HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-01-31 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa·~.
• . .
" ·c:· -·· --_ _. ... _..... . -·~
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Ti~~ j}~,il,:.ide M.i~; Vidie in Coffntg;
Te/f their &crets •1. Loli@., MD. ;r~g'i ~
; • t • '
Nixon . to
I ..
2nd" ABM ··Phase I . •
\VASHINGTON (AP) -President Nil· tion ·that may cooront.,.the nation in a
on has decided to ask Congress for .• decade. '
major expam.ion ot .. tbe missj.1'.e def~ "Ten years from now .the Communist system to provide virtUally infaDlble 1 _ pJ:111ed.ion against the JlOtSibiUty of at-~· ~ ~ample, among others .• may
tiS ..... ~or n\ldear bla<ikrDail-1>7· Red~. ha\'e . .a ;s1gn1Jic811t' nYCl.ear cap;bilHy,"
Chil)a.a def;ade trom~·•' · _ . mt~. lfi"elatlons wfth·matnla1¥f1China
Nixon's lnnoim.Cem rat a news Con-· arO't.lrriprOvlCI, he said, "It wUI be.yery fei'~ Friday night, ndled ·rumbl-_important for the ·Unlted.States··iQ .have
i!lts ol dlscontontftom ~sl~· Cit>-·,-· ld!!'t, of-·de!-·IOf that nuclear
Pooents of the atiballlslc mhsile-ABM· ~b}~kma~ c.oold not be used agalrlst the
-and.expressioru1 of sum>on frQm ~e. 1 &J:n~ .. ~~". !"".U.S. allies in .Ali~.
who successfully defended tht program· · The first phase and propoeed second
in bitter debate last sun1mer. " phase together woukl cost an estimated
The President s~d tbe United States $1 bllUon over several Yfars. While flnt
must take steps now 1Q.. handle a situ a"' pllau ABMs are to protect . retaliatory
• 1 . missiles . sites, the second phase wtbld
. Two-hit Blindits
Strike Twiee
On Orange Coast . --~-' ~two-bit ~ti -uijnc· ,,...p
for a quarter. then clUJiing out the cull
regist.r-struck at·leuft'!'O small mar·
kell In the Orange ·coui ma late Fri-
day nlghL v, •
Police in Costa Mesa and-Wu~ uld the robber• involv\d in ,. tbe jotis,
totaling 1180 In Jobi, o~aled, Identical·
Jy •nd mmt ~the same Jlten. , -
Billy F. Carden, clerk at a Tic Toe
Market at 1854 santa Ana Ave., Costa
Meaa, told police one man in dark ·11.tfto
glauea enterect the store. at .t.0:4S. p,m.,
while a aecond "ailed <Mslde In a ear.
The victim told Olfker J""k Koch th• dark~1p1eded blndjt flsied him to
change a quarter, then dlmaaded all the
J1>011e1 wtille lfmulalinf I l'LD in hia
coat pocht. ~ ,
Cardell complied ll>Ll the -lwtil)' left tho oton, Jumped Into tllo car and
leff wit!' hia c<Qplnion.
Vlrtua!)> the aame. llLlnC baptened leu
than one boar before at a Ml Market
aftllll Edlnctr•Aft., W-.·ll!blle
clerk Gl!Mt 1-Joi• Wll Oil .arty.
O.ly this Ume, pollct Aid, two men en-
lmd Ibo lfcn, empty uctpl for Lang-
loi1, and the northy ..,. asked for a
quarter'• change, then ckmande<I all the
Holding on< hind tn ·hi• jac'ket as thol.l&h he hid rpn trained on the clerk,
the man forced Langlo~ to hai\il over
the money In 1 plpei bi1 and thl,y fled
to a waiting car. .k
def.end .u,s. cities. ii'
Responding to quest!OM at hl~ !~st
newa confereoce of the year, Niir:on also:
-Issued a new warning to·NorOt Viet-
nam against attackl that would,jeopar.
diu 11.s .. ror""' in SoutJ! VJetMm:lf IUCh at.tacks ~ •he aaid, ''we ·uve the
mril>I and I )'Ill be pcepored 1o"ilie'°"""
-•trtoil1 to "'81 with .llot 1it11a-ti0ft: •• ; ~
-&Jd. he•-ld decide "1lllln Ill dlys
oo llnLel'• r<qLIOll for """" American arms to strengthen; ft. teall'ity aaainat tis ;\!ab· eneinlel.' Nixon_'lndlcat<d 110
"'"'"' .di-. ,with F...,., Pnsrdent (l<orl ... Pompldou ~)!ext month the French sale ol ~nr1ge· llgh1<r JilanO. to .
Lil>Y.~. 1be v:s. ~ -. ... ~ ..
-Ref\Lsed 'to dlaclooo clei.Us of 11.S.
lnvolv'!"e!!I In ·l-a°'i which• has ~
quesUoi\ed hi',tbe S<liote, but said "our
• ••!lvltll'!I ™"' ..... ,.i.~ ~ ... the :pur-pjjlrd· ooeinf'~'!bt liioilan ,...,,..
lllJ!ll , • • Is '.'!IOI ~.n.t.eh!iect.. by tha Nqo1h•.Y~lilld ... Communill Jorces,;r .
-~ tho U.S. has made -
·-'· -· tn cettmc the Nlprian goyenlllM!Lt-to~ ttllef' 111ppllao for
114 ............ !!. !Onner ~lll'r• '1"1• torY., • • r. ~ coilf'-.Jl'ed«ll ,.;a;.
G. Hmold Canwell ....,n he •f'l"'oved
bJ: tM _.. cwenrbeladnlJly" tor ...
...:;. on the Sutnnic c.urt. -ticiatl!d his.,,.,. ... t blUl<i!I i.i,i.
gti;llac:al ,_ tru, wtilch wl~ ao to
~ Monday, "Wtll be I 1lll)or lllow
In alAl(lll4nr the tnllatlon p1,<t1oli>1Y'" Ind
·tho-IOftl'lwnenl "will be Ale to c:ot1lrol
Jnflatloe "1thoat ...... 1on:-.
·In 4!1Clooina hlo flnal dldalon' on the
ABM 'lssue, llxon sad .Secretary ol De-r .... ·MeMI\ R. Laird wiU 1111k• public
the •del·"· of the fll'Oll'lm In about IO dots, ..,.,. .
• a1
·-... . " ., •
Bar ·Owner -. . ~ -•
Assarilted . .
By .Cyclists
' Don't Seareh
hifant's Diaper
. 8pldol it J>all1 PtloC .
SAN BEMAllDINO -Wbat't tn a
baby'• diaper belongJ to the baby ond
111 Infant fl\loJl tbe ...,. -Ilona! rlahb u anJone elle, IO a ..-cb wJth..
oU\ Ill -e111 bo forbidden:
'11111 WU the rullnc handed do!rn .l"!'I·
di!' bt N1111id!ial Court Judge -.
G. KnnDm, who cll.smlJled • chars• ol ~ ol ben>in aplnst a )'OWLI CoJ..
too motller;aad her boyfrieltl.
• .Ramona l'adilla and -C/Jrdova are li'Oe today 11 the result of an un-
coaltltuaonat Hll'Ch of a diaper -..om
btt tbe yoori,I """!,•n '•. kLO!ltl>old ~••f\-er. ·
:. ~
. -. ' \ ----
•1t· ' Ok · v·· k. ' _ ~ ay ,. ·•e _ J.e .
----, -~... ...;. -.
• -·---.., --~---- f -----· --_ -• ~IL~IPJl.OT-""' 't.":l.tl•Ptrlit Tr~ ilr~ iHit. TE~ aRiDi ;ri110M H11:1c0Pr111 ..+i11Pe1D .Qt1ST
For·lho Ntwlywe.i., A ShoWor Of R-oriil '" 'Ll.rlritl ~loll. ..
Nothing ~··.e .. , -.. ,.
·Tiny Tim , Vicki Enjoy 'tif~·
Of "" """' '*' ....,
Horbert Bucldngham Rhaury~ that'•
long ,for 1lny Tim -slipped Into Orange
COunty Friday tn a clovd of du&t and
~ tnd Introduced his bride of six
~ee'u, a pert l7·year~ld ht calls Mist
Tiny and MIM Vicki -she -to bo
Victoria Mae Budinger -then aat hand tn hand .anol spoke lor hall an (Lour of
'Jove, rnil'l1qe.-I c:hl1ilrtn.
"Life wllll Tin!' couldn't be .better,'"·
'Vicki ..-..;. '11 mly ii·• lot .ol·
fun," na, Cloncumd. °"She reatly ii some
Tiny, 'the slrannr hall ol The Odd Cou-
ple, did LT10ll o111it i.1111n,. .
"I don't believe lh birth control.
Everytbtni we do 11 for-NtaHd tventl,"
(8" TINY Tlllf, Pl .. 11
... •· --... -. ---·-
UP Lines·
wiluam w. Wlnpisin(er,. the re.ting
J'lePtlalO• for Ille anions, COllfirmld the
walkoot· involvtng ol>out 2,!09 to .a,ooo
men. ...
"'ConversaUona an: ,1lmply behind us
now.." said Wtnpi.slnger ~ Vice president
of the International AssocJaUon of Ma·
c:hinisU (JAl\.t),
Ralroad officials said they had receiv-
ed word in WasfllnP>n that plcbto have
been set up at Union Paclftc facllltlts at
the Omllha, Neb. hdilquartera lild II
North PlaUe, Neb, and Council Blu!fo,
Iowa. ,
One railroad Official tald ~ walkout
wu·"'sutfw:ierlt"for"UI to atart moving••
on a natJonwide lockout the rallroadl had
.,..,ru.ed In retaliaUoa for any llrtke.' Bob-· l(>Okesman for the National J:tallway Labor Conference, which ta bar·
pining !or the ratlrffds, sal dlho c:on-
f.,..,.,. had b<gun ,notifying r~ds to
lJUt into· efre:ct a pr~arra,nged 1QCkout
plan. H~ said, tlils. Included lnstltutlnl
work rule clUmges prwo11ed by me ran ..
roadS as ·part of a 'new cootr:ad 1but
strongly oppooed by· the :unions. .
In calling \he itrlk8 agalnsf Union Pa ..
ctfic. tbe 111\oP,cratt unions t~ "down
an appeal by 1:abor Secretary Goor(e P.
Shultz for a seven-daf moratorldm· on
any fall shutdown whlla he ~fly tried to fashlop a settlement.· ··
''The nation cannot stand a nationwide
lhutdoWn," Shultz said Friday.
• But ·Winpls~er aald atrike action WIS
tal\en "out of the vory deep' cOnvlctton
jhal It ta !ht ojlly 1'8' thioe Vt!('/ J>I"" , ~""8"°'!' cM be brt!J&!it .. I
' . . . ~
• · "Wllh.•11 due rape<t to the *'1\ary, ~we , have... plenty. conversaUrms are shnillr 'J'hlnd us rm.· . .
-·---=.. ez.:... ..... ~· ...
" " .. , ...
" " .. •
= .. ~ -" ........... M = .... -~"'II ·-
""··----·. ...
Saturday, January 31, 1970
• • • ight~st Market
urts Housing
••llPI inonef poUclu and the high· • ms.r.t rates In history ha~e c u t
llllnlbulkUna acUvlty by more than 40
-In Orange Co\mly, Rep. Richard T."llclllo (().Westmlnlter) charged to-
e we wltnesaing the tigbtest bous-
Tumbling Course
SJ.arts Monda y
ina market since'l.he end of World War
11,'! Hanna sald1 "The e<1mblnatlon or
high interest rat.cs, the unbelle'vable
scarcitY. of mortgage credit. .11n<f l h e
skyrocketing costs of material, labor,
and lihd have caused a recession In the
housing lndustry.11
Hanna warned that unless relie r is
quickly forthcoming, it will be difficull
for the local industry to rcco\'er.
"Already a number of small contrac·
tors have been forced out o{ business,"
Hanna revealed. "And "'Ith starts down
• •
Hearty ·Address
Pilot Mari Tell.8 S~rg~r&' Stor y
~ .
Tom Barley, DAILY PILOT reporter.
said he was there to "thank everyone
from the bottom or my somewhat
artificial heart."
Tha' was one of hJg openin& remarks
Friday as he df:Uvered the keynote
•peech at ttie traditltxi11l klclloff luncheon
heraldlng UM beginning of this ye~'s
month-Jong fiind drive by "the Orange
County Heart Aasoclatlon.
Barley spoke at the Santa Ana Elks
Club where Dr. Floyd L. Wera:eland,
chairman of the 1970 • cacnPAJi:n. y·
nounced a goal of $300,000 for the current
countywide effort.
\\'ergeland, a retired major Jenera] of
the United States Army ?.fed1cal Corp.."i
and onetime commanding general of
wi tter .l\etd Gtner"a1 Hospital, currettt!J
is senior Vice president of medical lfrllfB
at the Leisure World 1cvundatlon, Laguna
He presented to Barley a letter or com·
mendatloti on behalf o! lhe coun\y heart
Thq letter was presented in recoinltion
of artkles written by ~ley aocl pubUsh·
ed in, the DAILY Pl,LOT in November.
1968, detailing Barley's own story after
he underwent open hea rt sura:ery In
which a dist.ased valve in his tteart was
replaced by a manmade nylon valve.
1-----11\m>hling and acrobatics lessons for to-a-minimum new housing will be un· Cmdr. Bucher
Barley told volunteers attending the
luncheon that il was through "the extra
dollars which you have collected over the
past several years that ~he kind of aper~·
lion \Vhich saved n1y hfe become Jl0$51·
both boys and girls will be set to music available during a period of rising de·
btllimlnc Monday when the Fountain mand."
V1llt y"""1U!lTeitlon and Parks Department.-Hanna said many local people are mov·
offers an ·eight-week course in gym· ing inlo apartments rather than pay the
nasUcs. high interest rates and charged that
1lM! teachers, C~arley ~nd ~1ar~aret apartments are gelling hard to find with Blktr, both profess1orials with exper ience . In tumblln1. acrobaUcs, and body the vacancy factor now lhe lowe~t smce
b\lllding, will offer lhe course to the Korean War.
youngstera aged ~19. "Despite passing a $5 billion housing
Classes will be o(fertd ~1onday and bill and a measure designed to pump
Wedne sday evenings from 6 p.m. to. 8 money inlo houl'ling and ease interest
P·f"l·· depending on age grou~. ~ey 'A'.111 rates" Hanna continued "the situation ls cenlaln sections for begllllUl1g, in· ' . . • tmnediate or advaoctd pupils. worsening. Th I s JS due lo t h e
'l't>ofie interested may register now at J>resident's refusal to implement the
the Fountain Valley Recreation and authority the Congress has enacted."
Parks Department. JO'lOO Slater Ave., or 'J'he congressman said we are almost a
phone Ba~er at 847--0594. million units behind 1968 production and
Fn (or the eight-week course is SS for unless lht administration begins to move
bqtilnlng aod lntennediate instruction we'll fall further behind.
one nl&bt a week or flO for two nights a Hanna said he is preparing a com·
week. Advanced pupils pay an $8 prehens.ive housing bill which will povlde
re1Jstlation ftt. substan tial relief to the ailing Industry.
Ford Motors Faces
Pollution Charges
Ford Motor Co. -employer of tbouurids and maker o f
millions -was officially
charted Friday with a crime
punishable by a $100 line.
smoke emission from coke
ovens al lh·e Roughe Plant.
Tom Barley (left ) Admires Letter P resented by Gen. Wergeland
Shooti11g Hearin g Dela yed
OAKLAND (APl -Cmdr. Lloyd ~·t.
Buche r, skipper or the captured spy ship
Pueblo, i:. undergoing physiC•l tests at·
the Na.Y.y•a Oak Knolr Hospital.
"The problem seems to be hla eyes,"
hos pital spokesman said Thursday. "He
gels headaches, f""Sibly because of the
demands of his studies."
A preliminary hearing for a 24-year old ficial.s. After noting that other tests also v.·ere
Stanton man charged with the shooting of" Currently out on $12,000 ball. Ru scha'k: being made. the spoke3man said that
a Westminster nighl. club patron has been nllegedty fired four .22 caliber bullets at Bucher's physical troubles are ''not
continued to Feb. 25 at \Vest Orange .John D. Kelley, a Carden Grove resi· necessarily connected" with the period
C.ounty Court. den!, on Dec. 13. from Jan. 2.1 to Dec. 24, 1968, when
John \V. Ruschak of 10609 \Vestern Kelley was wounded twice in the Bucher and his 82-man crew were held
A\'e., Stanton • ...,·as to have appeared neck, once in the chest and once in the prisoners in North Korea.
Wednesday lo face charges '?f assault stomach. according to police reports. Since last May, Bucher has been
with a deadly weapon. He will now ha ve The incident occurred in the parki ng assigned to the Na vy's graduate sckool at
to race an amended complaint containing lot of the.. Daisy r.tae JI bar on Garden r.1on1erey, Calif .. for a one-year course
the additional charge of carrying a con· Grove Boulevard where Ruschak was aimed al getUng a master's degree in
He said he belonged to a "Cardiac
Club lhe ·membership or which is not
' " anxious lo recruit other-members.
Reprints or the Barley stories were
distributed al the luncheon.
Boys Club Pla11s
To Open Mo11da y
Monday won 't be blue for Harbor Area
A holiday is scheduled, leading the
Boys Club of the Harbor Area to stay
open for business -as it would UJUally
be in !he summer or on weekends -says
Executive Direct.or Lou Yantorn.
Both the Central and Upper Bay
branches will be open from JO a.m. to 5
p.m., due to the teacher-training day for
'.\'ewport.Mesa Unified School District ~
educators. cealed \\'eapon, according to court o!· employed as a bouncer, police said. management. -=~~~~~-'-.:_~~~~..:__~~~~~-''-~~~~~~~~~~~~-,~~~~---=~
The crbne is air pollution.
Wayne County, which en·
compasses Detroit and several
1ubUrbs, has chara:ed Ford
and five other firms with
violating state anlipollution
Mort Sterling, director of air
pollution control for Detroit
and Wa yne County, expressed
dlsappoinlment that F o r d
planned to fight the charge.
''Only last month," he said,
"Henry Ford 11 (the Ford
board chairman) dedlcat~d
the company to a program ol
eliminating polluU.on -in the
air, water and on the land -
in the shortest period of
Ford, the first company to
(act arraignment on Lhe lime."
M----·dt1t1e. stood mute i n
municipal court ln Dearborn,
the home of Ford's huge
River Ro u g h e manufac·
luring complex and Ford's in·
temational offices.
Four -olher-companits-..=.
?.farathon Oil. Sement..SOlvay
Division of Allied Chemical,
Atlas Barrel & Cooperate, and
Detroit Gray Iron and Steel
Foundries -are sheduled for
arraignment on air pollution
charges Tuesday in Detroit
r~cordcr's court.
Judge Ralph B. Guy sel lhe
trial for April 17. The charge
1pectfically alle1es excessive
* * * * * * ilt's Wonderful'
Additive Sparks Gas War
Lut Jan. 7 Standard Oil Co. of
California began pilot-program
ule in Lhls area, where the
word "1mog" wa1 coined, or a
gasoline It says creates less
air pollution.
So how are things going?
Well, for one thing,
motorists are delighted
because one result was a gas
price war of lntpressi ve
And Standard say11, through
a spokesman at It! San Fran·
clsco headquarters, that it is
dell1hted wilh the kind words
received by mail : "Credit
card bills have been returned
with a lot of good commenUi.
Stockholders th Ink it's
marvelous new;;, and people
from conservation and ecology
groups think It's marvelous
D6es the public deem It suf·
ficlently marvelous to buy In
lar&e quanlilie.!?
Pwfum 's the word. so far.
Standard says It isn't ready to
&all!. yet about sales volume.
SLJndard has offered to
make available to other co m-
panies In about six weeks its
No License
For Judge ?
-Nevada Chit( Jusllce
Jon Collins faces suspeMion of
his driver's license for refus-
lnl a drinking test.
F-310 additive, which it says
cuts exhaust emissions by
';cleaning out engines."
The initial response o( com·
pet.itors was to trim prices.
The Los Angeles area has
been the scene of recurring
price \\'ars, but the current
fray has resulted in lhe
deepes1 cuts in years.
Early in Janury the current ·
price of regular gasoline at
most major company service
11tations was 34.9 cent.!I per
gallon. Now many are selling
lhe same gas for 28.9, and
some are dO\\!n to 26.9. The cut
rate station prices is 23.9.
Standard, with 19 percent of
5ales, is California's biggest
l'ftail marketer.
As one happy motorist put
it: "\\'ar, it's wooderful."
No Taxes
For Indians
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) -
Chippewa Indians living on the
Red Lake ReservatlCYn, an
area the size of Rhode Island.
do not have to pay fi.1innesota
income taxes, the S t a t e
Supreme Court said today.
The court dealt at length
with the "unique status" of
the Red Lake Reservation in
northweslem 1'.tiMesota. a
territory never formally ceded
to the United Slates.
The ruling affects about
3.000 enrolled members of the
Red Lake band of ChJppewa
Jiving on the reservation.
' •
Sears Regular Low Prices
• Fantastic Selection of Tweeds, Shags, Plushes and Hi-Los
• Kitchen and Indoor.outdoor Carpeting
• Choose from a wide selection of decorator colors. Reds, Blue1,
Greena, Rus ts, Golds and many, many more
• Padding and Installation Available
• 1% and JS rt. widths, up to 20 ft. lengths
• QuanUUes Limited.
Sears Revolvinll
Cha r ite
Aut11orille1 said Collins y,·as
1toppo.d by a highwa y
patrolman afttr a p r e ·
Cbriltmu party Dec. %2 and,
auapected of drunken dri ving,
uked to aubmlt to a blood
I ~I. He refURd.
The tesl case involved about
$200 In state income Ui xes
withhtld several yean1 ago
rrom ¥.'Bies of Francts and
Barbara Brun. I nd la nl,li:~--;.,;.;;;,:;;
re.!ldtnta of the reservation. I Sears I
SOUTH COAST PLAZA Bristol at S1u1flowcr
P AR l( l"REE
The dllll'iet attorney subse·
qi.1tnUy brou1ht a reduced
co.rge. or reckless driving
11aln1t · him. The jullllce
plflded pllty Dec. IA and was 'lfd •100. '
The key reason for the tax·
free status, the court said, Is
that "Ille federal government
has not granted to tht state
c!vil ot criminal jurisdiction o\·er members of this tribe." ._ _______________________________________________________________ ,.
• • • , 1
II i
' 'I
' I
' 'I
I ·
.. . .
Weeken d • --
VOL 63, NO. 26, 4 SECTIONS, 76 PAGES ,
• •
.. --. .
Coast Ba.r Owner Beaten
,; ---
Cyclists W ie ld fl o_ots; Be er M·ugs, Po<!l .eu.'!s ·.
Of IM o.lh' l"lltt Sltll
~toving to defend a harrassed wait·
ress, a burly Costa 1tfesa bar owner was
beaten by motorcyclists using pool cuts.
boots, bottles and beer mugs Friday
night, leaving him hospitalized and two
men jailed.
Cornelius "Corny" Perez, 35, who re·
cenUy opened Mr. Fat Fingers, at 780 W.
19th St., was reported in fair condition
at Hoag Memorial Hospital after the
brawl .
Costa Mesa Police Sgt. George Lorton
4 Unions
Shut Down
• UP Lines
WASHINGTON • (UPI) -Four oboP.
craft. t1nlons struck the Uruon Pacifi c
railroad· at midnight Friday night, set-
ting the stage Jor a massive nationwide
rail shutdown.
William \V. Winpls.inger, the leading
negotiator for the unions. confirmed the
walkout invOIVing atlout Z,500 to 3,000
"Conversatio111 are ,.sirripty behind us
now.'' sah( \Ylnplslnger, v1ce presldtnt
ol the International Asaoclation ol Ma-
chinists _{JAAt). __.. -
sa11CI two suspect~. attacWm were caP..
tured after a two-bJock' auto chase. 'wbU~
sev.er~ more esca~ following~tliWDd
battle. , .. ·
Richard L. Allen, 32, or Lawnd~I~. and
James W. Boatman, Zl,. of ltedondo
Beach, were bookfd into costa Miia City
Jail on a charge of assault wlth a deadly
Investigators said the alleted ·motor-
cycle gang-unknown by any club name--
entered the nightclub about 11 p.m. and
reportedly created a disturbance.
The unidentlfiecf barmaid-working
their table area In what waa. UDid until
rtctritly,. ·•'The Happentn1,0 ·' l&ld.. sbe
could take no more abuse and· went ·to
tell Pttu about the probltnt. ·
Sgt! Lorton said Petti confronted the
group and ordered them to leave, bUt waa
jurr\pfid by six or seven, using a· variety
of weapons to beat him to the floor. ,
"ApparenUy he offered aome · resist-
ance," 5&id Sgt. Lorton, addinc that ~
bloodied suspect Ded pa1r9)1nen in th~
Outnumbered, Pern !ell to the Ooor,
bleeding from the Mad, ~ace and -mwth
under-a ·barrage of klcklnl boots, • at
wb!Ch time tbe marauders Oed.
.Police .were alrtady on their way and
Off!<q .Jiarry Ehrlich charied Into the
~Jilli Patrolmllzrllobeti-Jl<ri dwed
one group · of the alleged motorcyt:lilrt!:
as they spilt up.
Slfl. Lorton said ARtJi and · Bottmon
were arre1ted without Incident about two
blOcks ·from the &eeoe,~wblle lhe other
:11u1pecta 1ot away.
A nurslng supervisor at Hoac Memorial
HosjiillJ iald this mornlns that Pem
would .be. held f<>< obaervatloll· lo deter-
mine "belher he ~ fullered additional
Nixon to · Build
.. .
2nd ABM Phase ..
WASHINGTON (AP) ..,. Jn!lljlentNlx·
on has cleckletl. lo as~ ~ lor •
major UJl81"loo ol tho· ml..Ue .~e
•)'Item lo prajde uvlrtually .lnfalllblt"
)ll'.<ll«tlon aplnat the .posslbillly • ill ti-
ta.ct -or nuclear blackmail -by Red
Ollna a decade from now.
Nixon's announcement at • news con.:
ference Ftjday night rekindled rumbl.
11)(> ol ~I from ~olonal. op. ~ -':.Ill!! aflb;llta~ mtaal'-<\BM ~·~""'In tini; Jlobote-· =:-·-iii! V" ~ said Jiit u1111e4 sta•.
. ' must take steps now to handle a sltua~
t\On that may conront. the nauon· In a
"Ten yurs from now the Communiiit
Chinese, for example, among othera, may
have a algniftcanl. nuclear ca'pablllty,"
he said. If relaticm with mainland Chqia
arm'L. Improved, be said, 1'lt wtl1 be very
important for the United States to have
!Oll1e 'kind o! ddense ,. that lllclear
blacllinail coul4 not be UJed a1alnst tl\e Ulllod Slate." 'or u:s. all1a lo Asia.
The flr1lt p11.,. and ,.......ed seeond
~·tocether"1.·ould cost 'an esti,mated
'11 billion Ovwt 1eveta1 yean. Wfdle first
Ralroed oqlclal1 said they had receiv-
ed wonflll 1'ilhlllllon jbat-plcketi have
the Om;:i.ha. Neb. headquarters and ~
North P!31te, Neb, and Gouncil Blulfs,
low a.
• I J
..... ABlola aro lo prot;c! relallatoey inidtJes Illes. Ill& 1ecimd ph.,. would dlli!tlcMJ~~cl· ..... ~~~~~--~~
01\IL Y l'ILOT ~ ~ lM 1"11M
For the Newlyweds, A Shower of Ro111 •nd • Llnt•ring Kl11
Nothing Better
Tiny Tirn, Vicki Enjo y Life
. By AL'f'i DIAAIN ·.
.Of t11t oellY l"lltt Mtft .,
lferberl 8uclcfii&ham Khaury -that's
Jong for Tiny nm -slipped into Orange
County Friday in a· cloud of dust and
roses and introduced his bride o( siI
weeks, a pert 17-ycar-old he calls Miss
Tiny and Miss Vicki -she used to be
Victoria.Mae Budinger -then sat hand
in hand and spoke for half an· hour of
lo~. marriage and children.
"We with Tiny couldn'l be 'better."
V.icki pronounced. "lt realy is a lot of
fun.," Tiny concurred. "She really is some
Id " . ""· . Tiny, the stranger hall or The Odd ~u-
pie. did,m"'t ol lhe lalkfng.
''l don'l blelleV!. in 6irth control.
Every thi;,g \\'e do is for blessed events,"
he said explaining that they hoped to
have a family.
"\Ve shall have as many blessed events
as the Good Lord lets; until He says
'stop' we shall keep on going."
The discussion was not part of a con-
ference on birth control. Tt was a press
conference intended to inform Orange
County that the falsetto-voiced singer
was to play a tw1rnight stand al the Vff
Broadway West in Anaheim's Grand
Hot.el. He performed Friday night and
will .again tonight, no doubt to capacity
(Set TINY Tl?tt, Page 3)
Co urt Rules No Ille ga l
Search of Bab y's Diap er
Special lo Dally Piiot
SAN BERNARDINO -\\'lull's in a
baby's diaper belonis to 'the baby and
an infant enjO)'s lhe same constltutio~al
rjgbtl as anyone else, so a seartb ·Wltll-aut its consent can be forbidden.
1 This was the ruling ha~ down Fri·
day by MWllclpal Court Judge Theodore G. Krumm, wQo dlsmlssed a cha:r1e of
pouegslon of heroin against a ;oung COi~
ton mother and her boyfriend.
Ramona Podllla and Robert Cordon ate free ,today 11 the result of ad un·
consUtutional !WCh of a diaper worn
b)' the youna woman's ...,.,,,U,.Old dauglr
l'be couple wa1 an-ested Dec. !9 when
narcotics dttectlves exam ined the in-
fant.'I dl1per and found a quanUty ol the
killer.drug hidden In Ill folda. ,
Judi• Krumm 'l'llled Friday !Mt the
baby girl wes not "CONUlted and 1a•e no
ptrrnlalon for 1tran1e men to rummaae
in her lingerie, therefore tbty acted ii·
Defense attorneys for Miss Padilla and
Cordova argued at their pretrial h~a.r·
ing that there was no evldtnce jusUfy.
ing " search of the baby'• diaper.
Who would ausp<d 1 .Uny IOI of poi;·
st,!:Sing heroin?
Ovef-ruled In his argument1, lhe at·
torney· prosecutin• the pair for the un-
conventional contents of the, dlaper warn-
ed that Judge Knimm has set i messy
"By legal standard!, It Is an interest·
Ing case;" commented Deputy District
Attorney Joseph A. Bums.
0 But practically," he added, "the rul-
ing could cause Jots of trouble. Now
eve'ryone will know that's the place to
hide narcotics-in their baby's diapers."
The prosecuting t.Uorney a r a: u e d
agalnst the unique challenge by the de-f ense earlier. saying that the Fourth
Ameodment protecting against unwar-
ranted searches just doesn't apply to
"ltt1 ridiculous to 11r, that a baby has
a right to a speedy tr al or tht right to
courtstl," he argued. 0 A baby would have
no occasion to demand such rlg\Jts."
"Since a bafly doesn't evcn .,htve•the
capability to do so," he continued, '1it
shouldn't have tht right to protection
from I.he amendment."
Judie Krumm , however. disagreed
with Deputy District AUorney Bu~
saying that a baby Ms the ume rlghtc
as any other person and mu11t be shreJd.
ed by the constltuUon. -
Jfe then dlsmiued the felQn)' charges
against her mother and her comp11nlon.
One railroad offlclal said the walkout
tvas "sufficient for Us to start moving"
on a naUonwfde lockout the railroads had
promised In ~Hat.ion for any strike.
Bob Resor, spokesman for the National
Railway Labor Conference, which is bar.
ga.inin& for the railroads, sat dthe con-
ference had begun notliylng railroads to
put Into effect a prearranged lockout
plan. He said this included instituting
\\·ork rule changes proposed by the rail-
roads as part of a new contract but
strongly opposed by the unions.
In calling the strike against Union Pa-
cific, the shop craft unions turned d0\\11
an appeal by Labor Secretary George P.
Shultz for a seven-day moratorium on
any rail shutdown while he personally
tried to fashion. a settlement.
"The nation cannot stand a nationwide
shutdown ," Shultz said Friday.
But Winpislnger said strike action was
taken "out of the very deep conviction
that it is the only way these very pro-
tracted negot.aUons can be bcought to a
conclusion .
"With an due res ptct. to the secretary,
and we have plenty, conversations are
simply behind us now."
* * *
Workers Sn·ike
Airline, Halt •
Coast Flights
MlAMt (UPI) -More than 3,000 reser·
vaUonlsts, clerks, ramp attendants and
equipment O?tf'&tors struck National Air·
line1 early today. All flighta were cancel·
The strike wa11 called after nego\iaUons
In Washington broke down at I0:3(t P.M.
0 We narrowed the gap, but we Just
didn't make It." said Francis A. O'Neill
Jr., Natiooal '11 mtdtaUon board cha,lrman.
He sakl i nOther negotiaUon session was
,.1 for 10:311 A.!l. lo<lay.
>.. plckell btpn mmhln& In front of
the aJrline'1 headquarten in Miami, offl.
clals canceJled an flights. Several fllght1
Friday had been caocelled In anUclpaUon
of the strike.
·Nallonll operates maiqly on the East
Colst and Florida, but al90 bas lranlcon-
tinental atrVice to Los Anjeles and San
Franclsc.o. Last month the airUne lvtl°"
aged 18.000 passengets a day.
The biggest 1asue. was wages.. AlrUne
Employes Aaoci11Uon Prealdtnt Victor
J. Herbert said the union wanted a 15 pre.r.
cent rilse ln lhe first year., but the com·
p:iny held out for 18 perctnt.om-.W mon-
ths. Work ruJcs and fringe benc!lll abo
·wPre Yet lri be wor\ed out.
Mn. H•s-B~. ·.
Mrs. Carole Hudson of El To~
clutches son Todd after arrivel
lro)11 futile . around the world
trip lo le4ln \I!• fate of ber1
11\)s.IJng-h.µ~ba:M. be~ bel!I'~.
prisoner. by North Vieliiam.
Ma r~os Charg~
Pekin g Behfu<f
Manila Rio ting .
MANILA (UPI) -Pred~I Ferdinand
E. Marcos said' today Friday's riots in
ManJla were an insurrection aiined at
violently overthrowing his• go.ernment
and repJac~ it witb a Cornnwnist Chi~ nese type reltlme. i .. ~ · ·
Maroo1 went on televis:ion ml radio Jn
a naUonwide address to comment on the
worst rlotin& lD Manila since 1World War
Demonstrators ti1ed to storm· the preif.
d'ntial palace but police drovejhem back
with tear gas, gunfire and fire hctses.
J'lve persons were tilled, more lhan 100
• it!.jured and more than 100 arrested.. -
"It wu a premeditated attack·on the
aovernment, an act of rebellion sod sub-
version/' Marcos said. "The obleetive
from all available evidenct w•• th~ des.
tructlon and scliure of the seat of ~ovem
menl lnMaiacanan&.(the presldenilalpal·
Marcos ... ld the, leaders ol the aUempt
to takeover were "Maolsb" who,..be.1aJd.
Intended to lilsl.IR .. Communist Chine ...
l11>pfred 1fOVel1U!'Ollf In Ille PlillJpplnOI,
Laguna Woman
Hu rt !n Wreck
A Laguna Beach woman wbos:e car w11
struck broadside at an fottnectlon b1
another vehicle .Friday ni1btesca~ with
a hea~ Jactnllon and a traf)ic, Ciliotloll,
poUce aald today.
Mn. Romenla Loxley, 12, of 429,Haw-
t.."°'11e Rold, ••• taken to. South·Cotst C~munlty Hospital for trta..tment after
the S: JS colllalon at Cypreu Drive and,
AJl<r ~trftl. • Motorist, H•rtY G. Parter, tt, ol 10!$
S!Qllll>• drl ... OICBped Injury In.tilt cafll.
alon, whlcll pollca said led to·Ucbtint o!
Mn. Loxley for allesedly fallltlf to stop
&s requJr~ .
.if . • I r .,
Strike Twic.e
Along Coast
' The tw .. btt hlndlu -aslrlns l'hans•
for 1 qu&M, then cleanlnJ out die cub
regjsltt -1truck at least two amaD mar-
kets irl the Orange Coast area late Fri· day.nlgbL .
P?Hce tn ~It Mesa ~, W-er
sa.ld the n>bben lnvolvtd In · ll!e Jobi,
totallnr 111111' In loot qWlfed ldeallcal· Jy and mu.st be the Orne men: '
Billy. F. Carden, clerk at a Tic Toe
Marie.et at ISM Santa Ana Ave.,· CoSta
Mesa, 'told ·police one man -In dart sun-
g1aS11es ent,red the store at 10:45 p:m ..
while a secorxl waJted out.side "in a car.
The victlm told Officer Jack Koch the
dark-complected bandit uked him to
change a quartu, then.demanded all the
money while 1Jmulatin1 a IUD· In bls
coat· pockeL
Carden complied and the oian .baa1Jly
left the lllore, jumped Into the car and
Jell with bla companion.
Vtrtuany .the nme thins happ<ned leg
than -0ne-houl'-berort.at. a 7·1l·Market at 9"1 Edlnttr Ave.. West-.1 ....... .; . while cl~ Gijbttt i;,.nglof1 wal~~Y .. -·· -
Only this lime, police aald, "" m<n ,.. tertd the 1tore, empty txcept for Lang •.
loUi, and . the owarthy ona Wocl for 1
quaner'a dwtge, then~demandtd .aJ.I t&e
cash. . .
Holdinr onf hand In his jackJt as
lhoo!ih fie had a gun trained on the clerk,
the_ man forced Lalllf)ol1 lo hand '°"" . the money In a paper half and they~hed
to a waJUna car.
.Westminster police uld Lugloll 1UlciJ.
td them. race off westbouod on Edinger ::=:;. and then repo\ied the anped
Rtsponding to qu~sUons at hfs ftr!t
news conlerence--of the year; Nlron alao :
-Iautd a new warning to, North v1,t-
nam aRalnst attacks that would Jtopar-
din U.S. forces ·in SouU1 Vietnam. Tf auch
attaclcs occur, he said, "we have the
means an<! t will be prepared to use those
means strongly to deaJ with tbat situa-
-Said he would decide wltliln 311 dayz
M tarad'a request for more Ame:r:ican
.,,.. lo strengthen IU! st<Urity •plnot
its Arab' eaemles. Nixon Indicated he
v.'OUkl di;icuss with French President
Gf!nles Pompidoo bere·next month the
Frenbh sale or Mirage fighter planes. to
Lib)la. Tb< U.S. has expr....., concern .
-Rlfused lo di.close detalUi o! U.S.
tnvolvement. in Laos, .. which hM been
questk>ned in the Senate. but aald .. our
activities · there are solely for the pur-
po_,e qf seeing that the Laotian govern-
ment • 1 • is not overwhelmed by the
Nprth Vietnamese and other Communist forces."
-Reported the U.S. has made con-
11lderable pr.ogreM: In Betting-the Nigerian
government to accept N!llef supplie. for
itll ~war-ravaged former Blafran terri-tory.
-Ezpreued confidence ,Federal JUdge
G. Harrold Carawel l "will be approved
by the Senate ovf:rwbtlmingly" fOr •·
vice -on the Supreme COurt.
-D6clarod hUi ·new 12011.8 biltton bnd-
fet fiscal. ·year 1171, which will. so. to
Coogrtss Monday, "will be a major hlow
Jn,atoppinc the inflation psycl)ology'' and
the. govenunent "will be able to control filf1atloo without recession.·•
-ro "discl06ing his final decision on the
A8M iss}Je, Nxon sad ·Secre~ry of [)e. f'Wf,~f~lyjn R, Laird wlll'make Pllbllc
the ....,1s •I· the program In about 30
,-.,,.""""" " -'" .. C:..""' I :: ......... M ........ .. .. MNt ~ ...... , Ulltle 1.ffl p
• ,
.r:' ~i~htest Mar~et ;
. . -. . .
~Burts Housing
oo.tlght money Policies and the high-
at tat.erest rates In history have cul
ttoroebultdlitg activity by n1orc than 40
percent in Orange County. Rep. Richard
T. 'RaMa (0-Westminsler) cha rged tg..
4•Y· "We ate witnessing the tightest houa-
~-Tumbling Course
Starts Mon.day
'l\Jmbling and acrobatics lessons f()r
both bOys and girls will be set lo music
beflnnlng ?ifonday when the 1'~ountain
VtUey·Recreation and Parks Department -
olfera an eight-week course in gym-
The teachers. Charley and ~1argaret
Baker, both professionals with expe rience
in • tumbling, acrobatic•. and body
building. will offer the course to
younasters aged 4-19.
Classes will be offered Monday and
Wednesday evenings from 6 p.m. t.o 8
p.m., depending on age group. They will
cctJLain sections for beginning, in-
termediate or advaOced pupils.
Thoe;t interested may register now at
the Fountain Valley Recreation and
Parks: Department, IOZOO Slater Ave.,. or
phOne Baker at 847-0594.
Fee for the eight-week course is $5 for
beginning and intennediate instruction
one ni&ht a week or $10 for two night& a
week. Advanced pupils pay an $8
re1i5tratlon fee.
int market since the end or World War
JJ," I·lanna said. "The combination of
high Interest rates. the unbelievable
scarcity of mortgage credit, and l he
skyrocketing costa ()f material, labor,
and land ban taused a receSilon in lbe
hoo~ng lodullry." -
Hanna warned that unlesl relief ii
quickly forthcornlng, it will be difficult
fot the local industry to recover.
"Already a number of small contrac-
tors have been forced out of blllineas,"
HIMa revealed. "And with !l.arta ·down
to a minimum new housing will be un-
avallable during a period of r ising de-
HaMa said many local people are mov-·
ing into apartment.I rather than pay the
high interest rates and charged that
aparj.menls•are getting hard to find-wttb
the vaca ncy factor now the lowest since
the Korean War. '
''Despite passing a $5 billi on h()using
bill and a measure designed to pump
money into housing and ease interest
rates,·~ Hanna continued , "the situation Is
worsening. T h i 1 is due to t h e
President's refusal to implement tbe
authority the Congress has enacted."
1be c:ongreuman aaid we aft almolt a
mlllioo wlita bthind 195& prOduclion and
unless the administration begins to move
we 'll fall further behind.
Hanna 6akl he ii preparing a .com-
prehensive hoosing bill which will p!)Vide
substantial relief to the aJllnflndustry.
Tom Barley (Left) Admires Letter Presented by Gen. Wergeland
Shooting Hearing Delayed
A preliminary hearing for a 24-year old
Stanton man charged with the shooting cf
a Westminster night club patron hai; been
conUnued to Feb. 25 at \Vest Orange
County Court.
John W. Ruschak of 10609 Western
Ave., Stanton, was to have appeared
Wednesday to face charges of assault
with a deadly weapon. He will now have
to face an amended complaint containing
the additional charJe of carrying a con-
cealed weapon, a~g to court of-
Currently out on $12,000 bail, Ruschak
allegedly fired four .22 caliber bullets at
John D. Kelley. a Garden Grove resi·
dent, oo De<:. 13.
Kelley was wounded twice In t h e
neck, once in the chest and Onee in the
stomach, according lo police reports.
The Incident ocrurred in tbe parking
lot of the Daisy f\.1ae JI bar on Garden
Grove Boulevard where Ruschak was
em ployed as a bouncer, police 1Said. ------===
Ford Motors Faces
Polliition Charges
DETROIT (UPll -Giant
ford M()tor C<l. -employer of
thousands and maker o r
millions -was officially
charged Friday wtth a crime
punishable by a $100 fine.
The crime is air pollution .
Wayne County, which en·
compaases Detroit and several
suburbs, has charged Ford
and five other firms with
violating state antipollution
f()rd, the first company to
face arraignment on the
charce. stood mule i n
municipal court in Dearborn,
the home of Ford 's huge
RJver R ()ugh e rnanufac·
luring complex and Ford"s in-
tematlonal ofrtce1.
Judge Ralph B. Guy set the
trial for April 17. The charge
specifically alleges excessive
smoke emission from coke
ovens at the Roughe Plant.
Mort Sterling, director of air
polluUon control for Detroit
and Wayne County, e1pressed
disappointment that F or d
planned to fight the charge.
"Only last month," he said,
"Henry Ford II (tile Ford
board chairman) dedicated
the company to a program of
eliminat1n1 pollution -in the
a!r, water and on the land -
In the shortest period of
lim e."
Marathon Oil, Sement-Solvay
Division of Allied Chemical,
Atlas Barrel & Cooperate. and
Detroit Gray Iron and Steel
Fouiidrles -are sheduled for
arraignment on ai r pollution
charges Tuesday in Detroit
recorder's court.
* * * * * * ilt's Wonderful'
Additive Sparks Gas War
Last Jan. 7 Standard Oil Co. of
California beaan pilot-program
ule in this area, where the
word "smoi " was coined, of a
1asollne il says creates less
air pollution.
Se how are things &oing:'
Well, for one t h ing,
motorlal-1 are delighted . • .
becl1.1ae one re1ult was a sas
price war of Impress Ive
And Standard says, lhrougti
a spoi:mnan at Its San Fran-
cisco headquarters, that It is
delipted with the kind words
rect.ived by mail : "Credit
c•rd bUls have been returned
with a lot of good comments.
Stockholders t h I n k it's
marvelous new.:;, and people
from conservation and tcology
croups think it's marvelous
Does the public deem It suf-
ficiently marvelous to buy in
large quantities?
l\fum 's tile "·ord, Ml far.
Standard says il isn't ready to
ta lk yet about sales volume.
Standud has offered to
make available to other com-
panles in about 1ll weeki its
No License
For Judge?
CAASON CITY, Nev. (~p)
-Nevada Chief Justice
Jon Collins faces su.sptflSlon ()f
hi1 driver's llctni;c for refu&-m, a drinking test
F-310 additive, "111ch it says
cuts exhaust emissions by
"cleaning out engines."
The initial response or com-
petitors wa1 to trim prices.
The Los An1elcs area has
been the scene of recurring
priet wars, but the current
fray bas resulted in the
deepest cuts ln years.
Early in Janury the current
price of regular gasoline at
most major company service
stations was 34.9 ctnts per
sallon. Now many are selling
the same gas for 28.9, and
some art down to 26.9. The cut
rate station price~ is 23.9.
Standard. with 19 percent of
sales, is California's bi1gest
retail marketer. ·
As one happy motorist put
it: "War, Ifs wonderful. u
No Taxes
For Indians
ST. PAUL, MiM. !APl -
Chlr.ipewa Indians living on the
Red Lake Reservalian. an
area the size or Rhode Island,
do nol have to pay 11-tinneaota
income taxes. the St at e
Supreme Court said today.
The courl dealt at length
with the "unique status" of
the Red Lake Reservation in
northwestern fl.flnnesota, a
territory ntl'tr formally ceded
to tile Unlit<! Slat ...
The ruling afJect.s about
3.900 eivolled members of the .
Rtd Lakf: band or Chippewa
ll ving a11 tbe rtservallon.
AuthoriUea said Collins wa1
11topptd by a h t 1h•·ay
pa~m•n after a J". Ohrlttm11 1>1rtY Dec. and,
au.peeled C1l drunken drlvtng.
•sked to 1Ubmlt t.o a bloOO.
1 ~t He tt:fused.
Tbe test Clll involved about
$200 in st.alt Income t11es
•ithhtk! several year• afo
from wages ()f Francis and
Barbara Brun. l n d 11 n,1,;;;..-..,;;,;;;;;;
residents of tM reAervaUon.
Hearty Addre5s
Pilot Man Tells Surger)' Story
.... . r... _,1oy, D.W.Y rum '°"""'' said he was there tO 11th1nt everyone
frorn the boltom ol my somewhat
artificia l heart ."
That was one or his opening remarks
Friday att he delivered the keynote
:speech at the traditional kickoff luncheon
heralding Lhe beginning of this year's
month-long fund dr ivt by the Orange
County Heart As90elatlon .
Barley spoke at the Santa Ana Elks
Club where Dr. Floyd L. Wergeland,
chairman or the 1970 campaJgn, an.
nounced 1 goal of $300,000 for the current
counlywlde effort.
Wergeland. a retired major 1eneral of
U1e United Stat.es Anny Mr.dlcal Corps
aod onetime commanding general of
Cmdr. Bucher
OAKLAND (AP) -Cmdr. Lloyd M.
Bucher, skipper of the captured spy ship
Pueblo, i:-. undergoing physical tests al-
the Navy's Oak Knoll Hospital.
"The problem seems to be his eyes,"
hospital ~pokesman said Thursday. "He
gets headaches, possibly because of the
demands of his studies."
After noting that other tests al5o were
being made, the spokesman said that
_ Bucher's physical troubles are "not
necessarily connected" with the period
from Jan. 23 to Dec. 24, 1968, when
Bucher and his 82-man crew were held
prisoners In North Korea.
Since last May, Bucher has been
assigned to the Navy's graduate 1ehool at
Monterey, Calif., for a one-year course
aimed at getting a router's degree In
waiter Reed General ttospita~ curr«ltlY
It 111111« vice ptulderrt al medlc:il alfWI
at the Lels11re World Foundation , Laiwi•
He presented to Barley a let ter of com-
mendation on behalf of lht> counly heart
The letter was presented in recognition
of articles wrlllen by Barlf'y and pubU11h-
ed in the DAILY PILOT in November,
1968, detailing Barley's own story after
he underwent open heart surgery In
whlch a diseased valve in his hea;t was
replaced by a manmade nylon valve.
Barley told volunteers attending th&
luncheon that it was tbrouch "the utr.
dollars which yOu have collected ovt!f the
past several years that tbe kind of opera~
tion which saved my life become possi-
He said he belonged to a "Cardiac
Club. the membership of which is not
an~ious to recruit other·ml!ITlbers ."
Reprints of the Barley stories were
distributed at the luncheon.
Boys" Club Plans
To Open Monday
?¥1onday won't be blue for Harbor Area
A holiday is scheduled, leading the
Boys Club of the Harbor Area to stay
open foi' b~ -u It would U5U11ly
be in the summer or on weekends -says
ExecuUve Director Lou Yantorn.
Both the Central and Upper Bay
branches will be open from 10 a..m. to 5
p.m .• due to the teacher-training day for
~eW}Xlt't-Maa Unified School District
• Fantastic S ction f Tweeds, Sbag1, Plushea and Ri·Los
·• Kllcbtn a Indoor-Outdoor Carpeting
• Choose f m a wide 1electlon of decorator color1. Reds, Bluet,
Greens, Rusts, Golds and many, many more
• Padding and Installation AvaUable
• 1% and 15 ft. wldtb1, up to Z{l ft. lengths
• Quantities Limited.
Sears Revolvlnl(
The di.strkt 1ttomty subse-
quently bnlupl 1 reduc.d
-•• al recklt" driving 1phjJt him. The Jw11c<
pfud!d &Wily Doc. ti Ind WU
lilt<! 1100.
The kty reuon (Cit U>e tax-
free 11tatuS, the coort said, Is
tllat "the fedtral ,ovemment
has n<ll grantld to tbe state
dvll or crlmln>I Jurltdlctlon
I Sears I SOUTH COAST PLAZA Bristol at Sunflower
ltOllUCK •M CO.
over memberaof tltlJ tribe." 1.-----------------------------------------------------------i
I I ' I
\; •
S•\Urdly, JlflUM)' 31, 1970 H DAILY PILOT 3 .
Weleo111e Pla•ned for Retn1•11in~ Troops
Cookielift Founder Recruiti·ng Coastal Help
ot 1M 0.llY "Ml Sltlf
Some come home in aluminum ca1keta.
Sonte come hotne on crutches or
Some come home lo blarin g bands,
troops at attention and tunes unchanged
since 1776, their brass collar insignia the
color of trombones and trumpets.
Some come home to desperate hugs in
darkness, under a cold. steady rain that
masks lhe fact that soldiers sometimes
Some come home bleary•yed with
time 1one changes -after 16 hours and
10,000 mUes ol travel -anxious only for
a shower, shave and the black blanket of
dreamless sleep.
Some come home to wait in rumpled
uniforms between flights, a cup of coffee
and a candy bar for company in the
airport terminal .
Some never come home at all.
They fill come from Vlelnam -and
whether they are lieutenant colonels
heading for new assignment! or lance
corporals heading back to th e Indian
reservation Jn South Dakota -they
deserve one lhing.
"They should all get a hero's
welcon1e," sald U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Joe
Hooper, a Medal of Honor wlnner who
&poke at a reception in Costa Mesa last
The reception was held to honor com·
Youth Ordered
To Take Tests
111 SA Gun Fight
Mental tests were ordered Friday for a
Santa Ana youth accused of shooting and
killing his younger sister before taking on.
more than 50 police1nen in a bitterly
fought gun b8ttle.
Superior Court Judge James t'. Judge
Appointed two psychiatrists to examine
Ri cha rd E. Parker, 17, and report to him
March 2 on the boy's mental condition.
The youth is being held in the psychiatric
unit of the Orange County Medical
Parker Is accused of shooting his 14-
year--0Jd sister, Susan, through the bead
following an argument between the lwo
on a street corner near the Parker home.
Offfcers claim that the frenzied boy put
at least six more bullet! into his sister as
&he lay dying on the sidewalk.
The ta.11 , handsome youth then took to a
nearby grove of eucalyptus ti.ees with hJ,s
22-caliber rifle and a supply of alh-
mu nition and pinned down 1 gathering
force of police officers and deputies lor
more than an hour with accurate rifle
Tn'o orficers and Parker were wounded
berore the be.!leigers, valuably aided by
rifle fire and spotllghl.!I from a hovering
Huntington Beach police department
he licopter, finally grabbed him .
It was at first thought that the youth
m i g h t not survive his wounds. But he
qui ckly recovered in Oran&e County
Medical Center and today bears no traces
of the unique gun battle.
Damages Sought
In Auto Wreck
.Damages of $10,000 are being asked in
Superior Court by a Costa Mesa man who
claims lhat the unidentified driver of a
city vehicle Y•as responsible ror injuries
suffered in a traffic accident by his 1a.
year-old daughter.
Van Nielson, 2194 Raleigh. states that
he wa s a pa ssen1er In a car driven by his
daughter, Carolyn, when the auto was
struck by a City of Costa 1'1esa vehicle
last Aug . 15 at the tnterseetion of Victoria
Street and Harbor Boulevard.
Carelessness and negligence on the
part of the city employe led to the col·
lision, the lawsuit claims.
,, .. ,eft hHfri H•llMft-'-lo
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kol.•rt N, w ..... ..... -""' """''""''
· J•tl• •· C111lt'I'
v "' Jlrnld"'' •NI c.-11 Me,....,.
J\OMll 1Ctt¥11
f~1M •• A., M111,t.i~•
Mf<llO"" f'!fel" --, .... M-1 UI W.t ..., .ltr-'
,.~ '"''" nn wn1 .. ..,.. aov-'4 ......... kltfll Jlf ,_, ... _
Hll'llll'll!Ofl ltldl: 1}111 e.t«ll .,,,,_.,,
.A .
munity groups; and individuals Involved In
the OperaUon Cooldellft campaign, which
sent pastry parcels from the liarbor Area
to servicemen in Vietnam.
Coming home now, with more due
under President Nlxon'ii prop o 1 e d
withdra"·al limetable, Coo k I e 11 fl
organiz:er htrs. Darrilyn Oliver, or 3077
Yukon Drive, Costa Mesa, is planning
She Is again calll ng for a communlly
effort to meet pli:neloads of at.rvicemen
arriving from the war zone several time!
each week at the '-larine Corps Air Sta·
Uon, El Toro.
Each ConLinenlal Alrllnes 707 setting
down at t~ county instal11tlon carries
165 men, .some with joyful families
waiting near the runway; some with no
"We want smiling people there," says
?ttrs. OUver, who has e.stablished a rigid
system acceptable to the Marine Corps,
following talks with orticials at the base.
The energetic housewife has a tentative
arrival schedule -they are always ten·
ta live -for the month or February, and
will be commanding cfficer for volunteer
welcome-home delegates.
Only a certain number will be allov.·ed.
to avoid unnecessary congestion at the
busy base, but the afternoon and night
flights offer plenty of chances to help.
By c0nsulting with the Newport-Mesa
Unified School District. arra.ngement.s
have been made (or teenagers to leave
sch~I early for afttrnoon fliaht&.
She Is lnt~rested in possibly arranging
school band and drill team appearances,
while wondering if !Ocat:youth tqualcal
groups and rock ensembles might llke to
appear al the station NCO Club.
Night arrivals will be met by adult
ser\·ice clubs In the city, su,plementlng a
progra1n alrrady in operatl011 by the
Leisure \Vorld Laguna Hills group formed
for that purpose.
"I've talked with some of the men and
they'd like some enttrtalnment," says
~trs. Oliver, who has arranged far Costa
Mesi Mayor AJvln L. Pinkley and other
dignitaries to show up.
•·And they still like ladies in skim and
dresses," she adds, if the feminine con-
tingent wonders about proper attire.
Despite special speedy processing · by
the Marine Corps. many men face one-
week delays in temporary transit bar·
racks \\'hile being released Into civilian
life .
The days are busy, but the nights are
long. leading to her nquest for volunteer
"There can be no stragglera," she
adds, for the benefit of those who want to
greet the· Vietnam returneea, adding that
they may call her at 54~184, for ad·
ditional information.
Harbor Man Starts Drive
Against County Assessor
A Harbor Area optomttrist who has
never sren eye to eye with Orar.ge Coun·
ly Assessor Andi ew J. Hinshaw an -
nounced Friday a campaign to pit a can·
didate against hi n1 in the June election.
Dr. Bernard Si1non said no solid plans
have t..een formulated, but he ls in·
terfited in contacting others ir1lerested
in joining the effort to oust Hinshaw.
"·we would be looking for ai candidate
who might have more tolerance toward
the t.a:xpayer," said Dr. Simon, who
maintains his office in South Coast Plaza
Shopping Center.
He said he has run into difficulty over
assessment procedures for the past three
years, involving his profwlonal holdings
and operation, geUing poor rea:poll.'le
-from lliiiem'• .(arl~ ..; ~-. ·
"The attl!Ud• 1 .ir•nmliY facrfs'tli:;t
the tarpa):et an g-:. to Heu:· sald'Sbnon,
P comml.Oilty tbeatet. padicipa!Zt W
beJ~\11a"Jlldia'"Sbollld:tJllm up:bls·m .
Dr, Si?;i0i1 -Siid Ji~··~UJi lilic!fO_ ""r
from Orange Coai;t ta:rpaws who~1hare
hi& objections to Hinshaw and his !!!:Cthod •
of operatlon before taking nert steps 1n
the 01ppo&l\IOO campatg_n.
The controvemal essessor -who has
taktn on th<..powtrful · lrvlne Company
amOllg' other ln!.erests in Orange County
-•--!ll!o:aJal o~ pre4lc~ "'would,be-a,~ man to beat .. tho pol)J.
From ~ .. e J ' . TINY TIM TALKS. OF LIFE • • •
audiences in the 425--seat night 11pot.
Tiny and Vicki's departure is unlikely
to be as spectacular a production as their
Tiny, a man who controls his i>wn en-
vironment by making sure he always has
it with him, was showered with red and
white roses by a helicopter as he was
Criven up to the hotel entrance in a lux.·
ury limousine.
He blew kisses to the photographers.
gathered up some rOM?s f o r Vicki and
followed up with a lingering kiss on her
Ups, tong enough for a time exporure
Then they retired lo a banquet room lo
sip pasteurized cow's milk and honey and
meet the press .
Sam Riddle. rock·agt impreuario, did
the introductions, asked that the ques·
tlons be on show business and not
personal. They were personal.
Does Miss Vicki· cook for him? Yes.
sometimes she did, but he supplied the
food -soy beans, pure ketchup, raw
peanut butter and the like.
1-fiss Vicki was spotted wrinkling her
nose. "Some or those things don't taste so
No Plans to Change
\VASHIN GTON (UPI) -Navy sources
say there is no Intention ol cloelng or
eliminating any acUvitles at. Pearl Haf-
The sources said recent layoffs at Pearl
Harbor were caused by a readjustment
among the trades. Men in 8ClfTlf: 11klll11
v.·ere laid off while men in other :i;k\l\s
were hired. The sources said there could
be more layoff•.
good," she allowtd.
Why was Tiny Waring three ties:
"Because Vicki bought them and J wear
whatever Vicki buys me. 1 like to wear
all the time ."
She bought him four ties but he con-
fessed that he lost one. "I'd rather lo!e
something by wearing it than stuffing it
in a dra~er," he qWcldy added .
Vicki accepted the hurried explanation.
Did tht)'· have any marital spats?
"Once or twice but I always ask for a
'lot of prayer and help when we do. Two
days ago Yield closed the refrigerator
aoor too fast -it hurt my rars -and I
got puffed up. I quickly reallied it was
nothing to get upset about."
The entertainer came on strong fnr
President Nixon. He was particularly
pleaaed that the President seeks the
rounul of Dr. Billy Graham. "Nixon uses
the power or prayer and sacrifice. He ha s
stood firrr and been patient. 1 believe he
is religiousl y guided."
SUll clutching his roses, Tiny offered
hi s thoughts on envlronmental control
and ecology. He didn"t tip toe around the
"l definitely do believe the ground
should be fertilized naturally, like In the
1800s. If unnatural fertilizers are put in
the ground they come into the body
throuah the food we Eat.
"People don 't realize that every time a
building goes up there's no rnore chance
of thln&a arowing or. that ground."
Tiny also expressed shock at some
health food stores he visited recently on
the Sunset Strip. "They were st.Ill sellln&
product.a with cyclamates in them."
Obviously, health food stores aren·t
healthy enough filr Tiny Tim.
All greeters will be cleared for ad.
mlulon through the El Toro ti.fain Gate
through Mra. Oliver. while Mrs. Mildred
F. Neuman, of Leisure \Vorld. Is
designated as the Monday Chier.
she may be conlicted at SJ0.2053, if
&riy Oranse Coaat housewives would like
to bake cookies lo be distributed to the
aniving 1ervlcemen.
Not all of them are from Orange Coun·
ty -El ·Toro MCAS la Just one pri.mAty
West Coast debarkation point -but the
greeters' delegation has taken a rew by
surpi:i~ in recent weeks.
One was Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Do11g
cameron, %7, rttuming to an El Toro
asstgnment aner 20 months in Vietnam
as a helicopter electrician and aerial gun-
ner al Marble Mountaip,"near Da Nang.
His mother, M;a. '"Polly Vasquez, and
his wife, AU$trallan-born Shirley, whom
he met Whll~ on a rest and recreation trip
to Sydniy, plUJ other• were present.
Mrs. Oliver and her hastily organized
commitlee look along a "'Costa f\1esa
Welcomes You," banner niore recently.
without kno,ving Marine Cpl. Steven L.
Smith, 21 , was aboard.
One or the Jssl stragglers off the jet.
the Marine leaving the Corps ta enter col·
lege in September stared in shock a n d
then pleasure at the sight.
"Gosh,'' he blurted, ''my hometown."
Alamitos Man
Granted Delay
In Murder Case
Raymbnd Graves Jr. of Los Alamitos
Friday succelisfully pleadec! for a delay
or Superior Court proceedings charging
hin1 \\'ith the murder of a Hollywood. man
in an alleged drug ring dispute.
Graves, 24, of 12322 t-.1artha Ann Drive ,
was ordered to return lo court Feb. 6 and
answer to a Grand Jury indictment on
charges or murder, conspiracy, kid·
naplng, false imprisonment and robbery.
He will return to tbe courtroom or Judge
James F. Judge TUesday to again plead
for his release on ball.
The paraplegic, said by the prosecution
to be an "Ironsides" figure who demand-
ed and got rigid obedience from hi.a
wheelchair, was returned o; a strttcher
to the Orange County Medical Center.
Graves at one time appeared to have
~voded trio! op chfrges lhal 1" w• lo-
volved In th·e tTiurctir of Bruce Beck, 30,
but the capital count was revived Jan. 20
with the Grand Jury endorsement .of new
char&" prepared by th< dJJlt'lcl at-
torney's office. New_@videace led Dlatrict
Attorney Cecil Hick!: to-go to -ffie-ln·
vestlgallve panel.
Chester James Christopher, 29, of Los
Angeles, laces identical cbaraes in the
Grand Jury Indictment. They are two of
four men who were arrested by officers
investigating the death or Beck.
The Hollywood man died a few days
after he was pulled. badly burned, from
the ash~ of the garage a1 Graves' home.
Investigators allege he told them that
Graves and his companions m1n1cled
him to a standpipe Jn the garage and that
he (Beck) set fire to the building in an
aUempt to draw attention to hls plight.
It is alleged that Beck told in-
veatlgatora that he acted under the belief
lhal he would be killed v.·hen the group
Charges were dropped against Roy
Arthur Thruman, 24, of 433 Howard St.,
L o s Alamitos, on the day of the in·
dlctment. He and Gordon Brown . 24, of
Los Angeles were the other members o(
the group Identified by Beck.
Children of Nixon
Cabinet Aides Wed
WASHINGTON (UPI) -President and
Mrs. Nixon and other top administration
oftlcials were among the invited guests
fOT today's wedding of Nancy AM Har-
din and David L. Rogers, son and daugh-
ter of cabinet members.
The wedding, at Natlonal Presbyterian
Church, w11 believed the first of its
k1nd Involving the families of cabinet
members. Roeers is the son of Secretary
of State William P. Rogers and Miss
Hardin I• the daughter of Agriculture
Secretary Clifford M. Hardin .
l. Jc
At EI Toro, Action• Sptak Loud1r Than Words
South Coast City Council
Campaigns Pick Up Steam _
City council campaigns began to gather
momentum In the South Coast area by
Friday with norpination papers taken out
(or two men in Loguna Beach, two more
in San Clemente and one in San Juan
There arc three vacancies to fill in
each of the cities at the April 14 election.
Latest lo take out ' papers in Laguna
Beach was Joseph T om c h a k , an-
thropologist, city planning commissioner
and {onner Costa Me.sa city councllman.
Councilman Richard Goldber1, who has
served one term, took out the firat paper
in Laguna.
Also declared are architect Peter
Ostrander and Vice Mayor Joseph
O'Sullivan. Mayor Glenn Vedder ls not
,.eking re-election.
,f.,ive Theater
Ruled Exempt
Of Nude Laws
fornla Supreme Coort has ruled that live
theatrical perfonnances art exempt from the law against lewd conduct ·
The decision Friday granted a writ re:
st.raining Los Angeles Superior Court
from trying actors In the controverslal
play "The Beard."
The four-letter·llttered drama, depict-
ing an imaginary meeting between Billy
the Kid and the late screen slren Jean
Harlow, ends In a simulated sex act.
The 4-3 opinion had the effect of dis·
missing obsCenity charg l!S against cast
members Alexandra Hay and Richard
Bright. It also invalidated com plaints that
e>roducer Robert Barrows and director
Robert Gist aJded them In committing the
Papen: are being circulated for at-
torney Gary J. Sodikoff, ~151 Sliver Spur
Road, San Juan Capistrano.
Others declared are ,..1rs. Dolly
Olivares, 31421 Gaoada Road, who will
seek t.he,seal being vacated bv her bus-
band Antonio. and \Vllllam T. Reid , 3%223
D : Obispo.
The other two incumbents. Councilman
Don Durnford and Mayor Ed Chermak
have said they are undecided about tun·
ning qain.
In San Clemente, papen have been
to.ken out for James T. F&ith. 1245
Avenlda Salvador and Harold D. Meade,
913 Avenida Presidio.
The three Incumbent., MByor Wade
Lawer, Councilman Dan Chilton and
Thomas O'Kttfe have not i.Ddicated
whether t.bey will be candidates aialn.
Fire Destroys
Old Movie Sets
BURBANK. Calif. (AP) -A lot of no ..
talgta went up in smoke when fire broke
out In an old sound st.age at Columbia
Studios and swept through aeta used for
"Los Horizon," HiJh Noon," "Cat Bal·
Jou " and the old "Blondie" movie 11erles.
studio officials eaUmated damage at
$2 million.
Part of th e old "Los Horlz:on" set had
betn used in filming "The Flying Nun"
television series, but a spokesman said
this would not hold up production on the
Robert Brown. Joan Blondell and other
cast members of television's "H~ Come
the Brides" were filming when the fire
That stt.. was unharmed, but a newer,
secondary set for the series was !oat
Cause of the fire was under lnYestlga.
Signal Knows All ·
Busy l1itersection Flows Smoothly
OI' tt1t Daltf f'll91 Stell
The late James Thurber became
famous for drawing personalities into in-
1nim1te objects.
And had he drawn a traffic signal in
tilt same way, he probably would have
drawn it as an lnsen!llive. aloof monster
which delights lo frustrating the weary,
impatient motorist.
But a new signal operaUng under a
brand·new concept had its KWitches turn.
eel on for the first tlme this week at
We1tcllff and Dover drives in Newport
And any experience<! Harbor Area
rqot91"ist know11 that the comer hu been
a .dt'lver's nightmare for years.
The new signal has changed all that -.. -
a!n\osl -said city Trame Engineer Bob Jaffe today.
The change Is subtle, but effectlVt..
lntttad of working on a straight Umer
principle, the signal system relies mosUy
on the rpeclflc condlUont at the tn-
-No cursing and intenninable wctit by
ptdestrians who punch that button whom
many allege does nothing.
-No trying to "beat the light" during
late hours when you see the light areen
dead ahead. It will be red for everyone at
that hour unless a driver trips a switch.
then he'll get his Ught immediately.
"It's not an easy thing to describe,"
Jaffe admitted . "Ifs much easier to ap-
preciate.the system by watching it work,
and as i; o o n as people are more H"·
perlenced with It, they'll really ap-
preciate It."
The signal system works swUUy -
especially during the moderate traffic
periods of the day.
Al traffic becomes more heavy, Jaffe
ezplained, the 1y1Wn resemble• the
!itandard one more and more •
But during the mid-day hours ll tet.ma
to offer a green light within aecond.s,
"U it misses a driver, say one who
trlea for a green lefl tum llghl Ind Is •
little l•le. he won~ have to wait long. '1'!le
system will give him .the green u aooo u
it Is clw," he explained.
The driver who studlt1 the light syatem
• will notice r11pldly that the waits durtnc
medium traffic condlUons are very 1Ught.
Tlmera are still used, bot the ml.in
force for ll&ht changes is the car travel· in& over the tradlUonal 1ensor pa.di In the
The lnterutlllJ aspect of the dMver
response iii his deJay In reacting to the
green light.
At Wootcllff •nd Dover DrlvH, A Stop Light That Ru!ly C•rH About You . •
The new signal means:
-No long waits staring al your red
light when thue Is no one else at the In·
-No angry backin1 up over the J>IVfr
ment twitch If you -for .any reason -
mlaaed your Uah~
Sorne drivers wait until a horn beh!nd
I.hem urges them to start up again.
The system ha1 been ueed for about a
yrar In several C.llfomla cltlea, J1ffe
uld. The IOC:•I oyalem Ls the llht to be
uaed In Newport.
Jt sttrna ID auceuatul, he added, that
plans now are being meda to lnsta.11
similar oyatems •t EulbIUll Drive IOd
Jamborff Road and at 1rYble Avenue a.00
·Sonllago Drive •
• Students
Your Horoscope
Pl1lpit~: an1I Leo: You Need Review
. .
' I.
1 •
J •
At 9 ood IO:IO l.OJ1. ltMllces
,.. Cetotnl 'l!lblt Qon:ll, '
cammunfon and a sennon by
"-«J!eoryE. J-wlll be
l11tar ed.• Baptismal Rrvlce
Wll! ~ conducted . by Pastor
Jooea at 7 p.m,
The church Is located at
tsrd and otange., Costa ~1csa.
' ·-----...-. CommJ111lon wUI be offere4
at the 7:)0 end 9:30 a.m. Pltni•olJ~
Rrvices at St. John the Di vine
Episcopal Ctiureb, 20t.3 Orange
Ave., Costa ~1esa. .
Georse Williamson, of Bley
flouee 1beoktgical Training
Sdlool, wUJ speak on "P.1odem
Alpecls or the !1finis1ry'' al """""""'"' tile t:30'ta_.m,_ worship !lour.
~Ufl~ school wip meet at
t,IO •·!"· . ; -· -Pif:aching'"Al t~e~ Table of
tbe.J..<>rd" the Rev. Norman L.
B(tWn will be in the pulpit
Sunday at Pl ym outh
Coagregatlonal Church o r
Newport Barbor, :!262 Broad
St., Newport Beach. 'Vorship
service, with "COmmunfon. Sun·
day school and child. care are
slated al 10 a.m. -..
t.utbera11 Chum ot the
l\fastei-. 200o · Pad'fic View
Drive, Corona del Mar. offers
"'or5hip at 9:f5 ·and '}! a.m.
ea"ch Sunday. Go1nmunion will
be Offered and Dr. \Vtlli~rTI R.
Eller will deliver life message
''Tbe Cood'Sted Bore rruit."
A special miesion program
wUl . be held by the con-
areai\ioo al i :30 p.m. Friday.
Mr. llJd ~1rs. A. Tengbom.
missionaries to Afri ca, u·ill
show·illdes and 11peak on their
work In Tanzanla.
' -.... .,.
Co mmunlty Prtsbyterian
Cb""h or "(.aguna Beach will
host the Southern Calirornia
Section of the American Guild
or English Handbell Ringers
Workshop Feb. 7 fron1 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m.
A regist ration fee of S4 will
CQver the workshop activities
and IU'Ocheon to be served at
the c: h u r c h . Rese rvations
should be· forwan:ted to Erma
Bassett; 2935 Chillon Way.
Laguna Beach, 92651 b y
Conducting worship se rvies
at 9:30 and 11 li.m. The First
Unll.td Mcthod.15t Church. 2721
lith SL, Hunlington Beach,
"'ill feature the sermon "What
Is Your ObjecUon lo Being
Foolish~" by Dr. Kenneth
The Inquirer's Class will
meet at 7 p.m.
At Community U n I l ed
l\1etbodlst Ch11rch, 6662. Heil
Ave., Hunllnaton Beach, the
Rev. Charles L. Rose will
preach "Tell It as It Is'' at
both the 9 and 10:30 a.m.
services. Each service will be
followed by a congregational'
The l\tethodi.st Y o u t h
Fellowship Group meet. each
Sunday at 7 p.m. in the church
social hall.
An organizational meellng
for the \Veslyn Service Guild
designed especialy for working
women will be held Mondy al
7:30 p.m .
"Father, Forgive Them''
y,·ill be the pulpit topic preach·
ed by the Rev. Bruce A. Kur-
(See PULPIT, Page 5)
Swiday school students at
Second ChW"Ch of Christ,
Scientist, Newport Beach, will
run the church service at 3
p.m. Sunday In a Jearn-by-
dolng situation. The church
audllorlum is located at 3100
Pacific View Drive, Corona
del A1ar.
The student"' have spent
several months preparing to
hold the all-youth church
Elected as First Reader for
the service Is Bill Simmons.
Christine Cochrane will serve
as precentor, leading the
hymn singing. Chairman of
the committees are Frank
Harper. membership; fl.flss
Cochrane, mwiic; Simmons,
head usher ; Mike Gr!en, plat.
fOl"JTl ; . Gilbert Almquist. child
care; Hillary Jtarper, no'A·ers.
Susan England will serve as
librarian and Walt Farrar will
be clerk.
Spiritual counsel Is acctu&ed
a 11 d m o r e • lha1·tbe-u.su1I
number of persons benefit.
Event occurs which causes
many to return tt basic
bclteft, val ues.
ARIES CMareh 21·April 19):
Accent on what you reel rather
than think. Knov,. that emo-
tions tend to dominate. Give of
yourself -Dul get fair return.
Others respect sincere dedica-
tion -but avoid foolishness.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20):
Many you feel close to are in
transit. Yoo may find today
that truly no man is an island.
Let it be a constrtictlve lesson.
Serve and you will be served.
Be analytical.
GEMINI (hlay 2l·June 20):
Be careful in relation to
partnetshlps, including mar.
riage. There is tendency to
blur meanings. Strive to Im·
prove communications. h1ean
what you say and 3Cl.Y what
you really mean.
CANCER (June II.July 221:
Don't go off diet or l.O txcess.
This is contlnulng a.dvice -
applying yesterday and today.
Family member with sweet
tooth is the temptress.
LEO (July 2J..Aug. 22): You
may find that one clo.'le to you
I:, c~ting more than yo4 ~x
pected. Frankly, you need to
review a personal situation.
RetU.111 to work habits. Refuse
to waste your talent.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Scpt. 22):
Pressure is on to be practical.
But you have to \Vail for final
green light. Special documer.l
is not yet av.ailable. Be persis-
tent without being obnoxious.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 221:
Efforts ap pear to be scat-
tered. It is best to resolve
long-standing s i t u a t i o n .
Mu!Uply efforts w i l ho u t
weakening basic d r l v e s .
Message becomes increasingly
clear as day progresses.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):
You could be deceived by what
appears to be a bargain. fn
purchasing items for ~hlldren.
be skeplical. R e a 11 z fl
youngster5 are stibject to
l\'hims. Act and buy ac·
Dec. 21 ); Strive tor the prac..
tical . You can push home ma·
jor points. Key is to follow
lhrough on intuitive flash.
Your judgment about property
matteri; is apt to be correct.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan .
19): Fine for atlendin.g event
ai med at raising funds for
hospital or charitable in·
stitution, Some who seem to
lack serious purpose could
surprise you loday.
AQUARI US (Jan. 20.Feb.
JS ): You may not feel you are
getting your f u 11 share of
credit. But those who know do
realize your worth. Feel this is
true and avoid any teodency to
PISCES (Feb. 19-fl.farch 20):
(Sef' HOROSCOPE, Page 5)
, .. ~. ~~====~~~~~·1::=:::==~==~==~~~==;.1;====~~====~~===i~=========~. ~~~~,
• "r • CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I WelcomH You. · LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER ~ FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH IA.I. c.1 ST. JAMlS, "" "• Lido. H••P•" ,.,.. mt--f 1, 2501 Clif! Dr. LI 8·4293 2900 Pacific View Dr.
, Fairview Rd. At Fair Dr., Cost• M•1• CHURCHES ' 7:JO e.111.-Holr luchorlst l/ 11 Th••••· Jo!MI G. 11.;11, Pastor Corona de! ~1ar
',• 9 A.M.-Church School 10 A.M.-Worship I • 9:oo •·111-M•uil•t Pr•r•r 11' & ltd 51111• 1: The a ... Ro11ald Whit•, DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER
D I H•lr lucNrlft 2IHI ' 4tti 51111, l.Mlttut P•tor u w I Ch .. I I
ro111e -S...1JtfY11y-D.,-tt. l lblo Study •ra11p., IU.NCHIS OF THI! MOTHIR CHURCH 9:0I e .lll.-Cilirc• khool ... rs. • •• a111 r a 1,
PriYct11 •11d Growp Co1111Hll119 145·4110 THE flRST CHURCH Of CHRIST, SCllNTIST 11 :00 e.m.-Holr litehoriit Iii & Jrd Sw111. f"1mu1 won1110 t :oo lo IO:JO •·"'· Porlsh Won.er I 1 n 5 ~-1• so"'°• •::io "' 10::111 1.m. Phone 644-1664 ;==:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:~ IN IOSTON, MASSACHUSms I ~:i;;1t0~;0:',~110d •·~-1111' W11rsMlo st rvk• 11:00 io 11:00 9 :1 s A.M. Fernllr Worship
$ HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH "LOVE" , .. '"· "" '· .. ,., "· ,,.,., Nursery care available "'" •.M. ,,.,., c'"'' ~ TM! Irr. Drrid A. c,_p AUKJat. Recttor ""°"°: 11s.o:uo 1 at all services Sch•ol ' 12JO l altttSt.el Folnlew, Coste Mesa ll :OOA .M. Ffttl•oWorshlp . • •••-Co1111io Salios, rnror Sunday. February 1 ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS WELCOME Hu,,.ry rro•ldff
Sunday School 9:45 a.m. l\f orning Won.hip 11 :00 a.m. -Poc:lll& View Dri•• ot Mon;iuerlto, Corolla del Mer I i . Baptist Training Union 6 p.m. E\·ening Ser\'ice 7 p.m. Costa Mesa-First Church of Christ, Scl•nfi!ft su11doy: 1:00, t :30 and 11 :OO-Chlld cot• 01 9:30 I
\Vedncsday Bible St d & p 7 00 2110 M"o Verch Dr., Costa Mes• Holr Days a A111101111c:•d All R..:n W•k•rn• u Y rayer · · · · · · · · · · · · ; p.m. Sultdoy School-9:15 A.M. R..:tor, l)e •••· Joh11 1.,.rs Dnls -P110110 644·046) , ':::=:=:=:=:=:;=:=:=:=:;:=:::;=:;=:;=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=)11 Chtrc~ Sert'lc:o-11 A.M. I l r Rffdl11t Roo11t, 2150 Mno Verde o,. ST. JOHN ,THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.f\.·J.
• FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH '"'"' ''" • ''" c'""' ,.,.,, _ "'' ! 650 HAMILTON. COSTA MESA Huntington Beach-First Church of Christ. Scientist Thursdap: 6:Jo a. 10 a.111.: Holr Oap .. etrt11ou11c:itd I
llf:V. J. D. WALU.CE 110 Oliff Ylcor, TIM .... Joh11 W . Dot1oJU.•-rltoH 541·1J26
Su11d1y s~f.ool •...•••. 9:45 y,.;,,;"' Union -••••••• 5:00 S•11d.,. School-9:30 .. 11 :00 I
Mor11i11' WorJhip ...•. I t ;00 Eve11i111J Wor1hip •••••• 6:00 Cllurch-11 A.M. Sonic:•
, Wed11esd1v Pr1ve1 Me1ti119 for •II 19e, ••....•••••••• 7:10 R..-dlnt Rooi'll-110 Oliff -
~ Pho110 642-9ll 1 NurM!tr Alwop A••ll•tile j ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! Lagun• Beech-First Church of Christ. Scientr.t ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH F 635 Htl)lt Dr. ., • EINI $!, .i Clllptl l.•n• -J11tl t•tl 9f l"IYt Pelrlll 1 UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH -c''"' ''"'" ,.,.,,_ ''"' 11 '" • • ~-"' •-• '""~· l Reacfi119 RooM. 214 Forest • _ .DI! 1tn. Jtl'IM'I c. c.1ey, P11...-
2252 s. I. ,ALl5ADIS ROAD ' ' Sunday Ser viCts
SANTA AHA HEIGHlS Newport Beach--First Church of Christ, Scientist 1:116 "M. Ee1v cem111u111e I ,,,. A.M. 1"1111nv 11r111c1 & church
• )Uf'I DAY SC+tOOL ..................... , ....... 9:41 fl.JI). JJOJ Yio Lido ''°''""" v.,,...,,,f sc.11 .. 11 ::,•:,•:.• -wo•f:,it ······ ·· ············11, !-M. .•• Ch1rcll • S111dor S<h•ol-':15 & 11 :00 1•• """ Ol..:epel • · ll:te A.M. "'-"'1111 Wtnll•'
MIDWtrl!.C Sl!•vtitr "Wtrcroi1!0JDAY ""·-·· .. ·····-·7,. ~:::--ltoedlflfJ aoo111, Jl11 YI• Udo 'I'-. C~11«"-~-, ""'"""' C•r• Pr1vlfd
WiHlllll s. Aden, P1110r cnvrc~ PMllC MJ·M1' -~. '==:=:=:;=:=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=;;;==::==:;:==:;=:;=:;=:;~~Iii Newport Beach·Second Church of Christ, Scientist ) · "i-• 11 00 roclfl& Yla" Dr., Corane dtl Mor
FIRST FIRST CHRISTIA c''"'''""''"'"'-10•.M. FIRST ASSEMBLY of GOD CHURCH BAPTIST CHURCH . •. ~ ,_ "ll'"CH , ~eodi119Roo111-216J LCocrstHwy. -11 1H 14' E. 22nd St., Coit• Mesa 541-3761
--r-~~~"!:'~-!.~~' · ---Ali-eFe-eer-diallY-in-vited-to attend-the..chur,"'h ~ -~· l' V!Ctor.ra.&;ptacentia Ave. · 1 h ~ 17415 Mog11ollo, f.V. .:_:. Costi ?vies:a . services and enjoy the privileges o t e J 11..,. Dorta Honn, "Mlnlsror ~ ~ ~,...~' Reading Roo111s
Mornint Werthip l :JO I 1 l :00 Ch/Id Co1• Prowidod AT ALL SIRVICl!J
hi ... HiHl9n l)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ll Sundity Scllool , , •••• ,,, 9:JO Y""<MlllllMr I
Youlh Meeting • , , •. , , •• 6:00 '1:.,j., .,..., .. ,'": •..•... .' ... l :M •.lll. ,,_,..'<:"'91 ... ··········· ,,,. l .M. Pr1y1r S1rvi~t .•. , , . , , • 6:10 M~:Jf"Urt ..... .' .... IC:te 1.llfl. ., • S Y..rtiio 6...,1 .... , ........ ••·•· , cv1111n9 ervice ., ...• , • 7:00 VH"rl ... .• ... .•. I o.M. •rwr• &11•11111• '' 111 s1"1c" Nursery' Care Proyided
842-2428 '14~4171 -• " 141·6341
TK• lit•U. CLIJI Of' H•WPOll:T l lACN
SU '"be• ll\tell., &lllMM
H you i re looki119 fer •n el .. bcr1l1 pro9r•l'l , or 1odtl pr11tit •·
lul if yeu •11• lao.ki119 for 111-d•pth Bible 1ludie1, Chrillj111 f1I·
lcw1hip, ind in1plrin9 1pirit1d warship, yo ,,'11 lov• u1 ! Ta 1ccom-
"'od1!1 our 91cwl11CJ chur ch f1Milv wa n&w hevo two Sund1v
morning 1ervic11 , 9:30 f11d 11.00, Nun e1y cere. Cot111r.of (;.11111•
w;ll , & Sunflower.
54S-2121 646°951 Z
.JJal'hor Ckri6lian Cktt1'Ch
O' NIWl'O•T IUCH-(DfK~lftl
Mntlflt •*'•lwtJ H.,,., l!letnHtorr khHI
425 f. 1 lttt St.; C.1N Mh e
Church School -9:'30 A.M.
Worship -10:45 A.M.
N11ffffT c..ro "o•ldM
Phone: 675-3985
Minister: Dr. D. W. McElroy
287 W. WILSON ST •• con A MESA
1nwllN HARIOR O"lld •AllYT1W'
!Mio ouri Synodl
worshipin9 1t lh•
S•ndbu•CJ 11 M11th1ws in U11iv•r1ity P1 rk
R.•v, H. Ni1rrne1111 ,P11tor l ll-1211
<120 I 0th St., Hu11ti119to11 le1ch
Phone 1516-2 I JO
.A.dull l Youth S1•vice1. 11 1.m.
11! Ye•• Cl111, Wecl ., 7:15 p.111.
Seventh·Day Adventist Churches
Cow M... Lq•H Nit~
271 A•oc•4• Stteet -nhlpt I•
Joh" Sh1wm•••, 1'11tor S.11tti Sllorat hptltt Ch11rilt
Ph on11 141\61•1 11712 CroWl'Volley Pert-y
A. E. R•w1011, P11t1r
Sobhftl' S&llMI • • • 9:JO AM Pho1111 492-l ,JI
M,,..,.. W.nMp • ." .11 :Qt AM SHINtfl Scti..I •••• t~lD AM
,. M9.tl 11t • WM·f:JO PM M01'11lrtt Wemtlp •••• 10:10 AM l~~~~~I
t0-40 T .. Mrt A• .. (fllfhrt 6 M .. 11all1l, FOUNTAIN YALLlf
UNI FIED SE RVICE · Su rid•v School ':JO -WORS~I,. IO:JO
Wariliip I Youth G1011p1 -6:JO p.111.
Nvr~t•¥ P,..,.lllolO 11 111 ttfVlc:"'
A ~ITV (lllln:I\ -Vltltors Art JIWIYI Wtl<Ome
--JoM Gollnlt:l, AlsotlOt•
Rev Nichol1011, Minj1ter of Youtti
Family Worship -10 :50 A.M. -7 P.M.
Sfleril Paulsen, Director
Worship Service-8:30 AM
Pastor Gollnick, speaking
Vl1ltors W1tlco1110 -Hunerr Attendant
Stolo LICtf!Hd rr1°khool -Mri. John Gollnick, Oirt clor
harbor reform temple
• ~ meeting at
St. James Episcopal Church a 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beac:h
For tnlcrm111on: C111167S.-7230
740 W. Wiison, Costa Mesa
Y. L HllTWfCI, '•tor
llO•l•T 1-lllTIG Mlrlllltl' If atuutlOll CAii:\. O•NT•Y Ml11l1ltf" If M111k
,.,,.klllll -IClflMl'wlrM -lltMlltllry -Clll .. <•ro
Mi11euri Sv~od
760 Ylc~rlo 51., Co110 M.s•
Lothor Y. To,naw, ro1ror
WonM•P Sef"Ylc:H; l :U & 11 ,. M ~11!1GIY 5t l\O!ll: ,_30 A.M. Aclull lllOlt Cl•U! t :lll A 1'.
MM• Yerdo Drlye & laker Street. Caito Metc1, Callf.
Sundey Stl>ool: 1:00, t ;JO •nd. 11:00--Mornlnf Worship: 1,00, t .JO •nd ll;ot
Prince of l'e1c1 Lu ther1n School -Miu Elfh1r Chon, Principtl
Offic1 Phone: 5-'49·0521 School Pho ne: 549.01561
' I -.AttenJ :J/ie Church
o/ Your Choice
A Cord ial Welcome from
114 1bo1 hl.11d
9;JO Tr1dilion 1I Wo11hip
I Sund1v School
Co1!1 Mei•
Cilu•tli Wor1ioip -9:10 t. 11
C~urch S~hool -':J O
548 -1727
Cotl1 M111 North
M11• Verde I ltk•r St.
Wor1hip l Chur'h Stl!ool
9:00 l 10:30 A.M.
Hun1;n9lo" lo1ch
2721171~51. 5}6 .1517
51rwic11 -9:]!) I t I A.M.
Nunery lhru 1ncl 91•de • t I
Ch~rtll School -9:1 0 A.M.
H1111ti11CJl011 Beith -No.th
t.662 Htd Avt. 142-<14 61
Wo,.loip & Churcl-i School
9 I 10:)0 A.M.
r.vin e -£1sl Bl11lf
11 U"ivenilv Ori~•
Woflhip & Church Scliool
' I IO :JO A.M.
l19u111 B1•eh
21612 Wesl•y Drive
in So, l19u111
Woohip 11 A.M.
C!lureh Setioel 9:10 A.M.
<199 -lOll
N1wporl B11ch
1<100 W, l.lbo1 Blvd.
Wor1hi...-,:JO A.M
Cl!urch School-
9:JO A 11 A.M.
of the Coos to I Areas
Christ Church Presbyterian
20111 M .. Hll• tNMt Ad-I H1•ri""9• leec•
.... htield I , Rotiem, ""''°' Jtltdoy W.,.W,: 9:St A.M. Church k'iool: 10:4S AJ14.
Offke1 20111 M .. ..tle Sr. .... .. : tll-4940
Church of the Covenant
11St ...._... loed, Cnte MtM
"Bru&o j}.. Ku,,11, P•1lor
Stltfty WartJilp1 t~& 11 -Church khool: ':JD
...... :S4Ml 04
St. Andrew's ' Presbyterlcin Chur.ch
600 St. A"4i.wt IHd, Nowp..fleoth
Woralp & Ch1tc:lrio ~1 I , t :lt & 11 A.M. ,.,.,, .. ,
St. Mark Presbyterian Church
Co""".,....,.,,.. " lattil1ff Drf.., C.ro11e de! Mer
Joll'IOI GNttoM lift. '•"" Went.:,• cei.t< khoel -9 & 10!l0 .lt.M .
SUNDAY MOfl:NlN& l ll LE ~T l.:OY . , , , ..•••••••• t :4S A.M.
SUNDAY !VENING WORSHIP , •••.•• , ,. , ••• , ••• 6100 P,M.
WEDNESDAY EVENING illlE STUOY •••••••• , ••• 7:10 P.M.
01-0.-M~t D. G. Htrtt
ot H111tl119to• lecKlt
1912 Fl•rlia A... SJ6-7tll
ll:f¥. A.fir .. L. Mii"'' P1sltt
Tiie COlllOtYClfl\•• • .,. ...... fw rile
fftl,.. Horltor ,.,..
117 W•t Hor11llt••, Cott. Mete
.t.11 J•wl1h f1111il11t ltO :n•i!N to joi11 Vt 1" tr111i11111111lntf"t
Attend the Church of Your
t ,q 111.M, -...... , k.JIMI -AA Aftl
11tM A.M, -Mlrn .... ...,,,,,.,. I P.M, -Ytuflil OIWM
11• ,.M. -•Wlllllll 1-k~ J fl,M, Wlli., l iMI SIR;,
MJ11ftf0r A."9&1ato Mi.ltr.r
'flhone: 54 .. 5711 f!•Y or Night. -s,1,lt111•I Leeder -•11.1t111 Gono11 G••drna
646-Sll2 Tornple Slrieton Chelr -011e9 S~1b1t 141·1412 I
Choice on Sunday
' •
s DAILY Pll~l j
Wel~o1ne Planned for BeturninC rroops
Cookielift F ound'3r Recruiting Coastal Help
Of ,,.. O.llY !Jl)tl llllt
Some come home in aluminum c.ukets.
Some come home on crutches or
Some come home to blaring bands,
troops at attention and tunes unchanged
since 1776, their brass collar Insignia the
color of trombones and trumpets.
Some come home to desperate hugs in
darkness, under a cold, steady rain that
maska the fact that soldien sometimes
Some come home bleary-eyed with
time zone change&-after 16 l\ours and
10,000 miles of travel -anxious only for
a shower, shave and the black blanket oC
dreamless sleep.
Some come home to walt in rumpled
uniforms between nights, a cup of coffee
and a candy bar for company in the
airport tennlnal.
Some never come home at all.
They all come from Vietnam -and
whether they are lieutenant colonels
heading for new assignments or lance
corporals heading back te> the Indian
reservation in South Dakota -they
c:leserve one thing.
"They should al,I get a hero's
welcome ," said U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Joe
Hooper, a Medal ol Honor. winner }Vbo
spoke at a reception in Costa Mesa'last
The reception was held to honor com·
Youth Ordered
To Take Tests
In SA Gm1 Fight
Ment,J'.!eots .,.,. ornete<t Friday-for a
Sant. Alla y-ac<:used·ol sbootlng and
killing ·bis f"1Jlger sUter btfore taking On
more tha1t 50 pOllcenuti in it-bitterly
fought gun batlle.
Superior Court Judge James F. Judge
appointed two psychiatrist!: to examine
Richard E. Parker, 17, and report lo him
March 2 on the boy's mental condition.
The youth is being held in the psychiatric
unlt of the Orange County Medical
Parker is accuied or shooting his 14-
year-old sister. Su.san, through the head
following an argument between the two
on a street comer near the Parker home.
Officers claim that the frenzied boy put
at least six more bullets into his sister as
lhe Jay dying on the sidewalk.
The lall, handsome youth then look to a
nearby grove ot: eucalyptus trees with his
22-caliber nne aOO a wppty cf IJ'Tto
munilion and pinned down a gathering
force Of pollcc officers and depuUes for
more than an hour with accurate rifle
fi re.
Two officers and Parker were woonded
before the ~igers, valuably aided by
rifle fire and spollighls from a hovering
Huntington Beach police department
helicopter, finall y grabbed him.
It was at first thought that the youth
might not survive bis wounds, But he
quickly recovered in Orange County
Medical Center and lodaJ bears no traces
of the unique gun battle.
Damages Sought
In Auto W reek
Damagts of $10,000 are being asked in
Superior Court by a Costa Mesa man who
claims that the unldentilied driver of a
city vehicle was responsible ror Injuries
wffered in a traffic accident by his 15-
year-old daughter.
Van Nielson, 2194 Ral eigh, states that
he was a passenger in a car driven by his
<laughter, Carolyn, when the auto was
atruck by a City 0£ Costa Pt1esa vehicle
last Aug. 15 at the intersection of Victoria
Street and Harbor Boulevard.
Carelessness and negligence on the
part of the city employe led to the co!.
Jision, the lawsuit claims.
N"Pen '-' H•lltl .. tM h.Ji a..,....... ......Ill . .., ...... _
.... ·,,, N. W••d
~ .... !"WI,,..,
· Jt clr ~ c,,,,.,
VICI Prnidtfll .... "4ntf'll MeMOtt
Th•11111 ICtevil
Elllltl' '
l1ie111•1 A. M1i11.,.hln•
MtMtlllt l•lltr ........
CMM M•l iJll Wftt ,.,. ........ ,....,.... .. lllfa(lll 2211 _, ...... llVlrffrf l .......... (fl, IJJ F-1 Av._
HIMtlllOIOll INdl: Vt/S h«ll •-"'-,.
munity groups and in<\lvlduals Involved In
the Operatioo Oookielift campal,n, which
sent pastry parcels from the Jtarbor Area
to servicemen In Vietnam.
Coming home now. with more due
under President Nixon's proposed
withdrawal timetable, Cook I e 11 ft
organizer Mrs. Darrllyn Oliver, ot 3077
Yukoo Drive, Costa Mosa, is planning
She is again calling ror a t'Ommunity
effort to meet planeload! of servicemen
arriving from the war zone several Umes
each week at the r.1arine Corps Alr Sta·
Uon, El Toro.
Each Continental Airlines 707 setting
down at the coonty installatlon carries
165 men, some with joyful families
waiting near the runway ; some with no
"\Ve want smiling people there,·· says
Mrs. Oliver, who has established a rigid
system acceptable to the Marine Corps,
following talks with officials at the base.
The energetic housewife has a tentative
arrival schedule -they are always ten·
tative -for the monlh of February, and
will be commanding officer for volunleer
welcome-home delegates.
Only a certain num ber will be allowed,
to avoid unnecessary congestion at the
busy base, but the afternoon and night
fl lghls offer plenty of chances to help.
By consulting with the Newport-Mesa
Unilied School Ol&trict. arrangements
have been made for teenaaer• to Jene
school early for a'n.mooo Oiaht.s.
She .!s Interested in possibly arranging
school baOO and drill team appearances.
whUe wondering i( local youth musical
groups and rock ensembles might like to
appear at the staticm NCO Club.
Nlght arrivals will be met by adult
service clubs in the city, supplemenUng a
program already in opet"ation by the
Leisure World Laguna lWls group formed
for that. purpo&e.
"I've talked with some o{ tbe men and
they'd like some entertatnmmt," says
Airs. Olivet, who bas arranged ff'I! Costa
r•rlesa P.1ayor Alvin L. Pinkley and olher
dignitaries to show up.
"And they still like ladie.iln skirts and
dresses," Ehe adds, if the feminine con-
LLngenl wonders about proper atUre.
Despite special speedy processing by
the Marine Corps, many men face one--
week delays in temporary transit bar·
racks while being released into civilian
The <lays are busy, but the nl ghls are
long, leading to her request for volunteer
''There can be no stragglerr," she
adds, for the benefit of those who 1¥ant to
greet the Vietnam returnees., adding thaf
they may can her at 545-6184, for nd·
ditie>nal infonnalion.
Ag~inst County Assesso1·
A Harbor Atta optometrist who has
~ 8een eye to eye with Orange Coun-
t~ ..\&~ ~nchew J, Hinsh•w an-
nounced Friday a campaign to pit a can-
c:lidate against him in the June election.
Dr. Bernard Simon said no solid plans
have been formulated, but he is In-
terested In contacting others interested
in joining the effort to oust Hinshaw.
"We would be looking for a cendidate
who might have more tolerance toward
the taxpayer," said Dr. Simon, who
maintains his office in South Coast Plaza
Shopping Center.
He said he has run into difficulty over
assessment procedures for lhe past three
years, involving his professional holdings
and operation, getting poor respon&e
from llinshaw'1 etaff. •
"The attitude I generally face ls that
the ~yer can go to Hell," said Simon,
a communUy theater participant who
believes Hinshaw should clean up his act.
Pr. Simon said he wopld like to hear
from Oraoge Coast taxpayers who share:
his objectlona to Hinshaw and his method
of operation before taking next steps in
the opposltlon campaign.
The controversial assessor -who has
taken on the powerful Irvine Company
among other in'..erests in Orange County
-is so far unopposed In the June county
Even then. veteran political observers
predict, he would be a bard man to beat
at the polll.
From Page I
he said explaining lhat they hoped to
have a famil y.
"We shall have as many blesscn events
as the Good Lord lets; until He says
'stop' we shall k,eep on going."
The discussion was not part of ;J con-
ference on birth control. It y,•as a press
conference intended to inform Orange
County that the falsetto-voiced ' singer
was to play a two-night stand al the \)[(
Broadway \Vest in Anaheim's Orand
Hotel. He performed Friday night and
will again tonight. no doubt to capacity
audiences In the: US.seal night spot.
Tiny and Vicki's departure-is unliktly
to be as spectacular a production as their
Tiny, a man who controls his own en-
vironment by making sure he always has
it with him, 1vas shower,ed with rec:! and
white roses by a helicopter as he was
Wiven up to the hotel entrance in a lux·
ury limousine.
He blew kisses to the photographers.
gathered up some: roses f o r Vicki and
followed up with 11 lingering kiss on her
lips, long e11ough for a lime exposure
Then they retired to a banquet roon1 to
sip pruiteurized cow 's milk and honey and
meet the press.
Sam Riddl e. rock·age impressario, did
the introductions, asked that the ques·
lions be on .show busine5s and not
personal. They were personal.
Does Miss Vicki cook for him? Yes,
sometimes she did, but he supplied the
food -soy beans, pure ketchup, ra\V
peanut butter and the like.
Miss Vicki was 5potted wrinkling her
nose. "Some of those things don't taste so
good," she allowed.
Why was Tiny wearing three ties?
"Because Vicki bought them and I wear
whatever Vicki buys me. J like to wear
aJI the time."
She bought him four ties but he con·
fessed that he lost one._JJI'd rather lose
something by wearing it than stuUing it
in a drawer," he quickly added.
Vicki accep~the hurried explanalioo.
Did they have any marital spats?
"Once or twice but I always ask for a
lot of prayer anc:I help when we do. Two
days ago Vicki closed the refrigerator
aoor too fa st -it hurt my ears -and I
got puffed up. I quickly realized it was
notNng to get upset about. ..
11ie entertainer came on strong for
President Nixon. He was particularly
pleased that the President seeks the
couni;el of Dr. Billy Graluim. "Nixon uses
the power of prayer and sacrifice. He has
stood fim: and been patient. I believe he
is religiously guided."
Still clutching his roses. Tiny offered
his thoughts on environmental control
and ecology. He didn't tip toe around the
"I lfefinitely do believe: the ground
should be fertilized naturally, like in the
1800s. If unnatural fertilize rs are put in
the ground they come into the body
through the food we eat.
"People c:lon't realize that every Ume a
building goes up there's no more chance
of things growing on that ground,''
Tiny also expressed shock at some
health food stores he visitec:I recently on
the Sunset Strip. "They were still selling
proc:lucts with cyclamates in them."
Obviously, health food stores aren 't
healthy enough for Tiny Tim.
All greet.en will be: cleared for 1d4
mfMl.on through the El Toro Main Gate
UlrooJh Mn. Ollver, while Mrs. Mildred
~~uman, of LeisW'e World, ls
ted as the Monday Chief. _
She may be contacted at 831}..2063, U
lllJ' Orange Coast housewives would like
to bakt! cookies to be distributed to the
arriving servicemen.
Not all of tht?in are from Orange Coun-
ty -Et TOto A~CAS ls just one primary
....west Coast debarkation point -but the
gtet!len' delegaUon has taken a tew by
4W"P1"i.9e in recent weeks.
One Wa.s ~tarlne Corps Slaff Sgt. Doug
Cameron, J7. returning to an El Toro
assignment after 20 months in Vietnam
as a helicopter electrician and aerial gun·
ncr at Marble Mounlain, near Da Nang.
His mother, Mrs. Polly Vasquez, and
his wile, Australian-born Shirlex, v.·hom
he met while on a ~st anc:I recreation trip
to Sydney, plus others were present.
Mrs. Oliver and her hastily organized
committee took along a '"Costa Mesa
Welcomes You ," banner more recenlly,
without knowing Afarine Cpl. Steven L.
Smith, 21, was aboard.
One ol tbe last stragglers off the jet,
the Ptflrine lelving the Corps to enter col·
lege in September stared in shock and
then pleasure at the sighl
"Gosh.'' he blurted, ''my hometown."
Alamitos Man
Granted Delay
In Murder Case
Raymond Graves Jr. of Los Alamil.oi
Friday successfully pleaded for a delay
of Superior Court proceedings charging·
him v.·Jth the murder of a Hollywood man
in an alleged drug ring dispute.
Graves, 24, oC 12322 Martha-Ann Drive,,
was ordered to return to court Feb. 6 and -
answer to a Grand Jury indictment on
charges or murder, conspiracy, kid-
naping, fal se imprisonment and robbery.
11c wlll return to the courtroom o( Judge
James F. Judge Tuesday to again plead
for his release: on bail.
The paraplegic . said by tbe prosecution
to be an "Ironsides'' figure who demand·
ed and got rigid obedience from his
wheelchair, was returned o;. a stretcher
to the Orange County Medical Center.
Graves at one time appeared to have
evaded trial on charges that he was in4
valved In the mun:ler of Bruce Beck, 30,
but the capital count was revived Jan. 20
with the Grand Jury endorsement of new
charges prepared. by t.he district at·
tomey'a office. New evidence led District
-A{fiirney ·cec1rHICkTtO go tO the'lii·
vestigaUvc panel.
Chester James C}lristopher, 29, of Los
Angeles, fa ces Identical charges in the
Grand Jury indictment. They are two o(
four men who were arrestec:I by officers
investigating the death of Beck.
The Hollywood man died a few days
after he was pulJed, badly burned, from
the ashes of the garage at Graves' home.
Investigators allege he told them that
Graves and his companions manacled
him to a standpipe In the garage and that
he (Beck) set fire to the building in an
attempt to draw attention to his plight.
It is alleged that Beck told in-
vestigators that he acted unc:ler the bel ief
that he would be killed when the: group
Charge! were dropped again.$i Roy
Arthur Thruman, 24, of 433 Howard St.,
L o s Alamitos, on the day of the in·
dictment. He end Gordon Brown, 24. of
Loa Angeles were the. other members of
the group identlfie:d by Beck.
Children of Nixon
Cabinet Aides Wed
\VASHINGTON (UPI) -President and
~1rs. Nixori and other top administration
officials were an1ong the invited guests
for today 's wedding of Nancy Ann Har·
din and David L. Rogers, son and daugh.
ter of cabinet members.
The wedding, at National Presbyterian
Church, wu believed the first of its
kind involving the families of cabinet
members. Rogers It the ton of Secretary
of State Will] am P. Rogers and Miss
Hardin 11 the <laughter of Agriculture
Secretary Clifford M. Hardin.
At We1tcllff end Dov1r Drivas, A Stop Light Thet Rielly Ce r11 About You ,,
. "
At El Toro, Action• Speak Louder Then Words
Soutl1 Coast City Council
Campaigns Pick Up Steam
City council c:an1paigns began lo gath~
momentum in the South Coast 11ea by
Friday with nomination papers taken out
for two men in Laguna Beach, two more
in San Clemente and one In San Juan
There arc three vacancies to fill in
each of the cities at the AprU 14' election.
Latest to take oul papers in Laguna
Beach waa Joseph T o m c h a k , an·
Ulropologist, city planning commissioner
and former Cosla Mesa city councilman.
Councilman Richard Goldbe.rg, who has ·
served one term, took out the first paper
in Laguna.
Also declared are architect Peter
Ostrander and Vice: Mayor Joseph
O'Sullivan. Mayor Gleru1 Vedder Is not
seeking re-eJectJon.
Papers are be.log circulated (or aL-
torney Gary J. Sodikoff, ~162 Sllvtr Spur
Road, San Juan Cipistraii.o.
Others declared are Mrs. Dolly
OUvares, 31421 Canada Road, who wtll
aeek the seat being vacated by her flus.
band Antonio, and William T. Reid, 32222
D:: Obispo.
The other two incumbents, Councllman
Don Durnford and f\.1ayor Ed Chennak
have said they are undecided about run·
ning &gain.
In San Clemente:, papera have been
taken out for James T. Faith, 2245
Avenida Salvador and Harold D. ~feade,
913 Avenida Presidio.
The three incumben1', Mayor Wade
Lower, Councilman Dan Olilton aOO
Thomas O'Keefe have not indicated
whether they will be candidates aga.J.a.
Live Theater
Ruled Exempt
Of Nude Lalvs
_Fice Destro:ys
01,d Movie Sets
fomia Supreme Court has ruled that live
theatrical performances are exempt
from the Jaw against lewd conduct.
The decision Friday grantec:I a writ re..
straining Los Angeles Superior Court
from trying actors In the controversial
play "The Beard."
The four·lclter.littered drama. depict-
ing an tma glnary meeting betwttn Billy
the Kid and the late 11creen siren Jean
liar low, ends in a simulated sex act.
The 4 .. 1 opinion had the effect of dis·
miaslng obscenity charges ag~Jnst casl
members Alexandra Hay and Richard
Bright. It also Invalidated complaints lhat
oroducer Robert Barrows and director
Robert Gist aided them ln committing the
'BURBANK, Call!. (AP) - A lot of nos·
talgla Went up in smoke when fire broke
out in s,n old sound stage at Columbia
Studios and swept through sets used for
''Los Horizon," Hl2h Noon,'' ''Cat Bal4
Jou" and lhe old "Blondie" movie series.
Stuc:llo officials estimated damage. at
$2 million.
Part o! the old "Los Horizon" stt had
bcfn used in filming ''The P'lying Nun"
television series, but a spokesman .said
this would not hold up prodUctlon on the
Robert Brov.'ll , Joan Blondell and other
cast f1'11!mbers of television's "Here Come
the Brides" were filming when the fire
That set was unharmed. but a newer,
secondary set for the series was lost.
Cause of the fire waa under inve11tJga.
ti on.
Signal Knows All
·Busy Intersection Flows Smootlily
Of "" 0.11Y ,1191 Sl•ll
The· late James Thurber became
famous for drawing personalities into in-
animate objects.
And bad he drawn a traffic signal In
the same way, he probably would have
drawn it as an insensitive, aloof monster
which dellghh1 In frustrating the weary',
imJ¥Uent motorist.
But a new Algnal operating under a
hranc:l·new concept had its switche! turn-
ed on for the first ilme this week at
Westcllfr and Dover drives In Newport
And any experienced llarbor Area
motorist knows that the corner has been
a driver's nightmare for years.
The new signal has changed all that -...
almost -u1d city Traffic Engineer Bob
J.&U• today. /
The. change Is subtle, bufiifcctiv~.
Instead ot working on a straight tlmtr
principle, the signal iyslem relies tnO!lly
on the specific coodiUona: at the in·
tenectlon. ' 't1le driver who studie! the light qstem
wtll aotJce np1dly that lhe wall& during:
medium tralne c:ond!Uons are very alight.
Timers are Mill uted, but tM main
force for light changea I! the car travel·
lng over the tradlUonal lf!nlOr pads in the
The new signal mun!:
-No long waits staring at your r@d
ll&ht when there Is no one else 111 the ln-
-No angry backlJ18 up (')v~r lhe pa\'t-
ment switch if you -klr any reason -
miued your light.
-No cursing and lnte:rminable wait by
pedestrians who punch that button whom
many allege does nothing.
-No trying to "beat the light" during
late hours when you see the light sreen
dead ahead . It will be red for ever}'ODe at
thal hour unless a driver trips a switch,
then he'll get hb: light immediately.
"It's not an easy thing to dC!Cribe,"
Jaffe admilte<f, "It's much easier to ap-
preciate the system by watching It work,
and as s o o n as people are more er·
perlenced with it, lhe:y 'U realty ep..
preciate iL"
The signal ~em works nlftly -
especially durina the moc:lerate1 tratnc
periods or the day.
Al traf!Jc becomes more heavy, Jaffe
explained, the sy~m resembles the
standard one more anc:I more.
But during the mic:l-day hours It seem•
to offer a gretn light within seconds.
"ti it mlsse!i a driver, say one who
lries for a green le.fl tum light and Is a.
lltlle late, ht won't have to wait lona. The
aystem will give him the green as soon as
1i ls clear," he eiplalned.
The .Interesting upeC:t of the drlvtr
response is his delay in reactlog ta the
geen Ughl
Some drivers wait unW a horn behind
them urges them to start up again.
The syslfm hu betn used 10< abool a
year in stverat Callfomla cllle1 Jaffe
..id. The local syolem II the rlni to be
UJ<d In Newport. '
It teemJ so IUCCeOSful, ha added. tllat
plans now are btlng made to l.nstall
almllar 1ystems at EutbluJf Drtvt ai1d
Jambortt Road and at lrvlne Avenue and
~anllap;o Drive.
•• ' '
"' '!·
f.t t and 10;30 a.m .• ,1trvle<s r.r -.i 111b1o ~ Cburc.I,
aimmufoh llhlf'a'ffimon by-
lltlU'J' E. J011es will be Bi.pOtrn.al service:
he «.'6ndtict.ed ·~1 ·Pastor
.i-al! p.m: · .. . .
~ cbL!l<b · Is luc,.ted al t.1~:~ Orln1e, Costa ~1esi: -
.. ~---
•1The GooJ\Sesd Bore Fruit." is Your Objection to Being
<A ~ tlJlssion program Foolish?" by Or. Kenneth
"i ll ·be -nercr by the CiN'I· Johnstone.
~~otZ~Jl.m. Friday. The Inquirer'1 Class will
Mri 11.nd ... Mn~· A. Tengbom, meet at 7 p.m. -.... __
mlu&onN'I~ to Africa, wJll ~ . Shpw~fli.d.eleJld'.speak qn thelr Al Community ti ii I ti Ill
wort· tf.Tanlallla. lHelbodlst Cbu..!,th, 6662 Heil
· · ·· ,.::.....:.._ Ave., Hunlington Beacb, ·the
Swiday school stude:nts at
Sttood Church or Christ,
Scientist, Newport Beach, will
--run the church service at 3
p.m. Sunday in a learn.by·
doing situatioo. The church
auditorium ls located at 3100
Pacific View Drive, Corona
de! Mar.
C .-_.QDJty , }>teabyteMu Rev. Charles L. R0S4\ will
Cburcll of <taguna Beach will preach "Tell It as lt-II'' al
ho&t the Sou~a. ~~fornla both the 9 and lD~ . ..a.m.
&;clk.xJ or the American Gufld services. Each service will be _The students have spent
o( F;ojllsh ff~dbetr Ringers follow~ by a congregaUonal . s:veral months preparing to
WorUbOp Feb:·? from 9 a.m. meeting. • · ·hOJct the all-youth church
to 4 p.m. The 11-lethodist... Y. trU th &en-I~
A· regl11t.r.1Uon fee of $4 will Fellowship Group 'meeb each Elected as First Reader for
Yo~ Boroseope
Leo: You Need.Review
Spiritual counsel b acte:nted
aad more·lb~aual
number of pe:noo1 beaeOL
£vt1t OC(:urs wltklt tlUstS
many to rtlum to basic
bel~ls, values.
ARIES (March 21-Aprll 19):
Accent on what you feel rather
than Utink. Know .that emo-
tions tend to dominate. Give of
yoursell -but get fair return .
Others respect sincere dedica·
Uon -but avoid foolishness.
cANCER (Jun< II.July 22):
Don't go orf diet or to excess.
This is contlnµing advice -
applying yesterday Md today.
FamUy member with sweet
tooth Is the temptteM.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 2%): You
may find that one clGSe to you ii costing more than you ex-
pected. Frankly, you need to
review a personal situation.
Return to ""erlr h1bits. Refuse
to waste your talent.
VIRGO (Aug. 13-Sept. 22):
1ppear1 to be a barsain.. rn
purchasing Items for children,
be skeptical. R,e 1 11 z e
youngsters art. wbject to
whims. Act ind buy ac-
SAGITrA RJ US . lNov. 2!·
Dec. 21): Strive for the prac.
tical. You cal'I push borne ma-
jor points. Key Is to follow
thrwgh on intuitive fiash.
Your judgment about property
matters is apt to be. correct.
Communion ••Ill be offered
.at the 7130 and t~30 a.m.
srrvlctS at St. JoM tbt. Divine
~seopal Cburcb, 2CH3 Orange
Ave., C.OSta ~tesa. '
-0-ge Williamson, o/ Bloy
ff(K.Lee . Theolo&lcaJ: 1,'raining
School. wW.speak on "~todern MP.eds · of tM Ministry'' al
ttli1:30 a.m. Wotship hour. ·
--SiiMlay sCOOOJ .wiU..meet at
t:so a.m . day schOOI and ctilld care are
sfated ai JO a.m.
co~er the workshop activities --SUnday at 7 p.m-in lbe church the service Is Bill Sinunons.
and h11icheon to be served at social hall. CbrtsUne Cochrane will serve
the _c b'u r c b . Reservations An organJ.za~ona1 meeting as precentor. leading the
shot.ild be forwarded to Erma for the We&lfn Service Guild h)'mn sing~. Chainnan . of
&ssi!lt, Z935· ·chlllon Way, designed especialy for working the commJttee1 are Frank
Laguna Beach, 92651 b Y women will be held 1ilondy at Harper. membership; Miss
TAURUS (April 20-May 20):
~!any you feel close to are in
transit. You may find today
that truly no man Is an island.
Let it be a constructive lesson.
Serve and you will be served.
Be analytical.
Pressul'f is on to be practical.
But you have to wait foe final
green light. Special document
is not yet available. Be persis-
tent _without being obnoxious.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19): Fine for attending event
aimed at raising flinds for
hospital er charitable in-
stitution. Some wbo seem to
lack serious putj>ose could
surprise you tod&y. I • .
l !
. -·
. •
' ' . '
• lreaching "At 1he Table or . •
tbe'"Lord" the Rev. Norman L. -Lutbe:ran ·chur4r· Of .&be
.Brown will be in the pulpit '!\fast.er. 2900 PaCUlc.' View
Sund4y at PI y mouth :0rive,,Corona Jiel.Mar olfers
Coa1r-egational Church or ,worship 8\ 9:!5 an#'/1 a.m.
Newport Jlarbor, 3262 Broad . e~h,SUnday. Co1J1D1unlon w.111
St, Newport Beach. Worshlp .b:e,:Offered aJKi Or. >V!Uiam R.
sei;yice, with communion, Sun. E~ler.wjJl.de1!~er ·lbe message
W~esda,y. . -...7:00 p.m. Cochrane, music; Simmons,
. ·· ~ head'Usher; Mike Green, plat..
toffd\JCl.lng worship scr\'ieS .. Father, Forgive Them" form ; Gilbert Almquist, child
at. 9:JO and JI a.n1. 'l'be First will be the pulpit topic preach· care; Hillary Harper, nowers.
Uallff ~~si C~urch. 2721 .eel by the Rev. Bruce A. Kur-Susan England will serve as
17th St.L Huntington Beach, librarian and Walt farrar will
will featilre ~sermon "What (See-PULPIT, Page ·s)-6e clerk. {\
GEMINI (Atay 21.June 20):
Be careful in relation to
partnerships, including mar-
riage. There is tendency to
blur meanings. Strive to I~
prave rommunications. Mean
what you say and say what
you really mean.
LIBRA IS.pt. 23-0ct. 22):
Efforts appear to be scat-
tered. It is best to reso lve
Jong.standing s i t u a t J o n •
Multiply efforts w i t h o u t
weakening basic d r i v e s .
fl.1essage becomes increasingly
clear as day pros:resses.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):
You could be deceived by what
AQUARIUS (Ja9. 20-F•b.
18J; You may not feel you an
getting your f u I I share of
credit. But those who know do
realize your worth. Feel this is
true and avoid any tendency to
PISCES (Feb. Iii-March 201 :
-. . .. --. . ' . . I . "
., .. Lo_~KtNG. FOR MEANING & RELEV ANCE7 I '.CHRISTIAN SCIENCE \ THE EP~.~?!.~~.:HURCH I L~~~:~~ ~~~~~~
FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHUR(f.H 1·•. I. C.I I ST. JAMIS, 1209 YI• Lido, Nowpon l•K• • : 2501 Clilf Dr. LI 8-4293
·•· Nirview Rd. At F•lr Dr .. Costa Mesa CHURCHES ' 71JO •• 111.-H .. , IKhcnbr
-, A:M:-Church S~h~I ... ·,o~ A:M...:.worihfp I , t :H ,•.111-Mom., '"'y.t" 1,,' Jn1 s .... , tkoly l•llorl1t 2M • 4t• Su11. DNM• -Selllltl•lty-D•ptll l lW• St114y &re1,. I • IUtlCHts .Of THI MOTHI• CHUJlCH , t:OO •.lll.-Cfl11rcfl School
P'r lY•N 8!'tl·Cifovp Cot111Mfh1t '""', ... 545°4610 THI flllst CHURCH Of' CH•IST, SCIENTIST 11 :00 •·111-Holr luchorh t lit & lnl S1111. ==============:;;;~·:;::=·=·===~I IN IOSTON, MASSACHusms ; Mo,,,111, P'r11pr 211d & 4t1' Sul!. r .-. C1'11d Co,. at f :OO 11.m.
HARBOR TRINITY BAPT1ST ~MU~CH I ''LOVE'' I Th •• ,~'::.:1:'A~~~:·,41=::~!-::~., P't10110: 615·0210
12JO ~all~ St. ot folnlew, Ce1to Me1e •'
Rey. Cot111i. Sol/01, r.to.r Sunday. February 1
Sunday School 9:45 a.m. ~tornlng Worship tl :OO a.m. BaPfist Training Union 6 p.m. Evening Ser:vice 7 p.m. 1 COft1 Mesa-First Church ~f Christ, Scientist
wec1-A~.1 B·b1 St d & p I 2110 Mnil Yerde Dr .. Colt• Mn. ,~ay 1 e . u y rayer .............. 7:00 p.m. 5114_, Scll .. I-t :tl A.M.
I CHrcll Senko -11 A.M.
Rffdhtt R-. 21SO Mn. Yent. Dr.
Poclflc YI-Drl'le •t Mort1t1tlt•, Coro110 del M11r
S11dey: 1:00, t :JO •11d 1 l :O~lllld core .r f :JO
H•lr o.,. • A11tHttC:ed An Rous w~,.-
• Rtcter, Tito Rn. Johe Roten D•'lh -P'llo110 644-0463
ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave ., C.M.
TIMI Rn. J1t1N1 6. 11011, P'*l tor
Tit• Rn. ROHld ·WW..,
Aul•tollf P'o1tor
Fa1;ruly WDrollil> t :OO 10 IO:lO t .11'1.
l>ll'ld•Y Schoot t :JO to IO:JO •.m.
wor~lllp Strvlct 11:00 •o 11:00
Nursery care available
at all services
2900 Pacific View Dr.
Corona de! !\tar
Mn.. Wol'te C"-borloh1,
Pori•• Worbr. .
Phone 644-7664
t :15 A.M. Fo111llr Wen•I'
10:00 A.M. S1Moy c•1rch Sc•••• 11 iOO A.M. fftti.,. WOflhlp
Minery ProriM'
Miuouri Svnod
flO HAMILTON, cosr.t. MISA lltlV. J. D, '#Ai;LACI
I Huntington .Beach-Fir.st Church of Chri1t, Scientist
110 ou ..
S'""'9ys 7:10 & f:JO Cl1rc" School-f :JO
Th11rtdtrp: 6:10 & 10 0.111.; Holy 0.p • •nt1011ctd
'(le., T1'e In. M1 W. 0.11•ldlo1-,.o .. S41·1J26
760 Yktorf• ''·· Coshl MIM ! Lotll• V. Ton1ow, Pmt.r
Su11d•v School •••••••• ':•S y,.r~if11 U11lon ••••••• , S:OO
Mor.ii;.9 Worlhip ••••. 11 :0"0 Evinin9 W1111hip .,,,;. 6:00
Wed11e1dey p;•'l•I Meetin1 for t U •9e1 , •.•.. , , .•• , .• 7:)0
rlt•H 6'42·f1 II Nursery Alwo" A.,olloblo
SU1doy kllool -f :Jo· &-11 :00
Chtrcfl -11 A.M. s.n-lc:•
Recnfhit Roell'! ....... ti O Oli'te
Lagun• Beach-First Church of Christ. Scientist
.635 Hi9ll D1.
Ch11rcli»I S1111doJ Sch1ol-t~JO 111 :00
lndllMJ Roifll, 214 F•rest
Beach-first Church of Christ, Scienti1t
lJOJ Ylo Ude
Cll1r~ll I SHdoy Sch--' -f :l5 &. 11:00
r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11l~~w~'~"~"~•~"~'"~"~"~'~"~"~'~"~'~"~·~~~~~,-~,~·~·-~~"~'~'·~··~M.~ I
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EIM1 $!, 11 CMPl't ltlll -JYR Mii If FIVt 1'111115
Hlffltll1eNft 8Htll, CllltOMHt
Tiii lllV. J lmtt [. (Ill'\', l'll!Ot
Sunday Service• a:oa •.M. Htly C•mnw111011 •:•AM. Pemoy Jtrv1ct & tll11rcll
1:00 P'.M. e ven1111"• k11ao11 · J:• P'M. EplKIPll ll:to •M. MoM!lftt Wtnflll y_,. ClllltCJlf11411 N•l'Mll' C~r. Pttvill ..
Mest Vftdo Drl'I• & lalft St....t, Costa Mn., Cellf.
AN ORIO"'t t . ANOIERWN, P•~tor
Svnd1y School: 1:00, ':30 •rid 11:!Kl-Mornlroct Wortlllp: t .oo. t:iiD •rid 1l:OI
Princ.e of P'11c1 lulhtren Sc.hool -Miu E1th1r Ol1on, Prineip1! ..
1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~0~1~1;~,,~·~··~·~,,~,~s~<~•-~o~si~'=========='~·~··~·~'~'~··~'~"='~'~'~·'~''~'~ Newport Beach...second. Church of · Chrl1t, Scientl1t ·
3100 r.ctffc View Dr., c.,.11• 4et Mor
C>•n>••• .. ••"'••l-toA.M. FIRST ASSEMBLY of GO.D CHURCH
• J~11.t l.00111, JJI I Ylo L.ldo
BA.P1:JST.!:H1JRCH '1 ., .. ,...,.,,., .. , ... ., -Cl-!URCH-..:.___. l~_~h•t l_oo~ -2161.1· Co•t Hwy. 11 146 E. 22nd St., Co1ta Mesa 541-3761
Alt atie"tOrdially invited to·attend-the-chur\'h 1: '"_k ... '''"u' VJctoria &.Placentia Ave .
17411 lit.,..., F.Y. ..Costa:hfesa
Rev. ~•110 H•'lf\n, Mhil1ter I J_. I . Nrcr ~
services and enjoy the privileges or the
Reading Roonls
Oild Cort Pro.,ldM AT All SERYICES Mornin4 Wer1hipr.1lO & 11 :DO . . ......Z:":.4,., .
Su11d1v Scho11I •••••••.• 9:JO , 'X~':Mhti11er 11:~;;-~~~~-~~~~£~~~;;~~~~~~;,I Youth Meelin9 •. , ••.• , , , 6:00 ·~~~ ........... l :M •·~
· , _,-._. ............ t i• a.m.
Pr•r er Sor¥lee •.•. ' •••• 6110 Iii'. ................ l~:40 •. m. ST. MATT""W LUTHERAN CHURCH
• S . .'TWJll 't' .... : .. : ....... ··' ""'· n11; "'"'ng .. , .. ,, •.•.••.• , 1:00 't1BWI -.................... 1 ~"'·
• • -S. I Mit1ouri Sy"oil I llf'l9l'r .. v1 '' '" rvlc" Nursery•Car~Ptovided
14• 2 8 I · wor1h ipll'l9 ti l~a _ ' •• 42 ~-477t • .': _-• ., .. _,., , UNIVERSITY PARK SCHOOL
Cf.u1c~ of th: Diily Word , . ' . ~
I "S.ndbur4 •t"M1Hhow1 In Uriiv<lirtily P'1rk
WORSHIP': 10:30 A.M.
Re11. H. Nierm•nn ,Pt1lot IJJ.1111 , FIRSt cHRISTIAN
Mein & Adams Streets
f:lunt inglon Beach
Ltn'll D. Fti<k111ttt Mlflhlfr 1~·~,~~11
.l 5fh l l1vll'lt . N1wporl lttch
cs ... ior c1111ens auJIOi~J
Mor11l.•t Wo11hip . ,
.......... ·I .JO & lt :tlOAM
I i bit Sc.hool •, ••••••• f l4S AM
Youth G106p1 •••••• 6:00 PM
1:45 A.M. Sund1y Si:h11ol ..
&•ni11,·Wo.,hi11t -; ••• 7:0'0 PM 1 OJ"F1(e : :ioo w. C!Hd'l'l~flwey. ~.a.
'" .. l tuotY or1-.i..~.;.,.' •. m. 'p11on1: Ml-5111 . Nuftll'1 Ctrl Provldtd ti •~ iet'Ylct!.
Offlc1: "6·~~' Oltt Oo'vollon--534·t580 •I DIAl·A·l'«AYU -646·06Jt
II N.w1119rt hKll
Mlf!IOtt (1111"1:11 .t .UnltM (llof"dl ll•lltilft kl.iK.,' Lt1'"'111C""
1UNO"V SEtllVIC:f , .• II "/(!
M"lril1k<' ... "lbt•t ·eur~e; "llf S.c.fl:. • '
'THI I SILL CLU& Cll" N('#'1)11T set.CH
4~ r-M.,.. ~I
f.V,,j ;r;.. .
) n...u.-wn•
·~ ........ -~ &" •
Th!! P'l•n of God
The Person of Chri~t
The POt>Rr of:.lhe Holy Spirit
:<>~nrl•Y Si::l'ool 'J .i..~I
,l.\Q<lll~I WorJhlp 9 ~nd I(! >0 ,1,q
11•efllhj Se r.oo<e T ,,\I
Wtclnt""'V 8it1l1 l hxh
~nd p,,~, 7 ,\,
N~•1ery du1tt!t M'IH<e1
' '
_ Jn •••11t1• ll'#tl., ...... ·• ·• A .full Youth Progr.am
;=:=:=:=:=:=:~::==:=:=:=:=::::::=::==:=:=:=:=:=:~I Cm. of Or.1nge ,11nd 23rd. St.
H veu .,, loolin4 for •n tl,..bor1!1 pro9 r1m, or tocit l pr11ti91.
lvt ii vo11 .,,,. loolri114 for in·d•plh Bibl e tludi11, Chri1lit11 f,I.
lo.-.hlp, end l;Pkj114 tpiriltd wor1llip, you'll le•e 111 ! To 1e10m•
mod1te our tf.J~iit church f1rn il y "'' tow ht•• two Sund1y
fl'lorning ttr11ic•i, 9 ,30 tl'ICI 11 :l)O. NutHry c.1re~ C°'1itr of G rttfl·
:1 Cmt.a Mf'Sl I Pn tor H. f.'lones, 1rc.i, 1'\br.
U11rN-01rch tf ·
420 10th St., Huntin9lon lt•Ch
Phone 516·2120
Adult & Yo11 lh Sftw.ic11, I I 1.m.
111 Y11r Cl111. W1tl';., 7:15 p.m.
Corana del Mar
c; .. +~· o,,..
~ t::::I " ,. s --'° z -~ ~
+ ,... .... + i _j · ' t
:P,A ~... , ... o h':_...-.,..., ~tr MA'i "'"'"
WenMp -1 OiOO A.M.
Ch1rch School -10100 A.M.
Or Plllllp G. Mlfl'rt't, M•nltter
M1,. sn.,iry Stlbat, D.<..1£.
M. C. Cro11Jc, P&Utllfr Joh" Golfwick, A11oci ... -
Rty Nichohon, Miniitt r ol Youth
Family Worship -lO :SO A.M. -7 P.M.
Sherif Poulsen, Director
Warship Service--8:30 AM
Pa1tor Gollnick, speaking
Yltft.n Welc.em• -Nurwry Att111danf
Srote llceMff P're•kh•ol -M•1. John Gollfti,k, Oi1,,1~r
'hont: 645·2121
!'t •Itek Will Of H119 Hotpl"!J
Thom•i l•n~•n ul i, Pt1l1>r S1rn Mille•, MuJic1I Di•ector
Y:4S Su11dar Sc.ha1l-N11nl:fy Ane11dont
10:50 A.M.-"Why th• Yell of th• Tfflple Wen Re11r 111 Tw•"
St'rmon by P11+0•
7:00 P'.M.-"God'1 P'loce For Yew"
1111. J .. elr Strropier Spttkinq
harbor reform temple
mHting at
St. James Epls.copal Church a 3209 Via LK:lo, Newporl Brae.ti
For lnform1tion: Call 671).7230 ERNEST PA.Tl, MINISTE•
·=·='="='='·=·=;=; ... ~1='"'1 ====="' .. "'"'··,,·="=·====-==i1r~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ll
· Seventh·Day Adventist Churches HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD
Jla1•to1· C/i,.idti~li Cliurth .
OF NIWl'ORT llACH -tDltCl'l"l •
. -· .. Mnti11t ~l.rfr H.,,e, bM...,,. '4•HI ' -
4251. 11,. St., Cost• M9M
Church School -9;30 A.M. --
Wors hip -10 :4~ A.M. .
• HWMf'Y Cil;. Pro1ldo4
Phone: ~7S-3915 •.
Mini ster: Dr. D, W. McElti!Y . : ~~~~~OF:,=:::::==::::::~11 · CHURCH CHRIST : " ,
CMt• M ...
:r1l Avtc.""8 Strfft
Joh11 Sh1..;111fk•: P1ilor
P'hoft•: 541·11596
S.~ Scheel •• , f :JO ~M
~~W-ruJP ·:•ll:°'AM ~,....,..,,ll, .. . , -
-.,on•lps 1111
So!ftll Sltotw l•ptbt Ch1rc~
12711 Crow• Yelt.y Porlwoy
A. E. R1w11111, Pt1!01
Ph•11•: 492.J9l6
S.ltttotfl 'UHi • . • . f :JO AM
li4ar11l11t Wo~I, •• , .10:50 AM
"'l · ...... ~ .. " ~-· ~ ~filRST c ·H(tlSTIAN C"URCH
f010 t~ I.ff.' ft!"lliirrt & tit~ollol, FOUNTAIN YALLIY
~IFTIO SE&Y~Cl .,-u1'111y Sc.hol f;JO-WO~SHIP'. I01JO
~ Wo~lpit.' Y.i11th Graup1 -6:)0 P''"·
I ~ ,"" f'fv!:l;'O' Jiff"'°"' ti •t M letVICft
llTWllN HAalO• -4 fAl~llW ~ ~4!' ~ ~ Vhllln "'' A-ys WelCOml
SUNDAY MORNING ll ll~ STU DY ............ ~ •• t:.4SA:M.., .11~~;;;;~;;~~;;;~;;~~~~~~;;~~;;g111
SUNDAY M.ORNll'ol& WOR SHI' & COMMUNION • , l0;4S A.M. lf1 --' )
SUND.r EVENIN• WORSH" .................. ,, .... M. 'EVANGRICAL FREE CHVRCH
WEDNESDAY EVENING l ll LE STUDY , • , ••••• ,, • , 7:JO ,111\,
740 W. Wilton, Co1te M11a
Y. L HllTWICM, P•ter
141 .... 7CH ll:Olllltf I . Jl•TIG Mllll..., 11 IMtt• CAllL GEfftllY
Mlllhler " Mutlc
.1 ..
f>r.kllMI -llUNef'lltletl -ll>r111tnl1ry -OllW Care
n. c .... "."" ,,.., .... ,., "9·
HtfN Het!Htr ArH
617 WMf Hnilttt.. c .... Mfto • •f Kelttf19t•" leoc.111 _
HDUIRY CAU PROVIDID lt11 flotHo A". Jl6·1fll All J ewhh f•mllie• •r. iJ111;t'"' lo jein 111 in lt11I¥ ll'le•nlntf11l
DIMM O . M~ D, Q., Hint lttv. Alttf L. Mn1tr. P'KIW SAllATH RININ• SDVICIJ ,IUDAY .. 1:11 '·"'·
• .. litftt9' , AIMKI ... Mhtb,.., • !·• A~ -""81' tt11M1 -AH Aftt U: .. A.M, -Mem111t WIMJtl;. ,..M, -'ltvltl G'ff!ll s,w.t1ol Lnftr -l•bM Gen .. Q.eotfMOO
A Cordial Welcome from
Balbot hl1nd
l lSA9•I• 67S·0950
9:30 Trtdition•I Wo,,hip
& Sund1y School
C<ut1 Mei•
19 th St. & Htrbo1 l lvd.
Ciiurch Wor1iolp -9:)0 & I!
Church 5c.hoo/ -9:30
Cotti M111 North
M,11 V,rdt Ir B"ker St.
549.211 9
Wor1hip & Church School
9:00& IO:JO A.M.
Hunli"11ton le•eh
2121 17th St. 5l6-l5]7
Str•iee1 -9!JO l 11 A.M.
Nurtery thru 2nd 11r1de • 11
Chur'h Sch ool-9:)0 A.M.
Huntin11tol'I l1teh -Nort+i
6662" Heil Avt .
WorJhip & Churc.h School
f & I 0:10 A.M.
Irvin• -E11f Bluff
18-422 Cul•er Ro1d
•I Un;.,,.;ty Ori••
Wo<1hip & Church Sch11ol
~ & 10:]0 A.M.
l•gunt lttch
21611 Wt1lt'I D1i11t
in So. l14u~•
Wonhip 11 A.M.
C~ureh School f :JO A.M.
N1wporl le1ell
140 0 W, lelbo1 l lwd.
67J.Jltl5 ·
W111hi,-.:lO A.M.
Ch11rch Sehool-
9:10 & 11 A.M .
of the Coastal Areas
Chrlit Church Presbyterian
201,J Mllf'IOll• IN.., Aoll9MI) H...ti ..... .._.
1..,, Do11ctf4 I. R.Mrtl, P•tet
l111ffy w..-i,: f :30 A.M. Cll1rc• Sc ... •I: 11:45 A.M.
Orfia: JG1 12 M .. eollt St. ""-: t61 .. 940
Church af the Covenant
2110 ki"lfto •Md, CM,. MIN
, lruc• A. 1C urrl1, P,11ar ..... w.nM,: t iJO .. 11 -Ch1rtll 1cllotl: f :JO
,,.._: 541·4JM
St. Andrew's Presbytericin Church
600 St, ..,....._, ltff, New,.,. IMcll
" WenM, & Ch1rdi Sc•eot: I, f 1)0 & 11 A.M.
St. Mark Presbyterian Church
C.,.., "-h'" & lhrttilwff Drift, Cer...-t1o1 Mer
JetM& .,..... '°"· P•ter
W...eiifi & Chrcll Sell ... -t & tt:JO A.No
644·1 J41
Attend the Church of Your
Choice on Sunday
Phon.: .548-5711 Dey or Night ,, .. """' -'"'"lllt t.l"WC!o ' f>.M, w"" 1 rt1t• ,~,. 646·5511 • 1 tmple Shet•n Choir -Oneg Sh1b.i 541. 1 412 ; ~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~--~~~~··~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-·L...::.:.::..::::::..~~:::...::::~:::::...::::.::::.:::::::.__::::::_:::..Ji!!:::==================================='
1 I ,, I
• I
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I ' =
I '
f ,)
I ' I
l . ,-
' Satir~, .la'""'1 11, 1970 DAILY ~ILOl' If
:Pew Presbyterian-Split? Pill.pit'··· an'.IJ ,,..,__.
' -.. .. .
rle for , th el Prtsbytcrbn
CJhurtl!I· of Ute 'Cove!Nlll, za&O -
Fair\'lew Raad, Costa M,....
Thia fetmOn i.s lhtr-flrs\ In a ~les'eol1tled. "'llleiiCall Tb ls
·Fi"iday . Good.'"\Wor&bip
wvicN will bo. held at !l:SO
and 11 11.m. Church school
through sixth grade will be
hl!td at 9,341.0;m. -· '-forning ·worShip yt"ith Com· mun~·ls schtdliled at 10:00
cr.m. for Re 1u·l"r'11·tt1 en
L • fll er an Chllrch. ·9812
Harililton,! H~ntingtort Beach.
The Rev. Afthur R. 11'ingley
will ipia\( on "'niose Who
Heartng the Word."
Sun~@Y ~hllrch ~~001 ror
~llde,s . three and above is
schedUled ror 9 a:m.
The adult cff.liCuSsion group,
meelink a( 9 a.m., will con--
1dder-·"Set Free lo Serve." Some of your irulate qualilies
. ' ~1 .. Ung. al lbe senior Clll·
zena Buildhtg, 15th and Irvine,
Ntwport Beach, NewpOrt Uni·
ty Church ,aervlces WIU belin
al 10 am.~ Sunday. The Rt.. Lar'tn Dale: Flickincer's
mon leRson will be "Tru 'Ii
M.ighty ·eurrent."
A singspiratlon will \be hl.!ld
Wednesday, 7:30 p.n1.'
Flrtt Churcb of drisf Sclen-
ttst. 2880 Me&a Vtrde Drive,
Costa h1esa, tl a.m.: First
Chorcb of Cbrist Sclentb&, 810
olive. Hun1'l1wn Btacl\, 9,~
and U l~i Flnt Cbvcti tl
Cbri&I J!Cltoflst. 635 Hitlfi 1 Brivt. Laguna 'Beach, 9~ 8nd .
.. JI a.m.: Flrat Church df
Chris& Scltn\l~t, 3.'..0}:V'Ja "UQo,
Newpqrt Bt::a.!!h. 9:15 and II
"Heal Me, 0' Lord" It 'th~ tl· a.m, tuJd St:cond Church or t ~
tie or the sermon to be preach· Cllrlst ~lep,Jfst, 3100 Pacific
ed by the Bev. David D\Prolio Vlew Drive~ Ne,,_,·port Reach, I
at Cbrlsl CbJU'tb. by Pit Sta. 10 a.m. \ i-<
1400 w. Balboa Blvd., New~rc :' -~i
Beach. Early wors~ip . ariij . -• Leonard ·Siegel a converted c~urch school are at 0:30 a.m. Christian, will ' c 0 n du et
with resular m>rshlp at_ 11 .~rvices at th e 8:30 a.m.'
a.m. Nu~~ry 11.B:e ls provideJI . •worship hour for FI r 11 t
at both ~~vie~. . Assembly ol God Church in
The Senior lhgh Fellows.hi~ Costa Mesa. At this service
meets at 7 P,.(11. Yooth Mini s t er David
Communlon %'ill be ·
celebrated al Ch.(i.JI Lutheran
Cburcb. 1760 Victoria, Costa
·p.1esa, at both th.c 8: 15 an'd 11
a.m. services Sunday. The
\Vakefleld will preach
' .
· 'tiber~~ ConserviltWes B~ttling
UPI tttl.,._ Wrttw
divided de:nomlnaUon. 1'hll benevolenct prpgrarns f 1 11
month 1 fourth group~ c&Ued nearb'1 • perct11t below the
Oilo of Amerit1'• l<adiliJ "Tho Covenant l"tl""""1P el '1111 bud 1 • t. Membership
r Proteitanl den~lnaUorui ta In Pr!•b)'ttriana,~ was or:ganlilld growth declined during 1968 to
real danger or being tom a~~ ~eetl~-In AOa~ _ less 1hin ' a thousand persons,
aJlllJ't by lnlromur.al. battling HEADRn BY DR WUlta alld In 11169 lllere may ha''
between tlberals and coo-r ' m been ·-en actual loss o £
1ervativtL M. EIU<f..J>MIOr.of lllghland membero. Park Prebytlrtan Chun:~ In
The denomlnatjon threaten. Di~& llW;,voup.hopeS to THf; MORAL for a 11
ect by schism ii the tw.year. orcan\ie Whit tt calla the denoro1nat1on11 •ms to be
old Presbytei-tan Cti,qrth In the ";,~ l ' '·~ ,n;t 'J\l'IJorlty of clear. Jn·~ cold .war among
United S1-tes. .co m·m on l '/ ~tnoderatn" for an elfort to · Christ,lans, the first casualty ii
·known •s th~ S 0 u t he r n heal divisions before they lead 1he g~~l of 1~ Ou::lst.
Presbyterian Church . It has to 1 final n.ipture.
nearly 1 million members in ~ while ~·ho~est dissent" can
16 southern and IOUthwestem be healthf In a Church, Dr .
slates. Elliott s81'd this week, It's time
DrsnJRBlNG the peace of ·for ·an handt to cool off whm
the frcsbyterian fold are the polarlzatlob reaches the J)9int
safue three issues thal are where the church is seriously • thrtatened with .. the sin of
IOYS I.ND . •ius ~&IS l TO It
w .. '" .. ,,....... Oii C,._ Clfwlt TV
A "six-we·• n a r c 0 11 c s Rev. Lothar Tornow will .s~ak ..,.. an "Don'ltlinn YobrSeU. '
Siegel, who studied opera at
the San Fran cisc o
Conscrvalory of Music, Is ~r~
rattly studying for l he
. mjrJjslry ·al Souther.n
California College.
causing Internal ~ssension in schism:• He urged his fellow
many other Jarge Protestant PresbyteriaAS tg redediciile
bodies and the Rom an themselves to the "humility,
Catholic church. mutual -forebearance "' d
Mf OINllfj ... ""'"'""' , . ., ~
IN ORAN&I COUNTY seminar will._be held.al Cbrist, Senior Walther ·u e a g}ll·c.
Presbyterian CIWr& • .JOllZ. grou'p will matt at t1'4"home or
f\fagnolia;•Hunti'M'toii Blach, ftlr. and Mrs. 'Kennel\ Craven beginning~ Tuescfay.""'at 7:3' Sunday evening to see slides
p.m. This -~i~s w~I be ~d.. on "Inside Vt et n a·m ''
re_gularly on Tuesdaj'·everungs-presenled by Jolin Stcinfeld.
with ";Lt. -.'~~an, .of lh;e ... former Green Beret. An open
narC(>4cs div1s1on ot the ijun--• discussion on the War the tln~oo Beach. Po.Hee Depart-··~draft. conscientious obj~tion
meiti, c~u~hng the , ctas~es~ ·and peace v.'ill follow the
Cati ttie c _h u r c h. office. presentation at 7 p.m.
'T "' ~ "" ., First, U>ert is : controversy kive." taught by Jesus Christ.
U n1 tall i a n. Uoi\'ers.,li5t over the. role "1e churcli ' A ret:,t:nt ¥J:tlstical"'reporl
W.omen will' hold a potluck lun· ~th Coast Cluster, , Loa Caldwell , Idaho,.will d0eliver a should plaj in the:struggle for· from .Sfmthern Presbyterian
cheon Thursday and will hear ~ctlos. Presby1t'ry._Jre _look-:_ lt:Cture ...on ':The Age. of the ra'cial equality and 50efal ·headquarters In A'·t I an la
Norman Smith speak on mg forward tc thesr ~a -Earth and -the World Before justice. · · dramatically reveals lb& ex· • Talef'Jf-a .. rch:. .....
··Astrology and You"' at.I p.m. i:!.flllUal J...ay Ac~my ,In th Flood" Wed sd t 7.!I) Second, there is disagree-·tent to wl'l.lct'I a "Church's c.M"'tM ~ Child care is provided. They February. · e . ne ay 8 • mel'lt about Ufe.deslrabllity of mWion cab .be cr'lppled by .in·
wi)I meet at the church, 1259 According to lbf:o Rev . p.m, Jn ~me.r L~. r1e Ii hap rn:a d 0 c tr i 0 a I temal squab b Ii n g . Con-TA.kl I ftlODUCTIONS
Vktoria St., Costa J\1esa, . Joseph Stephens, Ji,iistor of the CbH ~~2_,6.15Bel Sphringdale st., slateiTients' and Ii tu r g I ca 1 ~ibdutions. 1!0U\" allocal. e~llfd:>eds .. HOLLYWOOD,' CALIP.
968-4940, .for informauon. ·
Sunday m0in'111gr thC Q.ev.
1 host San;;. Clemente United · unhnr;..,,, ac · practices to make them morel"ji;;;;;;;;;';;;00;;;1111"i;;;;;;ia.;;;oni;' ;;;;;m;;;;;;'";;;';;;0";;;;;;an;;i;;iiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiii:iiii:iii!iiiiiiiii~
''The J\leaning of Fallt(' ls Presbyterian Cbnrcli, the appealing lo people today. II
Doriald .£. Roberts will con-
duct the worship service at
9:30 o'clock. Infant baptisn1 is
planned. ' • ·
Wednesday evening a l1lm
for parents of pre.schoolers
. entitled, "A Day.iu the.Life of
a Three Year Old" will be
shown. -.
, Huntington.Vallef . Bal1f,ist
Church, 9779·"' Slater Ave .•
Fountain Valley·, will ·cqnducl
.Sunday schogl at 9:45 il.n1.
St!nday. Worship begibJ: at I(
8.m; with Pastor James Her-
fugton ciintbfuing his .seciCs of·
messages -(rom H.e b.l. e w s
chapter IL
Th~· YOuth Hour' for jtJnior
and senior high youns people
is at 5 p.m. with the Evening
Sirvice" at 6 o'clock. Nursery
care is provided fur .all
A leacher and Bah a · 1
ptqneer from -Costa Rica and
Bolivia. Richard Mirkovit:h,
will speak at lhe Baha'i
Center f.1onday in ~ Mesa
at 8 p.m. His topic i~ Science
and Religion • llow (hey
lhe topic for Sunday's 7:'15 s~ions Of the Lay Academy Frienpship Sunday will. be . ~rd, Jbere is dispute over
p.n1. annual Bible conrerence will be held' the four observed lhis week at "the. effOrli to move toward unity,
meeti·,1g a!. t"alr\'iew Baptist Thursdays of F e b r u a r y : Huntllfjton ·Beach Church Of with other Christian bodies.
Church , fair\ ic'A' and Fair February 5, 12, 19 and 26, at Religious Sclthct, 2420 10th St. ALT H 0 UGH it, S ,,_..., ~ • .....,. ... 1 Hi "Witwlth
Oriv_e. Costa Mesa11n.-. n.oberl the Sao Clemente Church. The Rev. Ernest Pate will 6 d ~ F h f ., y '' 1 ••eoreU"cally poss1"ble for an o , m• •t ''• •om th• ...,.~1011...-. I Laun·n wt"ll spea• and a;a'!•(ll.I· ~ O!h > he rt' ipati discuss "As Within,· So 1.u Hl k · " ":>"~ er c.,urc S.PI 1c ng individual to split his ballot on M ••r• t • world• ,,.,tM Htb. 1:21 . !ton answer period wUI ollow .\viii be the Commu1lty Without" at lhe • 11 a.m. these three issues, moa{ H\;••ld, "a.fore Abr•h•m w••· I'"'''
aL 8 p.m. •. ~ ,J•resbyWlri• Ch 11 r c h· of service. ' chu-h menibers •·nd to take IJil, l :Sll. H• p'r••ch•cl lilrouth Noeh,
L Be h C 'I N be t di lhe '"' w: befor.th,flood,flr,1.l:tl.121.M ..... agona ac ; ommwu y ew mem rs e ecte o 8 liberal ~-nd on alt three or · .. , "'1411 think of J•1u1 11 • b1be i" ltthl•htll'I The' Rev . Reginald F. Goff, P11esbyter!•n Church of Son church board are "Vee a conservative stand on all !1•p•ti•Hv 1ro11"d Chritl1t111, thb11gh th•
Two H~tington Beach girls ordained ?wiethodisl ininister Jt1an · Qipislrano; GeMva Williams, LeRoy Gr ah a m , three. The liberal favors lia1._. • .,1 NOTHING. ,bti11t Chriitm•il. lut Goel ••nh ,... to
are in the runriing for; the and a ~ Jeadet in · Camps J,J~sJ>yterian Church, Laguna Paul Booker anp Felix Smith. church Involvement In socii.I th i"k. 0( Chrllt ,, th e MAN . J••u•· '•~'with •od-Phil.
Catholic Youth OrganizaUon·s Farthest Out and O'fh l' r · flJt~·aoQ Presbyt~ri~o C~~b action, modernization of doc-2:5·1·1l. who humbl1d hj~11lf ind llveJ·., peritct lift f0Te11t
. annual Teen Queen Contest. ccum.enical groups, wlll be the of tbe ~1ssler, M1ss1on Viejo. . Teniplt • Beth David · 0 f trine . 8nd llturrru, 8 n d •••mpie •"cl w•• tr11t,i~i.d f•r our '1ih1. Ytt, hi" liv•1 NOW with
Tl •1· M th &.1 God, h11 F1th1r in; fitt••n IAth 61561", hiving b1tn bocli1y . 1ey aJe 1•)SS ar a evening speaker at a special Orange "-·nty w1·11 conduct movements low a rd d 1 h THEkEFORE h " OURS
C r M A~..i """ re111rr1ct1 rom t 1 grtvt. , I • t.tlYft"'t~ .. ro.ss , 16, daughter o r . at...--m~ of the Orange Cimnty -The e:teciitive dfrtdor·or the regu1ar Sabbath services o6 ecumenical unit. The con-· th1t WE te• ''" n ... 1ft•r dttth, with Chrlst '"" Gol tn.H••·
h_trs. Harold IN. Cr~s. 1.i~n-cim11s FartbeJil Out, today ~t Bib 1-f:.SCience AuOciation, Friday evening at the Olm· servallve vfews each o( these "•"' Deel "ot thi1 hop• !Col. 111·61 q11ic~t1l vo11i' pul•• ertcl t1ngton~ach:_and->.f1ss._L111<ta 7:1.S , p.m. in lhe ne.VI lnc.,the:Rev.WalterLangof munlty Congregational things as subversive of b•1t1" your br••thi119? H .... you clo"e •nytfrting ebout thit
Parks, I~ ~aughtez; of l\fr. aYJd .,.. Me\Senger Han or the Ur\iteQ Church, 4111 · Katella, lAls orthodox faith and practice. hoptf ll\•1• IS 101r11thln11 for YOU +. cla tv1" 11 Chrilf h•d '1rs '!1c~ael Parks Hun ho•' Ch h O -· f .1 "gh . HIS _clwty IJ1. 6,:)11. l•li•v• o" C.hrltt, k1pt11t, a. ~•Pt.l111d, ". • 1• :o • • f.1et wst ·urc , range. Alamitos. ••rt; am1 y ru t The 1"ncreasm· gly b It In ti gto B h 1; .. , • i;o<:id l{t : b1 1•¥td 11 • r11ult. IMk. 16:15, 16, Acl1
n n eec .\ J\1eeting begins at 4 ~p.m. 4: Cliaplai'ns servicewUlbeglnpromptlyat family fight among Soulhem J1J1, G'•I. ·1·rn • ..,, ... i~:l6, 1 '•'· 3:t1 ...... 2:101 . Visit
Tbe wnte6t closes f\1onday and a share-a-dish·supper will . 7:45 p.m. with Rabbi Bernard Presbyterians Is specifically Church el Chrid 117 W. Wil10~ St. Turte Ch'""''' -S11rtrlty1,
and the winner will br en· be 6fIVed at 6 p.m. · B·, Goldsmith, In conjunction concerned with (I) the 7:JO A.M.
nounced a~ the CYO Queen D SJ d with Cantor Jlarry Newman, forthright Stand taken by the
Ball ne~l ·Friday in the The Evangelical F r ee . 3 y 3 le conducting the' riles. 'den0mination and its govern-i!_~i-i--i:l~iiiiiiii-~-ijijili~-~;ij~iii'i'iiiiiiii~ Biltmore Bo"'!l, Los Angeles. 'Ctnrrrh of llun1lngton Beach,.. ~ . . _ . . ~ ........--ing genel'·aJ assemb ly in op-Ji OPEN TOCSAY --· --. u112 ~FloridQ -Av.e.~ HunUnglon · _..F,our .Chapla1ns DJY 'Wlll, be •:The ft.1eti Verde·· United positiol't·tG all (orms·of racial :--
"Open Your Eyes" i·s the Sennon subject at Corina Beach, v.•iU hold its annual ,comm.cmoratcd by lbe Hun-~1etbodlst Ohurcb, 1701 Baker discrimination: (2) proposils .D~,&tf:· sermon to be preached by Dr· de1 ~lar Community Church, 1 missiona'r)"' conference begin-ihgton Beach · Po:rt of the Street, CostA.1t1~ wU~ hold tor 1 ·merger with th e
Charles H. Oi~ni(eld at 'Congregational, 611 Heliotrope n (fl·g 's u n day . E i·gfl t . A • • f, Le · 'F b 5 t 8 mqrrung services at 9 and predominantly ho rt h t! r n
Andrew·, P,rcJbyterJ~ Ave., Sunday, Will ·be "\VhE"fl mis.s.ionarirs representing the menca gion e · a 10:30 a.ni. featuring ~t United Preaby~ia.n Church;
_ Owicll_.600._J)t._Ancfrew. the-Walls Gome Tumbling cmmtrieS"of Vcneiuela. Gongo. ..2J!h.3l the Leg\on Hall. --speakef'tElsle M..-~ar-ris.--Her___and_(3.)_ lion In the
Road, Newport Beach:Sunday Down." The Rev. Philip G. and Japan will be present dur· !J'he ceremony is in memory topi c is "New Challenge to ~sultaUon on Church Union. "'.or.s~ip services are held at 8• Murra y will be in the pulpit ins the four days of lhe con-or lOl.U' chaplains who helped Christians." which seeks lo weld nine
... ..,..,,_ __
9.30 and 11 a.m. . . for th e 10 a.n1. serv ice. Child fert'flce. save ·!00 men from t~ ~fiss Farris is an attorney in. pro t e slant denominations , An all church dinner is care and church school arc · -(including three-large. Negro scheduled r~r·ft:30 p.m:.TU,C.S' provided al.both sCrVll-es. The conference begins th15 torpedoed U.S. troop lransport Long Beach and was past bOdles) in a new united d~v The Rice 1i'am1Jy S1nm-:rs . Sunday witb servicC's at 11 Dorchester off the coast Of jlresident of the lAlng Beach chu-h.
-34 -••• --••· ~ -'i:;.:j -'"~.,' • a.m. and 7 p.m. and cor1tinucs ,..Auncll of Churches and '"' wi I perfonn. Reservation.s · G t d Feb 3 1"'3 ~ may be ma4e by <:alllng the ! Pastor P. G. Neu.man has on \Vedne!<day anrl Thursday · .~nan ' · • ""· California State Bar. A UBERAL caucus called
church, 646-71i7. selected ''TI]t; \Von d r ~us at 7 p.m. The conference.will The chaplains gave their Sunday evening at 1:30 ''The Fellowship of Concern"
_,_ .. Power ol Pr'ayer" for his II concludefriday.v.•ith a dinner lifebelts to four young o'cl~k a potblck supper is and two c:_onservatlve
a.m. service serrnPJl_<Jl Firs t at the cliurch at 6 p.m.1 and servJCemen and told them to planned. Guest speaker for the or g anizaUons, "Concerned
BaPlistCburclr,301 Ma gnolia, theHna1serviceal7:31J p.m. j11mp. Last see n, the four, evening wlll be the Rev. J. Presbyterians'' and
Costa l\1esa. their arms linked together 111 Maxwell Chimberlin who will •' P resb)1.erian Churchmen j From fage 41
...... D"
-INCOME JAl . ' Comnlunion ser\'iCe w i l I Preaching at a. m ·· prayer wenL down 'A'ith the--s~on-qie ~ab-Israeli am-United," have bee'n llff'ambl· ~in at 7 p.m. services, the Rev. St ley P. shi.P.· Diet. · in·g fOr poW6r lii lbt sadfy
Allen has selected " o the FORECAST .. ITOfl ·"'fill ••. 11 1t ...,iti Iii. IOTN s
-• •'"'_.,., i.'1'~••ie •iit. FIDllAl
Your ta I en I and charnl
are recognized by persons you
respect. You are charming
and many are lavi sh with their
praise. Accent today i&<on ad·
vancemenl through social con-
la£ts. .,,r
BIRTHDAY you never follow
the . mob. You ar~ an in-
dividualist who expresses new
Ideas tn provocative manner.
Tf 11ilgle, you could soon be
riding double harness.
A. oeu9~t
H Lii.
COMfl!.ANDll MOtollS
#-loo--4 K.P .-$1 f4._50
.#JJ0-7~'> H.1-5241.10
S••rt i Le"t St-ft M,~J I
·e0at ls~n~. Inc.
7H W. C...t H...,., Npt. kl!.
1714) 7>'12·6630
· '• De vil Are You?" as his theme Major and l\1r&. Sidney at Fountain v lle y
Goldstein's son, l\Utch, will Presbyterian Churl' 9 4·2 o·
celebrate his bar mitzvah to--Talbert. Sunday 1001 will day at Temple llillel. 401 10th .
S fl t. B h prec5ede at 9: .ru. •
t. un mgton • ~~e~aj'i1·-:~-~':!-!:. ttH: r lwo yotiti1 ·Services will beg~ at a.m. ·With Rabbi Ra p De group met.tings at 6: 15 p.m.,
Kooev speaking on ··rv.·o the 7:30 p.m.. worship hour
Great Leaders of r<.iankind." will feature yoUlh particlpa·
The Goldstelns will host a
social following the service.
A concert and drdicalion of
1he organ•is planned Sundfy at
SI. George'li Espisco,,al
Church. 23801 Paseo de V1Jcn-
cia. Lagu11a lilns. J a c k
Andriese will play aJ the 4
p.m. service. Chi ld care ' will
be provided.
''Love '' Is the sermon toplc
at all Chrlslian S c I e n c e
Churches this S 11 n d a ~ .
Services will he hetd al the
following locations and times :
tiOn and musfc,, Pastor Allen
'"'ill present a ..short survey !In
Book of Dani~l.
tlANAW~f.I IST!(ns ~
"Att•r Norm•I OOWn ;.ilmtnt -
JOSEPH 5. HUNTElt, LlcoMetf Reiet hteh lrektr
5uite ),1, 149)7 Ventur•,,., .... Pl~ tu..4000
Sherman 01lu., C•llfornl• 91403
.. ----~-Mall Coupen TodJiy·------
1 GtrlllMtllll ~19-l""nllll "mpllft ll!ttl'"'*llOll M Ktwtll I.I .. , : .
• 11•1n1 ' •• Al ....... ,t .................. , •.• I ·Achlr.-u ..................... """'""·· •. ZI-.................. ; I (ii~ •...•• , ............................... Ttl~&014.· ....... _ ••• ,l. .. J . . -"' ... t..__-···---~·----····:::....... ·-·-·
Cardinal Mindszenty Nixes
.,..., N• 11111'" •"!"' ... ho1'dl1 AND
"It f4¥kkly el .... cett' Tio• TA.1 • ~
SA\iiNOli ... 411e-· eli.11 STATI
1N1 'lt-1 ... h SMAAU lllli ~ ~'tty:~ llOClt woyl Wi3 . • '. p'
___ .,.. ~ . '
Offers to Leave Hu~gary _ __: OUAU.NTll B;--Ill""! ..... We guoranlH acc:urofll prepororjpn of efffy' toit retvrn .. If we 111olce ony •ttoi'$ !hot emf you Oriy penalty «
lnler111t, w.•will·pay tl.e nolty or lnlttlHf,
:foifhovm ~rial · park
The South/Amf,i Mq I Bttlilli/Ml ~
IAAVSOtlU"' • COl~UM • CwilllUY
·0rdtr Ono Of Our '•malli ' GOOD DNLY AT TlUI ONI LOCATION Stuk DlnMn II MoflU . . ·m1 S. 8rl1fol St,, S.nta Ano 546-1270 Prlco •n4 o.t'Y-
' (Coupotl Good for up to I Adulto) ' SALACM>RINK-6-Pll ALAMOOI
• For Only "0.-Cent'' · . tHkll" ~T....,ANI JO.JI-flt. 1. (wilh lhl1 ...._) You Sow 75<
1l14. H""Prke-No T•• 0"' , ~ ~ l ~T-1...,,,, • .,..., ,,,._ •t Miio
11---...-----...... "'"""' ......... = ..... ,..= ...... ----·.,,,...--.... ........ -----~-------:------···
• Comment Page I
• Pereira: 'We're Unprepared for the 747'
. !· P ·lane ;n 31h Years.....-' ',An Airport in ~O Years
:~rchftcd Per1ira is a well·k1t0w11
/igure in Ora11ge Cou11tu -for his
.;oork on, the UCI campu$, lhe trvlne
~Ranch Ma.st.er Plau arid a studu of
"()14.nge County's ofr 11eeds. an10110
·Cther.s. T11csc reniarks are Cakeii
~1rom O.tJ., addrc's lie deliuered be/ore
,the C4UJornia State Clian1btr of Com-
• If you were a planner. how seriously
,would )'OU heed the ;vords or George
Jifueller. one of our top NASA ad~
.mbtistrators for manned space flight.
·woo sald," 1 fuUy expect that by the end
of the next decade, a number of people in
·1hia room will have flown into and out of
1ip4ce. Consider for a momenl• the
:posslbi!Uy of travelling ·in.the,i;pace shut-
-fie from, say, Amsterdam to Los Angeles
-1n the 1980's. .
al about 400,000 fffl above the urth."
Mueller 1t11e1 on to describe your &eMI·
lions ln flight : "Your ntxt MlllHUon will
ocCur when Lhe subsonic jet engines take
o...-er for your landing at Loi Ana_eles
International Airport. Air traffic conlrol
villi be programmed using prtcise fixes
in altitude and position verified by com-
munication satelli,te1, so you will not en·
C<1uni.er any traftlc delays. The sound of
your craft coming in for its laodlna VfUl
actually be le~ lban that of current Jets.
"YOUR LANDING at Lo! Angeles
International airport will be a subsonic
jet runway landing and you will board the
scheduled ve.rilcal lake-off jitney thtre
for its quick flight to downtown Los
Ang?!~. You would atJive in Los Angeles
before 5 a.m. Alonday, in less than an
hour's travel time."
This Is not Jules Verne writing ln the
last century. but George 111ueUer talking
three months ag9, Would you listen as a
The cue •r•lnot the. Juroboo I• p<rh•PI
belt 'stated -lnldverttnlly -by one of It. own manufacturer•; Who 11kJ:
"'!h<rt's fol to l>e a lime wb<n the
lltllnes gel Uled to hanclUn1 lhll mlllly
people, aod tMt's ping to take some
0>in1. The Jack <If h~s, access roads,
and·termlriah are all probJtms. U we are
ahead of the travel cycle, th1t'1 where
we want to be. We want to be the leader.
Whether the market for this plane Is
readily available depends on the ac-
ceptance of the airplane and Lbe routes It
Is J>Ut on."
What a lucky thing for us th1t our
automoblle manufactllft:ra don't try for a
ZO.foot-w5de automobUe-, wlth s.i.mllar
I DON'T BELIEVE that any airport
anywhere la equipped to handle thla: jwn-
ho, but how do the airlines feel about it?
One of the laraest and most successful
mlde these comments:
high that In my mind there's no po11lbUi-
ty of. reduced fares." _
While we may auffer abuses and tht tf-
fects of_ "non°·planninl:" la tbe 7011 WI
lhollld certamfy'fiOOk.io the >to'• at the
Jatest for nllef. It la now that wt must
decide wbetherjlhe jum.bol are the l11t of
a type -or the flrat. It Is now dlat we
must decide If this la 'not al.$0 true 0( the
We are going to have to decide whether
the future aircraft Is going to have to be
silent and ascend and de!Cf!nd verUcally
into Ute older or etlatlng urban setUncs.
If this is OW' decision, our technololY
must be marshalled to product the equip-
AIJICRAFT-A!RPORT compaUbility ia
only one part of the problem.
"You wlU board the regularly sebeduJ-iod vertical take-off jitney in downtDwn
Amsterdam to fly quickly to Schipol
·Air port. There, in the center oi Uie field,
the Los Angeles-bound &huttle !ill be
+erected, being fueled with liquid oxygen
and hydrogen (Com tanks q~tsiQe. Your
"hole lrip"11'iJ! "1>e practjeallY noise leas. :You -:f\U not·t;ear the !OWld of entry into
jhe atmosphere, qJlt neither will peop\e
)Jn tl!e growd, al Uiat entry will be mafle
planner? ·
But if we are to prepare for the next
decade or the air aae, we must com·
mence now. n.e future is already upon
'OKAY, OKAY, PANCHO -YOUR SIT' "In another way It really llli just a big·
1er airplane."
I think ll'e can all agree that an alrport
is meant to serve the public. Certainly ln
lhe p11t few years tfte: public bas become
mart articulate in such mall.er!, both pro
and con, but sUJl It ls pointless not to con-
cede that the public welfare h11 to be Ute
overriding concern with regard to all
' !
We are already too late lo talk about
planning of airports for Ule 70's. The
plans for the 70's were made -or more
correctly stated -NOT made about ten
years ago when the jets commenced the
revolution in air travel.
= Hospital Beds-
Jlow ·Many, When?
; I . • BY T0~1 BAllL£Y member staff and a $100,000 budget. ,
• ot 1111 D•llY Plllt si.tr He must work through a 65-member
; Among the accu11Uon1 levelled 8.t the board of directors which overSttS the a~
Compiel,ierislve Health Planning Asaoc.la· pointment of me:mbers to eight standing
tlon of. Orange County is the charge that committees: fina nce, membership, tn·
THE PROBLEM is a very 1imple one:
While It ls possible that a so-called new
type or aircraft can be conceived and
placed into service in qiree and a hall
years or so -il takes about ten ytar1 or
more to deVelop new airpoH facJlitif~ .. ·'M!t plain fact·lt -like the w~n who
saJd, "How do I know what I'm 1oin1 to
What It Does
Ca/iforni4 '& Comp1ehn.sive
Health Planning Associ!Jtioll was
created witll the &tattd purpose
of "establishing guidtli'nes that
wi ll lead to the ordtrl~ develop.
ment of health care in a manner
that will provide the best posri·
ble n1edical services to ... com-
mu11itie1 hl condition& geared to
prod.uci11g the lea.st postible
cost." iii is the "carefully disguised ad vance vironmental heallh services, health
&uard of socialized medicine.'' facilities and services. health Information Ea clt county chopter of the
·It will, th.at hitter critic pointed out, ·~~vices, health manpower, mental .s!atewide system mu.st Qnswtr health-mental retardation and pe:rwnal "have every doctor jlnd hospital worker he:alth services. to a regional groupi11g of chap.
bl the county dancln~ to its bureaucratic The infant organization 15 short of ters for all decision& 01t the
tune in a few years. We will be told what !ieven directors, It needs additional fll1UJ.i11g, construction ap}>roval
to do and just how . to do it by. the p!An· members (or most of its commillees and and impltmentation of tlie
1ay untll l'vt said It?" -we seem not to
know whit to plan for unUI 11 b hert. -
And then it's too )ale.
Let'• face it, we are unprepared for the
747 and fOr the SST. Both are now flying,
so the 197G'1 are bulcaUy hJ&toty as far
11 alrpo(\ p~g .and accomplilhmtnt
ii concerned for that decade.
"EconomlcaUy, there Is no excuse for
the alrplaoe." , ~
"An industry that had 1 rational con-
trol over ita own teehnoloty, would not
introduce .... .It."
"And this is an airplane which nolhln&
fits ..... " ,
"The associated ground •C06t.a are IO
aspects o! lhe problem.. , \
Today, we al'e somewhere alona on the
road the air a1e has taken us. But we
travel It at a time ~hen an l!OUled
citizenry seems deflnl\flY unwtUlnr to
tolerate further deterioraUOn of \he quali·
ty ol our envirorunent.
What We Pay and What We Get
C1Ufornfl'1 locll luptytn ""' payln( more for the wppor\ Of public scl>ools
than the national avtra1e-wbilt the
state ls paying less.
California 1' spending' '"' ptr pupil in Its elementary and secondary schools
than ti other state-New York, for n ·
ample, wtth fewer pupl.ls is :spendin&
more tot.al dollars.
year. Californians, on the other hind, can
expect $1.$50 billion iii state usist.arlce.
To make up the difference needed to
support the schools, New York's local
taxpayers will pay $2.329 billion rrom
local taxes. Californians will pay $2 .650
billion or $321 million more than the New
Jersey, $963; Rhode Island, '904 ; Iowa,
lllG; COnnec:Ucul, Maryland and Orqon,
$U2; Pennsylvania, $17&; WilCOnlin,
1175; Mlchi1an. 1842: Hawaii, 1131: 1111-
nois, $831 ; Alaska, $112 (adjusted from
$1,083) Wyomlna. 1810; Vennont. $808;
and Delaware, $'193; California's $790
ties with Montana for 17th place.
C&Ufoml1 's mo per pupil Is only $24
above the national averaae of $76S and is
$411 le&:s than New York.
ning. book from putting on a white coat lo it neeCts a chairm an ·for its finance com· (:HPA plan. Not1·medloc¥ rep-
--Jignmg ! deat~!rtlflcate." _mitte.e .• ...Biil II i~. la...vs Trabarnl, .r..eaib'. prest11Wtio11 Oil . u,e chapter'&
The Janguag.e is not new and W1IO and eager to start work on the job for-~l:JoarCl o/Oiria-Ors miut be at I
THESE ARE but two J e number of
•ir,tncanf ltatlSticS in the 27th annual
" 1Umates of School Statistics, l96t-70,"
published this monlh py th e N1Uonal
Educ1Uon A.soclat!On (N!Al,
The report..notu_tbal for_ the p.,t IO
years 1ta.te support of publk: sclt<>ols in
Cllifornia has slipped steadily, while
local tu 1:111pport has climbed to fill the
gap. This Is Ju.st tbe eppo1ite of what has
bten hlppeninr on a national basis. State
support haS increa9td nationally while
dtmarids on local tuptyers bave eased.
(Ironically, that $321 million is not far
from the estimated $400 million thaL ex-
pert& aay is needed to restore the Stak of
CaUfomia to &.. near oo.ao partqershlp
with local taxpayer11 in the support of
schools. ll is also within the range or an
estimated S300 io $500 million surplus
esUma~ for this year's state bud1et.)
this year raised Ila eA:pendlture leas tban
the averi1e of the st.ate1. The average
nationwide increase per pupil in JllQ.70
wn 16'1~!...,.-1702 to 1766:""Callloml• ln-
cre:astd its e~nditurt only about half of
the nalianal amount, $33, from $767 to
means ~famlha; ~ lhe CHPA board and whlcb it was created, least 51 percent. staff but 1t aqd s1m1tar {tatements led the
organi zation to sched ule '' a P in-THAT 80,\RO DECISION, in whirb ~ ' .....
formational and educat ional session" ~o Supervisor Robert Battin played a key
cover "the hl&lory of comprehensive role, bas tem porarily prevented CHPA
health plii nning, how lt Is ore:anized today ·trom taking a Jong, hard look at an may have cost the group the SI0,000 It
needed for lhe Newport hospital aurvey.
For the board Of supervisors, headed by
Supervisor Battin, who 1ppt1red to be
acUna in conflict with his frequently ex-
ptUStd philosophies, htld the m1tter in abeyanct.
4f!d its plans for the future."
. lF ORGANIZERS of the infant pl1n-
ri1ng IP'QUP measure their succe-!! by the
"bsenci of criticism at that meetln", thtn
tpey mu.st be convinced that Orange
County's chapter of CHPA is everything
they hoped it wou ld be; for there was a
Complete absence of dissent at the public
meeting held In the Orang& County
That meeting came hard on the heels of
a major setba ck before a body from
Y!'hich CHPA organizers had hoped they
\kluld find m011t su ppo rt: the Orange
county Board of Supervisors.
·The board decliiled to act on CKP A '5
req uest for a $10,000 1rant which woukl
have enabled the group to survey health
care needs in lhe Newport hospital
service area of the Ctlunty. No decision
will be 1ak'en' on the grant, the board
decided, until it Is aware of the outcome
of Senate hearings ' into the Issue of
slJtewide hea!Lh planning.
That survey would have been the first
ma)Or project of CHPA. fl would have
eilabllshed the present ratio of hospital
beds per head of population, projected
1Vhat that ratio miihl be years hence by
use or planning anti popula tion Increase
Oita and attempted to establish what the
group fttls to be lhe 1de:a! bed.s-popula·
Lion. ratio.
AND A l\tAJOR ll'ACTOR in setting
lhiiit ideal balance, s1y1 John H. Traband, 1~ the planning group's coritrol of hol'lpit al
construction and its power to forbid lhe
hu1ldln11 of any ho spital or medical com·
plex which might li p the scale currently
bt!ing set by the organization.
Tls power stems from state Jtglslatlon
\1 hich cre attd the health planning co11·
rept and provkicd for the e~lstence In
California's 58 counties or chapters which
are directly responsi ble lo a reglonel
i?roup and which In tu m mu~ answer to
!'Jcra.menlo for its decisions and pollci~.
Traband is lhe executive di rector of an
Orange County group which currently
ronducts opera tions with a seven-
Saturday, J anuary 31, 1970
The Comment Page of the
Daily Pilot seeks to infor m
and sUmulale readers by
presenllng a variety of com-
mentary on toplca of Lnter-
est and signUiCfl nc:t from
lnfonned observen a n d
Robert N. Weed, Publl1htr
'The' J>reiient Astronom-
leal c'osts of Health Care
• • • . Jllay Still Go Higher'
Orange County which can today provide:
6,300 hospital beds. It wants to determine
if that total is adequate and, if it isn't, t'i>
determine just how n1any of the 3,000
beds represented by pending hospital con-
struction applications should re:ally be 1d-
ded to the "be:d pool."
It is not. argue:s Trabancl , a matt er or
planning for plannlng'l sake. Hll! f'las the
sapport of his directors and many eounty
physicians and hospital administrators
for the theory th at the correct ratio of
hospit.al beds per population sptlfs out
greater effi ciency, maximum health stan-
-dards and lower costs lo the consumer.
"OUr conce:m," he said, ''ls Ult
escala ting cost of med ical c1n. If all
!hose 3.000 beds are licensed they will be
ready in 1974 end I don't think our
populallon will suppcitt them or we will
have the professional staff available to
rnan them.
"It would <mly mean ," he ll'arned,
"lhat the prelient as tronomical costs of
health care will go still higher.·•
THAT NOTE of caution may have led
r.~PA to teeenUy withhold i~ requested
endorSement « plans for construction of
a l':\.bed hospital In the Mlulon Viejo
area. ,
Battin claimed that the "orl1inal intent
(of CHPA) has been chan1ed" without
specifying just what had betn chan1ed .
"t think .we 5hould await the outcome of
the (Senate) hearings and revitw the fin-
dings-before proceeding furthe:r," he said,
''and U the Senate doesn't conduct hear·
ings then we .should." .
It's going to be a long wait. For the
committee which was originally schedul-
ed to look into the local operations of
CHPA groupa hu been disbanded and a
new committee Is being formed under the
chairmanship of Assemblyman Anthony
Bellenson, O.Beverly Hills.
But it is not expected that hearings can
be held before Aug. l at the earum.
WHEN TIIAT commltlff dots meet, Its
members wUl leam that formaUon of lhe
Or~oonty office of CHPA brought In a d of blueprints, cost esumatee:,
desl yout.s and planning sketches
which add up to the addition of 3,000 beds
to the county'a hospital picture.
There are 6,300 hospital beds In the
acute and geural service categories ln
the Orange County area. The average oc·
L'\lpancy level Is officially listed as below
80 percent and It would be a lot Jowtr,
CHPA officials predict, lf every ap-
plicatioo for hospital comtrucUon Wert to
be aUowed.
But. Traband said . the study ~dellned
by the &ant ol Supervlson "w"'ld hevt
given us a wondtrful fUide]tne oa which
to bue our predictlw of future oc-
cupancy and btd-pOpUlatlon ratios."
He cl1S1ed tht Newport arta aa "Ideal"
for the study "since It la an area of rapid
population lncreue and la, ln many other
ways, well sulted to provtdfn& tbe tyJ)e of
data we heed."
If !hot swdy taw ploe< It win be the
fir1t ol many such analyle! of the county
htllth care picture, Tnband" uld.
EndOraement 'of the ~l ission Com·
munlty Jiplplt.el was not vital Qnce the
action was· takl'O (qt Dee. 17 -14 days
be.fore CffPA endorsement ot t.iny
h0$pital buHdlng project became man·
datory lhroogh state law. Endontement
\V&.'i succeufully 10U11lt by two othtt pro-
po<ed S011lh <"OUnly hospllals, Jhe $-bod
Saddleb•ck Community H6'J>ital ,I a
LagUDa HiUs and tht 114-bed San' 0 WE WANT TO build up a IO!ld Index
Clemen~ MedleaJ Center. ·' · of ataUlllcs rtlat,ed to every upect,,of.
The .reluaal to back the ~llulon Vltjo lii>spltal"1d medicll caro," h< ul4. "We.
faclllf.)' did D<i deter Dt, Louts Ctlla, cne . want to be. at a &lance wtatr. our
of the hospital .. 'lt,adlnc backtn ~ • moUn:ta .,., how lh<y con CO,. "1111 '
key 0~1' in OronP County °"'Fllkl """"'"""demand& and whm tlloy Mt4
party l:lrdos. •tttnath<ntn&· It's time we hod lud! tools
Conlll]ldlon plMI ol '!hat wt9 ,..,,. \ Jn Or-county and I bope Iha! WS
tuolly 110 a flO mill loo hospltal,"'ec!kll fie! will '°"" be widely recognlud."
center C0111pltr on JS 1ms of<lood • ' ' l'Unda ,to help Tr•band'.• .,....., ~
Crown VaUey P1rkway and the San Diego Iha ""1nlf .heallll'~cture ... iroikiol oa
Fr"'"'ll' "" vtry mudl Jn errecl. And Ille" ical1 d lo ~t by llM ftdtrol
C<lla shruaged off what 1moonted to 1 1°"""1miat, IS pt....,! by ·tbt 6*<I of
Cll PA re)etllon of his bUlldin& pl'"' w1111· 5"pervtl«a 11\d IS pen:ont tn.n local
the conunent throuali a spokesman 11111 qtlldtL •
the planning group "was not qualifltd to He delerlbe1 the local rtlpOftlt 11
judge wha! will be the hosplt1l bed needs "trtmendou&ly enco\lr1atnt'' and ht ob-
of lhls explodina (south oount.y) area." viou~ly fetla that Utt hUrdle erecttd by
COPA BACK£11S feel that the adlon
recent bolrd action ta only a temporary
obstacle to the CHPA's ambltloue planl. ,
lft 1919-70, for uampJe, CalUornla 's lo.
ell lupafVS ""' supp>rtlng Iii.I percent
of the costa of public school education,
according to the report. State support
was 3S pertent and federal and other,
5.2 percent.
Al.SO IN !Mt-71, state alipport of
sc1'ools In California is below the national
average bf 5.7 percent. And Calllomla's
local taxpayers are paying 7.1 percent
more than the natk>nal average. Th& na-
Uonal averaps art 40.7 perw1t state
support, 52.7 percent local support and
6.6 perttnt federal support.
Twenty-nine states paid a hia;her
ptttentaae of school coru th a n
CallfomJa. New York, for example, the
h'IOll comparable state with regard to the
nwnbtr of pupils and revenue. pald 45.4
percent of lhe costa, whlle local tax·
payera paid 51.1 percent. and f!d<ral 3.5
FOR EX.UtPLE, accordin& to the
report. New York pubUc ICbools can ti·
pt<! 12.071 biW>n In •late support this
lN lt5Mt, The State of California was
doing better than the national average in
the support. Of local schools. California's
share WI! 41.8 percent compared with
54.4 percent for local taxpayers. Federal
Wll! 3.1 percent. The national average 10
years ago was 39. I percent state com-
pared with 5fi.S percent local and 4.t per·
cent federal.
Hawaii leads all st.at.ea in the share It
pays for local schools. It Is 87 percent
stale, 3.9 percent local and 9.1 percent
federal. The picture is alroost Uie op--
posite in New Hampshire, which pays the
least of any st.ate for local Behools. The
figure there: is 1.5 percent st.ate support
compared with 17 .2 percent local and 4.%
percent federal.
WHEN COMPARED wilh other stilts,
California al!o kteps slipping in aMual
erpendlturea per pupil on an avera1e dai·
Jy aUendance ba.ais.
Sixtetn other st.ates and lhe District of
Columbia are ahead of California's $790
p<r pupil. New York leads with 11,251.
Three years ago, according to ~
report, only live states led California in
•xpenditurts per pupil. Last year the
number hid increased to 12. Now there
are 11 states.
Leadin& C&llfomia are Ntw Y«k,
ll,251; llbtrict ol Columbla, 11,0lll: New
New York. the report estin1ated, will
1pend IUB bllUon on public elemenlaty
and secondary schools thla yur -almost
$200 million more than CaU£onU1'1
estimated $4.59 billion . Yet, accordln1 to
tht report, New York his fewer pupils -
3.5 million compartd with 4.1 for
CA.LIFORNlA ltads t.he nation and
New York in salaries for ttachtr1.
CaUfornia's estimated average is $10,1!5,
compared with $9,700 for New York and a
national average of $8,5$2. 0th e r
e California haa a total of J90i000
classroom teachers In elementary and
secondary lliChools. Of these, 76,000 are
men and 114,000 are women.
e California II filth In the nation In the
percentage of Its ~17-year.olds in school .
Nevada leads with 102.5 perctnt. Nell'.\
are Wyoming, 94.~ percent; U\ah, 94.4
percent; Co)Qrado, 94.2 percent and
CalUomia. 93.S percent, New York, with
M percent. ia below the national average
of &.3 perctnt.
,-----------Our Mon IN San f'r•Mcfseo-----------.
Day for a Bargain
II)' lll:llB CAIN
SAN FJIANCI8CO -A clvflistd or.
ranttmtnt: Oforce 01Mur11 an auto
enc, pl 1 pboill call from TV Actot'
8114' Sllvester, who uld chttrlly :
"Hey, I'm m&l1'1inC your ~;wife and
llkll>& you orr Ille alimony hoot. The
ltlil you can do I• bey tho chlmpaane
for Ille weddiJll Md pay• for our
hOM)'Jftooti." Falr'1 fair.
JACK SOLINGER, tbe s.r. record
dlllttbutor. ootlcod Fiant Slnotr..,
Cit. partocf °"bide ftutoy'a .......... !
ln P1lm Sptinp 111t wkel'ld, to ht
peered Inside to .,. whit TIMI Leader
wat playtnc on his t.ape·4eek. On the
atat, two cl?1ridee1 labeled· "Italian
Couroe-Partl Md Part U." S1luU!
TOO LATE for 1!11..,...n, but rub-
bor "*"" of ~ Nllon, ml<le lo rr-yet, but now to.• nit for $;.110
eodl, Md """' lllollb -yw miflh\ tlllnl! poalble •• ·ll!rb 'lllct ... la con-
!uaed. Ill 1o1 a ~ cu with • 9el
"' kO)'I °" • cllabi llolll[llll ........ bl 1£nCl•nd." Moot peculiar. -,-
CILUI: 1'Dl'I u.ou,btfld trll!ito: "~ man who ca tofV& tbt
overpopulttlon problem baan't been
bom yel. " ••• And I« thtnp you
nevt.r noddle now, bow about thlst Old
qutena who oppott the militant at.Ince
of UM Gay Liberation Front ara known
u HAt.mUe Toms"!
t>lnl up the Howard Huehe1-Jean
Ptttra djvorct: "It ls understood the
property settlement v.·ould g I v e
Callfornla and-Nevada t.o Mr, Hu1bts1
Naw York and Florida to Miss Peters.
Boardwalk and Marvin Gardens have
not yet been decided upon."
"ptroonll" form lttten m ptttnr
rkllcWouser and rldlcutouaer. ~teat
frtdJtlple: The Pltasanton Branch of
the Alameda· County Ubnfy rec'd one
from Stuer Home• I. Gardens, 1d-
drtued to "Mr. Pltuimoa B. Llbr''
and be11nninc "Deor Mt. Ubr.:"
Some computtra mi dumbtt than
othtra but U!IJ """ la on Idiot.
have bttn tht newaplper ed for
"GNat Llvta ObHrvtd" (I new ttritl
of blOl'•phita) which Included a
cUpout coupon thlt btfllll. quote,
"S.nd me JESUS free, •lone wllh my
flr1t regular 1 elecllon,
HITLER" ... Meanwhile, Signet Bool!1
Is announctna a aupencoop : a ~
bud! paperback UUed "The Kiiiing of
Sharon Tate,'' bJ Susan Atkin•,
"ConftSltd Participant in t h •
Murder;• as told to Lawrence
Schiller, Md ruobed by j e I to the
newutand.1. "Thls 1hould clean up
with the Silent M11orily." gloats a
knowledce1ble dea er. "The S.M.
hole• the hippies and !ht Bellllllful
People tqually. -t1nd htre. in thelr
eyes, ls the perfect example of divine
ARCIDTECT llOB Marquis, a!Ung
In Mt. Zkm Hosp.. rt(Used to be
Pholotr•pbed by a COS.TV cttw film·
Ing 1 documentary on hospital co11U:.
"I played the role of a doctor in John
Korty11 'Craiyqultt,' " he said loftily.
"and 1 won't be downgraded into a pa-
FISK pOll'Ell: The rub Of stories
obout Wopa, the fish flout drua fa<
ParkiNJon'a 41state that turns out to
be an aphrodllltc, rem Ind 1
Fllhennan'r Wharflan1 of \bl Wttnt
ltollon (nou to) wboee nlctn1me II
"Flflatll." 'l'lll1 marvel. 'fbo his ,.._
on Uob llltto Uma • doy all hll Ute,
ml ku low twice a d.ay and three
um .. oa Sundly -htl!Cle lht oobri·
quet. He cMtrn1l 1'11vt Parkluon'1
di1tate nor does Parkinaon, 1111, have
L~nd Ne_~r __ ~_iti.~~~ .1/Skyrockets w
• Ill Value
Real Estate Speculators
Broaden Their llorizons
NE'.'/ YORK (AP) -Raw land, the
real estate man &aid, is going to be the
hotleat thing for years to come. "Raw
land in the path or today 's eipandinc
suburbs and clUe1, '' he said. "Thlt'1
where the money is."
The statement might be a surprise to
AOme, since It comes from Robert
Neaderland, chairman on Peace &:
Elllman Inc., wh.lch is usually associated
with multimillion-dollar sky&Ctapet deals.
Neaderland isn't foreaaki.ni the city,
but, he says: "Buy big acreage and then
sell It by the lot. That way, our money
grows like wild wheal."
LltUe question about it, millions of
acres of land on the fringes Of
metropolitan areas are going for in-
creasingly higher prices each year and
Lhousands of speculators, rrom small fry
to giant (;(ll')Xlralions are aware of It.
of fannm within one or two miles or
Washlng!on'• Dulltl lntemallonal Airport
whose ~ was wortb • an acre for
!arming but 11,000 u yotaolW warebou"
Prolel[lllonol help, egpedally for a
feulblllty lt\fdy, II llffded by tho novice.
One •Ide ol a CUy may be dying or
stable, for example-, and another ei-
pandlng swUUy. Even whe11 the hiihw•y
patterns are atudled and aurvey.s made of
services available, 1cet.ss to the dty and
employment centers. and the potential
for retail aales, there are atJll many
Scofi~ld cites the curious ~ that or
Northern Hemisphere cities tend to grow
into the wind, that is', to the weal rather
than to the east and downwind -wbert
the smog 11 blown,
Maki.ng ttle deals especially attractive
In -~ .PH~ few years Is ibe rulizati<ln
that while Securities aren't ne~ly an
lnflatl\~n hedge, land investmenta often
are. Al> Neaderland say1, "Land doesn't
For those who ·do fUeM correeily the
rewards are ~at. Without ~
Neaderland ~r• to. the deal he turned
down near New York seven years ago. It
wu tellln& thon for 12.5 m!Dlon. ·111 price now IJ IZQ mllllon. ,
"And it's a beUtr deal now at $20
million than IL was at $2.5 mlllkm." W!b'
he waa aaked? "There's mote demud
for the property now,'1 be·erpialned.
.Qrar_i ge Lea .ls
Cou1ity Sale~
In Southla1id\
~tOre than 20,500 sales of new homes i
single-family and planned development
subdivisions \\'ere recorded in Orange,
Los A~~eles and Ven~ura Counties during .
JS69, the marke.ting research department
of 'First Americi:in Tille Insurance Con1· '
pany reported this \Yeek. .
Orange County led the ''·ay. \\'ilh I0.2!l6
recorded s.1le~. \1·hi!e the totals for Los
Angeles Counl y and Ventura Counly4'1crc
7.821 and 2.424 rcspccth·el y.
The tabulations were ma.de fro1n
statlsllcs "reported in "Recorded Facts,''
monthly magazine devoted to r esidential
su bdivision data published by the Santa
Ana;Pased tillc firm. Figures represent
recorded documents only atd do not
reflect unrecorded sales contracts used
by &OJTIC de velopments, aceord~g,to Dale
,t1 Post. as.sistanl vice presidtfltln charge er R'irsl American's 1narkeUng\ research
_ unit. -i,;.
Greatest sales were lnThe r;:l Toro..
1.agUna Hills·Millsion Viejc iarea or
Crange Count y, where t.950 r•cordi_ngs
····re tallied. The tolal i~clude*hc hnal
six .months only or sales 1n .the R ssmoor·
Laguna Hills d~velopmenlr P noted.
Runners-up were Huntington Bea.~h. 1,2.89
recorded ,.les; N,..por\ J,l<a~·lrvlne
area, ·l,.248; Tustin area, ~ and
Cy pra.s aria. 726. The;{.Q~la ar<\~sed
on 656.slng!e.famib'.and planoed d~elor>
··'ent subdivisions rCcOided in \he tp\IOly
since January I, 1.008.
In Los Angeles Conty, the1CerfJlos area surpa~sed all other 11tcUons1 as 1~4
5alei' were chalked up, compared wlth "51>
f:ir Torrance, 832 for ,Newhall Jnd 7~ Wr
Palmdale. fncluded in .the tabulatio•s
11"ere ~'.)!) developments With ten or more ·
lots recorded since October I, 1966.
More than half of all recorded sales in
Ventura County \.\"ere in the Simi area.
\Vith t,339 hon1e purchases. follow~ by
Thousand Oaks, ~18. ·and Oxnard, 337.
The compilalions were based on 143 sub-
divlSioil s recorded since October I, 1966.
First American Title's rcporl al!'o
sho'fa. that lots in n~w tracts recol'ded in
Orange County during l'J69 totaled 13 .202.
compared \vilh 13,598 the previous year.
Jn Los Angeles County, lbe totals were
13.IM. new lots in 1969 and 11,565 ln 1968,
\\'hlle Ventura County 'i newly-manufac·
lured lots amou nted to 4,893 in 1969, as
against 3,633 in 1068.
Fou11ta·i11 \I alley P1•oject
Tiburon Townhouses Open
fluctuate like stocks."
rtf~ny factors support the thinkin& of
the speculalors, among them:
-The supply of land is fixed while the
demand grows coruitantly.
-&!me wealthy corporations are fin-
ding the ~ountryslde more to their liking
and so are moving from the ·dty. Going
with them are middle-class families with
porkeUuls of investment money.
A new $14 1nillion 101\•nhouse con1·
n1unily \l'hich 1villl;, feature r i "e
neighborhood reoreaUOh·C<.?nters has been.
introduced in l"ounta"ln Valley by the
Larwin Company.
. ··1~·s ?lodfled after our1 drart'j;\lical\~
~uccessfuJ ·11400-unit tanJ:lcwood· ~Corft·
n1un\l)', in Cypress,'' Tenier said. Wif.b.
1'ani;lewood: LaN'ln ~chlr1·ed recogn ilio"h
as the loading townhome developer in the
U.S. Ar,·hitects, land p!anneni, govem-
m~l\· officials· and U.~. delegates from
around thl' \\'Orld l111ve vi s i led
T:ing\e.,.,·ood to study the Larwin concepts.
lftreeLs, the first intersection south of the -Ther.,; is an increasing interest in the
· San Diego Freeway off-ramp at outdoors and In recreat.ion by famllles
Brookhursl io Fountain Valley. whose business keeps thetn ·In ~city but
Calletf "Tiburon.'' Portuguese for "ht·
Ile 1·\ltagC," the · con1munily combines ·
country club living 11•i th Lo1vnhon1es pric·
d from $23,7(10 lo $28.900. J\1oclels are
pen antJ . occupancy of the firsl 5.J
wnhomcs hus betun.
. "Tiburo1i is lhc epiloin~ of .ai
. uthern California liviP.J.: i'ihilu!d be."
sald rt11ehacl·L. 'fenlrr, gortt\> vice presi-
d<'til and mii rkcting director of Lar l\'in,
one of lhe nation 's leading hon1ebuilders.
"\\'e"rr 1nceting th e needs of modern
Califomia "families ~ho Want to tnjoy
con\•enient rtcrcational facilities arid Jhe
~i!isfaction o{ owning a ho111e without th e .
chores of ~radiUons l mainlenance."
Tu bu ron is loc~ed southeasl ol ~he.In·
lcrsection of Bro0khursl and Talber.l ~
whose affluence permits U.m to journey
Each one-or·l\.\'O-slory t ow n home. to the countryside on \1&eker ·'1.
Tenzer said. has it.s own fenced rear _ The new ~rstate highway system
paUo for family relauUon, two-car -perm:ts city dwellers to be in the country
garage, lnt!lvldual tefrigerated air con· within a couple of hours on trips that
dltlonlng, custom-finished k itch en might have taken half a day jlllt.15 year&
cabinetf · and · fully auto.maUc General ag~ The new town con~pt. Although not
Electric range and oven. a really big factor as yet, it does re.a:ull ln
Tire neighborhood recreation centers demwd for thousands of acres. Al least
"'ill include Junior Olympic swimmipg 30 ne\v towns exist or are belr\i
. pools with racing lanes, cabanas w~lh de~!~~~ .... ,5 for the small Investor,
showers, barbecue 11.l'tas, putting greens, however, is the existence io the market
wading pools and playgronds for tots, of some o( America's largest cor-
courta for shuffleboard , badminton and poratlons who are stockplllng land.
I • 11 nd r dlili f tabl t · Last year one developer bought 'Z60.000 ' . vol eyi.ia a a ea or e enn1s acres near Orlando, Fla. Rather thao . th B 0 ~ and croquet. permit the land to rtmaln Idle prior to Ou . · ay pen~ In addition, a large clubhouse, Club development, the company can help cut
· '' ~. • Tiburon, is_ available for socl31 gathU-· expenses by raJslng cattle and arowini
· in11;s. dances and parties. It includes a citrus fruits. 7 32 units in N etVJJOr t .Pro1.· ect . kitchen for dinner eoenls. Club Tiburon bu~~'::.r"'~~~~ ~.;~::Ja:::
Is compleled and being used temporarily development& that mlgh!provid~ cae!:lve
1\ t•han~agnl' open house, to 1.-clebrate lime activihcs director and a teMis Prtt-as sales headquarlcrs bya"""'ilal'flfJ1aer markets for the.Ir prtifuCfS, iM ffiianc""--J..-----p=~-----d=~----1
the p-rand qpcning of the ~th Bay Club/ !essicr.111 w!10 offers group and private in-the direction of George F. Meyer, Larwln Institutions looking for safe tnvestmenta ager lOmO~e :.
Newport Beacli, \\'ill ~ held•Su'nday from strucUon. ' area sales n1anager. for their millions.
' 7 All pha~es of consfruction are complete \Vhen completed in l\.\'O years, Tiburon "It's no place for an amateur," aays A A F" •' lo p.m. -Neaderland. who '8y8 he •pends weeks t yreS Irlll Cham ppgne and hors d'oeuv1•es \Yill un !he 732 ultra-modem single, one ru:id will offer a second ·major clubhouse. traveling.I.he count'ryside on w!lat he cslls
awall vi.stt<ts upon -their return from a t.wO-bed roon1 apartments -available Only four miles from the ocean. real estate safaris. "We plan It jurrt like a Mike Jaaer has bttn promoted to v1ce·
tour Qf the residenl4tl·rt!'.'reaUonal com-rurnished or .unfurnished. St and a rd Tibllron provides easy acCess. ·to the battle,·• he says, checking with city hall, preildent of cot1itruc:Uon and purCbuing
munlty \.\'hich has been designed for design concepts for all units incorporate ··bllc beaches ' in the Newport 'Be1ch banks, Litle companiu. · at Frank H. Ayres 'and · Son veteran
• I b R & B De lo of · II I k d J t · •· I '1r arb · "Because of taxes," he say•. "no deal bullders.devel"*-, NO...... _. .. ~ ... h·. ·. smgle young adu ts y ve p-pr 11¥1ona y co Dr· eye n erl.OtS ap-area . .,..vera go courses are ne .}'. in-Is ever made wtlhout an accountant." Vf'<'-1" ..... ,,..n QC-.
ment Corr1pan y of West Los Angeles. Poin.ttd with Wall-to-wal~ carpeting, floor rl udlng one at the new FountalnValley If the amateur does want to ipeculat_e, Jager, who has been with the f~ 11 ·
The 112,1·m\llion, 16·acre club, localed length .draperies and all-electric kitchen.'i, "Mlle Square" RecreaUonaL.Park. Alao Neaderland fee.ls, he &hould join with a years, 18 responsible for curren~reaJden:
b F •·1 Valley elementary ' · d ··~1 communities at ' '"'e Ranch ll'•st' at !l80 Irvine AVenue In Ne .... •port Beach, plus ::llding glass doors which lead onto a near Y are oun"'" n sound local bUllnessman, a i o o TusUn, Rancho La ~~sta, Hun~, .. ::ori: ,.,....~Ins 732 available units and a f750,000 private pal. ior. or en.closed. . balcony .. A and high schools, Orange · Coast Junior responsible bullder who Jives in the area . ... ....
...., .. 1.111 r iJJege, Golden West Juniclr College and Partn<;!rshlps or mortgage investment Beach, and Rancho La Cuesta, Cerritos.
rtcreaUcnal pavUion. se\ect number of. ulllts, !eitture push "but· the Uni versity of California at Irvine. I rusts are l>Ull!ble ve.hlcles, he ftela . Jager lives Jn Newport Beach wlth.h!S ·
• ·The cxisling tri-story clubhouse con-1111 ~·na-f1amC fir.eplices, while alr-con-· Prices ·for ·the five basic Tiburon The quest fo!' land tends to show up In wife Margartt, and d&uJhters Kathi 100 '
iains men's and \vomen's health clubs OiUOlling Is an opliona\ feature through-townhouse designs are : The tw o· the rising prices of farmland. From 19'5 Jeannine, and son William. The family_
rep!et'e viith rock st.earn-dry heat sau nas. nu !. bedroom, tw~bath "Lido,'' $23,750 ; the to 1968 the aver.age growth was five to six ar1e ardent sallor1 and skiers.
a l" tnble billiard toom, arls and crahll H & B Development Con1pany is a West three·bedr0Qm1 tw~bath , i M a fJ·b u , , percent a year, aecording to William A n mJaklng the announcement; Don, ,,. · · S24,990; tbe ·three-bedroom, thr.ee ··bath Scofield, who heads farm real estate yres r., president of .Ayres , stated his ' studio, color TV theater, fireside lounge Los Angeles real estate developer which "Bal.boa,'.' $26,7so: the threerbedroom, research for the Agrk:ulture Department. company plans Oilier development.s in ·
with adjacent card Parlor, shuffle-board pioneered the South Bay Club cOncept. threit-bath "Monterey," $f7,t90; ,.00 P1e Lan y~ar, he 8ay1, there was aorne Southern C1Wornta h] 1970. ·
and ping pong areas. a conference suite The company has also d e v e i o p e d four-bedroom. four-bath "N'eWJ)Orler ," leveling, especially in certain areas of the
and lhe entire groUnd floor is comprised Oakwood Garden Apartments -residen· SUl,990. A total of l5 variaUot)t·'are of-Midwest, and tbe rate probably .f~ll below
of a vast party room with cat.cring Ual-retrealional communities ior -the Iered. ,\ five percent. But not by much, In spite of
kitch<?n, professional bar facilities attl total .a~~lt.markel The South ·BAy Ctub FHA and VA Jlnanclng are available tiihl money and high interest rates.
dance floor. •. ... . chain hx:ludes Projects t h r o u g b o u t and each purcha&er receives a arant deed ScotJeJd feel• the urban rrlnge la where
outdoors arc a tennis pro ,shop, -lf\·e .. Callfofnl& 8.'nd in Phoenix, Ariz. for the townhouse and the !anti. the action Is t.oday. He cites the example
nighl-lighted tennis courta, ~voll~ylflll-~----·,-------------------+----------'-------'
basketbal. and paddlr teruils courtl. a
cent1·al gas !lame barbecue ./a~a,
\Vhirlpool baths and an olympiC<&tm
sw1mn1ing pool. In residence arc a fgll•
.Somerset Model .
Made to Order -
For Big Family
Design Houses Offering
1 . .
The Somerset model In the Harboi ·
View ·Homes community In Newport
Buell fs made to order for the larae
fam ily -or for the family that plans to
be large. ,
The Someriet has room for formality --.
and room for fun. It has plenty of !!bow
room and entert.alnment room. But the .
bigness la much moi'.e than a. matter of .
1lie. ll ls also a matter of elegant style"'. Room lJrientation Pick
"A 'Completely unique cho.ice of room
orientation" is offered b)'. the lhree-
bedt'OCm OcsiiTI lious• model at the
Scena the new neighborbcod just opened
by M: J. Brock an~ Sons lnc.. in Lake Fores~ lhe new town w\th waler and
11;oods" in southeastern Ora11ge County.
Explaining the ·choice, Lester Good·
man, . vice president of marketln£; for
Broe.It said "Thousaod1 of women look-
ing at' mod~I hon1cs have~: 'I really
like this plan, but I wish tlie children's
bedrooms were at the rt<tr' or 'This
house-would be just perfect i( I could only
turn It aroun4 so lhe famllY 1 room and
kitchen raced the rear.' };pw, the.ae
.... -omen can make such adjustment.a on
moat or our plans, lhanki to .oor unique
Se lect.A.Sile ·Plan. · ,
'10\Jr Design House model ii a perfect
e1'ample of this ,'' Goodman Ii.Oki. "If a
{amJly buys this ho1ne on a r9...'1ongnlor
lot, the garage and entry nre 111 front of
the house. The romui.J living rocrn I" on
the aide \Vl\h \vlndO\\'S looking t°'"•rd ti~
front, &Jdc. and back. The ramUy room
m l kllthen bolh'IBCO the ba<kyard. And,
the. children'• bedroonis are on .Ult far
side of lhc homo.
"Under our Seltct-A·S1'e Plan. thi1
same moctel ts also available on a square
lot with the garage alopgslde the house.
The plan Is rotated 00 O:egreex so the !iv·
ing room is now out in front of the house.
The family roon1 apd kit chen face a
sheltered breezewa y f)r \wee n thr house
and the garage ai\d a side ya rd big
en0t1gh lo acconunodato a swimming
pool. The chlklren'' bedrooms are now at
1he rear. \Vith eUbcr 11hapc of lot , the
master sullc has a frontya rd ylcw.
"So," concluded Goodmt1n, "The couple
thal likes Ulls baslc plan Is orfered a real
cho ce. In how IJltlr hbDfe and lhelr yard
will serve their family."
-'The Scene h8s five different modela
with two to (ulr bedrooms, two and t~
arid-onc·holr bat.hs. dining rooms, famlly ·
rooms, and 18rock's Jlollday1 KJtcl'ierf..
Prices range from $2.5.950 to U'l,2$0 with
FHA. VA, and cnnve~Uonol ltrms
The Settle may be reached by t::iklng
Uie Sa n\:! An,11 or San Diego r-~~cewayb to
U1e. El Toro Ro8d tiff ram p. Signs direct
U.. wl/ Into Lake Forest IJld lo The '
1111 and distinctive design. -the same kind .
that is found In all H'arbor View honie& :_
"If I had to pick one ie:pture'that 1P:.:
peala·to people moat.' .. .say, Duffie Fryl-
ing, Sales Manager of }Jarbor View .
Homes, "ll would probably be the huge..
2'1·foot family room. But!.. there are IO
many appealing things about th ~·
Somerset. ll II hard lo .. Y whlcJi It the . moat popular." ~ :.
The bullders and d.,.lopen, th~ .
Donald L. Bren C.mpony, made ·,.... the
lwo-story Somerset would blend Wtll tato'.
Ille carelully · plll\lltd commm11ty 0(
Harbor View Homes~
. From the ootlldt, the ~ of"' the -~
Somerset I• lm-lvt ,. · t being :
overwhelming. Aiid oo the Jnllde the =~. i'1 ... the iPIC"-al rallY
~lrst there'• the :JO.foot entry WhidJ Jn.
vltts you lo the formal .parlor·ll'l"l UYlng
rol>m . The •clJacenl dlnloe 'rooiii lit !urn
lt1d1 lo lhe all-electric kltcJifo Ud
.breakfast noot. The entry1aiao takea you
lo the stalrcue and lo tho bl& (lllllly
room. Buyer1 con cJ1oole on optioael
llrepllce and wet bar for tho famUy nom
ii they desire. A flllb bedroom or 4on
with bath complel., the lint £Joor plan ol
tho Somer"L
r -'• •
• ~· lilLOf-.. "
ind . '
Boost Hit
WASHlNGToN -Louis R. • tif.i point where they are self ratts.-
Barba, acting pre11ident of the ! defeaUng ih the fight against "Current hl&h Interest ratu
National Anociation of Jlome '~ lnflaUon," Barba added. have not visibly 6Ucceeded in
Builders, described today as He iatd the Ume is overdue curbing Wlallon but, on lbe
"re.rettable" lht Increase In for the Federal Reserve to add contrary, teem to lncre~ 11)-
lhe FHA-VA inlere1t rates. ::, to the·supply of money and for n.auonary ~ures by their
and, said \t indicated tbe the ·Adminlstratlon to ·take the coatrlbutlon to 'hi~hcf coats._
n e c e 1 s l t y for strong steps YlfCe55Bry to effect a "President Nixon bu In
Adinln11tratlon and Pederal tnore even flow of credH. mind, hoWever, a legislative
Reserve Board action to tiase '.. Barba continued~ -• • T h e tool wblcb ,would be]p to
money pressures. .~ · , . latest FHA-VA tn c re 111 e relieve ' credit-starved home
·• 2nd Story Acldltien1
R1nd1I 'McCardla
In response to the .aclian. or • makes lj lmperatlve. however, buyers and the houslna in-._ ... ;.;,o.;;o.,_.;...-a e FREE,,ESTIMATES
Sec~y q~rge Romae.y ~f ' that 1enden l't'duce discounta du.str1. •. . 6''1: 01. • ... K FINANCING
. Hous!n1. all<f Urba,n De\<o(OJ>-• "' mortgag., to a lev.I com· "The Proxmlr .. Patman bill, ; 2 7" '' ~ Crowllt •r• everywhere; 9'vtry time I turn •round, ment In raising the FHA·\TA -patible .with the one pUcen-whichhehasjylt slgned,glve11 • · · .... 2· 780" · 'i", .\._~1 ~-·th --...1 ti ex r.~te celliylgs to 81h: ~r.ce.tjt •• tage point rise In the intereit h!ma1.1thorUylolmpoae,volun-ClU TOoAT •••. ...:. \. "!'1!11'•
.MtftJ-,,.. 11 HY ng ·.,.-r!~"' "'. •-. 1 .....,.....• on . • from 7'h pe'rctnt, Barba called rate. tary 4'.nd mandatorj contfols l fDAYS. NtSMTI 01 -WllCINtll · ""'°" , .. more •nd "*'• Mill mor~ pitopltl Whtrt upon the Federal Reserve to ~ ."Lenders should be fully oo consumer and busines.s J) .. . .. · · ~ ~ ~l ~In• ~ .. II• If w. ~"P m,ul~lpl.ylng Ilk• loosen the monetary screws in tereat rates so high that th cognizant .of the housing.needs credit. He should exercise Ulll : · ~ -~-.· .Ira C011$fnaCtiOn Co, •"9ltJt1~ ~ri . ls . lusi 10 m~t land, to whtrt •rt Wt• effect since last June, and jl1I tit!riously nndermlile the mirll, oI Ameru::an families , and auUK>rity. _/.lt_,.b ~ President Nixon to use I I employ sensible restralnt in "Such controls, we believe,' "R'oo" oof•16N s"-'1 •L'ISTS'1
eelnt to put.evtryOf'lt? standby credit con l r o 1 s r ne programs for lo.w .and prk:lng mortgages. would provide a m 0 -r e ·-"" A i: l"tt... ""
' ' W.H.T .-Huntlntfon Beach recently au l ho r \ze d by moderate Income ho us Ing "NAHB's executive Cflm-equitable supply of credit to . . It's Our o ·nly lusin•11
There is land available; population surveys tell us Congre11s. recently passed by Congress. mittee meeting only three the mortgage mari:e\ and the GIN.IRAL~IUfLDING CU)NTRACTOlS
tl\at 80 perceJit of all Am~ricans live on less. than 2 Barba noted th at . the ~hey make il increasingly d1f· weeks ' ago, had urged that housing industry whlch Is ~~~
d. Th' uld ind' t th. t enormous pressures on the f1cult for all Ame t I can there be no increase in the bearing the major burden of'I.--· _ _:·_,_~~------+'-~-------, ~i;'Cent o} ~Ur, pat~on's Ian , ·IS wo tea e 8 mc;iney market had driv~n .families_ to enj~y. ~~fits FJf.A-V.J: rate.It~ that 1 the anti -inflation and · ·· '
e•ttifr-we all Jjke·tjle same·gepgraphlca1 areas. or may-pr•me corporate oo..i .ar.11> .• , ljome .w..,mip.. • ~ higher rate. would b o •• 1 mone1arr ~glltness· ""'~--For Ton Sno.rt5 C(>verage,
.be ~8 jUlt like-ope. _anoth~! . , ove,.9 percent. l ' ,"We have.jlrrived.at. ~~ lmon~ ~ts to buye~, dis, "Ever-rt~ing .ilntere~ ra,te11 C c -Y·
••tnterest rates at . ·such.. Af.. \Vhlch ti.be m o·n ~ i'1t:r y · (j!Jallfy t'nore bOyers on an io-are Injurious to a fhealthY w. ' £i..' JWT
J ha'f't purChetad ,.-few .,.rn.11er -·1p.itm9nt'·ltull4· enormously high levels are..ndt' rest ra ints .arid uncbeCked com-. tom'e basis, serve to raise economy and u·I t Im a ( e I y R~d .W~ DAILY P ·
I~ lou . .-,_,.i., ·~'~:'In tht,.,~t, .,Ml.~~v~ Mien P!•ttY. in the pu9U~.lnterest." Barba mercial demands for credit ruit.s, and tend to escalate against the public interest lucW-b!!'•uft~Jril•V• m.iiiltr;-money tor mt. . _1 .. ,ldii, •''ijllfijey.lojrce •.• '.~ii6iirli•g'ia~~~~ln···h•""•e•driiivi'1i~the •. l.~.ei11ii·-~·· iiiiljjurjjthiieiir~eo._n.vejjnjjllon.aljjmortlilj~g~a~geilljj11ijj"e~y·m·us·t jjbejjcjjhec~,k~ed~.'j' •• I;-.-.-.-.-~-.-.-.-.~-.-~-.-~-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-;-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.. -_ _, -:.'t\l.W;;.1 afl\cwtthr&ntl• ryiVdi ,,~..;:., 1ftvtst~ '-~-'lo'~ -· ;.·
pr;j~-'-and flM·injMH'MIJiatf"I •• :~t'm • rakf. a. ~ .r "
,.,,., 1 j!'St ·loo\lth' !>y ._tho "1Ht..,f.tfle.P!'nt1" method;
'!"r'I re1llro I nood to know f110to •beloro I buy.
H:wtwit _.,,, '°"'''°' the f1ctorf lnvotvtd? ·What ki.nds
ol ·"""9t·clool ""° !oOk for? Who do you tolk to to get
tho' -Hil')' d•tot . -
: ~ ""· -t)il '"., N.S.-Costa Mesa • '\1'19 .. )l oC "8t'of-~pants judgmenu in deciding ~,to,'bay,.or cooalriict an.apartment building is be-
~·•Jhblef,of the past. ~puter· science has re-y'ai.l~hl:"felU ~le, as in. other industries, that there
art.belter ww of ardvlni at a decision.
ll'be *le 'faetor.s have not changed; it is good de-
Jlili, dose 16 ~Ide area, proper reqtal level !or po-
. tentW 'IM!ts~ e? h 1•1id ·cost in proportjoo,
llnaadlil'allr . IJ!lilding c»nstnlctioii squad.? Wl)Bt a~~tiq\ell~ 'fopulatio~ ~ends, pros~µye zon' 11\i ctiang~ u _ -" ... •, ,,_, _
• Compill!iJ t1111i -.,.,_other facts ' that a prospective
:~ ol an,apanm111t 5bould know to make a sound
~.ctDon ~· beCome the· service of companies fonned
just. for that purpo,e. Such real estate research com-
papies P:effOpn ~eif ""rvice most oftfn for inves·tments
in'the nlllllons. Th:ere Ui more riding in the decision; in.
:vtn6ft want 1t bpHct on .'alf ~e facts pos~ible to at·
cunll)lale. Rerearcll computers, lend ·themselves to
mai:ses ·of data gleaned trom a · variety of sources. ~,The ·smaller investor can.)ci:O. the same thing, how·
evlr, ~ should, or his ·Realtor or ·otber real estate
l>rolier 1bouid. C~ data alone can yield facts about
wpulation grOwt.h; income levels, houting types in the
net_sb";orbood, .. : average va}ue of owne~~C.UP;ied
dWilltnss. average rentals. City· maps· show location of
schools,. and plar\ned new schools. A survey from an
•)lto window will li•t churches, shopping a,": ~rea;
. ::,.· --A-Out ol this jumbf.e.of information, it'll ti to o
.a '~et,analy•is. And, when , it .i•· c:Ompleted and
, stuilted, much ol the mystefy ol what !er buy; where to
byy, and if you should buy, disappears. The deci sion
~es a matter of businesi Sense, of matcbinO'. cost
to pOleriliaJ. · · •
· · Nor;ae of tills is~ ~!IY that, a market ~aylsis elimi· !'~tes !1~~· WeJ~l..:~~tbt apso1ute1y sure investment ·~.a ra~e ~oc!\ll'l"' \n~e\d_, !lather it poi~!• out the
risk, 111!4~fl!U!Ol·ii,,ao,the~n .. stor cili. ·take the proper
saJegµariU to ·,pi'o\ee!'. the· money he has put into the
p,~(jy ·and 'the income he can rea~onably expect to
Teceixe· to. saY.~ nothing of other extrem!!IY import.ant factors ·Jnvolwed ..
· •It is.&>1.ribute to the basic value of real estate that
m~y owners of apa_rtment. bu,ildings saw the advertise-
ment, .saw the bwldlng, saw the opportunity, and
bought; 'succe~sfully.· .As our population increases, be-
comes~re urban, more complex, however, that route :wtU be less used: .
This wider empJoyment of the methods developed
~y computer ,ori~nted research Has had another effect
1n the real · i!t,ate "market. It allows the beginner who
mJght ·otherwl~e turn to other fonns of investment to
seriouljy conlider ·this most basic method ol building capital. ·
• 'Forfuna.tely t.htre are a considerable nwnber of professi~als whP ·can help ihem use this newer .method.
Your ..,Rriltor, barilc:er, accountant, tax specialist, are
all aware of the value of market analysis and can help
take tbe mystery out of successtul real estate invest· ntedl ., · '· · · ' ' .
ED1TOR'6 'NCYf£:: Rpndall .R. McCardle rs 1111 invest.
m(nt •apalgst, J)residnt of the• R-eol l:ltater1,• a director of
tht ,Nt;IWxal Atlociotio;n of; Rtal ·E1tate Teachers, a colteg~
lccttn'ffo·author· of• "Rtal ·Estate ·in"eallfoniia." Send your
comments and question& to Randall R. Mccardle clo the
l>AJLY PIWT,'P.O. Bo> 1550, Cl<l<t4 M<1GS211M.'
• ' .
• ••
Ranch-0 Pla~a Of'f ers ·
. ' •.. •
Commercial V ari.ety.
The " 11.5 mllllon lt1111<:ho motel, interior design, and
Califonia PlaUi ii thl1 center home fumiehiAP. Also a doc-ot · conunercial icUvtty for tor and 'dentist will ' soon
· Meadowview, the country e9lablish part.time practiw;
estate development .at Rancho at the Plua. aallfOr:nla offering Individual Pim expaMkln pllft'ls_call
horrtuitaranglng ln siu from f« a new oUJce buinmif· and
~f to l\f acres. an early addWon of a ... dn.11
Located In the ~tral core store, hanlwart. 1tor1• and
of Jllncbo Clllfornia, the other buslnea ttnturea. ~
PIHi hu :mon lhln li rel•ll In 1ddlllan to !he ploza,
,ud aervice buatneues which rifeadowva tnvutor1 ._ 1
offer bof.l\ neceatt1 merchan-wide range of a~ln.
dlJe ind a wide variety of eluding UR of an OIHlte •
novelty 1nd pft Items. An clubhouse, 1 '2 mllllon ,..,
avtrfee 3,000 v1.sltors each resort and ue. o( 1 private
dly are dtawa to the eomplex yatfht club .t .:.C,, VaU
where combined sa1cs or au Lake.
rellllcn Jar the lull year Jt69 ButtermW; Lind Corpon-
wJD be m Uctll ol ll miDJon. . lion, a suboidlfrJ o( Coldwell,
In tht Pia" MeldOWV!ew ' Binker & Colflpalll' II the ••·
Jlf0Pfl1.Y ow n·trtl ·, h1v1 • elusi ve 1ales .' ·qtnt for
1 v a I J 1 b I e' • •-"tnarketf AteadOwvlew.
rtat.aurant, bank, barber shop. Rancho California la located
bt111.11y ulon, wutem apparel , In Inland Hlgh'A'aJ 311 ,
J•rdqt. post office, snack midw1y bet..-een Loi Angeln
Jhop, art gollcry, 36-unlt and San Oleso.
. ' . . ..
' I ·'·"At .. . ., ,, .. any price,
its a steal
' .....
' . ... . .
'" " ·~
• .
-.. , .
I· -'
. . . --.?:'!••~ ~•tlana Comniunity
• Buddars
• -JI no I her Chri1Uona Oil
" Cort><>ralion Company·
1 • • DeJficated to supplying basic -.t needsjna comp/ex1vorfd, "
' II
• '
.. '·
What elsewollldyau calllt, at
·that price? An island home.
Surrounded by shimmering sea watw.
Vibi;liedng slioret. A whole new
\vorld. Relaxation. Stroll around the
marina. Cruise to distant 1hore1.
Sail to the Smiths·for brunch. Telllli>
'fyone? Grab the snorkel and find ':1t
that'ahappeningtwo fathoms doWn.
Say hi to a sea gull. Watch what colors
the Sfi brings out of a sunset. Then fill
your lungs longingly-as never before:
-witb a new, sweet air. Serenity will .
ove,rtaP you. A naw look at blue~
skies. ~ter stars. And· a new you.
-~ 'f
. .
a Can 1 h!>!DO elaawhert be'H
lilvitllig? Come to the &lancb of
Huiltington·Harbour. See for yourself.
See the sumptuously 1legant home
$44,SO«;J Will put yoU! into •. tight near
the.watec. You'll owh your own island
propedy. NoJ.Utld. Printe
marinas. Mtlei Of ' eep watercbinnels. I .
Private·bea;hes-f :pool to lotmge by.
Yachting, beac~and tennis clubs.A
shopping amtf/r for family's fashions
or rations.:c A1\d'What'1 more, your
' exclusiva-island community is.very
J ... ; near .tl],• ff."1· 0 B'.sJ .''all; ~o'pr!ce.
Make ycm island iellwa~ .!~t-yl
..... "'"""f.-~· -.~ . j . • • • --....
• '
Fine Homes from
$44,SOO (Near-Water)
$7t;soo !Waterfront)
WaterfrontHornesitf!s from
. ..
~ -,,, t
Huntington Harbour
.. ' Locoted six mil•• south of Long Booclt
on the Pacific Coast Highway. ', •
Phono·(2/S/ f9;·1361
(714) 846·1361
. . I
r •
. -· """'1·31· !970 ' QAl~Y PU.OJ f .,, • • 4 ·------·--·· Pri)8pi.eli¥tlilff~.-~.:-::-:;· >,. '! J . -f ~ J -.. I ~rifi'.tliii'ttti.-1t'*:'.f:.ttltff'f!t!f'.f: ... ffH':t*'':t*..t'*'**''***°* : R~ ,; · ... -~1;;··. ""'.' ; p • · r,· ·._ ' · · 12· 'al ;: Je invite 11ou to ~ove ~P to-better livin;· in a-better area · . · ' ~ • #
: . :~.~~s-~ .. · · .. :.~1.~.e~: .. J ?.~ P:.: :·:; . . 7 fJ_ 1· .~.:~1!~~~~~~e.;, .. ~~!~2~.~~~1~~!r:~~~2~~·~· ~!.~:!~2 ::·: i
The price of. ,.,.1, homes )lW'<hasert to l!"t ..,Jy 10 ber-otccutlves lhey fl'loc&Je In "J;he,lfomerica Dlv1!100 •t\SISIS {it , The ,charm a!!d ~~"histtcatio11 of t~ese ~omea m~tch the tntP.~rp < , ;j:
locreased ao ave~qe '-c>f • ti cent down, were sakf'lo be ordtr to lnduc< \hem to mok• the. tr¥Bfetrfl!I ueculille by t •quality Wf b1111d into them: They will Nuiimt you in many netting .-i+
per) cent In the) ~"i Sllttjl ~ slmpl~ unav~I,. ~ >iliOv• and to belp Insure th•I hclpillg ·him oelec\ tho new ' and ham ways. And ~our home her•_,.,,..1;, be the beat 'investmejtf ..... "-'I year. w th ' au an11 FlfA-fn.sure11m" .~· 1 ~ 11 be e1i· 1 t ~~~-'r" ,. .• --~-that • T . -""""" i . ·t· ~ ..,. more aistJy ro""'•• .L...v be ob•• ..... -•~ ... ....,..,. ,... ran'"' w ''en cvuu•N~ '· -"~~ . £ ~ UO!l Wl ever make/ se homes 111 a11 eu mive communi II a.,e ..... . ln'fu~"' , ... ~._-, ...,..,..,.,..., =-:-·.~ and '!<CU'"" noted Mrs. de beol suit hJf tmilly's ac-• '• · d . I · · ""-""! 1.... 'd · t " ,... resaJUtlg . l!is ·•peiidlnt the .. verf'8<'. i>l pQJn ... '· f(iril•,. 'l'h• unprecedenled' custome<I minoer or life and • es1g11ed for t te eucutwe or rrrofe881vna '11141' w"'.:'c~(lr• .. to aive
mori ~·r::-i~e . ·Oii ·Pllld~hilul'Uw"'~lffer~ &i:owth which_ both Hom<qulty provides ""'°'allons.'w1th . his .family all tlt~.richnes~ of Cali'fllrllia living .• q~,..., out Gftit:.aee
pure as g •.. ~ ~·~e. ·~ ~ ei.r; lfe4 v~ept~9,an ex ana: OW'' Homerl¢a .•orvtslon complete.£0D1parative1surveys * for yourself: . · . · _ . .. • i. • ' ~
~':t';~':n:~!fr~ it~~~a~ 'OeP.MdinJ •I) ~readiness Yf:B-~ ~r.hte~ subsUmti!ites .lhil transport.I~; f!ducau.on. and .r... • '· · • . de.1;~l'!Pfr 11 M,id~br®k-Jt.ndeN'o1~ co .. · •
amon~ key findings rrom 1 na· 1 ·$l •600 00 a lllV!O'!.)oag. '· have • ·.;;.p.rterii:ed this j>allt ol · ~-and llvi11J• ·coslJ. {it '£Url,li~~r-Hill A prtitlli"' communt,. b1p11 •zlNirlfMid
Di R ioh' el flDfWltq ltJ.I 11 of mortgage swrces to 1Uld trerid. • recr~onal-fac1llles . at com-Tr" S buildera of Prflidei&l..B•''· " -z ij:W 'homeAndt~ur ..;..':: under FH~ at the new SY. per-, 'lioineqylty &erves-nl 0 r·e munlties · where olOces or 4t . · • ... · • . *
na . 1'1 . cent rate, sal~ Mf'G de U01a. ilhan·so lar e-corp<>rat.e-elieritl· plant.Lare located. t , . . · · · · · ' r · • . 1' • • +ft ~ive relocating • ·Gr&llilia-1.;.'.'Uwlncrease . .io}the FHA cell-, by' ~Jing (h"e· hofries oC The firm maintains head'.-• To rea.ch ~urtle Rock Hill!, turt1:0// t,\e San.ta Ana Fr:eewa.v or ,Sein Dt~pp Fr$~41/ at #
"'!9p· _ 1 1 .. 1nl~rom 71h to\ l'Ai:. pe.~nt ·• r·e1ociiuna· execuUVes fit rutr quarters in w 11 t 0 n ·Con-Culuer Dnve and .prooeecl aouth. Modela are •open fr~10:00 to d~'k everv da.11. · • ros~ ·'~ ~.,., • ..,..3b~dcutdownhenumber·of ~ 1..1 'nd I ll t 'th ffl kiN .r.t. • • ,. " .,. ~· ~ -':s~ -somewhat ·bri(lliter ·ror tbe'1 Poi ts hat 'ect.; and....possi~ fa1r· ·marlet va ue· a m· nee cu .. wi o ~· f!W Tll • , . t • • ·
bal;nce or 1919,'.'-•aJ~:t-ln·, ell~lna:e ~,;;.. In liOllle :mediately advancrog'the .,, York . Chicago, ~d~,LuM,t.;t..f,.:t.,f,.1:..f,****************·***"***'*****•ff~~.:t; Shirley de Lima, prestdenl 'qf irciS." ·. eCUt1ve'..-his fult' cash equJty. Angeles. . . ,. . .. ..
Hoinerica. "Abou.t !ialf_ «· UH! • : nie Realtors' survey agreed . . , •-· ,_ :
Realtors fo~ ao b:r!P'rovot ~-without excePfKin·' thit high . , .! .. ;; honl(-...JIW'.ll!ft~ -~ ~· n>ortsase:'.r.ie. -1iild· _,,, · -. ye~r .. JUlf 1bt.~.0l l_q~~!! ~ 11cm:lty oI mortguel w&Sffie · · '~ ~ ... · • ~ . 1 ~~i!~\~~;~~~h~~;-=~~,.i:."~~,.~~~;-7"·" .% .. 0%. -· .. Fl·IN· .. 1~N-c· I. "NG. ,. up _the '-nla:t:ker genera.Jly. · tliat those ""biljen who~ did . , • ,' " ·"'
paf)!cuJJrJy_ tn lo~e~. \and , ~rchase horn~ spent a larger . · o : '. . ... c · me<1•um:i>~"'ll h~. . peree..togt of lheif· )090l'I• 90 · 2 · · · · · ' ·
Hom enc a-memben, wtio their homeS?' than-bufers in . . -, . . · , , · · , s • ~ • • .. ~:~u:'ili.!:;..,1:,:··previoos.years ' ... A'\ N .. N' llA' ' L PER" CENT.' ~··a· 'E· ·a~· T: ... ·;E'", !',
" .
after hg~ ilJld Jhqse in According to the survey, · , . . , :,1, ~ t<, 1 'L 1~~~~lj'ho=.4Ji~efC:" t'Jg:gt' '!'ilil::JJ;~:ir~ . ! • ' ' I '• • • j ' ::_, . 0
' l ' . ' '• .' 1 1' '> • '
" :
,• I ••
under *',OOO. A general price last three months of 1969 com-· ·· · · ~E • -'· ur 1· , ~: 1 .
increast In resale homes was pa~ to the rest of the year. J
noted iii the fourth quarter of Pifany regional variances in
1969 ;alone, compared t 0 the housing market were earlie~n the year. Nationally, noted. Resale home pr~ts in.
Home~ members said Uie cre1sed the most tn .the
avera;.i, purchase price of a ~th~t !~d ~~er,n Untted home Mi the fttlal quarter or Stat&,· ~ '.flffflori.lUJa
the YW was $31,000, com· . th~t the typical ~rice in-
paredi.\b an average of $35 000 · ..mtSl!d· 20c. peteen'\ ~hr .1961.
for 19fit'as a whole. ' wi~ the lowest increases
fl1orWBge rates, averaged : '.f'~portW. (ro\l)i:the ·Mi~~e~ ~\
nationllly, increased from 71/4 five to eight percent.
perce~ at the beginning nf ; ; · Hlghe.st-..,prl(ieli ".for .,~omes
J969 t~ .eight percent at year purchased in 1969 w e r e
end. atfording lo the survu .. ::r_eport~.d. ~from. lower, Ne~
Highest: rate reported was in England, ·where :the average
Califoruia, with conve~ :.·P~i~ _ w9 $4t0001_, ~¢
mortgac;es ranging up lo °)I,;" hOme pt1Ces "'Were tn the
pei'cerit, and as much as 10 , . ~jd.west ,a .. n ~ .f9i~AUa~ti~
percent on income property. ··stms. · w~· 'the . .W"'frage
Lo"'·eSt, Interest rates reported homes rang~ from $30.000 to
were in Pennsylvania, ·~ ._ :-$35,000. ";: : : ~1 .• : ·.:: :.. · :
state !r' sets a seven percent Homerica members ool.ed a
ceilini., However, Realt~· : ttend by.tar1e~a,.tiQOS to
there said that points. also increase real estate assistance
tennef. "service charges''.~.orr _ t.·P .• ~re:n~~~ri :e~~v~s,
"origii\ition fees," r a n g e d even 1nclu11ng a r r a n g I n g
from .~ to five percent o; tb'-1 i:fyian<:!J'lg. '.Ti\ere ~~· ~o Jlpu)>~ total mDrtgage value . tfiat more lU'ld' more com;
ln ihost areas, mortgages pari,ies are tinQipg _it neeessary cover~ 90 perce11t or ·the :.to provide coMkterli61y 'ftlore
home (',ya Jue, p e r m I t t i n g benefits and assistance to the ~ ''.. . . .. c.;. ! -''--' .
O,ivners of:.~r~P~t!'Y :~':
The number or prOpe~Y, ~ develop the huge project's tn-
o"'TierS at RanchO Ca.Ill~~-dt1slri,!:1l, reCRa1lonaJ .... cO~.
more .tl)an double~ durlnS..~-. tnl'1'1al .and -a1rko;llufil .
last · ear, accotdini' -.,;q ' ~as. • · \v :~ .... ;;..~ ruch.~n:i F-:~y11rm· . \?!~ ;i j .eomers~;#'. ~tAe ...... ra,
preS1aeni:!ii)ane<I' n.~. a.J.1 .Jl>n\!lo..U. IJ,~io ti\& mlnlsinl~olll>e sl·l7~,il/iioeho c.lWoririli In lit
acre mp]Jl!PI!~ ~r~l' .. ,willih'..lias t ' '"•oi , devel~t,ln ! o.~ (h w~ id•l_t <11'!-on, wttblmo,.
River!ilde Cobnty:-' h -~', · 'n ~:1· ,., Jiib3 ~~~O Ile
At ~ enct Of 1~1 Rancho -~l:rt4~e~,b' ~·d· ear:. ·~ , .....
Callforn11'.1· lal)"d' l--n,v1e si ~-ts lr..'.~ ~ nrihlon •f num~ slightl.x .J~~' ·.eoosttUcUob .pr:ope.r.t'J,
iso. 'i'Ji~ total dou'bl«1 1lo·ii\1ii't1-.fdevelqpmW -idivllies··Jin , • .. . ·--
• .• \1
~. ' -~ .... . .,, ..
':. 4 f· .• ••
• • <, ":. --··~ -. . -' . -·' . ' . .. .. ' ' . ,, . . ~ . . ·-
than ·:·500 in • 11169' ·*'1!!:::.Wlde '!.•~'<i<,'.,,;.iecirlb"; ·
Boultlltghouse foreseei,.:..aJS ... -Compleied ... 'Or•en upQe:r ~!IY '-:
e\'en ~'!rlgher rat~· of ~: ;~ng r~~Pll~'}lar-®"1ne -u~i>'•-1,:"
riurina: the con:irns y_ear as , •Raft!)h torppi~. by its prOP:' 'f s,,,,~~' ~iii.'Z":Jl~~!
You'vi looked a'rouod_j_you. Jinow wha,t
home loan iriterest rates are these da)'S.
Chances arc, ~y'll probably.aet hiJller.
7Y.i%finoncing.is worth looJci!ij inlo. •
All in all, Harbor View HotnoS Can Wi:e r . ..i..----.<"""""""""""r"'°"=•=-· 1"'"""''=t
7V:to/o financing look verj attrai:tivt.Bttt ~. · ~.; ~· ·
Ranchi;i Calffom1a continues lo ~-trty' owYl~I ahd by de\!elop. ~ ~
expa~ its development pro-· ~d. eo~~OJ"'·oijteja)s:. pm-.~~~ .• ~: • 1
gramiind attract residents to an~r that. \his4·~··wil ·• UJ£:G¥ '"t"f
the ~try .c0mmunity. . ,eiceeded"\ this )'ta1{ ' --# -· $i{f.<~
,Lociited '" the growing Officials credit tfte'.;~J;m-an-fhghWhy 395 area between the tial increase ~~m91tty
Los :"?1g~les and San Diego ownenr to broadeQiug,....or the me~rdf!O.hlan areas. Rancho base for potential buyers of Cahf~a offers p_rope.rty Rancho California property. In own~ ~II the am~n1Ues of the first few years after the
coonllJ hvlng lncludmg smog· start of the Ranch develop-[~Wt.as, casual l!vlng .and a ment In 1965 the average
wideolrange of fam1\y-0nented purchase of land for In-* rece~o~l activities. veslmenl purJ)Oses was about
· Ec,(lnom1sts _forecast a ten· 374,000. At the present time,
fold ·~as~ in population of however, l~n~ .,igyeptocy, has Ran.~o Cah~omla during the bff.n dlversifiaf' ·to " ·include
1970',a;, reaching 28,500 by 1980 well-lotaletf .a-Ji d :1irq:rrOV'cil
and ·ee .. ooo by ~985. These parcels for.as liµJe 11 '6,000.
popu}alion proJediQll.!I have ..&.-••• .:l:r ml h caused the compan)r officials -~n1.:11u ..• C"Lo . a. " ~ . e tO pdt special em:phllsjJ.. 00 largest rtuJltt-.pu~. J.·a 11 d
resi4ential construc4~ fUring development of Its ldM ':in the
lf10 ·while conttrulizc to nation. Is O\med by Kaiser ' Aetna, the real estate develop-
r ·• ment subsldiar1 of Kaiser
..... •1 ,"f J" Alurnlnuni·and Ohtml c1l ·~ -.. CorPorauin ~ inO Aetna "1Jfe
• IJ1d Casualty Company.
.illS.;::-·-. . ., ...
• • . ,. . .r . · Sand~rs0n . . ~.
·~ Gets-f'ost
' . ~ • Julian Sanderson.:tla-.s".been
selected mamig!r ·or ~ the
•Tarbell C.l]lpiny'*-new. El
:,:... T-Oro -1-Us5iO,r1 iVlejo oUlce at
"' 28331 El"Tpre ROad. • .....:... .. .:.z.-..... < or /\ , .. ~ •Jll:,MIK w -.. . , .. ni(bnnp 'lh(lo&ar ftUl!ller or
-.-T-ft olllceno 31. I . . ' Sanderlon·Ls fonnerly trom
Ne., ~fananer 'O<arborn ... MRJi~'.w»ere i,, , ,. ~wu a·membel tf1ht \nan1ae;
PhU 'Glbillsco has beca· •' metit kam for the Ford Motor
app)>inled manager (>f ,... ~Company. He haa been ln lhe
the Costa Oles a otnce ·rm-estate--oosinea !Of the
of Walker and Lee. He past six years.·
!ortlierly managed the The Tarbell Company I•
Huntington Boach oI· .P~sently~ ~~i~ three new {Ice. -'!It IU.d' allk. _l(llc<,' ~to ~ --~!.!~ third out of the firm'! County ror opening afler tfiC
28 branches In sales. Clrst of lhe new )'tat.
-. --.... ..
y •
And so arc Harbor View Homes. Thefre
big. They're besutifu). They' .... cu,_
; UuXtt)' mpici'i'j!lcl>t priC.. <>riai/lal
, designs feature be8ni .ceilinp:f cozy fire·
'places. fonnal'dinihi rooms, 'ill~lectric
lit~f and mu~ "Ytes worthy of the
The n<iahborhoQd is tomething special,
1 ·Jod .. sCCludOd .. Quie4 iole ""'°"· Your
; .ow'n .tch~l, R1i-k :anj! private fatnily,
· ~crc1tioci club.
'· .....
itJ whl;t-:il.Justdo'r11 the road ~tmakcs ~ J. i • • .
)l!S% ou~ding.Newl>ort Bet</>-~ii~ ·_ ·;· £, · ·. . , . , «._ · .. c· .. ·_·.
Ba~1'17arelitcraJlymP,ute,•w•Y:~ ~ 1 ' • :. SANTAANA ·.,.: ..,~; ''"
_..._FaiJii<!a lsla'."1 ond the Ulti~~ of : · .. ' . :J.. ,,..,_;,.
~alifomta It Irvine. • · . .. . . Q .. ~~ .
lt's apel',fcctsetting. 7~~mak~ita~·· ' .. . SAN Dl~OO Jriff~I . '. 'J-fe·~ 6mi;tunily.;An av·er•&J'Of·motc". ~ .• ~ ... ·-.. ,... .. _
thati'.oM home sale a day makes .it ~ ..
fectly.i:Jcar tbat you should get liereright
awiy. Take the San Diego· or NcWpOft
Freew1y1 to the MacArthur Blvd. turn-
off .. , then. drive aOuth to Ford Read, · ·
You111 •:'the best new home ve.lµcr~t '.
any ra~~ : , ·
-. ' _: ~ :-...
l • ----. ,, .-
, . .
•, .... ..... . ..
. ! :." •
. '
. . "
. ' . . -. ..
, ~-'~ . ,r ~ ,_, !
-:· .&)!
.. ·• \ . '
-!'"' .. " ~. "·! _,
' ~ f i. . ... ~ . ~· 1 ·~.. • -;. -' -' ..
,& •·.1·•~1·:~r.
. ., . • .. -~ !.!~ : .. .
. '• , r·. .• • ·• .:. ':. -! •.
1·•c 'I : ' · • 4 ' ~ •' •' "... . .. ·... .. .....
@ . ...., ' ,,.:. It .. , ';, , ·~:f · . .-.-· w 'NI"""""' "·· .:i .-..~ .. ,. . ";.:-ti*:.~.......... . . . ... ,,~,;.
. ....~;.~. ·-.. ' ~1::r. . -" •. '1 ••
01ll'IO DONALi> 'L. BREN COlilPAJIT ' r
' ' f:. 4" I
·-. ..;. ' \ .. ..,. • .' I ~• . .. ,,
. ' ..
If DAil y I'll.OT Saturd'1, J1nu1" Jl, 1970 ...,
NEW Wm\'S. ANI>. , Y~'S HI~H -,-· LO)V (:LQSJ;
,., . t .. '·k ~' (',,. . ..--.._,·:i,.,~--·----------~ '•·. ..... . ... ~· \ .... ' , .... , ~ w. LAlt CJtt.
•• 11
• .. ,
' . . ,. . ' .. . .,
· l'f DAltY PllOT -· -S..tul'di,, January ll, 1970 ~ ·~ . , .. , , ~,, I . .. "''f· . ~ . -·a ~ . It"'-. W.. -_, : ·~attl,---· · ut -_, · -·in-~
. ' .
Rupp Mo had the FablllOWI Five, the Fid·
(~and Rl!W) Runts. Now·he's
lt\d -er~~ iis ·the case' maY be
-with · the Heart Attack Bunch.
Sure,_Xentucky J! ranked No. 2 in U1t
nation. 'Sure, the W.lldcat.s have won all of
their, pmea. Sure1 they art averaging
~more than 96 Po]nts a g&me.
ft' But tlii.i ban odd Kentucky team. They .,...
win. as others luave done In the put;
Rupp having One break-even 1ep0n· and
l}O Jo,,ing one! in 3t years a3 the . Wlldcat
··No, we don't havr a killer-type team."
Rupp said. ''But ror a sick man doing the
coaching, I guess we could have one of
the best teams we've ever had at Ken·
tucky ."
Rupp has been bothered by an ailing
• . ., .. , ,1 .! ... ·· ?•.': .• • ":\.
.root, p1oppl111 it promlrfa!tly In froGt or; "l'Y~,.. qlher.--.~fid<C.
Liie Kentucky bench al f'it.r/ ,aft\O. It 1,-._ t11on1hia·..,.,",llkl:~'Llli·
h~n't overeome bis ttJQP«. bow.ever~ cuter, ·wtip is tub time l~leOc~
which gets him on his reet .often at every thia year ifttri..tt Yeara ai l\upp'a U'slJ.
t ~-. 1 • , game. tan . • · • • . ' · •
"It's 'like the Miami (of OhJo) coach "'!11f "J'aburoua Five (V(inners ot two
said," Rupp tried lo explain hll team:s N9tf.: UUOI[ .we'° HtremtlY ~eRI
style. ''HJ said he ~ust was waiting for and .• that . lfq"1-~msey·.tai«opoloUa
· ... e,:pl~lon -nOt knowin1 when it ~ ~~1·$f) tum knew the)' .were •eoaCI,
wouJ<! come, but expecting it." ' µ.>," t;apc~ added. '
. .
~ . . .
Leaders Tied at 133; Trev ino Fire s Best Round.(66) . . ' ,
SAN DIEGO (AP) -Tony Jacklin, the shots: hail'the: da)i'31best roUf!d; 1·66, and
..,,4 personable young British Open champion. moYed into contention at 137.
' harged in ~·ith a-liv~undez:.par 67 KrJ. ...J }u1t:-nilssed-on-two eaglerpuUs,.u..he
;...._day and tied Jack Nicklaus for the 36-hole i~.i; lead in the $150,000 Andy William&-San said. ,
Diego Open Golf Tournament. . Included in the group at 138 were Julius
.,'1 Each had a total or 33. 11 under par Boros:George Knudson, Paul,.Hamey and
~ after two rounds on the sunny, 6,792-yard , Tommy Jacobs. Knudson had a 68,
. ~ 1 par n Torrey Pines Golf Club course. Herney•and Jacobs 69s and Boros a 11;
Nicklas, the defending champion and They were on the par-five ttli and 11th
i first round leader, had a 68. · Mies, which he reached in two and two-
· • • They ~Id a two-stroke lead over 6-fOOI· putted for bird3, one from 15 feet and·lhe
, 3 Terry Dill, who had a 67 for 135. other from -JI.
··.,. Lee Trevino, using a borrowed driver ,. Jacklin, who.is playing his la.st·tourna.
~ that he said added 20 y;ards to his Ice ment i~ this , country for about two
·'. ...
• ...
month$, said "I have to'ap~# at~!Uck
ingham. Palace to recelVe ttMt"" OBS,"
Ord<uf lb< B.rili,t!J,.EJ!lPift..k~
the fourth from 15 fee\. and.Jaed.a:~en
iron six lr.cbes from the #ah" ille ~·
His other bird came on the ~· par
five. He was io a trap il'i tWo/but blasted
out two reet from the cqp: He did not
have a bogey ..
Tbe po~erful Nicklaus had•two 'bQgeys
and six-b,irdies.
"I dklnlt drive well at all and I didn'\
partJct!larly care for my awloi," he aaid. ,
He had to cut a shot around a tree: 'Oft <
the 10th and missed the green. Sut Jilli
' . ""' uf'I T11#1at11
RACKED UP -Bob Cunningham is pinned in .. hf~
careening fi'ormu1a Vee race car, which turned
•• over four times in a Frid8y wreck at Daytona
Beach, Cunningham ldst two toes, broke an ankle,
suffered multiple cuts and bruises in the spectacu·
tar crash. ..
\Soderberg Qi1its l(entueky
LEXINGTON. Ky. -Mark Soderberg,
understudy for center Dan ls.sel at Ken·
·~cky, quit the squad Friday and. in·
·~icated he would return lo his home in
clocked in 223.32 m.p.h .. , Brown In 222.22
n1.p.h. Brown's elapsed time was 6.583
seconds, placing him third with Wie\?e
r.ext al 6.864.
Qualifying continues today for Sunday's
finals. • LOS ANGELES -A tenacious defense
and the hustle of Keith Erickson led the
Lo.'! Angeles Lakers to 1 IOU7 National
Basketball Association victory Friday
night ovtr the sagging AUanta Hawks.
Erickson's 2.1 points led the Lakers
while Jerry \'lest added 2Z as the· Lakers
won their seventh game m rune · liights
and moved to "''ilhln a half game of tJ1e
\Vestcrn OiYlsion·leadina Hawks.
'eblp. s~ out Oft~i e\ip thrM feet aWay
-OM he mlued ~ puU !or a+:-He
alaoJ>o«eyed ·the~Mjl,mlulnl-lht .......
He had loll( l>in\fe< pu1(a o!, JO_.and 15
feet,~ tWe>-putted~ two patiflves'fOf' blrdl,
pul-a wedge ·3~ feet awiy ~-another
anCI ~ to within •thtte iilo!i!s on -~ ' ... an-""'~. . . ~
M'astl:ra cbampi6n Gehrp ArcJler ·had
a 7t li>r;143.'PGk-champion :&,!'; Jl'toyi) ~ Jfl fO< HI aad m1aie4.lbe'.i:ul for
the ftOIJ two rounaa: . ·'
i Arm\d Palnier m1·. U.S. ()pen lltte-
ito!der'p.yille MoodY 'lf' ll!>l)lOmpetil!g.
. SaDia . Ani ta \ . . . . .. \ ' ' ·R~.ce . "sb1ke:~
• i . '1 . ·;~-f fl
Appeavs · 0~~
.AJtCAJiIA !Al!)·-Arie.I olfi-:Wut bt . ' . voled upon ·b)'.~I der~• Sun-day·~ efforts·~~~ to bqiii;tnt.d io
tbe)O!ll •lrike :at'~Ja /Ollla''i\';[ Bay .,
• J\t:eadoWs race 'tr*M· ' · " · ~)J
The "Clerks guild~· some ' ~: nfebbers
who .... llri,. the hard core al the\F!ke
whleh hu tept the twd t?Kls' shut1 dOwn
sirioe lheir.sdleduled ..,e;,ings'!iti&1lec.
28, agreed'Friday lo·l!!!ld ·~~I~•
on the latest offer \': the .. ~_ia
Federation of Racina Alloclatiolt$.' ·
Cierks in North em-Ci"ltfornla 'will meet
at t j,.m, .Sunday. 1t Sab "hf~teo .apd the 1"l" ~ mem~u wnt . ~t al I
o'clock'that nigh_t to· vote on ttie Ofter.
Th• fedefation -must "ltlll :Offllfatly
r1Ufy the offer niadt by its negoltiiiing
team l>ul It aweared that ~: ~. liplons ·~· the federaUo~ will lajlO""'t!ltlfj' ~the
. .... . "" ..
best play'ra iver: and Pratt, who Rupp
terms tbe JllOll underrated player In the
nallop, .,.. fltl111 ¥P the •laolc, "tor rml(l*loot hii"~··) think ft're dolng pretty good,'' ftupp said.
referring to the injury to l\1ik"'e Casey and
the.aradiy.Uon of,Phil ·Ar$eoto.
"Giv8n 1 ;uarda like · ·we'd want, I
dori'l ,know where we'd be,',' added the
~c}i.who has woo more gan'lel than an)'
•Ofller in 11\e hlllory of college bal;kelball . ' .
.Maravich Eyes
Mark Tonight . .
Against Rebels
SQm.eUme Jn the final ·minutes of
tonight's ·Southeastern Co nferen ce
~sketball clash between Missis_,ippl and
Louisiana StaC~ Pete Maravich shoulrl
aink "a 'basket which wiU make 'him the
all-tinie colleglate scoring leader.
"Pete's not worried about 1·1," s'~yg his
fa!her: Press P.f3ravich, tbe LSU baskel·
bah' coach. "He has a lot of games lert to
Make lt:in -he coold averasie OVe polnts
a gaJn'e and still get it by the end' of the
8eas6n. •• · '
·The' .floppy hairtd All-American' whiz
needs ~ points to pass the ;:9'13 amassed
b'' Oscar Robertson of Cincinn'atf. He's
currently averaginl? 46.3 for thf:l season
and •aalost-Qle Miss, in four previous
ouUngs, he's averaged 41.5 points.
"We don't plan to play him any dif-
f.erenlly," says Cab Jarvi3, Ole f\.1 iss'
basketball coach. "There's no way to stop
him. We'JI let "him have ·his record and
try to stop the rest of the team.''
1be Rebela have beaten MaraYich and
LSU in their last three meetiflis but only
seven points &eparated the two teams in
thr~ games. ··
Right now, however, Press and Pete
are-more concemt.d about the SEC race
and winning games than·setting records.
"We're not out of the .race by a
longshot," saya Coach Maravich. ·whose
Bengal' have a t-z SEC' showing. •1r ~·e
can play defense ·like we did earfief this
week, then who knows what can happt!n ."
I.SU thrashed Tennessee · ,71-S9 here
Monday night. A surprillingly lQugh LSU
defense did much of the da·mage against
Tennessee, although defense w a a
something Coach ~1aravich was mojlning
about before U!e game.
"We stunk, we were absolutely' IQUsy on
defense In .our four games be.fore Ten-
nessee," ~111ald. ' .
LSU lost two of those lour games, ln·
Pre .p,. .... r t1 eluding a 109·96 shellacking by No.% Ken· --y r~ tucky.
,....:. nA 1.. • I" A • , How 2°:5 Pr.ess rate Ula two? • ~,ell1>aCnman,~ -,....-sen1or-at--•'1Ve] u~~··--1 ~.~-·th
E I ood H. h -'--vun. wen .w "enl'-,ry w1 ng ew 1g S..,..}ool in Colo-the emotional factor and the homecoorL
r._d~ d~rls othe~ s.~ude~ts oh edge and everything. Kentu~y Would
bi!r-Way .lo basketba] ]>rilC.. nrobably wJn;'' he 'l'~pUed. "AAJI If Ken·
lice. Miss Bachmcin 'iS s.·11 and tucky went fo ·UCLA it wou1d be the other way around.
plays center. She wants to be-''U they met on a neutral court, it
come tl:'·pro. would be_ a heckuva jame. I think they'd
,-•· · be prettJ evenly mate~ like tliat."
Golf, Basketball Events
Highlight · TV .Sel1edule ·
Golf ' has taken up where :football left
off-several weeks ago fot {he teJtvislon
ap«rts viewing ludlence, with ba.skltbalt
• lriim. the hjgh scjiool level Ip the pros
along with several out:standlna ppeclals
iivallable at the flip of the dial. 1 A. Bay Leigue high ~I girne
between Sant.a Monica and North . Tor-
raOct (Clianne.1 4 -12 o'clock) iets the
bas'ketball action under w3y. UCLA's
Bnilps are at Stanford in a Pac:-8. aame
Uve On Channel 5 at 2:39. ... ..
TODAY 12 ~}41 Cl -HIGH SCHOOL IASKETIALL -a1n11 ....... 1e1 "5 f'lortfl lorr1nc1. •• n:• p:{l'I. nu .CL-NIC ·~5Kf.T8ALL -l.OJoll ••'~dine. JJbrsi,;_"UI Cl -'"1.0 IOWllEltS TOult· -Tile 1' 1 ' i'R Jo11 , 00tn from 51r1'* L,tlMll! .S111 MIJ;ii tt-m. ISi Cl ~ ..... (..I IASKEl.8ALl -~I..' ervrru vs. St1nroN 1""911111, llvl f~' Jt~DI tteJ "~""' ... lo Alf11. (1l1 C ,-Tl'l'IE · AMII ~ rrol~~5 -Ml11'1Cll1 8~kllbl~ .... JQCll!lori
pJTI, 121 Cl -.CIS OOll' CLASSIC -f'T'WI ~... ,_ :ti,FlmtioN C-trv·Cl\I& 111 Alertll, Ol'llf. ):JO '·"'-11, Cl .._ GOll' -Alll't Wlllll n'lf 5111 DI* OMO om r,..,..., .. Inn Golf COllrSI l>Dtth II :s.11 oi..o. , • · .1
: • 11 m. l•l Cl -SOLF -Shell'J Woncltrlul Wor!<:I ol Golt C1n1dl10 Geo"1;1t 1(111,!d~n l1c11 Geon;• Arcl>er encl l• Elder I I the Seo F•rn•ndo Qblf C.l11b In SAO P111J•, lr11U
• .!:~pm. nl; Cl -HOA:SI! ltACtNG -P1lm ~" 1tak1 l'KI fnl"' Hlale1h. '• p.m. (1) Cl -WIOIE \YORLO OF SPORTS ;JO P.m, C7l CL -GltAND PRIX S. . '
•,•,:U /,·'"· Cl~ CL -BASKET8,t,LL -UK "'· I ror., •• TIP< H rller II l••ktlft.
SUHD,t,Y .
Y l!,;iS 1.m. !1l CL ';'"' NIA &ASl(EllALL -Nt.., o,,, II 0.1~11.
1:)0 o.m. 12• -PllEMIE'llE -Tl!t IC1llf Chllltnte. Jtfln-C!1udt Ki l~ comt:ie!C" Wl!l'I al'l>er tllem~in lklero II• Ylfloul COi.inti fl'\ the U.S. •It h
;rHk, fov~ 11!1,.....i tkllr1 C'Ol'llPett In twa t!lmfM · on rounos, 11!1 winner 1cll'IQ Klllr.ln ll'lt'clil!tr.oncie l"Ollr\d II~ I l\4ndlCIP sn~. T almPetlllol'I wUI
b! htt~ kl l'lilld, wllh ..ch WHll'.-wl--reethdf'>!I 1 !JO~< ~--UI Cl -HIGH Al'IO WllO -Wlri!lr .., ,,...., llkf , A~ hunt fDr -II 1nd thuktr tn lht !Ilg!\ dtoc-i °' Or ) P.ITI, Ctl CL -l'IH HOC~--DtrtrOjt Rtd
Wf"llt \'$, 0.klll'HI S.11t et OtkLINI. !11 Cl -GOLF
-LI~ <.0\llflW OI "; And~ Wiii"'""' s~n Ol•M 1~~1 ,~lfl'tY. f'lnt}. ln11tr HI• UQ,O(I\ loser '"'
. . ,•.:_ .. "'
Vallely Lfmds~
B1•uins~ -87· 72 ,
Reports from his home in Huntington
'Beach are. that the ei·Marina Hi gh whiz
.~will drive back to California, departing
today. Re may enter an uhdes.ignatcd
junior college upon hls return.
· Soderberg said he was 'di ssa tisfied that
.. he "'as playing so seldom as l:isel"1t
number-one substitute. The. 6 ·a \1.1
10phomore had appeared in tl game.a tffis
season. playing a total fo 31 mtnutts,
·Riversid~ Cancels Race, Lays Off '·6 -..By ASSOCIATED PR~S
Guard John Vallely triggeced 1 sear·
ing-sta>nd-half fut b~k Friday: night
as UCLA overcame a stubborn California
team 87-72 In I' Paclfic-8 conferencti bas-
lcetban game. , : . 1
1 l~e · played dn1y 57 seconds Moi;iday
'ight as Kentucky defeated Alabama a.
ft, the Wildcats' 15th conseccttlYe victory
'this season.
" Soderberg'! scoring average With the
J\t11 tucky freshmen last year was 1~9
-point& per game. • ·: PO!o.fONA -Gerry Glenn "'as the
• 111uickt.!l on 1 ·fall. lield of top fuel
t"ualifiers F'ridl,J' tn tJ\e National Hot Rod
Asaoclatlon'1 toth annual Winternationals
•t LA County Falr1round.s.
Glenn pomd the lop elapsed time of
l.7t0 see<>nds' over the quarter-milt strip
<and "a4 a top speed of ll7.91 miles an
~ Close back was Don Prudhomm~. tht
runner·UP io la11 year's WinltmaUonls,
' Prudhomme had an elapsed time of I.In
.jtCOiii!iTria fop 1p<td or 217.89 m.p.h.
The fQp speed• of lht day were)record-~ by iJohn Wiebe., Newton, Kan .• •nd
K•"Y Brown, fountain Valley. IYlt)>o wl.! ., ,-I
OI tM Oell1 Plllt llllf
RJverlide International Racewary has a
fiscal er.Isis 'll)d legal difficUIUes so se-
vere tluit a 'rilijar race scheduled for
'March ltall been canceled.
Raceway president Les Richter an·
nounced today that the 7th annual Hot Roel· ·Magailnc Drag Racing Cham·
pionshlps. one of drag racing's biggest
even'6, haa·been ·taken olf calendar.
·· It was to be held Mar. 21-22.
1t wu no colnckfeoce that hi~ an·
, nouncement came only a few days after
she of the race~y·s 14 ptn:nanent
employee WCR laid off in an economy
One or tile aix persons terminated was
Richter's mother •. ~frs. Minna Richter,
Yt'ho 'Was the Utk'1 managtt. The othm
wert 1n artist, a sign-painter, 11n ad-
vertising ples:woman, a bookkeeper and
an office ieeretary.
Richter tfescrlbed the layoff as
"nothing unusuar", pointing out th11t at
1c.ast t"·o or OM alx employq were plan·
nlng to le""' &nywlf. Oddly. the most rec~nt event at
RiYerslde,.lhe Motor Trend 500 NASCAR
stock car road race, won by A. J. F'oyt,
~·as a financial success.
· Richttr said ftet proceeds frbm t~~
rllce more'than made up the loss 1Uffered:
in becem~ by the sparsely attended
Re11: Mays 300 Indy car ract.
The'sOurce otfinancial trouble is a side
crrect . of the current intra-manaaement
bait! for control of the ftOO..acre racing
A lawsuit, pending Jn U.S. Oistrk:t
Court In 1tOS Angeles, hanis Damocle$'
s\l;ord owr the raceway.
"Because of lhe uncertalnUes of the
outcome of the legal dispute we art ex.
perleflelng," IUchter said, "we detided
not to 10 ahead with the «tr,_, rict. "~
RJchter Mid cancelatlon ol ·the drag
raet In no way affects two other event!
-the continental formula rttee in APrll
and t~e Golden State 400 stock car ract
in June . ·
•le admitted to some uncertainty O\'Cf
lhe future of the raceweY. howel>'er.
The suft wes flled b)' An1erlcan
Raceways. lne. o( °flroil, a 48.4 percent
stockholder In Riverside, whicb 'has
already invested $2.2--mllllon in the fa"clli·
ty and'has Indicated a desire to ,FC~se
an add itional 1.7 percent..owneishlp.. to
1a~ control. .... ~ , f
ARI president Lawrence H. LoPatin
has stated that his company wants to
centrol ,RJ\'erskle Raceway -so it.a own
managemen' can take oyer ~aUon'
that "·ould mean the ouster ol Richitr,
the pc>pular all-time Ram football grtf,l.
Majority llockholders,' .-ho privately
call themselves "the rucbltr fq club .. ,
rasltttil an ARI attempt lo, toke Ovet Iii
December. . • •
The lawsuit aplnll lhem'rottowe.i. ·
Backll\f of Rlcbt<r t)y a l!l'O\IP headed
by lncluslrlallst Edwin Pauley, finand<r
Fred Le'ey. masazlne ~btlsbet Bob
Peterson a'nd comedian Bob ,Rope-' ls ror
more than &entlmtntat rtasoos.
'Mley ha\'e fought ARJ 11 Jakeover of tbe
race!way on prioclpal. Mlnflgement
~1osphle1 ol the two facUons ~lashed.
Tv.·o so1utl.ons to the Rlv mldt dilemma
have reetnUy been e1plored.
LoT'atin reportedly discussed.. transfer or ARJ'1 interest iri the TIJptiWay with
Fllm"•ays, Inc.. 1 cOtn,RJhy which
recently acquli"td Selrs p(,bfta Raceway
in the-san,Frandseo lay~Aiu.
Discussloil by the two companiea ended
···'irn another neaotlation bHan with STP
COtporation. ' -
La&t week STP anriouhced it had taken
OJ)llons to b\lY a subordinated debenture
kit $698,CKiO, convertible into 18 percent of
ARJ's stock, along with anolber to n ·ap
all the sharO! of ARI for. STP st4ck on
the buls of Ut shlr<!s al AIU !or <lch
~of STP. ,
'l'huraday, S1'P reported that lit ofrers
·~known whether there wlll · be-ntw
41teus6ion.s· now between ARI and
f'ilmways, Inc.
• Due to the seosltlve nature of rel•tions
bet"-een ARJ and RJverlide ~way
managemtnt, a nf!Wt bllctout hu been
ln>posed by wurtns rac11om.
Tht bl:ictout, however, "did rm. prevent
word leaktnr 1>Ul that rriedil>ers ot \he
board lrltndty lo Richter m'et ~Y
In LA to dllCUSI the raceway'1' Hvere
fi~ancl1( and le11I dl!fi1.'U]Ues.
A tip-In by George 'Vatson wlth 22 sec-
onds remaining In the game helped SOuth-
ern Callfothia to 8 71-68. P&e:lrfc-t tiaskel-
ball vtOlory at Stanford Frld1y; night. • ' ' CallfomJa·ran with the fast Bruln!I. and
led for much at the first hall but Vallely
and ,fellow guard lfenry ~Ibby · broughl
UCLA back for a ~halftime edge..
'Mle, Golden Bean jumped into a fj1·c·
point lel'!d.~at1y Jo the. secolld hi1f on the shootlnt ~ Ainsley. Tndtt but When !he
Bniin.Jast break got going, UCLA OUI
$00red Cal 16-7 to put the game on let.
St~ took 11 6U7 lead wllh 32 sec.
ond! left on two free throws by Chl.ick
~1oore, but Wat.son scored JO seconds lat.
er to putlthe Trojans back on tep by ona.
lJsc's Paul Westphal added two ·ll'Ct!
lhroM aft.er lhe buuer to pu~ the game
away fc;r the Trojans.
The Trojans took a 34-31 halflln1e ad.
vant8:1e ~nd Jed uritll Stanford pulled 11•
head toward thi end . · pehn!s O'NtlH of Stanford led all ,cor-
ers "·Ith 22. and leammato CIJudc Terry
•dded 18. flfoore scored 17, \Vestpha1 and llfnnls Lay1on scored 18 and 16, ror usi;
~~!!'!I .............................................................................................. ~ .. ~--~~-~-~----~~-
' ' • • '
' '
t •
' 1
' ' I
' '
' I
' .S;!:::"::'d:;:».:.• .:-="-'':;:~;..'. .:19:.:.70:_ _____ D::.;Al::L;.:,Y..:'.:IL::O.:.T_J...,._:J
Mesa -Ji;tll s -"b···' , ; I ,,
' To pstarl
$ ~-~--IQ-~~~·S bfl-~~~gl ~s, 55-3_(j SaijQrs Slap .. ' • • •
63-53 Lliss ' By CRAIG SHEFF 2$-14 lead near !be end ol the first half, club could only score nine point!.
\'i.' •. ,. . ---·:.-'!': ~'"°!"'f'-1*~1"' tt,.·Wa#"..Stm -.i~r~team•s ,,.me when ··''nli.· Sel: Klngt1 shciwed. a balanced
Foe '69~6·2· ',•:I':··
,. -corona ·'del Mar • High's buktball · .FAtaflclt talliecf."~X ·lflaight polnt.f In the kt*klg At.tick wllh five pla;yt'n ™•ling· :ieim 'piitat~'ll.S belt-·control"'llctlcs ··wahing 'ltalea'of l.M seeond quarter to seveh or''lnort poiot!. Forward Dan Kil-.: with a· U.Cotd ~-;. Perfor~1~6 by.· .ll'aU~~~... • · ttan;Jed the way with 18, including some ~nda t:p pqsl a ·55-36 vlctOl)' ... i n Ir· Bul Estancia could not pick up where fine jump shots from arouod the key. · ~·l\lt 'Le~gQ~.•cJlon iO Uie Se8 'Kings' It lef~,off in µ,e.tnlrd quarter .. Corona Sevier had 1%, sJx In the i.mportant third ·
"8y JOHN CA.~ ' ~FrlAAf ll,\ght. · · ®I, M.ar1: t.aking . a:dvanlaBe of , a cold r qua~r \ . , . °' 111t MMr-'!11' stttr "" . . -yk:truJv Wll$. ~a del. .Mar's. st~tak ·by ·µi.e ~i\is, spui\ed lo a 36-23 Fot the Eagles, Willlam8 totaled 17
Jim. Keyes 11.11d Steve J<i.lrOchyt com-· s~ ~ s~~ IJ!ague Ouiiogg and_~t .kepl : ~ l{1d neVef 'looke<l back. w_lth 1p coming In the opening 16 min-
blned fo'r SS polnt,s and conttoUect,1he bac\ 11\e.·~\~Qlg'~ llJ ~fl~ place ~ak>ck .. Th~ _streak feaµaed si~ points by utes Of pley . Williams ~as Ult only
boards to lead cellar-dweflinl: Santa An!i _ wiU\..ltoan. Jllkli.. _d(!.e.lited M.uoolia. promising 6--3 1/i ~ore lttlke Sevie.r Estancia pfa,yer In double ligures,
Valley lo a 6M% upset victory over heavi-Coach Tandy GUiis' club set the tempo who more than held his own with Es· For the game Corona del Mar hit on
Jy favored Cqsta Mesa in thepim con f"early, hat~ ~ncla's ht.st break at-
tancia's U pivqt Skip W)lllfll:IS. .. •. 1 41.5 percent of '11.s shots, conn~Ung 22
tines of the .,~,., IJ!lll ~ri~at Jllght. • lac\'i vitth it& lloit d~ game. • Es!an<i~'• trolobles cooilnlffd lbrougb 'tiJneo in:¥ !rje•. The ,Se,a Kinp hit 10
The Joss d~ coach ·E.ln'\l'Neeme's . "• ~ the• Sea 'Kings. !fPll1ied to • 1 ~£~~ arte§ as coac!J ~l .fJ'ellel.'.• ~·of 27 dUrin1 Ole first hatr for '37 percent. • troops a game out ol lhe Irvine League • • '.• •• ~. ,~ ~-~-·· .•'--:... ' '----·.• ., __ . . ·' , . ·-
lead. ' ' ; r .~ ' •
Foor ol ~ill falcq1:i,erfbmlers were ,;-, E '·•·t t ··.&,. '7!. d ab~ to.store In dooble11gures iJth Keyes; i~ as ft 1 apo
leading Valley with 17, !ollowed by Kuril-:·· ;;.,....-} •. "
chyk 1&, WOlkly AJ.lld JS and Steve Maurer ,·, · ·• ·~ J , ..._ -
w1/:iJ.2U:e '.~11 o! 'th! ~d.bafr. Keye Past Rusde rjl
and Kuri lchyk begary to do_m~le thf!'·.; · ... ~ • .,. i-"';, .. ~ 1o
boards to such an extent that Misa wai(':"F~.:, 9 1 ~f 1 ,,,. fo~ to ta_ke most of its shots "from th~~... ··1 o, , , · ·
outside. ··.. , · ."1, ... . i
Only the outside shooting ,of Scott Ne-} f · · ' · : ;. · • · ·
ville kept the Mllstangs close. !~ •''East Uo\·"guard Jlm SmJth ~d in.·
Neville ~nded the night wi~ <2&. points.~ °JJl>of. hii'li points tn' Ute second llialf to·· .
moat coming, from sbpj.s oul!ide the top 1tad ~ tb l~t• flAll vi~ over
of.lhe key. i· . ~ :··· ·' . t Colle .. 11e1'P'fiday In ~thern · Valley ran away from the Mesans in:;:~~ · 11. ·-r\fe~Ce· play in ~ Hus-c-·
the first rour minutes or the second hal r.;t--" " , ,., · • ,, 'ii
. After taking a 33--3Q te~d at intermilJ-'1' ·\:-· _.. Ustlet.s or c~~.. Dick S 1 cklin ..
11on, the F~lcons went right ,~.~·ork at, i ·. · · the half-4 · ut st0 sev-• ·
the start or th; final two period.$ .. Kurit.-Jt".Mi..lt"-i&ht · poiTitS • as . the half · , :
chyk dropped 1n a free throw aod Keyes -t.·~;to tale a 49-45 M;e~ <>
converted on a short hqok from ~ left• i' ~[~ West rema~ ID frou until
side and Auld made gQOd on.~ chanty ef·. <~~-.LA tied the sco1 ~ · way
fort. . . · . . · .; • the secood ~. IJ!skies Neville came nght back with three . ' -jµmped out to leai:l~ver
points on a bucket JUld. rre'e ~row but tra'U6i '!! K-~ ~ ,
Keyes and Auld also hit frQfl\ the foul Witfi 2·43i left in the gaqie ~ ~Iden Ji~_. Keres and Neville.traded bµi:kets UL -.West beh.irld;,'13-7&, SmJth,blt . x aJght
did Kui:-ilchyk ~nd N~v1Jle. . ~ . ~Mi ~ows to give the: \y • ~-in·
Bui •. m the ltnal mmute. St."e·Maurer ~ iil""°"nOible advanOige , ; · ·i droppe~ two s~ort bank _shots thl"fUgh the ..... (~Thorq~n again I~ gun
net wh ile Netille coold manage only one ror fht~'Rustlers with 2S 1,.i ding buck~. 8n 18 foot.er-w:ith 'lO'seConds re-LJ field goa!S. Randy '~ :t in
matn1ng In the tlurd quarter. 18 for Goldtn West wtiife1 · "mes
. Mesa , was °.of: able . to make up . the and ~all Wade e~h hit 12. East LA ,
nine po1ne de£1c1t can;ed lhlo tlle final tiad fiv!.fpl~ers jn dOuble figures.
frame. The Mustangs did nar~-~e gap f The· Joss '15 Golden West's fifth in
to five with. 47 seconds left In th~. game !confereQ9e acUOn _ ag~nst one victory. ·
mostly,on the shooting of Tim Sal1os and 1 'l'f)e win was East LA '1 second In the clr-
Nevllle. '~ ; cuit, after four loSses. ·
But, the ri.fesa~s pusbed the Falcons .-· The Rustlers arf no\'9 idle until Friday
• , back to the foul hne and tlierr le.ad grew when they travel to LACC.
·to 69-$1.bef~re SaliOl'i made-the fin al count f East LA. had a 25--30 edge in field goals '
69-62 With !1ve 5eCQnds.leJt, ' _/ while both clubs hit Zl charity tOMe!.
' • C•1ll ~ Mt\ it.' ¥1lhr'1 · fl'l • ~ -J.-..A. ,
f911"1• ltll•ll• ~ --w-w "{::( ""'tin 'SS t7 L_1. 113 3 "\;. l.,..ttlll nd 0 0 l 0 ~rtr .! 2 J 11 , GOLOlfl WIST (1tJ' . IA.,. L.& IHI
N.-t IOlJ,K,n-t1 . 15 (17 ~ ttft .. lit flf1 .. tit
N1¥lllo 11 2 ? 2'li K'\Jrlltf!rt I • I 11 ~ II J I 1J J11UIVll'! S l • 11
1r111-tM 1 1 1 1 "'111 • , ' u ~:;ia· ~ }.: . • 11 ~1t111,.. • , s 11
S.lict • 1 LIO Of.c~ 2.1 1 o ~~ ~.4._, I ) J S(olt I ' J 11 ~,':; ; ! ~ : .. ~tHt~*· ,.~lZi.~~ ~ : ; ~ Woll O O I O CJ1il/19'-f:'"4 "' ~DU I J s s
TM111 " 10 11 ,, Tot.Ill l• n u '' H•.i<•lll . ~' .. 1 I J ' s.c.,.. ~,. ., ... _ • Wllltti.116 ... '
COlll MtSI II 1• 11 :ill -'2 TO'l1i. l5 JI U ti '-"'* ""' .... ,,.,. lS Ml I( II -ff HllllJma: ELA '5, Goldtft est a
I • •F '.1') .... \( 10"\ 1\ ·•'' ;
Crestv iew Action , . ' . . . "
.... >(,
Un·lucky .Mis$i:o.n fl:iejo
. ,. . .. ·.
·-l .. , .. Falls to , f(nights ,.-55-54
: ~#''}\t~
llY .RllGER t:ARUO~ ! .j 'q-'1f1~-. b..@the Qjlos' ~i.pt -, " • • ~ !" om.tt·P111t '!ff ~.J. ~ '<to. jet i~ ~~a,nlaiiiied ~ lffi-
Fate has been none too kind to coach cials who failed to call an obvious rool. . . WA~H OUT :· BELOW - A _bask.etball P,ppe8~s Speed R d H 1 b k d ." h~aded. tor the head of Estancia H1g:h 's Skip \Vtl-Pat Roberts and his Mission Viejo High Y u Y 0 mes ro e own Jiarris ~whitey· detting action Friday rught with Cor ..
baskelba.11 crew in the It1Q Crestview , couFt and ient ·!olf Jayup b~ ·'as League .season. • . , _: • : ~ ' ! ~ ,. .~ bmted bf ,. ·of~1U ercfet encl tn$,ed oria · del Mar:_ ~~e Sea ~ing~ posted a 55-36 victory
The Di•blos .reatii)ted tot their third " tl\t easy !Ii jil.IJ1 e_ skti.!)ds Iefl.tNo
Jos,, by three points or less in loop ac-foul was caned. ' .
Lion _ this time a crucial ~ decision Roberts' cr~w made 11t close al thf!
to bo&t Foothill Friday night before an bu~~ on . -Kiri: J\1yer~ . 3>.footer. b~t
Overflow crowd. ; th~ ct_aance ha:d gone down the dram
The loss drops the ·Diabfos lo. a 4-4 sorqe .ptne, s~ wlier · circui~ mark -three full games behind Mls!ion V!eJO ~ ,up~t ~h.ances took a
pacesetting Villa Park with six tilL6 seyere beat111g lJl _th~ first hair . w~en
:Marina .. in 60-52
Eatancla 1hol well enough In U,. Hnt
b,alf to stl)' with the S.a Klnp, blUIDi
·eight o1 24 lthota 10< ·13.I pore<11l' But
during the leCOlld haU, the Eai\N .coul!I
011ly connect six !Jmee ln %4 b-1ea for ts
'!'hey finished With a shooting percent·
age mark of 29.Z. "
On Anaheim
Bv GLENN WHITE ' llflllCit IUI ~ Cjtr9M ... Mu un ••• , •• ,. ~ft,,,.,
Or1ur 1 • J , s.vllr • ' ' 1 1t:>
Oi .. Dlllr 'llM Stitt
' Newport Harllorblended ~nllng shoo!·
ing with an effecUve zone defense in tht
last hall to ahoot down the stubborn Anaheim Cofonlat!, 1).113, Friday night
at the winners' confines.
Wlllltm1 1 3 J U Klttli~ ' • 4 .. Volllfl 1 1 3 J QoellU •1 I ) I ·H•~1 \Jl.JCON"oil J)t t
"*'fh1"'1¥ I I ' J HollloflOtr J I I 7
"''"' eo1os""°""' 1111 Tllcitn6t G I I 0 Grl11llv I • I I
Tholnl>JCH! l I O 1. '•" 0 I 0 I IV1j1r l I I ·' ll>l•lt d'il IJ SS T1Jt11 II I 11 M • ~
E1ttrw;I• Tl 11 I t -3' ~ Ml•MM IS 1 ... ~) • U ~ 1$
thus Co.th -P!r' Waxman's Sallor~
remain tied' foritle ·am-. J.ejgue bas-
ketball r.a.llraldP, --l1rat place with Weslmtnllter and Marina while Hun·
Ungton Beach ii a half game back.
And Anaheim falls two games off thP pace.
Tt appeared that Newport had wrapped
things up after three quar:tefs1 as Ow!
Tars sportlid .-u-35 lead. • --
However, the Colonists wtnt lo the
pre.u and began to make-a ahambl~
of the Sailor hoot game:: ln 17 aecond.,
Anaheim redUeed the bolp •• 17-43 and
the boats look time ouL
Then Newport went to work, hit.Ung
s.l:c of eight field goal attempts Whlle the
Colonlsta made only two ol their fiu•I
·ti shots.
Anaheim stayed within' four. SL-47.
until the last 5:19-when the·Victors .went
to the blitz. Lee Haven DOPPed In a
pair of free throws then ief( ·Mallnolf
came throulh with a couple. of, »!oaten
-one from each Side of the court:.
That made it 57-47 with 3:18 to go.
Victory was Newpcl't's.
The Tars hit 57.1 percent cf t.hlir
shots lhe last half whlle Anahtlm stac·
gered to f7.9 peroont. 1be Colonists hild
hit 54.5 in 'the. fil'Bt two periods when
they held New~en, %9-21. However, the on' zone defense
seemed to put shooters In a
deep freeze.
Haven waa everywhere the first haH.
·scoring 1s1or his team 's 29 points. ftow-
ever, he was shut down the rtst of the
·game and wound up .,Uh 22 .
~ .Mallnoff took up tne 1slack In the 1ast "° hall, tanking 15 of Ila, 16 point.I.
• ·~ Nels Tahti turned In a splendid
,l' l1oor game. .. A'nahe:i rn was victhnlzed by highly
'"' · debatable otflcJatJng by Paul Chafe and
Jim Reach .... -The Colon11Ls were charged with four
-Ufibelievable fouls in the Orsi 87 sec-
onds and one observing coach u.id of-
'ficlating for the initial period was the
worst he had ever seen. ·
T11rtl ·-t« ..
2 ' t • 1 J 1 ,
l 2 f I , • 'n I f t 16
l • 2 1
AftH11111 un """"' 1 ' J ' """ -·-........ ;..-.,......,.
""'" Toti It
... ,.
'"' .. _ ·-· .. l(Jrklfl•
11 ti II i:J TD1111 Sc-. W,. OPl"Mn -~tl'" 12 11 •
H-1 H,.trt!t~<--16 IJ II
' J ' • • 1 J ,.,
1 1 s •
f t 1 lt
0 0 I t
II -SJ " -"
··FV's Tin1elv
Finesse ~ips
Edison, 4 7-42
Ot 1'19 OlllY PllOI Stiff
Fountaln Valley earned its second Ir-
vine League basketball win of the sea~
!Oil Friday night with a 47-42 victory
aver the Edison Charger! before a big
crowd in the Baron gym.
ft wasn't an artistic affair as both
clubs chipped in 37 turnovers (22 by
Edison), but the Barons turned on the
fineise when It counted·.
remaining. cent4!r "'Da'.n: ~~tz was un!ible to"~ C!_._ _ •
Foothill parlayed some cl utc:h free qu~ aey · SC9fipg ·.ag:a!nst the hµ g • Vikings LJUJY U l
throw shooting on one-and-0ne Sill!alions ' Kn1,ghts' ·d~fense'. :· -,' . . . . . . · ., Tie f or Sunset Lead
.,, 'Down 38-37 with less than six minutes
remaining, Fountain Valley ran off .six
straight points to pot the game on ice.
•· Gary Valbuena, Ken Shibata and · [)\ve for Its final four points an~ ~ able to . ~ .lia.d il'id ea,r~'ht~t h~ ~~nt-, .· :'-., • -,
hold off the ·J11pld·t'8(1s{l .Oiabl06 in a .ed ~~s tet.alm tt'[fg•t t~ht;,.,.. ilf to ~~!.:; t .· · · ) By PIDL ROSS ;~~me'fi~nttrs put a feM• f.carcs into lhr
healed finish .' ·cen~r a. ea~ ~r. nn~ s>:m: qu~':'· OI "'-0e11Y •• t:ntt St!!_ff ........-• ~05uif ~ope&".' ,._ .
The losers clop~ the rhai-i;io to 55-However·'. ~ w,as. &bl~ fo get ~ ~ly SZ wilh 50 .second.; left on 'Steve Ash· ~w~deshots 1n lhe• firs• ti8Jf -oif't from Despite the fact it was ouucored by Behind 6-S junior center Kipp Baird.
1ns 1 four'· points in the second half,· .Marina the Marina leader with 17 points and 18
He" firtisf'I~ "Jhe .night with JotJr pol{its · rtigh iti!I. clings to a Share oe tht SUn9t!t r-ebounds, the :Vlkes were abJe to open
-before ·fouling oat -with ~:~t to. ,0. =~~e's' tOp Spbt Y?ith a 60-51 .. Olle.win up some breathing room i.n the Orst hair.
Foothill buJll np_ tl·P.Olnt Ie&ds. twice Up only 21-15 with two and a half before tht D1ablos c8Ujht fire a~ sent over stubborn. We.1tern Frida} n1&'1l~ .at minutes "left !fl the half, Baird sparked
· tQe crowd .inl(t a frthzy \f~ they took Marina. • an 8-Z Vtklng surge at the close cf the
. .
OCC Clubbed
By Cyp~~i:.
C~el·s,. 9~~2
a brief ~ lead· with J:S3 tb go )n.1he _.For p.11 intents iiJlQ purposes, JJ.rn., Step-·period .whiab enabled the" home tea m to
L third perlQd . _ . . 'hens' Vikings woo the 1ame on the mana'e a 29.17 halftime advantage.
· . PoOihlil, )iowever clime back wiUt ·1% board!,' pldtlng "off 52 caromi" M. com-We~'s Lee Gregnano and Dan Raf-
Cypress used sevefl~footer Swen Lan·
,11ebcrg on the inside and ~2 guard Glen
N:faard on the-outside tO explciit Or:ange
: Coast's defe.nse~in .the 1att1r. ~t~ges cf
the first half. then rollfld on to an easy,
97.n junior college cage viclQJ"Y in ROil·
conference action on the er~ bard-
woods Friday night. . , ·
After a close ~test In the early part
af the. firsL period, LangeberR. -She state's
12th ranked JC ~er .~beRan to controt
the Inside and cam.e· up 'wlth 11 points
for Lhe half. •
Meanwhile, teammate f,'!)!.lard. the
Char gen' floor le~, Wlll, bOmblng the
nets rrom further out 1or· ti I~ l\alf
marktrt on sil o( seven n~·goaJS.
The entire Cypress awea.liOO tu.ct
a bluing II J>««111 (17 for.'' .[(om the
field in the fuJUil half .as Don Johnlon'1
Ow-gen irnprofed their over.alt mart
to 17-4.
Oll!AHfl COAIT ()I) CT'-1111~ 011
fl " .. ,, "· .. " -~ 10l•ll °""'" Jt1
PMll I' • I ' N'(':lll'°' .. ~ ' u tl'ltft!1N1'tr ' J ti L~ 11 7 J "
"''"" 1 t f " •nit·~ ..., ' f 16 klo!Ot:.n f f ' 11 l~lfll l ' • ' WO!""" I t 1 I lllMl'ft .( 1 It
L-'''l cwt,11 aOIO AdtllOll o 0 I Holl'!l<luhl I •1 I f
Grl!Tll!'I I 0 I I RKf'llMll i O I 2
f rOMo I t I t $11MI l f ' • Toll.. l'1 I• 10 T7 lO .. IJ 'ii 10 ti ti
Htlltl!llt: Crll'"• -.». '
. straight p0int1 to .grab back the 3dvan· 'Parisoo ~ ohly"'26· for the villtOri'. ferty gavt Marina all it could handle in
tage and never trailed thereafter. . It was lbetsecond stra.iRht att~pl by the sec<>nd hair and it took a trio of clutch
M1S110111 "''''° t.MJ l'OOTMILL 1111 the "Pioneers, the league 's spo1ier1,. to outside shots by Vike guard Bill McGuire
H•-· 'r 1: ~ ~ s.:11w11, ~ : ~ 1~ upset one of the frontrunners. Last week to keep the visitors at bay_ the three ~·· ';, 1~: if Jr ! • ; ,! Wea1 ..... dallurprist't!! Anaheim, "'.bJ~hl'Wet~~ ti~ tvh~l. closedb tbezedgap to lli.~ points ... ~k. 1 ,.J '""1 ,11 • L--~ 1~ -,. in o ~n y s .. ,.. ,-,ame. ~ ·~ • ~ u.il\&15 ree out to as mu~ -.·:.;i·~ i " .• ~· ' •,1• 'l-. ~I~ NeWJlj)rl'. 1/esUl>ir161Q' fbd Jn\-;"!is -r Pith onl,y 5,24 left in the ga111f ·
M'Vfios IT J ·o -~ ~ I , l l ""°"'in "Beacfi. "-' '-...:/ ·• ' ·-611~-t?ilm ou(ScQre<f lJ{effi 11·7 from-
to"ls :1111 " tJ s~ Tot111 20 11 1•." arina jumped ofr to a quick 4-0 edge that point on to keep Stephens' boy• Mlulo!I Vltfl t 11 16 11 -SI ' ' FOIJ!llm ,, u 11 u -ss and was never .. he~ded, ~ll~gh the h.us~linR righ~ up to the final gun (Marl·
·' . ' ._. . ' ~ >' :,:• .
Mo6r@ : :.f;i ·ves . (.·~· UC.I . . ·
et 1111 Otll1 PMlt ll1N
UC Jrvine-blossomed out with • hi.JI
giilS song ahd fell ·1roop and had ~
Allie;i.r ·~ chaQllnJ, "More, dtdre. ,, • ~ f ..,, • . w,• wan. l)l!I'<· ..
Bill MQe, the "eve r iMprovina ~
more forward )rtSpqnd~ as though they
wereinatlng It a•peraial ~•II and'Ume
"up with.-faritastie·ahooUng perlonn.thc:e
lo lead the Irvine baskettiltl tetJWi lo ~
, tz.U 'rictory· aver ·San Fernando Valle)'
SOii• 'll'rlday 1111[)11 lh GraW!O.d H"I. .
M,,.... bi1 11 o1 11 moll r"'"' tr..-.floor
and made good on ·hl1 onfy free lll:ow
ror • !91>0lnt outpul. 'l'hl1·u11.1 percent
1llld he aloo ~Id an outsUlnd1n1 jdb· on
the Ooct. '" . ' • ••
' . nre victory po' {he-Anteaters ahead
of' u,e· .500 fnark "'ith an 1-7 seuo1r re-
cord u they move into action 1ia1n
lh1s e~erliJ.l wlllL cal Poly (~ao Luis . . ~ t,.. ~ ' -' ,, ~J.'i~ ~bi'!'fj:lrd, .Hall. A !eshm, an
-"'""··-· -•-' wW et. ' ' l"·T''"'_,,...._,. . g . ' -1l a;4$ wtµr the-v¥S\'3' eneowier
A Carr nameCI Emerm
gam'. with a.. flurey l!((lrlng ~ "'' Jive ,points. r~ t!)t Ml.ladori in<! bitting
13' fr\ the'fifst eigh,l minutes or .the ~lion,
.. j\'l>e_~·hl• motor spuUered a bl~ .tJ¥
other yalley .Plfiyers.came on,to give) tht
vlsl{on a seven..poin\ bulge-a.\ 2t-J1...,
t!Jfy conttoflol Ill< early portion of !Ht 8ttkll: ~ ' . '
lrvlno Wt.it lrl" tront, 23-27, with &'1l r~01/il"{ i~ .\ll•.~~ 1~9'1«1 back ., ,_
,and ·forth for the next four minutes. The
11-1titadors pulled in front~ with 2:21
1'eri18lnhig ili'ld !lie Carr went to the pits
for fuel.
ftlrtlM took advantage pt lhe situation
and raced kl a 4W5 "-lftime ad va.ntage
and arttr that it was never close.
,WJth Moort pouring in ·sho~IJ from the
baA',llne and 111rourxt the key with con·
lllsfeney, 'he Aftteater1 1widel"M.'(I their
.ma~&.Ut .to t9 polnU with 11 :08 rtmain· ·tng· -.06 .. coastcit lo victory with three
A-1at.ador ~W\,ers sldellned Oil personal
!01<!•.. , they tried to crank up the Carr again
but tQ no avail as be was held 1eorcle.ss
for the final r\!ne minutes, winding up the
·~"'! 'l!th i1. Telll1tma_te Jerry J"'ph
.' ·., r ~Lynah wet'e th, cutpfj~·Jn lhe flnal: n$h.
na actu nUy has th' t\fnek~per flte:'a· 'V'albuen'.a ih"ved ·an ·ertaAt pass ¥d
guri al thf! close of each~period). ~ l{ .r-Wellf the length· of (he coUrt for t~"'go
As 11.sua l, the Vlkes had l>alanced scor'-ahead bucket. Then Lynch turned around
Ing. In addition to Baird's 17, reserve and stole the inbounds pass and gave
Tonl Mu llall y receipted for 14 point! and it to Shibata who pot the Barol\ll on tap
starling guard Ray. Stratford Chipped in by three. ,
with a dozen for Marina which travels After Lynch missed a free throw -t-
to Newport Harbor for next Friday's tempt. Shibata tipped the ball baclt lo
firs t place match. Lynch and he gave the Barons the.Ir b!g-
Gragnano's 20 points and 17 by Raf-gest lead of the game.
1erly paced the Westerners. The Chargers sealed their O\Yn doom
in the final stania as they missed ~-"tr '{:( , "tl ncctions on three suctesslve one-on ~
11ituations in the final three minutes. t:Jp
until then the Chargers were superb mat-
inP It points al the charity sldpe. '"
WESTlll.M nu MAltlHA ltfl
11•1111"1~ T~""'' -G'lllfll<'lf
HIH -· QlllMV •
lfll'1ft1 """''' •f Sl7Mo•ltr 2 •41
• I I I Cronllrltf O rl .,. I
I I 5 J l 1lrtl I ) A 11
I f ~ aG" Str'Stlonl ' ~. 1ft I!
I I t ~. il,\(Guftt ~• It 1-t
0 J 0 t MWUo"' 1 1,.t " 01 11-.. , __
" 70 U 52 101111 2S 11 U fO k1ro 1,. O~rl•n
f II 11 17 -$1
11 ~ .~~! 11 U -H
,. '
scored the final seve n Mat11d'or point.I, to
close with ~-
MM PlttNANDO c•n .. ft Ill' ,,. ln~ I JJS
""""' II J i H ...111:.,. .~''' ttrr ._•l h
ktllll 1 I J J
M-J 0 1 I Monti!! f , 0 10
P'ffllNln I 0 I 0
HO!ffN111 1 I • J
Tototl • U 11 11 U
\/Cl 1'"'11 t•I •l'vt ,, .. Ott
""""' • ltftiiff9 llf"Wft J t I n llol>f\4'! iJ I 0 30
l1rr t I 11 .. 11, wmi.m. 1 I 1 I
llt'dl I f I II MLfltr l f ) 1 ...... '°!, s , , u Otl\fllf 0 0 1 0
Srn1!11 tlflllll'tlll 100 •
LtWfYll 1 I I I T Wl!l .. 1111 t 0 I t
Murrt1 lll)ltll fl OJ
PtvlMll I t 0 I 91.,,.,,fltlll t I t tO llkll!' •• ,,,,,., 11 1•
11>1111 Oftof! a I 1 I
)I tt 11 llt TOJ•lt. )t lf U 10
. Lynch was the Barons top point-pro-
ducer with 17 points, Valbuena added JO p~rits for Dave Brown's crew. ' On the Edisoh side of the ledger, JOWn
·Fisher hit for 11 points while Mark H•·
man contributed 10. . . -!r
For awhile In the-first ~loci It 'af>.
peared Edison was In for a good even-
inw. It jumped off lo a 17-11 adTanll~
with one minute lert in the first sta•.
but the Barons kept whittling away et
the margin .
Brown must have stirred up his Ba~
oos "at halftime as they came. out llh
gangbusters In the ftCOl1d hltr· and bolt·
ed from a ZS-%4 deUc.lt to a 34-31 lead: ,
Seven turnovers proved cotlly for the
Chargen. p!UI the Barons r9ctlved MIC•
ond and thlrd.ahol1•ttm1pt! beaouae .r
tine olfensivQ. bQaidwor~ by .v~
and Mel Platt durln1 the third qlWI\<
,OIJNTAIN YAUl'f' Uf .. , ...
~.,. I t ' Stiltlilt ,,,,,
l.tl'ld'I .,,,,
\I,'! l9utl\t J I I 10
K•ltllllll t 1 I I ,.... ,,.,
lltf " , •• ,
lttlcltr 1 I J 1
TOltll 20 I ,, O 111111 It 11 It W
t.ii-'"" .,. t"''T • • -..
l'Wl!ltlft VllleY 11 II It " -,,.,
U• i ·,, 'I •
' I
A TRITON REBOUND -Greg Domenicbini (32) of San Clemente High, goes
high to take rebound away from Mission .Viejo~s Dan Kratz in recent play.
The Tritons posted a 67-61 victory over El Modena Friday night while Mission
Viejo fell to Foothill, 55-54. Also in picture is Brad McCa·sJln (52) of San Cle-
Basketball Standings
IOUTtll•N CAL CONl'lltl!Kl
_____w_..J,,J}' »-IUNSIT \.IAGUI
W L " .. __ AHOaLUJ LaAOUI
WI._'"'" Cl'Pfln S I SIO 449
l.ACC s 1 Jll 4ll
LA H1rt1or J 1 ll6 411
ltie HOl'da 1 • S!I J11
E11t LA 1 '91 S30
Golde" W111 t 501 .lolf
LA Soulhwttl I S JOI ~·
l'rldar's "'""'" Etll LA Jl, Gold.., Wiii 11
LACC fl. LA M1rbc>r ID I:"' HOnOD 111. LA Soull1weil 110
(YPrftl f7, 0<111M CNS! ]J
lll"*f'I OlmH
GolOtn Wnl 11 LA.CC
LA Sou111Wttl 1! lA 1'11rbo<'
E11I LA 11 Crpra»
N-1 H1rtior
Hu111ln!lron lleaUI
S111t1 AN
s . 1 "]
' ' "' J 2 •1'
• 1 :JJ1
J • •n I 6 170
1 • 111
l'rlHr's 5citr11
Wt1lmln1ltr "· S.MI An1 11
NIWPOrl H1rbor u. An.llelm u
...... rl119 .0, Wuletll .51
WtdnnUy'1 0111'111
Ht'W-1 H1rbol' t i $11111 An1
Hynt\"lloll 9tl(!I ti Anthtllll
W~•l11'ln1ttr 11 Wuttrn
Broderick Tanks 36
In Lions' 49-4 7 Wi11
OI "'t DIJIJ ,Utt St1H
The return of forward Steve
McLendon and a 36-point per-
formance by center Dan
Broderick ended \Vestminster
High's two-game losing streak
and kept the squad at the top
of the Sunset ~ague basket.
ball standings.
The Lions rallied ror a 49-
47 win at Sarta :Ana Hisb Fri·
day nJghl.
Mesa Cees
Win Title
C.OSla Mesa High 's Cee swim
contingent captured the Moore
League Invi tational at Long
Beach Poly Friday night to
spearhead Orange Coast area
Newport Harbor finished
second in the Cees and third
in Bee competition while Es-
tancia took third place In the
Bee and Cee classillcatJons at
Long Beach \Vilson.
Leading the Costa Pitesa
Cea was Mike Yarwood. who
took Ortt In the 100 indlvlctu.al
medley wilh a 1 :04.5 and
crune back later to take the
SO breut In 31 .J.
John Carpenter augmented
that wflh 1 21.1 50 back trl·
umph. And, the 200 fret relay
team of Rick Whitmort, Eric
Lund, Doug Woollf and Car-
penter triumphed In J:U.8.
'l1le ee. medley r<l•y tum
also won wtlh a l :$5.0.
Estancia 's first place win·
ners wert Jeff Grant In the:
Cee 1111 backstroke 12'1.0) and
Milton K1wobt In the Bee 100
Kawabt tel 1 school record
with 1 l!OIU elocldna.
Newport's wlnnen were Ke·
vln A"1e In !he 100 n .. ny
151J) and Scott Wall In Ibo c.. 1111 llv (l7.0).
~lcLendon. \l'ho had been
badly hobbled the past 11·eek
with a severely sprained allo
kle. entered the game in the
second quarter and lilerally
turned It around.
But the shooting of Broder·
ick, especially in the last min·
ute and a half notched the vie·
tory. The Lions' candidate for
the league's ·moot valuable
honors sank a short right-hand
hook and a fivc-.foot bank. the
last ,..,Jth 38 see'()nds left to
provide the winning edge.
Broderick, however. was
~tymled \1·1thout li.tcLendon.
The Lions moved nowhere ear·
ly in the gan1e. v.ith Broder·
lck double.teamed in his high
post posilion.
Although McLendon scored
pnly three points and picked
off only seven rebounds, his
play was still invaluabl'e
He not only 1nede several
great defensive plays, al·
though ootlceaoly limping. but
also restored the efrective
double-past pattern.
Wllh some of. the pressure
off, Broderick pumped In 17
points In the second quarter
Mcl..endoo also proved a lia·
bilily In one respect, aa West·
minster was severely limited
in their effectiveness at the
fast breRk with its forward on·
ly running at half speed.
WftTMIMS'rl• 14'1
"" P••rtor>
Mt ""
Mtll ..... 1'""' .,...._
..... 'r .. , 'r ..
' ' 0 ' 0 0 0 0 ,. . . " 0 I I I
1 J t l ' . . 1 I I J
' 0 t • lllllllt
"0 ,T ,, T"
K11tl'ot1• I 0 1 f
Met8 01 1 1 ,,M .. 'tf)t
......... I I ~ t
Mir '''' Cr.,...14 I f t wmr-t 1 • 1
PIO.tf'll!f t o J ti
ftftlt " I II 41 k-'Y .. Nl"t W......,., ' I 1J II l'-'f
Ml'llf ').111 U 1t tj.; ~
It. A"tho<IY
Mtttr Otl
lllu• )(
SI. Ptul
J1211fJO ' , '°' 1f1
1 2 '" 2ll ' J 121 :ns o 10t HI
'''-'Y't Scortt
M1t1r O.I fl, St. PtYI SJ
SI. Antl!On~ 5', l llhop Aln•I SJ
Plut )( 11, S.rv1!1 .!o1
Tllftdlp; 01111tt
l'lu1 X 11 Mtltr Otl
Blll'loo Arrltt 11 St, Pt1,1I
St rvl11 11 St. A"rnony
lltVIHE Ll.AOUI w I. .. , , ...
Car-<lat Mt• • 1 363 111
LOtrt ~ 1 (6' ICU
CPltt Mtw s 1 41' 41'
ElllMCt 4 l •16 3'1
Edi'°" 1 S ~ 4ll
Founttl" V1llty 7 s «19 "''
M1ono1!1 7 S 410 454
S1nt1 ""• Val11J 1 • 1'1 41'
P'rldt 'f'• Set""
S1nl1 Ana Valley 6f, Cotl1 M•M ~
C0<on1 111!1 Mar 51, Elltl'l(lt J.I
i<w11t1 ln Valley '1, Ed1-41
LCMl•B l'll. MtollO!lt 54
Wf'll,...,,.y"I O..ntt
E1!1ntlt ti Cotti M-
Coront del Mtr •I Edi'°" MltllPllt ti F1>11nl1ln V1llM"
S1nl1 Ant VBlllY •! Lo.,t
C•ESTVlliW L•.i..ou•
W L "' P•
Volll l'1rl\ I 110 419
FllOl~!!I • 1 lfl 00
Ort1101 s J ~s ''°
Min ion V!t lo '"' ''l s~" c111111<110 ' ~s 511
£! MPClt nt l S SJJ SO•
Tu•ll" l l ~I "11
lt9yn1 ltlth 0 I '2S .....
"l'IClll Y't Sctrtt
Fco!t.111 JS, Min ion Vltlo S4
Vl\11 "•rk 107, L1011111 ll••dl 14
Son Cltmtnlt 67, Et Modtnt 61
luttl" SI, Orangt S4
Tuttdl J'I 0111111
LIOYnt Beith II Fcollllll
0•11111'1 ti MIU IOll Vltle
Vlllt ,Irk 11 S111 Ctemtnll
T~•lln ti El MOClltn1
lll1nch<I Alam!lo•
llol11 G••nd•
Gt•den Grov•
Lt Qul11t1
Pac:Ultl ' •
0 211 il2 0 303 ,.,
1 '"° ,,, l llO 1lS J 176 ?SI
~ :tOt 2•1
'•!dtY'I Scert•
8olw Grtnde 6t, Pt c!lk t SJ
lttncho Altm!los 6J, Otrt1en Grovt JI
Stnlltoo IO. Lt Quint• n
TUHdlT'I Oln'ltl
G1nle11 Grove et llol11 G•tndt
L• Qulnt1 ti P1clllc:1
1111lltlil0 t i lt"IC"° Al1111l1ot
"llt:t'WAY Lf.AOUI
Sunn¥ Hiii•
LI 1-hbt•
·~· ·-._ ......
' 1 603 ~l7 61601S411 s l $2' J4!
SJW1Sll l s ,,,. lit ,,,71 , .. ·-StVIMf
1 I .. J 51A
' 061 Sil 1'rlC1111'\ •••~Us
Sunn¥ Hllh '6, l'Crnntdv •i
S•~•nn1 St. Bliffll PtO ,..
L1 Hlllrl tO, FU!lt<"llll Ml Ooublt .,,
T•OI" If. L-11 11
TINUt Y't 0.,_,tt a ..... 1 lltl"k 11 l(tnflt'dy
$9Vllllll II ..,....,, Hiiis
~I Htb•I ti TrOY
Fu1!1rlon at Lowell
W L '" LOI Altllll"' I 0 4)6 l(•ltllt , 1 6JI
V•lt<'l(i. J J 41
,_. 4 '°'
lt!ld!tlMdr. J '" a ... , ,~,.,
I I Oor1do 1 l Ut I.ti Alllft•H 1 I lM ,. ..... ,'i~
~ Al-11111 it, SO!lort •l
SHdlttNo. Ji). tr-11 a
lt•ltllt IS, L11 l'lllllfol M V•19Mljl ,,, El OCWtdl l•
T1t111d•r'I o-
11••• 11! L* All'lltol LOI Al-lfOt 11 ltt!ttll
kdellbtdl 11 V1ttr1Clt
El o.w. et SOroor1I
~· ~· ...
'" .,
"' '" ,.
·Mater Df3i Rips -' '
Saddleback 1-~~"'.-~~~~~~.I-~~~-=-::-:::-~~~ .....
NOTltl lodtf:lo1'T'Ois ••lll·tul
• t\l'l•toll ~U•T o" THI Cl•Tl,lt.\TI D" tUllNlll
St. Paul, 91-57 Faces Foe tTATI OP CALIPO•HIA flOll fltC'f1TIOUS PlllM HAMI
Ttll COUHl"'t 0, DUNOI Tiit llf'dlrr.ltlltlf fOitt htrttrf c.rtW ht
ttt. A...,11 '' (Olldu<.tl,. t11 l!nwiov'"'"t "90llCT
Etllt. DI' OLl!HN I, LA.HG, o.u.tM. llull-~ 911 lflClllllOwl It '80 S. ,!Min
Saddleback Colle"•'• •-·ke' HOT1c,E 1s 1o1e1tEtY 01vEH io ""'~ ~, •"' .. -,.._._Too:;, c:_~~ '> ~ I"" Cl'tfl!Oh d 9til tbllY1 !limed ~I .,......,.. -• ""'",.' U
Ralph Chandos and Tom
Walke.r combined to $COre 45
points in lead.in& Maler Dei
lligh to an easy 91-67 vict.oey
over St. Paul in Angelus
League basketball play on the
li1onarchs' court Friday night.
The victory was Mater Del 's
third straight in league arter
an opening loss to St. Anthony.
Chandos pumped In 2S points
while Walker had 20 (12 in the
first quarter) to pace the li.1a·
ter Del attack.
The Monarchs jumped out lo
a ZS,.13 advantage at the end
of the first quarter and had
the game safely tucked away
at the half, leading 55-25.
Coach Jerry Tardie used his
re9tt\'eS throughout the game
with 12 players figuring in the
final scoring.
Center Tom McM~amln
and Chandoe controlled the
The 1'1onercha next host Pi-ball team gets a chance to :T'~ ~"":'1::V::ufr~111:. 'Ir~~ :=.~'ls"::: i:, !!::' 11:'t.L;.,!
WI X TUesday nJght. play the spoiler role in Desert :;11::,. ~11~..Z .~,:;., 1:,~1~ = '"or fv~~11~=~~ ~.:C. ~Z'!!
""4Tl1t D11 ~'J' ,T ,, T' Conference play tonight when :u=~ i:.:m~ .t'~s-;; IOI~~:'-"· ~·· ,1 2181 N,
, , , 25 the Gauchos host Mira Costa Tio. P•lvt1. "'" ~ c1111on1r., 1""'9L """ w , c.u1or1111 n10L • '~Wit-If
"" l(lltV
H1rN1!11y~ ·--Robt•!• l("Ulln --Fritz
HtUPlrl ._,
to • , ,. rAu 1 Ml · v· . Hi"'° whldl .. IM .i.e. "' """'-"' ltll D11.., OtambH ,., 19#.
4 1 , , ...v ege a ss1on teJo &"· undtnllllld' 111 ,11 _.,.,. .,.,111nitw "' INOt 1t. BirnMtt
1 I o 4 Game time jg 8 o'clock m. "!IN .t 111111 dtCIOtnl, wllhlll ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA > o > , M' C ' ..-11it ttltr tM Inf ..ultllcllklll al !his COONTY DF OltANGE l '' ll'a osta, a pre con· "°""· 011 J111111.., L lf70. t.lo•• '"'• • Nollrv 1 0 0 ' ference favorite to win the Pitt.I Jt!\Utrt t, 1tro. Pubnc 111 •ncl tor ukl cou11ty 111c1 sr111. 1 ' 0 • , Edi'lt M.-L,,. --11'1' •-•td 81'\ict k, S-11
l 11 o • circuit crown, is currently ln &11:K11trl• "' tnt w111 .Mow11 .. 1111 1o • •~• 01,--....,,_
' 1 f ' nd I Ith (II 11'11 1bow MtMcl ~I IMIM la MJblcrlbN to IN wlttl)n 1 ... 0 I 1 I seco p ace w a 4-2 reaird, ,.ANk N. WHITTIMO•• 11""""1t. t ncl 1ctMw~ '-'"' 11111
: ~ : ; trailing Imperial Valley (Ml) r_n,.:U, ~'1::.i. mP 11ew:-''"" ":,:.:":..;.i .,.,,
1 i ' 1 by two games. A loss to Sad· T_.._.1 1n•1 .....,, (Of'FICIAI. se-•L1
39 IJ 14 ft dJ b " t , ht id h rt A,,.,M1' .... l•ICWtrbf l(_ ... 11 Brll'°'"' IT. '•UL on e aca orug wou u Publltllffl Or111t1 c:o.11 Pell'r ~tot. Not•,., Pub"c.C•llfol'"lt
,o l'T PF T' ~1ira Costa's championship J•11u1rv 10. ut 24, 11. 1'711 .U-711 ,,1,.d1111 Ofllct 111
' ' 1 n b · On11111 Cauntv
5 3 , ,, opes considerably. M-, c-15-'°" E~lr•
s 2 s n Saddleback 1~10 for the LEGAL NOTICE July n. 1m l J o t ' ,ultl!MM Dtt,.t Cont PellY 'lkrt,
0 • 0 season. Ciltnes into tonight's J111w.., 10. 11, 2.t.. 11, 1t111 17.70
• • 1 game fresh from a 76-417 vie· ,..,. ~ : l tory over Orange Co a1 l . ci1tTJ~~~=u~' ,.~s~N•s•
O > O ;1--r::;;;;;;:::::::::::::::::::;I Tiie undlrsl1ned Olla ~r!ll-, flt It co,.. Jt lt 15 571 ~cu,..• 11u11nna '' 4111 E. 2111. Htw1>0rt'l------,..,,..,,,,------
n 11 11 1s-a1 I-Bt6dl "'411c:111tom11.l,/llllef'"'-11rt111au1 u•·nn a 21 n 11-JI lln'rl """"' "' PUltCH.UIHG SEltVloCES t.iOTICI TO C•IDITOlt$
.tncl hi 111111 firm It ownPOWd 9' ti.. SU,llUO• COU•T 0, THI
• , .-. fotlowlfte """°"' wl'lo$e t1t111r In full I nd STATI 0" U.Lll"O•HIA l"Olt
B k h 11 11r.ee r:I l"ftldetltl i. .. IOlloWI; TMI COUNTY 0, OltAHOI a s ~et a ... ff"°" wt1111o11. "' E. J111 sir .. ,, ........... H,
boards for the Monaiclis with '""'Ill 1,.1 o .. > M1u1t11 v1etit McMenanun' ha .. 11_ ...... _ 12 ie-Llttlt (l) F (12) Mldlt T Newporl &etdl, C.lllllflllt 9:1640 E•tele •I l•n F, LtMn, Jr •• ellO known -ALL 01110 J1111Hrv U, 1'10, es 9t11 '· L1H11in, Oeot•lfd. 'IDINiunr Ve•-WhlllOll NOTICE IS HEltEIY GIVl!!N to h
" ,JM6I Sitt. of C1ll1Wnl1, Lot A11ttlti C111111>v: creditor• or tllt 1bovt ""'""' d«.tclenl
w .. 1.1.uc 'JD Pte11 ~/ i= uo ar ....... 11 bounds. J; Bull« I) C IUJ Grll ..... t ~• -"·hot St p I Ctroi» Id G (11) l"fl'INIOll er Lll:l l&l\olt • 8U lrtdlW 121 G C2f) Citro the field, ~19, with the .Faollllll •vbl: Ktnno Ul, a-cu
•• ~. h • '1.~·~~~·~~~ ... ~·~·~·1~·~"-"~~~~~'!111''!111'!"'~!! S-uiomen S owing A l rlJ MIHlo11'Vlto 1ub'I: WilkflllOll (10),
edge ·Ill lhe lree'thr"" line. '
SC Evens
Mark With
67-61 Win
San Clemente evened its
record at 4--4 in the tough
Crestview Uague basketball
race Friday night with a 67-61
decision over invading El Mo-
Rick fl.Ia.son produced the
key play when he stole the ball
and went the length of the
court to hit a layup with 26
secoqds remaining.
That gave coach John Bak.
er's Tritons a four-point bulge
and their ace guard, Sal Lom-
barr:t~ canned the lest two
free throws after the final
buzzer to give San Clemente
the six.point margin.
Lomtiardi led the Tritons in
the scoring column with IS
while · mate Cralg Anderson
tallied 14.
, ... (LIMIHTI un
McCtlll!I o ... 1d1,, ··-s. Lomllolrdl
FO FT t'F T'
l 1 4 7
4 l 4 11
l 1 l I
l 0 ? 1G
• 7 ' 15 I 0 1 2
j 4 ' 14 .... ~ --1111•1'•---~~ 'S .J.L2!..._17
IL MOOIMA flll ......
L. Jol\nlOI' ·-M . .)ohnson
" To!1!•
,G flT ,,. TP
l 0 J ' ~· ; ! :
1 I l 5
II 1 5 1
1 1 3 ' l l 3 •
70 21 11 II
Sctr1 _, ... 1rfotrs
Sin Cltmenlt t II l~ ,..._..., El MOdtllt 10 II 11 ,.......,,,
Artists Hit
By 107-74
Laguna Beach fell to th e
u·raU1 o( Crestview l..cague
leading Villa Park Friday
night. \07.74, during basketball
aclion in the Vill a Park ~ym .
Villa Park took oot all its
regulars al lhe end of three
11uarters arter building a 92-
54 advantage. Stan Hein "'as
the top scorer for th e Spartans
"~1h 28 points. ~tark Olson ad-
ded 17.
Laguna, still looking for its
first Crestview win, was never
in the game. Denny Schmitz
pumped in 13 points fnr the
Artists while Chuck Conv in
and Vince \Vhitnah contribut-
ed 12 points anlccr.
'"'"' Ht.VOid Corwl11
flt•dl ·-·-Ullom
,Cl l'T ,, TP
' l ' lll 1 ' • ' J 1 ' , ,
1 : ! :~.
' 0 G I
I ! ~ !I
,~ ,! 111:1
VILU. PAAK 110!1
1<~1 ....
LtY!l>t• Mctn1l1y ,,,.,
Ud lrt
FCl ,.T '" TP! 1 ~ 1 II
J 1 J I
11 • J H
1 ' 11 1 J 0 17
1 J 1 ' 7 1 1 16
1 ' ) ' 8 • 1 0 ' . .
0 1 ' , 141'~101
~'°"' lty OUtrlt'" L1pun1 Bttch 14 !~ 2' 10-" VIiii "•rk 17 )4 l l JS-107
Gauchos' :Fa ll
Bauqucl Slated
A banquet honoring the Sad-
dleback College football and
cross country teams will be
held f\looday at the Becfcutter.
~391 S. El Camino Real, San
Clemente, beginning at 6:45.
The program for the evening
will consist of a t~ slrk>IJl
steak dinner and recognition
of team 1ncmbtrs. Both thl!
football and cross country
teams were Desert Confef(:nce
champions lhil put !alt
, OFHI EXPlllS TUIS., FH. 3, '70
~ ..... _.:t"c:':~r-
HOUltS: DAILY 10 TO f O. SUN. 10 TO 1
Orlglnal •1111uip111ent repl•t .. •••t typ• Shock Alturffrs 2 FOR 911
nus HISTAlL.lTIOll
!le place Shocks every 20,000
miles! Reduce side sway on
curves, bouncing ride and
dipping stops ••• IMPROVE
e11-change J695
\\'lTll 1:1St\'.
Set toe·1n & toe<iu~ MOST
• J nsp!'~t AMlllCAN CAISJ
~OOerin::; Aid twysllt 'rud1cla
Roed ltu A!r~ltloned
Co.r1 1! Mort
: Kmart ••• YOUR AUTO
111,·e posiliut 1cl111t1
Jr1p,. 1n1ul1ttd clip~.
to hook up .. :'t'l·:!•lllf:
ca bit
·.:< .. ::::.;1 .
' 88e
•ll<fT ! It.an& aarhurc\Dr or t:1Jnt and
i;tt-11>9 11s yon drivr. Ptt \'tnl•
11t.1!11, incrtn~"' powrr. 42·1034
TheM Specials: Good at The" loc.aticu1t-Onty
1101 ... ell l !ylf, .. ~
1400 llll•tot llt lrlt~
JIOO MftOt" et w11 ...
11440 a-1111.,.,, 11t Ma,.,_
SllS UMol11 .l•e • .t Y•l'-f V,._.
Oii J•,,..•rv 14 ltJCI, bttort 1111, 1 thtl 111 otrsans r..v1.., cl1lm1 tttlMI th<t Hon.., ,llbllc 1r1 1nd tor ukl sr.t.. 111d ii.c:lffllt .,.. """1""' 111 ttle .,,....,, ""'°"''" tPPttred Ver.-Whls!Oll Wiii! Ille l'IKHUl'Y ~ Ill Ille Clflke k.-.. .. 1111 f9 lit the 1tnon Whost DI' l'ht cltl"k ot fflt t bove elllllltd CO\lrl, Ill'
.....,. ~ Mltll<rtlled lo Ille wttt1111 I~ to '"'""' "-"'· wllll fflt llOC-•rY llnlll'*ll and aar-!tdttd lie IXKUltd VOll(lltrs. to ""' undrrlltllld ti ffll Oftkt
IM '""'· of fltr AllllrMYt, OurvH. C:ll"Mflffl' 11111 (OFFICIAL SEAL} 91"'" try Erriell J. Sch••· Jr., au Mllll A. feller Mt cArlhyr Boulrl1rd. P.O. IO)f 11N.
Noll l"f Publ!c.Ctlltorn!t Nl!'WllOl1 INdl, C1lltomlt '2611. whldl II
Prliw.IMI Dlfkl Ill ""' al.let "' llusJlllU of "" ll!ldlortlfl'l!ll Ill Loi AnMIH CtM,Ntty 111 1111,..11 Hrttlnl"' te 111t t111N o1 Mid
My Cotnrrllulclll fxplrtt dtudtnl, wl!Nfl tour ..-1111 9ftw n..
Aul. 20, lf13 ""' •ublkt tloll ol 11111 l'IO'!k•. Publllllld Dt1111e Coast 01111 ,Ital, Ptholl J111111ry 14 ltl'fl.
J1n111rY 17, '" 31 tMI Ftlll'lll N '· N•HI• G. LGllll 1'10 9:1·7t ExfflllrlK of file W!ll ot !ht 11xN1 111mld d•ctdtnl Dlln"tl, c.,_..., ..... , ....
BJ ll'Mlt J. ln.tt. Jr., LEGAL NOTICE
UU MK>rfllw -.UltV1rd, r-------~~~-----1'· 0. ltx17U, !1'4Mf1 "'--' ltKb, Ctlifwllll t:zi.U
Tt.e undiir1!1ntd ~ cerl!l1 ht 11 ~ P11bll1htd Or1"'t CMlt DlllY ,llo!,
OUcllno I bu•I-al P.O. BOii Ml, JlnlllrY 17, 24.-n '"" l"e!N'UIN I, B1ltio., C.U1Wnl1 I 1151 MIOlt, C.0111 U70 ff.JO
Me51, Ctlltoml1, lll'ICle1' !ht flclltlolls firm
n ..... of GOltOIAH Fil.MS Ind lhtl wld
firm 11 COINIOffd of Ille follow ... HIW!I. wt'lolt l\M'lt 111 full Ind Pllct ol r111dtllct LEGAL N011CE
II H follows: 1-------,=~~-----Phlllo Alon1tN1tr Ac:ol!1, 195' Mtp~. SA•·t211
C<11ll Me11, Ctlll. HOTICI" TO C•lDITO•I
Otled J111u1ry 9, 1t10 IU,1•10• COU•T O, TH•
STATE OF '6:ri'F~·.~~:.lt STATI' OF CALlflO•HIA ,OR
OllAHGE COOHTY: TMll co~~Tx.::noltANCll °" JllMlll"f t, lt1CI, blfo•• ...... N~•rv EsltM ol Wtl~r M b l11 ~
Publk In 111111 '°' 111c1 s1111. PtrlOlllll'I' NOTICE 1s HE RE&Y G1vl!H to ·""' lpPtll'td ,hlHI AllK1<16tr AC~I kllOWn utdllwl of ffll lbo\'e httll9d dKtdtnf
to -'° ... "" --Wftost 111me 11 lhtt I ll Hl'lOll$ ht vl,,. Clllll'll Hllntf ~ tutllc:rllltd IO the wlltll11 IMIT11m<1nt tnd nld lkoclenl 1r1 '""Ired to !!le lhtn\o
ICkllOWltdgfd ht IKecvled !hi 111111, wllh lhf 'l'CftSll'Y VO!JCMrs, 111 ltlt Offk-
(OFFICIAL SEAL} ol ll>e clffk or ttw 1txwe tnlll'Ced CO\lrt, w
Mtl'Y Beth Morton to P•••tnt llu>rn, with !ht r>ec.lllllY Hol•rY PUO"c • Ctlllornl1 vPlldlera. to 1i.. U11Hrsl1Nd 1t lhe om~
Prtiw.11111 Dlflct 111 of IWr AlleTntl'$, OWYH, C.'lltlllff '"" Or-COllllty &trMI, PW Emftl J , 5d1tt, Jr., 4n1
MY Comml11lon E••l1'1111 Mu;Arthur Boulevtrd, P.O. kK 11N.
APrll f, 1t71 HtwMrf &11ch, (1llfor11t1 ,,..,, wl\kh "
'ubll•hell Ortntt Coa•I 0•111 ')".", lht al.let of bull"''"' OI "" Ulldll'lllflfd 111 J1nu11'Y 1a, 17, 2~~31, 1'70 ~ 10 •II m11t1rs Ofr!al11lno ra the ri11~ al itld
LEGAi.. NOTICE dtcedtft!, w!lhln fo!Jr 111P11tt.1 t"11r Ill•
11 .. 1 oubllc•llon OI tM1 noflct. 01!td JtnUll"f ,,, 1'70.
Dorctl>tt P. Z1l1•
SU,l!•IOlt ICDU•T 0 .. THI Adml11l1lr•lrll(. w!lll·lhoe-w.11,,_
STATll OP CAl.IFD•HIA P'Oll t ""'Ked of tl'lt Etltlt
THll CDUHTY 0, DllAHGI of th 1bo¥t r11ined d«ldfl!I He. ......... Dlll"l'H , Cl-™' 111111 l1r1tt1,
NOTICE OP' Hl!A•ING 01' ,ITITIDH bJ l'Mlttf '· le"", Jr.,
FO• •ROIATI' Of' WILL ANO "0• •ns M1cArlllUf' llllltYtr4, Ll:TTl'•S TIST.1.MIHTARY !lo!WI P.O. l q UU. Wlfvllll HtWNrt IHcll. C1Yllr11l1 ttU3
Etl•ll al GEORGIA GOIHI, Dtcetud. Tel: cno ,,, .....
NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEH That AINfMYI .... Ad111l111J!r.trl•
B.....a M. Wllkl._, 1111 fllld htreln 1 wllll-fht.wlll 111111• ... NIH'Mll fw Pr'OblN al w11L tncl ~ ,llMl"'9d Orl .. t Cotti 0.ltor ,!Jot,
lu.uanct of Litters Tnl1mtntll"f fD Pttl-Jtl'llltrY 17, 2-4 31 11\d f'lbtu1rv 1, tlonlr f&Olld Wtlvedl. re11,.nc1 to whldl 1•1'11 ff.70
is 111~ for turltlrr Ptrtlcularr., '"d 111111--------------ltle time 11\d o!ece of htarl11t flit i.t111t
lu1 Ileen !.ti for February 13. 1'711. 11 t :):I l.m., In IM~coutt~cf De!Nrtn\tM-no~ -
3 of u !d court, ti 1'00 CIYIC Ctnltr Orl~ WMt, In 11\e c1i., ct1 s.n11 An.I, c1111orn1a. l------c,c .. :::~::------
Pa!ed J111.,..., :n. 1f1'0 -• W. E. ST JOHli CEITl,ICATI 0" SUllNllS
C:-IY Cle•• PICTITIOUS "l•M NAMI HA•wooo, SODEN AHO APk lHION THI" VNPERSIGNED don he~ SSO Htw,1111 Ctllltr Orlv• ttrtlty lhrt ht 11 Cond<Kllnt I m1rl11e
Htw"°rt ltlCh, Ctlff'•rnl1 llfttronlc1 1YllnulaC111rln1 1tlt1 l lld
Tel; CllO '"'1111 l~Ykl buslneu 11 '101 Wetl Coast
Attor11eJ1 fw '•lllle111r Hl1hw1y, Ntwoort Btlth, Ctl11ornJ1,
PubH!lled Ortnoe Cotti D•l!Y Pllot, Yndt r lite lldll..... nrm IMl'M "'
J1nYllY 74, 16. Jl, 1'10 '""70 Hl!W,O•T MARINE TECHNOLOGY 111d r::::::..:_:._:_::::_:::..::::::_ ___ _:._:_::11111! Mid 11•111 It com-..t or Ille fo11ow. ;,,. Of'"°"· wllcil1 Mme In tun 111d ot1ce of •~sld~nai 11 it folloWI, to.wit: LEGAL NOTICE
--------------· John ~. HoflltY, ?OU V!tlt Cludll, Nf.,..'OQ•! llrac~. Calltorrilt '2660. ,.u.w WITNESS mv ~.l\d thl1 21\d daY of C:l•Tl,ICATI 0, IUSIHESS J1"UlrY. 1'70.
Tiit lllldt'"ltMIS doll ctrtUy hr Is con-ST•TI! OF CALIFORNIA 1
dU(fll\ll I bllllritU 11 111 Vft !Coron, COUNTY OF ORANGE ) u
N--• IJHch. C1Jlfcrnlt, undll' 1M lk· OH THIS 2nd d•~ or JtnUt l'Y AD 1t7o
tltlolll 11r111 ntll'lt a1 CH!STEll,IELO befor1 me, It°" B woo""'' t ·Nor • ..;
INVESTMENT COMPANY Ind It.ti ttkl Publlc I" 1nd 1t11" 0111t it ld 'county , ....
tlrm !1 COl'l'IPOted o1 1111 tollowlne Hr90ll, Slti., rt11dlno lll~ln du!Y co111m11..io11ed wllo11 ntrne t11 fl.Ill tnd ollct of •e1101nc1 t nd 1worri, otr1on1Hy ·-••H Joh" ,. I•'' lollOw'I: liontf known lo me to be tht Ott'°" John Dorllld. lll Vlt ko•cn, Ne\llpert whoit 111m<1 ho 1\lb'lcrlbed le n.e wflhln Eletrh, Ct lllomJ1. !n1trv111tlll, ~ 1ctu1owltdMll to mt llllt D11td Jt n .... ry t, !ti,. ~e ea:tt;ut.O ffll lll'M,
s11te of C1ll1Grlll1, O'•""' Cou111Y: her...,;,-ios.t 111v hind 1nd 1lfl1tc1 my al· °" J-••Y ,, 1t10. belort 111t. t NcftN fklrt •••I Hit dlY Ind Ytt r lh n.11
Public Ir! Ind !or 111d Slttt. Pt•son1llJ Ctrllflctlt llrtl above written. ~POtl•H Jo!ln Oon11d known to mt to hf> l'IOY B Wcolwy
lfte person Wilolt nlmt I• •Ub•crlbtd 10 My Coftv..lulon IXG!rl!'I !ht wllhl" lntlrumenl 11\d tclr.nowledged Jtnut..., \0. 1t10
lie ••«uled It.I 11me. Publlsll.O Ortntt Co.ti OtllJ' ''"''· !OFFICIAL SEAL) Jll'IUl l"f 10, 1, ti, ll lt70 ~· -Mtrv K. Ht"l"f ' ' _.,~
~ot1rv ,ubllc·C1lltorni1
Prlnclotl Olllct In
Drtl!lt CtuntY
M¥ Com111! .. 1111 E1olrt •
How. 2•, 1'72
P11bl11hH Ortnoe Co111 P1llY l'llot, '·JS17' Ja11111ry 10, 17, , •• JI, 1970 40.JO CliltTl"ICAT• 1-------------~ KNOW ALL MEN t Y TH 1! SI!
Thtt tllt 1tlldll'lll11td dof$ lttreby
Ctrflty lf'>t fc41owlnt:
1. The unde111t"N ho lr1111tc11n, Ill'
'·HMJ Pr-ttl ?ir,.,.&Dstct lllJ1h1t11 tn !ht ClltTl,ICAT~ Of' I US>N<SS Jtate of (:tlllornla Yndtr the Ucll!lllllt ntmt of Ai.I H INSTRUM ENTS. .. ICTITIOUS MAM E 1. T~t Pi'loClDtt tl•ct el llld butlnttt TM umlt .. ltlltd dott <rrtlfy ,~e ft (!>"' •• IDctted II 17# N~ Boutn1rd,
dU(flng 1 bullntu ti 'm IJ Ortnve Ave., Coalt /Mot, C1llfornl1.
Cell• Mr... C11lforn11, unde, the fie-l. Tiit turl 111rne of n.t undertlt"ld 11 llllout """ ntmt of JEFFERSON OATA oo•OTHY I!. tA"LAN.
tlld 11\tl llld llrm h C<lmPCle!I of the ' Tiii oltce of rtsldona of 1111 lcl-lno person, wllcta nt me In lull •lld Uftdtrsltlltd Is '21J Vlsll H""9'11 piece of rt1ldenco Is •t tollow1 : HtwllCH't 9tldl. Cilllornlr,
0, GtU ltltrsle!n (t.k.t . Gilt Jtl· 0111111: Dtctmbw 31, lKt.
fu•on), 15JJ & Or1nOt Av1nut, Col!& Dcrol~y E. C10\1,,
M111, Ctll/ol'rll1. STATe 01" CALIP'DRHIA l
Piled Jtn111ry 1',~ltilt:" COUNTY OF 0-AHGI! J n
Gt lt zner111111 OH Dtctmti.r ll, 1Ht, brfort IM, 1111 $!tit! of Ctlfforrilt, Ort"'t County: UlldtnlenM, 1 No11ry 'llblk In tlld 1.,.
On J111. "' 19111, llefore 111t, t Hoft l'Y llkl Shl!f>, ·--11'1' -•rtd PCH'Mfly Public In incl tor $tld St11f, i>e•lllflll!'J £. C11!1,,, 1:-'9 me. to flt tM ""°" "'"'~ 0 . Gill l lftrslwln known le mt ..+iote 111111e 11 Wl>KrlbN to 1f11 wllht.,
lo bt Ille otrlOll wtlcst lltlllf 11 1ub'lc•ll>-tn1!rurNnt, tnd K ltllOWledfed 10 ..,. 1111'1
ed to !ht wl!lll11 '"''""""'"' tnd 1111 e•te111ed t111 111111 tcl:~ed .... txKultd ft!• 1•mt. WITHESS ,f.y ht >ld ·"" ofPlc11t ttlt (OFFICIAL 51!ALJ (0FFt:IAL SIEALI .
MllY IC, Ht11,., Ktlltl C. Wt~ull
Nc!IN "ulllk-C1llfO!'~lt Holl l"!" 1"Wlk<tllflll'rll1
PrlnctNI Otlk41 Ill 'rfnclNl Oltk;• 111 o • .,,,. coim"' Ortn11 c-tv
My Com111ll11oh £••1•• 'MY c;amrn!Stloll li•,lrft No¥, 14. Im Mtr ' lt1J
Publl•hed Ort1111t C<1td Otllv ltllllt, 'ut1!111'ted . O'r111tt Ce11t Dtfl1 ,!lot,
',,•.nUll"f 17. ?•. 31 tnd l'tbl'Ul l'Y 7, lltWtl'Y 10, 1P, H, JI. 1t10 U.71 t6·1D ------------C 1~~~~~~~~-
QUEENIE By Phil lnterlandi
--..... w-
1·~1 .........
"I4~~I L '-••• l •o •" •·•~ , .. I·
"Sometime. having charisma ia a. pa.in in the neck.''
Ann Landers
Opporturiity l(1iocks
But So111e Dori't Hear
DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 an1 a high school senior
who doesn 't know a Jot aboul life. but from \vhal I sec
and hear and read. I get the idea that just living to-:
day takes n1ore cou rage than i1 did \rhen there Y.'ere '
less people in the l'.orld. \\'e all need little bits of
philosophy to hang on to. Herc is sornething that he lp-
ed me do things I 11'ould _ 1,.
not have done if J hadn 't
had this little piece of pl ;uuicd setup.
paper in 1ny 1vallet. ' 1 do.1't know 11 Mom e1·er
Don't look. \'ou might sec. n1cc ts 1vilh this guy, but ii it's
Da.1't listen. You might vdio J think it is, Dad \.\'ou:d ll he~·,., knock his block off. He's sup-
U\J think. You mighl posed to be a family friend.
learn. Should I say something to
Don 't make a decision . You Dad'! J feel like a rat keeping 1
might be wrong . ·quiet. -MY FATHER 'S SON
Don't walk . You might l>EAR SON: If you ft>el like
stumble. a ral keeping quiet. ~·hat do
Don't run. You might fall. ~·ou thlnk you'll feel. like if you
Don't live . You rnight die. fink on your 'mother? -CLNCIN1,A·L·L If so111elhing funny is going
MONDAY S~lor C••l1tn1 Club or Hu1llu'Ol)lon
llfl(~, Ptr-•<'Id 1tecre1!11m ll!do .•
Huttt•ntton l!lttch, 10.00 1.m.
N-1 H.,bot Stnlot Ctlhlnt Club.
k n'll" cu1., ... c1~. "'" s 1r1t1 •t ltvl,,._ Avfflut Nt"'l>Ott 11111:!" 10 ••• N""""'' (ffl!f• 1i:r ... 1n>t ciun. ~·, . ll11t1ur•~I. 7111 E Cwsl H1o~w1y, Coron.11 del Mtt.
N•woort H.,llot -., .. Y'• Morn'• Club.
YMCA. noc Unlvfftl•y D t l y I .
Ne1<D01"! 1111(11, 1 p m,
l •Plo<fr SOUh, llt~oc-EIKt•on1c>
E•OIOrt r Posl IN. Sl(lt1'11t110• llVd •
,.,.,. Me ... 1:1S '·"'· OeMOI••· Ort1>11e COi\! Ch•plfr,
M•IOf'IC ,. ...... .,It. Uth S!r,,..t lfld S!
l.OC1•t1P11 P!•l•• Ntw--t llt1cl\,, 1::111 ..• CoJll Me... H1rmM1 L0094! No, ,.,
Odd ftllOWI H1 l1, 1•1' Newr>Or! lllvO, C0.11 Mn•, I t,m.
0.1\\ol.•·, l'."llntton llrtcll Cll•gler.
MIS-"'k Te1T111hl, 104 l 11le Av1., HU<'
hntlon lle1cll. Ii ~ 1.m.
Fou,,11/n v11i. .. J11nlo r Cham~r ol
DAILY 10-10
SUN. 10·7
r ~-. ' '
1·: ONLY I . .
I· '
(om,...rct. bMtd tnl'fll/19, S.C11rlty
Flrll NlllOnl! ll"k. M.11,,.llt "'"' •nO Ttlbtrt A•t<11H1, Foun!1ln Vt Oey,
1.:111 om,
Wwtlmlnsl•t (hlmOtr ol ComlT'lt•c•
1(111~'1 Ttblt ll11l •ur1nl
Wnlml11ster. llOOft,
(Ol!t Me•• E•thl1>1e Clvb. Cor1I lleot llffllV'lfll, 1 .. $ Hl•l:IO• 81VCI , CO.Ii M111, l\OQtO.
Co~ll M"t S~>lo• Cl!llfl'I Club (o,.,.
mvnHv ll:tf•Hllon Ce111t•, O••nsi•
C.ot•lllY F1lr1raunch. CO.II Mr,4• 11 •• (QI-a.I ,..,., Klw•nll Club, VIII&
Sw...io... lilt E. Co••• Hlt llw•v.
CoronA O•l ll~t, ll·IO p m
! CCIII W•~ IC<Wl fllt Clvb. (Olli "'''"'
Go'1 ••1'1 Countr. Club. Co•t• "''""· l ' IS o.m, N,.,.,,,,., i'<1roar CloHml1t (luO. V•"•
~· '"•· Hid llt1•icte O•i••· NewoQ•!
Bf • l!·U PfT'
Hunlh,g,~11 BtltO\ Klwtnl• CNb. Hu"
lint.on SncllH C<>unlrY Clvb. ~
P11m Ave .. Hunll111t!<M llftcl\, 11.IS ...
!ih<l rx-~.
.~1111. 011111
·-------,--. -~---
s,,turdJ,)', JanuAfl 31, 1970 OAJLY PILOT JIJ
on the o ·r.angc Coast
Huntl .... Oi> &e1Cfl llO!I"" (l\lb<._,lto.
rovr 'Wino. lr<it•u••"'· 1..,1 &obi
Clll<• Rota. H~~!lnng10" llt•tfl, n,u . •.
· CCI'-<Ml Ml• fkU..net Club. J.,."4•1
ltto!1u11n1, 'UI E (11111 Hl1hw1v.
C1W1111• Otl Mir. noon.
Huntlf>VtOll leach Notlll l~ Club.
M•ldowi.•-(_1,., C.IVO. lf'9)
G••h•m. Hll!l!lnttos ltlCfl, ,_,_
[••"•nte Club ol l•YIN lt10111l•l•I Cor..o~•· ~•vii 5'11•1 ll!'~nt, tl•l W (Ol>I H .. ~wty, N lllacl\,
"''" Hunt•nv1on llc•c" ~~rr1ck1 •1J6G Vrt-
•••nl ol WOtld Wit t, VJ'-.'ff. Htll,
Jlf Y1rk10wn. HUlll inllon le1Cft, J
J!ollrY Club ol NtwPorl·l<ilbo1, l•v1nt
Co11t Cot1nlY Club, 1.00 E. Cot >! Hlal>•t~. Cor~ <Ml ""''· 6•Jll om. Ct•!I M1 .... N1·,.-1 "41 tbor lion.t C~b MMI Ve rde Cou~rrY Club, CO!l!I N.•••· f :d p.m. 81lllM (11y lronl Clvb. V•ll<o Mlrll'll.
Hlod lltvshH O•lve, Ne"'oort lttch. ' ......
MuntlM!Cfl lltl<:h f ills L«lfe, flk1
(1\111, (IC.I Oc•n AYf Wunt•ntl9n
llflCI\, 1:)0 1,.11\.
Vettr1n1 el World Wtr I tnd New ~1• ltrr.ct<.1 1'ft, A-k.111 l "' klf' ~II. $6S W. 11111 S1.. Co111 ~$&, ,, ........
Sltrr1 Clllb. Stnlt "'"' P11nHc Librt ry, &tnll Anl I o.m.
Hlrl)Qr A111 '11141"11 lt-bll(1.,,_, Ntw,
ttrltr ltll\. NtWllOfl h •Cll, I •·"'·
&•lllN Ski Cl\llt, NewPOtltlr lflflo
NIWoqrl lltleft. I t m OOCI Fttlo-LoCllle Ho. l&.l. Oc1a
FeJI-ffmP!t, 22' M.tln Sl•ttt. 1iJn11~1on llltcll. I t .m.
l .O.O M, MOO>e No. 1151, 4lJ f . 1111'1
Sltfll, Cotlt ....,_, I · IS t .11'1.
Socitry for 1111 Prut rvallon 111<1
Encot1•1tl!me!ll ol ll••llotr '1IO!>
OIN•ltl $lfollfll In Amtrlct. Cotll
Mtw Chtolt-r, CO!lne P1rll. khool
1ll0 Nol" 01m•, Cost• Mew, 1;4' 11.m,
C•lllOl'nlt Sotl"tv ot P1\fdllttrlc T~lcltn1, Ft lrvi.w C II •-• I• r,
Ftirvltw Sl1l1 ~!111 111dllorlum. _._
·""'"'"" 011111 544
\\'111 rr-1·.-.p.-.l\rn! n ~· l fl n
1111h knit 1·ulla1". Puff~.
11·a\~tb1111cl. Qtiill llnC'd
11111\ hC'a1·y-clu 17 ~ippcr.
.Sa1r 1.5:1 no" 11
l ;)I ··"'· lolllh c_,1 A(h~t »:JO Cll.ltl, Vlllt1~
llln, 111 M•1IM. ll1ICIO<I l1llncl, / .111 '·"'· WIOHl:SDA Y
I Nt Fllfllll T ... 1tt111!1<l C IV II ,
ICtol&n't 1t11!11ott•n1, Soutft Co1ut
Pl1111. Col.ti M-. 1 l ,m.
(0511 Ml,. Ollllm!SI (hlb, (O•lt ll'·OIH
Gelf tncl C-Prl' Club, 1111 Giii
Covri1 Dl'IYt, Cal• Moc.1. -·
Hulllk\vton •~•<~ llClliflllf Clvt,
s,,.,11611 1111<1'1 1..... 1t11nlln1i.n
INCi!,-.. w...,11.,11111., OPllmlst c1vb, IClfll'•
f•ble ltbl ... •lnt, w..,lmlMter • ..-.
(Q1J1 Miii ll11iN (lvb, CMll MIO•
Gon •nd c-•rv Clllb, Coil• Mew. -· Fe<mlilll Vi!leY EAc.IW~e (!ull, l'r111·
Coll' •nt111r1111, 11151 llt•th 1 1\141.,
Hllfllln1tori e"'"'· 1t:U "m. Cl~U Air P1lfot, S<lu.1clron n. 70131
Ac1cl1 St••I, Co111 ~ •. 1:00 •·"'
A..-onut1011k Tot1lm11llr\, v I I I a
Ml•l111, llolf ••v•ick Orlvt, N•-'1
.lltKll. f:)ll •·tr·
,,...Miiie if.tf1r111t Llltlff Ht, 7'1,
,1M1111n!c: Tef!Wtl, ISlll llr..i "~ 11.
A""r""f '11<1, NewMf1 ltldl, 1 ··"'· Wt1fmlll1!er l!lCh•"t' ClllO. "41'P"""' 1811. 1IOll leKll l lv•, Wntmtmler, , '·"' llunllnt!on l5r1c~ Mt \Qnlt LDltt.,
Ml'IOfll< H8ll. T0S l •lt Sltlt!, HI!""
11,,.1 ... fl•Kfl. J;lO."'
C~nt Cltlb ,1 Co.ti Mtw. Commun1•y
ll:Kr11!1on Center. Df•ntt Co.in•.,
l'1lr1r111111C1., (0111 Mru. I 1.m.
COltl Mtsi Effie Arri., 1.V W, itt~
SI .. COlltll ,.,...., I "-"'
Sll'lf!'lll St.• l'011nct•ll011. Hunll"!ll"n
8ffCl'I T..., ("'Irr, 01t'llela Av""u' •nd Mil" Sl•ttl. Hunlln~ttn llr1ch, I
"·"'· AT. Gltnnl Ct11citer ol Son• OI lltlY In -. ...... 1<.. Odcl 1'11-i ...... 10 6
NewfWI 8 1v41., (Olli """"'· I t .m. °''"" Ct11ntr 1111 Clvlt. Elb Clvb, ~VII 0Hrlo, N1woor1 lt•d1, l ;>e
'·"'· Cr.SI SIM~ YMCA. 1300 Ul'llVH1I"
Orlw . H•""'°'' &e•ch 1:)0 11.m.
.. . .
:\ss l. colprs ·size 5 thru 7
IC P.y. 47r
• •
.. ••• :•
•' •
Dl:!:AR C.: Heaven onl y
kno"·s bow many opportunilles
l\'erc Jost because somwne
didn't ha\'e the courage to try.
"fhanks for 11haring.
oo. rou r Dad is bound to learn
of it. l\1y lldvice Is lo keep 1 quiet. Then "·hen the ftalbt:rs
hil the fan. and they will e\•tn·
lulllly, you will ha Ve no cause
te feel guilty. t
"""· :11.. 4 Fs1
Asst. colors. Size 4 thru 14 ~
·---4 Dad and, fl.lorn have ~.,
separated a couple of limes
but they are ba ck together.
The early complaints y,•ere
agatnsl Datf. Mom u•as sure
he \\·as seeing other women.
boffriend is, "'ilh Ila U .s.
Army in Vietnam. He \eh the
Slates 9G days ago. ComL
--municatiOfln\'Cre-pcrfect unti
five weeks ag11. Suddenly the I
letters stopped coming. r
ha ven't had a line from him in 1 36 days and rin worried sick.
l\ly letters have not come back1 so I don't know if he ha~ •
receh'ed them or not.
His parents live on the other
coast and rve never met
them. I don'l want 10 alar1n
anyone b,v calling and as king
If they have heard from him.
DEAR DEITY: Write 10 lbe
Ofriee of the Adjutant General
·-::::=. '=
!. ~1 . . .
• I I
Now that Dad has grown up
and is beijaving better, !\-tom
has gone off her rocker. She is
having a leJephonc rornancc
with some guy. She jficks up
the phone, dials a nu1nber,
hangs up and ·waits a fe\Y
seconds. Then she dials the
same number again a'ild hangs
up. She does this three or four
lin1es in ti row and stands by
the phone and waits for so-
meone to call her back. She
will not let any of us kids near
the phone \Yhen she is waiting.
so I'm su re it is some sort of
Deatl1 Ntttlees
of lhe United Staks Army.
\\'ashlngton . D. C. Give them
your friend's name. rank,
serial number and last ad·
dres.~. Good luck.
LEGAL NOTICE £111•belll Ill. 11-e •~e to ot 1ll
Goldenrod, C'~Qn• del M.i•. Oate ol '1t•lll, JtnYltY 1t . Su,.lvtcl bY llu•· 1 ----------~--I
;;:z. ·;~ .. 1G"
bras• lonr
('ha r:;r Ir.
lalL \Vtrud po:<1.
modrl bronzr •
ra hrir ~hadr. 711 1
.,_,..., Ml. 01ton It lloo"•; '°" Oon CE ltTlil'IC-.TE OF I USI NESI
,.Id It. llocllt, Tu1tin; IP>tte d1u9t1re11, FICTITIOUS N-.M.E
ftl•t. ¥¥· CP'll•lt• Sllltinl1nd, Cool• T!>e undt•5<tnfil does <••lllY "'' I• con-
• • M111; Mrs. V•rner 5Cl'IOm8~~. ~II· CllK!o(lt • 1>u1ln"1 II •11 N. NtwPClt!
ue; Mr~. a. T, (Jon, P11o Al\o; bro-8!va., Ntwoort Beach, Celllornl1, unO•r
'"''· M<. T. l•eul~ M11\1n. Foll1n1be1 !Pie !IC!o!laus !;'"' n•me OI COAST ELEC·
Wf•' Vl19;nl,; It 9r1nclclll1dr•n Ind •. nuc SEll:V!CE OEPT. Ind ""' •••d ll•m
0,.1r.9rind<hllltftn ~r .. oce. '"" In-•I tomoo1!'0 o• ll>t lollc"'ln9 ""''IOn, i.rmtn1 ori•llt. Fimll .. 1ut9u •s '"°"" who.e n1me In lu!t 1na ollte ot •e1lcl~r>et ,
''"thlnt 10 nwke memorial conltlO.. 11 I• !ollow1. ! '' uons. 0~111 ccn!r!O..!f IQ ti'lf' Amer!< W~Y~ !0""1• JIJ Holmwood Or ,
r1n C1nct• i.xi.1 •. 111111 Mo•tu~f'V, N-oor! 11.t<~
'510 E ccitl H1i11"'••· Cll!'On• Ml Mtr, Chi•ea J~nu1rv )0. 1910 · · W1¥nt Jonu
4 in POT
Olt«tcrs s 111p ot Ctli10rnl1,
\Vestcllf( Mortuary
·1:?7 E, li th SI., Coat• ~tcsa
646-4818 •
Or1ngt Counl•;
On J .. n. JO, lflO. belorr "'' 1 No11rv ! : Public In end for ... Id Sitt•. ott1Qn1llv
1ooe1rea W1Ynt JoM!. ~no·,.n !o me to be
lht <>••Win -~t """'' It 1ub-..crlbtd to The wh~l" lntlrum..., and 1c-l'IOWllldgoed
~· •-•~cu•O!'d tror 1em~
t !OFF!C!Ail SEAL ) I Ml"' IC, HMrv
Cetron1 del ~far OR l-9450
llol••Y Publlc:-Ct l'lorn••
Prlnclot l Olflc' lo
l'.l•~ntt• Counrv '• Asst.
bed s.
of color~ and lypcs. Decorate :-oour flo,ver 1o:
Costa l'l'lesa l'ltl l-%4t4 • BELL BROi\ nw A y
111 Broadway, Costa ~le11a
r•unllngton Valley
17911 Beach Blvd.
Huntington Beach
Cemetery e hfortuary
''v commiuio.. c~oirtJ "'"V~fT'llo>r 71, Jt/7
l'ubl·~-0••"9t (o,111 Diii• Pile!,,! I J~"u11> •I anct Fell•u••r 1. H. 11, i .
"10 1t1.10 ""'
Interiors & Engines
%OU N,.ewport. CoJila i\lesa
Free Ph:knp & Drllvtry
l f"-.. " ... 1<1<11 lt1i.1r1r CMt!I
' •
3500 Pacific View Drive
Newport Beach. California
PEEK FAMILY BOATS HOMEs mAILERS COl,ONIAL FUNERAL lmpl~r Stiapes Bi~ rem1ly ~i7.e-r.oast\., !(\r\\'
110~1E Co•la Mesa Mattrtn Co. end detp fry,. Ovcnwa1·e
ilOl Bol11 Ave. !l5t Newport fllvd , i;lass cov~r. Pllol liaht . HC'a•
We1tmin1ter 034511 Liberty 8 13Q3 I e " vy '"'"' oLumlnum.
SHEFFER MORTUARY ~·.---u-P·H·D-L-s'"'T'"'eR"'v"""-.~·1
Ll:pna Beach 4t .. IMS' 1•.;;-...;;;;.;-.;;;;.;.;;;-.-..o,i
San Clemenlt' 49%-0llO • S.\llTHS' !IORTUAllY
li%7 rtlaln SL
HunlJnt loe Beaci
Mesa Upholstery
Liberty 8-4781
1310 HIWPO•T lllt. S3Mm -~'~~~~~---!
• , Four-Shelf unit
LT ~~----
. S1111 dn11 011111 8 8
S hredded 1>olyfo.an1 bed pil-fi
lo"·· 20x26", v.·lth JJi nk or ""'
b l1u• pr1n1 cotton ··o\rr.
rordrd rdgr. Chari::r It.
l lmilH •t1•11Hty, ""' ••let It lt1l1" •
!i1111d1111 011111
. ,
! • '
.Jat krt II 11h 111111·/\ pockel!, dr.
te1('h11blr hood and ;(fpfX'r fJ•ont.
P11 nt s \\llh dr1111·~1 nni.: 11 1 "'Iii~!.
Cnlnr; S-1\1-1 .-.~I .
S1111d1111 011111
Makes noor-<:leening job!\ C'a~l
rr. Spongt' s11uef!ze11 oUl on n1e·
ta! p.lete tor rl~h1 "'~lnl"ss.
is 12x36x60"
These shelving units are of sturdy slee1 construct· f ion, finished in protective enamel coating. Units
t are useful for storage in laundry room or homt
"'orkshop. Charge It. J
I •
• . ...... , .
:!-111·. 1ikg. Nudr hc<'I sC'amlcs.•
rnr>~h nylo1L~. choose from
Bru11·n !\list. rills l-lonC'. Sun-
ln nr. Sizes 9-11. Charge IL
l lm•IH •~"lllly, n1n1 .-111 Ito ••lllt1.
S1111 . 011111
Vicks Nyquil' nlghttiml'l rold
1nedicine or li~lerloo•• An·
lisl"pllc ror coldJ and 1orr
throat Ju~t ChMRt' it.
' '"" Ml "'· •• ,. OU~ 4ltl wt.
Llllllllllll !lllllllllty, -MMI It '"'""
--__ _1_ ___________ ~~-·--------'-"---------::.::.... ____ ..;..::c:..._ __ ...:....;;::·~,,_,~
----z14 -..... 1•11
• •
I -
Saturd1y, January ;ll, 1970
Egg' Dis Role •
Brings Peter Church Back to SCR
When Peter Church ag~
lo play the teadlna: role ·in
South Coast Repertory's pro-
• duction or lhe controveraiaJ
English play "Joe Egg," he
satisfied two very slrOng
desires -he h1:1d a 1wa9s
wanted lo play that particular
role. and he had wanted to
return to South C o a s t
Repertory after an absenct of
1nore than three years.
"It sounds like a :-.'how
business cliche," Peter says,
''but when I rcud lhe play, I
knew that I had to play Brian
on stage someday."
The British-born C h u r c h
first became interested in
"1Joe Egg" ~·hen I.be shoW wali
produced at the L.irldy opera
~ •lou se in Los ftng~les. TM
director sent an agent lo see
Peter on the South . Coast t
Repertory stage. TI1c result of
this was t"o TV roles and a
contract ~ a principal in 11.e
Center Theater Group'll pro-
duction of "Oh. Wh<1t a Lovely
Sinl't: then Pet er has been .._
seen frequentl y on television.
in a variety of shows, has been
in five movies. and has still
found the lime lo appear in
professional stage productions
each year. Including two at the
Mark Taper Forum .
In addition to his <1cting
Group Rates
Ai 1'healer
career. Peter lectures on Special group rates and
drama at UC Irvine. Offstage, educational di$COUnls were an·
he works as an advertising ex· oounced toda)"'(or the current
ecutive and copywriter. revue lit lhe Opel\ End
Corona del ft1.i r has been 1 'fheatcr, 2815 . ~Vina Way,
Mo11• ,11,w Fri. lctttle et t:~S I producer had hoped to call on Peter's home for several Newport Beach. " ' 'HAD TO PLAY IT '
. . ' .
No 'Toppers'
Corriedy Serious
Work to Comics
human romedy is not much in
evidence at a party of pro-
fessiona l funnymen .
Steve Allen and h is
n1ade. The comedians assess-1
et.I everything they saw n1uch
as bankers going over a finan·
cial statement.
At the end of the hnur-long
show ~:aesar stood up and said
seriously, "It could havr been
r .. &tM • • • '' M•tlMef s.t. a. S•.
fro111 I ''"'' THf. AUYER: b I SCOUNDREL. ..-.Ol'EMTOR
ar-cf I IRA.Wt.ER.•••
1· i v a c i o u s l'lifc. Jaynej-----------------------
Meadow11, played host to a\
~roup or son1e of the 1nost
talen~cd cotnedians in .show
business the other night and
nary a joke wtt.s told.
2o: llAllllOlmll
lll!!l_!lfl ii Peter when the play wenl on -,~~<~·~'~"~·~·~"~'~"~·~, ~"~·~·~,~~r tour, but the production filed. and plans for the tour "'tt'e
SCR's Peter Church
the worl(s, a role in thf' pro-
d11etion of ''Murdero us
Angels" at lhe lt1ark Taper
Forum, but he felt· he would
rather tackle "Joe Egg.'' He
also liked the idea of returning
U> 1york at SCR.
years now . but his retur n to '·A Smile is a f'rown Turned
SC R to play the lead in the Upside Down" -an original
British pla,y ''he Egg" brings musical revue based on 1he.
him a little closer lo hi!!i native cartoon satire of Jules Feiffer
England, -'will play weekends t4l the
theater through Feb. IS.
Sharing beef strogur.o[f "'il h
the Allens in their faullle ssly l
appointed home were Groucho
Marx, Jonathan \\fin t e rs .
l.o"Jis Nye. Sid Caesar and
Oon1 Deluise. 1
II was not an enclave ofl
laughLer. Nobody put al
lampshade on his head or
dance'd on the piano. Leg-slap-I
2 Top Comedies
"rib .,,
crackln1 ~· comedy'' 'it.f
for th• b•1+ g11icl1 to wti.r,
ha ppo~i"9 011 TV, r••d TV ,
WEEK -di1trib.11l•cl wilh 11!'1
~•l11rd1v •dition of th~ OA llT
David Em1nes. cxeculive
din:ctor or South c 0 a s l
Repertory, knew of Peter's in-
ttrest in "Joe Egg," and con·
tacled him \\'hen he decided to
produCe the play. Al that lime.
Chu rch had another project in
"SOUYM 1'.t.Cl,IC"
""4 ... W.t.11"
L.t.TE SHOW TONIG"4Y -.t.ll Y"4 E.t.TAES see IOYM fE.t.TUl!t!:i ·~ L.t.Y& •S lt:ll l".M.
'•le• FeMf • .I.II Cel•r
.. l.t.SY ltlOf'll" !Ill
~•111 Htwm111 e .t.11 c•l9r IMW
SU'IO.t.."4CE KIO" 4Ml
,e,.,. U1llM~-.t.M C•i.r
"VIV.t. M.t.X" tGJ
"~ ''TllE W.t.Y WEST"
••F.t.llH'T "41ll" Oil Coler
"DE 5.t.DE" O!) Color
-~~~~~~~~~'.__ ':_'_'_"'_u...i:_ 1~ .tdm1tt..i It.en•.,, •~Mon-Cl••• E,,_,
"W"4&11E E.t.GlES D.t.~E ..
4M1 Coltr
"111 lllFLt!:S" 411! Celor
QN£•11 ox l"LAZA THEATltE
CtlR:><lllt.110« S<tn Diee;o Frteway at 8 1i1tol • 546-2711
MATINEES ONLY AT 12:30 and 2:30
JAN. 31st
Cfhc mo.st
ad.,.nturc of
youP lifetime!
#Or A CARrOO#!
FEB . l•t
Feb. 2nd
#tv•r ltftr• Sl•w• A11rwA1rt!
7(00 & 9:30
ANNA MAGNANI----·-__..._ .. --.---..---
---.. --...... -... __ ... _ .. __ _, _ _. -.......... ., ,._....., PA.N.tiVlllON'Tietl'ICOlDfl"
I.I I ~·· f• lllUllM M ltlW'ft ~ I .. "; ........ ~ .. --·~ I . . ·--~-.'"' ' y Ulltlllrl ......
Peter's actin1u career ha!i
bl()Ssomed since hiS days 11•ilh
South Coast Repertory a re111
years ago. He \Vas one of the
first members of the theater
group whC'n ii fir sl opened its
tloora on Villa Way in Newport
He appeared in thrt'C SC.:R
productions "Volpone ."
"The: Hostagr" and "The
Birthday Party," catapaultin!'.:
into a prorcssiuniil carC'cr u11
the s tren g th of hi"
performance in the l;1ttrr
play, which also 1narked a
turning point of sorts for the
repertory company.
A Columbia Pictures casting
' I
Elvis l(ing
In Britain
LONDON (AP) -!::!vi~
Presley is still the king as far
as Britain's pop fans are con-
cemed. the New Musical Ex-
press reported today.
Readers in the 1nagazinr·i:
annual poll voted Presley the
world 's lop rnale singer.
followed by Toni Jones and
Cliff Hichard. Elvis also wa~
voled the top 111 u sic a t
personality, with John Lennon
of the Beatles second .
The Beatles were voted the
top vocal group with the Roll·
ing Stones second and the
Beach Boys third.
Cross,vord Puzzle
l P ol ~·.
b Has on•
!11111 ~l
1~1r plat~
10 St i!.W('l'ri
1 ~ Ta It ·· ··
( v,01ri~
15 Srca~11'
~ stat•
"' J8qb l&Oaar•
1ia11 1ab
11 No•1sen~rc~I
t11bbish Ia Color:
? l'IOrd s
20 1.1r .1t di~ 21 1.lcttled
~ppear•ncr 22 r.11!d oat h
Z3 SQuetchrd·
l words
2l 1.1us1c•!
27 01ir who
\\'~1tl1 t~
30 11!11'
)l Away· ",rt
32 Hawal1 a11
t'l port
1• Wl'nl oul
38 3&0° !11rw,
AO Subdul's
42 Chanqt
~bode s
;) "Qu1t t' 2 'l<01ds
45 F1ult
47 J.lari's
rik knilJT
18 CtHtm
21 21
n .. .,
50 Unc1v1l1z t rl
52 Krn d ol
la.bi t
5& P i s~
57 Odrni~I
""" SB "S'rfJs····' &o Carrentl'r too ·
~3 " .....
&5 Sauntrr
f.& Contrrn•
2 worrls
b7 Of a
Abbr .
i.a Roo111
/,9 t,!us1t~I
70 'lont ~t
all : Dia.I,
cr1tal11 "Ni!.Y
1 lnsrtl
.' Pre· TV
Abbi ,
J F1c\i!it)11·.
for er
2 word~
4 Optrl g0tr '~
2 words
S Obs erv~
& F11tl·
2 words
7 Al l11r prak
' •
Yt ~ltrday's Puz zle Solvl'd·:
3 l.l ~kts Jb Al all !i1n ts
'dmpJCt hy 37 uauisay
pounri1na 39 Outrsee r:
9 F1ss1lt Sl ant}
rocks 41 Par!1cul•t
11 Commot1a11 !l1v~· ll Eite11:;ive 44 Trel'~
11 Hail 4b81rd ll Yi , Hem1sDl•tl' l9 .....• 111~
mou11 ta"1 riM k: ran9~ 2 word< l~ Lukewar~1 Sl E111ope~·1
21 Bakery item S2 Se
hdorni •I ~ucc es sfu!:
24 PotllC 2 WOid~
coutrar.\1011 S3 lnYtCt•Y •
2~ Fo1mtr S• CAUSt~ 10
Lranspofl~t1or1 ~lopr
mtdiurn ~S 1,11ss f.Arhcr
~1 v~roP.tv of 511 Nol IM cl1~l(erio11v ~wav 78 Pitclit r bl Oarlr·
l~ Ast.Jn rolorr
ptitS\ pl1111
31 111 ~ 1,z H•n<:1
rele v~ D4 lione
m1nn t r bu ilder·~
JS Capab l• nece ss11~
of be1119 liS lil ak r
endured 111qu or1es
' •
" " " ,. •
JJ " " "
" "
" .. " .. ..
Special discounts for in·
<h~trial. cducaliooal, cultursl
nr sociril groups can be ar-
ranged in advance with S<JV·
ings as much as one dollar per
IJcket. Group social directors
n1ay CQntacl Saundra Deacon.
~roup sales coordinator, for
furt.hrr information ;1t 1)7;;.
11 20.
1'ryouls Set
For 'Gypsy '
The Buena Pal'k Civic Light
Opera 11·ill hold auditions ror
the 1nusical "Gypsy" Feb. 5
<1nd 6 <1! Ra ymond Tt•rnple
School . 7800 Holden St • BUena
Park .
A casl of 35 to 40 actors.
singers and dancers are need·
ed. along with musicians for
the orchestra. Trvouls ;ire
scheduled ror 7 p.m·.
ping w a s conspicuously
absent. r
Conversation "'as sparkling 1 an<l involv:!d curre nt events.
show business and mutual
The guests made no attempt
10 top one anOlher with one-
liners. or their experience in1
\'audeville or on the Borscht 1
Louis Nye recalled a \'isit to
a veterinarian with his ailing
<log where he encountrred a
hysterical woma n \\'hose n1ult
h;:rd dcvou-rcd a Brillo pod.
Croucho .. Jonathan and Sid
failrd to come up \Vith storie~
about their adventures with
1·eterinarian or pet jokes.
Nve also related the e,·ents
of ~ y,•ild evening in a Plaza
Hotel elevator in New York
Caesa r was engrossed in ex·
plainir:g hi s plt1ns for a newly
formed production com pany lo
Olm television shows and mo·
!ion pictures.
The b;ir did less than a
thrivinJ:: bu sin e ss For1
.,....JUOHtl ClllST. ;.'/::f::,J loll :
'"OM 1Hl A.MERIC•N DISTllllWTfO l!IY CINfllAMA CllOfl I a110.r.oc•snNG co~•NY.1Ne. I !'l[l[ASlwo co11P011•110N
Ullli NUJUR .llAlll 6111YG!
llW11I Ml!ll Sl!Wlil 11111111
llAllDllDI! ~""°" •' ..,,., too••"' • • ...,.., .•· 101 ~ ..-0 , .,
.............. 001 .... '""'" .. ,_ "IOG -· c·<~·~·-----~~=.c..·~~,,__
Dustin Mia
Hoffman Farrow
1>01.., Ut!l>',t!f
whatevrr reason .. con1cd.v .hus
nnl dri1 en con1er11ans to drink.
lt°s po!}.~iblc. the performers
ha1e suffered too often fro1n
drunken h1'tklcrs in night
"ONCE' UP'ON A Tl ~(
w l"' lo!t~ry Ft.l~~
M!ltir.tt$ Sert. ' ~un.
T111t,hr et t~o
Aftrr d1nr.er. whith Jayne
~upcrviscd gracefully. 1 h P
lights w"re turned down and
thr tcl1•1i~ion ~et turned on . '
11 \1as a "Moll_!'.11·ood Pal-
;i{'('·· d1011· s!.,rrins S\t\·e
Allen .J1nnt' !\1cado\\·s. Std
c;e;is;;r . itlio!!C"C Coca. Stc\·e
Ll:lwrrncc and E~il' Gnrn1r.
\\ hi!r thr shn11· was funn~·
and rli{'ilrrf J;?llffaws rrorn the
slutlio audience. thf. co!11·1
cdians al thr Allen homr. Ill·
eludi ng those "'ho aoorarcd 011
lhl' show. Wl're curiously in-
1 tent.
They laughed. Bui cnch of ,
the co1nics were absorbed h~'
th~ deli very and timing nf lhc1 perfonner~ on screen. i
It w;1s eerie.
Nn c1ihical con11nrnts
~HI' in Fil111
Lvon -onelin1e "Lolita·· -
\\ill star in Uni\'ersal's mo\•ie-,
for·teleY1 slon. "Don't Push. I'll .
Cha rge \Vhen I'm Ready."
'@ ... lbuth Coast Repertory
"rctcr Cliurclr 1.~ 0 11tsLat1di11g"-l... A. Timr~
"JOE EGG"• w;1• ..... Ch""•
"Ll11b r1dled Br11/ia11rr"-Pilo t
Thur1d11y throu9h Sund11y -1 :30 P.M.
1127 N•wport. Co1t11 M's• -646·1363
Week Days, 6:45
Sa t. and Sun., 5:00
No One Under 18 Admitted
He made evil an art ..
~;~ ........ $11.~-
ll\llU:A · llEJU:F.R · PAL~kl!
-:.--~-· -.COLOR ~ •• JOllM m ~TON (!i
• Ni A.1.7';~~~ ~l.m::t-IAl Pict~, •
From the country
thal 9ave you,
"INGA" and
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Exclusive Coos! Area Engagement
-,!!!!!! ..... 9"!" ............... ______________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~-~~-~--
Hello once more, boys and
girls, aod a happy Saturday
morning to all of you fron1
Uncle Len's Corner.
Uncle Len's mail bag was
really bulging lhis week, wilh
a lol of conlributors from boys
and girls wbo are enlert1g the
contest for the first time.
\Ve'll try1o acknowledge a11 of
you, so 1£ you don't win the
first time, just keep on trying.
UNCLE LEN wants to thank
Terrie Howard of Huntington
Beach for &ending in a list of
ideas for the weekly art con·
test. We'll keep these in mind,
Terrie, and use them rrom
time to limt.
In ract, let's start off with
the first suggestion on Terrie's
TO SOI01 ANV,\10RE ... I',\\
By Charles Barsotti
By Charles M. Schub:
I' l L :stt t114 in Ji x. ...,.. ~' •
list and make next week's con-.------------------------------,! test on the theme of make
believe. * PRIZE WINNER * WIND
\Vlnd is the '''bistle that
blows in the air;
\Ylnd is the rustling that
blows through your he.Ir ;
Wind is the thing that lifts 1
up your kite,
That ll!Ls jt to_ lhat magnifi·
cent height ;
David Goodsell, 8, Santa Ana Ave ., Costa Mesa
'Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Con Lesl. Here's all you
do: fl) Draw''picture on piece of plain, white papers• jnches wide and
4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace' 1
picture. It must be )_'.Our own \vork. (3) Put your name, age and add ress
on back of dfa,ving. J;f8i.11Tl0Uncle Len'SArt-contnt~x 1560;-Di\JI:Y--
PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner will receive Kennedy half dollar. \Vind is the thing that blows
leaves ;.t the tree: Wind Is Important to both ..._-----------------------------'I
you and me.
M-.ur .. n MeK•n11t1 , If,
1"H GlllmiJll St., 1<Vlfle 9, Costa 1t1esa, and Becky Ed· ..--~-----------------,!
Rain, rain on my window
Let it snow, let it blow,
But I like rain.
-'''"""' ~lkt, '· Cotl• ~W
dards. 9, FounLain VaUey.
Also, Mauree~ Mckenna,
10\~. Irvine: Gene Woods, 11.
Costa Mesa ; Gwendolyn Hare,
81h:, Laguna Beach; Connie
Ve rdlna, 5, Huntington Beach;
Cathy Waidzunas, 81/z, Hun·
tlngtoo Beach ; Rlck Covey, 11.
HunttngtoO Beach; · L i s a
Jtavom. 10, Costa Mesa;
Ple111, Mr. Sun
Oh, J\·lr. Sun , please sta~ av.·ay
\Ve don 't want winler to conle and stay.
On February 2nd, Ground Hbg Day;
So please Mr. Sun, please stay away.
A ""'" .. ,. 11111 -.n•r "°'' i. Twrlt H•••rf. 11, llJ'1 O•IT*ll Ave .• Hlll!llfltl.,. IMC~, Ill' tflol wtllfllnt tfllrr in
th1 1t1ry t lHll -c1M11!. MM! l'tlfl'" -"' tr 1'9rt It Unclt Ltt1. ,,_. HO. C1111 -.., Ct lll.
HONORABLE menUon win·
ners in this week's art contest
an: Tamn1y Kotele s . 11.
Newport Beach; Heidi Viau , 9,
Newport Beach; Scott
' Edwards, t t, Fountain Valley ;
Jimtny Devlin, II, Costa Mesa:
.Julie :r.1izar. 9, Capislrano
Beach: David O~n1ee, 9,
Costa Mesa; Heidi Van't Riet ,
Claire Waidzunas. 10\~, Hun-'---------------------' tingtotl Beach: Laurie Polus.
9, Costa h1esa ; Terri e c f c flow a,r d. 11 . Huntington,_____ '
Beach: Mike How1rd, 6~. a1•0 ..1 Orne1•
Huntington Beach. and Tracty
Howard, 81>, II u n ting l 0 n RIDDLES and JOKES
Stn4 y•ntr ~M te Ast A111f,,
C/e Ot•• C:.-D.U, net, lel
1160, c .......... Calif,
, "'~ -r'.,t,' i:.\°".1-~=;i: •r' types are very friendly and t\,,:\.i1tS, 109 t, of If~ "-In!, Hort~ helpful to US. i \
c-11111, fOI'" hi• 11un11on: I h For examp e, our c ~ses
How do tbo1e roand boles are made by help!ul bacteria.
get tnto Swiss ebeete? Cheese, as you know, is made
Dude : Look at the bunch of cows .
Cowboy : Not bunch. Herd.
Dude : lieard what?
Cowboy : Herd of cows.
•Dude: Sure I've heard of co"'s.
Cowboy: No, a cow herd .
Dude: Why should L care what a CO\V
heard ? I've got no secrets from a
-•11ttn llt••• 11 601 ff1rc!tt~1 Ave,,
C11"1111a 1114 Mi r
Joe: Did you hear about the bug in the moon
Jim: No.
Joe : Tbey called it a lunatic.
-01vlf Gl'Mnlt•• '' (t1t1 Mt••
Dear Carol : What goes 99 clump, 99 clump, 99
clump? ·e., Ulpoo#o • 'ff!M •ptdffU•:> v :JeMSU\f
Human beings do not make from milk . Different types of
those impossible holes. They bacteria change the milk inlo
are made from Inside the solid different kinds of cheese. The
cheese. And evf.11 the smallesl proplonibacterla types create
person is much too big for this Swiss cheese and also put in
job. The work is done by tiny· those mysterious round holes.
uny living thln&s. \Yhen a dairy makes Swiss Dear Carol : Where does the Lone Ranger take his
The tiny living things that cheese, a small helping of garbage?
make the holes in Swiss thtae very special bacteria Is
bl ·dwnp 'dwnp cheese have very g names. added to the milky "recipe. d ScienUsls call thttn pro-First the milk Is curdled. ' wnp •p °' 'dwnp •p 0• 'dwnp •p Of :JeMIU\f
Y "" U 11 d -Mavrffll McKt11na, l•Ylftt pionjbacterta. OU wUJ no ce They sepirate ).he s o '----------------------'! that the last two pieces spell particles that float in the
out the word bacterta, and 10U watery liquid. The milk solids
may not like that :word clot tocelher In soft gobs.
because eome bacteria mab Theie are scooped out and
us slCk. However, thls Is bard-drained. Tflls mJx:ture Is se.t
ly fair beeauae m<Mt bacteria asidc.,Jt ls 1tfl quleUy •lone
do nol. harm us at all. ..,, 1,•:hlle the bacteria do I.hei r
\Ve share our world with work. They feed ind feed .
COl!Jl{lw numbers ol blct<rla. thrive and multlply. A> they
And there are thousands of do these lhlnas. the milk)'
different kinds. lt takes a row mixture 11 chqed. Some o( It
of 2,f!GO of them lO tQtasure becomes ,Jnylalble 111 and
:iboot one Inch. We cannot ace some become• t0lld chte1t-
lherrt unle.u we maanlfY lhern The gases collect 1 together in
undtr a microecope. 'they ire bubbles.
everywhere around UI -ln They cannot elOlpe beca*
the ground and In the, water, the solid chetlt eeu around
noaun1 tn the air and on thtm. At la1t the Job it done
evuythln1 we touch. Bac:ltriR ond the chetJe 1oes to
share our world and we cannot market The bubbles of gas
escape. them. ti Is true that • are still waiting there. trapped
few typea give uo lnlectlono lnsld<. Tb<y are the round
:ind disce~s. But most type! holes that surprise you when
do not bolhcr UJ. And a few you pit a slice of Swiss
cheese . The propionlb11cteri1
that created them added more
pleasant aurptises to the
recipe. They gave the cheeae
ill spectal tangy navor.
For a.ges. Swiss cheese was
made all)' In Switzerland. Thl1
Is where the orlatnal pro-
pionlbacttrla lived -hiding in
the mllk, ln the dalr~ and
everywhere else. Nobody.knew
about bacteria unUI the
microscope. was Invented.
Thon lclenll~ 1potlcd the
Uny· Swlu ~ makers.
ThcY captured them and
,.Pll'lted them from ollltr
ba~. Then they sent
AltnP1"· to otltt!r countrtea.
Thi• ts why our dalrla tin
make the aped.al chtta th1t
once ,.,,s made only In
Saturdq, ~nu/;'n, 1970 DAILY PILOT J T
• ~'HEAi ····
..!.":.i::.=i.-J .(9):.tan
"; . c '
• ~
~ c '
. ~
i t::::
HfLLO, C"ll!!L '. YOU'LL ~"VE 10
POWN 10 lHE CLUS FOil LUJK.H! weve-Mt~EO ¥0U ! ,._, <;.
~irYOtJ1~e "TH' IOUNCIR!
! }(t:LL Y
1 6cHooL
f{LARI O~ -EOltte\AL
OFFt<tS -
REPOSti("° !
THE 11'EA , Al<'TMUft,
ANO P!WVOCAilVE ,,....£ __ _
CIU!'S nor< w1'-L.
YOU /cS)(r
By Tom K. Ryan
B Frank Ba9lnski
0.1<. G.UYS_
IN fit MU.LION TA'IE$'1 BELTfr<'/
By John Miies ,.
" ~I.
-~ c '
By Al Smith
lly Gus A'rrlola
l (J){)J..O DO
By Mell
MV QUE9TIClN Wll.L ff:
"WH•i; IN voui:: OPINION,
J. ,,
a IAll.V !'II.OT' Saturdq, January 31, 1970
Wild Bird
.,., SEED
s "· .. ,.
Scote,h· Gard '''Similac''
FabriC ~ro~tor PREPARED FORMULA fer th 11111t's J•,ertant Previ1ts·Cre1sy a . 1st Yiar Watery SlllllS! Dt. Size COi'
2.n, 88 2' 20,11. ' ., 0
Silt .I ,·: ~ R
• ' I ' . I .;"
~.~~ ~~Y~~~~w~~!Ms willi an as-2 75
sortment of the finest cllocolates. 1 I~. Bex 1
• '
_ VapQrizer-
'!l.ufferhi~' ' ''CoMac''
COLD CAf'SULES for Fast r111 lolltf ti tlt1I-Ci,1s 'fi t11 % •11rs c11tl111n ""· Sin s C11111llt1, tolu r11i1f rt• tH c11111111 c1I•! Hf'fli!
I 88 . 99c . ui · C 1.49
•f'o~ , 10's
• 1ovr· ,
Pote Shirts
lOOX fi11e cotton wilil ere·*
neck, short sleeves. Choose
from wllite, ~stel colors and
colorful stripes ill sizes I to 4.
BlnlseM· .oi,ers ~
llH.IL .. , 171!7" super•ab· sorbent cotton ·lrith pinked.1
erlg• Soft ant" comfortab~ 2 29 against babies~tender s~in.. r ' --..:ilii
1 Dtm •
-.. '""'-'"-• " ......._.., -. ~'ll~•m
'PRO' Hair Brush sus
Choose from as-
sorted colortul-
animals in dif-
ferent positions,
each with big ~~~" ~!!,~~~~ty c~o1a1es in 1 39 ~~ LADIES' Banded 'Capris' "Print" Pants
tar M11 aH la,ies ...
choose from many styles with
line bristles, matching tllmb.
Assorted colers. 1.08 Paks .. 59~. I • /·
19~ .. ribbon bow
" around its neck.
Adorable little
. puppies in gay
colors with rib-
bon bow. Choose
from many type~
in assorted po-
2.1·s ...
1.19 ...
3~ ·Boxes of 25 Ca~~s
Choose trom "Cute Valentines'". 33 "Gold 'n Glitter Valentines" and C
"S,winging Numberio'' ••• each with ·
card for teacher. . . ''·
5SC Boxes of 36 Cards
Clloose lrom "Mad Vatenl ines··. 49 "Happy Valentines". ''Gold 'n Glitter ' C
Valentines" and ''Mini-folder Valeii·
t111es" .. , each v1ith tard for t~acher. eil .
1.00 "F amity Pak"
Bc:c. ol 65 assorted. all·purpose cards 79 for boys and girls ••• plus special C
~anl for teacher. [nvelopes included •
1n package. ,
beaul1111I decOfator box.. 1h lb. 811 I "Coloraf ' -fuie Permanent press ma.
stretch knit that re-tenal. fully lined.
~ s lains its shape. Wnn-2 98 Choose lrom many 3 6-9 ~ kles h~ng out. Ass't new. eKc1trng color-.... CHO COLA TES s71es m solid color1. • u . fut prints in 8 to 16. ,
Fancy Corsage Hearts 2 69 M1su.s· capris Choo:e from cotortul checks afld foil """d boies, foppod with docoralor flower tattersals with side button ani zip-3 69
'"'dRl·airbgebrOibbonn''bowH. Asesoartrtsed colors. 1 lb. • ~ per. Straight· legs, .z filse potkets, . and belt loops. Sizes I t1 16. • · 1 98 Str~tch Capris " light and dark chocolates in assorted pastel ~ I co!or boxes with matching ribbon bow. 15-.z. • "Wear Dated" Assorted styles, 1n , ~ , ha11zontaJ-stretclt wilh · fibers by 3't'J?9
"Miniature" Hearts 69 ~ ~::st6.1 •. Ass't pastel color•. in ~u m
ASSO!tm<R\ of Jfe~cous ci'ocolates in ani""11i!d c ~ MISSES' Bonded Skirts"' m
·•a.'M'S' va,1t01itni"',","'•Hrteboa"ftS y, lb. ~ "Coloray" ... !iy;;( oonr1ed to 100% acelati:.Jncot lining. Stra1ght-
1--· ' ·-.
LA011s• Aprons
... ·~--·
Choose from "cob·
bier" style with 2
front pockets. tie
back or "shift" _style •
Assorted,,...<o Io r I ul
pri'" ' 2.19 ..
/ _,.,_.. ...... _. ,._, .. ··-~. --· ,._.,, "'' ....
fiiaxis w I B-12
'""'"w:o.. ........ .... lj\... .... , .... __
lme sty I.,_ with oo·band ,,contoured 2 98 3 95 W waisJ!illt: side zi17Pfr and button. As-
Pleated satin in assorted colors with decora-sorted colors in s1zes 8 to 16. • ••· .:::::::::;.:=::· .
.. ., :Jor. l~V(~~nd ~tch111~ bow 11bbon. 11~. • ... , ~, . r ,_" 1• ;~,--.,oil ..... ---*'" " ............ -::--:·--
.CJloCOlate Hearts _ :;fia, · tt . N .. d. . "Solo~· Bathroom .
FRANKFORD -hollow chocola~. in. 5·7c -~~~ arr . ·eft s -CupOispenser with i02-, 3· ·3· -
d1vio'ua!ly w1apped 1a ff<! and gold co!or. ' .. G 3¥2 oz. Cups. Available in o C
toil. 4tz.Tr1y111 2 H ~ p•-t decoratorcolors. •
• · r •. ome ermanen s Refili'c;,, -Pak 0180 -59c
"Conversat1'on" Solid Chocolate with Patente{Creme Oil Bm ' ' ,, 31> Ol. Sizt· ·~
now you can get a soft, natural perm· 1 3g ..... . , ,.,,..,. .... . .......... , .
BRACH'S -pure
sugar hearts in as-
sorted tlavors with
assorted sayings..
~ 9 11. Bat 29c
'Solid Chocolate
FRANKFORD -indi•id-
" ua.uy wrap~ in cOlorful 57c ,.1011 ••• 1n mesh bag. , a az.
HEARTS 1·FRAH~F08 -indi· vidually : •• in gee colorful foil: ,
1 It 811
anent in as little as 10 minutes. Adds
body ••• conditions. Choose tile one 1a. •
for your type of hair.
e ~~d~,e-~~~~~~~1us: trous~manageable. Wash!s away
'-..:: ·-· dalidrutf. Cleanses gemty ·in bard or -.-/ ,. soft wa\o. \ U9 1 lb. jar 1.19
"life" Hair Treatment
LOTION ... abused and damaied hair
instafltly restored lo nalur:ii 'litarity
.•. eliminates snarls and langtes ..•
leaY"e$ hair feeling like hair again.
12 oz. Size 1.89 -
,.,. . ' ,..,
Corn Popper
"'Svperlectric" -pops corn automatic.ally, JRJ stirring ·" 3 :29 slla~ing. -3 QI/aft s11e with heal·p<oof glass top. #310 ,
.. , .. ,_..._ ..
Scooter· Pie
· NIW'°RT 11.ACH
1021 lnlM It Wettdlff ,._.
S,ri...W•-' ldi...,
tfUNTINIJTON llACH <A--eH ., ..... "'
'' '
... .
liJJ I flll •:KIJ~ IHJ, t•iJ~ '.llt l1il •1HU,t
1 lltl' t"llJ I' •, Jiil' ( Jii t' t !Ill' f lllP l l ,111'!11!/JI
llJ I~ _l~t~, I' ~ :IUf, 1M_". l "' ~.
11111111111•11111111•11,1111-1111111•1111V11111911f1118111111111111111 ' .
' '
' '
I ,j
I '
,..... __________ ....,... _________________________ ·-------------....... ~-
~~'"'''~,,,,, .. ,,,,, ~ V . IMMEDIA7E DELIVERY ••. !'.
\ • Modol • 10 -M•d•l • 11-Model· 20 . I
. "~''''-OVER 11· IN STOCK I
f · $ 9 9 OVER FACJOIY' ~
, l,.VOICI ~
PLUS $50 "'-
, , . &,,~o~~l!l~~~G ~ ~!\
-!·-'1·1t:"'''t, '·: · . . 1 . .. : ~ . " . . . "' ' ~ '· i.: ,..~ · 1 ·. . "' :. . . . '~ .. ...
. ! .• .,?1; "' .• 'L , . . .:. ... ~ :::'' ...
'•, ~ ··:y ~ -.. ;
lf'-'!lil'::-.' '''·'' ,., ..... /,.;,,:> .. , ... , .................... ~ v 11
"" ,·~ ~ ·i ''FRIDAY .
.• ~ .S.UNDAY ,
S1l1 Vol' Aft S, · er. 111., Fell. I' I 970.
J~l78 u s·E·D . c ARS FllDAY -.SATURDAY -SUNDAY -.VOID liTIR SUN . FE •••• 1970
'66 GALAXIE 500
. ''·2·~~~'. .. ~~'.~! "' 11273' cCW\dltlonln~. ~tr 1teerJn9, rto~. he1l1r. RKC ll7,
Montcl1ir Dr. H.T. $1477
\I.a. I UIQ. """'·· t1ctol'Y 1lr l I . <:0ndltl°tlnt, POW.,. 1!Nflrl!I• , '7!' irn'.' 11, r1~1o. hffttr, ,
••· ~·H~~t.oe....., '" $1891 c..;dltlofll"lt, _ -r'i;fftf'lllt. ~ ,j/I( Dl'•v· r lo_, fltll• • «. ¥fl'WI root. YT 11.
:.~'• "'~ ~"" •u•w. $Pf $1281
,.... _____ .... ---.. .. ....... .
'631/2 GM.AXIE
2' Door Hardlop $494
~ulo. tr•nt., rKtorv flf ...in,, -s11 ... 1no. ' . llNter, HC)E ftl.
O ~I ~.~~d!~~' NW $1873 J!r.rlnt, r1dl~. l!Hltl'. vzr
'67 FORD
~l;~~:~~~~ s249.1:
'68 FORD ...
''68 T·BIRD
4 .~°.~"!~·!.... 1·782 r11lcl, IMllW, 1lww 1-. YS8 '91, •
'68 GALAXIE ·500·
4 D~r H1rdtop s1994· .
v.a. ·e 1re111., 11dow ,,,
condlll "'' """""' Jt•rlf>t, tl!tlo,, !tr. VYJ 6Clll,
.... ..~~'.d'.~~ ..... ~. sl 086
del11>4 lnlwlw. l fYI 9JJ). . . .
. . . .. . , ..
St1iion w'°;gon $1568 fo.!!..•· lr1n1.; radio, ~Mltr, • ml 'll'i. -low low milts,
·~~ ·~~ .ui .. : ,.,. -. :: $17& -
Ailiericin i Door · ·
AIJID. ltMll,L flMttr, VtrY d 11n C¥. !~YT '~I.
. '61 MER.CURY
' '' • f
I •
"' ·~ ~.~·::~.::~..... ·49·.7
11'11, .. Hloi. heltW, llVC nu. '
1000 General IOOOGonorol 1111 ]iiiii:iiiiiii;iiiiiiiiii~l~OOOi;iG~e~n~•~r1~liiiiiiiiiiii~l~OOO~J.;;G;••~·~r~1~liiiiiiiiiiiii~lOOO~;G~1~n•~r~•~liiiiiiiiiiiiiii~l~l!4!0~·iJ;Go~n~1~r=•:':;;;:;;;;;;;;lOOG;; General
fl · VJ /} FORIST E.
' : .
This beautilul & JMMACULATE shake rool
home will leave you breathless! BRAND I NEW SHAG CA RPETS in all 3 bdrms & in
the entire hon1e too !! Jt's in a prime .area II near all schools &: shopping: Open beams,
trees & gorgeous landscaping mak{l this a
MUST SEE at only $28,750.
I GOOD GRIEF! l Even Charlie Bro~ wou1d go for a home
Ake this. ll has 2000 sq. ll. & 4 bdrms + eat. ! ting bar & Jarge dining room. The large yard
' is arranged for true California Jiving with -f Coven!d patio & separate s to r a g e shed. I BEAUTIFUL CONDITION for $33.950.
l --. ' ~ General 1000 General
1 5 Bdrms 3 Baths I ;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I
•: SHAKE ROOF $22,950
· Near llll sc:hool1. S37.000
beat of temL"i,
Cotto 2 bd1·n1 & den, near
downtown C.~t. &. Ciry Park.
Hu red brick Heatilator
firrplecr , fru il trees &
la.ra:e fenced 101. ,.,or ap-
pointmcnc lo S<'c, call
• Coldwell, Banker
5 Br. almost new ............ , . $175,000
60'4B bet r. s area ............ $290,000
60' 3 Br. beauty .............. $1 39,500
4 Br. _den and pool ............ $149,500
Beauti!ul duplex .............. $200,000
4 Br. Linda lovely .......... , .. $1 40,000
3 Br. private community ........ S 75.000
5 Br. (fee land) close to jetty .... $195.000
3 unit income ................. $ 63 ,500
4 Br. ocean view -Open Sun. 1·5.
219 Poppy .. . . . . . . . . . $ 59.500
Two J~vel ocean & bay vie'v lots .. $ 89,500
Beautiful custom __... apt. ....... Sl07,500
Excellent duplex ............ , . $ 41 ,500
3 Br., 3 Baths + pool .......... $ 64,500
4 Br. \vi th bay & ocean view .... $ 76,500
4 Br. Harbor Vie\v Hills ........ S 59,000
4 Br. + pool -· AAA vie'v ...... $ 67,350
6,000 Ft. 5 Br. pool + vie1v .... $190.000
3 Br. white water view ........ $147,500
3 Br. panoramic vie\v .......... $ 56.000
View -3 Br., Din. Rm.,
Fam . + Studio
3 Br. 2.,.. Ba. Lusk .
5 Br. 3 Ba. -view ........... $ 49,000
4 Br. pool and vie''' ............ $ 4 7 ,500
4 Br. + vie\v -Open Sun l·fi,
2901 Cass ia $ 47,500
2 Br. privale beach ...... .
4 Br., 21h Ba . boat storage .
5 Br. double lot + pool . . . . . . . $125,000
4 Br. (3500 sq. fl .I ............. $ 97,500
5 Br. doubl e lol . . . .... S 79.500
3 Br. + din. rm . . . , . . . , S 54.500
Lot value -3 Bd. -GO' lot .... $ 59.500
Huge hom e -3 lots ... · ....... $115,000
5 Br. near NHYC ............. $ 70,000
4 units -best loca,ion ........ S 62,500
4 Br. -3.000 sq. fl. . . . . . . S 44 .500
lmmaculate 3 Br. + fam. rm. . . . S 46,500
4 Br. (4,000 sq. fl.1 + pool ...... SI 19,500
Beautiful 4 Br. + pool ......... $ 84.500
5 Br. 4 baths -pool .......... $ 69,900
. , 5 Br. + new pool ............ S 57,500
3 Br. wflarge 40' pool .......... S 51,500
Excellent llnancing (Lot) . . . $ 29,500
5,000 sq. fl. custom wlU1 view .. SI 78.000
4 Br.. -beam ceilings ......... $ 84,500'
4 Br. -pool· -~real vie'v ..... S109.000
3 + ma ids, e xceptional view .... $117,500
View Lot ..................... S 27 ,500
3 Br., 3 ba. Cond . -view ...... t 59,500
2 Br. house w/pool & sep. Joi ..• $125,000
P ele (/.)arrelt f<;.ea(fy O l S 0 N
p~tJ~nli Inc. Realtors
\Vant an exceptional Bayfl'ont you mus t sec
this spacious 3 bdrm home with 2 private pa·
tios, pier & slip . ..-\vailable lmmedlately.
4 BDRM. + FAM.
WHAT'S THIS !! $165,000. Marcia Bents.
731 Via Lido Soud Sat/Sun 2."5 $18,500
Near-new 4 bdrm family home. Formal din-
ing room. Family room. 3 Car garage. Large
insurance Joan assumable at existing lo'v in-
And only G years young. Fan.
lalil ic terms too! Get tG-
gcU1cl' Sl.300 and tha1'1 all
you nc1ed' •I good sized
tx.tnni< • ~ baths • kitchen
''i1h 1Ju1ll·in1. Family +
rumpw; 10001. Beautiful,
y,•eU kepi. tree llMCJ com.
1nuni1y. \Vhere in the wo11d
cun you find a. bllot'lain like
this. J\1ovc Wt! Dill.1645-12~
lerest. $76,000
1338 Antigua, B•ycr11t Sundi1y l·S
Sea & Surf. Casual living in small beach com·
n1unity with private pool & ter1nis court. A·
Fraine with exposed beamed ceilings, 3 bd·
rms 2 baths. $26,000.
5101 Bruce Crescent Sunday 1-S COU NTRY LIVING
maculate. Adult occupied. 3 bdrms +maid 's
quarters. POOL & VIEW. Expensive -en·
Coun try living at il~ best!
Unuaual 2 story hon1c 1vith
view aJld ocean breeze. 3
king sizl!'d bedrooms. 3 lara:e
b1'-ths. Ranch size. fireplace,
HU£e 2J It. family room.
SeUer forced to move. Low,
low down pa,yment. Truly a
fantu:tic bargain: Don't be
late! Di&l now 645-1:!45.
tertainment oriented. $88,750.
ISLE. Partially remodeled Bayfront home.
Priced near lot value. All new bathe:. Pier &
slip. Vacant. Immediate possession.
rm~, famil y room, ror1nal dining room. break·
fast nook. 31h baths, 3 fireplaces, pool & nu·
merous other outstanding features. Shown by 645-1242
appointment only. $84.500 at Harbor Centl.'r
'l299 1-larbor Blvd., C.M.
''Gold Key General''
Top Salesman
and Lister
2 BR. hou se &: garage In
N'pt. Heighls area. le 'Vhrn
)'OU buy the other 2 BR.
houi;r on san1r lot for
S29.!19'J 99 US(• it ror rela·
tiw-. ur irK:OIO".
<I BR. up, 3 Br. down. Only
4 yl'!I. old. Good spendable,
gttal tcrrni;, Jo:)(changes con·
s1dered ss:i.ooo. Open Sat ..
~un. J.J, . ~
MARYANE IOOZAN Brand n<'w duplc,'11 & triples BALBOA ISLE 3 BR
nCil ring completjon. Spa1•. :: 316 RUBY •i\laryanr L. Boozan recciv·
& 4 BR. 2 Ba, units wilh Beat """Sible terms on 3 BR Ted the. Top ASal~mr'" "t"hd
I I Sh rt blk b ,~ · op Lis ter waau or e rp c1., etc. o · IO ay w/very large bren1ed ceil. year of 1969 from the
or (JC(!an .. lx'achc.o;, New la.\ liv. rn1. Nice family rm. & Huntinii:ton Beach·Foun-
l~1v 200'·" dt'prl'C1a11011 r11r 1
"'ailed patio, Neat 1:. clean tain Va.lley Boa.rd of Real·
!uiot Ull('r. $06,000. i)p(>n Sun . 1-5. tors at lhc Annu&I Awards
Cf're1nonics held January
$220,000 NORTH COSTA MESA ~7th. Th!s is the first time
C d I M ' BR ·• B 1n thr huHory of the bcNlrd orona c ar. · · ·• 1' · 3001 GARFIELD that the 11ame ~rson won
on Ocean Blvd. on Bluffi; lniinar 4 Br. :! ba. "conlrol-both a1vards in the san1c
sidr., O\'l'rlooklr1g ba,y Ii. led clhnall''' homr. Fain. rear.
ul'C'lln Gorgrous, neVt"r end·
111i; vll'\\' fl'Oln all rooin~·
:.1143 F:. Cc>ast lh\') . Cd"f
IA! i\1scAr1hur Blvd.I
2 Block! lo the ocean 'i hlock
to comm. l't't'rtalion center
& pool.·3 B:c'droonu; Z OOths.
firepla('f'. douhlP ~ura.g;'. A
kiddit• haven. · S:li.:t()() 10'~
do'' 11. I.-.J11 r st prl{'('tl ho1nf'
111 1h1i. fine iln:':1.
646-7171 * 546-2313
', ,,'j]I '
-$17,900 FULL P-RICE
~hu1·p J ~·droon1, 2 b1tlh C-.1.
ifomia ~'lyle hon11·. NEA!t
TH.Jo: BEACH. Qu1"''~ and
Orv.pc$ and ALL ~:Ll:C.'TRIC
KITCHEN. Subn11! yo u 1·
du\\ n payn1cnt tt.1 a 1011 $\JS
pt•r n101u1t 111clurlini.: 111"1:rs,
Walker& Lee
2790 Harbor Blvd. at Ada1n~
5-15-046.i Opc.•n 'Ill !I P.\I
OPEN Sunday 2·5
2048 Commodore Rd.
J us1 lis1ed 3 bdm1s ~ ha1h,
huge rumpui; rou1n, ~fiuti·
rul pool & patio. P1 !l·ffi 10 1
Sl'll '
m i .. 1-uv. pa !iu. 2 t·ar i.:ar. l\lrs. Boozen ha!! been a
In .-.1rso1 Nur1h atl'a. Low .. Gold Key \Vinnl'r'• num-
dn., super firm ncin&. $30,500. rrous timrs. This award is
Oprn Sun. 1.:,. presrntrd by the Tarbell
Riddle & Ross Rltrs. Com1mny l'ach month to all
;j!)3j f:. Coa5t l!wy. 675.7:n5 s11ll'BJ.ll'Ol.llr sl'l_llni;: $100.000 ~"-'=.,;;-:;,,,:.=~="'.,= or more i n resLdenUal prop-WON DER FU L ~:;;,,""''"• • '"'"n'
WESTCLIFF l\l eryanl' resides \\'ilh her
husband and lhree children
in Huntington Bearh. S he
THINK SUMMER ha1 tittn acti\·c in Rcal Es·
1 N A COOL POOL t11.tr sincr 1964 and re· £•r!vrd hr!' Brokrr's license Situatrd on onl' or \Vestcliffs In 1969.
quleleST str('('ti;, '.1 brdroo1n.t.
familv and 2 ~1thir. 11·i1h l-0\" \Vr invite you to join the
,..red ·nuho Liirg; po 1 ·u TARBELL CO .. 1\'hf'rr. you
" u \\ 1 1 recf'ivr morl' AdV<'l'l\slng.
sllrlc and board and Sf'f>&I'· moN' Bcnelils. more 1'raln·
air pltiy yiu·d for k1ddiri;. ing and n1orc Security.
Itnn1rdia1r ~~s1on, poss1-
hl1· $17,'.iOO with 10~: ~own . ~~2~;~1~11 Bob Yo~I al
or p0&111blr ]Pa!!(' option.
nea1 ~A1·p 3 beOroom. t b11th
home. Frt'shly palntl'd. G.I.
loan nl Sl:i.800 :ti s~, •; an-
nual 1ntt•rcst. '"011 e;1n·1 br11.1
11: Scrvicr Porch. Double
C:1rngr. Jo~orced air h<!nt.
Professionally dC'coruri•tl 3 C 0111plt"trly fencrd. Sprlnkl·
hr<hum11 hon1r "'ilh large, rr~. Ca 11l('I~ and DrHpcs
paneled fa1n1ly roon1, \\'el lluuughout. f amily Ronni.
bar, fornutl dining room &: kl us 11bo1v it lo you' G.J.
den. 3 !"u'f'pllices. Bean1ed or F'HA lf'nns avallablr .
reeiling~. J>llncled i;aragr WE SELL A HOME
,vilh ru11on1 storacr 1·11.01. EVERY 21 MINUTES
ne1s, Pool iti:zr tcn·i.t·r ,, 1th w I k & L
sund1-ck, Pml1•ssion11.lly ltul<f. a er ee
11c111>rd. Ell'l'lr1c corurolled $prinkli~ ~ysu•ni, .-.1uin set'~ 2~_ Hiu·bor Bh~ .. at Adams
$71.950. .>l.,.~fll Ope" Ill 9 P:'ll
ap.n S•t/Sun from 1
john macnab
(7141 6'2·1235
901 Do'•er Drivf", Suitr 1'10 llcre·ir. a &reel "l\f'g Vt.r·
Nrwp:111 Beu.ch tlr" rlOOI. hon1e w1th formal
::;==:::::z:=:;;I din. I'm,, fam, nn., & 3 t'f.'111 ---z · good 1lzed bdrms. VaC'ant
Opf!n Sunday from 1 no"" 1'Ully f>(Juipprd s111nd-
:'..>.l COST.\ MESA S'T'. ard puol, A "CambrlrlJ:e Srr.
Thri,.·!li a 10-:1>1' "rll'l11.1·hcd i('.~" l10ntt•.
~ Bdrm. + F11rn lly Rm. 11ork11hop" plus ;1.n "cJdition·
01arn1lnt;: open bean11..'d 1't!ll· I al Iona multi·Pllll>OI!<' roon1 . ~ 546·~•·~
1 11111~ in f~n\ify l'tll, firl'.'lpl11c11 3 h'(()d Bilt'd bdrms plus O\' (Plt91'ciMmtl
ol nrt tur:il brl<.ic. r.ntl'Y 1111.ll. 1.'~lieit:I den CH· rU(n pu& roo1n: ~i\-~~~fi~U
full !K'parnlc dining 1·n1, 1 a10.rrio 1 ~ S.t6·5110
To\RHEL!. ,....., """"" O~UGERE1:\r',.!,. $24, 950 I
JSX!Adlmtatturbol:GM. l Bedrm + Den 1 ' H u~ family • natural bride
""'""'"'.:~~~O!!!O!!!•, flreplatt ~ntry hall, dlnln1t RICH IRWIN
LOVELY LakePttk hormi. 3
Br, 2 Ba, prof. la.ndtc•p1n1
& In!. 81ack1tolll! pa.Ho
wlBBQ. I rta.I 1ho\\·plAee..
AQumc 51~ ,.~ J.l IA lt1t1n
S:'O ii·t1 11:.'5-:lfi\!"t
I $28,950 rm. bu\lr.1011. Park llkt'yard.
Need 2 B•tha? 2!1 II, be1utlful poHo. 5-10.1720 t..a.rse tamUy hon1e, .tparltt TARBELL 2955 H•rbor
huae ftmUy rm, flrepl1c,., MONTICELLO
Wf-1 hit, bullt·in!, entry hall! l·BR tQ1l'nhouac. 2 Btttha. ~11'20 Blt·ln1, cp1s. drps.• Encl.
TARBELL 2955 H1rbor dbl. pr. wt&uto. oprntt.
4 BR, 1* 00, rim r1n. $21,500
'''e!'ltcllff P\1111 a.rt11., gh•I Gtort• Willlo1maon
rpts. shnde h"{'(lg, $28.500. REAi.TOR
1'"1n~11;i1'1i n l' ~II 2-2?22 673-4350 673-1564 Eves.
Set on approx. ¥.i acre near back bay. Ha!i
existing out bUildings. A·l ioning for horses.
Owner asking $28,650. Submil all offers.
2 story spacious two Bel. condominium. Patio
kitchen, gas BBQ1 plus 420 sq. fl bonus room
wilh dark room .. All this. and ju3t steps to
sparkling pool. Priced at $26,750. Owner will
sell , lease, or allow a lease purcha:;e. Owner
transferred and in a hurry.
164' frontage on Harbor Blvd., suitable for
restaurant or medical building. $1500 per
front ft. or make offer. Additional R·2 prop·.
erly in rear. ·
Become a reality in this 4 or 5 bedroom co-
lonial castle. Large masttr bedroom en·
dowed. S33.000 and on a cul·de·sac, with.
large fruit bearing trees. Seller will :pay all
assumption costs.
2629 Harbor Bvd., Costa Mesa
Open Houses
... , thle IMiMy dtrKttt'Y wit\ , ... ••T• ... nll4 "
fe• .. ..... •nlflthtt. All tll9 IM.rl-llttff MJew
.,. fftcrlltH ........... fttell ~. etlffftW .....
w,_r• 111 '"9y'1 DAJLT PILOT WANT ADS. P11tr•111
aMwll'lt 0,.111 housn fM Mio or te rettt ore ., ...
,_ ll1t pell lnf•rmotlo• I• fllft col•• .. ,. ff'lffy.
(2 Bedrooffi')
2003 Vista Caudel (The Bluffs) NB
613-8550 (Sal 1·5)
184 Merrill Place, Costa Mesa
548·781!0 (Sal & Sun 10.5)
(2 Bedroom & Family or Denj
330 Poppy, Corona del Ma r
673-6510 (Sal & Sun 1·5J
22 11 Flesla (The Blufls ) NB
613-8550 -ISun 1·51
13 Bedroom)
110 Via Cordova (Street to Strada) Lido
Isle, 646-3255 (Fri, Sal & Sun 1·5)
2141 Vista Entrada (The BluU•) NB
675-5930 (Sat & Sun 1·51
1519 Bonnie Doone Terrace. CdM
675-4031 : 613-0145 (Sal & Sun 1·5)
**731 Via Lido Soud (Lido Isle) NB
642-5200 (Sal & Sun 2·5)
*5101 Bruce ere.cent (Lido Sands) NB
642-5200 (Sun 1·5)
263 Buck nell (College Park) CM
546-5440 (Open Sunday)
723 Can1eo Highla nds Dr., Corona de\ Mar
613-2222 (Sal & Sun 1-5)
401 Ali so (Newport Heighls) NB
675-3000: 646-5221 Eves. !Sat & Sun 1·51
2007 Vista Cajon {The Bluffs) NB
673-ll5.IO !Sal & Sun 1·5)
401 El Modena, Ney,•port Beach
613-ll550 (Sal 2-5 )
2018 Barranco (Bluffs) NB
644-2039 (Sal 1·51
~84 Doreen Drive. Cypress
826'36t9 (Sal & Sun 12-9)
(3 Bedroom & Family or Den)
2298 Waterman \Vay , Costa f\.lesa
645-2000: 5411-6966 Eves. (Sat & Sun 1·51
41 51 Brandford St. (Huntington Harbour)
HB, 84tHl609 (Sal & &un 12-5)
2304 Fairhill Drive (Back Bay) NB
645-1141 : 548-6683 (Sat & Sun)
438 Ali so (Newport Heighls) NB '
675-4600 (Sal 1·4 ) * 1400 Lincoln Lane I \Vestcliff) NB
642-5200 (Sun I ·5 I
:116 Ruby. Balboa Island
675-7225 (Sun 1·5)
1407 Nottingham. \VestclifI ·
642·7777 (Sat & Sun 2-5)
320 Bucknell Road [College Park I CM
646-1543 <Sal & Sun 1~5)
20751 Aquatic Lane, Huntington Beach
968-1041 (Sal & Sun 9-5)
1706 Port Margate. Ne\v port Beach
673-8550 (Sun 2-5)
21JOO Alla Vista !East Blulfl NB
673-85511 I Sat & Sun 2·5 I
*2048 Cornmodort Road (Baycresll ?\'B
646-3255 (Sun 2·5 )
1218 Devon Ln .. \Vestcliff
&12·7777 (Sat & Sun 2-51
134 Harbor Highlands Road, NB
615-3000 : 644-0864 Eves. (Sat & Sun 2-4 )
2010 Vista Cajon IThe BluUs) NB
646-3928: Jl44.1655 Eves. (Sal & Sun 1·5)
225 Costa Mesa, C.M.
&15-0303 (Sun l·SI
' 14 Bed room)
233 Onyx, Balboa Island
673-t200 (Stln 1·5)
9712 Clearbrook, llunllnaton BHCh
54(>!640 (Sun !.SJ
219 Poppy, Corona del Mar
833-0700 : 644-2430 (Sun 1·5)
.J.}nJa J j/e
Ol'EN SUNDAY 11 ·5
16 Linda Isle Drive
Exquisitely decorated 5 Bedroom, 5 Bath
new home with upstairs view of Corona del
Mar hills. 3 fireplac .. & BBQ, CanWevered
patio deck. Priced wllb dock at .... U4S,000.
57 Linda ltle Drive
Must see 4 Bedroom 4 Bath home with patio
deck , sittin¥ room and fireplace in mailer
bedroom suite_. Family room ha& sunken con·
versation pit and fireplaces .... 7: .. -s1e2,ooo.
IO Linda Isle Drive
Nearing completion. 6 Bedr~m. 5 baths with
family room & large rumpus room. 3 Fire--
places. 4,246 S~. ft. of living area, inclucflqg
deck & boat shp. . . . .. . .. .. ....... $159,300
90 Linda Isl• Drive
Beautiful 4 Bedroom, 4 Bath home with e~tta
large living room & master Bedroom. Car.
pets & drapes. Landscaped. Boat slip. Near
lennis court & clubhouse ............ $135,000
4 Lln4• lolo Drive
Excellent 51 ft. Linda Isle leasehold water--
front lot. Excellent buy at $3!5,000. Will con·
sider trade for ocean vie'v home.
Linda Isle 01valopm1nt Co.
1090 l1y1id1 Dr .. N.B. Bill Gruntly 675.3210
21!01 Cassia (Easlblull) NB
. 833-0700 : Jl44.2430 (Sun 1·5 ) tt90 Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isle) NB
675-3210 1Sun 11·5)
*4639 Fairfield (Cameo Shores) CdM
675'.3331 (Sun 1·5)
*2001 Commodore, N.B.
-645-0303 (S un 1·5)
(4 Bedroom & Family ' or Don)
1921 Santtaao Drive, Newport Beach
548-9865 , (Sat & Sun 11·5)
1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB
646-1550 (Daily)
1338 Anligua (Baycre•l) NB
642-5200 (Sun 1·5)
3001 Garfield, North Costa Mesa
675-7225 (Sun 1·5)
2088 Centella, N.B.
&15-0303 (Sun 1·5 )
*1930 Santiaeo Drive (Dover Shores) NB
646-1550 (Sun 1·51
*429 Isabella Terrace, Corona del Mar
646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1·5)
*2005 Balearic Drive (M esa Verde) CM
540-7573 (Sat & Sun)
**57 Linda Isle Drive (Linda ISie) NB
675-3210 (Sun 11·5)
1210 Starboard (Harbor View Hills) CdM
675-3000 : 675-6772 Eves. (Sat & Sun 1·5)
239 Princeton (College Park) CM
646-llll (Sun l~)
18513 Lime Ci rcle, Fountain Valley
546-2313 (Sun 1·5)
*501 Kings Place (Newport Hei ghts) NB
&ll>-3928: 548-6769 Eves. (Sal & Sun 1·5)
*455 Catalina Drive {Newport Heights)
NB, 646-3928 : 646-2290 Eves. (Sal & Sua
1199 Paularino (Mesa North) CM
64Jl.8811 (Sat 1·5)
15 Bed room)
**16 Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isle) NB
675-3210 • (Sun 11·5)
15 Bedroom & Fomily or Denj
19512 Aragon Circle, Huntington Beach
546-5400 (Sal & Sun 1·5)
443 22nd Sl., Costa Mesa
546'2313 (Sun 1·5)
(6 Bedroom & Fomily or Don)
**BO Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isle) NB
675-3210 (Sun 11·5)
208 Purl, Balboa l1land
675-722~ (Sat & Sun 1·5)
4Ji Marigold, Coronadel Mar
613-8550 (Sun 1·5)
12 Bedroom each)
432 Fernleaf, Corona del Mar
675-5930 I Sal& Sun 1·51
516 Fernleaf, Corona del Mar
673-2222 <Sat & Sun 1·5 I
· 12 & I Bodroom)
4.fl FernleaC.rCo rona deI Mar
675-3000: 67S.4M& Eves. (Sun 1-5)
13 & 2 Bedroom)
4010 River Avenue, Newport Be1ch
546-2414 (Sun 1-5)
(2 Bedroom) ·
163 Morrislown (MonUcello) CM
540-lUl (Sal & Sun 1·5)
436 Emerson, C.M.
645-0303 (Sun 1·5)
(3 Bedroom)
138 Lexin1ton Lane (Monllcello Homes)
CM . ·546-8167 : 54Jl.44l3 (Sat & Sun all
(3 Bedroom & Family)
~11 Vista Flora (Tb• Bluff•) NB
71>7'7~ (Today 1-5) .. ~' ............ ... ,... .......... ..
llllllllll .. ""Jl!l!lll!llfll~lll!lll",~·"'ll"!l!'lll!l"lllJ"'"'llll!llllll'l!'lllllllllll!ll'"l!lllJl!l'!!'l!"'lll'l"' .. "'"'!l'~l\l'""' .. """" .. ""'"'"""'1""' ...... .., ........ .,...,,_..,~..,~~--":'.'~~~••••••••~~·•-•n••••••=••..,_.~,.,..,_,. -.-.--:~-:~~~--'"'"'"":;,:;p; .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, " 5.tt11rday, J•auary Jl, 1970
l'H.;.:OU=So=l!;:.S.;..F.;:;0.;.:R.;:;S.;.;A;;:,LE;;:._-'H"'-0'-U'-S-E_s_F_O_R-'S-A_LE...,.,_H_o;..;u;..:s..;;e-.s .. F""O"'R-'S""AL;;.E;;..,._1 ·H-07US..-,,E_S :-F_OR_SA_L_l!=:-H::-0.!!~.~ ~OR ~~~~ ~SES FOR SA':!._, f HOUS es FOR SALE HOUSES F R Al E HOU
Genval .,J 1800 Gener~) 1000Gen1rt1I JOOO ~trtl " 100QG1n1r1I .. 1000 Gen''"' IGOO Gtntral 1000General 1000Gtn1ral
You may th ink we '" Number TWO. May we teTI you some of Jli n
Macnab Realty Company's 19&9 Number ONES.
• 1. Highest price for a single family lot 1n Newport Beach histqry.
2. Mosf hom'es sold on beautiful Harbor Island.
3. Highest price paid for bayfront leosohold ~ts ;n both \ind1 Isle
and Dover Shores.
4. Highest price paid for a Dover Shores home.'
• 5. Highest price paid for a Linda !~It home .
Y:le present with pride, the sloff who accomplished lhese recor<ls.
CATHY, DfA'r1(
YON otxna
TOM TUR .. ll
MA~NE \1(1\LIAlt.S
For th-e first time in sixteen yedrs, we have more buyers than home
listings. We need and can service your ..sales listinqs in the following
Bayshores, Harbor Island, Linda Isle, Dover Shores, Baycrest: West ..
cfiff Irvine Terrace, Camtio Shores, Cameo Hi9hlands, Eastbluff, . " Shor,eliffs, Corona Highlands, Harbor View Hills, Lido Isle, Irvine
Cove, all View and Bayfront homes.
• W~ CO-~ferat~ _::ith all brokers. . .. . .
We can "Sell YOUR home.
Tod11y we offer some of our finer listings :
A MINIATURE BAYFRONT MOUNT VERNON -from t he grac!!ful curvln1;
5ta11.,.,·ay in the l""O story entry you viCw the i;rassy terrace leadini: to y~r P~
vate float . 3 hearths to ''arm you and a den lhal"s a rnan·a drea1n. A quiet atr
or clc"'ancc adtnh·cd. bul difficult to achieve. 3 ;eneL"ous bcdroonls. \VIII expand
to .:i if' ~ou \li!\11. GO fooc .. r OOyfront. 5139,500. Open Sunday. JOl Evening S tar
BAYFRONT -Brand 1n'1• -!'Olnpletcd today. Onr of the lovrlicsl 4 B.lt. bay-
fro11l horncs 11·r IH1\·c offered in 1nany years. Situated on 60' uf bayfronL l!igh
rcilings, n1a;;nifi1·1,nt 1nastcr suite. frin1ily roo1n, forn1al dining roon1. mort' l·losrts
!han you t·iui H!\f'. Srr 1hi:< bcauly. 8169,500. Op<•n daily. :>Q:l i\\ornlnf.: .::itar Lanr.
,.IT FOR a Homan F:n1µcro r. \Ve 1>roudly pr~sf,!nl lhii. .Bayfronl 111an:;io11 ~·hleh
rl'Cl"('atrs th<' 11ura of .an lrn pt'rial Oynii.sty. 5 Bedroom. 3 bath home siluatf•d !Ill
120 .{\. of ~C"TJOrt Bay. Cornplelc '''ilh pool house conlaining Lolus Bath. Sauna
B11t.h, mas.i.a&c roo1n. drl'SSi n&" rooms. A unique property, rornplPlrly c·11~1 01n fur-
111~hcd \\ ilhout l"('J;lird to l·osl. orr.ercd II{ S42.l.IXX'I.
VIEW -Brau11fully land.~capc'CI h(lTil<' 11·i1h l"Ourryard rntry ll'ading to pan1i-
ran1ie 11P11·. Large liv1n:; room \\"ilh vic1v of the cnlirt" bat·k bay. den, 4 lar::;c bed-
rooms. •1 s1J3ciou.~ baths. all rlcell'it kitchen, dining roon1, n1arblr rirrplaer. (1vrr
3000 s(1uare fct.•l. $89.500. Open Snt. & Sun. 1130 Sentieg11 Drlilc.
CUSTOM BUILT. -Our 1nosl unique hon1c. d!'Cj)l'ft!ed lJy interior Dcsii::ner-
t )\\"1l('r.j Dcsl~ncd by Ot)l' or San ~'rancisco's l<.'adint; a1·chill'Cl1'. Unusual pool i!lnrl
trrracr pcrfce1 for rntertainmcn1 and n..la:1:ation. J bedrooms. 31-! balh~. 11arn1
'family room. Plnnnrd for •·xpanslon. Sl49,500. call for apt.
UNUSUAL -RARE AND BEAUTIFUL. /\ truly lovely •I bedroom hun1r. Dininiz
room 1vith ga rden alrlun1. J t>ath.~. powder room. luxurious family roon1. clcclrir
b lackout d1~~. enorn1ous nr•v pQO I 111ith jat"Ul7:1. /\ti this in a dramatic sellinl!.
l\lr . 11.nd !-!rs. bath in m11.ster bt.'<iroo1n. 3 f'ncloscil patios. Tn1mrn:-tr '"'''rd. frncrd
11rru fc1r ~an1r.o:. play-yard l)t" kennel. S95,000. Uy ,1111i0intmrnl.
·Do vou ""ant something special in a 5 bcdroont hutne~ \Ve offer formahly and
ro1n.forl allrl'lcti1·eJy con1 bined in this Cameo Shores Eslalr Large formal dinin;::
l"OOln. a refll family room and bookcaiscd lined livini;-room. s.-·lmming pool rn-
hanced 11i1h hc"·autih1 I l11nd~1·\lpin-::: a' a 196fl prit·r of $7!tj('IO. Opc•n 81111 i:l:lh
Ro., bury.
Qu!standinG; Vlei•· }Jon1es. :l Beaulie>s to choosr (ron1 . .:; lo ;, bedJ 001ns fron1
:S-16,SOO to rt4.950. \'l~1 1 0111· E:Sstbluff rrrre>$rn1ath·r 111 Finl' B1snn. il~11 hou~r
Sa!u rd11~· & Sunday I to :i.
' .. VIEW -l::njoy seclusion in thi> 1nidsl or 1he city. hii.:;h oo 11 hill •11th a nia~n1f1·
1·rnl 1·ic"· of ocean and canyon. A Uu-ce bedroom n1astcrpleC<', rhorou::;hly n1od-
"r11. \)ilncllcd in rose1vood, tet1.k 11nd mahoi;tu1y. rlcetronlr kitchen. flefrigeratrd
111r conditioning:. S1.,.ln11nlng llOl"!I. And you o"·n tht' land. \Vrll pri<'•'cl at ~11!1.:)flf).
Call for appoint1nent .
VI EW LOT -~:xcrJ lrnt \11rgc residential Int 11l1h 11111t:nlfirenl 180 df't:l"!'" "'"·111
11(•11· y .. q 11\111 the land. Ai.kin~ S.:!.'i.000 00,
\Ve ~l"IC'CL<!.)Llf' in bny!ront ~lOllU!!! in all ?Tice rani;t'li. Visit this ~>.-i:cplional ba1·-
1=:.i1n j:.,I f('('I of 00.) front 11 ith pie"r and sli'p. 3 bcdroonui. rach !"ilh ii~ 01v n ba.lh.
ro r 1hr 1011· asking llrlct> of $105,000. Open t.·londoy lhroui:;h Sunday -!\o Jf"Jfi
l~111da Isl(' Dri1 r·
BAYFRONT LOT -Ci' 011 lhe 11'atcr l\'llh ... 1r1.,. dn11•n lhr Islands ,·enlral Yacht
l t11·n1n~ basin ,\ brautiful 11'8lcrfront site. Price: S60.000. See salcs1nun at Nn JOii
l.Jnd~ l~le Drivr fron1 10:00 11..ip. lo 3-CJO p.1n. t.Jonday lhrough Sunda.v.
LINDA ISLE BAYFRONT -Beautiful 3" bc'<l roo1n, ·\1., be th. 2-slory homr r:cal
family roon1tu11cc1tmri3~1~ billiard !Able. ~taster suite 11 ith rirrplat't'. forn1al d1n-
i11; room. ~<'1.:lr11 1 r lll<lids r1uarll'r~. All this fnr SJ.\l/100. Open Silt. k ~Un N•1 I I
Lrncfa' J,lr.' ·' • · • •
COLLI NS l$LAND IAYF"ONT -A rt8ll)o cxcCJ.ltluna.l ba11fronl hon1r (•11· ynur
W fool Y11.cht 11•ith 11 brc11thta.king v1c.."lv, Pfcr &. flOfll. Tht'<'f' bcdroo111~. 1naid'~
l"Oot)l. den k: forn1BJ diJiin&; rQOOl . ,f.Xf/llisilo'ly dr~·•11"1\l1'fi Tr1lly ITirtJ:nifi•·o'lll (')(.
f('rrd a l $:.!35.000. Appl. only
We will also custom build ,.)'our presti91 home
View & B•yfront Rentals from $1 ,000 P.er Mont h
;ohn macna"
Dovor, Pr., Suite .1~0 t 642°8235
I! you are in the market for a
NEW hon1e. see these outsland-
ing custon1i zed hon1c .... built. bv
.F'rank ti. Ayres and Son, locat-
ed in a prin1c area very close ~o
tluntington State l:>eac:h. The
homes are priced fron1 $27 ,550
to 833,690 and ·vary in size fr'om
3 t9 4 bedroon1s, 2 lo 3 car ga r-
ag~s and 2 to 3 baths, \vith
.... shake or mission tile roo(s, fire-•
places. underground utilities •
concrete drive\\Pay s. built-ins.
and carpeting. There is VA and
FH . ..\ financing available. 'ri.~re
a re 9 hon1es available bet ause
oLc:redit rejections. Oc~upanc)'-,..,
by J\'Iarch 1. 1970 in this unit.
Our next unit is now on sale for ..
occupancy in !\lay and .lune
1970 (\nd introduces the ne\\'
3,000 sq. ft. "El Dorado" nlodel -prrcea rrom S34.490.
Rancho La Cuesta Homes
on B"ookhurst at Atlanta,
Hu nt ington Beach
968-2929 -968-1338
' '
SUN AND SWlt.1 r
kJUoy ll~l)"lil,: fl!! ~-l•ta•
pr1v111r lu-,lll)' lauJsc·yil'<!
J).tliU •ll' J~·\a;.\; ,Ul..<f /If• l::,!~11 0)
In;: l'!'ll't' lllll.I! pf}l:)J.,' 11tf'
hn111c• ulf1·1·~ a 1t·a1· )J\ 1111;
l~lOlll II 1tb l!r("f\j(I.• 0
itLI'\ \
1 .. ~11<~1111~.-lv.u hfl tli~. Ill'
IN(: .\f{l~A. lwt•.tkl;~·! I \
anol 1111111 ·!1\ r l11ctrir l.toilf·llll11
l)<1ul1l,. 1:1u,ta11' 11h1 ~ \Wlrk '
11h•1• vtC l'\li;,lil ld li:>. IJJ<'•l·.
i·J 11t·iu· l!.\1\gl)lt Jlll:ll 1•'
1n·u S'J'1tt-:1t,,! ~I !Of'PI -
C.li:N1'fR P1·1t't'il. to •·u a·
$:lll,;Jo[M1. -\\ ll/J l('L"n\." tl~I
1·<on hr '1'" Iv· I ,·111
~me-=r o Westclff.f
ll;1nrl~· !I F".t!1h~iar\1 In Nf,., I
1!'111 1•ond11 1u11 ••Tl !uq.;t• lrt'•·
~harl1'd 1.,1 with aflc.1 11('•'•'"·
nlcni.v .. r 11)(1111 fu1· h1111t ,\
lra1lt·1· -lh1n;.:o·. ivtn;:<'I'
lnr a11d 11a~tu·r 1nC'l11d1•d
521.;;oll -Sl'it'O r11•11·n i11111
01.,.nrr111llr<11'11·Tl!<1t !'~ ,_
-I ti!6·iljl Jl6-:!::I:; looo I General
Beautiful executive ~ Bdrn1. 3 Bath hon1c.
Tastefully carpeted, di·aped & furn . by dec-
orator. Loe. on th e green at 10th hole of Ber-
n1uda Dunes 27 hole gol f course. site of 1iic
Bob I-lope Classics . I.f as 2 golf carts & S\vhn
pool . Bermuda Dunes Country Clu b .n1embe r-
sQip avail . Ask $95 .000. Xlnt terms available.
Linda l5le Development Co.
1080 B~e Or., N.B. s;11 Grundy67S-3210
.. ~-. l . --------
Missin g The
Back 40?
1 ll•'l t' ~ I ~ .U"Il' Pl.I.,.. In
B.t1·k Hai 111th ;: Ill!.'" .,
1~1u1 ,\· i:i.,:n· l'"'r 111'h1ll\·.
111.: t. ... 1nl T•·• 1 I!\ "r \ .\
HI" Jn'. do·1 ll
$27,500 i
General 1000 I General 1000 Newport I
ror Pe1wn&l Inspcct1on
1 ~-A-· M-0-ST -
Vic toria
646-881 1
)"kw 00111et1, ho1nr sitr~
\lic11• si!c $21.0CO -U11
Irvine Ave. I
fl<I. '.""' & ~"'· Baek Bay I
Channing ft-cnch 1lecur 'l 8 1•
lk'n. lt·.,.illt' Terr!lCf'. 5<12,:JOO
1319 Bonnie Coone • OPEN SUNDAY l.S
:! BH .. ,r()(',n -$40.:l('o
2910· Cliff Or.
E.\rc·urivr 11icw hun1r · SiS .. -ro,
3 Br .. def!, dining, pool
4545 Tremont Ln.
& A5sociates
675,4392 ~-I
Tvru1 \\"ells I.: ~un~ have
JUS1 1·on1plr1rd :I hrand 11r1v
ho111rs, resdy lor ii111nedi-
.11r 01.:cu11an(')', -t hllr1n:.. :I
balh!I plus po1vd1-r t'OOlll.
Pat1ellecl f;tmily 1i10n1 11·1
f11'Cplacr. t~ot•n1al d1nin{:
room·k11chr11 breakf<1 s1 ;i1'C'a.
Luxu1·1ously carpelrd. Land-
si.:apcd CUUl'ly:u'!j II I} 0 I s.
rron1 $106,000.
Ivan Wells & Sons
t:"pprr Bay EASTSlD~ ho111t'
nn IJWt'l eul-<le·Slll'. Bxp<>n-
s11·e carp<'!!!. dl'l!.p;'tt' and ,.x-
11u1silc (lt'toratini.:-gff'!·l~
~·oo as you 11'aik into a11 f't•··
gant hving 1'1)()111 11irh 1·ai~d
Jlcar!h rirt'plnc1·. Thr<'1· ,.'I·
1n1 lari::•· t11"lnx1111~ 111n
11ul1111u11 h.a1l1s. Thr h1'1i;h1
chet'ry kilt·hrn ha!! h111l1-tn~
1100 riishw<i~iJ,'r. Thr fan1it,1 1
1110111 hai; sliding-gl11~1t flour"
tn a hUJ;:I' 11Jurn1nu111 cu\('J'·
< ·u;-.,;1){l~1J;.; 11·~1
" :!1• ht1ih. ~pill 1<'1,·I .: • 1
lwll low111in 1, .. ~n1,• \ .,•\,
('n111pl~11·h 11111 1n1,·1·1 .. 1 •lo·
1~lr \'11,·.111!, •"I'.' I' "'''
l ~1.1k, llr,1u11r111· ~ ;i;,•1. i'
Open Today 1-5
411 V ista Flora
rd 11u110 l<Urrourttlrd Ii~ a fit, ~Ji:: Bkr 11" ~· 1
llC';1u tlfuJ lu1111 TI1is 111·11h• ------------
or n•vn1•1111i111 110111r , . .,11 n.· OPEN HOUSE
,\IOlll'l'I for nn ly S.:14.950.fiJ
l-~\'t•111n;;s Call 616·\Ji"!I
~ ., ... , I ''
: l w<"lr.~i1111-_ l'i hflih• J•lu·.
11••111111• 11111! lh11v•t' 11 ill 1111
1111 .. • \,, Ir•'" "l' ""''' ,,1
I ,.,..,~.! '!
$lj()I) 1luw11. :I hdrn1~ ~ liaJh~.
fa1111ly r•,u!ll. ~rrl"u"!' 11•11\'ll,
fin •pltu·1· .~· all ti1.uh ·Hl~. A
fa111ast1t• liuy ;11 J;i:.I )!"ar~
111"il:t of $2i T.1!1 C ,\ I. !.
5 1G·l l ~1l llt·1 1tai:;:t• n 1·:i ! I·:~.
!.:ltl" (oprr1 ('\'t·~l 1
BIG SPLENDOR S ;,z· Lhl" 1,11• ll 1>·i1nrit !'i>
.\· ~11r. ~·,.1ri.1 p, .. ,,1, 111.i"
fc11u1l;i. fi" Ip· ir1 r•"'
:tl•'lL :: !11ln 11~. I 1, ,IJ1•
111:;111' ... SJ~(i l't I\
Roy J. W ~rd Co. You've Seen the Re st
Now See The Be st
THE BLUFFS , that'!•
2141 Vista Entrada
Open Sat., Sun. 1-5 e BOYD REAL TY e
I I HHVl"!1""1 CJ!.
11.:11 G11lni.y
'' ll111J~"~ "" :.; I 1, .• ;-.., ,,1
I(" v, ("11:\1 . I '1 ll"< ,J !J • ,, I
:l!i:l!l f•:. Coi!S! Jh1). f'1t \l 11111!1 1u/111• L1po• 11,r •l•1,~
0 675-5930 • J\Pllc •r 1•11;,• ii 1"1).."
--2-D~UPlE-XES-"B/8" RE"J TY
I ·~ BH . ~·2 P.R .: ::.RI! r·;1r. lii.1.;:n1n .dli-1'';,.! l ~··,
1·1 ·.i. Vi' 111. lni·I. k1h·hc11 ... BEACH BA RGAIN
ha1h. f1w u11u1•r 1ni;r, -\J111 :!·."I~ 1 l\n 1111:ii.u·ul·••·'
lr11• -N"irtly 1ariilllC'IJfl ••1!h .\!t'I'' 111 ,,,,.,,. t'i 'rp
Open Sat/Sun from 1 r;i1·h ~anl renr£'d·ll1 f,w 1"1 I' i., hi• 11
2043 PAL0fl1A ORJ\IE ~·a1:y • Gr06.\iO,,; $j,IO . tu~ I ori1v $26,i;~o
IIardwOOd rloors. l11.•111111ru! aild. inform Qi.II· CAYWOOD REAL TV
!l'Cf"-lioed sn·•>et, a ~·'~" CHIL T ROBINETT I 6JW ,\V, c:o.it1 }t\ry'., NB
loan 1(1 tilkf' ovrr II!"\' JllSI Hl·:ALTOR 64:rn12~ • 548--12.90 •
~01nP of lh<' f1•a\Uf'•'~ h<'rf' -BALBOA ISLAND-ASSUME~--
Sl"L· ii -1nakr <trlY 1•rason· :?3.1 011)'X -Op,'n !'uu. 1-'.i I 60' LOAN
alllr oCf<'r -mov1• in t(l. l.<l l'\:r fan11!y lionH' 4 Arlnn~. /0
1nor1u11 1 i\1od. bath:<. Bh-111s. •lln. ll.C';1111i'1d 1111.11<'. I' .1 •n ii .,1,
S46·~SO ! 1·111 .. frpl. :ro· IJ1 <·~;' Furn / J.,11. 1 BdJJn JI 11o • nfl
lntaic mrrN tll!am) IJl>I. i:ur. S58.roo. \J(YI{/ r111 h.1il. 1: :1111~ J Ill I .. ,. r I 1ul;.
LLEGEREALTY A.nciog 111 61:'·•' 1111. 1,11:11111·,.: .,1t11,•.
lSOOAd.tms1tH1"9r,CM. RALPll 1/JNC ER. Rr11l!n1· '.".'l-17 I •19il. PARK 1\VI-:. 60.~12011 "''''
~-u. e~
' Paul'· Whlte ·Carnahan
Realty Co.
OUR 24th. YEAR
Let yours be next ..;_ call now and start
pa cking -our extensive advertisinq and
multiple listing ser-vice will do the wor-rC-t
for you.'Over 850 sales people who meet i
. "· ~1! I "buyers in all areas. W~ have waiting buy·1!
ers now!
Tin\ in111tt1•· 11<'11 ! v
1•;•:1•1,.1; t>drn1. l:i1ll 1\.10111
IHH :o' l\uli"I J.1~1. 1 '·, ha.
~··1· 1/111 I 111. ~l'llt']OUS II\'
1•111 11 /flc>.•r 111 l'1'1hni:-
);11.1 1q1•k frpl!', Quah!~
\1/111 er"' lhn1out. Briglil
klrrhr11. slovc & refl"i(I'
ln••t. Fr ncrll y11.rrl
•1 p;11111. (lnl) $21,.'100 -
•1G-.1 l IO
.!1•._1 !·Cir!! illld flJ\rrrl J,,
1·ll 111 \!•·'•l Y•·l·11r, f.,ur
l1••d1<0flll .. , t11q h" th".
J.·1:.:• ~u,.. r.1111il,v r•,,.11 11 .
H .. 111•1111! l111·11lll•'<'. rc;il
loll'< 'Iii, lllM! 11i~t)H""
~-' 1•0! l:•·lh•r hur1·,'
I • <! I 111;1110 'Ill:_ ii\ ,1iJ •
,.1,1i ;, u; .. ; l·JO
.... ,J., Ye inlu !hj,~ 1m1
11 .. 11·•d.1I•· l lu•dnKull 11nrl
r 1: :! lr1111!•1111•111porA.ry
111·~:1·1 n. l•>t.il•·d 1111 <1u11•!
~I .,,,q u"i \lf'MI rlrl \l,11·
r.1: 111~ fill'! 'f'fll"klr !o 1h!.~
1•1;1r1··1!u1~ k111•hrn LJ1,1Us
111 Til•·. )'Pl"1'\'l"d li:,:h111ll!"
111.1~1!·1· h;i!I,, 11111~ ln1!!
··~1,.,,.. 1\ lf'<d !1nnr.1·
!· r 'l"'.:1 ;no
Sl'Jys out-of-town owner
11ri·lrt•n nlfln· t111ild1n:: I;
>-ILll•' n1uld h<' S s111tr~.
l•ri1r•111111I 111 .. on1r n r
S!ilO.INJ, ('h•1!1•(• ll'l(·a11ro11
"fl i\;1•\\IJllt'I Hl1·1I.. ,\skin;:
JH", do,\\ II tHI ~11]!' Jl l'it'<' n(
~l...'11.l~'ll, ~· 11;.:.110
:\ br-dmom, 3 bal~
fQ1in11.I dinlnj:' rnon1.
Cl11sr t1' ,..::llllorr. Mush
rrlic, Chvncr says 1nu~t
srll 110 'TC'duet!d thr pn1·"
~1~100. Good 1,11.~111i1111
, ln~r tn all l!Chooh nn11
only $37 .000. 5·ll:5·."'i ! Jll
11f'•'Or is Ol"icJital )lodrn1.
1lou.o;e i~ thl' shrill<'. ;\ltun-
1,11n<'d In Jl!•J·fr~·J1on lhi~ ;:
l1ih•n1 ,\ (a111 rn1 i~ ready
!•> 111•1\I" ill 8i_ O<'fU!J.I .
l ~irAI' <i11 . 'r~•l~Q ~·
tw•11ulllul rr.i r I i\.O d II c ,
f•ln1phmt'n1.• 011" hlvr ly
lofl111r. Now j11~l
5 1/4 11/o LOAN
1111(1 illlf'l'Ol>l ra.lo \\On'
i.:" tq•~ Spo1·k1ing ."l
V II hor111• i11 ll •Jl 111·1•11 •
~,'.:: I S·~~1;;i:~
1nenl~ ~ll)U rnoo1h. nn-
1.v ~~~.;,on. llurryl
~•-lti-:¥1 1n
You n1u~1 .'-1'1' rh1.~ ch&n11-
1111: :J. BB horne 11ith
~1111rkl1ni.: l:lx:io 1)('Hll.
IJ1ri.;1• 11vu hor.~r st;ilJJr
11 ilh !;1c•k 1"011111 ·~ n<·r•'
1111 111akr'.~ !hi.~ ~ bll.\' nl
s:1:1 .100.
:::,Wccplnc vlsta a.,.
home 1bovl! the cloud' ~
ovcrlookin~ the shim-~
:':, I S~O·LDI~~; l lwJr.-11 JS1te '\
llSSUI ghtS : roon~ vieW'~
Ins 1 Ill: &'1
! he Ulur Piiclflc -180 4
rlrc:1·c-r 1·1('11· At $·17.950 ,
11 1~ 11 drra1n comr trur.
t,,u·:.:r f'flr!lrr lo1 in Hca11
nf \fr~a Vel"rl r . Jin·, 1 111Pdiu1r pi-1~~('s~ion In ~
1r11 nlfllr<l hu.1rr. Nc11•ly
11;iln1rd 111 11nd out. Closr
lo ~JI .~hool~. Owner haJ
n1nv<'rl 11nll 01ui;I sell this
! t11..-huo1n 11t11l ~'/R for
only $1.1.!UI. UW"t"Y and
\'/d[ UI' II will bl'
~one. ~ 16-0lto · f
"i1h nu\sler bath ad-
Joi nlnlf bclrn1 -hugr 18 "
11" df'O. fao11Jy roon1. pool
roorll -1:<11! II 111\at YO\~ • • likr, r1~·n a dormatory.
Clo~r h• 5C'hOOI!! iii shops.
fil~ 111nsl • hudgel~ 111
s~~-~i)IJ :..t6-~.1111 : I
F1·1cndly U1rcc bedroom
rlen home. The '1.oaclow · I
room5 en,..un1pas11 many
f<'aturl'~ for l...'l"acious
Hvln;:. IJ"s Ui.i.: in thr
d~hl pla1·<'~ and tha1"~
i111purt1111l fol' lhr gl'O\\'-
ini.: f11n1il)" 829.930. Call
N{l\V ~ {Hr f11rlhrr rlP-
1 >t II~. ;i•Hi-5440
With Loan Assumptions .
·He re Are Three To Choose From:
" r
S11<1°/o .GI
·nui. 11•lri"t lru;! l1>n;.: .
llu1r~' l!Hrry: llurry!
'l'rt kr 111rr Slfl.txMJ CT loon
'l"lfi~ 1~11nnulh r,1rr \l11n}
111• •' 11ppn1qt111ent"1.
S.1s.;, 110
~•o\i ~; ~·HA loan ran IJf"
:>.-t~ttn1rd .. 1 kini.: slit' tlNl-
rr!flm-t •I lxJ.1 or lnr:::-rr•
t1a11i :ttld '4. This hornr in
('(l!lrr:r P1u'k il'f hit:!..'f''!
11u·wl<.'I 111111 In hr•11 nd 11rw
1•ont1lll11n. ,\II hl!-!11 .'.
r111~11 •'phi .t dropr~
1hl'\1..,Jl11. ,,l(,...jl lO
lirau11rully 11 ppoinlcd
lhr~'r hcrlroon1 plus shinl· •
nu•r1ng 2(),c.j(l pool. Priecri ,
11! s::tooo this home ti.a :
;issu1nablc 6"' 'Jf, nt:A
S2;:J.!1KJ loan pa YA b I e
sm.oo pc1· •honth incl'd
PIT!. $G.OOO 11\0'>'t'I you In.
"The Home of Complete
Rea I Estate Service"
Hccall!I Co.
1093 BAKER STREET, COSTA MESA 546-5440 •
' \
.. '
• ••-.. ., • ••• I •~ •· .. . . .. . . . ... .. --:--:-'· . .. .. . .. . . . -· ... •' .... " . . .. . .. -. , ....... ' .. ' . -
General MO
MIHlon Vlofe 170I
H•-Unfumiollool --
4 Ovtoton4ln1 luy•
Coron• llel Mar
2 DUPLEXEs. Owntr ~·ant:s
otter NOW!
GREAT BUY NEW 4 & FAM RM 1-----'-· -2 1t0l). 4 Bdr It 3 BL L&e IMMEDIATI; POSS'ESSlON.
tarn nn w/b&r. f'u1l crpb 1 Immaculate 3 bdrm 2 llltb
drp1, lltlf-dcanlni oven. home. $190/mo. Abo f
' --~ '" Pvt bdmt 3 bo.lh + bon111 toom-Sld«lllll Harbor Vlew Hilu with BAY. har·
bor, ~tlllna & LIGHTS oui..tandlng from
thla locaUon. 3 lrg Bdrms, 2 BA, tiled gold
rnedo!Uon kitchen. slate entry. quality crplS
It drps lbruout. l..rg Terraced patio, 2 \\'IY
frplc, garage opener & n1ore quality EX·
TRAS . $55.000 & terms. OPEN SAT & SUN
PM. 1014 Sea Lane, Corona del Mar.
bl;ick to octllfl,
3 & 4 bedrooms, 2 b.th homes In
be1utlful Huntln9ten lklch. -· co .. ..--pa""'. ' dub. $39,500. $350/mo. Aho :S bdmu 2 4 llDllOOMS -3 liATHS
SPARKLING l'OOL $23,990 L.a Pa~ R.I.. 130-0700 baths + bonus room.
Salev.•ay Ctntr.r, $2M/mo. CAIL ~
Pr.Uulon Viejo (open tVt'J) SOunJ COAST IASY FINANCING -$11,500 BIG n.mbUnz fanu.ly home
on 45' lot. Owner rttdy to
C•ll 17141 '62·1353 PRICED To ~II! La Pu
Home. Cu$tom Xtns. Vef"1
Clean, By Own. 137...f144
Wm. Winton, Realtor
229 Marine, l1lboa Island
10 AM 'Ill 7 PM RENTERS: LOOK! l
Hundred1 al HOUlel I: Apt.a.
?!lost areas, 1 Bdrm to 7
Bdmt. S7'3 to $400. Avail tmm * Call Susan 6'5-'464 "t
675.JUI Open •11r t Eve.ry Nl9ht 2 BR.. Con~, Owner will
/Ina.nee. ::.owest prict in
644-29CJ5 OWNER * -· On Brookhurtt 1t Atfant• Apto. For Solit 1910
--------------~---~~ SEMPLI
General lOOOGtner.tl 1000 Costa Mffe 1100 Newport Be1ch
1=;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 -~~~
2515 E. O>i.At Hwy, ~210J
1.. CoUege Pork
Model Hom•
Ori9in1lly On Cover Of
Better Home1 &.
t.iodel. View. Shown Sat l: OF HIGHWAY ~:.1m:Y c>wnn. Ca ll Just listed In choice area
· Duplex 11'ith 2 Bedroom home
Lido Isle 1351 Latun• Hfll1 1700 ~ NE\V deluxt 2#9-12
l. 24 units, \Valk to
be I c h. App1~ciatill1
lsebold. Fabulous 1 o c .
$57,500. Jackie BruM aa:t
213: 5.92-2507.
LEISURE \Vorld l..aiWla ,,... IJ'l!a. Owner I B.ldr.
Hills, Barcelona, Vacant. • Lindbori: Co, 536.-2519
Inuned Possess. 2 Br. Dill I ·R=E~N~T~A~L=s-=--=---
Pullman Ba. Sll,co>. Ph. Houus FurnishM
4~1-5682 or &37-8!30
$140. 3 Br. 4-plex, RIO,
crpts. Chll~n welcome.
Blue Beaoon, M~ Ot'.
4--RENT-2 Bdrm. Bltns.
Carpet " drapes. $150.
, Garden1
Tl Unique homl' . 4 bed1'00ms 6 Seautit'ul units. 6 Car garages & ut1 1 Y plus exciting family room,
t:A YFRONT PEN'rnOUSE ,,.,;th, patio ~ Income apart. I"========
Panoramic view. 2 BR, 2 Ba. ment always rented. $48,500 Huntington leach 1400
Docks, Pli.500 10% dn. 7~ m3a50 La9un1
int. MeKeniif:, RJtr 646-0132
BWITS • 3 BR. 2 BA. &'Pill·
level condo. $29,500 or
lease/option. 644-Xl.19
leech 1705 $160. 2 BR Cottaae near
beach. Yearly. Blue Beacon,
645--0W, at
* can SUSAN &45-"'4 sdn *
$150. Nice 2 BR home. Stove.
Yard. Family Welconw.
Bkr. 534-69SO
room. wit.h 85 ft. fronting on excellent swim· Huae uised brick lil"l!pla~
ming beach. Units are newly furnished. Ask· with Bar • B . Q rotisserie. lBrokt-r tee'
SAVE $3,000
ing SlM.000. Excellent terms available. BeautiluJ new ca~s and
dt'Rpea, l.ar&e corner Joi .
Undo Isle Development Co, room for ""''· ''"""· '"·
For Solo by Ownor
Newport H1l9ht1 1210 OPEN SAT., SUN. 1-5 . 2900 1q. It.
10IO Bayside Or., N.8 . 8111 Grundy 675-3210 Fut possession. $29,9.30. ti'1l! --'---~---1516 FERNLEAF. Duplex, Homt" in So. Huntlnrton Crest HOME wrrH .so. of H\\')', 2 BR. each. 2 with view ot coutlioe. city l!!!!!~!'!!!'!!!'!!~!'!!!!!!T-!!'!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!~1 dO\l'n. 646-7171 GUEST HOUSE i;Tpta .• :? patios: new car-&: mtru. 4 Br with muter
pe11n& &; panelina in fronl 1uile, 2~ Ba, '.! llreplace5, 1000 en.rel 1000 A rare find! Otarminz ~ bed· unit Priced for quick ule! aunken dinina: rm, built·ins,
Swttping oc'C.11.n \•it \\·
Expensively built home
a1 4633 Orrington
:1 Large bedroom.•
(ol'mal dining a1•rt1
vir1,· fan1ily l'OOm
17x3,j Pool
.Just reduced!
°'4'11f'r 1vil.I nnanl.'t
Now $98,750
O,,.n House Sunday 1·5
Listed Exclu5i1•e:Jy \\'i!t1
Near UCI. P1ize '.I Inning 4
bdrm 2\~ bath \vith a.trtum ·
2100 sq ft. Vacant & ready
for execuli111'. Sell ol' lea~
option .
Fonner modrl _ Loaded "-'ilh
~xtras. Glamorous 14' trans-
lucent beamt'd ceilill&'. Nor-
man brick Dooring & pant'l·
led y,•alls.~i~ ~xciting atri-
um & oursfvlndlng vie\Y arr
jui.1 2 of the features you
ll'ill wan! lo stt in !his 4
bdrm, l bath, 3 car garaae
beauty. Lw.:.uriously carpel·
f'(I, dl'aped, landocapc!d. full
price $89,000.
Roy J. Ward Co.
t Ba,ycrezt OUiCt' 1
1430 Galaxy 636-1.);)()
Family home. estate :srlt
lot! BtautifuJ two 11to1y
11•ith 4 bdrms dinina: rm .,
den, Jiv. rm: with ma~·
~1ve used b1ick frplce,
J helhs. All in perfecl
rond. 0\l'ncd by Corp.
,<\nxious to di~posc or
property. <..i\&nce for •
real bargain. A ~ k i n i::
•• ".· ;\ -I.' ·, .
54 6-599 •,
Open Sunday from 1 PM
2ro3 SO. CAPELl..A CT.
IGT1"a1 ne1\' Pacesetter list·
lni:. N t w I y redecorated,
11.n·1un1 C'n!ry. Owner tran,;-
ftt'l'Cd • anxl<M.li;.
.Ml·SllO c..-c....,.~ ~!:~t.~r!
Dover Shores
I 138 Lexington l..ane
Nothing Comparablc-$20, 750.
3 BR, 2 Ba. Btwn WilM>n I.:.
t·air on f'airview-Monticello
This lar~e fam ily home In Condominium. 5·16 -8167,
Nonh Costa Mt:IM. \\'ith all 548-4493
~ built-ins lnchxUni a wa· ~~=~----
te-r conditioner needs a little SOUTH
TLC. Priced w.,, und<r mar-CO AST
ket. P.urry • this ,·:on't lai.t. "
'42·1771 Anytime
is just 2 minutes a.way from
th is .t Bedroom, :.? B a t h
~lome. A block wall 5Ur·
rounds the la.l'I,. lo( 1vith
plenty ol room for a pool.
u you need a. 4 Bedroom
home, clo$f' tn So. Coa1l "'\li======:mzl Plaia, this is it _ i·all nnw! • ?Meed al $32,j()(). 3 UNITS
Eutaide Costa Men. Span.
~·· tile roof, rentals on larire • Tlx150' lot. Income $383 $Z7,950. 7 ROOfl.fS, . frplc.
month. Our best incoffit' re. upts, drps, nu Ille &
turn in IJ'l!I. llnol(U]?l. 1903 Oranre Ave.
Exclusive With M••• Verde Newport
room home plu.s 11tpara1.e DON V. FRANKLIN f11mily rm l separate rec.
I bedroom 1uest quarters. REAL TOR room. Central air corld.,
Deliatitlu! secluded patio e 673-2222 e fully carpeted & draped.
and carden. Nice Newport \Vood deck. prof. landscap.-
Hei1hts location. space tor VIEW -HIDEAWAY ed &: redecorated. lmmt'd.
boat or trailer. Won't JaS1 ()pttn S•t., Sun. 1·5 oecupancy.Only$49,900. 8132
long at S33.500. Just a lew 1teps to beach, \Venk>ck Circle. TI4 : 9621128
.....,7171 mops '1. dining, Modern tri· or TI4: 91)8.7672.
o Till; lil ./\L
"\.. L::T1\'J'LJ(;
l BR!<.I. l.c yard. Den.
t29,950. Frank Marsh a I I
l~ealty. 67:HOOO
level home-with ll'aciow
open feellfli. ~.500.
University Realty 613-6510
3001 E. Coast H\\·y,, 001
723 C1meo Hlghl.tnds
Drlv• e OPEN l·l
B•vcreot 1223 SAT. & SUN. e ,-,-N~E-Ba-,.-,...,-,-,-.-our--B-R·l rmmae. 3 BR., a.ll ,vith view.
d Reduced to $4'7.900, home for ~ale or tra e, DON V FRANKLIN ~~~ strf'ct, larie yanl. REAL TOR
• 67).2222 •
) j
Spacious 3-bedl'OOln. ~-bii.th
hOrnt -t\\'O blocks from
ocean. Ne'v carpe1ina:. Fi.re-
place. Drape!. Electric built~
in kitchen. Sprinklers and
$275 Month • Sl.00() Option
Vacant and avaUable now.
Call :tt&-2313
"\.. t:S l'ATl.RS
$17.500. :1 bdnns 2 bllths. 60x
loO' fenced lot, double u:ar-
1ge, electric bullt·ins, range,
oven, rarba&e d\spogal, r A
heat, carpets, drapes. Land-
•Captd, Vacant. Payments
less than rent. --NEW 3 BDRM
int: area in kitchen. Assume \VESTCLIFt' • II A ft. B 0 R 1250 Lido lale 1351 Bath. $29,500 New paint. 2 Jo,,.,. interest loan. J40.1T.?O. HIGHLANDS. Beautiful l Coron• del M•r blks from bch. 01 f
TARBELL 2955 H.trbor bdrm 2~1 bath hon1r \vi1h1---------1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Brookhur~t . 22lO l
largceoli>'familyroomovcr· VACATION , .. Open House 1-5 Capistrano Ln. GI loan II 0 NEYl\100N CO'ITAGE
and incolllf: on L'OmCl' Jot.
Both hou~s fenC'~ patios.
Low d0\1'111: 1111r;-~ ls! trust
deed. Owrier aftrr 6 p.m.
looking delightful, heated &· 511 % Onl S4 500 tilte1Td pool. \Vonderful COt· YEAR 'ROUND Thur1/ Frff.», &. Sun. ~ · Y ' dn. $5000
S Stracl 2nd TD. $168 mo. 968-41.U, rw.r location -beautifully 3 Bedrooms, OJ>@TI beam ceiJ. tfeef fO Q or 19i..328:>
lan·tscaped. Sparkling built. tngs throu&hout, avtrlookinl: 110 VIA CORDOVA --c=-"""'-c=--~--
in kitchen b formal dinins:. huge poo.1 and pu.tlinc ~en, 3 bdrms, double a:arace, pa· Pool Paradise!
Pt'icl"d ror immtdialr sale 1 1 """I I A l I t L NE\VPORT Heighl.5 rambl· at S39,950 • CALL r.•;).Sf.?< _ a1-ge private pa lO, U\W • ns, Lio. lmm~iate occupancy 11ume ew n • oen
. '" spacM:Jus kitcht>n. \\'ho could Ne\vly painted. new "'/~ 4 bdnns + Ir den w/'"""'l· 1ng ranch s1yle l h".lnn, r.xclu~ivl' 11 llh SOUT H .---h J.: f f I I"•= ask for rT10l'_t' in IUKU~ tal)lfting. ling l: wet bar. Btlut, Span-~i~~:a~R.E.~1~· 2-im.RI. ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~w-~:":?011:~ ~1 co~=~~~~ JEAN SMITH ~:1c. Except'nl.v iovczy
BY O\\'N~R: J Br. 2 BA, 2420 CLIFF DR. cation :'165 days of the year. REALTOR HAFFDAL RLTY '.)424405 ~~~~~ri:1~:. !~~hf.~ ~ay, ocea~ .. islantl view from All of rh~6~1~ $42.500. 646-3255 SHORECREST 3 BR, ·2~,
Poblir Hehl•. S l l . ;1 00 . ~lx26 ft. hv1 ni: nn. :'I Bdt·ms., l ""~"!!~"'!~!'ft~'"'' I BA. 2 1tory, Assume $25.500 S57-96Bl -btl!M; room for pool, also Realistic Reductlen FHA 6% loan. Priced to sell
ofl·s!rttt parking for lr.1i]. Handsome Grecian, 1 pa c. at $33.000. By 0..'ner. 20751
O\\'NER Trans It I' e d · 4 ~. camper 01· boat. This prc1e11 atrno:spberr. l Bd., Aquatic Lane, HS 9Q.-1047
B<lnn. F11.n1ily 1·n1 ehoi~ p1upc'rty only $59.;iOO. conv. den. 4\'I ba. me cor.
littplace. entry h1tll. lull OPEN SAT /SUN. 1•5 -o,-:===-===-I 6% GI .t Br . .l story. Shake rf,
d. · b">'ll ·n --2 BEAUT. VIEWS net • View. Xlnl tenns. pallo, Ukt nu. $5500 dn. 118!1 1n1ng tm, • -1 s. x~ra \\'eekday11 by app·1. Slgj{)OO
baths. brk., $2:.i,:;oo. ~I 120 Call h-lr Robil\aiOn l\lo11t perfect concl. ~tt tti;ou-R. C. GREER Rtalt)' pmnts. CalT)' 2nd. Call
O\VNER Dtspcratc. A1su111e DAVIS REALTY G~1-7o00 iands by asiuming 6%% 3.lM Via. I.ido fin..9300 8-t~'""~-'----~= 5~~;-loan. opr. ,. Bedrm.liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii&iiiiiiiiil. loan of Slt400. 3 BR .. hure1--"""'V"A"'R""IE=T"'Y,----BY ()Y.'Jl('?': Assume: 6%% den, huae f'amily rm, t"ntry liv. k din. rm11. The 1elkr1 FHA. f'ranclsclan Fountain
hall full tlinlng rn1 e DUPLEXES e have upgraded most every. Of .t Bdlm, home11 available-4 Br, 2 Ba. $33,000.141-1136
buutlt-lns. flreplacr. bn:: OY.•ner Finance ...... $37,:-,00 tl;lng: it's spotle8~! Yes, 2 30 Ft, to 4:i Fl. Lots
$29 ooo. 540-1720 Newport Island .. , . $39,500 vitw1, of oce11.n ' canyon, FROM Huntf"1toft
LAmONT • LAKE f'OR-Near Ocean ......•. Sll.500 Elec. garage door opener. SOO.OOo To $97,00> ~ 2 •-1 Pier I:.. Ploat . . . ... J7t500 X1nt landscaping I: huae pa. Walker Rlty. 67S-S200
EST. new 2 ur. ..... CV1't' 5 rio. \\'i!h today's financlni, 3366 Via Lido, NB Open SUn.
& drsi>t1. lklow mk( price. ,,E) L rh1~ has to ~ o~ of th1 LEASl/Ol'TION
may tr11.~. 4!K-8463 ....... llnei;1 buys tn Cdl\1 1! 4 BDRM 3% RATH
t QUAINT hou~ & I duplex ~! A. l T T S~7.!Kl0. °"''~rs "'ould co~· 40IXt Ii((. ft,' J07 Via Ebolt .
H1rbeur 1405
on 2 tots, hMlM of Cdri.f. ALSO ..,. , p 0 •1de.r can. ying 2nd T.D. 1f ,l ''' r•r•r•. ~,,, d-•.
·"--lea• ., I-I. '''''"'· 8,-n. nr. ,.ra1· l pl ol't re. &IG-.!41-' ho , 1 --• h -• ••• vr u.,. t'Om!l1 !~1ou on rtu~ , , " .. ' I o '"'""""· cas · 3 P.T KE OFF
11uperbly rlrgil nt 4 Br,~ Bs. Brl!itol. °"'11. 67:">-J787 o: FRENCH e BIL~ HA.VIN, Rltr. r..C' ~~~· f2tl) Z«-JtOl:
<.'U~tom bit 1 SIO?j' on 56' lot.
3000 IQ ft, 3 bdrms 3 ba tl\s,
den. !Sx-46' Uvina; nn derlt ,t._
dor.k on main channel in
H.H. Sacritict' ~.croo.terms
I, financing avall. t.1r. Jonts
M&.2!l0f or Cltl) ~
LlQUIDATTON ! ! Ntw 3 ltvel
home&. Prices 1I a1hed !
F'rorn $-45,SOO to S3l. r~. 4151
Bnnlon! St. Bl•fn/AF.
a.tf.0609. eves a31-61:'.11
JM.19<1 fr hon1r. hni>tttablt -HUGE BONUS ROO~f TOWNHOUSE 2111 F.. COa:1l, Cdi'it liT.l·3Zll evo~ l21JI "46-!tOO <'811dlrlon. ~:,·rrylhln .. nrw &: Pl U" , Bd-~,,, •II 101St :.; 1\fain, S.A. '.'>'11-661:1 • 1 · "" , " ., 'ulR. •• ' • Bd -2 B lh . NEW '• lklnn "I BA N·~ of rinc~ qu:il1ty. Earl.v fM·· • 1 .. ,s. • " ' · ., .. ~ u.i" l'Ul'>llllC). $82.::.00 il'lf', l11nd. Pl'IL'fll ri&:ht at $29,j(I(). Condon1ini11r11 • Pool UNLIMITED Bay Jo'nmt • pie.rand slip.
19'11 Sanlia~ Or , NB Rlrr. 642-9130 Eve ~720 Privt11Te Patio Ocean ViM\'! CU~t. bh . l BR. inunedlatt po 11e I !Ii On. ~.986.) S.'2.000 2 811. Uge. room1I: bf-aut. Area·1 ~:rt bU)'. S159.m>.
C •• le M •• e 1100 LIDO REALTY INC pnntled ltv. rm., rock frpl,, Exoellent terms. 0tA'ner COLl.EGI!! PARK ' »ep. din, 1111. In 1 wooded 494-6tt.S Auumc :;~'i' lolln, no t'Ollts 3377 Via Udo 573-noD i L ed Ill .. 1 ..
WESTCLl •f ttN ng. ISf CXCIU v~·'3'~BR~-"'~"-,~ ... -.. ~.-C-o--Sl78 mo. Payt all Pm. lm-r Please call llt>len And~. 1 • • •r
mac. J bdrm, 2 bath I. t.am LESS THAN RENT A~UME 1%.~C. (tves. fi~) d~:~·. i\rchl lect
room, 2 f1~lacn. lmmed. 1171 month pay1 ail. 3 bdrmt BeautifUI home, prof. decor-.... bit. Lo Int .
rm1. Loan Bal $11.500, 2 brims ta1ttl\dly dtcont~ attd A: landtciptd. l Ir; BR. g:,:~.r~ ~ :.r~ ~~
Prlrt S32.500. ~ner \Vill With \\·~lnuL panelllna car. 2 custom BA. lf'I t.Jnily rm.
carry •mall 2td, Open f'l'I. Pl'tl t dnpeJ L&rre 'ldtch. lmmae cond! Owner \vUI appt.
Sat-Sun. 1)..j PM. 320 en l ('{)Vttred pa rio. Full help Una.net". 646..j.jlJ LIDO Isle Bayfronl. Tradt
Oudmcll Rd. 0 '\ n,. r , price ont) f!l.j()I). CA LL OLUFJo'S Condo. l br. 21, b1 . $2l,000 rquity fpr clear bo1&t S.~1~ Prin. only. ;;4().ltll llerltaiu R~al Es· ~. lm. rm Ntw f'OR Salt b)' (111ntr. houff It ol equal i·alue. Principals
IACR1F10:t .. f BR. '1 BA. Iii.le (open ('\'r11 uecorator "'allpa.pers, t\ll. r11raf;t apt , on 1 to1 Each 2 only. Conti.cl i\lr. Harold
1t:p (am rm. 2 ti!)'. Jlt'd pool llntn dn.pf!l11"t. Park Vft 1\ Br, 2 &. Total lncan1e S.JOO John~on, !!IJI 723--0114
..... , alldt &: div brl'I Nr 8). Qwner: $1!1,Z(ll) AltracL $47,300. nl(l, 11ith \'ACILlll stPiU'Ale ~.000 . '..I RR. 1' BA
~c hoelJ.~d n JCi,jOOI ~maJI fJOute. 1&4 i\lerr1U Broktrf011nr.r I rue~! Bdrn1 Ii: bath. P rice ll!J VlA VELLA l~nn 111. C.l'lf. Cllll 5-\S-1&'90 l 11-t~..A23.'1 644--0.n:! <'l't"/\\'knd ,~,,jOO Al1 • pm, .t9-1~9S36 O\\'NER 171.(1 ~Si-644'
S1nt1 An• 4620
$23,500 I
CCII.)' l Bdrm home 1n mint I
condl1ion. Extra lt.!'lf lot in
c:xctllrnl S&nla Ana lot<~tlon
646-7171 * 546-2313
O THf. l~l.:AL
'"\.. f:'.''fAfl:I~5
Once in a "'hile-, ever ao st'l-
dom, we l"l!ceive a property
llont1l1 i. Shore 2005
FEl\IALE \Vanted To Sht.n!
fo1• ule that lsfO diatinetivr, Nice ~e wfsame. 1
U\at It's in a class by Itself. ·school Doy OK. ;ua.-
\Vhtn this ha,ppens, 'A'e refer 642--9610. '
to it a "THE HOUSE". This I ·G~l~R~L~27~.,.,,~"-,."'1"c."b1"',-. 7d.-
is 11udt • homt. pend. 11·oman 2340 to share
Early Calif. townhouse 2 Br furn apt. &!5-2969 aft 4
architecture in 2 irlOI')' de·
1ia;n. FRONT GROUNDS\\'/ $158. Ulil paid. 2 BR. home.
ENa..DSED COURTYARD Dl1hv.1asht'r, 1v/1v d rps .
OF ?!U~NRY PIL.ASTERS Family. Bkr. 534-6980
l WROUGHT IRON CRIU.... ROOMP.fATE ser., male or
\VORK, OPENS TO ARCH· female to ~hr apt& from $75.
ED PORTICO ENTRY. Blue Beacon, 64>-0111, C,t,
Sprawlin2' 3 BDRAf. FLOOR 2 BR $43.50 mo, yni man
PLAN, SERV. BY 3 BATH· y,•/2 other men, S.A. a.rel. ROO?!IS. 673-fm.O. 543-4307
Sp.actow entry foyer v.·/ I========= iloors of glazed tile, OPENS
TO LIV. Rl\1 . \\'ING 'VITA Coste Mea• 2100
PLACE. Sliding a:lass 11'8.ll
Oj)t'n!I to COVERED VER-
I BR Guest H5e, conlpl tum.
Private. Park.&: space. $110
mo. 962-4931 eves/wlmds
$12() 2 BR, Gar. Fenced Yd.
No Pets. Nr 17th &. Santa
Ana A Vt'. :>fs-3530
Cott• Mese ,100
Your rent • own your own
SPfCIOO!t -3 bidm'i"1 ball\ iD
built·ins includlnc dishwash-
er, carpets & drapes, $183/
mo pay1 all. CALL JACK
HAMMOND Heritaae Real
Est11te 50.1151 (open ews)
2 Br .. 2 ba, cptd, drp1, Corced
air heat, Ga.J'b.diap, blt-i.ns,
trp!c, patio, i:anae. water
!um. Multi only no Ptta.
Aeroes from C.Ountry duh
275 ?.ftsa Dr. * Ph. SCU706
Rent or Le11e Optlen
Beautiful cond., new lhac
cpt, .t BR hfesa Venlt. $215.
iH6-9;)21 or ~
PLEASANT VIE\V oi;~ THE l BR, Ip fenced yard, lst, 2 BR, Gar. Patio. C'rpts,
OCEAN. las!, SlOO cleaniJ!&. Refs. drr>s, sto1·e &. refria'. Quiet
UniqUl' kitchen & fam. rm. Sl9a. 645-2,.69 T1'0pical Setting for Adlts (29 IT. LONG) featurts bill· Only. 1 Blk Shops. $175.
in RANGE, SELF a..EAN. 1 Bdrm turnishl'd houite. s.l+-OC52
DBL OVEN' \VET BAR $130. Adults. 333 \V, Bay St. . . , $135/mo. ParUy furn. 2 BR.
ETC. SEPARATE FORAiAL I =(=Of=!l="=l======~ house \\'ilh gara11e l: 1&r1t
DINING RM. C.enter dair-)'ard.1924 Anahdm Ave., Of
"tit leads 10 2nd story w/3 Cr;ron• llel Mer 2250 CID) 272-4208
bclnns., sery. by 2 baths, 2 BR H -·-f I 1•~ MO I A·-" ""' 3 THE MASTER SUITE IS · oust ........ rp c, """' · ease. v1W .,....,, patk>. Yrly. Adlts. No Pets. Br, y,•/w cpts, drp1,
27 IT. LONG I.:. HAS LUX-$190 ~lo. 673.-582? gardener. Eastslde CM ,
URJOUS BATI-1 \\'ITH em. Nice nei•hborhood. Ma..3782. ET, l\fARBELIZED PUU... CHJNA Cove. v\e1v, beaut.
~lAN. ETC. Come sec "THE furn l BR, 2 BA, $450 mo ATTRAC 4 Br Townhouet •
HOUSE'·. it's an experience yriy. ms Shell. 6H-OOC6 Sublet. Crpts, drpa, frplc,
you "-'on·l lof'Eet. Offe~ patio, :l car 11.r, pool.
for 8.tlboa l1l•nd 2355 54&-4377
$47,500 FULL PRICE ---------$200 VACANT .t Br, Den. 2
MISSION REALTY 1010 SO. IAYFRONT Ba . OK for Priv. Hm or Hm
9S5 So. Coast Hwy., LaJ:una 1 10 10 yr. ll'a&e lot best loc. &: Bus. 934 W. 19th. 56-1961.
Phone: (714) 494.0731 Be11.ut. 4 BR. 3'il. bath home CLEAN 3 BR. Larae yard.
Eftftfe's Nest &: 2 BR. 2 bath apt. I 2 boat Adults. No pell_ $155 mo.
-"21 pier &: dock. J<Urn. $1200 633-7333
f rom the momen ~ you ~ per month. 1,RENT==ALc--."""'3"""'B~R"'.~2~BA
this house, with its liOaring Lind• Iii• Development Townhoust. pool &t recru.· roof lines, yOU will feel that BILL GRUNDY 6i.'\.J210 tilHl fae. $213 mo. 54CMiTl4 htr,. at last is AOmetbing I ~~-~.,.;:.'=-.:.C,'-';c
lt'Uly unusual. Cross the mod. $370 . mo/)Tly. F\lm/unfllm,
ern entrance brida:e and find Delightful 2 BR, 2 BA,
yourself 111andina: under a 30 frplc, 2 car iar. 2 patios,
It hl&h ceilinz; descend the d~k. AdultJ only, no pets.
open stairway inl.J the Jiv. 061~>=?18()---~~~~
ina: room Y.i th its 20 tt hia:h AVAIL Immed. Lovely l Bi',
11·alls of rlass: att the 1urt 2 Ba Home-. $225 1'.to. No
c:ruhin&: on the beach below Students. 615-0223
or clouds dri!tini beneath
lht" windows. Is this for you! D•ne Point 2740
2 BR, dtn. frpl, patio, fenced
yd. bltlns, nr. new harbor.
S170. 496a3Ti6
If so, airline pilot will ilt'll
his 3 BR 2 BA "eaa:le's nest"
for only $45,900 10o'ith the
possibility of aSsuming a
6% 'la mortgage, o~ner will =========
al1SO assume 2nd mor'<ir•it' Dupl1xe1 Furn. 2975
it neceasary. 497·1138,
497·1127 Chvner
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
'Thia older north end duplex
in prime rental area. consist·
ina: of t'o\'o l·BR 1 BA units,
both \\ilh ocean l: city
$121'.1. Nice 1 BR Duplex.
Drapes. Oilld &:: pet OK. Bkr
Drape1. Child&: pet OK. Bier. ,,....,..
Hous11 Unfurnished
\ie\\Jli. No \'ll.Cancy hetT! GeMr•I 3000 \VouJd you i>elit'V\: $7:.,500 ! ""-'==-----"=
::08(! COAST HIW A Y
South Laguna $2800
CONOOMlNIUi\f by owner. 2
br, 2 ba, builtim, elevator.
Cliff Drive $45,000. 494-8125.
LEASE or Option to Buy 4
BR 3 baths. Beauti!ul. $325
11·/::11.rd('ner, Delta 6464tt.t
$190. 3 BR , 2 BA. Stove &:
relrig. Children I.:. pet ok.
Blue Beacon, ~;;.~nu C'-l.
Newport le1ch 3200
\Vi: have several choice Z-3-4
Bdrm. homes avail.; cltt.n,
vacanl " [t!ady tor irnmed.
occupancy, Leaae rat.ea from
S325-'500 per month, includ·
in£ all ol t h e manrdous
BLUFFS featurts. Call us
Eastbluff Realty
:l~l.f Vista Del Oro
Ne"-'POlt Beach 644-U33
Le•••• Le•n/Optlon,
Unuaual A·F'rame, pool, BBQ.
3 bd11n1, family room larre
~urh for billiard ta~le.
IAJ'll'.e lot. \VestclW area.
1400 llncoln Lane
Pete BaZTett Rlty, ~5:?00
Poo.1, prdens, patio, J Br.
:.'. Ba .$325. :? BR, 1 t~ Ba. 1055
Dovtr SUO. &r-.>&>44. 6f2.m3
Gen•r•I 3000 General 3000 01ner•I 3000
The l'unle witft tlte 6uiff.fn Cltudle
1111'1 I • f
IRE01To I r-i,~,rz ..;:, ._,., -...F-1 Wo hove rHchod tn
-:;;:· ;=;· ~-::::· ::::-:::·•Qt of such prooperlty In
'A N 1 0 AN
lhts country thot livi.ng
t---r-.-..r-n-..-ol-within your meons la con-._.l__.l_,_J _._l'-'-1 ..J•lderod 1lmost --
~ i OF Al: I I J!fi!J:~~~
!5-r r r r r r r· r r r r 1
er;: I I I I I I ·I. I I I I I
..................................................................................................... ..,. ...... "" ............................ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,.... .. ~'~···---·~~~-~~~~·~~~
S1l11rday, J1nu1ry ll, 1~70 o.ot.Y ,ILOT
House• Unfumtthtd
Newport Be.ch 3200
2 BR. ca.rpeted. altch'd
p.rqe, 2 children I& pet
QI). Fe.rw;:ed rear yd. S1ove,
rtfrlc, dlahWlhr, 1a.rb.
dl.5posal, water pd. lit &.
Wt mo, rent +: cleanin&
Ccp. Avail lmmed. ~
ews. 645--1691 days
RENTALS Af!'L fllmlahod
Apts. rurnlshod • • Apia. JI""""""!, Aplt, U..lurnl....., Apl1. Unlurnl.,,... Ao ta. linlumfahM
4100Cost• M•.. 4100 ...... -1 ;c;";';•;M:;';';';;;;;';;;;;;;;;s;1oo;;;c";;;'•;;;"'-:;;;•:;;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;i51;00;IE•1• Bluff sm
·~er: : BA.+ den, l blk' to I 1 ~ • LEA&e: 2 BR •tu<Uo -
* * *
REALLY LIVE lo.'*•· ~Wlnttt "' GRAND OPENING II E .. tllltlU, N•.r bldt. 2 car .-E<tiint 1tobl••• ,. , 1,,..., Medo storaie.
AT Ow ner·A1t11t . AUoe. e; __ A rd WI I Plu11h ctlrpt!ta. Bullt-111.1, ' PALM MESA ::::..~~"" .-. WO nnng frplc.1nu.i1,.11o.l300pcr
GARD!N ·Ar» ARTMENTS r-~~lil"e';. ~'" MERRIMAC WOODS! c:~:: Mar
Adults Only
O' PATIO AREAS 315 E. e.100. Bl•d.
0 'SAUNA 6ATHS LOVELY mod 2 br, blt·I"', ~-l BR, '2 ,ba11i:i, 1pU{ levd $26.1
2 B~. 2 baUl!'I •••.•••••• =
Bay&: Beach ~alt)', Inc.
• STEAM ROOMS ~lf, drJ?f. Sl85 yrly. 205 Just completed I or l Bedroom, 2 8 Ath. Air·
• JACUIZI BATHS Cypn• SU-46.\8. cond., completely a.ouncfproofed, 1elf ct.an· ~~;~ ~-dy~ Wtftt? w:d4y1 Gott "'· -
NATURA\. llORN SWAPPERS 901 Dever Dr. Sul!e 126 NB
66-~ Eves. Ms.tl966
NE\J'.Y DEC'ORAT!:D 3 bd:.
nn & family room, exccllcnt
atta, $275/mo.
BACHELOR, 1 & 2 BIDROOM$@ 2 BR uppet: $115 n10 incl ing 0.,,n1, wood ceilings, d l1hwa1h1r1, lu1~
Furnllh.d & Unfurn.ithtd . ..ctllo-yevty. 501 E. Balboa landscaplnt with streams a wateriatlf, ,.,._ AH S:le,c·tric: , , 81"'· 67~ Rttr. ••tors, BBQ'•· clubli,u1t, •aunu, Jacuzzi &
1 ~ t BR. l'urn I UQfum ~ '
F1rl!!plaota I prtv. patloa I
Pools. Tennia • Contttrl Bkftt,.
900 &a Lane, CdM 644-26.11
• ;. ..... lal Rote'
S u ... -S 'ti"'" -5 budta
llULIS -A.D MUIT UiQ,UDI: H t • "I A If B -'-.... ""' swim pools, pr.lv•t• 9 • r • g 1 w/storap. 0 point PP. ances Huntington .. ~ -Ev .. ythi"' new. FROM $140 -$210. Adult• I MacArthur nr. Co.at ":ai >
,_Wiie! ,... ...... fl fl'I.. a-,.Wll ... 'fOll ••M In 111114, >-l'OUI ...,... "'9ler ...,..., ....... ,_ M Nvtrt!t.,._,
Most RttlMN'l•.bl• New Rent•I• STONEHENGE APTS. pie•••· ,Ju1t East of 2600 H arbor Blvd., next Jn the AWport Ar•• to Naber• Cadlllac, at 425 MerrimK W•Y• ----------BRANO NEW
1-HOOOHG ~·SA\.•-TIUDll OML'tl
To PIMe Your Trader'• ParHIN M
' l'HONE 64:r..5671 Next to the Santa Ana Countrl Club. 2 BR, 2 BA, dlshwhr, rtt. Costa Mesa. su.-6300. Move In Now !
Just East of Santa Ana Ave. on Mesa Drive. rm. Aduli s, 00 pets. 2320 ~~~~~~~~':" 2 BR, 2 BA. upstairs . d~pJex
wilh sun deck patio! Cptd.,
drp'd., encl rarare. comp],
blt-ins. Beaut, kllCPd. 707~;
Orchid. $325 per 111.;i,
Fkn'lda. ~2730 = lsl TRU5r UEEDS TO
Sl40.tnl Trade for cleat
view condo, or Home, New·
port. or as down payment
on Income,· (n<IJ 459-3103
?4' 1!'1ybridae Cabin Cruiffr
Xlttt collll. Slttp1 S, Trade
S2200 eq. for trailer boat.
camper or ??
• From '$1ZO Unfumlshecl • DEL-LAKE MANOR
rowNHOUSEc 3 BR. '" • From $140 Furn1·shed 41, 1 BR 11'0. ulil pd, pool, BA, trplc, paUo, 1190I, 2 .car pw.tio, Small compiu:. Adults,
gar, all bltns, crplli, drpll. l!I 5J6..6n7
i..e 1m mo. 871-8811 or CALL: 546·986Q "" .. · · 642-249'teve5 or wkends. PRIVATE, QUIET APT! "5========l 1 BR, blk lo beach Sl50 2 BR. 2 ha .• den, din, room -00 2112 14th ~1319. 673-1784
In Cllffhaven. $300 Generil 4000 Costa M.sa 41 FREE Util. furn. 1 Bdrm Geo~e Williamson, Realtor 67"....4350 6'J3.15&f "Evei ---------1 Slti MO/DLX Jl.tobile Jlome atit. Near beach. $125 up.
S• I compl furn, htd p ool'. 536-3n7 536-T.!82 SJS.1366 ON~ 2 Br..&. 3 Br: homes; on 1ng e Adults, no pets. 4 Sca&an'a 2 BDRMS, 2 BA, pvl patio, yea.r\::r lse. $185 to mo mo. Cayy,'qocl Realty M8-1291l f.tob. Est. 2359 Newport. healed pool, ""'asher & dryer S1~332 hook up. 962-S9M
Un iversity Park 3237 Adults p-1c & up -ATI'AACTIVE. I FURN . 2 BR Duplex, garage,
bdr., pQOI, utll paid, garden lrge yard, clo5e to shops,
living, adults, no pets, l~ freeway1. $155/mo. 962-7292
\VllllaC'e Ave., C.t-1 . e J?.11\IED. OCCUPANCY e
3 BR 211 bath:. •••..• Sl2S
3 BR 2 bath11 •.••••••. , $300
2 BR 2 baths •......•.• $175
'*Red Hill Realty
Univ. Park Center, Irvine
Call Anytime 833-0820
1 rvl11•
NEW .C Br, 2 Ba. Culver
Oalf!. Poot priv. Nr u.c.r.
STl5 mo. 645-2996
EXLC. Haine East Bluffs,
NW Aeronutronic, 5 Br's.
$425 wlgardener. '644-1554.
Corona dtl Mar 3250 ·.;...;.....-_--'.;
SflOWPLACE neo.r ocean,
3 BR, fo1"0ed alt h.t. 2-ba,
bar, wlw cpl, 2 lJi>lcs, lz
encl patio, gar, $295 l&e.
Fum. or unt 673-ll>4
<I BR. 2% bl.. spilt level
Don V. Franklin, Realtor
• 673-2222 *.
2 Br, tm1nac Frpl, dbl.
garag~. ga~ner AvalJ im·
med. $230. 67~>-1461, 675--0617
OiAR.mNG 3 Br home, frpl ,
bit-ins, crpt.s, drps, irnmed.
occup. $295 mo. 675-4904
$395, LEASE, Ocean view, 3
BR., l~i BA, Dit. Rm. pool,
&: yd cart incl. S4Z-70n
Huntington Beach 3400
?orY 'Beaul iful 3 bdrm 2 bath
home, carpeted &: draped,
Luxury Ungle, 1 & 2 bed·
complete prlwcy Md land·
s~aped country club atmo5-
phere includlng $'150,000
worth of recreational tacil·
!ties des.ignet! and operated
juJt for &in&le peOple,
$145 to $300
(714) ~
13100 Oapman Ave.
(4 bib w. San~ Ana Fwy,)
(714) 636-3030
2TI So. Brookhunt
(1 blk. So. of Lincoln)
1n-1) m..isoo
South Bay Club
Single-! br-2 br. Furn.-wit.
Sauna, Act'y Rm, B1lliudt:
Therapy It '5' pool., BBQs
2(00 Parsons Rd, &12-8670
./ llirta Mesa RENTAL OF·
FICE, 2110 Newport Blvi:S.
Over 100 unit.s avail. Open
Daily 9 'ti1 5.
Costa Mesa 4100
electric built-\114 lncludina; I----------dishwasher. $225/mo. Lease
o oty. ,, exdU •'•• * SUNNY * neighbornood. ma. 536-889-1
Eves. 5J6.9S66 ACRES
HOUSE F°' it.of. 3 B• .. !!( * * Ba. Encl Patio. Close to
och. """"' • '"'"1"" '"· * Mote ~Apts * S2So ~10 + dePfJ•. 832-5121
aft 5 or Daya ~2820. ext :uo.
$180. 3 B~ l~I BA, 2 1ty
Condo. Cprts. dr,>s, stove,
patio~ ·carport, pool,
club)1se. 96~-2630 or
3 BOJU.1S 2 bath.!i, 2 car gar,
cpl!l/drps. Walk to shop-
ping. $ 2 2 5 /mo . Bkr.
3 BR hQuse, carpets, built·
Ins , .fenced In rear, double
gat·11.g,r. ~~r lol 962-§047
BEAUT. 4 br home. nice
area. $22!' mo. ,lit. J.:~ la.at,
$100 cleaning dep. 5721 Ven-
turi Dr. fo r appt. 547-8820.
1 signal So. of 0.C.
Studlo&l 1-
$30 WK. & UP
bay, Wffll. Mon,. e Kitchens l. TV's incl e Phone serv., htd pooi
• r.ta.id servlee avail .
If you stay thru summer t"!l'e
ren\aJns the same.·1 Bf' tum
apls Sl.25. Furn Bach a9ts
$115. See ?<1ngr, 2135 Elden
Ave, Apt 6, CM. Avail Feb
$25. Per Wk. & Up
V II 3410 Bachelor & 1 BR, htd pool,
Fountain • ey ma.Id service. Kitchens &.
4 BR. $;235. PEJt MO. TV avail, 45() Victoria (Nr
Drapes. Dayi: ~no. Eves Harbor).
e NA&SAU PALJ\1S e S1nt1 An1 4620
1 BR furn apt. Pool 1---------
l'TJ 22nd St. 642-364.;i $130 LARGE, cheerful newly =========I tum 1 BR apt ltri-plex). Blbll, garage. 1 Infant OK.
4200 No pets. 2230 So. Center St.
lNr Warner).
Newport Beach
BEAUTIFUL 1..arie Bach.
apt. \Valklna distance to
beach &. Ulops, Ocean \'\e\\'.
Bit-ins. Lease $170. 494-2-149
or <194-5303
SINdtE-empld worn a ·n ,
cha/ming, ~iet apt qn
Lom))arey, Lane, <I bib to
heh. $110 Inc ulil. ~
I..uxury i::arden apartment& X NEW VILLAGE INN
offering compJete prlvacy, formerly Saddleback Inn.
F'rom $35 a wk .. Mo. ctwm.
beautiful landscaping & Ing apartment. .fM...9435
unpo.1 ·alleled recreaUonal 1 BR Apt; also slet"ping rm1.
facilities in a country Utn pd. Free TV & radio.
club atmosphere. No""· 2200 So. Const Hwy.
lcasini:: in Ne""·port Beach. Hotels • ~975
?ilodels ol)('n 10 am to 8 pm
Furnished or untumilhed
Renl5 from S~ lo $.110
1700 I 61h Strool
714: 642-8170
LIDO Shores Hotel & Marina
Special wintfl' monthly rat·
es: .Bayfront Lanai Suite
S462, View Studio Suite $255.
up. Kitchenettea. M a id,
phorie, eoUee, ice. Day·Week.
617 Lido Park Dr. 67l-8800
Apia. Unfurnltftad
Spanish Village Dtilgn Clo11 to shopping, P•rk * Spaclout 3 'Sr'1, 2 Ba
New J & 2 Bedroom furnish. * ·2 Bedrooms
ed & untumished ~!r-condi-* Swim Pool, Pul/grHn
Honed, dWiwa.shers, self. * Frpl, Indivlln;dl'Y !a.c'la
cleaning ovens, patlo, break-1145 An•ht1m Ave.
fast bar. private sun decks, OOSfA MESA Ml-2824
large storage closets, heat·
ed pool, Sauna1. B.B.Q. 's,
!OUnd proofed ""'&Il's, walk-in
clOS('IJ. Cove~ carports -
ADULTS, no pets,
2 blocks \V. NeWJ,oOrt Frwy.
At AlcArthur &. lt1a.in
CALL 546-2727
PLENT\' Of privacy, Irr al·
• RENT • l Rooms Furniture
$19.95 & UP
!:Onth-Tl>Mmth Rentals
JfTRC Furniture Rentals
517 W. 19th, CM 548-3'\81
trae, 2 Br. l'ii Ba, btwn bch Co1ta Mes• 5100
& bay. New crpts, drpc,
model'n fw11, No pets. $195. NEWPORT RIVIERA
Kil chen, TV'!!, n1tld ¥1'-
vice. lleated Pool.
!;46.9681 54~Zi8.1 BAOI apt. sun deck, rompi .:::~=--~----,.~ WATER1''RONT 2 Br, 2 Ba, LOVELY 3 Br, l>ar-den, frl>I, privacy. $100 .incl -ga1 I f1-pl, crp!s, ilrape~. Awil
1'4 Ba. IJi:e yard, pell! !Jk "'''ler. El PaUo, 130 A F~h .. 1 to June 15. $290.
$275. !lSS-8246 Bro;i<hvay. 962•2341
LONG. Fabul<JHS 4 Br Town...
hse. Avail Immed. 2~~ Ba.
Sepr dining rm. trplc, crpt
thru~ul, encl patio, 2 car
gar, children & pets OK.
Rec. ctr & Olympic sz pool.
!!Tcmbership incl. Avail on
6 !11o Sub Lse at $.100/?ifo. To
In1pect Call Mni. LaVoie
646-8497 after 5 PM.
SHARP Bachelor ""''· a ... •w=L-'<11<"'N""'"1or=EL.:--:1"1~"1"-..,• MARTINl"'UE L1oun1 •uch , . J705 to DCC • UCL 1135 ~~s ' 'F • ~ ~ moothly ...... ,,,_,.., LUXURY APTS all. References required. (corn. 28th ,SI.. &. Newport
Never befOi-e lived tn. Prl·
vate Jltl,tio living. Near
beach le shopping. All new
built-ill!!, di1hwa1hf'M1, w/w
earpf"ting, drapes, private
• 3 BR-2 BA-lrplc., plus e 2 BR-2 BA-pali0$
• l BR·l RA-deluxe s\Jlgl•
Corsican Apt. Homes
Btwn S. Main &: Brili tol
Located 12 mile E. of South
f.oast Plaza Shopping Center
Call 540-1973
Eves. S4S.2321
Separate ad ult&. tarnlly com·
munit1es. Bachelor 1·2-& J
&Inns, furn & unfurn apts.
$110. per mo. & up.
WE ARE! •• '7WOU 0
- ,,, I a.& Improved 20 acre horse
New. move in now. \Ve have,.,.=-------ranch, Northem Calif., 'for
d... . r. yacht, house or apt. $46,000 an a wt community t.n.t ill 2 BR upper sep. unit. Cpts,
close lo all. 1 &. 2 Bdrm, all drps, dble trpl.c between uv. equity. Owner.
uti!. paid, pool, shag (8.l'-ing &: din area /Blt·ln• &: "'"-~m..;..,.41_67><25llc..,.c:.;,·c..,,.~
pets, bit-ins, drapes, garaae ~g. Gar_ Avail Eeb • .l, Have Industrial Buildil!I
w/storage area. Adults only. $250 mo. F'rl.S..l·Sun-Mon. -~wa'nt
Hu1T)' on these. From SlSO. 675--5543' ·Units, T.0 .'s, or 5Ubmit
HACIENDA HARBOR COROUI>o AP'.fS 2 BR., • N&O<y J. ""' .. Realtr.
241 Avocado, Costa Mesa Lowerr levels. s ·tu dJ 0•, 673-llPl '
tktween Vlc!nria & \Vllson Frplca, pool, dbl carporll, Sonar Cbn.Ueng~r '62 si1ip
just y,·e~t of Ne""'POl1 Blvd. patios. $175 • $220. 67l--3378 To Short' ~f~nne Ra~lo.
Ph:Jne 64Z.2925 3 BR, 2 BA, stove, refrlg., G()OC( u Nev,:. W)ll trd. for ~~"!''!'!~~~!!!!~I •vailable Feb. 211d. $260. Sm. boat, property, t.S.
BR AND II EW 675-2698 534-7al8. radio. etc. 540-6'997
11] LOWER Duplex. New 1 y 8 units, 3 stores, fl!ltauranl,
ttd Oce I vac. C-1 Joi, dUpleit + $150 & $170 ec . an sde of h~, home, Wants Ti~r Pk, Ac, ?XI Mo. Adlts. 548-5962 ·
UTILITIES fAlD , 2 BR 2 BA 2nd to . 1 °• '· Eq. !200.000 all "' 1 & ., Bdnn 2 swim pool• ' • 1 f'Y ap · Pflfl. Price Rlt;y. 548-3209
Adulis only, •FIG pets. w-3535 Bltns, $200 ~;.-30 TOWNHOUSE: Newport, 2
Daya, K>-0283 Eves. BR, 2 BA. New cpt, lite pa·
30'1 Avocado St., C.~t. NE\V 2 Br. den, 2 Ba view, Uo, pool; $6ftof eqty. \Vant
See Mgr on prerr,ises Crpts, drps, sundeck, $285. Pre::K'Olt, 4r?z ... pro~r1f or
(Behind K-t.lart oU Harbor 7l'2--0367, 536-4599, ~3864. '! '!? i Ai!nt 646'-0tt!
at comer Rutgers I.: Avocado 3 BR. 2 ba., bhn, ranae le Lido Bl.; Bi¥ftont. Tride
O\'t'n, <"pl&, drps. l·Yr. old , $2;i,000 equity for clear boat
Vacant. So. of hwy. S21S of equal value, Principals
• 3 Bclrms 2 baths, ntany eX· "BIB" REALTY 6r.>3000 only. Contact ?i-1r. Ha'rold
• La1ll:e garden patio! tras. $2ZS/inonth . Johnson, 213/723-0114,
• Ope ~ od ill • 4 B<tnns 2 baths. $250/mo. Huntinnton leech 5400 I ;;::::::;:.:7::,:=c=:.;;......,.
n .,.,am ce na:s Wells-McC•rdle, Rlfrs. '---·------Have bi.ylront. pier&: lloe.t, • Ftrepll\.Ct1 • Roe. Room:t ,-wt h • ho Val e 2 pool.s, saul'WI, IUJ.-1')' 1810 Newport BlvJ .. C.M. IMf.IED. Poei. 2 bdrma. t ,,..5tory me. , "T--5e'm9 644.o684 eve Sl25,000. Want resid., com. school. s bit-ins A ratrlg. Adulta mere, or indu1t. units.
DIMEO. OCCUPANCY $ll5 2 BR Tri-Pl Bl . only.$1 50/mo Incl~. Balboa Bay Prop, 67J..7'20 7700 Petel'IOn Way · . . ex. t-tns, utilltle11
Costa Mesa MG-0370 ga.11> 1.hsp, pallo, gar. Perm. Trade \Vinds Rea?ly M?-S!>U Have 4 beaut. view acres in
Nr. Harbor it. Adanis Adlts, No pets. ~8-0()j9 N. San Diego County. \Vant
iiiiiiiiiiii ... ;;;,iiiiiiiiiii..-12 & 3 BR. Apt's. 2 Ba's. CHEZ ORO APTS. :™ travel trailer hon1e,
2 Bdrms 11,1 baths. built-In Redec le Ready lo ?ifove in. At.la.nta,. H.B. Nu, J, -· .3, Lee Pereyda Rea.I Estate
rana;e &: oven, Ca11K'tS & from $155. Adults Only, 18th br s. Prtv. gar, pool. Ulll ~99-1990 or 494.5.138
drapes. Oose 10 schoo.ls. &. Pomona. &ifr7988. rm. 536-8033 or 536-272'1 Lovely New 4 Br, 3 &
$160/month. 2 BR unturn. Duplex. erp1 & A'ITR.t\C 2 Br, crpts, drp!'I, I-tome. F&bulous Ocean Vw . DAVIDSON Ricllty drps . .J\fiddle aged only gar, kids ok, 5130. 17442 Laguna. Want Lot, T.D. Or
546-M60 Eves. :.14-l83J please. Phone~. Queen!! Ln. 968-7510, lncome.$19,COOEquity.Call
e BARGAIN -Beautiful Igel ~"~'~-!.19'--. ------I c;ig.=~l7~6S~A&;'-"~t.-=--=---.-
Fairway Villa Apts
Near Orang~ OJ. Airport &:
ua. AduJtJI ollly. 20m
Santa Ana Ave. s-si.4641
2 BR apt. 998 El Camino 2 BR. Apt. crpts, drps, 1tove Hl67 32' Ouis Craft, twin·
Dr, C.M. 546--0451 gar. 2 small children Ok. eng, lully equfpped, very
e DELUXE 3 BR Apt 2 No pets. Refer. $135. mo dean. Will trade ·eqt:y for
chl1drcn 0by, 998 E, 4M-8426. bome ot car or &11Ythin&'.
Camino Dr, CM. 546--0451 l o2~8~,-.,,-... -. ~c-.,..--.,-.. -u.-.-2-~2434 Ut '· "2-47U aft 6.
2 BR. Adult!'! ovf'r 45 only. pools , recreation facilities. 1\
$135 fTIO· See lfla;t", 263-265 LeaM'. !)36...4546 * *
Cfll Oll>4619
Old eat Gen, Jl.ferchandite
&tore, $7500 \al, Tnde tor
vac. lot, hOusc equity, boat,
n1obU home,. or • !
fi'r.>.7282 Owner
lL\ VE lat T .D, pl\1$ can add -!~
o 1lttJ>i'operUes. waru-in-,~
COl'ne units. Prine. Only, _
Jlroker/OWl)tt P,0. Box 623 ~
South Laguna, 926T1 · ' ·
Lake!ront, Lake Fo~•t 2
Br, 2 Ba, pool, tennis, fish-
ing, boating; clbllse priv.
Sl.0,400 e<t For Land, In.
com~. or ! 494-8463.
'63 Ca.dillac, Sharp. P rint-
ing p!TSI Ir: equip, Truck,
mtrcycle, minl-blke. Want
llmosine, boat or what ~ve
you. 645--0077 alt. 6 pm, • '
121 Ol'le acre lot1, clear. ,
$6IXKl Valur. Flagstatf, Art.
zona, TRADE F'OR. Call.for~ (;
nia property or '!
01vner 675-.3950
'l'RAD.E S2.~ Equity - 1
/\cl'e.tor TD . Car • Boat •
831).6(}.10 or m.mo
8·2 BR. unib, Tucaon, Ariz.
Stowlng good return, Trade
for Oranee Cnty. home-or
inc. 1st LClln can be aurn'd
at 6%. R. Irwin Rllr6'15-6060
12 units +. aosc to Harbor
&. Newport. CM. Val ue $97,.
500. \Vant hon1e . Ov.·ner wlll
ca rry -no fin chgfi. Leon
Vibel'I. Rllr. a.18-0588 an)'1m,
TRADE $4,Wl-Eqully .
Vie"' Lot Heart Orana;e
County for TD • Car • Boat
• Trailer . Whal hive you.
83().6040 or m9920
~ l •
Trade w1u.sual Palm gpru.;s
Residence on >ACl'f':, 2TI
• ·.•I
' I
'· I
ft. Zone RJ next to c.otullry ;
Club • Equity 58M • FP lSM ,.\
83CM3040 or TI2-99'20 ' ~ r .
* * ,.. '
. ---------------16th Place, CM. 2 BR Apt. Crpts, bll-lns. REAL ESTATI
......... -.. VILLA MESA APTS
2 BR unfurn, pr! patios, hid
pool, 2 car encl'l 1ar. QlU.
<lr~n weloome, no p e t 1
please! $160 also furn $185.
719 W. \Vil.son. 646-1251 * TOWNHOUSE * 2 BR, 1% BA, C11JIS, drps,
patio. Adul!s. $160. 134 E.
t.felody Lan r. tMU872,
NEW 2 BR, 1 BA, shlg crpl.
Drps, dish\v5hr, patio, beam
ceiling frplc. gar. Adult&, no
pets. Jltia. 2650 Elden,
537-0062 after 7 pm & Sun.
2 BR, t1"" BA &: 1 le. 2 BR.
Cl'J)td, drpa, .elf clng gas
oven. 645-2IOI. 377 W. Wllaon
QUIET, cUx 2 Br, bltns,
cpts/drps, beam c e 11 ,
Adultl, no pet1. From fUj.'
546-5386 aft 6.
Washer/Dryf'r Spa~. $1<10. #!-I Newport Beach 5200 Call ~78. 1-·.:-;.:;;";:•;.;'°::._ ___ _
AV AIL.ABLE Feb 18th. J It. 2 Room a for Rent 5995 BR'l'i. New. Cl'pta, drpi. I:,::;.:;;;:::.,:.:;...;.::;;:.:_,;;.;.;,.:
Ltndborg Co. 536-2579 PVT. home walking distance
OC College or Fairview
(2) NEW 2 BR apt!. Crpts, H V I 1°• 50 mp. ery n ce. .u. mo. drps, bl tns. AC':TOIS Crom 540-3810
shoppln;-. 86-1062 ,:;c.:.=--~~-=
NEW I' d i & 3 $15 WK &: Up W( kitchen $30. . never 1ve n 2 2 BDR.1'1S, 2 BA. pvt. patio, wk itudio apt. 2376 Newport
bedroom, 2 Baths. 1280 sq. heated pool, washer I< drytt Blvd. 548-9755
ft .. shaa; carpels, linen drap. hook up. ~
es, bullt-in5. Generous stor. NEW 2 Br Duplex blt-il"lli. PRl room, kit. prlvs. Nr 21st
age, healed pool, steps to Crpts, drps, $Ci0. AdlU . Oo-&: Santa Ana. $17 per wk.
Westclllf Plaza shopping. I 1508 01' ~ 1,;M;:•~~:,:•::;"'1~! ;64>-;;';;12M:::::::..· ,,..-Balanced Power. Furnished y. ive. ' $75 BACHELOR ln Newport
model by Beal'1. --· 11:1.11 Beach. rum. Avail. Feb. "S.~52 Westminster ~ -II.I. 15th. Ca)( 673-4777
LG BR, cpts, drpl, bltns,
perf cpl. 1 · child ok. $135.
10090 McFadden. 835--2267
'1 Adult. $40
333 W. Ba.y St. (Qfflcel
124<1 lrri .. Aff .. 'N.t. Santa Ani 5620 SLEEPING' rm. for work'g 1;:;:;;,;:;.,;.;;.:;o_ __ ....;= roan. King.a bed. Nr 17th&: ~~rv~-c::',.!;' $105 to $13J, LARGE 11i:·2 Irvine. $15. 646-3n6
Office Rental 6070 I ---------·I . .-~• LAGUNA BEACH i
Air CondltlOllOd ~
Dc!sk apace avall&.ble In '' ~
newert ottlce building el '
prime 1ocation In downtown :
Laguna Beach. Air condl· ·• ~
tloned, carpeted, be:auUIW ~ ~
entn.nce1: Fronlai'e on ' f
Forest Ave., rear lea.da to r
MWJClpaJ parking Iota. SSC f
per month tor space, Desk • .. I
and chain available for $!.
Buslneu hours answerln;
aerv1ce available for llO. t •
All Utfiltia paid .X~pt ....-1 telephone.
.... 9466
1 &. 2 BR unfurn Apt1.
DishwasJlCr & stove. ~cc &
hot water paid. Adult5 only.
•""~'l"!~~~!"';,,,!!!1 Br. atudlo ApU. <tri-plexJ. ROOM, In CdM; priv. entry.
EASTBLUFF Crpl!I, drp11, frplc, lae faml· Walk to stores, beach. S60 PRrME OUlce space. 2000 11q
Lg. 2 BR, 2 Ba, crp'td, drp'd. ly kitchen w/bllnl • .t child mo. Mature man. 673-ll48. ft in Irvine Towt>r. NewPOtt ·~·
2 BR. Crpted, range, oven &
dlspot1al , $125. Apt C, 132 E.
Bay. 49i;--7792.
LGE 2 BR, Pool. Crpll "
drpe. Kids ok, 1998 Maple
Apt 3. 548-28M.
DELUXE 2 Br. 2 Ba.
Tov.·nhousc Bll·lrt.'I, ct'Jll!I,
1lrps, encl gar. Clbhsc le.
Pool. $195. Call 540-4179
3 BR. 2 BA. New crpts,
linoleum &: drapes. Freshly
painted lhruout. Pri paOO,
encl gar. $19J. 673-3690
2 cov'd. garages. Xlnt Joe. ok, no petJI. Nr schools. 2230 FI nan c l a I Cenler. Qv.
nr ghopping, 1eh.li. & church. So. Center St. (N r Wamer). Motels, Trlr. Crts. 5997 f'rlooking Nwpt Harbor &.
816 A t w Pacific Ocean. Supel'b loc.
es. m goa ay # A. S Cl I 5710 WEEKLY rate1 Sea Lark lit class l!X,'<. oUI-•. A•-11 $200 per n10. lyrly.) an emtn • · ,_,. •• ?ifotel, 2301 Newport · Blvd., lmmed. Re q u i re 1 relm· 11uo•o 0 2 BR Duplex. tam rm, frplc, Costa Mesa bursemcnt of $5227 In f'X·
? t , cllf'Pl!ll, dish•ashef, view. tslln" office Improvements.
-•tr g1 a,a 4!)'2..3464 or 2131~ Gu11t Homes 5998 Monthly Rental on 5 yr )If!.
Is $1076. 7G, or 53c per ICI ft . ~
BAYFRONT Dani Point 5740 PRJV. Room for elderly lady ~Cc:atc.l-.::&14-S~F";,;':.· ~+"'-'->·Ml
2 BR. 2 BA IUX\lry apta, Pri. NEW Split Lev. 2 Br. In lie. guest hOme. Call · ) · · , ·
temace, ~evators. liubtefto Duplex . Crpls, drps, blt·in11, 646--3391 . Modem O,fft
ranean pk g. All elec. ~I, disposal, S200 Mo. 33938 Miac.. Rintils 5999 S7a ai.na:le. $135 2 nn 1u!t1, ,
soft water, boat dockl. S350. Alcau.r 496-2319 Air cond. Setl'y aervice, -'
up, 3121 W. Coast Hwy New. 'EST Ta rut.LY enclosed garages. partdng, cen tra.IJ.y located. ·~~ 2 BR. fine location near town Avail 211/'70. Eves & week. Bl\'d . Excellent park-like SWTOw>d·
&:. beaches. Inquire 1020 S. ends ~ ~~~-~=---ing1, pooll Extra parkll!i.
Coast Hwy or 1el, ~ (M&.,RRIMAC WOODS 3 BR, 1 Ba, ~;. blk to bea..!h, Nr. thopplrig, Adults only. A'M'RACTIVE-Clean 2 Br,
2 BR, 2 BA. View bome 1n<li: l'1nl units .avail: 9!e Ad un. l261,i 40lh. $240 yearly. l . 2 Ir: 3 BR A?T'S crpls. drps, bltn1, carport.
port. 642-2'ltu ' Rl!AL A .. us per mo. So, Calil 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg, I
DELUXE General '* MS-2921 * C. Robert Jfe.llresa Realtor ~'
8AYFRONT Rent1l1 W1nted .5990 SLEEPING Room. priv en· Costa Ptfesa 642-1~
$lOO mo. 2 BR , :Z BA. -tram. Prlv bath S60 mo, NEW Bldg. Office Rentala. ' '
Dock avail. Mc.Kenile, * Phone 54&Jl921 * Access to &lnta Ana • San "' • f'od. Lag. Bch. ssoo ·mo .. dt!r class 5lll0. 425 t.terri-675..?.249. ALSO FURN BAOl Adll'I. No pct., S1 3S.
year's lease. Eves.~ mac Wa,y. ~ 2 BR fum &: untum. $1.50 -lm Santa Ana Aw C.'-f. f>43..6769
Sus CASITAS S175. Cpl§, drps, blt.ns, pno1, t.tgr, Apt 113 Gt~~ ..,_:,_~-----
patio. 15.2;; Placentia I 2 BR. crpt1 drp1, encl
Mi1sion Viejo 3708 Ftlrn. 1 BR •PIS Adults. gar. Adulla onfy. No pets.
646-0732. I 6000 Plea;o Fwy Ir: Crown VaJJQ ,
FOR Rent or Lse: Peninsula ncom• Pro,.rty Pkway. Call (1) 8.11~1400 or
1---------only, no pell. 2110' Newport FOR two adu.lla furn 2 Bdr ORLEANS APJS Vic Harhor & Bakf'r Shop'g.
NEW 3 Bdr • !&m rm, '""' Blw. 642.-9''6 apt. Wim" n!O "°' mo. Util • lt33. 642.-2389.
Pt. 3 Br. 2 Ba on ·BaJboa Strike WhU e Coff.ee Js HOii 4~198 eves.
Blvd. at the Ocean. Crpll. ()pen house Sunda,y at best CONVENIENT CM loc1Uon,
& llrps. V~w. Jot $200. Xlnt i',-~7"~~----paid. 1J5 23rd St. NB 2 • 3 BR all d • '
di DllX 1·2 BR, allO unturn. av , A u1ts only.
t'Ond. 3 Bdr &: f'111 rm, n Mitts, no pets. util lncl. 1$84 f"\JRN & unrurn I BR aptll. .
nn. C'U!!IOm crpts ~ drpg. Monrovia. 54S.{)3J8 Pool. No children or pell. 17U Tustin. Costa Mesa
Near pvt. (1Ub $300. 21051t 16th St N B "A" .. -.. •1 La Paz RE. 130--0700 A'MRACTIVE 2 BDRM n ' ' • .....,....._,.. J\'lgr, Mn . Ctnon. &i2-464.1
SaJeway tenter,...+ fl~ x ut il. Pool, Adulti. no DELUXE 2 Br. We1tclW loc.1=~=------
Mlsslon Viejo pets. 2772 fllaple, S48-0l.57. Pool & hll·lns. Adu1t1. $2:iO BEAUTIFUL Custom de.luxe
QUIET 2 Br duplex, bltns. No lea.w. S1H274 BR, l\I ba. crpts, <!rps.
Duplex•• Unfurn. 3975 pr, patio, E-tdde. A;du1ta. bl~. pt1v patio. cl08cl 2 -pet. ~ ... th Pl •••129! car JCarace • .Avail ritar. J.tll .r. f..AO:I .... • _. ..., ·.,....... Coron• dtl Mir 4250 Adul" . pie·-. l lB" mo. trUN Tt~~~iJc B · 485 It UP. Nice 1 .\2 BR MS-22U~t~ ..
2 BEDROOM, I balh, e:<· ~~7Js~ ~= St., CM. 2 BR. t ' BA, b!k/ocean I: I 1 BR Duplu w/ priv yrd.
eeUent neighborhood. b&y. VM!w. Prl patio . nrUO $100mo
Untumishe<I. $US month. 1 • .. 2 BR DUPLEX. $115 It Adul ts, m peta.. Sll!O )Tly. I Sludl~ 1 Rm ~pt., lrt yrd.
Call 536-6602. $135. Adu.ltl. f13..7629 utll p:t' S82 mo.
$125. Real nice 1 BR Duplex. Phone * 549-0833~ FURN. or Unt 2 Br OOM to 54Mi680, 64&.QOi
Carpon, Wu~/dr)'tr. Tot TR.AII.!:R Ret i r ed Or ~an.314 Marguerlt•·TERRIFtC 2 bdi'ma l\.i
ok. Bkr. 5J4..69lll S'tuMnl $10. 140 1 Cabrillo, (Sl3) "31-1195 or m.i> hatbl sharp carpet.a/hp.
2 BR. Oean. ).fiddle Aaed s;it.oe 1. C.fttr 675-7478 e1. APJ,ro:c, Uoo sq ft .• fenc-
Empl Couple Prcl. No Pets. LRG l pr. Fttrq. No lAe. No raRN.t-Br. apl., fr p I c . ed, Avall. 211/'70, S155/mo.
Reas. 616--61 42 child or pet11. SUS. &41 Cple. or 11\ngle woman. $150 Four Star Realty ~422
DAILY PILOT Dl~tE ·A.· SMllmar Dr .. "~", C~. ltf'altor 673--20l0 BEAUT. 2 Br. New. Drps,
LINES. You CM \lie IM'm TR.AILER-Rctlred (Jt •tu-EXCEPTI'bNA'L 1 BR. beam carp'd, ftove~ c.arb. d!Spl.,
for Ju11t riennlc1 a day. DlnJ dent $67.5().$80. Call 518-9287 clg11, shll.11: crpt. 1 adult, no prtv )'li\t No Children or
PIWT CIASSlfled 1d. &fl 4 or 338-7440 aft f , wt1. $153 rrlY. 673-'i6:l9 Pl!ll, ,,. IUMlU: . '
3 BR apt, bit-In raf\ge.
carpet11, drapes. 1 5 5 2 ·A
Coriander St. S45-.'i268.
Drps & Bltins. $285 mo. Call lnve11tment opportunity in 2000 11q, n., •fr.conditioned • .....,...
548-7889 the Weat. Elqant 4-Plex In Will divide. $275 mo. Ideal a:
1WO 2 Bl' homes, apse. 1 area of la.bu!~ growth for accountants. doctorl. :
gmds. Back &y, 1 vac Feb lanqlcirds & lroltenll 1howa top retum at $66,000. Agent. 64.Z-TT17 ,,\.:
l, othf'r Feb l!S. Adultl only. J-Ielp itamr ciut brok!:rMJp 171181 Grovt Circle. HB. AIR.PORTa:NTER :
R.eCiJ, 1175. Lf &-2381 hougea, apt1 le underalra.ble ~•t of Sprin;dale &: So. ol New 1, 2 & 3 room dthzxe 'i. : ,;;;~;:_;=;,;;;..==:;;,..~~I t(tnAnts. \Varner.
2 BR. pUy dnid. bit-Ins, gar. LAROE ~IDO ISLE 2 Br. *SPEE·DEE Nl!W5* Paclflc Shores rttalty suites. i\dJ, new motf'l Ir· t
Adil &, no pc\a, p 8 t I 0 . study, 1 ~ ba. crpt1, drps, Ablolutely fut 5.16-8894 EWan 3424729 restaurant, ?ifacArthur Blvd. ' I
l BR Ouple;ic w/l{ar, clo.'>(l lo
1hop'g, no pe111. Adult1 only.
$100. 5'ls:.&.l."11.
&12-lZU. adulU. Least. OR ~1S02. '4S.2471 li'rom $125, Call ~784.1. ",' 1
2 aR. 1URtcck, i;:arage. new-NEW 2 Bdmt 2 bath tn-level Busineu Rental 6060 omCE or DESK --""tal ·
ly de<."Orated. $150. Adults. Condominium. Pool area A FAl\1lLY 01 t Q.!ilrei 2 BR 1610 W Cout 11-N • ~ .. ,. ~ or 5f0...4t3l &«Id,, fireplace. $22S/mo. &42-t7-« houst u ii furn . , i:ar. ATTJUCTIVE m set.' ft. 1''1m 0~ untu.m. ~ • ! or Bay .l Beach Rulty Permanent. t.qu,... S. room. sultabl• for artllt. ... 1t•
3 BR. 2 BA Condo. Crpts, DWJXE 2 Br. Wutclltt. loc. ~79 am. $l!iG417S mo. pfofe&&. or retail ~nell. 2 COSTA M:u. omcts. AJC. ,., :
drps, bltna, pool. Patio, ~~ B1kl from Udo tale f75..47t7 cr'Jlta. d.rpJ. Pvldnr" 1D •·l" I a:anp. S225 mo. ~o ~e:.e.bl:~'ju;ts. ,$220 WANT Jmmac. 2 or 3 br. H.e STORE FOR. LEASE ln Rakv. 646-4833 « Ml-4'B1 "
NEW dlx.. 2 Bit. 2 BA. Shaa-' • • · or apt Ullf. ·Ntwllort 11'H.. Pamrlc BJde., nnt to SMALL <>mce on bu.,. "' 1
crpta, drs>t. lmmtf OCC\lpy. 1 BDRM near beach, JltW._ Xln't rettr. 1 lt.tb'. Call Berbhtm Rntaurant. tnq. nft' Costa Me11. ~fmol\th ,• :
$115-$\80. 540.!973, Ma.2371 pakl. ~ on YfUi.>' ~· ~9-1. ~Mn. Ftanke utUJtlts Included. 642"5e0 .,
2 BR. I ~' &. Stove 8' 61.>-4289. ' t e LANDLORDS e Star!:, oUiee, dnk apar.t. It.AVE 1.arp 2 room Olla re11170~·: E64a_ 11~ I~!, ~!1· N•wport Short I 5""0 FREE RENT'AI. SERVICE 1842 Newport Blvd., C.ltl. 8\lltf!' to 111\lro w/)'ounz .:"; .,..o. Jz _,, .,,.,.....,.,.,, '" Broker ~ !M8-0S8S prol'I, Ot~l. G'l:i-4171 -~ 1
""'~,..-.-"""~~ ..... ~·~· LRG 2 It 3 BR. Crpt11, drpc. l l~lMACULATJ:~ 3 SR. t1.PI~ BUSINESS to.tAN, 511. ""·ants llOUSE ZOn«I fpr atore or BEAUT. air c.~ndll.Jonld Cit· ,· •1,
or 1 kids ok. ztl4 Collq:t Ltue $235 "*t mo. Frank room &: bed or \\•Ill 11\!lre. otflCe. etc. too,.. tt. '15 car II tn ,.~ .. No .... ,... ct, new e&t"l'lfltl Ir .-t. 1 ~ , Avt., Apl. t, ~11' Manhit.U ,IUty. m-4600 P.O. Sm< 1i1, C01ila f.ftl!la. pttrk'R $11-M.i\, $:10 1M. Call G43--<b0 llay-. _ • )
1t l
' ,...,._o;.:Al~Y PJl.OT Saturdaf, J11t11•r~ J l, 1~7C.
A •UIJ l 1M ~ < -•I FINANCIA;;:L __ _
h Offloo a.n111 '°'o 11us1-·
HUN"flNGTON HJ\CH l;;Oifo!!u;;:;";itl;•;•::;6300;;1RED Malo u.bby .,.t, ~ ~ c...ditlm,... '"" ...., n .. collar. c.!""! °" alACN a1..vo •• , Shotts area. 6'll-63:13 alter '
Dtdc .-... aftil&ble ln 1,,:pm:;::,,-~~~~--~•t otttce-bulldina at VERY Small female puppy,
lam.tlon In H'untln~ poalbly Scottie, brindJe co!·
Oa Beach. All' acmdltlooed, or. 1''nd on El Modena Avr. beaullfuJ entrance. Front· Jo'rt. &16-0ll7
When You
Wont it done
right ...
ace on Bcsch Blvd., rur 11 ~::.;;:..::;:.:,....-~...,.,., ·-liads ta private perklng 55,000 G• on• BLACK Atak cock.,.....poo, ,~ .. loll $5() ptt montb for »old Jan. 1970. Hun1ble Oil 1-2 yrs. old, w/leash.. v\C'.
\Pl ce. ~ knO cnairs &r Rl'fining Co. bas this 001. South ~t-Plaza. 6'1>65-19
Call one of
the experts
.listed below/!-aV&llable for $5. Business 51and!ni :iorviet s t a I Io n
boon anawtrb\g ioen'l.ce availablt-ntai• Co11a ~feu. FOUND Small black klllen, ••••1!1•••••••111••• .. ••••••••••• .... available for $10. AU ulill· red nea eollar vie. 35lh St ., N.B. ,
Ues J)llld t xcet1t telephonl'. No invl'stnient is rt'Qui 673-6434 4!ter s. SERVICE DIRECTORY , SERVlCE DIREC10RY Sc KvlC.:E OIRiiCTORY
OAILY ,ILOT fv Lirtl, 'batt.,.ies, act'e&-ESE "·· /flt rollar
111D'S IUCH aLVD ~s. 1a110lint or motor oil. SIAM ..... 1. w a • B•brslttlft9 6.550 Gardenint 66IO Paintin9, 1 ·
-HUNTINGTON IEACH All utilities paid by Humble, Vk. Ford &. 1--facArt:hurl --''---·"-----_..:P..;•:iP;;•::.rh;;:;.ln::g!!;ln~g--"50
t 642-4J21 Equipment l'l'nted to quali-Blvd. 644-Q488 /.tAnJRE Woman sit your GEN'L ~ .Clean-up, 1\-ee
SM. OFC, fend slor. area. tied individual. FOUND: A white l'&l, near hOmt tves & wkndll. $1.25 i;erv, roto-lW. Sprlf.l r
Remod. to i;uit ttnanl. Ltd Jo'or lnfonnation Call Edl~r and Boise Chica. hr. After 6 pm -llpm repairs,, lla.u l -R ea1on .
rncl iilor. Prelcr to shr \V.\V. \Vood, ldentlfy.-Call 596--6024 StS-«389. 646-584t 1._
Secy. Ideal lol'. SllS inc:! ~95.26 cves/\\·knds. ~IO'fHER of 2 1i1·i.sbell to JAPANESE Gardener,
'1 ·1• utll. &t2-7222 K.l\I. Civiello, lost 6401 babysit days my home, 2 exp 'd . C.OUntcy yard setvlce.
-• MARINER'S CENTER 836-6661 ll'kd"Yll yrs '& up. Playroom, lo!/' of Reliable, free est. 642-4389 !;.r:. OUice in Store Bid. Rent or -REWARD toys., Balboa Isl. 675-l&W J ll\1'S Gardening &. lawn
I._ o; t.se. S75. 149 Rivenide Ave ., Afll~~Nov SUPPL y VcrY friendly i:-ray I< wh1te /'.fY Homo. Reas. r.teal1, mainb!nanct. Res. & 00111·
•· N.B. 6'16'-2414 tigt>r 111rlped n.ale cat, 9 Supervised activiliell. Days m~I ""+ Sf0....4337 .~~ Best Location in CdM ROUTE mos. old. Vic. Jan1e1 St ., or EvP.s. Some nursing EXPERT J apanese G&rde.oer
•. -• 1000 O<fl. ft. dt'luxr tNo ~Uing involved) C.J\I. 548--t537 alter 6 pm training. Call 673-ra23 Right Pri«. llice job " clean ~ "" ~Cf'llent income for few
orfice spa.Ct's. Avail lmmM. houi•s 11,ttkly w·ork. (Days LOST: Female Silky Puppy. BABYSITTING, Near Heller up. Free estlmat~. 548-3354 •
Fhone o"'ner, 612-99;,(I. 1'1esa Verde Area, C.~1. Park. Lrg Yard, Hot Lunch. CLEAN-UP SPECIALIST and E1·ening1l. Retilling and 213)
3345 NEWPORT BLVD. oolle(·ting money from colnL~Ro~·~··~ro~!~C~oJ~l =C-O:::;:U~0<~t=-,<~:7lv'~1~on-'i'F~"i· ~&1f,;.~21~;iifilii<i'Oi"i 1.fowing, edging, odd .)obs. 300 SCI. 11 . opii)W" ·Nfi\!po o!)('ralM Qispensers 1n-0r=-r ""Relial;IFW>Uier or-2 ----Reuonablo. 548w69£
City Hall. ~16'11 angl.' Co. and surroundio: YOUNG Black MaJt Cat. v.'artta babysitting. At y JOHNSON'S GARDENING
Industrial Prop. 6080 area. \\It establish route. Part Siame11e. Oversiz«;rl hOme. Pre!. infant • 3 yn. ·yan1 care, dean-ups, Prun·
tlh1.ndles name brand candy frnl feet. Lost or Strayed m Call 5-ti--0223 ing, pl&nting. 962-2035
, :!l ,fiOO ~· fl. dcltL'i"e bldg.
Leased. l·hoice 0 r a n g e
O>Unly 11re11. Prope r ly
clear. !}.1•net \\'/curTy Ist
TD s1;1,t . Prepd int. ok.
5.10-3645 am, 82&-5430 pm.
NE\V Bldg., Il.000 sq fl for
sale or lf'ast' F'or dt'ta 1I~
and i;nacks) $UT.i.~ cash C.l\1. Area. S:W-49'10 CHILO cal'e licensed, infa nis
N'qu!red. 1'01: personal Inter. LOST Black Lab Pup. No to 5 yrs.. Mon thru 1''ri .
\'ielll in Or11.nge Co, l l'ell, Collar. Vic. Huntington St., Bristol, Paularino or. Or&.
send name, addrei;.s and H.B. Re"·<ird~ 53&-2S80. Counly Airport. 540-8372
General. Serx.ices 6682 . I
RAIN gutten 'insta lled.
Rainey sea.son almost ht!re!
Free est. Reasn! 968-2208.
phone number 10 l\fULTf. -===========:=l';;;;;:~.:2'.'..".~::_:;::~:,..-,
""' ~ lNC 68 i. .10s CHJLD care (or infants A: '"''ATE BlST., ., 1 l \V. Person•ls ~ children for work in&
Broadway, Anaheun, Cali· -----------1
fomia 92802 1n~1 n!HiOOO. FULL" LICENSED * children for worlhna: motb-H II
llania ltralty j J\tANU}~ACTURER
Commerci•I 6085
roR M.lt 686-698-6.;, ,,, 1!>th
St Beth<'! T11n Al'('a. ,
S.'8·1768 or &lfi..7414, ~I
lndiJstri•I Rent1I
1~'60 Logan Ave., Costa. l\lesa
Each unit 1725 sq ft, 2 off·
i<.<es, 2 rest rooms. 110/2'10
electric. Ample parking.
C. Robert Nattress Reallor
Costa l\1ei;a 6l2·1.a85
LOTS 6100
$17,&00 lnvestinen! into the
no. I Business of the day. 25
yr. htstor)' ol success. nolf
1'Xflllnding opcratioru1 to So.
Calif. Complett! lactory in.
slallP.d & ready to go. \Viii
train Principal of J\1gml.
abilitie8. ConlACt immM.
On<'t': in a lilelime oppor. to
niakf' tl1at high inconie n1os1
pc'Ople dream of. Startlr.g
salary S12,000 + substantial
profits. Call Ken Oi.Uord
~'714) 71 ..... 7050
Rf'liable people will be select.
r( in ttus area & surround·
ing C'nty's . reliU &: coUrel
money from Ne1v Concrp1
of Vending l\lachine11. Co. 1 rs tablishes Joe.
OCEAN VIF.\V LOT I Thi~ is a ground floo r oppor·
BAJA. l\IEXJCO tunity lo obtain a very prof·
~ly beautiful hon1rs1te 111 l'X· itable &: new business. Start
<·lu~iYI" Anil'ric·an rrsorl part or full lime. \Vrite
Colony, Los G11\•io1w: in 'Ba· or ph.
ja, l\!exico. Aloout ·I;, n1in. SO UTH.LANO VENDING
Jro1n San Diego. Just oH the 336 E. 17th SI.
F'f""y. Les~ th&n 200 f1. eo.~·la 1'1esa.' Cal. 9'1627 J-. from lhf' ~urf. Only $3.9j(). (TI4) £.16.0W4
;ndudc~ all u!ll k T.V.1 ----'-~S~S'-S~S---
c"blc undrrgrournl. Paved, NEBD Sll,500 1sJ. Trust Dttd
lighll'd :1!1't'CI!. l'luhhst' & on comm') bei cb rf.oht prop. rectcalk>naJ facililiC'~. \\/ill
* ·' en. Nuf'lll':s supervision, •u ng
Reknowned Hindu Spiritualist 1--------,---6730
Advi.&es on all mntters; lunches A .snacks, dinner i.I ..._
req'd. F.ull time care avail. Y ARD I G • r . l: I eanup. Lo\'e, J\farriage. Buainess, ~W Remow trees, ivy, trash.
Courtship, H La It h. HaP.1,.,:'""',.:..-----.,---G rade, backhoe, 962-8745 piness & Success. No pro-WILL babysit your hOme 5
blems too large or loo d1~ys o.r eves. You furnish
small. 1 CAN HELP YOU. transportation. 642-1407
Readings gi\'en 7 days A CARE For Your Child fron1 5
""eek. 9k'f·9PM 3U N. El PM 'Iii 12 nights. Ca 11
Camino Rea l, S a n 543-3166
Cle111ente. 49'l-9136, 492-0016
Y o u r Character Analy~s.
Brick, Ma1onry, etc.
• 6~6\i
Your i\11lrology lde rrtiUca·l-----------
!lon Card, Research lnfSco. ! FREE Esl. BrM:k, block,
Your L~cky Sym~· s tone, planlm &. entry
Your Birth Date, Name & , :>31-4973 State Lic'd
Add rr:as &. S2 10 J . B., Inc. \\a)'!. · ·
e HAUUNG. Have ~ Ion
pickup. licensed & insu1'Cd..
~JOVING ,-lla.uling, Slj a
ton, :i.36-1091, Best late eve
or early Ai\! or j,16.61~6 (!'ii)
HAULING. Cleanup, lot~ etc.
Handyman anytime yo u
l'all. *** til:l·3l98 •••
Clean Up and Haul
SlO .a load. 646-2528
P. o . Bo.ic 762, Cot~na JeJ Business Service 6562 Housecle1ning 1'\1ar, Calif. 6735
*Men CO:\IPUTER printed addn!&ll BA'' k Beach Janitorial
labels. Your name & ad-1 Carpets, \\"indows, floors,
dr<"ss l i.~l·key punched into etc. Reg & Co mm c ' I ,
1"tND YOUR GIRL THE (8 ,\1 1·anJs. Files n1oin-646-1·101 . S~lART \VAY! lained & updated. £7"...-8158 1 r.Ic~a Chn1.ning F.cn :ice
547-6668 TYPJ°NG hy pro re s s . CH'JK'll'". "ifkla11 $. floors. f'fc.
21 hour recordini;: sccre1ary. General I.· Rt>S. & Co11mr"I. 548--1111
ELECTROLYSIS (Unwa nted er1c;inceru1g. Student r.1les. 962-982~ I Income Tix I-lair Permanently Remov-.:.;:._:~=-=====~
rdt By Appl. 18700 Main ~'t. HAVE TYPE\VRITER!-
11 .B. Call 842-7796 \VILL TRAVEL~
644-49St afler J: ::o
ALCOHOLICS A.n011,)m0us1=====:;::====
Phone. 542-7%11' o.· write 1° Cabinetm1kin9 P.O. Bo:c 1223 O>sta ~!esa. 6510
GROUP Custom Cabinet & FUrn.
or 6·IB-5130 Furn Re-Finishing. 64:;....()991
Income Tax
$5 & UP
t'ILI:: !::ARLY.
e Interior • E x terior e
Acow:tic c:cilini;ll pld, 12 ;yrs
e ."<per. State lit. 'Pitts~
pnls. 5-U-1787
INT & Ext Pnlg. 1''ree esl.s.
Loe ref.s. 30 yrs exp. Uc. &
insrd, Call Chuck ~5--0809
or Jim 5'1a...l»05. '
./ PA I NT I NG-INT/Ex!.
Jack can do that painting
job-fast, c lean &. very reu!
Est. 894-3895, 847-1358
EX-PAINTER, now schl
teacher will paint eves &:
-1i1.·knds.-Xlnt....workmu nsbl~
1''rec esl. 64&4519, 540-0062 * PAPERHANGING
&. PA INTING * 968-2.i'lS
f>'OR Better Pai n t i ng,
Interior & exterior. aooustic
ceil ing~. 6·16-~077, Insured,
PAINTING-Ext-Int. 18 yr!!.
exper. In.'!. Lie. Free esl.
Accoust. Ceilings 548-5325
PAINTING S12 a ve r a ge
room. Reliable, fast. IO yrs
in are11 . 638-7333, 41PJ\f
Local references. lmmed
service. &l&-5242, 646-3657
Painling I: Paperhanging
1"~ est. Reas. 642-2364
YOU Supply The Paint. 3 Br,
I.iv Rl\1 & Kitchen Painted,
S50. Call 557-8638.
PAINTING, Papering 17 yrs.
in Harbor area, Lie. &
bonded. Re.ls. furn. Gn--2356.
Pl~stering, Repair 688!>
At: types, }Tee estimates
Call 54l)..682:j
JAPANESE Gard e ner ,
e"p"d. Compl . yard service.
FT'f'r f'Stimate. 548-82.55
Plumbing 6890
No job too s1nall
• tH2-3128 •
Remodel, Repair, 6940
Add -A-Room
Remod eling
Custom Design S ervite
Free Estim•te. A<t-4-075 I
i\IAKE your home
M wwtllan ma1 ,1au !Mir M• ., ,...,...,,.
Phones Are Ope11 .8:00 a.m. • 5:30 p.m. . .
9 lo Noon1S.turcl•y -Closed Sundey
DIAL. OIRECT ... ~42·5678
Huntington Bitch: S40.1220 Laguna Beach: 494-9466
l lROltS: AdvertlMn lfMMIW ·chick t_,r H• tl•HJ anti ,.,.... lm"""l•taly etr•r•
• or ml1c:laufflc1tton1. THI.DAILY PILOT .auumn ll1Wllty for erron Mly te
' tM ••toenf .t pultliiahhtt the· HvM11tement c.orrKtlr •n• tlm•.
DlAoLIHE 'O• CQ'Y AND KILtS: 5:30 P.M. the 41y Wore 1Mo1llUutJ.,.,, U:Ctttf
fw WMkeM lfltkNI 1M MW1y .-cHOM when cl•lnt tlm• 11 s:•. P.M. ,,, ... ,.
YOU MUST HAVl.KILL NUMllll Whan k llllnt an 1111lttc.luM•f1111lck N1UU1,
" ltt Mir• 'f• rntc. • ncn et the klll numlMlr 9tven .,_ ~ your ad taker a1
••rifk•tJM Ill YfH.lr 1:111.
Ivery tffort 11 MM• to klll or ,.,.,.ct • "'* acl that ha1 Hen or4e"4, ltut WI ,.,..
"9t tNr•riM t• llfe .. '"ttll thtl Id hu .,,.."4 In the J1'9r•
DIMl·A-LIN! Ads •r• '1tri<tly.c11h 111 •dv•nr• lty mill er 1t •ny on• of •ur .tflcu.
NO phone wdar.. '
Tht DAILY PILOT nMrVt11 "'9 rffht t• tlusffy, .. It, C9"MP or rafuH 1nr. ..iv1r--
tlHmlftt, anf t• ch•"I• lb ,.._ 1n4I rttUl•tlOftl wlthfUt prlor Mt ct.
M•li Addnu: lo• 111s1 Ntwport INch, C1llfornl1
l:XSSl.,"fllJC"OONfiii ,,.. loutM a1 f1llow1:
330 W. BAY
2211 W. BALBOA
Daily Pilot Classified
HOUSES FbR SALECL!~~·~IED IND~~........... _I
CHILD GAit(, Lk...i Ult
Ml!IA VlltDI!
N•W.l'OltT ll:~H
Nl!Wl'Ol f NllOHTt
IALI OA coves
ODVE'lt $HOltl!!o •
UNIV•ltlrn' f'Altk
El T ....
lltVINE Tllt lACE
1..100 IS1..I'.
IANTA ... ._. H°OTI.
LAGUN A "l!ACN l .1Gt/N 4 Hlt:Ut!L
-"" ...
'"' Ult
'"' '"' "" '"' "" "" m• u• u• 1141
U• uu
UM , ..
>m , ..
"M ,., , ..
"" .• ,
"" UH
"" ...
"" ·~ ....
l U' 1,,. ... ...
"" .... ., ... ....
IUI •»> ,..
"" "" ...
AptL 1Fur11ish•d coHT•Acto•s 4'•
o•N•ltAL .. c ........ , r LIANINe ""
COSTA MISA '"' CAltl'l'iT L.t.YINO a ltl l'All .. ,,
MI U VlltDI •11' OltAl'l!ltlt'S ...
NIWl'Oltt 1••c" '* OIMOLITIOH Ull
NIWl'Olt!i tdlOHT»i f11• 0111.t.ll'll"tN• llltVICI M U I ~~1:~: .. SHnllll :: =~~~;:~:; lll•NT&LS :::
UNIV•1tSITY f'Altl f'lt7 ll'INC INO IUf
•AST I LUl"P nn l'UINAtl ltl l'AllS. l ie.. U H
COlllONA DI L 'Mii ttH PUINITUll• ltl!STOltlHe
LIOO ISU tlU Ol!Nl!ltAl SlllVICll
Wl lTNUN1Tllt 4'11 INTllllOI Ol!COltATINe
SANTA ANA "'" llON, Ofw•IMl!tll, Sl'-
TU.TIN tt4t IH~t..U.TINe
LAGUNA IEACH Utl ll'fVl$TIGATIHe, Oeftdl ...
MISSION Vl•JO 4711 JIWl!LI Y ltE!'AI~ lie.
!lllll'LI.)(, ett. ..... MASOHltY, &llCI
MOTELS .............. ,.,..,. 4'7J l'AINTING, l'aHrll.ntlftt
, Apts. Unfurnished
f,AEIA Ve•o• 1111
NIWl"OIT l•KN ntl
flll!Wl'OIT HllOHTS Siii
NIWl"OIT SHOllll S Int
UIOVllSITY f'Alt!C n '1
I AIT 11..UPP n tt
1.1.Y ISLANDS 11"
1..100 tlLI! IHI
l'AIHTIHG. 1""9
l"l.ASTllt.'llO. !'1lt11. ltt"lr
ltAD IO, l•lrs. l tt..
l l MOOl!LING & ltl!'Allt
lllMOOl!llNe, IUTCHI Jll
Sch-. 511•-SIWING 4*
IEWINO MACHtNI ltl f'A IJlt *'
Sl!l'Tlt TAllKS, S.--. •'-' ~
TAILOll lNG ''"
worth approx $40,00Q. WIU
givr you my phin.~ for pay 10...,.., In t, 3 yn due date.
tharmtn.s: S7,000 2 BP. home. Present income Sl.50 per
lde11I for vacations & mo. Llndborg Co. 53&-2579
rellrc ml'nl. $600 dn, balance
in ;i Vl'8~. \Vrilr 1'1r. MAMA Ml.A? Owner wanll to
Tipit1no.' P. O. Box 1451 retire! Nice Costa 1'1e'3
Chul11 VISllt, Cal. 92011. Ph. re.tauranl. WiU t-aMider
in•ll 42&-l"•ll Day or Nh<'. least! or lease/option. Full)'
Announcem__oe_n_11 __ 6-4_10 , C•rpentering
Income Tax Service
liveable, Carpentry
remodeling, reliable
reasonable. &l2-Jl55
& CAl'ISTltANO l l ACN
"" "" "" ·~ l/4f
IE.IL l l ACH J~ll
Tl!llMITE CONTlllOl '"11
TILE, (.,.,,.le HM
TILE , Lltl"'-• Mlri.M 4'11 fltl!E SEltVICI: ,, ..
fl!LllVlllON, ltHltt. lie. 4'1.1
equipped: r'1!EMiy lO cook~
Agent, 6"2-7777
RACE, Cjt.R DRIVER need~ Invest baCklng. FutuiT
SU. Call 1--tr. Edward Whlt·
ed/ Bus Mgr. 6'15-5743 afte r-Perron RcaJ ty !'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!"'~' I noons. fl.iUS1' Sacrifice $4.500 equity s~,",~,°"L-L~-=RE=ST"•"u"RANT"°"=.
_ Hillside VIEW lot -1-teart newly re-decorated, beach
Orange County -$60/Mo. area. Substan!1al do1~•n &
on Ba.la.nee. 83G-·6(H0 terms. 642--0724
PANORAMl C ocean vi~v l\1ACHINE Shop-o1\-ner relir-
<.'Or. Jot. pvt bch. Only 1 1elt ing. Small shop, nice bldg
, in l\lonarch Bay. 499--1344. on 1i ac. J\!-1 prop. Call
49:i-4519 .... O"'Tler. 642-2601 or 548-3261.
\VORY-SHOP ~llNOR RflPAffiS. Ho Job
A program or inlerpersonlll Tor Smail. Ca bine.t in gal'-
exerdses for small self-di· ages 6 o t h e r cablnet.s.
reeled groupi;. J\flr1imal ~5-8175, U no a.tlS\\'er lea\·e
Perron R iiy Bldg. ti~Z.lnl
Smiley Tax Service
charge caU &12-8730. 10 Ar.f. msg al MG-2311. H. 0. e \2th YE:A'r. LOCALLY I ,>;::P;';"'========I Anderson Qualified • Reasonable " GEN --.--d-d--b \V. A. (Bill \ Sl\11LEY 6450 . r l'parr, a ., ca . Leg•I Notices Fonnica, paneling. niarlite. Cerlified Public: Acccunt'I
I \Vill not be responsible lor Anything! Dick, 673-4459 . · fH2-2'l21 .:nytime &16-9666
any debts but my own. REPAIRS * "ALTERATIONS Central Business services
Steves. Grevai; * CABINETS. Any siie job eTHE TAX ADVISORS
2J yrs ex""r r~1S-b713 Pern1. oUice.Rea~ F:all.'s DUE To lo.~! "·allet. D.C. ' . "'"" . . :l:l8 No. Neil'port Blvd. Du U 1vill nol be responibl<' CARPENTRY. Cabinets
for purclia5e in his nan1~. Ren1od. No job too srnull. Oppositr Hoag Ho~pita\ .::::.:.::.:~~~~~::.:..-1 Qua! l\'Otk. Call 64&-2.:i76 F'or Appl. Call 615-0400
REPAIR. Pnrtitions, Small H.K. Clark TA,"\ SERVICE
rernodel. f'tc. Nile or day 2317 Rutgl'n Dr. C.:\1.
Roofing 6950
ALL lypes rock, ll"OOd &:
asp hall ~hingles.. I.EAKS
H.f.:P,\IRED. \Votk guar.
8 17-1 1~
Sewing 6960
ALTERATIONS, Reasonable,
rxpertly dohc.
DHESSillAKING, l'tllliOnahlc
rates. lasl scr\'ice. :l0-11
Pornona. C.l\1.
1' ·, LINDA Isle lot S0x80. 38,000 ADVERTISING Persons for I · for equity In leuehold. By single!\ ma g a z In e .. Com.
IJ\ll'Oer 6T>7200. minion ba&iS. m-2'4 1.lter
Rea!! Call KEN 540-4£79. 548-5.285 day1 ; 516-7TJ5 c~·es. e )'Our home or minr. •
Cement, Concrete 6600
e Drc ... sn1akins . Alterations
Dcsijjned lo i<Ui l ybu.
call Jo * 616-&l.J6
Reas, last, proless. 20662
fu-cr Lanr. 11.B. 962-&133
Ironing 6755
'.-• Acrea.,g!.!''..-----''::2.:..:00 ·-~
singles m a g a z i n e . Com·
misgion basis. 892-2984 alter
CONCRETE work all types.
Sa1vini:, breaking, hauling,
Skiploadtnc-; Lie. Service A IRON ING in my home,
$1 Hr. Alteral.ions &.
BabysitU~. 54:>-76-11
TILE, Cer•mic 6974 TAKE OVER payments on l
AC'rt" in Palm Springs -
SUNSHINE -ItnproY('ment
In -NO OOWN -$49/mo.
8J0.-6040 or 772-99'20 -Mount. & o'eNrt 6210
' 1-11 FOOD Slore11 FT"ll.nclti5t':1
Avail. Call 778-j870 or
493-l:>i2 t1.fl 6 P~I NOW'S THE
Quallty. 842-1010 ·
Concrct 1vork all types. Pa·
1 ios Pool de<:kll & block
\\"tlric . Dic k &12-17111
* Verne, The Tile i\tan *
Cust. 11-ork. Install &: repairs.
No job loo mtall. Pla.o;ler
patch, Leaking show e r
l'Cpair. s 1i-19a7/&;6·02ffi
:; AC. nr Heme1: SCt"nic
, '·" hide.Awa.)', 2700' el.. wlr .,
,.; ,Ratne. 151XX1; $58 dn m.7710 j S-lOAM agt.
COIN laundry. 20 machines,
6 dry. :-.01 Palm, Balboa..
?.hake offer. S4l -J8.i6.
Investment Oppor. 6310
100~1 RETURN on Sl5,t:OO •
* CONCRETE fl oors.
patios, etc. Any 11z jdh. RC'aS
& Gunrsnteed! Don, 642..s.i\4
CE~tENT \\10 RK, no job loo
Small. reasonable. rrtt
·Estim. H. Stullick 5-i8-S6Jj
C0r1tr1ctora 6620
GARDENER Cle11n ups,
Renovaling tree trunmiflG",
Uphoi1ter y 6990
CZ\'KOSh,'S Custm, U;ihol.
European Craftsmanship
100% fln! &12·14.Yl
1831 Ne1\•pot1 Blv, C~f 1 R. E. Win..,-. 6240
$25.000, .'>l'C". by l11t TdD. QUICK CASH Additions * Renl0dch11a °"''"' mobil< dev. • J. c. R . K•lly p • i" ti" g.
QUALIFIED buyer desire!! n1aj. <.'Oller. 646-1 23 4 . ~ H. ~k·i~2J 70 Complete interiors &. l':ll·
spacious 3 BR, 2 BA, laun-Quick action nee! teriors. \\'ork guaranteed. Window Cle•nint 6997
dry room, 1 story house 6320 THROUGH A C,1rp.t C,l••ning 6625 r're" ests, 538-01~ 1i1·ilh view, approx 2100 sq ft Money to Loan , BEFORE Ybu paint, check \r lNOO\\'S CLEANED.
irC.1""'111• Niguel Tcn·ace. 1 ,. A.OK Shampoo Special $1.50 my prices. CollegP stullent Reas. Dependable.
H~~s· ::rs:.: ~!:e1. I lsl TD Loan DAILY PILOT ~~s~~~·~~1~~1.~ca~11.;s:;";:;"::;'.:";;fS-4;::;;;;·;:19:...==~=...;C:;:•;;"~"=".;,' .... ;;..-=,
A'I CLEAN If you've fou~d what Dana Point Ol' Laguna. Pvt • -w1·•> lntP.rest A\laih1.ble CARPET STE " . • J k. f parties. 496-3.'J?7 2~ tf. · E D No l!Oa p, no brushes. ,11 y ou r1 oo 1n9 or n TD Loan '. ' 61" ~ ,·. tod•y's PILOT Cl•11ifled Ads. WANT To BuY: Duplex lo> "'" · ~" "
ij 1 ..o::;;;:::..,;.~:.:;"~·~-~-v1~u -~-"-Ap-64';~m1 "'""""m:11 . WANT AD Floor> 6665 MEET i BUSINESS 1"4f Sr:rvln• lli1rhor 11 rea 21 yrs. CARPf..'T VINYL TILE
'• Flu•NCIAL r~ esHruate Uc, Contr. • -S1ttle •-9•~ A '< • 3l0-l\'62 5464478 ~.! Bu1lne11 ANN~~~~~~~;;~-642-$678 ~•r.denlng 6'1Q 1
1 Opportvnillts 6300 ind NOTICES
NE\V lawn.•. rt·are-d l ni;:'. IEND <!. COIN laundrJe.1'npd1lrt Found '<fret Ada) MOO Cc.diplete lawn ca.re. Clean· FR .
From $6,500 to $ 4 2 • 5 0 0 • up by job nr month. Fttt
Anaheim, Cotilll J\1 e •a • FOUND Small Fcms le Pui> ~•tlrruatt1. For tnlo. call ~ne Park. Fu ll e rt o n , py. Blk·wfbrOwn le •·hlte 8t6-0032 l>f'f. 9 M l, ·:i.ltf':r
Gar de n Grov•. nwidn;s. J\fl&ht be part .4::JO F M, or \\-'«lktnd1. w I I tmlnater, HuntJna:ton B ' ... It.. Vic. llwitJrwton Beada. Santa Ana. 1\uitln. SJ&.:z389 AL'S Gatotfllo& Ii: Lawn La Mirada. Ave .• JJ.B. r.talntenance. Commerda.I,
call Chartkr r12a.1833 FOUND rha.rmnd bJractlc-231 ~t indu•trl~ • nrsklentlal. F:a.~hion lila an. ru. I * 646-3629 * $110£ REPAIR SHOP O.ll " t<loml(y. 2 13 · GORDIE'S mow t ......
P1opl• who us e PILOT Cl•11ili•d Ads to
sell i trns they 110 long•r l}••d around
their horn•• •r• nic:• p•opl1 ... th•y
m1y •v1n be your neighbors. J ust pitk
up th• p hon• •nd gh•e t h1m • c•ll._
Thi1 ;, just •nother ol the 9re•t th1n91
•bout DAILY PILOT Cl•s1ifi1d Ads •..
they're so 1a1y to u11.
lt lVl!llSIDE COl'HTY
OUl'LEXllS l"Olt Sf.LI
Al'A•T .. ENTI 1"01 •ALI
Houses Furni1h•d
COSTA Ml!l.1
Ml!SA OEL M.1111
Nl!Wl'OltT 81!ACH
I A YSllOll ES
OOVElt S1'01tlS
UN IVEl!StTY l'AltlC
l!lo.ST I LUPI'
El Ttt9
1111¥1HE Tl!llACI
J.AMT• AllA #llTMINIT•lt
(0 AS1AL
MllJIOH Vll JO .
r,.lf'ISTltAHO l aACM
¥A.CAT ION ltl NTAll
OUl'LEXIS l'Ulll/11,
'"' ... ....
'"' "" ,,.
... -"" nos tn•
"" "" "" ,,,~
"" ...
"" "" "" 1U!
"" ...
UM , .. , ..
'"' "" ...
)tit , ..
'"' "" "" "" "" ... ...
"" :;:
'"' "" ... --... ...
OAllOl!M GllOVI 1611
WE 5TMINSTl'lt Stlt
UO.UHA alACli !lfl
MIS$10N Vll!JO S10I
SloH CLl!MIHT• 1'11
DANA f'OINT 17fl
Tlttl'L•X. tft.
JtOOMS POlll llll NT
llOOM & IOArt O
IHCOMI l'lllOl'l!ltTY
IUllNEIS l'ltOl'lllTY
TltloALllt !'AltKI
O!'l"ICI llllNTAl
INDUSTltl"l l'lllOl'l llT•
lt.I H~H'l!S
CITltUS OllOYl l
.. ,.IAGI"
l l lOllf l'ltOl'lltTT
OltANGI CO. f'ltOl'llltTT
OUT Ofl J TloTI: f'ltot',
I USINISS WANTl'.D INV•STMllNT °'""'1111tilf
IUllH!SS Ol'l'OltTUNITllll
l'l!ltlONAl LOANS
.... -.... m>
"" "" '"' --... •• ••• ... -.... .... .,.
"" ... .... ... ...
"" "" ...
'"' 6111 ... ... -4111 ...
"" ...
RENTALS llML ISTAll l.OAHS lt.T.U.ft, Tl'tllf 0..-
... .... .... ... .... ... Houses Unfurnishor'l'l>oOft•Y """''D ~~:T~1t~EIA = ANNOt..f~CEMENTS
Ml!SA DEL MA• )tK and NOTICES M•IA VllltOI! 1111 COLLllGI f'A lllK n u FOUND -Cf'rwt Ats) "" HllWll'Oltl l l AClt »M f'lltSOIU.l t.. NSW .. OltT NOTI. lflt MllWl'OllT SIKllt b mt UINOUN(SMI NTS l lltTHJ IAYSHOlllS H2I flU Nl ltALI
OOVtlll SHOllllt :m1 l'AIO OllTUAltY WllTCLll'I' JJJI I CfOI UNIYl.llTl f'Al l a1'7 l'UNl ltAL Ollt • "LOllSTS lllVIME • !!!! CAID 01" TNAWIU I ACK I AY • .._ IN Ml'MOlllA#ll
14,ST ILUPJI li'4t CIMITIRY LOTS t~Vr~~ Tlllll ACI: ::: C:IMI TlltY CIYPTI Clt lMTOllllS COltQNA Oil MA.ft lltl MI MOl:IAL l'Altltt
f ALIOA mt AU(TIOflll
LIOO ISl..I u n TltAVti.
tALIOA llLj JIO SW Allt. t ltANll'OlttloTIOJt
NIWl'Oltt WIST nu AUTO T•ANl l'OltTATIO ..
ll'INtlNC"'f ON l l l CM lfM LIOAL NOTICll
NUNftNGTON ltAltlCHll )flt OlltMAN A TUTOlllNI ·~TAOI ll ALLl.Y )tit
-"'' = "" "" MU ..,.
"" ... ...
ltll .... ... ..,,
"" .... = .... .... ...
, ..... llA(" • ,.,.
l lJfTA AHA HllONT' "" CONT Ill ,_
LA0"9fA l •ACM tltl
LAOUHll N+e u11 ...,
IAN CLliMl!JtT• Jt"
CAr••t1""6 ,u,~ n•
OllNA l'OINT Jtte
ACGOUln'IMO '511 AHIWlll!NO l lltVttl iMI
Al'l'Ll.lllr l Rll'AlllS. f'ertl tJll
AftttltAIS!Ne tnl Alll'Hll\. l . 01&1 .. ,..
AllCN1TleTUl4'. lllllVIC• • -
AUTO ltljol 11t• -AUTO, k " MWt. t ... l1c. ...
IOllf MAIHTIN'"'' ..W
l ll lC'•, #MSONllY, tic. .,_
IUSl!'llSS ll!llVIC•S 6Mt IUILOl at tin
CATl llllM 611'
CAl lWI TMAIUNt .W IJ>.IZll:::. __ _,~-,,.-,~ Pov.·cr vac. Reuonablel J
D ctllenl E. lilh Su~~I ln-l}"OliNO· Ne3r Dan-ell St. -. S1970 or Siunt ,
c•lloo, c.M. To !<Ill' {'<t\I Youn« hu112ry rernalo lon,cc
GL.l::N QUEE'l\SW.1151 lh•r· h:i.lml eal \Vh.ll!! paws I
===~=,....,' IOU,LIXE• UN,-U•IO "'9 CAll,INTl lllM• ""
-lt.a~;o ll"l C~l.311' 1•'1t•,1 Rll ~;lg.:;JJ:11""
Ul'HOLSTlllY ''" Wl!LDI NO tftS
Jo a WANTED, w ......
STOltE EOU ll'MllNT D17
CAl'll, ltl!ITAUltjllT MU
.IAlll •OUll'MllHT Mll
HOUSEHOlO OOC.01 111'11
O.llAGI! SllLI" Mt1
A!'l'LIANCE• 1115
lllWINO MACHINl!I 10 0
lll·PI & STERl!Q n lt
TAl'll: ltEC:OltOllllS lt2t
(AMlltAS a llOUll'MINT 1311
NOllT SUl'l'Lll l -lf'OltTINO 00001 ltltt
llHOCULAltJ, SC0,11 l1H
l1UK". WANTl!O Mtf
MAC HIN l!ltT, lltc. tJtl
lUMIEll 17!111
STOltAGI: .,,,
IWA,I tnl
l'ITS. OllHl!lt"L
CATS ....
NUltlllllS ltll
SWIMMtN• f'OOLI lftf
1'4Ttot ltU
AniH•• .,,. VAICATIOJIS lnll
POWllt CltU ISllS
lf'lllD-SKt I OATS
IOAT TltAILllltl
IOAT ILllll, MOOlllMe
IOloT lllt¥1CSS IOAT ltl NTALI
,-1tMIN• l~TS
MOllLI MO"'-t'I
l lCVCl..I S
I LEClltlC Ult
MINI •tk l S MOr01tCYCLl5
•llTO llllVICI• & ,AllTI
Tlt•ILUS. VlllltY
ll l l'S
C.lMl'll l C~f't:I llNTAl.I OUHe I UOOlll
IMl"Oltt l.O .IUfO\
ll'OllT CAJil
ltACI CAii, ltOOI
Nl\111' CAltt
us•o U.1ts
-"" -... -.... -... ... :: "" -.... .... -...
"" ....
m• ... -"" ...
"" -----"" "" "" -"" fl11 •• ..,, .... ....
"'' ....
" • • • • • " • • • • • • " • • • • •
• • • • •
" • " " ..
• .. ..
~ • " .. • ~
I: .. .. .. .. .. • • • .. • • '" • • .. .. .. .. • ;11
" m ..
'" "' ..
"' ..
"' ..
Are You .Letting Cash
Slip Through Your Fingers
See If You Have Any
Of These Things A
I Will Sell Fast!
I. ,Imo 29 •. llcycl• 57. Eltctrlc Tr1fn
2. Guitar 30. Typewriter 51. Kltt.n
3. l1by Crib 31 . lar Stool• S9. CIH•lc Avie
4. Electric S1w 32. lncyclopedi• 60. CoffM T1bl1
5. C1m1r1 33. V1cuum Cle•ntr 61. Motorcycle
6'. W11htr 34. Tropical Fl•h 62. Accordion
7. Out1M1rlf Motor 35. Hot Rod Equlpm't 63. Sklo
I. Stereo Set 36. Fllt C1bin1t 64. TV Sot
9. Couch 37. Golf Clubs 65. Workbltlch
10. Clarln0t 31. Sterling Sliver 66. Dlomon~ Witch
11. lt1frlf1r1tor 39. Vlctorl1n Mirror 67. Go-Kort
12. Pickup Truck 40. Bedroom S.t 61. Ironer
13.' Sewhtt M1chin• 41. Slldo Profoctor 69. C1"'pin1 Tralltr
I 4. Surfl>Nrd 42. l1wn Mower 70. Antique Furniture
15. Machin• Tool• 43. Pool Tobie 71. Topo Roe ....
16. Dl1hw11h1r · 44. Tlroo 72. S.llboot
17. l'uppV 4S. Piano 73. Sporto Cor
11. C1bln Cruidr 46. Fur COit 74. Pt\1ffr111, ••• s"'
19. Golf Cort 47. Dropoo 75. lnboord S,oMboot
20. larometer· 41. Lln•n• 76. Shotgun
21. St1mp Collection 49. HorM 77. Soddlo
22. Dlnotto Sot SO. Alrpl1n1 • 71. Dirt Game
23. Ploy Pon SI. 01'91n 79. Punchln1 ...
24. lowllnt 1•11 52. Extrcycl• IO. Boby Corri ...
2S. Wolor Sklo S3. R1,. look• 11. Drums
26. frff'ltr 54. Ski 8ooto 12. !till•
27. Suitt••• SS. High Choir 13. DMk
21. Clock $6. Coint 14. SCUBA Goor
ThtH or any otti,r extra thlnts around tht house may
bt ~mtcl into· cash with a
Don't Just Sit There!
' •
TD .
up ·~
2 ·
•• •
S.turUy, Jan11111 Jl, 1970 DAILY 'IL_,
. I • • ,.,.,; ·-· , Job w~. Mon ?000 Jello • Mlft. w ..... 1100 Joloo Moo w.., 71"" ... Utlll'1 lltllC, c,..., ....... .... I • • ...,
::::.' o~t.:"f,.i'::"·c,l:!i.•~ YOUN(t • txmiUve delltt• BOOlO<EEPEJL xhft. opp. DENT Al ASSIST ANT
'"'-, 111 WH"'tcl•'I'· ll*"•"' 11, customu rdation1 po1ltlon for ~non wl\b., ~ wm'k lf~ II "' ··"'· .... -row •twit• .. ~ I ~ Co s·· letelllllt .iu.oo 11us coth !Mvr'" 1~ ttil n v•an&e unty. ""}'1ar1 te()Ot'd 1£ dealrt> to self lm.
.. '--Tr. 111<tt111 to bt i.111 lffllltl' eicP41r, presently asat. \Ve•t ... -.... Eat rrow1"• N B Wl,.,.,,.tfl'll"°t CIVIi (Odl IK!llll Hit v•Y•~-'• ·-. • • • ~ ::'M Al,liCtllll 11 '°" ,\.ctntl• Av•.: C:O.t &trr/Oahna MUu•llni Co. ~ pay, profit •h. & ~.,1.,:-&~~':;'•c .. .,· 011iw "'"••· tor lntrnu corp. •~ bin. ben·1. Gd· ref'• nee. J111_..,.,,, ""' . ''°""" kmRED CIU•f Bo&tswaln'a ftepllt oontkknlial. P.O.
• LEGAL NC)TICE mate 1et1dni tmploymenl Sox. 2040. Ne'VJIC!rt Beach
tn muine type of -~-, 'BOY'S 10 • 14 "OTIC• TO ClllDITO•I P 0 ~ 344 ,.._la •to IMl"••tOtt COUltT 01' TM• ... ~ • .......... • """' ... earner Rout.I ()pc1I
ll-'TI GI' CAl,.lllOl .. IA llOll .._... "'.u' ._
fltl COUMTT Oil oa.t.MI -·-Ne. "...,,.. ACTIVE R.ttirtd aen.tJeman J..quna Bt&ch, So. l..quN ••i.t•., Ml" J. l•S!Nft. 0« .. 1td. Is available aa ""'""~time D'"Y PIL~ 1110TIC9 II HlllllY OlllfH "' IN .,... ' Ai... V• tf'tllf•ttt• tt Ml• 1111v1 '*Mil d~.,., driver 'A'hett ret1pon1tbU\iy SQ.4331 ::; ~~ _::vt;:.J.!::':O •:~"~~ II of importance. 536-4138 1----.:.;::..:::..:,. __ •
wtlf'I TN 11tc-N wucNott, ..,_ 111• efflce ., ""(ltrk Of tl'lf •tow 1n1111tc1 ctut1, ot Job Wanted
.. 1r11tnt tfo.trr,, wfrtl tt!t 111C1M1,.,. •
11tvctwrt. "' Ml• 1111CWt1tnK •I tht tfflc• Womtn 7U20
tf h11' Attar111n. '°""'' .... C:.CV.y, ''•I--""";;.:.'·----.;.:= NW1'1'1 v1.,. s1rwt, suite Nwmblt' st•. l• SECY •v•iL•BLE A11•11, C1t1.,,-nll «102t ~ LI N , "" "" "" ,1H1 ., ~·•-o1 1111 """"""'" 11 •U Feb htt ExceUent oklll• -"'"' ,.,,.1111~ ....... "'lft el ••If ' . . . ~1. wllfl111 tew fllOlltl\f •"-' t11t all phueg office 111·01'k. Diet.
llr~:;"J::!i':.. °l~:~".°'I'•· Type. Tapes, mimeo, etc.
M1r1111 e. •udl Fi.all or Pl'rln1e, Call 644-1.JOO
A•l'tll11llrr1trlw, wllfl l"e will or 67:>.3833 111111111d 91 IM li9111t "'"";;::;;::~· ,_ ___ _
el !fie'" .... "'"'" ·~' Docro"" ~ ce1ou'"' ••• co1W10Y1 n.3 • .,,,,perlenced Ins.
u• ""'"' v~ '"'"'· l\led. Sec. "'Iii do !\lf'dlca~.
'"'"' ,..,,.,...,_ .. 1• --'le I \.• ...,...., c111tor1111 MU ni~ a 11.nd p1•!vate lru;. in
,. ... fllll 4'M'l11 your ol.Uce. CaJI 492--0468 .i.'*11t'11 ftf AM!lt1lttr1lrlJ,
•lttr tt11 wm •-" AIDES -for convalesct~ ,.utlltl'IN Or11111 Coe.. O•llY ,.lktt, Ider! ' '/""'•"' ll 111d Ftbru1rv 1. 1'-,,, 11! Y care or famUy care. 1 ,. ,,...,, Homemakers, 547"'66:81
LEGAL NOTICE· TEACHER Yt'llhes part-time
ffttetarial work. Good
akllla '175 hr. 675-4812 MOTi(• OJI
MAllMAl'S !Ala "l!JIMCO tNC. •rid l'JIANIC wl!Lls, EXPERIENCED b-"abl• J""-M1t11I (rldll(lr1. n . CAii.LO JIE 11111 • ncu GEOIOI CO~AI. No. 11 ffl youn1 "'OmV1 wanta 1erftral
av vlrhH 111 '" -utlM IHultl 111 oUice -Ilion ""'2134 J1111HN u. ttl'O "' lfll kHrlllr CeMrl 11 r--. '""""
1~1 Stftt et ·C1llfor11l1, tor !flt C.Untv o1
111Vlr1 ff, 111'9 ol C1U1'11rnl•• uitol'I •
111119"11111 lfll«M 111 t1v• ol ,.,._ lM, J •· U. W 7100 11111 "••n-wt111 •1 l\ldtftlt11t crecl!hl"' o~n. om.
•"' lll l!WI Clrlt 11.t tM 0Mrt1 (ok11,. ----------11 kldt/l\e!!I dtblorl, lhowllll I Mi I
.... flCI .. Ut?.17 Klul"V M on .. Id
I"°'"'"" 911 IM dill IJf 1M inu.rw:1 of ...... l'llt(UlllH!. I ll1v1 llwLM .....,., I N ""' Advertiatna: Aiency
rl11tl, fltlt •!Id ln!t•fll of .. It l"'9'Mnl a.--~--,., f f t ~ 111 "'• ,,_,... In 1111 C.11Mv e1 .,._,v ~ ')' or as·
Or111tt. t11t1 el C111tornL1, dtlcrlbllll 11 paced Newport Beach Aa:tn.
flllewl• """~ ..,, lllf• U, Trld lJM. 11 Ill'" ,.. •• cy, ~,, ...... ~ 0. Shotth&fld
reetnlH 111 '°" 1n. P••• 20,. 21 1m1 100, ori~IJ:e & fo.ilow lhru &it~.~·;~:~= 11"::r.:i.~': 0~,,:: Under 35. Phone : &12-3910:
't1U11h'. c1111o,1111. llld t1mnit11l'I' 425 N Newport Rlvd NB
k_.. 11: 1'17 S111t11" Orlvt, H .... port . " ' • ~~f.(Ec1,1~1°o;:'~1iiE1Y GIVEN 11111 on ARTIFICIAL Lil\18
Prld11. F1br111rv 21, 1tl0. 11 2:0D o'ckt'k --MANUFACTURING-,,M. 11 Tht tront 111 CO\lt'lllou1t . .Y1 Wt11 ~IATURE CLEAN.CUT If S
,."' ''·· CllY "' C1111 Mfll, c ... n,., ol I • . • 0•11111, stiff al c1111w1111. 1 wn1 1111 1t GRAD, SERVICE COl\1-
IUblk I MCllOll ,. 1111 111 ... HI IHdeltr. ,..,. PLETED
ulll In l1wflll "'_., ol fflt Unit.cl 5'9111. , ' 111 "" r11111, ttt11 fnd 11111....i fl/ t11d \\ e will train for mold-
11141.-..t dtbltrt In 111t •~• dttcrlbH 1nz of plastic artificial
-"'· I" "6 l'tludo 11'11/'tet 11 rntY 1111 ' , 11Hcn1rv te Mllm 1114 utcut!M. w1111 feet. Phone for appoint-
~= rn~r"~;.i;: eotM~1•. c1u1 ..... 11, ntent.
J1n111rw tt, 1nt. * KINGSLEY P.1FG CO * ~~~~I~~~ ~ .. ~~.-'~~:n.:--c~:~ 546111 10 am to i pm
M.,bor J11C1tt11r c1111rk1 ASSEMBLERS av I . J. ,.lllltl, 5"'9Hnl ~
111c• ANO 1~111, li'""''d only in a.ssembly of ,.1l11ttlf'1 A"lrfttr .....,.~ ' ...,. w1i.~1,.. ....,, maa:netlc 1.."0mponent.s
""""""11"· c:illflrllt• tt.11• ' TESTERS , ,.ulMhPIH Or•.,. C..11 Otil¥ P!lot. , J,,.,,,..., 11 '"' fe~ru•N 1, lt. 100 ltl·10 Exp d in nleaaurement of
rnqnetic component pa.ra.
----,T'°'•"•""'l----l .. ;t.LOR El ECTRONICS
NOTl(I le ( IOITOllS """" ""'°! fiU,.lltoll (OUllT OP THI .....,.....,.., -'4
tf4T• OP <At..1J10AN1A llOtt. 3100 Pullman St., C.:\l.
TMI (OUMT1' OP OUNel ASSE Ht. a....-MBLY Trair.tta. Day
0 Et!•:.. tf l!OMA I . Clll.AWfOllO, •hilt, female. Aie 18-28. No ~1(£ 11 Hllll•Y CIVI!~ 10 1111 exp. nee but must Mve iood
~r:':1!':r"~l(l:"111~~,,:•,1=:~11::,;c1~~: eye11aht" finger dexterity.
.... dKll(IMI ••• rtc1ulrte1 It lllt 11\fl'tl, Apply In person s A E ::~111~11~=--~ •=~,/:.i ':,~~: AdViinctd Packali;i~, 1337
tt 1r1wn1 tntm. with lllt 11tcft11,., ,E7.~Ed=I~"'='='~· S&;:::n=ta::_:;Ana:;:._~ 'l9U(J\11•. tt !tit' unotr1ttllH 11 1111 ettlu .;; 91 LATHAM .. WA1'1(1NS. All&I'...,.. ,, BABYSIITER for 1 yr old
t..1w. •U SOI/Ill !'llww Str .. r. Let ....... ho Cd• l\fttM, c1111 ... 1111 totl7, ""'I"' 11 11\1 .,.,,,, your me ,4
111c1 ttr t1u11tit1' ti "" ....,.,,"" tn '" Elementa.ry School Dill "
,,11n.., '''"'"'"' fl t111 1111te 111 Mid' wkdays 67~ alt 5 all •lttlllflll. Wl!fllft fel,rr "'°"1111 1Nu 1111 ' •
111'91 l\llllk tllOll 11 "''' notkt. < ~da~yi;,;wikJld=•~,_--~-OlfM J1n11e,., ff. 1t7t. 1, W1111t"' J. cr1wt.1" BABYSITTER wanted, my
l!•KU!tr OI 1111 Wiii ho .. r· •bl ... nl!Tlld t!t:1dtnl IM', 2 boys 2~ &. 5,
\,ATl!AM WA1'XIMI Mon-Fti S-6:30 New p I . ,,, .,..,. .... ...,.,..,. s~ """,..,, ,, uw '"""'• atta. Must have own
•II """' P""""' ,,,.... tranap. 64~14fr:i alt 6.
Ui1 '-n"'"' Clllf'W!lll tltl7 lltwMY• Mr 1itt~W BABYSI'ITER Wanted my i.':!!~tllf1 ~"",.fr'::'.., 0;,111,.~11;:; home, 2 Yi· 1on1, 1 In
lf'9 1tt-11 achoo!. Need reuonable
LEGAL NOTICE ratea. 675-6256 art 6 pm
--,-0,-,~,-,.-,-,-,.-,-T-,,-T-,-,--!B AB Y Sl'ITER/Kouaekeep-
STAfl ,, (ALlllOIMIA POil Er, Live-In. Girl -S. boy 3.
1'MI COUNTY e• OllANOI ~192 M' 642--5823 . ........... .
W11'1CI OP " •••• ,.. OJI ••T•ftOM BAR?ttAJD n Ii ht I no ,.Olli •llffATI 0' WIL\. .AMO POii ' ' ~ ll"ll' TISTAMl,.1'AIY tlOMO blklnl1, no danctna:. S2.2a to ;.~!r. 1.r MAllY ALICE HOAG, 1tart. No exp. nee. Apply in
Otct••"'· per10n bit. ll am • 2 pm. HOTtC:E 15 MllllY OIVEH TPlll Little John'• Inn 20013 N. K1flllrl"' A!ICI 11Gff Ml lllld Mr1ln I ' HllllM for '"°bll' e1 wl!I 11111 IOI' Santa Ana Ave., Santa Ana
l11U•11tt e1 l 11t1" '""""'"'•,.., t1 "•"· Hta llllllf ''°"' Wll\'W), rettrtf!A tt wllldll-"""'~--~~-~~ 11 "''" ltr 11.ortt1tr ,1mtu11,... 11111 "''' BAR M,Jd: All shifts. Apply "'9 ttlM' I ncl lltCI IJf l'ltl.,llf llit tlnif • , , ~ "'' .,..... 1t1 tot" Fttr111..., 20. ,,,., 11 t:• tn penon. ScOtues, 436 E 1.11\ .. In 1111 CCIU,,f'ICll'fl 'flf 0Htrlfl'tlnl NO. ]7th SI CM , 91 111' cturt. 11 1flO Clvk (111i.t Ori~• '' • •
W•"· lft IM Cl!v" Slnl• AM. (1111wr!t1. 81' L MAN 011'M1 Jl~,,_n' !f, 1'1t , .. w. I!. ST JOHM. MUAt be over n
Ctu""" CJ.rt. •
MNAlD I , IMALl.*900, '· J, 11 u,, wt11elHI 0r1.,., Sh-..:...n •-"-ch ..... •"""'9f' ... ....... --""""" •-~. tt•tt,,,11 nu. I Tfll 1110 .... ,.., . nn
'-"......, fer Ptlllllllll' I . Pu•!llhld o •• ,,., C:1111 0111v Jllklt, Is noW a.cceptlJ\i appli-
''"'""',, 11111 ,..,,..., t, 7, ltl't 1n.10 ca.tiohi 'lor the poaibon ot
LEGAL NOTICE bell mo. Pl tlme da~•.
l\fon., \Yed., Fri. 1-3 pm.
Nttt1 Othtr ahltts a1eo '\Vall.
Cll1'11llCAt l OP IUllNIJJ A"~Y In ""'"°"•' 21112 ,l(TITIOUfi NAlllll t•I" ..,..
Tll• 1111111r11,,..-de ctrtlty w1 .,. COii· Ocean, Hunt fkh
"1cl!llt I bvllf'IHI t i 1•1 ••rt: AvlflVt, • •
Now lnMrvi1wing
P.fu.!I be ne¥.t In a~arance.
E~cellcnt company benefila,
Apply' In pe1-.in only
# l Faahion Island
Newport Beach
ERS, morning ahift. Apply
in prrson. 3009 81istol, C.P.1.
CASllIER: Exper NeCt'SS.
Apply in penion, Delaney's
Sea Sha.nty, 6.1Cl Lido Park
Dr. N.B.
* CASHIER * Car \Vash.
Part time J,101ltion.
CALL: 64>202'J
QIARMlNG Woman Nf't<led
for F'asclnatln;: Furniture
Rental Bualneu. 517 W. 19th
St., C.f<.f.
A me1nber of
Snellin1 & Snelllni Inc.
~190 1:arbor Bl, CM ~
Harbor Blvd. at Adams
COP.1PANION ueeded for el-
derly lady 1£ lite hoiuekeep-inc for 2 adult•. f<.1uat live in.
Ref '• nee. 494-1786.
0.ERK • Female
Required by com pany manu·
facturlni dala proceasina:
equipment. r.nnimum 2 yrs.
exptrience ntc. a~ulr
es 50 ~·prii typln¥. >.-n,,t op-
portunity In expandinc co.
Apply ln per1Dn -
P1riph•r•I Bu1ln1•1
Equlp.mtnt, Inc .
1811 Reyno!da Avenur-
lniine Jndustrlal Complex
Sl.nta Ana, Cali!. 9'2105
F'Ull time. P.fature, experienc-
ed. Excellent t1a1ary, com·
mlasion and benetiLS. call
for appt; 540-5030 ext. JO
Equal oppo11unity employer
r.finlmU{lt two Yeara ex·
P"ritnoe in inventory
control and record kttp.
ina: for a.trDIP&ce ma.n.u-
An equal opportunity
0t·atr side, ~. Ptt.J, x .
rays. Undr r 30. Hours ~ ..
tin. Sat. S.S. Send rtab:me
" rtfertnce1 to P.O. Box I'\ So. LI.au~.
DENTAL ASST. Ortbodonic
chA.lnirie asaistant. Call
Dept, Store
ha1 openin91 f•r
full time
Melt end Ftmele
Fa.1hion Ialand, N.B.
Equal opportunity employer I
ORAITSMAN or 1..i.ihtina:
Flxturea or Someone
W /Ta.lent in This Yield
Plea.~ Apply \Vood Lia:h!in&
Fixture Co.. 4020 Campw,;
I.Jr, N. 8.
South Coost
Pl11a Stort
h•• opening fo r •
lntervil'Wttlr li.fon. thru Sat.
10.ll noon &: 2-4 pm
333.1 BRISTOL mli:ET
Eqval Opportunity im.ploy1r * Dl•hwe1h1r· &
Full rune, da,ya or eves.
#78 ra.ahlon l.d•nd
Newport •Beach, Cali!.
3801 E. Pacific Co.att Hwy,
Corona del li1ar * DRIVlltS "It :
No Experienc~ :
Ntcnsaryl :
~fu11t have dl!an Cal.ltaftdl
drf .... ""'"'· ...,,,. '
Yl!LLOW CAI CO! us E. 11th St.
t."xper P/C Bolt.rd Re-\Vork
lit Solder Touchup, &naJI Sub
ASBembly Wiring & Solder.
inr. Cbmputtr Automa&n,
Inc. 895 \V. 16th St., N.B.
Jqi.iaT. Toyol.a, Volvo Alta
Romeo. Can Bob ThofnPIOl'I
900 So. Cout Hlway
Lai::un11 Bf:ach * 4k-7303
For1l9n Cer Mtchanic•
Good r.o. benefits, tne1 pak1
vacation. 1roup tnl, \lnl.
fonn1 f\lrnlthed fr"9 GO«!
comm. 1chedule. ASk f.ot
Joe li.loore Ph. 541).1764. * FOREl\fAN: Hell are &:
fabrication of thermal ln-
11trumenlaUon. Call tor
appt, or apply la ptnon:
Exotic materia1t Inc. 2968
Randolph , c.~f. 54~9425
Mr. Collln .
** FRY COOK, with ~irper •
Apply In ptrson, 562 \V, lDlh
St. C.M.
GIVE Now -and later
CMI• ......... etH~1. _,... 1111 11c-BLU!:LJNE OPER. Fu l 1 -. ~1:•1;:."'(,~""1~ ';:.~ :.v~,!'~ time openlni in Commercial i~J~o~~;•;;jM~'°~;n;·~W~om;·~7~1~00~J;o~loo=~Mt~.;-n;·~W~O'l\.~~7~1~00~· Cllll'lfJMld 11 "'' 'ltlllHllR• "''°"''· w11e11t Blueprint Shop. 540-9313. · ::~=~=.~u illd ,11c1 If '"'d'"c' .,.. IOAT CARPENTERS
0-1• w. 111d' Lucr•ll• s. Keiec, '10 Ex-rienced La""'e c111tom lllr11 st .. N0<co. c1111. ..,.. · •• °''" J•"· tt. 1tn. conatrQC't\on. Top waa;es.
l1H:fltl1 s . w:11c1 WllLA.RD BOAT WORKS 0..,,.t t W. KllCI Sttfl M,Cltlfornlt. Or1Mt Ctunrv : 1295 Baktr St., C.M.
CM JtiW"" ,.., 191'1, ...,I me. I ,..,_IV ,llMk Ill 1/ld ftf Nlf l11t1, M't'llMltl< ............ 0...... W, Kt!« 11111 =· .. 11:1ic. kMwn " 1111 10 "' flll w,.... n1""1 ''' tullltrJllH f9 t'lll wlthlll 111111'\11'1'111!1 '"' ·1cltlD1fMOttll frld'I' UK\lltll ftlt MJN, NOW!S THE
""''"' K Mtnry . Molt,.,. ~"'lie:· C..1~rllll
,.'111CINt OfflCll Ill
Oftllfl Ctullt\' Mv c-1011., l!x,r,..t
.. ..,. fl, 1'12 ' TIME FOa
~ufl>l!thH Orintt C111I 0111'1' l'lltl;
JlllUlf'Y ,, .,,. llltlt\111'\' '· u , 11,
Int U1·1t
tAlll. nM IU;lltO• COUll1' OF 1'1'• t1'ATI OP' CALIPOINIA POI
TMI COUNTY 0' OllAMel ,....," .,. :~:;:u°" ,,,.,T .... THROUGH A ,.. ,.JOIATI Oil WILL AND f'Clt ._an11111 Tr•tA1111NT••v l1t1t. et \'111011. c . llOllMSOM. SI .. . '"/."'"" 11 v. c, •01>111-. ... "-" .. v rtll c. J11•r111111. Otet1...., y· ·ftOTlce: 1s MtJtav 01v11i1 T11at DAIL Yl'tll C. •etirllMI\, Jr. fllt f'lltf l'ltrttll I
"""""' ,., ,,..,. "' """' ..... f'IW .. PILOT.
'""""'' "' ttttlh f11ll"'""''" le "''"' ~, . fltlltl', rlft!'ll'll:t 11 wtllcl't I• m* ftt •
fu.rllltr N'11cllll"" •flt. llllt IM 11nit I"' ••ct ., ,_,. ""' P. hH ~ ... .., ,......, """ 1..,.; .. f:Jt 1-.... lt,t uu,,.._ el 0.,1rt"""" ..._ I of
Nlf duf1. 11 7tl Clvk Cfft!'rr Dr, Wtst,
Ill "'• (1" 91 111111 ,,,, •• C:tlittr~lt. Dttllll JlftlHI'\' 1t, lf'lt W. I . IT JOftH CM!tv (It!'\
.-WWllf • e•WI" .... ( ..... MA.,.,.
Of'HM, C1111W1111
.._.. ft( """ .......
+ "" 01'1 ""'" J f'llMllW Ot•_1'1f' ~ii 0.11' PUtt, ...,,.~ .. 1114 "*"'Y·t. r. 1'1:t ,,.,. ----------
, .
lurroughs Corp •
New Commtrcl1I Computer ftitnt
Now taking •ppllt1tlon1 for
at our new plant in ,.fission Viejo, Calif .
Some experience preferred .
Apply 8 am • 4:30 pm
Monday through Frldoy
2S12S Jo,...lmo RMd
Ml .. lon Vlojo, C,ollf •
131).3232 ·,,_,. .. m·· ·•
11 '
' ".-. 4 ..... ' . . . . . . . -. . ·-• ~ • l -• . . .. " ' . . . . . . . . ••• . '
l~YPILOT ~~~;,., ....!:1~.:.:~o ·&IMl'LOV~ JDIS&IMl't~YMINT ,~.IOIS&IM~LOYM!Nt Jellt-6-~Ytillllf rf~~ SALl~~DE SALi ANO..T=
.... , ~' W-. 71• J• Moll. W°"" 7100 Jobi MM: -.. /ftl, Jo.. f!hn ~ 1\,,, J~' f!'o~..,W....· , .. Jollo /Mft, ~J'I~ ~f ·; , JillO furnlturo ' f ~ Applio•<IO .,.
-· -,, lo11rY1)-oubettv '> .t1t YT'G w h
, .:. _. • t:'Ot..ICIMAN s,ie1 ~ it'• • . • 7 p (lfl-5'1 USED M1011td •hleadboatd1 fitA A Auto ••.tr . . J •. 'C .• P£Ji1NEY. CO. S..a.il)'11•~11. • _ •• lh I lfisTal!• JASQN llST 1 C. ""'!'I I '4•'4· UaidlUIOl'ledend VeryGd."5.Sat.OnJy,jO; ·~ I·~ ·~li a lllOll _ , ,. • ~-IH...... • .,,.... 1:_$3.50' U.h. UMd Santa Ana> . .,,., I<. B , !E~lOORNTli1tfcfti ' m· ,fl ... "ta 3i up to .ss Wl!b . IS MEN Employ~~"' A9•ncy ""'""'~""'· -lli&bl ll&nd• 11.~,,,>t&-=16=1=1=====~1 " · tiJij ' C..xec :t'J!1~. 5~ '8~ '~:'.,~ WANTa1 ADSI ; 2201 So. M•ln, Santa .Ana bedside ~IM& •f.cti: "'rho Factoly, l8IS'
hao ltnm,.liote openl"t• f~r I •.-.lo<~' Glils WEIGHT' Jn P"'l>onlon !'! with a .,.Ll/o1 Nil? "'" ~'5410 bool1 tru..:-<j!lll• -......_, • Anti~-.• 1110
• • Busboy• 410 w Cout a"l. .. ~.8. btlaht.Y Hy s l·C" L ~ lfY ttal, r blame )'OU, 1 do • ,, I "' nresi.-a'h.ts. ~ jj'.J PROV •. o+mn& table •• ANTIQUES ''JW'lk: f.fa.fblc '::.""' Ceeks Wtitr•sies By QPOlnt, Mf.J939 QUIR!IMENTS: ·H'iah IChool towed a lew-mywlt onty·i TYPIST C:LE"K~l f eU, etc. uJhpl. chalr&. Port Nlapn. top commodt $250. Gold led
With some experience or willing to learn. Top rr.utu.ate, valid Calli. oper. be db@.ppoln,ted.~ .1'1:!! Job . O,Oice of ~sb (.'yelo ll&lsa&t u. nl l.;.-• r:dt.rron a Sconce1o dlAillOi
wdli.ln.F'C®ditions and environment Com· ~female. Exp. wool aton HctMt, u.s. elttftn. Rklom Uved up to the -CITY ... OF -·•or t1ofodun Style ~n. ' .chnt, tufted chrs & etc.
p¢Uve wnes plw meals and tips. Outstand· "'I"" ••""""tie Alu 1 File ••i>Ucat"'1 at City llall, qalm• In the ad. , NEWPORT IEACH AH"°' $24.9 _, -°"'" ~ m•p~ -. ... ~11'1
ing l)e~fits including hosp italization and prl> lay preu. Oown Oeanen. 8200 Westmln&ttr _\\'e,,.We1t. DO Y~UISELF ,,,,.,.., No d""''t! .Pmt.1, Ol'!l¥ ~mo-~ Purftltu7 8010 •· 644-4017, 67$-3111 , ,
flt ~haring.. 1056 Bay~de Dr. 613-"385 :::•;;:,, ~'~ .~:~':,f;.~ A ~"YORI ' $452 to $54.t·AOr m~lh WllK'S · WAllCll~USE 60x34 Walnut""'"""' • Pat. Mlchofolnll ""-~:!'!.-.Apply . in l>trson 10 a.m. lo t p.m. ~ b ••tb IJIO (n41 ,.., 'l . y ~rv '."', 4'!1111: .................. 132,50 •ltd Rt ..... ".. .
• ; Monday lhru Saturday. MACHINISTS exam 'i e · ~ ' · -AND 'f Twwb°..~.ni~¥ ,jn,~, H~:;'. 600 iW fth Si.; Santa Alla Pdlfure chliJa •....... S l.50 MONTH END CLEA~
IJ93.<:ill Ext, m. EXl'LORE ,_, '!><l"'i' ~ 0...·DallY's.s 5 D"w" G.F. i.,,.i Cock, ... top ...... clilna ... t ; · P•nney'• Fa1h ion l1land PORTER for Jan Ito r t a I School dipktnv., ·one~ 81..t M SWl ll"' .files ............... , $40.00 closet1, French Annoll!'1,
An equal opportunity employer I IJHE OPER'. SR. •~"· Sfudy, ...,. ,.,,. THIS lONI!! """' ctl~ \ ,..;,. · · IJ-"" amt cllal.s 112.so ""-·~t
I• Lft .;a; . &f.2...8l70 .ext. 9· . ience, so wplD. tninc. ~ CUST()fi4 .;.,Mc MAHAN'SltOS.. "8 ~ 17tb ·St .. O.f 645-· 6 17 ... , • '.'11n. Wom. 71 00 [~~~n. Wom.. 7100 Real EJtate Sales JI )'OU "'th.:.tot liM to malce Qttttn Si &f Coalpl, tnel DllK·IHc.' ,'· ANTJ9. Fiwf: Lampa, d\tt..
"'"' ri _ \Ve have the on!y Rell $300. per ~,~~'!'!!::O.t:?:.•. APf..'v'befOre15 PG\, feb. &nttqrwhtfe: ~\Jptl9l-1n ~ ,1900,Ne~Bh'd. nn, c:vl 4 co&ored glu., I NSP~CTRES$ 'Waftt•d DRlll PRESS Em~ oUl:ee rn the Univ. Wlth an oppdrtwiity b nwy 3rd., Peraonnel Ott. Siam 'Pink ~ VeJvfot. Qllta ~ * K!-3450 btaut.. chi~ ?iluch Mott. I h L Park area, on' the boomin&: mueh more in the future, · 3300 N ... Blvd .,..,,.h ..:,, __ fll ... kl~-. _.. ....,.,,
CiUARD& .. Im med. pt time
,jlqlllions a,·11.U 1n So. ·1.4una · Bc11ch 11 re a .
Unitorma &:. equip furnished. br I: tel. req'd. Equal Opp.
Empl<JYer. App: 13 9 1 ~
Ponderosa, ~ii.: "f'", San· 1 ta Aoa
for I st c: ass of• 1 would Jlke 'to talk to )'Ou. ice, ewpo.,, .. ..-,... • ., .. -.,..tt~ ... Fw .. ...,,., J.l"...: ,. ''!""'"""""' J
Write Da ily Pilot l o• OPERS SR ~~o~-:C~u:~~; ~~ It your qUaHficatlonc match Newi>011 Beai.h, Calll, .SU.cffl matt, bx•PJ.1np "vrnce l11u•P.,.,,,.. lotJ ANTIQUE Mahog:iny Wt
M-9 I 7 ' "' • e 1 t at e salesperson w/ our requirements, this could <U•O 873-6633 ' Harvvd ~ iricl's 2 • ·~ ~ r'' top dtitc." c:\rea · 1760. Mio
be the career yi:iu've ~~ . eot:nP.i lflt.s ,,,ot',qtlal .linens, R.\,1¥INGTON ~.1}'pewrl(C!f other aelect item.!. l213) Interest ,in lfpbor View, J-'·in"' tor."'". tor-raonal '11JRRET Lathe . Ope'ri.tor.' .blanket, 1' blihkftcover."'~ •tanda-', xrra long' . cat-891-1247 ,, ' APPLY Corona del Mu, Turtle """'-.. ....... "' From Guest Rm "A' .. -1, "4'" CADILLAC Rock &: Univ. Park area. interview bet, tam to 12:3( for 2~ open.tiOtl _work. . , · ~u riiae, newly reconditioned. ANTIQUE 'rIE SAFE
pm Tapo\atic Corp., 84;,•W. \used.!tJmeittmainew.PJ;iv. Gta.y metal typt:\.\'riter HALL ~flRROR Amp.le lloOr time, Extensive 645-0i!i! l61h, N.B. 548-M04 .Pty, Hunt, Harbour. $300. }t&bie toldi.. ends 1.-: ,,,_.
833 adv. I: promntional program (213) sin-1002: ' '' • u. • . FOREMAN
..... 1.__~1-DrilJJlepartmenl -'
lor n1anuf11cturing area.
Duties include lubrication
of equipment. as.sistini
n1a.1ntenan1..'e' and plant
cleanlna. Advancement
-CONTROL~ ottered. See: Le Raisor at SALES!ifANi IM!w boats , WEUlER: Apply in puaon. •matcllb!c m.etal ~o s ture Le .... Ha I Sh .. • . 1til e R.edHillRealty SouthC.OutYadltallOOW. DE\VEY.'S R U BBISH 'YftNITURE .retllmedtrom c1Wr,UkenewfJ0>.496-~8 • 54!~~ .. ~,
DIVISION OF Univ. Park C-enteT, Irvine Coast H\.\'f., N.B. Call tor in-SERVICE 2'lll Canyon Dr., diapl&ylstucUOs, model homo 1YPEWJUTER. Addi na: I==''=======: I
OORP-Ca.I.I~ tBWw 645-lll3 ~ 0.1 ..ano.llatieft,. 41Mehtne. cUctllator, \'U)' Sewfn9 'Mlchln• 1120
, J::xperienced in tloi;e tof.
1 erc1nce wol'k on various
' metals illld sr1'0'-Plh'P.
bl~l'llll !I.
£.\:CELLE~ 1''R1NGt:
An egual opporturuty
An equal opportunity
1 e,rnployer
JANITOR -?italr. Hunt'g
Bch area. U/4;i yrs old. 12
1un -3 am. 7 nites rer 1~·k.
Good pay. (213) 43"c-J767 or
(213) 833-µ.IJ . --~~---·
1166 WHITT~ER Ave . SAVINGS 1c LOAN * \VAITRESS • T\110 rrs.. ~Sp.anlall Ir: ?ifedlterranean rtu .• xlnt con¢'892-2423.
COSTA MESA p rty need! atrl· WhO ~is mature, experience, 20-40 yrs. only. RD FURNITURE
644-2491 rope ambllioua and able fo meet Muat be fast. One eve 11hift 1144 N1wport 81.,. C;M, G•r••• Sale I022
An equal opportunity Mo"G«J•nlent th#! publl~. Jf .you are, we open now. Apply in person 1 every nlte 'til 9
employer Rental A,..nts may have ... a permanent Pr.t ·to '3 PM. fttr. fttoore, \Ved .. Sat. & Su,n, 'tiI.-e: SUPER Sa.Ii!: Antiques, skis,
.,-position for you u a 12924 Beach at Garden 2'PIECE $pa;Ush 11>ta &'love typewriter, am. appliances, Mng. Trainee $4$0 * teller-new accounts clttk. Grove Fl'\\'f., G.G. seat 11-.95.· 3 pt~ -· TV tram n1 · It hool d f pd • =... ..,....-• ., es, reco s, ml!K". = A~ \V:;:clfu ~NIO~'.-Our major Real Estate ~ Frina:e benefits, a:ood v.'Otk * WAITRESS imition open Spanish -2 end, -1 cockful clothinz, toy11, decor3tor
nel A&e~. rou WestclW velopment Ca a k>okina inf conditions. No ~· now, day shift. Full I: part tables $-19.95. 2 Spanish liv· Items. Thurs. thru Sun. 279
Drivr, Nn.<pon Be a ch' tor experienceti'rentaJ qent. perience necessary. t~. 21 yrs. or .aver. Ex-inr room ~~ S2.5t. -~ Albert Pl., O.l\1. aH Santa
r; I partment WORLD SAVINGS &: LOAN perlenced. Apply, Mr. Factory, 1835 Ha.rb-o'.fl" .. Ana .A\·e.
1\-alnut console. bu t\O n
ho lea, de1lg:ns e tc.
Guaranteed. $36.00 Cash' ..ir
easy tams! 526-6616 •·
scs.mo (ll!o lee jobA} Zxe:r'fn at he Ne::O~ 292 s. Coast, \taiuna Bch. Moore. 12924 8ea_£h_ mv~.. ~ • . . c:~:;:RA;,:G;;E;;:..,Sai,,..,.-Sa"""t_o_nl,_y-. ~505"·
MOONLIGHT job. Will train Beach/Anaheim areu. SECRETARY . C .C. i " QUALITY G ·A M'E ~A.BLE. ~Wiufr\te, Cd1'f: Llke new Mvskal Inst.
ii: pay right party to service Secretary to top execunve. WAITRESS for Lunches On-American or r.iartliiSVfUe. apt. re1rf&:. 1 $65. Oriental
laundromat. 6
75-5622 Property ma.nazment expel'-Most be mature. with at ly. Apply in Person , (Royal Tribune) OC'taiol\al ni1, antiq. china; \\'st.
Sean '<:enmo~ Portable.
Se\'1'! I a r 1v a rd, rtvene,
daim, buttonholes. Exci!™nt
condition. Only $75. 8314239
newport . iel}Ce \Vitti ability 10 handle least 10 yrs:, ri1anagement Delaney's sea Shanty, 630 Tb! 48x4.8x.2;j ttlih •. Finest router $12.. l\1any misc.
all facets of lease agree. levt>I experience. Superior Lido Park Dr, N. ts. whom. Inlaid·& bufied k)p. 673--2.156 I personnei · ments, bankini alld other skills · type 70, SH ·no, fll>at WAITRESSES -Cocktail. 4 match chrs v,./uphol silts 'M;:;;OVlN"":;:G;....,D"<iy;..,., "'•"u,..-m"•""-.. "'
office related as:ri(nments appearance And manner. Bwt firls, dilh\vulien. Ap.. &. casters. New. % ot ori1. today. 2 contemp. couches agency a.s ~·ell as lhe abilil)' to rent l\.1ust be . dependable,. Good ply ?i!aJtre De, 1790 19th St., CO!!I. Priv. Ply· Hu·n (. $45 1.: $35. Formica din. tbl,
Profa11ional Service apartments is required. oppty, Wlth a dynamic. e .. C.l\.f. Harbour. (213) Si9'1·1C62 4 chr1 $25. l\lisc .. clothing
FRENCH Selmer tenor-aax,
beaut. condition, comb. caae $300. Aft Ii pm 548-2589 198
Buoy st.:· c!'.M.
for the imployer PL.EASE CALL ~ablished co~in~~~ YOUNG men 18-2S who \\'ant USED &ota lc'cha.lr $69.95. 2 5c41. 15J.4 Wanvick Ln.,
Swini:: shift. Prefer ont y!!ar and th• appllc•nf. i\USS Cl.ARA DE _ ~e~·s fkase apply in to learn a trade in the .mov-matchfn& ,t. p b oJ 1 t ~red N.B. 14&-2668 CONN Tenor Saxaph>ne wHh
industrial Keypunch experi. 113 Dover Dr., N.8 . ) 417 7SM pert0n onJY lf )'OU have 1111' " storaae busine~s. patina a:zttn print chairs, l\fOVlNG into trlr. lilust aell CllM'. a:ood 1..'0ndition . $15.
rncr, Apply 6413870 549274! C?l.3 · · bo 'qualiftcations Need 15. 20 men. If 1n-both tor .'$69.95. Antique bed s , tb l s . lamps . 962-8240
sonic amp .t ease. Leslie
speaker mod. No. 47. Good
cond. ~7478
COLLINS --or .end rewbl.e to ~ ~. C.ox Mfa:. c.o: Inc., terested, call _betw 8:30 am w\d~ end ·1' cocktail' table• Everythlna: lmqinable. s:========!
RADIO C:O. NURSES Rei11tered -eveft. 1505 E, w~ner. S.A. , & 4.:30 pm 54.,_n59 . $!1'·ea~b. 'M l:P'ac~. 1885 Pafk autslde .. do not disturb Pianos • Organs 1.130 J bo Rd ina: a: night Shilts. Elf. R & a CA,, .... ~, ••-'. F.dwanls o. UNG man for delivery & tf&rbo, r, ~541MiU1. ...... NI<lo -Newport Blvd., ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;,;;;;;;;;1 19700 · am ree~ · bene[ib. Apply Personnel 1 C ,,...,..~ ...... " k c.iU ;>-•
Newport Beath. , . Direcfor. So. Coast Com·· Dave opment o. -lite maint~nance '"'or • SPECIAL TH IS WEEK . . .
1";qual oppo1tunity employer nl Ho 31872 Coast S1crat•ry t, $700 fringe benefits. 642-5991 Spanish 8 ft &Ota & loveseat SE'l'I'EE.. oval nbbed back,
We a.re looklflG for !hat ONE mu ty ~ 499-UU 11570 \Y. Olympic 81\·d. RMt. $249 Now $159.95. Store down pil~owa, $150. Lov_e
man wiM Is Jack of aU trad· LITE Faclory \\'Ork, metal ",,",'. '3:;,r,So. a. Lo! Ana:~es. Calil. 9IX&4 ExeeUcnt skills, eood \YO!ic Scheol•lnstruction 7*°° ,.i;, __ ·pb.n Ma.st Ctr•-c seat. "·h1te damask S9'J.
"· p .... fer· a man "'ho is i-e-CO<l.ktin& plant. Pref mech. _::::_:::_ ______ I Equal opportunity'empl~r baclq[round, You n1 Co, ,___ ~::'~~--... -'-L er -• ' pwr, upholi 11:~ cane ·$00.
JI" you art buyllli: a Piano
or Qraan this YEAR.· Ii.
ai-. ln~resled in some. ""1-
b l l'!!&t d~als, ~lease sbop
Jilli Ne.11,·port, C.l\t. 642-8484
·~ abillty. Slart $2.2tl hr. Gd · '--h -" Lo -I-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I --·~~ I 1il1!d and needs :something N11n111 . ..;: REAL Estate Sales.. Youn&: .... ac area, "'.... raine,11 •-14. p:· it O:ai!e liable French eis. 1o do ·and.wiU ae'Ct'pl respon. "'ork 1..'Clnd, -\iae; holiday Exper i~nced AicMs man with license for besl \Yestclill Personnel Agency ,.•I' ....,...r.., u~n ure o v ~·1, •$8 ~. JU i •c
sibility. \Ve net'd YOU to pay, reg. salary 1 n c r · AU shit~ available sel.lln:: new hpmes, Start :?Ml \Vcstclilt Drive, N.B. I r ~ llarbor. Of 548-9660 ltl'!rft_"' 548-.2900. , 962-2172 bef noon -" ""·K·-• -,,,..., , •<;i.,.j r -.,, take t."ltrl! ol a coin laundry : iiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiii•] Huntington v~ey .......,,~ ... cs-immediately. ~120 6'-&~• 10 1-i f~ ,.,..., (l ll'IO ee ASSORTED eDd tab I es & ZENml IS" TV $l7.~.
on 17lh ·St. in C.~I. 1 to '.! 1..-ent llospita.l. 8382 Newman jobs). cocktail tables $3.50 each. 2 Dinette set SU.SO. i\taple Open Every Ni~
I.: Sunday Afternoon ~rs per day, Minor repa1N> ISJS Ave .. llunl. Bch. 84'.?..$51 REUBEN'S SECRETA~Y. Part Time. At·I~;~::~~ aiitl(ftle white twin bookcase uph.rocker: $15. Maha& end
10 machines ... n1ain1enancr, " '\·MACHIN Gen•ral Office $425 torncy req'1. skilled cor~ll 'he&dboJ.f'ds J7.9i; each. 1 tbl $&. Dbl•hdbd & frame $3.
' keep our-customer~ happy, Good typing skills,· know 10 Cost• Mesa respondence secretary. No ;; '.i i.' :.: j 'W'alnut double ~!l o k ca 11: M~ S18'Feml.ea1, CcUrt
If YQO .11rr tfu! man, v.·rite-SECOND SHIFT key add, recent v.'Ol'k cXJ!., prior Jeaat exper. req'd. ·::I ,l .• : ~ S9:9l."Tb~ Fac-JtETiltED 'Mllitary M'ovinc. PIANOS & ORGANS
and tt:U Us. abouf 3"'1.lt'l!Clf. )'OWll co .. "1 fee pd., call Penn. 15 hr.1wk. $3.23 per 'i :: ':t•. tory,1385Har~.M0"6842 Jnterestifll' &t Useful items. NEW~ USED ~we w11i' cOntact you for an l\tlnimum 3 )'f!ll'! cxperie,nce. -Loi-ainc, "'cstclitt Person-Now lntt-1vie1vin;: hr. Exp'd with IB!\t exeC. DINING room table a· x
Some· European Antiq'i. •Yamaha Pianos 0rpJW
inll!:l'Vii>1'•: \Vrite 1\.1r. 1'1sher Do own · triups. hav« o1'·n ncl Aiency, 2CM3 . Westc.IW Type BO ~'Pm, SH 120 "''Pm.llj;;;!;!;;;i;i;iii'.:; matchina: chain:, like new
Ironwood. Colle1:e Park e Thomu Organ!
Box 3848.; _ toMimct-, Callr. 1001~. -Drive, N.B. !H.>7170 (also e BUSBOYS · A&e ~. Nt "'Pt. Bch.!li . """ 2 t•"•• ah ..... "'··t .seal Bch.. 4JO...M86 e Kimball Pianos
90510. f~ .)Obsl 1''\lll Time ~a. Call fi'i.,.;'172 anytime ~........ ma ... _ naua """' Lall ' • e Kohler & tan'ipbcll kJGH caliber office manager
"'ith ·bookkte p lng I:
secrelariel ~p. Assistan1 lo
'the PL'f!SitJenl. Call for appt.
betw 8 & :i, 892-SJ.M.
fo.:)l:ttllent gro"th oppo,.tun-Day&. Pi1on-t'!'i. chain, Cl ~l $40 each. GARAGE Sale: Room size COAST MUSIC
!ties, overtiml", fringe bcJJ. Oo~ERAd_:::R,s .• _ ;i~~P-~lust bf' neat in iippeara~ s,~;.:)~T~1!ey :oe::ft'U: MEN & WOMEN! Greer• upholsttred rocker, rugs, furniture, hi-Ii, misc NE\YPOR? I: HARBOR.
'• ,, ........ oo; • RA 1 like new $65. Floor lamp household roods I.: marine "'·sta Mtsa + 632-28SI c Ill. ply, 863 Production Platt, littr's Rep .. TJpe, S.H. Ex-l1COMPUTER PROO l\ -$2,j 302 ?iforni,.,. ......... on · l2 • nl Sat ,_ o... ~
N.B. PJI: 64&-0308 !·~;~ A\VP.PALDY"I,:, per Nl!c. 4-16 hrs wk. Full ltIING IS TIIE KEY TO Rd: Shortclilli ... ......,.,, ·-~~~~!C:~le~~~;~d:.,.'N!:'.-~B--,~,,~=-:I O ·~pei:n=l°"'==l'ri--:-i\'i:IM==S=un=l2_.S *Auto. Scrt w Mac.hine oi.ii..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... ,,.,.., ""'.., details to Box 531\t, Daily YOURFUTUREPROm:ABLE I. l
ttOTEL r>fA ID . 6
day 1 I •'eek, pern1anent.
Laguna Beach. * 494-1191i'•
HOUSEKEEPER wanted · 4
hours only • fltt'fer Fridays.
Re.fa. C&fl SM>-7817 flt 5: 30
y,eek days, 11nyti me
(Singlr I:_ n1ultipal spindlf'l COSTA MESA Pil I NB . ' MAPLE bar :itoo1¥. no ea. % Hou.iehold to 10. Creal Ja11112t'V· Clearance
PARK LANDSCAPE ,-,.--------1 °' · · Ouae1 iitart soon. Telephone be~h. $20. \Vood Bit! of We st. World, small '"P"'I * Punch p,..,, TECHNICIAN Sas!"'LES.,•N w•NTED SECRETARY -RECEPT. Pilot proa:ram offe:;tl ~e Kitchen tbJ, $20. -4 cl\rs, $5 motan, f\lrn. toys, misc.
pen!On, li\'e in m· our,
En1erald Bay· 49.J-6871 her. 2
or art .5
for Erdirty Couple. ?i:latore
\\'omarr t>t'e'f. Call 1142-Wi1
HAS A:-1 1~1~1EOIATE
.frefcr experirn('('d, in t'are
of \ndu8t1'1al ollices and 1<1·
'Equal t?ppor1unity rmployl"r
1485 DALE \V AY
CTI4l 5il>-825I
* Drill Pr111
Shur-Lok Corp.
1300 t:. Norniandy Pl ..
Santa Ana
t~ blk N. or l\fcFadde11,
1i blk \~. of C1ilnd>
~IAJDS \\•anted for motel
11-ork. for appt. Ca 11
6-16-9681. •1esa Mcitel, 415 N.
J\'e\\'J!Ort Blvd., NB
• 646-7445 * .
Mn9. 'l'r•inff $450
High achool grad • fee pd.,
l'ILll Ann, \Vest.cliff Person·
nrl A11:ency. '.?043 \VestcliJt
Diive Newport Be a c h 6~:>-2170 {also fee job~)
MANAGE?ilEforo'T · 28 Units.
Husband can havt> outside
job. Light maintenance.
\\rrile D&ily Pilot lkix l\1·20.
" """ " For rapidly a:rowing dept. of fine-:t equipment an a -ea. 1V port. $17.50. De,sk i: 531~H19 for to supervise boys, age 12-16, major corp. G6od sal.a.r)· 41,t11:11 available! ReaJ•ttme llces , ;;;:.;,:=.,...=c-:-,=~ J
Doheny Stat• leach In newspaper ~Id. You 'viU fI"illit: bcnetita. Send reiume compute?' pro~amminJ.. chr, $8., 2 b ' $7 ea. GIGANTIC Gilraiie S a I e.
e HAMMOND .e Orran.s 1 e Pia.Ms • Speakers Callfomla's !Je.partment o!
Parks and Recrea6on Is
seeking a qualif'ied individ-
ual a:11 a Park Landscape
ftfaintenanc.. Ttchnician at
Doheny State Beach near
San Clemente.
Salary Rang• $519-$717~
Require!! a! lt:ut 15 unit1 al
colle&:e in ornamental horti·
culture or landacapin.i:; and
1·2 )'f'IU'll e;<periencc in
gTOUnds kttpi"'° or land-
!fCal>t: maintel\&JICt', depend·
ina: on extrnl ol collect
for further inlonnahon or
rmployment il\terview write
ot' eall :
Mr. Pat Doogheny
3030 Via De Frente
San Clement~. Calif. 9261'1
Telephone (TI4l 49'!-0802
•starting salary is dependent
upon applicant's qualific&·
tiMs. ·
r.1ainl.,nance t.1an. 6 am toll
or 12 am. ftlust be neat,
clean. eflicient. App, in
pert. 635 \V. 19th C.M.
Responsible, young man to
leam the pie making busi-
ness. Ii days .. '8 hr wk, work
into a:ood future 1\itl'I gTO\\'-ina: '-'OQll'PY. Apply in per-
llOn Vi 's Pies c~U noon>
J9t 0E. 16th St., C.f.1. · -
$474 '° $576 Por Monlh
CITY ·D~ -
One: cW'n!rtt openlns
11vaileble, R~i.iin!! 50
w,p.m. t)'PU'\g'• hi I; h
1ehool. diplom11. one year
or l'('(. .. nt 1cnerll clerical
not delivtr new_,.,., ..-t p o Bo _,, La 968-~ Refri(, 2 dinin& aets, kg.
collect. Must live irt Co!tt& Hills 926jJ LOVELY 8' aofa, never u.seQ. bed, bednn set, Sw•uucuu,
y,,.. o . . x .. ,)i,1... a:una 'The Atadany .. ~-~ OPEN SUN, 11-< I
ftfesa area. $100 1uarantee SECRETARY. Typini 65, _ _ . quilted · :flor a l, ACOtch-.muchmore.Jan3ltbruFeb
first t\\1> v•eek.s ir you .. r...... a:ua.rded $135 matching 1, 10.S. 18106 Leatherv.·ood,
2854 E . Coast Hwy, 673-39"'~ al... M shorthand 90, lntereslinz ~m 1-...... oro.;,, Pri' -.. ,·t· ··-·. T-"ne.833-2738 qu .. T· ust have station divenified Y."Ork for &ell· RIAll...., v• "°" • -v ... ,
wago.1 6r van. Call P.1r. !!tarter. Syste.med Corp ~ ANTIQUE furniture t: lots <if
Valdez anytime at 542-1269. ?iln. Hayes 54!N7n WROUGHT iron 11htlves with _lu.n junk. Sat I: Sutn __ 2ll Your Choice SALE.!>'WOl\1AN i ..:SECR::::~ET~A:,:R.::.Y,.:.;,F;,.o:..r.;,c_r<_l<'~ .• -nal Ui~:.i::~.::-,. acroll v.·ork cheat 0 Cbral Ave., 8'.lbba Is·
Full time. Experienced pre. w.Jes ofice. Lite office \.\'Ork S•h• 41 drawera, . cuii
tom made, BIS GARAGE SAlE cablf...Netso'n or WUrl.ifz.er art ..
ist consOle, walnut w i t h
matehing bench. S69!t. ferT'l!d, ladies wear. "ith some shorthand re-o,..... C.aH~ tJ"' l<imps. ~ Liihthou.ae Ln, f
Poppy, C.d.M
APPLY IN PERSON quirt'd. 6Ta-7373 Call S47·M71 Cd?iI '4f..-0438 , Sat nl "5 e DESMOND'S e • . o Y GOULD MUSIC
#3 ·Fashion Island .SERVICE statiQn attend~t, IT'S YOUR MOYE USED ~fa I: chair ~;9,'i. POWER tools, hand tools, 2045 N. Alain, SA s.t7-0381
Newport Beach exp'd. Some mecha.rnca.I U~ JI&'!' red velvet hi-back to)s, mDloleyq.es. m~c .
°'""' COVENTRY .___ exp., day!. Fountain Valley chairs ~ each. The Fae-items., nsi~ Qliebec, H.JJ. ftAM?.tONO Steinway, Yam· ~ ...... Texaco. B rook h u r 1 t &: Di1caver • Gr•at New torr, 188.1 Harbor, 540-Q.C2 Behind s Polifts. 842-5643 aha. Nh 1: used pianos of openinzs for fl.ill or part Gal1ield mak In
time sales. No Ul\'estment. C•reer W ith Th• QUALITY Sofa bed, cost Sl50 ESTATE Salep.0 am. 5--PJnl JTl!)!t es. Best. buys .
nn deliveries. For Interview, SERVICE Station Attend. sell $150. ~ RoU awa.y bed Sat I.: Suri. sos Avefildo _Sp. Call!· at Schmidt M~1c
54()..-0614 Exper. Full Time. Apply In S2JJ. Xlnt cond. 536-Salll, LorenJO. N.B. Co. 1907 N. 1.IFln, Santa Ana -~SA=L"E"°S'°'P"E=RSO=N=NE=L-I Pel'IOn. 2096 Harbor Blvd., AIRLINES ~9110 .,·GARAGE &tie: Color TV
needed part time :for adult C.ft1. &4&-6558. SAC ~~ ot cost. New kin:size . furniture, misc. l 7 j 5 2 ·A
luxury apt. complex. Sl'ITER • for. working • OPERATJ(,;<1,:; AGENT bed. New custom ebony GctaJdine, HB. SACRIFICE! Wurlitze r
Spinet Plan.. ~n't Cond.
$425. 613-3648', or 673-2137
NE\V I.: USED, Pi&no1,
Organ~ Rebuilt Granda.
\Valllch's C.lit. 541).2830
Previous aales or leasin; Triolher, In my Cd!lt home, 5 •TICKET SALES Oritnta.1 table, 8' x •f. Leav-
exp required. ('all da \l'k, 673--7816 • RESERVATIONS ,iflli: city. 646-1234 .,,Hences
OAK\VOOD TEL. Aas\\·ering Service. e AIR FREIGHT~ARGO
GARDEN APTS Exp preielTl:d or '"iU train. e COfttMUNlCATIONS Fm~~ .. ,!:~~t. p :UC'::."""-.---.--.--.-1_100
CTI4.) 642-81·0 Call ~20~ e TRAVEL AGENT .. ..,.. ......... '6
• · t-bullet i: corner cupboard, 3 Ulid ~daire \\'asher. late PIANO TUNING I: Re~
_.. pc. ll!:Ction~ .. &M-5858 model $50. Friaidaire Expert, ttasonable! Joba-M.en, Worn. 71D:0 Job's-M•n, Worn. 7100 Airline Schoolt Pacific rtfti"rator sso. Norge Albert Aarnes.ii 615-6967
-610 E . 17th, S.nta Ana CUSTO~t-Built round 1~" -
543-659' solid birch table top tv:ith dryer $50. Admiral Color Tl \V1JRLITZEJf 460'Z, 32 t10llt
' All Departments
Work for the naw Grants. GROW with a
GO-ahead company . Full ·time and perttlm•
pe1lt.ion1 available. W• have epenfngl for tM
w.rklng ho_UHwife. Full, company 1Mneflt1
ln t luding d iscount purchase plan. Come In
and Ml us nowt ' I
Manday Through Friday
10 1.m. t. 4:30 p .m.
LOOKING for ft solid future
but a:ettina:
$50. All these arid l\fORE at pedal, suata.ln, wp t ,nc call>. \\TOUlht iron bast $125. ll.epderson's, 1877 Harbor .. Gfl-: 1'. d °'"l"'"
540-4ll8 or 546-2l4Z Blvd., Cl\t. 548--0lj,J, Open ;;~ye;•· ~· ~ 7; ·=
One l'\\lin Oak Bed, 1"0llt eves ·111 9 Pi\! . • ar. . pn.,,.
Look'l·to, ,.-,:as a .. Complete $45. · · Piano. GoOd condition. $.175.
" "''"" ' KEmlORE WASHER, COU· &48-C:W.3 ;
RADIO ANNOUNCER 646-9762 p:e me. $12a ($40. less tJ1an . -
TTl.J800 :;o FOLDING Chain. FOun cost) ?few Hndilion .. used' UPRIGHT. Plano, Warner,
Institute ot rubbe.r aeats. tan. $8 v'1u onJy 3' or 4J' times. tall MWly refinished. $150,
Broadc.ut Arts $5. Lill:t Nu. Desk $S0 valu 137....c239 · * 49'-S912 *
1501 N. Bristol, S1~. for ~.,673-09D G.£. alltoi.v.· ... her. '\Yllirlpool TelevJllen 120S ; a SPANISH den arouP 2-'ti#· pl dryer. Both in very I :'-"":.;:_::;;<;"-:::--:"'::.:~1 AUCTIONEERfNO sofa11,'1corhertablie,lJ~p eood cond. $3:i ~•ch. LeB.H 'C.olotlV·orBlac:!<~·
REGULAR 2 \VEEK •TEJu.J $149.$ The Factor)' • ..&Olo-54&-8672, Ml....Sll~ Whi~. ()p&n to buy._~
Be ln•busines.s fot< yourself! Harbor, 540-6842 KENMORE Auto ·washer k »etvloe. No deposit A.;.Actlfl; Learn' to be an auctionter. 1V RenW-0». WEST·BEST OCHOOL or QUALITY kins: ~ • IJ~ f'l1&1d~ a\IJ'l washer.
AUCTIONEERING, 2C6 \V. mattress, 0,mplete unuti!id both xlnl cOnd. S4~ each. Cl) ~.ns,J
flh. Santa Ana, 6::s.5000. S121J, Y.'Orth $260. 842'6$S6 54$-3612 or M7""115 RCA 17'' Table ?!Wei. N"°' lj .,~~~"l"~~!'!"'"" i ,;,'~"~';,· V<;:;-:;--;-;::=-;;:::' REf''RJGERATOR. . freezer picture tube ~. Packard
PIANO LESSONS BEDROO~t a: Llvill& iRzn. -2 dr PhUco 19.6 cu. ft. no Bc'I 21" C.Onaole"model S30.
All . ~. Bea:.. Int~"!ft'di: l• r nt tu r c: . BARGAIN. frost llkt ~.: must tell ,,Sli-,,..,1395=,_,=.....,=~,.-,-I
ates. ntEORY. l:ftfPROVJZ.. 5U-C1'2 $250. 54&-m? . .,. 21" RCA Color TV. Workl
ATION.. Reasonable. Call DINING room iiet, oval table: KEN?itORE tu» "'ashe:t Ii:: IOCJd, $73. Af1 . 5, 646-&S?l
efter 5 p.m. 546-U48 I: 4 chain, fndM'OOd $175. dee dr)ier. Both·late model. &M2 ~Cir, HB.
PIANO LESSONS: Expar ~ Xlrit ~· $63 each • tea~r bea:lnnlng to teach Studio Couch, rreen.--S46461'2;11tT..&115 Hl·Fi &.~ 1210
' .
Top comm. PM• (Spec.sales comm.) Better
total Income. Full quality line. Oppty. for
advancement. pd. vac .. Holiday & sick pay,
lletlre plan, Group life & med In•. Emp disc.
If yo u w.ant to learn more ab!out pur mon.ey
ma~lng proposition in ooe of the counties
fast.est growing rel.ail organization -come
preparei1 to disculis your sales know·how .
and your preyious experience. Come in and
see ur, \V. T. Grant Co .. Grant Plaza, Adatns
& BrookfiurSI . Huntin gton Beach.
Apply before ~ p.m., tue1-
day, Feb, J, 11170 t-i the Per.
Ptnel Offtot, :w100 Newport
Blvd., Newport Boa.ch. Calif,
92660, (714) ~. * POLICEMAN • $677 to $811
21-3$ )"l'I., S'r'.C'S". 2!).20
comded v11ion; »-40 rl)U.
in Ml!'M Ve:rde area. $80. USED Appliance & TV's, all 1.WS'l"-Se:lh i 2 Voice Of The
149-2145 ~ SU-635? ,uaranteed. Dunlap's. Ul5 1\ee.trc ~alien. f'fsbtt .. ....., '6illlnaA Dinette set. C Newport.•CM.. MR-nsB AJnd •• t Dual trntbl.
l '--.l
I ~T.;.H;.:E:;;A:.:T.:R:;;IC::A:;L:__7:..:""':.:;: tin.,....., new, $100. 9 rt. AUTO •'Ul><T. late -.1. ·-===°'=-==· ==
eou.ch. Vtti.1te.-$W. l9:.W'll2 •xJrit cond. ~. 769~ 20th St. -Gd health A morA.I cbar.c-WANTED:
ttt. E.."cept'I. qua!. person BOYS & GIRLS W ITH
moy ·~rl ...... bqinnlrc Adams and lrookhunt, H.1. A DESI RE TO BE DH
!flt'P. Call or write La111na T ELEVl\jON •.•
Brach Pollce Dept;. 505 For· Equal Opportunity Employer P'0t· Free On eamcr.i Audi·
An Equ~J opportunity ~mployer hf&F'. nt A\•e, 491·0631. rue befora livn fn Your Area, Cati Ot"
..,..,,....,.,...,..,..,,.. .. ..,.,. ........ .., .. 11 FebruaryJ~h. j.,.,...,,..!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!l!!!!!!!l!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..ll.!:an~1~c~Cotl~n~ry~,~54~7~~!:.._L_
R!XUNER-. "'°" c6n-c.1<1:·-'-'.'!. & Er1,. ~
dillon. TIA·Mt.. ":d A 1q:mt0RE Aulo 'V.-hn-I. FOTRON Electronic e&mn"L o~. "4> Ph. ~3 {)rytt, S3S each. 536-8411 Takes plcturn In darlt.
CO?i1PLETE lumlshlnp (or l\EFRIGERATOR. crt II , ' U fi!lirnt developing: eoit-
1 Br apt. $38 month. Good f'\unnhi: Condition, tract. Colt $400, 11eU $100 or
646-&303 $30. Av•ll. -t/5/ltt ... 67S...760l. ~make otft11,, et9"'111---·
a ...
¥J f9 ' -~ a > 1 * -
04 I .. ... . . ·-· ........ . • .. .... • r ---· -· . . .. . .. . .
_ SaturUy, J.111¥111 ll, 1970 •
-·w -· •., HM',.. How You Con U..
.. ~Or fllilllil• Dtme • A. • Una
. (' ; .. e Bring them or melt lhem with corred ce1h
to one of our 4 convenltnt offlce1, e No livestock, produce-or pl•"'"
• No commercial !Mf• eUowN.
' e NEWPORT llEA H .... " Ii Ball,.. ·llvd.
----COSTf\~ESA •• ,.;.: •••• ~ .. ~.W.I\ B-'.Y
~ f!~~T~NG'!'ON ll~CH .. 1717f,!!~ch 1~~vdf
e ~A?UNA fEACH .. " .. ,'lb '"lo•t 'Avenuo ·
e Cech lt•m mu•f bil priced with no lttm
'ove r $15. -.r. ' • .._
C..at JJ ~ •NI .,.c• pet 11 ... :1 ' •
' STEREO, P.OMJblt, u sed BA!l'l CU'.~ maurtu $1. .BOY'S ~t ~ ae:~ PARTS Jpr~ fol-.,., il.s& 1!162 ral<."On ena:~.ie Mad, 111 RECLINER chalr sa:J, FiuJ BOL STER S, Blue $4. mJOIO ('ouch $5. crib.and J Twin beds n t11ch. Ar-
once, . oott $65, ptctU~nt 8&bY -dlaptl' baa, $.I t ,Ba\ut ~r .• ~ "t.11\f, mim:if,f Ford plck·U~ trucks Sl~. niW PB(ll ... e;rrilUcd apd .c~{r 'S12.50. End table S-i&$:n " makrm,' S10. Walnut «)ffee proximately 40 yard1 Co14
condlliah,. $2S.. ,.Qltvy 6S ~ Qt ~ Baby • poH)' night_.. 5~1¥1 al)J t>NI~ bt4 'rach J1., §13:-&76~ • . , maanatluddi Uf. ~ .lf~l1~'91 '$3.50. Corner ta.ble S 7 , srovE S25. .W,v;~r-<il'YH \able $25. Electric butler-carpet $2S. 2 Gitl'1 blke1 SS
alternator•$!0. ~ chair $3. &Jty ~~U•ti $15. $211 ~ill. ~iQ.~ t port~!.i Gio\RRAO turntable $20 Scott overloa~d 1 ''P;l'fincit ; SZ5. Drop!eaf dining t1bte ~10. CQmblnatlon 12.'i. Sc, (!lahes 511 1lfh.'r SJO. Bath hltlte $3.00. and $10. 2 StauUc.r tables
30 ";48 Wft.i'.ifui4 oode:table Kou 1tereoribone• $8. V?i-1' $.15. 5f";r!'J616 or lm-5147' · amplil1er Sl2. 24'' x . 411•· 8-17-980S -Interior door SJ, ~t'al!11 $3. Plcturi-'~ Glolltliig Baby car aeat $4.:IO. High $20 each. StauUtr unit $25.
$10. thfid't maple rbcker . ampllller Ste. Sllwmone CHAIN· saw szi.. St.ainltM ·seascape. ol1 paintirw; US~·· MASTERCR.U:l' .~~ &iw, lll'l'placr 8Cl't>en $5. 2 lDc:-fl. KltChen 'u 1 ens I I s chairs S2 and $4. R.oekln~ Bolton rocker S15. Double
13. New wroU,pl iron nil· reverb_ unit flO •. Sbffl tnUslc steel doub~ ·link' •1111 drf.\,.. x 411·· ·picture frame $1' Anll· like new Sl5. %. ~ li~l"$5. louventd dOOl'!I , ~ each. 'l.X>S.J. 89S CapitaJ, C.!t1. v.-undf'r pony St' Small headboml '5. Yucca Scout
Ing, :31j•• ·x 10' $25. New ale ~h. Mi4sle books .for boa.rd SS. Cood ~p.freeit que type hl(i rtiof sea mest. AnOque Dtrrb)\ h&J:) ~JBS? Wine rack& $3,jQ ·each. MUlOO ', • ~wdcr hon;o $5.'GM healtr bl.ck pa.ck $2.50. 64&-9j77 ~ht Iron ra.Uln&: 36" x piano, acconl~, guitar and $25. 'f'"ncw d001J. 4 bedroo1n <trunk) $25• Sanbl.ast tini1ti $25. Heavy duty tow Chain Danish couch s.1 .. \Vood. bt!d ,' '"I ·~ $.5. , Oriental <pjd,IJl'eo $3. ! ltP EMnrudc S2S. Contrac-
S'&" $20. N.W wrought iron ·cqan 51lc. • f'Ctd.!: 'JOlder-· s.,; earh. 1 • "Beil tr: $15 .. ! trunk SlS Rattan sofa with 10 Ceet ~ 5.1&--8085 set $4 . t.tarbl<' S'lnk 1ops i5 6 Car toji tam ' new, for Toboi::IP.J1. 6 mi'n,Jl2~ Pfdal tors , ~w trailer $ 2 S ,
railllif \6" x 4' $15. Sc:atii . In£' i:un SS. jncJi.,cl~ic front doors. (ijJL• Sil e•cb.. C\l&hlons $25 i\tatching rat· . . e&ciL Tu·o large bay 1ll1e1 itaUon we.ion or van $20. rocket '8· Tnk.e SJ. Floor \Yornen·a and i h 1.1 d re n' a
boy.'s 31" · Wc:.rcle S!J (!rill t2Q. Gara!ll'l vacu~1 RI.I $25· eaCh •. mo Orange, tan cha.Ii' .SIS W a In 11 t 3 ANTIQUE ta~le $20 eal"h. pictUtf'8 Sl2.50 elch. 1V 6.46-4211 , . ., l11imp, eritntal S15. Tir,e and t.tl!"htf Mac jackets $4. 12
Chl.Iiiren'a ~II s-:t. SQ:. no attachmt!~t.a. ~ "P.f9n'I C1¥· . crecien~ type c<ibinet $25 Portable T:v ... \\.'Ol'fdrla $25, 't~y1·.s1 each. 1~ Pnl'ltl!JC 6,foot couch. good s'1ape Sllli. wheel ~-As!IOrt~ hollies !!COOP glas1 bait tllllk s:is.
Reat view mirror f"oT bo\vUri& •hoti.~llZe 10· fl. -Pair lable lQmps $6.50 .each i:ecords .3Ci, 3 ho,t *t.::i' $25. Ladles coal, 817! 16,,~ ~!l"Ofl leaf coffee table is. SS. fio1w-1· 81T&!l8tmenla LldCI 14 rudder $10. Botlle
a.tustimg--p ._ :! pictw-es ~ ~'at.er.tank fpr boat ~1 .3 ¥.I ):!. ~~~;·• ~l~~l\ld~~ or both for. $10. ~:f2.IT Jewelry .n and SL 2 hll~r Knit ~utt. slz~ 14 $j. OrellS 61G-S80'J ; · 50c -'2. Electric M.nd' mlx· r•cka. $J-SIO. Small trailer
eacli.. 1 Sta~scape ")llb boat ~mocb $1 eac'h. 5 bl , 1 ·~ do NUMEROUS h 1 f dryers one Sl af!d ~ $5. and jackl'I. size 12. S.1. 81).1• Rlt't'TAN Rar and .11IOl'll er S2.50. Electric toastt'r $4. le(! box $~. Boat bath $20.
--"'--~-1 ~ -• gaUon jeop can S l". 'fl'· .~Y, Bl'I _. ea · • c cs . 0 O>n'air radio and 1111;aker slool $2.50. Bowling'bali')s: Infant \amp ";,() Stroller · II n ~ _........ ,,..... ~· • --"' ~ It {!OR brown d 15-".,,,; Small dinette ' '-U>.18. Ve"' slunly bench •:· ' . . . 15 fl , ro et tte. 111 uuud'll 1:-C.-='°"~~-7'-. ''-'-~~ BNnswiek b;owUn(: b&ll ana ""'"' Na _ • -"~ .raw~n ...., SlD. Baby 1lrollcr S1~. 273 E. 19th, C.?.1. ~2-3016 p-u II' 29., 'l•tal tool bov $.5. Trash ban:tls $4,,Chikl a -.. 673-2517, 675-2too \VASHING machi ne S1 5. ~ '10. 1'fotur 'and re if blue, i:rey·StO·,ead't. SlaCQ set,$25. Twin bed with. m,_1. 1-ligh chair $3. l'..aJTIP1 $2.30, . "" .... · •• ·• chalk boanl desk $2. P\inch •'"
Ro1Ja1.ay ;~ -SIS: Sewint m<inu::i.lll for' l9til-l955-I~,, 1 l4.1 Spo~ 1h!rt1 $l. 1'"\ne l"!M S25 ~'O ·double. b«ls and $5. Pta cOftt ltO. fl.lovie 10 GALl.ON ~quarium, Cflni-for SOC~lr\, ,and. WT~llChell : bov.·I and cups S2. Electric 1962 Chev ll Nova parts,
m.ac.hlne $.j: S~ter ~. s2. ea:ch. 19aw cad iliac &ho(t d1<ts,s s~lrt.!1 lB!ri·lD rl e1b1. siJ Lawn mower SS, Trtcyc~e camera and ,,.~phofO lens plele $20. Dniette table all(! $-1.9!1. SllltJOlt', ~1ke has Oat• . lllerllizer $2 \Valer flkilll Sl-$30. _9<IPPH' tone rana:e
'High .c~alr $2. W ~eat S'I. nUinuala S2. ;i fuXedo 11)•1! Mf--0773 ' T-$5 'l'\\'O l'O<'.klrig +chillrs $1;1. f1 5. Avon's "ol<j". bo.tllet .f ch{irs. clean and good tlt'es $6.49. ~5;162? '!'!. ";rloubles and ·,.Ingle, all $110'. hood, new $10. ~.
962--9515 211.ckets by Aftpr Si~ :;i..'ttSh o"li?EEFE &.: t.1en·itt sltn-Anliqua cha,iri and dreS!t~ ~.50--$5. Clothes 12.'i and Sl. tondl lort $20. 836-:r;JGt 2 f\1at<'hir(g enlJdl>JJholstdl .. •Pipes and p[pe ftLCk SIO. Presto electri.C shoe poliahet,
OOU8EE bed t2a. \Vhlte ·lntf a:nd Mar, wllite, 'bl~'e and da~·11.tove: ''t'l'Y ·clean, tx· $10.$25. 1''our ~s h.eat!!rs l..Otll of clau...,·arf' .Z>-$5. GOOD twin box springs ~ith t.'<I in tiluc and :;i:ttn. Coni· King;size bedllpl'l'ad S 1 O. w..t'd twiCft. $10. FJ;n:place
aolct ~ci_k he9.~ mf Sif eseh. ~~ (.I.icy ;"froni ,· t.~llent conditioq ·$25. Youl,b each. 968-185{. 2 I l 9 2 l\.1ctal clothol! Mm per S8. franies tl5 each: Good stu. fonable, got'l(i condil\on $25 Kingsize bedsriread $4. Deep scrttn p.50f' J' l r.e p.I a c.e
good ~n flO, ColiC.'O shirWt, llize iS.·• v.'Ol"n f)y , ·bqi, 1',tat lik~ new, (.'Olllplrte .. ~khaven Cl re 1 e. Hun-miz Beachwood L a·n e ~ Deni dt>~k $10. Kitchen table each, ~~ !ryer $5. Dlllhf's, cand16 , l{t'ates fJ4'.lc. Wat.er llOftener
bati, :Car~ Seat;· like' new P..11t.ertalner, !\ll Ii~· M\V $2 S2$. SJt; atteP 4 Pi\! ~ ~n-hngion Beach.. 11 u n ting l..O·n • Be a c h ST. Night 5~and $2.50. UlTF" 21 .. TV kl f' $2j v11.5<'s. lamp~. canl5tf'r !!Cl, S21J. Kenmore washer $10.
$3.Sl'.J. Jphnny. JumP..11P l!Caf ·each. Black· .ctllftmat:.nd day after.·s ·Pt.t ...... 146-4&1?. 2 PIECE wing sectional and (0ce!lJ1\\·ood Homes!, tv tuner S:i. ~nge Uc~lr Vacuu~ cl'fa"swr,· · ~r;:ls $5: 25c -$2 .. Bar stools SI . f\rnmo~ ttryer $25. Llke
for baby SJ. 54S-SOOS and ho\V ties $5. *1~1& \ 1 ~· ·"1Q:PI @I '~ i;-l)j c;an t: or n e r ·I ab I c , co r a I BA Bl~ :Crib .. 6 . . good \\'i,th ottoman · : . · h ty 646-152,; F'o1mals, sn:e 1~. $8. ~lze ·10. new lrintenpring ruttren,
APT· ~love . $25. Portable • ' • · 64&.-9987 • .~ naua:ahydo ·'25, 5 antique · ncr lo ' year iuze table Sl.!;JO. Spa_niih. l'oton-$10. like new. Boy'J ltioo set $25. Antique white dou·
· 4.> CAL,~mnio U box . .L2 !' . . , . din\"• ek&tn. ·ll•ht v.·e·'iht, 00 11 n SIO. ~2-l!l72 terey t"Offee tabl,e 'S5,. ~"~11 MA'tERNTTY Clothl'11 size , ... ,., 11.50, ~izr 1. &1~78, ble tied -.. Wee n>Cker;
roaster $lS: Keys lone movie boat ~""· Boa~ fral~r 125. AU~lrib( ~'ig, real ltair, ~2,;.' .. 2' old 111111 cbairs S5 10 s pee cl ti Ike $25. bo~ sprln~ nnd mattress S.10 ~., a&b,Y scales $3. ~ Buchanan, c .t.I. ll ke new $i:OO; Blasell elec·
camera. &mm, $20. S7;;...J6l3. Elf'«;l~ic cook,, 5lO\'e $20. '1¥~ $15.. Cilf 51&-8221 each. Solid M1.plt-end I able Relrigei-alor $14. SJ6,.1091 $20. Ni<'t! hf'adbnard llfld 67j..l506 ' ' ' Irie broom, like new S7 .50.
lZ1 6&i;-te Ave. Bal Is. fl.fe tal waste Mi'ilriets ~. 3 SCRAM LE~S ·;3 O'' .J>4tntiPP t25 Child'.1 ' frl\11'1(' Sl5. Console se'ving CUITTOt.1 Studio <.'Ollch. cost Baby bf!d ancf mattreu. lp. PORT~ TV, 'excellent for ll. Z Coleman picrl,l.c • ' foldl~~ hairs S2 for. $3 Sal· 3 PIECE . sttllonal SW. 2 machine St.i. Book s, LIKE New fur aprey ski SlSO, 5ell S?a. Playpen nersptlna: m. f'oldtna: lu&-
condltion $25. 64~1957 stovf's with . .htrl ·$15. Ex· 1 •. , : ·. Sun ;.t ~ · CloraJ ll~'ivel rock~rs S20 decoralives 25c • $10. 16-10 boota .1ite-9. Laoe-ski hoots' "Thayer" and pad.1i~ new 1::ase $3. t.tlnor and chest
2 R~FRIGERAroRs, double ecutive. upholstrmf met1I 1ANSiillERS ~ · · :i. · e~ch. Boy'i. blcyele $10. Ne'V."POr1 'Blvd. No. 3. Park 1~ 9 Sl~eadh. ~2095 $15. Tether ball set SI.
S25. ·Seryel S20. Twin box swivel chair Slll. Stra.i!UlL . l , . Ill' . ' QoUBLE matttt111 Sl5. Bo.,. G1r\1 blcycle $16. ~2508 outlli<k. do not disturb BLUR ~ip !!lRtnP~. S2 per &14--20'28 :: ~~~t,ed u~:a~';.~~
tiprings and-mattress-$25, ~~s!:redU i\o!·m~ta_?; 0!1t1"'1 a;i\t.b .. _ Vkllit1 _ Pol \le ....-spring ·$l5; S46-7220 · \VOJ\1E;N'S . Clothes, Sile. 10, inanai:r-r. book. 2--p!~ •1 e e-t Ion a 1 ~ Sf\IS, Child's, nr1v $ 7 . Jlouble 2• ,\fa)' curtatn rod ~or 968-21)8 _ .-_ ,.,,air~· P _ J ::e~,m.,e a Gol'~·A~~ .. .:, ~•"r-SIMM, ONS extra. !~rm hnx nearly ne1v or tnevtt• wol:il F"QDD F"al ~~11 h-... ;...... hrii\'Y' "enu.ine naug•h>·de, ,,.,,. u-"7 .. _ ........ ~..'....-.a ...i. secreljlty chalc t 1%,1 0£"tE! ...:.-'"'''-ui-.. u -''springs ·•nd i'llaJtttss, twin $30 take all. "Shoes .. stte g ,. con ""' v=<""--'-.. ~ $2.50. ™"F'Jt::_,10.1,A~nea t'llt
60AT . (t'<tt<Upper ~· St Costa Mesll> s.t24f&6 UNPATRI01:rC ~ 125 Bab . . I f ode!' SJ SD clutch. pr!':.ssure p I.ate, sturdy COl'\Strucllon, very BRO\\'N 2 pi~ sectional cage S1. HNifY dui, ~ 645-0083 ' · .' • \\re ha.Ye reached an .ige of 1 siie, very __. Y ~0•111 on Y ~. m .uig · trans, nttds "·ork. all Sl5. ritelty soft ~n S :Z 5. 1tructioo w~l 41:,nOw' '°""
ELECTRIC ro&11er : • n d illCh pn)speri~ i • rht1 ~ ~ mattmili, no .mattress ~1r. 3911 Smm Drive, Hun . .ct ?>.feI't"\lry rear end com· 4~1-!l270 evt.. rouch-IS25. Boy's 24" bicycle Nrw lf'thrr h11n pole, l1leYf!f' D~o·"~~~-d~~ "~~cell.eql itand \1·irh $helves and tr• thJt. Hvin"' ~·lthin your p. j4.1627 . .830 Congre1s, hnglon H11:rboor· plf'!e1s2o. Early jeep: fl"<inl 750xl4 R-." P'•· A•-,.~t ..... \V SIO. 2 rocker ch11irs, one used $1 .50. Nrw aquarium '-"'..., uvn .,.., ...,,,....,.,,.,, • ·• tl'd GR ..,.., · "-....,,.,,... .... 11\vivcl $10 each. 1''1oor lamp doors-by Wttffng~Uit. '25· ~I'll -i1 considered illntost · _E&.1• ~ontemP?rary, eofa end romplctc S2!1. 40 Ford plus 'J Chf'vy rims. SlO ror $2. S46-42S3 set. never u~ $5. Baby food
Al.JES "Ail' dining t!lble.~ ".'<
3' i25. 6 matchlnr ·c1;airS $20
each, fike new. Floor lamp
$25. Corona d~I · 1'oJ a r .
(Shorec_liff!-).. 302 Morn ing
Canypn .Rd.
CRIB, adoi'able. ~~ lliie, es·
cellenl conclitit»i. ~Pll.!~
witb -custoni~ :fQ•m.
mattress,. bumper . pad,. ·4
cute" fltll'd \ iht'ets -atid
blankPl. S25. Trim b I e
balhinette, excellent S 7. 54~. ~
Black and 1vhitc 1 TV $251 U~P.ATR,CYl'IC. O f,SHWASHEll, automatic S25. Chain 515 r ach. 21Sl2 backing platr-. complete $j. al11 675-4186, wanner rli!h ~. Baby
Movir prnjecuir t25· Le ns ,. , bu \Jl.\n. Wash! King. bnlsti-lmpala l..a11". 962-9'Jli0 Chev 26.} and 2$3, J C3rb DANISH !\fodern sectlonal 25 clothea hamP'-'r $2. Baby
and holder S~. :? un .. al A,NTIQUE ~itchen butfet, 5 1 f'd chrome panel. $25. Baby BIRD c ~ 12 3 "' · '" man\fo\rl Cflm plete S2.1. Chev. BRO\VN Sofa f2j,' ll\Alchlng each. 19" ·F:11 rly American bouncer 12. Baby walker $3. .• ....., lo 37" lii h 2.1" \\'de S20 . I • age . ..-.ll•r v.i ... e • . t.•hair std. BBby dre~sinl: Myruth crea~rs ~ e1ch. 2 ~· · · , g •. ' J 1 '6Wlng. a.otomatic · "''1nrl-up, Priscill,a curia ins $.i. palr. flooNJhlft SlO. 3. 1Q ring, and table $4. Sio•ilne; hox \Ytth ' TV cabinel SlO. 9' &urfboard Clothing 25c • $5. Wlcke:r
Blenko Fostoria .plates (loli:vered. Kitc;:n Si7h ·'phi like new S7 .• Urapery r:oQs. •Ceramics ;1 10 $~.Sunday pinion SJ. Chev: rear end supplies $1.oo: T~· fOc to ·"·ith rioublc car nCk J21). dreulng tahle $8. 545--2&51.
eacti. 1 Blenko cand,le-, c~~· ";BUJ:!thl' · <> • s· and lD' traytrs( \vtlh 91)8..6),11 • ' coinpletr s1:i. Late model 25c. Hitofi-niker , 11., . ..:_ 0•&t2-6236 3140 Bermuda Dr. C.f!1. hold'ri:a S8 eacf.. 'ti Itall1,n C::irl s skirt!!! 91¥1 blo~s, 3l hard1\2re S3 raCh Baby ' r 0rd re11r end n :i billl In· .. n•r >,' ~~~~~.,.--.,,-~ .bu~~· ctipg .wJt~'· 1141 1ncJ' 1of' $12. 00 .Books, !150 ~~ dresses, S ~nth! •. 50c·Sl TY P.1OT0 RC Y CLE Patts. diCator Sl5. 1 inch !11ics .S4. i:a~~~ ~::,1: ~pa ;3oZi:: ~rtti~bl~~·S5 ~ ~~u! 2 e~~~~~1"~c';:~ =
. mntchlng se~I~, traY ffl ... ~Till.. Televialol) ~.:ti C . !rays with stand 50c ~a.i;h. bumper, can1rr11, Jacket!. Chev rin1~ anri 'ttre~ $1. Fuel nien·s ii.nd ~'Omen'll clnthei cleaflf'r SlS. ~ Dreher $5. fl.1aple rncktt $2(1. l>rflpleaf Stlwr compo~. d\11'1 ~1 each. \Vatercooler..,. oin, Rid'• k:e-cream. mak.l"i:. 962-4116affer4p.m. · hl""ks 51. &1'2-<vVl8 .. ~17 C bl -4 CJ · , rqii v id so.fa S7 so Hind ,. mo\\1!r pl' $1 " u . Ba , 1 •• • .. ~ C. t ~'fT ~ , lslz<' 7~!!.J Sa to S5. Sea1·1 , StuUed 11Wlvtl' rocker $5. mO!'lern tlhtflltf' ta e ........ • ·ce';;~l~~ ~-"js$J~~"~fi11~~ . mpchine
-$l :{tf). mi Elden .. :~:.:,i:;~ 54i,.3rnlper · .Y· D.IVJNG-·~eruJalor Sl_O:· t:'f' Slln_ta Ana, i\'' ' • -;rlt"luxe lll'\iig. set \\•il.h ~Ude tronlnz board $2. Electric ch11i~ $25. Student de1k and
-iate t16 Small antmals St A\•e.:C.l'.f. ~143 · . .}llckets ~·L\lrae S"'11lfll·lin1 G.E. refrlgerator .. ~ con-$25 -S12 extnt if 11•e can optner $5. ~2793 chair. dus top. antique
"" · -, .~ \VlfTI'E buffet S2Q.. 642.-7958 1:2 50 Underwaler con1n~ss d'l' Ila 54G-J500 dis1nantle.-1'ail\I by number · -~n $25. RefrigeRtor $25. each.. Pigskin se::ving tra)I 1'CIAC con,·er~ ~/110 volt, ~ES 1 h : •• , ·. 'lll" 110· 9· 1 h -·•• TV•;,.,. i ion :· · ELECTRIC Table ll!l'\\', 8" w-•,,1 cotftt ti.ble, 4'9''
$6. 4 original Schtte:iadi! 125. ¥W efl&ine prorti-: rods. 2 BTK '\\' l .,_ e~ •. ;'' · · nc P?•<AWIS , ....,. SACRIFICING,, Sport ~r. "'rt $.1. Charcoal io-ill 5Dc:. blade, homf'made. 113 HP I01~$1' sz:.. Kh-t!y upriaht
EARLY American chair 525, ~·atet etilon bY l)!edrich,9 x , Pis SI ;gi ti ds J5, Ladles Schwinn and 20 gu ls 16 mm movie cameia $20. ~lldina: windows S9 {)9.lr. 646-4738. °'72 Abb\l" Q&y. 1110\or Sl j, 6~~1432 Cl\f. nd
t.taple cbair $10'. Crib and 18" .:on 20•· x ,25·1 :mat ill i~l ton11 $4.!ill. fl~ee!' Stingray $17.qct each. t>inner Bool(s· on e I e.e t ro n 1.e.s, 20x50" glass top coflee tabl<' Costa l'>lesa '!"ar \Vestclill ~~~~1~ 1!~~spi~;.~epe:ch.
matt.re11 $12. Stroller SlO. e1U:h. 10 &alkllf ',•aquatlum $~ riri.~s slt (IU!cl~s S?.~ I t.ablrcloth, handmade fro~ fl~l~grap)'.iy and· navfgaOon $12. 'Remington. type\vriter Plaz1. off ltvlht". . ~:!~~E 57r1 1 ~~ ~'10 ti;~t~ Round marble O<.'Ca,;ional
Infant 5<'at Sl.50. Movie pro-with reflector. PJJmp;•Jjltn-G~alilrs Sl i si.['lle case Euro~~ 6f!i:lf!D~ SI SJ. Large 312 e syn-, Sl.8. Cariadlan ma~e double 1'.fOTORCYCLE llclmrts '~ table S1!'i. 2 ?.1aple rllnettt
jectOr $Z>. ctir top rack $2. and lights. likt! ~W' $13. $20 . rnher• 36 ild 40 HP fl6 CJIEJ\GNl.r·fM s:»l\AIC'i i,tr:.~.:_ors SI~ eac!i size roll away bed. c.xcell ebt Pt'iet' SlG, Cactory ioeconds, Hae fwlll.Y Ci.(. svdng a;'tle.. chalt11 $l:> fnr pair. Mat1le
CoUee table Sol. TV set Ui 64~935 lt~s"' :2je-I Z5·.· 322~i S3 01;;\'eShatt . .JJ:U"F'rollt arld ~II"° ~;.:paci~~~:ef conditK>n, S-'12. pJt;.c! au~o ~ ~:: :~~!e~ !252fi·~~ nlghtstanrt 51;,. Boston
Electric motor $3. Palio DOUBLE Buffet Jl5~ Dinlnz l.atk!pur Cd:'-1. 8'1";,.Ll4~. · 4'ftlT ~l!f .. a14."dl\ims:s10. m .tamp · ~ Sl J lire!, St each." .(p9.J1merit R Er R 1 Y:'E;RA, TOR SZJ, ;al + SlO. '52· . Dodce mcker w;. 548-aill
chair $5. Hand tools Zic· $3. · , t bl . szs 14 ' . ni ~ .. 'C.b1. 642-181!; · me er rnovemen 11 -• st".i:e gas 11tovc, needs ~wk, 642-5297 rarf $.J eu· k
Folding table t7. C.Oleman room a e ·-· SAf.tSO~tTE 1 L.uga: ii:e, ?>.like. • • ' ~amotor.i, pol\~r . sup. $18. 4!M-312J. • . . iator 71·,,,, Jc reverse TYPEWRITER slanrt heavy stM'-SS:.-Trfke~$'2'. Ftrtillttr' · upbo~stered ~~·rs $~5. m'il.n'll 2, suller. ,ooc1 con-. pl~s. audio am:PIU~rs anrl WOOD Work benche11 4 fnr wl'leels. wide $10. duty $.IO. Ammunition 3".06
sprea<fer· ·$& .. 12 volt· car Lah~n 1m1~\\'l'BrBQ$1;;i. 'lhRQdiVlr~ ditloH Sl2:50. Gf>~ntl Eloo-OOUB~E be4 sp~aj:I S4 .I>• 1ransfQm1ers . n42J~ BC SPRINKLER Pipe ·le !rot. gara.re · or 11hop S5 each. 642-9383 lmiUlaJ')'l 260 rounda S20.
coolq. ;~. :l ¥ 4 wi.ndDw $l.O. c 811' • a. \\•J -\ric .electric heelJr .ran,. new ~e bfd SJO ~ 11' ·df!l!X'•· 639A sz;. BC 348J $2l. ,l.J\I small molof11 lo $1. Ping 549.-2646 T'' Sofa with ~movable back, r.1etsl Mat rack for oUice
LI hf tix'tures sJ-$10. \\'oOd :-s10. ·1!1"· Schwinn ·trlcy.cl JtO: 2 s'peaktfot1: 2' way ,rttl S3. Q>.\lc~;j ~tr.:~.144!..., trequel'IC)' meter S20. TCS ·-pong lnhl e s:1. Swivel chain JNL/\10 Tilt top tlible $6.50. Ivory naugahyrle, very good $5. Heat lamp SlO. Lincoln
· g · SlO. 'Lamp ·table S 1.5•1 ,m1em r.o. 54St'.t!Wi SINGLE and .1'1)1~1 "W'il:t,.yo eomponcnti; S2S. each. Photo S10 f'ach. Hid~a~ ~. I Tabll! l1ui1p. bro11'11 ;'Ind ..,.,Id ,-1· ,.11-1969 112. Proof. ~!1~!,7 holi'lc~ S 2 · ;; O · 6.1+..Q.196: 2646 BaUwood St., J.-. •• , _.Jf19J.! ,,v rondllion S25. Exercycle $'1. ,.., .. ;JU.,. ..., -....,., . . .. k ..1B . lS 1k1ill SJ. Sp1·q fron n .50 1V deveJopl111 equipment Sl-$5. Small drtsaers S 7-$ ID · SlO. 1'1Rttre11ses $.i f!ach . 5"9-1827. C.?11. like 9'1 Ciulada 1960 S.1.75.
"N .B. p.stblufr.-. -t R;ANCH 'i'>'Pt".ji",......12 x4 4 5 stand 75c Old bike Sl.50 Stainlt'ss· steel 1ink $5. 3'--06 Vi~ralnr ha11."«lt SJO. Range Twin sp~ad't like new ;;; PronJ &et Austria 19&5 $5. ca
MIITE g&ll ilQV'P. '4 burner, REF'RIGERATOR. $20. Chai~ C\¥11.om bUJ '. ~ '42-1447 'At1inclaJ Prl'!'~· ,2 .. PO(ICOm .!\~mo ? pt'r 1~ rounds, hoed tlD. ~mp• ~low . Sl~. tor both. Small desk 1 NEW r)rij[ 20" x 40··, hu 7 545-2529
griddtJ!' $25. IJoover electric $l0'.67J..3843 aftei' 6.30 p M Rr1land! Dr .. if\. · ):lopprr 50c.l(Kl bW!.1tet $.\, Crib s;>. PJax!X'n $2.50. Lamp.11 lo $5. Bar-b-que $5. <lrll\\1!r'S5. "837-S70l rlrawen S15. 645-1452, Clot ==~c-'-"'7--,-7-:'.7
[loof1'/&Shel: Sl.'t. Small ,G_.E · . · '1
' AU1'0 ltoOf :1irk' SlD. 4'tl New car vaci':um SL50 ~I-Stroller .S.i. Cilll 81:?-~ Bike11, man~ and "'A-'On1ena REF"RIQER,.A.TOR Good con-• WA~Hf;Jt.l.,Aulorpalic, \\'Or}s MAN 'S Pendleton ~'001 roM ~':u~~~I· ~=~11~J:.:.~ha; !'E~~t~m ·p~ss. _Qoy~ -~ed!~s Dr··. N.B: 612Jl447 t~; \\'armei:, tear. 25c ~i!Ver aJler 10 Lm. ;7.G." J:>.S7. 531~1.19 · _ dUlon tJt ~· ~~ ·$2& .. 442 ~· tsth St., (:.?-1,. • ~~u11e~:~~v~nd ';;.'c;8 .• ~
frames fur ~Cflbgi!SJP , s~i.f11 •.. almost ne~1· lllZel ~'f 5 ~-~ •• )i~e _!fl-'ll·t 9.l5 x 15, ,OOOtr dish Sl Slide' viewer ~HEyY 4 "'heel d~ive tronl ~O MatlreSJIC~ a.nd box NE)V Twlfl' WOO : cih caste111 ,VAIR Of head skis S2.'i. 415·:.~rnirled rug $4. Boudoir
each. Bri:>Wli love Stoat siie I~. a lso pan.ls 50c· " 1:ic. · ~lie w~llt · s:z:; eath. ot.15 SI Bras! ~1•f1!e1'. S?. 89.b~ locking~~ S~-66"67 Che.vy spr\~s for tv11n heds $23 uJ.f!d a mon~ 425, l~nngir;ig basketball backb<Mra and lamri $2. ''Brown Jui"
seciional S7.50.t Hol.lyv.·oocl clmplllg ;ft.?' SJ· S 2.. ~lands ~. N.B.•642-1441 ~rT!t>tSl ~ ~&Tti:l~tn.'!"'r . tfra,v Ille h~tch $8. .66 each. 5$-8997' ·2104 .. ·Yah · gOlc! and \vhitc French hoop S12. Pair, \vood cookie jar $3. "Coke" brown
bed frames S3 !lt-S4.3.i 5'9-1877 O t • ' ' • .ates . q' 1 .e'le_h..1. Cbeve\fe ,283 ,ex ha u 11 Bw'l'n, 'CM hedroom l•m~ hl'llnd ne~· Northland skis $10. S46-4!i9'2 """let 12. Dust r:nult $4. Ge-. WA.RDY ' :Sw1board S2t50. Atr 'mat~ 50c .. BllSeQaa manJfpkl ~· Corvair parts . .,. y .. ·i .,.
• ~· front and rear lcnch~rs-pa.nta rx· ·Fir<! l:'rale 51lc. Sl-ll5. Honda 450 pipes $7. Antique Iron ketfl~ $10. Gas Sl9. Nice f;fll k and 1vhll~ 4 uised tires 77;;,. :to-.J.4, $18. nuine erywtal dinner btll $5. '.f12.50~••1d S1Q.5Q._\Ycbcor 962,,.8949. 214U Dotjlside, ,f'ole lamp $5. Polaroid. range .20" S:Z.i Carpeting, ~\tar and-tiny ta pe Hoover upright sweeper SG. Girl Scout and Girl Scout
. P~-~.'5() . .f,\)1.3131· 1-IB · ~, ·~·: •. ·~, ,.swUiaer .new. $l2. Anlique .otf whl!"• 12'6 ~ 1,3'3; 10'6' ~cor9er. need~ work ea.ch Short 90(1, good condition leaden unifl'Yl'J'rl S:i 2 x 2
·I! •-d bikb t<Kf2 chroni<'. CO.' Ell.JAN _l bur"".", camn ·dof\ s;;. 841P.l144. r 12'6: 8!1 x 124. .SlO each. S5:~9after 3 -$8. Upholstered chair S5. slide trays 2 for $1 . ~
Dt"'" .,... "' • .,.. _,..,,. >-· d R I Id 0 646-9012 Alla Vi11la Dr., Eaatblu.ft_ • 13'7 ~v rims,t4 ea:ch. 2 VIV ,Stovti ii~:· :.aw.;t.ifu(· .t~ :iERVEJ., Ref rig S.i .Gas · •= Pt t=.. ec ~ner d ~o b~ASHI NS, Neiman l\farcus, ~,'
. 10 Chev. adapter~ sa e'acb. _ ~ble'I ! 10! e*°h$~:.tnttq\te 'ranQ:e SlS.. Cfia.in. !lnk fen-,~~5~ on,' 11 •1 n es I D.fagnln,new 8-12. 25c-$5. 3 'Thinllne olive green and N.B. 644--0780• Sl~ walnut 1 ta&e S15 5 fl . 5(1 f It $5 J\f O(\r .... mic ~ · • ,4,1ggagr · TV $4. ·'Larae b1rd cage1 ·gold bar 1tlools, cost $30 V\V hus rear stal $10. 42"
'f----.. • ---· ·~ fed Si ~ik cing L l'O · tSC 13xn s;;. 3501 Sea&hol'e. Or. $Z.~ Typewrller S 18 each, llf'lling (or S15 each. round \\'hill! .kitchen table
BOY'S 20 inCtl hlryrlr Sl2.' ne 1-:ir:aa::::.:., . 'a1 l.t tables 50c to s4. \Vall la!f1P NB Rcl~·a:.C.18brf ' S'24' 68(11 tteverstble naugllhyde couch u;,, 4 matching otallR l:tige-~kca~ $8. Chrome ,.w.l ' _19)• ·. S.'1. Tools and ml~ Seto $5. . . . e Seasllln! NB Satu-'·" onl y "-;;· l\tatchin"• chair Sl5. naUK'"'"'...1 ... swivel chain UO
I ••. ,....,1..:· ~. · Redw001r o 1.e: worntn 118: •2. · h\·1n su, nd•n• •nd TueMav Only. PERFECT lo'or boys room, 7 ,........, · -.......,..., \ "I-~"' T" ....-A nw1 Arrierlat ... ~ G · <Blonde biiman haii )Vii $21J. ear'1. 2 black nau.:;ahyde r idnIC tab)!' ·9~.··bf''hthes ·'""'"~' .Y,.b , " 702 Dclawal'f'; Jl .B. .Pie<;e l'ancho style maple S'l'IN RAY Type bike St3. Cmco high chair '1· Sat .. modern Qr ~tools $25 each.
$15 OWn1::t11.bleSl5.trltiS*.' rii'ltlt~red al'ld 1~' mat. BRICKS2800 :>each Cl.JINA bed(OOm 11el incloo,.a .. :lwo ith'l1'58 ' Sun , \O-r4 . 1700 ShaJimar \VIII rleliver abovf! Items.
. .p .J.oaily '*'kecf tjlg''ftfld all 1.~ ·~~· sio ~d ..ult~ 12 pieCe · 8 setU~ · S25. Chests ~:Ith inirrofl'i $1'1, COAT, designerR, be It ed . Dr •• l'.1esa Vf'nle. ~1083 \Veit Cout mirrors. chrome,
',\ l •
AUJ1plies t}'I c:otnplc~S3 Car ·boo -~tldV'er.~ electfllc 54!>-3114 · each. ~\·1n b<'<ls S7.50 ea~·h. double-b~tcd, blue wool, 6 .• x 16 .• $25. pair. Regina
!Able Sl <:IOthln& 30c-S3. 8 , • r po • r $10 Chrome . -table S2. Shoji !iCrefn Jd, !lJte 9 .. paid SlOO. no'' S10. TR 3-4 speed lransmlasifll'I II he . bbe $15
pl<lcc s'ttin::s c·htn11 si. bread box '5· ~1143 ? ~shmMler.<, ~ S22-$23. Danish modern ~bna~ &42-a· $2lJ. \912 Jnte1·nctlo.n.al flpor po s r. !ICnl r · ~SSS 4::6 llolmv.·ood. A.~. Dick modr-1 4 2n Ct11ngo doublt' ~ink fauCt'l $5. two .s'ma ll In.hies $3.50 Harvestel'. 6 cyl. Oat hl'tLd ftlrtab\e 2 bottle aullcase
N'B. ·: fnf-rarVl . ..,,.,•it.I\. out reed $10.50 .. 6 .. ffilo~er tieiuls and $3. Three flilir ~uc~e CH~. unfinished type. now rn~e iuxi transmis.!lon bar $5. Electric manieutt ~~==;:-::!::-_,:;::;::::;-~ 1 ...... S25 Sma.11 liai· bell Set S1~$3. J TV Stand~ $2-$5. 3 fibe-la!f drape~ 'S1 5. fWn .IJree n, ·3 drawers,, paid flO , $25. Antique 'lt'e box $13. Aet $5. Electric ice m1sher \\'ATE1t.Softener . automatic '-''¥ · • R ,. <I-.. ' I'"' 39101.,:, • .., · · now $8. 642-9626 ,..,, ,.,,12 $5. Hand Vibrator with 4 ;iit.
• ,I'.
µ CA Vi $!-' Crart~nian p~ lawn a ID "" ~~ · '· pair l'O!le drapes S4 area 213 ll'IQ-UI ,
$25'. Bnne tank $25. R i~ ~ ~f'r ~ c'.;,ndlllo~ S5 Channel' Pl? 673-1603 . 431-3156 ' BIKE. hoy'L'i 3 l'ipl"ed, 26"' PAIR Upholstered chalts I a c hm en t 1 ~ $ 5. 9 29 • · tor r.r: conaole nefll• "·or . ., '""?.,.. · d : -· · 1.. bl c•~ bla4"k s:z:s. 642-9626 , -, BroAdwgy, C.M: &15-2834
1-T_ IS .... ··w' '
'$20. Pttsi&!ttl and' States of nQr!l.vy uty lraller hitch. TV 1 . flOr\a ~ "" ex: 2 FOUR df;i.wer cJiests white S1'2.50 e1u;;h, burnt orange 2 BOY'S blkes $10 • Sl5. "'lJ ·01(· Mfrf set.! ·Sl.50 and !>fW Golden. Robot S20: New cellent v.•arkfnii: condition $lO b 536-46$ BOQTS, ·western. , 71~ A, color. Ele0ctric brootn SJ2. C.ouch 1!1 *l~l9 , . . f.111.l'lot depth f I n d tr, $2.i. 67~. . eac ' brown, pall{ $l8, now $9. Blonde human hair wig $25. Man' a bowling ball $2.
Sl:i. ,, l.r." n 1I1 tor I zed baltflry SKI Buokle hooU. liP !l\.1; 'II" \Y~T Buffet hute~ $25. ~2-'.9626 673-7469 SID. ~1alchfng twin heAd·
Pt.VWOOq 3'8 4 x 8 ~·· opera 1 e·d :. gauge m . ed ooce' $25. Tele!!CO,,C arid Walnut lo~·-boy $5. TA hie LAMP, hanging, s \V ag. sov·s and girl's bike, 26.. boards S1D each. Frame SJ.
ex•rMlr eootl Ofle slPe ·50 lf't&f\lducet $25. Qld stora~e ' tripod J2d:. ·ctr top ski r11clt ta nip S2. End tab!e S4. BluC oblong, .,b.trquolse . g I a I . ancl.. 2Q'', $lO . ea.,ch. \Vest ::iai;'~5~· ~~:11~ r~
,:. . '
SELL · IT -'
' WITH • A.
('~h.!2 x·6·flr. 16 f:a!x:on~ ·1i;ink Sl. .Lawn s~·ing .. 111 if s22. Pl!l!!lic "p:lsf>!ay '1tqu<>r: chair $8. ,847...fi67Z • T. -• ,bfiill11, pa]d $25.· now Sl.2.'. Btnd $o engine, 8 HP $25. $5. Hm ~ica Pl.. CJ!4'. ~1.00 ~ac:h 2 x 4 rcdch ;780 SJ. Retl"ood table "'J\h 2 OOtlles 3 ftet hlah, $8 ea:ch. MbfuRC''CLE Hcfrnet:hau ~96"26 .. , 2020 ContinentaJ, C,M. . '
'""'. fong. Sl.40 ~8~4 benchcs .$10. One ccmpkt( 673-2!1J'i('kr1er·•:·' . ·prl~. f11ctory secondB' Sis. -Hl·FI J $20. Projector $S.
'*1mtier-st. C.lf .. ;4 • set golf, clubs.. with cart 1nd . ~· , 96Z--0061• ·• . • , • Pf..ANTER and larzt bucket, 16" ~)'.} bike $.i.~ r.ten'1 Elset $2. Coffee pot $.1. BanJ
f('AtJFF.ER .~pe reducifll: hag S20. Pack lrROlf' lor 57 ChefY 233 ft.!'ll" P8 _ . hammettd h~. Ea r I Y niedium size ao\bes. n-flO. SJ5. Ham ''Tadio equipment
m11.chlne u;>. Apt giie slO\·e Boy Scouts $2,;;Q...BlMeU niii: ~ l0.000 m!lf'11. need& NEW Purlable Nelco sewing American S6 each. &lz.a626 Women·1 clothes, aiie 8, $lD. Palntinp $10. Bow and
11• &lass 11oow cp,t ~ U. l!hamflOO df:•iee .. u. 26" turi-:up, battery c hiJrge_. machine used once!SJl, Mit.riREssa·nf!·boirrPr!~ aJ--ii.O. women's fur lined arrow $5. 2 l1tbla $S. 696 lo~ SlO. Refr\ger...tnr: SS. -mtn's hlcyrle $10. 17'' ndintor ho&e. r-ngl"':_ f'.-:1· 841'...Qt7 double, Englander , be&La. ize 6, Sl. Shoe• St. n&mll St.~
lvi'ckcr ehaii $~· Overstu!· P1tck11 rd Bell TV. \\'tlrks $2j. 1'l'8n11. $2:> •• gest SZi. 50 \'{ASHER SlO. JJrYer s;i. <l GooQ)ur's a.irfoam, paid \Vood So e1rt SJ, Crazycer MAPLE waJI shelf no.
, tl!d c:hairt:>-'l. 5!l1 P(ymouth 6-1~14~Xi'i 0 1721 'l\:jfl~·S R~. P\11.ybOys SJ.,.~·~nd ~: ~-·er ~litsl $7.$0. ~~ SlfiO, DOW $25 eaclt:&li.9626 $), Child' a ~wood ·,llbte, Uph01ateted maple chair
standirtl trans1T1h1.~on $1~. NB: , , . , ' ' :1e~,,1to~6rt~~~:_lii SS. _·Crl~ ',S20 .. Stroi~~ ~! MIRROR, ·oVa1, &Old. ~oodCn and btnch $2. \VqOj\: ll. SIO. ~all' lptie dttuer $2$.
DAILY PILOT Old ~hH.t •.of dra"crs 53. VARiACS IA witti meter SHI ~PY ch Large P<*>I $7. Ski• $5. Ira ' · t 1a Id Teaching m11.cb lnc wl'th 9 x U braided rui $12.SO. Gart~qe rliSpioS!fl,, ~ Sj, .. SA ,$10 20A $25. Spiit ~~Ider. Scenic.Laguna Bea acrou Bahy '"'ini; $3. Ballllnet $55, ":. ~ o~~::· pa modf'r11 math and Spe.:nlah ChNme tttchl!n .et $20.
'Boal ftetrlnij .\vheel Sj. Bal , J ~1 from •1ystie Ara helw!,(!n ~.50. Sl.eren comPonenla w • courses $10. Chest or
-l15 201!1 Orafli:e. C.M. :Sf3 \ C-R ana\yM>r S .s i Colonef Sfnden,.. ldfld~. ~'" fl5 '.TI re St r . ta.ft ST. ·~ heJll.t?i-b a r r •I dmrre~ ii:;. Pebbleford 1,;54&-'5l3;;,.;.:;· ~,t::'.:-;:::;::-;;,;:;:;;:: ~ , · , S1~ Jt5t 1~ ,,l~!t.P.'.?et ,~ .Seas. Above 11ie Rog 5hop ..Ma.temity ckllboi SOc.~..,'l .chair\ 1ma.D1 !\bl;. stool, · diJ;t\l'I S12. Toys 25C to $L MAPLE step !able p. Coffee
POlt.1' 4.:crib-YIUh '!":ire:; \•Ire , -,'ii •.{f~t ..1 p ~1 • .tn the-retii', aflH S · and mower, h11:!kf'tbaJI 8 e 1 ..._pakl , lfZj; · tibw • ·J 1 J . SO; · Gaf.aeri su'ppllea $1~. r.tesa table fa~ '!ball i'hlllr1 $5 ~:U·· 11~ ';;'m,_i-147 . ~~~~~itr ·-stb ~ tiS · before.~ P~t.,.CMf1 /lnl¥·, ._ 00&14409, · 8711 ·M·un.1~ D\'., ' ~ Pel ?t1ar. 349 Sonora'4 : .. e
a18•.h i.~e~:::m :upJtt1C:i:. ~5
. Audio lllit'pal genera.tor .ti!( MOVlNC S,le: .Bl~'\li !lxtl ,l:lunl. Bch, • e •. ilO $'int, ~l\(e· stretc(I'. 7.1:·. 3 1i)eed fan S20 .• roldlns Rt~T -Door ~or ~ ~~ V i(U al wit u.r-a.,i . ~le n al $20. f'\;gta~Jtt ift")'er \25. ~f{Ul\RIIJ~f. Te~. i a.1.1 on 1~hlt~·staP.-stit! i1 paid d3. -'bot s:;.~ J\lu mlnWI) crutcl'lt!s Small Seara'' wtJttr traUer
For f•sl ~ice 'a, ! ~ ~i
415' ~ pnerator $10. ,W1 re, Chair '5· J111.1mM""S2. Heok~ heater. fiHrr, pun1p, h;:hl. now ~-~~-96:6. . J10. New carll table $8. 1..:125::;..· o.54&-5.11::.c.c.,.;6-~~-=
842-1• . ah~l<Md. lOc-$1. Art.er 12. Ni $4:1 Vll1Uty and ~nch J5, thermomeler. white ..m SLl\Nf, bqint, pakl S2a. now ~I T " 16 off wtntt ahMtn with
S' wc!Od 111Arlet $.1. 445 Slllllrday onty. 308 ' Rohln Drape, ~2· Clotlnns: ind S20 962-0661 112.50. like ne.w. &.12-9626 31 PU mil rz;; for .a? 3!1"' pttn~~ •nd· -..1Anot1 · ltHl (Ids Dr N B ii2-144l __ .,,, ..... c &&-1:~·' ldtche11 items IC..: lo $2. ' • Mlf 1 • SL5. i"~ corMT 8 " · · ';JI~ U11ltt', ;L' ,_x=; 494 1429 alter 3 ll" TV'" ~t Pl},Qll.3 onl c SKI ~eatf:r, la();ea, while, rQli&Wl&' bed $4. 2 ~nire t•blt .,. · '• mlniatu:N
e..-o;-o.161NAT ION . Jlc • •*_:, $MJOENT 1Nc:icif·~r tori -Ins ~ x IS 1i:, 700 p0tta£,lt! 2 years old m. ln1ported. tomall $5. 6-12-9626 and ttd kit chen Chain. both pool 1\bll', 2' x 3~• table • ~~~~a-·: ... for~ deak s1;7 V~~~.o:hl~I !~ ~~·~Kal~rt movie editor !162-(!66J BED icove~lcl, si~le, blue ·~!i~"' :~fl! ~-fra~:n~! to~. 1t1.rxla ·•" h\i~ $J, 6' ,, "'24¥11 ., .lllroP 5 Pt Satin ~ S20 m. rolll'!r ikllle.a, al:te $HIO Tape recorder (or $23, dotted Swl!lll, wlule ruffle, modem couch $5~9-1279 window frames a nd wln-
. '· • ~SI · n · , g u 11 s2.'l6 nctlx.~·ilnaball 962.-0661 new, pi.1d W.· ·now $3:'. ·· · 1 dowsJlOeach.8~~
-6QJJbLa~ S~~= ,~$l~?: n; 14'. s6.4:'u 1 ~-~~£A $25. 5.16-131\l _ 1 64~!1626 .'.. ·• . . . ,~:·m%8'SJr;p=. ~=\o~ ~.!
Export Aui1t1nce;
· ! 1 I 642-5671 .
.. • _ ~ ~ 0roprMt dtenaion Inlaid ~ tiiianl: "?•,Ruby bNE pair men'•. ~+~ D.~.:1 $3>. ~rt ...... ~UM~ ,;.~rt ~~ me?lu~ btaf of 'wood, txl'f!Uent oon-CtllCl'IL condition $4.. C!dld'• " ~ " ~flCl table s22. Oul.lkto etas.. att. hWYSO',;lel:M StS. , ... ~ar p!Ulll. ~ 1w.v » Tw\n titda $15.-~e 10 ngt • ..,...ea • pa . dltlOn, 1 coffee table $5. I 71 record ~ ,. q d
.:•I ~ sijn '!°-·-~a spetd Old p~,!HCL~. quc\, 31. $2. 54Ch22'79 maternity cl(;llhe• .2.'> to $1l0,,rpw~fU;8626 oOft.e, 2 end tablet match records. ~celltllt condlt)On
..: • · .... -~-pl~-~·.\rantt1 • ~wetrtittf. ~ Si\BY ~with mattreµ vs. $\.!'JO. 1!1J!!•p , drtaes :11 to PrCTtliu;;.~~llQ',t "The•ltt not 71" 'F.\1., nmote ~ $5. SllncnY 2"' boy's biM
-: ~ ~ I $3~ ~; 0 p r l 11: ht quilled .tledsprea~s. $$i ·P"~an: 2 high '1Wn: ~ c1ich·Ftot3r)' st.so. Kitchen --Hem.a 5c. ltt~n~. tr.an1ed, paid tf(ll. flllct. blr $1SB:l. 2 wtlhaut wbttta $3. 3 Spetd
vanum n. ·.o.tn: Sl-S:l. c;r llnens, bb)eclolbs ~l. mov.·e.r·t15 Girl '• 2)" t.lcy· each. s,,1, !l-4. Sun 12-'. ~. mw'Sl9. 642-9626 lar!'IV" St.:I>. ·SmaU radio · bOf'• bike $8. P\1W ~ ~ il~S$.-"'mf dinilll" P+cNrt Jr.-me1~ ilM)l ro cle $6. f\1lln'1 a·· 10 apeed 2U82 Breton Lane H.B. SOFI\, t!,lfq!ll)j!le naugah;M oew M! Boy'• .lhos tk&tea table $11. Munt& tl" BlaCk
chair, .J2 earn. Kltchtn llerp St~. ~ ~ bfcycl'l, Pt.~1f" ~le•,~ .';it&_,. llomea>. • ' 80" klhJ, ·&«'Cl· Wpe S2l. 1'l' .s~ Chlld' .. 9""' and and white TV Mt. oeedl
' c h ... I r.. s 1. ;;.o c. c b. S.l-&tn. rto J, St;t. Y~· llanatna lartt bf rd eatc Std STOVE. Sl'nall sll'e pa. aoc>t'l Kitchen ttit!fc. 'drorl.&etvta. 4 Tell s.>, B~ $3. Child'• work uo. Be1ct re •
Bathiyoois ~ con1J>lele. , C.~J. ' Llte!Mc trotK'r Sl:l. ~1r -"'~Inc ·cond\0011. $1 5. ch.afrw $26. station Wqon chairs $2. Yoot~ bed eood proxlniateb' u· x 15:, SS. fT-.$3. 'ml ·Ontn . Avt:., 81.UE' Antt i;ree:n t;haf ni.r1 6 1001'9 S.n _Pablo Court, f"V. ~2 all wttkcnd btfont IQp ~f"'jer. ~ 1140 Corou condition ;.t. 4 ctillr toy• $2. 811.turdQ and &me,y, ll-1.
&a;* s l . S2S. &~. , · Ells a( Btookhutit l Wttkda)'I. JlS 12111 S':.:., t..o.M, C.M. 5f6..0341 • 14l..'ttJIJS. 2934 ~lel.lf Pt, C.M. $$-D>i
-----'-----~~-"'----.----_j _' •.:t =::. ~ _, .. '·---
I ''·
• 1
l .. ,
' '
DAILY PllOT !i.iWtdiJ, J•nuary 31, 197U ~
IALI ANO TllADI •-LI AND TllADf SALE .ANO TllADI! SALi AND TRADI! ~· lt1S Boot SU--rl 9016 Mobil• Homos 9200 Trucks 9500 Imported .. utoo ffllC!
f ~. Ml-~'--Ml'-W•nted 1610 p "II ~------' ..,.....Ing Go.It l500 Ml1cwll•neou1 l600 --_:::.. AFGl!AN HOUND, II Moo, NEWl>(\RT • Lido ·n VIKING EDGEWOOD xi '83 Chev Plcl<up. !'bed. r/h, BORGWARD
I • $ WE BUY $ Sl>ow Dor. Many Rlbbono. Gd --. 2S' 1!0..,. boa~ x 6r Doubl< """""'· ""w pa\nt, ""'"'°"' sprinp.1--------~ -~ 1 liktl sWp ill tdlid,U ... Mi BARGAIN! BARCA1N! 90 Lb. Mlro:Ow "'t•• 13.9 JI.le Pet., Mut Su. ~. skho tic. $2, ptr rt. m.-6f'1 Quality conslrucllon . 65,COO ml. >.:Int cond. ltfaJcc l!J:ie BORC\YARO, run.
• :~ boots .t tree, polet. Xlnt Unclalnwd sultJ.. prtct~ old ~U""-•· · · •••• n.ts Pbont -646-8'124 • • Coml)!et.ly skirted; window offer 4~1 iQOd, $100 plus many f)(tr;. ~r coM.$100aft~Ma--'IQ59 NW, value $150 now J». 4.~ (") Piywood .... $4.95 $ FURNITUR~ $ ADORABLEtoyDOQd.le pupa, Moitl .. Home:• 9;200 awnlnp; 38' cvport awn-68=-~Cbe~vy-\".,~s.,~,-,-v~a-n. parts tor ale.~
: •! $49.tS. .s,ort.ato&ts Woe r.1 2lS Lb. C-omllqlttlon Sltlna:le•, -APPLIANCES 10 wkl. Lovin.II; tmMs prime Inc; 9 x 11\i' ~reened Auto. hea\')' duty 6pril.p.
::; WILSON Golt Cubs l!o Bq;, JIOW S1W20. Pantl vah.ll s:n • lq\lll't ••• u, ........ $8.95 c.1., TV-'1"•110.--St•r•o• requl.si~. ~m NEW! porch with 1lulent ins:t~: na,.v Um. runs perfect ~UH
·:·. xi.at cond. now $5410. Gaar. flt b$ Mr. <X>bTA MESA 1 ,,_..,..._hit shed. NiOOy landacaped tn a 6Q.Q7-t ~
•!! *' Pb, 540-ltlS * Al ladliocl tailor for men k BUIWE!tl SUPPLY ' CASH IN it MIN,UTll AFGHAN liOUNDS .Priv1t1 Club Flve Star AduJt Park 1n ~;;;!;;T=!o.+.~==~------"-"'----
'I; HEAD i .. , ... , :.i .... -. ea, .. '""'""""""'·CM !MS-mi • s•1-4sl1 • ~~·':".:~.:is Greenleaf Park ~ .. M .... " .... ,..1699 N~'6' !aMc \i ""· ~ :•: n-•• ~ulllr Sida. Lan~ ~tot~! Arcade !opp. art • Open Sul'ldays • .., AfOBlLE liome 1981. CalllJ!fr e<(1'1pped. VS. r.tu8t
:•: UOIUUtt ~. Parka. Bo&ner center) 142:i S. Co&sl ff'A'Y·· POOL l?ABllES l WANT Finches-• nd GREAT P)'renees, cholcti A d I p tv Cl b SacrUlct! Set Up In . Nice M11. Sel'. ~. Call Bill Ap-..ur MlSUN _.,ICll
·: !• '?lnG. 5'B-lfi07, M!J..9.195. Laruna,. ~Pool paraketll. no cares. Will male. AKC. Guar. Loveable, n A u t ri 1te u Adult Pk., Nwpt Bch. Call plebl!e. Dir, 5fil.-9640
• !• EL "'l>AJPO 54" k nc e I BRUNSWTCK·AMP" pay $1 • itso a p~e. Call ll!Ue polar bear! 686-0061 Ont Mlle from tht Oc••n before 10 Ai,1 ur aft 6 PM '64 Ford ~• ton. vs, 4 speed.
:;"" ~· excellenl condition EKot1c Reif Aqu•rlum Custom Slate Table ~363il AKC fi.11nlature D&chlhund 646--0752 7.Hi 6 ~ty'til'ell. <37T79Cl will •i:-~ .. ~ll ~tu 6 pn1, 13.lOO-B £, Coa.q_ il\t;'Y. CdM From U89 ' puppies, $75. IN SA10C FREE finance. Call Bill Applebee.
''Leader In The Beach Citic~
540-6410 • • 540-S!i6il '[ L,.. .. ,,, "":i.;· G;'"' '"'"" '"'" F!n&nclll(f FREE TO YOU • TI41162-<3W • Costa Mesa Mini a1k.. 9215 °1'· 5'6-964il • ' per $20. Lr; allig. snpr $1.i * SECARD POOLS * =========
-.··: I i\ Lrg l'\'lala ~Iata $2.j. Oown 532-1992 *DOBERMAN puPf, males, '69 VICTOR l\fini Bike . Hon-JNps 9510
:::: Mflc1ll•n1au1 8600 Knile Slt. Ll'a Courami $12. 323 s. l\[ain st. Otanae A'ITN: Loving Family. l\tusi 13 wks, cropped, shots. Newport Harbor da 50 eng, Spark AtTt:ster. ORANGE COUNTY'S
f~· ~. WALNUT Desk, Padd ed ~~:1:fo ~~I~ ~~~~[ii!· 100 Ptj Ladlu clolJlea, ~ind:.~e t;:v':ey c~d~~: GT;;;~:=~:,,nyt!~~e Oloose from :?O l\fodels Like Nu. $140. 96H2l5.
, ....... _ maey rie}' drtSHS, etc. hsebrken. _otherwise he will 7~~ months, xlnt ~1-: Motorcycl•o 9300 , . "' .... -both $50. 4 Chalrs. 1125. 5 dr•-r -• -. have t 1 the nd Ca ..,. ... ~, .. -.. .--~· "icker &.. l r on, ""-_. 0 go 0 J>OU • n wlll llLCl'Hlce. 642-3139 Ready to move in today!
":: ,,,.ealherbeaten $7. End table IDEAL f.laple eod tablet' $~. you help? Call aft 6 SCOTJ'IES 4 Purebred no Or have )-"Oun' custom made! !• $4. Skil $l.\ Danish teak Couple size Kenmore "'uh. Bookcue p . Stereo .,,.,. 673-M36 Ult papers. 7 'A'ks old. '$~7. Take Harbor mvd. to 19th St. '67 YAMAHA, lOOcc, dirt.
1962 JEEP. Silver. 283
Chevy. litany extras. i\.-tust
sell. 842-m1
9520 1$8.U .Beach Blvd.
liuntin&:ton Beach
842-ml or 5'0-f\442
• I
;> ~ •' ~ ~ ,
•' '
t:: , .
~ : • • , .
~· ~ .·
f:.: 'i :: .. .. ;. . " : :: E·: ;.··
~· .. .. ··
.. .
•· z:
i : :: • •• t .. . • • r • • . • • • • . • .. • • • t .
" • {
• .
couch, blue/gre~n $30. J\llt· 1ng machioe fl2.l. $40 less Pull down Limp $4. Or Do G: Be au t, MI S.l!t'l9 Orlve \Vest to 1750 \Vhlttier Comp. rlae, e:icpan chamber.
f'Ol" $4 . MS-mt than cost. It i& in new condL Trade lor electrical or Labrador/Collie, l yr. old. (714) '42·1350 Knobble1, Moto • X bars.
1968 DODGE van conversion.
vista-lop e>.:ec. cond., com·
plete facilit1es, told away
bed, bunk, AC/DC rtfrig.,
stove-oYen Ril' conditioned
new job opportunity forces
sale, $3;:.o'J, 5JS...496J or
NEW '70
DATSUN PICKUP , lion. Used only 3 or 4 times. cabinet WO!"tl:. £168..1660 , Xlht. for hunting. All shots HCN'HS llJO $300. A-1 cone!. 646-131D.
1V • JM'N'ina" mach .. mple col-Call S37...c239. SERVEL .Refrli $S. Gu etc. Needs good hOmt with * * * ·~ Triumph 650. nu re bit
fte tbl, loaster. elect can r:1 .. "~ .-·u: Ch I link r ·•• t d d C 111---------· •• w/pn>OI X-h 15' Camping trtr. xlnt cond, ,_...,e ..,...,, an enci.,. enc e ya r • a 5 \'EAR Id tra be 1ur J• NIW e..... . ua c rome
opener. air c:ornprcllt'r, make Ofl' .. C.Offee !bl, dbl 50 ft. roll $3. mi1e tables 50c 548-3762 212 °Good• ' how M'Y SILL Im USID pRrts $700 or best oUet·
W /e&1nper, 96 hp overhead
cam, 4 1pd, d1r, 6 ply tires.!
back up light!. You namel
it! Serial # PL5212t8873 ..
FUll price $:l009_ Take amaUI
"dn. or trade. Call Phil;
4"9-1-9773 or 54Q..0634.
bkycle, !>®·ling bnll, odd!I" t 14 &JI! 13 T 1 &: roan mare. s w pro. '73-0239 I! t..._nds.. ti.17 \1'ilson. C.i\I bed fni.me & mattress, 9 dr. 0. ' '::. I • .. ~Psu~ ... 00 !I_ ... UPPER Kltchen Cabinet, a:pects! ! 1-runt & jump -Cooper 64.5-0llS dresser, kit. tbl, 4 chn & mi1e. ""' o ..,. .. ... ay a..... Ashe. Rubber rug pad, mor-e Belt t i>W-6:255 61l-2259 huf!el. fl lust sell immed. 'I'Llt!sdayonl>'. 'l02 Delaware than ·10x12·. 2 inter doors, 0 r ' · TRAILER SALES
'61 Yamaha. 3l:ii Scramblel', I ,C='=~---,-.,,--...
N'u ena. 5 Spd. 2000 mi. Bir NEW 36" Camper sheU.S, fits
tires. Perl. shape. $400 ot 8' wide bed pickup. ~l
Best Offer! 642$19 $355 sell tor $27j. 548-0343. .=.---,====~~=I m \V. \Vfison, C.i\.1.
CARPET Installer has one
roll. avocado nylon carpel,
Double jute-backed. \V11\
6ell 1111 or par1 $3/yal'd.
IA!aving 1-~eb. 1. 6-16-8522 or 1-(B panel style 30" k 32". All BAY GELOINC. "8 f 531"6981 2-3184 359 E Pan Tennessee \Valkel' uy ro.m • m•n
Large GoldleaJ & crystal, 6
lights, S130. Priv. P!~· llunt.
Harbour. (213) 592-1062
CITIZEN Band, 2 John&em
l'\Tessen1:er Ill's, l
r.Iesseng<.'l' II. X super mag,
2 mobil!! stingers & cable,
xlnt ttind. $350. Also desk
mike tester, olher aoodies.
Sacrifice. 546--4296.
fmport~ Autos 9600 lmp0rted Autos 9600
'89 DUNE BUGGY 11111'11 Glr11I
OtYlt 1111
'68YWBUG ll•dil, .... lif; wlllll
Wlllt, ..._.lk 1!Kk
l~lft. t\IUW ltt)
'64 KARMANN GHIA·:'.~ .. ~~"'· $89&
'64 YW BUG :'.~· ,>:,"'· $1096
'&8 TOYOTA WAGON ~.::.·i.::;· $886
'&8 DATSUN WAGON·i.:~· =··· $796
'67 DATSUN ~,':; .. ::.",~.~·;:;-·• $1195
'66 vw·Bus ::::· :.~·"· ·~ "~ s1195
'68 KARMANN GHIA ~:::-:m"" Sl 886
'86 CHIA ..... HNlff, w .... w.... $1496 1 OwMr. 1•vw u11 .
'86YWFASTBACI ~~;:\~ $1296
'67 YW BUG ::::·"~r .. · $1296
'66 YW CAMPER ~.::";.;:"·· $1996
'60 YW BUG 5Ulll"MI, ••dll.
MNler. 10.AL Ill) $695
18711 B1 ach Blvd., Huntington Beach
U you will •ell or buy
give Wlndy a try
AucUons Frlday 7:30 p.m.
Windy's Auction B•rn
20751i> Newport, Cl\[ 646-8688
Betund Tony's Bld1. Mat'I.
Closing out atockl
1b:>Ull&nd1 ol yards of dl'ap.
ery fabrk•. Carpet samples at all makes. *....am*
Atrru?i-1N haze mink stole,
like new. F'otrorn camera.
Groll~r teaclUng machine
ISpani.!ib & Alaebra
COU1'5tli.) '(i6 Suruk:i 55, only
1650 mi., $50, open to oUer.
492-7301 eves.
sears Kenmore Portable.
sewa forward reve~
darns. buttonholn.' EXcelleni
.cOndt~. OnIY $Zt 837·4239
·County Country C I u b
?<.1embenflip For Sitle &:
.Tcansfer. Call alt 6 Pitt.
(Zl.3) 54.!·1913-
BEAUTIFUL hand painted
oil portrait of you or your
chilrtrtn from a pllotogriph.
A wonderful idea for that
special rift. 64&.3629
QUALITY kill& bed • quilted
m11ttress. Complete • unused
$120. 'A'Orth $26(1. 8-12-&1.36
Gd cond. 6-t · · $200 with tack. 54s-tS33 who liv11 in on• I" 20th, C.?i-1. 212 \VE SER'IJCE
TO GOOD home. German ENGLISH. Equitation \VHAT WE SELL!
NEVILLE. 6,000 rnUes. Xlnl
cond. Call 842-3872 Shtpherd female. Not quite Lesso115 Given On Your li-~ So. Harbor. Santa Ana
l VP old, Loves older Horses, Please call 673-6729 1 Bick So. ot Bo1aa 531-1066 ". '69 SCRAMBLER J?5cc, 2 children. Needs large yard. fRANSPORTATION BAY HARBOR i;troke, xlnt condition, cs·
846-91115 2/3 ;c:.==----~-~1 Bo1 11 & Yachts 9000 Mablle Home Sal•• ~· 613--0097.
Fr-ee to id honie w/fenced YEAR END 1967 Honda 450. ~hat sell.
Y?d. maJe mix pup Weim/ THE \VORLD'S LARGEST CLEARANCE SALE Jtlt1t cond. low mlleqe. '70
Labr, 5 mos. old, blkw/frost. CATAJ\!ARAN. New 55' x NOW ON' DISPLA y 11.iS. 894-3130
e-i'. gray, hsbrkn, .shots. Vecy 20' Sleeps 10, Lux Salon, 2 l.'.!, 16, 20, 24 &: 30 Wlde8 .66 'l'R.nJMPH Troph,v 65() cc.
playful, older child. 3"'7-40IH M Cabins; 2 J1ds, 2 Queen Up Tu 60 Feet Lonz -~--« •-· T k · •· T k Oe<O'I, mu.st M:U • ..,15. or Jo'REE to good home poodle-~5• ea (Jee...,, ea 1425 Baker St., Costa M~sa bst ofr. 5-16--3793.
mb:ed dogs & puppie8. c:abinet5. Po\\'e_r 7 knt.s, SaU % block E.ast of Harbor Blvd.
As!IOrted cttlors & sizes. 6 3IJ lmts. Price $1lO,cm. Costa ~tesa <n41 ~~70 '69 Hondt. Mlnl trail U• ,,.ks & 8 mos old Term8 -\VIII trade, partl-=='°"====~ ttllcnt conclltk>n, $145. ~121 . 212 cash. part clear real estllte. . RARE OPPORTUNITY 646-1014
l\take of.fer. 5.i&-aJ83. P.O. ~nOBILE UVING on the-'69 llOOAKA. Very Clean.
SEALPO,INT SI AME S~, Box 1913, N.B. BEACH .. 1:imiled sp~ees in Street or Dirt. $3?5.
Imported Autos
1600' Rhadster, 4 1Pd. dlr.
Sharp, hdU>. sun red, plush
black int. xlnt cond. fofu•t ,
sacrifice! $1499. Take olde1·
-~-------1 American car or small down, I '67 Sunbeam A.lpine
Roadster. Immaculate cttn·
dltlon. Red \Ylblack top.
E>.:cell. tires, brakes, lo\Y
mileaac. Reasonable!
'67 Alpfle Ai\1-FM sit~
radkJ. 1'1Th.,. WND' $1650.
UREG43. Call Phil 49f-97'r..1
or 54,j.-0634.
'68 Datsun Sta Waa, 18000
mi, autom, RIH. rack.
$1450. Pvt ply. 499-2082 ' 1968 DATSUN Wag. Auto
trans, new tires. Sacrl1ice
at $1400-$400 below book .
833-1469 .
male, 11,.s yn:. old, good with , ne1v add1t1011 to Onftwood Call 673--tl59B. '62 A.H. Sprl!e, >.:Int end,
children. housebroken, 646-18 Lyman. ·w/~rey lnbrd. Beach Club. Models on dis-blue, S600 h.~t offr. Stt lo ORAN~E COUNT. Y'S
3594 after 4:30 pm. Prl~. Inels slip rental nr play! Greenleaf i'otobile ·68 l\A\VASAKI 120 CC, believe. Tonn. cov, n!blt ~
PaYilton, $1 S7S. Call H Sal 2lm p w· street or dirt, low mUes, en• 53&-1890 VOLUME ENGLISH VALENTINE puppies need 61:>-5466 ome e5, -ac e · · Jove. Blk or bm. 3 females, __ eves. Cst Highway, H.B. 5JS-7jl3 $285. 962-3781. '60 Austin Healey 3000 FORD DEALER
2 male, Shelti·Beagle mi>.:. Sailboats 90lO * NEW 24x00 DELUXE, 2 '68 HONDA 17j Street Xlnt engine SOCIO SALES· SERVICE ~13S7 212. BR, 2 BA, den, crpts thru-&rambler. Xln't COnd. $300. 548-022S Ai\l OVER 60 IN srOCK
ii.ttxED Puppies, all colors, 4 LIKE SAILING? out. pa.Uo & carport awngg, l=CaJ=t=m='~======~ : ~: 1 g;: ~~;s wk" old. woa"'d. 54;.5918 DISLIKE THESE! 28' raloed poreh. M'"Y OX• 9425 AUSTIN AMERICA ==~~-,_,--.,,.,.,,1 1 • p 1 h' 1 Int 1 tras. $15,500: 642-1350 Tr1lltr, Travel • 2 &: 4 Dr. GT Models FREE Puppies, S \11ks, smal aymtn s, 1g1 eres ,liOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• e Station \\'qons
mixed toy cocker. sue depreciation, slip rental, Owner Transfr'd ---------AUSTIN AMERICA litany with fully automau1· 828-7087 .cleaning, insurance, elc, '6" LITl'LE Champ 18' trans., alr, radial tires, ra.
2 LONG hair-eel pUppies S',2 PREFER TtlESE? Must Sa.crifice! comp. ~elf-cttnl'd, Lots of Sales, Service, Parts dlo, vinyl roof, w8w tires.
b k e Low CO!\t, no WORK & xtr&A. Slp8 6. Used twice Immediate De!Jvery BRAND NEW S'I'D. l DR. ·
\\"eeks. House ro en. CAREFREE SATUNG• -1967, 24xtiO Universal. $1800. All l\todels ~l7S5 FULL PRICE I
•1147-7890* •--Cal 25 little as $14, % ·day All exU"M, Beautiful ; 968-3236 * OftDER NO\V
BABY crib & mattress, sheet Try Our Club Plan "pa"'!rk,!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!D!!~ ... 636--0921..,.., ITRAVELl'!iE 20' self cont. Theodore
& b\ankel1. Al.50 play-pen k NEWPORT SAILING a.ue1 -Oean. sitio fin"n. ROBINS FORD
pad. G12.s19o 1131 • 67a.noo • Owner Anxious! c a11 LI 8-3100
RABBITS. 3 f~males • wht, SPECIAL HOWi 20 wM, 2 BR, adult. pets, 15'. SLEEPS 5. Awning, new ,.._ 2060 Harbor BlvtG-1
blk/wht, brn/wht. 96l-6888 • WAS S69re. tires, elec brks, lnsul. Xlnt 3100 \V. Coast H\Y)'., N.B, ....... sta l\Jesa -vu 0
13:'i CORONADO 30 NOW $5995!! ''""'· l5tll . ......,,11. ~"'"'"'MG o.':.:'64 FERRARI I 2 VERY aUeetionate femak wilh pulpl.t, lite llne5. li&hts, * 549-0959 * -=========I========== ----------• eves. cata. 9 mos. need iood complete aalley, head, cush-, Trucks 9500 J
2 Oak T. Bed1, Compl. $60. 3 home. 548--6202 1131 lon!I, enatnr. Extra bonus:~~ tr.1\fOB~ H~~e. --.-..'-''-----BMW FERRARI d. Or
Sweeper.1. S6 ea. Girls bike CUTE orange &: while main&. jib aa.11 ($~)now! PIA m a. ~· Newport lmpcrta Lt ·
II'· 2 Sol•'•· "·•· ~·-•' 1_, tabb 1 3 , 113 995 Park. Carprt. Encl patkl. NE\V '69 G'.\lC Sub. 3 seat. ana:e Count)''• Otll)' utbof· "' ..,... Lll"\UU " str l'C" Y ca · mo s. · · C • Loi Lo s Re V8 a"io ·11 "'' "' d al r.tonkey caae. 646-9762 al C II 548-7441 1131 YACHTS ROYALE INC ornel' , pace nt. . ... , "'I sac1u1ce. lz e er. m e a · · 2912 W ~ Hwy Nl\l> fkh Call aft 5. 1n-4) 493-4948. Str. 29131. Call Bill Ap-SALES-SERVlCE·PARTS
Carpet l!l.Y@r has Hi Lo GREY, tiger .stripe male eat. ' '45-0&iO LEAVING For South in 3 plebee. Olr. 50-9640 3100 W. Coast Hwy.
nylons $1.!JIJ yd. Shaq Gentle &. fr1~ndly. To iOO"I 7.-==-o~-'----I d , 12 "' 1 BR ad 1 '69 FORD ChateAu Oub Newport lkaeh lrom $3.50 up + my labor, home. 673-ll4S 212 CAL 20 No. 747, many racing 11Y8· " """ · u t, 642·9405 540.1784 rd 84715 9 & . . 1 G pet1. Sacrifice! $4250. \Vagon. Com pl ete ac· AuthnriUd Ferrari Deal~ _OOc_~"'-'~'-'-· ~-· _1 __ 1 FREE to good home loving cruisini: e.'I: ras. enoa, 842-3939 ce1sories, air cond. Pvl ply.
r.tOBILE Radio Phone, c ·ker male. F~need --". ~at bat~. 6 ~P Evin inel. ~~~~~----5'6-23211 j 11
tran1istori1:ed, four channel. 89"......4149 __ 215 962--0-l~S 1vlcabanR. DIITERF.NT! LATE '69 V-3 super Van BAYSIDE MOTORS oc 7"' SJ1p avail. $3500 or otier Lido Peninsula cus coach ,,_ ! FIAT
Xlnt reception. Best Oller E ~· ~ of ---------: takes. 540-90J2 FAT c11t for a lhin lap. ONE r k'ncl be t"f 1 42, Quarry tile firs. EXTRAS! couu.ine. 1i.O.P. $95 mo. 1200 "'· Coast Hwy., N.B. •gg Flat SM cour>e. 1s,ooo,• 642--6621 213 ° 1 . -au 1 u $15.950. Tl'Qde ': 673-3524 or pay oU "fSOO. 646-1157. e BMW e mi's, Xtras. XJnt cond BASSINET, 1\Jatt.ess &. ~=~----~~!Square rig Cl'U is lng ==~=--~-~1 "'~"""'°°'_,__..,.__~= ·I EASY Elee. dryer. Needs schooner. Bit 'j9. Diesel. OWNER Will move today! 10 '69 FORD VN1 long E 300 All ll'Iodels in Stock $U50. 613--0341 1 ~~r paSJ0$1f1~J~~~~ new timer. 64~1361 1/31 P!!rfect live aboard boat. x 45 furn, 1 BR, adult pk. heavy duty, V-8. $2600. for Immediate Delivery BUSIESJ' mar11:etplace 1n •
7Pil-l 11\'0 PET mallard ducks. $4j,OOO. Call 675-4349. tt'nt $40 mo. $2250. 84i..6524 * 64~1458 • SALES -SERVICE. PARTS to\\-11. The DAILY PfLO'l''.
3 BATH&\i Formica Top8, ti46-64j2 212 SOLING t969 Olympic c\a118 BARGAIN 1Dx50, I br, '55 Chevrolet 3j. ton Pickup. 6 T&M MOTORS, INC. Clas&lfied secrton. Sa v e i
basin5 & fixtures, all il:r.es, 3 Female puppi!!s 5 wks old , ~loop: North sails; d~luxe Low rent park. Extras cyl., 4 ~<It !Good cond. 8081 Garde11 Grove Blvd. lnoney, time & eUorl. Look 1
$50. 6-14--02-49 weaned. ~:5978 2/3 hard"A·are & \.,.enches. $4900-l...,=='D=I='=636-0921=====-:_:135tl;.;·;,67>-:=;2'1>4:=1~ l.1====-:;'3=·',;·"84;;;;:0;;"'::o:";;'s;"=""='~Y='="=-""'=·~·1:.="'=w=!=! !======~
OFFICE desk. e:<ceUent con-PETS ind LIVESTOCK A~~~~~3--0550B··, •• ~g.l l;,,!··~11 New Cin 9800 New C•rs \ HOO New Cars 9800 N•w Can 9800
dition $j(I. Chrome dinette u " ~iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiii·iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmiiiijj set $35. 968-7562 Ca ta 1820 "Lido 14", 2 se1s :-:ails. boat • ~==~~--~~1 =;.o..------""'-'I cover. trailer. Aft 6 pm, NE\VPORT Beach Tennis SEALPOINT Siamese male, 821-0at3.
club, family membership, !;,. wn.,.
ks, love8 chil~n S15. --N=E°'W,,...S~A~B•o•T~-
$4;.(I. 54~2286, e\'e! ~.J ~I========= Complete w/raclng MU.I 1\.1INK Stole, e:<quisite smoky Special $239. sis.o:m
grey Lutitia, Emba, pd $895, Dogs 8125 1=c7~"-'"",...:-"'=-now Sl45. 642-9626 _________ 120· Sailboat, 1-"ixer·Upper In
:-=-=-''=-~-o~-,...,-"7. I Blip, Newport $300. POOL Table, Brun8wick S' PUREBRED J.i,Prador pup, ~9-41 17 I~~" s!ste, leather pockets black female,'r~·~eksS.15. · '
$500. ~6-44&4. 5-16--Mj() LIDO 14 Sailboat. No. 2389,
\\•ith trailtt. Call 837-7039 .( t.tTI Businf!Sll Cenillcate, GER!'llAN Shepherd Pups. 6 aft 6 Pi\!
$100 discount Ol' make offer. 'A'eeks, good natured ;20.1--~====--
842-5297. 536-182!l SABOT $125.
TO\VER S1'tr., l\lovle pro-Al\C Dachshund SlUd * 673-3958 *
jeetol'. Excellent condition. Red, long haired
"Alod~I 9280 $40. 549--4321 5-IS.1823 After 6 P.:'11. Pow•r Crul11rs 9020
GUITAR An1p, Top Cond. 3 BEDLlNGTON Terrier pups, ..,. ASSUME
Tlll1 IJ the time of the yeor whn Atlcts Chry•ler Ptymouth condwc.ts their antHMll clMn up sale to
reduce n•w ond used car h1ventory. 1Every .. tomoblle In stock will be clearly'" tottM with the
biggest prlc.• reductions of th• yeor. S•e Atkn Chrysler Plymouth today, for
inputs, foot switch. Trtm. AKC. champ. sired, show PAYMENTS
l~!J!:!:!!!!'l!!!!!!'l!!!'l!!!'l!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!~ -135=·=Cal=l=646-&ISl!======-='=""'=;1y",700_,"·=''='='·="=""=388~7-l1965 Tol!yeraft 32' cruiser wl 1= -·-9100 fl)'int: bridge. Exceptionally
Alrcr•ft 9100 Aircraft 9100 Aircraft t100 Aircraft clt11n thni-out. i\lust scU!
Jo(,ewport Jkyways. J/I(.
We are a ful~llne CESSNA dealer.
Take a look at tfMM on•time prl-.
Speidal fodofy and une allo•~t91 pe""lt tftls unvsval -.. .....
list Our Pric•
1969 150 $11,070 $ 9,300"
1969 CordilM)! 19...$-45 16,200•
1969 S..,.OM 23,1.SO 19,000
1969 Supw sr,4oM 31,639 27,700
1969 Turbo "210 37,180 30,900
19'!!> T..bo 206 3.5,n2 29,800
1969 T..bo Svpw SkyMotW 69,3n $7,500
1969 T""'° 310 99,Q<l 10,$00
•ri.,.. Is o .tptdol tlf'ICll'IC9 pn>gt01ff for 1969 1.50'•, sq.
~ ol'ld Canllnols ot NOTMING DOWN. Finoncinv
lftcfudtot oll t:otll (o.li'owy, toK. •tc.) °"'" 1968 150'1 ore oho O'l'Oiloblti ot NO DOWN PAY·
Or•1111 Cr>•nl7 A1r,r>rl
Sn11 A,.., C.Jrftmfi•
(714) '0·7196
28' 196.i SS rah"llner fly
Bridge, radio, pulpit, marlin
chair, swim 1lcp. Stereo,
outriggtrs. ST.iOO. 6'73-6769
eves, 548-0897 day!!: .
'67 30' Cl1RJS • TS. \Veil
equip. \Ve 11 maintained.
AskiTIJ s12.soo. ~isn aft 6
Speed-Ski Bo1t1 C>030
17' FANTASY Outboard &:
trailer. Xlnl Cond. 2 yr1 old .
$1500. 968-2809
17' Cla8slc Century, mah&:.,
Inboard. New 213 Cl\f. Tan·
dnm trlr. 612-9278
~td-Skl Booll 9030
NEED aomeone to love. 16'
Inboard mahog. ski boJt,
mint cond. $1500/beat off ft.
s.ll--7781; 2871 Bayshorcs,
l~' LON& Star with 20 hp
Evlnnide remote oonlrol1.
,Extra•. Coflt $1200 S.crilice
$3SO. t.,r, Jones &l&-250" or
(.zlll i8,3..6066
Mulnt Equip. 9035
OUTBOARD lol(ftor • British
Sel\lllll. 3\t IIP. lone lihaft.
Nr Nu, $100. t child llfe
rrc$Cl'\1'1'S s2.rio ea. 646--2882
Fury t Or. Hlrdtop. vi, t\110-
,...,K, r.tdlo, h.oltr, -·
,, ..... "'. flCP""ef l>r•k-. l lf '°"' dlllOnl"'. fHOY IOI
1918 PL YMOUT!t-
5110fl S1t1Ulle 7 Dr. H1rt110p
\II, autorNIK tr1n1tnlnklll, ••·
dlo, llHll'r, PDWff 1tHrl119, •Ir
(Orld., OUckd JHll f'k. RUl,; .. .. :··s105 ·
"111f••. v1. , .. ,.,, -r 1tttr•
I~ lm"'9cuj111 Cflftfllloft. low
rnll\J. (tFUfUJ.WJ\
t $1995
Wetcomes attd honors olf Chrysler CorporotlM •-tllclff · r~quJrl•t HrYlce ancl w.rNlry wlflt , ..
tordft.ss of where c•r was purch01ed. Autltorb:1L,C~ fHtory tral•H ,.,..... .. et YMf ...
potaf. Chrysl.,, Plymouth, Imperial, Dodt• •nd Oodt• tr•ckL W• llottor most c rlfllt c.erds.
All ll<lt• •r• Diii$ 11-." lie.., ... All IUIOINf)U" ••• f>UlllKI toprlOf .. It, l"rb• ••• ¥11111 unl!I lO:Oll """· !1111'11111.,. ,.~.,, 1. 1f}O,
2929 ·Harbor Blvd., Costa
sa Ph.
~ ........ -----------------------------------
• • • r
' ..
. • .
. .· . • :-.. . • .
Imported A\lt°'
"lm"po='.:c'ed::::..;:.C;:_u;;•;__;t600= Imported Autos HOO importlld Autos 9600 Imported Autos
------------------MG MGB PORSCHE TOYO.TA
S•l11rdl)I, Jit1uary 31, 1910 DAlLY PILOT 18
==========:o: :::==-~~c!!! ---'-=-==-==-----'-"'
\968 FIAT 8;.() cpe, brand
new wbite \.\'ail tires, new
battuy. Lll:e new! Call J im
between 10 At.1 & 6 Pl\t.
Sales, Servic..:, Patt•
ln\Jntd!ate Delivery,
AU Modc11
_111111.101 ts
:SlOO \V. Coalt Hwy. N.8 ,
---------6i2-94()j M0.1764
1959 MARK IX J • g oar
Sedan. Good condition, $~50.
+ &16-JTIO +
'85 3.8 Sedan. Belge/blk lthr,
pwrfala·, ctu'TTI \.\'ire "'his,
new radials. 644-t.965
1965 JAGUAR 3.8 auto \1'1re
"'his, rad. Orig. Xln 't mech.
$2400 675-4177.
Aulborlzcd ?tfG Dealer
fl,fGCGT '69 n1ust sell ln1-
med. Bez;t oUer o v c r
whole!ii8.le. \Vht/b.tk lthr int.
'51 T. D. Cla&'!lc. Nu int &
t i re s. Quite reas: S875.
6-16-6882 Ol' 5-18-7164 .
MGA ~A~~:~ ~~·~ I ,~ MGA I~ C~t. RuM
owner. 11·hite. blk in!., s ~-'350 or best offer. Call
track )ape, riu1io, 10,000 n1i, 548--0465.
mlnt cond. S237:i. 8'16-1636 ~,,,~.,-,~IG7A~C~oo-,-._~N~u-,~,-,,-,._
Tires, brks, &: lrans. $-150.
MERCEDES BENZ .7.ea~u="~'-332-'=-t ~~~ 1958 Jl,fGA Convertible. Good
01 .1n9e Cou;1ly s
L.1r9esl Selection
New & Used
Mercedes Ben1
$600 * 642-4S9l
'67 MGB PORSCHE Bill.. MAXEY S.C. COUPE 1'64 Rdstr., ~ spd,, dlr, wire whls, A Cherry td • f fu,~'.l>ix~ e~~hi:~b!~~ i~~~h e~~dsl :, ITIOJYIOITIAJ
Take older trade or small Blaupunkt Am.Fm, P.icAfte
do\vn, 'rRBroS, Call Ken, wheel.a. toa .lltts, etc. ~asek 11111 BEACH BLVD.
49-1-9773 or 545-0034 Polak , 1erv1ce exclustvely, Hunt. 8t1ch 1474555
, • • $3800. I mt N, ot O>ut Hwy. on Sch 6.i J\1G B 48,000 miles,· \Vire I PORSCHE
"·heels, Good cond. r.1UST SPEEDSTER 1957 '69 ToYola Corolla. Sta·. Wq.
SELL' $~ "''o o~.-Lo Ml. a1sss. Call 9684110
• 1""· '"o-o.w~ The mogt clll551c Ponche of
1964 f.IGB. Good condillon, all! Very Cher1:y! Loaded:
radio new Plrelll's ss5o. Abarth. exhaust, Nea·f baJ"ll, . TRIUMPH
Jerry 53tHi338 con1periUon t'Ull bar. 9121---------
_...;._ __ -"'-'-----I r-ng, etc. Very quick. Vasek 1968 Triumph TR-.2:.ll. PORSCHE Polak restored. $3800 . Xln'I Cond. Belt oner. --------1 639-2582 days, 830-&tl-4 eves. · Call 673-JUS. 1 ·~ PORSCJiE. Blu_e w/ blk '67 PORSCHE 911; air, 62 TR1Ui\1Pl1 TR4. Beautiful
int. S sPeed-RadlO. N~s chrome ""hi.!., 5 s pd, red Oreamboal, Only $79;).
body v.·ork, near new lll'eS. \Veberli, Pil:ellis. Ai\.1 / Fi\1 Call ~$-5000
$3400 firn1. 6T5-ll44 S.\V.: Cobalt blue. $4,9-10.I=========
'58 PORSCHE Cootx1 w""'" "'"'-po'1y. 53G-'1572 VOLKSWAGEN
roof, rebuilt '62 engine & PORSCHE '6.'.i C Cpe. 44,400 --------
trans. new paint & tires. A nti's. \Vhi!e, 1d int. Oean. '6€ V\V Bus, 8 passenger,
bai:gain al $1800. 683-32.fj $2995. Prt. ply. 6+,l-2442, Jack sharp l'Ond, $1575. Can help
'65 PORSCHE (CJ. lmmac Eve.o:. LI 8-4608 \\•lira.de or fin, Pvl. pty.
Cond. Dttp Ruby Red, '66 PORSCHE 912/4, I m-4£6.-4189
n1echan depend. 5-18--7601 n1aculate cone!: C h r o m e ''~68"v"'w'. -:,:::.,=,-::.,:-;oo"a"rl<--,-bl;-,,.
'&l PORSCHE. All extras \11heels, Ai\f-FM 962-7635 Aft '111\h y,·hilc pin 8tr1pes.
ilt('J air. Sacrifice! 541~113. 6 P?-1 or v.·knds. Sacrifice! $1375. 67>6453,
1327 E. 15lh St., S.A. 537-4329
1965 PORSCHE '"°"'' c . ROVER --1~97.6D~V~W~B~U~G~-
Xlnt condition. lsl oUer $400. 540-1193 .68 'IG Rd . over $3001 takes II. 842-Tnl '67 LAND RoVtt. Xlnt Cond. '°''9"V\=-,ea==-;,-=-" B l,sr. \V1re,o;. Nu tires. Locldn&' hubs. Call 11 mper, lo miles,
Jim Sl emon s Imps.
WJrner & Main St. Yellow. Blk" top & int. $19'J.i 1958 PORSCHE lGOOS Coupe. 6-15-0532 xlnt cond. Best·oUcr!
494-3356 xlnl nicch. cond. $1350 or of-e 548-1784 e
1::=======,,.-1 ,-~-~-~~ fer. 968-5470 '67 ROVER 2000 TC. $19!!5 or .. ~=~-~~~-IT'S Beach house lime. Biir be~t ojfer. Or trade for •69 63 V\V bu~. good l'Ond, .new
&t!SL&eleclilM e\'tr! See the 'SS POR4~f~~~E $950 V-N . 673-1742. 673-7792 ~~e_h;n. r~.~· good tires. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! ~~ ......., .,...........,.., 1~========c.:=:=========-========= SPRITE G5 V\V. Sunroor, low mileage. l:'pm~po-•tiiediiiiAiiii"';i";i'iiiiii9ii60iiO~l;im~poii;i;irt;ied;;;;iA;iu~t;iOlii;;;ii9ii6~00;i;;;liim~po~r;itediii;;A~u~t~o~1iiiiii9;i600iiii ---~~-----i One owner $925. Original II 1965 SPRITE. rape deck &t owner. ~1
Sprite GT Cµe. 5-
Speed. Silver finish.
Prlcffl at wholt'sa.le.
696 AGB
'68 TRIUMPH $2399 GT 6 C(l('. n. H. 4 spt>ed
y,•/rffl finish. black buck-
et seals, 1vlre \\/heels.
'68 RENAULT 10 $1199 Sedan. Radio, healt'r, ..... _ "'""-o"' ow"'" 18,000 miles, Lie. XIN848
many extras $950. or best '68 VW. Auto. trans. Must
oUrr. Also 1961 Rambler, sell. S 11 11 on
good condition. $250. 546-0347 ralllce. $1550. 642-1719
'67 V\V Bus. Orig. Owner.
$1700 Ca!h. Ca'i -Days
6Ta-2~91 . Eves. 613-2332 * '69 Toyota Hdtop ·59 vw ,o;qu11reback. tllck, 5
"CORONA" SPT CPE w/ mos. old, 5.100 miles. Priv.
auto trans, rl h, \11/111alls, pty. $2300. 6'16-3179.
etc. Unbelleva~le 9.986 ?ti. .58 _ vw. Bent rear axle.
new car trade-in. Sparkl.Lng Good molor. Ideal tor Dune
Mikado creme w/blk vinyl 8 642_~ .
in! Abs o I u I e showroom uggy. · co~! On 1 y $1995. MAR-*'62 VW Good Cond.*
QUIS ltlOTORS, 900 So. Cl! SS75. _ 6-14-61 iO
Hwy., Laguna Beach, '66 VW BUS
Dor1• Moton II Netdr ,. ..,,. yo• wltll • •cre1 ef So ... 011.t S.rrice facllltln.
AH. COf!IPlete 11110 .t ... 1970 ....... CHda •• , wW. HIHt4 .. of A·1 UM'd Con.
t Of',. t cYI ..... ; lttct.. H .. ftr. l"ln T•-. l.k -°'"" ,._I
'65 MUST ANG ~·.:'c;t,·;;· _ '999
'68 PONTIAC"·,~~· •.• ~''
'2099 j
•999 j
'66 LTD ·~ ...... ,_,., •.~. CWWJ47JI $1499 j
'67 :JAG. XKE 2Lt,! ~::.:-' '3899 j
AUTO, ITAU ' 16t)
'66 DATSUN "'"' ,,... uH ... cnwttoJ
'66 MUST ANG ~~··,::~;.,'1299
'66 CHEVELLE "~.o~;~ '1699
Yll!YI T-,, P.S.
'68 ·V w BUS' -..... H. • IWIH7t71
Orange Co1,1nty's Newest American Motors Dealer ·
Cr0\1·n Sta. \Vag. n, H.
overdrive. Blue finish. ,!,.
real buy. sue 098 '67 TOYOTA
4~-r;i00, 540-3100. $1250. 496-3645
TOYOTA -===============-~-:-----;:::::~--~~..._,.._"t"".,,,,,....,.__,~..,....:::-:-~~":'"'---
850 Cpe. R. 1-I. 4 speed.
P.U. 4 i;:pred, R. H, red
finis h. TXV 004 '~7 FIAT $109·9
~!;;"d tiULRi';6fal good -,6-7_T_O_Y_O_TA----$-,---9-
Corooa Sed. R, H, auto-09 m11Uc, min t green 1n
'66 MGB $1599 ,.'',,·0_161-., . .,,T,,"'=-' =-",..'---,----Rdstr R. H. 4 SJlf'ed, 1 ,69 TOYOTA $
f1n1sh & clean. SAA 984. Corona J-f.T. Cpe. r.. 1-1. ·wi~e ·"'hei'ls, !lharp yello"' 1799
4 llPl'ed, 10,000 miles.
'62 PORSCHE $2499 YWT 07t
Blue finish 1n nice cond. Cpe. 4 speed. header, 1600 Cpe. R, H. 4 '"""'· '67 """"""" GHIA $1499
KDB 2~1 lu1v n1ihlti. Bur~undy
'68 AUSTIN (1399 An1er. Sedan. R, H. auto·
ma.tic. Yello\v in color.
black inlerior, low 1niles.
XGG 277
fini sh. TYV 408
Qune Buggy. R, H, '1
SJ1C('d. Orange in colol'.
L\'J 248
Mark 11 Wagons
Hi Lux Pickups
Land Cruisers
Your Best Deals Are Still At
1966 lla.rbor, C.M. 6'16-9303 * '67 Toyota Spt. Sed.
"CORONA", w/auto trans.
r&h, etc. Sparkling 1eal blue
w/like new blue, all vinyl
'int. Choice local new car
trade • in w/ju.st 2t278 mil-
e1! Only $1395. MARQUIS
MTRS. 900 So. Cst Hwy, La-
guna Beach. 49-1-1503, 5-1-0-3100
'69 TOYOTA Corona Deluxe,
fact air, xlnt cond . Sl800 or
best oUer. 4!16-3T16
'67 Toyota 4 Dr. Corona. Air
C.Orxl. Priv. Pty. Must Sell.
''iUiCif 910 'OPEL GT'S
2 door coupe, auto. trani .. concealed radio
antenna, fibre 9l1ss belted tire1,f)added dash,
seat belts, back-up lites, dual speed ele~tric
wipers. 433270Z60015 4
' Umited Supply For
2 plus 2's ~·Coupes -Roadsters
' F1c1otv 11r cCWMI .• full po'!"", FIM ''"'°' ,._. wi..w., p0wer JM!$, .,,~.,, l'(IOf.
iYCL OlJJ. !S...,..r1I more '6t ll:lvle.11.I
$;1896 $3198
$1298 '6S CHEVIO•!T '65 NOVA Super Sport $1398 a11.-;, ,.-,.....,._ ,l(_.,.1r.,w1o
"'"'· lfM1\ .• ~ ·~-~ '"'·'°' l!Wlirr, ,. ...... -''"'"' ·~lo. "'9111'. La
M _ _;•_•..i,·r~--~'!'-~-"-GU~:" .. ~·-----'-t~< __ _,, ... ~ ml1t~t 4HRI: 1161 I 0-. -.
:'!..,~~~~--•• $127J :!!.0!!; '" m••-°'" •-· $1294 ..,., ....... ITV IN~ Q Mw (lptr ll'U.111. (VOJ di
...... --tfMrlnt·• .,.. ... F.o-"11' •It. cond, ~,._ fVlf ,._.,
, ' .
_ .• Ju1t ?I Y11r1 of Hon11t
011li119, S1lli119 Clttiwrol1h, 1970
540 1 Fully """fppecl wlflo ......,. hy.._,lc, air cOfldftloolwt, power
stffflnt, power dftc bfak ... power wlncloW1, vlnyl roof, radio w/
,_ -., .. .._ ,,.. ,. ... , rn1ch rn«e. I 131570L 1270941 IM·
• Dt , llltdlo &. /111!1r. tlr cand., beautf.
f\ll llOl'llllllon. (ll'MF "51
GTO ~ CPE F•tlOrY •Ir. P.S., I UIO . tr1M , ra<llO,
l'lteltr {HPL 1281
' Or .• lull 1111 ... r &. 11-. -Low ml!etge. tOll ... j
'69 CHEY. Y·S
Y1 TON P.U. cntom e&b, rldlo a. llff!ff. LI< n1ua
I '
' ..
•l7 eng 4 tlld. Ra!IOI .. lluttr. E~tlP-
lion1I u r. !IUA 01').
4 0t , &UIO !rant., p.)df tlfW, ltMI 'Ill
nic e IXSll. U.l
A.,.. trlflt,, JllO'#. 11-. •H• &. 11 .. lff. ITWH "941
,SKYUlltK C'!f. "-11111. lr1n1., p6\¥er 1!Hr, ...Olo, htelWf'. IWIA ..:IJ). , ,
Full pow1r & t lr, 11tro hit-11111. !STF •UI
$15,95 •
'67 OLDS
DELMONT HARDTOP' Clll. Factory 1lr, ~.S., A.T., r ..... Mr. LOW
1¥1lffft1. (UTL t$61
C,I. nf ..,.. fKt, '0 ., Jlll'll'. 1'9er, lt!llO. Ir-., rUID, Mtl•r. ivoe 126) ~
CPE. DIVILLI l'ull powff &. 1lr, ltw mllte91, IE11tr1
11lct. !JTE 142)
'68 CADfLLAC '67 CHEY. 1/z TON
D\ VILLE CONVIRTllLI Full POWtr a ·i Jr, !Ow »w ml!t-1.,Mlpt 'CVL Uni bid lllckwp. (V7tlll0)
colOr, 111111 tfr11, IWSH "S) • ""'• $4395 $1095
' '67 MONZA 17 1/z' FIBERGLASS ;
Cfli. CAllN CIUlllR
Ftttorv 11<, IUIO '''"'" rlldto, l>Hler. JI HP JOlll1Mir! l!ltt. motw • l?tlltr . Llt;t MW 111 lllru. (TPL lftf
2 DR.
Allla tr1n1., rtdla, 11111.llt', fTV5 4651
11.Ulo, '-1~, llkl -anf. (THIE WI
Aul'll. tr•~~. POW. 1tttr., rldlo, l\Hftr.
(OHL "11 "
.. l'IHo Allte !rent, I"## rtwl', «•'°-
H1ll1r !TWN IN) • ·
'68 OLDS
t 5PO "'""• r•lo. llelllr, A tMt "911ty. !Tll.I' •10 '
. IL CAMINO v..a c111..,,., Mr ...,., rltllo•t. .,..!ti', viirt d'IM. ll'U9 :Mii).
·~~;ION SllllrG.u, January ,1, 1970
TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORT~TION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION --l'!!f!r;'M -MOO lmoorted Auto1 9600 ~ported C1r1 9600 Autos W1nted 9100 Uttd C1t1 9900 ~U...;...,=...;C;;:•c.":....--....:."°°;.:; Used.c,...;•.:..":....--....:."°°:.:: Used Cars 9900 Used Cars
----~----1 90USWAC9EN
'65 vw I
Giii. -• ....,..,, tach, l ----llM'IJ8
vw. blue, 6T vw. areen.
• Dune bul!il>'· AJL,lllnl ...... Nut stll! ~.
... IOJ< •
l4i SQUAREs.l.cK.
t..Uo I air, C'Ustorn lrailer
-. 1 owoer. Good cond, ...
164 -SEDA NS
All olb!r model now in
stock. 4 speeds &. autom.ad,ot.
Your Best Dea.ls Are Still At
I!l66 l!Mbor. C.M. 6~
'61 VOLVO 4 spd. Good cond.
Will trade lot dune buggy;
<o~ motorcycle 80 to ISO.CC
with cuh. 673-2164 Alt. 6
2828 Harbar Blwl.
O>afa MIR 54&-uxt
WJ!'.: PJ.Y .• CASH
'66 Buick ruv~. fUll PCJ"'f:r,
air, vinyl top. Ducket aeats.
1962 Buick Outstandl:n&: con-
dition. Carefully ma.m.
t&ined. Reuonable. 640-7377
1964 BUICK Skylark 2 dt.
hardtop, p/a, 1 o o d tire1 .
'67 Rlvter., ,old, air cond.
Pl'iced 101 aell at $2695.
494-7M5 eves & weekends
,69 "r,};111J:0N·.~::,~ Iv.. '66 Molibu SS * Th;,;;,9 Men '• "Buy" I '61 COLONY l'vk sta. w.1. . . ... on 1968 CONTINENTAL .'iE:t>AN PIS. P/8, P/\V,v-R< CONVERT, outata.ndlng hug. '-" V • Outttandinr, ftPl,rklinc Mlka-
aar oranae w/black top It Auto PS/PB Yellow/Bk Int. do creme w/areen landaY ="'='~'~°"~· ..,._ __ 1_726 __ _
plush black vinyl int, AIT, TFY 488 top, pluth natural ireen MERC. !to«, 4 dr., auto, trans,
PIS, R/H et.. "Note, thl.! Sale! $1099 Sale! leather Int. T•mp. cont "ail'-otill in gd. •hope, """'
car has only 17.631 milt s &: • eond" ll•M 1 ll mme dltt. work. 536-0815
ls sold with a transferrable, MtsNr ''T'' · "\""' lo 'e from brand neW. \V/Ju~t 23,878 '66 !\fere Cyclone, V..J. mags,
ne1v car fac\O~ warranty!" , '645-1441 miles! Sqid w/tra11$ferabll!', with 4 spd, new tires. new
Only $2599. MARQUIS ) ntw car warranty. % ot New MTRS: 900 So. Cst Hwy, ztOO Rarbor Blvd., C.?.J. oo.!f • no1v $3995! MARQUIS c"""==·~ll>OO~=· _MS-6008 ___ _
i.a.ttna Be a ch, 494-1503, '62 Moya Wagon MTRS: ~ So, Coast Hwy., LUXURY 1960 Mercuty, air, ~ -~~ Lagu ----for med cani I: truckl just . ,68 ' Automatic trans., 6 cyl TOO na B e a ch, 49.f..~. $225. 673-7515
Antiques, CIHllcs 961S call us tot ... estimate. CADILLAC I CAMARO v.. 327 OX· """" 2nd '"" 541>.llOO. .. J$AJUdANN Gh.ia-auto.
..... t ......... cpe. 12315. .. k'o, 1 Beacon Bay, NB.
1"9 Q<EV 2 "· Com~•ld> GROTH CHEVROlfT -------""'"' "°~~ marootc SALE! $4SO SALE! ,;.i;;i"co~NT=-.~C!.ASSI=~c~.-.,-,,-,, MUSTANG
M9. m Ext. ~lot n :~~Ui~~· c::ibel~~~~ Alk tot s.111 M&Mlft ·~ille~L~~r. 1:~: '68 Camaro R. s. s200 Down Mister ''T' ~~c~~,:u:~~~~:;::, --·----"'--I -. _ ·•·tt•-, now 1S70 HARBOR 51.VD. ~!'13 mu BNr.b Blvd. conditioning, dual eleclrlc & T.O.P. Call 646-7814 alter 645· 1441 go1dthlk leatMr, all pwr, * '6l MUSTANG -~w·70·~~"" ~ cond. t ---=-~·~ME.'lA~---1931 'MODEL A Ford SporfJ Hunlinlton B..m ~ti. 3,400 actual milea.1 ="'=":;_· =======l . .,;2~l~OO~l!a~-~:_,Bl~"d~.,_. ,<'.CJl~I.-air. For appl 841-4558 V-8, "t " SPEED
-• ...; MU ~. m..51m LARGE Coupe, Chvy runntno &e.ar. Kl t&ll Fonner G.M. Exeeutive'a ,65 ....._,.,..,, '6~ CONT., Ha.a Everythlngl Sparklin( ori& lime froat ~ ..,,.. .... car. Clll Sales Man"" CHEVELLE o..nc.vEl..LE SS. 327-350. Pampered by local R.E. Bkr. •"'"· vloylln!. Braod "'w 119 · SELECTION Over$3000invesfed.$1099or IMPORTs WANTEV Munsie 4 pct H I f!!... Bug iunrooJ, xtras. , . best offer 640248 eves. Oran,. Cb.mtie1 CONNELL L I k s . u r • 644-0505 or 644-U33 Prtm!um "Tiger Paw" w/ ~lion. ori. owner. of VW TOP$ BUYER CHEVROLET 1---------1 n ag e. ET r.tap. '62 BEAU'T'. con<!. $695. wall1. Tape deck ... Choice"
CAM.PERS Auto Leost"og 9810 8IlL MAXEY TOYaJ'.A 2828 Harbor Blvd., C.l\t. '66 Chevalle Malabu •Goodye1 .. 0 , ~~ 1Cal1"'1· .,~u37P05alnt. Black. all teather·tull pwr, low mileaee • from a fine .. vw. good cond. New ~ 18S8l Beach Blvd. 54&-1200 2 door hardtop Sport Coupe. . ... Vu.I. <>U'"' nev-: tires. m·8400 home, and only $1799. MAR.
tint. $350 or best otter! HarbOUf V.W. -;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;; Jl Beach. Pb. 847-8!515 '6.5 CAD Brougham; climate "3_271VS", automatic tran5-1965 Cotivt. Full pwr .. xln1 '6.>-LOADED! 1 local owner. QVIS ?lfOTO~ 900 .so. cat ID-3fl5.l • mtlS on, power steerin1, cone!. 10% above wholei;ale. JfWy, L a a: u n a 1 Beach. LEASE • RENT WE. PAY TOP cont, UIUtele whl., 6-w bucket seata ol: con90~. ra· 968-:u&t bef u am, alt 10 $1700, Day M7-6t84, eves 491-'1503, ~3100 .. SQBCK, auto + xtras, in At.rrHORIZED lmmtdlate delivery DOLLAR seat, AMIFM, New paint &: dio & heater. Lie. TSN634 pm 1 64S..222l. _ -.,.-----
w.rranty. $2495 or make of-SALES & SERVICE on all for p:id, Clean used can,, Polyglu dtts; 8 pwrd. 0 S S I ,;,;,:;,.,~------• '85 Mustana:, Oean. Xln't
ftt. Afl 5, 545-4735 pr. Pty. 18711 BEAClf BL., 842-4435 1970 FORDS & all makes. See Georire Rq wind. Top con<l. 613-7549 T DAY' PEC AL CHEV '156, auto, pb, ps," dr, 'COIVAIR t It~ a Ir tunning oond.
WANT!lD: 'fill vw in tra(!e HUNTINGTON BEACH FORD .TRUCKS ~Robins FOJ'd eves. $13'9 r&h,.$1050. '65 MUSTANG, 2 BriUab Green. 39,000 true
tor '67 English Rover 2000 -~,~6~8~VW=~~B"u-'G-'--1 All popular nia!rrs. Fotd 2000Jlarbor mvd. '61 CADILLAC, B 1 a ck ~ dr: •. ~pe re~..;.., S825 or 1~ CORVAJR:· new paJnt & mi's..-Prlv. Pty. $950.
TC. 673-8742 or 673-7792 aulhoril.ed lcuinl ~tem. c.M. &a.0010 ileetwood, air eond., full 0 miuu: cffer. ~ C.M. til;'es, xlnt condition'> ;550, I ;;6'UJJl;o.-~;;T,M,;.•n.~llU'U"""Fri;,o:;._
Must sacrilice! Take older "I" ... ,.. "•H ---'"' G .. _..~ 1•·-'~ d ·' !
•59 vw, XLNT ?-.TOTOR &. Near new, honey creme c,"{I., Get Our Co1npetltlve Rates' , pwr, Days '$6-2026. Eve1 ~ ~ '65 EL CAMINO -----:.,,:.:,,·,,.,.==..,.---I lll66 MUSTANG Cpe, 6
BODY, NE\V TIRES $375. pluah black Int., 4 apd., dlr. Theodore UMd C1r1 ; 9900 543-2'/97 t Aut" ·trans, po\1.-er sttt"""~, * '63 ;vJONZA * eyl~lo. ndio/vibraaonic
66--0508 ROBINS FORD '66 CADil..l..\C e(lnvertible. brakes all' cond, '""' ·auto , KtxXJ ahapel S4SCI. ·n' ·~· '-"""' e"' or
'61 VV.', good cond. Great car In trade or amall down. * FLEET SALE * New tires ~1tamPered. AU e t Sal i $1 99 Private party, 675--0994 someone .. ~7550
5Chool car, •70 tags $.S25. ~s-0634~ Phil, 494-9773
Costa ~s~arbor Blv~..()(JlO (Sl 1968 Olevy Impalas accessories. Far below L. .JtJ, Mist:; "T''l Js.~':i '6211_M100•NtZAc. ;_E~.·1ne,:.~~. ~ ·~a~!~~~t ~re6s.'i.'u' •.,".",.· 644-0064 2 Door • ••••••••., ,.. $1100 book, $2450. ~· ,,., '" Ul Ai ""'"' _..,
'" V W .Roblt ~._. 1970 VW 4000 ml, pvt, ply. (5) 1968 Qi.evy tn1pal&! . '56 CADILLAC, Good 2100 Harbor Blvd., C.M, 494-1509 a fter 6. ihks. $1295. 842-4526. .,.. · · enc . .,.., .. ., nu $2()00, Radio, lite blue. Y' LEASE Y' 1 n..-,. S.19-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 '58 CHEVY Cl I '67 upbol~ed. nu eng 11,,'k. f775. vvu1-.............. $1660 Tran1p. Car, $90 Or Best 97 RJ!O waeon. ean n 1965 CORVAJR Mona conv. MUSl'ANG v.s, Craiger European purcha·sc. '69CadEldorado,full pwr .. (3Jl968Ford0iuntry Oflu .... ·""""r-<"". 1 OHA RBLVD. &outnewtireatrans,gm, ?it GoodCond Bs o Pb 54S-68112. ~2974. ....au ~...,, COSTA MESA ' ' 4 speed. Orie owntr. $650. ags. · l fr
I 11.ir, vinyl top, 10.000 mi., sedan station wq: •••• $19111 ,63 COUPE ~vmo, , -·d·•. ·=='='""'~..::.::;.:_ __ I carburetor, Just bad valve 673-7030 Ovr l1250. SfS..1706. st~.
51 V\V reb t eng. Titts, bat· '68 VW 1rtn in guarantee $179 per mo. (1) 1968 Ford Galax.le Bab' d S ~, ~ =, '69 CHEVELLE SUper Sport job. $300. 544-JU7 ·oc MUstAN. G, Landau top
tery, ren. bnke1. paint, 18,000 miles. LIKE NE\V! '68 Cndlllac Eldorado 4 Door $1600 ie · wet • ...... ::am 0 396, New poly&tas tires. '67 CAP CE COUGAR •
muffler. all new. 846-4325. $1499, al. 536-1319, 6U.1784 radio, air, vinyl top. '53'.i.5290 ..... Drive, $1150. ~ $2425. 531~. Aller 6 pm RT 4 Dr. Hn::ltp. -xlnt coOO. Wide oval tirei..
VW bus '58, en& need1 11,,wk '59 CA.DtlJ..AC 2 d II SJS..7335 k lo G P/s, Pis P/w .l .seatJ. ---$l300. ~9528· --"~-/ 1 • VOLVO Slj9. ')Cr mo. uU GOOD_ ....... ~. oor. ~al ' &S r" ary 20.000 mi. Below bl ue book 1969 COUGAR XR-7
SU'l./14' ..... .._1 w tr r ... '67 T·Bird Landau, f pwr., •TIM~ .FOR .......... .,.,.,,, T•,:'";:;""';;;;;·ru,.,<.:iO<:O'ITT I ~lo~'~'~"~""'.k~w~•'._' 67>-~~1!!#3~-1 Hrdtp. wt laiilau top, 351 V-3,
dac'1. $395. 646-9513 air, stereo tape: i79. per mo. ftUICK CAS * 892--5146 * 67 CHE?VELLE SS.J96, Riff, '68 CHEV Mallb la . auto trans, 'P IS oower disc OLDSMOBILE
'61'.i vw Camper Van. Gd '63 Volvo 1225, 4 dr ™an, '67 Ga\a){!e 500. 2 dr HT, .,. H '61 SEDAN de Ville, r&h, PS, PB, loaded v.·/extras, .u. 1. wag., brake1, po*r Jindoivs, tint _, ________ I
Cenci . $750 or Beat Oiler. $800. Xlnt cond. Evea; or air. vinyl top: $59. per rllc. THROUGH A xlnt cond., full pwr, pr!. xlnt cond. ?!lust Sell $1850 ~-3; ~wr Sl~~en~~ & h, glass, factory alr. X1nt cond. '68 \YAGON Vista Cruiser. 9
pass, while, r&h, all'-, auto,
lug rk, hvy duty, rear llJIP.
Xln't Cond. Oriz. Own.
$2900 or oft. 644-1673, CdM.
'59 OLDS 98 • Clean. Pis,
P/b, wnd11,,·s & seats. Air
cond. Radio. Good tlrea.
Call 894-jj}58 wkends 4~ SO. COAST LEASING DAILY PILOT ply. $395 er best. 968-2130 545-3339 . c air. · Only 11,000 mi, $2998 or
'66 SQBACK w/Nll ·'4· '57 Vo.ivo----I 300 W. Cst Hwy., NB &15-7!82 NO matttr what It Is. you IT'S Beach house lime Big EL Camino, '65 Custom. 311. make oUer.
TnJ1ic zipper &: gu mltfr. $150 qr make ofter. SHO\V )'Ou car-Give a fair ·' 1WANT AD can M!ll It with .a DAILY gest selection ever! ~ ~ Auto. New tires. S200 Down 549-0l'G4
i.,:11;;2St!.==Coll==545-ml===•=·==-====613jl=t=":'=::;:=,.;_;:'hare!O, ==·=====:::--==!:=======--=p1Lt)==T=W:ANT:=:-A-:D;il:6'=2-=56='18,,,:.:;D:AIL:=Y:P:JLO'!'==W=AN=T=AO=S!I & T,O.P. Eves. !>48-7'2
. After Slx I· . '64 fMPALA Super Sport. 1967 COUGAR, ud, XR7,
9IOO New Cars 9800 New Cars '800 New Cars 9IOO 9800 New Cars Air, re.bit en&, good cond. auto, 289 cu, new brakes. l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.;;;;.;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;..;;;:;.;;;;;;;;;.;;;.;;;.;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,i .~67,c3-S~7~91'--~~---shocks, tires. $1799. &H--0483
'58 CHEV. Good lraillp. car
Must sell, best o ff e r.
894-5942 alter 6
lrnp1l1 4 Dr. H.T. VI, hydr1mtllc, power
1l11ri"t• r•dio, h11!1 r, WSW, f1ctory 1ir.
5~11,.\-2 0... H.T. VI, 1ulo1111tic, pDw••
1l111it19, r1dio, h11l1r, WSW, ftc.l ory t ir.
I 5SiZ961
2 o,, H,T.,\la, hycl11m1tic, pow1r 1!11tin9,
11'10, ho•t.,., WSW. ITZICJSl l
4 Or, H.T. ve . ..,..., ...... 1;c, Pll•tf •11111119,
r1di11, .... ...,, WSW, f1.+11rv 1ir, INCC206l
.. Or. H.T. Hydr1mtfir., pow1r 1l11ri ~9. pow·
er br1k1i, r1dJ11, he.tor, WSW, f1c lor, t it.
'66 GTO
2 Or. H.T. \I&, hyclt111'11lic, power ll11rin9,
r1clio, h11!1r, WSW, vinyl top, f1 ctory 1ir. r RZTOOJJ
100 C.11Y1rt. l1clio, h11!11, 111tom1ti1, pow•
t r 1t.ert119, ITPH7lOI
• $977
Demo 1969 GTO
H. T. Cpt. Air cond., pow1r cll1c br1k11,
pow1r 1l11rin9, 11:.on1ol1, turbo hydr1rn1fic,
1tc. 242 379ZI 090~7
Demo 1969 LE MANS
2 Dr. H. T, Ccrdov1 lop, VI, 1ulo .. 1ir
cond., power 1!11ri119 l br1•11, c.111to l1. 12
lo c~oo11 frorn l 117379?110111
New 1969 GTO
Air c.oruf., pewtt el ite. br1ktJ, powtr lltlr·
in,,. turDo hvOrom1tic, 1'4Zl79ZI 2610 I
Demo 1969 CATALINA
2 0,, H, T. Alt cond., coNlo•• top, power
-•IMrl1'19, pow1.r cli1c b11kts_' furl>. hydtt•
m1llc, 1tc, 252l1'Cll2719
.. Or. H, T. Air co...:! .. pow1r window1-111I·
il111in9•br1k11, turbo hydr 1m1tic, etc. 262·
l99CI I 1221
2 Dr. H. T. Air cond., cord11w1 top, pow1r
wlndow1·d111in9-br1k11, turbo hyd11m1llc,
1!1. 262l79CI 15901
l Dr, H. T, Air cond., ~..,•r wlnflow1·1l11•·
ln9, br1k11, t~rbo hydr1m1tlc, etc. 21io2J19·
Cl 161 19
~ []] •
Kl-64444 -·-
'66 IMPALA V8, air, all pwr,
new tires, 1 01\ner Dr. Xlnt
cond. $1595. sr..,.5720
'60 t~1PALA, nu paint, trans,
Inter. Runs Xlnt. $675. Call
536-7000. Sun-Thurs a.fl 6.
'65 CHEV convt. pwr, lo
mlle.!l, xlnt condition, pvt
pty. $950. 6<2-2079
'55 OiEVY 4-Dr, 3 speed VS,
w/overdtive. Sl25. * 5'8-7901 *
$200. Call 5484338
'-tl Chevy. 6 cyl. $50. '42 Tnt'l
Truck, runs, fair cond. ",..,,.
CHRYSLER * Impressive Imperial
1969 OiRYS:...ER lliPERIAL
''LE BARON", luxurious,
sparkling onyx black. 4 Dr
sed, w/land1:1u top, plush
black genu!nt calf skin Int.,
a:.t space qe po\ver_ assists,
AM/FM 1tereo + "DUAL
d~r transferable ~w car
11,,•alTllJlty. Note: "Whole.
We'' blue book: is $4600. Buy
this right for only $4395!
!\tARQUIS fl!TRS. 90o So.
Cst. Hwsy, La&una Beach,
494-i:IOJ or 54()..3100.
'66 Dart, p/s, p/b, r.l:h, 6
cyl, 55.000 ml, S 1025.
8.33.2490 after 6 pm
2510 Fordham Drive, CM
'63 HOLIDAY 4 door: air,
powe r, custom \n1. lifters
noisy. $100 under while.
Finn $350. 54&-9944 aft 6 pm
'67 OLDS 442, p11, pb, vinyl
lop, ale. all xll'U. T.0.P or
cash. E\1'S, wknds 675-3354
1946 Ford Sta Waaon. Hun-dreds of houn spent en '&I Olds 98, . p/b, p/s,' elec.
meticulous restoration of w!ndo1vs, xlnt cond, $750.
wooil & exlerior. Needs only :S4=S-6389==':pvt=. i:p::ty:, ===
J'OUtine mech. .,.,'Ork. $850.
Pvt pty. Eves. 494-4870
'67 FORD Gal 500, t dr, auto,
p/a, nu tires & bait. 1 awn.
except. car. lmmac. in &
out. $1(50. c.11 968-6367 ......
1969 Font--Custom Cl u b
Econollne, V-8, Aulo. $300J.
'68 COUNTRY Squire station
wagon 10 pass., a/c, '70 Uc.
$2595. 644--2246
1964 BONNEVILLE con'lt. niu pwr, air, new glaa
tires, imrnac! $899, Aft 4.
1965 Pontiac Le .Mans, ale,
p/11, sharp. $300 under book. ,.,......
'65 Fon! Wog. A;,, Pi•, p/b, • ,67 Th. d -"'-d
352 ,_ng. ftiuat Sell. 1 ~r. un er.,...
~ •tutty luxury equipped lnclud·
1965 FAIRLANE Ford sec!. in& f1:1ctory air col).), A: vtn,yl
except any reas cfr. Xln't roof. Lie. VCW$2.
coni:I. Call 64>1196. TODAYS SPECIAL
'<! GALAXIE • H.0 . Tp. $1 HS .
Splendid Interior. rirech. ~
1195, 536-<646 ft . , . ' ..
FORD Fairlane '64 Sia \V&n. ..t.. "
.,:, 0:.c"o.'uiss;NTR'~'."54Y~"::· x•nt ~~c,"_,sO
s ........ a .... p/b', ' p/s, rack. 2;)% belo1v blue
bk. 1450. 8-12-4526. '68 GOLD N.Y. Loaded! All
p11T, ll"I Iii ! 1vheel. AIC,
Polyglass tires. recliner 1961 Ford Galaxie :i dr. p/s,
seals. S2875. Priced $300 p/h, auto. Good 'trans. $250.
&49-30'3l Ext. 66 or 6'l
u!Blue Book. Owotr, HB, 1 .:~;.:,..~=~====
53&-7H2 '60 FORD WAGON $7S
1965 CHRYSLER Newporl. l ==00.=;5013=,;';;"';;s/;,,w:;,k~od== full pwr, nu bait. tires.
1965 T·BJJID, Land.au top,
Faclocy air, Ml power, nu
trans, Xlnt cond, $1350.
675-4900 or 968-3673 0o-;,. a.~. 11000. ""'',. LINCOLN pr 49-*-4987 ___ ;.;_;.;_:_ __ _
'68 CHRYS., xlnl, polyg, tires
S7i50. '61 \'\V $ 4 5 0 .
Bargains. 548-4822. 516-3122
· For Daily Pilot \\'ant Ads
Dial &12-5678
196.:i Lincoln Conl 4 dr
S<'dlln, lite yellow, gold
ltather Int., full pwr.. im·
rrac., xlnt cond. except for
Hl'1!s. Priced at $1300 net
DESPERATE r.-tust Sell At
Losa. '64 T-Blrd. Full pwr,
a .c. $150, bst ofr. 536-3383
cash for quick sale. nus is ---------
be Io w wholsale, a real
saving. Pvt pty. 6f6..9781
evt!tl or wkends.
SI1CI\ Shift 1961 4 Jr
Valiant. ;250 Call alter 5 PfP 545-2529. .
Imported Auloo '600 lm,.m.I Autos 96001mportod Autos -
~' WI lltHT ltOlll ••• Ill Tiii
Willi n. l'llrcllese
Of A New Cortlu
-yee ""' • -c.rti .. ,...; • we wfll pay for all the fll tt ""* fot
two f•ll months. A!I 9110lints "'"' ~ ~•Hnad at Surutt ferd.
Mc MfM & ..-fl""l'l't eti 2 llMr. M•t.r N•.
Uft.IAIOllS. lllllril'· •: """-wMfe -1600
,..,, ........ -4 .... ""' Mitt -frt. '*
...... -p.u.4 -..... ~ ""· ""t -.
....., ... ,, ""· --Hitt -......, ~ ._., - 2 apd, wl .. _...,. -teff ~
....... ~es. .... ...,. ..... & ~'·· ~ ,.. ~ ... "'"'· •. ..w ~ ... ,. ,... ..,_, .
We DO NOT requ ire a Minimum Down
Pay ment, li ke SJ 0 do wn, 125 down , 199
do wn, etc . We try to a rran ge down pay-
ments and monthly payments to suit
each ind ividua·I customer. . .
Januarr 1'70 DAil V Pl~OT
I "°" IN1n o new io,.. dMI., h••• In Se. Cellf. f.,
ov.-r 20 )'Hll & I t111ply 1pprfllat1 11 w1i·111 )'Oii do
butl111n wllh '"'• o~d I will peftonaUy 111ak1 l•try
1ffort to Jat11fy you in ,.,..,. woy, to lhal YQll wlll
bee"'"' o good hiend anllf " bootMr for Worlfl.h10M11 Dodge.
Slnc•r•ly, Col Worthfn9ton
· ·. !Sll11htly Dama9edl . 1
Attentlonll The following cors hove been slightly damaged in storage and in 1hip~
ping. They are brand new and under factory wa[ca.aty • .Come in today & make us an offerl NEW '70 DODGE MONACO
4 door hardtop. Urht 1roup, dlK brake1 fron1, po•·er
brake., ant belt ciroup, torqueOlte lnntmi1don, 440
CID engine 4 bbl., thilcd 11111 all windowt, mirror
left 1ide, remole conlrol, air eondhioninJ, d.eetrie doek,
3 1peed windahidd wipers, pawcr window1, -a1lrqpbonle
A&f ndlo, tilt 1lecrin1 11·hecl, power 1tc~rh•1· (Mtr. No.
DEl43-TOD.J 19107)
3 .e1l wa1on, dite brake., power braket, IO"fll'I"
fllte tnn1mi .. lon, 383 CID en1ine 2 bbl., tinted 1la11
all wlrulowa. air eoadltionlnr, elt.ietric eloc:k, lu111111
1'atk, rnu1ie ma11ltl' AH radio. power 1te;erln1, de)~
MAKE OFFER . ~:i~YTliey Laat • •
Frou1 Fac1ory Sticker Prica
Cu1tom 2-dr. hanhop. Radio 1roup, torquet'llte tran ..
mi11lon, 318 CID engine 2 bbl., tlnlcd 11.M all lffndo•1,
Sir condhionlnJ, black ,.·inyl roof, protection Jll'OUP•
(Mtr, No. LH23GORI0940S)
$ 5 3 2 DISCOUNT
1-"irom F aclory Sticker Price
Rtr 2 dr. Jlanhop. Li,ht group, di.e brake.; fi""f't
lwakew, console. torquefiite tr1n1mh1lon, '40 CJ en·
1lne 4-bbl. m11Jnun1, tln1cd 1llU all window1, air con•
dhlonin1, electric clock, hood Ile down pln11; t1c.homdcr
w/ctock, music master AM ndlo, power 'teerinc, aporl•
1;pe 1teerln1 wheel, black vinyl roof, hood perfonnante
paint, blaek lon11tudln1I tape 11Hpe, rallye type wheels.
(Mtr. No. XS29UOGl25328) . $732 DISCOU NT
'•~Ju.el coven. (Mtr. N .. DIM.WD01159990) $913 DISCOUNT
f ro"' F1ctory Slil'ktt Pric•
Super Bee 2 dr. Hanltop. Ll1ht Jll'OUp, po•er brake1,
torquellite tran&mlulon, 388 CID cn,tne 8 cyl. 4 bbl.,
tinled 11111 all 11·indow1, air condhloa.lq, tachome1 .. 1-.
r1dio-mnaic m1ater AM, power 1teerin1"• spcwta trpe titer·
in• wheel, 1a1or crain vin;I roof, wldte h-.blebee 11rl~.
de.luxe wh~I cover1, hood: tie down plAI. (Mtr. No. WM.
23NOE1012) $703 D~OUNT
From Factory S1lclu1r Price
RIT 2 dr. Hardtop. SPtieNI EdlUo.n, lather bucket -1-. ll1h1 Jf'OUp, radio pup, dlte bnkea, power
brakf'-1, eon.,ole, torquefUte 1ran•mi1dot1, 1ure 1rif dlf·
fcrentlal, .YO CJD f!ltt{ne 4 bbl., tinted 1la.H al eX\".
r.olfv. bac.kllte, defoffer rur .Jndow, ilr condlllcmln1,
he1dlamp, time delay, blaek •lnyl rwl, black liwn.bllbee
1tripe. (Mtr. No. JS29UOE110586)
$ 7 3 9 DllCOUNT
Br4nd Ne!' 1970 Dart 4-dr. ~
T~eru1a tn.n•inl•'-. 225 CID _,me.. tinted wfad.
•hl.dd, av1poratlve ~ntrol •y•le.rn, m~le .. a11U AM ndJo.
( florn rlns mfs.lnr, paint di.co~ed, deck lid ttratehed.
and dl..:olottd), Mtr, No. IJA1COR103012) ·
· Make Offer!
Brond New 1970 Dodge Dort Custom 2-dr. H'd/p.
Radio 1ro'up, torquefllte trin1mlHI011., Sl8 tlO encine
t bbl., lin1ed 11111, air eonclltJonlnJt l'inyl roor, (!eratcht•
on rt1b1 & left 1lde, antenna nffda repladnr, moldJn1
bent), (Mtr. No. LH23GOR109406)
Make Offer!
Brand New 1970 Dodge Chellenger 2-dr. Hordtop
Rad'a sroup, co11.ole. torqueOlta lran1rrilla&oa, 818 ClD ,
r.n1iil1, tinted windshield, fritcln ..-lnyl roof. (Paint Mnteh-
"• unall dent leftofflr ~rtcr and ri1ht-front door), (Mtr.
No. Jil23.G0!-111386)
Make Offer!
Brend New 1970 Dodge Poitra 2-dr. Hdtp.
l,firht 1roup, power brd,., torquaflhe tnn•ml11lon, 383
CID ..engine 2 bbl., 1'nlotd. 1la.t, air eoaditlonln1, _eleclric
r lock, 3 1pecd wiad1hkld ,..1pc..., wnnlc ma1tt1r AM ndlo,
db;. wheel cover1, power 11eerins. (P1inl .cratcbed on rlisht
1ide doo<' aftd rotli.tr pattel), (Mir. No. DL2SLOD10S903)
Make Offer!
Brend New 1970 Dodga Coronet 440 Hdtp.
2 door, llcht croup, 1Mqt&en1t1 tran1mblion0 318 CID m·
afn1, 8 eyl., tinted ,1..,, mo.Se mutn AH radio, power
•teer .• dtlaxe wh~I eo•en. (8eratcht1 -ri1Jht 4 ld't doon
and rl•ht front fender. tru.nk loek 111IH1n1.) (Mtr. No. WH23GOE10409) ' •k• Offer!
1961 Dodge Charger 1967 Buick 4-dr. Hardtop ..... """''· .,... ...... $1695 ... ..., '"· ""'· ,.. .. ·-· $15. 9' 5 19~9 Dodge .Dart GTS 1966 Mercury
rH lllf WSW vinyl lop ti11t1d llreku, "''"'-'· 11111, a11fa. 1la;~ ~·c••t .~,, •It Wa•17? Irani., llH, WSW, li11tffl tla ... • ' • (TRl127) • . '
1961 Ford 4-door ... ...., ,,, '"'"'·· .. -""'• $1295 evto. "°"'~ Nd., hi•., WlW,
ti11t.d gklu, •tr· (QfD7S1)
1967 Plylil. Fury
4•4"t, 91Gw•r tl11ring. au!e.
1,.n,., re<lllie, hul1r, WSW, llnl-
iffl-,tlcln, 11c. 1urv21n
1969 Dodge Charger
..... ,,_,.,, NdO, '~"" $1995 lin .. i f lan, otl ''"yl inltrior
,-.;hi! i111t~11 ...m.. (Sit. 029n
1967 O_lds 88 4-dr. H.T.
•octety air (!Ind., poyo1< ti.1tt., $1595 p'llre••'• out1. lron1., rad., hlr.,
WSW, linl.d tlau. (U0703)
=~.,~ ... '','·,.,•!~t"::~.';: $1. 595 Pawlrt11.,i11t,eut.,lral\1.,.-~ $895 "t' ~If., WIW 11,.1, 1111194 ,1_.1,
all •i11yt l11i.r, w/1Nd:1t -ts. -elc, fl1Tn2) 11i1.s2121 _ . , •
,_ ____________ _
1968 Rambler DPL
foci.ty elr <1114., ,...., ,,.... s1395 1119, wlo. fretrl1 .. l&H, WIW,
t111tffl 111•••· ate. (WP~I
1968 Plym. Fury
•.llfr., fMl«y air -4 .• ,.....,
tl1ar,. evil. tr1nJ,. l&H, WSW,
•i~IM tki•J. 11t, (WllAlll)
1961 Dodge Dart
A~lo11Mt11c trant,..lulo~, Mter, $1095 WSW tlru, 111\tad p.,, 11c.
1967 Ford
,,,... r •tH.1119, eui., ll'OR• .•
re<lllt., h""''· WSW ""'• tini.i tkin, 1k. (UIK4 77)
lrand New 1970 Dodge Charger 500 Hdtp.
2 dr., conmle, to,quefifte 1nn1ml11lon, 318 CID enlffte, 8 ~
cyf. 2 bbl., tint~ wlndlhldd, mu1lc m.1ter AM radio, pow•r
11.eering, ddu..e whoel coven. (Sli,ght doot" c~ uid paint
Kratches on body), (Mir. No. XP29GOG1S2719)
M k Off ,., . a e er.
Brend New 1970 Dodge Sportsm •n W1gon
108 w/b axle, ~ar 3,600 lb.. «P• 3.65 axla fmnt, 2$00
Iha. c1p., 318 ea. In. n,ine, S 1peed lottdfilte tnn1mlMio.,
tinted 4 1t.11 wln4'1h1Pi1, ndlo. (Rear burnptt 1r1l1U.1,
•llibt Kntelan on+>• (Mtr. No. AlSAEOU1086S9)
lf'llke Offer!
. Brenil NIW 1970 Dodge Sweptllne Pick·up
128 W/h, 318 Cit. in. enafae, 3 1peed lo.dOltci trannni11lon,
1inted tlau wlndthleltl. (Slla:ht paint chlp!I on riJht •i•e,
Kratch o:t rfaltt door). (Mtr. No. Dl4AEU10192S)
Make Offer!
Brend New 1970 Dodge Challenger Hdtp.
2 door, tortp!:efUt~ tnft1ml11lon, 22S CID en1lne, tinted
wlnd1hlald1 ~~1111c· ~•lcr AM, ,,Ower 1tettlnJ, tllxe.
.. heel a..... (Paint ehlpa on hood, deck lid chi.PPM.
.erate&•-rl1ht .t left 11d11). (llU'. No. Jlf23COE102110)
M•ke Offer!
1961 .....
llui.. •-··U H, W5W !lrt1, 11....., tl•11, •fl. (PPZ•1tl
1961 Chev. ,_ .. ..,""I''' ...... , ..... "-·1-GH, WIW, ttl!IM ,1,,.. !N,DI 1
1962 Chev.
,.._ -""· ""'" .,.,..,, UH, wiw 11tet, l1111M ,1-. (tllrJOQ'
1964 """' h miclllll• . A~ ... 1-., IN., lllf .. WSW, II,,... 11-. !Vu.of" '
1H4f ....
,._ ,_111t1 .... "·~··· 1-.. .• ltlf., waw, "~'" 11eet. to1P)l4
• J.
s ' I
. .
• .., I .,,
, J\ I . -1
; 1' ••
l . ' i I • l
I • . :i
• ! . . •
• ..
• 1
: I
-1 ~
. ' ... :~ .. . '
: i
l : l
:· .
1 .
. .
····--····---··----'----------------------------....;....;.:. ________________ _
-=---=---~~~"'"""!!"""'~~-.... --""!'"-----~.,..-......... ------------------•
&Ordlf, -..h.nuarr ll, 1970
-., \ r . ...,..,.....-·~ '"''· ' ..
Even when measured by Cadillac standards of ex-
cellence, the 1970 Cadillac is sure to exceed your
greatest expectations. Let's get together soon for a
. demonstratioo ... driYi_e. ·
...... -.,I ._ "
}966 · 1''our j'~l"I f>ld.. but ?ts. cla~ic ~ality and ~utelul ~le· J968 1\ previously o~·ned 1968 Cadillac offers so much more 1970 E\·~n the newest model of the world'1 finest lw:ury car
_ .. gance still g1y-e 1t a d1atincti on that only Cadillac o(f~ra. tl1an many !1ew, fully equipped, medium-priceO cari;. Of -a car of uncompromising d egante, comfort and per-
And heeaW!C jt'11 endow~ with Cadillac engineering and craftman-eour~ you'll enjoy Cadillac luxury, elegance, comfort and crafl5-formance-competes in price and economy of operation with can 0{
1hip,plu1sornanydesirablecomfortandconvenience features (you'll mane:hip. But you'll ill110 he impre!sed with Cadillac's big 472 V-3 far leM stature. Thousands of loyal Cadillac ownen will testify .to
even ·enjoy variable-ratio power 1teering with a 1966 Cadillac) it'• engine ·and the precision of illl standard power 11teering and power this /a ct.,. and also lo the fa~t that a Cadillac will traditionally re·
likely to offer more driving ple&M,Jte and owner 1atiafaction than braking. All this plu1 the pride of ownenhip a Cadillac pro,·ides. turn, on reule. a larger proportion of ita original cost than any other
moat new cars in ill price range. ·' . , car built in ' e. land. , f
· .. ,Over 80 Quality :C-.4illacs to Select -F'oin ! !
L~rgest selection in Orange County;:'. I
' .. ,, .
• • •
1969 CADILLAC ' 1968 EL ))()RADO 1965 CADILLAC 1967 FLEETW~D .• .
C..Po off Viti• .... vtlfvl lmi..ai, 111-._;,~ bl•.._ 'tlo~I te, ""d !>lad! .. _ .... .,.,, ... ,,~ i..1 .. t<ot> ..,d 1•ld cl•tli ond lhlt..r io!o<io•. ,.,,!I &Mo oM v.11 •• Salo!• blat~ w1•• ""'l<~hlf ;,.i.""'· 'wll ""•' •uip-l routh•"'· Sh ..... -I'"" wltli ~l«k r.p •"" ~ ~ 1nW1 .. , ... lti 004 leolhtf 1to1 .. i.... f•ll ,._, 1ttcte<Y .;,, -doet le<b. -· lac1err ol• .,.odM..,101. or.,.. J.M/fM redlo, «•I,. co•H•I, ., ... pl~• io.-.., oit co•dHi•o•••· AM/fM t0di•, Hll306/ full PoWO<. lo<to<y olf, r;!t ""ilsol , ... , .. AM~ _,, ... ftrb,
ANJtM oHle, OPl!t freot -w!lh l•di•idNI Po--1010. (J91~1J4$), .,..,., -lecb, b!aM .,... w!lili> oldo ... 11 ,;,.,. (IUSf1~J .,.,.., lrirok r•i.o,., •t<., ••<. tUPS131 I '
' .
c..,,. •• V•llo. f!91 l•i....o O<I•• -~~ wlolto !op ood •••• <101t. a...i l Coo• ~udltD. Ml'll ~,.,.. ,.,,.,,., wlttt _,,h!n• ckl•h ' '""'"'' 1"· Sodoo. !0<1ol ••Ho "'irh l>loc~ """' ••o o•d bla<~ Ila•~•• 10!01,or S.rla• do v,110, E'"""'"' b• ... with wlilt• laa o•d 1 .. ,~., '"''''••· hll i..,,~, lolula<. f ull powor, I•<...., ""• ,._M/fM '"d'"· ,,l!.fllH(Of'" '"""" futl pOWOf. fod.,y ol•. l!h whHI • .,..,., _, ltlc~o. """' co•• full .., ... ., "'" '"''"'1 a'• co••i1tool•1. "°""' door la<kt, AA/IM ,.. .. .,., toota<J ""· """"' -le<b, •-• d.!H•••, AM/fl'+ «•di•. (Vllll 11Mri•t wioMI, '"'"'"' d••< le<b. P••mlu .. lhH. (SJ\1351 !ro1, AA/fM, twllltM >1•'1•01. CVC\1161 •o<lio, ol<. IW8Z22e'I 214)
c..r,,. • v111e"'Goi14.llret1tlt1 •hh ~l•<k ••• ••' ble<k '-"" !oi.•ior.' Se-<ht v;11 •• ft•I"" whtt• '"Ith ••'Q•l•I•• ..,.,. <loth ood r"'°'"" Co • .,.. lilln1 blu• wit~ blue 1-o!W io!orlet, f•ll """• fo<l<>ry •Ir, w .ldeot ton• .. Hbl•. ''"" .,..1r,. ,.., .,..,;., wit• Moel< loP ·...,, Madt -... • hll _ .. , fctdoo<y oi< <O<l<ll.fl.,.ltit", ·-AM/,M <o'I•, lllH•l•"°'!'t< ·-1~~10• lftl1.,.I••. '•II .,.,..,, ,..,..., oft •••cll!lo~lnf, · NIJtM radio. <ot11iit;o•;n1. l>.M/fM «tdlo, Po•tf door 1.,b. ovTomotlc crvlM ,.,,. •ln1t )•1t<ior. full """· ftt<!Of'/' ol• <•••1ll!i••io1, 1'.M/,11+ rodlo, dolu•• , ~ ... ..i.,.1, ,,._ ·-teib, ""'lltlil -~Ml, elc. A l••1l1 eo•. (1111171 • ttol, !TXU26) whool1. !TRH1}1! (YpY4Jll
SALE $ 4999 PRICE SALE $2666PRICE SALE $1_55S PRICE . SALE $ 43·33PRICE . ' ,. ' ' --
-" • -Your -Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Ser11ing the Orange ~rbor Area
. -
2600 Harbor Blvd.,
C.osta Mesa·
' .
8:30 AM to 9:00 PM Mon. tbru FrL • 9:00 Al\f to 6:00 PM Sat. and Sun.
lmmed'iate delivery • Exc1ll t ~lection
Over four acres of factory author· -
lied total Cadillac facUlries desl9n•
ed to lietter sell and service new
and 11nd CadlBac · a11to...iaile. .
' .
• •
~ • t
I '
,. 1;.
,. I
I '
Falllily ffeekly DAILY ·PILOT ·
~Is My Husband Should All ¥oth8"
Dead. or .AliYe?" Get a Salary?
J AN u A R y 3 1 I 1 9 7 0
I.earn Faster
FOR DR. /..tllES ..4. BltVSSEL,
tUl.lltor o/ .. Caebook o/ 11
CriMe Pirclticl1ill"'
r .. 1uu1 ..... ,.,.,..
em C091..e,.,. • ...,
aAe BfHloA s.r.i.,w
... .-lll•tlS...Nr~
•"" .....,-olkn. Do yo. "-oe GJ1 •""'1o• -.., tit. Sia.,..,. Tale • .,.u., ;. HollytOOOflt -Curia
Fri61al, U~ N.Y.
• The group charged with the Tate and
other murders oonatitutea what psy·
chialry c.lls .. sociopath.ic behavior,"
which comprilles character diaorders in·
eluding criminality, sexual deflation,
drug addiction. etc. Thetie indiTiduals
are from birth or early de.elopment
lacking iD emotional 1tability. They hue
no we for aocial more.. and are disdainful
or sentiment such u the Colden Rule,
patriotism. and the righta of others.
""""'' o I .. , Hou'° Coolc Cookbook"
If yoa lude 1o eoo~
.-., ""' ,.,. love lo
tlo1 -D. De~
Ja .... a, N.Y.
• J love to read. snorkel, play tennia,
write, walk. travel, hang wallpaper,
make fudge (l don't coo.aider that cook·
ing), bird.watch, drink, talk to people
who interest me, and learn thinp.
Arlbtpia N~ COfda7
I• Praitkrd F,..AldiA
~ll hrW la
..4 rli•6•••1 -L•o
S...W., c-..o, IU.
• Preeident and Mn. Franklia D.
Rooeevelt are interred aide by aide on
the grounds of the late Preeident~s
ancestral home, located at Hyde Park,
New York.
#Ul.IAor a/ .. All T~.
Baa Cluwlie Claa11 MMtr
Heft played Oft 1A4'
.creen by a C""--1
-Coara F lorello,
Brooldyit, N.Y.
e No. Warner Oland was a Swede.
Such other Clans as Sidney Toler,
Roland Winten, and radio'a Ed Begky
were very Occidental. too. A Japaaeee
actor. Sojim. played him as a very mi-
nor pre·O .. nd supporting role. But no
What In Ula World!
NASA's Texas IOM After each auc-
ceuful aplubdowo of an Apollo moon·
flight, it hu become a tradjtion for ev·
eryone involved to light up a cigar-and
that includes pretty, blonde Poppy Nonh·
cutL AA a member of the computer staff
for TRW Systems Group at NASA's Mis-
aion Control Center in Houston, Poppf
ia a mathematician responsible for com·
puter information for maneuven which
bring .(poUo spacecraft and crew out of
moon gravity and home from the moon.
The 25-yu.r-old native Tenn is the ooly
di.ta! member of the crew of engineen
Fro~ "Poppy'' Norlhcutt
and tcchak iam. A graduate or the Uni·
1'Uaity of T exu w:ith a malh degree.
France. .. Poppy" Nortbcatt work.a in th~
Flight D,namice Support Room for the
electronica firm which buih the Lunar
Module descent engine. T'boqh Poppy
ia on equal 1tatu1 with the men. one
retro oflicer in Miasioo Control com-
mented: .. Having Poppy on the team hu
sure cleaned up our .. nguage!.,
Pooch Perch Latest accessory for in·
dulgent pet owners is a doggie look-out
perch for the c.r. Thia collapaible meNl
Auto P9t Acceaoty
perch 6ts on the back or front eeat. bu
protective aide panda to pre.en.t him from
eliding off on sharp curves or sudden
atop-. The seat affords a pet eye.level
comfort wb,ilc riding in the c.r-and any.
one who has taken a dog for a ride knows
how they like to look ouL
Hkalps Cure? At Boeton City HMpi·
1al, an aide. w:ilh the phyaicians' appronl,
experimented with a new hiocops ::.cun:."
Re ~ts the euJJerer upright, then tilta
the bead back while applying one drop
roa TVLL.411 B..tNLEY,
.n col/eel« ,. ,, ...... ,,.,,, . ..,.,,.,
,,.,., •I .._ r. u..,..,, B_.,. Celleedo• '"8
... , •• lo ........ ,
If ~ -"ere .,.. IAe
........ t-Jolua ll•rda, O.U..,
• Yes-it ia true. The pa.intiop are
going to the Den•CT Museum in Col-
orado and the DeYoun1 Mmeum in
San Francisco. The boob are going to
the Uni-.enity of Tes.as Library in
'OR lfll'IO W BE~, cuAot-of
•rk Y fltiaaa E..,,Ue"
84*1 ....eA tloea llM
:......~~~-: Po-pe r~ioe bl •Llry1
.i: • -JI". Ber,,_ S•JCA..
F U..aed, Conn.
e When he was Cardinal Montini or
Milan, Pope Paul VI received about t800
a month. But u Supreme PootiJJ, he re·
ceives no salary .
roa JllCB..4EL l'..tRK.S
o/ .. Tltat c-Br,,,,.,."
Flao ... 1ca llut ,....
&oreyele ,.. ""'-.. .,...,. le~....,,
K.I. s..,er ..tir Feree
~ JI~ Mid&.
e It is a Rariey-Davidaoa 900cc Sporta-
ter (modified) .
ltftelllly Oft ""' "»-•
MorliA Sltow" fotll loo"-
ed ao JOfUI« •Ad .....
tifal ,,.., fM IW.d ay
ai worll .,,... 6iTla
and I .a.r1eftl fliaaua-
ia6 roar •«e· JI" oaU )'Oii ..W ~
iaf Ito• oW yoa are1-""· C.Orwe
B~ I..acaa~r, P• •
• Many thanks for your very kind and
Rattering comment It really buoye the
spirits or somebody who WU 6() years
old on May l, 1969. I am .ery thankful
to God that I feel so great and actite,
e!pecially after my recent major surgery.
Yaar lo .... a ,._ ..,.._ a .-U.•P Y-aa ..._,. dU. ·-i.-. ... we'll pe
.... --,,_ ... ,.._.i-t ..,.._ Te. ..... le. SeM ....... ""'....., -• .... eenl, to A.ls 11-a Y--U-. Fa~ YeekJT. 641 Lextast-A•e.. N-Y_.,, N.Y.
10011. Ye _... ...._....., .. e.tiw, bet IS wm a.. peW fer .-. -......
of ammonia in uch nostril This is fol.
lowed by a few minutes of OrfJeD iaha-
lation, which produced 100.percent suc-
c::eee in the 57 pabcnta who tried iL If
you're hiccupping, get your own phf&i·
cian'a opinion 6nt before trying this!
Choleea Oft the House When a family
goes house-bunting, a multitude of per·
aonality traits comes into play. A survey
made by a New Jersey development firm,
Hom.ao.ian Enterprises, showed that there
are certain psychological diflerenoea be·
tween men and women in the way they
regard a house. For example. women e•·
preesed great.er concern in a home as
a place in which to rai9C children. Also.
a woman is more interested in the home's
convenience factor since she spends more
time ia it than probably any member of
the famiJy. The home bu to re8cct her
feminine personality, yet be practical,
economic:aJ, and comfortable.
Indian Giver Dick Cuen. talk-show
boet on ABC-t., told a.a that his Nebraska
childhood was .. not the unhappy kind
you're supposed to have had in order to
be a good comedian. My parent.I were
acbooheachers, which meant nice. long
Diclc Cavett
aummct Y&cat.ions together. One of my
favorites was .when I was seven, and we
went to ace the Indiana. The great.eat
thrill was getting to know a real Oley·
enne. He let me take his picture in full
drea. But it also became my wont W.
illu11ionment : my ·t~· charged me 25•
for posing!"
Family ~ , .. Hew.,.apw 111.,.-. F•lmulrw 1, 1110
LlONAID S. DAV1DOW P~ IC*lrT R1'ZOlleOM 6"1-•·CAJ•f
MOlrTON ,.._ ,...,,.,,._ MCI[ lrYAN 111.-,; .. SAIM
W. rAOl THOMPSON A4entift•v Dittc&o,. MAllUS N. ftlNQUE Art Di~ctoT
A-'-U A4•. 111,,..: D...w M. ......... , B..c.rn. A4'o. Mll.ANll DI f'llOfT ,_,, ~
111,,..: ..._.I ...... I N-Yorlr ~ lllt1r.: 0-.W
S. W-, R•,;-.I s.:;-.::ri·: ...... j. ~ W..c-. .44•. ,,,,._. L ~I Clii~ S.W.
1llt1r.: .,. "-· Jit.i Dd~ Sa'-llr.: ..._ L • t -Jit.; llarhti,._ 1>1,..._: IW ...,...,
,....,..,,.. R4ielleM: ..... D. C-..,, Lee a., ..... ............... n.-... o......
~ ·~.....,.. AIM;;a1s.
tw &.e.l.a, ... I 1 l if, T.ny .._....,
,_ J. o,. I .. I'· .... c:e-t.
A-.... A~ Dirwt.r: ._.. .....
~-''-ot ... Ur: ............ .
~•A.._rMoi._.H~:M1 '-U' •-........ Y ... N.Y. teen 0 1'1'1. •AMILT WlllClY, IMC. ..... _.....
You •e Invited to IMll JOUr questions or commem lbout 1ny article or ldwertisement that appe1rs ln Family Weekly, Your letter will receive • prompt answer. Write to Service Editor,
F1mily Wtelly, 641 lellniton Avenue, New Yort. N. Y. 10022.
Discover the secrets of .
gift deco-rating!.
Before yci11 'no• It creatina 1 decor1tlve MCI useful e1nni1ter llkt tllls
"just comes n1tur1111t"
folb 1111y t>ecin blddinc for 1 beautiful on.-ot-1. '1nd w111 plaque
Hke this tven
before the paint Is dry.
A feW dltls of s*flt
Ind a rustY. W11ttler·
beaten 1111llllo1 becomes this dlarmlna brud bOJ.
decorllllll turned this old
coffee p0t Into
I $50.00 'tepllke.
Once 1 riist1 fryln& PIJl-llft decor1t1n1 fumed It Into a
colleclol't UeMW'-.
You can create beautiful gifts like these even if you've never painted before.
(-and make up to $50 a week selling your gifts, if you choose.) hand-painted decorator ~ for thdr homes,
too. "My friends and neiahbors." aaya Mrs.
Marilyn Belford of Tulsa, Ok.Jahoma, "have
kept me busy peintina milk cans and recipe
boxes, and I've done two trunk~. What a happy
whirl I'm in!" And within dll)'I from now you,
loo. ca.n be in a happy whirl enjoyina the fun,
the excitement, and 1£ you wish, the profltl of
decorating gifts at home.
I MAGINE! Just a little paint ... 3 simple brush
strokes ... and you can tum trash into treas.-
ures. junk-pile discards into &!amorous gilts--
even if you've never held a brush before. ln
your hnnds a bauered old coffee pot now be-
come:. a work of an . . . a rusted tea kettle
chanacs into a charming aift planter ... a for·
gotten camel-back trunk becomes a beautiful
hand-painted hope chest.
.... •1111-no apedel t.lent needed
TodaY the Decorative Arts Institute is helping
thousands of men and women create bnutiful
decorator picc;es at home. You. too, wiJJ be
thrilled to dhcover you can create lovely trcas-ur~ven if you can't draw a Straight line.
Mrs. Ruth Miner of Lubbock. Texas writes:
"I never had a brush in my hand before but
after the first 2 lessons I have sold to our
largest department store!"
What's the secret? The discovery that with J
simple bru~ scrokn (the ..ame strokes used to
apply lipstick), you can decorate for fun or
• • • •
profit, 11!1 you choose. Quickly and eas!lr you'll
sec exquisite ROSES and FLOWERS . . .
and BUTTERFLIES ... come alive under your
brush a~ if by magic!
E1m while you leam et fMMM
Even u a bcginncc you may find friends. dec-
orators, even gift shops eoaerly bidding for
your unusual one-of-a-kind creation~mc
timcs ofTerin& $10, $15, even $20 for one. Soon
after starting, Mrs. Eileen Baer of Hot Sprinas,
Arkansas . wrote: "I know my wort isn"t real
areal yet, but my thing.s are beina arabbed before they're dry!"
Go on 11ntlque tr .. sure hunl8l
Everywhere you look-attics. basements, bams1 sheds. junk-shops, second-hand storn-you1
find "ircasurcs-an-the-rouah"-waitina only a
few strokes to tum them into stunnina objects
of art. Friends may be& you to create lovely
• • • •
Enlor 15-c1ay EHmlnllUon
The~lcte Course is shipped to you at once.
Yes, yo get everythina in one bi& shipment •..
42-i decorator's kit -87 patterns -24 les-
sons -all the paints, brushes, and decoratina
supplies you nttd-and much, much morel Yet
the entire Course is yours for only $39.50 com-
plete, plu_~ shipping, if deli&hted with 15 d~
trial first. And even this ~mall amount may be
paid in easy monthly installments. ThiJ has to
be the bigg~t value of its kind in America when
you consider lhat you're &ctlina many of the
basic materials offered in the nationally adver-
ti~d Advanced Cour5e which sold for $149.SO.
• • • •
YOURS FREE : ~--~t -FREE G.F:;-cAR~-~ -
Yours t.o kffp-even
If you decide to
return the course.
~·; .. -~ ;, <I •.,J . .
-..... .-....
I m, Decoretiw Arts lnttftut•, Dept. 278 ~\\ 400 Community Drive, Menhauet, LI .• N.Y. 11030 I R u1H me at once the four Woodcut and En1ravln1 Reproduction• •• • frH alft with my complete Court• and Decorator'• Kit. After I 1 examine Court• for 15 day• and decide to continue t undemand you wlll blll me $4.50 plua $2.50 for 1hlpplna. then $5 • month for Hv•n I month• (totil paym1nt1: $42, lncludln& thlppln&). NO RISK GUARA~·
I TEE· 1 underatand there 11 no obllaatlon to buy and If not 11tl1flad. 1 11 retu0rn Court• within 15 days and owe nothlna. I kHp free &lft In I any c111.
I Pl•ll• print
Studeau ~rute beaatif81 .Vta, tltea •8CI
ldten Prailhlc tlM joys ad prof·
its of tdft clecondoal
"I cleared $250.00 last month-and Q I didn't even leave the house!"
-LolS PULUO, Louisiana ~1'!:~ ~uired 30 school desks ... which l
am retlnishmg ... I hove them practically all
sold." -Roun WarnMANN, N~w York
"Wanted you lo know how very pleased t have
been with your course. And t didn't know how
to hold a brush in the bcsinning."
-Louise Oren, Call/ornia
"Nothing I can think of now could
11.ive me more pleasure than recom-
mending Decorative Arts Institute:.
My ob~live in talcina their course
was to supplement social security
and e "!'-all m~ntbly pension. Th.iJ I am Cfotng ...
-JOSEF F. WILSON, Penn.srlvanla
ACT ~OWi 4 woodcut and engraving
reproductions ~-..
Yours for
the Course.
even ir you return
400 Com111Hlty Oflft, Mllllllnlt, l.I., IU. 10030
Yrs. rush me ot once the 4 Woodcut and Eoarav-
fng Reproductions as o rree gift with my complete
Coul"'le and Dfcorolor's K..it. After t elllmjne
C-ouni;c for 15 days, I understand you will bill me
$4.SO plUll $2.50 for ahippina. then $5 a month
for seven months (total of payments: $42 includ·
Ina shippin14). NO RlSJ( OUAllANTEE: I ~
derstand there is no obligation to buy and if 001
lati~fied. I'll return Course within 15 days and
owe notbina. l keep Cree aift in any cue.
STATl! _________ ZI, ____ _
L _ - -----__ .;:.":."_J
.l"1. present and future: how
would you like to receive a
salary for staying home and
raising your children?
A bombshell proposal to put all
motbenl on the Government payroll
wu recently advanced by a leadiDI'
unmnity pl'Ofeaor. He calls it "wo-
cial aecurity for motherhood" and
a.rsuea It's hish time America bea'an
eompenaatin&' women in c:o1d hard cub
for inva~ ao much time, eneJ'S7,
md work in bepin&' bouae and rear-
ina' tlJie next reneration of citbena.
Aat!IGr of tW idea ia Dr. David G.
Gil, a eocial lclentiat at Brandeis Uni-
ftftity. Since 1965, he had been in
charp of the U.S. Children'• Bu-
reau's nationwide study of the child-
abWle epid.emio-tbe "batt.ered child"
pheaomenon. He wu al8o a con.sultant
to the National Commiaaion on the
Caaaee and Prevention of Violence.
Dr. Gil's plan, formulated over a
period of years u he studied the
pl~bt of America'• mothers, carries
a joltinl' price ta«--about $40 billion
a year, he eatimatea. However, it
would substitute for all of the pl"eleDt
welfare pl'Ol'J'UD.8 involving mothers
and chi1dnm.
The proposal published in Cl&il-
drn, a profeuional journal of the
U.S. Department of Health, Educ.
tion, and Welfare. hu already tric-
send bot controversy among experta
in and out of Government, including
IOIDe mot.hen tbenuletv.ell.
Here la bow it woaJd wort:
>.. aoon aa a woman 1eaml she ia
about to h&1'e a baby, she wou1d reg-
ister a claim for wape at her 1oca1
Social Security office.
Each month thereafter, she would
receive by mail a check for $890, or a
Get a Salary
A proposal that the Governmen
t.otal annual p.:y for $4,680, the cur-
rent minimum wage authorized by
law. U thia ia eventually increased,
mother, too, will get a raise.
The number of children or the f am-
ily'a eocial or income level won't affect
payments, however. At the ~inning
of each month, the mailman would de-
liver checka in the same amount to
the wife of a barber in central Als.-
bama. to Mrs. Jacqueline Onua1a in
New York, and to mothen in l'betto
tenements and suburban split-levels.
M long as they are not workin&' and
earniDI' money, motherhood pay
would come in regularly.
To help larger familiea, Dr. Gil
u.J'I the plan could be tied in with
eome sort of family allowance ayatem
for "all lecal mi non."
Payment would continue until the
motber'a care is no longer needed for
her children, an age to be specified
by law after evaluation by experts.
Being married would not neceaar-
ily be a requirement. Any mother
would c:oDect.
If a mother want.a to take an out-
side job, ahe moat forfeit her "mom
pay," but arrangements could be
worked out to permit her t.o wort part
time and get reduced mother's wages.
Dr. Gil believes, however, that even
mot.hen with full-time jobe should
receive some compensation "because
motherhood ia a 24-hour proposition.
When she comes home from work,
there ia still a great deal she must do
for her childnm." ·
,,_ reaction? Explosive cm both
aides, u you might expect:
Mn. Robert Wacker, Jr. of West-
wood. N .J ., who haa five boya under
16, aab: ''What c:ou1d be better than
being paid for aomething you love to
do 1 The idea is tremendf>ue. Let's
make Dr. Gil Prelident!"
Jin. KarJl Cheliua of East Roclc-
swa.y, N .Y ~ irbo bas two gTOWD chil-
dftll but three otbera 13 and younger,
arreea : "Kotben are practically at
the mercy of the breadwinner. Actu-
ally, many of WI muat ·ask for hand-
outs every time we need more money
for the hou.ee or any extras. And who
libs that?"
But another mother in Nilas, D1.,
mape tartly: uorbat profeuol'.. mmt
bave ·a com pat.er for a brain and aome
other kind of machinery for a heart.
I rear 1117 three babiee out of love for
them and their father. Bein&' offered
money for what I am doinl' would be
ll1te being paid for sleepiq with my
hoaband ! rd feel like hired help or
far wonre."
Caroll .. Bird, author of "Born
Female the High Cost of "Keeping
Women Down," ..,a, -rhiB will add
immeuurablytowoman'• aelf~teem.
We live in a money aociety where
everything haa its value. And yet the
moet important thing in it is outside
the PQD1ent qstem. Anything done
just for love, evm raiainl' child.nm, ia
bound to loee in pre8tip."
Betty Friedan, the .famed feminist,
thinb the idea ia pu.~t doesn't
p far enoqh. The author of -rhe
Feminine )(ystique," who ia president
of the National Orsanisation for
Women. would Uke motben to be paid
whether they work or not. "'Other-
wise," she claima, "the money becomes
a bonus to keep them out of the labor
force and in~ kit.chen." ·
Mi11 Friedan would also allow
mo then income-tu deductions for
A $40 Billion Question!· By LESTER DAVID
·pay monthly wages for all mo.thers at home has stirred a hot controversy
child-care expenses, such
as housekeeping and
baby sitters.
On the other hand, the
former director of the
U.S. Women's Bureau in
Washington under Pres-
ident Lyndon Johnson is
hardly enthusiastic. Mrs.
Mary Dublin Keyserling
agrees ¢hat no family
should be deprived of a
minimum annual jncome,
but "I don't want to see
payment made for rear-
ing children, which I
think is the greatest
pleasure in the world."
She adds: "Both par-
ents have ~ua1 responsi-
bility in the home. Both
rear the children. I do not
believe that emphasis
should be placed solely on
a woman's contribution.
It would be like paying
one half of a team for a
job accomplished by
Clark W. Blackburn,
general director of the
Family Service Associa-
tion of America, also
casts a negative vote for
the same reason. "Tome,"
he says, "the plan puts
too much emphasis upon
the woman and too little
on the needs of the f am-
ily. In .some minority
groups the male is the
one who needs to be built
up in terms of job traiir-
ing and job opportuni-
ties. Any plan that omits
• this over-all considera-
tion would tend to fur-
ther weaken family life."
'leveral economists in-
terviewed winced at the
expense of the program.
"Where will the money
come from?" asks Dr.
Martin R. Gainsbrugb,
chief economist and
senior vice president of
the National Industrial
Conference Board. "The
tax burden is bound to be
oppressive and, besides,
we wil1 stilJ have with us
plenty of other problems
such as inadequate hous-
ing and education, juve-
. .·
nile delinquency, broken
Dr. Gil is aware that
his proposal rais~ many
complex issues, one of
which is that when a hus-
band is working and bis
wife stays at home, she•n
collect mother's pay, but
when a wife is working
and husband stays home
because of joblessness or
illness, he won't coJJect
"father's pay." Another
problem is the program's
$40 billion-a-year cost.
However, an out-of-
work or ill husband does
collect various welfare
benefits, and even the $40
biJJion eslimates may be
on the high· side. For ex-
ample, Dr. Gil points out,
husbands will no longer
be able to claim wives as
dependents, meaning
more income-tax dollars
for Uncle Sam. In addi-
tion, some mother's pay
will be returned to the
Government in taxes, and
the more affluent f ami-
lies will return a larger
share proportionally be-
cause of their high tax
bracket. • • Finally, Dr. Gil would
enrich the tax coffers by
plugging up the loopholes
through which the Gov-
ernment loses vast sums
annually. Joseph \\'.\
Barr, Secretary of the
Treasury in President
Johnson's cabinet, said
just before he left office
that the total revenue
loes from these loopholes
tops $50 billion yearly ..
Society, Dr. Gil be-
lieves, has a vital stake
in and a deep responsi-
bility for the rearing of
"We rely upon them
for nothing less than the
continuity and survival
of our way of life," he de-
clares. "The least we can
do is pay the people who
bring them into the world
and prepare them for a
place in it." t
I . i
She is one of thousands of American women
who live in. a Jimbo, not knowing the fate
of their husbands missing in Vietnam;
she has only this plea to Hanoi: Is My Husband Dea
It wa.r onl11 taatiwral /<>r "C4n411''
EAgtn to '"4fTJI a pilot. Hw /a.tluJr
.oa.r a. Nat111 /Uet", ated a.a aoota u 1"4
10aa old enoug1' t.o be o.ce~Ud. a.t !O,
1/u begtln f lvino cu "" airliM 1tet0-
ardua. That wa.a in November, 1985.
A f ftlJ mont1'a l.ater, de nut Clusriu
Pari.trh., G 1f0tt"f1 ,,W,t V1lto lta4 fut '°°" IW vn.g, i• tM NtWW, oad tJ&4y
were 1'1Ulrried tM folWwi'llg Novnt-
ber. TAit it Mr-•torr :
T HE ORDEAL doesn't begin
very differently for any
of the women, the more than
1,335 wives and mothers
whose husbands or sons are
missing in Vietnam.
Mine began that hot Thursday
aftemoon of July 25, 1968. My hus-
band, Lt. Charles C. Pariah, U.S.N.,
wu flying an F-4 Phantom Jet off
the carrier _.men'.ca in the Tonkin
Gulf. I had sublet our house at Vir-
ginia Beach and come home to be with
my parents in Alexandria, Va, while
our baby was born.
Hunter wu a beautiful baby with
golden hair and blue eyes. He was not
yet three weeka old the day that our
telephone ~an ringing.
My parents had gone out, and I
was alone in the bonse. The calls were
from Navy offioen, asking for my
fad.her. He'a alao in the Navy, ao I
didn't attach any significance to it~
though there were a number of calle.
I didn't know that the callers w~
tryina' to reach my father eo he could
break the news to me, or that one of
our friends w&& driving around the
lout shopping center looking for lllY
parents to telJ them that Chuck had
been shot down over North Vietnam.
My parents returned at about 4 p.m .
and immediately there was another
telephone cal1. I was feeding the baby.
After I placed Hunter in his crib,
Daddy came into the living room and
said there wu bad newa.
Quietly, be t.okl me all that wu
known. Chuclt'e plane had been bit
over North Vietnam. Another flieT
had eeen biaplanegoingdowu at 6,000
teet and tried to make radio contact,
but received no answer; be aas°"ed
both crewmen already had ejected.
Chuck'• plane was seen to craab-
"impact" wu the Navy word--in
Commun.i.at territory. If Chuck were
able to hide and make radio cont.ct.
a rescue mia&on might still pick him
up. We would be informed.
I always knew it wu poeaible that
my husband might be shot down. It
had happened to othen and could hap.
pen to him. But I neve-r really believed
it. Even in pucetime tbe wife of any
man who flies realiR8 that on any
flight eomethina' mQ' aro wrong. But
abe puts the tboq'bt out of her mind,
or buries it IO deeply that it rarely
surfaces for more than an instant.
Cl..dl GIMI I knew that one d.-y his
ship would be sent to Vietnam. We
knew this early in 1967, when we had
been married for leaa than three
montha and the A~ sailed t.o join
the fleet in the Mediterranean.
I flew over that February along
with many of the officers' wivee, and
we bad a wonderful time, meeting our
huabands at every. port the ship via-
ited, then going swimming, sight-.ee-
ing, and 1hoppin1 together. But there·
was a general belief amoq us that
after this cruiae, the AtMricG'• next
duty station would be Vietnun.
In Aqmt, we wine retm:ned from
Eu.rope on a plane we had chartered.
When Chuck's ahip aaiJed into Hamp.
t.on Roads, I waa waiti.q' for him, and
we rented a house at Virginia Beach.
'1,gai.n, it was a wonderlul time. The
booae was right on the beach, and
other fliers and their wives would
come over in the eveniDP.
We mew it WU tranaitory. Tha~s
part of service life, and you accept it.
So wu Vietnam, and we accepted
without words that Chuck's squadron
would take its turn at combat flying.
Jin. Clta-rlu
Pa.ri.11' 10ritea
ftelOB of Mr and
~ to Miaaiftg
""' baM, toOft-dniflg if it "1ill
1t1er r~h him.
We knew th.ii when I became pree-
n.ant, but we didii't talk about it. And
I wouldn't change anything. Thoee
were glorious months. We wen in-
credibly happy.
When I was f ive--montba pregnant,
Chock aailed for Vietnam. When Hun-
ter waa born on July 6 in DeWitt
A1'JD7 Hmpital at Ft. Belwir, Va..
the fact that I wu the only woman
in the maternity ward whoee husband
wu not with her didn't worry me. I
had Chuck's Jeu.,n _and tapes to read
and listen to, and I ju.at knew I bad
the handaomest baby mr.
Chuck was informed by cable, and
hia taped reply waa ecstatic. When I
«c>t home, I sent him a tape of the bab7
crying and told him: "Set your alarm
for 2 a.in., then get up and pt.y this.
Thia ia what it 10Unds like at th.at
hour every morning in this bouae."
Chuck never bad a chance to. answer.
When Daclcly told me that Chuck
wu down, that it actual':ly had hap-
pened., I couldn't believe it. I heard i~
I knew it was true, but I conldn't ac-
oept it.
Chuck ia aix-f oot-one, 180 pounds,
alert, resourceful, and fall of life. Peo-
ple like tbatdon'tjustdiaappear. That
first day, I kept thinking they would
hear from him, pick up a radio signal
to home in on, and winch him up to a
helicopter and safety. It had happened
before and it wouki happen this time.
On1y it never did.
That evening at about 9 o'clock a
chaplain and another offioer came to
call The officer was &Migned to keep
me posted on any information the
Navy received and to help me with the
financial attain regarding Cbuck'a
p-.y and allotmenta. An officer is u-
aianed to every woman in 1111 situ~
tion, and they do everything they can
to help.
In spite of their best effort.a and
the e.fforta of many kind people. it's
a very personal nightmare. Mine
besan that summer afternoon and is
still eojng OD.
I took our baby and went back to
Virginja Beach. where Chuck and I
bad been together. We lived in a town-
bome apartment, Hunter, our duch-
und Saaha, and 1. Two months later,
the bundle containing Chuct"s belong-
ings was delivered. That was a partic-
ularly di!ficult time, unpacking and
puttllla awa.y his clothf.8, bis toilet
articles, bis camera. Those first
monthe were the worst. Sometimes a
few wive.a of fliers would get together
for dinner or a movie, but it was hard
to feign cheerfulness in our poeition.
A news report that Chriatmaa said
arrangementa were being made to re-
lease American flien held by Hanoi.
Later, we were told it bad been an
error in tranalation. In the beginning,
I bung on every word, every stoey
that mentioned the prisoners in North
Vietnam. But there would alwa.ya be
that awful letdown, the realisation
that there waan't goina' to be any list
of namee or free exchange of mail, at
least not this time.
S... of .... wive& still go th.rough
this at every acrap of newa or rumor
that comee from the Paria taika or
from pacifist groups here or abroad.
I don't, not any more. I won't let 1111-
aelf get excited. I wait to be notified.
I think I'm storinar it all up imide
me, and it will spill out all over some
officer who one d.-y brings me news
of Chuck. That poor offioer ia goinar
to have a scene on his bands.
Last September I came to Washing-
ton, D.C., with a number of wtvea
whoae husbands were miaaing or
known to be prisonen in Vietnam. We
visited the House of Representativee,
and the House pueed a reeolution con-
demniq North Vietnam for its ~
fuaal to abide by the Geneva C.Onven-
tion on treatment of prisoners by not
furnishing a li8t of prisoners.
Afterward. there was a reception
for the f amiliee, and we dillC0.88ed
what e18e we could do. We had formed
the National League of F&m11im of
American Prisoners to exchange in-
Fam;Jy~/Febnuny 1. 1970
or Alive?
formation. work tosetber. and try to
help one another. lt'a one organi~
tion that nobody wanta to jo~ and
new members are never weJmme
After trying 80 Jong to be patient
and unobtrusive. it felt good to be
making oorae1ves hea.M, to bow that
wicee wen ~ raised OD our be-
half. I had thoqbt for some time
about IOina to Paria to uk the Com-
munist delesatee to the peace,, taJb
whether they couldn't pleue sive me
aome wol'd of 1117 husband. I watched
the Parle trip of four women from
Ten' the first of 22 relatives who
would visit the North Vietnamese del-
~ when I ftlld that they
weft Wu.red iJ7 the Commu.niatB that
they woold receive word of their bu-
~my mind wu made up.
I --••ti home from Virginia
Beach. and on Sept. 28 I flew from
New York to Parle in the company of
-four other wives and the father-in-
law of one of the miaaing men. Wear-
rived OD a Sandq night.
On Monday we obtained the num-
ber of the North Vietnamese delea-a.
tion's headqaarten and telephoned
them. They promised to call back and
let ua know when we might be ?9-
ceiftd. At 10 :30 Saturdq mominc,
Oct. 4. we were told we bad a 4 :30 ap-
pointment. We were there at 4 :20.
Four men received as and bepn tak-
~ information: pictures for identi-
fication, birth dates, service number,
rank and branch. date shot down, and
80 on.
We sat in a large room that I vague-
ly recall was decorated with llOJDe Ori-
ental art and were sened several cape
of Oriental tea accompanied by North
Vietnameee candy and Freneb cakm.
I waa told that Ho Chi Minh's picture
wu halllinl' just aboft where I sat,
but I waa ao nervous I never NW it.
All I CO.W think of waa that these
men could tell me about Cbuclc and
deliver to him the lettel'8 and pictures
of me and of the baby that I had
brought all thia distance.
Thia ia the cloeeat I've been to him
since he vanished. I thought, and I
waa terrified that I might do or aay
something to ruin our chances-bis
and mine. Everyone waa being very
polite and forma1 daring the two
hours and 15 minutes we were there..
The North Vietnamese apokesman
was Xuan Oanh.
. iato gift bo%
for 1uJr N """ 1ubca"4
•lu tliU.tu
Mid eaptiwe i1la
Nortla Vidwaa.
paeblga get t-0
li•. T AeW •ma
We wen asked what iMtrut:tiom
the Pentagon had ghen aa, but we
explained that we were acting entirely
on our own. with no guidance from the
Defense Department. Xuan Oanh sug-
geeted that the Pentagon wu inter-
cepting our mail and that •aa why
we hadn't beard from oar husbands.
But one woman refuted th'ia by
eqing she bad received eirbt letten
and four post.carda from her husband
in North Vietnam in the fOtll' yean
since he wu taken priaoner. They
were addreaaed to her home and were
delivered. We said we felt certain th.at
if more Jetten were mailed from the
priaon campg. they would be delivered.
We sat through two filma, one
ahowing damage from napalm bomb-
ing and the other •bowing the releue
of three American prisoners in Au-
Ill.It, 1968. We bad brought with u.a
letters and pictures from relatives of
other mlasing eerricemen, which we
gave to our bosta. We asked if it would
be neceuary for each of the.e women
to come to Paria to Jea.rn of their
mm'a fate. and the North Vietnameee
said it woaJd not be neceuary, that
relatives could juat write.
When we aaked whether we could
do anythin&' to help our husbands, we
we.""e told we should join Dr. Spock
and Women Strike for Peace and dem-
onstrate 8l'ain8t the war. Bot I don't
know of a aingle wile or parent of a
man who ie miaeing or captured in
Vietnam who baa done "this.
0. ralwr' 9 f70m Parle, I reall;,
thouaht that l would get word of
Chuck. When someone makes such a
direct promise, on a matter that ia so
important, I tend to believe him. Per-
haps I believed becauae it meant so
much to me. But with each week, I'm
lesa confident. North Vietnam said in
1968 and apin in 1969 that w-e cou.Jd
eend packagee to our huabanda. Both
timel I aent Chuck medieation-oint-
ment for rinporm, body lice, intec-
tio~and vitamins, candy, tetten,
plct~. boob, cards. But I don't
know whether he received them.
I keep active, for bu.ay days paas
quicker. I wmt to the United Nations
when Jin. Rita Houser, America'•
repreeentative to the Human Riarbta
Com.million, raieed the iuae of the
priaonen in November. I've been in-
terviewed on television. and I apeak
to church &'J'OUpe, women's cJube, civic
sroupe, an7 UMmblT that ia inter-
ested in hearing about the plight of
the capti"9 in North Vietnam: bow
they are awakened at 5 :SO a.m., listen
to SO minutes of "Hanoi Hannah'•"
version of the news. are fed pumpkin
aoup at 10 :SO a.m. and 4 :SO p.m., the
onl,y meala of the day, and are kept
isolated and idle in order to break
their spirit.
To l•tereatecl groups, I auggnt
that they write to the President of
North Vietnam and uk for humane
treatment for our men. We make no
demanda on Hanoi. We are juat u.k-
ing, really we are begging, for word
of our huabanda and aona.
Even were I to hear from Chuck
before this ia publiabed. thi• night-
mare wiU have luted far too Jong.•
Fomil11 Wuk/11, FelmuJ''ll I, 1110 7
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Our $4.40 Baby Carriap
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tbe Baden ca1fskJn over t be fuhJonable Boston tut. wltb handsomely perforated ttp Ya.mp and
lace staJ, oak soln an d a Gne doneo'ta top. Tbe
shoe la ftUe<l In the best m anner. wtth nne lnalde I.Op facing. Pact la, It la m ade rtcht
along side of our beat ahoea by the aame 11boemaken, and no matt.er what the
cost to uia. you get auch a aboe aa no one el.te can
offer for the prtoe.
Shiu and ball
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D. E and ltlt.
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A M ERI C A AT THE TURN OF T HE CEN-n TURY . When penny candy was ki ng ...
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I 4500 N. W. l35th Street, Miami, Fla. 33054 1 Please -send me ___ ~•rs Roebuck 1902 CetalQiS f0< only I $3.98 each plus SOC for postage and handling. I understand If I
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------------------------------...... ---
A If
Food Editor
• What better way to espreM your love
t or family and friend. on V alen&hae'a Day
than by aarprialng them with tempting
food--beaatilal and 1wnpt11ou.a.
Cherry Bavarian Valentine
2 atY. ualHOl'M gelati•
l teupoo11 IJ'OGJMI gmger
% teupoo11 Nlt
1 Jar (8 n.) re4 ••ruclthlo
eherries, drained aJNI dlopped
Syrap fro• •aruehiM cltttTies
plu water to •ake % nap
6 en yolb, alicliily beata
1% cape.nk
2 dropa red food coloring
6 en wbitea Y1 cap aapr
Z cape heaYJ creaa, whipped
to softpeab
MaraadUno cherriH for garuillh
1. Combine gelatin, ginger, and Bait in
top of double boiler. Add cherry 8yntp,
egg yolks, and milk; blend thoroughly.
Cook over boiling water, Btirring con-
Btantly, until gelatin is· dissolved and
mixture is slightly thickened.
2. Remove from heat and chill until mix-
ture mounds when dropped from Bpoon.
Stir in the chopped maraschino cherriea
and the red food coloring.
3. Beat egg whites until frothy ~gTadually
add supr, beating constantly until stiff
peaks are formed. Fold in cherry mixture.
Reserve % cup whipped cream and fold
remaining whipped cream into cherry
mixture. Turn the mixture into a l<kup
heart-shaped mold (see note) and chill at
least 4 hrs. or overnight.
4. Unmold f>nto a serving plate and ou~
line heart 8hape With cherries OD top Of
mold (Bee photo}. Fore~ reBerved whipped
cream through star tube in cake deccr
rator to make ftuting around cherry heart.
A botit 1 t 1n'f!i?Jg1
Note: If you do not have a large heart.-
shaped mold, one can easily be made
from aluminum foil. Cut a heart from
heavy cardboard, making it 10 inches
acroaa at the widest part and 9lh inches
from the tip of the heart to the depre&-
Declare r01tr af!ecticni for tlu>H J(OM '°11e
toitll Cltm-rr Bat10rio1' V alntiM, dtlicoltt
J>iftk..aM-aol&ite l&eart-1h.a.JHUI duurt, tze..
cented. with red maraachino ch"'°"u.
sion. Slip the heart shape between two
sheets of heavy-duty aluminum foil. Turn
up the foil to form a 2-inch deep mold.
Smooth and trim.
Cinnamon Hearts
t cop ame4 all-ptll'peM l •r
~ cap ••gar
% teaapoe• cro--1 c:iaaaaoa
% teu ...... tt
~ cap IMttter or aarpriae
Ca.rraat Jel11
Ci•namoa Candy Frostiar (tiff recipe)
1. Sift the ftour, sugar, cinnamon, and
salt together into a bowl. Cut in the but-
ter or margarine with a pastry blender
or two knives until particles are the size
of rice kernels. Gather into a balJ and
knead lightly with fingertips until mix-
ture holds together.
2. Working with a portion of the dourh
at a time, roll dough % in. thick on a
lightly floured surface. Cut out with a
lightly ftoured 2-ln. heart--shaped cookie
cutter. Transfer hearts to ungTeaaed
cookie sheets.
3. Bake at 850°F. 8 to 10 min., or until
very lightly browned. <;ool on wire rack.a.
-4. Whip currant jelly with a fork and
sandwich cooled cookies together with a
small amount of jelly. Decorate with Cin-
namon Candy Frosting.
AbOMt ' do•. /Uled. COOAIJ•
Note: On a busy day remember the
cookie mixes and refrirented doughs
available in the market. Sandwich the
cooled baked cookies together with plnk-
tinted commercial froetln1 also prepared
from a mix.
Ciaaa•oa Caady Frostiag
Combine 1 tableapoon red ctnaa.on
candles and 1 tablespoon water in a Bmall
saucepan; beat until candies are melted.
Gradually add % cup confedlonen• au·
pr, aifted, to hot mixture; blend until
smooth. Mix In crea• (about 1 table-
spoon} until frostin• i8 of spreading
conaf stency.
r • ..u, w.-,., F~ 1, tno '
1 .. FREEi A• Offici•I Ce11y ef
Pope Paul's
on Birth
You've read about it in the press. of course,
and heard it discussed on radio and 'IV.
Aod you've beard it challenged, debated
and criticized as unrealistic, behind the times..
not jo keeping with modern man's sociaJ
needs. You arc asked by some to consider
birth concrol not as a moral question, but as
a matter of economics, over·popuJacion. aod
sophisticated family planning.
But the Holy Father ... as the Vicar of
Grist on earth ... has the divine command
and consequent obligation to instruct the
faithful on mattrrs of faith and morals. And
binh control ... for all its social and material
aspects ... involves a most basic question of
Christian morality.
So that you may read exactly what the
Holy Father did say, we have put the complete
rext of Pope Paul's EocyclicaJ on Birth Coo·
trol into a handy pocket-size pamphlet which
we'll be glad to send you free upon rcquest-
Just ask for Pamphlet FM-69. No obligation
. .. no cost ... and nobody will call on you.
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Don'\. be eo ..n.kl \ba\. JOUr ra191 ~UI wUl come k>aee 01t drop Jua\ at the wroq ume. Por m.on MCUJitJ end more oomron, lllflnkle ramoua
PA81UIH Den\ure AdbeG'fe PoW-~ 00 7our pla\ft. PA8'lllfB hilim cffe\UN9 A~ )Oapr. ~MUDS eu&.ft'. PA8TDTll M alb-11__...0Q"\ eour uncl.r ...... .,_,.
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The cry of "Gold in-California" once electrified the nation. Today it is
"California in Silver" that offers you an exciting new adventure and opportunity as
. .,/
The only Proof Edition of this heirloom
series that will ever be minted.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
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Subscription Rolls Close
February 28, 1970.
with each order!
c.::. -_, I
California! A name still filled with the magic
of other eras. A land of contrasts. Of mis-
sionaries and mountebanks. Of gold·fever and
broken dreams. Of Klieg lights, earthquakes
and hot dog stands. Of Sutter's Mill, the Gold
Coast, Hangtown, Cuidad de Los Angeles, Ana-
heim, Azusa and Cukamonga.
I ncredible California. The subject of countless
songs, innumerable books and millions of
feet of film.
And now comes the most fitting tribute of all:
The history of California will be captured for
the first time in an heirtoom collection of
minted Art Medals.
Sixty exquisite relief art medals, issued at the
rate of two medals per month by the Cali·
fornia Commemorative Society, can be acquired
in your choice of solid platinum, sterling si lver
or solid bronze.
This unique series will be minted for the
Society by the world 's foremost private
mint: The Franklin Mint. Each medal will be
hallmarked and will have the brilliant proof·
quality finish which represents the epitome of
minting craftsmanship. In solid platinum or
Ru-sH OF THE 70'5
sterling silver, each medal will be numbered
on its edge to permanently register the in-
dividual subscriber's exclusive ownership of all
medals with that number in the first edition
proof set. The medals will be one-and-one-half
inches in diameter ... larger and thicker than
the silver dollar.
Aspecially designed album, to store and dis-
play the whole set, will be furnished to
each subscriber with the compliments of the
Several factors combine to make this one of
the most important series of fine art medals
ever offered to the collector of coi ns, medals,
historical mementos or art treasures in pre-
cious metal. They include:
Historical authenticity-The California Com ·
memorative Society has brought together a
distinguished group of"•historians and numis-
matists to serve on its Advisory Board. These
experts have carefully chosen the sixty most
noteworthy events in California's colorful 400
year history. The result is a compelling docu-
mentary of our most interesting. romantic,
exciting and controversial State. The subject
of 1969. Univer-sity of Pacific
history profn·
sor end author.
Renowned for
his dedication to preservl n1
California his· tory .
MEADOWS Hist o r ica l author and edl·
tor and a mem·
ber of many
major historical societies. Book
matter is timeless ... of great edu~ational
value for generations to come.
Strictly limited edition-No more than•s,ooo
subscriptions can be accepted for proof sets
in each metal. Applications in excess of this
number will be returned. This unusually low
limit is specifically designed to enhance the
future value of these proof sets. When one
considers that only one out of every four thou·
sand Californians can acquire a sterling silver
proof set (not to mention collectors through -
out the rest of the nation), the opportunity
for appreciation is obviously substantial. This
series can be considered a "rarity" from the
day the first medal is struck.
Unsurpassed quality -It is only through vast
experience and application of the very highest
quality control standards that The Franklin Mint
has earned its reputat ion as the world's fore-
most private mint. The Franklin Mint is known
and respected by collectors throughout the
world for its high artistic standards and f law·
less workmanship.
Lone-Tenn price protection Regardless of how
high metal prices may climb during the 30
months during which this series is minted, the
prices of Solid Sterling Silver and Solid Bronze
medals will remain fixed at the price as indi·
cated below for each metal. The monthly pre·
payment plan (in which the subscriber prepays
for only the two medals issued that month) is
designed to bring this superb series within the
means of even the modest callee.tor.
For the collector who must have the ultimate
in rarity -the Solid Platinum Proof Sets
-price protection can be offered only to the
extent that the subscriber is willing to share in
the bullion investment. Details of this arrange-
ment will be sent to each applicant who spe·
cifies Platinum. . .
These are important considerations. But.
perhaps, the most important of all is the
feeling of personal pride in owning and dis·
playing this truly remarkable series. Here is
a source of great satisfaction today ... a treas-
ured heirloom tomorrow ... a personal treas-
ury of precious metal in a world that is finding
the supply insufficient to meet demand. All this
can be yours if you act before February 28.
This unusual offer will not be available at any
retail store at any price.
ANDREW OSCAR LEWIS Callfornla his·
torian. blo1ra· pher end novel·
1st. Publisher of
more ttlan two dozen Ca llfor-n I a h i s t ory
ROLLE Occidental Col·
l•I• histo ry professor end
member of Call·
fornia history commission. Au·
thor-hlstorl•n and ...clplent of meny awerds
•nd honors.
Author ano his-
torian and pro·
ducer of m•nr. book• on Cal .
fornl• history.
Member of •
number of his· torlcal socletle~
President of th•
Catlfomla Com· memoratlve So·
clety. History
buff Cf'Nt~ Of The World 's First Minted His-
tory of Cellfor· nte.
TOLINS,JR. Franklln Mint
director of Commemol'1ltlve
Society pro·
1ram11. Coordt-
netlna editor of
the Callfornl• Minted Hlsto,y. .----------------------. I
Must be postmarMd by February 28. 1970 LIMIT: ONE PROOF SET PER SUBSCRIBER
The California Commemorative Society P. 0 . Box 2366 -Capistrano Beach, California 92672
Ptuae enter my subsc:riptlon for one complete Hallmartled Proof Set of The Medalllc History of l:allfomla. conslstlna of Sixty Art Med•ls
-on•and.on..tialf Inches In diameter -to be Issued by Th• Callfomla Commemorative Society •t the rate of two per month, bealnnlns
In April, 1970. I would llke my Proof Set to be struck In (CHECK ONLY ONE)
i ) Solld Brome . . . . . ti> $5.50• per medal ) Solid Stertlnc Sliver @I $11.00• per medal
) Solid Platinum . . fl $1000.oo• per medel •ea11fomla State Sales Tu included. If my subscription la accepted, I understand that lheM medals will be struck expressly for my •ccount ind I qree to pay for uch two medals promptly upon belna Invoiced on a monthly p.-..payment buts. I also will receive. at no eddltlonal coat. • deluJ1e album to houH
my Proof Set. Enclosed Is my remlttence to cover the flm month's two medals ('$1 t.OO• for Bronre. $22.00" for Silver, or 52000.00• for l"tetlnum). Tiiis remittance la to be retumed to me by Men:h 30, 1970 If my subscription Is not eccepted.
~•m...._ _____ -----------,=Pl-•aM'"Prir1tCiearty)
Clty ___________________ stat.-----------.-..·P--------
Sll'llatur.__ _______________________________________ _
I Th• Callfomla Commemoratlv• Society Hom. Office -•001 Calle Juno. San Clemem•, Cal. 92672 ~--------------------~
-~ ~ -----------~~~~--------------------.......................................................................... .
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A New Way tO
Learn Faster
I F TlME IS money, as it has often
been said, then we may all be in
for a raise, thanks to language re-
searchers studying superspeed
speaking. ·
Anyone who has ever listened to a
speeded-up tape recorder giving out with
thoee shrill and squeaky comical sounds,
knows that speech occurs at a standard
fixed rate.
Now language ex:perta are beginning to
tell us that it is definitely po88ible to eom-
presa speech into haH or even a third of its
no.rmal time, with in.creased comprehension.
In fact, these experts say, compl'eMing
speech into fractions of its normal time can
command more attention than normal talk.
ing rates. Conventionally, we operate in
"low gear'' in speech, but along with speed
writing and speed reading, there i8 really no
reason we cannot have speed liatniJtg.
Various machines are being developed at
the present time which to88 out unneeded
aounda with discrimination, enabling the
listener to learn more in less time. These
devices, however, are all designed to im-
prove the rate at which we can learn and
comprehend ; they are not presently aimed
at malcing us speak any futer.
Compressed speech would have a hoet of
applications in education, communications,
in the Armed Forces, instruction for the
blind, industrial training, library research,
and language study, just to name a few.
Pioneering research in compressed
speech techniques has been fruitful at the
American Institute for Research in Silver
Spring, Md., where Herbert L. Friedman
and Roy 0 . Freedle have exposed college
8tudenta to taped pa.saa.ges from normal lis·
tening speed of 176 worda per minute to
fast, 475 words per minute. According to
Friedman, "With little or no practice, stu-
dents get 80-to 100-percent comprehension
at doable their normal speed."
According to Dr. David B. Orr of AIR.
normal speech allows the fast thinker's
mind to wander. Speed~peecb would not,
however, be confined to the very bright. It
can alao help the poorly educated to learn
to read because, according to Doctor Orr,
studies have shown that significant read-
ing improvement takes place when printed
words were accompanied by speech.
Compreeed speech is being used more
and more today to speed up teaching of the
blind by concen trating information in
spoken form. Since the avenge blind per.
ao~ cannot read much beyond 90 words per
minute in Braille, bis learning pace i8 cor-
respondingly slow.
12 FatJtilw Wnklw, F~ 1. 1110
Machines currently being developed to
compress speech are designed to remove
tiny ae«menta of sound at equal intervab
while restoring normal pitch. Thia ia
achieved by rotating the playback bead in
the direction the tape ia moving. Conver·
sely. speech can be slowed by rotating the
plByback head in the opposite direction.
As the devices become more sophisti-
cated, they will lend t.bemaelves t.o being
programmed to slice away vowels, conao-
nants, silences between words, etc., so that
the maximum intelligibility is achieved.
Denver, Colo., radio station is reported
to be compressing its output by some 17
percent in order to cram more music and
news into each broadcast hour.
Perhaps the most fantastic suggestion
with respect to the possible uses of acceler-
ated language is the idea put forth by some
research scientists that would make po&-
sible a "dialogue'' with animals. Research
with birds, dolphins, and other members of
the animal kingdom has established that
their speech patterns are more efficient
than man's. Sounds made by such creatures
have been recorded, then broken down and
slowed, and found to contain traces much
like human words. Speech compreasion,
there! ore, could lead to some form of com-
munication betw~n man and animals.
So far, there is some question as to just
what is the optimal speed for humans. An
average high-.t1ehool student reads about
225 words per minute. an entering Harvard
freshman around 400. Average speeds: 125
to 200 words per minute.
ReeearcherB are fairly certain that moet
individuals could easily digest compresaed
speech at a rate of 500 words per minute
with their usual comprehension.
But whatever the pace, it appears t hat
science may be on the verge of another
breakthrough in the area of faster com-
mun icationa that is well suited to the jet
age and its needs. •
sometntng etse. agam ... 1~n on1s11~s "' ... HC'\I, V l \..I t \.\JOQ\, ll;) "\Jl \Jl Ill
What Is th• Unused Letter?
Our English alphabet has 26 letters.
In the following sentence 25 letters have
been used. What is the letter not used?
In February we enjoy celebrating the
birthdays of two extra-important men,
Washington and Lincoln, and we make
quite a holiday of Valentine's Day, too.
(See Answer Box)
The Dancinc lllng
By Caroline Jo Pryor
In days of old there lived 'a king
Who loved t-0 do the Highland F ling.
He danced through Derry while the queen
Turned somersaults along the green.
Andy, Tommy, and E laine are bound
for Grandma's house. But since they were
last there, snow fences have been put up
and a snowstorm has brought more snow.
Can you help them find the way?
Answer Box
·,{uuad e pu!r ·saw1p JnOJ
•.aa:µRnb •nuop JlBH qsuu4 'll"W '"!H
·1! U! Sl!S auo OU UiHfM :3(PP!ll
·z Ja1la1 a4J. :.1<>n¥J pasnun
Family Weekly, Febn1nl·11 1, J 97n lJ
Riddle Me This
When is a chair not a seat?
(See Answer Box)
Hi, Math Fansl
A man has seven
coins that add up to
$1.16. Wba t are they?
(See At1B10er Box)
A river in a valley,
Waves in the sea
Gueu What
By Ann Davido1u
A sea of faces going by?
All could be.
Cash In On Flower Power ...
Work With Lovely
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A few real or artificial ftowera coadn1 pennies may brina up to $10 and
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Weddlnp, banquets, dances, funerals all offer bll·profit opportuntties-
also alft flowers and plants for Easter, Mother'• Day, Christmas and
other holldayL fine opportunity no m.tter whet9 you liw-bf& ~.
small town or on a fann. Our complete HOtM Course Includes a bi& Kit
of professional Flower Arnn1in1 supplies, shows many ways to tum
your kMI of flowers Into cnh profits-right In your own hofM. Or open
your own Florist Shop-easy to start with little cepital. Fine for men,
women, families. Many job opportunities, too, et hl&fl pay. Dnlane~
with tralntna and skill &et Mlaries to $150 a week and morel
Learn To Make Beautiful Wedding Bouquets and Remembrance Pieces
FIMGI Art.r Stud•11t ~1: .. ,...,,. ...... ...,
$100••••11 ............ "'" ......... Cllll
do •• .,..,. tltllt.
bpect te °"" ....... 10 WAYS TO MAI( llllONEY AT HOii( Willi nowm
Eaamlae t.be coune llftd all the deaip m.leriak. Try your hand at
IOftle ol tbc teclullques ( lncludl11• maldJla Anlftdal Flowcre!) IHI«~ you d«ldc. EvcrytllhlS to plft, notMt11 to loae.
Skiing: More Fun Than Acting!
The star of the acclaimed film "Downhill Racer"-and an expert skier
himself-describes how he got hooked on this fascinating sport
I WAS 12 when I put on my
first pair of skis and hated
it. Some friends from my jun-
ior high school in Los Angeles
were talking about going ski-
ing the folJowing Sunday.
"Come along," they suggested.
"I don't know bow to slci," I said.
"I've never even seen anow.''
"C'mon, Redford, "they said,"there'tt
nothin' to it."
They neglected to mention that all
the other guys who were going had
skied before and not ju.st once. J didn't
know bow to even put skis on or stand
up or tum around.
I rented a pair of heavy, wooden
skja that looked more like driftwood.
The re.n~ boob were ill-fitting and
cracking at the seams. Standing up
was, I found, a major achievement.
W allring around on sltis was some-
thing else, too.
I can't remember how I got on the
chajr lift, but it took a lift operator
to get me off. My friends were wait-
ing, poised for take-<>ff.
"If you want to stop, snowplow,"
one said. "You just point your tips
J started to inquire about the sec-
ond step involved, but they were gone.
I was alone. I had two choicee. Get
Aa.ck on the lift and go down and be
crumbled with embl\J'rasment or ski
down and have a go at it.
Not knowing any better, nnd
loaded with the confidence that some
magic "\.now god" would lake ca.re of
it all, I took off.
I don't know how many limes I fell
and how many trees and other skiers
I missed by the time l hit bottom : I
just know it was like being on Tele-
graph Hin in a runaway truck. I was
glad I was down, didn't know how I
iCft there. didn't want to go again.
Nevertheless. I had another co.uple
of go's at it while attending the Uni-
versity of Colorado at Boulder. I liked
mountain climbing, and skiing would
have been a natural progression-ex-
cept for one thing: just about every
6tudent did it. It wu the "in'' thing.
Tb.at put me off.
In 1963 I rmaDy got hooked. I had
truilt a howse in Utah, near Alta., one
o( the foremost powder~snow aren.s in
the world. I listened to the natives
ta1k with glowing reverence about the
area and the sport.
This wu without pressure or sales-
maruthip. I finally became interested
in skiing on my own term.a. Once I had
been taught bow to ski, instead of
pointing the skis downhill and yelling
a lot, it became wholly different.
I had alw~ loved speed. Here wu
a scene that. to me, was using speed
in the purest form; nature's own
gravity-very little between you and
the mountain. ju.st two boards and
some straJ)8. Yoo weren't bound to
the dependence of a mec.hanic or a
piece of machinery or an asphalt strip.
I began to go after it. It was raw
fun. Everybody began to take a hand
in seein~ that I learned the sport---
f riendR and strangers. The motivation
was simple. They wanted to see some.
one ehle enjoy the sport. Also, every-
body loves a good crash.
At first, I went too fast. I was anx-
ious to attain a supersonic boom. But
there was no technique to support the
desire. 1 feJJ a lot. I swore a lot. I raged
against everybody from lift opera-
tora to lift towers.
But things eventually came t o-
togetber (though I still swear a Jot).
Robert Rfd/ ord o•d CamiUcs Sparo
3tor ift '' Oow111'ill Raur"-o filM
abOMt 1/cin-1 au 01ut Jnan'• obluli11•
fight /or a coveted Olympic award.
It baa now become, for me, a high per-
eonal experience.. One in whieb, wb.J1e
cloin• it, nothin• elae matten--no
personal problema, no career deci-
sions, no newspapen, tv, or phones to
disturb me. A relaxiq form of physi-
cal f-reedCllD.
Skien aeem to be a breed of their
own, with a common intenst that
transcends political or racial beliefs,
spans income gaps and social bound-
aries, and makes a community of good
f ellowahip instead of the friction that
is hanging up our society these ~-
lft a Wfr11 it WU inevitable that I
became intumted in competition. I
had been in competitive spo!U most
of my life u a kid, and while I had
never ski-raced. I wu convinced that
the drama of racing wu worthy of a
film. Unfortunately, it wu an uphill
fight for "Downhill Racer."
In spite of the four million skien in
the U.S. alone, none of the studioe
shared my enthusiasm. The argument
that a film about skiing could also
make a comment above sport, and
would intrigue non-altiing audiences
as well, also fell on a lot of deaf ears.
Thu.a, the project, filmed eventually
for Paramount Pictures, became an
obeesaion with me ..
There were key fipn!j! along the
way. Bob Beattie, the U.S. ski-team
coach, wae helpful in allowing myaelf
and the writer, James Salter, to travel
with the team up to and during the
Olympics and making available bis
technical knowledge of the sport.
I also was fortunate in having a
partTieT, Richard Gregson, who shared
my enthusiasm and volunteered to
produce it. But to gel it financed, I
wouldn't get a salary.
Whlle we were shooting the film
all over the place in Austria, Switzer-
land, and France, there was only one
man at Paramount who had any faith
in us or the project: L\l~kily, this was
Charles Bluhdorn, chairman of Gulf
and Western, of which the studio is
a subsidiary.
We were hampered by the addi-
tiontl misfottone of my having
crashed on a snowmobile in Utah 10
~ before shooting wu to start in
Europe. It was a dumb move: I bad
t~bt I could maneuver the vehicle
off a sma11 cliff. Instead, I maneuv-
ered my knee into the motor. lt wu
bad seven stitches and a lot of pain.
The doctor did a good job on sewing
me up, bot I walked with a limp
through the first part of the film. A
cheap way to get ~loee-upe. AD the
while, of course, was the hovering
suspicion that the g,Ods were hying to
tell us something.
The filming itself was not without
huanls. Because t he effort wu made
to capture the feeling of bigh-trpeed
races, with expert skier-cameramen
filming downhill runs at breakneck
speeds, a number of them got hurt.
There were aome broken bones, cases
of frostbite with some crew members.
uid a lot of discomfort.
We worked. at one point, for seven
weeks stnigbt, without a day off. A
lot of mumblinc and remarb like, .. I
djdn't know there wu snow on De<ril's
Island?" And so it went.
And so ft goes. I don't have any
interest in making another ski film,
but because of the totaJ experience.
my life will, no doubt, continue to be
involved with the sport.
It seems to me Americana are fin-
ally getting ski fever that bu become
a way of life in so many European
countries. I'm sure that before long,
J>SYChologists will be digging out of
the sport all kinda of meaningf uJ be-
havior pattems. There aren't any.
• I just know that when you move
down through the snow at high speed,
your mind is clear, then are no com-
p1ications, you're free, and it's tun I-.
'1,etls Go Skff"9"
Wo"t Rcrl>ut Seltttride?"'• ~ ad-
1'ice °" t1U plta.t• of •lrintg, /'l"tmt ~I
~iptHJ&I to taekln.g tlte "4rdt•t •lope•'!
Flw tAi• 11s-,,.1t Ultutnat.C ko1', MOil
'16e to .. wt•• Go Slritt.1" 58SOS, n••
GrtM\laxd Bldg., Miami, Fla., "054.
........... nu. dreea r.. ll"yUlg ia tiglat .. ldp.
The hemline hae aa awkward dip.
The color ia ~ really kind
To my eomplexioa, bat I &ad
Thete wee eouLderat.ioa. pale
Beeide the prift tag marked ON SAI.E.
--&uy IJill9p
Among thoae thingB whieh are
ao simpu that even a child <"at1
operate them are parent.s.
-F. G. Ktrnan
The self~nscious teen·ager had
wheedled her parents into buying
contact lenses for her birthday.
Popping in the sea-green lensea.
she went off on a date and was
told, ''You have beautiful eyes."
H er reply was: "I got them for
my birthday."
-Dorothy B. Bennett
The moat upenaive paper in
the world is found in Bttpermar-
kets. It'& called register tape, and
it averages about $11.75 an*incll.
-Angie Papadaldtt
The young man went to his
father one day and said, "Dad, I'm
going to leave home. I'm going to
find fame, fortune, and beautiful
women. Don!t try and stop me,
Dad. I've made up my mind."
Jumping up from his ehair. the
old man replied, "Who's trying to
atop you? I want to go with you!"
-LuciUe S . Harper
Just as the goiter's ball was
about to hit the pond. a large fish
leaped from the water ha.uni and
cau~ht the ball in its mouth.
Shaking bis head, the golfer
turned to his companion ... Harry,"
he whispered hoarsely, "tell me
quick. Did we start at the first
hote or the 19th!"
-Hal C /sad ttifok
Proaperit11 : SO'f11etlting b1Llfineaa-
men create for the politicia.fts to
take rredit for.
-Lttcille I. Goodyear
At lastl A movie that•s not
rated "X~!
A ahow £or kid..,.......no violr"nee,
A film you can t"ertainly let
them aee:
Tonight at 12--ta•a on '''·
-Elk• Con/orff
/I makc.'f a Jiffernu.-: whot con-
:sfitult•K <' f;?:iny 11:c1ue depen.d11 1111
ll'hf'tltu 111111 ore gi11ing it-or f1t'l ~
tit10 it.
"Thev all fool.· jwst about alike, ezcept uura." ,
Lose Ugly Fat-While You
Eat the Foods You Love!
Now. fof' the firat time, you can Mt fried
chicken, cheeMCake, milksh•lkes, and
brownies-•nd still lose wei1ht with the
Slim-hlr Plan I
You can set slim •nd atay slim while you
enjoy: Waffles or p•ncakes with maple
~rupl Chili! Hot muffins! Turkey with
drns4ncl Goulasht 8"f Stropnoff! Ice
cream sundaes1 Pot rontt Mashed pot:ftoes
.net 1rwyt Pie wttti whipped aeme topping I
Sllm·Pa~ can work for you where other
diets h.ve f•iled because onty your Slim·
Pak Pt•n is Peraonallzftdl And Slim·Pak
costs you just a dime a day I Ciiis..,. ·a ... ..,
"Never found • diet 50 Msy to sttclc with, nor • plan th•t really wortted for me es
Saim·Pak does. What • blessina it is to be
able to lose weight without staNing. God
btess you •nd the medical scientists.''
"I ~-com•ect my second botUe of SHm ~ When I stM'8ct I weighed
180 pounds and measured 40 Inches around
the w.iwt. I now weiltl 153 pounds •nd haw
Tr I• Lms14 ...... 112W..U!
•·1am16 years old and h.we ~on the
diet for 2 weeks and haW lost 14 pounds.
I 11m vetY seldofn tired and uar•lly do not
pt hungry between mHla."
.... Wtill ..........
"I was aettln& desperate. I found I could
not !ewe food alOne. Now I am back in my sae 9 as.in."
Llm11,.....i10.. ... !
"Sllm·Pak Is m.,veloua. I have lost 10
pounds in one w.ek •nd •m recommend·
Ina It to my ctub members."
'Wittlllt ....... , .....
"Without fear of setting off my diet or nerv·
ous tension and ttuit empty feetlne. I hwe
lost 31n inches from my hlps-5 Inches
from my waist. I hwe lost 18 pounds."
e1fJIO ............ ..........., .... ...,,
............................ _ It&. ,_...,.. .. _ ..... .;;..;_ ............ .........................
lw6'9161'1c•l1imtlle_.30 .,._ .... , ........ ...., __ .....,._., ...... "·-,m ~ ........ "' ........ ....... ............ . ...... -.. ....... r--. Tiii IHM ftM Ml UTtlf'ID •·•~•m--1 .................... ( ,.._.,..._ ........... ~,
---WDCllT l8SS -----
How much welaht woukl you like to take off
-and keep om Our records show:
Ptanned toss:
1·11 pounds
12·19 pounds
Over 20 pounds
Usual order:
30-day "'-" 60-ctay Plan
90-day Plan
Ml J'OUf 4octllf "*" lie SI ....... ,._ flntl Y-l"lf· .... .............. llllieb ................... ~t _, • l9le i.....,.. ._, ........... ., ..... U.S.
........ Office 77U41.
......... _.... COUPOI .. ,. .....
wrwwur• : ..................... 29.c I
........... ~-4 •
ftl. .... _ .. ..,.._.. .. ,_,,...,I ...W e
llke'9'-1'9ft,...illtlltllOtJ0 ... 1 : .................. ....,::::-:--I tlllt I -' .... "-__... .-..rt I ::C:,":" ... '"':'~.,,-..=. ~-~
,.._,.._,,.. I ' ....... IRlll Clllll·
tB\1 ._,,,.kit I Med IO tlM, '"""""I Med ....... '9 1Me we!IM Mii .. I _.., 3 !Mc. uti.· ~ wi'-l!wldl ... _, aw:bl-e.y dtJI
....... lllduM ... tlMtb l•lclltM'
PtNH M4 ntr• toe f9f ....... M4ll bMll .. I
0 ktld C. O.D. I_.... $1 .... lt.
rtUM~: O ..... OF ..... ._. __
I •-"'t. "CW WI. ,_....._ ,.. ..
1 ... w11utxiwt1.. 1.
...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~
C"1-~~~~~~~~~~~-..... '•~~~~-
L--------------------------· Money Power! A Fresh
Start-Without Borrowing!
N-1" ca. g« 04lt of delic-widaou """'°1r·
lac! You cu be free of debt worriee-bcfore
y09'•c paid 1110tber bill! Scrip~ of lqaJ
dMftk.ulk. iti 90 •iaute1 ,_ U loean tJ.e
Moaer ~an iluenalio..J credit co•puy
tried to wppnm ... the lepl looP"°'-, ..
ca. -to -..pe &-hopcl.. debt I
"ow to pey of dcbta-on YOUR term1!
H-to -tt.e UttlMEMW• Law of Oeilc Relief to protect wbat yoa ha•e ('"1' i.-_
cu . eabry, po1teNioa1) from 1rHpi111
How to ntM bukT-opt.cy by P'CparUtf for it t
H-'°" c .. -.. ..._ Meeey Medwlda" .. .ohe year debt problem1!
fty there UC ctttaia old billa yoa'd belt« "°' P9J or CftJI 9Cknowledge I
How the C..cni-t .Unch rady to protect
,_ aaai• tricky crediton.
W\y Dot -h11 _,,. __, c-be ......
than owiac &oo much!
TOllS. How to ll8t • p-eedy ~t oat
of u~~ cllaraee and eftll collect dam·
.. ee! How and wbere to 1et Jru lccal ad•ice!
'Wbida erediton 10 pay pu. Tbe ona who
ne ballyinc yoa proh•biy hue the lean
dunce of C'Ollectiagl 11-e -'-... .....--~-... .-....... f..--,._,. ...It Where yoo c:u ..._.,,
depomt your a n•p., tllley'rc P"Obdilr -~
--iJ fOQ So boJtnpt !
MONEY KACIC! Why yoe -..U lie i•
ddit to Uu:r-,..... ~' e-_. .-. lo bonow •t uwholsale" rateel YlaaJ ..
• .., .. • crtdlt applbtioll ! "-to ret
JV'l1 hallCh Oii __, 1" _, MC ~--1" line! How • Co illM ._._ wil"-t nM•
laa acnll
A 39-year-olcl llWI widi a large family
wH _, of a jolt, ho~y la delic. a.ct
U.ed ia u old, rmJed !lo-.
TODAY -Utiac tJiie ,riac:i,-of 'l1le
Power of MOllCIJ Maaagane11t, he ha
paid oll Ilia uediton. boqht •n HJl"I·
ai9fl home, J Hft aftd I Ml! ft•t he
did, yoa caa do-i:f yoe llC't Mwl
RUm>aEDS of f.m eot an.a.We u,...,,bere me! SOMEBODY'S aoiag to ue y09r _..,,.
to 1ct rich -why not you!
remarkable Plu elUpped ia • pl&Ut wrapper,
lldb for '3.95.
YM mut find it the _,.. •alaable plu for pt·
li11g ud ST A YINC out of delic-ud bnlq more:.,.
lftOtlCJ' to apead-diat you'•e eorer -..• or,_•
•"' • qaick and anqaellioned refund I ----------------· rtaaMialhMl.aMn I au YIHlU. 0e,t. ... 1» a-Ana'etes. eaa1t .... ta Miii I
0 I endme $3.95 with lhe deu unda-I
=':c_ttaa~--..:..!~ ~ ~ I ~ Ma•u•ndent"-IM Eaaest. cheep-I at.,.; eo SOLVE •1 _,problems! I
2:.~:-.,. --C.0.1). I ~ $1 I
Q~ I
Su~ Zip~~~~ L----------------~
' ..
New Punch~ I• no ordinary
detergent. It's enzyme-active!
The detergent that puts the
enzyme power of pre-soaks and
active water conditioners right
in your washer! You get the
cleanest wash possible-when
you're too busy to pre-soak
every time!
Enzyme-active Punch detergent
comes to you from Colgate-the
Enzyme People. The name millions
of housewives believe in for
the best in laundry products.
Watch for your free sample
on your welcome mat soon. If we
miss your doorstep, do this:
send us a Regular Size Punch
boxtop, and we'll mail you a
coupon good for a second Punch,
free. Send your name, address
and boxtop to:
PUNCH P.O. Box #9
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11202
(Offer expires April 30, 1970)
Limit 1 to a family
Punch knocks out dirt and stains-
tough set-in stains like ketchup,
blood, grape drink. And Punch
knocks out the toughest ground-in
dirt-rigllt in your washer!
Too busy to pre-soak every time?
Then new enzyme-active Punch
detergent is for you. It's a knockout!
The Child Crippler
Can Be Beaten
Dirwdof el ""9ieo1 MecfidM Ofld IHak i4flalfMI, Ii.....-hwidt M.dicol c-ter, lfvollyii, Mew Ywt
CATHY COMES running into my
hospital off ice, a pretty little
girl of five. Her hair is yellow, and
she laughs a lot.
Only a trained physician could aee that
she has something physically wrong-tlle
way she runs favoring one leg. the wa;y one
arm involuntarily shoots up as she runs.
Cathy is a victim of cerebral palsy, one
of the estimat.ed 26,000 children who are
born with CP in this country every year.
Cathy is one of the lucky ones. The afflic-
tion didn't cripple her. She was able to fight
it. By the time she reaches her teens. there
will be almost no sign of it left.
lvt Cathy had to fight every step to get
where she is. Every year we learn more
about what cauaes cerebral palsy. We are
making important strides to combat this
crippler. But there are no miracle cure8.
We know that cerebral pal8y i.8 the result
of an injury to the brain's motor-<00trol
centers. The damage could occur eometime
du.ring the pregnancy or while the mother
is in labor or shortly after birth. Fortu-
nately, we now know many things we didn't
know a decade ago.
Thia put year, for example, a vaccine
finally wu releued which we bope win
eradicate German measles (rubella), a
major cause of cerebral palsy.
We know, too, that the practice of hold-
ing back a birth until the mother's doctor
get.a to the delivery room can be dangerous.
Excessive uterine contractions can reduce
the flow of blood going through the placenta
and cut down the oxygen supply. The result
can be serious brain damage.
Bot the best weapon we have in co~bat
ing CP once it hits is the child's family.
Children are born with an intense desire
to move. It's extraordinary what a child-
even a CP child--can accomplish durin'
those first years of life. Bot he will do this
only if be baa love and support.
I think of small, bright-eyed Robert who
ia eight and learning bow to uae a spoon.
For Robert, the commonest things-ewal-
lowing food, talking so be can be under-
stood, drawing a recognizable figure on a
piece of paper--require enormous concen-
tration. He must think carefully a.bout re-
laxing and euing the tension thatconvulaea
his muacles; at the aame time, be mu.st de-
velop strength to perf onn the physical act.
Ma.y p ~ faced with such a CP
baby, go to pieces. They should remember
that moet children are quite durable. They
can learn to adjust and owl'eOIDe a handi-
cap lib CP-provided they are not ~
stroyed by iudequate parental bandlina'.
Robert's parents made it clear t hat they
expecl;ed him to work at the buaiMM of
getting better. They knew that aa a CP child
be would need both love and discipline.
By the time be waa two, Robert was
enrolled in cluae8 for orthopedically handi-
capped children. Techniciana worked with
him on simple things like speaking and con-
troTiing his spastic muscles. Thia ia hard,
f ruatrating woTk. There are medicines that
may help, and later, when be is older, theTe
may be delicate operations that will
straighten h ie twi~ limbs.
The other cb.y, Robert's father, a bus
driftT, wu visiting, and he gave the boy a
small toy boa. He put it on the bed, md
Robert t.ook it and beran to roU it up and
down the gullies of hie bed blanket. Hu
hand moved 111owly and carefully without
convulsing. A year qo Robert could not
have done that.
''Look. Papa. rm a bus driver just llb
you," be said. ..
Some QJ, with a bit of luck. he might
just be that bus driver.•
OTBllS roDllllD
~ D.,........D,, a tarmmt.-
IDc rect.Tit.cb are often t.Utale -.U ol Pin-Wonna, ucly paruhea diat
mecHcal ~ •T infeat l out ol
eYerTI ~aumiaed. Endre lam-W. _, be Tiedma and not lcoow IL
To «ft rid of Ptn-Wonna, they must
be killed in the a,.. inteatine where
they live and multiply.That'eUM'tly
what Ja7Jlll'• P-W tabeta do .•• and bere'ebo1J~doiL: Flrat-d6c eoadq carriee
the tabllJa fato &.be bo..Ji MfON
they d.1.->!Ye. Thea-Jayne'• mod-
-· medic»Uy~..-ed tncreclimt l'Ol!e richt to work-~ Pia-W°'1DS
ci*tdJ, -.flJ ..... ,,_,-·I -*'• Don't take c..._ with dancer-
-. bkhb' eontacioae f'to..Wonm ~h Ualect eodre famfU... When
one mel'llber le blfected. health au. thorltiel etroocly advi8e that. t.he en-
tire familY be tnatrd at the ame
d111e. Get )aYftll'• P-W v-lfuce ... __.. ...,.~ talNetJI ••• llpf'dal
.._tor chitdf'l'ft a11d adult&.
See Wrinkles*
Actually Reduced
With Medically Proven
Hormone Application
Now you can 1ee 10\U akin be--
come cleerer and ~looldna
as •dry-akin wrlnkles diminilh in
only 10 to 1Z da7L A laboratory
test conducted by skin apeci•tlsts
prows conclusively that mtaoeealc
hormones, awlled to the skin, ac-
tually reduce dry-akin .la-and
wrinkle• to a marked-viaible-
' A prepention contain.Inc female
bonnonea wu applied to one side
of the (ace and neck ol SO ~ -.eel wmnen.. A aUnilar fonnW....::
but '°""°"' bannonm -applied to the other side.
The ...Wts ol this "ball-woman''
test a.bowed that akin line& on the
bonnone llide were dearly, visibly
reduced. lbn.)' fine lines blMi dis-
llPl)fa1'ed al~. while e'ftl1
deep wrinkles showed dramatk im-
Bow? Wh.yT Doctors NY the bor·
mona cau.e lkin oeDs to lDcrase
their natural moisture.. A. millions
of ceU. become plumper, they
limooth out lines much a.a you
plmQp up • pillow. 8eMl1ta are
often visible ln 10 to 1Z days.
Th.ls anti-wrinkle fonnula b proi,.
duced by the trustworth:r 51-year-
old Mitchum laboratorus wtder the
oame HOBMONEX 8-uty Serum.
It ecta 90 rapidly becau.. pure bor-
mooe:s are quickly carried into the
ak1o in a penetntinc liquid formula.
Note this: On.17 '1 dropa a day of
HORKONEX 8-uty Serum are the
full recommended treawent for
face and neck. Just 9eV8'1 drops •
The recular loo-day auppb ccmes
in a eoovenimt dropper bottle at
$3.SG-less than 'cents a day. Look
10W'cer quickly. See those dry-skin
wrinkl• vilibl.Y reduced.
You may obt.ain HORMONl:X
8-ut;y Serum at 7Vl.lr favori~ dnAC
or toile1:r7 count«.
• --~ ... --· .... Mir-.......... if> M -.. --II''°"'_ ....... tor• f,_oftM _., __ ......,.._,,,.~........,.
-............. -... ..... u..--'""--....
o1--· ---.._........ ----· ----.. -......--... -:=.=,.....-..o1 ___ ..,. __ _
Ew:f)'Oftl: hu his own pnvatc ~ for dndoping hil ability in
an -tclt-e~. rdaudoo. just pl.UJI run -bvt there lft 11to
• multhudc ol dilftnnt. fucinatiJlg catten open 10 lbc lldf-tnintd
artia. F°' eumplc: m.gazine illllllnl.ioft, ~lmsioo an . .i~
la)'OUt. canooning. ftihlOfl •P· dqlanmmc score art, ~
tural an. polter an. lcttaiftc.. ~ cklip , ponraiu and Ind·
.-.apr an. Anita lmtitute PftPUft yuu (Of all t.llae and• number
of ,othmi. Artim lnruturt aupplin you wi1b the buk tools 1~
~ lncludin& oilr., pKbc. peacls, wamcolon. chart' al.
~ fi-t ~ ~ .. , . '\ . .... _.. ----......... ,, .... ,_ . ~ -;::::; ...... _.. .... __ ,;:.::::. ~ ........ , ... , .... .... ==: \ .... & .... /UI .... / --·..l ...... , ....... ,~ --... , .......... ,..., ~ .... , ......... , ............... ............ .............. ................ ........... ........... t.. ... _,, __
':... ...........
11Mf ..,_.~=~~-= -~
IFRI-1m c.t.-...... ..... I
.__ _ _.""9ail. ~ISM @)
IUSH OET Alt.$• ..-"""" " -mur a 111 ~ • 1 ,..,._""_....,...,.. ......
" ............ tl411f ..... ---
' ~~-....... -I
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vamtttes. vou·u thrtll
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OM&l• a 1'9.D .. X..I>., D.D .. • !'11.D a. a T-W • .__ w PrtlctlU... Tea~ll etlwn
..Nit IO ~-Bealtll. Ha11t11-U14 a.. I•~ Chuleffd ~ ll&alt. eoon.~ _,_ • .,. Wtlio rw l'Sl:K bmMt ltlUaa
TMt NtOT.UtAN 111.LOWJHfP .......... .,., .... "'. IC-Cffll •• ,_.,. 14114
Raise $50,.·$100, $250
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lnaplnltlen ......
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bile funds for your sroup « oquiza-
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radiant colon on • pure wblto porcelain bectarouod with lavl.lh II brat ,old trim on elaborate a:allopcd bonlera.
You Id.I thele elepat pla.tea foe oafy
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FREE color catalogs and dis-
count prices show big savings
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Write Accordion Corp. of
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Wit/I Ill••• delllxe IU/l/Olleble
"HALF FRAME" Reading Gl~sws
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LUftN U"HOLSTUUNG AT HOMl spare lime. S.Od for free illus. book o,; famou• home study course for upl\ol·
sterlna •II !}'pea furniture. N-meth-
ods, atylea. FrM tools. frames. Bia In-· come, dellahtful hobby. Low tuition, Low terms. Veteran Approved. MO(lem Upholstery Institute, Bo11 899 -CNE
Orance. C.llf. 92669. '
Double Drawer File
CIWUTl 111111 IFflCI lllMllZll
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W't:CIA.t. CLOSt OUT Git Ill. VI• Mn ,_.. ......... f,__.._
All 14Soll 1913 5oo •••• Al& (lftl INll 11&2 S... $4 i10
1•1s.. MIO * • ••teos.. .. IO 1-s.I 14.1' OllLY IMS... 1&110 ,.,... ... SS6.9S , .. s.. .,.
J?gbert CJlarri~
Z37JA~ ...... a...c.11.lllll!I)
~•motOU• lndMs to yo<1r hair •IY1• ln•lanllyf • dnpe hair Of lall ...,., plntlc: Helr.ffltl. nts ,,_. ___ 1 rW>I nto half. 1ta..-In plKA ..itll • ~ pin
M-~n.m pl.,.llC lo t.a--.W.L 2'" hllfl. 5' ..,...._ AdcM<I ar-e •net ~ for ~ lalla ---...... -_......._., __ ...
-••lltr-.. s..w. ... ,... .................................
....... --.,..J ....... A--... _...._Oolr __ ,..aJ _
_. .._ -=i.i. 1 .. nu ... -. .. ...... -..... 0--,_,.. .. ____ ...,,...
~°""'~-----en.',_ ---•ATT -ISS, llofl. 11-1, -I Aft. lt.Y. llltl
~:::e:,~. ~·:c..~~~1'ftl , l"H.
3221 Ci'"nland Ilda., Mlam~ Fla. 33154
Auto Mirror simpl1J clip1
onto your present reaniiew
mirror/ Ends "blind S'pots''
to let you see more and drive
m ot·e caref uJ.ly, and in safe-
ty. $1,.98 plus 50¢ for post-
age. Order frcmt Jay Norris
Corporation, Dept. FW-t,
!1 BMUe A1Je., Freeport.
N . Y . 115!0.
Kfi TO PR0'1TS -It's
B4B'fl for friPnds to o1'der
from i; color shoe catalog
you show them. You take the
orders, gain the profits, and
possibl11 get the "keys to a
car!" For your Free Start-
ing Outfit and detail8 of car
off er, unite to M48on Shoe,
Dept . H-678, Chippewa
FaU8, Wisc. 54719.
Weekend Shopper
BE A LOSER AND LIKE IT! Here's a wonderful
way to take off those unwanted pounds with the
help of improved Obesity Bell Tablet.s. A simple
method, it encou rages less eating at mealtime.
An eaay way to lose weight, especially for "lazy
losers." 10-day size, $1: 6-week supply, $4 ; 12-
week supply, $6. Ppd. Send your order to the
Hollings-Smith Company, Dept. FW, Orangeburg, N.Y.
LEARN TO Pl.A Y the guitar in one
week. No tedious practice or exer-
cises. You get 320 songs, guitar tuner,
complete instructions with chord se-
lector. Pictures and words guide fin.
gers. Fun for the whole family, too!
$3.98 ppd. Terry Elliott, Dept. FW-24, P .O. Box 1918,
Grand Central Station, New York, N.Y. 10017.
FUND-RAISING FUN! If you are a member of a
church, school or fraternal organization;here's
a fine way to raise money. Sell pastel-colored,
delightfully scented Sachet Bouquet. Blossotn8
on the sachet come in pink, yellow or white.
Lavender scented. Guaranteed profits of $68 to
$450, or famous Fund Raising Advisor will
make up the difference. For details write. Abigail Martin,
Dept. 28E, 1113 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 63101.
BO'ITLETI'ES of imported French Per-
fumes! You receive 24 perfumes such as
Jealousy by Blanchard, Silent Night by
Countess Maritza. Sortilege by Cicogne,
Beau Catcher by Vign v, and other re-
nowned perfumers. 24 bottlettes. $1.10.
Murray Hill House, FW-1, Box 264, Farmingdale, N.Y.
a handy, household helper that takes off
up to 12 layers of old paint as well 8.8
removing old wallpaper -and it's done
so eaaily ! Use on flat, curved or irregu-
lar surfaces. Safe, parts replaced free of charge. A real
boon for do-it-yourselfers ! Comes for $12.98 ppd, Larch,
Dept. FW-1, P .O. Box 770. Times Square Station, New
York, N.Y. 10036.
to a
: car
me .
i to
:in, ..
n e
-~------------------------.............................. . COllPUTO P ENCIL ;~~;:mliiiiiiiii' i1ini1i1i'•ii•7~t~J~ meuu.rea anyobject-
atraight. oval, round,
even irregularly shaped. Measures inches, miles, and auto-
matically gives you the answer instantly. To meaaure ir-
regular ab.apes, roll revolVing head over them. $2 ppd.
Foeter-Trent, Inc., Dept. 6016-H, 369 Boston Post Road,
Larchmont, N.Y. 10688.
PIA Y 'l1IE BABllONICA in 6 minutes
or your money back. Bas solid brasa
plates and tuned b:rome reeds, with
niclrel-plated coven. With instructions,
plus 200 songs (words and music), plus
60 extra for 2. 3 pa.rt harmonising. fS.98. Ed Sale, Studio
FW-2. Avon by the Sea, N.J. 07717.
fine silver "Cartwheels" in-
creases in value over the years.
Circulated condition. $4.98. 10
mixed dates, $47.60. Roll {20);
$89.60. Add~ postage. Comes
with free 16-page catalog. Matt Numias, Dept. FW-2.
2928-4lst Avenue, Long Island, N.Y. 11101.
DENTAL OOS11£1'1C gives lovely and radiant
smile! Brush. on to cover stains, fillings,
blemishes. Guaranteed completely sate for
natural or false teeth. 3-montb supply, '1.98
ppd. Nu-Find, FWT-2, Box 205 Church Street Station,
New York, N.Y. 10008.
COLORFUL film o1f er -Koda.color
ftlm developed and jumbo prints are
only $1.26 if you send this editorial
along with your film. Any 8 or 12
exposure Eastman Kodak F ilm.
Failures are credited. Limit 1 roll
per customer. You are guaranteed
excellent quality. The offer expires on July 1. 1970. Send
your order to Skrudland Photo, Dept. FW-1, IAke Geneva.
Wiec. 58147.
WARD'S Formula is a treatment for the scalp
that may help you find relief from dandruff
and a dry, itchy scalp. The people wh'6 otfer
this formula say that a few treatments help
control a failing hair problem from common
scalp infection. Available in large size for $5; in trial size
for '2 ppd. Send your order to Ward, Dept. FW-2, 19 West
«th St., New York, N.Y. 10086.
r .. _...__.& ANTIQUFS NEWSPAPER with up-to-
date news about antiques -interest-
ing stories, beautiful pictures, is loaded
with information to pleue aubacn'bera
in 60 states. A gTeat gift for avid an-
tique entbuaiuta. 4 iuues yearly. 3
yeara, '6; l year, $2. A sample copy is
50f. Send your order to Antique Quarterly, Dept. FW-1.
8 Central Highlands, Tuscaloosa, ~-36401.
SELL Happy Home Diab Cloths to raiee
group funds. Earn '40 to $126 and more.
On orders of 100, 200, or 300, get extra
bonuses, Teflon fry pans u prises. 40
days credit for groups only. For sample,
details, write to the Southern Flavoring, Box AE0190,
Bedford, Va. 24518.
Wee•tl Sh~ it.nu are NOT adwrtin.&g. If ~t.t
•ho1cnt. af"e Mt avoilable at •tore!•, ~ /Nim •~n.-t's Liaud.
F--'4/ W-"lr, F .......... J, 1110 R
'"°'° CllDfTS eo....,, J .. "' Zitft-""°"'.
..... .C: ~ Moltflfteint *°' °"· ..... 171 lob Mdmyre.
It's easy to mcike up to
l/(JfJ.(JIJa w .. k In
your spare time and get
--for only 10•
....... -~~
0.1! ltf ""-9 ,_ I ... u-ala _.... ..... ...,.....,,,,0...-... ~.)
Tbh Oolw r Al &o lntnidlON -''C<IUY
on A-••"~ You IDAJ mura wtUI·
oat purdlue lllMI cu ....., ~ '" .:1 tt.e .'\19o .... tr.. Utotln'4111 calaloc. ,_
Imel IW. -· ~ & dp code &o: L1'Tl1.r1'0I' STAMP a. COUf CO.. DtC .•
Dip&, MIA. ~ ..... _,,
5 700
II • a llUCtl 1'AX 111A9t .. IOS
4410 .... "*'-Cftll ..... "'"
...... fl ... L~!!fiitt1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!s!1!!!!!~ .............. '""
10-0., _, . .......
Wtlfl all 111eta1; -'"" 1i.i-. No • .,._ rle&t ......._ Ftllft ,..., .. dlttdioM. Ustt
W' rodl te r1111ir Cini.. !.'11 ltra, •••llllC*S. ttc. llOTHllUo WC TO llUTI c... c.-.lttt
wlltl flc:t 1111•14 roa, "'*· c,_,.l ttc. 10 YEAR QUAAAMTEC. Stlld $2..00 IN "1 16.15
phll ... u (),0,0. wlltll """'*' or Hiid II 95 t« MltNW 111-..t to wn-oo, Ot-pt ...... 101t'lom, llellitDll. tu. nou.
Tll ... Ull• ,,.._... ......... .
5~...,. .... ..,........... .. ....•19• .. LCO O-tJ'I •
~-ZJ IOI amt, MOUllOll, TO. ntll
Pl-enroll me u a trial ~ember, . A. a ClU&ic.s Club member. ru get
1llE ind 8l'nd me the th~ deluu edtUon.t of word an 1dnn<'e of 111 fulllre <otlection!I. f or PWn.'T l'A•1:
Plalo. Aritototle ind Mar!'l•• Aurelius. I en· e1ch volume I decidf' to ke<-p, I will pay only =-----'-'--"=-=--------------
CLASSICS clO!<C no 111one1 in advance. Within a week of 13.89 plut m1iling. l m1y reject any volume illOIUI
reN"ivinat them, I will rither retum them ind before or llfttr 1 rtteivt it, and I may nincel ===---------------
ftOSLYJll, ivn YOl'lK llS76 CUJB o"c nolhinir, or keep them and pa)' the in· my membership 11 any timf', (Boou .Jtipid
trodU<'tory pri<-e of $1.00, plut mailin1t. in U.S.A. only.) £!T~T---~--''=T•=,..=------~z•~"--
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Now' A .1 r P 1dP1 of t 111c:.. Nel/\ pd per
Provides T:ix Free Benefits Up To $10.000
f' 1r people 65 or older
"' Covers those over 65 when Medicare stops paying
v Covers sickness as well as accidents ... to protect your
income and savings against big hospital bills
v Pays you IN ADDITION to all other insurance
(children, relativ~s may pay parent's premiums).
s. GUARANTEED RENEWABLE for life or until benefits
total $10,000 for each person insured
CA LL. Easy-to-understand policy .
ENROLL NOW! It's easy. Just fill in the attached Ai r
Mail Card. Mail it now-we pay the postagc. S END
NO MONEY. If you arc acccpwd, you will rcccivc your
$10,000 American Life Medicare upplement Policy by
return mail along with your premium notice and Hos-
pital Identification Card.
• NO AGENT WILL CA LL. When you rc>cc>ivc
the policy, just read it Ov(•r. Prov(' to yoursclf
that thiR valuable prot(•c tion is wcll worth the>
amazing low cost.
Cffer M ~!/
• Naturally you are under no ohligation. All wr ask
is that if you decide not to keep th<' poliC'y, you
return it in 15 days. You have nothing to loR<'-
everythinR to gain!
Be Repay Never
This ~atecJJn aper! .. -
r $10,000 Medic e l L -:!: ,;f ..; c ....., cc :..-
-~! ~
-:f ;-cf Oi:df!;r-a\:ilC»Tiil:rcai:rv~over:ecrt>V""Oire-~~~~~~~~~~~~~--f~~-:....!t:_~~~...ij~ Thia message is of special interest to people 65 and older automa ica y covere e ::..
U.S. Government Medicare Plan ••• as well as their children and relatives, < g ~
lt describes the wonderful new $10, 000 American Life Supplement Plan which gives you ~ ~~
full protection, in accordanc e with the benefits listed against big hospital bills. E-o ~~:::_c·
% ~ -·" IT PAYS HOSPITAL COSTS MEDICARE DOES NOT COVER ~Q . "°B.E ~.J,._ ..C.v-~OZ~ -o:: U.S. Government Medicare Plan A pays only PART OF THE COSTS after 60 days and W ":~ ::i::E
NONE OF THE COSTS after 90 days of hospital confinement. This is why it's important to O:: ~~~ --g 2.
have full, low-cost protection from American Life's New Supplement Plan. o., :v,; ~·,.,-=--~
:.:I c:~=: -We never know when disease or accidents may strike, requiring a long hospital stay--: 'f1 <z 0 "Eg~
such as a heart attac k, stroke, cancer, vascular disorder or a broken hip. Statist ics show =>~:: E .. ':r W ?~:i r:E-that people 65 years or o lder are hospitalized at leas t t wice as long as those under 65. Q:: "rJJv ~-:i ·~ < ~~. c How about you? Would your income cover big, unexpected hospital b~s? Would your v ~loll..: ~ :;~
savings handle long-term emergencies which could cos t you thousands of dollars? z ~j~ 2~~
Just one long hospital stay may plunge you into poverty, eat up your life savings, and ~ ..Jc.;.~j. l ~g
make you dependent on others. B UT YOU NEED. NOT BE EXPOSED TO SUCH HAZARDS! "" i:..=~• ~:;~ z < ~...; (I~~
, NOW ••• FOR ONLY $2. 90 A MONTH PER PERSON ••• YOU CAN PROTECT YOUR ~ l ::-. z $z ~
Q:: ta; -£::: This new, low-cost plan pays you up to $1 0 , 000 tax-free benefits under an easy-to-~:; ~= ~
understand policy. The money is paid directly to you (or the hospital if you prefer). No 2 · .:;~ ~
matter how long you s tay in the h ospital, there's no time limit for each confinement up to ~ E~~
$} 0, 000 total benefits, C =We c oa: c.
11 ~u-~~ > For over forty year s , since l 9l8, American Life Insur ance Company has faithfully a c:::;-.; ll :::
served policy holders throughout the United States. American Life is a legal· reserve com-E
c c.
> -.,,._
<> "' ' s
L ... ...
Q :.:
Q z
pany noted for fast claim service. American Life c arries full legal reserves to protect E
all policy holders. Policies are effective and honored by the Company regardless of your ~ r••••••••••••••••••••••••··----------------·.
state of residence. ~
SONS, DAUGHTERS, RELATIVES: You can pro te ct your loved ones 65 or older against
the burden of a big Hospital Bill and worries (as well as a drain on ya6* own income and
life savings) by ta king out a policy for your parents or relatives NO~ Just fill in the appli-
cation form today and have the per son to be insured sign it. We will gladly bill you for the
.. ,
MAii AIJll (4 ' •
The present enr ollment oHer may never again be repeated ... act now. Even if
you participate in the U.S. Government Med i care program (if you are under Social Security
or Railroad Retirement) you are automatically e ligible to enroll u nder the American Life
Medicare Supplement P lan. But you must enroll now to collect the benefits. As long as you
are 65 years o r older , ther e 's no age hmit. Both husband and wife can e nroll (a spouse can
join when r eaching 65) and enJOY equal benefits for the same l ow p remium per person •
. , Upon acc eptanc e of your enrollment, we will send your American Life Medicare Sup-
plement Plan Pohc y and Hospital Iden t ific ation Card. You will a lso receive a pr emium
no tice covering the first quarterly premium at the rate of $2. 90 per month per person (the
cost will be even lower i! you pay the p r emium for six months o r a year ). Upon rec eipt of
the policy , if you a r e not complet e l y sat isfied, you owe nothing.
Don't risk your income and life s avings. Have money, not hospital bills and worries.
Don't saddle your children or relatives wi th your hos pita l debts . Don 't miss this opportunity
to be financially independent. Ac t today!
Sincerely yours,
~ e 7tdi~~
Pol 1cynol dere Service De p t.
ll I No. LaSalle St r e el
Chicago , Illino i s 60b0 I
Founded in l 9l.8 •••.
over 40 years of Service.
.. c
~ " 0 -,, .... -:, .. "' c ~ 0 •
~ g z .. ....
~ 5 •
)" ,,
~ w
" I-v 0
~ z r. w ~(II .. < ..... .. -' ::> Q.
§"2~ =.. ~r~ ~:~v __ ._
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c c.
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I . .x < :.: .,.
18255 BEACH BLVD., HUNTINGTON IEACH ..................................................................
$ee all the · g---
ones for
Here ls an original g l ft
cert.Wcat.e idea from France.
1)e Paris Police Department
bas started a different trend tn
gift giving. 'Ibey have issued
and are selllna special stamps to
pay for parkirig Uckets. The
stamps are sold at a locaJ tOOac-
conlsts for 10 francs ($2.00)
each. An ea.stiern tt'8fflc expm
bad this solution to the already
over-crowded parking problem
-"use alt.emate city parking".
We don't have the solutions to
the major metropolitan parking
problems here at Wilson Ford
Sales but we can supply a few
answers on how to beat the
space problem. One Is by owning
one of three fine cars thnt we of-
fer here at 18255 Beach Blvd.
The great 1970 M a v e r l c k ,
MustaDfl and Cortina. What an
outstanding combination o f
vehicles to offer someone look-
ing for e c o n o m y and
perfonnance. With the choice of
power plants and optional equip-
ment offered there Lm't any
1--tKJUOt that you-ean-flnd-the ....... .-1~.;__--~-
. that fits your needs and likes.
It's Fords finest year i nd we
knew you will agre't whP.n ycu
see anti rfrlve any one -of these
greeit 1970 autoffi('b11Ps from tht
world's most e x J> er i e n c e d
manufacturer. Here nt JB21i5
Beach Blvd .. we h:tve one nf the
most complete selections of 1970
Fords to be found anywhere.
The chances are we have the
body style, color combination,
equipment and terms th at are
designed for you. Drop In and
take a look for yourself.
' •.•. to 10 , .....
7 Deys
TM1. tfw• Fri .. I •·"'· to 5 P·"'·
M•='·• I•·•· tot P·•· 592-5511
' 10:55 AM~ (j7J (1) NBA BHketball (C) New York at Detroit.
11:009 NHL Hockey (C)
1:30 II EMIERE The Killy Challen&• (C) Jean-Claude Killy com· p~tes,with other champion skiers at various courses in the U.S.
Each week, four different skiers compete in two elimination
rounds, the winner facing Killy In the challenge round under a handicap system. The competitions will be head to head, with
each week's winner receiving a $10,000 purse.
Locations for the events include Aspen, Colo.; Sun Valley,
Idaho; Jackson Hole, Wyo.; Squaw Valley and Heavenly Valley,
Host Gil stratton and ski expert Ooug Pfeiffer comment. O High and Wlld:..(C) "Winter at Crater Lake." A shotgun hu t
for quail and chukar in the high desert country of Oregon.
2:00 II NHL Hockey (C) Detroit Red Wings vs. Oakland Seals at
Oakland. D @ 00 Andy Williams San Diego Open Golf Tournament (C)
Live coverage of the final round of play at the Torrey Pines
championship course north of San Diego, Calif. Defending
champ Jack Nicklaus joins many greats in competition for
the two·day, pro·amateur event worth a total of $150,000 in
prize money, with $30,000 going to the winner and $17,000
to the runner·up.
Amateur participants include Fred MacMurray, Pat Boone,
Bobby Goldsboro, Milton Berle, Tom Harmon, Danny Thomas,
Don Drysdale, Duke Snider, Dale Robertson, Hoagy Cannichael,
Chuck Connors and Clint Eastwood.
4:30 fil) Skiing (C) Program teaches perfection of ski and body posi·
tions, and concludes with a discussion of the cost and malnte·
nance of safety bindings.
6:00 U Lakers Basketball (C) L.A. Lakers vs. Detroit Pistons at the
Cobo Arena in Detroit.
8:30 U Bollin& (C) Card to be announced.
12:00 0 Hi&h School Basketball (C) Game of the Week.
12:30 OJ (ft) @ NCB BHketball (C) University of Pacific at Nevada -Souther __ _
2:30 0 Pacific 8 Ba,kett>.11 (C) USC Trojans vs. Washington State
-Cougars, live from Bohler Gym In Pullman, Wash. • OJ 1968 Buick Open Golf Tournament (C)
3-:00 II CBS Golf Classic (C) The George Archer-Bob Lunn team
competes with the team of Deane Beman and Bunky Henry at
the Firestone Country Club in Akron, Ohio.
Known for his good putting, Archer is also known as win·
ner of the 1969 Masters and Bing Crosby .tournaments. His
partner, Lunn, another tourna~nt winner, claims the 1969
Hartford Open victory. )
Beman is last year's Texas Open winner, .and his putner,
George "Bunky" Henry was better known for place-kicl<ing a
football until capturing the $40,000 first prize In the National
Air11nes Open. ' O @ (j) Bob Hope Desert Golf C~aulc (C) Amateurs and pros
compete in the fourth round of play for the highest·rat~ golf
tournament on TV, played over the courses of Bermuda Dunes,
Eldorado, Indian Wells and La Quinta Country Clubs. Defending
champ Billy Casper is expected at golfdom's only 90-hole, five-
day event. The fifth round tourn~mer'tt winds up tomorrow when
the pro title is settled. The annual tournament has raised more than $1,340,000
for the ·Eisenhower Medical Center and other desert charities.
Host Bob Hope joins sportscasters Charfie Jones, Jay Randofph,
Pat Hemon, Kyle Rote, Cary Middlecoff and Claude Harmon. at
the mikes. 3:30 ·u @ 00 Pro Bowlers Tour (C) The $45,000 Denver Open, live
from Denver. Colo. Chris Sche.nkel and Biiiy Welu commentate.
4:00 0 Shell's Wonderful Wortd of Golf (C) Julius Boros, Frank
Beard and Lee Trevino compete at the Bella Vista Country
Club in Mexico City. The tournament champion (determined
Feb. 28 in finals) will eam $37,000. Ptayln& tips are Inter·
spersed throughout the matches t>Y Geo.rge Archer, Tom Weis·
kopf, Frank Beard and Dan Sikes. , · 11CBS Golf Classic CC) 4;3o_ (i) Hone Racine F'rom Hialeah (C} Seminole stake race.
5:00 Cl) ABC's Wide World of S~ · (C) ·
5:30 nd Prix 5 (C) .
6:30 &..-ken Basketnall (C) L.A. Lakers vs. Phoenix Suns at Vet·
erans Memorial Stadium In Phoenix.
9:30 11 UCLA Basketball (C) UCLA Bruins vs. University of Wash·
ington Huskies at Seattle.
_J_ ..
Sylvania Chairside
Color Control TV . -
__..:_&-Model CF6386R~-Here.!•an
elepnt French Provincial cabinet style
.tiniahed ~ natural Cherry veneers and
select w~ 10lid.t. Hu largest color
ecreen a~ailable (295 aq.in. vitwinl
area). Complete with remote control.
lneMO New0111r 1$649.95
.B. Model CF582CR -A complete
home entertainer. Hu solid state FM./ AM
plu.a FM ateieo radio, stereo record player
and 296 aq.in. color tube. Complete
with remote control.
.... ..,$1145.00
TV reception simulated
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411 .. 17 ...... c-. ....
CALL 646-1614
f V f ~~ I I\; (;
1.-0018~ NIWI ,CJ (60) . @@ @!3 H1..tltJ.BrlnU., (C)
( )
R RETURN Cr111d Gi. Opcy (C) ~) Guests are Bobby Lord, Jim
ind Jess., June Steams and Don
Gib90n. fJ loa cttr (C) (30) Sam Riddle
Anh11ls. Ion •lld Adwtnbne m (30) "Ola nd Aeld of Afriel.'' fB l11ter1t1tio11ll f'l1yhouse (30)
&:JO 0 I IPlcW 170: A la.ct YIN (C)
(60) leaders from the black com·
munity join in a round-table dis·
cussfon on aspiratlons for the com.
in1 year. Newa:n1n Gordon Graham
will moderate. IJ Melody R1nell (C) (60) Pee Wee
Kini and Jane Wyman are special
! Rosey Cr1tr (C) (30)
i 16c1A I l.qtt'a Ll•tnt (C)
( ) A public service film on air
pollution. Arthur Godfrey narrates. m Run fOf Year Life (C) (60) fE lk. Hucltoft'a S.U.t Joum1I (30)
f1l) To Sm To111orrow (30) (R)
I Hit '"* (C) (60) Edee of Eternity (30)
Min Fro11 UNCLE (C) (60) 7:001 CIS Ewnina News (C) (30)
Annlwtrllry ca .. (C) (30)
• DeltJI Viii., Dlya (C) (30)
"Lottie's luecy." m I jjilctlL I J111u1ry WiUI Ult Kine
faml:y (C) (60) The musical clan
romps in the snow at Northern 1
California's Mammoth Mountain.
i S.nset Trails (60)
llldl Joum1I (C) (60)
R1t Patrol (C) (30) '
7:JO I ~ cu bckle lii.u.tt (C) (60) .... ..-. Q) 00 m Andy Wlllilms (C) ...,....-_~
Mevle: "Killer WIUI 1 Sil Seid'' ........
(suspense) '67-Susan Uhien, Car' ._.-+
Mohner. .~ • .... ~
I @ CV&> lefs Mike 1 Deal ;T # ' (30) Monty Hall hosts.
Miiiion $ Movie: "To,
,,,.. (romance) '57--Klrk Dou1· •
las, Susan Hayward. m Wonders of Ult World (C) (30)
•'Dancers of Hunaary." m lM C1udillos (30)
1:00 fJ @ 00 &) New·ywtd li111t (C)
(30) Bob Eubanks hosts. m Movie: .. Johnny Apello" (drima)
'40-Tyrone Power, Dorothy l1mour.
Lloyd Nolan. m• l!lcil[IMud, s...t Ind T•rs
(C) (30) A specl1I report on the
frl1htenin1 problem fadng Los An·
cells hillside dwellers-the mud-
slide. Dave Reeves hosts.
I S11tllnlM ...... (60)
NET ,,.,._. (C) (90) (R) 1L..
s,twl1 J Ellrlque (60) tr.
1:30 IJ 19 (j) ~ lllree Sona (C) (30) , • ~ :9; ' a tD oo m M1•12 <C> <30> 4:.l..., ~ "Loa 64-"Bottom of the Bottle." •Ji
Officer Malloy and Reed Sf!end ac· I I ......
See the deadly
"Mara bun ta,"
an army of soldier ants
striking terror in
Charlton Heston,
and Eleanor Parker.
In color.
Tonight at
... ,,.~ I · LlwrtMe Welt (C)
Mlnortties II lie
ltary ( (30) A hlatofy Ind
commentlry on the role of r1clal
minorities In the mllitary.
t :oo e a()),,.., Act• <C> <30>
O!Tver and trsilllre 1 newfy ,.
leased convkt (John Quate11) u 1
fum hand.
0 ta@ m MIC SltlrcllJ Mw-le: le) .. .,_ die fe1" (comedy)
·~eter Sellers, Britt Eld1nd, Vic-
tor Mature. Akim Tamlroff.
I Roll1t Deftly (C) (60) Horse Opera (60)
Nodte de Estreno (2 hr)
9:30 a ()) httlco1t J1octlon (C)
( ) When steve's Uncle Georie (rue1t Don Ameche) comes to Hoo-
terville for a vislt, his pleasant re.
malts to everyone start 1 series of
ar1uments. fJ trn (])IQ) Holl,.ood hlaa
CC) ~) Don Knotts ls the ruest
hoil Guests: The B1Ja Marimba
Band, Joey Heatherton. Bobby Golds-
boro, McClll and Brl a zel. Smolu1y rnson. Ou
field, Sunny Walton. fJ Nlbln' ,_,.. (C) (90) m BROA 1970 HIT * PLAY COMES 0 TOWN
9:30 PM 0 KTTV-11!
Q) I IHc!Al I Tiie Front 'IP (C)
(90) A comedy-drama of the bold
antics of Chica10 newspaper re-
porters durin1 the hectic Prohibi·
tion period. Robert Ryan, Geor1e
Grizzard star.
fI!) The TOJ Thlt Crew Up (60)
10:00 IJ 9 (j) Mannil (C) (60) Minnix
Is hired to find an Austr11ian sea-
man who has supposedly Inherited a small fortune.
I Ntwt (C) (30)
Country Male Tl•• (C) (2 hr)
Rtdlde Roundup (60)
&I) Boa de Mealco (90)
.10:30 BI #!lclll I Artll rlUs Telethon (C)
This 15th annual .Telethon wlll run
for 19lfz hours with some of the
bluest names in Hollywood makln1
appeals for the Arthriti.s Foundation.
Hosts ire Gene Raymond and Jtck
Rou rile and the hostess is M lss .i. ne
Wyman. Special ruests scheduled to
appear are Jim Nabors, Johnny
Grant, Sebastian Cabot, Pit Boone,
Lawrence Welk and Jeny Dunphy.
I NIWI (C) (30) Bill Bonds.
Klllft In Ult Wltlr (90)
Pmt*1 to Tmel (C) (30) 11:G01oommm,.... <C> · Twl lpt Zone
11:15 Fabulous 52: (C) "T1'e N1ktd
unalt'' (drama) ·~hartton Hes·
ton, E'eanor Parker.
0 S.blrd1y Niafrt Movie: (C) "Mc-
Culre, Co Ho••" (adventure) '66-
Dlrk Bogarde, Susan Strasber1. m Colleft Bubtblll (C) (2 hr)
USC vs.. Cal Berkeley at Btrkeley.
Game taped 1tarlier.
11:30! m JollnRJ Carson (C) • Mevle: (C) "last Gap of p.,..
I" (spectacular) '60 -steve
Reeves, Christine Kaufmann.
12:00 ff) News (C)
12:15 Q) Mevlt: "TM futfUVt llnd"
(drama) '60-Marlon Brando
12:35 @ CV JlldJ LJM sa...
1:00 I) Mevlr. "Mission Owtr l(om"
(drama) '53-John Derek.
• j
) • ..
" • rt ..
:k ..
•· 'fl
U is a difficult task to arrange for :iny
eight working people to meet duriag the
course of their normal work-day for any
reason-But it is nearly impossible to cope
with the logistics involved in gelling eight
television stars together ar a ny one time for
a picture-taking session.
With the above in mind please note that
although the picture is obviously posed it
does contain eight television stars, working
a normal star's day, who have gotten togeth·
er on their lunch break in order to provide
th oto you see on the cover of this is-
e's WEEK .
The B Id Ones, NBC-TV's trio of dra-
matic sho s under one title, is really the
offering of three production units working
independently of one another. Each show
has its own executive producer, producers,
directors and writers, as well as stars.
Separated into areas of medicine, law and
public protection, it becomes apparent that
the Bold Ones with the medical gowns are
the stars of the medical segment of the se-
Starrin& as men dedicated to the 'explora-
tion of the new frontier of medicine are
(left, in gown) John Saxon, fine, sensitive
young actor, who is Doctor Ted Stuart,
chief of surgery. In the top row is the tallest
actor in the series, the 6'5" David Hartman,
everyone's favorite cowhand in The Vir-
ginian last season, who is seen as Doctor
Paul Hunter, chief of research at the medi-
cal institute.
The third member is well known as an
auorney, (remember TV's The Defenders?)
but E . G. Marshall is even more effective
as Dr. David Craig, founder and head of
the institute where the three have ample op-
portunity to practice the innovative medi-
cine that their series concentrates on.
The medical segment makes great use of
the topical stories that can be found in the
news each day as medicine makes greater
strides in the healing, repair and replace·
ment of man's vital parts.
The law segment of the series finds three
more of the country's top actors in a law
firm that has the balance of wise old experi-
ence, (Burl Ives with beard, in front) coup-
led with the drive of enthusiastic youth
(James Farentino, top center). Balancing
this winning combination is the job of the
younger partner's older brother, (Joseph
Campanella, in upper left) who contributes
both experience and a tempering factor for
his brother's interest in the "now" genera-
tion's many causes. Here again the many
recent Supreme Court rulings as well as
everyday news, make for stories that are
both topical and bold in their content.
As deputy chief of police, Leslie Nielsen
has the freedom of roaming from case to
case without the precinct restrictions of
usual police routine, and as an elected dis-
trict attorney, Hari Rhodes (of animal doc-
tor fame in another series) provides the right
counter-balance in the segments that deal
with the important, and sometimes over-
looked, everyday aspect of protection-for a
city"s inhabitants. At times-in conflict over
the method that should be used in a particu-
lar case-the two fight in their own respec-
tive ways for the citizen's rights that are of
utmost importance in the stories. These two
Bold Ones play out the roles that find them
dealing with scripted stories involving the
many problems connected with the day-to-
day problems of policing a city growing
with the times.·
These, then, are the eight stars who were
-=--~a'M-1-0ugh-to get toget.hec.fur .sinale _photo but
John S.Kon, £. G. Mershell, Devld Hertmen
lAalle NlelMn end Herl Rhodes
JOMph C.mpanelle, Burt lvft, Jemn ferentlno
even more difficult to top as a series prod-
John Suon w,as discovered through a
magazine photo taken during his career as
a clothes model. He likes to stay busy and
particularly likes the demanding work con~
nected with the series.
David Hartman could have been a pro-
fessional baseball player but chose the c hal-
lenge of the dramatic life. Captain of his
college baseball team, David was also a
much sought after business-executive pros-
pect as over thirty firms bid for his services
prior to the decision to try his hand at
E. G. Man hall, although an Emmy award
winner ~n a role as an attorney, is most
comfortable in hi s part as the head of a
medical institute since in real life he is the
Honorary Chairman of the American Hos-
pital Association and a member of the Can·
cer Care Association. "'
Burl h es, an award winner in several dif-
ferent ~iums, comes to his role as an
allorney with -the qualification of being the
holder of a law degree. Burl is most proud
of his honorary degree presented to him in
1951 by the president of Farleigh Dickinson
University of New Jersey.
James Farentfno is in his first series, hav-
ing done movies and stage roles, and finds
that change a pleasant one. Married to the
multi-talented Michele Lee, the couple be-
came first-time parents this past July .
Joseph C.mpanella, nominated for both
an Emmy and a Tony (stage player award),
is no stranger to the series field, having
done a daytime series show for several
years. Joe became a father again on Dec. 27
when his wife presented him with another
boy, Dominic Peter, the couple's fourth.
Leslie Nielsen is everybody's idea of what
a cop is · supposed to be and that's as it
should be since Leslie was raised in police
work.. Born in Canada, Leslie is the son of
a Royal Canadian policeman and finds much.
in his background that is useful in his role
in the serieS.
Hari Rhode•, in his role as a district at-
torney, is a man who has fought his way to
the top from a poverty filled childhood. The
real Hari is a product of much the same
fight . . . from the slums of Cleveland to
the success of a Hollywood acting career
and the satisfaction of seeing his first liter-
ary efforts accepted and published.
The eight Bold Ones, an octave above
hi• 5
A· T •T ·E·N· T -1-0-N
Alwey1 a-lerge selection
of new end used cers.
710 E. First St., SA
W• L ... •II
Mo.liet of c_..
One Of the Largest Importers OJ
F.ttropec.·11 Cars Th So. Cal.
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1200 W.st Co.,t Hwy
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2240 s ......
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Home of the Love Bug
Specie I
445 l . c .. t Hwy.
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671.ffH 14f·HJ1
eat. H eat. 14&11
Then Newport Imports 11
Y. our kind of piece. Your Authorized
• ~ustl11 America
Ler~ 1toe~ of used PonchH
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100 W. Cotit Hwi., N.8
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,... 7
I .
(westtrn) '51 -Randolph SCott, B m ! ltlc!A~ I Ecce "°"'° (C)
Gene Evans, Raymond Massey. (ff) "Behold, Thls Is Man!" Award·
I Kl"'1n Kdlt91n (C) wlnnlna proaram tellln& the stQfY
(j) Fall &..-1 Ravivll (C) of man's past end future.
TM Story (C) D @ Cl) G) luun and Anlwtri 9:00 Ca1ttta Thr1t (C) (fj
st.tiH tD st.ltien (C) Q) Q) (i) Faftll tot Today (C)
1 IHc!A( I The Stop Artlwitil m Ses11111 Sb'fft (C) (R)
'.1 0 R N I N (,
T•tllltn (C) Appearina on this 0: 0 r... ~ G) NI la ttball c
AJI Stations re•'"'rve r1·ght to 15th annual telethon for the benefit 1 ·55 WJ • ~ sk ( ) .-of The Arthritis Foundation 1970 Hew Yor at Detroit
change programming with· Campalan ere stars such ts Jene 11:00 fJ fnbnl (C) "Barney Butt'' and out advance notice. Wyman, Gene Raymond, Eddie AJ. "Heartbeat."
&:15 0 UB<i& I Tiie s., Attlwltil bert, Rowan & Martin, Glenn ford O I l!lc!AC I Tiit Stop Arthritis Telttlie. (C) Continues frorn last ar\d Rock Hudson. Ttlttllon (C) Continues until 6 PM.
ni&ht. proaram ends at 6 PM this @ CDIEE FHtntlc Yoyap (C) I TIM fllntltonn (C) I Qoaptl Music (C) Church In tbt H0tat (C) even~!·,. .... ~..__ C flj Kathryn lhtlllman (C) ~First l aptbt Church (C) , ___ _.. ( ) TOtll Hd '--(C) NHL Hodl-(C) 6:30 The llble Anawtn , ... , •1
6:55 Qlve Us Thia Day (C) Mano 1 Mano R1nclltro g:) ne en Su Cua
7·.oo Tom and Jerry (C) • lltls 11 tllt Ufe (C) 11 30 fJ Con do -(C)
M W ..... bo (C) 9:30 Today's Rtll&ion (C) : I 1"C!AL I vtru n-r. -nt , My Favorite Sermon (C) Dr. Proaram examines a "no-report·
Saaed Httrt (C) Herbert Hohenstein, faith Lutheran card" aradlng system underway at 7:15 The Chrlstophera East Los Angeles elementary schools. 7:l0 IJtman (C) Church, Inglewood, guests. Eduardo Moreno hosts.
Harald of Truth (C) 6 Oral Roberts (C) (drama) '51-Joseph Cotten, Bar-
Rtvlnl fir" latrnan (C) b~ra Stanwyck.
JENNIFER JONES Rtbeta Wltll I ea .... (C) I ~ CI>&> fantastic four (C) a Movie: (C) "Man With I CIOiii"
(}) DntY and &ollath (C) ~~~ble Anawers (C) 0 Movie: "Contraband StJaln" (Jd·
1:00 lamp Unto My fttt (C) venture) '58 -Richard Gr~e. m TIM Chriltopllen (C) 10:00 I Stept to Lt1rnln1 (C) Anouk Aimee.
Ca•pus Profile lllis Is tile lift (C) 1 ci11ntor (C) "-f ru.-(C) @ Cl) Q) lutlwfnllle (C) •·•· C) W'~.';.';'(C)' . Movie: "TM Persuader" (west· frontiers of _..ltU (
Allen Remll Hour (C) ern) '57-Wi:llam Talman, James AfTFRNOON EMI Fires Crals. Kristine r.liller.
1 The Anlwlf (C) I Cu•rter TI ... (C)
Hall Mtetinl @ 47 HaHintss Way (C) 12:001 lellef (C)
1 Report CI> la•p Unto MJ fttt (C) lnttl~lpnt Parent (C)
Leek Up and Uvt (C) Panoq•a 39 (C) · (iJ Qtmt for Advtntur• (C)
Mrs. AlpM lat (C) 10:15 OJ Ho..tNcl (C) • Prospective (C)
@Cl)&) hdlef Do-RIPt (C) 10:30ti19(j)Faa111e Nation (C) Vice 12:30 fJ lnsldtr /Outsider (C) "Service
Movie: "A SWlrl of Clofy" President Spin> T. Agnew guests. Jobs: Pride & Pay." ~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~
H1creasing numbers of Americans now lease the
family ear. Apparently, the id e • is : "What's
good for cost.conscious business men, is also
good for the femily men." In Orange County
meny femili es are tekin9 edvantage of e re·
marlceble leasing progrem offered by Garden
Grove Lincoln Mercury. This very different pro·
cJrem lends itself to family bud9etin9 by i~~lud·
ing service end meintenanc e et no add1t1onel
cherge: oil, oil chenges, seals, transmission serv-
ice etc., etc. In eddition, the dealer buys your pr~sent car, freeing cepital for investment in
the rt1arket or that vacation property on the riv·
er. And every two years, you 9et • brand new
ca r.
For An Excellent Booklet On This Sub;ect
Call our Leasing Secretary
I MJ Favorite Martian 0 WATCH THE BIROIE-Oral Roberts rments (C)
@ Wh11ts to Adventure cc> * join ANDY WILLIAMS
Amerk an Problems (C) Chevrolet presents l:OOlimw(C) SAN DIEGO GOLF OPEN
· · 6 • Meet the Press (C) O @ (])ta) AndJ Wllli1m1 San
A The Slop Arthritis Dteao Open Coif Toum1111tnt (C)
Ttlt!hon (C) This continuing 191/2· Top golfers compet~ at the Torrey
hour proarem tor tht benefit of The Pines golf course.
Arthritis Foundation 1970 Campaign i Buck Owens Show (C)
has scheduled appearances by such 00 Shell's Worid of Golf (C)
Hollywood stars as G:en Campbell. Muska r Pal1br11
Dorothy Lamour, J1m Nabors, Karl Compass
Malden. Anthony Quinn, Debbie 2:30 0 m j lflCiA~ t Ttll tt like tt Is
Reynolds. and Della Reese. (C) The first in a new aroup of 0 (i1) @ a} Dlrtetlons (C) "East· er Island: Puzzle of the Pacific." four special religious proarama
I Shetlodl Ho'mes sched1tled Is a folk-musical com· .,.,, posed by Kurt Kaiser and Ralph '"' World lepond Carmichael. featured are The Kurt
TV, WOfSllip of tht West (C) Kaiser Slnem. a 81ylor University
festival •n Madrid student 1roup, alona with Gilbert
1:30 6 PREMIERE The Klt11 Challtn1e Price. Vir&inia Sandifur and Tom (CJ A new series of competitive ski Uriel\, three professional sinaers.
matches with Jean-Claude Killy fac· B Million $ MO'llt: "Panic In Yt1r
In& some of the world's best skiers z.o• (drama) '62-Ray Miiiand.
at outstandlna courses around the Jean Haeen.
U.S. The competitions will be In OJ Stont1111n f1mlt1 (C)
slalom, giant slalom or downhill. @!) Future 0 Hlpl1nd Wild (C) "Winter at 3:00 0 I s"c1AL I The Stop Arthritis
Crater Lake." Ttlt thon (C) (Continued.)
D m Discovery (C) "Anacostia I Chiller: "Monster Demolisher."
Neighborhood Museum!" Ernest Tubbs (C)
I Voice of Calvary (C) 00 ! 1Pw!1,. I Ectt Homo (C) ~ P1aaport to Travel (C) See 10:30 AM Osting.
Birth of I Colltft (C)-m Cruz de Amor
Sunday Alttmoon Movies: "Payroll" and "Stalllon Road.'' 3:30 0 On Campus (C) "The World &!) Arriba ti Norte Campus Afloat." Chapman Collere m Profllts of Prorress (C) students attend classn in the USS R)'ndam, a converted ocean liner.
2:00 R NHL Hockey (C) Detroit Red· ID TV Party lint (C) Retlaiout
Jn1s vs. Oakland Seals at Oek· music, with Bob Poole.
land. @) Mlatttoprs• Ntip bol'ltood (C) 0 Youth 1nd the h llu (C) / g;, Sta Powtr (C)
4:00 CJ Acrkultln USA (C)
0 TROUT FISHING with * Curt Gowdy and Phil
Harris on Chevrolet
O @Cl)la) Tiit A11trlun
Sports111n (C) Dile Robertson i nd
Edaar Buchanan hunt pheasant in
Hawaii; Phll Harris fishes for trout
In Wyomina; and Bill Shatner hunts
brown bear with bow and arrow In
Alaska. ~ Dollars and 5tnM (C)
CI) I IJl(!A I T .. I It Ub It la
i See 2:30 PM llst.in&. Wlan O' r oo1e
4:15 P1aport to Profit (C)
4:30 NtW111alltrs (C)
CloM Up (C) "Art BuslnH s."
. FamltJ Fi!• fntlval: "Beware
of Blondie." Penny Singleton.
I Hq (C)
Samun (C)
Sklinf (C) Proaram teaches per-
fection of ski and body pasitlons.
and concludes with a discusilon of
the cost and maintenance of safety
I Apkulturt USA (C)
-"5:00 lNXT News (C) C~ete Roberts
rn•ll UD (C) Bill Leyden.
1(11\ I Tiie stop Arthritis
Telttlton (CJ Final hour!
O Movie: "TM lamtts of Wl11t·
pole strttt" rom&ince) '57-Jennl·
fer Jones. John Gielaud. Bill Travers.
Viralnia McKenna. A tyrannical fa·
ther tries to prevent the romance
between his sickly dauahter and
pGet Robert Brownlna whose love
has brought about an amazing re-
covery of the girl.
I Dtilltari (C)
Patty Duke CV Seven Arts Tht1lr•: "One
Foot in Hell." fE How To Many a Milllonalrt
~ C61 MY Wttld (C) EE The Show (C) Guests: Dr. James
l'avanau&h. The Amboy Dukes rock
1roup, and fol k artists John Bor1er
and Donal leace. Bob Walsh holts. al Fll1bol·Soccer iD Htrt Collt tbt SfaB (C) al Run for Your Lift (C)
5:30 fJ Qi Ci) A1wataur. Hour (C) Ted
Mack. Round two in a contest to
se'ect grand finalists for the title
of National Amateur Champion. A All·Allltrkan Cotler• •• (C)
Ii) McHale's N1vy
ffl Sunset Trails @ Ci) Tht Wot1d Tol900'0W (C)
6:00 fJ c Ewenlna ,..., (C) (30)
Roaer udd. CJ @ @ iD Fr1nk Mdiff Report
(C) (30) 0 Polka Par1dt (C) (60) "Salute
to the Mardi Gras Season in Hew
or:eans." •
I Ti.t Groovy Sllow (C) (60)
t&) lhn Frei• UNCLE (C) (60)
Ii) Anl•1ls, Action Incl Adventure
(C) (30) "Cannibal World." A visit
to New Guinea.
I Setculatlon (C) (60) (R) fm Tiit For..,te Sap (60) "The to avoid Army duty. Jamu Brodt-
(!) Film feat.wt (30) Afternoon of a Dr,ad." rick and John Rubenstein 111at.
6:30 Rod Strtlna's Wltldtff•I Wtt1d &!) c.rroae1 Makino (60) I m ..... (C) (30)
of ••• lltC:O.!PftlllU (C) 1:30 D QJ Ci) m lilt ~ ... (C) Ltt ... Tait Tt ••• (C) (60)
0 @ @ @BC. E. Colltp lowt (30) "llle Gi>m·B1ll Incident " In· law ~ (C) (30)
I (30) nocent Kincaid aoes to Jall fOf Ma11a.. r .....
Judd for tllt Dtftut (C) (60) breakln& 1 aum·ball machine. Tom . NET Fnttvat (C) (60) "Th•
Slpbrusl) T1'tabt (60) Bosley iuests. World of O.vld Amr1m.
(j) Skippy (C) (30) I Hawaii •Ciiis (C) I &ran Tutro (60) 7:00 Qj Ci) Lanie (C) (30) Lassie World T°"'°'""' (30) 10:30 TH World TOMonw (C) (30)
and a young Navajo Indian find 9:00 9 Cl) Gltft Campbell (C) (60) n1 .. Fntlval: "Pardon Us" end
trouble in a deaolate watery canyon Miiburn Stone end Ken Curtis. Le· " hump et Oxford." l aurel & Hardy.
on Lake Powell. in Arizine. land Palmer and Evie Sands auest. a> KATHRYN KUHLMAN 0 @ @ iD Wild IU1t&do• (C) 0 9 (6) iD loftaua (C) (60) (30) "Sea Lion Humber seven." 0n "The Lady ~nd the Martt." The * AND GUESTS IN COLOR
a tiny Pacific island where thou· Cartwrtfhb plan to tnp swindlers lltllfttl lhti.l .. n (C) (30)
sands of sea lions breed and aive Of)t(atln& in Vir&lnla City, end a 11:00 D QJ Cil 9 Ci) News (C)
birth once a year, cameras focus on blossomiy romance lnttrleru. CatMdrll ofTHMmW (C)
a ver, special cub. (R) fJ (jjJ CV &> AIC S.'""1 lhwlr. WUll•11 f. lldltJ (C) 0 Sbowcae 5 (C) (60) The (C) .. In LIU Flint" (comedy) '67 ,....,.. (C)
Doodletown Pipers present "An -James Coburn, l ee J. Cobb, Jean It II Wrttltft (C)
American Ho"ldey." Hale. Secr.t a&ent Dtrek Flint Is 11:15 I.ft CI>&> Ntw1 ~C) 0 WANTED FOR MURDE~ hired by ZOWIE to lnmtiaete sabo-11:30 . Mivtt: "s..,tdoft" (suspente)
* THE LITTLE PEOPLE tage of the aovernment's first space 1--<:lry Grant, Joan Fontaine, platform Hla•I Brilte. Sir ~rlc Hardwlcke.
ON LAND OF GIANTS I....; (C) (30) Larry McCormick.. ~._...n I latkltJ (C)
o @ @ Gl Land or Ille 51ants Rawtllde hundup (60) Mtwlr. "Soft& ., Loft" (dra ma)
(C) C!i<J) "The Deadly Dart" The : tto...ood (C) (60) (R) "Trou· ' Katharine Hepburn, Paul Hen·
Ear1h1tn1s are the prime suspeeta ble In Tahiti .. reld, Robert Walker.
when several riants are found dead 10..ln~ Herc1tz (30) m Mtvit: "A Lettlr to Tint under mysterious circumsta"'es. 9:30 • News !C) (30) Dou& Dudley. W-1wts" (drama) '4~Jeannt Crain.
Guests: Madlyn Rhue, John Dehner. I #He~( I EIP'• Ll•ent (C) Linda Duntll, Ann Sothem.
Christopher Dartt, Kent Taylor. (30) (R) Arthur Godfrey narrates a I Colt .45 fJ Tiie lht Patrol (C) (JO) plea fot air pollution control. ~ 1\a Is Ille Ufe •(C)
Jaye P. Moraan and B. B. Kina ere c:o..t.rlel 1 c.bftdadts (C) Tllt Cltrldtphtra m Barbara MtHak Sltow (C) (60) I Tllt ---Set (C) (C) (30) lnalpt (C)
featured. 10:00 9 (f) Million: ln1posslblt (C) 12:0011 uH<IAL I Tllt StecJ of ,.. tE Tlla Advocatu (C) (60) "Should ( )~iTMF hides e youn1 prince J. fiiic11m, Titt SIMrin of LA.
the U.S. Continue To Reduct Its Aid from assassins by dlsculsln1 him as CountJ (C) (R)
to Developln& Co1111tries?" U.S. Un· a Gypsy air1. Mar'k Richman f uests. (E) Cl..... S..ncflJ: "Saint Joan."
d~r Secretary of State Elliot L 0 @@ m TH 1eW Ones (C) 1:00 R Mwlt: ur111'-"dlt" (mysltfY)
Richardson 1uests. (60) "A ThTnc Not ol God." A ·~od Cameron. • m Co111icos , Cancltn• (30) priest aids a ,oun1 IOlditr setkin1 D ...... F'"'' (C) 7:308~(j)To Ro .. Wtttl L.v. (C) (30) When an American artls1 asb i------------------------
Alison to pose for him, she is sure
It means love. 0 ID (6) m W1't DlantJ (C)
(60) "Smoke." Part I of two parts.
A contemparary drama about a
teenage boy and his stepfather who
come to understand on• another
for the first time when a dog en·
ters their lives. Jacqueline Scott.
Earl Holliman, Ronny Howard,
Pemelyn Ferdin star. 0 Million $ Morie: (C) ''MH tf
ttlt West" (western) '58 -Gery
Cooper, Julie London. Lee J. Cobb.
Bendit, 1one slrai&ht. is fOteed by
his unc·e to joln In a holdup. &J Passport to Trnel (C) (30)
ff) Horst Optfa (60)
@m Los C1udlllol (30)
B TONITE'S BEST BET! * THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW! fJ flt (j) Ed S.Ulwan (C) (60)
Guests: Gwen Verdon. Bob Newhart.
Sergio Franchi, Georae Cartin.
D ROLLER GAMES-LIVEl (C) * T-BIRDS vs. TEXAS 0 Roller GaM (C) (2 hr) LA
T·Birds vs. Tei as Outlaws.
0 FORD MOTOR COMPANY * presents THE FBI 0 @(})G) TM flt (C) (60)
"Pressure Point." Erskine's life i1
endangered when Mafia lieutenant
pleads fOf protection David Opato-
shu iuests. OJ Movie: "JoMAJ Apollo" (dram1) ·•o -Tyrone Power, Dorothy la·
mour, lloYd Holan.
II) f H IUtH (C) (30)
"Borrow a1.ooo to a10,ooo
••. whetNt your home Is peld for or notl
Cit Mtltl!IJ ,,,.,Its 11 H11f ~' bUdltl F0t 1u mpl1, you
PAT AU TOUI OlD llW with 1 t.tt .. Itel an lnttrHI Otlly IOln
homeowner lotn from Union. • • •or • P'lllClpel •lld lnlereat
Start tN Ntw Ytar wltll t cltan IOln, with ltO IAU.OO• ,AYMUT
1l1te alld llavt more lllOMJ ltlt ..... 0 'ATlllOTI FOii I MOtmtll
IP IMml out ot every peychld. Your PIJ· Ytu Hm 1~1111 Powtr Notld TV mtnl$ •I UnlOtl Wiii probably be Gtl t.tsll tor 1t .. 1 Eatat• Ttlta,
P'lrlONllltJ loa tll•n ht ll rour prut nt due now ... for Chrlstmu bllla g:,,.111 monllllJ PtJmtnh ... St.alt and Federal Income
,"""' y ........ p ..., Tana. Get lllOlltY Ml you can pay 1:30 tD -t W vw" .,.,,... t.tah tor 1 car, 1ppll1nc:ea, color
11:30 AM YOU'al Tiii IOU -AT U•ICNll TV, f11rnllW., lnltttd of peyln1
Mon.-frl. You en pick peymtnh tllll m 111111 re.oM11t creclll c111r1ta.
CAU. DAY Olt "teHT. Get your lo•n •ppro119d on the phone -so you QET YOUR MONlY ,A.Ill
LOS ANGELES call Mr. Newton ... DU 5-4141
GARDEN GROVE cat: Mr. Jennin~s ... 539·2122
MVNTlNGTON ~Aftt< Of"P'IC•. , . Mr . St...,•n• ..... ee ... 7 ' t
T'Oft"ANC• Of"P'IC• . . . • . . . Mr. l!dwerde • • , • , IM.24948
VAN NVVS Of'fltea ...•.... Mr,~-•••••. 7 •7·1424 WHITT! ... Of'J'IC• . . . • ... Mr. M cDowell ........ , , ••
P•I• 9
I -
',1 ( ' I.' • j I •, ( .
s:ss 1111n u. 1'11 .,., <C> 6:00 SWllt S-1• (C) Two new
semester series, offered for full col·
leae credit, becln today: "Iranian
(Pers;.n) Culture and Civilization,"
Mon., Wed., Fri.; "The Social An·
thropolou of Africa," Tues., Thurs.
6:25 D Edlltdion &dWtp (C) "You're
Part at Art." · &:30 II OdrmJ (C) New Semester .-.
ries: ''The Exceptiqnal Child," of.
fered for full colle1e credit, Mon.,
Wed.. Fri.; and "Frontiers of Elec·
tronl,:s." non-credit course, Tues.,
I More For Your Mon.,
Explorin1 Los Anples u. for the u,.an (C) (Wed.)
6:55 0 MIC NtwMt'Vlce (C)
7:00 CIS News (C) joseph Benti. 9 (6) m The Tedlf 5'ow (C) fte lfls ind Her ef It (C)
Mr. WlsllbeM (C)
loz.o ~~ (C) Com..odtt; {Stoel Report
: Sesame Slrtet (C)
7:301Ft1bns Wondeni•1 (C) SnuffJ S.itft (C)
~CIS ,.._ (C)
VWeo Dfclst (C)
(j) Clpbil ltlnproo (C) Daplloe'• Cartoon Cutlt (C)
........ lu•bJ (C) .
(I) Recy Ind His Frtenda (C)
News/Stoel Mertet
1:10 C:O.M11nltJ luttetia loant/Yo•
1 We,U. (C) Thurs. only.
1:25 Colll•unltJ lllflttin Board (C)
1:30 Mr. Mia-(C)
Exercise lltll lloria (C) •
Mornlft1 ltdl (C) Ted MeyeB.
Marine loJ (C)
iid«91an (C)
Jact LI Linne (C)
9.00 (j) Tiie Ucy ... (C)
@ i1' It Taal Two (C)
Host Vin Scully wek:omes Howard
Morris and his wife, Howard Duff
and Ida Lupino 1nd . comedienne
le Ballard and Roter C. C1rmel. fJ Mwle: See Daytime Movies.
Jack LI latH'9 (C)
Undenlot (C) CV QllHfl fol' a D11 (C) .
Featwa Ind E.dieltional py._
9:25 1· •1 ~ m NBC NIWS (C) 9:30 Bevtrty HllMlll (C) . m Conc:entrltion (C)
• Mowie: See Daytime Movits..
Clr1oons Ind Ftlbns (C)
World Premiere: 'The Movie Mu.rderer'
Univcrsal's World P.remierc project: now
in its fourth year on NBC, turns up with
a gem this week in World Premiere: The
Movie Murderer." The mundane title to the
contrary, the story deals with an exciting
chase, and a serious character study of two
adversaries. Angus MacGregor (Arthur Ken-
nedy) and his young, hip. assistant (Tom
Selleck) are investigating tires for Trans
Global Insurance Company. The fires arc
being cleverly set by arsonist Alfred Fisher
(Warren Oates) and they all include motion
picture film in their charred ashes. The in-
vestigators face two problems, both com-
plex; first, to tic the various movie rum
fires together, and second, to get to Fisher
before he sets the next fire.
Kennedy, a five-time Academy Award
Nominee, portrays the wry old tire-horse
the company would love to put out to pas-
ture but can't afford to lose. Selleck makes
his debut as the assistant who's also been
promised the old man's job, should he final-
COMPETITORS -An1us MacGnror tArthur <l
Kt'nnedy, ri1ht), top arson invutlgator for an
iruuranu company, is sun with his young
a.uistont Mike Beaudine (Tom Selleck), who aspires to take over hi.J rt'putatlon. in "Tht'
Movie Murderer" Monday at 9 PM "" NBC.
ly "fall on his face." The winning of the
young ex-athlete to the· old-fashioned thor-·
oughness of bis mentor is a sub-plot, im-
portantly handled.
In this picture the heavy is more than a
fleeting shadow on a darkene<Lstair. As
played by Warren Oates, Al'frcd Fi.sher is
a lonely man, looking for a place to call
home. He lights fius for a living, bl)t evinc-
es no thrill from the soaring flames he
crea.tes. Another tragic figure. alcoholic mo-
tel owner Ellen Farrington (Norma Crane),
appeals to all Fisher's better instincts.
Against the background of the roaring
sirens and d·evouring flames, both the~ hu-
man dramas are played out. Will Ellen
marry A~fred, and take him away from his
underworld existence? Will MacGregor win
over the young assistant he's been handed?
And of cour8e. will MacGregor find the key
to all t~e fires and stop Fisher? It's a "who-
lit-it." in the tradition of mystery and in-
1f ff
(· .
10:00 {itlf Criffb (C) l (I)...,._.. .......... (C)
11 CJ) m s.a. " tile t.nbNJ
(C) Jack Kelly hosts.
l ..._/s..cl Miilet
10:30 Cl) u.. .. Lift (C) I S.ftJ Today (C)
~ m .... .,... Squares
(C) uesb are Soupy Sllu, Nanette
Fabr1y, Jim· Backus. the team of
. . Dino. Desi and BillY. Lainle Kaun
and Vincent Pnc:e..
II) Tm91 fl:m (C); W«ld of
W...11 (C) Thurl. only.
11:00 IJ 3 (j) W11ere tile Heart Is (C) D ~ @ m Jeopardr <C> Art
Flem• ni hosts. 0 Dr. .....,., Adftntum (C)
0 Tiie liehpitlc Co....t (C) Gr1h1m Kerr.
I T..,. (C) lJaxter Ward hosts.
...,., he• (C)
n:zs ~~ cas """ <C> 11:30 1J Surcl fw T~(C) 0 I 6 m TIM Who, Wtsat and
.... Ca• (C:) •
I .... ., Cr11rt (C)
Tiie Allaivtnlfy ea.. (C)
las Allatla City Sdtools TV
II) hid ef W~ (C); TIM Pierre
SMw (C) Thursday only. EE Sea• Slnet (C) (R)
11:55 D @ (i) m NIC News (C)
.'\rrrµ~on N
m(C) @ 8' lift Wltll Unklttt«
Mewie: See Daytime Movies.
@ Ci) lewtkhed (C) .,;n Win (C)
News (C) Bill Johns.
M.ut R.,.rt: Close I.., c-(C) 12:30 ~ As tilt World Turns (f) m D1Js ., o.. Uwts
Tlllt Cir1 (C)
!i11( tor Doll1rs (C)
Sleet lhrUt Aulyas
· TUt Ci1 (C) Wed. only.
12:45 fj a.Ina rras
1:00 QI~ I.owe Is I M1111 $plell·
dored Tltlftli) · · 6 . TIM Doctors (C) 11 til ' ........... (C) Q11ttt1 for a Day (C)
1"'9Stlws SM•cnt
1:15 fublres and Educational Pro-,,. ..
1:3018 fE The Culdln1 Upt (C) · 6 m Another World (C)
f ltW Knows Bat
~ CI)(!) Let's M1kt 1 DNI
' twit: See Daytime Movies.
T_,..ical CorHr
1:50 fultiens In Sewin1 <C)
2:00 I fE Stutt storm (C) 6 m lrlpt Promise (C)
Dear Julll Meldt @ (]) Q) Newlywed C1M (C)
Colden Sllot Movie: See Day-
t m• Movies. Tom Hallick hosts. I .,.,,, S.. °""mo M,.;,. _ Commodlty/Mutu1I fund
'Y' 2:30 9 ~ Edee of Nl&M (C) 9 8' N11N Dfot1pen (C) ...
Al Lohman and RDC9t BlnMy. tf11P
O'Bri1n, lalnie KM1R, Paul Lyndel
I Clr1 Tllk (C)
'°~~~~is Dtnny hosts. 2:451 Sllecl ...... s...y 3:00 ~ -c... ,,.. (C)
It's Yew let (C) Tom Ktn'*'Y
hosts. Guests ire Jack Wesmn IQd
wife. Mera• Redmond; Ln K.lniaa
Ind wife, Pit Carroll.
~ ,.....,
@ rn m c..a1......, <C>
a.zo's lie Teti Slllll (C) ... ~ ... _... • w Office .. tile f1111ij1 t "'5-~ , ........
Ci) M1tl..-: Don Rodewald. I h .... .. c.lw. eqr ~-!
• Mltiut: Don Wibon. ....... S....,. F~ l • "-• 3:30 Ludy h ir (C) R1CMrd Ow-PM. Gmli l~~ .._ .._,
son hosts. Guesb are Ruta Lee. r .. l ...-4 • llL:ll PM. ~. O'Connor (Mon., Tues.); .Id o.. ~ ll.
~ve. Beth Brickell (Wed.. Tllllf1):
Dawn Wells. Dick Patt.ersoa (fnJ. 0 Mike Do.,tas (C) Slndlet lttd
Youn1 co-host.
I Mr. Ma,.. (C)
@ aJ 0.. Ute Te U. (C)
,..,.,. alld frilMI (C)
Hobo .... , (C)
Dr. Hucbeo'1 Secrlt ._...
Ci) ,.,.,. c.-... (C)
• ft1tum Ind News (C) ....-t~.... Ed; Mowir. See o.,t1-
Movies. Monday only. 0 st•., tilt Stan (C) &uesb .,.
Peter Brown. Joftl~n ~ 1.S
Karen VelentiM. Miu StoMy hosts. fJ @CDO> o.t ...._ tc> A Tiie Nabd Trwtll (C) m MilMJ Moae (C)
fl)Pu Cu11n tD Muffinllnd: Thi3 pro1r1m is dt-
si(ned to encour11e children Unt THE BOMBING HALT to seven years old to U$I ttleir
_ im11inations.
4:15 tD T1tt fritndtJ Ciallt
4:30 Mowit: See Daytime Movies.
Diwofce c..t (C)
GNtws <C> Hazel (C)
T1tt M11nstln
Cl) Milt.,...._ (C) lawWde ......,
: Seu• strwt (C) (R)
(j) Tiie FlilatltMtl (C)
I 0 Usar1MM*
le•itdled <Cl
MIC Newseuic:e (C)
News (C) Tom Reddin.
flipper (C)
News (C) Georae Putnam.
llbNn (C)
@11••1 n..-(C)
Ci) Mcffllt's NftJ
• Ua canto de Maicie
• Clllipn's Island (C)
Calloplna Cour...t (C)
5:30 ® AIC News (C)
• calldid ca ...
CUl1p11'1 blind (C) ~nset Traits
Ci) Tltl:a Day 1970 (C) : illte,.,..-............... (C)
(f) News (C) Mike f1>1ey. Yrrvta , caplllftl
• Town T alll (C)
DOW OpeD•••
Sean ew
Serviee ·
Now JOU doa•t Mw te
apead loq bcuu• oTer
your incamt tu. Par a
r1•DID"lllt C.. (1-ld •
a pMt-.1 aclledule) a
tralmcl tu ........ will
~~-~ pt.re ltodl mt. ..,.. ..
al --witla ,.., ..
aaraDCll f4 compltatioml
• 'I'll• .......
.... emlldentlal
• No Qllbatm•t
llw1111~ .n.. ..... 1o. ..... .._.,..,..,
•JCMR ......
...... Chup
Co•• la to 1o•r ....... Sean .....
U.ted below I• •e1p
wltla 7oar mo••• tu.
QlYMrte & SOTO
I sears]
..... 11
AGES 3 TO 19..-.
to Audition on
Closed Circuit Television
•nd Qualify for
Brandon Cruz joined thtJ
talent pool. and five
months later signed' a
five year contract with
M-G-M. Now he can
be seen each week ei
8:00 Wednesday ev•
nings on •'Courtship of·
Eddie's Father.•'
Hollywood Ta lent
Coordinator will be
In Orange County
this week for your
on-camera audition
(714) 547-6251
T .. S..rc:h Being
-"?W.ducted by
hp 12
Actor-Artist Sketches
While -Wt_riing in TV
... ,
Greasepaint and painter's oils
do not mix but they have proved
to be a compatible mixture for
actor Mark Richman all of his
An accomplished painter and
artist, ~e often renders onto can-
vas what he first sketches be-
tween scenes on a studio set.
"I draw interesting variations
in dress," explains Mark. "Long
hair on girls, shawls and uni-
forms are good subjects."
There were plenty of uniforms
10 sketch in the "Gitano" epi-
sode of Mission : Impossible
(airing Sunday on CBS at I 0
PM ) in which Richman guest-
' stars as the ruthless Regent of a
Graustark -like monarchy. Hop-
ing to take over as ruler of the
country. he plans the murder -'>f
young K ing Victor, played by
Barry Williams JGreg in The
Brady Bunch).
Mark Richman (Ir/I)
and Barry W 11/101t1J
Mark and other memb!rs of
the cast are resplendent in dash-
ing uniforms, making ideal mod-
els for his artist's eye. The re-
sult was many blunt pencils and
several well filled sketch pads.
Mark turned to acting in juni-
or high school and soon wu
working in radio. All the while
though, a nd throughout his act-
ing career, he continued his art
studies. ~
He holds at least one exhibit
a year of his paintings in art
galleries. His two greatest thrills
are that a lithograph of his is in
the collection of the University
of the State of New York. at'
Albany and a painting, "The
Blue Lady," is in the permanent
collection of the E . B. Crock.er
Museum in Sacramento.
for morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY-
for your convenience, are
the day's movies.
9:00 U "Dud of NIPt'' (mystery) '46
-Mervyn Johns, 5ally Ann Howes.
D "Pride and Pr9judict" Part I
(drama) '40-Greer Garson, Lau-
rence Olivier. Conclusion will be
shown tomorrow at 9 AM.
9:30 O "90 Decrees In tht Shade"
(drama) '66 -James Booth, Anne
Heywood. m "The Jecllpot" (c:omedy) '50-
Jemes Stewart, Barbara Hale.
12:00 f) M.Joe Paloolla" (comedy) '34-
J1mmy Durante, Stuart Erwin.
1:30 m "Les Miserables" {classic) '35
4-fredric March, Charles Laughton.
2:00 O "Hoee •t Ho•idd•" (mys-tery) '46--f>eggy Gamer, Randolph
Scott. m "Tales °' Advltlture" {adven-
ture) '54--t>on DeFore, LoR Chaney
4:00 I) .. Paid In Full" (drama) '50-
Robert Cumminp, Lizabeth Scott
6:00 IJ !!!J News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. O w Huntley-Brinlllty (C) (30)
U Can You Top This? (C) (30)
Wink Martindale hosts. Panelists
are Morey Amsterdam, Henny
Youneman and Milton Berle. 0 Six O'Cloc.k Movie: "frtud"
Part I (drama) '63 -Mont&omery
Clift, Susannah York, Larry Parks,
Susan Kohner, David McCallum.
The story of the life of Sirmund
Freud and the opposition he faced
while formi11atinc his theories of
human behavior. Conclusion will be
shown tomorrow at this time.
I Dietl Van Dyb (30)
The Flintstones (C) (30)
Star Trek (C) (60)
(1) ABC News (C) (30)
What's Nn? (30) "Animal
Ward," a tour of the Washinaton,
D.C. Zoo.
I (j) CBS News (C) (30)
Pasion 'ibna (30)
News (C) (60) Jack White.
6:30 llNBC Newservice (C) (60)
'e DON KNOTIS IS ROPED * INTO SKIT WITH STEVE! 0 Stevt Allen Show (C) (90)
Guests are Lionel Hampton, Don
Knotts and Pat Buttram.
~ ()'CL()C~~ M()Vll
•OllD.a ·PDT I
) ,
fJ TM ca.. ca... (C) (30) D 9 @ m World Pr .. itrt MOV· m ~ favorite Mlltiln (~0) it: (t) ''Til Movie Murdlter"
I Cl) PtffJ Muon (60) (drama) '70-Arthur Kennedy, War·
JDYtlltln ~ (a0) ren Oates, Tom Selleck, Norma
@ HunU.,·lrin~ (C) (30) Crane:-iwo 1nsurance investigators
Creative Penon (30) track an infamous arsonist who CI> Tiie Munstefs (30) specializes in burning buildiJlis
• Noticitro 34 (C) (60) which store motion picture films.
• KMIR News (C) (30) 0 Here Come the Stars (C) (60)
7:00 CBS Evenln& Ntw1 (C) (30) Art Unkletter receives applause and
Whlfs Mr lint? <C> (30) applesauce from Edgar Bergen.
I Lowe luq (30) Charlie McCarthy, Marni Nixon,
Btat tta• C*k (C) (30) Susan Barrett, Gene Baylos, Lew
Co••oditJ/Mutual fund (30) Partler, Betty )(ean. Dorothy Man
(R) ne.s, Bob Blasser, Jack Balley and
@@ Mondaf Show (C) (2 hr) Evelle Younaer.
"The Truth About Spring." Hayley El) Sl&tbiiUSh Theatre (60)
Mills, James MacArthur. €Il) Arin& Uni (C) (60) "The Ken·
I Alloral (30) nedy Years." Harvard professor John
Ci) Tnrtll or Conseqlltftces (C) Kenneth Galbraith, ambassado< to
Ceslf's World (C) (30) India during the Kennedy Adm1niS·
Tlut Clrl (C) (30) tralion, discusses his book. "Ambas.
7:30 ®)Ci)Cunsmoke (C) (60) sador's Journal."
• "The Badae." Kitty, stunned at m tmpactos Muslcales (30)
seeln& Marshal Dillon wounded, 9:30 •
flees Dodge City. Beverly Garland, a. TONIGHT'S BEST BET! Henf.lones and John Milford guest ar
0 · Mr World and we1co .. to * THE DORIS DAY SHOW!
It ( ) (30) "Rules for a Happy 6 Qi Ci) Doris Dif (C) (30) [)o.
Marri11e." John Monroe forgets to ris volunteers herself and Myrna to
keep a luncheon date with his wife. run Leroy's 1as station so he can
D (fii@G) It Takes • Tllief (C) visit his wife who's in the hospital (~) "Fof!une Clty." Al Mundy and having a baby. Jim Hampton re·
his glr1fnend Mona become ac· crea1es his role from last season
• cidentally involved with foreign u Leroy B. Simpson.
ag.•nts plannint to sabotaae a U.S. I News (C) (30) Baxter Ward.
under&round atomic test ~tefanie Bill-Johns Newa (C) (30)
Powers ,and Broderick Crawford . Revlsta Muslul (30)
guest.. . 10;00 Qi) (j) Carol Bumett (C) (60) fJ Mii Ion $ Movie: "Youn& Man Barbara feldon and Joan Rivers Witll 1 Hom" (drama) '50-Kir11 guest
Douglas, Lauren Bacall, D.oris Day. I m News (C) (60)
Hoao Carmichael: The story of a • Della! (C) (60)
jazz trump~te(s nse to the top of 'Perry Mason (60)
his profession. : NET Jcurnal (90) "Hospital."
I Trutll or Consequtnees (C) (30) 'life in s New Yor11 City hospital
Major Adal'llS (60) is evoked throurh the camera's
Tedlnlul Comer (30) (R) eye, from emeraency ward to psy. EE Frend! Chef (30) chiatric clinic. (Due to its uncom m Cna de AlllOf (30) promising approach, this program
1:00 D m lauP.ln (C) (60) Guest is suggested for adult viewing only),
Is Jack Benny. -El Padre Garnica (30) 11 MOVIE BUFFS! Do YOU 10:30 · Cynthia (30) * KNOW MORE ABOUT 11:00 0 0 mm ..... (C)
FILMS THAN STARS? 8 ::v1e~es:t)~~1r1poo1 .. (mys·
" D Movie Came (C) (30) Marty terY) •59 -Juliette Greco Marius Affe"" Ida Lupino, Howard Duff and Goring. '
Janet Maclachlan auest. m Peyton Place
I To Tell the TruUI (C) (30) m He Said, • Said (C) Guests
Womttt and the Martltt (R) are Jack and Reiko Do~as. Grei
World rms (C) (60) Mul'avey and Meredith MacRae,
rtndorama (30) Jack and Brett Klustman.
&15 Stodt Marbt Summaiy (R) @ @ @ @9 Ci) News (C)
, 1:30 9 (f) Here's luq (C) (30) • . , • Craig is discouraged about gettin& ll.15 @ CIJ Cinema ~nteen (C) 'The
his song published until he meets Old Dart House.
Ann·Mariret. who decides to in· 11:301~ CJ) Merv Griffin (C)
troduce the song on a television • fU Cl) m Jotl11n1 Catton (C)
special. Kup's Show (C) Scheduled
0 Bruins IA Actlon (C) (30) Bas· 1uests are Liz Carpenter, Robert
ketball hi11hlights. · Kotz, Ludovic Kennedy and Rev.
O (i7J (I)l(l) ABC Mond•y Movie: Malcolm Boyd.
"Slbrfna" (comedy) '54-William 0 al ~ Clvttt (C) . ,
Holden, Humphrey Bogart, Audrey m Movie: 'Top Hat" (musical) 35
Hepburn. When the chauffeur's -fred Astaire, Glnge. .Rogers.
younr dau&hter returns from School· m Movie: "Crooked Cifd•" (mys.
Ina in France, the two wealthy tery) '53-John Smith, Fay Spal11.
sons of the family vie for her af· EE Adventurr. A half·hour filmed
fection account of the Intensive, 12.year
I D~d Frost Show (C) (90) training progrem of the Kathauli
Tiit Bl& VatltJ (C) (60) dancers of Malabar in India.
otfiu of the President (30) 1:00 fJ Movie: "letllwtllp" (drama) '58
~ (30) -Rhonda Aemin1. Guy Madison.
9:00 la CI> Mayberry R. f. D. (C) I 0 """ (C) (30) Emmett pawns his wife's ex· Community Bullttln Board (C)
pensive diamond to play the stock Act.Ion Tiltttrr. "Meet Mr. Cal·
market. Mary Lan.sine guests. laahan.''
won't wait
for 6 o'clock
bill bonds 4:30 p.m.
also at 11:00 p.rn.
eyewitness neW8/kabc-tv
William Holden, is Ont> of the two wealthy men who wish
to marry Audrey Hepburn, a chauffeur'1 daughter, in "Sa-
brina" on TIJ.e ABC Monday Night Movie at 8:30 PM.
Beautiful decorative colon In
many finishes. Wide selection
of GAS LOGS. FREE Estimates given.
(Since 1920)
2202 S. MAIN-545-0491
hp 13
r J f • f o 't (I TUESDAY
I ~ 6 ~ ...., <C> <60> lefry Dunphy. I am ... ~......, <C> <30>
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY-
tor your convenience, are
the day's movies.
O c. Yo• r.., Tllil? (C) (30)
Wink Martindale hosts. Morey Am·
sterdam, Henny Younpan and Mil·
ton Bene euest. 0 Sil O'Clec:k Mowie: "Freud"
I Part II (drama) '63 -Montaomery
Clift.· Susannah Yort Larry Parks.
t :OO 1J "l• .. rtal llttalion.. (drama) Susan Kohner, David MeCallum,
'«-David Niven. Stanley Holli"ay. Eric Portman. story of the life of
fJ "'ride and flrajudice'' Part II Slemund Freud and the opposition
(drama) '40 -GrNr Garson, Lau· he faced while formulatine his the-
rence Olivier. ParCISliowt'l jMfer·i---, ..... ·..,....,,.,. human behl'tiof:-Pttt4
day at 9 AM. shown Monday at 6 PM.
9:'30 O "The Lollipop Cover" (drama) I Didi Yan O,U (30) '6~n Gordon, Carol Selfin°er. TIM Flintstoftts (C) <30) • Star Tret (C) (60) . m "The Advtntvrlll" (adventure) Ci) AIC News (C) (30)
'47-0eborah Kerr, Trevor Howard. Modem Sul*Vision flrevlft (C)
12:00 IJ .. ,,.....,, Mllllottt" (comedy) (30) Preview of an upcomine 10·
'4s-Dennis O'Keefe, Aelen Walker. week series from Applied Manaee· ment Science, sc~eduled to bqin
1:30 m ''TM Lu Vtps Story" (drama) Tuesday, March 10.
'SZ-Vlctor Mature, Jane Russell. l (j) C8S News (C) (30)
2:00 0 ''T\e Mlpty Ct~ (spec· Palion <lu (30)
tacular) '61-francisco Rabal, Syl-News (C) (60) Jack White.
via Koscina. 5:30 CJ MIC ,..._me. (C) (60)
m "'CtlrM of ttie FKeleu Mu" 1J MORT SAHL TAKES ON
(horror) '48 -Richard Anderson, * STEVE ALLEN! NOW!
Daine Edwards. g Steve Allen sa.ow (C) (90)
4:30 tJ (C) ''flbverid Queen" (west·
ern) '55-aarbara Stanwycil, Barry
Suzanne Plcshette and Ed Nelson
star in .. Along Came a Spider .. --tbc
srory of a woman's attempl to avenle
the death of her hwband-airing on
lhe ABC Movie .of the Week. Tuu-
day at 8 :30 PM.
Also 1tarrina in the suspense dra-
ma are Andrew Prine and Brooke
Bundy .,.Ith Richard Anderson,
Wright Klna. Barry Alwater, and
Mihon Seiter featured.
Jn "Along Came a Spider," Janet
Furie (Suzanne Pleshcttc) is not con-
vi ncCd when the death of her scien-
tist-husband is called accidental. Ao-
·other man. Dr. Mnrtln Becker (Ed
Nelson), has taken credit for a dis-
covery of Furle's.
Calling herself Bannio • •
Janet mec cc er and becomes ro-
Guests: The Match, Jim Lane•.
Mort Sahl, and Art "The Amazin('
Metrano. -
mantic y involved with him. However, she is soon convinced that
Becker Id kill her husband. To gain revenge,. sbe schemes to make
it app r that Anne Banning has been murdered by Becker.
Throuah cu~ln1 and with the unwitting help of a young girl
(Brooke Bund ) and her ft ance (Andrew Prine), Janet succeeds in
her plan. Beck i? tried and convicted for Anne Bannlng's death.
Then, shortly after the trial, she receives a letter that changes the
complexion of her case aaain t Becker. Is be innocent? For Janet,
the horror is ju~t bcain~ni.
hf• 14
I Tllt ~ .. ~ .. (C) (30) I that didn't happen .
.. , f.....itt .. lrtiu (30) I o..ld frost SMw (C) (90) w""' Ma. (60) I JU Ii& V1l"1 (C) l60)
llMSten SMwca• (30) Office of tlM "~ (30)
@ HHtleJ·lrillllley (C) (30) Interface (C) (30) "Reverse
DUUT Y•c• t0t [MfJO'IC (30) mosis." Interface travels to San
A new series of eilht pro1r1m1 de-Dieeo to look at the reverse OStnO·
siened to teach the b1sic tunda· sh system-an economical and ef.
mentals of yoea exercise1. I fident water purify1ne process de-n. MunJten (30) veloped bJ Or. Glenn G. Havens.
' Notidero 34 (C) (60) 9:00 a @ @ m Flnt r....s., (C)
• QUR News (C) (30) (60) Prorram explores the life style
7:00 C8S &11ia1 News (C} (30)
of actress Vanessa Reduave. San·
What's MJ Line? (C) (30) der Vanoeur reports. Also shown Is
I Lowe lucy (30) a feature on the IStaeli Air Force.
hit tile Cledt <C> (30) O HIGH-VOLTAGE
Co1H1odity/Mutual fund (30) * ENTERTAINMENT
@ Branded (C) <30> NEW SERIES UP : Ahora! (30) ~Ci) Trvtti or Consequences (C) IN HEFNER'S PAD!
ltlancb in die Sun (C) (30) O PllJboY After Dart (C) (60)
'TilltClir{CJ\30) I he Ike amritna -fnmeritM ,
7;30 ~Ci) Lancer (C) (60) Johnny Doug Kershaw, Louis Hye, Max
Lancer draws the wrath of local ' Reed. and Patty Duke euest.
cattlemen when he befriends ·a EE Saaebrudl Theabe (60)
youn1 sheepman who saved his fID NET festival (60) "The Wor1d
life. Andrew Prine euests. of James Buswell." CJ Qj @ m I il)rum of Jeannie ~ Chucho Avellanet (C) (30)
(C) (30) "Mrs. Djinn·Ojinn." Ojinn-9;30 IJ f3 (j) Tiie Qovernor and JJ.
Ojinn's pendine fatherhood is cause (C) (30) JJ. splurges to buy the
for confusion at NW as Jeannie 1oven1or a beautiful watch for his
and Tony try to hide the maeic birthday.
doe'' exi5tence. I ftews (C) (30) Baxter Ward.
0 @ a) Mod Squad (C) (60)1 Bill Johna Ntwa (C) (30)
"The Exile " Julie falls in love with • Musica J Estrtllls (C) (30)
1n exch1nee student from the Mid· 10:00 Qf) Ci) 60 Minutes (C) (60)
die .µst._ not kn~in1 he is ~he g REDDIN REPORTS ON
crown prince of his country. HICO * GRAPE CONTROVERSY• Min1rdos euests. • 0 Mlllioft $ Movie: ''The Conspira· * 0 m Ntwa (C) (60)
to!T' (adventure) '«-Hedy 4marr, 0 @ (1?, a> Marcus Welby, ~.D.
Paul Henreid. Peter Lorr.. Sydney (C~ (~) ~ance to No Music. A
Greenstreet. Nazis brush against sc1ent1st believes he has an ~eredi·
anli·Nazil and a soldler·of·fortune lary disease that leads to complete
helps retLgees. loss of memory and jnability to
I Truth or Consequences (C) (30) function. Joseph Campanella 1uests.
Major Adams (60) • Della! (C) (60)
Ttdlnical Corner (30) Perry Muon (60)
The City Watchers (C) (60) 1 (I) feature (60) " "
Cruz de Amor (30) : NET Journ1I (90) Hospital. (R)
8:00 . Q) @ m Debbie Reynolds (C) • El P1dre Garnica (30)
(30) "Nothing But the Truth." 10:30 · Cynthia (30)
When Debbie suspects that initials 11:00 0 0 m m a> News (C)
in a local eossip column refer to Tiie .w~~r~ers ..
Jim. she persuades him to play the • Movie:. Dime With • Halo
truth eame. Dean Martin makes a (comedy) &~Barbara Luna, Rob·
c;ameo. appearance ert Mobley, Paul Langton.;
0 MOVIE FAN'S DELIGHT! · I Peyton P1ace . * OUT-GUESS THE STARS 1 He ~~hQj(ii~iws (C)
IF YOU CAN ! TRY IT! 11:15 fficinema SevtntHn: "Ooml· IJ Movie C1me (C) (30) Marty Al· no Kid."
len, Ida Lupino, Howard Duff and 11:301J ~(I) MlfY Griffin_ (C)
Jane1 Maclachlan euest. 0 @ @ m Johnny Canon (C)
To Tell tJte TrvUI (C) (30) Scheduled euests: Carol Wayne,
(1) ABC News (C) (30) James Coco.
Wo••n and die Marbf (R) O Movie: "The fallen Idol" (dra·
• Dlscotlleque 1~o-Go (C) (60) ma) '49 -Sir Ralph Richardson,
8:15 stodl MlfUt S111111wary (R) Jack Hawkins, Michele Morean.
8:30 9 (j) Reel Sllelton (C) (60) 0 aJ Olcil Cavett (C)
· @@ m Julia (C) (30) m Movie: "The Gay Divorcte" (mo·
"Charity Beains With Cheeley." Or. sical) '34 -Fred Astaire, Ginaer
Chegley otrers free medical atten· Roeers. Alice Brady.
tion to a little Mexican boy and m Movie: "Bust of Maraelllet"
his parents Insist upon working for (adventure) '59 -Stephen Boyd,
Che1ley to pay the bill. Anna Gaylor. IJ One·Man Show (C) (30) Morty fD R111an Preis Conferenct
Gunt_t_ls spotlighted. 1:00 fl Movie: (C) "Women of the flrt• O UZJ cv .m ABC Movie of the historic Planet" (scl ·fl) '65-Keith
Week: (C) "Alona Came 1 Spider'' Larson, Merry Anders, Wendell Corey.
(drama) '70 -Suzanne Pleshette, I 0 "'wa (C) Ed Nelson, Andrew Prine, Richard Community Bulletin Bolrd (C)
Anderson. Brooke Bundy, Wrliht Action Tlleltre: "Yaqui Drums."
Kine. Barry Atwater. Milton Selzer. 1:30 AJl·NIPt Show: "We Dive •t
Certain that Or. Becker was respon· Dawn," "Untamed Women," "The
slble for her husband's death, Janet Blood of Nostradamus."
furie has him convicted of a crime 2:30 IJ Nnrs/&1¥1 Us Tllla D., (C)
di· ete
"The Last of the W~terners," a 3M Special, examines the West
as it really was at the turn of tbe century as seen through tbe eyes
of three genuine pioneers who lived in the "old wes.t." The special
will be seen in color, Wednesday. at 8: 30 PM on ABC.
Based on "The Westerners," a book by John Myers Myers, the
special features reminiscences of three people, out of a handful of
pioneers. who still live today to recall life as it was during •the peiiod
between 1880 and 1910. The special is narrated by Robert Ryan.
C harles Blake. 90, now .living at the Pioneers Home in Prescott,
Mrs. Agnn Wright Spri11g, now 75, livt'd as a young girl In a SIUIJt'·
coach 11atio11 in tht' "old Wt'SI." Mrs. Sprint i.t Ollt' o/ thru pionur1
who will bt> sun 111 "Tht' Last of tht' Wnt~rnus."
Arizona, ~ a former cowboy who recalls "b~ing" wild horses, the
tremendous Arizona heat and the dust storms.
Another of our pionee rs is Mrs. Agnes Wright Spring, 75, of
Denver and now Colorado State Historian. Her "old west" experi-
ences were in her father's stagecoach station.
Mrs. Spring reminisced how the loneliness of the stage station
was excitingly interrupted by the arrival of the Sears and Roebuck
catalog, from which the family did all their shopping.
Another of our pioneers is former cowboy Eugene "Pecos" Hig-
gins. 86; who also hangs his hat at the Prescott Pioneers Home,
and who recalls doing a lot of d rinking the days he cowboyed in
Texas, Mexico, New Mexico and Arizona.
"I neve~ got drunk," quipped Pecos with a wry grin. "but, I never
i.obe red up in 30 years." Another of .Pecos' habits was sleeping
out of doors. "I went years, all over the country, and never slept
in a house. wouldn't sleep in one. If I was visitin' I'd haul my bed-
roll off my horse and sleep in the yard."
James Benjamin, who produced the 30-minutes special for ABC
News. said the "film is not a ho kum. nor a western melodrama.
We tried to be honest about it and show that particular time and
place in our history as it actually was through the eyes of people
who lived through it."
Lean Eafl Holliman, who stats in "Smoke," a two-part contem-
porary dtama on The Wonderful of Disney (NBC, Sunday eve-
nings of Feb. 1 and 8, 7:30 PM) is a veteran of two past video
aeries. And he wants no more of tbe same.
"I don't mind doing auest appearances on various series," Holli-
man said, stretching his raw-booed frame across a chair. "But
even though I know that the big money 4s in making series, I
just don't want iL"
Pausing as if to formulate what be was going to say next, with
thought visibly manipulating his flat, uneven features, he continued:
"My first series w~ Hotel de Paree, in which I played the Sun-
dance J(jd. And that only tasted a year. Then a couple of seasons
later I did 1 Wide Country, a rodeo version of Route 66, which
again lasted one year.
"And look.ins back on ~ I don't know what I'd have done
. . . d-lastee. I used-to So' up at-4;.J()_or S·OO
AM, Bependiog on whether we were shooting on . location or at
the studio. , We'd shoot till about 7 :00 that night. I never got
home bef'ore 8:00. And being unmarried, I'd nave to make dinner
and clean the makeup off. somehow it'd get to be midnight and
I still had to study about 14 pages of dialog for the next day.
I'd .get to bed about I :00 or 2:00 in the morning.''
He then spent the wcekeodS doing laundry, catching up on hjs
mail and other errands. "While I was rJ!mng a series, I never
saw a movie. Whenever I went anywhere, I'd go to sleep because
I was too tired to stay awake. In other word$, my personal life
went to pieces. 111 never know.how David Jan~g ever managed
IO survive Jive years of The Fugitive."
Determined and ambitious, HQUiman, who learned his craft at
USC and the Pasadena Playhouse, wants to make more 61ms.
"last year l was in ltlay makipg a picture with Bob Mitchum
called 'Anz.io,' and then after that to Mexico for an .ABC Movie
of the Week. 'Legend of Joaquin Murietta.' I enjoyed doing those.·
Guoss I'd rather stick with films aad lealfe televisjon adventure
series to those who don't mil'td living their lives on the set."
Standfn1 up /or tltrir rl1htJ "" lacqurlint' Scott, £11rl Hol/lma11, Ronny
Ho-war~ and thr Gnman 1ltt>pltrrd t/l/t' 1tar ol "Smokr," a two-part
contempor11ry drama Of! Tht> Wondu/ul W orlcf of Dun~y.
,. •• 15 ..
Lloyd Havoes. starrinJZ as American History teacher Pete Dixon
in ABC's Room 222. pursues ao avocational ioterest--0ne of
many-in rus home work.shop. Lloyd began preparing for a major
in electronics engineering at Los Angeles City Colle$e and later
transferred to San Jose Stale College to study electromcs engineer-
ing and design and philosophy. He was within weeks of obtaining
a degree in engineering when he realized be bad wanted to be
an actor.
The hobbyist's pride and joy is a magnificent rnuSic center with
stereo, tape, etc., that he designed around components, built and
faced with inlay parquet with "!alnut veneer.
for morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies.
&:GO IJ I ll News (C) (60) Jeny Dunphy. 0 m HuittleJ·lrl11~ (C) (30)
D GET S£T £0R LAKERS * ACTION RIGHT NOW! 1J u~era laM.tball (C) (21h hr)
LA. Lakers V*s Detroit Pistons at
Detroit · 1J Six O'Cloc* Movie: (C) "leau
Ceste'' (adventur-> '66--Guy Stock·
·'Yell, Dou& McClure. Leslie Nielsen.
• Telly Savalas, Malichi Throne, Mi-
chael Constantine. Two brothers in
the ·French foreign leilon face a
sadistic se11eant, the blazlne desert
and marauding tribes.
(drama) '3&-Randolph Scott. Bin· The flintstOMS (C) (30)
nie Barnes. ~ 60 IJ "Tllree Cuys Named Mite" Sw Trff (v, ( )
9:00 O "Tiie last of die Mollkans" I Dia VM DP• (30) .
(comedy) '51 -Jane Wyman. Van @ ABC Nns (C) (30) __
---'·-dH Jofln . -......... ) ~) "Below $tt-
9:30 r.oa "Intent To Kill" (drama) •59-level." A film from the Netherlands
ABC•s noble nperimmt lit presendn& the Jobnny t"asb ind
Eagelben Humperdlock one.-bour musical shows back to back
Wednesday mgha as pert ol their revamped "second Season"
Is Interesting.
Although this may be termed "block programming" (offer-
ing two successive hours of !be same category entertainment)
the stars are so diverse that this may not really be true at all.
In addition, Cash seems a fairly safe bet to bequeath a ·
hlrge audience to Hl.Dllperdinck eadl week wbioo may put the
younger singer in a safe rating bracket
-a.'!d ratings are the name of the
Cash, it wUJ be remembered, did
exceedingly well in a brief summer run
on ABC and figures to duplicate that
success. If so, the first half of the ABC
scheme will work welt
You watch C8.sh on your television
screen. you are aware of his tremen-
dous success ln his field, ·and in the
light of what you are seeing you try
and analyze that success.
RICH The tateoc is there, that's for sure.
Tbe delivery and pbl.losophy of bis plaindve soap ol tbe riven,
the plains, the rallroa:ds, the hills, the loners ~ the losers
somehow involve you.
But standing alone in idle spotlight, tile lighting is often unkind
to Johnny. Io en age of youth his years (not that they are all that)
..... 11
-on how dikes are made.
m (~) "Man Frim _Cocody" (dra· . Pasion Cita111 (30)
Richard Todd, B•y Drake. •100 C8S News (C) (30)
ma) 65-Jean ~1rats. • News (C) (So) Jadt White. 12:00 11 "Rose of Cimarron" (western) ·~-.Mala Powe~. Jack Reutel. . 6:30 0 IN~ ~ (C) (60) •
1 :30 m "Mr. & Mrs. $1n1tt1" (comedy) CJ The Came C1.1H (C) (30) Pan-
'41 _ Carole Lombard Gene Ray· ehsts: Larry Hovis, Ruta Lee and mond ' Deacon Jones. Jim Mackrell hosts.
2:00 e ct> "Runnlll& Tarret" (western) I~ fnorita Martian (30) •ro~ •rth F Do . Dowll 1 lV Pen'J Matoa (60) ....,.._... ur ranz, ns ni. tnvestDri sa.owcue (30) ~ "St11dl for D1111er'' (mystery) 00 HuntleJ·lrinkltJ (C) (30)
• 49-Joh,~ Calvert •. My!1'a Dell. ' : Gutan Tai (30) Suma and Gi· • i.30 fJ (C) Rope R1Wer' (drama) 50 sela help an Afiiean student with
-Peter Gnives. her German leuons.. PiMre visits a
fV'""'•.r. medieval castle.
RCAESAR TALKS WITH l (j)TIM Mllftltln (30)
Notidefo 34 (C) (60)
KMIR News (t) (30)
7:00 f) CBS Evenlnc Nns (C) (30)
Walter Clonkite. * REDDIN ABOUT GRAPES!
become evident. Rugged and almost craggy of feature he is no
matinee idol.
What dlen has caused Cash to be singled out for hu~e public
acclaim over other tialents, talents of pemaps equal stature?
I thought I spotted tbe difference and it may be a unique
• theory.
ln virtually everything be ctoes, In song or spoken word, JolD
ny Cash seems to have the drama and timing ot an evqelllt.
Among d1e other gooOies on Johnny's show is the fact' that it
originates. from the Gl'8nd Ole Opry m Nashville. The in-person
audience seems CX> be as enthusiastic over the singer as, SflY,
'teenagers are over their latest fla'vorites. ,
Jommy Cash slnglng In Nashville before such a group Is UJce
the,. New York Mets playing at home at Shea Stadium and the ex-
cJtemen.t transmits itself all the way from NashvUJe to your home
* * * ' ~.brings us around to Engelbert Humperdinck and his
mustCJVaJiety hour which originates in London.
You m1goflt fenn Humperdlnclc an "original." Certainly, he is
nodllng like Johnny Cash and certainly he lackB the electricity
of a Tom Jones.
But male charm bas many faces. and dark good looks plm
the fact that be seems to be hugely enjoying hlm9elf omtage at
all times, plus an lnten!Sting sense ol humor augur well for
the young man from Britain. · .. •
The production values on his new series are just fine.
However, his future might very weU be feature films.
Provided 11ny theater marquee big enousf! t'O spell olft E-n·
g-e-il-b-e-r-t H-u-m~r-d..f-h-c~k can be found.
It would seem that the ABC-1V hours between 9 and 11 p.m.
Wednesdays are now in intetes(Ang and capable hands.
t hr)
IS at
rs In
c~ a
ts a
: It
' [ke
I Wlllt's MJ Unt? (C) (30) I Wrestlin& (C) (60) Dick Lane.
I lM hey (30) (fi') @ (!) .lollnnJ c-. S11ow
Ifft UM ca.ct (t) (30) {6o) Gue.sts: The Everly Broth·
to.~ /Mubiil Fund (C) ers, Dusty SprTnefierd, Rod JkKuen. ( ) I s.,..,rus11 Th .. tr. (60)
I 00 Americ.a! (C) (30) News In Perspt<tlve (C) (60)
Ahoral (30) Boa de MtJl'° (60)
Ci) Trvth or Conaequencts (C) Wender'.ust (C) (30) 9:30 0 Naws (C) (30) Buter Ward.
Th1t Glr1 (C) (30) m 8111 Johns News (C) (30)
• 7:30 tJ Qt (j) Het Hiw (C) (60) fer-10:00 tJ ~ (i) H1w1il five·O (C~ (60)
lin Husky and Dottie West guest. lnvest1gztcr Chin Ho Kell~ 1s ac· a ID(!) m The Vlrelnlan (C) cus_ed of taking a bribe by a nar·
(90) "Train of Darkness." Dennis colics dealer.
Weaver guestJ as a retired gun 0 ~@ .~ Then Ca~e Bronson
slinaer who Is the target of a ven· (~) (~) lucky. Day. Bronson
aeance-seeking family. Also guesting visits. his cous!n in Nevada whose
are John Larch, Kaz Garas, Barbara wedd1~g day 1s Interrupted when
Werle. Gerald S. O'loughlin, Char· s~e hits a hot streak at the aam
lotte Stewart and Patrick To1iatt. bhng tables.
0 l17J CI Ji(EJlfiiliiyiiuflhe Pro·· em News-(t) (60t
lessor (C) (3Q) "The New Butch." ~ @OO a> Engelbert Humper·
When Bulch affects a cool, hip fac-d1ndl (C) (~)_Guests: Lou Rawls.
ade, NJnny advises Prolessor Ever· Gina loll.obng1da, Kaye Ballard,
ett lhat his youngest son needs Roger Whittaker
more attention. • ~· 0 Delle! (C) (60) 0 Ml lion $ Movie: "Gokt.n Cirl"
•(musical) . '51-Mitzi~ynor, Dale
Robertson, Dennis Day, ames Bar-
ton. Qance-mad adole nt livlna in
California during Clv1 War falls in
love with Confederate u ptaln. m Truth or Consequences (C) (30) ID M1jor Adams (60) fE TtehniC11 Corner (30)
€Ii) Joyc1 Chen Cooks (30) "Fish.
Chinese Sty'e."
g) Cruz de Amor (~0)
TIFFIN, WINTERS, ASTIN • (D I sF1(1Al I Pre111lere Cover1re
(C) (60) "Viva Max:· Taped films
covesina the events at the Fot Twin
Theatres in San Antonio, Texas.
premiere nifhl ol "Viva Mu.~· plus
inlervle~s with stars in attendance.
EJjJNET JMJul (90) (R) "Hoapi·
8:00 0 @ (i) I.he Court.sflip ol tel.''
Eddie's Father {t) (30) "Guardian 0) EJ Padre '8rnlc1 (30)
for Eddie." Tom Corbett's search for 1 ruar~ian for Eddie centers on 10:30 @E CJnttlla (30)
Horman Tinker and the boy's grand· ll:OO tJ D "1'm m News (C)
mother • O The Wu t11nert
I To Te"I the Truth (C) (30) O '"'rl ) r;T:\ N (C) Women i nd the M11ilet (R) l.W l • ;.u IWI
The forsyte Saga (60) (R) 0 Mcvie: "JohnnJ Cool" (mystery) ~ EJitom1tro (30) '63-Henry Silva. Eliz~th Mont· go:nery, Jim Backus.
8:15 m Stock Market Summuy (R) m p t Pl I ' ey on ace
8:30 B ~ (i) The Beverly Hillbillies m He Said, She Said (C) (30) (C) (30) Shorty, still trying to es-~ '7\;w,..., cape marriage to Elverna, barricades ~ l 6 J 'CI ll...J Nnn {C)
himself in the secretarial pool at 11:15 U1l 00 Cinema Sevtnlten: "The
Drysdale's bank. Mating ol Millie."
0 IT'S RECALL TIME FOR 11:30 fJ ~ 00 Merv Griffin (C)
* MOVIE BUFFS' TRY IT! 0 ~ @ m Johnny Caraon (C) • Scheduled guests. David Susskind, 0 Movie Game (C) (30) Sonny William f Buckley Jr.
Fox hosts. U Movie: "Tllt Udy V1nishts'' 0 1 Gl I s"ic11C I Thi Lnt (mystery '38 -Michael Redgrave,
of the Westernef'I (C) (30) The Paul Lukas, Maraaret Lockwood.
frontier days of lhe Am erican West Googie Withers.
are recalled by three people who fJ I!!:\ I c lived them. Eugene Higgins. 86; ·~ D ck avttt Show (C)
Charlie Blake. 90; and Agnes m Movie: "Swlngtlme" (musical)
• Spring. 1n her 70s, are interviewed. '3&-fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers. . m David f rost Show (C) (90) @ Movie: "Jennifer" (drama) '53 aJ The Big YalleJ (C) (60) -Howard Duff, Ida Lupino.
EE Office of the Prtsidenl (30) (R) Ell) Documentary Fe1:ure: "Pour le Merite." Program on Germany's m Sonrlsas famous science and arts award thal
9:00 tJ ~(})Medical Center (C) (60) was dedicated in 1842 lo honor the
Dr. Gannon suspt(ts siahtless teen· creative elite of the world.
ager Lucy Hibbs is sufferinr from 1:00 IJ Movit: (C) "Glory• (comedy)
hysterical blindness, Heidi Vaughn Is '5&-Waller Brennan.
leatured. 0 fJ Newi (C)
D KRAFT MU Sir HALL m Action Th11tt1: "Man of Con·
" llict." * Desi Arnaz · Bernadette Peters 1:30 0 Community Bulletln Board (C)
0 QJ ({)fit:) Kr~ft .Music Hall ~) ID All·Nl(flt Show: "S!eepina Car (~) Stamna Desi Arnaz. Bernadette to Trieste," "They Were Sister&,"
Peters and Vivian Vance. Lucie Ar "~sco Kid."
naz, end Desi Arnaz Jr. 2:30 1J News/Give Ut Thlt Da1 (C)
Where.To Write
Herbert S. SChloster
Vice P,...ldent
NBC 3000 w. A11med1 Burbenk. Ct llfornl•
TH 5-7000
Mr. John McMehon
Vice Pr"ldt nt ABC
4151 Prospect
Holl)'WOOd, C.llf. 90027 NO 3-3311
Mr. Peny Latte~ Vice President
CBS 7800 Beverly 8oul""8rd
Los Ans.ies, Cellf. 90036 -Ot.-1"-U4~
Local Statlom
Chlnnel 2 (C•S>
Mr. R•y L. Belndorf
Vice President & Gtn.,•I Man•c•r 6121 Sunaet Boulevard
Hollywood, Callf. 90021
HO 9-1212
Cl\tnnef 4 CHIC>
Mr. Robert Howard Vice Pru ldent & Oenerel Manacer KNBC
3000 Wl Alamed• Boul.v9rd Burb an Calif0tnl1
Vl9-3911 ~
Chennel 5 (ln~denU
Mr. Doualas Flnley
General M1naaer KTLA
5800 SunH t Boulward
Hollvwood. Calif. 90028 HO ~3181
Chennef 7 CA•C)
Mr. John McMahon Vice President & Oenerel Men.,.r
4151 Prospect Hollywood, Ctllf, 90027
NO 3·3311
Clltnnet t (lndepel'ldenU
Mr. Charle& P. Dwyer Gentt'll Manacer
KHJ·.TV 5515 MelroH Hollywood. Callf. 90028
Ctiennel 11 (lnd1p1nclenU
Mr. Chert• 0 . Vouns Vice Prffldent & Oen1n1I Maneaer
5746 SunHt Boulevard Hollywood, Callf. 90028
HO 2·7111
CMnnel lS (lnd1111nclent)
Mr. John H~klnt President & Gener•I Mtntfef' KCOP
915 N .. LaBrH
Hollywood,.Celif, 90038
OL 6-6050
Clltnnel 22 (lndepel'ldent)
Mr. Fredrick 0. Custer General Manaa•r KWHV·TV
5565 Sun•« Boulewrd
Hollywood, Calif. 90028 HO 6-n 57
Chennel 2:1 (N--e.omme~f•I)
Dr. James Loper
General M1na1er
1313 N. Vine Hollywood, Ctllf. 900a
HO 6-4212
Chtnnel 3' (lpanlth Lancuep)
Mr. Jottph Rank
General M1na1er l<MEX
721 N. BrontGn
Hollywood, Ct llf. 90021
HO 6-11131
~'.~·,:'· • I
·1,iill: " ....
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O Clauroom O Home Study
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IM-17 $2595
• ~1ate <lfet1ff -l'•T 1""'1f, 4 1ll1<et1 lra111111er. i ti.... • 4 AC ,,,.., ... ,,..,.. e 4 DC v•lt• ,,.._.. e 4 .,.m r~ e 11 fM9911m
lnpVf .. oc • 1 _,...,,. ... ,.,. ... AC • • ....... * •A meter • ••n.-rv ,..._.. • •...--~ya... UM wi&.11 MM cev• &. MMie~~ ,,.,._. ~· ,., tfff IHh e e11y . .....,At1 clrvcll lle1'11 ceulnlcti....
00.. Hundreds of EYWY.SIY MNJUrtmenll for homeoWM1'$, hOt!OylSll.
bOllus, model builders, CBer's, hems, even TV se<""Vktmen. FNIUrts four ranges on AC 1r.d DC. voll' that ,,,_sure from I lo 1000 volts full
sea~ ... tour resl.slanct r angH I 10 ohms center Scille •I, •100, •IOI(.
xlMJ that mea.vre from 0.1 ohm 10 1000 "'490flms. All ranoes ••• mulll-
colOred, al\d the<e's an extra l•ck 10 CJOnnKI 1ccessory proo.s 10 ••lend
'" c.apabllltln. a111ety .. •w•retl Te Werll 411~• •.. runs on • "C" cell al\d l .•11.
mercvry cell. H~mt as uHd In transistor radios.
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Of l'WI E1perilMftfifl9 w a11 Clrcuns TIYI Are Slit, Etlucali.t\11 & •Nlly ...... .
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tlem tw ~lldlnt lt dlff•renl e+ec·
lreftk ll1m1 e Fast, 111derles1
qrln ... type ctftMcton e Operates eif .ale -n•mical ll1'hlltllt .. ,. IWW.. lne: IMkHledl.
P&•;•cT l'O• ANY YOUNGST••
MYST••ll!S 01' ELl!CT•ONICS.
C:O.,t1ln1 ctr1oon·llluslrated prlnclplea
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lns1ructloM lo< building 19 different
projec11 . c-:xse 111$1\er, bvr91ar
alarm, put>lk adctrns snlet'8, S dlf·
ltrtnl translslor radios, .iec1ronk
timer, TV silencer. eleclrk tye. mllronomo, cod• transmitter, voice
t,.n•mlller, flashtt, Intercom, audio 1lona1 lnlect0<, cepaclty & voice op-
era led relays. SOlderless, 1prlno·type
connectors speed assembly, Ind c111
tie und r~atedly for bvlldlng l•v·
orlto profects. O~retft on tour sale
C·1lte lle$hllghr batt~rles Cnot lnclud·
edl. Makes • ., ldeal Qllt for eny
'fOVnQster " bl,,..y, Christmas or oraduatlon lime.. . .
To ,..di . HHtlMtlt 'lectrenk Clflllt', 11111 Harller 8tvtl. le aau Av, .•
.. ,, tlft 8111 I t-snert II.Kiii 19 llt E .. I Bell H' !&lie S.1111 AM l'r ...
Wl'I' le H•rMf' Blvtl •• H .. fber illlvtl. le a111, 1 tww •hert bi.<lu •1141 yo11'rt
STOH HOUIS: M•a.-Frl. t .6, Set. t -5
776·t42t HO EAST IALI., ANAHllM
Page 18
6:00 I ~ NIWI (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. · m H1&ntley-1rinldey (C} (30)
For morning and afternoon
listJngs, please see DAY-
for ·your convenience, ar~
t~~ day's movies.
9:00 D "TM Mtpificqt Matadot' (dra·
ma) ·~thony Quinn. Maureen
O'Hara. 0 "lorn To Dance" (musical) '37
-Eleanor Powell, James Stewart
9:30 B "Tiit Teacher and tlat Miraclt"
(drama) -Aldo Fabrizi, Eduardo
Nerola. · m "The Locl&tr'' (mystery) '44--
Sir Cedric Hardwicke. Merle Oberon.
12:00 D "The Dark Past" (mystery) •49
-Wi:llam Holden. Nina Foch. ·
DC.a You To0 Tllis? (C) (30)
Wfnk Martindale hosts with Dick
Gautier actina as the resident Joke.
teller of the view!lfs' stories. Pan·
e:lsts are Morey Amsterdam. Henny ·
Younaman and Milton Be<le.
O Six O'Clock Movie: "S.il a
Crooked Ship" (comedy) '62-Rob-
ert Weaner. Oolorn Hirt. Carolyn
Jones. Frenkie Avalon. unie Kovacs.
An inept ex-Navy officer md his
fiancee stumble upon a ftoup plan•
ninf to rob a Boston bank usina
a kidnapped liberty $hip as the
aetaway vehicle.
The Fllnts1D11t1 (C) (30)
Stat Trtt (C) (60) I Dick Van Dykt (30)
(}) ABC News (C) (30)
1:30 ID ~force of £vii" (drama) '48-
. John· Garfield. Marie Windsor.
Z·OO G UJ011is.lbk lnndaa'' (sci=1l •
-John Acar. Jean Byron.
Whlfa New? (30) American
is traced through folk sonis
from the days of waaon trains,
cowb~s and Jesse James.
I Ci) CBS Nns .(C} (30)
Pasion Gitlna (30)
"~ it) (80) mt White;
6:30 D MIC Ntw1tr1ice (C) (60) OJ "lorn To Speed'' (adventure)
'47-Johnny Sands, Don Castle.
4:30 fJ "(q)tflment PtfllollS" (mys-
tery) '44 -Hedy Lamarr. George
* FOR DIGESTION'S SAKE! D Sleft Allen Show (C) (90)
Guests are Terry Gibbs. Georae
Lindsey, Jane Keane and Lee Tuttle.
be Gamt Game (C) (30)
~ Favorite Martian (C) (30)
W Peny Muon (60)
estors Showcase (30)
~u.,..arwi., <'> (30) -j( C_AL!f. GRAPE STftl,.._.___..__
Information for these I~ Is furnished by the telwtslon stations. TVIWEEK
la not ruponslble for fnt·mlnut• ch•n&... In proe1'11m llstlnp.
B m m m m
Im m
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
• Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Palm Springs
Palm Springs
Cable Bakersfield
Cable Bakersfield
Cable Bakersfield
A star (*) preceding a log listing indicates it is a paid adver·
tisement. Channels 22, 28 and 34 are UHF in Los Angeles, with
28 being the educational (ETV) station. Channels 17, 23, and 29
are UHF In Bakersfield.
Channel 2-6:48 AM Sund1y, 6:o8 AM Monday throu1h Friday, 7:18 AM
Channer 4-7:00 AM Sund1y, 6:00 AM Monday throulh Friday, 7:00 AM
Channel 7-Proerammon' 1tarts at 8:30 on Sunday, 7:00 AM 'M onday throuah Friday and :30 AM.on Saturday.
This m11azlne Is published we!l!tJY for thla n..spapor by TV W£EK. a
d ivision of Grtmn Prlntlna and LftftOCnph Co., Inc., edltorlal and produc·
lion offices, P.O. 8011 1190, Glendale, Calif. AddrHs ad11ertlsln1 lnqulrfM to the display ad11ertl1lna department of this newsp1per.
• I
•hY· ')
• ob·
, __
• C·
, >
fI1) RETURN Kukla, Fran and Ollie thing he thinks about Paul Lynde
(C) (30~"Here We Are Again.'' The and Bernard Foit guest.
Kuklapolitans return In a new flvfl' • David frost Show (C) (90)
week series. to face the business The Blc Vall C J._6Q.l _
WOl1lt, lflJ1!1te-televi~on ana ftie o t ts nt (30)
generation gap In their uaua¥ ma4-: NET Pfayllouie (C) (90) "Fiva
I fashion · Tomorrows." Five short films from l (f) The· Munstefl (30) different countries dea!ing with the
Notidero 34 (C) (60) implications fOf the near future if
KMIR News (C) (30) today's violence, conformity and
7:00 CBS Evenin& News (C) (30) atomic weaponry continue to pro·
Walter Cronkite. literate. ·
Whirs My line? (C) (30) 9:00.IJ Qj a ., Movl~
I Love Lucy (30) (C) "Th• drama)
But tllt Clock (C) (30) '62 -Efrem Shelley
CommodltJ/Mutnl Fund (30) Winters. Jane.fo 1, Claire Bloom,
(i) The Amtrinn West (C) (30) Glynis Johns, Ray Danton. A famous
: Ail"Ort! (30) psychologist and his staff conduct
@ Truttl or Consequences (C) a scientific sex survey on the m,arf.
• True Adwnture (C) (30) tal lives of a group of ''typical"
• That Girl (C). (30) "American suburban w1>men.
7:30 ~CI) Family Affair (C) (30) O ()1) CV la> Tom Jones (C) (60)
Buffy and Jody inherit a small sum Guests: Nancy Wilson, Phil Harris,
of money and learn that being Oliver, The First Edition.
"rich" creates new problems for El) S1cebrush Thtatre (60)
them. Booth Cotman and Lou Krug. 9:30 0 ~ 00 m Dragnet (C) (30)
man guest. "Burglary -the Son." Friday and 0 @ @ m Daniel Boone (C) Gannon investigate a burgl'ry in an
(60) "Mamma Cooper." Ethel Wat· upper middte,ctan neighborhood end
-ers, making her first TV llramatic trail the suspect through a maze or
apearance in seven ear uests as tbe world of smal'-time ..oa~
the slave mother of abe er. operators. Robert Brubaker. Ooro·
who risks his life and fr•dom to ih Morris and John Gilgreen guest.
find he~ and bring her to free rand. • News (C) (30) Baxter Ward. fJ @ CI)&) Pat Paulsen's Half Bill Johns News <C) (30)
A Comedy Hour (C) (30) Mike Con· lO:i>O 0 fD (6) m Dean Martin (C)
nors and Foghorn leghorn guest. The ballet team of Fonteyn and fJ Million $ Mowle: (C) "Heten of Nureyev join Caterina Valente, Cor·
Troy>' (drama) '5&-Rossana Podes· ·bett Monica The Golddiggers Leon·
ta, Jeck Sernas. Sir Cedric Hard· ard Barr ~nd Albert B~ks as wicke. Homer's thrilling saga of the • guests..
love story of Helen and Paris. B m News (C) (60)
which rocked the world of those @ @la) PAris 7000 (C) (60)
days ancl..started tti. T.n>ia'! War. "Can Mr ta:'--Sren11an refilse.s to m Truth or Contequenc:es (C) believe a police report that his m M1jor Adams (60) gir1frlentl committed suicide. Guests ffl Technical Comer (30) are Barbara Anderson and Brenda
Et) Thutre B11t (C) (30) Benet m Cruz de Amor (30) I De:l1! (C) (60) ' 8-:00 f) Qj 00 Jim 'ffabors (C) (60) Ptny Mason (60)
Guest Phy'lis Diller is highlighted : The Advoutes (C) (60) (R)
in two comedy sket~hes-as Prln· El Padre Garnica (30) cess Crazy laugh with Nabors as .
the Lone Ranger and Ronnie Schell 10:30 ii> Cynt!lla (30)
as Tonto; and as an unhappy wife 11:00 I 0 fJ mm G) News (C) who interrupts her husband at work The Westernen
to ask for a divorc&-Unfortunately, • Movie: "Hoot.nanny Hoof' (mu·
the husband Is a famous surgeon. sicat) '63-Peter Breck. Joby Bak-
0 MOVIE FANS BEAT er, ;~~t,~~lace * STARS AT OWN GAME! ·I He Said, She Said (C) e MoYlt 81Me (C) (30) Sonny 1 CID Ill 00 ~ 00 News (C)
Fox hosls. : Wuhlneton Week In Review (C) fJ @ Ci) Q) Tim Girt (C) (30) (R)
"Ugh, Wilderness." Conclusion of a 11:15@ CI) Cinema Seventeen: "Man
two-parter. Ann and Don are lost From God's Country."
in the woods following a crash· 11:301~00 Merv Griffin (C)
landing. . Q) 00 m JohnnJ C1r10n (C) I To Tell ttie ·Truth (C) (30) Movie: "The Min In Grey'' (ro· Wom~n and the ~a!let (R) mance) '4&-James Mason, Stewart
Wash1neton WHk in Review (C) Granger, Phyllis Calvert, Margaret
(30) .. Lockwood. g) Prtmlere (2 hr) "La Bella Lola. 0 I&> Dick Cavett (C)
Sara Montiel, Antonio Ciafariello. m Movie: "stare Door" (comedy)
1:15 El) Stock Market Summ1ry (R) •37 -Katharine Hepburn, Ginger
1:30 B Ii) 00 m Ironside (C) (60) Rogers, Lucille Ball.
''The .. Wrong ~me, the Wron~ 1:00 IJ Movft: • ''Beware My LoYt:y"
Place. An asp1~~g youn~. actress (suspense) '52-lda Lupino, Robert
becomes an unw1lllng part1c1pant Jn i n.
Chief Ironside's search for bank , News (C)
robbers. Tiffany Bolling guests. Action Theatre: "Wayward'Girl."
0 Bo•I!!( (C) (90) 1-30 fJ News (C) p @ CV~. Bewitched ~C) (30) • gJ. Alt·Nlpt Show: ''The Tawny
Super Arth~r. The cure is worse Pipit.'' ''Samson In the Wax Mu·
than the ailment when Dr. Bom-seum" "Woman Hater." bay's treatment for Uncle Arthur's • falling powers makes Samantha's 1:45 0 Community Bulletin Board (C)
mischievous relative turn into any 2:30 U Newt/Give Ua Thia Day (C)
$1.00 tax included
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Free Estimates
-2211 W:-lhtbo. Bmt. -Newport-Beech
For morning and afternoon
li5tings, please see DAY-
for · your convenience, are
the day's movies.
week's panelists are Morey Amiter·
dam, Henny 1ounim1rtaiia' Milton
Berle. 0 Sil O'Clock Movie: ''TIM Fltlt
Men In die Moon" (sci·fl) '64--[d.
ward Judd, Lionel Jeffries, Martha
Hyer. Three astronauts track down
an a1ed discoverer who tells them
the story of the first moon landing.
The fllntstonn (C) (30) star Trell (C) (60) I Dick Van O,b (30)
m ABC News (C) (30) Rn Children's Special (C) (60)
"The Brave Little Tailor and Other
Stories: Masterpieces of Animated
9:00'0" " (adventure) '47 Puppetry."
· rt Lancaster, Ann Blyth. I (j) CIS News (C) (30}
.. A Ptrilous Joume(' (adven· • ,_.. Cltana (30)
.lure) '52 -Vera Ralston; David ,.... (C) (60) Jack White .
9:30 ~~tit Art of Murdlf" (dra· ':)OR MIC N...me. (C) (60) _,, sa.we Allen Show (C) (90) Guest.s
ma) '62~Richerd Todd. ir.tludt The Unusual We, Scoey m "Tint 5'9PI Nortll" (mystery) Mitchl'I and Geor&e Lindsey. 'Sl-l!oyd Brld&es. Lea Pado'llni, Tiii la•e Ca•• (C) (30)
12:00 IJ "fttldl1', Fualn', and A·fltlrt· ~. fl¥0ffte Martian (30)
In•,. (cgmedy) '48-Marjorie Main, Cl) Peny MIMfl (60)
Donald O'Connor. llMStors Qowcue (30)
1:30 "Tiit l.oq .. ...,,.. (drama) E1.,.1rtnllty (9 (30) -+--~-JoM. Milla. EJizat>.th-Sellaf .. unlfln-----UOJ • 2:00 fJ (C) "Sllalt fl~ (drama) • 34 (C) (60)
'5&-Vidor Mature, Karen Steele. • IUUR News (C) (30) &J "Ghost Town" 1western) '56-
Kent Taylor, Marian Carr. 7:001 CBS EvtnU.1 Nnrs (C) (30) 4:l0 t) "The S.Ordl11an" (adventure) • Whafs MJ LI111? (C) (30)
'45--l.arry Parks, Ellen Drew. ~e~ u.!""gJ:0/c) (30)
CClmmodltJ/Mutual Fund (30)
(6) Cinema Sllowcase (C) (90)
"Posse From Hell." Audie Murphy.
£· V f N I N (,
6:001 liJ Ntw1 (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. . m ffantltJ-lrinkllf (C) (30)
Can You Top This? (C) (30)
Wink Martindale is host and this I Allora! (30)
(i) Tndtl or C.nseqoencu (C)
American West (C) (30) •
That Clrt (C) (30)
Rod Serling nodd~d. primarHy on the enoounter be-what ;he ~ac1;0~
"Yea," he said, "there is a tween Shaddick and Herman, as story felt true."
theme that runs through all my the embittered delicatessen own-He was pleased, nevertheless.
works: Age versus youth! It was er finds himself in ch~rge of an by the favorable response on the •
the theme of the best show I 1 abandoned ghetto youngster. part of those who were involved
cv~r wrote in my life. 'Patterns.' "The play came extremely with the pl ay prior to airing.
'Requiem for a Heavyweight' fast," said Serling. "( finished it Ustinov is said to have found
dealt with it in the story of an in 15 days. They were long, the role "too good to pass up."
aging fighter. My first TV play, continuous days. When I was He also paid Serling a further
'Grady Everett for the People,' finished, I didn't have to wait compliment.
which was about politics, as was for a reaction from others. J "Peter ~aid that it ·was a well-
'Certain Honorable Men,' both liked it. I couldn't care Jess written script," said Serling. "He
dealt with the Age versus Youth is such a talented man and such
theme. So does this new play." a fine writer. I had a few
The play is "A Storm in Sum-. qualms-I felt like the student
mer," an original 90-minute dra-waiting for the professor's re-
ma for Hallmark Hall of Fame, action."
airing on NBC, Friday at 8:30 The TV veteran compared
PM. this experienct with previous
"Television,'' said Serling. "is ones.
best able to comment on the · "I was asked to delete a few
contemporary scene. I don't lines. but these lfllOUnted to
write from compulsion at all. I Rod Serlin1, no11d v111ran T V less than ever before." he said.
try to capture that simple idea wrlrer, has a nt"'· ori1inal 90-"Oddly enough. for the first time
that seems to have merit and minute drama coming up, ''A in 21 years. l wrote a script Srorm in Summer," 10 bt prtsent· comments on the times. I'm not td 0,, Hallmark. Hall of Famt. that ran 'lhort. The drama ran
a message writer delivering up Tht play 11a" Peter Ustinov a.r six minute' short at one point,
truth, but I will make a com-Abel Shadd/ck, a lrwlsh dtlfca· the air copy was two minutes
ment. What has disturbed me ttsstn owner, and Ngal Dixon. as short. which enabled me to add a Black thttro you111sttr. is the break-down of inter-racial a teaser."
relationships among minori&y Mason as G loria Ross. a charity Serling feels that everyone in-
groups in this country." leader; and Franc.es Robinson as volved with the play approached
The cast also includes Peter Mrs. Parker, a society matron, it ··wi th honesty. care and re·
Booerz as Stanley Banner, Shad-among others. spect. A writer can't ask for
dick's playboy nephew: Marlyn The play, however. focuses more than that."
iem ina.
th er
:SO> >hy.
1ed ~
-7:3011 tB Cl) C.t S.art (C) (30) Mu ~ li'ttfl..)he J® ol ~ Jht
life of the hljflest l<AQS official.
a 9 Cil m "'° ~"'' <C> {60) "The Guns ol Johnny Rondo.''
Steve Fomtt auests In the title
role as 1 former aunfllhter Who
joins the C1tW of the C.nnon randl. D Ci'7l (I) QJ TM f1Jie1 N111 (C)
(30)-nnie Dumbest Kid in School."
Robert Linsin( pests as Senor
Silndlu. 1 wealthy 1T1du1te of the
convent achoo! who wants to adopt
an orphan bor from the convent. G Mll"9n $ MtwW. .. Sltv. Rlwer"
(dr1m1) '48 -Errol Rynn, Ann
Shtrld1n, Thom11 Mitchell, Bruet
Bennett The stMY of 1 pmblets
rise to we1lth •nd his fell.
11 DEIUT TM Prfl4Nltr (C) (60)
Patrick McGoohin stars. The first
off·networ1' run of the unconv•n·
tJonal suspense-adventure series
•bout a min suddenly Cl$t Into
1 mysterious community which be·
co~ his prison without blrs,. 0 im Hert eo.. tilt Irides (C)
(60) "Another G1me In Town." Lot·
tie's business is thrdtened when
• tent saloon with d1ncinr rlrt•
oPens. Diahn Williams ruests.
I S.&'lbnlah. 111tm (60) Dnld Suaaklnd 5'ow (C) (2 hr) HoJ COn Moira lttl (30)~ I Trd or Consequeoca (C) (30
Mljof Ad••• (60) Tedtnlcal Corttff (30) 9:301 N..a (C) (30) Baxt_,r Werd.
French Cht( ....{30) (R) Julia 1111 Jolina News (C) (30)
Id. "ChesfiiiitCookery." ' NodMs T1patlu (60)
@I) Cna de AMOr (30) 10:00 6 IH Cl) I lfic!A£ I LBJ.-The
1:00 IJ i'H (I) Tim Conny Sllow (C) DKiJOn To Helt Ult Bontbln1 (C)
(30) TriPfe A Airlines bids for a (60) This Is the MCOnd In a series
mall contract that could put II In of news specials devoted to the
the bl.ck. former President's stOfY, and Is
Tl• llo¥1it llama. (C) (30) .t!tlc:l in conve($1tion wltb newsman Im Tiie lkady l•ndl (C) (30) Welter Cronkite.
he Bir Sprain." It ii I disaster B @@ m lrlCMn'• Wol1cl (C)
when the Bredy kids take over run. {4i()) "Super Star." Lee Majors,
nina tht hou•. Stephen McNally and Andy Devine
mto Tt'I the Truth (C) (30) auest In this story in which Kevin
(ill (I)~ I Km C:O.nty Grant (Peter Haskell) w1lks out on
Ht1rt AlldlH (2 hr) a movie when he la forced to aur
I W..... 1nd tile M«Mt (R) a football player who can't Kt.
Int.flee (C) (30) (R) Professional footb1'I players Dlelc
luc:edtlt (C) (30) Bau, Les Josephson and Bob Stilts
8:15 Steel M1rMt S..••llJ (R) of the Loi Anaeles Rams. newsman
1:30 R Qt (j) CIS frldlJ Mo¥6t: (C) Mike Kiz:ziah, Stan ltulte and Joe ~. Trail" (western) '70 _ Flnneaan portray themsetvu.
John Gavin, Melisa Pavan, Nehe· 0 m News (C) (60)
miah Persoff, Victor French, Manuel D ~Lowe. A••rlCln Style (~~
Padilla Jr., J. Carrol Neish, Joseph (~) ~ ind the Banned Book,
Cotten, Beveriy Garland, Shur Fish· with E\~abeth Ashley, Burt Rey·
er, Ken Swoffcft. U.S. marshal cap· nol~~; . Love •!!d the Am Nia~t·
tures a bind of despef1does. ers. with Debbie Watson, Kurt·Rus-
• sell, Jackie Cooaan; ind ''Love end II Peter Ustinov stars the Kina.'' with Herb Edelman, * in Rod Serling's Kathie Browne.
powerful new play-· I Delli! <C> (60) Perry Mason <60) STORM IN SUMMER 1 CV Movie: (C) "Strltqic Air B 9 00 in ll!ic!Q; I Hlll••rt m11and'' (drama) '55 -James
Hall if f••• (C' (90) "A Storm In Stewart. June Allyton.
Summer." Emmy and Ac1demy OJ El 'adrt Gernlta (30)
Awatd wlgner Peter Ustinov staB In 10:30 OJ ~ (30)
this contemporary drama written by ll:OOI O I ft'I n. ~ N . (C) ~od Ser1inr. Ustinov portrays Abel • l:W ~ 'liZ.I ..,
Shaddiclt. a Jewish del~n Tiie tsttlMfl
owner In upstate New York who • ~~: (C). "Dr. llloecra Coffin" ~~s ,:·~~/~c~~::;::Ytr!~Y:~: l(scl·*:=o~I::;,·
ru~· NJ11 Dixon. Mn lyn Muon (i) ta (j) News (C)
0 All.ss 1M Seftn Seu (C) (30) th fonyte Sip (R)
"Shanty·Boet Throufh the Ever· Esh NodM • lu 'Once
1t1des." 11 :30 I ~ Ci) MlfY Griffin (C) DI&) TM Chm end Mrs. Muir (C) • @ @ m Joll1tny Cll10ll (C)
{10) "Dir for the Truth." The Muira Movie: "C1llfornl1" (adventure)
find trouble when they repeat tht '4~ay Milland.
story that Capt. Gre11's 1ncestor 0 lED Dk• Clvttt (C)
founded the school. · m Mme: "l.udf '•rtne11" <com·
I D1vld frost Sltow {C) (90) edy) '40 -Ronald Colm1n, Gln1er
T1lt Ill& Valley (C) (60) 'Ro11ers.
Offlct of tlle rftsidtt1t (30) ID Movie: "t1pt1ln of tllt Cloucb"
RETURN M1.in1 Thinp Crow (adventure) '42-Jemes Caaney.
(C) (30) Thalesse Cruso, the flowe{ @I) Notldn 34 (C)
lady of te:evlslon, returns with 1ard-12:15 (ill Ci) Newa (C)
enln1 tips. OJ Los ltvtrtJ dt Peralvillo (30) 12:30 (ill (]) Cln1111 Sevtntttn: "Anato-
t:OO my of a Murder."
D Peter Ustinov! 1:00 II Movie: "Lloyds of London" * STORM IN SUMMER (drama) '36-Tyrone Power.
Hallmark Hall of Fame 12::' "~ret Venture."
3181 Hart)or Blvd: 549·2259
16091 Beach Blvd. 842·5548
13388 Brookhurst 638-0911
Op•n 7 cf•v• • wu~ I
Mon .• Frt.: I A.M.·9 P.M.
S•f.: I A.M..t1 P.M.: Sun.· 10 A.'°"··S P.M,
A SUb11dluy of lnlt1'1Yll1M1, Inc. 0
Tr1dlng on tll• AtJMrlc•n Stock f!•cll1n11e
,... 21
. .
Entertainer, and Still GoJng
MiJs Ethel W,o1er1 porlray1 Rochel, the slave mo/Mr o/ GalH .CoojHr ' (serlet c<>-star R01ey Grin), who rl.flct lti1 tile anJI. hls frudom to
bring lfis momma to free land. This ls Ml.Ji Wf1ttn' firit .draJnatlc TV
role in seven yeOTf. .
In 1917, a talented teen-age girl became the first female-and
the second perso~ver to sing professionally a song that bas since
become one or the a1J-time pop classics.
The•girl was Ethel Waters and the song-"St Louis Btu:s."
Ethel had attended a liallowcen party on her 17th birthday and ·
met two vaudevillians, Braxton and' Nugent; who offered her a
chance to join their act at the Lincoln Theatre in· Biltimore. For
her singing debut, she wanted to do the song wJUch she had heard
performed by a female impersonator named Charles A,nderson. She
wrot~ to the copyright owners, Pace and Handy, for permission to
do so and it was granted. ' ·
Now, after S3 years in every phase of show business, Miss Waters
~ ing from 1-retirement to gµest-star in her first 1V dra-
matic role · y~ars. She will portray the title role of "Mamma
Cooper," tti slave mother of Gabe Cooper (series co-star Rosey
Grier), on C's Daniel Boone. Thursday at 7:30 PM.
Her greatest energy and activity for the past ftw years ,has been
devoted to traveling and working with the Reverend Billy Graham's
Crusades. ·
Miss Waters, who gained prominence u a .nightclub singer
("Stormy Weather'). 1a motion pictures (''.Cabin i~ tlie·Sky") and
as a Broadway star cr'l.fember of the. Wedding"), .is being lured
back to the theatre once agaio by the smell of giusepaint On
Thursday. Feb. 19, Mic will begin a ~ixweek nin. at Chic;ago's Ivan-
hoe Theatre in a revival of "~ember of the. We<Jdiog..,
,Despite many ups and downs in her extraordinary·-<:areer, Ethel
Waters-has retained an abiding faith in God and in the goodness
oPpeople. As she so aptly phrases it in ti)e.tit1' of her autobiography
-"His Eye 1s on the Sparrow... ;: ,· ~
' ,.,. 22
7:30 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 9 (C) "Man of h Wat" (western) '58-Gary Cooper, Julio London,
Lee J. Cobb. ~
1:00 11 .,Jotinny ""lo" (d,.ma)· '.iP -Tyrone Power, Dorothy Lamour,
Lloyd Nolan. I
9:00 7 17 3 (C) "In Uh Flint'' (comedy) '67-Jamea Coburn, llt• J . Cobb,
JHn. Hale.
11:30 2 '~" (suspense) '41 -Cary Grant, 'Joan Fontaine, Nl1el
Bruee. Sir Cedfic Herdwicke 1 7 "Song at tow" (drama) '48--Katharine Hepburn. Pa I .Henreld,
Robert Walke(. 1J "A Lett.r to ni,... Wlvn" (drama) '49--Jeanne Crain. Linda Dar-nell, Ann Sothem.
6.-00 7 :#reucf" Part I (dr1ma) '63-Montaomery Clift. • •rry Parb, Sus11n Kol)ner, David McCallum.
7:30 9 "YCM.1n1 Ahn Wltti • Hom" (drama) '50 -Kirt.
Bacall, Doris Day, HOlllY Carmichael.
1:30 7 17 3 "'Sabrlna" (comedy) '54--Wllllam Holden. Humphrey Boprt.
Audrey Hepburn. •
t:OO 4 23 6 {C) ''The Movie Murderwr" (drama) '70--Arthl.(r Kennedf, Wa'7-•
ren Oates, Tom Selleck, Norma Ctane. I
)1:00 9 (C) "Whlripool" (mystery) '59--Jullette Greco. Mariua G~lfls.
"11:l0 --11 t'fop ~ (musle'al) '35 -f"red Astaire. Ginger Roeers, ~dwa"'
Everett Horton.
13 "Crootlad Cll'Cle" (mystery) '58 -John Smith, Fay Spain( Steve
6.-00 7 "Freud" Pllrt II (drama) '63-MQntgomery Clift, Suunn•.h Yort!,
Larry Parb, Susan Kohner, David McCallum.
7:30 9 ''T'he Conaplmors" (adventure) '44-Hedy Lamarr. Paul Henreld, Peter Lorre, Sydney Greenstreet.
S:30 7 17 3 (C) "A'-1 Came a Spl«Mr" (drama) '7<>-Suzanne Pleshette, Ed Nelson, Andr-Prine, Richard Anderson, Brooke Bundy.
11:00 9 "Dime With a Halo" (comedy) '63-Barbera Luna, Robert Moblelf, Paul Lancton. . ..,
11:30 5 "The Fallen Idol" (drama) '49-Slr Ralph Richardson, Jack Hawkins,
Michele Morcan.
11 ''Tho Gay Dlvon:ff" (musical) '34--Fred Astaire, Gln1er Roeers, Allee Brady.
13 "Boast of Mal'Milles" (adventure) '59-Stephen Boyd. Anna Gayl~.
WEDNES~Y, FEBRUARY 4 6:00 7 ,(C) "Beau O..te" (•d~\uce) '66-Guy Stockwell, Doug ti1cClure,
/Leslie NlelHn, Telly Savalas, Malachi Throne.
7:30 4. "Goldeft Girt'' (musical) '51--Mltzl Gaynor, Dale Robertson, Dennis Day, James Barton.
11:00 9 ''lohnl\)' Coe!"· (mystery> '63-H.enry Sliva~ El(zabeth Molltcomtry,
Jim Backua.
11:30 5 ''The Lady Vanishes" (mystery) '38--Michael Redgrave, Pllul Lukas,
Margaret l.ockw<IO(I, Google Withers.
11 ''SwfnstlmeH (musical) '3&--fred Astaire, Glnser Roler'S· • 13 "Jennifer .. (drama) 'SJ-Howard Duff, Id• Lupino.
6:00 7 "Sall • Crooked Ship" (comedy) '62--Robert Wa8'11•r, Dolores Hart, Carolyn Jones. Frankie Avalon, Ernie Kova<:1.
7~ 9 (C) "Helen of Troy" (drama) '56-Roshna Rodesta, Jack Sernas. Sir Cedric HanSwicke.
t:OO 2 29 I (C) "The Chapman Report'' (drama) '62-£frem Zlmbalist Jr.,
Shelley Winters, Jane Fonda. Claire Bloom. Glynts Johns.
11:00 9 "Hootenanny Hoot" (mualcal) '63--Peter Breck. Joby Baker, Ruta Lee. ..
11:30 5 "The Man In Grey" (~mance) '46-Jamos Mason, Stewart Granier, Phyllis Calvert, Margaret Lockwood.
11 ''Ste1e Door" (comedy) '37-Katharlne Hepburn, Gln1er Raser1, Lucille Ball.
6:00 7 "The First Men In the .,_,.. (scl·fl) '64--Edward Judd, Uonel
Jeffrl•, Martha Hytf'. •
7:30 9 ''Sllqr River'' (drama) '4~Errol Flynn, Ann Sheridan, ThomH Mitchell, Bruce Bennett.
2 (C) ''Cutt9f'• Trail" (adventure) '7~John Gavin, Marita Pavan.
9 (C) .. ~. Blood's f°"ln" (SCl·ft) '61-Kluon Moore, Hazel COurt.
5 (C) "C.llfomla" (adventure) '46--Ray Miiiand, Barbara Stanwyck. B•rTY Fltzcerald. T
11 HL.uc~ Partners" (comedy) '40--Ronald Colman, Gln1er Ro .. ,...
13 "Captain of tho Cl°"*" (adventure) '42"""'°'ames Ca1ney, Denni•
Morsan, Brenda Ma"hall.
' sATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 7:30 9 ''Tiie UntulJP9C!fed'' (mystery) '47-Clauda Rains, Join Caulfield, Cona\anc.e Benneu,
8.-00 11 (C) "F'~n ptenet'' (aci-fl) ·s~Walter Pldeeon, Anne Fr11ncl1. Leslie Nlelsen.
9:00 4 23 6 CC) "The Train" (drama) '65-8urt LancHter, Paul Scofield, Jeanna Moreau. '
10:30 U "Only t:fte Vallant" (d1'11ma) '51--Greaory ,Ptck, Barbera Peyton.
11:15 2 °"Separat9 Tabl .. " (drama) '59 -Burt Laneaster, David Niven, Deborah Kerr, Rita Hayworth, Rod Taylor.
7 (C) ''The 1Slna al Rachel Cade" (d,.m~ '61-Angle Dlckl"-on• Peter Flncn, Roser Moore, Woody Strode.
11:30 9 .wn.. La~ Time I Saw Arch .. '' (COfTledY) '61-Robert Mitchum, Don Knotts, Jack Webb, Harvey Lembeck.
11~ 1.3 "Q,_. ~~" (drama) '4 7 -~nthony Waser. John Miiia,
• JHn 5'mino ....
. ' fJ @J}) &l 5-b_Htwb (C)
D Mn: v.11., '' Utt 111ltl" (advenlure) '38 -W1yne Morris. m w.wi.: "lladut" . (mystery>
•50-ojna Sheridan, Muwell Reed.
10:301 ~ =:,..,.. (C) @ (j) ~ Tiie FlintnNel (C)
Mtvle: Ain't Ne n .. for
7:00 ~ (6) a;) Hectle la Jeclle (C) Glefy"' (adventure) '57-8any Sul·
(jj) (})G) Glflliwtf (C) livan, Gene Bany.
Mr. Wlsllbone <C) ~ ~ @ iEE) GMrp of tile Jtin-
~~ ;.";:rt!' ::J:l <~/ m Movie: "flPti•a tout aunr (jj) CJ)&) s-1111 ttie Bur (C) (dram1) '51-Brien Donlevy.
• let's T1lk About Tfffll 11:00115111e Ardlie Sllow (C)
l :OQ ta~ TIM Jeblns (C) 6 1." ~;~ ~ (C) · ~ m Htrt ColMI \lie l1:30 • Undefdec (C)
i (9 America ,. .... nd . ,wm eattanoop cm <C> • Movie: "GuMIPt 1:..,... <••·
la of ·w1111 Ferro . em) '57-Joel McCfea. ;,
1:30 Cl) lup l1nn1/Road Ruit-ID Aw~!" 1'Nh: Mysterious
ner Hour (C) Doctor.
I Ci) S) m llnk fJ1ntMr (C)
·~111 "°"'• Mtvle: "R1cklt lat.B" (dra·
ma) '38--0eorae Brent. . 12:00 I a Ci) TM Monk• (C) m Cisco lid ' • . · Hip Sdloof llaltbllt (C)
I!) Movlt: .. No W11 kcl'' (mys· . Movie: "Count of Mont. Cristo"
II r 1 I H N () () r ...
i ) '55-lf• Oesny. ~ (adventure) '34 -Robert Donat.
9:00 • 9 (i) . H. R. fJu(nst.f (C) Elissa Landi.
Movie: (C "TM Restlem ,,..,.. I Tub'O F1111lliar (wutern) '57-SCOtt Brady. • SM the USA (C)
D 01) (})Gl Hot .Wllelb (C) 12:30 ta Cl) Wacty Rle11 (C) m Merit: 'fll 99'' (mysteiy). '66 Movie: "Cld1e11 of Scetland
-M1rtln Lamont. Helen Talbot. Y•d" (mystery) '5~Jack H1wklns,
I C1ndentt J Maka Di1nne Foster.
S:30 UDastardly • Mllttlty(C) m Movie: . "'FllOt .. F,.... ..
IDlanana Splits (C) (dram•) '47~oulind Russell, Fred
&) Tiie Hardy Beys (C) MacMurray, Htfbert Marshall.
J Gllltafru I!) (jj) (}) NCI lalMtbaU '(C)
10:00 ta Cl),.....,. fJltst.p (C) m lnflnltl Horil9nl (C)
l ~t (C)
1:00 QI Cl) ....... (C) -
MoYle: "ltolcl .. "'"' ... , (comedy) '62-&b Hope, Dorothy
L1mour, Bina Crosby.
I ct) Voice tf Acrfcuttllre (C)
E Pldft Gmla
~ Wwld (C)
1:30 8 (j) .loftny Quest (C)
Movie: "Tiit P,.lld Stllllolt"
(1dventurt) '64 -Jorp Kotrbova.
I Trwel tilt Wwld {C)
AnM4 Ferces HIPfltlttl <C)
2:00 PROllER£ Dttstr's Trtet.o ...
( ) A new 16·weelt series desi&ned
t.o entertain as well 11 encourap
lnvo:Wment and partlcip1tion of
the youni viewer. • D Mowit: (C) "Het Blood" (Id·
venture) '56 -Cornel Wilde, Jane
Ruuell. m Lldill Day (C)
G) &trtllas en Mla•I (C)
2:3Q.I Metil, Kilns incl Cl11 (C)
Pldflc I lubtb1ll (C) The
USC Trojans meet the W1shintton
State Couiars live irom-Bohler
i In Pullman, Wash.
• Waeo11 Train (C)
1961 lulck Open Gotf Touma·
...t (C) Rimed hlehll&hts. m n. AMMr <C>
Q) Fanf1rf1 Falcon (C)
3:001 CIS Goff tiaslc (C) 9 @ m lob ...,. Desert W~ullc (C) mupbtat (C)
I!) Movie: "Down Miaosl Wr('
(roman~) '4~oscoe Ates, Mar·
tha O'Drisc:oll. Im Tom
&) Twltlpt Zent
3:l0 D lHHilm "'° .....,. T• -(CJ T'fti"lmJtJ<rl>tnm Uiiien;-Ti¥t
from Denver, Colo.
4:00 8 M!IWle: "Aulp•tftt fJarW' (dra-
ma) '52 -Dana Andrews. Gtora•
Sanders, Marta Toren. U m S11ttr1 Wtndtrhl WOftd tf
W (C) fJ I 5'J (C) m Scent SewntJ (C) Host Clay
Cole welcomes The Otllo -&prm,
The Illusion. Johnni K. w11.,, .... lanle, Johnny N11h, Bobby Golds-
boro, and Tommy Jamu and The
I!) Dolllf'I Ind Stftle/hslptrt to P'reftt (C) .
4:30 0 Outdooo (C) I
I!) ~ (i) Hene Racina Frot11 Hl-
alt1• (C)
5:00 U trs Acadtllk (C) Competln1
hllh schools are Wamn (Downey),
.Marina (Huntlnrton Beach), ind
Corvallls (Studio City).
! Cll111~!_londllp lnll111 (C)
(ii) (JJ &J ABC's Wide Wtrtcl
-s,oits (C,
fJ Tiit Annaen (C)
G) Movlt: (C) "FOl'blddtn fJt....r'
(scl·fl) '56-W11ter Pldaeon.
I fJ1tty Duka
Peter Q1111n
Joyce Chen Coob (R)
Cine en la Tardt
111 Picture (C)
5:30 . Roel Sertlnt1 Wondtrf11l WerW
of ••• lnco•plttttc. (C) (R)
I KNIC NtwMmce (C)
Grand his 5 (C) •
Mdlale's Navy
News In Perspective (C) (R)
"Champion:· Method!
• Soil Tetardent
• Shampoes deep ~ Expert and guaranteed
.... 645·
~ Hl•HTll ltol ~ CLiANIN• IHYICI
CA11t,•TI a. llU .. OTU•I Cl.aANINe. e Deep pile ~eoli retardent
method. Rea.a priced. Free est
(f .. 141-4U4
. .
Call Marion Logan ...,.,. ,.
THIS .,AC• aulav•D
CALL 642-A71, ... HI
10038 McFadden Ave.
Westmlnster 531-4113
lervlno •II 0r...-County. Economy
T•ll lhtvm. FrM ltcHTW service. s.
and up.
JOMl'h M..,. Ta• COMUltant
3!50 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa
l'-llted, &X-1 IH 6efvlc:e. YMf·
l'O\lnd otflct. ltHtoMDle fefft.
f~y wlm It~ Service Cttrp. •. ·
•'neTYl.A.._.. M•" t/ . \ 'I earn my money .•.
and your conttd.ence''
...... 642-1411
563 W. 19th, Costa--Mf!'la
642-0212. 546-1250 •
~IMMllt TAX llltVICI
i924 Harbor. Costa Meaa
2300 Harbor, Costa Meaa
' .
FU.TU HS: SPECIFICATIONS: -e •v.r•-40ttCch tu11hu1· I pat.11~-011.,11t Po~~~ RMS
results in silkv·smooth tuning.' continuous into 8 ohms; e lnterstation circuit muting 130 wat ts RMS continuous par
1witch. channel, both channels d~ivan e V aria bl a overlap drivl' protect into 8 ohms. 20 H1 to 20,000 Ht
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Stereo headphone jack. Co"'pci!abte Total Mn lc Power
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DUAL 1212
World-renowned automatic turn-table has tvery dttuxe INlure
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t«welgllt; manln ptatttf': Ran
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Optimized dHi9n paramtttrs for trackability
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A full.range '40 to 16.000 Ht
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Hand-crafted in genuine Reg.
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