af'TS drp."i. bltns. Pool. Kids OK. Roont for renl. nien's shop 01· ladie! shop. MISA Vlll:DI '111 ener iru•NITURI -s . • r l G l l d II . o-k h' 6'1' "'0-LOV''LY I Id 2 BR 2 A COLLEOI l'AltK 2111 Tltll'Lt'X, tic. s*, '"''' •ulNITUll "'' $169. 968-7510 or '847-139 11.'ll\C'!llan·pre e1•1'('. Ca J1n1 ocr·s ll'e, .,......,.. ;) "' yro ' B HIWl'Oll:T ••ACH Hff CONDOMINIUM .... 1144 lrvl~ ....... N I. ,, .. '''"'" art 6 -home. ,.._,.....,,,., d. p.. • ..... , NOTS. mt ll:ENTALS w-i:NTIO J"·' Oll'J'ICt! l!OUll"MlNl' '"' ' . ., ' ~·~·J~.; OJ<"F"ICE or store, 700 sq. fl. '-<I•... • ~ "" ..... •o• •• , ,,,, ITOll IGUll'M•NT •n '· 1 A 5620 ==========: ''''''· ,,·,-·". Smog-h·"" N1w,.011:T tMOll:EI <A•E o·i-•u•••• "'' Owllff I. "'•Hf~ by ~n • n• · 24621 Del Prado. Dana --,.vuu L .. 1AYsuo11l!s '"' lllOOM a ao••D "" • •• ,:. ·ORLEANS APTS. ! & J BR,,., ... Adu!" 0-•y 1,,,.~'~ .. ,..'~"'~".,.~C~·~·~·~:,..~ I----------Room & Bo1rd 5996 p · 1 2 bl"· N H "-TEi\IECULA !nr Rancho oovE• Sl'Dltllil nu MOTl!LS, •TJl.t.•LE• cou11:T1 s•t1 1.1.11: .-ouil'MlliNT 111s .. "' "' 0111 ' "" ew aruur. '' ·-· ou••• NO"ll ••• KOUll!KOLr CSOODI .,. California! '".COO. ("\.,l'""f Wl!lTCLI .... ,.. • GI • LI ' - ' 'OR T''NANT' \\'>10 ~ v• "" ' '''' ttn "ISC. IE•••L• '"' l'ilA A ,..,.. LEASE -2 BR studio, "' 1 "S IN . Lovely Laguna, for 6070 (ll 6iG-3691 r11't:;',."111:SIT ttJI ;';.coMa l"JIOPlll:TY , ... 'UltNltUltl AUCTION lttf 1741 Tustin. Cogta i\ll'sa ~lgr. Mrs. Carson. 6~2-4641 \\'Al\'T Tl-IE BE T'. respectable lady on I y. Officti Rental · •.t.CK •A' "" 1u!rN11s PJ10,.e•TY '"' ",.",u,.'u'•'•" •,•,•,, Eastblulf. ne\v bldg.'! ca1· COCO PALMS--Completf' care. Pvt. bath I----------ARRO\VHt::AD ltLx 3 Br. l l....ST I LUll'' tt•1 Tll:~.ILllt P'AlllCS ••U 11w1Ne MACNll'll!I '"' r;:ar. l\tuch storage. Plu.~h TV Q . h LAGUNA BEACH Ba home 1400 ~,., tt goll 11 T•,. tt44 IUSINl!U ••NT•L ,.....,,. -•sw•• •••-UMINT •u 1-..,,,..,..,.,=~~=~I · D phone. . u1ct, ne\\' Ol'J\f' . ' o""' ·•. ll.VINI TIJll.ACI Hts 01',IC•· ll:t:NTAl • ... ,_... ,,. s VILLA MESA APTS crpt; bltns; frplc: llm patio. SANDALWOO 1valk to ocean. \Vrite P . O. Air Condition.d cise ·view. wn. sacr. co11:0NA OIL MAii:: mt tNDUST1t1.1.1-"lllOl'•ITY , ... =~".:1 •0•••• ;::: 2 BR unfum, pri paU~s. hid $300 per mo. &14-24-09. 1 STY GARDEN APTS . Box. 403. 1 --una Beach, ON FOREST AVENUE 64&.-l994 •ALIO.t. 1™ tOMMIA<IAL ..., T1L1v1S1011 .,., FOR Re l 0 L.sc Peninsula ~ ~ . UY ISLAtlDS ,,,. INOUSTRIAL llNTAL .... '11·1"1 & STSll:IO "'' pool, ::! car encl'I gar, ChiJ. n r . : 1 Luxurious park·like aUITOund· 926:;:.! Desk spaef) avail.able-Jn 5 AC. nr J.reinet; 5een1c .LIC>O llLI 2351 LOTS 11• TA,1 11::scoios11:s en. dren welcome, no pets Pt. 3 Br. 2 ·~-on,~ boat ini:J. Pri patios, pools, erpl.s, newest office bWJdjn .. at hideav.'Ry, 2700' el., wtr., •"uL••,o,,•.•,•0•,••,•.,,, !: 11:,,',','u'•"o•ovi• •,•,•,, tAMflAI a 1ou1PMINT '* -please• $160 719 w \Vil!Kln Blvd." at the ..... -.::an ...... p s. drp~, frplcs. All clec bit.rig. Mottlt. Trlr". Crta. 5997 prime location in ~own game. $5000; $::.:> dn 633-TilD l"OUNTAIN vaUiY tilt At1t•.1.•• .-HO••• tU,.PLllS ... ~125i. · • ' Drps &: Bltins,' $285 mo. Nr 17th &. Tustin shop'&· 1 ~ ..... ,, •·ach. .., __ .. j. 8-10 AM agt. ll:AL ••ACK tue LU:• ILllNOJtl 4211 ll'ORTltlt eooDs - Fairway Villa Apts Call 548-7889 Ad"!'•,-•,.. WEEKLY rAtes sea Lark OJC06" oc: """ "vuu ===='=====~ Lo"• l SACN' Ult 111011:T-PllOI'..,.., _.,. ,.,••i:c~~~~~t'u.... = "' iu 1 d ti~. carpeted, ~auWul 01tAtto• couliTY i• 01t1o1101 co. , .. ,. •• ,., · • liitlC wAM 2 BR, 2 BA . Ocean view. 1·2·3 BDRMS; 2101 Pon,deros& .flfotel. 2301 Newport ~ v .. entrances: Frontage on R. E. W1nted 6240 UHTA ANA t•lt OUT OP STA .. f>ll:OP. ... ~· , ... :~·~, . . = Av.il F•••· !''''· -ly ...... ~. "'·-·-'"' <M ~l ~c""'"""='='='="======-F A J •• ' ----------, w•STMIHITllt 1'11 MOUNTAfN. Olll•T . .,,. ·=·· ~· &. ,. "' 3' -~..... ..... ... ...,.,.,.,, orest ve .. rear t ... s 0 •IDWAY CIT'I' oA "" SUaD1vu10N~UNO •• ,. • J "".,,. N ' ~-J " 6"'1990 r •t f ""~ I •"-II \\'ANTED: 3. BP.., 1 1~ BA. ., m ear v1<111;c Co. Airport & Adu ts. no pe .. ~. ,,,,.... 0 991 "unc pal pal'l'ii.flg cits . ...,.... S.1.NTA ANA M•I n 1UO ••AC. ... ITA'QI MllVICI _,,.,: llliutt ,,.. MA.Tiil"''~'"" .,,. U". . Adults on,·" 2012'l C213l. Xl'l-4.220. l 8 cti 570S Guest Horilet 5 per month for space. Dt'sk Single or double detached CO.I.STAL t1• 1.1. SXCHANG• '"' IWAl'I --.,,. .., -•g~n· .. . garage. Under $23,000. Ll 8· LAGUNA al.I.CH ,,. .. .-. WANTID ,,.. Sapta Ana Ave . 540.2796 OCEAN front , Upper, 2 Br. PRfVATE room in licen.,ed and chairs avail~ble for $5. 6ffi3. Princi~~•··only, LACUNA NtoU•L !: BUSINES) and PETS •nd t.IVESTOCK 1 & Oen. $225 yearly inc. ull. A~s L<'ASE OR RL.NT Business hout!! answering ........, M1SS10K v1110 ,-, "' i:. r;:ueltt: home 'for elderly 1ervlce available for $IO. BUSINESS nd s.1.N cL•M•NT• ''" FINANCIAL l'&Js, e1.H1t1tAL ... SPACIOUS 1 Br. 1--;;-s;. Avail 211. 644-2ti27 Nl'\1' 1 01' 1 bedroom, private . ::entleman. N 0 ti I' l 5 hi n g • ,_,. JUAN .CAll'ISTll:ANO '"' IUSINlll WAlfT•O tlU CATI "" lu<lio c · 11 All utilities paid e."cept FINANCIAL cA,.1ST1t.t.No ll:ACH ''lf INVl~TMIN•~-.....ttli'~ .,,. DOG-I • ___ nu I . . rpts, drps, 110\'(', 3 BR. 2 bll. Fpl .. l'P1~ .. drps, sundock. 11·1111 lo \\" ~ me-itl~. TLC. c .r.1. lU'Ca telcphoiie. 1----------D.l.NA POINT n: IUSINllS ottirti1tTUNIT111·~-HO~ID _r. .... WI patio, carport. No pets. Cou· blln~. diSl\\Vshr. \\'alk to 1·;'t11)C!. oc!'an vir\1·; kitchen :J.IS-j2'.!j DAIL\" PJLOT B Op t It' 6300 :l.~~;~~~E•Ceo::; ... TZ, "" INVISTMl!NT ,'#ANT•D :..211 C.IVltTOCK .,1 IM plf' or fain . 11·/'1 children '"-acli. '61'.:..;io-,o A"'t. furn. Under-.. ~..1 purking, UI. por un 1•1 l9't MONl!'I' TO,liOllf I )nt ~f •Lt""RNIA ;,I' 'ING .,.. ,..,. ,.., ,.,.,,,..,... l22 FOREST A\rt;NUE CONDOM INIUM -wJJ "~ll:IOHAL lO•N S tap ~ !";'"' ~ • $150. 726 Joann. Ser ~un J-:i d Cl 1. b & closr 10 beach, 494-9633, i\:lr. Misc. Rent•l1 5999 LAGUNA BEACH Affil1Atl" OUP'Ll!Xll l'Ull:N. JIWILllY 1.o-.Ns ._. wi:s111:1ii "11 pm or bv 11ppl S.16-la&·I 1 8 rm apt rn;r 0 ay . · Bral·k. ...;.c,;.;________ CANDY SUPPLY coLLATlll:ACJLOAHS cts ~IMMIMt 'oou ! .... !~--'-· --------be11.ch Ncwlv c;,i~petcd. $1j() ENCLSD Gar. v1r-'l\isli11 494.9466 RENTALS ••AL ISTATa LOANS -. tSM ,.ATIOI ·-,,,. Jl\1MAC. 2 BR, 1-;h-1n~. 5·,;.'N'15 01· .19•.22j(} 118.'i • 2 BR. 2 Ba duplei. 1 M d Offi ROUTE MOll:T9.IOll. Ttlltf OM•• •~U .t.W"INOS "" ... ,~. ~ A\01' & 16th SI. U'l. a !l'y 0 ern ,~., u f ' h d \1-U.t!ONS "" ''P!.i:frlrpi~' patio, bcamrd 1==========-Crpt.~. drpll. stove. t't':fri;:. .,. /No Sf:'ll-inf involv('d\ HOUttS n urnil e MONIY WANTIO •llt <;1hnj;. A_duU~Jno pe I~. Newport Shor•• 5220 Good loc. & View. 673--4017 ~~ SW. nio. 6~• $i;> single. $1~ 2 i·m sui1e. Excellen1 incoine (or few ctENl!JIAL ... ,... ANNOUNCEMENTS TRANSPORTATION 1'ron1 $13:i/n10, Call ll-l r. REAL ESTATE Air C'Ond. &ct'y service, hOurs weekly \YOrk. tDays COSTA MIS .I. JlM IOATS a Y.t.:MTI "" "'"'I ~•n f .t----------MISA Dl!L M.t.JI 11u ind NOTICES S.l.!LlOAn -. , tflt •"'1.· son ......,...11~1 I rritagc G I I p 6000 parking, centrally located. and Evenings). Rcrilllng and MIS.I. v111to1t Slit FOUND 1,,.. AIO .... , ~-l"DWll;c'll:U1S9"' mt .Real Estatf' topt_n evrs• 2 BR, 2 Ba. Dulpcx. lower. ener1 ncome roperty So. c.alil 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg_ colleetin .. mo"'!" ""-m -,·0 coLL•o• ,.A•K 1111 LOST , !'.!. .. , "'••1Kt •04TI ,.. $18J mo. Adults, no pets. " ·~·J UV .. v NIWl"OllT ll,t.(14" ,,.. ,.ll:IOltlLI ' "''-JOAT AILl1tt ... 2 Bf:droom. E-side, nl'\1' shag: Eves, 494-9502 Rentals W:ented 5990 DUPLEX v.·ilh separatf!' reD-C. Robtrl Nattress Realtor operated dilf)en6en; in Qr. NllWP'OltT HGTI. nit .l.llJllOUllCIMINTI , .a\ot' aoAT NftNANCI ,.. carper, stow -rc[rigera.lor, I =========~ tal in rear on large lot, Co8t11. Mesa ti42·1485 e.ngc-O>. and lilUt,wnding MIWl"Oll' 1MNe1 ,.. l llTM , 14411 Sf,' tN•M• ..,. l."dlords &: lroketslt w tAvswo••• ms n111uu .. :; · '.4n 1 II'. • I 1140 mo, no pel5, 1 ~d ok. Eest &luff 5242 , .located near besch, good in· AlRPORT CENTER 11rea, e establish rou~e. oov1:11 IMOIJIEI. nu ,... ... ostt'UAltY ..,, • f .ILi • MOOll.IN• ,.. Rtf. Call -Rod. Bkri-~·---· ------Help 1tamP out broke11•uP eoilie. Price Sll,500. Call Ne\v 1, 1 « 3 room deluxe (Handles riame bliUxJ 'ca.nd)'. WllTCLI'" »• •UMl!IAI. 011ecTOll:t M• SOA.t StlYICIS j ~ hou8es. ~ls' & Wl"cird ten-'OV.""''. for Appnt. t"Xce, sui1 ... Adj. new ....... ,, &: •nd snacks). S15Ta.OQ cash VN1V•1t11TT l"All:IC tt# •LO!lllf'l:S "'' •OAT asNTAU ,._ Pres. tiae Location ~ . !It.A ...... '""' llJIYINI -u•o °" '"'"""' ''" •OAT CKAIJITllt .... NEW 2 BR, l BA. Jhaa' crpt. 16 anti. \~c l<!:IJ¢~~ ten-~8-1?6=~ or 984-SZ93. R!ttl.urant Ml.t'Arthur Ulvd, 'requi.ttd. For per90naJ inter· IACK •AY SM IN MllMCMlt.... ..J •llM"'9 ao,~,!S ... ' •• '"·.. \ ...,; .. , ( ;• ·, •? · ;1; .. :i:.., " ......__ 4•-' A.o-.' ..Uh~~ vie'IV \n Ora-~ ... I.I.IT lLU'' J)Q C.Mn•ll:Y LOTI '4\1 IOAT Mt'l'I-,.. ()rps, ditd1whsr1 patio, beam F 1 o" 1888 _ 11 *S.PliE-DE' E NBWS* lt)l.2 • J'klm1s·., 6 yn neW. .e-rom ~-uuc . ._,ow. .... -\..U, a · 11 ,.,,.. ttM ttMrr••• ct'l'P'TI Mtt aoAT tT'OttAGe , .. ll 'mill~ trplc pr Adults no or Miff'. u.ia."U ~. • ""' ·s1Sli .. -Sl4,000 dn. 6.69' Jst. B L Jon 1 CdM '9tnd nam", addret.1 and 1t1v1N• T••••c• ,,. 1 Tqittll •at 1tOATt WA'"11o ... ..... $165." 2t,o EJde:n. 4 SR. :11. ba. AP,I. F'rplc., Abeol~e\,y464·~· Good .leverage &. ta x ,/'C.,.,,,••.• ,ocooo•' ," d ' phone number t'o ~tULTl· COltOONA DllL MA• = ~~ ... ':IAL , •• Kl ~ -'411 ",!•,•, .... ·~;ll•-· • :',"• ' di .• ~. • -1· '.,, ... u•2 .N<J sq, t el.uxe STATE DIST 'INC l'"I ,.. tALa A ... AUCTIONS -.. • ...... ••• -' lil7..oo62A.ftcr 7 pn1 A: Sun. .... ' l' 1 ........ I .. -~ ' shelter . .lnf, 549--0218 . .·. • a " l10 '~. lAY ISL.I.NOS tt•• AYIATtoN •••VICI ..,. •o•o'"··-·· !----'--'--'---! p1iv. balconies: dbl. garage ·C:'3i0:=~====== office*?'~. A~ail irnmed. BrOadway~ Anaheim,· ()Ii-L100 1sL& T•AYl'L '421 . QUIET. adult c:oupl• only. 2 off kitch Oi1h\1• .. 11oher, dbl. ... Phont o~. 6C-9950. fornia 92802 tTI4l 17i5ose'. • .. LIOA ISL•NO up Allt TIANSl"Oll:T .. TMUt .... tlC~tLU ' BFt. drps, crpt1. di~huilr, Buainett Property 6050 tilARfN.._,S ,...,. ...... ER · NIWl'illJIT wnt tu• AUTo T1t,t.N,,.OttTAT1ow ..,.. ILSCT111c. tA11 oven. lo'OOI. Convcnk'nt ro i:.n. .... ~~I Anociate ~H"ITINOTON •••t" ,.._ Lt•AI. HOTIClt .... M!.'!1,•,,1ic~•,\,, hid pool. No pets. SW. 229:> 11hop'1;., '<'hools I.: l't!Cl~a· I 3 Bt-droon1, 2 SlOI")' rtsldence: Of(ict in Store Bid. Reni or ' ~~~~~~~!o~ .. ·~:~1• M1t' OllMAM • TUTOllN• .... MQ;o1tsCoOT1JJt ~~ A'-e. 548-6871 or l.iol). &. Bwineli5. Ideal location ~·. s:~~!~4Rivenide A\'c., l>.tAl\'Ut"ACTURER ~~~Lo1•:Aoc:ov1 = SERVICE 01RE!CTORY' ,,:~:·=nc:•t.&t.~t1 ~I I &. 2 Br prden 4pt. :. patio. hid ,ool, 'ONLY SSSO MONTH on .m•ln blvd. Ea.stside. $17,500 Investment into the LONO lllACM u.. ACCOUNTING .,.. tl~ILllt, TIV-VIL ass AMIGOS WAY C,!\(, N.B. area. Jde11.I for l ROQl\1 DownlO\\'n. He.rbot 00, 1 BUSine~ Of the day.~ o••HGI COUNTY ::! "'"'•••ING SllYKI .... flJIAILU:S. Ullfttl N 8 h "! Bl d Id f I R .,._ $ANTA ... A """Ll•H('l ll:IJl.l.lll:t. Jltttl ·~1~ TIU<l(S twport tlC llcci c lns. ('lC. ph. 67~11to.1 \' . ca or eal 1:..11tat~. yr. history of SUctellS, rlO\t ••TMINITlll A"'IAlllNI "'• Jlll'J't ad:Wls. no peta. $160 mo. Mgr. Apl. ' "' pm OJ' P. o. Boo.: 716 etc, $8.l to.to. 6tl-!Qf~ e:<panding operalions to So. MIDWAY CITY "" ASl'HALT OM• -.It• CAM,lll:S "'6-5163 VIEW APT. GOING 1'0 ·"t.'UROPE? Calif, Compl'1e •• ,, ...... in-SANT& &NA N•l9NTI ,.,.. All:CKITllCTUIAL 111tv1ca ms tAMflll tlNTAl.s FULLERTON. 390 n~ Brt• $200. 710 sq. ft . htodem Prof ... Y•J CO.t4T.l.l '* .t.VIO ••JIAllt• ..,. DUN• 1ueo111 STCLfT area. 2 Br. 2 Ba. ' -·1"R ... a.. ,,.ft•t.t ·-·d. Elcecutl\•f' m O\•i nit IO Blvd . Cor .. Nr. lofi\1$ devl. bldg. j blk fl'Otn hospilal on llltilled " ccMly to ao. \VIII U.OUNA ••ACM ,,.. AUTO .... , a.II• TtM. •tc. .... IMl'OalltO 'VTOI MW: ;.-U (m ~ 10~._~,_.,.c .... ~-... Nev.1>0rt &'.>Ach, Nt.<'d.5 ( 1 lr~·n Principal of f\tgml. LAGUNA .. IOUll ""•••YS/TTIN• ..... PIO•• (All:S . • • Ad ,,. -ao""' ....... • ......... 2-CO¥'d •. l"lfllltl",, Xlnt Joe:. TOO 2 Nly. 2 AC. Excl. loc. Carty Be•ch Blvd, HB. 675--2:25 MISSION Yll>O me IOAT'MAINTINM4CW tlU AMTtev•s. Cl.AMICI 1. Ill' .J4• • --n· -~ ••• -"'•· • ··u-h· Bdrm. l"l'ntal. lo$ n\O,: -m'"· 1% n •: !'",Z..1289 OFFICE --wl -. ·-•. • tie!'. Contact lmmt<I. IAN CL•ME"ITI )/li!i t1ttck1 MASOMll:Y,.... .,.. •ACI UIS. •ODS ' ...... l'J'• ...._,p i;;u '" ftdullll. 1 r.bild k Jivt·in ... ....... .. .., ·-··r ...... Onct in. lifetime OJ)pe'n'. to CAl'llTltAMO IVl lNISf llllVK•I .... , AUTO ....... ,1 D XE 3 •• 2 Jk .• frple, ta. 816 ..,,\lrlfcoii; \\ray # D. 1610 \\1• Coa&l I-fwy,, N.8. I CAl'llTll:'HO l lAtM IUILOllJ ..,.. AUTOI WAMTIO ~v pallo dbl ...... Harbor "~ . I rl l 1'.lald. 8us1'nH• R•nl•I 6,060_ ~.,,, ... u-•·-, &•"Ao..., makt. lhlt h gh income mo~! o.1.11• POINT *'" cAT1111Ne "n ••W u1t1 t''-' ' ....... ....N. pe!f"ftlO. .v )'. Ml°W.-t:all &&t'ril 675--1662 · ru "" , • ..,,. 'R"'fOO< people d"'•nl 01. S~rtlna COMOOMl!tll.INI *'"" CAlllllTMAkiH• Ult MITO 1.lAlllffl Jftiet'ltl. Jm. 5*-1034" ~ e LANDLORDS HOUSE 7.ontd ror a1me er 3345 NEWPORt BLVD. u\Ary $12.cro 4'-a:uMtan1ial ov, .. u11 1H1fu•111. •" ua,PT••111• .,,. !MD "" 'ikdi-oom. dJ;pn, bll-ina. 671-IOS& 0 TREE RDn'.AL'SEl\VlCE ollitt. ~.! 900;sq. fl. 15 cu 1000 JQ. ft. appositt Newport pf'Otita, Call Ken Clifford ~~-ur.rf\~. + "'°"·tt.-..·•--""~---'B::'°"'=-.'-"14-=m='---JMrk'J.-64~1 CityJlaU, iT>.1601 rn•l T?~?ta> -=-----=--·-.,---'-.... .... .... "" ... .... -••• -... -'"' ... .... ... .... .... ... .. ~ .... -· .. "" ... = ---~~,~-~~~--------------------------~------~--·---~--·-------------- ' ' 1umr1~r• Fl~NCIAL ---auf!Hl!ss;e'..r. - FINANCIAL •" < l~~~:f!.!~~IJ:!!•~""~~~~!!I ·: DON'T PINCH . .Kttl!la\1 .,. " ~' BE·Yetr~!!t .. • FOR SaJe .. Nf.i&bbotbood Wh You COIN !aundrl6-f'tialdaln Marl<•I w/j Br ...... 11. en • Rllllbl< "'""' W1n1..t To From 16.SOO lo Ill.SOD. tached, Complele , nf ,., cl.one l~U,. Own A ()per· Anahcun, Coeta P.f e 1 a , wis:roCeries. mtat, 'Pf'O-,,... 1, ~ • _ _, alt i Buena Paric"Fullerton, duce. betr,.A 'Nlnt. Yol\mle • .·\~ •ghf •t ·.U.S.1POSTAGE G~rde~ Grove.. ippro1C S6IJXI per mo . ,'•i'-r,,~ I • • • STAMP MACHINl!S Bus. Opportunlt111 '31111 BuO: 0pportu•ll1t0' -CABtNET M•keT• ·a Carpen1en In bolt ltlop1-t?C• pe_rienced. >ulo Cout, 4 Pl tit .... M. ~ Cle Por-1• tlotk r Loc•I Mlt.i bU frlme4 ....,. lf'C "1r P~ Oeric who enjoys v.Wt<Jns: 'w/peoplf-. Shld haw Xlnt clt":rical tkillt. Salal')' commerlsur1te w/ l!"Xper, Xln~90WIU&l I btn-~fils. APP4i'Peraonnel OUlce ot • -YOURSELF -, •• (You're Not Dreamingf I • • , r /'" : . ' '. .. • J ! . . -1 . . . • . . .. ·~. , .. ' W fa tnunster,, Huntington w/aood potential tor in-"' • From Your Jlo.ne On Fufl Stach, Santa Ana., Tustin. cru.w In YO~ Low '·~JI one of ll OrSPilrt'rirMBuU,Strvlc-. La P.tiractft,. Whittier. ovtrheld. S.nt& ~ Aft:a. Ing Your Own Trading Call °"'1~ 525-'im Ph. !JG.-Ol'l8 • fhe experts '"" No ExJ"" N"<. IHgb On S 1 I d L -/ I Profit Start.I lrnmed. Lit• * Liquor1.fl:'1. On Solo LIQUOR llc't. Io isfe ge OWf. time '"'°""' "°"'" R<q. lNTER.alUN't'Y lnter ·County Transfers • ,. • ~}lnyf'!Jl..Ofo tit9.i; ~14~: TRANSf"ERS L ie's A1 Low As $6600 S.1·lfi0 .t UP • Secured, By DEADLINE' Fri Jon 23. '101 IVEUND.wEO!:!L08E SERVICE DIRJicTQllY; SlllYICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY IO"'otooy:-Foi· Prompt ·'!>e,. Call O>Uoct for be11 Price ~ ROl)&) Intel'VW, \Vrite A.bout ·Mr WrNSTON·l2'13) 272-4249 \Vinston ~Ject. (213l t72-@~ Accounting 6500 'Elict;lal 6640 P1perh1rtgtng •'-~"" Youl'Rll, incl phone no. in PLASnCS-Ml Bus. N · ·· -p ·;;.•l;;.n;;.tl;;."9.._ _____ :.;c;~ I lttltY to: Capitoj. Po.stag.? inl -~1.w !..to ~ w lnve1tmen.t Oppor. 6310 ekKPc in n\Y home for EL£<!11UCAL . Service le. -' Maith~,,, ~.N,o. Granw· H>'' ·":l"."--.. ..-~s_. • small bulinu.lies. ~cell rtt, repair. 24 N-.. T ~ No REA&""-ntts-on l~t. Ir Ext. c:y'1\, 1-t<il~. Cal. 90028 Xln~ J r'teopal. 18M F/P. INDTVIDUAL ttadit to con-&eels pay., payroU, Uinl Job too amall. R,e..model A Chw4r1a Pn!i: Lie & Ins Or · Easily mm.iad. ~2500 struct Mobile ' Home park. trial balance, qrUy r$:itti. 'iR!dlUonB, Jf It's electricd, yrf""ot ex~. Loe reta: ' A~~Uect {2U) f64.4.l3S •BEAUTY .SALON. Unique tntere.sted Jn aiellin& u~ to Call ews. aft i or ·wknd5. •· ftx it! 646-4172 ·-~-~~-~~~ .. ::..,.~;,,;·,_,.I -~AimiCAiliiiiill-4 ~taUo~. view, iood !i>%. Principals .on y. 536-.9t80 . . · . / PAINTJ NG-lNT/Ext. Atrro CARRIER. buslne-.1rReuanable<terms. 675-324J oi: '99-4206 COMPLETE -Set of books Fk»o,r"I 6665 Jack can do that ... in.tins For eYening or morning ~--1 ·., .. -.... ~"' .......... ... ..... deliwf'Y of The R.e""•ter in uv ... ..., • ---6., ... ~-thru rfn&nelal statemCnts "',.__'·~• de"." &. ~ .. ..., ttu! ""' CARPET VINYL TILE . ,,.........._.. ~ ''""'3 the · Da.na Po1nt-Ll.guna roL SALE! . l ~.})e:.~ .. ~'.P Mwi_2! Money ht Loen 6320 preparation, Qtr ttll:..~ f'ree l'lslimate Uc. Conll'. Ell. ~ M'f-13.i8 Beach II'@&, Must be over 18 5 ('"!es 011 .,...,........, au Fed.,' sta1e tu repor-ui. 541).1'262 546-4478 EX-PAINTER, now schl ye&l"I old and willing to Tr1n1port Dyn1mlc1 Div. of Lear Seil•r, Inc. 3lll Seaerttrom, S.A. Jugt oil Harbor ~ Wamtr CASRIER WANTED Apply Eves Allor 6 Pori ThNltr, CdM •CASHIER * Car: ,Waah. Part' time potitkln,-ctu.: 645-2022 'lnc. • ot::·Mr. Mark . 1st TD loan 615-2too teacherwiltpaint~s• dellvtr7dayaaweek.Cood 546--890! 1 T1lJ. &: Assoc., Public Ac-G1nltnlng 6680 Wknds. xtnt ~&Nhip. profit for a few hours work Lowegt lnret'eet Available · count,ants. A~its. boo'k· Frtt f!lt. ~19, ~-per week. !\lu.!'!t have 2 d T·o l kceplnji:, taxea. < l 14) AL'S Gu'Oen1ne • Lawn c. R. Kelly pa 1n 1, a 0 reliable car, prefereably n oa n 846-t505 • • • Maintenance. Commercial, CorWte '. Mira 4., ..., compact. Idell.I for collegl'l tridustrial I retldtntial. terion. \V01it guaranteed. ·student "'" suppif!mentaJ in- PINCH .·YOUR COMPANION HSKPJt., Jive in l cook tar elderly lady . UXI. mo. 67~131? COSME.TJCIAN, experienced for dnig:slore. · 5.16-3080 COASTAL AGENCY Profes1ion1I Employm.nt Astlst•nc• ' . . ·:• • • ' with ·G PILOT . . • • .,,~,. "•h1~·~. ... ''lf.J) ~.. ~ .. ....... ':" i ••1 11:!·~·l' "'· lAI :.~A 4 Uo• "•Ult ~·i' •••• ."'! .. ,,.c.... ~·­ '"' • • PENNY PINCHER •• . 1· ' 1; 1: F "" Ii. 1• " " L • ' • ,, ' " • " • " • .. • • Classified 1'd . ,. ·2, .. JIMES . .. . . . . ' ' '. . ... ... ... . . ' . . ' .. ·~ .. , DIA'L DIRECT '· ' . .. .. . . ''" ' . . • • • '642-5678 . YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD ' . • c L A 5 5 I ~· I 1 · D 6 4~ 2 • 5 6 . 1 .. a· Thfms baaed on f!<!Uity. 81byaitting 6550 .* 646--3629 * Free esl.11. 538.Ql~ come. Jr interested, call 642·2.171 545-0611 1--'--=------IGEN"l. yd. Cll'lan-up, trMl='~:..::==~::..,.---1 n;..123-t or 494-1387 for in-Setvfni: Harbor area 21 y(I, ClfllD care, my homl'l, San-l' FOR Bl'ltler Pain Ii ng, tervlev,., S.111., Mort.;1• _ Co. la Ana St. c.t..f, Anv a&c. serv. rom.Ull. SP r ..: 1 r Interior le. l'lX1erior, acoustic -~==-~-~- • .... "'# repairs. 1-laul·Reaaon. 11· "'""n 1 .. ~ AUTO • SAW 3J6 Ei·l7th.Street have playmate $25 wk. ~ ce 17111 . ......,...., , Nuicu. Re11p. lovtng home, please 64 8 F'IRST Claas Painting &. ANNOUNCEMENTS call 642-1271 JIM'S Gardenin~ &:c lawn Paper. Hari&inc. r·ree maintenance. Res. &: com-,,_ "'~~ .. ~ and Noi1ces DEPENDABLE c.~p·d child merciaJ * S4()..4837 Esumates. .-.....59. ---"-------1 can in... 'Bl¥ klvely tuu. PAlNTING-EXt-lnt. 18 yrii. F nd (F Ad I •.1-EXPfSri' Japanese Gardl'lner ou ,... • -Cheery play nn-flurary, Lie exper. Ins. Llc, Frtt est. · fncd yd. 646-5537 • Right P~. nice job &:: clean AccouAt. Ceili~ 548-M25 Prote-sslonal trainini propani Far reeo1-ded hlformation ""°"" 83S-l3i5 A member of Snelling &. Snellinr Inc. 2790 Harbor Bl, CM 540-805S lfarbor Blvd. at Adams COCKTAIL \Va itress • Ex· per. Apply ?.1esa l.af'l6, 1703 SUpl'lrior Aw., C.M:-.,. -* COOK 8w1j"~nKitte,%:~~ow ~:. TENDER Lovin&, care In up. Free estimate. 54&.33M + PAINTING ~ InUExt. Hamilton CM. 646 ·1909 lovely hm, lg fneed yd, lod· CLEAN-UP SPECIAUSf Local references. Imined w"""·-after f pm all ..in.. dlen or pre-schl. 54!>-8614 Mowini, edginr. odd job&, ll'lrvioe. 646-5242, ~1 AUTO SALES Profe$SionaJ training pro- a:ram ( For recorded information Full timt position . ' ~" ~ Reasonable. ~ · weekl'lnd, EXPERIENCED. My home, DUNN BY DUNN '"°"' 83.>1315 APPLY IN PER.i;QN ' "Oi.UBBY" Bm / hlk / wht Inlants ~ 5 YJ""!I; By v.·00!:. Generil S.rvlc. . 6612 Painting A Paperhangtnc 'Shep. type med 1~ do&, NpJ Hifi. &U-7453 Frtt Ht. Reas. 642-2364 BABYSITTER -lofonll'l Vi!ta COCO'S ..-. ,....,_ ~-RAIN Guttmi Tnstalled Sehl Area.·Some Mornings frienUry. Ru tags. Vlc. CHILD .....,..,; rnY ,..,""'" YOU SUpply Tht. Paint. J Bl". Ir aftf!l'llCIOfl!J. Alternating. l '# 78 Fashion Island Bushard « Garfil'lld . Paularino achl district. Day Rainy aeaJOn aJmost here! Liv.Ri't & Kitchen ~ted, Children In' School, Call _ _:;N.:':::"""'c::.':..Br::;:•:;"';;,•_C::•::u::'·-962-17S9 or nitf'. 54i,)-32'72 free est. Reun! 968-2'l<ll i50. Call. 557-8638. .,..,, """'I I=========-I .,...,,.~.,,, * COOK * Expl'lrienced. BEAUTIFUL Cat -Tortoise WILL Baby&it lor yoor child 6730 PAINTING, Papering 17 yrs. I~====----Apply: SURF & SIRLOIN ' 30 • il • 30 H•ulln11 BABYSITTER wantl'ld -my Grey, \\'hite & black, fluf!y my home, : t .,: • • in Harbor area, Lie. &: ho~ tor 2 yng boys • 1 in 5930 Pac. Cit. llwy., N.B. t11il. one leg all white. Male. Ages 3-4. 962-2140 t.10VJNG And hauling, e_x. bonded. Rtf.li. furn. 642-23:.6. 11<"'.hl. Nttd reas rates. COOK ~ HOUSEKEEPER, Call 646-3.U'J. CHILD care in my \V, 18th ces.' furniture a.nd •i>-* PAPERHANGING 6~ all 6. Lido l!le. live out, local BEA&rif'lJL Cat -Tortoise: St. home. 3 openings. pliantts or min. $. 536-11191 &: PAINTING * 968-205 BABYsmER. 2 to U PM, ~ts. 673-1!!0..l Grey. white 1c. black. nurty 642-2031 eve. my home, East aide Costa DENTAL ASSISTANT. tail, one leg all \\'hite. ?t1ale. y ARD I G c1 r. c 1 eanup. Pl•stering, Rep1lr 6880 ?i.lesa. 645--0563 _c~'"=M&-3'5.l=,_··~· ~-~--1 Br1ck, M.lsonrv, etc. R•m---, ,_ ·-•h Chair sidf', Exper, pl'l'lf. X· . • ' ' ., .. " """ • · ~ · ... .. · TCH PLASfERING BAR!\IAID 6:»-l: JO night t.tAN"S Bifocal glasses brown1 ________ 6_S_60 Grade, backhol'l, 962-!745 •AllP~!. Free estimates JJhirt, Tues. thru Sat. S2.2S ~~~-~~~s~·~~!:,~ ~~i\c, \V, \Vilsor. St. BUILD, Remodel, repalt HAULING, Clt"anup, lots etc. Call S4Da25 to start. Apply· in person 11 ,,_ refe~n~ 10 P.0, Box Briak, bled:, con c r t'lle, Handyman anytime you call. I====:===== to 2. Little John'1•lnn 20072 ll:i, So. Laguna. FOUND; Men's prescription ,.,. ...... n-., no job too smaU. * * * 6fl·33!18 * * * •rumbl-6190 N. Santa Ana, Santa Ana I ~.-.. 3 r ··• ill DENTAL Auistant-Onl g asses in gold frames. C.al . Llc. Contr. 96)...6!M5 •Hauling. Have *-' ton Ht.s.. comer Red H" & ~!I pickup, lice!l!l'ld It iMUl'l'ld. PLUMBING REPAffi Palisades. Sul'if!ry office, X-Ray ft· FOUND young mall'! orangt'l C•binetm•king 6510 4~1003 No job too amall* c.;B"'EA;:7.UTt:;"ct'°'A"N'",-1'"or~..,.c--y, per!~. 548-7_71!1 cat -vie. El Rancho Mkt. ..::C~l;='--.Uco---d.-.H"":o-I ===·="=2-l12ll===·=== I popular pricl'ld C.M. salon, DESK CLERK. 1'lu1t be Nwpt Peninsula. 673-2966 RESJDEN~ & Comm. e•n p in IU Pd, vac. No cliente.ll'l req'd, exp·d. NCR 4200. PBX, all CU!tom Cabinet A Furn. SlO a le1d. &46-2528 Remodel, R1p•lr, '"° N d 1 Call front desk procedurn. Ben BLACK Lab, malt!, Nr Furn Re-Finishing. 645--0001 ew 11'8 we come. Browns, 31106 So, C.OSst Cypre5."il &: !\fe~ Dr., S.A. · · HouNcle•nlng 6735 Add-A-Room 1 :;48-99l9 Hwy, So. Laguna Hts. Ca I 645-1708 C•rpenterlng 6590 . R•mod•ling BEAtrr CIANS -Booth Ren-DISHWASHER _ D&ys l-t SWtESI:: Cal vie Pietce -* APT a.EANING * Custom O•tign S•rvic• tal Nwpt Bch. C&ll after 5 Chet ' .• ,Ave., c.~f. !"i46-86!9" .. , CARPENTRY· : r~s! &: thorouth. 642-flGC F Est' t 494.0751 PJ\f. Mi--28:l1. U1:J.Q~J'tAfz·s ~{:i ·~ -~ MINOR tllDAfB.51, Jf~.Job Wllliam11 Cleamng serv. ree ima •· Bllllng-Clel1r . I llt..t. Balboa Bl-Ar,'"- .-rl' 'Lott '•· 1 ' !fe1 Too Sma:&1Cabb'et1Jn¥r-J ACK'S HOUSEK'EEPii@O:';.. IF YO\I ~ remodellbr, ~..n··.'btill~_ clef; marry 89.lboe ~;;.'.:~ ~ •......., -'" • ·' 1 .·'.'..''" ,~{.£: ages_ 'A.r..ot b •TL Ubtnf(j,, '.i. Ptmvlete i~anjt)c 1paDl\l'l'5i~,:-.~i:p1.lr!;,I"'~ .,.pi~fital ~rtrooi~ 2 ____ ...:;:::c;:,.=~~-1 ,!,:.~"' ........ '"':;••4 J\1()1 ~ IJl':f!Tll,.n ~t&;,·~Unui.nswer leaft ~~ ..... ~ ._ ~~l elf °'"""" · "''Qi P•i~UGn-Call "*l l>RIVERS-7* ShP..ph·erd Ii. .. C'o?'det! mq at &&&.2312. fl . o. BAY & Beach Janitorial 6950 64~JJQ1'11r;1ppointment No Exnarienc9 Retr~ver. tan, wlull'l tip on Anderson Ca " 1 .. •ow tlooni etc Roofing BOAT CARPENTERS r--tail KNE£..Hi "Snoopy" . rpe ' 'v...., s, • ' N I 847~ ' 'GEN. repau', add., cab. RH & Commc:"J. 646-1401 AU. type11 rock, v.'OOd &: Experieoced •• APPb' 1914 eCtlSClry F'ormka. paneling, n1arli1e. e \\'INDO\VS DlRTY? •sphalt shingln. LEAKS Placentia. G.M. Mu1t have clean Callfornla LOSI': Charcoal Toy poodle Anything! Dick, 673-44.:;9 l''ree est. 15 yl'lani exper. REPAffiED. Work par. * BOOKKEEPER *" drivlnr record, Apply wearing _black rhinestone REPAIR, Partitions, Small Johnny Du,nn 642-2364 847-ll.36 For Hunting!on Valley' eon. YELLOW CAB CO. collsr .. vie CongmlS & remodel, ett". Nitl'l or .day CARPETS, \Vindow 5, firs, valeacent flO!lpital In Hunt. 185 E. 16th St. ~=a, CM. Reward. Reas! call KEN 540-4679 etc. Rei or Cmc'I. Xlnl S.wlno 6960 ington Beach. Expl'lrience in 1 ___ .;°";::;":.c.M.c.,..:;.._~,f w~ , Sc G REPAIRS* ALTERATIONS v.'t'>rk. Re1u1! Refs. 54Mlll e Dres&maklng _Alterations loledic111~ -Altdkal pref°d. El.ECt'ftoNtCS TF.cHS I.I ~,~ "' .~n . r ass * CABINETS. Any 11tie job Apply lo Mr. Si&ltt. Par*· Work oveneu. Cof'ltact Catcher. Vic. G 11 I er' Zi 54M713 6755 Special on coat hems hurwt Retirement Hotel, 9925 Vernon Pierce 714: ?lf...2610 HcUybrooke I.: Bakl'lr. yn~ee;r. Ironing * ~ * Alameda, Fountain Valley, Reward! Call 54&-lMJ CARPENTRY, Cabinets IRONING In My Home. $LOO LEATH.ER Garment& Hem-962-:illl E~neeri~ LOSI' Mt'l11a del Mar tract, Remod.Nojobtooimall. hr. AlteraUon11. Al so, med, Special Thru Jan.1/4 -~""'· -~~~-- COJ!IR Mesa, Female ca t -Qual y,•ork. Call 616--2576 babyall.lin", any age, Off. Fa11t Sl'lrvice. 67f>.l7JS. Bookket'!per-1--l'lmRle .. Wanted for pleasant two girl yellow stripes. 2 yrs ans lo C C 6600 anytlml'l. Call M5-764l. DRESSMAKING, satisfac· <1fc. MUST be: Young, al-"P•on,•-" "·'"' .,.,...._ ement, oncrett 1. ,~ R•uo••bl• ~ Jt<r.-.>.:. · IRONING, no sheets, 25 to JO ion ruaran ""'-'· .... tnactire, ~nonelity & EX· LOST bicycle downtown C.M. CONCRETE v.'Orlc all types. '.!6" boY!I ~I and . n1id-S..wing, breaking, hauling, dlrwe1ghL mue. w/small Skiploading: Lie. Service A basket. 548--0279 or 536-1028 Quality. 842-1010 pietts !or $5. You pick up It rstes. Call 962-1060 PER. In full chargt'l thru de.liver. Ci\f. 646-5641 P&L. Pn>fcr ~1th rc\aled IRONING done in my hotne. Tillorlng 6970 ~p. Salary Open, &45-m45 $2 per dozen. Brina: hahgers. t-.fr. Al's Fuhion Tailor -'-""-'-''"'"'~·=~~---LOST F1u!fy white cat wi!h *CONCRETE Boor!, patros. 543-3617 ror men &: \\'Umen. Qo1he.1 $500 Plus Siamese mkgl', blue eyes. t'tc. Rea.,_ }lurr)'· before out ot style, Joril or ga1ned Bookkeeper_ 1'~ u 11 Charge. RewHrd 54>-7279 rainy seuon. Don, 642-8514 Janitori•I 6790 weiiht ! Don't ihrow .them ~e travel. Call l.ora..ine, LOST: Pet R.acoon. Vic. CE1itEN'l' Work: Drl\rew.1,,Ys. :;:;;.::;::.;;:.:... ___ -".;;..; away, ~· .iJli.for restyling. Westclitt Pel'IOWH!l, 2M.1 Sand Casile & Marguttlte, Patios, $labs. ~all jobs DUTCH lotalnt Serv, crpt Unclaimed" sufl.11," 5JIOT1. d:$&.ta' We1tdilt Drive. N.B. 6-t5-2TlO Cdi\t. Rrward! 644-13~ 1oo. Llct.~. 84Ul57 cln;., fir waxh;ig. wjndow avail. Like new. Reasonabll'l free and Fee paid jobs) washing. HatT)' van Beynen · Ca · ' ·-· A LOST SiamcM! kiten near CUSI'OM CONCRETE work 531-.1508 It no arui ca.J..1 aft 3 pnces. pti .._ .. na r-B 0 0 K KEEPER, reccp- C.l\T. ho6pital. Reward. Call patios a' specialty cade, 1425 S. Coast Hwy,, tionitl, m«lical office, 5'ls-tl74 rree Estlmatl'ls * ~1234 Lin_ dtciplng '11"0 Lquna. Be~h. 4944681 LAruna area .. state age & ;;& _...__.;...._::._____ qUal. &r.c M 114 Daily Pilot P.r.on.ls 4405 CEMDq,WOJU5'.. job 100 TILE, Ctr.-rrilc ~41..:::::::..=:::..::.:.:.:..:::::!..:..:::: llmiJT, re•eonable. Frtt TAKATA NURSERY + ruU.Y LICENSED*" f!stlm, ft Stunkk 548-861S Bl'lst Design * Vmw. The Tile M«in * BOY$ 10 ~ 14 Relmowned Hindu Spirituali.rt • . . Sprinklers Imtalll'ld Ctmt. wm1c. Install .l rep.a.in. .C-arrle:r ':lei Open PRODUCTION TEST ENGINEER BSEE preferred. ExcepUon- .t opportunity lor the righl. bri&'ht lndlvidual ro iet In on thl'l ground floor of a Mnall. rapidly growing division of a IRfle corparation. 11 you have experience in pm- duction test and tHI fixture de&ir;n for electronic f!CJUli>- men{ and, are Wpired by thr JI05llbl11ty ot rapid rrowtti and Wt advancement, llt'nd )'OW' re5ume to. • • .Lear Jet Industries, Static Povm Div., 2001 SO. Ritchey St .. Santa Ana, Cali:f. 927t};j; At. rtention Pennmel. Dept. F.qual opportunity em~r A~"-·• on All mattf!f'!I: Contract.Of'. 6620, '1>ra:in P\pe I.nsta.lled No jOb too small. Plaster U Y-= • Tree: trim a: Oean-up h r -k' h I.qqna &acb, So. l.qwla DIAL dirTd. w.sm. Ctiarge Lo\·e, ~farriage. BusirieM, Addlti(lr!S · .f Reibbd:etin& · . 546-0724 pate· 1..c:a mg 1 owe r 'DAILY PILOT your ad, then sit back and Courtship, Hf!a l th , lisp. 't c.......r·k I I •·~==--',:..:.""'=== repair, ~ lhiten to the_phonerina! pineAA & Sucteu. No pro-Jo"'red l . •".°' .. ~ • .c. GENERAi~ LANDSCAPE 1 ==~!~'7~·190~1~/8'6~·~o»i~==l7~=~~~==:;;:;;~~=~~~=:";;;:;;;=1 blems loo large or loo 67J..604l *. S49--2llO GAft.C?ENt:R Clean upr;, J; 7100 JJmall. l CAN HELP \'OU. C Cl . 6625 Rt·ooVatln~ tree trimming, Upholstery,. 6990 Jobs-Men, Worn. 7100 Jobe-Men, Wom • Readina11. given 7 (lays . A 1rpet e•n1ng pruning. CZYKOSKI"S CU&tm. Uphot wttk .. 9Ai\1·9PM 312 N. El A·OK Shampoo Special $"7.50 G42-82l4 Eurnpl'lan Craftsmanship Ca m 1 no R l' a I · SA n rmlles.s for he.lls etc Also 100% tin! 642-1454 Oemrl\le. ~!1'2..!ll:wi, 4ErJl.007S comp. house<:lri'1'821..J1s2 P•perh1n9ing 1831 NeWJIOM. Blv, Cr.t. EYELASH~: each lash ap· CARPET•t$t'E:At.t CLEANl P1intlng 61501 :ii:i=====""== plied !!(')NI.rattly~ "l'l r Y ED No ~p. no . bru11he5. __ ...:_:.._ _____ W•ldlng 6995 natural looktnq $1J._ Jan. In-For est'."646-5971. e Interior. Exttrlor •IC.""-=.:...----- troductory offer. 1st appt. Acowitic ceilings ptd, 12 yrs ORNAMENTAL IRON catis. half pria!. House calls. Lin-,._ L · It f!Xper.-·Statc lie. ·P1tulnq:h nillna:s, columns, divlden_ de 846--1600 _,.,., •'flnt pnlJI, M:J-1787 a~bc.s. Krilles, furniture. ASI'ROLOGV CJasseS' Now , • Rtp1lr ~26 DAILY PILCYJ' D t ME. A. Frte est. Bndfil'lld M~. F!>rmlng. For . Information JIOR CARPETING UNES. -You can UJl'l them 5'i8-254l, 646--57'7 Q\11 :J'h< 8m1 s;.,.. 615-:"61· OR CARP.ET.l.,'YING 101-.;at penn"'5 •do¥· Dial THE QUICKER' YOU CALL. 642-2070 &ll-5'?8 . , THE •QUICKER. YOU SELL Burroughs Corp. .. New Commerci1I Computer' Pl1nt MISSION VIEJO Now ·toking 1pp11-,1r.n. f~r i~~SE~'BLERS , , " J';.. • • at our new plant ln Mission Viejo. Calif . ·• Some experience preferred. Jo~ open In January will lie at our loc1tion In lrvlne. · '. . : ,. ,. I Apply 8 .am -4:30 pm Monday lhrough Frld•Y EMPLOYMENT OFFICE r · 1 llEST IUYSI 25725 Joronlmo RtH Mlt1lon Vloj9, Cllit • '83G-32:1'l G ·«l ' w•...-.,,,.,., • • Bu1Fneu TMll'• Burrm1~a . ' =-- ------------- ----=-----~---------------..:--·-~-~--~~---~----~~~---------·-·------.. --.-·-·---· --·-· . ' ..... . .Ml.LY.PILOT Sll~rdp, JlllUllf 11. 1970 &.·~ ~OYf"•N • •Y•s .. .,,.,. .. ,,_,...,.. & IMPLOYMIN~ Joas .. IMl'l.OYMINT JOIS & IMPLOYMINT JOl,S .. IMPLOYMINT MlltCHANDISI FOR MERCHANDISE FOlt 'MlltCHANDISI POlt ' -.s ·= " ''"' ---"· . --___ · •·•oo.':.l"<I 0 ru':'f._._. SALE ANO.TU.DI .SALE AND TRADI SALi ANO TRADE i1 Jobo-Men, W~-7100 Jobs-Mtn, Wom. 7100 JolM "'""' W,..,. JIOO Jobo, Mo<-. Wom. 7 IOO Jobi -MOI!, Wem: 7100 -" ,. " '""" ,_ ~ &NGINEE'ft. mtthM.t~I. JtOUSEKEEPER. lJve Jn 1 t , n"Ovfct' • tWl 1 end • LQQ~G tor a IOlJd f\lturt Furniture aoqo Ai"ltlques 8110 Ml1cell•neou1 8600 Exp. In plplrv destan. for tk\erl)' couplt M'e,tur1 NURSES ~.. two. ·~ ' 1 .... ,~, D ·~mt II ~ ' but &tttina· r (JS:ti) tota tt ebain $69.tl. 5ntPS Ancbor Ball, 2 lmarl hHtiJW & ale. Pttftr some "'wnan pref. can iu..6oo1 Inc ~" nfcht ·,daif~ ~· ~ .• J.lltON OQLl '-"R. +P~ ~~.r ~= NOWHEflt't • Ultd Philco 6cnlole eablnet bowk. Rosewood fish, 6 Old POOL TABLES up. apt. can• tr u c 171 o ~: HOUSEWIFE Nttdtd • 4 hr bM;lllta. .Awtf Jief"IOllnel ~""·RUon bu ....... :! I ~ e»nd. 990 E. ~t L?ok Into a euter as J. rhlk A wbt. ~TV $58. Oe&ka Faahloned Books. 1!5.>1172 Secard Pool 1,,, s.'1anct:·flo Inc. 1... . Director So. Coa•t Com--..... .._ ..,. ... ....,. or RADIO ANNOUNCER ' tor tcenai&tfl $9.95 each. wl•teet e.ncn.vtnp, Old BRUNSWJCK-Ai'IP' I .. ·,' '42-:i'JU) wkly, houseclt•runz. Call nntnlt,-Hosp., 31812• CouL .married man over, 25 at ,11,,...,,,;;·~N~B,_~-~~~ Trl-3al0 . 'lbe FaCWry, l885 }(art.or, pu~e cla.u co 11 e c I or, Oi1tom Slate Tablt Eicrow Officer 64!j...,9()94 aft 6 PM. Jlwy,1 So. t..a.iwm:eu11, Onc!f'. Oppott\U'lltl' f0r ,S800 SERVICE •tatlop aketldant, Imtltu14 ¢ S4G-6M2 1te11111, Ira: l1cqut'rM tr&y 1'1'0tu Sm •i to $1!(1. Fee neiotlable.. >.1nt ' ext.~ mo. to .tart, R\iht fr\Al'I can I · p/Ume (2.t). 1 yr ru!dent. Broadcast Arts 8' SOFA ~ver used quilted v</motber of pearl pewter 1009'1 financing ;i sta.ble &fO"'ing orian1zation ITT JABSCO CANVPARTA~ f .i , 't1tn~i$p~n~O!n.._>~· Ph. f15-6650 1601 N. Brll'to~ S.A. floral 'aootchiua~ Sl35 &: c.op~r. w/lolding at&nd. • SEC.ARD POOLS* t sta.ndatd es c r 0 w work ~ '"' SERV Sta Attlmlla.nt, ~p . .,...,.,.. ............ ,..,.. matchi,._ ~t S85 Cali Steins, Toby nui.a1 6 pc'1 !l.U-1992 -•·-~ NB AU¥CTIONEERING -. ,.tl:,,,.. · '''-l'Y ratt: ca.ratnt1 slq. 32! S. Main SI. Orance ~II• COLLEGE STUDENTS SALES PERSONNEL no<. ~·• ~"""' ~.. • . "~• JASON IEST INSPECTOR HOUSEWIVES • -Touco ·,..Miko RECU!.AA 2 WEEK TERI\! Clolo>nno ll•m• 1J I 1 I QUl:£N SI HJdOlbnd, ST>. 2 Mele a. Fem1lt · n. in ~ ..• ,,,. fo· r ~·-•r•. 5 PC btdraam group_ -6 P.f1Jtt,'1, 3432: Vta Opotto. H1 .• Bck Chrl, ...... ea . rtnn "'Em...i--.:-nt A<ency -$1.00 .. , hour' plUI bol'IU!ff. ' . SERVICE· Station Allen(!. °"' .,..., ~..,......, d d ~ t"VJ"" " YoW'll ... rtSllve ex-·..,. •'"am •-.. _ an auclio..,r. rawer ttaser w/mirror -Lido I1land. Call ~. Kin.,..i-Bd. SSO. ~·in Bd. -So. f\IAin. Santa AM ,,.1en or women. over aae U. ' · . ' .-rv· £xper Full time: Prefer U<"-"° -J •· d•-·-• 2 I ·•· ·•• __,, -EXPERIENCED inc property manaif'mtn( ' \VEST·BEST SCHOOL OF '""8 UUllTU"' n le sta ...... , 9Alof-5~t. $10. 5' Antiq Yello1v Ottuer EX 'CUT!VE SECRETARY tour houl's • lilY. C..U P.tt. comp""y hu open1~, for' oldtr m•n. AJ:iply 560 w. $4995 Assorted dinette 069 Gib .r;; !f'i1·e Yean Minim. um·) L"!n"' 61""~! ·• !9th st c M AUCTIONEERING, 206 W. ·1 · _ · . L11ded Hanging Sh1dea &. mil'ror, $4.'>. l son f'OR PUBLISHING "' .,. -ie~ &gent!. Previous ., · ·' 4th, santa Ana, tiJS..5000. cha rs $4.~ each. 2 hana;inr * 5-ll-2578 • Otl\'e GM!'" Dbl Dr 11 cu ft COrtlPA.W PRESIDE.NT r.fech&nlc$.l inapeclOr tor PnJME tteip For Sandwich Jeuing or. rtnt&I experlC1tk:e SE\\'lNG: ChaerfW young -lamps J!·s.5 each. The Fs.c refr~ $200. '69 llolpoint E'xper. l adapt&ble to a wide manufactuttr of i.mall oom· Shop. No Saturdays or SWI· be!pM. Cont.a.cl lady tor fa&t & accurate **LEARN ABC Shorthand tory, 1885 Harbor, 540-68U S • M hi 1120 'A'hite \\'asher & Dr)', $80 ea. variety of projects. Heavy mo~ol pump<. 1 .. c ....... ti"" days, Call Ms.<m2. MI&S .LOU BUNTING aewing in ·J..a&una Sch. tor easy note ta.klnr. 3' Life . ewin9 IC net Call 64~76:Q. , 11tnorette dicta lion, ha;h! ol ;rchased mat~;;J ~ PORTER • Steady Jariitorial tn4J ~ 494-8179 Ttme Sal aesskml on:ly i10. Office Furniture 1010 1969 SfNCDt Z I c. ZAG . _* __ A_U_C~Tl~O~N~-*~ I bo0kke$ping, S.H. helpful. mtth1ned parts to assure \\'Ork. Good pay. Cal J SALES ~ippina: Dept '\'rite tor recilliraUoo ~rd OFFICE FURNIT. UR'E walnut con!OI~., bu I Io 11 , f.tustbev.-ell~,artic· proper quallt.y and dimen-642-.11170,Ext9. now! ''Sat Seuion1", 273 NE\VA;USED e deib ~Jes, desrrns etc lI)'OUYtUlseUorbuy , ql&te & attractive. Xln'I :!'ions Good working condl. POWER PLANT MECHS. Profe~ional training pro-~!"~"""!Pl., C.?<.1. or call • ch&i.ra • /lk>ll vuaranleed; S36.00 C.Uh ur 'ive Windy a try 1 Workinr c.ond. & Co. Fringe ttoo & benefits. \\'ork overseas. ,..,.11t:acf fl'am. Tor t't!:corded tntor-Iii~· .....,_,,.,., McMAHAN BROS. .ea.~y.terms . 0 526-66IG AucU011s f'riday 7:30 p.m. FEMALE f'acrory Packa.&· APPLY rN PERSON TO $400 Sa.Jes Trainees lsa.2 N~'JlOl'I. Blvd. 1ccc;.::c:.:.·...;.::.:.;.c.. _ _;;8..;l .::25 21J7S~; N~rt, 01 646-8686 aenena. Call • 673-2981. Vernon Pierce 714: ,r.:'l610 m<ltion Pl'lonr 835-1375. ~ THEATRICAL • 7900 DESK INC. Mulic1I ln•t. Windy's Auction Barn ei-L 5 ft S" or ~ri2sll.fG OR IN \VRITJNG Receptionist. S • n la Ana, 8 MEN WANTED: Coeta Mesa * &42-8450 1;..1PORTED "v)ol" b a 5 s Sel\in.i Tony's Bldi'. l\Tal'I. per hr. to start. t>eu.utitul ollice, 'Fee split te!nnlo BOYS & GIRLS Wli'H SEMI.Circular inla1d walnut guitar $ 4 O. Bonham TRUNDLE Bed-Antiqued • , f"i~rilau: Product~n EQU~MO~~~ITY Call J...orainne. \Veitclllf Per· NEEDED ..---A DESIRE TO BE ON executive conference desk, ul~Jex doublt amp ;125. dark, di1t~&aed teak "'ith : Trainees 1M/f1 11ppy 50l'ln!I, 2043 \\"estcllff Drtve, IMMEDIATELY TELEVISION ... mlltch. credf:~ le: Juda's 5Ai4238 strap hardware. mattR11e1, • ' •• " Bro11>111n. 1'-ffg. Co .. 1916 N.B. 64<2TIO (fee .••• Fee . GENERAL For ~-On "·-era Aud•·-h "•'I ·-~· "' nn I u~ 120 B ntaht •land cost -0 sell Pt.-nu·•. eos•· •1,,.. 1483 Dale \\ra.v •"'d ~.-, avotloblel~~ NO l'l'I"" .....,., c r ........ °"'-ra, -........ (w;, new ass • _..,, .... ,....., JV EXP.NECESSARY tioninYour.Aree.Ca.UOr· · CONTELLO Accord ion. S149.10rollsScbums.cktr's 543-U71 C.Osta Mesa, ca!iJ. PBX An Se . ~.......... NOW OPENING & EXPAND. -CLERK-•ll&e O>unty, S47-62:il. Office Eauipment 8011 S250. c&n 549-3874 air 5. wallpeper. Pr. -m:atchin;: 5· rvice ....,..,..r JNG. LOCA,L !'llARKETING .i:: drapes. 60 x 5.'.i $56. 6 rolls FRY COOK (Eveiun& dufn Apply Ill pe.rsoli 2to5pm Thi F ive Crowns Rest•urant 380'l E. Pacific Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar No ph, Wis Forei9n Cir Mechanics Good ea. beotftrs, tncl p&kl vacation. group inl, uni. fonn1 f\unl81\t'd Ire&. Good comm_ schedule. Aak for Joe ~llJOr'e Ph. S6Q.1764. CEN'i:RAL OFf'JCE-1 Respons1ble Cir! P'riday, mornlnp onl)" Dictaphone, <n4) M;>-8251 Pref. Traintt Considered. BRANCHES IN A.i'lAHEIM, MERCHANDISE FOR FRO~f Architects office new AUTOHARP !oil decorator bath ro 0 m LAB TECH -Parl time Evel)ing Hn. H.B. Area.. GA~OEN CROVE. SANTA ~~lellh.:rma~;:riJ~~t: SALE AND TR.ADE 7' Exee Desk $2&1. A. 8. Julil ~~-jQ 11·aJ/pa.~r $5.l 5-10-2330 Studtnt ideal. ?!tale pttltmd 536-SSSI. AN A & HUNTJNGTOt~ packaain; materials. Furniture IOOO Dick nllmeo $398 k splrittl-===:;:;:;;:=:=== ~ Lb. Roll roolini .. , , $3.9.5 Quality control, Lab for Can BEAai. rlup l 1160. Ovtrhtad pro.. • 4)(8 pane.!Jin.. $1 99 J\l an u fi.ct urcr. Phone PRODUCTION INCOME RANGE ,·ector •tso. 31·· """"r cutter Pianos & Or91n1 1130 -............. . " WORKERS Coll Po,.onnol Dopt. 17 l'c. King Size ~·~·"c. ~~~·~ ·-·~c..~~:-::1;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;.1"8 \'"Plywood ...... sz .. 19 54~3920 Equal Empl. Op-$532 TO $680 (714) 494-9401 !.""' ""'"""' Exttrior white 11a1nt .. $2.9:l portu11ity NEEDED PER MONTH -Bedroom EDISON Voice \\-Tiler Model COSTA MES:\ * KEYPUN.CH * Trainees or Experienced TO START l..af1:e 9 drawer dre.&ser, mir. EV-E $1Jj. • BUILDERS SUPPLY OPERATOR ALSO e Young Mene TELONIC ror, 2 bed11ide atanda, kina &;Z.fOO.i If' you are buying « Piano !TOO Superior, C~I ;Ji,1;:2826 Swing ~al· t.K~er Olli': yea..r Experienced Inspector eH.S. Gr•d or Equiv.e •ize head~. frame, quilt. TYP~VRITER. Addi n i ~~ ~~~~t~hi~1 ;;:Rreaf. • .Open S~ayl'I • industn typunch e.xpen. for p C Bo•rds • Or•n9e County ed mattress, sheets, blank• ms.chine, calculator. very Jy great deals. ,.lease shop WHI~ ;old Dia.mop<! ~ e~. Apply Residence e INDUSTRIES eU. etc:. rt'a11 .. xlnt cond. 892-2423. V.'ARO'S BALDWIN STUDIO w/ .1 small diamond& S1..J. COLLINS • N t A . e O.Oice of Spa.rush · . Carpet-approx t2x20 s~. RADIO CO. APPLY IN PERSON ONLY . ea ppe1r1ng or :Modern Style G1r19e Sile 8022 1819 Newpo1t. C.rtl. .642-8484 Table & 4 chair11 $2:1. 19100 Jambo~ Rd. BET\VEEN 9 Ml It 11 A.~ T~~1re ~~cpee:!~roly'~•r· L•guna Be•ch All For $249 •. oc?~~ .. Every Nile Ctirome table & 4 chairs Newport Beach 11' --------1 '"' ,,_..Nay Aflernoon $2.i Leather reeling chr $35. Equal opportunity empl!JY'l!.r Oiceon Electtonlc' vlN'. call today only, the Equal opportufli~ empl())'er ~o do"'"' Pmls, only S9 mo SUPER GARAGE SALE: Proctor toaster $2.50. Call 18522 Von Karmon markctini . branch nearest SI1TER. Live in H.B. -atta. WELK'S' WAREHOUSE f'ri, Sat &: Sun. &drm set, &IG-4668 Sun & i\fon only. MAIDS. Experiencfd. Al.!IO tl'Yinf CaUf you 4 ·ldte 3 · dinette set, corner couches,1'!!"'!!~~~~~~!!!!!•1-=:;;~;;~~~~ mall! tor house1':eepin& (Neat o.C. Al~) A~im 1\1 Z.9289' s75 .1.lo. chi n. In -pcle lamp, coffee l&hll!J, 1401' PIANOS .t ORGANS DECORATOR • a.nsv.'f:r telephone. Nr OC airport. 54(')..2476 •• rk. "·n Brown• 31106 So. H 1. 0 •• h 11chool. Refer. Middl!! Ai'· 600 w. 4th St .. Santa Ana °"' uo 1ngton aa1C 543..9285 9SZ-Jl4l. (21J) 83(}..2704 0 record albwnll, TV, kitchen NE\V &: US!:D Coast Hwy, So Laguna p RO f' E SS ION AL Sale Garden Grove. 543-9280 Sa pe;G Daily s.9 11.ppli&nces, toy5, k 11 i c. •Yamaha Pianos Orians MAIDS WANTED Career -Searchln"' for man Santa Ana 543-8281 Sl'ITER Required, must 1· Sun. ll-G knack:-;, decora.tor it.em11 -e Thomas 01,ans Clo1ing Out Stock Thouss.nds of yards of drap- ery rabrlcs. Carpel samplts of all makes. GENERAL OFFICE Elect typewriter, lll kie.y ad· der. Al;e 25-35. Sal open. 1741 Placentia.. C.M. GENERAL Office -P/time. S. H. N~. Good "'/ filures. Call 673--5333 To $550 GOod Opportunity 1 \2 yn;. experit>nce ...,.Ith f'in· ance Co. Draft exempt. Call Ann, "'estclill Per1011nel, 20U °"'est.cliff Dr.. N.B. 64.>2770 (fee and Ftt Pd. job<) HAIRSTYLJSTS: Spatt for rent. Perilli Hair Stylina:. Ca.ll 642-7800 HEAVY EQUIP. MECHS. Work ·overseas. Contact Vtmon Pien=e TI4-T7~261J) '" have tran&, hours 6:30 am-9 RN * ~lM.5 * to learn our business am SALES FU ITURE returned from loo numtrous to menlion. e Kimball Piaoo1 harxlle sale& executll'e posi. am daily 5 days. NB display studios, model hom· 33212 J\lesa Vl.sta Dr., Dana • Kohler & Campbell MANAGEMENT tion. Traininc 111COme p~ &12·8912 es, decorators canc:ellation. Point COAST MUSIC PERSONNEL vidtd. College, sales or For Rerorded lolormat1on Sl"ITER·Nice lady 10 cart Spanish I< r-.ted iterra.nean Garage Cll!a.~ut Sal<' NEWPORT.&: HARBOR Responsible and agve11sivt, busine11s evn. ;-.,Jarried Phone 83.5-4029 for 5 yr old -'rt, 1 d•" wk. RD FURNITURE c IA •t ..... .,.,.,.,=1 ~,, 6' -.,, Kenmore dryer, .... ·01'k11 ~at. os " esa ..-...,. . ....., able to ''-ork lonr hOurs. 542-5623 Ext. Z21 SEAi\fSTRES.S, asst designer Hrbr View area. 644-4154 1844 Newport Bl., C.M. :; tempemture ·5el1ini:; s35. Open lo.6 P'ri tQ.9 Sun 12.5 AP PLY JN Pf~SON PRESS OPERATORS & sample maktr, exri. Refs. Sl{Al\.fPOO GIRL every nlte 'tll 9 Cheap slat bencl\ $S End J Cl l~l!~~X. ~e:e~ch S&i!d. \Vomen • \\·ork for plastics 499-2540 bel, 11, aft 6 f.fust be licensAled. \Vect., Sat. & Sun. 'Iii 6 table v.•/drawer. I ig ht 30U3ry earance moldin;: plant. Eve shill SCRE\V illACHINE CONTESSA H .R GIGANTIC JANUARY fruil.,.,wd. French Provio· Five Points Shopping Center, ... ., .,3.,0 SALE' ~ * TRAINEES * FASHIONS. CLEARANCE SALE! rial. i\'lake offer! M!>--0671 • Huntington Beach ==~==----67S.33&5 OR REAL ESTATE $137.25 * ' * Savt up to 80% PATIO SALE Sal & Sun 10-5 0 HA,\[i\10ND e 011:"an11 '.?JOO Harbor Blvd. l salespeople needed now? per \\"f"ek lo start SYsrEMS Al~ALYSTS Use our store chafie plan 2 contour ch.rs $25 ra. Blood • Pianos • Speakers Harbor Shoppin& Center Immediate floor time !or $132.50 Work overseas. Contact Master Charge corner table SIO. OPEN SlJNDAY 9-646-'331. USED Qothiog • Ladies Size11 8 & 10. Good C.On· dition. Reasonable. 6iJ.44l-I. J\fi&s i\1ike"11, 3-132 V i a Oporto, Lido Island. llAill· SPJ\1 . TENNIS Club mem~r1hip · Ne\\"porl Beach club. "Best in !he \Vtsl." Offered at a :!'a.Vitlt::o1 of $-ISO. Ca I I 642-3067 pves. Costa Mesa qualified lictnsers. Full alter JO days Vt-rnon Pierce 714-774-:J610 Bankamericard Rolo-broiler avtn $10. Other AFTERNOONS 124 program includes C?qUity Apply, z. D. PRODUCTS TYPIST Approved Furniture misc il('mS. m Goldenrod HAMMOND CLOSE OUT MANAGEMENT trainee:. Ai· 3100 Pull . Joana, guaranteed sales, man Call 642"-7725 betwee n 2159 Harbor, 01 548-9660 Avie, Cdill. 644-26.12 i~ CORONA DEL ~lAR on new elo••-, at FANTA• greuive young man ln· _.. . Cost r-.le u..: .,. I job ·th f tuwe--ins & progreSS'l\"t a sa 8:J0-..':30 Monday-Fri. SALE Sat. Like new nau•h. GARACE SALE Sat & Sun-2.S5i E. Coast Hwy, 673-8930 TIC prices. 11ize& B-16. Sat. & lett&!ed 0 WI UtUre t!'lllnin" ,......,.,.Ml. 54Q..5(32 f I'~ 0 in fumitu~ rental ro. 517 '" •va• UTILITY man. heating &: so a -... m.uch. cltr SJJ, Jan 17th & 13th. 919 DaJTeJI FREE Sun 12-4 429 Via Lido Soud. w_ 19th, C.J\[. MS-3481 Rex L Hodges, Rlty. Sec'y Administra tive a/c main.t~nai,ce. Mu 1t Record cabinet $.15. Cofiee ~~~·lorlyo~tb ~i.pl~. ORGAN CLASSES 1 ~N~·~·~'~'"~"'7"--..,..-=-=~""' MANICURIST Wed thru Sal. Promotion hu created open-l\ave car. Ba1~flo Irn:. lbli, Jamp1, many other •·--:--MONDAY 7:30 Pt.I AQUA Colored Rtbig, 11.9 $20 Daily Guaranteed J!ler--547.&j --ing fer 8J1 . admini~_tive 714: 642-STOO . '" . item&. Kenmore v.·utier & GARAG~ SALE. f'urn1t1.1r1, NO OBLIGATION cu . ft. 35 lb treezer". Xlnt HOSillT ALIT'l HOSTESS is T loolting-ior mature women ¥ tO Weloome newcomera to the communily. Must have typtwritt-r. car. and be bOo. dable.. Apply 235 I:. i\ta1n, Suite 7, nu.in, Ca I If. 544-69'25 . · --· Secre\ary lo lite C.Onttollrr · · .· tt.~e 9ryer $290 •• 1200 McC.onnack f k hdbrd tab\ bl "- rell Hall' Df•ian. ~l. RECEPTI~~m,:: . l' ro n t ot ·a.' !ta.ding bie.arinl 'mfg., -.·•-•...W.A.l~~s Ln, C,M. "'-llJ..1814 · ~ •• ~i:~ it~~. &ra-tl>3. ~·· GOULD MUSIC C.Olld. s:io, D , ... .,ger 675-1721. ...._ ·-Qesk. G1t1' . v.·/c:ICP,et as.. ..:vmed..:..Ufttits req.~ng t11a.veyard:. shlft:..-.~rl(,.nc· • · · · "":: · ""· w/mirror .. .S~ .. 1i mll tl way MAN FOR WEE TOP· n-cept, in dt'ntal office. H.B. 60+, SH" lOO, proficient on ed. Ovtr-21.~ NO ·: P~NE ASS?R 1 r;o Oklqfei""!i(!C to IM3~N .... Main~ SA--. 547-0681 bed,rSIO.-C'"11 ~53.. PING. PART-'nME • Arca. 846-3540. ! A.~! 2 P~f. calculator Exper essie.ntisl tA!.Ls• 1-3.50 .. u&e(J 7 dnnr;n .-....inut Appli1ncn 1100 • -BEAUTIFUL hand pa.lnted 64., •"~"~,·rs. R t _,1· f '1 l<ONA LANES mgerit chest S39.9J. 2usrd 1---------HA~fMOND Slt'in\\'aY .• Yam· oll -rtr. ait of '""U or """'r _,..,.,., e! &uranl ' SOmf' '-"' tge P~. Salary """" H-~-r C.'ol, square. comer la.hies, I ,~ ,. , •• IS AD 0 RES N . ., t .. •• th ~ ... ,.,..., " PRIVATE p .. -" Used little. aha. New &: usM pianos of children from a photograph. l\1ATURE W·om a n for • t .. por comme,"'ura"" WI exper. ·, \valnut.1wl\.ite19.95 e11ch. ....." motht'Tll helper. l pm _ 7 Beach's ne11>·es1 restaurant Xlnt btneflt.5 & potential. \\'AITRESS \VANTED: All The Factory l88S Harbor new relriierator. family mo'l makeli. Brst buys in A 1vonderfut idea for that pm, 5-6 days ...,,k. O\\'n now hirint: cooks, Apply Personnel Ofc. i1hitts. Apply io Person at Sf0...6842. ' • 11i1.e. frost-lr'tt. PerfN:t con-So. cahf. at Schmidt l\fusic special gift. 6.i&J629 transp. 646-23~6 waitr1'sses etc. Please apply Transport Dynamic• 1400 \V. Coast H\vy, N.B. . . rlil ion, .save. a Jo_I! $175. Co. 1007 N. i\1Pin, Santa Ana QUALITI' k\ng bed . quilted ·. HOTEL Clerk for be.I.cl\ reaort, part day, part nigb1, 50tlle typirn: ~ accountin&, bohdable & refe t rnce11. Perteet for Rmi-rellred er collea:t student. 494-1196 Laguna ~ach HOUSEKEEPER • Sitter 1:30-5:30 pm. ?'11ust have CU-2 boys 10 &. 12 yrs. 346 E. 19th St. 67>1381 days ~eves. HSKPR -live lo, salary opf'n, Eng ar S(mn ok .. 011>'T1 rm, ba, Tv. 2 children. ,.,_,.,, HOUSEKEEPER for bul')' family, f ull time. Perm.:neot. Li\·e.\n pre!. ll.B. ~12-48 HOUSEKEEPER, Live in, 2 adults. a.mp\t salary. Refs. nqulred. -t!IS-3418 HOUSEKEEPER. Ll~·e 1n. mother's helper. prlv rm. 2 schl-aa:crs 6'?'5-0310, 548-7197 -~='=---,-,...-=---,,=I in person • 333 Bayside Div. 01 Lear Siegler. lne, f Eq . 1 USED twin beds -Compcsed Apartment size refl'1gera1or. mallrel'l!I Complete. unust'd MATURE woman with timt 0 •• 8 YARD~1AN or uipmtn I htadboard, 1 franie, bx 1l t Ex 11 l i\1 ! · hand I . . rive .... · JlJI Segt-rslrom, a .A. R 1 1 Over 21 .ome exce en· ce en 1 ¥ey ag BEAUTIFUL Thomas J $120. 1vo1th S260. 812-&36 ~~M~~7l !11n~~ 611~~;ng. REUBEN'S Jus! off Harbor & \Varner m:.: ·exp. s: daf week. :r:~~ ~·aln~~1::•sti:~ ~·:~~~n~iu:~~"~.~;~· 2114 ::i;u1~1 101~~an,d ia I ac('I="~'~'~· c-c~c-c-.,,.:-::-=c:; MECHANIC SECRETARY • Receptionist Red·E·Rentals, 1167 Harbor S1.$. As.!IOrted htadboe.rds e • u pe 11 range. TOP Cond· 1'latching Couch f . Bl d c M J\1.AYTAG & Whirlpool auto Built in rhylh1n. etc . & Ch .,,: · P•ek•~ "·II HEAVY DUTY Co'I. "e•a or Architectural Ofc. v" · · $<!. The factory, 1885 a '" oc: "" H ~ A ~l Of A H -,,·asher. _late m.odcl, xlnt Reasonabl('. 8·'6-2453 Sto-, Ty.pewriter, TV, • P-foo· Buick·r.......I or ar..,.,r rea. ~'" c p-a , 540-6842 nd _., e h ,,0 ·~ •w .. v~ p ~ 1· h • 00 617_8·11-, ac · J'fU""OU'" or VERY Rare pl•>·•r pi•...... • •11·,,. &1• ··2'2. r&J. J\I E · pearanct?. roper "'""g 15 School1-ln•truction 7600 ROSEWOOD Berl .. "" " .,...., ., Gene . otors xpenence N°'v inlezvie-wing Language Skillg Essential. double bed ,l'ith roo~ke'a~~ I c::c.=:.,_,_____ baby ~rand, \\'tl.h Ampico MATCHING Couche~. S~O & Permanent, lor..:J ril,;.;1e posi· s. H. p-f. \V,ge Dependont -"'" REFRIGERATOR • Hot· expression He11r Ra.chm.vl ff s1· lion for ex,.....iie.nced • re.Ii-BUSBOYS ''" headboard. 2 tnd table1 . · . · 1:\:i. End tables &. co tt J r-· e on Capability Send Rei;umc point. Used 9 mo11. 'Vhlte, 1nofl play his music his way. eaeh. •toteh;ng lomp• 1211 able m&n. Excellent t;ll.liu:y Full T'-• · .,.,;th drav.·ers, w/mat-"'..... l'k ' Sa • ••>-1421 4"' ~ " plUscommWion. f'ineWOrk· rlesired lo Box 5-it>f Doily l&m?s and 9 d r awf!r 8 IC 0 K 1 . .-.. .... \\'/Pertinent Info & \Vage 1m Er .......... I e nev.". ve. .... """"""'" rach. 646--266R ing conditioru!!, modem ger. • CLEANUP/ Pilol. dresser. on1y $70. 839-3826. ' CUB root e vinator '"ci" & USED. Pianos. NEW &: used clo~. Size vic.c equipment. Refri ;:. Almost N' 1v . Ofi&ns, Rebuilt Grands, 16 20 • 20~, All Sat-!'iun All l'mpioyee bf>netiti BUSSING e SECRETARY e U~~ 1:'.s.bl~!~ie: :!~ Sllt'rifiC'<', $60. &1~502-1. Wallich'5 C.t.I. 541).28.JO J\l~n. from iG.2 p~f. 2070 l·nclud;og Girls -Days to recreation dlJ'tctor al BUILT Jn Dish"'ilsher, Run-• · •t•pl·. c;t, casion chn $10. Gold 54" T I I 1205 " ' Jn:rurance &. Pa.id vacation APPLY Salar.v $516, to S618. . ... , !''., credenza $Z9. The Factory, ning Condition. Vtry Clean. I ev1s on DINTNC tablr.. 4 cha.ir11. CALL JOE COLANTONIO t;i.;J \V. ADAl'lS CITY OF :_:j jj \:i!\'. -188:) Harbor, 540~42. $~9. 557-7572 Lease Color ·rv or Black &-Po11, Niagal'a cyclo- f'OR APPOINTMENT OJSTA r-.IESA LAGUNA BEACH · · · '; ': ii;;~· ,..... QUALITY king bed • quilted FRICTDArRE Refri_t('r11tor '"hite. Option to buy. Free mai;sai:rr unll. S.Uophone . Pooli; Buick, 23.1 E.17th St. Shorthand, type, file, varied Excellrnt condi1ion. service. No dtpo&il A-Active 549-JlTI Costa i\ft-M. :;4&.nGj See Betty Bruce al dutie!. Application lorms mattreu. O>mplete unused ~"" ., ... 31~ al C :"":::_:77=,.-,,:-:-;,,.7"-' newport . personnel _agency A,enq. ror Career Clrls 410 W Coast H\Y)'., N.B. By appoint. 646-J939 1120 worth 1260 ... .., ""'~~ ..,,,.,. * .....,... °"' TV Rent o. Ca~t l•oor ho• Jli Lo availablt City Holl, 505 f'or-• · .....,.....,,,., Ill 5-11~~ ,,.~ '"J eves. La.te J\1odel Automatic · · ,,_ ·"' nylon! 11.99 yd. Sha.gs elit A"·e. Deadline f'eb. 3rd, \Vashtr A-1 Cond. $-13 ~IAGNAVOX Consolt 23" from $3.50 uri + my lahor, 1970 OMEN! 4 J\Iaple bar stool!, 2 ~ttp · MEN & W tablie.s, r-oll. table, la.hie 769l2 \V. 20tl\ 646-~48 t-ve:\. TV. At.1-Fi\I srerPO, rnusl 90c JM!r yard. 847·1519 To $600 COMPUTER PROGRAJ\t· lamp, floor lamp, wall USED Appliance & TV's. all s<!ll 175 or offtr. 67'"r478'1 CAR.AET fnstallt>r haa onie. Secret~ry -Bookkeeper, ld~ar r.11NO IS TifE KEY TO s.he:lves, plctur@S. 675-4812 guaranteed. Dunlap·~. 1815 roll, avocado nylon carpel. HOUSEKEEPER. 1 d 8 Y Prof•1sion1I Service week, new home near Hun· $75,000? Beactt are:a location. ean I YOUR PROmABLE DEPENDABLE -·eh. only Ne"'poft. C.~t. !>48-7788 Hl·fl & St•r80 1210 Double jute-be.eked. 'Vill sell Lorainne, \Vestclilt Pt>rnon-FUTURE .. .,.. S3 y&rd 540-724· nel )).13 \\"estclill Dri"'· ! l:l,000 miles. Folds into bed. BOGEN Public addre ss aU or Pftt1. / · J tington ~· M7..{ll&J for the employer •nd the 1pplica"' * IMPORT 133 Dover Dr .. N.B. e Auto ~chan ic 642-3870 549-2743 e Service Writer Nursing • D1ta1I & LOt Ma11 RN or L VN New car dealership, good co. C.a.lifornia L\cen!e ~itll It ""-orlting conch· +12 Pl\! shrft ava.U . tion'-. Pho~ 6ffi·930l. l:?·S Ai\! shift avail. I S \. 0 UR AD IN APPi.\"' IN PERSON N.B. 1)45.2770 ff'ee 4nc:1 f'et Ou1es st.a.rt 1100n. $20. 191~ Fullerton, C.?if. Antiqvn Bl 10 amplifier. 25 watt, like new, WADE REYNOLDS 011 For Recorded Info paid job!ll . Pilot proiram ofterlng the .;""~"~'~5~P~Mt_~~~--1:-;;;-;;;-;;;;-:::::::::--:;:~:::,I cost SSO. no1' $40. 2 walnut 8 PaJnting. portrait of young Phone 543-3191 c.:.:.:..;:s"'E'°C~R~E~T~A~R~Y--fine1t equlpmen.t and fat'1l· FORCED '° sell s· ?-.fed.it. LOUIS XJV qutto 1dze ~ x 12 x 24" s~akcrs, both for airl. 18"x:ZO". Pr i \I 11 t e SARAH COVENTRY h Illes a.vallablel Rt'&l·tlme sofa, 7 pc Busti din rm set, $300; coffee tbl. m•al top, $10. 83$.3826 O\lo~r. Bc~t olfer. 830-4134 as Gen. lnsurance Agtncy computer programmlni:. di opt'nings for full or part r.talure .,.,,oman expericnct'd 5 pc BallRI BR 5et, coU~ & fren<:h lcg11 Sl6C; la es BRAIDED n1gs. like nev. time salt>s. No 11\ve.&tment, in all lint":s of insurant't'I. The .4.-..1-.' , _•_nd_1b_l•_._1_ll_8'6--09ro _ _c__ flN!sser. inl11 id mahogany Sporting Goodt 1500 llxll & ix9. Jonnson ~12 no deliveries. For interview, Salary OPtll. New olt1ce. tll,;il~llJ HIDE-A-BED, couch, rocker. S3SO: chair. Victorian ~lyle. Sport&man used 20 Ill's. 540--0614 Great opport. 644--1~ of~ · n1aple coffee &; ,.nd Ibis. ?u~ty "?&I!. velvC't up~lsl.er· SCUBA GEAR 968-72'~ •·1 T......&.niologim huteh. d;,,.110. l~" b-1·d-.t ini; S9»: chair, V1ctor~an Tv.·in h's \V/J val\'e &, ~C,POO:,,,,~L~T~•~b~l•-.~ •. ~.---l'°d~tc---op. ·~es SEC'RETA"Y -•llractivl' 1m1 v *"..., '"' ~ st ·11: lull back & seal oll\·t "' ... y $17,157.70 \\'AS TIIE NA· i·oung l•d~y for .. -rk con 1,,,. 1 rue. 5fereo, bkcase, lamp$. !1,.;1 •••· 11.,,1 ',.nd bool.'i: Ull:e Nu, $!)0 . likt Tie\v, Sl7:J. Cl.ASSITTED~ Someone v.111 Huntington Se-at'h ' '. be lookini: for it. Dial 6'12· Com•&lt1Ceot llospllal : 1~56~1;'=:cc.=-======"--'==='='"'===°'=~=w~•=re=·="=.B==·=­ '. Job....Mon, Wom. 7100 Jobs-Mon, Wom. 7100 .. ., • ~ .... """II \'<· ' . -· 1• 1"" ' ne ... •lator. Llkf" Nu, $30. Coll :Ar ~ .... 1 TION·\\'IDf. AVER AGE offict\ ·-1yp1•1 "1fh ~ A J dr "'' I ·'oo• •· -g ., m_ent'&n. a\i,. • u s-11.r Guo. Sea lluntt:r, 12.J. ~~~-=-=..,.--~I CO~tMISSION p&irl our full ,pleasant personality to meet Un ion l•nk lquara LOUTS :\'V rhn set 6 can'f!t'f Sl6,l; coU~ table. ~mall c~f1 .673-l!/7:i BALBOA Sfly Club n1l'f'l\· ' t • ' • " ,;., . : • I • -. I ' • INSPECTION Electronic l~spector ht & 2nd Shift Varian Data M.dchines located in tha Irvine Industrial Complex, has an immediate open ... . fngs for a Electr<>Mecluutlcal Inspector. Requirements include 3 to 6 months ex?eri· en ce in electro mechanical assembly or ln· IJ>ICtion. and familiarity 'vith the electrontc · -colorLCod~, components: and assembly draw· in gs. Excellent starting rat.es and fringe bene- fit t>rogram including 12 days vacation dunng the 1st year of employment ruid a stock putchase program. ViriaR Data Machines A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY 2721 MldMllCM1 Drive, Irvine, C•llf. '2"4 (San Diego Frwy. lo Jambol'ft ofI·ramp · . l block S. of Michelson Drlv•) ~ .\ll;Eqµal Op1>9rtµnlty Employer M·I" --- time men last YP.•r. \Ve public and an~"·er phone, South Tow•r cha1r11 lable ~rx3~2' all round niarblt lop $3l:i; bcrsh1p for salt, rea&>nable . need a good man over ~O In Laguna rilguci 8 r,,. hlN 4D \\'/Ca.briole less I 4 5 O. Bureau, cherry, 1\mtMC11.n ATTENTION :""°."'bunny. Ca.II : 1·213 : 799-4428 the BeaCh Citlrs 11rea. Take 4~222 'lran1i, Cellf., t26&6 642-0239 sn:i: JUdilt-1 day couch, 08k Oirttt from ~e1delberg, APT Si Rangl", SlO. Ri1...v 1hor1 trips to conlact ==~~~----C1ll 547·9471 .~TCH=~---~-= chiw foot n.i•t upholslerina: Gerrna..ny __ newp1Urof Sohler !"-•";.·Gold ~ha"'. •vi, Grey -··lorn-. Air -·II A. H. SECRETARY PT/1me ~~"'"~""'""'""'~~I HA cover table SJO, Ski 610 ~ SIO ~..., au..t £A.I.... ~ .,.... ---· .,_ (P Of • 01· f 'tM ..,._ S300: .uaorted Imps "pie· -.. -io::u • ~ ... -.... ....,., 673-Giti. Patt-, Pre1., Tex1U Rtflnery ennl. f1c-e Detail for ITS YOUR MOVE l\'t 50a ..,.,. ~·cnch .. ~ ~ 1-lfr's Rep Type SH Ex . Provincial dre:sslng Table tures. Lo\'t ~I. \vhl!c da· 8' llOBtE Pin 'Tai I GRAND Piano. f ischer con. Corp., Box 711, f'ort \Vorth. " · · ' · 1i· .," "~" mask upholsten.,... 5165 Stt Surfboard fut l:. clean~ Texu 78101 per Nee. 4·16 l\rs wk. Full :>. ~ .,. • • • · temp $1200 RCA color T'J de.tails 10 Box 53.\l, D.ail.v Dl1covtr • Gre•t New 8 -'-E-A\Tf-_-'Twf-n-b-,d-r o_o_m 1tt, Oval rlbbtd, do'.''n pU. KI 9-1597 $J50. ·Both ~bony. Si3-~9 SALES PERSONNEL l'lt«led put time tor &dull luxury apartment complex . PrevlouJ Mle1 or ~a.sini exp. required. Call OAK\VOOD CARDEN APTS 642-3170 ~le11 SALESMAN WANTED to 1u~rvi~ boys, age 12·16. In ne""Jpaptt field. You will not tlel!ver newspa.pel' or collect. ?-lusl llvt in Cot:ta f<.teaa Art'&. $100 11-111rantte hr•t tv.'O \\'ttk$ If you q11allfy, Must ho.ve ~tttlnn wagan or \'8.o. Ce.It i\1r. Valdei &nytlme a1 213: 1!6>-2096 SALES Prolnsional traininc pro- sram. For recordtd tnfor-- matlon pbflne &15-1371. • Pilot. N.B-CtNtr With The !11tte, t yr old. $325. 6"-1161 IO"A'll sm; t<.fuc. s~s.2900 B'xlO,' FOLD·OUT ten!. ~If AcL'°EUT="1"A"N"'m=,.=-rox=-.•Fu'-"11"'2I SECRETARY: Assistant to i .:"::'::":..::.'---~--8TH ANTIQUE &tol"in; pol1i11, used tW'lce. kt <:01! Sacrifice CaD • President. Salary S5IXI lo AIRLINES iROUND Dinette, Ne'-"'r Mar SHOW & SALE ~t $225. $11J. 494-<1382 ~ ar. , ~ Ba9ed on Exper, c.all Ma.pie, t .leaL 4 chrs. & HUI· JAN. 15, 16, 17, 18 SC U 8 A GEAR $100, or FINE mei"1.1d ring! S3J.4jQ ~ O OPE;JtATIONS AGENT c:h. S150. 6f6....3CU, Th~~ Trij,Sat ~-l~JM trade for Cl\r or motoreycle. and stones S21·SOO, di8COUnt SECRET1\RY -Construe-a n~ ••I.Es SER'~ ..... "''OOd and ay 10 •• 4!M-&946 ** to rAr. 499-194.l ..,__ """'Mo• ""' • ~"""' ... Loni[ Beach Municipal Aud. oN·ir • • uvn. P/Tim~ Or FuU Time. e ttESE'R.VknONS cs.ne $4S. 8' ~ ... ~slip Call 53 turday, 54~ e AIR FREIGHT.CARCO cover. $50. f94...468S • LofW Beach Blvd.£ Ml1ce!l1neou1 1600 Ocean A\'e. Misc. Wanted 1610 Service Sl&lion. SeI'Vlce l)fopt e C0~1t.fUNJCATIONS BEIGE \"llt)'I couch & chair. ANTIQUE SHOP l·~ide...a,·bed. Hkf! . ne~ ~· -· , !~ Net<k'd1 O TRAvf.:L ACl:."'NT Excellent condltk>o, $45. CLOSING DOORS I I 3.) 1nm Exllkta V:"\ $6.l. Fri. * $135 PER WEEK + •94-9704 SU m "°"!Ano CM $ WE BUY $ Fnr Nt1v J\fa.rk C. Bloome Airline Sthoola Pacific ! ! EVERYTlfl1'G C0£.S : : n. · ' · f CM Sto Oi i pC, Otcon.tor din. 1e1: S TUES THRU SUN. l0-6' ./ JS $\V polk'I' spetlal. belt * •1 • re Mfe Ures &: 610 E. 17th, S•Ptl An1 pe. king site Br. sot: ~bed. 1~·%! Be•ch Blvd. .~ hr)J,. Spec. ;;::rip~. Ss:i. $ FURNITURE sl\l:W'~. ftf"frr \\1111 tniin. r .. • .1.ac11.1. All i%OOl'I cond. ~177 962-1300 Med. bentfit11 &-insur. Peri. i-~=c.-~--~~"==~ •--'-------Hunting1on Beach APPLIANCES 11lon k Prof ShAr Plan. Ap. PIANO LESSONS DIN rm buffet, COii S450, sac ANTIQUES &: .Junk: r.ttrb1t S.C C~l.A::'\'Y po r 1 a h~ Col111 TV1-Pi,"c11-iter 1 pl)' ~f"rk c. Bloome. Co., All agt.&. Sta.. lnrrrmtdl· S150. Occ. chr. co1t S200. &ac top commode 5250 Cold leaf lypc .... Tner .. ·1c11r,e.. XLl\'T t 'l.u ., H•11•• 1'1111 14<»0 Brooldlunt. G.G. 11.te1.'THEORV . JMPROVJ7.. $75. ~z..9006 · mltTOl"I k ~ me.tq CON"D. ~-897•79M HB. CASH IN J O MINUTI~ st RV I c E. s 111 t lo n. ATION. Reaaoon.ble, Call Bt>.VTlf'UL BU.lE I Gtt'f.n l'l'ltst, tur1ed chrs' & etc. nFF'ANY Lan1p. Victrola e 5~ I ..-453 1 ' • Gra,1•Y•rd man, J I'll~ "'·k. arm~ pm, ~1548 office 8Clfa, pracUcally new, Chest il maplC' locken. $1~ "''ith i:tCOrrt&. $10 a.nd i20 \\'Af.r.'TED rER:"ofA PRlsg i\lu11t be nie.at, cletn, t"XP'd 1VT'OR1NG-lll-Jr Jll, E\e'm Sl7S Pb. m..1ZS1 ea. 6"-tOJ.T, 6'1'.>ll21 gold pt«U. 61W25IJ BROWNIE UNTFO!t'IS 'lze .t local ~Is. Apply ~n gchls, 5 Cal!t. c red 1 . ESTATE SA.LE-P'urnlf\U"e, ANTIQUES A: S'n.JrF TOOL~fAKER. Cab:lnet and T...J..&. CAii 6'4~22.1 11fter StaUon.. tt•rbor Blvd • San lllasters ~. 1i yn ecp. Ill.mp!!, dlW" m"4: ltems. l':e lttay Have It! Prt-cllion toots~ ttkt1 lll. 6PM. Or \Vet k e l\d, .Dietro 1)-#y, No phon1. __ $12 hr. t!l6-225S _CAJ_l _64_4-41_'4_____ 'tlS2 Ne-..'J'Ort Blvd, C.~. c.t1 ~ Ar'l)lllmt, ! "' --~-----------·-----·---------------- FOUR CONVENIENT OFFfCES TO SERVE YOU e NIWPOIT HACH --2211 ..... 111M. • COSTA MESA ···---·-··· no Wnt ..., e HUNTINl>TON HACH ----lOt Flftti Stroot e LAl>UNA llACH -·-· 222 -A•-• LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE aA1t·t2n MOTICE TO CltEDITOIS SU,.EltlOlt COVltT ti' THE STATE OF CAltPC)ltNIA FOR THI COUNTY OF OltANQI Mo. .1..-147 E<!tle of lie<> F. LoNn, Jr .. 1lso ~NIWI\ •S Brn F. LODl!I. 09ce•Md. T-lllOt NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN ttt tr.e 1U"Elt101t COUltT 01' TIU! crl'dltors of !he abovt nl"'ed doced•nt STATE 01'" (AL11i"OIMIA FOlt tn.t 111 pen.Gf01 hlvlnv ci..1ms "tlnil ttw THE COUNTY 01' OAAHGli .. Id dKNIMI 1re ,..,..u!red 10 flle '"'°"'' NI. A·'4,.. will! ffle ne<n .. rv ~outhers, in tt>e otflct NOTICE OP' HEAJllHC OF l'ETIT10M ol ll>e de'11 of tr... •mv. cntllled court.« FOii l"ltOaATE OP WILL AND FOR "' "''""" lllem, with , ... .-...:.euerv LETTl!llS TESTAMEHTAllY wivcl>e..,, '° lht 11!>der1'9~ •I !t>e Office Eslll• of PEA.Il l J $,ll(HS. o~. of IMr ""°"" ... " O!.irvr•, C••Hl'•tr •I'd NOTICE I~ HEREllY GIVEN T!l•I B•r"ef 11'1' Elm$! J. kMtl, Jt., ~15 Croc:ker·Clllier1s Nl1+onal l!i1n' 11.ot lllo'd Mac,llrthur B""lrv1rd. P .O. llO• !IN, '"'"';" • petition !or "'°""'" of W•ll •"" N~-BNch, (AlllO•Jlll '7'643, wtildl ft !or !\tuner~• ltrh'" ftsl•me"'•'Y !o the !t>e "'''"of bmlnus of !t>e 11110H1!1Md lrl Df!!lllo•1e,., rtfr•l!m:r to which Is mMlr !Cr •II maUetl 1>erMlnh'>9 to lht Hlllf' of .,.!d fut!~ Part!cui.rs. •"" Illa! th1 tlmt end ~ce<lent. Wllhln r...,r ..,....,.,, 1llrr flM .,11c~ 01 l'lt1rlnv 1111 11mP h•s betn st! llnl P11blic1ti"" o• !M• ncllce. k)r F•bn<•rv '· ttlll, If l :XI 1.m •• In IM 011~ Jlnl/MY "· nm. courtroom of ~111r1.....,,,1 No. l ctl w ld Nellie G. l011•n court. 11 100 Clvoc C.en!fr Or!,,. We•t, In E•ecv!rl• of t~e Wilt t~~ (llY of $iin!1 .-.n1. C11Uorr1••. of Ille •-name<! d..:•nt 01!9d J1nuarv U, 1'1n o urv11, C1rp1r1tttr enl B1rn11, w. E st JOHN, !ly I[ ..... ! J. Sell•!. Jr .. Covn!v Cltrk. •SJ! Mltlr"'llr Bl~li'Ylrl, n.ANLE'I' I". IOISl'll '"· 0 . llJ 1116, 1Ulf Vlclorv 11ui.v1r<f NtWPllr1 It.ch, t•Nloml1 '1+1l .... N11,1, c.11 .. r"ll '1~1 T1I; 1711) JSJ•tfOO ,..,, (211) 7N·t11J AllorlllYf for l[J~ulrl• Anor1111 lw l"tllllDMr P11bll1hld Oru1goe (Dlltl 01nt l"!lol, Pub!!'~ Or•nv• (Olis! Dtlly F'llOI, Jl fll/tfY 11, 7,, JT l'lld Fl'br111"' 1 •. J•~u~rv 16. 17, 13, 19111 A •IO 1970 t.!-70 OU R FAMOUS S.w.dly, J....., 17, 1970 H-'• How You Ca11 Use 0111' Famon Dime • A • Unn DIME--A-LINES ."' .. -·---....... -.. Off of OW 4 COftYNf•t offkeL e Nocem11 ........ _M. • -............. ptlco4 ...... -.... $25. 6 4 2 -s 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L ---CF--. -... T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 - . t,J.:IMBER 2 x $ tir, 18' Jong WOODEN· Table $2$. P.fotor. PORTABLE TV U" GE 125, HARDWARE and household ~.15 each. ltedwood 2 x '1, SlO. Vark>us doors $1~$4. Table model TV 21" GE SJ). Items lo .. Sl. Air con- 16'. long Sl.15 each. 17!11 Garden tsble with henehe1 6~981 dltioner $25. Tape reeorder Whltder. C.M. 543-5034. $10. Kitchen table $8. Heat Sl2. 13" four lui: chrome COLDSPOT Relriprator JlO. lamp $2. Oil heatu S7. 2 PJJOTO developing equip-v.·heels $5 each. Sun lamp Willia.nu tumaoe, 85 BTU sport oar canvu covers ment and book! $1 .. $S. $3. W1lk;y·talky SJ, Glrl'11 SlO. Approximately 60 yards $2--t.5. Varieus sizes marine DrafHng table $5. l61nm B bike $3. Bench preu and aold carpetin&: with pad $.25. plywood scrapt: Seo-St. Alto Ir. lt movie camera $21. "-l!l,ghUi Siii. Ladles clothes, 548-1444 solid mafq:any, fir, teak, Opaque projector $10. Aqua size 3-111 50c -S3. Eltttrlc 2 FLORAL print uphollitertd chairs, good condition $21 each. 548-2442 GOLF Balls, all 1ood, 10c-2Sc each. Prach balls 5c each. ltten's ice skates, stze 8. used a lew times $5. 219 Poinsettia. c.&\I. LOVELY Clothes, sizes 7 and 9: codrtails to casuals Sl..SlO. • 546-4»15 P.fEN'S black v.'001 1uburban Coat. shawl collar, alpaca tYpe lining, "'5ize 40, $16. Navy blue gabardine 2 but· Ion ~uit, size 40, 36 pants $10. Brown-black spOrt coat, ~i!e 40 $6. 3 Villager wOOt &port i:;horts, size f\f, Sl each. Gold cardigan aplaca S\\"f!ater, size P.f, $3. New blue .striped short sleeved dress shirt. size 1~151,~. $2. La.dies grttn Pendlet on pullover s\\·eater, 111!'\\', size M. $2. Villager gold \\'00\ pulloVl"r 11weattt, ll'ize 36, $4. Navy blue short mat. Y.'Onl once, 1ize 10, $9. Vi~r yellow plaid "'\'.IOI suit, aize 8. no. Dresses. sizes 7-8 • like new $4 • $10. Handbap SI • $3. Box of assorted girl'1'shoes. outgrown, sizes 7t,;B 50c -Sl.25, Girl's size 9 cranberry color m 1 n 1 • jumper $1.50, hardly ""rn. Ladies large size a!SOrted aproM 50c • Sl.25. 2 white silk lamp shades, 14 x 141;.i, $1.50 each. Large natural linen lamp ghade $1.'r.). 72" traverse rod $1.50. Large arllficial potted philoden· dron plant Sl.'95. 54(}...2330 after 10 Ai\f HOSPITA.L bed mattress Sl2. 394 Han1ilton St. C.i\f. 8 F"1' COUai and chair $25. Kidney shaped cof.fee table and hvo end tables $15. .......,, PORTABLE sewing machine with attachments, like new S23. 2 combed plywood room divider planters. coppe r pans $7.50 each. Wrought inm table, f°""ica top, 4 c}\airs $20. ~2568 19" 'PORTXifuE'4 'f'V''l25. Ride toys 13 • · ~. Bikes S5 l'ach. Vacuum cleaner $::1. Picture. frames 50c each. Table radio $3. 548-6529 CITROEN owner has surplus a:enerator · S7. Starter· $12. Distributor SS. Regulator $3. AIM> four AC 44r plugPI $2.50 and new lire chai.ns with ad· justers SS. 64&-2388 PLYWOOD, ~J"' 1'1httls, 4' x 8', S4 each. li80 \Vhittier, C.M.~ PAIR end tables, CQlfee table 1 $15 each. ~1atchfng lamps S20 each. Dinette table S20. Chairs $3 each. Toaster $3. Children·s lamps Sl each. Picnic table Rt $5. M1ple rocker $7. Tub chain: $2 each. Utility table $2. Power mo\\·er $25. Electric lawn edger $18. Edger mower $8. Spreader S4. Vacuum $3. lligh chair S4 each. Pet travel cage, S5. Campint lanl~rn S2. Stroller S2. C.r· rh1g,. S10. Baby jump chair $3. Infant'~ seat $.:i. Girl's bike $3. Braided rug SIS. St. George guitar $25. Small Amplifier $25. Outdoor grill S4. S2. Toy firP wagon $2. Red velour towel and lid 11et SS. Large y.·hite chest $li 1514 Warw i ck Lane, Newport Beach. SNOW OOi.s. 4 ft. 4 n 6 in and 6·1t $3.SO and $10. Wall cabinet 8 ff x 16" xl2'' $8. Dlriette: table:, nevarnar top S5. Step table a.nd odd table• S4 and $4.50. Birdcage plllllter, new $4.50. l\1edicine cabiMl $3. Screen doof' $2. E lectric rrypan $ 3 . 5 0 • Garden hose• 50c. F..dger SI. carpet sweeper $2. Pc:ile lamp $3. Bar-b-que motol"ll $1 each. Viewrnast.er vit!wtr $1.SO. Screen Sl.00. Otiid'• oak ·chair $2 .. s ea.rs halnlryor 1:> ...... 9Ql. DtbHNG teblc, walnut grain- ed romVc& top , wit}I t le,llf S15. ' high back blue/~n dinette thllln $10. AU ex· a,U'ent 'conditiOn: Baby'bf.Jt. "l' $10.'543-8051 . oak, lol'I&" strips or aort lung regulator SlO. Kitchen heater $1. Camp stove $1. blockll Sc-$1. 64&-2377 cabinet $5. Blr639 A radio Sleep\ni; bag $1. Patio $3'.I. LP.t frequency motor turnlnn $1 . $3. Dr1~ 50c SKI Boots, 7N from Austria, $10. Aluminum boxes $2.:;o a panel. Popular 19511 wom once $10. Ml--9626 nch. 25 "'alt amp $5. 9 ihch reoords, 45 and :U 1/3 25c • Spanish 1..alJ(Ulge course via Admiral 1V $25. El@dronic SI. Type"Titer $l. 2226 State 4 LP records and manuals part&, meters and books $1 • AYt!, C.~f. betwctn Victoria $5. · 64z.'.s626 . ~. IU-3543 and Wilson ladk!1, size 8, TWIN beds, hollyv."OOd trame1'St~G~N~A7.TUR=~E~~.~,,~Puri~~,;.,-, White ~ $9. ...,.ith lhMr:sprlng $15 each. ooe·room, rood cot1d1Uon SKI Pants, royal bl~. ........ PORTABLE Typewriter $10. Standard typewriter 14 Inch carriage SIS. Printomatic elertrlc mimeo machine S1 5. Goll cart bag and clubft $12. Plymouth Savoy 1ix 11tan- dard shift S2:i. Eleetnc cof· fee urn, nickel silver spigot type $10. 8 mm movie caml!'ra Riviera $10. Kodak developing tenk, 1~20 film $3, 894..5963 BOY 'S 20" bike, good tor ~glnner SlO. Ff\f tuner, Eico-HFT-00 like new $20. Pre--Amp-Heathkit -WAP2, $15. Bogen vari1ble speed turntable $25. WestcliU area 646-8438 MODEL A repairable blocks, 2. SIS each. Head $10. Bell House JlO. Pan $5. Cams, 2, $5. Crank!ha.ftl, 2, $10 PICh. Valve parts 25c-Sl. 540-6147 YAf.TAHA 6().-8(1 frame and S-ann Siii. ro.8l autolube side cover with pump SlO. Yamaha parts 25c-$3. !>ID-0141 PO\VER f\fower, Olleflain rotary 18", excellent con- dition S23. Dark bro"'n human hair hand Ued wig S20. Lt blue wig cue $4. Designer flocked wallpaper, remnants $1 roll. Spanish tiles, semi-fiazed 7" x 3" x 1" 5c each. 646-9561! FRENCH Provincial end tables, frultwood, lowly $25 each. 5 x 6 yellow bathroom rua-. ~ $4. Food grindeT, new S2. &16-1342. 261 folesa 0r .• c.~t. USf.O 26 '' Schwinn lirhtweight blcyc:W.. good ~!!d\tign $25. 846.-2!fi 20""'~ 'IM'frer. 3 He -ariigi near nt'W 12). Drt1l M"I. 1 thru 00, S10. 54M934 GARRARD Turntable , amplifil'r, irpeakers. good condition $25. 673-4701 H.EA VY Duty hand truck $25. Child's !!COOier S:l. fan $2. VW jack $1. VW trailer hitch SIO. Beach um~lla Sl . Gas can $1. Color an· tenna $2. 2 boy's Stingray bikes Sl> each. New hard hall S3 and $. Small broiler $3. Seivk:e for U china $15. Cornfngwa.re percolater, new $4.!:IO. l...arfe pl p e wrench S2. White Boston rocker $8. 961 W, 17th st. Unit N, C.!\t. 2 Men'.!! bowling balls and c.ases Sl. Men'1 bowlirti: shoes, 1i1e 81,ii and 9, $2 and $2.50. Hardly used dark bro"'" cascade and black "i&:let $5 each. Exerc\11e .,,,..l!r $1. Costume jewelry JOc-$2. Good women 's clothes, 1du 8, 10. 12, 25c-$8. Children's clothes l0c-T5c. Yard age a~ proximately 25c yard, sold by piece, 4 yards maximum. 274 Knox Place, C. M, .... .,.,, BIKES, four ot 'em. Girl's 1tandard sbe $15. Boy'1 ~tingray S20. Girl's smaller 11ize SlO. 8oy'1 11maller 11ize, needs: wurk $5. 2912 Carob SI ., Eaatbluft. N.B. Near new. iriner 1prlns:11 $1S. New Montgornery \\'ard mat~S!t!S. cost $60. m 1Uper deluxe sweeper broom etich . 548-8879 $20. Lllrge a.rtUicial. tree GlRL'S bicycle. 26", 3 speed. $15. Walnut open &helt , bookca£e 4·sheU. S 5, like new. 673--4701 Folda\\'8,)' pinf: pong table BRO\VN 2 piece sectional Slll. Sears portable hjlir llO(a $.Zi. Green plutic dryer SlD. T' '"h; t e covered 1'0Cker $10; Green aluminum Ch1istma~ tree· t1wlvel rocker $10. Boy's 20" SS. Walnut Y.Titing lable bicycle $111. 2 end tables and "ilh drBiY.l!r and 11hclf Sl. l coffee table, blonde wood. JO' corkle55 walnut wall 11.ll 3 for $10. Comtr desk i;et clock $20. Gold noor tree "'ilh storage $25. Hide·&· lamp. J.lighll $5. Royal bed. nced11 ~r $25. f"loor 1>0rtable manual t)'Jlf:wrlter lamp $2. 1319 Belfast, C.!\[. $10. 12-gau;:e ~fossbe.rg J. 546-4283 shot, bolt-action shotgun INFANT'S automatic wind · chambered for 21% and 3' up swing $8. Collapsible pot-11hell11 with 22·, full choke- ty, brand new p. Portable barTel Sl5. 18 x 48'' belgt plastic potty $L lnfantseat. footstool $4. Redwood patio pad and cover SI. Drapery furniture -plcnic table. wllh tra\/t"r&e rods, 8" aDd 10·' benches\ adjustabJe lounge. center pull. all hardware $3 small table, double ch&Jrs each. 548-3106 with table between • need .::::.=...:..:o..:::::-~~--1 cushions • all for $25. 1620.l T\.\.0 aqua naugahyde' OC· g· St r ta] Vall . . 115 h 1eJTa ., r oun n ey. cas10na1 chain eac · Phone SJ9..3826 Dresser ST. 18'' Dual hee.d·i~=~-~~~~~ board $20. 548-8530 GOOD easy chair. black & white !weed, TV. Y.'Ork1, MAHOGANY glass lop end Bookcase headboard Take table $10. PE"nna reel power all $25. 5-i&-6533 ' mo\\oer $20. 'i02 Costa f\fesal====~~--~-­ St. Co\oita Me!!a. 543:r392 DOUBLE Box 11pring and BO~ERS • spnead . tur· mattres!I $15. 548-1934 quoise $4 a pair. 646--5607 GAS Range, apt 11ize $25. SKIS $5. Sled S5. !or Clean. ~8-3382 children. ~560T KING 11ize · ho" sprinr and GIRL'S b" I 25•• J.l........i mattress $25. Gold king 1ize . icyc e ' t=-'"'• bedspread $5, Swivel rock· llke new. 673-4701 ing chair $10. End tables $5 OLD Fashioned fold in wall each. ~2793 double bed $25. Double mat-I"-=•"'°---~~~== treu for wall bed SlO. J. c . PING pons:: table S17.50. Higgins red v.'OOden l'ilris Co_rvettr 11kl rack SlO .. VW aiie 6.2., used 3 times $25. ski rack $7.50. Aquanum, Ski pole5 with red handles ~mplete Sl7.SO. lnlema- $5 5JS..T056 tMmal road raee Sl7.SO. . ~5-5216 REFRIGERATOR, Works .I~=~,-~~---. Sl&. New, Ford. Stadium or 3 BAR 11tools~ bronH met.I. .Boat l!eats $1. ~·pole tu and be:1&e nauphyde, CCO!il $10) 'Super. si5. Like excellent condll\on $10 each new. <l ife warranty) 112 W. or 3 lor $23. S49-39'28 Coast Hwy. No.K~. N.B. MAGNAVOX TV, modern 40 4 Track tapes Sl5. 1007 E. walnut console, .needs work .. Ibo A t 3 S25. 2 matching ste~ a P · speakers S6 each. 24" x 30" 4()...4 Track tapes $25. Stereo orii;lnal oil painting in huc11 home converter $10. 8' of blue and purple $18. RuSISell Mini-gun $25. Enya 548-0097 19 RC $8. Enya 10 RC $5.1===~~~~~­'Z-8" s akmi in cabinet MAPLE dual twin bed frame $25 ~ w. Balboa. HR. $25. OuaJ twin bed rails $15. · Dual twin bedspread new NEW 35Mf\f slide projector $20. Dual qMr.::a ~. Dual $25. Ah10 SMM projector SIS. twin mattttsa. new each 673-2966 $25. Cherry wood double bed DECORATOR Candles: all frame S25. Double mattreu size11 made f rom pro-$25. Double 1prl'!£' $25. Toys feuional molds. plain and lOc • $2. Clothina: l Oc • $3. multi--colors 95c-$4.95 each. 56-8997. 311>4 Vin Buren, 853 Gowmor Sat/SUn 10 c.~I. am -4 pm Ls.=rA7.LL,"'"°-go~td~l~od~t~.,-~-cli-qu-, 4' Oak desk s:g. 212 39th St. witch, sltght dent In cover, NB not ercrwved, not runnin& 2 .Kitchen table sel1! $7.SO, $24.9:.. Ten speed bike, Sl2.50. 2 Surfboard! SlO, $25. ~s tlre11:. parts and v.'Ork Clothi"i: 23c to $2. SUit& $9.9J. 644-t306 $5-$10. 234 Viejo, Laguna TIRE. 900 >i 15. w/w $5. Kite Beach. <tM-0366 sailboat center boa.rd $10. 21" RCA TV blitck andl='7"3-5935=-c·,,-~,......,,,-~ while, in maple cabinet. \n BOY'S aki p11nts ~·ith nicing good working order $25. slTlpe, 4S $7. Tire chatna . 673-2962 600 x 16 to 815 x 15, 550 x 16 BATillNEil"FE With pad and to 700 x 14 S5 pair. Sylvania Sun run for movie. camera basket liner $6. Toilet seat $5, Kalart movie editor $20. SL Complete Playtex nurser Shoe roller llkate1, site 11 S4. car aeat $4. Bathtub $1. l llgh ch11.lr <no tray) $3. $2. 16 LB bowling ball $4. Rocking hoNlc $<!. Car·botUe1~ .. ~""'-"~1 ~===-~ warmer SL SmaJI 2-Wtittler 4.80 x 8 TIRF..S S2 to $3. bike ss. clean and very good Oirome trailer hitch $5. J. condition, 11ee at 1T660 Va.n '115 x 13 tire&, near new $3 Buren, tl.B. (near Buch each. Peir sno)" chl,11111, ,14- &nd Slater) 1S inch $5. ?.1odel T Ford P 0 RT A 8 LE Typewriter, Hennes 2001, $20. Wot1d Globe i:;. lJoOkcUe s~.so. Antique green occasM:inal wnnchc.!! S2 e1ch. 646-8411 t8ble $4.50. PrvvinclAI table SALE Double ski boots ladles lamp $4.50. Bird care with ll'ize 71h, men's size 9\~ $10 23" RCA Consoh•, excellent stand and ne:w caven $4. each. After s:ki boota S3. condition $2.i Pulln1an v.·et· F1owered bedspread, doubl~ Boy's clothing size 2-6, dry vacuum $2:i. 1.1 HP elec. SJ. Corningware S1. $2. All 5c--50c, Toya le-25c. Books tric ~~r compreuor S20. itema perfect condition. 192 Sc. Hou~re:s l0c-50c:. _673_>-_2900 ________ _ E . 18th St., C.P.1. 646-4657 Electrolux wax 5 &:allon 50c. 19" PACKARD Bell TV. Nice MOVIE Projector $25. Len11 Lazy 1u!IBn $2. 2 2 0 31 maple eablnet. Set needa and hoJder , S20. Projector Catalina Circle, llOUth eu1 work $15. M.2--0935 ca..rTY111&' case $8. Dll)'llle ltuntirrgton Beach: Bushard TV. works SlO. 1 9 1 3 viewer $8. TV, black and 110Ulh . to Molokai-Wtat to Ty))ewrlter $25. Marine bat. white, 25 Inch ·l(ften, needs Catahna. Circle. teey 2 tor S5. Pickup rear capacitor sto. Color TV $25. COUCH 6' IOOd. sho.pe f.5, bumper $1 5. Mower $2). cOtnpo\e &ab SS. ~ett,a' [)fl;lp leaf eottce ~ble $15. SUrfboard 121. Jeep trandef desk J>f!R set, onyx Storie and GE lron $2. Lamp $.1. $S. Aluminum p.1 tank $5.. 5 told $9. 2 'RoyN Beyru\h Qai11e loungt $3. 646..m kw geMrator $20 .• Detroit cttam.tn' $'9 t!ach. Oifrielt! ~ t.aionla NB dlell!I camahaft SlO. 7.50 x t1nbQ:ue1 and art ol:litc:ts:' 2 6. Diameter Ta.ble tap, 16 truck tires $15. 548-3869 rlt'e ba'Wls, h1flt! -painted $12 nfi!1hed with Teafn. Barga.ln TWIN btds, complete with each plate. ~11t •Willa. at '25~ 281!1 ldonterey Ave., headboards, box tpritlp •nd PLAsrtC rockff w I th ha.aaock $20. Small dre11ser with mirror $12. 847..0.192 N-OAGE 'layoul Sll.5(). Silent gi1nl1 air pumps Sll. 12 gallon salt weter aquarium SCI. M7~92 20·· TABLE model TV $20. 1T'" 'vorking Portabl~ TV Sl2. Wa.lnut fonnica 2 tiered corner !able Sl5. Table radio $5. Automatic record pl~r $18. Picture tube l't'- juwnator $l5. 10):.: 14 black v.•a.11 tire $5. :>.speed sting- ray needs minor repair $15. 893--7419, 15781 Willett. H.B. {Springdale &: \V1rnerl BRAlDEO ru1s 50c each. 2 beautiful oval·inlmed Doral prints St) :tel. Old corked bottles Sl each. Spices and rack SI. UUJity table $15. Steam iron $1, Girl 's. v.'Omen's clothes size 12·16 '.!Sc • $5. Monktt11 records 75c. Miscellaneous pans, giJveN111.re, dishes l e to $1. Saturday only :m \V . \Vll10n, C.l\1. Sp, 3t STINGRAY type bike $12. Jungle hammock $8. Bad· minion 1et $2. S4~ nSHING poles glass 1 hesvy duty rock cod Roddy 1 pier -pole $4 each. S36-0403 BAR stools S4. Hlde..a·bed $3). Coffee table $5. Hlgh chair $5. Car seat $2. Kitchen ware 5c .. $2. 8951 Albetros Dr. H.B. 962-7312 MOTORCYCLE helmets 1,~ pril'I! Sl6. Factory ~. 962--0661 HUGE SALE: 400 square yards carpeting $1 • $3 squire ya1:d, shag. nylon. wool, lwet'd. All colon;. TV $25. Gun $211. Lad I e a clothing SAks 5th Ave., I. ~lagnlrll!, Bullocks Wilshire, Judy'11,, Robin10n11 Sl • $2'5. FU.rniturt', toys lOc • $2. New trllll~r mirrors $5. Dishwarc Ille • S2. ~fl'.'n·s clothing $1 -$15. Suits S2 • $15. Cameras SS • S2S. Motorbike $25. needs work. Radios S2 • $i Books Ille • Sl. Lamps, hanging a.nd standing S2 • $15. Tape l"'K'Ot'dt>r S15. Dolls 50c • St. 115 Tulip Lane, Costa f\tna. 1 block IOI.Ith of 22nd and 1 block ea.st of Newport Blvd. 9 am Saturday RETURNING to South Amerlca, must 11eJI new Jtem1: "'ool pancho $18. Emerald rin.a: $25 •rid stone11 $21. Discounted 50%. ptJl'MI .. a.lllgator $10 or calf SIS. Decorative 18" copper 11poon and fork $20. Neckla~s • copper S4 or eott" bean $2. Colombia n wall pllllJU8 • hind carved SS or colorful Y."OVen face for kitchen $3 or distinctive round copper SlS. Pair lndian copper ma.aka $8. Door mat $3,, Straw hat SI. Silvu money cllp s;s. Bird carwd from horn $2. DecoraUve Spanish bronzed 1ntiquc 1tlrrups '2S each. 499--194.J PORTABLE typew r Jter, R.emitlil.On -Ga• wateT heatrr. 45 pllon -Roll- away double bed .. 231 V tratler: portable tllennador healer: S25 each. Packard Bell, floor TV Wtth booster. lon,g colfce table, a:Ia111 top • mll-a1o1·ay alngle bed • aa11 range apt. ·trailer size a1 ls • Trailer met1I pon::h • Sl5 e~ch. Heavy glap. piece11 dtUerent sizes for your shelvinc $1 ea~h. Telephone table $3.50. 1V at1nd $1._:;Q. All private aaJe, Ca 11 494-3123 ANTIQUE lelephooe type" table $18. Ash and Wf'OUlht iron dining ta.ble $2:). 6 matching chain $25. 1 wood arid wrou.&ht iron bar stools $18. 2 Bent~'OO!I chairs, need painl $.3. Brau fireplace tool.!! $.2.50. Chl ld c rar t crarlle. like new S4.50. New electric Ice cream makeT $5. Bean pot y.•lth electrlc plate $4.50. Larae crash h<!lmet S2. New electric manicure set $4.25. Bniss candle stick11 S2.50. Skis and poles S15. Electric com pop- per $3.50. Large decorative 'Yl'OOd spoon end fork $2.50. \Vanning tray Sl.50. Carpet sweeper $1.2.l. Floor pollsher t2. Blick metal bookcase ind tables SI . Sl.50. Kitchen items 25c -$2. •94-4685 WROUGHT iron a:lass table $25. 4 chaifw $10 each. Yellow G.E. filter-Oo auto ~asher S25. Danish modnn 111>fa $25. Danish cbalr SS. >Jr conditioner $1S. Hydroplane boat,· wttbout 2 SHOWCASES Sl5 • S25. -~tar: $20. CoUee ta_ble $5. 675--7566 . Electric broom tncludina . SCRAM-LETS ~~~1~:~0~·,2~ • Decorator pUlowa Hlc each. ANSWERS E.ncydopod~o 110. Melmac f'hsheA $3. New Spanish eanclelabra $10. 9 X 12 rUg SJ. 5 '!-'. 6 Ml&: $.2. Irons $1 .. Octave -Infect -?>tadcap -Gentlr -Ensign -Pad· die -APEVJNE One monkey to anothet': ''Where do you eet ail those 'Wild n1mors 1" "I get them," replied the dipified monk. "over the APEVTNE." OLD dime store glau vuea SJ. Antique apple petler ST.50. Antique pit.cberll $4 • ST. Old railroad stock $2. 1919 Pasadena phone book ss. Old pictutt frameg 2Se. 675-.1258 ' COMFURTABLE 9' orange couch $25. lll).volt electric ck>thes dryer $15. ~1138 WOMEN'S golf cluhli $5. Red table with chairs S8 . P.fahogany dining table $25. Redwootf table. benches $20. Bookcase $10. 20" boy's bicycle $12. Crih $ 3. Clothing $3 • JSc. GE mixer S4. ~ alter 12. 436 Holmwood, NB SHORT black wig orig{nally m. neecis . restyling $10, M>-"65 ITALIAN racer 10 • speed man's bike $25. Small Stingray $12.50. Handmade tablecloth from Eu r ope 105x70 new $25. ~3680 2 J9" 1V porlables, nnd ~rk $20 $15. 2 Di11hm11slrn good $22 • $23. Chicago sink f.a~t Sl0.50. RCA Record playtr.$6. 3 TV Stands $2.50 • $4. 3 clock radios SS • ST. 1 Sunbeam hair dryer SS. Ice CA.r cooler $6. 6 dtttrie clocks Sl • $-1. Small suitcase $3. 4 kitchen clocks Sl -$2. Fitt8tands. andlm114 $-1, 39~ Channel Pl, NB 613-1603 S2. Heating pad $ I . 5 O. Polaroid hlinger $5. Lawn mowen; $3 and $5. Redwood chalie louna:e $5. Girl's blkw $3. Boy'11 bike $8. Unicycle $5. T1pe recorder with tapf!1 $8. Bow and arnnn-$3, Realrd albums 2k. Girl's roller skatn, si1.1e 3, $3. ea· bed $1. 75. Infant 1eat 75c. Vapori:r.er $3. Baby clothel 5c • l5c. Ladie1 dolhe11 10c • SlO. Household gooda 2c -$2. Sat. only. 2'159 Norae w~. C.M. GOOD deep freeze, lot Cl't'am type S2S. 8 foot stainless double sink and d'rain board, COmnlt!TCiaJ type $25. 2210 Oraria:e, C.M. 1960 CORV AIR. l'Unl barely $25. Spare e~ne. partially rebuilt $20. 54~1 2 PIECE llf!Cfional. like JJt!W $22.50 each. Box spring and mattre!ls $15. 642-Sln ANTIQUE chair Sl.50. Bayreuth creamer and 11.1gar $25.· Rressed alat11 compote t2. ?tnk Fostoria deaert dllbes $Z, Chbl.Jt VMe 117.SO. fl~ acrttn $5. Olaln llflk aate. s· plu11 SS. Roper llCM!! $25. Dt1k SIS. us.c Cle1rbrdok Uine, C.l\f. REFJiJGfRATOR .with CJ'Qlll:top frttzrr. nma a'IJOd 1z; .• 'IV· al" "'"'" 125. Chest of drawers S 1 5 . Couch, Danish "1tjle, 1tJ01f condition $20. Whttl.buToW llke new $5. Table, lflllr8, folds, mahogany S15. ?<.faple Colonlal style table $20. 4 chain to m11tch -$20. Wattt akls, eood $5, Double bf'd contour llheet&. good Cl» tfltlon St, Couch, pod con- dit ion $8. Sears ~ble BAMBOO fllmitutt 2 piece Koolt'r $7. Child's wqon $L love seat, um chair, round Otild'ic doll housa $1. 580 dofh table, StUdent desk, Hamilton, C.M. $10 each piece. 962-3781 1WIN' 'bOX ipt1ng and mat• !XS SHEETS Muordt~ $2.EiO. tresa. utra long, Ilk•' new bc8'• flOc, Call. f15..m0 S2J tf!ch. F'il't'ltone Cortlolt •' L .. IT' PORTABLE TV, worb aOod $11. "' hm9'powd" motor S8. 63 falcon•3 a.,mt transmlukln $2:.i. W 0 T k bench tod vise $]$, 67~7tel INSf ANT hot ,..,.ter kitchen bcl06ter S18. 2 tube ps wall heat« $10. Woman'• 14 lb bowling haJ1 itnd bai: $.l. ~ten's 16 lb bowlin: ball and .,._. $5. 543-7011 p!ltten:i· $24. 2 BI en ko dxt11. Mesa matt~uea $25. Night sta.nd f01tona b2ue plate• and H G. De k -Motcrol bll-i. TWlN box 'l"'"P aod mat-TV, -$1. g IOot -lrett. '1et1, S20 set. Kine and c h air. need headboard.it. ,. Ltddcr 11 miphol!t"" m "" both. ~ stand $2. Twin ?<.ft.n's 14K ~d Ymldlfll bookcate headboard11 SUI band. new, 11U1 10~. $15. pair .. ~lid desk wlth 3 G.E. Stn.m lron $2.50. 'I"" drawtn' $17.SO. Che11t of chrome dld!tte chairs Sl dnwn sz, Ni.cht stands tach. F1>1m c:blb2e mat • JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Ou1lity Printing ind D1pend1bl• S•tvic• for more then • qu•r+tt of • century. PILOT PR INT ING 11\1 WIST U.UOA IL'fO .. NIWPOIJ IUCH-641..CJ,1 \ 5 6 7 8 260 ROUNDS ammunition 30.06. $21. 1965 Austria pl'OOf act ln car.e SS. Uneoln CQ\n 11et (1!Ml·1968\ $3.. Hl'.'al lamp. adj\l,tAbl~ stand, coet oow tlOO. 11tll for $15. New head tractiOn set S I 0 . Typewriter 1land, metil $!. S4s.= ca,ntlle holden S16 eaf;h 11et. SlJRF89ARD $fO. Sled H .50. ..,. 8 •""· a "'" Swedish vaAe $!5. Swi!IA Antique radSo $15. Hanging and white TV COl'llOle $25. ~-I S25 Italian bullion lAmp $2. Ban.Jo $10. Antiq\M All aood cond.IUoo. SQ..1140. · -~ tny ..... n.dio 1peaker $8 BeU~rd 2114 Continental, Ot cups, C"'OV'!n a1-.i .... · , fOf' 11.ll. ChinellC plcskin $4. TeleliCOpe $9. An:Uque BABY crib ~ firm mat. aervlnir: tn,y· $6. 6 Cblnese •hot repair Iron $4.«'.I. mu $20. RCA TV, 21" plc- ceremOnial bowls $J.S..$11 Game~ 50c Pach. Jerry tu~ tube cood $S. Lot. ol 64~ Mahoney dummy $3. Anti• women'• sutts, dre•se1 , quo folding chair S 5. 1lre1 lG.12. !IOc: SJ 19'" 8!1dc end whlle TV, llibm.chi 12. Touter $2. Foot 842-7458. 2501 Holly ~ portable $25. TV stMd Jl5. 2 ltool $1. Anrry !flretch@r $.1. NB · car 11eets $3 tnrl $.\ 646--7363 elcyele pa.Ma 50o44 3(l2S ' I • FROS'TLESS h'll1dalre $25, PORTABl.E electric 110 l"O t Samoa Pl .. C.P.f, Clrl' blk ~ y lh V clothe• dryer sz;. ExceUent s e · OU ma 220 \'Olt rtnp $21. 2lli Con-nBERGL.ASS 10 ft dinp tft:llllelJ SlO NCh. f'otmle& · Cu S2S. Heat exclwlctr $25. I.able S20. FOUT' chain $10 tinenta.J Avt., ...... GM 6n eyllnder bsd tz;l, each. $At.sun. t..s PM.. 1891 D?VAN $.10.-f73;3611 fn1..T538 CJahu Pl, OM • S'f.!IO. Black coffee table n2. S2. fnntnpcirs double IMt· Black and white end table b'nl $2..• Bed line:na. lhel:ts. SlO. Llm)l.1: SI.SO • $3. Table blankets. spruda !Ore t S1 with 4 chlln J25. Pillows, each. ~ $7, 134 25c -rs1 . Blsnkttl $1 • $2. Om;rt!!e St., OOlfa Mt Teak staCk lsbles Sl. C11rpet ~ _ ' and Jt4ddlrc m. rn.ws VACUUA-1 $12. PUllh 11u 1-10 $3. $6. ~s aiz:e sa. ~r $7. Tricyd S2. 7-1.$1. Couch $20. Ola.In $5. To.YI 5c ta p , Lampa $i Tout« U,50. Poll and PIN ~acb .. l'lll1 Sltnla F• ~· 5c -$~~ Porl11.blf F.V. t.n..17'5 ' dkhwubor 12'-4311 Via LldO CAsr iron bOlh.,b whlt•1<ii Nord, tide> 111and Mnd driln ~ MT..:sm L ----~--~~--~~~~~~~~--------~-----~~~---~--~-~-------------------~~--~------------------ --·~---------- .. 8A11. Y l'ILOT "~It ttANi)!Se l'j)IC "".E AND TRAD! I Sa""", ......., 17, 1970 FREE TO YOU P S 111d LMSTOCK TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION .:.T.:;;RA:.:;N:.:;S:.:.PO=Rf;.:.A.:..:T.:..:10:.;.N;..._. I•.;.:.· !tA=N.:;SPOc..:.cR;.:.TA;.:.T;.:.l;;.ON"--I TRANSPORTATION H°"" IUO S.llboll1 9010 Mobll0Homo1 9200 Compers 9S20 lmporlld •um 9600 lml,'!rtod_ Aulo1 960:> _...,_._,_•..t.c...,A.,.u_•_••--'-600-I M11c. Wonted 'i610 FREE~·-..-••MUST SE!Lll •-•· . .:;;;=:......:..::.::.; 'iu EN I"-"~---,---""""·Short blocka & ''"' Bay?J.,.12Z!orbelt-.,;;; -Owner. Clean, RARS OPPORTtJNITY 'fll VW Camper. Mu•t ENGUSH FORD MG VOLKS,..AG WE o..pcnlely l<Hd A mipo. -=· 1117 -11l98 tuu. equlppocl, full MIL MOBILE: l.JVING on !hi ~ll,~~. =-~.~,., ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;/.------- Whlri,pool. or Keamore f Pupp!ni -3 fenia!H &: 1 awe. enc included. $SOIXI or AUCK Umlled Q>acet ln ;•:,:::·•~w=••_;.-='=.c~-;;..c..-;::__ \ comb. Wu!1"'-Drytt. UtUe maJe, 2 \Vhite 6 2 black. TRANSPOttfATION beit otter. Call btwn &-5, new .... · .. ,ti ......... .._.,__, DODGE ptck-up, % ton I: ORANOE COUNTY'S MG • VW 164 K. Ghia Cpe. , . ri-•-o•· ~ 84W!IS --· •• ~·~ 1011 1 847 ~ VOLUMI ENGLISH Sal ... &•'''°'· Parts ~ •..• ~••by rod wi!b boau. t ~u;_:• '"" _.. ~1 1119 &U-1234 ext 3n. Beub Cub. Modela ot1 dls. ',· e&mptr, --. ~ ...,,""" ' .. • ~~·· PETS ond LIVESTOC" Bolts & Y1cht1 9000 LIDO 1.l No. ms, NI ,...... play! Greenleaf M 0 b 11 e 6'2U \\amer Ave, No. 188. FORD DIALER lmmcdiate Delivery, tiful ~ inter. MOWER. front-throw. A "' '" .... Home Sale Z1*2 SALES. SERVICE All la1odelt Equivalent to ''A BABY llO\''tr ~~159 Dogs 1825 ~ ~~~~SIN?~ ~~.~.C::~: ~ Jllchw;, H.B. ~c l~portecf A~ 9600 e 2 ~~~~~OCK ~~H ~'am~u fo-; AMARAN. New 55' x er. otc. 673-6760, hm. 548-7116 '68 ~ 11iii BA, carpeted, AUSTIN AMERICA • 2 & -4 Dr. D<:luxes lamp•, wood sfefflng wheel , • ullcll Mote 1 1 1760 PUPPIES I> •acll to lood :IO' 51,.,. lO. Lux Salon. 2 SURFSIDE 20 dra..,1, part\y tum. Mu1t ••••Dr.GTMod~ AMIFMradlo,du=ewhh .. "I r 11 home1. 2 temal6, l male. ~r Cabins, 2 Hds, 2 Queen $1750. Call 64Z41.81. Sf0 .$8750, terms. Hu.n----------e Station \l'aa;ons etc., ('tc, Mu1t ~ r;een I.: WOODWORKING POWER ~Y are a cross be™--een ! beds, Tealc decks, Teak tington By the Sea, Space AUSTIN AMERICA Many wilh fully automatic 3100 W. Cout Hwy, N.B. driven to appreciate the ex· TOOLS. Ir. !. Lookl like a ~r & cabinets. ~r 7 Jent., S&il Power CrulHrt 9020 '127 Sales, Servlct, Parts tr~ .• air, radial tires, ra,. M.2-t400 540-11'6f tra fine care it ha1 had! ALL TYPES. poodles with fairly long 30 knts. Price $110,000. ~cu=sr"o"'M,,_-C.'Olch-.,-w-;/~co-ba-nn-. Imniedlate Dcllvery dlo, vinyl roof. wsw tlrei. Autborh:ed MG Dealer . Locally owned.-(PIY836) CALL • 6*-JUB or ~7 hair. 2 monthl old 6 really Terms • Vlill trade,. part 19118 25' Hardtop Cabin All wood, many extras. All ?ttodeli BRANO NEW 570. 2 OR. '69 MGB OT. 5 mos old, all cute! M7-1868, HB CMh, part clear real e1tate. Crulaer, 210 OMC, SS. OF, $15,950. Trade! Lido Penn. $1785 FULL PRICE extras! Paid $4000, asking FREE TO YOU January Clearancet Fr!e! Make offer. 536-6083. P .O. all extra• incl trailer. Like 673-3524 ORDER NO\Y $3495. 675-7004 ---------13 femalea, 1 male. Toy collie-Box 1913, N.B. new. \Vilt trN!e eq. for ========== Thtodore FREE To qu~ home: Lab & ?!'! Five "'eeks old 1966. 23' Powel' cat, Aba.lone smaller outboard. S92-lfi60 Motor Homu 9215 ROBINS FORD w/feneed yrd, Io v ab I e and weaned. 536-3645 alt 4 divine boat-radio, depth tin-CAMPER SheU, insulated, 8' PM ~.. A ·~ DODGE SPO"TS VAN WJ 2060 Harbor Blvd. friendly female alrdate, w~·· nytlme der, diving hoae, com~ wlboot, cargo door, ;lSO. * 0 ' "' • w "·-stH N.B k "" lull all •-• ....u;s wy., • Costa Mesa 642..0010 &ood with children. wee e •· pre.,, Everything aet to 64&-4017 K ey, prop-up wp, 642.s.Kr.; . 540-1™ ~-========£1 well-trained. 633-3049 1117 GUAJU? Does. AKC reg. go $6500. 646-l:al 1·,~35~·~am=~1s~R~O~AM=E"'R,_.,.Lo_" ~·='"="='=· $2!00==·='=94-438:1='"'== I Authorized MG Dealer FERRARI MORGAN '57 MORGAN + 4 NEED perm. home for German Shep. 5 wks, ONLY 5 mQI old, 1969 17' of Extra.I! Must see! \Yill M t I 9300 TEACHER must DC! '89 ---------1 lovable >'OlUI&' terr Im Ix Champ stock, 4 fem, 3 male. CHRYSLER 110. Bimini trade. 675-3242, 499-4206 _o_or_cy~'-'~·'-----t Au.stln America, auto trans, FERRARI l.n;oo=-=·======"'"=112=' dog. Hsbrkn. male, iood 837191! top, full cover, cathode BRONCO SOcc hi.I bike. For RIK. $1350. 675-6912 •ft 7. watchdor for adu1t. or older I lRJSH SEITER PUPS. 11 y stem, etc. Retail over Speed-Ski 8o1tt "°30 strttt or trail. Low niJleagc. Newport Import. Ltd. Qr. PORSCHE children. 633-SMl 1/20 Champ ""''~ S"· l $SIXKI. asking $3950. 67l-2ll9 Sacrifice $175. 64&-1587 o•••. BMW an&:e Count)''• only autbor-1----------.·~ U\. , 1968 SEA Ray 17'. Black "" tzed dealer. 2 LOVABLE Kittens. One Femtle Jett. 497-1021, 1969 14 CHRYS. Runaboot. wired lnter. lnbrd..outbrd only. SALES-SERVICE-PARTS • Porsche '68912l1rga gray calico. Spayed. 6 mos. 494-6632 or 64Ui065 25 hp Johnson & trlr. Used Mtrc crulaer. 120 HP: llO '68 BSA Splttire Mark tv.1----------3100 W. Cobt H•'Y· FIXED REAR \VlOOW 1 m>ttled grey female, 3 AFGHAN HOUND, 18 MOI, 18 hrs on vacation. Must sell hrs. $3000 tndds convt lop, 6SOCC. Stored 1 yr. 1500 act e BMW e Newport Beach Beautirul burgundy w ith mos. HOUie pets. Need good Show Dog. ?t1any Ribbons .. ~$l99ii"'.i'i84uW159C,;B;'IM;;lm;J.;ii l~'°~v~•~<~&~tra~il~ .. ~"~&«-:;;~<'~68~ mi's. lmmac. #15. 673-1334 All Modcla in Stock 642-94.05 540.1754 plush black interior. Dtrome home. 548-0813 1119 Gd Hae Pet. Must Sac. $500. 45' TRI CAB. best main! or 673-9206. for Immediate Delivery Authorized Ferrari Dealer wheels. AM/FM, Shortwave COWE. 14 mo. old, Phone 646-9724 livabrd in Npt Sch. Only BOit Slip Mooring 9036 1-----,.~66~H~O~~~D~A---FREE $159, Ml/FM RADIO JAGUAR radio, etc., etc. Locally own- blk/wht. male. To gOCN1 BEAUTIFUL Doberman $23.000.BR4M-3916. l60 Scrambler $290 with purchase during our ed &. senrittd, w/very f~ home only. 842-5846 a.fttl' 5 puppies. BlackJtan 7 wla. 12• GLAS.c; boat. 6V. HP 2 ~t Slips ~or R.Einl: 1 For 547•3182 GRAND OPENING! C1tN'fully driven mlleii. An 1~i>m=·==,..--,-.,,..-,~-"' 1 841i1.."a}!~Females. $2()...$25. Elgin, $150. :i..~~ 50 Sallboa_ts. Call 1--.,,,68~H~o-,,.,~.-,7..,~&~,-.-m-.-:i"6~Jg!~; ~~~.'" -..,--3.-4-,-.,-.0-,-N-.-B-1-.,-kl ~~~;lawless Porsche. BEAUTIFUL white Samoyed ............, I~/ Gd cond. $675. Only 534.z-154 Open Sunday S92-555l beauty! \Voocl paneling, lthr 21 Other Porschii l\~ ~ o.l&u All ~hot~ Well SCO'ITIE Pups. AKC Reg. 8 17' F ibe11tlass boat. 40 hp Mobile Homes 9200 2,000 mi. Call 673-5885 ~phol., auto Iran~ .. $995. Ph. TO CHOOSE FROt.1 tra . t PM "-'eeks old. $75. Call eng, w/lrlr. all equip!. Sac.I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; '69 YAMAHA 175 Enduro DATSUN 1r. Gennett days 6-12-4910 x 833--0777 1·19 4 9 2 -18 4 2. 315 Calle $650. 642--0427. 642-2740 I• 900 mllea. EXTRAS! 3TJ, e\·es/\\·knd.~ 675·6039 MOVING -must find home. Pescador. San Clemente 1..:=:...:;:;...:='-"'-'__:.-NEW! $550 * 673--0993 JAGUAR '62 XKF..: Roadster. Approx. 6 )T. o.ld rema:le DOBERMAN puppies, g wks, Sailboats tOlO Privata Club * ~'RISING SUN" f.1ust sell ! Drafted! $1350 or J2rtuporl 3l1np or1 £, spayed Pek~A-Poo. Older AKC Ch. 11ir@d, ahow qualj. LIKE SAILING? Greenleaf Par·k Auto Services '67 DATSUN "'1600" RDSI'R best oUcr. t.lr, l:imlth, cpl. pref. M&.5709. 1117. ty. Mlllerdobes 714: 962-9886 DISLIKE TllESE? & Parts 9400 Put your top down & your _54&-__ "'-"------ 4 YR. OLD Fe~ German GERMAN Shepherd, '6 in spirits up -join the jet set ·54 Jaguar XKE Roadster. JIOO W, Coast Hwy .• N.~. Shepherd Xlnt watch dog, monthl, female, excellent • Payme.nts, hig.h terest, An Adult Private Club A1TENTJON: Serv. stations &: wheel around in this New top fX'\ll tln!s x1nt Sl2-94Cli 540-1164 sood w/chlldren. Free to with clrlddren ru. 546-5()33 depre.cl.a~n, 1111 P rental, One Mile from the Ocean & garages!! Electronic lune sparkling, oriental, cream cond. $200o. 675-5703 ' Authorized ~JG Dealer ~ , ___ •••ll129 1119 cleaning, ln!!Ul'aJlCt!, etc. up 80ope, drive on front end be ly I I h bl -'· ._.. '66 9 •"""" 11UU11: • .,_.. BLACK Labrador, female, 7 PREFER Tt{F.SE? au w P UI a'-"' Vl • ..,., '65 JAG. 3.8 Seel. Beaut -11. red, black lnt., 5 4 RATS. 3 malet, 1 female mos, AKC reMst--'. it Low coat, no \VORK & IN SMOG FREE alignment, 360 dee. auto tire int, knew white vinyl top. beige/blk Hhr. lo ml, all ap.1, ctum whls, nu tires, J2rtuport . ' Jl111p or1 ,, 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. &12-9-KD 540-1704 Authorized f\fG Dealer VW BUGS FRO?i-1 $399 GOOD SELECTION s.t9. 31J.J1 Ext. 66 or 61 1970 HARBOR' BLVD. cosrA t.fESA '69 VW S.dan $1695 Deep Jrish green with blk inter. F'ull equip. incl. ra- dio, full chrome wheels, tint- ed glass, etc. A new car trade in which reOects me. ticu1ous care. Special #li& v.oeek end only. •• "'~ C ta M chanaer, ci""'""lle mach. A'--'ute -~--m -odL ··•-t od ~ _ bl {fernat.! m.t,y be expecting) *54>7553• CAREFREE SAILING! OS esa .... o~~ l.mul .............. ...... pt\T/ air & extras. 644-4265 .Mll 00 • w ........ 9 ""0 w • " --Call "'-·· --· li A ,, 4!K-3082 lion thru<iut! Only ..$1695.' =========I 897--0484 • •r.ca. on wee.......,.. A!REDALE-AKC champion .._.. 25 'ttle as $1-.. ?S day I. ---------t alt. pm -·-I you. Shot.. ""'OUr Club Plan Newport Harbor Trucks 9SOO ~~'.\::::;B ':'.: '~ KARMANN GHIA ·ss "°"'"' Torg~, air, "" J2 rtupo 11 31111pon ~, BEAUTIFUL AKC boxer, 2 * ~1435 * NEWPORT SAILING O.UB dk, 17,000 mi. Tanger. al·~ ma! • 6~noo • '68 C 494-7503, 54().3100. Orange. '"'"""' 5"A ":79 yrs. r.ca= e, loves COCKER Femalo AKC ·~ ~---•-m 20 Modo'-hev. Pickup -~ chlldtto. House trained KENDALL32 ...,..........., LIV .. NEW '70 1959 KAR?\1ANN Ghia, xlnt '56 PORSCHE Spdster, · BUFF Champion Sired 10 CUstorn, dlr, long bed. auto, rond. Ori" O\\'ner, I 962--01.80 1119 •oeekll0 C.all • 675-7144 ~s 32xllx5, extremely roomy Read to · in tod V-8. MUST SELL! Will tine DATSUN PICKUP mileage~. 548-6346 ow _0;.~ ... •• 1M73ust Sell, $1495· call 3100 W. Coast Hwy.,·N.B. ses.aa; 54o. I 704 Authorized MG DeaJer RUS,gAN Blue eat. •payed. • ' · Atkin off shore cruiJ:ing cut· Y mo .. e ay! -=="'=======I ~ Adu1 I !'DOD.LES-AK\ I fer or ketch. Heavy Or have yours' custom made! prvt prty. 959258. Call Ken, \V/camper, 96 hp overhead -I========= 675-1;:. only, no ""'""i"A; ,,.pijcot.i•••frU' I"", fiberrl"''· Any '""'" ol Take Hubor Blv~. h>·19th SI. 494.9773 oc 54>--0631. cam,4 •pd, dl<.6 ply Ure•, MERCEDES BENZ TOYOTA LARGE MIXED , E"~"sh Settor •. * (n4l 776-3197 * compl et ion. 642-8961 Drive West ~o 1750 \Vhittier GMC 1965 .;s Ton\\'/ ul\lity b.ick up lights. You name I---------SELECTION ,._ °' * DOBERMAN pups, males, anylime. (714) 642-1350 cabinf!t body. Ideal for elec· lt! Serial # PL511208873. ---------f Poodle. l )T old male. AKC hot ll .. _ tricians, plumber!! or Full price $2009. Take small BILL MAXEY 0 VW ""I" adult1. 842-9177 1/17 '' " "'"~· C.U ONE Ot Kind -Beoutllul <2' YEAR EN•· CAMPERS 64U961 anytime Square Rig Crui si ng C E R .., carpenteni. $395. Day s dn or trade. Call Phil, LOVABLE, playful, part CHikUA:llUAS For Sale. Pet Schooner. Bit '59. Dleael. L A !~cs~z~:LE 646-5033. eve11 646-0681 . _,_ ... _,_11_,_._,_54_54J.I __ .___ ITIOIYIOITIAI Harbour v.w. ~~ 2 ~~I~~~~ or Show. AKC. Call P:rfect Live Aboard Boat. NO\V ON DISPLA y 1953 Ford custom .open $ • '""'""""" -=• ..._. 546-8746 or 547-3874 $4a,ooo. Call 675-4349 BAY HARBOR furniture truck. Good ahape. 18881 BEACH BLVD. BLDNDE Cocker? Puppy Priced for quick We! um DATSUN fUV/dl H B • 847 •sss Free to """""' home: f.ialtese puppies L~th ltra4 Sail UboaCall~ N837o. "'97039. Mobile Home Sele1 673-0llt. eves 675-5878 unt. eac., • 6 """ AKC wi er !mlN.otO>ut Hwy.onBclt 545-«1'5 1/Z "'~1 """" :U .. ~"" • -1425 Baker St., ·emta Mesa '60 CHEV .Pickup, V·8. hpd, AUTl{ORIZED SALES & SERVICE 18711 BEAffi BL., 342-4435 HUNTINGTON BEACH ... ....,...,., or ... ,,.......,,3 alt 6 P:'>t 11 block r ..... oJ u-~-Blvd. "Leader in The Beach C1tie1" Mark II Wagons EUCALYPTUS 1 -2' x ""' ~l .-uu-~ cab hi, 4 sand lire•. extra ZIMMERMAN MERCEDES BENZ .....,., _, • BASENJI Barkle11s puppies SKIP JACK 14 ~ fr b gt s Costa Meiia Cn4) 540-9470 '63 Hi Lux Pickup1 ~ '66 VIV, $500 & &.¥Ume paytl. tor the hauling, 493-4948 from Africa. Champ. stock, w/trailer, xlnt cond. Must 2 ~ $595, 646 ~4631 • 2845 HARBOR BLVD. 1900 4 door, 5Cdan, dlr, PLUS OTHER 8 Track loluntz stereo con- a.fter S p.m. l/19 xlnt mk'p. ternu. 6ti--05.'U. aell $1095. Call 645--0113. L~roo:ANoi bath PARK ~-~~~~-~--S4o+tlO loaded! \Vill 1ake :forei&n HARD TO GET ~IODELS vet;te.r, 2 speakers, 23 tapn, FREE • Fat Cat tor a thin . . . . space now 1966 Ford ~-100, I ' ,Bed. Lo car in trade. Small dn, }ow N<JW IN STOCK $175. Call SU5an 675-55.12 Aft lid. Ph. 6G-6621 1119 Hor .'il ... -.w~o. CAL . 34 w CAL at Bay11.1de Village with Ml, Clean. 'Call •'tu-6 '"-1 o••N<llE COUNTY'S ·I ! 1 PM Ht • • °°"" . ~ ~VJtle part.le' only, space rent of only $84.50. 646-6534 \.....1 "l;"F 1 -,-· ~··l'NO. 1 pymts. v.il inc prvt prty. Yo11t Best Deals Are Still At =-=·,...,,,---~-~-• F'REE'<Iri&h Setter-Female 1 5 ~old, cbac()la"l'e, , · -544--&U1l, Will help finance 50%. Phone ~. ~~~.~~~~-~ = C~ Roy,_ J>EAN LEWlS '62 ~· New rebll e..uie, year We:!. 642-8961 1·19 mare. Good · mow pro-ail' ... :CASCAD& SLOOP. , 615-16S7 p.m. or P.O. Box 57 Ford Pickup, t'!C1J!W. lft'DIJN DEA R . -xlnt cmtd. ?>.1ust sell! ;575 or KITTE N·S 10 wk:a old. sp@Cta!! Hl,lflt a: jump • 90% Complete ·' 716 ~6: ;775. ~1 $' 90T DATS N EDES oz l . anrer •. c.,M. &lff3'll, oftttl164M!l'll· .... ~·. - stS-21556 eveninp 1117 Samtice $750. 54&.Q55 642-8961 anytime + NEW ~ DELUXE ''"'=~-,.~~-~~~ 18835 Beach mvd. (.:.. Auto trans. Leather Inter. '69a TOYOTA Coroll'B' '63 '\?W"ea'in'Per re"'blr ~he BR. 2 BA, den ~ ~ '02 Chevrolet 1/2 ton, 6 cyl. g Huntlf\i:ton Beach $16.'(I. 54>2547 or 543-4801 Sprinter, 4 spd. Beige. $1450 :r&h $1'°' or' best ou~'. l!!'~-~~!_ 960,G~!"~~fot 9600 Imported Autos 9600 ou.t. patio & ~rt a~ .;1800"""•= •5~.'. radio, heater. 842-7781 or 540-(l442 MERCEDES Bcn7. '62 190 Or Best Ot!er. 847-2461. '548-l!m a.tier 5 .::Wiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiii..oiiiiii;miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiii~ii·iiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij 28 raised porch. Many ex· =·~·='=~·~~~--,~~~ SL. Xlnt cone!. $1800. '69 Toyota Corolla. Sta. Wag. '67 vw B Ori Owner • tras.$15,500; &µ-1350 '67 DODGE Van 108. VS, '69 Datsun Sta. Wag. (714l 524·2888 SIOO & TAKE OVER $1700 Cas~s.' Calf· -Day~ Tiie Boss Says /2'- "Roll These ~e DEMOS TODAY" .... HUNDRIDS OP. DOI.LAU ,fAIULOUI FRONT WHEEL DRIYI "STAR" WITH RADIO • HIATll Your Chine• of • l ifetime ••• Low Mileagt Executives STAR 2·DR. $1699 SEllAl # 70011 I STAR 4·DR. $1799 SER[Al # 20019 ALL DELIVERED PRICE NEWPORT BE4CH PLUS TAX I LIC. WHAT A BUY "360" DEMO OWNER Deaperate. 10 wid~. auto, alr, semi-camf'l!r, xlnt F1amingo red, black buckE!l 1960 l\.IERCEOES BENZ cp='="'='E,;NT::=S:. ::"'=:'-:':=1::093'=::= I 675-2491. Eves. 673-2332 3 B . cond. 673-4906 geal!. dlr, 10,000 actual ml 190 SL. 13olh tops. - r, allractive park $2495 -=========I Uodor fact \\'arr·. ;adio, \\-.". VOLKSWAGEN 1966 V\V 1300 sedan, good U .,,., ._.=.,, -"" XLN'r COND . 673-8208 · 1 or o er. o-t~.... Jeeps 9510 Takesmalldn,willfi~prvt condition. low ml eare '67 BEAUT. Gold Medal 20 x ---------prty. 'iO liceMe; XCZ739. '&l MERCEDES Benz. clean, 1960 V\V Bu XI t d 1965 _$1-.000~. _968_·7_858 _____ , 43', 1 lg. BR, skirtin<>s, 57 Jeep CJ5 \\'/30rt."hevy Call Ken 494-9773 or 545-0634. nos . auto trans. r/h, air, s. ' n con · 1960 V\V Bu~. 40 HP. New ·~ .c,c.;:,,:=..:..._:_.:...cc...:;.:...c= lthr. S2150/orr. 646-2939 ~~t. ~~~!1•2•.ny new parts. awning, alum porch 968-1810 race motor, big tires & •61 Datsun Rd.ster, .f spd, "-::.=::.=:;:;;::o=::::=::o"-·c;c.;,.:."'c:-.::·•=:._---paint, new inter. Xlnt run·a ROD & Reel 1 BR 10x50 furn. rollbar & more. 673-6620 r&h, hrdtp. Xln't Cond. •is VW Bus f01" W e or take .~"~"·~·-=~'-· •-n.~'"'-· -~ Perfect cond. lllness forces $1400. Eves -5-15-7978 MG over pay men 1 s. Call '66 V\V Fast back. Sunroof. --•, ••1 ....... Campers 9520 ~cc.,c:..,_:_,cc;_:_..c_~ •11-•-k 1 • t .... • O'I ...,_.., 1968 DATSUN \\'ag. Auto ;::::-;--:;:;:;-;::::;-;:~:;::·1~84~>-~1~803~""~Y~li'!'m"'.'~--• :J.J. .u or "'u 1 Y, 20x58 Mobile Home, 1 mo '61 FORD Econoline Van trans, new tires. Sacrifice t.IGA 1960. Goorl Condition, '59 VW. Good cond. 642-8774 or 545-0725 Aft 5. old. Equity & take over con-$>150. Daya 54Q...3248, Eve• at $1500 • $300 below book $600. Or Best otrer. Call -Nu lie $395. 962-4300 '66 V\V Xlnt running oond. tract. Moving F..38t. 543-9577 MS.-9697 ~1469 ~ -=c::::.·:..::::::...::::..::::__ new dutch & tires. 6Q..S195 '68 VW Excellent condition or 673-7884 HORNETS NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AT ORANGE COUNrfS. NEWEST AMERICAN $1350. Call 644-1506 or 2839 Catalpa, Ea5tblulr '66 VW. Less than ~.000 ml. \Yhilefred int. Xlnt cond. '67 CAMPER,. per1ect cond. 646-Z775 aft 6:30. Low miles, full equip. 1 ,67 VW Bug. Low $2150/offer. 831)..6546 ... mll~. $1350. Excellent condition. '67 V\V BUG, 15()() eng. only Call 6~ 27000 mi. Orig. owner $1400. ========= or beat offer. 642--0978 1967 V\V Bug 1500 eng. I.Jke new. Wht w/ red lttt. >.r.r-n.1 $1300. 962--JQ29 VOLVO ·59 Volvo, 2 dr, Autom. tram:.; . Low mileage, l Chi.'ner. $2500. 494-4036 St•rt TM l\'eer;l'..,or Right Wllh A Good l'nl11e' t I OUR "CHEAP & UGLY" SENSATION $1199 NOW ,.lllCES START AT $1994 lJ1ed Car Fron• Grolla I :~7' ~R.~~1!~.~~!.. $3199 111 Ill •. #. IZ67 I I l I •• l Sub1ru M•••s Sen1e • • • Drlv1 Ona You 'll A9r•• 5UIARU Oii CALll'OINIA, INC. RETAIL DIVISION HOO WISTo1.fOAl:crlGHWAY. • 641-0701, "EW RT BEACM 0.rM Motetl b reody to hrff 'ou with 6 otrH of Sol• 1t11d Senlco fecllltln. .t.mf·o ffMplete HM of •111w 1970 model1. Cit.ck 0 11r wide telectlo• of A·\ UMd Can. 2 Dr •• ' Cvlll'ldt r. S!klr. H••l•r. Plus Toll'. l ktnso '63 CORVETIE '·~c,:.·~,, 11799 I '66 PLYM •.•. UTE~LITI • AUTO. 'CTAU l'fJ '1299 j '66 DATSUN~~":;;;-,:,,., 1849 '63 CADILLAC P.P ... Air flfN2,6) '66 LTD 'fl. Aste,. P.S .. P.1,. IWWJ47JI •999 '67 RIVIERA,~:..:::;;:,,, .. '2899 I '68 AMERICAN•-,~,,,:;:;· 114H '66 CHEVELLE ·~:~0~1!i'· 11699 Ylf1yl Top. P.S, '68 v.w BUS t ...... U H. (WIH7t71 DOB SA MOTORS Orange County's Newest American Motors Dealer tN21 llACH ILYD.. HUNTINGTON llACH MAIN AT 8IACH ------ d1rlr u.-i. rcw mlluo•. fKc.i1tn1 <on· dl!lon ln1kl• •our. tVGZ l'lll '67 CORYmE Hardlop $2999 Vt, l &pMd, tNlo, hNi.r, .V..l'llOtl, ll.000 , miles, E~c.ii.ot condlllOn lntldt-tnd Ovl. CYWT 1111 '65 CORYITTI H-..,. v1. 4 •llWll. m1e, .......... v.iiew, 1ow rnll*ff, .. ctltent condl!lofl ..... and out. 1•wc cis1 '64 CORVETTE Hardtop VI, •u10!Nllc, -w~. r..,Je. h"""· You _., rind • aiener llllY •llY...._.I COWi '211 0,,..'.,,.. t11l 11 , .... 18211 Beach 111vd., Huntington Beach Hwf, If S.. • S. Diet• fwr, Ph«M 545 INJ or 147..,39 Ol!Ofl 7 D"Y' 'TU 10 P.M. ' I I I I t 1 • Satu1<111, Jonua" 17, 1970 DAILY PILOT %7 TRANSPORT~TION . TRANSPORTATION TllANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION !TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION' fRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATIOH Antlqun, Cl111lc1 9615 Aufo l111lng 9110 UHd Cart 9900 Uwcl Cari 9900 U1H Ctn '900 UNd Cert '900 UMd Ctrt 9900 Used C1r1 9900 UHd Car• .ftoO '57 MORGAN LEASE . RENT CADILLAC ·CHRYSLER CORVETTE .FORD MUSTANG OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC<. ;; + 4 lmmedfote delivery * Doorm1n S.lutel . 1965 CAD Coupe de Ville. 1969 CHRYSLEJt Bi.PERIAL 86 CORVETTE ra1t Baek, '63 GALAXIE !00 • 390 Enc. Beaut. eond. Low mih~a. Luxuriou., •P-ar¥11"*:, e.l>on1 ~· 4 speed, tttru. '299S. 4 on Ooor, Ntw paint, re. '68 PONTIAC Bonne.ville. •4 dr Hdtop, air cond ., P&·11j·. pwr windows, 6-WJ.Y #J-1. tUt sir; whl" Jo ml,les •. · J070 Rer. ~id, AvaU aboUl f'•~ lat. $249(), 6#-22'4 ~ I• on all 1970 FORDS & * '61 1\fUSTANG '67 OLDS C\ltlau Sup~me, 2 V-8, "4" SPEED dr. ll11rdtop, maroon 9700 FORD TRUCKS All popular makta. Fo1.J authorized leulnr a)'tltem. Get Our Contpelilivc Ratti Lota of utn.s. Mu1t 11Ce to black, 4 door ffdln w/lan. Pri pty. ~. ttt&d wd ovall. map, apprttiate! Priv owned. Set dau top, pJ.uib black, 1enu· -FALCON clutch 3 mo old, 2 nu muf· Sparklinc orig Hine lto$t w/blck vinyl int .. air tond .. rree-n, vinyl int. Brand new PS. PB, f.ticholln tireii. xlnt premium "Tistr Paw'' cond. Blu1 Bk $22:15. l'Or .-le w I woll~. "Choice" low fur $1900 firm. Prvt party mlle111:f' -from a fine home, 494-0173, Enlerald ea y, and only $1799. ~tARQUIS 1..agu~ BeaC"h \VJ:!: P>.Y . •• CASH tor usat can it trucks 1ust call u.s f:n fr'tt estimate. GROTH CHriROlfl Ask ror S.\les f.fariarer 11211 Bi!atb Blvd. Huntinrton Beach Kl 9-33'1 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR . tor eood, clean used ~ara. all makes. See George Ray Theodore Robins Ford 2060 Harbor Blvd. C.?1-f. 642-0010 WE PAY WH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLEl 2328 Ha.rbar Blvd. Chl!ta M!!U: MS.1200 L\IPORTS V.' ANnl> Oranae f:ounties TOP $ BUYER. Bn.L MAXEY TOY OT A 18881 Beach Blvd. H. Besen. Ph. 847-3555 ./ \VE PAY CASH FOR USED V\V 's, Ask for John, call 846-9367. Auto Le11ln9 9810 -E 11 St ..... Oen, New Tach. Gd inter. at ~ • th , u•1. tne caltlk~ interior. AU l'rictd to ~l This Wk. Bt•t , Theodor• ROBINS FORD 2000 Harbor Blvd. Costa j\.fesa 6-12-00Jr Us•d Cers * FLEET SALE * (5) 1968 Chevy Intpalas • 548-1696 or 673-1783 spe,~ qe power ualsta + ---------1 Oft O\T SMO. f\iuit tee to cvesJSun '"DUAL" AIR.C:ONDJTJON. * '62 FALCON "SQUIRE" Apprec. Call 549-.2638 ING: Under trtnsfemble, STATION WAGON ~1,.~,-EL~~oo=RADO=~-w-/-a~'· I new car factory warranty. Arr. Riff. chrome roof top cond, pfb, p/a, complett'ly Tnte prtsttae. mo~or car .. lunaat rack etc. aparldlna: equip. $1$,000 actual mi's. $5000 ' orlr onyx black \V I beaut MOTORS. 900 So. C5t H"'Y· I-=========- LA1una. Be a c tt 49-t-~. :>40-3100 " PLYMOUTH '66 MUSTANG Beautiful Nutn1eg bro\vn MARQUIS MO'TORS JNC. red/white vinyl int. None \\'/blk Landau top. Under ~So. Cit Hwy. Lquna Sett bl:tter for only $4~! !\lAR-VS, automatic trans, CLEAN, fact \\'Arr. f"or Sale b} 4~1503.~ Sf0.3100 QUIS MTRS: 900 So. Cit '66 Ford Fair 500, atlck shift, a pertect 1st or 2nd car. S YR \VARRANTY '68 VALIANT Owner. $6360. ~14 COM~ Hwy. Lap:un11: 8f'ach, new Air cond., added Hurry! * ECONOMY PLUS • CADILLAC """ s""" "' ~9<-1"'1. 540-3100 ~;_~~· """' """'· $875. Sale! $1299 Sale! Sale! $1199 Sale! ! ' I -. 1960 Bonneville Pcntj1ac Hrdlp. B!ue w/ wht tOJ;, bloo hhr uphol. Ven· clean. Ht1d xlnt care. $395. 67M31& 4620 Wayne Rd, Cdr.f. l~!l6=1~PO=NTI'==~.~c""c~A~T~A~L~IN~.~,v • PASS. STATION \\IAGQH. Pn\11'r sl~ring & bralies. $175 phone 644-i68T af\er 6:30 p.m. ' 2 Door .............. Sl iOC (:>) 1968 Chevy Impalu 4 Door • .. .. .. • • .. .. • $1650 (Jl 1968 Ford C:Ountry sedan station \l'Bg •••• $1900 (1) 1968 Ford Gala:de 4 Door ................ $160) 53•5'90 BRANO New 16' Hull & Deek, 1' beam all fiberila.ss, mist green, $250. 'Call 546-<ml BUICK Df'Ville. _Silver ""181k pad· '63 COMET STATION •'6 Falcon Futur• ~====~~-~1Ml1ttr ••r•• 645-1441 Mister ''T'' ded tp, air. 6 way st. at~ \VAGON. Good\'-'Grk car! Fully factory eqii!pped. Dir. ./ '68 COUNTRY Squirt Sta 2100 H rbor mvtt C r.i Ff\1 rad, P\Yl' doors & wuld, * 846-3Ml * $695. Wag, 10 pus. AJC. Loa.de<! a " • · 645• 1441 $3200. Call 673-7741. PhoM W-61113 wl extra.s? 1 owner. '67 ,f\fUSTANG • Sacrifice! ?11:'(1 Harbor Blvd., C.P..f. CONTINENT &h-2246 ta ·e over PlQ'ments. 6 cyl, ===~~~-~-FOR Sal.. '63 Cadllla< AL ... F·· ~N ~···-v •• 2' ====~~=~ ·O< PL\"1 ""]·-· 2 , """""v "",.,..... -o 1: stick, low miles 308 E. 18th, w " · D<" v""'ere, ur Coupe DtVille, full p'Nr, air door, hd top, 4 spd. R/H, '66 FORD LTD. 4 Dr. 390 V· Of. hdtp, PS, PB, auto. ait cond. nu tl.n!5, Xln't Cond. &cod eond. $700. 5t6-4580 8. ~T. fad air, FM radio.•~=~~~~~=~· -,d good -"d 11300 962-9843 '66 CONT. 4 dr, &Old, \fill)'l ~.,;.~ m 3 i, New tirts, $1300' ;6691,,M.~. I 4 5pd. $2595. Call 5."%-7340 "''"' · · !'" CAD All FAM!· roof, llhr, all xtru. Leaving ''e.., Ranch~'!_· blue prlnt!'d, °"._,, .....,~,., ·""' · power. country must Rll S~lOO '°" auto, V<N &'&r, headen, 4.7 pr.f '6.) Plymouth Belvedere U, LY CAR. REAL CLEAN! Pv R ' 830-6254 ' etc. $1200. M6-4088 1!164 Ford Ranchero, 3 spd, 4 Dr $395. call 673-4253 t .ty. ==========/ C\IStom frbg\.s rear cover, '65 f\fUSTANG 289. 4 Spd, air · ' c d ood 6.1 • BEAUTIFUL condition. FORD priv party. $875. 64>1420 ('Ond. Pvt pty. sum or Bsl ~1 a • Runs 9 • All leather . powv. • low Ofr. ~7048 *~5438+ PONTIAC RAMBLER SACRIFICE 1960 RAr-.fBLER 4-door .sedan. aood tire• A brakes, not a dent in body A upholstery in good shape; Motor in XLNT cond, auto trans. &: heater • total priCI $190. Call Bill Gartner. 536-Mll H.B. STUDEBAKER --,.------I !250. * 962.6322 mil•ago. 6'0-1522 all 5 PM LINCOLN '6.i MUSTANG '+2, V.S, xl11t Gettlng Nf'I\' Car -'68 CADILLAC Cpe de Ville. & "'knds. '63 Ford F'airlane 5CXI. 3 spd. cond. Red \\'ilh black lnt.1--------------------1 r.tust Sell 17,000 mi. Gold-leather trim.1..·.,~co=N~T~ .. ~H-,,~E-ve_ry_th_ing-! Good C"Ondition. $250 or best 1---------6~267 1968 PONTIAC Te m Pe 1 t '59 Studebakf'r Lark. 6 cyl, 4 56 BUJC!{ Perfttt! 2G92 Bayshore Dr. Pampered by local R.E. bkr. offer. OOS-1210 '66 CONTINENTAL Coupe, Safari \Ven. Good cond. dr. various parts-all goqd. TAIIBS l\tE TO \\10RK 644-0505 or 6#-1133 11.m/fm, air. po\\·er. new 1967 f\fustang Convertible, 1-. D••• _, ~•• 'Ir. 646-4695 Jlt 5 pm. C 0 '63 FORD \\'agon. Auto, V..S At.I FM disc brks & "'VIN -.,,__..... " EVERYDAY AMAR '66 Lincoln Contin. f dr. Lan· radio, heater. air. tires & batt. $2100 494-46n oth~r f'X~•. ~ Niag & USES NO OIL -----------I dau .... air. ta,.. Xt•'t * 67;).7~ * ~-o=-.---=c-c..,-.,--:.,-: I 68 PONTI c GTO / T•BIRD VERY GOOD '" " MERCURY <; ""'""• F'utb&ck 2+2 ' A '°"v. p S. ' TRANSPORTATION'. * FUN·N·SUN (. Cond. Sr.nl. 54>7978 eves. '65 COUNTRY Sedan. White. Fully Auto. bucket seata. P/B. Air, 15,000 ml. New ---------1, Po\••er Brakes, steering, '69 CAMARO "307", v.~. CORVETTE 352 V-8, P/s, P/b, alr.1---------Private party. 83.l-1281 paint. :f;:h & take over T-BlRD '6S Convt. Air, Ml Seats ,&: Windows. Does CONVERT, outstanding hu,g-~11200~~· ~•~67~3-"8~1-1_~_, 1 •62 MERC. Meteor. Xlnt int pml!. · M29 p.ft 5 PM .pwr. Fine&t Cond. a.low Neea P~int! $100. Ste at 281 gar orange \v/blac:k top .l:I---------'63 FORD 1 Ton, Cab k & body. Needs mec:h'l. OLDSMOBILE '66 LeMani Convt. P/s, 3 Whsle Bk. t>Iust sell. $1113. No. D, ~I ritar A~ .. c.M, plush blac:k vinyl int., A/T', ~64 Corve~te, 365A-Mh/pFM, 4 spd. Chassis. dual "'his. Gd work. $100 or bat. 494-3939 speed V-8, radio. Polyglts ,.,al°'l"7-;67=3-_112<1'=3===C.,.•I Ev'' • \\'kc"'•· Or Cati PIS, R/H et~. "Note: th' ne\\' po111-· . nf'\\' Cond. CaU 642-4930. tires. Xlnt cond, 543-5947 •. 61 T 8~ ti ,_ nu b k 12 .. lnd . -uu, exce ent runn .. ,. 642-JB.14 car hasonlyl7.631 miles& ra es. Y. In-es&. 1970 i\lAVERICK, low MUSTANG OLDS '69 ,2 Dr. Custom 88. '6.'l Grand Prix. Fac:i. air. concl., new tlrts. brakes, is sold \vith a transff'rtable n1ags. Nu cust paint. r.Iust ----------I Gold. P-disc brks, P/s, BUICK RIVIERA '63 Like • !"""' · mileage, auto, radio, heater. full powrr, loaded! Cood elc. !\1ec:hanic: suggests $-m. N •8 000 . ne1v car factory warranty?" see to apprec~ S ;ilJU !inn l2IOO . .,~~-52!!0 ,69 MUSTANG \Vnd\\'!1, seats, air, new tires. cond. Sl2JO. 536-8740 4!»-468.l eii·, ' mi's. Gd tirei;. Only $2695. f\1ARQU1 S 494-3082 _. 496-2256 ~ LEASE ~ C~ron1ed \l'hls. Pearl paint, 1\jTRS: 900 So. Cst H\vy,'i'~96.l~c=0-.,,-tt-,~81-.,t,-.,..,,--, -327~. '&.1 FALCON Sprint, 4 spd, Grande-351, po:.v-er stttring, 1 -.,:.,..,0"L"'n"s-.,~=,u--..~'°"·lly-1 '·=•1~p=o~NT=1~A~c~s=t-at~io-,-.-.... -n. '65 Landau. full pwr, alr. , au· con · 968-4303. Riff, stereo ta"", xlnt cond. disc brakes. radio, heatf'r & \"1 '-'' ass. '"u 1'1!blt tran:i;. $300. Ca11 aft 1 $1550. Call 540-7723 dav.. • Laguna Be a ch, 49~·7503, cu in, 365 hp. 4 :i;--', r-,.,.,.,._, o. 1 " ,_ '69 Cad Eldorado, full p11•r .• air, vinyl top, 10.000 mi.. ~179 per mo. '67 CUST. Elo"'-. I'·!] P''"' 1"' ~o.nn. 842-79~3 aft 6 pm. trailer hitch, $2850, 536-2442 ~., Pf"'"'· ....... s ouer. pm, 536-3881 5't6-6130 eve~ . .. u.. " •• 541).3100. posl-traction, 2 tops, r&h. ..,..,., T K'l ««7!16 8.:air.Perfcond.P..ivp1y '59· FOROV.gGal"';'·''r. '66 'IUSTANG . Bt"" . igore.,...,_..,, '61 PONTIAC GTO. Ex--7 TBIRO XI CoJ ,, '69 CA~fARO. RS. orange. Xlnt cond, 1 o11•ner $2465. ....., u ,, "" ·r~ OLDS $150 ;J • • -nt -· Bar. for in1med. sale $2200. zao HP, Pis, P/b, air. 675-6436 or 644-1589 Positraction, $225 or ofr. Wl\\•hite vinyl Ip. f\fany ex· ~ • cellent condition. 4 1'peed. $1695. Call 675-4!73 ' . '68 CadiLiac Eldorado radio, ail', vinyl top. $159. per n10. 642-9006 $3lOO. * 673-5Sl~ •6:; CORVETIE Ftbk. Nu 673-8071 tras. 46,000 mi. 548-6003. Good transportation $1600. Call 12131 4Jl..a8ro 4.7 PM 1967 BUICK srA \VAG. =========I paint. eng. Red \\'/ blk int. *'64 FORD GpJ :iOO, 4 door '66 l\1UsrANG V-8 Clean SJ6.U42 LEMANS '68, air, bkts, p/b, * '57 T·BJRD . • Lo\v milea1;e. Clean CHEVROLET 327-~ 4 spd. Sac at $1995. sltd., V-8, auto. Good order. Below \Vhsl .. 51000. $47 r.10 '63 OLDS STARFIRE p/a, ·~/h, vln1·l top, xlnt Original & good conditian · "• '61 T·Bird Landau. full P\\1'., .i.ir. stl'rl!O I.ape: $7"9. per mo. "67 Gala.'tic: 500. 2 dr HT. air. vin,l'I lop: S.i'.l, per rno. SO. COAST LEASING JOO \V. Cst. Hwy., l\'B 6~5-2182 THE SU~ NEVt:R SETS on DAILY PILOT \VANT ADS! }"or Daily Pilot \Vant Ads !>16-8169 642-QJ06 $6JO. 54~1052 Payments. 842-6223. $3.50. Call 847•1115 cond. Prlv prty. SJ6..230& , $i;;o<J. Call 962-023 '64 BUICK Riviera, full p\\T, 1---------+=========:.!."=========;__.============:="·-=========..:,.;=;===-'====0:.:.========"'" I cu~tom int .. orig. $1300. Pvt * SMART CHOICE I i-;N;;•;w;;;C;•;;';;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;9IOO;_;;;;;N;ow;;;C;;•;n;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;9;;;800;;;N;;;ow;;;;;;;C;;;a;;rs;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;9;;100;;;;N;;e;;;w;;C;;•;;rt;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;9;;8;;00;;;;;;;N;;e;;;w;;;C;;;e;;;r;;;1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;9;;;aoo;;;;;;N;;;ow;;;;;;C;•;;;r;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;9;;;aoo;;;;;;;.,.I ply. :J.l~22 '66 CHEVY 11, \'.S. ''NOVA"ll 1962 Buick Outstanding ron· HDTOP. A/T, P/S, R/H, dition. Care f u \I y niain· new 1\"·\ralls. sparkling orig· taincd. Rra.sonable. G-t6-7J77 inal Glenn Gref'n 1v/immac ,63 SKYLARK V-S. Au!o g:cen int. "t.1int" condition. 1ran~. bucket sis, 1550. Call Only $lj65, f\f AR QUI S Dial 642-5678 1\ITRS: 900 So. Csl Hwy, 548-i28l. Laguna B t a .. h, 494-7503, Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 ~················ : TOYOTA DEMO SALE: 54().3100 58 CHEV \\'agon. Just had valve job. New tires, trans, gen, brakes, carbutttar, volt regulator, clean in and out. $32J. 544-3417 • FINAL '69's e . • Auto trans, po1ver steerlfli, • brake~. air oond . • CORONA 4 DR. SEDANS ; • $ale! $1199 $a1-1, "Ii i~...-111 +t•'• ' • IW • · M, liter ~T" 64>1''1·-1 tO tl'loo10 fio111, oll WJMI ~alt co•1llrio11h11;, -"" • 01tomath:, 4'0dio, .lleotw. WSW, ofc. . • 2100 Harbor Blvd., C.M • • '64 CHEVEU.E r.talibu 2 Dr. • $2229 .• HT. 6 cyl, •t.,1dru'd •hilt. • + T. & <. Good COM. Now b1••. 1 OWi> ----------------• er. $700. 548-045.1 aft 5 p.m. • CORONA HARDTOP COUPES • '61 CHEVY w,,,,, V·8 aoto; • • runs perfect. $3.)(), 4l264 • 4 TO CHOOSI FROM . l WITH FACTORY • KI 9-lS97 • AIR CONDITIONING, AUTOMATIC • '68 SS396 • Chevelle ~ nt'w, lo niileage. $1700. ?.fUJ1 • $2249 • ="'~" ·= .... =-9111!)~--• + T. &L. '63 CHEVY 11 w...,, PIS • • S200. 26-16 Baaswood St., • Nt'Nport Beach, 644-!J.l96 • BILL MAXEY e '65 CHEVELLE s""'' Sport, • 4 spd, 327. Undf'r 50,000 • miles. $1195. S46-70j7 !TOYOT .A! • 18881 BEACH BLVD. • • HUNTINGTON BEACH 847·1SSS • • l Ml, NORTH OF COAST HWY. ON llACH • •••••••••••••••••• '64 ttltPALA SS Air. REBUILT ENG. GOOD COND. 673-5791 CHRYSLER '67 "300"' :? DR. Landau. All pwr/air, lo mile. nu tires, shocks &-brka. 644-4265 Imported Autos 9600 lmpertacf Autos 9600 Imported Autos 1 1 • ' G•t in to the 1wi11g et tht '70'1! Tll•" oro l••t tM t•rl tt do ft la. Co1111 ••• thtll'I todoy. '68 VW BUG l!Wlf, l'I .. ,. •• wtut1 .... ui. IUltt'l'lf!IC t!ICJI; tl'lltl. (Xtrttn) '64 KARMANN GHIA ::0~~ .. ,H. '60 VW CAMPER ........ '66 TOYOTA WAGON '66 DATSUN WAGON ltff~. lltettr. INt. ltHtl •Mte, l'IMllf, CltO,U)) '87 DATSUN '"'' ...... ·-··· wflllt ••ti f!l't1, CVWl!PI '66 VW BUG ..... '"'"· Wfllft "''"· ,,., .. u '67 VW CAMPER '" ......... . . ""'"'· Ott, 1n10 $1786 ' $886 $1086 $996 $886 $1286 $996 $2486 • ~ .. ' THE KEY TO YOUR NEW GTO IS WAITING! READY·TO·GO •• TODAY! Demo 1969 GTO H. T. Cpt. Ajt cond., pow•r di1c b••kt:, powtr 1tttrin9, con1ol•, turbo l1yd••1J11tic, '''· 242)79%1090•7 Demo 1969 LE MANS 2 Dr. H, T. Cordovi lop, VS, •u+o .. .tir cond., powor 1tt1ri119 ' b'•kt1, co111oft. ( 2 fo c:hoo11 froll'I) ll7l79ZI 10111 New 1969 GTO Air cond,, powtt el ite ltr1lt11, pow1r 1t1 1r• i11t , turbo hydr11J11flc. 242J79Zll6l01 Demo 1969 CATALINA 2 Dr. H. T. Air co11d., cordovt top, p1w•r 1l11ring, power Jilc br1lr11, turbo hydrt• matic, rte. 252379CI 12719 Demo 19.69 BONNEVILLE 4 Dr. H. T. ,A,;, conlil ., ptw•r wi11do"'t·tttl• 1t1ori119•ltt1lto1, torbo hy4r11111t!c, tic, 262· ltfCI I Jt?J Demo 1969 BONNEVILLE 2 Dr. H. T. Air co11cl .• cord1v1 top; power wlnclowt•dtorl11t ·br1•••• turb• hyclr•mati,, ttt. 24231tCI lltOI Demo 1969 BONNEVILLE 2 Ot . H. T. Air tone!., powtr wi111fowt•tt.tr• in9. "•e~••• turbo hyclr11111tit, etc. 26217•· Cl 1•Jlt $3877 $3727 $3977 $3977 $4177 $4277 $4177 '69 CADILLAC: Umousine Fo r"'•'· Lttdid. Ontv 1r,1so 'Rove• ft1dt·in. CXWYl141 '67 BONNEVILLE "';1,,, Rolls -4 Dr. H.T. Hydr1n11tic, pow1r 1!011ing, pow• t r br1lr11, r1dio, h11!1t, WSW, f1ctory 1Pr. fTXSt4SI '6B CATALINA 4 Dr. Hydr11111tic, powtr 1!11rln9. powrr br1lr11, r111~io, ~ttltr, WSW, f1ctory 1ir. IWFE120) '66 GTO 1 Or. H.T. VI, hydr1m1tic, pow1r 1!11rj~9. ,,4;,, h•1t1r, WSW, ¥i11yl fop, f1tlory 1lt. { RZTOOJ) '65 CATALINA 4 Dr. H.T., v.1, hydr11"1tic, pow1r 1lo1rin9, rrdio, k1 1t1r, whito wi ll tir•t. lNCCOll) '64 MERCEDES 1•0 0jttel. Aulom1tft, r1cUo, k••ltr. IYNW21l I '66 FORD FAIRLANE 500 Ce~verl. R.1d je, heot.-r, •uto"'tfic, pew• or 1lt•tin9, ITPH7JOI $9777 $1277 • .,. ' . ; • ' •' $1877 . ' $1277 $677 $6,77 $977 • ROY CARVER PONTIAC 2925 HARBOR BLVD/COSTA MESA IYI ~I -•l>fn<I\ .. []] • Kl-64444 • ' I· ; • . ' .. I 1 • f I ' ' • • • Saturday, January 17, 1970 .... • , 1 • -----·-:-,,-----.-,.-----;-.,,.,.-.,.----------~------- ' . CADILLAC NINETEEN :SEVENTY E~CELLENT , Sl;LECTION --: \ : OF MODELS · & COLORS ;\ V AILA:BLE FOR LEASE .. OR PURCHASE . Even when measur'ed by Cadillac standards of ex- cellence, the 1970 CadiHac is su re to exceed ybur greatest exflectat~ons. Let's get together soon for a demonstration drive. ·' .. . ~ . -· . ' A 1'1agnifi~~nt Expe1·ien~e • Over 80 .Quality Cadillacs To Select From!! tARGEST SEtECTION IN ORANGE COUNTY ONCE.A YEAR J.i\.NllARY CLEAR.4..~CE S.UE! :._·~~ 1969 S·EDAN· DE VILLE SALE 1965 CADILLAC :Sldln t>tVlllft. Sible bl&tk W<lll m1tc11Jng ll'lterlor. Full pcwer ~ulP. mtftl pli. flCIOl'Y II• condltlonlno. AM/FM rldlo. (T8Y llM! SALE $1666 PRICE .,1968 CON.TIN ENT A~; 1967 FLEETWOOD 8•ou111'11m. Sne•WO<ld o•een won bl&<:k rop 1nd bltc.k fflltl'ler inferior. Full power. flC~Cry •I•. !lh l'l'hMI, stereo AM/FM, powtr -· loc~~ power ''""* nlN•e, e1c., 1tc. (UPS 7311 SALE s3444 PRICE 1968 RIVIERA 1968 CADILLAC $p1nl11'1 ,Jive• with bllck vlnyt !Oii Ind b!.ck \'1nvl Interior, Full cowl!' •nd !1ctory 1!r condlllonlllg, AM/FM •1dlo. I(!! 51Hrlr>11 Wlleel, pow.r '"'"""'· IWSN 027) $ ' SAlE 3555 PRICE 1966 CADILLAC 1968 EL DORADO coupe 0ev111e. c1rlbbe1n 1q1.11 will'I wnl!e top elld 11qu1 ctoll'I 1rld BaroQ...., gold wlll'I bll111 top •rid ;okl cloth •nd le11!1'1er Interior Full 1ee1her +nttrior. Full power, feclOry i lr, AM/FM redlo, tllt·lllescoplc pOwer, f~ry •Ir ccndl!ionlr111, 'ffreo AM /FM redlo. crul•e control, slffrll'l9 wheel. PDWf!r d<Y.11" lotk•, premium tlrn. (SJI.. 1J5) pOW9r doOr locl11. brand "lw wl'lile lldt wall tires. (;(55 '~6) SALE $2666 PRICE SALE $5111 PRICE 1968 CADILLAC 1967 CADILLAC COUP' O•Vllle. Gold ll••rnl1t wllh bl.fell: '1lp Ind bleclc ttttlllr ln!frlor. ( Ooo!' l'lardtoP. Mlnt 9reen e~!frlor wltn rn111dll"lll clo!l'I .. ltltrll!!' · Full powl!'. f1c10ry elr cOl'ldiHonlnt, ,rereo l<M/FM •Miki, l1ll·!t1I• Interior. Full POW'lr, lictory 11r, !lit oMlftl, pow1r door locll•, cru~ KOPIC 1191'.!rlng Wlltel. ~ clool' lotkl, fW!ligl'I! Slf'ltlnel, lie. A loY• conlrol, AM·FM, fWlllght sen1r ... 1. (VCt. 12') $4999 ""'~~~E $433.3 PRICE SALE $2999 PRICE • • • ·PRICE ~·..,... -. . .. .' ps~. L"~ Mtt(A¢E' · . •;_ ' :. • Se~an De V.ille. Ermine white with . e<quisite .oqua .olo.th . and leather ·Delp!iine'' i~!oril>r. Full power, factory •air cond.i'ion,.,,.>.-~·FM radio •. (ZRF 1J2). . . NABERS .---------------, .. • 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540•91'9&· . . • . r · - SALES DEP A'.R'l'l\>IENT OPEN . ' • 8:30 MI to 9:00 PM Mon. thtu Fri. • 9:00 AM to 6:00 P~I Sat. and Sun. I • . ' , . NABERS CADILLAC LEASE DIRECT lmmNi•t• delivery • Excellent Selection Over four acres of factory author· i1ed total Cadillac facilities desi9n• •d to better sell and service new and used Cadillac automobiles. ALL CARS SUB.JECT TO PRIOR SALE All SAlE PR_ICES EFFECTIVE Tl:IROUGH TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1970 7 r .. . ...,. --- ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Falllily H'eekly DAILY 'PllOT JANUARY 18, 1970 The Best Spots for Late-Season Hunting By ERWIN A. BAUER A VICTIM'S OWN STORY The New Drug That Saved Me &om Shaking Palsy JANUARY 17, 1970 The Most Inspiring Man I Ever Met By MacKINLAY KANTOR --------------------------------------- PO• naCINl.4 D.4lJBlt, Prn&JaJ. ,.,fliM:r .. c •• ...,. -'fan .. ., .... , .-...,,..,... ,,, -~ ,,., .. ... , ..... ,,.....,,, .,. /rura /rwila --" .,.ea.W-1--lln. .__, I-Ba. ib,C~Ya. • The a..... applicable to the labeling of •ch procloets do Dot reqsn the poet. til'e dedaratioa of the utritioaal qul- ities of .1be food. U there are .peciaJ •utritioul c:Wme • tliie lahel of the pnclllCt, boft9el'. the ft.gDlaticms of the Food and Drug A~ are q11ite .,c:i&c: wilh re.prd to tbe auner ad eoatmt of the special didary iAfonnalioa whicla IDmt tbea appear. POil •AJUO .4/foaEITI, a1o qca ,,. , ...... qedd fael ..u~ ia ,..,. ...... c.n, .,. M ,_ ... die w.a..ec. .. ,.. ,...,,. ia ... ,..,,,.,..., Iii -J. P. a..,.., .4p,,i. ,._, FU. • la my cbaapiamb.ip car 1 w a&cobol, IDDJ ti19e9 mind with 10 aitromdbeae; in my group-7 sports car I D9e 115-octue ariatioa f~l Are ,.. ., .., ., l6e ............... ..,,... tCilifNu1-lln. Bnaai .a-,s..~, c.lif. e Neitl.tt I DOI' aay of diie od.er -.. naat. are aa pe:rstilioaa. roa llOIU!n' r .M:lf1Ca. ..., ., .. ,, , ... no.er r•• 4•al••• i•e el.cies,.. _. .. ,..... ...... , j • .,,._, --a. "'. r••ipe, .... ,.., resim e T1aey ue my owa clod"'' aad I bay them in mm 'a eltops ill Hollywood.. POK CVffllL4 DU'l'SO!f, -"-./"'~~ R-"'. •Sc £rri• r..; ,,.,. M Sc:mMfiee•._ ..... .... di.,..,.. ...... .,k .. ..... ..,,, -~1~. r., r .. ;r .... • It'• their c'-m~ lo JL&blre dw lll'iap that joyful combination of qa:ali1ie.. From it atelD9 paeeioa for &ah air, eserc:Ue. and ber So.e of utaral fooda-fre.h Mm in Ule Worldt Wllat"s I• a Ycme'P T1'e aae nf weath. enues ge>e9 back centunea and has aJ. wara iDclicated the ••Y the wind blow.- ia more wara than one. Many eulr Amer- icans designed theirs lo depict farm m i· ...i.--while c:ha.rcbcs had more eedate one. e9er poialed toward the Prcmieed Land. Indiu~ped n.nes were very poJ>- alar in Penmylnnia and New York St.te. I.a pioneer days, locomoti\'eS dia- played the Indian 6gure prominently atop the train when trHeling throagh boetile Ltdian territory. Some •ane. were ehot at by luusten or atoned by ....D 1835 Indian Weoffteryane bo)'L This 1835 ulJllUte New York ladian wu one of the few that eecaped.. Maybe that's why it'• priced at '3.500 •I t.be Winter Aabqaee Show ia New Yor\ City. Blue "-Alfred Hitchcock. who, at 70, has jll5l fmiabed daect:ing his Sht motion picture. "T opu." med to be bown for hie practic:al joba, "Not any more." he told us. -rher got a bit too e:s:pmsi1'e:" For inetance? .. Well, I PYe a pmate dinnet" party in a hotel AD the food wu colored blae. Blae IOOP, blue trout. blue chtckaa, wt bloe ice c:nma.., Did the goe.t& feel pi.IWd or were tber disma.,ed? .. It wu ftTY ~ lf I any aay, dae idea came oat of the blue." Slaa,-1!1811 1tu•1idl Britieh utnJo. ger Katina T'heoclo.ioo, director of re- .ea.n:b for the Time Pattern lmtitate. ears college student.a are turning lo a&- trolocr u put of their .. ~oh against £ruita. ~lea, milk. ud 6slt.. Inevi- tably, it .Upes lier-80 DOMelllle approach to beauty and good health wit.bout aac.- rificiag glamoar . FOil .taNOLD r n.n• ...... 9N IAe ..... ,__, Jeet-r, ~ •I Jaia _,, ereJ •/ ,._,. .. ,.w1. ._ ia ... 19'9 87r•• lf•I••• G.11a...t-r ..... ... c-or., ............ _, ..... • The 4rifle ... -the par-6-te dlird bole. The bole wu played downwind. and tbe fairway wu lnel and rather bani. I then reached the gem witla my na1 shot. ·a three-iron. ro• FIB' FILSON, co..ic I .._,.,, • ,....,. duta ,.. ..,.. alry}tedut4 ,. CaN. I• ,._ ,,...,_ Claeryl Callia., l'taTW- pc,, ..... e Yea. In the spring of 196 7, after 6.niab· ing an enpgement in Laa Vega.a, I Jlew to Miami for a few days' +acatioa.. But ill8kad of toachin« clown in Mi,mi. I foand m,.ell in Cuba. I wuo 't afraid at all, except when ooe of the guye had bis gun pointed in my face, and I got to • th.in.king rd rather not get shot, nen for the publicity. POa Da. JA.llBS I. CAUff, tl.irtdr., ~ ~ Jlipim,pi s.. CJl~ I• r .-ea .,.., .,....._•I dNt cm11W-frenli-.~ ..... --....,. c:fail. 4, •• ,__,, , •. alda.r4 • A child learns to read well if the .UUal-aa.ditory-motor areas of tbe brain ani orpniuid properly. Improper orga- nization of tbeae U'el.8 leads lo a loss of readinc ability. Althoqb the primary caaae of reading cliubilitr i. uaa.Dr brain dieorganiutioe. redoced practice in reading, poor instnJdioa, and attito· dinal problem. may increaee tbe amount of the diaahility. ,,_ ..... ,_ ....-• ' e l ' y--..................... ..., ..,,. .. •-r-•F . ,.--,...._._ .. s..11r , .~..M7-• .... ~ .. ~TM. Y--. t'.-ily Weelilr. 641 ........... A-.. New Y ..... N.Y. l..U. Ye ~ ~ Is ,._ 1-.. ..... IS will M ..W I• wit --.A. traditional materialism and an adn.nc:ed ttthnologica) eocidy." Al. an inclication, abe points to CGIDputerizied bol'09COpes, now a bot itaa ia 2.000 college book· stores. "Alienated. epfritually root~ YOWi& people bd a meaningful anchor ud guide in utrology." Miss TbcodO&- aiou M}'L h gi1'e8 youth a security it carrent.ly lach, she add.-wt aleo a cha.ooe to thumb D09e8 at the &tiblM!I...< meat. which ecofla at boroacope&. 1 If Id Gap Folbiager Jania lo (born oa a fara in eouthem New Jer. le'f) bas pablisbed her 6nt book of poana at 18. emtitled "'Who Really Cara." Ohea called a spokesman for her generatioa. Janis phi.loeopbiaea, ,.People jU8l doa 'l let kide get the respect they need.. 80 tber -ClOlrrinee tbemee~ that they're importaDL There' a DO genera. tm pp. It'• a resped gap-whida ~, lends from both sides. Kids Deed heroes to give them eelf·reapect. Bat penom we believed in, like the two Kenoocfrs and Martin Luther King, lurte hem Ul&96i- nat.ed. I hue a lot of faith in my friends, wt wbm they get politic:al power, there Janis Ian will be cbangea. Mr geaeaatiou ... , not be UT better-tho abe pramt Gee bat it does offer a hope for chaage." Family~ "-N••• 'I •.• I i J .... ,..11, 1110 _, fin I Oii u ·r ia cw.t MCK llTAll,,....... ..,_ ~~ .......... .. .... ....._.... 0 ,,,...,, ..... ... J.Ocs I I .... a... A.-....CAf't~ ..... ..... Now ... The First All-Label Discount Record Service to Offer All These Advantages ... and to introduce you to this unique discount record service TAKE ANY 2 HIT RECORDS!:,$2&0 EACH·I N ow ... a rccord-buyi.na service that gives you big discounts on all records. all labels-with no mini- nUlm p11rcluue required. And you buy on cndit with at-home shopping convenience! What'• more, you can get two hit n:cords for only $1.50 eoclr by joinina right now! And under the tellDI of thls special offer, there is oo membenh.ip enrollment fee whatsoever! No U.itationa-No "minnu•" purdtoaw If you buy records regularly-S, 7 or 12 a year-you probably like to make your selections from a variety of labels. And you don't want the oommiunent to buy a spedfic:d number of records. What you do want is to be abk to get the latest hit n:cords of your choice as IOOll as they become available-and to get them at the big· gesa discounts available anywhere! Dmcounts up '° 75% There is never any "minimum" number of records to buy-ever. You take only thole records you want. when you want them •.. generally al savm,., of at least 33 Y:J % oft the manufactunn' sugested list price(aee the chart). You can choole ""' 12'" long-playing R'COl"d of any lal>d available in the United States. In acme cues we are able to ofter discounts up to 1S% ! And Records Un- limited is the only all-!abd aervicc lb.at lets you charge your mx>rds. No other service, club or method of buy- ing o«en you aD that beodits! • .,.._...~ 8U·ll41UI Spd!l "Tap ol tM a.rts" S.wice Every four weeks Records Unlimited surveys the record industry's "best-aeller" charts and tends you its recommendations: You receive the special •'Top of the Charts" sdec:tioo card deacribin& the new hit record our surveys indicate will be appearing on all the '""best- aeUel" charts in the coming week.a. You alJo receive the current Records Unlimited buying piide, listing over BIG DISCOUNT S ON ALL LABELS See for Yourself ~ M fa11ia1' "ct IM IBIAll Ult...... -.no $1.79 through $1.98 ....... $1.19 2 .49 throu&h 2.78. . . . . . . 1.66 3 .49 throu&h 3 .78. . . . . . . 2..33 3 .79 throulh 3 .98 ....... 2.49 4.79 through 4.98 ....... 3.09 5.79 through 5.98 ....... 3.79 6.79 throulh 6.98 ....... 4.49 (o.n..&D bard-~ NOOrde _ta&, llleber) 11P1c'rlPrice.._da&dl.._.. leadins Labels .......... $.95 • $1.19 • $1.&0 {Originally sold for up to $4. 79•) •ID_. u-. ._... maJ be purci..d a& below aanu- fac&wwl' ......... llll& pdoe. 300 other current bit records of oil labels (and all types of music) for you to cboole from. If you want to re- ceive the 1'op of I.be Charts .. adc:ctioo, do nothing. Jt will be lent to you automatically. U you don't wish to ra:eiw it-or you want to order any additional recorda, merely return the '"Top of the Charts" aelectioo card by the dale specified in the postage-paid envelope we provide. B11t nmeml>er, there ii no obligation to pw- clt,o,u any rttord.J-everl For every record you do buy, you enjoy discounb that can save you up to 15% I (A mailing and handling charge is made for each ra:ord.) AU m::ordl, of coune, arc bnnd-new, and guaranteed to be in perfect playing cooditM>o. for the UllDOll in &lening pleuure. First Two hconla Only $2.50 £acb Get your ftnt two rtt:Ol'tll for only $2.50 eoclt by joining oow. (And under the terms of thia apecial offer, we an waiving the membership enrollment fee usually charged!) Select your two records now from the bclt- .eltina recorda lhown oo this page. or you can pick any other record currently available in the United States. lbil Colpa TodaJ Just fill out and mail the coupon aJona with your check or money order for $S.OO to cover the cost of your first two record•. We'll send them to you promptly. You11 also RCeive your first llecorda Un- limited buying guide, listing hundreds of records avail- abJe to members at apecia1 disc:ouot prices. • records unlln1lted Harmony, lncHam 47853 r----------------~, I Records Unlimited I I Box SOO, Harmony, Indiana 47853 I ,__ mroll me iD Rec.orda Unlimited with aJ1 II the membenhip benefits described above. Under I the terms of this apecial <J6r', I understand tbe I usual membenbip earoUmmt fee is waived. rm encbiaa a cbect or money order for S.5 to c::cner the COit of my tint two recorda: CataJos No. ( 1) .. • ........•. (2) ........... . Tade ( 1) ..•............ (2) ..•............ Label (1) .............. (2) •.......•• ·•·•· Abo aeod me the curmll R.econll UalinUted buyiaa guide. I UDdentand there is DO obliptioa to pmdUlle any miniau.an number af rec:onk, but thoee that I do purcbae will be mine at dil- couat prica •.. aod &bat I may, if I wish, c:lwJit my purcbalcs. Naine ......................•.•.......... , ...... ....., ""' --...... &all .... Adclrc9 .............•..........•..••..•• City .............•...........••.••••.••. 1.ip I State.······················ .Codem:iiciF L---~---~----------~ @Clairol loc. 1969 • ---------------------------------- oucan Twice as many brunettes use Loving Care as any other haircoloring. Find out why. Try it yourself ... free! (FULL-SIZE PACKAG~) Make your first gray hair your last one ... without changing your natural hair color! Loving Care is the gentle haircoloring. No peroxide. No mixing. No fussing. Just pour it on. Loving Care is not only rich creamy lotion ... but also has its own special shine-and-condition rinse. It's so easy ... and so gentle ... the next thing you know, you're a gorgeous brunette! • Medjum AU Browa #77 M«ifjum Golcko Brown 171 . .. r------------------, Mail to: Clairol Inc., Dept. F P. 0. Box m, Yonken, N. Y. 11711 Plcur send me my full-size pacb~ of Loving Care Hair Color Lorion. Here's my 25' to cover cost of mailing and handling. The Loving Care shade number ncarat my natural shade is checked below. 15 16 77 78 79 80 82 83 00000000 Important: Please include your zip code. AddreM __________ _ Ci~------------ State, ______ _,,ip Code __ _ Limited time offer! Offer expires February 28, 1970. L imit one to a family. Do not take this coupon to your store. Void where taxed or restricted by local laws. Applies only in conti9cntal U.S. Loving Care• hair color lotion from Clairol ,_.-, : .....• , "> '--=· Nmunl Bladl ltJ L -- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - -_J • • -~---~~~~~----·---------------------------------------------------~~ • H IB BOUSE stands on a high hill north of Sumner, Washington. Far in the south- east, the apex of Mount Rai- nier clings above clouds in its floating beauty-lilac, marsh. mallow, ice. The Bev. W. A. Moore, put.or af the Rooeevelt Heigbta Church in Ta~ coma. baa jqt driven home 'With hia wife from a luncheon with friend.a. Normally he takes a nap at thia hour, but todq the quiet gloey of road- aldee tinted with pale purple of wild tweet peu bu e.qendered an ucibt- ment in him. 1 The world ia llO dlled with chanb that be can't bear to lie down. In- •tead. be soea into bia library and lita behind . wide desk rimmed with bookre.-Yea, he'ft take that n&J> later; but ~ht now be shall jot down not.el for the MrmOU next day. He PMB out of the window at tbe mane) of llount Rainier auspended in co&or and cream. then tuJ'1ll to hia ,_.. w.-i:.. ,....,. "· 1110 The Most Inspiring 'W'Ork. Picture of a preacher in a rural area adjacent to TILCMI•, pre- parin• hi.a ae.nnon for the morTOW. You uk, ••Anytbjnc anu.aual about it! Wun't t.bia perbape happening to thousands of miru.ten all over the United States!" No, nothinf unuaual about it. Ex- cept that the Rev. W. A. lloore wu 100 years old 1ut July 24. He ia believed to be the oldest min- ister occupying a rep1ar pulpit in the United States or anywhere elae to the world. It ia quite pouible that he is the oldest repn!t!entative of any religion. anywhere on the face of the globe. actively exhorting hia people in their embracement of a Faith. When exactly was that year in which Reverend lloore ftnt aaw, not the lirbt of Conversion-but the lia'ht of day 1 The Chicago fire had not yet bumed. The Cost.er mu"cre at the Little Bir Hom wu yean ahead. UlyllM!S S. Grant bad been President only a few montba. BeTerend lloore ha.I lived in this nation under 19 di1rennt Preeidenta. Come to tb:i.nt of it-llillard Fill- more. FrankliJl Pierce. and Andrew lobmon were stiD alive at the time of hi.a birth. "When I wu ei«bt years oJ~" said Revennd Jloore. .. I became convinced that you could trUlt God." He'd been having eome very bad dreama, the '!f&Y amal1 children do. The omnitigated evil which whirled in thoee nightmares made him fear- ful of the very ect of l'Oinr to bed. of yielding to sJeep. "I wu next to the eldeat in a fam- ily which in ti.me grew to include eipt children. Of COUJ'9ey they hadn't all come yet, since I was only eight myeelf. But even ao small, I worked.. All of ua worked. It was a very happy family. We bad otter trust in our parent.a." be recalled. "J.9t • meager farmbouee on the Iowa prairie. bat there wu a Jot of love exchanged.. I think back now, and I cannot recall ever having lie&rd a q~ in that bouaehold. Oh, we ldda fu.ued in normal fashion from time to time., of cou.ne, bat I meu a real qurrd. Never beard a word of such std." He bad been christened William Atwell Moore; thus hi.a boyhood nick- name wu Attie. Litt.le Attie con- ai~ what would happen to him if he dictn•t set any aleep. How would be have strength to do bi.I chores! Chores were a neceuary way of life. "Suddenly it came owr me: why not aak God for help! Our mother told us enchanting stories about a Good Kan, and the atan--the won- drous works of the benen&--tbe Father and the Son. Our own father read to us daily from what we called 'the Picture Bib~' It was a bore volume with entrancing illustrations. We'd crowd around hia bee to look at thoee remarkable pictures and have Pa explain thenL 11So It 111 .. d lilre a logical thing to do. I prayed very bard. as bard u any eigbt-ye.ar~ld ever could. .. And don't t.ell me that God doesn't bear little bon p~ ! Ninety-two .rears have gone by.einoe that night, and rve not bad a f rigbtful dream in all that time. .. When Attie wu 11, the Moores moved to another farm near the town of Panora. During higlHcbool yean the boy held hi• 6nt job away from the farm. He ee.rved u janitor at the loca1 ecbool and proudly carried home bis wap af $10 per month. At 16 he was bapti.r.ed into the faith of the Diaciplea of Christ. "We were called Campbellit.ea, but nowa- d.aya it'a generally termed, the Chris- tian Church. "As for myaelf, I am by no meane a eectarian. I think that's one of the great mistakes which religionists mab: hundred.a of diJferent eecta, an trying to attain the same goal What matt.en it what avenue people are urged to travel! They all want to ret to the a.me place!" Adezlly It was a 1letbodist who pve Will Moore (he was biager, now. and the name Attie had fallen by the ..,.,.Ude) hia motivatioo to- ward the miniJrtry. The man's name waa G. W. E. Hill; be came from Des lloinea with a vigorous reputation as a temperance lecturer. Will'• fa- ther invited the stranger out to the 1loore place to spend the night. It fell to the youth to drive G. W. E. Hill to the railroad station next day in a light farm wagon. "I bad beard hia diacoune the night before and was deeply aifected. AB we jogged along toward town, mn turned to me and aabd. 'What is your ambition, my boy? What do you pJan to be 7' "For the first time I held the thought and spoke the words. 'I'm going to be a pttacher.' " He says. ''Reverend Hill wu ailent for a titne. altboagb I could feel him looking at me. Finally be leaned over and touched my cheek with hie band. 'God hie.ea you. Now, when you come to Dea lloinee to the ministerial 8Chool at Drake. you shall stay in our home. Won't coet you a cent.' "They were bountiful people, those Hilla. They took me into their home, ' ' l ' Family~/ J .... .,, 11, 1no 1Man I Ever Met who has lived as weU as preached the mesmge of God By MacKINLA Y KANTOR bowing that I bad no money. I tmded furnace. prdened. cut the sra--did everything that I could think of to help out around the ~­ And make mnelf worthy unto them.." Not eoreryone appn>ved IO highly of the ~ panon'a ambition. Once, doriq a Tiait beck home., 1ViD Jloore WU inrited to substitute in the local pulpit when the minister wu called out of town. The higb....ehool principal ap- Pl'OKbed. glowering ... Can it be tru~ what I bear? That yoo are plan.nill&' to preoc1&~· WW. l'ft'.aDing certain boyish dere- lidioaa datjn& IChool Yfal'S. wrinled uneomf ortab}y bot had to admit that that ..... the plan. n. P* Lip .. glared. "If I were Pinc around a~ p~ I wouldn't waste an ounce of powder on the libs of you/' be roared and m.an:hed •Wa.J in dudpcm. After he ... ordained. B.ennnd Koon ru:eind • caD from the ru. lase of Lewis in c.. Coant;r. Ac- b.aaUJ no coqnption bad yet been organised: it waa merely that a nmn- ber al Campbellita loqed to llaft their own chords, if they c:oald i. co.re a capable minister. "It WU January, 1893. There waan•t any place for me to pnedt when I rached Lewis ea:.ept in the Vunnic hall. WelJ. tbe:J' inrited me to ccme to them. Get a CODSftPtion together and-He&ven ~-build a church. '1'bey said that tbe:r muld JDaD.age to P97 me '800 per unum. I almost fainted. I couldn't belie.e that it wu realQr riPt in the sight of the Lord to accept suc.h an enonDOU8 sum of money for IQ' ministry. But. blem their hmrta. they penuaded me to accept, and I stayed foo.r J1!1U11. Then I went on to W~ City, thm to St. Louis. rve llen'ed 10 churcM9 in he Stat.. .very one a joy . ., Nau 1 drys.•u•ll add.nm him M .. Beftrend Bin," and be libl that. Having attained centenarian statua he ia by DO meaDa a qaakfDK relic. He'1 sti1J aD man. even tboal'h be mu.st oae a cane to ueist in waJJdng. m.s t~ ia .tout and tuU; it n .. in eolid planm; hairline baa receded • bit. .. compared with picturell tabn 25 yean qo. But the mop of iron- sray hair would be envied by many penou-<>1' panona-one-llalf or one-third his TIIM.l'able qe. He used to worry abOut the Boo- leftlt Height. coqncatioe. Were t.bq just keepin&' him OD to be nice to a patriarch! Again and apin be otfered to n!8ip hia pastorate. s~ ly they mut need a :rou:qer man! FiJian1 in eolenm condan a man- datory retirement date WU aet: the ~ 1991. By then, W .A. Jloore will be 122 and ,nil have rounded out a full century aa a m.in.iatu ! .. 1895 .. wedded his ftnt wif~ Kitty Nance. They bad hoped to equal the jollity of that bouaebold in which Will crew op. with an abounding brood of their own. But their only child was a baby boy who died at birth. Kitty died in the summer of 1936. and the min- ister was alone for he yara until Eva Heslop came iJrto hi.a life. She is a former aecretary-a stmd,J-wom-· an with IUP-piled hair, dedicated in great equnea to suataininl' ber huband. "'I've bad the best there is... lie b-ma "'Not °perfect prwben' wiY• -bat perfect wives for a humble preacher ... On Sonda;r momi.ac the Jloore. d:rin mer' from Smnner to Jtomeorelt Heiatrb, a dut:anee of 16 mllt.9. The Heigbta ii a billy ans on the 800t:b- east aide of T8M1DA Tbe resion ia dotted with bomea of retired )N!l'- aom, with 801De J'OCRlS'fS' fa1n1liM. ReftreDd Bill prefers to arrive by 10 a.m. There isn't any Sanda)" echool, but it pleuea him to be available to youths of the ccnmgnjt;r when-- ever tbey drop in for achiee. .... I I >• baildinl' bu di&'• nit;r and .-pa,y-peen innocence of i:ta OWD.. Groaniq of harbor ~ Ues and mutter from the Tacoma Freeway rach it but faintly. The interior ia plai:n. decorated in tan and white. Theft are eiPt nnn of pews which will accommodate nine people OD acJa aide of the center aiale. The national Colon ud the Christian banner stand OD opposite aides of the platform. and a choir loft ie tmed with ainpn. PrompU,, at 10 :45 W. A. Jloore comes throqh a door Jeadins from the vestry room and tablll bi.a place beb.incl the pulpit. He announc• the fmlt hymn, to be followed by a ~ tp0nsive read.in&': another hymn and then the ftnt prayer. ~ yean qo, R.eftrend Moore ~.,, .... , _, .... .,.,.. ................ v-..,, ..... ,,._,_ .. ...... .......,, , .. , .............. ,,.,,. may recall. he and a friend. one G.D. Edwards, ware tak:iq a walk on the Edwards fa.rm, and the lat'a tin;:r eon. a boy named Corwin, accom- panied them. They followed a wind- ina path acrocs 6elds and came to a wooden bridp. Thia bridse bad &Den aJIUl in places. Tl1e7 reached the ftnt PP where one wide plank wu ~. FAlwuda sipa1ed to ReYerend Moore not to auia the child. He wanted to eee joat what hi.a IOD wollld do. Corwin obM:ned Int hia father, thm Bftennd lloore. .. th..,-ateweot carefully Oftl' the pp. The little boy took ... deep breath. Del"'t'eCl him..tf for the e«o:rt, and Japed acrcm.. The:J c:ame to a larsel' breach. wider aDd more f:riabtmllaa' tlml the other bad been. N9"rtbe1ms tbe two men CJ'C*ed with compa.ratiYe eue. What about Conrin? The child examined the lituatio11.. Be did not whine or cry. be IDl!ftb' reeched out hU little band with con· Mmoa .. Pa... be aid, ""yoa1l ... to help me ttm time." Rnerend Bill teOa bia U.tmen. .. I lib that story, and that'1 just the ... , it happened. The~ to me is thi8: aome d.illcult p.Jaee. in life J'OO can &'et over euily. alone. Bot there are other places where yoo'Te pt tc have he)p. "How wonderful it ii to ban a Father we can trust. when ,.,. 1"'9Kb one of th08e 8ituationa t Let ua D8'1U forset: put up your hand u hlP u yoo ca:n. and that Bi.a II.and wUl come down to help JOU-" The •~ So often to tbalr aback in the Crooked Creek ncio11, half-an· hour's dri-.e from home. The ~ eite compriMI onlT 8"en acr.. bot there are 70 up there iA the foi.t. They find excitement in werythiq from a fJ"fSh..c;rown rine to the enor- mous moeay atwnpe of wient ftr t:reee, wbic.b were lospd oil loq Q0 and are DOW replaced by thick gneDer)'. Reverend BiD and En are plaa- nins a pon:h at the nmr of their tittle cabin. "lut the pilice." he .. ,. pleaaantly. "for me to sit and p~ cbma with trimda.. As_.. ... ._,of the old 1a;Jm-. bis ia a phi1-oplr:r wbidl IMlftll' .. pt. or IDOUJ'DL RetiP. to Bn- ermd Bill is an optimiwn, a hearty rapture. Thia belief q reflected in tlle un- usual bi.rthdq cards he aends out dail,y. Tbq beain .. ordinary print.ed earda one bQ)"B at U.. po9t allrie.. bat when tbe,J are carried into the Koo.re home. they bloamm and briPten 1111.- der the bands of W .A and E~ tbq are tranaf ormed. ''Happy Birtbda,J." JOU rmd at the top. Then. "lb bobby: A BjrlMa:f Friend for Each ~ al the Ytm'. How good to Un. Ion. 1aqb, and lift! Coqratulatiam !" rwla the mMHP, and QIUaJJ;y a pencmal Bate ia written beneath. There i9 recoane to crayma . . . the little meHap 1• fairl7 tiq8 with ita coloriq and andertin.iq. In the foa:r comers are noted favorite Scriptmal te:da ••• the birthday boy or sirl. man or woman. who reeeitea wh a card may haft the plewant of JookiJw ap the tat.a. WP s .. or ..-rice thi.a m.iJWrter perfol1IUI, it ia not Up ~ vice. On Sunda7 aftmnoou there fa DO pi_q home far & up. hwtew', be traftls UllOllS the •D.I'llbla ~ of Tacoma and m ~ eaIU.q OD bedridden inmata. At the ap of 100 ,_,..y '"Ob, you know. So llWl7 of tho.e po6r. aickl;r old folb haven't Sot &IQ'- bocly to come and aee them. So I like to So around. md cheer them up." I aaid to ReYenmd BiD, ""Pleue ten me. lb mother baa been dead for 88 years. Bu~ me. What WU she like u • &'irl., wben JOG unit.eel her in marriap with m:r fatber- back in Iowa, in 1899?" Hi.a face lighted up. "How weD I remember Eme! She was beaatlfol You were ao fortunate, to haft had •ucb a mother!" Ah, yea. • -~~---·------------------- Look into Contadina for a rich, delicately seasoned to1nato sauce HOT ZIPPITTY DIP! We take 8 great Ciontadina Tomat.oes. Simmer them till they're ridl. ~ 8ell80ll ever 90 lightly to give you a sauce that's a peJ'fect dip straight from the can. Or, you can add a few more ingredients for a Hot Zippitty Dip. l np (~an) OONTADINA• T..wo Suce 2 aWap aw rrucd Pumeaaa dicae ~ .. ,,..... prtic: alt ~ tcapD INI cnmaWal lilllsil leaft.a C.ornbine tamato saooe, cheeee, prlic salt and basil leawe in mnall aucepen Heet, stirring until most of che"8e is melted. Serve bot with coobd frank- furter alicee. Vienna auagee, peppesoo.i s1icea or meat balls. PBOll THE 8 GREAT TOMATO POI.KS 8 Ill Hew -..Y Br A-Da.ft4oto How many 'beads, And how JDa117 taila ! Qatatlta Can you ten. without looking at a cup, on which aide the han- dle is? (Su AUIOer Ben) n..H1a1e n..tFw•1rllllllt AC~ 1. The man who made this bird- house ia the --in our house -eo Mother says. 6.Heiamy _ 6. --he made a cement bird- bath. 7. I --the mixing pan for him. DOWN 1. We ftlled the bird --with water. 2. I think thia birdbowie la better tban any --I've eeat. 3. Father will add a --for the birds to sit OD. 4. I shall --a picture to my grandpa. (See AtutOft' Boz) • It loob lib a flab And a couple of wbalea. ~T How can you be n:re of not bittiaa' :roar thumb when you drive a nail! (Su Atutoer Boz) ····•·0.. From a ftve-letter word for 80Dlething JOU do when JOU sweater la dripping wet and you want to get the water out, tab a-.y the ftnt letter and set what you do with a be1L (&. Atut0er Bos) (See A"'10er Boz) Allsw• .. x ,,... ..,. : J(Mp il : .19q10 'i : lllW& 'T-.NAi\00 11(8'1 • I. : Q9l[l '9 :.mn•.i ·g :nog '1--SS01CV =--a ..... 1Jft 9l[l , p1oq ot "ta auoamOt1 tan : i~ms ·ap1qno acn U() :........., ·a1qwi •11J•ua :n ... N MA ·.111µ-•uµM. :-o ...... SPORTS Winter- A Great .~~;·~ Time for Hunters! SOME OF THE best hunting oc- curs across America after most hunters have put their guns away for the season. The winter weather must be to blame- certainly there' a no lack of opportunities! In a number of northern states from New England acroea country to Pu.-et Sound the season on cottontail rabbit.a and snoWBhoe hares remains open. These ani- mals are great to bunt-and great on the table any time. But the hunting ia never better than when mow covers the ground and with a beagle to chase the bunnies acroea the white landacape. The ruffed grouse, a native of much of North America, l1 one of the greatest game birds on earth, and in recent years the apeciea baa been abundant. Aa a result, open seuona have been ex- tended. and in many places the bird can be bunted through mOA't of the winter. Ohio•s season, for example, rum until the end of February. Grouse bunting is a1ao better with snow on the ground and with all foliage off the trees because then it is euier to find and see the wily birda. All over America coon bunting ia tradi- tionally an after-dark sport, best on mild autumn night.a. But sportsmen along the Atlantic seaboard from the Carolinas southward. and all along the Gulf Coast, hunt the tidal fiats in daylight. H a ny wl11..,..._ hunting can be classed as the most exciting of all, it would have to be for red foxes. This is a game in which the hunted most often is the win- ner. That's true even if there is BDow on the ground, which helpe the hunter. Foxes are hunted in three ways. First is with bounds which trail the quarry, bopef ully put hunters waiting on atand. Any fox is eo cunning and long-winded that a single chase may last all day, and the hunters have little more than brief glimpses of the animal vani.shinr in the distance. A second method is to tempt the fox into shooting range with a call which imitates the squeal of a rabbit in distress. At times this worb very well. especially in the western halt of the United States. The most challenging way to bunt foxes i1 to wait for a fresh snow and then track the animal on foot. Thia ian't a method recommended !or all outdoonmen. But it could be a stimulating sport for a very rugged and determined bunter. Mou111aht lloft hunting in the Rockies fl'Om Arizona to Montana ie at ita best in winter, and this also can be a challeng- ing way to spend a holiday, usually in a saddle following hounds over formidable landscapes. However lions are becoming rare, and it is the true sport.Iman who only ahoota films of his trophy. More than 2,000 commercial abooting preserves acattered all over the country have special f acilitiea for aportamen throughout the winter. Shooting on eouth· em preeena is moetly for bobwb~ quail In the north. ringneck pheasant.a are the main attraction. Many preserves also offer shooting for mallard ducb. Moet provide guides, trained dop, a clubhouse, and fa- cilities for dreaaing and proceain,8' game. Fees range from $26 to $'76 per day of guaranteed gunning. {A directory of all these bird--sbooting preserves can be obtained free from Shoot. ing Sport.a Foundation, 1076 Poet Road. Riverside, Conn. 06878.) 1'he newest thing in shooting preserves i1 the opportunity to bunt exotic big game.. A number of places in the Southeast and East-from Vermont to Alabama-offer wild-boar hunting. Beat known of the big.game preserves, however, i1 in the Southwest-the YO Ranch at Mountain Home, Texas. Here it is posaible to bunt European fallow deer, ailta and axis deer from Asia, blackbucka from India, Corsiean rama and aoudads or Barbary sheep from Africa. Shooting ia possible the year around and ie beat in midwinter. But no matter whether the target is a native bunny or a blackbuck, winter is a good time for the sportaman. Just clreu a little warmer, and you may enjoy the beat ahooting of the year. -ERWIN A. BAUER WILL YOU SMOKE MY NEW KIND OF PIPE 30 Days at my fl.isle? All I want is your name so I can write and tell you w h y I'm willing t o send y ou my pip e for 30 days smoking without a cent of risk on your part. •r £. A. Carer My new pipe ii not a new model, not a new style, not a new pdpt, not an improvement on old etyle pipea. It • the fi:nt pipe ill the world to me an aatirely MW prin- cipl~ for pvins unadulterated pleaaure to pipe amokera. I've bem a pipe mnobr for 30 yeua, alwa}'ll JookU.1 for the ideel pipe-buyina all the dilappointinr pd&*. and 1111¥8' findint ..... aolita:ry pipe that would amoke hour after hour, day after day, without bitter.-, bite, or lllud19. Wit.h ~le doubt, I cl. cided to work out ~ for m)'llelf. Mt.er moniha of experi- meotmi and acol'8I ol diuppoint.- menta, llUddenly, almmt by acci- dent, I diilconnd bow to barne. four sr-~ natural laws to pn me eTery1hing I wanted in a pipe. It didn't require my 'i.-.kinc in." From the fint pd it mnobd cool -it anobd mild. It smoked right down to the Jut bit of tobacco without bite. It never ha.I to be •"-ted.." AND it never has tD be deaned! Yet it ia utterly impoe... •D.._ fw roo or eludp to i...m your tonpe, became my in'Ventioo d»- lli~teB the FO 81 It ....._I You micht expect all thia to N- quire a complicated mechanical pdpt, but when you -it, the molt SUl'pli8ini t.hini will be that I've dom all thia in a pipe that loob like any ol the 6DMt conven- tional pip-. The cJaiml I could mab for thia principle in tot.cco enjoyment are eo ~that DO pipe smoUr would belilrn than. So, llince "..me ii belilrviar:' 1 aJeo aay ••lllDIOkinr ia COD'fincin(' and I want to -S JOU om Cany Pipe to smoke 30 claJll at my riM.. At the end ol that time, if you are wil1inc to Pe ap your c..., Pipe, simply break it to bita-and .... turn it to me-the trial -omt you nothinc. Pleue -S me your name to- day. The coupon CJr a postal card will do. I'll aeocl yoa ai.ot~ free my complete trial offs 80 JOG can decide !« younelf whether or not my pipHllDOking frienda are right when tbay ay U. Carey Pipe ia the peatest ~ DaftDMo ner patented. Send your name and mailinc adctr-to me ~. Aa one pipe..._, to aotJ.r, 111 piarantee you the IUl'pl'1-ol 10G'f life, Fr.. Writ.e: E. A. c..r. ... ... 1• •• J If .... Clll1111, ...... 1 LA.CMn.1att us••a......_.-...~IL-- 1 .,..... mail feet. •boat &hi Cuey Pipe ~ pnpaid. Aft« n.dint I I will decide if I want to try It. for 30 Daya at YOUR RISK. B-twy- 1 :-:•'"'-'"-· No•'--nlolo..U. I Addt'eu~------------------------------------- -. 1 I 1 I ~ HOME IMPR O VEMENT ooms By ROSALYN ABREVAYA WHAT IS THE STUFF of which dreams are made? In home decorating it could be a room to express your dearest wish. Do you opt for stark modern, a mix of furniture styles and fabrics, or pure French? You're in luck. Good modern is avail- able in greater variety, while easy-care fibers let you have that white rug and chocolate-vinyl walls you may be longing for. Want a pattern mix? Easy. Decorators, two of whose own living rooms you see here, reveal that the trick is to keep pattern scale and color compatible. Don't necessarily mix two florals, for ex- ample, but balance one with a check or plaid. Bent on nothing but French 1 That style is undergoing one of its periodic re- vivals. Still, a modest budget decrees that finely styled French furniture may have to be acquired a piece or two at a time. So spin your dream but stick to it! + f'HOTO : Hf.DRtCH·llWING Clticago decor4t<,r Jo11u Jla.rahall crea.tu It.er oa.ail "i" tOtOK" iJt tile """° 100-.tory Jolt" Ho.ttcoek bvildittg. Room combi"u atark ~ a.ccu1orie1 wit It eot1lemporary 1eati11g. Pa.ir of pli~h ba.au c0t1ered iA IMkuki" 10Gl.lpa.per, walh i" brown 11in71l. Carpeti?tg of Kodel fiber. Giant Decoration Book-Save $31 Wattt to add frnlt •flit. awd color to 11owr Aonw a?ld a.clt.i•t1• ixtn .. ti11.11 loolu for hdrooma, livixg rootM, kikM., a.xd pl.a11 anuu1 Sfttld for tltt 9•xt1'*" tllutnit•d l>ook, "De(U)Ntiow. l.1.S.A." (origiKal pdlid~r·• pric• ll!.95). Mail II.II to "Deeoratimt" 50I01, Dept. tO!O, -'500 N .W. 185tlt St., Mia.mi, Fla. to Fa·mil11 WHklw, Jaft1'4r'JI 18, 11110 Above: ci tnilatige of mtalHcale printa, i1l compatible color1, 1telf}3 a.clt.i611e cu. <iir of 1pa.ei01unu1 itl tu charming narrow 1itting r ooni of interior de.aigner Joh.,. H<ird-en.. H e utilizu a r~widening trick with. 4 wall-to-wa.U bookcaae whiclt. ia fitted 1oith a 1triki"11 l4minate4 fabric 1hade, lt.tmg retJer1e roll, i....UU it. wiJtdoto fro.me . Below: the m41lAered elegan.ce of fine Fren.cll furnittm~ by Globe ia dramatized in thu ga11 pa.1tel room i" L<>tiU XV at'l/U, toith ci touch. of earl11 RegeJ&cy in the duk cMin. ll ... 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It has 1,185 illustrations of~ nncsible revealino a fnclnatino, brave and sometimes forootten a.h • Giant CIVIL WAil PICTUa.E MAP fl.4920, ---·1 --ID ID "ID wllida .il mioe to keep FllEB wlrdhet 1.,..,-book or DOt. kind-priceless Brady phototiraphs ... batUe scenes . . . era of our history. We are proud to offer this stirring pie· Allo rulla mo-.. ~t CAMPFlllES A'.ND BA1TLE-I map.. cartoon"' son-of the Un..._ and aa.-Confed ton·a1 record oft..._ c1·v11 War to commemorate the 102nd PIEU>S ia...., DD I.me....._ ill a.,.we Uaen in • • • • • • • • •-""' u11e • •11e rich bm of Gny 8lld Gold-GD --.........,.~ et"ac:y •.• and many rare photos of Jeffenon Davis. his Anniversary of The Great War's ending. You will surety o&r. After 10 J1.t11 l'8 rank oalJ $4 a__.. aatl-tiot cabinet, even his bc>dyRuard . : . of Lincoln and hundreds. treasure CAMPFIRES ANO BATTLEFIELDS as a true collec· $20.00-bat bupin price of o8IJ S13.9S P1m llliM*l6 a Deid. If Volamc cloea not cWiPt aD 11'1 family Md.,,...._ of INdef'S and generals of both sides ... But this is ·more tor's item, a valued heir1oom. It will provide young and old I may mum it for full n:fund eftD afler 6 IDOlldaaf 1· than a pictorial histoty: its 1on1. lucid text. accented by with the magic spell which only a great 1atlery of breath· vivid, ~ting pictures, giws a soul-stirrina panorama of t.king photographs, maps and rare documents of the Grat NAM I . . ~ causes; the violent land and sea battles; the strategy; an thrilled and delit(hted th.t we ask you to accept book on 0 1 every aspect. every momentous event of the Civil War-the Conflict could generate .•• So sure are we that you will be ADDWFS!l -. I foot soldiers. This monument.I pictotjal narrative makes PICTURE MAP Fll£E in any case! And Seve Special 30% ~ Qeck bere co Saw 1111 .,.._ 08 66 • ..., 1 Pt; 1 -........ , of Ille milita.Y le-.S and Ille f;ohtina -"' tor M .a --And -Giant CIVIL WAR SL UIY STA111 · m : you an eye-witness of fJWJ<Y fierce campaign; also suppties Discount. No need to send money! But hurryt Mall Gift ii 0 cncbe oa1y Sl3.fS.oow. Money-a.ck Gwww 1 1 it. I I __ ..;.;;;;;;;;;;;;:1co;m;;::p:le:te=in:fonn=:a:tion:' =o:n:we=a:po=n:s:u:sed=:by=bo=th:s=i=des=-,-thei_·_r _Cou::::po=n=NOW=:·:Whlle==:FR£E:__G&ant-=.._ __ Plcturw_:___ __ •_a11 __ .. _ .... __ LM_ ti " _ _ --------J [ l I ! ----·-----------------------------------:-~~~~~~-- U you'n: look.ins for an ucitiDs sprina wardrobe in har~ad HALF·Sl.ZES, Haya Has h! Our lateat c:aWot'1 just full of faahions with today'• new look -and It SW"pfisiJll)y low prices. o.,,, 116 -dnuul com. piece )'OUJ' total fashioa look with suiD, .coecs, li119erie, sportswar, foundations, and accnsoriea. They're all PllOPORTION-IZEJ>9 to fit your half .size fiaure pctf ectly (sizes 12~ 10 34~). Sbocs. t.oo, sm 5 to 12, widt.ln A to EEE. Satisfaction auannteed or your money rd uoded. Just mail the coupoa for your FREE IO p-.: Sprinc-Swnmer cataJos. SEND ma vova na PA.SmON CATALOG TODAY. -LL.. Dept.~~ I (/ 'lD/61-lndiMepofls, Ind. 48201 I I Plr:ax nJlb PllEE. ..., Fashioa Catalos of Half-Silts. I I N-(pl-... ,~,, I I AddNee I 1 ~.... ~ J f NO DENTURE MISERY M.lnde plascic DENTIJJUTE reiu looM dentures io 6.-c mio- U.... Thi• "Cushion of Comfon" ...,. .or-.,_.. Y0ta eaa 1nythina. Laap. talk. etto .-withom -buruaaeoc. No more food ..,.Ude1 under.,.._,, • D£NruaJTI Luo for motldl1. Eodt cbily bodiec ol powder, ..,. or culaioas. Jl&IC remo..r wbe:a n6t it ~ Tuce.lat. Oclodtu. MCNIC7 ~ ~­ At all cine cou.een. VIOBIN ~~:~TOIL gives Vigor More Stamina Endurance Less Heart Stress •oo1t'f beliere it1 Yow WIU wh.tt JOU read fllff luflefin # 1 5 18 yeon research World bpert Physical Fitness HFUSI 'SUUTITUTlS -Only Vio8in O il pro.etl ehctive. VIOBIN. '.'· · · · · When You Order By Mail From Family Weekly ... FAMILY W EEKLY COOKBOOK Ready·to•l:at ~reals ,, ID l:veryday Dishes MELANIE DE PllOFr Food Editor ~ • Tlae erMp texta:re. eh.araeleriade laTOI', aDd -trilin n )ae of etlela of t.M maay ready-to-ea t eenala aT&llaWe make tlaem a perfect foll for other foodil. Bae are jut a few esamplea of daeir woaderfal Te.natility la family meal prepuatioa. ' Supper Sausage Squares t Yi la ... n ,...ll uuace llab (aboat %4) 1 % npe llifted aD-p....-e lou l Yi tablespoo• np.r • teupooaa haldac powcler l teupeea alt l caa (12 ea.) wlliole bnel cerJl. d.raiMd; reeene 6'81 lliDI: Yi np wltole bra• cereal or braa .,..._ l tabletlpoea imtaat -----3 eep 1. Put sausage Jinb into a large, cold skil- let. Add a small amount of water; cover and cook over low beat 6 min. Remove cover and pour off fat. Continue cookin•, turning to brown. on all aides. Drain on paper toweliq. Reserve % cop drippings. Z. Sift ftour, aupr, baking powder, and salt together; set aside. - 3.. Add enough milk to reserved corn liq- lid to measure 11n cope. Combine with drippi~ whole bran cereal, onion. com, and effB; beat well. Add dry ingredient.a and beat until batter ia smooth. 4. Tum batter into a greaaed 16x10xl-in. jelly-roll pan. Arrange aauaage linb in batter in a uniform pattern. 5. Bake at 450°F. about 20 min. or until golden brown. Cut into squares and aerve • wa.rm with .. pie-blended eynp. 8 1ervi1111• Peanut Butter-Cereal Crust Pie 1h cap peaaat .,_tter » C11p eora •YHP % Cllpe rice kri8piea Y cMu fueriu re ... 1-to-.ne canHcl or refri1erated p1141cliar l. Blend peanut butter and com ayrup in a bowl. Add the cereal and mix until well coated. Tum mixture into a buttered 9-in. pie pan and preu tlnnly and evenly on bottom and aides. Chill until firm . Z. Fill chilled pie shell with pudding. 12 Faml11 W Mkl11, JaU1Jry 11, 1110 R«Jdv-to-eat bro• unal a"4 toAoU UrMl cona add /tafl<W CIM tntvre nhmlcnant to tluu cUtrcctitle •a~e 1quoru . Chill about 2 hrs. Decorate with whipped dessert topping. O,.e 9-i•. pie Note: If desired, cover the pie ftlling with a crunchy topping: a mixture of crushed rice krispiee, ftaked ceconut, sugar, and ground cinnamon toesed lightly with melt- ed butter or margarine. Chocolate Cereal Crust Melt 1 cup ee•isweet chocolate pieces and 2 tablespoons batter or aarga.riDe over bot, not boiling, water. Mix in 2 cups presweetened con ftabs. Preas into a buttered 8-in. pie pan. Cool until ft.rm. Fill aa desired. ~ 8-i•. ervst Puffed Rice-Nut Clwrters 1 np liptJy padei bro,,. npr 1 tablespooa ligtat •olauee % cap lipt crua % cap •Uk 2 tabiftpooM Hgtat con aynp % tabla..-batter or aarp.ri9e • CllPll .... rice l ettp aaJW ... (8 ..... peunrta. pecaaa. ... aixell mm) 1 tu.epeft • ..ma e.strart or baitati.m .. ,ae ••nartac 1 cap .U.iatare aanaiaan..a J. Combine the first 6 ingredient. in a deep, heavy saucepan. Stir to blend thor- oughly. Place over medium beat; cook to simmering and insett candy thermometer. Continue cooking until thermometer reg- isters 220°F., atirring aeveral time.a to pre- vent acorchina-. 2. Meanwhile, spread rice cereal and nut.a in a ab.aJlow pan and set in a 300°F. oven about 16 min. Just before syrup is read1, tranafer the cereal and nut.a to a lal't'e lightly buttered bowl; tosa to mix well. 3. When syrup is ready, remove from heat and quickly atir in flavoring and marsh- mallows; atir only until blended. Quickly pour over warm cereal mixture and toes gently to coat evenly . 4. Grease bands lightly and f onn mixture into smaJI clusters; place on waxed paper to cool Store in tightly covered container in a cool place. About 30 clmt.,-1 .. 'l ' Jell-0-lntroduees 1*2*3. It toms Info a super-duper dessert all by lfst« , 4 ~ ' 4 4 4 ) I I l l I ~ ; ForJ•lrll ~~Who Are QMng Places •.. , ............... at_. FE 5'r"'I f ..... ~ .. , ...... Ir's flilhf mitl,cmts. .... ........ ._ • • -' .. tme,. ···~ n.ws.,.. . --c..:....t:. ..... ........ ,,..., ..... , Cll'W.NI .... ........... 0tt•'s5'T• ..... sms 1 t1t 2A. Alfllllllfe .. .,... ............ ,..,.. ..... ,... ........... ~14, MM .. C. M J lllcl I .a=-..:.: sant:',;;': TAU. FASHMll CATAUM: r-----------., Ir:,..=-;-: 9 _,.._.,.... I 1 ......... IWll .. Tlftf....... I I~ I I I I .._ ,.,,_ """'' I ·~ I I I L~~---~--!!!_J TltllASUR• ,,.. ...... ~ ..... am.,.__ s,_.,,......_ evenforthousands who perspire heavily AiilnnJ formula hu been foaad l"'-..WI to keep underanm ab8olutel;y dry t -even for t.boullanda. who perwpire hMvi]y. A formula eo cfilrereat itt>---_.~~.nf!'IPIY".l!.ll•M~~ bas far more anti-wetnems acent than it is poaibJe to put in any aeroeol can. B, n..,,_,.,. After dee-'l'ftlrllftal SIOll•All'f 18 ades of common "d;;donnts," it IUUIUIW llllHY ~Alm took a c:bemieal invention to mab Common KJdmJ' or Bladder In:Ua- t.b.i.; truly elfeetive protection poe-tJona make 1IWl:1' mm Uld wonaa sible --!.L •\..---• -'ety to feel ~and lll!t'TOUSfrom fNq.-t, WlUI WIC .._..... n&l burning CJr~ariDaUon nl&bl dothinc-lhe a.me akin m.ildnalJ and daJ'. • oe ~ u popular "deodorants." Called sleep and ban B • B11cbdw Mi• .... um An""p-,.,,;..... 1.t :. •L-and fftl ol~ Und. deprt-d. ID loCll •r -....,....-,.. ... u-= s1ICh cuea, CYSIEX -1.b' brlnp product of a tnmtwortby 57-~ ~ ~Cll't ~ mnt.ns mttat- old labon~ and cuarant.eed by• -~ms~ccerms~~lD~lldd~!'.!uru.1:;•~ and"~!Yqallk:tr!!!:!ty=-1 Good Houaebeping. By the thoo-t-at sanda. women with problem per-Now• •• Cfwes y_. s · tion are 6ndinc the prot.ection :re: need-and never a>Uld find FALSE I EE I H before. And fully effectin aa a Mol-mt~ Pow-deodorant. too. of eoune. U yCMl • • -.. ,... perspire more than an;nce-evee ~ ....... ..,,... l'WWW OD heavily -pt lhe pomtive protec--~ dlaSal9 -.. .a ats: Cl) tion of Mitdmm Anti-Penpirut. Billpll baild l*ll ;"I:: aDd 1ow9a Your choice, liquid or cream. =-~ ~~~ ...._~-::: N~~-day supply, each SS.00. -ftAbRaQ1r.WA&Idta Av · le at your favorite drus or =-=:..., '";:~"'1:," ~ toiletry counter. f:':· ~ --.. Dmtara u.' ~ ~ .... -Ulll to m.tUL ao - ANTl-PERSPIRANT 1"0QI' dllntU& ~. °" -----w PA&IUIB II& all drQS COll.Dten. The Drug That Saved Me from J\ sufferer of "incurable" Parkinson's disease tells restored him By WILLIAM B. JANOVER F Oil TEN YEAHS I suffered from "shaking palsy," the crippling Parkinson's disease that afB.ict.s over a million Americans. Today, thanks to a remarkable experi- mental drug,, I feel as if I'm re- born, rescued from a wheel chair or worse. This new drug, called lewdopa (or L-dopa), baa been bailed u .. one ol the moat important contributions to med.ical thenpy of a neurologic diaeue in the put 50 years.,, I am I~ to be one af tboee who baa benefited dramatically from it. 1 first notiCed the vmptoms one evening at home while reading a book. Suddenly 111.1 face ftuahed and my heart raced wildly. I wu afraid it waa a heart att.ck. After our family doctor pve me a shot of mor- phine. I felt better. But there wu a tftmor on my riairt aide. and my hands and lep trembled. For a week I stayed home from my job as pidanee coumelor .t Northport (N.Y.) High School As ... II a 1 a continued. I aaw a neo- rolosiat. a nerve specialist. Hia diq:noeia: Putin.eon's diaellae. Aa be explained it, tbe diaeue usually ieU pn>t.Teuively wone, until moat victims are badly diaabled or paraJped. At that ti.me, 10 ,ean ago, there was DO effecti ft treatment. I did not faD into a depreaion. )(y pbi- Joeoph;r waa not to bemoan the fact that I'd been stricken.. I waa determined to be realistic and fight back in every conceiv- able way. I don't believe in escapiam or ei~ at home brooding. I continued to work. The future (rm only « now) did not look black to me, though I 'WU well aware it would change. If I had surren· dered to the awful dieease.. I would probab- ly have become vi.rtual1y he1pleas. l(y wile .Mildred. who later had to driTe me to work. waa always cheerful in front of me. In privat.e., I know that abe Md moments when she broke up. Some five :rean ago, I heard about Dr. 1nm. S. Cooper. of New York's St. Bar- nabas Hospital, who had perfected .new surgical techniques for Putineon'1 by u-m. • freesinl' probe. Bia method dmb0}8 certain areas in the bni.n center involved in the diseue. Only about one out of IO are good candidates for this IGrpJ"J'. The operation WU performed OD me. The ah.akiJll' OD my right side did stop. But in the months that followed my left aide bepn to ab.ab. y__. ..._,._,I gradually went down- hill The ail'DS were typical of the dieeue. I waa shuftting along, clraaina' my feet. )(y facial muscles tia'htened, causing IDJ' face to appear eomewbat like a mask. With my throat moacles con.stric1ed. it was difli- cult to swallow, and eometimel I cbobd on 1117 food. )(y wice eofteoed. ao that spealring to IODleODe acrou a room became a real etf ort. I had gnat dimculty even in cottiq IDJ' food. It wu impnuihte to turn over ill bed. Doctor Cooper's staff was willing to do a aecond operation, but there loomed the poe- sibility of aeriou.s aide etfects. eo I decided to wait. Jleuwhile. I no longer mowed our lawn or went bowlinl' and pve up drivina-our car. At work, preparing report&. 1111' speech wu slurred when I used a tape recorder and writing came very slowly and i.DeaJ"bly. Then, two years ago, I read that Dr. George C. Cotsiu and aseociata at Brook· haven National Laboratory in Upton. N.Y .. bad developed a reeearch drug that might decreue tremors and ri«idity. It Dr. Georg• c. com.. fl•ft J """ Dr. P...Z S. Pqat1Uilimi at 10ork °" lnod.opo tlnag itt Brooi- Aawn N •tiortol Ltaboratorw. Uptn, New York. -~-~~-~~--~----------------............... _._ ...... ._._._. ........... ._. .................... ------MEDICINE 1 "Shaking Palsy" fs how levodopa to a normal, productive life J was ~opa. a potent amino acid. II.any symptoms of Parkinaon'a are caued by lack of a body chemical called dopamine. which i.a neceuary for tranamittiq im- pulaea to and from the brain. Levodopa Cl'088ea the blood-brain barrier and ia con- verted to the needed dopamine. Through Doctor Cobia.a' eecretary, I waa told that Cornell University-New York Hoepital waa trying out the clrug on 11&- lect.ed patient&. On an unforgettable d.a,J in September, 1968, I waa grant.eel an ap- pointment. That day I could hardly propel WiUiom 8 . JuMJer: ~ 110.0~ "'"' 4 M10 "'"· myeelf and tiguzed that in a month I'd be in a wheel chair. At the hospital I was impreued by ~ very peraonal way in which patient. were handled : doctors themaeJves came out to the waiting room to rreet us by name. Dr. Fletcher H: Kacl>owell. my physician, has that calm warmth and empathy which ia 80 comforting. Att.r tt.e most comprehen.sive examina- tion I ever bad, and aome nine boon of tests, I wu considered qualified for the levodopa program. Of cou.nie, I wu elated. My wife and teen..qe dauahter Helene, who bad reached the point where they didn't dare to hope. at first felt wary of any new pills. I wu the one wbo exuded great optimimn. l'd been cau1iooed about the drug's poe- sible side e«ecta: nausea. sweatiq, stom- ach upeeta and, in aome ioatancee, hallo· cinationa. But during my fint week on the pilla, I wun't even nauseated. A.a the doeage increued., miraculoualy my face muaclea ~ to looeen up. ll1 ebuflle changed to a limp, and then &Tadu- ally my stride leqthened. Stretchiq mu.&- clea in physiotherapy aoddenly aeemed easier. I could take deeper breath&. Now, after mon! than a year on levodopa, remainiq aymptoma are few and only oc- caaional Now and then, my left leg gives me a little trouble. Sometimee I aperience p I a mild twitchift&', and there may be in- voluntary movements of my neck or foot. Once, 1ittiq in my omee with student.a. lllY arm suddenly shot up. I pulled it down but it. ahot up ap.in_ I bad to lock my bands behind my bead. But wben the levodopa doeqe waa adju.ted, auch l)'IDP- toma faded away. I understand that ae the drug ia purified more, there will be fewer aide eftecta. ........ tlay Doctor KacDowell aaid I didn't have to see him for 10 weeb. That mun mean I'm gettiq along ftoe. Now I can even play volley ball. I go swim- miq (my favorite sport) fo~ as loaa u an hour at a time. Becently, when relatives came viaitiJllr, my aunt stared at me u I strode over to meet her. "I can't believe it," ahe bunt out. UW'hat a difference!" AIJ for other patienta on levodopa. medi- cal reports abow that improvement ia evi- deneed in three out of four caaee. ~ aulta vary from "mocl.itt to "moderate," ~,, and .. impreuive." I gueaa mine ia impreaaive. llaybe it's becauee I waa treated bef on! the condition became far more devutatiOI'. Still. acconl· i.na to the latest study at Cornell Univer- sity lledicaJ College, patient. with an de- rreee of eeverity tend to improve. A. I write thia, the drq i.a atiD oftki.ally ttP1'ded u .. aperimentaJ." lt'a now beiD&' tested at 24 medical centers acroea the nation and i.a not l'enerally available. Per- bape the Food and Drua Administration will awrove it for preecriptioo within the year. Jly immediate prognosis, I'm told, ia ex- cellent. boctor KacDowell aaya I'm "pretty cJoee to normal." That is, at timea if I •~ examined by a neurolociat who didn't know my cue, be couldn't ten I bad Par- kiuon'a. Five or 10 yeare from now? No one knows. lt'a still too early to predict; thua far, only a few patienta have belt'u on the dru1 for u Iona u three yean. I'• II llf PJ1 liviq for now. To Docton M.acl>owell, Cotsiaa. and all the other medi- cal investigatore atriviq to reecue the million of ua from the ravasee and an- piah of "abakinc palsy," I can only aay, I'm profoundly natefu.J.-and bleN you .• ( F<>r /vrtlur itaf """4tima or f.() ltdp the lnodopa pro11n1•, tOrite to A.....ne." Par- aM011'1 ou-.. Ana., 147 Eut s0t1t St., N6t0 York, N.Y. 1001!; <W ParkiuOA'• Di.a«Ue FDMftdatioa, 6~0 Wut 118tlt. St., N6tc Y<Wk, N.Y. 100U.) F••"-W.-Jw, J .... ,.., II, 1110 u I leaa llM1111's finlstJed, by gum! · And the gum is Chooz antacid. Fast relief for heartburn, gas, and upset stomach due to acid indigestion. Bonus: after the medication has done its job, you're still munching a delicious chewing gum. Yum. Choaz.. !!'r.=!chewincpm .----. Roamm1'a FABULOUS FASHION llOOk .... ..... ... FALSI TllTH KWYCH .......... tlgllw KLUTCl:I ..... ~ ~ ...... .......... _. .... _. ___ ... ,_ _ _._. ..... ...... Clallllllt _. ~ .. 911!111J-·--.. -u ....... _ .. ra.1 ...... ~ ._ ........................ . ........... ~ .... ,.. ..... ............... ~ ......... .. ----...... __ _. -wm .m1,.. •.--tidal..._ IURll .. ..,. 14112 PHOTO CllDITS C.-.<>aies...t . ..... 2: aw.~ ...... , ~ M«"'1 NASA. .....f: &win A.'-· I COMPUTER MATE IS NOT I A DATING GAME WI! MICCe9Sfulty find Plltnen tor I INltrimony •rid comii.t•ble trlendshlpa. I All MaES -ENTIRE U.S.A. Abeol!Mly oonftdential Cai~ •), Wr11'1 IOf free brodlur• Ind ~· I ....,..._..........,. 'c1 m11 ,.._ I .~!.~!11 ..... ,. ,,1 •• ,, ,.,, .• ,~=· ""*'•ill mn ... Arm 1 RED GLORY LIVING FENCE No Naggilg BacUche Means a Good light's Sleep LARCEST SU£CTION of tiny, 111-in-the·ew. be· . hind the ur, eyegllSS ' ' ..,. • and pocket models. ~ FRE.£ HOME TRIAL. No obflptlon. Monty back cu•anlet. No down P111Mnt. IAsy terms No salesmen or de.tiers. Order direct Ind save 65%. Write for free cataloc. PRESTIGC, Oellt. D Ill • Box 10947, Houston. Tex. 17018. • l I I I ' I t t • \ t ~ • • I ___________________________ .......... Pllrlllls ., the Wav .. Amoag tlae p1eu.,._ tlaat womea lreaMl.l"e, To wlaieh their bearte respolld, How few die dellglata tlaat c:aa compare To epollhac tlae dark at tlae r..e. of t1ae Mir Of • ltoeey blellde! ~ s .. rbaeli C.U.rwid& QUIPS AND QUOTES A meat-market owner tells about a society matron who swept up to the counter and ordered 18 pounda of vound sirloin. Bia labon completed and the meat piled on the acaJe, the butcher told her that the tab waa $14.40. "Oh. I don't want to buy it." she said. "I lost 18 pound.e in the la.at 10 weeks, and I wanted to see what it loob like in one lump." -William Lodge A 1'id do10n the atreet ia ao l&ip Ju dropped ovt of •clwol rather tlaft •t1Uly tu •qure root. -BiU Copelmtd My Wife's CIMcllllla Acceuat Begged and eoasecl lo keep the .a.i., W'hat doa ... e athiae me? She thinks ii'• alway. much monf- To surpriee me. -H•l CIMNl•ie" . Even with a water soft ner you may ave rusty water leaving its ugly st i arhttnd sinks and tubs. Or worse, clogged, rusty scan cause you expe~ If all tile appliaftCe rqairmn ita tlae 1Dcnid 10ere laid nd to nd tll~ diU 100Mltl•'t nrad ov,.. MMB. -Bni Krt4H "What are you going~ouk parents about your sradea ?" onelft-· tie boy asked anothel' as they wended their way home, each with a report card tucked between bis books. "I'll just aay the teacher baa a grud&'e q-ain.at me," aaid the second lad. "lt always works." The fint boy sighed. ''I'm afraid that won't work in my cue. My par- ents will never believe six di«erent teachers have the aame &TUdge!' -LaM OUtagAovae Notlaiflg makea vou,.. w~dding rwu- '"'" ao tue/wl u luatritag /rinda 10Jao g.t 1"4rried. -Fra?lkli• P. Jonu A tough lieutenant waa inspecting his men, who were to go on dress pa- rade, looking for the a tightest ft aw. He came to one GI whoee tie was askew. u•ning over, 80 that their faces were very close, be bellowed, "Straighten that tie!" Obliainl'IY, the new recruit reached out and strail'htened the lieutenant's tie. -Dorotlaea Knt "S1UJ)«t la& ltnag lw010a Aair, aooa lat •Uta 10~ lOto boot., ft<>t1Jt1red a-111eater, tiglt.t lavnder bell-bottom.a, oad lm1e beoda ... 0 Mah or/~?"· sive repair bills. You need Morton Salt Pellens~...-a==!Sm ing water softener manufacturers Pellens. Pick up a box today from your local retail outlet. Quickly and efficiently, Pellens recharge llowed, uched anant'a 11Knt If CO can hide C\Wf line and e of this 46-year-old Indian grandmothei: .. imagine what it tn.-entm to h* dar super artlUI eye .. allot lV •to t lly new lund of ~up . ;afmost i:nwmb6e. s~ ~s ltpstdt to apply. more etfKt1ve m ~nc cane stM~ toon~ k>okang ttYn the efforts of the best ~ u., M1 is.ts."' Hollywood Forget cverythina you've ever beard about mm-up. Sud- denly there's a totally new kind of make-up. A make-up as new as color TV ... and just as excitina. A mate.up from the world of mate-bcltcvc in Television City, Hollywood. that can make every woman's dream come true. banish lines and wrinkles from sight, dark circles, any and every ftaw. A mate-up so feathery lipt in cone and texture,., per- fectly matched to your own complexion, that nobody wiU ~ know you're using iL A make-ap designed to be med under blaring color 1V lights, 10 ir stays beautiful hoar a~ hour, for as long u 16 hours. Cameras don't lie ••• but .... .,.CM .......... Beucr than words apress. you can ICC for youl"9df in the dramatic wuetouchcd photos what Chis wonderful new mate-up can do. TilOlle aren't just lines and wrinkJcs, they're fum>ws deeply etched by years of outdoor living. Now loot at the after picture. It proves beyond a shadow of doubt that cameru don't lie. but the eye can be fooled. And now you. too. can cmite this ranartable iUulion •.• a simply as you put OC'I lipstick. Two Simple S..,., Tine little MinlltlM C.C..Vert coma to you ia two small tubes. Each performs its own lbare of the magic. ~ Ibey late no roore tbaa three minutes to apply ... totether they take S. 10, even 20 years off your appearance. Couftrt No. 1. A featla..fipt, It.in-tone liquid make-up bne that c:omes in • shades, one to euctly match your cornpkJlion ..• C11 Mt Ne. 2. Tberc is nodrin1 ebe lite this. It doarl't ma.at. coat m COYCr op. It hides! lhat'a rilbt. like a mapc cloak, it mates every sinJle ftaw inviable t.> the ~ye. Linea. wrinkles. circles, enlareec:t pora. crow's feet. There is. of c:oune, a IOUOd ICimtific reasoo why this miracle takes place. It's called liabt refraction. Nobody knows you haft li.oea or wrinUea 6ecaute DObody can ee them. But au the explaining in the world won't mea11 aa much to )'OU u the results you 1Ce with your own eya.. Therefore, you must sec the rcsuJts ~lied out bdow, or ~ will return your money with no qoesuona utcd. ,.,.... • .,....., ladl Gur. ... Fint, wrin.tJes, mouth lines, crow'• feet, compluioa ftawa nuut tllso.p~ fnn Albt completely ... S«:cmd, YCMJ mmt ICC an immediate stow. a smooth ftawlennela, an aRurina yooq l1ldi.anc:e tbat you didn't dare dream you'd na-ece apin ... Third, this masical illustration must last all day, all nigbt-nen under the hanbest liabts-for as looa u 16 hours at a time ... or Elan Corp. lnta?U1"""'11 will rettmt 7""' trtOMY -t10qw#ioluo.kbl. ln11qp:1,........._• The ..... Who hwtld eo.w.t WantildltT'MtWrt 1be man who itwented Caavert ii a famous mab-ap artilt. He ii abo a rich man. Up until now he's only been able to help the wealthy or the already beautiful. That'• why he wanted hit dil- covery to help u many womea as poe- sible. The way he put it wu. •rd like it to Id. rid o( nery ua!Y line and wrinkle in the whole world." That'• why we sat the admive rights to Couvcrt. llllllead of the S 10, S 15, c¥en $SO ocber people ~ sugcsting u the tlellina ~price. we naJaUDCDdcd Id.lint Coovert for only $5.00. (With the uncooditiooal money back paarantcc..) We ftpred tbat at this price every woman could afford to try it ... and JO oa uaioa it year after year. So, behold an unarina transformation in just~ min- utes. See )'OUr face unlined. unwrinkled. visibly smoother. yoaneer-loolm1 than it has been in yean-juat like the atars you ICC Oft ClOlored 1V wbo look to yoon1 thoush you know they're over 35. Return the coupon below risht now. ltUSH NO RISk COUPON lOOA.Y •·················•·········•••·········•···••···· . . Etan Corp. l111ernational 200 Ed Ontario Stnld, Dept. W3 Olicqo, lllilloil 6061 l Oead 11· I accept ,_.. ~ to try 6e aew Color TelnWoa • ~ clilcoftfy, <AN"'"-wiCh .., rilt ... Pleate --the ~ .... tj....... below lnl die • ...... I .. te .aeded. lf not ........., dlilillded wida Che nalta. rn Id .., .oaey beck-no quo. tiofta all:ed. 0 ~tit. a ~ mpplf •.•••••... ss.oo 0 SpecW O«erU m rntt ....,., . . .. . . . . . . . 1.00 MJ .... ia: Olialtt OmcdiUm Omedium tan 011111 taa • l'fainc ___________________________________ , (Pit ....... , Addtel&---------------------------------· -· City ________________ State ________ Zip _____ _ . . ................................................ . ... • .. .. • Get 1hese 3 Asloftments ONAPPIOVAL ICMNM.U LUSTll AS5'f ... 11 ,..._.., --. ti,_,. ,.htodwGa• of fOitHU ........ ~ ........ "' ttiriltlitg tlCIM9I ca6on. SPAllWNO PITS ASS'T ... All l,.,._htlW. col- a.ctio. of ._... ........ ftwffy, fwry -4 .. frierMHy. 15 ...... tt.My .,., -4 ~ ..... 1111 _ .. aYSJAl ,_ PAllCHMINT ASS'T ... 10 aa-ty _.. _. .-..0119 whtl jeweled tftttw ... ~ i.a-'-. ,_._... -.tdl"'e ph1k ... .ra,.1a. Everyone You Know Needs Greeting Card$ and Everyone Loves Wallace Brown Cards Do you know 10 people? Of course you dot Add up a half-dozen relatives, perhaps 5 neighbors, the butcher, the baker, the milkman, the grocer, your dentist, several friends and other tradespeople-and you probably have even more than 20. So what are you waiting for? These folks alone can bring you in at least $50.00, probably $100.00 to $200.00, extra money in just a few hours spare time. And this is just a start! Most everyone you know needs Greeting Cards, and when you show them the spectacular, nationally famous 1970 Wallace Brown Line of Cards and Gift Items-it's love at first sight. They'll snap up 2, S, 6 or more Greeting Card Boxes and other things right on the spot! This is the fun way of making money because it's so easy. You don't have to be a salesman, because we send you samples that do the selling for you. Folks will thank you for doing them such a nice favor and you11 make money faster than you ever dreamed! And, besides making money, you'll save money on your own personal _____________________________ _, Greeting Cards, Gift8, Wrappings, etc. See I I for you.rself without risking a penny. Mail •· THIS UITllE fOLD·OYEI couro• MAIES A •O·POSTACE·IEQlllED I the coupon below-TODAY. You'll be glad I IUSl .. ESS-IEPLY EHELOPE. fill'" YOH HME HD ADDIESS ... I you did t I THEI CUT IUT ALOll DOTTED Lt•ES ••• FOLD, SEAL AID MAIL. I 11cosnll01llltG10 TRYI : w.AUACE aaoWN Dept. waw-506 : I 10 Martine Ava., WW.. Plolas. N. Y. 10606 frHC.l .. 09,TH 1 ,__,,._....,..~_...._w..._.._._ . ....__...._ : Be first in vnur nei-"'borhood to cash in on ....._ ... All-Occ 111• Al• rt-•• -41 .... ,._ ... ,_ 41 , ... ...,._ I .1-gu leeef••••r a1U aalft .._-'-wtMso l-4 .. .._. ..... ~ this easy way to extra money with the new ., -· ,.. • w.._ ..._ o.aa. 1 wt11 .._ .,. ,nw1kau1 .. ....-...._ 1970WallaoeBrownLineofGreetingCards ..._. ,_ 1 '' a• ......... """ ...... ....,..,.,..-'_.., and Gift It.ems: Mail coupon this minute! ....... -so" .. -""7 ..._ •1 11 ••. You11 get 3 All-Occasion Greeting Card Assortments on approval plus FREE full- color catalog showing lots more money makers, including many All-Occasion Greet- ing Card Assortments, Stationery, Gift Wrappings, NoveltyGi&, Household Items, et.c. Everything you need to start making money at once and we show you how. See how much fun making extra money can be. Just fill in and mail the coupon-envelope-I it needs no }>08tage. Do it now ... YOlYLL I BE GLAD YOU DID! I OIGANllAJIONS: Churches, clubs, vet- erans' auxiliaries, ' etc. can now add bundftda of dollan to their treasuries with tbae fast 1ell- ers. Give organisa- tion name on coupon for Fund-Raising Plan. Mail coupon. u I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CitJ $1ate ____ np C1 d1 0 CHIO( ... ,_a.. M.•t lahlna "'-'. NO STAMP NEB>B> Do Not Cut Here -:'.I~ Felll .... + lw Med SM (Sc9ldt T ... er ""9) _. llU. .. BUSINESS REPLY MA IL NO POSTAGE HKESSAIY If MA.JllD IH U.s.A. '-taee Will le PoW 9y WALLACE BROWN 10 Martine Avenue White Plains, N. Y. 10606 • RIST a.ASS f'BMIT MO. Set WHl1I f'lAINS, N. y. WALLACE BROWN, 10...,.w.Aw. White PWr., N. Y. 10606 I Dept.WSW-506 I ~----------------------------- Is Is 1er, lbly .00, one lace ard lD't ting iey, --) i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r : -. I I I I . I I -· -· =· =· -· =· =· =· -· =· =· -· =· I ·- Dll.VMJIBa llOf5-A pciradc of"' priata br Pete HatOlq re- prodl&Ud ia color' ia ..tfonu of TM Cotltiaatal A""'· War of 1811, Coral~ A,..., aM Uaioa A,.... Ids•. Sd., II ,i.. IOI poa'4ge. I ut., II. Coio..ial 8~, Dept. HD-n, WUte Pl&iu, N.Y. IOIOI. nKE Nu4ktoort.-Bobbfeni~ Cct.alog " ~ toitl 8111 tAiaga ,ot1'U '°1>e to .aU, Giid at loto priua. Esdtuit1e tla.iag1 to bit, eroeMt, nabroider. B~ laapa ad .ore -...Z iUtu. Write for tM letat iane to Lu Wa.ntr, Dqt. 70/IO, Elgit&, Ill. 110!0. Weekend Shopper By SUSAN PAINE llFJUSC.ENCE Bath Oil-a few drope gives you a beautifying, skitHOftening bath. Wonder- ful for dry, rough elbows. legs, feet, all of you. $3. Elanco. Dept. N40. ?l>O E. Ontario St., Chicqo, Ill. 60611. fm SAllPl..EJ llont,aomery W a.rd's new 126 color print ftlm for lnatamatic and other car- tridge snapshot cameru. Send 26' poatqe and handling to Wardway Film Offer, Box821. Roeemount, Kinn. 66068. CO•FORT Support Pads - cuahion ball of foot lift meta· tanal bones, give arch support. Stat.e shoe sille for man or wo- man. S2.!3 ; 2 pain. $3.76. Foot Prods., Dept. FW-1 , P .O. Box M, llaherne., N. Y. 11666.' •ASON JAa CAJIUSTEaS stamped 1898. Set of 4 easle- decorated heavy ,.._ cani&- tera have metal hiqed t.ope. snap locb, rubber rims. PL-% pl '9.98. Breck's. K37 Breck Bldg., Boston. Jiau. 02210. SPAm..AGE t1ASllUGll'I' nme on 3-cell power pack equal to 71h regular batteries that lights for 12 months or more. $1.96; 2 for $3.60.1ay Norris, Dept. L-330, 31 Ha.nee Ave-. Freeport, N. Y. 11620. THINK.INC about relaxing wbere recreation and aporta abound! In Florida -%-..ae bomesites for $696. '10 a month Write lntaiadlen I.ate. Estates, Dept.128, 11676 N.W. 7th Att., )(iami, Fla. 33168. WeMnd Slt.opper itnu an NOT~-If~ e4otM •rw uc ••Ucable at ~ onJ.r /nlM Htercei W r...a, W...tlw, 1....,.. 11, 1110 • • • but just look at her now! Wbco Su May 6rla came lo our ffGme in Hoaa Kona. the other c:bi.ldren called ha °'Girl-who-will-OOl-laup ... And there was a rCMOO f« her ,.....,._ Her parents were dead. her relatives didn't want her. It teemed that no ooe in the wodd loved her. So why the bia smile now? Wdl. Su May has dilcova ed that 9l>lnecw does loft ha'. She lives in a pretty cottqe alon1 with br:r new Mbrotben and sisb:n" -end has kwiQg care from a ~ mother. especially trained for the di:f6cult tut of being 1 ~ to younpten lite Su May. A rtd jut looA 41 ltn now. She doesn't have 1 worry in the wos1d-but we do. Bec1H1t, you tee, we must find a sponsor for Su May. A spomor who will help pro- vide food. dodling. educ:aJioo--..1 unlowld. Ow workas owneas have 1 staatrina number al cbildtto dapuafdy wa.itiq for hdp-owr IS,000 YO"OjiUn. that will jUlt have lo lllrVive the bat they can until we find spomon for than. How about you? Will you spomoc-1 child likr Su May? Tbe OOlt is only S l 2 a moath. Pleme 18 out the .,.... applialioa below-you CUI indicate yow prefaenc:e. OI' Id us Ulip you a child from our eme:rp:ncy list. Then. in about two weeb, you will n>- ceive a pbocosrapb al your child. and a pcnonal hiltory. Your child wiD write to you, and a taou.mother will tend you the oripw and an F.ngtish tnmlation, ditt.ct from owneas. Won't you than: your ~ your loYe wi&b a needy child1 c 'lw4e 1 ,_. ... ...-.: .. And Su May ii omly OIW heart.bft.ak.iD CW out al thoivrMls ... boys and &irk who me nqlected. unwaa&ed. llarVing. India. HOft& KOftl, Taiwan (Formoa), .. Bnzil. Thailand and Philippines. ..- Write today: Vabon E. Kemp a•tsJl! .. ~ ... Fm, 'f 1 .... .., .,_ a "°' a 11rt • "-:.---. ..---------- <c.o-tryl ---------0 Cliome I ctild wM ... me -. I will ,., $12 ......... I eac:loa _, h ,., I 1 al l---- !!lced .. dlld's-. -.Y .......... ~­I c:.-.-ar-1 dliW ... W1M to li'fe s Bere'sCBDUI 1181'11 with all his friends included in f(,11 r gifts f.1 fll ·: I·: to show your little boy or girl what great fun books can be. MOil moChen and fathers frankly admowledp that they bawn't eitlm' the time or the pa&peetive to moose precieely the ricbt boob for children not yet ready to rMd or who are juat beginning -to nmd. 'lbat iB why puenla are halJIJily turning this )ll'Oblem awr to the hilhJy qmlifted editma al Pan:nta' Mapzine ... by m - rollinc their '"" ...... in the :n..t Aloud and P-.Y Reeding Pnicram b Little LJetewn and Btci•oiln1 Headen. with. tr1a1 enro11ment in PARENTS' MAGAZINE'S '/{f:AD UD AND EASY READING PROGRAM. J ........ mip brinp to your bmne Mdi month an mtatamcting, canluDy • ~book wbidi you --.y read to or along with your little cme. Bach book will charm and captivate your child-from ita brisht. cobful cover tb.rou.cb its pily illuatrated pall'J8. with a .tor)'~ and understandable to ewm the youngeBtmind. ' ·~ up lo .,U~ -•ad "'~"'' Selected Picture and Story Books for Little tlsteners and Beginning Readers B "ifN the ..uance al good en!a1aimnent. and the wonderful ~ • · m:. w:h ae1ecticm prtNidee for you and your fhild. you will be pleeeecl by the avinp on fNflCY book. Member's ·1mce ii only sue Mdl (plus ..n mailin1 charp) for boob reaWarl.Y priced up to $3.96. '\tali P....,.u.d t..ard (er lntrocbacao,, Pa.tbft II your diild is ol "bePminl rmder'' or "lead to me" age. mroll your younpter now-and receive the introductory package shown above FREE, plus "The King with Six Friends" aa the find J>rocram aek cticm You must be convinced al the pleasure and .,..,..,. om hishJy pnaiaed Propam o!Jen yom child-or you may return the boob in 10 days and owe nothing Parent&' Mepzine'a Btwl Aloud and F.-.y Reading Propam. P.O. Bm 161. Bspw•wt, N. J . 07621. l"ftAISE. F1IOM IUNDOIWfTDI AM> fAl9. Y ~ TEAatOIS &.ly ,..... di o1 w. ............ tint ..................... ...... • ...... ~ tD lnlJockle..., .............. tD ......... no J ..... ..... ....... £.m!J ................. n.,_ ... ...,"' .......... ..... I I M•lllll ............. '] .................................. ... ....... , M ................................ -'- YOUR CHILO S FIRST SEUCTIOH "A TRULY ENGAGING LITTLE TALE" "ne ll•I wlttl Ill .,....... .. .., JsfWllO-. lllut11t1• bJ 1111ero c.MRD. , ... "1111 lar ......... ..._ ... ... i-i.u ......... .., .. r~ frieML llo ,.... ... ..., ........ ...... .....,,,... iarlib .... awoll ..• ...., ........ .... ....... DollJ ,_..._ ...... .............. _, ... at•rJ .. · ""'' ••ltlcolaro• lllHtra· ....... UlnrJ ........ ' Q" n •• ,.a $1.50 ···"'ce to •• _..,. ..,,L!I ~~~--------------------~ IF CARD HAS BEEN REMOVED, MAIL THIS COUPON I ' I ......... ~ ....... llEAD AM> EASY ft.ADING Pll08ltMI,• o.pt. .AS·7 r.o. .. 1a .... ,_..___,07Ul ....... ...... cW _., ...... • • ....... .. ... ,.., """· t:? .... flt(( • -................... ..... 'I n t' :D.. .... .._... .. ....._ a.tie -. ....... 1111 • .. .... ___ ......_._......,..,..$13.M.Nle ... ... .... ~ -................. tint,....,... ......... .... •tlll n ..ao1•sue~.,.. .- price) ... = ....... clllf8l. If ...... wci;:~i ' -, ...................... 10.,........... ,. ... .... _ ...... _ ...... _llriol-1.,cwel 2 -..,, ... tftlr .. cW ............. ....., ••• feel =. ........................................•....... =a <--> .............................................................. CJtJ a n, ltltl. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... Cllilll ..•••••••• ........ .. .......................................................... c:...i......, wlll .. .._.. '-c.... "' ...................... ao.c I I I I I I I I I I t I I ' I --~~----~~------------~ J ----· COSTA MESA " HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH FOUNTAIN VAUEY SADDLEBACK till HOLDER .,. Dick,. ..... WILSON FORD Bu~Beack If you think parking ls a prob- lem in your town consider this: O'Hare Intc·matlonal AirpoC't in Chicago will build a 13,000 car parking lot to help solve their · problem. One airline executive, not so jokingly stated, "we are planning tourist flights from the parking lot to the ticket window. And speaking of enlarging fa- cilities, that's just what we have done here at Wilson Ford Sales in Huntington Beach. The suc- cess we have enjoyed In our short two ye~rs has been noth- ing short of sensational. We at- tn~ute most of it to Ute fact that we are Ford people wih plenty of Ford knowledge. And most Importantly ... A great pro- duct . 1970 · has to be Ford's finest. We think you'll agr~ af- ter one test ride in a new '70 from Ford. We feel certain you'll agree that our store at 18255 Beach Blvd. has one Of the largest and complete selections of 1970 Fords to be found any- where in Southern Califoma ... Oalaxioes, Thunderbirds. Mus- tangs, Torinos, Mavericks, and our outstanding Cortinas. If you have been unable to locate the model. color or style of Fon;I o( your liking at other dealerships, there's a good chance we have it. Drop in and take a look fM yourself. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JANUARY 17, lt70 DICK WILSON'S WILSON FORD SALES 18255 BEACH ILVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH 1------, I FO_R l?J .................................................................. See all the g ..... newest ones for \ TORINO BROUGHAM 2-DR. HARDTOP TEST· DRIVE THE ONE OF YOUR CHOICE TODAY JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. ~18255 BEAEH BOUlEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH SALIS DIPf. ' ...... lt , ... 1 hp SllYICI OPIN '"'· ................... 5 , .... . M•:t., I•·•· te t P·•· 592-5511 11 l• 1 1 1 1 1 SUNDAY, JANUARY 18 10:00 AM ti <fi) Cl) NHL Hockey (C) Los Angeles Kings vs. Detroit Redwin6! at Detroit. Dan Kelly and Bill Mazer commentate. 10:55 fJ Gll CJJ RETURN NBA Basketball (C) New York Knicks vs. world champs Boston Celtics at Boston Garden. I Cl) NFL Pro Bowl Game (C) Blacked out in L.A. area. 4:00 00 Shell's Wonderful Wor1d of Golf (C) 4:30 Skiing (C) "Enjoy Beginning Turns.'' Program studies chang· Ing directions while maintaining control of speed and conclude3 with a discussion on the fit and price of ski boots. 5:00 @I) Futbol·Soccer MONDAY, JANUARY 19 8 :00 I) I sficli\. I The Ben Hogan Show (C) Story of a great golfer, including, not only his victories on the links, but also in re· covering from a serious auto-bus collision. 8:30 11 Bruins In Action (C> UCLA basketball highlights. TUESDAY, JANUARY 20 5:30 fJ (17) @ NBA Basketball (C) All-Star game. 7:0011 NHL Hockey (C) Live from St. Louis, the 23rd Annual NHL All·Star game featuring outstanding players from the East and the West. The Western All-Stars are coached by Scotty Bowman of the St. Louis Blues, and the East by Claude Ruel of the Montreal Canadiens-the youngest coactt in the league. Mem· bers of the teams are selected by the NHL Sportswriters Asso· ciation. The game ended in a 3·3 tie last year. THURSDAY, JANUARY 22 6:00 0 Lakers Basketball (C) The Houston Astrodome is the site of this NBA Basketball Doubleheader which matches the L.A. Lakers against the San Francisco Warriors in the first game. In the second game, Lew Alcindor and the Milwaukee Buck~ are pitted against Elvin Hayes and the San Diego Rockets. (Second game starts at 8:30 PM, approximately). 8:30 O Los Angeles City High School Basketball Championship (C) FRIDAY, JANUARY 23 · 11:0011 UCLA Basketball (C) UCLA Bruins vs. University of Califor· nia at Santa Barbara Gauchos. Game taped earlier. SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 11:00 AM I) Cij) Ci) ABA All·Star Basketball (C) The Third Annual American Basketball Association All-Star Game at the lndian:i State Fairgrounds Coliseum, Indianapolis, Ind. The game bring; together the stars of the ABA's East Division against the star3 of the West Division. , The six East Division teams are the Indiana Pacers. Kentucky Colonels, Carolina Cougars, Pittsburgh Pipers, New York Nets and Miami Floridians. The five West Division teams are the New Orleans Buccaneers, Washington Caps, Los Angeles St.ars, Dallas Chaparrals a11d Denver Rockets. 12:00 I High School Basketball (C) Game of the Week. 12:30 Basketball (C) Nevada Southern vs. University of Nevada. 1 @ National College Basketball (C) 2:30 Pacific 8 Basketball (C) Oregon State Beavers vs. Univer· sity of Oregon Webfoot~. live from Eugene, Oregon. 3:00 tJ CBS Golf Classic (C) Pros compete at the Firestone Coun· try Club in Akron, Ohio. O @ @ Bing Crosby Golf Tournament (C) The final two rounds of the Bing Crosby Pro-Am Golf Championship from Pebble Beach, Calif. are telecast today and tomorrow. The Crosby Clambake, as the tournament has come to be known, is unique In that it features celebrities from the worlds of show business, polltics and business as playing partners with the best from professional golf. Last year's winner was George Archer: 3:30 fJ @ Cil Pro Bowlers Tour (C) The $77,777.77 Showboat In· vitational, from Showboat Lanes, Las Vegas, Nevada. 4:00 O Shell's Wonderful Wor1d of Golf (C) Bob Murphy, Dan Sikes and Miller Barber compete at the Tobago Country Club, Mount Irvine, Tobago. II) St. Louis Cardinals Football Highlights (C) ~ i CBS Golf Classic (C) 4:30 I Ci) Horse Racing From Hialeah (C) 5:00 (3) ABC's Wide Wor1d of Sports (C) 5:30 I Ifie IA I Coaches' 1969 All-American Football Team (C) !escheduled) 7il0 tB . I IBcW I Har1em Globetrotters (C) "The Road to exlco~ The basketball wizards meet the New Jersey Reds In Puerto Rico. Meadowtark Lemmon narrates. 8:00 8 Uikers Basketball (C) L.A. Lakers vs. Seattle Supersonics at Seattle Coliseum. 11:00 It UCLA Basketball (C) UCLA Bruins vs. Univ. of Wyoming Cowboys at Pauley Pavilion in game played earlier. ALCOA HOUR SPECIAL "Thirty Days to Survival," a daring self-testing adventure by five young Americans in the wild and rugged mountains of Wyo- ming, is a Metromedia Television KTfV special, Sunday at 7 PM. The special focuses on an unusual five-day experience of youth under the guidance of Paul Petzoldt. one of America's foremost mountaineers. Within a one-hour span, Channel 11 viewers will learn of an amazing true-to-life struggle against cold, hunger and the chal· leoges of raw nature in Wyoming's Wind River Mountain Range as the five discover some basic truths about themselves. The Alcoa Hour film special was produced by the editors of Life Magazine, and developed editorially and pictorially as a feature issue. The silver-haired 61-year-old Petzoldt. a robust giant of a man and head of the National Outdoor Leadership School, developed a 36-day course for young people. (It's adventurer Petzoldt's belief that young people want to test themselves while participating in genuine adventure, and that this is an intrinsic part of the process of growing up.) "Thirty Days to Survival" not only records Petzoldt's basic training program, ·but zooms in on one particular group of his students as they are turned loose--without ,Jiuides and food-to make their way back to their base in five dtys through . 70 miles of wilderness. Since camera crews following the adventurers had to share the rigors and privations, viewers will see America's youth discovering their capabilities-physically and psychologically. THE "THIEF" DRIVES TNTO NEW DAY-Series star Robert Wagner (left) and guest star Dick Smothers (right), qualified race car drivers, and Mario Andretti (center), the 1969 Indianapolis 500 Winner and the year's U.S. Auto- mobile Club Champio11 driver, speed into a spy story on the European circuit in "The • Steal-Driving Man," on ABC's ft Takes a Thief. The episode launches the series in its new • day and time period, Monday at 7:30 PM. i,...... SATURDAY In motion double domatJc crlMS. ' Brenda Benet ruest. D9 00 mNec~11ew­ i.: (?) "A riHJ Tltlq ......... ... tlle w., tlo ttM Fent•" (oom· JANUARY 17 edy) ·~zero Mostel, Phll Slivers, fVENING Buster Keaton, Jack Giiford. A con· nlvina slave (Mostel) in ancient Rome continually finds hlmsetf In 1:00 I "' News (C) (60) trouble when he 1ttempts to win . ~ 00 m H11tU.,·lfl•kJ" (C) his freedom from a domlneerinr Ont Man Show (C) (30) Come· mistress and her htnpecbd flus· dlan Milt Kamen is In the solo band. sPotlifht with his phlloaophlcal fJ (II) (I) ~ Lnrenct WIA (C) humor. (60) 0 Bosa City (C) (30) Sam Riddle ~n=~rYS~~rtf.!st(~l.v:~ hosts. 9:00 6 9 CJ) Crttn Acres (C) (30) G> Bill BURRUO: Animals Oliver and Lisa Douat11 a,. trapped * Action & Adventure! in 1 cave under their farmhou•. • G) Ani••ls. Actiofl 1nct Adventure Shoutina throuah a drainpipe, they (C) (30) "Blood Ruby Mystery." finally rucb Eb, the hired man, in I lntemation1I Pla,tiou11 (30) the kitchen upstairs. He runs for 6:30 KNBC NeWJ Conference (C) (30) help-but falls, banes his head and UCLA Basketba'I (C) (90) Bruins loses his memory. vs. LDyola University (Chlca10) I Hor• Opera (60) Ramblers. Game t~ped earlier. Noct.e de Estrent (2 hr) fJ Rosey Grier (C) (30) Guests are 9:30 Qt Cl) htticMt J...,_ (C) Gary lewis and The Playboys, Haw· (30) Merlin Olsen, All·Pro defeMive aiian fire dancer Kahana and sin1er tackle for the Los Anaeles Rams, Anna Black. appears as a mountain boy suitor I Judd for the Defenst (C) (60) for Bobbie Jo's hand. Dr. Hudson's Secret Journal (30) fJ @ (I)'f!) ft.tlJWOOCI ,al1e1 (C) To Save Tomorrow (30) (R) (60) Guest hosts Bobby Gentry, John Hit Parade (C) (60) Hartford and Roy Clartl welcome Ed&e of Eternity (30) The Brooklyn Bridae. FrankJe Laine, Man Fro11 Unde (C) Jackie Gayle, Louis Nye, and The 7:00 I CBS Even inc N1W1 (C) (30) sxony's. · KMBC Surv11 (C) (30) fJ Plrilbin'a Ptople (C) (90) I.Dub Anniverury Gamt (C) (30) Nye, Max Rafferty, Kevin McCarthy • Death ValltJ Dap (C) (30) auest. "Tracv's Triumph." G) Bud Owens (C) (30) m I Sf'lc1ll ! We Remember R~ 10:00 8 Cit Cl) Mannix {C) (60) Man· (C) (60) Program traces the nnr nix takes on the almost hopeless career of the late Ro~ky Man:lano task of provina the Innocence of a who won all 49 of his. pro f1ahts man identified by eyewitnesses as and retired as Heavywe1aht Cham· havln1 shot a pharmacist durin1 an pion of the World. Also featured attempted hold·up. are talk.s with Mohammed All, the m News (C) (30) veteran fight mana1er Cus D'Amato 1111 Anderson (C) (30) and famed fight announcer Don Rawhide Roundup (60) Dunphy. : Tiit Toy T1lat lirew Up EE Sunset Trails (60) 10:30 Dr. Kildare (60) ED NET Journal (60) "RePort From· News (C) (30) Bill Bonds. Saiaon." (R) flh11 festival (2 hr) "Swiss m Rat Patrol (C) (30) Miss" and "Saps at Sea." 7:30 IJ ~ (!) JaQle lileason (C) (60) G) Kitty Wells (C) (30) 0 Q) 00 m AndJ Willl1ms (C) tl) Passport to Travel (C) (30) (60) Guests are Kate Smith, Don 11:00 I 0 fJ m. m ,..., (C) Ho and The Rascals. • Twill&M Zone fJ Ci1) (}) m Datln1 Game (C) CounttY Music TI111e (C) (30) Jim Lanie hosts. 11:15 Febulous 52: "Hot s,etl" (dra· O Million $ Movie: "Cry o~ B1tt~· ma) '58 -Anthony Quinn, Shirley (drama) '63 -Van Hefhn, Rita Maclalne, Earl Holliman, Shirley Moreno, James MacArthur. Booth. G) Wonders of tht World (C) (30) fJ Saturday Nipt MMW. "'SHds of "Jamaica Joys." lw1 Ji••" (war drama) '49-John 0) Los Cavdillos (30) Wayne, John Aaar, Adele Mara, for. 8:00 O Movie: "Trap for Seven Spies" rest Tucker. (drama) '67-Yvonne Ballen, Eduar· 11:30 0 m Johnny CarMn (C) do Fajardo. O Movie: "Reap the Wiid Wind" fJ @ @ f!) Newlywed Game (C) (adventure) '42-John Weyne, Su- (30) Bob Eubanks hosts. san Hayward. m Movie: (C) "Mop•bo" (adven· c:J Movie: "You Ca• AJM(' (dra- ture) '53--Clark Gable, Ava Gard· ma) '45--Robert Cummincs. ner, Grace Kelly. Story of a roman· G) News (C) tic trianale, filmed in the juneles of 11:45 G) Movie: "lrukout" (drama) '59 Africa. -Richard Todd. I Ho. all Call.• (C) (30) 112:30 m All·Nifbt Sliow (C) "The Red Sacebrusll Tllt•lrt (60) Shoes," "Atraron." and "Cilco NET....,..._. (C) (2 hr) "Ha·[ Kid." mlle." (R) 1:00 ti Morie: "JttllMIJ ~ (M-m srtvia , Enrique (60) I pense) '49---0eorae Raft. 1:30 1J fa Cl) MJ Tlirte Sotls (C) (30) I 0 N~ CC?, Maureen Mor1an, a flamorous spe·, 1:30 Q Movtt: Hun111 Hllr (drama) clal secretary, innocently enters the '47-0ennls Price. !Ives of Steve and Robbie and sets fJ II Monda (C) Pa1e 4 THf; Oo\ILY "'LOT, TV WEEK, JANUARY l7. 1170 J 1 1970 -------- I ---------------------------------------------- SUNDAY JANUARY 18 MOHNING All stations reserve the ri&ht to change program· ming without advance no· tice. 1:15 1:30 5:55 7:00 Tbt Chrtstopllen (C) The Bible Answtr1 Cive U1 Tbll Dly (C) To• 111d Jtrr; (C) Mr. Wlthbont (C) Sacrtcl Heart (C) 7:15 The Cllristoplltn (C) 7:30 llt...n (C) Morwn T1btmaclt Ctloir (C) Cllmbln1 Hip (C) Herald of Truth (C) Rtwlv1I flru (C) 7:45 Cl) Davey and 8oll1tlt (C) 1:00 LIMP Unto MJ Feet (C) · g:, Tiit Cllrlstophers (C) Cathedral of Tomorrow (C) Campus Profile Dq of Dllcowry (C) Wondtr1n11 (C) Alltfl Revival Hour (C) ~ltwtw1I flrt1 Cod 11 tht Answtr (C) Ttw1t Hall Mtetin1 Aariculture Report 1:30 I LAlok Up and Un (C) Mrs. Al!lh Btt {C) Ci1J (I) G) Dudley Do-Ricfrt (C) Movie: (C) "Cattle E•plrt" western) '58-Joel McCrea. ltiafJ'll llld1l111n (C) CD Rtvtv•I Flrts Cl) Full C01ptl Rtvlv1I (C) • TM Stofy (C) 9:00 Cl111tra lllret (C) 9:30 Station to Station (C) Day of Dlsc:overy (C) Ci1J (I)&) F1nt11tk Yopp (C) Coapel Miiiie (C) 00 ltlthfJ'll Kuhlman (C) Cl) Toe and Jtny (C) Mino 1 Mano R1nchtnt • 11111 Is the llf1 Tod1,.1 Rtflilon (C) • MJ Favorite Sermon (C) Or. Phlllip Murray, Community Con· aregational Church, Corona Del Mar, guesb. 1J Mtvlt: "A Man From Wyominl" (drama) '30--Gary Cooper, June Collyer. Ci) l1t1111n (C) Cynthia Tiit llble Answers (C) I@ ~I'°:::; F0tar (C) 10:00 9 (j) NHL Hodley (C) Los Angelei Kinas vs. Detroit Redwlnas et Detroit I Tiiis 11 the Utt (C) Ci1J (I)&) lullwintlt (C) Movlt: "Tiit Man Without 1 Body'' (sci·fi) '57-Robert Hutton, Geor1e Coulourb. I A•aztn1 Tllrtt @ 47 Happiness Wq (C) ,. .... 39 (C) lO:JO U @ if:' C•kltfl• (C) "Whose lifer• An ori1lnal drama dealln1j With abortion. R Ci1J rn m Issa• and Answtfl,, CD F11t11 for Today (C) I SalM Strtlt (C) (R) 10:55 (HJ CJ) EE NBA lullllblll (C) ew York Knlcks vs. Boston Ctltlca, llvt from Boston Garden. 11:001 ••t1r1atieftll Zone (C) HolMbaJtfs' luldt (C) Mevlt: "nit Lisbon Stoty" (Id· venturt·muslc:al) '46-0avld Fernr. Patricia Burke. I Cllurdl 111 die Homt (C) @ first llptist Cltur~ Cine en Su Cw • ScGpt (C) 11:30 Hip and Wild .(C) Movie: "Ovttl111d Pacific'' (west- em) '51-Jock Mahoney, Pe11ie Castle. m frontin of Sdt11ce (C) AFTERNOON 12:00 I Yovth and tilt ~Ice (C) I Dttlllpnt P1rtnt (C) @ Quest for ~enture (C) • Pl'olt*tlve (C) 12:30 stl!PS t. L11rnln1 (C) • Oft Campus (C) lent Autry 0..11 Rol>trts Ptt1tnts (C) @ Wbttb to Advetrtu,. (C) Cl) NFL Pro Bowl G••t (C) • American Problt•• and Chaf. ltnlU (C) 1:00 I Insider/Outsider (C) · Q)@ m Mttt tht rr.ss (C) Movie: "lllt11I Tr1fflc" (mys· tery) '38-J. Carrol Naish, Miry C11rlisle. fJ @ (I) ia) Directions (C) "The Changina Face of London's East Side." a Shtrlocl Holaats m Movie: "Pi•pemti S.ltls" (dra· ma) '42 -Leslie Howard, Mary Morris. OJ TV Worship of tht Wut (C) &E> FutJnl en Madrid 1:30 fJ ltlltf (C) D Movie: (C) "Sunrllt It Campo- bello" (drama) '66-Ralph Bellamy, Greer Garson. fJ Ci1J Cl) GJ DitcilMry (C) "Fora· ina Nature's Supennat11et." I Yolct of Calvary (C) 00 W•aon Train (C) Arriba ti Norte Profiltt of Prolfut (C) 2:00 8 I iflc!A t Tiii H1111'1 Wide World (C) Arthur Godfrey narrates a proaram about ham radio opera· tors in Southern Calif. Senator Barry Goldwater, 1 ham radio en- thusiast, is also feetured. ! Prus Confert11u (C) Buct Owens Show (C) (]) SundlJ Mltlnee: "Seven Cities of Gold." I Muslca J P1llbm Coiwpau (C) lnllpt (C) 2:30 6 Viewpoint (C) IJ Movie: "Adventure In Dia.....,. (mystery) '40--Georae Brent, 111 Mirand1. fJ Movie: (C) ''ROJtl African RI· fits" (drama) '53-louls Hayward, Veronica Hurst. fJ Million $ Movie: HflltM" (SCI· fl) '54-James Whitmore, Edmund Gwenn. 11111 Anctnon (C) Ftlt•rm Supower (C) htttrn for llvln1 (Continued) Gifts fQrlhe Handyman ... Versatile Voltmeters IM·17 •251s e ,...._.,.,. Clrull -I' •T '"""· 4 allleell trMal1 .. r, 1 fleff e 4 AC 11941~ ra..,.a e 4 DC vtff .. • r1111ea e 4 ellm rl"9ft e 11· m ... lntt 111,_t WI DC • t _,...m ltlput M AC • 4\'J''. 2tt wA meter e aett .. y ,...,.. • """.. ... • .,,,.,.,left. UM W•lll Mff c•vw .. lllllfle lllC:U... Jiff... 1..-c• ter test le•d• e IHY·.....,lld clrvclt Mlt'f cettttrvctlefl. ao.. Hundreds of Every.:tev MMsure~ts for llomeowners, 1100t:>vlst1. boaters, model bu1klers, C8er's, hams, evtft TV 111r11lcemen, FNturti tour r•fl9ti on AC er.cl DC. volts lhat measure tn>m I to 1000 YOlll tult sulc ... tour reslllance r11ngcs 110 Ohms center scele xi, •100, 11101(. xtMI that measure from 0.1 Ohm lo IOOO meootima. All ••llOft are mulll- c.olOred. and tllllf'e't en extra l•c:k so COf\MC'f tcedsory prooes to utend 1t1 capebllltles. a11"4'y ,.._,... Te War11 Allywllen . • • runs on a .. C" cell and l .•11. rnercvry cell, tame H used In trantlttor radlOt. 111ectre11k WenllMlp """ ••• """ Of f'llfl 111'8'1_1 .... Wltll Clrcwlh T1111 Are Safe, ldllcet!Mat & ltNlly Wert&. • CMHMI •II m1tarl11t .. laatrvc· tlent ,., tHllldlnt 1' flfferent elK• trtfllc Items e Fait, MNerlft• lllf'ln .. type c_c..,.. • Oper•"• M ~ate -mlcel lle'ifllltM NI· ~ IMl tflClllfWI. l'EltF•CT l'Olt ANY YOUNOSTllt WHO WANTS TO lX,.LOltE TH• MYSTlltlH Of' •LICTltONICS. t:onteln1 certoon·llhntraled prlnclpla• ol operetlOn and simple, non-technlcet Instructions tor building 19 different HEATHKIT® profects . . . ~· llasllef', burgl1r alarm, l)lltlllc address s'(ltere, S dll· ferenl transistor radios, electronic timer, TV silencer, tleclrlc eye. met-. code transmitter, voice t~namltttr, 11 .. htr, Intercom. audlO slgMI lnfeclOI', cepaclty a. votce ~ traled re11v1. Solderless, SPf'lnQ-IYIM connectors •PMCI HHml>ly, Ind on l>C llM'd r-epeetedly for l>ulldlftO , • .,. Of'llC proftcts. Operelet on tour wle c-,11e fleshlliJlll betterltS (not lnclud· edl. Mekes en ld"I gift for eny VOunQ11er at blrtl\day, Chrl1t,,,.1 °' graduation time ....... . ELECTRONIC CENTllt 1 --=~···~ "' l l ti·._::' Te Bldl Haetllltlt •l«frtfllc Ct1tter, Ilka Hll"llff a1110. .. aell A¥e., tllt M ••II • ... ....... II.Kitt .. "' E••• .... er title Satll• .,.. ....... _,, .. He-. aM,,He*r 81ft. le .. .,, a •-.,, btech Hf ,_,,. ....... STOii HOUIS: Mea.·M. t-6, s.t. t·I SALn I PAITS HIATHKIT 77'·9411 Ut IAST IALL. ANAHllM SllYICI 77'·t4H ,.,. 5 A· T • T ·E·N-T -1-0-N IMPORT CAR ·BUYERS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! PRICES WILL NEVER BE LOWER SO VISIT THE DEALERS SHOWN HERE AND PICK OUT THE SPORTS CAR OR IMPORT YOU'VE Al WAYS WANTED' TRIUMPH SPRITE • SPITFIRE AUSTIN HEALEY· GT6 SALES & SERVICE Always a-large selection of new and used cars. FRITZ WARREN·s SPORT CAR CENTER 710 E. First St., SA 547-0764 We leGM AU Mo~n of Cars Largest Importers OJ Europec.:11 Cars In So. Cal. Bayside Motors • UTHOltlZEJ\ JMW ~•LE~ & '5E"YICE 1200 Wrst Co4sl Hwy Ne ... porl luch ORANGE COUNTY'S [!)~[Y]~~ DEAN LEWIS IMPORTS 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 HEAD9UAR1ERS HY19 Mtectleft 91 -& llMlll HecwfWt & --.trattr ........ llf'lc .. ltf" l"untdlalt .. livery. OPELS GALORE! H ... t...-.ry .t N.._ • U--4 Opeh.,.. ,rtcect te .... l••••••efw TERRY BUICK BILL MAXEY TOYOTA, INC. 18881 BEACH BOULEVARD HUNTINGTON BEACH 947.9555 DUNTON FORD 2240 s ...... 546-7076 CHICK IVERSON Your Authorized VW - Porsche Dealer in the Harbor Area = ~om.~of ~. Lave Bug~ Special~ 445 I . CMlt Hwy. et hysJde Dn .. , N.I. 673-0900 S4f·JOl1 .... 53 .... 14. 51 SPORTS MINDED? Then Newport Imports is Your kind of place. Your Authorized • Austin America Large stock of used PorschH Jags, MG's, Austin Healeys, etc. netuport lunµort s 100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B . 642-9405, 540-1764 In the Harbor Area the Economy line for the Quality minded. 2145 Harbor, Costa Mesa 540-6410 Paa• 7 SUNDAY (Contfnued) 3:00 9 Mtwte: (C) "f1Jl9I .._. 9'Cb" (dram1) •51..:..JOhn WIYftt, Robert Ry1n, Don T~r. I , ............ (C) Olltlr u..tl Mewil: "'Sllllt'a llrt f,.._,.. (mptery) '54-louls H1yw1rd, Di· 111\t&)~- Qldlo II Rot. lrtllCt ,....,. (C) S:JO Mewil: (C) "Tiit ...... nit ... ..,.. (comedy) '59-httr Stl· lers. Je1n Stbera. David Kouoff. I ~ Sdleol D.,. (C) ................... (C) S:4S CJ) llltnltieuf Tr ... 4:001 ~USA (C) Dr. IOldlft Upbelt (C) Don Webster. Guests Include slnrers Harlow Wilcox, Joe South. Edwin Stur 1nd D1vld Ruffin, plus sln1ln1 rroups Brooklyn Bridie. Enchlnttd Ave, Cuff Links, Exiles ind The New Colony Six. m Doll•" •IMI s.ue,,..,.rt " Prefit (C) l11J (]) ... ,. ... Qj (]) SIMWs W....,._I WOf1d of Coif (C) I n.t's N..t (R) ()) fll• F..Wre Uslp O'T oole 4:30 I Close-Up (C) • Ft•llJ Fii• Falttv.1: "Bloncfle's la Moment." Penny Sinai.ton. I S.-n (C) hke of~· .... stlln1 (C) "Enjoy Be1lnnln1 Tums." Pro1ram studies ch1n1in1 SPENCER TRACY KATHARINE HEPBURN DESK SET IN COLOR ...... dlrtdioM wtllle m1lnt1lnln1 control of apetd and conctudta with 1 dis· cusslon on the flt 1nd price of ski booh. l (j) FICll tllt Natt.n (C) AIJ1adbire USA (C) 5:00 ftce tM Nltila (C) Fonner b1m1 Governor Gtor1t C. W1lltc:e Is interviewed In Wuhinston, D.C. I .,_. Up (C) Biii Leyden. Liit la Sptce (C) U SPENCER TRACY & * KATHARINE HEPBURN! "DESK SET"-COLOR! D Mewlt: <C> "'Dm Set" (com· tdy) '57-Spencer Tr1cy, Kttherfne Hepburn, Gia Youns. J0tn Blondell, Dina Menill. The lirls In 1 comptny reference dtpertment put up a fiatrt wtlen they think they mifht be rt· pltced by 1 "br1ln machine." I Daktlrl (C) htty Du'• CI> S.V.. Alta Tllutre: ''Three Worlds of Gulllvet." Hew tD Mtr'J I MIUiottaltt Ci) My Wet1d (C) : ~lttlon (C) (R) (JJ C.•t1 TllrH (C) • fllll*·Socttr . H«t Co• Ute staB (C) hn for YMT Life (C) 5:30 NewUlan (C) AJt.-.nc. eon.,. stiow <Cl Mdlale'I NW/ s.tet Tralta @ Tltt WOftd To!Hf'row (C) Cl) AaltMr Hollr (C) f V £ N I N (~ 6:00 I MIT s.• ,.... (C) (30) · 9 00 fl:) Fran' McSM Rt,ort (C) (30) I ,.... hr.cit (C) (60) T1le 5rM¥J SM (C) (60) G) Man Fro• UNCU (C) (60) ID BILL BURRUD: ANIMALS * ACTION & ADVENTURE! m Aalatll, ActMll and Adventure (t) (30) "Safari." Bill Burrud hosts. fil) TIM SM (C) (60) The second show of a series desiped to In· volve teena1ers with si1nificant names in news and music. fettured are novelist Jay Richard Kenntdy (''The Chairman"), minstrel Jeny Jeff Walker, ind the Baeh·rodt 1roup, The New Yorll Rock ind Roll Ensemble. Bob W1lsh hosts. 9 Cl) Fil• Ftlfllr• (30) 1:30 II Rod Sttflnt• Wonderful Wtr1cl tf . . • CoftieatJoll (C) (30) Rod Serlln1 plun1es Into the "maddin1 crowd" around us. e a oo m 1.E. c:.n.,. ..... (C) (30) I Jlldd for tM Defen• (C) (60) St19brvsll Tllettrt (60) Cl) Skippy (C) (30) 7:00 II Qt Ci) l.wJe (C) (30) Lassie tries to find her own Identity in P1rt 111 of a four-part episode. B U 00 m WUd llnsdo• (C) (30) "Voyaae of the Golden Doi· phln." Marlin Perkins and St1n Brock join a eepture team aboud a 75-foot collectin1 vusel for 1 voya11 to the Sea of Cortez ind Guadalupe Island to observe 1nd cepture various sea beasts includ· ln1 1 20-foot elephant seal. 8 11te '"°" (C) (60) Qou're probably familiar with the nasal and traffic varieties. but wait until you discover ROD SERLING'S WONDERFUL WORLD OF ... ~~~~--J • Sunday ·•=~pm CBSh G WElfi * TRAI ON l •al th~ I traMPt utlon a ... Cavett m,~ d1rln1 youn1 ;·~ We Al Obtain Septn 7:301~ (30) and I! Po key tosses mike 't~ ptrla. Wyma an At who, first throw Mlch1 Tomrr ow trt" ner, E Story Ameri Colon GJP Two . I~ 1:00 II TO,. *The IJC Schee Dina UROL * T-B IJR T·Bln U FOfi *pre: u a "The of tt bring m• vent" Av1 aet I roma IH lly w on tt flctJ emo1 1:30•: M> cald able uncle Mani 1: Para 9!00fJ' D WEIRD CAVEMEN P•m LH, Wally Co•, Nell Dll· * TRAP LITTLE PEOPLE mond, and Patchtt & T111U auttt. N D Q)(l)@Dleuau (C) (60) ON LA D OF THE GIANTS "Thi e1c ~." As htlr to 1 D (17) (I) Q) laM ., tlM C&utl financial windfall, Candy suddenly (C) (60) "The Secret City of Umbo." finds himself surrounded by new The Eertflllno art rnrsttf'iOully "friends." one of whom Is 1 notor1· transported to another 1i1nt civill· oui con men. utlon fer btnt•tll the around. D @ (J) Q) MC s.411 .._.: a Jet ...... s... {C) (JO) Dick (C) ....... n.. S.W.'" (com· Cavett. Claire Bloom pat. tdy) '67-Shlrley Macl.alnt, MldlHI tDll8cWl1't Alcea Hew (C) Caine, Rossano Brml, Alan Min, (60) "Thirty Days to Survival." A Yrttono Gassman. Peter Sellera. derinc •lf·testin& advenh111 by five News (C) (JO) llny McCormick. youna Americans In the wild end tntiWe llMM• (60) ruued mountains of Wyomlnc. : He••WMCI (C) (60) (R) fm 1'e AMcatas (C) (60) "Should .,._,.. ....._ (30) We Allow Anyone Who W1nts It To 9:30 • News (C) (30) Dour Dudley. Obtain 1 Divorce After a Six·Month TIM Spotts Set (C) (30) Stpar1tlonr• c...mn.a , c.~ (C) I Co•lcot J CalldoMS (30) 10:00 Qt Cl) Mlaiotl: lllpM1iblt (C) r:lO Qt Cl) Tt 10111 WtUI Lowe (C) (60) A tr1lned f1lcon Is summoned (30) Penny finds • Roman coin In 1 l•st·dltch rescue attempt. Con· and Is sure it is worth • fortune. cluslon of three-part episode. Lff Pokey thinks It Is a penny and Meriwether, Joseph Reale auest. tmes it In the Trevi Fount1ln to Q 9 00 @D TIM lokl OMS (C) mike a wish. (60) "If I Can't Sine. I'll listen." D 9 00 m Walt DllllJ (C) (60) Ors. Hunter and Stuart deal with "Bon Voyaae." Part 11 of thrtt the ernotioul problems Incurred bJ parts. Fred MecMurray ind J1nt three women patients with cancer Wyman star In rom1ntlc comedy u In Y1ryin1 stalff of MWrity. •n American couple from lndl1n1 D m ..... (C) (30) wllo, with their thrH children on a fJ lit Me Tall Tt .•. (C) (60) first trip abroad. find ttiemselves Cll•ncellors from 3 campuses of thrown Into lntem1tion1I 90Citty. the University of Callf. provide a Mlclleel Callan, Deborah Willey end look 1t hlJher education. Tommy Klrtc co·star. . IL.Mor hpert (C) (30) 1J lllltM $ Mowte: .,,.,.,., Raft(· 11.-.. Ftn• trS" (adventure) '58-James G1r· : NET Flltlvll (C) (60) "H1m1tt ner, Etchlke Choumu. Jacti W1rdtn. Revisited." Story of the 111t1nt exPloits of the I Cr11 TNtro (60) American R1naers ind their leader, 10:30 Tiit World •IMl'ftw (C) (30) Colonel William Dar1>y. "The Sordid Sixties.." G) Passport to TrMI (C) (30) ''The m Sq11111 Wlf1cl IJf Ed lldltt (C) Two Jeruselems." (30) "Peace Revoluti~ert 11." fE ttor.. Optt1 C~) m KATHRYN KUHLMAN ii) Los CalldUlo1 (JO) * AND GUESTS IN COLOR l.-00 II TONITE'S BEST BET! a>~ ._" .. " <C> (30) *The ED SULLIVAN SHOW! 11:w.:-~~~~~~FCC) IJ t3 ()) Ed Sullivan (C) (60) Scheduled auests: John Byner, Bill * TOMORROW-IN COLOR! Dane ind Phyllis Newm1n. with Rex Humbard, Maude B ROLLER GAMEs-Live! (C) Aimee & Musical Staff! * T-BIRDS vs. NEW YORK I CltM4rll •f Tt•rrow {C) 8 Rttltr Ca.., (C) (2 hr) L.A. ~II~ f! =~C~) Guests: T·Blrds vs. N.Y. Bombers. M 0 R s ckbe' f T ... D FORD MOTOR COMP.NY r. . : 1re 1n, ormer rauv " Commluaoner for th• Department * presents THE FBI of Commerte; end Henry C. W111lcll, D @CI>aJ TIM Fii (C) (60) professor of economics at Yalt "The Diamond Millstone." The theft UnivtrsitJ. Topic: ''The Ttriff LIWS." of the famous Lockwood dl1rnond m lulslrt (C) (30) "Mr. Johneon's bri np Erskine into the case. Had the Course." m Movie: (C) ....... ..,... (•d· m It •• Wrttltl (C) venturt·romance) '53--01rtc G1ble, 11:15 D Mtwi.: (C) "Jat fer Y•" (mu· AN• Gardner, GrlCll Kelly. Stoey, slcal) '52-Blnc Crosby, Jene W'/· set in the Jun&les of Africa, of • min. romantic trienclt. 11:30 8 lloWlo: (C) .. A Tl• T• LAM G) FMt•t/Art Fil• (C) (30) NCI 1 Tl• Tt Dlt" (dram. 1) '58- fll) Tiit fenJto Sar• (60) "A F1m· John G1vln, Joclt M1honey. ily Weddina." Mlch11I mmi• Fleur 1 Ull•• & lartlly (C) on the rebound ind tlle youn1 bride Movie: ''Tetlow Ar" (western) feces her weddlnc d•Y with mixed '48--Greaory Peck, Anne Bexter, emotions. · Richard Widm1rtc. I earroaue MukaM (60) I Celt .45 1:30 Qj 00 m 1111 Cosby SM (C) (j) llltiPt (C) ( 0) "A lover's Quarrel." Chet Kin· ())TIM Qr~ers caid 1ttempts to halt the lntermln· 12:00 Cineu Smday: "The Great Din able blckerina of his tunt ind Petch." uncle. Jackie "Moms" M1bley ind 1:00 8 Mowlt: "lllcl Jea Ketdl•, Manten Moreland 1uut. ...,. .. ,, (western) '56-&want G),.,...,. (C) (30) Duff, Victor Jory. fJ) Wortd T•..,.,.. (30) "1970-D .,..._, f,..,, (C) Lee Strn· Paradise or Apocalypse." ber&. director and founder of Actors 9:00 8 9 Cl) Clta C.9'bell (C) (60) Studio In New Yortc City, aunta. ABC Sunday Night~vie Sta Ii IQ Shiriey Mocloine Woman Times Seven 99:00~ Train for an exciting, rewarding career as a • MEDICAL ASSISTANT e DENTAL ASSISTANT New, Exclusive Classroom, Home Study Courses! Career Academy graduates enjoy good.paying. rewarding positions (full and part·time) in these prestige fields. You can train to become a Medical Assistant or Dental Assistant. Unique, nationally-recognized courses are supervised by physicians and dentists in a beautiful. modern la boratorv school ... located right here in L.A N•tlonwide Ptecement Aaiaunce At No Extra Co~ Tultlo" Aultt•~• Avell.01•. Accredited Member- Nation•I AllOClatlon Of Trade and Ttdlnlcal Schook. .. and the N.tional Home Study Councill Rt1turn Coupon ... or CALL 464-9291 I ~CAREER ACADEMY I 'r 7080 Hollywood Blvd. Ot11t. M.t.25' Loa Angel••. Cellfomla 90028 I Pleaae Mnd my freebook:'Spotllaht On You''. I --~~~~~~~~~.......,...,....-~~-. I ame Addren I I , Paa• 9 ~-.. o lull ninety minutes ol lun. losh1onoble ond lronkly lunky happenings I J:()()-8:1() 4~ (i)l>41Ll'/MEC-n' REGULAR DAYTIME MONDAY "'10RN I NC. 5:55 tJ 5ivt Us Tltls Day (C) 6:00 tJ Sunrise Semester (C) El) News/Stoct M11bt 8:101J F11turt1 (C) Thurs. 8:25 e Community lullttla Board (C) 8:301 Mr. M1po (C) Enrc:ise WlUI 51ori1 (C) 6:25 CJ Education Exdlanp (C) ''Young • Momin& Wltdl (C) Ted Meyers. Film Makers." M1rint loJ (C) 6:301 Odymy (C) ~Ider Min (C) Mort For Your MontJ lV Jldl LI Linne (C) Explorin& Los Anitlts 9 001 IFE n L Show (C) • Llw tor the Laym1n (C) Wed. : 1 uey • · @m It Tlk• Two (C) 6:55 CJ KNBC Newaervlce (C) Guests are Georae (Goober) Und· 7:00 CBS News (C) Joseph Senti. say, Allee Ghostley, and their spous· ~ 16' ~ Tbt r...i-• ...._ (C) es; plus Linda Kay Hennlna and '4.ll u-.J 1:1.:J _., _..., Mike Minor. Tb• His ind Her of It (C) I U Movie: see Daytime Movies. Mr. Wisllbone (C) JKt LI Lannt (C) Bolo th• aown (C) u dtnto (C) Commodity /Stoel Report " 1 : Sesame Strfft (C) (]) Quttn for 1 Oaf (C) Featurn 7:301 ft1tur11 9:25 CJ 9 @ m NBC News (C) Wondenma (C) Sauffy Smitll (C) 9:3011 (j) 8ewtrty Hlllblllles Cl) CBS News (C) · @ m Cotlctlltnltion (C) 7:45 li"il f"li'"I Ytdeo Di_.. (C) • Mo.it: See Daytime Movies. WJ l.!l.I •-· Cartoons and ftltllr• (C) 8:00 tJ lfi) (j) C.ptain ltlq1roo (C) 1 (!) Haydttl's Happtnin& (C) B Daphne's Cartooft Castle (C) 10:00 tJ Andy 5riffltll (C) &Uumby (C) CJ Qi) Cl) m Salt of the c.tury (i1) (]) Rocky and His Friends (C) (C) Jack Kelly hosts. SHELLEY BERMAN AND THE MOMENT OF TRUTH Comedi~ 1 Shelley Berman, who is accus· tomed to write, edit, rehearse, stage and per- fonn his own material, had an easy time of it starring in an episode of ABC's Love, American Style, Friday at 10 PM, as the series moves to its new time. He plays a businessman who finds that his favorite restaurant has hired topless waitresses, but whose idyll is interrupted by the arrival of his puritanical wife (played by comedienne Kaye Ballard). Bennan was asked if he is ever tempted to change or paraphrase lines written by someone else. It turned out that he has strong views on the subject. "If ao actor is unhappy with the dialogue," he said, "it is perfectly proper to talk it over with the writer or director before filming starts. But if he is unable to change their minds, there are only two honorable choices~ither play it as written. or quit. Writers and directors have pride in their work, and it is unforgivable to tamper with the lines wheo the camera's rolling. "But it does happen-too frequently. And I say that a producer who lets a director ruin a show, or a director who lets ao actor tamper with it, because he wants to avoid un· pleasantness, is ao idiot." This view led to a discussion of the famous TV documentary of Berman's preparation for and performance of a Miami night- club engagement. The documentary was particularly memorable because of Berman's display of temper backstage because of a telephone ringing-and ringing-during his performance. "I had control of the content of the documentary," Berman said, "and I was asked if I wanted that part cut out. I told them to include it if :hey wanted to. I must say I was aurpriaed at the Pqe 10 Shtlley Buman and Kaye Ballard reaction of columnists. You would think I had desecrated the flag. "They missed the point. I wasn't angry because the ringing telephone ruined the performance-because it didn't I don't think most of the audience was aware of it. I was concerned about what might happen if this kind of negligence was allowed ,to go unchallenged." Berman was equally forthright when asked about bis experi· encc on Love, American Style. "One of the most enjoyable days I ever had in this business," he said. "The director, Oary Nelson. was great. Kaye Ballard was marvelous to work with. And the script-it never entered my mind to change a word." 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 (C) ers. (C) nd- ius· Ind ies. ' lea. ury ag. ng nk >Ut go :ri· 1ys )0, :he fl) News/stodl Martlt 0 @ San1y Todq (C) 10:30119(1) LAM of Lift (C) au oo m Ho1irwooct Sea..,. (C) Guests are Dick Patter10n, Ruta Lee, John Davidson, Junnlt C. Riley, Marty Allen and Vincent Price. 0) T~vtl fllias (C) 11 :00 I 9 ([) Where tilt tt.art 11 (C) · o oo m Jeop11dJ <C> Art Fleming hosts. fJ The &allopln1 Gourmet (C) Gra- ham Kerr. fJ Tempo (C) Baxter Ward hosts: &) Romper Room (C) 11 :25 fJ JS ([) CBS Newa (C) 11:30119 (jJ Starch for Toiaomw (C) 0 @ 00 m Tiie Mo, Wbet 111d Mere &anie (C) I Jobnny &rant (C) Tiie Anniversary &ame (C) Los An1elt1 City Sdlooat 1Y Ctautoo11 ID World of Women (C) fE Sesame StrHt (C) (R) 11:55 a@ 00 m NBC ..... (C) A r T f R ~J 0 0 N 12:00 fJ Boutique (C) Cl Qj 00 m Uf1 Witfl Unkltttlr (C) Jack and Art Linkletter. I Movie: See Daytime Movies. · Gil (}) B1wltchtd (C) Sheriff Jobn (C) NIWI (C) Bill Johns. Stoa Market Clott (j) Andy Griffith (C) 12!30 IJ 9 (jJ As the World Turns (C) O@@ mo.,.. of Our Lim (C) Macdonald Carey sta11. I @ Cil T1lat Clf1 (C) Dialin1 for Dolt.rs (C) Stoct Market Ana'11b Tbat &itl (C) Wed. only. 1 :00 IJ Cit (jJ Lovt Is 1 MlllJ St>ltn· dortd Thin& (C) B QI @ m Tiit Doctors (C) @ (I) G'J All MJ Cllllclr1n (C) Rosemary Prinz stars. m Queen for a o., (C) fl) Office of the Pmldtnt 1:15 fE Futures 1:30 I Cit) Cl) The Guldin& Llpt (C) 0 00 m Another World (C) Coollin1 Around Ute World (C) Wed. fJ @ (j) 1a) lefs Make a Dtal (C) Monty Hall hosts. GI Movie: See Daytime Movies. fl) Technical Comer 1:50 0) Falflions in S.Win1 (C) 2:00 I Q'1 (j) Secret Storm (C) ' @ 00 m Brleltt "11nist (C) Fatbtr Knows Best @ Cil Q) Newlywed Game (C) • &olden Shot Movie: See Day. time Movies. Tom Hallick hosts. 0) Movie: See Daytime Movies. El) Commodity I Mutual Fund 2:30 fJ 9 Ci) Edae of Nlpt (C) DU006',.._°"""1(C) Al Lohman and Ropr Barklq. Guests are Dorothy Lamour, John Davidson and Shelley Berman. II Clrl Tall (C) D@ CIJ G O.U.C .... <C> fl) S1Ddl Market/F..tlre 3:oo 1 a Cil ,,.., ,,.. (C) · lt'1 Your let (C) Gueth art James Darren and wffe Evy Norlund; Mickey Manners and wife Jane. I ~cti'@':: ... Holpltal (C) len's Iii Tep Sllow (C) W""1rollt 00 Matlnet: Don Rodewald. Mltlntt: Don Wil9011. 3:30 IJ lMcty Pair (C) Guests are Rich· ard Deacon, Betty Beaird (Mon.); Nina Foch, Marshall ThomP10n (Tues.-Thurs.); Robert Clary, Debo· rah Walley (Frf.). • Mib Dollllu (C) om. 11d tt.rrtet (i1) (l)Ef) One Lift To Uvt (C) ,..,.,.. and frllnds (C) Hollo lefty (C) Or. H•4ton'1 Secnt Joumal Cil Popeye Cartoou (C) 3:45 @m Feltma and News (C) 4:00 II 511 Hunt: Movie: See Daytime Movies, Wed. only. I Dtar Julia Meedt (C) (j1) CI) OJ Dark Slladows (Cl DEBUf Tllt Nailed TrvtJi (C) MiatltJ Moute (C) hter l•n Alt Studio 4:15 m 11lt friendly Giant 4:30 I Movie: See Daytime Movies. Divorce Court (C) ONl'#I (C) Hazel (C) The Munsttrs (])Mike Dou&ln (C); Perry Mason, Tues. I Rawhide Roundup Stu111t Sb'ttt (C) (R) CD Thi Fllntstonn (C) El Usvrpador BewitdJtd 5:00 • KNIC Ntntrvict (C) NIWI (C) Tom Reddin. • Flipper (C) News (C) Georae Putnam. B1t111n (C) 00 Jimmy TllOIHllOn (C) Ci) Mcffalt's Navy • Un canto de Mulce • &llli1an'1 Island (C) · C1llopln1 Gourmet (C) 5:30 0 Q) ABC News (C) 0 @ @ (£) NBA lakttltall (Ct TueJ. only. All-Star game. • Candid camera &illl1an'1 Island (C) Sunset Trails @ Thia Day 1970 (C) : M1lttr0ltfS' Nellflbortlood (C) Cl) NMn (C) Mike Foley, • Viruta y Caputlna • Town Talk (C) 1 A big recent surprise ln the eomedmel fascinating world of tedevtsion was the ~e ct Ml98lon: Impossible as the No. 1 mow m the 7o.tn.arbt Nielsen ratings. When the personable Martin Landau and bis real-Ute mi&lul. Bar1>e.ra Bain, edted the show many ln die profeeston wondered • lf it could survive. However, Mission is also now doing weH tn the national Niel· 9ell8 and tnlel'elt in the series is stitl high. Peitia.,s, as BUI Shakespeare said, lbe Play'e The Thing. Also, a good Joog--sbot bet Is Chat ~en Campbell, who already seems to be knocking Bonanza out of the box. sinoe being moved to 9 p.m. SUndays, wtll at some time ln the near fUture hit a1ce Che No. 1 spot tn tile ratinp. For IOIDe dme now this colnma bu been woaderta.a out loud wiry oae of tbe networb dlelll-i come up with a dramatic Mftea based OD a bla ftctltloua airline. Tbe poulbWtlt.es, u we pointed out, are endJen. Stodes CGUlcl take place all over tbe warld, wilerever pi.et fly. VtrlJe phots ad sbapely..a..pety atewardeues, WGUld lllOlt ~Y bave wide ~ pee.I ror Ylewen. Well. we're not going to get exactly that k(nd ot a serta ... yet. But on January 30 Tan Conway will premiere Tbe .Tim Conway Show tn which he'H portray the pilot of an airline. True. the aizlline will have "a fleet .. of only one plane, but maybe tt'U grow into anodler Air West or something. Conway's costar will be Joe Flynn as president of the Hne, a character Wbo hates to tly. It all tbls sounds a Jong way from International Airport and the new junbo jets that's because it la. But Ceway md Flynn, whom JIU may recall from the IUC> cesstu1 McHlle's Navy series In wflldl they were areet aooct fUD, sbouJd provide •me eatertaJalnc momeata. (Let's hope they can afford a stewardess.) * * * Were viewers ehocked on the CBS 7 p.m. news recently when a fellow about to be evicted trom his home punctuated bis remarks MberaJ.Jy wtdl G-D-ms? Not really. I guess that such ~ 1the era iin which we live that the words are almost, but maybe not quke, bou.seb<*1 . • . dependJng of course on your house. However, Walter C.,..... felt called Ul*I te make ...... ..tt Of u aplanadcm die nnt ev...,. It wu Indeed a muterplece ol doubJe.tallt. Near u I '*lid make out, Walter said that CBS would not delete lucll words II tbe lltuadon bena covered wu dlre eDOQl1l for a mu to say diem. * * * Conlidertng that there's hardly a viewer wtlo does not feel be · is an expert on TV wouldn't ft be a good Idea tor IOm8 1oe&1 sta· tk>n to put on a live wee.Cly panel show ln wNch top figures in the Industry might be questioned on many o1 the facets of TV which interest, and Often irk, the public? It would. Alwt't Karen JeDHD Of Bracken's World and stnpr-d.ucer Joey HeadM!rtGn tbe two mo1t glamorous prla aa televtatoaf Tbey ·~ (Wily does be keep uldna questiGm and tben answer tbem bhmelft) Does anyone except a person directly Involved pay any at· tention to the overiong ·It. ot credi&a on televised old .moYlea? No, they do not. WJU Efrem Zlmbalist Jr., as ln9ped0r Erskin~. end his 8'des on The FBI ever loee that gun battle whtch marks the .lllfMtable end o1 Aot 4? Of course not. J. Edgar Hoover would have a flt. hp 11 MONDAY JAMJARY 19 f« morninc and afternoon fistinp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. DAYTIME MOVIES ~11 '1'11it ........ _ ...... (,,,,_ry) '44--ff«tttt WalW, Jlllb Alttltf. D ... • ···~ Pitt I (dflftla.t~ Nnu) '46 -Clift Gable, Gr Garaon. t-.JI IJ 1lie c..e.feit "'-"' (...,,. t.ry) '57-Zldl.aty Scott. m .,., .. .,, ,.....,.. (dnma· fantasy) '57 -Wan.r Brtnllln, Marion Rote. 12:00 a "Jiit lfWe c... HelW' (com· tdJ·drama) 'JS-Claudette Colbe.rt. Fred MacMun1J. l:JO CD ......,.. (dtama) '47 -Mar· p11t Loc:hood. l1n Hunter. 2:00 D "~~ Mtact" (drama) '43 -Oana Andrews. m "Jiit Wild IWiltas" (western) • '56--aill Willl.tms. Col•n Gray. 4:30 f'J (C} "OM OaW' (drama) '55 ~ Hudson, Aline Buter. f V F ~ I ~i r. •:00 I tit llltws (C} (60) Hrry Dunphy. fr:' HHU.,-lfl!*lt'J (C} (30) ltftt ~ Aw (C) (90) Guests .. .,.. .... * s. Jerry CGlils. I ,.,.... ... D Sil O'Clld ...._ (C) -n.. Wllllllt ....... (tNIDrl) 'S7 -, Ql;atttoo lte*lil, NIM B.zdat, "- t.11 SW.Ad.~ UrtUleftl a. n-Codti*lm offlcef'a raoctt.I I Md lllil wife tries to me ha' acnt pat ID uwe billt. lid Y• '-(30} n. f'M I 111 (C) (JO) Its Trtl (C) (60) MC._ (C} (lO) wars -..? (30) CIS .._ (C} (30} ,... ca. (30) ..... (C) (60} bQ Whitt. 1W Namtla (C} (60) n. c-c.... (C} (30) .,, f-.b .... (30} (J)hny .._ (60) ..... tM ,,...._ (30) (R) @ .......,......, (C) (30) • ,,. (C) (30) Cl) 11le ........ (30) Netidlf• 34 (C} (60) • Ulll ..... (C) (30) 1-JXJ 11 ca &ni•& .._. <C> <JO) 0 n.t'a ltty U.? (C) (30) Pan- elists for Ule week ire Pem Cass. Alan Alda, Soupy Sales and Anene Francis. 11 Lwt lMCJ (30) het ... a.ct (C) (30) C:.•mdity/Mwtul r.-(C}(R) 00 llleeday ._ (C) (2 hr) "Ctmade." Cary Grant, Audrey Hee>· burn. I Allora! (30) Ci) Trvdt Of C:.1t194tlltftCH (C) ftiar's W1r1d (C) (30) TMt Qlrl (C) (30) ntt: DIUL'f' PILOT. TY Wt:£K. JANUARY 17, 1970 .. ., a.die ..... (30) UI 8 m '--IJIH• (C) (60) Guest Pttw Lawford worb up a lather om ahlvinJ commercials, plays Ge«ce Washlnrton and invents a hit modem mUlical. 1J I IHcfAITlle IM...,_ Aew (C) (30) The story of • &rut aolfer. (R) I T1 TIG tile Trd (C} (30) St.di llbtUt/fubwts (30) Werid ,,.. (C) (60) ....., ••• (30) 1 1:30 II 9 CiJ Htn'a LKY (C) (30) Ytvian Jones arrives in Hollywood and expects Lucy to make aood her promise to arranae a dinner date with Lawrence Welk. Lawrence Welk, Yivian Vance and Mary Jane Croft auest. IJ l 111ill1 i• ActiH (C) (30) Bas· kelball hifhliahts. D @ CI> a> ABC Monday Movie: (C) "How To St11I a Mlllletl" (com· edy) '66-Audrey Hepburn, Peter CYToole, Eli Wallach. Huah Griffith, Charles Boyer. An elepnt Parisi1n philanthropist, who is in reality an art foraer, agrees to allow the French aovemment to uhibit one of his finest pieces, Cellini Venus- • fake. His dauahter, fearina the foraery will be discovered, conspires wit II '1lr •rt detective (who has been hired to expose the toraer) to steal the statue. m David frost Shew (C) (90) Marty Allen auests. - Tiit 111 Valley (C) (60) Sattbnnll Theatre (60) Popa (30) 1:30 e a CiJ c......u <C> <60> 9:00 II Qt Cl) MaJbtny R.f.D. (C) (30) Little Mike volunteers to take care of Howard's talkina mynah bird, then loses it. Mike buys a substi· lute bird and beai Aunt Bet not to tell. CHARLTON HESTON . , ••• 12 THREE VIOLENT PEOPLE 6 ()'CL()CI\ M ()Vll MONDAY IN COLOR KABC -TV "The Judas Gun." The lonatime feud of widower-ranchers Noah Haimes and Clete Bolden is rekindled by the romance of Haimes' only son and Bolden's only dauahter. Richard X. Slattery, Sean McClory, Peter Jaton and Laurie Mock ruest D m MJ Wortd and w11c:o .. tD It (C) (30) " 'Dur' b a Four-Letter Word." Ellen Monroe's Insistence that a communications aap u ists between her husband and dauahter is supported by Lydia's school when John has to ao see the principal. Alan Oppenheimer and Liiian Field 1uest. IJ Stll., ..... Stall (C) (30) Gu•sts: Lloyd Haynes, Denise Nich- olas, Karen Valentine. D @ CI)G) It Takes a Tllief (C) (60) "The Steal-Drivlna Man." Al Mundy risks his life on the auto- mobile racetracks of Europe to 1et to a safe in Cordona where the Russians have Cuba.type missile base plans.. Mario Andretti plays himself and Fernando Lamas, Fe· lici1 Farr, Dick Smothers, Edward Binns and Grea Mullavey ruest. 0 Millioft $ Movie: "Tiit usy Wr(' (comedy) '52~ary Grant, Betsy Drake, Lurene Tuttle. The wife of a city enaineer, mother of three children. adds a . homeless younaster to her brood, then an· other and another. I TrvUI or Conaequtnut (C) (30) Major Ada•s (60) Ttcbnlcal c:.mtr (30) (R) Frttd Cllef (30) Julia Child prepares 1 variety of caramel-laced desserts. 0 @ 00 m NIC MondaJ Movlt: (C) "Ttua Acrosa die ltiwf'' (com· edy) '6&-0ean Martin, Alain De· Ion. Joey Bishop, Rosemary Forsyth. The story of the misadventures of LOOK OF SURPRISE-Soutben , beUe Phoebe Au Naylor (Roa- mary Forsyth) ls startled by IOBH'- th ... U sJle ta.Ir.es llll UDCOD'ttll- doaal badt, I• "'Ten1 ACT091 dw River," romedy·Westttn oo die NBC Monday Nllbt Movie, t PM • 10 !St rer 1ys a "' er.- 0) ~ er te lk, lft IS- •= n- er h, in in ~e ~e 1e es !n al ~) ~) re d. Ii· ot e: ~· !· ~. of ~ t t I. a Spanish nobleman with roeuu, conservative Harvey Hukarf to dis· rascals and knaves of frontier Arntt· cuss tonleht's topic. lea. I Carctl de M11jens (30) D Hert eo... ttlt stirs (C) (60) 10:30 • c,.tllla (30) Don Adams is honored and harassed 11:00 D a News (C) by Barbara Feldon, Ed Platt. Leon· TH West.r1n ard Stem, Damita Jo, Woody Wood· • Movie: "Low, H.t. Md ot. bury, Herkie Styles, Sandy Baron llooof'' (drama) '65 -Vlma Lisi, and Alan Drake. Peter Baldwin. fl;) NET Journ~I (C) (60) "A m RATED "M" For MATURE Glimpse of Chma." This proeram * AUDIENCE 11 PM KTTV presents a sweeping view of Red - China's reefmented society, focus· I Peyton PllCe . lit . c t p • Ht Slid Sitt Saki (C) 1n1 on e m an on rovince. Cl) 9 OO fit (I) N (C) @m l•pKtoa M11alcala (30) ...... -.. 6 (30) ''Jo ...... p t 9·"" : _..m.re umey w a a- ·-sonie" II TONIGHT'S BEST BET! eima>News (C) * THE DORIS DAY SHOW! 11:10@ @ Cfne•a Se¥tntMt1 (C) "Last II Cit()) Doris Day (C) (30) Doris of the Bedmen." doesn't worry about the consequen-11:30 II Qt (j) MlfY Crtffln (C) ces when she "takes" six poodles 8 fit @ m Joltnny C.r10CI (C) from a private, locked automobile, Alan Kina is substitute host this but she ultimately finds herself In week. court on a robbery charee. James a ..... Show (C) Scheduled Millhollin, Jerome Cowan, Charles guests include Alex Kendrick. Sam· Lane and Issa Arnal auest. uel Houston Johnson, Ted Mack, I News (C) (30) Baxter Ward. Ashley Montaeue and Martha Raye. Bill Jollns Ntft (C) (30) 0 &) Old! Clvett (C) Horse Opera (60) m Movie: "Yellow SQ" (western) Rnist• Musical (30) '48 -Gregory Peck, Anne Baxter, 10:00 9 (I) Carol lumett (C) (60) Richard Widmark. Flip Wilson and Vikki Carr guest. G) Movie: "Duptrldoes. Are In 1J m News (C) (60) Town" (western) '56-Rex Reason, fJ Della! (C) (60) Debbie Drake, Robert Arthur, Kathy Nolan. The Brooklyn Bridee and Marty 1:00 II Movie: (C) "Litt of the lad· Allen euest. men" (western) '57-Georee Mont· G) Peny Mason (60) eomery, James Best. Dourtas Ken· fll) Flrin1 Une (C) (60) "Why Don't nedy. Conservatives Understand?" Writer I a News (C) Roger Rapoport and Wes Nlsker-community Bulletin hml (C) both sharply critical of William F. Action TIM.tre: "The Avengers." Buckley's views-join Buckley and 2:30 News (C) ABCMondey Night . Audrey~rn Peter O'lOole How to Steal a Million • Premiere 8:30eb Pat Paulsen: Sad-Eyed Comedian For Pat Paulsen, who has been described as "a comedian with sad eyes and a body to match," the road to the top has been long and difficult. The star of Pat Paulsen·s Half a Comedy Hour, which premieres on ABC, finally attained eminence in 1968 when he slouched across the nation's television screen as the unchal- lenged favorite of the Straight Talking American Government (STAG) Party. Pat was born in South Bend, Wash. and brought up in San Francisco. He was graduated (rom Tamalpais High School and attended City College in the Bay City. Becoming interested in a theatrical career, he left college to join a little theater group in Santa Rosa, Calif. After a short sojourn he returned to San Francisco for temporary employment as a photostat machine operator, then moved to Nevada and worked in a gypsum plant. Beware of Paulsen Power! It strikes on Thursday at 7:30 PM. Two more stabs at show business proved abortive: a week's engagement at the Purple Onion in San Francisco, and an audi- tion on "Talent Scouts." After years of discouragement, good things began to happen. In 1963 Pat began a series of coffeehouse engagements in Call · fomia. In his act he poked fun at the nation's manners and mores and satirized the Establishment's "sacred cows." Just as his popu· larity was on the upward swing, Tom and Dick Smothers caught his routine at the Ice House in Glendale. Calif. During their first meeting Pat told the Smothers Brothers that their show needed comedy. They responded by hiring him for their weekly CBS show. Pat's shtick on the program was to read editorials on diverse subjects ranging from the war on poverty ("We can win the war on poverty by shooting 400 beggars a week") to sex education (''I am opposed to sex education in the schools. Let the kids today learn it where we did-in the gutter"). Requests for copies of his pronouncements averaged 15.000 a week. and Pat won an Emmy for the 1967-68 television season. When he embarked on the most unusual Presidential campaign the United States has ever known. veteran political observers warned that the country was not yet ready for such dynamic and decisive leadership. That he lost is unimportant. The fact remains that Pat Paulsen helped the nation laugh at itself in the midst of one of the most heated campaigns in our history. With few heights left to conquer. Pat is now concentrating his great powers on making Pat Paulsen's ·Half a Comedy Hour a laughing matter. ,.,. 13 TUESDAY JANUARY 20 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 11 "H•ry Aldrtdt ,..,. C.ld" (comedy) '44 -Jimmy Lydon. "Henry Aldrlcll swtno It" (comedy) '43-Jlmmy Lydon. U "AdYtnturl" Concluslon (ro- mance) '46 -Cl1rk Gable, Greer narson. 9:30 B "Crim• Wive" (drama) '54 - Sterllnr Heyden. m "Captain Caution" (adventure) '4G-Vlctar Mature, Leo Carrfllo. 12:00 IJ "Enter M1d1m1" (comedy) '35 -Elissa Landi, Cary Grant. Lynne Overman. 1:30 m "Thi M1rnlflttlrt AmbtrMI" (drama) '42-Joseph Cotten, Aines Moorehead. 2:00 B (C) "Stop, Yoa're IOIH111 Mt" (comedy) '53-8roderick Crawford, Cl1lre Trevor. m "Sewell 8uns to Meu• (West· em) '58 -Lola Albriaht. Charles Quinlivan. 4:30 II ''TIM lust. llNton Story-(bl· OlJlphy) '57 -Donald O'Conno<, Ann Blyth. I 1•1 I N I •• ! , 1:001· ~ Ntws (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. · m H1111U.,·8tlnlc:IJ (C) (30) Stlwt Allen SMw (C) (60) AJ. Ian Sherman, The Paul Smith Or· chestra, Gus Bivona. Or. Cleo Daw- son and Jer!l. Shane are featured. 0 Q1) Cl) W NIA l__..11 (C) (cont'd.) All-Star aame, In prof· ress. I DIQ Van DJ'-(30) The Flints1Dnu (C) (30) star Trell (C) (60) wurs New? (30) "Sports and the Professor." Host Al Binford demonstrates the bealc elements of Individual and team offenJlve In baseball. (it (j) CIS Ntws (C) (30) fl) Pasion Sitana (30) 6:301 llNIC NIWMfYice (C) (60) • The 111111. Same (C) (30) My FIVOritlt Martian (30) Office of Ute President (30) : ffi:'cu&!i't:_rlti~~ (3~.,_ oratory (C) (30) A documentary on Antarctica -the vast, desolate wasteland of the south. ~ CJ) The M11nstim (30) @I) r10tideto 34 (C) (60) m KMIR News (C) (30) 7:00 I CIS &tnlns News (C) (30) NHL HocUy (C) (2'h hr) live from St Louis. the 23rd annual NHL All-Star pme, featurina out- standinr players from the East and West. B Wlllt's My Unt? (C) (30) m I Lowe Lucy (30) SEARCH FOR A MISSING GIRL-Julie Barnes (Peggy Lipton) and Linc Hayes (Claren~ Williams Ill) are tUsigned to locate the missing daughter of a police chief, in "The King of Empty Cups," on ABC's The Mod Squad, Tuesday nighJ. ,... 14 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JANUARY 17. 1970 I lt1t UM Clod (C) (30) ComllMldlty/Mutu1I Fund (30) (i) lr11ndtd (C) (30) Ai.oral (30) ()) Trlltll or Coftletllttlleel (C) lsl1nds In Ult SI.in {C) (30) u Movie: (C) "What I w., '9 a.• (comedy) '64 -Shirley Meclllnt, Paul Newman, Robert Mitchum, Dean Martin, Gene Kelly, Bob Cum· minas. Dick Van Dyke. A tonsue·ln· cheek story about a little country air1 who lonrs for the slmplt life. 7:30 fJ t3 Ci) Lancw (C) (60) Johnny but it is her fate to m1ny one finds an unwelcome romance on man after the other, each of whom his hands after he rescues 1n dies-leavinr her millions. Itinerant musician, Chad Buford, fD NET Festival (C) (60) "So:tt from a shootinr serape and the on Conductina." Geor1e Soltl con· youn1 Southtmef"s sister reprds ducts a master class for thrtt him es Irresistible. 1ifted rounr Enllish conductors. 0 m I Dna11 of Jeannie (C) (30) El) Clluche AwllaMt (C) (30) ''The Solid Gold Jeannie." Jean-&> F•hn (C) nle's accidental use of her marlc causes problems for Tony i nd 9:30 Ro1er and confusion for the rut fJ GOVERNOR AND 11.J.J •• of the NASA staff. * HIT OF THE SEASON B Mllllon $ Movie: (C) "Blood II 9 (j) 1111 Governor incl JJ. Afr.,.. (drama) '55-John Wayne, (C) (30) Gov. Drinkwater plans • Lauren Bacall, Anita Ekberr. Paul restful weekend of &kiinr and fish· Fht. American merchant marine captain Is aided in escaping Chi· Ing al Moose Lake, which brlnrs nese Reds, In order to take entire back nosta:elc memories of his H "A d f ty early married years. However, a sur-vi'lage to onr ...,ng an sa e prise awaits him on his return. ~:I~ ~~~.' dan1erously patrolled D Soldeo Yopp (C) (30) "The I Trutll or Consequen~ (C) (30)1 lslesN of Gr(Cec) e(.;0) Baxter Ward M1tor Adlru (60) • ewa · Tedlnlcll Corner (30) 1111 Johns News (C) (30) Ci) Alcoa Hour (C) (60) Hone Opera (60) tI!l fht City W1tclltrs (C) (60) Art • Mlllk1 y Estrellas (C) (30) Seldenbaum, Charles Champlin, and 10:00 I a (j) 60 Minutes (C) (60) Gay Boyer look at Los Angeles CD News (C) (60) events. • Della! (C) (60) The New Kini· ti) Cl•udlt ti Roto (30) s1on Trio, Rudy DeLuGC.11, and Thel· ma Lou 1uest. 1:00 f!v! '!:>~is!~~ .. ~~s ~~~ ; Perry Muon (60) Ci) Feature (60) problems le~ Debbie . solve them S9tcu!atlon (C) (60) "A Conver. when she writes a daily newspaper sation with Georee Steven!"" Gum. Mod Squad (C) (60) "The @I) Carc:tl dt Mujtres (30) K1n1 of Empty Cups." Noel Harri· 10:30 al Cynthia (30) son euests as a pop s.lnging idol ll:OOI OU Ntn (C) who becomes Involved with a pollce Tbt Wateran chief's daurhter without knowing • Movie: (C) "Sodom ud Qo.. her true identity. mornll" (drama) '63 -Stewart m "SOUL SUIT" Granger, Pier Angeli, Stanley Baker. * SWIMWEAR BY COLE m BEDTIME STORIES FOR on TO TELL THE TRUTH *ADULTS AT 11 PM-KTTV I To Tell tilt Trvtll (C) (30) I ""'°" Pf1c:e (}) A1C Newt (C) (30) Ht Said, Siie Said (C) stock M1r'8t/ Feature (30) (1) QJ (6) a 00 Ntwt (C) DilcotlMqut 1-So-So (C) (60) Reapn Preu Confer1t1ce 1:30 • Cit Ci) Red Sbtton (C) (60) ' m ~ News (C) I Opera star Robert Merrill euests. 11:10 (j1J ~Cinema S.WntMn: 'The D 9 (_iJ m Julll (C) (30) ''The Scar. ;ofty Green lfidget,. Julia tries to 11:30 II 9 Ci) Mttv 5riffln <C> stop Corey from dr11mln1 up lm•1· 0 Qj Ci) m JoflnnJ Cal"IOft (C) lnery friends. Alan Kine is sub host. I Dmd Fmt S.... (C) (90) IJ Movie: "Klondike Annie" (dra· lllt 111 YalleJ (C) (60) ma) '36-Mae West, Victor Mac-CI> .... OM,,_ (90) laglen. S.&*11111 ~· (60) U@ Dick Cavett (C) lntlf'flCI (C) (30) "Orbital CD Movlt: "Yellow sty" (western) Photo1r1phy." Host Or. Albert Hib.bs '48 -Grerory PeU. Anne Suter. and Dr. Paul D. Lowman Jr .. prm-Richard Widmarjc. cipal orbital photo1raphy lnvestJ. OJ Movie: "Private Hell 3&-(mys· 1ator for NASA, discuss 1eolo1ic tery) '54-lda Lupino, Howard Duff. mapplne, map revision, topofrephy ,. monltorln1 and volcano surveill1nc1. 1:00 tJ Movie:. Sttp Down to Tll'TO,- Shown are photos of earth faults (mystery) 59-Rod Taylor, Jocelyn of Southern and Baja Cllifomja Brando, Charles Drake. and multlapectral pictures from 0 AcfJtioNewsTll (Ctr) "F ti G Apollo 9. I!) n N a: ron er am. bier." 9:00 R @@) m World Premlir1 1:151J Community BulletJn loard (C) Movie: (C) "My Sweet Cll1rtlt" (drama) '7()-.f'atty Duke, Al Free-1 :30 m All·"lpt Show: "Blind God· man Jr. Story of a Southern white dess," "Girl in the Woods," and 1irJ and a Northern blaclt man '#ho "Lifeboat." overcome their ob)ectlons to uch other in order to keep alive. 2:30 fJ Ntw1 (C) MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION ROCK BUDION ANEWYMAN WEDNESDAY IN COLOR KABC-TV ~ . Nannv. and the Professor ePrerniere ~30(i) ' WEDNESDAY JANUARY 21 For morning and· afternoon listinp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change proeramming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO D "'MUllM o.1111 a..p• (comedy) ·»-w. c. f"ttlds, Jadl 01k.le. .,...... Deft• ltp'" (comedy) '39 -Betty Grable, Don1ld O'Connor. D "Starflft" (musical) '51-0oris ~. Gordon M1cR1t. t:JO U ..... ...,., MMn• (drama) '43 ~&• Montaomery, Ann1bell1. m "'T1'ls Abewe .,.. (dr1m1) '42 .-:ryrone Power, Joan Fontaine. 12:00 B "Illa and Malle Up" (comedy) ·~ry Grant. Helen Mack. l:JO m "'fak Waa I hllbtek" (COm· tdy) '49-frld MacMu"•Y. Maureen O'Hara. 2:00 GI "Tilrtt lrlft Men• (drama) 'SJ-Ray Milland, Nina Foch. ID "Jquar-(adventure-drama) '55 -Chiquita, Barton Mclane. 4:00 R (C) "Slit_.. (biblical-drama) '53 -Rita Hayworth, Stewart Granier. EVFNING 5:00 I 'it Ntws (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. · &m H•nU.,·lrln"9y (C) (30) S1e¥t Allen aow (C) (90) Guests are Pat Ha"inrton. Ketty Lester, Scoey Mitcblll and Leslie "Miss Hawaii" McRay. 0 Sil O'atcl Movie: (C) "M•&- nlfictnt Oblmlen" (drama) '54- Rock Hudson. J1ne Wyman, Barba- ra Rush, Aines Moorehead, Otto Kruatr. ~ wealthy playboy, feelin1 obsasive:y 1uilty for the death of a beautiful )¥Oman's husband and for her subsequent loss of slaht, undertakes 1 Ion( pursuit of mtdl· ~I study to cure her. Joan Crawford: Devoted TV Fan Joan Crawford may not ap- pear often on television, but she does watch it very often. "I'm a devoted TV fan." she told the New York' Times in a recent interview, "I never miss The Virginian and hardly ever Mar- cus Welby, M.D. I dearly love them both. I also love Lassie. It Takes a Thief and The Name of the Game. And 1 adored Daktari." The veteran screen actress will be seen in "Nightmare," 11lt Fllntllones (C) (30) f I Diet Van o,te (30) Star Trel (C) {60) Cl) AIC News (C) (30) an episode of The Virginian WUt'1 Nw1 (30} "Marine Bi· airing on NBC, Wednesday at oloay." 7 :30 PM. Cl) CIS News (C) (30) In the tcleplay, written es-Pasion Qlb111 (30) h · ,._. (C) (60) Jtck White. pecially for her, s e appears an 6:30 DIC N....mc. (C) (60) the role of an Eastern woman 11lt -. .. c ... (C) (30) who marries the owner of a ~ f..tte Mrian (30) stagecoach line in Medicine CJ) Perry M•n (60) Bow. When her husband dies Offlct •f t1tt Prttident (30) in a fire which destroys their 00 H....,_lrin"9y (C) (30) home, she is accused of homi- ; ~ S111irvilion (C) <30) cide and must stand trial. m 111e .. .......,. c3o> Nitidtre 34 (C) (60) When asked if she found any • lMll Ntw1 (C) (30) difference between acting on 7:00 CIS Evtnl111 Ntws (C) (30) television and on the screen WUt'a My Une? (C) (30) Miss Crawford replied : ''Hardly I left LKJ (30) any. On TV you just act faster. a.rt tltt Clec:l (C) (30) y · th J h C-IMdltJ/M•tul fund (C) ou re o n e set onger eac (i)A leaf (C) 30) day, from 8 AM to 7 :30 PM. · ~er'C30) ( I slept at the studio during the (Continued) entire shooting of The Virgin- ian." WEDNESDAY (Continued) I Cil TruUt or ConMqutnces (C) Wancler1 at (C) ( 30) TUt Cirl (C) (30) 7:30fJCit(l)Hu Hu (C) (60) .Guests are Sonny James and Tim· i ~nette. tD @:) m The Ylrclnlan (C) ) "Nightmare." Joan Crawford, In a rare television series appe1r- 1nce, guests In 1 drama writtMI especlally for her about a newly married woman plagued with dif· flcullles-includina a homicide cllarft. B stu•-2.._ tllt Stirs (C) (30) (f7J 006> PREMIER£ Nanny and the Profmor (C) (30) Phoebe Agalilly, a nanny with psychic sen· sltlvlty, arrives from Enatand and informs the customs official that she ls coing to wort for Harold Everett, university professor of mathematics and related sclenus -although he is not aware of this fact. Juliet Mills and Richard Lone star with David Doremus, Trent Lehman, and Kim Richards co-starring as the professor's three mlsehlewus children. fJ Miiiion $ Movt.: ''Ol*.UOn s.a.t" (drama) '52-Comel Wllde, Karl Malden, Steve Cochren, Phyllis Thaxter. During World War II, a U.S. Marine takes on a dan1erous mission at the risk of his life. I Trvtll or Constqutnces (C) (30) Major Ada1111 (60) Technical Comer (30) Joyce Cfltn Cooks (30) t!) Clludlo ti Roto (30) 1.-00 0 Jack Benny (30) O @(}) Q)Tllt c...-of Ucfle's Fdu (C) (30) ''They're Either Too Young or Too Old." A triangle develops In the Corl>ett househo'.d when Eddie falls In love with his 15-year-old babysitter wtio has a crust! on his father. Sherry Lynn Diamant ruests. I To Tefl tile Trdl (C) (30) Stott Marat/Featwe (30) Tiie forsyte Sip (60) (R) Tremenda Corte (30) 8:30 9 (() The lenrfy HUlblllltl ( ) (30) Drysdale throws Shorty a bachelor party, featurinr pretty bank secretaries u "slaw (lrls." Shur Asher and Elvia Alman ruest. &"' a.x (C) (30) Dick Enber1. @ Im Roo11 222 (C) (30) ~ye, Mr. Hip." After Mr. Kaufman warns too-&roovY teacher Roeer Dunc.an to sk>p JoklnJ about his use of pot. Dunc.an panics when 1 student leaves a Joint made of pencil shavings on this desk. Bernie Kopetl guests. I Dnid Frost Shew (C) (90) Tiie Iii Valley (C) (60) Sl(tbrusb Theatre (60) Sonrtsn (30) 9:00 Qt Ci) Medic.al c.nt.r (C) (60) Remembertnr his own youthful re- btlllousness, Or. Gannon sympa- thizes with a 17 -year-old runaway. 0 KRAFT MUSIC HALL * Jack Benny, Johnny Carson, Alan King D ID (6) m Kratt Musk Hall (C) (60) "The Friars Club 'Roasts' Jack Benny." Johnny Carson Is the "Roastmaster'' when Jack is roasted -'11nd toasted-by guests Milton THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. JANUA~Y 17, 1970 1"onV's Guests: Lesia~ JOnyBemett DoOOlct OComor TheE~bert HumP8idnii<Sl10w OPremiere 10:00@ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lOniQhfS GuestS: Ario GutlY1e Bobbie Gentry Jose Feliciano ~.,, The JohnOY-Cash Show 0Premiere 9:00@ Ber1e, George Bums. Dennis Day, U111ams and Donald O'Conno1. Phil Harris, Alan Kini. Ed Sullivan • Della! (C) (60) and special guest Vice President hny Mason {60) Spiro T. Atnew. : Ho....od (C) (60) "Dixieland." f1 Wmtllnr (C) (60) The tent•· · Carce! de Muteres (30) bve card includes El Medico end 10:30 • Cyntllll (30) Pepe Lopez. 11:00 D m @!) m News <C> 0 @ @ a) Pll£MIER£ TM John· The WesllfMrS ny Call Sllew (C) (60) Contempo-@(])a> News (C) rery variety show starrin1 the popu-• Movie: (C) ''Tiie Trap'' (drama) Jar recordinc and concert star with '59-Richard Wldmar'k, Tina Louite. ruests Jose Feliciano, Bobble Gentry m THIS IS THE PLACE! and Mo Guthrie. Series reeulars are * PEYTON AT 11 ON 11 ! June Carter, Johnny's wife, and his re1ulu touring company of Carl I Ptyton P'lace Perkins, The Tennessee Three, The He Said, She S.ld (C) {30) Statler Brothers. Mother Maybelle @Di (j) Nns (C) and The Carter Sisters. NET lOurnal {R) "A Glimpse of I:.':" deln ..':=;! (C) (60) 11:10 ~nfiJ Cin1t11a S.tfttltn: "Hanr· . I over Square." 9.30 · News (C) (30) Baxter Ward. 11:30 I ~ (jJ Merv Griffin (C) 1111 Johns News (C) (30) . @ (i) g;, Johnny Carson (C) Hor11 Opera (60) Alen King sub hosts. 10:00 f) 9 (j) Hawaii rM-0 (C) (60) 0 Movie: "Love T1IJ Ntf,.._.. A veteran of Vietnam has crave (comedy) '40 -Jack Benny, Mary psychological prob:ems which com-Martin, Fred Allen. pel him to become a kidnapper. 0 (D Dick CIVltt Show (C) Jeff Pomerantz, David Arkin, Doreen m Movie: "Yellow Sky" (western} Lang and C~man Lam guest. '4S-Gr910fY Peck, Anne Baxter, 0 l2J (6) m Tllen ea ... Ironton Richard Widmark. (C) (60) ''The Gleam of the El(le U) Movie: "Rebel In Town" (west· Mind." An itiner1nt painter exer-ern) '56-John Payne, Ruth Roman. cises his artistic Impulses by paint· 1:00 fJ Movie: "'ardon MJ Slrottt' lni the entire side of a barn with (comedy) '42-Abbott and Costelfo, the figure of 1 woman, much to her Virginia Bruce, The Ink Spots. husband's outrage. Jay Novello, Jan IO News (C) Shepard and John Dehner auest. Co1Wn11mity lttllttln lolrd (C) B m News (C) (60) Action Thtttre: ''The Black @CJ) Q) mMIERE Tiit En· Sheep." plbtft Hu_,.,.lldl Sllow (C) (60) 1:30 m Alt.Nl(M SM: "Ambush at Musical-comedy show starrlnr the Cimarron Pass," ''The Bloody Vant- poputar En&lish entertainer and fol· pire," ''Theirs Is the Glory." lowing guests: Tony Bennett. Leslie 2:30 f) News (C) !170 1) •• l! DI I· • .., 1) r, l· I. • •• ~ k t ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK: THE GIMMICK SPELLED SUCCESS When you think about the entertainers who were admired in show business during the l 960's you have to remember their gim- micks. Almost every new face useti a gim- mick to get him started. Engelbert Humper- dinck, obviously, was no exception. The main difference is that many of the per- formers have long since disappeared. When people got too used to the tricks and saw behind the silly name or the kooky clothes, there was nothing. Behind Engelbert's bla- tantly commercial moniker is a solid pro- fessional singer. Beginning this Wednesday, January 21 on ABC Engelben Humperdinck will star as host of his own series--a giant step forward for a guy who tried to find success as a singer for thirteen years under a different name, then suddenly became an "overnight sensation" by using a gimmick. It's given him an entirely new perspective, a special way of looking at his success. To many people succeg is a relative thing. To Engelbert. it's a very tangible, highly visible commodity. It's two Rolls Royces and an estate that covers a large portion of a very chic London suburb. It's owning one- fourth of a public company, a portion worth nearly $8,000,000. "Three years ago this guy was living on welfare," Chris H utchins. Humperdinck's London representative, said. "He and his wife tried to sleep as much as they could so that they wouldn't have to eat. They were existing on about $12.00 a week." Today Humperdinck, Tom Jones, and their manager, Gordon Mills, have control- ling interest in Management Artists and Musicians (MAM). a talent agency with over 150 clients. Half a year ago the com- pany sold shares to the public for practical- ly nothing. Now their stock is worth about $8,000,000 each. Humperdinck is reluctant to remember those early days. "Most of the time my wife and children and I lived in a cold one- room flat-no central heating-in Hammer- sm ith, above an old stable. More than once during that time I'd have to hitchhike in freezing weather to my singing engagements. I couldn't afford a car," he recalls. But those aren't the days he likes to talk about. It's the incredible success he's enjoy- ing today that he's proudest of. ··Nobody likes to remember being a failure. 11 took me thirteen years to become an overnight success," he says, with a touch of remorse for the lost years. During those years a chap named Gerry Dorsey was singing with no distinctive style. and with no following at all. He had started at the age of seventeen as a saxophone player, but found that singing before an audience was much more gratifying than being lost in a band. "Three years ago I became Engelbert Humperdinck, J like being him, and I like this life," he declares as he closes the door to the past. He became Engelbert Humper- dinck when his manager, Gordon Mills, realized that he had a problem with his new client. There was no way to sell a talent wh o had already proven to be a failure. He had to start fresh. One day he called Gerry and said. "You're now Engelbert Humper- dinck-what do you think of it?" "At first." H umperdinck recalls, "I thought he was crazy, but after a while I got used to it. In fact, I like it now. Every- one calls me 'Engel' or 'Enge·~ven my parents. my wife and my children. Because that's who I really am. Engelbert has given me the chance to live the way I've always dreamed of living and to realize my early ambitions." You can't blame a guy when he wants to think about today and forget his past. Not when today is much more exciting and cer- tainly more successful. He is on the eve of his ABC series debut and his records are being played on every jukebox and radio station in the world. His name on a marquee now means "standing room only" and his many commitments keep him constantly busy. His new series interests him most -a musi~al-variety format that allows him a wide range of musical material as well as offering him the chance to expand his tal- ents. "Engel has a fantastic ftair for comedy," the show's producer, Colin Clews, com- ments enthusiastically. "Few people are aware of it-or at least they weren't until they saw the special which aired in Decem- ber-but we intend to capitalize on his nat- ural comedic ability." Clews also served as producer on the highly-rated special which served as a showcase for his star. Guest stars already booked for the series include Lena Horne, Joel Grey, Jerry Lewis, Milton Berle and Arte Johnson. The pre- miere show this Wednesday (10-11 PM) features Leslie Uggams, Donald O'Connor and Tony Bennett. "The structure of the series," adds Clews "is relaxed, clean-cut and smooth." Humperdinck is not the only addition to the new Wednesday night lineup on ABC . Beginning at 7:30 PM, Nanny and the Pro- fes3or, starring Juliet Mills and Richard Long. tells a charming talc about a slightly psychic nursemaid, three mystified children and their good-natured father. The Court- ship of Eddie's Father and Room 222 fol- low, then at 9 PM Johnny Cash reconvenes his summer success with The Johnny Cash Show. The Engelbert Humperdinck Show follows Cash. One other addition, Pat Paul- sen's Half a Comedy Hour, joins the ABC lineup on Thursday, January 22 at 7 :30 PM. Engelbert H umperdiock may be a diffi- cult name to pronounce, but those who view the new series will have to admit that if you spell it. it comes out "success." THURSDAY JANUARY 22 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O "Morocco" (romance) '30- Gary Cooper, Marlene Dietrich. U (C) ''The lest Thlnp In life Art FrM,. (musical·biography) '56 - Gordon MacRae. Dan Dailey. 9:30 O "Hl&ftw1y 301" (drama)· '51- Steve Cochran, Virginia Grey. m .. Alleatieny Uprlsln(' (western) 'J9-John Wayne, Claire Trevor 12:00 O "Geronimo" (drama) '39-Pres· ton Foster, Ellen Drew. 1:30 m "Conqutfed City" (adventure- drama) ·~David Niven, Ben Gaz- zara. 2:00 0 ''Clive of lndi1" (adventure) '~Ronald Colman, Loretta Youn1. m "Kill or Be Killed" (mystery) '50 -L~wrence Tierney, Marissa O'Brien. 4:30 6 (C) "1llt Wiid 1ncJ the In~ Ctftt" (drama·western) '59-Audie Murphy, Sandra Dee. EVENl"IG S:OO I "I Newa (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. · m Huntley•Brinkley (C) (30) L1bri lasbtball (C) (5 hr) Doubleheader: L.A. Lakers vs. San Francisco Warriors; and Milwaukee Bucks vs. San Die10 Rockets. U Sil O'Clock Movie: (C) "Jour- ney to Hie Cent" of Ute £1rtb" Part I (sci·fi) ·~James Mason, Pat Boone, Arlene Dahl, Diane Baker. Jules Verne's tale of a pro- fHSOr and his family who aet out lo probe the mysteries along the 3.963 miles to the earth's center ' I Didi Vin Dytie (30) The Flintstones (C) (30) Star Trell (C) (60) 1 ABC NtW$ (C) (30) : ~s NI*? (30) "The Flicks." (j) CBS News (C) (30) @E Pasion Gltan1 (30) !&) News (C) (60) Jacll White. STATI OF THE UNION ADDRESS President Nilon's 1970 message to tile nation is upedtd to be pre- •nted 1H1etime this evening.. Piede note U11t 111 listed program· ain1 ii subject to ch1n1e and pre-emption. 6:30 • KNBC Newseni" (C) (60) The Gamt Game (C) (30) ~ Favorite Martian (C) (30) (1) Pttty Mason (60) Office of the President (30) (6) HunUey·lrink1ty (C) (30) : To Swe Tomorrow (30) Ci) The Munstm (30) JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH JAMES MASON TllURIDllY • PART I FRIDAY • PART II KABC-TV .... 18 ~. his Guests: Hubert Hu ~1 Debbie Reynolds ffYDuck The Pat Paulsen Half a Comedy Hour 9 Premiere 7:30~ El) Nollciero 34 (C) (60) m ICMIR NIWI (t) (30) 7:00 6 CBS Evening News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. Whirs M, Line? (C) (30) I Love Lucy (30) l11t the Cloct1 (C) (30) Commodity/ Mutu1I Fund (30) Ci) The American West (C) (30) : Aii0r1! (30) Ci) Trvtll or ConsequenctS (C) . True Adventure (C) (30) ' · Th•t Girt (30) 7:30 6 Qi (j) family Affair (C) (30) When a miniature tree given to Jody bqins to die, Jody fears the donor will die also. Teru Shimada guests. 0 @ 00 a;, 01nitl Boone (C) (60) "The Sunshine Patriots." Josh and Gabe are sent by Daniel Boone on a mission to aid the revolution. ary cause and become Involved in a series of misadventures Gail Kobe. Ian Ireland and Laurie Main guest. 0 (ft)(]) (E PREMIERE Pat P1uJ. Mn's Half 1 Comed, Hour (C) (30) Comic Paulsen stars with guest per· formers, Hubert Humphrey, Debbie Reynolds and cartoon character Daffy Duck on the Initial show. O Million $ Movie: ''The Furies" (western) '50 -Barbara Stanwyck. Waller Huston, Wendell Corey, Ju· dlth Anderson. A self-made cattle king of the Old West and his equally lron·willed daughter have a major difference of opinion, I TniUI or «;onsequences (C) (30) Major Adams (60) Tedlnicll Corner (30) Th11tre BNt (C) (30) I Chucho ti Roto (30) 8:00 6 Qj 00 Jim N1bors (C) (60) Rock Hudson; and Beverlee & Sldro with The Sneakers, a vocal instru- mental group, guest. 0 (i1J 00 ifID T111t Girl (C) (30) Ann relives her days as a meter maid in Fenwick, when she meets Don Hollinger's new boss, Lewis Franks, formerly the town's news· paper publisher. Dennis Weaver guests. I To Tell the Trvth (C) (30) Stock Marbt/Fnture (30) Washlneton Week In Revift (C) El) Premiere (C) (2 hr) "Mas Bo· nita Que Nin1una." Rocio Oarcal stars. &:30 0 Los An11les City Hl&ft School Bnketball Championship (C) (90) 0 @ @ (E Bewitched (C) (30) "Samantha's Secret Is Discovered." Samantha revtals to her mother·in· law that she is a witch and is re primanded by the Witches Council Bernie Kopel! and Nydia Westman guesl m D1vid Frost (C) (90) m The Big Y1lley (C) (60) fl) Slgebrush The1tre (60) ti) 00 Ironside (C) (60) "Beware the Wiles of the Stranger." Mark Sanger becomes an unwittin1 ac· complice to a holdup when he helps a beautiful hitchhiker. Tina Louise guests. ED I JjlictlL I Stilt of Ult Union Addreu (C) (3~ hr) President Nixon's 1970 messa1e to the na· lion. The program will elso include a JO.minute pre-speech se1ment a;, Cinema 36 (2 hra) 9:00 119 Ci) CBS Thursdlr Mowlt:I m Perry Muon (60) (C) "Newr Too late" (comedy) '65 @m DEBUT El Padre Garnica (30) -Paul Ford, Maureen O'Sullivan, Dramatic serial. Connie Stevens, Jim Hutton. Paul 10:30 @I) Cyntllla (30) Ford and Maureen O'Sullivan re-• create their oririnal Broadway roles 1 UJO I 0 fJ N~ (C) on film. A middle-aeed couple with To• Reddin News (C) a married dauehter are both dis-• Movlt:, "Tiie frl&htentd citr• mayed and .lorous when they learn (mystery) 62-4ferbert Lom. another child is on the way. m TAKE 1 PEYTON PLACE fJ @ (V&) Tom Jon• (C) (60) He Slid Siie Slld (C) 0 NBA . B.Uetball DovbllllNdtf * BEFORE BEDTIME· KTTV (C) Continued from 6:00. I Peyton Place • m DIVid f rost (C) (90) '6 Q!j Cl) Ntw1 (C) 9:30 fJ News (C) (30) Baxter Ward. ' ~ M ~ (C) IE Bill Jollns News (C) (30) 11:10 @ CV Cin1t11a Seventltn: "M1nl:a fl) Horse Op•a (60) Calling." ~(I) Drainet (C) (30) "Help· 11:30 II~ Cl) Merv Griffin (C) ful Woman." Set. Friday and Of. Q ~@ m Johnnr Cart0n (C) fleer Gannon track down a woman Alan King sub hosts. suspect who preys on elderly vie· 0 Movie: "The General Died at tims in a rare theft scheme. Ralph Dawn" (adventure) '36 -Gary Moody, Nydia Westman and Julie Cooper, Madeleine Carroll. Bennett euest. l'f I&) Didi Cavett (C) 10:00 Q @ . Dun Mirtln (C) W Movie: "Yellow S*J'' (western) {60) ~rna ~ Orson Welles, Lou -G~ory Peck, Anne Baxter, R I R • • Richard Widmar-. aw s. ocky Graziano and Don n::11 M--'-· ont.. Kiii I , ~.-Rice 111 ruest u:1 ....... ,.,. tr • .._. fJ @(])m PREMIERE PAril ~~rs~~:56-Joseph Cotten, Wen- 7000 (C) (60) "A Time for Lyini-" In premiere episode of the ntw adventure series, Geof&e Hamilton, as Jack Brennan, attached to the American Embassy in Paris. 1oes to the aid of a U.S. Supreme Court Justice who Is belne bladlmalled. E. G. M11sh1ll and Anne Baxter ruest. 1:00 II Movie: ''TM Lon& H1ut• (ad· venture-drama} '57-Yictor Mature Diana Dors, Patrick Allen. ' l fJNIWI (C) Co•munity Bulletin Bo1nl (C) Action l'llelh: "Stranee lllu· SIOn." fJ Della! (C) (60) Sammy Shore 1:30m AJ1-N1etrt. S11ow: "Slave Ship," "The Brownin1 Version," "Return of the Ape Man." auests. m News (C) (30) 2:308 News (C) rouble? DicL Paris7000 :.1ar f i IQ George t-b I iiton ~Guest sttn: Arne 8oXter, E.G.Mcrshal ~ ~Pret11iere 10:00\LI 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 tax included Use as return address labels or l.D. stickers for books, records, photo~ any number of personal items. Also sticks on glass and may be used to mark food items. Labels are printed with stylish vogue type on fine qualify white gummed paper. ' . FREE BONUSES • Set of Package Mailing Labels • Reusable Magic Seal Top Container f11ducle your Zip Code PILOT PRINTING LABEL DIV., BOX 1875 NEWPORT BEACH, CAUF. 92663 htell WANTED BOYS & GIRLS AGES 3 TO 19 to Audition on Closed Circuit Television •nd Qu•lifv for . HOLLYWOOD TALENT POOL IRANDON CltUZ Brandon Cruz joine1d th& talent pool, and five months later signed a five year contra<:t with M-G-M. Now he can be seen ea<:h week ~ 8:00 Wednesday eve- nings on "Courtship of Eddie's Father.'' CAN YOUR CHILD .. QUALIFY? POI Plll ON-CAMlltA AODITION CALL (714) 547-6251 ~ T•lent S.uch Being Conducted by TAKE 1 PRODUCTIONS HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. ..... 20 FRIDAY JANUARY 23 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 "The Scarlet Empress" (drama) '34-Mar1ene Dietrich, John Lodge, Sam Jaffe. 0 "Submulne Command" (war drama) 'SI-William Holden, Nancy Olson. 9:30 e "rerltd Str1n1en" (drama) 'SG-Gineer Rogers, Dennis Morgan. m "M1del el ne" (dr1m1·mystefy) '50-Ann Todd, Leslie Banks. 12:00 O "The GrHt Mdlinty" (comedy. drama) '40-8rian Donlevy, Muriel Aneelus. 1:30 m "In Old Chlea10" (drama·ro· mince) '38-Tyrone Power, Al ice Faye. 2;00 fJ "Cood S.111" (comedy) '48- Gary Cooper, Ann Sherlden. m ''Stranee Holida,. (drama) '46 -Claude Rains. Glori• Holden. 4:30 II "Th• Racket" (mystery) '51- Robert Mitchum, Lizabeth Scott. now Ft iday nights 7:30 8(1} TiiE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JANUARY 17, 1970 £VfNING 6:00 I lie News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. · m Huntley.Brinkley (C) (30) Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Guests are Mort Sahl, Patti Austin, Ed Platt and Betty Walker. O Sh O'Cloa Movie: (C) "Jour· MJ tlD th c.trter of tlM Elrttl" Conclusion (sci·fi) '59-James Mason, Pat Boone, Ar1ene D1hl, Diane Biker. A professor and his famny battle eie•ntic pre.historic reptiles. • DI~ Van Dyke (30) Tiie fflntstones (C) (30) Star Tr .. (C) (60) (3) ABC News (C) (30) : fiat's New? (30) Cl) CBS Ntws (C) (30) · 'Ilion Cltane (30) News <C) KNBC llflwservic. (C) (60) The Came Gantt (C) (30) ~ FavorlU Martian (30) 1 lJJ Perry Muon (60) onice of u.. Pruident (30) @ HunU.,·Brinkle1 (C) (30) £D 8ooll hat (C) (30) "The Sea· son." Author William Goldman takes 1 look at tha Broadway staee and what It Is like today. ~ m The Munsters (30) I Noticlefo 34 (C) (60) KMIR News (C) (30) 7:00 C8S Evenini News (C) (30) W111t'1 My Lint? (C) (30) m I love lacy (30) m .... ttie e1oct <C> c3o> ff) Cotllmodity/Mutuel Fund (30) ljj (6) Cinema 5"owcae (C) (90) "Winchester 73." Dan Duryea, John SHOil . I Ahor1! (30) . (1) Truth or Consequences (C) A111erlcan West (C) (30) That Clrt (C) (30) 7:30 9 Ci) Cet Smart (C) (30) Max and 99 mHt the straneest family they have ever encountered when they are sent to en eerie old mansion In search of • misslne packaee. Gale Sondereaard, Bryan O'Byrne and Paul Wexler auest. 0 m Hlah Chaparral (C) (60) "Jelks." Dissension 1mon1 the crew of the Cannon ranch over the hir- ing of a new hand is quelled when the man himself makes 1 move that proves his true purpose. Mitchell i n euests. Stu111 Ute Stirs (C) (30) (i1) m (!) The AJin1 Nun (C) (30) "Armando and the Pool Table." Sister Bertrille accepb an old pool table as • eift for the convent and then has to cope with an orphan who wants to become a pool hus· tier. Georee Spell and John Hoyt au est. fJ Mllllon $ Movie: "SantlaCt" (adventure) '56-Alan Ladd, Rossana Podesta, Uoyd Nolan. An action story of a man who would Juule dynamite If the price was rieht, set in the daneer-ridden jungles ot Cuba. m Truth or Consequences (C) (30) I Mil« Adams (60) Technlul Corner (30) Frendt CMf (30) Julia Child. (R) DEIUT Novel• (30) Dramatic serial. 8:00 II t.ii) Ci) The Good Guys (C) (30) A starvine artist offers to pay (Continued) lla.r1>ana Feldoa costars .. Cd Smart, popular spf"'SPOO._. comed.7 Hries whkb a1n weekly ID color OD CBS, Fridays at 7:30 PM. fltfDAY (Continued) Alfred Nobel. for 1 mul by peintinf pictures for Ui) Los lewrfJ de hmille (30) the diner, but his work drives cus-9:00 f) Qj Cl) CIS frldq Mevle: (C) tomers away. "Wike Me When Ira Oftr" (com· I Jack Benny (30) edy) '60-E.rnfe Kovacs, nck Werdtn, Im CI>G Tiit lredr lunct. Mer10 Moore, Nobu Mc:Clrthy, Dick ( ) (30) "The Underaraduate." Shawn, Don Knotts. WW II veteran Dodaer first baseman Wes Parlier sets up wacky resort hotel on 1 end Gi(I Perreau ruest In 1 story Pacific Island. about Gre('s first love. IJ PfQboJ An. DIR (C) (60) I To Tell UM Truth (C) (30) Guests are Johnny Mathis. Mort S1odl Merbt/future (30) Sahl, Bill Russell, The Chambers lntatfac:. (C) (30) (R) Brothers, Nadia Christen. Tommy Luc.cit. (C) (30) Oliver and Corbett Monica. 1:30 QI (I) Ho 11a'1 Heroes (C) DQ> Here Co• ttte Irides (C) (30) Sit. Klnchloe squares off (60) "Debt of Honor." Holly Huston, a11lnst Battlln1 Bruno, the enlfnY's • vivacious mountain &lrt, comes to would·be boxlni champion, as a Seattle with a hure amount of diversion to allow the Heroes to money that she won In a crap photorraph some top-secret docu-aame and becomes the town bene- ments. Leon Askin, Ralph Medina factress-until the money turns out and Chuck Hicks ruest. to be counterfeit Jennifer West D 9 (i) m Na•• of ttte 51111• and Pat Harrinlton ruest. (C) (90) "The Takeover." Publlsfler (i1) CI) Friday Nipt Mowie (C) (2 Glenn Howard b'avels to the Orient hr ''The Rainmaker." to lnvestl1ate the overthrow of a : DIWld ~ SM (C) (2 h,, aovernment headed by an old friend. HeJ Con Mona hll (30) Michael Ansara. Anne Bax1er, Gloria 9:30 • ,..., (C) (30) Baxter Ward. Grahame and Warren Stevens auest. l iM JoMt Ntws (C) (30) IJ Across tile Seven Seat (C) (30) Horte Opera (60) fJ @(])la) TM Cltolt and Mn. NodMI T~patiat (60) Muir (C) (30) "Tourist, Go Home." 10:00 · @ {I) m 1:mc161i I PJucleft. The captain protests when Carolyn rs Oii Stap (C) (66) "Married and Claymore work to tum Schoon· Alive." Diana Ria and Robert Culp er Bay Into a tourist lttrlction. star in an orirlnal drama br John Kenneth Mars ruests. Mortimer about a Canadian n · Tiie 111 Valley (C) (60) claim his place as the lon&·lost I Davld frost (C) (90) plorer who returns to Enatencl to Sa= n.h (60) husband of a wealthy Enif lsh coun. I I I Alfrecl Nobel (C) (30) trywoman. On his return, he claims Host Nat Freeland interviews Merjo. to have been the victim of amnesia rie Aur, author of "The Loneliest fOf 10 years. Millionaire," a new blo(raphy on 1J m Ntws (C) (60) I I I I I ------- ;• '• > ,r ' Fine Quality PRINTING 642-4321 Offset & Letterpress ~~ •'' t a... .r1 : ... _____ . "A Complete Printing Service" Free Estimates PILOT PRINTING 2211 W. B•lboa Blvd. -Newport Be•ch I I I I I 0 G) Lowe.. Alltrkan S1r1e (C) {60) "love and Those Poor Cru· saders' Wives" with Monte Marll· ham. Dorothy PrOYlne, Gino Confor- ti, William Fawcett; "Love and tM Bia Nllht" with Tony Rand1ll, Jullt Hewmar, Ann Elder; "Love end the V.l.P. Restaurant" with Shetley Ber· man, Kaye Ballard, Connie Krakl, Julle Bennett. Della! (C) (60) Peny Maon (60) 11:00 fJ Ntwt (C) EJ Pach Camlca (30) 10:30 11 ... (30) U luhtball (C) Movie: "T1nor In tllt ttewnw House" (mystery) '58--Gerald Mohr, Cathy O'Donnell. m TURN ON THE ACTION * AT 11 ON KTTV 11 Peyton Placa He Said, SIM Said (C) (3) @ Cil Qt (I) lllWI (C) : fiiit F.,.,._ S.11 (R) Esta NocM a lat Once (30) . al""' <C> 11:10 (}) Cint•a SewtcltMa: "Road to Fort Almo." 11:30 tJ Qt Ci) Merv Qrlffln (C) D 9 {1) m Jobnnr ea ..... (C) Alan Kin1 sub hosts. m Dia Cavett <C> ovle: "Yellow SlJ" (western) retory Peck, Anne Baxter. &l Movie: (C) ''The IUn&'t MUlbt- Hn" (adventure) '65 -Sebastian Cabot. .• 8) Notidero 34 (C) lZ!lO IJ Movie: (C) "Desert FllfJ" (mys. tery) '4 7 -Lizabeth Scott. Burt Lancaster. BENEFITS OF LEASING THE FAMILY CAR lhcreuin9 number1 of Americans now IHH the family car. Apparently, the i d ea is: "What's 9ood for cost-conscious business men, is also good for the family man." In Oran9e County many families are takin9 advanto9e of a re· markable leuin9 program offer•d by Garden Grove Lincoln Mercury. This very different pro- <J~am' lends itself to family bud9etin9 by includ- ing u~rvice and .maintenance at no additional charcjt: oil, oil changes, seals, transmission serv· ice, etc., etc. In addition, the dealer buys your present car, frHin9 capital for investment in the market or that vacation property on the riv· er. And every two years, you get a brand new car. For An Excellent Booklet On This Sub;~t Call our Leasing Secretary ,... 21 FIRE SCREEN SPECIALISTS CUSTOM MADE SCREENS -S DAY SERVICE Beautiful decorative colors in many finishes. Wide selection of GAS LOGS. FREE Esti,,,.tes given. (Since 1920) SANTA ANA TEIT ..... AWNING 2202 S. MAIN -545-0491 SANTA ANA co. Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole attempt the theft of the Cellini Ven us, albeit bogus, in "How To Steal a Million," the premiere presentation on The ABC Monday Night Movu at 8:30 PM. Pe1e 22 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WE.EK, JANUARY 17. 1970 SUNDAY, JANUARY 18 1:00 D @ (I) (C) "Woman Times Seven." Shirley MacLaine stars in a rollicking comedy satire, portraying seven different women In seven amusing adventures. Her leading men include Alan Arkin, Rossano Brazzi, Michael Caine, Vittorio Gassman and Peter Sellers. MONDAY, JANUARY 19 l:30 fJ Q7J (I) (C) "How To Steal a Million." William Wyler's hit comedy on art forgery and the world of fashion stars Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole. An art detective is hired to expose an art forger who appears to be a philanthropist and legendary art collector; but he becomes involved with the forgers' daughter who plans to steal a fake statue to save her father from being exposed. 9:00 II@ CI) (C) ''Texas Across the River." Dean Martin and Rosemary Forsyth star in this comedy about the misadven· tures of a Spanish nobleman in the Old West. The Spanish duke (Alain Delon) enters a turkey shoot to finance an escape to Texas and meets Sam Willis (Martin), a Texan faced with the problem of finding a marksman to ride gun with him and Sam's Indian friend, Kronk (Joey Bishop) through hos· tile Comanche territory. TUESDAY, JANUARY 20 9:00 0@ CI) (C) "My Sweet Charlie," a World Premiere Movie, stars Patty Duke and Al Freeman Jr. in a story of a southern white girl who despises black people until she meets Charlie Roberts, a New York lawyer who is running away from law enforcement officers. Ford Rainey, William Hardy, Chris Wit· son, Noble Willingham and Dave Ward co·star. fJ (C) ''WMt • Way To Go." Shirley MacLalne, Paul Newman, Robert Mitchum, Dean Martin. Gene Kelly, Bob Cummings and Dick Van Dyke star in an amusing story of a little country girl who longs for the simple life. However, it is her fate to many one man after the other, each of whom becomes wealthy and then dies-leaving her millions. THURSDAY, JANUARY 22 t:OO 8 8 (() (C) "Never Too late," starring Paul Ford, Connie Stwens, Maureen O'Sullivan and Jim Hutton in film version of Broadway comedy about a middle-aged couple whose tninquil, routine married life becomes frantic and turbulent wh~n they discover that they are once again to become parents. FRIDAY, JANUARY 23 t:OO 8 tBJI (() (C) ''Wfke Me When It's Over .. stars Jack Warden, Emle Kovacs, Margo Moore, Nobu McCarthy, Dick Shawn and Don Knotts. Through a mlx·up in Air Force serial numbers, an old World War II veteran is drafted and sent to an island it the Pacific where he sets up the wackiest resort hotel ever dreamed up. SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 t:OO D QI (}) (C) ''The Last S.far1." Stewart Granger stars in a dramatic adventure story filmed on location in Kenya. A white hunter resigns and decides to pursue a long-time ob- session to search out and destroy a fabled killer elephant who was responsible for the death of his best friend. Kaz Garas and Gabriella Ucudl co·star. 11:15 8 (C) "Mldnl1ht lace." Doris Day, Rex Harrison and John Suon st.r In a chllllfli suspense story of a woman whose tlfe le ....,.. th~ened by an unknown phc>M caller. • '4JC1'*"' en.,, U.l.A." Alan l.adct, Wanda Hendrbc ana Francis Lederer star In story of former O.S.S. captain who returns to Italy after four years to ferret out the person who ~yed • hideout of partisans to the enemy during the war. SATURDAY Culfdu J Cultlrrn 18 ~I =-::1 ':.:,(C) 10:00 ft([) ,......,. PftstDp (C) ARY @ (]) Q) Sly Hnb (C) JANU 24 lhwie: "lroq•ls Trait" (wut· MORN INC em) '50-Georae Montaomery. m Movie: "TIM lunilnr Cf_., (drama) '47 -Hank D1nlel1. 7:00 ~ ~ 8' Hed1e & Jec:klt (C) IE' Pa .. Cltlu (jj) (!)Culliver (C) 10:301(it(i) ScoobJ·Doo (C) Mr. l•bene (C) • @ @ m TIM fllwtstoMI (C) 7:25 Cive Ua Tllla Day (C) Movie: "The Crllt ....... r 7:30 Sllftrlae Setusttr (C) (drama) '44 -Joel McCru. @ (!) (!) SMIJ UM lear (C) 0 ()1) (I) G) Ceorp of tlM Jun· • let'.,alk About TMnt aft (Cl 1:00 Of~ 1'1le Jttlons (C) m Movie: HfanllJ ly Cllll&ht" ' · ~ m Htrt Comes tilt (drama) '48-James Muon, Phyllis Cra~ ( Calvert, Stewart Granpr. l llZJ(l)U}CltbllOO(a Cats (C) ll:OOll~AIA All.star lasbtblll SllPPJ (C) · 6 8' Ja•bo (C) Tai• of Wells farp (E Cit It Toftthtr (C) 1:30 IJ 9 ([) lup IUftftJ /Road Run· 11:30 I ~ 00 m Undtrdo1 (C) ntr iiOur (C) @ (])Cl!) ~n Bandstand 19 (I) @E Pink PallttMf (C) ) Dick Clartl hosts. . Ci"MIMll Profile fJ Movie: (C) '"Fort Muucrt" (ad· Movie: (C) "lold Adve11tll"" venture) '58-Joel McCrea. (adventu1'1) '50--Gerald Phillps. Cl) Award Theme: "Escape In tht m Cisco Kid Sun." Q) Movie: "Nonaaa c..quest" (dram•) '53 -Tom Conway, Eva Bartok. 1\ f T f R N 0 0 ~. t:00 o tD oo m H. R. Nnst11t <c> 0 Movie: ..... rdtr With Pldlnu" 12:00 D HIP ScMel lullflbaQ (C) (mystery) '36 -Lew Ayres, Gen Game of the Week. Pab1ck. 0 lhwie: "Albe MJ LM" (com· O (Ji) (])(ii) Hot Wll .. (C) edy) '40 -Ray Milland, Claudltte m Mowle: (C) "Co-co Mania" (mu· Colbert. sical) '6S-The Buttes. The Anl· @!) Tutro Fa•Jllw mals. Herman's Hermits. m S.. till USA (C) @!) Candottu J Mulca 12:30 0 Movie: "Ci.st ef tile Qiu •.30 IJ Qt([) DatardlJ • MlltUIJ (C) s.." (drama) '58 -Davfd Btlln, ~n Bemay. m Movie: "nle lrtt! ...... (dra- ma) '43-Pit O'Brien, Robert Ryan, Ruth Warrlct. Q) lalUtball (C) Nevada Southern vs. Nwad1. I ..... ...,._ (C) ......... ~~ 1:00 Qt ([)lAL I CIS Cllll- drt11'1 Hew (C) "SdlMI' Is f«· ..... B Movie: (C) '"SIWtll M• Fro• Now" (western) '56 -Randolph Soott. I Caral ... ....,.. Sports Worid (C) Upbut (C) 1:30 a lhwie: "Dl•ka" (dram•) '64- Alyosha Zl10rsky. @E Trlftl tllt Wortd (C) 2:00 II Tiit .... SodetJ (C) .. ,. the Electoral Collea• Necemryr • 11 the topic for discualon by students from Monroe and San Manno hllh schools. O Movie: (C) "Kiss of Flro" (dra· ma) '55 -J1ck Palance, Barbara Rush. m Ladles' DaJ <C> a> Estnllll Ill Mla•I (C) 2:30 Wlletls, ltJlq Ind a_, {C) hdflc I lasbtball (C) • Wal'Ofl T,.la (C) Q IHer WresU111 (C) • T1le Auwr (C) f lftfanll f alaMI (C) 3:00 II CIS Coif aus1c (C) Pros com· pete at the Firestone Country Club In AJu·on. O~io. a a oo m li111 er., coif TMrU..t (C) @!)Ttros 6)1'wtl~ Zont 3:30 O lm aJ Pr.tm1ou1 ..... en Tour C) 4:001J Mowlt: (C) ............. ef ... ..,. (wutem) '55-Georr• Mont· 10m!,!l. Nanct,.Gatu • am Slltfr~1 Wtf1d tf Celt (C) Bl Sn <C> m SaM SewentJ (C) Host Clay Cole welcomes The Joys of Ufe, The Cuff Links, The Capris, Rick Nelton. Lloyd Price, Eric Burdon and The Animals, ind Victoria and Back· street. Cl) St. Louis Cardinal Football Hiett· llattts (C) 4:30 0 Outdoors (C} Cl) 9 Ci) Horse Racln1 froM Hla-lull (C) s:0011r1 Acacle•lc <C> Clla~lonslllp lowlln1 (C) (fl) Cl) aJ Ales Wide Wor1d of S,Orta (C) fJ The Avenpra (C) m Movie: ''llle lad and tllt .... tif1. ~S~E ·:. <~ .. Tomor. Cine tn la T•dt Spelts Sptctaailara (C) 5:30 1J Rod Sertlll(s Wondtffwl Wtrtcl of ••• C.....U-(C) (R) D KNIC N ..... wtce (C) o 11scp;c 1 Coadles' 19'9 AM· Amlerbll football T1• (C) I McHai.•1 NIVJ Cltnca11n0tt News In Ptr1pldlvt (C) (R) T1le Rlflt•an WHEN YOU WANT IT.DONE RIGHT ~ DIAMOND \9'/ Carpet CINnlftl "Champion" Method! • Soll retardent 0 Shampoes deep • Expert and guaranteed , .. "tlm t• MS. 7 CAltf'9n a ~v••ITV•• a.eM11..., e neep pUe A soil retardent method. Reas priced Free est. C4llll Ml-4114 ITa.ToCHlltY Cl.Allll SEWING CltlATIVI IDIASI Call Marlon Logan 645-1411 THIS IPACI lllllVID Pott YOU CALL '42·1671, nt. HI • • • CALL ONE OF THE EXPERTS LISTED BELOW! DUNCAN INCOMI TAX IDVICI 10038 McFadden Ave. Westminster 531~113 Sef'lllnt ell Of9"te County. EC*IOl'll'r T•X ltetvtfl, Fr .. hOnlf HNiCe. 8' 9fld •• J ...... MMft TH CeMUltilnt 350 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa 646-8712 "enoMllz.ed. n,.n tex ....,lee. v .. ,. r'Oolfld otfke. lt .. MMO!e rel". I 1; '. f fJ V I r f _ _..,ave--See Us-Soon Computerized Tax Service WISTEltN aualNI•• IHVICI 563 W. 19th, Costa MPSa 642-0212, 546.12:5() • KIMMlll TAX SlltVICI 1924 Harbor, Co.ta Meu 548-2404 • A-1 TAX llRVICI 2300 Harbor, Cotta Meaa 545-J!l!\1 HARMON-KARDON 90-watt AM-FM STEREO RECEIVER • • Featuret l1te1t MOSFET ( metal-oxicle 1ili~on fielcl-effact trans is· tori 'front f'nd, Also hu +.pa rnoriitor, stereo hHdphont jack, tun· i119 mater, eutometic stereo/mono FM ,..,itching with stereo indi- cator light. Two YHt parls and labor warranty. (REG. PRICE $229.50) with SOUNDCRAFTSMEN 9711 LANCERS ... (RE~. PRICE $95.00) Save $129.77! '29968 GARRARD SL-65, SHURE DIAMOND STYLUS, BASE Fe.Uure-pecked :urnt•ble bOasls t1mous C..rrard precision, de~abllily and cor>- venlenco, plus Ille sensallonal Synctlro· lAb motor tor perfect speed regardless ot llt>o wllage verlellons or number of records on turntable. Cuing al\CI PIUS• control, optkel-lype SIYlus pressur1 Id· luslmen., anll·skale compensallon. Ad lusl· able, resllltnll ( mounlld covnlerwelght on tubuler dynamlcelly balenced pickup arm. Casi, bit.need ovenlie turnllbl1. Complet.t with SHU RE diamond ma9 netic c•rl ridge and deluxe ebony end walnut beset M-4+7 (REG. PRICE $104.95) with ACOUSTIC RESEARCH AR-4X TWO-WAY ... COMPLETE 5-PIECE SYSTEM ·• Famous AR acouslic·suspenslon design pro. vldes pure, natural ioundlnv reproduction. F.alures 8" woofer thJI delivers rich blss rtsponse lhet tar exceeds wtial YoU would normally Ott In e uni! !his sit•. Speclalfy. designed fWHltr tor smoorh treble. Bulll-ln IWHler level control. (REG. PRICE $132.30) Save $117.07 s3496a f!RICES ST ART AS LOW AS --;1._)N Y l!'J;I i'.:~ ~~, I .!&JS s49so