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1970-02-27 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
• ' 17 . . . ... • • \ , ., • en.ston 1 ca ! er· ' ' • • • -~. ---· . . 1 • . . . . · . • ' . ' ' . . ' N1~·xon-iiows ··to -con~gress FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1970 • " 'lo(tles• G•h 9-' Dems Charge Repudiating - Of Old Veto Court Sa:r1 TheY: Mll{3t .ifelwve Special lo the DAILY PILOT s.(N FRANCISCO .~ Blre,breasted cocktail Waitre.sBts '·ate· still in .boslnesg tod ay as lq as they behave themselves, accotdn to I.ht--latest .ruling OD ta~ nudity "" Ttrill"Jday by .tb~ Caflforilla Supreme Court. The hl&1i trib~al, in a .5 (o 2 s~it1 vote. <lecla,ted; _that ·topless wa.itrtsses .don't violate pUblic moral!· so kmg as they tend to busin·ess. Presumably that m~ans eon.fining their activities to serving drinks; 'The ruling came. tO the Supreme Court on a Case Involving the North Beach 'Off. Br.oadWaf nightspot here whert the slate Department cf Alcoholic Bevertige' Con· 4ro~ had revoked a license because the oif-BJ'Cladway featured bare bosomed sei:vini maids. The high court decree touched off 1 celebration at the Off-Broadway in wtiich "all of San Francisco" was invited ~to help celebrate the decision. .__ Meanwhile, In another sector of the nude troDt, attorneys for a ~acrament() tavern believe . they've found a leg.a) loophole to overcome a local or<Hnance against tota!Jy naked dancing. , Thus the ownen of the' Pink Ptlssy Kat bar are projecting images of their nude dancing ·lirls to patrons over closed circuit television. Sacramento'• local Jaw bans. live· node entertainment 0 Tbis is televmon en~ tertainmeftt," ~ Jawyen announced. So far, there have been no arrest.I Ind ll lot of danclnc; . In the latest Supreme •Court action dealing with the San Francisco case, it wa1 ruled th at employment of topless ' I Cent . • Weadter After-all that nice weather thls week, wouldn't you know the weatherman would toss a wet blanket this weekend. He gives a 30 percent ettance or rain tonighl and Saturday ;1onl lhecoasl. • INSWE TODAY Wh4t'J '1appe11.ing, at Costa Me1G 't happening this wetkend.1' You can find au the details - ond. a complett schtduk oJ events.___ i1l'todat1'' Weekender. Waitresses of ltself·was not contrary tn the public welfare and on the record did not coruUtute the keepinrot a di!onlerly house. . The court also rejected an alterhative ground presented by the state depart~ ment for i!.11 action -that bare breasts don't mix with serving liquor. Justice Louis H. Burke wrote lbe · dissenting opini°" with Justice Marshall F. McComb concurring. "In nry view, commoo knowledge, to say not,p.ing or the experience and ex~ pertiae of the department, supports the posiUOn,.ol the department wilb respect lo tht ernploYrDent or topless cotjdail waitresses," the·dissent aaid . Police Nab Three • Theft Suspects In Wild Chase WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixon h9w~ to congressional pressure I9r more , "impacted" school aid today and drew fire from Senate Democrat..'· who charged he was repudiating · his Jl!evious veto or the controversial school· tune!· bill. However, Sen. Robert P. Griffin, (R- Micb.,) said Nixon should be praised, not critk:b.ed, for exercising the "art or corr.- promise" in bid to win congressional passage of a revised $19 billion Labor· HEW appropriations bill, The sharp political debate came after Seni Norris Cotton, (R-N.H.,) told the Senate" in .reference to Nixon : "We~hi.ve his assurance that he won't cut impacted aid because he knows how much we and our conatiluents depend on it.., Self. Warren G. Magnuson, (!).Wash.,) and Thomas F ~ Eagleton, D-Mo.,) said _ the administration's statement proved Nixon was "inconsistent." They remintled Three burglary suspects were booked Cotton Ulat Nixon cited' impacted aid as the most extravagant item of all when he In Newport Beach today following a wild vetoed tl}e speriding bill in a niUonal ·early-ni~ 100 mph chase U,P 1New· television appearance last month. Port ·Avenue. "Can you espiatn to me how this item 'l'he driVer, Staa:ley H,•MiUers·ll, 22,. whicli was socontipversial that it caused and hi! ~a. llillyM.,Qel;:~ and, a veto hu beccltle sacred and un· 'touchable'?" Eagleton asked. ~wrerice E. -Beecham, 21, all oi Whit.. , Cotton replied that Ni100 accepted the tier. were ·corraled11 at 5;$0 a.m. at. ~~-·million impacted aid N~ and· s.g>enor· Avenues by five ' figure "out ot _respect and deference to Newport .Beach police cars and three.. Congre~." units from co.ta .Mesa Cotton bas oUered an amendment Officers said the ~ started when which would automatically cut the J:l~se . . figure by i percent to a.bout $19 bdlion. two oH-duty Ontario ~ and a Nixon would ·be given the option of re.!ideilt spotted the au:spectl;· .allegedly deciding which programs slloUkt be breaking.windows and dentinffeuden tn pared. cars on Balboa Boulevard. ' "l am authorized ~ stale, not only by "They hit 17 cars between the G1o d HEW but by the White HOWie, that if the an CoUon 81Il;endrnent is accepted, not one 1200 blocks of Balboa between 5 and 5:10 cent will be taken frlm impacted ald, '' a.m.," patrolman Robert Hardy Charged. Cotton tokl the Senate. Tbe suspects took off, with tbt dti&r:ns Jn i,.Jrauit. Hardy said be joined tbt chlse al Palm Streel "By the time we llJl up to 15th Sttreet, we we;re doing to to ~ mpJI and tbeY"'" pulling away." ' As the cars htaded up Newport Boultvard, they were traveling at 1peed3 ol 100 mpb and belter,be Al& At the lntmedlail of Ne~rt and Roc:beml'S~ four~ Ulill'""" tiu.e c.oia -can Joined Ibo d>ue. "'lbe r iulpt(.'ts • tumed rilbf 0 n "Rochester. lett ·oo .._Orange Avenue and left on 11th Strttt. When they Ith. Newport •gain, tbey -nn Oftl' the.center -...i blew oot 1 tire, but lbey lieaded back ICIOlhbound, .. be dated. • The chole was hailed Ill SUptrlor Av .. ll\lt when the car was surrounded by polico unlll. ' Hal!fy said' lJ,. trio "" booked on b.Jrfla1yc:harges on the bull cf evidence uncovered after the chut. • • • :Pebley Pulls Out Of Coooty Race Councilman Calvin L. Pebley of Ai1allelm Tbunday dropped oul ol the cmte.t for county supervisor in the Fourth DillticL Pebley was the first lo • announce s(verat weeks ago that he intended to run for the &eat to be vacated this year by reUrtic Wlllia&U Hirstein. M"1IJI' RIJph B. Clark d Anaheim re- mains in the nee. beinc one of four can· dldates who have taken out papers. The others we Frank Manzo, a Tustin 1tt«uey ud Rolph E. Wriihl of Orange. Five other candidates have said they In-- tend lo nm but none h" paid lhe filing fee and loten out ptper1 aa 1•L ' . I 'i ... -. . ' LAW QFF.IC,E'RS FIRE TEAR .GAS· INTO·. PART' OF 40fl''HARo CORE AGIT4TO~s· , Sant• Be~b~r• ~iotert ~~ Hit·RQn. Tactics in' Th!~ Nig t ~ ·~~iml"'9i .. Polke · Chas .e·:Students· •I .. . As 'CS·F'.Tension .Mounts , ' • • ..,~, .o ; I . ' ·Defiant: students singing "America The Beauliluf' behind a hail ol f<ll:ka . bo!Ues, firecrackers 'and' <ot¥ene worqs were 1booed ,off, the ~ State Fullerton cain· ·P.U•. Thu~sday in a· second, 'uglitt ,con- fronlalion. ·The picturesque campus in the heait of conservativ~ Or:an@ COunty lay under I' tense· calm· today as authclities and dissi~ dent ·students waitecf for the nett · move like nervous cheq RtaYers. · No injuries or arrests were reported In the wake of the de~tration by 300 who, retreated after joinmg 75 who occupied t~" ~ .L'erters ... and Sciences BUildlng r~reated before J81belmet¥d riot pol!_ce. : It ~porary· restrainiDI order namlrig Califorqia State ,COilege Trustees· u plaintiffs and sevel}, persons, plus 500 John Doea h dtfeodsnts was Jsaued earlier-l1f Orange County Superior Court Judge Raymond• Thompsoo. The document forbids further disruPi ' UOn and damage, carrying contempt Of courl peoalliea ,,.. lit.Ina properly > , ' darhage· or disturbance. Students C\ctivists acknowJt91ed their contempl or the• restraining, order by, pouring a halt-gallon of milk over campus seeuri_ty force chief Ru!sell Kei;ley as he' read it aloud. '. I : The 24-page document names seve·n alleged rlngle.aders. Tttey are ! studentsl>avid MaCKi~. Bruce •Church, 'Ped Schmeberger, Kira Kane!, ~im. Cl~ir. Don Slavin 'and Prof. Stuart Silvers. ' Campus demtiostra(ors ~an flooding · corridors or the seized buifding sllortly after CScF Pre!ident , Wiilia.in B. ' l>an~<!<f read an1extel!ij"'~Uy hanl•liJl• · policy ~ ,11 a.m. lo $,Olli) aludenl!. The gatbetlng was the Jafgest In " I.he hililory of ~ campus, which has ~ t~J enrollment of 13,000 many of whom were amOng the 51000 to ctleer L•ngsdorl's statemenla. • • "One thing J must make crystal cltar Is that lhi.s campus is no shelter fbr ilio5o (See C.41. 81'o\TE, P11e IJ ~uard Called ~ . . ' l ls UCSB Rio .. . ~I i . Leaves 1 · Sllot .. ; .. . From Wtre Servlc:e1 I ' The seasip_e student ~unitf or Jal~ '1ista at tfie University.of C~llfornia lan.1 ttl. Barbara became1 an armed.~ ~ day, patroled by hbndreds of Cailfornia 1-fational Guirdsmen, a.fill' three ni&bts':- of. violence which bas ~t one perlMt sJ1ot, scgr~ injured.. and at lust· lt ., ... '"lod. • . . • . l Go/erno< Ronald Rea&M called In the, Nallooal ~an! •lto!r roct· and l!qlllo throwing melees during the nlabt 'liin- day wblfh a1'0 injµnd teyen pollat1ot'·r flcers, two studepts atkf . at tbt peat ln- volved some 1,2® sl\Hltnla. -ti ISOme•400 hard<ou ~ ..... hlt.and•ruir tactic's wllhdrew • IO filoir aPartment dwelllns~ ~ m.tctnllht ·--- aller ba\Uing 3IO polke -~~ and lugbway palrlllm'ift ,,.. IJIOfe - 3even hours. .. At ·1be h~ighl of lhe oulb,..P, a.,,.,_. old resident or the are11. WlnsloW c. T!sdcl, waa shot In the· shoaldor '!11111111 ' !5"! UCO, l'8lt II • -. . --1d I DAILY PILOT $ Frldol, ,......, 27, 1970 . • 1Jloy, Woman • _ 1 caught;Face !DmgCharge . Swinging Single- Held · in· ·Swindle Alw a ~ that Jed across lwn yarda aM over a eou,ple of fm::e1, athleUc LO,una Beach narcotics officers arrested a 17-year-old boy and a ff.year-old woman Oft dfu1 ~II! llica • cbu1M ~ynlgbt. -.O!Ocera Nonnan Babcock and Nell l'ur«D accompanie,I a county probllioll ..aftlcer to 625 Su View St. at 1:4S p.m., "°"""to contact a ju-ofl- ~ly Uvtng al the addma. A Newport Beacb SWln&in& ainllea ·.,.rtment resident, wbo autborUia al\eged lrled lo awlnJ a deal flW ... cl Jud be -~ .... with Or.11110 !louoly !llllrlct AUo~f1 -.11ll,jall1odo7. J ... pb L. Lorbacli, •• cl 1111 $1er- ringloll Place, Wu iltnllOd II fiila homo Wednesday oo two cbar(el of lrand theft, arraJcned Tburoday ud ii now held In lieu of $15,000 ball. When the. door was apened ln respoose 1o their koock, the oflJceni alleg• a Leary M ed powerful aroma of marijuana il-.ted oul, · OV the door was hasllly slammed and -there .wu a aound ol tunning feel In the bwae, .lbe officers ._i. Spol!Jna a youlll ... Back to r· exas Hing from a bact door, they punuecl blm • owr the fence,...,,.. 1 neighbor'~ PROTEST LEADERS SILVERS (STRIPED PANTS); CLEAIR (RIGHT! NAMID IY•coti'RT"""' =.over a second fence before ca · Fullerton Phllospohy Prof, Student Mobillzatlon CommittM Chairman O.t.Re1tr11lnlne Ord•r F s ' : -at lbe Jtouse, the olllcen lor<ed • or. entence the front door pod placed the oceuP,nt, 1. , Bea, CallaP, M, under .,..st on 1111Pi-s B h ' Ca F..-Page 1 · ~11!'."'m ol marijuana, anta ar ara s mpus-s:::~~:J.~::= -Pollec said they collected as evidence CA.L STATE • • • Leary will be transferred .from Orange several marijuana cigarettes and butts, c;ounty to Laredo, Ta., t!liJ weekend to quantities of loose marijuana and seeds, Unlik 1 s f R• who would violate the law," the president be gjven tUs tean on a federal marijuana •weral pl.pea, lncludlog a water plpa con-declared, reading 1rom the hand-written The controversial farmer Harvard three grams of hashish, auorted pills, e y cene or 1ots smuggling rap. falnJng d"'l residue and a ceramic pol In statemeoL '' • poychology prof!"'!!" 11u OOll\'lcted ID wllldi two $-blcb marijuana plants were "In the Jut few days, -e lludenls Laredo Jan. 20 !Gt -line throe arowfna. SANTA BARBARA (AP) -Few com· government and that they soon would be httt, apparently aucmentld froin Wide ounces or the wled actw1 tba Mftiean n. fence-jumplnc youth was booted border. 00 cblrtes ol. PDl••sslon of martJ~ munlUes seem I.ell likely targels for given an opporttmtty to participate in the campus, bare carried on a campalgp Orange County Superior Collrt Judie ..i,...t.mni la a plQ where narcoUcs rlotiDC -*ltan this placid coastal resort. decisions on hiring and curriCulum. aimed at forcing me to accede to1 their Byron K. McMilllll tmrnidl•tely revotea med. Whltcanuplalnthevioletrtrampagesof He added thtit the university bad been demands," be aaid. J.,eary's bail after he md lda_wl{e • 'J'be Juvenlle the officers were aeek1nC hundred.I of youths this week? trying to set up an arbitraUon board to They are protesting •the arrest of • Rosemary and aoa Jolla were COllYicted !° tbe first plee WU not home, ~ lri other campus cities disfutbances settle differences between students and MacKiowak, 25, or· Corona, and Church, ' Ft:· 19 on charges tued by Laguna Beach ~ .EBLEnleD.CiJ§e. --:-onmre "Tile t The FBI · today enl<rOd the Jn. v..U,.tloo ol a theft ol 10 M·lt rifles which are mbsin& from.a buildln( on 1he Camp Pendleton Marine hue. Marine spol<emien said the lou cl the fJreanm apparently occurred some tlme between 11 :30 p.m. Wednelday and 6:30 a.m. Thursday. ne weapons were taken lrom a building used far era.sh' rescue vehlcle1 and peraonnel. No mnmttn!tion Is misalng, the Marine official added. It lo normal procedure for tbe FBl to enter sUcb theft cases on a kdtral mWtary installa.Uon, It wu noted. Harris Services Slated Monday ~ )'unenl oerv1cea for Wllllom McKinley 8arrll are ICbeduled fer Monday, ll a.m. ~~I& Mortuary Chapel, In Corona del ; llarril, 17, WU killed Monda)' nllbl Id '.i \11111 baWe with ..,,,..,, 11 bis bome al P.J Anchor W1y, Newport Be9cb. : ~ businels man, ffan1I WU i: cl the Balboa Bay Club. , jle lo ourvtved by three br-., ""-N. cl Dllnola, Frink M. cl Ohio, Qi Arlhur N. Harril cl New York, and tlfo llstera IAlcy A. Waller cl New Vert, 'qd Ola L Lewi. cl Oblo. : ......,.. will be followed by lnlernm<nl ID Fores! Lawn, Glendale. -:~ r; !!! County Men Listed II; ~s Vietnam Casualites .... :_:IJ'Wo Or&n1e CounlJ Hilden!& were ~-ltcuualllelcltheVleblam ~announced Thunday by the U.S. !Pof-Department. ~ IKllled In action were Anny Sfl. Philllp JI. Hult&, father of Elllabeth A. Hull& of IAl>abelm and Spec. 4 Fnnk N. Filu..0., 1'uabanc1 cl Mn. Carol Fl ....... cl Santa ~ .. DAILY PILOT ....,.,, ..... HMlalf• .... --......... ..... c ...... ... OMHGI co.t.IT "'M.la..INO CCIM,AH'I' lelt•rt N. 'W.M l"l'NMflt ............ • J••k -, Ctitrl•f Via l'mw..t .,.. ~ "'-ftr n~. 11;,,.11 llllitw • lhe1t1tr A. M~r,fli111 , ,MMlof!ril IEMw -- . have focused on the Vie.lnam war or landlords. 31, of Fullerton, both charged with ~·~~ ·inaidiouJ. detrlmeotal . racial inequities. Her it was a general As for the students' compl~ts against shouting obscenities at Gov. Ronald nueoce ~ aalOdety,'' declared Jud; feeHni_oJ_,,~nte.nt with life at the police, sheriff's Capt. Fritz Patterson Reagan in his Feb, 9 campus speech, McMillan, who allowed bia wife and IOll _£niverslty ol CaWoiDJ.a3TSanta Baflianr --nid:~U!f.Rey..c.!:l!':Je·oppotUrtiu ae1.klru b,L_ ~ngsdorf charged the c a mp u s to ~ain free on their own recopizance and in the neighboring community offiii W e police, ye[ Thef1lave no SJ!ltlrrl!S;-~demo~e.":lilOl~~~ ~~~ ~~-clng. Vlsta, where the rioting was cenlered. This week 's disturbances began" on a.nd committed a variety of law violations her 50-;J:.:id hu~band who h.u been The one-square-mile Isle Vista com· Tuesday with an outbreak of small !ires s1ince lrliouble nlerupted. Thuradly, leading arrested oftfn but nev~r served Jmd nd · o a po ce co rontahon. munlty Is populated largely by. studen!s a ytndow smashing. "They forced their way into offices, ·~e for any of the alleged vlolaU~; -an esUmat~d 9,~ of ~he umverslty s On Wednesday hundred! swanned int{) stole unopened U.S. mall, used college He ls very JereDe, Very stronc. lbe 13,700 -who hve mainly 1n apartments. the streets after a campus speech by telephones for personal long distance added. Tension had ~n. building on the cam-William Kunstler, counsel to the Chicago calls, wrote obsci!nities on the walls and "He 1J more free than molt people. ~ since the dismissal a mon~h ago .or Seven. littered buiJdlngs," he said. When they jail the ruol~tlonarlu, they W1lllam L. Allen, a controversial a~JJ-Explanations of their actions by "The college will not tolerate such ~ have to jail the prophets .. tant professor of anthropology, for failing demonstrators ranged from distaste for tions." Dr: Leary -under fll'e 1n recent years to meet standards of tenure. . !~e .Vietnam v.:ar to rebellion again st "Those guilty are now warned that you for his stand on ~ use of hallucinogenic Bu~ the students: cited a l?flg list of pohce oppression" and the people who are io violation of both college rules and ~! by Amerita s young -wu con- complalnts: agairut sc.ho:OI adminlslrators, run the country in general. the law, .. added Langsdorf, foreshadow-v1cted of the federal, rap ta Teiu four county officials and pohce. . . ing things to come by saying some are years ago. Greg Knell, student body vice pres1· 1:f 'tr 'tr determ ined for a confrontation The U.S. Supreme Court invalldated the dent. told a news conference Thursday The turmoil began immedi~tely after conviction by U.S. Dilltrict Court Judge the disturbance stemmed from sludents' Frona Page l the Langsdorf policy speech sparked by Ben Cormally, who presided at Leary'• feeling ~y were being exploited by about 100 adamant protesi:,rs cheering brief trial lllSt month on the same Jaodlords and harassed by poUce. U(;SB harangues by bearded Ion g-h 1 ired charje. Landlords in Isla Vista, he sald, charge • • • radicals ' AUomlJI for the Leary family an u- eiceulve rent, require IO-month leases A cro~d estimated at 2,000 persons _ pected to again appeal . that action ~d for I~ months of residence and often drove his car through a police blockaiie. many reacting with skeptical amusement . also the Orange County case stemming refUJe to return deposits. He was mistaken for. a demonstra tor, ~ gathered in front of the administration from lhe arrest Dec. 18, 1961, in i.a,maa. The police, he said, are intent on •r-police said. Another was run over by a building as the disruptive mood ac-Dr. Le.ary will be f1owa to Boulton, reatln& students on marijuana and drug Police sqU.d car. celerated Tei:., .!IOD'lethne lhiJ weekend for sien- . ch•l'Jtl. About 300 guardsmen set up camp ln Liquor . was consumed In large qua'n tenclng in the rust.le Laredo courtroom, "You can aU any student -it's almost the m~Uc community today with tities. the smell of burning marijuan; according to the U.S. Marshal's Office in Impossible to walk in groups of four another 300 enroute from Los Angele!, was in the air, and police were pelted Los Angeles. without be.lng stopped by the police," he called out by Reagan at the request of with dirt clods bottles coins a few rocks He Is expected to pt aomething similar said. "We have aerious problems of Sheriff James Webster, who said "The and a handful ~f firecr'acker~ to the ~year federal prison term the IMJrgtary and rape in lala Vis~a, but~!'' :S:: :u~ ~ d~~~e:~itt!"i:t: Some chanted "Sieg H~il ." while Supreme Court liter overturned on the not what the police are worried about. this mornlng. 11 another group sang a verse of "America basis of violation of bis conatituUOOal Added to these frustrations, student The Beautiful," pounding on window rights in the original arrest leaden: uy, are the higher student fees The scene ln the early morning hours gratings and breaking glass dODr! after Closes Over Strike recenUy voted b~ unlveral.ty regents, con· foltlwlng the acUvailon wu tranquil, in the building was secured. vlctlon ol~e Oucago Seven, the Vietnam contrast to a confrontation about 9 a.m. "This is a nasty group tonight " war, thi ''capitalist establlshme.ot" and Thursday ln the demonslralion area, remarked Dean of Students Ern~t the "rape ot the environment." which takes In about one square mile of Becker. Airport th · f I LONDON (UPI) -The Br!Ush 1be untvertily chancellor, Vernon I. e CatnJ>WI commwuty 0 Is a Vista just Police set 10 p.m. as the deadline and Authority tonight announced the closure Cheadle, llld he waa aware of lhe off the university campus. Capt. Fred King withdrew his tactical of London's Heathrow Alrpmt for an ln- studenta' des1re to share in school Then 1 mass of demonstrators, squad about 11 p.m., under parting shots definite w:lod because of a Qireatened W tilter Simpson, Laguna Docwr, Succumbs at 7 4 Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Monday in Sherrer Laguna Beach. M«tu&rJ Chapel for Dr. Walter M. Simpeon, dlstingul.Shed physician and medical researcher, who died early Tbunday at Beverly Manor Convalescent Hospital, Capistrano Beach, at the age or 74. Dr. Simpson is survived by his widow, .. Ethel, of lhe family home, 1812 t:armellta St., Laguna Beach; two sons, Richard Bruce of Newport Beach and James Michael of Ithaca, N.Y.; a daughter, Mrs. Mary June Cancilla of Pittsville, Mass.: and 10 grandchildren. A nati~e oC Lynn, Mass., Or. Simpson received his degree in medicine at the University or Michigan, where he later served aa a teachin& assistant and in· structor Jn medicine. He was an lnstructor in surgery at ' Johns Hopkins, a director of the Ket-• tering InsUtute for Medical ltesearch, a director oC cancer research a t Wuhlngton UnJverajty School cf Medlclne and t'OOIUltant bi canctr ruearch to universities and Institutes. shouting and pounding on garbage can or rocks. dirt clods and foul epithets. strike by flttmen. lids, rushed sboWder to shoulder together the windows of a campus security force Heathrow ii one of f.be larfMl and in line that complet.ely engulfed lhe the windows of a campu security force bUsiest airports in the world. The street and saldewalts and was a block vehicle and let the air out of unmarked"' '•authority said it would close at 7 p.m. (10 de~ mass "cam~ on like a calvary Fullerton Police Department car tires. a.m. PST) far an lnde.flNte Ume. charge," witnesses said , running at high speed directly at three groups of about 50 officers each. Some demonstrators col- lidtd with a few of the officers, who retreated at dnuble Ume. , The demonstrators chased the ofhet!rs for three blocks until the oflicers reached the campus. The demonstrators then walked away. The retreat, acknowledged as such by police spokesmen, came just one hour after 300 officers in a concerted rush had swept the estimated 500 demonstrators from the streets. The 500, broken into small groups at lhe time, apparently hid in their apartments before regrouping again. A sheriff's spokesman confirmed that officers had "gotten the hell out of there" v.•hen badly outnumbered. but said one reason was that officers were making ex- traordinary efforts not to be involved in confrontations in which they would have to use their guns or clubs to defend themselves, and thus avoid mass injuries. In Wednesday night's melet. a squad car was burned, also, real estate offices wert' raided &nd 35 persons were ar· rested. Ed Gray, Governor Reagan's press spokesman, said in the state capital that lhe National Guard had been activated because the governor "authorized them to do it yesterday U and when they felt the necessity. ' Prellmlnar)I bearJoc for the --wbo authoritiea_ 11¥ IDIY have aold ~II.lids of acru •llewbe:re I n California ud Mex!"' -Is aet for •-111 In c..ir.i ot.nle County Judltlal l>Jsliict CoUrt. . • Dofuty Dlllrlct Alloral)' AlpilomuJ C. NoYlcl: aald today !hero m0y be many .,_ -of sud! a lind fraud In 'Oraore. San Dlqo .... Sbuta COW>liu, plua ll&Ja i;allfomla. ' His office iJ deep in an investigation that could produce ,more charges against Lorbacb, anuted, to climu. an iniUal ~month probe of ms activities Novick oak!. ' 8f'ldea the aJlqtd land de.al with DA's ag...U, LGrl>ldl had alftadJ .... a 127,000 haJf -In 111 acns el~ lerrain near El Cajon to -c11oo1,'. accordllig to the DA'o = · Autboo11111 aald tbs -party WIS Promlled a •.ooo nc... ... bis ... veslmem wUlda a meni • cll1s after .. lrOllllclloo. Lorilach roportedly ~,e the JlQldluer a grant deed. "We are continuing our inveaU,ation and are looking for other possible vicUms of the land sales," Novick told newmea today. He aald Lorbach worked out of an of. fice at sm w. Cout lflCbway, Newport Beach, llllng -........ Mr. -"-· 11r: Palltd: and Jooepb L. Dean,· In aclvtrUllng . Mystery Veils $20,000 Blaze At Trailer Lot ---~·-- Mystified arson lnwstiaatcrr todly caollnued their probe cl a !20,000 Costa Mesa trailer aales lot fire aet early Thurtday, checking ~I every upect cl the eue wjth UWe succea. "Not a th!nl.'' Aid Fire Depa bnent Ballallon Chlel Ron Coleman when ques. tJoned about what his men had dilcovered in the 24-hours i-'ior. A witness to the Bay Harber Mobile Heme Show blue gave detailed in- formailon about a suspicioos trio seen near the lot at 1425 Bater St., sbortly after mklnlgbl The plaUnwn blonde driver of a car carrying the two men 11 passengers were seen puglng by wllbolil them, about the lime lht -beard nmninC feet and 1nailnt cJalL . The car theD reappeared with all three and flames erupted from the Jot momeats later. destroying one trailer bit by a moJolov coctlall and damaglns five others. 4 Quints Named, Docwrs Pleased NEW YORK (UPI) -The K1'Gul qulnluplel& have been taken 'off their special oxygerM!Dricbed air Ind u.ir' doctor Is "guardedly oplimlJlic for lbeir survival." , The parents cl the three glril and two boys, !\Ir. and Mrs. Wllllam Kltout, have tentatively named four of them. The names picked wert Amy, Slrlh, Ablgall and WlllJam Gordon. Bui a spokesman al Columbl&·Presbyt«ian Medical Center said tboee' nam~ m_, M changed and are ''not at all officlll.• 1rs Pori11,....._ Lful.cta, .f'tte f111MI•• of' ;ocaa .. c hrflwenc:et, ~ ....... ta "" ...... ......, •• ,liJ °'-•'- I· He was the first recipient ot the American Medical Association's gold medal for medical research in 11128. was awarded the French Legion ol Honor Jn 1'37 and wu a member of the NaUonal Adviaory COUncil of the U.S. Public Health Service. The Saftta Barbara sheriff's oUioe said lt requested the guard 's help. TOUI LOCAL DUI "S l'Ol 1111111. • 1•1-. HalTAH 1 • . After serving as an ensign ln the U.S. Navy in World War J, Dr. Simpson rose to become a captain Jn the Navy Medical CofF; and, during World War II was chief of medicine and surgery at lhe U.S. Naval Holpllal In Looi Beach. He was the author of. more than 100 books and articles on medical toplcs. • A rtsldool of California foe the put 20 yean, he was a member ol Laguna Bt1eh American Legion Post 222. Interment wfll be at El Toro Cemelery, El Taro. I Maj . Don Foley, guard public In- formation officer, said 300 National Guardsman were aeU vated immediately and were on duty at Santa Barbara under the sheril'f's g~neral comm~nd. Most of the guardsmen. except for a small detachment of mllltary poUctmen. wert from the Santa Barblra area, Foley . said. They were standing by with t.he orlglnal forte of 3QO IClCal officers. Reagan new to Santi' Barbara on Thursday to examine the situaUon. He d!tlared 1 state or emergency and ordered the state attomey general to In· vesUgate the demonstra~ors' Jeadershlp. NIWPOllT HACH 1727 w .. 1,11H Dr. 612.2090 ONff RllAT "m. t , lttlf 1l1nal ........ °""""' AY1lt1lll1 AID-NllD LYUNA IUot ----..... , ..... J , . • I } I I I ,I • • • Bnntingten Jl:eaell l' .El)lil:ION • • . YOl. U, NO. 49, 4 SEC!'IONS, 44 PA&Es • ' , .. . • ' • . . • ~ . , ua:r.· • Charges Proven -ndni his heon aot lor llardl I. "11111 la· a alpl ... nt vic1a1J 11it Ille cl· ty •• -Clly A#l1Z'llll1 Doll BG4, Who piNemled &be a.. .. n ..... that 111 <&l"'•rcial atM'ii4•1M1 .. will DD Janaer' bo abl• to ._.. ... -proillbitloc outalde otorare of-·· Parry, who haa malnloined that tho rules 'art uncOit!Ufutionll and that S .. tate Ok·ays disorimln•Unn .... J>l'actlced against him Jn enrm-cement Ol the onfuJances, was out of town today IDd could not be reached ' OJIAfljGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • - .oves ~ ~ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21,' 1970 . : ~ . .. .. J . !\ - One Sh~t, . " ' •· Scores ·Hw1 . . . fu Rioting Frem Wtre ~ ' • The aeulde student ~ of 1J1a: Vlata at the Univmjly of ~ lit' la Barbar\ became an armed. e1mp~ day, patroled by hundrecll of Callfomia Natlanll ~. 'Iller thNo 'nJPlo! of. violence which bu left Orio - lhot, ICOfU injured and at ..... 11 •" rested. . · GOYernor Bonald Rea1an called mJbt • NaUnnal Guard after rock and bottle thrvWJn mal,.. durln the nfilil Tllia1-r9f' whfoh aloo' lnjiirJ .,,,,; PQllCe ·'11· fioon, two students·and st the· ,..ii·e- vol.ved some· 1,200 students. 't" · · • for comment. -·u-::e~dn1,,..,·~n~·g--~-1'mY operat..llii! Plve'l>ollii. Tmoo __ _ I\.~• ta, Service Station and the Band W Texaro, both located on -Beach Boulevard in Hun· Some 400 hardcore demonstra\on UliM hit=and"·run -tactics wtlhdrew to their apartment dwellings around rnidrUfbt after battling 350 police shertff 's depuµts and highway patrolmen for more thu seven hours. ~ l \ l I ' ., I l \ I .. I I I I 0 W ll tington Beach. Of il e a~u::.ec1.:i:=~'. Teague Urges . .. Use of Law On Camp~ Rio\s. AddreuiDI a hreaklut meetlnl of the HID!Ungton Bud! Chamber ol coDu0en:e at' the Sheraton Beodilm today, WID!am J. "Bill" T~Btp.bllcan ~ for the :Mth Cqrm'-1 District, callad for •l'.llloPtllbtloll al tho law to c1ao1 rill lllalllD lil:• lbt Santa -idillaatimc;t; ,_,.., ........ ., -.. """ pnoldmt ., ,.__ Collap, -. • ntpo al llill1e(e admlniallllllu. w1io - c:outip -ts to bl1ieft ll!al•tbaJ wlD not .eall1tbe police inldlsturbucel. ~-xbe burnliJg of1• bani: is ~ crlmt IOd to en· courare the belle! ~t It Ii not a crime ii a double standiltd," Teque aald. maintainlq a -tire dlaplay within the 5Mookethacl<, and «eotlnC • alp in ... .... at the ...... feel -by tha la•. Judie Lae hold that tho·--·are comlitotlonal .... · lliat --.. ~pr-toward delendant Pany, . ,The zonlnc Jaws. w,re enacted to pro. led ievi~ )eauty in """11ltr<W -.. lli<l 11!io!L . " UV,ic Building& Architecture ' Controls Studied 4 <lollllc: -.... hldiiry miil>I -.lilt -1>eoulr., lilt~ Hid•..,., --lift -:ofille • -dlacolbtque ---='t u.. •k 7 -of, tlW prapoaed In -=-~ """' oud! llarlnl --the lllmtlnctoo. -CllJ CoondJ· wlll inspect two ardlnanoea Monday which wCJUld &ive the city power to determlne the arohlteojure and type ol activity ~Howtd in attl• adjleent to civic baild- 111iJ., One ordinance defines .a civic district 1rea, whi1!' the otbtt 10o'" 'the city. to place ·rtlstHctioos on the civic district. ~ m up for ·.a public hearing 'at 7:30 p.m., Monday. They r<pttRD\ another ~ in the d!T•' llride toward de of identillal>la m1111UP11J ~ . The dtr --fnlm folO p.m. lo· I ...... llld 111111 al Voll• p.m., Moo- .i.,. In -· eblmben. Jaycees &eking Award ·Nominees Am~ la~ ~Y.wffb members of the lluntinC"'" l!eodl Ja'""°' lraokinc young men between 2). Del J5 u can- didatea !Gr the annual llbtinruiahed ServiCeAward. D,ti!L1' "ILOT Steff "!!tie LADIES DF FOUNTAIN VALLEY'S COLON IA JUAREZ DISCUSS THEIR COMMUNITY Mmet. Margi1 Sf.n.z. Juan~• Solan.no, SutaNMI Slan11.1nd C.lette Lun1. i (from lift} . . Juarez No Po-v.erty Area " . At the height of the outbreak, a :15-yw.. old resk1ent of the ~ Wimlow C. Tladel, WU lhot in the lhouJder -bo drove hil car 1hrougb a PQUco lllooDlo. He wu miltaken for a demoutndar, police said. An<Kher was ·run over bJ & police aquad car. .: About 300 iilardamen set Up• -hj , , · tho modemlollc -common••" todaJ wla' ,..,.}' ' . ~-'.;.l ~-~ .. : D·~1...... . UOli< 300 ....-rron;"'"" -. ... "r4!· t.!MIU~~... l&P~~~!M--I ~ .• ""·-. :.;~'.t .. ellleltroot by 'Jleacon It tbt ......... • 1 • , ... , • • 1 , L, 1 '.{• · ,.,; -• 1 i · .• 1 ) 'J.f , stRrllf Jamt!:l!I Webster, wb9 NW -T:t By TERRY COVILLE ~ltvot.,_,. ~·. ·• ·...!'nial l111't tntl:'Jtwir6ii<e one .ir, Ult' l!Jiltd wlll be ~· llot aaactiJ bow aod ~ or "" O.llY "u• '"" "~e teM: to call ua thinp., bU a bell planned con1mun1tJe.9 1n the county," When wlO be detitmined aometlme later Dlil\'t ~,a tear for residents In tho '°" lh\tinl! .... oi-*:•.dlrV· ~ '-Mrt.•lolortano uld. • · ' lhlf (llo1'1!1ni." · · Juaru COIOllJ' ol Fountain Valley. UW, ifeii'i loiieil1 '!Iii ~."' Mrs. Jilaru Col001 (COlonll_ Joaroz In N -In Ibo e.vly IDDl'*'I boon Tl>ey 'rt not poverty slrloken,. un· Solonaoo uid. ' / " • · Spanilh) wu hulll In t923 Ii)' a man .nam· lollowinc 1M adloatlon wu lnDqulJ. Iii dernourlshed or scratch.inc at the Some of .the. ColoQ bc:mel are.okl'and ed Tumer. from New York, who DUIP'te:d conltut to a confrontation about ·I ·a.mo lan1Uq:e barrier. ram1backle and 1, ftw of. the 'f'Mideo\! out W lots measuring 50 ftet to --fett-'I'huraday Jn .the derlJonWltioa aru, In fact they are a might lndiinant lhat are on welfare, but molt .re not.! Mvtral (aome or the biggest in a city lhat'~t.s which tu11 .ln about ~ lqUlf't mn..Gf oome people have labeled their UWe com· n~ ~~Ille tn,Ctof·moro lhan 1119 of Ill large lots), ' · Iha campus """""11111 al Illa Vista jOol munJty a "poverty pocket." btXDls. .• ~llDO't •h:me at, 1~7 He sold off indJvidual Jots on wtiJ.cb off the unl~ty campus. · "We've always been a aourct of sap-Cde1lnhtyl*111t. II be:tnf ~ hemes .were built. Moit•'<lf the NrJJ' Then • mw of' ~*" port. for tbe conummity. The motherl wtthtbe.ddltieD"foar-~ retidenta were Mexlc10-Americw ·who smiutil'I( and Ptlllndl"f 41'.1 twbl&@ em from tbe Colony are active in.ICbooll and "' I s Jawtfw .... ,Iii C'.ollli1' hlll worked not only on near~y fanm but lida, ruabed ndder to lboolder...., other groups," declares Mrs. Juanita lee!'~ -ff tho •-"!'llool· Mrs. belpe'd huUd ratlrooda Irie! ·toned ln·a in • lino that completely -W Ila Solonaoo. SokkMOO dllml. local 100P factoey, '"1ey aleo farmed alteet and aaldewalb and wu a blook The "JIO"!l'IY pocket" label l!U lllucli N'oil..... --lo• ftn tho ..... ol their own land. dl!'P· nn the COiony by· tile Oranp ~ J._,°"""' a lnc!ln·-J lol'-llinl• "In 11111 wt oven bed str<et lights and The muo "came on llft• a ·cat.olJ werrare Departmeot because<>! the 1owtr icllll..\m..i..;..f'1m·wotklnP · (Cleo JUAllllZ, Pa111> · char(e," wllnetoes said, runnilll al·"!f' J • ' • I.' ' , (lffVC8B,P111I) .. ' Edison B0osts Huntington Fund More coim have been tossed into_the Huntington Beach Community Chell than expected when the aroup began Ill 1961 eampelgn. ' II waa pushed over Ila goal of flll,000 When A \fl,IOO ebtct WU pl8'"d lnothe -by Southern Ca!Uomla -eom- -emploiu. Community ct.I Ls·parl of the Wiii or-. Counll'·•Unlled Fund ·~ wlddi bu lhus lar colloded 1475.lllll lh>m pled&a. made. during 1• • 1total of 11 per<eot )>etter'than·the-""" year. United 1"und 1l'Ol'ker"llhnate the .-1 of their' •aeamea tbl• yur at more thin i625,ooo· .Tut>_ the West Orange Coanty . I re11on. , ., . Police Officer Assa.ulted Harbour Waiting On Oil 'Cleanup~ In Fracas at. Drive-in lfunUngton Hari>Our hcot .....rs bave adopted a ''wait and .... aWlude abcml c1-1nc up Ille aplll oil In ~ IOI whldi a police olC.,.r •1& bcmhordad Bay. . . - Qlarpo ranclnc bom aaaau1t ·.on • • peooe-todlltclrllml tbo•poace have l>eon llJed ap1nll two men in connection -a :Wlllli>!M« clrlv.ln lraou dot· by.papereupoandlilftdtlnlat. "No one.., reolly•tab aoy._.je The melee be1ln at 10::15 p.m: w"""" clean boate or t.1llc1-!1 unuJ the all ... p trol ~·-<tlm-oot cl the water .... that will he ... day aa I man ..... c<-. at. ""·"Don l\liller, Pl-of the Ifimi temptod to 1rrest Jooeph J.'Phmipi, :Ill, tlnalon Harbour Propei tJ ow a 1 h ol 13311 Slaltiyoa st., Weat.nJml.!r, on Ameiatioo, aald a. mJlbc. • IUll\)ieloa of•behJtl under the bift1111d· of A opok,.... 1<r 0.0.er ~ drugs. : ' . '. ' Corporation, ....... al Ille wen lbat - 0 Stor.k. Run Phlllipo ail•a~· attacked) the' .,,ic<f ed 1n1o Harbour ehanMk 8iodoJ, IC!il.., n . . . . Jn: the Taeo Dtll 'piitlng •·lo(, 11iZ' ' Insurance ageot -Id lob cart; 'GI I · • . . · · Westmln•ter Blvd.,, and ID!ir · olhel' cleanup costs, lneludinl amaU bolts. Police omctr Gaey,KuJ'ICI wu uslaned bystanders allegedly entered the fracas, "We'll contact 'the .... ~ ID a few h)'i a speci_al fllb:IJon In HuntinetQn Be1c;_h Phillips was arralined 1t West Or~ to .see whl:t happens,,'' .~Iller .. Id. • Thursday -he ..., sent on tile e,Hly .COiin\!' Cow:t Thui:lday on '111r1• or Meanwhile city P!f>~ia.Ls and state Fla1I • I i ' .. · assaultini 1 peace offieer,lpaue&8ion ot and . Game offw:~ are .prep1rin1 monWI .Wrk run. . • dangerous druga, betng ~k In iiubnc criminal. rompla1~Ls for ~lution whkfl The pollUC1l candidate said that It wa~ against ~b double stand1rds that 11tudenll were protestJnl:. ''They ire look· ing ror leadership and we must stve them it and shoW that the 11• will be applied." The breakfast meeting 1f8.!1 for the cQambtr-'1 membership c o m m I t t e t • Chamber 11...,... Ralph K I se r • reporlint oo tho-.i>!Po aaid • "'!" 11te tnan who'-ceptuf'ell the 1ward on March 24' must have lived In HonUngtoo ~ at least one .yeor and performed NEW YORK (AP) -The 1tock mark<I aervlou for the C!C:lnmunJty. rocketed ahead ag1in today u invest. .. That afternoon he radioed headquar· and loiteri ng. He was reJeued on his own could bring I series of fine.. a1a1nst 1?11 lers, u-~-gned orncer rePortl . ,nine reto&ni}ance. oil company. . 1•.:::r ..... Uy -at Iii, 11a1 KIM.-1111 ficurll -llo Dr. Mu llallerli, Ca 111 o rn ta enthllaium wu r<llJ!lted by hopeM ~t of Sc:t.m, bu been Uk• statements -about Ille pr~ of ! an ed to .-t at the -If ....... """ -. al .-.ry r<alrllnll. (Set .quo. quell. ~. Pi(a· I0.11). .. -. d' ;.,,. ...... !!!: ... .,..... .i ·~ ·-F I -l10iul!ilbl1•'.lhli:ellJ..i I; · I _ _..._Dad•loeollJ, . . \ Ho •"" 111111 tbt -., lil.1111 ••••• .-Id he a -mm11s1111p ddte, -li>J •a eh ---lei bo •lo!d to ... I l1at --J1r!D for IMll!benhtp. Al the ,bmlldul, banter JI m Rldahau1tr' .,. l&CIM 11 tht top · · . .. ..,..ber-~.· He algned amn fin¥, , Alter fivt ll1JIOlha .of CGlll!rUctlon In th< oa•IJn and hu -~ top delays, Huotlniton INdl'a Mela View recruiter award In two previous drives. · SChool will open Ill doon to D ttudents .• ·Moaclay. Beach Bond Failure i:::= .~: ::!, 11 • • latna tract -in<l· I a • lllCl&m Will Be Dl8cussed :r,:: claa!cJ> to.........-the moCJI . -=~·Iha- -··-.... wtPia01. Jdnclpe1 • • • -......, _.Illa -ban -_..,.,. ---ollilr eltrnenllr71Choo1L "' .. ···-ancl. ~ E""" wtnidioa "'~'·· laid ,.... tbl""""' 1.,-dal<;lit)'Olld tl\e ,,.peotaUoos of both Ocean ·v~ School o i 1 tr i ct ldo minbtrafor1 and the contractor. The new ' llChool !eaturts open tpact desi~ '{)Ut no lnterior will• to bandlcap ~ .iUUUon of clauroom 1pi1et. 'fta{ir&rnnpment also ~~;ts wuted hall space ittto 115ible inlU'1!fH11al 1reu ICboolmen said. ~ II Q •boasts..of 1 -aunlcln-ll which eao i!e 'uted Cw ~ C**' 11 well a for 11rtk ind recre1Uoftll •ctlVttiel. A,JW- IGrm Ital• which -Into the mll'llld an encl-.t moltJpurpm1 room pioc:JJ1p lllflldent eapecilJ !or 1111~ .._ 111'7711&1Uons • ~ " • pound. eilhl.c1w1ee boy, Timothy Clialles, JOiin Fapn,. II, ~I 111112, .New Haven t1keo lnto.caaRolly at 3:17:p.m.~ fur-Lant ·Huntington Beic:.h WU lccUled by !her u&iatanee needed." br-~ • ollie~r& of liking part I~ the fray. Out on ,Officer KuDc! beclDle a -new 185 boil, bo~trlaco,char,..oof 41aturb- Jl!ll'llA• inc Ille -·durinc a Mard»l ·...,rt ap, peannc:e,, , . Oraalf e • • j IJ.llL Y PIL01 " $ ,._ • • ... "! IAuad Sale r , c· .... · ., •: • ,,_ ~· J JUAREZ •• Slf!~~n· Sittgle windle · " ~ thqb nei ....,. mlQ)' '' -·"' . . • • • ....., ... old timer. But Tumer had lroubl< ulllnll hit lets ...._...._ ilpr••laa end tun.cl ·&bl ..... -.. , .. J(Slbtll, """ ---lldo+olopltc :eld _n · ; The ll'ice ol a .lat In th.-days was (• MIO ' ~ .; yws wmt bJ lhe ColOl)y 'failed to •. ~ .. 11¥1 P>u!llY .. ~ln Ill.oar· • ly ,_,.,,. <117'ltl!lclals ~ lhe ~ ....... ud ~ .... !<es wbiC!l.led.to "' 4 ""•PGit . lieach swtnPic llOlleJ i..n..i.. aniolod to clJinu .. IDtllll ~ "'!dell~ "h\> ' ~· lbrl!!l'A!llll\11 ll<Obe of bis adMlllt, allellil ~to swlns a dial f0r .ale <If ~ iakL . lan¢<11o didil't own·,Wlui Orqe Coull\)' -lllt IJlqed land deal \rith DA'1 ~~~~---la ill Jall~lodiJ' • ....... =bad IJ!eac!y SOid I J I. ~-•r Ii' Shel-"pT,flll_l)all ID llO • .,.. o1 -..t ri . J>Jo. WU ~ '* homO · ~ . II Cijoft 10 &IJOlhor cllegl, ~~I)' 111 two cjllill!J . of grlJld acWdla& i..4118 DA's ......... ' • •-• orral&Ded Tbarsday .,id h now ~ Aid lhO mildenllllecl ~ held In lieu « '25,00I bail. ' w~ '1!00.000 !01""1 on his IJI. PrellminarJ be>ring for lhe ltlspec\ -• • .._ a mere'.IO da71 Iller lb< who authorities say may have ai>ld t.r1n11ctkm.; , thousands of acres elsewhue I n 1.0,,..cb reportedly pve the purcbuer Calif\>mia and Mexico -15 let for a lrll!I dead. • Wediieaday . In Central Orange County "We iir'e <onUnulng ou• lnvesllialloo Judlclal 1lbtrict Coull. a!ld.rfl60iliii foYO!llit1iollfl>kv!Clliiii Deputy DlllriCt Altomey Aljllms•s C. of'~JatsaltS," Novick told..,. ..... Novick aald 1odl)' !hero may be mW ~· .!J7 ··.., · more victims of such a land fraud' In . HO-,lild.;Lii-,..toi.I 'out el ~ .,._ · Orange, ·San !>\ego and Shasta COW1Ues, noe .Ill .a1fl: Cell! J11Pw11, lltwpm plua Baja Callloriila. l1eadr. ullliil "II.-..,.. u Mn Jlor. His olllCe Is ~ ..... lnvesliPtloo ~· • Kr: P.U14 llldl JGooplt L: DND. that eould·~ ..... cbartea ap1nsl • In .. . -. . -. •' . Santa Barbara's ~pus ~nlik~ly Scene for Riots MRS. LEANNE BURT TOSSES OUT' llASl(ETIALL TO YOUNGSTERS AT H In l'-al" Vallfy, VolunlMrs KMP tho Communlty ·Rocrootlon Pr09r . '. • iWn1.'JillB.uv. <AP>.-irow...;;. v1dlonotaieCblcacos.mn.111eVtetiwo ·Leary" ·M ·ed muilluet _,. i... lllie_ ly ta,..u lit< war, t!lo -''capltaliat Ultl>ll-".llnil · OV ........ than this '!add -resort. lhe ''rape ol tho~.. . . . . . . . ' . n.,... ·· P · 'llte uni....,,_ cbt ,._ · V " · . . Ma111 ·a _ Real · . ' ·port ~.,..explalnlheviO!tnlramJlll!iof ~•o-•c·-'"'-.,.,lii·~.>< -.. 8 'k ..... T ' H z· ~ b•:,::::,~u:.a~~ :_-:::--~a:·.~~-.-~--~ .. ~ ~ ~xas_ . T~y e p Qut at Har~r Park ba~-toc:Uied ~.::tbi-:_ ~ VWnam 1War or opporill:dtJ to plrtt ·~ Se ra.;w ._,,.... H" 11 _,... 11. -arat ~~ ltlifitjj ml~la Iii -kr·~ -k•.,."Hnn.; Momma 11u· tam£C ...r lbe ljtorb volunteers who pimp !Heinln tile city's --.--•-He adifod that lhe uitlnnlty bad bOft. · V UWU"" depi11men! in FOlll)llln V~ _ ~ !ef11 recnoaUon. -~~! diaconlenl willi .!!!•~ at the lry!ng lo set Dp:ID -boud to on •'lilftt recreaUOnal bull In,. • ....,. }dnofflaj!_!ooll·_!!al_t~.-and,-~'!.~ Uuli'erolij of Ca!Jlorpla at Santa Barbara ;etiie ~ betireeo lllUdOnti Intl Jailed awaJUng • -on 1 :J.ai1llll · Park. . . .....,---"' ••~ -~- od m the Delgbboring conµnunlly of wa londlorJll Beach mlrijutlia cilt, .Jlr. TlmQlhy · .. 40 more donate time to tile junior basket- v'1.;;;: w•-,._no· U•• wu centered. . ,,. for .iii.. itu~-i.· ~plaints ;;., •• t . About 30 mootha have volunteered to ball program and several local youth -. llllm: .. 1111: ·-o li ibefUf lllC'oU ...... u _......, Leary ·wm be: ltansferred fiom Orange keep"lhe after school recreational pro-gorups are giving up their Ume to build Tbe onWquare-mlle ble Vista cam-.• Po, W; . '~ ~pt. .Fritz Pattenon County to Laredo, Tex., this weekend to gram open two days a week (Tuesday ruver Park. munity hi populated largely b)r1 students :-id_:. '[°"I ;ftheae.r-"1ve ~M>na.~y be ifVed h1a temi on a federal Marijuana and Thursday) in the city's only fully Otber proerams usinc· volunteer ·help -an estimated t,000 of the university's e po ce, Y , Y ave no aplcifics. smualfnl ?ap. developed· park. include the spelling bee, 15 volunteers u 700 -wbo live mainly in apartments. Tb.ls week 5 disturbances began on "Without these voluriteer·s it would be from the Friends of the U.brary; track Ten.ton had.be:eo bulldiDI cm-the elm: Tuesday with an <H;Jlbreak of small fim The controversial former Harvard pretty hard to put on any type of retrea-meet, 7D volunteers. from the Jaycees; pua lince tbe d1mdual. a umnth qo of and "Win~ smashing: psychology 'professor was convicted in tional program," says Henry . Agonia, Easter Egg hunt, 10 volunteers each from Williem L. Allen, ·a conlrovenial asils-" -°" Wednesday .bun<II<dl swarmed into Laredo jan.· 2o for mi\tggllng three assimnt city parks director. the Jaycees and Woman'• Club; IS Wit pro1eaor of anlltropology, for falllni the olreets sfter • campus speech by , 00...., GI lhe weed acrool the MG!wi Tho liaJltet Part.mothers spilt lbilts In volunteers from the Junior WOlll<n's Club to meet ~ds of tenure. William Kunatler, ooun..eI to the Chicago checkibg out games and athletic equip-staff junior hlib dances and other Bfft the ltUdeots dt.ed ·a long" list Of Sevett, -. border, ment and someUmes even show the vDhmteers show movies and judge the aqp!ain~ ap.b)lt ~ ~~. ExplanaUoru _ or_ . ~~ a~OD.•. by Orange County Superior Court Judge youngsters how to do things like &boot Halloween contests. ...miy oll!dals and poUct; -· '" ~~!ors l'JW ·/rom cliataste for Byron K..McMiltao lmmedlately revoked carrom1 or lly • kite._ But the mothers "They do 1 gQ!ld job for UI, and G!OI Kl!ell, l!h!detll body vice pmv ···~~~·!O•.~lbe cir.·~,. ho , Lea,.,!1 .. .ball' al1ilt he ind -hla ·IWiie· aro-:~"1lly........, in lhe.tity ellmlnatealotofOEpoDl<ll,''.said~ ®ti,' i!1J! o _. conleronc:e 'J'hUrtda1 • peop e w Ro...,..ry•'and 800 'John were coovicted program. Tbey are part ot 1 long lJial ol with o alil> of relief. the d!alUrbance stemmed from _., l'llll lhe country In ieneraJ. Feb. It on charges fued by Laguna Beach ' :a:·e;.~ ut>lol!ed by * I * .,,.. . police. . ~ H . . , o ·L ,_ .. . ~p:;,... " .. " '&i.~:'1..; ~. ,.,W.::..:.., :..wr~ • : ~ ' . v;i ...... iitlldl!iusl1delrlm!lilli•~' ',A_. M·I ; . fClwstttt '· ra, Y,~. "_" ' • ·reqUllll1tMllUlll!t -··' '"' ·~!':~-~ .. nuene. on IOciefl'.'' declared Judie 'f I 'i' for••\\ IDODlhl of '"'1doooo· ml onm'.. U l"'&!B McMiiian, who aJIOWed hh wife and son . re to ·return de(M>li!s; · '-"' • • • • to.remain ftte on lbeir owo reco-•·-T"· best .. f Or Coun· ~..M.aid~ ... ~-imdao~_-;:. ,·t .i,·~~-i.._·...,. .....• ·--~ 1-.. • •• ~ :~, .••• ~'t"': ~l!C mus1c.1ans.rom ange •. stiiililli'at~ m! dflll . l)llld~~llftliiwe·ll"Upo olabtut.W "";'1dl!\f ~ ,ll.oentenaltl'. . · " ly high !!Chools will give two c011Certa as es. , ~ ...it. Some -•ton col· Timothy Is lfOO," said !lfrs.. ~a;y ,of ; the Orange Couoty High Sc)tool Honor 111 cao ast IQ)' student-It's aimol\ , ~~~ 1 few ot'.llllt.cifllcera, wlto'j het 50-year .. ld husbancl,1-!f.1'0 hu ""11 • Orchestra. · to .-walk in lfOUPI .or four ;....,~t double 1llDe: . "f arrut~. often~ J'!l'Vfr (.serv~ bard . The f'nt w·u be w1"' the county h""' ped• -;jho''-'1-"'bo'~ -' ' · timefot ... v,o('""~"'-'""'latJoas • I I "' '0" Newpqrt Harbor, f!oroD~ del Mar, Mission Viejo. Buena Park, Fulltrtori, Orange and Santa Ana Valley high '•.• T. • • •' • ., school!. • ' ' pr~t cmdltions, Cololiy -ts d&Jlll! • ~ tltoqh, the City i!'!F~ , v~ worked with thofoloaY 1D ~ _,,,,., -and•* -• ' · t "WI 't-"11o'1he ,,,y Ilia 'ejty c-~~ and a:t~t w wl}lliil to dO "' Colpny, ~llolm<d. .1111'.!ltatomml ~ .cllJ>'iil/'mtfitg about the Colony. "It's a pteasuri· to see an area like the COiony, when ev~ else is so new and walled,'' Jlin llollywOQ\I, ~t Jo.~ dlY._-.qer,_ aaMI. · Ho -itted thal·lbe city tends lo pr .. tact ii. Colooy'• ·idemitY I>!, l!Ol .UO-O- other dlveklplHi(i~'.'iO ,~;_· Colony area. --- - ".We. aren't IO strict on ~ for t.lildln< code or lire code -ilW l!Wr ho said. •• A !llllail hall -~-ii 111' ciu'.1 nm project for Colony residents. "We'd like that," says Mrs. Marcie Sianez, 1G.16S Cinco de Mayor. "~ lot of the people here want to see the.IT c"fil¥Rn playing tillit In tho nellh~-.. ·Nei~ ll!!ril """ ,,yW.. tho character ol ·Juarez ·co1ony. • Many families are related because 1 Jot of resident& were bQrn the.rt. . " ''And we alwi.Y• :W~neWcomen, Mn. sta ... .&hf.~-; ' .. . . One neWcomer, Y UJ*" 'Ctlellatt I graduate itiidettt "UCLA,' hU hem trying to buy • In Iha ColOil1' for. three moatha . "I ulOd ti> 1lYe in &mta ,AoaJOno ·dty I met aome people f""1 Juam Colony and bow I wantod to live there -titer. were 9G friendly," Benny nid. He sliµ '1!11"'1 found I home lh<ro, ltul ·time t\eitnY hu become acUve In Colony pr<ljecti and eveo made a cloo<~ 1uivey that rqiatered tho Colony JlOllUla- Uon at fOO, In another SO years there may not be a Juarez C61ony. 'jMOlt of.those hornet will probably dlaappear by th"1," llf>llywood predicted. ' A brief city study showed that four and five 1·1 apartment units milht be a 1oocl use for ·tho large Iota, brlniflnl ~ a good return ol their money. "But we think we'd like to,leave It a . midentlal area,'' Mra. SOiorzano ~ ---hu beeo the developmenl ol 1 Spanlsb village in lhe Colony, but aome residents thouth the id~ miJbl be carried too far. • I don't want to live In a clrais," lft. ter:iecteill Mrt. Sianei. · !lo real p1ano fer lhe 1uture .alst; Cll1 · officlala; -to allow lbe Co1ony to .. 1t.s own n,. · ·,11· "I've never been emblrnlaed abOat being fnm. the Colony,"" Mn. SolanD said with a ainllt. I Guppies to Ge~, Swim LeSS'om , . · atop VT ~· '. ·:·~.-• ,._,,the officeis:1 .,.,,_,; JnY -r.t"'~~ ,_-" .r • hool hon band t ·"-a••! "--~ · " ve oerioul Jllllltiems· •f ·· .,..,...._)llocbunttllliHlllcers-··,,...~ ''Jf• ~,--V~.trontµ 1110 • '" or a '" ·~ ~· apeln!SlllV!stj;,l!j!\th~'• ·tite'-.._ The '11iil9111tra~"";~ aiiiied: • ·-· · ;~. '.': , College auditorium Saturday at 8 p.m., Rohinwood Baseball Guppies .,.. little .ii,y. and llrh t Oi police are worried aboul Waltecf~away. "He ·lJ · more free than moat people. The second will be·ai.Garden Grove High ' between the ages of 4 and l 'wbo'Plan to to these lrullratloos, atudeot Tho retrei~ ackQcQtl.qed H such by When they jail the revoluUonaries, they . School March 7 al 6 pm. take swlmlillnl 1-ns at tile Founlaln le aay, are the higher stUdent fees police spokesmen, CIIDe' just one hour have to jail the prophets." · . . · · Signup Approaching Vall High SCboo1 p;ioI reqjiUy voted by ~yeroll)' re1enta, COP. after 300 oUicen In 'a:concerted rush had Dr. Leary -under fire In recent years Earl Treu:hel, drreclor of _ •nstru:""tal · r..:... start Sllllrdai for. Guppllp.afld fl swept the ~ 500 demanatr~s for his stltld ea the use of hallucinogenic musi~ at. C<>sta Mesa High . Sc °:°1 ls If you want to play sammer bueball tn other younpten tbnUP the qe, Of-1.t. 1!1J , ~ _ from the s~ The 500, brotfa into drugs by Amerkla's young -was con--coord1nat.ing the program which will be under the IJ)On!Orsbip (If' the Fountltn a Ch~ .. '( small ~)Ii~ time, a~hld victad ol'thi ledaral<np in Texas four conducted by Dr. Bertram McGarrily, the senior division of tltO.'llibinhood Lil-VaUey YMCA.. vu~ : m alntbtlr ·~ before ~ yeThara u•ls•· Su ~-·-. al'd ted th professor of music, Cal State Long tie League, bring a,IOl)t' yuur ptf' (or · Guppies 'start nimmingi at t a.m.;. . ag . e . . pre.me ....uw-~ 1nv l a e mom) and a birth eertllic&te to ~. • while okler youth in tbe beginning class "C ledi lo •an A sheriffs'sPobsman cOnfinned that conviction by U.S, lll!trict Court Judge Beacb. ' , · · ' "-· hit lhe 1!'!1ter at 10 a.m. lntermedlatoo l'~ C n . ofllcers had ~pltoll the heli-out 4f lhere~' Ben Co!lllaliy; who presided at Leary's Members of the orchestra are from . Ju a.m. , to t , p.m.; Salu!<fl)' '"' ,... i1art at Ii a.m.' ' • - E;1 ; when badly outmdbberad;bUt' wd one .. brief 'Vial · 1ut ·month on the Eallle Villa Park; San pemente, Savanna, San-bue~ali 'fleld.of·Marina ll1lh Scbo~tk '!lie coot ls 19 for eight weeb for ary Campbell will be lhevtlt-. ·reason was ttilt'el!Jcen ~mating a. charge. • . Uago, Fowi\aln . Valley, Edison, Hun-Boys age 13-15 are eligible to play. Fil< YMCA1members and flJ !cir nm-YMCA di tbt 1970 Marina Htgh :Sebopl' traordlnary ~ not tG be jnvolved 'in Attorneys for the Leary famtly are ex-tington ~&cb •. ~c!a, Costa , Mesa, . rriori information pbont! 8'7-Mt:t·. ~ · miiQbenl. , , • t -~ gr ass, Pripdpat Glen D)'liQF confrontationl;in Which they would have ~ pected to qain appeal that action and • ....:.~:;;;!~~;· ;--~~•@iliiiii;;•·~--;;;;~:~'.~. ;.-~;· ~-~I :· ~,.=;-~--.,.--: er today, 1 _· to iui! ~··pt1t1r or: dtilil to defend · al.lo the Orange Couhty cue stemming -~ · Ciilti>be11 has malntalood a. llral&bl· themiel\'es, IDd thus awlcl nltss lnjuries. from lhe tml\ Dec. 18, 1168, ln Laguna. "Abverage throughout higb school. In W:.....,.iay ni&ht'1 malte, 1 equad Jqalng "!!" as "graduateo 'flt!\ high-car. !IU btlnlad, alao, real-atato offlCtll esfjltnncln will be C)'nthf• Burchett. wu. raided and 31 per..., ,., .. ar-Y Breakfast Slated Rol!tlt Eldon, Paul_ 'Lanen, Janet rested. · . SqWfa, Je~ McK~ey, ~ck Mark -_ Ed .Gtay; Governor fteaa:an'e press 'alidiGr<c Narog. ;t'hey r"l!""""I lhe to~. •POl<!!'!D,OQ,.llkl)n tho state capital tlitt -I ol lhe 11711 grOdltallnc,clui. • the Nitlootl Guard bad been activated ' Mflnbers ol ·uie Founla!n Valley ·Y'S Men, will brW:·bread ovis breakfast at · 7:30 a.m., 5a1urday, at Mile Square Cocnlry Club. · • became tbe 1<1vernor. "authorind &hem ·;;: '-to do It~ If and wl1,0ll Ibey felt DAILY PI LOT ·~ . .,..,, ·~.!ifANGe COAIT 1'\111.lltllNG COMPM't ·. . \ • 1:.i.,rt ti!. w.M ~:a ""'""'' .,. ...,~ .. _ ~ Jtcli: IL Curl1y ·= ~ ""'""" ..... ~· ,,...... . : "' TM"''' 1(,...,il . ..... ·iii•"'''-"-M~rphlM MflMflllll ldl!Or Alb•tf W, l•t.. ~hlitr :,. ............. OMce • -'!.. 11171 .......... ~ .... ~""'" """'"'' ,,o. a.. no. t2M• .,. -~ ' t • -L '' ~ •' OtWv...... • ' : •"-1iMCNm,..~ ' ' •' c.llt ... : ,. .... ...,,':11.P.• • I ia.ct.1 2111 ...... ... ·--· - .. thenecealily. New olficeN will be elected at Saturday'11 brelikfast meeting. Topless Gals OK Court Says They Must .Behave lpedol te tM DAILY PILOT ;;AN FRANClsco -BorMnuted c:oc)rtall waitresses are .UU In -today as long aa they behave themlOlves, according 14 the latest ,rpl!ng.on taveru . t nlldlly ~· bJ \lie . Caillemia Supreme Oourl: • '!ho h1lh tribunal, in a I to I splil vote, d<clartQ that topllU w~ doo~ violate public _.. oo lollc u Ibey- to i.w-. ' l'res1tmaltl1 thal mq cooflnln( thatr acdv!Ues to servlqf ~ '11ii,.,...; ~to tlot•.Slllilllll'ioilirnoie c-t ... citol.l!rvo1"111 lbe N«th' -()ff. Broadw11 nilhfapOt !In when lhe alate Department of Alcol1olk Beverq• Con- trol had revotad 1 lkoooe becauso lhe Off-Broadwoy featured haA -.ied aervlng mtlcls. The ll!Clt court demi toudied off I celebrallon at the Off.Broadway ln which "all of San Frtnciseo" wu lnvltsd to h<lp «lebrate tM daclalon. M-le, In aoolhtr sector of the n:udt front, 1Uorntyt for a !acramento tavern btllovt they'•• found a · leltl loofbole to overcome 1 local ardlntnct aplnlt kllall1 nWll dinclnc· . f ~ I '11tus the owners of the Pink Pussy Kat bar are projecting lmageo of their nude danciDC girls to patrons over closed clrcult television. Sacramento's local law bans livt nude entertainment '"Ibis. is television en· tertalnmant," lhe lawyers anqoun<ed . So fir, ~have been,119 -and a lot lit dancloa. ID lhe 1-11upr.... Coar! action deallng,.ritll lbe San FrlllClaco case, It wu ruled thal employment of topless "~ of,)tsell,wu not contrary to t1iO public -~ ... tl!f record did nOt i:oostltute tho neplng ol a di!lOl'lletly house. The court allo rejed.ed an aJtemative gtoufld pn,..tod by lhe state depart- ment for Ila action -that bare breasts dMl 't mix wttb .ervlnf llquor. ,. Juallce Louis IL Burke wrote the di..lnl opinion with JuaUce Marshall F. McComb coocurring. - ''In my view, ccrnmon knowledge, to aay notlt!nr of l1'f experience and tx· perUlo of the department, supports the posllloo of lbe ~partment witlt respect tq tho emJ:ICJYll1'1!t of topless cocktail •aitreaea, • Ille Jllll!tat.~. . . ---- . ,. . ' < ' ' . ... .... , .... -.... ~ Ealu;ta .... ' .~ ' th4I "'"'itur• of flJr4JtMl5c lnfht9M", :qMt1 ,l1gi1n~I .... ..... .,_., .. ~ • liy 0.-oL I I ' .. .. . ' ; ~· " , ' -. ' I • : • i " ' .. l i I . I " • ' 1' \': ' " . I . -THISflS W!IAT A RIOT co" LOOKS LIKE -UP CJ.OSI -.. ·.. At:C•I· SfMj ·Fullorlon, tho T•ctl .. I ~ Provollod .. • .. ho testers ·~uered. By Poliee • Dlllan( ~ linclnc "America '1111 --· --· ball al ... u, -. ftl;ecl'-.:kers and obloerie WGnl. were lbooed all Ille Col State P'Ullertoi> .cam- JIUl~ In a IOCUOd, ......... -· . 1lle picturesque campua In lbe bear! of .eoollOl1iali9e"Qnnle ~lay WIOltr I ~ calm f<lllaJI .u . ··~ ¥'1 dlaal· dent' atudeota' ftlted:ror the' nm move lite nervous cbeu pl1yer1. NCY!nJurles at UTelli we.. ttpOrted In • tl!e wake al 111e-...11on by 300 Who -lad affer•loloini "' -cd'urMd lbe Lettm · IN!' Sclencea • Buildln( retreated before II helmeted riot polJCe, . . . ' . ~-· ' ' ' .,.. ... ~-'~ ·PROTEST"i:l!Ai>e~s s·1i:veRs !STRIPE'D PANtst. 'cLEAJR 1it1GHT> NllMl!D. av cciurtT ' ' ~G Fullarton Pliiloapolly Prof, Student Mo01ll11Jlon'CommlttM Chaliman Got Raatralnlnt Ordor • 1. • 1 -A temporary. l'Mralnlng ordet'--namlng Calllomla· State· College ~ 11 plilntllfs• and lie.t<.n, ,,......;..· plul ilOO John Does as ddendant.i Wu .. Issued earlier by Orange County Superior Court Jud1• Raymond 'lllompson. n.e document furbldJ further dlsrup-• ~ lion apct dam8ge, car?ying CCJl1tempt of Reigan in his Feb. I camp.is speech. building as the d&hipUve mOoa ac~ vehicle and let tbe alr out ot court penaltlet for lit-ins, property Langsdor:f charged tlie c amp u 1 celerated. • ; .., . ~' · · • : Fullerton Police.~ car ... Urei.1 damqe or cUsturbance. demonstratqrs have broken into oUlces Liquor was coilswned , in large qqan· One Blaci Panther P 1 rt y mem Sludtnta activiatl actnowled,ed their and commiited a varteiy ,of Jaw. violatlons UJies, the smell or bw:nlng riiarl.juana from Santa Ana wu in the crowd. 1eo • contempt al the restra)nln& crder by since trouble enipled, Thursday, leading was In the air, 'fl)d police .were pe_lled . c:ordlng to campua ~t-, wbi!I pourtq a hall,pllon ol milk· over CIJ1lPU!I to • police confrl)ntaUoii.' · • · with· dirt tjodl, bQUltl, .cofnf,· a·,few rocka · authorities said they believe _.,.., • IOCUlit): lcrce --Keeley II he •"Iliiy ior<:ed lbeir way Into omc... and • handful ol llrecrac)\m.. .agltaton --dmm to the .......... .,..,,. road It aloud. 1to1e·.unopeoec1 U.S. malVlllOd college Some clwilad "Sieg .l{tll,"~hlle • pua -·-tho 11•"1 n.e ~ document names seven tele~ !or penlQllll looa dlstanco • another gri>op·-a veraeol "Ameri ge. ~ ~ ... ;:..,-, ;,... , 11~ r1ng1e1!11n. • calls., wrote ~~Uea on~ and · 1lle BeautllUI," . pocmdlnc on • "II thla . p-oqp WIDll a· l""frula 1lley are : sfudeell llo"" loladQowat, li!!"rid 6lillilliiii. ~ said. -gtatlli(t and breaklng..,iua -. a(14!1' ~.ll;DO..UJ to avoid II. said , ~ ~b, Ted ~. Kim ~ college·wtll not ·tolerate tuCh 1c-the brulding waa eecured. · • Lang9dorf.at a~ conferenoe Kane!, Jim Cleatr, Don Slavin and P?al. llon8. •· ~ -• "Thi• .I< a' -· • ..,,.p tonllhl." · speel:h sayln( lllls-'• .-.JI Ill"" N• · B · -c . -· stuart Silvers. ·~ ~.:.tre'MW 'framed that )'OU remarked ,Dean -~Of Stt.fdent.s ·Ernest: · !trsttn' CSCF't:>lO ,ea blstory.,i · -il.J.&i .... . 11rvo' n . o·w·" s· to ongress Ca!r\pua demoallrator1 -bqan flooilli1C ·anlin vio . of both college rulOI aiiil Beclier. · • • · .• . " • ~ : "No amoant ot caaclljlllon ~; ·~ .· .. . corridon o1 · the eet...i bulldlnl! shortly the la,..," added Langsdorl1 ICftShadaw· Police aet 10 p.m. as lbe deadline and sattaly them," he said In nlereoce f:! VJtui after CSCF President ·ww1am B. Ing thlnp to come by ... ymc I"""' are Capt. Fred King· withdreii hla taCticel · Thijriday illgliC Y!OfOnce by~. • • • • Langsdorl read an e&Cl'pliooally bard·Jine determined for • conlron\ltlon. squad about u p.m., under parting oQ<its·· "OUr only an,_ Is to"ily ..e mw.t~•- ln HEW Bill C • policy speech .•t u<a.m .. to 5,0GO ftudents. The. turmoil ·he1an Immediately· after-of ti>eiil•'alrt Clodi• and-loul'ep~llet•• · • protect the righl ol the campua to pernal!r:; Ompromlse The 1•1116111g waa the largest m the ·lbe wngsdorl policy speech, •parked by Roam1,i demciiistraton also 11111aab<d all ohades of opinion and ·;,., wjll ..,.. •. '. . . . · history ii the campua. which' 1"' a tot.Iii abo~t. 109 adamant protestors cheering the w!ndOwa of 1 campis ..CUrity force · tolerllt& lnle1'Uptloos·" ••• . inwni · enrollment of 13,000 --.of whom were bar:tni\)U by ,bearded, 1 o n I • h a I r e d • · .. , • -·· 'ad'··! ..... " arriong the 5,000 to cheer Lanpdorf'1 r l\:41 s. · .. · · · · · -· r WAS!DNGTON (UPll -Pre.sident Sen. Norris Cotton, (ft.N.H.,) told the statements. ·m~ny_'~estimagwit~"!k:~~.::=~ v· '--...J ~J_:·,4 ;t· 'ta' k ·s · ·L -Q'l · ~ .. e~ Nixqn, bQwed ·.,to 'congressional pa:essure Senate in referencJ ·to Nixon : Is·~ i:~=-~ ~a=el~~ = -1•,~red lr;rfront or the adminis.traU,on a1 UUL.UJ ... ~..ti.' c, ' c I UJ. . . ,::a· for' more "impacted" school a~ today "We have his assurance that he won't who Would Violate the Jaw."' the preaident . ,_ : • . · J.1;'{ and •drew , lire from Senate Democrats cut impacted aid beca..O he knows . bow declared, reading fiom the band·wrltten S ike 'sh A.. · • " · _,. •. who . charged he waa repJdiating his much •we and our coMtituenta depend ·on •tatemenl, . . tr uts irport Gardon Grove poll<» are !nveoUpllnc· were I08ked In woter and 11\en '~"""" .. pr~vloua,veto ol !Mcontrovenial.school it." "In the 'laat lew days,,,.... -ta " . · · · tod•t lll"ilf'l'lmltl)' Jl'!lntleil'altacr lri Oii.".. · _ · c , -.. fund bill. . . . Sens. Warren G. Mpgml!on, (D-Wuh.1) here, apparently~ from--LONDON (t)PJ):-n.e Brlliab ~·~ ,...,,;; =:1, di&:'ll ~"diiiiil,riO~'" She could · olftt '!II ~,!or· ~ JIO!mer, Sen. .jjobort .p,, Gfll!i\l,1~R· and ·'l'llOmu> F. Eqlltoo,. l).Mo.,) aaid tho-c:ompul,•llaft carrW on a,_,.. Auu.o,tty lollJihl ""'°""'"' U.clooun t j;'OT ;f':"ll. ~1.r."' .:J.:..,,~1'-"'' de~Uon, • ·• • , .. ,. r'l Midi.,) said Nixon should ·be prm9d,.not the admlnllllraltoo•s st.atement _. 1imed 1t."""1Dc me to aocede to tloeir of London's Heathrow Allpor\ f"'l an In-. ..""'~.e-,,....,., ..,_,..,._,.. Mn. Ryon, 39, Is secretary to m,:prb-r·• crttictsed,.for exercising the·~~ of1.cpm. Nixon was "inconaistent." 'Ibey reminded demands.'' he said. ' · d~·period beciuae ot' a"thrtateried Wednesday. · ' ' clJJltl• of , Violette · ~ !rchol ,,,~~ pnioo]ie•·1n .. bid:to win"~'.\\ Cotton that Nixon Cl\<11 Impacted.., . ., • The~ar• the arrett '' 11tiiU by llrri1en. ' · · 1 .: Ofllcen 11ld ~~· bnalca11Je In which 11-'m>mherboine. , ;.~ pasaap ol a reviled $19 bUUc.,,l.4bor·;t;themoot1J!r=V . IUIM\olllll..wllln!l!o~ fol . <'Ma, Wli!!PM ~' ' ,,al.;.llfi'~tflld lbeho!IM~U~Jlaili.I . . • lilllPltw:~111 'Wt,J::~I :~ JIE'W "aJllll'opriaUons bill. •· ' ' vetoed ~ • blti ~fn t Datci&J '1, t»ot_q Chtlil,)"1th"'I 1 , · ln1 ru,e ~ .fttrf1 "There "fl rif.. kf ~ evatfl'.oord1111 ~ ' , ' 1be sharp poliUcal debale>CllDO 'Iller • television a ance lall lltOllth. shoaUnc obocenlUea 11 GoV. Ronald authi>rity sa H woold·doio al 1 p.m1 (10 ' victim, Mn. Marlb Ryan. "k. -1' clamalOd tii;w.ter' "'1m • ~ .. · . • • . •a.m. PSTJ for •n tndelinlte utne. , wu smashed tnstead,al,stoleft.1W..,. 1 In lhroulh • wind.,., . • ..... , • I I 1-W.ORTHINGTON DODGE • 2888 HARBOR BOULEVARD COSTA 0-557-8600 • BEACH CITY . DODGE 18555 BUCH Bl Yb. OtiJ. 39) ' .. llllTINClOll llEACll-847-9131 • •• ... . ... - • , I ' ' I ' ' ~·• FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 AND 28 , 'OPEN FRIDAY NITE: UNTIL 9i3o; SATURDAY TILL 6:00 1 .... . ' ~ • r . • DRESSES DRESSES ' PANTs ·· ' v ALUES' TO $20.oO . . . V AJ;U•S TQ $l5.0Q .. • VALUES TO $36.00 'NOW .~NOW • NOW BLOUSES VALDES TO s30.oo '. NOW PANTSUITS.-~ALUE~ T0·"$100M NOW . -..... : ~t" . -ss.qo s10~00 ss.oo ' . ss.oo 515.00 250 ·Pair ·,of' Battani -Boots . Left ·: • ' 3l Fashion : Island ' ' . .. . . . ..J500 • I I .. I I • . TO)WI. Wis. (AP) -, A llcihool buo drlvet ~ a lllclc o{ dYnamlto pro; truding from t~ pocket of a student passaiger Tiwnday and n ot I f I e d authorities. cli_ll ~Chief Donald Fl.ocher said U>e tip to by Mn. Pat Holmes led to U>e con- !~-~-64 st4• of·d;'namito and 232 . • _ · 210-,000 Says Laird .... <•111Inthepooesslon"10 Tomah ,.nior In VirgWa, a cirCUit 00Urt decl;-~ wASiiiNGToN -(UPI) -De!-: ~~~':':.'°~=~nts.;;ld, ~ere •ion bas made it legal to sell model Secmaey Melvin R. Lain! aa,s <trait ltolen from a gravel pit In the Town of racing car kits on Sunday but not calls this year lhauld be 210,000 ot ~. Cllftcn/ west of the city, about Feb. 15. a pre-assembled model. Under the compared wJth tile 1989 total of 290,000. Two ·boys •aJJeced to have stolen the eJiJUng Blue Laws,. which restrict leird made the comment ~ in {MteriaJ. Jwvt been turned over to ,..,,, Sunday sales, a model in kit a radio, tntorview on ~-• J.....Ue .-. form is considered a novelty which . Lui llecember when the droll lo!lelJI Thi ho> boys r<portodly bave been S<ll- ls a salable Item. The assembled was held the Def-Depu-t 'blirGiodynomite -tothelt,lliiiocilmataat model Is considered a toy, the sale ..tlmatod K would call up lllO.OIO. 'mm the lite " five atlcb for ..,. dollar and of wbicb Is forbidden by Ill! Jaws. during 1970. 100 dynamite caps for a dollaa • • . ·Cana·dian Air -l·nvades ···U-~S; . , ~I VPW~~< ~ ... "t! • • eom1Riois Spre~~ .. ' ' forget for a second it's~ _Volkswagen. -·. Try to think of the Volkswogen Fastback' sedan , as iust another fastba ck. Fot91t the air-ccoled, rear-mounted engin'o. Forget the ad it takes by the pint insload of the quart. Forget the .f.wheel independent torsion bar suspension. ... But most of aR forget the 26 miles ii averages ta a gallon of regular gos;~· •---· -· Forget aR the things that mi®t rnalce our foit-• bock seem like jull another ~olkswogen, and. I ' , whdt's left? A few jhings that might make our fcntbocl:-m like anY\hing but a VollcSwagen. like wall-ta-wolf carpeting. '49-posilion front seatS: Roar centar armrest. Optionnf automatic fransmission. - And even a few things that make it seem like anvthing but just another fastback. Lite the tlectl!c clock; tinted rear window, cfosc braktt in flont. 2 ltunks, tlecbonic fuel injtclion. And a Volkswogon price. NIWPOllT lllACK SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO HUNTINGTON llACH Herbour Volbwtgo~ 18711 llM'ch lloutavord -ChJ,k. tV-.n.Joc. ' Bnl Yttos l~c. 445 E. C0t1t Hwy, -32152 Valla Rd. (714) 673·0900 (714) 499·2261 ' (714) 142. 4435------.. -- • \ I • ·I ,I I . ., I , I, i: 'I I -··-··----·----,.,,.----·---I • N~w.~ood . .. '.Pn Rights . ' Face~ Test WASHINGTON. (UPI) :.:. ljOJatered .by .two~ vi~orles and talk of a ionew moOa·• on civil r I & h t 1 , :86ti0ttmer1 began • s.etJet' of crlUcol ·Senate battlea !o<i•Y • on .school integration. volblg " ' ' rillbts.and the S\lpreme Court. Sli.·c·k Spills. · Liberals planned 'to oppose them on 'Ill three. with Sen. Abroham A. Rlblcoll (O. T '-• Ri Ccim.l. Predlcttnc defeat or llltO • Ver House-paged •Dlfndments to ., ... , · we.bn federal sch o o I h. d..,.rec•t1oni>resauru. ~. After Cras . JUblcoff'1 support ._ I I 1-'1 cftdlled with Senate apPiv9a1 1ast WM:k of ·a Southern amendment to apply tile 11D1!' IChool -l!'<lalioD gu!Aellnea North and South. 1be 'Seiate also passed an anti "bwdng" amendment. B:ut Ribicoff said t h e "fnedom or choice'' and "busing" amendments In a $19 billion Labor-HEW ap- proprtation:o1: bill . which .went before the Senate today, were "on an alto,ether different basis."· 'nley were sponsored by Rep. JamJe L. Whftien (D· Miss.) "J think the Whit.ten atn!ndments will go down in the ' Senate," Ribico!f said in all' lntervle•. "I'm certainlX agilnst tllem." "'The Senate appfopriatJms conunJUee approved the Whit· ~ pniviaions u to· 9 Thur.. cfay. . Allboo&h Secretary Robert H. Flncb'of Health, Education and Welfare are (}fEW) stated his opposition in a letter, Sen. Norris .C:Otton (~N.H.), who negotiated the b1J1'11 m~ney proviaions with HEW, aakl no one from the administration pressed him to fight the Southern proposal s. Cotton said last week's votes ''indicated · some reaction , some change of feeling" ame111 senators on school in- tegration. others have talked of a ·~ mood," particularly on "busina:" black children to formerly white schools and vjCe. versa. Alabama Seeks School 'Choke' Law •r u.i,.. ,,... lnttl'lllll\lollel JACXSONVILLJ!: •. FJa. (AP) -A barge-lrelghter coll~Jon sent a bank-f.o-bank' oil sll.ck rolling dfWI\ th• St. Jolyis River today toward the Atlan- Uc Ocean and Jacksonville ar~a beaches. The black mass. spilled into the river Thursday night when a freighter plowed into an oil- filled barge, coated bolh shores of the St. Johns for aboul 10 miles. A Coast Guard srokesman said the sludge moved about two miles per hour on an oufioin& tide toward ~ mouth of the river and the ocean beaches. Coast Guard officials aaid the freighter Mere Buccaneer, inbound from the Bahamas, tilammed into the barge East.pet 1 seven miles east of Jacksonville. ripping a three- foot gash below the water line. No injuries were reported. J. W. Connolly. presi~t af Eastern Seaboard Petroleum Co .. 'said his wo..rkmen1 estimated the total spillage at 7 .000 gallons. The ru p_tured tank "held 30,000 gallons, he said. · "It's a whole lot of oil," said U.S. Coast Guard Ch le f GeorJ{e Hicks. "It's a major spin." Earlier this month. a 21,000. gallon spill in Tampa Bay formed a 100.square-mile slick which killed thousands of blnls and blackened bay shores and Gulf Coast beach~. -· " ' "I:he Alabama ·1egislature, ap!"rently undaunted ·by the r'ejection of a similar bill by a federal court in Georgia . moved toward passage of a N~ York-style desegregation Jaw. · Gov. Albert ·arewer ~ailed the legislature into special session for the express pur- pose ·of pas!ing a freedom-of- choice statute like New York stat.e's and that mission was 1 , The Best· of 'the Bes,! . expeded to be accomplL!bed tOOay. Georgia passed its vers ion of-4be Ne)¥ York law la11t week. and Feder a I ,JU<tp_ Frfnk A. Hooper ruled 1t "1n-. valid" Wednesda y. Several otller . Southern states also haive pa!sed 'the law. The New York statute for· Sid& the transfer . of pupils to ActUeve a r a c i a I balance. Georgia's law include& teach- ers. Atlanta school officials. faced w:ith a desegregation prtigram reqUiring the traris.. fer of pupils and teachers, asl:ed Hooper for · guidance. His reply: "It 111 ordered that the Atlanta .Boa.rd of Educa-tion proceed to carry out var- iOlll orders and directives Issued in this case and th at tbe'C0'1rt finds no valid statute oL tbe1State of Georgia which couhl prevent such compli- i.DCI.'' Royalty Visits LONDON (UPI) -Princess Margaret and her husband, Lord SnowdOn. will v I s i t Yugoslavia June 1-8 at the in- vitation of President Tito. It will be the tirsl visit to an Ea!ltern European nation by the British royal family since Worlc1 War U. VNl'J'ED S'J'A'J'ES NA'J'lONAL BANK SOUTH COAST PLAZA l~NCH NOW- SATUROAYS t .. 1 P.M. MoN .. THUQ. 1w P.M. PllOAYI 1M P.M. t114> MMtlt • ...,..... Ill: -r ... ---·-a.r, V1tt ,_ M I i f . H. LiVAN ·- I John11y CUI at 5 111 Quentin - Columbia 1!11 . " ri 1."-;_ iiil ... ·. ~ ··.··~~.~ '-t-I I . .., P.OUi119 Stones Tom Jonis Let It Blffd Llw Ill L11 V1pt --CJJ-a..1111 . . IAMNXJ Easy Ridtr .._ .:'ri9in1J Soundtroltk Ch.Irle)' Pride seSt·of CMr1q Pride RC.II Thitt ... Nliht C1pl11rtd LIYI at tht Forum lllf WllJ1 II. ... ,~ •. "· .. •. . , . . Ill THE' .~!DO .~HOPPING AREA. IT'S ' " ·BARRO'WS -. - FOR TOP ·DRAWER .. BIKINIS 3404 , VIA LIDO, NEWl"Ol'T UACl:I ., .. •. • -·- , ,, ,., •. " , ,. r "' 1;,~ .:;.i''a .fl. -~· a\t·~ .,. ON .:.SATURDAY~ FEB~ ·28th . . ' . ' . . ~ . . at .thes,e ·Pen!.,~:y locati:ons· ••• . NEWPORT e~CA . ' 10:~0 to.1:1:30:A& '. Fas~lon Island· r ' • • HUtmNGTON 'BEACH .. I DbWNpt' . . 12:30:to 11:30 P.M.. . l~ to~:OO P.~ .. •• • I " ·u ....,.~~~~~--~~~...,..~....,.~~~~....,.';"""1 . • •• ·Exciting. Grou·p .•. ; ~ ' .. .: 1 • !.,·.•! .. ii" .. ;;> . ' .,., .•. '.~ J .. "!) Their · albums~.·.< · :\~ _SpecJally pricec1·1 · • 2.88. 'TM Ul!noiLS.,...r Pl'MI' lnducf- lng: 'Hard luck Story', 'Hel'e · Today', 'Pay Tho Price', 'Fr8e 1 Ride', 'Get In The Wind'. • • • \'Oellls and guitar bf Paul ; Co!fbn and Kai o.vtd, 'Dli.r, The llllnOts spNil ,,_ Includes: 'Mori!lng 'Blum', 'fllfl Woalher', 'Tho Visll', 'Sevent'9n Days'. This album ~·tn answer ta demands for morel .. . ,. , ' • ' , ' ,, ·' . -" - ' • ' • ' t •.\D ·Y. PllAn' EDlTOBl.ll PAGE • e ~· I '-.f t -,,' ~ .; s 1 ~ F,~ Desig IJ .... ~ . .-· II '1'111.000 ·tao mudl 1« ea mddlect to ,4.,1p a llln&7? Let'• hope not, --\I'" fee colj]d be ~. t Wlaj we'n eumlniq It the, declllon of H1111tinflon B.m to net the 1ervlce1 of Rldlarcl Neutra as archi· tect for 'the city librery planned, for the Central Part. It'• a bold move to 10 altet' ~ a reapected !Older 1111111 field. It takes courare btcau&a the library IDIY -from $2 million to P millioD and Neutra Is uklng· for a. fff,of 81> percent. You 8on't bave to be rnucb of .-matbtmattclan to rulbe hiJ Hnice1 don't come cbeaply. lGenerlllfl_ architects' fffl r111te from 81> to 71,t percent.) ' In fact, the bareatntnr lt·&till golna on and the city wUI ·probably _.get Neutra ~ liVt..fOIDe ground. Never- tbeless, the dty bas made· the basic decision: it wanu the library to be hollled in a truly ou!Jtanding structure and It II prepared to pay for that privilege. Neutra designed the Orange-County Courthouse and tlie ~. lla1 been-widely ·acclaimed, its leeks not- ~ • w!U......,tng. Some obaerven·conclude jbat tbe1better the a!cllltact tba more likely a building II to !eaJ<. · The council' ls to be commended for seeking to re- tain Neutra. 'H1111ting!on Beach bu few buildings now of ~ Wbtcb tu clllzena can be proud, The city is trying to lose Its ima11:e as an oil town and to press the theme of ~reatiODJ JJbil transition cannot be made overnight or wttboul expenditure. tt11 fine to acquire and develop beaches and to plan and lay oUt parts, but recreation must take a cultural bent, too: !114-till! is irbere the Ubra;y is required. -The lltirary will not ht just for Intellectuals .but for ltudents. bulinessmen'I research, and Young and old alike who are looking for little more then a pleesent ~.to lit down and-· Ka the pac1 of life. qiilckens, ,lbe need for a uat of'1ome solitude will be increased Ex cellence ' . I ·' and we .mlllt malt• aln-.Jar biis now • A 11b1'11'1ill lll tm;ilntlcie ~e the wit IDCI WU. dolll of the World.II In lta W.U.. It II littlng, llt~on; lbat 'fbue wlllf .tluaMalv.a llboUld 6e an tnsjllralloD In ,j;-:;il'--q cltelfll. ' ~I! :; • ' · U~einQtional .SO .Far ~..: . ' , , Some Fountabi' Va!ltf nlklent. tb6aabl Jut S.,,. tember'•J>itter .reclll Ilic~ 11GU1d boil over aaaln . during regular City CounCl1 ...... 'AprU.14., Bui now that the list of candidatea II cOmplele, tbt recell lslua1 appear to be dead. , Of the five cballenian filr tbnle COUlldl IMll, Ollly one can be closely ideriti11ec\ with the tbJ'ee. mon owted from the council In September. Mn. Huel' Courtegea, of course, is the wife of ex-councilman Joe Courngea. However, she has not canted her.huabad11recallu6" burning croas thus far. Sb• &ay1 slM 11 nmninl on her · background in the dty. ~ Jim Barn and Blirton TaubJllAll can't be Identified with any particular group, both being new names to the pollticill scene. John Mangano is ·a well·known figure in political circles but no! ldentifiabie with any portic- uiar clique. Albert Hollinden was prairecall but iJ not making an issue of it. Of the incumbents, Mayor Edward 3ust hu been on the eouncll four years and George Scott was one ot three men elected during the recall. The third lncum· bent up !or 'lection, Bernie Sval1tad. was also elected during the rtcall and bas bowed out of the nee for busineJs reasons. Voter< can weigh.unemotional Issues when they cut their ballots if the present tenor remains. 1 H I ~Let'• Have Some Public Hearings' Would Pay for Back Bay" . ~~i~g .IJack, -Friri h-Fluff . ~-- -' . I To the Edita': -::-::11'"...,,t'!Jt!"' The engineer for the Public Ulllitlea Commission admits lhst ·the amount. of i polluUoo lhst_wlll be'produced by the a, pended plant will lncrtue ln 111' ffun. tinCtoa Buch , w, but lhsl'1 0.K. •• ., bec>ullthi-Jnerwe,wlllbeolWbJno I want to comment on the broken i - lil<nce cl the Irtlni CompaoJ' .. tbe Back Bay u~ In INS. wjlen the etate granted the tldelallds cl the Upper Bay lnlo tbe CQmly'a lnlll and II Iha same time granted the J.mre-Bay tldeJuds to the City cl Newport Beach, Llftih ...... ~ IN w.imr... Nonri.llY wmm. i.ocre.ues in otba' plants in the bas.in. *"Ill _.., ""'' --"' * ..., ............ n,. r'llf'lt ,. _....._ ~ to tit -or 111m1-THIS • ~1c JS l1'ke telu... .. ev---the stole ma)' -bad ln mind lbat the Upper Bay "'"'uld"be bell developed a anotber hlrbar. ,, Tft!lly-,_. later then -to ....... ..-.. u to-..r lhit i. the best -to dmlop lhll -pro-perty. With the ftlnklng -.JIDe and open spaces, and the fact cl overpopu1a. tiOO, l""ilaP" our needs have chan&ed. ""' llMI II ~ Al'Jetttn jlltUtf IN:lulle NIJo ~ -· _,.,,.., =::.,--: '"''""'::..,,...,_ M• w '"'I' 11a nOt to be ccncen~ ff a typhoid outbreak f'tttrY -''~ '~ ,.... 11 """'"'· lhoWd occur in Hatitmp:m Belch, fOr tbe ' · outbre&k ii off•t1by ...all the othet'. cities -!he -of a' 11.mlted kw." 'Ibo In the ....,1y ID ~ 111 autbrall: did ..... '" auniber -hwidredl "' ""l ~ . wiii.., ---iliiiloaed~"let·1 lllve -ter hOw cn:r.l It 1' lo i;°dl'/,;1opmeo1 public hearings with , all 8 I d e 1 of an area, can be allowed to compromise repmented. J,, was under the tmpreuion, ,Ille ·lleailb and ~;,:f.""' of Ille Jtri;d Serious \.Z.\,;. J A ..,,,,..,._from Montana wanta to Dow bow I can ,;rite a serk>ua coluinn about wuld llar+aUon on one dl11 and on the na\ dlj' "• piec. cl llufl with oo. 1 .. u,. idpil!Caoce:" .. Give the Vote ' ~ -t To 18--Year-Olds Of ooune 11-ytar4dl Mould vote. Aa of this writing, • ttnaton have declared their &Upport cl Seoate Joint ResoluUon 147, sponsored by Sen. Birch Bayh (Dem., Ind.), in favor Of 1 constitutional amendment to lower the voUng q:e to lit Elgbt<n year .. lds .,.. not only eligible for miHtary aervlce; Ibey are regarded in all but one of our 50 ltlltes •• .tulb in crlmlnal court, fQlly ~lo for their actions. few. The fact ls that less than 2 percent'. of the students Wlft mponslble for Jbt uproar. Most activist leaders ftl't S4 and over. It is not lack of a vote that makes violent dissident.a vtotenl Belides, half tho populaUon bet....., II and 11 will aat be in college anyway. · ' ,, " ') ~: .. ' ,, .1 ·,·· .. ·. ' THE UPPER BAY "'""'F" U.22 nlllts cl lborellne, much cl wblch _,Id he bulkheaded In the -Pl"JIOled n-cba.nge plan. Reallzing thal if we, the people, want to keep the bay far public me we must pay for it .in some way, I submit that the citizenl may Vf!CY well be ready to do tllla. ' · • tbat lbt. "'!In< Comp111y ~J .. = .. lhsl ....... . o(~ 'er jlijblie meetlnp on llill 'the \ i. Jo be enJatt9d; the '*81\y ado . _ _ wllie llllpU:"." peodlng. Con . . ... -be flndU. "111 fl. ... an wall that ..... -· -eyeso .... from the scene I find no dlllicallJ !n Justifying this ~cl lone and peco and depth. I am not alwa)ll Jnterested In aerious sabjectr, and human life i! a muUkolored tl:llni;. We need, a -llt of prioritlel tii our valuef,-ao tbit important matters must come llnl -but, at the ssme time. we Cannot keep (IOW>ding It the big 1Jw drum every day. My own lflUinenl !or the lolmed voting age la that American men and ,lfomta .e anivln& at blologl<al IDlllua:i. ty earlier than ever, but are kept in IOcla1 immaturity longer than ever -by compulsory schooling, by the demand that they go to college, by exclusionary practices of both employers and unlom. By lhe age of 1!, a youaa man or woman Earl . Bliwnenauer, the 23-year-old direct« cl the t:demidum '"' 11111 ·.llMle scheduled In Oregon for May, 11)'1 that In thal atlte. ''we haven't had any trouble ·~ with campua -.. yet ll>at i. the one thitlg lbat bothera people." C11rk Wlderrian, 22..yeu-okt senior at Ohio State University, who bu campaigned for ,the lower votin& age, resenta what be calls: 'l'here are federa1 funds available for entirely. ~ slud(ts cl the Upper !lay IF ~·bay is lo be.developed Jn \be "public MY FAMU.Y moved from Los A111ele1 lmlrei\." lfio 1111 io the publlc, I believe, County lo -pt it. brand cl •ir pollo. lo'del!De W., but the time 1' NOW. Uon only lo be greeted by oronge - BEE LONGLEY lhsnks nol lo natur. but ti> the Soutbirn Edlsoa E;qNtiuiet& Cafitornla Edison Company. Hialory hu lbown that during timeo cl txigency IUCh 11 World War II or the ap- pearaqce cl Sputnll<, great technological . To the FAltor: advancemeats are made. Let11 p.Jt the I am beginning lo ,.. the writing on pr..-on Edbon and see how fast Ibey• the wall and It is in the form of f11. I'm can come up with a means of delivering OF COURIB IT i. wltboul benefit al ":.-ki-, cl course,,cl the Impending U· power where >t'1 needed wllbout tJte- public hearinp but I guarantee IQ. ,._ ,..._ ~ the Ediloa gen<raU., plaot In woclatel 'JJOIJQtlon_ ' Supervisor Robert Batiln, in his letter of Dec. 3 to his fellow aupervbor11 came ap with a llOOd !inonclal (IOlllbillty. It la nferred to by the Irvine Company as an "instant plan." I call It a beglmlna plao and it la an alte.rnaUve plan ot Whk:h many people say there have been none. · that It wu not "pieced logetber lo match HaOtiagtGa lleacll. • · DAVID 11. CARLBlli'RO,_Pll.D. Indians Denied Civil Rights Tbe Indian la a stranger In his own JQneiand. Even the name is not his. He has been an Indian fot only 500 years - since European explorers sought the Indiel and found a New World. For cen· turin before that he was a Dakota, a Sba. a Sllol.bcme, a Cherokee or a Nava. jo -or ooe Of the hundreds of' other ·- Editorial ·t;. 'nIE MAJOR TARGET of Indian at- tack ii the Bureau of IDdian Affairs -J the aq.vernment agency that since 1834 "'l! hu determined the Indian's way of life. lndJan'leaden have Ions considered it "a major hurdle to lnd1an progress.'' But at \ht . ...,. time they do nol want It aholiihed 'l1ley belleYo \be bureau ·•-i. ... anJy def-aplnat ... -cl lndlam as a raclal and <Ultural eotlty. Research' " __ ...__......, disUnc:t peoples who control]~ this con. to Indian demaDds for help wtthln JO \Inert. 1liia i. 1 heritage he wsot.s ciayl. 'nle outcom. 1' regarded bf lndlan mlored. leaden as a test of whether the ad-. Helping the Indian la one thin« liberals ministraUon will meet IDdlan needl with 8"d conae"aUves seem to agree on. Ex· more aJd than rhetoric. 'lbe Olcll 1rn '1uded from Ille black power rnoYonieaC budget requests about 1311 liilDioo for the, by Rp&ratist-mlnded militants, llberal1 400,000 Indiana on ..-.atk11111. Total are being atiracted lo the cause cl Indiao lptl!ding durio(-the pnoent flaCll year r1&hta. ·0n the other sicD:, Vlct President • on all lndlan progr1m1 ii '621 mllUon. AcfteW bu declared: "lndia,n people are But IDdians wbo ha-..e made It put the aWl the most poverty-stricken Americans average Indian life IPID of 44 years - -ml it Is _.,eout that this ahwkl bl one-third less than the pational awrage ID." The Ni&oa AdmlolltrlUoo, he ••Y'· cl 14 ytars -ha•t/'e.ard tt all before. A will "attack tNt nw truth." recent book ttata( ''The Ubnrtn ot o(. ACTING AS CllAIJIMAN cl the Na· llmloi Council OD Indian Oppor\lmlly, the Vice l'r<lldent .. J ... 26 Instructed the hellll ol.. a wide ranee of government What the lndiam want i. nitveot ado mlnlltntlon of Indian .• alfalrl. A rtcl'pidzatlon cl the lop DIUjlpllMll\ "' tho-was-..tJ ... llby Secretary d the Interior Walter J. Hickel. -.1111. the recqeallatlon will place establlllled Indian leadm In the buruu'1 upper Jevell for the fin\ ume. AND THE B&AION I called this col-is ready end eager to be involved in adult um. "Strictly ,..___: .. ,., ....... _ I began ti ~ ,..,,..11 concerns. 'lbe vote will be an adult con. more than a quarter«ntury ago, was that ill __ .__ t lea.at "'h""" that l was tired of the "categorization" cern · w lu.MI 1 ooe ._._.e in the yoong ......... Ille. of columns Into separate aubject matter ~ -Wubing1oo, fcrel.gn a f f-a I r 1 , THi Dt5Cl1MION of. A m er I c a n Broadway, Hollywood, humor, « what history, of social studies and current ha~1~·.mi artificial fr~entation of eventa cannot but be enormqusly enliven· •-ed io overy c~ tt the reoul\s ere to the peraonallty, and a fa · ication of the be not sim"ply an exam or a term P.Bptr. full spectnun of human eventa. I wanted bul decilion in the PGWnl booth. t believe tho column lo rellecl, quite naturllly and that It would be dOslrable for candidates bc8ettly1 what I Wu feeling and think· for polltkal office, natklOll or st.ate or Ing on any pwn clay -end not have to local, lo·appear belon blgb adx>ol and write a ponderous think-piece "on the college ...n ..... to .U and be _. slate of the nation" when I wanted ·to ' UDned. It would do boll atudenta and ~ talk about childreo's Joys 0< the peculiar· dldalel a lot of ~lo meet each otbof. It)' of French idioms. Gov. Ronald -Reagan al callfornia hu WE ARE ALREADY too much of a na-~the lowertng of'wting q:e on the !Jon cl speciaUts. esch locked !nlo his groUnd that ii woold lead to ''uriwelcome own little slot, coocerned only in that poliUcaJ influence 1n higher educalJon." [ which a'ppeala lo our pocunlary or }llo-would ~ 'l1lere ta a!ttady •• fesslonal interests_ This nanowness and enormous amOUJlt of unwelcome and rigidity of specializa.Uon makes for d,ull unac.tnowledgeci polidcal influence in people, not for "serious" ones -fer truly ~ edueatl,on, usually disguised as sericus people have a sense of balance ~ or economics or literary •If! a cultivated curiosity about il>eny cr!Uctam.l If open pollllcal campalgnlnt diverse tbinp in this stra~e. frlghttn. by candidates were welcomed on campus, ing, wonderful world of curs. tt. mlgbt compel aome « our profe.an to It would bore me inslff<tably lo beve define their tolea more cerefully: Are &o write on one general subj.:t evtry day tber going to be teac:herl or an they -no matter i-vut or ~lnflicant'lhat IOilll to be advocelel for a parllcular - lllbjed mlgbt be -and I'd.,. 1111 tt potlllcal view? -1d lion 1111 rooden Just u m~. We , .,. enallina cl·-kvola aad moocia ,. ta -MOST' IERIOUS objection lo and<fac«f, and lhll'ls.the 'grest charm ·-for !S.yW'Olda comes from - (and •allle) <L tho human apetta: while .ii.. fear that the ltlad cl ..-i vlolence -..-is.-wllb a r... delilll)lal ,.. and irratianality that they .-late with ceptloN -menlY pursue their glim colle1e campuae1 migilt be introduce<! in- pla Ol lmntlt!i and ..un, and s~illg. lo eleetorat politica. For this fear, we -have the . mass -media to blame whicb rr II 1flCIED to be persistently have crtated a distrust of an entire trivial 1n th1l partentous age , but It is generation on the basis of the acUona at a playU. juA u falle with human nature the "media kid," who la to be teen ao clten on TV •tw>, burning his draft csrd or sittµlg in at a collqe demonstration. "'Ibo !mace cl YOUl1I people 11 lo It la distorted by the miUtant one percent which has unfortunately received tile most expollll't." BVT '.rllE MAJORp'Y of ,..,,, men and women dorn't have a chance on the networb, As William Greid.,. WTOte ' ID the Wabiti&Jon Pall. deocitbiog the heir· lnp on Reloiutlon 147 on'February IS. "As If lo pro>'e (Widem111'1). point. moot medla packed up end left the 'S....te bearing room after hearing adult wlt- naaes ••• but before clean<Ul·)'Olltb hid Its say. "Seo. Marlow Cook <R.·Ky.) scolded the three network televtslon crews for turning off tbtlr cameras. He told the young witnesses : 'If yoo had cune out ot your seats back there, knocking over chairs snd lhovtlng ••• I promiae you that you woWd hive been on every na· tional TV . ..,., program tn America tonJgbL'" Some YOUJ11 people ...,,plaln ll>at \bey cannot lchimt IOCial c:hanp wllboul vlolence. 'l1ley are· wrong. Whit Ibey can't gt! without vloJooee. or 1t leul dramati< a¢ion. i. coverale on I o'clock news. . The public must oot be mitled. 'lbt vast ~11 cl YOUl1I men and .......,, are not lite the ''mtdia kktr.'"' 'Ihey a1'9 fully relpCJn!ible, wonderful young adWtL They, are fully entitled to the vote. By II: I. Hajuawa Prllldnt Saa Franclaco State CoDq:e to be pondeiour and solemn, as politi· c1ana pretend to be, who are generally capalJlt of no -ter degree ol ttDecUon -wondel1tll where to scrltch neat. ..--------8 11 George ------'---. Dear Geor(e: ' -· '• I . ..,._.. to come 1111 with ,_... flclal WashilltOa. ha'lt 'become crowded morgue. for rtpOr\I which document that Indiana an dinted beak: dttl n,hta ••• that Iodlla welfare pl)iiWOtl and servicea an "'8dequll; -that DW1J II> dims p .....,., that IDdlall boUBlni is I travettJ.'" Meny lodlana hove joined I b e American ma!nltrelm. More would leave the · blealt mernUom U joba were 1vallabie. But othero -"1Ch u the ,..,,, mllltaaia wtio tall< about ·"Red Pol!lt' end llized Al<atru -limply wonlthew!>itomanlo-(ll'Olllllel made, and thea -. two ... -"'°' ( 'I-. Iha bat end moot effective teacbWI 1 have known -men like ftoblrt Riik:blns, for iOltance -hive andntood the Jll'ofound d I f f e r e n c e w & true "aeriouanesa" am men ••ra' Dll#,J," and have never been.afrakl to -frivolous when the OC<lllon con. Id lar It. Kelly ; Simon & Schuster) end k was written yeara earlier. I feel it i. my duty to lnlorm ,.. that Ylllr celebrated .')'ltan cl Sltlew~ 'Illlnkillg has 1-1~ Dear Georp: --Ill~ • .-PUllDl:Im--Gft ...... Clt'CMklll tblt DO Amskanl ... ,...... .. 1c11a1111D1111-uv- tnc GO --'l1ll KlllnldJ end Jolm,,_, ...,..........,. .adled lo r atudies ol the problem; ID Ida 11187 Biiie cl the Union m-e. Prelldtnt JobnlOn aald his admlnlstraUon would m1ke "a rnaJor dlort lo provide Mii-heip ualA-ance" to Indians. Utllt procreu w11 made. "The gJOCery list" cl -11 .. ,,. milted lo the federll qenclet bJ the Ill Indian members of the NaUooal Councll on lndlao Opport111Hy r11111 from en Al$~iant Secretary for lndlan Affaln tn the lntttior Oe:parimlnt lo a • .__ve lofusioo ol funds" for Ille -.a.. ol II> dlan children. Bel-IO fP1 IO -' cl all India• chlldrm drop out cl lchool. Suicides amoni Jodi an t e e n ~ 1 ct r • average three tlmea the na.tlonal rate. Dear Gloomy Gm: So Uodl Som .... (1111, up tilt mooey for the -to baJ Bola Cllica --.... make 'fl spic and·-· 1'0 mia m-~ , Ttn Can 8-b1about aa mbCh u 1'11 min old' downtown .,_ tblt .,.. fioalty 1•t.s c1.-ap. --JI. L. T. nlll fMttrt ~ ........ ..--. -_...,.. ...... .. ... ....,_.. kiM ...... _ . .._.. ... ...., .... -·-~-. --- ' Quotes lhlr· -eou.o,, Oakl•od, nvtewtn1 artttmu IUSOI -"It ls TnQtt. refreshing to us all to lbare the waiili appeal cl the simple, firm filth of chlldrtll •hen 'We are so In need ti • couragement bt lbest turbulent Umtl." fM Redmu, Mart11e1 -'W'• all sland up and salute our flq, and be counted as Americans who nallr lltlleve in.a -)d 1111\.lhouJd be free for an men, all races, all creeds-end wwlh fiPUnl for." . . . - prnprlated bf a fellow nai,,.i de I'm a milkman end thla womu 0-and mada Joto I -<alJod Ga 11\Y route loft a Vflt'1 i::loaaJa "New Think" tn which ;aur m'\)11>-note ID an empty milk le the tlonary ~ t. IWted lo as other morning. I pt -ap l;'/'::1.,. ~--· tlalflllul.te J ' ~ni~~ ~ ~~ 1::: Don\ your think ,.. -... aduallJ aiapped tDll Do ,...think your lawyer! she's 11111, or what! ' PAUL PAUlER . ' CONFUSED Mfi.JDIAN Dear Paul: t.Nah, Paul -H r: -my • wyer ,.. wouldn -1D ,.. him, eltber. Oni;f jltol9loDll' man 1 ever saw who d9ffn't t~ mate omce calls. ~for ~ de --· I It\ leuets '•bOu! 11. I'll read lt some time. So fU" I haven't nen aotten """'"'1 to readitll tt1J own -.., Udewaya ,'lblnJdnc (••De 1 r, Geor1e1• llluatnUons b)' WaK • Deer Ooo!used: No; I think •she probebly pt lier notes nUud up. lf you thlnk YoU're c6nfused, lmagll)< the po« IUf who got a leented letter uktn& b!m to Jeaye lier some coffee cr.m and 1 conlalner of prune yogurt. ("Geor1• 1olved Ill Ille'• PIO' blenu for mt!" wrltet Ario Obie of . Bark. Art. "Ila abowed ... •heft the.......,,... ... !n the beck el the boolrl") . . .. f I l ·~ ,, ., .. ') ,, ... ., . .) ,, " •• , • l _,__ --_ _____,...._ --'------r-- l XLL FOR SAPEi'v-::.. A citywide project to aTurt·r.Sidents on all ;· facets of safety is ·being ·sponsored ·by ·the Wom~C).µb of··Seal :;.lle&cb. S&fely 0Weelt will begin·Sd~, March'l,~tcl!i~g a ,; Conserv.otion Project .• . ·- ! -..i-;,_~ ~··~·~--·---~·--·-·~----~----,-------· . . .---.---~ . demon stration of water safetY, are •(left to right) Mrs. Lawrence · SpurgiI>.and. Mrs. Norman Karlml ·W!tile· Cbief.Rooald -Adams and preman Jim Fo)Y.je~. ad~nister first aid to: .Michaeh Karkut.· ·' .. '. ' . ' I • . ' • • 1'( • ,, .. ~; ~,. B~Qins .'\ ii .f1 . . ) . . Camp.p·igning . . ,,. ... . . ~ . ... Enlisting the particil)ition .of area citizens and organizations in ' Safety Week ·,Yhich ·begins SUnday, March 1, are members of the Seal Beach 'Woman's Club . . 'The dub has ·asked other club! l<l..particiiijlte by having · safety speekers, distributing literature or adopting .a .. safety.related. ~roiect or its choice . . ---~ - . l\OniJd Adams, chief of ~ city•s .. fire deparlmOJl.I, 'Yill . assist • in., the project .by providing equiP111ent demol)Slrations''ll11._llie oty library will COl/P&l'ale by featW'lilg a safety "!.'Pl•:(. '~ou.ui>ul the .. ··~ week. 1 ~ ' · .__ --- A Medi<,elert program Is being publici7.ed by the. clµb .to Ufi• • · resid'entir'wttl! Slpecial 'mecl!Caf-prob~s lo wear tags.' Posters are be- lgg. made by students ot McG=:Cbool and will !ie:locat¢ through the City, ®d.Glr! Scoli\s'm · · g first aid lilts forthe home. · · ·The Junior Womep's Clyb &"Girl Scouls will 'be' distributilig lilerature. and·,ldentiflea!lQ\1-lltacOl~ts ·Will be. on sale iii Zoet~r Scho0I 'for anyone Wishing to'pUi'!:'iµiie'.'tlielJI. . ' , ' " -• WillLthe ope!!ing <il'sate!y Weeli, !he city will b'egin 'am'andi-· ,.. ' . !Qcy,licenajng,progrllll},P.i,Jii~ycles_.for~l~ ~f ·all ages . A\'Y"'1e wl(o ·" O'!!'.@• ,!JJUll'!rales a bicycfe may pick up "' li~ense from thl! ~~e dt ~:J' partrrienl for fl..50 . . .,, · . • -Serving-ai .chairman ·of the c.ameaign which will stress Watet · .. traffic. bicycle bom' an~ 5cl!oojr18!ety is &rcs .. Nom)an K~'!atJ~ • . ·assisting are .Mrs . Lawrence Spurgin and Mrs. Henry ~ ... fir~t ~ vi~_ president· '!f the club. • . ' ' . .. ' -c ,/ > I .. Surf SOuhds .. l I ' .. l • l I ....... --·-· ----~--=--=-......:....:c ....... __ -'-''--'----'--------"-------------'--'------------------------'" I 1 l - .... ·~ I I l i J4 ,~LY PILOT __ • Frldl:)', ftbrutr1 27, 1970 -.-..> ..! ---• • E;D. Conners Announce· ' . . . , '.:" ·' Daug/l ter' s Betrothal • ·.., ~:,,e Mr. ed. Mn. E.D. Comer Jr. al Colla Maa aonounc<d ' -~Ill• beltoUlal ol t h e I r ~ollulbltr, Sh<lty Conner to WUU1111 VandenBusb UI dur-lnc a party In tbe Santa Ana ' ' ' i l I . • . . home ol the blntdlct .. lecl'•· , par..,t., Mr. and Mrs. William Vandeoj!uab Jr. Special guests were Mr. ind Mrs. E.p. Conne r, the brid&- elecl's' 1raDdpartnb fr om Marriannl., Ark. The couple have selected the Cl)urch of Ille Good Sh•l"\<td in. Westminster for their Wed· · ding June 27. Mlss Cooner It f graduate or Costa Mesa High School and la majoring in mathemaUcs at Orange Coast College. Her fiance is an alumnus of ta Q\linll Hi(b School, Santa Ana and ii t,tudying busineu at OC:C. He let'Vtd with the Arm7 ID Vlelnam. Pen Women Take Note . " .. . .. ' .. . .... • • Libra: Get Answers SATURDAY FEIRUARY 2i By 8YDN£:Y Ol\IAllll ABIB8 (Man:h 21·April JI): ·Your plan& fCI' publ.lahifts, writill( may lact llOlld but. Know diflerencfl b e t w •en creativity and mere dreamtnc. Day to leave detalle to Qthen. F.i'nd out wher~ you are loinc· TAURUS (April JO.May Ill): Dic ·~P for infonn1Uon. Be. wary ol ooe who ,.,.11 fo skip essenUals. Follow " r u I e s • adbm to r'l'!lalloos. Then you benefit -eapeclaliy In financial ~· GEMINI (May 2f.Jwie Ill): . SCOllPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): CAPlllCGRH (Doe. 11-Ju. lloo't be "to,ken ID" by fut Ii): y.., do'ftur bell tDdl)' In talnr. 6ameOtle may be lr)'lll( behind-the-...... role. Som• fo HI aomethlnc for notl!J11( who clve ..,1 ~i. ar• -"'°'-.P\'\ a, lndependOnL subject to cbaop.1!e flaxlble. I Re.Hie. ~ twn w or th . Jr versatile, you move with the SAGmwus .(Nov. 22· tide and '""'*<I. Ile<. 21): You make ad-AQUAl\llJS (Jan ... ""Feb. v........,,t thmtcli .odal con-I!):, Some fri~ J 11!1' well ~ Tum on · Chann . If meaning but Jack J act s. dlp fo matJ~: you gain. Discard rumors. Check ind Othtrw\it, ,oo-art stalled. double check inlo\"matJqn1 You · can go places -lf p~. PISCES (Yob. 111-Moirdl ltll: A-··socr·ateS Accent on reolUy of •asoJra-1"\:>i UOll!. Your (Oil shooI<tbO high -but you must conui\uDicat.e Tour Show with key P'"""· Be lUd,y for some abrupt cbanaes. ' , Cycle la not high. Day lo do Un Iv er 1 It y Ga II er y Gloomy Gus. .Is ~ more liden.lng &baa Wkln&-A.Sloclates will tour an ex. Play '!'ailln( 1am•. B • iilblUon of ao:I from the Middle Your Kind• &.uy_ J e.pec!aliy. conalderate Iowan! Agea In Loi Ang<lea County matt, partner. Av•ld "8al .... M..-n of Art, on Tuaday,f;:=:;;::;;:==:=i::::;::;;;::~I 1ani1emeni.. · Moreb 3· . EA S l 'E R CANCER (June 21.July 21): • ' . Creative writing lnitruclor • "'!~Si= GUard health; avoid extrema. TraNportation for the show· H'O L I D A y n.member recent resoiuUons Ing ·ol "The Middle A1es: con c e r n In g diet. rest, Tre.,ures from the Cloisters Hawaii or Mexico recreation, and exercile. Co-and the Metropclltan Museuln '111:°"' ' D•P.t.llT ~ SHE LLY CONNER f SUmm•r lr1clt f1 F h,. . Mr~ Alice frances Wright 11ARO AT PLAY -Sharing with· others is ball the fun in nursery school as .will addms mi'llbers of the · S<:olt BabcOc:k and Tonya N.ewton can attest. ·The~ are sharing two guinea Laguna Branch of the National pigs with ·ltlielr school director Mn. Lee Vander Heiden. of Sunshine Commun· foollsh argument. . · 'FUNOO.. Island at 9:45 a.m. •VIA worker means well; avoid of Art'' ' will depart from '295· MAilltC" 2t League of Amerlcari Ptn lty·Nursery School , Costa Mesa. Area nursery schools are hosting open houses \Vomen at 10 a.m. on Mond_ay, ne'xl \Veek during Education Week. LEO (July 23·Aug. 22): YoUr 1 and return at 4 p.m. WllTllN A.lit need for afiecUon Is fulfilled. Following a noon tour, ,.,r l rHl'Hlf9t, wrw. W c.u ~· ·as rons March 2. r "' The inr;tructor from the Long Beac;h Institute c f LiletJme Leaming will speak on writing fcr young adulta. The eession will take place in the administratJM buildin& of the school district. by sudden tum of. events. mUle\llll and enjoy lunch. llOBl 'T••v11.. You art somewhat mystified members may browse the gs T•Mls 01..01• Fly ~gh Takhl& Fli(bt into tilt 70s wtII be moinben of the Holy f. Euclwlsl lnatllult U 0 , Westmlmter, when the gruup mttla 1t a p.m. Tuetday. ( Man:h 3, In Ille KnJahb of 9' Columbus Hali. - ; The "Qlght" will be the club's m a J o r fund-raising event ol the year, a fashion show whldt wlll take Place at i llOOl\SatUtday, Much r. In the Oranae 'CoUl\lY Me d·l ca 1 AssociaUoq Bulldlng, Orange. Proceeds from the 1hoW will be uet<I for the l!ChoJarshlp fund and other philanthropic projedl. Mrs. John Hill and Mr1. John Maltby are ccr t cbalrmen. Mn. Antonio Rod r I I u e, president, will welcome new • inltlllea Mr•. Frank Benunen • ol cypr... and Mrs. Robert Meade of Huntington Beach. Following the b u s l n e s s ~ meeting Mrs, Charl<s Har· ~ rigan will· tbo\J' ~elides from . .. her recent trip th r ouch ' EnaJllld and Ireland. The of-noer. will provide m::I aerve rtlrellmt<Dt.. Workshop Attractive A farmer teacher in the New York City schools systmi, Mra. Wright lw been a member ol lhe Long Beach •t•lf for 11. yun. She will be introductd by Mrs. Lou.lie Leyden, proaram chairman. Mothers Give . . Art History Appreciation Motheriof elementar y school students who wUI ca11- duct art appreclalion lectures in thelr schools rtctlved tra.ipi!lg from members of the NewpOrl J!orbor S er v I c e League. 1 ~ part or P rojec t Schooltime, James Fu 11 e r , prof61or of art· history at Scripps College, presented a brief background and brush up on art bi.story for league volunlee!S who will gi ve art .ldt. fo Ille -· Each ~ ~. bu been researchid Uc! ._.bled by a volunteer and evaluated ·by a Newport-Mesa School District superylsor. 'The program con- sists Of. -flit, half-hour 1edures prtsented weekly to _fifth Words 1n Wonderland will graders. .. attract members of Council sCbools participa.Ungl . are Slx, Golden Desert Region of . Mariners, Harbor V le w , · lntunational Toastmistress corona del Mar, Newport Clubi when tht:t meet at '1 '30 Elem~tary, Tustin Memorl111!, ' p.m. Mcntay. Man:h 2, In tile .Qu<en of Angel> and St. I I I I I I I I 1, I Greenbrier inn, Garden Joacbims. Gme. l1111ruclillg the work!hop wtII be Mn. Jerry B11rn1, authct' of many articles on p.arllamentary procedure for Toaatmlstrns Magazine. She Is a past pre&ident of the California State Association of Parllamtnlarians. The lecturer on tipeecb con· structlon Will be part.icul1rly informative since c 1 u b s prese.Qtly are )>reparin1 for conW:I!. AnyQDe Wishing to at.tend 1hO!J.]d contact Mrs. Cllvtn Olcott, council chairman. Corduroy Uses Rtbless corduroy is being us· ed in wtrrt.er date dresses and theater coats. as well as in 1port.sww and outerwtar or ill descriptions. Officers Toke New Du ti es For Sorority Initiation of officers for the Orange County Alumnae Club of Alpha Xi Delta sorority wlll begin at a p.m. on Monday, March 2, In lbe home or presi· dent Mrs. James Deindoerfer of Huntington Beach. Other officers to be &eated Include ~e Mmes. Nonnan Wenael, vi!!t p r. e s l d e n t : Rbbert ".Pond-.-COf1'spondiN sec!'!lary; Charlts H a I •I , treasurer, and Miss SylVia Glb!On, secretary. The program Wiii in~ude 1 talk on the Frances Bloker Award by Mrs. Pond. (Good Thru April II MAKINCO ~ • DECOUPAGE • PAPER TOLE e FLOWERS . e JEWELRY MAXING e GOLD LEAFING e DRAPING • SIQUINS e BEADS e FORMA,.LM • PRINTS e WOOD PLAQUES • CANDL E SUPPL I ES e STYROFOAM otc. HARBOR HOBBY CRAFTS 1916 HAltlOR ~LVO., COSTA MI SA . P'HONI 645-2460 I Nu rse ry Schools Acti ve Could involve oppo!Jt.e sex. Membership information Is ~=.~= C::t· Don't commit yourself to available trom the associates "°' permanent relatonlhlp office 833-6fl0. 64"''"'· 14"'421 Education Week Feted there is lime. 1pii;iiiiiii;;' iiiii;iii~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:i ~'! ~~~ ~-:i~ FRE-E ·~·'' va1ues. Cbeck safety nwuures o at home l!1d In au~Ile. Early ·.~ldi.ood F.ducation 'childrtn all during the mom·) On March 7, the achoo! will =~ i:':v:""tm:s=. '. . SPORT COAT Week Ls allted for the next in&-Children from two years, take _part tn a di.splay lD the Realize this; respoad ac- Area nursery school~ are dergarten are elJgible to join. ln add.iti<ln to Its regular LIBRA (Sept. ~· 21): WITH PURCHASE OF ONE AT OUll LOW RE6Ul.All PRICE. week. n1ne monthl of-age to kin-H~-Center mall.. cordingly. • • lak'·• ""~ · th 1 b ·" ud·t· · 1. 1 ., ,. program. the sehoot provides Be SUrt ol lnstrµctlons, dlrtc-,,(ll'LU .. '6 ..-~ m e ce e ro.µons 'l'W 1_ iona m ormawon may ""' scholarships for J l urr tons. Slnu>le lask or journey 1r 'IUt HarfMr '""' .. c.... by l\lglni open house.,. and of-obtained In' caJUna Mrs. Allen derprivileged children in the C!OUld be confusing if coopera· COSTA MPA fering dlJplaya at shoppin& Chirby, 546-93~ community. Anyone interested tion Is lacking from older Irr 0 -ONLY-· G,tn~s. .. On Saturdsy, Mar~h 1, fronl in the program may telephone -~di~'vtidu;al~.~B~e~r~es~~~· ~U~u~I ~~bu~tJL::::::::::~~!!!!!!•;•;o;~~·~-~14;•~-!~';"~J Sunahihe Commun It y IJ a.m. to 3 ~.m . the school M""ri. MerlYn'Foote, 8'2·~&30. get answers ·to qucsUO!\!I. NuTsiry SchOol, located in the will have a display In SCuth Sun :n Fun Creative Play - Presbyterian Church of the Coast Plaza in reco11nttion of Group, a parent particij)atlon .• ~ :-:;..':_. . ,--:~. >... . . .. . . : .. :.:..·· .. -.~ Covenant in Costa Mes a . Education Week. nursery school in Seal Beach, welcomes mo l her s and Mayor Jack Green Cir Hun· is having open house in Zoeter ~ children to their ()pen house Hngton Beach la con1ing to the School auditorium on Wed· \Vednesday. March 11, from Communi ty United Methodist neaday, March 4, and Thurs-· · 9:30 to 11 :30 a.m. Nursery School on Wednesday, day March 5 from t to 10·30 i Sunshine is cne of several March 4; to help the school a.m'. ' · J OPrtl DAILY 10To10 SUNDAY10Tt7 parent-participation nursery celebrate. The ro-o p program is ~ ~~Th~.~F.~:~ri~;;J.i~~ ~1L~1~~·:'t:.+,7,= ~=I~;!F£~~;; *.~.·~ .. ~.=,,~,,!Ji~!YOl'!~~°1"'2~1y, Feb. 27 & 28 Vandtt Heiden. 12:30 to 3 p.m. and 'nlur!day, cal development. The school is m Arts. crafts •od 0 l her ~tarch s. from 9 a.m. to 11:30 state liti!nsed,mnprofit and is m] ,.,. racilltles are availa ble to the a.m. taught by Mrs. Edward ~jj Musgrave. !&:~~ Oi}l1 T,rains and Shi~ • . c__ '\ . Art Enlivens Walls Wor~rmed by artist mem of Costa Mesa Art Leasue Ill on displa'y in vari911s locations In the area durina: M1rch. _ An exhlbtt · ol ships and trains In· oU and pencil by artist EmeJl C. Towler will be shown 1n United California Bank, Coata ?ijesa. In addition, Towler will exhibit enameled cartoon characters on wood block!. The artlsL arew up. in a railroad to}vn, and his inltwt in tr1lns is represented in s maJor portion cf his work. At present he is a commercial artisl i n Loi Angeles. Mesa Verde Library will feature the works of Mrs. Richard Jones and Mrs. D. C. Mattock!, Mrs. Jone.a will show metal sculpture or sai lbo•l•, seagulls, flowers and f111h, 1c-- comp.anied by oil painlinJ;s rendered by Mrs. Mattocks. A one-womm1 show • I n California Federal Savin1s and Loan. Costa 1'-Ie11a, will in· elude seiscapes, landscapes and_ still life In oil done by Mn. Richard-Ingram. HGag Memorial Hospital, Presbyterian, will exhibi t oils in &eascapeg, landscape.a and figure by Mrs. John GuptUI and Mrs. Mary Segal. Further information may be ~ aecured from ~-Bill Notle.J' 1,.. It #1-40t3. • ..» _ I ._ On March 7 the youngsters • from ·Hiii Top Nursery School • In Cotta Mesa will display ~ com meal boxes in South ~ Q)a!l: Plaza from 10 a.m. to 2 ;r..q. P~m meal js a ci'ea-tive and fil expressive medium a n d ~t,~: children al all stages of ~:~!~ development use ll and find it .~?.~: offers them some type of ac. ~:;§.: tl It 4·· v y. [.;:~:: The monthly meeting of the ~;:;:;: Westminster Nursery School [~:?:: will take place Tuesday. ~~~;: Ma rch 3, at 7:30 p.m. A panel ::~;;;: ol kindergarten teachers from ;~~:::: Fountain Valley, Huntington ~~}.; Beach, Westminster a n d ~~:;:: - Garden Grove school districl$ r:::~~; wlll be featured. r.~:8' Open house will be con--*.~ ducted rrom 9 to 11:30 Monday ;t~ throuah Friday, Marc)l 2-6. t:X§ Mrs. Larry M&M 1t 892-2159 w. will answer questions. ~=r ~·::~:::::::::::..-~ -~ ~ .. -........ I ~ t\)t 0 . ' • LADIES NYLON STRETCH PANTS 297 2 D191 O.Uy • Rtg. 3.97 1009' nylon stitched CtHM pl.l'l.tl. Complttel7 washable. Wide rangt of putclt and basic dark t~ae. Some with stizrups, proponioa lcogtbt. '.~~ •te • (Mt.Met • WMt"'l11ttr ~ ........... ·--·""· ....... rt U.C.lottYotltyvtn Jll$lhtt ... ,, ... " ............ wn ... 21 .. -.,,., SUloAlo ~ .......... , . ••111• ' ' .. _...,.. IMdtM.•Wlssk .. , ......... ···-,....,., .. , ........ 1taL "a.-&sa ... ., ... !:! '•r• dble. h the ·Feb. well ct s. ond , You ed. 1 lO I: ,,., .. hilh ~le y lor l - r :o It ... .. ..... •t•. • -~I :I - I ' ,I . ' I , I I I I I 1,, I: I I' ·* * YOC. U, NO. 4•. 4 S~IONS. 44 PAGES il.at Beaeh Balls Win Zone ·violation Charges PPove-n Servict station operator Richard D. Parry was. found. (Ullty Thursday on c'harges of violating Huctiqton ~ach JOninz laws by maintaining large signs, outside storage of tires and automobiles. He was found guilty on all counts by Mwiicipal Court Judge Kenneth Lae. State Okays R~ .. drilling Of Oil Well An oUshort well will be re.drilled in tht Huntington Beach fields despite the slate moratorium on all new tidelands oil drill· Ing. The Stall Lands Commission in Sactamento gave permission to tJ:ie Signal Oil and Gas Company to re-drtll the. ft0. The re-dri\Hne will be. from a land surface 3itr.. (:llY ~ <0111d DOI bo roacJied to- day. !or comment ... tbe ~"l'- niO --.... ,. lldclapdl drill· 10'1 was set after lhe Saiita, a.ban oil ~ but the cllalnnlll GI !hf llnd> commi.;,k>n, Slit• Controller Hulton .1. Flournoy. said the aP[ll°'al ~u not m vlolatkm of the ban. "Trus isn't a new well, .. Flournoy said. 1'The .rH.rilling is a maintenance pro- cedure." -1• The action allows Signal lo _re-drill ~ well from land to inject water mto u ~il pool below the ocun noor. The water will rai&e the oil to the surfact "here other wells •ill· pump it. Teague Urg es Use of Law On Campus Riots Addressing a breakfl!t mr:eting of the Huntington Beach Chamber of Com~ct 11.t the Sheraton Beach Inn .today, ~t~ham . 1. ••Bill" Tr:ague, Repubhc~n .caniitdate for the 341.h Congressional Dist:1~, called ror swift application or tht law to deal with situaUons \ike the Santa Barbara disturbanct. . Teague on leave of absenct a.s vice president' or Pepperdine College, took • swipe at college administrators who e!l" courage ltudenb to believe that they will not call the police in dilllurbances. •-rt>e burning of a bank is a crime and ._lo ~· courage the belief that it ls not a crime is 1 double standard,·: Teague said. . TM political candkiatt aaid that U was against such double standards that atudents were protesting. "The:Yi are look· Ing for leadership and we must give them lt and show that the law will be applied." The breakfast meeting was for the chamber'• membership c o m m I t t e e • Chamber Manager Ralpti K i s er , reportifll 00 the membership, aaid 40 new lirms had been signed. Sentencing has been set for March 6. ''Th.is Is a s!gnificant victory for the ci· ty," said City Attorney Don Bon.Ca, wtio pn»eCUted the case, "It melllll that all commercial e!U.btishment.s will m longer be able to ignore the laws prohibiting outside storage of mercllandise." Parry, wtia bas maintained that the rules are -uncon.rtitutional and ttlat discrimination was practiced against him in enforcement of the ordinances, was out of town today and could not be reached for comment. P•"Y operates tbt Five Point,, Texaco Servldo Stati<lo and the B and W Texaco. bodl )ocated on Beach Boulev•rd in Hun· lingtoo Beacti. He wu charged with outside storage of automobile tires and other merchandise, maintaining a new tire di.splay within the 50-.fooWetback, and erecting a sign in ex- cess of the 200 square feet allowed by the law. Judie Lae held that ttie ordinances arl" constitutlooaJ and lha1 there was oo discrtmlnation practice toward defendant f•hy. 1be zoning Jaws wer• enacted lo pro- tect environmentaJ beauty in commercial zones, ~id Bon'ra. G.vic Buildings Architecture Controls Studied A Gothic structured glue factory might upett the natural beauty or the proposed Huntiniton Beach centraJ park whilt ~ nuorescent discotheque could detract ~ tht aeriousnes.s of the proposed ctVlC center. In order to curb sucti glaring conlras1" ~be HUJ!tington Beach City Council will 1n1Jt1et ·two ordinaneu Monday which would 1ive the city power to detennin e the architecture and type ol activity ~UoMd in areas adjacent to civic bulld· lllgL One ordinance defines a civlc distr:id area, wtti_le. ~ other allows the city to place rt.itrictions on the civic district. Both are ·up for a public hearing at 7:30 p.m .•. Monday. 1 They represent another major step Jn the City's stride toward development oI Identifiable community areu. The city council meet.s from 4:30 p.m. to I p.m .• and again at 7:30 p.m., Mon· day In council chamber.!!. Jaycees Seeking Award Nomin oos A manhunt is .under way with member~ o( the Huntington Beach Jayett.!I tracking young men between 21 and 35 as can· didates for tbe annu11 ntsunguished Servke Award. 'nle man who capt.um the award on March ~ mUlt hive lived in Huntiolton De.ch .._t least one year and performed rervicU for the community, Dr.~ Max Rafferty. California Superintendent ot Sctiools, bas been •sk~ ed to fPUk at the Match :M 1wards ban- quets. • ANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNA . • • at - . • ' ------·-- .. , • OAILT •II.OT Sfloff '"" LADIES OF FOUNTAIN VALLEY'S COLONIA .JUARl%'DISCUSS 'THEIR .COMMUNITY Mmes. M1rgie Sianei., Juanita SoMrune,,.Su1 ... ne Sjena: efMl 'Cl le1te Lun•, 3 tfrom left) ---- -. . TEN CHS -.. . One Shot, .. . . Scores .Hurt . - •• • • •' From Wire Sen1cet -• The 1easide student community of t,i. Vlsll at the University ol CIH!omla SU. ta Barbara became an armed camp to. day, patroled by hundred.!! of Califomli National Guardsmen. after three NP.ta of violence which hu !en one ~ snot. ICOrtS injured aild al least 11 It· rested. Governor Ronakl Reagan called Jni the National Guard after. rock •r.:I bbttlt throwinJ melees during the night 1bw°"" day which also injured seven Police nf. Heers,· two studenU arid at the peak fn. volved some J,200 students. Some 400 b.intcore demonmitcn ~ hiWJid.nm tacll"' -;o ilMii' -apartment dwellinp around ~ after botlllna 350 police oberllf"a depu\I• alld highway patrolmen ror more ~ aeven hours. At the height of the outbreak, a 35-yeat· tild resident of the aret, Wtnslow C. Tisdel, was shot in the shoulder when ht ...... ~ dro .. 't his car Ltlrough a police bJockldt. Joarer"ll •To p o ... re t A lie was mistaken for a demonltl'ltcr. LI. l ~' . :w. r y rea police said. Another was run o•er Ill'. police rquad car. • About 300 1uardsmen set up camp ln • · 1 the mocltf1!.Lstic community today wita 'We're Source of Sµ~~rt ''· 'itize~-J)er;l<Jre · ·.r~ ::r::; .:ib;Ri.~rr:"~"!I . I ' ' • ' ' i •, • -1 ·•{'~.:.i'-,i ',''. • \ "I ~ ~ JIJM:I ·W wil ..... "'Ttit ' iy'T!llll'f,~YHU: :1~ I .,/ · , . 'I.. · "Thal)ji.11 ~ '11,~Clft!lt...,, aio: .,;lrd will be used, bu( euctlf"'"'• ud Of .. °"fl';Jfltf 11.., 1 ~~·~ .r; -can 111 .-..f~1•1 1best pbinrted commuriilfeS in fbe count1,1•,.. wf)en will be detemilned sometime liter 0on·i shed a· teat to.!: residents in the sore lliumb;p eyesore or dirt.y, because Mrs. Solotzano .Sf.id . : .· ~ thil moro!ng. "' • Juorez Calon.Y ofj!:,Founlaln Volley. 1!1<1 jl<o"t . ._ Iha CO!oot,'' , Mr• · Juarez Col011y (Coloola ~·~ hi ~ ,..... In the WIY ~ houri They're · not povei'tY strteken. u""' Soklrilnt llk1. 1 • SP,aish) was tlullt in 1m bf• ma nam· followinC the. acuv1uon wu lhpquD, la rlcrnourished or scralclililg al the ' Some ol the"~ bomd ate' oWI aod ed Tumer. from New Yotk. who mapptd ~trast to i confrontatiori Uoal I Lm. language barrier. r1mahackle tnd' ~-,_ 0( ttic resiClents out 133 lotJ i;neasuring 50 feet to ,.-lttt ThUnd1y lh the demonstration area, In fact they arc a might indignant th.al are on wtliare, but IDOll are not. Several (some of lhe big1est In a city.that bouts whicti t1kes fn about one sQu1re m~ of some people Rave labeled their little com· new homes dot the trld of more than 100 of its large lots). · the campus community of Isli Vilta juJt munity a "poverty pocket." h.omes. Mrs: SolonaDo's ~ at 10347 ·He sold off individual' Iota on wh'lc.h oft the unJver.slty camplls. "We've always been a source o( sup-Callt lndependtncla ii beina: npand~ homes were built. Most ot the ~arlY Then • mass of demonatr&ton, port lor the co mmunity. The mothm. with the addl~ ·of, four be4fooma. residenl! were' Mexicin·Americans who shouting and pounding on 111bqe can from lbe Colony are active in sctiools and Misinformation' about the Colony ha! worked not ol)ly on Mari.y 'farms but licb. rushed .shoulder to shoulder UJtelbet other groups," declares Mrs. Juani\a led to some of the mlacorlception! Mr1 . helped build railroa<ls and tolled 1in a in lirie that completely engulfed . thf Solorzano. Sok>riano clahDJ. · local soap factol-y. They alSG ft.rn:I~ lllreet and saidewalks and wu a bJoci The "poverty pocket" label was stuck Newspaper accounta Ultd to call the some or ·their own Ian~. 1 deep. . • on the Colony by the Orange County ,Juarez Coklny ,a bracero camp·for Mei· "In 1926 we even tiad stfeet llght1 and The mass "came on ,like a ~&!!arr welfare Department because of the lower icao·Ameri.CU-flrm worten . (See JUAREZ, Pait Z) · . chars:e," witnesses said, runnln& at blP Edison Boosts Huntington Fund More coins ha ve been tossed lnlo the Huntington Beai=h Community Chest than expected when the group'began its 1969 campaign . lt w'ls pushed over Its goal of $135,000 when .a $6,fKlO check was placed in ttie chest b)!. Southern California Ed ison Com· pany employes. Community chest Is part nf the West Orange County United Fund Cruaade: which bu thus far collected $475,IXKI from pledges' made during 1961, a totaJ ol 13 percent better than the previoui year. Unjted Fund workers estimate the need of th~irtagencles this year .at more: than $625,000 for the Wesl Orange County r6gl0n . Sto<;k l farkel. NEW YORK (AP) -The 1tock ma~ket rocketed ahead qatn. today as invelrtor11~ erithusiasm was rei&nited by. tiopeful ~tatemtrlts about the prospects of an easing Of monetary restralnts.-(See quo. llUom, P.aaes tG.11). ' ' th UCSB, Pqe I) ! Police Officer Assaulted· I • ., FraeUS.. at Drive-in · ChaJ:teJ rancinf from a.ssauh ! on a peace office'·to dldturblng the puce have been tiled apinat two men in connection wilh a Westminater drive.in fraca1 dur· Beach Ofljc~r . . On Stork Run , I •· - ing which a police officer was bombarded by paper cups and ·llOft drinks.· The melee began at-10 :25 p.m. Wedne~ cta y as . Patrolman Q'ai& sum'llDn , at- 1empted lo arrest Josepti J . Phillli>fl, 20, of 13211 Siskiyou St., Westminster, on suspicion of being ulider the influel)Cf: or drugs. Phillips a!leaedly. ctttacked'. the ,o{f1:eer ' In 1 the 'Taco BeJJ P¥)ing lot,· 7J9'2 Weslmlniler Blvd.,' 'and four oUier Poli~ Officer Gary Kuncl ,wu wl.gned · bystanders allegedly entered Ute fr1ca i. • speclaJ mission in Huatington Beacti Phillips was arraigned at West Orange Thursdly.-ht. was sent on the earJy _ County Court Thur~ay on ctiaraee.,« mommc 'Mork run ' ' • assaulting .a peace Oftlper, poNeailiqt! ·°' • ... ~ h••"'-dangerou• dru11 •. befnc drunk, trr ~ic That attetnoon he· ra~ ~u~r-and loitering. He wi11 releaecd on his ow'n ters, "aaigned officer reports . n1ne recognliance. pound, elaht ounce boy, Timothy Charles, John Fagan, 11,. or l933l Ne~ Haven taken into custody at 3,:,)7 p.m.-no (ur-. bant,' HuntinJton ~ch~ waa ICCUllfld by tht!r aulstance needed. • .offictrs of taking plft in the tray. Out. on Officer Kunct 'became: a brutd-new $65 bail. he will face charges of dlsturb- JIQPPI. Tne the peape dminl If March I c:ourt· ap- pe:araoce. j ' ' Harbour Wailing • On Oil Oeanup Huntinaton Harboor boat ownera hive adopted a "wait and 11ee" att.itude about cleaning up the tpill oil in ChrilUana Bay . "No one can -really take any u-tion to clean boat,, or bulkheads until the: on ii out of the water and that will be. 1 few dayt ," Don Miller, president ol the.Hun- tington Harbour Property O., n e r 1 AuociaUon, aaid Ws morning. • A spokesman fCf' Grover Collins Corporation, owner of the we~ lhll tea~· ed inlo Harbour channels Sunday, ·said itl insurance agent would ta~e ca-re (II cleanup cost.s, includlDJ 1m1!1.boata. "We'll contact Uie;apnt lb a few days lo see what ~s;" Miller'111i:t. Meanwtille city officiall: and Ute Jr-lab and Game officials are, prcpariqc crlm lnal complaJnb ·for pollution .whicb ~Id bring a aeries of fines a11lnst the oil company. . ,,. .. Orange The membership currently stands at m but Kiter said the figure aboukl be ne~er aoo considering thert were 5,300 business licenses in the city' and 2,708 of t.he:m were operated 1oc1Jb. · · ' Five Months ,o,f Delay Weatll11r ' . . He announCed ·that the next step In tht campaign would J:>e a one-for-one membership drive, whereby e 1 c h chamber member would be asked to en· list one new firm for membership, Al the breakfast, banker JI ti\ R~dabau&h was tionored es the . top ''member 1ttl~r." He s1,ned .even fmns In the (:all\plign and has won the top recruiter award in two previous drives. Beach Bond Failure Will Be Discussed ' tmpllc•Uons of a l'!Ctftt bond and tax hike raUure will be disculMd S.turda;r by the Huntington Beach Union lliib School Di;trlcl bo8l'd or' tnislea durinl a special workshop SW1ion. The meetlna is scheduled for t p.m. at dislticl headq..,...,.1, IJOl 17th St. After five month& or construcllM dellya, H~ Btach'1 Mesa View School will open ita door• to 500 students Monday. '!'be ,1,ua.000 fldllty 11 mot A•lla Lane ·~1 .. ;e. ..,.,_,,.__ lllno • Ii*!~ t -Sponl!lh clellp to complmnent the mollf ol llW'1VUllCllq horML Since Jut September when the 9Chool wu \o ha•~ opened originally. principal Gordoa Bllhop and his teachers have .,. operating thetr cl1sse1 ·from other elementary schools. RllbJ weather and attendant con· •It-problmm btd pushed the open· , Ing date. beyond the~expectation~·or both. Ocean • View; School District •d·· mlnfstrator11 and the cootractor. deslan with no ln"1ior ••14 to ' The new acbool lutul'M °"$' · effective utllb:&Lioa-of eletaroOrn 'l'hla~ also-·~ hoU-· W. iloable lmll'licliOnal "'i'" schooTlneit said. It also boasts of a ce'n\er wnken IJllll wh1ch can be used .:Jqr lli'ructlonal purposes as well aa ' ,Jor g:mblieJ,. lunch and recreatlorud .,:uvit , A Jlat· form stage wtiich oPtnl into t J man and •n enclosed mulllpurJ)OH room proyide11 1ur!lclen~ c•pacity for. laQ• • lfeup ' prtserUtlons, I ' ~ . ., • .... -ofo --·-- .. , .. < I ; After all that nlee :wt•_. thl1 week, wooldp\ you know the weatherman' wOUld toR a wet blanket Ulla W9e:kend. He &iva a 30 percent ctianc. of rain tonight- and S.turday •kine the cout. INSIDE TODAY Whal'• ha~ at Coria !feso's hopprilt\Q tllia to61tndt YQk can Jirt<l~l U.. cle!Gllt - and a ~ompfak acllcdttlf of e111n.ta -m.to,dQ'1 w~ , I \ • I , I · """""' .,~ ...... -..tlM ' 1t • I --"""' I t! C.il-..1111 I , :.·= ,..... Clltclllllt VII • l • C..., I • c~ ..,,. • ,, ... .,.. =:.:.... ~,~=,.._ ~ D.-"""'" • = ...... :::: ~ , .. ,~ ;=:::- ~ i: =.. .. :·· 11:1! =--· == ... -{ J I if-DAILY PJLDl • • _s~ingj.~g Single • • ,. e d: in · Swindle . ... ' I '' A• N~ BUcb awlqlng s1nciea !Mbaai, arreltea to eibi>u an lnlUal ·~·-IL 'wbo IUtborillee ·llli-th probe of 111' actlvltlei, aileied lllict to awing 1 aw.fir sale of N'ovlct wd. lancf_be $Olfll "Ith. Orange <;ouu~ .~!/>'~•led land-deal with DA'• D .. A 'a """'-'ii lajall lodoy. agellls, !41!ich had already. sold a I. badl..at, at,-lils s1ier-...-m.,,OO baU.-in MO acraof -..i rl l'lae:'waa u11.1d,al bis home ~near El Cajon lo.-,. cl!""'- W y .on twi~of grand,~~lotloeDA'sd>argeL , th arrallllod 1'ii-Y and• ii notr.:':c AiitboHlill Mid the unldenllfled P111J held In lieu of tlli,Ollll ball. ·~ waa~ • ll00.000 rtturo.111 !11111>- Prelfmlmry "beartng'lOr the auapect -vesbilelit WllblD a mere ID days alterlbe who autbortties say may have sold tr~. thouwicla of acres elsewhere I n Lo.,,.ch_reporttdly gave the pur<baaer Ca!Uorfllll' .. _..i Metico -ii 1et for a CJ:ll•.t ~-• . Wednesdoy Ill Cen1rll Orange County J'W• ,...,, ...,Unulnc':j)IJI' ln•eallption Judieill Dl.itlcl Colat. • . • and are loollng for other possible victims Deputy DtslrtCt Attorney ~ C. of"llllJliMI aolu." No..ict lA!ld ,..,-. Novick said today the.rt may be ~ many todaJ ..... ~ ,.. • -', .;... more victims of such a land fraud In llf: lil4 ·Lorb1G11~'1111 GI ID GJ.• Orange, Sin Dlqo. and Shasta COU11Uu, flee II 1111 W. Coill ll!PWay, N~ pllJS Bajo Callfornla. . P-. l"W allll¥. -· .. Mr ....... Hil ollice, Is !IMP In a~ ilJvestlfaUon ~.lfi'.:.~~ J...pb I. Dea, that coWd produte more charges against in .......... ~ .; A • • • ;.Y~ ... • "': • • Santa Barbara's ·~mpus-, Uitlik~ly Scene ior Riots DAILY ,ILOT Sltff ,.._ MRS. LEANNE BURT TOSSES OUT BASKETBALL TO YOUNGSTERS AT HARPER PARK · In fl-•ln V•[lay, Voluntoera K .. the Community Rocraetlon Progrom Goif18 \ "'" . ' ~ABAlUIAl\A(AP)-Fewcom-. vicllmoftlleCl>!clloSeven,the\lletnam Leary M d "ama ~eal Sport mun!Ue1 aeem J,.. likely tarceta for war, tllt " .. pltallal eatabllalm!eol" and ove tllt "~-of tllt_ -t." . rioting than thta placid coastal reson. ·~ :::::=,.the:!:t~paaea•f ~=~be :=~~·~-Back to Tew 111-otlier..campot eltiea dlsbirhlnces government and tbal u.e,....,. would be They Help Out at Harper Park ~ . hate focused on the' Vietnam war or given an ~ to ~clpate in F s · --- racial lnequilfeS."Ber ii ..... general decilioal .. htnn, and currltui11111. or .. ente:llce ftt)inc of dia<:onleol with Ille 11 the He ~ !!'llJl!l'.JIJlliorollJJ1ad been 1 Momma 'bu taken over the sports deparj,..\11 ln. E<iuntain Valley -al lefsl on a light recruUOIUll boaisAn Harper Park. volunteers who pump life into the city's recreation. • .. trying lo ae!•up· .. --lo UruVenity !JI ~omla 11 Slnla Barbara setUe dlllorencu bet•--and •nd.ln the nef&bb«lnl community of Isla landlordl ..• · · · Vi9fo, where the rlollni wu centmd. Aa f..-.t11t".11Udtnil'-oomplllnls against 11\e one..iiuare-mlle Isle Vtala com-police, sheriff's ·capL .Fritz Patlmoii inunlly ii populated llirgely by 1tudenta said: ''1'hey llllepopporqotve actlooa by stJm •·• • 000 of the ·-• -•t • the police, yet they have no speclftcs." -an e ba-U •· .. 1 .. 1.. uw.ve''" Y 1 This week's disturbances began on 13,700 -w, o ve m......., in apartments. ~sday with an outbreak of small fires Tension bad been bul~ cm the cam--and window smashing pu.s since thA. dlsmtwl a. month ago of~ ~ JOb wedMsciay bun~ awanned' into William L. Allen, a controversial assiJ.. the streets atier 1 · ch b tant pro!esoor of anthropoloo, for failln1 William Kunstler ~°l~ thspt:tCh, · Y to meet standards of teqw-e. -• se e 1cago -But the students cited a long list o! Se~i.natio.; ~ . th · cli b coll'Plaints aga!Jl!I school aflminiatrito;o, demonstrators ranged :.,, ~:1. f,%. county offiaala and police. the . Vlibwn . war to nbelUon aP!tm <ifei. 'f'<1'• ~bod)' ~-"polkt oJlllrOilfcili" 6iid Ille people who ~~r~.:.....= atuclenls' ....... the COWllry ta general. feeling they were being exploited by *: *: *: landlonla and harllSIOd by police: , • • llindlor& In w •. Vlala; be lild, charllO 1 l'rotlli 'P.,e J ex&.slve m11, require llklioOlh 1...-. • . · for 814 months of residence and often UC.SB· relto~d~ -~ .-, . · •,• re , g~~~·:~:~~:;:,d~-; ~~/~t ~.ll'OUPS of 1boul 10 cb es. " ~ .. each. Some demonstrators coJ. · ... ou can_ASk any stu~ot ~ i).'.s almost ~~10th a few r4 the officen, who l~b!e ;to ~ ta • .,._, of ~ relreoted at double time. wi ,being stopped by the;p.jlc,," M , .'Jll:e·<!imonstralora.cbUed the oflictn • .a "We .have serto°' pratil'JIU .of ' far1bnif blocta unW the officen - bi and rape In 11111 Vlsla;"bul thal'1 t!ie ciinpus. nie demonstrators ·then n . at the police are worried about." wa1ked away. to these frustrations, student The retreat, acknowledpct u such by J say, are the hi&her student fees police spokesmen, came just one hour r tly voted by university regents. coo-after 300 offlcera Jn a concerted rush had ~ -swept the estimated 500 demonlCrators -from the strelti:. The 500, · btokeli into • Chooa.oa l-: small groupi M .tf,e Ume, applftlntJJ' hid anna """ . in their apartments before . regroupllll! , again. , ledi t • A sherifrs spokesman tonfirmed that . c or1an officers bad "got"'1 the bell Olll of thert" :t when badly outniimbered,. but. 11ld·•orie- S\ri.ior Gary Campbell wtµ be the vale-reason was that officers were makjng ez· JallOcl' •Wailinc lllllence Oil I Lai1"la Beach martjuana case, Dr. Timothy Leary wilt be transferred from Orange County to Laredo, Tex., thil WeWDd 'to be.liven bia:.term·on a federal marijuana smuggling rap. The controversial former Harvard psychology proff!_sor waa convicted . m Laredo Jan. 20 for amuggllng: tbree ounces or the weed across the Mexican border. About 30 months have volunteered to keep the ufter school recreational wo-- gram open. two daya • week (Tuesday and Thuraday) in the city's only fully developed park. "Without these volunteers it would be pretty hard to put on any type or recrea- tiooal pl'Qgram.!' says , Henry Agonia, assistant city parks di(ectgr. The Harper Park mothers split shifts in checking out games and ·athletic equip.. ment and sometimes even show the youngsters how to do things like shoot tarroms or fiy a kite. But the. mothers are not the only volunteers in the city program. '!hey are pa'!'! of a long ·list of In nag football the city counts on the aid of 40 volunteer coaches and llliltant, 40 more dooate time to the junior buket· ball program and several local youth gorups are givlllg up their llJne to build River Park. Other prograina Uling volunteer help Include the spelllng bee, 15 volunleera from the Friencla of the Library; tract meet, 20 voluu!.eers from the Jaycees; Easter Egg bunt, 10 volunteers each from the Jaycees and Woman's Club; 1$ Volunteers from th~ Jwllor Women's Club staff junior high dances ai>d othf:r voloot.eers ahow movies and judge the Halloween contests. ''They do a good job for us, and eliminate a lot of expenses," s~ A&onia, with 1 sigh 'Of relief. Orange ,County Superior Court Judge Byron K. McMillan Immediately revoked Leary's bail ·a11er he and hill wile ~ Md eon 'JobD ..... cciivicted' Feb. ltoncl>orpaffied byLqunaBucb police. '1You ... ,aD insidious, .. detrimental m. flUenct on 19Ciety," declared Judge McMillan, who allowed hia wife and son Honor Orchestra'Pkiys to remaJn. free on tbtlt own recognlianc« The best musicians from orange C.oun· pending March ii sentencing. . -ty high schools will give two concerts as "Timothy ia free," s~ •.Mrs. l.eao' of the Orange County High School Honor her 50-year-<ild husband, who haa ~ Orchestra. au:ested of~l'I ~l neve,r ·served ·hard The first will be with the county high time for. aey .of the alleged -v\OlaUons .. ''He 11 very serene. v~ strong,t• lhe school honor band at· Orange Coast added. College audJtorium Saturday at I p.m. "He la more free than most people. The aeoond will be at Garden Grove High When they jail the revolullooariea, they School March 7 at 6 p.m. have to JaJI Ute prophets." Earl Treichel, director of instrumental Newport Harbor, Corona dt! Mit1 Mission Viejo, Buena Park, Fulltrton, Orange and Santa Ana Valley high schools. Rohinwood Baseball Signup Approaching Dr. Leary -under fire in recent years for hb ltancl Oii tbi use of hallucinogenic music at Costa Mesa High School is If you want to play summer bUtball in drugs by Alnericl'a young -was can· coordinating the program which Will be victed of the federal \r1p. in Ttzas four conducted by Dr. Bertram McGarrity, the senior division Of the Rlbinhood IJ.t. years ago, profe.ssar of music, Cal State Long tie League, bring along your PoP (or The U.S. Supreme Court invalidated the Be h mom) an4 8 ,):lirth CerttnCate to alriiur>t~ conviction by U.S. District C.OUrt Judge ac · Ben ~. 1'fbo presided at Leary'a Membel'I of .Ute orchestra .are , from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 8aturday on the . brief trial last month on the same/ Villa Park. San Clemeqte, Savanna, San· baseball field of Marina High SebooJ.· charge. tiago, Fouhtain Valley, Edison, Hun. Boys age: lS.15 !U't! ellglble. i9 p1-y. For . lidewalka, thouch not very many," recalla one old timer. But Ti1mor hid lttuble aelllnl bil Iota ... Iii )trwt111 ...... -... ~"-'~ IWMjl. ""' -,l'be price oi a ·Ill · ~ days WU ~... .. .,_Aa yean, Wf!Dt i-Jb1 ~ .flilod to ...., luJiy' llld <Ounly,. then tit !ta qr- 17 yaon..lllllcll¥ olflclala necPeeled :the roads pd other -w!Ucb. led lo present c:ood~lona, eo1.., reiidentl claim. • • Rocenlly, thouih, the Cilf of F~in • Vallt:rked with tbe Colony· to *"11 ntw .... ,,ai. znainJ. , ~ •we -eoblle 1lle way Ibo cityjd\M to ,. mid w.: 'trbA! we lnmled lo 4'I In \•Ille~, .. --llolomhO bN-t Her alatement typifies city lblritlng about the Colony. "It's a p~e ~see an area lite the Coloey, when everyt.hltic ~ is so new ~ walled,".,J'Jnl Hollywood, issistant to the city m~ager1 said. He l!IJnlttld 1lllll •tbe ?IJ lerl<ll lo"P"!" '1ect the Colony'• lllenllty by not ~ other ·developiil!ilt5 ti ·eru:roac11 'On Col.MY area. . '!We aren't so Itri.ct on 1bem rOr bul\dliig coda ... nre ~ violations ~either," he njd. ,. •. A sman half acre park is the city'• nert project for Colony m!denls . "We'd like that," saya Mrs. Marale Sianez, lo.16& Cinco d.e ~;'"'Hl.1.)ot ot. 'the -!>ere"want lb iM theil: ClilJdnn pa.:i~'1!.ftt ta tllt eelllbbQrl>ood'." l'l~tiortioOO sptrit'-Iiest typifies u;e character of J""""' Coloey. M..,Y families are relp~ ~a~ , •. ~, " residents were born l!>Oi<-• "And we aiwa,. Welcolne Dewcointri," Mri. Slines aald. . . . ' One ~ • .BerinJ •1Joee" CUelliJ", a graduate sll>lenl"l t UCLA, his befii trying to'bey'a'liOme In 1he Coldll)'1« three mmths. "l used to live in Santa Ana. One day 1 met some people from Juarez Colony ~ knew I wanted to live there becauae tbeJ: were so frlendly," Benny said. He still hasn't found ·a home there, but time Benny has become active in Cob:ly projects 'and '.even made • ~ survey tbal riglstel'ed the Colony popi1A. tion at 400. In anetber SO .years there may not be a Juarez'~. 41M01t ,l/I. thoeehomel will probably dlilppear by tlien," 11ollywood predicted. A brief city study abowed that four and five l·l apartment units mlg!ll be 1 good \Ille for the large Iota, bringing mid- a good return or their money. "But we think we'd like to leave tt a midential area/' Mrs. Solorzano aakl. Another suggeallon h" been the development o( 1 Spanish village in the eolcmy, but some residents thou&h the idea might be carried loo far. "l doli1t w.ant tQ live in a circul," In• lerl""8d Mn, $1anu. · ' . No ru1 plans' for'tbO foiure mat! Clt1. of!lclalo ·-lo lllow llie Co1ill7 .• j6'' Its own njl. . ·. "I"ve never been em.blrrined about being fiilm, the Colaoy' m Mn. SGli>i'- aaid with a smile. Guppies to Get.-. Swim lasotts :· Guppies are little boya IM &lrla between the age. of 4 and I who p\an to lake swimming lesaons 11 the F~ Valley High Sdlool pool, · \ · Lessom alart S1tutday 'for Gqpplea O!ld other youngsf.ert through the ace or 14, under the spoosorabip of the Fountain Valley YMCA. ' l Guppies start swimming at t a.m., while ,okler youth in the beglnnin« clus bit the water at 10 a.m. lntenni:Ultel .start at U a.m . · The ccOt ii $1 for eigbl weeta for: YMCA members and $1J for -YMCA memben. gr Ung cl..,., PrkicipaI' Glen llysl1JI-coqfroolaliom in which' they would hove di~f the 1970 Marini lfi&b:School traordinary efforts not to be involved in Attomeya for the Leary family are U·" tington Belch, Estanda. Costa Mesa.' more inform.1t1on phone 897-$40. P£Cted· to qain appeal that action and _;:_ _______ ~--------------------------- er today. . · to use their guM or clubs to defend · bell has maintained a straight themselves, and tbUI avoid mau injuria. alao the Orange County cue stemming from tbe arrest Dec. 28, 1968, in Laguna. "A~, average throughout high l(:hool. In Wednesday nJght's melee a tqllld · him as "graduates with high-car wu~ burned alto real es~te offices es ,honors" will be Cynthia Burehet~ we"' nlided a~d •' pe~ ,....., ar-Y Breakfast Slated ~ Eldon, Paul Larsen, Janet rested. ~a Je.anne M~y. Rlck M.ork F.4J Gray, Govel'D!)r an•1 1 prea Mtrnbera of the ·Fountain Valley Y't . Nat(C._ 'flle1 ~t the top ·,spokesman, said in the te capital tbat · • Men will break bread over brtakfast at oo of the ll?O ilhld, UIUng clau. the National Guard bod n activa~ 7 30 Slturd I Mil •-··-\C\I : a.m., ay. a e ""'I-" \ · becaUR the governor "author!Jed them COl!Dtry Club. to do ii yesterday ~ and when Ibey ·!ell New officera will be elected at DAILY PILOT • ! J • .:k tt. e .. ,1 •• ; .. Vitt ,,..IOenl •M 0-11 MIMttf ., Tho111•• k11•il EO!IOI' ' . ·'lii•l'l'l•t A. M11r11hi11• Maneg1"4, ..... .,. Alb•ri W. l•f•s AIM<w.E1111w the necessity. Salunlay'• breatfut meeting. Topless Gals OK . . Co~rt Says T~y Must Behave l!pedal lo Ille DAILY PILOT SAN FRANClSCO -Bore-brouted cocktail wattreasea are Sun in buslnesl lod1y u lonJ • tbet ~· IQ!nlaelve(, . .a~. lb ~-Jttiilt.rttllng GO la .... nudity Thul'aday by the ca!lfomla Supreme Oourl. Tbe lllib ~ In a 5 to I split vole, declared !hat lopleu waltrmea cloo~ violate public morals so long aa they tend to buslneas. Prelamably tbal melDI confining their 1ctlYillio IO..-.Ini drlib: • ~-·Ibo Slipnifiia-ewrt on • cui lllvolviJl8 the North Baell Off· Broodway ru,htlpOt llonfwbere the alate DeparUnent of Alcobollc Beverage Con· !nil bad ... voted a llcOnle because the Off111oadw1y lutund bart booomed oervlng maids. The high ... !'.\ dtCree touched oil I celtbraUoo at the Off·-1)'. !Ii which "all of San Fnnciaco" WU brrited to h<lp celebrate the declaton. Meanwhile, In another eeclor of the nude front, 1ttornejl for a tacramento llvern belleva they've found a !<pl loophole to overcome a local ordinance aplnlt totally naked dancing. Thus the owners of the Pink Pussy Kai bar are projecting images of their nude dancin& girls to patrons over closed cimdt lelevillon. . Sacramento's local law bans Jive nude entertainment. "This Is television en. tert.ainment," the laWY,ers announced. SO far, $bir'e bate been no •arresW and a lot of dancing. In the latest Supreme Court action dealing with the San Francisco cue, It was. ruled th4t employment of topless waitruae1 of !bell ,waa oot contrby lo lhe public welfare'.aiid on Uie reeonl did not consUlule the keeping of • dl!onlerl,y house. Tbe court Do ftjeded an alternative ground presented by the slate depart- ment for lb acilon -that bare breulz don't mix with aervtna'UquOr. J,.u.., Louis H. Burte wrote tha, dialentlng opllilon with Justice Marshall F. McComb concurring. u1n rny view, common knowledae, to ny nothing of the experience .and ez. pertile of the depo.rlmenl; lllJlllOl'lz the poolU<in of the department with reJI"CI to the emplO)'lll~l· of top!.,. q,cki.all • •·altrelKI," the <liilent aald. l-f).,.11 VT I ' • • ~3 ,.., ,.,.... .. " &t'~id•, .tit• Mwtnr. of ro s•:t·c. Wtuenc-. :.-. ...... . .... ..i.ti. ~.4.,i;,· 0-.L TOlll LOCAL DIA1hS -D11X11.. 111-Cltl. fflmAM NIWl'ORT llAcH 1127 W-ff Dr. '42-20.50 °"" ....... ., ,l'L ' Pro1111lonel .....,...,. Diii..,... Av1ll1b'-'AID-HllD • i I I 1 I ~ .( '" ·J • t ·- :9VQ~: ,61, ~0; ,49, .4 ~ECTIQNS, !M' l'A&ES ORAN6E COUNTY. CALlfORNIA" FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1970 • • . ---· . ·- • JEN CENTS' I • , • l • ! • • i T~iision Reig~s pn Cal State,-Fuller ton €amµU S: ' . . • . ' Defi~otuif<nts•llnging "America The the wu• °'the -lion by, llO who Bealilfful" behlnd·I 'baij of rocks, bottles, cetreatecf Iller joinlng 71 who 'occupied fiHdacket1 • and obscene words' were the Letters and Sciences ~Building shooed off-1.the cal State Fullerton cam.. retrea~ before 18 hehlletect riot police. pus: ~ay in a second, ugUer ' l'Oll-A temporary restraining order naming trmla~. California State -.coue,e TNstees-as nte,'rpj~ue campuJ•ln the bearl or plaintifI.s and &eVen, persOns. phi.a 500 CGftlel"Vati.ve.Orange County lay under a John Does u defend•nts was i.ssiied tePH..t.lb,i today as authorities and d"issi-earlier by <>ranee c:ounty Superlor·Court d<llt. atildelits -..ailed •C..-·the nut move Judge Raymond '111oml!IOll. lite·nervous ·chess pl1yers. · The document forbids further disrup- cOurt penalties ftr ait·ins, Property dan\11( or di.turbance. Stydenla 1ctivl1ts acknowledged lbeir ,cootompt of the r-illnlng order by pouring a half.gallon of milk ovri campus security force chief RUSlll!U Keeley 1s ht read Jt alood. The U.page document names 1even alleged rlngleaden. They are : students David M.acKiowak, llruoe Church, Ted Schoneber1er, Kim Kand, Jbn Cleair, Don Slavin 11111 Prof. --.. •Campla ..--. 1lepn floodln1 corridors ol tbe -lilildtor lbortly , alter CSCF Ptulden\ ' Wtlllam· B. Lanpdorf read an-es~ baJil.tine pi>HCy lpt<!ch at ll'a.m. to' $,tlllO students. 'll!t Ptberlni. WU lhtp larpo\ Jn the hlatay ol the -pus. wbkh bas a total em"Ollment ol ,13,000 m~\oftwhom: wer• amq the l,OOD ·to cbeei' La111adorf'1 lt'ateme:nt& ' . . .._, lsithat this Campue ls no shelter for thOAe ' who would violate the. law," the. prtaldent declar.ed, reading from the .hand.written · statement. · : " ,.,ln Lhe last (ew days , soffle students : here, apparenUy ,augmented from outskie the campus, have carrted o0 1 campaign aimed ilt forcinl me to accede to their demands, tt he said. · · shouting obscenities· IL Gov. llalaJd Req.,, In bil Feb. 9 .___..,' ' ' Langsdorf charged the . c; am.pl 1 rlemonstratora have brobh into ftncil and committed a variety ol law vlolatlmil si nce tn>uble "'!pied Thursday;-. to a police coofrontatlon. · "They forced their way Into ol!lce!, stole unopened U.S. mall, ...cf collece telephone.> for peraona1 !t>!c.. -calls, wrote obsceniUes on tM w.O.. end No>in)utlel"1t arrestl'were-r~ In lioO and tdamap; .earTY!ni ca>tompt. ol r :.~",,'·· ..... I . ' ' "Olie'ltiltlc I must mae eeylltal' clear ( • They are prote11Ung the, arrest of MacKJowak, 25, of Corooa, ·•nd ~. 31, or Fullerton, bptli, ch!<led )Vlth L (Set CAL STATE,.P .. ·I) ... • oves lD-.a .- . ! .• : . . ' . . ' .. -' Beach Fun Close s 7th Winter Fest taCuna Beach's Seventh Annual Winter Festival will wind up in a flurry of ac· tivity this weekend , with emphaais on beach oriented event.II, in<;luding aurflna, catamaran racing and volleyball. Indoor action will Jnclude. the "fir.tr tim~the-Laguna" dart . tournament, with competing teams from throughout the Southwest, and evening of ballet at ' the billb ocboQI ·-· . I . One.Shot,. Scores ·Hlld In Rioting ' From Wire Se"1<eo The seaside student communli:J of hla Vista at the University or California &an. ta Barbara became an armed cam, to.. day, palroled by hundreds of eawomi, , National Guardsmen, after three nl&b{s o[ violence which has leU one pencli:. abot, scom injured and 1t 1eut lt ar .. reSted. 9<Pd finale will be • wlJ Cajllom~ "-1>0ii>Ocue at the..., l!Gi' C11J!1 (adlllf.lt J Laguna C.nyon Ofl SUMfiy ev~. • ,. 1 ; Governor Rona id Reqan .calledi bl th r!J ~!t1ona1 Guant ~ ,q.,"" ~ ,.... lhrowlng llU!loa dllrlnc Ille ..,.. 'f1mn. 1'.: ·day whicb alae •·•uretf llMit -1•-Or.• . .. . ' , • 1 · DMLTl.P!LOT ........ ..,..,.... lctll :•II ~aai ·lt'itli tJie Slaow' . Rebe:.i-smg, l"!' musical comed,Y at Thurston SchooJ~in 1 Le.pna Beach are.(/!'l!'fl'oiwlefl) 'Patty Slowsky and ptiscilla Howan1.,anc1 (bottom hom1left·) Susan ·Barnes and Carol Cl'umley. Clown• will do musical num~r'in s.hoW:which will i-un March 3-8. Tickets are priced at ~l\adult.S·, 75 ·cenWfor1children. Proceeds will go for new lstage,' fitcilJtiel~ar the. 5Chool. . Inltsid e Repairs Weighed The Saturday achedule gets under way briilht and early with a surfln& tournl- ment sponaqred by the USSA Western . SUrflng Dtvlilon led the La-8'acJi Surfing Club, starting at 1 1.m. on Thalia Street Beach. 1 The excttinc catamaran racing event ls acbeduled to start at noon SaturdQ" off the Main ~hat lhe foot of Broadw1y. Volleyball tournament. w!U be pla,yed on the Main Beach and Jn the girls' gym at the high school, beginning ' at 12:30 p.m. Darts will fiy in the Riviera Room at the Hotel Laguna from 10 a.m. to S p.m. u individuals and teams compete f<r the Workl 'Cup ol Dartl and other prt7.es •. The Laguna Cun Guild '• Arts and Crafts Fair will continue on the Festival grounds from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday. The Laguna Beach Civic Ballet Con> pany will present its Evening " Ballet at tbe bigh llchoot at 8:30 p.m. Saturday •. Ticketl are $2.50 for adults and Sl.50 for children. The ballet played to turn-1w11 crowds last weekend in a special children's program at the Festival Forum Theater. On Sunday the surfing tournament and 'catamaran races will continue at 7 a.m . and noon, respecUvely, along with both the beach and Indoor volleyball tounwnents at 12:30 p.m. The dart. tournament will move lnlo final compeUtlon, again scheduled from JO a.m. to S p.m. in the Hotel Laguna. On Sunday afternoon from 1 to s· p.m .. the Laguna Beach Art Association Gallery at 30'7 Cilll Drive will hold open hou.le , with alfmlaslon free lo tbe public. 'I'bt colorful barbecue, a first for the' Wint<r Feljtval, will i1e1 under way at the nel' Boys' 'club, 10ll5 Laguna Canyon Road, •at I p.m., coatlnUlni until II p.m. with quantilies of food, music, .,,. tertalnmen\ and pmes. Tickets en l:i. Cbildren under 12 ball price. Council w Meet t . I 4 Nig hts .in Row Laguna Bw:h city """"1Jmen (whoM pay ii I princely 1150 I month) IJ'O 11CJ1e. duled to eet IOl!letbing ol a record nnt -k wtth lour nlgJlt meotlnp ta a '""· The council, which normally -... Wednesday's alternating rtgUlar meet.. Jnp with study sessions, b Uned up for ~ I budget study .... , .. Monday ntght, I A dlwppoiat!ng turllOUL o1 hillside Since.then the.Eugene See family .bu stud woJon on sip ordlnanco lmpte. -In San Clemente's P-'"'· 11ad:to ls!l<e ut .resid<slce In y the.tear monf.t1oot Tuesday night, a regular ,... Hille:ftmt.. tract Thursday muJled aver hall ot their .home because o! fears of •ion Wednee:day night and I study let· eewur melbocf• to repair heavy elide fur1her ,;rib slip~. . .•ion with wateT board director• TIJm'ldlY . . ._. ,...,.~ to di--bl< incllalon ol rlanJlll •lllready threat...ing one i...., Several variatlool •wve dilclmed, but -colle<tlon -00 water bJJls. and allltlit f11aM have .an eipeo181•• price ail J10!tia FE-jn·~ .,......,..·--....,..-----:--Laidn+non· , \ ~a.av 1'&,n~~-... 'r :9 ., 'w. /fl •-~ CllyMUager Ken ~.J\imoell a ""'i-that·-t ·"'1nlevw--wtUld' tiilYe · • 1 • "'*'" •r .. ., •. den\ of.the tract, and City Engineer Phil · 13,tlllO apiece added -tlleir loons• to Peler told the 18 homeownen that it cover the COIL woukl -as estimated llO;OOO !or The plan, which wtJl' bo Inc1ucied< in •tudl,. and earth mOYing to_npalr the -Clrr'• ..,....iJons to the-city council gaping allde wllich is endanaering 1 lmltt Wedneaday, Involves tbe.aetti111 ol a,!Jen 1t 717•Aveaida Ooktmbo. The lam thtr• on property of ''vitally a 11 t.c t e d •' crashed Into.a canyon wt J1nuary. (See SLIDES, P• II • ' • 'J' • • U!J !~ ' , film, two studentl and at the peat lll-vo/~ ..,.. 1,11111 students. i · '~ ~ ' OA'1t.Y·~li.OT 1,..._,..\,. rl:iJ"o,h;iEATl~1 UP,'., .. OR ,S~EEPY HOLL~~ TACO .s'r~o Wll~L-.l"no 'Ealery.le Declared e.P~bhc .Nul1-.•~ ' . Wfiiglng th~ Qell • I Some 400 hardcore demonttrators lllinl · l'llt...00..run tactJcs wlt.bdrew to tbell! a~t dwellings around tnldnl,i.t . a~er botUin& 350 police sberill's depatil!o and hlgbway patrolmen for mare tbQ, leYen hours. · • At the_ height ol the outbruk, e -.,..,., old resident of the area, Winllow Gt Tilde!, was •hot In the' sboulder wben ~ drove his car through a' police NockMt, He wu miJtakeo for 1 demomtrai«1 police u..id. Another wu run ov• ~ a police squad car. About 300 guordsmen set up camp It, the modemiallc communlly tojlay wltk a~r 300 enroute from Lot ~ called out by Rea1an at the r""'8t 4( r .Sberllf James Webster, who uJd '1'hi guard will be used, but euctly .bow anti • when will be det.eimined. aometlme lltefl (See UCSB, Pap I I , FBI Enter~ Ca8e • Hippfu s Plague T ri;c o Sta•id . · · · · · Of Rifl Th ft ' By BARBA!tA:KREIBICH. want with Just family .trade -that's e e. · °',.. .,.·11 ' "lw ·~ · · 1vhat we'd Uke to pave.~ hiPPiU buY a ' The FBI today e£ec1 the ' tft.. Hippie 'hanaers-on ire alpo ~ headache Coke or 10mething ani:f then just hand vesligation of a theft of 10 M·lf ritse*: to the manq:~nt ,of the Laguna.Beach around.'' · ' lnfch are misaing from 1 bulld1DC on•thl Taco Bell at ,g S. Coast .Hl&liWay, Rives , who has Deen in:I.:a'glll¥ f0r Jtf!t Camp .PeodJeton Marl~ bale~ • , mlJllier Chuck Rives ·11ia tOday. · one mOnth, uid heh.ad seen sftIJH~ pro-fir~~':::;!:::;:~~~~ The ,Mextc&n.style 'eater)' vfa1s the blems, bul not ,quJte as bad, l.n Qther between 1t:30p.iri.'Wedneldfly:and1:30 tar.et this week of i petition sigl)fld .by . areas. IJrLong Beach, he said, the<-pollce a.m. Thursday. The weapons were tlkeit lSO•property owners and business people finally came to lhe aki of"the·ea~·and !rom a building used for crub rete:qe wbo teek' to have it declared ·a public cleaned out the . unsavOI')'. loiterers,. '.'but vehicle. and~l>U!ODDel. ' the .city. The -'!Uon oovl Js ·1 too' k bo 1 · ths ;, · 1 • No ammunition b milllnc, the-Mar\qe "'"' , 1 a u six mon · · • ' nfficial added. It is noi'mal prOcedure fCfi. wlio~wiU\e :~tn:•i:z ~~e~ In Weslm:lnster, prlyate re·c,urlty the FBI to enter s6cti' theft eue1 ai • the pnbJem. · guards were hired when the polid•were federal military lnstaD1tiOQ, it wu ~ Located in Sleepy, Hollow,, aerol!s South unable. to help, . , • Cout .H)chway from the ·Mystic Arts •11 understand that th< j,olice .hero do World psy~Jic ,st:Ore and art 1allery, all. they can aild they're very 'coopera~va tbe Toco B<IJ b i>ne of · the Hollow'• • favorite ptberlnc places ror tona·hiired but Ulla :is a amal~ town anc1·1 know they merDbera of t.cun•'• hippie co>ony. don't have • bi~1 enouch derirtroent to 'Ibey•re !:tad newa lo JU~es~.as .well as spend 106 much time on somithin( like tp the nefsbbbon. ' ~" Rives lai~. . " ' "'I 10 out •bout IO·timet 1'day•and shoo , Regirdlng • dJ,mplainta . Of · umaniiaj.y them otlour tab{el'and walh and·out on· eondlUona at the restaW'4nt, 'the manaatt to the ~'.' he .u!d, "but !hoy k .. p aakl It had Just recently be<l1 given an A· comlDf _hf.ct. I 'Fish the clty1 p:iu.ld do ' 1 rating ror cle31Jlinea .lftcr' a HeaM IDIMtlithr-to help. 11 • · • De~i'lt tnapectiori. · • A previous m.aoaeer of the eatery ap-· •Whit we . 'p\'ant is A nls:e , tamily pealed to tbe ctty Council about one year business.'' said Rim, 0 and we'd ap-.,. m bdp In ~-rid.of the 11\iterers, preciate 'It if the city could help . us but was acMM the pollco could not 10 achleV. that." · . • . onto private· property Jn such a m1tttr. 1 Adding Insult . to lnjuey at 1 the However, the cl!Y did came up wJ\h an bei<aguered Tato Bell thb week wu the onlinao<o lorblddirll iiltlnc or !yin( on ' arrlv1I of • television crew 'repofted!y tbe lide!f•l~. . . miking a docUmentary film oa drup for , "'Daey're too•Datt· to do that ,'' says· e<t~UOIUll c;:ha!W!I 21. • · llfuo.•"lliey sit 'on \ny'wans." '"!'her rounded up a 6".Ch.otkids'l!'d Tbe La-Tapi.llell now i' mal\"f'd · hail llieln lit on my' wan to t>ke'plitores ~ Jl1 t\ie patti1t conJpany and I< • ol ;them,'" !lfY<• ,oompla.Jned .. ~ r,oun1 1 .._. ol ill mOll "'C""lful .ciULl~la. "We pei>ple ~ In the area, he said, but were ...,.. up' tJ 1,iao or. l,tlllO people "" a not sl\tlnc.., P., nil nnUl.eocoarqed to Sl!untlY:' 11y• Rlves.:'andlhla1n ltoell dn IO by the , tt)evlalon cameramen. "! ~ a ~· 11ne th1t oxtenda from · told them to pt ott," sald. tbe Unllappy ii*.wlnolow out to the n...t all day. mu-. , ' · . lioot of the poop&e who d.n., here are Th< Channel II film , ·It 11 reported ..,..jleoplt and nplar r11111ll1 peo-locally, Is dOaimorltbig '"!JOI apcl~"' on &tllf. .,_ cofi Id aU ·tbe bullDas we the drll8 ,. ... ~bll!ildln( Lquna lleacb. • • • • • l.r .i • , -j • I .. • Orange Cou t • After all th~! n)oe • '!~ thll week, wouldn't you mow tbe- weatherman woU1d toll • wet blanket thls . weekend. He Ii•• a 30 percent cha'l'8 ol rain tonlPI and Satur<lay aJooc the -. INSmE TOD,\Y w1 .. r1 llaJ>l)Otli"V al Coria Mt'°'' hopptttinQ Chil· wttrndP You can jn.d oU tlle --and a complete tcMdl< of events ·~ In toda11'• W11knder. { ( I • . I· l I I I ' • gV PILOT L F~1!'f'!!'J~, 1'11 ~ P.ot Tre r •• i. ' • I L e_ary ~eturned . .. o·· Texas C .. · -ourt- Jllled owelllllc ""leftce on • Lal\llla Beach marijuana case_ Dr. Timothy Leary will J>e tramferred from Orange OlullJ to Lindo, Ta., lllil -end to r be .... ldl llnll oo a federal nw1JUaU -llngnp. ''lbe controversial former Harvard P'1!'bol'il' ,Professor was 0>nYicted In i;o-Jan. IO for 1mUUUc1 th,.. oonca ol the -• ._ 'the Melicon bqnlar. ; -.,,..,. Ind aon John were convicted Feb. Ii on chargea filed by Laguna Beacb polJce, "You ore an jnoldl11111, dltriQlealol b> -"' ooclolY," dedored Judi' Mclliilon, who 011ow..,i 1111 wt!o and ... to remtln free on their own ~ pending Morch 11,aenteaclng. · "Timothy is free," said Mr,s. Leary o( her llO-yeaMld hlllblod, wbil bil -aireotod olton but · never oerved ·hard time !or any ol the 111.,ed vlolltiom. "He ls very serene. Very atrong,'' lhe added .. • onnie CoilnlJ Sllperlor Court Judie Bme k. lfclollilon lmmldlaloly molcod ~·· bill Iller .... olld 1111 Wilt . " "He II more fret than most people . T'415 IS TRAPPI D IUNllY'S VI EW D, LI ISURI WORLD'S CHIE , RAIBIT HATI R H•tecl by Some, Admh..,, by Dthtr1, Cornellu1 VonGrH!I Pursues ~lf.iippolttltcl THk Rolontl ... ly Fr'elll P.,e J . ..:. Wbeo !hoy Jiit tho rovolutloaar!U, they havelo Jllrthe ·propbfla." -' . . . . ' UCSB ••• llU.,momlng." . "l1ie _,. in the ..,1y mornJna houri foUowlnl the .activoUon waa tranquU, In COllJ.rut ·to a: aonfrontaliolt .about I a.m. 'l'Jlili'odi1 ln-llie -•tlon am, whlcb !Ikea In •boul -square mue ol the -ClOlllDIWllty ol Wa Viste ilUI Dr. Leary -under Dre ht recent ftll• for'hil ltancl c.m the UM of hllludnOjtnlc drUCt by America'• )'OUftl -w .. con- victed of the federal rap ln Texu four years ago. _ The U.S. Supr<me Court invalidated the collYletlon by ·u:s: District Court Judge Ben CoMa~, who presided at Leary's J>rieL lrill cll,ll . month oo tho samo Rabbits Running Rampant charge. .• At1omey1 .IDT theL<ar,: family .,. ei· pected to op1n appeal iliat Ktion llld al!o the Orone• County case ll<rnminl ln>m. the arrest Ott. 26, 1968, in Laguna . Leisure Worlders Battling Prolific "Bunnies olf'tbe lllllvenft1 .campus, . , Tben a mass of demooitrators, sbilliting and poanding on garbage can lidJ, nished sboulder to shoulder togethiit In llne that completely engulled thli isttef:t and saidewalki ·w was a bloc);• d~ -:pe mau ''came on like a calvlry ~ge," witn.S... WI, rili\lllng at hllh B~ directly at three groups of about 50 oUioU's each. .Some demon.straton cot-- lid<d with 1 few ol the olllem, wbil retr'ut.ed at double ti.mt. ;rJie demn!lltra1ors chased the officers for 'tbree blocks nntll the ofllcen rucbed the campus. The demomtrators then WJl.ked awoy. The retreat, acknowled,ed as 1uch by pollce spokesmen, came Just ane hour Dr. Leary will be Oown to Houston, Tex., sometime this weekend for sen· tendng in the rustic Laredo courtroom, accordtq' to tho U.S. Marshal's Office in LoJ Anleles; . Ho II OljlOctod to p t oomothlna aimllar to tho 'I0-711r lidlrol prjlon term tho Supromo Court !fl!!: 11nrturnecLon. t!ie basil of Yloiol!"I of 1111 comtltutlonaJ ripll ID the on,IW orraL p,.... P .. e J CAL STATE. • • after 300 offki!rs in a concerted {U!h had littered ~t'' he ulcl. swept tho eotlmated IMIO demonJtrators "The collon will liot li>lonte IUCh ... !ram tho otreeta. 'nie IMIO, lroken Into lions." · ' -· ....U lfOlllll •t the Ume, oppmntl)' bid "'"-IU!lty an -warned th1t yau In' their apartmenta bolcn r-uplng are In ~l&tioi! of both colloge ruin and aaiilh. · ~ the law," added Lanpdorf, foreahadow· A 1herl!l'1 spokeaman conllrmed that ing thl!<p to come by 11yJna some aro offlceri bad 111ott.en ~ hell out of there" detenntned for a confn>ntaUon. -bodly outmnnbei'ed, but IOld one The turmoll be1an lmmedlot.ly alter r~ wu thst oUicen were maklni ex-the Lanpdorf poUcy speech, 1parked by traei'dlnary efforts not to be invo lved in about 100 adamant proteltors cheering caa1rontatlons in which they would b1ve haraquee: by bearded, J o n 1 • b a l r e d to 111e their gunt or cluba to defend radlcalr. thomoel••· and thus ~void m114 injurt•. A .......C Olllm•led at 2,000 ~ - In WiaDOOcl.ay nlgbt'1 meleo, a oqued many -· -alleptlcal .,._ car wu burned. allo, real estate offlcu -gltbeftd in ttomt of the admlnlltrlUon .. II:' rllded and ~ pai10lll were .,.. buildlq u the dlanlptlve mood .,. rested. celerated. r ~ Gray, Governor Reqon's '*"" Liquor Wll COlllUllled In lar&e quu. • · -sate! ht ibe· 11tate cvltal thel uu.., the -11 ol burnlns morijuua N1U0nll'Gul1d had been ldlnted wu lo tho air, llld pollco ,...,j>elted t11e the l"vernor 0 auLhorized them WJUuiirt cbls, botilet, coins, a few rocb ti yeatonloy U and when they felt Mil .~ hand ful of !lncroc-. neceulty. . · Sciiie ~ted -"Sle1 . Hell," while S"Jll'Barb4ra sherlU'1 ol!lce said · •notlier l""'P·-• -ol "Amertc1 uatoil Iii• g{W;!•1 help. The Beoutllul," ~ on window j. Don Fole1, gul1d public . In. ' I\::~.~ bnUiq atuo dooq alter f Uon -offtcer, laid 300 . NaUonal H .............. WU eecurea. G!ljnlaman were acUnted Immediately Thia II I nasty lfOUP tontlh~" ~~-~duty at Santa Barbara aoder remarktd Dean ol. Student.a Emat !beriff's general command. Becker. of the IUlf'dsmen, e1cept for a · Police aet 10 p.m. as the deadline and detachment <J. mllltuy "Qollcemtn Capt. Fred Kini withdrew hls tactical ftam the Santa Bartiar1 area, hlef squad about. ll·R.m., under parting shots s • 'Ibey wtre standing by wtth the af rock1, dirt clodJ and foul epjtbeta. force of )(JO local officers. Roa!11fng •a111trator1 afao smashed an Oew to Santa Barbara on the windows Of • campt11 ·eecurtty f<rce 1 to eiamlne the altultion. . He vehicle and l~t the air out af unmarked a 1tate of emefpncy and Fullerton Police Department car tires. the atate attorney general to tn· ate the demonstrators' leadership. / sjike Shuts Airport rtmDON (UPI) -The Brtlllb Airport Walter Simpson, Laguna Doctor , Succumbs at 7 4 By RUDI NIEDZIEUIKI OI' ... CNl~ .... I .. A battle over bunnies ha! Seal Beach Leisure World on its ear. The trouble ls that Brer Rabbit has lJ round his briar patch among the flower beds of the retirement community and tluit'f_prqv!l>I a thorny problem !or the oentor ctt!Uiis. · Armed with trapt and chemJcal repellentt, the "rabbit hat.en'' have betun. to wqe an an-out war against the rampant rabbtts . .--"i'hey 18,)' Cotton had better get 1111 tall out of there. .comeum VanGeest, 77, a wealthy reUrtd merchant bit haters' " unofficial leader during the two-year campaign to buf the bunnies. 'I'ralted rabbits In the old country. l Jib them. They're cute, but they are al10 a nulunce/' declared the Dutch im· mllronL He cl.un. the rabbits are raising havoc wtth the 1lldjolu and the tulips, bur· rowm, hole1 under ezpe:nslve lawns, det\l'Ol'inl trees, m1U., and giving birth on patlol and are potenUal diaeue car-riers, "And you should ,.. their droppJnas," he said. '"nley're aU over our porches and walkway a.•• 1 VanGeest has worked blmaelf lnto 1uch I }~tber OYef the bunnia that he ti of, loHiiii 11,000 to -who can develop an. ol!ICl!Ye birth conln>I pill for rlilblts. "I'm now warkinc on .,I eQdowment fUid and am ·~ dcutlooa lro!n the rabbtt hat.era,' bt eiplalned. "I lllJ'IClll will dooollt the !lnl fl,000." Moaawbllo, ~ ts fllbUnl the nbblll with chemlcal metliodl Ud traps, 111 found out about thll new repellent aj!CI 'bad the market llocl< suppUu. And you know, In 1 year'• Ume they oold Ill""' thin 2,000 bilUles ol It. Tiit trouble II that the people. who. Ult It bavo now ch'ued thtJD bUo IOmeCll.e e I 1 e ' s aarden." He lloo hu been to the 1tete Flab and Gl/ll• Department with bla woes, but cla1mes he received UtUe help. 111 had • little trouble getting to the head mogul, but wben I did, they said the only way to get rid of them iJ to 1boot thtm. But we oouldn't do that around here with our people." "They also told me about the traps," he added, pointing to a model that one ot . his lriends bu just destsned. It can be built!~ 11.IO a copy. "I cai'l't tell~ his name." explained VanGeest. "He s surrounded by rabbit lover• and furs ·reprilals, But he's all'fJldy caught Ill ol tliem." "I'm putting in an immediate order for 100 of thfll\ and plan to tell them at the market." A ' rlty tonJght announced the c106Jfre ndon's Heathrow Airport for an in- te period because of a threatened by !irmeo. athrow ta one of the laraest and airporta in the world . The ty aald it W.Uid ciOM at 7 p.m. (IO a. PST) for an lndeflnlte time. In a'1dltion, VanGeest says, the traps, which 1ppear to work well because they Funeral services will be held •l 1:30 requtr. only I light tripping forct1 will 10 p.m. Monday In Sheffer Laguna Beach up for 11le during Leisure World'• 1Mual Mortuary Chapel for Dr. Walter M. arU and crafta festival. Simpson, dlatln&Uished physician and "U we cquld just get 100 rabbil h8te.rs DAILY PILOT ! OIA.NGI. COAJT'l'UtLllHING C~l'Afff \. le~trl N. WtM i; "'""ffll .... l'Wlltlltl' J.,~ a. c~'''I Viet ~lftnt •q ~· ""'Nitti' Tlto.,.11 K11vil E•llff" 111.,,. •• A.. ,.,,,hi111 "''""lllil l•lllor l lch1"' '· Nill ~ ... ell Chy 111111' --"""· 221 ftrtll A .. 1nu1 1llf .. '-'lir11" P.O. lo• 666, f2611 -- medltal researcher, who died early out with these traps, I think we could ThtD'ld«Y at Beverly Manor Convalucent really do IOmethlng," he sakl, wistfully. Hospital, Capiltrano Beach, at the age ot "1be game departroent hu ottered to '74. come and get the trapped rabbits. They · Dr. Simpson Js 1urvived by his widow, sakl they'd take them to a field where the Ethel, o1 the family home, 1111 C&rmellta hunters would have tun with them." St., Lquno Beocb: two 1on1, Rlchl1d 'fbe lur has ollo.been Oylng among tho Bruce ot Newport Beach and Jamea rabbit lovers who are incented at Michael of Ithaca, N.Y.: a daqhter, VanGee&t's efforts. They like the bunnies Mrs. Mary JWll canc111a of Plttavillt, and even feed them. Mau.; and JO t:randchlktren. A miniature liUJ'Vey ol strollln& Leisure A naUve of LyM, Ma11., Dr. Slinpson World realdenU , taken from VJnGee1t'1 received hll delrte In medicine at the electric cart, however, showed a heavier Unlvenlty cit Mlcbl1an, whero he later conoentrau ... ol rabbit haters than nbblt served u a teachin1 aulltant and in-lover1. ·~Va JMCIJclne. "No, I don't like them at all," hid one He wu u Jnstruakr 1n sur1ery at elderly 1enUeman who aaya h1 his trsln- Johnl Hopklnl, 1 dlroc:tor ol the Ke~ ed hts cat to hunt them down. torlng lnlututo for llltdlcal Roloucb, 1 Another man, wbil appareatljl fancies d~ ol .....,. ,_arch a t conllnenlll di1bes declared, "I only Uke W~ UnlvenllJ Schonl o I them u 'llasenple!ler.' '11llt'1 rabbit MecHclno and conailtant In cancer '""·" r-to unlvm!Ua and inltltutea. He ,... the /Jral recipient of the AnislcU -.i --~· IO!d 'medal ,...,medicll ~ in tllll, WU awarded the Fnach Lqlon ol Honof'4n During the course of the survey, VanGeest uowlttingly crossed enemy lines and entered rabbit lovers territory. "Hey, are you that rabbit killer.'' ex- claimed one man who observed VanGeest trying to catch a bunny for a photographer. "Why you miserable man , you ought to be put In jail lor it. Get out of here. You'.re a clhgrace." Denture, rattlinJ wUh luror, be 1ave VanGeest 1 might)' above which 1ent him reeling aod searehlng for protec'uve cover. The man turned out to be an '1-~r· old \etir'!I railroad !rellht qedt Ray Henderson, a 1vowed rabbit lover. "I like rabbits. They're the cutest things. I watch them by the hour. They 're beautiful, acrobatic, Why would anyone want to k1ll them?'' "Why the hell doesn't he Ii•• 1111 11,000 lo hospital children -Med help Instead of spending it on a rabbit birth cootroI pill. It's the In06t ridiculous thing I ever heard of." Heoderaoo say& he. feeds the rabbits, but would not reveal what the food Js so that VanGeest couldn't bait hia traps with the morsela. "I mow the law and U thll IU)' ~It up , I'm gotng lo -'him bock to Holland. lie bull'!' pl 1n7 nbbll1. U I ever ••ulht him llUloc a tr•p, wey I' " Al \lie furor contlmieo, both . nbblt haten and rabbit lonn ore ocratdilnc their heads over the orillD ol the bunni•. No one knows where thq c:omo lnlm. The CR1ly thing thet appears certo1D II that Uiere ore mono d tbem overy day, Variance . Applicariom • On Planners' Agenda Laiuna lteach plannlJtg conirri'inil'lrltr• will addren them1elve1 k> a 1erie1 of variance appllcatJona at their regubr Monday nJght sesalon at 7:~ In city ball Earth's Survival Topic of Panel ''This Beleaguered Earth; Can Man Survive?" ls the topical title of a panel di.Jcuasion to be 1pon10red by the Laguna Beach branch of the American Assocl a· tion of University Women at 8 p.m. Tues- day in Fellowship Hall at the Community Presbyterian Church, 41' Forest Ave. Dr. Joteph Tomehak, professor of anthropology and member of the Laguna Beach Planning C.Ommi1slon, will serve as moderator for a panel including Al Autry, Laguna Beach City Planner; Dr. LewiJ Follansbee of Orange Coast College, wht will discuss marine en- vironmmt and Dr. Gordon Fi<ldlng ol UC Irvine, whoae topic will be the poUUCll environment. '!be meeting is open to the public, f't'ee of chafle. council cbambon. Coatlnuod !nm I invioal mllllns II I req•t "' E. W. )I-M.S., 710 11. Coast llllhwoy. to -ponn!Uod' !Jelllit wtlh I prol!Olld llz..mil 1.,.- buifdln,(, and to -• portion " tho main bulldinf In the reqytrod front yl1d. The m1tter WU mtend at I Feb. D study ae11XX.. Julie S. Brebner, 311 cr.11 St. II r&- queitlng pannllllon to COllllrUct 1 COO· 1form1n& addJUon to an ttiJUnl non· conlormlni one-lomlly dwolllni wttbilul brill(ini the ontiro llnlCture fulo com- plete con!<lnunce with IOllllt( rep lions. John Can>llne, 735 and na Pearl St., II seeking pennllllon to m.....,. the belibt ol two realdencea !nm the flnllh pod 1£rade and C. E. Siemonsma, 17t CIUf Drive, la aklnl: an exteallon of time on a variance ilflnted him by tho conunllllan and Olly Council In September. The pi..... •llo Ill -to make a formal recomQlm.tatlon on the1r selection d electrolin to be lnlta1lad In the Bolllor Park .,.. on ...,,plotlon d scheduled uUUty underpwnd and will be asked lo approve jewelry mUlq u an approved home occupation In the JI.I (reaidenllal) IClll. B~y, w OIJ1'8 Caught,Face ' DrugQiarge .. \ rr· . tr') ' Allor a ch-U..t ied • .,.;,,. two yl1d1 and over a couple or fences, athletic Lquno Bach Jlll'<Otlcl ol!lcer8 arnsted 1 17-year..W boy end 1 ~ ...... .. drq ~-•ilat1i0' -J!lilbt. Of!loen 11....... llabOocj; ..i lltil Purtell 1c:companltd 1 collnfy probilUoll officer lo 125 Sea Vi<w St. at 8'45 p.m., seeking lo contact a juvenile offender IJUl'llOlldly ll.U. al the ~. When the door wu opened in ..._ to their knock, tho ol!lcefl .ue.. • power1u1 l10IDI o1 martjuani no.te.r aut, tho door WU ~ 11....,..i and u.... WU I sound of Minning feet in the hoUie, the olltoen report. Spo!tln( I youtli ... iting fr..t I ba<k door, ihty P!lf1"ed him over the Ienco, -1 neipbor~i= ~ over a ,.c:ood fence before ' him. ' Boot II the boulo, the olllterf" ~ the front door and placed the occilpant, Betty Callan, 44, under arrest on suspio clon of poaseuion of m a r 1 j.u I D a , paraphernalia. Poliec said they collecteri u evideaee IOVerlJ marijUUO cl,...U.. a..r-""°" quanlllla., _ mar!Jllll!l apd ..... three llflllll o! buhtsti, -plJla, several plpet. incJodJJ:W 1 wai. ptjire cm- taJnJng drug residue and a ct.rlJDlc pot in which two 3.inch marijuana planta were il'O"inl· The fence-jumping youth was booked on char1ea: of po1w11ioo of marijuana and being in a place. where narootie1 were used. n,. tionlle the olllCll'a -· MUlnt lntho ~wuaotbcme. . President Bows To .Pressure On School Aid WASHINGTON (UPI) -Preddmt Nlmibowedto~.....,. for men "bnpacted" ICbool aid today and dNw Ore lnlm Senall Democrota wbo char1ed be ,... repudlotlng bil preYlous veto ol the controvenlal ICbool fund btll. However, Sen. Robert P. Grlllln, (R· Mich.,) said Nixon lbould be pniaed, not crtUciaed, for exercil1nc the 11ut of com. pnnlae" In bid lo win ......-1 -ol • revloed lit bllllan Labor· HSW approprtotlool bill. Tbe lliorp polltlcal debate ..... altel' Seo. Norrll COllGn, (Jl.11.H.,) lald ·Ibo senate in ftfeleuce to Nixon : "W• have h1I UIUrance that ·he won't cut lmpoeted aid beao• he kllOWI bilw much we and our COllllUuonll dep<nd .., Jt. ti Se:nl. Warren G. Maput0n1 (l).Wub.,) and '11loml1 F. Eqleton, O.Mo..) olld the l!F"lnlllr•Uon'1 1tetem111t proved Nixon WU 11lncons1aterrt.11 'Ibey nmlnded Cotton that Nllon cited lmpocted aid u the -t extnvo1ant Item ol lit -be V-the apendJnt bill In I notlooai telovtalon 1ppooronce 1ut .-ii. "Can you apilllt to mo bilw lllil !tom wbJch WU IO COlltrovenlol that It_ I Volo bu become UCHd ud -touchlble!" Eqleton uked. Cotton replted that lllmi ~ the ~ • mlllJon lmpicted aid flaure "out of ,..poet Ind def..-to eon,reu." Cotton bu ollered on ....-1 which would 1ulomltlcally cul the -!ilure by I percent to about l lt )>l!Uon, NllUI would be liven tho !!Piiio ol decldleg wblch ---.. Plfe'!. c tf"t ,.,. .... ,.~ It ...... tfile furniture ef r1m...tlc lnflvMc••• ~tt tlet•M• •"" """"• i;..or1y ••• br 0.-.x•L SLIDES •.• TOUI LOCAi. DIAllll -iiiidL . t•IUION . MmrYAll ~T llld w~~bol'u: :t.N~": He~ici. homeowners to cover the cost ot repair• ) Alter wvlnl u an lllllcn In tha U.S. •• aoon 11 poutblo ao no furth., earth Na., In W«lcf Wor I, Dr. Sln1paoo _.._ 1lida•octlll', to *-1 .._., In the N1YJ lllldlcal '11M moooy to pay !or tho ateilolvo Corf: and, durlDI -Id Wor II wu rebulldln1 d the canyon w1U would come chill ol modldno and llll'llQ' at the U.S. from the lencttnc lnaUtuUon hoidln1 Naval Hoopltal In Loq Boach. He wu mort(qes on the bilmu -l.quno the 1.-GI moro than IOI boob and Federal Savina• and Loan. articles on medical loplcs. Then, whllo tho teln ts In 11!ccl, dlroc:L A resldoot of Coll!omla !or tho J>Oll IO bl1mo !or lllcsllppqe of I0,000 cubic ye111, ho wu 1 member ol Lquno yards ol IOU wQUid be estoblla)ied and -Beai:li.~ Ll&lon POOi m . _ . dependlnc on the out<Onie -the parUes tnteririeut;wlll be at El Toro Cemete1'7, deemed ltg1Uy responsible would assume El r-the COllll. NIWPO•T HACH 1727-llff Dr. •'2.20H OPIN NIDAY ,, • Prtft•l•lllll ........... 0.1,...,, 4¥11l1~lo AID-f!SID I i I f ' ' I ( \ DAIL'l')'ILoT f 1 -' I ' • .. ~ . ·. . • , • • • ',. ~ • f. " '., ·' ~ .. -· .. . ' ~OREN LE~ER ' ' ! . • • . . . . ;F_RO.M THE BANK ·O·F AMEii.CA . . ... ' ·'.· • • . . . • • .I· . ' r .: . . • • • • ' . . . ·~. ' • • ; ' ··~ . ' • . ' • . . . . TO ~ ·f H·E' · ·· • ·' . . .. . I ' . . ' • ! I -' .. I t :'. .. • ' . - COVERNOR OF · C:ALlFORNfA ·. ' 1,.. ,, .• ,.,,.. ....... J. .. ' J r -. . .• . " ·"', • . I I •. . . . . • We r.re deeply dist_ur~ by the wanton act of arson perpetrated on our Isla-Vista ' . Branch on the evening of · February 25. This was not ~ childish prank, a peaceful d~mon stration, or even a non-violent disruption de- signed -to give symbolic meaning to a griev- ance. Rather, it was a criminal act of v·iolent proportions and · in a very real sense an in- \ ' . .. surrection . ago i_~st. !~e d~rn~~r~ti~ prcX:~.ss .. -.... . \o'.' ' .,,"1' • ;I • ' ... ~ • • • 1 It was a revolutionary gesture pl' the ~ind '· > • I ' . ' . that leads to further violence, bloodshed and ' anarchy. Nor was it qn isolated instance but : , rather a continuation of the mindl,us violence that has been eminating from our campuses as a result of the stimulation of a violent few. These acts are foreign to the American ex- ~ perience and they ore troublesomely remin- iscent of the riots perpetrated by the "Brown Shirts" in the late 1920's that eventually led • . . to the rise of Adolph Hitler in Germany. • We are dispotchi11g this open letter to you . . ' - . • ' t".• ' • ' I ' ' . { ' .. .. . . ~ -. . ' -: ' ; . ' .. ·"!. • , .. . and to the mayors of tk9-major ·munldpdlities · ' l . • • • . in our state, because w~;ore deeply concern+. . , ' . ) . .. . · ed not only for ourselves;. but for the physiciil and material welfa,re' J all our citizens;. in- ~ ' T • ·, deed we are conce.r11~ about tlie cox1ti~·ua- tion of the democratic J;irbcess a!'ld the unf9ld- ' . . . ing of fhe American · dream of a good, fair • and just society. We beli.eve that many ~f .the ' _greatest dangers in o(/r' curr'iint situation is . -. . ~-.• ' . . . .,.. .... ). •' , .... 1 ., .. that an angered: and. 011fraged citizenry will ~. : '. •. . . take matters into their own hands,.thus In~ . . . . . . . '\ creasing . th~ qeadly spir~'.I of violence . ·. ' . • •f' I • I ; ' I• ' . . . . .· ' ~ . For these reasons we call on -.you on · be- • I • .• • • ·' • half of all concerned citizens of ~alifornia to .. . . take such steps as maybe necessa,ry .to' b-ring this wanton rowlessriess J~iftly and c6~p' l~1~-r I t • ' D. •. ,,I , ;i··~ ly to on end. We ask · y~u on .beh~!f 9f a.JI j • ' • • ' • ' ' ·, • l. • those who believe i!l thefrdemocratlG pr0cess,. ' ' . '. . ·~·· ·,· .·; . to make certain with 9llJthe ,.!T).Qans 'at,yo,9r ~ 1 .; ... • • • ' • 1. •) .. disposal, that citizens and their · property ore ' . . . ' protected against senseless destructi'on. . . ' . . . ... ~: '· . • I • \ '' . ~ .. '~ .. . . . , .· . . . . :. ~et1:.iis 8. ~ ,,~~ci ndb,~r,g-· ChairMan of the· B~al'.d . :=::·:'..·· . • ·, ; I "". • · · -· ' Bank · ·of Americ:a~ N.T. &" S.A. · · · . . . . "' ' -' • , . . . ' . .. .. .. .. .. ' ~ • <' J!. I • ' {' .... • " • 1 ' ----- ' " I ·~ '" .. /• ' • • . '¥'\ .. , .. . . . . •• . . ' .. .. . . .. ' . ' .. . ,~ , • r • • I _. ___ -.. It DillY PILOT L Officials of Parker-HaMifio Corp. announced they expect to occupy their new plant in the Irvine Industrial C.Omplei byJun<IO. ' . The aerosplce firm has filed a deed with the county recorder showillg they had bought the property from Mlriott Motor Hotels, Inc, for $5.253,500. A spokesman tor Parter-Hannifin said the sale HOMEOWNERS POLICY 1n11 ._. 11ttt1. 147-4t•t ..... , ...... A • FrldQ, fMIN#y 27, 1970 I , > was part of a swap deal with the motel chain. Markltt agreed to build 1 manufacturing plant on the Irvine site to swap for the firm's Los Angeles plant which is located adjacent to the International Airport. Tht Parker • Hannlfi• 1p0kesman said the plant-will b t demolished to make room for • hotel. The new Parker-Hannifin manufacturing plant w 1 I I employ about 900 employees and will turn out vaJves and other small equipment for aerospace use, the official said. C:ONC:HNED AIOUT THE STOC:K MARKET? WHY NOT DIOP IN OUl CORONA DEL MAR OFflCE L•t us h•lp you pl•n your I '70 inv•stm•nt 1tr•t•gy. OPIN POI CONSULTATIONS SATUIDAT 10 A.M. TO J P.M. croW'eU. ~don• eo. MEMIEl.S NEW YORl STOCk EXCHANGE ESTAIUSHlD ltJ2 Stocks, Bonds, Mvtu•1 Fundi l4ZS E.t C:.-"J:.::r. ·C:-"" -· c: 67J-7005 -54'.JJI I ... -.... ·~-... -·-~·---· Gas Plant Top Profits with Sy lvia Porter's New Book MAIL THIS HANDY ORDER FORM TODAY Only $1.26· ~':::.,,..,.,. ........ ·--··--.... -.... ltl11rket • I I l • • ' ' • • ! • I ' • 1 • • • 2 • • • : • ~ "' • = .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. " "' " ,. .. " .. ,, .. \i -~ ,, "' .. .., ~ tt ,, .. ~ .. • •• .. .. .. "' I ·;~ ·• "• •• '" I •• ... • ~ "' .. •• ... .. I " .. ht •• ·v. .. .. ~ • ... .... '" ,_ ... ... , .. ... ... ... "· ,,.. ... .. .. .. "' .. .... '" -... "" •• " l I t1s ··~ .. +:f , .... \ Fino/ Stoclc, In All Hom• ' • . ' \ • ) ' I. I , I ' I , I • ' ( I "• .. ' ' ' • . ' ' . . ' . '. ' I ' "' ,. ,._ .. ,~ ..... • ' . ' ' . THIS IS · 1H·E GR:EA l ,EST ~-, ' J '>., I ',_ • ALL REMAJNING ·'69's ~MUST GO! THlll All ONLY 10 'H's LlfT IN STOCK AND THIY.MUST GO IM· MEDIATllY. AU"-'11 FUl,LY 119Ull'HD INCtUDIN• AIR CONDI· TIONING AND 'ALL HAYE LOW MlllAGll . 6-.9 -co:russ· si.J.P~EME $2, 943. 98 · 2 Dlt. ,_.AltDTOI' -•· • ~ ' i S1ri11 # l 4217tZJ.OOl ll , .._ '69· ~0~~~.~!S SUPREME· $2 .. 962·43 Seri•! #·l41179ZIOOS10 •. '69 '69 '69 '69 '69 '69 '69 CUTLASS SUPREME $2'. 9·7· 748 2 Olt: HARDTO,I' S1ri1l # 342171%102305 CUTLASS "S" 2 Dk. HAltOTOI' S1ri1I # 31617972125145 CUTLASS "S" 2-DR. HAADtol•· • S.ri1I # ll617f7Zl2S150 CUTLASS "S" -1 DR. HARDTOP' Serial # ll617t7Zl·lSll6 • CUT,LASS "S" 2 Dlt. HARDTOI' S1ri1I # ll617J1'ZJ.216Z6 CUTLASS "S" 4 DR. HARDTOI',. S1ri1I '# l42lflZl2216! ROYALE 2 Olt. HARDTOP_ 1 S1ri1I # l 6lt479C110224 ' '69 DELTA .88 ·,CUSTOM ? OR. HAltDTOI' S1ri1/ # l64J79ZI 1114) $360552 ' . . '70 G.M.C. %-TON PICKUP. . CAMPER EQUIPPED 'Rac:l!o, hMtw, hMvy duty·1prlnp,· •t•biliur, IHf suapensf4m, power .. br•kas, 750 x 16 I ply tlres,.spUt rims, 350 VI, AT400 •vfMM1tic, west coe1t mirrOr1, step bumper; bellutlful sunlight yellow· with bl1ck d .. luxe Interior. S.ri•I .:lt Z257Ql4. . . '3195 • CO SIA ' MES/4 . '/ • . . '' . '.65 · CADiLLAC DE VILLE H.T., '68 RIVIERA cd.UPE '6'7 CHRYSLER' loO 'H;'I'.' · .. =13:E~~:s:··;:~ $f. 9· . 9·. ·9· 1 ,:,.::,::;i,.~:~::",::$39n.9 :r:.:~~~=; .. ·:::12· '.2· ·-,99· ~) • • ' .' • ' !VHE4fl ' • . ' • . :7 ; .. , 'w~u,,.. tltl>S, 1Vwrs.4f.) ' -•• I , I , . . -• '65~0tDS D'ELTAc 88 :H'.T: '6l 'OLDS DELTA :J8~.coN,Yt.:". 1'67 Ot;,DS VISTA CRUISkit~ ... ..:-' ...... ~, 'K"'' ol;.-'e-[29' 9 ~':..?'ill:!~":": .. :~: IJt.1' l9-' .,, '.' ,"(..,.. W,··o~ ...... , "'$2• 9' ~: 9' ' ,_.., ,,_.,,.. a. tirekn, r•· ill' 1 r.tdlo. M•tet:· wtiilew•ll trr... if' . . . iorr e lr, 110wtr 1reer1,,., l)O.,,. •• f die; II.al!"• ~lit w~IJ 11•.n . • ' (TIHUIJ _ • ·er · ,b<J~~ ·....,lo, t.MM!', · • - _ ~ .'[ (PGU91f) -• • • , _ , • ~UeweH tll'ft, I013A5N) ~~~~~~~---..11~-:--~----.....;;.,;;.;;;.~ ..... _,. .............................. '!'"9 '67 CHEVROL£T JMPAi.:A '68 MUSTANG-l'IARDTOP'. ·.. . ~69 'Bl!ICK WILDCAT ·CUST~r,t $tit C.w »7 Vt, e1111i.1 lee· $1699 VI. •UIOIYM!k:, "°'"' 11ftr· $'16' 99 '.!f,T. VI. eUJ~;lc, fK~\369' ~9· ,.,; '" .... " • .;;.... • ' ' '"" ..... '""'· ......... . ' . . ' ' "'· ..... ""''"'· ":I::.,. ' ' c • • brtkM., ·;,die, hetl••· ..,,lie-' . • ' "'"· 1ir>f, 1leH, wr-1 (OV• ' ~f.':i~"'~r-:.::::·· (~';. . . " .. ' . W4111 1lres. ITtNW) irr1, l'1d~bltck. (XOK2201 I ' • ',IJ!I , • ~.6=-s -::O~LD~S~M~O~B~ILE~9;;;.8 .;;H;... T.;;. ;....;;;.. II ::-.6~5-0~L~D~S~S~TA~R~Fl~R~E~C~O;..U.:;P"'r.;.. '68 OLDS 4.4.2 H.T. COUPE, $1199 ~:.:.:::::,::::::}£:: $1399 llnted 1i.11. <Plt~J -.6-6_C_A_D-IL_LA_C_DE_.;V;;.IU.;;.E..;.,H..:.T::... ..... ..u1to .... 1k:, fKIDrY •Ir, full POWlll", refllt , h .. 11r, wfllltwe!I tlrH. (£1X7'•) '68 FORD 1/2 TON '67 'CAMARO HAR.TOP CPE. "· '"ION,., ,,_ , ... ,. $2199 Ing, powtr br•kn, r..:llo, hN1· w~r, Ctmpw tpec!el, 20.000 ect. rnlltl. 111UKI . • '""""'· """ """ oo~• $1499 11Mrl111., PtWel' llr•k .. , radio, · ' • . ;:""• whit.well flrK. (U'Ja-: . .. ~-'"· '""" '"· $2199 11111 ..o-, re4 1o, h..ttr, WIWN.,,,.,11 tlru. (lt.OM20t) • '67 OLDS DELTA 88 H.T. '65 OLDS 4·4·2 COUPE '66 OLDS LUXURY SEDAN "'· .. -··· -· """"' $17 99 ............... _...... $1' 2 99 "" ,,,_, .. '""" .... $'17 9' 9' . end l>l'.iia. red I•. h••I••• ' Ing, •.-iwtr ''"'h19, p0w.r • tun _.,, redlo, heeler, • '!""lleweU tlrtJ, IULU17Ji) t ;;,k11, radld, h~NI'. CN UM· . wh1t1welt llra.,ISKX069J , '. , '68 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill H.T. ........... """' "'· $17 99 Pll-1!"rln9 lo brekH, > tl dlo, fll•!tl', wllll-11 11.... ' ' . (VNEQIJ • ' , '68 OLDS CUTLASS SUP. H.T. <~. "" '""-"· '"$209' 9 IGry air, 'p0wer ""ring f. brekes, redlo, flt•J••· w~l!t- wetlt, vln.,i rocil. tWIJJ251 • ' . ' '63 CORVAIR 95 VAN ' G~Jillder et19iflt, 4 IPfld tren1mlulon. l!Htor. IDMS- ''" '66 OLDS CUTLASS SUP. ~ ... ~=.:::: ,:::·:..::: $1499" whlttwell tlr"-vlnyl roof. CSLwtlll , '66 MUSTANG H.T. COUPE VO, ... N .. <, '''"" '"' $1699' l!OWer .. )ftrl119, rMIO, hH lllf, wtilt1w11t 11r... (T•XOff) '67 CHEY. CAPRICE · H:T. "'· VO, '"""""'' OOM< $1·1·99 119.rlncl, pow.r brtk.S, redlo, • ~ hHI.,, Whitewall tlrM. ITTM· • j , M7J • , , '68 PONTIAC LE MANS . ~·:~::.~::r.s~.-.::$21!'99 ~'ri~~· wMtl cevtr1. low ~ • ' RememfJer,. "WE ARE NEVER . , SATISFIED VNTIL YOV ·ARE" '. .. . . HARBOR 'BLVD., COST~ MESA .. ·•· :G.M ,-C, TR~UCKS • 540~8881 • . I ... ' ' I I• ., ' I 1 ~I ' I . • ' I' ,.yop,:o, ~0/,49,.1 ·sECTIONS, 4'•PA6ES ' 'OAAN6E coOl'ITY, CALI~~· FEBRUAR't .. 27, lt70 JEN •CENTs -~·. • • • •• ..... ... • J l llf J• 2 • _.> -· I • • ~ r:r~n~i~n, Reig1lS .on Cal State Fullert9n~ampns' I ' • J • 'Delllnt .itudents· sipglng ",Aziierlca The the-wake ol lbe demonstrilioa 1!1"300/".bo • court penalliea r... •it·ln5. property ~fuJ,. behind a hall:Of rOcks, bottles... retreated after jOinin& 75 wbO occ~led damqe or disturbance. (~a_Ck,ei-~ and ~ene wQrcyi w~e the ' Letters arid ~ Building Sbtdents actlviata .~knotrledPd U>eir ~off the Gal St.ate Fullerton ... cam-retreated be!ore 18 helmeted rio~ p;olice. contempt of ~ reatraintq qrder by pqa .Thursday in a ~' uglier con-. A temporaiy ·reatr~g ordet1 naming pouripg a half-&•Jlon of milk efvr1 campus fr-Qn!ation. California State' CoUege TTiu.slees 'as security force chief Ruuell Keeley u he TM pictu'resque~pUs In. the heart ot plaintiffs and' sevep, -•sons. plus •500 rea4 it aloud. 1 C(f)Rrvative ,Orance CwDty Jay U*1°' a. • John Does ls defendants was issued Tbe, l~page documen~ namts seven ~ ct.llJl Joday ~•11.Uw.rities: a.nd •4lssi-~-earlier by Orange County Superior Court ~tlegeil rirlgleadera. dent atudents waited for .lhe nex t mo.v" : Judge Rayniond Thompson. They are : students David MacK1ow1k, Jikeinel!Yous.chess play~s. • The' 'docwnent . forbid• .lurtber. di~up-Bruce Church,. Ted 1sqKlneberger. Kim NO-injuries or arletls were reported in , tion .alidi.damage', (.arrrying coptempt ol. Kanet,.Jim Cltair, Don Slavin and ProC, o ' F • "' ~ • ,~. t ., ~ I . .. ' . Sluort Siivera.. CampH -·· 1lepll llooding con1don .GI tho aelDd balldlil lillortly alter CSCI' Pr-.t. Wllilam B. yini-reod·an .,~u~ hard·llne ~·~ 1t1ll a.m. to. 5,000 students. The 1attififinr' was 'tbt 11a.r&esl in the ~himlry d. the -campus, wtdcb has a total enrollment of 13,00& many ol. 'Whom ·were among the . S,OOO ·to· cbW Lanpdorf's sta~ta. - "One ,thfn&'l must m_&.ke ctyslal .clear Is that illl3 cam))UI I& no fhel\er I"!' !hose , ~llil( obacenlU.~ at ,G<iv. ~ , who would violate the liw)" the pruident '. Reagan In his Feb. t campus aPeeth. d~laied, reading lronj the band·wriUen }..anafdorr charged the, • c,a i sta tement. · • • , demonatrators have· brokl!A Into ''In the rlast ·few ,days, ,scime sludent11 ' and committed a variety ot ta,. Yio r• here, apparently au,mented,"troin oulslde . slnce 'trouble erupte(I Tbuild'aj, ' - th'e campus, have carried on i campiign ' to a pollce conirontation. ' aimed •t forcing ·me-tO accede to thei}' · ''Tiley forced tbeit1 way ln\ct. offices, demands/' hi 'sai'CI •• :: • stole unopene<J U.S. ma!l,.J18ed' coUea:• They ·are protesti;g tlle1-arte5t or fele phones for personal b:m& dllUnce ~acKiowak, 25, of £orona,-:11,nd Church, calls, wrote obsceniti~s on;Ufe waU.•'8Dd 31, of F.ullerton, •ttot.b ·charged with (St:t CAL STATE, PJlt I) " • ·oves ·u·· a· r ' .,. . .. " : , ''I . -., •• l ' ' ' I ' t ' • ' ' ' .. ' Beach Fun . ' Cioses .. 7th "· ' Winter ·Fest ' ' Lll'Jna Beach's Seventh Annual Winter FestiYal will wind up In a llurry of ac- tivity thia weekend , with emphasis on beacb qritnted events, including surfing, • catamaran racin1 and volleyball. lftlleor Ktion wilt include the "flr1t-tr"~n·the-Laguna" dart tournament, with competing teams rrom tlu::oughout > the South'!'!~l, a®, fu'rluaing ,of ~b1Uel..ac· ~ l!igb ac1l99I •MMIJ , m. . , • , ~ . L On_e Sho1' .. Scores Hurt In Riotiu·~'-+ ~ ' ·~ '· From Win: Servtm 1 ' -The seaside Student cp~unl!Y of tall Vista at the U1.1iverslty of Cllllfoglia Sp· ta Barbara became an armed camp lo- da)t, ·pa1roled by· hundreds of Cailfornia NiUonal Guardsmen, after ttira ~ ~ , or vlOlence ~~Ch bas lef~ ~e ~' t shot,1acore,· lllJl:lfed ·and· at Ital\ 11· ... "°J rcated..l 1• I' :O.t Governor lJlbnolillltapo caJJed In !lie • • ti~ liQ,d ~ -....,., ........... , '1 ' ' < T T !!"!'! ...,_ 1 fl'Ol!llJlna~~ wijl ~ ~ earlYJ;fll!<>ii!i~ . e~:"ut~I 1fBofS'Clizb~ Jli• Laruiia llany , Suj)day e~, J • ~'' The SatUrd1y·achedule 1ets·UllCA!r\·••Y ' ' "· rowtng in~. •Uf!DJ the ~ 'lliuri- • • f day whic ilao IOiUfiiil. ~ ~ :,j. .'} fieers, two students and at the peak ta. -.. bright and eartY wtU. a s~rinf tourna- ment apon..-.d by lbe µss~ Weatern Smfi,,_ Divlelon and tlie Laguno Bloch SUrfing f;lub, starting at 7 a.m. on TbalJA Sitt<! Beocb.. Rehearsjltg• for·musical·coll!O\IY• at Thurston Schoo!•iitI.aiuna Beach are\(lep·hom left) Patty SlowsJ(y anti Priscilla Howard and!(bottoili from left)· 5ilsan Barnes 'and Carol Crumley. Clowns will dmmlllll:al numllier in show, ·Which will l'\llf')farch :J..8. Tickets are prjced at tl.25,for' adults; ?5 cents for ~hildren. Proceeds will go for new stage, facilitil!:s:at tbe 'SCbool. . · ~· t ' Hillside Repairs ·Weighed; A' d~inli!'i lurnout o{ hill&ide ,Since then Ate Eii-..Seels !amUy·ha• dwellMs In San'1:1emenle'• P-r: ·hadtolaltaUilr<llc!enc.-ln.orilythereitr !Dllcrelt tract Tbunday mulled• over ball ol their home bee•-GI leara ol oeveral moiltod• to repair heavy •lido luriber earth ll!ppap; daln&ge already.•threa.tenlng one boule. ~ Several 1variltioal,... dlltuawd,~but and all the plana have an expena!ff pico all ~ qreoll thal,meJn parUcalar tag in common. · misbl hive fUlfta1Jty bot it might mean City Manager Ken Carr. hims:elf a res!-that aboiut 30 ~_eownera would ~ave ftctil or the tract, aod City Engineer Phil $3,~ aplect ~ onto flRh: 10ani 'to Petru-told the 18 homeowner&. tbat iL •covet the coat. • · 11-''''"" · ; would CO!! as estimaled !1J0,000 for The plan, which wiU be lndudeil Jn ctudles and earth movl'ng to n:;pair the Carr's suggesli._ 1o the cliy cou~H 1•Pln& slide wbk:h b endangtring a home Wednesday, involves tJ)g ae{Ung of. a liM at 717 Avenida COkJmbo. The land there on pwpa:t:, of ·-.ttauy at t t ct e d '-' ·crasb<d Into a canyoo lasl January. ( 'SUDll, """ I) -. " .... ___ ,..._ • The exciting ca~aran racinc event ls !ICheduled to start at noon Saturday off tht Main Sfiaeb at the foot of Broadway. Volleybatl tournament.I wiQ be' played an. tbe Main Beach and in the girls' gym at· the high school, btginnln1 at 12:30 p.m. Darts will fly In ·tbe Riviera Room at the Hotel Laguna from 10 a.m. to• p.m. u !ndividuab and teama compete for U!e World Cup of Darts and other prizes. The Laguna Craft Guild's Arts and Crall! Fall' will continue on the Festival grounds from 10 a.m. to s p.m. both Saturday and Sunday, The Laguna Beach Civic BaJlel Com· pany. will_ present lta Eveolng of Ballet at the high acbool at l '.311 p.m. Saturday, Tickets are $2.50 'for adults and Sl.50 for . children. The ballet played to turn-aw•Y crowds last weekend in a special children's program at the FesUval Forum Theater, On Sunday the surfing tournament and catamaran races will continue at 7 a.m. and ooon, respectively, along with botb the beach and indoor volleyb1ll tournament• at 12:30. p.m. The dart tournament will move into final competition, again scheduled from 10 a.m. tog p.m._ in the Hotel Laguna. . On Sunday afternoon from 1 to 5 p.m .. the Laguna Beach Art Association Gallery at ~7 Cliff Drive will bold open house. with admission free to the public. ,Tbe colorful barbecue, a first for the Winter F!Uilval, will get under way 1t ". th!: new Boys' 'club, 1085 Laguna Canyon '• ROad, at I p.m., conUnulng until 11 p.m. Witb. quantities of food, music, en- tertaimnent and garnea. Tlcl<el& m 15. Children Wider IJ hflf price. Council to Meet 4 Nights in Row Laguna ·eeach city councilmen. (whott> pay is 1 priiicely $150 a month) are iche- duled to set aome.thiag•or a record next v.·eek with four night meetings in a row. Tht council, which normally mttta on WednMday•s alternating regular meet~ lngs with study sessions, is l1oed up for a btJdgtt stUdy st1sion Monday night. a study ....ion "" sip ordinance lmple, mentatloll Tueadly nlib4 • regulor ,,.. •ion w-, nfliit and a ltUdy ,... •Ion with -boud dlrecton Thun<lay nllht. to -·-Ible lnclunon ol trq4 coll-lees on wa~ bW~ " . , Stech Jif'crllet \'ot\'ld ·some JJOO 1Wdents. .._ .... ' $>meftltl ~~midi , : hil-a~n tac:tJd ttithdr.;, ti ,_tbiit _.,.partment d1ttlllnp around ~ • alter batUing 3IO police sberilrr~. and highway patrolmen for 'mote Um seven hours." • ' At t~ height of the outbre31t,' a,.~yeat· old resident of the area, W'lnSlow C: T~el~ was shot-in the shoulder when M . drpve hi! car lhrqugh ·a pouee bJock!'de} rre was mistaken tor a demonatrator; poll~ said. Atlother was run over by' 1 Police :squad car. : About 300 guardsmen set up camp Jn th~ moder11lstlc eonlmunity todiY wlili anoUier 300 enroute from Los Anlelitt called out by .Reagan at the reqaat.ol SbF\!f Jamp W•ijster, who aid ~ guilnl w:lll' lie used, bul euet171-·oi@ when will be determined" somettine Jatet w .. ind.illri the B.e.11 '. (S<eU~P ... I) •• .. 8 · . ·e FBI Enters ease :; Hippi:eS' Plague Taco St{ln,d · , · · Of Rifle Theft By BARBARA KREIBICH ' Of Ille OllllJ' Plltl' ttiff, want With ju!lt. family' trade. -.that'i · ; what we'd like' to_ have. The hlpples bu' i The FBI t.oday entered . the Jii:. Hippie hanaera-on are also a headache Coke ,or somethlng . and . then just hand· vestigation or. a theft or 10 'M,Tf rillts to the manaa:~ment of the Laguna Beach around." . . , which are. missing from a buildirii on the Taco Bell al &tt . S. Coast Highway, {tives, who hrui been in Laguna ror just Cpmp Pendleton Marine base. • manager Chuck Rives said 'today. one month, said he had seen sitrlllat., pro-Martne spokesmen said the j on Of the ""'-, , ~ _ firearms apparenUy occurred some lime •11e Mexican-styie-, eatery "'.as lhe ' blCms , 1 but oot 'quit'-. as bad,1 In. other . betWeen 11:30 p.m. Wednesday and' e:'9 taraet thl! ~e.k of. a petltl~? slgqed by, · ar~as. Jo ~ng. ~at.ti. •. ~saifto-the police a.m. Thursday. The weapooa were tak~f 150 pro~rty °'!Ders an~ ~u~mess ,people ~ Cinahy came to the aid or tlie eatery and . from a bullding used " tor cruh rescue· who ,seek ·to' .. ha~• rlt declaredt a•·poblic cl~aned ,out' the 'linsa"vory !Olteters ···tb(it ' vehicles and personnel. i · --by the ·1y ""'-...:.···~.. 1 • · i · No atnmuniUon ls rilis.sing, tbe"Marlne nu1sa....... ·o. .. 11R:· Y".1._. now s , il took about six m1>ntbs'.'' · · · · the bands of La ·• cit ttom · · · ·official added. It is nQrma_I Procedure for m• · · gun•.• Ya '>:· . In Westminster,1 ptiYate se'c ur1~Y the FBI to enter such theft cases on a who will be asked for 11 legal option on : nls . rur· ed' be ""-·11c I " · Ua l · ·~ the problem. . gu~ : were . w. ~~·uc· po e l'fe re redtra military Jnsla . ' on, 1~ wag no.._. Loc:ated ln Sleepy. HoUow, acroU'Soutb unabl~ to help.. · · . ' , Coal 'HlgbWay 'fr0m· tho MyJUc .Arts "r understand that tbe'polfce ibere' do World ~lic'1tore •nd ,art aau~, aU1they Can·aQd·lhey're-very.Cooperit1ve tM1 Taco iBelJ fl ·one ot tM r HolJOW • but thia 1s a amau~ t&w.i aDd l )I: th y' lminte Pthorlnc Jilam r,,., loog-balred ' . ' . • , , • now e members of Lquna'a hippie colooy. . . dop. ~ hive a big. ~~<defm:trtjent ·to Tbef'te ·l:f&cfnN"r .to'JUfts, 'a1 ·well •a1 · spend too much time on eomething like to .ttje nllgtibbOrt. , ' , this/' Rives said. ~ ; 1 · "I IO out about 50 times a d8y-arid't:hbo ' · Regardlng com~lainb 'o'' unsanitary thent off:O.r'tabla and walls.1nd ·out on-condltiona,at tOO rtetaurant\ the man3ier to•the 1treet1" ,be uid, "but they keep ' said it 'had just recently been given an A· cominl 1biCk .. l' 1'ish the cl\y .Could do I rating for cleanliness 'alter a Helith iomething to help." ' ' Departmenl•1!is,Pectio~. .' A prevl~ mana1er of lbe eatery ap-4'\Vhat we want 1s a nice ramlly peaJed to, the City Council about one year buslftess," aald Rives , "anl:I we'd' ap- 110 for help In gtttbJti ild Of Ille iotterers, predate it i£ the tity cOuld h<lp · ., · but was advbed the police could noJ JO achieve. 'that:" anto private property in aucb> a mauer. MdJng Insult to. injury at the However, the city 4id)e0me 1JP"Wlth an· c beleaguered «Taco1Belt this week wU ,~ C>rdlntnee lorbiddlnC 1ittJni or !yin( on arrival of Jl lelevillon · crew re;iortedly UM; ildiwaft.: • · · malting a documentary film on dru(S for 'm.ey'ft too llllltt· to do tba4 ~'Ni< edu<&Uonal <ChanbeJ ill. ' · lllvet. "They lllt oli my wa!IJ.'~ • ' "They rounded .up a.bunch of ldds,and 'nit i.i...,. Taco 'llell now Ii mantaed had them •it on my' w1U to takO'plctvru dlreetJy. 'by 'th• P8"!1I company and ·1, · or .them/' ru .. , oompllfned,•ll'bo young ine Cl Hi most' ....C.sllol ouilels. "'We peopl,wettlrrJh<.arool, he'8id,.l>lllW.ro ·Ima up.to ·l,11111 or'2,llili JM!l>ple on a 'oot1ltUntonthewallunUJ'eilCOt1r11edto i&l~Y.'.' 191 Rlvei .. Jo•,,.,.-this in ltlelf .. do so-ti)' the lttlev1td0n' came'ramen. · "'t ~-·•·!Ood lli>e·thlr ut...i.:fl<lm told them:to get .off," uld 1n.:unhtppy Orange 1 '1--.r,iler all that hiee weather ~· w woukln't 'ytMJ' b'.loW r the weath man would ~toa a wet blankel this weektod. H.e"iih'ts a , 30 Percent charice of. . rain 1tonlabl. · and Saturday alq the coa•t. INSmE TeDA¥ ' ,...... :lro9r, --... "'""'91 -... =-. ......... ·--"' ...... -N-•. lfMl llilMlllt ff.II the ·w1n00w out to'lthi atreet.'IU daf: ' manftier• ' ' l f • :: i.-•. ·-.. = V·• :=-;: _. ,~,: I • ·'r" ~. Mllft Gl 'tbf pa6pll wbf come ~ore , Til6 Channel' II film, ·It IJ • rtp\,rled buihleu 'P119Pll ·aqd rtlQ)or fll!tlly pao. locally, IJ· -· "j1ot &poit' •Oii! . 'If'. 111c1 ..,. c..1 .-:.au:the:~ ':', : lboidrlli--.,lilcltldlllC LiiWla ~~· •• '----------''--' ' ' ••• . . I I . , I I ... -.... -' I Leary Returned . . . To· Texas ~urt~ . ' " JaJled awaltll!a sentence on 1 Laauna Beach marijuana case, Dr. Timothy Leary will be transferred front Orange Oomd)' to Lando, Tex., lhl1 we4end to bo;lllW!I his lonn on 1 fedtr1tnwijulna ~rap. _ 'J'he controversial former Harvard ~OSY pror.,,.r" was convicted In · ~-Jah. 20 for tmugg!Jng three oilriC<s of the weed across the Meilelll ~-·~· County Superior Court Jud(e II~ It McMillan lmm~alely revoked 41!'1'• bail alter he and hll wtle ··- :)-. Pro• P•9e l UCSB •.. thit-m~." . • • !">" I ~ ~ q Jolln..-,.ere convlctod Feb. II on cliitges filed by Laguna Buch police. ' ' "-You are an l~dl°"' detrimenlal In. --... aodely,'" -Judp lleMllla, who aJlond hla wtle and .., to romala fnt m lllelr own reoosiu- peodlog March 'u aentenc:1ng. ·· ""Tiri>olhy ts fie<," said Mn. Lwy ol her »year-old husband, who I>-. been aiNltoil ·often· buf ....,. oerved hard lim. for any ol lhe lliesed vlollllom. "''Ht b V!'f'! ltl'ate, Very stfOn«," she added. .. "He ii mo<.' ltee than ,_ -1e. When they j>il.the ttvolullooerlei. the• ha!e. to J,an the 'J>rOpbets.'' • I " Dr. Le~iy -under ·nre h1 ,_nt y11r1 !0< hla stind on !he wiO ol hllluctnOgeDlc cirup .. by, America's )'1>Ullg -WU -victed of ·the ledefal rap ID Teau fjJur years . ago. The U.S. Supreme Court Invalidated the conVictiOn by U.'S. District C.Ourt Judge Be~ C.OnnaJJr, who pres.lded at Leary's brief ·f.rial, ·Wt month oo I.be same charge. . THIS IS TRAPPED BUNNY'S VIEW 01' 1.E !SURE WORLD'S CHIEI'' RAlllT HATER H1tod by Soma, Admtr..i by OtM;1, Cornollu1 'v1nGreeat Purs-S.lf-1ppolnted T•• RefenllH1ly • Rabbits Running Rampali~ • Boy,~oman Ca~ht,Fae.e , , Orug~arge ... ..... . , ' ' . . . 'After a'dwe1hil led acrou'lwo Yan!• ud· ~ • ~ -of (IQOU, .W.tk: IA&\1111 Beach .....UC. olflcen arree1ed 1 t7·year-old boy ad 1 44-y~ woman on druc ---!paraaulon ~· •, 'l'llllr...,'1'fCbl. . ' . I , Olllcert -ila~t .1!1C1 !1111 ' --~ __ , t;obllloa oll!cer to 135 Sea View Sl at 1:45 p.ln .• ~ to contact a juvenile oUendtr IUIJPC!ltdlY liVIAtl •I th!' ~. '!Vhai° the door WU openOd In felf)Cllllt to their -. the o1nc.r. .u.,. .• powerful ...... ol IDllfilllnl !looltd. out. lhe door WU hutlly 1laJn!Md and there WU I IOtlftd of running·leet in the~' the office1I refl!lll. Spotting a youµ, ... iting from • hack doilr, they punqed lllm over the r~· a neipbO<'i yard and over 1 fence before catehtrw ' him. . . Back at the hquJe, the olflcers ,_ the Iron\ door and placed the occUpan~ Betty Callan, ... under arrest on !USpi- cion of pos.wssion of m a r i j u a n 1 , paraphernalia. · , 'l'tie &Cene in the early morning hours !~Ing the octlvallon WaJ 'tradquli, In CQl!trut to a,confroltatkln about 9 a.m, 'l'blp'ldly In the d.-allon area, whJcb takes Jn about oae BqUare mile of lll.-_,._caaununlly of WI Vlsll just off-ta 11tllvenlly campwi. · • n.en · a mus of demonltraton, abouting and pounding on garbage can . lid.!, ruabed ahoulder to shoulder together In line that completely engulled the rtftet Ind aaidewali:I and WU a bJoct Atlorneys-!or the Leary family are II' pecttd to apln appeal that ldlon and also the Otqe County cue tternmlDI from tbe·amsl Dec. 28, ltll, tn Laguna. • Dr. Leary will be flown to Houston, Tei., sometime this weekend for sen- tencing in the runic Laredo cotirtroom, acoordlng to the U.S. Mlnbal'1 Offic:o in Los Angel.,, Leisur~ W orlder~ Battling Prolific Bunnies By RUDI NIEDZIEUIU 01 ... °""' ., ........ A 'battle over bunnies bu Seal Beach Leisure World on its ear. During the course of the survey, VanGeest unwlttlngiy cro..!led enemy lines and entered rabbit lovers ierrttory. , "Wby the hell ~·the ';i., bll fl,000 lo bospftal children who neecf. help Instead of spending It on a rabbit birth control pill. It's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard ol." Pollec said they collectea u evldenp severil marijuana ~lprettes and butll. quanlllill ol -marijuana and seedl,, three grlllll of hubllb, -pllfl, aeveral plpU. U..•wiint 1 water pipe cc.& ·talnlilt lfnl& ....i.m. and • ceramic pol In whlch two }Inch mArljuana plants were growing. deep. , . 1'the masa ~·came on like a calvlry c:btge,'' witnesses said, running at high ,peea directly at three groups of about 50 oUicirs each. .SOme demonstrators coJ. lideJI with a few of tbe . Officer1, who retreated 1t dooble time. He ls expeeted to 1et something similar to the IG-yeaf fedtral prllon term the Supreme Court Later overturned on the basil of -ol hla C0111lilullon1l ri,bls In the orlilDal .amal }b_e demomlrators clwed the office" . , for lltree blocks until the ofllcers reached . ,._ P.,e I the campus. The demoutrators theo .•. w~.:;::r;-m. ... Jiilpiluaucllby -CAL STATE •.• pollct, spo.tamen, ·came just' one hour altet 300 officers In a concerted rush had littered buildlnp," be aid • B'ftl>t the estimated 500 demonstrators "The colleae w1U not tolerate eucb ae- from Uie 1lreels. The 500, brokf:n lnto tion!." · · ~ groups at the time, appmnUy hid "Thole gull!y are now warned lhet you ili"'\heir Aplirtments before regrouping are m violation of both colle1e rulea and apill. the law," added Llnpdorf, foreshadow. A aberill"s 1po-esman confirmed that ing thJnga to come by saying some are officers hlid 'JoUen ~bell out of tbere1' determined for a COQfrontatJCln. when badly outnwribered, but said one . The turmoil began immediately alter ~ wu that oqicera were making ex-the Lanpdorf policy speech, sparked by ~ efiorls not to he Involved In about 100 adamant proteaton cheering coMrontatJOos in Which they would have har:mguea by bearded, I o n 1. h 1 l red to ... Use tbelr gum or clubs to defend radJcab. themoelves, and thua.avold masa Injuries. A crowd ertimateil at 11000 --II\ Wed...a.Y nilbt'1 m~iee, a squad llWl!'.....U., w!~ mptfCal llh- cat wu """"°'• also, real eslste officea -gllherod ID lnlnt of the lldtnlnlltratlo wefe raided and ss persons were ar-building u the disruptive mood ac-relled. celerated. ,, . ~ 1ld Gray, Governor Rea1art'1 prNI Liquor _._.....Jn llrP quan.• ,._,llld In tho 11111 caj>!ll! that Uil\!I, Ille. smell of burning ~ iwaudNI Guard1114 bffn 'lctlvaltd •u In the air, and .police were pe!IOd '1P.se the gc>vernor "authorized them with dJrt clods, botUes, colnl, a few rockll t ' it yesterday U and when they felt lotl a.blndfu! of firecrackers. eceuil)'. ' ..,: ScrDe ... chanted "S!eg Heil," w}llle Sint.a Barbara sheriff's office said ,anotliir~group ~DI 1 verae al "America; It uea!eil the guard:1 help. · .The ¥Uutlful, Pol!ndlng on window , Don Foley, guard publlc in-ll'•i:I~ brea!<fng glasa doors Iller. ation officer said 300 NlUonal the g wu leCured. .sman were 'acUv'ated immediately ''nlla ts • nut)' group tonight,•• re on duty at Santa Barbara under remarted Dean of Shldentl Ernest rifrs general command. Becker. of the guardsmen, except for a Police aet 10 p.m. u the deadline and detachment fl.. milltiry..,pollcemen, Capt. Fred Kini wtthcirtt bJJ tactical from the Sant.a Barbara area Foley squad about 11 p.m., under parting shots They were st.anding by wfui the of rocks, dirt dOd& and foul :f!thets. force of 300 local officm. Roaming <lem'flllralora ·amuhed ""-·-· new to Santa Barbara on the .window! of'~a campus aecurity force ay to uamine the situation. He vehicle and let the air out of unmarked ed a state of emergency and Fullerton Police Department car tires. ~ the state attorney general to in· ate the demonstrators' leadership. Sfike Shuts Airport DON (UPI) -The British Airport A ity tonlaht aMounced the closure of . ndon's Heathrow Airport for an in- d~te period because of a threatened '* by littmen. ~ Is one of the largest and t airports in the world. Tbe ity Aid it would close at 7 p.m. (10 PST) for an indefmlle Ume. DAILY PILOT Ga c».t.ST PUILl$HIMG CCMltMIY llMtti N. W,M ,.,... ..... , "" P'*I~ J1c~ II. c,,1 • ., . Walter· Simpson, Laguna Doctor, Sitccumbs at 7 4 Funeral aervlces will be held ~t 1,30 p.m. Mooday in Sheffer Laguna !leach Mortuary.Chapel far Dr. Walter M. . Simpson, distinguished phyalclan and medical researcher, who died early 1'Junday at Beverly Manor Convalescent Hospilll, Capistrano Buch, at the age of 74. Dr. Simpoon ls survived by hil widaw, Ethel, ol the family home, Jl!J Carmelita St., Laguna . Qeacb; two sons, iucbard Bruce of Newport Beach and James Michael of llhacl, N.Y.; a daughter, ,.. Vic:• "'"lillnf -~' ~ n. ..... , 1(11•il I E•llw •· Mrs. Mary June Cancilla of Plttaville, tifasa.;•and l01grandchlldrm. fh,..,,, A. M,,,~;., ~Ell'- ltlc~1nl '· Nill ---Cl!r- Let-.... Offk1 222 F1r1tt A·•~w• tlll•t Addrtu• r.O, It• 666, t26S1 ~-.. A native of Lynn1 Mau., Dr. Simpson received hla degree In medicine at the UnivenHy Gf Michi1an, where he later served • a teachlng assistant and ln- •ltud<lr In-· He was an inltruct.Or In aura.., at Johna l!Gpkina, 1 dlrector ol !he Ket- teriDg lllttl/Ufe for Medical lleoearch, 1 direc1Gr Of. .. cancer rt1ell'Ch a l WllhJnclon Unlvenlly 5ehool of MedlciDe and COMUltant In cancer r.-n:hJo unfvenltles and lnatltu!Ae. He WU the !Int reclplent ol lhe Ameri-, -I AIMlatlori'a • l'ild medal for -.i ieawch In 11111, wu awarded !he Fnnch Lqlon ol H000< in 11S7 and wu a member of the National Ad'rllarJ 'COUadl ol !he U.S. Public Heallll-. All« MrViDg u ID alp In tho U.S. Naty In World War I, Dr. SIDt--- to -1 capllln lo tho Navy Medical · C<>IT· and. duriol Warld War II w11 chllf ol medldne and ""1"'1 It the u.s. Naval lloopllal In Lolli Buch. H• was the autllor ti ,_. than 100 boob and attlcloo cm modlcal lopica, A l'Midenl o1 caur.rnil 10< llle past 20 ~ be wu • member ol Laguna Beeah -lean i,..ion Poat m. --""'lliliimeill ;,w be 11 El"Toro Cem•leJ'I', El Ton. . I The trouble is that Brer Rabbit has found hb briar patch among the flower beds of the rttirement community and that's proving a thorny problem for the aenior citizens. Armed with traps and chemical repellent.I, tbe "rabbit. haters" have begun to wage an an-out war against the rampant rabbits. 'Ibey say Cotton had better get hla tall oot of there. Cornelius V anGeest, Tl, a wealthy reUred merchant bit haters• •• tmOffidal leader during the two.year -palgn to lilg, the bunnies. "I raised rabbits In !he old country. I like them. 'Ibey're cute, but they are also a nuisance," declared the Dutch Im· migrant He Claims the rabbit! are raising havoc willl the gladiolas and the tulips, bur- rowing holes under expensive lawns, destroying trees, mating and giving birth on pa!Jot and are potential disease car-riers. "And you should see theif droppings," he llld. ~·re an over our parches and walkways." , V-bas wotfitd blmlell Into such 1 lather·°"' tho bumllel that he Is of· teilna f!,lllO to _.;. wj>I> CID develop an effective birth 0oa!nll plllfor ra!Jblll. '11'm now wortfQ1 oci aq .m.nnent lund and 1m acceplihg dollatkm from the rabbJt haters," he explained. "l myoelf ..w ~t =:1 ,000." Meanwlllll, Iii! lliJ !he nbblta with cbemlcal melhoda and tral". "I found out about this pew ,..llent and had the market stock 1UPPUt11. And you know, ln a year's time tbq sold more than 2,000 bottles of It. 'Ille trooble ls that the people wbo ~ It have now chued them into eomeooe e I s e • s aarcten." He alao bu been to the stale Fish and Game Department willl hl1, woes, but claimel .he received litUe help. 0 1 had a ... Utile troohlo reWn1 to the head mogul • but when t did, they said the only way to get rid of them is to shoot them. But we couldn't do that around here with our people." "They ifso told me about the traps," he added, pointiDg to a model that one of hJs friends has just desiined. It can be · built '(or IUO a copy. . "I eu't tell you bis name," expla1ned VanGeest. "Ht'• surrounded by rabbit lovers and !ears reprisals. But he's already caught 2S ol them." "I'm puttp1g in an immediate order for 100 Clf them and plan to tell them at the market." In addiUon, VanGeest says, the traps, which appear to work weU because they r~ulre ~ i light tripping force, will go up for sale during Leisure World's annual arts and en.ft.! festival. "U we could just get 100 rabbit haters out with these trapD, 1 th.ink we could really do something," he said, wistfully. "'Jbe game department has offered to colne and get the trapped rabbits. They said they'd take than to a field where the hunt.en would have flm wJth them." The f\r hu a1ao been flying among the rabbit lovers who are incensed at VanGeest's efforts. They like the bunnies and even feed them. A miniature survey ol strolllng Leisure Wqrkl realdentl; ta.ten from VanGeest'1 electric cart; however, showed a heavier cooceo&ratikia of rabbit haters than rabbJt !oven. "No, I don't t!ke them 1t ill,'' said one elderly genUeman who sayt. he hu train- ed hll cat to hunt them down. Another man, who apparently fancies continental di-deelared, "I only like them u 'Huenpfeffer.' 'nlat1a rabbit atew." ,,_ r.,e l SLIDES •.• -· to "°"' 1he cocl ol repairs u -11 poulble oo no flll1her earth 1Udel occur. The money to P1!f for the Ol!enslva . rebolldlng ol lhe canyon wall would come from the lending insiltullon hoklinl mortg1gea on the homes -Laguna Federal Savings and Loan. Then, wblle Lhe ldn ta In effect, direct blame ror lheallppage ol I0,000 cubic yards of 101! would be eatabllshed and - depending Oil the outcome•-the partlet deemed teaaUy resp011Bible would 1S1W11t !he COllL "Hey, are you that rabbit killer, .. ex- claimed one man who observed VanGeest trying to catch a bunny for a pholographer. "Why yoo miserable man, you ought to be put in jail for it. Get out of here. You're a disgrace." Dentures ratUlng with fW't>I', he gave VanGeest 1 mighty shove whlch sent him"' reeling and searcrung for pfutective cover. The man:turnec1 out to be an 11.)rear. old retired railroad !ffigbt qent Ray Henderson, 1 avowed nbbtt ldver. "l like rabbits. They're the cute.st lhlnga. I wlltdl them by the-· They're beaullful, acrobatic. Why would anyone want to kll1 them?" Henderaon says he feeds the rabbit,.,, but would not reveal what the food l! so that VanGeesl couldn't bait his traps with the moraels. "I know !he llw,and·lf lhlo.., keeps It up, I'm lfOIDg lo send bQn back to Holllnd. He bun'I aot any'l'lhblll. II I ever caught him aitUnc;.a trap, why I'd " As Johe furor continllel, both rabbit haters and rlbblt !oven .,. acrateblnc lllelr beldl over tho arllfo ol lhe lum•ea. No -knowa where they came fh>m. The only thing that 1ppeon c<rtaln II lllat !hen are more ol lban fM!t'J day, Variance . Applications On Planners' Ageriµa Laguna Qeach planning commissioners wW address them.Selves to a aeries of variance •ppilcations .. at their regular Monday nllbt ""'5ion at 7,30 In city ball Earth's Survival Topic of Panel "This Beleaguered Earth; Can Man Survive?" is the topical title of a panel di1CUSslon to be sponsored by the Laguna Beach branch of the American Auocla- tion of University Women at 8 p.m. Tues- day in Fellowship Rall at the Community Presbyterian Church, 415 Forest Ave. Dr. Joseph Tomehak, professor of anthropology and member of the Laguna Beach PlaMing Conunisskln, will serve as moderator for a panel including Al Autry, Laguna Beach City Planner; Dr. Lewis Follansbee of Orange C.Oast College, who will discuss marine en- vironment arid Dr. Gordon Fielding of UC Irvine, whose topic ~ be the political environment. n,e meeting ls open to the public, free Clf charge. councll clwnbm. ConUoued from 1 provloua mee1iac II a requeiiti by E: W. NUii MA, 7IO · N. Cout ll1111iw1y, to -permitted height wltli 1 propOied abt-anlt ape bobl building, and lo extend • porilon ol the main building In the required lrc"1t yard. The matter wu reviewed 1t a Jl'eb. 23 study seuion. Julie S. Brebner, 311 Creal Sl is re- quelling ~rmJuion to conatruct a e<>n- fonning addJUon to an exlaUng non- conlonnlJll cme-family dwe~ without bringing the entire ltrudure Into com- plete coolonDIDCe will> ...m, regula- tions. John Caroline, '135 and n5 Purl SI., is seekJnc permllsloo to meuure the helahl of hr<> realdence. 1r... the l1ntah pad i;t:rade and C. E. Siemonsma, 174 Cllff Drive, \I asking an extension of tlme on a variance granted blm by the coounluloa and Cily Council in September. The pllnnen alao ... lclle!lllled to make a formal rtcomtoendaUon 'in their selection ol electrollero to be lnltalled in llle llelaler Park area an completloo ol schedule!f utlllly under;: and wtll bO asked to approve je,.. making u an approved home occupa in II>< R-1 (realdenllal) >one, The fence-jumping youth was booted on charges of posaesslon Clf marijuana . and being In 1 place where llll'COlfcl were used. The juvenile the officua were aeekiq In the finl place WU nol"home, President Bows To .P.r~ure ,.On School Aid ·_ WASHINGTON (UPI) -Presldenl Nlson bowed to congreoslonal _..... !or mere "Impacted" adlool aid toda7 and drew fire from Senate Democrats who charged he was repud.Jating his previous veto of tbe controvertial school fund bill. However, Sen. Robert P. Griffin. CR· Mich.,) llid N-ahouJd be pralaed, not criticized, for n:erclalng tfte: "art of com- prmtiae" In bid lo win coogrtUlanal puuge ol 1 revi>ed 111 blllJoo Lobar- llEW 1pproprf1tlonl bill. The ~ political -le came Iller Sen. -Cotton, (Jl.N.H.,) told Iha Senate In reference to Nlson ' "We have 1l1I Ullnnee that be WOl'i't CUI impacted aid beca-he knowa bow much we and our conllJluenll depend on it." . SO!ll. Warren 0. Magnuaon, U>·Wub.,) and Thomas F. Eagleton, !).Mo.,) lald llle admlniJtraUon'a· 'atatement tfroved Ni.Ion was "lnconalltent." 1bey n!minded Cotton that Ni>m cited lmpocted aid 11 the !llOlt atravagant Item of all when he vetoed the apendlng· bill In a blll<llial television appearance lul IDt!lllh. "Can you eapla!n to me !>aw lhll Item which WU IO controvenlll that it cauied • -bas become llCred and .... touchable!" Eagletoa uted. -<Jolton replied !hit Ni>on IC<epled the ~ ~ millJGI Impacted aid fll')re "out ol mpect and dlference to Congrtu." ~ . Cotton hlS olfered an ammdm4iilt whldt would -•tlcally cut the - figure by 2 percent to about fll bfl!lan. Nixon would be given the .. 4l decJdlqs whlCh ---tie ~ ! t+'s ,.,....., e.t.raN, :the fwnitur9 of ro,...tic -...... itoi.t ..-. •M nbtJ. "-ty • • • ~y OtexeL YOUI LOCAL D1AU1S l'Oll NIXI' • 1•1-• _,. .. NIWPORT RACH 1727 w.tellff Dr., 642-2050 °"" """' ,,, ' INTDIOU Prol-fl- Dlll'1Mn Anfllbi.-1.f~SfD LAGUNA llACH MS -c...t Hww. ... 1,.,.,. ~· j I • I ) , I ~ I I Ne EDITIQN • . ~ ' - :TE"! CENTS ---~ ---• . State ,; . . " . . . ' . . ... _ ' . . Rules ·C1t1es Can .Set Air N . -L. . 01se.. _ 1m1t . Califotnia Attorney Generil Thomat1 c. Lynch ruled Thursday thlt city and county go.vemmentJ along with the state may regulate noise rroni aircraft if there ls no cooflict with federal Jaws or regu- laUOll:s. His ruling came as no ·aurprise to New· por1 Beoch City Attorney Tully Seymour " Onnae County Asalst.nt Counlld RDberl. Nutlman. '\Pad of Ille declsloo -mHiltC oo the environment hl1 to co~e from the. local levtl,''· ukl Newport's Seymour. "They are the people oo the scene." · But he said be just doeso'l see the cities controlliq: their own airspace and said be loob to the counties and state to take the 1Md.1 "'!be federal govern- ment -can't do il." he aaeate<S, .. this is a CllfJ wbse it ls ~ too thin." ; Nuttman said the attcrney, general'• nililll .... , ....... Ille ....,pti .. the uar €dltf Protram Parents, . Teens Vow Drug Fight By JOANNE REYNOLDS Of ... DlllY f'llef Slllff A .small crowd o! parent.I and teen- Rgers vowed to wOrk for changes in high 1chool drug education · programs and lo set up more parent-studellt discussion meetinp after-a session on drug abuse 11t Corona del Mar High School Thurs- day nigbl About. IOI) parents and teenagen and 1 dozen officers turned out 'for the meel- lng which wa.s ~sponsored bf .the ~l's student coundl, PTA and New~ port •Be1cb police. Leary Moved Back to Texas For Sentence • •• county bas been opcraUng under for about •nine .oionths th.al as airport owner and oper'al.ot it may enact regulaUo115 on air· craft noiR. The state aUorney aeneral's opinion was issued at the. request of David L. Bater,. Orange County supervbor-wbo is • cbalrmao of the State Environmental Study Council. Baker was atttndiog a conference of the Naticmal Alsocialkln ol CoomUea. iJl • _. nient, he-said. But tM federal govemm~t does enler the pictute gn noise eontrQI regWations. Seyi:_n9'1-r #lid the' citY ol Inglewood ' Is lrf.lng, a aeneral noise ordinance they wtll apply-to the airport. · "I doo~ bow lar Ibey m goihg to gtt with thia -apProach.?' he com- men1<d. Nuttman said the county w11 Wormed by the Federal _At1iadon..~ 1& re-. -,- oves ID Dr. Arnold 0 . Beckman (left) and Mrs. Williams S. Holstein (righl) make presentations on, behalf of Disneyland Community Service Awards Committee lo HarbOr Area winners during Tburs'day'S 13th an .. nual awards ceremonies. Collecting aWatdS' are Eric Strut!, $500 for UC! Friends of the Library. .. l • . -. --. --· .. ., " Mn. Edgar Hill (center), $2.500 for the Flore~ce enttenton Home OI Oran ge County, and Mn. A. · Bayiti'd ~ Jr. $1.000 for the Qrange· County. Pbll· harmonic Society. For complete list ol awards' win- ners, see pace 8. · · ' . 'Swingj,iig Single' Held on Cha~ge 0£ :t~nd .. SWindle . ' '' ' ' " ... -1 spon.se to a letter that It oouid ~ ' -nqtse regulations (or Otana:e C.OUnty Airport. ~Iler this month, he noted, county supervisors drafted amendments to leala with Pacific Southwest Airlines (wbidl ,is taking over Afr Ca!Horuia) and Alfi West that regulate noise. 'Jbe Jeue coo- dilions al!!O limit the number ot fllahtl ~y and impo1es I' nl&htftl&bt ~· One Shot,- Scores Hun • In ~ioth,.g. .---From Wirt Services The seaside student comm.Witty of llJll Vista at the University o( C..tilOrnia Sao- ta Barbara became an armed camp t~ diy, patroled by hundreds of California National Guardsmen, after three night! of1 violence which has left one per:son: shot, scores injured and at least 16 ar·: nsted. -• Governor Ronald Retcan c~led In Ilia Uonal qulhl Ill« ,.... •pd bolljo throwing me!-durlni the nlfht Thur .. 1 day whlch also injured seven police or. ficers, two students and a\ the peat in- volved IOmt lJDI ftudents. ~ 41111 banioore "9inanltratoll u - blt..anlf.run .tactle1 withdrew to ::J •P1rtment mllinp arowid mldniPI after-bltUlng 360 poHce 4herifrs dll!plJtiet- al)d highway patrolmen for mon tha 1even hours. .Al the helihl ol the outbreak,• Jl.yuJI. old resident of the area. "\tmslow C. Tiidel, wu shat In the ahoUJd<r whoo' Ila drove his car thrOUJh a police blockaile. He was miltall:en for a demonstratar, police said. Another was .run oftr by a pol!Ct squad car. About !00 guardl!llen set' up Cllllp Ill tbe moclemlslic communtt; todly wlllt. ariotbtr 300 enroute from h.oa ~ called out by Rtapn at the rtciUest Of1 Sherl[f Jame• Webster. who said "Thi guard wlll·b<· Ulod, but euctl,y bow and when will be detennlned aomtdme later this morning." .... The scent Jn the early morning houri (ollowing the activation was tranquil, 1o ISee UCSB, Page %1 ~ ""· FBI Enters Case ,, Of Rifle Theft The FBI loday entered" the Jn. vestlgation of a theft of 10 M·lf rtfles which are mi3ainf: from 1 build.inc Oii the Camp Pendleton Marine bee. Marine spott!.men &aid the Joss of tM tirearms apparenU7 CMXIDTed some timt! between ll :JO.p.m. Wednelday and l :ao a.m. ThurSday. The ,trea~ we.re talrtn frqm a bUflding· uHd lot erutt te1eue vehicle:' and personnc;I. :r No ammunlUon is mlsslng, the Mll1M official added. It is nOrmal pkicedure for tht FBI to enter such theft Cases Oft a federal military installation, it ~as noted. Ora 11ge Weat•er Mier all lha111lc< ...,ther thlo\ wee)c, wouldn'i you know tbl weathennml WiJUkf ·• ,a wet blanket lhJs .... ka)d. He lives_• 30 percent cUnc;e o1· ...in looiCbl and Solun!ay ...., the coul. INSmRoTeDAY ' . ' . .. r. . J':MILY-fft.OT-·-,,._ ,,., ,._, l1 "' -''!rt•edt8d' .· )l~-.ig:Preve nti on • • • (J~ge d t~ l!&rents . r ~ . ~. ~ Oaio1a.. 14ua -II w•Jiijoop1or1 and wllat lo do Ji the -ii. lold;uQa""811)lif~Jl.1hebial ' ~'!be heaviest emphUls came on mea of drlii •l>ale -.t by 1 pttVmtiQD, bowevor. All lhree lold the poua....i and 1 Jlllld>a!osisl ""° work aucjlenee JI la tu1er ID pryent dnia u1e wlutlliie ,...., ..,,...... :_ -,~II ii lo 11ial wtt.11 lt •ifter the'lacl. ~ by Oiila~ ~Scl>Ool,, ., Dr ........ ~ plrenla culUnl<o the ,,,,,.poolum w liikl ~io.::educile ... nmun1ca11om wllh .their: children "al a pmob lo the drug &itualion. JI Wll tbe means ol beading olf the pooslbWty of seeaad annual session held at the scbool. drug ~. The panel, consisling of Costa Mesa .. "Take Ume for family gel-logelhera for pollt!e chlel' Roger Neth, Lt. Jamer a~ aellvitj. Deve&ope the art ol MW., head . w !.on& Beach police ~ and Ii,. .all family membon a narcolles dlviaion and Dr. Chari,. A. ctiao<etlillrtheirpiav111etsbelorollley -· clinical pl)lebologial i r om rfticfl:inlolorable proportloos "he lold bis Falrview Stale Hoapllai in Costa M-........ led audience. . ' told,me Iii parenil :Wedn<actaY nlghl 'lbe pl)'cllGIOciat mo .reeommendf:d how lo op>t poeslble drug use m their ......,..,...._: bllw-. 11111111 S~ius Skipper COOper Dies Aboara 'Home"' "' . Professional Kipper J&mea C. COOper hu died of an apparent heart attack iD his· home-the· racing yacht Sirius II. Mr. Cooper, who ll__ved alone aboard the yacht moored al Ardell Marina Jn NeWport )!arbor, WU . diacoWrod doid WedneodaY ,by another profesolonal skip-per, Everett Monroe., of the Nor.Jae. """"' ~. Jr., has nowo in from G~ lo M,. bis &S-ye8l'<Jld la\IWr, ~led.and Ille uh<i Ii~ u ~ . __ ~· Cooper ·ltyed on yodlq !Ji N~. Harbor more than 25 years tn4 wu well tQpwn ,fn racing and boating circles -and in 'lhe liltn'lndUJlry. , ' · fidore·~ ·the' Hipper oJ Slrtua n .. owned bY the Hlalo ol Howard '..\!> m•nson~ foUnder of Uie Home Savings ari4 Loan Mr. Cooper for 17 years was skipper Jr Serena. Sin!ba. which ha& boeo • -ul nCina· yiCht under new owner Ke.n DeMeuae, was then owned by Hollywood producer Mitchell L':°u,..;q11JS, ~ ~:Hip,,;rfd mOrie &tan to A vilon '!loibor, Cal.illna. He Is "'"1ved by two IDOi, Jamea Jr,, 43,~ x-ma. Japan, and Robert, 31, of~ RlCa. membttf ~ developed on a ooe to l'M bull. ·•'1'1ieft are IQl:nt thing& that are toq indinau. lo bl liroqht 'up before the entire family," he aald. Dr. llar1les .tn\plwlzed ·lh• slrengthen- log of cq.nmunlcaUons should oot be forced. "Tey lo underaland. Your chUdren have a rliht to their beliefs. If 1ou fffl too, angry. insert a emhion o{ -: time · to think · the problem over," be •lated. Community resources were also SUI• gestecl for concerned ·parents. "Teachers can often be a great help," noted Dr. Barnes. Chief Neth and Lt. Miller described various dru&a. their uaea and effects lo pattnl>. Chief Neth said, "Enforcement is not eJlOQlb. W~ -Jl'OlflJDI II all leveia lo----aii!J<!lb-ol the -I tlllnk the II.I ........ Is an n· _...,..aftlllt•fnool-" LL llliier llacUd .llP Ille ddlf'1.litale-ms·N1W ~We'ft .,t to tlllnk Ji?""" tioo; .'111e U.O; -and effort '!Jl!lll oa treOllmi do/lilrl Jllillbi ... well, IMI llnl!a aw11 ~-to wllat tl!e -' l!!ne, m._ •net effort C<IClld -~ in prevtntkm. ,, •· ff alter Simpson, · Las~na Docwr , Succumbs at 7 4 . ' •. FuM!a!'-wt11 he ,bild u l :IO ~ ·" .... -'. ' . ~ ..... ~in -IAca!ia.Beocb State Planning s: ~Dr~ !i medl<al . researcher, who died early To , ftx' D...idg e ,, _ 'l'hundaY 111 ~.,,1y Mano< c9C1valuceq1 . .l/"1' . Hoepital, Oa@lllr ... Beach, al Ille.a&• ol 1• I • 1 1• 74, Ov ·uppe·•. Bay· ., pr. Simpson b survived by hl• widow, er ~ . Elhel, of the family home, 1111 Carmelita ~ · &l, Laguna; Beacb; two 1om, Richard · :iiMe Dlv!llOii Ol·lli~• ~" ~·lil!::Njwporl.'BUCb and !.""!* c for coastrudfon b1dS ti> renovale Micqael til Ithaca, N.Y.: a dalfibter, Pllclllc Coast IDghway bridge aerooa ~n,:Mary June Can<illla of Plllsvllle, '.~ lo lipper Newport Bay. ' Mui:: 'nd 10 grandcliUdren. a<t W111J1e ~ to.ost"IJd.111< !He of · A.~ve of Lynn, "!!"·· Dr. Simpson· i-.-timber 1'111-.ioncme brldn '. r-ij his degree in medicine at the ft yqn;· About t&at 'time ... tt.Ja m., tO: '-Unlveriily of Michigan , wftere he later ~,Opimd by a hliMevel coast H1Jb-.;;o.ed· as a leaching Ulistant and I!> w crossing thal sail boals will be able struct<r in medicine. . under. The present bridge waa He wu an instructor in sur1ery at crlglnaUy in 1131. Johns Hopkins, 1 director of the Ket- bkll wtn be opened wing Iollllule !or Medical Raearch, • 21 In Los Angeles. The bu.diet for director of cancer researdl a t ject b $145,000. ; ~:.' . . ;: Washington A Uiilvusity School • 0 r on i9 to conslrt cif reiiI• Medicine lftd· •consult.ant in ·· caoctr Of portions"' the pllings lind·-research 1o'Unlvm1u .. and lnstltul<i, e. rehabilitation of fender and He was .the first recipient of the boat bumpers, aDd 1alvap ·and American -.Mt.dlcal Auociation's iold r on of the boot'llavlpUon ~ medal !or medlCal reaearch .Jn 1911, waa ...,.. • awarded Iha Fr!"Ch LeW ol Honor In ~Ifie now funneled acl'06S the bridle 19.1'1 and w11 a member-.al tbe NaUonal e'ti!!Ualiy will he splil between 11fo high-Advisory <;ouncll of the U.S. Publlc Je!14 brid&es, o~ for.Coul Hlpny iiDcl , Health, Service'. · orWor the Pacific co..i..rreewa7. Alt.et 1~1 ·as an enaJ.&n In the U.S. ~ Navy in World War l, Dr. Simpson rose ~ • to become a captain In the Navy Medical Rliirrlm Meet Due Corr; and, durJnc World War II was "71" chief ol medicine end IUrl"l' Ill Iha U.S. (UPI) -The Ameriacn, BritiaJi Naval Hospital tn Lon.a Beach. He was covemmenta tod11 accepted the autlkr of more than 100 book• and pnipolal that the f.,.. meet -· , artlclel an medical a.pc1. • 1!,erlln ·10 consider the city'• , :.\ nioidenl ol Cillbnla for the i>ut :ID futl!lll!. year.a, be: was a member of Lacuna -Bellcb-. Leclon Poot m. Ml . ~I wlll bl at El nr. Cemelllry, El Toro. DAILY PILOT . ' . . -Steel Bins· ' May Repl!ice Beach Can s . ' ' . ' ••. j • -1( Tl>e city ~ Newport ll<ach la llkety lo ripliCe &4TleM<f: often-ovtrfiowing buCh truh. ~ with larpr steel bins. . ,\ppr9val lo pur.-the bint ..... lrilnWNdlng ~ tn.ctr Uliid 'r•r •P' 17lnc thOm wHI be' IOllllit OI cilf "'!Ul>- cllriten lfareh 9. "Tl>e Jnlllil cool wi>uld lie about '31,ooo: fumc:Umen are enthusial'Uc about the proaped <>! providing more trab CM- talnir capacity to handle the ·Ofarflow that .,,. ends up oo the beacbel , nie binl baft three Umeo lbe capoclty of lhe-ind ~, IUICepliblt·to lldng overturned, crushed or stolen. 'Ibey woIP 147 pclllDds each. . Wftoll!I ol betn& hand emptied u , the ir-111 ll-t>owld ·cans t))ey are loodocl lo· lo the packer truck by hydraulfc llll. Tiie syatem bis -well pmoeo ... Iha wl fJve yelu:s by ~ city of Long Beach, aays Newport Generftl Senices Director Jacob Mynderse. • • Mynderse presented his propos.il In Ci· ty Couocil atudy session thla -k. c-LAW OFFIC ERS FIRE TEAR GAS INTO PART OF 400 'HARD CORI AG ITATORS' .$Onto IOrboro-Rloter1 Usa Hit-Run T acifi:1 in Thlnl Nltht el lklml1ho1 , • clbnen -.i Sbollon and llorulld Mdll' • Santa Barbara's Campus-- Unlikely Scene for _Rio_!§ ·sAIITA-llAllllAllA (AP) -r.w ccm-... . ..... Ii. llkalJ laipla !or rlollq' -11111 pllldcl --Whlll cilii ~ lbe vlolenl r-of -ol JOUlhl thia week? In oll!or Clflll'll• dUes dlslurbance1 have ,IOCQltd on the Vietnam ,rar, or radal lnoqulllea. Her It was • pneral feellnl of dllccmlenl with Ille n. the Unl\oenlty ol.COlllomla at Santa Barl>aro aud in the neiChborinl community of Illa Vista, wher< the riOIJnc wu coalered.- Tl>e -IWM>lle Iile Vista -· mliolty b populalecl lariJdy by ~ -.. eotlmal.ed t,llllO of_ lbe uo1"enlty'J 11.11111 -who lift mainly in apartmenll. Temloo had been ~ oo Ille cam- pus llDce the ju.mlw! a month qo of Willlarn'L. AlJea, •a cootnmn1aJ -tant proleilOr ill _.....,, !or lalllnc tomeet&tandariliof-. ' • But lbe -dted II iq 1181 of complainls against school adminlslfators, county ofOdab: and polfce. Gr.eg Knell, student ' boi.t)' vice presl· dent, told a news conference Thursday the disturbance stemmed fnm 1tudenls' leelin& the)' were beinl <Xj>lolled. by 'Jandlorda,and barused by polloe. Landlords in Illa Vista, he ll&ld, char&• ucualve rent. require J.~oatb leases for ain months of residence and ,often nluae lo relutll.deposla.; . The pollce,zsa.i . are intent on ar· resUng students on arijuana and drug charges. • "You can any atudent -it's almost impossible to walk in groups of four without being stopped by the police," he said. "We have serious problems of burglary and rape in Isla Vista, but that's not whll ihi poilCi are Worried aboul. .. Added to these OWtrauons, student leaders say, are the higher student fee s · ricently voted by ~versity regents, con· vieti.on ol the Cbicqo Seven, the Vietnam war, the "capitalllt establishment" and the "rape of the envir<mment." Ingrid Bergman Film Showing Set for OCC A 1pecial abowlna of the film "JM of the Silth Happinen" starring Ingld Bergmao will e bold lonllhl Ill • 0' clock at lbe Orlllllte ~ Coll•&• FOl"Ujll. Sl>OlllOfed bJI Iba campua mathemauca and •hllneerlna. dub, the rum b betn& shown U a tuna raiitnl event for • mat.Ii 1 or engineering acllolarshlp. A Ii od· mlaloa will be cbaried· • -'Ille lllllvenJly ;c:l>uceJlo<", -~ I. Choidle, -he wio ...... '« .Iba studeoll' 'dome lo ibare In acliOal ao••rmneol and lt)lt they soon -"! bi 'liven oo opporlul!i, ·lo portlcJPalo In declsiou oa hlrlnl and currlculupl'. He added !hat Iha Ulilveralty bad been !eying lo set up an a,tiltratlon bouil' lo setU. dllfer<DCea belweeo .iudiiiill.o'llid landlords. " '> t.. fO< Iha -11· complaialil ~ police, sberlll's Capt Frill' P~ llld: "They a11qe opporealve Jl(:tlclna li1 the police, ,et lhiy have DO~.''. 'Ibis week's cllaWrbllndlil 1-q· OD Tu"'1ay with ID OUllnak QI .m.ilI lJru and window tm•shtnc· _ .. 0n w~ buaclrtda .,.....,i 1n1o the, -• alllr '. cOmpua ii>OI<* 'Jfy William Kunst/er, c:auiiael lo tlie, <Jlleaio Seven. Explaoaljon~-of their -n demOJl.!trators rwect frpm d!a~,for, the Vlt9 war , \o ' re~ ';dibat· "police oppression•·and tJie ~t°Wbo run the country in general Harris Services Slated Monda y Fun,ral services for William McKinley Harris are ICheduled for Monday, 11 a.m. at Baltz Mortuary Chapel, in Corona dcl Mar. Harris, 67, was killed Monday night in a gun battle with burglars at his home at 20ll Anchor Way, Newport Beach. A retired businels man, Harris WI! I member of the Balboa Bay Club. He is survived by three brothers, Eugene ·N. ol lllioois, Fraol<· M. ol,Q!Uo. and Arthur N. Harris cl New Ycirl, and two a11ter1 Lucy A. Waller of New Yort, and Ota I. Lewis <i Ohio, Servl<es will be-followed by in~eol In Fomt "Lawn, Glendale. h e m Pafe J UC'B B •.. .. contrast to a confrontation about 9 a.m. Thursday in the demonstration area, which takes in about one square mile of the campus community of Isla Vista jUst off the univentty cainpus. Then a dwl of demonstratOrt. shouUog and pounding oo aui>ac• can lidli, ru!hed shoulder lo shoulder lo&•ther in line that -completely engu]Ced the street and aaidewalb and was a block deep. I The ntUt "came on l.Jl:e a calvllJ' charge," witnesses said, runDing at htgh speed d!recUy at three groupa of about 50 officers each. Some demon&trator1 coJ .. tided with a few of the officers, wbo retre1ted at double time. Tiie demonltralon chased the olllcers for three blocks until the officers reached the Clmptl!. The demoostritors then walked away. The relreal, •clalowledfld u aucb by police' ..,.._, came jual one hour after l:IO otncen in a coocuted ruab had swept the~• --from the lllreeis. The · IOI, -foto snWr groajJo ar~ fllne. .,,.,wiu, Ill<! in their •partmepll belore Nlfoapinf agiln. · A 1herifr1 spOtesman confirmed tba't officers had "gotten the hell out of thtre" when badly outmnn~ but ukl one reuon was that onlch Wtre mittn« ap lraordlnary el!oril DOI lo be involve<! in confrontat,ions in whicli they would have lo 0.. lbelr ,,... er clubi lo ljelrnd thetmelril, and thus a'f'Okl mu1 injuria. In Wedneadat nllbl'• m<!ee, I ~ car was barned, als0, real estate ofttces were 1 raijied and 3i penonll were If· ru;ted. Ed Gr11, Governor Reapn'a press spokesman, lllld In the &tale c.lpllal !hat lhe National Guard had been actlv11led becaWif: the governor "IUlhorized them lo do ii yeaterday U and wheo they !ell th! necuaity. . Tbe Santa Barbara aheriff'• o[fM:e uld it requeai111,the"pard'1 belp. ,Maj. Don· Foley, pard public in- lormaUon ollictr, said 300 Nalionlll Guardsman were adlnl.ed Jlflllledlaa.Jy and -. oa cJua, at flanla Barbira·under tile lberllra general command. pis eainmented an 1-Ck" of capacity el. present CUI and the "tehiblt ·mea• thal nou!IL "Il wJU, do a better Job It is be lhJng lo do Slid Mcinnis-> There are 300 h cans presently on the city be &nd Balboa Island bayfront. Their e expectancy ls three years. To te Ulem with 300 ot ~ durable, heavy 1 would cost $28,98CI, according lo M . . The pocbr which -be equipped l!ilb II ~ Jn the raar Jlljk. ed to a television Screen in the cab for safety In backlnl up, would cost llO,lllO, Mionderit said. ·There ii su.us·m·th• cumal ~ty bad&<t 191' tnlcl< purchaa. Oll*ttlng the Initial ooUay would be an estimi.ted annual savings to the city of $5,069, Myndera:e !lid. One man can " operate the truck instead of having a driver and 1 cao emptier and also with larl!f capacity there would be less mileage driven back and forth from the dump. Mynderse said if the Cily CouncU lp· proves, the fint increment ol 100 bins can be rectived by June and the packer truck by July or Auaust. Twin left Turn For Jamboree Tbe city of NOWporl Beach bu ajODed.11 contract for ·wort to Install a double left tum pocket from Pacific Coast Highway onto northbound Jamboree Road. There tt· only a single left tum lane now and at put boon eastbound trlllflc ,on Coast IDg!Jwly stacks up back lo Bayside Trailer Park. The conlract award !or 111,!lt Is lo Palco ~-of.,°'"'"' ·i!!'hllor. The estimated dale for work completion ls June 1. , Palco WU the low bidder ol.-p -lracllng llrml. Tl>e price. wM.aeven per- cent below the city engineer'• estimate of l19,971l. • . Tiie project wtll be !WMled sa perconl from city gas ~ h{nd!: and 50 perCent by the Stale Dlvialoo of lflllnraya. Seve n Workers Saved AUCKLAND, New .Zealand (.UPI) - Seven men trapped· underground for four days by • tunnel cavein were brought to the surface today, 50me w av In r cheerlully bul blinking from the glar< ol floodll~ 1et up at.the scene. . I .. lllANGI t04l1 l'UILIOUNO COMl"lllNY '-•lt•ri N. We.4 ,.~ ..... "ll*li.MI' Topl"ss Gals OK Th'llPll•i Ket"il Efll'' 11.om~i A. Mwrphi11• M t"'Ollll ff!IO' Tho111111 P.•rtw11• Htwwt lt«~ CllY l,11.,. Court Says They Must Behave . lfodll to' .. DAILY fll.AIT ·SAN F1WiClflCO -BOr.bftul<d cocktail ,,........, are P.Jll ,Jn business t~lil :iq,a, u.., -...shellllO!vta, •Ci!lil'' '1 lo 'Ille Iii.I reJbt an tavtm nudlly , T!tundaY by the Calllornla .; &;Jlriii!e ~ ' .. • r ·'!'be hJch trJbcmil, in II ~ lo 2 rpllt •Ole1 ' doolarM tllal 1op1 ... -clan' violalo pallllo-ao lool u Ille)' lend to hi•1._ .. ~~·~blipc!'fl'""rwlliir--to thf 6 • Court on 1 cue intOJvtilS tho N~ on. 8"lo""'1 nlliitloot hm ""°"' the &tale Department Ot Alcoholic Bo..,... Con· 1rol llfd rnoted • Ueenle beclluae lhe Off,BrolldnJ lalllrel bin bosomed lervlAI malda. . •'1'11!1 ~ QOllfl decrea ~ oil II --•Uon 11t the Olf:ar..ilim In which .. aD ot Su l'rlndlco" wU lnvlttd to http calebrlll<o Iba dtclsloo. Moamrllll<, In 1100lhlr oeclor of the nude hnt, attorney• for 1 £atramtnto lavvn believe lhty've found a lqal I~ '" --II loul ordinUc:o .......... "'·" at"-, d -r:.. aplmt ~Y n co ane.,., Thus the owners or the P,Jn.k Pussy Kat bar are projecting tm&c:es or their nudt dancinf atria to pttr«ll over cloled ci~~ Saerllnlftl611 toeal law 'bans live nude enlertaimnenL "This is te1evision en· tertainment," the lawyers announced. So far, there haft been no ·arrests and a lot of-q. In the latest Supreme Court action dealiq wtlh the Sao Fraocilco case; il Wll ?Vied that tmP!o7'11""t of topleaa ' waiu.ea ol ltallf ... net contrary to tho-pabllc ...Uara and on Iha record dJd net coiiaUtul<o the n.pJnc of 1 dlsorderlj> --Tht court llho r<Jeeted an allernaUvo ground pre..,.ted by the silte deport- ment !or Us lldj<m -lhal bare mull don1 nils with aervinl liquor. J...UC. Louis H. ..Burke wrote Ille dluontlng oplnloo with Jllldce Mar!h.ll F. McComb COCiCUn'in!I· "ln my vtew, common knowledge, to say notbJna of the experience and U· porliae of the departmeo~ aupPOl'il Iha poalUon of the deparlmenl with respect lo the employmenl of topleu eoc.ltall waitresses," the dlsse.nt sa.ld. · > I.fl,;,, •1 I ' 11'1 P..iUf"••' a'*""'. ~. fumitur• Of r"'Nt1c iMkt9Met, •iet el.,.Me •"' ..i.tt· lteMty • • • lry O.Uel NIWPORT llACH ,MM11rltl •Aarfw LAGUNA l lACH 1717 -Dr. "2.-DlllP*'I Ju llOf1fi C-llwy. 4'44isl -,.,. •• "" t 4 .. n1111o A!D-NllD onit -.., 'nl t r ,... '" .._ .... "' ...., .c.-, ..,., ... I , I , , J:i '. '' ~-· . • . "l 1t . t ... ,. i :;!' ' i' ·-. -· 1.New Mood "• . ' ·On Ri hts . ' ~ Faces Test Al.tibam.a Seeks School 'Choice' Law . . .1 ~ .. ,... .•• ,.. .. , .. , . Tlie. -Alabama legislature, -enUy undaunte<I by the r.eJection of a similar bill ey • ·rederat court in Geortia. ?Q0ved tow~rd pusage of a N')W York·sbile desegregation J~w. . ·Gov. Albert Brewer called ilk ·legislature intG i;peCia) SesSipn for the express pur .i pose of pa~ng a freedOl'l)-9{ . cliolce statute like New Yor , stat.e's and that ·mission wais ex,,ected to be accomplishe'd · today. ·:Georgia •passed its version · of 1the Ne.w .~ork law last wff:k1 and.Federal Judge Fi'anx A. Hooper ruled it "in. valid" ~ednesday. Several other Southern states also have passed· the law. . :rile New York statute for- bids· the transfer of pupils to achieve' a r a c i a .I balance. ~orgia's law includes teach-ers: Atlanta school officials. !ace.d w.ith a · desegregation ·wogfam req~iring lhe tra11s. fer of pupils and teachers. asked Hooper for guidanc('. ·ms feply : "It i11 ordered that the Atlanta Board iJf Educa- tion proceed .to carry out var. ious( orders and directives isaued • tn :this case and t h a t the court finds no valld st.atute of>,th!'" state. ~{ ·Geor~a w~ic~ cou.kf . prevent such , co111pli· ... ;rnc:e. ' , .. . Ro)'alty Visits • ' '1 ~ . J;()NDON <UPll -PriDcess Marg3tit. and h(>r hUsbaild, Lord Snowdon. will v i ~ i t YugoslitVia June 1-8-at the in· , vJtation of Pre~iden\ Tjto. tt will. be~the first visit to an Eastern European nation by the British royal family since iyorld war n._ ·IJ.N I 'J"E D s:r' ...lrEs ·N'A'TION AL• BA'NK ,sourH COAST PLAZA . . IRANCl:I ' MOW .4'1H• ' '. SATURDAYS t,.t'P.M., MoN -THUn. , .. , P.M. f!RID.i)"l 1 1M P;M. tJ14J ~,, ......... l•1 .. Cll.lit ..... c.. .. .., ' • 1 ............. """"""' E. H. LEYAN ,;:;:;::;::===::;:;1 The Best 'of thfr· B·••tl Jo~nny Ca~ al Sin Qutntin • •••• . ' . Santina Columbia !II . Blood, Swt1t & Te111 • Poll111g. Stcnts 'rom Jones Let Jt Bletd live In La1 Ve111s I AMPiX I . I . ' . Easy Rid1r Original. Soundtr1tk· Chlrley Pride 8ttl of Ch11iq ,Pii• RM· i · i lhm Dot N'9ht Captured. Lfve •l tht Forum lif· Sltl!JlllWOlf. Monsttr ' .. ' ' Avolllble 1t this.· Ptnnq T1pe'C..IMI' ~,MK DCiwNiv PUUli'rON i~~, MONTQA!l NEWPOIT IUOt ·to::r:~· 1 '«NTUlA •IU!NA PARK t~~ I -· ,~.- ~ - • F~daf. r.-., Z1, 1970 enne~1 ALWAYS -FlAST liUAUTY· · " . . . .. • ' ' ' -----·---- • . , . -. . . • llif THE . LIDO SHOPPING ARE·A, IT'S ·BAmtows . ' . '. ·FO· R " ' .~OP· DRAWER :· .. BIK.~S . . . ' . . . ' . -. ' '···· . I .. ,,. ·'"'~,... . . ·~ ', ',~~ :VIA ,LIDO, NEW~~T it4'c1:L .. . . ..... ~ r . • M ' . ' I .-,';;-"': • . . ' ' ;\ -~ ,, ... ;,,_ ••• f)~l\ 'o• ... , ••• . ... ,:;,, . " ·ON ·sATU·R'DAY "· FEB·~ ,2·8th .. ,, . . , . . .... . at tht!·se ·Penney IQ.~qtions •• ~ NEWPORT BEACH . " 10:30.to ·11:30A.M • .... . ' • " ' Fashion Island ; .. ... ' .. ' l • ' + ' • ' .. .. H~NTINGTON' BEACH . ' 12:30to1:30: P~M;. . . Huntington Center ' .· •. ·' .-,.. • I ' l • ' ' .. ...,..--- • ·------·--------~- . . ' .. DOWNEY . . . . . ':3:00 to 4:00 p .At I Stonewood .Shopping Center Exciting Group ••.• ' ' . Their albums ••• .. Specially priced:I I • ' Yovr C¥~ 2.sa:"· • r· .. '1he.llljnoi1 SpNd ,,_, intlud· ,, -: ... .t ., ,, ' . .. . .. -...... ... ' ing: 'Hord L-uck . Story',. 'l:lere Tdday', 'Pay The Prica', lfrill .. : , ·Ride', 'Get. Jn The Wind'.•. 'vocals and 'guitar by Paul Cotten and Kil Davld. .. . ' . ; . 'Duet', 'The llllnota Speed ."- . 'lllf.ludes. 'Mornlnq 'Bluos',c'.Bad , ~ yYe~tlied 't~e . Visit', '.Se>:•r/~" , "p~·1 -.Thi+ alli<irn i.• in an~ to · · . , , ·demands for mOl'1!1 • ' " ' ' • • • ... " • '" . ,,, .. " . ,,. ,.._ ...~ 11• '• ... '"'I' -. ' .... -..... ' ' 1 DAp,y PJJg!' eDl'WIUAL PAGW . , . • Freeway·' :·Figh~. Ends ·'..· • Fer·-.loaf ,_., NMl'POtt Bledl ~ olfidaJ1 ..._ ~ lo m"" tlli· Pacllc 'co.1 Freeway ""1te lalaia: . . They have now come ~actalltlY lo lhe condU1!on U..t 4bey may u well p~to Uva wit!> the adopted route. . • In MVOD years o11111oilalinli.mid polltlcklnsr, they · bava not 1*n able to nmcwe Ille fkal oOotacle lo a -lllle IDlao4 routa -Ille obleclioDI of the dly ol Coat&Mesa. . Tiie CGola Meta dty family (with the ieCtnt ucep- tion ol maverick counci1Jilall Wiiliam St. Clair) h11 conallllently opposed ""P"Dlnf the roui.. COiia Mesa defeated Newport'1 push to locate the route larlely In Cotta Mua bac1t In 111153, and 1aw nothlnl to riln and much to Joie by gambling on a new route hearing - wh!cti would be necessary tor any real chant• In the route. And Jut week the current chalrman of· the Cali· forula W(bw.ay Commi .. too made It plain he will not "'PPOrt ~ an adopted ·route 1'111ess bolll dUu agreelo~g.. . That Is notlilug new. The commisllon alli'ays bu been unclerslondabl)" ·Joatbe lo Insert !IHI! ...... Into Inter-city dlaagreemen&a or to oet ~ which could pfague the .oc;;;mi, .. In every freeway route hearing for years to come. · · the bluft. 11.t llavlaJ foglll ...... but-costly and ...... avalllq lil1ll. llley now liillne lhef have an obUpUon to move aUoid -·..it the -poulbl• dis!Jn for a trwway 'on tlie ldoplad route. Jt wu lhe ~and rupoaalble acllon to tan. = ol liomeOwn«I In the pathl of the -and villGOlll1 .propoeed alternate roulao have hem panoHm Jona ..,..ih by the . ..-,. talnty. N~ oaldal1 are ·tn a p>llllon to p!IC6 a lleavy burden on the.stale to ccma up with outltandlQ( dal&i! and lptcial COlllllderallon 8lala ~:rm~· have Indicated wDllngnen lo mab om ellort to ..:111 ... some bi<eaktbroucbl on Newport's -"°"' ably dlft!eult problems. Ill the several yean bolore the -•Y can be built, many things are possible. 'Party·With·a·Pm:pose' Saturday can be a mighty 1lgnlflcant cla,y· In !Jle ll•tt of •everal tbouwld ijartlor Area Yl'Wlf people who have been Invited to a happening ·at the Orange County Fairgrounds, from 9 a.m. lo 9 p.m. The ''COsta Mesa Hai>P"11nrk!!: a communlty!wlde attempt lo give young people a e to learn for them· selves about the prob!em8 of drugs and drug abUle - and have a real good Ume In the proceu. . ' In tbe oeven yean, the makeup of the Hllhway Oommlssion has changed. Ne"'.)IOlt has changed dty lilanafen, mayors'llDd-countilmen.·So·has Cos'ia-Moia. But for Ibo lllOll part, lbe ne~ players In the various perts have played the same roles as tbe predec-n. , So Ibis week, N""l"'!'I Beach citr. councilmen ar· rf,ved at lb.• turning poipt. They didn t say Ibey would alp a freeway agr...,,ent tor the adopted alignment ~ alou·lbe blaffl In Weet ·Newport-and-Mariners Mile. --lt.,...lirstof Its kind. Along with a lot of enteftaln- melll provided by rock bands, light shows, singing groups, celebrities and exh!bill, the young people will have a chance to get some answer1 about drugs from all kinds of experts -Including a number of former ad· dicU who have been the route. 11\11 lliey stopped saying they wouldn't. They still· feel the freeway lhould be inland frnrn It's a unique community 1'party-with-a-purpose" that deserves every success. 'Let'• Dave Some Pu{»lic Bearings' Would Pay for Back Bay ,.. the Edlt«: I want to comment cin the broken -of tbe lrvlne CclmpOl1)' .. tbe -Bay eschanae· In ws. -Ibo state granted Ille tidelands of Ibo Upper Bay !nlo tile crunty'1 trust and al the aame time fll'Bllted the Lower Bay tlddands lo·the City of Newport Buch, Ille state may bave bad In mind tbal Ille Upper Bay ...aid be bell developed as another barl>or. Twenty.-ven f.W'I later there ltetnl -to me tome quemuon u to~ tblt 11 Ille -.. ay lo -lop tllil -blo ..... perty, With the shrinking shoreline and open spaces, and the fact of overpopula- tion, perhapt: our needl hive chaneed. TllE UPPEll BAY meuura u.n D1ilu of lhordlne, much ol wldc:b - lie bulkliuded In the -p~ ex- cbange plan. Realizing that if we, the peop1t., want to keep the bay for pubUc uae we must pay for tt In IOIDe WIJ', I oubmil that the cililenl ma1 v~ well be ready lo do tbiJ. Supervisor ROOm Ballin, In bl! letttt of Dec. S to his fellow supervlsors, came ap with • good financial possibility. It Is referred to by lhe Irvine Company as an "instant plan." I call It a beglmlna plan and it b an alternative plan al which many people say there have been none. OP COUR8B IT 11 without benefit of public heartnp but I guarantee to you that It wu not "pieced together to match the demands of a llmited few." Tbe limited few number many hundreds ol concuned citluns. ~t's have acme p.ib11c hearings with all 1lde1 rept eaenttd. l was under the irapreuion, however, that the lrvloe Cclmpany would not apProve of public meetings on this oubJecl while UUpllon iJ pending. can we all wilt that long? There are federal funds available for · engineering studies of the Upper l!ay IF the bay Is lo be developed In the "public . ~ . .,-.4 ~ -...- ini<IWI." n ls up to the public, I bell .... ID~ lhil, but Ille uml ii NOW. --l!l!E LONGLEY 'We Area'& u ... "6119' • To --·Edlto<: " I tb!Dk'l-.~ -of lhl tnlD)' l'Ulbnl people don't want to be in- volved In other people'a problema ! I used lo wonder whJ people would Just ~ by aI¥I watch otberi belni, beaten or stolen from or refU8e to be lilted • witnea to an automobile accident. l was a wltntu to an ecddenl In c.osta Mea, and did my duty ... cltiJen by al«JID!i '5 lhe .,_ and lfviJ!C a fuU ,_ anil 1!'9'!""-to appear ID courtll~. TWO MON'l'lltllter, 1 ·recelved s oub- poena. commandihg me to •ppear •t C-Meaa Mu\llclPo1 Court, which I did alt.r makbig ..+.niremtnll lo locate and 111¥ • ~ for my amall dauil>ter who wu sick and .ranging for my bus· band lo lake time off WC>'k IO be could take me to the hearing. However, when I arrived there, I was told the cu& bad been postponed. One ether wllDell (• school teacher from Comploll) and Futility ls the Word Ba11N1 Teua. Tribue: ''Communists never negotlall ln poet faith. FuWlty ~ the wnnf for Ille drurJ --belnC pll)'<d oul In Paris. Tbe enemy •negotiators' .,.. nol negoUatlng. '!'bey are waiUng for the American people to becxme ao war-weary, 80 contmed, so frustrated that they will d e m a n1d wilhdnwal al our lon:el, leaving them with v1ctOry 1n -bands." lhM!ap, B.D., lleclsllrt "Nenpop- _.. inform, alert. Insuuct. educate and Unei prbage cam. And .do lhem all at yoUr c0nveoience, not it theirs. You ..• pt lbe word. ii'• waiting for you, on the prtnt.ed pege." ' .. . '1·t ., Pa., Amtricanl 1'Evidently -· Jeglolalan In Washington ... ----- Friday, February 27, 1970 nc .--01 Ibo oaa, Pllot ,.,., lo lltftJrnl ond 1rtm. llloll ......... -flllhlO tlliJ .._. • .,,...... ...s ..,,.. ...,.t4fy °" loplct of fnter11I ond tlgnlffetnlCO, br providing o I"""" for 1M ..,,,_,. of our rradtrs' .,....,.., ond bv prtitntlng th• d~ oltlD' point. o/ lnJ..-d _,,,.,., ...s IJ)Okfl...,. ... topjc:I oJ jllc dew. ltobert N. Weed, Publllller ' enough concerned --oldar ~ allempting lo u .. «I -...,Jty ID _ .. 1-a111...-1n beliefifa ralhe?' lie Ila ·~ ,.....i at .. ..,,_ by tbe ..,_, l'll\;opl - of tbe conp • .. i.,e a low pllty leellni• a--· ..... lo.~ wldc:h they geU11«il1) "'*,".. upon themaelv1a.11r i. ...._al II or.,.. ti ,,...oent." • • w.&antla.-.. ...,..,.._,"Our u.iu&bl Is' 11111 II -ii -II IOOd tar .... _,. • -be .... iittMr ... at ...... .,, ,. 11 it'° ndacl f .......... ,., II ·---ity and c "ml It to'"" AllllL Wbat II aauce fer Ibo_,,_ -be aauoe for tbe belp .-. And "' -If ... do ---... 01 ,.,._, rpeodlq II mlcht lfClloo Ibo load for Ille ~ !qla llld Ibo bard- ~ tupryer." CUe:Mt, tow1, P11 11f..UNl1w1 "Tbil penunenl al Ollll ls trail' . l syttem ol checl<• ... -,.,.. ' thOl'I .... tbe l'tllef cbact. tbeo ..... tW . •11-1 check, u... tbe. -...... . -· lo llY , nolhitlf al I b I Stcial secirity cbect and tbe Jl*Dplo)DIOlll , check. Soon lo become .............. will ' ' l>e the Gr<al Society povtrfy and rent-. IUblidJ -· Now lh!a lakes Cl(O ol the checks, but I'll be darned u I know . Wi>«e the balaDCOI will be fol!ncl," . . ~--·- myaell bad DOI -llOlllled al tllls postpoaemmt a1 au. AfPROXDIATl:tT tee-._, .. both recelnd -lllllpoena and, nalar~, ... _....i·tn court qaln alter going lbrooP the same problem• we bad before: ti.me off work, paying a bsllJaftler, etc. I 111iP1 add this; k .- lbe~ -lor a leKher to be absent !rom -k and It COlll my btllband and me .,_ W. cannol alfard lo looe. Tiiis time Ille c.. .... bean!. -· ... too baun ...,. la find the delenclant bid -OllllJ~ his pies prior lo the l"'arlng and ri _...•t ..:...Jed to Iii at all. • ·-,--.. { •. i 1'0llODY TOOlt the trliable lo le{ u bow. What a joke!!! But we ~aren't la~ W•'re -erlng bow many olhe~ have. tieen IDcorrffiilencea the. w•y we were. ,Persooally. l'ti a ·little more than illqulted with this negligence and ii> ~ al'the good cltben: llellev• me, I wlD lh\nk·lwice before ••getttna In- volved" again. MRS. WDI TOEDTER Etllsota EqatUi... To the Editor: I am beginning to see the writing on the wall and ii 11 ln the form of S'a. I'm speaking, al ooune, of the lmpend!q a· panslon of Ille Edison ,_.Ung planl ln Huntington Beach. nie engineer for the Public Utilities Commission admit& that the amount of pcii1utloo lbal will be produced by the ... panded plant will lncrea.se in tht Hun· tingt.on Beach area, but that's O.K. because the increase '#111 ~ offset by no incrwies in olher plants in the baain. THIS LOGIC IS like telling everyone not to be concerned if a typhoid outbreak lhauld occur in Huntington Beach, for the. outhreH Is ollset by aU the other c!Ues ln lhe ._, In wldc:b an oulbreak did DOI occur. I -see wbJ any actlvltJ, no mat-ter bow c:r!tical It ii lo Ibo clneJopmeot al an aru, can be.-to CCllllpl'Clm!ae the bea1tb and -...... al Ibo c:llitom ln lbatarea. -al .,..in, II Ibo pianl II to be eniarJtd. Ibo -ty ad- mioislraton -ill' llllcli"I "111 al remcwtng thole: IJelOIW tna Che ._ enu..ly. MY FilllLY -from Loa ktplea County lo -hi __ .,.air poi1Q. Uoa aoly to be . ....,i.d ltf aranp --thanb DOI to na11n bUl Ii> the 8aathorn Ca1lhnle -~· lliltory ha -tbat dartnr -ol eztcency IUCb .. World War D or tbe •P- pemnce al Sputnik, -I ~cal --.. -Lei'• put the -... Bdiaan llld .. bow fut they can cune ap wttb a -o1· 4oli¥trtllc ponr when 11'1 """°" wi-Ibo -lid pallutlon. DAVID II. CAllUIEllG, 1'11.D. Dear . Gloomy ·Gue: . Dail ... tr.in. Col!I-ntll7 itaft.to..X-"No,.,_ lni" sJgna lo -'.tbe l1Jlllll'.., .apil\ll nalur .. lovlng hlbra! -J ... Tilll fMhlf1I ~......,.. ........ • ""1UMr'lir .._ " At ,,.. • .,, ._ ,,.., .Mt ................ , .... o.lfJ ...... Moving ~ack, Forth-Fluff And Serious A c:orreap-!ram Montana ,..nla to know how l cu write • aeriOUJ column about world t&arvation on one day, and on the nm dq "• piece. of fluff with no laJtinl alplficance." I find no dffficu1ty In juaiifying this chan1e of. tone and pace and depth. I am not al-...y1 Jnterested 1n serious subjects, and -Illa ii a mullkoiortd tl!!ili. ~ We need a deceat let of priorities in oU'r values -IO dll1 important matttn must come first -but. at tbe same tiJie, we cannot keep pounding at the bli bass drum every day. AND THE RBASON I called this col- umn 11StrlcUy Ptrllmll" when I began it more than a quarter-century qio, was that J was tired of the "categorfla.Uon" of columns into separJ!.te subject matter -Wuhiogl.on, foffign a ff • I r I • Broadway, Hollywood, hwoor, ar what ban you. This ii an artificial fr•gmentatlon of the. personality, and a fal&ific:ation Of the full apectrum ol. human event.. l wanted tbe cohmm to reflect,.qWte naturally and honestly, what I was feeling and think· jni on ey gjven day -Ind not have to write a ponderous think-piece "on the state o( the nation" when 1 wanted to talk about Children's toys or tht peculiar-, tty of Frtnch idioms. WE ARE ALREADY loo much al a na· tion of specialists, each locked into his own l!Ule llol, concerned ooly Jn that which appeals to our pecuniary or pro- f esslonal interests. 'Mlis nanowness and rigidity of specialization makes for dull people, not for "serious" ones -f« tru1y serious people have a eense of balance and a cuJUvated curiosity •bout many diverse things in this stran1e. frighten· ing, wonderful world of ours. It would bore. me insufferably to have to write Oii one general auIJJect e...-y day -ao maUs' how vut or ilpiflcut that IUb)lct mlpt be -and I dare say it -ban.., -Just ii much. We ... --al -leoela and mood• llld -. ailil Ilda ls Ibo lfOlll charm (and-) al Ille -apecles; wblle otlw ---a few dellghtfnl ex· ~ -"*'11 _.. their er1m pla al buntlill ~ •tlng tnd •ieoplng. IT 11 lllC¥IO Ii> be penlatenUy trivial ln Ilda pGl1lloloua aao. !alt It is plQ!Qa jut u fUI with human 11ature io bt -ponderGUJ and aolemtl. as pollll· dint ~ ID ·bt, who ate ,..eraily capablt of• -!tr degree of reflection -~ wht1' lo scratch next. lndMd. lbe beSt and· m°'t eftrecUve Mlic1:Mn 1 bl~ known -men like Robert JDrt,cblns, for instanct -have --·the profound difference bittt-true "setkiusMss .. and tnel'i! -~/' met have never been afraid to .-. frivolous wbe.n the oetaslon caU· td !er ti. Quotes Macr. Nichlu ColmoliJ, Oatiind, rntew1n1 Cbrt.IUDI• KOOi. -11Jt is m<>OI refr.shlng lo us all to diva the warm •ppeal of the simple, Orm fa!th of children whe.n we are ao .in need CJ( en· couragement In the,. turbulent U-." Fred Wmaa, Mlrtl1t1 -"Let's alt stand up and salute our nag, and be counted as Americans wbo reallJ btllevt In a world that abould be free fer all men , all races, all creed• -and worth Optinf for." -..----.. " ~ ~ • • r : , .' ' Give · the Vote ·1 " To 18-Year-Olds - Of course JS.year-oldl abouJd vote. Aa of th1t writhig, .A senators have declared their support al Senale Jolnl ResoluUon 147, sponlOl'ed by Sen. Birch Bayb (Dem., Ind.). in f•vor of • constitutional amendment to lower the voling qe. lo 11. Elgbton year.olds are not aoJy eligible for milltaty tervlce ; they .,. rqmled In all but one of oor· ~ 'llalH as adults in criminal court,' fully responsible for their actions. My own argument for the lowered voUnc qe la thl.l Am•icM men ud women are ar.rlvlng at biological maluri· ty earlier than ever, but are kept In social immaturity longer than ever -by compulsory gchooling, by the dmtand that they go to college, by exclusionary practices of both employera and unions. By the age. or 18, a young: man or woman is ready and eager to be involved in adult tmemlt. The 'vote 'trill be .,. Mult COD- cern that wW mah at least one cbanie In the Youilr per-'• Ille. THE DlSCUSSION of A m e r I c a n blst<ry. « llOcial sludiu and · current events cannot but bt enormously enllten- ed ln every classroom lf the results are tO be not limply n n:mn or a term peper, but decision ln the polling booth. I believe that It would be de.trable far candidates fer political office, national or state or local, to appear ~ore high school mi collqe audiences to speak and be q~ tkloed. lt would do both students and can- didates a lot of good to meet ea.ch other. Gov. Ronald Reagan of California bat opposed the. lowering of voting age on the ground that it would lead to "unwelcome -poUtlcal fnfluence·tn higher education." I wouJd disagree. 'Ibere Is already an enormous amount of unwelcome •nd unacknowledged polltlcal innuence in higher education, usually disguised as sociology or economics or literary crltlcimi. tr open political campaigning by candidates weN! welcomed on campwi, It mJgbt. compel some of our profeuon to define their roles more cuetully: AH tbey going to be teacben or in they going lo be advocates for • particular political view? THE MOST IBRIOIJS objection lo votes for 18-yell'-Old& comes from U... ·who fear thal the<klnd of studltlt violence and lrrallonallty that Ibey anoclate with college campuoea might be lntroducod in- to ele.et«Jl polities. P'or um tear. we have the mau media lo blame which have crtated a dJstnu:t of an entire leMrttfon on the basis Of the ICUOnl d I Den George ; I feel It Is my duty to irl!onn you that your celebrated ayltem of Sideway& ftinking ha1 been ··~ proprlaled by 'a fellow named de Bono and made lnlo a -called "New Tblnk" In "hldl 7'JU1' molu- lionary d-., II .-to as Lateral 'lblntlng -a thin dlSlufa< lf l evw uw one. Don' ,.... lh!nk,.JOU -... i our laWJer! PAUL PALMER Deir Paul: Niii, Plul -U JC111 -my lawyer you W'INJdn't want to see him, ellber. On4' prolllllooal .... I tver saw who dotan't even matt olflce callt. As for the de llono book, I l'I Tetter1 about It. I'll nad It IOml lime. So far I MY'ln't '""' cot.ten around to readlnl my own book m Sideways 11tlnilng ( • • D e 1 r Gaorael" lllllllraUoN by Wall few. The fact is tha.t less than I peromt of the students were respomible tor the uproar. Most acti\oist leader' were 24 and over. lt is not lack of a vote that makf.S violent dissidents violenL Besides, half the populaUon belften II and II will ~· be.~ coUqe anyway. , Earl Blawnonauer, the 23-yNN>ld director of the refefendum on th!! i9IUt 6Cheduledin Oregon for May, says that tn .~~ that state "we h•ven't bad any trcubJ• ~~ with campus dilorders, yet that la the .~ t: one thing that bothers people.." Clark Wideman, ZZ.~ .enior .at'Ohlo Slate " University, who hu campaigned for 1lfll " Jower votinf qe, resents what be Cllll' the .. media kid," who ·11 to be seen ., often on TV news, burning bis draft cud. or sitting in •t a colleie demonltratkin. ~·The image or young people 11 to 21 ll distorted by the mii!lanl ..,. percent which has unfortunately received the most eiposure." .. BUT THE •MAJORITY ol )'OQlll ·-and women don't have a chance on the netwotb. Aa William Greider wrote In the Wll!lllington Pl>st, dMCrlblng tbe bear· ings on Reaolution 147 on Febnwy 11. •'As if to prove CWideman's) point, molt media plded up and l«t the Senate hearing room alter hearing adult wit. nesses ... but before clun-<:Ut youtl:I bad its say. "Sen. Marlow Cook (R .. Ky.) acoldod the three network televitlon crews for turning off their cameras. He told the young witnesses: 'II you had come out ol' your seats back there, knockfni over chairs and shouting .•• l promlte you that you would have been on every na- tional TV news program ln Amtrlca tonight."" Some yoong people cunplain thal Ibey cannot achieve social cbanp without violence. They ue WTtlftl. What they can't get w:itbout vlolence, cr at 1eut dramatic acUon, 11 ~e an I o'doct news. Tbe public muat not be mialed. ,,,. vast n\~ of youni10e11: •nd women are not like I.ht "media kids." They in lul1y responsible, wonderful yoong adults. They are fully enUUi!d lo the vote. ByS.J.~ Pr-I Su Fmclteo Stato llallap Kelly ; Slm<n & Schulter) and tt was wrtUen yean euu.r. Dtar George: I'm a mllb>an llld tllil ...maa . on my l<Jlrte loll a Verf 1\ll'lonate note in M empty milk loull1U. other morning. I got *'-'cl _., and dl'OfPed by to pi<t her 111> that eveninf u ahra bid maa 1*1. Slit actuallJ lllapPed mel Do.yon tbfnt she.'& outa, or whlit? CONFU&!:D M1LKMA11 Dear Collluaed: No,! think lhe probably anl Iler notes mlXod up. u you think ,...,.. confuted, imagine Iba -llO' who IOI a ,...led letttt asldn( !Un lo leave her 1ome coffee cream and a conlalner of prune Yoeurt. ( 1'Georp aolvtd all llfe'1 pro.. blems for mel" wrttes Ario Obl1 of Bark, Ark. "He allowed me wMR lhe answen were ••• ln·tbe1blck of tbe boalJ I ") .. ' ,·. ) .. • ;, . ' ·- ,:• .. ·, ,: . ' ' • .> .. . . ) '· .. -· •, • • • I r , • • :~ l ! l .. ... .. l • . . '' ' " " . ' ' ' ' I ' I • '· ' ... =·: • ' " • • ' ) \' " ' ' ' • • • '; ' • ' • • ! , I .' " • I . " • . ' " .. • ,, ' I •• " ·'. • ; I . . . • 'I ' f:. ·~.4 , .. J ~ l , • ~ I I 1 · , ,1 iA.1Jf J1 ~~.· ,.~ , ,,. UJV..l U:; .. 1 ·. , • . ., .t1, I ., , " .... BE:. :_.NOE RSON, Edltw ... ,rtNY, ,._.,ir·t"" •· !~?. • ' " ' , .. • '< . ~·'\/ I;_ ' ' .. •.t • i ' ' . • ( . . ' ' BIENVE NIDO -Ready to weicome~gueSts to their Fiesta de 1os Grin.gos are Oefrto right) the Mmes. Jay D. Buchanan, 'Clinton HOO$e and Stephen Bar- nard. The party, to be given Friday} Mari:h 6-( is being staged in the Kendall Knights' home for Assistance League ·Juniors and thei~ husbands . Ole! Can You Si Mexican Mood Prevai ·ls I '·' ' I . • ' 'DEAR ANN ~DERS~-~•115 Oql1I a newspape< WU 111.,._ ~ be ·a fiiond. Woll, our paper priiltod iomelldnll ~ tbal might lnak Ill' aur marriage. · · Norville ind I c<lobnl..i our golcltn wedding ·annivusary last year. He it: 73 ind l am 71. We have four lovely chlJdren Ind 11 grandClllldrt11. 'Norville and I have hod aeportte ·-• lor atx.11 eiaht 'Pl1· He -vaed lo ilnock an my dd11r ever)' tew .weeks bub ht h85'1'\,.kmcked cor ilbool ... yeafrwhlch i1 jull I1111. ,u.h me. • Ye1terdlf, on 'the, front MP of our Titwspaper l'll an. lJ'\icle @out a ~w · ilrui called lAlopa which wu given lo a patient in WallhJniloo, D.C. Io r •• Parklnlon11 disease. The patient. a man iil his IOI, hid. not bnn able to have au <1or about six ~· Alter ~eral -s ol ~ope i, otaned 111 chi• the nur .... au -over tbt ~ The doctora said his new dtug mlgbt bt Ole answer for older people Wllobave loal lhelr,.. drive. N~ •-to 11o lo w'~, D.C. aod get the medtc!ne. He doa not hHe p-·· dlleaae. ~ lul ' thrft yean l\aft been wonderful. I don't ,...t-lll)'lllln( <bang<:<!-I need. Y•,, ""· DEAR ANN LANDERS : I read the lei· ,--t.er fton:\ lhe mother wlao was rtiad at the Vb'.-N.N:l'. ' : ochool becauae. tlMy lold her U,,y dlltn 'I bD.R N • .7.: Yw dot't --It be w1mt hf!' dlabellc ~Id. The JOUPlller --1 • "7 chu1<1, aod had lo have spectaJ privileges and It HI-~--· My medlcal -diacomb6bulaled everybody. The mother nl-lolllt ... ..._1Joo1-., fell the ie.cbor w11 !"'l"'·beeauae Ibo. ' ......... ''i ....... If Ml ,...,,.., U WUD'f wllllll lo put 11<1'aelf olil I IJllla ........... .. 111df id I #Ne WWW for 'An "unfortunate youngster." You aNe-., , ......... m1l l11 --with Ille dllld. I'm on tbe I ) • , , ... •• FJi&te • l ·-~ .... .,...-... -------.-~--. , ... ,.... ... , ....... ·-. . ..... ---I ... ---· ............ __ ..__ .. ·~"'"'• __ ....,.,.,.. ... --- \ !!If· ~ILV PILOT ::e:a: £ =±:;; " {lldu, r~ 21, 1910 ·-·------~-~~ .... JP~. C~nni rs. _-4_n ~~µnce ~ ~Da.ught~r'~ · 8~tr-0tha l Horoscope I . ~ \ , Libra: Get Answers . ·: • • . . -~ • lioait ol'" lht. benedlcl'<lecl'• pannll, Mr. and Mn. Wllllm ................ ~ "llp1car..-...,..Mr. and Mn. E.D. Ooanlr, the brtclo-, elect'i lfllldparenb I r o·m Matr!uU, 11r-. · . The dllliJA have IO\t<:ttd the Cburdt oflbo Good ~ • lo Weatmlnstet for their wed-dlnltJune 17. . Miu Conner l1=duate ot Coeta Meri High I •nd b hlljorina ln m ' cs at · ± OU!lge C-COii.,.. Her flance It an alumnr.as of LI Quinta Hip School, Santa· Ana and I• llllldYinc butJoeu 11 OCC, He· oerved with the '.ArmJ lif• Viebwn. Take Note SATURDAY FEBR\JARY 28" By SYDNEY OMARll ARIES (March ll·Aprll ll): Your plans !or pubU.hing, wrilinc niay Jack solid bast . Know dif!erenct be t ween creativity and mere dreaming • Day to leave details to others. Find out where 1911 are going. TAURUS (Apil) 20-May 201: Dig deep tor inlonnation. Be wary of one who wants to skip essenUals. Follow r u I e s ~ adhere lo regulaUons. Then you benefit -e.specially ln' financial sense. SCORPJO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): Don't be "la.ken i0 11 by (&fit talla1r. Som-IDIY .lie trytni to get something for nothln& -lrom you. Bo Independent. Realize your own w o r th • ~AGITrARIUS (Nov. 12· Dec. 21): You ·make od· •ancement~lrsoClal -tacts. Turn on charm. ~.If dlplomatlc. l you gain. j)lherwise, y6u Ire stalled. Associ ates ' Tour Show CAPRlcORN (Dec. -.Jan. Ji): You do your be!ttoday in ~s · role.4Som1 who Cf'Ye cUt •saicnmenu are subject to "°111•, Be.(lixlble. If V!r&1Ule;-you move with the Ude .iad-. - AetlAlll"'F 'CJaa.m· ; ·eb. I!): ISome fr!flldl;, \'well mearili\g bl.It lack r C•l g. D~scard rumors. Ch k"' and doutile check infonnaU .kvou can ao places --.if.prei:fu'fd. PIBCES (Feb. It.Ma~): AC<ltnt OD reality of 1aspira· tions. Your 1oa1 should i>ehiih -but you must com~nh:Bte with key person. Be ·rddf for sorpt ;brupt changes. GEMlNI (May 21.Jµne 20): Cycle is not high . Day to do. Un lver1 I ly Ga 11 er y Gloo,....y Gus Is' ; more listening than talking. As!IOciates will tour an ex-''' t • Play wailing 'g11n~. ~ • blblUoo Ol'IJ'l.!rfm U.. llldllle ·Your indit 6ilY · . especially consider1te toward .1. In , •• •·• le Cou ...... : ~ mate,·partner. Avoid legal en-,..,~ · ~ -•• S ntyy'=====~==~~ tanglements. Museum· of Art on Tuesday, If EAST R CANCER (June 21.July 22): March 3· E Guard health; avoid eztremes. Transportation !or the show-H 0 L I D A y Remember recent resolutions lni of "TJle Middle Ages: 1,,. Creative writing in1tructor . j. ,... . • po nc,.r n l n 1 . diet.' rtst.~ ~Treuuru from the Clol•\etl HtwaM ·;~·~ ... , Sl11Ll.Y CONNllt ". ·-!1~:~ Allee ::~, Wolrll!ll "HAltD :,T .. UAY."-Sh.a~ )ohii ol!len ·11 half the fUn jn nursery school .as , ~oa and ..,.,,1 ... C.. , •ltlj t!>t,,MetrOoolltao. M~ •-<r. • Juinmer •!!le .Jdrlu ~' I Ill!! Sc:ptt B81iodck alicl Tonya .'f.rewton cu attNt. They are •haring two guinea · ~~r. ,...,. ..,11;· •void of '1ir\ ~ !'1il' i!ejilrt '-'•295 Lquri•BrlllC!loftheN'tlonll pigs wlth4e!r school dlrectorMn. Let ,Vander He14on·of Suoshine Commun-· (oi>lilhomwnent. P'uhioft" wand et l:ff 1.m. 'P · • Ltlgue of Amert"-~ Pfft' lty ;Nu~,.Y School , Costa Mesa. Atea nutnry schools are llost!ng open houses •· I.SO .CJWy IJ.All(.111: Your Ind rel.urn it I p.m. . " ~· Fi.: h• Womwi at 10 a.m. on monday, next•w.Hk: during Education Week. ' M!ld for affection ii tuUUltd. FoUowin& a ,noon ,tour, ,.., 1~, • . e1S io ns::;.~ Mltch.Z. ... . • \ [Oil art .Ome\rhatcllllj'itlll'!i m~bel'I may brOWlt the R' .· I • / · ~-'Ibe. inatructor from the , ~3 · IUddtn ,bun -etents,. m\Ul\lm and enjoY.Jun4 . l . .:.::::or: ' · L9oi · Beach lnaUlute o f N ' · S h / A" • ~ • q,uld illvolile OJ>Pl)lite .... Membership iafOrmatton Is ::, F'I H .~ 1'. Lff•Ume Lumillc will ape1k ursery c 00 s ctrve Oon'I commit yourself to 1val11ble from the associotes ' I y I t\11 n OD wrillni for YllWli odultl. ,perman<nt .... 1.tonship ·-olflce 131-4110 ......... .. ' • ~ The ,..Ion will Ilk• place In • ' there ls lime. ' · · 1· T•kini Flight ·i.co .the 7GI :::: =~:r. bulldlnc °' _Ed u·cat·1·0· n· ·Week Feted =.<!'!:is ~.i:1.,,:1~ FR_E .. E will be ft'let6&en 4t1 tbe Rely v.alut1. Check aaretv mwuru ~··•-~-1 •-~·-110 Af-tacherlnthoNew L_, , W•'!';:'.:,'.!'., •• u--·-.~ • -·~· II ,.....; ll1d In 1utomobUe. r ··-·~--"""p York City ochooll sy1tel!I, · ' ' • •• . Som who me<ta at i ]1;111< ,-.y, Mrt. Wl'lcbl hu been 1 Eorly Childhood Educoilon chlldnn all durinf the morn: On March 7. the s<hool will tt>di 1 bov~~u:"b!"'C::la ' March 3, in ·!lit XoJpi, ol """1ber AJl·tbe l.onlo&lch Wett ~ ·,~ !Or tlil oat -Jni. Chlldr-. from "two yem, like part in a display In the li':/'1ie this · respond 1~ ~ Q,Jwnbus Hall.,.. -f atatf f~-111U)'s. She will bt week. , ~ ,.-, nhti moirihi Cla.,e ti kin· HuntJngton Ctnter ~all. • cordm&lY. ' -"g~~H ,:ru1~~~s1 '0o; SUIT . Ott SPORT . COAJ 'l'1?" "flilht"''#ID ~·.'lhe .Introduced by Mn. ~ Aim~ 1chnols are dercarten .ari,tlillble to join. Jn addliiOn to its regulor ,LJll!A (Sept. 13-0cl ~): RK;ULA p ICE f ..,...._ __ ,.,lu-.:f*r= ..... u""W -~1111 cl!!lrmaD-"'>==-.....,...,~~i!<li!toiiifiiilorm.uoftT~Jl:!!)!...lh• .school;11r .. 1~aure-~!l!~~MF __ tflt•=:--=-"·=' ,--· .,-...... -1--1" event or the .year, •\ fllldon ~. -· · ..... 1111 ".'~ 7tJ":" ~ .. ·:--~i · . 111 r-Scttolar1h~ror i"f"r un-tans--:=stm · ,;It .. or Jouri.W ~ ---d.. lhow which will ~ Jil40o'at • • -by lllafnc Open·houses and ol• obtained by ealUnJ Mr!.•Allen derprlvlleged children in 11\e eoardllo conluslnc· If coopirl-' :H""C~:::·~'l.:j -- 1 noon s!toidaY, J\!li'Ch"l l In the Mothers Give luinc dlsplayi at •hopplna Cliirby, MM3i6. community. Anyone interesled Uoii b ll(li!nc from older Jn. • -ONLY-~ orange . County M·e ct I ca J etnter.a., • On Saturday, March 7, fron1 in the program may telephqne 1_Jdl~v~ldu~1!1.~B~e~"'~'Plt;Uu;I ~-~bul:J~=========~!!!!!;•H;O~N:•;;••:o-~t~• bJ ll11SOClation BuJld!J>I• ~· Art H'story Su"'1>'ne Commun J,1'.1 · u a.m. to ·1 p,m. the school Mn. Merlyn Foote. IJl!-16!0. · tel-wwv1 to qu01U0111. · - Proceeds frooi UM 'lbolr will I NurMiJ •khool, located ln the wU I have a display In Scuth Sun 'n Fun Creative Pl•Y r be wed ftw tM ·.::tmlar•hJP Prn~f~n .-,Churcb o( Jlie_ Coast Plaza, Jn ~Cojnltlon of Group, a parent particlpa~ t fund and i>thu"J!laUlillll<oplc Appreciation Cov-'\'ln •Coota Mera ; Education Week. . nurury school in Seal Beach, f projecU. Mr'flt,.~ ~ and w~1COJ'lf8 '-ilri. th tr s an~ 1'1ayor Jick Green of Hun· Is having open house in Zoe\er .. . iMrfl. Jol'ln 14~ 'Ire co-Moth~ cf e~l em· e n t a r y childrtn =lo-tfielr open howie tington Beach ls coming to the SchOol auditorium on w"ed~ f: Chairmen. .; schOOI studei1ts ·wbo will CO'il· \Vednesday, March 11, fr om C~unlty United Methodis t nesda y, March 4, and Thurs. Mn. Antonio J\ 0 dti1 u e, duct art appreciation lectures 9:30 lo ~I :~ a.m. Nllrsery School on Wednesday, da y, March S, from 9 to 10;30 pru.iden1t wW--ft1come new in their schools received Suruh1nt is one of several March 4, to help the schoo l a.m . ........ fJ(rt. J'rlM illr'unMn trainlD& trom mm.btn: of the-. pa~nt-partJclpaUon nunery celebrate. The co-op program ! 1 Of~ and 'Mrs, Robert "Ni!Wport H'lll'I!&' Ser.Jee SchOols hl'Oranc.Q>urtty :ol-On this dale"!he kllool II deii111ed " lo encoiarage "lhe Meade of Huntington Beach. League. fe~ing . 5 c h 0 0 I _experience. ho3ling its annual open house preschoolers' educ at t 0 n- FoUowing the bu a In~ s 5 As • part of Proje c t Directing l~e tots 111 1'1rs. Lee 1. frofll D to .~l ::f> a.m. and from al social, emotional and physi- meeting Mrs .• Charles -Har-Scboolttme, James Fu II e.r, Vander J:Jeiden. , 12 :~ t~ 1 p.m. and Tfiursd1y, cal developrtent. The school is ri«an will show alidts from profes:Sor or art hislory al A_m_, crafts ti_nd 0 l h e r f\!arch 5, from 9 a.m. to 11 :30 st.ate lictnsc'il, nonprofit and jg btr recent trip th r o u & h Scrippt ~1e._ presented a racillt1ea: a.re available to the ,a.m. taught by Mrs. Ed w a d Encland and lrolllld. Thi of· brtel t>KqrOUnd ll1d bruah up M1111r1ve. Only,.feb. 21 &il28 ,. I !l<:f# ~· "'9Y1!1o ...i 1trve .~ ¥& ,biJlory for leque / , , "'11ber Information.may.-..-..,·, ':: ' "~-•·.'l!!ll stve 11'1 Oi s, ,·.T. rq1ns-,a_n_d Ships ' -mm Mr~ BID NO!le7 · . ' .. " . ·' llilJp 11» llllllllirl. -•t lf7.eol3. , -' . . ·" .,. ~ , · ~-Elcli ·---ha betn · ~ Morch f the younc1tero \.J...1'-l 1;; h re1e1n:htd w -..1111 by A E I II from Hill Top Nursery School •. Newport..M-School Dlitrlct com meal boxes In South A.t eupervttor 1'be ~ coft. C4a1t Plua from 10 a.m. to 2 ,., I .. V,'!(~;0111".S op a volunteer and ~ltd.by . rt n ,· ven s Wa s Jn Colli Mera will display ff'< tractive 11.w c1:i!X.~"*11-1'°"r 1ec1uns , ·work perrormed by 1rtl1t Mesa Verd• Llhrory 'lriU p.m. •. . .. "" pretented Wl!tikl.y to flttti rnembtr1 of Colta Mesa Art feature the worka of Mn. ~.m meal i11 a CTMt.iff·and · Wards ll('i1i!ii11u!and Will crodon. Lequo wlll ~ bn dlsploy IR -!lfcbira JQllel.llld Mn. D. c. ~pre·~·· medium • n d attract me~·-ot Qxmcil \ sdWM,11 partlclpatfn,i are varb.li locliUons In the Itta Mattock1. Children· 1t all 1taat1 of Slr,-en DOlorl l\tlion ol Martnm, Harbor View• Mro. Jones wUI lhow lnltil' deyelopment uae 1t'1nd ffnd tt IDW9ftlonar routinistr.., ~ dtl Mor, • Newport durtnc Mor~. sculpture of 1 111 b o a 11; c1r~ra them oome type of ac. Clubl -they mlel 1t 7>38 -IClliiiiitllry, Tustin MMr.orl•I, An nhiblt ·or •hitn ond •eagulls. n,..,.. and fi1h. 1c-.. Uvlty. p.m.,llonday. March 2, In the -ol /lnitlJ qd SI. lralnl In otl 1nd pencil by companied by oil palntlnp The· mdnthly meeting ol lhe G~tr IM, G a r d a ft .foachbns. artllt Emel\ C. Towler will be rendered by Mra. MattocU. · Westmlntter Nunery School G · • ' wUI take place Tuead1y. ~ n ... -· ,. ahown in United' California A one-womm •bow l ft Mirch 3, al 7:30 p.m. ... A -nel IntUucUn1 uie •erk.shop ·' · Bank, 'Coat.a lt1f1~ ln addition. Calllornla Feder at Savln&t of kinderaarten teMf\en from W\11 bi Mn. Jerrt. Bums. ·Officers Take Towler will exhibit enameled and Loan, Co1t1 MHa, will ill· Pnunllill Valley. Huiitlncton author -,ot qi~ ar;tk;lee on , .1 cartoon characters on wood elude seuc1pe1, landJcapu Beach, Wtstmlnster and ~~!...tuyu ~~·1n.'". ~'. ·~ew ·ou· t"ies bloclu. and still lile in oil done by Garden Grove ochool dlstrtcts T-.. ....,.. ..... ~~ . The artilt J#ew· up ,Jn · a' ·.Mrs. Richard Intr1m. will be r .. tured. Is a .,,.. prea:ldent of tht · railroad town, and hi• tnteres' 1Joa1 ?tfemor!al Hospttll, Open house will be con· Clll_lpr\1ta Stale-'-lltlon or .For sorority in tr1in1 II ropreoenled Iii a Presbyterlan, will llhlblt oils ducted from I lo 11 :30 Monday ParlfcDel\tariJnt" · major parUon of bis work. At I~ seascapes, landac1pe1 ·and throuah Friday, March t4. 'lbe.}ecturer on speech con-lnltlaUon ,of oltloera for the present he la: a commercial figure by Mra. John Guptill Mrs. Larry Mann at -..21st 1truct16n. "111 ht pertleularly Ora,01• County Alumnae Club 1rtl&;1ln Loe Ana:•lu. and Mrs. Mary S.111. will answer questions. lnlontlaltvo lllnce c I u b ' of Alplal XI Delli sorority will I ==t==:::;=::~-----'-=--~...:::..==:....:::==:_ prUnlly an pr,OJ!ij;ing lor bqlh 1t I p.m. nn Mondiy, cOntdll. Anyone 111Jsbillt to M•rch I, In the home ol Pn!•I· 1Ull1d lh6uld conlact Mrs. dent.Mrs. J1mes De!ndoerfer Cll<t. Olcott, c o u n c i I of. ll\lntJnclon Be1cb. chairman. Other otncers to be aeated ', ~ I Corduroy Usei JllbJoit·CordJlrOy b llflnc UI· td bf wintlr dolt dreues and lhetler .<*Ill, u well Al in 1potflwtar and oUttnirUr 'of all dtteilptions. ~ lncl1ade the Mmu. Norine Witl(el, vlceJlrerl d ent: • -Pond, corrupoodlna Heftt~! Charles H 111: treuurer,~ and Miu Sylvla GlblOll, 1t<rdaly. The procr1m will lndude a taUr ~I). the Jl'rance1 Bicker Awora by Mn. Pond. (Ooocl Th ru April II MAliN~ e DECOllPA6E • FLOWIU , .. JEWtiit MAKING .• GOLD ,LEAFING • ORAP~ ' . -· er.~ e PlttNTS e WOOD .. l.AGUu e CAND~· I UPPLlliS e STYltOl'OAM WIOR HOBBY CRAFTS -. ...:.t• 'HAitloB".J.l..V_D.,_ tQITA Ml!SA ""°"" '4J-1"60 -· ~ •.·.:t ~~!i·; :::>. =~===~ .,.,, .. ~ ~?:i llwl , . w. I ~:A ~~ ~:: ~I Wi. ,,_ .. ::;:·.( ~~=~: ·:~.;::I ""I.. :-%·)> ~ .. ~. ~1~f: ·, ' ' • r ' .. %:' ~:;.·:: :::~;: Ii LADIES BULKY SWEATERS I I:~ f 2 D•ys Q•/y R,1.1,.44 3'7 ' .: / 100% Acryjjc. et.. JMClr,nJl ,(lllhloeaod cot-. • , .... J\ dlaan1 CaliJt ttitch ftoatt. l 1lschloa1 new ' I ~~· spriaa co Jpn. Sizes S.M.L ,~::.-: lti LADIES NYLON STROCH·PANTS . '1··.. 2 D,,,,0.1y Rtg.J.97 · 297 • 100% nrloo ldttllod .,_pant& Compleul . . ""'tJhah~. ,,ide raDgt o(putcls and bi.sic dar~ ~ tone, Some 1'-'ith nirtups, proportion ltnat)u. ..... <~ s· ' i.;'$,· • • v. ~ --~t.;· •-11111r ..... ............ ·--l!IM. ......... llocol .. tYofltyYhw ....,, ......... <••ttMl11 11.~, ....... 11 •• JJtO~IM. ........ f ..... lt,ltlfl1t•I . ..... . ......... ......... ""' "''' ..,_ ..... •·11-,IMwtllttT..t.U... t HI IL Plocwtto ... I '· "' "' rt e. .. b. ,11 .. 1d IU ): •· 1h te ir l • ~ r ! . I I . r .. , . ..... ,..., -Tray'• l1aal . z - N.Y. Steeb YOC. 63, NO. 49, 4 SECT~NS, 44 ~~&ES FRlOAY,.FE8Rl:IA~Y 27, l9ZO TEN CENTS • • -' -.. .. .. ' 100 Turn , Out ;-to .· Hear · Council .. ' Candidates, -- 7 Heavily padded by friends a n d relatives, a crowd of about 100 turned o~ Thursday to hear seven men -young blood and old guard -in the lirst Meet th .. Candidates Night of tlJe 1970 Costa Mesa City Council campaign. Orange County Assessor Andrew J. Hinabaw was the primary attraction. followed by brief talks and questjoo and •nswet time for council aspirants. The sponsoring Mesa V e r d e Homewnerr AssoclaUon waa disap- ' ' pointed at I.he. turnout for its ·.Quarterly m~ at the Eatancla ~h School FoNm.. Don Smallwood, president. introduced the two incumbent councllmen see.king new tmm. Willard T. Jordan and George A. Tucker, then five challengers, em- phasizing the latter were in random order. "Let me tell you how I feel about the next 1 four years." liad Coo.ncilman Jordan, lddin& that be 1ees crime prevention and environment.11 preserv ... , Uoa as ~ key problems. · • ,. ''BaaiC!12Y, my plat.roan Is continued, good government and this 1 will .always stand for~" added Jordan, father of 'the City's new Crime PrevenllOn Commlttet and recenUy appointed to a stale hlghWay beautification pane.I, • ·Councilman Tucker said he envisions a Cillieni' Adviloty CommiUee to define r.ost.a,Mesa goals in coming years, can- ctntrttinc on youthful members .' f • -" 1'T~ have diliaenUr triad &o terve the conunuatty," he told the audience., OJ -.. !·:have a l*'.focl ~-.... ......S at all ,.....1ar or special ooundl 1D8etlncs. ... . • ' "'I am not muUftl aplnlt anyonel am 11Jl141nr for the ••l rv. held (our years." • · · PlannlnC OommllsiOllel" Jack . Ham· mott,, llJI' lift.wrill ID a l cut, llid he worbd GYIE' ,Ids ~ It 4 a.m., while upaUninrtllrlrac:1urM.llmb. •• • He also predicted candidates must campaign toward the uncunmitted voter. "The Good Lord wUting and Ir the creeks don't ri.&e, my family· wtl1 vo~ ror me, Mr. Jordan's family wUl·vote for him and Mr • .Bologh11 family WW vote (or him/' Hammett erplained. · , Enumerating man"y Wue.s· 1a·dnc'Costa Mooa, ·he quoted th.,blturnbeiit candidate he will app1rently be tryiaa-to· unseat Aprll 14 when· voters 10 to tbi"POil1. • ''Like Mr. Tucker Aid, you look at the . - uar oves IB . . -. --. --. a Happening Nears Anti-drug Project St-arts". Satu~day The stage ia set for an unprecedented Happening. ;-. Preparations were being cori'lpleted to- day for The Costa Mesa Happening, an experiment In educating the y o u n g against narcotics use by letting them choose their own source materials. (See reJated stor.Y i11. today's DAILY PILOT Weekender Section for details and ahow schedules cl the 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. event). Planned by the Costa Mesa Police De· pa.rtment. The ffJppeniJtg · has drawn widespread att.ention and may be u.sed 11s 1 model for similar pr~ects else- where. Arthur Suddjian, who goes on -the job ~1ondiy in Sacramer1t9 1s Gov. Rea- pn'a new direct<ir of.lhe Office of Nar· cotica aod Drug Abuse CoorcUnaUon, will alsQ come as i ii observer. The former Fretno educator, police of. ficer and consul~ 011 drug abuse. to the covernors of seven western states, was named to his new~ last Monday. He -was afraid the task or moving hi.'f family to the capital might prevent the trip lo Costa Mesa. but the visit will be his f i r 11 t official ass ignment by the gDVernor . Thomu Ellick, special assistant to Gov . Reagan, previewed the setup Wednesday and also plans to return to gather data for a documented report to Sacramento on The Happening. Suddjian i! scheduled to arrive at the CMta Mesa Police Facility io meet city officiata at 9:30 a.m., and will spend almOl!t the entire 12 hours on the scene. Costa Mesa f'1llice U. Austin W. Smith, community relations officer who bu co-- ordinated.. the mammoth project ffom the sta~ expeds a turnout of 20,000 people ot more. A wkle variety of educational showa. 'displays, exhibits, \\'ell-known personaU- ties and musical entertainment \viii be ottered at wartous loeitfons on the Or· ange County Eairgrounds. 'lbe Happening Is simply the initial step intO a cootinuing prosram of com- munltr druC abuse control efforb aimed '1 t potential usen, their parenUi, educat- ors and others. * * * * * * • .. Prevention Best Method LAW 0 CERS FIRE TEAit.o+s .INTO PART ·OF ~·'HA'RO, C\)llE ·A(OITATORS ... Sent• rt.are Rlo:len·IJMJHll'RIM T ectl'u-'ilo .\TlilN Night el Skim l1ht1 . ' . To Fight Drugs, Say Pros Mystery Veils $20,000 Blaze Concerned Costa Mesa paren~ were told this week that ptevenlion is the best means of drug abuse control by poUcemen and a psychologist who work with the drug problem. Sponsored by Costa Mesa High School , the sym posium was held lo educate parenUi to the drug situation. It was the second annual session held at the school. The panel, consisting of Co.<ita Mesa police chief Roge r Neth. Lt. James Miller, head of Long Beach police narcotics division and Dr. Charles A. Barnes, clinical ~ychologist f r o m Fairview State Hospital in Costa Mesa, told some 175 parent! Wednesday night ttow to spot possible drug use In their youngsters and what to do it the found it. The heaviest emphasis came on prevention, however. All three told the :iudien1'e it b easier to prvent drug use than it Is to deal wi~h it after the fact Or'. Barnes suggested parents cultivate communicati ons with their childr en as a mca ru; of heading off the possibility of drug use. Ing of communicatioM should not be forced. "Try to understand. Your children have a right to their beliefs. If At Trailer Lot you feel too angry, insert a cushion of Mystifled arson investigators today lime to think the problem over,'' he. continued their probe of a $20,000 Costa slated. . Mesa trailer sales lot fire set early Community re90W'cts were also sug .. .! ·" .Jbursday chttking out every aspect of gested for concerned paren ts . "Teachers the case ~ilh little success. can often be a great help," noted Or. "Not a "thing " said Fire Department Barnes ' Chief Neth and u . Miller described ~t.tallon Ctuef Ron Cole~an when ques-- various drugs, their uses and effects to t1oned about what hl! men had parents. discover«! in the 2f-hours prior, Chief Neth said, "Enforcement Is not A .witness to •the Bay H$fbor Mobile en09gh. We 'II~ programs at all levels Home Show ' blaze gave. detailed i"4 to make tllfJ8e kids aware of both sides of the coin. 1 think the Happening is an es· fOIJllation about a suspicious-trio seen cellenl example of lhil type of program .'' nea r the lot. 1t 1425 Bater SL, shortly U. Miller backed up the chief's llate-after midnight, ment saying: ''We.'Ve aot to think Preven· The platinum blonde-... driver or a -car lion. The tbne, mooey and effort spent on • carrying tne~two men as peQe:nger1 wer1 treating, do!len might 11 well be 1hrown -away compared to what the same tlme. seen passing by wlthoyt. them, about the money and effort. could accomplish in lime llle witness ~ar:d ·runntna feel and prevention." breaking glaa. State Ruli!'fl " ... ' . ! I ~ . ' ., ' ' . . s·anta Barbara's -Canipus..; ,. .I ... •, '· I" •• ·, I lJnlikely 'Scene f~r ·Ri~ts. ·.·; SANTA !ARBARA'(AP) -Few•com· t.O meet standafdii·of tenw-e. ~ munities lfflTI JeSs •likely tal-get.a 1 tor But the ,1tu<f~ll· cited 1a :~on~ llit'-of .·rfDUn& ·than'1hls pla"cid coastal tt:iod. complatn!!! aga~n~t lie~ ~Dustr&ts; 1 • • , : county ofndala and ~ice.· . ~t can eip~•.in the,viOl~ ram~ge~ of -'orer 1tnell, student ·llolb "Vice pml- -hundreds~ .Y00?1!1 thls1week~ • r 1 di!nt. Jdld a riews ·confire't!ce ,TbuJ'IC!iy ·ln other campus· ·Cities dl!turbances ' tHe 'dlstur6ance stemtn"ed-from studenb' have f~Rd on the: Vietnam war or . f~lina: !bey. were . being -~xploited ,by ricial inequiUes~· Her it wu 1 imeral land1ordt and harassed by ,~I.ice. .1~•'-· of ' diioontonl 1u; llf at• the ,Landl~)n Isla Vlsll;he,Mld, char1e ---• , " e . excessive rent, ·require 10--month leases Uillveralty of·CaUfornia at Santa Barbara · ror 11~ months of residence ·andi often ·and in the neigbborfug.communlty of1llla · refuH' to 'returri' depostti. ' Vllti.,.wbere the 1ioUng wu c:entered. ,The ,poli~, .he sa~d, ar.e ,lritent on ar-· ,The· onMQuere-mlle Isle_ Vista com· resting student! en marijuana and drug mually ti' ~Jate<!,llrplf /bY &W\l<Dl• Ch!'!'g!•· . . ' -an taUn\iied .t,QOl;l Of the urµye_rsity'1 . "You can ask any student.-It's atmost JS,70ll' .-'Ntiye inalnJ.Y.·ih·aj,a'rtnients. ilflpossible to · walk l m• gr~ !of four TtnaJon had•tleeilibbildlri1fon the' cam· wjthout being_ stopped by the p0Uce," he PU! 1tgce the -itismlUal a month .a10 or said. "We , have aerious problems of William ·L.1 Allen, a qontroversjal a!J;Sll-burglary and rape tn.-.:aia•Vlsla, but that's · lant pf'9fesaor of anlhroi)okigy, tof failinJ nm wha t the police. are won:ied about.'' • Added lo these frwi!iralloqs, student leaders aaf. are the hl(her studept fees recently voted by university regents, con· viction of the Chicago Sev~n. I.be Vietnam "Take time for ramily get-together, for A common activity. Oevel9J>e. the art ol listening and give 111 family members 1 chance to air their grievances before.they reacbJntoterable p~tions," he'told his Interested audience. · 'Ibe: psychologist also recommended communications between r a m 11 y members be developed on a one to one basis. "There are some things that .are loo lnllma"' to be bl'Ougbt up before !ha entire family " ht sa.id. ~ Air N()ise Limits · Okay~d war. the "capitalist establishment" and the "rape of the environment." The. university chancellor. Vernon J. Cheadl~, said lie was, awlre ' of the atudents' destre to lhare in achoo! government ind that they ...,, would be glveo an op~lty to oarlidJ>l!lO· in cteclmqn. on J'drin& and currleulum. Dr. Barneo ompfwized tho sir~ Cclflf PRINCIPAL SUFFERS ATTACK Coron a del Mar High Schoo! Prin· cl pal Leon Meeks. ~I. suffered 1 mild he.art attack, in his olfice early Mon- day. He is now in Lhe intensive care ward at Hoag Hospita l. lfu condition ls listed as•cood. Metlu and his wife, Maline, live Jo Newp>rt epc11. Calllornia Attorne, General Thcma• c. Lynch ruled Thursday that cl\1 and county rovemmenta along with the ltlte. may rqulate noile frwn lircr1ft if there Js no conflict wJtb redtral laws or reair l Iat.lon1. • - Hil ruling came as no surprise to New- port Beach City Attorney Tully Seymour or Orange County Auiatant Coonse.I Robert Nuttman. "P"" ol IM deol.ion making on the envbeid11tnl hlla to come from the. local level," sakf Newport'I Seymour. "They are .t~ people on the scene. •1 • But he said he Just doesQ'l see I.he ciUes controlling their own airspace and said be" Jooli:a to the counUes and 1t1te tn take the lead. '"M>e federal govem- mtnt CJ.I'\ do it," bt IUgated, "this is I CIR whet• Jt Is 1pread toO thin ••• ~ lllld !ha eltol'lleJ' goneral'r ruJJna ...... 1~lhe111ampUoo lhe county has been operal.ing under for about nine months that 11 airport owner and operator it may enact regulation• on air· craft noise.. The ltate attorney general's opinion was issued at the request or David L. Baker, Or4n11:e County supervisor who is chaJrman of the State Environmental Study COuncll. Bater '!\'II jttenctln1 a coofereoce e>f the National AuoclaUon or CounlJt1 in Las Vegas today and was unavallable (or comment The bynch opinion went on to say sUtle and. i6cal governmcnt&-may esta b- lish airport noise. ahllement regulations by land use control• such as airport loci~ tion and zoning, wilhoul restriction or by lhe Cederal 1ovemment. s.,motlr sakl It 11 clear !hot local IOVUlllllellt hll ...u., powu. 'l'lllt !1 an , aaentlll ·attributt of local pent-_;be"*· . : ~ 8ut1he 1ederll parnmentCdoft .. ntl!I' the plotur6 .. nol• -nplatlom •. 8qmaur llid Ille dty of ~ ii lrJ1nc ·a 1ener1l · noiM otdlnance they w)ll aJ>Ply lo .lhe airport. "l ttqn,'t know how rar they are aomt: 11'! l'f wft!i 11\ia apP,o,<;Ji," 1'<.. ~:' nielJfoil • • 'Nutalian Mid the county wu ln!ormed by the, P'edoral ,Aviation Aaeftp. in-,... rponoo to a ltller t!iat It """kl "1ICI nol11 reauJations for Oranie County Airport. • Ea<ller thil indlith, he noted, county • aojlorvllon drafted amflldm'"11 to 1- wlth Pacific Southwut Alrllbel (which iJ. tsldn1• nor Air Calllon!laJ and Air Wiii !hit ,.,... nolae. Tho !we con-• dltll!l!o •loo llmlt the ~ al ,IUlllts "..ttMll , .............. , He added that Ill& uQlverstty had been try1D1 to ..i,up an al1111t1tlQI\ boord •to sotUe dKfemc11 bel....., atlldonts and lancUords. ·' 1 • "A> ID{ the SIUdenll' <'Ol!lp!amti ,~•Inst police. sheriff's Capl Fritz Ppttenon said: ":Th'>i allege Opporeasive action• by the P.OUce, yet1they hive-no specinca.'' . Thls week '• ctistutbances began • on ~ Ttindl)' with an outbreak of smell flrts , and window smashinc. ' , Stoel< IHarket '~El' YOl\K (AP) -,,,. stock market rocRted aJiOa4 qaiJI todoy "' lnv•laf1-. ontbltlllam WH ntlplted by bopelUI ·-· al>oul !ha pn>11pectl of "" wins of mooetory re1trllgt1. (See quo- latlolll, P..,. 10-11~ .... ' f " • reco(d, you look at whal we-have to do and you try to pick the two best men1" Eli Kaser, 29, a'n OrilJ1.ge.· Cqut COllqe student and father or two ~ took the podium to say he Celt ,at a dlJli. vantage compared IQ. the older men who have t&tabllsbed tbtmJlh~ • ' r A Sierra Club membu Ind ain· servl!f-loniJt. Kaser 14id he,w,111 campatp on thi'ee general ipoiills: commilnlty cart and dev"elopment; pft9e1 ~' of eur (Seo CANDIDATES,' r... I) . . . I I One Shot; • ScoresHID1 Frtm Wire Servkta~ · .. The. se.askie. student community of Isla Vista al the University ol.qjlilomia 80-, . ta .Barbara became an anned c1mp to- day, patt,oled by hundredl of California National GUMdsmen. titer three nJa!its of violence which has: left one peraon •bot, score• "injured" ana at least 11 .r. ~;rnor ~ a.,pa ~red 1n tM Natiooal Guard titer rock and botlle uirowU.g mtlt<i durin1 the oight 'lllurt- day which alto Injured 1eVen police of• n;..t, h.o ~ti aJid ii the. Phk 111- votVect some J,200 ,studentl. / ~me 400 ~~~~ qernonstrators Ulina hlt-and·run taetics withdrew to their apartment dwellinp •round miclnfabt alter battling 350 police <erlff'1•deputles And highway pattolmen for more than 1even hours. At the height of the outbreak, a 35-yur· old resident of the area. Winalow C. nldeJ, WU sbot In the shoulder when be <trove his car th~gh' a palic6 bloc~ He was mistaken for a demonstrator, police said. Another wa1 run ever by 1 police squad car. Aboui :MIO 1UMdsmon aet U!> camp In lhe modernistic community today ,with another 300 enroute from Los An&elei, called out by Reagan at the-request Oi Sheriff James Webster, Who sakl ~ guard will be used, but eractly how and when will be determined sometime later this momina:." . The scene in the early momin1 houn foJlowing the activation wu tranquil. ill cohlrast to a confrontation about.I a.in. Thuftday In the demonslraUoa arUt which takes in about one ICll:ll-R mile.pf the campu s 'community or Isla Vliti Jult off tbe university campus. ~ Then a mass. of demonstraton. ' sbouUng and pounding on garbqe can lidl, rushed shoulder to shoulder totetbtr in line that completely engulfed Utt street and saldewalks and Wal! a block deep. . · The mass "came-'IR il.ie a calvary charge," wi~~ 1akl, nmnlq at hJ&h speed directJy at"three. lf'OUPl,of.about 50 officers· each. Some demonstrators t::0l- lided with a few or the officers, wt»o retreated at dou_P.le time . The demonstrators chased the oU'lcerii: for three blocks unt.ij the .offictfs reached fSet 'UCSB,· Pap!) Orange , Coast WNClt.er · After all tllat ni<e weather lhll wetk, ·wouldn't pyou knoW , ~ weatherman would tcu 1 we blanket thla weeltonif. He glv" 1 30 percent cbanee of rain toniJbt,. and Saturda1 dlow tlJe coast. INSIDE TOD.4Y :witat•a Mr>p<ning ·at Codd ~fe'°'' happt1ung this U?ti-1cmct1 YJ>t.1 cmi jlnd1 all th.e detm{r - ntld a complete .schedule o/ e~cnti -ir& 1cxtau'• )Vce\eWr~ ,..,,.. »·• ~....,.. "--'I --. --. ............... -... .... . l\'Mll """" ,, ·F-::n .,•,·.-:-: ·= !:i'· -I>~ .. 9 ... , .. ta -..i . jght l;fi'ilOANN& 1IEYNOUl8 ·.i ~;.defM.v lli,h .sebooi .Tllllro .... . ·-·'it.............. .. 4i14ilil;il 0.-• .t.1 ~: croiif "ol -II .... -..... A)lout 100 poftl!ll and tetnqm and . """~"'" '"'l!Grii f<r._ In 111111 a.dol.n ~out for the-i· ......... ~~lo 1111 --'CHJ>ClDICl'ld> bt the •et\'UJ> ~;: ~· .-i•a.-.Of coaocll, PTA and N .... ~ I .. ~ ... a ' jlGtl .-pollce. ~ • • ' , • _ • • ~ ,_.., didn't com. bee.Im S• . Ski -they -pnob&blr thoqbt It WU ,o1., to ir1us pper· · :: .. ~ .. ru:..0~1~ .. ~ ~ ple,&tandhil up and sf9ln1 1"l a lot ol Coo Di -.1111 ~" ... -... per es ~Y'• ,;,..till( turned out to be • ' . '.fl'Cllanit o( ......... and ldeu Abo d 'H , . b!tften iioitnU. -and pollce. ar <>me k.r.e~-~= ~ ~ • . tlMir -• ' """ .... df\old&d Into Pn>rml!Jnal alllppor, Jalnel C. COOptr , flvo -on ~ to dllcua the hu died of, an .lpp&reot. hUrt 1tllck in rolel that -Id bo lakln by police, his hoJna...& raciJrc yacbt Slrl111 II. parenll and ••'""1& ID the ftll>t &1linlt Mr. Coot><!, who lived alone aboard drug abuse. the yacht rnOored at Ardell Marina in When the group reassembled, the pre- Ne'wport Harbor, was discovered dead vailln« theme aounded by (f'OUP mod- Wednelday bJ another proft15i001J skip-erators wai increased community and per, J:reret.t ~oe, ot the Nor..Jac. parental involvement. Jamt1 Cooper, Jr., hu.Jlown in from "More parents ought to be here to. Guam lo have hil 11-year~ld father nigbl A few more sessions like tblt: C{emoiod Ind the....., 1<1U.red at su. would ·prohably really help thi love and Mr. ~ .Jl:ved an yachtl in Newport understanding ii.tuaUon at borne," ooe Harbor more than 25 years and wu: well man told the audience. known in racing and boatlll( c!reles and i;:the film indualry. IIJ,ldore becomln£ the UJpper or Siriw , owned by the ..Ute ·or Ho~ml Ab- maoson; founder ol the .'HOOlt Savings .uid Loan, Mr. ~ for 17 Y'"" wu Hipper ol Serena, Serena, which has -... oucceulul ncil>i ,_ Wider MW owner ·g~ · DeMetuJe, was then -tiy !lo1)1Wocid producer MltchelJ ~.:.... -~·. -~---, In !be days, Cooper olten sldppend ~~ ltai's ·lg Aval9,D Harbor, Catalina. Me l!I survived )1y two tons. J&me1 Jr., 43, of Yokohama, Japan, and Robert, 31,. of .Costl •Blea. . • . , 'Arsenal' Taken From-~H_om_e; t' alued at $440 Parents J,1ieciged to organlu more diseuuion mtttings through the PTA. ·Police and students agreed that more dnJg education prosr1m1 were not need- ed in lhe icliooll. "JI a kid It IOilll to Ule drao, ·be • bo'ft'I enc:t)J cw< he's geWnc· Into." olllcer &d Cl&bar<W aald to U.,. oodde4 ..,_ . ., -..... Studeoll empbaalAd ·the ....i Jar up- dltlll( cprra _ ..... ''no.-on drup -we~ .,e in our driver educlUm clqs WU IQ.Ide in ltlt1 and ii c:om- p!flelrout ol touch with tho -IMay. lt'•.,jllll 1 111111 ocare . movto with no real lnforJqat;1011 on drucat" one atudent Slid. I , • ·· • . . . . iilcf I lDfl'I~ effec:tJve ™--'":'lie to have oodrur u..n ~ · llilh iclioo! 'or c:ollefe, _. ~.the.:!: :1:"11:, c~andand~1 their, aperiencea in ettlDI olf. clrll(I y;~ ~ r~-a frff "'cliJiic-bJ>t ot or- ganization in the aru Wu l1lo cited. "We .. need 1 pioc< .to 10 with a druc problem where we hlv.e ·no ftar of beln& ..l anall arsenal .of ,... includinl a husted!,,bne"teenager apfained. SCtinaphaunce Musket With a allver-1\ud:-Botb ~ and lbldents· "said tbq d_. •-• tol .,...,, ... .1 .. , m n ... u.a ,,...._..., wtre MV•&J cam~uni(y ,,.. s~ WU! eo.,.,--Y,,,.. ~~1-...,,.,"_ .. ~al"'! •· _,, """ " biU'glad' ot 1 COJta MeSI: hbo'it. • re:saurcea av .au e w 11ap ...-r u C ill! I .... "But we dOa't mow where ..._ are Wi am F. Tl boll of 3111 E. !Ith St.. _, or who , • ..._ ·are," a _,,,,,._ Mid. •'TbiJ fold police bis wll• dilc!Jveted ...,...,. ""'' •·-·- h141 entered .. omlocied -dtlrlna is ~\the ~could ~r~ tfjl! doy llllif' ..,...cl<&d ·hfi p hbintl • I ~~~po!:!l!.'Jt ol ~11-~· illtss!Jlg lini the mlllket, "1olher pat, ol ....,..,.,...._ w_. •• « . can J{awkins rifles with hexagonal-shaped go fm;: •;!Dfonp1t1on or help with a 'THIS IS TRAPPED.IUNNY'S VIEW 01' .LEISURE 'RLD'S CHIEF R~llT HATER Holed .by Somo, Adml...,i ~y Otli•r1, ComoflUt VailGl'fftl Pursua S.11 .. ppolntoil Taak,RolantlM1ly . ' Rabbits Running Rampant Leisure Worlders Battling Prolific Bunnies By RVDI NIEDZIELSKI ot ... Otflr Pltlt ...,, A battle ovef· b~ bu Seal Beach Leisure World on its ear. The trouble is that Brer Rabbit has round his briar patch amoog the flower beds of the retirement community and that'• fll'll'IDI a thorny p<oilkm fO< the ll<lliordliaem. . Armid with. trap& and choinlcll npel1-, Iba ·-halen" -beflln'to.-.. all.CJUI ...... aplnll fht' rampanl r.-. 'llN)' MY Collon hAd better pl bll lllll·CIUI ot tberec Cotneltus V.a-, 11, I wuJtby , retlred..merclmit .bit haten' • unofflclal leader durlJll tho tW..year camp&ip· to bug the JlwmlK. "I nfa&d rabblil ln the old country. I like them. TbeY're cute, but they are a11o a nuiUnce;" declared the Dutch Im· · 4fe':-alnis the rabbits are raisin& havoc with · the liadiolu and .the tuJip!, bur· rciwinc • boles under' expensive lawns, ~ fues,•matlD&.ed.llving birth ooi patloa and are potential -car· rten. "And you lhou1d tee their droJ>2fnlst'' he uid. "They're all Oft?' our porches and walkway1." • YanGeest bu -hlmoell inlll lluch a'lllbar om tho ~ tho\ be II ol· rm., fi,ooo IO ~ ·Wlia can ~ ... lop .. lf!llClln -cillltrol ptD for rlllblls. • ~ • j ''J'm now working on an eildo~nt fund and am accepting donations from the rabbit haters,'' he explalned. "I myself will deposit the first $1,000." Meanwhile, he is fighting the rabbit! with chemical methods and traps. "1 found oul about this new repellent and had the market stock supplies. And you know, l:n a year '• time they ~901<1 more than l,000 botlles ol it. Tho lrG!lble It that the ""®le who ute It ·--chtaed tblin -into 90DleOile e 1 • e •·a. prdm." ', ~ . j ·He alto hU been to . tlie &Ille i1'ltb and Gome IJej>artment with Ilia ....,, but clalroe• bO recelv~ ~Utile help. "I liad.11 little trouble gettlrig to tlie bead JJIOIUI, but when I did, therssld the only way to pl rid ol lhem II tO lllfciot them. But·we coUldn't do thlt around hett with our people." · ' • "The)' i.Jso told me about the traps," be added, pointing to a model'lhat one ol his friends baB just designed. It can be built far $2.50 a copy. "I can't tell you his name," explained VanGeest. "He's "surrouoded by rabbit Jovn and fears reprisals. But be's llreadf caught 13 ol them." . "~'m putting ln an immediate order fOr 100 ol them and plan to tell them 11 the maiket." . in ·Oddliion, vaoa...t says, the traJ>', wblch ......... to ..,k well becaute they ,..qmie ~-a llihl trlpphf(.-. wtll·IO up f0< ~ duriDI Lei8ure Worfi1'1 1111111111 1Topie .:~.'·':~a1s··--.o:K art! and crafts festival. • ...-~. "If we ~ust get too rabbit haters oot with traps, I think we could really do ing," he saws, wi_•tfully. "The game partment has offtted to come and get \he trapped rabbits. They said they'd tati them to a field where the hunter• would have fun with them, ..... The rur has also been Dying amoni the rabbit lovers who are incensed at VanGeest's effort&. They like the bunnies and even feed them.. · A minlalllre "'""'Y ol llrollfng Loilure World residen ts, taken from VanGeelt's elec~ cart, however, sl>ow~ .a heavier concentration ol rabbit haters than rabbit lovers. · "No, T don't like them at all," aaid one el4erly gentleman who says he baa train- ed hls cat to hunt them down. Another -man, who apparently fancies continental di.shes declared, "I only like them as 'Hasenpfeffer.' Tbat'a rabbit stew." During the courae o{ the SW'Vey. VanGeest unwittingly crossed enemy lines and entered rabbit lovers territory. "Hey, are you that rabbit killer,'' ex· claimed one man who observed VanGee!t trying to catch a bunny for a photographer. "Why you miserable man, you ought to be put in jail for it. Get out of here. You're a disgrace." Dtntures rattling. with furor, he gave V iil"G«st a mighty shove wtticb sent him ·reeling and searching for protecUw co'ver: ,. 'Jbe man turaed wt to be an lt-ye.ar- old retired• railroad freight agont Ray Henderson, a avowed rabbit lover. ,( ,...._ P.,eJ CANDiDATES ••• eoolotl!Cll ""'lromnett ond swllt 1ctlon to accomplish thtae aJma. Theodore C. "Ted" Bolop told the au· -lie wouldn't IUll; u.y-i. _. 111,tz ZPlodllle,..id-tobe ..... ' ..... -. -!Gltl ol llll coocep\ Of What a CIUDCIJman should be. • Boloclt alto toltl how lila parenls :emtaraled from Romania to the Virginia ' coal country where he was born. then . ..,~ 'll'ml .-...... . .• ·~ .. lC i;e.wr-.O:"j "' llG .... I mt.W _u Klux Klan marauders beat the famlly anil 6urned the Catholic 'Ch>UC& they esllbliahed. His W~ wu1iberally laced wllb1pllly or!iinat qulp8 Ind a few'liorrooid quqtes. mOlfb' f1'lhl the filte Sen. ~ F .1(!,. Mdy. • ' TOUGH A<:r '"Jbat's a tough act to follow ," rempk· ed a:.Marioe Thomu Muws, Jr., K. a handsome Vietnam comlJat veteran who at~ CQllqe ,and wOrks ~t: Hoag Memorial Hoopital. , "I think it ls time for a cbaQce now," laid Marius, addlns that be ca111e to the lfarbor ArU nine year• aa• llld It ....., to him the same tw9 councilmen 'haye been trading.off aa mayor ~ver siaoe. "I'm not· tfyiq ill be I ~lty lather .. f.m too youD1 -for thal l'm just apply!n1 for a job," iJie aoflsJ!Oken M811\11 added. Dave Yarnll, 'operating · en8:1neet. er cat..skinner, sboveklragger, d.lrt-ltlfr - as he explained in the sentirnentJI,. ~DI of the tradt!, w• up lht .even speeches. • : He Jint introduced' bis wife. Nancy, Y'itb ~ he celebratea a 2!~ w.~ anruvettary today. .., C Ymlal >aid Ilia wi tried lo per1Uaclo him nOt io enter po · beeau!e-lbe fell he is too septimental cares too much for people, but he i nds to tum that alleged liability into community asaet. WAR VETERAN A construction worker and war veteran wllo took bis high,.icliool diploma at SI, Yamat aald be lltarted to stud;y -mr but wound up badl oo .the jollo. bo knows best. The one ~c.ared about~. ~ ~. was the frantic elfort to rescue lltue Kathy FisCU! a tot who fell lnto an aban- doned well sh;.rt in San Marino more·thin 20 years ago. "Men cried and prayed and dug,'' he said. "But it was too late." "I swore if I ever found a town 1 lited, J'd stop and get involved," Yarnal con~ tinued, adding that Costa Mesa was the town and he cares deeply for people. "The people• s most precious ~ lJ the people themselves. I'm going to &et a seat on that council. If I'd wanted to bt a professional politician I'd have started years ago." . He said that four years. however, will be plenty to get his ideas workirtl. FBI Enters Case Of Rifle Theft • bf!:reli,.plulJ!!'S'. • .u ~~and .,_!°1'1elil. .• c~.:!~;;_.;;;~wi;~;J~.l:'l~• ---1,~-·~ ... J . · _. arm led m COMtCtlon with a o • -~ . •• • rilpected l>l1rPry operatl!n lut M .... :.:. T ,. B . ~ - ..... :.Court Says X~y Must Behave "l like rabbits. They're the cutest things. I watch them by the hour. They're beautiful, acrobatic. Why would anyone want to kill them'?" "Why the hell doesn 't he give hill: $1.000 to hospital chiJdren who need help instead of spending It on a rabbit birth control '!be FBI today "1Jtred tho In· vestlgation or a then (){ i!:iJt~ rlftts wblch are ml11ing from a on tile Camp Pendleton Marine -:· ·· Marine spokesmen sald'lhe ~l.'tt the faeanns apparently oocaqed IOID! time between 11:30 p.m. Wednelday and 8:30 a.m. Thursday. The weapms were taken from a building used f(r .crash relC\le vebicl .. and penonnel. dJr, police 111kt a man -1th 1,ltmillr .out..::. V : · • • • fil'oas quesllooed11lllrtday. -• • 1111< DIOtASlst with :1he iiloille Com-ui.r.:i<mpus. 'J'hO:' ~ton lhOn' nlti.icatians" gear in his car WI& COii· walked away. t'9ed before tbe Talbott burglary was The retreat, acknowledged as such by , but seemed to have them for police spokesmen, f4me just one hour Umale purp:>ses, polk:e said. alter 300 officers in 11 concer1ed rush had odem criminals frequenUy u I e swept the t-atbuted. 500 demoaatratora rn methods llD<f •allde-tallde unlls from the -. The soo, briiken into easily~~ malntafn .a lool<out.lor small group1 II.the time, aPW<l!ti)> hid ...-..~ in their a_partments befort recroau>ing again. • 'ftlleves Take Look, 'ti . l\ke What They Lilte ..;.. ;j\ pair of lbleves -a&d llJ'OOlld a °'9ta Mesa department .t.ore until c~ · i1C,'llnu&d&Y nigh~ then ducked out with ~ede COlta worth aeo, employea -police. ore Oi19n, of The May Company, 3111 S. Brt11tofSt., 11id ·tliey wettn'f-. ta'i!iii the mod-&lyle garmenll, but a wit· n~ ll'l -leiY!n& the ..... Olllllde ~ the ·loot. • . ' . .. DAILY PILOT J 1clc l . Cvr-1~ Viet !'ralfllll -0-11 Mllllfll' A sherilti &pOilesman conflnned that officers bad "ptlen the hell out ol there" when badly oat.numbered, but said one reason was that Officers were m)king ex- traordinary efJON not .to· be invo!Yed -in cqnfrontationJ ip which· they would have ~ ·""-lbelr ...... clu"8 to defend themst1ves, and thua avoid m111 ln1urte:a. In Wednesday nllht'a melee, a aquad car wu burned, alto, rul estate olrloes we.re raided and 35 penona wen ar· ruled. Ed Gray, Governor Reacan'a preas spok,...an, said ID tho &tall capltil that the'Nlllonal Guird had 1-1 adlvated because the aovernor "autborbed them to do lt yemrdoy il and wi.t they felt the neceaaity. The Santa Barbara llhertll'a olllce laid It requested the flml's belp. . Maj. Don Foley, IU'ni public ii> formation olilcer, laid IOO N1tioaal Gu&nilman were acjjvated lmmedlate17 and ...,. on duty al Santa Barbar& under the -· pnera1 command. . ThoM11 IC11 .. il 'E~lll!" Th-•s A. Murph;ftt ,. ..... 11111 ldlllr Cen M-Offke -,.. JJO Wttt 1.-, $trW ;!fM•lli,. A4'i.M: ,.0.1.w 11•0. f2626 --~ 9-dil 1111 w ........ ~ .. ' Harris Services Slated Monday ~i ~,,,. Wlllialll Mcllinley ' Harrlt im JC)iidUled for Monday, h a.m. al !lllllz Mor1!1U7 Qllapel, ID Corona del ........ ~:m,._.""""""' "-'t....-:i llMdl: 11111 -.Kl! ~ ...... ~Mir.---:· .•• ' ... u.nia, '1, waa klll.t Monday nllht in 11 11111 balilt witb burCl&n II bll -II IOU Aadlor Way, Newport BMch.. A nllrod ""-ma. Han1& WU a v......, .. the..,.... 11117 Club&r- 1111:: ..m...i 117 ·-n, --H. o1 Dllnol&, P'ralt M •. ol Ohio, ucf ArtllUI' N. Harr1t o1 Now Yort. and two al&la'I Lucy A. Waller al New York, ud Ota I. Lnla ol Ohio. 5'n1cel wW bo lollow&d by Jntommeol Jn ronat Lawn, GloJld&le. • • &fieta1 fl die DAILY PILOT . waitresses of it.sell was not contrary ~o pill. It's the most ridiculous thine I ever ". :u ·.vn . .a.>.reJSOO B•-broaaled f,. the public welfare and on the recOrd did heard of ... • OJIM.,---r ~" -... ~-. not constitute the keeping of a disorderly Hencleraon says he feeds the rabbits, cocktail' waitreua are sUll in bilainess ..:-house. but would not reveal what the fOOd Ja IO today as long as they behave themselves,; The court also rejected an alternative that VanGeest couldn't bait his traps with according to the latest ruling on tavern : ground presented by the state depart· the morsels. nudity Thursday by ·the California ment ffJ! jts. action .-~t bare breasts "I know the law and if this guy keeps it S ~~ don't m11 with serving liquor. up, I'm going to send him back to upreme ........ ,.. th U I The high tn"bunal in a 5 to 2 split vote. _Justice ~i.s H .. Burke. v.Tote e Holland. He hasn't got any rabbita. .. 1 _, that t L.. wa1·t-••es don't d1Mentlng op1ruon ":dh Justict Marshall ever caught him setting a trap, why dei..:.iar~ op~ ........ F. McComb concurnng. I'd " violate public~ IO lona as they tend "In my view, common knowledge, to AJ the furor conUnues. ,both rabbit to W.ineu. say nothillg of the experience a:pd ex-h(!.ters a'nd rabbit lqv'? are acratddng Presumably that means confining their per!-ise of the depD'tmt.nt, ·~pports the ~ their head! over the or"1n ol the bunnies. . . . position of the departmen\ with respect NO one knows where theY came from. ac\tvtUea to serving: drinks. to the employment of topless cocktail The only thing that appears certUi is No ammunition is missing, the M_arine official added. It is normal procedur* for the FBI to enter such theft Cf.RI ~-:;a federal mijjtary installatiOI\. it wu,1'Q1CG. Berlin Meet~ Due .. BONN (UPIJ -The Ameriacn, ~~ and French _.,venunenls today accoptel! a Soviet prOpOsal that the four meet aoon in West Berlin to ccmider the city'• future . The ruling came to the Supreme Court waitresses," the dissent sai~. that there are mored them every day. on a cue involvin& the North Beach Off· .:::::=::...::::..::=::..:::=:_ ___ :_.:::.:.:_:_ ___ :_ __ .....:c_:_ _____________ _ Broadway rupt1pot here where the &t.ale Department of Alcoholic Beverage Con· trol bad revoked a license becalllt the : Off.Broadway featured bare bolomed serving maids. 'l1le hiJh court decr<e,. touched oil a celebraUoo al the Olf.l!roadwoy Ill whl<h "all of San Francilco" WU invited to 1 help celebrate tbe decill.on. l\-te.anwhile, in another sector of the nude front, aUorneys for • !acramento tavern believe they've found a lepl ' loophole to overcome a local ordinance •iainlt totally naked dancing. Thua the ownen ol the Pink Pua] Kit bar are projectlng tmagea of their nude dancing girls to patrons over cloled circuit televiskm. Sacramento's local law ban! live nude entertainment. "Thi& is television en· 1ettalnment," the lawyers announced. So far , there have been no arrests and a lot of dancing. In Ille lateat·;&ipreno ·c-i acllon d•allDI 1'tlh Ille San l'rancleoo case, It was 'ruled that -~loyment or toplcs.s Newport Driver Hurt in Wreck A Newport Buch man WU lnjurtd at midnlcht Thursday when bla car was rammed from behlnd ln Cost.a Mesa and bocked Into a fenced boulevard divider strip. Edwin A, McDonald Ill, 15, ol 4005 Sfflhore Drive, w11 treated for lactra· tions and bru1Rs al Costa Mtaa Memorial Hotplt&I, but not ldmltled. Police aaid McDonald was walUn1 In southbound lant8 ol Newport Boulevml 1t MeN Ortvt Whel't rear-ended by one • driven by Paul V. Retiko, JI, of 141 Batavia St., 0r-. • 1 NIWPOllT llACH 1727 w-nff Dr., 641.2050 OftN NIDAY 'Tll t . . IN1DIOIS rre1w1-11n1or1or -..... Av1lt1bt.-AID-NllD 1+'1 '°"""'., ... &torNa.. tf.I• flltflitvre of rtoMMtic iftffv.ncet, ,q•i•+ el~e .... !"b11e """"' • • •. .., Drexel LAGUNA llACH Ml-C..Hwy. °"" ..... , ""' ' ' ' . - \ r------------.,---------------------------_..,,...,,....,...,.......,.,,....-;--:---;ro--~ ----· ... ·------.. -• • ~ew Mood I ()n Rights Faces Test W AS!!lliGTO~ (UPI) Bc!l'!md•bY two .... m111oo Victories and talk of a "new m"'1" 'on civil r I g ht 1, , Southerners began a serl~ of c~ticat Senate battlea today on school lnteeratlqn, voting rights and the Supreme Court. Uberels plalllled kl opJ>O,. ~ on ill three, with Sen. Abraham A. Rlbicoff (!). Conn.). pr<dlding d•leat of Hause-passed amendments.-to wfaken f edttal 1 c h o o 1 delegregaUon pressure&. .. Rlblcofrs support w a a ' largely credited with Senate approval last wetk of a Slick Spills Into River After Crash • Southe:m amendment to apply the ume achool desegregation guidelides North Ind South. '?be Senate ahlo paued an· anti ''busing., amendment. 1'ut Rlbicoff said the 0 freedom o( choice'' and ''b\lsin.ti:" amendments in a St9 billion Labor-REW ap- propriations bill. which went before the Senate klday. were •·on an altogether different basis.'' They were sponsored by Rep. Jamie L. Whitten (D· Miss.) ''I think the Whitten amendments will go down in the. Senate," RibicoU said in aq,. interv~w. "I'm certainly ag~ U..m." • The . Senate appropriations committee approved the Whit- ten provisions 11 to 9 Thurs- day. Althoug)I· Se<retay Robert H. Finch.of Health, Education and Welfare are (HEW) stated his opposition in a letter, Sen. Norris Cotton (R-N.R.), who negotialed I.ht bll1'1 moflf':y provisions with J!EW. said no one from ... the administration pres~ him to fight the Southern proposals. Cotton sai d last week 's votes "l.ndicated 11 o m e reaction, M>me change of feeling" among senators on school in. tegration. othel'8 have talked of a "new mood," particularly on "busing" black child~n to formerly white schools and vice versa . Alnbama Seeks School 'C hoice' Law ., Ullthll ,_ lllNl'MtlMtl :I'Qe ·Alabama Jegialalure. ap~enUy undaunted by the rejection of a tilollar· blII by I ·rederal cou'rt in Georgia, inoved toward . pa~ge or a New York.style de.segregation Jaw. i:;ov. Albert Brewer called th'e · legislature into special ses!ion for the express pur- poge or paStiing a freedo~f· choice Jrtatute like New York state's and that mission was expected ·to be accomplished today. 1Georgia passed its veridon of the Ne!W York law last week. and P' e d er a 1 Judge · Fraok A,'. HoOper ruled it "in- valid" ~Vednesday. Several .. other Southern !!ates also ha.ve passed the Jaw , · ::rhe New York statute for· bids· the .tran sfer of pupils to achieve a r a t l a 1 balance. decrgia'"S law includes teach- ers. ,Atlanta school ofricials. taCe.d with a · deSegregalion program ' requiring lhe trans. fer of · pQpi\S and teachers. asked Hooper for guidance. HiS reply; "It is ordered th1111 the. Atlanta Boa1·d of Educll· Uon procttd to carry out var. Jous· otd"ers . and directives ~·In thl11 case and th al the court finds no valid statute d th(!" Sta~ of Georgia which could pr~ent such compli· ance ... Royalty Visits LONDON (UPIJ -Princess Margaret. and her husband. lA>rd Snowdon. will v i s i t Yugoslavia June t .a at l_he in· vilaUon of President Tllo. It will be the first visit to an Eastern European nation by the British royal family since World War IT. l/l'VfTED STATES l'VATfOl'VA£ BAl'VK SOUTH COAST PLAZA I RANCH •ow Of'IN SATURDAYS ' .. 1 P.M. ,.OM .. THUll. 1 .. 1 P.M, '!'IDAYI IM P.li. fTI4l 14MJ11. ~ 111 t.,c:..-.c--....... ,. .. ~ . E. H. LEVAN ·-... - The Best·;· ,of.·the Best! Jchn11y ~~h •t Sa11 C111tnt!n " .•. Columbia!! P.clling. Stent• Tom Jonef Let lt Blttd 1.lvt In L11V1~11 IAMiliXI . . Easr IUdtr litftt Dot H'9flt ' l !cod, Swqt . • r.,,. .. .'.lriqi"al Soundtrack C1ptuNd L!Yt --~o@~~-i...:"~"":':":'"'.!·"'~!!.. __ ~ ... ~ Cllirley Pr1de Btst of Ch1ritY P~ nan ' A A4 ~ "I'• I \ - r t:a?bitgs n l ' Anillble at tlw '-wr l1p9 ~I CANOiGA'PAK DOHHff N.lDTON H\JNRNlln:lltf IUOf MONTQAll Nt'WPOlf lf.tOI V!NfUIA IU!NA PiRt r' . . rrldlr. r-.. u .. 1970 Bo~ ··12· :Kielis Hall1 p " ·ti.' ' . ' ·. . T ez1,s· Sofo'M Qf ~f( With Druga. • . 1 \ • • • • • FOR TOP DRAWER BIKINIS ' . 3404 VIA LIDO, NEWPOIJT IEACH I ON SATU·RDAY,.-R&B •. 2·8tJ1 . . ' . at· ·th-se . ·p~·oney lc>c.1atio'1:s-.:.~ .. . . NEWPORT BEACli . ' 10:30 to.11:30:A.M. Fashion lslaiicl ' . ' ' • -: ! • J • ' HUNTINGTON BEACH ' . ' . "12:30 to 1:·3<l p~~ . Hulltingt•il Center ' ' • • ,. ' DOWNEY. "3;00 to 4:00 P .M. ,. I ' Sto.iwoocl · , Shoppiilg Center ~-.. - 1'1' ... Excltlrnr .Group ••• Their albums ••• S.-clally pric~·I I• Y• Choice " , 2 •. aa · • ; • . 'The IHI.nail Speed l'rela' lnclud- lng, 'Hard L11ck Story',· 1-ftire Tcldif, 'Pr/ '!he Price', 'Ft'ee Jide', 'Get· In TI:ie Wl{1<1'.; • •. VoCals and gullet by Paul Cottbn ind Kai David. 'Duet', n.. llllnols Speed ,,.. Includes: 'Moi:nlng 'Blues', 'Bad ·.W..ther', 'the .VJSiy, 'Savepteen 'D•ys'. lhii llbunl-is in· answit IO . ~ :·; ·· · demands for mo11I ... ' • ' • • • ' ~ -• ' . ' • I . • t .. 1 'I ,• • ! . . " • • .. I . ,. .,.., •• . ' •.I "' . .. •• • . ' . .. •• ' ~ ... r -~·+-••~-••• • BAJl.Y PD.GT DITORLU. PAGE .Fight Ends ·· t ' ... --'""*· ""'i:t·8-fl dty ollldols -.... llraaled ·to ,_,, tbl ed11c coa.t FrMway route ·mi.il. ~ ., 'Ibey have now <'111116 nlllCtaatly to the conclusion !llat-llle:r may, as woll prepare to llve with tbe adopted •zoute. . In -• J*WS of Mcollat.Uia: IDil pol!Uclling, Ibey have Doi beill. able to removt Ille first obotacle to a -we Inland route -tile objeciiODJ of th• city Of l:otla M-. · Tiie eo.la Mtaa dty family (with tbe nceot ucep. tloll cl llWIOl'iek councilman Wllllam St. Clair) has COtU!-y apposed reopening the route. Costa Meaa defMtecl Newport'• push to locate the route largely in Colla M-Net In 11183, and saw notbing to aaln and mueb to IMt by gambling on a new roule bearing - wblch would °be' necessary for any real change In tbe route. ~ • ADd, lut week the curnnt chairman of tile Call· fomla ,Highway Commission made It plain he will not • aapp,or{ ~""' an adopted route unless both cities ..-to'tbli :inc. ·• . · That ;. . .0 I new. The commiuioil always ha• beeD understandably loathe ·to Insert lllelf 8""w Into lnteJ'(:ity cllaa&nements, or to set precedenll which could plague tbe . commlaslon in every freeway route beanng for years to come. · In the sevan years, tbe makeup of the Highway (loinri>ission has changed. Newport has changed city manacen, mayon and coun~en. So has Costa Mesa. But for tbe moat part, the new players in the various parts have played the same roles as the predecessors. _. So tbla week, Nnport Beach cit,i: councilmen ar· nved at t!Je tuming poiJll. They didn t say tbO)' would lip a freeway a,.-for the adopted allgnment ...ran,. Ille blu!fl in Waat N-rt and Marlnen Mile. llul they slo!>l>ed saying Ibey wotildn't. They stl!f feel tbe freeway should, be inland from tba blulf. Biil baW., foa# a.bard, but costlJ ud an- avlllllll ft&bt. llley now llllleN IU)' have an oblicaUon to move aliNd -Met Iba bat paaalble desirn for a f'""•Y on tba ..saptld route. It w., the baaonble and TUpOlllible acUon to late. W1 bandreda Of homeOwllers in the palba of Iba adople<I 10Ule and varlomly propoed alternate ·routes have beeD penallrecl loa1 ..OUgh by the uncer· tainty. Newport ottldal• are in a poa!Uon to plate a heavy burden Ob the state to come up with oulltanding daslgil and apeclal conllderltlon. Stata bl~way engineers have indicated .,mtnpess to mue muimum effort to achieve some breattbrougbs on Newport's unqueaUon• ably dlf!icult problems. · In the several years before the fr-ay can be built, many tbings are possible. · 'Party·With·a·P~' Saturday can be a mlibiy significant clay 1n· tile llvea of several thousand Harl>or .Area· young' people who have been· 1nv1ted to a happening at the Oraii&e County Fairgrounds, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. · T&e "Costa Me•a Happening" Is a communlty·Wlde attempt to give young people a chance to learn for them- selves about the probfemS of drugs and drug abuse - and have a real good Ume in the process. It's a lint of its kind. Along with a lot of entertain· ment provided by rock bands, light shows, singing groups, celebrities and exhibits, the young people wW have a chance to get some answers about drugs from all kinds of experts -including a number of former ad· diet& who have been the route. It's a unique community "party·wilh·a·purpose'' that deserves every success. 'Let'• Have Some Public Hearings' Moving Back, Forth-Fluff Would Pay for _Bt1:ck Bay ~ -· And Seriow To'.the Edit«: I want to comment on tbe brokt.n ollence al tho -Compllll' ... tho Back Bly ........... In 1131, -the II.Ile granl<d the lldel-al tlle Upper Boy Into· lhe county'& lruA and at lhe Mme lime granled lhe Lower Bly tideland& lo tho City ol Newport Bucb, the It.Ile lllllfha .. bad Ill -the! the UJll"T Bly wooJd be bell deftloped u --· Twenty ...... -later !heft ...... 1o·me-qaootlm u 1o .-11iat ii the belt ft)' .. Mftlap 11111 fflaable ..... piily. Will> lhe lbrlokiog --and .,,.,. -all! lhe i.ct al ovorpopula- tlon, porl>apl our -havo cblllpd. TjlB lJPPD ll.&Y -JJ.lr ~ "'llbonlloe, -of wlllch -be ~ In lhe -proposed ... cblDle plan. ReaHzing that 11 we, the -le, wllllt lo keep lhe bey for public Ult we mut pay for It In ,... ..,., I -tlW the e!U-lftl1 Vtry well bl rUib' lo do 11111. 5oporvla« Robert Bottin, In bis Jetter of Dec. S lo Ill! fellow supervbora, came up wlUI a good financial pou!billty. It I.I referred lo by the Jrvlne Company as sn ''lnltant plan." I call il a bqi:mlna plu and it ll an alt.emative plan af whicb iftany Pfll'Pe uy there have been none. OF COUlllE IT ii wi-benefit of public hearlnp bat I guarllllee lo you that It waa not "pieced together to match the demands of a limited few." 1be lfmllod f..,, manber many bandredl of cancel ned citizens:. Let'• havt IOO>e JlJblic bearings with an ' 1 l d e a reprew.nted. I wu under the impreuion, ........... tlW the Irvine Company would not. appl'Oft d. public meetings on this IR1bl«t wtOJe litiplioo ;, peodto(. can we an wait that long! 11ten are federal funds available for ~g-studies of the Upper Bay IF lhe bay Is lo be developed In the "public myseU bad DOI been notified of postponement at all 1111• APPROXIMATELY ono-lallr,"' "..Jiliio..a.;...._.i.oo..--.."'°'""'__.'ilii# both received another aibpoena and, ' . natGrally, we appemd In eourt •ogaln tnillJoof." n 11 up Jo the pubUc, 1 beliote, -11111, b6t Ille lllliO il NOW. lll!E LONGLEY 'We Area't .. La119•1ng• To the Editor: I lblnli r--Ulldentuxl cme of the _ !Ullj.,...... people don't want to be In· v~ in other·people'a problems! I used lo WOnder why people would just stand by Mill watch other& beln&' beat.en or stolen from or refuse to be lllted as witnea to an automobile accident. I was a witneu to an accident tn Costa Mea and did my duty as a citizen by lllJinl' If, the ..,.,,. llld giving a full -and J><OD>lalni to appear -In couit Unecessacy. TWO MoNTes later, I received a sub- ~ a>mmandlng me to appear at COila M'3a 1'funlclpal Court, whld\ I did afl>er mating amngemenil to locate and P1J a babysltttt for my small dallihltt who waS sick and arranging for my hus· band to take time off work ao he could take me to the hearing. Howf'.!ver, when I anived there, I was told the case bad been postponed. One other witness (a school teacher from Compton) and after gctng throogh the ...,. problems we had before: tlme off work, paying a babylilter, et.:. I migbl add this: It ccsts the tupayer money for a teacher to bt A arrespondent fnm M~ana wants ibsent from work and it CCl6t my ht11baad -to kJlOW how I CID wri&e a lttlOUI column and me money we cannot afford to lose. about world s~aUon on one day, and ThJs time the cue was heard. on Ule n~xt .d~y a p,lece of fluff with no ~ we Ill lwo boura ooly lo find lasting llignilicapce. the d!fer:.tantbad sppemitly changed hil I find no difficulty In justifying th~ plea' prior to the hearing and we weren•t change of tone and pace and depth. I am needed to testify at an. not always interested in serious rubjtcts, • _ and human llle 1a a multi-colored thing. OllODY TOOK the !rouble lo l<r UI We need a decent/IOI of priorities In our bow. What a Jo~!!! But we aren't valuea-eothatimportantmattenmUst laulldN. We1re .. wonde:rtDC' bow many come first -but. at the ume time, we othefr.'liave been lnconvenlenced lhe way cannot keep pounding at the big bass we were. dnml every day. , Pf)IOflaD7, I'm 1 little more tha:n ill!gUalecl with thil negligence and In- consideration of the rood citizen. Bellev'- me, I wll1:1bicli twice before "IOI~ 1 .. volved" &lain. MRS. LUDI TOEDTER Etlbon E~panaloa To the Editor' I m beginnina to see the: writing on the wall and It la ~ the form of I'!. I'm speaking, of course, cf the lmpencllng ex· panslon of the EdisOn generating plant In Huntington Beach. The engineer for the Public UUllties Commlsslon admits that the amount ot · p>ilulloa that will be prcduced by the ex· paneled plant will increase in tbe Hun- tington Beach area, but that's O.K • beeause the increase will be o!fseJ by no increases 1n other plants in the basin. AND TllE 11£.lAON I csllod lllls col· umn "StrfcUy PerlOD&l" when I began it more than a quarter-century ago, was that I was tired of the "categorization'' of columns into separate subject matter -Wa!hlngton, fortlgn a r f a i r s , Broadway, Hollywood, humor, or what b!ve you. Tb1s iJ an artlficiaJ fragmentation of the personality, and a falalfica.Uon of the full apectrum o( human even ts. [ wanted the column to reflecl, quite naturally and honestly, mt I wao feeUng and think· ing on any gjven day -and not have to write a ponderous think.piece .. on the state of the naUon" when I wanted to talk about children's toys or the peculiar· ity or French Idioms. Futility Is the Word THIS LOGIC JS like telling everyone not to be concerned if a typhoid outbreak ahould occur in Huntington Beach, for the outbreak ls offset by all the other cities ln the ·couuty 1n which an outbreak did not occur. I CIDllOI ... wlty uy actMl,Y, 1IO mat- ter bow critical It ii lo the dewlopment d an area, can be allowed to comll"QIDlle the heallh and esthetlc -al the clllz<na In that ..... lmtead of UJUinl u the plant Is to be enlarJod, the ....,ty ad- mlnlstraton sboold ,be flndlna. nys of ""110vlng 1!1* .,__. from Ille ..... WE ARE ALREADY too much d a na- tion of special:isb, each locked into his own little slot, concerned only tn that which appeals to our pecuniary or pro- fessional lnterests. This narrowneas and · rigidity of specialization makes for dull people, not for "serious" ones -for truly serious people have a sense of bala nce and a cu!Uvated curiosity 1bout many diverse things in this strange, frighten. ing, wonderful world or ours. ll would here me Jnsuffer1bly to have to write on one genera] subject every day -no Dlltter bow vast or Significant that llUbjecl ~t be -and I dare say it nald bore mt .,..t«a ·just as much. We m --·•h•allJ Inell and moods Ind facell, and lhla ii the great cbann (and value) ol Ille human -les; while -aa!Jl!ala -wlfll a f<W delightful ex· ctptlon1 -mtrtlY pQrsue their grim goals of bunting mhallng and sleeping. " ' I !!•&lali, Tau, Trtbcme: "Communl&ta ....,. nqotiate In good faith. Fullllly,ls _ tho -for the drtary burlesqne .... played oot In Paris. 'M1e enemy 'neiollalon' an! DOI negotiating. They an walUng for th e American people to became IO war-weary, IO confuaed, so fruitnted that they will d e m a n d withdrawal of our farceo, ltav!ng .- "1111 >lcloey In tbeir hllldl." . a 1 Swagl, I.Dot lletidft: "N~ .;. IDform. alert, Instruct, -and Um prbage cans. And de them Ill at ,,_. convenience, not at theln. You ..• ~ lbe word, tt's waltlng for yoo, on the p..tllted page ... l1a 1r-. Pa., Amertca: 41Evldently -1eci1Ja1on In Wulllngton an1 --W- Fr!da y, February %7, 19711 rM fdUorfal -ot lhl Dollr Pflol -lo inlomt and 11fm. --~ling CAii ...... ,..,..,.. and ...... '"""°'II °" lopicl ot lntnnl ...s lfllftffl<iao<o, br prootdmg o ,...... few IM •"1"•"'°1t ot .... rcod<1I' oplllioftl, ond bu ,.._u.g fllo -olt» '°""' o/ ltt/°"""' ol>1.,,,.,1 -.,..u..... ... IOpb 0/ lhl ... ROlllrt If. Weed, PullUJher ' ( •llOlllb concerned aboul oar older citizens attempting lo lift OD IOCla1 oecurlly to ~ .. -al!J-tln 'bend1ll rather -the 10 -• as propooedby lhe Praldenl Perhapa 10me of Ille con-have a f"' guilty lecllngs sbcNt thitr ••. hike In P1J whlciJ they ~ bettowecl upon themselve1 far In -ol 10 or even II percent." W1tenma. w-., ..,....,,_: "OUr thouglll ii lllll If _,..., al home 11 rood folt 1111 ......., • -be -better Md at ..... .: I ••• to ndDCI ! ........ ..aid, .... ---oec:urlty ""' -Jin-di .. -Alllel. Whal Is .. ..,., for 1111 --lbould be sauce for lhe !Gnlp ....... And we thbat if we do IOIDt Jll"idac on t b • fonlp spendllJ& II mJlhl ~ lhe Jold for lhe American !ofl• llld tbe hanl- pre.ed talplyer." •~tlrely. · MY FAMILY monc1·1rom 1"o Anples County lo escape Ill brand ol sir poUu- Uoo ooJy lo be greeted by orange - thanlcl DOI to naun but to lhe Sooll>tm California Ediaoo ~' -• History baa -that during times of u:t1eney IUCb 11 W«ld War U or the ·~ pesrance of Sputnik, put tecbnologlcal advancement. are made. Let'• put tht preuure on Ediaoo and eee bow fast tMy un come up with a me.na of dtUvertnc J)OWer w~ It's needed withc>it the a-ialed pollutlon. DAVID M. CAllUIERG, 1'11.D. -Dear Gloomy Gue: CUCllle, ..... Pl•tzM .. llwt "Thil to\lft'ftment ~ oun la truly a IY*"' a1 cbecu llll balancea. Finl Ibero wu tbl reUef died<, Ihm came the 1llotment chett, thm the Wll' bomJI checU, to .., nolllill ol t b • Soclsl 5ecuJ'il1 c!Jeck and the -loyment cbeck. soon 1o 11«ome ~ ·"··" _. be the Grell Socl<!ty J>OV•rly and mil· 111btidy cbecu. Now thla tak" care ol °"" 1111 -Com-Nlf1r -...... to pat.•tbole 0 No Tia:;• Ing" algng to ct ... tbl U-Ba:r ogslnst nature.loving hlan! ...,Z. L. TMt ... tw. rintm "_... ....... "" llf«Hlrlt' lllotl .. tht Wf .. 1111r. leM ...., ........... ,_, .... Dtllr ""' the cbecb, but I'll be domed U I know -.1111 ballJIC!l wW be fowld." IT II 'lllCUD lo be penlatently bivlll ln thla partentOus 1ge. bul it is pl•~ just u falle with human nature to be poaderoua and 90Jemn, aa polili· clans ~preteoct to be, who 11e generally e11pable o( no O'fal.er degree of reflection than wondering where to scratch nut. Indeed, the best and most effective teachen J have known -mm like Robert HUtch!ns, for Instance -have undentood the profound d l ff er t n c e betl'een true '4seriousneu" and mere ··~ty." and have never betn af111id to llM!Dl frivolOU3 when 'ule occasion call· ed for JI. Quotes Mtgr. Nicboi11 C...olly, OU!nd, nnewtq Qr11Qna1 teaHll -"It \a moot refre>hlng lo us all to share the warm appeal of the almple. firm faith of children wben we are ao in need or en- couragement ln these. turbulent Umea." Frtd Rtdmu, Martinet -"Ld.'s all $land , Up ~nd salute our nag. Ind be count.ed"IS° Ameri cans who really believe Jn a world that should be free for all men, all nces, all creed• -and worth U&t>linl t.or.~· --· - •\ ..... .._ G.ive the. Vote To 18-Year-Olds Of coune lS.year<ild! ahou1d vote. Al of this writing, 68 senators have declared their support of Senate Joint Resolution 147, &pOMOl'<d by Sen. Bird\ Bayh (Dem., Ind.), in favor or a constitutional amendment to lower the voting age to 18. Eighten year-olds are not only elig]ble for military service : they are regarded Jn all but one of our 50 &tatff as adults in criminal court, fully responsible for their actions. My own argument fo-r tht towered voling age is that American men and women are arriving at biological maturi~ ly earlier than ever, but are kept in social immaturity longer than ever -by compulsory scOOoling, by the demand that they go to college, by exclusionary practices of both employers and unions. By the age of 18, a young man or woman is -ready and eager to be involved in adult concernt11. The voie will be an aduJt con- cern that will make at lust one change in the young perton•a life. THE DISCUSSION o£ A m e r l c a n history, Of 80cial studies and current events cannot but be enonnoualy enliven- ed In every classroom if the results are to be not simply an eu.m or a.t.erm paper, but decision In the polling booth. [ believe that It would be desirable for candidates for political office, national or state or local, to appear before high school and college audiences to speak and be queS- tioned. Jt would do both student.ti and can- didates a lot of good to meet each other. Gov. Ronald Reagan of California has opposed the lowering of voting age on the ground that il would lead to "unwelcome political influence in higher education." t would disagree. There is already an enormous amount of unwelcome and mtacknowledgcd polllical innuence In higher education, usually disguised as sociology or economiC£ or literary criticism. lf open political campaigning by candidates were welcomed on campus, it might compel 90ll\e of our professon: to define their roles more carefully: Art they gclng lo be teacben or are they going to be advocates !or a particu1ar political view? TllE MOST SERIOUS objectlon lo votes for 18-ye~ cunes fJ'ORl thoet who fear that the lc!nd of.lltud<nt violence and Irrationality that they associate wlUl coJJege campuses might be Introduced In- to electoral politics. For thla fear, we have UM mus media to blame which have cn!aled a distrust of an eaUre aeneraUoo on the basis of the actiona of a few. The fact ts that lesa than 2 ·percent of the .students were re.ponsible for, the uproar. Most activist leaders were 24 and over. It is not lack of a vote that makes violent dissidents violent. Besides, half the population between 18·and Jl will not be in .college anyway. Earl Bilwnenauer, the ~yeor,old direclor of the reftt.ndum on this -.. M:beduled in Oregon for May, says that in that at.ale ''we haven't had any trauble with campus dlscrders, yet lh>i ·11 tho one thing that bothtrs people.'' Clark Wideman, 22-year-old tenlor at Ohio State University, who bu campilgned for tho lower voting age, resents what be call! the •1media kid,'' who la to be teen '° often on TV ....,, burning his draft card or silting in at a college demonJtraUoa.. "The image of young people II to %1 11 distorted by the mililant one percent which bas unfort.unately received the most erposu.re." BUT THE llfAJORITY al YOlllll mtn and women don't have a chaoce on the networks. As William Gre.ider wrote in the Washington Post, describing the hear· lngs on ResoluUon 147 on February 111. ''As if to prove (WJdeman's) point, mo8l media packed up ind left the Senate hearing room after hearing adult wit· nesses ••. but before clean-cut youth bad its say. "Sen. f\.larlow Cook (R.-Ky.) ICOlded the three network television crews for turning off their cameras. He told the young Wltne&ses: IJ{ YOU had come out of your seats back there, knockin( over chairs and shouting .•• J promise you th.at you would have been on evtry na. Uonal TV news program in America tonight.' .. Some young people ~~~ that they cannot achieve eocill e without violence. They are wrong. What they can't get without violence, or at le.Mt dramatic action, is .coverage on & o'clock news. The public must not be mlslod. 'M1e vast majority of young men and women are not like the "media kids.'' They art fu11y responsible, wonderful young adult!. They are fully enUUecl to the vote. By I. I. llayabwa Prdide9t SU F-Slolo Cellep .--------811 George-------~ Dear George: I feel It is my duty lo in!onn you that your celebrated aystem of Sideways 'lbinking has been 1p- proprlaled by s fellow named do Bono and made into a book caUed "New Think" iD whiCb ycur revolu- tionary dllc:O'Very la refem.t .... Lateral Thinking -a tliln dl1gu!Je lf I ever aaw one. Don1 your think you lllould ... '"" lawyer!. . PAUL PALMER . Dear Paul : Nab, Paul -U you ...... my lawyer )'OU wouldn't want to see him, either. OnlY pril(esslonll man I ever 11w wbo doesn't even make office cslla. Al for the de Bono book. I 1et letten about tt. I'll read tt some time. So far I havtn't even gotttn around to reading my own boo-on Sideways ThlnkJpg (''D e 1 r Georael" ruunr1uona by Walt Kelly ; Simon & Scbuller) and K was written years euller. Dear George : I'm a milkman and tbia woman on my route left a ve.ry paaskaa.te note in an empty milk bottla the other morning. I got druled up and dr_.i by to Jilek ber np that evening u sbe hlcf lllgHted. Sbt actua1J1 &lapped m•! Do you !IJlnt she's mrta. or whai? CONFUSED MILKMAll Dear Confused: No, I think she probably 1ot her notea mixed up. lf you lh1nk JOQ're ccnfused. Imagine the -iltl' wbo got a scenled leuer Wing ldm lo leave her aome coffee creim and a contatntt of prune roeurt • ("Gtorge '°''ed all life·1 pn> blems for me I'' wrltea Ario Obit of Bark, Ark. "Re 1howed me where lhe anat'ets were ••• In Ute back ol the book !") . ' ' 1 1 I I -------------------------------------------------------- Friday, ftbtuary 27, 1970 • s OAILV PILilT J !Aguna Area ' Little LeagUe Tryouts Slated •I Disneyland Award Winners OAILT PILOT $11fl ll"MM Mrs. Lawre11.c~ K. Reynolds of Laguna Beach (right), a member of Disneyland Community Serv- ice A'vards Committee, presents $500 awards to repr~sentatives of LagWla Beach and San Clemente entries in the annual competition. Awards were made Thursday during 13th annual Disneyland ceremonies. Receivi ng awards are (from left) Bill Greenwa ll of San Clemente Kiwanis Club, Mrs .. Thomas Fletcher of South Coast Community Hospi· tat Auxiliary and Mrs. Williston Bradway of La- guna Assistance League. For complete rundown on \vinners, see Page 8. Mini Park Now Even 'Mini-er' At High School PSA Reveals .Ngree ment To, Acquire Air Cal Line A mini-park on St. Ann's Drl\'e at The Laswia LIWe Leagues are ready to warm up tor the 1'10 season, with the first tryout scheduled for Saturday 'Mrudl 7 and a 1CCOnd tryout the follow- ing Saturday. All boys llvillg In the Laguna Beach Water Dist rict Seeks Easement On Golf Course The ·Moulton -Niguel \Yater District wants to buy a permanent easement across the Laguna Beach Golf Course far eventual·connectlon to a new ocean sewer outfall at Aliso Beach. Negotiations for the easement, wtlich would extend the length o{ the course for a width ranging from 50 to 100 feet, are being cooducted now as part o£ long. range pliinning for future expansion, ac· cording to water district manager Carl Kymla. Actual installation of the sewer line, leading from a· treatment pl8nt at the head ot Allso Creek, probably will not be undertaken until some time in 1972 . The water district currently .is using the Sou th Laguna ocean outfall on a lease basis, but plans to construct a new ouUall 2s the area it serves develops. The in stallation would be entirely underground and would not affect use of the golf course except for br ief periods during ins t.allatJon, ·Kymla said. Leisure World To Hear ·Music Laguna Beach High School will be Pacific South.west Airlir.es has an· nation's largest airline operatlng withiQ soplewhat more "mini " than anticipated , nounced the terms of its agreement to one state. A program of sacred and secular music but it will be a park nevertheless, a c q u i r e r i n a ncially-plagued Air The agreement announced Tuesday will be presented by 80 students of the beautification chairman Lloyd Milne told California . calls for the transfer of 181,421 shares of California Lutheran College at 2:15 p.m. L Ch b I C · PSA stock to Air Cal stockholders. PSA Saturday in Clubhouse 2, Leisure World aguna am er o ommerce dlrectors. U all parties approve, Ule purc hase is Laguna Hi'lls. closed at 24 and % Tuesday on the New The area, deeded lo the city by the expected to be completed by mid-April York Stock Exchange. Thus the agree-The choral and instrumental group school district as an easement al the with Air Cal's 4,000 stockholders reci!iv-menl is worth $4.49 million at present from the college al Thousand Oaks in- time the Sleepy Hollow drain was con· lng shares of PSA stock currently worth value. eludes a 53-voice choir and 25-plece structed , originally had been considered $4.5 million. A provision of lhe agreement is that sy1nphonette, from which s tring for .development as a tennis court, but The agreement is contingent on Air PSA will cut its stock issue by 1,000 ensembles, brass and woodwind groups, proved inadequate. The beautification Cal's total deficit not exceeding $3.82 shares for each $25,000 Air Cal's debts vocal and instrumental trios and quartets committee then proposed a mini-park. million on the closing date of the transac-exceed $3.44 million. have been formed. All students were 1'When we got down lo check Out the tion. Air Cal currently is in debt over $3 The purchase is subject to appr:oval by selected on the basis of auditions. actual dimensions or the road easement," million. Air Cal stockholders, the state Public The concert. is part of tl'le Lutheran said Mil ne, "it didn't leave much more PSA's offer to buy the Newport Beach-Utilities Commi.ssjon and lenders of both College group's ninth annual tour whicil than I? feel or SCJ. But ~e'll go a~ead _and headquartered Air California first was companies .• It may .require prior approval includes 11 !ppearances in California, plant it anyway. it wi ll be a ntce little announced Dec. 16, a little more than a or the Civil Aeronautics Board, PSA sa.i'd. Arizona and Nevada. Ticket sales are Jn' planted area." month af~er Air Cal"""Tejected a first PSA Earlier ijlis month, Jn anttcipa tlon or lhe hands of Gordon Regar· and Mrs. Also planned is a m u c h -nee ded,_.. offer <is not being in the best interest of the acquisition, county s upe rvi s or s NeUle Meyers of the Lutheran Church or Walkway up to the high school baseball shareholders. ratified a lease transfer from Air Cal to the Cross, Laguna H1l1s. For tickets call diamorxt. PSA, based In San Diego, is already the PSA at Orange County Airport. 830-2185, 837-2185 or th e church office, ---------------'-------=------'-------'-----'---'----837-4673. . Unllled School or..trlct who will be I years Old before: iuJf 31, 'and wlll not be 13 ~nW on or alter Aug. I are ellg\bl• In parUcipate. Boys Kvlng north of TballJ Sir.et and T~mple Hills Drive may try out for the NaUonal LltUe League between '1:» a.m: and 12,30 p.m.-Salut<14y1 ,March "71 al El Morro School. Larry Hunr is presldii:nt of, the National League. Those llvlng south of 11taJJa·strett and Temple HU ls Drive are etiglb'le ~out lor .the American • Little League at Aliso School at the same: tirfte. rl an League president I!· Wally Chrhty. The Cwo presidents enipbas!ze tl),at any boy who hu not privlously ~ ieteCt:ed for one of Laguna's major league teama· must be present at one or both <lf lhe tryouts. The second tryout will be on Saturday, March 14, at the same locationa aod hours. Eight-year-old boys and boys oot called on Marth 14 by the. major league manager may take part .ln. the. minor league program to be conducted on -Saturday momlng&, startln( May I. Saturday, May I, allo will be the open- ing date for maj<r league pt.y, with three games IChedWed each week through mid-July. Parenl! who wish tlltlr boJI to parUclpate mlllt llp fPPllCll.1-o ""1!1• and present lhe •l'J)Uca-l':. , Ir lb cerUficatr :tod ' f'tr.'•,r•IW:Q ft~ ti SI to cover Insurance. ~ lee for boys ch ... n lo mAl)or ~ 1111. Boys ... required to ~ arov .. and to wear ahoel; elahet teijall ihcJ61 or LiUle League type lboes. l!oyl -to play on major or minor league tuma will have the use of a uDifcii'm, es:cept for shoes. Bell Ringers Ready Program The Laguna Bell Chorale will present. a program of sacred and secular music at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday In the Commun- ity f resbyterlon Churc~, 4!5 Forest Ave. The 14 adult handbell rln•ers in the' Chorale, directed by Barbara J. Allen, wilJ bf assisted by tbe ~ Cbolr, under th e if!fecUon of MarU)ll\ Inferfanm, With lnstrume.ntal accompaniment en rare old stringed instruments ind flutes. The program is open to the public and a freewill offering will be received. "If you don'tknoW 'bout our new Dodge Challenger; you could be in a heap o'trouble." inal 2 OF Missiott Trail l Schools' Crisis Seminar Slated • CAPISTRANO BEACH -.Information perlajnlng to the March 10 school tar override and bond issue wUI be1preseoted in a semi~r entJIJed "Your Schools 1h Crials" al 8 p.m. Tuesday in the ~~ tlonal building of Chrl!t the Shepherd Lutbern Church, 3M23 . C a ni I n o Capistrano. • • t · Speakers will Include Ray Qliver, ass~ tant superintendent of . the Capt~trano Unified School District and DarreU Taylor, priotjpal of San Clemente High School. . ; Members of the Dlstrlct Citizens Col\'(· inlttee, fohned to ·investigate the 1179 School, budget and the,t,u override wlU be present.during the question and answ.er period.. · , i • Cherries D.-e Sfcateil • MISSION VIEJO -Cherries Jubilee Isn't just a fattening dessert , It's tht name of a dance hosted by the swim team booster.a Saturday. ..~ The adult dance will begin at 3,311 ~.!If. In lbe rtcreaUon ceoter. Tick.els are '5 per coople with Nadadores boosten ha11'· lrlg Ont choice. Call the center at 137' 4084 for information and reservations. . • Wemen Name otfleer• SADDLEBACK V AI.LEV -Ofllcen wl!I be elected Tueoiay by Saddleb"* Valley wome:n who are fonning a ladies auxlliary to the new Pony COit League. Tbe election will take plllCe al 7:;fl p.m. In the banquet room of Topper'• Restaurant'ln El Toro. " Anyone lnleresled lo asslstlng wltb the hon }!ueball league Is _welcome. • • Language Cius See• MISSION VIEJO -Parents ol lbJdentS at La Paz lntermedlato Sd>ool will ha\li a chance to .see a language clad demonstration Monday. _. Presented in a theater In the rouod set~ Ung the-demonstration will begin· at 7:M p.m. in the mulUpurpoe room. Botl) Spanish and French 'wUJ be shown. · • Church Din11e r Set _ ,. · MISSION VIEJO -The first adUlt diJ>. ner scheduled tiy the· Shepherd ,of tbt- Hills Unlted Methodist Church wJU 1>e held Sunday. . -· i'hi~ will take-place at 1;311 p.dl. In the Mi&l1op Viejo recreatton center. The pubUc lJ invited. Anyone attending'ls asked to bring a J!Otluck .disb to ,.'1' four plus eating utensils. · • ays FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 AND 28 OPEN FRIDAY NITE UNTIL 9:30, SATURDAY llLL 6:00 ---·- Here's a new Cballeng" built fi9!t Ji... in the W..t for w..t.m tasta and drt.inrr c:cmditicm. ll -1>ines eports.<ar styliJlg Wlth l'OOllliDEm, peilonuance with Dodi" dependability ... IA> sive you tmlble-fnle driving fun. · If you have expensive sporb!-car tastes and a tight bnag.t, you am ...,;~a heap Ii trouble 'lrith t.he low, low introductory prices o[ our Challenger West.em Sparta Special. c:omein now. We've got your car waiting for yon-.ready to go. "Cbtek th ... leatar .. , check the price we'll let you oil mlgbty easy!" • Vinyl roof •Wood grain panelappllquv SPECIAL BULLETIN: ol.eft ""'°"' miJTO• • Rim blow •teedng wheel • Special mouldin1s • Bumper suardl DODGE ANNOUNCES •HotnoWCXJlono •Rallye wheet. ' PRICE CUTS ON ALL :~~=:ii~ :~b~..::.::"'sim opUooa k~~;fi~rJ."f DODGE DART MODELS. "l'lrtallodgellly-prageJ'llulil" WORTHINGTON DODGE BEACH CITY DODGE 2888 HARBOR BOULEVARD COSTA MESA-557-8600 I ' ;I ' 16555 BEACH BLVD. (HWY. 39) HUNTINGTON BEACH-847·9631 ,• I VALUES TO $20.00 . . ' VALUES TO $75.00 VALUES TO $36.00 NOW NOW NOW DRESSES DRESSES PANTS BLOUSES VALUES TO $30.00 NOW PANTSUITS VALUES TO $100.00 N':tW 250 Pair of Battani Boots: Left Regular ·Price $33.00_ ............................... : . . . . . . . .. . . . NOW Thel:Po~. 33 Fashion ·Island ( ' •• • I ..... . ...... . . DAILYPUT "1dl:t, ,...,,. 27, 1'70 • (~ .... .,.,.,. , .... SlllfU 'Ponirea• has now joined In the atgunient coocerning the poWitial ducen of birth control pills. Prof. K-lh J. Ryan of tbe Case West-ern Relerve University Medical School cotDlnented on the pill and Its effects. He said, "1be pill .UU df!ers a healthy 15 to 1 odds advan- ~e over pregnancy mortality ils'ks.11 • • : With more and more cases be-!111i beard In American courts, tbe Jll'OCOSS lw beeo slowed conslder· 11hiy. According to the newly elect· <!cl president of tbe American Bar ¥sociation, Leon J,worskl, ''What '1e ~eed, without sacrificing o u r quauty of justice, ls to speed it up." • ACCOl'ding to courtier Rav Aa11ation. ahoton fitting o gown on .rinotr Lanie Kazant the hu.stlerr oJ feminine fai~ ion 1DiU "[l.uce" Uu Ja&hion.-comcioul cuatomeT of at lta.st 11 ,000 m tM next uear or 10. Aghavan <Urigna wardrobe1 for television and m.ouie1 and is a nominee for the belt co.s· iuming O.scor thil year. .. . Birth control for pigeom u the latest move by zoologllll at Ue University of MiJsouri. -1. ·drug to Inhibit pigeon egg laying ~as been marteted to keep the tiirds from building their nests which harbor flies, bugs, fleas, ticks and mites. The birds aJso carry water an d food contaminants. The drug Is to be put on kernel com· which ca~' not be consumed by smaller song .. blnis. • • TM AptllaU Division of the" New York State Supreme Coun has ruled that tnjurit.s receiotd mound tM tDClttf' cooler in an offict qualihl /OT 100Tkman'1 compensation. TM d<cirio!I comt in tht case of Paul Grit• man, a trantpOTtation depart. ment engineer, who recdvtd permanent eye dama.gc m cm Gr• gument around the toetn cooln. • In Virginia, a circuit court deci· 1ion bas made it legal to oell model racing car kits on Sunday but not a pre-assembled model. Under the existing Blue Laws, which restrict some Sunday sales, a model In kit form is considered a novelty which Is a salable item. 1be assembled model is considered a toy, the ule of which is forbidden by the laws. . Viet Ki11in gs SAIGON (AP) -U.S. Mmines cblrged with inurderlni II V-•- and cbildren opened fire alltt • - <II the patrol •le!>Ped 1111 a booby trap which killed .... American and -- another, the v-... district cblef In the ......... r<pCll1ed. 1lie i<Porl to Quang Nam Province heaclquartm at Roi An llld that alt« the erplcllion, the MariDel got nervous and lllaJUd !Iring Into the hem!•~ which wu part Ill SCla T!>aac Village. Marine headquarters In Da Nang an- DClllilcod :ll>anday that five enlisted men In the J>ll!ol .bad -ciharged with th• D1IJrder " llVe """"" and 11 cblldren. But the ··~ dld not uy ..me.. th<r there .......... mtll In the petrol ot wbelher ·It loot any casua!Ues during U.mlsrlon. The · battalit'.lll cammander of the men U . COi. Charles G. COoper of Clark.sdale, Miss .• beJd,a briefing for newsmen at his ilea~. He relUsed to give de- tails <II the kllJingl, saying that might prejudice . the case. But be talked at length aboot the "mmnely laUgued and frustrated" state of mind bis men were In after 25 day1 tn the field and a weet of. contact with the enemy. Cooper. 42, aald the Vlelnanl<so dvl· llans were killed on the sl.stb day cl a ·-agonlzlni .-i>" through enemy. cootrolled lttrttory. He aald about a dozen men Jn the company had been kllled and an equal number oeriOU!IY wounded by snipers and boody !rape. "You have to realize the tremendous mental prellW'e on these men," Cooper said. ''n>ey'rt always tblnklng they are going to •I<? ...... thing that will blow them up, that they will be bit by snipers they can't aee." SCla '!11ang VIRage Is about I W mil'" '""" Landing Zone II-. the battalion headquarten. Many villagers ba .. been moved out'of the area to nearby ret:tgee &ettlementa, and many of those who insist on staying are corWdered by allied au(h.. orities lO be Viet Cong guerrlllas or sym. patblters. The vtlial" ii under Viet Cong COlllrol al night, aald Cooper, "Eve!)'lhing that mO'Ves Jn that area after dark is the eoemy tt's lhAt vldou1." Enemy Gunners Take Heavy Toll SAIGON >(llP[) -GumriLt -!!helled 15 farrets during the nigh~ m. fJidlng the -w..t American caso•-....,. early December, In a waft <I step. ped-up sbellinp that coincided with the most BSI raids In llwe lllOlllbs. The bomb!ni campelp and shelllngs Intensified as seven U.S. Marine unJls totaling 1,153 men kit for home today as part Ill President Nb<on'a third plWJe withdrawal of 50,000 men by April 15. Mllltary spokesmen said n 1 n e ;\merican5 were killed Thursday ln an esp!-that destroyed a UH:JID Navy Seaporse helicopter near the Mekong Della city ol lmlg Xu)'<!l. Military spOkesman 1ald the cause of the ex· ploskm was unknown. The guerT!llu bombarded 35 -and towns acroa South Vietnam with rocket& and mortar rounds in the 2f hours ending at 8 a.m. today. 1970 Draft to Call 210,000 Says Laird WASll!NGTON (UPI) -Defense Secretary Melvin R. Latrd says draft calla this year lbould be %10,000 or bel0'9, compared with the 1969 total <II 200,000. Laird made the comment Thursday ln a radio interview «1 CBS. WI llecmtber when the draft lottery WU held the Defenle Department estimated It would call up 250,llOO m<n during 1910. . • u ... ,........ 500 GATHE R IN SAN FRANC ISCO'S UNION SQUARI IN DEMONSTRATION FOR POMPIDOU Rolllara Sing French and lsrH ll Na tional Anthems In Mideast Poflcy Proi.at Pompidou To urs 'Atom Smasher' At Stanford U . ' Secret Swiss Accounts Opened to U.S. Probe VP Warn s Court Riots Spreading WASRINGTON (UPI) -Vice Pnei· Clent Spiro T. Agnew aaya tlte "~ Seven" ue a "handful of oddbells" wbo tried to play jlOliUcl ID c:ourl. H• warns their tactic of Judlcl>I dJsNpllon Is "._dlJ!i JlU wildfire Umlglt the ccxm- try." In 11110ther round of rhetoric, ,.,_ told the NaUonal Governon C<dtr .... Thurtday to ahun Ubttal cont-erDI with lndlvtdual tr.edom and to manllal.pullil<: aplnlon behind them. "lam convinced that the OYerwbelming majcrlty of Amertcw ·will follow !heir governors and other elected offidall if wo wW just launch a campaip to esert the ,_ of publlc opinion l<t drive - bltarre extremlJll from their ld- empt!ve posjtiorw on · out televiliOn """""" and on the !root pages of our newspapers," he said. "MOil of tbem need treatment mare than publldty." Agnew said the "overrldlng and corn. pelllng" .tmie of tht day f5 not lnflatioo or the Vietnam war, but "will the iove,m. ment of Ibis country remain In the hancJa of its elected officials or wlll It descend to the strteta?" SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -French LAUSANNE, Swllurilnd !APJ -In a U.S. DUtric1 Court In Washlngtoo the Referring l<t the trial of 'ev"' penons ~"-t Georg' p ldou departed precedent.<•"'•• ruling. Swllurland's lch a<ctt!ed of conspiring to cause violence r•~'llCl• es omp _,<& Zur banker and another Swiss banking durm' g ·~ 1968 DemocraUc National Con-! Stanford u · ·1y loda to lour •• federal Supmn• Court bas upheld the •~ or mvem Y ·~ U.S Ju.slice Department's right to 8~ official in the town of Aargau made it vention in Chicago, Agnew saJd the rul- $114 million "atom smasher," a two-mile-to secM!t Swiss bank files that figured in possible for two American!, since con.-ings of Judge Julius J. Hoffman wen not long copper b.Jbe used to explore the sub-a multimillion-dollar fraud against the victed in the case, to chanel $3.3 million the point at ls.sue. Hoffman sentenced the microscopic core of atoms. U.S. Government. . into secrecy.protected Swiss accounts. seven defendaitts and two of their p Id ..... lb ....,., I ••-'I The ruling, 1·ust made publlc, rei'ects a lawyers to jail on contempt charges.after omp ou, m-..ug e .. .,.. .... a .-iw e The two Americans, Washington at. the tri·a1 ended. trl by b·"~-111 ·•·1 th u suit by a ZUrlch bank and one of ita ex-p .._v.,....~, w .-i.:i t e near ae> ecutive1 named Jn 8 U.S. federal in. tomey Francls N. Rosenbaum and St. "The point is that a handful of oddbe1l.I celerator which produces beams of elec-dictment 81 a coconspirator of. the Louis businessman Andrew L. Stone delibe rattly set out to politicize a simple trona with energies up to 21 billion elec-swindle involving overcharges on U.S. pleaded guilty to fraud and were sen--criminal proceeding and to disrupt the tron volts (BEV). France ls 8 major Navy defense contracts. tenced to 10.year terms Feb. 10. most basic protection of ow: society - •• ~. In • tion Accor.ti .... to evidence presented at 1 The Swiss bankers, who were . not" the dignity of the courts," he said. ''The .,... ... er a m-na European group .... 16 charged in the U.S. cue, were aUeged to point is that the new technique of judicial planning a 300 BEV accelerator. have supplied Stone and Rosenbaum with· disruption is spreading like wildftre Later be wW return lo San Francl.sco to Kennedy ReVI·ews fk:lilk>us bills from European dummy th.~ugh the country." address the Oxnmonwealth Club of firms used in overcharging the Navy on ') . CaUfomla, tour Chinatown and other aircralt rocket launchers...Sw.bs criminal parts o1 the cily, and bo6t a reception in Inquest Papers inquiries against them are nearing com- a replica of. the French Palace of the pletlon. Legion of Honor. One of them, Hans Senn, and his bank Pompidou and his attractlve wife ar. BOSTON (AP) -Sen. Edward M. Ken-last year brought a suit agains t the Navy Plane Crashes, Kills Three in Crew rived Jn the "Paris of the West" 'fbw'1.. nedy CO.Mass.), ha won pennWion to Justice Department and Zurlch pro. day night amid a mixture of. jeers and e:r:amlne the 8CCID';tcy of the transcript o{ secuUon authorities who had made the CRETE, Greece (AP) -A U.S. Navy, cheers from about 600 demonstrators his testimony given last month at the in. secret bank files available to the U.S. jet fighter from the carrier Franklin D. parading outside tbe1r hotel. quest into the death or Mary Jo Government. Roosevelt crashed into the Aegean Seim. Kopechne The suit went •· ••· Supeme Court near "-le Thursday, killing three of. Jtl The couple, weary from a tour of Cape · w urc v•" Kennedy and a 3,000.mlle fight across the Suffolk Superior Court Judge Wilfred J. after the Zurich cantonal prosecutor had crew including the pilot. United States, did not acknowledge the Paquet granted Kennedy's request. Thurs-rejected an earlier appeal by Rosen. A fourth man aboard was rescued by a k:k rot . day, six days after his request wu filed. bawn, Senn and the Zurich bank deman. destroyer that rushed to the crash scene P ets P esting French policy in the The tranacrw of tesUmony given at ding that the United States be denied ac· 12 miles northwest of Soudba Bay Naval Middle ll .. t. ••· ''" ua:: inquest is onder special security cess to the files. 'Mie prosecutor iMisted Base. 11le pickets marched 1n an crderly restrkUons, along with the inquest report that the U.S. bad the "status of an in. The Skywanior jet hirid just taken off faslilon 'Iburaday night behind a roi>ed.oCf by Judge James A. Boyle,, of the jUied party" in the Stone-Rosenbawn from the carrier, a sp>kesman said, but area acrou the atreet from Pompldou'1 Edgartown District Courl case it did not C""'"' any bombs. holoL ,,,.,. ........... readlni: '!Lt .--'-----------=::::;,;·-------~--.:=:.::::.::-:::.;·'::::..=::::..-- Franoe'• bcnor • mirqe!" "What \fOO.ld EmUe 1.ola say?" and "Doo't trade Jewish blood f<r oil. fl Scores of police patrolled the area, In what was descnOed as the Ughtest security measures since the viltt <If Soviet PremJe.r Nikita Khrushchev a decade ago, but the crowd disperaed after the Pompidou.s entered the bottL Dynamite Taken From Students TOMAH, Wis. (AP) -A school bwt driver spotted a sUck of dynamite pro- truding froJ!1 the pocket of a &ludent passenger Thursday and n ot i r I e d authorities. Police Chief Donald Fischer said the Up by Mr&. Pat Holmes led to the con- fiscation of 64 sticks of dynamite and 232 caps in the posession ol 10 Tomah 5€nlor and junk>" high school students. The erplosivu, Fischer said, were stolen from a gravel pit in the Town of Cliftoo, west of the city, about Feb. 15. Two boys alleged to have stolen the material have been turned over to juvenile autboriUes. The two boys reportedly have been seJJ.. Ing the dynamite to their echoolmales al the nte or five sUck:I for one dollar and 11111 dynamite caps for a dollar. Canadian Air Invades U.S. I ·~-·\ Even Southern Florida Shivers Unde r Nippy Air ' c ... t.1 Hirt' """'IM. l.Jlhl '<lll'flbft Wlrtdt 11'9t!t ..-. fl'llftlnl "°"'" '*'"''"' ...,,,_. ii!. _, • lo '' knoh '" ,,..,_. WW el'ld ,,..,,.,.., Hltlt _ ... CMtlll ._.f\ll'tl rtfltt '""" D "' .... lftl..W ,._..,_ ,..,. """' • ,. n. ...... ....,.."'"' ... s ... -. ..... '.l'lbs Palo.\Y ...,... ,, ........................... . ...,... 11w s:n-..111.i.1 MTVlOAY lllrtt fl._ .............. 1:"4 '·"" ... Pit-II low .............. It:• 1.m. 4.1 ~ Mlfl ......................... . ................................. .. .,_ •:M t.11'1. kilt J:a ,.I'll. -..... ltd! ""'· .... f;Jt 1,111. v.s. s--rv A --of Att.lk 1!f e:l'CIQH 1M C.llfflM Ml*' ""9 .,_ --antr1I tit._ ...... .,..... tlm- '""--f1f ..._ _.. ff.n N• .. ...,,. .. ~ ,,,,, .......... "*' .. Giii ..... ....,... _....,.... ..... "" IMfCW'I' .,... ,_.........,. .... "" Ovtf c:.tt .... ~ Flotl&I. TJllW"'" Mt 1 ~ low IOt tM II•"' 11 U .,,.,..., !¥91' '°""""" '""" "" ""'" -tMr Wllfl I '°" of 41 11 Fort Mrtni tfMI 0 at Well Ptlfll lhkfrl, "-tr, 4'yti!M ..... lflft MrW U• Jllt'.ltlll lo d i.,. lleCk l"fO lf'lt JOI, Tl'llrt _. ta!,.... -flvrrltl "-"" '*""""' Rockltl .. .. or .. t ua:n '"'°" llvt oftifl'wlN fllt l'llllM ..,., ....... 1,, "' '"' _.,, I I '.l'et!!ttn•t11ru ' ...... ~'""' ,t,I~• a al M A/IC...... 3S 21 All1nt1 •7 26 Bakenl11ld n SI 8ltft11n::k 1' 21 ISOIM lJ M e°"°" ts 11 a-101 Jt ., Olk•• " " Clrlcl-" )I 17 Dtftwr '° ,, On Mot.-• ,. ..... " " F1!~/IU .l4 17 Fart Ww1't JS • "-,, ... Htl-JD 2.S .1) HaWulf' It R KeflM' C1IY u 2' LM V..., 11 .n ... .t.riteltl ,. 14 MlftT\! . 10 U Mln11t1"°1!' JS II Tr Hew Or!Hnt U M HM Yortt 27 ,, Nor'IPI Pl1tt1 st 20 Oekitlld 6' J7 Old.ileml (ITV .,, It Om.ti. SJ JI ''"" ....,.... I.I .SJ .._R.,_ 1J;)I -" .. l"jttbll,... " n ..11 ~·\Miii " u ll11'1d Cit'/' SA 27 R9d ltli.rtf 10 41 It-... '' Sffftfl'ltftle 111 4' S1n Ut:1 Cll'I' 11 " San Olffo 7l .. S.n Fral'l(IKo ft '' SN1tf1 11 40 Slllllk111e it tt ~., .. J) W~l'olt JI tt . 1, Forget for a second it's a Volkswagen. Try to think of tho Volkswagen Fastback sedan what's loft? as iust another fostbadc. A few things that might make our fastbacl:_, Forgot the air<00led, rear·maunted engine. like anything but a Volkswagen. Forgot tho oil it tokes by tho pint instead of the Like waflJto-wall carpeting. 49-position front quart. seats: Rear center armrest. Optional automatic: Forge! !he +.wheel independent torsion bar transmission. suspension. And even o few things that make ii_,,, lilte But most of all forget tho 26 miles it averages anvthing but just another fastback. to a gollon of regular gas. like the electric dock. tinted rear window, disc Forget all tho things that might make our fast-brakes in front, 2 trunks, electronic fuel injection. bad seem like just onother Volt swagen, and And a Volkswagen price. NEWPORT BEACH SAN JUA~ CAPISTRANO HUNTINGTON BEACH Chick Iverson, Inc. BIR Y o!os Inc. Horbour V,ollcswagon 415 E. Coos! Hwy. 32852 V1l11 Rd. 18711 O..ch Boul1v1NI (714) 673. 0900 (714) 499. 2261 (714) 842. 4435 -- t, I I .. New l\'lood On Rights ·Faces ·Test WASHINGTON (UPI). - BobiA!l'ed by two commllt.. victories and talk of a "new mood" on civil rights, Southerners began a series of criUC&I Senate batUes today on school Integration, voling rights and the Supreme Court. Uberals planned to oppose them on au three, with Sen. /Abraham A. Ribicoff (D- Qmn.), predicting defeat or HOuse·passed a111endmenlr to weaken federal 11 c h o o I desegregation pressures. Riblcoff'a supJ)Ort w a s largely credited with Senate approVaJ list week or a Southern amendment to apply the same school desegregation guideline! North and South, 'J,'he Sena e also passed an anti "busing" am{!fldment. Slick Spills. ID.to River ' . After Crash JACl<SONVJLLE, Fla. (AP) -A barge-freighter collision sent a bank-lo-bank oU slick rolling down the St. Johns River today toward lhe AUan- tic Ocean and JacksonvU!e area beaches. The black mass, spilled into the river Thursday night when But Rlbicoff said t h e "freedom of choice" and "busing" amendments In a $19 .billion Labor-HEW ap- propriations bill, which went before· the Senate today, were a frtighter plowed Into an oil· "on an altogether different filled barge, coated both basis." They. were spansored · shores of the Sl. Johns for by Rep. Jamie L. Whitten ([). about 10 -~ Miss.) rru s. "I think the W h It ten A Coast Guard spokesman amendments will go down in said Uw sludge moved about the Senate," Ribicoff said in two miles per hour on an an Interview. "I'm certainly outgoing tide toward the aiainst them." The Senate appropriatiorui mouth of the river and the committee approved the Whit-ocean beaches. ten provisions 12 to 9 Thurs-Coast ~Guard officials said d the frei~. ter Mere Buccmieer, ay. Although Secretary Robert inbound from the Bahamas, H. Finch of Health, Education slammed into the barge and Welfare are (HEW) stated Eastpet l seven miles east of his opposition In a letter, Sen. Jacksonville ripping a lhree- Norris Cotton (R-N.H.), who foot gash below the water line. negotiated the bill's~ money No injuries were reported. provisions with HEW, said no J. W. Connolly. president of one from tht administration Eastern Seaboard Petroleum prtSsed him to fight the Co.. said hi! w o r k m en Southern proposals. estimated the total spillage at Colton said lasl week's votes 7,000 gallons. The ruptured · "indicated so m e reaction, tank held 30,000 gallons, he some change of feeling" said. among senators on school in--"It's a whole lot of oil," said tegraUon. Others have talked U.S. Coast Guard Chief of a "new mood." particularly Geor11:e Hicks. "It's a major on "bu!ing" black children to spill." formerly white schools and Earlier this month, a 21.000. vice versa. gallon spill in Tampa Bay Alabama formed a l~square·mile slick which killed thoYsands af birds and blackened bay shores and Gulf Coast beaches. Parult.es .Used ' ' Stwknt Sought . For ·Pois.onings Frida)', Febriwy 27, 1970 Boy, 12, Ki~ks· Habit • Tells .Sowns .of Life Witli Drugs ol story l want my chDdteu lo be dreaming yp." Assemblyman Matlue1 1 llamoo uked Ille boy where , be lived and WIS Ioid be WU, from Ramos' district. In the South Bronx. Ram06 left j ~ wttb tears h'l·hls eyes. He returned later and plc • ; ed with Ille committee t<t ""'°minend harsher jlWllJl>- menl for drug pusben and mandatory urine analysis u.. part of Ille anlidrug progrllllf In the schoob. I!" THE LIDO SHOPPING AREA, IT'S BARROWS FOR TOP DRAWER BIKINIS • • I-t ' I l • .... :E • .. -. • I -. . • 1• -l ~ • -. •• :! ·l •• Seeks School .---------- '~~~e~~- nie Alabama legislature, apparentJy undaunted by the reject.ion of a similar bill by a federal court in Georgia, moved toward parw1ge of a New York.style desegregation Jaw. The 8e$t of the Best! O·N SATURDAY, FEB~ 28th at these· Penn_ey locations ••• •• ' . " Gov. Albert Brewer called the legislature into special session for the express pur- pose of passing a !reedom-of- cholce statute like New York state's and that mission was expected to be aceompllshed today. Georgia passed its version of the New York law last week, and Federal Judge Frank A. Hooper ruled it "In- valid" Wednesday. Several other Southern states also have passed the Jaw. The New York statute for· bids the transfer of pupibi to achieve a r a c i a I balance. Georgia's law includes teach- ers. Atlanta school offici~ls, !aced with a desegregation program requiring the trans. fer or pupils and teachers, asked Hooper for guidance. His reply: "It is ordend that the Atlanta Board of Educa. lion proceed to carry out var- Jous orders and dlreclive9 issued In this case and t h at the court finds no valid statute of the State of Georgia which could prevent such compli- ance." ~. . - Royalty Visits LONDON (UPI) -Princess Margaret and her husband, Lord Snowdon, will v i s i t Yugoslavia June 1-8 at the In- vitation of President Tito. It will be the first visit to an Eastern European nation by the BriUsh royal family since World War ll. VNITED STATES NATIO NAL BANK SOUTH COAST PLAZA BRANCH NOW MN SATURDAYS t .. 1 P.M. MON ... TMUlS. 1f.S P.M. PllDATS 1M P.M. f71 4J Mf.SJ11. LMtlMll fl: S.. C... ,._, c .... M .. ....... ..... .. ,...-Mii'!..., E. H. LEVAN IJ ll • -Cobntiiall llotling Stones iom Jones Let It Bleed l~ In Lu Vegas IAMPIXI --.. 1 ... Iii Easy Rider Original Sol.widblct ~~o@::'....._-J-_;___;;:=:;;;;.._ __ r; Charley Pride ""'" Chlf1ty Prldt nan Av1lloblo 11 tt-POftMJ T.,. Cintenl CA.NOGA PMK DOWNn' FWmON HUNl1NGTON llADf 1' ' NEWPORT BEACH ~ HUNTINGTON BEACH 10:30to11:30 A.M. 12:30 to f:30 P.M. Fashion bland Huntington Center ' ' • DOWNEY 3:00 .to 4:00 P.M. Stonewood Shopping Center Exciting Group ••• Their albums ••• • Specially pric~ I 2.88 'The lllillOis Spood p,...• includ- lng: 'Hord l11ck Story', 'Here Todoy', 'Pay Tho Price', 'Frte Ride', 'Get In The Wind' ... Vocals end guitor by Poul Cotlt>n and Kol David. 'Duet', The lllinol1 Spood Pr111 Includes: 'Morning Bluel, 'Bod Weother', 'The Visit', 'Seventeen Doys', This olbum Is in onswer lo demands for morel I I • ' I .. • DMLY PILOT JmlTOBIAL ·PA.GE ,, -.. .,. . • Def eat'·s'.'. Af ter.inatli , Tiie nepUve respo11H ol Laguna voters to . tho ect.bl. diitrlct'a prt>poHd tinanciaf measures was di,.. ' ' llMrtenlni to lcltool olllclab, but apparenUy not over- whelmingly iO. TaklDg their defeat in relaUvely good spirit, they · • -. are 1eel<lng ways to make necessary budget. cutf -tbe leaJt posalble damage to 1tudents. · Slllce Ille acbool cll.rtrlct IJ no more Immune to 111-~0D tball'anyone else, Mime pretty tight economizing will be !nevttable. No one bas yet l!gured ·out bv,y to mate a dollar do the work of tl.2l5. · Also Inevitable will be anDther tax etecllon within the 11 ... year planning period, though lndicatiOOJ are that there will be no further approach to the voters for at least a year. Tbe culJ will be felt falrly soon and the people, bav· Ing spoken oboUld accept them for what they are - the resuJt o't an election defeat -without heaping blame on the shoultterJ of ocbool administrators trying to stretch their budget. If the &chool officials were able to refrain from bitterneia after ti.. 11111uccessfu1 election the same can- not he ia!d for the otudent1. Not having had to face the uncomfortable facll of life as taxpayers, they may tend to regard the negative vote as a rejection of the whole IChool community. Tbet is unlommate. It is lnclOed difficult to esplaln why the high school library is so inadequate, and why elderly buses still are toiling .up and down La~a·s hills when we are sup- posedly a cultured and a!Ouent community. • But the 1lmple fact iJ tb1t even an affluent c~ munity may reach a tax saturation point and Laguna, like so many other communities, appears to feel that, at the moment, It h'I" arrlved at that point. The failure of school financial measure! through-out the state Is caualng Jefialaton to 1eek alternatives for im>vldlnJ Ille schools With the funds they must have. Meanwhile, tt· j1 encouraging to hear Laguna's school superintendent say, "We'll come back with the evidence that will allow for proper community sup- • - . r. . • ,,,. • 1• I, . port. .. Tllo 4lllre to iappoft Ibo acbooli Ii h ... : ml ti ,w be becbd wUll .._, wbc the voten are truly convlllce<l al Ille Died. -I , . nna'• Budget Problem8 c "' ~· lleecll ... approedllnj thlll bud e Illa wtiaa U..,. begin lo weigh mun!• el needs · and OllJeS aalinat tax revenut 8114 olher · ·hlco . . ' Al ouib there II p......,. to hold tbt line atialnst !lllY addlUODal la.I lncrean, ~-are It woa't,l>e easy I • \ Clty Manager Jamea b. wlieaton ~' inltruded ·d.., partment heads to s~y within curreot budget area•, prepartng supplemental budlela for Item• of ,lflllll need. • . This, however-, will not Include mUDlclpal etnploye salaries, which increase in IAl(Wla as elsewhere .. 'l,'be Increase wao 4:6 percent la1t year and employea later -felt they had bare!Y. kept up wl~ Inflation. A bigger lncnue will be sougbt -tbl1 year.· .Another big upense will be Main Beach paymenla. 'Ib,e time is not far off either when. the city will have to replace its sewer ·plant and facilities. This could cost a mllllon dollars. Thi• doesn't Include the many recommendati- that will come from the general plan .study or new pro- grams Individual councilmen may suggell . Tl>e city may Increase the hole! bed tax If It, •• previously, follows state e:ales taxes in 1 one percent increase. And both the Coanet.I •nd bustnes1 common. ity agree-that a new oceanlnmt commtn!lal-botel zone Is neoded to generate construction and capture bed tax now beln~ lost. Just like a family, the city always has more needs than income. The council's key challenge is detennin· Ing what's really needed. I W Qul 4 . Pay fo r Back aay , " .Mov ing ~ac'ft, Forth-Flu f f . J4nd Serious • To tbe Edltllr: . . . dependent oa bli'Very lllmlW ~ May· I congratulate whoOta la "5pOlll!bJe for tftplag I -J.llas .,.,. nlni !or II yean."I'bat'1 a .-..i • qoRO'hlY )I, -GROSS • 'We Blnc It• .. ., . , ~ Give the Vote To 18-.Year-Olds I want to t14nrnent on the broken oii..ce d Ille intne ComPID1 oo Ille Bock Bay eschaqe. In• 1111, -tbe ollle granted the tidtladl d tbe Upper Bay Into tbe COW1ty'1 trull and at the Ame thne granted the Lawer Bay tideWlda to the City d . Newport Beach, the state may have had In mind thll the Upper Bay woold be beot developed IS onotmharbor. or coune 18-yesr-olds sbould vote. "" ot this writ.In& 8 senators have declared their aipport d Senate Joint Resolutlon ,\ 147, lj>OmOreil by Sen. Birch Bayh (Dem .• Ind.), In fa vor of a constituUooal amendment to lower Ult voUng age to II. Yo the EdJtor: A.;dllt"P.:t:dmt'Jrom Montana waall" Whal coold haYe been a vlclOrl ,..,t to.,,know l\qw I cu ·~ a seriOUI co!Uinn few. The fact Is that less than 2 percent of the students were responsible for the uproar. Most activist leaders were 24 and over. It is not lack of a vote that makes violent di ssident! violent. Beaidea:, half 'the population between 18 and 21 will DOt be in college anyway. TwentJ«ven yean lat« a.. 1eem1 to me ....,. question u to wbother tllat la tbe best_, to develop lllll -..Juabk pro- ptrly. Wllb tbe shrlnklag sborellne and open -· and the lad fll OTorpoj>Ula-tioo, porti.ps our need& haff dlqed. 'l1IE UPPER BAY ........., 12.21 mUes d aborellne, muc:ll d wlllc:b _,Id be bulkheaded in lbe now proposed ex· change plan. Realizing that ff we, Ille people, warit to keep 'the bay for publlc me we must pay for tt in ltll'll way, l oubmlt thlt !he citizens may Vf!r'f well be ready to do 11111. Siie , l(oted l'ES •• To tho Editor: • After carefuUy studying information on the proposed override and bond Wue for OW" scbool needs, u well u letters from individual writers, I voted ~ on every lswe in the Feb. 24 election. c 1lown in defe1t Tueadty! It aeeml to me abOut world ltarvatliin on one day, and that t6e ISIUe •u.not u moeh a .,,ie tor en the nest day ••a _piece ol fluff with no a lu.OV.nido !or Lapa 5G11oo1f lllil laatins lignlflcancO." rather a -d .eoofldence ta' l#ma'• f !lad io dllliculty In justilyln( Ibis young people! c!>anie of tone and pace and depth. I am We have witneSHd a maplfk:ent ,an.. not always interested Bl lerioua subjects, jiWt!laeut In Olr .... ..,_,..,._ ar.J "'-Bflt'11 a tnultkxtbed 1111111· tllo cledlcatlao of --ocllool We -• -aet d prlor!U.. In our liOan! membero, -..i --ao lblll Important matton muat (many) partDls. We line been !lltm come Ont -but, 11 lhe """' ~;we proof that our pupila are above averqe cannot keep potmding at the bli baa (through recent Orllll• c.wrty testiig) dnan ev<ry dsy. due to qualified teac:blog. Wi!>blvt ev;er1 ,_THE •••-I called ~ .. col· reuon to be proUd. of our yoQnPt.trt '· __,..~... ~ - from ttnder1arten throogli hicJi -.i omn "Str!ctly Ptnooal" when I began It for a thing called ACHIEVEMENT. more than a quarter-century ago, was that l was tired o( the "categcrtzatlon" MOST INSPIRING to me ts the fact of columns Wo separate subject matter that our secondary 9ChOGI age chlJdrtn -Wuhlngton, foreign a ff a I r 1 , have displayed a return of tnthusium.. Broadway. Hollywood, humor, <r what $upfrvlsor Robert BatUn, In hil letter of Dec. S to hls fellow 11upervl.!lora, came .,, with a good flnanclal posstbUJty. It la referred to by the Irvine Company u an "lmtant plan." I csll it I ~ ... plaa and ii ill an altemallve plan d wllldl many people aaJ there have been none. A grandaughter ol mine wu llj:ty enough to have attended 'I'burlColl Intermediate School last year. It was a marvelow: experience .for ber and we in the !unity benefited, alao, from !lie •thnulaUng program. Studenta at both the junior higli and ldgli "'" 1"U-• , acllool levels hive shown a ldgli mcrale 'lhll Ja 111 artJllclal ~mtation of and school spirit, and are partJclpating.ln the pe.nooallty, and a falalficatioa of the OF COURSE IT Is 1'lthoul benefit of publlc hearings but I guarantee to you thlt it was not .. pieeed together to match the demands of a limited few ." The Jlmiled lew number many hundreils ol coocemed citizens. Let's have 90me public hearings with all 1 I d e 1 rtprettnted. l was under the Impression, however, that the Irvine Company would not approve d public meetings on this aubjecl wlRle litigatico Is l*>d!Jii. Cu we all wait that long! 1ba'e are federal funds available for .,,g1neertng studlea of the Upper Bay IF tbe bay Is to be developed In the "public As a former teacher, I have met all klnds of parenta. I WONDERD> whether or not Mr. Ed Lorr bu good books and re.ltrence material aixt current magllines around his home to help bi.a own ~n with special topics In their 1tudles. Could be this is the f'f;UOD he ls blind about the great need of a good library tn every school. Mr. Lorr Is indeed fortunate that his children are attending such fine schools and that their educaUoo Is DOI Futility ls the Wor d Bmlea, Teua, Trfbaae: ''Comnnmlals ..... oegollate In good faith. Fullllty la tbe .....i for the drury blrtaqua -. played out In Paria. 'Il>e enemy 'nePJ&lm' are nol negotiaUng. They .-e waiting for Ute American people to becotne to war-weary, ao confused, ao frultnted that they will d e m a n d -•al d oar fcrcea, leavln( -1'1111 vlclory In their hlnda. .. lr11'hp, 8.D., Reptlri '1Nenpti~ ... IDbm, alert. ~ ....... aod Ila prllqe Clllll. And do tbem all •t ,_ C!Gll\'eDlence, not at tbeirl. You ... ,. tbe word, it's waitin& for you, oo the prbltied ....... 1• • •• PL. Amertcrm11 •1Evtddl:r -~-In WubiJ>itoo an· ··--t-- Wa....,., ..... , ....,.,.Pfii..t "C)lr , thoucJ>I ill lhlil ti ......., II home Is good !or lbt coilntry II abould bt .... belllrandlll--ttonduce !orelp aid, ..,.....,. wllli -_,, and -..... Alllu. Whal Is Uuct I« tho -.0 -lh«&ld bt sauce f<I' the !orelp pnder. And we !hint ff we do -pl'llllln( on t h e lortlgn spendlnl It might Jtahton the, Joa~ I« the American EaiJo and the ....,. prellld tupayer." · Catcade, lewa, ~W11r<UnrUler1 "Thia 1ovemmerit al oara U truly 1 .,mm ol checkl and bola-. l'trlt thert .... the ..Uel chedi, tbeo ..... the .allotm<nt chect, then tho -...... checkl, to Ill' nollllnf d t h • ~al Security chect and Illa -plojdlerd cht<t. Soon to -......... p1ace will be the Grul Society pomty and "'11· aibtld:y cbecks. Now lhl1 takes c1re of the checkl, b11t I'll be damed ti I know where the balance. will be tOUDd. 11 __ .,_ ---~ commurrlty projects, the most recent fuU spectrum at human event&. I wanted being the rodeo and the electtaa tbe column to ~ -"le turall nd (dllltlbuUng Jeafl<ts). • ,._, •-na Ya These are the ''kids" who are 90 often boneldy. whit 1 wu feeling and think- the target for crlUclsm loday. 'lb-ing on any given day -and not have to "J write a ponderous think.piece "on the should be giveo praise and support by Ute st.ate of the naUon'' when I wanted to aenlor citizens of this town, financial u talk lbout children's toys or the peculiar- ·weD u vocal. And yet, to use a ~ lty'cf P'i'ench Idioms. phrase, "we blew lt"! Perhaps something aeativa a n d WE ARE ALREADY too much of a n&• worthwhile will come from the defut. t1on of spec:ialiat!I, each locked Into his but it will take a positive atUtude and own little slot. conces Ded only .tn thlt support of all Lagunan.s. which appeala to our pecuniary ar pro. NANCY PENNEY fes,,ional interests. Thia narrowwa and Dear ·-~~y Gua: Surels-,.-IOIDO.Cll -Lapa Cblmblr d Colll: ....... blpl&I, bow thq - the -d -JocaJ ~kids In the porade who ..,.._ f><)'lnc vislton. When "" tbl chamber -the Ilda -their help on the oc:boot tu - !ton! -A. C. T. ""' ,..... """" ................ .................. •UIF .... ___ . ...., .... --......... rigidity of speciallzaUon makes for dull people, not for "terklu•" ot1t1 -.f• truly serious people have a 9erl9e of belance and a cultivated curiosSty about, toany diverse things In this strqe, ft1ghtmo tng, wonderful world ol Oltt'I. It woukl here me lnll!ufferably to have to write on one general subject every dlJ. -DO maUer how valll or sicniflcDt that tabled mlcht be -and I dare oay tt -1d hare 1111 ,_.just u mlich. We ==~ =i i::1'gr:f = (and nlac) d Illa ltmDlll species; while other ~ -: irllb a fn dellghtfUI eJ:· ceptlona -mnl:J pnue theit grim pis.GI llmtlol !!!id -g and aJeeping. rr 11· ,w,lK¥IID to be penJstartJy trtvlli.ln ta ,..,...toua 11e. bol it is ""11ns.Joll • false with hmnsn ·nature to be ,,__ and oolemn, as politl· clam pnt"'4 .. be, who ... gaierally copobll d ao -"' d•llfte of reflectloo thin wcindertnc wbtre to ICl'atch nut. Indeed,, tlll best and most effective teicben 1 )I.ave known -men like Bobert Rutchlns, for lrutance -have andeiftood~ttie profound d If fer enc e betwll8b true "serlousneu'1 and mere ••.....,Nty," ind have never been afrald to -frivolous When the OCCllSIOll csll· ad r.r It. ·'j 0 1 ··M~.~~~~and, . 1'1VlewJ11 Clutttmll RUOI: -"It is molt r!lmhlng to "' all to llf>are the warm oppeat of the simple, fltm falth of chUdl'ftl when we are eo in need of en- cour11ement in the9e turbulent UmH." Frtd Redmu, Martlon: -''Let's aU stand up and ulute our ttag, and be counted as Amei1c1J11 who rtally btlleve in a world that ahoukl be fret for an men, au ram, all creeds -and worth lilfhtlnJ for." ~ E~ year-olds are not only eligible for mllltqy tervice: they are regarded In all·but one of our so states as adult& in criminal court, fully responsible !or their acttoos. My own argument for the lowered voling qe 11 that Amer.lean ·men ·and women are arriving at biological Maturi- ty earlier than ever, but are kept in IOclal Immaturity Jonger than ever -by compulsory acboollng, by the demsnd that they go to coll~e. by e1cluslqnary pracUces of both emp1oy.., and unionl. By the age of 18, a )'dung mail or woman ta nady aDd eager to be involved In aduJt coocei:ns. Tbe ~vote will be an adult con- cern that will ~· at least one cbange In tho!',....., ~'a life. ·' THE DlSCUMION of A m e r J c a n b1ltcry, of IOC1a1 studies and current eventa cannot but be enormoualy enliven- ed ln f!ller/ clasiroorii If the resutta an to be not simply an eum m a term paper. but decision In the poUlng boolh. I belleve that it wou1d be desirable for candidates for polltical oatce, national or st.ate or local, to appear before high school and iCOINe audlenc:es to speak and be ques- tlDnitld. It would <lo both students and can- dJdatea a lot of good to meet each other. Go9. Ronald Reagan of CallfGmla has ~ the lowirtng of voOng age on the ground that it would lead to "unwelcome pallllcal influence In higher education." I would disagree. There Is already an mr:rmous atn01.mt of unwelcome and llnlCtnowledged poliUcal Influence in . hlcbml education, usually disguised as eoclology or economics or llterary criticism. If open political campaJgning by candidates were welcomed on campus, tt might compel IODle of our profes.sors to define their roles more carefully: Are they &olng to be teacben or are they ping to be advocatea !or a parllcUJar pollUcal view! • 'l1IE MOST SElllOUS ohjecUOD to 90tes for 18-year-olds comes from those wllo fesr that the kind of student violence and irrationality that they associate with college campule!I might be Introduced in· to eledar&I politics. For this fear, we have the mass media to bJame which have d'eat.ed a di.!trust of an entire generlUaa on the basil of. the acUona cA a Dear G«irl•: I feel It is my duty to Inform you that your celebrated syst«Q of Sideways 'ntinlcing has been ap- proprial<d by a fellow named de Bono and made into a boot called "New Think'' in whlcb yo.ir revolu· tionary diatvvt1"7 ii referred to as Lateral Thinking -• thin dllguile if I ever &aw ooe. °""~ your tlllnt ,.. -... JGUr lawyer! . PAUL PALllER .Dear Pau1: Nab, Paul -U yoa lmew my lawyer you woaldn'l want to see him, either, Only pro(esskmal man r em saw who doesn't even mah office cslls • >.. for the de 8cm book. I get Jett<n about It. I'll read It some lime. So far l haven't even gotten around to reading my own book on S1d~ay1 Thliiking ( ' ' D e a r George!" lllustra.tlons by , Walt I Earl Blaumenauer. the 13-year--old dlreclo!' of the m.....ium on tlds' •- &Cbeduled in Oregon for May, says that in that 11-te ''we haven't had any trouble wftb "campus diaorders, yet that ls the one thing that bothers people." Clark Wideman, 2:2-year-old senior at Ohio State University, wflo baa campaigned f<I' ~ lower voting age, resents wbat be calls the ••media kid," who is to be seen so often on TV news, burning his draft card or sittlog in al a college demonstration. "The image of young people 18 to 21 11 distorted by the militant one percent which bas unforbmalely received tbe most uposure." Bur THE MAJORITY of young meD and women don't have a chance on the 11etworks. As William Greider wrote in the Washington Post, describing the hear· ings on Resolution 147 on February lS, ••Ag if to prove (Wideman's) point, most media packed up and left the Senate hearing room after hearing adult wit- nesses ..• but belore clean<ut youth bad Its say. 1 "Sen. Marl°" Cook f!'t.-Ky.) ICOlded the three network television cr~s for turning off their cameras. He told the young witnesses : 'If you bad come out of. your seats back there, kmcking over chairs and !hooting •.• I promise you that you would have been on every na• tional TV news program in AmeriCI tonight.' .. Some yoong people complain !hat tbe1 cannot achieve SOciaJ change without violence. They are wrong. What they can't gel without violence, or at Just dramatic actioo, Is coverage cm S o'clock news. The public must not be misJed. 1be vast majority ol young men and women are not Uke the "media kids." They ar. fully responsible, wonderful young adults. They are fully entitled ta the vote. By S. I. Ha,.Uwa Presldait SU Fnnclaco &tale CoUep Kelly: Simon ti Schuster) was written yean earlier. Dear George: and k I'm a milkman and this woman on my route left a very passionate note . in an empty mUk botUt the other morning. I got dressed up and dropped by to pick her up that evening as abe had suggesttd. She actually olapped me! Do you thlnlt she's nuts, or wha\? CONFUSED MILKMAN Dear ConfU!ed: • No, I think she probably got her notea mixed up. If you think you're confused, imagine lhe poor guy who got • aeented letter uklnl .llim to 1eavt li!r some con~ c:ream and • contalnor of prune YotJ1111. (''teorge solved all life's ~ bl ems for me I" writ.es Arlo Obie of BMk, Ark. "He showed me wbert the answers were ••• tn the back of the b!::>okl") I I . . . - \ r .. --State GOP _3-day Meet Set C~ESf~G • MR.MUM New Romances. SAN Jl'RANCUlCO (UPI) - Calllomia Ropubll<anl - od UIOir wlDler ~ lodly conlldtml of con!lnued aucceu 11 the polls 11111 pn> feasl.ng toler1oce for ~v.-.. lck GOP Se111le leadtr Jod< Ward Off Colds By L. M. BOYD YOU WON'T . FIND me person In l ,OO(I who can tell you bow tDllllY toes oo. an on1inary houaecat. There are 18 ••• OUR PLANEI" MAN ·-reuaw. born ISldet the tlcn ot Cancer a.re more apf !ban .... to take qp lbe hollbj ol cookinJ , .•. ALL I LEARNED TODAY IN pbllolohpy was that a blrd in the !W>ll" 11 useles! H you. wanl to blow your nose • , • WIJJat BRINGS to mind, lovera in a new romance rarely catch cold. Why II a mysluy, but such la bown to be the lnllh. • . . JT HAS BEEN sdentlflcaily eatebllabed that ooly aboul ""' crab In •• .,., two million la a IOUtbclaw. ' underlWr1 cbarie fl. Will ~ ... the buben. Slud by ••• Q. "UB OVJJBS one ollhooeaevenbreedloldop most apt to bite people?" A. So it'a: said. -"We'll try to wort wJth Sen. Scllrod< u .... u be bokh: office," said rtate Re- publican Chaimwl Dennis Cupealor ol Newport -. "! -IDliclpola lhll 1 -jarUj. ol lhe porty will ~ Poll Shows DA Younger GOPClioice blm.'.' SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - The il1"le • dly <OOftllllon Los Anlel" District Attorney wu ezpeded to draw 1,IOI of Evelle Younger appears tG be the stole'• luding Republic-the wly choice ol GOP-" w, lnch.Unt aome Gf the bl&· In this year's noe fer thl 1t- pot -In tbe "'"1· tome)' 1inerol's job bel111 HEW ,-...,. llGberl IL vocaled by Democrol '111omu OPEN QVllTION. -·1. A l A ks B ....... -~-,.. L"""1 """""-. 11 u.. -• na ys·t s · etter e.w1-.ai Calllomla,..,m .i. ,,., ·ca111orn1a Pon uld 1o-lillng u a natural jumpll-? Or · dNa 1 flot per platJ llmd• doy Iha! In 1 dieek lbil month do they hive to be tralneid? 2. • n111r tcnllht. clurinj.-whlch of a c r o 1 1 • 1 e e t I o D Of How clld ~!own' al'Embar· w f G · d' the·party expecta to net close Republ!Clft!, Young.,. drew ff rus, MIM.; ocqulre thal eapons or uar lo •tlO,oot for 111 fail cam· perwil support, S~ Sen. dlstioctlve name, pray? 3. patpa. George Deukmejlan 11 per· Why Is ii you oee a Joi of SACRAMENTO (UPI) _ Neorly bail the re$1ctlon, '4 Gov. Ronald Reagan will cent, Reagon admlnlslrlllon women bookkeepers, bul pr&c· LeglllaUve anaiysl A. Alan million, ...Wd """" from opeolt• to a •t~ luncti· oUldai Spencer Wllll-I Ucally no women accounlantl? Poot sunests modernizing the eon Satu/doy. Republ!con Na-percent, Slall S.,,. Jolm L. Interest C·ortlli.ct R,eviswn Okayed LOVE AND WAR -Our Love and War man ii <i the opinion thal no mamed couple can fool their teenage chUdren. That is, if said cou- ple is unhappy with each other, the younpters will know It, be believes. For this nuon., he finds a re.cent r-1 by the survco)'lakera lo be moot lignillcant. Said rePorl shows a poll of 3,500 teenagers reveals feft?' than half want marriages like the mamagea or their parems. M.,. than ball aeem lo think their parenta aren'I making IL Dismal news, what? WRONG AGAIN! -Did I ~~:o:~~:i~~ :u:v: !'..!:! ~~ ~=~~~t~ :;, 431~~ e °':T' U: say tailor·mod< au111 bave 1<al bnorove r1o1 conlrOI. , _:ir::°'~'::om:::·:_ _____ _;Slturdly=::::::....:nigb~L:_ ___ _:ded=de::d::.. _____ _:_::.:;:===::.:==-===:t.======-buUoolioles on the sleevell In · Poot aald the new 1..,1 · CUSTOMER SERVICE - 1'How long are an. elephant's eyelashel?" A. Four maybe five inches ••. Q. "WHAT'S 1'1111: PRICE of a shave these da11?" A. All I kJtmf ii the Councilman Mfirms Innocence England, they do. Here, would C'C8l '87,700 more than lhougb, the lollon uae Im-Gov. Ronald Reagan'• $U llatlon -.. the mlllJan lpencling -·11-can be ~ II dlllon for the guanl durtor the neecuary. Thia report Is oub-fiscal yo. beg1nnlng Jufy 1, mlllecL along with my ap-=i:-pllcallon for readmissi.., to ~ came In the Got 11 Righi Club. ;..~.1 ~Illa~ 'l'BE BEST YEAR -Whal la moot apt to be the hr year of a man.'1 lif ? When )hi.. Inquiry WU pul to a sizable aampllng of men over 65, that year moot olton nam- ed was age 50. Age rt wa1 nut. I'm not yet .a, 10 can't officially qualify for thll survey. Good UUn1. You would think my answer too sweet. This year is the best year. Last year wu the best ·yur then. Living gets better, Look, I mean it, sweet or not. Nert year DO doubt will be the best year of the lot. which .... noleued Thundly. II -u a fUlldllne for lawmabn daring beorlnp. The Lellllllure'1 c b le f money walcbdog urged legll- latcn to trim an overall UT million tnm Reagan's pro. .....i 11.5 billion lpencling blueprlnl. Bui he laid more """"'!' aliouid be spent .. the guanl. Poot aald present guanl radio equipment is "obsoltft stock" cast off by the U.S. Army. He said it may .be IUf. ficlent for the field but Is "largely lnelfectlve for Die In riot cnelrol albJ.UCN alnce these lnddentl are 111U&)ly In Your qu3timu ad corn. urban m:eu." """" nre toclcom<d olMl '•If the guanl II to be uoed LOSANGELES(UPl)-CI-:il,q_be~~~-p.• lnctvtt ·clloorderot<O!dchhaft ty COllnd1man Robert J. K ~.......... Uo.• be<n lncnutng, we belieYe 11 Plta&t oddrea.,our mall to is abloluteJ;r nec91111 for the St.eftnlon emerged from his L .M. BOJ,d m mr1 of Dailp 1Uanf to have a eommrme. arraignment on conspiracy Pilot B 1875 N---' -1..I'"" I •-and bribery charges Thursday ' oz • .. _,...,, • btiuom·~ ... ':~ -~-~~':.~. to affirm hia conviction tbat1-8-'_ac_h_, _c_a_li!,~-_9_M_B_a. ____ -_-c._"_;_'" __ _,.:.....: ___ I "I haven't done anything wro •. " "I can sleep nlghta, my con- sclenoe ia clear," Stevenson told newsmen. "After it ts al1 over, I know I will be vlndlcai.d." Stevenson wu one of nine peraons indicted on charges stemming from the alleged operation of gambling dens in Chlnalown. Four of 1hooe In- dicted were arraJg:ned Thurs- day by Superior Court Judge Gearge M. Dell. Fred Kee Wong , a former member of the city's zoning adjullmenl board and social service board and a candidate for city cound.I Jn 1967, was ,,.,-arraigned, but declined to comment to newsmen. Each of the nine defendant.. Js charged with two counts of cooaplracy Jfnd two counts of bribing undercover police of- ficers. The '15,000 In brlbea were allegedlJ offered In return for protection o r mulUmllUon dollar gambling operailom in the popular i<>urlst area. Copter Catches Narco Suspect MECCA (UPI) -A Meo- tcaa. naUonal aumndered to California 1uthortUts Thurs- day after a California Hlpway P a Ir o I helicopter chued his fleeing vehicle at more,lhan 100 mllet-per-bour. Joe · N. Perez, San Lu!J, Mexico, was arrested and charged with tranporta.Uon of marijuana after. 35 kilos of the drug worth f17 ,000, wtre round In h1s automobile. WANTED - IOTS t.ND •llLS A.UJT01' -·-OllC .... C...TY ... -.. Mil,,.... , ... """ AUDITIONS W1U • HILO THIS WllK IN OUHI COUNTY Cal~i47~5i: TallfttlMrch ... nt , ......... ~ Tf<KI I l'IODUCT!ONS HOU YWOOD, CALIF. -• Sears Slope Roof Lawn Building e lncludeo: floor, 1llclh~ doable d9on, dnblo 7438 ribbed ptnel1 • • Gmmiaed oacl poi"'*' 11 .. L Whlto, -trim , Ask Aboat Soon <:oa.nI.t Credit P1am ~ .... h;lln......, ~ 9:30 A.•.11 9:SO P.1. ......, ,,_,,.,.-.;,.,.._ 8aU11 l2 No. te S P.L \' I 1' ' Plymouth thinks when you pay.,close · to $2,000 for a car, you're entitled to space for 5 people ~lus their l\1mige. " When l""' buy an eainomy car, op.:e is usually at 1 pmniurn. But now, you don't have lo take "Sardine car{' oeating sitting down. CoNider the altemalive- Plyrrouth Duster. bum 11111 5 big adulll In wuafl».t That's one more JCl!f9" thmi Mawrldt ... 1111 llWlllO more~ for you • DUS'l'ER Piymoulb makes i~ • FOR A DARING DEAL-SEE lHAT DARING YOUNG MAN-YOUR PL»IOVlH DEALER-TODA~ • i( I ' • • -, • ' \ • . ' . ' • . • ' ' ' r • , • .. '. l ' ' , I , • ' ...... Fr!dq, ~27, 1970 = B~ore Stcrt~"f YQut~ Ca~p Chief Takes Salary Cut S/\N'l'A ANA :.. The newl,y The camp 15 belna taken •P,J>Olnlo<I dltector ol lhe coon-over by the ~ afttr btln1 :tY s Los PitlOS Youth Camp in abandoned as a Job Corps the Clevelarad NaUooal Forest facility by the federal govern. ls going lo take the J>OEilUoo __ m_•_•~------- despite the fact that the conus- ty Board ol Superv!slirs ~ ,--, bis pay 172 a ~ 1ief0re he > as oo the job. ~aughn l!<>)ey,.wbo is leav· ing the Job of Northern California consullant to the California Youth Authority to take the new position. was hit In the pocketbook by act1oo ot I lb• Supervisors Tuesday. He had a~ to ~pt the new post at $1,3t3 a month, the sevtlllh step of •the aalary rai.1ge for the job. The J>roba. tion Department ·had ~m mended the pay because Of his qualllliations. But supervisors, led by David L. Baker, cut the pay to $1.271 a mooth, the ~ljbesl level allowable without board approvaJ. · " ' Baker said he' objected to the fact that Roley had been hired at the higher pay with out the board being consulted. Supervisor William Phillips opPQSed Baker's s t an d because d. Roley's qualifica· ti<M'll and the remoteoesa ol the job location. • ••&•!!! ............. SPANISH CHIEF Julian I. Palley J. I. Palley UCI Chief F Th -.-In Spanish or e IRVINE -Julian I. Palley, Record associate professor of Spanish and noted scholar In 20lh Cen- tury Spanish poetry, will become .chairman of the UC Irvine Deparanent ol Spani..h ••""'-""'""'-""""""',,_""'"'"""' and Portuguese starting in Ju-1y, it was announced today by Death Notices COOPER J•-c. c-....... "' .... ,.,.,.,, "' NtwJIClrt n.Kft fof" 2f YNn. 0.• ., """'· '""'"""" u . $un'1\>'lld In two .-s. J•,...... c, c-Jr., J•ptn< Ill*" L. C--, CoJi. Rk•: Ind No tnondcfllldr«I. ~I ..,...1ca, S.tlll'Oe'f, A PM. PKlllc VltW C,_.., D11a., l!lroltlert Mortu,,.,., ornocton.. HARRIS Wllllll'll McKlnlrl' Herrl1. "''' A1, flf 2(117 And!IW Wl'f, N-1 Bnc:h. S1;rv1Yed b'f mtrien, IE-N .. l!llnoh1 Frink M., Ofllo, •I'd Arttwr H. H•rrh. NIW Yo.-: tlsltrs. LU('f ,t,. Wtlltr, N-YOl'I(, Ind 011 I. l..wl1, Olllo. SittVk~ Mo!odl~. 11 AM. 1!11111 C,,,_ drt Mir CNIM!1. ln~mitnl, Forhl L~ltnd1!1. -..111 Mil,...,.,..,, l520 E. '°'" Hltl'l-w1y, C~ Clll M•r, Dlr.dOl'l. SALEM Peer1 e. S.lM>-1n• Ktnl'llOI'• Ave .. L111 Anttlft, S...,..,lveCI b'f !WO Cltu-'l• ,en, Frid• we111, Co"• M"'' end A1>dl1 tle$1, P1lmelele; "°"" Ewrttt S.li!'m. Honoh1lu; 1111~. E"" Smllfl, low1; """ 1r1ndchlldren end wv~ ''"'",.r!Clchlldrtn. S""'lcn . s11ur· C11y, J ,.M, 51. John IM Ol~lN 1!:1>l .. COOll Churcll. COSll Mell. 1111'"""'1!. ,.t<lflc Vl1w Mwnoritl P1rk. Vl1llll· !lot>, &.11 !lro811\l11Y CMpel, trom 1odlY, Frld1y, 12 HOOi! lo ' PM; $.II· urdtY. t ,t,H. hi lt Noon. 1!1111 l!lroed· WIY ""°""''"'· O\rectori. SCHMJIYT w un1m C. $chmkll. ,t,o• ts. of rti 1nd ST .• HUYlllM!Oft' l!lffth. ~It ol CIHlh. F9bt'UlrY 21. Sll!'Ylcn. MOfld1t. 1 PM. Smfllll ChtDI!. l"le<"l'ltt'fll, Wnl• mlM~ M-1•1 P1.-. Sm!ltta Ml>r- tu•l"I'· Dlrecton. ARBUCKLE I< SO~ Westellff Mortuary 4%7 E. 17th S&., Costa Mesa 64M381 • BALTZ MORTUARIES Coroaa de! Mar OR 34151 Costa Mesa . ~u U~ • BEU. BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 Broadway, Costa Mesa u 1-3131 • • DILDAY BROTHERS BanU.gton Valley M-..Y 17111 8eadt Blvd, ... Huatlniton &act. . au.mi •. PACIFIC. VIEW MEMORIAL PARK ee-,eM-ary 15lt P~~i.,. Drive Newport Belch. Callftnda MU!lt • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL . HOME 7111llollaA ... Wtllmhlsler m.ssz5 • 811El"f ER MOllTUARY ...,..._. 49'-11$$ .. an-ie .... , .. • IM!Tllll' MOllTUARY ll'l·Malo81. ......... --- Who c. ... 1 ... ttJttr M'WSPIP" 111 till world wa *"t )'OIW cOmmilllftt llke ,_ '°"'"""'" 0111 ~ .... It's tllt o.llLY PILOT. v aiancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. Palley will succeed Prof._ !ilJ)'moor Mentoo who will refurn Jo lull-time teacblnc' and. research. Palley served last year as chairman of a chancellor's committee which made broad rec.ommendaUc:m f o r ad- ditional atudeftl lnvolvoment Jn campus pvernance, indudina: membsahip in the Academic Sena le. Illa ___ ,, pub~ ii .• bllin&U-' edi- tioa of the poet!]' of Jorp Guillen, prominent Spanlah poel ., Palley joined the UC I faculty in 11166 afte< serving aa assoclate profe s so r of Romance languages at the Univawtty of Oregon four years. Eorller be taught at Rutgm and Ari>oM State Univenlty. He is • graduate of M-City Colle1e and received. the master'a degree from the University of Arizona and the PhD from the Univenity of New Mexico. An,lheim's . ' Mayor.Vies For Bo~rd ·ANAH~IM -Mayor Ralph B. Clark of Anaheim Is the eighth candidate to seek the Fourth .Supervisorial District 8'at. Incumbent William Hirstein has announced that he will not be a candidate for re-election. Clark is the second Anaheim councilman to seek the PoSl. Ctark .said . he believes th~ supervisor.s should meet with city councils in _their dilltrlcta. There is litUt communlcatl«i now, the mayor said. Others who have announced for the race are James Workman. Villa Park; Burr WUliams. Anilheim; Paul Bell, Tustin: Gordon Blabop, Santa Ana; ll>.rold Field and Riley Hope both of Orange. Dan Gurney Due Honors ANAKElM -Race driver Dan Gurney of Costa Mesa will be honored as the Orange County Honorary Engineef of the Year afa bonquet tonlibt by the 1.-Orange Cooo\Y -Council . The banquef b .dieduled .. part ol the IOlh annual engineerin( ,...ic. To be honooe4 aJona with Gurney 11 Ille Outstanding Englnt<r ol the ¥ear ii N. H. "Nat" Nell of Nat Neff Englneerina. Ganltn Grove. Dr. S. Fred Singer. deputy wistant secretary of the In- terior. will bt the featured spealr<r at the Dilneyland lloUI bloq~l • ·-Disneyla~d Service Awards · Glv~nl ' W.eary, Dearie? Reed Bill Leery ,. ........ ,", ,....-.:,i. _,,, 3'6lc ~.,, : 11 $3" Viscose Pile :I' . 29'-9 Yolt Trllillster latltrlts ........... l 11 A' WW.x 20 OI. Glau Cleaner • • • • • • · · · 381 W.. 1H Lat Wlril hwl Clea• · • .. · · · 3 i s1 Label Gun = $199 69' ........ Nnk Fllllsll ......... '. .... 581 w 11 .. x 16 Oi. 11n11a a,_, .... · · · · .. 731 Tll'tle Oii TllnMp Comlio .....•....•.•. 991 *3"1ndian Madras Bedspre,ds . i;;• $299 -' •••• 91:. Ylayl filllrtlo Place Mats -... -"'-'· 2. $1' Galll or A1'11C1do ia -:. 'o • --..1 Yipe dlq· a .... doth! ..,, ..... '1" hck of 4 PerctW.T.ilpltwk ~Tur:. Grem, Yel· ... . .._ ...... .,. ...... $14' For ~ -.If Sia ••• to1*•pllll(.o . ~ '1° Quilted Pillow Covers •6" 10.Pc. Set Hair Clipper '14" Value! 4 Piece Cwnhipar,eSet JncJUs t'la .. Wdiic , •. , .. Yith ..,_ -10 Ill. -m ........ s.tfsGlln . Scotch $544 ~:t. . 1 S-Gius Door : 30",.lookcase ........ ,,~,2 .. ..... ...... ............ --. .......... t ... ......... ' . .... , .. .,.._, Metrecal Shape U..Wlllat F ... =-.·4:8Ac 15:::; .a77 IMelt ttyla. a>lon. in du?" able billfoldt with 111 the felturm yoa .... Gmu. iDe bt:her. SJtt Spaldh19 UHleleot1tBats Off>ciol -~· , ••• , tlmittd f?f litttk .. """""· 'S"T11her1Nill and Rltle Sets Jltlpelu~Pllle ...,.., -lo '"· $4" 11111. Offlrial '°"' llid. •.llifht t.lI. I . .. "' ~' commw\i.t.ies part.iclpat~ 1n t ' . ~ this year s program. · " AppUcaUons whlcb w e r • :; . submitted represented more :· than 6\.1 million hours served .: in communi,ty projects by : nearly 150,000 members or :: these organizations. ~ ' ' ! • ' l • 1 •r Women's Acryll~· Dou Ille Knit Cardigans • • • I • • • • • • s4~~, ,full f-.himed douMe bit .,,... 1ia: io lardy dmlit ...... ............. _,.,,,. ... '27·illchla.thsiaYd1"/Np. .... Go!<;_« ........ --~ta<40.Sne~~ -st Thrifty! Perma Press Boys' & Girli' M•n's Jackets Nylon Jackets s4•1 ;3;; w .......... fiftiah. i ht· ........... maadimtlbJe nff, Z.if.P" 1 ' flllllt.Oo 011. S-M<t.XL •11u Set oi 2 Wallde Talkies Sf97 · I w-·· Roll·up Shirts s1•• s1 29 Wooden Hangers Sets . t • • . . • • • • . • • ~ . l l t ' ' I • • • " • i ' ? . . . ; • .. • ; i . • . . • ' . i • ' . . . ' . . . . • • . . • . . . . • • . . ' ' .. ' •. .. . ' " .. ' . • . • • • . . • . • . . • • . . . . . . . . • • . t ' • • • l • • I ! ! • • • ' - •' , \ • " ' . ------------ • • r • OPEM . LETTER ... •• -rlldlr, F-ft, 1970 . -. DAllV "LOT • ' ' . .. F .. ROM THE .BAN.K OF AMERICA • -. • 10 TH ·E ~· J • • ' ) ' ·_' • • • GOVERNOR OF . CALIFORNIA " - We are deeply disturbed by th wanton ad of arson per;trated on our 1s1a~Vista Branch on the evening of February 25. This I was not a childish prank~ a. peaceful demon- stration, or even a non-violent disruption de- signed to give symbolic meaning to a griev- ' · ance. Rather, it was a criminal act of violent proportions c;and in a very real sense an in- surrection agdlnst the d~mocralic process. It was a revolutionary gesture of the kinCI ' ' that leads to further violence, bloodsheq a l')d anarchy. Nor .;as it an isolated . instance but rather a continuation of the mindless violence . that has been eminating from our campuses ' as a result of the stimulation of a violent few. These acts are foreign to the American ex-. - perience and they are troublesomely remin- iscent of the riots perpetrated ·by the "Brown Shirts" in the late 1920's that eventually led to the rise of Adolph Hitler in Germany. • • . We are dispatching this open lelt9r. to you , . JI • •' !_ " . . • . . • • • ,, ( • ' , ' arid to the mayors of the major municipalities . . in· our state, because we ar!' deeply concern~ ed not ~ly for ourselves; but for the physical and material welfare of all our citizens; in- deed we are concerned about the continua- tion of the democratic process and the unfold- ing of the American dream of a good, fair and just society. We believe that many of the grea.test. dangers !n our current situation . is that ~n an~ered and outraged citizenry will take matte rs into their own hands, thus in- creasing the deadly spiral of violence. .. For these reasons .we call on you on be-. half of all concerned citiz"ns of California to . take .such steps as may be necessary to bring ' . ' this wanton lawlessness swiftly and complete-. . ·1y to an end. We ask you on behalf of all those wpo believe iti the democratic process, to make C!trtain with all the ".means at your disposal, that c1tizens and their property are ' . protected against senseless destruction. q • lo.uri's .. B. Lundborg · . . . Chairman of th~ B6ard .. "··· · Bank of America~ N.T. -&· SA • • )1 11 f I ... .-· ' •• ,. .. .. • ' L ' --··'·-~~· II b.UL y PILOT s By SYLVIA PORTER U1t e111.-,.11oo1 will! •"'-~...-rdl IM11'11tt OI Amw~I MOit of your tax iia\ilngs and ll.'l pt'Oblems lie In the area of your expense dedue- Uons -and in this area , there ~re slgnlflcanl new developments In 1969. lf you're a businessman, you MJrely lake il ror granted that )'Ollr a:nn\141 Christmas payments ~ ele v~tor operators, off\c:i and delivery boyst doormen, maltre . d'sj etc .. are all deduet l bJe business expenses. But a Tax .Qiurt.-c:ase-last· year un. derltned that you may have a tough time making th ese deductions stand ' up under Treasury ex11mination unless YOU.<Can show that the gifts or tips were "appropriate and helpful, or even proximately related tn·• your business. And .. the roUghest' angle is that it didn't explain how yoU can show this. Mil. NEWl, a salesman, ran into this problem when ~ gave Christmas gifts. of. $10 each1o three office boys., two delivery boys. two elevator operators. three doormen and six maitre d's - a total or $160. He explained that the gifls were intended to en· courage office and delivery boys to deliver his merchan- dise more rapidly, elevator operators to hold elevators for him, mtre d's to give him tables and doormen to signal taxis. Nooe of lhese explanations convinced the court I.hat the gifts were appropriate and helpru1 or even proximately .related to his selling activities and the entire 1160 was disallowed. IF YOtJ OWN a closely held <.wporate business w h I c h gives money as Christmas gif\s, railing to keep proper records cao be doubly ei· pensive for 'you. Not only will , your corporaUon lose its deduclion for the payments but the same amounl may also be taxed to yoo. t h e sha.rehb:lder, ~ -a dividend. Thij b•JIPlned to Mr. Miles, the sole owner o( ·a co'r· j>orllUon1 when be drew a check on bis corporaUon with the notation that the 'amount wa s for ''misct. Xmas Bonuses to partli.me employes, etc." (Sound familiar?) Miles testified tJ}.al he gave the money to waitresses, 1naitre d's, shoeshine boys and others wllh whom be came into contact during the year -but his records were, to say the least, sloppy. They showed neither lhe names of the persons 10 \vhom he gave the . mooe:t nor the bu s1 o es1 purpose of the payments, and the court concluded t he payments were his perSonaJ expenses. Result: no business deductioa ror the corporation PLUS a personal taxable divi- dend to Miles in the same amount . BE WARNED : Keep proper records of your business gifts. Jf you take on education ex- l)ellses to help you maintain or improve the skills necessary for your job, lhe expenses are: deductible under Treasury regulations. But last year the court bar: red a dedlictioo ;for a genenl college education, even though Aerospace Firm Due To Move to Irvine Officials or Parker-HanniJ:.Ui •• Corp. announced they expect to occupy their new plant in the Irvine Industrial Complex by June 30. The aerospace firm has filed a deed with the county recorder showing they had bought the property from Marlatt Motor Hotels, Inc. for $5.253,500, A spokesman for Parker-Hannifin said the sale 1:1.191g.w:1#•~1i•J!td DON CRAWFORD 17171 INc.11 tlYd. 147-4t4t wai; part or a swap deal with the motel chain. Mariott agreed to build a manufacturing plant on the Irvine site to swap lot the firm's Los Angeles plant which ls located adjacent to the International Airport. The Parker . 11annifin spolcesman said the ,i>lanl will b e demolished to miike room for a hotel. The new Parker-Hannifin . manUfacturing plant w i I I ' employ about 900 employees fC!Rd will turn OU\ valves and other small equipment for aerospace use, the: official said. CONCERNED AIOUT THE STOCK MARKET? WHY NOt OlllOP IN OUlll CORONA DEL MAR OFFICE Le~ u1 help you plan your I ~70 investment strate9y. OPfN FOR CONSULTATIONS 1A.TURD.lY 10 .l.M. TO 3 1'.M. Cro'W'ell, "W'eec:ion & Co. MEMBERS NE.W YORK STOCK EXCHANGE ESTABLISHED 1'32 Stocks. Bond,, Mutual Fund l 3425 East Coast H19hwar, Corona del Mar, Califom a 673-7005 -549.3311 bottled water is a~ primitive. ~i -.· -,...., "' .. ~· -,, :0 ~· 7 .. ::. -- ---.. J ' ... >C"J" I ·Gas Plant Times Tells Top Profit~ Put the 'AX' in TAXES ivith Sylvia Porter'a New Book ) ' 'I' ---"";: ·-.--:--,,.... ....... . I J Market \ Symbols -' I • . • • • • l ! • • • • • • • , • . . • : • • • •' : • • • ! • • ; • ? : • • ' • .. ' • • • " .. A •. • • • ' .. • • " • • • " • ·-~ • ,, • v. ~ ~ "' '• \ti -• " •• .. " .. .. .. •.I.·: ... '" •• I " ' " " V• .. ' ... " ' " :~, .• ' " •• . ' .. ' .. \ • " ~ : ~~ i \ : • . : • . -' ' . ' . " ' • " , • • . ' ~ : ' . • • ~ ·' • •. . ' • • • I : • ' I Lk Gas 1 . ..0 ':?ii""' L L.~ l.all¥ II 11 .M Ull'tlOf s ' "° (MJSln .JO LMrSt o11n.u l.Aoli.ct D•lt L...0 pl'J.11 ..._, .... ._M ... '--'·~ Llhl'Cem .Ml -VII Ind l .41t! L-d" .60 l,.rnrfd (pp L""Fhot .151 "i Flt11ncl LF COl'P LlbOl'rd J.IO Lltlb Mt.N L L~C1 .:10 L 11 .l!I Lllw' 11 pfJ,JS Lin Mv J,511 L1"MV pl 1 Llncl11N·1 I.~ Ll11e N1 Pl J L 1111 TV l.:U L ~ft; .'81 LI"' Pr S Li-Corp Litton 1.lfl Litton PIC pf Lltto.I cvpf l l lttlln pf !IJ LOckMtd Air LMWJTh& .n t.ondr>twn .JO ~SC.ml L-SO• 1.1.t L-l1LI 1,)11 LIL pf I $,1$ t.or1r Corp Lt Land 1.90 Loul1GE 1.$1 Lou N1lll ._ Lowrtnttn .tO Lubrizol M LllCh Sit" .IO LudklW I.DI Lllkltfll Sii I t.""°'1 Inc: LVQ COl'p LVlctYnt .l!oe lll'kYI ,n.io 1' ·-----------~----------------. - '. Ft11Nm1 , 1970 DAl\Y "1.0f ,., ' I • ....,.,._ ....... ~-~,. I I 1 I·~ . " i• 1. I: 1· ' • I' .j. I •• •• r• I ' t: I J!:. 'I ' .. ' . ~· ' " 1: '· "' ' ,, :· • • I • ,. " • I • ! • ~ . I· " '· - • • • • THIS IS THE G.REA TE ST All REMAINING '69's MUST GO! THHE AH ONLY 10 'H's LIFT IN STOCK AND THEY MUST GO IM· MEDIATILY. ALL AH FULLY E9UIPPED INCLUDING AIR CONDI· TIONING AND AU HAYE LOW MIUAGE! J 69 CUTI.ASS -SUPREME -$294 398 2 DR. HAROTOI' ~ Seri1I #-l42179ZIOOl l l • · • 69 CUTLASS SUPREME $296243 2 OR. HARDTOP s.,;,/ # 141179Z f00570 • 69 CUTLASS SUPREME $297748 2 OR. HARDTOP S1ri1I # l42179ZIO'l?OS '69 CUTLASS "S" $302048 2 DR. HARDTOP S1ri1I # ll•l797Zl2Sl4' .69 CUTLASS "S" $302048 2 DR. HARDTOI' S1riitl # JJ617f7Z I 25150 '69 CUTLASS "S" $3020 48 2 DR. HARDTOI' Seri1I # l l61797Z l 2Sl t6 '69 CUTLASS "S" $304648 2 OR. HARDTOP S1ri1l # ll617'17II 21626 '69 CUTLASS "S" $3321°3 4 DR. HARDTOI' S1ri1I # J41J99Zl2216ol '69 ROY ALE $386650 2 DR . HAROTOI' s,n.1 # J66479CI 1022• '69 DELTA 88 $360552 CUSTOM 2 OR. HARDTOI' S1ri1l # ]6411911 r114 1 . '70 G.M.C. %-TON PICKUP . CAMPER EQUIPPED R1dio, heater, he1vy duty sprin91, 1t1biliur, le8f suspension, power brakes, 750 x 16 I ply· tires, split rims, 350 VI, AT400 automatic, west coast mirrors, step >umper, be1utiful sunlight yellow with black de. luxe interior. Serial #1257,014. . 531,95 . COSTA MESA '65 CADILLAC DE VIW H.T. VI, •1110tn1ilic. Ille...,., 111". l\tll $1999 ...,......, rli:llo, hH!•<, wh•I• wtH "'"· vlrlyl roof, 1z11c;,.. ., '65 OlDS ' DELTA 88 H.T. v., ""-'~ •s~' ''" $1299 pOwtr U-11>9 j, b<"tk-. •t · die, tlNlt r, wftlle Wtll Urn. tPGUt1'f '67 CHEVROLET IMPALA ~. '~ '" " ""· .... $16 99 torv tlr, p O"" Ir ltfttlnl a. brtl<n, rtdlo, M>oltt, whli. w1U llr15, ITZlllt241 '65 OLDSMOBILE 98 H.T. Vt , 111lomtllc., flKIOr'f •lr, $1199 fl/II -· r • d I t , i'IM!fr, wllllt•1n fire., lf:IX7N ) '66 CADILLAC DE VILLE H.T. VO, ,,,_, •• >K••• "'• $ 2199 lull ·-· r tt l o , llMr«, Wl'll,..,,111 tlrK, l llOMio.J '67 OLDS DELTA 88 H.T. VI, •11htn'\llllc, PO-11ffrln9 $1799 ~ br•k.,, r•d l 0 0 , .,.'"'' whilewtU llrn . (Ul..Ul7SJ '68 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill H.T. . VO ,,_lk, '""" "' $17 99 _. llMrW, &. btt keo. rtdio. flff!U, Wllltt•tll llrlt, IVHEdi) '68 OLDS CUTLASS SUP. H' CM " N->k. ·~ 2 099 ""y tlr, P0""" l!Hrlng .. brtkfl, rtclio. .,..r.,, w1111.,. Wllll, vinyl rool. IWIJ22ll '66 T·BIRD H.T. COUPE VO. ,,_,,, "'-'"• $1999 lull p0w.,, r•d l o, """'' whl1tw1ll !lrn. !SZWUI) '66 OLDS DELTA 4-DR . SED. VI. IUklmlllt. l•c1or1 •Ir, $14 99 pewer 1!eerlnq • bf•~ ... r1dlo, llNter, wt.ltriwtll !!•et. i~JllllOI ' . . . ' :• '68 RIVIERA COUPE '67 CHRYSLER JOO H.T. ... ,,,_,., ""~'. '"·$399 9 c~ ., ""~"· '"';$2299 fl/II PO...,., r•otlo, M11..-. •ir, powl!r· 11Hrlng, power wt111.,.,.11 fh'ft, vlnyl roof. w•u. •.Olo, ""''" w1>1r .. IVHE4"l Wt ll llrn. IYWTW) ' '66 OCDS bRTA 88 CONVT. '67 OLDS VISTA CRUISER Vl. •11iom.tlc, fktWV . •It, $119 9 w._ " ,,_,._ '"$ 2 999 ~ ''"'"Int " . br•ket. rtdle, Mtler, whlllwt ll llrtt. tory t lr, pgw1r •letrlng, pow· !TSHUll t r br•kes, rtdio, nMter • whlt1wtU tlrt$. fnllASlll) 'I '68 MUSTANG HARDTOP :69 BUICK WILDCAT CUSTOM .... -··· ~-·-$169 9 ''· ... .,.,_,._ '"~~3699 lno, rMlo, ,, .. ,,..., wllli.wt u t it, pewtr sleerlf\9, power brtkH, radio, l\t<ltff, wlllte-tlrn, tin!. Qlt H, wt!HI (OV• ;""";:• llrn, vinyl roof. ( "l<W'F- trl. ••l blKll, IXOK2101 '65 OLDS STARFIRE COUPE '68 OLDS 4.4.2 H.T. COUPE Vt, •UIOmlllc, ltc10r'( •or, $139 9 VO. .. -··· <K~ '"$2399 fllll _r, r•d l o, -I••· '°""" 1lfffirlg. PO-l>rt kl!<., rtdlo, lllttler, '"""--11 ll•n. r.cllo, /letter, wllllfl••ll Hrn. !lftred Qlllu.. 'il'1Z.50ll fW"l<H7'1'1 '68 FORD 'lz TON '67 CAMARO HARTOP CPE. Vt. t \tlomltlic, -·· llH •• $2199 ' r.vllncltr, Jiiek sl!ltt, POW•r $1499 Irle. --llf"•l<a. •ldio, ..... ,. sl"11ng, POWlt btal<fl, r•dlo, ..... '""'*' 1peci.1. 20.-l!Mle!', w11t-1H tlrn . lUJI- tel. mn ... (11'6XI '~' '65 OLDS 4·4·2 COUPE '66 OLDS LUXURY SEDA.N VI, •u!om.ilc. tlr r.ondll1-$1299 " ,,,_,. .. ,~ ..... $17 99 iri!I, pawer •Te.ring, powor full -·· rtdlo, ~tter. br1l<11, radio, """'· !NUM· ""'l-11! llrtt. l$KX06tl ~" '63 CORVAIR 95 VAN '67 CHEV. CAPRICE H.T. ' <0ylillder -Irie. • w ud $599 '" ... '"-'"· "-' $ 2199 lrt MlfliUlon. n..11r. (OMS-11terk19, pOWer br•~~. radio, ''" ::; 1 1er-, whiltrw11l lirn . (TTM- '68 OLDS DELMONT 88 H.T. '63 OLDS 98 4-DR. H.T. '~ .,_ ... """' '"$2299 VI, tuto,....11c, ftclOfY olr, $799 -· •'-Ina. pow..-......... full PO ... r, radio. ~tier, rtclio. 11e111r, whJlfrwt ll !lrtl. ""'llt••!t lirn . lF"l<NHOl (WXE2'!l '66 OLDS CUTLASS SUP. '68 OLDS 4·4·2 H.T. VI, I UIOITWlllc, ltclllry •lr. $1499 " '"-'"· _ .. "OU $ 2199 po...., 1!eerl"9, r..i1o, """'· lnsr. pg"""' brtkn, radio, wt1l1trw111 t/rft, Ylnyl roof. hfflfrr, wllli.w.11 !Ira, Wl'lffl tSLwtll) COYl<I. Wholesllt llook. '66 MUSTANG H.T. COUPE '68 PONTIAC LE MANS Vt, •utllmllic, t•ctary •Ir, $1699 > D• H ' VO, ,,._,. '"$ 2 5 99 POWl'I" iltert119, fiM!IO, -1er. torr •Ir, POW•r 11ee""'1· r1.· wlll!ewt ll lirH, tTI XOft) dlo, hNter', wtlltew•ll Tir ... vlnyl """· Wl>NI COYl'l'I. !OW mllttQI. . R emember, "WE ARE NE'1ER SATISFIED IJNTIL YOU ARE" • 2850 HARBO'R BLVD., ·COSTA MESA 540-8881 • ' G. M. C. TRUCKS · • • • • 6 ~ •• l _ r .. • • ' --• .. • ' • ' ·-' ... jf • • ~-• r· l r It 1 ., . . .. ' • •• • "' } " ... ; ! • • '· • ' I ' '. . -· ---- ---... --. -------------·-·----=-------~~..,,,..,....., - • . ... I • ' I l , . . ' . '. ' .. ' . -. -. .. BARBAR'.l.'D9ARrl,4f4.9466 I PrlUY, P*-Y If,, mt'· I P .. 1l ' ,i ... __._,_ _) - Banishes ·e/ues , ,; . . . ~ .. Litt.I e· Mary' Contrary·· I . . ' ' First Nighters of LagW\8 -Mqulto_n :pjayhouae will greet tho rot· 1 ~kini.'W!Slca) "LitUe Mary· Sunsbino!' ·with the trailltio!14l opening 1rugbt dinner ,Tuesday, Marchi 3. · -_ ,.. -.. J · Hoots for the dlnoer-in 'Victor Hugo'IM will be the newly el!'Ct· ed executive committee of the:plifhouse', William Harcum, president; Mrs. Betsy Rose, vice president; Mrs. Ruth Osgood Salyer, secre- tary, and Mrs. George Short, treasurer, · Ihcluded as honored guests who will receive with the hosta: ~· the 6 p.m. cocktail hour·will be. Kent Johbson, director of 11Supshine' and other Playhouse hits, and Mr!!-JQhns9jl~ · . _ ,.: Silting at the table ·of. bOSI! the Andiew Morthlands will be ti!•' Messrs. and Mmes. Charles Thomas, Will Ward, Edwal'll' Currier arid J. Bruce Smith of Vancouver Canada. _ · __ -:-. !..- -Tl1e William Bruggere table will tnClude Mr. and Mrs. Ant&Oni;, Lease, Dr. arid Mr_s. ~Roy ~QPre and the Farrell Smiths. 1 -~- sharing a table wlth Firsf Nighters president Mrs, Hamel Mc-, Connell will be the Messrs. and Mmes. Ron Smith and. Donald Vander·. hilt along with dinner chairmen Mrs. q·eorge Thompson aD!f Mr•. Claire de Bus. The Joseph Simmonses will be joined by Mrs. James McPhenon .and her guests, Mr. and Mrs. John Br~ of Kansas City, Mrs. -Doon. Lawson, Mrs. Richard Reese and Mrs. Joseph Brown. . OtJl~r hosts Include-Mrs .. John Penniman and Mrs: Edwin Cut- ting. The Colln Timmonset will welc0n1e new members, the Spencer PUTTING SUNSHINE INTO THE PLAYHOUSE -Laguna Moul· ton Piayllouse officers (left to right) Mrs. Betsy llose, Willlam Harcum and Mrs. George Short anticipatp a premiere. "Little Mary Suilshine" directed by Kent John~on, will· open Tuesday evening folloWing a traditional First Nighters dinner hosted by the newly elected executive committee in the Victor Hugo Inn. Honigs . of Mission Viejo. · · · Reser.vations may· .be phoned to Victor Hugo by Sunday, March 1, at 494-9477. • Paris in the Spring Tour Makes Seine To Fund Hospital Organized three years ago for the -purpose of· raising fun ds for the benefit of South Coast Community Hospital, Silver and Gold Chap- ter has set an enviable record under the expert leadership of Miss Fern Randolph . Chairman for the past two years o.f a membership limited to 50, Miss Randolph might be expected to bow out oi office like the proverbial 'March lamb. However, after having inspired her membership· to raise more _Utan $50 ,000 during her term of office, she might better be described as a "lion" as she presided at her last meeting before new officers were in stalled. She has set her sights on one of the best money making propos- als yet, members feel, and has thrown in an exciting travel opportun- ity in the bargain. A tw~week vacation tour of Europe is being sponsored by Silver and Gol<l with $100 of each $695 fare going into the hospital building fund . Departing Jrom Los Angeles on May 16, participants will fiy to Frankfurt and proceed to medieval Rothenburg by bus, then on to Lucerne for t wo days. Next comes lf.hree nights each in Paris and London, a flight to Anisterdam and a cruise on the Rhine. Following presentation of the new fund-raising event, former treasurer Mrs. Violet Ada.ms was elected chairman. Installed with Mrs. Adams at a lunche6n this week under the guidance of Mrs. George Wolf were Mrs. Z. T. Maiaby, ro-chairman; Mrs. Gerald Farmer, treasurer; Mrs. H. R. Alrick, recording secretary, and Mrs . Don Seal, corresponding secretary. Selected as chairman of the 1970 Fractured Follies, a -commun- ity-talent musical produced biennially under the sponsorship' of Silver and Gold, was Mrs. Edmund L. Van Deusen. ·"'!!:\~·RE TOURS START.'..silver and 1Gold ChaQtefr officers (left to·rigbtlJM.i:s· Edmund L. ,\!an.Deusen, , !\!i's~ V,iolet Adams and Miss Fetn.Rando1ph ·~et in, • !lie mood for foreign travel. T6ellospitjll allXiliary ' • will sponaor.a travel bargain to•E.u~pe lhil llP,l1l!g l\'ith proceeds gotn~· to the South COl!•t Commlirilty Quilding" fur\<f. I 1 ' ' -;... ~ Mer1nail:ls · Speake-r · · Transmits . How. Well Do Yau . <:or. munlcale-will be cliscuAed by Miu Fern Gmq, (!l'~t ct C1allfornla Women in Ch1mbtr1 of c0tnmerCJ. at ' lhe Monday, March I, !!!l"tlnC ' ,, of Laguna Beach Mermaldl. A bullneat -ung: wlD precede the luncheon prOgrll!l . conducted by Mn. Tl!omu Jobllllon, ~dent. , Tb o 1peaker will be lnlrodilCtd by program ch&lnnan Mr 1 . ft-O!>ert Turner. , Reservalkm: for the, noon luncheon in Ben Btown'• restaurant may be ·made' by -. phoomg lhe .chanibei 'ollict, 49f-101& today. , ~ 1 ' Mias Green, a Santa.Monica resident, will be In lhe Art Colony again In October when lhe aclive MerniaJd __ _,. holtl lhe 19'111 ,Ute COlifmnco for Worn'" i,nvolved. Jn • chamber work. · The ltllle.leader antklpalet ' · . =·~=v:'J lrOlil memll<nhlp· ct lhe en- tlno ·llate-m 11er ·-1o • lhe pmideii!f II !he 1• -. v01lllon In 1-uter: •.. - ' The --· helldtd "' . ,. ·~ ~ lln. hler : .Fufn!er, "111 be -: undOr Ille lhi!me far lhe_yeor, " ~~l:t..~t ' " Snow on Roof S,parks .G,randpa's Yen ·to Fi·re the furnace,. --. . DEAR ANN LANDERS1 1 alway& thought a newspaper was su~ to be a friend . Well, our pall"!' ]lrinled something yesterday lhal miglll break Up our maZTiage. Norville and 1 celebrated our gold.en wedding aru:Uversary last year. He is 73 and t am 71. We have four lovely children and 12 graOOchlldren. Norville and I have had sep1rale bedrooms (or abrul elghl years. He uoed lo knock on my door e\>tr)' few weeks but he hasn't~ for about three. years which ls just liD& with me. Yesterday, on I.be front page of our newspaper was an .aclicle aboul a new drug called L-dol)tl which· was given to· a patient in Waatur>iton, D.C. for . ' Parkinsc:11.1s disease. The paUent, •·man in his &Od,. had not. been able .to have ae1 for about ail years. After several doses ol L<lopa be storied to cbaae the nurses all over the bosP!-t.al. The doctors said his ~l~Jo ~! ~ ~~n:ed~~ ~er Ndrville' wants lo go to Wasbin&lon, O.C. and i:et the medicine. He does not have Parkinson'& disease. These lasl • • does more lhaa cfeate • sex drive. It Cll lead to anUsoclal ~bavtor. lt all,o C!U ... produce muea, v o m I t I a 1: .. aid ''" ~O.... L-dopa Is still 1 Uder .. • Cun1ca1.:eva.1.at1oa and dot• .. , ...... . Foocl'i.d.-llnl& .Admllli!lrallOn 1~11. • : .. , NcriUle 'Jt BOt ilkely &o 1et1uy. 1 lbtee:years baye be<n wonderful. I doo't • · · ' ' . w1n1 '1nythljlr cbange<l .. I ne<d your '"" DEAR ANN l>ANDERS :,J·re!"I Ii!< let· .~ N No ' ~ l~ from theimother who was:mad· tit the ·~~ -· ·<-.!chool becatise' Ibey !Old Iii: lhey didn't DEAR N.N.P.: YO. don't need ·11 be waot htr diabetic ·cbllll. Ti10 YOIJlllsler eqnc:ented about any ebu.lel, and bad. to have ,spec'ral prl y.ileges and It oddler dott Norville. M1 medical COi, discombobulated everybod)'. 'Ille mother nllnts teU me Wt opllrodell•c rucuoe felt the reac:lier -mean becap,. lhe ~ by lAltjM II Ml viewed os w115n' willin1 to pot. be,.,.Jf oat a UUle desirable. (t I• eo111fdered a dan1erou1 for an uunfortunate youngster." You 11de eff~L Flrtbennon. ·Ille modlclM aympalhlud wilh the chlld. I'm On the ' Jj 4 • • ' I • ... - I· .· ;ff DAii. V PILOT frldaJ, ,......, 21, 1910 ' .. . .. E.D. C'Onners Announce Daughter's Betrothal . • Nr. and Mn. 111.D. Conner Jr. al Ooola ·-announced the blll<IChal d their d1Upter, SbellY Conner to wuu.m VandeaBush m du•· !al a part7 la Ille 6anla Alla home or lite benedlct-elect.'s par"111, Mr. and Mn. William VandenBush Jr. Speeia1 guest!: were 1!1r. and Mrs. E.D. CoMer, the brlde- elect11 grlQdJ>l.!'fntl from Marriannl, Ark. The eou.ple hive aelected the Cburcb o( the Good Shepherd Jn Westminster for their wed- ding June 27. Mill Conner Isa graduste Of COila Mesa High School and is majoring J.ri malbemallcs at Orange Coait College. Her !lance is an alumnll.5 of La Quinta High School, Santa Ana and is studying business at OCC. He served with the Army in Vietnam. 'Pen Women ... ~ ... ''ll:' SHILL Y CONNER !;ij1· 'Summer Brkle :~' •"'" ... ) r. Fashions ~Fly High ~ .._ Taking FllJhl into the 70s :..· will be member• ot the Holy .,.., Eucharlat · lnltltute' 2 2 t> • $ Westminster, when the group ~ meets al a p.m. Tuesday, . ! March S, in the KnJghta of ;. Columbus Hall . :!-The ... nt&ht" will bt the ;.! club's ma j o r· fund-raising =--~ event or~ the year, a fuhlon •'! lhow which will lake place at ~: Doon Sat:Urday, March 7, ln the =:: Orange County Me d· l c a I : AasociaUon Bul~g. •Orange. .. ; Proctedl from the show will :'i be .....i for the acholarship i; fund and other philanthropic i; projects. Mra. John HUI and Mrs. Joho Maltby are co- 'chatrmen. t Mrs.Ant.onl0Rodrl1ue, ~ pn!lident, will welcome oew in1Uates Mrs. Frank Berumen of Cyprm and Mrs. Robert ·g: Meade of Hwitington Beach. F0Uawln1 lbe bu1lne11 • meeting Mn. Charles Har· r: ... ri1an will show slides from recent ltlp throu1h _ and Ireland. Th< of· iClri will provide and aerve . ~nft"tlllbmerita. ..I"": • ;.,;.1 -~ ~Workshop ~·Attractive ,,,, ~ Words ln Wonderland will A attract mtmbera of CounCil " Sii, Goldm Deeert )legion of· ..r IntemalionlJ Touunlltress f,; Clut. when they .meet at 7:SO ' p.m. Monday. March 2, In the ~ Ghtnbria-Irtn, G a rd in 'G!We. ;.: IJlltnlcUn( the workahop ~ will· be Mn. Jerry Bllml, E author ol many articles on r parliamentary procedure for :, toutml~m Magaz.lne. She -;. 1.s a put. president or the -/. Calli~ State Association of ~ ParUqnenlllrlam. r The lecturtr OQ speech COO· ~ stru~ort wtll 6e particularly ~ infonnatlve.. ·since c I. u b s ~ prellDtly .Ire preparing for » ~ contHts. Anyone w111hln1 to !.attend .shoulii con~M: Mra. -·Calvin OlcottJ council ·, Chairman. ., -' .~.Corduroy· Uses ;· Jliblea& corduroy ls belnR u1- :; ed 1n winter date dresses and :·theater coat.. as well as in :;~ar and outerwear of : . an deteripllona. • Take Note CreaUve writing Instructor Mrs. Alice Frailces Wright will addru:s members of the Laguna Branch of the National League of American Pen Women at 10 a.m. on Monday, 1'-larch 2. The instructor from t'he Long Beach Institute o f WfeUme Learning .will speak on wriUng for young adults. The session will take place -:jn the admit\lltfatlon builcllna: of the school di5trict. A former teacher in the New York City schools system. Mrs. Wright bas been a merii.ber of the Long Bear.h staff for 11 years. She w!ll be ;ntroctuced · by Mn, Louise Leyden, program chairman. Mothers Give Art History Appreciation , Mothe:rsofelementa r y school students who will c<m· duct art appn:clatlon lectures in their schools received training from members of the Newport Harbor S e r v i c e League. AA part of Project Scboo1time, James F u 11 er . professor of art history at Scripps College, pttieflted a brief background and brush up on art history for league volunteers who will give art kits ID the motben. Each fecWre bu been researched and ISltlllbled by a volunteer and evaluated by 1 Newport.Mesa School District supervteor._ The program con· sists of •Ix, half·hour lectures presented weekly to fifth graders. Schools particlpaUng · are Mariners, Harbor V I e w , Corona de! Mar, Newport Elementary, Tustin Memorial, Queen Of Ange!J and SL Joachlms. (Good Thril April 1) I I I I I I I ' MAKINIO ~ e DECOUPAGE .e PAPER TOLE e FLOWERS • JEWELRY MAKING •1J• 1u • GOLD LEAFING • • DRAPING .. .. • SEQU INS e BEADS • FOIUAAFILM ' • PRINTS e WOOD PLA:QU ES • CANDLI! SUPf'LllS • STYROFOAM • -----..!.:_tc.._ ---..-....,., • ~-~------ HARBOR HOBBY CRAFTS Jft6 HARIOR BLVD., COSTA MISA l'HONE 645-2460 - ,AARD AT PLAY -Sharing with other s hall the ·fun In nursery school as Scott Babcock and Tonya Newton can attest. They are sharing two guinea pigs with their school director Mrs. Lee Vander Heiden of Sunshine Commun· 1ty Nursery School, Costa Mesa. Area nursery schools are hosting open houses next week during Education Week. Nu rse ry Schools Active Education Week Feted Early Childhood Education Week ill slated for the ncxl week. Area nursery schools are laking part in the <:elebrallons by staging qpen housei; and of. ferlng displays at shopping centers. Sunshine Communit y Nur!Cry School. located in the Presbyterian Church or the Covenant in Costa M e s a . welcomes m o t h e r s and children to t.helr open house Wednesday, March II, from 9:30 to 11 :30 a.ni. Sunshine is one of several parent-particlpalion nursery schools Jn Orange County of· lering sch o o I experience. Directing the tots is Mrs. Lee Vander Heiden. Arts, crafts and o t h e r facilities are available lo lht children all during the morn- ing. Chlldren from two years, nine months of age to kin· dergarten are efigible to join. Additional information may be obtained by calling Mrs. Allen Chirby, 548:9396. On Saturday, March 7, fron1 tl a.m. to 3 p.m. the school will have a display in South Coast Plaza in recogni tion of Education Week. Mayor Jack Green or Hun- tington Beach is coming to I he Community United Methodist Nursery School on Wednesday. "larch 4, to help lhe school celebrate. On Olis date the school is hosting its annual open house from 9 to 11 :30 a.m. and from 12 :30 to 3 p.m. and Thut"llday, N'...arcb S, Crom 9 a.m. to 11 :30 a.m. bi/s, Trains and Sh ips Art Enlivens Walls {, I I Horoscope. • Libra: Get Answers SOOllPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Don't be .. taken in" by fut llilcor. -may be trying to 1et aomethliia fo_r nothing -from you. Be IJ>lependent. Realize your own worth • SAGmAIU.US (Nov. :i;. Dec. If): Yoo mal<e ad· vancement through social con· tacts. Turn on charm. If diplomatic , you 1ain. Otherwise, you are slalled. Associ a t es Tour Show CAPR1008N (Dec. IS.Ion. 11): You do your btll 1Gdoy In behtnd4he-scenes rWe. Somt who atvt out ustanmenta are subject to chllll•· Be De:dl>le. Jf vett1Ult, you move "ffith the Ude and succeed. AQUAlllllS (Jan. :O.Feb. ti): Some friends art wen meaning but lick· f • c t s . DisCard rumors. Cbeckr and double check informaUon. You can go places -if prepared. PISCES (Feb. Ill-March 20): Accent en rtallty of a.spire· dons. Your goal shw.ld be high -but you must communicate with key person. Be ready for some abrupt changes. WITH 'URCHASE OF ONE AT OUR LOW REGULAR PRICE. 397. ..... ,_ .............. ·--.... ._, ... u..a. .. v.n.,Yi .. '-" .......... ,. ..., __ ,,,, ..... .•tlMrlhi..tWll•et1 22" ... ,_.IM. • Jltll .......... SnltlAH tllfttt•St • .tlrirttl , ... ,.1.,... '·"-· ,,., ....... ,,.u... 19*91,rt-..tt.An. ( ---------------------------------·------------------------------------------. ~ ---~ .......... WASHINGTON (AP) -The Nixon administration has end- ed all pressure on federal agencies to step up employ - ment of mel1}b;ers of minority groups, according to the chairman of the Civil Service Commlasion. Robert E. Hampton said the admlnlstratlon feels s u c h pressures a m o u n t s to dlscrlmlnatloa in reverse. He told rePorters that equal emp19ymenL mandates o f p re v l o u s admlnlstraUons "sure had the effect of putting pressure on J1gencies to hire minorities.•• 1be result often •FOR SALE• . JIM BEAM COLLECtOR'S SERIES PONDEROSA -BING CROSBY GOLF - HAROLD'S CLUB -BASEBALL was a "filling up or tower ranks with people who had no place to go," he said. 11'nti!I Ls different under President Nixon," Hampton· Nu.;: said. "We're not telling the ~~..-- federal government to go out and hire minoriUes. We do not- advocate pressure on govern- ment managers." Hampton said, h o w e v e r , Nixon has ordered agencies not to discriminate against• minorities -nor against women.' Under the Johnson ad- ministraUon, then c I v 1 I Service Chairman John W. Macy Jr, defended the policy of seeking social progress through government hiring MONTGOMERY. Alo. (AP) -The race for Ole Alabama governor's office this year wlll be a ba1U~ be\w«n Gov. Albert Brewer and his onetime political apbnsor, former GoV. George C. Wallace, School U.: tegration lltl•pes up as the pervading theme of the cam- paign. Tbe votera wlll make their choice in the "May 5 DemocraUc primary and the winner wUI be sure ot victory in the November electlon. Brewer has the welgtlt of the governor's o{fJce going for him, plus the advantage at. several weeks of formal cam- pall!llln&· .;_ '14.95 TO '29.95 GENERAL U9UOR STORE 2200 H1rbor llyt. 1012 N. EitClltl 1 and promotion practices. or black, or disadvantaged In JOme other way, over qualfned people who are Mt." But he said this was not lower~ standards but utrytng lo bring standards cloeer to -job re- qilirements to give the dlsad· Wallace, with h ls an- nouncement Thursday. that he would run, is geUlng a late start but his provtn ability to sway the voters is a force to be. reckoned with by Brewer. Cotta M•M Anaheim Jn a speech Oct. 21, 1968. Macy said his agency had been "accused of favoring un- qualified peQ:ple who are poor, vantaged an even break." · OPEN · SUNDAYS 12;00 to 5:00 . . -''We have turned the corner . . - on ln&egraUon of xbools,'' Brewer saya. "Alabama reluc- tantly accepted lreeclom of choice years qo and ,tbe qO.... tlon now Is the quality ol education we will provide." "nle governor ls a leader 1n the Agbt for unlf0nn natiooal stanllirds for 1 c b oo I lo- tegra~oo. "We are not above the 1aw," he aays, "but 1,1tither :are we below the law." WaJlabe s11ys AJabamlane Sh!>Uld be able to decide for themselves whelher schools s00uld bel Integrated. ' ' l personally think segregated lchodb' are the beS1 l:ind ol ays(em," he said at his news conference Thursday. Wallape c~ed tht his na- Uonal. poUtie1l foray in the 1968 presldenllal ccnpalgn helped create p re '1 t n t resist.a~ to 1~1l o o 1 ln- teg'raUOO orderi the COU1U • .. Fr/daY, Ftbrrrll1 27, !WO DAILY PllOT JI and r.,i.11 .....,.... •. "The ~ ,._ thert Is any fiw'ry about ICbools ls beeauae ol poUtlca) ,.._rt," Ibo lbt .. IUbject lo IN TH! LIDO SHOPPING AREA, ry''S , :BA!ROWS FOR SIRENA SWIMlV&\R 3404 VIA LIDO, NEWPORT BEACH m Rn S Pl B La 's rutL£RroN,22SNo.-lllld..t1uw111ow•=:1~2!85821uc11~=·:~!!~:14~ .. 141honMark•tl·Ph•n•<714)6a2.19so STORE llOURS :MON. lo FRl.9 AM TO 9 PM /WEEK DAYS lo SAT. 9 AM TO 5:30 PM T£RMS! CERTAINLY! OPEN SUNDAY 12:00·TO 5 PM : • I • . .. --• ' • ' ' -_.l • > •' ., + '( I I • --- I TENNIS HIPPIE SIDELINED -Ray Moore, the self-styled hippie from South Africa is out of the Los Angeles. Teonis Classic. He IOI! in singles to 41-year-otd Pancho Gonzalez, 8-6, 4-6, 6-2 oo Wednesday night and was eliminated In doubles play Thursday. He teamed with Dennis Ralston in doubles but lost to Fred Stolle and Andres Gimeno. Final action is slated Saturday night at the Forum in Inglewood. F ace l'all.ey State Tonight UC Irvin e Cagers Eye NCAA Playoff Berth . WJth <ne eye on the Pacific Ncl'thwest l!lnd the other on a pair of u~t.mlnded weekend foes, UC Irvine basketball fortunes are wrapped up in a brace of games on forelgn soil. TonJgbt the Anteaters travel to San Fernando Valley State College in Northridge for a game wltb the Matadors beginning al 8 o'clock. And on Saturday night they clCtSe out I.he regular season at Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo). Anything less than tot.al concentration c::ould mean end of the season on Satur· day and coach Tim Tift feels this ls one of hb toughest problems -getting his team in the right menta,I frame ol mind . "Sure. we would like to compete in the NCAA West.em Regionals In Tacoma. But we can't afford to look beyond the games this weekend." His fears are wen fouod· ed. Irvioe defeated both teams in the friendly t.'Onfine1 of Crawford Hall. Against San Fernando, the Anteaters won, 9U3 and against Cal Poly, 8&-72. Playing away from home with so much at stake. ii enotb« matter. While tht battle for team supremacy ls uppermoot lo the thoughls of lbe coach and ptaya-s, several individual 11corlng , Oregon, USC Ai m at Bruins BJ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 1 Oregon's Ducks and the TrojaO! flf Southern California stand as the only Piclfic-f basketball teams wilh a mathe- maUcal chance of catching UCLA but that chance must be judged lhe slimmest of sll.m. Even though Oregon upset the Bruins decisively 78-65 last Saturday niaht at Eugene for the first UCl.A loss of the yenr. the standings show the defending national collegiate champions at 9--1, Ore- gon et 7...3 and use ~- achievemenll could ala> make thlt year'• team the .... 1 prolillc In hlltory. Jef!'Qmntngham has llre>dy laken lhe all-time eccri.ng lead and hu ac- cumulated 1,438 point& in his three vanl· ty seasons. He pes.wd Mike Heckman (1.216) earlier this year and each game adds to his total. sreve Sabins has scored 435 points this campaign and despite only two years with the ·Anteaters, is CU1TenUy the No. 4 career sewer for Irvine. His total for the twb campaigns is now '182 point.I. He needs 48 point& in the two gamei to lie Nick Sanden (198$-Q) for third place and 49 to move into thla spot all alone. His two year average ol 15.3 is second on.- ly lo CUruiingham on the all-Ume llai. Bill Moore, a sophomore starting forward, has scored 332 polntl to da te and need.a 16 in the two games to tie for JOtb pJact on the all-time lltt with Doug Christie (1966-811). U he acorta 90 he ca n move into ninth place all alone ahead of Eldon McBride (t98H'/), The varsity squad baa four senlort who will be playing their la.11t garnet for lrvine, barring a playoff berth. Cun- ningham and Sabina will be joined by W);e ·Barnet and John Glavlnovich in this category. Neither weekend foe has been iln- presslve in recent ouUngt. San Fernando js currently 8-15 for the year but ha• an outstanding slar in Emerson Carr. The Maladors defeated Cal Poly (SLO) loll weekend, 10<>-a7. Cal Poly hu dropped tis last four games to bring its &ealOO record to U.11 but Js hopeful of avenging the loll at lr\'ine. cu .... 1,...r..m ~1:11~ Moore .. mn ... """" Ou• Bur11,....1m Gltvlr'I0¥1dt F•.-11 B1k~ M .... W1u« ..... ll ..,_ Bt<r .... ~= l.IWT¥k Sl!lllh N111r•1v P1uL1t11 B1kt1 UC llYIHI ClMI I f9 rt t. l\'f 24 1'4 10 llS It.I l• 165 1°' '°" 1t.f 11 la 1t JU 1l.1 JI 64 •5 ltl I.I n '° » i• J.t 21 .,.. ,. 13' '·' 14 JI 31 '5 J,t 11»17 17 t.l lt It 10 4 1.S ,. ll ' ll 1.1 !I I t '5 1.1 I 4 l 11 1.4 IJ4JUl.I U2 110.7 U(I PlllSMMIN (11-JI '"""' .. n in n .m tt.1 H 14 1M 1'4 11.t t2 Ill fl lll lt.t n 1n '' •• n.1 JI 19 JI 111 l.S n 111 ,, 111 1.1 JI 46 11 llD 5,J UUltlOJ.J I 1 1 11 I.I -Laver Advan.ces . to LA Finals McGrady Aims At Another :World Record NEW YORK -Martin McGrody, dal- lng with three conaecutlve world recerd performances, takes alm at hli third elraight ero-yard utle tonight at the llnil annual Amateur Athletic Union Indoor Champl011.1blps. The AAU track and field games rtt.urn to Madison Square Garden after an absence of four years with lkf-22 in- dividual wtnnera returning to ddtlld titles. M c G r 1 d y, 23-ytar-old Wublnilon, D.C., school1eacher, who ooly last -k tied a 11.yw 500 meters WOrld st.andafd of 1 minute, 2.1 eecondl, loftftd his own too-yard mart to 1:08.$ Jn two Straight meeta the week before. At 1'is Angele!, McGrody, who bas ta.ken eight tn a row this 1euon,.lowered the eoo record by .3 second.I to 1:07.7, thf.n the nexL night in Lbui!ville, Ky., dropped ll down a&aln • • VERO B&ACH, Fla. -Andy Kosco, the Los Angelts Dod~1 ••ntg Gun" of 1969, suffered a sprained ltft antlt when he stepped in a bolt 'Thuraday d\Uing a fi•ldini drill. K0tc0, who led the tetm with 11 home run& and 74 runs bitted in Lut 1euon, was uptcted to mi6s only two days of practice. Al30 sufferinl a minor injury Ttnld•Y was rookie catcher Beb StJ:nam who bruised hJJ rlpl fool. Munwblle pllchera Bill SiJ11U aod Dao Sutton, catcben Tom HaUer and Jett Torborg and oulftelder Le Gollrleloon moved closer lo becoming bo-Tho five abeenten will officially become boldooll Sunday. • HOLTVILLE -The Calllornla Anl tll are apparently 1ettlftC serious about look· ing for a replacement for one of their holdout.a, ca~ Joe Az:cut. Dick Walsh, general manager of the American Leapt club said late Thursday that the Ana:els are working on a trade with Kansas City which would send Azeue to the .Royals in exchange for Ellie Rodrlsuez, alto a receiver. Walsh said he ha! di8CUS&ed the posslbWty with Royals Gene.rll Manager Cedric TallJIJ. He .allo aaid Azcue Jives and, durin& the off-eeaaan, works in Kwas Clly lnCI has said be wwld Ilke to be trided lo the Royals. A number of other Ullllgned 1botnlees. lncludln( Chico Ruh, Sandy Alomar ond Alex Johnlon, are reportedly en route to tbe Anpl1' spring training camp and due durlq the weellend. • Prrr8PURGH -The Los Angel" King• have already tied a less-than.-thrill- in, club record and, with 18 more to go tbls seuon. appear well on their way to oeutn( a few Nallonll Hockey LtllU' marb of dubklul dlst1nctJon. Kings 101lle Dmnls DeJordy tumid aside 29 of Pittsburgh's 30 sbott at him ThurlJday nighL Unfortunately, th • Penguins' nttminder, rookie Al Smith, stopped all SS Los Angeles shots. It wu Ken Sclm!k•I'• lai1y In Ille illlrd period that wreoked tbt visitors. The 1-0 defeat was the 42nd of the dl.smal season for the Kines. equalln1 the number they dropped in 78 games last year. Jf things go as expected, No. 43 will come Saturday night in Toronto. • STORRS, Conn. -Three Univeralty of ConntcUcut buketb&ll players -one of thtm the lllm'I top ICOl'l!I' -Wire IT" rested Thursday along with three other 8uspecta who 1tate pollct say commtUed two bur1tmu on campua lalL 1prlng. I» fl<U g.., -Ill. .,.., play•• an u familiar wilh lilt M# ~ Nit u IAver who ex· perlllll<OCf a 110,000 defeat by Gonzal" tho flnt lime It ... Uled Ibis year In N.., Yort. II WU I Cflflereot story Tbunday nl&ht, J\ocket RCd wu forced to win two llelt &,. meant ol lbe tit-breaker' rule. The ncorded ICtftt were M, u . Slolle fall behind at oulitt of the malch u lAver moved to 1 u pme advantage. glvlnfl oP but'lwo polnl.i. Lever IW't>l lbt lint two Slolle ....,,,. wl1houl giving up a polnl Tiie fifth ·11me l\ent 10 extia poinls blfote Stolle won. Liver then took a 5-t game ldvaot.aae and appeared beaded for •• euy victory. stolle bounced back to wia tbe nut Ova 1ama aod ta.ll:e.a 'g..s telld bo!'" Ll"'1' knolled ll 11 M" Laver -Ille flnt two palnll In U\e sudden deatb perbl aod Stol1e t1111e back lo Win the next llu.... La Vtr lbcn went ahead M ud won, 7-5. ln the aecond set, Laver wu In front unUI Stolle caught him at 5-$ and went ahead 11aln, u . When Laver tied the a•me c«mt 1t M , a aecond extra seaaion was started. "n\11 one w 11 prolon&ed to 22 point.II before Laver won the Jut two to ,.In a It-JO edge and .hiJ aecond etraiaht U set \/~ tory. Tiie playerg ali«nll• IOTYice In the IUdden-deaU\ period. Asked how he liked the new rule, Laver sald: "li takea t0me getting used to. I think it ii-a good ldtt to stop the long games .xt to determine an outrilht win· .oer... , He wHn1 pltued ..tll1 h h performance. "My conceotratlon leevei somethlna to be desired. "The surfaee here i& Ute same 11 that on the Newport. Tennis Club cwrtl, the only dl.fftrrnce beinl that it ia on boards here and on dirt at Newport. 1'te dirt courts are a litUe more uneven," he u· plained. Twice during the Orst set Laver Jobbed balls into the 1onun electric Koreboud, g1v1n1 poliiu lo Stolle. •11 thoulht it was a Utt.le htcher lut ym," he eiplained. "I ton't c:ompll.!n about &Utfaces or other thlnia. If there 11 •nythJng wrong, it's generally me." Stolle summed It up be9L "When yoo play Ille Rocket. ils like battling • bur· ricane. I played well but he lies back and gets thr.m in when it counts." RUSTLER REBOUND -Golden West College's C'hris Thompson goes high to snare rebound in ac· tion again.st East LA Thursday night. Thompson DAii. Y PILOT P1191e I J llklltnll l(""'llr scored 50 point! in leading Rustlers to 118-101 vic- tory. Seven school records were set. Thompson had five of them. Rustlers' Tho·mpson Hits 50 Seven R ecords Set in 118-101 GWC Win Cbrls Thompeon loued In 50 poinls and tat five Golden West College b&!kttbaU rtCOrds in lht proce:u u Ult Rustlers finished their IMt-70 season with a whooplng llS.101 victory over East LA 'Thurlday night In Southern Callforrua Conference act.ion at Orange Coast Colle11e. Thompson's 50 points gavt him a total of 7f17 for the seaaon to erase the old sinfle season llandard of~ 1el by Rich Van Der Pol during the 1 campaign. The SO paint.II was also a P<ilden West high water mark, wiping out the old record or 46, est.abllahed by Van Der Pol against Fullerton JC in '67. Thompson also set three records 1t the free throw line. He pushed in 24 charity tosses lo break the old record of 14 in one game, held by Van Der Pol. Also, the fonner c.orona del Mar High star canned 15 in a row for a record. The old mark wa.s U and Van Der Pol hed that one. too. Thompson also tallied 35 str1ight free throws over 1 four game period lo wipe out still another msrk. Two team records were al8o set. 11'8 113 point! was a school record, eruing the old mark of 112 and the total points by both !ehools (219) was a mark. The Rustlers also had three other players in double figures. h1anha11 Wadt' finished with 22, Steve Paselk had 15 and Jef( Barnes hit 12. East LA had five players in twin figures. _A computer couldn't gel the olher five teams back into the race, but they could exert lnOuences during these .final two weekends of the regular season. '?On Friday night, California plays at USC and Stanford at UCL.A. The folldw· lng aft.emoon, the 0rl!80n at Washington JJ4"Je Will be televised regionally wbilt the night slate lists Oregon Stale at WashlOJU>n Stale. California al UCLA Nld SLanford at USC. Ford Si~ Wrong, Gets 40 On Hole Golden West jumped to a 57-44 halftime lead and outscored the Huskie1, 61 ·57 in the second half. The Rustlers finished with a season record of f>.22 and a Southern CalJfomla Conference mark of 2-10. 0....., WeJf 11111 •111 L• ....,..,.. lltll -.. ,,.,.,, "'""" Monday night. Oregon plays at Wash· logt.on Stare and Oregon Stale at Wash· mgton. . •'The Oregon 105!, while disappointing and damaging lo our prid e. should be ~ood tor us." said UCLA coacb John Wooden in review. "For some unexplaJn- •ble ree.son, "'·e are not sharp ilgain.tt t team that was highly keyed up '' He alto pointed to the Stanford geme aL Eugene whtre the Indian• lost only tl-92 ln tbe final .econd1 and said, "We'll hive lo be back at OW' bell against Shem." • Sianlord hu posted only • W record •I'd caJ.llom1a 4-7, but Wooden wants to lake 110 thanct.a on another upset. MlAMI (AP) -Jack l\lcGowao put bis game on the &htlf for a wb!M. Dave Marr pul hJJ financial boule In order aod Doug Fonl put himsell oul ol buslneU. TM vet.nn Ford, 22 yeon on the pro tour, slgnedJtiJ.scarebolrd •hich had a 40 lor the seort "' lbt nlnlh hole, wu charged with th.at, t nd took 1 111 tot1r In the first round of Ille lll0,000 Dorl! Open Coif TOutnament. "I c:kin't remember wrlUng Jn Utt fO,'' ford .aid. "! jusl remember wr1Un1 111• n lntli and singing ll" The 40 was hls total for the first nine hol°" Bul the figure appeared In U\o . '1 blank f<r the ninth hole, and under Ule rult1 ol 1\)11, Ford WU stuck wllh II when he aiped the card. A limUar lncldenl Ol'<Un'ed In the till Mutm whoo -.0 dtVlcmo liped an incOrTtet card and w11 knocked out of i tle for rarat plact io the Maate.rs. Mur, who haln't won a.IPce be took U'6 11111 PGA Cbampionlblp, and tbe vet.ran McGowan, m .... blle, lbartd the f1nl 1Wnd leod wilh fiw.undtr.plr 611 on Ibo lake-lined, 7,<m yard blue course at the llol'al Colmtry Club. . MllT, a penooablt 16-yelr-old who bas been In 1 slump for flvt yean, ukl he bod hod "loo IDllll' il\lnp on my llllnd. ,. But now J have my pf'1)0'am, my goals, better oraanlied. Some nice things ha ve hlppened to me and I have a little more corifldence." McGowan. a dGlr little veteran of 10 years on the tour whose only previous victory was almost seven yea.rs ago in aomelhing called the ll1ountain View Open, laid a rest -"J just put my game on the lh11!" -may accoont for his fine rvund. They htld a two-•troke lead over a halt doun olh1rs, headed by hard·bllllng Dan Sikes going tnto today's second round. Sikes WI! tied at 69 with Charles Coody, Jim Colbert, Larry lllnson, Dave Stockton aod Brian Barnu, 1 roolde pro and a member of Britain'• Ryder Cup team. Brlllah Open Champion Tony Jacklin waa ln another bunch of six 1l 70, with Arnold Palmer still very much in coo- tenUon at 71. JuUua Borol had an ao. PGA <liamp Ray Fkryd had a 75, Master UUe-holder Georee Arther had a 74 and U.S. 0pon Champion Orvllle Moocly look • 13. Ford, of course, bad lhe lough"l break of them all. He withdrew from the second round with the sponsor'• pennl.salon. I li ll 2 11 S11Ulv•n J 2 >IJ WMe' 10 t ' t2 lllcl\t"' "•••lit, •>J n Stu St.ft l ~ 2 1D 1111! 2 tl•Slflll!I •S ..""" ' • J u l.llW;JtJ ) • • ... Whllflere 1 I 5 ' I 4 H1V:1ll D ltaftc-1 1 0 J 4 • J I I Mdo\onlgle • e t I Nlvl1 IJO S ..... 11 OIJI M!lh11 S •J1• Ttflh Jt e t4 flt Ttttla • '1 " 101 H11ttim. KOrt: Goloilen W1111 S1. (111 LA """ Calendar , '( .fL~--" . I --------------------- • . . . ' --•. . ' . "' . . . . 1 1. F l I r " lO .. Pf de D< }J wi o~ al vi ~ ' cL di CG Ho "i pj R• fu 0\ al ., s. of Bl A1 m w ni "' Pl ro 1l] m in le ~ th " M lo st b1 bi " Of f . j c. of er C1 bl I>< w la II v. lo In ct II cl la le th " lh Bo 14 lo c. ' :- ·, • ----.....----frldll, P"""'1 %7, 1970 DAILY PllOT IZ . Vikes Fall to Saints· In Overtime, 41-39 •' By ROGER CARLSON ' Of ... o.11'1' """ "'" .. I,ONG BEACH Marina lfigb ·School's Vlklnp, runnerup in the· Sunset Le.,ue, round ou t all too painfully Thursday 'nigbt·lhe pU!all1 of meeting St. ·Anthony Higb's Anftlus Lea- gue championship basketball 'team. As in several Angel us League crucials, lf it's close ·-you can· bet your bottom ·dollar it will be the Saints who C<lme tbroiJgh with the big play, St. Anthony's Gary Berg . tQ.Ssed in two free throws w1th four seconds remaining In .overtlme to deal the Vikings ,a 41.39 overtime loss jn tM firrt round of the CIF AAAA ·basketball playoffs at Long Beach City Colle1e. The win propels coach Jack 'Errion's Outfit into lhe sec- free throws' but Rick Mosier ol Marina, who .tallied. JS .for the ulght, came back with a layup wltJr t:OI to go. However, MOiler wu unable to convert the basket 'Jm.o ·, lhree-polnl play and St. Ao· thony grabbed po1session. The Saints llalled qaln!I Marln~'s employ~ent , of a r.one defense in the overUme until Bera: went up fof his elfhl-!ool atlempt and dr<w a twHhbc fpul for hla eUortt. Marina guard Bob Beal aot off a de1peratlon 3$-footer f<IJ. lowing the two iratis s.hota, bul ll hll the backboud W IJounc<d oil lhe rim 1l t"6 buzzer.. . Marina hit 1% of 37 from the f Io or for 32.4 percent . while ·st. Antbony made lS oi 3' !or 41. 7 percent. Spike Meet Ends Monarchs Set Re"lay Record ond round and the Salnta will By PHIL ROSS • former Marina asslltant John meet the winner of Saturday'$ °' IM O•llY Pt111 111tt Myers at the helm, madt a televised game on Channel 4 The Shorty Smith Relays respectable showing in aeveral between Pasadena and Notre closed out its 40tb AMilal run race$. 'Dame starting at noon. Thursday on Ult: Santa Ana ..., ,~11r. ~~I: 1.!! '·st::~~! For Marina. It's the end of College _oval, a.a schools in ~r~AA1"'1-":1~Y rcsw~.~~1-"' the road. The Vlke$ had their Divisions III and JV competed. ~~: :r•i. .1.ru•no. • NJ, chances -es-1·auy In •i.-Dlvision.s t and II were.run •·1Mn rnu• hl!•v -1. 111'1t• ... ..,. ,,...,.. I.II'<: Viti.iv 2, lovol• 4. l'•ll'!I Sprl!\ll,. 1970 SUN SET LEAGUE BASKETBALL CHAMPION S-(Kneeling left to right) coach Don Leavey, Mark Koba; Ed Bane, Rich Mann. Phil Newhouse ~nd Gordon Blakeley. (standing le!t to right) Glenn .s\evenson, Kurt D~rlck. TeITy Hawley, Dan Broderick, Eric Southwick, Steve McLendon, Rieb Reid , Terry Meisenheimer and Mark Pearson. first quarter of play when the on Wedpesday with Santa Ana Tlmt: 1:a1.1 ~n 1-""ll~el•v -I;.. S.nl• AM ·eventual winners could only and Garden Grove copptng tht t:l/o'!.. ~1 L~ •; ·till• J, .... 11e1111 • produce one field goa] in eight respective team trophies. -..""",.. ~ .. 1 • ., tlr•j "''I' -·l. S•n-11110 :L P1lm Sclrl"°' • Ed fl" tVP!Oft. attempts. Jn Thursday's races, Santa 111~rnort, Hll'Mlld•l. rowni. Et11nc11 H M ri Jd 't A I (Jot\lllO!I, St\11rt, DWl,.,.llOCZY, ,..,. owever, a na cou n na VaJ ey edged runner-up kft'I. Tl-: .... , UCI Nine, Pepperdine To Meet · Westminster Hosts LB-Poly seem to get jn gear either Estancia, 29-15, for Dlvi!k>n ,,",;Jr ...... :" ~~v1~1 hi~/ ... ,;-I: and held only a slim 19-17 lead ID team fionon , while Damien 01-1111 •· '•M;t., Dal . fHurtn, 11,,,_ Tu~ M1...,l. Time; alter two periods, wu victorious In Division tv ~-S~rlnt l'Mdi.v ,,11v _ 1• M.tw 0.1 And coach Jim Stephens' with 22 points. IDl~f!.lklJ· M5c'S:K~-M"~ Jr.r~= Vikings still had a two-point EdJ30n (I) and Mater Del t~'fl!I< ~~t*'· · JOIHUGl'I. ....._,,, :lead with time running out (ii) were the only other ,.Sft~'-,t.rf.'i~~'le~'"' t. in regulation before Mike Es· Orange Coast area schools """'· ''°' .t.O Koor~·~ ·to .ed I I h 4 ll1no. r:· c.i l •°tit:71i:Ki. ~: pos1 ti t up w t 1 sec· vying for medals in tither Johftl.,.. 11ntnL LI 11 c r 11 t~ . onds remaining on a IO-foot Division III or IV , ~=·•·,1,.i-1111"'· 11• Tlc.,1 • .-lt Th M """'" • ll•llY -1, S1n11 A• ·~""-a empt. 1 -e onarchs wer~ v1uev ·1.E1t1f)C1•10.J~_,..,...,. His shot followed three sue-r_ esponsi~le for a meet "reco_rd Gr,ovtf. s1vfrt1 s. G•11111111 •. 111111-. __ fi.rst lime in Cag~ Play of fs fo r Lions Westminster High • School enters CIF AAAA basketball playoff competition for the firsl time in its II -year history tonight when the S u n s e t League champions play host to perennial playorr power Long Beach Poly. ' that one and •t's mote, lost M forward Steve McLendpn later in the final quarter ttie • same way, Lion coach Dono Leavey says the foul SJtuatiru during the contest may be the key \o the ·Dallas of Loa& Beach Poly is the J<ty to their: olfenH and he must be contat~." says Leavey . • DpllaS is a~ f-0 senior !!p&rkpJug operating.. at the guard spot a"'1 he does ITI08t s•rtti11 L111tu•• • of the Jackr~bbit.s' playmak· T ffi:i.ilt1 :». rnedlrl r111v -I Sant• Beach Millikan ln the Moor~ ctSSive misses In which the in one o the events in which ...... 11. v i. e111nc1• cH111n1 111N1D, VI.. bl Ibey r"'" ~~:... evt) l. EdllOfl Atv•rOa. Leque and compiled a 20-7 ... na:s were una e to re· ..... fim1:'"· Hr•n, W•110t11 •· So....,., overall mark. bound, makini It 17-37 at lhe A quartet ot Ron Dixon ~~0~r~ ,,, • ., -J' ,1 G\llnl• 2. 1 cl ded Us d ~" U (440 ) Rod Ftilot (220) Tim Lll'fll• l , E•ttncl• u r••1"· n 9 in that t is an en of re6 ... a on. • • =~.~~,T~~·tt.t..c11 '· •nt• lmpresaive 7~59 rout o r That set ft vV for lh~ over· McKeon (220) and Rick Je~ ~""" scotn: s..,,. AA• v1uev "· FA...1.l!'ll Le•m•e power Pasa· time period. st. Anthony ahot nlng:a (l:Si on the 880 anchor e1 11K11 u1 Gii-11•1., '-'!",•·IA ~ -· I d 3& [ kl Oli rtt• 1. i!'!~ L. P•lm Pl' ""• A, den.ii. .. abead by two Ot'J a pair of eg) spe to a 3: .% c oc ng s1n111" '· ""b~ ... 'l!!. s1.,,.... , Mlrina and St. Anthony, a • in the sprint medley, smashing * 111111111 1111rdr.i' -1, cMrttr O•k ..A. ..A. ..A. Lo[' Id d 13399 •.,v1i.t1C 1 l.Dlrnlt11 •.G1tor.T1m1; •• Pitching problems have be- set the UC Irvine baseball team and coach Gary Adams as the Anteaters travel to Pep- perdine College Saturday fer a doubleheader beginning at noon. Two members of the thin Anteater stall have come up with sore arms. Dennis Nich- olson, ace ol the mound stacr afier wiMing complete game victories over Riverside and UCLA, is sidelined with a sore shoulder lJlU5(!1e, Tipoff is set for 8 o'c lock in the 2,500-seat Westminster High gym. Liii• ... Cll ... 11 Wtltft'll!lllter ' nd •·y th f slb ·• of w eott " M•b•""tl""" ._2 rng .a ~ s e a re-.• .. 1 11-.1111• f M'l•"*'" w fense 1bat Poly hu long been pair that locked up in battle w l4 W yo as o recor o : , • ui-m1n (!" r,11v -'· o1m11n '· Thursday ni"""· in operating set iii 1968. 11.ov11 a. l· E N\04.,,. •. L~ .1.m;-. 1 ,.... MAIUHA (Jtl ha Tl""'' ,:1 round playoff action, alao have ,.. ,,. "~ TP In t t same race, an .m.n · · 1nn1. r.iw -1, tt111r t. It's a rematch for the two foes who met in the early goings of touroament play - with Long Beach Poly dealing the Lions a 78-71 I~. 4-S SlmltlllS ( llr0111r.lck "4 f ~ 0111u c; a 111<t1ev s-n known or. H s1tt1r c; """""' s-1 Coach Villi Foeriter·s Poly success for Westminster along contingent ligures to fun 11 l+ with the Lions' ability to con-1 obtnse at the WW.minster ti'ol the tempo or l h e %OOe defenle and wiU pi;obably game. defenae the bplt Lions~ with • ;N\cholsoo Was sent to a spe- cialist Thursday afternoon tG ffiagnose the ailment but no cmclusion has been reached. He is a doubUul participant agaJnst Peppcrdine. Westminster I o s t the service$ of 6-:6 center Dan Brode rick, OI'.ange County's .No. 1 player, Via the foul route early in the fourth period in "We have tG ke e p our man-to-man i insstue defense bi'g men out of foul troub}e ~ -at times going to a full- and we have to curtail Poly's court system • running game. I think Steve Po!y {inisbtd second to Long Tom Dodd, th e freshman pitcher who started the first glme for Irvine and went nine full inninp tG post a 7-J win over Ri verside, is the other ailing hurler. Mater Dei, Lo yola Tangle Dodd pitched 5 213 innings against San Diego State last Saturday and could start one h1 First Round AAAA Game of the games at Pepperdine. .. We don't want to rush hinl Mater Dei High 's Monarchs a.t the risk or further injury," are in the CIF. bas~etb~ll Adams says. . P.layoffs for the first . tim~ 1n Bob Barlow· another fresh· , ilve years -and the fll'st lime man and w"orithorse Da ve ey'!. in the major schools' Wollos who pi{ched 71/) in-d1v1s10~ -. with , a con- nings against Fullerton Wed· frontation with .Del Re y nei:day, are penciled in as League _co-<:hampton Loyola probable starters if Dodd isn't High tonight. ready. Tipoff is at 8 in lhe Loyola Balance of the starting line-Uni versity gym. r·respectable scoring Ugure . Cowie was stopped by the ~1.onarch defense in the prior issue with only two points bot O'Mata was highly impressive before fouling out with 24 counters . "We st.opped 0·~1ara fairly effecll vely at the high po.st but up will remaiB intact. This Coach Jerry Tardie's Mate r ,,.,.,.r °"' L'''" means Mike Farrar 1vill open Dei quintet barely made the ti ~':i~' ; R~~~! ~! in left field and bal in the playoffs despite a 20-6 overall i-• MtMcNm111 c H•ll'ltll '-• !eadoff position. Mike Sykora record. The Monarchs finished tro :~:: ~ 11~~i. :1 ·~ at sec1lnd base and l~ading third in the Angelus League. o'"''"lll 11 uv111 URlwlftttv hitter ( .500. ) Rocky . Craig gets Among those ~ vi·ctori·e.• Nortll on s..... o iteo Frttw1v to ••-od t f Id "" Maf\C!l!slt• 91vd. turl'IOtl lblll'Ond V. .... ,.., n in cen er ie . was a 7H7 decision over •n1err1111111n111 Aln•or!l. Proi;etd west Tom Spence bats cleanup , , 1p r;_.11e1own or Lo~ol• &IYd. 1nct 1urn and opens at first base with l.(iyola s C~bs -_the sixth· r1on1 lo lh• t1mi>11S. Mike Saska in right field fOI· rated team 1n the final poll or _.:.::....:......:.c.:.._:._ ___ _ 19Wed by Dan Hansen at short CJF A~AA pow~rs. then ~t went out to a wing stop Chuck Spanski at third Tardie says his team must post and jusl about shot us out b~ with Mike Sheline be-be able to stay with the Cubs of the gym," says Tardie. bind the plate. in the r~bounding. d.epartment O'Mara is a f.5 senior who's 'lbe Anteaters ha ve won five along w1th conta1rung guard games wl\ile losing two and Chris Cowie and holding averaged 28.0 points and It re. ending in a tie in another. forwal'd Tom O'Mara to a bounds per game for coach Bill Sanchez' Cubs. Heinen's 15.0 scoring averaae and 12 rebounds per tilt. Mater Dei's attack. center11 around Ralph Chandos, a se· cond team All-Orange County choice. The M junior rebounds well and is an ~cellent shooter from inside and from his cor· ner post as a forward. He's averaged 18.4 .points over the season. Forward Tom Walker and guard Werner Raes have hit in the 20s on several occuions -during the year but have been inconsistent ln Angelus League play . Lalely It's been reserve guard Bobby Haupert who's sparked the MonarcM in tough situations. Mater Dei's last entry in the CIF playoffs fell to Chino in 1965. Leading that crew were Gene Zech, frank Zeixlt, Bat· ry Elda:vold and Tom Keller. • ' • E la I r 1 Eri llov1I Olt l. Dlmllfl 4, V1llncLi : been vtcUms to the Jackrabbit .!..:,,, ' ' ,' .,•, s nc a ouraome o c Tim•: t : '· ··-• ' 01 B G. 1 D 4-m•n Nl1v \ft•ll "'''' -1. I' bluln&: fastbreak aUack. 11111 . 1 • 2 • son, ruce 1ruo e. ave Moden1 2. v11tl • i . G•llr , 1 .Dallu is the leading scorer ~=~!· r ~ ; : fJClhnson and Jack Moore. took °'1.';m ~.Tl""",',«i.:~ICOMI llHll -:: for Poly, with a 15.2 average Mu11111~ • o 1 • ourth. • ll\~\~k. .J: t'.;l·J. '--.1.mi- vtblle guard Ted Satter (10.3) T.i111 .,. AHTHOM~t ,.,1,s lt " Tom Fisher's Eagles were i· r.:i:n 'A&11o!ii:EL = .and forward Mike Bott (lJ.0) P• f'T f'~ T.. not &by in the first pl•Ce ~~~: t rei.v -I. O.mlltll 1. Q,lllr are al.lo ln double figutts. ::~~ ; : : :! department elther • nabbing l':J.! .. Modt"• •. c1uu1 .. o.ir. Tfml1 1be Jackrabbit.I posse&!! one 11-11,... , , 1 > the 480 shuttle burdJes Jn 55.J. 1.1~=t'f ~ '=r;; ~-. "i!.. ~ player over f.3 'and he's Tim ::!i,. : : .: : Defending Jntlne Le ague 11~i.~. ~r.V _ 1. Hon:• 2. c.w Simpkins, a 8-51enior center. T•1111 u 11 '' " hurdles champion Rich Wood f~w.;r.•• -Olll " V1llrld.I Tfmt: We Jtminrter, Jntanwhile, 11• '""'::: ·~ °:'1'~ 10 ~' ran a bllaterlnf 1%.t fil'lt leg. ~'5 ~L",~~:~" ti:~ I~ ' counters with its trio of M "''"'"• 1 11 • • ~ ~irst yeu Edi.son, with c~trr.r '8:1< ,, ....,. ~ 'i I; Broderick and M c·L end on ·-------------~-...:..----'---~.:::.:=-=:.::~=~-- along With 5-7 ,uard Richard Marra1. . Broderick is the Je1din1 force In the scorinf depart· ment with a 25.0 averace in SWUet League play and ta a deedly 1r .. l)Jrow abooler. ~$TMIHST•ll UM I 'l ... • 1 \.Onli 11ell Wlltoll n W•rr111 LOflO lltlCI\ PolY ' ljj'I' r.1 lJ ,11~1 .:~ 1S I Me .. &4 M.tl-11• tl' ll•-n ~~~ ~ p~w· ,, r.~"·· 1i WHl1rrt 11 ~tnt• .,,,,. H ~H~~~Hlt~ ll ::foi:r. "'" :i "f:i'n :J "'~1~ H1rbor lf llfl natm lll~h f ?lo II.I.CM ..OLT U•') 15 Edli.t" 11 Mw~ r ~ll!!~~~ ,! ••. 1;i.;· ..... ff 1.'.'AA'::\\u 73 J •. ~Ull " tr"dl," 11 =.~"=" ~ ~si !lt ~~ 1 I 1r.nc11o SI Mllllk1n n ~~~# K\:l~11o Itk an Old FOrester kindofda}t And in the pas!: .·IOO~tlim .·beenalotofthem. For 100 yeors1 people who enjoy the taste of a great Kentucky Bourbon have turned co Old FOlalet. (!!) Compton Top·seeded In Jaycee Playoffs · Sa.nchez says his team relies on a man-to-man press usuaJly and Cowie is the team leader in their fast break offense. Cowie bu aVtraged 14.0 per &arne along with center Bob I MATI• oa• UHi .. !'.Zl.'M ~ W'iilmrntr.r .. " ',' Cunningham, Sabins On A ll·star Squad as proof. $6.29 ' fifth Unbeaten and top ranked Compton College (27-0) is one of seven teams which have clinched berths in ,the 1970 Callfornla State Jnuior COilege, basketball tournam~nt, set to begin Marcll 6, Compton wrapped up the Weistern State Conference title last week with a convincing llMS victory over 17th rated Ventura. Nine sj)Ots remain to be ru. led, although top seeded teams in both the north and souU1 could receive first n'lUnd byes if_ there are not enough co- cliamplons to fill the four at large berths. Th< lint round wUI be con-tei\ed at neutral regional sJtes lhrooghout the state the week· end of March 6-7, with thr final minds slated for Long Buch City College March U. 14. LA Harhor and LACC Ued ftr the Southern CalUornla Conference crown, thu1 both • • • • will advance. LACC defeated the Sea Hawk$ twice, so will go to the playoffs as the cir· cuit champion. LACC will meet the Dese'ft Cooference chamr,ion (Mira Costa or 1mper al Valley) while LA Harbor wlll tangle with seeood rated Long Beach. City. Fullerton, the South Coast Conference champion. 'vill face the Mi&11ion Confer. ence title-holder, either San Bernardino or Oroumont. T"' rtftkl.,,~: I, (ort'!D~ ll<O l. Lono 8flCll Jt.s. S. S•~ Jceo~lrt Dtlt1 2"1 '· S.ft Fr•nd.co '°'' $, LA Ht•llor 20-• '· Herlntll 2i.J 7. LACC '°'l t. Gor\ltt (Ot11 fl-$' '· ,11llt''1'on U.6 10, C11Tlff», lt4 11, CYDrHt f14 n. St111Mft1 lt·ll ll, FDOl~lll '1~ 16, .IMrc:ld lM 15. H•Modt 11•7 1 .. V1tt1tur1 "'-1 11. lllJ'tte fl·' 18, l A Pltrt• U·f lt. ••~ •tl'lllfdlno U·7 20, '-"11 11\0r!IU l$olt I' IB•!dWlll l"ll'k. , ,,,.t~lr 11 !r:~.ll ....... :, ~~i:: 60 llolll:f Hllll r hr"l• ar:i=""' H ~1(,lt~=· ~I ~nlflorlY ll ~,q\::I 41 '"°" ""'" ~• ..... r~ 11 llt_X • S . Pllll L.O'l'Ot.A (n-41 l!O Vll'bllm Ofl "J6 Serr• 1• Mornkwlslfl 61 Horth T1rr•~• " Avi1ll011 •l· ........... *'. ........ M Slrnf V11'-'1' " C.,,,.tilll If C•ntw1ll " se,,. ,. ''· kn'tt!'O'' Jt "" Mltrcot •T r lut X ::~·~ lj Hotr1'0fh1t e Clltlldrel " s.tltlll" IO A~fly ' ll SI, P"f111Clt ....... _ '1 lftl•" " ~IMdtll ,.. lllfll"'f P It.'''"'" • • s JefC Cunningham, forward H on the UC ·Irvine basketball l"I team, was named to the ~ NCAA Western Regional 11 Cctlece All.star first team and t~ guard St.eve Stbins was placed !'J on the th\rd squad. :J The aD-star teams wue ft released this week and were S: selected by vote of member ' ".:, coachu in Ol!lricts f , 1 and 1. Only Pugel Sound o r Tacoma, Wash. equalled the 1t Anteaters in . placing two men ff oo the three teams. H Cunningham is the all·time $6 leadtne scorer at Jrvine 'llth ; J,431 points in a three year : c11reer. He has two games ~ •1 play in recuJer leUOO com· :: petltlon this wetkead: 1• For the current campaiin. D ht 11 avtraglna tt.8 point& per a aarne. r, Sabina, a Junior college ~ tranafer, ls In his, Jteond $6 season at Irvine and ti second JI lo Cunolnp.m Ill lllo ~ race Lhis year . He ls currenUy Jn fourth place on the alJ..Ume school scoring list and could move in- to third this weekend with 41 points in the jwo games. Hi• tYt'O yur average is 15.t. • 'nltee ol the .flVe .tirat team members .are from Southern California and six .of the 15 on the three teams au from the southland. Don Zeeb, coach oC the Pugel Sound team, wa1 named coach of the year lo the West The complete aelecllons: C°9 flVlllOlii mff:l crP"~~*~,:~J'•l.il ~ ~~\ ~, !'-Wi.'.;•it:r. ~ Tl-'M ' ~~a.v~· ,~ Mi·=-! t,~), Li, '"' I ru1111~ ~ l(ln'i,I• /'; ''"t ""'"'~R.x•-.(;1 , l I~ 1..-.,... ....... ..;;;.o. ~ .. _,jt,..,:! •"1111 .... WUM-roc:llil;Hil~r. •MH't!!l1 ' r' "'!r. 111~" ~~,,.~ ac.:!~v, · At~ or lOO proo '"Thett b nothiQ8 better in the.market.,. • n;;;, ~l. 0, ~'I' • • .,.1'U!;l{'ftnl>_,-tolll'--•~1'1",._1•-~ .. llOHOo'-liWl ...,.,._,~fOl/R1'...., ........ WnQ!t ... °"" Z:'~ 'ltu• -· • -.. -, . • --· -· I I ; ,, I ' ' • ' ' • Ft W1 and wee! fortu sam T~ Fen. NortJ beg!J A~ the 1 Obis, A~ t:ould day: of hi tearn "SI NCA we c this · e<l. !rleri Agli \YOO, PL Bl al WI ~~ 0 Ai ~ Padl mali {hal of .. Si <led - • Ill II Mv s llld - JI DAIL V PILOT Fr ldq, ftbruotJ 27, 1970 ·;;;;;~~~~~ .. WllAT'l IN- OUTDOORS? .., ...... .r..-y ' THE BIG BRAKE SAFETY CENTERS -BENDIX- BRAKES! THE VERY BEST YOU CAN BUY.!° REGULAR BRAKES POWER BRAKES DISC BRAKES * DOMESTIC OR FOREIGN • BRAKES RELINED ON ANY CAR Now, ll•W br•lt• linin91 -111d lini119 intl1tl1tion1 COST YOU HALF •I llG ltAICE -No 1111tt1r wh11 you'r1 drivi119 or whir• it Cl tn t f ron1. Nobody know1 th1 br1•1 D111J11911 btHer th•11 our ••p•rl mtch1nic1, Th1t'• ~r 1p1ci•ty. We 1110 IENOIX PREMIUM linin91, which i11 our opinion•, i re th• IEST YOU CAN I UY. B1lf1r ih111 f1ctory 1l1..d1rdi for NEW con, Wt in1t1ll i11 'O minul11 while yo11 wail, 111d off1r Fii.EE ADJUSTMENTS for th1 lif1 of your cir. II• llAICE h11 b1tn i11 op1r1tio11 ;., South1rn C11iforni1 for over 1 y11>1. Our 'h prlct pro9r1m ;, 1 bon1fid• v1lwe .... ed on 01.r 11!1bl i1h1d b11•• linin9 I /inin9 in1t1lt1tio11 FREE LOAN CARS >.VAIL.AI LE COITA MEI .& HUNTINGoTON IUCH .... __ ...... IUfl ltlcil IM, °"' 11141 t47.ft'1 u.t .... If 1111 011191 IOl!I lllcll s..1t1 Ill Stt1 0 .. ........ J """"·' • eAI .. ••o~l LON• MACH ... ...-..... SI, IHI ~ ltlCll'atv4, (n41 ... II IJIJI ftl-44fll =·--,..,.,. .. ..,.._ IJ\111 11i11tr1 ti '•Wlc: Ctltil , t1rwr.1 wwr.1 OTHI• LOC:.noNs TO ""' YOU IN ' . ·•·--'-......... u .. w. Le& ... ....... ~ S.. ......... : M ..... Hiit., .,_ N"Y' HOUIS Al Sloops 0..0 7 Day• ........ ,rt. 1 l .M. -' ,,M. '*'·' A.M. •• , ........ ,. A.M. •• ,.M. "S10f AT llC ll!Al<l-YOUR I-"" AT SIAl<tl" • I • Area Spike Results CIF Mat Meet at Marina Tourney The i!tb lllllual or.,ie Coast college lnvitaUonal •• \e~ n1s tournament is slalcu Saturday for Oran&e Coast .... high scboOla. 1, Cc:nffst•Db from five Orang• CauofJ PftP leagues aod the Moen Jacue from Long Beaob will compote at the CIF w.....iliq BUl>soc- tionala al Malina High Salur- day. Tbe ; all. dly a[(air, one or four 11111>.0Cu.n.i. being held, will begin at Ul:30 a.m. with lhe ·llaala s1atod lo Mrt at 7 p.m. The othm-sub-sectionals m at Artadla, SJ.ml Valley and~ In add1tion lo the Moore l<>op, tr h I < b will be r~ by two wrestlers 11[ eadlJ weiPl •· arap- piers Crom the S un se t , Crestview, lrvlne, Freeway and Garden Grove leagues will be compeling at Marina. All of the Orange Couoly leagues, with the a:ceptioo ot the Creltvtew, will send three wrest.Jen from each class inlo t h e • u b -sectionals. Tbe Crestview will dlf Pl'l<h ooly a pair rrom each weight claal to Marina. Favored to light Jt out for top ~m honors are the respecUve league champlonl -Western (Sunset), 'Paclflca (Garden Grove}, El Modena (Cr<stview), Fountain Valley ;P'ro Cage Standings -·---M11W1Wle. .. -. Plll ... lltNI Cil'ld-11 ...... ..... ... u.f Pd .GI ... n M6 • ~•1tt Mt1ll" ll ,... '" 11\'I l t ,. . .a n • Jt :It .441 %3 71 ....... 1, W••• Olw..-A!l1ntt Los An"IH "'-........ Se<att1l" S.n F~•MllCO S.n Ole~ " " ..., ~' n "" ti\ » 3' .451 '1"11 l2 .. .4oM •Vt 2f 41 -'It 10\ii 11 ~2 "" u ,, 43 .w 10 .. Tl!lll'Hlf'I ltnvtt1 Plltlllnhi: "111, Ol'lrall 12J T•11'1 oamu Ati.1111 11 81Hlrnott P11otn1x 11 Bmtaft s..-. Oltvo 11 Phllldelllhlt Chicloto ti LM All981a Sfftttt \If;. $M Franc:ltco ot OokMind Otttolt ti Ml""'a\111.et. ftltrllOOn s.flll'Nr'• o-811!1mort .i New Yark Chkato •I $tatllt. illllilllr'I ·-L9' A119ells 11 8olron, •It .. ,._ S1n FtlnclKO 11 Detroit, .ffl- 811fttn11rl 11 Phf!-l!lfli., 1119f- Pl'oDtftl• It All1n11, 11!1r,_ Cltlci111>1tl 11 .Mlh•l<Jk", 1ller,_, CJ'llt100 11 $1n 0...... W11h/...,., 2'I 1't .,.. t New' Orlt1ni ll 11 AS ~ Lo&Mfelel 2'JSA6t TllenMM ll-"t '1"*""' Ill. IW!tlldlll tol T~W'• ..... lndl .... ,, o...v ... C1rolllll 11 Dfflli M11ml I! fftw Yori\ Lat Antelff 11 N"' Odl1n1 Sfh11'61J ... _ Mleml 11 lillfll!X*r. •ft~ LOI ...,..,.. VI, N-Orluns II \. .. f1vl'lt1. Ut, D1tl1I 11 Pl11""'1rvh Ntw Yol'tt •J WMllinllCWI -·-lndl111& 11 LOI. Alltefts.,l lttmoolt l(tflludlr 11 Pllbbllrifi C1rollf\I •I Ml1ml 'W1ill'tlrleton 11 0..-, •11- 0.llh ff Ntw Yort. tlltm<IOl'l FREE ' ' $3595 ,1 .. 2.ss f 1d, Es. T111 · 1i11 f71Xl-4 tubt ltu whil1w1ll. NEW WIDE, FLAT TREAD ~ DESIGN TW IN -PLY FIBERGLASS BELT TWIN POLYESTER CORD PLIES GUARANTEED ADJUSTMENT W ,.,._.,_,, '"''•"•I•••-••*"" .......... -.... -.. --~·-· ·-.. -~ ......... -.. -· ... _ ....... __ ...... _. 1 At1ln.t Blowouts • A.,.u.t • .,.... ,,... • Afllnlt worun..ne111p ....... eM9UtMtonMiln •At11Ml~1s • A ... Ml l'vncl-1 • A'*"4 lll1ttrlel D-• • Ne LI.nil Ofl Monlhl ' ply·h•lte 670X1S , ......... '""'"" .. '"" l•"" _ ..... .. -.. ·--"·---·-· .... ........... -........................ . .. _______ _ c ... _ -., ,_,,,. •• •• ,,,_,,., ~-...... ____ ... __ ----••T1-t.lll.f. SS/8000 Super Sport ' • llllrror-polilh chrome J·usr JC Tennis or-1..-c..t IJI UI S-0-. , Slllln C11MlNlllm (OCC) cllf Utntllort tKIJ ........ DeGrlff ISDI ~11 Diii tOC:Cl W. .. 1. God.iMllt tOCCJ dlf So:lwnlr1I tKll ........ Hiii U.0) def Win"" !OCC) ... 2. \IM. G, Frl!t'CfDJ Clef •roob tOCC} .. t. f-JH. ~rllt ISDI cl .. l 1t ... 1!1H {OCC) .... "°' o..i.... Diii 1nd Cu1111liltlh1m (OCC) Ml DflGrttr Ind HUI 1$0) t-1, 114. Ut!llllbrt Ind Sdlln1r11 I JO! def • GodO\ltl and Wlnttrw. COCCI 11.t, .. l . Frill: Ind frltr: (SO) dtf 1"9rlltfl 1nd 9raalr.1 {ICCJ> '"3, k SUIT OR SPORT COAT lleClltllll,._ .... Tilis b Amelia's fated: selli!W dllin SIW Included in the fiel d of• ll school! are Corona del Mar, Cost.a Mesa, Estancia, foon· lain Valley, Edl90!l, lHrlyn- tington Beach, M a r 11 1 westmmster and 1968 and1 i59 champion Newport Harber~l Over too athletes will ..com- pete in the tolll"ntY and It •ill feature four divisions -'(Ith varsity lettermen ineligiblelin group m (singles) and. 1~V (double>). ~ The tournament wlll be1ln at 9 a.m. and is sponsorad·~ Oran·19 Cout and ~ lllgh. OMd tbt WCfld's liJhtut. It's tbt only cine: ii tlli 6-pound c1m• 1 You'U all It the most wtmtil• power tool yoo ever owned. Cots flr•wood, '°IS, lumber. The pr.ecisioa- WJlt 1asoline qine dfttlops _plenty lit piw'lr"1oi' btlildine hw!dtedsoflllinas. toiaesa111plet1 witll ir bu' aid speci1I chaiit. ') only $179.9 5- MASTER SERVICE DEALER COMPLET E ··BRAKE RELINE $2,495 FORD-CHEYT-'LYMOUTH 1.11 ..... 4 wi-i. A41• INll-. 1..,_r Dn-. CyHMan. Ad4 fl•J4 ff NM4e4 4 Ply Nyloo PREMIUM llamlolled OTHER BRAND TIRES ' SETS 01 4 WHITE SIDE WALLS 650X1l ....... . --.... --·. $5600 111 U .N tt.. 775X14 • 77SX15 -···· .......................... -.. $64°0 l•t ll.21 ... 12SX14 -12SXl5 ................................ ~68°0 let •1.11 ... ISSXl4 & IS-llSX14 ............................ $72°0 111 SI.II "· fOOXIS -91SX15 ·········: ·············· .. ~80°0 111 11n ••· SSS x 14 ISS x 1S BLACK TUBELESS NO TRADE-IN PRICE LARGER SIZES JUST Take YOur Pick! USED TIRES IOI$ of non·sk1d 11t•d $595 each n•111 •II" •~a loc•I t1•et MAG WHEELS • Cast aluminum center • Theft-proof hub cap $2995 I COMPLETE CAR CARE •BAil &~G ••••res .. • Other atytn wnlllble 646-5033 Don Swedlund I - ' • Since 1959 Hours: 7:30 to 6:00 Daily 540-5710 I 6 _'.L I " " ( ------!;".-~--------,,,--- othschild eeks Win th Time • 200-poiilt leed ovu clolest pume.ln tbe bat· for tbe Well Cool! Cham- Ip, Poter "'1Cbocblld ol port Beach will be Mkln1 wprecedented fourth con- llCllllve victory April l) In the gBeach·Ensenada umtmational offshore Pe>yiet bolt r~. ~·has accumulated • l'Oinia toward the Padfic Offshore PoWer Boat Racing AuociaUon seasonal cham- 'p and Casale Trophy ing ytctories in tbe RUm last. Dec. 6' and ·In tile .• lleach-Oatalln& • Cruile . H . .,. - d JleLon&)(~of 11.ur~eiik, • • ' ' 'bll 111:' h~ . In ~·ll!li>oi -POPBRA president Sandy Kemp. Tbe )>Olnl s)'!lem. devised h>' Kemp and 'Russ Hill Jr. ~on 12 corriml.ssioner for ~ A.merl~n Power Boat ~on. takes intO accoll'tlt Ol'erall boat .speed, speed relative to similar boats in e~ race, consistency and .... of' compeUtion. SLandings in each class of compeUUon wilJ·conUnue to be baaed .. fllllsh within the clasl, the two officials noted. Rothschild's record cf suc- cfss dates to last August wtlen finished a narraw second ind world Champion Don Aronow of Florida in the an· ,nual Long Beach Hennessy ·cup classlc ·ln Thunderballs, a 'lJ.foot Cary hull powered by J1'1n 475 ·horsepower ::MnCrulser sterndrlves which !had been .. t up ~or . him by .(rooow "a twin to Aronow'& now famous The Cigarette. Two weeks later, Roth.1child, the 11118 national · 'chaml>iiin. tbe "Citalina · Challenge y race to clinch the le Trophy for 1969. Then e his victories in the two st Co~ted events. LQng, Beach-Ensenada rnaUooal, WU won by lmits inaugural last r. A1 •Ksht change is ex· tO lenitbe·n the coorse overi 180 rplles, and the AP- n 1 t.1 o n a .l champk>nshi~ nts wUl be at stake. est Cout racers will be mpttilg't6 add not only to . APB! tallies but also to lr POPBRA standings """ look like lhl!: 111 er Rothschild, 900; ill Ed g Jr,. 700: (3) Brian ald, Anahlm, 598; (f) Dave , Hollywood, 526; (5) Brown, Los Angeles, 484; Earl Palmer. Garden ~. 424;. (7) Bill Vogel, adia, 380; (4) Gus Zisakis, tebello, :174; (9) Maury y, l!ewport Beach, 338; ) Lou~ Gani<, long Beach, (lJ) tle between Jerry , Costa Mesa, and Bob , Van Nuya, 2'15; (13) DeWitt, South Gate, 249; Bill Dunsmore, Lomita, ; (15) Don Pruett, Miami, 1 2.tt; (18) Dulh Kalle- • Wellminsler, 211; (17) McConnkk, N e w p o r t llllll; (18) Mrs. Elrl , Garden Grove, 164 ; Bruce Russell, Long .• 140; (20) Denny Lang, • 108., Jua leaders -Offshore Rothlchlld, DeLong, ·ey; JntemaUonal Class: 1 1 Kallemeyn, Mrs. ; Plc:Uic Class: Ewald, , YOllOI; Sporia Class :. , Ziukb, Gan~ . • ,. Fa•hion Show ,\ PUMPKIN EATS FLEET -Davey Crocltett's Newport-27 sloop The Great Pumpkin was first overall in the MORF division of the Midwinters, followed by two other Newport-27s, all making·. their debut in competition. Careful i n Thumping Boat, It's Concrete Be careful wtten you start bull·lhwnPing at yoor next boa\sltOw,.Yoii.inig~t y l your ltnuck1es skinned -especially if one of the yachts you tap is made of concrete. Slee! reinforced . concret~ boats have attracted lots of at· tentioo late1y. A custom-builL sailboat with a concrete hull bas already circled the globe, arid ·at >least one firm ia ~ 5~5 Meters Captured By Briton ADELAIDE, Austt;,alia (AP) -World champion Rooney Pat· tisoQ o{;B.ritain sailed-Super. docious· into .. the :1ead over Hucklebu ck IV Thursday in the World Flytiig Dutcninah yachting compeU'UOn. In light weather, Superdo- cious beat out Hucklebuck in· the fifth ol the seven heats. with an American cran, Roo, s a i l e d by Chris Chatain, third. The cbamplonsbip is deter· mined on Uie best six of seven heats. The series appears now lo be betwee.n the two British boats, Superdocious and Huc- klebuck IV. With the low score deter- mining the winner, Superdo- cious now leads with 11.7 point!', foUowed by Huckle. buck IV with 13_ Takapuna or New Zealand with 27 and Sha- zam of Fraoce with 33.7, . A second U.S. eotry, Lady In Waiting, is in six place with Roo not in the running. . ' I ---.. t ning lo market rerro-coocrete boats. The cr'1t,. ·boJtt by ,laying up concrete OVf!I" a frame or steel Newport .27s On Display I \ • •. • • I l ' I f ' • I J ' • • OAILY PIUIT ' IMl'S 'ltllUIY.i . PEICAUS " , :a prh1d•low• mudhls ·•l•••rt SAW*D.95 •MIAY ' ' . ,, .... ' • .. "' ,,.! ., "··--..... 91 · ...... , . ' . . ' • s.le $1~ ~•'1M ' :r.,... illlT wilh JlllJ\1llilo r-li!Ml ~-Jloomin the bottom. l!e&-tluu lid, fold-down 11"81!-with· . top handle. J2;)• I, 71,>• cl, 6~· h. ......... , •. c......- 3 .. 1.$1 1w . Hmd ol fl10bl_,,,,, ,.... in 24 ftciting &Don abldM. c.-., .... 3'...,. ... 'IO )'di. ' 1~10 ~ SAVE 011 HOME YIWES NO-IRON FIBERGLAS~· ' ~ DRAPERIES s.~3!' 63", 72.H, U"' lengths "Setwft', •• dramatic thick·thin tenure in novel two-tone boucle effect. So carefree in fue.mUat.a:rit Fiberglas$•. glass fiber. Beauty You can count ori ••• won't ah rink, 1tret.ch, mildew·or fade from the aun. FRIDAY. SATURDAY and SUNDAY FEL rl, FEB. 28 anCf MARCH 1st SAYIAS · MUGl-lS .2:55 Grants quality . . f'APPLIANCES Sale EA. WWW .,...,41UM llON-sprink!e.,:yuu iron. Lilbt in weigbt.17·-t oole plate, fabric dial. AlterSalo,$10,99 · l'U.VCIMlONTIOl.-MAKIR-Makes 10 cups of collee. Flnoroantro~ aignal light. Avocado fini!h. Aftt r Sale, $10,99 51> Qf, COOKll·flYll-Thermostalic control. Euy-dean. aluminum lining, basket. •Fire-King' gilll COYet. After Sale, $10,99 CAIMNCI ~Wlfli IACIG-Carve like a 'pro'. Ha! 2 otalnlees oleetbladts. Avocado or pineapple. AlterSale,$11.99 4-SLICE TOASTER l Sale ~=-':::;! $994 appleplaatic oad pantU. 'l'bmmnolat. !Alter sale ·' . \ $13.44 10-tiAL AQUARIUM ~STARRRSR MELAMINE 45-PIECE DINNER SETS Sa~$10 AltorW.$11.M Hm'a whaL you get: 1t.inl ... lioeltank, tbermome~r. olbrator pump, tobing, 111- wool, charcoal, anti.chlorine, 1ish Jood, tank cle&ner, IPQDP, imtntctiom.. TR0 '1c.u FISH Sale 4 '°'lie ···-······ Alter Sole, stc ... $997 Sale Aflwr Selo$12.99 8 eooh: decorated dinner ~ales; oolid Ullored cups, c.ereaJ/dessert.s, NUcers, -d ond buttm. l platter, serving bowl. c::rMmer, IDfll bowl with coyer. llO YOU llAVE A GltANTS CREDIT ACCOUNT! It tob. only mlnut• to applyl GRANT PLAZA• BROOKHURST and ADAMS• HUNTINGTON BEACll rr I • ..__......,_~·---"...,."'...:r..r ----_ _.___ 1 ' I • . , \ ' ., ~;--~----.. · • ~ • .·;¥>··----~ .. •r1•••• .... .....,r-"'l'•tw •i"•f'•'"~~~~~----- :· ,. ' ,. " ' ) • Fridll', Ftb<llllY 27, 1970 ' I I I · ' GRANT PWA • BROOKHURST AND ADAMS .. • JflllnNGTON,~tEACH, . ' ' "' . ·' • c. PERMANENT PRESS > • ...... .. ..... on ....,ce.., ......... . . s126 ...... , Pw*•• IU •• ""l!' ' • _..~ I .... 'f ------.ii-ii~'""-.. ~~-·"· ' A., -·---lllootOc .. --llltaond_.at& 32-36A, 32-38'11, 34-'0 c. White. . '1.NJ""' ___ A,1241 --· ........................ ''·"· '· s296 Sale = • '~ ........ , ,,... ...... c .................. ,,.. .... ' - 1tw .. 1Dlinowilhthotimeo. j1111. Vyiron• pol1'otw/' _.,.,, iD pol,..i.r I cotlon dtnim looQ nil, -Cbalce'of colon in I "°""' 'lllll. Coi.,. ~ piclt .... ia. ~in-&.18. I. -llripo knit ohlrt. ~+...-i.able. Penna· -t ~ill polyolter and -A -iD todoy col· ....·~wi;.xr. D:tvt '•' lffly 1-·lo first rate machiN ftlbablecot... ton. A muat for a prl&Jftil young guy. Todly'a coloN in siuo6-18. ' .llOW! "2 .OiilRr '. I . . . ,,..fiMl.Y · . ~ •• SAii f • ::. Pl.MY! ' ~ BIG SIVllGS! • .. w. etr•••• 1-1 lee iD La an· ..,.od LJaa• 'ipeNlor pow-or DJioa llnldi .... poml wilb .->wocl L,.,,.-opoadOr poawnot. s.M·L S·l-1-1-1~ H·. ... 'llS . . ...-., .... Allor' Mio .l.tt -.. 34 N"'·'p&ocolhen'. .. piipulu U.-lt. or -llJlo lops witla 11o..,ip. oia<.\a _.. -1-lor ....... 'Tmmcklll' .,-.m oollda 1ort11o mil: 'rt' mdd:I loot. "'4 i'iN ftlll- ahll. S, M, L 6111 lino 7·1'. ........ , ...... . tough stuff ••• it works •111S •1.' BRIEFS ............. 1 • ,1 " I s.i.$3~! $3'' Sale ,_ N1W aoil relea,. linioh ~IM mo1htaina in the washer! 653 coi;((n / 353 Vyaon• po1,..1er. Rcinlon:ed ·-point.. Toor ,.. aielanl Panta. 2942. Sbirto 1'*·17. \ Afhr Solo, He 'Netunl 1tn1A:h' puq, m -witb yoo ... bend with you ... p'fl you_. fil Popular nude hoe! llJlo, moot ....,1o4 luhion ada PIAJ/Avc-, T/XT. Sto,.. Hours: Mon. Thru Set. 9:30 1,m, to 9:30 p.m. Sun. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sale . 33clA. . '*' lei ScQop.up a wide v&Dely of - ... and llliida in JOUr choice ol ~t• .. .,ion. Sillll 5-7. --· 47• lflalat Fully 'cut for lnedom of -~ A*at. trioot iD wbiW, bdlblo and pMleiL lllm5--10.•••d ....... 1 •• ................... KlciJ-pai,tt&Dd Iopa •.. .-. comlGdablo, ... low jllioocl ,...'II pick • wwwdauliol 1-or ,aloorl •l-ahirta; 21otX. GRANT PLAZA • BROOKHUUT a11cl ADAMI • HUNTINGTON llACH ' ~ !--~-" \' I DAILY l'ILOT II • • I ' \ I l ' ) I I I ! i l , •' . . I ~I I , •. I • DAYS •• , WEDIESDAY . I TH~~SD~Y :& FRIDAY!: · " . . •• '· 119~~ '1"11 , 'Y .. , ·1 ~ ... . . .. . . ' : . • • . . , . . . • .. .. . ' ~ '.t ;.,, ...... , ,~ ,. . • · . ~ • This comP.1 cw CMIN wlJ~ y ... ' ... n •• n ., ....,.,ic t~lon,.· 'llOWtt st11rlnt.1powtr WIKl1flM" •, : fattorr tlr condltfonlng.,· Dft(23H9· ~ • 0120623. ' . " 1969 IOR 01f;;Y1~ /; ' • I · 1960 VOUJSWAGIN:_ rt.."cn. ·~ .... , .... ~1:.n ... tk s3 · f Ul •1 •. • . · . · . . . . ' ·\ 1,_ ' ' 1 .-. . -. .... . •' ----- , • • • NOW ONLY MONEY·BAtx , GUARANTEE! If you ire, not sattsfjtd,'.w~fl..fhe 1d!erti~ c~r tJt•t '(OU purch~, br.ing it blck.wifldn 72 ~ours' i nd Beech City Dodge will give you your mon.ey· back in full. Wt ;.....-...__ know we hive the best quality c1n .1iid.~r1 not lfr1id to 1tlncf.bth'i11d •·money bad: g1t1r1ntte .. • REAL ECONOMY .. TRUCKS ' ' ,. I 169 CHEVROLET ·1967 DODGI P.U. Stjle1lde ............... ~, ...... 54 188 a ~Ir .. LkHlt Nt IUS.SIOO) 'I · . 1966 CHIYROLn PICK·UP . " •:i.iii-'"'~\~·":i. 5128' 8 1'1!\IM , r4°; th'r.-~· .w~ , ;j.'li:a, t .. t'i540tl61,m . . 1963 iDoDGi 1/1•T. PICKUP :.. ·'"'""' """ ~ $588 --.ilPPH Wlltl V .. -In•. f t · Ille and l!HIW flfW'I .· · . '. -. . ORANGE CbURTY'S TRUCK HEADQUARTERS! I 7'." .r •• ~ 1968 PLYM. BARRACUDA this 11t1Ux, llardtap ciwn~ WHll $1 •111crri111c v ... buckirt ~Jls rMle 388 ~!tr -fXEU JIU - 1964 FORD CLUB WAGON • i~~,~~ 'A~·;.ll'il,.'"' $988 . fl'UZ :If ...-.i.r Lit-.se Ho. , = Open EYenings Till f o P..M. = ·I> . • • .. I ' I' • ' .-~~~.,....~~-~--~-------,,-~--~.,.--....,....,--•• -·-··-·-··~ .. ~-..... ~~--~ ........................ ~~ ................................ ~~:""""""'""":'.'.T' ....................... ..-................................................................. ..,_ .. ., ·"--' .! ~ • -'f .. . ' to ·go-.: .•• ~ • ... • '>!do!· ''"""" 27, 1970 . £· ·Wha _:t .to :t10 > ••• • I : I • . • , .. • ' ~ 1 1 -• : ' ~ ~~ r · ' , I Ei~~ Y our,c'TliiQ:g' • " I . • r , I '{ • t•· ,j . . I ·' ·Pr0gram Set:j . ·10-Combat .. . 11' 'I'·• .. . _. "., .... Ah . . \1' •. '.-!., • . ·~· · ·use . . . I' -, ' ,J,• • ~ 1 ' ' • I \.,f . ·1 ' I . NCcANN ' I ''"j ·•.,,';• ,_...... ' . >.· 0 'ileftl\i11on is.-·-of I ' • 'ahytbinc eattrtainrileft ev'mt · '.' ~ iiril\of:I .'ludience. You're \iot • I ~ ~;~ ,O'U>ere and Sit IV'GJ'fe , J ~,to .1'p~ Jt on," u 1t\t current . Mllm·llU ~ 1'>' " . 1·-.. ·Md \Ut't-jilatiWllat promoters .of the Cooll 111 ... Ha~ .,.. hciplnr wur hlJipen SI~ when .Ibey rtqe 11 the : Onil&t Coaoly. FalrlJ'Olilldl· a program lo ....... Dblthlrt&' iabouti drug ·~-~· . From t a.m. to I p.m., the Happe~g will be ba~ in ,.ver11·. dil!irtflt -locSuons ,on' tht ·~0rahge County. Fair~.· ' ' - . • l~t,ri1~ evUyone abOu.ld , be able to flild ~bert on the pro- 'l'am .. ailertprlhat 1> "bis thing... · T!Y lbe"i' . . . . Audience, p. If ~J' a Ii o n YOI• demonFa~ .... ~~· and~ con-J te,tt fe1turbig a hll'd• rolck IP'O\IP 'f'rom 'UCLA called 'Uie ~ (It llllnda for ~'I : • ·~~ .... '.,-0':. •I o '• '' • • ,' " 'SING' our '\loiJNG 'Glp~ERA'i1bN· GROUP,1~ TH~~E. ~~-RT.SAT. HAPPENING '. · "S~·tns"· add· muM' they w0n't tciuch' ch:u&il, foll<•m1Jllc and'•lectronic guitan .P.,ated bf beirded, llln&.balred eXoad-dl<'8'from OO•!")''Qlapel of c..ta ,Me,. l'ljo ,get .bil!t -·'II .. nglon,. a play about addicts tn which ex·lddlctl ?tlive r' : . .-, • . -Mes~· Lad ltjtcri: Vag:el '. Reoohes S~tlom·-m 14 .._ • I ;, . ~ .. _,, ,} , ' BJ TOM TITUS • \, ot tt1e ,!p1ii'f''*' ~' -1' ~ ,r .,jfl .,1 4 'f . ~ -.C J M1tcb •Vogel Is an·ICtive )llOWl(Btet·who raises plgeoos, dabbles in magic and ap- pears lo be hardly ony dill....,,! fron»ll!)' other 14-year-old boy ·at Costa Meu'1 Kiiser School. Except that "MHch·is 1 movie star. - Steve M~'s e1celJ1ent performance notwilhlianding, M I t'c h · V0t:el is: dte ltlir" of '"'Ibe Reivers," a clever combinaUon of drama and .ccmedy .. nostalgically spun across the SO"etD· from the youngster's viewpoint. It's been nominated for two Academy Awardl - best musical score and .Rupert Ctoese'1 1upporting perfmnanct. It i1, needJess to say, the biggest thrill ol. young Vogel's four-}'i!ar career as a proiessklnal actor, a career which began accidentally enough with a visit to a performance of "Peter Pan" at Jlleiodyiand. "My mother took I group of Cub Scouts to see the play," Mitch recalls, "and on the way we picked up a brochure for Queenie Smith's ch~~n'1 theater trail).. ing program." TO THE TffEN, IO.year-okl Mit(\11, who had tried bis band al ""1lni· in> lfade achoo! and Seoul ploys, it looked like tt would ·be a lot <If fun.. 'Ille .,..mqllfcn was an undenrtatemeut -on hil third day ol Netodyiand ciaalea be wu,llpped for the title role in "Tcm S.wyer"lat the Carousel Theater in Wat CoYinL .. .. . For U,. cOrrol-topped'COsta 1!f"8 ~. · the "'bif brelt" w,tUch. m1ny veteran acx tors puraue\ in Vain. 'titd aniveCI, B!s ''Tom Sawyer" appearaoce led to other stage roles-in ·"Heidi" ·and ''The Wi!ard- of •Oz." Mlich's progreM was. being wa1ctied with _ interest and approval by Mr..s. Si'nlth, who· invited a Hollywood agent ,to view one of. bis performances. SbortJy thereafter, he .had signed a movie cop- tract and soon landed a role u one of the Beardaley brood in the oomedy "Y-oufs, Mine and Our1." 'lblS appWance proved to be MitcJl,a ~ 1ione to ''The Rdvera;" althouib th,at step WU ' pant .... Mitch was one of bundreda of )'OUilrllters tested f<r the part, which is the moet importapt ln the fihn and a dauling abowcaae lor bia yoothlul talents. • •'J MUST HA VE auditioned at least '10 ·lfmea." lie related. "One -they would have us nad the script t'Oid (without preparalion), and another lime they woukf ask us to· improvise on the character. J·waa really oo the edge of my seat" Mfltwly h'ough reheai11J1 f o-r ••Ref¥tn," Mitch brot~ ~arm in' tall from the 1"se bl'Tidel in a race late1n the picture. Since bll role la .. big, t!ie crew c:ouldn't lhoot around him, IO pro. -ilocld llill lar' Jis-"'llle ..st Of.the ......... pn)ty bapfy' .. ~.._..A ' 0 • ., '( ! • ,Weeke~d mg~~~~ , ' • LAGUNA WINTER FESTIVAL -'l1le ~Wh!ler • Fe§t\Va~ doses its t.....iay'l'\lft' this weekend wOb ~ ........... ~ • 'les!s, catamaran races, an• evening of ballet, a ~:iail ... ads and..cr&fts show"°" Siturday liliil 'SuricloY: '.nie.falllval ii j r. bl!ld ~t,the;c;t!Y ol'Lagum. Beech ~g 'atilll a.m. I CONCERT -Tlle'Unlvenjty of Calif. Irvine Orchedr!I' J will glve,a concett th\&.~ and SUnday i~ the Science Lecture Hall .on Clll!P"'·•.Tlio 8;30 P·'l1· perf~'!'l8"C! will be 1 conducted by Peter ~-'l'llOre\11· no-adpdulOD cball•· ..... ol the bighelt-lnd lowtlhpoinls ol their ·ltvU: ' ' , • l()t, 1-_,,bllllc «iebrily. Oflinl? Or .a --in which 0ruJ.Dle 'DeWihlM fnlm. eran,.i County ~ a. rul-Hfe~ Newport BellCb ·woman who: --.. "opeed" ooly after trylJlg .Lili and llDdlq.lhe ilidn'I like lhe bad trip it pve her! . "' . ·Maybe your thins la exhlhit<. The Hap- .,. _ peqina w~ bfve U.,m ... U . .,. wt:D "ex-" "bfllll'' buailn-""1nip. ·1nmateiHrom>llle ~. c-.aiwaia. JDllM~wa rar_Mea~at,~ · and from 1Dplio ""yt< Ranchi who will • ;tell wbadr!IPl4d lo tl!"lr nvo;." • ' '\..!i"n wfll·.+• lie~ grouJf.ol Juniory -..... adlool--lift ...... from ......,... Onnce Caunty-<>ne of two local aru 'JUNKJi:• STAR TONY• LOPEZ flAS lEEN' THERE' A.Ni> BACK ) ,.. ' . ··---· ' .. t :.:· alftllated wllll, "Up Wllh People" · Win !ID tbO ...-with,....,_ . -. , ,:.· '' ....,, lll1il p'aup, the .!lli1i O!rt • "' °'i,;llioh', .lo -the muaic.al• . } ~;r::o °' '%.=\°!,Tlf"· ~re Film Sex 'Gone · Too Far?:~ % "1fiiatr1cal": ~· ti the HapperilJ!g are these: I Tl\e-..... PltliclPotion y o g a --~ wlll ~under dil9ctkm of Mlai Marley,:Ba.evenl, Cb!tfine New York. Virginia . Mayo Says ~o 1~ · ACTOR 'RA'f Roa!N90N.' By GENE RANOSKAER "' -ICb;t4 ~ dJrei:tor and more recmtly ~· • YOI• ttudenl and in-atnlclor ln tlie Soutom .Calllornla ..ea. Sbe and hit" Y""'J ~11· bave had HOLLYWOOD -A still beautiful doll an lctive proCflm Of YoP (Olna: for the who wu a glamor queen of the '408 and 'Mlt. 1ear ~t _Orange C.ounty Juvenile 'SO's -and did b~r share ol cheellecake Jlllf Miss Stevens clahru: yoga can'·be posing:-thinks things have gone too' far. Ultd to change the dlllracterUUca: of ~ Vlrgiipa M'yo says nudity ~ sex are • 1 ' ,.-r bcidY Ind, ~ actuaUY can llelp •a drilg • being preme~ted on the ·scre.en.today by a M:,.hoac.a' n' P,j ---~, I "addiet tO "tict the-hllitt" Or convince.~ ••a lot of kUota who are not really grown , ....., UL J~ non-uaer that lie ~'-'t need ;•junk" to up yet.. They're fooJing around like kids feet 1ood. , who wt1te dirty word! on a barn." E-.J. -Sat. ur(ln.. y . ' . Celebrlti•• appearing II the Happening She's no prude, "In ·a lol of my riims lf..U.3' ~ a:pecied to ~·Buddy Eblle{i1 we'd b~v~ sc~nes wMie 1 was supposed · Al\ify Devine !lnCI Jay·lloblnaon. . · lo be 'IU!ng_ a bath. But you didn't see At, Padua H;lls" The latter rec.nUy has made one-shot me naked. I'd bave lhings on." ., drlmlUc &ppearUcea on 1 e V·t r a I Mln Mayo, born V1rglnia JtSnes Jn 'Sl: ,. teleYl.slon lti"iea. lfe bu worked the Los Louis -atld,trained there ·In her aunt's A bit ol politics, 1 channing~romance Anat-1e1 "talk show'" circuit, ~aring dramatic School -had several years oC mt a full range or coJorful1 aonp, and on the tube 17 UJDN ,alnce the fiflt of touring in vaudeville aod plays before Ctatices from Mlchoacan frame~ :the yeaf. · ' producer Sam Goldw)'n · saw h'er Jn a · ploy al Padua Hui.-. r Twice oa tbe ;\r\ LinkleUer allow withill Broadway llhow and brouiht h.er lo 'l!ie wjnter pr-'lln'~ 1 ilho'Po!I )'ell' lie baa told the ll«f of bia Hollywood"bi -IM3. . ! """~~-at ""!! 00coineb9ct00 fh>m drug -•""°nl. 0 In . ti ,._,, for Go\d'!'Y" , and later folt::thnttti~tMftda~Ve 1 ,,.Jle hi ,.....11 best. known for hb Wimer Bros. she ap}>ear@ in abbut 40 . < , • ";l ' ', l\dt1tll'll of, '1\o.mad lloman empmr·in mo•ll', big budget WdterQS, miJS!clla • 1111\!11!•\illi iJOI~ --...~-1 the movie,'"'l'he ,Ro!Jlo," Jual prior· lo his and, Costume dramaf'~t sml ~ l!P di< ~1 lorap U..· -~.,...ii;·~ ahe$ ln !IA •I ,!Iii luhionabie Bel /Ur we!~ Ille ls proud to aa~, Qn.~falOO. ; pr~iila 0 ,.,fu.. ofl•lllO ~ llome on• ~ti drug use. • .. •on17 i... o< lhree ittre llln~m." Hor beMiiifUi"iliioic'Jn ""'"'°"' ,. ~· • I( toot hiut·ft-y.w, ac<ordlnc to, bis 1111!11 movie 11 a free lance wu 1 11111 ~ '1 ·fi~ ~ .. , · ! own ·ncouaUnc of.the.dary, to overcome West.em, "Firt Utlh." ' . "Those silly sex sub;.,ts fart .very· jnS.. mature. The guys doing 1them.don't kr\Qt how, to . write. Lack· of talent i~ wn.@ .makes them do lhese dirty· and, U>Q .thlnk,-s:bockinglhlnp." 1:. But doelfii't patronage . Prove ~ thlngs are what the public w.ants? , F "Ob, come on. There•j,beeR no' choice. 'Gone With the Wliid' s ,be'en J>i1Ckhij .them ln too, right? I Oon't tbinl; anybody's·going to go .see '.Bob and Alice and Joe' and Ethel,' wh lever It is, in JO years." _I 1 '= ijow about ."I Am Curious Yellow"7',- '"l'm not that curloUs to iet It" • · The th~aier"s '.'Ohl Calcutt&!''? -f' dan·t eat garbage, so wtt-Y abouldi I puC!t r.1 my mlnd~" . f , • t • ~,. ' ..... , . " " Simi ,of the ..,,,, •rid clalicfl of JllJ.-ie feellnp of embarrmment and In.recent years Mfllo'Moyil lw ',.turn-·~· date ~lto/fl-4 ·~, ~ ti. IO ~Uempt Co ftnd wort u an llflor again ff to htr .first love, the, t.hta£cr : '"that · flPridi ,moque,t, 111troc1Dced'. by' the -bla.aeli'impooed ulie from his!!'"' Certlih(Girl''..ln Las Vegu,•oii the road • ~ fa~n &1l!i -~ ,""llJn-.-.. ._,. ·" ... · wllh ·,11-In the Ptlk/''ei<.' Maj• · *-~~~~I,. ol ~}'f""'¥}t. , ~ !!Ma :olio . .,;o partlcipaie ill U.. l•ro 'tfllo·s;w her In an eig)l~week nm ol ~ ·~• .,...,~ ~ .. ~~l"il·-, 'lfllpelllng Jll! inclucje ·-,_,,..... "Undir.-tlle Yum Yum Tree" at the lnlo 1liO piay wbn, 1 pl~ .wbo',comea; (¥1ll~, from -T.., Cbaliqe, the f ~ Hoiel in Las Vegas, com·· c -•-ao ~,bered\lt from "f'• ~ P.P· wlllcl> .O!ftrl Cllrllt ~··, oleted ,-.oy, noted that· lhe blue;eyecl r ~. 1Ubatitute !Or drup. bi•'ll'.q lliapely as ever. . • Nlorm!lllCa In ~ ·ir\ ~· Ny ._ tn a cut ol ex..adlda ''""' tile show she ' returned lo her ._. "~-' Ille...,_.., addltt •must -_...,. 0'Sllu•of .tho lt814-17 le)evi•iO!I aerleo • MARINA HIGH MUSICAL -The Mllrina lligll .ScboOI ' 1 ·~1.-preHntlng life mliilCll , ... ~incl Do1J&0•1a U.O enmutum I . of..tlto-achoOI at .JMn Spiin84lile ' Ave., Hfialliidin Beach, I March ~7. Tickets are '2 eacb and may be P!n:fiued at the ' . a0or. 'nle ~rformance is oc:beduled lo~ I p.m. ~-.eli71. ~ bibic,11.J:JO p.m. \\'...._,~ 1-by 1'0ll1 i,.. II\ a play cilled, 'ltome 1b Tlloolllld Oak$, CaliL, wher,e oa"41i Sltufaa)'I, wlth~•IC'M "Tbl JINit" It ..-,.111111 .._, "" -ifith her husbald, Michael ....,. H!Os !Jbqlw, .., .., ...,..., blck lo the W111'ki /JI reality. ' "1t'1 a•Great We." ind' their daughlor ' ahlpa atei ~Ieol at lli9 «If hdlaa· • ·-• lhl falrpilui\da wlD bo ~ Mary 0.lherint, 11. · A....,e, thnO mllea ,nGHb1,of Foothill Uc)l:L ooiy. Bui free. lickell· will, ·be Al ·1 •eterin ol mole· rptnlned I . s.. o.,w. w , ......... ,. •• ,• . r . I i . ·r_ •• t • Bi•~~-8-:vntcil11 .r. not ividabk near lhe ~ gaiea jual oil "l"'eaef!4t!Ons of romalice on the llwio1i: ry but ar.a. ~ '* Drtve, -wut of.Newport Boalevlnl1n ..-. wbal doca)llo llslnt ol todl)''• el· by ( f:ll.I~ •• • r;.,' .... , I •, qw.a Meaa.. . ' . ' I pUdtnt•T ' • . T . ,, • • • ii .l • I I I - MITCH VOGEL -STARDOM AT H. Mt•• Boy Plays Key Role In ~Refver1' Travel Try Spanish Coast For Summer Sun lly .STAH DELAPLANE • · VI(iO, Sp~ -From the wlnclln& road _above · ·v110 the bay aparkl•• -In the Spanllh aun with In- slant silver pleceHf~JhL The water IJ the color ol • wuhed blue jeans. Square liUle framework mussel ,:.'""';.boats art fhr.ed on the surface. The graye:tone :.. . villa&•• are warm with. drying mahogany<0lored ~ -aardine nets. ThiJ ts the cool AUanUc coast, A place to spend a aunny sununer. li'ew AmeriCIJ'.I; ~r BriU1h i 1 tourtats (et here. They go to the publij:illd (and much too hol) southern Costa de! Sol. Or the dry, bot eastern Costa Brava. • The F roncll know thts part of the world. When you sit down· at the slcfewalk cafe for black morning coffee, chan.ces are t)le waiter ~ 1pot you for a fori!ilner and speat to you In French. * . There'• a fort on the hill and tracea of the old ... -medieval town. Beneath the painter'·• bJ!le water, ·--:: Vtco Bay I• stiff with silver bullion In Mmcan bat.a· ~Loaded with' Ailee gold and plunder from the Inca . . palacea of P,1'11. · • In 1702·an Engliah tleet intercepted a treasure ... -convoy. Took off the loot and sank lhe,S~ah 1hlp1. .~.;..The treasure was loaded into bne Btlfuh ship. On ~:·.the way out of the harbor, she bit a"'J1lCk. And lt'1 all r:' there on the bo!tom. Uede•OO'feet of mud. ..... *' . \ i:.;.. Rent a . small car in Lisbon and drive north '-• almg the Portuguese coast. (Be .sure you tell th~ "°"~.you're going Into Spain - you need border crossmg ~· . ;;:.papers.) -~ -· There are half a dozen small inns afler you +-cross into Spain . The Lisbon in Vigo is smftl.I a~d -· cosls about $5. From Vigo drive back to hiadr1d · • through Salamanca wilh the wonderful great square · and the great walled city of Avila. Good enough roads. 1'""ew cars. \Vonderful unspoiled country. * "We are 90ing to be •t the Club Med In Moore• and wonder If we could buy the tlkl1 to brln9 home for our g•rden?" You c4n J:>u y wooden tikis in ~he souvenir shops in Papeete. Now vou CAN sometunes find the old stone tikis. But eve"rY Tahitian within sight will • ·take off for the hills. A wooden tiki is a· god statue. ;~But a stone tiki Is the living i;tod. They can bring the · worst kind of luck. Spence Weaver moved one onto • the lawn a! Hotel Tah!U and practically all the help quit. Finally got the thing fixed through a local ~ehuna, a priest. (Jie wanted to chain the tiki. Now it 's .set in i=ement. l ' * A reporter for this column visited a mu1eum where somebody touched one of the stone tikis. As they walktd out, a b\g chunk of building fell almost on them. Which didn't sururise the Tahitians a bit. * I "Our ton 11 • purmet chef. He tllilnka ht would Ilk• to live in Au1trall1. Ii there ariy work · like thet for him?" I :·:._ There is. indeed. A few years ago. Auslralla i .., wu ~· wor~t •tint cDUDtry in the world. Combin-t 1, ing Austrcilian cooks' 'independence with tbe 'vorst • exported English kitchen work . . , : Bu t now they've brou.ht in 1.he l "N e '" : ~ Australian1'' -European im~lgrants. ~ustraJia ~ 1 ha s f:ood 1-estaurants. And the Aus~i~s the)nselves : ~-are demanding good food . (When I sa~. 15 y•ars ago • · canned !paghetti sandwicht! were a delic1Cy , l teJJ : you the absolute truth .) . · ~ ~•-. _c ! :: "Where wouhl you take a f1ml1.,. of t.,.n •ttr• ! J in Hawaii. for the be1t surflnp?'' .. · .. The surfers at Wallua Bay on Kauai told mt : ey lllled it there. The wild suiltng II on the wind- • -ard lide or Oahu (Honolulu). But It's !or the top . uperu. . ~ ' • * '11 would likt-te live fer 1 Y••r In one ef th111 lne....,iW• Porh.t9ue11 fllhlftt vllla .. 1 yeu m1n- tiottl4 .•• ,, You lo It like this. Go to Lillbon and cet a hot~. The TlvnlJ 11 eood-About '5 id~ sln&I•. Now fO to , the center ol town to tho bl( buildlllg wh•re lh~y have ibi Governmenl 1'ouri1t Ofllce. Buy lll•lr bolt) guide book -ebout 60 cents. Choose a coast town ·, nearby. Look in the .iwlde fer .. pensao" or ~ "e!Wag:e.m.. '' These are the places where food and , wino ~com~ wllll the room. You should find : '41't<8Jllillit,C ~'day. Maybe less. r l I • ..,._tl'"' ............... -..... --~ • about IL" Mitch pin.s. "It 1ave them 1 a.utmu vae1Uon." Mild> II h!p in !iii prabe ol Steve Mc:Quoen -wllo bt II cl!IOd -to ,ummtJ ~II .. -. '<HI'• very nl!l'. Ht _, yw a lei uaol ac· tlni; ""I lwn J111I b)l wal<blq !llm." Whtn the picttft was nearly finished, Mitch recail!, McQueen took him &1ide and told him, ''Tom,.,.., ,....,. lolll& to bt going baet to your "*1llar JJ(e, Ill bt ready for a bl& letdown." "I wun•t 11 depreeaed a.!I l might have been, becat11t I WIS expectin1 it." MITCH w ASN'T nearly as net.YOUS trying out for ·"The Rtlver111 as be was , ~;~ for Ille flnt dmi, ICOOrdJnC lo hi• -, Nr1. -· Qroenlcal. ''Tiie d~ ..... let --.,,,..; bt ,_ unlll bt bacl a ....,..,.. pt r. -Inc at a~ cf lhl -· Oolld, lll'd 1llrdlJ -.... -• cllJ In Illa life, but lie cerlalDly WU Ille! night." Durin& the filmlq, Mildl ~" lllUe of hla frlendl al Kalw School, where he'll -.-11 -th• ellbth '""'· Illa oducallan ... --.. !lie Ill, whore he II IJllllted by law to fo(ir. b0ur1 of Wirt, three houn ol school Ind &JI bOur ol remalloo dally. 1be. "lttdown" th.It McQueen warned of barely bac1 1 chance to _IU• hOld <1·4. . . ' Mitch wll ID tronl ol the .. • ,. cameraa 11a1n, tbls lime for television. ' Ill 1ppeared In lut Tuesday'! world ...,. Jftmlere movie ''QuaranUned" and playi ~!". a deaf ~ In an upcoming "Here Comu ... "" -t &.ht Bridel" 9'11Mnt. l Hit n<xl blf l>reu c:Ollld very well be l TY 11rin. Thr'll months ago he finilhed _. a pilot· ftbn ftltltled .. Two Boy1" about 1 pair ol younptc-a ....,mg up in lhe Mid• die West. U It selll, bt ml!y leave Costa Mtsa. Mlere he's lived molt of his life, and movt to ~ 10 be llNRrrhil -k. • WW be make acllnc his Ufe'1 w«kt tr Sure Will," be grlnl, 1ddJng, '1somtbody once wrote a story about me saylna I'd ratbtr act than e1L I thought abOut that for a while and, you know, I really wtittld.~' Live uc1 · Orchestra Performs Theater -. .,,~ .. ,, FEii. fl · MABCIC { , FIB. II ,, "TM llellh olld LAGUNA WINTER FESTIVAL -'ll>I ~-F~llt.hl ur. .r t.ry -.. a" Lquna Buch .iJ aolni Into Ill 1Jna1 .--""'· """""' ~iml Of a told.ie:r'a return throu&b Mardi I, In vartoua partl ti. the ,clty. 1'be '~val. from war, on ttage at Rancho will have more than 35 events wbleb WW thdude a pu'lillt, Cammunlty Theater, La Pai art abow1, crafta 1howa. dart and ¥*1;bd tournaments, SChool, 25151 Pradf:ra Drive, a eourmet dinner, billet, a flea marat. J'G!dtot dJDck WNOft Mbalon Viejo, Fri. and 'Sat, barbecue, lllent moriel, a aurllna -. •eitamann r- throulh March 7 at '''° p.m. ancl hill> school and elemenlarY ·.,-aria ud cralta CJ!ILDlllCN'I ENTZllTAINllllM -'Ola Unlyerally Part ~ lldloof PTA II ~ rnoolbty entertlin- meol to ~ to prwchoi>I and tlemenlarY chlfdnn. Feb.' 11, µCi 8jmpbony In Qrawf<>r<I Hall on'UCf r at-2' p.D>. Tlclllta art II ·for the aar!H. No Individual • . ance liqet.i .nu be aold. Pbooe 1113-1117 or -".~cketa. JtaervaUoM -837-1753. 1bows and demonstrations. Mucb cl tbt activity 11 lree but "A Dlllcate Blluet" I.here la ~min.11 charge for aomt of the acUvJUea. For mote lafOl'maUao pbcne Jtf.1018. A drama by Edward A\bff na. fl . MARCii i "' state at lhe Costa Meu JUNIOR TEEN DANCJ: -The Junior 1'ean Clllb of WU!· ctvtc: Playhou.ae, west 11te ot minster wUl have two dances eacb IDCll&b -on tbe tecOnd Oraqe County Folr,.....,.is. one! fourth Frldaya -from 7,311 to t :a P,m. The IOCOllCI Cc.ta Mesa, Fri. -Sat. at 1:30 Friday cl the month all Wtstmlmter nb IDd Ith ll"D .., · -•ttmlin& Wmmlllller llChoola -ol Buch 11JY<I. p.m. throu.,. March 7. ft,.... may attml, and °" lhe fourth FrlClq nlPI ~ 7th ud llb • • FEii. ii ' IC '· 'l'ENNll MA1alllll -The city ol Newport -Paru, · Beaohel and RacreaUon Deparlmenl II 1poDIOl'lna 1 trip lo -Ille -I Dll!IU ·ol tennb, Rod Laver, P..,clio._Goilu- le1, Roy Emwaoa and Arlllur Albe, in m•ldlea wrucli 41'< to bi pliyld In lhe Forum '!!> Joclewoocl. Tlcketa, 13.IO in· cludt bul trazwportaUoa to and from the matches and ad-mluian to tbe event. Bula will leave al 5:30 p.m. from the Community Yooth Centor, C«ona de! Mu, Mariners Park and the PBldl olflce in Nawport Bach. F or further inf or· maUon pbone Tod -· Recreation Coordinator, f/HllO. tD.11-MABCll 1 -:1. • •· RALPH STORY On TV S1t11rday A 'Story' Of Nudity Saturday Rolph Slory II do In 1 aomethillc about 111dlllft -.. and Southern California vlewr:ra of Channel 11 ha.v• two chances to aee h1m. do tt! 'The noted weet ooaat televi1lon commentator and ElnniY Award winner not only .talks about what'• really com· hlg olf in the world today, but ae~ much help in the way of man-on-tbHtrttt re1ctions, comment.a of involved abow bualoess personallUes and even a couple ol rum clips - and Jt all comes to We at f p.m. Feb. 21. vatlom -134-UOl. gldt lbJdentl au.ttn1 Westmlmter ICbaola wt11t of. -n. GI.a M.u,.rte" Buch Blvd. mq atlaed. All achoola have Ibo new llcbldule. A pereonlal ravortta on On Feb. 27 lhl "Poll~" wlll 1'113' r. d-'i&t. 1t11e at South Co a 1 t Jl'D. 11 .~ ftepertary, IU7 Ne w p or t -AFl'EllNOON CO~ -Fine Atta Bid(., !loom 171, Blvd., Ooeta Mesa, Thurs-Unlv. of Callf. Irvine. P'rte concerll each tri. af 1 p.m. Swi., 1:11 p.m. throulh Mar. Feb. 27, Mudq"' Du Moyen Ase, pnoantad 117 Mualclena I. RelervaUons -646-1'83. due Collectum Muaicum de la BJbUolblflut Jottsfl; Mll'Ch ''TM 1a-·bk Yean" •; Conaervltmr• de la Voll, performed b7 students al m111- ic dfpt. IJNIVDllTY ORCllDTRA -The Unlvenlly of Calli . frvlno Ordieltra, dlncted by Peter Odeprd tllll perform in ·u.. -Leclutj Hal~ on UClc am!U al 1,111 p.m., Sat., Feb. II and Sun., Marcll'I; No chirp.for, adnll-. MAllCll s ' " Jl'l\ED WAIUNG CONCBllT-~ Warlo( andlhe,Penillyl- vllllau. wlll' perform In lhe tone Beacl> Munlclpal. Alldi· tor!um, Mardi S, at 1:111 p.m. Tlcketa, 11.IO • IUI avall- able a1 the ,biz o!Qce, l'IO E. Seul~e. Loni Stach. PhOnt (Ill)-.. ' MABCB 4 • 7 MAIUNA-HIGR MUllCAL -Marina Hlgb School, 11111 Sprlncdale, llunUqton lle&ch, Is pre,.nllnc the muo!.col '.',Gu)"I ud Dolls" March 4 • 7 in the Gymnu!um on cam· pus. Tlcketa are 11 each for 11Je I p.m. production. Phone EnllUod "The N u d I t y Thinl", first hour· loll.I Na· tionalGeneraJ Te I e vi st on !peclal will be repeated tn its entirety at 7 p.m. March I. The wraps alto come oft during the color eiplcration ror a nudt group therapy ltl!lon ((l'OUR romp tn the raw), a '1PJ1yboy" playmate · beinr pbotoaraphed, a nude protelf. and other lllOtted glimpses of American life in the raw. lllA .. 1.enwaUoa aap comedy . PEB. 17 • 11 " ""' on ttlle at the · Hun-PADUA TllEA.TER -Tbt winter production, "In Mu!i- Untton Blacb Theater, 2110 cal Mt~an/• cloeu Ull5 Siturday, Jeb. 2& at the Miln. St., Huntington Beach, at' Padua 'nltater, at the end Of PMl.1&1 Avt., tbret mila north 1,so p.m. lhroolh , Feb. II. of Foolblll B Iv d. in Clanmont. S '.i In a fllhlq Tll1ap Fri. and Sit, ReservaUon -on Lake Pabtuaro tbt play'• mulk da1el blCt to tbt per.. 531-18111. iod of Spanlah conqUell Perlonnancea II 1,30 p.m. Wed. "A S.U. II a Fron -Upalde Deft" A rmuical revue blRd ·en Jules P'elffer_ material will be GO 11\.qe II l 'SO p.m., Fri.· Sal.; 1:11 Sun., lhr1iUlll Mar. I ii the Open End '111ealor. 2111 'Villa Woy, . Newport Sucb. a.rvauons -I~ 11211. 11Utdl Mll'1 Suldlae" thmilb Sil, with mal!Dles •I 2,30 p.m. Wed. and Sat. Shopa ud clininl room are open aJao. lltoernuone for dinner and theater, pbooe (714) a&-1111. FEii. II TON CLUll DANCI: -'Ille Weatmlnlllr Racnallan and Para llil>orllnent will hold a T-Cluh -In Ibo _._ nnmlly Centor, llOO Weatmlndlr A,.., (!tr W-lmtr ta 1 n I) each Sal. from I p.m. to mldnlgbl. AdmiNIM~I!. fw mmnben, ,1.M for nOD-memblra. Tbt '1Dlr Zlppe)Ui" lfOUP will play far .danc:lq Feb. II. -.an. ... , ' . MARCH 7 ' OC PlllLllABMONIC CONCERT -The Oraqe County Pbilharmc:mc Society will pment the Loa: Ancelet Philhar· moNc orcbettra, Zubin Mehl.a conductini. In 0-awtord Hall, Univ. of. Callf. lrilne campwi, Sat., March 7, at 8:30 p.m. Tickets $4, at the Society olfice, 201 W. Coast Highway, New. port Beach, or at lbe door. Phone 6-f&.6411. MARCH I 0CC SYMPHONY CONCERT -The Orange Coast College Cominunity Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of Jo- teph Perlman, will be heard in concert in the Campus audJ. t.orlum, 2781 Fairview Road. Co!ta Mesa , March 8 at 4 p.m. Solollt will bt g\lilarist Ernest Bitetti. Ticke~ $1 al the door. hatured nama: included 111. "The Nudity Thing" are pro- ductr-dlrector 0 l to ~m lnpr, cllteclor Mervin LeRoy, Kirk Dou1las, Fay Dunaway, Shirley Jone 1, Anjanettt <:ome:r, Alex Cord. Pe10 Lip- ton and Elliott Gould, plus Hilliard Elkins, produce of the stage play. "Oh Calcutta, .. and Barbara McNair. slat or "The Barbara McNalr Show.'' As Story say1, the real i1aue remains unresolved -and c•n only be decided Up()n by thoiie wbo purchue Ucketa for 'in the raw" movie or •lac• pm. ductiona. A mualcal 11Ure on old Ume operetta on itlge, 1:30 p.m . at the LllWS• Moulton Play- hoolt, 1111 Laguna C1111J1"' Road, Lquu !eacti, Marci> 1 through March 23. ft'""• UOm -4N-a!O. . \'isit&po'70. TL-Hotel ·SSAA ... ·' ,. , , •. _._ 18he . OWft hotel Irle . IYIQ_nposa'IS gotng ~ wit1'~~. Los Angele$ to · "SplH IUver Alltltotoo'' Edfar Let MUJen' colleo- tlon 0( monologues .on It.I.It at the Actors' P!aybo1, Gold- en We.st College, 15744. Golden West St., HUhllngton Buch, March 12 • 14 at a p.m, Reset· v1Uom: -lft..771 1. •• un AIMl'kM ,.........., Your cho~ot eight MNlngton this M1ll0r'l'1 Hotel SS Maripotll ... I.IHI wlll M" 9""t tMIY •oh~ 1*"41J ctui .. ftC.ltiOft, for AIUkl from LOI AngelM June 14 ' . ~ t,..._ WllM ,1,.... e&trtlftt June 14. and 27; Ju1y 11 and 24; Augutt 6 • .,. '"" 111 ~ .,..,. •nd 19; and September 1. M1'90tl'1 .. ..., II"" Md.__ Ill''"""' CMek Into M1t10n'1 art.a1JOlng Hotel Hot1I SS Montlrst llllt from Loi ..... bit. Mt""'· ICMtMI... SS Meripou. right In Loa Angeles. And Angelel for Aluka June 21. 1---:-~.., .. -,,.-.,. .,.. .. , ,....... ., '"' from there, begin a great 1dventur1. lfa the perfect "two-week" ........ ., .... "'!I (• fir ....... .,.. "" ..,....,., Your k.ucurk>ua hotel crulMI to Make your rnarvlUon now. "One Act Play1" Two one act play1 by John Guare will bt presented as a tpeclal workshop production ot University of Cllif. Irvlne Repertory Theater, tonight only, jn the Studio Tbtater on campus. "Something I'll Tell V o u Tuesday'' a n d "The Lov11ie1t Afternoon· of the Veer" will be on staae 1t 1:30 p.m. v.,... ,.,. ., 11,... lfltlMtl ._,. Vlc;:torl1,June1u,Sk1gway,Qlacl1r8ay, Farw from t730. ,_.. ... ....,._..,..,, Stike. Vancouver and San Fr1nclaco. :Jown & Counby iiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiliiiii 1 lllJ ..... ll•tl., "•· t tt.11 .......... ·Tr•w1I HERE YOU CAN REMEMBER EVERYBODY! If •Orn••n• i1 ill, wt'lt dtllYtr • 9er9eou1 fre1h fruit b1sk•t. er ; potted plent •r • beuquet of frt1h flowtr1I to help cheer 'trn u,., Yeur 1ecret1ry loTtl flewera on htr ••••I Wt'll d11i ... tr fr••I T1ke yaur wife hoM• • i.e•utiful fN1h flow•r bouquet I she'll 9iv • it t.1ck !'000 11141 ). Jw1t cell u1 for our verietie1 , you'll love tht low reali1tic pric:e1l Nen1 ef that iro. j111 hert! You cen house char91, tr u1e your M1if1r Chit9• or link· 1mericarid . Cell now! Ffo~ars by Debra 676.6291. • . AND LOOK AT THISI "IXTRA ADDID" SAYINeSI •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Wl'fl tOll OYll A a PiRIT OP THI .IUICT OHR a llllf 01 THI NIW CIOP. MILLION NIIMI I 1 ii I ., •• , Siii II-VALENCIA : -illlTICHOKIS • I ICEllRG • ORANGES • • IOOt 1111 : Ll1TUCE : 15 us. I OD • ·, I Qe : .. • I IOC-. • ' ' . LIMrT PIYI • LIMIT 11 LIS. • LIMJT llX • I WlfH ntll COtf .. N • WfTM THJI COllPON • ~JfM ~t(IS ,COUPON • 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• C:OUl'ONS IXPIRI MAICN 4 1 , Th••• re1taur•nt1 ctemtnd tht fint1t ftr their cuttom.,s. That's W~y +hey fe1tvr• NIWPOAT PllODUCL '•ITooiu tho"'I eUY llAWlllS; -•lo Yelloy; 11N llOWll'S. La, ... l•ach C.Umry c1.~: srun IHllT, H••l"rl leech; .... -SHltU "ON Hl'IAT" ••' "IN THI SllT;' Nowl'O'i IHeh; YICTOI" NUeO INN, L11une leach: •n• evtr 200 ot+.1n. Mow •••vt yeu c1llh11 us7 "0.RANGE COUNTY'S 1ASTEl>T GJIOWING PJIODUCI OllGANIZATION" # :Nf!!Iw!~~~CE 1616 NIWl*f ........ 11 Th .......... T1*1 beck to Los Angela The ~c• i1 lelaurely, tht fyn continuous. Everywhere the 1cenery ii •pectacuiar. You'll ttnjoy cruising through 1hl f1mous lnslde PaMage, •urrounded by stately beauty. A!ld you'll never forget the sheer grandeur of Gtecier Bay, its icy, pure water1 pierced by JMgnlflcent gltcien. Matson ... ---ir.- 1 h;ii I I '. f. , I 11 h . ., .. ·'. I' '°""" MM "'°"" lmO<ll'llt~ .tlOlll l"tW' I Alt•• cn.iltt • I I N.-.NE I AopMSS I Clll I I lP'AvtL A.GENT Sl ... Tf ... I ''3$ Y ta.r1 of l'roducc Know How" ""Whtrt QMcslfer It The Ori.tr of the Houa" · L--------------------1 ..,... 11.....,... lftd -'S Monwr.y ai. 1"t9illtrtd lift 1ha u.t. ~ , It > '• ~ + I Ito ' ' I ~ ' 1 ~- I I I . ; . .. . '· ·OR A·N GE COUNTY'S ' . ~ur . Nai:n,~: Please . ' . . · As treiiueolly noted al lbe end of this column. QUt 'n' abouter soUcits comments, criticism and pta!sa about Orange County restaurants and night· clubs. But that doesn 't mean we're receptive to anonymous com munications. ~ \Ve do indeed like to heA r from our readers and learn their views. At the same time, though, we like to know WHO they are. Rec~i.pt of a number of unsigned epistl~s in re- cent weeks prompts us to re·state t.he policy that guides our handling of letters. Including other types as well as the namel ess vari~ty. WHAT IS THE MOTIVE? First off, it is only those missives from unkn~wn sources that are ignored altogether. If the wnter withholds his or her identity we feel the person may have motives that aren 't stricily honorable. All letters and cards bearing the author's nam e and address receive personal attention in one way or another. Exercising our best judgment regarding lhe conteDt. each is classified for a hopefully ap- propriate disposition. This may take the form of being printed or ex- cerpted in lbe column. Or aclowwledgmeut by a return letter or telephone call. Please include thr phone number. OFTEN PASSED ALONG • Not infrequentl y we photocopy your correspon· dence and pass the duplicate on to the owner or manager of-the-restaurant involved. Th.ls is espee· ially true in cases Where a long list of grievances make it difficult to determine if so much protest is legitimate. c '(1 '74 We are not in any position, of course, to insist that the restaurateu~ follow throu~~-What he does or does not do has to be his decision. If he wants your continued patronage he should O'~Po(p~ RESTAURAN'I' FAMILY DINING COMPLETE DINNER UNDER $3 EnlrH e Soup • Salad • ColfH • Douert Breakfast & Lunch Served At All Times Open b a.m. to I 0 p.m. Daily ' 3355 VIA UDO (At the Entr1nce to Lido Isle) Newport Beach 673·1803 pN•tllr e1t11H..c.I fN f9tlnl ............ 9f rt. ........... MIKE JORDAN DUO + BANQUET FACILITIES FOR 450 + SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER DAILY MEADOWLARK country c:l11b GoOMElt SIMS, CECIL HOLLINGSWORTH, Co.Qwn•n 16712 GltAHAM STI~ HUNTINtHON llAC:H For RHtrvatlona C1ll 146-1116 or 146-1416 OPEN ING FRIDAY, MARCH • -. THE CELLAR A Restauran t of Enchantme nt . • 1 Uni que dinin9 hi9hlight1d by deliciously m1rln1t•d Shrimp en Brochett• . , • Cote d, boeuf -c•rved to your di· 1ire -with other 9ourm•t tou ch es to delight the p1 l1t1. I MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION OF WINES I ltESEllVATIONS ONLY 1107 Jamborat Road Newport -h ReMrv1tlon1 Only Tel. 644-1700 (I l_ -------· -------------. -----·----~~·---- • Fltdal,. ,-,,,_ 27, lf70 DAILY PILOT • . . . . . . . . 'N~ .,. . NoaB ITUYY . . ' RESTAURANT, NIGHT CLUB AND ENtERTAINMENT SCENE make eve ry efforl to review. the coDdlUOlll you Iound unfavorable. Atld come to terms for cotrec· Uon If they can be substantiated. Keep the cards and letters CO!l)ing in. Every- body concerned with providing out. 'n' abO<lt pleas· urea learns a lot in the process. But sign in, please, 'and Include yow-phone numbf!r. Spaghetti Bender A few weeks ego one of our readen, Edward C. KUetn of Newport B<acb, wrote a ra!Jle,r inlrip- ing letter. To recommend a dining "di1COwry'1 be and his wife bad made aloog the South Coast. · · Since it was evidtnt that the Kliems hive l'Joe·, ged considerable time oo the out 'n' iboul tJ:ail. we were conipelled to survey the source of their p1 .... ure . .A5 a result we 're singing it praisu too. LOOK SHARPLY The Spaghetti Benaer in Newport Shores ts tbe · kind of place you rarely come across on your own. Some-what lost to. view even with its Coast Highway locale, you could have driven ·oy a dozen times and failed to take notice. Thankful to our informant, we leel one &ood deed deserves another and hereby pass the know- ledge on to others. So all lovers of Italian food can share the good word . Don't bother dropping by if fBill:y trappings and elegant decor are necessary accessories for dinner. They're just not part of lbe Spaghetti Bender scene. If. on the other hand, you go "along with plain and simple surroundings when the food makes up ror wh at's lacking in atmosphere, Uijs little 'spot will win quick approval. With the initial visit {OJ· lowed shortly by another. Not that the place is barren altogether. Becawe llAUTIPUL llSTAUlANT MOUNTAIN/SIA ATMOIPHlll D•11Ci"' Nightly Tu,M11y thrt1 SuM11., THE NATURALS-10th Month S,.W S...,. a.sit -1f:JI a Ji.Jf lllOt COAST HIGHWAY RISUVATIONS .. SoYt11 L•.-• 4n-UAJ 0.1~ .. OPENS THE CHELSEA BAR A Bit of Victoriana Comes To Orange County UNIQUE. CHARM ING. INTIMATE • 1107 JamborH Road Tel. 644-1700 · JOHN CWK . 1111 . MONDAY THRU SATURDAY . ARLENE SKIW and tho .DICK "POWELL TRIO 'SUNDAY ' a few travel postersi' prints, ind wine bolUes odd on opparent touch o color. SMALL, llUT •• , Knowing that the Speghetti· Bender is small and unpretentious , you had 1Wl better be prepared tor the reality of precisely hoW tjny. So the Lilliputian size won't come as a complete surprise. • There ts a tots! of exactly nine tables.· And while we didn't take a chair count, the,aeating ca- pacity is probably somewhere between 40 and 44. \Vhich also means you (Jligbt reasonably ex- pect a bit of a wait if there's mud\ of a crowd on hand. l On the night of our vi sit il was interesting to note that the customers formed a pretty mixed bag. Business suits and ties were interspersed freely with yoong daters, family gj"Oups and hippies. And all seemed to relish the food with equal gusto. Whether it's coincidence or not, we couldn't say. But nine entrees on the menu match the num- ber of tables for aeating patrons. • DINNERS REASONAllL Y l'lllCED Complete diMer prices range from $1.95 lo '3.25 while a 40 to 80 cents differential vartea a la carte costs from ,1.55 to $2.45. All extraordinarily reas- onable sums. we felt, for both Ibo qWjlily and quan- tity of the offerings. Quoting complete dinner prices, leading off· the bill if fare is spaghetti with meat sauce, •t.95. Fol- lowed by spaghetti with meatballs and apaghetti with marinara, $2.45 each. Others are ravioli, $2.50; half and ha1! ravioli and spaghetti, $2.50: veal scaloppini, $3.75; v ea I parmigiana, f,1.65; chicken cacciatori, '3.25 i lasag-na , $3.25. Dinner orders lnclilde soup· and salad, garlic bread, dessert and beverage (coffee , tea or sanka). A LA CARTE Individual a la-carte items include the uAnti- pasto Lorenz," $1.50; minestrome or ctficktn with COST A MESA GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB Now .Appoorlng VIC GARCIA LTD. v ... 11 By GERMAINE THUllS • Fiii • SAT. -9 ,.m. to 1:30 a.m. 1701 Golf Club Drive COSTA MESA 540-7200 ' • 11-rvat';., ~4 Di ewers . LUHCHION • CllHHlll I UITAUU.Nf AND e IUHOAY lllUHCH COCKTAIL LOUN•I e U1'1 IUP'l'l.ll OIHIN• OCE,\NFRONT DINING, ATOP TOWERS WING Of SURF And SAND HOTEL ... MVTM CO.t.l'r NteNWAT NBW AND EXCITING INi OR.tNGE COIJNTY 1 DELANEY'S SEA SHANTY OYSTER BAR TN A•"' p., LUNCH • DINNER • SUN04Y IRUNCH WHtMr ......... luHll ' '"""'"' tlte """ 0,....,. •ca-· Mwti-. • """-• ....... • CNw• '30 LIOO PARK DRIVI NIWl'OllT BEACH · 675-0100 MR.MIKES HOUSE OF PRIMI Ria PRIME Ria ...... . $2.91.::.!'1 ::."! Nltfltlr T......, nn Suaj I DfftMf' ,,_. I t. 11 p.M.-CI..-Meftay 209 . Palm, Balboa . ftP.Senat._. 675-5774 (tt 11111 ..... lllrry L ....... ) rBE OCEAN Ar YOIJ.R TABLE! SEA£¥00• STEAKS AND GOURMET ENTIEES Now.Appoarlnt THI UMIAnottAL WE THREE . TRIO Nltht!Y Tuot4ay thrv Sunday DANCING 117 --..... . HtA""41w .. . l11tn1tlw: ,....,.,, • I pastina soup, SO ceiita, per bowl; Lorenzo's special salad, 95 cents; aplim<ml or sherbet. % cents : bev- era,aes. 25 cents;. e~so. demituse, 50 cents:. ~· l'or our lint sampllnc of the Spaehelll Bend· er' 1 wares we ordered spmigbettt and ravioU dishes on the complete dinner .. In 1ddiUon to tbe delight or realD!ng that botlr peatss were freshly . cooked lo 01'4er, we conclu'ded th .. t the delicious sauce ob vi· ously conlalned some unuaual ingredients lo ac- count for the truly dillincUve Ind orielnal navor. FLAVOR l'ULL . The soup was ·a Vf!r/' aavory mlnestrome, aid· ing toward the thin as we prefer. A tasfy salad con- 1iated of criip lettuce, tomato, avocado, g1rbanm beans and capers topped by an excellent cheese dres · · with an oil baie. · • • '8:f·garlic ~reaid·~ad only 1 lilhl touch of tho hem ind wa1 served warm and fresh. DeHert of- fered •I choice of spilmOnl' or sber!Jet. ~ ' . ' . WINE LIST i . A small but apj>ropriate wine list Is 1Vlillbljl for imbibers. Almaden mountain red llurJlllld'; Louts M1rtini, Yin n>se 'and Almaden cbeblis ar; $1.SO Ind f2.50 by the half ·ond full Hier respectivelx; BJ:Olio chianti, Riscuoli bardolino and Ricuoil bianco can be ordered by the pint, quart, tenth or fiflh, and vin rose, Burgund~, cbablis , dubonnet red and chianti for SO cents 1 Uf. There's also Olym- pio, Car11burc, Beck'• Coon beer. · MEET OWHER·CHEI' 'l'ASINI Time only..permitted a brief converaalion with lhe proprietor and master chef, LorlJllO Paslnl. Busy u he was in the kitchen, he sWI monaged-to discloS. a few •background facts that atlrred oor in· terest in learninc more whenever. posaJbJe. Bom in Italy, Lorenzo has seen 1 good deal of Contlnuocl on Pogo 21 ARCADIA 1P.BBY -AIRPORT,,. ,.. .... W • CMdi• • 1.-c:.hloo ·s.rv1119 l.at9 DlnMn IHTllTAINMINT • 7 Nietm " WDK DANCING * HAI' HALL DUO .................. ............ .. ON .. Tla. * Larry lolao' Stnpr GultaNt lt11r.Mele ThHhr S:J::. C..ta Mila 141 I.,,,.~-.. "" .. ...,... llN. "'..,., .......... ....,..... ...... ' ............... - ~ancois' CONTINENTAL CUISIN& FLAMING DUCK Opan 11 :00 A.M. -Closed Monday HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 11111 IEACH ILVD. 14Z·lflt Clnlte c:-,•1 Maw lot!--~ FRENCH RESTA~ · <Formerly Gqardi'•) DlnMr 1:30 -10:00 p.m. Tuooday thru Sunday Clooad Montl.oy .... bnlolllSI food aat ......... talal homo. STAG CHllSE·WIO 111 21.i pl." -port lloaclt Olllete MS60 Opei' Tw ........ l&;IJ -M. _. S-. 'II J..., NOW Ol'IN Temple Gardena'' :S..ullful New RICKSHA COCKTAIL LOUNM . PIANO· W INTlllTAINMINT FlllDAV AM SATURDAY r~p1e 6tlrtl-. c .......... l!•Nlli ••-1••-l'---1m -1~ ~ ON1t IAILl 11111 A.M. TO I A ••• I I I I ' ~T i'ILOT f~d<1, Ftllrll&-) ~7,, 1'}0 LAGUNA MOULTON P·LAYHOUSE 11cliets 494 014a 606 LAGUNA CANYON RD. e LAGUNA l!A MAlT SULLIVAN DON MIWl ;. the hil1rious l'(IUSic.•I co.m,e~y , hjt ' MAIL & PHONI OlDllS FllLID PIOMri\.T- 0,..1 .. Nltlrit Mllfdl Jr4. All Seob M.lt T........,, W17dr114ey, Tllrl'IMy: AH S.... SJ.~O Mdcrp aM Sehl'doyt: AU ~ $4.SO ~ . Now Appearing WEEJ[ENBEB • Cof\tlnulHI from· Pagt 25 ' the world and pursued a tile-ti.me fascination with cooking and good food. Besides periods of residence in Europe andi Africa, ~e .has be~n ha.ck 81Jd forth to the ·u.s. several times and.'only rkently return- ed to this area that he now considers bis permanent home. ' . ~-' The Spaghetti Benderis located al 6204 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Look sha'l'lY or you'll miss it next to the Travelodge Motel. Dinner 1s serv- ed daily from 5 p.m. and from 3 p.m. on Sunday. Closed !vfondays. • ~tµft Shlrt A decade as time goes, is little more than a fleeting mom~nt of history. Yet .ten years represents a sizable ~rtiOn of .anyone's life span.: · . Or so we mused during the course of diM~r at Newport Beach's ,Stuft Shirt one ~ight last week. Upon learning that the re·staurant will soon be ob- serving its tenth anniversary. The knowl~ge gave us an awareness o! being a bit older than we had considered. What with re- membrance of a turning-point birthday we celebrat- ed at the place not lQng after it opened. While ten years have only aged us they've brought the Stuft Shirt status as a venerable insti- tution. Which, looking at it from the restaurant's J>oint of view, is a relatively short period of time to achieve such distinction. ' As the evening wore on we pushed aside per· sonal cares about the passage of ,years .and concen- trated on the' advantages the establishmeqt has ac- quired by going through the weathering.process in better form . VENETIAN PALACE Ai i'l was when the public first gained admit- tance in 1960, the Stuft Shirt :remains one of the most strikingl.f beautiful restaurants on the South~ Coast. Design.et! by ~rchitects. Thornton Ladd and ., John Kelsey, it was conceived to crea'tc the illus- ion of a floating Venetian palace. With Immense, arched picture windows over- l!lOking Newport Bay, ev.ery 1able and booth bas a harbor view of numerous yachts Sailing by or rid- in g at ancb,or. A dark red dominate& the color scheme and imp=~~uf relaxibg elegance. '•) DINING AND DANCING 'fhe dining room's refined atmosphere carries I PRlllCE oi . WIWes • PHIL DE SANTO & HIS ,TRIO ·!EM~ Featuring Songstress M.r1ha Hill • I ~ ••1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~/l • MURRAY'S COMING ! ..... 11 Ir ~ 21112 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY-HUNTINGTON BEACH-536-1421 • • • • ~··················~·············~ PIZZA HOME· DELIVERIES HAVE CHANGED A LOT SINCE THE ' OLD DAYS t • • • ftMEU ltE&TAUUNr Contlnent1I Cultlne Cockt1il1 Sm>ing Luncht'OK cm4 Dinner llondav U.rough S.11<rdap. Closed Sundays We ire loc1ttd ntxt, to the Mty Co. In So11th Co11t Plt11. JJJll.lrw.I e.... ..... 14t.Jl40 l, .ou w ' Visit Fr011i .Jonathan • Temple Gardens Restaurant manager, Joe Miu, had a most honored guest, Jonathan Winters , at the openins_ of the Costa Mesa l'estautantJs new Ricksba Cocktail Loun~e and piano bar. The lounge is now in full ,operation with entertainment ~ full tilt. Harbor Blvd. and Adams. over into · lhe bar and lounge.· where hot and col d hors d'oeuvres accomp~ny the evening cocktail hour. The lounge also fe~tur..es nightly dancing to the music of the Tony Lobo Group. This grace'ful Newport pavilion on stilts is own- 'cd by Norman Goss whose guiding hand also oper- ates the Stuft Shirt in Pasadena. Local manage ment is provided by knowledgeable H. \Varren Roberts whose social aplo1nb, we've discerned, is very much in keeping with the stylish decor. h1anager-vice president Roberts. a native Cali- fornian, attended the University of California at Santa Barbara ahd Teceived a degree in business administration. After serving with the Air Force, with his only restaurant experience in KP, he join- ed the Stuft Shirt restaurants 24 years ago. . . WORKED HIS WAY UP From a. b.us boy star;t, he wor}ced his way up through ,the ranks as bartender, waiter, captain and maitre d'. He· assumed his present post when the Newport Beach location opened. Roberts says the Stu.ft Shirt has received n1any accolades during it.s existence, but one stands out for jts prominenc;e. That was Time Magazine's ar· ticle statin$ it wa~. the' :·ot}IY SOuthern California restaurant worth a ~rip across the country." Indian condiments, accompanied by broccoli with hollandaise sauce is a $4.75 item. As are breast of chicken a la Ki!v and bouillabaisse Mar1elllaise. Dinners at $5.25 include crab meat morna)' au gratin (Alaska king crab in white wine sau.ce serv• ed in coquille, wilh potato puffs an4 zuccbinl Flor- entine), and veal cordon bleu (thin. slices of ve.al, smoked ham and Swiss cheese dipped in crisp crumbs and sauteed, r.tato pufis and creamed spin- ach with mushrooms . , • BROILER SELECTIONS Broiler selections, served with soup du jour or tossed gre~ sa'Iad, v~etable du jour and choice of rice pUafl or stµffed baked potato, Include top sirloin steak; $7; ~ew York "cut, $7,.75; st~ak and lobster, $8.75; Australial} lobster tails, $8.75; cha· teaubriand (for two). $17.50. . Plun~ng heavily last week, w~ started .our din· ner with one of the most expensive appetizers. lt was the justifiably acclaimed cracls:ed Dungeness crab, served on a bed of cracked ice with the Stuft Shirt's special remoulade sauce (for two), $5. ROAST DUCKLING The entrees, superb on all count~, were roast duckling l'orange (one half of a crisply roasted duckling glazed with orange liqueur and crowned with selections of fresh oranges, with wild rice and French fried zucchini , $6.50; teriyaki tenderloin en brochette (pieces of filet mignon marinated in Or-- iental sauces and presented flaming at th~ table, with almond rice and fresh garden broccoli, $6, 75. Availing ourselves of an opportunity to scan the restaurant's-fairly new luncheon,menu, we not- ed an intriguing selection of en1rees starting at $2.25. All served with soup or salad, vegetable du jour and choice of rice or potatoes. .LUNCHEON f'ARE Possibilities included Hungarian cabbage rolls, $2.25 ; filet of safe meuniere, $2.50; medallions of ground tenderloin, $2.75; French pancakes, An- toinette' (with fresh crab meat, asparagus tips and sauce mornay), $3.25. And what appears to be a certain winner in the salad department. Chilled Ha\vaiian papaya stuff- ed with fresh grapes and curried chicken salad, $2.50. It likewise should be mentioned that the res· taurant offers a rather exciting and extensive wine list. To accompany our recent dinner we chose the excellent Beaujolais, Chateau de Javernard, $6 the bottle, Special cockt.ails here include four award-win· ning originals. Commendable among these is the "Balboa Breeze", a tall cooler of smoothly blended Triple Sec. bourbon, passion fruit nectar: lemon juice and Strega. The Stuft Shirt is located al 2241 West Coast ~Ilghway, Newport Beach. Open every day except ?\'fOnday for lunch and dinner, there's also a special Sunday brunch for the whole family. Connoisseur's Workshop ~Vord re~hed us the othe_r day of an interesting, albeit expensive, food and wme program being pre. sented by Gene Benton and Sam Stone at the Tow- er, 1150 S. Olive St., Los Angeles. Billed as a Connoisseur's \Vorkshop, it prom- ises a series of seminar-dinners to make food an d wine experiences come alive for epicures, gourmets and novices alike. By actuaJ demonstrations point- ting up such things as the difference between a hol- landaise, a mousselline and a maltaise sauce. A CHANCE TO LEARN There's also the guarantee that various hors d'oeuvr,es, potages, entrees, sauces and desserts will be enjoyed so that partlcipants can learn the enticing whys and wherefores of aroma, appear- ance, tas"te and texture in association '"ith the "yes" and "no" of impeccable winesmanship. The program, conducted on the third Monday of each month, f~r six sessions, began on Feb. 16 at 7:30 p.m. Tab 1s $189 per person, which includes all dinners and wines . Those with the !got can secure reservations for Ckrnterly Royol c,.1t) the balance of the program by sending il to Con- 1 noisseur's \Vorkshop; 7311 Pyramid Drive Los An- geJes. Telephone inquiries can be made' at (213) 11--46_~1~000~·--iiiii;=--·~11r------------co·~sT~A-M~E'!"!S-'A 17th & l'LACEN11A -DON .JOSE' Now Appearing Hayden Causey Trio ll'/ THE FIE$TA ROOM FROM 8:30 P.M. to 1:30 A.M. There are many good rest1urants. Only 1 few are truly~outstanding. We are proud to be ploced omon9 them by those who prize fine food -served with pride -in con· genial surroundings -at reasonable prices. COMING MARCH 10th LEE FERRELL Oirec.t From LJ• V991t e COCKTAILS' e • 9093 E. Ad1m1 (•I Mognoliol Hunt. lluch 962.791 I i 'Whelt &citi111 'Gfinp c5f,e Happeninflf Tltc f•,,.e4 ..r1tr~• co,,.,.,.,,. l1t llta Se,,Ulc Lo-re J>Wa,,"' ,,.. l>H•l•lttl Mn'•'or Roo.a . •-'•l L1111ttlU!fl1t GRAND HOTEL 7 FKUDMAN \llAT ANiiHl!IM, 0Aur. '171·7717 Pllll THlll HOUH Of CONTINUOUS MOYllS Pizza Palace 161J1 H.,H, •t 1411tter I Ne~ te Io4f'•I 139.7290 WI HONO• ALL l'lllA (OUl'ONI FAMILY FUN For Advertisl111 In WWEHDER . • • Phone 642·4321 I • t -· rrtd'l'.'f tbMrr 21, 1910 DAILY PILOT IT ': _,mm-............ l l !.~.!!'.!'!! PICKWICK ryr ....... ...... "'.~.-... ---. ......_.CWl•Hlll SOUTH SW llOPICAl FISH Largest Selection of Tropical Fish a. New Rati_.g~·. Lis~¢d ·f<:>r Current Films ~ ·! ' l l l Suppllet In the area. UM~HA ..... 2 ........... !ti W. WIUCNll; COITA MIU. '°" F1ll"llirw M.,. ,,._,,,,. 1n..a, 111.Mrtldt Of". -N"'*' MM2I • lb91\lnd tM "°'' Offi«l ~ . ......... 11~~1 FOR ADVERTISING IN THE WEEKENDER PHONE 142-4321 . · · Jouth Coas1 Re1;crtorJ' WT J nlPOIM,ANCIS--fM, 2 ... J7.n--t:JI , ... Edltor'1 Note: T h l; modi• ouldc l.1 prepared b11 the tu rm ' committee of Harbor Coundl PT A. Mrs. John Clark ff PTt"ridenC and Mrs. \Villiam \Va r e is commtttee chairman. It fs tntended °' a re/ertnce in determining suitat{le /ibm for certain a g t groups cind will appear weekly. Your view1 are solicittd. Mait them Co Mo-m Gulde, care of the DAILY PILBT. * * * ADULTS , Edlnburp"glrll' lchool In the mld-30's. The Relvtn fGP): Steve McQueen stars In the filmed version of Faulkner's novel. The hired man's odyssey lead.s him trom 'a small town In Mississippi to the sinful big cl· ty of Memphla during the ear-ly 1900'8. • ' • Tllut You All V~ l\1ucb (GP)" By keeping her il· legitljntle, child, a graduale student courageousJy fices the problems of an unwed molher. Sandy Dennis star1. Tbe· Wild Blftcll (ft): Plans of an aging outlaw who.~d! his striaU band of desperadoes to rob lbe railroad in Texu in 1913 go awry. William Holden and ~bert Ryan star. MA'nlRE TEENS AND-ADULTS Batcla C1utdy •Dd the Su- dlllce Kid (GPJ: A deft com. edy abou~ two charmlng, legendary bandit.I wbo take lhe ways of the old West to · Bolivia. Paul Newman, Robert RedfOrd and ~atharlne Ross. Cact11 Flewer.(GP)1 Sophisticated comedy in which a J)l'OfJlelOUI denUst dralt.t hll proper nurse to ma,squerade u his es~anged ·wife and rescue · hlm · trom a com· · pUcaled altuatlon , wiih a zany blonde. Waller M a t th au 1 Ingrid Bergman, Goldie Hawn. Tbe Magic CbrbUan (GP): Slory ol t"' rlche!t man In the world and his adopted son. Peler Stllers, Rill(O Starr. Tbe Nlgbl Tiiey Rllde<I Pttln&Q11 (GP): Jn 19'l5, a naive Amish girl runs 1way to New York. She's dreaming of a glamdurous dancing career, but ends up at Mlnaky'a Burlesque wbere 1 h e in- advertently lnvenl.a the strip tease 1n her first appearance. antt Ekland . and J u on Robards. Secret of Santa VIUGrla (GP): Anthony ·Quinn · plays the newly appointed mayor of a litUe Italian village which tries to prevent Nazi con- fiscation of Its treasured wine. Anrut Magnani: ' Some Kind of Nut (GP): "THE GLASS MENAGERIE" .by T•nn•11•• Will~'"' SCJt CHILDREN'S THEATll Cutle K .. p (RH Ari filled castle OCCUP.ied by wounded men is iymbol of resistance against the enemy on the eve :of the Battle of thi Bulge. Burt Lancaster, Pat r I ck O'Neal, Jean-Pierre Aumont._ Easy Rider (R): Peter Fon· da and Dennls Hopper portray , two dropouts who travel the United States on motorcycles. 'Pacific Panorania' Dick Van Dyke stirs In a com- edy about a bank teller who grows a beard lo cover a bee sling. Angie Dici.lnson and Rosemary Forsyfh also star. Topaz (GP):· Hitchcock's production or UriS'a spy novel starring Frederick Stafford and Danny Robin. "Wind In th• Willows" -Sundays at 1:00 .l 2:30 1127 Newport, Costa M ... -646-1:161 Gypsy Metbs (RJ: Drama in which the leader of a skydiY· Ing trio falls in love with the faithless wife of a du1~ smalltown businessman. Burt Lancaster, Deborah Kerr star. Flower Show Theme · TEENS AND ADULTS Tbe ·BatUe ot Britain (G): . NEED HELP WITH YOUR ;.. INCOME TAX? The Orange Cea.st DAILY PILOT offers you this easy-to-understand · 120-page book to help you save time and money Marlowe (GP):· While searching for a client's miss- ing brother, private eye Philip Marlowe (James Gamer), gets mixed up with some lee-· pick murders and a com· plicatcd blackmail plot. . Midnight Cowbdy (X): ~tin Hoffman and Jon Voight 11tar in a study of loneliness and survival bl New York. JM runu (RJ: story of the M e x I c a n government's at· tempt to annihilate the Yaqui Indians ln 1912. Raquel Welch, Jim Brown, Burt Reynolds. The Prime of Mias Jean Brodie (GP): English made film with Maggie Smith In the starring role as an eccentric but capUvating teacher at an MIME~NOS RIR MRENTS AND 'VOLINO PEDPl.E fie ..... fl N,...,. .. ,,,,.,_ ~ tbouf ,,.....,......,., _.. _,., w.....,.,, flfir ~. All AGll AOlllTIIO '--ti AWltnUI "" All MIS AOlllTTIO ,.,_.,,kid-.. SvftMltil ""' -------------------- With the theme "PaC1nc Panorama" selected, the Flower and Garden Show com- mittee of the 55lh National ofange Show has begun work: on the lavish Flower Show to be ·presented In conjunction ltjth the San Bernardino ci~ trus exposition nert April i. J2. Focal point of the FJO'Wer Show will be lour colorful displays: Cactus of the Americas, Flot-a of the. Pacific Northwest, Of the Wide PacUic and of the American Tropics. · ln the Wide Pacific floral area will be gardens of New Zealand and Japirn.'- ·. "We are particularly happy to present a New Zealand . kiosk in view of the Natloilal Orange Show's queen ex- change program with the Bay of Plenty · 0r8'11ff> Festival ol New Zealand,' said Mrs. Virginia Dennison, codrdlnator of the 6how. "'I'be New Zealand display Composer Signed for 'Eagle' Film Marvin Hamlisch, ~year , old New York comPGS&, haJ been signed by producer JO!T)' Adler to wrtte tbe muslcaJ l!COre for "Nobody Loves Flapping Eagle,'' the Warner Bros. motion picture 1tarrlng MAIL THIS HANDY ORDER FORM TODAY · """""N""' Hamlisch has written the ® .. Oil 11111(1 IP AOllllTIU Anthony Quinn. 0 I $1 25 plus 26a for ;'' •••••••••••••:::·~:~:~..... ~~1!.:t c :~ln fheB~~~a: ft y a .' handling.11ndposf1g1 .~·~ ..... m-s--Brothers,·aswellasUlescores --=---~:,:_,._ for "The Swimmer" and 1••••••••••··~···~·••••••1 ••rake the Money and Run." I S!hll """'' flcn• Tu 1,;11 I L'.::========:'.L.2~~~~~~~-1 IJltO CMH ,...... I ,_ ... -.. fllpt. "" ..... -• -""" I ,....,_ .,,..,,..,,.,.,,._. : : ---I I lnclosld b 11.50 11125 ~us 211 for PoSict r.d _,,., for .,. I I C09Y of Syl'lil l'Ortrr's 1970 Income Ta Culdt. f'lmt man to mt ' : I Kfol-1 f I : -·-r: I -I •• : CifJ --------------I I s"" ' __ ,,_,,,_.,, __ :__ llollo. . 1 I I I ~• J --------------·-····---- e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Quality Printing and Dependable Servic e for more then a quarter of a century. PILOT PRINTING n1' WIST WIOA ILYD .. NIWPOn IUCH -MJ-4111 • mm1 I Auffm' A'lftl'll Nemln1!11M ·''THE" ltllVlll~" (0,) Cllolr ... "VIVA MAX" (0) Cellr 1 Actdt!Tl'f Aw1,.. N1mJn11111111 "MIONIGHT .COWIDY" CXI Clltr , .. "IATTl.I 011' a111TAIN" (II C1t1r U,.._, 11 Ntt Mftlltl.C . ,tttr l'We 111.W•A Wltll'••• "&An 11001.-uu c.111' ... -um• k••,.. 1111 t.11er UMlrr' '' MllN II Wltll ,,...,, ........ W9ldl 0... Ker Tlllnl "LADY IN Cl:MINT" 1111.) C.IDr PIWI • • "MAlD COHTlACT" OU C.llf" Ullffr 1• Mtrt II Wllil l'lrlllt Story .of heroic pilols of the will fealure flowers · of the R.A.F. who held off the Protea family, Including the Luftwaffe in World War II and beautl!ul. Waratah, which is , saved .Britain from invasion. grown b) profusion O:iere,"' she Mlchaet-caiile, Laurence added.-Olivier, Christopher Plummer In addition, the garden will and ?ttichael Redgrave. contain a large cage with col-The 'Computer Wore Teanil or!ul birds native to New Shoes (G); Walt Disney spoof Zealand, Mrs. benniso.n said. bMhe geoeraUon gap, starring Water will be used ex-Kurt Rlwell and C e s a r tens.lvely In the · F I ow e r Ramero. Building, adding greatly to lhe1 =::::;::;=;:;:;:::;;::;::::::=i~ overall beauty, In addition to If the fountain and waterfall in 1111 the New. Zealand area, foun- tains wlll be used in Uie ·. Japanese display, the lllll'tk~ ...... !"44=! American Tropics area and the tulip area, an amateur ACADe:M:_~'f!"'~:_:OM•N•• division display. . . '""' •p elf" p " W1n.r Mettt.•-•111r1o1 ••111111'1 • a IC anorana was "CACTUS PLOWlk" picked for the theme since · il -p1u1- dovetaJls with the general "THANK YOU ALL theme of the 55th Orange · · · VllY MUCH" Show, "Citrus IntemaUona1." with '-11111 Derlnlt llllPHONI 54,l•ISS2 FOi INFOIMATION 9 ACADEMY NOMINATIONS 7 For ''BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID" BEST PICTURE -BEST DIRECTOR BEST ORIGINAL SCREEN PLAY BEST SONG -BEST SOUND BEST . ORIGINAL MUSIC SCORI BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY 2 For "THE PRIME OF MISS JEAN BRODIE" BEST ACTRESS ••• MAGGIE SMITH BEST SONG ••• ·,,JEAN" 1-Glrl (Gh Llvisll musical prttentati1X1 about the IUe ol PIJIJl1 Brice, chlld ol the 1huna who became a lffill eomlc Illar. Barbra Strdsand, Omar Sharif, Walter Pidgeon. MUllcal -IA Blllm'a duttc llarrlal Poler O"l'llolo l and Petula Clark. : -X·l CG)1 A ' ' Brltiiib World War II Na91 Id-• venture In wl>ldl a Com-l, mander (JlllllH CUn) Is , mlgnfd to train -top. • -mldlel IUb ........... attack en a Gennu dubOJ•· lllt11 A Spate °'b'lltJ (G)! Fucin•tlni film about the hlltory o/ earth'• 1-.uon, through the development of man lo travel in space. Spec.• tacular visual elfecla. Keir Dullea, Gari Lockwood. Viva Mu (G): Comedy about a Mexican general who lchemea 1o recaptun the Alamo. Peter 111 t I n o v , Jonalban Winter" FAMILY _,. Mr. adpo (G): • {(\'l"•rf ~ t1HTJt -~d;J . ·'"T'''° 2905 lent c-1 Hwy. * •. '* . . IXCLUSIVI AlllA PIRfORMANCI FOR ADULTS 7 ACADEMY AWARD. NOMINAnONS IDT ACTOIS -D ... ....,_ ...... ,...., IUT PICTUU llST SU...OITIN• ACTIDS -lyhhi M1'- 11$T DlllCTOI -.W. ....... llST SClllNPLAY UST JILM IDITINa ••I•• 1i11 _. t:Jo-,...._.....,. ---· .b Arthllr P, Jcibl PloM:tka iunuc Peter: OToole·Petuli Clark "Goodbye, Mr. Chips" -Sfrlldoltl~ 8cnmptqbyTerm::eBlttlpa•th:tm!ti,Jw.tS- Pnduad by APJAC Prodlk'tiooa· l(mikud [frlcl by Z.U. ~ -•IMl!o'91of-Jilillll .,___.__. [!]or::~-I:::::."::'.:: I I EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY SHOWING • TONl•HT AT l :ll SAT. 1111 A l:JI SHOWTIMI SAT., 1:30 & l:M Sun., 1 ::J0.41»l:M . I 1 i I '. '' :i .. ' ' • ·.- • : • -. • • '· stereo to ' . • " ' the sounds of the harbor ,..J d Jd.S~~youve never heard it so goo -' l ,, . . ' ' .. ' • " I " ' . . 1. ' . . , l ~-. ~· . ...... H DAil y I'll OT • -. • Frfd&f, FffwMY 27, 1970 Dav id and Waldo Constantly adding to. the orderly confusior.i o! tele- vision's "Nanny and the Professor" senes each Wednesday night at 7:30 on Channel 7,. ar.e D~v~d Doremus and his dog \Valdo. They do it wtth p1x.1e charm and a sense of fun. Love, Murder Story , 'STOP' Starts Filming .,STOP!" has started tr. San~ Juan, Puerto Riro. Bill GUM is directing from his ~ original screenplay and Paul M. Heller iJ pro- ducing for Warner Bros. release. .Atanh; who appeared previow:ly for Warner Bros. in Elia Kazan's ''America America"; Edward Bell, a member or the Open Theater; Marlene Clark. whose mosl The players are: recent screen roles were in Linda -"Putney s w op e • • and Argentine Guitmist In Recital Ernesto Bilet.U, g u I t a r virtuoso from Argentina, will be guest &0loi1t wltb the Orange Coal!t College Com- munity Symphony Orcheatra, under the baton ol Jooeph Perlman. March I, performing at 4 p.m. in the OCC Auditorium on campu5, 2701 Fairview Road, C;osta Mesa. Bttett.i, a~aimecl as the succeuor to An<tres Segovia In Granada, will be making his first appearance b e f or e American audiencel! after sue· CHSfUI concert tours 0 { Europe and Soulh America. He will play the "Concerto de Aranjuez" for guitar and orchestra by .Rodrigo. "Landlord"; Richard Oo\Y, seen on stage in Leonard MaUl's "Jack and Jill., and on screen ln "Double Sunday"; John Hoffmeister, who has ap- peared in six Universa l television shows in the past year and also at the New York Shakespeare Festival, and An· na Aries, whose film credil!'i include "Boys in the Band'' and "The Kremlin Letter." A love story that probes the mysticism of the murder and rediscovery of ·a contemporary relationship. "STOP!'' will be the lint film to be directed by Gunn, who previously directed at the Actors Studio and the Circle in the Square. He also has written the screenplay for "The Angel Levine'' and "Landlord," both to be releas-- ed by United Artistll sho rtly. As an actor, he won the Critics Award for "Take a Giant Step" and performed three seasons at the New York Shakespeare Festival. Gunn is also the author of "All the Rest Have Died.'' published by Dial Press and Dell Books. Cross1vord Puzzle ACROSS •to Fast1:nr 1 Yeslerrlay's Pu.ult Sotved: 1 iilnlw 47 Build in11 sign "' 5 UnH of 11'n 48 kind of 9 Two rail road - l4 Chief ' "' lS Time of da1 52 Ponder 16 Place of !IS Let ran combat ca1 e1,ssly 17 Piiiar !17 Unc.0111m011 18 Jog !iB Slmllar 19 A111mtm 60/lthena eagle and bl Ne at C1nada jay as ··-: 20 Slave 2 words 21 Tarzan. t.2 LanPiuagr samrson, bl Fol owtts: , •I a SuffJr 2l (.arpen~ers •O Asbe5tos 23 Carousaf E.4 Ornamtnlal \. necessities and •bauxllt, 24 Phot ogra:ptis fabric. 25 Youn11 '·II· •1111.ln 1>5 Vogue animal • 2 Make stable 2fi Hasty fl6 Protuberantt 27 Cloak-and-'43 Fasten with 28 Die.ken~ 67 Vegetable d~gg er ma 11 a cord character dii.h 2'1 European '15 vaull nl 29 Sal:ules 11 Ur heaven; 33 E"t1-D<:J\TN JO Al a o!ac.r Poet -: words riot ldr 41i Giv e 3' Dry <tnd l Antic. awa y salisfac.lio" crumbly 2 Come t o jl Vitg1n1a .f.8 E•ped lte 37 Corrode J Perlum e ·-·:Early 4'1 Of the 38 B lac.~ " Menat e l Ame1ic.an ~~pacy 39 City or 5 Plete 0t 3. Card game 50 eath gl!'nU5 Afr it a sac.rerl ,.,~sie 33 Wha t a Sl Replenish 40 J•pane~e f, N lei th l!'fmomeler 52 lte cream uc 1eads; Abbi, con c.oction sh•D n&ml!' 7 Spate J4 lns trume11t 5) Ending used 11 Ftr111 t.ound 8 Divert -with cell 42Arsoni~, 9 UnpaHI hill.; 35 Br nrf1t for one Informal enjoyed &nd por 54 Mlner1 AJ Weary f" lO C tort '.)6 Fran kie suffi• l l o;" lrcrait L ~lne hit : 44 Almost 11 . 2 wo1ds 56 Sln9i111J obsoltll lZ -· China j~ Morlrraltl)' vo ice nfflc.e l l US car-VI~"" 59 Purpos e .accessory toon1sL D ....... ,., ...... . •• •I • • • • 1 •• • • • • • • ~ • . .. .. .... . . . .. . ..... . _, • Here's What's Happening TJJ\.1E '"lt a.m. 10-11:30 a.m. 11:38 a.m. • to 1:31 p.m. ll:at a.m. • to 1!:38 p.m. LOCATION Central Band· stand Entrance, New Products Pa- vilion Daoct Pavilion Various Meet. tng Plac.es (to b< announced) Dance Pavilion East End. Jun· ior Exhibits Bldg. Amphitheater EVENT Dawe DeSolt opens pr..- C"llOl with announcernent..s, mU&lcal ent.ertainment. ReglstralJon or VIPs, vla- itlilg government offlcial1 and par!Jclpanta in various Happening programs. Dr. J. Tboma1 Un1erleld· er ol Project DARE (Drug Abuse Research & Educa· lion), head or Neuropsy- chiatric lnalllute of UCLA Center for 'Re,lth Scienci!!, keynote address. Dr. Ungerleider and otb. ers ol Project DARE and UCLA meet with communi· ty leaders in field1 :0( me<J.. icine and education. Multi -serten presenta· lion of combined slide·mov. le sbow on· drugs and "meaning of life" ''The Junkie" (a p I a y starring ex.addicts) pre· sented by Teen Challenge Sing Out Young Genera- tion concert East End, Agri· ''Life atortea" by Inmates cultural & Com· from Joplin Boys' Ranch munJty Exhibits · Bldg. 1!:30-1:31 p.m. Dance Pavilion East End, Jun- ior Elhibits Bldg. 1'Face The Pret.1" inter· view of ual·life ex.ad· diets by real·lile Orange County newsmen (only presentation ot this pro- gram during Happening) Prison Pnventers (volun- teers from among in- mates from Chino prison reu their own stories West ;End Agri· Calvary Chapel or Costa cultural & Com· Mesa testimony in words munity Exhibits and song about how r~ Bldg. \igion replaced drugs in lives of these Happening participants l ;304:20 p.m. Dance Pavilion Multi • screen slide and movie show Amphitheater We.!l End. Jun- ior Elhibits Bldg. Sing Out Vowig Genera· lion coocert Tee1 Challen1e.'1 produc· tion, "The Junkie" East End, Agri-Joplin Boys' culturaJ & com-entatien. munity Exhibits Ranch pres- Bldg. Deer Park to Give Girls Free Admission Japanese Village arw:I Deer Park in Buena Park is pleased to announce .a 11pecial treat for all girls under 12. This Sun· day , ~1arch 1, and Tuesday. ~farch 3, they will be admit{ed free lo the park, when ac· companied by an adult. This is being o£fered in celebration of Hinamalsuri, Japan's annual doll festival. a holiday for all Japanese girls. Japanese dancing exhibitiom, the beloved tame si ka deer, and acres more of Japanese culture-oriented family en· tertainment. The park and its sbops and show arenas will be open 10 a.m. lo 6 p.m.. Tuesday through Sunday. It is located at 6122 Knott Ave., in Buena Park. Film Festival Gets 'Damned' On Hinamatsuri, y o u n g Japanese girls display a set of "Hina" dolls and miniature household articles, arrangl ng them on a Uer or shelves covered with bright red cloth. A set of "Hina·• dolls consists Luchino Vlscooti's ' 'T he or • • d a 1 r i s 8 m a • ' • dolls Damned," the Warner Bros. reprcsenling the emperor and motion picture hil starring empress in ancient costumes, Dick Bogarde, Jngrld TI1ulln, a cc 0 mp a n i c d by their Helmut Berger, Helmet Griem ministers, courtiers and musi· and Charlotte Rampling, has clans. been selected 1or showing at the lt1ar del Pl ata Film The Park. entering into the Festival in Argentina Ptfarch S spirit of Hlnamatsuri, will lo 1~. display its own co\leclion of1r;:::;=======:;-ill •·HJna" dolls. ll Is hoped thatll a felltiYt Ol."Casion will be had by all The Village is the home of rabulous trained bear and dolphin shows, Karate and ~ TONITI AT 6:01 • 10111 ANO AT 7:50 ONLT *HEY KIDS!* ...... ""'w .. 'l" , ... ' SUBMARINE Xl ~- THE LUXURIOUS NEW IALBftA -='~~~;_:_TH_:_:EATR E HOMI OI' I OCllMe CHAii 10045, f Jot EAST IALJOA llYD. \ V,.UlBOA PElllllSUU· 17l·4G41 ~ Tlle-t explosive spy sundal of tlris c:atmy! 2:SIW:'9 p.m. Dance Pavilion Yoga demo1111radon by li1i$11 Stevens and students (only presentaUon of this program during lfappen· Ing) Amphitheater E.,I End. Jun· _ ior Exhibits Bldg. Sing Out Youai Gtncir1 - llon concert Prison Prevcn,cr1 prcsc~· talion West End, Agri· Cal•ary cultural &: Com· lion munlty Expibits Bldg .. Chapel presents· Dance Pavtlion Altl!ii • gqun slide a n d movie , show (fina l &haw- ing or this program at the H~ppening) West End, Jun- ior 'Exhibits Bldg. Teen Cballenge'1 "The Junkie" (final staging or this program al the Hap- pening) . . East End, Agrl· Band enttrtain1nent (from cultural & Com· local hlgh school ) munity Exhibits Bldg. 4:39-5:31 p.m. Dance Pavilion USC pharmacy 1lude.n~ (only appearance during H'appenlng ) East End, Jun- ior Edlibils Bldg. Chino's Prl11on Prevcoter1 ((inal appearance ) West End. Agri· Calvary Chapel or C<Mila cultural &: Com· Afesa volunteers (final ap- munity Exhibits pearance ) Bldg. 1:38-7:30 p.m. Central Bandstand The Stayns (rock band, part of Project DARE) in concert and dance contest 7::rf).t p.m. Dance Pavilion Entertainment. special celebrity appearances• and program ''wrapUp'.' ,_ *Celebrities will appear th(oughout the Happening al var· ious places and vari0\1$ times as their personal schedules will allow WHkd•y• Box Office Opan1 6:45 -Show at 7:00 Fiii"soUTH COAST PLAZA THEATRE San Diefo F,.....,. .at Bristol • 546·2711 HELD OVER $et. I-$1111. -lor Office OpeM 1 Z Nn11 -Sltow or 1 Z:J·o """'' _!£ "' . ~ \ . .,,.,., -~ OE lUll I S[rlt 11111· HIMltlEll l'tOOUCTIN ' ltll(1$(0 ~ ~ Nominated For Academy Award - BEST CARTOON E'f'e, Show Starts 7 p.m. Continuous Show Sunday From 2 p.m. FREE PARKING TWO GREAT Sl1DWS 2 ACADEMY NOMINATIONS BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR •• , .•• JACK NICl1DLSON BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY I Aman went look ing fo r America. And couldn't find it anywhere ... HARBOR ct ADAMS, COSTA MESA, PHONE 546·3102 ON HAlBOl BlVD, • ONE Mill SOUTH Of SAN DilGO PHY. 0;5/US' 1lotUer I teJ//tt i(~r_ &/!fr 1/if;lf. "fhe Btcttl~r fttil~IUDrrHCRIST .~WALTER MATTHAU IS PERFECTI' " -NCW 't'Oll'K P'OSf ~GOLDIE HAWN IS PURE GOLDI' • -H£.W '1'011'1( MAGAZ11'£ ~I GRID BERGMAN IS SMASHING I' -COSMOf'CC.JTA/f "' '~ A. FRANKOVICH PRODUCTION i > • • ,.. Jl wat101· 1nor10 ., MBITHHU e0roman cHCTUS FLOWBr 2nd OUTSTAND ING HIT "TllE 11/GHTTHErllAIDED · (~-• _ -MINSKY'S" , . --. JASON llOllAROS ·BRITT EKLAND -¥':;,;]fJ f:J__ ;~ NORMAN WISDOM BEllTLAHR ~·;;~;..,, .,v:;...,... ~ Cllll11111t11aB '•1111t11art1ftS f~l !,'Ill -· -· ~· William Faulkner's Pulitzer Prite·Winninq Novel "The Reivers" is now c1 film! THE REIVER ••• i' a scoundrel an operator and a brawler! Steve McQueen "'The Reivers· ALSO-llobort c,osso Slloro" forrtlf 2nd TOP COMEDY I toi'tlil\'! ... •llAilDl...-"111 \Ml!Jlll0 N · .. \ PETER jFM1ELA'£l'Wl-iAN·.D-iN I LJSTNJV ffii'J I ~ I A.5TN . ""'.:on . I ! I ACADEMY AWARD NO MINA HONS ,eyj . ' I v ., " ' " ' ' ' ' - ~~~--··~~~~~-~.--~~~~~~~...,.~~~--~-.-. ..... _.....~.~~ ....... ----..._-----~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~· T ' • z • I I • • ' '• ' ' ' ' ,, ~ , BlrtM -........ ~ .......... .... ........ Ce. .,,..._ .. __ - • A L • • l21Q. FT. ... ____ _ ............... .u11 __ .. _ ... _WU. ..,. .• UllMID JtD"Dl11B m•t .. _ .. _ .......... ........... -- • ., Frlclly, ,..,_, 271 1970 DAILY- m.a·. j .-1 I 11 1 .. 'ii I c•••·- .... ...... ,.,_....., ......... ..,._ .. _ ..... cm, .. = .... ••• _S?IC..... ..... -........ . .,.:. ' ' ··~ ..... ·-- 5 lphlatla;" -. , ' -, • lla:la II -..... TIJe Cl Floor" . . _, . ' llla:hlt-"lliwltks lalO"', , ... , .... LA••D,\llWI IOI! •t run t•CA . ___ ,, ,_, ________ _ ___ .. _ -- k' ..... y.._ ....... __ ..-:.._. ...... .,......,_.,.11at11.-......... .._ • trtfl&w z ............ _..,_._..,... ... .,.., ...... ....,., c 1nrrr•~ ,.._'*" ~cw, ....... ...,_. I 117' .... •c.tt..etlgftfW• ..... =:···--.. -· ..... , , ........... ., 11'111111 nu cu •w ••n mnum I I I --..... --.... --............. , 0 ., . IA t ' • do1• "°' 11tN ............ ..., ... .. _ --___ , .. _ 1'7u. ..... lll.Dll ,.,,.._.;;.."'W7T. ___ ......... ............... . ' -..... -.... -. ' ·-· .. -::,r.· , 1"7 11. _., ... ..,,..., ·--=-= .............. I ----=-k ---... 3dtil_.,,, __ .. _ ....... _ ......... . ...... _ ............ ...., ............... -....... w~ . ....,_ ·-- I ·-1,' .. I I c••1111 ----4_,,. ... 1 at lflll!l illPt: .:: .. .-... .... __ ...._ UWllf 'illLEI'' ___ ... .., ............. . ,,, , .. ,_,.,. , a• ---.... . .... tt! .. ..... ---3977 l • • • ·~ .. I .. , . • ' • • • i - ' ' I ,. " j .. A DAft.V PILOT ;;;;--:. SERVICE DEPAJtTME~T v~1c1 .. ATLAS I Corpor•hon ...... nc:I honors •11 Chry!t:~k. regardl••• oftr•ined Welcom•• .!rviee and wa~a':'~ Chfysler fact~mptrle1, requiring purchased. Aul I r~hrysler, Plymou!Jlt cerd1. I car was 1 t your dispose ·w 'honOr most er penotlM nd• Dodge trucks. • , • Oodp • ' to ,,, ... ..,.. ·- ·'6 .. DODGl "'DART 270 C~VE.RTIBLE A11fOJ11•tlc, r•dio, "••fer, pow•r 1ft1rl11g, ••c•lltnf cMMfitio1t, IXIR14fl • ... .. .... $995' • I • • ·' , • ;~s ··cHEYROLIT BEL AIR STATION WAGON Y.f·, .r•dio, "••f•r, e11to1r1•tic tr•itemi11 io11, ttoww 1fMn119; C P6Z66l J · • ',. $991 . . ~6~_ YOLKSWA•tN 4 1'!..t•fl.,111mi•)o~, Mdio •~d"h11te;: IND)(4] ... )' . ~1395 •. 'A ."DOE ~USTOM ' 'SPOR'f;,SMAPf A·IOO WAGON YI, eufom•tic fTt111i.ittio11, redio, ktefer, ••ce/lonf c0Nitio11. fSfJ(79) . $f,695 • '66· PL,,MOUTH SATELLITE 2 DOOR HAROTOP Vt, ••ilio, heater, ,.,,s .. i./•I., etc. Gootl co11ditio11 fflr• otrt, I SIX95J l~ i.~. "$1295 • • •• -.MUSTANG GRABBER • 0 . ' . ·~70Y2 FALCON JMODELS ·•.· • t • • ·USED-CAR · ' ' ' ·5 _UP•R SPECIAL ' -. •.63· RAMBLER Wa9on • OJK 759 $288 •,65 ·DODGE Van UOf 3'6 • $588 '65 SUNBEAM Alpine No. 1751 ' 164· CHEVY Pick-Up ' · · 14697A ~66 FORD Custom Sedan No . 237879. .. • '69 TORINO GT Fastback ' xwz 418 I 1 · I ' ----~-.::I __ 1/2· AY • • MAVERICK GRABBER:: ' . :10Y2 .·FORD .. CORTiNi fllU PIKE ' '70 F-260 STYLE SIDE ... 'UO C:.t.D ..... I •" 11,..., •""" a. tQ ...... Str ..... l"U. -• All!;7Jtlt. ft. DOllAOO. Fltll QI. -OTTOWA Cll'lto. No. "'2l6. . BRAND NEW 1970 MAVER CKS .,. ALI. .cQL6Rs ro cHOOSE/.:F OM ' Plus Speci1I Financing . -' ·. {ff .. 0191Y26502 • IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BRAND NEW FORD CORTIN AS -. 12 Stnl available~: Special financin9 . • --•1-- 0R!JER YOURS NOW! ' ' 'I . ,\ ! ,. l 1' { I I ( ·1 l •' ~-: ,, ...... . TELE\'ISION vo#s ' • ' ' ' ' ' l ABC Watches . ... 2 Networks • ) Br JERRY'11UCK • . :?• NEW YO~ CAP) .:... ABC's. new fall schedule ;: is a ·~ in the imperfect art of counterprogram-i ·:ming. . :: ABC lraditiooally wail! until CBS and NBC an- !:nounce their schedule&, then blocks in the shows de.- '.: 1,igned to lure tba( segment of the audience not ac-- : ~counted for by the op~sition. . ·: If, for instance, 'Gunsmol<e" al)d Red Skelton , on Monday nights are not heady enough for viewers ;J.8.34 in goes "The Young Lawyers" for ABC. :: ON WEDNESDAYS, where NBC's "Virginian" . ;holds sway and 'CBS is offering its own gutsy ''Store- ·~front Lawyers," ABC set two ·situation comedies, '~the returning "The Courtship of Eddie's Father" ·:and Danny TbolJ\U in "Make ROom for Grand· :~addy." • ·. ,: In all, 'ABC is bringing in 11 new .shows and 'switdling six returning leries to what it considers •more advantageou~ ttine pei"iods. -~ ! , Counterprogramminf . has not aJways ·worked ;for ABC, but well enou~h. Monday night was a · · diUster this siason and the network• started anew : ':for the fall. But on Tuesdays, ABC reglllarly wiped :~out the, opposition and the night was the only one ·1ett: unchanged. ~~ • SUNDAY NIGHT'S only cbange is the substitu-- '1-tion of "The Young Rebels," for "Land of the ~~Giants.'' It's abqut a Yank~ .g1,1errU\a unit during '·the American Revolution:" 1 ~ Among the new. shows. ~e ~wo 'based on Broad-'f"'"Y co!Dldy hits by Neil Sfihon, "'!be Odd Couple" ,and an all-black ~Barefoot in the Park:'' The latter ~will be the first television comedy to feature a young ·::black couple. ;~ The fourth comedy Is "The Patridge Family," ~in which the mother joins her children in a rock :~band. It sounds amazingly like the Cowsills. : ABC is adding three police shows, "Zig Zag," .. ''Silent Force," and .. Dan August," the first by any ·network since the violence issue reached a head nearly two years ago. "DIAL HOT LINE" brings back Vince Edwards , of 0 Ben Casey" in an hour drama about an experi- : mental psychological unit at a metropolitan hospital. Besides "The Young Lawyers," another new , nrogram first seen on the Movie-of-the-Week is : 11The Immortal." • On Monday nights at 9 p.m. the network is offer- ' ing NFL professional football games for those fans : stfll eager after Sunday's action on NBC and CBS. .; After Dec. 14, this time reverts to the movies.¥ Shows being cast-ofr are "It Takes a Thief," 'Paris 71IOO." "The FJying Nun," "The Gbost and :, Mrs. Muir," "Here Comes the Brides," "Land of :~·the Giants·," "Jimmie Durante and the Lennon '.;Sitter's, Engelbert Humperdinck and Pat Paulsen. ;?1 DON A~AMs• "Hooray for Hollywood" on CBS •,fl'bunday rught was an afrectlonate, irreverent and !;outra1eously funny look al the film classics. Charl- ;;ton Heston's mock serious narration was a neat : COunterpoint to the mimicry of Adams, Don Rick.Jes ;: and Edie Adams. ' :; Dennis the Menace • •lief ---Scllua!t> 6JNNB,. /IOlll 'QI M'Wi.IW!f ~ llllWI OI'. Ft*ic !' . , ~ :J·~T PLAIN JANE PERKINS JUDGE PARkER STEVE ROPER MAJOR M'COY .' lHIS --·-THIS 1.AOY- IMSISTS THAT SHE'S TAKING MR MY OFFICE.' GORDO l +"•1>-0.•1 . Kl~ AN 6t1S AWlt( Wll) IT( l'W:ELPOBT, WHICH GOES BY BO.'.T, WILL COSTt2.90 I ' I , SAU, Y IANANAS 1y Clla!fes lanottl . ..:..,..:...~ ·;;-...:.....,.-=~-, fk,SlAtA&. ...... _ J.-· .. ·" _.,_,,... ...... ~ ly Harold Le DOllll: ly Sa•nden and, Overgard 11/ALK IN!• llUT ""Tal 'IME PNllT ON THAT lETTflillWf'!• IT'S STILL WIT! NINE Will COST DOLLAR • < ANO iMIA.TY CENTI? li NAtfAAL I &ASSIN&/ f C'MCW/ II U'S IMI l1P 'fllltr ,sJJ.& • ·~ ' ly .,. 7:11 ~ I " I' '' J i ---·----. -·-· .. ---~-~-----------·-~-~-~---...... -·~---------.,,-----------~---,.....-~--~------..,......,...., .... • •• • • j ' , • USES ,OR SALi ,~SIS·,OR IALE · .. ,HOUSES 'Oil SALE MOUS~S FOR SALE IMOUSIS FOR SALi MOUSIS,ORSALI IMOUSll ,OR SA(I• HGUSES 'OR SAtl IHOUSIS ,OR SALi 0-.tl· 1000 Gontrol IOOI •-rel llOO ..... rol I ... ._rol 1111 •-••I , 1111 -r•I 1111 ._,., 1111 -r•I • 1000 GRAND OPE"ING ' ' ' UNIT' vn • ' Pe~; /Jarrell Realty fH6~nf6 FINER HOMES . µNDA 1SLE 1AYFRom Beautifw 5 bedroom, 4" bath· 2-atOry home. Jleal family room. to aci:omod,ate billiard table. Master suite with fireplace. Formal dining' room. Separate ·maid's quarters. All this for $135,000. dpen SAi. & Sun. 14 Linda We. ' · RANCHO .. I.A CUESTA ' FIVE OPEN HOUSES· LIDO-jiJst-llsted 2 siory charmer. 4' Bdrms, 3 baths, separate cllning rm, lots of panel· ling, beamed ceilings, sunny patio-priced to sell -. $63,500 ' ' . ..... ,JJ-, Y..., In the ,n•"~ef for • new ,home,·• ·home In • prime.,.., very ,cloM t-Huiiilnttan St•te BO•cll; • home · thot you ••n .Ullomlro wflllo It 11 btlnt built; • home d .. · slintd by oUhtendlnt .. c1111ec1o •nd conotructod by . Frank ,H. Ayre, & Son. a company that ha1 Hen in butt.· MU tiftce 1'°fo! Ken Brittingham. 217 Via Ithaca • Sun 2·5 PM -· * VIEW-<if rolling hills & springtime flowers. -from living .rm, dining rm · & dellgjiUul kitchen area ·& family room. This well plan· ned 3 Bdrm ·home is a La Jolla model - Lusk Harbor View Hill~ $57,500. DOYER SHORES YiEW Open the {ates to a world of your own. U· Shaped design,. wf'aps arOund pOol &-com· plete entertainment center'. Walls of glass . in living room ·& 'formal d,ining room reveal ci.ty lights be~ond boy ~iew. Paneled family room. 5 BedrOoms: $137,WO. Open Sat. & Sun. 1538 Galaxy Dr. If you are: Jean Ritter Come to Rancho La Cue1ta at Br0okhur1t ond Atl•nio In Huntlngtoft "°"~ ••Y' iley 1 Mtwffn 10 a.m. '•"4 7 p.m. ·~ M~t v.our ' h°"" in .ur newly 9(1•~ Unit VII •. 1026 Sandcutle Sat & Sun 2-5 PM WEST-BAY AVE.-ch~nning 3 B1'rm home with dining rm & large sunny patio, view of boy -excellent location. Only $56,000. • CAMEO SHORES Lovely home on almost % of an acre. 5 bed- rooms, formi.I dining room. A real !aiDlly. room & tiookcase-lined living room. Profes· siOnally landscaped, with pool, decking &: surrounding patio. $79,500. Open Sunday. 4536 Roxbul')'.. ....... "'°"' $10.290 le ·$31,100 . Ou1poi.cy lo J•• & .1111y Eileen Dinwiddie 1331 W. Bay Ave. * Sa~ Sun 2-5 PM COUNTRY CLUB AREA-see. this quality custom built home in Mesa Verde -now in the finishing 'process. 3550 Sq. Ft. of tam· ily 'living -·5 Bdrm, dining room, family rm & 3 car garage. Add your own choice of crptg & colors (incl jn price). i79,950.' Paul Belous· 3049 Java Rd. Sat & Sun '2·5 PM IRVINE TERJlACE Watch the boats 8'il by you from this beau- tiful 4 bedroom home with family J'O:Om, dining roo111; sparkJlng, heate\I. & filtered i!ool.' Asking $115,ooo. Open Sat.· & Sun. 2n15 Galatea Terrace. · -ti.. . , 1000 .....n1· 1000 G_,., 1000 * . · WESTCLIFF-Ltase or lease :>ptinn, 3 Bdrm DOYER _SHORES Extraordinary' value ......: qnCe ·in ~bile One ·lfke this comes along. A great, J{orgeous 4 bedroom home, r!gfit In the heart ot Dover Shores. A griqi~, vitw prope~, beau~ully decorated &: very young. Boastmg a formal dining ropm It oye of the .most chaf'!'lng - breakfast rooms we. have -ever seen. $84,900. 142l GALAXY . OR. ' . E·XCLUS.IVE ' . 4-lffroom, oOv!iR SHORES BALBOA · ISi.AND .Tea.Note. h. large family nn; pool. $425 month. ·Bll! Mort . . South loyfrtnt ' -.. New I Br. 5 ha. Fam. nn· Cor-·Homo With Location! 1400 Lincoln Lane Sun 2,5 PM Din. nn., 2 tpl. ·tee. lot. lo -v•-R I I •-. .. ...,,, ....... Ope• daily. y ~'!. .. .! ....,. .. _ Top.N~ Ofir .. ~ S1turd•,Y• • SUnd•y• . l'RANK JAMES, Sollobury .Rulty CondltiOll! · Rultor PETE BARRETT REALTY 160S Weitclilf Or., N.I. Call for appointment. · u• "IN . .,0 ,,17 315 M"lno Avo, Walking dilW>co to an etad .. ~ ~ lolboll l•l•nd 673'69GO level t<hools includi .. Qr. I========~~=:.:.:~:...::.:= aii&e Coaat CoUep; easy 64i-s200 . . ·-------------- - --~I 1000 J O-ral 1100 .....-., ahoppl"' ~ ~ • ways. Master bedroom suite Chneril . 1000 I Gener el 1000 . EASTILUFF· . The most beautiful Lusk 1tome In ·Euthluff. Profesaionally decorated It lan~scaped. AU ' custom features .. For the buyer with discrim· Coldwell, Banker O~S: .. UDO-POOL-P.IER Ir SUP '· 4 BR .. J V. Ba., form. din: rm., study; near new 2-storx· Spanislt w/lge. J!:901, terrace Ii slip for 50' 'boat. Imnuoc' cond. i1@,500 J°'" Clarkson . . · . LAGUNA IEACH Emerald Bay view lot 731.x1081 ••• $27,500 Oceanside To\vnhouse -, 3 Br., 3 Ba. .. ................... $511,500 on.Jl<>cky Point, 2 Br., Pool + lot .............. i125,000 SmaJJ Estate -4 BR: & Fam., " 3 Ba e Din. room, pool. .. .... i125,000 ' -' •1 Cirol Tatilm · . TWO BEAUTIFU~ .HOMES 4'BR.; 2V..ba. +terrific vieW,only 2y~s., old -~72 500. Lido Isle 4 BR., 3 Ba., with almost do'uble lot, just pain'ted in & out, new carpet! .................. · . · . $84,500 \Vatter Haase . JUST LISTED· EXCLUSIVE Baycrest -extra Jiirge lot. 4 BR's., for· mai. diµing, fani. rm., 3Y, baths. BeaUtl· fully landscaped, pool. Tasteful decor, 21> car garage. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. Only $12,500 Maiy Lou Marion 3515 SEABREEZE OPEN SAT. A SUN. 1·5 Corona del tviar. 3 BR's., family room Lusk home with exciting ocean vie~'" 3 ~ car garage. Swimming pqol & jacuzzi.950 .......... ''.' .................. $65, BEST BUY· UDO ISLE eo• Frontiige -2 huge patios -2 sty. w /S bdrms. & fam. rm. -larg' liv. rm. & din. alcove -2 firepl. Recently paint· ed ................................ '59,500 Mrs. Harvey EASTIWFF OPEN SUN. 1·5 2137 ARALIA Lusk built 3 BR., 21> Ba. & !am. rm. l· BR. enlarged w /bltn. desks, makes. de- lighUul sitllng rm., nr. courtyard entry. .............. \ ................. '53,950 Mrs. Davies . WESTCUFF Looking for a 4 BR. -Fam, rm. home in Jfarbor Hi District? S~ this one. ~r1• lot. Room for pool. Formal courtyard en- try w /fountain. .. ................. $52, 750 · Cathryn Tennille \ DOYER SHORES Some ·discriminatlng person will truly op. preciate this deepest lol on Galaxy Drive, with lovely view. Next lo eleg11.111, custom built home. .. .. · ............. • ..... '40,000 , . UNIYERSrrY ~RK 3 BR. 2 Ba. home w/dln. area. 9.5% Loan is usumable. oWner will acteptJO% down .. carry bal. !'See", $34,llOO -Near '!JC! It Shopping center. Al Fink COLDWELL, IANKER Ir CO. SSO NIWPORT CINTlll OR., ' NIWPOttT llACH ~ in separate area from other 1.;...=;.;.... ___ ...__,.,_ ___ ~--.....,. .bedrooms. N·l.CE yanl and W A ( K ::,~!!9t:·0:~·d low to to 1the beach. SPotless 4 Bd .. 3 bath and formal dining room home plus many 'extras. Owner transferred, so for $37,950 ' you bad better hurry. inatlng taste , 374,950 . Qpen Sat. & Sun. 2221 Alta Vi~ta. · ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST , john macnab RIAL1'Y COM,ANY 901 Oenr Or., ·Sulto .J20 ·t'j-1235 -----· ~----· -- 26t9 HARBOR llLVD: · 546 • H40 Gtntrel iOOOJI G-~41_,.,.... __ _ · OPElf EVES J:ILL 1:30 .. , Col -.. & C '===:;::,::;::,,;:::=-;,,/========-I ' ' TUR.N . ON! f ·A;, '· 85WU1iaJ 0. 1_G_..,._,_•_I _. ___ 1_000_ Go.nor~! 1000 •. twinkle of nite·llthls, by openlng,IJ!f drapes · · in this hillJide h1veq ,..... epcl)anfing ~ Bd., N•-:;t:.'."•dech~co ~ TAKE YOUR 'PICKi 2 both ·home seated on 1 bliiff winking back , 1028 -m uu•• LOWESY-PRIC~O GolJ cour11 at the city of' Huntington Beach. Would you 615-4930 642-'l771 Harbol"' View Hilla ·· Lusk. Feirway Customs believe only $25,50Q. 5ee .this COiy, warm Pr. -61• Lfe. lot 105xl75, beaut. Ind-$67;000 ·t• $1t,56o' charmer and. Hdig" the potbelly fireplace .. A iYate unpse scpd. , ~Family nn.,1111.soo OPEN SUN. (,l 11!6;,/ol"•lco Rd Into the ""'""' world ol the "5 SANOC.(S'I'i!t . ( i rost REDUCED ;!ll(l)J most exclusive residential CORONA DEL MAR.. About 4,oixl sq ft here -f~a.· . -.,, on the Bad< Bay m iurtng black walnut Pi""'I· ORANGI COUNTY'S LARGIST , °'"' Shore1. 3 Brand new 4 BR.-VIEW Ing gilott, .ur ccmd. oame 2629 HARBOR ILVD. 546·'640 modelg lo cbooee from. 4 Sep, family rm., 2"' baths; room in addition to family • ~ ' OPIN EVES TILL 1:30 Bdnn, 3% Ba., Powder room. 2 frplcs. $59.000. dining &: breaktast rooms. ;==;.:==,;;~;;~::,;=:======= Panmc1 Fam. Rm. with OPEN SAT. & SUN. ~-5 Very eleaant ,Qeft.ral 1000 General fittplace. '3 car prq;e, for-916 SANDCASTL,E . 3040 Capri~L•ne 1•;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j;;;;;&;:;-----mal dininc nn. + kitchen CORONA-DEL MAR 1 Lovely big hOmt ot concrett l• -CHECK hl'eolda'1 •••'. Luxuriouoly bl6ck .,..,..,,ctloo wllh ele. FOREST E,. · THIS ONE carpeted, SparklillJ court· SHAKE ROOF vated :airway view. 2 BR, . , yard J>OO:!. • 3 BR. 2 &ths. Tall trttg, U>."25, beamtd ceilinp, radi· o L $ o N ;/ ! Spacious bedrooms Ivan Wells & Sons Well priced.at ooly 131,500. anl heat.'"' or Korea..... ' ., 2 Balha OPEN SAT./SUN.'1·5 ~c. Quite UrtU;StJal eet up. ·;/Formal dinlnl room Roy J. Werd Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 1lt.10 Galaxy Drive 646-1550 (()pen Dally} Here&' a beauty with 3 huge bedroom• and 2 bath.s. Gor- ireous brick fitt~ce. Dtsh- muter kitchen with dish- washer. Beautiful carpets It draper. Older coupk rttir· ing, says sell with U.'60 total down on FHA tern11 or NO DOWN VA. Call to? an appointment. WE SELL A HOME EVERT 31 .MINUTES Walker & Lee 460 CABRILLO 3015 Country _Club Drlv•, loc. Realtors ./Brick nttpl&ce COSTA MESA 'Vrapped around an oveniz. -./ Charinlnli patio DON V. FRANKLIN REAL TOR"' •. 671-2222 • ed alrium, lhlJ outl1andinf: PAY $I' I , ""NTH I Nowly r.modeled kilehcn large family home Is altuat· "' MV, e<1 al•"' the t6lh wrwa,y ol WHY PAY MORE! r~m and balh . .,..,, tht-Mna Verde Cotu),try Move in and t~ over 514 % house Club. Alf lilrgt rboma:, all annual % ra1t loan. 3 bia OR . t~ extras Md euy-to-bUy. GOLFERS TAKE NOTE! bedr00ms. 2 baths, deluxe Conaider an inexpensive r,- kitchen With bulll•ins. Beau· mOOellng to a 4 Bedroom 3 ttful carpel! and dr.1.pes. balh, family room. formal Fireplace. Alley access for Cllnln« room home •• )'OUl' cars, boat and trailer. Open for inlpection Minute1 from 1he-aea. Clean Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun. Star must move to San Diego. He must sell this 3 bedroom, 2% bath beauty in Mesa Verde. 1980 1q. ft., 2 fire. places. eating atta in large kitchen+ dining area, ser·l•••••••-air living. Hurry on this 309 Narclssug 1 one! Call 645-0.100: ·€Orona dtl Mar vice porch feor the lady, wa- ter sottner, landscaping with sprlnklen. You ri'l'¥t 'iff this one. ', .it's aharP and only $39,950. • 546-231> -SU~ MEm THE SEA 111 Beautiful ~ Tt!nact Need to cfoee.«lt nte te on this custom Bay A: ~View Home a1 1121 Gatatd TerT&ce EASTBLUFF 173-8SSO ' i + FAM. + POOL +VIEW Hal'd to beat. Trl levcl. 27 I--~~-=.-...- ff. ramJly room wllh .,,..k COSTA MESA walls, and autbentlc bar. 3 SHARPIE 2190 Harbor mvd. at Adamg l--~~===--~1 °"'" 'lil ' PM ANYONE . OPEN HOUSE S.Vl>Jn. 4 BedrcOmA '3 kthll Lull\ ·land9capini' , Sparid1n1 pool master alze bedroom.!. 3 bathl .. Pool + teparate ja· cum bath. Loaded with ex- ttaa,. A must tee, and· what 1 viiew! 1 Prlctd nO'W at $09,900. 6!;-0303. Cle• ... as a whlrUe. Hure 3 bedroom home with d'Ouble baths. Barned eeWftc ·with gdt'geOtls brick fftplace. New cupeta A: drapes .. Dou- ble detached aarqe, A.s- sume .$17,900 FHA 51.4 an- nual' Pfrctritap lotm ,.tlh ~"'ta ot $155.00 P.I.T.L WE SELL A HOMI ; EVERY ii MINUTIS · STUNNING CAN QUALIFY' , Glltt ..... c night llgb" P'~ ~ lo tell al $88, 730 ' 6454303 /at H.rbor Center 2299•H-.. Blvd., C.M. --=---=------=-=- 2 br, 2 ba, w/a Cape Cod for this lowly 3 bedroom Atmotphtre. Near Irvine 1: mine, ankle deep shag car-· m . New Cuatom draper-pets and custom drape1 lei, lllltable tor 1 or 2 adul" I-t. t'flll\• over SK BE SKEPTICAL I • Move in condJtion, owner G.l. k>t.n 6f ~ $129 per • Walker &. Lee may leue option or aell on ~~go G.J. with. no flboc1t the llome YoU buy Ir salts eontract. An outstand· cu . Full price $23,900. from whom l'OU bu)o-1u You '"' vafue ar $28.900. E S LL A HOME RIAL·TORS """"1l1:1 do BE:! !'ER lhM 2190 ,JI..-Blvd. 1t Adami P..._ •--~ EVERY. 31 MINUTES " 67~QO. THIS•-Ire Coll~ Park .... -........ ~--·tU-1,.P•M• ••• ..,.,..... w lk & L '!!B•!!'!ll!~~-1!' ·~1 2 ftrep{acej, oqultlte 11,EALTY a er ee $2B,000· :·'!:·,~W::" OPEN HOUSE. liQj wniclilJ 0r .. NB~.. -Edinf:tr 1;1 Acre , . SAT. 1..s 642-5Joo -m445S SIMHtl 1 ~ . hall h PAIJLO'llllTI 21811 Yarmouth Lane ----=------=--==---- Gelfer's Poise IMMEDIATE :::~ ,:~~~u1:'~;! ,Ctf1ABH. ; 4HninE°"FAMlLY: POSS:ESSIONI ""''Pm Uke .1/l acro'. i-··"-CM -2 1io,l!OOoqft.l \l yr.,0111,,.· >J0.1'120. -~" ' . \; ml. lo _,., V<1'1 "'1111> ..,.,., _..,10th.....,. ol 5 Ins 3 laths TARBE 0 LL ltSS Harber OPIN SAT/SUN. l·S ·1t·do&n. $31,000. • -· °""''. fln<lt de~ SHAKE ROOI' Q k s I IC a e 43S ALISO · -ert cout'lf!I ltoomy 3 BJt. 3 Carpeta. drape1, built-ins. U ~ BA. Pool, ~lshtd 'honlt. fireplace, pat1o. Near a 11 N'pt. Helahtl, Prole11, ~... 81 lnd• 2 aolt cuts. Oub me,m.. tdlools. $31;00> be:st of Four bedl'OOttl.I • t\\.'O blths 3 BR:.A. tam. ft'l'I 5 .vn. okl~ · bel'lhlp avail. Askin& 115".000 '-" • all bulll·lna • ~ • FANTASl'IC kltchc• • WOl1h Vlctorlo • xlnt ttrma. Wall .. McC•r~Ja, Rltr1. tamUy room • carpets • bu.Yina th, hOtne for! Lindi lslo O.vo•ent 1810 N"""'1 Blvd .. c.M. 1pa11c11.,. condltlon. 128.950. CORlt~RTIN '1111Grundy67W211 ;U.1729 _ ... ,. =1, =·~:.'°' ni:L~~lt Hwy .• ~~662'•------- ' .. ' • . ' . WARM HEART ro~ yo~r I O·V e d one. Reward her with a dreamy kitchen' with 'spa<;e° aboundiiig. Se!>' ' ll'llte lannclfY room. " .bath oil kjtcben 1 saves kiddie traffic. $35,900. Owner will . help finance thi& 4 Bd. home in 11 AA" area. ' ~ '. } ORANGE COllNTY'S ~RGEST 2629 ljARBOll llL VO., ~ • ~ • _ OPEN IVI~ TIL~ 1:30 . • , O.pen, · lf ou~es · THIS 'WEEKEND,· .. ..., .... ....., ..... .,.,,. ..... ,.. ............. . ,.. .................................... .. .. ,,, ................. ..., ..... w .. ...... .............. DAILY' Pu.of W+NT ·ADS. ,..,._ ...... .,.. .... "' .... ., .. f'SSt ........ .. ... ....... , .................... ,...,. · HOUSES FoR SA~ . (2 .8od•ooml 716 Larkspur, Corona del Mar. 673-2222 (Daily 1·5) (2 Bodr..,., • F•mlly or Oen) 1519 Bonnie Doon• (Irvine Terrace) CdM 675-4031 (Sat & Sun 1·5) • (3 Bod,._,,! . , 200rE. Ocean Blvd, Balboa Pen~ulit Pt. 673-11413 (Daily 2-51 **106 Linda Isle Drive (Linda Jsle) NB 642.8235 . (Sat & SU!!l 223 Via Ithaca (Lido Isle ).NB .675-1662 . (Slll,11~·5) ' 400.Cabrillo: Costa.Mesa • 673-2222 (Sat & Suh 1·5) 717 i'Oppy Av e., Corona del Mar " ~ : 675-2101 (Sat & Sun 12:30-5) (3 Bod'""' A F•mlly or 0...1 2298 Waterman .Way.,"East Costa.Mesa 1145-2000 :548-is966·Eves. (Sat & Sun 1·5) 23r Saitta Ana Ave, .Newpqrt Beach • 675-3982 (Sat & Sun all day) 884 Presidio. l)rive (Meia ·del Mar) CM 546-9769 (Sat 9-5 Sun 1·5]· 4191 Brandford St. (Huntington Harbour) Hli 846-0609 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 33872 Zarzlto, Dana Point • '. 498-1266 (Sun 1~) . 2221 Alta Vista (EastbluU) NB 642-8235 , -(sat It Sun) . **433. Bayside Drive, Newport Beach · • 642-8236 • -• (Sat & Sun) 438 Aliso (Ne)iiiiort Heights) NB · · · e?M«io . . . (Sill! 1-5) *1400 billeoln Lane· ()Vestcl.ilf) NB . ' 642-5200 · · . : · (S\lll Z.'5) , , 1026 Sandcastle, Corona del MU 642-5200 . · (Sat.& Sun 2:5) 1331 W. Bay, ·Balboa . · · · 642-5200 · · (Sat & Sun 2-5) · 1195 SandcasUe (Harbor·View Hills) CdM 673-2222 · (Sun 1-5) 435 Allso7(NeWl>ort Heights) NB 675-1662 (Sat & Sun 1·5) · 5ri2 Gildred Circle, Huntington Beach 842-8691 (Sun 1·5) 21!7 Aralia, (EastbluUJ NB 644-2430; 833'0700 (liun 1-5) *3515 Seabreeze, Corona del Mar · 644-2430; 833-0700 (Sat & Sun 1·5) (4 lhc!N10m) *4545 Orrington (Cameo Shores) C.dM 644-1133 · (Sun 12-dusk) 2515 Windover (BroadJ)loor Har)lor View .Tract) CdM. (Sun 1-5) (4 'Bodroom & Family or Oen) 2306 RA!dlands (Upper Bay) NB' · 646-43113 • · (Sat & Sun 1·5) *1624 Antigua Way (Dover Shores) N!! 642-8235 (Sun) . 2015 Galatea Terrace (Irvine Terrace) CdM 642-8235. . . (Sal & SUn), 806· Bison (Ea!lbluU) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 505 Morn)ng Star Lane (Dover Sho;es) NB 642-8235 . (Sat & Sun) 1300 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat It Sun) 217 Via Ithaca (I:.ido Isle) NB , 642-5200 \SUn 2-11 986 Sandcastle (Harbor View Hill•) CdM 673-2222 (Sat. & Sun 1-5) 16512 Ketller Lane, Huntington Beach ·842-8691 • '(Sun 12-5) 1632 Dcirothy' Lane (WestcliU) NB 644-49)0 (~un 'l-5) , 213U Yarmouth Lane, Huntington Bea~b ~11 . (Sat 1·5) 1839 Sabrina (Irvine Terrace) NB • 644-41110 , (Se.I &.sun 1·5) ·1430 ·Galaxy Dr (Dover Shores) NB ' ·648-1550. · (Open Daily) (5 Bodrooml **14 Linda Isle Drive ,(Linda Isle) NB 91U235 , (Sat&Sun) u Bod'""' • P'emll\t •• 09n , *4538 Roxbury, Corona del Mar' ' 642-8235 . • • (S\U)) .3049 Java Road' (.!.\eia Verde) CM 642-5200 ' . '(Sat "' SUn Z.S) *2910 Java Road (Mesa VmleJ.CM IHM42f (Sat a. Sun' 1'8) • ~ 1 1 (6 ...,....., •• '"'''" .... °""' 1423 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB MH116:14M6!7 -(Dall7) . CONDOMINIUMS· POR SALi fl .... .,,, 2141 Vista Entrada (!ha Blilffl) NB 67$-5930 ' (Sat "'· Sun 1 .. ) 809 Vista Bonita (the BluUs) NB' , 875-5930 (Sat a. SU!J 1 .. ) i I i • ' , I I j I I l ' I • I I I . I .... -_.. .............. 1 ............... . ·-----7----~-----....,.,....,.-.,..--..,.,...,..,.,,..,,..""':'=-:,<", ...,.,.,., ".': .. ·=· "'~· .. ;----~-.: ;: ···;--·.; •~-;-.. -.. ;-~;-;;, .. ~· •1 , •• .-. • ... • • •• •• ~· .. " •••. -~ •• ·~ .................... . • • 0 (' f.tdl1, F ..... ~1, 19l0 , I ,' I I L ! SIS l'Oll SA~• IHOUlll l'OR .SALI HOUlll l'OR SALi HOUSIS l'OR SALi HOUSIS l'OR'SALE HOUSIS JllOR.sALE HOUllS !'OR.SALi ! o,;,,1..i I• ChilOrol • lOllll OoMrol ·1• 01 iMI 111 Coote MIN. 11• Noo~ Shorn 1 1220 CaMM tlol M.r 11a -" 1400 Hunt""""' · II Ulmlll!I -N. TAVLO co .. ' ::t"' NIWPOIT \;:COitONA OIL MAR PORISJ I. H-· 1 • .. -~.' .f"'ISTCLIF·','. R DOVER SHORIS -. YllW ' ·ANYONE SHORES v..! ~I;.~ =T~.IDI o· L s 0 N e.~~ i:'. I W 2 Story dream home. 1 Ylll' )'liw,,. •• Biy !!Ill ~flllil low -$25,500 "I· ft. or t.. 11mp1e land.· ~;:~'k:'""· 4 Bdrin ~ home on quiet slroet 'wllh view from every room. Cullom built bY Ivan VA -.; llllt l31GO dn: Eoo 2 81ocJcs to. ll>e....,. ll block A._. 1 YI"· old . .,...,.. \1 tua!IY 'erlrls. Fannhouse kitdlen, too many Wells lhia luxiu'lou1l~decorated 4 Bdrm • 'loYatpSBodrmllSBath, to....,., recration ..,,,., ,..i..t. DI>. apt,,.,.....,., ll>c. Retl,.... Wostm.lnstor ·H.·12 ~'"=to. •dutt' ti 1 .. 1. ...... •«2 l500 • ., 2 llllr')' hcae, quaUty built ~ features • twlmmf111 • .,.,_ " pa o, poo .,.e Y~•· .. • • 3, Baths _& F":'l.1·. Rm. me·haa red Ille ro,of, w/""""" '"•""-kit-~-& pool. S,Bed"'°""' 2 baths, pool, a11 unila have doc. U ITS ON • · LO"' · ,. ll!U'Do!olht.'l:.an• !>pen•SundaY-1'' p®I & 'finique··wme cellar. Beautlful & well 'llAlll l!lol'i:"""'rodc j;;i2 n,......, doublo -· • ldlcll. 11 washer/..,.., T0o .3 N I. 1• 514% VA 1 i I • ' priced at $99.000. 0""1'13 ,.,. old 11 !!ad> to ""':"'. Pri°"' bon\e In thla da>" lnv.stmont 1cr ......., $21 900 3 Bdrm., HI Ba., 14<. UV. Vi!WI VIEWI VIEW! 1930 SanUago Dtlve Open Sqn. 1-$ ,_ i.to.. Call. 541J.11Sl, 11no .... a. Tcy lO% "°""' -· pmtiL Call !er """!" 1 ...,.. plus ; apl>. Fanlu-nn. w/ Ten• -- Boats by day! Twinkling Jigh\I 'by,nighll ' .• • Herltap -_,. 1-646-7171 b,.akdown & IM:t ..,..t tie "'°"'' maken. Only s ""1>1· TutefuU> "'°'""" Grea~ pool surrounded 1>Y lge patio and 4 CHINA" CO""' I"' ac . -.> te""'. ~r wallpaJ>" • sbutt•n. 01>11,. Bedroom family . home. Call fot •eP.t. lo pee. "" -_. H · •· =~ ra~. =r 5:f"n:,': dl1>s. Modern bit-In kiteb. 1 • ~77,l500. Unique custom, bunt 4 Bdrm ·home just slops ·11/i STORY ....,. with minimum. down. PlentyG of '"'~: :'pd"· , 1839· Sabrina TelT. 0~ ~a(~wi 1·5 from ile31 9C•~. be~Ch. '.""king fl2,'r'. l -. red..,,,.,., cuto SS,...,,,. are ...,.1 "*the Dbl. u ., fene d • ae , • .. • ...,, Aakfng SJB,960. 11oycro111 li.23 -.. ·~c· ~.'.""' .. ·'-1u1aa1 ... lf&ill_mlW " BAYCREST CUFFHAYIN ·-5' llDROOM See-· Glen Qu«n, -''-----........;"' ·--~ "\ml'r:FT1all' JMMACULATE'4 Bdrm. contemporary wilh The chann of country living ill Ille heart of Her!..,. Real Esiai. Call FINE Baycreat FoW' BR =~~=~=--call now. Dlal !£1.SSSS. H&F ."""'l Ii. 2-~ .baths. GenetoUS: Siu: rooms. 540-1151 (open ews) borM 1or sale or trad e. BUILD YOUR OWN DU· , "· ,... ditl B t $63 900 Newport Beach on secluded 1h acre. View ot · .Secluded street, 1 .... oe ... am. Pl.EX on this a.2 lot north we new con on. Yapp· • · 11111 3 000 ft f 'mt rtabl 1· Ill MESA DEL MAR -· • S. , Sq. • 0 CO 0 e IV g. l br l bO, • 548-0'l73. J'1 blgh...,, with - LI ND41 ISLE LOT CbOice waterfront site among Newporl~s finest homes. Prime location facing JagQoll, l'.Msehold $50,000 Incl. plans for 5 IMlim home .. $55,000. • t&tn. rm. SbaR stressed for•upper apt. aP rf, blt·U.. a,.ts &: drpa, Dowr Shorts 1227 ready on jt. Call us tor de. Roy ' J. Ward ~.. halton (BA YCREST OFFICE;) 1430 Goloxy Drlvo, NB hrdwd fin, t>unken liv. rm. taili. Clo,. to TeWlnkle Pk. REGAL -SPACIOUS MORGAN REALTY' $28,5!)0. 546-9769 COMPLET.E VIEW 673<l642 'I' ...,_ MODEFt.N 4 bdroom home,' Bay Ir. Mbt5. 4 Br, 41Ai Ba 3411 E. Coast Hwy, 00,. good coodltion. Nice yard Ir. + malds. Hiab ceillnp. CURB APPEAL DOYER SHORES nowen. °""'1', J, a.,..,n. 5000 "I ft built around oourt. Beautiful '2-sty Mediterranean 4 · bdrm. & . 3006 Klll)'brook Lane· 4 car rar E-Z roalnt Im· VIEW 962·5585 19131 Brookhurst !luntington Beach PRESTIGE HOME MOVE UP . S.nto Ano Hgt1. 1630 3 stbROOM, hdwd Doors: large lot, close to elem. school. ~ished with cptJ & .dtJ>li, range, refrig., .<li.bwuher, wuher/dryer, $23,800. v~u no down, FHA low dn. Bria. 5§6.-0814 I 549-1855. med occp." Sl7S,OOO. tumish-Country atmosphere, not I , family Tm With s.wiktft 1wet bar. lg island rG;;•no;;;r;•;I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;1000;:;~0...;~'°;r;o;I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1~000;1~~~;.i,;===~ leasehold. Your choir..'1! of 2 kltch • • S tbr L · ed. Assume 6',i% loan. O\vµ. en. ~ar garage. pac rms uou Mesa Verde 11 lO er 548-'1'249. lovely homes, 2 bdrrns., den, [ $118,000. 2 baths, mod. kitchens. Doyle & Shields built tbe&ej:========I bea~tles tq last. Tru:ly ele-l•'guna ~Kh 1705 . gant 3 bedroom model with -~---~--·! lush shat carpets and cus-BEACH ,1om~c1rape" Aslum• this CONDOMINIUM l>"'•tlge adih= and 511 SPACIOUS 2 BR· II . BAL90A ·~fiD 'SPECIALS! STEAL Of A Univoralty Pork 1237 .:~:1~ :·al~ ~ m'o LIDO ISLE Most Attractive S.her!rm •• 2 bath horn" on . . BUY! v ., 0 •- Regal ,2·•1y home wilh ' bdnns, den & 5 Lge. Lot Very nr. Nortb'ba'yfrt. and village. SWEEPING VIEW 2501 OCEAN BLVD. F.H.A. loan at a low $207 2 BATH 1Wes:i.i"°~ HOME Facing belulilul large pool ju.st UXl yards from private ~ ' baths. Gracious brick courtyard. Fine fam· Comp'l furn. Large patio {or sun and fUn. Only '2615 down on thia me. on a clear day, yoo can see OPEN DAILY 1-5 EVERY 31 MINUTES belch. Laguna area, perlec \ ; ' ily home, in prestige area. $140,000. Owner has mQv~ and ., .......... -,Verde 3 "'Paloo Ve-& the ....... Speelacular, panoramk view Walker o_. Lee for year row,a livini, 1~ vestment or rentals, Sefilna' c:ompletdy fumisoot ln rb'Ut! tng locale deoor. Two atocy' with lower carport, ~orap,' laundry. Fully maintained gofieous grolihds lnclude poola, teanis, etc.: close to super mkt., shopping, Coes Hwy. Excellent buy, m see to appreciate. Sbo upon apptmt by owner, phone 499-2152 or 837-07'91. I ANXIOUS TO $ELLI bedroom, 2 bath llOme. aoee at nlght are truly a flight ()f entire ba,Y, ocean & Cat-a ; HARBOR VIEW HILLS An exceptional buy~2,900.00 to school and lihta.ry. Bit-to behold! 3 Bclrm'• It fam· allna. Fee sbnple. j • Unobstructed view! Wonderful 4 bedroom --_ _ _ ins. Many sbnil&r homes Uy nn. plus fDnnal dln. rm. Rich Irwin, Realtor home, formal din. area + lam room. Pool THIS IS FOR YOU! .,. Riling tor """'· WI· Loe. In, desirable TURTLE 2443 E. Coa•I """· at 7633 Edinger 842-4455 or 540-5140 &: patio for entertaining & family fun. Call 214-EMERALD dowed and muat sell. Full ROCK &: priced at 'u at Mac Arthur. CdM 675-6060 ! ··tosee. price $26,150. $38.950 INCLUDING 'IHE 'VIEW lf you want a beaut. home on quiet st., near LAND' of the , bay. 3 bednns, 2 balhs, 2 lfc•· patios, famur. PETTIT REALTY co. · . ~•quallnim 3 1"'B·R.uv2· NEW DELUXE DUPLEX full din. el ki h 0 , __ H Of H ,, rm. 1n uua • . rm,. room, ec. c en. PEN Sa. , ,.. OUM omts ha. orig. H.V.H. home. Sun .. 1.S p,m. . lli-0101 1014 SE·A LANE , $75,000.00 (ownor will flnonco .} ·~mo "-n Sot. & Sun. P.M. 1093 Baker, C.M. --LOTS OF-6JU1n OWNER ,RUTH SEELEY, REALTOR i"l":~~~!!!!?!""""""I Nice.,..., .... been done '"Our ·25th YMr'' , WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO, Realtors · ·, . 21 U Son Jooquln Hills Raad , .NEWPQRT CENTER 644-4910 " 1306 PARK .AVE •• BALBOA ISLAND of 3 BR, 2 llA, lamlly rm, 2 to this lovel13 BR., 2% ba.. CORONA Hi;blanda viow 17~·~·~··'-s;OiiJiil~OOO~l~G!•n~t~· r~o~I j4'.y _ _:.· ,!;1000!!!!1~!!!!~~~~6~73-4~7;6'~(~•~~;-;~;;~~!!'!!!!l~~~"~-·~-~tPmklr,g··~·.' -~'·~·3~2~, 5;0;0 • w~. family rm. town· ho/~~1bJeldeal tor couple ..... ~•U><.: ouay. ~ house, On greenbelt nr. w i-guest qtn. or l s 0 u ND s F.I $Hy 1115 ,,.. .. , le n n i .. S.bools & mo ... bclro\a.: ovorlooldng -••• but it's a whale of a buf •. Huntintlon General 1000 General tdoo Coll ... ~ Park abops. Only $32,900. the tor~~~ 3 BR • Owner's apt w/trplc, dishwhl', crptg & drapes. PLUS 2 BR apt to help make your PQmCnts. Walk to Beach! $45,000. $7500 d11. l.t owner tax advantage. ~ \Ve also have N E \V U.9 I: 12 tmiti. , LINDBORG CO. 536.2579 FORCED SAL,E EMERALD BAY Fab. Custom home. 4 br, 4 ha~ pool, 3 car gar, level Orig, sold $lfi6.00J. Now ukin; $135,CKXJ. $88,000 loan. M Beach 4 Bd:. 3 blltb, dining roqm, and built 1;;;;;:;:;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; J''~ ;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;:;;;;;:1 .. • Rod HIH Rulty <U ,.....,.. Tem.oe · '--On!' *35 l500 · d a great n••ghborhood CHANGEAILE · MOVING, mwt aell c Br, 2 Unlv. Park C.enter, Irvtnt . =· Y • • an ~ ' . $758 DOWN Ba.· xl•t ccoc1 Dra Call An1fune 833.0820 Stan Slnith, llllr. 673-2010 ------ be sold by April 1st for high!, est bid. Full 6% to B-rokl!n. Owner 494-1385 or 49C418Cl. , · carp.~, blMno. izs.9so ';":.; • ap.n Dolly 1·5 e LOSTtNSPAcE HOME ON FHA/VA TERMS avail. $4,000 da, """""' 3 BDRM BY OWNER. Le" 716 LARKSPUR 2llOO ':": fl of fabulous f'?"· Loguno Nlguol ' · 1707 This new e:<cluslve list-will buy this cute 2 bdrm & 5\4 % loan. 549-2189. than 1 yr old. Walking dlat Immaculate 2 BR. home ily livmg WJlb formal din. I ing coukl be a 2. 3 or 4 den home near city park: 4 to schools & sboppi.Jl& center. l.ar&e oovered patio ing nn. desired bltns It huge PANORAMIC OoolJI Vi~ Bdrm.~-Take yoor doWntown. F~turet hafd. Newport ltach 1200 S:U.2036 far appl DON \t FRANKLiN 3 car garage. Close to.abop. mr, lot. Pvt bch. Monarch ~::·~=u:r: Wood flocn. heatilator tift.1---------REALTOR ping & )Vm'ld's finest beach. Bay. $25,950. 499-1344', d~-to make tbla the place, truit -. •"· II'• SPECTACULAR VIEW lrvlno 1231 e 673-2222 e OnlY $42,000. _.....,="''======! ,. .... " vacant. Immediate p::aes-of HARBOR , ---------"Pacific Shares Realty -home of your chol~.. 1. 1, OPEN Hse By Ownr: 4 br, $36.8894 SJ6.3240 Eves. Mission Viejo Lots ot wood paneling 10n. & LIDO ISLE 3 BR. 2 BA, lge tam rm, 21,~ ba, except view . ~ NEWPORT & lnditeet Ughttng. Even $22, 950 pool, renru. oourta ete. Ulroadmoo' Harbo' v;ew OllANGE COUNTY'S ·LARGEST • · 26~ HARBOR BLVD. 546·8640 O,PEl4 E)(ES 'TILL 8:30 ~·' 1000 1708 1000 General Newport Heights has a blt·il'I d1 .. 1 ..... room O'pts, dtp1, many other ex-Tract) !Sun. l~J 2515 Win-~ HEIGHTS tge. faniily home. 4 BR, 2 BA. table. Carpet';'throu,b-tru, color TV, tape deck, dover. JREA, Near }larbor l-~ painted Jn It out, new O"pts. out. This hOme b differ· elr. $42,SOJ. 83W899 I,:;;;;;;,====== GI No Down BY Owner -Mission Ridge S BR 31,% Baths, 3 car garage,' com pl landscaped. Be 1 t view lot in town, Low in-. . ..i 11th Slr'ert Shopping. No le&n ttts, 10 down. ent!? See it now. $46.950. Eostbluff Balbo. PMlnsul• 1300 1242 EXTRA SHARP. 3 Bdnn, 2 to IA•-p S... Patio kitchen, Walle to r-rest .....,. assumable. h . 837-7643 .i!llell• 1<>p1 Thtte bedroom, The lluffs 0wne, w ii 1 «>nSidcr !two ba1b \Wtb !lmity room. FHA/VA financing. BALBOA PENIN POINT !b<>P'z, achooll. FHA ap-========'! firajsa!S'Z7,400. -Bee:u-·1 _view from thfl 3 BR 2 BA •---datlbli ~. built .. in ...... '\'-I l•llll·----...-... -... ---lll-J I . ,........,, .... corner ~:;:;:-e ~~=~·bath Aai... co:TI FA' NTASTIC $46,DOO.~OWNER. ~ ~:~~~VE: 9: BRASHEAR REAL TY Dono Point U1-8501 1 Evea. MZ-Ot27 -------- 1730 !i.:.,.~j,;;.:;ped, Spllt Newly deccr 2 BR. 1 BA ~ ~!~· 8/B Outstanding l-Sty. 3 BR. 2 heat, sbutten, hdrw firs. ;--ht .front e.nd red· home o_n large lot. Sl9,!ll0. 546 .~ ·~ loeatfoa.. BALBOA ISLAND! ba., priv. patioa: chokle COi'-dbl gar, blt~in stereo~ Glenmar West WHITE WATER VIEW DANA POINT .._.Jenced:rear)'al"d.QWl!'t 2H.~on0neLo~•1''-comer Om of aJUJt lilted! Needa Joving nerlocations.Ownenwant &ant.Acce11spriv, bch& ~Bedroom.~Bath!!: 3BR.2ba.Denw/wetbar. -• excellent rieighlj)or-3 BR s. .: BA. familiy il liV111rl"!!!!!!.,,...!!!!!!!!"l"o .,' •.,l•.,...i!!!!!!!!• I kind witb llrle family room, ca.re. Two bedroom home action.. QUICK P08.SES boat ramp. Sa.le by Owner, Spanish itueco, 2 story. 15 2 Sundecks. CL 0 SE TO hood ASSUME $21600 • room+ 2 BR. 1 BA. pria!dl= OYet"lizl!d muter bedroon1, plua one bedro6m ap&l'tment SION. Priced from $39,900 ($65,001) 613-8413 Months new. NE\V MARINA. 2 Frpl~ . .au~ LOAN ... m(o 8 to seU! Eastlide: ~~ .. fil'eplaceaoclepark-over prage. Excellmt loca-to $43,00. Call today . tbeae =;:;;;;,;;;;:;"'===:o I BRASHEAR REAL TY Like new! Luxury living. ~,.,. -DUPLEX. TRIPLEX ... '6 ated & filtered pool. Hon! Must be told to tettle can't Wt! Linde Isle 1306 847-8501 Eves: 431-3769 $42.500. Submit tenns. )Mntbirdldesta.n11~'l{i-Brand new Sl.'ACIOUS 3.& 4 Walk to llCboola. part & estate. $43,500. . Eastbhill Realty 644-U33 1 TAKE OV,ER OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 ~~:B ~ N BWAIT."'~ .. C BR.: Irplcs., cpta. " dJ1JL WestcUU shopping. Owner'a B•y & h•ch Rity;·ittc~, .. 80 Linda Isle Drive -;t1: POOL HOME 33872 ZARZITO Lachenmyer ..,,.... r..~ Ott.se t your mcome from '-mlly, rat.ed and gone · 901DoverDri?e,Suit.el26,NB 'I)'dz: ~autiful 51& F.H.A. THE HUNTSMAN WR.I other sources by gett.itlg hard to believe at $39,9".iO. ~2000 ~ 548-6986 Coron• del M•r '1250 Nearing oomp!etlon • 6 Br.. b.11 with ~nu of $156 • ' 496-1268 • a:JO% depreciation as first ~ ~~. South Coast e OPEN HOUSE e 5 Ba .• Fam. Rm. & RwnpUS per month 'PflYl an on thUI 'R'°E°'N;;,T~A..,.LS-i"'..;.:.-=. __ I{~ • O< Ow-B .. v one •• both .--... ........ "" Rm. 3 frplcs., deck & al.Ip. -... ~ 2 18'0 Nowport Blvd., OJ . ww 'INTE= RAT E 609 VISTA BONITA $159,300. 3 ~m. bath pool HDUHI f urnlshod CAU. '""""18 Eves. 64<-lim I.DAN • NO POrNTS. ean Mesa Verde SAT,, SUN. 1'5 OPEN HOUSE Lindo Isl• Dovolapmont borne. Lors of patio and -------- !!!!!!J!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!• ua to see tbest spacious unlts 4 Bed m + F 'I 3 BR., 2% ba. A delight to SUN. 12 TO DUSK Bill Grundy, 6'1s:32lO =:ri:As~E~~ price. Rentals to Sha ra 2005 LIVE & tET LIVE 1i; be ready tnr aummer r amt Y rm. own. Recreation plus tbat 4545 ORRINGTON < UNITS . l wr nntab. $24,950 vocation t..llng all year? WE SELL A HOME WOMAN ADVTG ropywrttor 1-l BR; 3-2 BR.:. if you're Richardson Rtalty Beautiful. Enti1y hlll ~ BOYD REALTY ~:vi~~ 8~t.Ba~!~: WATERFRONT LOT EVERY 31 MINUTES wants to beat high cost of trying to ~uce your over-2443 E. CoutHighway livinl rm .• all modim ldt· 3629 E.·.coe.t Hwy, CdM pool " outstanding value at ~:~ ~-ftXi.n~ ~~ Walker & Lee living. Will share 4-bdrm head & want to live rent At MacArthur CdM 61M03l chen. almost no down. e 67S.5930 e $76,500. Presented b" • $35 000 Co .d d immac home nr ocean with free + enjoying a tu: Jih!L • ~1120. ' BACK BAY ,, ' . ns1 er tra e. 7682 ~r other busy, empl woman. ter. Un.nge to see theae TARBILL 2955 Hi1rbor 2" acres, nice custom home f ~~~G Is: Devtl:f~H~: 842-4455 541l.5140 View. Own nn & bath. unils Full. xlnt close-in Joe., Irvine Terrac• East \VESTCLIFF ovtrJooking Cherry Lake. [d ~ rv Y S'4 % Gt loan. By owner. 3 =~· ~~°!~~-garage. C.M. price $5.5,000. Spotless 4 BR. 2% bath plUJ Exec . ._ _ _._ .._ __ ••• , of Shown by appt Trade ""'•v. Br 2 Ba tam ~ 950 • ......, ~ CTI4J * * * * el'lclosed Jana.I. Elec. kltclJ.: u-..,"™'-~un,...,.. _, ••-J ' • ' rm. •~• · 548-0662. 4 BR. _ 3 BATHS en, brkfat. area. Low lease-outstanding 3 br, 2 ba, Lr& be. Glen Queen, Hetltagt ,. l ido Isle 1351 New pa111t, nr. beach, oil ;o;;===~=,,,..-fam nn home. Luxury Real Estate C&lJ Sf0.ll51 •1 Brookburst 22101 DEPENDABLE Middle Age NEWPORT BEACli h>Jd tee. Sale price crpts, drps, wall paper. Im· (open evei.) 223 VIA ITHACA Capistrano Ln.' $4lq) dn, Man with 8 year old 800 1 Loe. on stttet of beaut. horn-$56,650 sti 2'11.t Vlata Del Oro OPEN SUN. 12·5 ir;.,000 2nd TD. $]68 mo. Im· wisbe11 to share your home ·, es, ln pre_,..;,_ area. FIR . For Appointment Call mac! Aasume 61ii 0 k>t.n. e DUPLEX e NeWport Beach .., dbl. frpl ---CURT DOSH R It $45,500. 1921 "!arlnen Dr.. NEAR OCEAN 644.1133 Lido hie 3 BR. + •turuo. med "°""· 492-3285, o' renl eotal• cottage.' beaut. 1~..:.!~~~:n~~ , 83 Qf N.B. Call 646-ffill. 3 Bdrm. & 2 Bdnn. Assume existing loan. 968-4132 646-3716. ' -•• ~ Plus $9,000 Full ]lrloe $81,ooO PRESTIGE AREA YOUNG mal• exec, 11n .;ght. I BBQ • .iumpgtone&wrought 11l0 w. Cout High..., $21,950 ON8'°:!,';;' PRICE SLASH! CORBIN-MARTIN 2 Stoey, 4 BR. aptg, W... d"lrea •amr to M!are 2 ' ll"On fencmg • sharp cond. • 64.2-64n Ev .,.... ... ._... -REALTORS 675-1662 Bdrm apl N rt favorable trms. oan be u-es. .,,,,..,.._ 4 bdrm & family rm Gr•hilm Rlty. ~2414 Incredible: reduction! Owner large lot, many e:ittraa. AA· . ·• · ~wpo area. , N left "M Us T .'°:::::36;.;E:;:·;.;"""'=::'..:H:.:wy"'-. C:;:d::M::....1 aume low interest loan or can Cn1g {213) 32.0-2698 I ranged. Asking $52,500. Sharp &: clean, entry hall, ear Ne:w}XD't Post Otttce area, says Victoria CHIL T ROBINETT S39,9SO dilling rm: fl.replace: xtra BLUFFS _ 3 Br, 2 BA. } SELL NOW!" 3 BR . .t ru~· ENJOY purchase to new VA/FHA. 1 OR 2 responsible people to I 646-llll REALTOR 645-0128 baths, built·ln appliances, l evel corner gree:il pug rm. 45 :rt. lot: quiet LIDO ISLE HARBOUR REAL TY share luxury 5 Br, 2 atory HIGH ON A HILL -SQUARE' FEET or llv· S<Q.111!). bel~. eov. walled-•U..I; K"•lforlamtlywith This Summor * JM6.1311 * LagunaBeh.virwbome.$00 ·tenytl ma) . oUIN TARBELL 2955 H•rbor _patiO, eu. drps "'lhuttera children. 4 BR. baytront home with RUN mo. 494-11773 .. NO DOWN G.I. ~ ~...::!';:";: ON THE CAHAL -+ eidru. Walle to shop•, SEMPLE pier & .Up. From fl50,000. 'M""AL'°'E=Roomm--,,-.-to-,-..,.-, ''.-. HELP Fanl11\fic VIEW • fantastic session. lmmacule.te f bd-Sall or fish from )'OW' door! CdM Hi. 0wnr $32,500 REAL ESTATE Walker Rlty. 67S.5200 DOWN br a pl. Bal. Island. $75 util 'I'IERMS! SlJerld_ing Mme rm. home, dinJ.nl nn il Love1y 3 BR. 2 bath home'. S44-4265 ' 2515 E. Coaat Hwy. 675-2101. 3366 Via Lido, NB Open Sun. So no down G.l/t or min. 11lcl. ~ . with SLUMPSI'ONE F1.ftE. famll.y 1'11'1. Xlnt corner lo-Only $35,500. EASTBLUFF·LUSK OPEN SAT/SUN. 1-5 3 BR. Den, 2lh Ba. Con-;.J;,~:~r =~.~~rt GIRL 21 or over to share IPLACE, tami.Jy room, built-cation . room for boat. trail· Geors• Wllllamton By Owntr: 3 br, 2 i., pan-1519 Bonni• Ooone te~porary, A re: hi tee t 847-8531 furn 3 hr apt w/2 other oane11 • OWQt."rl moved. i1"-'. Tbe VIEW alone ls er or pool. Adjacent to park REALTOR eJJed tam nn, w/lrg pool. IRVINE TERRACE de&igned k bit. Lo Jnt. --=;::.;c=~-girls. 67S-6885 aft 6. N.B. 5 Bdnn Ell:t!e hllme 'nm"lft the price of $27,IXXt! and schools, CALL 5t5-M24: 67M350 673-1$64 Eves. Call 644-0288. 907 Aleppo St Nothlna ta do but MOVE JN! ~trable loan· By ~ $4550. DOWN 2 GIRLS need 3rd glrl for _. lormal' dlnlng 'rm, WE SELL A HOME South Coast Real Estai.. I 2 Bl\. •den, 2 ba Beaut!fUI. OWner. PboM • 613-2854 '°' NO SECONDS l&rxe 3 Bil. hmue on Balboa ,_.1am;iy....,w/-EVERY 31 MINUTES OUT 01 Slai. Olmeri Must 4 DRM• DEN lydeeorated.PRlVATEeneL appL ' Atwme low lnL FHA lonn, 1~and673-1988 ... . ,.,.,, -Ing pool with Wa Iker 0. Le·e eu·1111ers Attention'. Sell or Trad• • .... 2 ba UPPER BA y • $35,500 yard, dellgli!Mly land,.... I ..................... 1 $191 total per mo. lmmaro.1-..,,3rd:..-:glr;::;l--:to= ... -=-, =ar-.-••. ~ftldtw&tertall.Ownen g ~~:.. ~i ~O: 2306 Redlands. 646-4393 ed. A plea.sure to see! SPACIOUS late. \Von't Jast! Hurry! over 21. Prv rm, Npt ~ l1l9,950. Brlrlc """' t'tll3 Wl'llldlfl Dr. Bun.D UNITS US) 646-3058. ' • ' BLUn'S -3 BR. 2 BA. aplit· Rlchordson RHlly CU.tom bull! family home HAFFDAL REAL TY-Ponl"'111L m-0736 Cilttdtb:dc•• mekf: an offer! ~ Lot 100 x 297 with Rood 3 level condo. $29,150 or 2443 E. O:ut H1gbWay 4'Bdnns., d1111, 3~~ bath.s. 842-4405 I"'======== ... ••!avaSun.-1;-s:::;: ml . Be:droom home. Top Joca. 3t!~~~.1~1:·refrig ,•e,,,ue=/o=p~tion=·~-==-,,.,,= At ·MacAJ'thur,Cdt..1 675-4031 LIDO Rfl6EA,500LTY INC FOREST E. Cost• M111 2100 • v.. tion! $49,500. lncl Will .ell Oil low down BAYJ'RONT PEN'IHOUSE For S•I• By Owner • • ._, Jlotato, ..U 5l>SOI. "UltJ·9·•11 Wolls-Mc:Conllo, Rltra. or .iia-at IDr-. Ownor. l'ulonmic view. 2 BR. 2 Ba. Houae A .._apt Oil l loL 3311 Via Lido m.'1300 0 L s 0 N • BAY VIEW • •t ll10 Newport mvd .. C.M. ~ -P,.IOO 1°" dn 1% Each· 2 br. 2 ........ unit ~~ ~~ 549-'m!! -Eves. ON '.11i< llland. 3 Bclnna., 1\1 In• MeX...,le, lUtr -=:.,::e u.:S ,,,:;11o ~;:;l;;:bo;;.•;;.,;.l1°'lo;;;ndo;;:__....:;l355::.: earp. " -, " UNFAIR! LIDO ISLE I BR. bo!N plus 1-Br. •PL..., 2 NOWf!rt Hol:l;h 1210 boY window, pi,,. ...,.i1...,. * 116 RUBY * Ine. Real,.... 2 BR. pr, patio. Quiet tropicat 1etting for adu1ts. J blk ....... $185. 544-0452 Nowport Booch 2200 on i..-.< • ms unfair t• °""" -N"" beach &tennis eta, le<. _ .. SS'l.500 s:.: vocant A "'orl>' to.,.... In. OPEN DAILY 1.5· • Ot O FARM HOUSE APUmaW. Loin O\l'Tlen to i;eU ao low! Va· ltftt't to atr&d& lot with gun. Pyramid !.:cbulaon 5U-9569 NEWPORT-1H8IGHTS Ptiot $49,500 with $16.000 Just listcd, J&e. channina d~ TRAILER Opef! Set./Sun. l·S cant, C Bdrm, prime M~ nypetio. Enjoy tLe iood Ufel LAKEFRONr ... Lake·Fortst. $1S,590 down. Call 6'J3..5218. plex just slepa to main bey. FANTASTIC LOT Available now. Miracle Milt, • 1141 Yltt•1Entrild• Verde locntkn, nett~ J!i9;500. By app't. New 2 Br, 2 B:f.. c:rpta, drpt A.au:rrie6%%1oU.~ DRAMA & FLAIR UPJler unit bas ~X"tra lgt, JOD"tt. ttontaee. veri deep N.B. $80 mQflth. 1st&: lut. BOYD RIAL TY thlr>g. l.arie «rner lot. n. ms~~~:• ~'7225 ~;-~~~ 1 *tl,rw, ~~al approx. ~1,1_~· Span-. One.of-a.kind contemporary Uv, rm., frplc. tom.al din. kit Over % ac:ft. Large ~~ ·eout Hwy, N.B. '• £. cio.e: u..:.. OM mendol» ~! Act · • . """"' e · -eue op. 5 stucco w ...... .,..ce, on on ocean side. Excitina 2.-nn., aunfl.J kltch, w/brkl.st. trockl or heavy equipment•""""""'==-:;,-,---S ...... ,.,,. oow N. $18,000. (SALES~ WANTED) Uon. Owner. Ot-3t63. SOxl.40 It. Jt.2 lo!. ~ Uvin& room. 2 BR., 2 nn .. 2 nlc-e BR., one w/extra ltm'a&t· 1.bnetl ML 2 or 31. Mobile Homt • Bllyview, 1' •• ~~s::o~IN LEASE WITH OPTION Coate Mo'.. S,..Cial ~HEAR REALTY ba.Adf•. Allth!sl-lounge or TV room. Lo-1trs. Fom"'1 dining room. Adulll. mo Mo. Call • .,._.... S Bednn. J'.4 Bath. ~ • BR.. 2 Ba. l'amily rm. M 6UoCM2'1 tool $$1500 ' unit has n1ct Uv. rm., trpl.. Glant oountry kltchen. Sep. l====m.=1m:;:.==::::. I ~·• aR. 3 lie. FamU, yard A pat!C>. C l'ote to 1-ym. °"'7 $11,..,, Hol Plnchln & Assoc. din. area & 2 BR. Exira ll on.I• llOfviet pon:h. Owner ~._.. llfew r.•· drwta. 11Chool1. S18S Ptr rno. Bia • .f99..1990 '49Wfllll NEWPORT HEIGHTS ~ESTATE ba. In 2 car Pr. EnJJrt unit wlll finance with minimum Bi1lboa Island 2355 ~·111111.!!.; O:';r.:: WE~I! Rl!DUCED ·-DAVIDSON Realty HorM & Duplex '$f7.IOll N~w8~'°: .. Bif.~::"" 3900 E. O..~ 11..,. 61>4392 · ~, ";.R"""'mi:!. anTOex~ =;.,~ .!u~ FURN. Mod. 2 Br. 2 s.. c.\VWOOD·UALTY The "'1co by !2000 "" thb 546-5460 E,.., 519.!068 &cl\!< 3 Br, prlv '" loan, lbth ond s.nta Ana UNEXCELLED VIEW SOLD TIUS WEEK'. 185.000. • • Doclt. No pota. Avail 1• -W, OaUt -· 118 Jmmac, C BR, 2 ba> ...... BR, 1ll ba. tam rm. ml for oi..r !tot. Leavtnc • $37.500 • of Harbor " oeean. Attr. Sc<nlc Properl!rs 6'f5.S1'16 962·5585 June at. U>O mo. 6'1>1Ba> • S.lDt • trolltd dim.ate,., tietter ttien We.std.lb' Plaza ma, lhQ: Utt. Ownet'lbkt. 646..mG 673-&450 Bia. I« •PP't. split lewil Mme on R-3, 5100 I ;::=;::;;;:::,:;;~:.;;;,:;::'-' 4 BR bse, furn: $350 Mo. YT· q;Niii ... ~ In new home 'hb over 5%11 epta, sbad t trtff, $28,500. llUS!ES1' "I· fl lot Ideal ,., 4 Apt Huntington BHcfi !'lib ty. Utll paid, Wl·lns. CaU -· 2 Bt. lltl-~ CM. s-.i loM .. ~ -.,, Reductd K!npard R.E. Mi "222 town. Tbe "'o~.P"~ QPEN DatJy 1.S. l Bdnm • unlta. 1225.000. 2501 Octsn --;JJiiJ MANSIO~ ,:;,~ B"'°""unt • ~64&41.10~;;.;.;';;,;--:=~ ~/fruit tnn 112.!00 ttl'fM. prj(e $28,Q. NEWPO_!tT lltiplt_ 'nmhl· monry, time ti effort. Look Pool. 3 car praae. Broktn Blvd •• CdM. By appt. only. Lush &bu crpt, 4 br. 2 bl,. Wwton Bea.ch DON'T rosr WlS1t for I BR. N,t Reta Roaet A Rlcld'9 & Rots Rltrs. Ina ranch style: 3 .l)dnn, Claulflcd tec:Uon. la•• welcome. 52'J n Modena. Linda fife Devel,pment tam rm,. ttdec in &. out. 'EXECU1'IVE Hom• -5 10mttbhw to lumllh )'OU!' fnll.~-,_ M&.OaUtJlwY. 115-7225 1ba .. roof, trple. $28,950. J111Wlll Voaet Co Rltn. 2'!r7 E. Btu. GRUNDY' 'm.uto flAW~ Sl!Al\PJ S<ek BR'a,.lbotht,...U..Cl,l -... tlnd .... t"""'lli ~ • Ill -I ~ WAl<l'D> Klngaarll II..£. Ml :1-2222 • Cout HWJ, CdM. l1W>20 · • Ua-lJ>, MUlQI. week move In. 84M!6S _.. a...tlled Ada. r l \ \ I • I .. ' , , DAILY mar _.....;Hou=.;;;'":;:•.;;F.;;u.;;;rn:;:l•:::hod:.::..._ 1_-.==..:Unfu=~"':;:l:::ll-;:: ... ;:_ -UnfvrnlallM Apls. ~-1.,... ~ F""'lahool Apff, lltlfunlhhojl Ap!t. Unfvrnl....., _Af,ta. Untvml"*l -~ Unfuml,,,.. _ ' RINTALS RINTALS RINTAU RINTALS ·1••NTALS RINTALS IRINTALI • laU-la._. USS Newport llaach ml F-l•ln Valley Mli Coate-. 41• ea.ta-., 4100 Cata Mooe SI• Ceola Mna , SI• ~wpOr;t INch ~1; .. ;;"';;;";;;"'; .. ;;:;;;;;;;;~~ so. BAYFRONT 8/8 I BR. 2 bl, !rplc., bl>lno, uriw-r IWll. ' VILLA•-~D M~LU HOUSE Adulh Only cul.dHac. mo. Avail COSTA MESA'S . S.. Awdrd Win-'=, . Ml Jnlll --" ''" .... 3 DR. '....,,;. split lffel 126> 3llJ10. Call 540-'3!1 "!""I I*"-• -OUI Little Balboa Id. 'BR. 2 blU.O .......... 12251 ~========= MERRIMAC WOODS! LUAllT UJ-1 .. r:f.... ~ , Ritlht on tho wat" ,,1 Nnd)> BayA~~:.:•:;,.:~ Inc. Mtmln1tar l612 2 Fhlnt Ganie• Apt Colltple11es m;w, S.00-2 l I ~ Mull LMne .. bch ~ buoy. Comer ..... 901 ~ Dt. Suite U6 NB 3 BR. 2 Ba 1221 mo. carp.a FUTUlllNCl ALL MOOiRN AMINITllS o--.. r--.o, u-. •• :............ .I'!!"·' Both& Adulb, l'um. .. Unfum.. I covettd w/cedar •ha.k.el, ~ Eva MS-6966 drapes, bH·I~ n.ftia. 154.ll rw• --•r .,..., ..-.;-••••-stepa to Weetclitt PJua Dllbwuhw.cokrwww...._ i"':',;,~~.;:.~·\~1c':'~ DELUXE To~•"'·• Nantuck•t. cm> m= PALM MESA · Apartmeits ApamMnt ,c-llllllllfy 645•02 ~2 ~ ~ !: :;:~1 ~yne ~;:.,~'",:,.,~,"':; :;,.:•·.p~iiso.'2!:,: _L~·-~-•._ .. _•c_h_.....;.37-'15"1 Next to the Santa Ana Country Club. Just Featuring a Club Atmosphere S"' MU~RR!N }!_. =:!..:,':.:,·,:tall family, ss:;o mo. Prtv. ply. .......,,, 11$ ...... ....,,, Drive, 2 BR, East of Santa Ana Ave. on Mesa Drive. For y Oltr Comfor.t & Pleaa1Cre .,. .. " .. r •-:: --• -I . <>11 "'1·UU. EASnlLUFF "'"· bome. 5 den, I!( BA, 2-c" ..... Fiim. rgg 54'9860 J •-~ 1144 ltvlna Avo., N.D. •.-·In l<lltbtn • br .. ~-~ !-==========I Br. Irnmac. $395 Mo .. lellMI ar unturn. Avail. APr, May ,., , V-utt ch:(ltted 1 or 2 -r'Olfl\. 2 leth. .-,. ~ ._.., Lagun• Betch 2705 285t Alta v1a1a 644-1554 4 . June (ow:ier occupie1 VILLA POMONA . A rl I Furnl1 or UnfumllhM. Af.......W., ~m ~,! ... IN(~.,. :rdo· .•:h't:'!:.~ ,_ J··•·· ttu-u Au1>· avaU pa men S collln91, dlshw .. har1, lush landocaplnt with 1. 2 BR. den, · 2 ba. Vw 3 BR. J Ba duplex, new cptl, for win;; ttntal ~ Sept: · 1tre1ma & w1terl1Hs. .. ev1~ llO't, clut.-THE NEWPORT ~~~~~'._-_; 1arp beat. Ocear.lde. $300 mo. tncl ctrps; dlhwhr, bltna. Nr bcb. on. Call collect after I: 213: South on Pomona A-ve., at 18th Street hoUM with soctal Ktlvltlet, saunas.. JMval LUXURIOUS 1 -.,-11 .~ -.-•• ~ St. utll. Now. Jul• L 497-1819 mo mo i... 540-'1513 -·~·. eaa 642·7716 •' I I I I G ··o~· • -• -M-J ••~ a IW m poo I. pr Vitt pr ... W ltor.... ...,.. w~ Ar•~ (\I rn N I So ~~ -·-' FROM $150 • $210. Mults .............. Just &att Pvt Patio&, Heated Lanai _. •• ·_°._ .... • ~~ ir-.. ,_Du..r~-·--___ F_u_rn __ m_s WHlclllf ____ n_30_ Lai·-· Nlguol '707 •• BEDROOMS ..... I -~ .... ~ --.= · _,_ • BACHELOR, 1 • • of 2600 Harbor llvcl., next to Hallan Codll· poo • -'"" -•=· PHONI: SS7.- LEASE Or leue option, 3 ATI'RACTIVE, Modern 4 Furnished & Unfurnlthell lec, 1t 425 Merrimac Way, Cotta .... Mtu. ~ .• 2 1 ~mm !1~ !~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?I $1ro • UTIL p&id, 1 BR. Ne&r ocean. Child ok. Blu-,"34-6990 BR. large family rm, pool, 6300 I -'-1 Mov I nowt ~ ..._........ "'"""· Month. Realtor BR, 3 BA, deck.a, built tn .&d ..._Only Nop..-. ' "'"'""'new.· •" · *2Bedr'mlden 1695 T ... • .... ~ vacu,m, ""'"'· ca-ts. .. Utn -••• I'!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~ J ust., -642--5200 ·..-r 919 Baya\de nr. mMl• _________ 1 sprinklers, view. $325 mo, General 5000 Cost• Met• 5100 nm w. ..,,., 0t. c.u ror , -------i IAYFRONT $110 • 1 BR. Yard &, prqe. I =========o Av&iJ now. DOWNING Am Bkr. 5.14-6980 RENTALS Hou••• Unfumlshect General 3000 ** RENTALS ** $135 unlurn 1 BR cottage, pet OK. $150 unfurn 2 BR Me, fnd yd, child & pet OK. $170 unlurn E·slde 2 BR hrn, frplc. families \\'elmmed. $1"40 unlurn 2 BR Duplex, stove, relrig, tot oJc. $85 rum l BR apt. Utll pd, Adults only, $140 furn ~ BR apt. Play area for child. Ava.II now. MANY OTHERS Fru to Landlords Siu~ Beacon Renl.al Finders 435 W. 19th SI, CM 64&-0111 FOR LEASE La.rge, fa mily horn~. excel· Jent condition. 4 b!dtooms, den, family room. 3 baths. $775/Mo. pl11& gardnP.r. WALKER & LEE 200 WestcllU Dr. 646-?nl University Park 3217 appL ........ c .. 1. Ma•• 410\I Newport Baoch 4200 175 • UT!L ..... B&ch•lo<. HA• llDE£NS ' BR. 'BA """"' ..... Pri. LEASES AVAILABLE EXEx:trl'JVE home on the ---·---~·t Y~ refriJ:, y,,•/w, drp!. aft tern.ce, etevaiora. aubfir. OORNER OF WJIJJAMS I: AUJANCE All haw trplcs., bl.MN 1; lrd tailway, 4 BR. J BA.1-----~---INewport le.ch Aya.tlnow.Bkl',534-G!lllD IVftn pk'&· All elec. PoQI, •t least 2 baU.O. o"'r 3tJOO It or lux-.S llv· * SUNNY * GllAJIO APARTMENTS soft wot.r, boat docla. q,11). $190. mo. 1'331 ADlud .. 4 BR. k tam. rm. lmmac1 cond. Move in TODAY @ $150 mo. 3 BR. + din, rm . + LARGE sep. rec. room. Avail. ap.. pn>x, March 15th @ $360 mo. 3 Jl:R. + din. rm. Choice cor· nfr loc. ,Avail. March 20th @ $325 Mo. PETTIT REAL TY CO. ''Th• House of Homes'' 133-GIOI in.a:. t550 mo/lie. f95..4889. Cod• Meu 5100 SPACIOUS \Ip. 3121 W. Cout Hwy, New· CHARMING 2 b• rom" dlo. OPENING I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; TOWNHOUSE LIVING port. 642-:DJJ C<ntral ... ····"-Up. ptt 2 BR, 2 BA. Adults * ACRES * I• Separateadultl:famil)'com· ,;...~-~---~ rm. ~uded patio-prden. ELEGANCE at munlliea. Bachelor l·f.. .i 3 1 Br, apt .. near • water. Vw pdv. bch. "'""""· IMMEDIATE HACIENDA HARBOR Bdnn• tum .. un!urn apll Marure odutts $1" mo. er U . Private pmfio. trp1cf. pool. -..... pet * terviev.'ed. M1111... v1e1• 37'1 * Motel-Apts * 1110 . .;,, mo. .. ... . • "'~:,,="'-~~~~~~·~rn...,;.alfo6~,....-a11,,..s OCCUPANCY ADULT Llvtni: Jo • em&ll a WI• •""''"patio• 2 BR, J Be, Sm"""· G..-, Sm Call Owner ~ LEASE or sell. Lovely un- furn. 4 BR. home. 2 Ba., cpts, frpl, fenced. $225 Month, 25122 EriC!On W1¥. Laguna Hilla; 1 &llllll So. ot o.c. FahfooW>d• Studio Ir 1 ...... .. $30 WK. & UP Doy,Waak,M- 837-<>677 • Kitchens •·• TV'• ind. ========la Pror.e ,.,..., >Id poo1 Dupl1x11 Unfum, m5 e Maid servic.e avail. community -Beautifully e<>pen beamed ceilinas yd. Orpa &: eptt, landscaped w I \ h ?ifediter-. \\'llhr/dr)'er avail. Adultl, 1--------...,,,1 Luxury cuden aputmentl ranean atrnoepbere. Walkina: • FirflP~·!el • Rec. Roonu no pets, $175. &tz.1384 NB. 1·BR. Apt. unturn .• dowD, distance to major shoppinf • :l pooJ1,. aunaa, nunecy NEW' 2 Bdrm 2 bath trJ.level town. Leue •••••••••• S111 attminc complete privacy, tl transportation, school Condominium. Pool are. a: 2-BR. Apt. untum., Sood Jo; bN.ut1ful land:scepini I Bltins-Siaa: erpll:·Drapea L\lMED. OCCUPANCY fireplace. $225/mo. 142-4744 eaUOn ................ P0q unparalleled recret.UonaJ Garqe w/ltorge. POOL ~ Petenon Wa;y or Bay & Beach !W.Jty 1.0R. fwniahed bcluee I facill" In ._ 1 & 2 BR's. $150-$170 Costs. Mesa 546-0310 "H"o·=~'=ioo=N,-·="-~-., vWow ................. . ues a counu-)' uti! lncludtd •. NO PETS Nr. }Jarbor «Adam n£o•" . """'"" ap ' -c======~'-1 t'.lepot carpetma. 2 Bdrms, ~ •::.::; a::.:. 241 Avocado e 642-2'25 LUXURIOU$.Jl[W ::"i;;· ,.,... ·12 5 O • PENINSULA "''"'-2 BR., 2376 NNPORT ILYD. 2 Bdrma. 2 baths •••••• $250 de" 2 balh, next to ...... I: 541-9755 Avail. ior 6 mos. .., ~ ?i-llSSION REALTY 2 BR. 2 ba. yr. be •••• $200 beach $350 ma. yr\y. 135.9 CASA dt ORO 2 BR. 2 bl ............. 1295 E. Balboa Blvd. No. A 100 CL FF DRIV 4BR.2ba ............. 1315 '75-6$2, C2L1),...1M6 CuuaJCalil.uw.;inwarm Modollo.,.10amtolpm HARBOR $150 8c $170 IHtllulf 5142 $170-lBR.lllBA.$1J$.28r 3 Bdrms. 2 baths· plllS RENTALS ?.fed. atmosphere, Spacklul 1'urnlshed ar unfurnhhed All Otllltltt Paid l'ii BA. Crpta, dtp1, Bonus Room! ·•·••••• S340 Apts. Furnished color co • ardinated •Pll, TOWNHOUSE l ~ 2 BR. :I ~:o pooU e NEW DELUXE e Vitw of ace.an. W.udlw 3 Bdnns. 2 baths • .. • • • $325 --'-------·I Oesifned a: f u r n. 1 o r Rents from SllS-;!10 Adult! only, no pets. 3 B[,-2 B · al)t:'"for leue-bd, ·-tanee ta mwn.-Allo lllm. Ue . RE~ ... 1!11-1-REALTY G,neral 4000 style & comfort, * Pvt pa. Oa-kwood 301 Avocado St., C.M. spac, master suite, din rm Qachdor, wry Iara• '1~ n1v. r:iua Center, Irvine tio * 8-8-Q * Shag cpts 2Z11 Harbor Mar Wilaoll See lfar on prem.ille& &: l'tbl pra(e, auto door -4N-J.M9 or ~ Call Anytime 8334l20 * Gar w/ flora&e * Heated • 2 Br 1% Ba. (Behind K-Mui oft Harbor opener avail. Pool il rec OCEAN view, l BR apt, exECUTIV&Type 3 BR, 2 s·1ngle pool * Kitchen W/ iodlrect Garden Townhoule $12$-$1.35 •t comer Jtuta:m .. Avoca.do! area. tnfant or sml. houee blocka la beach, $100-2 BR, fncd yard, SA home w/ atrium. Bii· Uithtine, deluxe 6 v en le A rt + • :eated ~ Adu1ts onfy Day ~. eve &e-0283 pct OK. drps, ttove, refr. AdaJ. children &. pels ok. Avail ins, crpts, drps, Jmmed. or.-range. 1 BDRM. $175 incl. pa men S e · o pets· to shoPPinl NEW Slnale itoey Garden e ONLY $255 e U,45. ~. 49f.9f11' now. Bkr, 334-6980 cup. Nr. UCI &: &hopping. Adults utll. 2 BDRM. $1!tj Incl. utiJ , Unitl. 2 Br, l Ba,'' •ha& =='=65=' =·=m=''=°'='=w=.'='=N=.B=·=-' $140 • 3 BR. R/O. Reing • 644-tl!49 °' 6'1>449'1 Adulto, oo P'"· 365 W. \Vil· :1100 16th Street M &RTINl"'UE crpto, •-. dshwhr, 2 RF.AL ESTATE wuher. Children & pet OK. AVAIL. Approx. April 1, 4 ton St. 642-1971. Spa~ arounds ~/ park· patios, be~'; ceilincs. frplc, CorcM\1 11,el. Mar 5250 G.n.ral '-=B=ln-=·=-====== br, 2~i ha, next to park 714: 642·1170 like lll!TOWldi.na• w/ pri-gar. Adu.llll, no Jflt._$163.I·----·----·· --------~ 1 · , area. $325 mo. 548-740!! aft Luxury atna:le, 1 " 2 bed-R OR p ..,. It ~-N 2650 Eldu 537-«162 aft T pm I' Costa Mo1a 31001 -·~· =-,....,,~~-~-room apartmenta, furnish-·HA B ========o( vacy. a t""""• r. It Sun. • -Rentals Want• J'9I I---------3 BR, 2 Bath. Large bonus mmpJete privacy and land-QUI.ET DELUXE API'S 2 &: 3 BR Apts, 2 BA'1, Q.: . . .-ed and unfumiahed, with Cerone dtl Mir 4150 lhoppifta:. Ad~ilta oo!y. I ~~-=-----~ DESIRABLE J"O?ftf· Pool privil. S300 mo. a-:aped country club atmos-TOWNHOUSE BAOI., 1·3 A: 3 BR't 'Redec &: Ready to Movr.Jn. .... HELP, DESPll!RATa HO?alE _ca=ll =64::5-::2996==· ==== phere mcludi.ni $'l50,<KX> 2 Br, crpt, pool, c&f'1IOJ't. tm Santa Ana Ave, C.M. From $133. Adults only. 18th ON T"'u AOtES Our landlord IOld our rtfttal. -2217 Harbor nea.r Wilson Multi. So. at Hwy. $IM No. Mir. Apt 113 ~ &: Pomona. 646--1988. ' ~ Need 2 BR home w/ fenc'd 3 Br .. 2 ha, cptd, drpa:, fon!e:I worth of recreational fadl.. Leue. Call -&7l-1213 . SPACIOUS.Mod. 2 Br apl. 1 I: 2 BR. Fiim Is Untum yard far Prwinant wile m,.. air heat, Garb-d isp, bi t.ins, Coron• def Mir 32.50 l~ dHlp<! and operated • 1 BR. Townhouse $120 Ftreplacet: I prtv p&Hoa / aelf ' patio, a:~. water turn. jult tor alni)e people. • Heated pool • Adult ONy 2 BR. M&J'll.lerl.te, So. of ORLEANS APJS. Pool. No children or pets Poola. Tena1a o,,nbtn mc&t. and 2 well.trained &Ip. Adults cn!y, no pets, JtENTg FROM e '°pets. Adj to shopPln& Hwy. PIO mo. No children. · $140. 22'f9..B htinu St. 900 Sh. Lane• OW '""2S11 WlWna to do fix.up I:.,._ RATE REASONABLE HARBOR View Hills, Ocean $145 to $300 * &u.-1898 • 26'2--m (MuArthu:r ,;,, 0.at HW)') ~'&CMu. ........... Pl-... ~; ' Vw 3 br fam t:m 2 ha. t :::=========== 12 I: S BJt •vail, Adulta anly. ,.-...,., ~ Acrosr; from Country Club . , • C CH•TEAU L" POINTE ,. BR, 2 BA, unturn: Drps, .,_...,., ~··- 275 Mesa Dr.+ Ph. S4U70li Near new. S350 lease . NEWPORT BEA H "" "" 81lbN l1land 4UJ .1741 Ttlstin, Coata Mesa w/w crpts, ·1fon. Nr 1hop. UPSTAIRS 3 Br, l S..i=-<~=='='or~-~-~·~- f'INE 3 br, 2 ba home in best 833-0733. 880 IRVINE AVE. Utvely 2 BR apts w/ pool, DEWXE a.yfront 2 BR, 2 Mal'· Mrs. Canon, 6CU6f]. pine ctnler. !:» Center St, panellirir, ~ •. carpet.a, 2 WOJUONGairll Jooldtw lor area near WestaliH Plll7.8 & DELUXE 3 BR. 2 BL, cpts, IRVINE AND 16lb , carports. Walk to lllop'I · BA, frpJc, &araie. Av.U Im ..\pt 3, $135 mo. blf·lns, lndry nn. •inele 2 br. aputment tn NeW,ari. schls. Lti fam rm w/frplc. drape'A;:~ ~662' (ll() ~ Adults. no peta. Jl.50.$19) med. to June 15. $3(11).1---------$1M + Re. 6tpollt. Otan 2 ~: 19'.* •. S&J~ ~ ~=~:,~ 2 car •"· le•"" yd. Avoil GARDEN GROVE P'' mo. lSll Pomona. CM. 675-lLlli "' '15-«X>O f llWay Villa Apts Bdrm Duplu. Opts/-1-·> to -March 15 1M 1240 Mo a •Iv/,.!, •-I patio. In'··t ROOMMATE new 2 Br 2 w • ......,.,. -· Retpclnd. . . ' $135 PER m... Dlx Mobile BALBOA Jal.and -l BR UP-..... .... -' blft, have retetence .. Pleue Call 64&-47ll or 833-0226 Huntfnnton Buch 3400 UlOO Chapman Ave. Home comPl. furn. Htd pt SUnd ~ '·t •tK OK. 2244-A State. 642-7412 BA G.rqe apt. washer/dry. c·" .~ <-~-" • (' ""-W Santa A ~ ••• ) per a . e"a, qu.., ' ......., N ~-~-· CdM --,,_ ... -&ll :iuuo:.-...........ulJ. 3 BR. 2 BA, bl tns, crpta, 1 ____ ._____ • -... . na .... ~. pool, a.dulls. 4 Seuon's mo yearly Jeau. m.t.J9T ear .., .... ,.e <.N, Airport I: LOVELY 2 BR. w/w crpt., er, •""'""w" ar ..,,_,, f:rplc. Fenced yrd. lmmed. /'SPACIOUS 3 BR, 2 SA (714) f36.3030 Mob. Est. 2359 Npt Blvd. UCJ. Adu1ll anly, 20122 dl'pl. v.'Ood' an. rar, XLNT · teftanta, current IOc . . occup, $100 mo. lse. Agt Duplex. Crpts, drps, bltns, ANAHEIM St8-6332 Huntington Beach 4400 Santa Ma Ave, 545-3.!94 washt:r/deyer. Adults, no Huntln,t... ~-.' M!ll ,.;2.6365 J J •·· • -~ G DELUXE l br. Just com-pc!t1. For appt. Calif 646-3180 ~ c y-· l"g OVf!.,-pl'!V. )'IUUo 81', ·---.,.--'""--lF-..;;..- fNl'!T & yn, ae«f putly fUm hR/dup or oondo. At 1eut 3 Br or 2 . + den, Npt Lq area att Mar 15. to pa mo. yr1y. m, ,.,~ lMMAC 5 Br. 2 Ba. Crpts, + huge parking. $195. NOW LEASING FOR pleted. Fr 1gld1 ire ap. NEW l BR-bllc to beach. LARGE 2 BR, 1% B" 1tudlo * TOWNHOUSE * 1 -flit drps, bllns, petio. Xlnt Joe. Responsible mmied adults. MARCH OCCUPANCY pllances. Queen sz bed, $150. Pri patio-QUIET! •pt. 0,tl, drps, stove, :z BR, II,» BA.. crpta, drps, UR IEAaf $235 per mo. f amilies only, 842-3276 · ... 217 So. B.rookhunt compl crpted. Call· 54&--7027 Gar, linclf' adlta, couple. patio. Children ok, no pell. paHo. Multi. neo. 134 E. ' 546-5386 aJl 6, Ownr/Agt. TOWNHOUSE. 3 BR. l 'ii: (1 bill:. So, ol Uncoln)" aft 5. 202 -A 14th. 536-1319 673-1784 $145. 726 Joann St. See Sun. Melody Lane, "2-6112, e SINGLES FROM Sl-40 3 ltESPONstBLE (iris 2 BDR.i\1, New carpets & BA, cpta, drp!;, carport, Souctltn4JB7n1y-4500Club' SUS CASITAS LR.Gsh 2 BR. Adulta. Pool6. 1.S ~ caU M&l-1584 eves for 548-1768. e 2'BR l~ BA !'ROM $225 ~ ~°: ... ~~:wr: •:~.: . drapes, with stove. $115. pooL ~9911. 4-6 PM, Mon, Furn. 1 BR Apts, AduJta DI whr. Utll pd. · 1TS7 *PP ' CUTE 1 br. un(, duplex. •!:BR 2 BA P'ROM $280 vie of,... St to ·48th 81:, 26.'i8 '"G" Orange Ave., C.Pit. Wed., Fri.tar 962-5871l Sat Apartmenh only, no peU. 2110 Newport camuon M2-6121 VILLA MESA APTS Beam celllnp. Prlv, yard. e 3 BR 2 BA fRO~ S380 Newport • Beach C...ll l BR. 2 BA, blt·ins, 2 & SUn B1vd, 0.1. 642·9286 BAOIELOR Unit, wallc to 2 BR Ul'ltum, . tios, btt Gar .. 1tovt, I refrlr. No Carpebodrapta-dilbwubet m-59116 ' fireplaces. drapes. eon~ NEW HOME ~R LEASE ~v~F~~~:Ew SHARP Bachelor, nice & bch, w:;:·~;._n now. pool. 2 car e:1";u. Chil-~~n·s.:151391 mo'. 696 w. ~?rn:!:' MA~ couple wt.~• to Parle:. $250. 5'5-61mi 4 Br, family room;-3 Ba, ear. clean. Employed adult ~ dten wdcome, no p e 1 1 i-Hos-ample IW'ldnl. Itut 2 or l BR botlM cft 2 BR. crpta, drpg, waJher a-peta, drapes, less lhan mile Single-1 br--2 br. Forn . .unt. Mendoza Dr, Apt. A· L Inch 4705 pleue! ..$160 a1ao turn $1BS. MERRIMAC WOODS Stcurlty .cuardl apt. Unturn. Gar, 1: yd. dryer. Rd'• rTq'd, 169 Mna to beech. Only $325 monthly. Sauna, Act'y Rm. Bllliards 545-5421 or 540-&38 quna ru w. WillOll. . 646-1251 Furn unitJ avaD. See ad wi. HUNTINGTON CdM. Ullder PXLo .21J: Dr. $150. ~ DALBEY REALTY 5J6.2533 Therapy & CS' pool. BBQ• •QUIET 2 Bdrm Duplex. 11iE NEW VILLAGE INN DELUXE 2 BR. Ctpts, drps, der claa 5100. 425 Merri-, G423.1 l 3 BR houae. Adults only. No NEW-Elle. type beauty, 4 200) Paraons Rd. 6U-86'l'O Blt·in&, gar, patio. E-cide. Formerly Saddlebl.ck Inn, blt·lnt, priv, pat Io. Adj, mae Way. 566300 PACIFIC PRO FE SSJONAL N · pell. Slr;i.. 1940 Jlomcn Bdnn., 3 ba., lrg. lam. rm., HOWDAY PLAZA Adulta, no pets. Lquna, from $28 • week. doled 1ar., popl, 1tna:le 2 Br. ~oute n.fO •ttach. a:ar., TU 0C£A.N AVE., H.B. wants' small houle or 1 Bl\ Ave. C.M. ftowering atrium. Ne ar DELUXE, Spacious l Bdrm 364 16th Pl. GC-1298 Lbvely apts, All util's, atory. No pets, aduJtl 0 ncy, crpll '-drps, 1ardener, 1n4) 536.14Sf aPt. Nr c:>ee.n. Yearly.• $195. 3 BR bi:Mtrt. ~ btach, etc. etc! $285 ma. Furn apt $135 plua util. SHARP BachelOr unit. Close line~ maid, pool. laundry $165. Call 64&-74ri laundry, lmffiac. cond. No * LARGE new 1 Br, wltb ~u. Nnoport.. or J.acuna, l yard. $100 Oe&n~Np-pt owner, 968-6'984 Heat~ pool, ample Wkin&. to OCC &: UCL $135 ~ all. nn. .eps to beach. 696 S. LUXURIOUS 2 Br in, Ba children or petl. ~2lll Jo.di ot 1torqe, dresaini 4M-Cl5S. • Call 64S4tll!. NEW 4 Br, l~ Ba. Avail No children · no peta. References required. Avail c:out· Hwy. 494-!M36 all ' e1ec. Crptg, dip., GE 2 BR duplex neu NtWpOrt room, P.ullman lt• I b MA'IVRE Couple-want , • 2, 3 a, 4 BR'a wfpool. Xlnl March 1st -June lsL S150 196.'.; Pomona. C.M. 211/70. 545-4819 1 BR avail. now. SlneJe lady kltch., patio, encl pr, nr Blvd & Palllades Rd. Adults Dlshwuher. B!t·inl, ~ Houle wlmnall dean wort '1X· Near Frwy. or any reuonable ofr. $95 • LRG :l BR. A•all Marl. LARGE 1 Bdrm new turn. only. iss Inc util, Poplu bus. Sl50 aduJta. Mir, 124 E. only. No peta, New carpe.t. carpettna:. Pvt Patio. 1 b1k "'•hop ' dbl 11.r. C.:U ~ Aaent MO;Q73 61J..365'?. Child l pet OK. erpll drps bJl·inll No peu Street. 497.1064 20lh St. lr11 $145. MM969/642.m91 · 'to lhoppinl A walldn; 540-1793 ~ Newport Be.ch SPACIOUS clean 4 bdrm, Jg lam mom, M1redlth Gardens $350 m o n t b • 960-7188. Bkr. 5J4.6980 2885 Mendoza. !Y.5-5421 LARGE 1 BR, view. l\farried NEW TOWNHOUSE 2 BR apt, U25 1 BR. apt·n, diltance .to beach. . Adull.f e LANDLORDS e, $120 • UTIL paid. Bachelor 1 Bdrm turn/unfurn. Drps, couple. South Laguna. $135 2 BR, 1% BA 4 1 A 2 BR. SllO. Crpta dlaposal, ra.nre only. 1212 Atlanta. H.B. FR.EE RENTAL SERVJCZ over rara~s. Pet OK. w/w crpts, pool. pvt ba1. mo inc utiJ. 49&-2191 Crpld, drps, .ll'!ll ctnr pl I: oyen, U2 E. Bay St. ~28oo · Broker 5.16-aaa , Bkr, SM-6980 1136-5794 llft. 3 pm. CM BACHELOR. nice. uUI. pd., GVf:n. 64S.2U.. 37'1 W. Wilton "4!M-Z792. 2 &: 3 Bedroom 2 baths. WANTED l BR ccittq1 at TOWNHOUSE: 3 BR, 2~ 4 BR, 2 Ba, bit-Ins, fireplace. $135 • 2 BR. Triplex. Children e NASSAU PALMS e near beach I: town. $95 to NEW dlx. l I: 2 BR. Sha( OLDER 1 br, vinyl Coot, 1torts J block: pat i a, ~ in l.qun& Boh b)' l BA. lrplc, patio, pool, 2 car $230 mo. 1st & Wt 1: pets·mteom«!. 1 & 2 BR-POOL June, 494-4925 crpta: dllls blti.M. lmmed Eaat • tide'. $90 + utll., SM rana:e. Open daily 7121 male nurR. Quiet. ns..oa2 I gar, all bllns, crpts, drpa. 842-2956 Bkr, 534-6980 177 E. 2;lM St. 642.-36<i5 occuPY $16o.nao 540-1t73 depoail. 54Q..8600. Ell~•· IC-4121 or &U-2835 NEED .Garqe. ta Rent eo ~:eve7~ ~c!~~ or 1 'v~A-CANT=~,~B~R,-2-BA--Lge-4100 $1.flO VERY nice 3 BR. Mob. Hot1t1 4975 545-mi. ' ,' LOVELY new 2 br, 2 ba, pri $155 I: $175. . yearly,bula. ntar Brlml.A: ' ram rm/play rm. patio. Costa Mesa Hm. S95 2 BR trlr. 132 w. Lide Shortt Hotel NICE individual townhoule. 1ar, Is yd, bltnt, view. Nr. * PONTALBA APTS. "* 8aktt St. Call 5SJ.'7611: I FOR LEASE sro;. mo. 84>-3296 --------• wu.on. CM. 543-9577 Bayfn>ot kitch"""" ,...,, · l ~ 2 BR. Frpl.,, """' scat Plua. ......,._ All El"""c,Spacioua 1 BR. West.dill, large Zlx:JI living $250, 3 Br &: Family rm, FURN. 1 _BR apt oU Tustin $l&5 BEAtrr. turn. 2 BR ex-from $255 ma. Suites A patio, Jar. 2652 Oranp Ave. SHARP! Larp 1 br,. Cf'llll, Frplc, pr,· crpta I drps. RMml for ltent l"5 room. Owner, 642.2835 $400 Close tG beach, 1st IE la.st. Ave. $13a water & IU pd. pando·Mob. Hm, 133 E. 16th room• b)' da,y ar week. 548-842S or 675-6662 drp&, bit-Ins. Quiet bids. $1.50. Ad'ulll. 1177" Gartiekl, 1---------i-;;'';;""';;·======~"'A"'f'-t o,' ;,•m=536-31=="===~"'838-K9=="="'=S4:'-3319===::::I St. Sp. 16, CM. 6*r-2733 Pbont1, maid, coffee, lee l BR. $IS mo .• 2 BR $133 Adult.I, JUI, 5"-26&2 H.B. 96UOOC1 , PRIVATE tn~. lmrnac , • I-;; BACHELOR. UW pd FrH 617 Udo Park Dr. '67J.8800 . Crpts, drpa, pool. No 1 BEDROOM apt. t..rp NEW 1 BR-blk to beach. furn. 300' h'orn oceu. Adult J 1G:::OM::;:::;'•:;l ____ .;;31.;.DCl;;;1G_.1.;;G.;;•'-na;.;r.;•.;.1 _____ 3G'-•-'-J'-G-'a'-ne;.;r.;•.;.1 ____ 3l_O_O"DI laundry rm. FAide .. Crpta, RENTALS pell6f.cbildren. 325E.,17th yard. $120 month on le:w. $130. Prl patio -QUm! anJf. $85 mo. tu July lit. i" S©~cillA-~.t.flis• Tli• Puule wiflr th• ·Built./n CAKl:le ... ~,~~Ulltl$" r r r. r r 1 6 t.M.ctAMllE A90VE l!llHS TO 'GfT ANSWfl 11111r drps. 195, ........,. Adw1&. ~ .... Unfvmhthad Pl. Call -54&-JSli Gu, •inak adlts. couplo. 112 Mth st., NB 11>-'4'13 • F1JRN Bach. Apt. Cel:ttraUy :.;z::. DELUXE l 4 2 BR Garden SPLIT lewl 2 I: 3 Bdrm apt:I 2Q2 A 14th 5:6-llJ.9 673--1'1M PRIV. Room. Laun d r '1, Located. fB mo. Girla anJy, Gener1I 5000 Apll. B!t·int, priv patio, crpta A. drp&, blt·int No petJ ROOMY 2 4 3 br'1. Optd I; Kitchen ' 1V PrlvD. Gd ~ Call S4&-1l67. · heated pool, frplc. Multi , 2885 Mendoza 565421 dtpd.· Newly decor. 3 br., Loe. S75. 298 Wllnut St., ~, VEN DOME o mo. 5§6..516.1 2 BR. 1~, BA. Crpta, drps, dbl attach pr 4 frpl.c. 3 C.M. i 'BR. FURN. APT. 'BR. bltno, .,,, ... """"" ........ $152.lOutUpd • .adwts bllco!rombch.~lm PRIVATE En- 2831 s. Bristol, CM praae:. P.lalllrt adultl. SUI 1834 Monrovia. &ca.G331 2 BDRMS. 2 BA, pvt. patio, bath. S!IO per mo. Nor UCI I ~Vl~1 n10. ~'~ SU-2384 l BR. Apt. Bit-ins. $90 Ma. =.r~.pool.a.:.•. ~ • ocr. ~ ~ Newport leach 4200 SECI'IONS 'AV AlLABL!! LRG 2 I: 3 BR. Crpts. drps, 1 Mature Only. 12 2 •C • Prt-v. Room, bath, •ntr, CloH te thnDlnL P•rk or 2 kldl ok. 2214 Colle&e Magnolia St. ·49M&9! . 2 BR. 1 dilld under 2 yrs OK. 1; patJb. '8& a month. BEACON BAY :-Modern 2 * 5'*ioul S Br's. fil. · Ave., Apt. 2. ~ No pell. 2612 Encland' . .St . Call 5'5-2495 • J :;t~~bi1:.'rm=c~ :~Put/pw• ~~i~~~~ Meta v.... 5110 ::v~·.:.:.... ~~~~ == ll 1213) TK 5-3421 * Ftpi. lndJv/lndry fac1t .i w/ refri&. 540-8680 tJNDBOJtG CO. ~ port BlYd, 5tM'155. Ii l Br duplox ,.1., 4 """"' IMS Anaheim A-a llARGA1N • 8'autiful ... * 2 BR. bis doaola, new 5.l&.:157' ROON In homo with ..i1tp I from ocean. !\tar. 3 ... June OOST~ MESA kl40t 2 BR apt. 998 El Camino crpt. drps, Ava.U. anno. students. Pvt • ot tbuw !-""'=' _._ .... ~.. Adlll, no pell. $150. 557-3G r-V I'-.... n..-c... _ ~ -mo. "'~ e UNT e D1', C.M. 131-9580 l'auntam a~, S411 ,,~==-=·-=~=-~=-:--- WALK to beach. F\lm. 1 Br. 2 BR Studio. bit-ins, wuber SLEEPING nn., Pl'l"t· bDml. ! avail.-· Yearly~-J Roam• """'lture • drytt. -S.t. ~ Nawpwt ....,, s• Piii Mo. , ...,. -·-· Student•.............. . 'I Aa•nt 642-38!0 $19.95 &: UP Qnly &IMtl! •Ao-,• 11e. 8-&Q.,;..,,.. ---. l BR flan apt. o.IU pd. Pool. 70ttb-To-IL."frth Rent.all DELUXE 2 Br, blW. C/D, ~ Bil. J BA. nr acun, bJJ, !rfr, l>&hwbr. Pkdlftc tac. EMPLOYED~. kitdwtl A N"o cblldrtn or pet&. 2'05* WIDE SEL&CnOH end patio. carport, 1 child dlhwhr, $235 mo. Yrly, No Avail Matchl.Sfb. Cal Cm) burM 'privlt. $50 mo , 16th st.. NB 646-46&4 "o DEPOSIT 0 .A.C. Gk. Rtt• "'° mo. 646-6112 pell. 54Mllt'I wkd1• t-5. m.st07 con.ct. JU...3191» call A.)t.'1. i 8AOIELOB Apl 2 blks to H1RC n.mlhn'I Rent.all Jiisr completed 2 BR, crpta, 2 BR duplex, Se~ Or. ROOM 1W employed rt\d .. , bch.185 Mo 'tll '""'· Be'"'" 517 II. 1Jt)I, OI MS-3UI -blt.liw. l1M mo. :IW "'111/Qrd. New ""'' dtpl. Santa •--.,_ lad:r. ~t -w/,..i. 12 mon M&-«l28. . fl20 • 2 BR.. IV<>. w/'¥1, Eldtn Aw. fU,.309J Yr Ut. I• 1922, ~l. _,. --~.MMU8. lft f PM • :Z BR furri A u n fo.r n drpa, thlldren A p 1 tt 2 BR apt. $140 )lti.-f\lrn. DELUXE 'J Br, Wtstclltt Soi:. pas ID tm. LARGE: l Ir I n1RH1SHUl Bad, •• ,., $1504115. Cpu_ drfl8, bltnl, wtloomtd. Avail Mar. 5. No children no Pool • blt·fnl. Adults. t2IXI er. lta4Jo Apta. (b'l·pln}. •mJkrytd ~ '40 mc» H.-r ~ pool, patio. l52i Pomona. Bln". 534-6890 pot.. M2--33'JS no tae. 64UZl'4 Opts, drpt. frplc, lre tam~ ~ •. Call IO-Otff. ~ 1 BR, lure. Block to Jli!r. $9& • I BFL 'NEWLY LOVELY Lee 1 Br. crpt.a, CHARMING -1 Br, h'Plc, ly kitchen wlbltm. 1 tblkt ROOM Jn prtv. hb;me. K1tm. ~ $CRAM.LETS &NSW ..... IN C' ••SIFIC anoN 9000 Gan ... SIUdeots ok. lllO DECORATl;D. drps, bltlns, .... A<lulll,.. .... ... drps. Im. r..u.. ""· ........ ~ ochoolL 2'l30 ~ lauod>J prlvl. ~ llllJ. l-~-~~---"---~----------"------·-'-"'-""'..;..·_m-m-'~---Bllr, -.,.._ms mo. M&-1762 Call alt e. ,,. l!IN lo. eom.r 81, (Nr w ..... 1. llO ..,, .._mr I t _l ' I f I I -------------- ftfdlr, '"'""" 27, 1970 . ..., R AL"l!$TAT·E I , 'BUSJNESS ond "·' ..,. G ... ral · • FlllANCIAL 11•1us1r1°1 • 1 Mosiov 19 Loia • .no · • When You JOBS & IMPLOYMINT I JOIS l EMPLOY~ Jello Mon,Wom. 7100 Jollo Mln,Wom.17100 PJ .,Edy ~.... ~ . NEW Bldg., i ..... · .. :..:: 111 TD Loan Wont it done Ale or lease. ~.iletaU. !pw<•!l'litml ~,..U.bl> rig}lt ••• •ilil~ attu 2nd TD . Loan Call ~ne of . ' I '""·. '-•balled ·-1"'· th r# Comm.,-clo _, 642-2171 1 , 54$.G611 l'J.1 8 •Xp8 $ ALTERATIONS J. e. PENNEY eo. FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH hH lmmocllot--Int for ALTERAnON SUPERVISOR roR ..i. ~ w. 29th ~ lhibof .... 21 ""' ..,-listed belowll St. se~ 1\Jwen area. Sattler Mot '9&1• Co. ! Recent 1ucceasful experience, all phases 548-17'4 or •<&-7'1~ ~ 33&.E. l1th SU'e<t Sl!RVIC of fitting, alteraUOlll, repair and press- lndustriol Rtnlol M90 Money, Wontod " ~ -E DIRECTORY SlllVICI DIRICTOllY SERVICI DIRICT RY ing. Full time employment, e.cellent in- --Bobysltlirlfl ' 6551 D~oll 6631 ,.....,.. Tox · 6740 cenUve plan and oulstanding benefits. 10% ,+. .,._ .. """· 425.t<lo ' • M-1 Bldg. for LnM 1'<ed<JI cm lbort tvm liula. \.i>VJN<i Cl>lld ea.. lP m; • ppooy °""'" 'Co. i srATE • Federal Tax Apply in person 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. 28801579) aq. tt · . ~~by lit TD on choice home .... w. Near·Crown Uclll Oxitractor. Lull or ServU:e. Al Aow u ss. Your Mon~ thru Sat~ay Folly SJ>!inld""' Nobile Bom• dev. 6<6,1l34 Valley Sehl. ·Lq. ·Niguel. Small Jobs .. ~ 147"""1 .. .,.. g •• v.o •• ·SM-2915 P..V.0 1 FHhlon lslond c10.,.E Occ-ncy \odayi , ',' Lu•che• incl. Moo. lhnl Fri. • .,. ·-·~ An equal opporlunlly employer Fi-or !!•ain ""!ts .ANNOUNCEMENTS Full or II""· 4'6<I093 E~lcol 6640 lronlnt 6755 ""ii:i:i:liii!l~~#mi!!i!!!!!i!~~!!!!!!'!~I • 147-147• • ond NOTICES YOUNG Moth<a-will ,_ 1or • • ANNOUNCEMENTS I "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I -dilld my h 0,;;. ELECl'IUCIAN1 -& SINGLE GuYS and NOTICES RENT M-1.1125,q. ft. $13> FoUnd,(FrM ,Adl) A00 weekdays. 'clJt 61)..9fi03. bo~ded. Small ~· We'lldo»>urlauodr)',wuh.I.:;;;;;;...:.:;:~:;::::_ __ _ LOT In. Grus Valley, mo. 135S togtn. c M. oot. · ~~!.._~ce It rep a 1 rs. dry, fold le iron. $5 per Tutoring Mto l..a.ke Arrowhead.. 6'1S-5116 .PART Gmnan hphe1d (!), 1~ '. week. Piek up and delivery. value $8500, 'f'nwSe; on 2-3 monttis, chain 00 ~ SASYSlTTING &. l i le Gwen &: •'Chril .. ; 675-4399 EUROPEAN · Teacher wUI Jnrome unfl: Harblr.area. Lots 6190 flea coll&r, 4 red oon.a:r. ~=~ ~.·~:u ,...,. "65 belott 10 AM or itter 5PM tutor German A Fre11Cb. * 644-2'32 * ,.,,,....__~ Vic: Adams &-Mesa Yerde aft 6, 675:"1922 CARPET VINYL TILE lRONrNG in. 1nY home, $11.,:;;m-0554=:::=.===== Salton sea Jot & ttlr. $41Xk> 93a.l.a&wia·......;,.... Rd. Dr C.M. ~2081 Free Csttma.te Uc. Contr. ~ .. Bring ~·angers. JOI~ & EMPLOYMENT Jollo /olOn, Wom. 7100 BOYS ti· 14 :z:.. DAlbY PDDr so.an 'F&C for bolt. camper or UGUNA BEACH FQUND Blonde Colored Part BABYSIT • ~kly,i.· nigbll 540-.7262 ~ 546-4471 ...,..uu Job Wont~, Mon -• coich. Big sear Jot Flrt <Sawdust Featiftl;Groi.mdsl~ German Shepherd ale also N.B. are:.. Refere.nces. ... ,_ BUSBOY , • LYMhtimt $1500 fcir T 230S Plaza ala 2·89 acres, M·lA.prop., app w/black collat'. mHu Lunches. 646--0494.. Gardenlrlfl '6IO Palnttng; ARCHITECT A.u't. 6 ~. Monday tbru Friday Playa, San Clemen~. :!t fl: <!:r:.:: ;:, ~ reptration No. ta e,. BEST ~ fur ~ur Want -Paperft•ntlftl "50 expuience. Just rt turned Canyon Lakt watErtronl Iol, Club bldg), a\lt!:tage deptb Please ldentifY. 64&-8291 Day or NJghL 566 Hamilton * HERRING'S'! r m p 1 e t e · from Europe. l'1i )TS exp. clubbowie le' pool •$ZJ.,950, 418 ft. $225,000. 25% down. FOUND Lut .w,eekend , Sf,, No. 8, C.M. 642-2764 Garden Servlce AVERAGE 1 story 546-'0iO . Apply in person SNACK SHOP #I clear. Will trade tor condo Owner will cany 1st at Bicycle, boys Sting?af vie. BABYSJ'M'lNG p EXP~ ~:UP I $258. a .stol7 exterior $358. LICENSED male beautician Gr units. Broker • ask for 31,~3 annual rate. Owner/ Hardin.g .,,; Hayes Circle, Adult. Eventnga & Weekends. erao _.. or Borlus 5000 .. Bl~ Chipe. would. like potjtion as chair Ruth Laurie. 6f6-7ln Broker Dorothy Funk. Real-H.B. 96i-7138 Call ~ particular people. 962-4914 lnteriOr prices av all. uai1tant to •~list. 549-1206 :1305 E. Cout Hwy, CdM ff&tley Davkmn. Van Bus. HAVE: Late portable color tor. 642-3344 ot 494-362S pm. FOUND: Part Germ. Shtp. CHILD CARE, fenced yd, NEW lawm:, i'e-1eedtp g. =637=.Qa__.._·~----1==:;~=:;:;;;:;;=. (l{ILO Care, v.:eekda,ys In your home. Newport Apts, 2450 Newport Blvd, No. 6, ' ~c:Olor 'IV', off...et ·TV, trade for lharp1~ Im Laguna BeaCh $8500, Jge vie. of ~ le AUIO. Costa lunches. Vic W~!l'lr & Spr· Complete lawn tan!. Clean YOU 1upply the paint. Apta 'ob Won•·• ; i!rfnting press. •64 Ford portation car. • level comer, xlnt view. Mesa. Call &-identify, ingdale. Weekly. 846--0839. up by job er month. Free A moteb painted -$10 " W ·-· • Van. parls or all. Trade Call 1 ~ bef 10 or aft 6 ~ · BABYSITTING ~Y home, estimates. Fot info call averg. nn. Call anytime Pal omen 7020 C.M. 1 CLEAN==~IN~G~wo-man--wan~l-ed. for ! All 5 pm, 6C5-0077. t213)' 432-8S.l7 d4.)'5 132·x300• E«lie, take 26 FOUND 4 qr 5 6mo. old vie, Warner & Raitt, S.A. 8914411 ot 84&--0932:. the Paint.a, 5'57-8638 !---------~ ~ duplaor triplex; have ENGLISH TUDOR units. sub. Asking $44,750. Shepherd Pup. Vic. Maple & Daily & wkly rates. Mrrttn * ANTHONY'S * INT a: Qt P&Urttn& • .Free ~OPEAN I.ad)'. excellent Br.1%. Ba bouR. 63xJOO' "ffl.&h On Hilt" Agent. 646'.-3750 -Y~ksl\\f'e St. in C.M. call BABYSl.'ITING In my home, esta. Loe re.ts 30 )Tl e.xp educational background. . ' lot. Surveyed 4 approved 6 rooms. beau. IO min. L.A. 548!9561 days only, north Co&ta Mey "The best eo&tl no more,. Lie. &:: insrd • Call Chuck World·lnwled, tri·lingual, fCl' S.R lot. Si Slavin, Rltr. Trd NB/CM. 54&.8532 Acreaaa ·' · 6200 YOUNG Orange s triped area. SG-220t Budget landlcufng MS-0809 er Ji~ su..Ml5 pleuant penonali~. desitts Eitprrienced .only! 4 hn per week. Pre.fer Fridays . Reference.a. 546-7817 after 5:30' W!ek-day&, an)'time wffic-end1. · ' . . ""~ ~ Mai.Dtenance 644-4860 0 pog!Uon as secretary, Cal.so ,,,..--Fentastic View 160 Pictul4! 1Jb0k acre. with Tiger Cat. 24th & Tustin WILL babysit weekday eves • SUPERIOR SEIVICES exp. In Wes). 833--0554 ' Motor La\mch l!' So Cout. Brand new, 3 BR house, for U.S. hiWllY •--1age ,.0 Ave, CJd. Flea Collar. or F?i & Sat nights, Call GA~DENING. 642'"'°37 YOUNG Cook , ·-p. .,. •-~radio.·· · u.WJ 646-1TI8 M•,...,.e673--0506orG73--3726 Trees, shrubs, ivy removed. PAINTIN~EXT-lNT woman de1ire1 -· ~·• w -·· units. TD's, suJm\il. Rllr. boo~· .sai. OJno Co. -• ~ Gtneral oUI work. Exp utuu.lly Maintained. VaJ· 642-97:ll, evea. Sf8.073). "'---m"-".· _ .... ,,/\:" • n•,ooo ~7 yr. old )Jghan dQK found LJC'D Bab""itter, v'-Wilson New lawna. Rototillinc. Free Reuonable Rates-Lie · ee • J. C. PENNEY CO. •1~ vwucr -~ _... .,.... CM __ .. _.. J ~ "' eat. 548-8918 . • credit. library. CM area. FASHION ISLAND lit...-.. T.D. or '? 2·\ii Acre1. Beautiful Moun-~ huya! lf6..~ lodB,)I! . . "'.........., 17th SL Please &:: Pomona, CM. Fenced ./ PAJNTING-INT/E!ct. Full time. 557-&C.32 1; ' OJI 6f4..0064 tain land in Ania. Hwy n . · pruen~Pfl-~ ~-7568.-yrd, Hot meals. 64>0611 JAPANESE Gard.en in a Jack can do-tffat pamting:f-:;=.-·~'-"===- fdee e.plntt tnOatioo -'l'Tade fot boat. Art Shaw, RelOrt Property 6205 612~ Orchid. CdM BABYSIITING, nice clean Se 1' vi c e • Neat work. ;JoJ>.iut, cleao A very reu! AIDES .. krt convalietc:ence, ~ Trd tor inc. or boat. 5 R·l FOUND Computer pn> home CK ma. Fenced • ...i. Clean-t1p • )'U'd ma.int. Elt. 894-3895. 341.:uss . elderb' care or family Clll't, ' ~-•· Ul (714) 827-0968 Cypress, · . ' · '·book ~-,. 96S-2:l03 · • llomemakm Call S47""1 · ,....,w ... ta. Heart ot Omg ,._,'6......::-. C'ANYON' LAKE: vw lot i..... grammmc no... vnuige Hr, day or wk. 55l-9826 SUBURBAN Paintipg/Deco ' • F.q. $25M. Be quick ............,.-.-"J C'.oast Ccllege area. SG-5481 AL'S r-0 -•-• Lan · 1 -r · , ownr. $9Xl dn. beJ $102 m<1. B : k M .•. · ....... _ -ExJ!ert • Guan.n~etd Work. • on tbil. 830-fi040. Tn-993>. \Viii trd S15M eq in S view ind inter 6%. 962,.1800 eves. LADIES Watch Found Sun-ric • 1sonry1 Alalntenanoe. Cornmerdal. Free ell NO job too Iaiv Jobs Mln1 Wom. 7100 ! Wb..t dO )'OU bave to trade! lots. ' Panorama Heights. . ' day On Ball;>oa. Island. Call etc 6560 lndus~ ~ ~·r~too~amall~~·_!49f.31:'!::'~90~-J·:---:=:-:----- Lltt It hero -le~ H«rt o! Orange County. Mounto in & DoHrt 6210 673-77<1 • I I ·--E~rl • • ACCOUNT CLERK ~· --• ~• Inco boa' " BRICK & CARPENTERY m"s G-n er"" • -"'• or . : "....,......, 1 __,,. ~ me, .. car or .. (If "uu. & lawn Acoustic ceilil'la:a ptd 12 yrs Graduation from Hi&h ; p)lt-udlUllltadML value. 830«MO, "m-9920. f"INISH and &ave. Cabin on Lost 6401 work, planters, fireplai:es, maintenance. Res. & com-exi>er. St.ate Uc. Pifuburzb Scboal, includlna: or sup. ~ 1\ *· * -W * * acres, panoramic v i ew , LONG-Haim:I, small fem.ale hloc;k walls, cement patios. merdal.* 540-U3l • pnts. 543-1181 plemented by CO\ll'Sf.s ih ~ Lucerne Valley, 25 min to dog. Black, 4 white paws, pali~ roofs & all types of JAPANE.5E Gardener, INT A Ext Pntc Free em financial ttcOl'd k!t'pina, Has' opening far * COOl< * with 110me experience and willing to leam OUll' limited menu. Compe t1tive w&ge,, outstand!J)g bendits includ- ing profit rharing, APPLY IN PE:A.SOM 10 Mf to ·s PM, ?t10NDAY nmu FRIDAY !~· R AL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Lake Silverwood, $500 down, bushy tail. Nr Anaheim &: repairs. 4.92-1928 exp'd. O:impt. yard service. Loe refs :.> • Ll . two years of accounting ex- $50 monthly buys ideal 19th. "A" nA.,., BUIW, Remodel, repair Free estimate. 54f;32$. .___. ean' ?:!.'.~;. • ., ~ perience .requ.irina: a basic ·.·.·' Gener•• Gener•• ~ B . k ol .,111:1"\1, WI """ U'W""Ulll.Q knowl-"-! ..• J c PENNEY eo -'-"'-""''-----' -==..:.;.-·----1 weeekender. U:lw interest nc . ock, con c re t e , GEN'L •d. Cl••~.~, --Cir 'Im .... ., ,._., . ....-.. .. o accounts anu • • • ;.-L. ..~, RE\VARD! for irtflJJ'mation ._, · b t mall " _ . .,.,. .. .,., ~. "'ft·~•1 Abilliy to t I. Trt, C~ 5997 Offi'co R-~ I 6070 on ~. $5000. Owner yri]I carpen ... J, no JO oo s . ~ft-·. ,.~till. ·~•'r -. t'<'J•"'. apera e , • ,,.. ..-ue fina11Ce. ~2592 after 1 pm leading to our female Irish Lie. Contr 962-6945 ~..-..,.. .,........ ... EX-PAINTER, oow schl adding and cal cu I at Ina 24 Fashion Island y rates Sea Lark LAGUNA BEACH YUCCA VALLEY secUOn. Seiter. missing since Dec. FREE E&t Brick. block. pairs. ~ul. Reuon. 646-5848 teacher will pa.1.nt eves & ma.chines. typing 30 wpm. Equal opportunity employe:r Motel, 2301 Newport Blvd., Air Conditioned Best buy at $450 ac. Very 12,~:~t~nsyruk. ,."Rom ...... ie~~ No stone ~ten &: entry EXPCo ER.le Japanese Gardener. ~· ~~ ~ Salary begl.na At $493. Apply Com .. ,.. ou roe-A~~ . . In ~ · '53l IJ , mp te Yd Service. Free ei ~. ~ Monday thru Friday g AM m ., ~... ,,...,,v" promunng vestment. Ad-wa,ys ~ state c d. "-ft•-Call•~·-COSMETIC SALES • ~-• __ o·-"·"-,_ 1100 ReWllni tot SL~--~. . ' e•--~•. -~-• CUSTOM•Paleting .. ln.._ to 4,30 PM, Ne....,.. Mesa .....;-....-• .. _......, ...,, joifl'> planned mult.M S' oc:iutUu 3 : ' Mftc. Rantafs 59" ...c ~ hoDdlnc dvlpmt. Asaume 6% 1st TD No que1tioos asked. C&U Cabinetm•kl ng 6580 a:EAN..Ut-SPEOIAI:.ISl' Exterior. Lie, Bonded. lns. Unified School D l 1 t •• : pdme loc&Uon Jn downtown Write owner • TreVOr Box Steve or 0 on n a Mowln&. edgl.na...odd job&. Won't be underbid! 646-3679 ClaYilied PenonneL .1601 'j II GES (e:rtra long) 10 x J..acuna Btach Alt CODdi· 1966 NB 67~1568 * 612',!. Orchid . RESIDENTIAL ~ Camm. Reuot1able. 548-6955 PAINTJNG, Papering 11 )'l'L 16th ~t. NewJ!Ort Beach. : ·: .• . .. Nr. o.c. a.irport. tlomd. ~ beautltul CdM. Ctatom Cabinet & Furn. JOHNSON'S GARDENING in Harbor area. Lte ~bond· CallL enc> 66.Q6IXI Full time. Experienced. Ex· cellent aalary, commiuion and benefit.$. call for appt:; 540-5000 ext, 30. • =ea Rd. $20 JDO.' entrances: Fn:ntap on R.E. Exchange 6230 BLACK & Silver +~ Furn Re·Finishing. 6CS--099l Yard care, ·aean-upe;, PrUno ed. Refs. turn. &t2-23S6 ASSl;MBLERS ~· Forest Aw .• rear leads 1D mirita.ture p:>Odle. l yr old. tng, planting. £162,-,))JS PAPERHANGING For Camper Fectory .:· J,ARGE Si"'1e Gulp Far Nunclpo! -Iota.~ SMALL howe wurt<d In Chi)d'• po~ Reward! Carpontorlnt 6590 *LANDSCAPER* Call·Mac ?..fer -worldnr -r. JOSEPH MAGNIN Stanp, Neill' Harbor &op. per mooth for ll*ll'. Dtsk Newport Beach area, from 536-2749 ,. .a • App I Y Majorwa Trailer 'Pinc Center 54&--0580 aDd dUs aftflatiie fDr $5. private (JWl')U, 547-'l'Sltl. ""'RPENTRY 12 yn local exp. 536-1225 54!MM49 548-1444 Y .,, • Bllliaea boan t.rnerinl GRAY & white young MINOR REPAIRS. No .Job * PAINTING, lnt·Ext. Local Alie, 869 W, 18th St, CM. Equal opportunity employer • J ,CAR Gan.p & Loi. Good ~ avail.Ible b' $10. R. E. W•nted 6240 Penian femal e cat. Too Sma1L Cabinet tn Pf1. Gener•I S.rvlcts 6612 reterences. Jmmed servioe. ASSim'Mfr Manq:er for COSMETICS.WIGS-SPOR~ . .. Stonp. $55. mo. Call -All utilltits .d I Broadway &: Tultin, CM. ages I& 0 t b. r cabinet&. 646-5242 . Specialty Shop. Muat be WEAR F • 662306 ~. . ·~ PIJ exoep NEED 3BR2BA1SOO gq fl Reward. ~2543 5«5-1175, Um UllWfl' teaw RAIN gotten lnstalled . wUllng & able to urume · antutlc new par • . ...,a.osm ... h f, SH "'""' ,.....,. at ~ IL" O. Rainey aeeon almOlt bttel PAINTING• ~t·Int. 18 yn. responsibility. Retail u:-'". ty plan. $'1.50 to S16.00 .per :" ..-~ ruaa:e. Vic 16th · DAD..i: :PILOT ome or CA .,.., .. ra. MINIATURE Brown poodle ~ nee-est. Reun! 963-2208. e.xper. Ina. Lie. Free UL req, Apply . at Chris hr.: CaJI MW Terry wk day& •t • 'hKtin, CJ.I. $21). 646-6506, 222 ~-Al'ENUE I.'bbtide Rulty ~ "'Paal", Vic: lndlanapolia & Aceoust. Ceilings. 548-5325 ' Fuhlons, So. "··-t "'---545-9481 ;~ .~ LA?UNABEACH BUSINESS end Beach. H.B. Reward! REPAIRS*ALTERATIONS '-""'6 '"-. ===~=~--., y -..,...._ .... 9406 FINANCIAL 536-1031 * CABINFl'S. Any me job Houllrlfl 6730 * PAPERHANGING Ask tor""'" T." COUNTER HELP, 2 brs. :· ~$25 per mo. BfMEDlATE Ottupancy. 3 LOST: 3 mo. (lid fem.aJe 25 yn exper. 543-6713 CARL'S Movina:. Hauling ~ & PAINTING. * 968-2425 ATTENTION Singen. noontime, Mon tbru Fri. Ap. • .,.,...., full d 8u1int11 Gennan Sh•p'-nJ . y,·c . GEN Cl "To PU b-Record Co. is conducting ply: Chow Bell, ~57& ·· . .._., Elden, Apt ti. C.M. Y car pe le , ail'-ron-Op I 6300 " 11" • repair, add., cab. eanup. 71 n • • ncas. Plalferln9, Patch, Went search. Call for appl Newport, C.M'. ~· GARAGE .. CdM di~~ oilier areas portunlt ti ~;a & oak. Call Formica, paneling, marllte. Free Est. 548-8913 Repair 6880 548-23.'il DEUCATESSEN JI.fan, full '·*Pl Mo. 67J.29l8 *' ~~c. ~t~~~\n~ *FAMOUS* LOST: Small bt1t male dog, c~U::R~l,ck.C~ts ~ic:~L~~a.;et!ur!~~ * PATCH PLASTERING· BABYSITrER w/ ref't., pt ~7~·.S~PP~Minpenok 0 1'495T"E. del :r.w. 4,C.O aq. ft.-"'"".. ,BRAND NAME time, lte. h.skpg. 2 cir 3 day ·• · • as or er- IMOl"M PNperty 6000 ing from 1000 to 172:> ~ft CANOY & SNACK ROUTE ~~~Ma.rt, CM. Remod. No job too small. 494-1003 All~ ~sttmates wk, 11:~ -5 pm, Hunt. ry. }"'rorn $450 to me per ~· (PART OR Fl,1J,..L TIME~ Qual work. Call 64&-25?6 JACK'S Harbor 592-5306 o"ENT""°'AL""'"""o'"t"f~i-,.-Rece~-... -1 : INVESTMENT TAX· Area can be iub-divided I~ VERY HIGH .INCOh_IE SMALL YorkBbi.re • Glen REPAlR, Partitions, Small MOVING & HAUi.ING Plumbing 6lto BABYSITTER:~ M·F M ttonia:t. Plea.at ·Write Box SHELTER suit ttnant. m..6500 for in· We need a distributor m thlt Mar tract, HB. $51'.1 reward. remodel, e tc. Nite or day Reas. Free est. s.lrrl091 home. 1040 W. Balboa. ~ 51M, ~ Piiot, N.B. ·: , Trades conEdert'd formation. area for our cantf.y CNesUes, 962-4035 aft 4 pm. Reas! Call KEN 546-4679. HAULING, Cleanup, lots etc. Tra 1 hlld UOO Regarding Your Work " -··" •• .1 '"'""' ...,_, Planters, Tootsie Rolla. Pay· BLACK lim!lll sh"'""' ••.•.•. ne, REPAJR.. ---.. -"-g·po"o• tland"""an .... .time ,, 0 u PLUMBING, Repa1rl "-Al· .,.~. '!'37· c • mo. HJstory & Qualil ......., ~um DN70 •~" Bost Location In CdM ~ .. Milk ........., ......,...,. ~.....,<A.1..w• " J'" ... ,,,.. " te ••·--,..,..... -4383 aft 6·30 • · -v Duds etc ) No child's -t. Vic. Adams .. LET -~ SWEDE oo !Tl call. 642-3398 ra .......... at ecm>om>' prices · ' · :· '.ment o:miplex. M&MgU 800 to 1400 aq. ft. Deluxe Off. -~ involved. 'we i~h Brookh.;;t. Reward.~ '_;;494-185.1•• * 646-1286 . BABYSfITER: CdM attA. DENT~ AS S IST A NT• .: will continue. 6% % interest ice Spaces. A vall Jmmed, all accounts. You must have YARD/ Gar, C I c a n u p • 9AM-6PM 5 day. Wk for in-Chal.rside only. Afternoon to ~ Jtk. $50,000 ca.sh minimum. Phone Owner. 642.9950 2 to 8hn. .,..r week -·-OLD Female dog, w/blk ti CARPENTRY, Repa irs, Remove trees, lvy. trub. PLUMBING REPAIR fan! Call: 6'l5-f91.f. net evening hours, beach area. DIX. Jilt'. Ownt'l' P.O. Bax 3 ,., NE -'dov ~ 1 .. _... gray face Monte Vista St. Remodeling, cabinets. No Grade, backhoe, 962-8745 No job too tmall · ' Call day (It nite 846-3540. JS1. N.B. ,(nt), MZ-UlS, ~ WPORT BLVD. 1 ..,,s or eves· 646-1327 or 673-2254 job too small Call 646-4224. • 642-3128 • BAKER a: CAR Deccratlll' : Kr.Lile maoo ... ft.oppoo!t<New. $ll1'ltnll99S LOSfMal D ••• HAULING$10 LOAD e Pl bl Combloatton. Steady *DRIVERS* port Qty Hall. 675-1601 CASH REQUIRED e acu=Und, tan, Cement, Concrete 6600' & Tree Service. 646-2.528 ntom um ng Emplo)ment. Good Salary. N Expe • R-PLEX. $48,000. 10% For more infunnation write 8 mo.s old, vie. Jtarbor High, SST A I bef lDAM ,..,,...,.,.._ 0 r1ence .'drt. Estate •tarter• choice!! MAJUNER'5 CENTER "Diltribl.ltor Division No. "Fritz". 548-$U aft 3:30 CONCRETE work all •·-s. Housecleening 6735 • •9644 ·• PP Y ore ................ N--saryl, ... 2 BR omce or Store Bld R 1 ...,.,.. Bakery, 273 17th St., C.M. • .... ~ unita. 5S7..Q51 g. en OT 23", P.O. Box SS. Pomona., LOsr Reading glasses in Sawing, btt.aking, hauling. · , BAY • Beach J·-•--• Roofing 6950 548-3031 ., _ _. ha cl I·:;;=======::. I be. 149 Rivenide Ave. NB. "-"1 91769 J--'ud b Ski 1,.n.:ii .. n "' ....,wna.1 · iuua• ve ean Ca1ifornla G46-W.t ........ • ,,.,.. e phone rown case, Reward, P ............ '5; Lk. Service &:: Carpets, windows. floon, BARB drfvtn& record. A~-MU Rentel 6060 number. 54&-5361 Quality 842--1010 -ER (Muter} f<>l' M• I'....,. • etc. Rel & Commc•1. NE\\" Roota. Re-1-& barber shop. Contact L<N. YELLOW CAB CO. ,, EXCEL~ Office &pace, COIN faundrle•Frigidaire CEMENT \VORK. no job too G.t&-1401. _..D E 5J&.1421211UPacifi 186 E.16th St. 1 20c SQUARE FT. Dana Point, comer glau (Jf. From $6.SOO to $42 500 Per1on•l1 6405' Small, reAS()nable. Free Cea.tin& of all Typea. Bou vans c. UIJ0.2400 911, ft. ~ or fice. parking, l8c s.t. Ebb-Anahelrn, c.o&ta Mes a: --EiUm. H. Stufllck 548-86!5 Me!>a Cleaning Service works on the job. Free Coaat Hwy,, H.B. Costa Mesa 1 Retail storei. 2U-213 62nd tide Realty 496-4664 Buena Park. Fullerton, * FULLY lJCENSED * Carpets, windows, floon. etc. estimates. 66-1&91, 6.f.S-2550 BARl\-lAID, ~time Ii: full FA BR Jc.\ To R appren- ·1t.. Newport Beach. Rey.,.....,,, rw.,,,,.,..,..,,_,cor. Garden C<ove, Reoowned ll in du Splrlt· *CONCRETE Jooni, Re15.&Commc'l.548-4ll1 24br. time.Jnquitt1tEacapade, tioeforlightingfixturecom· ~n t Tra·-• , ...1.. ,... ...~ vw ........ .,,.,., ualist Ad v i • e s on all patio&. masonry. Any si jOb. l=• N -Blvd c M ,...,.. a VWJ. ..,.,.,,.e • ._ Jle!''<l:>sta Meoa '-'month Wcsbnlnater, Hunti-n AU. types rock, wood A "'" e .. ,....., " · · pany. If you are :o. itel. Owner. :213} 244-3101 utilities included. ~ Beach, Santa Ana. ~. matters: Love, tl-18.rtiage, Reas. Don, 642-8514 aft 4. Interior Decor•tini 6737 uphalt shingles. LEAKS BEAUTY ()ptTatar w l th mecha.n.icall,y lncttned, want 1· ~ar·«fta C213) 2f6.-0'100 NEAR CM Ci "'·" La MitadL Business, Courtship. Health, *CO NCRETE \Vork, REPAIRED. Wort auar. 80l'M folJowlng. Xlnt work· steady ;lob w/xlnt working \o&O.__,..,,."' • . ty nai.i 3 Rm Call Happiness & SUccen. No Liccl\SOO. Palios / dlV\vys, PICTURE FRAMING 847 1136 conditions, "-e will ~•n .,..,.. .. ..,_....: Small itore, ap.. Offices. PaneJ-.. , ;._ ...... tt· Owlie 525-7833 problems too 1n-e or ,.,· Painti...,. ....., ·--Ing condltlons, larte salon. ""-' -· -ft r>--•···' <:\I ~,....... ....a ~tc. Phillips Cemt'nt. 548-6.'W:l .... ~ ..,,_ N'--1 H·'-~-•~ N )'Oll Cont.act W ........ ' 1-hUng r--.,., Ill· • ~ve drapea. SlSO. Call &U-6560 FOR 1Le~ • Retail Tin small. l CAN HELP YOU. * Roof Leab Repaittd * '6"" ..... -"'...,.........., o. • vuu ""'f> • ·Imported Gifts & 600 SQ FT OFC Store, heart of 0>5ta Mesa. Readlnp given 7 dm a MORE coocrete patio for Income Tex 6740 AU Types, Guaranteed 19 Monaich 81¥ Plaza, 4020 Campus Dr, N.B. Dtcoraton: Acceuories. • Could be used for align-\\'ffk, 9AM-9PM 312 N. El le1• money. Artistic 5f!lti!li' (Jtte year 642-4658 ·Laenna NIJuel. f.96..Si28, FACI'ORY Women. Tern· ,i~~5f6..460I "1Mo.C.M. 646-2130 menl,brake,tune-uporany Cam ino Real, San &flnl!hing.644-0081 BENEFICIAL 499-2221 poraryposition.fl.1an~. } FOR LEASE in HUNTINGTON BEACH related auto rep&lr shpp. Clepiente. 492·9136 , CUST'OM CONCRETE TAX SERVICE Sewing 6HO * BEAUTJCJAN, tor bwy, ~,,:: \V, JPth Sl., CM i Pmirie Bkf.r., next to Air Conditioned ideal set up for "retail tire ..f92..0076. Pitioa, pool decks, etc. l'ree INSTANT REF1JND (if you popular pricad C.M. Won. ; ~ Rmau.rpt. Ioq. OH llACH ILVO. apen.Uon. 6 ba,vs, 2 align. * est. 675-5516 o\ve tax, INSTANT WAN). DRESSMAKING, satisfae-~ vac •.. No clltntete.l-*.,...-"F~IB"E=R~G~L~A~S-S-*- 1 •, ·m.ee Mn. Franke ~k IJ>ftl'e available pllJ, Ready to got Contact w ··men Computer guarantees h\ab-tion '"'"'""nt-A'"· Re ..... bl• req d. New grad welcome. GELCOATERS : newest office bull M K "-1~•1 ·~"~ Ch 'ld c /1 ·--~ Call"· u ••• -. ~•9919 , .., SMAU,. sbopl nr. Newport prime location in H tin • · e.M~J• •.w ._"'Wf, t ere, est refund owest tax. For a rate5. Call 962-1060 "• ---· .-Min. 6 months cxper, requir-Pier~ Variou.& Wes. Inquire ton Beach. Air tioned Newpt 819d, CM Ll9nted 6610 lin1it'ed time, HOME CALLS • Dressmaking -Altera· .BtKINIS: Earn over $J·OO ed. Apply Ull Placentia, J ; ' ~ Pto~es beautiful entrance. Front: ' te START YOOR NEW YEAR NURSERY by appl. tiona Designed to suit Yoll· per hr., ~l~I~ Sandpiper Costa Mesa. · D:. W. Balboa. NB 673-7421 qe on Beach Blvd., rear T. MANUFACTU1UNG WITH THE RIGHT MAN. School, C.11.f. 7 M&-3106 or MS-9521 Call -Jo * 646-6446 Custom Btlun1s at bomt GARDENER TRAlNEE l -Small Storr: Old Newport ltada to private perkin;: 547-6667 days wk. 6:30 AM·9:30Pli>1. 77'0 E. 17th St., C.M. partiff, part time. No in. '·' 1 Blvd. SIO $100 call lot. $50 per month tor Active w/ $1T,SOO producing 24 hour recording Full, 1P/lime. aft schl. 545 ,V, 19th St., c .,.f, DRESSMAKJNG & wstmtnt. Girls 16 yrs. & Elcperience ~c. Xlnt (Jpp. ~ • 1paoe. Delk ano chain aulo parts a: dlatribution. WITNESSES To accldenl Rat.ts for 2 or more. Sml'ley T•• ~-:..,. ALTERATIONS up, call ~tiss Paul, wk. da.n (7141 546-0085 ~ , available for $5. Bualnels Tops in special 1ie.ld tor 25 Tran!p. turn. So Orange Co. u tlll tM 'R.euonable ratea. 642-04M' 515-40llS GENERAL Our girls-e"""' au N NEWPORT NB. A boun amwerlna aervtce 2/21/'70, Approx Sits to 534-1292 'VVJ • ' '; rw avalllblt for JlO. AU utru-years. $12,000 salary ·+ &30 P~f Ortep H"'Y· z mi. ==;=;===== --, 6'7• BOAT CARPENTERS their -.,irk. Ooe retiring, ~~~ of J>ll'kinl, tit:& pail ~telephone. share in profits. Must haw E . ot San Die-~ .. ., VW • •12th YEAR LOCALLY e Tiie, Ctr•mic Experienced. , ,._ CUllOln one movtna, g!\le •openings. Jl'IU ...._.. 6C2n58.51. DAILY fllLOT managerW abili~. Call Im· Van. Please caii' M~;~ W<>r· Contr•ctors 6620 Qualilied -ReuOnabJe construcUon. .;::;.... SALESGIRl..S. 30-40 hn. per 17"1 llACH 8LVD. med. (n•> 1T'-'J'Oj2 forrl, 54.7.s641 Addltlo W. A. (BUI) SMILEY *Verne, The 'nlt Man * WILLARD BOAT WORKS wt. incl. Sat (Jr Sun. Rent•• 607'0 HUf1Tl= 1 llAC.H OLDSTER Ru proven in· Fred rt. * '.'-«:modeling Certified Publlc Account't Q.wt. work. Install A repa.ln. l.295 Baker St .• C.M. DUSTER, 25 ·Jn, Mon-Fri. -~ d ventlons tnd ideu to ex· LADY. You h4~n·1 uvea UU 67'3-6041 GerwfCk, Lie. 642-2221 aeyd.me 64M&8I tfo job too amall. Pluta a-w.--. F/C mornlnp. Gd. benefits for :~ UI .. Offices 3 GOOD abed offlcft, .each pl.oil Call Mr. E. 64W989 .)'OU'vt had a !9.clal A skin * 5"9-21?0 Central Buslnt• Semcts paUo, lnJdJll lhowe:r ~.....,_. Ytat-routld. Worlc. Phone for . Ill....,.. '1'111 2 m out)<. SKl> « all 3 odjolq tor T·U FOOD Stono1 Fronehlle1 t1Utment at Lo Saloo de Co..,.. Clo0n'-6625 eTHE TAX ADVllOllS repair. To $625. mo. J;nm<d. open. •-nL Thi Polltly lit ..S. 8ld'>" •rvk:t. .sao mon~. Air cond., A"""-Call 779-S810 or Traltments, 2930 W. Cilt • ,...., .. ,. Penn. ottl.ce.Rea.1 Ratel 347.1957t846-0206 1nr. Stal*, tttah'I So. Santa Shack. 4~ ...-.:. -locofed. music, ulil Jnc!uded· Rltr. 49.1-J.m all 6 PM . Hwy, N.B. m4l &c.3154 DEEP STEAM 328 No. Newport Bl\>d. AnA Co. -...., ~ Gtneral OUlco "iio.Collfi.ll1t.Blc. 91d&'. -Tho "Now" llluo Room CARPET CLEANING °""""" -HOIPll>I ' Troo S.rvlco 6"° condl. Top-. Call Mla GENt:IW. o!llOe c l er• HNia lkll flO.JC f-..a.--NI Monty to LNn "2C) Jlt'CIChls night1y WELDON'S For Appt. ~ ~ ~~~"122. Ab.lpll Good typlct 8nd proficiut ~ • ilr'oand" .....,p.,,-60IO Rick •nd the ''Hawk'' Rug le Upho!Ateey Cleanen. lilt a.rt TAX SERVJCE ~ Htdgta. trl:rn. cut. , Apt;ey. 230 on kn key addlna.maddftt, ... a.or wt private ft1tnJom1 roper1y PRIVATE 'pvt;y bu funds IO Chadbourne Gll.Y Lamard • O>mplete Carpel Service 2l Jl'I. in lttf. 1tumps. removed, hauled. 30 ~~ W;', Suite 11. Santa. Permanent 11ltuiffon with fl -· 186. lnd llOcr, iBUlLDER OFFERS NEW purclwe 2lld T.D. I<. A. 17th & Pla"'nU.. CM 545-.1323 or ......m 54U28S appl . yn up. Niy 1111. ~ • NflU)or raises and nwiy • ..,rd, drp'd, •'ll•I -1-2L500 ... fl d<IUJ<t bldf. O'-l&is £._ M<>• ALCOHOUCS Anonymou1 CARPET srEAM CLEAN· • your boq>• or om,,, e Upliolsto . ~ B OOIO<E~PER. ' Uemaltl. lrqft. ,.._ &JZ.4321 ' iaL •· 2:m E. CaUt Hwy, • Ltulld. cholct Orange wood. S..A. 92100. Phone ~~7211 or wttte to '&D No aoap. no .broJ.ht5. TAX SERVlCE tn )'OU1 ry =timtcd~~4t~ :.=.tor Rutb·Leavitt for • OIM. m.&M4.. $6.3165 County uei. Prope rty WE MAKE OR BUY P.O. Bo1\' 1223 Costa Mesa. For est &IG-&m tiome. f'tst & e:UlclenU CZYKOSKl 'S CU tm UPbol. app't: AsJt b-Mr. Senne -'";H""-'·==~~-· I IJOll'A -"""'"-A/C clear. Owner w/CMTY h t TRUST DEEDS s. E. G. PLEASE, M>K Shamooo Special l7.50 * 531--0502 * . E\i<opeon ~ns BOOKKEEPER AIRSTYLIST --Pntnc. ml 11> !ll9'. Pft!)ld fnt. ok. su.&al All)'llmc l!rk. LET US KNOW THAT YOU rm/le&1 for htU .. etc. Abo 1llE QUICKER YOU CALL, ''lllo9' tin! 112.1154 hlp pmn. Mlture win.::= ::i~:"'baitions...:,, __ ~· &16 Mii « !WM11l7 -am, 112U430 pm. ~E IT! -AR£ ALRIGHT,JiJIMI. "'mp. -·· 1127.,1182 . mE QUICKEll YOU-s!IJ. !&11 '."...,,.n Blv, CM tl!P"· Alley, ll'tll, 175.tnl t.k. ~T vt -• --l \ ) ./ .\ .. "'' In ;>tl. I, ii. ..,. ... !ter me ... t..i :es. ... y ). ·u !:x- :ion tt:; IN "'· .... 76 'or· .... ""' .B. tk T. "' ... m· re "" "" Un ... '· ,,, •• >· " n. 1. ,,. ,,. " :. ,, •• !h .. n • • . ~ !. J --------- Fridl1, FtbrutJ 21, 1970 JOIS & IMPLOYMIHT JOIS & IMl'LOYMINT JOiS & IMPLOYMINT I Joas & IMl'LOYMINT MliciWilbiSI l'Oa MIR ' . --SALi AND TltADI SALi .-ND Jobi Aw.. w ..... 1100 l '~·~•;;•;;,M~111~~"~w~-~-].1;1oo~·I~'~·~•;• ~M~111;-~·~w~--;;;~1~1~oo~~J~•~•;;~M~111;•;·;;w~~-:;;;f1~1ao~ll~~!;~===:.!~U Phones Ate Opeti 1:00 Liii. • 5:30 p.m. 1; . PumlhlN -fumihlfe HIU' WAHTID LAllOREllS; CJ), wlllhic "' Sales ""iiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii App I y: MAJUNl!l 1'tB£R. be tn1lll9d for pl&aUc mold. !111 GLASS PROOUCrS. lOQ2 s. f>w. Mlnlmwn ni lb ,,,.. J . C. PENNEY CO. 9 to Noon Stlurd1Y. -Clotecl Sund•y DIAL DIRECT ••• 6-42-5678 G......W., S.A. r«11d. U.S. lndumlal Foam; FASHION ISLAND "-I * HOUHKlt:PI!• 1.me Coldon Wett Clrde, NEWPORT BEACH COOK ., W111nllN1ter 191412 Need> WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAl FREE 5-40-1220 Child ..... 1;v. 1n '°"""' MAID For Mow notet. AP. MEN'S CLOTHING SAWMEN ' home In Nwpt .Bet\. Prlv. 'ply in 'PfflOll. '151 H&rbor Huntl.,.-lllch: 540-1220 L .. una lllch: oiM-MU ( rm. XI•""'°"""""°""· call m .... C.M. ' for 1ntervw 9 AM~ ~M at l--------- Full time employment, excellent Incentive plan and ou t.standing benefit.I, a chance to participate in this company's expansion pro- PUBLIC NOTICE s,... & .......... hr:alla• I • ! • ~ Hours-Reguletion-Deedlines cmi 9fUl1I, ext~ Manufachlrin<J • • I HOU-iE KEEPElt:, lite gram. APPLY IN P ERSON 9amto 9 pm Monday tbru Saturday . All llAND NEW ' IRlt.Olll: MvtttiMn lheuW ch9ck their Ml• ~illy 1fMI NMl'f 1Mm .. l1hlly _,.!i houaework P/time. morn· ., mlN:a..mc..ttw. THI OAIL.Y PILOT .. ,.,,,..... la.Milty t.t .,,.,. enly tt inp, Mon A Fri, $2 br. the ••tMt ttl ,ullil~l"I tM Hw.,..lM1Mnt cMTMtlf w ttm.. ' <Hunt. Harbour) Call Mn. .A pro;reash~ manufai:. t\lrlnr company, with ex· c:ellent work:lrir condition.II and fri,.e benefits hu · Immediate opentro for A decorator dream boUJe on diapl.ay -S ti rooms of rorgeous Spanish furniture (was I reg.· $1295. -j Equa~·o:;,s~:u~'l~~loyer s~~p~t~,!~~err:n.:n ;.~:oo: ;uil~~, J. C. PENNEY co, . Welch 841-&. DUDLINI POR COrY AND , KILU: S:H PM. tbl tlliy W.... ,_,wkatien, e.11c•pt HOUS£K EEPING help fw w.-... Uttf• •M Menfty MltleM wlwll ci..htt time ll S:SI r~ Y.'tflted tmmed. d1.11. Appl,y PrW.,. l In person Jamaica Inn Motor Hotel, 2101 E. Cout l!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!':°!!!!~~"!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I Oek. IRe9. $149.00 1 .......... NOW $111.00 , J L-" W 7100 •-L-M W 7IOO Gowr•ous Spanish Custom luilt Soft witfii ' YOU MUIT HA.VI KILL NUM&llll WhMI ldltlftl u iMI t.ctwe .,f -k reaultt, Hwy, CdM lie _.. " llMlk• • NCWll ti the ldll AVIRMr tlfffl .,.. ~ ywr a4 taker u 1---------vwfflutlen ., J9UI' calL HOUSEKEEPER, d Ly I or llve-ln, Bch &n!a w/view, * Nltht Shift •-wilfl, om. .,_ ;en, om ·11 L 1. S , r • • I b 'f I • -• m•tcnin9 .. ovo M..--..nOICO 0 ••ut1 u ~· S I REAL Estate Sale1 Lady TELEPHONE Sa.le! gir111, feb.ric:•. l.R99. $419,95) __ NOW $225. .. ·1 Treub Auto. crow M•· for wey ..,,_, rental _..,_, I '·nhl drl w-~· S • DI S t ..,S -chi s.tu ._ .,,.,.:r vun.."' or mem...., p ve. .... pan ii" n1t19 • s -·--··-··-·-···--"'' ,_. 1..,., effwt .. IMll• te klll er cenwct • new M ttt.t Mt .._ ......._., llvt we ca• ~. pleut. Salary Mt , .......... t• ff .. until tht 11111 .... ,,,._,.... In ·the ,.,.,., open 6T:.-.2M5 ne · P operi,vrl. 11.1ara.ntee. Full time or pit.rt from home or office. Ph. Solid 01k ·End Tobi .. •nd Coffoo T ebl•L.$19.IOI time. 54M6l60 Mr.,..Wudykt l!ftl. 613-9758 Tell O.corator T1ble L1mp1 . 1 HOUSEKEEPER needed tor DIMl·A·LINI Alie are 1trlct1, c.uh I" Mw•nC• lly Mall er It •n, ... .t .vr efflc• small dw:tt:h to Uvt. 1n .Call Deburr & Drlll Press REAL Eltalc Sal esmen T • IR ••99•j NOW $11-R I . o serve you bell., e9. .., . • --·---.. --...,., oper1tor1, rem1 •· lhouldn't )'OU be &elllnr the it's Sp•niah H1fttin9 Sw19 :...mps _l.l NO ,t.... _...,., . 61r>-5183 or~. HOUSEKEEPER. Live--in, 1 child, tmsp. preferred. Phone 644-0499 5-8:30 pm. ::::,~ ";;: ~~n~a~ JASON IEST · .IR•t· $49.951 --·--.... -....... -NOW $21.~ Phil McN.,... vw..e..., Employment Ageuy CREDIT AVAIL. NO MONEY DOWN J M.li A.1114,....: I•• 117J, N...,.rt 1 .. ch, Callfernla CLASllFllD COUNTllll .,.. lec:atillf a1 f•IS.W.: IF YOU'RE A Briaht &; Friendly (23-35) Girl Wbo'a a:ood w/figure! & detail11, \\'t'i've got a p/time .iob. (4-i hn: a day), year around, in • pleasant office near So. Coast Plaza. \Ve'll ~ :you to nin our IBM equip •••• All you have ti> do is folio"{ instroction.i!! &. be pleasant to \\·ork with. 1603 W. Alton St., Santa Ana. Ask ror .. Junie Baby." * Doy Shift Custodl .. n Apply 11 ~EJ~~ T;·§'~~~~~d; fl'1J RJRNITU~~ 1 hn daily,"·"'"'· 61>-5438 1844 Newport Blvd. Hortiw .,.,y;i COSTA MESA NEWPORT llEACH 330 W. BAY 2211 W. IALIOA ·HUNTINGTON BEACH LAGUNA llEACH STA-FAST, INC. 926 So. L,yon (Enter at Che1tnut &. Lyon) Santa Ana UTILITY MAN c t M 0 I ... =· PER MONnr os a esa n y ·' Desirable qualification., are: • • · · , See Betty Bruce at 17175 BEACH BLVD. 222 FOREST AVE. Gxec Ttnth rrade education, tivo N ht 'Tll t -WM., Sat. & Sun. TU ( Daily Pilot Classified MANUFACTURING -ENGINEER - years experience in some building trade, knoY.ied&e.ot Furniture 8000 Atency tor career Girl:. !~,: :!,.~~"':~w~~I-----. -----CLASSIFIED INDEX K<Y >Ianqomo~t rolo In a 4lO W. Cout Hwy., N.B. d''"' ochool ""'· Enmlna-BEAUTIFUL 7 pieco Spani>h t tut srowinl company. t.fae By appoint. 646-J939 tiona scheduled for March livin&" room group, com· HOUSES FOR SALE llNllAI. con.-M•u. Miil.\ OIL MAit IMS.\ YlaD• COUIOI PAllk NllWPOat allr£N NIWPOIT MlllOlttS &AL&OA cov•s MllWPOltT IHOll.•J &AYC••st &AYSMOa•I DO't'alC lllCHl•I wanCL''" NAll•Oll Ht•MLAJI OS UNtv•UffT' PAllC 1av1•• IACIC UY •AJTILUll'P II Ttr9 lllVtN• TltaAc• CDllOMA OIL MAit IAl.•OA PIMIHSU~ l•ACON IAY LINDA ISL• l•Y ISL.ANDI LIDO nu a.\LIOA ISLAND MUMTlNeTON ••ACM HVMTIM•TOM MMIOfJ• ~OUHTAIM VAUI T llA.I. lllACH tUMSIT IL\CM OAllDIN oaov• LOM• llACM .......... OllANe • COUNTY ~: :l'::y STAJITOll WISTM IMIT9a MIDWAY cm SAHTA AMA U.MTA AflA HltS. OIANIO fUITIN "Oltnl TVSTllf AMAHllM ltL'llllADO CAllTOll MAWAIU LI.IC• l.AIUJIA HILU LA•UNA .. aACM l.AOUMA HIOUll MIUIOM Vl•.IO IAH CLaMaNTa UM JUAN CAPlt1'1tANO CAPllTllAHO IUCM • OANA ,OINT C.AllLS•1.o DCUHllO• SAM OlllO ltlVllllO .. COUNTY NOUSll TO •• MOVID CONODMINIUM OUPLIX•S llO• IAL• UAaTMIMTS flOa M l • llENTALS HouMS fumi1hed llJ1•1tAI. alHTAU TO llt.UI• COSTA M•LA MISA DIL MA• MI SA 'll aO• tOLLaO• 'A•k HIWP'O•t l aACM 11.Wl'OllT HOTI. JlllW~T SHOllat IAYIM0••1 oov1• stt.0••s H ITCl.IPP UNl'l••llTT , ... IC taVrN• I ACK IAY I AIT ILU"" II t 1rt lllVIN I TlllllACI COl:OHA O•L MAit IAUOA IAT ISLANDS LIDO llLI IAl.IOA ISLMIO HUNTIHOTOM llACN flOUMTAIM YA.LUY SllAL IUCM LONI llACM OaAN•I COUNTY IU.TA AHA #l'STMIJ1tta11 MIDWAY CITY IANTA MA Hll•Mrt ce.t.STAL LA9UJIA IU.CH L.AOUMA JlteU•L MIU• Vl&IO IAN CL•Mllltl """ IU.UI CA,ltfaAJIO t.1,111'.AJID •..Cfl °""A POINT 11tv1as10• COU NTY WACATIOJI llNTAU :ot1DOMIMIUM >Uf'UXllS '"'"" RENTALS tlMINT. c-m. u. INCOME Tax prepan:rs, Grqor Yacht Cotp 1631 9, 1970. Apply at once, plete. \\'BS $410, 00\9' only ~~ f . h f' t"llO o a1. ~ u1e exp'd., houn f lexible . Pl&ct tla C1.f . Savir1AC• & Loan \VESTMINSTER SCHOOL $189. U&ed complete 7 pltte ,... ......,... Urllll 1 ~:::~::liuN• :f Chl!cUrs on 10 key adder. n ' ' . BRANCH '","• ::~'as.. !: CAllP'IT L.t.'l'IH• a ll fP'.t.1• "'' H. R. Block lnc., 1815 Harbor Museu.ae• MANAGER DISTRICT, l(llJ. Cedarwood, modern Uvin room group MUA vaao• 4111 ollAP••••s ..,. Blvd, r., ••• ~·· •-111 . ,_ Westmlnsttt, Calif. only $99. 3 ustd 3 p~ 10fa '"' ,...,..., ••ACH ._ o•MCK.tTIOJI Ml.I '-'ll. ~ • •n. con.a:en 11r .... to Savings Ii; Loan As$ociation, WAITRESS !,chair stla only S69 ca~ ;:: =~ :::::r ~: ::_~';~~~ saay1c1 ~~ * * * INSPECTOR meet public. No eip. ntt., located in Newport Beach Food &. C kt II . The FactQI')'. 18&j w1 wnftt.I"~ .,~ 1r.LIELrtJ1v.t ..,. Titird ahtft. Apply, titae(;reg. will train.-AppJy inJ>USO~. area. has poslticu: avail. for oc .. I flarbor, 540-6843 mt UltlYI"'"' PAlll ftl7 I OU"'Ml!NT a1HTAi• USI Qr Yacht eo,..., 16ll Pla· Le Salon de TraHment, mo a wtll quallfi"<i Savin&:s I: Apply in penon DINING tabl ·u l Im .... c DY a• PINClf4• 6"41 '" "-t Hwy N.B. ••• .,., '·--B h "•··-Ex LOVE'S •-,_a.-__.... room e Wl I 1m Wt ILUll'P .,., nooas IMll centia, C.M. "· \r3 ' ~ ....,..., l'a.1'C .._._ .. r. · IHI __,,_ extra. leavea, 6 chain, iood , .. COl:OJlA HL•MAJt tUt fl U•NAC• ............ "' "11 I N v ENTORY CONTRO' MEDICAL O«lce: Part tlme, ctl. potellfial I: frin&e ben. 3Gt6 BrlatoI, 0.1. ..... .. 1175 "'"1543 ... OA'""' -,UaNIT\lal atSTOlllNG ..,. 1; ""'-' .. 11-.. with --~-· .. v • • .,._. ...--Girl exper. wllh lnruranoe eutll. v JUY ap.....,.. ..... ts \VAITRESS-Attr ti d 1Dt UY Ill.AMOS t;lst &II""'"""'' "" Billlna:.· Typinc . E:ii:-. Sa. . ac ve, g 'BDRM Set, 6 pc kg-u bed, :: ~~oo,..,"'-',,.... :.,•' =:r..:t~1av1c1.s !!: perienc~. Call 642-3473 forms. Gd. typist. 646-3903 a n:i1n or ~· vpl""'Fex· f1:u_re. Plush, ~antront trlnle dresser Sl9:i. Ken. --NB MEN or WOMEN pene.nce '"""' ap y. or -····u••nt Apply·· --· < ltll MUllT"'9TOM llA(1 4411 laAOIN .. DllCtN• •JU , , '"' ,. ..., • ...... r--=.'t fnOft tleoc dt)'e"I' $25 548-'1'98! 1Mt flOUNTAOI vau.•Y 4411 •LASS ''" INTERESTED JN particulars call Mr. H1!11.&l.e.Y Al.lty \Vest., 2106 \V. Ocean-· · · Tffll s••L. ••ACM ... ,.. ••nlN TNUMI ''" JANITOR. h,fal,. Orange ADDITIONAL INC'0~1E (213) 869-0;,12. front, N.B. SQ. table for corn'r group-= ~~~Im' = =~=L~:0~1.u1s !~: County atta. Under ~. 12 No investment, no stiling. WAITRESS \Vantod : 'aw Ina, uses ttg. twin beds. n• uao•N ••ova ._,, NAULtM• '"' A.lit to 3 AM. 7 day1 per 'vk. • SALES • 21. Call alter t p•r', 543-4142 aft 6. 1 .. WIUTMIMlftl .. ,I NOUS•Cl.llAHINI lnll Good pay. (2'13) 42&-4637 Item rtlated to travel in. ., ,. MtoW'AY c'"' .. M ltnlllOI OKOUTIN• ,,,, . duatr]'. Write P.O. Box 1830, 962-7212. 192(12..A B each AGAIN By popular demand! ~= ::: ::: N•IOHTI :: ::~~-1. It.. :1: JANI'I'ORtranWao.ted ~~~. C.r.1. Coat,. Meta, Cal. 92626. Part timt, ladits clottili\:. Blvd., H.B. Uted double k twin box 1•1 "'""' _.. 111ot1iN• au area, .5 JANI"' re-iiiooiiii&iiiiii.,.iiliii&O.I ExP,trience pre!m'ed. Many I "=======;::;i=cl •Prin&: 6: mattn:ss sets, a.II ... COAITM. f7tll IN~lil.AJIMO ''" quired. 6 n1tes wttldy. ?.lust * * MGR. TRAINEE * * l!mployee benefits. Apply ln School .. lnstrUctlon 7U111 1terllli.e4 to mtet rigid ·-LAIUMA ttACM .,. INSU•AMCI 177'1 be exper dependable "' -Cati! tat ~'d" I ... LAIUfl&A Nt$t.1•1. • .,., INYISTIOATIJI .. Dmctlvt '"' ' Ambitious re11po11slble guys. ~ !:30 to 9:30 .. Ji e """ tng aWI 111• MIUIO# v1a.10 '°" 1&N1to•IAL l1M bartl-\\."Orktn:. \Vaa;es open. v.'Ol'k. your v.·ay to the top w/ Robert H•ll Clothes $12.95 ~t. Used 9 piece cor-1 .. ,.,. cu:M•Mt• u11 Jaw•L11'f ••,.A11t. 1tc. 6111 (213) 9'23-582D Tho Now-n ......... ........ 'th 1 bl '"" DANA POINT 4Tll LAHDKAfllM• &111 aco. that is topnotch! $5400. 1601 N•wport Blvcl., CM r-....... ~up \VI a e, 1m talPU.X. 1tc. ..,.. L.OCKSMn H me JANITOR. maJe. H.B. a.rea . Call Helen Hayes 50-0055 School of lusino11 bolsteni &: Ooral coverlette1 : cott1101.ut111UM .,. :=::'a ·~:f:A•• : ~nder 4.j. 12Ai\1-3.UI. 1 COASTAL AGENCY SALES $69. Used oorner Kf'OUP 1• MOTIU ........... ·-·•-··-· '"7J ,,,..,,N .. P.....t•....,• ~ rnohts ....... \\'k. Good Pl..Y· ...... ,. C Needed Im.mediately -2 ex· Features wetldy retre!her without table $59. The Fac- ltENTALS _. ·-.. r-2790 H..,uur Bl ., ,i\I. . d al ta•--·•-· . ,.., . r1.1WT•IM. •• .a Call (n3} 42S-46J7, ~!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!""'!"!!!'I pene~ re ts ""-...,.. -COUJ'Rll 1n the alriliii you tory, 1885 Harbor, 540-6M7 ~: Apfs. Unfurnished ::~~~•uttY = ,~~-ITO=~RIAL=~--~~-~.--1 M .,.m..,t Tr•lnee Pt-MIOfUI -call nttd lo 1e1 !M job you DINJNG Room Ht by Salem '''' 1•11•••• -••••Tl•••._ ,,,,. ••••• ,.. AN """"'• pt. tune, .. n "C" THO~t~S, ReaJtor wan• " Good -"· •-~-·~. -·-~· W. r---Hwy. ..,_........ · •I"'"""• 90tld Maplo tablo, 6 1'11 COSTA Ml!SA n• PLUMl lHI "" Fri & Mon nights.10 hrs per wua· ............... , ............. -...... ............. '" ....... - "" MISA WP• 1111 ,at OltOOMIH• .... k 12 50 ...... hr M2-5&44 ried, IOmf! coUegc, call Ann, NE\VPORT B..,........ chair~ and china c1binet. 1111 N•Wl"Ol'l' lllK:M JUI POOL Si•VICI. .,,. w . ' ,..... ' IV tel"' Pe I A """'n w Dover Dr., N.B. ,._ .. ,,, El ltl t ,,. NS.WP'O«T M•r•Hn , lt'lt ,_.n ••••PIN• .m es lll rsontll" gent.'Y, 642-38 """ ec c s ueo, , ... Ml*"OllT 1MO«tS 1211 ""M' saav1c1 1m Ll(;INSED 3>4.3 \\'tstclil( Or., N.B. *•SALESMAN. part timt. 10 walnut cabinet, all in im· ~= ==~ Paatc = ==~~"""" •tr. !: SUPIRVISOR MS-2770 Experienced. Neat In ap-AIRLINE macuJate-cond. Must see to ~~ ::~::: .. ,. ~': ::=:t:::. ·.~~:. = $754 to $916 PER MO. 1.I ANAGEMENT Op-:=m~c.i.~· ~ SCHOOLS ;.;=te! Excellent buy! ,,. cotONA NI. MA• Jut 1._...... • portunlt,y. Full or Part time.· ~ PACIFIC 1111 IAUO). J3W 11w1Me ,,.. CITY OF car nee 2> hni ,\·k 836-4302 SALES: f.f/r. Looldna: for USED 7 piece-&ntique white ,.,., •AY tsL.ANDI "" ••WINI MACHIN• ••P'Alltl "': • . • three salesmen. 645--0591. Day .I: Nlght CarieA dinette 9et with 6 chain '"' LIDO llL• I.DI 11 .. TIC T,liHl:I.. .._.., •tc. •H! NEWPORT BEACH e ?r.IOTEL 1.tAIDS• r~1t •-1. 9 A" • 2 PM. -1711 llUNTINITOM ••ACM .... TAILOlllN• '"' ...... "" IY' .. $49.9;. Used s piece antlque ,,,.., ,.ouJfTAIJI VALLST 101 TaaMtTI coJITlOl ''" A~ply Ben Bro,vn's P.1olor SALES: $2S l nvettrnent \Vill 610 E. 17th St., Santa Ana white dinettt set with 4 1111 l,IL•OA ISL.ANO JSSI TILL CW-le "11 The Llcel'l..'!e Supervisor HOtel, 31106 s. Coasl Hwy, ' l""'""""'""'~""""'"'"~"'r ch ,_ 29 1ne SIAL llACH JUI trU. ~ a ~ •m •dministen the activities South Lam•na put you n a \>.•ig busintu of BODY CUI.TURE CLASSES au11 S .9:i Used S piece 1, .. LON• llACM ,,.. ta1• lla'ltcl ... .~ F J t r.oo rubbed "-'~ t .11 .. 1 .. ..-UM OflANO• COUNTY 1111 t11.•v11toN. ••""" •i.. '"' o( the Business Llcense your O\\"n, or n erviv . ......, tor ladiea oow forming ,,._..u --r-• room tm 1••01N IJtoV• .... ••HOLITS•Y "" o · . . F"' NEEDE.'D companion tor 547-4629. table with 4 iebalrs $59.96. , .. w•tTMt•n•a 1111 w•LD•,.. .,.. JVL'!1on ,,o( the .• nance elderly lady, llJht Ltd membenhlp. 642--31M The Faclory, 18§ Harbor, ,,.. MIDWAY CrTY NJi )fflMDOW CL•ANIH• ~ .,,, Dtpa.rtment: Collecting hoUSC\Vork IOI' 2 adults, live SARAH COVENTRY haa Le Salon de Tralunents 540-6842 ;:: =~ !:! MlllHTS :: JOIS Ir EMPLOYMENT fees, main.tainlnr records in. Rm. nee. 49'-7786 ~penings ror full or part 2930 W. CsL HW)', N.B. ===----~-- "" TUSTIN .... IOI '\wANTIO. Mtll ,.... and preparing reporu. time aa.lts. NQ Investment, ART a.ASSES· Bf' I I GREEN sectional, likr new. COASTAi. Jltl JOI WAMTeo. ..._. ra1 Requires high school di· NURSES Registered -eve'\" no dcllvtrits. For interview, · B nn Ill', $90. 2 ~n/blue qltd club --... flM '1111 '11S -... "" "" "" "" "" -n• "" ·~ ... ... .... "" ''" '"' ... ... t~t• ... .... 1&11 ... ... .... ... = ,,. "" "" ... n• .... -.... ... LAGUNA ••A<:M f1tll JOI WNITID. and . . I jno-.. night 1hlftA. Ex. * "'" ~. * adv. n c e d . she pard's chrl ..... Studio h LAI UNA NIOUIL .,., MIN. WOM•JI ,.,. ploma a minimum 0 ..-~... pl I ~· Gall 28U • -~ t NB . ~· ea. couc ' MISSIOlf VII.JO mt SCHOOLS • tMSTitUCTIOM ,.. two years t:Xpt'rience on ~neuts. Ap y Penonrw: -Ste • e:ry -.& ll)'e te makes t-..in btds, MVer U8o IAM CLIMEfTI! 1111 JO. PtlPAUTIOff 7IM d Ditt:ctor, So. Coast Com· SECRETARY no. }:."(P:"'r 6r>7960 ed, $3a.. 2737 Cvmet CM. U.H JUAN CAPltTIIANI Int THU.ta.UL "" Business Lictnae A min· munity HOl!p .• 31817 CoaJJ( neei!!S. Stnd rtaume W/))IC-.. 0R'E"A' L,.,E..,STATf, "41 MERCHANDISE FOR istration with a iovern-Hwy., So. Lquna. 4~1311 l.Ll83turo. PSanonde~, P. O. Box ~:~;H..,~"c,D~:...~~R ~-="~ar-o=. ~----SALE AND TRADE mental qeocy. ext. 351 • ta , .... a. INTERIOR Designer's Ov.•n G.neral PUaMR'Ulll ... r '' •. nd . f l ** OPERATORS *. SECRETARY. Con•Jru.ctkm 7· red &. blue plaid aofa, TitlP'Lax. tk. '"' °'"IC• flU••nv•• .,. or •PP ca ion a in orm • !II Xln ...... _, Furniture IOOO ret"ently upboJ sua. 644-D>S COHOOMIMIUM "" OPfltcl •IUll'M•JIT •n tion contact the PU90nnel Spec machine, Exp'd on ° ct. t OPPQ••UJuly. aft s. llNTALS WANTI• ,,.,. ITOll• •MllPM•NT tilt ........ _. .,.,_ N -Bl.. ..--.... Some tn.lnee• Call 64:i-Gaii0 Tom Goodson ----------1 •OOMS POa ••MT MS CAl'L llSTAUIUJllT .. 4 v.u<."'I', ....., e-~·· ·• .,.~·=72 for interview 1 u QUALITY kin bed Dt d IOOM • MAIO ..,. •A• OMll,Ml!NT •nt Newport Bf'aeh, Calli. !a, ...._.,,.. -=~~~~=~=-led 30" IU ranp, u ll i . qu e MOTSLI. TIAIL.9.11 couan..., ttous•HOLD 9000I -111,1 ,,.,.,.,...,.. SELLING DIRECT $49.9.i l used :Jl" gu mattress. Complete-~ ouan HOMI S ..,. IAllA•I SALi mt v•..._..... PIT SHOP MAN u $l2I worth $29) SU6a.16 MISC. ••NTAU "" f1Ua11nuu AUCT'°" tnJ Ovtr U. Good future in pet Add Our Fabulous Product ra.nges, exce ent condltion • . INCOM• PltOPl!tTY ... !~'T'oo"u"•'•" '•'",,'-L~VN=---,~,-,~,~p~,.f~,~h~"t. !~Id Love animals • HA-' To Your Llllf', Earn Extra $79.95. 2 u.!ied 30" ps =·=""'='·==~---~-austNISS PJtOP'lltTY .... ...,. u ... • 41" C:Uh &. Bonu . + A H alth ranges, 1 coppertone, 1 PROVINCIAL game table &: Ta,1JL111 'AtkS ltSf llWIM• M.lCNIN•• 112t 549~3061 WGrk. 58 Fashion lsland, NB. s 1 • c avocado !100."'. B--• .,w chn. Solid maple. 11o·.-y IUSINl'SS ••NTAL .... MUSICAL lllST•UM.JIT nu ===;;;;;====--==========·I Spa Pl'ogram. Appl.Y In pt!r· ~ ....... .... OflfllCa ••NTAL .. ,. PlANOI a 0110AN1 .,,. IClf'I. Holiday Health Spa, ~'Ood ventilating hood, JO" linish. Top qUa.llty. $00 . IJIOUIYl:IAL PIOPlltT .... ltADIO ""!;J~obs~=~""~n~·~W~o;m;·d7~1~00~l~J~o~b;•;:;.M~11~:;·~·~W~om;;;·;7~1~00~1IJ~~~~~~:~: ' 36" slu1, In turquoise, 673-2340 COMM••CIAL .. t•UVISIOM -·------2300 Harbor, C.M. ~-~-------IMOUITitlAL ••NTAI. "" ""'' • ITll•Oo fttt yellow, 1llvertone white l 2 Complete bdrm iuitt's. Rat· Lon 11• TAP• ••c .. o••• am RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT SHIPPING l ttef!lving clerk .... ,ch II<~ --F 1 ••• '... '"' eu •M•MT "" .. ~ ,;u, • •11;1 ac ory, tan ••cua· naJ w J tab l' . CAMllllAI a. • .1 li11htinr fixturt e:ii:pttitnce I""' H bo ~· ••• -~~:1u:1:aov1s :: MOllY "'''L••• '* .-fernd, Contact \Vood """' ar r, ....,,._.2 Other misc. items. 673-098! sroat•M• 90001 .... .-~ SPECIAL THIS WEEK or 6'16-8402 LU:I •UINOlll 6:1t1 llNOCULA••· SCOflllS ... • f1Kin•tin9 c•reer LlP,;bting, 4020 campus Dr. :::~~ ~~?';~~V..T., :: ::~.·~..:::• = b N.8 . 8' Sofa·Matchln't' Loveireat LMN==c~roo-m-. -......,--,-,-.-... -='~•~':':.::::· :: MA<H1N••T· 1tc. ,,. t1ot just 1 jo sr=AN=o~ARD=~~5~,-.~, ~1 ,-.--Reg. $219.ts Salt: Price $159.9,j .kitchen rumitatt. All must IUIDIVISIOM LANO 6tlt ~::::. = Leisure \Vorld nttds a.ervice Approved Furiture go! 540-2321 an ' PM :~L.W":.':.~1aw1c1 !rJ 1u1Lo .... MATaa1AU ~ OUTSTANDING-GROWTH.,. statkm attendant. Apply at Anytime: weekends . lit. .. •AJtTSo •ut IWAl"I " 1 1 il 2408:1 El Toro Rd .• Laiuna nse Harbor Blvd. 76" SOFA, brand new, cost IUSINE'" •ncl PET'S •nd t.IVESTOCK Grant's, one of the nation's argest re a Hllll. Costa ?.teaa. 54&-9660 1125. Best offert 54&-4850, &. ,..n. ••N•ML -chains, is rapidJy expanding into the res-II---~===---7: 30 PM, 646-8313, u:i Pr.t FINANCIAL c•t• em taurant business. Almost every ne\v store SURVEYOR irusr SELL: Velwt couch, ~,.U~~::.S1:,~:l"lllfl11i.. !m :::11 3 will include a handsome Bradford House SURVEY TF.alNICIAN oU white, tuxedo style. stur. aus1H9ss Ol"PCN:TUllnsai ._ LIVSSTOCIC .... restaurant. Jn ten short years Grant's res-Ana.ly.le titlt re P 0 rt 1 ' t~ dov.1! &: spring fil led, Office furnitur• I010 ~,£~"'f':.~7'•• 5 CALIFORNIA Ll'.'fNG laurant sales have increased 100% and will ::~ :::-~ si!~~; ~C::ws c~shl:i;:. 0~~bcl~l ---------- ... u., Lewes mt 11ua .. 111•• ,,., double again in far less time. Over 100 men analysis, calculate tract &: Mz.oll AEROSPACE RELEASES ~~::::~~':, ::: ::=',.. ,....... :: and women were appointed to restaurant parcel maps. Exper with BABY Grand, xlnt tone. sa1o. FOR PUBLIC SALE RENTALS MNTOM•S. ,,. o.-·~• AWMIHff ,.. management last year. Advancement program computer. Resume Ove • 500 ateel tramter c:ut~ • Housel Unfurnished MOttlT !fAlfTID .. V.1CAT10M1 .,. comes quickly, depending on abUlty and to. Box 199j, N.B. $60 nz~ ~ c~ cou:,. 272 Steel I :¥'ood desks • 85, !::',.~u,!'.u. = ANNOUNCEMENTS • ~.t:~:~ATION ,.. willingness to accept responsibility. TEXAS OIL CO. 54i.sm. n3Ct La JoJ'a Dr.: ~n;;e~b~: :~:::~ Mou DIL ·w.a ff• •1)41 NOTICES •••u-n mt Hu Optnifll in Beach Cit1e11 N.B. J.nela :.'t.::•::.w ::: =• t,.,......., = =:~~:::. = TOP INCOME & BENEFITS .. arta. No uperiencehn ...... , 1.fEDITERRANEAN Jove litcMahan 81'08 Desk Inc. N••""' 11.ACM 1t1t P«•toMAu '* • .-., n.-1u•1 -.. You will find to~ in come potential at W'Y· Age not porta.n · uat, cuttom qull•<M mo.1 1800 ~wport Blvd NftPOllT Mlft. •n• -•--•M•-"" IM»f ,_.lffTUMCI ,.. G . $l5 OOO d Good characttt a m111t. We • Id 8 and -y Ori r--'-.. -.. •••• ••~ N!l•POt' •-••• am ii.,.i&--"'• '41I '°"'' u.uwc""'' ,.... rant's! Opportun 1es to earn , an '° · r new. 1. ...,.la_,, I"~ •AY1HD1t11 -l'Ulwouu "'11 MM•M• •4"'•. ..-more per year in ·restaur ant management J:rJin, A!:._~1.,.V:.:thA. 0.,ick· !~:.-i••ctl f lce Slss. .. fo:========~ oov1• 1N011•• ., ,.,0 oenuu t ..... , NAT •L•P, Moo1ut-1e "" G 1, ef'IOn. r•U<.. """" •-e• m 3'W"U~ Office E•ulprnont ••t f o.,.,. s.1. *\ BOOKCASE, Dooblt bed ~i 2 night sland11 125. Tatte lamps, 2 for $5. 33 rppi ~· 2Sc-3ac. Gamr11, modela1'J2 cup and JO cup coffee: ~ 1875 ti1alllt'r rine. ! cond. $50. Hollywood reloading prrq with ,.. rui:tnu $$). Contello 'ii·· cordian, 12> bus DJ). BaASinelte and beauU~ yellow covci'. Play )ftn, Blonde-filp lcn&:th wig, lib new. 4' x 6' 1heetl pl~ S2..665 Cove-SI .. r.o&ta ~· GARAGE SALE ANG FURNITURE SALi!j . ' FUrnishini::s· of 5ovtl)' l del Mar home to be-tokll Saturday and Sunday. · '- P\fte seltttio~ ~( Ethll\ • • l~n early American hlmli. in to p rondition. Practic I new f"r\gidare v.1uher, d · er, and refrigerator. 10 t,pjl~ Salurday and Sunday, 3fil4 Topside Lane. Harbor V Hills, J:,.Usk Homes. Coro del ~tar. 9 NEIGHBORS seU world! furniture, r e c o r d 1. 1portift&' mf'nl, line111, youth A: furniture, chest Jree11 Maple rocker, lapidary brass tray table, elo<:"!cl garage door opentt, dothln1, toys, power h1rdwood doon, e I c Y.'uher & drytr &: moCt- m'l l mi Commodo'! Jl4.. NB. Sat-SUn 2/~2129 • ~ fl10VING Sale: 2 Over leridh twin beds, $35 ea . .et. ~t quality, (together ~ king 11.u:). lronrite e -ironer $35. SwedJ l!todern din. U>U $3S. D • cltrs. Silk uphol. ch.r di, late oo1or TV $175., dreuit. nlghiswoilt, clothe< ....... .... by tarnou. arti>L ~ mile. 538.1728. .·.~ GARAGE Sale • Art s;;oJ, Water Colon by reootnl Colorado artist. Refri&. Baby lterm $1·$25, car-Md, ttc. flflsc. old rum. Drink mixer, blentl othrr Items. Come See!. sun, 10AM-6PM, Ramona Way, 548-7061. SABOT 1ail & motor,· stingray blke1, dlvtns surfboard (needs flx , women'• clothes,, 1~:1 , men's shirts -lar• children's toys l clot 11iu ~. Odds &: ends.~ Re a110nable! Fri.sat U1 Via Rawnna {Udo NB GARAGE SALE; SUn. 11-1 ht. Tools, '69 Ram , surfbrds, trlr az ~· l.reezcr I.: rana:e It mlsf. 2-12'1: Ature St., Santa. Nii Hghta. 546-2360. '~ * WED .. St~.,., unit, mlt- stze-10 ladies clothes, fief jewelled sweaten. ~ Strolll!t, ~ti1c tum. &: house~ Items. 16133 Littler ilf. Hnta: Sch. 847-5316 . .; ~ NEW Porsche RoJl Bar. . Ctock IOO. oak bod IE<!, 11o5 . commode, g I ass War , u.eorted corUmoditles. SuP. day. 1982 Church St,. ~ • 64&-5226 .-· .v1ucL1'' ,,. ...,.. '°,.., so1MCS1 ,.. have never been greater I ran s m an a~-p ,_ ~-Ft iv~• • "'=~-~~---, -.. 'yl ••... Y PAAIC n» ,uN•lllAL OflllKT01t1 -.ru th etto ... um ...... t'.. • v, .. ., 1 ·MUST .. ui Near N, w .1 " -,Lo•1sn "'u •OAt a1NtAu "" ment incomes a re among e best In e ....... 1----------1aw111 = CA•DO" TMAJllll ... ,, ..... , C·HAllTl ll ... ,...,., ~lrli di t bd BREAKFAST aet. m l lACK ••Y ... -111 MllMMIAM ...w1 '''"'"'°' "·'" ... food service industry ... and you enjoy a TRAINEES ·~D • n. rm. ac • •Cl.ARY Cash RtO-ter $225. household ltemi. HoD;f u&T •LU'" tt4t c&M•r••Y LOTS Mt• •OAT *"1"• :: broad benefit program at Grant's including "'" arm chr, garden looll. Tower Adder $0. Speed~ :vri.-:,11111ACI ra: Cl.MatallY caYPTt ::: =~·:.-..::.~ -r be I tir t t k EXPERIENCED 968--4562 Pdnt Photo copier $169. ::o:~.nboxspmaJ.~ . com:ottA H 1. MU ~ c••MAtoruas '41'1 •t•cu" n• a 1 ~ra re em en pr.ogram, s oc pur-WOMEN Nnv Ml-62l6 .,.UA l •M.W .,.. •MO•w. , ... , .,. "",... us1CN1s '"' chas" olan, employee discounts and many .... ~ exec. ore. furnltun. \ tAT """"°' : !~T': tnftC• .,. ... •••L• .... , ,,.. other ''Extras''. • ' Must sell due lO rtloeaOon ----SAT. A SUN. 10 &m-4 ,J> ~~O:.:u'......,. •., r.:W:-........, • .....,. = :=..-:J ~~~~~ Ho~ butlsw"'i,"o· l!]!.4!; Cit. Gu• S•le em ~:'ru:.ee=.~: N•WHllT "" -.-'NAlt'IPCNtTATMHI ... •LICT•M: CMS -ON • ~... . ~·· ?ii .tuNnltt'TOlll a1•<M _, ~ IM'nCU .,. un...., ..... .. .. tat GOOD WORKING CONDIT! S , • • mk;n>electl'onkl are im· ;:-..,=,-.,===,..-,=,-,IGARAGE SU.: Howte tent • \VestclUI &rH. • :, "~~~:':.~t:,.IOU9 .. ,, MIU!Wt • """'" ._ :::C~::., : Go with a ~~ead company! Enjoy a mediately availAblt. "n!!fA·S:~qu= 9xl2, 6 qt ict Cl't'am maker, GARAGE Sale l2l:M Pal~, MAL 1u cN a. AUTO•~• P••n .. 1.-...... _ .. I th t I 'th u Solden • Alleri1blm ' · stalnltM stttl Rrvtne pc'a. H.B. Bed--ad11, 1-... • ....... ....,. ,.,. SERVICE DlltlCTOltY AUTO TOIM.I a •ff''· ... wor. OWJ~U e a . eaves you WI me Telten • Ct>n. f'tctorY ~t~ low1eat m. (1) All be\':!r u.ed. s tntkl tea vr ~ ..... ~·,,.o•~·~·u.~ : ==:I:' •na : ;:::t::-S, •::.=L : lor your family and friends. Take the first Lw:l Bondtn • Die ~ , ·-· •ta. 1knal uphDI ch r, ~;nW". llhdvts. "'"'•Ml• •• AM.liNH'll • ...,,. ,... ,,,, t •uc;K• .. ~p.=w : oail tor an in\ervfew. PHONE HEAVY Oak droplta:t table stitchetitl. palntinp, lrll;;==,,....""'=:-:-,,~1J =~:'::~ :: =:.:i_~ = ~:!';;'.111 = ~· >.'t.NT. \VOJUONG ~·ith 3 leawa. $50. 673-tlTI tmOUnl pis clothlrw:. Shel MOVING: Caffft'1 le S. wna AflA MltONTI ,.,.. A•etUTtCTdM. n•vte• -CA.MN• llNTAL.1 = CONDmONS AND WAGt:S. 3 Larae 2 drawu nltr. 6 A. •• Other m~. lte.tU. =· ~=· ~ =-1UCt1 : :U.ri:. ':A:. t-. ... : =:.~:e::~.. ,... \Ya are an equal opportunlty employer. iwm-3 antique rold, I u9 4 ~Bal. lal. SAt" S\ln c.o St c .......... ,.... .... Ml"""'°' • IPOllT cu:s "" ApplleatSaN, must be made In walnut $9 each. 2 matchlna AM ...... m. f75..5721. vtmor • " .M . MIW "'"" ... , MiAMILJ'llCe .. ....,.,._, ... a.MllCI ~ --n l'lfon lhN Stl Patlna __ ... nt ·---AIOV!NG ••• ' .MECHANIC'S HT\ U.JI Cl.IM .... 1'. Ult late.:, MA'°"at. .... tNI IACI CAlt. aooa .. ...., ..... • ' • ........ ,.,, IU\I• .. ~ • u,. aai'&P Mt. :.-.""""""° .. 1us1•ut1PYQ:1 •1 AUTO1n:11T1 ,. w J GRANT r.hain hoth tor $49. Ulfd Nick nacQ, washer. olher rood.let.. Set. 2131,, ~~~Int,:. llA"" = ~=:: :; ~~cZt&"''0 = 1 ELtt"TRONlC like new St)anllh corner dl1hwuhcr. trctier, TV'•. am to S pm, 151 Yt&tlt CO!fNMtlltUM ,.,. e••1NatMArun .,.. ""'o LaAl•N• ffM • • ~flCRO SYSTEMS :n>uJI wlth walnut lrlm A. Mple hutch. apt. retr\£, tlonlt&, Ntwpl. Bch. ' j •u,~x11 UJ11tUIJ1. >nt tA•,•Mn••• .,,. VffP CAii "" Grant Pl•z. -Mem1 •• 1,..1thur1t 1672 fWltr Avtnue matchlnr u1..bte $79. · The misc. turn, All IOOti Jhapc. Gatarl' Sa.Ir; ' Hunt ....... ._.. Santa Ana, Cal.it. i·actory, l8&i JI arb or, $J Willo Ln., C.M. "6 Sat lmq:lN.ble. S.t. &UI rn•i l<t-2295 -• sun. 21t1 S1er1<1 111.. c.111. • --'~------' 1-I \ i ·- I ' • \ I t ~ DAll.'f PllOf idilNtRil l'Oll &ALI AND TUDE • !hr~ S.lo I022 Pl...., I. 01'11••• IJJO Ml1cellenHV1 • t ~Rl:IOOO Ga" a• t ST.EINWA'i CoolOle. Nier , ~ • l"Ji a Sal 9 lo ~ 9222 tone It wry eood cond. ti MoUao Cir, F.V. $1 150. ti) ('fl•) 71~. •II OAllAGE Sale n.u.., Sa~ > a.. w. Gali ot eoodJu.'1ru=a"1M=o"No=:-"u--.,. . .,.,,..., -s"1"'ri. •m Albert Place, CM. May be lilffn a11cr 5, I ljl .Paulartno, C.M. !56-1206. AppllMCH 1100 STEINWAY Con.&ole piano. I'-=_.;.;.;.;.;.;.._____ Beaul.itw O)l)(l. Ownt'r, 'NORGE autD. \lo'l!.ht!r, late * 83.1-0.:u4 "Ir ~I. xtnt cond .. 14 lb. 1iu ========~ STS. Ken~ auto "'ather & $ In tood oond. $35. M7-IU5 ~Fi ltr~ 1210 ~°'---~_,. _______ 14 .r.. 8 Track Muntr Stef"t"O FRIGIDALRE '16 l'u It, tapr is·r1--t1p, Comp w/45 troel'4rtt, dual ti o or 5 • X"l'OOVY tape c 1 rt r I d &: e 5 . avocado r;n!l'JJ.. 6 uio's \\'hol<' ~I-up c'OSt nit $4!t:i. J?ld. ~. CaJ1 968-125.2. NM:t b"'ad. ~ oc mak<' OTPOINT Refri&:u1lor oUrr. 536-16"4 $.50.00. * 644-ail * Sporting Goods 1500 WASHER ' Dry"r Good wor\rini: cond. only $85. cau 6-4:.-2.'1£16 P air. CLEARANCI': Sa.Ir! Big .Both Selection of new & l~ rt"<-ood.ltioncd l>rtrUn• Goll Chlh!I". Call 675--0610 196.i Kenmore ''"' a 11 h i 11 g machine, pel'fttl rondillon, --,,,-.. c.-,-N"o-"1-ica-"Sk~i- ~ pWnp $40. 64>1688 Hool!. Siu 8, $L. USED AP{l1i&J:lce &. TV's.lllaJl>ll"'cc·;:o:*O:Ca::l-:-l -:6':,T~;;-'-14:'44·::-*-:= a:uuanteed. Dunlap'!!, t.t•~~rer:or r;olf &tl, com· rJewport. c.M. ~77SI plele \tons, 3 wood1 ii: bMg. KENMORE washer t-Hot· $50. 546--7866 point electric dryer, Xlnt! Nf:.\V.~7!=0-s~kil~.,-w~ll~h~b~h~xlh-,.,. $124 • 492-T.J.!1 &: po.IP $25. Ullt!d me.na C.E. retneeralot. 16 cu ft boDls. silt l~ SlO. 642-a:Sl9 Awe.ado grttn • .Xlnl L-Ond. 1150. 548-8052 Misctllaneou1 86® 1110 R.EM. Port. typev.Tlt.el', 11td. key-ea.w. Exe. cond. S2S. Pwr gM mo"?r, Cl'allllman S25. 10" 1able saw wist.and, l hp motor SUO, Ri[Je. Rem. 740 -06 autom, case, used oner $121. Scuba gear, comp. lank..,, s ingle hose Ori,ina.1 ;~our Sta.soos hand .:arwd Kashmir 5t ttlr, l pair 'l"re-t of Life PPrsian rtJ& 5'xT • 1 ~ 1kin, an dtphant toot, Kumir f in' IC!'ef!n. Call 540-1682. reg., wetsuit, 160 sp. gun, 1120 knife, vesl, used JO times $DI. 642-SOG'l S.Wlng Mochlno• r SINCER auto 7.iR.·Zag. 6 .mo&. old; Jllo attach needed klr ri&-zar, button holes, designs e.tc, Cuar. S40 cash or small paymenlll 53&-6616 SACRIFICE 72 Cases Of Labelon Toner J.~or Xerox 2400 Copier. 1'1ort lha.n 50<;0 ()ft Ca.JI fTI41 546-4670 Mu1ical ln.truments CONm LO ACCORDION KG-sz. headbnl, I mo. old 1125 $13. 2 car seats S8 ea. En.g. lli-dlair $1D. Swallow Jo;ng. hlJ!:h baby C&ttiagfo, ve.ry i;td. 1-ond $40. Comp. new iwrvice 24, key, 120 baa. with callt', HOO value + •·e:a.sy lo for 6 dinnerw11.tt wipes $15. 548-8M3 la.m" books ' sheet music DECORATOR, cla&in&: out cue.· stock! Thousands ot. yan:l1 POOL TA8Lf.S Sccard Pool BRUNS\VICK~MF Custom Slate Table """" 1289 ''°" Fl>l&nciZla * SECARD I100LS * 5.1>-W LEGAL NOTICE IUP1!1ito11. CDUIT Ofl' ntl lI you will sell or bu_v STATI! OP (AL1t•o1oua POil •ivt w:....i .. a -. TMI! COUNTY °'" OAAJM• .u<q .. T Ml. A4QU A uctions Friday 7:30 p .m. •OTICI! °' NIAltlNe 0, PITITION • d o • POii PltDIATI" Of Will AN• POI Win y s Auction hrn Lan1E11 t111T.-1MTAIY ,.~,.. • ....,, EltJI• ol WILLI.AM M. "Alt .. 11. 20Th~ Newport. CM O'IO"CIOCIV D-•· Behind Tony's Bldg. Mat'l, c~~1~~,1~~E:_~:: ;:~,':.,,. n;-_: = DINING R b Sal be .. of wlll •nd lot lUIHIMS (If Ltt:r1ro , ~m set Y t in T1111men11ry 11 Pt11t1-r, rett-to Jlout1t, ioohd Maple table, 6 wfllcll 11 mill• lor fllrttwlr ptrtlcvllra. 1nd • bJn b' l!Yt 1111 t""9 Mid •IKll ti llff.rlnt flle t halr1 and c a ca 1net. ..... ,.,. 11o1n set tor MlrUi 20. lt11. ,, General 'Electric steno. t:» 1.m.. 111 ~ ~,.,...,. " DIH•I· -•-abl -'I t t """' NI. l of Mill CC1Uf1. •t M Cl'lk "'..,,ut c !>fl, .. n m· Ctn!t'I' or1w w u1. In lhl Clf't Ill S..1111 maculate cond. Muat SH to N-1, c11ifof111a. appreciate. Exet.llenl buy ~ D•led "'~;'.' ~ ~~N, 962--0847 ' '-'" Cltrk. l:OWAltO L. CO"IOT. ZENJ'IH 11ttre0rtC'lll'd playe.t 1• _,.. VIM '""'· ,,111 k AM-FM combination S!'.(I. ~' ~ ~~~;'""' ,_ RCA TV, black le w hite: $30. AllWfltr fot P1tlt~ B l "" k . -•-· h dbo _, PulollahN OrlNlt Cotsl OtllY l"llol, o t 1ng: ~ ea a," F"M>ru•rr 11, 7t •Jld M&rcll s. 1t11 l5t-70 ~. 1-lettford qddle:, $11~. Blonde L'OUea table $50. LEGAL NOTICE 61>--005.l --,-,-.-,-,.-K-.-,-,-.-,-.-,-.. -.-,-.. -- C0N$TRUCTl0N ,ICTITlbUS NAMI 'nl• l>ndfraltnH 11111 cef11f"f' In.¥ 1rt EQUI P, (SALE) c-..ell1>t1 • MIMU 11 1" w. Wit-. 30 Skilsaw1 models No 77 Ii: Ml. c, C11111 MtU. c111....,,11 • ..,..,. ""' • llc:llfloul firm -o1 I. CTCLE 367. Very fine-condition. $55 DYNAMICS (wlllr divltloM oil 2. CVCLE & om e a 847 2684 wknds or MAGI ..... l. AUTOM.-.MtCS •l!d """' .. 1111 ....., ' • llml II QofnlOwd Ill Ille flllowln.1 -10f!O, art er 5: JO wkdll,Y!. w"°"' ... "''' 111 1.,11 ind ""''" ti •ukltna '" 1s fol_,: PAIR 18' lltl'eamlihf> \11ing TM'I S1>e1111fr, '" w. Wiison. A•I. c , Cosl• Mn.1, Cllllor11ll lank!! Jor houseboat or arltft Littler,,.. We•t wu""'. "''· c . celamarau. New le painted, cns11 Mew, C1llfornl1 DllN F"eb. :H, 1f1f sllll 1n shipping cralr. Tom !P"llff «7 nil 8rll!I Llllllf ....., ... ,,. STAT[ DF CALIF"tullrfl.t., ' •THE M .11 Drill "--DltAMOI!: COUNTY· u... , 1 , rn:M, °" F"fll l 19111,' bet Mel Yleldlng E:quip, .Air Com-f'u4tlk ,,,··""tot Mtd"':i.r::·:~t~ Pre'50r Small Tools &: -"Tom 5'o•"llor Md •r11n Lmltr, ' ~ft to me I• IN Ille --wlloH Mlsc.. 2062 Placentia, C.l\f. lllft'IH ,,. ~rlbed II "" wllllln 1 .... 642-26(11 Jtrvm.nl tlld K~nowled1ed IP>ty PK.,IM -----------1~ ....... BRUNSWICK pooJ 1 ab I e t0tr1<11t s..11 ' ,,..,.., I(. "'"""' 3~x7, 6 lTIOI (l]d, oriJ: COii! Ntterr "~'k • C1llfotnia $300. &acri1lce for S195 In<'. ~~~::"~!::' lil L"llVf'r &: all e cce&5. Call M~ Calnll'li.•lort £~Dl•n 968-2889 NltY. tA, ltn l'~bll~~ Dre,.,.e CHll 01lh• f'll&t. QUALIT"l king bed • quilled f1br111r~ '1 •<'d Mi rth '• ll. lO.~': mattttu. Complete unused ------------ S1'0, ..rth S260. M2-65l6 LEGAL NOTICE ·~· PERFEC? CONDITION l of draJM!ry fabric. Carpel SDI or Best Otft>r Samplu ol all makes. Cl!1tT1P1U.T• OF •u11N•11 B ALBO A BA Y c l ub FICTITIOUS lrfAME 540-m After 3 PM =-.nn===~------membership ttQOO 1 u ! TM 11nc1tnl1rltd tlOt$ '*"""' 11\t h "''" p • t-\ICll,.. I llllllMU at JU ,.Kltk WILL trade nicr electric CARPET Layer ha.~ carpet. U'ansler l ee.1. Box p.919 Co1s1 rtwor., Hunlll'lllllfl etedl. C•lltor· ..,,;•-• a, ptaCtiCf' amp lot Ny. Ion, Kod. el. Shag It. D•lly Pilot n11. ulld~r Ill• fldltlout """ ,....,. o1 __ ...._ THE CARGO SHOP Ind 1111! w ld flr"I )lpic guitar leuons.. eV!'s. 111-low11. Will sell al c:osl lor 1, comPIW(I a1 '"-to1i-1ne "''°"' ,..., _._.. 231E.18th No, B, labor. 523-1188 SMALL Piano $6, Stove tur--• fttmt 1n !\Ill "'" 11l•c• " re11--quoi~ $40. 12) 22 calibe.r ae..c:• 11 •• 1011ow1: CM. CARPET lmtaller bu one It. l at Ruiz, 301 tan1t. N"'"'1 rifles. 1 ll 12 gauge 1hot 8•Kh, cilllornl• ''"° NEW INSTRUMENTS roll, avocado nylon carpet. gun. 646-6.'GO. 011..i F"eti. 11. im O<am 200 wait P .A. Amp Double jute-backed. Will :n-.. --0 -L YM-P IC Fr e n c h ~T-'Tf DF" ~ti:o?t"~~ •. ..m. Leslie Combo pt'Nlmp sell all or part $3fyard. . . D•ANGE COUNTY: .,...,... 540-7245 Modern Prov1ncull T YPI!' o.. Feb. ''· 1t11, bel11t1 ,,,., , NM arv le aJJ Leslie ~ $j(I, Shure =~~~~------Cablnel, $5(1, Good shape. ~u1111< 1" """ !Of" wld 111tt. _,.,,.11,. m1c'1 .$50. 67~11U""l. COMWNATION AM It' M ... ., ""'II •-'"" "· Lte 1tu11 ,_ 19,,,. .. M ~. • 1'>e Hnotl wflose Mm!! k ....-.C:l1tMrif ti m MER Series 10 clarinet J'&dio, 4 spet"d r II' cord 21., TRIMMER L . 1111 w!IOllil 1Mt._..t AM ~ I t _.__ a"' n .... ••...:cufell !ht -· -St'--··-~ VJ ..... P ayer, ape rtCO•Uc.J" IO/l--.,.._ .ru.&1 • ..,.. /t1.GWf'r $120 Good C.on-!Ollkl1I S.OI) - ecM Gretsch While 90/a $50 M2~ •. ,. ·r -11 ' MM"t I: . ._,. ~ I JOO • .._.. -"°''"' P~k • C1tlfer11l1 FalooJI euilar rroo. A LL Carpet layer bu Jli Lo 592-2360. Prlncl•I Otrlcl I" BRAND NEW. 49'1·1634 I nyloS3M50Sl.99 +"'-Shapl 'f!RES: 4 Goodyear Polygla1 ~:~c:. l ulf'lll GIBSON SC s-..:-1 w/cur-mm . up my abor, ,.,5 N..,. ," 1m ~ on.. ..,. __, 8471-19 G78-14, never used. $u . Publl•~M O••nt• CCNtst thn,. ,.11ot. SUS. Fe.nder bassman white+_-~_c""-'~'-'-'"-· __ ._,_ Call &47-8176. F1brwrv 11 •nd Me•ai •· ll. 111. itro w/ori&\nal speaker& :JalO. HIDE·A·BED, cream naugh.1----------·•-----------"-'_·~ 11.11.• .-S75. Old man!le chiming 50 YARDS ull-ed oU \vhile• ~·~ k Bo _, 11ylon pile carpetina:. Good LEGAL NO'MCE .. PIECE D-·s drum atl, 3 ck>c $40. 1h in A<nl <."llnd. ...,..1. S7" 670 _, I------------~ ._... fi46...54l2 1.'0uul JOO, "· ...........,.... P·.Maf )UR old, 1-----------Bk "'" •·-I c11tT1ir1CATI! o" co11:POtaATKH• •SQ.-4J.49* HID&A·BED, Maple dinelle, MJNI-i fl ..,5 OJ' ...... .,.,t (lf er, POlt T•AlrflACTION D, •UllN•s• hutch. desk, dl'ell9U, chest, S lrip !ype ha rd w a rt' UlrfDll l"ICTITIOUI NAM.I • louYered windciw1. 54~200-4 T"f UNDEltllGNf.D COltPDltATIOlrf Pi.nos & Org•ns 1130 beds., sofa. rocker, lamps, -· M re11r certify ltltt lt i. c-.ci1,,. • tables, rolm-TV. 54s.861 1 POOL Table household b.t•l!IH• IDCllM •• 2121 Wnl COltt · ''"'" lG 1'1.l H!1~1.,., ,,.._.. 8Mci\. C1tll0tftl1, BEAUTIFUL 4 ""'l'lel Orien-lurnl1ih1ngs. ..,,, lo • SC. uP!dtr 111e tktltlous firm ...,,,. o1 tSLE ,... Call 962-1°'a57 SUPPLY COMl"ANY 1Pld tturl H ld firm 11 1al screen. Apprai!l<'d at 1 -~::.,:.=-"-"-·-~~--Cbm!IOttd °' tht to1"""'1"" Cll'N••llor" WE MUST REDUCE OUR $1~. Call (ll fTI4l 637-0206 MODERN hospital bed & =:•r1nt1N1 ,a.ct a1 bu11neu ra •• STOCK OF PIANOS & HAND Painled oil portrait of ()Verhead bed 1ray. :X1nl T·P Acou1•k 1, 1..c .. 1:iosr G•rvo:r e SALE e cond Make Oll<'f 536-681)1 A~rnuf, 811dwln P1rtr., C111forn1t '11iN. ORGANS BEFORE IN-you or your children from a ' · WITHE» II• h•nd 11r11 1111r d•'t' of VENTORY TAXES ARE photograph. 646-~ r~:.:,r:,·,1:!11 DUE i BLONDE D · d M. W I d 1610 T-P A-.slln, '""· • an1sh inette st'I IK. •n • EdWt•d PllDlll. PtlllGlnl SAVE NOW!!! $30. Apartment sitt 5love, sT•n. OI' CALll"OltNIA, ~ .... . Z\ """' CDUHTY DF LOS ANGELES. u . $200 -$300 "'"""'co ltion $ . .,..;i-1688 WANTED: UM'd dbl Tandem °" llrb 11111 d•., of""""'"' A.D. lf1t, P EY 0 -boa il I 22' ",....__, before ..,.., • No\lfV Ptlllllc In 1Pld for ITN -au.,"Ml fo ld i ng I Ira tr or 6 .._,u_,s. .. 111 C01Mtr •nd shit...""°"''"' , .. ctlf'clc 'l'be!lt: Value.s machine $8:) (lf br1l otfer. lf!r twin io/outbrd. 536-3343 11e1re.1 EGW•l"ll Plsonl ltMWfl "'"" to IN <>Un.!'.,...., CONSOL"'~ and "~" .. o 111e l'rttldent "' 1111 <"""''"'" 1turt ••· "'"''"'~'.,, ' c...>o 'nl.l"'.,)0\1 'J'1IB SUN NEVER SE1'S on ~cutld ttur within kirlrvmmt"" IMMll of PRACTICE PIANOS .• 1-~~~~------a---"'-'' lio. 1111o cor•irt11or1 tPMAlft n1m111, •"" ••• .•••........• From :$299 KIRBY VKcuu111 cll"a.nrr. like ~ S ac n J)C)\\'ft'. 1ctnow1MtM 11 ,,,, 111•1 •Udl con•0tlll.,, ffl'W, ~nlly J'f'OOndilioned F(ll' an ad to sell around the e•Kutlld the ••m•. BABY GRANDS and ... _,, ,_, d'al '4"5610 !Dl"FIC!.e.L SEAL) CR.ANDS, rebuilt. rt!iniltlll"Cl,J,l=~=·'=· =-="=======.:_='=-:=·;:=,;-;;·==== """' J. M•ler Nolt•Y Publl<·C11Uorn1a auatanteed • , • , from $89~ Prh1cl1111 O!fl(e SPINETS CO .. ,.,,...,, .,.~. >d l O"I A11t•lf1 c"""'" • , n;;ioul..Lo:), al ,.,,.., c-1111or1 EJ.iD-l•M CHORD ORGANS •• '"'" NO MATTER ~ ... "· ... hWldreds ol dollan: on some T·nnt Pub!!1Md Ori "-• C091! D•11¥ ~11!11. floor~! New and used. Fl'llol••'t' 11 ..... M••d'I '· IJ, '°· 1t10 ; •• F ...... BTand.•. w HAT , ... THOMAS e YAJ.tAllA LEGAL NOTICE BALDWIN 0 WURUTZER HAMMOND P·lUI• OPEN SEVEN DAYS Cllt1"11"1t.e.TE 01' COltf'OltATION DOINO SUllNlll UNOllt COAST Music l"ICTITIDUI NAM• THIE UNOEltSIGNfD COJI POlltATION NEWPORT •-HARBOR doe1 ~"t'l)v ~rtl!V tl\11 11 !1 cDllductln1 1 ~ I s <CltYIJUI ... 11rvlt11 111d 1<>1tw1ro bual,..u COSTA :r.IBSA e 642-2&1 IT '' 20 MTchelsor\ Dr!w, '""""'' C1llltrrl'lt1 ~n Daily 1(1.G ttW• u..O.• !Ole llcllllouJ firm "'"'' "' Vt"" • • • OltAMGI!' COUNTY C 0 M PUT I! It ).;ri., 11).9 SUJl. 12-5 CENTElt •IMI 111•1 !he "'""' of 111d co•· •erttioo! •lld !Is •rlnc lNI ... c• or br.rllfllll h •• follllwl: 1'1NANCE Co. demands Im· mediate liquidation al all .1oor plaftned Spinet 1: eo~ aole Pianos on a cost • + lluls. Our loss I!! your gold- en opportunity, but yOU must ~ NO\V! WARD'S BALD\Vl:t STUDIO J8l9 Ne\l.'J)Ort, c.~f. 6-42-8484 OJ>tn r •#ry Nite Ii: SUnday Aile.moon CAllCEWTION Or FWICHISE Mak.ea avalltblf', 11 en 11 e d lfl&&lliib' (lf IJI modclJ of /amou.1 p1aM manulactun!r. .All 11t buac •vinas. sale ,,_. 'dl Jo~f!b, 281 ... -GOULD MUSIC !1)8 N. aw., SA 5<UMI • • ! • YOU SEL L CAN IT WI TH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD For F•st Service & Expert Assistance DIAL 642°5678 DIRECT MAll:SM ... LL INDUSlltlfS, 706.! Hun ll"'l!Orl Dtlvt. S.n M1rtno, Ct l!,.,,11l1 •11111 D1IN: JJftUt fT t, lt70 MAJl1HALL llrfDU!TlllE1 I V JQ!wl ). 9.,..,, )T. Via Pruldent 11¥ lt!dlt fll D, O'H.,.lft T"""'''' lT.e.T!: 01" CALIF"DJINll COUNTY Of LOS .e.NGEL[S I It Dft '"I• llft d•Y of J1nu1rv. Jtlt, bofo·• mt,• Noh,.,,PuBllc r" 1n« tor 111f cou ... 1Y •'lld Stitt. P~l"tOl'll!lr llllffrtll J.rrn J a0t1r. Jr .. knowr1 to rM to ..., ll>t Yk t l"•t•ltenr •"41 Jlkllard D. 0 'Htrln, '""""' lo mt 11 bf 11't l!11111Jfff of ~ ~·· .... 1llal! Itri! ll tWl?d 1111 Wllll!n I,.. llfUIMnl ~M Whlll of ~ n ... •11""' -•In "'"'"'' Ind Kk-ltdttd le "" llrtt •\Kii c..--•tlon. ,,KVtN !lrt .,..,., WI TNE,, m y hind l!>d ofllc11I 111l. CDFFICl"'l SEAL) G-.11 L. M~n Noll..,. l"tfolk <1l1torn11 ~rlOlc;lo1I Dl'rkl I" lot ""'tlos c...,,,w Mf C-lUIOll E~•1rtt Mlf"ttl It, 1'11 Oltll!N•EIO & OLUSl(llt ""°"""'" •I Lnr IM A-• -' Ille llln l.91 Allttlet. C•tr,..~11 """ T .. tltt "lll>tr\llHI Or•"'• C1w11t 0~11-1 Piii!! . Fe11N1rv JI n Mt•tll '-l:L 21. 1'71 ,,... Only Ono nnal s\ockS In all homt rdltloitt. Th.It's a big dt•I? It ls In Or1nvt Coilnl)'. Tht DAil Y PI LOT II the only dally A~PIP't lNt dell¥• Crl tJlt fllCkigt, lllUILJ(. H&Alllib WILL II Hl:l,,9 W fM CllY Htll. 11 ll•lf Of!"" ~ ""'"· C.Q/«111•, .. 1:)1 ".M. ... ~·.~:~ ._..,,..."' ,..,.,...,y, 11..-1nl1M tM ftllewlr. .. """"' -1 .... ~ ...... c-......... ,. L ........ ""* .., "" en~ " C.tt MIN ITl!f M,.ltt f'IM ., Df1l~I. 1. r... ·~ ,..,... .... 1••11. ,.w!Md fw 1r1t" Cl'llld OV"-C""tet 4lf o.-.,.. c-"'· 1n E. 11111 .,,..,, c-11 M--. C..llfi. "' _.!!\Iulo. fw ,.....IM .. «lfitltl ,......, .. "'""' tlllw "'''-,,....,, .. two ... I -lef ., rllrM .,,..n ftt Hfl~I "'11c1 ~ 111 _. IUMt!M Wllft IN Chllll Gvtd-.e Ctftttr, .... _,,,, lecll .. ., .171 •• , ..... Stteilit, C_.. "'"'*-Cliff .• lft '" Al' -· J,leM l!Jrt"'""'' """"'" .... t•·»-1' .... s. \!. H11nt.11ktr, Jr., 101 f . oi..m1n, F11lltrton, C111t,, !IN'" ptrml111M1 II Cfln· 1ltU<t COV•rd "'k'"' 1k\lc:turn twltholit '''"' docw•I 111 111111 ef •• , ...... ,...,,., ..... , Sedloll tHll.1, DIVklol! 'V "' flHI l.e114 UN Onllfll l!U •!Ml Off.Strwt P1r111119 r..ul,_h 11 ~ M I ..-.CIM Ila.ti 1ttM!Md 1W 1t'Mll fNolloJ • "" af tlllt 1111111u1 ........ .,. -ty ,....., kt.Mn hkff .... "•111trl"" 151' II. f11t.tl'r 9' tM ctni.11nt of 9rtftol 1''"'• Cllll1 ,,.,. .. C.111. In 1 llt+(P 1-. ~. :r.. .._.... f'-1f .... t•-it-n, lor Olar ltobl..-i. K 1 Dar,.tl Str .. t, COl!t Mtta, C1llf., for """ll118n 'lg awi1rruc1 -llllPlelr 111 '" 111 r-.., •.oot tti. -ti. ot 1,,.. •r" 1-U11lt -"* ""· n. ot .. ,.. ,,..l .,. ,.,_r,., IOU!wl 1t US E. 22nd 5trfft, CHll Mt•1 •• c 111t. f , r.. ••<.tlM ..... 11111 Ml. Ja•&7t. fv ..... , v. ,., .. 1 .... 2J7 Santa IMO.I, COii• Meo. Calif .. for ,.""'"'°" .. -..di lJ ff. Into "'9 Pt<1ul rN 75 fl, r•ar ¥1nl •tbld Jar 1111 m11lruclloio l>f • rffloHl'Cf ill .ocllllen 111 ·an ed allnt , .. lclftlc:. Dll ... 112 lo! "" .,_"" leu!N 1t "tJ1 Slflf.I IH ... I. Ces!e MIM. Cfllf. i. 1-EH .. llN P-11 Ne. 'Z .... ,., tor L~rd D. Weith, 1HJ Pill ..... ltOlll, s.MI ....... C•llf., lot" "mt!UIM ID CIJllflll &II Ollff tlorl" 1'1fd "1" bolts. ClmHl'I •nd lrtlllfl '"" te •lie-# • "OO-ll·rourwlt" bolt reNI•• .. It!'• Hff't loclted el 27Jf 8r1Jlel SlrHt, Coale M-. Clllf~ kl •ft Cl.CP z-. 1. X-··--P-lt NI. Ja.Jf>71, for Don L. 51dof\. 2147 CIUb H1v11 ltotd, CO!lll Most, C1llf., lot l>t""IUloft to tH 1 t1ml1Y rOQm hi ••ltllne restd ... u wltll • U n. trltroeellmenl I,.. lo ft<IUlrN 20 fl. r Mr Yl •d 11lbtclt D11 "" Dr-1'1' loc•ltd 11 2141 Club House ltNd, C•llt ~M. Catlf., In I n It! -· f'w fltrltwr lilformatlorl °" 1111 •ti.v. •Nlktllefla. Ttltfll'lonl llJ.l.JJ~J or ull 11 tht otflc. ti Ille PllMI ... OtNnr..nt, 11:-.. :KIO, n F1lr Df1v1, C•I• Met.I, C1tlfornl1. 1CDSTA MESA PU.NlrtlNG COMMISSION NATI! llEADE, C"'lrmtn Wllll1m ~ 011...., S.cr1!1r1' 1n4 DlrKlor of Pllt111l1>t1 P~lolllfW!tl Dr1"'t Co.ts! D1llr Pllllt, ireor111rv 21. "" 1n.1a SIYE £1SH! c L A 5 5 I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 \ ' ' TO CLEAN UP ON YOUR CLEAN OUT? FOR FAST! FAST! ACTION! CALL DAll.Y PILOT CLASS- IFIED DEPT. D I A L D I R E c T -- 6 4 2 -5 6 7 8 ·------~----------- • JOIN THE 'SELiERS CIRCLE' WE'RE SAVING SPACE FOR YOU ~ •• ·~ r-:;;-i ~ ~ r-;p-i If you sell a service and don 't advertise in the DAIL:Y PILOT Service Directory, you 're doin g business the h • rd woy· The Service Directory ( d auificotions 6500 -7000 in the cl ouified ad section doily) give s you an advantage you get through no other odver· tising medium . It reoches customers who are ready ta buy. Be there when your prospects came into the morket looking for the services you have ta sell .. lf your service isn't listed, we'll start a category just far you . your spoce in the "Sellers Circle" Pick up the phone r i g h t now on'd reserve Your Direct Line to Directory Results 64.2-5678 DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT J • '~ ·-----.,. ·-.. .. . : . : . ·: :~ .. -. .. , :. r MIRCHANDISE . fOll, SAlE AND TllADI .11REE TO YOU Frldq, F.._, 21; uio TRANSPORTATION I TllANSl'ORTATION TRANS~ORT4TION TRANSP9RTATION ~NSPORTATIO~~~!!!!~~~h~ Bottt & Ytchtt -lottt & Ytch~ -s,.ed Ski Iott& -Mobile· Homtt 9200 Mobllt H-tt 9200 Molorcycltt "°' Troilt<, Trovel ·Misc. W1ntff 1610 VANT to bu)' 4 or 2 bbL manllold lor CQl'V•Jt, ~'Ith or without carburetor, a.46-7219 arL ~ M1chlnery,. Etc. 1700 t.AntE. Mill, Drill Press, Weldlng Egui.p. Air Con1· pres!Klr. Small Tools k Mhic. 2062 Plac:e:nUa, C.l\t. '&t2-260l LOVABLE triendiy male tan ,;hart haired cat, l yr oh', 11eed11 1ood h ome . 1147-2340 21~ }'REE 1o 1d hin wtfenced yard, ~ pure bred blk/\Yh! Water Spaniel pup111 1 ,.,.k~ old. 962-0180 l/26 fi MO. Old puppy. i4 Lab '~ \Yeimaraoe.r. 64441711 2/28 PETS tnd LIVESTOCK --· Pets, General llOO Old Friend For Sale ' 18' sounc Coast motor launch. 100 hp C~nt i!n&W. F1tted canvu cover, ntW llllff. $1700, 615-1911 '64 CU.SPAR. JJ' ~tsn1n, 75hp Evinruck. tilt tied trlt. Sae. $1895 .. 54&-5109. She's a Classic 40' triple Cabin Cnmer,' Cus- tom-built along the lines ot the ehesapeake Bay Dawn Cruisers. She is.2~ years old and is constr ucted lo Jast a.no\U.r 25. as a recent survey will show. She wlll · il'eep 6 .in full length bunks in 2 cabins. Her equipment RAY'llf.EON i)eopth Jo~inder. includes twin Chrysler 18.5's fnew in 1985), DE·122. ltaythoon Ship Shr a brand new galley including electric' re-radio 1030-A ' radio dtrec--FREE TO YOU Young Amazon pa,rrot. frigeralion, propane stove, bot & cold ... ter tiona,I finder Konel KDF· ., Cage arvl 1>tand s100. pressure sy~tem. new moJlo.maUc cbemi~al 100, S300 or make l('p&l'.ale OOeER.MAN Pin<:her & 842-1128 head, po\ver watch converter, commercial ofr. 1' Dinghy $65. Lire Retriever c:omb. s n1ar1, cork life raft, Pierce'· Simpson 55~: R/T. prtservers S3 ea. or otr. 'trained, 7 or 8 nws old. Dogs 8825 Bendix fatbometer, Judson synchronizer, 2 Call '193-JLi8. Illness ttason for giving TOY poodlf'l:i, AKC regis, au tomatic Lovett bilge pumps, bilge blower. 9' AVON Redcres1, used ·away. l"'rec lfl good home ver y heav y c: 0 a 1 .~, power anchor \Vincb, new 50 gal. water heat· hvice, $.200. w/yard-, 536--0!;lll 312 wht/champ. color, Males, er, polarity indicator. Morse contro_ls, '444ilS6 * JOMICRA INC. * Fe1turin9 Arn1ric1's fin. 1st mobil• 1ri1t1 homes di,pleyed in Or1n9e County's newest 1d1,;lt p1r~1. SPACES -Y,,,, cli•ic• •' lfl•<• iii •ny of •ur n•w p••k1. SALES -C1!0011 yovr ... ,.,,, fro111 • .,,, I 00 n•w flle4•1s '••d'I' t• "''.,' i111 •t ll•wo your• c111!0111 b11ilt, SE'-VICE -Full ti111• 11,..,ic1 cl1p1rllfl•11l 1•rvi119 ••ch lo- c1tion. -"ANAHEIM"- PONDEROSA MOl lLE ESTATES 2)00 So. l1wi1 11l·6JJ.t60I :2 LOVABLE pa.rt Shepherd S65 & S75. ~f-445 2800 searchlight, 110 v. dockside power, oz1te SWI~1 step', mahogany, 6 pups, 5 1)101. old, also l <Xean BJvd., CdM . carpetJni throughout, spare anchor, lines. step S30. -"COSTA MESA"- imall breed mtxed, 5 mos. DALMATlA'N s AKC. prop and Shalt. 'She was brought West last 642--8062 GREENLEAF PARK old, neecb ltd hm w/fencd Beautiful healthy pup !l. year from her home port of ~napolis, only 3 HP Britiah Sea Cull motor: 11so Whitti•r ....... yrd. 541)..1202 attt:r 2 pm2/26 Cl}ilmP, sirP.d. 8 wks. !\tales. to suffer the indignity of havtng as her Ma s· like new, $95. 714.442.11'50 BEAUTll'UL LONG-haired 493-17•IO ter one \Vho is a better sailor than a stock ti'75-4747 -"HUNTINGTON kiftens, 1ree 10 good home. -~A""F'G"H"A°'Nu_ -M4"''°L0E.-marke-t investor. Consequently she is for IEACH"- -,-----BAY HARBOR FANl;ASTIC B.,. !rt 4 Star. Mobile Ho-Silts HODAKA JOO, desert ready We1twl)'I • t'11ntlme "''"' SlOOO lnvtsted, Sacrifice ,..__ .. _,, 91' N YEAR END !350-<M-.575' ~·...-~ -'• ' ' CLl;ARANCE SALE l"'9 750 NOR"roN COMMAN-:.":':.!:, '6ll 'Ti'aller. NO\V ON DlSPL.A y 00. Excellent -~ltion; Call .... .:1 ••• 12. 16, 20, 24 &: 30 Wides "-Seit c:ontai.bed, twin - Up To 6o Feel Lone 546-1548 after G p.m. db! folHWq. Mol'lom•tte 1'75 Baker st .• ,Cotte Mfga MUST Sell llalJ&n 1116de, toUet. tboWtr. ....... ~ wWit \t block East of Harbor Blvd. near new lOGce motorcycle. Rttte hitch. ~ Costa Mesa Cn4) 5f0.9C70 Top cond $215. 546-0012 19$8Northwest14' Travel SACRIFICE! I 'A=.=,.=s."'rv"'i=c,=== Trail•~ eau -' 1970 • 20x4l Lancrr & Parts MOO I=========:: I Ji'urnishlld, low rent puk; S & K MOBILE !1DME BROKERS 12362 Beach Blvd., G.G, • fi36..0021 • Min! Blht Motoreyc:lti \VANT to buy 4 (It" l bbl manifold tor Corvair with or without carburetor. ~7219 .n s Trucks Alrcady box-trained. Ready l!l AKC Sacrifice' sale at, a firm price of $17.000. Only_ those BNt Slip Mooring 9036 D~ll=TWOOO IEACH CLUI • to go ill t'Wo w' e k ll · moSal,_ •.·· :,._d" · d I 21462 l'•ciflc Co•it Hw,. j • 3/6 -... • connoisseurs o( classic llJ'aCe an 1ne. as ""' y ah 125 End 54&-34° · '""'.,.,....or••2•-•. . ( struM! 'O'SLIP T•mpo<•-Upto 714-JJ6·751l .,,,, am a ee uro, .... ~ ...., .....,,,., '"'ell as integrity and quality o eon \;"on, ~ --..-· Only 190 mi. Perfect. Best TRAILER SALES Stre•m Line • Idell TorryeNom•d•0.1lt Explorer Motor Homes (21 POodlU. mate ·& female, "w"E"t"M'°ARAN==E°'R'""Pu"'p"•-. "AK=c. need inQuire further. Those rare few may ~·boat. $2·2:) per fl, "YUCAIPA-CALIMESA" c!fer over $400. 49&-243& or '6 mos. old, must go field & sho\v, \rhclprd call 675-7977 for an appointment to inspect Call 6751985· SOUl~EST MOllLE 496--5042 ' t c I e 1 her ' good with 1-1-70. 6 1nale, g fcn1alr. f'OR Rent. $1.7;, per foot. Up HOME SALES children, need $ho Is. 12131 378-0Tl.1 her full y. to 30', no sailboats. 1065 c.u"'.'' llwJ, HARLE't1. ·~-~~,!~r,4_runa.1 536-7073 2/' :co==c-::===:-= 675-6872 714: 795-'f!ll-nds tttle '""'""• ~. a e •. , BASENJI "Barkless" pups, 1~~~~~~~~"'!'~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ I ·==:::::;:=::=;"'====I-:-::-:~=~:::::::~:::-$300 firm. 516-A Jasmine, MIXED Pointer & Lab, 20 ... bl k N d AKC, 7 weeks, shot11, Mob I H 9200 VACANT-MOVE IN Cdl\f mo'11, male, ac . ee s *· 968--7532 '* lotls & Ytchls 9000 I Sallbuta 9010 i • ome1 large fenced yard. Call 1,,==,,--'.'.'C-:---c= ..;;.--'-'--------NICE MOBILE HOME HOTI'Esr 99 cc trail bibs tn 67~2639. aft tr 4:30 & B 0 XE R PUP & , A KC .,..., !LEE) -··•-built •ab>., 24' ISLANDER Sip. F.G. 'wITii 10x36 CABANA town. 5 Jett. Clote out $275. C•mpers ind Shtlls llln Harbor Blvd. O.G. 1 \{. Blocks No, of Garden Grove Freeway 537-4011 l · -.r •· I d ..,. "''"""._.. '" 1969. 20x52, all extras, ntlU' $~~ --weekends.• 2/28 rcgi.sle,,..., ... wn more' cruiser. Glau bo ftom, lnb. Aux. A·l. Many extras. ~ total price. Private .,_.,,. LOVABLE black fem. oock-show quality· 536-2449 cnc:losed head, d'i rt e t t e . Sleeps 4. S3995. SI Ip ~:~~ H=ke~. ~ Cot~TA MESA -SANTA ANA 962-4981 , a·poo 1 yr ·cld, loves NORWEGIAN sleeps 4. Chrysl('r inbOard . avkadilable, 897--0311 x 5014 Beach Blvd., G.G. 636-0021 ~.Al Dir. S42-39J9 '69 AMERICAN Eagle 250ce, VACATION •55 l'ORD P .U. 292 cu! tn. 1 . children, hse-lrhd, needs gd ELKHOUND PUPPIES Lots o( new paint, S700. In· 'v ays DELUXE l.fobile Ho me Geronimo $ 150. Nice TRAVEL CElN'TER Air cond. MT m -.ai. •home w/tenced ,Yrd. "=:;-:;oc•c:--61-::>-:-;2>:c7:-.5;-ce=:;;:--; quitt at 119 34th SL. NB. 61 TRAILER 33 x 8· 1 BR 24x60, 2 hr 2 ba, din rm, machine. 846-an4. Excet ... Golclen F1lcon ""'"'"· -L.--e. A,., .. __._ l P C • 9020 w/awning & skirls. f b11 · kl h All ~~" ~ 962-{)180 2/W TINY TO)IS, m~ed poodle & arte:r 5 pm. owe,. ru1ser1 Tradewinds Trailer Village. a~ rm, ·1 1" ;,c .. ~. Pk 1969 ~HONDA, lo mileage, Olympi• -Alpine bt~tf Ii clean, $950. SMALL J.'emale 1ni.xed breed C'hihuahua l wks. old $25. 16' \\'HALER. customized. I ::-:--=:-c-----646-1263 ex er. oomp · wt · good condition $100 .t take Ap.c:he .. Wheel C•mper Sf0-1&1'1. • · 842-1962 00 HP 30· CHRIS Cl'afl Connie, 536-4081. litltr 5:30 PM or s..315'9 Id I i r ,dog, excellent with children. eve~. fully equipped', l 1003 Coo4 5JSTRATOLINERJOH,S!fi0 kcnds overpayments. W<!r_ s ara:est most com, 1959•·1'0RD -1ii ton -piclnlp. needs yard and gOOd home. DACHSHUND pun", ARC, J'ohnson. Perfect. oond. Cost · cond. Lots ct C lo.w;:;;;a.:-' ...::::::-:::-;;;:::-:::: '69 ••• 650 LJ..4.tnina, plite RV vehicle ahopPiila xlnt condition •.o•i=: ~ II "'IOIVI equip. Mu.gt sell! $9500 or uh. 333 \V. Bay St., Space 8x40 p A . l'L ~ ... .... ........ 61:>-6027 '21'21 champion line, 11hots, new over $:>:"l00. se. __...,.,. 3_ "-•· M•sa an mencan .... e new 1.~ milea. 112511 center. 644 6U6 _ -best cfter. 637-U70, 638-0034 .......... nd lo t •• ~ s • K -· WANT ......... ho r Mz-M.13 548-1936 ==o:--=--~,--:=-:::-,-, co ' w rcn ..,...... + ~2563 + 8.1$l Garden Grove Blvd, GG "62 FORD Van "T 5~ __ me_ or ==========: VIKING , Scandia, XlxtiO', 2 Mobile Home Brokers, 12362 J ~==-=,,..."""-;-== 534-6686 CiiCka, Xlnt1!or.,.ehild•""i·· 9 .GREAT Pyrenees, Puppies. Sailboats 9010 Spetd-Ski Butt 9030 br, 2 ba. Awnings, Xlnt Beach ~vd .. G.G. 636-09'.ll MUST Sell! '65 Bultaco $Tl)O,. . yn cld. A I .& ls · 1c. AKC. Terms. 2 males & 1 Adult Pk. 548-1!42, aft s. (Sherba) Runt good! $225 Oosed Sat. Open Sundl3" *6'15-6556* 644-5785 2/26 fe1na1e. C..all 675--1632. ----------1--,--------'68 NE\V Moon 24x44', 2 hr. 642--0820 * 14' GLASPAR. 75 hp MUST Sell customized 20x40' 1~ ba. Comp! 1etup -adlt _""'-="'*,;-=""'· .-. .... .-KENSKilJ.. I: Kil. Special '67 ECON. Ford SUptr Van. 3 AOORABLE mU.:ed bt"eed WELSH Terrier Puppies. CLE ARANCE SALE Evinnide, automatic .start. w/ 10' x. 20' add. -extras. pk. Crpt, drp.s, porch. 350 HONDA $550, prices on lot models. Scotts, H.D., auto, rt.h. lo mlg, nn i, cuddly. Need good homes. l ntelligent. Shel.'!, 894-2'124. P-Cat "'/tra er puppies, 6 'vks old. lovable AKC. Champiort s i r: e d • il '""' \?$6:;15;;';,· ~613--0=:;;'";;.=:;;==~E;;:•~o:;;••;:·~-~~· ,;:CM;. ~&t2~-&t;;";;-~s;"""':=~703~. =====::..'.::===="'=·':;421;;=".':~~'~"==N:. Harbo;;:;';:·:si'.A:=.==:;;:-::=;b';rka=.=:Call;===-==· ====be!=;6::;::I 894-:w93 2/2& Columbia 21 11995 .._ C 9800 I N C \Vhite Miniature Poodles,, Ventun- 21 w/tilr, $211!6 ~·-~.,~-~·~,..~~~~;;;~;;~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~~~~~;;;;~~~~~~~===~~=~""=='="=============== l Cl.ITE cuddly pups. mixed 6 wioi;, n> papers. iz.;, bretd 8 wks. Need good * Call M7-AA4t * Coronado 25 heme Y.'/fencNi yard. ==='='===== I \1·a.~ S7000 • • • now $6500 Sabots new k complete S2SO 545--7'129 3/2 Horses 8830 2912 West Coast Highway 4 Male Puppie&. part poodle" .. ' Newport Beach * 645-0810 &: part T Cute puppies and & 2 Matts for sail', l for they need good homes, Call $175 & 1 for flIJCI. Ca.ll CAL 25, bow. p u 1 Pt t, 642-S19J. 2/28 962-M35 life-line. new 91,; hp O.B. 1 Mo. Old f'emale Calir.o cat Must aell now! Fir~t cash HORSES boarded. Box stall. oHer lakes. $5X:iCl. David free to i;ood home i\fcving corral & feed $40. Fr~f'r. ;:;424 Via Oporto, i:annot ktPp, Call 549-JJ91 N.B. Days (714 J 673--5252; 642-475.'l 312 TRANSPORTATION eves 494-3916 FREE Puppies, 2 mo's, friendly, Large breed. Boats & Yachts 9000 SABOT'" Sailboat No. 2521 . .. 1 ... Yellow y,.•ith varn~ trim. -·536 3/2 ·----.,-----Good cond. s.Jl. mast A WHI1E C'OCJ< ... poo. 6 m•'• SCRAM' LETS port. dolley = ..... u .. old. Lov,. 'hildre"· Call ' • . 546-4159. -2/28 SKJPJACK SAILBOAT 15', .. ~~~~t t INSWERS :~~. ~~:r1 ~~i1: !/2 Adtiff -~w;b,y --Chief -,64=>-0;;;UJ==-;;--.:;::;:-v;: I 'COOKA==POO=,.-;:-:n:,-,..::::-, "'•l'°d,,..,-an='a MUMw -DIMES LAPWORTH $.sloop. Xlnt Ger/shep 9 mos. old, free A T'J comic wi!leel"ackedt cond. Loaded. 10 •a i I 111. to good homes. 549-2100 S/2 '1nflation i1 apreading, ao Reducl'!d tl.28 J>P.r 1 b • don't take any v.'OOden DIM-673-280S 8 yr old miniature poodle. Needs quitl home, 841-5016. Has all shots :l/2 G 0 R G E 0 U S Tri-eolored Tabby Cats. Look fike owls. Call 675-4738 2/27 BUNNY Pure \vhite, Large male kitten s . Call 675-4138 'J/21 YOU Dig out. Various kind.& of cactus plants. &U-1522 ev1c1:11 k wkends. 2/28 Free Rats . 83s-5652 3 J\.tonth old mal~ tabby. free to good home. Call alter 6 pm ~1350 2/27 FREE pippies ID & gQOd homt. Cock--a·poo mother"- ! father. 540-357.'i. 3/2 FREE r·irewood -you tiaul. 548-475.1. 2/28 4 months· old '%. collie. Needs love. 5.f.9-3991 2/24 I mportod Autot ES." SWALES ANCHORAGE Ca;ut Hlway at D...)'llhore Newport Beach lln<:r 1935 .YACHT SALES & CONSULTING Boal paints&: SUpplies CaU 548-lliOl Daily 9-."i 1968 JOHNSON elec. 55 hp, 11' Fiberglass. Like new. Only SO hrs. Extra5-must see to appreciatt! 963-70L1 CENTURY Fiberglas Resortet, w/lrailer, 250hp inbrd. canopy top &: covers. ti7:>-5626 1948 CHRIS 2j', 2 radios, etc. f.1ake offer, will take O/B as down pmnl. 77&-0298 lt1UST sacrifice 32' live 11board. sharp. Oner over $3.000. Days (213) 432...,11537 8' racing runabout. rcgistra- llon papers & hardware. E.xcdlent. $50. 96Z.J96.'i ·23• TEMPEST Sip, Yg.·Awt 6hp. Ex. ccnd. Xtras. Ra.dy lo sall! S3150. 839-5479. 2.Y Sloop with mooring 12500 673-38.1.1 UDO 14 No. m1, Xlnt cond. W/full nc.ing gear ,f, trlr. can 673-0941. 13' SNOWBIRD ~o. ap w/trlr. Dacron Mil. Good cond. $300. Call 539-3467~ LIDO 14 SailboAt. No. 2.'JSlJ, With trailer. Call 837-7039 aft 6 PM 24' Jolly JtOitt, fibers;Jau sloop, fully equip, make el· fer cash or trade. ~92 18' SLOOP, sleeps 2, dock avail. Built in Eng. Neecla some work S1);)0, 67~2937 VENTURE 21. 1ra il rr, galley, eler. 11ys, outbrd. lm!· 962-2136 9600 I imported C•rs SPECIAL '61 YOLKS IUG R .. H., 4 speed. Royal Blue finish. VTS 765 '67 MGI G.T. clof.' $2199 '67 KARMANN s1499 R., }I· .. 4 gpeed, v.'lrt GHI.A. H., 4 speed. Bur· wheels. British raci ng gundy Unish. Extra green. VHH 696 . clt>an. TXV 4~ ~~ R~~..!~~"' s2999 ~!~!M".,~~ • s1099 wheels. 1 owner. low speed, landau top. miles. Real i;harp. Sharp. WAL 250 x_c_M_o1.,s--:--:::-::-70"--::-::-:::--:::-:~1 ·•s VDLVD 122 ~ 295 ;61 IENAULT 10 s1099 Sed. H., automdk, • Sed. R .. H .• Automatlt, Silver gray finJsh. 1 cwner. low miles. SBS 807 c""°""~·=::o"'~"'::-:::1.~XlN-;;c. ~"'.,s-=-=:---:-=:--:;;:-11:,~67;;-;;T~O~Y~D~TA7'"--~$:1::--;:--;:--:;:- •ia TRIUMPH GdT6 s2499 ~~r:~~ii~P~i·~~·~ .. , Cpe.R.,H.,4 a;~. wire whttls, real low below market price. mllet, extra cl~an1 · TRH 52l XJV 803 '61 TOYOTA s1599 '66 TRIUMPH Tl4A s1599 Corona S<!d. R., II., , TRS Ro<illr-Radio, auto'matic, b\.l ckel \\Mils. htater, 4 spttd. wire Real dean. WXY 536 • wlleel1. SDR 612 '61 TOYOTA $1699 '6 YOLKS ,599 CoroMH.T.Cpt.R.,H .. ., H..-automalfc t:nins. t 1peed. Rich gold finish, Baby bltt• tinbh. bucket seats. landau top. XYE 693 1 X.OK 333 • , OllAN•E COUN1Y'S U.RGEST I. MDST MOl!IRN TOYOTA & VOLVO DIALll --DIAN LEWIS 1966 . HAltlOR BLVD. '646-9303. COSTA MESA' • I I Annountes Pontiats lowest prited ltwo door llanltop! Pontiac's great new T-37~ is h,ere. ROT CARVIR INTRODUCH THf NIW TIMl'UT T·J7: Pontiec Oivi1ion ha1 ju1f unveiled it1 n•w•st en. try in th• low price competit ion . Called the T-37, this Temp•st is the Oivi1ion'1 lowest pric.ed herdtop. Built on • 112 inch wheelb···· the r,37 i1 202.5 lnchts lcn9 end 76.7 inc.hes wide. Tht 1t1nderd tngint is a 250 cubic in1;h sill'· cylinder rettd et I 55 hor1tpower fttmtd with t thrtt•Spted mtnuel trtn1ml11ion. Other •ftndard fttfurtt include side 9utrd door bitms f'Or tddtd protection, bits-ply, 91••• belted tires end hidden r1dio anftnnt. Httdin9 a lont list of .optlort• •re 350 end 400 cubic inch V.t tn9ine1, turbohydrtmatic trant• mission, power 1tee.rin9 and powtr.brektt. Sug .. gt1ftd rtftil price it 12,613 end,do11 ('of in~ clud• d•1tinetion cherte• end t1x••· SIE IT TODAY AT CAIVIA'S ••• , IVY IT TODA'!'. AT CARVO'Sl ROY CARVER PONTIAC . .2925 i HARBOR JY BLYD/COSTA MESA [[] K 1•6:a444 lll~J · • . " I . : ' ' I I ' •• ,, : •, i ' ' i' ' ' ,. i • • I • ' I l . -· ' ....... --. .... Frldi>', Ftbrua'J 27, 1970 · , I IT SPORTATION I TllAHSPORTATION I TRANSPORTATION I TRAHSPORTATI~ 'TRANSPORTATION I flANSl'OltTATION. /TltANJPOttT.TION 9'00 U.,.i Cart t901 UMd C1rs 9900 Used Car1 t90I UMd Car1 • t90I UMd car, t901 Vied Car1 9'00 UHil Cart t90I llW<Ca" 9'00 • . I OVER 80 QUALITY CADILLACS , TO .SELECT FROM! 1969 CADILLAC SALE PRICE 1967 CADILLAC SALE PRICE 1969 ELDORADO SALi PRICE ' 1966 CADILLAC ~.PRICI 4 Oactr HerdlOll. Mlr'lt 9r-ut1rlor Wllll i'neld11'111 tlolfl s2999 &. INthtr lnlt<ICM'. Full POW••· 11,tory 1lr, tilt ,,..,.el, ,.. P1>W9f door loc;k1, <•111..-cont~!, AM/FM, lwillgltl &en- llMI. (VCL ntJ 1969 ELDORADO s5999 S,UI PRIC~ (OVpt 1ft \llllt. C.r!W..n ,,._ Wltf\ wllflt fell I nd s2&6• 6 frQIM clolh tM IHlfler ln!trlor. 1"1111 p0ww, f1etor1 11<". AMl"M r1dlo';''n11-111ac:opic tlMrlno 1"hftl, pOWllf foor Itek" prtmlum rlra. !SJL 1151 SALi PRICE 1964 CONTINENTAL SALE Onlr 41,560 mlle1 Nvtrntg bfOWll l!reml51 Pfllnt wUll li.>lt "lnyl fOfl ffMI . II•• lull IMltler lnttrlof. FM:t, 1lr cond., ~ 11etrlt19, bta~11, IM!a &. wlndowl. Tiii "lflcc»t 11ffrlng whffl, oowtr door IOU1, power lr!,ll'llr; OPeMf, '"' wllld9w -. foootr, 1ter10 m111tlp!ex AM/FM radio wl!ll 1ltctrk: In· ,_ PLUS ••e•eo llpe ,.,.,,em. Tw!Uglll Mnllnir1. Ill~ f'l'lllk: cr11l1e control, etc, Til l1 low mUHOt t1110 '"' vl"'1HllY e,..ry op!lon m.dt by c.dUtac. Loc•I -owner '°kl ~,,..w Ind 1trvk:M by Nibs,. Ctllll lllc, (XSlt 709) SALE PRICED 1969 CADILLAC E•Qlll•llt Coui:it.dt VIUt lltllihed 1ir. brH,,,llkll'lt tor• dov1" brown w/lirown Nddlcl TOP & rld1, 11111 coroov1~ i.ttl'lltf" lnltrlor, H1tur•Ur fl.Ill JIClll'tr lllC1. ~ loc:lt1. lrUllk optMt, IWlll8111 W'lll"tl, '"''eo AM·FM, tJU lo ltlaeoplt Wllttf, ltctwy t it concllllonlrw. MW 1lrt11, fie.. (XSRlffl s4999 1967 CADILLAC FIMIWOOlll ll'Ol,OOllam. lltQtl S\lvff Wilh bit~ .jll(ldelll lclp •ncl OleCk clOlfl &. 1 .. ,,,., ftpestry, ,.ull p0W.r, ltc· lory ilr, 11., .. AM·FM, 1111-lt~ ""'Int Whffl, jlOWlll' door lodt,, ...... 11191'11 ltl'lllMI, ...,...,. fnlflk (lplMr, etc. l!Jltml s3333 • "'" 1ll50lu11 lewtl wlltlou! t 1trtldl CW' m1r t nrwntr•I M""I be Hien f, dr!¥lfl lo f11tty •"'1teill!f fflt 1illlmll9 Ill ctr• & 11rvict l>r 111 tormtr owntr! 811u1ttvl t rmlnt wtlHt 1lnltri w/p!lllll dllo""°l'd blue fl.Ill letfhtf' lf'l~rlor. F•clory •1• cO!ICIHIOnl119, lull powtr Inc:!. dOor lock1, ""'' Wtndc>WI & ~' ""''" dtlu•• ••Ir• m.ICl•l TniJr megf'llllclfll ltlrUOUTI (OTW"61) PRICED ,, 19~9 CADILLAC SALE PRICE 1965 CADILLAC SALi PRIC E 1968 COUPE DE YllLE SALi PRIC:f 1970 Fleetwood lrougham SAU PRICI Sedtn 6t Vlllt. ermine whUt wlfll e1n11>itllt tlll/t doll! 11\CI IN,,.., delltllnt lnleriOr. Fvfl PCIWtr, lte!ery f ir toncllllof\11111, AM/FM ,..Olo. (Z"F 111J s5111 Std•~ dt \'lilt. S.hlt bltdt wll~ m11Ct!lng Interior. Full pOW'lf eq11IJH11Bf'll i>lll> f1ctort t lr condlllOnhig, AM/FM rlldlt, """ flr11. iTll"f .1061 Unll Very L9W MllM llrltrWood 1rrt111llt Wown wltti balclt vinyl lop a. bell• $7634 IHfMr Jnr. 011111 cofftfort IM11 wll"-4 w•r l~lv. l;Ol'llrots, 1',S., l'.11., lfltfto, AM/FM, l'.W., l'.cloor lock1, 1lr con- dUIOnl1111, Tl!l-1•!9 WhHI, cr..,111 C011lrol, ftoor m.111, l•v~k m.11, 11Mtr1NJ, twlllthl 1omllntl, .. Id & 11rvlcelll by 111. fAGA tU) 1967 CADILLAC 1966 CADILLAC 1965 THUNDERBIRD SALE Only 21 ,4'4 Mii• 1965 CADILLAC SALE SALE SALE Onlr 35,llO Mlln Onlr 35,JOO Mil" . - NABERS ' £ntklne powetr blue wllh melthiflt blue cltlh lo IMlllll' 11111 looAt f'ltw, Ftcl, 11r ~ .. •vtoflltlk tram,, ptwer 1tHrl119, lll"•k~. INll & WlndoWI, Tiit ltleM:ept 1!8flrln9 PR ICED wl\HI, awfOmtlk t1g011l-1et1tl1111 radii" w1111 Mtc1rk 111- lllNlll COJ"'!'OJ, l'\tW W?llf9.;w"11l fir-. -llWdl .,,...,, Truly t llllt tu1'0. OWD 211'1 2600 Harbor Blvd.,· Costa Mesa 540-9100 Time For QUICK CASH 'Through a DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED AD! Imported Autos 9600 I lmpottod A-9600 HARBOUR VOLKSWAGEN '83 VW BUG fldllo, "'''''· ~V,.M Ull '62 VW BUG '&&VWBUG '68 VW BUG '6TVWBUG '68VWBl!G 'li4 YW BUG ltMle, HMtw. 1$YL IHI AM-FM, Mtlltr, AMffmlllc. IWID H'l fl:Hlt, M11ttr. (VTW )(11 F•clery .llr, 11.a.i1e lo Mttttf. IYCL IUI II.Hie, WNIH, tNM' 7111 $895 . $195 $1395 ~ $1495 $1495 $1695 $995 '66 DATSUll WAGOJ ~,-=· :· $695 ~&T DATSUll ~,-:;,.:.':'~~w~~;;"' $1095 '86 VW BUG r,-::· ,;;:•w. -··-$119& 184 VW BUG .......... . INl.V IHI $995 $1895 '88 IGB ..... , __ W1,.. w11tt1t 1w,n10 '13 VW CAMPER ~::::-.~~"'· $1695 '86 vw CAMPER -~::.:.u•w. $1995 l'CA 1141 ' · '17 VW DAMPER-::::~·,::-.:;; $2596 HARBOUR V.W. AUTHOIUDD SALES & SERVICE 11711....., ,..,.,, Hunlh!lhn leach ..... SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:30 AJ\·I to 9:00 P J\I l\lon. thru Fri. • 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sat. and Sun. ' ALL CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. ALL SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, MARCH l , 1970 ' ' . '46 DODGE Pwr Wgn, winch, hubs, utility bus. Great for c:an1per S750. '56 Jeep Wgn., V8, hubs, \Vlde w h JI • .....,.., Cafnpers 9520 * New* 9' C&bover Cainper, Sl~pa tour. oven. double aink. ·Ex- trul including Ctw;?vy "-Ttln P .U. Llc. No. N39438 * $2299 * Kustom Motors 845 Baker, CM 540.5915 28' CONVER'rED BU S , PO\VER PLANT, REfRlG, ETC. * 54~ * CHEVY Van Camper 108, Auto trans, air. rfl1, self Imported Autos 9600 ALFA ROMEO 1967 Gullia, Super, 37,000 miles, Cobal1 blue, Sl.570. Xlnl col'ld! ~1050 . AUSTIN AMERICA conl. Xln"t cond. 675-S258 I--------- Volk~ 1350 Engine. Near New. $600. * can 675-3132 * Dun• Buggies 9525 '69 MEYERS t.1an.x 2 + 2 \Vith top & side curtains. Nc1vly rebll. big bore VW <'ng . Lots of chrom<'. Gate~ tirt'i\. Transfer forres sal~ !or $1995. or trad<' lor late model Pickup. 8l3-0344 atter 5. AUS TIN AMERICA Sales, Service, Par~ Immediate Delivery All ModW J1rtuport 3111\pL>rt ~, 3100 \V, Coast Hwy., N.B. 642.9405 540-1764 Aulhorittd MG Dealer 9600 Imported AulN NGO ' ........ BAYSIDE MOTORS UOO \V, Coast H\vy., N.6. DATSUN *LIL-RED '67 DATSUN '"1600" STA· TJON WAGON, w/big en· ginc, -t spd, fK'IV w/walls, chron1e roof top luggage "l•a(·k, r/h. "Choice" local I ~~"'"'!'!"""'""'""""""I 27,972 mile new car trade-in 1960 Ford Anglia, clean, ntw from professional Cadillac tires, valve job, good cond, mechanic, Sparkling origin. $150. 528-592J \· al l'Oyal i·ed in absolute I========= J1 rlu f' u rt jl Ill p ll l l ._, POilSCHES ' '69 Porsche ti IS T•rga Tangerine. 2000 actual mil· ea, Lie. ZPF66S. '61 Porsche fl2 Original buriundy. Llc. VVN· 635. '65 Porsche Coupe C Canary ytllo1Y, PF817J '45 Porsche SC Sll\·er ifeY. XHFGt9 sl"IO\vroom L'Ond! Only $129:i. FERRARI ~100 ·w. Coast Hwy. N.B. 1'1ARQUIS MTRS; 900 So.1---------"2·!HOO ~().1764 Cst Hwy, Laguna Beach, FERRARI Authori%1'!d MG Dt!!aler '65 Porsche Coupe 494--7503, 540-3100. Nl'!WJ)Ort Impcrta Ltd. Qr. '69 MGBGT Yellow, blk i~t. Brilliant Irish rieen. ZRN889 NEW '70 ange CountJ'• cmiy a~ Ai"\t/FM, wood steer \vhl. '64 Porsche cou,,. it!d dealer. ch.rm \Vire wheels S3000. Polar \~'bite. J"BK932 PORSCHE 'U PORSCHE C Coupe, new eng, AM/FM m e c h an. cMcked by Ivenon. Call 642-1260. "65 PORSCHE C Xln~ cond! New tires ' * 548-2708 * SUIARU *It's Here* THE ALL NEW SUBARU STAR FFI 2 DR, t DR & Station Waion. 4 cyl., 4 cylc, 63 H.P., 90 b1PH top speed and up to 40 mill'!s per gal Test drive one today at Kustom Motors 845 Baker. CM SUNBEAM '67 Sporl!I sedan, lo miles Xlnl cond, Pvt Pty. Mike (213) 427--0322 TOYOTA ---NEW e USED RECREATIONAL VEHICLES • 100% F•ctory W•rro1nty Av•ll•ble on Usff Toyot•s .i?OOO Miles or 30 !>&y1 • ·-r ELMORE DATSUN PICKUP SALES-SERVICE-PARTS 673-9382 ~C;•;M:;f!;;';;';;;;;;;;;;;;;';;S;;20;;;1 C;;•;m;;p;•';;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';S;;20i 1 W /camper. 96 hp overhead 31 ~e:Po~oa:!.~wy. <·s•1 'M"G"A'0Roa=.,c:,.::,::-.-:,,.:::w. • cam, 4 spd, dlr, 6 ply tires, 642·9403 540-1764 plush interior, painl, .top. back up lights. You namti Authorized Ferrari Dealer Wire ,vbeela, 26 mpg S49S. it! Serial No. 244009. Fulli ===:::''='::".:::==~1.;-~1~729~~-~~~·- '64 Porsche Coupe C Primrose yeµow . OUF599 . MOTORS TOYOTA F'•ctory Direct Deeler New C1rs Used C1rs 194-1322 IM-ml Do You H•v• the Wanderlusti' "Rough ii in . style with • $ALIFQRNl1'N CAMPER · El Cimino ind Rine.hero OPIN SUNDAYS-CALL: 53$.3997 S31.oo91 Siles • Rent1I• • Repa irs .._ ___ ~ Cafi/ornia Camp er Sale.i ''J Por1che ~oupe Red. TQX887 prlce $a'.l9!1. Take small dn JAGUAR '57 MCA. i;-"-• .re-clutch re· or trade. Call Phil, 494·Yl73 ~15 ' bit. roll bar, IOI lights, '62 Porsche, Coupe or 545-0G.14 aJkr JO am. Uncommon M4in..Ca'rl ta~. map & radi o . Super OISflNCTIVE 1969 JAGUAR Sacrifice! Call 846-3238 Silver grey. \VIF027 £ type, t2 CONVERTIBLE. '58 MGA, 2500 ml on reblt 15300 Beach.-IDvd. Westminster !T!O!YIO!T!AI Sparkling original mikado eng. ~ tltti &. int. $700. 'St Porsche 1600 yellow 'v I chl'ome wt re 64J..tal2 Red. VAM067 Mrik II W1gon1 wbeeb, renuine n at u r a 11--71M=7"'M=G~B-G~T~-'St Portcht 1600 HI Lux Pickups -re-- black caltskin Int., with AM/ * 347-5369 * Arctic while. GPW&ofi Lind Crufsera "Leader In The £ear.h Cllles" n.r radio, 4 spd., ti le., etc.1,,-:--;:,,,-=:-;;:-,::::-=~ Wagons ZIMMERMAN Ratt to fi'"<I w/ju.t 14,UO 'II ,MG UOO sedan, $400 or PLUS '1l'll£R 2145 HARBOR ILVD, miles! Sold new & serviced best oOet, ma It '!fl! HARD TO GEi' MODELs 540-64lO by us. Only $4~. l\fARQUIS &U-91!6 NO\V IN STOCK MOTORS 900 s.. c.1 Hwy,i--..sa .. M=G"A-.'s2"'1"s.-DEAN LIWIS '67 ROAOSTER 1-na Beach, 491-7503. * 5-15-9451 • Ne1v top & llt.<n. 23,000 miles. 540-3loo. 1968 MGB-GT. Musi sell lm-196r Harbor, C.l\1. 646.9303 Xlnt cond!"" $1350. Ca 11 loo""'J"'A"G"u"'AR;;;--,•.a;;-0Sodan.= mediately. 642-7394 evea A 3100 \V, Cout Hwy., N.B. · ~840. Bllitk w/wlre. \\•his 11 weekends. 642-9-105 540-1764 1969 DATSUN • Dr. Like Pirellla 'Ellf. In xlnt cond. ,67 MG, xln't cond. IS.ODO Authorited 1.IG Dealer new! Owner must sell! Mu.st sell this wk. S:USO. miles. New 10 . cau .. rtlake oiler! 962-6263 493-4223 days. Eves ~11 673-~. 61 TARGA 912. Silver. ' 1965 DATSUN 4 dr, slick 'N 3.SS Sedan. Belie I blkf-=="·"·-:::=====' / •peed, A bot IF ~t I S \V . ~hirl,. Xlnt cond. $6jl), C&ll IPthr, pwr/alr, ChlTn wtl"f OPEL Blaupunkt, 28,000 lni. U ke 1168-t!J87 · \\'hls, ne\v 1'8dlals 6444263 newl See at •Ts E. 18th, Ot 1967 DATSON 1600 " dr '61 :o<:E ROltd.11ter. XJn'I '61 OPEL l -ai,,t,,.<_,PM===~=,,,.- Wagon, 96.hPt '4 6J)d. Good con4: Ne.w lites. valvu, st111on wa;on. n.~I~ heater '56 PORSCHE, $611 cood. '950. Clll MMT31. upb61:, etc. $1600. MS-4580. aood lltt1. 549-1038 eve.:. 54s.oo51 • -' BILL l\fAXEY !TIOIV!Of Tl6) l•t llACH BL VD. Hllilt. llOach 147-155' I mJ N, or Coast Hwy. on Bel '69 Corolla. 7000 mi'a. $UOO. " ~u 1'29.jl . C1""41!it ~-~-----------~1'--..... ---..,...-.,--·--------·-----~---~~~·-~·-·~·""~·-··-·~·---·~--·-...--.-·-....... .......,.. __ -r~--~~-~~-·~· .... ~~--7"'" .... ..,._.,.._, • ' TRANSPORTATfON TIWISPORTATloN TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION .................. VOLVO ' -lhed Cars ,,.. u...r c.... 9'00 _UNd __ c_a_,._~---~--:--:-:---""-' ~~~~ • V Q.~ J\.8,)1' A GEN Van. Aufot w...... 9100 Metallio blue, 9,000 m:J'1 oni'-'=;;...;.;.....,----'-nuipc,·~$Urt&in&..wrird WE P.tr. ·; apt lncl ..... Gu beater, g:d a· SH tire1. $1XO. WW consider trd on older VW bua. • 61!>-LOIS t 6:r ... .,. • tm:b ,_ : • 1968'°";-;v'"o'°LKSW==•G"°EN="'""'s::.,.o.1 can • .. tr. ..n....• Chrome rims, M I ch e Ii n GROTH NI~ rT tires. Qhaust system', 11111.lllUUI ~ sunroof, chains. Excellent ; coodltlon. $1.CKt 'I: Take ow:r Alie' fir s.i. Me•ps- : payrnenta • .QS.:4399 an s PM lB211 ~ ml'll. :.·· '85 vw· ~back. 1500 s. Buatilcbl a.di .·KI9oml •: Recent overhauled,. 4 nu -=::-::-:-07==- •: ""'· new ""'"' & m"U. WE PAY CASH :• Drive -See to ap- :; prec1a1e. $1098 ... ,.3537 FOR ¥OUR ,1 ,. ! FOR Sa.le. 1968 V\V Bua, I' UUl :c ,,.,.. ,.,., i'oncbe whtth. c· 'oNNELL · radial tires, low mlg. Xlnt 1 • I ~Call allee 5 pm, CHEVROLET • ! =-81"1 IDR Sale-1969 VW Camper. a:.ta Mma s..m ,I 'Ordered In Europo;-coin. WE PAY TOP :~ ~.~e::;1 01::. DrPORTS WANTm 546"'835 an.a-._ !. TOP S Bt1!ER '1t '60 VW Bua. New re-bit en,g Btt.L MAXEY TO!OU ' I: trana axle, tape dk., au 11811 Beada Blvd. ,. heater, gel tires, custom in-R. BeaCb. : ter. xln't cond. 644-145611 ;:========= ., ,. • eves. Auto LHSlftl ; '63 KARMANN Ghia Qinvt. ~ Radial titts, Good cond. fURD AUTHORIZED 1' $850. Need larger car. !.EASING SYSI'EM , 557-93%7. America's l,aJl'llllt Jeaslng ' '66 VW Bug. Green. R@-blt IJ)'stem_ tar · tlnanoe or net ; " eng &. tran11, new batt, titts, leaatni of all 1;ne cars and ! brks. Prlv. pty. $1225. trucki. 546-3398. e Immediate delivery from 'fil VW Bus w/'&fl re-bit eng. over 300 cars and truckl Runs rood. Good tires. e Competitive rates Beautiful inter. Asking $950. • New car dealenh!p senk:e ~ ~ after:~ . • Full "tradetn" value for ii VW Bus. New big ' el'll', . your present1car . ' "1.n't Cohd'. ~oMii!?'b1aV!al e '1Jl popu1af ~a --· able '" · ~aa. Must.sell for $1500 FOl''Complete De~ Call or best ofr., 644-0Sl.8 Malcom Reid '.61 . Conv. Red. AM"-nl. Leulng - ' ~Local car. Call Theodere l, w.>-12l!Oattspm. ROBINS FORD ~. '63 vw Convt. Very Oean. . 2000 Harbor Blvd. Mlle Offer. Call -Costa Mesa. . , . 642-0010 675:-2847 '63 VW ~ ,~$~ .Y" I Good "'"'· $495, 842-9899 '61 Cadlllac El ~ 1'41 '69 VW. GOOD OOND. pwr, air, b1a.Ck \I/red leaU.. $1900 or make .olr. er int. $139. per mo. Call 646.8049 '67 T-Blrd Landau, full pwr., ,61 ~N Ghia, Nu a.tr, stereo tape. $19. per mo. ·-•· cl tclt N '69 O>u,gar XRT, pwr, air, ~a.. b • ......,. & u . ew vtnyl top. nos. per mo. coM. $3SO. 96U685 50. COAST LEASING • '.'ro VW OONVERTIBLE 300 W. Cit Hwy., NB 645.2182 ;. ONLY 100 Ml. • $23SO F'-'=' ==·====~ 54 .. 2526 Used Cars 990t '68 VW Blll. Xln't cond. 1 -·°"""· 2.1,000 rnl's. M"'I BUICK iell. $2150. - ', CLEAN '65 vw. Jtln't run-'69 RIVIERA. Vinyl roof 'lung cone!. 40,000 mi'I. $935. FIA, P/S, P!!J, P/seal~. Call &U-Sl47 · • ~rf. cond. Priv, ply. orig l·-,==,...,.=:-::ba=ck;:--1 owner ltOOO act. mi. ;4500. 1966 VW Square Ph. 546--4'rr!O Low mileage. Make oiler, ·""==;-;:n:=-:-::;; * 837--23$1 * '65 BUICK, all pwr. + pwr I "~=-==;--;=;-::o::c I antenna, Wt steering whl, , • '61 VW Sunroof, Good cond. air cond. fot $1450, 847-4343, all around. Radio, sand aft 5 pm. whla. $f95. Call ~. , . , · 11 68 Calif. Special Fae. arr. a&7. VW •• 27,000 m es. Pwr. 1trg, Auto. Vinyl top. AM·FM ~to.,1 Oun $lli0. $Z>95. 4!K-5009 Call MS-034 •SS BUICK Skyview Sta Wgn. 63 vw. sunroof. $JJO or Alr. $1750.: Excellut con.: trade? . I . take o ver dltlon. 548-Stw peiymenll. 285 Esther, CM l9lll wAGoN Specl&L Needs 'II VW BJue Bui, ~.pro ml, minor repaln. $125 or offer. exetl.lent co~. ,Pv,t ply. 545-761& $1695. ~ 1;19611=·-==-.n:r.-.. ::::...,:::-,-; • .:_, '67 VW BUG. R,ADIO, PRICE $1000 cond. Priv, owner. $3150 or : · best otter .• (213) m-:i136 * 644--2563 * SACRIFICE CADILLAC '69 Ghia Coupe. Auto. Make -·-----"<"-- Otter. 615o<lP1 '68 CADl~C '.ft vw, wb.lte w/blk _inter. -C ,.._ VIII Oeal\. Xlnt oond. $1300 or oupe ..,. • . · ·mt orr: 675-JIM att 1. . Fun power, a1r conc11tioni~, ' vinyl top, low mlleagt. Mint MUST SaLLI '63 VW condlilon. M u·<t '8crifice. * 548.14811 after 5 PM * No. JDIDJL '69 Sq. Bit vw. IS.000 rnlles. DORSA MOTORS ? SDJO,... ~: ·~1152 aft S l8621 Beach Blvd., : "J.1. . . H""tlnglDil Beach "II VW. Aulomathf suck 84G-l3tO :· abllt. Exe<lknt CX>lldltion.l---.;..._-'---- 51o..o'l33 COUPE DEVILLE 'G Y?(, new int., xlnt mech. 19&11. Mtdil Sell Immed , •• eond. $3:)0. Relocatlrw to Europe, PM', . 842-4183 fully equ!P, a i r, leather. '&<·vw. 9oc1y 1>unqed. Pert lC!n, .--. c.n mo tot dune 'buagy. $400. Call Sf4..i3511,, ,· ¥"~· ' ... ·. ·es VW. good cond, aut.om 1960 CAD 2·. dr HT. 'Trw :• s6ck ahllt, sunroof. ndlo:" owrb&Ultd, Comp. blneup. xtru. $13511. f94.1337 New front end all;.nment, 'ti VW $395 radio 4 heater. Map, • .Stl4:ZI or' . 54UW llJOUlghta, trailer hltch. New I ~ ~ abockll $800 cub. can .. . , S . '8 Vi>lkl bclore 5 PM. _. ... ~' Auto •. 'l'"" Take -· 84U!U time. call ste°" ~ '61 CADILLAC C·• up e ' . yw Sq ~ Ute bloe, DtVUle, oee. la car, fUll RMUO l: better ll*lO. Alter pwr, air, AM/)~. Cot1Yer-e·pm 5'8-307, tibtt. Xlnf c 0 ft d. mso. '57 voiJ(JWAiilN MU3IO or ...... ~t'al~ ~ --961-129! .,. ., CAMUO CHEYILU! CHIYROLET '66 STINGRAY FASTBACK '427 '"9· '4 1pd, R1dio I h1•!1r. &c1ptio111I cir. ISUA0761 $3095 "66 RAMBLER CONVERTllLl Avtomatic, r1d io, heeler, Very 11ic1 c•r. fWllC 5011 ' $695 ' '63 ·VOLKSWAGEN 1119 2 Door. !&ZM6111 $695 "67 MERCURY CALllNTI IPT. C,E. F•elory •ir, 1utorilatie, P.S., retlio, lt.1t1r, only Z0.000 ho11t1t prTce,"+111" ''' w1rre11fy IVOP 2161 CAMARO %28 COUPI READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY '68 CADILLAC DE VILLE CONVERTllLI Full pow1r I 1!r, low low miles, btlt• colot, 91•11 tir11. IWSHl951 $4295 '66 CAPRICE HARDTOP Full power I 1lr, 1rfro br.tclr, 11oh. CSTF61SI $1595 '65 IMPALA HAIDTDr COUPI VI, euto., rodio, k1el1r, I owner, low mll11ge. IMPLJJ2l $995 '68 CHEV. 111 TON •i,.1m1D1 VI, hydram1tic, redio, h11ter, c:r11m puff. (154· 04A) $2295 '66 DODGE YAN. CAMP.JR ' b:c.1ptlo11ol. F11tly 1q uipp1d, (V<49J711'. $1995 '67 PONTIAC IONNEVILLI H.T, Full pow.tr, factory air, 29,000 1clual rn i11t. $1795 '68 STINGRAY CONVERTllLI 4 Sp4.,, reclio, h11!1r, AAI cond. IYQU6ltl $3995 '67 OLDSMOBILE DELMONT HARDTOP CPI . '•clory 1ir, P.S., A.T., r1dio, htr. low rnil11g1. IUTLIS61 $1895 '67 MALIBU HAIDTOP COUPI J 1pe1d, VI, RlH, power 1t1erl119, IUW7J); $1595 '56 FORD PICKUP $295 '69 NOVA ' 6 q-l!Met, lfl'0•1r9lld1, P.S., RIH, 11,900 11111 ... $2295 New Cars Used Cars ·546-1200 546-1203 2828 HARBOR ·BLVD., COSTA · MESA~ • I r' I I J DAILY PILOT rr14a1, F-21, 1970 i!!~~~~~~::p~~~R~~~:\'!T!R~SPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 11...t Coro '900 UNCI Cara 9900 Uaod Cort 9900 UMd Coro 9900 U1e;cl Cui - CHRYSLER CONTINENTAL • C~RYAIR 1--...,,.------_*_l_m-prenlve Imperial ;;-CONTINENTAL. ""'' / '66 MONZA '61 Q,ev. Jmpal& 4 dr. 1969 CHRYS "LE BARON" aeJI! Full power. C.ood cond. Spqrt OJuoe' wUb autnmatic, AT, PS. PB, Price $tOO. Lux,,..., sed., ··-blacl<, lan· Below Book. ~9 . 0 ' * 644-.1!163 * -J .... .,-ae owner, lOtaUy owned. CHEYIOLET DODGE '70 JX>DGE Soper B. PfS. P/B. Save $Jb:XI. Take over payments. 548-6523. "Olen" dlU top, black calWdn lnL '66 Contine.ntal. Mint cond! Goddesa &ok1 exterior plush Everything from telescopin& All xtras. Priced to sell. cream ll'lterlor. S199 f\JJ price FORD tilt wbed to alr cond. New 613-5655 or amall do'\lfD. can JP. ·---------car wamu:ity. S200 below I=~======= 494.9173 or ~ "WholesaJe Book", SACRI-CORVAIR '69 FORD Fairlane. 500 4 Dr. CHRYS. 'ti8 TAC Wen. FICE! $4395. MARQUlS f\10. '6l CORVAIR van runs, Yellow wlblk tnt. v..a, auto, crif1 TORS 900 so. est J-l1vay, Ls· I·--------good, new tire., clutch, bat-w/s/w. 15,000 miles. Owner ~ ~.! ~e~cle:'. guna Beach. 49-1-7503 or '65 Cor\!alr Corsa. 110 HP tery, ,$495.. or best oUtir, overseas. Sell $16SO. CHRYSLER TllANSPOllTATION °"" c ... • ··-FOID -A STEVE STEVENS SPECIAL TRANSi'ORTATION TllANSl'OltTATION --· UMd C1n 9900 u...i c.,.. -FOID FOID . A STEVE STEVENS A STEVE STEVENS , SPECJAL SPEC!,t.L TRANSPORTATION u...ic1rs -MUSTANG A STEVE STEVENS SPFµAL ' ' ' • . ' , • MO-.llOO Stereo lape, Polyglas1 tires -=""-4081======== MS-<M83 $2675 M4--t?40 . X1nt c:ond! 673-2687 ... ---------'65 LTD llARDTOP. Radio, 'ti5 GALAXIE 500 2 Door '69 GALAXIE 500 2 Door '69 ~IUSTANG 2 Door Hard· Chcyaler Newport. Good COUGAR 1964 Falrlant! Sta. wa.&:. $675. healt'r, power steering. l Hardtop. Radio, heater, pow. Hardtop. Power steering & lqp. Executive car. Po~r MGtot. Need5 loflnor worlt. COMET BUSIEST marketplace in . 8 cyl. autom, p/1, radio, owner. CPGN982l. $1195. er ateer!.n(, -vs, (PCR444l brakes, alr conditioning. New stttring, air c..-ond. 6000 mil· $125. call 673--M66 town. The DAILY Pll.oT ·---------xln't mnd. 5f.9-mJ2 • SOtrrHCOASTFOR.D-••.,.D. l owner. $1195 SOUTH car warraoty. (No. 9J58Y· e5. New car warranty. {No. ClusUied gection. s It.ye .=::;.,:-===-==---~ ) $2995 rolfm '98 OIR.Y. :m. ,_Door, WI. •64 CO~fET 2 door. 6 cyt, money, time & eUorL Look '69 COUGAR XR7. OCO> ml, '61 Ford Galaxie, $150. CURY, 303 Broadwl,y, La-COAST FORO-MERCURY. ll49UJ $29')5. SOU'l1f COAST 9roRD~1!:!0&5F010RD ME. RCURY -· all ,•--•a--' -~-. ,...,Aan. ·-man)' extras $2850. 8J3.-16U or make offer. Call 11,!na g ea c b. 49f.85J.5. 303 Broadway, La g u n'a t"'ORD • MERCURY, 30.1 n.:>1 • • -r• air, pwr, ereen. l<LIIU ,.., u ...... ....c ......,. nowt'' 303 Broad L i..;M:;;ln;;t~"""';;;;·=:;u.;:;;Tllll!;;;::·==,..'.,,;""'";:;;;;;""';;======-.'...=:··=·=======--'='=rt=l891==,= ... '-"pm"'====_:.====546--0304=:====~.::549-38'1.::==:::;:=====:..'..=Boac=="=·='94-85:;;:15,""'54;;~;:385:;;:1.=I Broadway, Laguna Beach. way, ~-a~na r 494-85li, :>i9-38:tl. Beach. 49f.8515. .,,...,)CW.I.. :· 9100 l Now Co" * ''Choice'' Mustang! -: IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1970 COUGAR XR7 0 • • p Gold, 3S:la4, Brown Houndstooth 'finyl roof, em is- 1ion control, Sel Sf, WSW F70x14 Belted tire•, power win- dow1, poWer steerin9, power f .. disc br1kas, 1ir AM /FM stereo, tinttd gless, deluJ1e •••t & shoulder belts. Appe1reriee protaetion group. OF93MS 15- 999 $4050 JUST ARRIVED FROM ,ORO MOTOR (0, (S,.clal Purchue) Wide SelKtlOR Of 1'69 Ml<CU"f Modob Cout•tt & M•rcurya., convert!· ~1... stetktn wagon•, 4 dr. hanltopa. 2 door hardtop&. YOUR CHOICE $2995 '6t COUGAR CONVERTIBLES With •ir co11dltic11in9, paw•t ilae,. 1119, power br11~•1, etc. 6 lo '1000 mile•. '69 M!ltCUltY CONVERTIBLES With •if col'lelitio11i119, power steer- 1,.., power bre•e1, etc. '6t MONTEGO SEDANS Witli •ir col'lelitio11in9, power llee1· 11191 power 1Heke1, etc. A NICI SELICTION OF WAOONI, MARQUISES ITC., AT ONLY $3695 AU LIKE NEWI YUY LOW MILISI 1970 MARQUIS Med. Blu•, bleek 'f in yl roof, em ission control, WSW H-78~ 15 belted tires, power side win- dow•, 6-wey seets, power front disc brakes, tilt sfeer in9 , power 1teerin9 , 1ir, AM/FM •tereo, duel reer seat speekers, tinted 9l11s, dl x. seet & shoulder belts, front & r••r floor mets, remote l /H mirror, power door locks, door edga 9uerd1 & luxury wheel covers. OZ68KS0498 I $4670 LINCOLN • MERCURY 1970 COUGAR • "The Summit of Sports Car Luxury" Equipped with power steerin91 • power disc brake1, white side well tires + meny other de- sireble feeture•. #OF91H517834 Isl DEMO SALE OF THE YEA·R ALL THESE CARS ARE PRICED TO SELL Many with 6000 miles or less!! + TX l LIC:. 1970 LINCOLN 4 DOOR SEDAN Derk Brown. Leether with vinyl interior, white vinyl roof, emis. 1ion control, hiiJher ratiO" reer •xle, power loe~ releese group, WSW 91 Sx I 5 belted tires , 6· wey power seit, tilt wheel, eu- to. temp. control, AM /FM ster- eo, power entenne , luxu ry wheel covers. Ap. prof. 9rp. OY82A- 80l42b VERY ATTRACTIVE SAVINGS 1970 MARQUIS BROUGHAM 4 DOOR HARDTOP a1.ci.. 429-4 bl1cl. vinyl roof. emiu ion conhol, WSW H70i 15 W /T belted tire1, power tide window1, recl!ning p11len11er 1eel, 6-wey power 1eet driv- er 1ide, power front di1c brei.es, tilt wheel, power 1leeri1111, speed contre1, remote control trunk relee1e, eir, elec· hie· r••r window defro1ler, power •n· t1n11.t, AM/FM stereo, duel reer 1e1I 1peel.er1, lnlervel wi11d1hield wipert, tinted glen, delu•e 11et ' 1houlder belh, front ' reer meh, remote L/H mirror. pow1r door loc•1, door edge 911erd1 ' lu•. whl. coven. OZ6'1NSll· "' ·$5050 '69 PONTIAC: C:ATALIN.t. $2895 2 Dr. Jlardtop. Automatic transmisi;ion. radio. hl!ater, power 21tee rlng, power brakes. LiC'. XXA-668 '67 LINCOLN C:ONTINENT.t.L Coupe. Full pcl\\·er including factory air. Beautiful Bronzr wi th v.:hite Landau top. 41.000 aclual mlle1. LlC 841 BARGAIN CORNER '67 CADILLAC C:OUPE DEVILLE s3495 Rich 1'.lidnlght Blue metallic Cinish \\·ith contrMting Interior. Exceptionally clean. Fully luxury equipped includln11: !act air. 34,000 orlginal owner miles. Llc. UVE-616 '65 T BIRD s1595 Beautiful Desert Beii:::e with matching interior. Full power ind factory air. Lie. OSE-645 '64 T BIRD $l295 BeantlfuJ turquoise \\'I th matching interior, shOY.'S excepllonal care. Lie. IEW-178 '69 FORD TORINO GT $2195 Convert.. Attractive CardlnaJ Red .,.,,Ith color mat.ched lnterlor. white top, auto. trans., P.S., radio, heater. Lie. XXR-231 '67 IUICK LE SAIRE $1795 Conv. Ful1_JT.wer including factory air. Llc. T~Uf 72 4 Or. Scd. Aegean gold finish. bro .... ·n '61 CONTINENTAL s3995 landau roof, leather Interior. All the luxury fealures Incl. factory air. Lie. VTP-736 '69 CONTINENTAL 55195 Coupr:. Rosewood metallic finish with black leather&: .,.,·hite landau roof. Luxury equipped, fa~tory elr. etc. Uc. XSR-580 '64 CONTINENTAL $1395 4 door sedan. Ve.Ivel black finish ,.,·Ith black leather interior. Fully luxury equipped includin~ full power &. fact-Ory alr. Lie. OYS-525 '67 CONTINENTAL $2995 4 Dr. Sect Belluliful Bermuda Blue me- tallic finish with matching leather interior. Black landau roof. rully luxury equipped and factory air conditioning, Af\1-Fi\I radio. 11tereo tape deck. One-o'"ner car. Beautifully maintained. Lie. TTN-020 '65 CONTINENTAL $1695 4 door. ~sert Beige finish .,.,;th blond leather interior. FuHy luxury equipped Jn- cludlnp: full power & factory air. UnusuaJly clean. Lie. OU\V -953 '67 CONTINENT.t.L ConvPrt lble. Polnr white ""'ilh \VhitP JcalhPr & \vhite top. F'ull N?\''er equipped y;Jth (act. Air. Lie. VGV-2;,2 '66 CHEVROLET IMPALA $1995 Super Sroort. Full po'''er including po"1er \\iind0\\"5 & faclory air. A one owner Laguna gem. 28,000 actuaJ miles. Uc. TRT 313 111 Our l•rgein Corner, we hive num•rou1 u1ed cert. Some cl•111, •ome 11el 10 cle111. Some thel ere duplic•lion1 , some we'v• hid too long -in e~y t¥e~it-fhe1t Cl" ert reel ber9ein1. LOOK 'EM OVERJ '66 MttCllTJ M111tca.1, Sfoll. lk. UGW Ill, CIN11, 11141 1M llns,. '66 l'enl l)•ll•t. sot •Or. H.T. SLW Uf INiet CerJ '1375 '875 '65 "'""' ...... '1175 MDlllC111• H.T. 'OD tGl IHH r .. LOlll) '68 T•vete Co....._ 1 Dr. Htrtll9fl Lit. WlCO fU '65 M1n:ery c1i.n, '•I'll S!elll!I Wtll'fl INCA 7111 $995 '1675 '1495 '975 J'ohnson. son ~&Im~ fil · ~~lm©!l!llmW • ©®!l!l@&OO 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA NEW CARS I > Mlle South of the 540·5630 642·0981 San Diego Freeway -· ---.. I 540·5635 USED CARS A STEVE STEVENS SPECIAL Rell.red teachers nineteen-iiix. ;. lyflve. V8 with std. 1hifl, :· R/11. etc. "Just 48.700 n1il- e11", Spul'kling flawles.s mik- ado yellow, w/plush black vinyl Inter. Excel. w/wallt1. • Smal"I buy for $1295~ MAR· QUIS ~far'ORS 900 So. ~l Hwy, La.guna Beaeh. i94-.750J f'4().3100. l=====I' '67 FAIRLANE SfA. \VAG . ~ VS, •"· -·· '""'"• • OLDSMOllLE , brakes, cruisomatic, lugga~ ;. rack. One O\\'llCr. Low mile-'65 OLDS V-8, auto, convt, : age. CUQY169l $1995. SOUTH 55,000 mi's, Xln'I cond. COAST FORD • MERCURY Call 644-4479. 303 Broad11o-·ay, Lagµna -. -=-------1 Bearh 494.8515 0•9-=t 63 OLDS Cutlass Convt. -~-~=~~· .c"~~..,.,,.. -Good Cond. $550. A STEVE ST~"'VENS * Call 5-1().7519 -. SPECIAL '64 euTLASS, ai r, p/s, p/b, bucket seats, 52,000 mi, xtra :• clean SI~. 847-1391 :: '66 OLDS 412. 4 1pd, pwr :- Btrg .. r/h. !'!lust Sell! S1750. :: •51S-m6• • ':Kl Olds 2 dr hrdtp. Sharp! •: "68 LTD BROUGHAM 4 Door Hardtop. Full power & air. Sell or Trade. Be11t Oller. Call 842-5237 PLYMOUTH Low m.ileag~. Foctocy v.·ar-1 ---------· I ~ ..... l\VQV ~1821 .. t eJ95, '69 RO~R~ER. stereo, • SOUTI{ COAST FORD-MER-PJoygias, atr susp. wrs / --- CUilY, 303 ·Broadway, La-bars, mags. t.1usl sacrifice! ! guna Be a c b, 49'1-8515. Catt 642--1260. . • 549-JS.jl, '68 Plymouth Road Runner. A STEVE STEVENS SPECIAL Take over f)l'lYmt>nls ;85.12 : mo. 548-5467 or OR 3-3813 ' . '6i FURY II. <I dr. air, p/s, , r/h, 46,000 mi's. 1 owner. Xln't c:ond. $119;). 64Z-4736. '6.§ Barracuda. s.lant 6 cyi. Ne1v lires. auto. r&h. $1650 .• Call 548-9980. 'SJ BARRACUDA, r/h. new ; lires, xlnt cond. $1200 or · best ofler. A!t 5. 536--22.39 '68 GALAXIE 500 4 Door HanJtop. Radio, heat!lr , .· ' , PONTIAC cruiromaUc. air condition-:: Ing, factory warranty. Onel ---------·I··· owner. (WBJ1!Jl) $1995. '68 Tempest le Mint SOUTJ-1 COAST FOR[).t.IER-A t )l"i\:e<lJ.I verduro &tftll CURY, 303 Broad11.·ay, La· with blk. landau top, Pwr .• guna Be a c b. 494-8515, slr. and C'e factory 5 yr. • 549-3851. warranty book. JAVELIN Sale! $1899 Sale! : Mister "T' · 645-1441 196.<t JAV. SST 390. Air. pllT, 7100 Harbor Blvd., C.'11. str, pwr disc: brakes. Shift '67 FIREBIRD A-400 convt. · ~~ console, I a Pe Beaut. condition. 26,000 ml, · ~· U1ndatt top, flnted 396 cu in eng. $3XIO or best windows. 642--5191 oUer. 96Z--0811 LINCOLN '65'Pontiac 6, 1 owner-driver. , Xln't cond. PIS. etc. 46.000 • mi's. Call 6U-33n o r · '66 LINCOLN 4 dr Convert. &12--8833. Af~r 5:30 833-0067 ; Black, air, l\U extra 1. 1966 catalina Station Wagon, ; Wholesale by 0 w n er. tactory air, p/s, p/b, xlnt '. 549--0!ln cond. Ne'v tires. 43,000 ml. : MERCURY A STEVE STEVENS SPECIAL $1.825. 545-1361. 5t5-1n5 1964 LE MANS CONVT. V8, ' auto. console, p/s, r&h. tur-' quoise w/blk top. xlnt cond. ; CdM 6#-1497 '64 LE '11ANS, sacriliee, 4 speed stick. 326 eng. new paint S92.i 64&-2577 '59 PONT. Sta. \\'a.g. p/1, p/b. all xtras. Xln'I tranSp. SJj(), Call 646-9149. '67 Pontiac LeMans Convt. P/S, P/B, auto .. fact tape · $15.50. 5:19--2525 alt 4. '69 COLO~Y PARK \\'AG. '63 PONTIAt.: GP. RfH, air Fully equipped. AM -Ft.f. oond, $750. ~U. trailer tow package. One • 962-4694 * owner. factory 11.·arranty.l-===~==~=='I IXXF386> $3995. s 0 u TH RAMBLER COAST FORD. l\JERCURY,, l---------- 303 Broartwa.v. Laguna '62 RAi\1BLER, Crag er Beach. 494-8515, 549-3851. mag_s, new brakes, trans, clulch. $300 or best oiler. MUSTANG "''·"" I===== A STEVE STEVENS SPECIAL T-BIRD A STEVE STEVENS SPECIAL '6.'i l\IUSTANG If a rd top Coupe. Power s-•ee.ring, ni.-• dio, heater, r,rui.':IOmalic. One 6t T-Biff? Hardtop, full own~ r. (0UCE71 Sl3.'*>. Po11.'E'r & 1111'. (OLV'IO'I.) $1295. WUTH COAST fORO.MER-SOUTH COAST FOfID.MER. CURY. 303 Broadway, La· CURY. 303 Broadwzy, La- guna. ij e a c h. 494-8alS, guna B e a c h. 494-8515. M9-38..1 t. S-l~ · '65 MUSTANG -...,, 6""5=-=T'"'·B=IR:CD~-I "\"ellow 11.·/black tQp. C.Onv. FuJ: power, factor, a1r. A '1111.nunl 3 spet>d. V-8. Runs g-1-ea! buy. dlr. Take loreian VERY "~II . \VUJ trade for ca.· or small down. Call Ken Ven or Bu· plus cash. Or alter JO 5~5-0634. l\•ill !like ~or best oUer. T-Btrd 68-4 dr Landau Fae. 673-44!13 anyhmc. Air. FuJI Po~r. Exe. cond. '67 J\tus111ng 289-2V, auto, Ptiv Pty. &18-4271 p/5, r/h, landau top. 11-==="======'I ownr li,000 mi. S1550. 6'1H>!D VALIANT '66 l\1u~lang V4. PIS. '64 Valiant. 2 <Ir. Hardtop, Xlnt cone!. 511,<nl n1t'is, Ne1v th'ta. super E.xtru! Sl~OO. Cull j36...900'1, ~:Nl76 11ft 1 J968 t-tUST ANG t"astbck. 'fiO VALIANT \!JBiOn Std xln't cond. PIS, air concl.. Milt. E:<ee.llent Cond. · ' llme green. 6441573 $29il. 494-7261 . ' ' ' . ' . , , , , • . · ' ,• -; .. ;, . . : , ·' '' . ' ' . . . • I, . ' I ; I '. '. '' -- -----,,---------·---:-o----~-----·---;;.-------------------~--.,.---·-7"'---,~=--~,.-,.---~-~,..-,-;-- < w·E DIS.CO.UNT ALL NEW .CARS!. ' . ..~ ' .... ' ' . I . IGNORE· -STICKER ·PRICES . •· " ~ '70 NIEW WD• '( l,it Cl_IALLENGER R/T 2 door h1rdtop. Sp1cl1I Edition, l11th1r b\icktt 111tt, light growp, r1dio 9ro11p, di1t br1lr11, powtr brtk11, con• 1011, torq111ft1 ftan1min io11, 111r1 grip difft,..ntiel, 440 CID 1n9lnt 4 bbl., tinted 91111 •II •••c, c;on•. b1clrlit1, d1fo991r r11r window, •ir conditionin9 , heedl•mp time del•y, bleek vinyl roof, bl1ek bumblebe1 1trip1. I Mtr. No, JS2UOEI 105· ·~-'11 .. l "'1 57 64 ' DISCOUNT ~ FROM FACTOR? fTl~CER PR.ICE •• , ............................ . . ' ' '70 NEW DODGE MONACO' · ., 4 cl,.r. ht rcltop. L!9ht IJFOIP, cli~ Ma,M._, ftfft ltCIWlr br1kel, •••t Mlt group, totcfveflite tr111uftl11ie11, +4t CID en9 i111, -t bbl., tinted 91111 111 wif'9owt, lflirJO• ltft aide, r1mofe . control, eir e.onclitioni119, electric eloclt, J 1p1ed windthit ld .,.;pin, po"''' ..,.;adow1, ••trophonic AM redio, tilt 1teerln1J. IMtr. No. OH43-TOD-11,1011. s954 DISCOUNT :. FRO,M FACTORY STICKER ;R!CE • '70 NIW DODGI POLA RA ) •••t wtgon, dist br•lrt1, powtr brt~tt, fcirqwef lllt lr11n1• min ion, JIJ 1CID t 119int 2 bbl., t inted 9le11 111 window1, •I• ce-'iH011i119r-.ltctrlc clock, 1..,,.,,, tick, fflU•i• llMll.., AM tilo, powit; 1t11rif19, d1h1n wh11I to~1r1. l~tr .... \ 0L46.LOD-l lltHOI. • ,._ "' ~ ._... ~ '13 Dtsd6u~~ . . ;t ;" .. • FROM FACTOR·~ STICKEi°'PklCE '70 NEW DO.DOE -.. CORONn . ". ~ --' ' ·,,,. >- Super lee J door'h1rdto,, Lithl'trff1t. •pct'#tr brek1t, tor""'•· fllte tr1n1mis1ion, lll CID entffte I cyl, -t bbl., tinted 91111 ~ 1.. .. , .. , 1U winclowt, 1ir Cll)nditioninlJ, l•ch0111.ter, re4i1•lfl!•1; ••• ""' ·fer AM, pow1r 1te1rin9, 1porh typ1 ~t.pri~t whe,I, -i-tor 9rei11 ¥l11yl roof, white bumbleb.• 1trl~ d1hnc• wh1el CO¥• 1n, ~ ti• olown pii1 .IMfT. N.o, W11&Jnioe101111~ $703 DISC~U.NT ~OM l'ACTORY ST1CKER P•ICE ·> • ' . I have been a new c:ar dealer , here in So. Calif. for over 20 i years and I deeply apprec:ia.te it when you do business with me, and I will personally make every effort to 1ati1fy you in J every way so thet you will be- c:ome a good friend and a booster for Worthington Dodge. -·~~--~- '68 Dodge Corn'f ·· '• 7 Dodge ,Mon'co · F11ll po..,.er, f1cfory eir, whife ..,..111, ti11!1d t l••.., '68 Pont. Firebird 500 J Dr. H.T. Autom1tic, pow1r 1teerin9 &-lir••••· , .. ;., '"'"·ii' 7'95~0lOI '67 Ford Galaxie '66 Chev. Impala I Dr/ H.T. Aulom1tic, r1dio, hetler, eir cond,. pow" "".;''$1"3 9 5 '67 Mustang Fstbk. Awhlrn1tic, r1dlo, heeler, pow1r 1leerin9 & breli:11, WSW, IUIX76$1795 ' '64 Chevrolet I NOTICE!! We DO NOT rwqlllre a Mini· mum Down l'aymenr, like $10 down, $25 clown, $99 down, etc. etc. We try to. arrallCJ• down payments and monthly · payments to siilt each 111~ lldl cntotner. (TUb3421, s995 • . '65 hr.d· Wagon '67 Olds 88 Autorn1flc, rtdio, htefer, power 1l•erin9, elr cond., 4 Dr. H.T, F1clory 1ir, p9wt r 1lee1i119 I br••••• J Door f11tb1cli:, Awtom1tlc. RlH, 11oiltlllerin9, WSW, IR.El1911 1utom1tl c, R.lH, WS W, tint1d 91111, ISXl703J po"''' l1t1.t1, wh it• 1idtwtll tire1. f~ , '6.7 Camaro · s1095 · s1395 s1595 RMio i nd hetfer, fully equl,,.d. (it'IV'l"fl l t ' s1095 ·, * TRANSPORTATION · CAR SPECIALS * ' , ' .Awlorn1tic, INNCS~61 rtdio. ~60 : '65 Corveffe ' '62 RAMBLER RtGio 1114 he1t1r, whit• will tirt 1. tinfetl 9lt11, fWEZ,901 J ' c+IEYROUT Autom1tlc, r.dio, heet1r, ... hil1 w1ll1, tillfM tint. ll'ID1171 s195 '64 .... ' ' . DODGE POLA~A -t Dr, H.T, Auhlmetic, reiiio, h1tler, "'hilt ..,.,111;,,,, IXXDiStl VOLVO • speed, cu1tom lnt1riot, redio 1..J hteter. lli-2355JI ___________ , __________ _ DODGE '61 Awtemetic, r1dlo, heet1r, powtr 1t1.,in9, Wsw, tinted 1111t. fJLT7451 WIRTHINCiTON DODCiE COSTA MESA 2888 HARBOR BLVD. 557~8600 OPIN 7 DAY$ A WllK UNTIL MIDNIGHT lank Flna,n~, '..yfsff o..r. Award Winning Servlc• Dept.- T-BIRD Autom1tic, pow1r 1fteri119 l br1k11. efr cond., r1d l1, h1tftr, ILYE,261 • ' ' ~ I , I ' I . . N•w 11 Ft. Navajq_ Camper Pully Equipped on~ ' ~~~1 '2198 Reedy for Your • $ALI ,1598 Pickup or ' New '70. PRICE • O.VER 40 #115246 '600 CAMPERS IN STOCKI DISCOUNT -,---· - • -THE 1970 ·112 FALCON . FORD'S NEWEST ·PRICE RGHTUI BIGGER, MORE LUXUR,19US THAN_ . ' ... ~ . ~VER--YEt STILL PRICED AT PERENNiAL FA(CON SAVINGS. READY • '°It IMMEDIATE DWVERY ' " . " ou• FIRST. 'CHANGE OV£1 O,F 197J . ''bEMOS'' · OYl!l 10 "10 MOOR: 6 oi.o.o MILis o• ~TAFF CAIS •NO"· AT , . I U . , ... ; .. ,,~ 'tlR81FIC ltJSS ON .JV'QY ==-DllCOUNIS ~~ ·-CARI ' - FOi FAST CUAIAllCll T ·BIRDS-TORIN OS LTD's--STATION .WAGONS MUSTANGS ENGLISH FORDS TO Ill SOLD ON FIHT COME, FIRST sum LUIS, HUllYI '65 CADiLLAC CPE. DE VILLE A ·THEODOU IOllNS UCLUSIYE Full pow1r, f,clory •Ir, l11tli1r, l111d111 tco;7p..,_IP=JE_Ol_<I --......,= '67-PONTIAC LEMANS 2 Dr. H.T., VI, outo .. R&H, P.S IYW_SO~-"-' ----~= '67BUIC_K_SKYL~RK 2 Or. H.T., 1ir, 111to., R&ti, P.S .. Vinyl ret0f. fVCL20ll =.66~FORDXL $1090 2 Or. H.T., •11f_o., Ro\H, P .. =s.,~,;~, =~·~··~IS_VV~Sl~?I--~~~ LOOK FOi THE lllAGllOSTIC . CENTIR .SW. ~ THE W11111$1ED! 1000/o PAITS .AND I.AIOI WARRANTY .4000 MUS Qi to DAYS c.... .. -··-'•,..I ;t I.""""',, 0 h'; I .... , ·• .•..•. , . I 'THE '-GIAtnis 11 I ~ .. , ., .A ~ND/ N~ MUSTANG '. AND A .llAND NilW•MAYEltleK • :i •• IN 'THE IXCmNG STYLING .Of:' THE ' ' ... . " "MUSCU CltPWD.~' rt EADY • '°It IMMIDIATI.: .DiuvlltY " . PIRliCT FROM .ENGLAND I . 54 NEW llOID COITip!AS. i·Dr'1, ·. 4-o,i'~ q,rs, ·5'at!011. Wego111 ·.. N6' CORnNA 2 ·DR. SID • n, TOT4L -,.. 9·· " . ~ 00.WN· . . · flO.·-,cus· TAJC --· • PAYMI'°" . · · , AND LICEN,SE MONTl;IL Y s5.900 FOR 36 PAYMENT · MONTHS '65' CH~R'~LET' IMP·A'-A 4 Dr. H.T. A11t.M1tic, r1.l1, h•1t1r .. •ir co..J. f llD:.o.:•2::..70::..I ___ ~~ '68. DODGE CORO.NET $890 4Dr. VI, 111t1., h••tt'f. New,.,. let.. D.tecth·o ctr. 111517~ l · '6' MERCURY CYCLONE'==-'-'--~s=13=90 H.T .. All. ••., l&H. P.S,,. •• I. (lYJ•IJ'l :69 FORD CUSTOM . $1490 4 Dr~,s.4. 4H v1: .. ~./·hf.+.,., .S.;P-tiitc llrli:. Cl!' ,olico cir. f 11-iDIU 11-. ,.., ..... PUii ......, .................... ,. • '!*.............. . '66 FORD-L.T~D. . $1490 2 Or. H.T, F1ctory 1ir, t ulo , PS., .,;~yl t11of, r11dio, ha1t1r. I lll0600I " · ~6 D D~E ·DA T 129P 2 Dr. H.T., AIR, •11to., llH. IYT$426)' , 'WMOStANGH.T. · · $2490 ~. '66 Fo~·i>"·GA'i.A'xiE .• s·o;o , ..... IYCN • .,, $990 1· '61-i=Oiiil' '<iA".:A'xie~slio 'NY""' . s1290 •Dr. S,d. V!, 1uto., f1ctory 1ir, P S., P.l., lt&H. IZVE7lJI '68THUNDERlffRD · ' $2690 H.T. wilh landa11 toof, full powar.·f1 clory 11 ir. l Wtc:.5201 '66 FORD-GALAXIE-500---= W1gon. Aulo!'lalic, radio, htaler. fUOEli3 91 '67 COUNTRY-SQUIRE_---~$1~6=90 VI. f1clory 1i r. P.S .. radio •nd li11lar. !TXS707l '66DODGE-CORONET-W~A~G~.-$89=o Station w19011 , A11lom11ic : powtr tl11ri119, •I• co11d .. r11d io, li1tfftr. fJCPl041 '66PONTIAC CATALINA $T290 St11io11 W19on. AIR, 1111!0,. R&H, P.S., P.I . (51!7';~"~,----,,== '67 FORD COU.NTRYSEDAN $1790 Alll . .:ulo., R&H, P.S. lfRl7STI =~·=,...._....------.; '64-FORD-COUNTRY SEDAN $790 _.IR, Auto., R&H, P.S, INLB!i2fl TIUCK . UD CAR SPECIAlS '65 FOllD F0 100 '90· .. _ ... i.._.w Pich,.. rfSl211tl .· 65 ~~~~~~~~~; .. $1490 '60 ~.~~·,.~2-TON $6:90. •11to1111tl1 h1111. I FJ02041 . 1 66 ~~~!: .. ::.:z:!~· s..290·· , ....... IU2t710) I I 68 ~~~~Hl I HM.ff $4t390: 1h1ll, A11t1., l&H, 20,lff . , £. , mll••· r21126Cl1 ·59 , ~~ wo~;,!.~ 1 ......... IH161611 .............. _. --· . . . .... -~--· ,... ... ·-1.-------~-....._ ____ ~--- . '63 CHEVROLIT 'NOY .A 11 ' $690 t Dr. H.T. A.to..itlC. r.41.; h 1tt.t. 'tQILAJtf '64 cONTINE"TAL F11lf pow1r, f•ito'ry 1/r, l1,tj.1tJ11f1rior .• J UlF7Jtl_ '66 CHEVRO~~ ·CAPRICE 4.Dr. H."r. "Air coM., P.S .. rotfio, t.11t1r, .,;11vl fT01l. IWQDlt61 '66 PONTIA~ GTO . . 2 Dr. H.T. ''· P.~., P.I., evt•~·rMie, lt.1tor. "fSYL.6111 '6J ·COlVEI IE , ·· , 411, 4 .,.,_i, AM.fli\.ro4;1,,f.,, MJ\1190. IZVOtl41 '64'i'HUNDERllRD · · · H1"'9, .. Full ,....,, f1cf0t"f oir coMlti••i"t. CJo:ISY.011" '65 PONTIAC · LE MANS. '63 FALCON VI •11tl1tt, 111tom1tlc'1r1111mi11i ... '(JE:~691J' "7AAT· CONY·ERTIBl:E 4 1poff. 11-p1l11t, 111w to,. flE6559) '69 VOLKSWAGEN · $890 ' $1390 $1190 $3290 $1190 $990 $490 $1490 $990 $1690 $990 $490