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1970-04-24 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
• '· ' 7 • -wigert -Ready ·to · Fly '14' • • I I ! - ~oun· .. . ~- DAILY PILOT * * * 10' * * '/$; ' FRIDAY AFTERNOON .. APRI~ 24, 1970 • '\loi... U. HO. .... l.IECT~NS, .. i-AGU " .. ' : : • ' I ·r ' . Bo•d..,: ,.• ,~-·,;i<, :~: : ~ ·fl ~·-··· If'••,, ·, '.1 I ' Mary Ueno, 5, a kindergat'.lln lltudelit Ml'l"l.....,. ...... WIM~ at / Harper-Sdlool ' In 'Co4'ta • Mesa, gets a homo' sapien's eye view of the age•of ~urs as sDe checks out lile-size Tyrannosaurus Rex. Model of 11 .. 1>-eating•mM-, Iller ou~ of the past is· Oile oUhree built by kindergarten cl,.... at the school. 1' • I ' ' .. . ' . nm Mesan,~s Soo ·:Oat on -Bail' ' . . -- ' . Free•er Food ··swindle . . . . . . ' I'. I , .. '. ' ' ' ' . . ' Fo'1gµ.et ~::.Ge,, ~ ' I • , • " Ju ry' Tukes. Nine Hours " • I ~ . ." • I . \ Apollo Woes {Joaj~, I· ''''": •ilf, For -Verdict ' , " . , . ,. . I ' ., . . }J: Ne x t Moon Shot· May ~e 0,n .Schf1dllle,":" .. '.'. . County· Vote .LiSt ·Sh~~ Slmilp • ' , I , , I ; ; : , c:iASJ:~o .. CUPPalnel),aald-utoda.s. y~~ 5~0~o1·".e..:~b .~berln bei)lg. ~.~"try · 11" •¥\olil),'!j · we repeatea· uw~, aw........., Y JDflD 1 ' piecise1y whit reauaed' 1be •< ~ ~ cause of Apollo · 13's fail:1re of the Senate Aeronautics and. S~ce aborted the 000 1 ...... u ..... ~ n.~ •• ~~ t wis ao 1~e to {Jx that the next Scjences Cofru1illlee . apd1 bllndreds ·of ' m -~ -~• I piOon f1!a111 might be' )•~ed . oo ~IDri. . · · -to, strand! ~ ·-•-dtl · 1111 m achedUle.' All;ronaut John L: Swigert said 1 The crowd jamnied into one of 'Capjtol eternal. Orbft. 1 ' " ! · · ".""'Ci ) r,·wt.·r-*1y·to go. Hill's biggest hearing 'rOollts, joined' in · But ~saidl the C8uoe, bad-~~ : ' . 'lbe.optlmistlc statement by Paine was ~pplause while .scores more lint'.'f up ~en tracei;t,.to "a'r,datiittY sfmpie com. • aconded by Rocco P;etrone, Apollo pro. m a baUway outside ~ for a glimpse pon' eJt•i ~ that it ' · 14 'be "4 1 ~ ill'Rm dlnctor, and.SWigert's ocmmaoder -~ot the two,astronauts. 'Ibe third member . . cou , . corr• . · ; on Apollo 13, Capt.,Jl!Jles 1,. Lovell. o( the _ApcilJ~l3..,,..,..,,Fred Wi;l!aiae ..,.Uy. , ' ' ' ' ' , . But it wu almolt loot in an ootpouring wu unable to attend. , ~ell· ~ c, ......,,,, ~ .. l-..C t ol -al praise !or Lovell and Palne emphast2ed that testa still .ore. ---lSWl!Iat> Ill '-.;..wDOt ""' • .. , . , . . . r, 1 .. of you astronautl tbiDk )'GU .are. ... ( :M · ' S F . .:n iI ) to~ i:it:'.,.....-... · esans on ree·on ·na "~t:·-~~~-~ . . . . ..... -il j Y'!U , "l'f•·.!ft~k ·"I" "!"'Jld .I. · ' · · · -.m ~ 111at ......., ......,,,.,. • , • • I ' ~ly ~tt ' -·,....,,~~ In Frozen Food .Swmdle .. :· f~~~i:. • J: I ~ ~ "*'S testimoay, 1°') ,, .' '. The ~eel mutmnlnd of a froien. progra!"' Pl'<!misini·SllO,pollll\1; o(£rozen · " ' -· food fmmcing··1:JUnco,JCheme1 whidt·ligno meat •. mt: Jther ~ru Jqr '1,.'~•'. , I i . l t -1••·-i ed trp -mott U.n 20o 'Oringe Coonty f~. . . 1 1 .t.: .~: _ . , . . JOr.aa&e · .. ~'\ i,,·~. ~·· families !or.,$131,000 In cold callh· and ContT~c!Sf·bi"!'iJJt ·tile, vk:t!nis If, lhai , . falled to fully dellvor, la•.!ree oo bail anioun\ pluo lnt,...~~/~y · today; · · sold 'f& ·Libert)'' Loo!l. 1C4ii1Ponr 'ol ' ... By TOMJIARLEY ills fatber, ol COiia 'M,.., and two Arillleim' -. • .l'ef<ildi!lt cM4..;,,.,•j,o ' or .. ...., .... _.. ....:.._ ' .,..,.,.~ , .,\I.,_ Or-. eou,ty Clert William other men alto arrated rnunday on the m~ger, , . · • 'E~ St John tollay ' dllclooed wtiot' he ~alola lasued by-0ranp County · Alen safd ·a fri!ien'lclOci'"liJpPiN!/; -· . ·deocr!bed ei .. ., •• .;...:.e<edmi"1 mliJor l>istrlot Al4llmey Cecil A. Hieb ...,... then bired' to · doliver <tiie •'°'1d• i. ·the . dedlno" in voting ~ and ·oue· !;Hied tock)' in lieu ol $J1,IGO ball eaci>. cusroriieni,'oof ~l!d'they dniy tt<eiv• · gested "a lack of ...,... in the Jasues N-on dmll"I of """pirocy and · ed '300 p..m..., !ood!lul!s. ' ' and tho"-'\ as ,prime ,,_, ,...M -lft Wllllom •.T, Wooll, Iii lliltrkt Mlomey•s inveillplcir 'Ray ' for 11le·uprilbrl aknnp. ol lllli Wal!Ke Nie., Colto -· bis Millet' alleged today .-..~ y...,g . Woon' ~.!o!'~the June_2 primary son l'llllUp F. Wooll, 'SI , ol Noni> la 'bellMcl , 41> 'bava-masfer:mliide!\ ,ti!& : eloctlm·......,-con1Wn1e1L t11is mqnln( -~•Harold JI. 111._y, 411, o!· food.bll~ ..... " as 5ll;l'IO, · an1 estlmlted 45,000 below Anaheim, aid .Jc:m1 M. Turner Jr., 40, , ~·. wn. ~il:ect-Ur a crlinlnal" tbofl&lntllltwueJpeciedonthebasis of G-.Ie. complalnt •with one coanl ol c:omplncy ' ol ~ Couaty's tnclilQW growth l'llllllp -pGllod 'blll .,,,....y. and tM!< cwntl ·of grand the!L ' -.. It him aald. Tht mea blvo llGI -· onailnO<f The other tlltte allqod prlilcipels nam- "We ... ao dlsturlled that we con-yet Wld prtJlmlaoty 1-Inp will be ed 'In compl1inti lsiued by ~Gdp "j'.liter , ,,,_ a omey to !ind out jU1t wily aet -tlley _.. In court to be Sirtith, of Cenlral OrangeCoilnty JUdiclat ,....... baven, l'Oll*nd,"'he said. read the -... aplMMllem. • District Coor! lace one count of .,... "We dllmoen1d 1llir lack ol lnlemt Dillrlct' Attorney Hicks said the opera· splracy and lour of graDci theft. 1 In -.i -·1 :' , the belief tl lion bnolftd eoafractt with 'a bailnea lnfflltptors aald meat o!lenld in tho -'* • l'llumi --~ u ' titled Family Plan, r--A!fiUates alleged -bll~ operation wu b•ie• • .. ~ Blulloa ..S C«oorlllon or Coolumen' Sonic<s. dellYend by 1n !ncfetlelicient ouppli<I' .. cipbllon ol ' -¥ 11111 ii DI& • ire dlirpd ._ oilelrneil algMd up without eonnoctJon lo tlle crlmlnol ads ( .. llOl&lltl, Pip I) 9"'!'" tbln • bmUleo for tllile payment dMirpd. hit• ( lt ( ...... --~ 1 ........... ,. CMcliN9 "' \ J ......... ... '+i I ~ 114 =-. c.v -n l tiiiil"' .._-..a c,.._.. n .._ ""' .,...,_ I --~ .. ft --' _'_i': 'f ................ n." ~ ~ ,..... •n ::,~:,t" 3 ....._. J l t4 .. .... ~·11 t Meffleet ......_ • I • ' , ' . ' 2 11,\lLV PIL01 S Fridal, April 24, 19;0 <: .. p••• l!arest Bit • GOP Can.didates In Hard Debate ,... R<pu-who wont ... - Allonley G--1'1 job ID\! deputies ol two oi'1er GOP asplflllll ' lot 'lllomu J. ~·· ..-pool coll'rillcfd a Bala Y-Club oudiellce 'ntundnr night 1hal they had al 1-one lblng In common besld<!s their pollllcal af. fllialloo: The , bw1"nl belle! ol -that be WM, Ill' lar, 1be bool 111111 fer 1bejob. 8lale -Jolm L. Baziner (R-Olen- dale) and ..... aide Spencer WUllams ~•&td blrcMJltilng campolgn <peecbes It Ibo -booted by the •Newport II-a... ol lhe Cilllomia Fedtra· tlaa Gt R<pabllcan women. Plndihilllng · for too Angela cOunt, lllalrict Attorney Evelle J. Youoeer and state Senator ,,,...... r.,,e I VOTERS •.. a pn!llidet\llal Y"" and therefore is ol lenlnlereil. . "Bal our, overriding conclusion lo that there II comlderable apolhy oo the part of mmy people," St John said. "lt ls, we feel, • sign of the times th a t many of our ehgible voten just cannot be botber<d· lo ensure that they will vote In ... Jwie primary." St John's 6na1 ta11y of 555,570, regts. Wnd. voters, confll'Ined by computer tbia mcning Js a decline f4. 25,000 from the figure r<eor<led In 1be 11111 General EJecUon. ' .Growtb ~ since 1ut November has hilted the county population from 1.212,000 to 1,480,000 persons, a level .,. appeared to indicate a voting ~tion strength of 600,000 voters. '"nl.ls tremendous decline has come Moot despite the biggest campaign ever -eel by 11111 office," st John 118ld. •we ·.~ 1be county with voling ftlilll atlon material and we had an all time high of 800 deputy registrars wwli!ng In all districts right up to the time th-1 registrations closed." 'lbe decllne In voting strength seemed to be suffered equally by the major JdfUcal parties with Re-publicans main- taining their tradlliooal edge in Orange Comity. Georp Deulanejian (ft.Long BeachJ were repeectlvely, Newport Beach at- ~ Robert S. "Sim" Barnes and FuDertonau..,,ey WllUam Dlinnemeyer. llarnMr drp what appeared lo be. the Ovation of the evening With a searing CODdemnatlon of campus rioters:, striking employes of the Los Angeles school di!trict "and all those who flout the law because the law allows them to do " • ' ... He called for 1be firing ol 1be too Angoles teacben "who continue lo defy orders of the ooun" and he urged Orange County voters to "east JOU!' votes for those candidates wtio will take bnmf.id.late and active 1te1J1 against the errant jodieiary. • ''It ls time for t11 to talk about the supremacy of the law and to expect those judges whom we appoint to ensure ttlat those who breach our laws pay for their transgressions," Harmer !laid. 11Those judges who cannot interpret what seem to me to be sensible, clearly defin- ed l"ws of conduct then it is time for us to remove them from office.'' campus rtota, said Harmer 11are equally the pmfuel ol lax enf~t of laws and the failure of many to put Into effect IJroeedures that woold end many ol these disturbances before they tea Uy became disturbances." Williams' suggested S()Jution for cam- pus viqlence was to "take legal action against the parent.s of those involved fn rioting and vandalism" and he pro- mised that kind of action U he succeeds Lynch in Sacramento. ~ candidate· atres,,ed his "lone and cloie asaociation with Gov. · Ronald R<agan and a aeep knowledge ol ad- ministrative thlnldng and c a b i n e t desires" that should, he said, "make me the attorney ReneraJ I very nearly was in 1966." Williams waa beaten in tllat eleeUO!l by Lynch. Dannemeyer warhed his audience that Hanner ""'1ld pull the Republican .party in California "too far to the rigbt'' and that WHllams• experience was only that of a civil lawyer "who had no real experience with crime of the ability to counter a rising crime rate." He also predicted that Younger, if elected, "will pull the Republican party too far to the left" and the only solution "for thOle who value our rules of law" reots with Senllor DeokmeJian. DAILY .. IL.OT Shoff'"""'* •JOHN CLARK, 11, (LEFT), CHAO HOOVER, 9, TEST RACERS . Model Cars Reedy to Roll in Annual Pinewood Derby Little Wooden Cars Race In Cubs' Pinewood DerbJ'- More than a thousand little wood en cars will race down a long wooden nm.way in several heats Saturday at Huntington Center in the armual Cub Scoot Pint: wood Derby. Cub Scouts, 1,000 to 1.500 of them, rrom Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and Westminster will be competing for a portable teJevisioa set, troJilles and with the final s scheduled for 2:30 p.m. All registered Cub Scouts in the three cities may enter. Huntington Beach Councilman Jack Green will present the awards. Top prize is a television set with trophies for second, third and fourth place winners. Assembly Move w ' ' , 1 -H·arhor District V.ote Bill OK'd Special to i.. Dally Piiot SACl\AMENTO -A bill to put dluolu. tion or expaDsJon of Oria@,e COlmty Harbor District to a vote or 1he people was approved 'I1lul"9day by the state Assembly. Virtually the same bill, only with an emergency measure clause, was defeated by ·the Assembly oo Wednesday. The day-later turnabout JDffDI the bUl now moves on to the state Senate. Thi vote for approval of the measure, authored by Assemblyman John Brtgga : (R·Fullerton ), was 42 to 26, ooe vote • m<1re thin the 41-vote majority required. Weddesday, when the bill as an emergen- cy measure needed a two-thirds majority, it faUed even a slmple majority with a 32 to 29 vote not to approve. The Briggs bill calls for a two-choice election with voters to decide either to dissolve the special Harbor District so it can become another department of county government or to expand its function to include acqulsition and ojM!.ra- tion of Inland parks and recreational areas. In the Senate the bill probably will be referred to the Local Government Committee, headed by Sen. John Schmitz (R·Tustin). Schmitz so far has declined to say how he stands on the controversial Harbor District issue. Ir the IegislaUon survives its Senate Israeli Planes Hit Neighbors In _Major Raids By United Preu IDlmlalltllal Ji'or the first time sm the 11167 Middle East War, Israeli jets today launclled air attacks in a single day on Egypt, Jordan and Syria, a military spokesman announ- ced in Tel Aviv. Military sources said the mull.iple air strikes were yet another sign of the escalation of the undeclared war in the Middl e East; Egypt also has greatly stepped up its air activity in the past week. test and ls signed bY U1e governor, then the date or the electkln the bill calls for will be the decision of Orang~ fumty· sµpervi sors. • The 'orange County. Board o f Supervisors has voted 4 to I to expand the district rather than dissolve il and does not favor such an election. Because tile bill is not now written as an emergency measure it would no& take effect until 90 days after the close <>f 1be legislative session and likely, therefore, not qualify for the Nov. J Geneol Eleetioo ballot. But supervi.9ors have the authority to call a special district election and could put Jt on the ballot at that time tO save the expeme or holding a special • electl<ll next spring, • Assemblyman Robert Badham ( R- Newport Beach ), who had engineered defeat of Ute bill Wednesday, lost out 21 lo S6 Thursday in a move to have the bill re-referred to the Assembly Local Government Committee. . Assemblyman Kenneth Cory ( D - Abaheim ), co-author to the Briggs bill along with Assemblyman Robert Burke (R·HunUngton Beach), said that woW.d be "cruel and inhuman punishment." 'The committee has heard ma rathon testimony on Brigg's legislation to dissolve the dist rict for the last three years. Cory this year originally in- troduced a bill to expand the Harbor District but ag reed to a compromise measure to put a cbo.ice between dissolu- lloo and exparuioo lo lhe people. Ba<IWn CX>l)WJ!ded lhe people already have spoken tbroligtt their elected supervisors abd termed the dual.question electioo "Mickey Mouse." · He argued-successfully Wednesday, unsuccessfully Thursday, that having the Legislature settle . the vole Question is. interfering wlth the concept of home rule. · ' But the olber three c o u n t y assemblymen didn't see ~t that way and want to Jet the people decide, Romeo-style Intruder Routed By Mesa W oma1i GOP -ta lntalled 218,53& to the Dmlocnltl' 221,MI. other categories compiled by SI John Included American lndepepdent Party 5,65.1, Peace and Froedom Party 691, mlscellaneout 99 with Zl,220 declining lo .tat. their all<giance. Coast Wreck Kills Woman 11 Preliminary races start at 10 a.m., f,'. • 1be derby features little seven incb- Jong wooden can built by CUb Scouts and their fathers. Last year there were 500 entrant! in the local derby. 'The public is invited. t ;~k of ribbons. 'Wayne Gets New Honor The spokesman said Israeli warplanes attacked Egyptian positioos along the Suez Canal, laUDCbed four raids against Ar'81-gueniila bases In Jordan and blasted a Syrian mllltary position. Jordan reported five civilians were A romeo-style Intruder who climbed a balcooy to woo a Costa Mesa woman was routed early today when she nol only 9COl'ned, but ridiculed his advanc es. Orange Coast communJties were M>lld1y Republican with the euepl!Olll of Westmlnlter where Democrats out. numbered Republicans by 11,1811 to a,aa and Los A1amltos where the GOP fell behind the Democrats by 1,553 to 1,783. Republlcians as opposed to 35,311 Demo- crats. -Costa Mesa. 15,968 to 11,192; Foun. taln Va11ey, 5,603 to 4,818; Huntington Beei.cb, 22,057 to 19,004; Laguna Beach, 5, 4911 '" 2.642. A1llo tltowing Republican majorltles over Democrats were: Newpcrt Beach, 11,m to 5,97&; San Clemente 5,278 to 2,MO; San Juan Capistrano, 1,050 to Pl; and Seal Beach 9,185 lo 5,841. Republicans had a better than % to 1 edge in the Fifth Supervisorial District with 73,732 residents regiatering as Republicans as opposed to 4 5 1 3 I 1 Democ:rall. Fourth Oistrtd R e p u b 11 c an 1 out- numbered DemocratJc ~ents by 65,737 to 46,11111. Swerving suddenly &a'Ol!I the San Diego Freeway in San Clemente, a 59. yee.r~kl Morro Bay woman'!! car plowed into two others Thursday night, killing her and injuring the oncoming drivers. M_rs. Clara Mltdlell died about M minutes alter the headon collision on the freeway near the Avenida Presidio overcrossing, investigators said. 'lbe central C4liforni.a coastal resldent was southbound when her auto veered without any known reason across the dirt divider into northbound JaM!i, ac- cordirig to the California Highway Patrol. All three <!rivers were taken to South Coast Community JiMpUal in S o u t h Laguna, where' Mrs. MJtdJell was pro- nounced dead at 7:18 p.m., ol multiple inNJi.es. Ronakl Tomlinson, SS, of Garden Grove, was treated for severe lacerations and released. Camp Pendleton Marine C 1 a y ton Barefoot, 25, wu only slightly hurt and also released alte< being patebed up. LA Press 'Headliner' killed In the raids "1tich struck Within IS miles of Amman , including four members of a family killed when their farmhouse was destroyed. Jordan allO reported. a 10-mlnute arWlecy and tank batUe midway between the Dead Sea Newport Beach actor John Wayne to- day added lhe Greater Los Angeles Press, Club's Headliner of the Year award to his 40-year list of laurels, climaxed two weeks ago by his fll'Sl Oscar. ~ Bayshores resident will officially be saluted by the Los Angeles working press at its ninlh aMua1 Headline awards banquet June 3 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. He joins a list of prior honorees in· eluding Robert Finch, secretary of health educatioo and wellare; Gov. Ronald Reagan, former Assembly Speaker Jess Unruh (D-lnglewood ), the late Los Angeles Police Chief William Parker, U.S. Sen. George Murphy (R.Californla) Comedian Bob Hope, former Gov. Ed- mund G. Brown and Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty. Wayne -known as The Duke - has been away from Newport Beach in recent moolhs, shooting the film ''Rio Lobos" on location in Mexico and Arizona, and the Sea of Galilee. · lsrael said it3 planes stru~ Egyptian positions along the canal for to minutes this morning and hit guerrilla bases at Salt and Deir Alla, northwest of Amman. In the arternoon ihe In.ells carried out two more raids against guerrilla -bases in Jordan, south of the Dead Sea. OFFICER'S CHEST COLLECTION The 45-year-Old victim awakened in her bed at 4:20 a.m., according to police sent to a massive apartment complex on. Peterson Way. A young man stood silhoutted in the dark. "Wl'iat do you want?" she snapped. He told her. "Why me?," she demanded, ''I'm old enought -to be your mother." "Uh, yours was the only unlocked door," he replied. She said be went to take the telephone. off the hook, at which time his would-be victim ran out the front door. Patrolman John Stonebac k said the would-be Romeo hastily exited via the balcony again. It WU the 11me *'!' In the 35th Congressional District With 14 3 I 6 9 2 Repub~eana opposing 80,258 Democrats and ln the S4th Senatorial District the GOP margin over the DenK>erall was 201,391 to 137,4%5. Republleam also pooled a handSO!De majority In the 7151 Assembly District where tt4,C3 GOP volera will face $11,11% Democ:rab. Car Wreck Talces Lives By HENREDON DAILY PILOT .. ..,... .... --, ......... " ......... .... ,. .... ,..., ,_ c,__ QANllOlf. CO.UT ft\111.ISMIHG COMPANY A•\i•rt N. w.M Pft.w.nt ...... l"llDllil.llw Jic.• A. C"'rlrl Vk• ,.,......., end ~.1 """"" Tlie111•• K .... a Ef!IW 1\0111•f ~ M11rphlu M ..... lftl lf.llllW l ic.h•rtl P. Ntll '-"' °'""'" C-1)' l!dllllr ....... c.... .--1 -Witt ..,. ,, ... t ~ eaoi1 nn _, ..... , lwlcvtrd ~--~,,,,._,._ ............ ...... '"" .. ""' ......... •'*-""" • ...,. II'-"" •Ml Of Herb Sln·iner, Wife DELRAY BEACH, Fla. (UPI ) - Homespun television comed ian Herb Shriner and his wife mre killed Thursday night when their vlnlage sports car veered out o( control and slammed into a palm tree. Shriner, whose dry wit and ''Shrlnerisms" 'made him a televisio n hit in the 1950s, was returning to his Fort .Lauderdale home from a performance at West Palm Beach when his car went out of control <>n U.S • Highway One in \he heart of Delray Beacll. Shriner, whole real name was Herbert Arthur Schriner, was 51. H1s wife, Eileen, was 43. Both were dead on arrival at the Bethesda Memorial Hospital in nearby Boynlon Beacll. "1bere was no indlcati<>n of improper driving." a spokesman for the Delray Beach Police Department n!ported. Police said Shriner was an anUque car collector and was driving a restored 1983 Studebaker AvanU .SPorls car at the time of the accident, Police said Shrlner'1 car was heading south on V .S. One and suddenly veered left, crossed several lanes arid slammed Into a palm trot In a geml-resldent!al area several blocks (rom the downtown b11slncss district. The road at the spot Shrlner wrecked was straight and had three driving lanes and one parking lane, acc ord ing to police. Authorities sa id Shriner, a non-drinker, had been workin1 on tht bra kes of . . DI ES IN CAR WRECK Hoosier Herb Shriner the Avantl several days before the wreck. The comedian h~d nearly 40 cars and •~rd.Ing to friends did most or the mechanical work on the cars himseU . I .. ' FOR THE U N U S U A L IN QUALITY AND STYLE, LOOK TO HENREDON. OFFICER'S CHEST COLLEC- TION FEATURES A LARGE SELECTION OF LIVING, DIN- ING AND BEDROOM PIECE$ TO SPICE ANY ROOM. AVAILABLE IN SEVERAL EX • CITING A N D DIFFERENT FINISHES. STOP IN TODAY! DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE NEWPORT BEACH 1727 Westdlff Dr .. 642·!050 OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 • INTERIORS LAGUNA BEACH Prof•sslon1I Interior 345 North C011st Hwy. 494-6551 0.slgnert Avallo~l._AID OPEN FRIOAY 'TIL 9 ,.._Toft ,,.. Mott .. 0,.... C:0.11ty 140-1261 ' -. . --• . • t· • t· I I ' ' I I 11 I I I I ., ~ ORANGE dQuNlY, CAUFORNrA . , FRIDAY, AfR!C 24, 1970 VOL 63, NO. 98, 5 SECTIONS, so PAGES . ........-:."' .. I TEN CENTS .. ' ., ' .o · 0 ' ..:_ ~ ' • Mayor Vote Puzzle Legal Opinion Raises New Question .. By ALAN DJRKIN Of tlMI Dlltr l"lllf Stiff A resoluUon spelll:ng out the procedure for electing a mayor in Huntington Beach caught councilmen by surprise when they saw it for the first time just bef<re voting on the office Tuesday night. : Several councihnen agreed today that the resolution . caught them unawares though it was unclear whether the change aUeded the outcome -tbe election Of Donald Shipley as mayor over George McCracken and.Jack Green. "No ooe alerted me· to it," Green said. "We_ never l&W that resolution until . Beach Homes we were up ·there ready to vote. tr any changes were going to .be made I would have been the logical person to have d.Ucussed it with s.ince I was mayor at the lime." The resolution was prepared and sub- mitted by the ttty attorney, Don SOnfa. He is out. of town on a trip and could not be reached ror comment today. Mrs. Norma Gibb!, whose abstentions in the voting were a key in Shipley ~ing elected mayor, said today that she bad called Boofa Tuelday afternoon before the election. ·~ . just want«! some clarilicaton, Facing Senate · whether I could abstain and what the procedure was." Mr!!. Gibbs saia that1 she bad been confused all week about the position she was in -having the · pivotaL v~e. "Then suddenly it dawned on me. I could abstain and '° I called the attorney to ask whether 1bat could be clqne," ~ be i!ltroduced the· -:moluUon Tuesday night Bonla Uken<d it to "the simplified llMO form -it ~es . twice as many pages to say the lame·thing.,. Tho .tey cbaop OYer the' pievJous procedure was to o;iake clNJ'I th.It a (See COVNCIL, flip I) Still Stand Harbor District Vote After F tll'Or New life has been pumped into the old homeo cl Huntington Beach's Win· Bill Passes Asse1n~ly tei:sburg d~ after .a s~ of con-SJl'Clal 1o Ute Dall)' Pilot The Briggs bill calls •for a two-choice · trov«I)' nearly blew them down. . SACRAMEN'l'C? -A bill to put dissolu-election with voter11 to decide tither A pu!>lic baltle which starta! over t1011 or -. of Orange Co\Jnl)'· lo~ '1lle ~""t,.~ 10 pn-.ile homes !Iii Oclobl!r finally Harbor llislrict to a -cl the people .. ao it eao ~ ' r · ·-in a atandoll -wilh lho ~·.'!:ill .IJ¥Q.Yt!f .'lbunday by the stole of oounti ..........,. to ...... ' .. lun atlnding. · ~Illy.·· functitm to1ncfuite.laiCQ ·on ilftd oper1- But the owner1 qreed to cert.atn Virtually the same bill, only with an tion of inland parP and recreaUonal · repairs inc1udiog ventihg old gas heaters, emergency meaa11rt clnle, wu defeated areu. ' ' rebuilding parts of roUing rocls and by the Assembly on Wednesday. The In the -. the bill probably wfll putting in proper electrical wiring. d~y-later turnabout mearis the bill now be referred to the , Loc,J Government "I think Uie repairs were fair," com-moves OD to the state Senate. Committee, he~ by Sen. John Schmitz; mented one home owner. The vote for approval of the measure, (R·Tustin). ·ScQmitz •SO. far has· decµ.ned Most of the Wintersburg residents who authored by As!emblyman John Briggs to say how be stands .cm the controversial had received "unsafe housing" not.ices CR-Fullerton ), was 42 to. ~· one .vote Harbor District issue. from the city last October oriainally more than the 41·vote ma10rity required. lf the legislation Sllrvives Its Senate thought they would have to '1eave their Wedn esday , when U!e bill as an emergen-test and Is signed by, the govemor, homes. cy measure needed a tw().thircil majority, then the date of the elecUon the bill A seri es of hearings conducted by it failed even a simple majority with calls for will be--ihe decision Of Orange thi; city board of appeals determined a 32 to 29 vote not to approve. C.Ounty supervilon. that only two of the 10 structures would The Orange County Board o. f have to be destroyed. 1be others could Supervisors bas voted l4 ·to 1 to expand be repaired. said the board. T -Ul8· Sir" aCUSa the dlstrict rather than diJOOlve it and ''I think there was a misunderstanding LIJ does not favor INCb an eltctkn. when we started tacking up ~ notices Because ~ blU is not now written or unsafe buildings," Jack Cleve.land, Se • SI l d as an emereency mtasure it would not director o1 building, said. "We wer<n't rvICe8 a e take effect unlif 90 days alter tbe close really condemninB' those homes, just' . of the legislative session and likely. warning the owners' they were in poor · • · Funera1 services ror Louis Siracusa, therefore, not 'qualify for the Nov. 3 condition." 53, a long-time resident of Huntington Geoerll Slectfon ballot. Ti,e board of appeals, with James Beach, will be held al 11 a.m., Saturday. But supervllors have the authority-lo DeGuelle sitting as chairman, held hear· in Smith 's Funeral Chapel. Burial will caU a special ·district election and could tngs from Feb. 4 to March 23! follow at ~airhaven Cemeti;ry in Orange. put il on the ballot at that time to Most homeowners were given 90 days Mr. SII'acusa, who hved at '1%1 save :uie expense of holding a special to rilake the repairs, but Cleveland ad-Yorktown Ave., died Monday. He had election next spring. • mitted "we're pretty lenient on the lived more than 40 years in Huntington Assemblyman Robert Badham (R- time Period, we know they are going Beach. Newport Beach), who had engineered. to fix the homes." His brother, Ernest Siracusa, Is U.S. defeat of the bill Wedneaday, lost out Ambassador to Bolivia, and his son. 21 to 36 Thursday in a move to have lads A. Siracusa, owns the Ancient the ~U ·re-referred to the Assembly Institutions Boost Mminer restaurant in Newport Beach. Local'Governmint Committee.· Mr. Siracusa worked In the oil and Assemblyman Kenrieth COry ( 0 • l\fortgage Pledges tool industry, spending-some lime in Anaheim). co-~r to the Briggs bill New York as an exporter of oil industry along with Assemblyman Robert Burke Uioli. He was retired. (R-Huntiogton Beach), said that would WASHI NGTON (AP! -The White House announced today that private in· stitutions have pledged to increase com- mitments for residential mortgages by $2 billion this year. Survivers include two d a u g h t e r s , be "cruel and inhuman punishment.'' Catherine of Huntington Beach and The committee has beard marathon Barbara of New York: two sons, Louis testimony cm Brigg's tegla:laUon to A. of Newport Beach and Phillip ol dilaolve tlle district fl/I' tJit Ia,t three Texas ; a sister, Mrs. l sabe lle Bernier years. Cory this year orlglnally ,in· This would provide about 150,f*> new residences and a apt1r to a coriltruct.ion industry that hu been characterized u in a rece.ssion. of Oregon; three brothers, Dante of troduced a bill to expand the Harbor Tens, ~ of Bolivia and Wllliam District but agreed to a c:ompromiSe of Huntington Beach, and one grandson, measure to put a choice between dlssolu- lleao cl Newport Qtach. tioo and tJ!JansUm to the peopl<. County . Vote List Dips· Reg~tration Slump Blamed on Lack of Interest By TOM BARLEY Of flle De11r Pillot Sl•tf important •as the ~al Election and the ~inioo or some that UUs Is not Alarmed Orange County Clerk William a presidential year and therefore ii of E. St John today disclosed what be Jess intenst. qe,c:rlbed 18 "an unprecedented. major "But our ovetritl1 .... ,conclusion ls tbal ctecl*" if voting registration and sug-..-.. gested "• Jack or interest in the issues there is-coosiderable ~tby·on the part and lhe candidates" as prime reason of many people," St •Jolm said. "It Jor #le !tlrpri&ing slump. is, we feel, a sign of .the tlmet th at Registrations for the June 2 primary many of our eligible voten just cannot electioo were confirmed this morn.inc be ~ to emure that they will 85 555,570, 'an estimated 45,000 'below vote in the June primary." the figure that was expected on the basis ' St John's final tally of 566,57a, regll- oI Orange County's traditional growth -tered voters, confirmed ~ computer indel, St John said. • this morning Is a decline of 15,00> h'om ''We were so disturbed that we con~ the figure record'Cd 1n the llU Central ducted a survey to find out just why ElecUon. r · people havtn't registered," he sald. Growth since last November has "We discovered this lack of interest hoisted. the • county· populaUoo from In Issues and candidates, the belief or t,292,000 to J,460,000 persons, a level many that a Primary Ele<ltion Isn't as , that appttred to· tndicate 1 voting registration strengt!i of 600,000 voters. "This' tremendous decline bas come about despite the biggest cariipalgn evtr waged by Ulil oltice . .''r St John laid. "We covered the county with voUnC registratkn material ..... and we hid 111 all tllile high cl aoo deputy regjstran working In all diatricll right up to the Ume that registrations closed." '!be. decline in voting llr<ngth setmod to be aulf<ted equally by the major polltlcal parties with BepubUcans main· taining their traditional edge in Orall.lfJ COunty. GOP adherenls totalled 1118,5311 to the Dtmocrata' 221,311. other categories compiled by St John lnc!uded American Independent Party 1,653, Peace '1ICf !'rte<lom Party 694, miscellaoeous VII (Sit VOTDI, .... I) • Ill • Next Flight ' . ' . May· Go Off On Schedule . WAsHINGTON (UPI) -U.S. opace clii~ ThOmaa O. Paine hid today the apparent cause ol Apollo lS's flllure Was so simple to fix · that th'e nut moon flight · might be launched on Sfbedule. Alitronaut John L. Swigort uid he was rtady to 10. 1be optimistic statement by Paine was seconded by-Rocco Petrone, Apollo pro- gfam director, and SwJgert's commmier on· Apcllo 13, Capt. James A. Lovell. · But ·u was almost lost In an outpouring ol :>enaillrial pnfae fa. Lovell and Swlge,t, basking with tbelr boeaes In repeated. bursts of applause by rriembm: of the' Senate Aeronautics and Space Sclences-COiiiillittee allll· Hundreds tt--• spectators . The crowd jammed Into one of Capitol lilll's bi~gest bearing rooms, joined In applause while scores .more lined up in a hallway outside hopina:.for a a;llmpee of the two astronauts. The. third member of the ,Apollo 13 crew, Fred W. Haile. was unable to attend. 'Paine emphasized. that tefils still are being conducted lo try lo detennlne precisely wbat caused the accident that aborted the moon lancttn1 and Ulreateaed to strand ' tbe t!itei utzOOauts in an eternal orbit. . 1 ·Bi.it' be · 'ci fbe Cl uae ·had tentativety -!>"'8 !(ac;ito •a r<latl"fi' lfinflfi ...,,. jioneirt ' and 'tha't II coulif be camcted ,· e,isily. . 1 ·s.n. John c. steiml!. (!Hiia:,) uked L ~ ·~ Slrfaert 1n turn, "°' any . DAILY PILOT~ JOH~fll(, ll,,U.l:PT>~ CHAD ,HOOVER,J,,T~~T . .R~C:E ' al· Ca" Roa~y .to Roll In ·Annual 'Pinewood Derlly ,. ' . . . . . ... Li,tjJe · W oo_den ·t;~r~·,Race · ' . ' . Lt Cubs'.·Pinewood :l)erh,- More . than I thousand liUle WOOdt.n cars will race down a Jong wooden rumiay · ib ·ieveral ' tie~'5 Saturday it HunUD!ll<ilt' &lrftr 'ln tilt-:1iniJiiat -Clib : Scout' PlrieWodd ~rtiy. · . t Cub ScOUts, f,000 to 'l,500 of them , from HunUngton Beach, Fountain'Valley · and ·Westminster Will tie· competing for &· portable television set, troPhies . and a flock of ribbons. . Preliminary races start at 10 a.m., .. ' Wllh the finals scbedulld for 1:30 ·p.m. A,11 ·regbl<t'ed Cab· Scouts In 1he three citlea ·mar·enter. , , · ,Hiin!inlton Beach C9ulicilm'li\I ·Jack · Gre<n'w1n ~the inta.i. T~prlze is a television · sel with trOphii:s · for second, tlltrd and .foiJrth .place winners. The derby features Uttle ~ven· incb- long wooden · ce.ri bulk by CUb Scout! and ihtir".fathers. Last year ttiere .were 500 entrants in the loc81 derby. The public -ii invited. · · ' Beach Punel to Block Putting Road in Park 0,, 'RUDI NIEDZlEUKT lo be lnalten of the malt.r plan!" °' .. """' , • .., ,,.,. Compounding the dimculty aurroUnding City reCreaUon and, . ~Jes com· Talbert Avenue is the po111bllity Utat missloners ~Y· dedded. to blocl: the city would have lo ~y the •l'e,deral ~;~n~enifHun';,~~!! CenAvl!ntrauel P·tbtougb 8 rk. · , lfooslng and Urban lleVelopmeiit (lllJD) •~ ..,.,..,..,,. .....-. agency beck a portion of a pork'devtlop- The conaensus ns that the 300 foot ment grant if the road were extended. wide road wauld disturb ~the sei'enity Much. of. the total park .concept Is of the •park environment · and ·that ·· a:irtlncent •on HUD funds. whkh '.cannot alternatives.lhould. be develaped to route be •used f~ purchlte of land on 1whicb traffic around the park, rather than roadWays are tO be, located. through It 'tlle commission • decision lo stand ~ Ir · , -. , .:; _ _. . dir" .. fii:m ,on .the Talbert .Avenue controversy • ue recommendaUoii st1111uli ID ect will be. forwarded to• the city council contradicUOn to a ~fr report calling for further action · - for the extension or Tillbert Avenue · to the Bolsa prqpertles, soon to be dfvtJ~ for ' bidUstrial and , residential · ~'t ~1 •• an~ tn the tlafflc , r.P.,:,. ~. show any altenm!Ves to 1tfU1," saRf O:im~r Tom Ccq>er. · -'a"'"'1 with Uie an:llltects that . the road noise would detraC! Ii-om the eqjoyment, of 1be park. 'A county master road plan calls , for the extensli*I 'of Talbert Av.nue, to tile Bolsa Chica area about one qu,arter mlle 'to the West ·for later Conl'lf'Ctlon ... with .the Colli Freewn. l'.eal'ful that blockage of the road w'"ld J-rdlze &aoolln• taxes the dly · recelyes, the staff recommended that the road J10 thl'Ollgh. ,\As 1 see it,' the cltluns have a clear cholce, '' salcf Commlasioner De!Wa ~en. '!Are we aoing, lo be al.aves of the mo'!ltr ,Plan or ore we ,,..,, r • Teacl,ie:rs to Ask '. Salary Increase .Teac!>en Tuesday will ask trustees o( the Hutlllngtm Beadl • un!On High ~I DlatJict for new aallrles ranging : fi:om 17.lOll to 111.117 fo;:,the 1171).lt adtool year. .The range • reprt$eJ'll an . ue Or I.I per cent at the lowe!!t llep and . ail increase ·of 13.7 per cent at .the hlghHt ltep when compared to the cur- rent $41-...to ft'3,700 acbedule. , ln 1ddltlon1 the $00.member Dlatrlct Educ:M«s Auoci.tlon (DEA) will . pro- -that IUbaUtute Jellcbtrs, ~ • paid a Oat 110 f>'!r hour than occOrdlng to rlteo COJDflllled'from tf>e ..rary~. of ,... astronauts think. you are put tO ~essary risks?" . "I never felt any re1lJc!a~ or that I was put to ariy unnecessary risks at all,"-Swigert replied. "Right now. if you were to ask me would 1 • go back mid fiy that service module, l certainly would." Lovell said any kind of flying ts somewhat risky. "We're pttpared to take that," he said during que.Uoning lftec Paine's testimony~ '.'We eipect that the large quantity ...r high quality of telemetered data received from the Apollo 13 !plCeCf'lfi at the time cl the accident will pennil a precise and early identllication ot the causes of the failure,.,. esplained Paine. '>-\' f '!be a!lminl>trator of the NaUonaf Aer'onautics and Space Administration cNASA), added, "The ozygen thermos nask belleved to be involved is a ftlative- ly simple c:omponeni aod correctivi' ~c: tion sl)ould not prove to be a major task. · "If this turns out to be the case, we should be able to move out promptly1 with the necessary alterations and ,prtr c~d with AP.Jllo 14. and subsequent flights 9n approximately the same" schedule we have presented before." Paine said President Nixon "fully shares this view -that Apollo 13'.s· troubles should not cause a cutback in the U.S. space program. · Paine said that~during 1 flight wilt\ Nixon to,H009lulu last Saturday to meet the returning astronauts,·, alter their splashdown In the Pacific th~ day before, Nl%on upresaed hia strong support, for "a vigorous ongoing U.S. space program,1 particularly in manried 1f110e flight." • Congress already baa indicated it feels1 the same. The 'Hwse '!111D'oday paued NASA's 197t budget, allowing the qaic)' more money than It requested. Orange Weather Spring Is barely here, but sum· mer weather 11 in store· for the Coast this weekend, with sunny skies and temperatures bn!!1king the 70-degree barrier. INS IDE TODA.:Y ·Maiiv smrktmm dre fakjftO adoan1<19e of a lo> bTeak for '1111 d"1uctlonl bv making QM<fav trips oocr Viet-nam. Page' J2l . ' .. ' .I DAILY ,ILOI H -Ckmente . . . -- PoliCe Get ,.- 'Nixon' Aid A i.,.e foderll .,..t <ii $99 711 to help San Cleinente's police d~nt lo -ty for Presldenl Nixon has won a_.i, Justice Depaslmt!nt,spokesmen aiaamcect late 'JburJday. ·• Thi -.. 1l'lllcll c:omJiPe . the flnt ol ""°'ly '.lllNt ud ~all yean ol ..,, We the IDo.t t.vef alveft to ar dly ol SQ c1....ie•a 1m. unclor the. ~ Department'• •program or local police ~nancial aid. TM mooey will be Uled, alpng with $47,541 In slate aid, to beef up the :14-111'11) department to . ~· another -.t, -·delectlves and •ix more pa-.. aJoor' wllll -equlpmenl and -..i henefils. Police Chief Clifford Murray today said ·ht waa "<>bvioua!Y pleased by lhe· grant •l'l"""'I· "bul 'Dooelhele11 We stlll haveniJoOncl Onoq1I qualified appllcanll to 011 the new politlons." ' Murray said that so far, a total of five men have applied for positions tn -the d~-New -·will probilblJ be -u they ..,.uty, "But we need many more applicant.I 1?tfore we can find the beJt qualified ..., fer the ·jobs," ht ad<led. TIMI federal lundl, -ted under a piaa called the "~ ci-te Si>edtJ Project" ore 111e l1nt of poaa!bty more than three years ol financtal ll"IDll under a faderal crime conlnll llw. But assurance of two mor. yean of fundlni c:anoot "'"' uuiil liter . thi. yeor after hllJ departmenl !Dea delllled reportl on the appUcaliom and ef· fectlv-ol the money, the chlif ulcf. "™" thlnp are tenuOUI from ,yelll'- fo.year and II'• bnpoaalble to predlcl if the federal . (OVOmmenl -1d ha•• -llh money In the budfel lo <:IJT1 the ldiu throuCh. We'll jul! ha.. to wait on 1lle ftll until Wt -for &ure,"·Murray Akt. · Over the projected lhr<e-year period planntn1 eallt for a total procrarn of $115,718.11 with COii t1w1n1 undor eeveral formula. -e atpecll ol 1lle total poenp Include equally mttcltlnl federal Ind cltj lundl. OthOrt d<loll lundf totally provided by the U.S. Government. 'lbt"ilran~ Jiill-"1callY, WU lpplled 1111' .. that 1lle federal govtnlllltllt could hllp pay for the obvtout hlch COiis ol provldbsf pollct protection for the a.Jef l!:xocutlvt durinl Ilia noldtnct in San Clemente. ·:tlo opeclfic fede-al prO'rislona call far an auk>mlUc -ol local pollce lat u..lr .lmporianl !Olt In l!tlJMc In Presldenllal aecurily. Mumy, alludillg lo Iba dtarlh ,o;f .,..ufllcl appllcanll. lald lll!IOuCb oaii ct .. eiil"e·i pay 'atruclllrt · Jar Piile~ pmonnel -Is "quite -C0111pll1Uve, tilt ... p1oy11 look beyond aJary alone." "Wt will try In 1lle comfol few yam to build I more tolld pension and frlngo- blndll procram. Thal'• wb1t will rulJy btlp ua flDd tbt belt mm, 11 he aaSd. ,....,. p ... J VOTERS ••• With Zl.2111 decllnlnl to atate their allesJance. 10nn&e Cont communlUes were 10lldly Repul>llcan wllll 111e excepUona of W~ where Democrala ou~ l1Jll11~ Republicans by 11,181 lo 1,1163 aDd 14 ,Alamitos where tht GOP fell behind the Democrals by 1,113 lo J,71!. Rei>ubll<lm u appoatd lo"IMll llemo-crall. ' . -C9ota Me.a, 11,9111 to 11,111: Foun- tain . valleY. uoa to uia: Huntlnilon Beacb; 111.057 to lt,OOI; Lquna Beach, 5;4»0 to 2,642. .Al/19 lbowlnl Republican maJorIUes fYfft o,itocr11a wvo: Newport 'aeach, 11,431 lo !,tn: San Clemente 1.m lo 2,1411; San Juan Caplatrano, l,OIO lo 611; and seot Beach 1,485lo1,841. Republlcana had 1 better than I lo I . td(e In th1 F1flh Supervlaol'lal Dlllrlcl Wltl> 71,'IU Hlldenls ngillerln1 11 Republlcant u oppoaed lo 4 $ , 11 I ljemoc:rall. . DAILY PILOT OINftl COAIT "'1LltMING COMPANY l•~•rt N. WtM ""' ....... ' Mil ""'*""" "'''· l. C111l1y Viet '"'1Wlt ollif ltlllr•I M...., "'"''' ••••II ••1• '1MM11 A. M11rplil111 M•N\lril ldllOI' Alb1rt W. l1t1• AP«ll" Edrtw Hll9tt .......... Offlc• 11a1s l111h .. \ll1JV1rd M1ill11t ~'"" P.O. ka ffO. tl641 --... ...,,. l1Kfl: t1:t 11-.1 A- Whl M-1 tit W.lt ..., JINIT ....,..,, lllVU 21'11 'Wnl l1lllOI leu~ .... CS-1:91 • IWIPI 11 tan\lrle ... , -. . .rlEc._..·~~=-~c~a~~-~: .. Jv~-.fft'~e~Jt!;B~l~t~~ .. ~-;;.;-..... ""~·~~..;:;.r: id3\es ' majority of the 11ven.man coundl wu -to elecl • .._, ·aod llloll ~ tlMn Wal a M-1 Wte 1lle perlOll wllh -votea would not necessarily be eltcled. There would be a runoff belween the nominees with· two votes apiece and then the winner would ~ in a runoff with the man who htd received three -·· 'lbiJ sttuation almost arose in the voting and ,lodaY Ted Barllell agreed that he made a key chalige In hia vole on.the foorth tiall!>t when Shipley, McCracken and Green were in the race. '''I swttched from ~acken to Shipley to break the deadlock,'' he said. That b:.llot came out Green 3, Shipley 3, and Mccracken 1, and Shiple) won on the next count. If Bartlett had stayed with McCracken it would have been 3, 2. 2 wltb Shipley and McCracken running off to meet Green. BarUett .said he found the city's at- torney'• reeolutioo uvery ambiguous" but that he dld not dl.ange bis vote out ol confusJdll. "I fUlt went that way." The introduction of the resollrtion fai,s.. ed three questions: -Why was it submitted? -Who asked for it to be submitted? -Why WU it; IUbmiUed •t the last minute? City clerk Paul Jones said that he foresaw the possibility of. a 3-2-J 'Situatloti and that be mentioned II lo Bonfa Tuet- day afternoon. "Th.is I.bing came up tvro years ago and '\'e realize that there was no pro- vision for a runoff between the lower two nominees. That night the attorney made a ruling on the spot and mentioned this to Boilfa so he would be prepared." Jones denied that any councilmen rais- ed he possibility with blm. "I have been through thJs thing before, I have to wet.ch all the factors,'' be explained .. 'l1ie city clerk said that he, loo, did not know Bonfa would actually rewrite GOP ' I . ' In Hard Debate Twt> Republicans who want the state Au.orney General's job and deputies cl two other GOP aspirants for Tbomu J. Lyndt's coveted post convinced ·a Balboa Yacht Club audience 'J'.buraday night tbal they had at lwt one lblng in commoo besides their pollllcal af. fillation : The burning belief ol each tbal be was, by far, the best man for thtjob. State senator John L. Harmer (R..Clen· dale) and Reagan aide Spencer Williams delivered hard-hitting campaign speeches at the debate hosted by the Newport Harbor Chapter of the California Federa· tion of Republican Women. Plncbhitting for Los Angeles County District Attorney . Special Policy On Insurance For HS Out ' A 1pecial 1nsurance policy covering the ·' Evelle J. Younger and state Senator· George Deukmejlan (JI.Lone Beach)' were repsectlvely, Newport Beileh' at~) torney Robert S. "Sam" Barnes and · Fullerton attorney William Da~eyer. ·•. Harmer drew what •ppeared to be the Ovation of the evening wiUi'·a searing ' condemnation of camplil rioters, striking employes of the Lot ~Angeles school dislrlcl "and all thqse who flout lhe ' law beeause the law allows them to' do so." He called for the firing of the Los Angeles teaM~rs "who continue to defy orders of the court" and be urg~ Orangt , County voters to 0 cast yout-votes for those candidates who will take,immediatf_ and active steps against the er.rant judiciary. . "It is time for us to. talk about the f5upremacy of the law and to expect those judgea whom we appoiqt to ensure tha1 those who breach our Jaws pay for the.it transgressions," Hanner said. Deparlt!-fes . Made From Piirk Plans In Huntington 1JllllliJ111on Beach llllkln H1Ch Scbool Dlstric.t-.tn catutrophJc emergencies bu been_.-caoceled because some district buil~s do not comply wUh state earthquake safety standards. Specifically rtferred to is Huntington Several departures from ·~e· architec· Be~ch HJgb School. Th~ school's. old audi· tural concepts . for the Huntingto_n C_en. tonum &J'.ld classtoom wing doe1 not meet . . teal Park were initiated by recreation ~1J~rfl!len~ as prtscrlbed by the and parks coalniissioners Tburlday, m.: The United .. states Flrt· ·Insurance eluding reten~on of an exlsling police , the old ruin. "I just wanted him to be prepared. When K came through -I had io keep some d. the girls here ' on overtime to type it up. There was no time to show it to councilmen." policy covered the dlltrlct up to SS shooting 'range. million In the event of an earthquake or 'The range, cdnstructed, by the · HUnt- DAll.Y PIL.01' lllff ...... Might" Mike Strikes Vinblge plle driver slams lJO.foot pol11 Into ground as part o! founda- tion work under way for new St. Bonaventure Catholic Church at comer o! Hell Avenue and Springdale Street In Huntington Beach. The 11(1.fool rue clriver bits poles with eG,000.pc!und wallop and It takes five to elgh minutes to clriva »loot pole lnlo th• lfOWld, More than 70 pol11 are being used. Mes.ai's Son Free on Bail ~nomr In Frozen Food Swindle The aileted mulermlnd of a frozen food ftlll!ldnl butteo .di.me, which &1gn. ed up more than 200-Orange County families for $136,000 in cold cash and failed to fully dellvtr, i1 free on bail today. His father, or Costa Mesa, and two other men also arrested 1\Jursday on complalnla ilaued by Orilltti County · Dlslrlcl Attorney Cecil•A.'Hlck• remain jailed l"!llf In lieu of 112,llOO bali e1Ch. Naii>lcl on ·charlH ol conaplracy and gnnd · lhili art William J. Wooll, 53, of I01' Walllct Ave., Cotta Meta, hllJ s0n PblWp F .. Wooll, SI, ol Nor11! Jiolly';'qoCI, Harold B. M..,.y, ~. of Aftahebn, and John M. Tumtr Jr., IO, of Glendale. Phillip Wooll posted bail 'I'buraday. The men have not been arraigned yet and preliminary hearilljs will be Heyerdahl Will Sail S A F I , Morocco (UPI) -Norw11ian explorer Thor Heyerdahl ea.id today he will try again May 2 to sail acrou .tht AUanilc in a papyrus boat, using a new aaft built by South American Indians. HeyerdabJ tried and failed a year ago to ..Uthe reed bolt "Ra" from Morocco to MexJco'1 Yucatan Peninsula in an at-- tempi lo show lhe ancient Etyptlans could have mtde tuch a voyage ln boats made of pepyrua lone before Columbua. set when they •-r In COljfl lo bt read the charae• aa•inlt them\ Dl!triel Attorney !Ucki-.ald·lhe-opera· lion involved contracts with a business tilled Fllllily Plln, Coosumer Affiliates Corporation or Consumera' Services . He cbar10!d lhll aalesmeu algned up more than 200 families for time payment programs promising 860 pounds of frozen meat and other product• far a "82: fee. Conlr1cta blndinc 111e· viclima lo that - amount plua interest ·....,. then alltpdly · sold to Liberty Loan Company ol Anahtlm, wbere de~ndant Muaey II the manapr •. Hlckl Wd a frozen food auppller wu then hlred to deliver the 1o0d1 lo lhe customers, but charged they only rectiv· ed 300 pound• of foodlluffs. District Attome)!'s investigator Ray Miller alleged today that young Wooll is believed to have masterminded the food bllklnl sche..,. Massey was charged in a criminal complaint with one count of conspiracy and three counts of grand theft. The other three atleaed principals nam- ed tri complaints laued by Judp Waller Smith, of Central Orange County Judicial District Court face one count of con- spiracy and four of arand theft. tnvestigaton Aid meat oflertd In tho alleged homeowner bilking operaUon was dellveffii by an lqdependent ouppller wllhoul connec:Uon to !lie criminal 1cll chaJ'led. ' Art Show Ends OV School Kids' Creativity Seen The curtain came down Thursday night on one of the most ambitious enterpri1e1 Jn public educaUon -a public showing of creative works by each one of 14,000 students In the Oce1n View School Dis· trict. The block ton1 Huntllllton Center mall wu pecked with art objecll, creattve Wl'IUng pieces, science and soclal sclence projoels proudly placed there by studenls for everyone to see. Add!Uonally, there were varloua live performances by b a n d s , orchestra, choruses and cbnct groups from the dis· trlct's 22 schools. The dilplaya ranged rrom the tlmplest klndercarten "work of art" -tin can lidl of varying 1lte1 nailed to a woodtn block -' to lhe mott com-plex of science projectl. sueh as making paper from Huntington Btach trtts. Hundreds of passersb.}' marvtled 1t ' lhe works wroughl by 1lle elementary school kids, including one elderly woman. who Thursday said to her hutband, "Look, that'• what the kids 1re dolna in school theae days. It'• kinda nice.". The IOllM&y show "" planned ID CoD-Juncllon with PubUc Schools Week Ind was lnlended to show people who rarely v~ll cluarooma wbal tbelr chlldnn wtre being laUflh~ ICCcnllni lo Diii. Supl. Clarence Hall. 0 In my experience I have neVtr nen an tducatlonal festivaJ of either this mac· nitude or one done Wfth auch clata and organt1.atlnn," st 1ald. "Officially lt was to recognize PubUc Sch~ls Week but more accurately It served to recognize the outst1ndtnl work by the students and teacben ol the Ocean View School Dlstrlcl. "ft was an ucldng opportunity for them to get some recognition f0r whit they were_ dolng." • McCracken also agreed that the resolu. lion surprised him. "It was very difficult to understand at the last minute." McCracken added, however, that he was not surprised that there were three nominations. "I just expected to see Shipley nominated for the first ballot," he said. Aboienlions by l\lrs. Glbbt Oil the f~st th:-ee ballots created the deadlock between Green and McCracken aOO led tG the reopening of nominations and Shipley' I final Viclory. Burke to Open , League Season \ Slate Auemblyman Robert Burke (JI. Hunllnllon Beach) will throw out Ille flnt ball Saturd1y et opening day cere- monies of the Golden West Pooy Ltague htaeball ........ He11 lake lo the pitcher'• mound al I p.m. on the newly dedicated field at 10300 E1U1 Ave., Fountain Valley. After Burke'• toss and Introduction of city officl8ll and local high school coach· es, two pony leape teams wUI clash in the aeuon's lnlUal contest. Golden.Weit Pony Le1gue serves more than 140 boys 11e1 lS.14 Uvlng In Hunt· incton Beach, Fountain Valley and parte of W eltmlnster. other catastrophe. . . , lngton Beach Police Officers AssOciation Attempts by the d1str1ct'1 broker, Jones Gillespie & Goppert, Inc. to place th9 near Talbert Avenue an~ Golden W~ insurance with another firm bAve been Street, w1D remain since 1t would not bl unsueassful so far . economically feasible to relocate it, District administrators have uked the ccnnmissioners decided. County ~unsel for an opiDJoo to Alt.hough architects had recommend· determine 1f the Wurance company was d .. h -1.. f h t' within its contract rights in canceling of e P asing _ou 0 t e prac ic:e ~rea to h · preserve quietness, the comm1ss1on ac- t e insurance. tlon was based on an "iron clad" lease the association has on the property for Beach's Edison Gets Dedicated More than t,Ooo studerlt. parents ~nd ' school personnel Thursday night packed tbe Ed1aon High School tymnaslwn lo wllnt11 the dedlcaUon of their !chool, the newest in the 52-lquaie mile Hunt. · intlon Beach Union High Schoo( Dlatrld. The buildings were turned over to Matthew Wer.uker, chalrm1n of the diltrtct'e: board of trustees by architecta Neptune and Thomas in a 1hort cere- mony. Guest 1peaker for the occasion wu Robert S. Lawrence, UCI Dun of Stir dent Per1onnel. Addresses were also giv- en by Weyuker, DIJt. Supt. Max Forney, and Edison Principal Ernest Pascoe. Music was played by the Chargers' band and orchestra to a special per- formance of the school drill team. An open house followed the fonnali· ties. the next 10 years. In addition, the police officers say~ they have already invested $150,000 in the project, which would be opened for public use at a later date. Commissioner Dennis Mangers reluc· tan~y endorse,J tb.e . decilliop, all~glns thal the llSO,O® figure ls "'tro"ly ov ... inflated." 1'Pbifosphically, I am a1 muCh opposed to guns in the park as I am t!J automobiles iJj the park." ·A police helicopter port, also located on the part property, will ;emlin ·t• the time being until I~ becomes com. pletely incompaUble with the part con· cept, according to commiuioners. Then they will ask for Jts removal. Another dealgn change which received the commission'• nod of approvll ls the' temporary shelving of a '360.000 com: munlty center to allow .use of the monef for quicker development of the Initial phase of the park. The commission also asked that tome study be given to proposed parkin& areas within the park itself, parilcularly in the area proposed to serve the lake· side community center, boat rentala and amphithe,ter. OFFICER'S CHEST COLLECTION ,• FOR THE UNUSUAL IN QUALITY AND STYLE, LOOK TO HENREDON. OFRCER'S CHEST COLLEC- TION FEATURES A LARGE SELECTION OF LIVING, DIN. ING AND BEDROOM PIECES TO SPICE ANY ROOM. AVAILABLE IN SEVERAL EX • CITING AND DIFFERENT FINISHES. ' STOP IN TODA YI ly HENREDON DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE 7NI• NEWPORT llACH 1727 w .. tcllff Dr., 6'2·2050 D~IN. FRIDAY 'TlL 9 I INTERIORS Prof111ional Interior LAGUNA BEACH Dttlgnera AYa!labl ..... AID 345 North Coat! Hwy. 494-6551 -t.a -M.., of -OPIN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 -·-c.., ..... 1161 --. . . . ., .. " " ' I 'I I I r _, -; The envtronmenlal doctor, a man who will dlqnooe, prescribe for and ~lly an OW"~~ 119,llutio~ Pf0blem,'1wa.s deacribel tOS~ci C.lli1fl'studeJ>ts Wednesday on Elllth Day. Addressing a huge outdoor audience on , a• bright sunny amog fr~ day WfS Dr, WillaJ;d, Frank Llliby, IMO Nobel plize -bi c110m1stry who dhcoverec1 c.arbcin II used bi dattiig plants and animtls and who with a colleague is now developing the idea of the en· vJ'onmeotal doctor. ;'Society is ,finally coming to realize ,t.ba.( good ma,nners art essential. Pollu· t.\00 of the environment Is becon}ing uuiver.sally frowned upon whether jt be from a belching smoke stack,' bus •or car,'-'·saj.d Dr. Ubby. ".We are frowntne on the destruct.ion o( our landscape and oUr delicately Oalanced eqilogies. Why wlis this allowed U) happen! Because or our ignorance . ol the comequenCfls. '"In cerlafu situatioos we are so Jocked • 1• • In 11..i we ha" no COW'M bi lllfe for a wbOe but~tbat of our OWi datruc- tlon," ·But he said there are two de.finite steps io take ·to reverse the pattern ,or~.(' 'l\e flnt Is thnl!laJi ..... rcb ""'f•ams wbtre scientists are uow a~ptiac to <il19>Yer the nature of pollution j>roblems, wbere they come from and . what 1hg do 10 that this knowledge CID be ~ veyed lo the. public. nae second la it Mlis ~ moment just a -1 but Dr. Llblly feils It would, be most etfectlve. "We ne.d. a profeuional whose job It is .lo~ Qie .. -t. Someone who can tell us what doublllljl the car• in the lo' basin 1'ill do. "H•'.will be an envlr\lllil01¥,ol-'d<tclo\', a man who 'f!U do for tile '""11tllment what an MD does for bultll "' ~ • ' "We nee<I an generalist who is familiar with subjects from .. Jiology t o meteorotogy, from tht earth Sciences lo· the social SC~ wiUt tome publlC- beaJth and medicihe included. H~ would have a total ol seven majors. . .. I ' " ' . "At Orff, \~e thought maybe no one could learn that much . But we propose lo lry and find out." Dr. Libby described the cwrk:ulum to be set up at . UCLA, where he is professor, which will produce a doctors degree which is not a PbD but a degree analogous lo an MD. The student will take three years of graduate work at UCLA studylng aeven majors plus a hall doan cot~ eot.U'BeS which will concentrate on the appUcaUon o( their knowkdge and will test their problem ioMng abilities. He wQUld next spend two y~ •"in- ternship" in tbe field, working with various government agencies and in· dustries and rat the end of the five years he will receive his degree as doc.tor of .envirorimental scieoce and engineering. Who would want to hire them ? "Any goveljlment official who has to m.i!.ke a major decision on something . involving environment," answered' Dr. LlbbY, "OI' an induslry who miihl be develoeini a new product." • Flldly, Aptll 24, 1970 H OAl~Y ,.LOf I ' -II ¥ • U.S.-· ·Pollntion?i ' • j ,. "For example, aomeone could havo come to the avlronmental doctor and asked what wlll the aipenonlc tran1pqrt' do to the weather? '1'1is ls not a lilly qu estion. The authorization for the transport has already proceeded almost to finality wtthOUt .th,is quesUon being asked.'' .• Dr. Libby explained lhe.' pr;.,... thz;oogh which lhe·new ltaniparl,.which wiil be flying l\i the stratoopbere, would double1he waler·-In the air. • ''Tfila me&n1 that the b1ih tra~luctnt clouds io the straloapbfl 1'0Uld "' ln-cr....,ci and the' 1111"'1 ol,oollghj 8Ub•tan- tlally decr~sed.'" he said,~addlog, "We might get cold." He s!ressed , the problem w 11 h supersonlc trans.ports as a prime ex· ample of why the · environmental doctor is needed. "He will be a generalist ~ul he will know who all 'the specialists are so · that be can answer all the q\JesUons that. will be asked. He will then h'ave to develop a code of ethics to liy the facts on the table objectively." . . • Nixon Labels CombOdia War , An 'Invasion~ DAILY ,ILOT Sl•H ....... W ~~INqTON (UPI) -Th e While House declare:d· today Cambodia was the victim of a "forelgp l~vasion," sayin"g that fighting there "cannot be con· sidered" a civiJ. war. (Cambodia details, Page 4). -, Pre4<1enl Nlxon:s pr~· secretary, Ronald L. Ziegler, said the chief ex. ecutive was "striously concerned" about the J)(eSence 'of 40,pop NOrt'.b Vletniqnese , • -DAILY l"ILOT 1"~11t llo'f l"llMll MlllM 'WE NEED·PROFESSIONALS TO PROTECT ENVIRONMENT' 'Nobel Prl1:e Winner Ll"y Spe1k1 at SaddlebaclC College . • troops jn .CambodJl'..'po<I 'still ~ad under s 1 h ~1en:e~~rt.!~~~4\<l'fo: ymp·. o.,·ny·. Picks Off. icerQ ·~ mllita .~. .,, q Zieg~ ctw.rac\erlzed activity of North 1 Vietname.e t ancl_" Viet Cong ·forces as Thomas J . Winget of.Dana Point hu symphony orchestris today." ~~ ''a foreign invasiqn~oC A neutral country been elected president of the Symphony He did not comment on the fact that a " which cannot be considered in any way Associ.atlon or Orange County. shortage of funds compelled the assocla1, a pretense of a civil war ." )'inget, who is president or Ole M'wfon lion to abandon its 196t-70 music SUIOl\·c Zie1ger was unable to Identify the Bank of El Toro, was apPolnted thl1 Wbek in the early stages of that ~am. :. source of suggestion that it was a civil In an organlzaUonal reshuffle that ' bas Serving With Winget on the bOard fl'· CANDIDATE UNRUH GETS IN A FEW LICKS (AND TAKES A COUPLE ) AT ORANGE COAST COLLEGE Hammer Thrower Ta1111 Monkey Wrench Into Introduction of Democratic A111mblym1n war. placed 10 Orange Coast residents on the directors of the Symphony Assoclation He was unable to say when Nixon 111us1cal group's bOard of directors. of Orange County will be: ~ wollld make a decision on the Cambodian Winget took over ~om outgolng pre11-Conrad Sloop and Dr. William Teepe,.. appeal. At the same-time he denied dent Duffern H. Helsing of Mission Viejo of Huntington Beach; Winget, Patrick ' Israeli Bombe·rs Raid ' . ' 'I· ., :• . Egypt, Jordan, Syria · 'By United Prtn lnierDIUonal bases 1n Jordan, south or the. Dead , F'Or"tbe first time since the' 1987 Mldd1e Sea. Eut War, Israeli jets today launched air The Tel Aviv spokesman announced •ltacb irt a single day on Egypt, Jordan a l'8l~ on a Syrian military P,Ositloo apd Syria, a 'military @Ollesman annolu~ . Jn the soolhern. Golan ·Heights· lfhere ctd>-in-Tel-Aviv..--• -Syrian"" troops 'I1n1rsday ambushtd \)vo :Military sources said the multiple air Israeli' civilian can:, killihg two ej.vilians · ~ were yet another. sign of the and wounding five ~othen:. J eScalation of the undeclared war in the ,The ~kesman said the Syfians ..who Middle East: Egypt also has greatly staged -tht..ambush ti:uring. the Pacsover stepped up its air activity in the past Holidays retreated to lhe Rafid area week. 15r.miJea ,southeast of Quneitra and that 'n1e spokesman said Israeli warplanes the jets s'truck there today. attacked Egyptian posjlioos along the He said the Jordanian bases hit this Suez Canal, launched four raids against afternoon were near Tafila, 20 miles Arab guerrilla bases in Jordan and southea'st of the Dead Sea, and at blasted a Syrian military position. Shaubak, 40 miles southeast of the Dead Jordan reported five civilians were Sea. He said Arab guerrillas from the killed in the raids which struck w.ithi.n area had hit Israeli settlements; near 1$ miles of Amman, inchMling four the cease-fire line. members of a family killed when their YM>lence also was reported ift the OC· farmhouse was destroyed. Jordan also copied Gaza Strip. A guerrilla hurled reported a 10-minute artillery and tank a hand grenade at an Israeli civilian batUe midway between the Dead Sea car in Gaza Town. The grenade bouoced ind the Sea of Galilee. off the .roof and exploded in the road .. Israel said its planes struck Egyptian wounding three Arabs. There were U)ree positions along the canal for 90 minutes similar attacks lhere Thursday. • " this morning and hit guerrilla bases An announcement fr~ Tel Aviv tenn· at Salt and Deir Alla, northwest of ed the raids into Jordah reprisal strike~ Amman. aglinst Arab guerrilla camps used fo In the afternoon the Israelis carried fcn,ys iitto rsriel. Jcirilan said the den ' out two more· raids a1.mst IJJ"'rlll• included two small girls and their father • Car Wreck Takes Lives . Of Herb · Shriner, Wife DELRAY BEACH. Fla. (UPI) Homespun televisiOn comedian Herb ~and hi! wife were .killed 'Illuhday nlcht when their vintage sports car • veered out or control and·s}ammed into ,...palm tree. ' ' ~iner, whose dry wit a n d "Shrinerisms" made him a television hit-.in the 1950s, was returning to his Fort ... Lauderdale home •from · a perfonnance at West Palm Beactl when his car went out of control on U.S. · Highway One in the heart ol DeJray Beach. Sfriner, whose real name was Herbert Arthur Schriner, was 51. Hb wife, Eileen. wu f,S, Both were dead on arrival at tile Bethesda Memorial Hospital 'in nearby lloynlon ll<ach. "There Was no indk:aUOn of improper drtving," a spokesman for the Delray Beach Police Departmenl reported.' ·Pofice said Shriner was an antique e11r collector and wa1 driving a restored 1963 Studebaker Aventl sports car at the time ol the accident. Police seld Shrintr'1 car was heading IOUUI ' on U.S. One and suddenly veertd ltft, Cl'08seci several lanes and slammed Into a palm tree in a semi-ruldenlial area aeveral bkicks from the downtown bcniQess dl.llri<t: DIES lfl CAR WRECK HGNI.r .Herb Shrlnor Unruh Greeted With Questions· At 'Ott T~Dr' 1 By STEVE MITCHELL OI tM o.NJ l"l)lf ll•tf Gubernatorial candidate Jess Unruh received u unusual introduction belore he '!lpoie to about SOO Orwe 6tast College students and faculty members on the Gosta Me!a 'Campus Thursday afiernoob. -' ~,.., .. ' .. . Th) Assemblyman arrived at OCC a half hour Ja,te,' striding briskly to the Spee.ch area. · . He was introduced to the college au- dience by Edward Burke, assistant pro- fessor or history at OCC. Burke began his hittoc:tUCUon with a quesUon. "\'(here We.re you when the Assembly voiod• OILa bill requE'illg the slate Lands Com)nlui!>!I tq h<ild public heMing• before grutlng a pennit for oil rand gas swyeys," Burke asked. He also pted Unruh (0:.lngJewood), to explain whr he, had not voted on several conservation and ecolOgicaJ bills in the assemily. Unruh, unruffled, approached the podium and sakl, ''What do you say to an introductlo11 like that?" The audience laughed. · Unruh then asserted that he has io- Hiated many environmE!nt oriented bills as an assemblyman and pointing to Burke, said, "The ma• who i"troduced me must have been on a trip durin1 the last few years." "Where was be when I initialed the beach and park act. J organized the first smof • .control le~lation in this stete, the CW'l'elJt water poULltion legisla- tion and the present smog control legisla- tion." Whew asked about the campaign of his chief rival for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination, Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty, Unruh replied, "I'm not sure where Yorty stands -. mostly on airplanes I would imagine," referring to Yorty's frequent trips out of California. Unruh discuued briefly his sta"d on higher educaU01 in California, saying, "I don 't believe fifteen millionaires and eight politicians can fairly represent the California education system on the Board of Regents." "If everyone in the stale felt that he owned a piece or the University, then there would be more support for the University," Ul!J'Uh coficludcd his speech by staling that be believes abortion ii "up to the conscience of the woman involved -not state legislators." This remark brought the fint real applause from the audience and on that note, Umh departed. . . ' Hickel. Quells Fears ·or Alaskan Pipeline reports from Phnom Penh that already "'ith the comment that one of the prime Backus, Mrs. Robert Hillis and Mr. and~ approved arms shipments to Cambodia lluties of his administration wlll .be to Pt1rs. ~Hugh ScaUon of Dana Point; St lncludtd American munt!ions as well ""maintain a permanently establi~_Stanley Chapman Jr. of Corona del Mir as captured Russian type AK47 automatic symphony orchestra in Orange Co\!nty." , and DUffern H. Hebing of Mlaa:ion VJejO.t1 rines. Winget, who is also a mem~r o/ the The first action of the new ,boaJ'd was . board of educa,tion of the Capistrano Uni-' to retain an admlnlstrattve comul~nt i "'Ille l'!tesidenl Is of course watching lied School D~trict, noted·thlll Iha OCS~ ' through Arts Unlimlted•of Seattle, Wasli'. the !litualtkm ll'ld folloWing it olosely," closedttscurrentyear"wlthno-flfeclal • Thi consuliant will take up Ma Or'anll l 1 _z_ie"-gl_er_••_ld_. __________ ._de_fi;,.ci,,,·~'--an-:..a~chl:..•_•:..•m.....:.en:..t_rare,__· am:.·::..':..":.•-"-9.ol=•::IY:..du=tfes""-' 11,.n:..Ma.:::.Y:..· __ , ___ _.,\ ! I " ' Earlv al)artment dwellers had to live with flames .. .You .don't in an all-electric apartment ' • ' I . Step im:ide any all~lectric Medallion the clean, frrsh look of the draperies Apartment. You11 set why they're set-ind t6e upholucry. That's because ting the trend. Notice how the • electric: heat is clean heat. kitchen gleams. Why 1 Because ', Now the bathroom. Tum there arc no by-products of on the water tap. Note how combustion to dirty walls the electric waier heater gives and windows. No oppressive · • you hot. water-right now. kitchen heat, either. Electricity heats Enter the bedroom. Set the separate the.food-not the kitchen . heat dial? You can only have room- Walk into the living room. Notice by.room temperature.control If it's e(octric. Many Modalllon Apa-, also provide electric air conditioni111 •• Tho rentl Like Medallio'n'Homa, • Medallion Apartments art al$0 aftil.. able in all prl~ ranges. You an."' why more people arecboosing to tlvt: the good clc.n life-cloctl'ICllly. s .... 1!!11!. Southern C.llforRi1 Edi- • ' ! 1 JUNEAU, Alaska CAP) -Secretary of the h1terior Walter J . Hickel, told a joint. session ·of the Alaska 1e1i1lature ~y construction ol a trans-Alaaka oil pipeline will not damage the en- ~ronmenl. • · !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'- t· , ., .. I I, .. I I ' • ' H I Health. Education and Welfare Secretary Robort Flnclt told an au· diance that the government bad been !tying to come uP wl·th a con· tracepUve for men but that the only effecUve-Jnethod found so far was '1televising sports 24 hours a day.'' Finch also confided that be was so naive when be first took Qf· lice that. "I thought cyclamates nlde ·around with the Hell's An· gels.•• : . . S.ndr• ·aontley ol Southport, England made a solemn vow when she got ma(ried Wednesday to take second place to her husband's mo- tilrcycle. Her husband, said he made His wife swear on a motQrqcle .'ll!rvlce manual that bis obligations ti> bis cycle gang came before her. '. .. The Interior Deportme-nt ob- ttrwd Earth Day Wf'!dntlday by eliminating pollution -from a bureau titlt. The Fe~rol Wattr PoUution Control Adm.fniltration ii now tM Federal Water QuaUt11 A_!lminiltration. • Mineworker Gerald Grace, of fltrensall, England, always wanted to try his Juck on an army assault c\>urse. He _got the chance Wednes- day, when bis wife arranged for him to spend the day al the 'strensall Army COIJlp as a sll)'prise 30th birthday present · · " . 1. Earl W. Lawitzkt of PMtland, Qrigon, holds family pet, "Heidi". The b:lack cat if credittd with sauing the lites of tht family Wtdnesday whtn t~ family car ccrught fire in tht gar· a~c and threattntd to burn the houte dOton. The Cat's loud meowing woke t~ up and they escaped tht blaze. Tlt-e car toa1 a· tot4! loss but 11ou can't convince the Lmoitikt'1 that ~lack ~I< are bad luck •• 'A judge Wednesday found Frank Crom, of Nottingham, England, gWJty of assaulung neighbor Ger- tiude Harrison, by emptying a ~ar bf,ge can over her bead. He said Ile fact the can contained 30 empty cllt food -cans with sharp edges made it a case of serious assauJt all<! ordered him to pay her $84 ~ages. .. , .. • I • • F tlday, Alltll 24, 19/ 0 . . -Draft Abolition Dim?-LA Teacliet '. . . l Plans Get 'Cokl Shoulder' in Congress PiCketLines GetSupport WASHINGTON (AP) -Pr!tident Nix· on's plan to abollsb the draft baa drawn a cold reCepUon ftom key members of Congress, and prOIJleCll for early clearance <t lUJ pnll)Cliil lo aboU.b col· ltge dde!""nts are In doub~ . AlthouCI" tile college ex&mplion plan set for1h by the Presldenl Thursday was promi&,ed an early hearing in the Senate, House Armed Services Com· 'nUttee Oialrman L. Mendel Rivers (0. S.C.), said he planned no action on draft reform this year, .only a review. NllOfl uked the authority 1o end educa· tional · exemptiw ln a message to Congress and announced he w a s abolishing on bia own future occupational, agriCU:ltural and parental defermeni.,. Only the studeet de!ennents requlre con· gressional approval. At the same time Nixon annQUnced a plan ID begin phasin( wt the draft in July 1971, when the draft law expires . ·~ .'Had a woriderlal dream laat riight. Dreamed Cotigreuman Ford wcu itp before me.• Impeach Douglas Move Si~etracked By Rules Panel WASHINGTON (AP) -Chairman William M. Colmer, (!).Miss.,) of the House Rul~ Committee sidetracked to- day· for 60 days a bipartisan resoliitloa calllng for a study of impeachment pro. ceedin@ against Supreme Court JusUce H o. Doaglas. , said he would not program · lution for immediate heariJlgs since the House Judiciary Committee haS promised action on an imi)eachriient le$lluUon of its own within 80 days. · This actio1 was regarded as a setback for the 112 House sponsors of the study resolution introduced after Republican Leader Gerald R. Ford of Michigan called for impeachment proceedi,ags. · Colmer noted that the House now Is confronted with two resolutions -one before his committee to set up a group wbicli would study charges against Douglas and the impeachment reeolutioa before the Judiciary Committee. -'·· GOP Leader Attacks Carsw.ell Candidacy . WASHINGTON (AP) -Republican National Chaltmin Riwen C. B. Morton bu denounced as ''unconscionable" the tactics whlch b<ought Judge G. Harrold Carswell into the U.S. Se111te campaign in Florida. His angry remarks, at a social gather- ing, were unusual Co: •·party chairman who uaually stands neutral lo a primary race. They were direcled at ·Florida Gov. Claude Kirk and Sen. Edward J, Gurney. (ft.Fla.), wbo talked Canwell, njected for the U.S. Suprome Court by the Sen- ate, illlo entering the race. and 1hift to ao all -volunteer army. Jolin c. Stenn!J (1).Mw. ), chairman • of the Senate Armed ServJces.Commlttee. • said he does not think ·an end to the draft "la in the realm 'of •reality for several years to come" even after tile end of the Vietnam war. , "We shoold just forgd the idea that the draft could he elimlnaled or suspend- ed until that war is well over," Stennis said. The draft will be needed after that, he said, to prevent shortages for particular leadership and special skill slots. Rivers said aboli5bing the draft might be an ideal and a goal to work for but "I can't see any way to do it now." Under current regulations, J .8 million students hold deferments, workers with agricultural exemptions total 23,000 and about 4 million men are deferred because ol dependents, altboogh not all of them because they are fathers. Other defennents have been Issued to school teachers, critical defense employee aq,d police and firemen. Rep. F. Edward Hebert (!).La.), chairman of the House dra~ sub-· committee said any a·ction In Congress · this election year would "invite disaster" by opening a pandora'a box of wholesale, political draft overhaul. · But Stennis asid he favors gMng Nixon some diserettonary autohrity to end col- lege deferments. Stennis said however." certain medical and science student deferments must be continued. Hebert said Ni.ton could sidestep Congress on the exemptions through a loophole in the law that permits him to abolish college deferments on Jljs own by ruling the armed forces: needs require tbe action. But a White House aide said use of the loophole bad been considered and rejected. Adam ft•p• LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Nonteochlng employes toda'y joined striking teachers oo picket lines in a move wtUch further crippled the nsUon'a second lar&esl school district. Members of Local 99 of the service Eroployes International Union, which represents about 5,IX)O of the district's 17,000 custodians, gardeners, bus a~ truck drivers and food service workers: stayed off their jobs to protest proposed job cutbacks by the·board of e(lucation. The Service Employes Union member!: voled 3-Z to alrlke Wedl\<Sday night aJlll'. as they prepared for their walkout Thurs- day, striking, teachers and the school board moved ck>5er to a settlement. Cambodians Battle Reds; ~ake Neighborly Move~ Rep. Adam Clayton Powell (D- N.Y.) revealed Thursday that 12 congressmen had met wiih Secretary o( Defense Melvin Laird and other Pentagon of- ficials to discuss race discrimi- n~tion in the anned forces. Powell said the group met with Laird because "we got ab- solutely nowhere ... referripg our complaints in the Penta· gon.'' . . Formosa Uader The United Teachers Of Los Angeles and the school board agreed on an outside mediator who will attempt to end the Jo.day walkout. ·Benjamin Aaron, professor Of Jaw at UCJ,.A and a former president of the National Academy of Arb i trators , scheduled talks between the two grqups following his selfCUon . Arthur Anderaoo, deputy s c h o o 1 s superintendent, said in making the an· nouncement that he was Confident the scl)ool districf was ''moving"in the ri~t. direction" but he doubted if a settlemenr could be worked out before the middle of next week. PHNOM PENH (UPI) -The Cam· bodlan government, battling for survival agaillst 40,000 Viel Cong and North Viet- namese troops, took steps today to im· prove relat~ns With_ neighboring Thailand and South Vietnam, themselves threaten- ed by Communists. The military sJtuatlon re m a I n e d serious. Tbe Viet Cong have cut Phnom Penh off from the eastern provinces aaH moved into the Takeo sector 48 miles aoutb of Phnom Penh, cutting oil, the c1pital from the big port of Slhanoukvllle ID the south. The Carn· bodians were LigbU..g to restore oom- munfcaUons. _ _ Prince Noroclom Sihanouk-, the ousted chief of state, severed dJplomatlc rela· tions with South Vietnam tn 1965 as resuJt of a Jong series of border di9putes, and with Thailand iR 1961, again as result of a }:>order dis pute. A communique issued by the govern· . . Fired on -in NY ment of Premier Gew. Lon Nol said Cambodia was reopening commercial relations with Thailand · for the flnt time since the diplomatic rupture . and lifted a ban 011 transit stops at Phnom NEW )'QRK <IJPJ) - A yotiDg man Penh Airport by Thai nationals. · fiTed a .bullet today at Nationalist Chinese Cambodian and South Vietaamese Vice Premier Chiang Ching-Kuo When troops have been reported actively Jie lrnved aJ a bOtel to addresS a cooperating in Ule border areas and a Saigon report today said a South Jundleoa meeting of U.S. business Vietnamese delegation headed by social . reptesentativea. Chiang, ddest son <if weUare MiNater Tran Nguyen Thieu OiJang Kak!itt. ·the Natibnalilt China would fly here Saturday to aid in the leader, was appareBtly untnrt. repatriation of 60,000 Vietnamese na· nie man Wal ]mmedi&tely seized by tionals. ,._ secret lefVjcemen and· police. · He was Hundreds of Vietnamese suspected or thrown to the-~ and marched away. Communist sympathies have been slain Chiang, Who·b'jl;d anived in New York in Cambodia and hundreds more have from Washington this morning after tallts bee.n rounded up ~ co11centration camps, with President Nixon, had JUS. t cOme . UTLA, representing 88 per<er1I of the· • system's 24,000 teachers, called it.s strike_ April 13. The group is seeking 'salary increases, educational reforms and recognition as the bargaining agent for~ -, the teachers. 1be school board broke oil negotiattons wbtn the walkout _,, began, and striking teachen have vowed to remain on strike until a con<rad is signed. Drnms of Poison Out Of Montreal Harbor theU' rate uncertain. Commercial airlines to South Vietnam were crowded with through the doeir into the lobby. of the MONTREAL (AP) -The last of five departing South Vietnamese. Plaza Hotel when th~ man rushed toward 250-pound drums of cyanide powder 1 him. which dropped into Montreal harbor ( n Saigon the government of President After the shot was £ired, Chiang im-Thursday night was recovei'ed today. le Nguye n Van Thieu 3An0Unced it hrui mediately walked away from the door "Everything seems to be normal , there E ction R·eform allocated $16,000 to provide traMporta-and through the lobby, to deliver his 1s no danger at all," said haz:bor police. tion, food , medicine and housing facilities speech. ..-1-. .. 4 The last drum was recovered about F H d F • h for 50,000 nationals who have decided The asslaiant fired one shot which 19 hours after it and four others slipped ~es ar ig t to accept repatriation. ney were being blew a large bole ln the glass panelling from a cargo sling being used to load resettled in camps near the border.) of the door. < • -a Danish ft-eigbter. · ~~o:..~.nt a~~ iF'S3~ ........ S"-:~"""''"', ........... ~COi~--lo ........... ! ... S ........... ~~~~ ................ people lo elect dlrectly ~ laoes •, ' f ':If. · • r11ggec1 nna1 rounc1 <n the s.nat• after ~ qJn· ng · ,. '}J . -a sharply fought committee triumph. The Senate Judiciary c 0 mm it tee m ~=ay~~utp~anse~:s :r ~lY c:~~~ ' . ' • ..,, ~ preliminary votes on rival proposals clisclooed the dlvisivenas of ti. Issue. 1be direcl vote amendment, approved by the l!oooe last 'Se!!teml><r 339 ID 70, needs a two-third. vote of, approvat in the Senat.e-to~place tt-befon!-state legislab.res • for poeslble ratification. Three-fourths". approval by the states is required. Seo. Blrcll Bayh (!).Ind,), the sponsor, ~ung to a tactic that made tile measure a big winner in the HoUlt. The senator said he hoped the rival proposals would be offertd and defeated, forcing the Senate eittier 1 to awing behind the direct election 8meridment or give up on chang- ing thO Electoral College !)'Mn. Cancer Patient Wins $400,000 Legal Suit FRESNO (UPI) -A jury has awarded a FresOO wun8n $400,000 damages In a malpracttce suit against a n obstttriclan-gynecologist who failed to diagnoee breast cancer in the woman. Mn. Dorothy Dichner testtfled that she was a patient of Dr. Evelyn Ross for 17 years before she saw another doctor who diagnosed the cancer. Danish Modem SAVE NOW! FUU. ZENITH llANDCRAFfED QUAUI'Y • Space Command "600" Remote Control • AFC-Automatic Fine Tuning Control • Super Gold Video Goard Tuner • Exclusive Zenith Color Commander Control iThuriderstorms in Midwest 23" CONSOLE ot•• • • • I . ' • with exclusive mmt • Rainfall, Hail Add to Miserable Spring Weather CHROMACOLOR and RQi40TE CONTROL JU"'OAY ,lrst low • • . 7:111 m, 4 ,J '"'' 111111 • ''"•·"" J,0 SKOl'ld low · MONDAY . f:ll '·"'-t.t 1'11'111 111,11 ,_ •••••• , 11:1' •.fl'I, S.t Fit\! low . , ............. , I;~'""· .o.t letond 111111 .............. •:111.m. JJ k.llld low .............. 1!•-.m. ,,,. V.S. Sutnm•r1t w~ ......,., tnd tl'lllndtr- ~ ld!Vlfy •t.MICI t!IN'o' "'°"' Ol<lt'*"t to fhe Ohio .... , ...... ,,. lhf m!d-Allaftllc totll. v1tore11S ftlvftdtr1hlr'm.......,,. •m· )flt ...... lltll •!'Id "" ...... l'l'-octvrrff ffOll'I ....,lllNlltf'l'I Oklll\ome lo MUlll- *"1\ uu .. 1a. Ill Plrtt Of '°"""'" llllflt!I el'ld *"""~ MIHOUf'I 11•11 llP te n~ lfloCht• Wit ,,_..., llllftl•tl I~ tKCtU ol 111 /fKll •11 """' ""'' tol'l'lmOfl .. l!h !11.111'1' or the 110ttn1. 'I''"' "'*'' w•rt Uktl'I' '" ttll -·"' 111' .. rm, ,,,. v.s. 'Nfftllo ... 11v ... 11 11111. HHr $1, l.oul .. Mo .• J\~ l"CMI or r1lll ftll Clllrl"" 1 t11rt14iwr IHft TllurMM1 111tM uutl!ie lloodll'lt 1ri ....... ' . ·---·-. remperauru Speelallg <priced llf ... 23'' TABLE MODEL Albliclu.'"111• Aftchor•ff Allff\!1 9•11;tl')flt16 9l1m1rtk ··~ no110~ n .......... rn. CllltHO C!nc1n"fll Dtowtr "'"'''~ Detroit '•ll"blM' f:ot1 Wortll ··-Htltn• H-'11111' ktftl11 Cl!y L11 Vet11 LOSAl!IMllff Ml1mt M'--111 ....... °''""" MtwYot1t' M.,,11 Plart1 0.kland Oli:ltllofN ,,,., ...... ... 1.., '""'"°' ...... tlttbltt ·-· ltl!!lbu,... Portltl'ld ll:111d Cll'I' • .., tlllft ·-Sac~i. I.ell Lllllt Clrt St~ Oltto ~" l"flMIKo ltillltt -·M '"""'' Whflifttlt11 • "'" ""' "-· " " .. " 17 ,, ,, ., ., ll " e •• •1 ,, ,, ~ ~ " ,. " " •• n .or• ., " .01 M Ol .. " .. SJ J1 IJ n .Ol '! t 1 ~ " ]t 5! M " e " " n " .. ., " • • .... " . .. " " .. ,. " •11711 DIAO. with REMOTE CONTROL including 90 t1ar "'""1:e Onlii • • • *517 78 including 90 dav mole.. Free Delivery •ncf ln1tallttion Any~whert in the Ha rbor Area ONLY ZENITH HAS ONLY ZENITH HAS CHROMACOLOL. Space Command "800" A ?eWlutionary eolor tel.m&ion •Y!llan Rllillote Control Tuning ... feai>Bing a po.t.ented color picture tube~ Jmt piw bulimi on band unit to: adjust color outrolors . ~. outhrightens ••• oulconlnlll ,,&w,~ "'1ume to low, medium and high, • •• and outdeWl8 ••• f1tffJr7 other slant-· •tum ..t cm and ol!, change VHF channels left or screen color picture tube. ' richt. tum ttOU11d of! while picture stays. ,. $f ·'' ~ 1! .. BRADS TV " " fs :; • SALES • SERVICE • STEREO • RADIO l: ~ JtH L COAST Hl.i!WA'f, COIONA Dll. MA• PltoH '71·.U12 ~ ~ ~ .. ._._._._;-'._._._._._._.o.P~EN--F~Rl~O~A~Y•E•V~EN~l~N~G..;,UN~T~l~L~9.P~.M;;;;_·~~------........ ._.__J . ~ -----------· I ,I ~ \' I' I' I' \ ,. I 1' " I j I ' Oepeslt~ ·Views Double Trouble For Welfare Plan •• WASHINGTON (UPI) -poverty«riclu!n wort In I Prelldent Nixon's we 1 far e families ellglble for welfare ~program came under u well as n onworking · attack from both directions famillto. It would -aid in the Senate Thursday. A • lo the disabled, bllnd ml ac· liberal llepWJUcon !aid It ed, and .. -• federal 8bortchanges the PoOf and a day care center program for cmservaUve Democrat said it the cbildrm ti w or k I n C em:ourages the poor lo qult motben. ' working. Sen. Jacob K. Javits (ft.. In the House, which passed N.Y.), offering "progressive the family assistance plan last Republican" ameftdmeMI to week, Rep. John R. Rarick the Nixon bill, ·said even the (O.La.), called lb guaranteed Presideol ackmwled(<s tl\lt lllDUI! income o! 11,900 lo lt,900 a ye"' u not mough we!fare families ot f o u r for a family to live on. Javits ''legalized theft • • • an ac-would n.lae the guarantee to Ul'ITt ....... Frldq, Aprll 24, 1970 DAILY PILOT If Campus ·ca~'~rons ·sronfor~ U of Qr.egf!n B_ub~le Over B1 Uo!ted Pren laterulloaal Police arrested 22 persons and routed aOOut 100 othe<s from the Stanford University Student Building early today. Severat ~or the f l ei(ng demonWaton hurled rocks at the sheriff's deputies i n reta l iation and brok e numen>us windows in a cam- pus-Wide rampage. The deputies . raided the , building which had been taken over 1bursday, by about 350 dissidents, some 12S of whom later defied a school order to leave. ' ' McCall said :00 · Naliooal lo oootrol the crowds which Guardsmen and 80 state gradually tblMed because of troopers were standing by, to · · lrigly • -•-help "If ntc;e&l8fY." lllCfOlll ... vy ~· Militant atudents an d In Ibo college town ol Pennsylvanla·S\aie UniveniW· ia~'i,. Kan.,_f l rem e n attomoys hommer"1 out the 'figfitlng a nlaze in a dtemlarl wording of a permanent com-plant• tn a NegrO secUon of promise court order outlawing town east of the University student &elzure ·of buildings of Kanaas were peppered by on the untvenity campus at ~r:mi:· q u 1 c t 1 v O.· Unlvedity Part. Pa. • The fracas In Terre Haute tlnguished another fll't at an· · apartment complex on the had its ndl in a shoving university cainpus s b o r t 1 Y .• match TblJTSday b e t w e e n before the third night of a, white and Negro girls in an elevator in a w 0 m e n • 1 10 p.m. to C a.m. curlew went into effect. Both fi res were donultory at Indiana state not believed caused by bombs. far from the heart of the city. Felony d'iarges were filed ' curaed .,,,,,,,_,,y -~·~ will ",400 ........ in 1973. ~.......,.., ·~ ~ ·--. TEAR GAS SHROUDS UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CAMPUS demcrallze every wor~." Sen. Russell B. Lmg (D-75 Persons Arr•sted After R0Jt1 Grow Out Of Sit-In In tile Midwest, a t u d e n t disorders with racial overtones flowed from Indiana state University into the city of Terre Haute Thursday night, ~sulting in a nwnber of, arrests and minoc injuries. The Terre Haute It mnread to at least (our against three u n I v e r s I t y ...,.. students arrested d u r l n g other locatk>qs in Terre Haute Wednesday .night's curfew with u many as 100 persons with incendiary deyicel in involved in rock throwing aiid their pomession. 'Ibey were scuffies at each place. among 36 persons arrested The Nixon proposal would La.), !aid he really did not ----------------------------eomtltute the most sweeping think that anyone at the wtllle welfare ref o r m in t hr e e House explained to Nixon that decades. It w o u Id make Wider hiS bill a ·huSband earn- .' ing 12,000 a year would be betleT off If he quit working Truck Strike ~c:,:o;;e11~ poor Brings More La yo"£ rs J!y Uialted Pren International A trucking strike-lockout in the Chicago area continued today without promise of set· tlement. Wildcat strikes con- tinued in other parts of the nation while a tentative agree- ment waited (or a vote by trud: drivers. Jn Akron, Ohio, 4,000 driVe!'3 voted 2-1 to continue a wildcat walkout. Drivers were off the job In the Los Angeles area, in St. Louis,_; Mo., and other scattered areas of the nation. S t r angled transportation prompted m o re industrial layoffs Thursday, with 3,500 American Motors employes turned away at a Kenosha, Wis., body plant for Jack of parts. American also suspend- ed production oC two models nmsday, leaving two models in production. The key to the situatioo was understand this," he asked , "why on earth tbould they contiooe working when they can make more money by net working?' The situat!Oll that Loog spotlighted, however, would apply ooly lo a family earning a weekly paycbect ol $40 or less. For others earning more, it would not be profitable to go on welfare. Javits proposed Including unmarried p e o pl e and chUdless couples -now ex· emjUd ..-the Nixoo pro- gram. Unlike Nhm's bill, which requires mothero ol 1<119oi..ge children lo take jobs or job training to receive benefits, Javits' would exempt mothers of young children. Moonlight Cruise Stays For Dawn • pending vote by~ drivers on a tentative national agreement providing ll.10 an bout in pay WASHINGTON (UPI) -A · raises over a t b r e e -y e a r moonlight cruise boat got pei:iod. ~· . • liltuct -.a sandbar in a deDll '.'lbere were repo(ts that a fog 00 the Potomac River 'reamsleTs meetinc,~uJed Thursday night and;Jl;o lotjrist for Washlngtin',would speat the.nlgbl'.¥.*d bd"" abrogate that agreement. High the vessel was Pulled free UJlloo of!icials, however, today. , denied 11iat .was the purpose The tourisb, ·lnclllding tOO d. the ~Ung. out-of-town atudents, w e r e ~ if a vote were ~eld treated to free food from the m the $ l.1°"8n-hour raise, snack bar and entertalmnent there were doubts the dryvers from 8 dance band that would approve it. Chk:ago normally accompanies th e drivers, who negotiate in-Wilson Line moonlight crui.9es. dependently, have been press· The . home towns of the mg for a $1 .65 an. hour, 'Ibey students were not immediately ::. ~,OOOY ~'-~~ d:: determined. ~v.1 The boat, tM-G·e e r g e terms. Washington, ran aground at Pope Lauds Sardinians CAGLIARI, Sardinia (UPI) -Pope Paul VI made the first papal visit to im· poverished Sardinia in 17 cen~ tur:les today and told the thousands of islanders who greeted him they were an tJMPOiled but isolated people. "'You are a simple, in~ dustrious, austere. q u I e t , unspoiled and sad people," the 72-year-old pontiff said. "You are a people isolated from the world. A people ol proud and tenacious passiorni but at the same time of natUral and gentle sentiments." Tbomands cheered when Paul emerged from a chartered jet after a one-bour flight from Rome. A n estimated 500,000 p er s on s were on hand in this capital tjty for his vistt. about 11 p.m. EST u heavy fog closed in. It was pulled free by the Diploma~ ancther cruise ship, after a tug boat failed to jerk the boat loose. The Diplomat could not be sent out until this morning because of the fog. Wilson Line officials said they did mt understand why the G e o r g e Washington's ndar did not warn the captain or the sandbar despite the fog. Jackie Sketch Not at A_uction NEW YORK (UPI) -An ink sketch. draWi>by Mn. Jao- quellne Kennedy 0 n • I I I g ' believed to be an outllne for a gift to the late Presiden1 Kennedy was withdrawn from , ailction 'l'hundaf and con- fiscated by the Manbattan district attorney's office unW proper ownership or pna:Jble criminal cbarges are filed. Rumors Explode Murders Spark Coed Fear MORGANTOWN, W. Va. missing to one story about (UPI) -Jncrea.sed security .a man that ·had a set of measures apparently quieted keys for all t!R doors in a wave of fear and rumors Westchester Hall where Miss that spread througll wo1n••>'s dormitories at West Virginia Ferrell and Miss Malarii. bad University thl! week after lived. police uncovered the bodies Security meuures w e r e ol two slain freshmen girls. beefed up at dmnltorlel both A university spokesman said on and oU campJS and many of the 1 l u d e n t s , coonselon held meetinp w:ltb pOrticularly the coeds, ...... the frtgblened girls, the dean "'Wry, very frightened'' after or women's office said. the headless bodies d. Karen "We're doing out best to Ferrell and Mared Malarik, belp them be reali.slic and bod! It, we"' found April 16 not panic," Dean Dotty Boyd tn makeshift graves in a said. remote area eight miles south The body of 1.tiss Ftrrell, of here. They had been nuss-Quinwood, W. Va., was buried iQg three months. Thursday. Miss Ma I a r It ' 1 The "peak reactlon'1 oc-p&relU of Kemetm, N. J., curred Tuesday, oCficlala said. did not revealed tuneral ar· The rumors ranged from r a n g e me n t 1 for their 30 Injured Colombia 'Norma·l!. !l""~=~~:.:'1n1w-= As TOI·na· do weeklong difficulties at the But Curfew·Continues ~::r::. ~e~=:,,a;;~,;~ Rips South agaln with reports or new anon attempts and sniper BOGOTA (UPI) -The Imposed in Ila state o! siege. .fire. MEMPHIS, Tfm. {AP) -government kept its dusk-to-P u b 1 i c tr a nsportat,ion Police in Eugene, Ore., used A )X'e-dawn tornado roared dawn curfew and ban on liquor returned to normal Thursday tear gas to disperse rock· across sooth Memphis and sales in effect today despite and 90 percent of the shops throwing youths trying to pre-- netghboring Mis&iss!ppi today, the return of Colombia to and business establishments vent authorities from stopplng injuring more than 30 persons normaJ aftert (our days ol PoSt· that closed down during the a sit-In ·by anti.ROTC and inflicting wktespread pro-election strife and tension. crisis were reopened. demo~trators -at the Universi· perty damage. Policemen patrolling the There was no indication 'ty of Oregon. The storm blew oCf the same slreet.s after dark Thursday anywhere in the nation that They fired tear gas to break center which sent 'lrigb winds reflected the relaxed air by the call of fonner dictator up a crowd of more than thn>ueh Oak Grove. near scolding ~ of arresting Gustavo Rojas Pinilla for a so students sitting in fnint Paragould in n o r t b e a s t an estimated 200 persons revolution had baJ any effect. of two police vans carrying Arkansas, and injured five caught in the streets after Of6cial returns from Sun· about 45 arrested students who members of one family and curfew. day's election showed the ?lad been sitting-In at the destroyed a house trailer. Oak Some of the violators U · government candidate, Mlsael U n Iv ersity Admlnistratioo Grove High School suffered plained that the atmosphere Pastraoa Borrero, a 66,000-Building. an estimated •1,000 in roof of tension had so dissipated vote victor over Rojas Pinill~ 'Ibe police vans were pelted damage and ,.venl ou~ that ~y thought the govern-who claimed the , ballotting wlJh rocks, cracking the win- bulldtnga were destroyed. ment had lifted restricilons.. wu a gov~t fraud. , do~ In one truck. ·--,..--~~----------~----~- GENERAL SAFETY-RIB TIRES ,.,~,,,"' .. · for BOAT .and CAMPER TRAILERS TIRE TRUEING by EXPERTS! The .Ultimate in Wheel Elegance! Use General's convenient AUTO-CHARGE Plan •no money down • monthS.to pay University officials reported late Wednesday and early the vandalizing of dormitories, Thursday, mostly for curfew a campus ~bookstore and viola · mnnber ol automobiles. -;;;;==Uon=. =====:;:::; Police med chemical ~ yl.- Nixon Cancels Security Meet WASHINGTON (UPI) - Pr.sldent Nixon today caDed off far a secooo Ume a meeting of his National Security <Jouncil lo speid part of the weekend .. at Camp David, -hiS retreat in western Maryland. 'Ille chief executive had summoned the NSC lo a meeting today amid specula- VNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK SOUTH COAST PLAZA BRANCH NOW ONN SATURDAYS 9 .. 1 r.M. MON.-THUU. 1N P.M. FllDAYI 1CM P.M. f714) M0-1111. Lee..-llt . So.C...Pl-.C....M- tion it was to deal with the ...... Ya ,,.,......., dec~loo he must make ~ E. H. LEVAN Cambodia'• appeal fur arms,~. ~=========' COMPLETE BRAKE RELINE ' most American cars ...................... ,. ......... . .... ...., ....... , ...... St., • , ... ... .., '" .. , -"' ........ ........ .._,..... ... ,..,....,. .. ,....ur .. . .................... ,.. ,_...., 4 ..... . ....... .,,. ..•.... ,.... ........ ._._ ...... c...., ... -1..,. .......... ... ....... , ...... ni-.,.. -.., .., ...... .. -· , W-t~D-E ! INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL • Precision cast alum1num alloy center $99. F014R"D •All mirror.ponsh chrome FIBERGLASS BELTED GENERAL JUMBO 780 • FuHy chromed steel rim 4WHEELS • "Theft proof' chromed hub cap with blue Insert • Resists ~pact and side thrust ....... _, .. AUNIMIMT &aA.1.ANCINO ISaYICS Save on Shock Absorbers Expert Installation of new, famous-make shock absorbers, gives you a new -car ride, positive car -control. • Polyester cord body • Abergla11 cord belt • Also available with twlnstrlpe whltewelL Plln U.>4 l'ld. Ell. Ttic, Sire E7bx1~ blldr.-11, l •rvtr i ii" eos1 txtrt, COMPLETE CAR CARE Since 1959 Hours: 7:30 to 6:00 Dally 540·5~10 646-5033 ttporU 1hat otlier c:oedl were _ dauB!>ter, 1-----..,.--------'--'-.;..;.;==========-'----'----------_::c... ___________ ,,,_ 1.1 _, ' - ... • II • ~ . 8An;y PILOT EDl'J'OBL\L PAGE ·Shipley · ·M·ayor -.Again ' Some Hunttngtcm Beach· councllmtn bring their wlvu and children to the annual meeUng al whfch they cllOOlt 'the new civic INder. Why Ibey do so Is ,j gogd quelflon, because In th• DUI the mayotal election has serve\f only lo1>are bltW, l~L This year was no exception :.... family nlgbt was not fun. • Acrimony was Jell lfter Tuesday's. meeUng at which a doadloc:I< developed. Donald Sbipfey, wbo already has spent ball of his six years on the councD u mayar, emtrged as the compromise choice. · White his recent· performance as a councilman· has not been particularly Impressive, Shipley has the cap- acity ol healing wounds. His mlddl ... f-lhe,road staooe· coufd help him bring the warring factions together and get the council back on the job of cal'l')'ing out the many civic improvements HunUngton Beach· requires. Had either. Jack, Green Q~ George McCracken been re-elected manr. council-followers would have felt hap- pier. lo Green s case, because be had proved himsell a good leader, in McCrack~n'• ease, because 'hi• elec- lloa would have [f\eanl cel'laln comrilitments were kept. 'lb• onc .. year ha.ssle over electlng a marr seems to .,,.broil the aeven-man flll!llCU without fai . And the air of · friction hovers for' a )ong wblle. Porhapa ti Is Ume to study a new manner of selecUng tbe mayor: Dress Code Ends When the trustees of the Huntington Beach Union High Scboot District removed the dress code sllackles. recently, students put on their clothes -but their rar• meoll were not aa wild as everyone feared. , Le1jslaUng <itudent dre.s bu always been a prob- • !em arN fl)r school boarda. Tbetr main purpose. alter an. Is and sbould be to provide the bm education poss- . Ible for our youn1 peopit. • Tbe trustees, tn fact. have. taken a major step to- ward the smoother funcllollln1 of tbe educaUonal proc- ess by removing the codt, Placing Iha enforclllDtlrt Of student dress In the hands of the parents aeems to be working. 'Bigger and Better' Things The Chamber of COmmerce. and· the City Council in Fountain Valley appear he8ded on a collisfon courser- a course that could easily be avoided if both groups sit down together and .exchange a few thoughts and ideas. Cpuiicilmen have taken pot shots at the chamber for submltUng vague budgets 1or the $4,400 the city giv" the ~bamber. And they 1bould question the expenditure. A City council should never give out money without knowin1 exactly how it is spent -good cause or not. The cbtµnber can. easily correct the situation by clarifying ilk expendituns down to whatever detail the city desires. Another criticism, however, is more difficult to handle. After Bernie Svalatad stepped down as a city councilman, be suggested the chamber shouJ d do "big- ger and better things than a Christmas contest." A joint meeting, as called for by the City CounCil. ought to produce some of the "bigger and better" things the chamber could do. Perhaps chamber mem- bers haven't completed any milestone projects, but Other than money, they have never received much guid· ance from city hall. · I • • • • IJ'hings haven't changed ~t much on ID dirtrlct'• six campuses. Many iirls now wear .1tack11• many boys wear aaodals, and a few of the 11\evltable,mwtaches and beards are beginning to sprou~ . . Now that both groups have expressed a desj re to do something worthwhile Jt should not be too bard to get them to do it together. 'A NATUAAI. MlsTOCIUT IS AN fHHf INTflLE(TUAL ~ WirH A CREW cur: Purposes of Group .-] argon . Are Twofold 1 1be purpose of language ls as much to ·coocul thought as to reveal it. Bmuacral!:, high priests, lawyers, art . atUcs. and other ititellectuab develop I lfOCJP Jm'(oo. Tiie purpo,. of !hat ,_..., ts only partly to -municate to other memben of the group. An -»r important -is to obocure or prevent communlotloo to thoee outside the group. It is usy enoogh to ,.. that the IDderworld would ,,_ a secret lan- 1111Ce that outsid- .,. cannot under- -· because the IMlll!rworld has .If? .,... to keep from 'the reapeetable 'world and the poilce, . . But people in the luined profusions allo have aec:rill to keep, -1AJiy from the lay il'ublic. . Of ooune,, . JL is not disputed that llD1" le a r n e d profession ftqU!res a tec:hni.cal vocabulary. But a .u c b \'OClbula.ries almost always beoom~ more difllatlt than• _.ry. No pllysiciao ha ever been able to uplain to me the difference between "new bom baby" a •'neonate..~' TliE ATTllACl'IVE FAcr about a leamed vocabulary IF" that tt coo!en ~ pruU,e and s.tatus upon its users at the same time •• it crta1's awe among those who don't undenstand I~ One of the pleasures of btl.ng leamtd b to induce in the unlearned the reaction, .. God, he must be smart! I can't un- dentand a wotd be says." And we who 1tt learned are ahr11;ys just a bit afraid that if we were to expresa ourselves simply and clearly, people would cease to be impressed with us. ilistorica\1y, the intellectual's self esteem bas long rested on his conviction thlt be is a special order ol bdng, fll' above the masses. "Some men are IDld, some are sUver, some are lron and re.t:• said Plato. Soldiers are. silver. Artlsans and workers an iron and lead. PbU010phers are -guess~ ~ BENCE TALKING TO each other in • Janc1111• the ""'*' cou1d not ..,. dmta&d 1'U a ttatus symbol -almost a cute mark. In put ages int.ilectuab talked to each other in Latin or s...mt Quotes . ' Dear Gloomy Gut: . - llonald Reasan. Inc. ha been able . to do more damage toA.be ~ in t/lree y.,rs than all the mJ1t. · '!ants and !rulco<lll of Ille pall - wry, --c. ]I'. n.. ..... "'*" ................ .. ......, ..... ti .. WPNOS · ._. ,..,,.,,....,.........., ... ..., ...... or c~ll Chinese. alwayamatdn( sure tilat lflese languages ,.... no lqtr beintl f!JOk<n. These dead lanluala ..,,,. ed the extremely uteful funciloq ·o1 ket~ Ing the peasants In a alalo of awestruclc reverence before mystenu tbty could not hope to understand. ~ American acbolat cannot, lll<e hls medieval counterpart.. protect bis u alted social lma1e by writinf in i.atin. But be can and does write in lan1uace1 almost as opaque. Ltt me quote a paragraph from ·a recfnt iasue of lhe "American JoumaJ of Sodoloty": "IN ANY FOllMAL organization. the goals 11 reflect.ea in the system of runcUooal dillertQtiaUon result in a distinctive J>llW!I· GI TOie differentiation. In tum, role dillereotiation, whether viewed hk:rarchicaUy ' or horizonially, let._dl to what M•n"'-"n ulled 'per!pf:C- Uvlltk: tlUnkin&' nuaeJri lncwnbency in a particular Ill.mi lnduces a cor· mpondln( Id of pen:eptlol>s, attiludts and values." What the author · ta 1&$ing in th~ JlUlll• is ~IY that cft!l•rent poop!• have different jobt and ltlat people in different jobs tend to aoe and think dUferently. (Read the-· over qain and ... ll I'm not rill>':) Whit ii clear from tllia passage - and tbe only thine that ill dear - ls that the author'• concern for his profeu.lonal standlng as a man of Jearn-J~ has alm01t co.mpletely submeraed his concern for communicating ideas. IT SEEMS. TO ME that this pa.saa1e illustrates beauUfully the dilemma ol the ambitious American scholar. As scholars we have to share our findings wllh 'Othen. We' have to communicate. As communicators we know from every day exper1e!\ce that the simpler and more unpretentious our vocabulary and syntu, I.he more quickly we are un- derstood. But ln addition to btio& scholars and commwUcators, We are status seekers, like everyone else. we .want to impress others, if not With ftne clothes or ex· pensJve automobiles, wllh the symbols of vast erudition. Therefore, relying on a traditkin that goes back at least to the Chou dynasty in auna and tht ancltnt Greeb, we wort on an nsump. tl:on that says that you can never be respected as a man of learning If evuyone could understand what you uy. tJLTIMATELY WB in1ved at an uneuy compromise. We flubll1h papers in order to commwJcate and thereby become members ol tbe community of scbol1t1. But we use a "'leniuaa:e &hit is guaranteed by lb abstractnen. ILS prnUllty, and Its utter llfelessneu to dl1COUr~1e at\QUon ud to obacure com· prehen!loo. • Let me 1tatt: the9e oblervauon~ as · a l""'al rule: .,.,,.. the ataUlt~ lunctionaof a leanl<d VOCllollarybe<ome more Important to tis user than Ill oommunicatill( f\ulCUon, <ommunlcatleo 1Uffet1 and jar..., p<Oilleraie.. IJS.Llllyabn Prt1l•e11 ... ,_ -lllttap _,_ . . Vse of New Food Grains Not the Answer Difficulties • Ill a 'Green Revol,utio·n" To the Edi!Or:. 'lbe article by Havttstock an d Schroeder (DAILY PILOT Commtnt Page, April ti) about tbe "Green Revolu· tion" led the leader to believe that the world food problem LI eoluble through the uae of new food grains. Unfttrtunately, this Is a mlstaken im~ praalon. The "Green RevoluUon'' is a complete revolution. To accomplish the goa1I tUes not only aeed, fertilizer and trrilation to tram.form a society from a have not to a liave, but extraordinarily large IUmS ol outaide experta and money. BASED UPON studies made al Cornell Univentty, Jt has been estimated that it would lake one expert per every 15 to 20 people in an underdeveloped c:Ountry to bring the nectl8ar)' e1pertise. Jn 8ddition, for the "Green RevolutJon'' to be accomplished, developed nations would have to lhift mutedly thtir spen- ding impetus. Currently tlle U.S. and other developed countris spend at about a 2000 :1 ratio of military aJd to foreign (non-military) aid. nib: r.Uo would have to be reversed. To increase the food crop by 10 times curmrt JlfOduction would mean a JOO.fold fncreue 1 tn the uae ol fertilizer. The current' high' levels are a source of great eoOiog.ical danger; a hundred fold lncrtue could be a disaster. STILL 'ANOTHER problem would be that. developed countries wouki have to cut baCik .(Jo their production and 1"srkettng of l'lln cropo so the n<wly developtnc countries would be able to enter the wor)d market and ltll their ...,,i .. 10. the lurid• necessary to ...Wn tl1e "revohttjon." Wh<n lhls was pr-ed In the U.N. by the FAD. the United Slates. Groat Britain and other developed Letter! from readerr art welcome. Normally writerr 1hould convey their mtssages in 300 wonb OT Ze11. The right to condense letters to fit space or eliminate libel i! reienied. All let· ters must include signature and mail- ing address, but names may be with.- held on reque1t if iu/fident reaaon is apparent. Pottry will not be pub- lL!h<cl. naUons rtsoundingJy voted against this schem<. On paper, the "Green Revolution" sounds like a solution to tM war on famine. Jn reality, it ls not. ~ dif· flculties involved are of tremendous mqnitude and do not yield· to easy IO!utlons. • GARYS. REsN!CK Biology lnltruc!or C:01ttratllctlon To the Editor: The DAILY PlLOT'1 policy regarding population and planninJ bi Orange County ls Inconsistent a:nd puullng. In your April 7 lead editoriaI, you quoted a UCI report which ezpressed concern, over ~the lack of open space along · oUr coutline to accommodtte the .many people of Orange and Los Angeles counties who ml&ht wish to enjoy them. You tlMn urg<d efforts by county and city govenuneJtt to acquire more bnch!ront (ll'O!ltlly !or ]lllbUc u,.. Tbta would truly be, as you termed it, con- structive action. VET IN ANOTHER lead editorial· just a few weeks ago, you praised the· Irvine Co. 's projected 45o,OOO population City of Irvine as a significant. step forward. The contradiction should be obvious. Us- ing the report'! figure of 25 feet of public shoreline for each 1,000 population, over two miles of this very expensive commodity will have to be acquired lo serve this new city alone. 'nius you seem to be saying that (I) we don't have enough publlc shoreline for current needs, so we shoWd acquire more, then (2) let's build ahother city of 450,000 ro we'll be sur.e to have Jess beachfront footage per penon than we hid 1*fore. EVIDENTLY TID8 contradieUon in terms of public benefit is not obviqus to the DAILY PILOT or the Irvine Company; after all, population growth ts good for business. But to this Orange Countian, who came here some years ago to escape choking congestion, it i3 something that deserve. some con- i;ideration at least from our public of4 ficlals. Growth for growth's sake has to end sometime; why not now? HENRY C. COOK \Vhat we mecrnt to say was: (1) We'll probably never hotle really enougfl shoreline and should beg, borrow OT 1teal all tilt con for public use, and, (2) people are goi!'O to keep coming to Orange County whether or not we like it; far better we encourage plan· ned developments such as the Irvine city rather than turn it ove:r to n variety of dllconnected, patchwork builders and landmowrs. Certainly e11«ry effort thould be made to proct from .any developer -including the Irvine Co. -highest and be1t we of the land, i11cludin17 parks and P"blic beach. -EditOf' Credit Line Dropped To the Editor : Saturday, Apr. 18, you printed an arti· cle on the Comment Page entiUed ''Ta Police: 'We, shouldn't Stereotype "Them.' " The article had no by-lirie and no Indication tha (' it · was anything other than your own editorial intended as a criticism of police officers. THE ARTICLE WAS, however, a dirtct, word-for-word, .qUQte from FBJ training ma terial made available to law en- forcement agencies for training of of. ficers in police-community relations. The credit for the article should go lo the law enfOrC.ment agencies for the efforts they are making within their Q\¥n ranks to improve poll~unity relations. Please set the record straight. MRS. E. L. A credit line reading "Fram the FBF Bulle tin" was inadvertently dropped by printers. -Editor Whal Are We Doln9:' To the Editor : The entire world waited and prayed until the three aatronauts were home safe. What are we doing for 1.500 men who were serving our country-th• POWs? PATIY KELLOGG Fulbright Is -Dropping Some Hints WASHINGTON -Senator J, William Fulbr1Jht Is dropplnt some very in- lrttuinl hinll. . 'Ibey ao far to explain hi.I acrimonious ultra-feacenik stridancy, hts unexpected --to Jud(e cam.ell alter voting !or Judge Haynswwth, advocating &ade and other Ues w1th Russia and Red China and other hi11'Uy eon iro v er al al in· kmatlonal positions. The 74-year-old Arkansan ls intimating Ulls is his last Senate term. In other words, he has decided to wind up his conarusJonal career and feels free to "shoot the works." Rwlected in till. Fulbright Is serving his fifth term -which expires in 1974. He served one term in the HOWie, 1"2-44, btfort wlnalnc a Seaa,te seat in t!Mf. Prior to that, he WU president ol the Uni~slty of Arkamu for a short Ume before being kicked out in a political row. Tilt CHANCES AllE strong !Mt In the next COngress, which COft'ltnll in January 1'71, there wtU be 1 number of changes in the Senate -Foreign Rela- tions Committee whtch ,.lllbrlght heads -a position Ji< haa consistently used to push his contenUou1 v\ews and theorlef: These changer In the com· ~-------B11 Geot'!Je --------. Dtor George: I hive been reading and enjoying your column for four years. You hand me • a lau.ih when I need one. ltow~, I alwayt wonder: Do '°'1 lti Mlous letters from people and how do you handle actull problem11 r. R. l>aar r. R.: Oo]1 rarely doea this column 'pt a Jetlet asking a aerloos ques· tlon ; "'9'J readers undmtand wt~ I IPOof ·Gft Mriom advice cotmnna. When 1 •low letier ta ...... thi• column uplalna ,..,1y wa'n tiddin1; a re n • t ijoaUIJed Ji/ thla lluiclion to handle u a&al problam and ... 'l!l<n-.peamble -_..i.. a qua~ ...... " liel' oiiil ac!Tlcl. • Dear George : r have invented a better c.an opener. What should J do next? P.H. D<ar P. H.: Hm. YoU know what, (fttr r<adel's! 11'e quaUty of these q11e1- Uona 1eis _.. and ......_ Why can't I get a lot or pOd old sin like the girl advlci CGhantdlll! You uy you've tnvented • can opener, th, P. H.? And you wa"t to know Whal to do newt! Well. Leuet. Rave you aeen the double rnture 1t the BUou? liow about w11hlnt: _tbe car? I tell you! Don't do llJ\1thll11 until somebody inventl • btUer can! Then )'OU'll have 1 a rul cballanpt ' (Editorial DoCo: Sheelll I) • mlttee's membership could importantly affect Fulbright'• high·handed manipula- tion of the committee. His \Vings couJd be sharply clipped. Should the fte:publicans capture control or the Senate, Fulbrilht would lose this prize chainnanshlp oulrtlbt. lt ~ould be taken over by Senator Georae Alken, Vt.. senior Rep.ibllcan ' commlttetman. Such a shift woUld drutically · deflate Fulbright. Regardless of the election outcome, there are certain to be at leas\ four new committeemen -two Demoer•ll and two Republicans. 10UT OF A TOTAL membership of 15 (9 Democratt, I RepubUcans), that could markedly modify lhe 1:18.SIC vlew- polnt end atUb.lde of the commiUee from being generally pro Fulbright to anu. Even under the present li~p. he has lately been encounteriq Qpposltion to some of hl1 moves. Some of the comm ittee's private metlinp have been &tormy. On several occailOM, Fulbr1&ht · has been blunllj challenged and told • on. Ha obvioully didn't Un it. For some U... Fulbritht hu been sardonically ~ antOn& colJeacuea as •'lbe unrequited 8eer<tarJ d Stall.• Illa bum'in( ambtUon wu to wind up his publtc career as hNd: of the si.i. D<partmenl. For year1 on Close tenns with then-Sonate Leader 'Lyndon Joh-. FuJllrlCht coo!ld011tlY np<<:led to be installed u Secretary o1 State foUowln& the 1964 eltctlon. IMtead, Johnson retained s.cretary Doan !Wik, who had -appointed by .Prtsident Kennedy. FllLBRIGHT NSVCll got ovu th~ blu.t dilappolotmenL ' From a strong 1upporter of the Viet· nam war, ~ became an increasi11gly garrulouz and mllitant opPonent. Before th"e 1964· elecUoo he had declared, "We have no choice but to support lbe 5->uth Vietnamese gover• ment and· army by ~ most effective means available ... 'the United States will continue to meet Its obligations and fulfill Its commitments with respect to Vietnam." Now he Is thundering a completely different tune -lo 1he effect thaC it doeSll't make any real differe1tee tft10 wins the Vietnam war, Sal1on or the Communist&. "'Ille preservation of a r»•· Communist -as uainst a Comm!mlst -dictltonhip," says Fulbright , "'Ls not going to ·protect us, or anybody el.st, from the Soviet or Chinese missiles.". ·sy Robert S. Allen Ind Job A. GoldsmJUt ..... liUiliillal-. Friday, April 24, 1970 . . The edltorlol pog• of th• llally Pilot 1t1k1 to inform and ad,,.. ukte rndfn: by prctmtfno thU n1W1paJ)ff'1 OJrinfoN and com. mentarv Oft topics ·of fntcrctt a>id 1fgnffi<onco. by prol1fdlng a forum fOI' t!w •>i>r<uio!t of our renders' optxfoN, and b1t presenting th• dfwr11 trltto- p(jinta of fnformtd observers and spokcrmen on topics of tht day. Robert N. Weed, Publlaber I I Las Cabariaarinas. • C..lu b . - Ste .ps · O ut Looking toward· a variety of activities are membera of Las Cabanaannaa, a new girls' group of the Pacific Sands Cabana Club, Huntington Beach. First on the agenc!a will be a graduation fashion show taking place at I p.m. Saturday, May 2, in the clubbouae. Modeling clothes from Montgomery Ward will be the Misses Denise Allen, Lori Bowman, Connie Coy, CQJlllie .Crawford, Vicki .English, Qiane Fal'IJ!.er, Mau .. reen Farren, Ginny. Fritch" Cassandra Fuller, Becky and Heather Gallas, Michele Gros~; Trish Hannegan, Janice-Harris, Latirte Irvine, Kilthy McCourt, Denise · Shaw and Kriste Untiedt. The girls are graduates of the Wendy Ward charm course, and as the conclusion of the-show they wUl re- ceive diplomas and a single long-stemmed rose from senior students. Dessert, coffee and punch will be served to all mem· hers and f!UOSU attending. The first activity cOnducted by the group was a slumber party in the clubhouse. The girls prepared and served snacks during the evening and prepared their own breakfasts. " POISED FO R ACTIVITY -Piacing the accent on charm are members of the reeenUy formed Cabanaannas, a preteen ~tis' croup of the Pacific Sands Cabana Club. The girls will participate in a graduation f8shion sb.W Saturday, May 2, and brushing UI>, for ttie. ceremony are (left lo right) Cassandra Fuller, Becky Gallas and Denise Shaw . Iii Match they created decorations and helped adult club officera in the serving of a complimentary Easter breakfast to the membership. On the social side, horseback riding and barbecue events will be arranged in· addition to various funding projects for the club. ' Surf Souncli .. , ·· · .. , ~ I 1 • • ! ......... . ,., ' . ' , " • • •• ,. Lively New Arrivals Brighten Areq Homes · By JODEAN HASTINGS Of "'41 O.I" ,li.t 511tt G R A N DCBILDREN are very much the center of at- tenDon in Fountain Valley tbeoedays. Doing ju.st fine, thank you, Is Christa Mary Cole, newest .arrival ih the Walter Cole Jr. family, grand<laughter of Al and Margaret Krukenberg of F.ountain Valley and t h e Walter Coles of Santa Ana. Mother Toni formerly was a ,ieacher in the Fountain Valley School District. Grandmother Margaret Immediately pre- eeoted tHe new baby with a clresr and doll. '· ' "'l'llE DICK home is another ll'vely spot while Jim and ~are enterta i ni ng ~ughter Laurel and son-in-law f;iiusieu Koelsch, vtslJing 1rom ~~:!51er, Ma s s . with Jgrandson Michael,2 years old •,and all boy. Harbour Fishing Club who will fish their way down the coast lo Newport Beach tomorrow. The day's activities will con- clude with awards to tourna· ment winners during dinnu in the Tale of tbe Whale. Trophies will be presented for the first fisb...caugbt after 8 a.m., the most fish caught and lhe first, secood and 1hlrd largest fish c.aptur<d by male and feminine anglers. Betty (Mrs. John) Silver Is making dinner arrangements and serving as tournament chainnan is Bob Firth. Corn· modore Al Herboldt bas a~ pointed Frank Buckn e r 's "Dam Jack" as the official boal WHAT IS Cu1ture? Fountain Valley youngsters in grades nine through 12 are invi~ to submit their opin-- ions in ~ys on the subject for a ·contest being spon30red by lhe Writen Group of Foun- tain Valley Arts Association in coof>eraUon with tht cltt's' Cultunl Week. · · , · . library and also In lhe high • scl>ool. , ' GOLDEN KEY membert are searclting for toys, boOks, furniture and pictures or.other wall decorations for the newly enlarged.facilities of the Olild · Guidance Cent.er of Orange County, which the group sup- ports. Area residents with con- tribuUons are invited to call Mrs. James Hughes , pres ident, or contact any member to make arrange- ments for pickup. Almost $'100 for the guidance center was presented to Mrs. Hughes during Golden Key'1 aMual luncheon. Mni. Nonna Gibbs offered the contribution donated by the . Hurai'ngtop Beach Counseling Center'. ' WHERE, OH where did all the preUy girls go? This might be the them e of this year'• Miss Huntington Beach con- test. To date there have beeu only ·six entries in the annual ev'ent 'Sponsored by t h e ·Women's.Division, Clwnber·of Commert:e. • All Signs Favorable . S.etnc JllllbJn( bill kky atars were membert of the Women's Cub of Old Ranch -Country Club, Seal Betcb, when lhe group charted Its 1Mual lnvlt.llilaal golf meet. All llgns of lbe Zodiac _.. fav«able' for the guesta who arrived from Sant. Barbara to. San ,DM!,0.1Greetlng parUcipidl _.. the Mmes. GrelOfY Holkina, D l ck Fr.-, Nell Chamberlain, c.barlel ~ Ru 11 e 11 Mluror and Michael LI0)'1I. Before, a rvund of Soll the group en)o)!eil a --.! breakfast at tables c811"1ina "lit the astrologlcal Iheme. Bright gold t.bleclolhs were centered with a Libra 1eale filled Wit~ stl-sw flowers, and to enable them to accurately predict the future, each persOn attending· was· presented with a crystal candy diah • a table favor. The four golf filahll were Aries, Aiiuarlus, ·Phces and Zodiac, and each w a 1 designated by d I ff ere n t · psychedelic colon. ·Winners in escb flight alao ttceived crystal pricea in- cluding lighters, bowla and candlesUcks. The Koelsch family isn't ''complaining loo loudly about tieinir sunburned -they left 1lle East (loast In the middle <ii a snowstorm. and al 3S degreel above. ' The en'trii!:s" -not. iess Uian 200 or more than 500 · words -mu.st be "in 'the mall 'On or before Sunday, May 10. A copy of lhe contest rules will be pooled In lbe city Girls interesed in enterin.C • ' • • .... r · • ·have until Friday, May 1. Ad'. CRYSTAL CLEAR -All houses· were .In ,harmony dlUonal Information may : t(e when members of the Women'• Club .of ·Old Ri'ncb obtained by calling Mn .. J.. · Counlry:Club, Seal Beach, hosted their annual invlt. llrewart. tional golf tourney. Admiring crystal pieces which were presented as table favor. and prizes are (left lo right) Mrs. Clarence Brignall, Mrs. Robert Salon- en and Mrs. Claude. Baker. · Alslstlng In lftP•ntionl for the Zodiac tourney were the Mmes. Claude Baker, Bernie WishReJ., Joe P'ef'.pa:, Sidney Wasserman, Dlcbon Braly, Nol:ton Kruepr and Robert • ·TB INKING BIG are 1DODtben of !be -Hunllnglon ' . • ·-" Boss's Wif.e Adds F.ri·lls to Employees' Frih ge Benefits ·!: !>EAR ANN LANDERS' After U years ~· .. hat I thought wM a good marriage, my husband began to k>se intertst in me.. t::i>tuned Mike's long boun, financial preosum, everything under the sun. tlnal1y I Mked him If !here Wll aootber 1"llLll'· He said, "No." Mlft'• boa has alw~• treated him lite a ton and me like a daughter, I decided lo confide In him. I don 't know what possessed me bot on a wild hunch I asked If "the other woman" could be Mike'• problem. He said, "Yes -it's ...-y possible." Then he began lo speak nei,, wumlng I knew •II about It. Tbe ~woman/' it turns out, is the boss'• 1rile. I nearly passed ou~ Ikr repur.Uon la not (ODii, n.;, iln ~, I -' ANN LANDERS ~ the first tlme ·1he'1·been Involved with a man at the plant. (Sbt works there.) It'• the lint time my husband has been in-- volved with another womm, however, and I don't know what to do . The boss does 'not. want to fire Mi\e. He'a sure the affair will end betore loq and advlaed me lo kee~ qulet and keep the l!iht In the window. What do you 1ay! -UNHAPPY . DEAR UNllA~PY: Mlke'• ""' CM ,.. .... ,.._Ia rlltho lo *8 lo tlio -· dearle, keep I 8re bl 00 f...-. DEAR ANN LANDERS : Do you thln)i: you can tear your~lf aw':y fto,m the se1 perverts and Other worted kooks long enough to anner" ten1lble quutloo! Several months ago you wrote a coJ.. umn about yene.real dlaeut. You made the at.temeot thal ....,rrtieo C8UMd Camonc -thlnp) ll'lltrllll. •• I've read a great deal about artbriUs and have never. seen such a statement. In fact, lbe doctors 1ri1h wlMJm I have discuued thia ailment uy no cure for arthr!tla can be found because lhe caUJe Is not known. I think 1"'l owe It to every person who has ·arlbrttla lo retracl that damaging statement or ldentlly ,.ur authorlll" Get wl1h I~ Ann, er retire. -MEMPlllS · Df;AR MF.MPIUS: I did Indeed maw tbe 1ta&ement U.1t eonorrbea en c.ue, DEAR ANN LANDERS:'I am pt'e~ant amoo1 other .mp, artlttlUI. M 1 with our third chJld. Jusl i,arely. Like, aatllortde1 are Dr. Joa N1jariu, pro.-would you believe, siz weeks. The doctor 1._ ad cllall'Jll~• II tbe depuWeol el ~rllied It yestenlay. This mornlni I nrpry, Unlvenlty of Mlallt90t.a nil Dr. ttbtved three· phone' calls congratulating --· lllldoto pnl....,. of me. My big mouth hus~ond made the an- -11 Georpllu ' -e f nou-11 hla olllce. I om burning. Me•et.t .. pa1f1111r at 8tnnl • He 11)'1 Jt mani no dlffutnol wbea the news la lold. Lay him DOI in ,.ur own ... Imitable atyle, Ann. -FROTHING DEAR FIWl'll: Of _,. II -• -ce-teBIM.~-1111 Dbnd, ''Wlae. alreiitJ?" Mc I M ...... to tlltm. !Ml,.. ... - -I 1or11-1111. Slw, pitpaq ii .. WW11 ~ dltloa It llaoa.ld 1Mi W Wt•tc••· Tbe 1111-Maid bet lib Ip ...... • m •be cu. .. 1ooaer 11p lier o111r1. 'Drinkini may be uln" to the tidl J'Oa run with -'but i~ c1n put you "out" fot keeps. You Can cool It and 1Uiy popular. Read "~ and You -For Teeupn On4'." Send 3S ceqts In coin and a lonl. oell'8ddresscd , stamped envelope . 1'1111 yo11r requtsi In con of the DAll.Y PILOT, ·, -' t I I • A• DAll.Y PILOT FrldQ', Aprll 2'1, 1970 -- Gisler Students Up to Their Elbows in Soap Suds school groundsJrom 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. A nucleus of 32 students, sixth throu gh eighth grades, grew to 480 members in two months. The club's slogan SOS means Stamp Out Stupidity in the antidrug abuse organization. Monies earned will aid in the printing of in.. formation to eradicate the u&e of narcotics. Up to their elbows In suds are L Scott Wojahn on the hood and Randy Capy.to on the fender 'vhile Kathy ·Holmes prepares to vacuutn. Students at new Gisler Intermediate School in Hunting- ton Beach have organized a Spartan Smarteen group which is 1ponsoring a car. wash and bake sale Saturday, May 2, on the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jackie Onassis Defended May Date Revealed At Party · Fan Magazines Chided JUNE McKEE Future Ritts Students To Marry In August June McKee and Michael McCartin have selected Aug. n for their wedding date in Mesa Verde United Methodist Qiureh. Parents of the betrothed are Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKee of Costa Mesa and Mr. and Mrs. llollald A. McCartin of San Juan Caplslrano. The future bride 15 a graduate of Estancia High School and Orange C o a s t College. Presently she is a junior majoring Jn theater arts at the University of Redlands. The bri degroom-to-be also Is 1 graduate of Estancia and was a student at OCC and NEW YORK (UPI ) -Be;t selling author Irving Shulman, In a book on the rise and fall of Mrs. Aristotle Onassis' papularity, put the blame on • class of poorly educated :::.,maga.ziot readers -WorJ -who walrted to drq }l/IJ down from her heloine1I~. . The boot, ... .Jtckie. the Ex· ploitauln of a F'l¢ Lady," said Mn. OnasslJ'. )>holofiraph wu aometlmea ort the cover of as fan Bod movie mapzines a month dwil'lg her years as the Widow of Preaident John F:Kemiedy." According toS h u Im an' s thesis, the movie magazines decided to make Mn. Onassis a 0 star" wbM they found their circulations slipping dur- ing the successful years of ConfldenUal Mllg&Jine. 'lbeit judgment proved to be rl&ht and the fan magazines won a ricord audience among "unthinking" Americans who ·Adult Movie, Tots' Matinee At Library Walt Disney's "Hound Tbst Thought He Wu a Raccoon" and "JeMY's Birthday" will air tomorrow at J p.m. in tbe multipurpose room of Mariners Library. For the adults there will be a •iewing of "American Cowboy" and "Breath of Spring" on Tuesday, April 28, at 8:15 p.m. in the same loca· Uon. UC J. Currently he is prelaw ( student majoring 1n history at A ums Meeting &dlands. Alumnae ot Hood Women's NB Auxiliary GoU.ge in Frederick, Md., will gather f<r. bnmch at 10 :30 1be Ladies' Auz:iliary of a.m. tomotTow to bear lilts. Newport Beach Fire Depart-Kenneth Hubbard of Hun- ment gathers the th I r d Ungton Beach address the Wednesd ays at 8 p.m. In group. various locations. Information Mrs. Hubbard, area ad- regarding location may be ob-missiom representative. l''ill tained' by callini Mrs. T. C. greet women at 11222 Kens- Dail<y' $43--. ingtoo Road, Los Alamitos. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ANNOUNCEMENT K·MAC DRUG .... DISCOUNT STORE MOVES ••• ••• te 11,.., qv.rten. Plenty of fr.. perking It ,.., .. ttore. Our new locetion 11 1t ••• . 11Q4 Newport llvd., Costa Mesa P'...-tr CraWfenl'• Drug Store °'"" Dur1nf -1d11I,.. Telephone 645-1352 believe that "although they !ered imprisonment ror "more are little people who don'l than fi ve years in th e count, their lives were far publishing hell of the 'Jackie better than those of the rich factories.' Now that she has and the famous." escaped, i.! her ti!ll being Later, the slick women's readied {or Ethel Kennedy? and picture magazines saw Or Joan Kennedy? Or at some how well lnside Stori es on later time, {or Caroline Ken- Jackie's widowhood sold and nedy? . . . It is not ,loo almosl outdid the cheaw prejudiced to conclude . tllat magailnes in m1king her -, ohly in a nation. wbere ,many cover girl. • . of Its inlitutloOI and dthena Many of the ato.rle-11 , have become clinically Shulman aald, were full of bJ.. paycbopaUUc, w o u I d ag- nu.eodo but without substance · greuors scream 1JO loudJy if and· ·many readers told him even one of their innocent they felt they had to "read v1Ctims escaped persecuti(!n'." between the lines" to"flnd out The Pf!SS, in general, was what "Jackie was really up tfuriOU5 with the formet First to " he wrole. PublicsUons Lady for deciding to .marry were Virtually ftte-to -wnie -.Aristotle O·ri a a s-1 a ''without fiction about Mrs. OnaSsi.s ;tellJ)1g anyone but Cardinal because they· Were sure she CUshing." Al • result, e v e n would never aue them, and the International P r e s a she never did. · "lreated the newlyweds with "Institutional press plans scorn, derision and the limpest for the future wW eliminate humor, but It would be safe the traditional privacy granted to say thlt these would have to citizens in a democracy, been mlnlmized if the especially those men and their American medts bad truly consorts who are foolim wished the couple well and enough to believe in service not behaved like the fan to their communities and con-magazines," he wrote. demn themselves, thereby, to Shulman also is the author suttee," Shulman said. of "Harlow," ''Valentino" and "Jacqueline Kennedy suf-"The Amboy Mes." Rebekah lodge Triple Link Club of Mesa Rebekah Lodge has meetings the fourth Mondays at 8 p.m. in variOus locations. Mrs. Douglas Mor-gan at 543-1938 ·may be called for additional Information. ~~-.~ -~· "t\tlotO '" ,.u ·· a un.i9-\\t ttnttt ·~\)o~~i\\~ ~~ --:,_..----&- HorOJCope -- Virgo: Romantic , .Night SATURDAY APRIL 25 bJ SYDNEY <IMAM SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. JI): . sptrlts. Keep promilel. Ce- Slrea on y..., 1bllily to be me~t rtla-p with one who versatile. S«lae ol humor ts on ts both Intelligent and 1ttrsct- eopedally rood ally tooigbt. lve. -quallly. Reject One who opeata out ol -1,1 Ouh and superfldaUJy. ARIES (Mord> Jl·Ac>rll 11): bell ....,.ered with !super. IF TODAY IS YO V R Accent on addeveme~. You 'Meeaace will become cryatal · BJR111DAY you teDd to be Jn-"""""'eD!I> -by beinl clear. troopec:Uve. You may be slow orlginll, lildependeoL There II SAGrrrAlllVI , (Nov. U • &e!linf ·llarled, but Yo• are room 11 iha top for -Let Dec.II): Em!Jllulaon-y, 11rq 1t tbe-flnloh. New pro-:e'1o lmowpoalc olorelll~lyy. poaealom. You could make jects are flYored and ~ges dlacove-by ....._, •• '"-·"" pn>ve beneticill. You are due P"YI ""l'P1Jmenl. · -,;/ ..uq;;;"';~B.; to meet Individual who plays 'I' A•I/ 11 U I (April !JO.l!l•Y fruk lo otaltol yaur needa. meantoglul role in yaur life. 20): . Spotl1'ttt 00 journe)'t, Creative original' approach T• "ftd eut '"'..'.1. ludly tor YCM1 111 writm,,' ptlblla1dng. · Your «Inc belt resulta. =..·~~ '"HTri~ •~.:,.,.,,!:•~ ho~--·-·-•-~ged K.., '• · w_ ... SelMI blr1t111h1i. an1 JO """' llAUI .. _ .. cw..-• v,1 ~ CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan. to err.arr A•troloft' s.er .... ""DAILY upanaion, Don't be a priJoner ta)• Cycle lol.... ;At.-l-lllLOT, IOI!: »M. GfMd c.ntrll S'9o of ICll__-,u LCJok ibead y 1 u • • .,...; .. i.c 111" !loft. NIW Yottc, N.Y. l0017, ~· · °" 1uauve. CompUmenta recelvedlf";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;...,;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;( are aoiDI ~ces. \ on new attire. Gain abown if GEMINI. (Nay UlJ1111e :JO): yau ire 111 1ttenllve listener. Hive A S..olllonll Aw.id aclltaring ywt 1....... A SqiltaiJu could thow you .Summer) Do not accept 'aaifmnent bow to achieve Important goal'. ,mlch drains away time and AQUARIUS (Jan.. 20-Feb. s,, ~,,,k "'''"''· Sp1 i11,. lt1ly, -eDeJ11 from basic goal. One llJ·. Be ·~~. You ..1-Fr111c.1, ~lend, SwlMrl1M, who makes money prombe -1-'A"-lf~=1 1 u-c HollillCI. ~u1d be ~to t It . ........... )'OU .. you can •• DAYS ...... . m.,..., pu ID confide •reta today without DIPAmN• .IULT 11 writinl. having them re v e a l e d • . ... CALll'OINIA STUDINT TOUU. INC. Otl '-' ...... Sitt. JOI CANCER (June %I.July :12): . Dellcale ,'matter requlrel u~ Ue low. Let others do mosf of. moat diacreUon on yoU"r part. the talking. Take csre in legal Act accordinily. matters. Partner ~ mate -p 11 C EI (Feb. 19-~. 111yi.e ~....., AiriMit sllould be incl•ded m yaurli~ZO~)~: ~"""'~·~'wblr:;:~l ~to~lll~gb~t~llf~ts~~~~~~~~~ LA foOOJ:I (Jiil 47M6Jt plans. Otherwise, there will be ,.-~, ' .. · emoUonal bruises. Act ao. cordlngly. Ll!O(July 23-Aug. %2 ) : NEW 9WNERS Fulfill re!OIUUOllS concerning diet, health, ei:ercise. Gain cooperation of family member. '1'1ere can be greater domestic htrmony if y o u make ntra effort. A gift could SPEC-~li! brlgbtan _day. .. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. :12): Good IWW" aspect today -· cldes wllli bringins forth of creatfve resouttts.' Use lm- agin1tioo in eons:tru9tive man- ner. Deal with Y<UIC penons. Rcmonllc evening indicated. . HOT· FltlSH 'GLAZID DONUTS J u s T -=¢. . y•• . ' . .... t5c tin. WN. thru S.t-. April 22·25 tlftlyl 135 E. 17th Street -Cost«.~ IJBRA (Sepl J3.0ct. 22): (Jwt Sat _, N&wll*'t II~) - - Practical affairs dominate. Get rouUne talks out of way early '° yoo. can relu tonight. Some cooluslon . eilats aboul appointment. w It h re:laUve. Pick up phone and verify. SOUTH COAST COMMUNITY HOSPITAL cordi1lly lnvitn 111 OC Economists RN1 & LVNs \!) "' w m w N "' :< "' w .,, < "' .... J: ,_ < w :r -< ..J < z 0 ,_ to 1n OPEN HOUSE I on Sunday, April 26 .,.I ·4 P.M. Tours -Buffet 31872 Co11t Hi9hw1y (11 7\h Avenue)" s...th lit..,., C1lllornl1 926n Phone (7141 499·1311 INVITATION HENDRIK VAN KEPPEL ANO TAYLOR GREEN -BEYERL Y HILLS ANO SANT A MONICA . - INVITE YOU TO VISIT THEIR NEW STORE ON THE BOARDWALK IN THE HUNTINGTON HARBOUR SHOPPING CENTER ACCESSORIES FURNITURE GIFTS 16841 ALGONGUIN ST. HUNTINGTON HARBOUR ( 714) 8~6-2888 c > z VI "" .... m z VI m z 0 "' m .,, 0 "' VI ... ,.. 0 () ;><; I J ~ I I 11 .. YO L. 63, NO. 98 , 5 SEcTIONS; 50 PAGES ORANGE cOUNfv, CAtlFORNIA, ' \ ' FRIDAY,. ArRU: 24, 1970 ' ,, 't :·u 0 . ' I :, Mayor Vote Puzzle Legal Opi1iion Raises New Qu~stion .. By ALAN DIRJUN OI tlM O.Jtr Plllf Sltff A resolution spelling out the procedure for elecUng a mayor in Huntington Beach caught councilmen by surprise when they saw it for the first time just before voting on the office Tuesday night. Several councilmen agreed today that the resolution Caught them unawares 1hough it was unclear wheUter the change· affected the outcome -the election Of Donald Shipley as mayor over George McCracken and Jack Green. "No one alerted me to it," Green aaid. "We never saw that resolution until we were up there ready to vote. If any changes were going to be made I would have been lhe logical person to have discussed it with since I was mayor at the time." 'l1le resolution was prepared and sub- mitted by the city attorney, Don Bonla. He is out of toWn on a trip and could not be reached for comment today. Mrs. Norma Gibbs, whose abstentions in the voting were a key in Shipley being elected mayor, sa1d today that she had called Bonfa Tuesday afternoon before the election. "I Just wanted some clarificaton, Faeing Senate I' .#. whether 1 could 1 abstain' and w.hat., tM. procedure was." • • Mrs. Gibbs said. that 'she had bten confused all week about' the ' position· she was in -having ttie· pivOtal vote. "Then suddenly it ·dawneCI: on file.' I could abstain and •»f called the attorney to ask whether that cbuld'lfe·done." ·When he introduced. the' new ri!Qiutio'n . '\'llesday night ·Boofa .llkeoe~ .it to •'ibe simplified '1040 tonh '~ it ,tQes twice as many pages to say ttier1arqe tbijia:." The key ~· over ~ previous procedure was ·to make clelr that a (S.. COUNqL,.Pap Z)' Beach Homes Still Stand Harbor District Vote After . Furor New life has been pumped into u/e old homes of Huntington Beach's Win- Bill Passes Asse1~bly tersburg distriCl after a storm of con-Specla1 to the DaUy Pilot troveny nearly blew them down. S~CRAMENTO - A bill to put dissolu- A public battle which started over lion or expansion oI Orange eo..mty 10 private homes last October finally Harbor. District to a vote of the people e~ in '11 .standoff -with #le homes_ was ~ved '111ursQa1'. hf· the state stil!'lllnlliq,. Assembly. But the owners agreed to certain Virtually the same bill, only with an repaira iQc4Mli"I v.eiX.iail o&d·PI ~ lllHllft et.ale, Wfl ~tated., rebuilding parts o( rottfng roofs and by the , AS!ltlllbly on Wednesday, Tbt- putling in proper electrical wirtiig. day-la~ turnabout-means 'the bill now "I think the repairs were fair," com-moves on to the state Senate. mented one home owner. The vote for' approval of the measure, Most' of the Wintersburg residents who authored by Assemblyman John Briggs had received "umafe housing" notices (R-Fullerton), was 42 to 26, one vote· [rom the city last October, originally more than the..41-vOte majority required. thought· they would -have to leave their -Wednesday, when-the bill as an emergen- hdmes. -cy measure needed a two.Utirds majority, A series of hearings conducted by it failed even a simple majority wlUt tht: city board of appeals determined a 32 to 29 vote not to approve. that only two of the 10 structures would have to be destroyed. The others could be repair«!, !lid the board. "I think there was a misunderstanding when ·we started .. tacking up these notices of ww.fe buildines," Jack Cleveland, director of building, said. "We weren't really COl'ldemning those homes, just warning the owners they were in poor ~ondiOon." n.e board of appeals, with James OeGuelle siUing as chairman, held hear· ings from Feb. 4 to March 25. Most homeowners were given 90 days to make the repairs, but Cleveland ad- mitted, "we're pretty lenient oo !J1e time period, we know they are going to fix the homes." Institutions Boost Mortgage Pledges WASHINGTON (AP) -The White HOUie announced today that private in- stitutions have piedged to increase com- mitments for residential mortgages by $Z )>µlion this year. ntis woukl provide about lS0,000 new residences and a spur to a construction industry that has been characterized as in a recession. Louis-Siracusa ' . . Services Slated Funer:al services for Louis Siracusa, 53, a long-time resident of Huntington Beach, will be held at 11 a.m., Saturday, in Smjth's Funeral Chapel • .Burial will follow at Fairhaven Cemetery in Orange. Mr. Siracusa, who lived at Tl7 Yorktown Ave., died Mooday. He had lived more than 40 years in Huntington Beach. His brother, Ernest Siracusa, is U.S. Ambassador to Bolivia, and his son, Louis A. Siracusa, owns the Ancient Mariner restatkant in Newport Beach. Mr. Siracusa worked in the oil and tool industry. spending some Ume in New York as an exporter of oil industry toolJ. He was retired. Survivers include two d a u g h t e r s , · Catherine of Huntington Beach and Barbara of New York; two sons, Louis A. of Newport Beach and Phillip of Texas; a sister, Mrs. Isabelle Bernier of Ofegon ; three brothers, Dante of Texas, EmeM. of Bolivia and William of Huntington Beach, and one grandson, Dean <i Newport l!each. . . ' County Vote List J)i~ . ' Registration Slump Blamed on Lack .of 'lnte,~~~·. By TOM BARLEY CM ,,.. Delfr l'MLlll Sttff -. . Alarmed Orange County Clerk William E. st John today disclosed what he (ieseribed as "an unprecedented major ~" in voting registration and sug- gested "a lack or interest in the issues and the candidates" as prime reason I.or the surprising slump. .Jte:gistrations for the June 2 primary election were coofirmed this morning as •,570. an estimated 45,000 bdo'ff Ute figUre. that was expected on the basis ol Orange County's traditional growth index, st John said. "We were so disturbed that we con- ducted a survey to Und out just why people haven 't registered," be said. "We diacovered this lack ot interest In issues and candidates, the belier or mant that 1 Primary Election isa't as - lmpGrtant as the General ElecUon and the opipi.on of some that tbis Is not a presidential year aod therefore is of less intemt. "But our overriding oonclusion is that there is considerable apathy on the part ol many people," St John said. "It is, we feel , a sign of the. times t ll a t many of our eligible voters Just cannot be botilered to ·~ that they wµI vote in the JW)! primary." St Jolm'• -11\!r of-116,510, ,...._ tered voters, Confirmed by comput.er this mornirw .. a decline of 25,000 rrom the figure recorded tn the t• General ElecUon. Growth slnct last. November has hoisted the county populaUon from 1,292,000 to 1.490,000 persons, a level that -d .. lndlcoto • ¥OllJlf • registra\ion str-.u. .of "'!',lllO .-.. . • f:"P7" • -,... ...~-.r·-"Thls tremerKSOus decline .JIU,. come aboot despii< the ~lgge'st'Canliralab ev<r waged by-Ulls olfioe,'',•rSt JD llidt "We cove#ed 'ule'1 cOuntY • wi th ~ registration material and ""' 'D d ~ all Ome blgb ol lllO def>uty .....,.... worl<I,,. in oil cllstrictl right "'P to tile time that regbtrallons closed." t' The decUne in voting lh'eftllh -to Ila •dived equaBy by the major palllicll por11., with lltplbll<ans..,,.lt talning their tradiUonal edge In Oran,t County. • • GOP adherenlt jDtalled •.$11 to Utt 0emocra11· m,111, ou.... 'Cllqoriloi """'"1<4 by St John· )nduiled 1'mtrl*1 1.,.,,.,...1 Party ' 5,65.!, Peo« ""' Freedom Party tM, mioctll-It (8'1 VOl'llll, .. II \.---- ' ' ' " ,._ •• • Ill • Beac·h ·Pa~l .. to ·. 8lock I I ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' Putting~-~ in .Park ' ' . l Steek• " ' TEN CENTS • .Next Fligb~ ' . , .. ' . May (;~0£f ' ' . OnSchedllle "If this turns out·to be tbe cue, we lhould be able to move out promptly w~lh the neCtuary 1 alteraUooa a\14 pro:. c~ , wl\h Apollo n, and •uboeqUonl flllibts on · approximately ·the -echedule We have presented be(Of'e:;" • Paine said Pres~t NlxQn .. ,,,111 shares th!J vi~ -that .\pol~ ts,_. tn>ublts shquld • nol cau,. ~ cutb!li:k in the 'U.S. space program .· Paine nid that dming a flight - Nli<on to Honolulu Jut Saturday·to m..t the retumiµg ·' utnlnluta, alter their splaahdown bi ine PllClflc the dly bef<n, N lxon e>preSIOd hil slrOl1( IUpporl for "a vigorous cingoln& u,s. ipace ~ pa'rtJcularly-in mannea apace flight." Congress afre,ldy 'has indicated it feels the same. The House 'Tburaday puaed NASA's 19'11 budget, aDOl!inl the q eoey more money thin it requelted. Oraage w-dleli Spring Is hlr<ly hero, but ium- mt!r. weather ja In. store for the' Coast this wee~end. with sunny skies and temperaturts brta.kin& the 71Hlegree burler. INSIDE TODA)' :Man11 1t1Vicemen are taking a"oantaQe of a taz brtak for biQ· dtductiont b»' moking onc-dar' 1 ,~Pf· over ~(ftncm. Page ia. ' ....... 11 ......... ~ IC•'""1tle ~.-,1,, .............. 1t C"-dllllt "' I ·N.._.. ..... +f ICIHNltlf Jl.U, ~ ~ ;1 Cfllllc• • llttl.w..tl &'If (,..._. . ........ .,. OI-I ltllCtr Mll'lttl 11on1 •Mertll ,.,. ' ~ ~ • • 1•"""9111Mlll "'" • ...., • ,..,_. , .. " ............. ,., .. ........ 14 WW.'"""' .. IAllR L.l!Mltn lJ W...... ' ... ~'-'"'""I I .. ' " 'I I l- • .. J DAILY PILOT " l3lemenfe Police Get 'Nixon' Aid . A ·llfp 1ec1...i grant o1 m:m to help San Clemenle'1 police deportment In ~ IU' Pruldent Nb;on has won •--1. JUllJce Departm•nt.apokeamen an.-!ale '!11ureday. 'Ibo -. wtdch ·-J>!ile the flnl ol ~ -and ..iiau yean ol ....-, were 1he molt ever gjvea to I '!'iii! San Cltmtrite .. ~ under the J Department's program ol local pollce, f!nancill aid. 'l1le ~ will be ;;,a, 1loog witb $17 ,5" In ilale aid, to beef up the M-m111 · dlportmeat to Include anothar· -~ """"-.. and ""' ..,,. pa~ ..., witli -equipment and c·..i bendlts. P o.i., Clifford Murray today aaidd11 wa "~ pleuecl by u..· grant ............ •:11ut -we 11111 liaven'I-enouch quallllod appllcanto · to fill the new politlona." Murray said that so far, a total of. five men haft! applied for positions ha the d~ New -will probably be ldrid u Ibo)' ~. " . "But we need many more -.ppllcantl before we can fJnd the belt qualifled men for tbe 'Jobl," he added. '!be fedol'll fuadl, f!?Clled under a plan called tbe "Su Clemenle Special Pn>Jecl" 11'6 the nm o1 ~,,. ..... tbaa tbne yem ol flMncial 111'- undor a fedml crime ""'trol law. But assurance of two more years of lundlng cannot come unill lat« tbto yeor .iter bis doplrtmeat fUu detailed reporta 111 tbe appllcatiooa and el· feet!•-ol the money, the cble! aaid. ''™" tblnp are lenuous from yur- to.yeor and It'• lmpou!ble to indict if the hda'aJ government would have enouP money In the budget to urry the ldeu tbn>ugh. We'll ju.It have to watt on the rest until we know fot sure, .. Murray saJd. • F, Idol, ~I :M, 1970 Over the projected thr~year period · planning calla for a tollJ procram ol $585,74&.el witb coot lbarlag under r;everaJ lormulu. -apeeto ol the total pocbp Include equally matching federal and citY funda. ~s dolall funds totally provided by the U.S. GovmunenL '!be sranL phl1ooopb1ca1ly. wu applied !of .. that the lederal go.....-could help pay fO< tbe obvloos bJlh -of providing police prvtocUon for the Cbltf Elecutlve durtog bis noidence In San Cl<m<nle. No opeclflc loderal ~ call for •• ..-11c -... ol loea1 pollce for their Important role In belpln& In Pmldeatlal security. Murtay, alludina to the dearth ti ouallfled •ppllcaats, eald altbouih Su Clmlelile'• pay ·-for • poJJc~ per-1 II "quite eampet!Uve,. Ibo employa loot beyaod aa1lry alaae. • "We will 1ry In tbe -ms lew yaan to bulld • l\)lll'O llOlld peaQoa Ind !rlnl .. benefit program. '111al'• wbat will ruJJy help u find the ~ men," be ~ I',... P .. e l VOTERS •.. with 22.220 decUnini to state their allegianc<. Orange Cout communities were 10lidly Republlcan witb tbo eacepllool ol W-where Democrats out- number!d Republicans by 11,188 to l,la and Loi Alamitos where the GOP fell behind tbe Democrats by 1,513 to 1,713. J!ei>W>Uciam u oPPoSet1 to ll,Jll Demo- crall. -Colla Mela, U,918 to IJ,111; Foun- tain Valley, 5,101 to 4~11; Huntington Beech, 22,057 to 19,004; Laguna Beach, 5,490 to 2,642. Also ahowlng R<publlcan majorlli" over Democrats were : Newport Peach, lt,435 to 5,978; San Clemente 5,278 to 2,sto; Sin Juan Caplstr~. 1,050 to 638: Ind Seal Beach 9,185 to 5,841. Republic.., hid a belier tbsn 2 to I edge In tbe Fifth Supervisortal District with 73,731 residents registering u R<publicans u oppoeed IO 45 , 111 Democrats. DAILY PILOT ouifoE ~'T lt\llllSHIHO COMl"A"Y l•Mti N. W,M ,...,......., ..,. P'wtl!W. ~., .. a. ev,1.., Ykt '"'""" ollnd ~·· ~ S:dltw TM111•• A. M•r,t.1•• M ..... 11111 Edltw Alb.rt w. '''" "-lfMltlllw " ........... otnc. 11a1J ••••It t.11•v•r4 M•ilil11 ~,,,,, P.O. h• 1•0, t2 .. I --"""""' •ndl~ m .,_, "-~ #Mer :Al Waf .... St,.. ,...,.,.i 8oMcll1 tt11 Wnl .. aa ...,..,.. ... ~I -*"" II C.'"'"' .... ... Mighty Mike Strike• Vmtag• pile driver 1lam1 SO.foot poles lnlo ground as part of founda- tion work under way for new St. Bonaventure Catholic Church at comer of Hell Avenue and Springdale Street in Huntington Beach. The eG-foot file driver bl ta. poles with 50,000.pound wallop and !Hakes five to elgb niinutes to drive SO.foot pole inlo th• ground. More than 70 ·polu are being used. ' Mesa.n's Son Free on Bail In Frozen Food Swindle , The alleged nliltennlnd of a frozen lood f1nonc:lng .bunco scheme, '"1ICh 1lgn. ed up more than 200 Oranie County families for $136,000 in cold cash and failed to fully deliver, i1 free on bail today. His father, of Costa Mesa, and two othtt men also arrested Thursday on complaints tosued by Orange Cooaty Dlztrld Atlttney Cecll A. Hicks remain jailed today In lieu of $12,500 ball e1ch. Named oo diarees of conspiracy and gtaDd theft are WUllam J. Wooll, 13, of 2014 Wall8ce Ave., Costa Mesa, his acin Pbnµp F. Wooll, 31, of N'orth Hollywood, Harold B. Muoey, 41, of Anaheim. and Joon M. Turner Jr., 40, ot Glendale. · Pblllip Wooll posted ball ThUrsday. The men have not been arraigned yet and preliminary hearings will be Heyerdahl Will Sail S A F I , Morocco (UPI) -Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl 1aid today he wUl try again May 2 to sail ~cross the AUantic in a papyrus boat, using a new craft built by South Americ.m Indians. Heyei-dahl tried and flJled 1 year ago to ..U the reed boat 0 Ra" from Morocco to Mexico's Yucatan PeninsUla In an at- tempt to show the ancient Egyptians could have made such a voyage in boats made of papyrus long before Columbus. 1et when they appear In court fo be md tbe charges agatn.t tbem.' Di!trict Attornty liicks said the opera- tion involved contracts with a business titled Family Plan, Comumtt Afllllates CorporaUon or Consumers' Services. He charged that salesmen signed up more than 200 families for time payment program. promising 860 pounds of fr.,.. ineat and otbe;. products l<r a $l3Z fee. Contracts blndlng the vlctlms to that amoont plus Interest wen tben allepdly sold to Liberty Loan Compsny ol Anahelm, whe!'e defendant Muoey II the manager. Hicks SJ.Id 1 frozen food suppUer wu then hired. to delh1er the goods t.o the customers, but charged they only ~Jv~ ed 300 pounds of loodstuffs. District Attorney's investigator Ray Miller alleged today that young Wooll is believed to have masterminded the food blliiag scbemo. -Massey was charged in a crim!nal complaint with one count of complracy and tbre•counts of grand tbeft. The other tbret alleged principals aam· ed In c<implalnt.s Issued by Judge Willer Smltb, of C..lral OrJnge County Judicial District Court face ooe count of con- spiracy and four of grand theft. lnvestigaton Wd meat offered in the alleged homeowner bilking operation was delivered by an lndependent supplier without connect.km to 1be ulmlnal acts charged. Art Show Ends OV School Kids' Creativity Seen The curtain came down Thursday night on one of tbe most ambitious enterprises in public education -a public showing of creative works by each one of 14,000 students ln the Ocean View School Dis· trtct. Tba block long Huatlogton C.nter mall wu pecktd with art objects, creative writing pieces. science and .&odal science projtct.s proudly placed tbett by students for everyone to see. AddJdonaUy, there were varlou11 live performances by b 1 n d 1 , orchestra, chonl* Ind dance groups from the ®'- tricl's 2% schools. The displays ranged from the slmple!l kindergarten ""'Ork of art." -tin can lids ol V&r)'lng slits nailed to a wooden b~k -to the most complex of science projects. auch •• maklna paper from Huntington Beach trees. Hundreds of pwersby marveled at ~ the works wrought by the elementary school kids, inchkl.lng one elderly woman who Thursday laid to bet' husband, "Look that's what .tbe kld.s· are dolnc In ' '··~-al .. 1chool these clays. It • ~ ce. The fOUl'<lay sllow WU ptsoned In con- Junclion wttb Public Schools Week and was intended to show people who rattly \•bit classrooms wbat their chUdre.n wt.re being taugh~ according In Dist. Sup!. Clarence Hall. 111n my uperience J have never seen an tducaUonal fesUval of either th1s m11· nltude 0< one done wttb IUcb clUI Ind organlzaUon," ie said. "Ofnclally It was In recognlu Public Schools Week but more accurately tt served to ffiXlgniu the outstandlnf work by Ibo students and tea<her1 ol tbe Ocean View School District. HJt was an e.rciUng opportunity for them to get tome recognlttoo for what lhey wue doing." Fr.. P-.e J COUNCIL... ·- majority of tbe _,... council wu Medsd IO -a _.,., and that ti dMn WU a w.I Yolo tbo petaoa willl -Y<ltll would nOt neceasarliy be elected. Tben would be a runoU between the nominees wttb two votes apiece and then the wtrmtr would ~ in a ruoofC with the man whO had rtetJved three vote3. t1tis situation almost arose in the voting and today Ted BarUett agreed that he made a key change in hia vote on tbe ' fourth ballot wben Shipley, McCt1ektn and Green were in the race. "I awlld>ed from McCracken In Shipley to bl'eok the deadlock," he said. That brJlot came out Greto 3, Shipley 3, and McCracken J, and Shiple) won on the neat coont. U Bartlelt had stayed with McCracken Jt would have been ~. 2, 2 with Shipley and McCracken runnl.ng ~ to meet Green. Bartlett said he found the city's at- tomey'1 resolutkln "very Ambiguous" but tblt he did not chinge hll vote ou\ ot confusion. "J jut went. that way." The introduction of the resolution rai&- ed three questions: -Why was it submitted? -Who asked for it to be IUbmitted? -Why wu It submitted at the last minute? City clerk Paul Jones said that he foresaw the possibility ol a 3-2-2 situation and that he meM.looed it to Bonfa' Tues.- day afternoon. "Thia thing came up two years age> and we re.allze that there was DO pro- vision for a runoff between the lower two nominees. That night the attorney made a rullng on the spot and menUoned thla to Bonfa .so he would be prepared." Jones den1ed that any coundlmen rai&- ed he J)osalbUlty with him. "I have betn tbroup tbls tblng before, I bave In weiJb all the factora," he explained. The dty clerk said that he, too, did not 1tnow Boafa would actually rewrite tbe old rultt. "I just wanted him to be prepared. When Jt came through I had to keep some of the girls here on overtime to type it up. There was no time to show It to councilmen." MtCracken also agreed that the resolu. lion surprised him. "lt wu very difficult t.o understand at the Jast minut.e." McCracken added, however; that be was not surprised that there were three nominations. 111 just expected to see Shipley nominated for the first ballot," he said. Abstentions by Mrs. Gibb! on the first th:'ff ballots created the deadlock betwetn Green and McCracken and led to the reopening of nominations and Shlpley's final vtctory. Burke to Open League Season Stale Assemblyman Robert Burke (R- HunUngton Beach) wlll Uirow out the flnt ball Saturday at opening day cere- mon)ts of the Golden West Pony League baaeblll season. He'll tab to the pitcher's mound at 1 p.m. on the newly dedicated field at 10300 Ellis Ave., Founl4ln Valley. Arter Burke's toas and Introduction of city officials and local hJgb school coach· et, two pony league teams will clash in the seuon's Initial contest. Golden West Pony ~ague serves mort than 140 boys ages 1~14 living in Hunt- ington Beach, Fountain Valley and parts of '.Vestmtnsler. CamJ!!! Vnren Bit GOP Candidates In Hard Debate • Two Republicans who want the state Attorney General's job and depuUes of two other GOP aspirants for Tbom&s J. Lyn<:b's coveted poet convinced a Balboa Yacht Club audience Tburaday nlght tbat they had at leost one thing in common besides their poliUcal af. fillallon : The bunting belief of each tbat he was, by far , the best man for the job. State Senator John L. Harmer (R-Olen- dale) and Reagan aide Spencer Williams delivered hard-bitting campaign speecbea at the debate hosted by ~ Newport Harbor Chapter of the Callforrua Fed.era· tlon of Republican Women. Plnchhitting for Los Angeles County District Attorney Special Policy On Insurance For HS Out A special Insurance policy coverlnc the Huntington Beach Union High School District in catastropblc emergencles bas been canceled because some district buildings do not comply with ltate earthquake safety standards. Specifically referred to is Huntington Beach Hlgh School. The schoo1'1 old audi- torium and classroom wing does not meet the requirements as prescribed by the Field Act. The United States Fire Insurance policy covered the district up to $5 mllllon In the event of an earthquake or other catastrophe. Attempts by the d.istrlct's broker, Jones, Gillespie &. Goppert, Inc. to place the insurance with another firm have been unsuccessful so far. District adminiStrators have asked the County Counsel for an opinion to determine if the insurance company was within its contract rights in canceling of the insurance. Beach's Edison Gets Dedicated More than 1,000 students parents and school P<l'""""'I Thuraday nlght packOd the Edl.wn Hlgh School gymnasium to witness lhe dedication of thelr school, the newest In tbe 52-lquate mile H~t. ington Beach Union High School Di!trict. The buildings were turned over to Matthew Weyuker, chairman of the district's board of trustees by architects Neptune and Thomas in a short cere- mony. Guest speaker for the occasion was Robert S. Lawrence, UC[ Dean of Stu· dent Personnel. Addresses were also giv- en by Weyuker, Dist. Supt. Max Forney, and Edison Principal Ernest Pascoe. Music was played by the Chargers' band and orchestra to 1 special per· fonnance of the school drill team. An open house followed the formali· ties. Evelle J . Younger and state Senator;~ George Deukmejian (R-Long Beach)' were repsectively, Newport Beach at~~ torney Robe.rt S. 1'Sam" Barnes a~ Fullerton attorney William Dannemeyer .. •. Hanner drew what ap~ to be:·· the ovatioa of the evening with ti searing condemnaUon of campus rioters, striking employes of the Los Angeles sChoOl di.strict "and all those who nout the~ Jaw because the law allows t~em tO . do so." , He called for the firing or the Los Angeles teachers "who continue to defy., orders of the court" and be urged Or-.rige . County voters to "cast your votes fo~~· those candidates who will take immediate ,. an<I. 1ctive steps against the e r r a n t judiaiaiy. "It is time for us to talk about the gupremacy of, the law and to expect those judges whom we appoint to ensure that those who breach our laws pay for their transgressions," Harmer said. Departures Made From Park Plans In Huntington Several departures from the architec· tural concepts for the HtfuUngton Cen- tral Park were initiated by recreation and parks commissioners Thursday, in- cluding retention of an existing police shooting range. The range, constructed by the Hunt· ington Beach Police Office.rs Association near Talbert A venue and Golden West Street, will remain since it would not be economically feasible to relocate It, commissioners decided. Although architects had recommend· ed "phasing out" of the practice area to preserve quietness, the commissi9g_a,S'I' tion was based on an "iron clad" leaae the association has on the property for the next 10 years. In addition, the police officers say~ they have already invested $150,000 in the project, which would be opened for public use at a later date. Commissioner Dennis ft1angers reluc· tantly endorsed.. the decision, alleging that the $150,000 figure is "grossly cver- lnflated." "Philosphlcally, I am as much op'posed to guns in the park as I am to automobiles in the park." A police hellCQpter port, also Jocattd on the park property, will remain for the time being until it becomes CQm: pletely incompatible with the park con· cept, according to commissioners. Then they will ask for its removal. Another design change which recei ved the commission's nod of approval is the temporary shelving of a $360,000 com} munity center to allow use of I~ monef for quicker development of the initial phase of the park. ' The CQmtnission also asked that some study be given to proposed parking· areas within the park itself, particularly in the area proposed to serve the Jake-· side community center, boat rentals an<t amphitheater. OFFICER'S CHEST COLLECTION FOR THE UNUSUAL IN QUALITY AND STYLE, LOOK TO HENREDON. OFFICER'S CHEST COLLEC. TION FEATURES A LARGE SELECTION OF LIVING, DIN- ING AND BEDROOM PIECES TO SPICE ANY ROOM. AVAILABLE IN SEVERAL EX. CITING A N D DIFFERENT RNISHES. STOP IN TODA YI ly HENREDON DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE 7a1., " INTERIORS NIWl'OltT llACH 17%7 WM!cllff Dr 642-2050 Profoulanal Interior 345 N Dl'IN fltlDAY.'TIL ' Deslgnot1 A••llablo-.f,ID orth CoHt Hwy. 494-6.151 - OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 T• "9e MW" Of-.. ~ Mo.IJU LAGUNA BEACH ' ' " ' I rt Bea-eh--r- VOL. &3, NO. 98, 5 SECTIONS, 50 PAGES ; Special to tbe DAILY PILOT • SACRAMENTO - A resolution calling for a moratorium on consideration of the Upper Newport Bay land exchange was iptroduced here in' the California Assem· biy Thursday by Assemblyman George W. Millas (ft.Gilroy). 1be resolution asks that state o.f Calif· ohda departments responsible for the land exchange, and three other develop. ment.s sub.Dtit to tbe Legislature environ-, m·ental impact reports The moratorium is to last until these rePorts are submit~ ted. 0 The resolution ts co-authored by eight assemblymen, including John V. Briggs (R.Fullerton), all me.fberS of a Select Assembly Committee on Environmental Quality •PPolnled by Assembly Speaker Robert Monagan (R-Stockton). The language of the resolution ts taken from the re(IOtl al the select committee filed last mooth. · ·.It calls ·for moratoriums on the Upper Bay Land Exchange .. the Tijuana· River estuary development. in San. Qlego County, Goleta Slough Freeway m Santa Barbara County and the San Francisco 0 •Freedo1n Sound~ • Toro Jet Nois e Gripes Handled An EI Toro Marine Air B a s e fipokesman suggested Thursday· that persons awakened at dawn by the noise or jet aircraft think of it as "the sound of ~eedom." El Toro bas been launching early morning ,planes along an infrequently used take-off corridor the last several seeks because of heavy prevailing winds from seaward. The jets pass close by University Park, Harber' View Hills and Corona del Mar, and there have teen a number or com· plaints from residents. Major Robert B. Booher, public affairs ollifel: at El Toro.· said the situation is. only temporary, due to the wind which ~es it leu: than. safe for the jets to take off h~ inland over tbe-·moontains; ·Tak..if--"'ld-~nding dirf!Ctions have been reversed and the jets recently have taken off headed out to sea. · "We're sorry wt have to disturb poo- p)e, however, we have a defense'mission lo do," Booher said. "We'd like them {residents) to consider it as the sound of freedom." He said a F..-4 jet .at 6:30 in the morning when everything else is quiet makes quite a bit of noise but at 6:30 the sun is well up this time of year. "We're a 24-hour-a-day master jet base. We're required to fly at those hours to meet our defense mission and train our. crews," he said. BoOOer said no El T<l-.o jets are su~ posed to fly over Newport Beach but he admitted that occasionally it might happen. ~ "You get a young pilot on his first r~ae .and J>y the tHne ~ gets his gear up arid fiaps ap he may get. bel'llnd ~ oiiss the poin~·to tum," Booher oa!4 caildl<Ily. He--said·-jets-by~the time ·they hit the coast might ·be going something like 300 miles i;er hour and are covering a lot of distance in just a.few seconds. "There is a constant program to re.em- phasize the course (take-of{ pattern) rule!," Booher assured. Fouquet Gets Death Rap In Boy's Torture Murder LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Ronald Fou- quet, convicted of the torture murder ol the $-year-old son of his common·law wife after she testified her husband sat drinking beer and watching a televi ston cartoon as the boy died, today was Pair in Custody In Police Theft Two men charged with stealing money from Newport Beach police while they were trusties in the city jail are in cmtody today in Orange County Jail following their arraignments on charges of grand theft. Keith John· Murray, 22, ol Joliet, lll. was booked Monday and Victor Leroy Staub, 27, of c.oncord, Calif., was taken into custody fn Concord Tu-y . .Both are held in lieu of $12,500 bail. Both were trusties in the jaii from January t.o Mardi. condemned to death in the gas chamber. The jury of eight men and four women return the verdict in the penalty phase of the trial after nearly nine hours of deliberation. 1be 32-year~ld maintenance mechanic and his common-law wife, B e t t y Lansdown Fouquet, 26, gained notoriety last fall when another of the woman's children, Jody, S, was found abandoned on a freeway near Bakersfield. A California Highway Patrolman later testified he had to pry the girl's fingers loose from the freeway fence because · "mommy and daddy" had told her to wait there. Whlle the couple was in custody on a fe'lony child abandonment charge, Mrs. Fouquet revealed to sheriff's detectives that Fouquet had killed Jeffery in 1966. Her testimony before a grand jury led to .Fouquet's indictment Jeffery's remains were found by a hunter in a desert canyon but they remained unidentified. During the trial, the prosecution was unable to positively identify the remains as Jeflrey. ORANGE COVNT'f, ~ ' -' Harbor Bill Adopted; Vote Looms Special to tbe'Ddy PU0t SACRAMENTO -A·bilHo put·dissolu· lion or erpansion of Orange County Harbor District. to a vote of the people was approved Thursday by _the state Assembly. Virtua11y the 'same bill, only with an' emergency measure clause, was defeated by ~ "-~IJ ·'!()'f'~ 'pi . day-later. tumaboiit<llieOn:,.~bdl'JIOlf-';. moves on to the ~; _ ...; l ~. The vote for ~Q;or-~11\elfU'e a1:1tho~ · )'Dlan Brigs ()1-FUIJertiiilj wAI •• ·lo • 2f. • -, .. te mote thl!I iiiO l1-.0U-ftijijo,11J ~d. _Wednesday, wDen thtlbJ11-is:a11 ~ -cy meuure needed•• tWo-lhirds majotityi it failed even a simple m8jority 'with a 32 to 29 vote not to approv~. , The Briggs •bµl qlls for a two-choice election with voters to decide .eitbet to dissolve the Spetial 11ar00r Oislricl so it can become aDother department of county government .or• to .exparU:I'· its function to include acquis.ltiOfi and opera- tion of in1and parks and recreational areas. . • In the Senate the bill probably !Will be referred to the Local Government Committee, headed by Sen. John Sclllnit& (R-Tustln). Schmitz so, far has jleclm.d to say how be stands on the cootroversial · Harbor District jssue. If the legislation survives itS Senate ' test and is signed by the governor, then the date of the ·election the bill calls for will be the decision of o/ance County supervisors. The Orange County Board o f Supervlsors has voted 4 to 1 to expand the district rather than dissolve it and does not favor such an election. Because the bill is not now written as an emergency measure it would not take effect unW 90 days after the close of the legislative aession and' likely, therefore, not qualify for the Nov. 3 General Electi<lll ballot, But supervi90l'I hl'Ve the authority to caJJ a special dillriet,elec:tion and could put It on the bl1lot at that time to save the ex.pera 'of holding a speclal eJectioo next spriilg. . · Assemblymlpi Robert Badham (R· Newport &at;,), who had englne<red defeat of the bill Wednesday. lost out 21 to 36 Thursday U:i a 111ove to have " ' • ,.,, ,,,,..-, ' ' . llltlDA Y, •APAIL' 2~. 1.fio • • ' " r " ' I I , ' DAILY pft!oTl,._.!ir;,'-hr'M , . ' j •• ' ' ' ' . . (See HARBOR, Page Z) HfiWdy;Ru. ' t ' t • ' ' • • ' • County Vot~ List Dips Mai'y Ueno, S, ,a ·kinderga'rten student at. Harper School in Costa Mesa·; geiS· a .homo, saa;ilen ts eye' view of. the age of dinosaurs -as s,h,e chScks o\ft life-size· 'Fyrannosaurus Rex . Model of flesh-eating mon- stf.r,oul·of•·the)past is10ne Of•ttire·e·built'by kindergart"en Classes at the sChool. ·• ' ' Registration Slump Blamed 01i Lack of lnt.erest. F · · · ".F, •. h" "· · "M. ·. . . . . . -. . . ~.teeway· ig tets . · eet By TOM BARLEY important as the General Election and reg1stralton strength or 600,000 voters,\ 1 1 • • ' ' • • ' • , • • Of,..°"'" Plllf '"" the opinion of Some that this is not '"11Us tremeDdOus· decline has come + , ', ' 1' •• 1 · ' • ,• Alarmed Orange County Clerk Wjlliam a presidenUa1 year and therefore is of about despite the biu!st.catnpatgn evtr Hari>Or Ar~a l'rftW'ay F.ighte'r~ mt't ·everY day'.. , E. St John today disclosed what he less interest. waged . by this , Qfijce/' ,St John said. again today with about 75 pei:aons pres-· , 'lbe-composi~ of 'the freeway,flghters deecrlbed as "an unprecedented major -·~ . . \;.o:._, n dedioe" in voting registration and sug· ueut our overriding conclusion is that "We covem1 the· county with voting ent at.the~BQside 1Vlllige. 1mlir' P.ark ,a"t UMl morning meeUng rat1 heavily to gelled 11a lack of interest in the issues there is considerable apathy on the part registration material-and ~we .had an clubhoust. ' '" ' · elcterl.Y persons: and the candidates" as prime reason of. many people," St John ~aid. "It ,1111 lime high of 800 deputy registrars Brochures plcWring the im,pact, of · Mlnhall Dulfiela,: actiiig Freeway for the surprising slump. is, we feel, a sign of the times th at working in all districts right up to the Pacific CO.st ~a)' on Newport Beacli 'Fight~ chairman •. s'Bld 1 that wb~n they RegiStrations for I.he June 2 primary many of our eligible votel"I just cannot time that registraUona closed .. " . were· n.ot yet available today a!I freeway .felt lhey tJd ~full sµppcrt of the coril· election were confinned this morning be bothered to eDIUrt that they will The decline in v5Jling strength teemed , __ ..r..._ .. d .._, as 555,570, an estimated 45,000 below vote in the June prinlary," to be suffered equally .by the m.ior .fight......,., hid hoped they 1rillfi ·~ munlty tbe F<teway·Fighlora would con, the figllre that was expected on file basis St John's fmal tally of 5$515701 regis-polfUcal part.I.es with Republicans main· No ·total ' nounctd tn·thl·TIU.mber tact government oUlclals at the city, ol Orange County's traditional growth tered voters, conftnned by computer tainlnir their traditional edge in 0r..,. flt ·11 t .hate '*" collected ·caunty, ;tate apd federal 1)tvel. . index, St John sald. this morning is a decline of 25,(XX) from County. 're not &oiPI. to .run a The brochura are scheduled lo be "We were so disturbed lhat we con· the figure recorded in the 1968 General ~ GOP adherenta ~ 291,536 to the ,.e·aet to the end ol rn1ssed out door·u..door U\roorlwrt the di-a SUrvey lo find out just why Election. Democra''"' - -l"Vlo~ ca''"'--'-' '"-r:r -~ .. • -.-. vu.ft:I" K-6 ... """ .the nao -111 1 the, total," Paul' city next Thursd,ay. A"'-m~ will JeOPle haveb't regislered t'' he said. Growth since las t November has compiled by St John lncklded Ame.riCan ·;."": •• ,...... *'We discovered this lack of interest hoisted the county population from Independent . Party , s,•, Peace ind Gnlber, 'Fiffw . Ffgbters vice cblir· be hekl at 1:IO Thursday alghl. n the ,ht Mes and candidat.es, the belief o( 1.292,000 to L,'60,000 perJO!U, a level Freedom Party "4~ miacellue6ui • man, said. . · audltorlu.m at •Newport Harbcir High ma., tbll a Primary Election isn't as that appeared to . indicale a votins (Soe VOTDB, ..... 1) ; He,!' ~-llfl1TII)' .la Incrulln( School. · . ,, ' , ~ ' ' t 'j, •• , t! ~ • • • • ' ·'TEN CENTS ' Next .Flight May Go Off :, .. On Schedule · · WASHINGTON· (·UP!) -U.S,. -· chief Thomas 0 .' Paine ·aail today tile' apparent cabse of . Apollo , 13's .·falhn was so· simple to fix ·that 'the· ;nqt· moon· light. mlllht be launched,· eri' schedule. A-.t Jollll'L. s,,;prl aail be was·ready to:go.1 • 1 • • r 1 • , · 'nle ·optimllUc statement by·Paine w• secandeil ·by. llab:o·~, 1Apolla·~ gram "director, .and Swtcert11· eonurnmds, Oil. AP,Ha u; .Capt.t Jlqlil 'i&. . lllteJI. r : 1 I llut if Wai ilmo1U11t !n ......... of' llthatorlll praile 'foo · l:ovell 11111 Swigert, bask\Jig willi thelf, boiaaa Ill • •. Gf ...... 1 .. 1:!7,memblrs:-- of ijle -.; Aeroaautlcl and >'$pace ~· CGmmllloe , allil bllfdrtdo al IJlidator.S. • ~· • ~ , , • · I '11 N 'crowd •Jammed lnto: one 'of C.1'i!OI Hlll's biggest hearing rooms, jollied Iii applause while scores more lined uP in a hallway outside hwtng f9r •a glimplli of the two istrOnauts. The third membU or the Apollo 13 crew, Fred w. Raise, 'was tinablet:O attena. ~ • _ PaineJ!ll~ tliaL~l!IL,ai. being cooducled to try to determine ~eciselr what -cauaed the accident 1that a~ th~ """"' !anding and ·threale!J.fl 10 strand . the . three utrona11ta in. "aa etemet·orblt. · . Jiut he. oaid the ca\184'. bad ten\atwelJ, .. ~ traced to "a re,lailvely almple com. -~nl" and fhat it cobld be corieoted easily. · · . . sen. John 'C. Slonhis; (ri-Mlls.,) wif l:.ovell · and Swiaert in ·tW1J, "110 Uy Of you astronauts think, ·you are pµt to UMe<:essarY rtS~s?" . . ' · ' "l never 'felt ·any ' reluctance .or ·that I was , put; to aDy unriecmary riakS at all," Swiger( re~ed'. "Riglit:noW, u you were , ,to U.t me · would t ' 11 0 b"ack and fly that ser:Vice module, I certainly wquld. ". · · • · '. Lovell said any kind of fiylng' '"Is somewhal rls9. ·~we1re prepared to tit~ that/' he said 'durjpg questioning .nu Paine's testimony. · "We expect thit the large quanUtj and high quality Of 1'lemetered daia· received frojn 1\1! Apollo )3 ~fl It the time o! I& accident win ' perilllt •· precise and ' early jdenUfkaUoil"ol the caUBes. ol~'tho faijUre," explalQed Paine. • " ... IThe admfnlatrator' ill the Natlqoal AeronauUcs and Space._ Ailministratlon (NASA), adCI~, "1"e t~gen ~ gask believed to he ·involftd is a retltml-lY simple cOmponent 'atid cOrrecUve ac-- tlon should not · prove ' ta be a major task. ' Orange Coast · W!iiadaer. , ; S~g · Is barely· litre, but ...,_ mer weather is in store for the Coast: thla weekerxl, with 'SWDIJ sides and lelnperaturea broUlnf , the 'IO-defvee• l>arrler. ' INSIDE TODAY t.font1 tt!rvfceme-n are tak~l'O advantage of a f.Oz brtalt.,for (Hg dcduclioill by making oneodop trip• ovcr Vietnam, Pog• lZ. -... .-.... ,. ... l" JollfllMI*-.. ....... ~ . • ·----f ·-:t~ ,._......,. n T ........ ' • W"lflilt 4 -----.. •11111111 .. r .. ' " I l ' N Polke Get 'Nixon' Aid A lar1e ·federal ganl o! 199,m le help Son Clemente•• pollce departm<nl In ~ly lar ~ot Nixon bu ...., a-.i, Justice ~I~ ............... 'lllurlday. . ;n.. fllnd1, wbleh c<imprlie the first o( pouibly three and one-half years fl gnotl, we-e the mott ever gtven to,,a city. ol SU Clemente" lixe Ulld<r tho -Department'• -ol local polk< financial aid. The ,...,., will be Uled, along with $4T,Mt hi &tale aid, to bed up the ,... cl¥rtmenl to Include --cr"Mrtt. three chteettves and •ii more poll....... alq wllll ..... oqulpmenl ..., pononnel bene!llL l'ollee Cblef lllillcn • MmTlY today a&ld be _ .. 'ollvi<UIJ pleued bf Ille crllll ·~ "bUt nonetheieu we .till hana't -enouch qualllled applicants to nu lhe ..,, pal!IJGm.' ·. , MlllTlly &aid that ,. far, a total of fiVe' men have •pplled foi positions in the lloplrlment. New meo will probably ... -.. they qualify, ., "Bal ye need many men appllcaqu: belan'we ean llnd the. boo£. qilallll'!I men far lllt jobl," ho odded. · : 'Ibo fedll'll fundl, .--• pl• 'called the "sta. ci->te llR«ifl . Project" are the first cf possibly more than three years of financla1 graota mider a federal crime con1rol law. But assurance of two more yeal'I of fundla& eamd come · until later· lltil year .an.r Illa departmeol Illa detailed reporil on Ille appllcalkm a..i el· fec:tlveueu 'of the money, the chlef said. '"Ibele thtnp are tenuous from year-eo.,..r llllcl 11'1 lrripolfible to predlct If fbe fideii! pemment would have enoqh money In Ibo budget to carry the ldeu thnJuBh. We'll juot have lo watt on the rest until we know for aure," Murhy uid. 0.... the projected -year period planning calls for a tolal Pf"Sl'lllt of $185,746.61 with coot lharing ur<ler 1everal formulas. 'Scxne upecll of Ille total package fnclude equally matchlng federal and dly flmds. Otb<rl detail funds tolally ~by~.~~~ lied 'Ibo srant. ,....._.,.._,, wu •PP !I>': .. that Ibo !eden! govmnnent could lielp poy for the obvious b!lh costs ol proVldlng pollce proled!m for the (Jllel EDcudve durilll 1111 noldcnce In ... Clemente. .No .opadllc federal ~ call for an ..--" local poUce !cir their Important !file In belplng In ~-11. lfw:IQ, aDudtni to U.-ddtQ>Of flQallfled appl!ta .... aald'"""""" IA Oomeole'• Pl1 -lni• ~ ~ per8D11Del .. <lquite eqnpetltlw, thl llll))lo7e1 loolc beyGad lallry .-... Louis Siracusa $ervices Slated Funeral .ervtces for Louis Sirlcu&a, 13, a Joe1.itme raldent ol Bumtnglon Beacb, will be held at 11 1.m ., Saturday, In Smith's Funeral Olapel. ilUrlal will loUow al FaJrl!aven Cemetery In Orqe. Mr. SlrlCUll, who lived at m Yort1aorn Ave., died Monday. He had Uved _. than 40 years In HuntlnltOn Beocb. His brother, Emeat S!ncuoa, Is U.S. Ambulador ·to Bolivia, and hia eon, Lwls A. Siracusa, OWM the Ancient Karhier ftstouraol In Newport Beach. Mr. Slracyaa worked In lhe oil and tool lnduotry, aperdlng aome Ume In llew York u an eiporfB ol oll'ir<!uotry toots . .He was retired. Surviver• include two d a u I h t e r s • Catherine of Huntington '!leach and Barbara of New Y~k ; two IOl'IS, Louis A. of Newport Beach and Ph!IUp of Texas; a sister, Mrs. Isabell!! .Bernier bf Oregon ; three brothers, Dante of T...,, Emeot of Bollvia and William ol Huntlnctcm Beach, and one gandaoo, Dean ol Newport Beach. DAILY PILOT OMNl#I& COAIT l'UIL .. fttO C\OMf'AMY a.i..tt K. w~ ,.,...,.. ............ J ... 11 R. ew1 • ., \lb ,...ldtrW ,,,.. Gtowal - lHM•• K••"il '""' tho11111 A. M11t,lril11e ~Ins l.411w T111t1111t Fort,,.n1 .......... a..dl City t:dltw N..,..t .... Oflhe 2211W11t11~1 a.,,,1, .. ,,..i Milli., ,AM,,..., r.O. h• 1111, t266l --· .. . ' .. r c .... pu v~re•t ••t . . ) , ,,.. $ ' " 41 •• -f (· ... GOP Candidates ,- In Hard Debate. ~~ Two Republicans who want the state Attorney General's job and deputies of two other GOP asplranta for Tbomas J . t.yncb.11 coveted post convinced a Balboa Yacht Club audience 'J'hursd•Y night that they had at least one thing In common besides their political af- filiation: The burning belief of each that he wu, by far, the best man for the job. Stale Senator John L. Hanner (ft.Glen· dale) and Reagan aide Spenctt Williams delivered hard-bitting campaign speeches at the debate hosted by the Newport Harbor Chapter of the Callfornia Federa- tion of Republlcan Women. Pinchhlttlng for Los Angeles County District Attorney Evelle J. Younger , and state Senator George Deukmejlan (R-Long Beach) were repsectively, Newport Beach at-· torney Robert S. "Sam" Barnes and Fullerton attorney William Dannemeyer. .. Barnes stressed Younger'• long et-., perience in law enforcement and Oft• the bench as the "ideal asset" for th& candidate ,..kinl Ille job o! attorney. generil. , .. 0 Younger bas the support of United States Attorney General John Mitchell and the National Committee on Cri~ and Law Enforcement in bis bid for. th.is key posilion," Barnes sald. "His long record as a disirict attorney, a:. a Superior O:>urt judge and as a formei FBI agent should in itself, persuade you that th.is is the man who shouij! become California's attorney ceneraL'~ : .. .. · 1).\11 .. T f'll.OT ll1U Pllol• COLORS PRESENTl!D IN FREEDOM SHRINE CEREMONY AT SOUTH COAST PLAZA Exchange Club Rededicates Patriotic Display in Honor of VietMm War Dead Harmer drew what appeared to be the ovation of the evening with a searing condemnaUon of campus rioters, striking employes of the Los Angeles school district 0 and all those who flout the law because the law allows them to do so." Junior High Fight in Mesa Injures Boy An ' adolescent confrontaUon turned violent at a C.osta Mesa junior i.igh school Thursday, leaving~ one~ boy. cu t up with a hooked blade and a second charged with assault with a deadly Exchange Ouh In Mesa Honors Viet War Dead The Costa M,.. Exchange Club boo- ortd It Vietnam dead irom the Harbor Area today at the dedlcat.lon of a Free- dom Sbrine al South COISt Plau In Costa Mesa. _.... , The Freedom Shrine fl a collection' cl nproducliona ol. hlllorlcal documenbl In American lilstory. The names ol. llarbol: Area servlc<meo who died In the VietJ\am conflict are listed on a acroU on the Free- dom Shrine. Costa Mesa aervkemen who were hon- ored al Ibo ceremooles included Donald L. Hceaton, Eric Speak, Robert C. Ewald, l\Otler L. Brown, David K. Omllead, Law· """" D. Gree!. ' WlJIWn J. Walker, Dale F. )ludJan, llellDlo .D.JJ'ergulOft, .cbarlea !>. Wlt1, Echnid C. Hughes Ill aod Jam" Spow. N~ Beach war dead honored at the ~ ~ Included Daniel l <i<. .Y -"-!!· .~!l't,-~, 11.11an1 ... Donald A. ~,-Galm · L. rJoore, Wl!litm C. MatllJ, Michael II. Young and Kent s. Anderaon. Partlclpallng In the hour-long dedica· tion were members of an El Toro Marine Corjll color giiard and .the Newport Har• , bor lllgh School band who played the ''Star' SPi ltd B&Mer't WUlfam ~eblter, ·~ident or the Ex~ chU(e Clulf, ..-ted the Freedom Shrine to Harold s.aentrom ol. the Soulh C-tPlna Dennlt Ii: Carpenter ,.tdruaed lhe aucf. ieoce which included maoy friends and nlallvea cl the sarvlcemen ,.,.... Pqe l , VOTERS ••• -21,llO declinlng to lllle their aUaglance. Orange Cout commun!Ues were IO~dly Repu~Ucao with the exceptl'!"' of Wt9bnlnlter where Demcx:rata out- numbered Republicans by 11,181 to 1,882 and Los Al&mltos where the GOP fell h<hlod the Democrat. by 1,!16! to l ,!U. Republlcllns as opposed to 35,311 Demo- crats. , -Coeta Mua, t5,9U to 11,192: Foun- laln Valley, 5,603 16 1,811; Huntington Beacb, ll,057 to 11,00I ; Laguna Belch, 5, 490 to 2,642. ~ llhow!ng Republican major!Ue1 over Democ:ra\I were: Newport Buch. 19,llS to $,178; San Clemente .5,211 to 2.340; San Juan Capistrano, 1,DIO to 539; and Seal Baach i,185 to 1,811. Hepubllcans had a better than 2 lo 1 edge in the Fifth Supervisorlal District with 73,732 residents registering as RepublicaM as opposed l'o 4 5 , 3 11 Democrats. From Pqe J HARBOR •.. the bill re-referred to the Assembly Local Government Committee. Assemblyman Kenneth Cory ( D • Anaheim), co-author to ~ Briggs bill along with Assemblyman Robert Burke (R-Huntington Beach), said that would be "cruel and inhuman punishment.'' The commlttff has heard marathon testlmony on Brigg's le1lslatlon to dissolve the district for the last three yean. Cory Ulis year originally ln- lloducod a b!ll lo .,.pond the Harbor District but agrttd to a compromlMi measure to put • cholet between dissolu- tton and expansion to the people. Badham contended the people already have spoken l.hrough their elected supervisors and tenned the dual-quesUoo election "Mickey Mouse." He argued ~uccessfully Wednettday, unsucces&fuJly Thursday, that having the Le1ialature se:tUe the vote question Is interfering with the eoncepl or home rule. But the othtr thtt't' c o u n t 1 a.uemblymen dldn·t see II that way ·and want lo lei the people de<:ide. • Wayne Gets New Honor LA Press 'Headliner' He called for the firing of the Los Angeles teaohen "who continue to defy orders of the court" and he urged Orange County voters to "cast your votes for those candidates who will take immediate and-active steps against I.he e r r a n t judiciary. "It is time..for us to talk about the supremacy ~the law and to expect weapon. · Harry R. McOonaJd, 14 , of nt Shalimar Drive, was treated by his 1amily doctor after being slashed on the arm and stabbed in the chest. H~ told Patrolman Robert Berg .. he and bis girl were talking on the Everett Rea Interrqediate School campus Thurs- day morning when the other boy, 15, approached. Newport Beacb actor John Wayne to- day adaed the Greater Loi Angeles Press ctub'a Headllnet of the Year award ~to h1a to-year list of laUfela1 climaxed two w.W ago ht 1111 ftnl OICar. '11>0· Bayabores .reoldcnt' will ol.ficially be aaluted liy the ,Loo Angeles working pras at tta ninth annual Headline awards banquet June a at the Beverly Hilton HoCel. He joins a list o( Jricr bonorffs in- cluding Robert Finch, secretary of health education and wellare ; Gov. Ronald Reasan, former Assembly Speaker Jess Unruh (D-In1Iewood), the late Los Angeles Police Ollef William Parker, U.S. Sen. George Murphy (R-Califomia) Cc median Bob Hope, former Gov. Ed- mund G. Brown and Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty. Wayne -known as The Duke - has been away from Newport Beach in recent months, shooting the film "Rio Lobos" on localion in Mexico and Arizona. those jud1es m we appolnt to ensure that those w breach our laws pay for their tra essloru," Harmer said. "Thosi! judges ho ca11;not interpret what seem to me to~ sensible. clearly defin- ed Jaws of cpnduct then it is time tor us to remo~ them from office." Campus riots, said Hanner, 11are equally the product of lax enforcement of laws and the failure of many to put into effect procedures that would end many of these disturbances before they really became disturbances." Words were ~changed. leading to a challenge and a flght , after which the victim's girlfriend noticed he was bleeding from the ann and cllest. Officer Don Casey found the· alleged assailant walking along at Placentia Avenue and Governor Street and he was admitted to Orange County Juvenile Hall. A hook-shaped box cutting knife was taken <5 evidence. Mesan's Son Free on Bail Williams' sugested solution for cam- pus violence was to "take legal action against the parents of those involved in rioting and vandalism" and he pro- mised that 'kind of action if he succeeds Lynch in Sacramento. The candidate stressed liis "long and close association with Gov. Ronald Reagan and .a d~ k:noy.'ledge of ad- ministrative 'thinll!.g and c I tit net desires" that shoukl, he said, "make me the attorney general l very nearly was in 1966." Williams was beaten in that elect.ion by Lynch. Candidates File For Utt's Seat In Frozen Food Swindle Three of the six · candidates enteriid m the regular June primary election for the congressional seat of the latt .;James B. Utt have taken out papers for the ,.s~I election June 2 to . llll the unezpired term whicti ends nm Jan. I. ,. '" . . '.lbe alleged maatennlnd of a frozen food financing bunco scheme, wltich aiBO· ed up more thaD 200 Orange County families for $138,000 in cold cash and faJled to fully deliver, is free on bail today. 1 Mia father, of c:Geta Mesa, and two other men aloo arr~ed 'riiunday on complaints lilued by OriJ\ge County lltsti!ct Allomey Cecil A. llkks ramain Jailed tOd;y In Ueu cl llJ,500 ban each. Named on cbaJaea of conspiracy and srand theft are William J. Wooll, a:i. Of 2014 Wallace Ave,. Colt& Mesa, his son Pbllllp F. Wooll, 31, of North Hollywriod, Harold B. Musey, 46, of Anaheim, and Jobn M. Turner Jr., IO, ol Glendale. Phl1IJp Wooll pooled bill 'll>unday. '.!be men have not been arTallftOd yet and prol!millar)o beorlngs will be sec when tlley -In court to be """1 the charfes~ them. District AttameY Hicks said the opera· lion involved contracts with a buJlness tiUed Family Plan, Colllumer Allillates CorporaUOn or eoi:munera'"Servlces. He charged that salesmen signed up more than 200 families for Ume payme nt programs promisln& 880 paunds of frozen, meat and oilier products for a $682 1 ... . Power Goes Out In Newport Area An exploding power transfurmer left a stretch of Ocean Front along 30th Street in Newport Beach w1thout street ligtltl Thursday nigltt, an Edison Com· pony offUal reported today. 1be spokesman said fog and dampness caused an arcing in the transfonner which led to the explosion •J about 9:50 p.m. Newport firemen called to the sctne easily put out the small fire resulting from the explosion. "This sort of thing happens every now and then,'' the Edit0n repreSe:ntative said. "The dampness collects over a period of time and then the protective dev:icts ~ck out the transfonner." UC Chancellor Talks in County UC Berkeley Chancellor l\Otler W. . Heyns wUl speak in Tuau.n Tuesday to Ormige County alumni &1¥1 other• ln- tertsled In the univerllty. Heyftl wlll ,i .. a short prepor<d talk and then tnswtr qoerUon.s wbk:h un- doubtedly will touch on violence last week that Heyns called the most wanton in Berkeley's history. Heyna has been Berkeley chancellor f()r a stormy five years. He was hired shorUy after lhe 1961 Free ~ upri .. Contracl4 blndinf the ticilfu~ lo \1111il amount plus interest were then allegedly sold to Liberty Loan Company of Anaheim, where defendant Massey is the manager. Hicks said a frozen food supplier was then hired to .deliver the goods to the customers, but charged they only receiv· ed 300 pounds of foodsluUs. District Attorney's investigator Ray Miller alleged today that young Woolf is believed to have masterminded the food bllk!ng scheme. Musey was charged ln a criminal complaint with one count of conspiracy and thr<e counts o! grand thefl Dannemeyer 1warneil hi,I' 8.W!fience that Hanner would pull the Republican party in california "too far to the right'' and that Williams' e1perienee was only that or a civil lawyer "who had no real experience with. crime of the ability to counter a rising crime rate." He a!So predicted that Younger, Ir elected, "will pull the Republican party too far to the left" and the only saluUon 1'for those who value our rules of law'' rests with Senator Deukmejian. "We don't need any more laws," Dan- nemeyer sald. "We need the gull to enforce the laws that we already hlVe and I can't see anyone other than the man I represent were tonight having the ability to carry out auch a program." OFFICER'S CHEST COLLECTION FOR THE U N U SU A L IN QUALITY AND STYLE, LOOK TO HENREDON. OFACER'S CHEST COLLEC. TION FEATURES A LARGE SELECTION OF LIVING, DIN. ING AND BEDROOM PIECES TO SPICE ANY ROOM. AVAILABLE IN SEVERAL EX. CITING A N D DIFFERENt FINISHES. STOP IN TODA YI By HENREDON , All three are Republicans. They are State Sen. John G. Schmitz of Tustin, John Ratterree or Santa Ana and John A. Steiger or Oceanside. Other aspirants who riled for the regular term are William M. Wilcoxen. Republican from Laguna Beach and David N. Hartman and Thomas B. Lenhart, both Democrafs of Santa Ana. · Under the procedure of the special primary if no one candidate receives more than 50 percent of the total vote! cast the top Republican and Democra\ will participate in a run off vote J une 30. . DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE 7ed11111 INTERIORS NIWl'ORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH 1727 W"kllff Dr, 642·2050 Profeulonol lntorlor 345 North Colut H 49-4.65Jt OPIN' PRIDAY 'TIL 9 O..lgnora Avallolll-.AID OPEN FRID'Zv 'TIL 9 ...... , .. ,,,.. ..... el °'Wiii c....., ..... ,J,J in1. ·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I I ·I I I I I ·1 I ' . . , Opposite Views • ' f Double Trouble .· ' , For Welfare Pinn .. - Fr1dq1 April 24, '1970 DAILY PILOT 5 Campus Cauldrons ' . , Stanford,· tJ of Oregon Bubble Over ' . By UD!led 1'!<11 Ialerulloul McCall said 200 Natlooal Police arrested n ptnons GuardsmeD arid ' so state WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Nixon's w e I f _. r e reform program eame undellti attack from both ·direc:tloos in the Seflate Thursday. A liberal Rewbllcan said 'ii shortchanges the poor and a comervative Democrat said It encourages the poor to qult workiilg. povort)"Qrlckon w o r t I n a famWes e.li&ible for welfare • and routed about 100 other troopers were standing by to 1 help 1'if necessary." froln the Stanford University · Militant students a n d Student Bulldlng early~-Pennsylvania Slste Unlvmlty to COlllro1 the crowds wl!lch gradwllly thinned becauae ol lncrwllngly heavy rain. In lbe college town ol Lawrence, Kan., fl rem en llghting a blaze in a chemlW plant in a Negro aectlon Of town east of tbe University of Kansis were peppered by sniper ftl'e. as well as nonworking famW... 'It would Increase aid to Jhe cisabled, blind and ag- ed, and eslablbb a federal day care center program for the childttn ol. w o r t 1 n g moeben. Sen. Jacob K. Javlta (R· N.Y.) offering "progre'sslve RepubliCan" ameodlnents to the 'Nixon bill, said even the President acknowledles that $1 ,600 a ~ is not ml)\lgb for a farrJJy to live on . .Jav:its Several of the f I e e In g attorneys· hammered out the demonstrators burled rocb at wording of a permanent com. tlie oberifrs deputlea I n promise coort order outlawing r e ta 11 a t ~ on ~ broke . student setmfe of buildings numerous wuxlows m a cam-on Che unlvel"llty campus at pus-wide rampage. University Park Pa. .. The depuUes rakled the ' building which had been taken The fracas ln. Terre Haute over Thursday by about 350 iw!d its roots in a shoving dissidents, acme 125 of whom m~cb 'Thursday b e t w. e e n later defied a school order white and Negro girls m ~n to leave. elev~ In a women s F1remen quickly ex-, llngulshed onother fire al an apartment complex on the· uni~ersity campus 1 ho r t I y• before the third night or a 10 p.m. to I a.m. curfew went , into effect. Boch fires were believed caused by bombs. In tbe House, which passed the family assistance plan last week, Rep, John R. Rorick (D-La.), called Us guaraJlleed annual income of $1,600 to welfare families of four 6<1egaJired thek • • . an ao- cun;ed phi!Ooophy which will demcralize every wor-ker." would rabe the guarantee to u,1 ,...,..... Jn the Midwest s tu d e n t dormitory it Indiana State not d t 5 0 r d e r s ~ racial fi_H' from the heart of the overtones flowed trOm Indiana city. Felony charges were Ned : against three university lllude.U -du rlnt Wedneaday night's curfew'. wilh Incendiary devl<es In . their P!JSS!slion. They were amoog SS -; arrested late Wednesday and early T 'lbursday, mostly f<r curfew - vlolatl<n. · 12,fOO starting in 11173. TEAR GAS SHROuDS UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CAMPUS Sen. Russell B. 1-(!). 75 P•rsons Arr•sted Afier Rolls Gr-Out of Slt-ln State Unlverstty into the city U spread. to at least four of Terre ., Haute Thµrsday other locaUona in Terre Haute night. resulting in a number wiUI as many as 100 persona of arrests and minOr injuries. involved 1n rock throwlni and '!be Nixon propooal would conotltute the. mosl .-ping welfare. r eform ·m three decades. lt would make La.), said lie really diO'bot -------------------------- Truck Strike Brings Mol'e Layoffs By United Press International A trucking slrike--lockout in the Chicago area continued today without promise of set,. tlement. Wildcat strikes con- tinued Jn othe!' parts of the nation while a tentative agree- ment waited for a vote by truck drivers. In Akron, Ohio, 4,000 drivers voted 2--1 to cootinue a wildcat walkout. Drivers were off the job in the Los Angeles area, in St. Loo.is, Mo., and other scattered areas of the nation. S tr angled tra~tion prompted m o r e industrial layoffs Thursday, with 3,500 American Motors employes turned away et a Kenosha, Wis.. body plant for lack of part!. American also susyend· ed production of two models Thursday, leaving two models in production. thinl< that "'1fone .. the White HoU&e explained to Nixon that · under his bill a huaband earn- ing $2,000 a year would be bett<r olf lf he quit working and went on welfare. "Once the working poor understand this," he asked, "why on earth should they continue working when they can make more money by not working?' The situation that Loog spotlighted, however• would apply ooly to a family earning a weekly paycheck ct $40 or less. For others earning m<re, it would not be p-otitable to go on weHare. Javits propooecl Including unmarried p e o p I e and childless couples -now ex· empted under the Nixon pro- gram. Unlike Nixon's bill. which requiros motbera of od>ool-age children to lake jabs or job training to receive benefits, Javits' would exempt mothers of young children. Moonlight Cruise Stays For Dawn The key to the situatioo was a pending vote by drivers on a tentative national agreement providing $1.!0 an hour in pey W ASfflNGTON (UPI) -A raises over a t h re e • y t a r moonlight cruise boat got period. · · --stuck on trsandbar Jn a dense 'lbere were report%that a ,. fog on the Potoraac River Teametcr• meetiog-mduled · ;hursday nijhl and \161! tourist for W a1hington ' lWtlld spent the·nflht~ blfo~ abrogate that agreement. ffigh the vessel Wu 1i>uJled fne ~ officials, however. today,. demed thal . was the purpose The tourists. Jncluding 400 of the meeting. out~·town stiideru:, were Even iI a vote were ~ld treated t.o free fClOd ,from ·tbe on the $1.10-an-bour :.mst• snack bar and entertainment there were doobts. the d~vers from a dance band that would approve it. Cli,kago normally accompanies t b e drivers, who oegotiate Jn. Wilson UM tnoonli~ cruiae4. ~Uy, have been pr.ess-The home towns of the mg for a $1.65 an. hour. '.Ibey students were no! Immediately say they have signed more d te 'ned than 1,000 employers to those eThnruboa; the G terms e "' e o rge · Washington, ran aground at Pope Lauds Sal'dinians CAGLTARI, Sardinia (UPI) -Pope Paul VI made the first papal visit to im- poverished Sardinia in 17 cen~ turies today and told the thousands of islanders who greeted him they were an unspoiled but i~Jated people. "You are a simple, in· dustrious, austere, qu iet, unspoiled and sad people," the 72-year~ld pontiff saKI. "You are a people isolated from the world. A people of proud and tenacious passions but at the same time of natural and gentle sentiments." Thousands dleered when Paul emerged from a chartered jet after a,one-hour night from Rome. A n estimated 500,000 persons were on tiand tn this capital city for his visit. about 11 p.m. EST as heavy fog closed in. It was pulled free by the Diplomat. another cruise ship, after a tug boat failed to jerk the boat loose. The Diplomat could not be sent out until this morning because of the fog. Wilson Line officials said they did rot understand why the G e or g e Washington's radar did not warn the captain of the sandbar de!pite the fog. J ackie Sketch Nol a t Au ction ~EW YORK (UPI) -An ink sketcb,(lrawn by Mrs. Jac· queline Kemiedy O n a 1si1 , believed to be an outline for a gilt to the !ale President Kennedy Was Withdrawn from auction Thunday and · con- fiscated .by the Manhattan district attorney'• office until proper ownership or possible criminal charges are filed. Rumors Explo.de Murde rs Spark Coed Fear MORGANTOWN, W. Va. missing to one story about (UPI) -Increased security a man that bad a set of measures apparently quieted keys for all the doon in a wave ol fear and rumors Westchester Hall where Mia that spread through women's dormitoriet at West Virginia Ferrell and M!Sll Ma!arlk bad Univenit:i this week after lived. police uncovere:d the bodies Security measures we r e cl two slain freshm<n girls. beefed up at donnilorles boll> A unlversity spokesman said on and off campus and many or the a t u d e n ts , counselors hekt meetings with particularly the coeds, were the frightened girls, the dean "very, very frightened" ar..er of women's office said. the headl ess bodies of Karen hWe're doing out best to Ferrell and Mared Malarik, help them be realistic and both 19, were found April 16 not panic," Dean Betty Boyd in makeshift graves in a said, remote area eJgbt miles :!IOt.lth ' The body of MJss Ferrtll, of here. They bad been miss--Quinwood, W. Va., was buried ing three months. Thursday. Miss Ma I a r I k 1 s The "peak reaction" oc-parents '1 Kemelm, N. J., curred Tuesday, orticials said. did not revealed. funeral ar- The rumors ranged from r a n g e m e n t 1 for their 30 Injured As Tornado Rips South Colombia. 'Normal' But Curfew Continues The Terre Haute scuffles at each place, disturbances were reminlocenl University ofliclals reporitd of Lawrence, Kan., where the vandal.b:lq; of dormitories, weeklong difficulties at the a campus bookstore and University of Kansas and in number d automobUes. areas near the campus flared Police used chemical f ... :iy agal!: with reports of new VNl'J'ED S'J'A'J'ES N A'J'IONAL BANK SOUTH COAST PLAZA . BRANCH MElllPHJS, Term . ...(AP) - A pre-dawn tornado roared acr06s soulh Memphis and neighboring Missi&ippi today, Jnjurlng more'than 30 persons and inflicting widespread pro- perty damage. The storm blew oH the w:.ne cenl<t' whlcb .... high winds ~ Oak Grove, near Paragould m northeast Arbnsas, and injured five members of one family and destroyed a house trailer. Oak Grove High School suffered an eslimated fl,000 In roof damage and several out... buildings were destroyed. BOGOTA (UPI) -The government kept its dusk-to- dawn curfew and ban on liquor sales in effect today despite the return of Colombia to normal after rour days of P<>St· election strife and tension. Policemen patrolling the streets after dark Thursday reflected the relaxed air by ""lding -ol llm!Sting an estimated 200 persom caught in the streets after curfew. Some of the violators ex· plained thal the alrnosphere of tension had so dissipated that they thought the govern- ·ment had lifted restrid.l.ons GENERAi.: SAFETY-RIB TIRES I ·for· BOAT and CAMPER TRAILERS TIRE TRUEING by EXPERTS! The Ultimate in Whee/Elegance! arson attempts and sniper · imposed in its state of siege. fire. N i x on Cancels Security Meet Public transportation Police in Eugene, Ore., used returned to normal Thursday tear gas to disperse rock· and 90 percent of the shops throwing youths trying to pre· and businesS establishments vent a.uthoritles from stopping that closed down during the a sit-in by ant i. R 0 TC crisis were reopened. demonstrators at the Univeni· There was no ·tndication ty of Oregon. anywhere in the nation that Tht!y fired tear gas to break the call of former dictator up a crowd of more than Gustavo Rojas PinUla for a 50 studenL'I sitting in tn:m revolution had had any effect. of two police vans cal'T)'lng Official returns from Sun-about 45 arrested students who day's election showed the h!!d been sitting-in at the government candidate, Misael U n I v ersity Admin!ltration Pastrana Borrero, a M,000. Building. v• victor over Rojas Piri.lla, 1be police vam were pelted wbo claimed the ballotUng with rocks, cracking the w-in- was a govermnen~ fraud. dow tp one truck. ------ Use General's convenient AUTO·CHARGE Plap • no money down • months to pay NOW OPIN SATURDAYS COMPLETE BRAKE RELINE 95 most Ameitcan cal9 lhn ........................... . .... ~ ........ , ........ ..., .. , ... ...., .., ,.. ... , .............. .,.cw. h tl ,... ..... '"' ....... ,... .... . relHllU n.t .,. ..... 1wkic .n ._ ..• edcl ...iftf •t• a Ac ...W •• , ~-..... hf.ll c..,.t ., . ...i 1..,_t_.._,_,._ .... ,, • ., lnlle. ,.... ,.. .. ..., ........ ·-· INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL W-1-D-.E ! FIBE·RGLASS BELTED GENERAL JUMBO 780 $99 14" FORD •All mirror pollah chrome • Pracfslon caot alumlnum alloy center • Fully chromed steel rim 4WHEELS • ..,,,eft proof" chromed hub cap with blue insert • Resists impact and side thrust Save on Shock Absorbers Expert lnat11ll11tion of new, famous-mak e shoc li absorbers, gives you 11 new. car ride, positive car· control. • Polyester cord body • Fiberglass cord belt • Also avallo,ble with twlnatrlpe wh ltewall, PIUI St.J4 P'td, Ea.' T•lllo Slit l71Xl• MICll•ll• U ..... .iz .. CO.t Mini. COMPLETE CAR CARE Since 1959 Hours: 7:30 to 6:00 Dally 5 40-5710 646-5033 repom that other coeda were , daughter. !----------------'--;_--------~-------------~---------------... , ' • • -· .... .. 8AD·Y PILOT :EDITOJLU PAGE i ' : • - ' Ed !firth Is Newport Beach's new mayor. It was a V11ry clOM choi~ between Hirth and Linds- ley ParlODI when councilmen voted. Parso111 said after- ward be was a' reluctant candldate anyway and ·ls no\v • nlleved. The liope ls that' any· wOlllldl that may have been caused by:lhe pulling and baullns llllOftJ the other councilnlen·will heal ctulckly. Prospects for. a 1mooth-. workins City Cpuncil looked g!)Od' after Iba elec"on.and the contest for mayor should ·not be permllted lo jeopar- dlzo that. I • Hirth could make a good mayor. He'ha• the avail- able lime the job requires. Two yeus ago wben be was elected to the City Council he sold his .yacht brokerage business 10 he, could 'devote blmaelf full !iJne to city business. · That ls the ideal circumstance since there is much more expected of the niayor than simply presiding over -council meetinJs. 11lere are many occasion• upon ·wbicb hll preaence is.recjuested during the working day. - H1rlh ls·well liked by inany pe<iple. He has city.wide acquaintances throullh many civic' .activities. He has bMl president of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Com· meroe and lbe Newport HatbOr' Community Youth Cen- ter and he was a founder of CIUzeqs. Harbor Area Re- search Team (CHART) and of the chamber's Marine Division. 1 Hirth has s~own himself to be a patient and Intent llJtener at City Council meeUngs. Th~re is every reason to believe .he will have the tolerance of his predecessor, Mn. Doreen Marshall, in hearing people out while keep. ing them on the track of the matter at band. Hirth'"'~ ~ommon interes'ls with Newport's boat· men, businessmen and· residents. He bas been all three. His outlook is typical Newport. The n.ew vice mayor is Howard Rog!!rS, an experi· Purposes of Group Jargon Ate Twofol.d 'l1te ~ of 1anguage ts as much &o o:meeal thought as to reveal it. ~ucrats, high priests, lawyers, art Ciltl<s. and other illtellectuall develop a IJ'OllP jargoa. Tiie purpose ol that i...., la Giily partly to cnmmunkate ·to other members of. the group. An equally Important purpooe is to obscure or prevftlt communlcaUon to those outside the group. It is easy enough to see that the bDderworld would want a secret Ian· guage that outsid- 11'1 cannot under· ltaad, because the underworld has se- crets to keep fiom the-r-e·s p e c-table world and the police. But people in Uie' · learned prnfeuiOlll also have secret.a to k .. p, especially Dear Gloomy Gm: ··. R<nald Reagon, Inc. has been able to do more damage to the IChoola in three years than all the mW· · • tanti and flukQ\111 of 1be put -tury. -C. F. flll• ,..,.,,. "''""' ......... .,,...: -• ...... ,.., ..... " ,..,. .. .,., ..... "" "' ,.... ... ..., ... ""' '""'" or clllllcal Chinese, alwayt making IW't that these languages were no longer beln& spoken. These dead Janguages aery. ed the ettremely useful function of kee~ Ing the peasants in a state of awestruck reverence before mysteries they could not lwpe to understand. 1be American &eholar cannot. like his medi~val counterpart, protect hit ualted social image by writing in Latin. But he can and does write in languages almost as opaque. Let me quote a paragraph from a recent iasue of the "American Journal of Sociology": from the lay p.iblic. "IN ANY FORMAL,, organization. the Of course, it l! not disputed · that goals as reflected in the system of any I e a r n e d Profession requires a funcUonal differentlati&i result in a tedmlcal vocabu1ary. B~.t I u ch distinctive pattern of role dilferentiatJon. v~bularies almost always become more Jn turn, role differentiation, whether difficult than necessary. No pbystclan viewed hierarchically or horizontally llu ever been able to explain to me-leads to what Mannbelm called 'perspec~ the ~fference .~tween "new born baby" tiviatlc thinking' namely, lncumbencY in and neonate. a particular stat1J1 induces a cor. THE ATTRACTIVE FACT about a leanted vocabulary II that It confm ioclal prestige and status upon Its Ulel'S ft the same time as it creates awe ,moue those who don't understand IL One of the pleuuru of being learned Is to· induce in the unlearned the ruction, ~'God, he must be smart! I can't un· ~nd a word he says." And we ~ are learned are always just a bit afraid that if we were to eq>raa ounelves simply and clearly, people ,..Wd cease to .be Impressed with us. Htstorically, the intellectual's self esteem bas loog rested <1n his conviction that be is a special order or being, far above the masses. "Some meq are 10Jd, some are silver, some are iron and lead.'' said Plato. Soldiers are silver. Attlsans and workers are iron and lead. Pbllosophers are -guess. BENCE ·TALKING TO each other in a lang1&age the masses coold no\ un· dentand wu a status symbol -almost a caste mark. Jn past ages intellectuals &l1bd to each other in LatJn or Sanskrl\ Quotes .......... ff pobllcatloo " t b. rfewpll't ~ Meta Board of .....,_j'We understand the American avU Liberties Union has picked up the -of tenloll eVlcted thN>Ugh -I detainer actions In 1be northern Jl9rl o1 the lllte, ~ng the action Is -tutlonaL l5ocMI W\dlotdl, for their oWn ~. m~: l'tllllng to zaaratnal -ooly th ... with~ <rediL Wouldn't It be a -to ioe a• poroml VIClllC)' factor wltll ~ aieepbot In tbtlr cars, or 1t Aa.u heailqtlartln. -landlord• ' ,. ,.,,.er could JUlllt ,_, to lhetn 1 -ber lltll, Ille -tten. or '19 bli:me to llBSOUS aall fOfllpal'tltively palM!Mllt-•t'lll, they cau!Od mooy " gootl-lllle to "' d<f.....i. C.Wd it be ~ .. If sllef'lwiUevllliaalty V(U ut JmO a ffl"I' It 10fei auMnt tattoter .,,,....,. 9-i---..i.- responding set of perceptions, attitudes anti yalues." What t.be author Is saying in this pauag:~ is merely that different people have dilterent jobs and that people in different jobs tend to see and thl"nk dllferen Uy. (Read the passage over again ond see II I'm not rlJll>t.) What is clear from this pass11ge - and the only thing that is clear - la that the author'• concern for his profes-lonal standing as a man of lea·rn· ing has almost· completely submer1ed hJs concern for communicating ideas. IT SEEMS TO ME that this paseage illustrates ·be'autifully the dilemma of the ambif.i9Us American scholar. As scholars we have to share our findings with others. We hive to communiCJ.te. As communicators we know from every day experience that the simpler and more _ unpretentious our vocabulary and syntax, the more quickly we are un- derstood. But in add.II.Ion to being scholars and cominunicators, we are status seekers, like everyone else. We want to impress others, if not with fine clothes or ex- pensive automobiles, with the symbols of vast erudition. Therefore, relying on a tradition that goes back al: least to the Chou dynasty in China and the ancient Greeks, we work on• 1n assump- tion that says that YoU can never be respected as a man Of learning If everyone could understand what you say, ULTIMATELY WE arrived at an tmelS}' eompromlse. We publish papers in ordtr to communicate and thereby betome members of lhe community of 1cholan. But we tUe ' language &hat is guaranteed by !ti abstractness. its prolixity, and Its utter lifelessneas to dbeourage attentiani and to obscure com· prebcnston. ~t me st.ate tbele oblt.rv1tlons u • a-al rule : -the llltltJ.Seekln& l\11icli001 ol a learned vocabulary become mort Important to lta ustr than ltl communlcatlftg fW1CUon. communlcaUoo allft.n and jaraon proll/eratet. .,. ....... ,....... -t au 1)'utllco -c.oe,. --~ enced councUman elected to a second four-year term. He maltes a goocl back-up man.Jor Mayor Hirth. With lhl'ee freshmen councilmen. and ltew leader· ship It may talte the Newport council awhile to hit its' stride. But the prospect• are promising for another two years of accomplishment. · · Chance t.o Und~rstand UCI Everyone these days,. it seems, bas questioris or com· plaints about the University of California. Mo.Uy It has to do with the administration's handling of student un-- rest and tolerance of 'radical professors and. speakers. University officials would like to tell th~r side o~ it to those who will listen. But'few persons seem to be will· ing to listen to their side of it. The educ3tion committee of Newport Harbor Cham· ber of Commerce IS trying to give the public that oppor· tunity. Unfortunately, the second seminar on. the uni· versity and the community, featuring the chairman o_f the UC Board of Regents, DeWitt Higgs: and UCI Chan- cellor Daniel Aldrich, drew only 70 persons . Notably ab- sent were members of the sponsoring Chamber of Com· merce and UCI support ~roups. The next program in the series will be at 8 p.m. next Monday night in .the .corona del Mar High Sch?<JL Little Theater. The topic will be, "The Professor: TeaCh· ers of or Revolutionaries?" Panelists will be Dr. Ber· nard Gelbaum. chairmatr'of the UCI Academic Senate, Dr. Theodore Brunner, UCI's associate dean of human~ ities. and Ladislaw Reday, of the Friends of UCI. ' ... It is a timely program and should be of interest to all concerned about the university. N ,'A NATUt>J. MISTO( T 15 AA fffUE INTfLlECTUAL SNOB WfTH A CREW cur: Ilse of New Food Grains t the Answer j Difficulties • Ill a 'Green Re.volrttio·n" To the Editor: The article by Haverstock a n d Schroeder (DAILY PILOT Comment Page, April 18) about the ••Green Revolu· UOn" Jed the reader to believe t h a t ,the world. food problem 18 soluble through the use of new food grains. 'Unfortunately, thi!I is a mistaken im· prtSSion. The "Green Revolution" Is a complete revolution. ·To accomplish the goal8 takes not only seed, fertilizer and irr~atlon to transfcn:m a society from a.have not to a have, but eltraordinarily 1arge sums of outside experts and money, BASED UPON studies made at Cornell Un1Venity, it has been estimated that It would take one expert per every 15 ' to 20 people in an underdeveloped country to bring the necessary expertise. In addition, for the "Green Revolution" to be accomplished, developed nations would have to shift markedly their apen· ding impetus. Cumnily the U.S. and other developed countries spend at about a 2000: 1 ratio of military aid to foreign (non-military) aid. This ratio would have to be re~ersed. To lncreue the food crop by 10 times current production would mean a 100-fold Jncreue · in the use of fertilizer. The current high levels are a source of great ecological danger, a hundred fold increase could be a disaster. S'l1LL · ANOTHER problem would be that lleveloped countrJea would have to cut bact on 1 their production and marketing of grain crops so the newly developing countries wouJd be !!ble to enter the world market and sell their surplus for the funds necessary to sustain the "revolution." When this was proposed In the U.N. by ,the FAD, the Unl'-d States, Great Britain and other developed nations resoundingly voted against thi5 act}eme. On paper, the "Green Revolution" sounds like a solution to the war on famine. Jn reality, it is not. 1112 dif· rlcultits Involved are of tremendous magnitlJ;de and do not yield to easy aoluUons. GARY S. RESNICK BJology Instructor Contradlctlo_n To the Editor: The DAILY PILOT's policy regarding population and planning In Orange County U inconsistent and puuling. , In your April 7 lead editorial, you quoted a UCI report which expressed conctm over the lack or open space along our coastline to accommodate the many pe<>ple of Orange and Los Angeles counties who might wish to enjoy them. 'You then W'ged .efforts'. by • count,y .and , city government to acqulfe rriore beachfront property for publl c use. This would truly be. as you termed it, con- stnictivti act.Ion. • · 1 YET IN ANOTHER lead editorial just 1 few weeks ago, you prais~ the Irvine Co, 's projeeted' 4SO,OOO popula'tlon City of Irvine aii a llgnlflcant step, forward: The conlrad!ction should be obvious. Us· Ing the report's · tlgure -or 25 feet Of public shoreline for tach J,000 population. over 'two miles of this very eipensive commodity will Have to be ac:qilired to servo this new city atone. 'Ill'/! '1>• _,, to be ·~ tltat (I) we dcin't • have enoup public 1horellne ror current need5' ao wt lhDuld acquire mort , then (Z) let'• build another city of 150,000 to we'll be sure to have less beachfront" footagt ~ penon than we had btfore. . . ' . .. . EVIDl!lm.Y TRll contradiction , In tmn1 of public btnlflt 11 not. obvious to the DAILY PILOT or the lrvlnt - Letters jrom rtodtr1 ore welcome. Normally writers should convev their messages in 300 words or less. The right to condense letters to fit space <1r elim inate libel Is f'esenied. AU let- ters must include signature and mail- ing address, but names may be With- held on request if iufficient rtaion is apparent. Poetry wUl not be pub- lishe d. Company: after alJ, population growth is good for business. But to this Orange Countlan , who came · here· some years ago to escape choking congestion, it is something that deserves some con· sideration at least from our pUblic of· ficlals. Growth for growth's 'lake ·ti~ to end sometime; why not now? -• HENRY C.-COOK · What we meal'tt to say was: (1) w~·u probabl y never have really eru:iug/~ shoreline and s1tould beg, borrow or steal all Wt can for public use. and, (2) people are going to keep coming to Orange County whether or not y;e li ke it; far better we encourage ptan- 1ied developmtntl such ru the Irvine city rathtr than turn it over to a variety of . disconnected. patchwork builders and' landmovers, Certainly everv tffcn;t should be made to prod from any dtveloptr -including tht Jr 11ine Co. -highest and best use <1f tht lend, includfng parkr and public beach. -Editor Vpper Newport Ba11 To the Editor : · As a representaUve of those people who wtsh to preserve Upper Newport Bay and lain the most from Jts development,. I would like to state my views. Irvi ne Com{)any Preslderlt William R. Mason has accused the critics of the bay swap of being uninformed, and not having tbe public Interest at heart. Nothing could be farther.from the truth! Speaking as I feel others would, I know the critics do indeed want the publlc to benellt the most from the bay, in areas of: -ECOLOGY. Mason has stated that development under the proposed plan would create "an ecology atld environment far exceeding that existlna Jn the lower bay." Quite a statement. until yoo look et the lo\\·er bay, having been all'eady . dredged and developed into a. congultd harbor. Dr. Wheeler North. presently engaged by the Irvine Company to run testS on the Upper Bay,' said he could tftve into the lower bay and, wlth one a:nnful, bring back enough marine life {or: an afternoon college class. Now. 'ho,wev~. tbe silt from dredging baa wiped ,out almost all of the former,. life. 'l'1e bay is now $\rltable for man and man atone. •J be transplanted Into Upper Newport Bay and improve the eeology. This action may restore life to Uie bay, but not the ecology. A5 I stated in an earlier (but unheeded) letter. the mudflats are the basis for the ecology of the bay. Destroy them and the birds can no longer feed , the game fishes can no longer spawn, and the invertebrate life exlsting between the high and klw tide marks will vanish. What's more, I myself hitve never observed any "kelp forests'' in the Upper Bay. -BOTH .MASON and County Supervisor Alton Allen state the Upper Bay must be dredged and developed in an urban area such as ours. Whatever for? The "pressure" they speak of is alien to the issue. IC boatowners cannot find places to put their boats, they will not waste their time looking here. Also, most people come to Orange County to get out of the "city," i.e. to find open spaces. Upper Bay is such an open space. Lefl in almost entirely its natural state, It will attract rather than deter newcomers to the county. And isn't that what the Irvine Company needs? The same idea applies to all undeveloped areas in eastern Orange County. DAVID G. PORTER Credit Line Dropped To the EditO'I': Saturday, Apr. 18, you printed an arti- cle on the Comment Page entitled "To Police: 'We, shouldn't Stereotype ''nlem.' .. The article had no by-line and no Indication that it was anything other than your own editorial intended as a criticism of poUce officers. THE ARTJCU: WAS, however, a direct, word-for-ward , quote from FBI training material made available to law en- forcemenl · agencies for training of of- ficers in police-community relations. The credit for the article should go to the law enforcement agencies for the efforts they are making within their own ranks to improve police-community relations. Please set the ~ straight. MRS. E. L. A crf dit lint reading "From tht FBI Bulletin" waa:# ina.dutrlt11tly dropped bu printers, c -Editor Airport N•l•e To the Editor: Monday night, arter a strenuous City Council meelinJt I rttirtd at 12:30 a.m. Tuesday momtng at 8:2S a.niv I wa1 awakel)td by a loud, low.flying military jet plane comJM from the direction <1f El Toro, aild-ftylng out directly over the ocean. • ' · At 6:35 a.m., a-P"?Pfller drlwn plane, C001ing from Ult direction of. Orange County Airpol'I, llew over the Sl>orecllfl area . At 6:50 a.m .. a military jet J>SJS<d over, coming from the octan, and heading towards Laguna Beach. • • -LIFE IN 'l1IE Upper Bl)'. MPOD AT 1:55 A.M., a IO<Olld J>l'll'flltr plane said the life in the bB.Y was literally Oew ov~ from the Orange County wiped out by 1,.t year's Ooods. ond Alrporl d1JOCtJon, the "fiddler crabS" a6d · other tn--Shortly after 7 a.m .• on tebedult. the vertebrate life was all but gone. Untrue. Air. Wtst jet cut. the corner on Its "Fiddler crabs" have not e1lsted m ru.tit to San Qitf>. the bay f~ some Ume. and · one has Slx1 hourS iltep i&. not enough for a only to look at the bird populotlao to gn>wma boy ! rt&lfse th•t Uie invcrttbrate life ml.Lit Our prObltm ta not tolvtd by Imposing be nourllhlnf In «du to support the 11 p.m. to '7 a.m. flight rtsltktlon1 bfi'ds. ~ 1 on comrnemat airlines, when private •'lml""-" the l>ty ecology ptlqla 'mi,Jllllitar)' aircraft tate off at after deVelopnent. Mason l!IQON that aU houn ol 1be nigh!. kelp f11r.,11 and other marine 11/e could It would appear lllat we are wastina --t • • thousands or dollars on an airport study. if we can't regulate private pilots and get the cooperation of the military authorities. LINDSLEY PARSONS 'Polke Harass1nent' To the Editor: Re your article on the ''riot'• {April 20) by Joanne Reynolds. Where do yoo get your information? Obvioosly, it 11eems to me, senSalionalism is of more importance to you than the first duty of a newspaper, that is, reporting the facts . Had your reporter asked any one ol the people particjpatina: at . th.is rally, .she could have been more accurate. THE STATEMENT Uiat the group, Free Us, is affiliated with the newspaper, From -Ouf of Sherwood Forest, Js fiction. Perhaps some of the mare outspoken people of the l~alr minority are in- volved in both the paper and Free Us. but only out of their desire to end questionable police tactics. Free Us is simply a group of young peop,le who live in Newport Beach who are fed up to the gills with continued police harassment and wh<I are organiz· Ing to peacefully ,put a stop to it.. YOUR ARTICLE mentions Don Elder. What the heck did he have to do with the subject or your article, the so-call~ ''riot" last Sunday? He wasn't even at tfle park! 1 believe your .paper is doing a great tnjustice to Its readers. MICHAEL SPARLING A Member of the Minority Front Page New• To the Editor: . What a shame - you saw fit to write about nine "bummers" held after a Newport riot on the front page Monday. April 20, wherJ over 500 wonderful young people performed heroic feats at the 2nd Annual Orange Coast College Ja1Z Festival Frid~y, and Saturday April 18 and 19. Too bad you can't sprinkle the "bad news" fron~ pa~ \'ith good news about what fine, talented, hardworking yolU'!g people and dedicated teachers are doing every day of the week. JOHN VINCENZI WhOt Are We Dolng:> To the Editor: The entire world waited and prayed until the three. astronauts were horn!:! safe. What are we doing for l.SOO men who were serving our country-the POWs? PA'IT_Y KELLOGG -~-- Friday, April 24, 1970 Th• edltorl41 poo• of lht Dailu Pilot icekt to inform and 1Um- u1Git rcodtri bV 'f,INttntino thl.t mwspoptr'I opinioru and com-· rite11tcrv on topicr of fntere.rt · and significance. bp proofding 11 forum for the e%J)Tetsicm o/ our readtri' opiniops, and b11 pr~1enting tht dfvrrte vfrw- J>O{nts of f11form1d obs«nJer1 and •Pokesmcn on topici of th1 da~:- Robert N. Weed. Publisher • I I •• I . I_ -- . ~''" ' ·.,-,. ... TOASTS TO SUCCESS -Always a social and finaneial success is the annual Spring Ball, sponsored by Angelltos de Oro. The event, which benefits Orange County Big Brothers, will be staged to. morrow evening. Returning for the ninth annual gala .are (fore-- Annual Auxiliary Luncheon Members of the Au~ or Hoac. ' Memorial Hospital, Presbyterian are resting on their laurels -temporarily ;_ and admiring the new feather in thetr cap. • 'lbe laurels were garnered with the atixiliary's record contribution to the Reach Years expansion drive of the hospital, almost $3,300 more than its f45,poo pledge for the year. More than 64,000 in-service hours also were chalked up in the hospital by the 600 members of the auxiliary, ~ duding 11,002 contributed by the Can- ilystcipers. News of the outstanding achievtments "f the auxiliary was told during the mmual luncheon meeting o( the support fl"OUP In the conference center of the boSpita1. Mrs. William E. Langston, outgoing president announced the contributions of the volunteer group, further adding that the t~ Copa de Oro Patronesses provided •t3;$00 toward the ple'age: $23,000 was r~ive(i from the Gift Box, a total of '5,000• more than the pledge; $755 came from the Affiliant Chapter. $'73) fronl"the Ruhter Chapter and $270 was received from the Nightingale Chapter. 'Oi'HER INCOME Other sources o( income were the nmchine, $192; baby photo com- , a project of the NighUngale Chapter, $4,295, and Richard's Market sales slips, 167'. Htur pins were presented by Mrs. William Durkin, coordinator of volun- teen, to 160 members represe.nUng 100 to 5:000 hour ~s. · Mrs. Charles Cltmem received honors !or S,000 hours .nd Mrs. James Decker was cited for l,500. Three thousand hours have been chalk· ·td>up by th& Mmes. William Browning, Martin J. IA>ckney and Ruth Vedder, and 2,500 hours have been dcmated by the Mmes. Durkin, F. T. Eddy and Burton Romberger. Highllghling the afternoon was the in· slallatioo of offictrs who will lead the auxiliary for tbe-nert -two yean. Mrs. Henry L. J~ served as installing of· ficer for the Mmes. Matthew R. Keriney, president ; Durkin, first vi~ president in charge of programs; James La- Flame, vice president, way1 and means; Joseph R. Metcalf, vice president, membership; Browning, vict president, chapters, and Richard S I m p s o n , recording secretary. ADDITTONAL OFFICERS Also seated were the Mmes. James H. Walsworth, corresponding secretary; H. D. Bourgeois, treasurer, a n d Langston, parliamentarian. Mrs. D. E. Fuller will serve as coordinator of volunteers and Mrs. Harvey Riggs will be ln charge of public relations. New officers also have been installed by the chapters of the auxHiary during the past month. Candystripers c o n d u c t e d their ceremooles during a luncheon in the Newporter Inn, installing Betsy Knox as chalnnan. Other new leaders are Marilee Allan, first vice chainnan; Gwyn Geiger, second vice chairman; Pam Brown, recording 'secretai'y; Amie Mon- tano, corresponding secretary; Kathy Lockhard, treasµrer , and J u d y Woodward, historian. Senior advison for the Candystripers are the Mmes. Cheryl •Castendyck Fay, Thomas S,J RaUetto and' C. Roger Johnson. Directing activities for the Santa· Ana Chapter will be Mrs. Herbert Hyatt, chairman, Mn. Ephraim H. Lewis, vice chairman, and Mrs. David E. Craighead Sr., secretary. • -.. • -.. - A fesUve mood will pmrede Iona before doors awing wide open on the -·• IOcial heoclUner, the ninth annual Spring Ball which la aponsarod ' by Angelltoo de, Oro, auzlllary to Orange .County Big BrOlhers. ' For the J.Dded cllnner dance tomorrow will be preliced by numerous privwla c:octtail ]larties. Afterward partygoers will travel to the Balboa Bay Club for cliDlllC and duclng to Jot llloahay'a Orclleltra. Ille mood for the, blact-Ue cllnner dance, Mrs. 'lboma.I, ,...,.. Ing th brocaded gold gown Ille selected espedaDy for lbeir iolden wedding venary celebntloll, and her husband will t11ltrtaln .-ts at a preblll llUIY in their Irvine Terrace home. Attending will be the 111 ...... and' Mmes. Jolin Lust, Dana Liltham and Ray Lavelle.· • . . . liln. John Waters will weer a sealoam jewel;,,i guwn wht11 she and her husband greet guests in .~ home, setting lc>r another party. 'Invited are the Mesars. and Mmes. Allen Grubb, WWJam lllaloul, Louil A. Turner, John .Curci and Lloyd Aubert and Mn. Melllcelit Salisbury eJcorted by ~au! TreaL Mn. Aubert, patrones1 cbalrman, Jiu chosen· 'a black and white gown for the occasion. · Mrs. Cbester Bl'lbyn, in a green chillon and Mrs. lllarshaD Niodeck· er, Wearina an ice green alastine gown, and their husbands wru co-hoot prebal1 lesliviUes in the Bnbyna' home. Guem will be the lllessn. and Mmeo. Frank Harrington, Rolla Hays, Bayard Ryder, Dents Sullivan, John Macnab, A. D. Callahan, Clement BrObw, Ernest~ and Mn. Donald . Walhbum. "· ..:.., MLadyr. ~ Mi:o· Wal\er W. Cn~en .jr. wm welcome aboard ,their '"'"~ · wr PnllaD cOcktalla, Mr, and Mrs. Bertram Coffey, Mr. and Mn. APlbur Strock, Col. and ~· Quter Lowell, JOffl>h E. Harling, Mn. ~~fl""'~ Mrs., Walter Setbfrt end her escort, Ronald Blevens. 'J1ie -.. 11 w~ greet guests in, I l>h!I< Chiffon with 8 beading at the Walat • Tiie Bluf!J •bome ·a, the 'w111er J . Hesnaulll will be the ace... of still another party. AU-...: will be the llle11rs. end Mmes. Harry Younger of San Marino, Theodore Oliver of Glenda!~ Veme Dudley of Laguita -Beech end Gec>rae Scott, John Taylor and Mn. Jule Axelson of Newport Beach. ' ' ,._ -. ground, left to right) Mn. Spence< T. Honig, !OOndtng member of the auxiliary and Mrs. Wendell M. Jones, first baD chainnan. Also toasting the party are their husbands (backgrounds, left to right), J ones and Honig. ' Hunter Cllapt.r again will bo led by Mrs. Oiarle.s E. Holti.s\er, whose board will include the Mmes. Edward A. Rogers, first vice chairman; C. A. Albright, second vice chainnan; Frank Long, re<.'Ol'ding aecretary; C I y d e .Johnson, corresponding secretary, and Carl Giu; treaSUrer. Also assistin·g will be the Mmes. Theodore Robins, puppet chalnnan; Willlam H. Reichling, press; DorOthy Stanwood, parliamen.tari.an:. Harry H. Corneliaon, hospitality, and Gavin Withenpoon, hours. NIGHTINGALE CHAPTER The Nightingale Chapt.< will bo chaired by Mrs. Mel H. Monison, who will be assisted by the Mmes. sterling H. Wolfe, first vice chairman; Leonard South, second vice chairman; Donald M. Fraier, third vice chaJrman; Willlam Hudson, recording ~I Willaril Oiamberlaln, comspobdlng secretary; Clark Somers, treasurer, and William J. SchwCX'er Sr., parliamentarian. Otfler leaders will be the Mmes. Daniel W. ShepardllHl and 'Kerm W. Rima, baby photos; Lang-. holiday; Rober! W. SUpes and 1bomas Boler, calendar; Ralph LIUleflekl, press; T. A. Andrew, caJJctr, reci*Y. and Edker Pope and Sterling Wolle, tumor board. Mrs. Paul R. Kuhn.1 will serve-11 chainnan of the Affillant Chapter, . assisted by 'the Mmes. James Blixt, first vice chairman; Gerald w. M~euan J r., second --!dent: Mlcllael B. Rogen, riclX'd1Dg secretary; J, Craig Combs,. corraprndlng secretary, and 1""1')I Root, trwurer: · Also • working will bo the Mmes .. Siml""'l ind• D. R. Adkinson, pms; G. W. Lopn,,'hoopltalily, and Simpso11, parliamenwian'. ' Mrs. ·A. V •. J<l'gemen will terve as chairman of tbe Copa de 0 r o Palrone3oes. IF·•THI SHOE .FITS -Though the shoes are big Mrs. Matthew ·!\. KeMey (right), new president' Of the Auxiliary of Hoag Memorial Hospital, Presby· terian thinks she can' fill them with the help of Mrs. James H. Walsworth (lefl), correspond(,g secre- &EA ANOIRSON,,Edltor. , Prtur, Nrll Mo 1m a '"' 11 tary, and Mn. Joseph ,R. Metcalf, vke preslden~ mimbenhip. The new officers were installed dnring the annual luncheon meeting of the auzillary in Ille llospltal conference center. Bos_s' s Wife Add.s Frtlls ~o Employees' Frin. ge Benefits DEAR ANN LANDERS: After 12 years of What I thought WU a good marriage, rity husband began to Jose interest in me. I blamed Mike's long hours, financial pressures, everything under the aun. Flnally I asked him if there was another woman. He said, "No." Miie's boss hSJ always t.re.aled him like 1 son and me like • daughter. 1 decided to con!Jde in him. I don't know what possessed me bUt on a wtld hunch l mked if "the other woman" could be Mike 's problem. He said, "Yes -it's Very possible." Then he began to 1peak t'ttly, auuming I knew all about lL The ••oU1er woman," it turns out, is the boss's wife. I nearly passed out. ... _,Her reputation is bot good. This isn't • • ANN LANDERS ~ the lint time she's been Involved wllh a man at the plant .. (Sbe worts there.) It's the first time my husband baa been in- volved with another woman, however. and I don't know what to do. The boss does not want to fire Mike. He's sure the affair will end be.fort )ong and advised me to keej) quiet and keep the ll&ht In the window. What do you say? -UNHAPPY DEAR UNHAPPY: Mlke'1 boss gave you 1ood advice. la addlUoa to Ille UPI In Ille -. ilearle, keep • !In II Ille -. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Do you think you can tear youralf away from the .u perverll ond Giber warted kooks lone enough to -• -ble quat!Gn? Several -tht qo you ..-a col- umn about Y....al -· Yea made the slatem111t that -·-..-(among oilier 'lhlnp) lrlllritlL I've read a great deal about arthrilil and ~~e neyer,teen aucb a statement. In fact,· me •doct9r1 wllb whom I .ha .. dJICUlled lhla .. allment "Y DO cure for arlhr!tll.can•bo -beea.,. tba cause ls·nol·-·l lhlnlt you.on)! lo eveiy -·who bas ar1liitlll ,to relnct that dsm.ging lllatemenl -« ~ )'Olll' aulllority. Gel with lt,-Ann,.or•retlre, -MEMPHIS • • DEAR MEMPllll: I did bl-llltA the 1tl&emeat tat 101011M en. ewe, -· -1119p, -· .. , n-ore Dr. J ... Najlrla, ,.. ,_ .......... ., lM .. ,.Im ... " .......,, UlliftnJtJ tf MJu111ra ... Dr. --. _ ... ,..,_ " ....... II (loocplOft ldlool t I ......................... ~lc:MolloW .......... , D.e. -". -....... ., .• --'l1le ..... •ol!rtl)' it! -b.te elk,...... • ...,• •i•a•lla. .. __ ..,_forlllelo- ~ ta .. -... Ia 111011t.eal ' ............ C8Dll 18 lmowa lloc•lil Ille -11111 --... --.v .. .,...__ ... .oepted. DEAR ANN LANDERS· 1.m preoianl wllh our tblrd.dlild. Jidl bart!J. Like, would you -.., lh'weeu. Tiii d<li:tOr verllled It ,_.ia,. ! 'lbt. momlnc I rtctlverl -,...,. calll congntulottng ...... , "" --mado tbe ... -al bll olllce. I am burning. lie -It mans no diference wlien Iba .... la told. Loy 1ibn aul In )'Olll'""" ln- 1mltshle style, Ann. -FROTHING DEAR FllOTll: Ol-.. It makel • -ce -to BDL Ntllody ... llle b3'nsf1 ~..,,._ atrelldJ?" becaw ti -to !lie• 111o1,.. ................ for U mtDtll1. SM ,....aq II .. ..._,, e9o tithe t& lltolllt lie ..., -••cema&. Tbe .. _ &btakl lleep Ml Hp dpPoil .. Ut ........ ·-alp lier lldrt , Drinking may be .'~in'' ·to, tl;>e kkla you. run 'ffth -. but It can put ~ "out'" for keeps. Yllu can ecol It ond l'-1 tlapalar. Read "Boole and You -·F« T1m1p,. Only.• Send IS cenla In coin and •· laaL seU.addrtsled, &tam~ envelope wtili your rtque11 In care ol 'the DAil.T PILOT. ' i -.-,- • '"'""'~-~.·-.. ~.~.:::;;~.~.~.·.·-.. ~.-...... :·-.-.~~-.-.--~~~--::--,....i,~."":'...,.,~,...~.~.~ .... "!"'"'9~ ................... .,,, .... '""''"'""' ....... "'!l.,.."!'9 ..... ~.:'11'"~'1!!11""'"'""""'"""""' ............. ~ ............................. .. • .. -y PllOT' FrtdU, ~"11 2<, 1970 ' HoroscopB _ Virgo : Romantic Night SATURDAY 'APRIL 25 ~ SYDNEY OMARR SCORPIO <Oct. JS.Nov. 21): 1pirlta. Keep proml!es. Ce- Stms oo your abUlty to be men* relationship with one who wrsatlle. sense ol humor is an ii both intelligent and attract- upedally good Illy tonight. Ive. lllocem quaUty. Reject One who speab out of tum is fiuh and auperflcllllly. ARIES (Mm:b ll·Aprll 11): best 8111\fered wllh taqher. IF TODAY Ill V 0 V R Accent on adllevemem. You Message will become crystal BIR111DAY )'OU tend to be in-~i~,~I ·· accompUl!h most by being clear, trospective. Yoo mey be slow ~ ~~·yo~,.i:i SAGn'rARIUi (Nov. U . getting started, but you are ""'I' Dec 21)· -""··•·onmooey stroon at the finish . New-nro-Othert know you are ready, · · ""'~ • • r One In position of aulhori~ posseulons. You could make Jects are favored and cbanges v dlacovery by~ through prove beneficial: You are due PIY• CO{DPllment. book or anUque stores. Be to meet individuaJ who pl1ys TA II RU S (April :ZO.MoY frank In ttatlng your needs. meaningful role In your Ule. 29): Spotlight on ~)'I. Creative, original .Mwulch To find out .....,~II/di,.'" YW '" Writlnl pub,. ... ,.. y -n-~ t'Nlllel' 11111 loYo. s~*"' Onl•rr'1 • ~ ... ,. o U r bring best results. bookltt, "hcrtt 1Tit1 for .Men •rid ""~-are e"'arged. Key is women." StllCI 111111\d•l• ltlld M · un11 1"t1...,... ':' CAPRICORN (Dec, 22-Jan. to Om1rr A1trliloff Socr.!l. ~. OAILY expansion. Don~ be I prisoner lt): Cycle high ; iake In-PILOT, lox JUG,' GrlflCI ,c-w-•• , .. ot llelf~bt. l.«ik ahead. You · JUaUve. COmpllmenll recetVedltr';;;"";;;;;"ft;;;;Y;;;"';;;';;;"·;v.;;"';;;';;;'·;;;;;-~ -" are lfOIDI places. ' on new attire. Gain shown tfl~ GJ™INI (~ay 21.June JO):. ,you are an attentive listener. Hlive A S.nutlONI Gisler Students .Up to Their Elbows in Soap Suds ' Up to thar elbows in suds are L. Scott Wojahn on the hood and school grounds from 9: 30 a.m. to 4 p.m. A nucleus of 32 students, Randy Caputo~ on the fender while Kathy Holmes prepare! to sixth through eighth grades, grew to 480 memberi in two months. vacuum.-Slud'ents at new Gisler Intermediate School in Hunting· The club's slogan SOS means Staipp Out Stupidity in the antidrug ton .Beach have organized a Spartan Smarteen group which 1s abuse organization. Monies earned will aid m the printing of i.Ii- :1ponsoring a. ~ar wash and bake sale Saturday, May 2, on the fonnation to eradicate the use of narcotics. Jackie Onassis Defended Fan Magazines Chided NEW YORK (UPI) -Best believe that "although they fered imprisonment for more lelllng author Irving Shulman, are little people who don't than five years in t h e In a boot· on the rise and count, t.heir lives were far publishing -hell of the 'Jackie l.ll 01 Mrs. An.,totle "-A••;e• better than those of the rich factories.' Now that she has vua~... and the famouS." escaped, ii her cell belng popularity, put the blame on Later, the alict women'• readied for Ethel Kennedy? a ciua: of poor2y educated and picture maguines aaw . Or Joan Kennedy? Or at some fan magazine · readen -how well Inside stories on · later time, for Caroline Ken---mo111Y~1'00'9---Who wantec1-JactJe'1 Mdowbo9d...lold_and___md)'1_. .. • ll ls~~ too to --.i~ .. net-1-do from be almost outdid the . cheaper preJudiced to conclude t.hat JUNE McKEE Fulu,. Rltoa Students To Marry In August June McKee and Michael McCarUn have selected Aug. :D for their wedding data In -. Verde United Melllodlst Cllluth. berolneW'~ wn r magazines in · making her a only in a nation where many • l*festal. cover girt of !ta lnillutlonl and clWens Tbe boot,'),"Jackie, the Ex· Many ol the 11 tor I e 11 , have become c 11 n l c a 11 y ploltation of a Flnt Lady" Shulman &aid, were.full of fn.. psychopathic, w o u Id ag- aaid Mrs. Onassis' pbotogra~ nuendo but without su~tance gresws scream !!<> l?Udly if and many readers told him even one of their mnocenl wu 110D1etlmes on the ~er ~ey felt the1 bad to "read victims ·escaped persecution.'' of 35 fan and movie magazmes between the lines" to find out The press, In general, was a month during ber years as . what "Jackie wu really up furious with the fonner First the widow of Presldtnt John to," be wrote. Publications Lady for deciding to marry F. JeenrK:d>'· , were virtually tree to write Aristotle 0 n a 11 is "without According to Shu I m an s fiction about Mn. Onaais telling anyone but Cardinal thesil, the movie magazines becauae they were sure she Cuahl.ng." A.s a result, e v e n ~~ed !!> mate Mrs. Onassis woold never sue them, and the InternaUonal P re s s a star when they found she never did. "treated the newlyweds with their circulailo111 iUpplng dur· "Institutional press plans scorn, derision and the limpest Ing the auccessful years ~f (or the future will elbrilnate humor, but tt would be safe ~' Mavedgazlneto be. ~ the tradiUonal privacy granted to say lhat these would have J~ pro .... ~ to citizens in a democracy, been min1mized if the and~ fall ~ub>el woo apeclally those men and their American media had truly ~ ,, ~ among consorts who are foolish wished the cbuple well and unthinJ$g Ammcllll who.· enough to believe in service not behaved like the fan Adult Movie, Tots' Mat inee At Library 1 to their communiUes and con-, magazines," he ':'l'°te. demn themselves, thereby, to Shulman also 11 the author suttee," Shulman said. o( "Harlow," "Valentino" and "Jacquelloe .Kennedy IUf. ''The Am.boy Dukes." May Date Revealed At Party Re beka h Lodge Triple Link Club oC Mesa Rebekah Lodge has meeti ngs t.he fourth Mondays at 8 p.m. in various locations. Mrs. Douglas Morgan at 548-1938 may be called for additional information. Parents of the betrothed are Mr. and Mrs. Frink McKee of Colla Mesa and Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. McCartin of San Jum Caplslraoo. Walt Disney's "Hound That Thought He Was a Raccoon" and "Jenny's Birthday" will air tmnorrow at 2 p.m. in the mulUpurpose room of Marinen: Ubrary. :;:::::---~~~ 1be future bride ls a IJ'llduaU of Estancia High Scb)o) IDd Orange C 0 I I t c.llege. Presently she ls a Junior majoring in theater arta at the Ualvenily of Redland.s. 1be bride~be llllo 11 ' • gaduate ol. Est.and.a and was a lltudent at OCC and UCL CUrreoUy be b prtlaw &ludent majoring In bislory at Redlands. NB Auxili ary 1be UldHo' Auxlllary of Newport Beach Fire Depart· ment gathers the t b i r d Wednesdays at 8 p.m. in various locations. Information ,.,m11ng locailon may be ob- lalned by <allioc Mrs. T. C. Doiley, Ml--. For the adults there will be a viewlng of "American Cowboy" and "Breath of Spring" on Tues:Iay, April 28, at 1:15 p.m. in the wne Ioc. Uon. Alums Meeting Alumnae of Hood Women's College in Frederick, Md., will gslher for bnmcb at 10:30 a.m. tomo!'l'OW' to hear Mrs . Kenneth Hubbard of Hurr tington Beach address the grou p. Mrs~ Hubbard, area ad- mission.! representative, will greet women at 11222 Kem-- lngtm Road, Loi Alamitos. ANNOUNCEMENT K·MAC DRUG .. DISCOUNT STORE MOVES ••• ••• to ......,.. 'l""rfon. Plenty of freo parking et ,...,. el lfrorL Our new loution 11 at .... 1I04 Newport ~ .• Costa Mesa l'erl-11 Crowt.rd'• Drug s1o,. 0.-. Durlfti llanlodellnt Telephone 645-1352 11u111111010 ··'".a 11ni~\\t ttnttt ·s\)O~ ---. ~- Avoid acattenng yoU< r....._ A Sqlltarlu could show you ... Do DOt 1ccept a.salsnment how to achieve important goal: • which dr11M away Ume .aild, AQUARIIJS . (Jan. :ZO.Feb. energy Jrom basic goa~ One 18): Be dlscreel. Yoo ·.,., Summer I So• 6r~•k l1l•ncl1, Sp1IR, lt1ly, f,•nco, Entlancl, Swlh1rl1nd, Holl•M. ~ldutbeW. -~1o'Y P1'1"tt"'~1n-mistabo U you feel you can 41 DATS .-u m-pa ctmfide secrets today without DIPARTIN• JULY 11 wrif;in1. havillC them rev ea 1 e d , ' ..,. CANCE R (Jl!ll" 21.July :D): Delicate mat!tr requitts u~ CALIPOINIA Lie' low. Let others do mos( Of most ilfscreUon on your 'part. ' motNT TOUU, INC. the talking. Take care tn legal ACt accord!n&ly. ~1n1 S..... N.,. WM 700 matters. Partner or mate -l'I SCES (Feb l"MA-1. LA t ... H (JlJI 47~Jf r AJ ""' Ptyillf Tr~l .... l•I AlrllllH should be· Included In your:l.i ~20~) :~Socl~;·t~whlr~~t ~~~gh~t~Ul~ta~~~~~~~~~~ plans. Otberwl!O, there will be emoUonal bruises. Act ao. ~ • cordingly, , LEQ(July :IS'Aug. 21 ) : FuUiD resoluilons concerning diet, heallh, exercise. Gain coo p eration of family member. There can be greater ~c han:DOIU' it · 1 o'u make e1tr1 effort. A gUt could brighten day. VIHOO (Aug.~ :D): HOT·FRESH NEW OWNEitt '.'Get Aqualnr.~ SPEC.iAL! ,. -5~ Good lunsr aspect today, coin- cides wllb brlngln( r.,ui of creative resources. ,U1e Im· .. _ .G~ZIED DONUTS : ' agina\IOll 'iii~ .. ~ ... He - ner. Dell )rith-young ·-· w ... lhru ~· ~1.'12-,H·"')ltr · Romanttc e~ lodicaled. 135 E. 17tli Stnet 5 Ct!stt!· _M'_ LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct.. 22): l~~~~~~(J;,.;·~-;~"'~';'•;•;-';;-~--g. ~· ~I~~~~~~ Practical affairs dominate. I~ Get routine ta.us out ol way early llO _you can relax tonight. Some confusJon exist.I about appointment w l t b relative. Pick up phone and verify. soutH COAST CQ-UNITY HOSPITAL OC Economists cordl1fly !nvitn all RNs & LYNs l!> ~ w a:i w N ~ :< ~ w II) < ~ LL. J: I-< w J: < .... < z 0 I- to 1n OPEN HOUSE I NVITA TI O N HENDRIK VAN KEPPEL AND TAYLOR GREEN -BEVERLY HILLS AND SANTA MONICA - INVITE YOU TO VISIT THEIR NEW STORE ON THE BOARDWALK IN THE HUNTINGTON HARBOUR SHOPPING CENTER ACCE SSOR IES FURNITU RE GIFTS 16841 ALGONGUIN ST. HUNTINGTON HARBOUR (714) 8'46-2888 c > z VI ,.. '-m z VI m z 0 ;o m 'TI 0 ;o VI ... r- 0 () ,.. -----~~~------~~~-----~-------~ r .. . . . :Co81a lies .. . · . ' .. VOL. 63, NO. 98, 5 SECTIONS, 50 PAGES . ' ' ' DAll.'I' PILOT St8H ....... • • . . ' FRIDAY,; A,ltl(•, 24, 1970 • •• '.l •I Id' Next -Flight May:f!o Off OnSchedtile ' WAS!llNGToN (UPI) -U.S. opocl chief T!lom~ O. Palfle laid ~·the apparent cause of Apollo ll'J fallnre was ao simple to · fix that the next moon lllght mllht '.be lauilched on schedule: .Aatn>aaut Jolln, L. Swigert said he WU ready '1o P,, •-. . .... . ~ ..._ 'lbe Qlitlml ....... _.by p-... ......i.d by lloc:m P-. Apollo pn>- 11f1111 c11ree19r; an4 §w!lert'a commmter ... Apollo '13, Clpl. ,.,,,.. A. 1oftllt But l,t WU aln\oll loot ill In outpouring or SenllOrlaJ J>rllle for ·I.oVeu onc1 Siriprt, -.. wttll their ....... Jn r_...i lluntl of oppJauae by members of the Senate Aeriiiioutlca lllif Spaee Sciences ·Committee ml hundreds of spectaton. • The crowd j•mmed b1'to one Ol Capitol Hill's blpeiit ~ rooms, joined In applause whUe acwa more lined up in a hallway outside hoping for a glimpse of the two astronauts. The third member of the Apollo ts crew, Fred W. Raise, was un9ble to attend. Paine· emphaaited that tests still are being· conducted to try to determine precisely what cauled Uie accideilt !bit N.Y • ' St.Oek ..- TEN-eENTS ' ' •• l I ' COLORS PRESENTED IN FREEDOM SHRINE CEREMONY AT SOUTH COAST PLAZA Exchange Club Redec:liutas P•trfotic Di1pl1y in Honor of Vietn11m War Dead ·-the moOn Jaiiding anc1·--to strand the three utronauts in an eternal orbit. Mesart's Son Free on Bail '" .//I .... Ill Frozen Food Swindle The alleged mastermind or s rrozen food.financing bunco !cheme, which.sign- ed· 'up mote than 200 Orange County ramllies for $136,000 in cold cash and failed to fully deliver, is Cree on bail today . His .father, of Costa Mesa, and two other men also arrested 11lursday on complaints issued by Orange County Diltrict AUorney Cecil A. Hicks remain jaUed today in lieu of $12,500 bail each. Nam~ on charges or conspiracy and grand theft are William J. Wooll, 6.1, of 2014 Wallace Ave., Costa Mesa, his son Phillip F. Wooll, 31, of North Hollywood, Harold B. Massey, 46, of Anaheim, and John M. Turner Jr., 40, of Glendale. Phillip Wool! posted bail Thursday. The men have not been arraigned yet and preliminary hearings will be set when they appear in court to be read the charges against them . District Attorney Hicks said the opera- tion involved contracts with a business titled Family Plan, Consumer Affiliates Corporation or Consumers' Services. l:Je charged that salesmen signed up m<n than '.'~'l families for time payment J>lWrams \.• .::miSlng 860 pounds of frozen mJAt and other product! for a $682 f~. c'ontract5 bind'mg the victims to that amount. plus interest were then allegedly eold to Liberty Loan Company of Anaheim , where defendant Massey is the manager. Hicks said a frozen food supplier was then hired to deJiver the good s to the customers, but charged they on1y ·receiv- ed 300 pounds of foodstllffs. District Attorney's Investigator Ray Miller alleged today that young Wooll is beJleved to have masterminded the food bilking scheme. Massey was charged In a criminal compllint with one count of conspiracy and three counts of grand theft. Romeo-style Intruder Routed By Mesa Woman A romeo.style Intruder who climbed .a balcony to woo a Costa Mesa woman was routed early today wllen she not only scorned, but ridiculed his advaflces. The 4S.year~ld victim awakened In her bed at 4:20 a.m., according to police sent to a massive apar\Jnent complex on Peterson Way. A young man stood silhoutted in the dark. "What do you want?" she snapped. He told her. "Why me?," she demanded, "I'm old enought to be your mother.'' "Uh, yours was the on1y unlocked door," he replied. She said he went to take the telephone off the hook, at which time his would·be victim ran out the front door. Patrolman John Stonebac:k said the would-be Romeo hutily exited via the balcony again. But J1e .. uid-the cauoe.bod ~velf - been traced .I "i,'reatmJY.u.,li C01D-• pontot•;. lll5f 11ior· caald ·~li:d· . Exchang~ Club ·· .. ~ ,...n 9. s~: ciJ.liif.> .-" , . Lci'itR 'llld SwilOll in "'"" ~Do • any flt M,,-.--.-::U-,,,H~.n~·Q'"----of-JOU-•-llta-think-,..l-U.-pul , c;3(l fl UlltVI ~ to tmnetesaary nsks1" . ' "I never fell ~ riilpcta!IC1! or. that V • t W D d I was put 'lo any unnecessary risks te ar ea at all," Swi,.rt repll<d. "Rlght 'nbw, The Costa Mesa Exchange Club hon· ored 19 . Vietnam dead from the Harbor Area today at the .dedication of a Free· dom Shrine at Sobth Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa. The Freedom Shrine ls a collection of reproductions of historical documents in American history. The names ot· Harbor Area servicemen who died in the Vietnam conflict are listed on a scroll on the Free· dom Shrine. Costa Mesa servicemen who were hon- ored at the ceremonies included Donald L. Heaston, Erie Speak, RoOert C. Ewald, Roger L. Brown, David K. Omstead, Law- rence D. Greef. William J. Walker, Dale F. Hudson. Dennis D. Ferguson, Charles D. Witt, Edward C. Hughes Ill and James Spaw. Newport Beach war dead honored at the mid-day ceremonies included Daniel E. Wark, Michael R. Mangan, Donald A. Pittenger, Galen L. Moore, William C. Mattis, Michael R. Young and Kent S. Anderson. if you ,were to 'ask me would ·r go back and fly th.it service module, I certainly would." . Lovell aald aiiy kind of flying 'Is somewhat risky. ·~we're prepared to take that,'~ he aakl ·durlni questionin& after . Paine's tuUmony. . "We expect' Uiat tht ·1ar1e-quantity and high quality of telemetered data received from the APoUo· lS apr.ceerift at the time of the accident will permit a precl"' ond Wlf identification el the causes o! the failure." aplaintd Paine. . 'l1le administrator Of tbt National Aeronautics and . Space. ·Administration (NASA), added, "Th~ ·o~gen thmnol- nask believed to be involved is 1a relaUye- ly simple oomponenl. and CO'!'Tective ac- tion sboukl not prove to be a major la ... "If this turns out to.be the: ~e. we should be able to move out promptly with the necessary-alterations and pro- ceed with Apollo 14 and rubsequent flights on·· approximately the same schedule we have presented ,before." Paine said President-Nixon "fully shares this view -that Apollo 13'll troubles should not cause a cutback in the U.S. space program. ... ,, Howd1J,; :n~x ' .. ., Mary Ueno, .5, a kindergarten studenf at lia..Per sC~ool ·tn .colt..·, Mesa , g~ts ·a homo sapien's eye vi~w ,of the .age "of 4in~u~s as ah~· checks out life-size Tyrannos&urus Rex. Model of flesh-eating ~ 1 s't.er out of 'the past is oi:ie' of three buil t by kind erg art~ ·classes at the ~ school. ' Fouquet Gets Dea!h Rap·. . . . Participating in the hour·long dedica-tion were members of an El Toro Marine Corps color 1Uatd and the Newport Har- bor lllih School band who played tbe "Star Sliani!Od Banner" Willialn Webster, president of the Ex- change Club, [ftSented the. l're<dom Shrine lo flarold Segentrom of the Sooth Paine said that during t lllpt with Nixon to Honolulu t.st Saturday to meet the ~turning utronaub, after their spl;1.shdown in the Pacific the day 'before •. Nixon expresaecf'hil """1g support (or "a vlgOl'Oul ongOing U.S. ipact Program, particularly Jn manned space.D.lght." ·In Boy's Torture Mnrder . eoa.t Plaza . Dennis E Carpenter addressed the aud· ience . which included many friends. and relatives of the servicemen . Congress alrudy hu lndiclted It feels the same. The House Thursday · puaed NASA's 1171 budget, allowing the agency more money than it'reque!led. , her huJband.· She said .0. ttio-diir-'~ h~ deatb. Fo~quet jumped on.Je!!ery's Co•l t County Vo·te List Dips LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Ronald Fou- quet, <Onvicted of the torlurt murder ol the S.year~ld son of 'hia common.faw wife after she testified her husband sat drinkina beer and watching a television car~n as the boy d)OO, today · wcis condemn.ed to d8ath in the 1as chamber .. , mi4riff after h~ .f~led , wjth· the TV set. Fouquet then aat · dr1nking1 .a «er and watching a ;cartoqn w~le tht boy • died. The jury of elght men and' four women return the verdict in th • penalty phase n.· ora W, ien~nga of the trial after nearly nine hours .,.. • We•tlter Spring is barely here, but 1Wl1· mtr weather is In store for the COast this weekend, with sunny skies and temperatUWJ breaking the 70-degree barrier. I NSWE TODAY Mant1 iervfctmtn. are taking adoolUOgt oj a ta.z break /or big dtductions by making ont·da11 trips ovtr Vietnam. Page J2. .. Registration Slump Blamed· on Lack of Interest . . . . By TOM BARLEY Of ... 09!1'1' '"" ll•ff Alanned Orange County Clerk William E. St John today disclosed what he descri bed as "an unprecedented major decline" in voting registraUoo and sug- gested "a lack or Interest in the issues and the candidates" as prime reason for the surprising slump. Registrations for tbe June 2 primary election were confi rmed thts morning as 556,570, an Oltlmakd 45,111111 below · the figure that wu u:pected on the basis of Orange County'• tradit.ional growth index, St John said. ...J "We were so disturbed that we con· ducted a survey to find out just . why people haven't registered," he said. "We discovered this Jack of interest In issue. and candidates, the belief of rnany that a Primary Elect.Ion isn't as ----~- 'important as the Gerieril Election ' and ' the opinion of some ·that Utis 11 not a presidential year and. therefore is of less interest .'.'But our overriding conclusion is that there is considerable apathy on the. part of many people.'' St John said. "It is, we feel, a sign of the times l h a t many of our eligible voters .just cannot be bothered to ensure. that thqo will vote in the June primary. '1 St John's final tally of -$55.,,~1\ regis. tered voters, conr~ ~ computer this morning is a decline of '2.\,IOO from Ute figure recorded In tbf 1968 General Election, • Crowtb since las! l'i'l"'"'bel' has hoisted the county , population from 1 J92 ,000 to l ,460,000 peNOnS, I level that appeared to ~d~ate 1 .OU,,, realstralion strength of itoo,000 voter1. "This tremendous · decline . has coi;ne . about despite the biggest campaign ever "aged by this office," SL John w~. 11We covered the· county with VOUnl iegislrltion material and we had an all time high of «II> deputy rel;istran \fOrkJng in all districts right up to tlie time that registrations ~losed." 1 The decline in voting strength .seemed lo be suffered equally by' the major pblllical parties witb Republicans> main- l1lnlng their trid!Uonal edge In Orange County. I :,O. l GOP· althtrtott tiitaJled 2tll,$31 to the. DemlJC>;atl'' tm.llel.·. Other catqoriea compiled br St Jol>o lnc!luded American lndependen l'ltly • 5,113, 1 P.O.. and Frtedoln Party IM, mi...11.-It (SM VOTEBS, Pt(e I) I • of deliberation. · ' .. The :Ji.year-old. ~aintenance mechanic :q· e8d· ill . M~a and his , common·l1:w v,:l!e, B e t t y . LanadOwn Fouqtlet, 28; gaiiied' notOrltity .i 1 • • ' " : last fall when anot.h« of the woman's 1 MI'S. Dora L. Wienenga. a ~e children, JodJ, ·s, Was fdund abap(loned · Cos~a PAesa nls.\<ff.:Pt, d,led -~~at on a freew•Y' n~r Bak~ltld.!.. · Be.Jeily Manor Convalescent Home ln A California Highway Paf!~11!1an la~ .'Co$ Mesa at the age oi 94. testified he·had to pry the gtrl 1. •fina:ers . Sbe Was lhe widow of the Jate Dr. loote from the freeway fence because 0 . "mOmmY ind <laddy" h'ad told her. to r B. . W1enenga. a veterinaria,n who wait there. ·moved , his family lo Cos la Mep. tp While the couple was In .custody on -19411. They raised horses on 1 RnlD a fc\ony ctilld aj)andonment ehirge, Mn. ranch on trvloe Avenue. · Fol.lquet ·revealed to .1her\ff''1 d~ttt.iVd or Wienenga died In tff7 Mn 'that Foucil!el had' killed Jeflery In 11161. ' . . ' ' •Her testimony lit£ore a grand jury fed' W1cnenga ha1 resided at the convaleaeent ·to Fouquet'• Indictment. .honie for the pasuear. She Is 111!)11Ved Jellecy'a nlll)llna W(!f• .found by 1 •by four~· ll'andchlldren and five ar,-~ hunter in a desert canyon but they gral)dchildten. · ' f • remained U\lidtntlfied. During the trial, ' F~nehil arrang!'i>ehts •>• btinl - 'lhe ~Ion was unable ll>,po81Uvely "by Wealcll(f Mortuary In Cooto -· •• •Identify.the remilna·u Jellrey. J · Services ·will be . held at Fllrhlvta M.n. Fouq~et teotlflerl th•! ~ellery ·Cemetery in Sanla Ana al I p.m. fiatll1> died antr wee1'3 ol ' mlstreitmenl by ;. day • • I ' -··-~ .... •·"'·- I DAILY I'll.GI t Assemblyman ~se~ks· Biiy :'Swap Mol-atoriuui . . . sdlr It .. D.\11.Y PllDr fiO -A NIOlutien Cllnng lot a -on CON!dtraUoo of the u-Newoori Bay land txehlll80 ... •-&er.. lo the California As!em· bty 'l'bundv by Assemb4'man George w ...... (ll-Ollroy). 1!ie -aalls that stat. ol Calif· omla ...-i. respon1ibl< for tbe l&nd escllqe and lhree other develop. --to the Lellalature envln>n-menlal ..,pocl eeporls The' -alortum la to lut until thae reporta art aubmit- led. Harbor Bill • Adopted; Vote Looms ' .. ' llpadll ·It .. Dan, Pllol : SACllAllBNTO-A bill to put dllooJu. • tion or apioalDn al Or-Couiitt ' Hul>cr Dlltrtcl to a vote al tbe ~ ~ed 'lbundaJ by tbe -• VlrtuaUJ tbe -bill, oolY -mt . emergmey meuure clauae. WU deftaW by !be A ..... blJ be Wednad•y. Tbe day-1-tumalloul -the bill - mova oo to !be -Seoate. Tbe vo1e foi-_ •• a1 al .tbe meuure, authored lJy -blyman Jolla Brlqa (11-l'ullerlai), WU 0 to •• one -more thaa 111e Cl·vofe majority requlrtd. WedlleadoJ, -the bill u an -- cy -....-• --llllJorlty, It failed -. • llmple maJ<rtty wttb aDto•-DDfto-e. Tbe llrllP blD calll fer a lw<>c:bolco •1-· -YOlara ·lo decide •ltbe!' to ~ 1111 ll!O(:lal -ll!mlcl so 11 --amtber deplrtment of 001miJ .....,....i or to ezpand Ill f-to lllClude a<qQll!tloo and oper• tioo al IDlaad parb . and recreaUonal areu. . • In Ibo 8-te tbe bill pn>babl7 will be ,.,.,.. to lbe Local Gomnmonl Commltlee, beadld by Seo. "Jobn Sdttnltz <R-TUoilo). Sdmllt..oo far baa declined to .., bow be -cm the coolmtnW H~~ ~:lurviva 111 Seoato las\ 'and .. .i..,a by tbe aovernor, thao tbe-clale-al-tbe -the bill ~~ior will be the ~ al Orange 1t." ~~1 iloard • 1 Supon!IOil bu -4 to l to apand the --thao -· It and does--mt-favor-IUCll II eW:tlar\ · -tbe 1111111 ..i --, u aa -;_,.win II w.ald Do.I tal<e ollod anlll 18 clly> aft« tbe ~ al tbo ....,,111.. -and l!R)1, thmlon, DOI qoallly for Ille Nov. I --!>allol. . :-,.. ,. '-., . ' , 'l1te raolutlon II -~thored by •Ith! lllJ ,dolta -.i-.1 -• • -Jymen, IDcludlOI Jolin V. iltWt ..,,_ a(f~ _ .... und.r 111- (Jl.l'Ulltrtoo), all motnben ~--!-~~! .................... ii ltlldod publtc Aliemhly QrnmlU.. on En'"""''""'"' ......, .. uld Dalll Fowlor, ..,....,._ · Quality appointed by Assembly Speaker Uve ·assistant to kasemhlyman Mtllu. Robert >i1onagan (R-Stockton). "rhe committee is not passing jud~t. The language of the ~luUon is taken lt feels these areas should be stud.IN be- from the report of the select committee cause of public quesUons ra~. be they fUed last month. rlght or be thef wrong . It wants to make Jt calls for moratoriums on the Upper sure all consulerations are evaluated ~ Land Exchange, the Tijuana River rather than Ju!!;t, for instance, eeonom- eitU.ai'y development in San Diego Jes." \ ~ ~. Gol~ta Slough Freeway in Santa The MillaJ· reaoluUon is a concurrent llarblra County and the San Francll<o rtsolutlon that has lo be approved by • ~.. ~ ~ . I both -ol llli 'Miii•'~· ~ ltq :· ...._!el' -11-117'111-.,. lbe ' a bill. Fowlar . IOlll he upects the ~.. fl1'1t eXchanbe coo<e\!I wu ')lrepoaed. 1411\bl,Y RWil committee wtll refer it ~ far as another llllldy on whal to do 1o the C«nmi1tff on Natural ~:sources a about the bay is concerned we rf:ally and Conserv1tlon. MUlas i! chairman of quesUon whether it ls necessary. Ulat eommlttee. "Perhaps Assemblyman Millas ls un. No county ofliclab were immediately aware that the subject has been atudied available for comment on the Mlllas aod b: being studied by every covern. resolution. Contacted by the DAILY ment 31ency that could conoelvably PILOT Jrvi11e Company President WU· have an Interest in it. Ham ri. Mason d1d, bow ever, oUer Utls · "These agencies include the Callfomla reaction: Judjcial Syatem, State Landi Com~ "The Upper Bay already bas been un. sion, the State esourees AJl~Y· the De- dtr a sell imposed ~ratoriwn for deve-partmtnt of Fish and Game. the Qrlnl" County 8oorlt of Superv!Jon, the 0r..,. CAMmty Harbor District and the NewPofl .Beach City Council. "' "We regret that Assembly Milias Jias , not participated in lny of these outgoin,: atudies and was apparenUy nof iware of their elistence before he proposed ·suCh a moratorium. ~~ "We believe that the majority of the\ people of Orange County want to see.> -'carefully plaMed and balanced develop- ~nt <lf the Upper Bay so that 'ts 'can be "- eo>ioJed during their lifetime." ·. GOP Candidates Costa Mesa Police Chief Roger NethJeads inspec-· tion of department personnef on grass field behind city's Police Facility.Today's spit and polish review was the fir6"t formal inspection conducted since the DAIL V PILOT l"lltl9 tr Lie PQne. department moved into its new building 2% years ago. A few officers were detailed to mind the store while most went through the inspection by Chief Neth and city officials. El Toro Suggests · Mesa Bome.Ransaeked ., I • .,. ' Jet ~oise Really Officer With Keen Eye ~FrMCIOibSOund' · · • Nabs Boys for Spree • In Hard· ·nehate Two Republicans who want the state lttorney General's job and deputies of "-'o other GOP aspirants for Thomas J. Lynch'' coveted pool convinced a Blllboa Yacht Club audience 'l11und1y night that they bad al leul one thing 1n common besides tbelr political af- filiation: The burning belief al Heb that ho .was, by far, the best man for the job. State Senator John L. Qanner (R-Olm- dale) and Reagan aide Spencer William> delivered bard-bitting campaign speecbta at the debat. booted, by the Newport· ~arbo~ piapter of the California Federa .. tlon of R<pU)Jllcan Women. PlncbhlUJni for Los Angelei County District Atlomey Evelle J. Younger and state ~tor George Deulrmejlan (R-Lo111 Beach) were repsectively, Newport Beach at- torney Robert S. 11Sam" Barnes and Fullerton attorney William Dannemeyer. Harmer drew what appeared to be the ovaUon of the evening with a &earing condemnaUon of campus rioters, striJdng employes of the Los Angeles school district "and all those who flout the law because the law allows them to do so." He called for the firing of Ule Los Angeles teachers "who continue to defy orders of the court" and he urged Orange County voters to "cast your votes for those candidates who will take Immediate and active steps against the e r r a n t judiciary. ''It is time for us to talk about the supremacy of the Jaw and to expect. those judges whom we apPoint to eMUre that those who breach our laws pay for thei r transgressions," Harmer said. "Those judges wfio cannot interpret what seem to me to ~ S'f!Si-le, clearly defin- ed Jaws or conduct then it is time for us 1.o remove them from office." Campus riots, said Harmer, "are mlnlltrative thlnldng and c ab I n t t desires" that ahoukt, he said, 11make me the attorney general I very nearly was in 1966." Williams was beaten in that election by Lynch. Junior High . Fight in Mesa Injures Boy An adoleocent confroolallon. lurnod Violent at a Colla Mesa lunlOr bigb achool 'l11ursday, lea>Joc ..,. boy .01t up with a hooked blade and a aeoond charged with assault w:ith a deadly weapon. Harry R. McDonald, 14, of 171 SM1imM Drive, was treated by his family doctor alter being slashed on the arm and stabbed in the chest. H" told Patrolman Robert Berg he and his girl were talking on the Everett Rea lntennediate School campus Thurs- day morning when the other boy, 15, approached. Words were exchanged, leading to a challenge and a fight, after which the victim's girlfriend noticed he was bleeding from the arm and chest. Officer Don Casey found the alleged assailant watking along at PlaCentii: /.venue and G<lvernor Street and he was admilted to Orange County Juvenile Hill. ----- A l>ook-sha~d box' cutting lmile was ta.i.erfl as evidence. An El Toro Marine Air B a s e epoltesman suggest.cl 'l11ursday that perlOll8 awaRned at dawn by the noise ol jet aircraft think of tt .., "the oound of !reedom." equally the product of 1 .. en1o<eemen• 'David and Lisa. ' Set <lf Jaws and the failure of many to A· yet.eran Costa Mesa poH~m1111 with residence and scattered b e l o n g J n g s put into effect procedures that W<luld end many of these disturbances before At Costa Mesa High a rl!lpected eye for .the ·staln ot guilt around in their hunt for money, causing they really became disturbances." VOTERS ••. El Toro haS'· been launching early morning pla11e11 along an infrequenUy used take-off corridor the last several with 11,llO declinlog to ,stale tbelr ...U because o1 heavy prevailing winds alleglancO. from aeaward. Oranp Cout communlUel were oolldly The jet.'I pa" clooe by University Park, Republican with tbe eueptlooa ol Harbor View llllls alid Corona del Mar Westmimter where Democr1ts out-· and there have teen a number-of com: numbered lltpobllcanl by 11.llll lo 1,11112 plUit.'1 from residents. and. Los Alam.Jtos where the GOP fell Major Robert 8. Booher, public affairs behind the Democrats by 1,553 to 1,783. olficer at El Toro said the situation . Republicians as opPQSed to 35,111 Demo-is only temporary; due to the wind ' crats. which makes it less than safe for the -co.ta M""-U,91111 lo . 11,192; Foon-Jell lo taie off headed inland over loin Vlllley, 5,!03 lo 1,IJI; Huntington the mountains. iakeoff and landing Beach, 22,057 to 19,oot; LIJUnl Beach, d!rectiOm have been reversed and the 5,490 to 2,642: . . jet.! recently have taken elf headed out Alto lbowtng Republican maJorltie1 lo oea. O\'er Democrats were : Newport Be1ch, "We're sorry we have to disturb peo. 19,435 to 5,971; San ~emente 5,f78 to pie, however, we have a defense missio n 2,340; San Juan C8pistrano, 1,050 to to do," Booher said. "We'd Jike them 531; and Seat Beach 9,435 to 5,841. (residents) to consider it as the sound RopubUcans had a better than I lo of freedom " J ~ge in the Fifth Supervi80rlal Di.strict He said· 1 F-4 jet at 6:30 In the w~ '13,732 reskknts registering as morning when everything else is quJet ~llcans as opposed to 4 5 1 3 11 makes quite a bit <lf noise but at 6:30 Democrats. the sun is well up this time of year. DAILY PILOT C~E a>AS1 ,Ull.llMIMO CQMPAN'I' lto~•rf H. w,,4 Praidtnl .... l'i.*lblttt J1d1 It, Curt • ., Vie. PmliMlll _, 0.-.1 M1,..._. "We 're a 24-hour+dv master jet base. We're required lo fly at those hours to meet our defense mission and train our crews," he said. Booher 88.id no El Toro jets: are su~ posed to fly over Newport Beach but he admitted that occasJonally it might happen. -Or Olfier telltale marks -arrt~ed isoo in damage. Willia -•' suggested .. lu"on for cam-A ...... ...., 1.1 n adapta tio n of the award·winning · four boys, 'I}lur!iday after a ,1,000.plus The youlh:s, aged 15 and 1$, were pus violence was to "take legal action film "David and Lisa" is being presented burg111p'·and destructk¥1 spree. subsequently iidmltted to Orange County against the parents <lf those involved by CO&ta Mesa High School dram3 J?atrolman.BobrArnoklcruisedthearea Juvenile Hall on charges of burglary in rioting and vandalism" and he pro-students tonight and Saturday under the · and malicious mischief. mised that kind elf action if he succeeds direction of Donna Krtstianse.n. unlt1 he spotted a youth with a smudge Time of the burglary was pinpolnted Lynch in Sacramento. "D 'd of Ink 'hi tchl that""' shed av1 and Lisa" will be staged at· Oil s arm, ma ng "t"a precisely at 2:37 p.m., by two electric The candidate str•••ed his "long a·' th h I' L 8 30 h h · '"' II of I -->a•a • ~ •N e Sc oo s yceum at : eac nlg I on um wa s a rea ~wnc mans clocks which were among the items close association with G<lv. Ronald Tickets at $1 for stu dents and '1.25 ransacked hom e. recovered following the arresls. Reagan and a deep knowledge of ad-for adults are available at the door. ·•one arrest just led to another," 1---------------------'---.....: _______ .....:,.:..._:::.:.:=..:::..=..:::..::..:.._ remarked ·001cer Arnokt. Kent 'Kingsley, '64/ ot 1119 Coolidge Ave., atTlved home from work Thursday afternoon to find his home looted ol $400 ltl jewelry and <>th.er valuables. Whoever pried open a rear window also splashed ink on the walls of the Candidates File For Utt's Seat Three or the six candidates entered in the regular June prjmary election for the congressional seat of the late James B. Utt have taken out papers for the special election June 2 to fill the unexpired term which ends nert Jan. I. All three are Republicans. TI>ey are State Sen. John G. ,SchmJtz: of Tustin, John Ratterree of Santa Ana and John A. Steiger of Oceanside. -· OFFICER'S CHEST COLLECTION By HENREDON • Ed11'0f' Tt!o"''' A. Morp~int M-01"0 ~llOr c.... .. _ OfflUI JJD W•1f l1y St1t1f Junket to Japan FOR THE UNUSUAL IN QUALITY AND STYLE, LOOK TO HENREDON. OFFICER'S CHEST COLLEC. TION FEATURES A LARGE SELECTION OF LIVING, DIN- ING AND BEDROOM PIECES TO SPICE ANY ROOM • AVAILABLE IN SEVERAL EX- CITING A N D DIFFERENT. FINISHES. li'•lllnt Aililrtn: P.O. lo• I l60, t2616 ....... Of!l_ Joli~ ltKll: nil W"I .. lbOI ll1111ttt1N utoiN a-ti• m ~r ,,_ """' ....... kKll~ 17'7J kldi ·!Ill~ a. 0.-tt: -HW1'I II c:MllM 11: .. 1 _A,. Sayonara to Mesa CofC's Zien.er U you send Co9ta Mesa Chamber of Commerce Executive Manager Nick Ziener a can1 for his May 1 birthday, address lt in care of the Osaka or Tokyo chambers of commerce. He left Los Angele, International Airport at noon today for a 13-day junket to the tiny land that after World War It transformed ltse.U Into an induslrial giant. Dest.inatlon: Expc ..,0, at Osaka. The trlp ls a gift from his son Bob and will be made in company with old Oticago Press Club pals from Ziener's years with lhe llllnob Cbambe.r or Commerce. His flight left Los Angeles for Chicago's O'Hare International Airport and a press club reunion ending at 2 a.m., Saturday with a 61~-hour flight to FalrbaiW. Alaska. New friends Nie\ met at lhe recent Quka Trade •nd Travel Exposilion in Cc>ct.a Mesa will host a recepUon during a two-hour Tay0\1er there, prior to takeoff for Osaka, landing 61iit houn later. Ziener's aoo ls public relaUom director for Trans-InternaUonal AirUnes, the world's largest· charter Oight oraaniu- tion . lte arranged for the birthday Junket v.·hen the Ch.icago Press Club's contin1ent lo Expo '70 failed to fill all available seats aUowin1 Nick to mix business with pleasure. "This is my real interest In making the flight," said the Costa Mesa chamber director enthusiastically, as he told of the trade pos.slbllities ahead. He will meet with the Tokyo Manufac- lurtrs' A3IOClaUon wh ile in the Far Easl, to discuss development o f Transpacific trade involving 462 ln· dustrles on the Orange Coe.st. Zlener't IUnerary alto Includes con- ferences and receptions with the Osaka alld Tokyo chambers of commerce and their dlrt<:tors and ciecuUve comm1tttts.. • STOP IN TODA YI DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE 7ed11111 NEWPORT BEACH 1n1 Wostcl lff Dr., 642·2050 P .. 1 ... 1 ... 1 lnlwlor LAGUNA BEACH OP IN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 Doslgnon Av1111bl--'ID 3-15 Nort0h Coast Hwy. 494-6551 ,._ , .. -""'" -r-PEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 -... ..... ,,.,, INTERIORS ·- ~peostte Views • 'Double Trouble ;. ·1 . - For Welfare· Plan Brings More Layoffs By United Press International A trucking strike.lockout in the Oticago area continued today without promise of set- tlement. Wildcat strikes con- tinued in other parts of the nation while a tentative agree- ment waited for a vote by truck drivers. Io Akron, Ohio, 4,000 drivers voted 2-1 to continue a wildcat walkout. Drivers were off the job in the Los ~geles area, jn St. Louis, ~fo., and other scattered areas of the nation. S tr angled transportation prompted m o r e industrial layoffs Thursday, with 3,500 American Motors employes turned away at a Kenosha, Wis., body plant for lack 0£ parts. American also suspend- ed productioo ol two models 'I1llrsday, leaving two mOdels In prochictioo. Moonlight Cruise Stays For Dawn 'Ibe key to tile situation was a pending vote by drivers on a tentative national agreement providing $1.10 an hour in pay WASHINGTON (UPI) -A raises over a t h r e e -y e a r moonlight cruise boat got ~ otitck.., a Ollldbar lo a deme 'Ibere were repocts that a fog on the Potomac River Teamsters ~eetinl..~uled TblJrs<1;ly nigh\ and 580 tourist 1pe w.a.sh-... ·g·Un'rwou\d--,pe--ctlieruglirUiii1il liif<* obrogate that agreenieol. Rlgli the v..,.l was Pulled free qnioa officials, however , today. • denied that . was the purpose . The tourists, lncluding 400 of the meeting. out4-town 1tudel'M, w er e Even U a vote were ~Id t.reat.ed Jo free food from the en the $1.10-an-hour ra.tse, snack bar and entertainment there were doubts. Ute dr~vers from a dance band that ~ pPprove it. Oncago normally aooom~es the dri"rs, who oegoliale in-WilBoa L!J1e lllOOllllghl i;ruJses. dep•nde,.tly, have been I'"""' ·The home towns of the ilg fur •• 1.65 ... hour. They sttiilenlll...,. not lmm<dlate!y say tiley have Signed more d..;·rmined lban l.llOO employers to those ~ • .... rma. The boat, the G e o r g e -= Washington, ran aground at Pope Lauds Sardinians CAGLIARI, Sardinia (UPI) -Pope Paul VJ made the f1r&t papal visit to im- poverished Sardinia in 17 cen .. turies today and told the thousands of islanders who greeted him they were an unspoiled but Jsolated people. "You are a simple, in· dustrious, austere, q u I e t , WJSpoiled and sad people," Ute 12-year-old Pontiff said. "You are a people isolated from the world. A people of proud and tenacious passioos but at the same time or natural and gentle sentiments." Th>usands cheered when Paul emerged from a chartered jet after a one.hour flight from Rome. A n estimated 500,000 p er s o n, s were on hand in this capital city for his visit. about 11 p.m. EST as heavy fog closed in. It was pulled free by the Dtplomat, another cruise ship, after a tug boat failed to jerk the boat loose. The Diplomat coold not be sent out until th!s morning because of the fog. Wilson Line of!icials said they did mt UDderstand why the George Washington's radar did not warn the captain of the &andbar despite the fog: Jackie Sketch Not at Auction NEW YORK (UPI) -An ink sketch drawn by Mn. Jac- queline Kennedy 0 n • 1 s I s , believed to be an outline for a gift to the ~te President Kennedy was withdrawn from auction Thunday ~nd · con- fiscated by the Manhattan district attorney'• office until proper ownen1hlp or pooalble criminal charges art filed. Rumo•·s Explode Murders Spark Coed Fear MORGANTOWN, W. Va. (UPI) -Increased secwily measures apparently quieted a wave of !ear and rumors that spread through women 's dormitories at West Virginia University this week after police uncovered the bodies ol. two slain freshmen girls. A universKy spokesman said many of the students. particularly the coeds, were "WI')', very frightened" after the headless bodies of Karen Ferrell and ~tared Malarlk. both 19, were found April 16 in makeshift graves in a remote area eight miles soulh ol here. 'They had been miss.- Ing three monihs. 1be "peak reaction" oc· cum:d Tuesday, orncials said. missing to one story about a man that had a set of keys for all the cloon In Westd!eoter )!all where Ml3s Femll aod•Mia Mallllik bad Jived. - Secudy measures w er e beefed up at donniWries boUi on and oil campus and counselors held meetings with the frightened glrll, the dean of women's office aatd. "We're doing out hes! to help them he realistic and not panic," Dean BeUy Boyd said, The body of Miu Ferre11 , Quinwood, W. Va., was buried Thursday. Miss Ma 1ar Ii:'1 parents of Kennelon, N. J., did not revealed. funeral ar· rangement1 for their ' • FrtdlY, Al'll 24, 1970 DAil Y PILOT If . C·ampus Caul _drons ' . Stanford, U of Oregon Bubble Over GENERAi.: SAFETY-RIB TIRES ... 1 ' for BOAT Cl!ftd McCall omd IOll Nallonal to coctrol the crowds which Gumllmen and 80 state gaduJ[[y lhlnlled because of troopen wm llandinl by to mcr.a.•••I Mi · help "ll oecessary." ..,. Y vy r8111. Militant students an d In the collep town of Pennsylvuia state University Lawrence. Ku., f I rem e a attomeya hammered out the llgliling • bl.,. in a chemi<al wordirc of a pennanent eom· plant 1n a. Negro• section of promise coort order outlawing town east of the University student aemu. of bulldings of Kansaa were peppered by on the univertlty camp,is at llllper fire. Unlverait)' Part, Pa. Firemen q u i ck 1 Y ft· The fracas in TftTe Haute tlngullhed -fire 11 an had Ill root. in a atioV!ng apartment oomple• "" the match 'l11ursday b et w e e n university campus I ho rt 1 y · white aod Negro girls in an before the thlrd night of ~ elevator in 1 w 0 men •• 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew went dormitory at Indiana Stale not into tf[ect. Both fires were far from the heart of the believed caused by bombs. ·1 Felony charges were filed oy. ""'~ l It It ~d to at least four against Ya~ u n v e rs y studetts amoted during other UODa In Terre Haute Wednesday night's curfew. with u many as 100 pe.,... with Incendiary derices In· Involved in rock throwin( and ~~ . The scuffles at each place. w..:ir poseesslon. y ftre among 31 penons omsted • Unlvonlty olflclals reported tale Wedneldly and early the vanrllllxtng ofllormitories, Thunday, moetly for curfew" a campu1 boobtore and viola number ol automobiles. ,.;;::=:;;U:;;oo:;;. =='===:;;;i Polica Uled chemical ' lY Nixon Cancels Security Meet WASHINGTON (UPI) - Presld..t Nlmi today called oU for a second time a meetiftli, of his N a t i o n a I Security Council to spend part of the · weekend at Camp David, bis retreat In western Maryland. 1be chief e1eeutive bad aummoned the NSC to a meetlii( today amid opecula· VNl'J'ED S'J'A'J'ES NA'l'IONAL BANK SOUTH COAST PLAZA • BRANCH NOW ONN SATURDAYS ' .. 1 ..... . MON ... TtfUIL 11-1 P.111 •• PllDATS 1M P.M. f7141146-1111. i...... II: S..C..PS-.C....M .. Uon it was to deal with the A11t. VIA ,.,.,.... .. ..., decubodlalon he mull make Oii E. H. LEVAN Cam _'•appeal for~:~·~========'. COMPLETE BRAKE RELINE 95 ' moat American car1 CAMPER TRAILERS TIRE TRUEING by EXPERTS! Use General's convenient AUTO·CHARGE Plan ........................ ,... ......... . .... .,...,. ........ , ....... ..., .. . ... Mf..,JMc•>l9ll11t .. .-...,.w. -retlM the ,.. ..... "' ,.. ..... nlMllW ...... ~ ...t.e .. .._ ..• • no money down • months to pay S/S 8000 SUPmSPDRT 'MAB' The Ultimate in Wheel Elegance! INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL $99 14" FORD •All mll1'or polish chrome • Precfslon' cast aluminum alloy center • FuUy chromed s1:eel rim 4WHEELS • wrheft proof" chromed hub cap with btue insert • Resists impact and side thrust •••• WHllL AUNIMl"1' &MLANCINO ·····~· Save on Shock Absorbers Expert Installation of new, famous-make shock absorbers, gives you a new· car ride, positive car -control. · Don Swedlund ..w ""''" .,..... hW •••• , ...... to hll C0!tt9Ct , , , -.d l..,_t ad 941• ... 01Mr1a11cy tin.le. n.... '" c• ..., •tw..,e, -·· W-1-D-E ! FIBERGLASS BELTED GENERAL JUMBO 780 . • Polyester cord body • Flberglaaa cord belt • Also available with twlnstrlpe whitewall. I Ph11 S!.M Fed. ~-: Tn, Sl1• E1'hl4 tlladl;Wlll. L•rw 111• at1t "'"'· COMPLETE CAR CARE Since 1959 Hours: 7:30 to 6:00 Dally 540-5710 646-5033 . The rumors ranged from repon. ihal other coeds were d~ghJer. I-~~~~~~~~~~~-'--'-"-';._:::;::::;::.:::::;::.:::::;::.::..:.;_~~~~~~~~'--~~~--':::;:~~~~~~~~~~~- , -~-. , •ta Y PILO'J' Ei»ITOJUAL-PAGE • • .~ime .for .Imagination ll1bn'I & IM!W ball gam, 11 C:O.ta ,Me1a Clly Hall, bul llio c:nachlne lineup bas shilled. . The bOlder, of the ~ty's top of.flee i• now Mayor Robert M. WUson1 who was elected to that position Tues- day wbea b~ ana bi& fellow councilmen met for their ' · biannlal reorganization aession. Wlbon h .. served as mayor before, 10 he know•· the lopes In handling both the cerel1)0nlil and tho poll· Ucally pncUcal•aspecu of holding tblt office. Further, be•u -r1etlc and gives attention to detail ·-aU•bl all a man weU"quallfied fur the job. Backup !or Wilson, also electff Tuesday, will be WU!ard T. Jordan. He also bas served as mayor'prevl· ou&ly and tbua has all the crOdentiall and experience required to be vice mayor. Two other ·importent seau wore . filled Tuesday. Eileen Phinney was appointed city clerk to fill tho va- cancy left by the death of C. K. "Charlie" Priest and AHi. City Manaier Fre1tSorsobel was given full auilioii· IY to •cl as city manager pending the recovery of allblg City Manager Arthur R. McKenzie. One new face ~as '\(lded·: Jacl! Hammett, formerly 1 planning cornm1ssioner, was· awom in as the city's noweat .councilman, replacing Councllinan George Tuck· er. · · So, no startling change in 'tbt direction of clty fOv· ernment 11 anticiP,aled. The same crew wW be lunnlna- thlngs; Individually and collectively, they can be relied on to steer a conservative course. And that type of course is 1ine, so far as It 1oes. Our concern is that conservatism can be confused with fusUnes.s, that progress gives way ·to a don't·rock-the- boat philosophy, tl)at Costa Mesa IUJ'lll into a humdrum Place In which to live, work and play. . ?be past t~o y~ars have not been particularly har· moruous ones m City government. Bickering and per· aonality clashes have consumed far too much time aM because of them a certain spirit• and zest Jeem~ to have been lost. The mayor, Alvin L. Pinkley, was forced to spend far too m~cb time patching up quarrels and pulling errant councilmen back Into tbe fold. N a consequence, no new goals ·seem· to 'have de- Purposes of Group Jargon: Are Twofold Dear Gloomy Gm:· Now lhat the Dally Goat• Hilla G• zette bas seen to It that Jact "In- stant Reaone'''Nammett ia on U.. City Council, I hope lhe! !be !Int order of bus-Is ~ · Gl Ille ...... pl1U11 11 Bay lnd,n,m.. In. . -p,a..o. "" ..... "'""' ................ ~........ . ... ,_ ........ ......,, ..., ""' .,. 1'e pw ptd6 of language Is u much • eonceal thought as to rtveal IL ~ats, high priesb, lawyen:, art cdtlr:a, and other tnleUectulla develop • PIP Jtrlon, '!be ~ Gl Ilia! ilrloa ii ""1 Pltll1 to """m1111lcate lo ·.aier members al Ille group. An '"--------.--......! eqaallJ important purp. II lo' abecure •·· prev;ent cornmuntcltian to tllose -Ille l""'P· ,• II la easy enougb lo oee that lhe undorwor!d would WIDt a secret Jan. -· lhal oulsld· en cannot under· , itand. because the underworld has se- creta to keep from tbe respectable -Id and Ille police. Bit-peoplel ii the · ·-prolealoaa alto bave secrets to k. e p, espedll!y from Ille lay publlc. Of course, h la not dtsputed that 'aay I e a r n e d profession requires a tedtalcal vocabulary. But such vocabula:ries almost always become more dllficult than necessary. No physician hu ever been able to exPlaln to me the difference between "new bqrn baby'' and "neonate." THE ATTRACl'IVE FACT about a learned vocabulary is that It confers ISOclal prestige and status upon lta u~ at the same Ume as it creates awe among those who don't und"'ntand ll One of the pleasures of being learned 11 to induce in the unlearned the reaction, ''God, he must be amart! I can't un- dtntlnd a word he says!' And we .. -Who are learned are always jwt a bit alrald • that if we were to eipresa: ounei.e. simply and clearly, people wOuld cease to be Impressed with us. lllllor!cally, Ille lntelleclU>l'• .. u eMeem has long rested on his conviction tblt be is a special order of being, far above the muses. "'Some men are ROid. 90me are silver. some are iron and f-1" said Plato. Soldiers are silver, ArUaans and work.en are lron .-d lead. Phllomphers are -guess. BENCE TALKING TO each other in a lmq:uage \be masses could not un- dtntand was a Ntus symbol -almost a cute mark. In past ·agea intellectualJ talked to each other iP LatlD or Sanskrit Quotes -boll,. pobllcatloll "' t b. New,_1 ~ Mt11 llolird of Pact r-"We ur>derstand the American CITtl Llberlle1 Union bas picked up lhe t.... of tenanta evicted through Ullnful de!alner llCllon• In the northern port ol .Ille llale, contending the action is -wUona!. SOon lancflorcll, for ll>elr on pnUetion, must qult renting to ---Mlecting GOiy llloo• ... ~ c:rtdlt. Wouldn'l lt he a ..._ to 11e 1 • perctnt vacancy factor ~~~~'tJb!~CI~ ............ JUll[ nnllng to ll>eml -"" II"'· tile lqUIUerl "' .... '* m oo w•u ..i -penllftly Pollllc:ollr-jilWllM. 1111!' coaoed many a load ,... tllle IO be dlf1lllll Coold It be J>OlllblolM...... .... !1•Dy- \Ul*lnto I CA4'Il1 pc& Ill tahcwrt o( )oladal?" « clauJcal Chinese, alway1 makiDI lllJ'e t.bat • languages were m Jooaer beJnc apoken. These dead 1.....,a wv· ed the extremely useful funcUon of keep. Ing the peasants in a state of. aweatruck reverence before mysterlea they could not hope to understand. nie American scholar can:n¢, Ute hi• medieval counterpart, protect hll .ualted social image by writing in Latin. But he C@A.. and does write in languages almost u opaque. Let me quote a paragraph from a recent ilsue of the "American Journal of Sociology": ~IN ANY FORMAL organization, the goals as nnected in the system ol functional dilfertntialion rtsult in a dillincove pstlem.of Nie dilferentlalioo. In luni, role difforeollalion, whell>er viewed hierarchically ·or horizontally, Judi to wh1I MIMhelm cali.d 'perspeo. Uvilllc tblnk!ng' namely, !ncmnhency tn a particular atatus induces a cor- respoiiding set of percepliom, atiiludes and values." Wbtl !he tulhor la Sl)'!ng In th!a 'JIUllle is me.rely lhat different people have dilferent Jobs and that people tn different Jobs tend to see and think dltferently. (Read tbe puuge over lgaln and aee U1'm llDI right.) What 1J clear from this pusage - and the only thlnc that is clear - is that "'the iuthor's concern for hrs Pf'DfeaJoo.aJ~Jtandina as a man of learo- .lng has aknost completely submerged hil' concern for communicating ideas. lT SEEMS TO ME that this passace illustrates beautifully the dilemma o( the imb!Uous American scholar. A1 scholan we have to share our findings wilh otben. We havt to communicate. As communicators we know from every day upert~ce that the simpler and more unpretentious our vocabulary and syntax, the more quickly we are un- derstood But tn addition to beina scholars and communicators, we are mtus seekers, like everyone else. We want to impress others, if not with fine clothes or ex- pensive automobiles, with the symbols of vast erudition. Therefore, relying on a traditton that goes back at least to the Chou dynasty in China and the ancient Greeks, we work on an assump- tion lhat .says that you can nevu be respected as a man o{ learning if everyone could understand what yoo s.y. llLTIMATELV WE amved at an uneasy compromise. We publish papers in order to communicate and thereby become mtmbers of the community of !Cbolan. But we use a language that Is guaranteed by its abstractness, Jts proll1ity, and Its utter lilelessnw to diacourap anendaa ed to obscure com- prehension. Let me state tbeal obaervations 11 • 1-al rule: wheo Ille 1taW.-kinc funcliooa al a learned ¥OC1bul1ry become more imporlont to 111 U..< than Ill commWllc1llD( function. oommunlcslloo l1lfftra tad Jarp pro!Uer1111. 1111.1.e~ '"'*"I SU '1uclacl llllt Cllllp' velopetl. Tbe ,clty was unable to put toeetber a success- ful packase to land a new county court building In Costa Mesa, {although some hope still remains on that count), All ht all, city business ran well -but nothing new or · ilnagjnaUve was put before Costa Mesans. That's where .the 0.w city ball lineup should place Its emphasis. Qf courH ll!ey should maintain the steady, d11>endable and scandal·free JIOvemmen~ that has ser• ved since incorporation. BUt at the same time they should be loi>l<Ing to the prospect of adding a dash of cWture; a spot of inspiration or a pro11ram of visible acblev .. ment Jo Costa Mesa. Let's keep it a great place to live and' work. But Jet's not rest on past achievements. Chance to Understand UCI , Everyone these days, it seems, has queatlons or com· plaints about the University of California. Mostly it bas to do with thf administration's handling of student un· rest and'tolerance of radical/rofes.sors and speakers. University officials woul like to tell their side of It to those whO will listen. But few persons seem to be will· big to listen to their side of it. . . The education committee of Newport Harbor Cham· her of Commerce is tl}'!ng to give the public that oppor- tunity. Unfortunately, the second seminar on the uni· verslty and the commµnity, featuring the chalnnan of the UC Board of Regents, DeWitt Higgs, and UCI Chan· cellor Daniel Aldrich, drew only 70 persons. Notably a~ sent were members of the sponsoring Chamber of Com· merCe and UCI support ~roups. The next program in the series will be at 8 p.m. next Monday night in the Corona del Mar High School LltUe Theater. The topic will be, "The Professor: Teach· ers of or Revolutionaries?" Panelists will be Dr. Ber· nard Gelbaum, chairman of the UCl Academic Senate, Dr. Theodore Brunner, UCI 's associate dean of human· ities. and Ladislaw Reday, of the Friends of UCI. It i. a timely program and should be of intere.t to all concerned about the university. (C) ~ NATUMI. MISTOCAAT IS AA fffflfJNTfllECTUl.l ~ WiTH A CKfW cur.~ llse of New Food Grains Not the Answer . Difficulties • Ill a 'Green Revolution'· To the Editor: The article by Haverstock an d Schroeder (DAILY PILOT Comment Page, April 11) about the "Green Revolu· tJon" led the reader to, believe that the world food problem is soluble through tbe uee of new ' fOod 1rain1. Unforbmately, this is a mistaktn tm. sw-&on. Tbe "Green Revolution" 11 a «mplete revolution. To ·accompllsb the 1oall takes not only· seed, fertilizer and trrigaUon to tranarorm a society from a have .not to a have, but extraordinarily large IW1ll of outside experts and money. BASED UPON studies made at Cornell University, it 'has been estimated that It would take one expen per every 15 to 20 people in an underdeveloped country to bring the necessary expertise. Jn addition, for the "Green Revolgtion" to be acromplished, developed nations would have to shift mar~edly their sptn- dlng impetus. Current)f. the U.S. and other developed countrieS spend at:,about · a 2000: I ratio of military aid to foreign (non-.militaey) aid. This ratio would have to be reversed. ' To. tncrtase the food crop by 10 times CWTent production would mean a 100-fold 1ncrtut in tbe use of fertilizer. The etimnt high levels are a source of great ecolO(ical danger. a hundred fold increue ~disaster. S11LL ANOTHER problem would be that developed counttiea would have to cut back on their production and marketing of 11"ain crops so ·the; newly developtnc cou'ntries would be able to enter the world market and sell their surplus for the fund! necessary to 1t1.staln• the "revolution." When this was proposed in Ille U.N. by !he FAD, the United' States, Great Britain and other devel9Pfld naUon1 rtaoundingly voted againl:t this scheme. On paper, the ''Green Revolution" sounds like a eolution to the war on famine. In rea11ty, it Is not. The dif· flculUes inVlllved are of tremendous magnitude and do not yield to easy soluUons. · GARY S. RESNICK Biology Instructor Cotttradlrtlon To the Editor: 1be DAILY PILOT's policy regard ing population and planning in Orange County ls inconsistent and puzzling. In your April 7 lead editorial, you quoted a UCI report which expresstd concern over the lack of open space along our coastline to accommodate lhe many people of Orange and Los Angeles counties who might wish to enjoy them . i fl r Letiers /rom readtrs are ·wtlcome. Nonnally writers should convq their meuagt.f in 300 wordl or tess. Th.t right to condeme leturs to fit :pace or elirninate libtl i.f re.seroed. AU let- ters mu.st include signature and ~ ing address, but fta7IMI tnall be with.o held on request if iufjident reaaon i.J apparent. P~try wiU not be pub· !ished. You lhen urged efforts by county and city , government to acquire more beachfront property for public use. Tiiis would truly be, as yoU tenned it, con· structive action. YET 1N ANOTHER lead editorial just a few weeks ago, yoll praised the Irvine Co.'s projected 450,000 pOpulation City of Irvine as a significant-step forward. The contradiction should be obvious. Us- ing the report's tlgure: of 25 feet of public shoreline for each 1,000 population, over two miles of this very expensive commodity will have to be acquired to serve this new city alone. 'Illus you seem to be saying that {I) we don't have enough publle shoreline for rurrent needs, so we should acquire more, then (2) let'• buUd another city of 450,000 10 we'll be sure to have lt!!!s beachf.ront footage per pel'80n thin we had befQre. EVIDENTLY THIS contradiction in tmn1 of public benefit is not obvious to lhe DAILY PILOT or the Irvine Compaoy: after all, population growth is good for btuiness. But to this Orange Counti1n, who came here some years ago to e!l~ape choking congestion, it is something that deserves some con· sideration at least from our public of· ficials. Growth for growth's sake has to end sometime; why not now? HENRY C. COOK \Vl1ai wt meant to say was: ( 1) We'll probablll ttever have re-ally enough shoreline and should beg. borrow. or steat all we can for public use, and. (2) people are going to ktep coming to Orange County uiMthfr or not we like it; far better we encourage plan· 11ed develop111ents sue~ a.a: the Irvine city rathn •than turn It over to a variety of disconnected, pctcluqork builders ·and landmowrs. C~nlq every effort should be made to .prod from any developer -including tht> Irvine Co. -higheJt and best use of the land, includino parkl and public beach. -Editor r--------B11 Geortle -------~ , Dear George: . I have ~n readlna and enjoying your colwnn for four years. You hand me a . laugh when l need one. However. ·I always wonder: Do )'GU 1ei aetious letters Crom people and how do you handlt. actual problems? F. R. Deer F. R.: Only rarely does this column pt a Jetter utin1 a aerioua quu- Uon; most ruckn undtratand we're a lpaof on aerklua advlce colurhnl. \Vheti a T serioUs letter 11 received, thll column txplaln1 cenUy we're kiddlna; are n • t <julll!Jed In th!& fwclion to handle an IClual problem and -when- • poosllllt -~ I qulllfled ...,,.. ol help ancl"acMce. . Dear George: 1· have Jnvented a belier can opener. What should I do next'? P. IL Deir P. H.: Hm. Vpu know wh at. dear readen? fte·quallty rX. these que ... Uons 1ets worse and worse. Why c11n't I get a lot or good old sin llke the girl adviet columolsts? You say you've Invented a can opener, eh, P. H. ! And you want to know whit to do next'? Well. Lessee. Kavt you attn the double reaturt at the Bijou? Jlow about •ashing the car? I tell you! Don't do 1nythiq until somebody lnvent1 a btlllr can! Tben you'll have 1 real challlnctl · (Editorial note: Sbeeoll ! ) flpper Newport Ba11 Tjl the Edit.er: • As a representative of those people who wish to pruerve Upper Newport Bay and gain the most· from it1 development, I would like to state my views. Irvine Company Pretident WllUam R. Mason has aCCUffd the critics of the bay sw ap o! belng unlnfonned, and not having the public interest at heart. Nothing coukl be farther from the truth! Speaking u I feel others would, I know the critiCJ do indeed want the public lo benefit the moe:t from the bay, in areas of : -ECOLOGY. Mason has stated that development under the proposed. plan would create "an ecology and environment · far exceeding that existing in the lower bay." Quite a 1tatfment, until you look at the lower bay, having been alreadv dredged aod developed into a congested harbor. Dr. Wheeler Nortl1, presently · engaged by the Irvine Company to run tests on the Upper Bay, said he coUld dive into the lower bay and, with one anntul, bring back enough marine life !or an afternoon college class. Now, howe ver, the silt from dredgJng has wiped out almost all of tbe former life. The bay is now suitable for man and man alone. -LIFE IN THE Upper Bay. Mason said the life in tile bay was literally 'fiped out by Jiit year's noods, and the ",Pddler era~" and other in- vertebrate life wu all but gone. Untrue. "Fiddler crabs" have not existed in the .bay for 90me time, and one has only to look at the bird population to reallle that the Invertebrate life must be flourishing in order to support the birds. "Improvement " of the bay ecology after development. Mason suggests that kelp foreiits and other marine life could be transplanted into Upper Newport Bay and improve the ecology. This actlon may restore llfe to the bay, but not the ecology. ~ I stated In an earlier (but unheeded) letter, the mudflata are the basis for the ecok>gy of the bay. Destroy them and the birds can no longer feed, the 1ame fl~ can no longer spawn, and the invertebrate life existJng between the hlJh and low tide marks will vanith. Whit's m~ I myself have never observed 10,1 "kelp fareats" in the Upper Bay. -BOTH MABON and County Supervisor Alton Allen state the Upper Bay mual he 'dredged and · developed Lifesavers -) ~ Press ~mmel'lta~ 1 ' Selma, All .. Tlme1•Jf1r11al: ..-Nonnally, cltaUona accompanyln& the Distinguished FlYil1c Ctoss and Ille Air Medal refer to outltandlnc perfonnance of duty under fire or durtn, aertaJ com· bat with 1 ho!llle enemy. Todq, lheae meda!J ere belnc WMn by II Air 'f'on:e hunicone hunltn .... By r<pe1ledl1· flying I WCISO Hmulea aln:rafl lnlo the eye of Hunicane Camille, these men ob- tained d1ta I.hat medt possible advance warning or lhe ltorm'1 path and in- tensity, thereby •vine an unknown number of llva." · . BlrH1 ti Cite Cto•a• S1rVtf1 "An esUmated ~.ooo. or 11 percent, of the 50 ml11fon families In lhl United States are headed by women." in an urban area such as ours. Whatever for? The "pressure" they speak of is alien to the issue. If boatowners cannot find places to put their boats, they will not waste their time looking here. Also, most people come to Oran1e County lo get out of the "city,'' i.e. to find open spaces. Upper Bay is such an open space. Left in almost entirely ill nat&ral state, it will attract rather than deter newcomers to ~ county. And isn't that what the Irvine Company needs'? The same idea applJes to all undtvek>ped areas in eastern Oraq:e County. DAvill G. PORTER Credit Lh1e Droppefl To the Editor: Saturday, Apr. 18, you printed an artl· cle on the Comment Page entitled "To Police: 'We, shouldn't Stereotype 'Them.' " The ·article had no by-line and no indication that it was anything other than your ·own editorial intended 11 a criticism of police officers. 0 • THE ARTICLE WAS,.however, a direct, wOrd-for·word, quote from FBI training material made available to law en- forcement agencies for training of of· fleets in poliee-cornmunlty relations. The credit for lhe article shoukl go to the law enforcement agencie!I for the efforts they are making within their own ranks to improve police-community relations. Please set the record straight. MRS. E. L. A credi t line reading "From the FBI Btllletin" wcs inadvertently droppe:d by printers. or-Editor Front Pflfle l\'ewa To the Editor : What a shame -you saw flt to write about nine "bu1M1er1" held after a Newport riot on the front page Monday, April 20, whe• over 500 wonderful young people perfonned heroic "feat!! at the 2nd Annual Orange C.Oast Colle1e Jau FesUval Friday, and Saturday April II and 19. Too bad you c1n't sprinkle the "bad news'' front pqe with good news about what fine. talented, . hardworking young people and dedkated teachers are doinJ every day of the week . . JOHN VINCENZ! Whet Are We Dorn92' To the Editor : 'Tbe entire world waited and p~1ved until the three astronaqts were hOme 1afe. What are we doing for 1,500 min who were serving our country-the POWs! PATIY KELLOGG ----- Friday, April 24, 1970 The tdltorlal pagr of 'the Dollp Pilot 1tekl '° htform and 1tim,.. Mlatf rtodtrs bit prfsndngi thU fttwpoptr'I opiniOl'l.I a"d c:om- mtntarJt on toplc:1 of interest and lignfflconct. by "'°"'ding a forum f&r Utt 1!%prflrfon. o/ our rto:dtrs' opinion1, ond by prtsf ntino th• divtr11 ofew- poi·i~ of fnformtd obstrt1tr1 and spok11m111 on topfe1 of the doy. Robert N. Weed, Publisher ! . . ---• • -. • •'1· . • . .:.~ .. ... k . " ., ~ . . . ~. .·. VOL •3, NO. 98, 5 SECTIONS, 50 PAGES .. . ~·~ (!'•· •• ,_ , .. .. .. " . .. 0 ' • ¥ . . J ~ois.e -by -El. Toro Planes . . . $aid: 'Sounds of Freedom' An El Toro Marine Air Ba se ep>Usman '11ggesl.d Thursday ~ ~ awakened at dawn by the noise ol· jet alrmlft think of it as ''the sound Cl( 'freedom. .. '.j!:I Toro bas been laundling early nloming planes along an infrequently used tate-off conidor the last several seeks. ~use of. heavy prevailing winds lrOm. seaward. ..The jets pass <!lose by University Park, Harbor View .ijills and Corona del Mar, and there have teen a nwnber ol. com-P!Mn!s •from residents. Major. Robert B. Booher, public affairs oU'JC«" at El Toro, said the situation Ii. only ~. due \o the wind Milch makes it lea than aafe for the , . . jet. to !al<• "I headed Inland over the mouola!ns. TH.eofl and landing directions have been ~versed and the jets recently have lal<en cif beaded out to sea. "We're sorry we have to distW'b· peo- ple, however , we have a defense mission to do," Booher said. "We'd like them (residents) to consider it as 'the sound of freedom.'" He 'Slid a F~ jet at 1:30 in the morning when everything else is quiet makes· quite a bit of. noise but at 8:30 the sWJ is well up this time of year. "We're a 24-hour·a-day master jet base. We're required to fly at those hours· to -meet our defenee mission and train our crews.'' ,be Slid. !Afl""" TJVi• Towers :: Wheaton Says Hotel Plan Could Avert Beach 'Wall' ly ,BARBARA 'KRE,l;BlCH .. 'No one". wants' a ''!all' so we win oe.""' Delft ,,..., s•· have to ease qp 90l1'le on hlrilbt restrie- Lip. Beacli €ity Manager James tiOos-The tpw« and·~. ~ C<llJC,!Pt o .~~'41!lofliloli!!!'P<~ .ciiild 11iiw ·~ .......... l!iiie11t,., ~ ·tow•" ~ deV~ent-'--(;it t6im .na11e ~ tO ev~."- o~, c:Oumv. CALIFORNIA: . . Clemente ' l Police Get 'Nixon' Aid A large federal grant of 199.792' to !t'IP San _Clemente's pollct department m securJty kr President Nixon has won approval, Justice ·Department· spbkesmen anllOUnced late '11111rsday. The funds, which compriSe the first of possibly three and one-hall years of grants, . were the· mo~t ever given to a city Of San Clemente's size under the Justice Departinent•s program of local police finAAcial ajd. "nle money will tie usied, along with 147;544 in slate aid, to · beef up the 34-man cfepartmept to Include another &egretQt, three detectives ·and sir more patrolmen, along with new equipment and personnel benefits. Police Chief Clifford 'Murray today said he was "obviously pleased by -the grant approval, "but nonetheless we stitl haven't found enough qualified apPlicants to fill the new positions ... MUM"ay said tbat so far, a total of five men ·have •Pltlled. for positions in the deparbnent. New men will probably be hiTed as they quatify, . "But we need many more applicants before we can find the best qualified men 'for-the.jobs~" he:added. · ~iec~-Mt'' ' ... " • " ;' -• \ TEN CENTS ~ext· Flight ' ' . MiJy Go Off On Schedule . . . WASHINGTON (UPI) -U.S. space chief Thomu O. Pah\e aald toaay the apparent ·ca~ Qf APollo 13's failure was ao simple to fix that the ,nen moon flight might tie launched · on schedule. Aslr..,.ut John L. Swill«'I said he was. ready , to go. The opUmi!tic statement by'Pllne wat seeond!d by Roceo Petione, APollo pro. gram director, and Swigm'1 commander on APollo Ll, Capt. Jam .. Ac Lovell. But jt was almost Jost in an oUtpowinr of Senalorial pra!ae for LDftll ml Swigert. basking wilh the!!>' boeaes hi ~.led bjasts GI .applause by members of the Senate AeronauUcs and Space Scienees Commitlee .and hundreds o1 epectall)n. ·The crowd jammeff ln\4 one of Capitol Hiii's biggest· hearing rooms, joined 'in ~pplause while scor~ more lined ·up 1n a. hallway outside hoJ>lng fof a glimpse of the two astronauts. The third member of the Apollo 13 crew, Fred W. Baise', was unable to attend. ·Paine .rt.phasited that tests still ere being coilducled to try to detennine preol8ely what caused the accident lhat aborled1he moon ,londing and threatened ~and . the thrf' •SVO!iaute in .. . al orbit., . . 1 But he said the cauae had' lent111WJ]1 be"!(lraced i0 ·".1 rei.~1 . jlm~COlll-~' and' thit "Ii . be ' . ...1«1 eislly.~ ~ · -'i · ~·· beochfrool -betw""!. LalUl\a B<Dl!!!t fD9!wi""! the need 'for Avenue and-Legion Street ~·amt .......... bn.inneni ol 1 hotel '!'Ile deveio;meiit of the land iD a oolld "wall" · ~~· ,..lsioh .of ~ ZOlllllC o1 SG-foot buildings, pennissible ~ "'*i!O°"' "lo lllow beilht relOti,. to The ;federal funds~ntfd under a th ... _ ~11'.1 .... T • ' • • ~ ' ' T • !t _.;; -an uu-i::e years 1al ~ . '" • , '.-. , ~~, ~ •·{ r.-u.,., "I.,, · •1<' ,,.,.J "~ t "'•· .,,. r under a federal-mt ' 1aw· "" ... -~ ." : •·• .. • ,, • ·• • ••· • • -·.,_,w,Rt . · •.,. 1"'·' '"'';~ •. , "W.• • • r r I ~ • ' ,. ~ ' !..~ Sen. John c. Stenp!•, (ll'MJsa.,) - Lovell ·and SWiger:t in turn, "Do llfiY nf yaa •atrnna•la think you .... P!ll the present '""1ing ordinance. con~ O!*"'""''" . "I understand they still have ·some Formet Mayor William D. Martin bad problems to overcome," siqd Wheaton, ~ earlier ~t. the propoted devetop.. "in the area of acquisition. and eventual ment could elunJDate the need for a rewn!ng to permit them to do wbat botokanferonce facility in the city's they wookl like to do, but at an ap-Main Beach part and m~ it ~.le prqpriate time the developers will to ~~ the entirt M~ Bilidt open. prtsent ~lans to the city. C1v1c , League president Anthony '"11ie Planning Commission already hu Demetl"iades said..#le 1:-Ugue-woukt fil';lt been instructed by the City Council to to keep. ~I construction off the M~tn move forward on development of a hotel Beach ,it ·the _proposed hotel facility ione so this should be forthcoming. should mal.erlalize. "If you look -at what could be done J~e$. Dilley. ~d the CiUzens' Town 'ncter the present zoning you realize ~1lUlDU11 Aasociabon would conµnent on !e could get a Bilboa Bay CJub. the ~ when plans are Prea:ented. type wall With no ocean view "and a He ~prtwd ~nal appreclation of minimum of landscaping." the idea of keepmg _all parking un- Wheaion said. the out. o f. to w n ~rground and reserving open space d elopers have shown a remarkable m any develq>ment. :entanding or and concern for, The ·multi-miDion dollar development, u · aesthetic ~dards. pt~ by an out-of-town de_veloper with ~ have used aesthetic values or financial bac~g or a. ma10r railroad, 8 hi~est order to attain something would take in approximately 700 feet ~at really would be in the best interest of beachfront Proi;>ertY )>etwet;n, Laguna of the ublic , while still meeting their Avenue and Legion. Street with f\yin .P eeds " Wheaton said. "'The towert, accommodating some 300 uruts, ~~~oaeb' with open space and Milg_ to a height of 12 or 14 stories a k..Uke area between gives them ~t either end, a park-Hke open. space rruse of the land, witbont excessive . Ul ~ center affording a ful_I v_1ew of ..1. ·t d at the same time would the ocean and underground parking for ;;'f1 ~ :nmumty something we could aeveral hundred can. _.-•-,, 1be complex .also would include be very ~ of. Wheaton added afford spacious conference and s e mt ·n a r 1'1t ~~ mJgbt, beach access 'not at facilities with a large banquet rOOnl\ the punt ic .some1 bl and 1JT1a1ler meeting rooms. ~ ava1a e.· : 1tobert Benner of the Downtown ~\_llineSS Association's redevelopment committee expressed the hope that some such concept w.ould prove acceptable to·..persons on both skies of the fence in.jliscusslons on hotel zone development. Mortgage Pledges WASHINGTON !AP) -The While House announced today that private in· stituUons have pledged to increase com· mitments for re:sidentiaJ mortgages by 12 billion this year. ~-= ~( yeors of '~·tlMlll::lt COMPON~T WHICH CA_./ .. 11'Jl<ED SO E.UILY ·, ·, .• ~eat~ (i!i ~~ii!~~' , NASA's P•il• {~), ~di-on.iuta'<LO.iill, .Wl91rt •t'Hit1rlnj, ;, ' reptirta oo the appnc.Uona ~i)d er-. . , ' '· ' · · , 1- fed'.lveness of the lllGlll!)', the 'chief said. "'lllese things are teqUow: from yeir'· to-year . ·and it'S bnpOaible to predict if the federal government would: have enough Jboney in the bbdget to carry the ideas throucti. We'll just hiive to wait on the rest unUl ·we know for sure, "ltf\iiTly salif. · · Over the projected three-.year period planning calla for a total program of {See GRANT, l'Oi< !) Dog Protects ·Donated Items The respoose to donated items ' for the Interfaith Serviceman's Center rummage sale this weekend in San Clemente wu so h_uge that it created a ~ problem. The volunteers . were worried about ~t and vahdalism of the stacks pf goods J>iled ·outside a hall of the Lutlleran Church. 'llliy found what oeems to be the 'ultimate .. 1Ut!oo, whldt they relayed to Polk:e today, jaat for lnformational JXll'POSeS. 1bls is what the cSepartment's log !<Ill offken who will patrol the church nei&hborbood: '·1Two teenage boys will be staying in a tent on the church grounds during weekend. "Wllh them will be a t50-pound Saint Bernard dog." M~rro ~ay woman Dies ' . In Spectacular Acci~nt Swerving suddenly across the San · Di~go Freeway in San Clemente, a 59~. yeariold Morro•.Bay womanl.l!l•car rploWed into two others Thursday night, ·killing · her. and injuring the oncoming.drivers. Mrs. Clara MU:chell dled . about 54 · minutes aft'1'. th~ hepdon ~llislon ,on the frt?ew3y neaf tile Ayenida P-reslC!io . overcrossing, invest.igators S~id. The central Caftlornia coastal resident · was southbound when her auto· veered without any known reason across the dirt di~lder Into northbound lines,· ac-·. cording.to the CalifonUa HighWay PatroJ: All tbree drivers were taken to·South ' . . CoaJt. Community ·Hospital in S ~u th' Laguna, where Mrs. MltOhell was pro- 1'\0Unced dead at ~;ta-p.m., of multiple injuries:· 1 'Ronald TomlinsOn,: .56, Of Garden Grove; was treated·fi>r severe lacerations and .released. . : Camp Pendleton Marine C I a y to n Barefoot', 25, · was onlY slightly' hurt · and alsO released after tielng patched lip. ' ' California . Pit · Bm·hecue ToAid Laguna Boys .Club All early California pit . ~rbecue will be staged Sunday· at the · White House·. restaurant to benetit the new 'Laguna Beach Boys' Club. J8ck Romero of the wrute Taver11 hat !f:CUl'ed perin.lssion ' from the city and the·.Ftre ·nepartmetlt ·to dig a large ' pit in th'e ,triangle pafkltlg · area behind the res'8urant, wt.ere . 31).. ' ., ~11'm really encoura«ed by the reac- t!6n" SIM Bemlef. "I had expeded maie oppositicxi from c:on,,ervationists, · bill the fact is we have to get together • olld agne oo ...,. zmng that wlll permit a developer to o p e r a t e -ieally. Meningi~: Kills ::Pendleton ·Child County Vote List Dips. Hou.se pound chunks of choice beef, seasoned · California style, will be buried and cook· ed for 10 hours berore ltl'Ving begins at 10 a.m. Sunday. . Also on the menu will be Spanish beMs and cheese,' chili ~sauce., green salad, sourdough roll ancl'butter. .Dinners, atilt a peraon, 'will be served from 10 a.m. to 4•p.m.'Sunday, Romero · said. All proceeds will go to hc.Jp equip ttie BeW canyon Boys'' Club which recenUy opened and IS bi the process :· ~edical examination Thund•Y. discloo- fld Ulat a contagtous form of meningitis cllimed the H!e of a 2\2-year-old boy • '!1'.CamP Pendleton. '·'lllise spokesmen said Lansford o. Lllly !r:, ton of staff Sgt. and Mrs, Lansford tJU:i died Tuesday. He bad been od-m~ to the ba5e hospital Monday even. Iii( 'Ille boy's father had recently retmn-ed ' from Vietnam. The Lillys were s1'oying al the Camp Pendleton llotleA Rouse temporarily. Medical examination determ1oed the dlltase. was neisseria meningitis. It was &lie sllth meningitis case at the base Ws year. RegiStration Slump Blamed· 011 Lac'/c of lntere,st BL ~~ ... B~J Alanned Orqe County Clerk William E. St John today dbclooed what he described · .u "an unprecedented majOr decline" in voting regiltratlon and sug· gested ''A lack Of I interest ill ..the i91uea and tbe caftdldates0 as. prime mson for tile surprising slump. RegistratiOJIS for 'the Jllne I primary e!ect!oo were conflrmecl thb morning as 55$,Slt, an estimated 45,000 below the flgun that WU ~ Oil tlit bafb of Orlnge County's lr1dltional growth index, St Jqlur said. "We were so disturbed that we co~ ducted -a sUrvey. to find out jllst why people'haven't registered," he said. important as the General Election and the opinion of ' some _th4t thl,s )s not a presldenUal year and therefore is of less interest. '· ''But our overtidlng conclusion is that there is -.ible .,0thy on the par! -Of ~any piiople,"' St John said. i;It Is, we feel, a sign of the times t h·a t many 1of ·our1 effgible v~ just cannot be bothired to enoure that they will vote in the June primary." _ St John'sJlnal tally of 555,570, regis· tered votera, conflnned by computer this morning is a decline of 25,000 £rom lhe .figure recorded in d>o 11168 General ElecUo;n. 1 regis.tration strength of 6oo,OOO voters. of .icqlilring furnishings neeesiary (or "Thls tremendous· decline b88 ·come · full-scale operation. , · about despite ·the biggest·cilnpaign eV'er • Tickets-for the,· barbecue have been · " . sold throughout the bualness community wag~~ b~ this office, . , St ~ohn . ~iq. and ·also Will be available at the "We 1coye~· the coi,mty w1~ yotmg ... rutaUrant. regist.rali<ll!· materia:I and . we .hlid .an -'----~--'-----....i..' _ all Ume high of MIO· deputy registrars I working 'lh alHlistricts r!gllt up to 'tbe ' .;.A.· 'R .w '-''s ~ s· 'ir 'A.~E'D ,· \ time that registrations closed.'' ! ' (.:, n. n !LI ~ . ·'lll•'dedint In voting ltrenJ!1h aeemed • • '· it '' to be su1ferec1. equau1 by· t11o ...;.,,. A·T 'CAPO BEA:CH Political part!., with Republicans· Jnain· ,tainlng !heir JradlUcmal ed1< •in Orange · How abJUt"iidying up the old family County. , ·-heap? . GOP adherents· totalled 298,536 to the ' A car wash, has been . scheduled In . Democ;rats' 228,!1&1, Other categories Capistrano Beach S~turday from 8 am· complied by St John lnc)u~ Amerlcon uhtll 5 p.m. by ·the' Walther '~ Independent Patty S,&&3, Peace and 1 of Faith Lutheran .church • 34311 Calle · IO ~.nil!>?" . "I never felt any reluetant'e or that I was put to any .unneceuary riska at all," Swigert replied. "Right mW, if you · were to ask me woq1d I go bac~ and Jly that, service module, .I certain_ly would." Lovell said any kind of flying is 80l1lewhat risky. "We're prepared to tall:e that," he Said. during · Queitionini: after P11ine'1 tesUmony. ' "We e~t that the large quantity and high ·quality of t<!emele<ed d•la (See APOLLO, P"'° I) • . Cha!'ges 'Dropped For Pair · in Case Charge$ against two persons arrested In an April 4 nate0tli::a taid were dro~d Thursday , in Sou\h County Mualoipal Court. Two other suspects were held to answer in . Superior C.ourt in Santa Ana. Freed from custody. were Andrew' G. Thomas, 19, . of 3119 Alla Laguna Boulevard, Laguna Beach and Jane Ellen Reese, 21, of 31872 Meadow Lane, SouUl La~·· . BOund over to Superior Court were Denail Envall, 20, of the South ·Lapna address and J0teph Gregory Gaines, 19, arrested at the AJta·Laguna address. In the dual raid, c1ima'xing a ~week investigaUon by the State Bureau of Narcotics and the Laguna Beach Police Department, "'5,oiiO worth of LSD, five kilos · of marljuanai a pound of opipm and .a quantity of heroin and hashish apeg:edly Were aelied as e'vlde.ce. Gai!Jes and EnvaU were ordered to appear in Superior Court at 9:30 a.m. May I. Oraage· Coat Weather Spring Is bartl)' here, but IU~ met weather Is in stQre for the Coast this weekend, with Sllnny skies and temperatures breakin& the 70-degree burler • I NSIDE TODAY .Mdny serotctmtn ore taking' o4110ntoge of a taz flr•ak for blfr dfducttons by makmg °"'""" triP1 over Vietnam. Pag1 12. ...,... It C•llltl'lllf • ,, • Clltdllftl U11 • , Clfltll!'ef Jl.U • Ce1111Cf tt Cm.t""11 n """"" . 1.i .... 111 ..... I 1!""'11._. »-tt fl-...C• 1*-11 -" Alll l....,. 11 Me"'"" u-..t • -.... .... ~,.-................ , --. . ..,..,..... "'" ,..,. "''' s• MMm If.II Tl~ » --. ....,...._ ,._ l>M --.. ....... .... ' Base spokesmen said medical ex· irnlnation ls being pven the parents and tUJers who had contact with the boy. "We di900vered this 1ack of Interest In isaues and candidates, the belief or ~ tblt a Pr!mMy Eltctioo lul'I. as Growth since lut November bat holsled the county· population lrom 1.292,<K!!._~ __ 11480,000 persoos, a ·1evel tbll ~.,Jo' loollCt•· & ••lil>e Freedom Party 691. mlocell.._.. 19 Portola. Prko'ol a clean .,.;.:II fl. ' ' (See VOTERS, hi• I) .. r . '------------' • --~--------~~------~--- 1 "' -,· I. y l'IL01 SC , .. ..,. tlae Mission Trail Cinco de Mayo • Qgeen Awaited . ~ 'MU8ION VIEJO -One of ftve llliuloD VJe(O ~ School coeds wiD reign u queen ol the Cinco de Mayo festivities on Sunday, May I. Nominated for tb:e honor are Kathy Jen- klns of MJi.lon Vl<jo, II,. Patti Opp of Untv...i\r Plrl<, 11, Pemiy Schaeffer ol East Irvine, us. J(.nny Robison of Mtailon Viejo, 15, and Linda Short, 16, Mlssioa ViejO. . . Lut )'Mf11 qQf!'D WIS Pell.Q)' Mcbola. e Pest Otflff a..,,.. SAN .JUAN CAPISTRANO -The post olli<;e lo San Juan Caplstlaoo and lu bnllich Ill Mlaalon Vl<JO will be close<! on satard111 for everything but "will cill-" mail. The new schedule goes .ln1o effect on 6a!Ur0y, May 2. Friday working boors will be ntended until I )>.\n. P<lll offlceo in Laguna IUl!i ud El Toro have not yet decided whether or not to Jobt In tbe new acbedule, which bas -started as 111 economy measure. e p._.ru Feerl Set CROWN VALLEY -The annual - cate -Ill ~ by the Parm~ Teacher Guild of Crown Valley. School will take pllce Sunday Aprll 26. The fUnd raising acllvily will begin at a a.m. and nm until llOC! •t the -Bay Beach Club. ' Pnl<'Otdl lmn the br<akfast wlD be mm lo buy edaoatioaal equipment not m'dinarily blldgeled for the school. Tbe coot will be II per person « $5,.per family ol five er over. e Viet• Asb Sdmmers MISSION VIEJO -Nadadores, Mls!lon Vlei9'1 champion swim i..m will boot more than 5IXl swlmmen: on Saturday. Swim clubl from all over Califomll will com~ In the Spring Southern cautcrnla lnvitatlcmal Swim M e e t gpoalCnd by the Southern Pacllk AISO<:!atioa ol Amateur Athletics. The event for the C class will take . pjace at the Mission Viejo Recreation center. .,,,. center will open at I a.m. and ..,iaton wm be cbarged twenly.ftve ... Grove Girl Die8 In Bike Wreck A Garden Grove girl wu killed and a companion riding astride the same bi<fycle Injured Thonday nigbt wben they <Oruallil With a car. Pamela o. Adams, 13, of 11901 Balley St., WU dead OD· arrival at Westminster Community Hoopital afl<r tbe 9:1D p.m. accident. ~ Her friend, Barbara Steelsmfth, f4, of 12711 Bartlett St., Garden Grove, was . trans!erted to Orange County Medical Center with bead Injuries. The accident occurred on Va1ley View Street north o! Chapman Avenue, ac- cording to Gardon Grovt Police Depart- Jl)eDt investigators. Heyerdahl Will Sail ;S AP' J , Morocco {UPI) -Norwegian explorer 'lbor Heyerdahl said today he will try again May 2 to sail across the Atlantic in a papyrus boat, using a new craft built by South American indians. Heyerdahl tried and failed a year ago to sail the reed boat "Ra" Crom Morocco to"'Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula in an at- tempt to show the ancient Egyptians could have made such a voyage in boats made of papy"" long be! ... Columbus. DAILY PILOT .. ..,.,. .... "_,..,. .. .... ........ ~ ,. ...... ,...,. C.... M... S.. Ck .... OltAHOa COAST tloufl.ISHIJlfG COMPA>rt ' Ro'b•rt N. w,,4 l",..lidflll •t'Mll Pllbll>Mr J•ck l. Cv1I•• Vk1 Pru...,t 1fld Gener11 M_,., tho1t115 K•••il E.i11o0r l~Dll'lll A. Mu1phi11e Ml""I ... EClllor R1dt1r4 P. Ntll SMll er.,.. C-lf l:d!IW Offk• C.NI ""-~ a Wul llf ltrftl trt...,..wt kldl: nn w-.i .... , ...,""',. """"" a-ti: m ,.wftt "-"•'""'* a..ct11 1"'7S ltKh • ...,,..... .. kl! C~ :llJ Honl'l l!I c .... ir. ... , • FrllU, A><!I 24, 1910 Dana.Capo Unhappy at Scenic Unit By PAMELA HALLAN OI ttle N lbt PllllC 1!1ft Members for the committee for ln.- corJ)Of'ation of Dana Point • Capistrano .Beach~ disaallsfaction ove lhe makeup of !he· recently appointed Citbens Scenic Con!ervaUoo Advilory Commitlee 'lbureday. "We feel m=ben lhould have been appointed from the Dana Point, Capis- trano Beach, San Ju8A Capistrano and San Clemente cornrnUn1Ues," said Dr. Roger Sanderson, committee chairman. 1'1e conservat\on committee consists oC James E. O'Connor of South Laguna, chairman; James W. Dilley of Laguna Beach and Mra. Iasbel C. Pease of Corona del Mar. It 'wu appointed by Supervisor Allon E. Allen 1n an attempt to provide in the -sale and aceek: iltgbway roula in tbe 10Utbern Orange Coa!t area, easy acceas to JQblic beacbea and open spaces wiltch c:ould be developed lnlo parks or left In th'tir nattu'al state. The Incorporation committee liopes to persuade Supervisor Allen to make another appointment to the conservation comm1ttee IO that the desires of the people ln the county'• IOllthernmost com- munJUr.a can be projected. 1'le JncorporaUoo committee made their propoaal during their weekly meeting In the Dna 'Point Yacht Club. '"1' flnaf readlnf of their economic feutbtHly report !lad been oclleduled but Jut minute editing caused ti lo be delayed IDOlber week. Tbe commtttee ts pnpuing documt!nts lo tend lo the Local AltnCY F«maUon Commllalon (LAFC) In their second a~ tempt lo get the nod from LAFC to proceed with their plans. They .,. attempting to Incorporate the Dana Point.Capistrano Beach areaa whim contain 1.2 square mllu t:l ocean and U aquare miles of land, for "local government coollol, to Increase local community le!'Vicea, to improve the oualily ol communlly oervlceo and to prevent .,.. dJsslpation by promotion and other• not concerned with local community welfare." 1be new· ~unity would. contain appl'Oilmatoly t,000 people ud ~ be bounded by San Juan Capillrano on the north ' and wt. San Clemente oo the eut, the PICIDc Oceon on the south ud wauna Niguel and Cbandler- Sherman properties en the weft' . U Incorporation la IUCC<llful the com- mittoe AYI It wouJ4 -lo ''lwtrict blllboorda and alp '"1 Coul Highway to more esthetlc community use and would rettrfct high rise development on ocean bluffs U IUch impedes the view of -a numb« ol existing property ........... 'Ibe committee bas also stated that tncorporaUon is necessary now because the opening of the-Dana Point marina will "Jmmed.iatel.v' and continuously create a mulUpllcation for needtd governmenta l services caused by crowds plus projected population increase." Tires Not Bal.d, They Just 'Look ' That W ay-CHP ·In the wake of a complaint that Capistrano Unified School Districl buses have "bald" tires, a C&llfomla Highway Patrol ofllclal said the tires would look bald even when new, it's the type tire they are. . '!be CllP ,...amined tile tires In qu.,. lion this week followitlg complaints by Mel Hubbat:d, PTA safety chairman, who had examined the tires and found some lacking in tread. The CHP sa1d the tlra don't have treads when thty are manufactured. Lt. William Schilling said the tires in question are called "super high miler tire" designed by Goodyear Rubber Com~ pany. He saJd tbe Ure dots not have tread running its circumference like an automobile t.irt. h~ tire doesn't seem to have any tread on tt but its made that way/' said Schilling. "It's a different tread design than John Q. Public is aware of." . Sdiilllng said the tires at the point designated for measurement have better thsn twice the thickness of rubber re· quired in matewkle standards set up by engineers. 'Ibe minimum tolerance, he said, ts one siiteenth of an inch. 1be tires in question were found by the CHP to have five thirty seconds of an blch. "ibis ls a statewide level set by engineers in Sacramento that have knowledge of setting sudl limits, Scbilling said, He said the tlr<S llad been checked "as a result of this infonnation ••• ~fr. Hubbard's remarks, which we would have done lf he had called here." He said the CHP was .always glad to look into such qutries aod said lhe tires had been e:iamined routinely in January. Schilling said the safety rec<ird or buses in the Capistrano district is an extremely good one. "It's one of. rur very best districts and we're extremely pleased with the cooperation they have given u11" he iald. Students Ban Troops GHENT. Belg1wn (AP) -Membt" of the 7th U.S. Aney aoldlen choir were rerused access to the student& res.laurant at Ghem Unlvtralty Thursday by studenti who shouted: "Go and eat napalm." ~· . . -... -...... - 'FrmJerTuw Plan Edited • In Clemente' San Clemente's proposed mode t ordinance setting the first deflniUve Stan' dmts for deslgn of mobile home parki went through the sifter wec1n...r.1 ntgbj btrore the pl.l\lloiJli conlm!ssion. ' • Ccmm~· revievred their entire ~ code governinc development Qi trailer parks, then Mumed the item wit.h several editorial changes and i smaller minimum. mobile 'home size p~ viaJon back to the city staff for redral· • • ting. i About seven coricemed citizens at. tended U., commission meeting; aiM beard comments mm the floor from a Santa Ana real ·estate consuftant who praised the proposed ordinance and .told commissioners he believed it was fair. Reg :Wood, bead ol ills ·own ~ finn, told commfsslOnm that based oo his experience in work with park developers the proposed ordinance was i')'l~ll written and workable." TEACHERS DICK HEMUS (LEFT), JOHN CUNNINGHAM CONDUCT CLASS ON RIVER RUNNING Laguna Beach Students Will Travel Inland for Float Down DIHrt River Tbe commlsiion subjected lhe. docu- ment lo tough editing and changed tlie minimum required trailer size from 1,000 square feet to 800. other suggestiom included a requirement for performance hood and placement of fire hydrants. :·· ~~~~~~~~~~~~ From Page J APOLLO ••. received from the Apollo 13 spacecraft at the time of tbe accident will permit a precise and early identification or the causes of the !allure," explained Paine. Tile admlnlslrator of the Natlooal AeronauUCB and Space Administration (NASA), added, ''The oxygen thermos f1uk believed t.o be involved is a relaUve- ly simple component and corrective ac- tion should not prove to be a major task. "If this turns out to be the case, we lhouJd be able to m<lvt out promptly wUh the necessary alteraUons and pro- ceed with Apollo 14 and !Ubsequent flljfhts on approximately the same 1ebedule we have presented before." Paine aaid PresJdent Nixon "fully lhares this view -that Apollo IS's troubles shou1d not cause a cutback in the U.S. space program. Paine aald that during a flfgbt with Nixon to Honolulu last Saturday to meet the returning astronayt!, after their splashdown in .the Pacilk: the day before, Nbton e:tpreSled ills ationi support for "a vigorous Ongoing U.S. space program particularly in manned space flight." ' Congress already has indicated it feels the same. The House Thursday passed NASA's 1971 budget, alJowlng the agency more money Ulan it requested. The Senate committee cut the NASA budget somewhat below administraUon 1equ~. but__ granted all the money earmarked !or the Apollo program. New Seats Here For Laguna High Auditorium The Laguna Beach High School auditorium ts amost back in business. Almost all the 500 new seats that llad been held up by tile trucking slrlke !1Ave arrtved tn Laguna and are being umalled. Still missing are the backJ or about 100 of the seats, but hopefully they will be extricated shortly from the Los Angeles freight yard where the seats have been reposing for the past couple of weeks. The seat.a were retrieved in a speedy maneuver last Friday afternoon when the strike was suspended for a couple of hours and the seating finn trying to get them to Laguna made a quick trip into the freight yard and pulled out one of Jts truckloads. RtnOvlUon of the audithrium was delayed earUer when a carpet mill was unable to deliver the new floor covering . This was solved when the caf1le( co~ tractor offered to install a more ex- pe11slve qualfty of carpeting for the original price. By the time the carpet was laid, the seats were impounded. From P .. e I GRANT .•• 1585,716.66 with c<lOl sharing under several formulas. Some aspects of the total package include equally matching federal and city funds. Others detail funds totally provided by the U.S. Government. The grant, philosophically, was applied for so that the federal government could help pay for the obvious hlgh costs of provldlrtR police protection for the Chid Executive during his residence In San Clemente. No specUlc federal provisions caI1 for an 1utomalic assistance of local pollce f<><--thili-lmportanl role In helping In Pre~ktentlal security. h-1nn-ay, alludln" to the dearth of n11BllOed applicants, uld although San Clemente's pav structure for police personnel Is "quite compeUUve, the emnloyes 1ooJt beyond salary alone." "We will try tn the coming few ears to build a more solld penilOn a rtn~e ht!nclit program. 'Mlal'I what wlll really help us find the best men," he said. ' Student Sail Set Lagunans Ready for River Rafting Following a',1 intensive series of training cl1Wes, 138 seventh and eighth grade students from Laguna's Thurston Intermediate School will leave Monday for Blg River, Calif. to begin a three-day raft float down the Colorado ,Riyer to Blythe. They will be accompanied by 10 teachers, a supply crew of parenu and t •rona Page I VOTERS ... with 22,220 declining to state their allegiance. Orange Coast communities were solidly Republican with the e.1ceptions or Westminster where Democrats out- numbered Republicans-by 11,188 to 8,862 and Los Alamitos where the COP fell behind the Democrats by 1,SSS to 1,713. Republiclans as opposed to 35,311 Demo- crats. -Costa Mesa, .15,968 to 11,192; Foun- tain Valley, 5,003 to 4,818; Huntington Beach, 22,057 to 19,004; Laguna Beach, 5,490 to 2,642. Also showing ~ubllcan majorities over Democrats were: Newport Beach, 19,435 to 5,976; San Clemente 5,278 to 2,340; San Juan Capistrano, 1,050 to 536; and Seal Beach 9,485 to 5,841. Republicans had a better than 2 to l edge in the Fifth Supervisorial District with 73,732 residents registering ·as Republicans as opposed to 4 ? , 3 I l Democrats. 14 high school students who have previously taken the trip. A similar river float was conducted for Thurston students two years ago. During the 30-miJe, float, the students will be divided into 10 fleets of 1afts, which they build themselves of plywood and inner tubes at the launching site. Each fleet will include a teacher and high school counselor and three power boats will go along for security and to transport fresh vegetables and fruit. Studenls were selected for the trip by a point system covering academic requirements, service to school and classmates, successful passage of a survival swimming test and attendance at pre-trip classes. The instruction included preparation of dehydrated food, first aid, building and reparing ol rafts and persocai Safety and com!Ort. Each student ha:s been'''·gl-ve.n assignments in math, history and science classes that wilJ require observa- tions on climate, geography clip)ate and ecology to be covered in a writtten report due May 4. Tom Dugger, assistant principal at Thurston, is leading the river expedition. Upon arrival at Blythe, near Parker, Arizona, on Monday, students will build their rafts, have a big dinner and camp on shore overnight bef<re embarking Tuesday morning. During the · trip, they will prepare their own food until they· arrive at the Blythe Boat Club between I and 4 p.m. Thursday. 'There they will be given a landing party dinner and again camp overnight before returning to •Laguna Friday. May l . --OFFICER'S CHEST COLLECTION FOR THE U N U S U A L IN QUALITY AND STYLE, LOOK TO HENREDON. OFFICER'S CHEST COLLEC- TION FEATURES A LARGE SELECTION OF LIVING, DIN. ING AND BEDROOM PIECES TO SPICE ANY ROOM. AVAILABLE IN SEVERAL EX· CITING A N D DIFFERENT FINISHES. STOP IN TODAY! By HENREDON The shift was made after staff" members detailed some new styles or mobile home design creating a smalle? living unit which bas proven popular with couples wttbout children. · The edited version of the code wil• ·come back before the commission fori final action at it.s next meetm&. In other action Wednesday the com; mis&on denJed an application for a variance by Mary Graham to operate a residence-Oog grooming parlor at tor Avenida Granada. ' Commissioners denied the request because its approval would llave crtat«f two businesses and two residences on one lot without enlarging the edst!ng pair of perking spaces. !- Clly planning aides told COll1mistfCllen that the property was a noncol'lfonning use even befofe the variance applicati°" because of another combined busines,_ residence already existing there, plus the insufficient parking. The commLsslon, however , granted a conditional use permit for another business in the city. Clifford Burke's request to add a radiator repair shop to his Richfield station at 407 N. El Camino Real w<lf approval with several conditkm. 1 • Oonuni.osionen granted the pennll-pro- vlded ttie business is accomplished oom- ·pletely indoors and no repair or dismantl~· Ing of-autos be done outside the ,_,,. garage. ~ The commission also authori1.ed ~ staff to study the types of cbemk:als used in the radiator repair to be assured· of their safety. , • SALT Breakthrought To Need Long Study'' VIENNA (UPI) -Months of probing and sounding by ·U.S. and Soviet negotiators probably will be necessary· before there is any possibility of oa• breakthrough in the Stragetic Armr Limitation Talks <SALT). . I • . • . ---• DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE --~ 7ed11111 •. NrwPORT BEACH 1727 Westcllff Dr., 642-1050 OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 INTERIORS Proleulonel Interior LAGUNA BEACH De1lgn1rs Av1ll1b1e-AID 345 North C011t Hwy. 494.6551 ,._ toO ,_ -of -C-, l40.l2~PEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 . • . ·. eh ·. ' '• VOL. '63, NO. 98, 5 SECTIONS, 50 PA&ES ORAN6E COUNTY, ~Lll'OANIA • 0 :Noise by El Toro Planes Said 'Sounds of Freedom' ·. I ' 'An El Toro Marine Air B a s e apokesman suggested Thursday that p4rsons awakened 'at dawn by the noise Ol jet aircraft think of 'it as "the so'und · tif~eedom." :! El Toro has been launching early morning planes along an infrequently used take-off conidor the last several steks because of heavy prevailing winds .frvln seaward. The jets peu close by Universi1y Park, Harbor View IUlls and Corooa de! Mar, and there have teen a number ci com- plal!!U from residents. Major Robert B. Booher, public affairs ofricer at El Toro, said the situation ~ only temporary, due to the wind ~ch makes it less than safe for the jets to take of.f headed inland over the mountains. Takeoff and landing directions have been reversed and the jets recently have taken off headed out to sea. "We're sorry we have to dls~urb peo- ple, however, we have a defense mission to do," Booher said. "We'd like them (residents) to.-consider it as the .90Und d heedom." He said a F.( jet at 6:30 in the morning when everythin1 me is quiet makes quite a bit of noile but at 6:30 the sun is well up this time ol year. , "We're a 24-bour-a-day master jet base. We're required td fly at those hours to meet our defense miasion ·and train our crews,,.., he Said. ,Laguna Twin Towers Wheaton Says Hotel Plan· Could Avert Beach 'Wall' By BARBARA KREIBICH ot "" ONlt' ..... Slaff Laguna ~cb City Manager James D. Wheaton said today. that Ille proposed ''twin tower" hotel development on -L1guna'1-beacbfroqt between -Laruoa:- Avenue and Legion Street could avert development of the land in a solid "wall" of 50-foot buildings, pennisslble un<le.r the present zoning ordinance. "l understand they still nave some probleriis to overcome," said Wheaton, "in the area of acquisition and eventual rezoning to permit them to do what they would like to do, but at an ap- propriate time the developers will present plans to the city. "'Ibe Planning Commission already has been in&tructed by the City Council to move forward on development of a OOtel ione so thia should be forthcoming. "If you look at what could be done under the present zoning you realize we could get a Balboa Bay Club. type wall with no ocean view and a minimum of landscaping." Wheaton said the out-of-town developers have shown a remarkable understanding of, and concern for. Laguna aesthetic standards. "No one wants a 'wall' so we will have to ease up some m height restric- Uons. 1'he tower and open 1pece concepl coula solve the j>roblem, bene.nt the town and be acceptable to everyone.'' Benner emphaaied the n~ fDr prompt establlllunent of 1 "91<! zone with suitable rtvilion of prnent zoo.Ing ordinances to allow height relative to compensating open space. Former Mayor William D. Martin had noted earlier that the proposed deve lop- ment could eliminate the need for a hotel-cmference facility in the city's Main Beach park and make it possible • to keep the entire Main Beach open. Civic League president A n t h on y Demetriades said the League would fight to keep all construction off the Main Beac.h if the proposed hotel facility should materialize. James Dilley said the Citizens' Town Planning Association would comment on the proposal when plans are. presented. He expressed personal appreciation of the idea of keeping all parkina: un- derground and reserving open space in any development. The muJtl-million dollar development, planned by an out-Of-town developer with financial backing of a major railroad, would take in approximately 700 feet of beachfront property between Lagu'na Avenue and Legion Street with twin towers, accommodating some 300 units, rising to a height of 12 or 14 stories .. Police .Get 'Nixon' .Aid A large" federal grant of $99,'m to ~Ip San Clemente's police department 1n security for President Nixon has won approvaJ, Justice Department spokesmen announc«I late 'nlureday. The funds, which comprise the first of possibly three and one-half years ol grants, were the most ever gtve:n to a city of San Cleme,ite's size wxter the Justice Departmtnt•s program Or local police financial aid. The money will be used, along with $47 ,544 in state aid, to beef up the 34-man department to include another segreant, three detectives and six more patrolmen, along with new equipment and personnel benefits. Police Chief Clifford Murray today sa id he was "obviously pleased by the want appqival, "but nonetheless we still haven't found enough ,qualitied applicants to rill the new positioral." Murray said that so far, a total of five men bave applied for positions in the deparbnent. New men' will probably be hired as they qualify. "But we need many "more applicants before we can find the best qualified men for the jobs," he added . The federal fJmds, granted under I plan caHod th< "lllll Cl....,.,~ Project" art the flmMot ~ piMe than three years Of financll.J giints -undera-fede.ral-o i:me ca1tro1-)aw;-- ~ r~ance of two mort yea.n of flindlilt earshot ~ . 1DlW lat.tr thi1 year ifter· hb dtjllrtn(ent' fill; detailed rep<irts on the applications and ef· fectlveness of the money, the chief said. "These things are tenuous froJll year· h'>year an~ it's impossible to predict if the federal government would have enough mOney in the budget to carry the ideas through. w~·u just have to wait on the rest until we know for sure," Murray said. · Over the projected three-year period planning calls for a' total prograril. of (See GllANI', "'p l) Dog Protects Donated Items The response to donated ilems for the Interfaith Serviceman's Center rummage sale this .weekend in San Clemente was so huge that it created a sticky problem . "They have used aesthetic values of the highest order to attain ~thing that really would be in the best. inte~ Of the public, while still mee~ng .~e1r economic needs," Wheaton said. The tower approach with open ~pace and 8 park~ike area betwc:en gives th~m full use of the land, without. excessive depsity and at the same time would gi\l'e. ttie community something we could be very proud of." at either end, a park-like open space . in the center affording a full view of the ocean and undergroWld parking for several hundred cars. The volunteers were worried about theft and vandalism of the stacks of goods piled outside a ball of the Lutheran Church. They found what Seems to be the ultimate solution, which they relayed to police today, jUJt for informational purposes. nie plan might, Wheaton added, afford the public some beach access not at present available. The complex also would include spacious conference and s e ni i n a r facilities with a large banquet room and Ufaller meeting rooms. Mortgage Pledges WASHINGTON (AP) -The Whito House announced today that private ill'" stitutJonNfllve pledged to increase COQI· mitment.s for resklential mortgages by $2 billion this year. TtiJ ii what the-department's k>g tells officers who will patrol the church nei.,borbood: "ho teenage ·boys will be staying In a tent on the church gm.-during wedtend. "With them will be a ISO.pound Saint Bernard dog.'' ' ••••• Ill .. • ' " . M<JrrQ B.'ilY .woni:an b~es . . . . In S'pectaculnr . Acciikni Swerving suddenly acroea th1I San Diego Freeway in San Clemente., a st-. year~ld Morro Bay woman's car'Pknwed into two others Thursday night, killing her and injuring the oncoming drivers. Mrs. Clara Mitchell .. died about 54 · minutes after th~ h~on collision , qn the freeway near the Av'enida Pre'.sidio. overcrossing, investigators said. · The central California. cpastal resideiit · was southbound when 'her auto veered : withollt any known reason icross the . . dlrt divider hKo noi;thbound , lanes, ·"ac·. cording·to thfi CalUomia Highway PatrOI. All tlµ'ee drivers wei:e ~en to South CoaSI Cominunlty Hospital In S o u I h Laguna, where Mrl. Mltdiell WU pro- 1'\0Uttced dead •at 'J: 11' p.m.; of '1.ultlp~ injuries. , , ·Ronald Tomlinson; .:II; of Gllrdcn Grove, was treatedrfor severe laceraUons and Telea&ed. , ' 1 • J Camp Pendleton Marine CJ a·y~t on . Barefoot; 25, was On!Y sllgtitly 'hurt'and also released ,after betng patched up. California Pit Barbecue · ToAid ·L~gitna Boys CI.uh ' . ' All early CIU!ornla • pit ~-will be staged Sunday at the· Wh!te iffouse', restaurant to benefit lhe new •Lagwia · Beach Boys' Club, . Jack Romero oC the White' House . '. Tavent has. -permistlon . from . uie ctty. and th< .F~e 'lltporimeOt Ito dig a large : pit in the triangle paiklng area be,hind the re$urant, where .. 30-1 pound 'Chunks of choice beef, seuone,t: jlobert Bennet of the Downtown Business Association'• redevelopment committee expressed the hope that some such concept would prove acceptable to penons on both sides of the fence itt_discUssions on hotel zone development. i•rm really encouraged by the reac-tion." said ·Benner. "1 had e~ed more opposition from conservatimnsts, ~ the fact is we have to get togethe r and agree on somt zoning that wUI J)ennit a developer to op e r a t e economically . Meningitis Kills :Pendleton Child County Vote List Dips California 1ty1e1 will be buried and cook- ed for IO . hours before tervinlJ begins at 10 a.m. Sunday. Also on the menu will be Spanish' beins and cheese,· chill sauct, green salad, sourdough roll and butter. .Dinner1, at $2· a person', will be served Registration Slump Blamed on Lack of I'n.terest ' . . from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, Romero · said. All proceeds will go, to· help equip th,e wew .~on Boys' Club which recenUy opened and is la the process Medical examination 1bunday disclos-ed that a contagk>us form of meningitis claimed the life of a 2Ya-year-<>ld boy a~Camp Peodle!on. •Base spokesmen said Lansford 0. Lilly Jr., IOTI of Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Lansford Lilly died Tuesday. He had been ad-mi~ to the base.. hospital Monday even- ing. The boy's father had recently return- ed rrom Vietnam. The Lillys were staying at the Camp Pendleton Hostess House temporarily. Medical examinaUon determined the disease was neisserla meningitis. It was the sixth meningitis ease at the base this ytar. Base spokesmen said medical ex. 1minatlon Is being given the partnts 11nd others .who had contact with the boy. • By TOM BARLi:Y ot ,.. o.tir ,. ... s• Alanned O.aoae County Clerk William E. St John today disc:ioled whal he described as "an unprecedented major decline" in voting re11FaUon and sug- gested "a lack of ioleiest in the mues and the candidates" as prime reason for the surprising slump. RegistraUons for the June. 2 primary election were confirmed this monllng as 55$,570, an estimated 4$,000 below the fig\lre that wis expected on the baais of Orall(l> County's traditional growth inde1, St John .said. ••we were so diaturbed that we con- ducted a survey to find out just why people bavtn't regi.Mered," he said. "We discovered this tack of lntel"Ht In issues and candidates, the. belief of many that 1 Primary Electlon Lm't 11 t .,. -------~---~--------· ------- Important as the General Election and the opinioo of some that this ia not a presidential year and therefore. is of less interest. "But our oveniding· a:ttlusk>n is that there is considerable apathy on the part of many people.'' St John said. "It is, we /eel, a sign of the times t h a t many of our eligible voters just cannot be bothered to ensure that they 1\'lll vote ln the June primary." St John'1' final tally of 555,570, regis- tered voten, confirmed by computer this morning is a decliile of 2:5,000 from the figure recorded in the 1111 General Election.· Growth aince last November bis hoistod th< county -l•li<ln lnMn 1,292,000 to 1,480,000 penona, 1 level that appwod to indi<ato I totinl ' I registraUon· strength of 600,000 voters. of' acquiring filrhiahings neCesYry for "this tremendous decline has o:>me · full-scale operation. 1 abouf despite 'the biggest campaign ever Tickets for ~ barbecue , have t>e:eR • " ohn. • • sold througbout the bulln<lfs COlllllt1lllll)' v.o:aged by this office, St ·J ~d. M aod 'al!O will· be a•allable ·at :tbe "We covered · the county witll voling . restaurant. reg.lstra,tion. mateflal ·and . we bad an · >Ill ,time high of IOO deputy tegistrm • .,.orkina in an c11sµ;cts rigllt up to llle GA .R WASH 'slA' :TE.D time that registrations closed.'' ·1'le decline' tn voting strength Sttmed lo be sulrered equally by·th< Major · AT CA PO BEACH' political parties with Republicans ma in- taining their traditional edge in' Orange How about tidying up the old family County. heap! • . ,QOp adherents totalled 218,536 to tlle • A car wuh h11 been scheduled In Democrats' 228,369. Other, ~tegories oap!strano Beach Saturday from 8 a.m. compiled 'by SL JiJl1n in<:iuded'American u•UI & p.m. by ,tll•: WafijlOr .'League lndependon! Porty &,1$3,' Peace lrid ' or Filth Lutheran Chureh, 341181 Colle IF-Porty 1111, mloceliallOOUI ti Portoio, P...., ol•1 clean nr is ·II. (lie VOl'Elll, ,...I) I' • -'-------''----•' • .I . ;rEN (:JNTS Next Flight . . . !\fay Go Off OnSched1lle WASHINGTON lUPI) U.S. space chief Thotnu 0. Paine said. today the apparl!!pt cauae of Apollo 13'1 faUure was 80· simple to fix that the next moon flight mllh! be lawicb<d oo . schedule. Altnlnaut John L. Swiprl aid be WU ready to go. The optlmtstic atatoment by Paine wu secooded by llocco P-, APo[lo pro. gram director, lrid swi,ert'I -on Kpoilo IS, Clpt. J1111e1 A. Lo.ell. .But.it was almost lost in an outpouring of Senatorial iratse' for Low!U Irie! sWigert, basting with their' hos!ti!1 in f!!pealed bursb of applause by members of the Senate Aeronautics and S~ce Sciences Committee and hundreds · of spectators. The crowd Jammed Into one of C~pitol Hill's biggest ·hearing rooms, joined 1n applause while scores more ·lined up in a hallway optside hoping for a glimpse of the two astronauts. The ti'drd member of the Apollo 13 crew, Fred W. Haile, was 1111able ~ attend. Paine empbuized that tests ltlll are being conducted to · try to determine preci>el)'. what caused the accident thal aborted th< moon landing and, thrutoned to slrlrid the thr<e astrooauta in q eternal orbit. , But he said the cause hid tentaUvelJ been traced Jo "a,relativeiy lhll!W!' '°"I: pone0t" and lhlt .ii could' be ~ easily. -Sen~John·El,-Slonnis;-(I>oMJM:,J-om~ - Lovell and Swigert in turn, "Do any of )'Oil •-ult think you m pul to unnfcesAry' rtsks1" "I never felt iny reluctance (II' that J was put to any unnecessary riskt at all," Swigert replied. "Right now, if you · were to ask me wO\iJd I go back. and Dy that. service module, I c~lrjly would.'' .Lovell said any kind , of flying Is somewhat risky. "We're prtpared to tut •hat," be sald. during ·quatio1\b!g .iter Paine's testimony. "We expect that the lorge qllantily lrid high quality Of loltme!ered dlta (See APOW), Pqe Ii Charges Dropped For Pair in Case Charges against two persons arrested In an.AprU 4 narcoUca raid were droppe_d Thursday , in Sou"1 County Mwticipal Court. Two other suspects were held ta answer in Superior C.Ourt in San"9. Ana . ·Freed from CtJstody ure Andrew G. Thomas, 19, •. ol S198 Alla Laguna Boulevard,'Laguna· Beach and Jane Ellen Reese; 21, of 31872 Meadow Lane, South Laguna. ·Bclund over to Superior Court .,.,.. Oenail Envall, 20, of ·tbe South Llgtm• addr<as l11d Joseph Gr.gory Gaines, It, armted It the Alla Laguna addras. In th< dllal raid, cllmaxlng a two--t tnvatlgatlon,l>Y the Stole Bure1u of Norcoilao IDd ·the Laguna Beach PoUce Deparlrnent; ll,000 worth af LSD, live klloo ·of m,ariJuuo,: I JIOUlld of api11m l11d a quanUI)' Of heroiq l11d buhiab allegedly wen; seized u evkfetM;e. , Gali\el and Envall .-~re ord~, to appear in Superior Court at t :30 a.m. May t. Oraa11e Weadter ' Sf)l'ing ls btnly bore, but aim- mer, weather i• In store for the Co8'l this weetend, with sunny skies and temperatures breakfne the 70-<legr.e barrier. l ~li!DE TODAY Many aenrlccmtn are taJc:tng advantage oJ 11 toz brtiz,k for btg deductiona bV making one44r trip, ovtr JiltMm. Paoe. J2. i I I I · I. t I QMl.Y PILOI SC • ; • M •• . ISSIOD '.Frail Cinco de Mayo QWeen. Awaited . ~VIEJO -c),. ol nv. Mlsal<111 \llejo High School c:oeds ,.U1 rtlgn .. queen of th&.Clnco de Mayo festivities en Sundoy, Mor 3. Nominlted for the booor art Kathy Jen-. kins ol Mbaion Vlijo, 16, PaIU _Opp o( Univ"3111 !'ark, 16, Peney Schaefler·of Ent Irvine, Je, Jenny RobllOll of Mi,;Ion· Vle;o, 15, and Linda ~ 16, Ml.5s1on Viejo. • I . • Lui .,_ .• qu ... was Penny Nlol>ol& e rest Offlee Cledng SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -The post office ·1n San Juan Caplslrano and Ill branch In Minion Vlelo will be cloood on SaturilayB for everythlng bul "will call" m ail. The new sched~e goes into effect 20 Sltunlay, May 2. Friday workln& ~ will be extended unW 8 p.m'. Poot offl<es in Laguna Hilb and El Torn bave not yet decided whether or not to join in tbe new acbedule, wtridt has been started as an economy meuure. e P•-ke Feed Set CROWN VALLEY -The annual pan- cake -ldut -ed by tbe p.,...~ Teaeber GllJld ol crown Valley Scllool wW lal:e place Sanday Ajril !I. The fUnd ralllng ocllvlty will begin al a. a.m. and nm until noon at the Monan:b Bay Beacb Club. Proceed.I from the brealdlllll will be U8ed to b,iy ·educational equipment not ordinarily budgeted for the S<hool. 1be cost will be $1 per person or $5 per family of five or over. e Vfrio Asks s.mmmers llllSS!ON VIEJO -Nadadores, Mission Viejo'• champion swim learn will host more than 500 swl.mmers on Saturday. Swim clubs from all over Calllornla will compete In tbe Sping Southern Callfcrnla Invitailooal Swim M e e t ..,.._..r by the Soo\herD Pacl!ic As>OClaUon of Amateur Athletics. 'lbe event for the C class will take place at lhe Missioo Viejo Recreation Center. 1be center wJD opeii at I a.m. and Sll«tators will be charged twenty-live - Grove Girl ·me8 - ln Bike Wreck A Garden Grove girl wu killed and a companion rldlng astride the same bldyclo Injured Thunday night wben Ibey collided with a car. Pamela D. Adams, 13, of 11901 Balley st. wu dead on arrival at Wesbnlnster community Hospital after tbe 9o30 p.m. aocident. lier friend, Barbara Steelsmith, 14, of 1.2'111 BartleU St, Garden Grove, was tr.-nsferred to Orange County Medical Cenidwllh head injuries. The accident occurred on Valley View Street north oI Chapman Avenue, ac- cnrdinl lo Gani .. Glow Ponce Depart· meot investigators. Heyerdahl Will Sail S A F I , Morocco (UPI) -Norwegian e,:plorer Thor Heyerdahl said today he will try ageln May 2 to sail across the AtlanUc in 1 papyrus boat,• using a new craft built by South Amerlcan Indians. Heyerdahl tried and failed a year ago to sail the reed boat "Ra" from Morocco to· Mexico's Yucatan Penlnsala Jn an at.. tempt. to show the aocleut Eg)'Jtians could have made auch a voyage in boats made 91 papyrus long before Columbus. DAILY PILOT ~~ .... H••W•IMd ·--.. _ . ..., ~ M... S..a....te ,,u,+o. (.()All' l'UILllHING CQMPANV :r lt•b•rt N. w.M ,.ruilhflt •r.cl PvblltMr J•cli R. Cwl•v Vic• l"rCl~Dlnl Mid ~•I M-lft' lho,,.,•i K, • .,;i Edl'<tr Th11..,•1 A. Murphi~• Mtt119fng Cdl1or ll:ich•r4 P'. Nill SO.Ill Or•-Countr Ed!ter OHie" . COi .. Mtw! m WU! ear Slrftl N-r>orl 81Kll: 1211 Wftt a1111oi a.uMVer11 l.I ..... a..cll' '21 l'-1 A-.VI tho1•1ir.t., ~= 11'1' htdl •wi.v..,, a.ti Cit!M'!l9: J0S ""111 II ClomN hill OtJL.., ,.ILOT, w11ll _.,lcli h e:ll'l'lblntd ,.. .......... l. h ...... "'*' .,,., -~ """" .. , ... .....,.Ml CAll!llMI ,.,. ~ Mo:ch. ........ .___ C..... ,,.,_, H!ilfll ..... IMdl .. l'-.Mlll Y111ty, •llr'll ..-1111 .,... ,....... "" .... Or ... C.11t IJWIW. .... ~ ~ "6Mll .,. •t 2111 Witt a.Mt Ir.I .. N--1 IMotl:ll. _. .. lJI Wnl .. , ."91. c. .. ......,., T1l1,e111 11141 i4J-4JJI Clu lfk4 MMtll'-t 641·517t S. Cle , ... •» Dt,•rt.nt1: , ........ 491-1411 ~r. ''"' OrMI" a.ii ll'\llllt.11.,_. ~· ... -· l!lflh. "l""tr•tlMI. <41 ..... 111 ,......,. .,. f.llwtn~ll ..... _, lilt IMlhcrll wH'*" ~ ,.._ "" ..... -~ .... ·-· ...,.. cl.ttt .,.. .... •If •• H....-1 &tldl ..,. c..11 ...... C..llW,.~ --~ u.a __,,., _,, u•-•tr• ...,....., ..... iMlillllo ''·" -•1r. .. Dana-Capo • Unhappy at Scenic Unit By PAMJlLA HALLAN ot tllt O.llr Plilt ll•ff Members for the committee for Jn- corporaUon of Dana Polnt -Capistrano . Beach u:pree&ed dissatisfaction over the lllalteup' of the recently appointed atlzem Sceolc ConservaUoo Advisory Comm!Uee~. . "We feel members should have been appointed from the Dana Point, Capis. trano Beach, San Juan Capistrano and San Clemente communities," said Dr. Roger Sanderson, committee chairman. ·ne conservatkln committee consists of James E. O'C:mnor of South Laguna, dtalnnan; James w. Dilley of Laguna Beach and Mrs. Isabel C. Peue of O>r..a clel Mir. II wu appointed by Superv!Jor Allon E. Alleo In an attempt to provide In the tutUre safe and ICeDlc hlghway routes in the aJUtbem Orange Coast area, easy access to public beaches and open spaces which oould be developed into park• or left tn their natural state. .. .. . . ... ....... -" , • • • Plan Edited In Clemente Sen Clemente's proposed mo d el ordinance setting the first deflrtiUve starf. dards for design ol mobile home par~ went through the sifter Wednesday lligl,i. beCore the plB.noing commlSslon. Commissloners rev~wed their entire p~ code goveming deveK>pment of trailer parks, then retu.rned the !ten\ with several editorial changes and i smaller minimum mobile home size pro- vision back to the city staff for redraf,. Ung. About seven concerned citizens lt· tended the commis!ioo meeting, and. heard conuneots frorri the floor from a Santa Ana ..real estate consultant · who praised the proposed ordinance and told commissioners he believed it WCIJI fair. Reg Wood, h€ad of h.is own corwultlng firm, lold commissioners that bale{! on his experience in work with park developers the proposed ordinance was "weU written and workable." The lncorporaUon committee hopes lo persuade Supervisor Allen to make another •ppolntment to the conservaUon commlttee so Iha! the deslrel of the people in 1he COW'lty's aouthernri'IOlt com· muniUea: can be projected. • TEACHERS DICK HEMUS (LEFT), JOHN CUNNINGHAM CONDUCT CLASS ON RIVER RUNNING The commission subjected the docu· ment to tough editing and changed the minimum required trailer size from 1,000 square feet to 800. Other suggestions included a requirement for periormance bond and placement of fire hydrants. 11le lncorporaUon committee made their proposal during their weekly rneeUng ln•lhe Da!ll Point Yadtt Club. The final readln1 DI \belr economic feaslblllty report had been ICbeduled but _ lul minute edJUng CBUled ii lo be delayed another week. Leguna Beach Student• Wil l Travel Inland for •Float Dowo D•ttrt River ~~~~~~-=-~~~~ The commltlee ls preporlag clocurnenl.t lo oend lo lhe Local Ag-FormaUon Comm!-(LAJl'C) In -oeCond a~ lernpl lo gel tbe nod from LAJl'C lo proceed with their plaM. They are alt.empting to incorporate the Dana Point-Caplatrano Beach areas which contain 8.2 square miles of ocean and t 8 equare miles of land, for "local government control, lo 1naease local community services, to Improve the ouality of community tervJi:es and lo pnwent 1re1 dlsllpaUon by promotion and other• not concerned with local community weUare." 'Ibe new community ·would contain approxlma1'ly 9,000 people and would be bounded by San Juan Capillnno on the oorth and eut, San Clemente on the east, the Pacific Ocean on the south and Lagunt Nlgnet and Chandler- Sheniian properties on the wet\. · If tncGri>ontlon la IUCCOSlfu1 the com· miltfe IBYI It 'f""1d -lo "reslrict blllbomll aDd llgnt on Cout Hlgbway to--mott-esthetic community use-and '!oald restrict high rise development on omil blulfl If llOdl il11pede1 the view ··or a -iiiniifier ' of w•llni properly owners." The committee has also stated that Incorporation is necessary now because the opening of the Dana Point marina wiU 11Jmmediately and conUnuously create a multiplication for ·need~ govemmentaJ services caused by crowds plus projected population increase." .. Tires Not Bald, They Just Look ' . That W ay-CHP 1n the wake of a complaint that Ctpislrano Unified School Dislri<:I buses hay!! "lald11, tires, a California Hl£bway Patrol olticlal said tile llres would look bald even when new, It's the type Ure they are. 'Ibe CHP reexamined the tires In que. tion this Week following cornpla2nt.s by Mel Hubbard, PTA safety chairman, who had examined the tires and found some Jacking in tread. The CHP said the ti.res don't have treads when they are manufactured. Lt. William Schilling said the tires in question are called "super high miler tire" designed by Goodyear Rubber Com~ pany. He said the Ure doea not have tread running Its circumference UR an automobile tire. "1be tire doesn't seem to have any tr&ad ot1 It 'but Its made that way," satd Schilling. "It's a different tread design than John Q. Public b aware o(." 'Sdlllling said the tires at the point designated for measurement have better than twice the thickness of rubber re· quired in statewide standards set up by engineers. The minimum tolerance, he said, ts one sixteenth of an inch. 1'1e tires in question were .fOlmd by the CHP to have five thirty seconds of an Inch. "This is a statewide level set by engineeni in Sacramento that have knowledge of selling such limits, Schilling said. He said the tires bad been checked "as a result or this lnfonnaUon ... Mr. Hubbard 's remarks, which we would have done if he had called htre." He said the CHP was always glad to RR5k into such queries end said the Ures had been e:umined routinely in January. From Page l APOLLO ••• recel.ved from the Apollo 13 spacecraft at the time ol the accident will permit a precise and early identiflcaUon of the causes of the fallure," explained Paine. 'l11e admlnistrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Admlnlslration (N'ASA), added, "The oxygen thermos flask believed to be involved is a relative· Jy simple CfJIUponent and correcUve ac· Uon should not prove to be a major ta!k. "U this turns out lo 11' the case we should be able to move.out pM,mpUy wllh the necessary alterations and pro- ceed with Apollo II and subsequent ru~ on approximately the same &cbedule we have presented befQre." Paine sald Prealdent Nixon "fully shares this vieW -that Apollo 13's troubles should not cause a cutback in the U.S. space program. Paine said that during a flilhI with Nim1 to Honolulu last-Saturda1~to meel ·the returning astronauts, after their splashdown in the Pacific the day before ~fxO!l expressed .Jth: strong aupport fo; a VJgorous ongomg U.S. apace program particularly in manned space flight." ' Congress already has indicated it feels the same. The House Thursday pa.saed NASA 'a;l971 budget, allowing the agency mere money then it requeated. The Senate committee cut the NASA budget somewhat below administration reques~ts, but granted all the money earmarked for tbe Apollo-program. New Seats Here For Laguna High Auditoriuni • The Laguna Bead> High School auditorfum I! amost back in business. Almost all the 500 new seals that had been held up by the trucking strike have arrived ln Laguna and are being installed. Still missing are the backs of abou! 100 of the scats, but hopefully they will be extricated shortly from the Los Angeles frelght yard where the seats have been reposing for the past couple of weeks. The seats were retrieved In a speedy maneuver last Friday afternoon when the strike was suspended for a couple of hours and lhe sealing firm trying to get them to Laguna made. a quick trip into the freight yard and pulled out ooe of its truckloads. ReDOvatJon of the auditorium was delayed earUer when a carpet mill waa unable to deliver the new floor covering. 'Ibis was solved when the carpet con- tractor offered to install a more-ex- pensive quality of carpeting for the original price. By the time the carpet \Vas laid, the seats were Impounded. From Page l GRANT ••• $585,746.66 wllh cost shoring under several ronnulas. Some aspects of the total package Include equally matching federal and city fundl. Others detail funds loblly provided by the U.S. Government. The ll'IDt, philosophically, wa; appUod for so that the federal government could ~Ip pay for the obvious high coN of providing poUCi! protection for the Chief Executive during his res1dence in Sl'l'I Clemente. No specific federal provisions call for :in automatic assistance of local police Schilling said the safety rec<ird of buses in the Cipl&trano district is an extremely good one. "It's one of our very best districts and we're extremely pleased with the cooperaUon they have given us/' he said. • for their important role In helpln, In ~idenU11I security. Students Ban Troops GHENT, Belgium (AP) -M•mben of the 1lh U.S. Anny soldiers choir were refused acceu, to lhe itudents rest.aurant .at Ghent UrUverslty Thurld.ay by student.a who shouted : "Go and eat napalm." ) Murray. alluding to the dearth 'of ouallfled applicants, said although San Clemente's pay llructure for police personnel Is "quite competitive. the employes look beyond salary alone ... · "We will try tn the coming few years to bu.ild a more solid pension and frln1t~ bcnerit program. ntat1s what will really heJp us find the best men," be said. Student Sail Set Lagunans Read y for River Rafting Following an inteMive series of training classes, 138 seventh and eig'hth grade sludent5 from Laguna's Thurston Intermediate School will leave Monday for Big River, Calif. to begin a three-day raft float down Uie Colorado River to Blythe. 'Mley will be accompanied by 10 teachers, a supply crew of parents and Fron• Page l VOTERS ... with 22,220 declining to state thei r allegiance. Orange Coast communities were solidly Republican with -the Uceptions Westminster where · Democrats out- numbered Republicans by 11,188 to 81862 and Los Alamitos where the GOP fell behind t.he Democrats by 1,553 to 1,783. Republlcians as opposed to 35,31 1 Demo- crats. -Costa Mesa, 15,968 to 11,192 ; Foun- tai n Valley, 5,603 to 4,818; Huntington Beach, 22,057 to 19,004; Laguna Beach, 5,490 to 2,&U. Also showing Republican majorities over Democrats were: Newport Beach, 19,435 to 5,976 ; San Clemente 5.278 to 2,340; San Juan Capistrano, 1,050 to f>36; and Seal Beach 9,485 to 5,841. Republicans had a better than 2 to 1 edge in the Fifth Supervisoria\ District with 73,732 residents registering as Republicans as opposed to 4 5 , 3 1 l Democrats. 14 hlgh school stud~s who have previously taken the trip. A similar river float was conducted for Thurston studC'llls two years ago. During the 30-milc float, the students will be divided into JO fleets of rafts, which they build themselves of plywood and inner tubes at the launching site. Each fleet will include a teacher and high school counselor and three power boats will go along for security and l-0 transport fresh vegetables and fruit. StudenlS were selected for the trip by a point system covering academic requirements, service to school and classmat€s, successful passage of a surviva l swimming test and attendance at pre-trip classes. The instruction included preparation of dehydrated food, first aid, building and reparing ol rafts and personal safety and comfort. ~ _ Each 1tud€nt has been g 1 v e n assignments in math, hi!tory and science classes that will require observa- tions on climate, geography climate and 00>logy to be covered in a writtten report due May 4. Tom Dugg€r, assistant principal at Thurstoo, is leading the river expedition. Upon arrival at Blythe, near Parker, Arizona, on Monday, students will build th eir rafts, have a big dinner and camp on shore overnlght before embarking Tuesday morning. During the trip, they wtll prepare their own faod until they arrive at the Blythe Boat Club between 1 and 4 p.m. Thursday. There they will be given a , landing party dinner and again camp ,overnight before returning to Laguna Friday. May L OFFICER'S CHEST COLLECTION FOR THE U N U S U A L IN QU ALITY AND STYLE, LOOK TO HENREDON. OFFIC ER 'S CHEST COLLEC. TION FEATURES A LARGE SE LECTION OF LIVING, DIN- ING AND BEDROOM PIECES TO SPICE ANY ROOM. AVAI LABLE IN SEVERAL EX- CITIN G A N D DIFFE RENT FINISHES. STOP IN TODAY! By HENREDON The shift was made after Staff memtiers detailed 10me new style! ol mobile home design creating a .snialler living unit which has proven ~lar with couples without children. The edited vel'$IOO of the code will come back before the commLs.sioo [or final act.ion at lt.s next meel.Uli. In other action Wednesday the com~ mission denied an application for a variance by Mary Graham to aperat.e a residence-dog grooming parlor at lot Avenida Granada. Commi~ioners denied the request becaUS€ it.s approval would have created two businesses and two residenoe.s on one lot without enlarging the existing pair of parking spaces. City planning aides told C<llllrn!Slloners that fhe ·property was a nonconfonning use even before the variance appUcaUon because of another combined business- residence already existing there, .pJ11-5 the insufficient-parking. ·• nie commission, however. granted a conditional use pennit for another business in the city. Clifford Burke's request to add a radiator repair shop to his Richfield station at 407 N. El Camino Real 1'00 approval with several condltioo.s, ~~ission€rs gr.anted the pennlt pro. ~ me:oos1ness 1S accompllshe(I oom- plelely in&ors and no';1'Jleir or dlinlanil- ing of autos be done outSide the .stat.loo's garage. The commission also authorized the staff to study the types of chemicals used in the radiator repair to be aasured of their safety. SALT Breakthroughs To Need Long Study VIENNA (UPI) -Months of probing and sounding by U.S. and Soviet negotiators probably will be necessary before there is any possibility of a breakthrough in the Stragellc Arms Limitation Talks (SALT). DEALERS FOR: HENREOON -DREXEL -HERITAGE 7tJ11111 NEWPO RT BEACH t727 WHlcli ff Dr., 642-2050 OP!N FRIDAY 'TIL 9 INTERIORS ProfM•lonal Interior LAGUNA BEACH De1tgner1 Av•ll•bl...-AID 345 N~rth Coatl Hwy. 494-6551 ,.. • ._Tittl"'";. .. flf 0.....-C:....,. Mf.12~PEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 • I frldof, A,or\I 24, 1'70 L DAILY I'll~ 3 .. ~Earth -.Do~tor~ BJ PAM~ HALLAN rOf *" Dlllf''"""' tllff ;me enVlronmebt.al docior, a man who "'1J. dlapooe, prescribe lot and hopefU!ly • our growing pollution problem, was depibed to ~ddleback poUege stud~ts ~, .. Earth 9"1'· \ < '.l • A/dressing -a huge outd00r audience on" a bright suMy smog free day was Dr. Willard Frank Libby, 1960 Nobel ~ winner in chemistry who discovered ~ 14, used in dating plants and J!llmals aad who · with a colleague is oo,,· 'developing the idea of the en- Vt,ronmental doctor. · "~~iety· is finally coming to realize that good ·manners are essential. Pollu- tion of the environment is becoming univer~lly frown'ed upon whether it be fnim;• a belching smoke stack, bUs or Car/' said Dr. Libby. ''.We. are frowning oh the destruction o( our landscape and our delicately balanced ~logies. Why was this allowed .to .llaPPen ? .B,ecause of ' our ignorance .of the consequences. · "in certain situations we are so Jocked Honored ·fjy PT A . tn' 11111 we bove DI -la lake for 1 -but lhat ol our °*II deolljl<> llGn." Biii ·he Mid tllete are two delinlle oteps to lalle lo revene tile P<ttem of destructioo., , The fLrSt is throUch research programs wJ;itre ·.s¢entists ~ now, attemptlna to di8cover tl;le nature·of ,P,Ollution problems. where they come from and wfiat uley do &0 that ,this knowledge can be. con- ve)'e:d to the public, ~ second is at this nioment just a p~l but Dr. Libby feels.it would be most effective. · "We need a professional who.se job it is to p(Otect the eavironmerit. Someone who can.'lell us what doubling the cars in the LA basin 'Will do. • "He Will bl an envjronmental doctor, a man "'ho wjll do for the enyironment what an MD (lees for health. "We, neei:l.an pneraliBt who is 'familiar with subjects from bil}logy t o meteorology, from the earth sciences to the social sciences with some public health and medicine inCluded. He woUJd have a lotal of seven majors. Mrs. Howard Wilson of Thurston School PTA pins Edwin Hind, busi· ness manager of the Laguna Beach Unified School District, with honorary life service award on behalf of PTA Council. Hind is retir- ing in June after 22 years wiith the school clistrict. 8ymphony.2'.l!i~s-Office1·s •· Thomas J. Winget of Dana Point has :been·elected president of the Symphony 'Association of Orange County. Winget, who is president of the Mission Bank of El Toro, was appointed this week Jn i'"an organizationaJ reshuffle that has ~·JO .Orange Coast resktimts on the musiCal group's board of directors . W'mget took over from outgoing presi- dent Do.ffem H. Helsing of Mission Viejo withkthe comment that one of the priUle dutiet of his administration will be to !'maintain a permanently established aymphony orchestra in Orange County." Winget, who is also a member of the board of educatioo of Uie Capistrano Uni· fied School District, noted that the· OCSA closed its current year "with no financial deficit, an achievement rare among_ symphony orchestras today." He did not comment on the fact lhal a shortage of funds compelled the associa- tion to abandon its 1~70 music season in the early stages of that program. Serving With Winget on the bo'ard of directors. of''tbe .Symphony Association of Orange County Will be: · Conrad· Sloop and Or. William Teague of Huntington Beach; Winget. Patrick Backus; Mfs. Robert ffillis and Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Scillon ~of Dana Point;. S. Stanli!y 'ChaprTian Jr. of Corona de! Mar and Ouffern H. Helsing of Mission Viejo. The first action of the new board was to retain an administrative consultant through Arts Unlimited of Seattle, Wa.sh. The consultant will take up!llis Orange County duties in May. O.&ILT 1'11.01' lllll l'lltte ~.Pot ting Around · t Tom Gaines, Saddleback C!>llege art teacher, works with stoneware clay, on a wheel in a demonstration of his art, which he was sched~ uled to give today for several classes at Siii! -Ciemente High School .. . ' ' . could learn U..t rnuc • But we propose come lo ttie <DVit<inmental doctor •nd I to, try and find out.• uked what ·will the 111pe,aonlc ttaospor\ · Qr. Libby' -bid the curriculum do to the WN!horf Thia ii not a silly ' lo be le!' up a~ UCLA, where ha Is • quellloft. Tbe •uth(lrbatlon · for the ' professor, which 'will produce a doctors transport haaialreedy pfoceeded almost degree which ls not a PhD but a dfll'tt to finality without t.hb· queltion' being analogous'to.an MD,· • .asked.~f' ·' ·, • 1 ' • • f The' student will take three years of (, Dr, Ll_bby q:p_IJ~ tbe. proet.S$ graduate work at UCLA studylng •seven through whiCh• the new transport, which majors .Flus a, half ·dozen .core e.curses wUI be flyipg in ,the stratosphere. woukt which wtll concentrate on the application double the1W'1er vapar inithe air. · ~ of thefr knowledge and will test their ''Thi.I means tllat the 1hlg.'i. tranilucent '~ problem solving abilities. clouds in the stratoiphere wo..act be m. He would next spend two years "in· crtiaea and the' inpul of sllnught sublta'n- ternship'" in Ule field, wotklng With tlalfy decreased,'1 he said, addiiig, "We various government agencies and In-might ,et. cold." ' ' dustries and at the end of· the five He stre~ the . problem . w ·1 th years he will receive bis degree as sUpersOnic .transports as a. priine ·ex- doctor of environmental sci'ence and ~pie of why the environmen~I ~tor engineering. ts -needed . r-- Wbo WO\lld want to hlre them? "He 1w.tli be ,a generalist .but he' will "Any government official who has to know ' who \ aJt;, the sp!Clallsl.8 are so make a major decision on something that . he c~,,,ariswer' ,an the questions involving enviromqent ," anSwered Dr. that Will be asked. He will then have Libby, "or an industry who .might be .to develop -a code of ethics to lay the developing a new product.'' fact.a on the table objeCUvely.'" . First Lease Contracts • For Dana Harbot Signed Lease contracts for the first increment of the $20 million Dana Point Harbor project were signed Thursday in the offices of Alton E. Allen , chairman of the Board of Su'pervlsors. Seven finns bid in nine harbor projects March 31 offering bonuses totaling $773,350. As supervisor Allen signed the bid agreements, checks were delivered. bid $500,000 for !he hoat ~ip c:onceaslons. Other bidders and the amount of their checks included : Atlantic Richfield, $50,750 for fuel docks ; Dana Point" Marina Inc, $50,000 for dry boat storage, boats sales and boat launching facilities; Norlh American Building Technology, BeverJY Hills, $68,500 for sport fishing landing. · •• • ' >' •• • County Clerk William St John was on hand to impress tbe official county seal, rriaking everything legal. Biggest bonus check was presented by three Newport Beach men. ·Bob Dahlberg, Roy D. Lewis and H. E. Baulmer who as Marine Capital Inc. Dana Point Associa.tes, $70,000 for a re~ store complex ; Great Western Hotels, $18;000 for a motel, and_ Dana Point Restaurant Corp., $16,100 for the harbor restaurant and coffee shop. .. ~ • \ ' ' DAILY ,ILOT P11t19 IW PlfMll Httlll -' Laguna Schools Chief Answers Lorr on Charge Promptly responding to two critical letters addressed to the Laguna Beach school board by newly-elected City Coun- cilman Edward Lorr, Board President Larry Tayl« has denied use of students to promote the school tax override elec~ llo ' r\y19r'also-m\i1teJ!4 the "ta-xpayers• >i~soci!tion,1 of whleh L<irr ls president, to Set up a committee to study district financing. To an accusation that the district used studentt,to campaign for the tu override and "Play oo the emotions or the vot,ing public," Taylor responded : .; "We must make it clear that• the Laguna , Beach tloard of Education aid the administr.atipq .re&ist,ed the ret1,uest of many pare.at groups to have the students take an active part .• , " . It was· the definite attitude of the board ~ that no student should become involved under district direction. said Taylor, but "many students did campaign because of their intense interest in their own weirare. This is their right and privilege as ··individuals and future citizens." The bo!fd presil:lent . concluded, "We invite you to become informed on ~l policies.and operatioJ!." In answer to a second letter iii ·Which Lorr proposed major cutbacks in ad· minlstfative pirsonnel and salaries, referring to "surplus persOhJlel holding dowil 'juicy' job ~ts,'' Taylor called attention' to coun1less budget study sessioru and· "line-by-line evaluations'' of "the proposed budget and even more deta,iled evaluation that has followed failure or the tax election. "The board h2d requested that the Chamber of Commerce create a com- mittee wbich would join h1 a study with our staff,!' Taylor wrote. "Hopefully~ this will bring about an Wlderstanding of the financial operation of the scbool:distrlct." ' The chamber, he added, bas accepted ',the reQu¢ and , set a date for the .first meeting on April 28 •. ·Suggesting that the Taxpayers might wish to "co11sider our invitation to set up a committee from your organiza_tion to meet with our staff for any definite information your group might wish to have," Taylor notes further that the board "which as elected by the voters, and as officen of the state of California ," has accepted the responsibility of office and "will make decisions to the best of their ability in the interest of the children who are to be educated in the years to come." Meeting Slated By Dem~rats Members of the Laguna Beach Democratic Club will look toward Laguna's future Monday night when Civic League President Anthony Demetriadf'.s, guesl speaker ror the evening, as~. "Where Do We.Go From Here?" Also appeari11g on the I p.m. program ln the Laguna Federal Savings and Loan Building wlll be Barry Bauchwitz cf HunUngton Beach, Democratic candidate for the 34th S_tate Assembly Oi!trlct and Thomas 8. Lellhart Of Santa ,Ana, Democratic candidl!le ror tilt 3Sth Congressional Dlattfc!! The leases were awanfed on March 31 after a controversial session over a single package bid of $S10,000 by Transnation COC'p. 'WE NEED ·PROFESSIONA(S TO. PROTECT ENVIRONMEN,Y.' 1 Nobel• P.rl11 Winner Libby, Sf>o•k• •t Soddleb•ck Co!Jeeo .. '. Harbor District Manager Kenneth Sampson and County Adniinistrative Of. ficer Robert Tbomas recommended ac- ceptance of the single bid because or "admini"slrative economies" in dealing with just ooe firm. Flood Damage Aid Read y:: On the other hand , Real Property Services Director Stanley Kraurre and his assist.ant, John R. Shaddy, strongly recommended acceptance of the seven individual bidding firms' offers. • · They stressed the $283,350 additiOnat · cash ·bonus tc lhe county. · · The successful bidders Indicated that construction on the various projects would begin , SObrl and that they hoped to lbe in operauon tn the new harbor b)'._'itonM~ of 1971, l '<' ,I :Pinancial assisbn~ iww Is avail~ble for priv8te property owner's wh6se_,_ pro..· perty was damaged by . del;>ris ,duriJlg . the floods Jn the winter • ot 1989;· ttie Laguna Bead\ City engineering deppn.. · ment announced Thursdlf. A new , laW" provid.e~1·1 f~eral ~reim-. bursement q~ expenses, l>on)e. bY awnefs for -removing or' dlspqsllig~Qf ,flciod :dibtis de,:mited on .. their·' probertl . lf .'such ' rem?Va_\ ls l d~ ~~k be.':in ··die ·, pubhc interest. . 1 •• , ,l'~~w-0#,in~e~li'.t~· ~~~ii!' . ' .· . .. ~,. J ·~ , ... , "; , .. ' ' ' Earlv apartment_ I dwellers had to liVe' • with flan1es. • Step inside any all-electric Medallion · the clean1 fresh look of the draperies Apartment. You'll see why they're set· ·and.. the Upholstery. That's because ting the trend. Notice how the •• · elCdric' heat is cJean heat kitchen gleams. Why? Because I Now t,he bathroom, rurn lhere arc no by.products of · ' on the water tap. Note how combustion to dirty walls •the electric water heater gtvts and windows, No oppreSsi\le you ,hot water-right, now. kitchen heat, either. Electricity heats 1 ~nt~ the bcdroom:See the separate the food-not the kitchen. heat-di~I? Y~u can only ha\le room· Walk into the living room. Notice by.room lemperature control If It's • ' .. .. . . ..~ . so heavy or voluminous u to be>dimcul~. to remov~. such as wrecka11e of ff buildings, furniture., m a c h i n-e r y ; < automobiles, parts of trees, soll, etc. 1 The debris need not have been already..= remov,ed. ' Eligibility will be determined by olate and federal autborities1 after a. ·field-.! check. There is no provision for .reim•' bu"'ment lor repairs to' private pro. perty. ' ' ,Claims may be filed at City Hall,; or call 49HUUoc.Jurtber information. .. ,, ' ' . • I I I . .. I ! ' ; I I ! electric. Many M..Uttion Apartments I also provide electric air conditiofting. f The rent? Like Medallion Homet:, l Medallion Apart~ts are also avi;1~ 1 able in all price rangn. You can Ke why more people arc choosing to ti-it 1 the good clean li!t-electria!ly. • ' ·~! :::t-) Southern C.lifomi• £JJlaon • , • ; • • ' .. .f DAD.Y PILOT Frida;, Aptll 24, 1'70 llraf t Abolition D. ? Ifil. tA Teac~r . Plans Get 'Col,d Shoulder' in Congress Picket Lines GetSltppor,t Health, Education a!>d Welfare Secre\ary Robert F.lnch told an au-. WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix· on's plan to abolish the draft tw drawn a oold recepUon from key members · ol C:Ongress, and prospects for early clearance ct hl5 propooal to abolish col· Jege ~erments are in doubt. Although the college examption plan set fcrth by the President. 'nlursd1y was promised an earlr hearing in the Senate, House Arn>ed Services Com· dience that the government bad m1Uee Chairman L. Mendel Rivers (D. been trying to come up with a cog... · S.C.), said ~ plamecl no acUon on tracep.Uve for men but' that· the draft reform this year, only a review. · , . Nixon asked the a\&ih(rity to end educa-only eUecUve method fOuni:l. so far tiooal eJ:emptlons in a message to Was c•televising sports !4 hours a Congress and announced he w a s day." Finch also confided that be abolishing <n his own future occupational was so naive when he ftrst took of-agrk:ultural a n d parental deferments'. lice that "I th911ght . cyclamates On1Y tbe student deferment& require con· rode around wtth the Hell's An-gresslooal appri>val. gels.'' At the same time Nixon announced . e a plan to begin phasing oot tbe dralt Sandro Bantlty ol ~port, in July 1971, when tbe draft law qplre• and shift to an all volunteer arni'y. John C. Stennis (l).Ml.ss.), chalnnao of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said he does not think an end to the draft "is in the realm ot reality for several years to come" even after the end of the Vietnam war. "We should ju..o:t forget the idea that the draft.ooukl be e1iminated or suspend- ed until that war is. well over," Stennis saki. The draft will be needed after that, he said, to prevent shortages for particular leadership and special skill slots. Rivers said abolishing the draft might be an ideal and a goal to work for but "I can't see any way to do it now ." Under current regulations, 1.8 million student& hold defennents, workers with agricultural exemptions total 23,000 and about 4 million men are deferred because of dependenU, although not all of them because lbey are fathers. Othei: delermenu have been issued to «bool teachera, criUcal defense employes.and police and firemen., Rep. F. Edwanl Hebert (0.La.), chalrman of the Howe draft sub- committee said any action In CongrtM th.ls election year would "inYite dlsaster" by opening a paodora's box of wholesale, political draft overhaul. Bul Stennia sak! he favors giving Nis:on some dlscrelionary autohrity to end col· lege deferments. Stennis said however, certain medical and science student deferments must be continued. Hebert said Nixon could sidestep Congress on the exemptions through a loophole In the law that permits him to abolish college de!ennents on his own by ruling the armed forces needs require the action. But a White House alde said use of the loophole had been considered and, rejected. · Adam Rap• LOO ANGELES (UPI) -Nonteachl~ employes today joined strUdng t.acherJ on · pick.et lines in a move wl»ch f~ crippled the nation's second larpal; schQOI district. \ ,. Members of Local 99 of the Serv1Ce Employes . International Union, which represents about S,000 of the dlstrict',1 17.000 custodian.., gardeners, bus ao4 truck drivers and food le!'Vlce wort~, stayed oil their job! to proteat prq>OOed job cutback's by the board of education. The Service Employes Unton mem~ voted 3-2 to strike Wednesday night and as they prepared for their walkout TtNrs- day, striking teachtn and the 9Cbool .. board moved closer to a settlement. · England made a 11>lernn vovr when she got married Wedneaclay .to take second placo 19 her husband'• mo- toreycle. Her husband said be 'll)ad• hls wife swear on .a m~cle service manual that his obligations to bis cycle gang came before her. Cambodians Battle Reds; Rep. Adam Clayton Powell (0- N. Y.) revealed Thursday that 12 congressmen bad met with Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird and other Pentagon of- ficials to discuss race discrimi· nation in the armed forces. Powell said the group met With Laird because 0 we got al>- solutely nowhere ••. referring our complaints in the Penta· gon." The United Teachers of Los Angele$ and the school board agreed on an outside mediator who will attempt io end the Io.day walkout. , Benjamin Aaron, prolel80r ol law at UCLA and a former president or the National Academy of Arbitrators , scheduled talks between the two grou~s following his selection. • Th< lnt.rlor Department ol>- sm>ed Earth Dat1 W edM1day bv tliminating pollution -from a bMreou title. Thtt Fe~ral Watt"r PoUution Control Administration ii now the Federal Wattr QuaUtJI Adminiatrction. Make Neighborly Moves Formosa Leader Arthur Andersoo, deputy s c h o o l ! superintendent, said in making the ah· nouncement that he was confident Uie school district was "moving in the right. direction" but he doubted H a aettlerrlent" could be worked .out befme the midd.le. of next week. '. • Mineworker G•rald Gr•ce, of StrenSall, England, always wanted to,try his Juck on an army assau1t course. He got the chance Wednes. day when his wife arranged for him to spend the day at the Strensall Army Camp as a surprise 30th birthday present. • '~ ,:Had a wo11clerhl dream laat night. Dnamed Congreutnan Ford roaa vp before me.• Impeach Douglas Move Sidetracked By Rules Panel PHNOM PENH t UPI) -The Cam· bodlan government, battling for survival agaiut 40,000 Viet Cong and No rth Viet· namese troops, took steps today to Im· prove relations with neighboring Thailand and South Vietnam, themselves th'reaten· "' by CommuniSts. The military situation r e m a i n e d serious. The Viet Cong have cut Phnom Penh off from the eastern provinces ruid moved into tbe Takeo sector 48 miles south of Phnom Penh, cutting orf the capital from the big port of Slhanoukvllle to the south. The Cam· bodlans were fightillg to restore com- municaUons. Prince Norodom Sihanouk, the ousted chieC or slate, severed diplomatic rela- tions with South ¥ietnam in 1965 as result of a Jong series of border disputes, and with Thailand iA 1961, again as result of a border dispute. A communique issued by tht govern· Election Reform ' FiI·ed on in NY men! of Premier Ge111. Lon Nol said Cambodia was reopening commercial relations with Thailand for the fifst time since the diplomatic rupture and lifted a ban on transit stops at Phnom NEW YORK .(UPI) -A young man Penh Airport by Thai national s. fired a bullet today at Nationalist Chinese Cambodian and SOuth Vietaamese Vice Premier Chiang Ching-Kuo when troops have been reported actively he arrived at a hotel to address a cooperating in the border areas and a Saigon report today said a South luncheon meeting of U.S. business Vietnamese delegation headed by social representaU\I~. Chiang, eldest son Ot welfare Minister Tran Nguyen Thieu Chiang Kai-shek, the Nationalist China would fly here Saturday to aid in the leader, was apparently unhurt. repatriation of 60,000 Vietnamese na· The m. an was hnmed.iately aeued by tionals. H secret servicemen and police. He ,.as undreds of Vietnamese suspeCtect or thrown to Ule ground and marched away. Communist sympathies have been slain Chiang, who had arrived in New York in Cambodia and hundreds more have rrom Washington this morning alter talks U'I'LA, representing a perce11t ot the, system's 24,000 teachers, called its ltrlke April t3. The group is ae<king saJaii increases, educational reforms and recognitkln as the bargaining agent f~; the teachers. · The ochool board broke ol1 negotlations , when the walkout began, and ~· teachers have vowed to remain on strike. until a coo-tract is s.igned. •' Drums of Poison Out. ' Of Montreal Harbor · ' bee.n rounded up in concentration camps, with •President Nixon, had just come their fate uncertain. Commercial airlines ' to South Vietnam were crowded with through the door into the lobby of the MONTREAL (AP) -The last of fiv e' departing South Vietnamese. Plaza Hotel when the man rushed toward 250-pound drums of_ cyanide powder' 1 Sa' him. which dropped into Montreal hart>«. l n 1gon the government of President After the shot was fired, Chiang im· Thursday night was recovered today. Nguyen Van Thieu alU'IOUnced ll has med iately walked away from the door "Everything seems to be normal, there allocated $16,000 to provide transporta-and through the lobby, lo deliver his ts no danger at all," said harbor police. WASHING TON (AP) -Chairman willlam M. Colmer, (D-Mlss.,) of the Hou5e Rules Committee sidetracked to-c!'1 :(or eo dill'~ a bipartisan l'<IOlutloo c._ for a stUdy ol Impea\:hm<nt pro-ttedtngs agatilst Supreme Court Justice :\'{llliall! 0. O.ugl.... _ -ccc- tio11, food, medicine and housing facilities speech. ~1 "'1fl4~ The last drwn was recovered about. F H d F , 'J for 50,000 nationals who have decided The asslaiant fired one shot which 19 hours after it and four others slipped_ UCeS ar 1,g lt l-0 accept repatriation. They were being blew a large hole in the glass panelling from a cargo sling being used to load. ~le to-elect directly presidents faCes • • - -- a rugged final round in the Senate after ~ '}Jtil1lg r fJ a sharply fought committee triumph. ,. e ".aald "" would ""'·1-am ~ .,tttolulion for immediate i.arillgs •i.nDe the House Judiciary Committee bas promised action on an impeachment resolution of its own within 60 days. This actioa was regarded u a .etback for the 111 House sponsors or the study resolution introduced after Republican Leader Gerald R. Ford of Mlcblpn called for impeachment proceedlags. The Senate Judiciary Com m itt e c . . · cleared the plan by an 11;6 ,margin Thursday. but a series of closely fought preliminary votes on rival propoeals disclosed the divlsiYeness of the iuue. /lfrs. Earl W. Lowitzke of Portlartd, Oregon, holds famil y pet, "Heidi". TM block cat is credited with saving the liVt• of tht' famfl11 Wednesday when t.lte family car caught fir e in the gar~ age and threatened to burn tht house down. The cat's loud meowing woke t.hem up and thet1 escaped the blaie. The car too& a total loss but you can't conVince the Lawitzke's that black cats are bad luck. • A judge Wednesday found Fronk Cram, of Nottingham, England, guilty of assaulting neighbor Ger- trude Harrison, by emptying a gar- bage can over her bead. He said the fact the can contained 30 empty cat food cans with sharp edges made it a case of &erious assault and ordered him to pay her $84 damages. Colmer noted that the House now Is coofronted-with two resolutions ' -one before his committee to set up a group which would study charges against Douglas and the impeachment retaluUoa before the Judiciary Commltt.e. GOP Leader Attacks Carswell Candidacy - WASHINGTON (AP) -Republicao Nalional Chairman Rosen C. B. Morton has denounced as "unconsclonable1t the tacUcs which brought Judge G. Harrold Carswell into the U.S. Senate campaign in Florida. His angry remarb, at a social gather- ing, were unusual for a party chairman who usually stands net1tral ii1 a primary race. They were directed at Florida Gov. Claude Kirk and Sen. Edward J. Gurney. (JI.Fla .). wi1o talked c.rswell, rejected , for the U.S. Supreme Court by the Sen. ale, illto entering the race. 1be direct vote amendment, apprqved by the House last Sepmnber 331 to 70, needs a tw~thirds vote of approval in Ule Senate to place 1t before state Jegislati.lres-fOr possible raUfication. three-fourths' approval by Ule states is required. Sen. Blrcb Bayh (0.Ind.), the sponsor, clung to a tactic that made the measure a big winner in the House. The senator said he hoped the rival proposals would be ctler<d and de!eated, forcing the Senate elther to swing behind the direct elecUon amendment or give up on chang- ing the Electoral College system. Cancer Patient Wins $400,000 Legal Suit FRESNO (UP[) -A jury has awarded a Fresno woman $400,000 damages in a malpractice suit against a n obstetrician-gynecologist who failed to diagnose breast cancer hr the woman . Mn. Dorothy Dlchner tesillled that she was a patient of Or. Evelyn Ross for 17 years before she saw another doctor who diagnosed the cancer. ·Thunderstorms in Midwest Rainfall, Hail Add to Miserable Spring Weather V'l Wl•THll 10T0,AST® flrU low . f •OO ,,..._ '4.J Fll'tt lllt!I . I :00 • ,,,, J' $IClllcJ low • •:1t ··"'· J.J St<W ft1tl'I • , II :6' ,,,,,, S.• SUNDAY Finl lo"' ." . . ••.• J ,111.1¥1. 4 .l f lr11 Mtll •·"·«•·· l •W1,111. t .o St«llld""'. . J,:111."'. ,, MOl'IOAV Flr1t 111 ... ••• ••••··• .• 1J•IJ 1.111. J.,O Finl low . ., ........... ,,, l1Jt 1.m. 4 .l ~Nell ····••·•·••••• •tit 1.M. J,I $feond ................... ,,,., '·"'· '·' ' V.S. Sammar11 Wldt .. rt1ll ll'lewlr1I tfl4I ttwlldtt'- .,._, KllVlt'I .. ltl"ffd todlY ff'Olft Oll!11'1Gn\1 IO lllt Ofllo Vl lW, 11'111 IM mld-Alletitl( eottl, Vltorov1 h'lllrlftr1,__ I K•• I~ lern "'" .tflll ,,...,,. ••lfl-«tu....., lrtlm 90ll11\tlllefl\ ~11'*"'9 '9 IOUll'lo ll'ft llllft&J .. lft le•lt OI tOUthern llllPIOll tlld IOUtherft M!nlUrl 11111 1111 IO 1\'j lllt'lltl "'81 ,_,, ... R11r!l1" lft t•«.n of 111 ifttll lft '-r Wll ~ Wlftl mtnY ot ""' 1t111""". F11111 nooo1 ""'' n•11r '"Ill• lt!lltltr 11 ... rn .. '"'U.S. WHlll- 1• ......... u ••l<I. Nttr SI, 1.o\111, Mo .. J•~ IMPlll" 11 •lift lttl d\lf'ltll I lllr~llO\lf" tc>lr> Tllu .... 1J ft~ Ctvtlrlt f!Mlfll 11'1 • -· Temperatures Hit~ l.n' '""-'· Albv<l11erorue " " Allt'l>or°llle ~ " Alllnl1 " " B1~trslield " " Bl1m1rdl " » O•H " • Bo1!on " " •~111111 .. ,, Chlc•ea " .. Clnclnn1tl " " Denver " " Del Molntl " " o.1ro1t .. " ... f1lrballk1 " " •• 01 f ortWorlll • .. .. f rlll\O " ~ ··-" " H-l11!'::fi; " n ·" ICll\MI l'f' .. " ....... _. ~ •• l.111 A"lltln " " """" • " MlnMfPO!lt H " N..-Orlft"" .. n N..,. Yori!. .. .. NOf'fll Pl.rt1 " H Oe•l•f'ld M n Ollltl'IOml C!ty .. ., Omth• .. • Ptlm krll'ltt N ,. P1M Jloblt• " .. P"°"'b' " " ,.lttlb\I""' " ~ .H Por111"" M " .. lttitld Cl!)' .. " RH l luff .. .. ·-., .. S1trtmtni. " .. St/I Ukl City .. • Stn O!ff!o .. .. Stt1 F•tr>dKo " .. kalllt ~ " -OM " " """"'' " n We•lllltllf'Oft .. .. Jt Danish Modem 23'' CONSOLE ..... with exclusivll ZEllTH CHROMACOLOR and REMOTE CONTROL Spcclallg ,,.:cerl at., . •11711 inc!uding!IOrlq~ ONLY ZENITH HAS · CHR.OMACOLOR. ... A revolutionary oolor television fYltel!l featuring a patented color picture tube that outoolon , •• outbrightens •• , i>utcontnabl •• , and outdetails .•• every other gian~ screen color picture tube. SAVE NOW! FULL ZENITH llANDCJlAFTED QUAUJY • Space Command "600" Remote Contn>I • AFC.,-Automalic Fme Tuning Control • Super Gold Video Guard Tuner ~ Exclurive :lenith Color Commander ~I 23" TABLE MODEL OIACJ. with REMOTE CONTIIOL ONLY ZENITH HAS Space Command "800" Remote Ciintrol Tuning ... Just P"""' buttons on band unit to: adjuot color hueo, adjust volume to low, medium and high, tum aet on and off, change VHF cliannel.s left or right, tum sound off while picture s!Qys. BRADS TV • SALES • SERVICE • STEREO • RADIO HU I. COAST HIGHWAY, CORONA DIL MAR l'loollo 675·2212 -OPEN FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 P,M. - ~-. ,• :· :• .~ ( Sa;n ~leJJtente- • Ca is:traao ·EDITION " : .. · '• .. •' !'" ... . ~ .. VOL 63, NO. 98, 5 SECTIONS, 50 PA&ES . ' ... • 0 ' 0 " 'f. ' " INSIDE TODA:Y . ' . l'EATURED NEWS ALONG THE SOUTHERN ORANG E COAST : · · 'Earth Doctor' Needed? Nobel Prize wlnper Dr. Wiiiard Frank Libby suggest- ed a new approBch to solving the earth'• environment- al problems during a speech at Saddleback College • Story Page 3. . . · Harbor Contracts Signed Lease contracts for seven firm bidding on concessions at the new Dana Point Harbor were signed by Orange County authorities. Story Page 3. ·: Tritons Forni lJN Groups ,• .. San Cleme11te Higb School students will be particlpal· ing in a model United Nations at Chapman College in Orange Saturday, Story Page 3 . ' ·Lagana Twin Towers ' Wheaton Says Hotel Plan • Could Avert Beach 'Wall' By BAJIBARA KREIBICH or ..... ., '""'!.. St9ff ~ Bead! City Manager Jairies J?. --~y t!ia ... ~ '!lftl ....... -~ .. l:opna'1 -ooi behr"i" Loguna ::""'" 11111 rt: -... =-c;;:::-~~i!J= --... ~ ....... -. "I undentand they 9lill have 5')nle ~lems t\) overcorpe," said Wheaton. 'in the area of acquisition. and eventual r=ning to permit 1hen to do what they woold like to do, but at an ap- pnipriate time tile dev~ will present plans to the city. · '"Il>e Planning Commissloo already has 1Iteti illllq•udeci'by tile City Council to niove forward on development of a hotel ,.... so this shoold be !or<llcooling. 4'If you look at what could be done 1"lder the pr....t fOOing yoo resli2e we· could get a Ba1boa Bay Oub- fype .wa11 with no oce.an view and a tp;nimum of landscaping." Wheaton said the out -of-town 4Jevdopers have shown a remarkable uni!erstanding of, and · concern for , Laguna aesthelle st.ndaros. t<No one waots • 'wall' m we will have to eaae up some on btlP.t ~ lions. The tower and -apoce CIJ!>Cept <dlld ..... Ille, """"""'· ·-Ill file - ' lllil~ ' t"tir"11· ,,...,.,. * _.,.. U&J111Jt. Benner emJi>ameci tile nffd lot ..... .J:t'" I ... ~.Wei .. -....... "' -.....,. '!••·• to allow' height m,ttve • ~g--• Former Mayor Wllllam D. l!larltn bod noted earlier that tile pt_.t d<Yetop. ment ~ elhnloate the need for a llotek>ollference bclllly In tile dfy'1 Main Beacb park 1!111 mab It poalble to lieep the entire Main --Ciyic League ~ A n.tb on y Demetrlades Aid tile League would fight .. 1..., all -off tile -Beach II the ,.,,.....d hotel !acillly ~ materialize. , James Dilley aid tile Citlzem' Town 1'"""'1nl -would --Cl! the propooel when pl-. are presented. He upresaed peraooa1 ll!lllfl'clatloo o! the idea o! keeping all parking un- derground and reserving open S))8:Cfl in any development. ' C1£mente. ' Police Get 'N" , 'A.!_, ixon .w ' Dog Pmtects. DonatedL Items 'Ille ... ,..,.. to donated ilem! for the Interfaith Serviceman's Center rum!ll>(e aale this weekend In ·San Clemente WU •IO'buge that It created a sticky pfoblem. FRIDAY, APRI[ 24,' 1970 .. -· • I Tel11Y'1 P l•al J TEN CENTS Next Flight . ' . May Go Off On Schedule For Pair in Ca$e Charges against two perlOftl arrested tn an April I uarootlcs raid """ dropped Thurodllf tn South County Mcmidl"'I Coor!. Two other su,pects Mre held to' answer in Superior Court in Santa Ana. Freed from custody were Andrew G. Thomas, 19, .of 3198 Alta Lacuna un.ey have UMd. aesthetic value& of the' bl3fiest order to -..... thing .iii! "'8lly would be bi the best int....t of the public, while sWI meeting their eQ:rKmic needl," Wheaton said. "The loir... approach 'lridl open space and a :· park-like area between gives th~ ND me of the llnd, without e:r.~1ve _.... densitY, and at the same tilpe would p tile coounurO!y ....-idng we could &,: 1Yery proud of.'' 1be multl-milllon dollar development, planned by an out-of-O>wn deveq,er with finandal backing of a major railroad, would take in approximately 700 feet ol beocbfront property between Laguna Avmue and Legion su.et with twin towers, accommodatnw· 101De 300 units, rising to a height of 12 or 14 Jtories at elther end, a park-like open space in the center affording a full view of the oceon and underground parking !or aeveral hundred cars. The volunteers were wOrTied about lhe!t and vandalism Cl! the staclc.5 ol goods plltd ..oulside a ball Cl! the Lutheran Oiurcb. 'llley !ound -...... to be the ultimate -· -they r<layed to police loda7, jult for California :Pit =Barbecue · . · . Boulevard, Laguna Beach and Jane Ellen Reese, 21, of 31172 Meadow Lane1 South '!be plan might, Wheaton added, afford tJie: public some !>e8d1 access· not at ~available.· ·Robert Benner or the Downtown liiuiness Association's r«l""1o!ID1enl .;.,,,mu .. up~ the hope 11ult aome oiidi concept woold prove acceptable tO penon1 on both !ides of tile fence ti dJ5cus!ions on hotel .zone development. . i11•m really ~ by the reac- &n," said Beimer. 0 1 had erpected Dl(ft ..,.,,.it1oo ·rrom ~-· lilt the fact is wt have to g together d atree on some llXi.nl t wiU ciennU a deveklper to o p e r a t e emm>ically. ~ • ~eningitis Kills Pendleton Child t, M«Ucal euminltion 'Iburlday dilclol-1 id' tllat a ~ form ol meoingitil claimed the life of a 21/.t-year-old boy ot-Clmp Pendlelon. 'ilMe opoteomen said Lanslord~Lllly Jr;, 10n of ~ Sgt. and Mni. ford Lilly, dif!d Tuelday. He had Id, mltted to the base hospital Monday ...,... InC· '!be boy'• lather bad recently relllm- M Jrom Vietnam. 1'be Ullys were o(ayfng at the Camp Pendleton H- House temporarily. Medkal esamlnatioo determined the 4i"88t was neisseria meningitis. It was the siltb meningitis case at the bast tbil year. Base spokesmM said medicllt e1- amitlation Is being given the l"'rtnU and. othen who bad contact with the f19y. • , { ' Loguna. '!be complex also would include epaciclJ.s cooference and 1 e m t n a r !-with a large banquet room and smaJJer meeting rooms. Bound over to Superior Court ftl"e Mortgage Pledges Inlonnatlooal PllJllOO<I. 'lbla II wllat tile dep"'1meot's log tells -w1lo will l"'lrol the -neijjlborbood: TOAi"d Laguna· B·n.ys Ouh =1::iaIJ~0:i:~~~ • 1 • u , . arreited at the1 Alta Laguna address. · · · ' In the dual raid, cllmaxblg a ~week , , , , ' , · tnvestlgaUon by the State Bureau o! WASIDNGTON (AP) -'Ille White -annciunced today 11ult JXivale iJi. illlutiona have pledged to increaae com- mltmmls !or r•icl...uaI mortgages by 12 bllllon lhll yesr. ••rr.o teenige · boy1 will be staylo( tn a tent'·on the cburch grocmdl duriD& weel<end. ' "With them will be a 150,pomld saint B«nard dos· .. Ao early Cali!~la pit blrbecue ~ ' Tavera has aecuttd pennlssion ·~ · · Narcodco and the Lqlma Beach Police be staged Sunday ·at the Wblle lloaae • thO cily · and the F~e Department to ' Deparlme•t, 11,0GO .-of LSD, five , , , · . klklo ,ol martjlma,. a polllld of opium rutaurant> to benefit t.he new Laguna dig a large pit in the triarigle parking , and i. quutity of heroin and 1bubiab Beach Boys' Club. area behind .the restaurant, where·,»-allegedly wtte.Mized as evldellCt .. Ja'ck Romero o£ the White ' House pound ctaWu of choice beef, ae~ · GainQ and Envall wae ordered ' to Calilomla•lllYle will be burif!d and cook· ' '""°ar tn Superior Court at f,IO a.m. ed IOI' 10 '~ be!lft oervtng begtno May I. , C . nt v t L. t n· atlOLm.SUJlday. . . ' OU y ,' O· ,e , IS 1ps , be!.1': :i .~.:~n~m .. i::,..si;;-: ..... ,e eout sa1ad; aourdougb roll and butter. -. · Dinnen1, at f2 ·a person; wlll'be served· i , ., ~· from LO a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, Romero. ' Registration Slump Blamed on La~ of Interest , :i·!'J.~'"~y~to~~1P:: , 'I recenUy opened and is ill the proce91 .By TOM BARLEY t._unt u the General Election and regisftatioo ·llren&lb•ol 600,0GO v~. o!' acquiring !uniisbings necessary !or °' • .., ':"" _,,. the opfintcn of IOIDe' tblt this is not "This tn:mtndous decline bas come · full~e .operaUoa. · Alanned 0...,.. County Clerk Willlam a presldentlal year and u.irelOr., is ol about despite the bigge•t' canlpalp'ev<r , Tl~e.ts for the barbecue have beOn E. st John today dilcl<lled what he 1 · • · · ·,. Sl · · · told •tHi'aughout the l)uslness commwitty de9crlbed 18 uan unprecedented major ess interest. ~ w~g~ by · this offlce, John said. and 8.llO will be 1vailable 'at .tHe "But our --i.11o. .. 'G>DCluaioll. ill tbet1 ••we covered ·the counly ·,-~.•• ,• , reataurant. • • , .:a decline" in voting rtglJtrltkm and aug4 .,.,._ • .....,. ~· •v~.'6 gested "a lack o! int<mt In Ille -the,. ii -apolby on the port registration material and .we ·had an · ------------ and the eudfdates" as prlmO ,_ ol .Dlllll' people," SI Jaim aid. "It all limo high or l80 deputy · r<glatrars 1~~ ":Pi ... 2 piimary ~';" J••,!:.'.U:1eo1 ~«;:: ~ :.'~t":.::!1r=c~"up to the , CA R WASH SLATED election ..... cooflnned this momtng be -to .....,. tllat they wru Tbe'decllne tn vo4ing ltreogtb,oeemec! • as 116,571, an eallmatad 15,0GO below vote In 1lje June primary." to· be IUffered equally by ·the major AT CAPO BEACH !lie fl&ur< that wu upocled on the bull St John's IJnal tally .or 551,S'IO, ....,.. polllleal part1,. with ltepublkanO main-, ' o1 Orange COUlllJ'• traditional ll'Owlh tered votera, COllllrmed by computar tatnlng their traditional edp• in 'Oru!p How about Udylng up the old !amlly Index, St Jolm said. this momtng is a decline of 15,000 from OOOnty. heopl "We were aci disturbed that we .,,,,. the ftguro .recorded in tile 1111 General GOP adbemtls totalled 111,111 to tbe • A car walh INI• -tcheduled tn <iucted a 111rvey to llod out just why Electloo. Democrata' • m,111. Other catqoria caplalrano B<ach Saturday ~ 1 a m people INlvenl reglltered," he said. • Growth slnct 1a1t N°'ember bu compiled by 61 John Included 'American unlll 5 p,m. 'by the walthtt i.e.~· "We dlacovereci 1111• lack or intereot hoisted the oounty --fnlln lndepen<Jenl Party 1,151, Peace and o! Faltll Lutheran Church, 14111 cliit In -aad condldates, the hll1el ol 1,211,000 to l,llO,llGO -· I level ,_ Party 8'4, mltclU-19 Portolo. PTlcl Cl! a clean cir .. $1 1111n1 1111 a PrimarJ Eledlqa lln'I u that -" to lodllllle a _, (Sii VOTERS, Pip I) ' ' i Weadaer Sprtn1 la bareiy heft, but """' meri weaUmi ,Js.Jn1 llore fer tbl Coast this weekend, with sunny skies and temperaturu breakin& the '10<1'8"" barrier:. INSmB TODAY . Manr •fTvletmtn art talrlng adva11taQ• of a ""' break /or big <l<ductionl br making °"'~' !lip.t 01lf!' Vifl!IQm. Page U. \ ! ; \1 I , • Mission Trail Cinco de Mayo ·Queen Awaited MISSION VIEJO -Oo~ ol Ove Mlssice Vlt)o H!F School coeds will reign 11 queen fl. the Cl.oco de Mayo festivities _on Sunday, M1y 3. Nominated for the honor are Kathy Jen- kins ol Mlsslon Viejo, I!, Patti Opp of· Univenlly Park, 11, Penny Schaeffer ~ East Irvin•, I!, Jenny .R'Dbl!OO of Mission Vl(jo, 15, and IJnda Short, 16, Mission Viejo. Last year'a queen was Penuy Nicbola. e Post Ottlre Closltlff SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -The post office ln San Juan Capistrano and its bruch In Mlsslon Viejo will ht cl..t on Slturdays for everytblng but ~·wtU call" mail. The new schedule goes into effect on Saturday, May 2. Frldoy working boon will ht extended unW ! p.m. Pill! offica In Laguna Hills an! EI T°"' have not yet decided whether or npt to join In the new aebedule, which his ""'1 started as an ecooomy meuure. e Panea ke Fee• Set CROWN VALLEY -The amruaI pan- c:oU breakfast opoasored by tbe Paren~ Teacher Guild ol Crown V oliey School will take place Sunday April 21. The fund nising aetlvlty will begin at a a.m. and run until noon at the Mcearcb Bay Beach Club. Proceeds from the breakfast will ht used to buy educaUonal equipment not ordinarily budgeled for tbe school. The COfit will be $1 per person ct $5 per ~am.lly ol five or over. e Vlefo Ades Stcltnmer• MISSION VIEJO -Nadadore•, Ml!slon Viejo'• champion swim t<am will boot more th.ail 500 swimmer• on Saturday, 1 Swim clubs from all over California will -pele In the Spring Soothern Oallfornla Invitational Swim M e e I -ed by the Soothern Paclllc Aioodatlon of Amat.ur Alblellcs. The event for the C class will take pi,.ce al the Mission Viejo Recreetlon Center. 'Ibe center will open at a a.m. and opectaton will ht charged twenty.five cmta. Grove Girl Dies In Bike Wreck A Ganlen Grove girl waa killed and a companion riding utride the ume bidyclo Injured '11lunday algbt when they collided with • car. Pamela D. Adams, 13, of 11901 Balley St., was dead on arrival at Westmfnster ,Community Hospital after the 9:!0 p.m. accident. Her friend, Barbara steelsmlth, 14, of 12711 Bartlett St., Garden· Grove, was tra.Mferred to Orange County Medlcareenter wff!I bead toiurles. 1be accident occurred on Valley View Street ncrtb of Ctapman Avenue. ac- cording to Garden Grove PoUce ll<pert- meot tnvestlgaton. Heyerdahl Will Sail . s A I' I , Morocco (UPI) -Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl said today he wil.l try again May 2 to sail across the Atl.antlc in a papyrus boat, using a new craft built by Sooth American Indians. Heyerdahl tried and .faffed a year ago to sail the reed boat. "Ra" from Morocco to Mu:ico's Yucatan PeniMula ln an at· tempt to show the ancient Egyptians C'Wld have made such a voyage in boats made of papyru1 long htfwe ColwnbuJ. DAILY PILOT ....,.,. .... Hwllliit'W ..... a.,..~ ........ ..., c....M.. s.cr ,,.. oitAHGI COAJl' PIJl!ll..ISMING COM,ANY ••1tert N. W • .4 , ••• 1111111 -Publl"*' J1ck l. Ct1rl1! \Ike ,,_.IHl!t -0--1 M-..r llio••• Kot •il EdllOf' l\011111 A. M1;rphiR1 M .... , ... EdllOr Ri~li1r4 P. Nill kulll 0re11119 c_,., 1•uor -... C.11 Mat: m Wcat 1.., '"'"" ...... I •ffd'I: 1211 W•I .... , aovllfffll ~ ••au .,, ~' ,..,.,_ ...,.,.,. .... hldl: 11171 .. tcfl ·~ 1M QM911r. .. ""1fl II C....W.. 11•1 DAtl..Y Pit.OT. wlfll .oktl .. ~ fllt ti.....,_, .. p,ttlll ..... ••!tr ... lwl-.., .......... (lllllJM .., u.-k-:tll. ,......i .._., C..lt MtM, HWll~ -.di ... ,...., .. ., ... ~ ..... •"" ..... ~ eMIMI. or...,... c... ,_"""" c........ -"''""' ... "" -.... , ...,, ..... I MI .. "'"""" 1eMt1. _, la ...... .. , ......... c.i. l!MM. t•ts1ll11 CTI4) 14Ml11 etSAlfW MMtW.. 141.un "'-Ct hi A• 0c,.1""""1u f .... l1a1 4t1MH f ,Dana-l:apo U~appy at Scenic Unit . Jly PAMELA HALLAN OI Ille DellJ P"9t Slllf Members tor the committee for in- carporaUon of Dana Point -Capistrano . Beach upressed dissat!sfac::Uon over the makeup of the recently appointed Cllluns_ Scenic Conservation Advlaory CommlUte '11lursda,y. 0 W,e feel members should bav.e been appointed from the Dana Point, Capis- trano Beach, San Juan Capistrano and San Clemente commanlties,'' said Dr. Roger Sanderson, committee chairman. ne consertatkln committee consists of James E. O'Connor of South' Laguna, cbainnan; James W. DlUey of Laguna Beadt and Mrs. Isabel C. p..,. of Corona de! Mar. It wu appointed by Siipervbor Alton E .. Allen ln an attempt to provide In the future sale and acenlc highway rootes in the southern Orange Coast area, easy access to public beaches and open spaces whidt could ht developed Into parks or left in their natural state. 'Ibe incc;t'poraUon committee hopes to persuade Supervi5or Allen to make another appointment to the conservation committee so that the desires of the people in the county's southernmoet com- munitiet can be projected. 'Ibe iocorporatlon committee made their proposal during their weekly meeting la the Dana Point Yacht Club. The final reading ol their economic f~aslbility report bad ""'1 ocheduled but last minute ecliUng caused it to be delayed another week. Tlie commiUte Is prepertng docwnenta to oend to the Local Agency Formation Commi8'ion (I.AFC) In their O«:Olld a~ tempt to get the nod from LAFC to proceed with their plans. 'l1ley are attempting to lncoq>orale the Dana Point.Capistrano Beach areas wbidt contain 8.2 square miles of. ocean and 4.6 square miles of land, for 0 local government control, to increase local community services, tO improve the ouality of cmununity servlcet and to prevent area cllsalpatlon by promotion and othen not oOnceraed with local community welfare." · The new community would conta_in approxbnately 9,000 ·people an! would be bounded by San Juan CaJiatrano on the north and east, San Clemente on the eut, the Pacific Ocean on the south-and Laguna Niguel and Chandler· Sherman properties en the west. If lncoqloratlon Is IUCC<SS!ul the com- mitlet says It would piopoae. to "mtrlct blUboanls and ligna on Coal Wglroay to more esthetic community use and would restrict high rise development on ocean bluffs if flUCh impede& the view of a number· ol ulstta1 property owners." 'Ibe committee has al30 staled that lncorporaUon is necessary now because the -0penlng of the Dana Point marina will "immediately and continuously create a mulUplication for needed · governmental services caused by crowds plus projected population increase." Tires Not Bald, They Just Look That W ay-CHP In the wake of a . complaint that Capi&trano Unified School District. buses haye ''bald" tires~ a C&litornta Highway Potrol .olficlal said the Ures would look bald even when new, it's the type tire they are. 'Ibe CHP reei:amined the tires In que,. lion this week following complaints by Mel Hubbard, PTA safety chairman, who had examined the tires and found some lacking in tread. The CHP said the tires don't have treads when they are manufactured. Lt. William Schilling said the tires in question are called "super high miler tire" de6igned by Goodyear Rubbe?Com- pany. He said the t1rt does not have tread nmnlng ill circumference lib an automobile tire, ''Tbe tire doesn't seem to have any tread on it but tt.s made that way," said Schilling. "It's a different tread c:leslgn than John Q. Public ls aware of." SJiUllng said the tires at the point designated for measurement have better thao twice the thleiness of rubber re- quk'ed in statewide standarc:ls set up by engineers. 'lbe minimum tellerance, he said. Is one siJ:teenth of an inch. 'Ibe tires in question were foond by the CHP to have five thirty aecoods of an inch. "This is .a statewide level set by engineers in Sacramento that have knowlec:lge of setUng such limits, Schilllng satd. He said tbe tires had bten checked "as a result of thls infonnaUon ••• Mr. Hllbbarc:l's remarks, which we. would have done lf be hac:I called here." He said the CHP was always glad tel look iMo such queries and said the. tires bad been uamined routinely in January, Scbilllng said the safety record of buses in the Capistrano district is an extremely tood one. "It'1 one of our very best districts and we 're extre.me.Jy pleased with lbe --Ibey ha,. given u.a." he said. Students Ban Troops ' 1 Trailer Law Plan Edited • In Cl emente: " San Clemente's proposed m o d e I ordinance setting the first deflniUve m.n. dards for design ci mobile home pag8 went through the sifter Wedneldey ilf"'"gbt befqre the plannlng cc:mlnissiori. Commisalooen reviewed their entire pro\)05ed oode l(OVerniag development of trailer parks, then ntumed the tterri with several editorial changes and a smaller minimum mobUe home size pro- vision back to the city sta!f foe redraft. ting. About seven conceroed citizens at~ teD4ed the cmunission mee.ting, and heard comm.eats from the noor from a Santa Ana real estate consultant who praised the proposed ordinance and told commissioners be believed it was fair. Reg Wood, head Of his oWn consult!~ f.l{nl, told commismners that based on hil eiperience in wort with park developers the proposed ordinance was !'well written and workable." ~ TEACHERS DICK HEMUS (LEFT), JOHN CUNNINGHAM CONDUCT CLASS ON RIVER RUNNING 11te commission subjected the dcq- meot to tough editing and changed the minimum required trailer size from 1,000 square feet to 800. Other suggestions included a requirement for peri~ bond and placement of fire hydrants·. ~ · Laguna Beach Students Will Tr11v1I lnl11nd -for Float Down Desert River ~~~~~~-=-~~~~ From Page J APOLLO ••• receixed from the Apollo 13 spacecraft at the ~e "-the accident will permit a precise and early identification or the causes of the failure," explained Paine, "Ibe administrator oC the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), added, "The oi;ygen thennos flask believed to be involved is a relative- ly simple compooent and corrective ac· tion lhould not prove to be a major task. "If Ibis turns out to ht the case, we lhw1d be able to move out promptly with the necessary alteratioru and pro- ceed with Apollo 14 and subsequent fll~ on approi;imateJy the same schedule we have preRDted before." PaJne said Pres:Jdent NiJ:on °tuUy lhatts this view -that Apollo I3's troubles should not cause a cutback In the U.S. space program. Paine aald that during a 11Jibt with Nlzon to Honolulu last Saturday to meet the returning astronauts, after their · splashdown in the Pacific the day before NIIon expressed bis sU.ng support ,.; ••a vigorous ongoing U.S. space program, pari.icularly in manned space flight." Congress already has indicated it feels the same;. The Hoose Thursday passed NASA's 1971 budget, .allowing-the agency m<ll'e money than it requested. The Senate committee cut the NASA budget somewhat below administration requests, but granted all the money •armarked for 11\e AP.Do program. New Seats Here For Laguna Hi gh Auditorium 'l1le Laguna Beach High School auditorium Is amost baek in business. Almost all tfle 500 new seals that hac:I been held up by the trucking strike have arrived in Laguna and are being installed. Still missing are the backs of about 100 of the seats, but hopefully they will be extricated shortly from the Les Angeles freight yard where the aeats have been reposing for the past coupJe of weeks, The seats .were retrieved in a speedy maneuver last Friday afternoon when the strike was suspended for a couple cl. hours and the seaUng firm tcying to get them to Laguna made a quick tr:lp into the freight yard and pulled out one of its truckJoads. Renovatton of the auditorium was delayed earlier wtien a carpet mill was unable to deliver the new floor covering. This was solved when the carpet con- tractor offered tel install a more ex- pensive quality -0! carpeting for the original price. By the time the carpet was laid, the seats were impounded. F rom P age J GRANT ... $585,746.66 with cost sharing under several formulas . Some aspects of the total package include equally matching federal and city funds. Others detail funds totally provided by the U.S. Govennnent_,.. '11le grant, philosophically, was applied for so that the federal government could help pay for the obvious high CO!tJ of providint polJct protecUon for the. Chlef ElecuUve during hi.s residence In San Clemente. No specific federal provisions call for an au10m1Uc assistance of local police for their important rol:e ln helping In Pmldentlal !Je(.'UJ'ity. . Murray, alluding to Ole dearth of 011alifled applicants, uid although San Clemente's pay structW'e , for -police personnel Is "qulte competitive. the emoloye.s loo-beyond salary •lone. '1 "We will try In the coming few year1 to bulkt a more tol!d pension and frlrut~ benefit program. 'nlat's what will rtally help us find the best men," he said. Student Sail Set Laguna.us Ready fo r River Rafting Fqllowlng an intensive ser~ of trainlng classes, 138 seventh and eighth gi'ade students from Laguna's Thurston Intermediate School will leave Monday for Big River, Calif. to begin a ·three-day raft lloat down the Colorado River to Blytlle. They will be accompanied by IO teachers, a supply crew of parents and F rom Page J VOTERS ... with. 22.220 declining to state their allegiance. Orange Coast communities were solidly Republican with the eiceptions or Westmlnsttr where Democrats out· numbtred RepublJcam by 11,188 to 8,862 and Los Alamitos where the GOP fell behind the Democrats by 1,553 to 1,783. Republlclans as opposed to 3S,311 Demo- crats. ~ Mesa, 15,968 to 11,192; Ji'oun- taln Valley, 5,603 to 4,818; Huntington Beach, 22,057 to 19,004; Laguna Beach, 5,490 to 2,642. Also showing Bepublican majorities over Democrats were: Newport Beach, 19,~ to 5,97&; San Clemente 5,278 to 2.340; San Juan Capistrano, 1,050 to 536; and Seat Beach 9,485 to S,841. Republicans had a better than 2 to l edge in the Fifth Supervi.sorial District with 73,732 residents registering as Republicans as opposed to 4 S 1 3 l 1 Democrals. 14 high school students who have previously taken the trip. A similar river float was conducted for '11n1rston stude'ilts two years ago. During the 30-mile float, the students will be divided into 10 fleets of rafts. which they build themselves of plywood and inner tubes at the launching site. Each fleet will lnclude a teacher and high school counselor and three power boats will go along for security and to transport fresh vegetables and £ruit. Students were selected for the trlp by a point system covering aca~ requirements, service to school and classma~s, successful passage of a survival swimming test and attendance at pre.trip classes. The_ instruction included preparatioo or dehydrated food, first aid, building and reparlng of rafls and peraonal safety and comfort. Each student bas been g 1 v e n assignment.a in math, history and science classes that will require ob&erva- Uons on climate, geography ~ate and ecology to· be covered in a wrlttten report due May 4. Tom Dugger, assistant principal at Thurston,.ls leading the river ei:pediUon. Upon arrival at Blythe, near Parker, Arizona, on Monday, studeru will build their rafts, have a big dinner anc:I camp on shore overnight bef<re embarking Tuesday morning. During the trip, they will prepare their own food until they arrive at the Blythe Boat Club between 1 and 4 p.m. Thursday, There they will be given a landing party dinner and again camp overnight before returning to Laguna Friday. May 1. --OFFICER'S CHEST COLLECTION FOR THE U N U S U A L IN QUALITY AND STYLE, LOOK TO HENREDON. OFFICER'S CHEST COLLEC. TION FEATURES. A LARGE SELECTION OF LIVING, DIN. ING AND BEDROOM PIECES TO SPICE ANY ROOM. AVAILABLE IN SEVERAL EX. CITING A N D DIFFERENT FINISHES. STOP IN TODAY! By HENREDON IN TERIORS The shift was made after staif members detailed some new styles <(, mobile home design creating a smaller Jiving unit which has proven popular with couples without children. The edited venOOn of the code wilr come back before the commis,,ion for' final ~ at ita next meeting. In other action Wednesday the comJ mission denied an application for k variance by Mary Graham to operate. a residence-dog grooming parlor at IOlt' Avenida Granada. :1 ~ Commissiooers denied the TeQUest because its approval wOuJd have crea~ two businesses and two residences on one lot without enlarging the ellsllilf pair of parking spaces. • City planning aides told commlssloo.,.. that the property was a nonconforming use even before the variance applicatiob because of another combined bLJ!ines!. residence already existing there, plus the insufficient parking. _ The commission, however, granted ·a conditional use pennit for anotheT business in the city. Clifford Burke's request to add a radiator repair shop to his Richfield station at 407 N. El Camino Real wort- approval with several conditions. • Commissioners granted the pe-pro. vided the busine§ is accomplished com~ pletety Indoors and no ropair or dinnantl-' Ing ol autos ht done ool!icle the staUoa's' garage. ' The commission al90 authori7led the' staff to study the types ol dtemlcals used in the radiator repair to be usu~· of their safety. " SALT Breakthrough~ " To Need Long Study . VIENNA (UPI) -Months ol probing' and sounding by U.S. and Soviet' negotiators probably will be necessuf. before there is any possibility ol a• breakthrough in the Stragetic ~ Limitation Talks (SALT). I ) • • . . . • • . • . • • • . . • . • ·: . , '" .; • • NEWPORT BEACH 1727 W•slcllff Dr., 642·2050 OPE N FRIDAY 'TIL 9 , Prol•sslonat lntorlor LAGUNA BEACH Deslgn•ra Anll1blo-AID 345 North Cot1t Hwy, 494-6551 "°" T.a ._ ""'" ---lt~PEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 -• • , p_r.imary_Ballot Squabble • Hearing Schedztled Monday SANT,\ ANA -1'be detacll.-and largely unincorporated will develop Its own parks ment of the clty of La Palma west coQrlty area. and recreaUon program with SANTA ANA -Superior Corfman. "'lbe marehal ls recoplzed from the Cypress Park and La Palma City At4Qrney a »-ce1K tu rate. CAqrt JUdge Robert s • St John hid tbe eountr as a j_udge's aide and jud&clll Recreation Dlatrict bas. been Rodger Howell said the city John BeJch, La Palma pro~ Corfman h• set Mmday for counsel's office bas . already officer and as such he is nOt approved by the county Board repre.3ented a2 percent of ' the erty owner called for a delay of Supervisors. asSessed value or the recrea-in action for further stuay. a heeQng l)n 1 petition ~I ruled in effect that Miller can ct>mpelled to live within the At state waa the separati<tl lion dhltrict aod 75 percent "The peaple do not realize for tbi! ...... reffioval' of the name run for the south county district," St John said. "It of 755 acres Jn La Pa1ma of the distri~'s population. what they are getting into,'' of wa~, ~ Miller ."'-marshal's job under state is my opioion that Mr. Miller from the 5,000.Scre county ~ · The d.istrld has a' to.a.cent he asserted. . Costa M~ from Oranae codes wbidi allow judae! and is an 'tliglble cafldt.date but ' district. The district waa tbr rah~ plus 2'.31 e¢nt.s ror He also contended that the Courity's. June 1 Jll'in'l•ru elec-jl.ldici•I officers to run tor of course we will have to fonned ln oetober 1M9 to ~ retirement of bond!, city'!! new park and recreation -1 judicial posts outside their wait for Judge Corfman's vide recrettlOD11 'facilitits to La Palma City Ma.nager district wouJd have no llmil ~-------~ lion~. '-~""'==•~ol~,..,,::::·~11o_nce::::·~..:...~~~d<clll'---on~on~Arp--=-l-l _f7_.'_'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the~·~then~+:"""~r..-1~y--=-popu-'--m~tod~~B~urt~W~esen'--bt-'-'rg'-"sai~·d'-"lhe:.:..Cci~t~y__:·"':.:...:'~1s-1u:::.~~~t~e.'-"~~.=..~~~~~~~~~~ Mjller, of 1564 Orange A ... ,,. Js a candidate for the office of mac&hal ol the Soulh oranp County J u d I c I a I Dlstrkl. ·!Is current holder Is Don.Rhea, W72 Los Serrano&, Laguna Niauel and what ap- pears to ~ Rhea's argument in the dispute is ~ in ti'< Superior Court pet!Uon by ~a;oquale Mancini. Manclni WIS identified today by iltorney Sc«t J. Raymond as "~ resident of Laguna Niguel who is looaey uaociated with M I r I h a I Rhea." ,,--· Ri~·· lawsuit for Ma~ cim argues ~ Mllter's name cannot be included In any ballot or election material since be does not reside in the South Coonty Judicial distiic't. C<ulty Clerk William E. St John """ Is named .. defen-dan&: with Miller in the action t o d a y dismiMed Mancini's COO>PiaiDI • "publicity seek· ing'' and certain to find re- jection at the baods al JucJa;e Principal Dies Jogging ANAHEIM -An Anaheim elementary school principal dropped dead '11lursday while jogging with two companions, the Orang& County County Coroners Office reported. William "Billy" NichoJaon, 42, pridci~I of John Marshall Sc:bool for the past six and a half years and with the Anaheim 9Chool district since 1957, was jogging at Loara High School at 1:20 a.m. when he collapsed. De•th Notices M••STT Loulw Yld<an l•nett. AN tc. of GlolH'lnld St~ C.,_ HI Mff, Dtt. If *-"" .._,,n n. WldDw ot tt1to t.t. JoMllfl W. ltrrt11 tlld 1lltw ef Judtt W. Vlckerl ef Loi Al\Pln. Servk.11. S•lurd9Y, 11 AM, l'1clfk Vlft' CfltHI. Dlrlldld by Ptclllc View Mor'lu.ry. IAIHOll M1tvln l••l'lol'. 11'22 low1, W11tmh11ler. Survl'llM llY wife, P""tllti l1tfler. Cttud. of Cotorllkl1 IOl\I, loul1, lltY •M Mtlv!n a11hor, of lM """'" d1u1M1r1, LOYlne W1t11, of C1tor1da1 E111nor l 1sh0r. ~ '"c.111 br01fler1, Stm. Htrotd 1M Leo11o 1rd llll'>orl 1rld llWll 1r1nddllklrtn. s-1c ... TUtidtV. 2 PM, Smllfll °''"'" ClAlllC Mtr,Y Wlllllm Cltrt. 213 flowW St~ (1111 MUI. A" 13; 11111 of detlh, A1rM 2'J. 5vrvlvtd 1w .,.11,, Mrl. Merv C\111<1 ''"" MIU, H1reld '-"· 1 .. 1.-ocl: 1l1yrnofld •rid TIMllM• p_, .. both llf M1dl1t1n; •Ith! 1r1ndcfllklrlft 1rld fllUr- !Ntt , .... ,.,,,NdllklrM. S.NIClt. S.tur· Uy, 1 PM, a.II ,.....,...., Cllwel. Ir.. termwof, Wto1lmlflll1r ,,.,_.ltll Ptrt. 1 111 lroedwtY M1111U.,..., Dlrecletl, SlllACUU ...,11 Slraevw. 121 Yorll'-"· H'llfltlllllen aMdl; survlYed lw 1et11, loul• Al1111. et .wllCH'I l"cll; Plllll' Slr•CVll, Tn111 tUll'llitrl, Ctltlitrtn. JIM •!Id ltl1Nort oul11 Slr1CUN, boll\ of N-Yll'kl bl"ofll.. 1, D111'9, at T•tt1 Er.,..1, 9otlvltl: rid Whlf11t1. of Hunt1""10ll 811d11 ti•· liobtill• litrlller, Ortt0111 1r1111kt!tld, • n Slrte\ISI. krVlctt, Stfllrdlly, 11 M, Smltflt CMHI. lllflnnllll, ~111'111....,.. -ltll Plrll:, Sfn"hl Mol'IUl,Y, OlrK• ARBUCKLE • !ION Wntellfl 111-111 07 E. l'ftb,SL, COiii Mm -• BALTZ MORTUAlllES Corot• del MU' OR M4ll C.0111 Mela ~D N4ll • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY lit -~'l;::i" Maa • DILDAY BROTHER! Buntl•!llGD V a11eJ M-111 1'7111 Beacll Blvd. R .. dn(lon Beaclo 1141-'1171 • PACIFIC VIEW MEMOR!Al. PAR& Cemetery e Mtrtuar1 llOt Pacllle~ Drl>e Newporl -~ Callltnla -• PEEK FAMILY COl.ONIAL nINl!IRAL HOME ?lttllolsaAve. w--• SHEJl'l'ER MORTUARY Lqua Beac~ •1111 Saa -a.-te 1111.flll • SMITll3' MORTUARY 111 Mila II. Daatlap- Af.Ull FBEE CLASSES SlliR UP NOW LIMIT 100 PERSONS CLASS HELD ;:31).1:30 P .M. LA MIJLl.DA STOA£ ONLY' FRE& CLASSES REGISTER JllOW DOOR PRIZES -· liAL YAlllZED PIPE w.11 g1 .. y011 a good deal II yvu. buy the •tulf !.n 21 Joot Jengtb.Jf we hcrre to cv.t lt. •• lo• a ton~So ecrt"• aad hen• pl•aty to do th• )ob. l/l lllCI II' FT. 3/t lllCI II' n. •• HEW FORMULA 409 67~20Z. You bo" Ole high priced thlit. ll't lld••tlttod. on TV aad. enrrwb•r•. Somebodr has to poy lor that. rou know. Tbl1 l1 c:h90per. homtolltor, Mat doe• th• Mlllto thifto. G•t lb• •••.oi •? SCEJITED CAPLES " Oh. thl1 !•neat. Nie:• .:eat1 to pleoM, Cot Stn:i.,beny. lnc:mae. Fnzagl:ponL Pinto. and about eight othws. Mark lon• lt. lru.t M'• Gil old hippy who JOW>d hla .. u og1d11, llATIONAL LUMBER NEW WOOD Bi MASOlfRY LATEX HOUSE PAlllT PVC SPRDID.ER PIPE ~.!t°':i::~i:~~Ddl;=~~ 1/2'' 9c u.10 ·rr LEllliTI SICJl'I whh on• polnl crnd go the wbol• rou1e. No changing hom one to th• oth11 bec:cn1• yw got ••lal Oatblnf to do. Mad• tor 111 bf Iha big Mena. mo YO\& ar•'l g•tr\ng ~ Jllak ior the moaey. 411 the stcmclanl pr.nu.re Wll11r , ............ -·.-in"''''' 3/4'' 19' T.A 10 FT LEIGTB thto ..,-way. llod .. 1, doa.'t ' • Jib It '° they11 hen• to go }lcac:i: lo nuts and Mni••· SPRDID.ER BEADS Who n..d.1 a .priaklec-)I.toad on spec:ktl II hto lllle1 onotbtor trP• beO•r, We took a batch ol lbtom aad put thtom 1A good. Yo\l got 01'• to c:hoosto ltoa, II nothlog' pl~-you. coll }O\lt CVDgtMi1111a. POP-UPS PLASTIC . 69c POP-UPS BRASS 97c BA II JET 1'9 REGULAR ·PLASTIC 27c ELECTRIC SYSTEM mtER Th"' you c:u o•t ••11 spilfr crnd do th• whol• tblllg off o:cloc:k. Let It wal•r . 2 717 matomaUc:allr and torvet aboat w.rkhl.ng th• tbJAr. SM w.a. ••11 t.U rou. G.d you11 .... lllDI BIRD mE Lib you ... -the goll c:our .... 'Thi• on• . you ca), attocb to your hose and do ma11I•• areqs, (Or yoa eoa .buy tU 011e oll 1h1 1kl:ad and book lalo you.r lfll-). 5'7 21 DICK ISTRODECK POWER 19 DICH MTD POWER MOWER MOWER 6988 PLASTIC LAWR ... , ... '.. EDGIRG I.'' 1 '·". .. , . .. . 111 4"x25' W•v..M 1o,u~...m .-.. lMlt pla1tlcl1 hawtfl.d--·t~•NI\. or br.ak dowo. Eaq to .... _.,. to nt. aad eo91 to pcrf kN" m.at algllt be Ille •1 pc1rt), 4911 22 INCH 59'' A llttl• _..11ghtw•ight. liul 11D1ff1 you. got CJ mc911ff tllld. thl• wW do you rlgbt. °' ()8"t 1JMlll fOI' dOH mowlllg, •leel tf;ec:lr: to eaclOM tll• Wadi. • WROUGHT IRON RAILING El19111c;1, L•ncl It to ,,., •• 1t1irw1y rtil, 9'''' for mff'!1r•bl1 f1111ily 1p1•c;h11, U••, "If you don't ~••P yowr h1ir c;omb.cl, I'll 1h1v1 'f'OWr he.cl whlltt v•w .1 •• , .. , 99' LIN. FT. PATIO LITE SET 244 7 LITE JJ you buyoaly part of 1bl1 •Nff oad iu11t. you wUI ban d'""'ed o ok • party oa th• pcrtlo, So v•t th• Ughta. pour o 1a1t1. r•los, You dkl yo1u Job lor th• gang. now li••• IOln• pl~rurto, CAL. . KIMADO (BAR-B-Q) l11 greol lo liY• la Am.nlc:cr. You ccm go out mid liut •olliltolblng that oaly the weollllJ cci.a a Jlord o•erMOS. TM add JOVS •lor a bof.b-q and tbnk lh• bec1d lio11 Jot MLDi & .. to .okil • dec:RI Ii•~· REC. 49" THING 2977 FULL CORSOLE CIR MIT 2'7 . . f -. • I Jf 'DAILY Pll.01 LllGAL NO'l'ICB NOTICE TO CREDITORS SUl'IRIOR COUltT OF THI! lT•TE OF CALIFORNIA FOil THI COUNTY OF OltANGI Nt. A..U.U £11•1• el DEMA VERNE LEOPOLD, DMtai.ecl. NOTICE IS HEREflY GIVEN t11 tilt t redflflrl ol !ht above named OKll!Clellt lhtl 111 person1 ht vlnl t lllms 1111lnsl ll>f wllf decP<knl ''' fl!<IYlred 111 lllt 11\tm, wl111 I~ neceuatY vouc:l!ffi, In n.. offlm GI 11\e clerk o1 11\e •bow ..,llll90 CGUN, Cit lo .,,_,,, !Mm, wllh to-. MCUMl"r WllK:hers. 10 lilt U. d..,lened at •30 nnct sireer. N-1 lffch, C1Utor11l1, wtolch is IP\t plaot of b!lllMU of 1111 1,11'1de,.Jened ln 111 ,,,. .. ,,. e>ert11111no I'll the ,,,.~ of wld Metdenl, w!lhln sh moritM •lltf" !tit-11~1 Pl,tblk:llloi'I d !his nolitt , 0.tn ...... u !1. 1f7'. SAHi( OF ~ElllC"' N ... TIONAL TR UST AND SAVINGS M SOC tATION E•tclllo• d !hf: Wlll o1 JM 11111¥1 rwmeo OectMlll HUllWITt, HUll'#ln ' lllMEll •• n• srrw ft-1 -..cti. Clll ....... tJMI '"""'"' 1n•> •7Hftt Alfw1lfl'•• ... E~..-11191' 1"1,tbllthed 0r1"9e (OHi 01'11J APr11 t• . .W.'I' 1, I, 15. ltMI LEGAL NCYrlCE BEST Di• O~LT "LOT •ff.n •-•f tt. ._. ........... ~•ct.•I ,~ el ,....,.. •••1l1t.l1 la •111 •• '.,... .. th. hffM. ( SC ,,,..,, .\prU 24, 1970 Secretarial Exam_:; ~avER THE COUNTER Planned at GWC - Colden West C.U.ce will serve 1s a ttgk>nlJ center for the 1m annuol CerUlled Professionol Semlary Ex· amlnatiOt to be administered May 1 and 2. Louis Pecora, secrttarial teacbef ln. the co lle1e '• buslneu division, Slld Gof<\tn HOLLYWOOD -NEEDS NEW FACES NOW! All AGES, ALL SIZES, ALL TYPES FOR TV COMMERCIALS, MOTION PICTURES AND TV SERIES. DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A SUCCESS TODAY? FREE ON CAMUA AUDITION IN OlANGI COUNTT CALL (714) ·~7-6251 URGENT DEMAND FOR TALENT EXISTS NOWI TODAY T•ltrit St•rch 111119 C..o4uctM l y TAKE 1 PIOIUCTIONS HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORN IA , ... c...., .... ,. .............. .., ...... .. u·-".,... ~ •1111 c •••...., ,,. I • f.omplet~New York Stock List Ko •• ~: ~I ~. ~I •• " ~: ~1 •• L• t· u rt t: ts t: t~ t~ !I •• t~ '" ~ t!: t: t: t: .. Lo Lo .. '" Lo '" •• t~ t~ "" .. •• •• m .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• .. •• •• •• •• '" •• ~ ~· ... ''" Mo •• ... ::::: ... -M· •• ; M< •• MO '"" ~ ... ~ l1li ~ Ill: ~ :ii: :I:: MG ""' fil~ "" ·~ "' ·1· Ml .. ~ "" m ~ ::1 •• "" fW •• •• m: •• .. .. ~· ~~ •• ""' ~~! ~~ ..., "" "' "" "' "' '" " "' '" "" ~r.! "' "" "" -~ ,, "" ~·1 ~a ,, ... "'I •• "' ... '" '" ,. '" "" ~~ NY, •• "" "' "' ... '" "" "" •• ~" .. ... ... "" '" '" '• "" 1 .. •• ,,, '! l, ' . i1 lji 1, 1 : I 'I' ' . tt I *' . -·- ------------ I . l FrlilJl', Apr!! 24, 1970 SC DAllY Pll01' 11 • Fri«lay's Oosing Prices-COmplete New York Stock Exchange List . ' ·- • f JJ DAILY PILOf • Frldu, April 24, 1970 -•••• Seaght Arts.Face__ ~eio ihe Bill ' Gl~ Using War crisis on . -Letters-Sent 011. Abortion ~ . As Tax Loopho"les Popularity WASlllNGTON (AP) - ANN.u'QLIS, Md. (AP) -are born," ooe little girl Dear Gov. MandeL ,If )'OU wrote. Another ' asked, "How do -yoo are goln( IO -1d you W<e ·ft If your do JOO are a c:nzy man," mo«her didn't want you and reads a letter from an 1-"'"at· killed """'?" WASlllllGTON , (UPI) - Gls ..i omc.r.111 lllwail and otber nancombat zones have flown quickie trips ..... Sollth Violnlm jUll to qualify for llrfe taJ -ks, Air F:orce-ol· Cldals adl!lowledged. Air Secrdary' -. c. Seamans Jr., Air Gen. John D. Ryan, the air chief of staff, and Lt. Gen. Duward L Crow 1 the Air. F~ comptroller, said the ll<fenoe De)lertrnent is usl.ag directives' and con- lnlb .. try to clamp shut the tax ''loophole." '!be ollidals agreed Wider q11e1tion1ne by the House AJ>- Jl'Ollriatloos Committee In just publl!hed teotimony that the practice bu beet! going on for at least two years. tlon hi the PbiUppines, flew over V l e t 11 a m eoinl and comihg ·from t ~Y as- signmeni in 'lbaUand. He re- ceived a 1.U es:emption or $2911.50 In 'base ,pey -and Oii • 15,610 reenllstment bomls. A ~ in Hawaii fiew over Vletnam on June S, and oo July 1. He received ta ex- clusions on his pay for botb months. <ti A sergeant In the Philippine> flew -over VietDlm on· June 27, and on July II. He gol $1,511.35 fD ta free base paj, I borlQI and aecumulated leave' fOjr June -..,,.i $431.30 In tu free pay for JuJy. He also qualified fQr and received two months of combat pey for the short trip. euiw.. has l"'lled . Into • , -, -boominf natlmiol b...._ -old BallJmore boy. "How Several lettA!n wing the would you like som~ to governor to sign the bill have and eleo a gigantic financial kill you?" (.'(¥De from women wbo say headame, the govemmett's In a dtildish 9C!'IW1, the • they tmderwent illegal abor- top offldol lor the arts 90YS· tllird grade student from a lions In the past Nancy HiWa, d!airmAJ1 of Roman Calbolic elemeriWy One woman from Annapolis gho Nalloml Endowment 'for sdJool joined 33 of h l s wrolA! lllat wbeo llbe became classmates In wnling appeals pregnant at the age ol 38 tbe ARI, said the hoi• crowds for the governor to veto the she and her husband managed 8lleamiog into the natkn's abortion bill passed by . the after greet difficulty to con- mUBeums and concert hllls 1970 Leglslature. tact an abortionist in Yofk, are signs of a vigorous in-The measure would remove Pa virtually au restrictioos on . dustry. abortions in Maryland. "H""' by myself I bod to "AD this growth BDd change The controversy over the stand in the lobby of the hotel fs causing ~ fman-bill already has attracted with a certain magazine in dal problemi:," she told the JJ'Kltt than 25,000 letters, an my ~~ .. ~ -~-pick up oo~·"·· ol public sentiment wcsnan wuu.a.i iuiuw me," the Women's National DemocraUc ~.....,... ~ letter said. 01 b unmatdied In the menory of u · veteran State House employes." Miu Hanks said Museum Letters from opponents have crowds have increased from run a little ahead of those ·300 million to 560 million in from supporters. "I was picked up along With three ether mafried women , driven off in •a big Cadillac to an abandoned farm house. '!be last portion of the trip we were told to ~lose our five yean. but added thal "P~ do oot sign this donations to UDderwrlte the abortion bill and have all these niurden on your head," one eyes. HpemeS haven't kept pace. woman wrote. ''God wlll_sure-"Upoo aniVa1 the abortions Five yea~ ago, 15 million ly destroy anyone connected were perlcnned, and each· or tickets to !flows of performing with it. Art you enottier Herod us pajd the doctor flOO in arts were sold. It is at 60 or Hitler?" cash. millioo today. 1be packet of letters fNm "'Ibis was a horrible ex- But Miss Hanks, who has the 34 Catholic third graders perieoce f<r me. A. married propoeed a 1971 budget of $16 referred without exception to woman with three children ••. COASTLINE HEALTH FOODS Specials Through April 30, 1970 ' Orlgif11I Swfn 11ac"na.uau • 110.. .... "' VITAMIN "E"" D-Alth• or Mi11ed 100 c.,,..i., 11•. SJ.41 0. ........ ,~ IALAHCID . I COMl'LliX WOii lthl&llll1lllll Y111m .... ,.. Mllflnwm ......,"'. ,_, HT* .... SJ.ff ........ 69c SPICIAL 1.98 ........ 2.39 HAIN SOY OIL LECITHIN CAPSULES L•rf9 It "'•i• Sis. 2!>0 C•f>'wl• Si1• llCi, SJ.6t • ........ 2.69 1 9UAIT ... 11¢ • SPECIAL 65c LECITHIN GRANULES 14 011~ Henr1•tic1ll s •• 1..r c.,. lK. SJ.ti .. ...... 2.49 .... .-. wlleo lloyljlrJ llljlpl_..., "'""'" Is ... -1Mp11.tao1 lotrMI .. • COASTLINE HEAL TH FOODS Two Compl•te Nutrition Centers TUSTIN ·1094 IRVINE BLVD. near S.v-on 544-7134 COSTA MESA 270 E. 17th ST. in Hillgren Square 548-9537 In the Korean War, milit>ry per90met who spent mt day per mmtb in Kmea• Were _exempted from the entire mcmth's incmne taxes. And it was common practice for per- sonnel 1n Japan to make one. day visit! to Korea to avoid payment of income taJ:e!. 'Illis wu putlcullrly true of desk· bound pilots, who Wert ~ quired to Oy a certain amount of hours each month to qualify for Olgbt pey. Under the law, enlisted mert can deduct their encirt month· Jy pay, and officers Up to ·$500 mantbly. f0r any part ol the month they speod in the Sollth v~ combat area. Seamans-defended the'Pfac- tlce f<r servicmlett staUi:med In ThailMld who do not qualify for combat _pay. 4'1be genera1 policy· regardin( combat pey ia really very tough, border- ing on being unfair," Seamans said. Some servicemen to Thailand. be sald "are running as great a risk u some t1f those based in combat pay areas." Ryan said he first heard meot, said she opposes revers-"Sister told us t ha t criminal only becau.se at 38 mlllim for cultural develop-'r-ja~bort~io~ns~aa~m~ur;der~or~ki~·u~ing~.jsnea~k~in;g~~aroo~nd~~l:ik~e=a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ about the situation two years ing the ratio of support, now Maryland wants to make a years of' agt, I did not want ago. The officials said an .Air at 25 percent public and 75 law to kill babies before they any more cbildreri." Force directive wa,s issueCI percent private funds. Rep. -L.F. Sikes, (f). F1a.), confronted the officials with several eumples of so- ~ed "abuses" by service- men stationed in nonoombat areas such as Hawaii, 'J11aj.. land, Okinawa, and the Phil· tpp;nes. A ·sergeant, Sikes said, sla· • Nov. 29, l!IS'l, and renewed Although the ratio of support this January, •&ain!t letting . Is the oppoa. in Europe, she persormf!I get a discharge and said a tour cf the Sates reenlist in South Vletnam · to ~ her conviction get the special tax free. bonus. that local money and lccal The Defense Depertmellt iri.Uaitive are still most lm- last year coocluded an invet-p:rrtU' in American arts. tigalion, the olllclals uld, ODii Mia Hanis· -fears that found .. no apparent abuse ·of federal help tll the arts would the Income tax exclusion pro. lead to political coolrol ol'lhe vision!' artist have proved groundless. lo!' ---; ~'h~·""'!!!!'!o!'!'A'!;<li.-!!'!Y ~sillt"To."Tnlllf.'fffii1b~T""'=--I 1•11111 ........................... ~~.... • -~~~ • SPORTY PANTS 2 DAYS ONLY DISCOUNT PRICE REG.2.97 33 Cboooe from a tremendous assortment of priot1-5tripeHolid&, 100% cotton. Machine ,...habk. Si>JeS 8 to 18 .. .. . .. , ....... , ... 1•Lf .... _ ........ .... L .. .,,.,,. ·--..... (--.............. --- ' _,... _,. .. L-..eetv...,YJ.. ........ w .... n .. 51Uu.c.61Atia. ,., .... ..... --~lt.•Mma ·-- 7 • ,. -··- jt Now at Your.Greater Los Angeles-Orange County Olds Deelers! Sinsation Of-SOUther11 Citifornial Oldsmobile's new Rallye 350. • California, here it comes- Oldsmobile's Rallye 350! It's the freshest fastback on the freeway -and your greater Los Angeles- 0 range Counly Oldsmobile Dealer is re ady to conjure up a real budget-pleasing deal on this great new Olds beauty. Talk about value, Rallye 350 will amaze you! There's a big 350 V-8 with Oldsmobile's excluslVe positive valve rotators for smoother aclion, longer life ••• hidden windshield wipers •••. a radio antenna concealed in the windshield ••• a side-guard beam in each door for added securily ••. an agile 112" wheelbase. There 's magic every- where! A fiberglass hood with functional air scoops and special painl accents .•• new urethane- coated bumpers and painted wheels .•• two-tone striping ••• blacked-out grille ••• custom-' sport steering wheel ••• Sebring Yellow paint ••• bias·belted.tlres1 for longer tread life ••• all part of the Rallye 350 option available1 on three Olds models. See the best "escape art·· ist" in town -your nearby Los Angeles-Orange County Olds Dealer! Let him show you the magic in every Olds model ••• from the front drive Toronai:to to the luxurious full-size 88s and Ninely·Eights to the nimble Cut- lass models. Make your escape · from the ordinary ••• today! You can win a Rallye 350 in the Olds Rallye 350 Sweepstakes at your greater Los Angele'k-Orange County Olds Dealers -·~Earfli By PAMl!LA HALLAN or .... o.. ,., ... " The environmental doctor, a man who will dispose, pre=ibe for and hopefully cure our growing Pollution problem, was de&Q"ibed 1o Saddleback College students Wedoesday oo E~ Day. Addressing • huge outdoor audience on a bright sunny smog free day was Dr. Wlllard Frank Ubby, 1960 Nobel prize wiMer in chemistry who discovered Carbon 14 used in dating plants and animals and who with a colleague is now developing the idea or the en- vironmental doctor. '"Society b fioaUy anning Jo realize ~t good manners are essential. Pollu- tion of the environment is becoming universally frowned upon . whether it )?e from a belching 1moke stack, bus or car,'' said Dr. Libby, "We are frowning on the ·destruction or our Lancacape and our delic.11~y balanced ecologies. Why was this allowed to happen? Because of our ignorance o( the consequences. "In certain situations we are .so 'locked ' in tbll 'ft btvt no Coul'lt to take for 1 wlllle but !hit ol our own de,tfn>c· Uon." But be said there are two deflllite steps !t take to reverse the pottom ol-de91iuctioo. - The first is tbrouCh research programs wbert scientists are now attempttnc •to ·discover the nature of pollution ~ems. where they come from and wtilt they do so that this knowledle can be con- vejed to the public. 'Ibe second is at this moment just a proposal but Dr. UbbY feels it would be mOlt elfectlve. . "We need a professional whose job it is to protect the ~vlronment. Someone wbo can tell ua whit doublin& the cars in the LA !win will do. . "He will be an· enviromneotal dodtor, a man who will do for the environment what an MD does for health. "We need an generalist who h familiar with subjects from biology t o · me_teorology, lrom. the earth sciences to ·the social sc.ieoces with ~me public health and medicine included. He would have a total of aeven '!lajors. First Lease Contracts For Dana Harbor Sig·ned Lease contracts for the first i.ncrtment ol the $20 million Dana Point Harbor project were signed Thursday in the offi~ of Alton E. Allen, chainnan of the Board ol Supervisor$. Seven finns bid in nine harbor projects March 31 offering bonuses totaling fm,350. As supervisor Allen signed the bid agreements, cf\ecks were delivered. Cmmty Cler.k William St John was on band to imiress the officiaJ county seal, making everything legal. Biggest bonus check was presented by three Newport Beach men, ~ Dahlberg, Roy D. Lewis and H. E. Baulmer who as Marine Capital lnc. bid $500,000 fOf' the boat slip concessions. Dana Post Office In Saturday Cut Potti"fl Ar'otlnd Tom Gd'tnes, Sadd1eback College art teacher, work1 with 'toneware clay on a wheel In a demonstration of bis aft, which he was sched- uled lo give today !or 1everal classes at San Clemente lligh School. I . • "A._ first, we thought maybe no one could learn that much. But we propose to try and find out." Dr. Libby dt&ctibtd the cUn'iculum to be set up It l1CLA, where he is prol'essor, which will produce a doctors degree which is not a PhD but a degree analo~ous to an MD, ' The student will take three years of giaduate work a.t UCLA studying seven IJlajors ·plus a fialf dozen core courses which will concentrate on the ·applicaUon of their knowledge and wiU test their problem solving abillUes. He would next spend twG years· "In-, temship" in the field, working with various government agencies aod In- dustries and at the end of the five years he will receive his degree as doctor of environmental science and engineering. Who would want to hire them! "Any .government olficial1 who has lo make a major decision on something involving environment," answered Dr. Libby, "or an industry who might be developing a new product." N arco Seminar Slated in Dana The second phase ol • three-part sym- posium on narcotics abuse problems sponsored by the Dana Point Chamber of Coinmerce will be presented to the general membership April 30, featuring an elementary achoo! teacher 's details of her Instruction program. Mn. Carolyn Boucher will discuss narcotics education teaching material us. ed in grades one through eight. The ' program will start at 8 p.m. In the Richard Henry Dana School auditorium. Mrs. Boucher will detail the materials used in classes ol the Westminster School District. 'lbe public is welcome. Winter Festival Events on Video Laguna's Patriot's Day parade, die high school rodeo and other scenes 0£ the 1970 Winter FesUval will be seen <Jn the Tuesday altemoon prtsentallon of ABC teievisloo's "Dating Game." Aired tocally ai 2:.30 p.m. on channel 7. the program is shown on 193 stations across the country, reachlna: an . ex· Umal>d 10 million bomeJ. The Tuesday program will show the ''Dating Game'' winners wbo1e prize was a day at Laguna's Winter FesUval, where they rode in the parade, lunched at the Beach Hattse lM, attended the -., and dined at the Surr and Sand Towers. -JJ .. S_. Hollntion? ''For e1ample, someone -could · have came to the tnvlronmental doctor and asked what wlll the .supenonie1transpart ' do k> tbe weathet? TtU is QOt, a 1i1Jy question. The authorllaUOn for the transport Us already proceeded1 alrn05t to finality without this q~liou being aaked." Of'. Libby explained ~ process through which dle new transport, which will be flying in the stratosrhere', would double the water vapQr ill the air. "'11lls means that tHe high transluet1nt clouds In the. stratosJ)here WoWd be in· creased aoi! .the Input ol sunlight substan· tlally ~ased," he said, a<fding, "We mlghi get cold." · He stressed the -F®lem w 1 th supersonic transports as a prime ex. ample of why the environmental doctor Is needed. . "He will be a generalist but he will know' who all the ~lists ere so that he can al'llWer all 'Oie questions that will be asked. He will then have to deveklp a code of ethics to lay the facls on the table objectively." United Nation s Mooel Sffision · Set at Chapman ' . I DAILY .. ILOT ~"Pamela Ht n• I. 'WE NEED PROFESSIONALS TO PROTECT ENVIRONMENT' 1 Nobel Prize Winner ~1b~y Speaks at Saddleback College Students See 'Cong Camp'~ Earlv apartment dwellers had to live with flames. You don't in an all-electric apartment Step inside any all-electric Mcda'llton the clean, fresh look of the draperies Apartment. You'll see why they're set· and the upholstery. That's because ting \he trmd. Notice. how the. II electric heat is· clean he.at. kitchen gleams. Why? Because . Now the bathroom. Turn the.re are no by.products of on the water ta',P. Note how combustion to dirty walls the eltctric water heater gi\les and windows . No oppressive · you hot water~rlght ~ow. kitchen he.at , either. Electricity heats Enter the bedroom. Sec the .separate the food-not the kitchen. heat dial? You can only have ·room .. Walk Into th(: livin& room . Notice by.ro'om temperature· control If it$1 electric. Many Medallion Apartments also prov~de el«trtt ;air conditionln~ The rent? like Medallion Homts, Mcda.Jlion Apartments are also 1vall· able in all price ranges. You can * why more people •re choosing to llvt the g<iod.cl .. p lile,.-elcctrically. sm Southern Californl• Ed/MM ~~"~~----------------:------------..--,._""""'!~--_,.,_..~----------------_,.----------- Friday, Aprll 24, }q70 -rm -Draft Abolition Dim?· LA Teacher. Plans Get 'Cold Shoulder' in Congress PicketLillf3S Get Support WASHINGTON (AP) -Praldenl· Nlx- 00'1 plan to abolllh the draft bu drawn a cold reception . flom key Diem~• ol Congress, and prospects !or early dearanct d hll -I lo &bollsb col· kge c1e1....-' ... lo doubt. Allhaoah the college exampllon plan Id lorlfi by the .Prelident Thursday Helltb, Education. and Welfare ._ ... __ R~--' , ..... told an au-WU promlled an early hearing in the -·-, -· Senate, Houle Armed -eom. dience that .the· goverruhent bad mlllee Qialrman i.. Mendel Rivers (D. beell trylDg to come up with a con-S.C.), Aid he planned no acllon on traceptlve for men but that !be draltrdanntblly-;oniyareview. ~ · f fa Nboa aHed the authority to end educa· only .... octiye mo<hod ouncl so r tionaJ ....,,ptiOm In a mesaage . to was ''televising sports 24 hours a 'Congrtu and announced be w 1 a day.'• Finch alao conllded that he· abolllblni oa hll own !u1ure ocaipational, wu so naive when ha flnt took of-agricullural and par.ma! delermenls. fice that "I thought cyclamates Only the lltudent cW.,,._ require ...,. l'ode ll'OIUld with !be· llell'a An-.,..aioaal ·appov~ gela. '.' At 1lle same lime NINi aonaunced • a plan to begin plwlng out the draft Sftr• ""'ioy of Southport, in July lfll, -1lle clnft law expires England made a solemn vow wilen she 10t JJWTled Wednesday to take \ I f second place to her husband'• mo-~~rQ(l • (torcycle. Her hbaband aald be made his wife swear on a motorqcle service manual that bis obligations . to biJ \;ycle gang came before her. • • Mineworl<er Oer•llt GrHO, of St?enaau, EDfland, always wanted lo try biJ luck on an army a11ault course. He got the chance Wednes- day when his wife an'anged for him lo spend the day at the strensall Anny Camp as a SIJil>riSe 30th ~pr .. ent. -. Mn. Earl W. La1Ditzlce of Porll<md. o,..gon, holdi fmnilu "'~"Heidi". rn. blackt cat ir crtdittd toith 34oing. the liot• of the famil11 Wtdneada11 10htn the famill/ car caught firt in tht oar· age and threatened to l>urn the hall# down. TM cat's lou4 mtO!Dini/ 100Jce th<m up and they t1cap<d th< blaze. TM car was 4 total lent but f10U can't ccmvince the Lowitdct't that black cata are bad luck. • A judge Wednesday found Fr•nk Crom, of Nottingham, England, gytlty of assaulting neighbor Ger- tl'ilde Harrison, by emptying a gar• bage can over her bead. He 1aid Ille fact the can contained SO empty cat food cans with sharp edges made....it a case of serious assault and ordered him to pay her $84 damages. ~ .'Hatl a 'UJOtlilnfal dream lat niPt. Dmlmetl ~Forrluiai upWorem .. • Impeach Douglas Move Sidetracked By Rules Panel W,ISHINGTON (AP) -Chalnnan WUUam M. Colmer, (D-Mi ... ,) cl. the u-Rules Committee lidetracl<ed to- dO)' 4or IO ~· a blparliaan r ... luli"I' . _eal)lils for a atudy of lmpea.-nt pro-· ce0cunp against Supmne Court JU1Uce William o. Dooilll. Qilmer .&aid he '•••lld not prOgram the resolution for tnwedlate heariqs since the House Judiciary · Committee hu promised action on an bnpeachment reso1uUon of it! own within ea days. This actioa waa regarded as a setback for the 112 HOU9t 1pooaon of the study resolution Introduced after ReJlOlbll<an Leader Gerald R. Jl'ord of Mlchlian called lc>r lmpeachment)n>ceediap. Colmer noted that the Howle now ta -led with two relO!utlona -one before bis committee to set up a group wblch would aludy CJiar,.. against. Douglaa and the lmpeaclunenl ruolutioa before the Judiciary Commlllee. GOP Leader Attacks Carswell Candidacv • W ASlllNGTON (AP) -R<publican National Chairman Rogm c. B. Morion bu denounced u ''UQCODlcionable" the laclics which brought Judge G. Harrold Canwell Into the U.S. Senate campaign in Florida. HlJ angry remarks, at a IOCial gather· Ing, 'M!l'e unusual for a party chairman who usually stands neutral in a primary race. They were din<ted al Florida Gov. C11ude Kirk and Sen. Edward J. Gurney. (IW'la.), who talked Canwell, rejected !or the U.S. Supmne Court by the Sen- ..te. iDto entering the race. and shift to an all volunteer army, Jol!n C. Stennis (D-Mlsa.), chainnan d the Senate Armed Services Committee, sald he does not think an end to the draft "is in the realm oC reality for several years to come" even after the end m the Vietnam war. "We lbouJd just ·lorget the idea that the draft could be eliminated or suspe~ ed until that war 1s well <Net,'' Stennis said. The draft will be needed after that, he sakl, to prevent shortages for parti<ular leadorobip and special skill slots. Rivm said abolishing the draft might be an ideal arwt a. 'goal to work for but "I can't see any way to do it now." Under CWTent regulations, 1.8 milliOn students hold deferment!, worket1 with agricultural exemptions total 23,000 and about 4 million men are deferred because d dtpend<IU, ala>oogh not all ol them because they are fat.hers. Other deferments have been i.ssUed to school teachers, critical de!- employes and poUce and firemen. Rep. F. Edward Hebert (fl.La.), chairman ci the House draft su~ committee said any ~lion in Congress this election year would "ID.vite disas~" by opening a. pandora's box ci wholesale. political draft overhaul. But Stemis aald he favors giving Nixon some discretionary autohrity to end col- lege deferments. Stennis said however, certain medical and science stUdent deferments must be continued., Hebert said Nixon could &41estep Congress on the exemptions through a loophole In the law that permits him to abolish college defennents~ on his own by ruling the anned forces needs require the action. • But a White House aide said use of the loophole had been considered and rejected. Adan• Raps LOii ANGELES (UPI) -Nooteac:hl4 employes today joined striking te>cberii· on picket lines in a move which further crippled the nallon's second Jarpet scbool dislricl. Mom~. " Local 19 of the ServlcO Employes Int""11llonal Union, whic!> represents about 5,000 of the diltrlct'• 17 ,000 custodians, gardeners, bus and true~ drivers and food eervice workers, stayed di ·their jobl to protest prnpooed job cutbacks by the board « education. The Service Employes U-mem~ voted 3-2 to strike Wednesday night and as they prepared for their walkout Tbuno day, striking teachen and the lldlool board moved closer to a settlement. Cambodians Battle Reds; Make Neighborly Moves Rep. Adam Clayton Powell (D- N.Y.) revealed Thursday that 12 congressmen had met with Secretary ol Defense Melvin Laird and other Pentagon of. ficials to discuss race discrim.i· nation in the anned forces. Powell said the group met with Laird because "we got ab- sol utely nowhere ... referring our complaints in the Penta· gon ." Formosa Leader Fh·ed on in NY The United Teachers of Los Angeles and the llchool board agroed on an outside mediator wb(> will attempt to end the JO-day WalkouL Benjamin Aaron, pro(es.sor of law at UCLA and a fonner president oi the Natiooal Academy of Arbitrator•. scheduled talks between the two aroups following his selection. Arthur Anderson, deputy s c ho o 1 s superintendent, said 1n making the an· nouncement that be was confident U. achool district was "moving in the. ~gbt direction" but be doubted if a settlement could be worked out before the m1ddkt of next week. PHNOM PENH (UPI) -The cam. bod.tan governrnent, battling for survival aga!Jlst 40,000 Viet Cong and North Viet- namese troops, took steps today to im- prove relations with neighboring Thailand and South Vietnam, themselves threaten- ed by Communlsis. 1be military situaUon r e m a i n e d serious. The Viet Cong have cut Phnom Penh oU from the eutern provinces aad moved into the: Takeo sector 48 milts south ol Phnom Penh, cutting off the capital from the big port oC Sihaooukville to the sdutb. The Cam- bodians were flghtiq' to restore com- munications. Prince Norodom Sihanouk, the ousted chief of at.ate, severed diplomatic rela- tions with South Vietnam in 1965 as result of a Jong series of border disputes, and with Thailand ia 11161, again aa result d. a border dispute. A communique issued by the govern- ment of Premier Ge11. Lon Nol said Cambodia was reopening commercial relaUons with Thailand for the first time since the diplomatic rupture and lifted a ban on trans.it stops at Phnom NEW YORK (UPI) - A young man Penh Airport by Thai nationals. Ii.red a bullet today at Nationalist Chinese Cambodian and South Vietl!.amese Vice Premier Chiang atlng-Kuo when troops have been reported actively he arrived at a hotel to address a cooperating in the border aieas and a Saigon report today said a South luncheon meeting of U.S. business Vietnamese delegation beaded by social representatives. Chiang, eldest son <if welfare Minister 'I'ran Nguyen Thieu Chiang: Kai-shek, the Nationalist China would fly here Saturday to aid in the leader, was apparently unhurt. repatriation of 60,000 Vietnamese n3.-The man was immediately seized by tionals. Hundreds secret servkemen and police. He was _ of Vieblamese suspected of thrown to the ground and marched away. CommWlist sympathies have been slain Chlang, who had anived in New York in Cambodia and hundreds more have from Washington this morning altt:r 'taJks bee.n rounded up in eo1centrat.ion camps, with Pr~d ~. representing 88 percsit of the system's 24,000 teachers, called ita strl.kt April 13. The group is seeking lalary increases, educational refotm1 ancl recognition as the bargaining agent for tht teachers. Th< school board broke olf negotiatlonl when the walkout began, and llriking teaci,eM .._,e vciwed to remain on strike until a coritract is signed. Drun1s of PoiHon Out Of Montreal Harbor': their fate uncertain. Commercial airliTies ~1 ent Nixon, had just come to South Vietnam were crowded with through the door into ttie lobby of the MONTREAL (AP) -1be laet ol. five departing South Vietnamese. himi::1aza. Hotel when the man rushed toward 25().pound drums of cyanide powder which dropped into Montreal harbor (Jn Saigon the government or President _ After the shot was fired, Chiang jm. Thursday night wu recovered today. · Nguyen Van 'M:tleu aMOunced it has mediately walked away from the door i•Everytlling seems to be normal, tbttt Election Reform allocated $16,000 to provide transporta-and through the lobby, to deliver his ts no danger at all," sakl harbor pol.ice. lion, food, medicine and housing facilities speech. .1 ..... i The last drum was recovered about .f H·-d F • h for 50,000 nationals who have decided The asslaiant fired one shot wh ich 19 hours after it and four others aUppe4 " q,ces -ar ig t to accept repatriation. They were being blew a large bole in the glass panelling from a cargo sling being used to load resettled in camps near the border .) of the door. a Danish freighttt. - WASHINGTON (AP) - A propooedif"~~ii;;;iiiiiiiii;iii;;;.;;o,;iiiiiiiiiii..;;;;;;;~~,.:;;.,_,;...,...,...,...,..., ... _....:,~~~~~ .............. ~ coostlmtJonal amendment allowing the '83 s f Calo s people 11> elect dinctly prooldenta laces • • · a rugged fillll round in the Senate after ~ fjnng r fJ a sharply IOOflht committ.e triumph. The Senate Judiciary C om m i t t e e · ~=.y~ul'~'" .. ~~. :fc1~lyf:= . . . ' . • prelimiDary votes on rival proposals disclooed the divl31ve..,. of the l!SUC. '!be direct vote amenclmeol, approved by the Houoe lalt ' September 331 to '70, neeas • two-tlilrdi vote of ·apPro'\..il in lhe Senate to place It belor. state leglalaares !or ...-Ible . ratification. 'lbrte-loor111s' l!>Pl'O•al by the otat .. ls required: Sen. Birch Bayh (D-lnd.), the -· clung to a tactic that mede the measure a big winner in the Home, 1be senator said he ~ lhe rival proposals would be cifered and defeated, forcing the s.oat. either to swlntl beblod the dired election amendment or give up on chang- ing the Electoral Collqe system. Cancer Patient Wins $400,000 Legal Suit FRESNO (UPI) -A jury has awarded a Fresno woman $400,000 damages In a ma1practice suit against a n obstetrician-gynecologist who failed to diagnose breast cancer bt the woman. Mn. Dorothy Dlchnet' te.tified that she was a patient o£ Dr. Evelyn Ross fOl' 17 years before she saw another doctor who diagnosed the cancer. Danish Modem SAVE NOW! FULL ZENITH HANDC1lAFJ'ED QUAUIT • Spaee Q>.11oond "II(#' ll-Control • AFC-A-atic Fine Tuning Coobol • Super Gold Video Curd Taner • Exclume 7.enith Color Commander Calllrlll Thunderstorms in Midwest 23'' CONSOLE .... with excluslve ZBIJll Rainfall, Hail Add w Miserable Spring Weather Temtiet-•t•res Mltll Lew 'Pnc, AllllHlvt-,, Yf Alld>onlt• ~ 35 Alt~t 17 f7 e1k ... J11~14 ,. ., lll•m••cll: '' ll l o!lt .H 4CI 1!101lofl "' 0 •-111• .. 71 Cllk"o '1 •t c1nc1n ... 11 '' n o.n,,_, SJ 2't Oft MolMI " 1' Oetrolt " '' .01 1'1lrtltrlll• 11 " .01 F8"1 Worrri IO ,, .~ ''""' ,. oW tlel'"-st ll "-'"'u ti n ,en ktn111 Clt'I' 65 •1 l11 VHll J(l •5 l ot Anottftl 1• 57 Mltml to '' MIMP110t11 _, 37 N-~1111 t5 7l N-yon., Jf oW N°""" l"ttfft " )I O.•l~NI Ml ft Oii.~ City " t5 Omw '' ,,.. 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COAST HlaHWAT, coaoNA DEL MA• ....... 671-2212 ~~':'°" : :: ,,., .. ____________ -__ o_P.eN_f_R_r_o_A_v_ev_e_N_r_N..;G...;U.N..;T..;IL;..9.P..;.;;M;;, •• -r.1. __________ ..J . ---------- ( -------------------·---------------- Frfdl11 April 24, 1970 ' DAILY )!LOT f Qpp_o~te Views. ... . -Double T-tonble .e-am~us ' ea:utdrons r . •• I ,. ·For Welfare Plan ··· Stanford, U of Oregon Bu'bb'le 'Over • BY. Unll<d Press lnt.maUooal McCall .. Id 200 National -Guardsmen and 80 state t~rs, were atanding bY 1 tO betp .. if necessary." to control tile crowds which Jradu~y thirµied because of. iocre'aslngly heavy rain. WASHINGTON (UPI) -JJO¥,erly«ricka! work Ing President Nixon's we I fa r e families eligible for welfare reform program came under as well as ii o n w o r lt i n g 11ttact from both directioo:s families. It would increase aid In the Senate Thunday. A to the disabled, bliftd and ag· llberal Republican sald II ed, and establlsh a federal ~ tile poor and a day care ......,. program for eomervative Democrat said it the children! d w or k I n g eocouniges the poor to quit mothers. Poli~e arrested 22 persons and routed about 100 others from tile Stanford University Student Building eat:Jf today. Several of the. f e e i n g demonstrators hurled rocks i t the • sheriff's dep\itles I n r e tlliation and broke numerous windows tn a cam-Jius-wide rampage. The deputies raided the building wnfch had bi<n taken over' 'Ibursday by about 350 dissidents, some 125' of whom · later defied a school order to leave. · Militant students a n d Penmylvanla State University attorneys hammered out the , wording of a pennanent COJD· promise court order outlawing student &eizure of buildings on the university campus at Univ~rsity Park, Pa. ln the college town of ' " Lawrence, Kan., f Ir t men - ~tll'lg a blaze in a chemical Plaht in a Negro section of town east Of the' University ot Kansas were peppered by sniper fire. working. Sen. Jacob, K. Javlto (fl. ,• In the Rouse; which passed N.Y.); off~g "progressive 'ihe fomlJy aslsianc< plan laat Republican" amendlllents to iweet, Rep. John R, Rarick the Nixon bill, said even the ~D-La.), called Ill! guaranteed President acknowledges lhat annual income of $1,600 to $1 ,&QO a year is not enough .welfare families .of f o u r fc;w:: a family to live on .. Javits' iiillilhi ln the Midwest, s t'u d en t disord e rs with racial overtones flowed from Indiana State University into the dtf of Terre Haute Thursday night, resulting in a number pf arrests and minor injuries. The fracas in Terre ·Haute had Ks 'rooll In a shoving match 'lburSday b e t w e e n white and Negro girls in an elevator in a women 's dormitory at Indiana State not far from the heart of the city, Firemen q u I C'k 1 y ex· tln&ulshed another fire at ari apaftment complex on the university campus 11 ho r t I y before the third night of a" 10 p.m. to 6 ·a.m. curfew went r into effect. Both fires were:• believ'ed call!ed by bombs. Felony charges were filed '.: ••leplized the(t •• , an ac-would raise the guarantee to 01'1 T•~"' against three univer s ity ~· students arrested d u r I n g ; Wednesday nigbt's curfew·' 1 with incendiary devices in1 their pos3CS&on. Tbey were among 36 persons arrested \ late Wednesday 8nd early Thursday, mofl't.ly for curfew violation. ( cuni!d ..... ,~y which Will ",400 &tarting in 1973. ,.......,.. ~ TEAR GAS SHROUDS UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CAMPUS tiemcll'f,lize every .,.wter." Sen. Russel1 B. Long ([). 75 Persons Arrested After Roits Grow Out of Sit·in ' 'Ibo Nixon proposal would La,), said he_reolly did not ----------------------------comitput.e the most Sweeping think that anyone at the White -.rare .re 'form in th r e e : House explained to Nixon that decades. It w o u Id . In a k e under bis bill a husband earn- ,. ing $2,000 a year would be better oil U he quit working , Truck Strike and ... n1 °" weuare. "Once the. working poor .'Brings ·More :Layoffs By Unll<d Prest Iat.rnat!onal A trucking strike·.Jockout in the Olicago area continued today without promise of set. tlement. Wildeat strikes con- tinued in other parts of the nation wbile a tentative agree- ment waited for a vote by truck drivers. understand this," he asked, "why on earth should they continue workihg when they can make more money by not working?' - 'Ibe situation that Long spotlighted, however, would apply only to a family earning a weekly paycheck of $40 or Jess. For others earning more, it would not be profitable to go on welfare. Javits proposed Including unmarried p e o p I e and childless couples -now ex- empted under the Nixon pr~ 30 Injured As Tornado Rips South MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) - A pre-dawn tornado roared across south Memphis and neighboring Mississippi today , injuring more tqan 30 persons and inflicting widespread pro- perty damage. Colombia 'Normal' ' . But Curfew Continues BOGOTA (UPI) -The government kept its dusk-lo- dawn curfew and ban on liquor sales in effect today despite the relurn of C.Olombia to normal afler fou r days of post- election strife and tension. Policemen patrolling the streets after dark Thursday reflected the relaxed air by scolding instead of arresting an estimated 200 persons caught · in the streets afte r curfew. i1nposed in its state of siege. P u b I i c t r a n.sportation returned to normal Thursday and 90 percent of the shops and business establishmen ts that closed down during the crisis were reopened. There was no indlcaUoii' anywhere in the nation that the call of former dictator Gustav o Rojas Pinilla for a revolution had had any effect. Th e Te rre HaJ.1te disturbances were remtnisd!nt of Lawrence, Kan., where ' weeklong difficulties at the University of Kansas and in areas near the campu.s flared again with reports of new arson attempts and sniper fire. Police ln Eugene, Ore., used tear gas to disperse rock· throwing youths trying to pre· vent authorities from stopping a sit-in by antl,-R01'C demonstrators at the Universi· ty of Oregon. , It sprea4 to at least ~our other locaUona in Terre-Haute with as inany as 100 persons involved In rock throwing and scufflea .at each place. University officials reported the vandalizing of dormiUlrles, a campus bookstore and nurrlber of automobil es. Poliqi used chemical r :y Nixon Cancels Security Meet WAS!IlNGTON (UPI) - President Nixon today called off for a second time a meeting of ·rus· National Security Cooncil to spend part of , the wee~end at Camp David, hh; retreat in western Maryland. VNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK NOW OPIN SATURDAYS t to 1 P.M. MON.-TMUIS. .10.1 P.M. HIDAYS 1M P.M. . l · In Akron, Ohio, 4,000 drivers voted Z..1 to continue a wildcat walkout. Drivers were off the job in the Los Angeles area, in St. Louis, Mo., and other scattered areas of the nation. gram. Unlike Nixon's bill, which requires mothers of school-age children to take jobs or job training to receive benefits, Javits' would exempt mothers of young dlildren. The storm blew off the same center which sent high winds through Oak Grove, near Paragould in no r th east Arkansas, and injured five members or one family and des troyed a house trailer. Oak Grove High School suffered an estimated $1,000 Jn roo( damage and several out- buildings were destroyed. Some or the violators ex- plaJned that the atmosphere of tension had so dissipated that they thought the govern· ment had lilted restrictions Official returns from Sun- day's election showed the government candidate, Misael Pastrana Borrero, a 66,000- vote victor over Rojas Pinilla, who claiJ1!ed tile ballotling was a government fraud. They fired tear gas to break up a crowd of more than 50 students litting in front of two police vans carrying about 45 arrested students who had been sitting-in at the U n l v ersity Administration Building. 'Ibe police van.s were pelted with rocks, cracking the win- dow in one truck. The chief executive had summoned the NSC to a !lleeting today amid specula· tion it was to deal with the decision he must. make on Cambod.la:s appeal for anns. 1714) 540-1211. LM9ted 11; kr::~~=-t S t r angled tran.sportation prompted rn o re industrial Jb.yoffs Thursday, with 3,500 American Motors employes turned away at a Kenosha, Wis., body plant for Jack o£ parts. American also suspend- td production of two models Thunday, leaving two models .. productiOO. The key to the situation was I pending vote by drivers on Iii tentative national agreement providing $1.10 .. hour in poy raises over a t hree-ye a r • jieriod. 'Jbere were reports th.at a ~ meeting od!eduled lot Washington wouJd jabrogate that agreement High tnllon officials, b o w e v e r , tknied that was the pufPO'e ~the meeting. Even if a vote were held the 'l.lo.&n--hour raise, biere were doubts .the dri~ers Woukl '1J>Pf'OVe it. C1Ucago l:lrivers, who negotiate m. Bependently, have been press. Ins !or a $US an hour. 'rlley Ny they have signed more Ihm 1,000 employers to thooe lerms. • . . lPope Lauds • . !Sardinians . : CAGLIARJ, Sardinia (UPI) !.. Pope Paul VI made the first papal visit to im· ished Sardinia in 17 cen .. ~ay and told the or islanders who treeted him they were an pnsi>oiled but lsolaled people. 1 "You are a simple, in- tustrious, austere, q u i e t , ~iled and sad people," the p-year-old pontiff said. "You ipre a people isolated from h world. A people.· of ptOud ind tenacious passions but at the same time U natural and ~tie sentiments." , 'Ibousands cheered when l'aul emerged from a hlartered jet after a one-hour aJgbt from Rome. A n fftimated 500,000 persons ivere on hand in this capital l:!ly for his vlsit. ) Moonlight Cruise Stays 'For Dawn WASHINGTON (UPI) -A moonlight cruise boat got stuck on a sandbar in a dense fog on tbe Potomac . River Thutsilily liigllt and 560 tourist spent the night ab6ard before the vessel was pulled free today. · The touri&ta, Including 400 out-of-town atQdents, we r e treated to Cree food from the snack bar and entertainment from a dance band that normally accOmpanies th e Wilson Line moonlight cruises. The .home. towns .of Jb.e students were.not immediately determined. ' The boat, the George Washington. ran aground at about 11 p.m. EST as heavy fog closed in. lt was pulled free by the Diplomat, another cruise ship, after a tug boat failed to jerk the boat loose . The Diplomat could not be sent out until this morning because of the fog. Wilson Line officials said they did mt understand why the George Washington's radar did not warn the captain of the sandbar despite the fog. Jackie Sketch Not at Auction NEW YORK: (UP!) -An ink sketch drawn by Mrs. Jac- queline Kennedy 0 n a a s 1 s , believed to be an outline for a gift Ul the late President Kennedy was withdrawn from auction Thursday .. and con- fiscated by the Manhattan district attorney's office until proper ownership or possible criminal charges are filed. ' llnmors Explode hturders Spark Coed Fear :-' f MORGANTOWN, W .. Va. IUPU -Incre-security ineasutts apparently quieted i wave of. fear and rumors j,at spttad 1hrwgh women's tformitories at West Virginia JJniversKy this week after jolice uncovered the bodies Pf two slain rreiiunen girls. • A m:Uversity apokesman said inany of the 1tudents, i>articularly the coeds, were l•V'e.C')', Ver/ frt~u after ihe headless bodies cl Karen Jerrell and Mered Malarilc, botb 19, were found April 16 bl makeshift graves in a i<mot• area eight mil., aoulh tf here. They had been miss- " three months. J. 'Ibe "peak reaction" ~ oi!Ted Tueodlly, olficials said. ~ The rumon ranged from tpons tbal other coeds were miSsing to ooe story about a man that had a set of keys for all the doors In West~ter Hall where Miss Femll and Miss Malarik had lived. Security measures were beefed up at dontiilDries both on and elf campus and COUMelors held meetings with the frightened girls, the dean of. women's office said. ''We're doing out best to help them be r.alistic and not panic,'' Dean Betty Boyd said'. The body ol Miss Ferrell, Quinwood, W. Va., was buried Thursday. Mlss Ma Jar I k 11 parents of Kenneloo, N. J ., did not revealed funeral ar- range men t 1 for their daughter. --- GENERAL SAFETY -RID TIRES for BOAT and COMPLETE BRAKE RELINE . .95_ ••• ' most American cal'9 CAMPER TRAILERS TIRE TRUE l ·N G by EXPERTS! UseGeneral's convenient AUTO·CHARGE Plan • no money down • months to pay I S/S 8000 SUPER SPORT 'MAG' The Ultimate in Wheel Elegance! INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL $99 14" FORD •All mirror polish chrome •Precision cast aluminum alloy center •Fully chromed steel rim 4WHEELS • '1"heft proof" chromed hub cap with blue insert • Resists impact and side thrust BEAR WHEEL ALINl~ENT & BALANCING_ SSaYICll: ·-- Save on Shock Absorbers Expert Installation of new, famous-make . shock absorbers, gives you 11 new· car ride, positive car· control. - W-1-0-E! FIBERGLASS BELTED GENERAL JUMBO 780 • Polyester cord body o Fiberglass cord belt o Also available with twlnstrlpe whilewall. Ph• J.2 . .M F'6. l!it T ... .St11 E1b:14 blldlw.U, ~I'll"' •lia CCll Utr•. COMPLETE CAR CARE Since 1959 Hours: 7:30 to 6:00 DaUy 540-57f0 646-5033 ' -------------------·-------------~----~. I • t j ' • • I ' \ .. • I \ . • Ill . . • t" • • ') • Lateat conlronltlkin between Saddlei.cJt COD•a• .' trustees and ttudenta eager'.lo-cet out limn under tM . school's dreas code was an Interesting exeni!J• In democracy, notably devoid o£ bll1tme11 on· bolll ·f!dis. · • Everyone had a chance . to ~ his plilce, anf' : many did, at lenglb. The studtllla sal4 they \fer, tni-.; ' barrassed because: their scbool""ta .,_ laugbing stock." 'Tlie trpstees .held out'for lbe virtues of d~ and clisclplme. . : Neither side seemed Inclined to an · tmmeCllJllt chance of atUtude, but the Humor '<II lbe meetlnf ,.,,., enouJb to tilnt that !be trustees tnly. yet bend' lbt1r .1i!lio yleldmg stance on decorum as lt applies to male bait· tyl . • . ses. ~ .~ Their concern 1hat removal of lbe hair l'Ults 1111&!\I lose 1hem lbe support (s~iflcally• flnanclll)' cif Ille" community, ·and especially of Leisure> World, 111tmed to be genuine. But wilb one high school aflt•• -U.er ., dropping dress regulations, wilhOut oa:rth-sbaldhg pu~ lie reacli\)11, it .would· appear 1halr ,fears ar .. ~P' . overestimated. . The Saddle~ck student~ Hems rolbar r~n able: two recent 1.1codeless" morith•· were ·uneventful. There's piobably ho.Pt for a peaceful ·soll!li<in to the Impasse. ·- Youthful New Mayoi:s Councilmen of Lagtllla Beach, Sail Clemente and San Jiian Capistrano have selected from lbtir nnlll relatively youlbful new mayors·and ·lbe mayors•ln·tum· have set'their sights on priorities m a'ccomplishment. . - ~-........ - Qeniocracy . . . · • The ••. would> be 1111 llftel"!IOOll. st~tion>aes· llon io lbat ltaft momb4n diold attend during· regular bualntH -anll ·-lribule. ·Thia has worked will in Olhtr i:tli••· Er..1; ,»yt&Mlld llfl!llnt11(nan midway lbl'OQJh his· second collliclMerm aall a'form4f pl1m>ln1 comm!•· •lob"cllalrm1111, has also Ill top ,prlorlty·on o: contlllutng ltree't ·lmpnwement Pf'Olh.ID for San Clem1Dte, and called for.-staff plann!Dg lo lqlplement ,It: ' In .. Laguna' BPcb,, new Mayor Rlcbalil"Golclberc. .. who campofineil hard. on lbe h!Pl>le-clniJ Issue; has· pledled lo <Toan up 1he Image of ihe Art COloaY and malle 'lt Calllomla's ntlmber one resort and re1k!eaUil community. · . The 44-yaaMld' merchant has, alao zeroed, In on ·1he need 1o .. 01ve very pressing parking. and traffic problems and lo develop lbe Main Beach perk and accomplish community goals wilbout overburdening property tax· payers. · · This is one of th• problems. Laguna's goals and physical n~s are considerable. Despile a healthy tour· iii business bhe .. it has, like an ·smaller cities, liinited .. llind~ to accomplllll them. · Thomas ·A. ••Tony'' Fonter, new mayor ·of histOric San 'Juan llaP.lstrano, plans 'pro(ress while keeping alive 1he downtown early Califo~la charm of his city. P.rotre1s means to Forater a deci1lpn on future mobll., li0me·denslty, better coordination and coopera- tlonrwith other agencies, dev,elopm~nt of a parks and recr,eatI.on commt11ion1aild planning for a future police department. · · The youthful mayor, >descendant of ·an old ·catlfomia fanilly and· a nollve Of San Juan, looks favorably on lbe occuj>aUon8J: ·mix·of the council - a merchant,. a ranch- er, a~·tradesman. a teacher and an aerospace worker. F~r is a TRW administrator. · ... Mayor Walter Evans has SUJlested, o: new ·format and new Umes for council meetings iii i;.n Cltmerilt. One meeUng. of lbe monlb· would bO ·a1 Dlaht for p;Jbllc hearings and olber items of particular tntereal to lbt · public. . • ' ' ' ', ·nie DAILY PILOT wl•ht• lbe new councils and lbe new mayors .)Vall wllb lb~ chons ahead. s ~A NATUAAI.' MlfCOCRAT .1s AA ffffTE INTfLLEOUAl SHO& WiTH A <REW CUT;' ' iPurposes of • \Group Jargon Are Twofold l The purpose of la11811age Is as much io eonceal thought as to reveal It. !Bureaucrats, high priests, lawyers, art crlllcs, and other Jntelleclulls. ·cleyelop a croaP ,...,... The purpo1e ol lllat lltP is anly partly to communkate lo .uier .members ol the group. An -1Jy important -ls to obocure or prevent communicaUon to those cMlicle the group. . II Is easy eoougb to see lllat the ""*"'orld \VOUld waiit a secret lan- 11111e lllat OUl>id· 1m cannot under. istand. beCallle the uncjerwortd has ... crell to tr.ep !rom the respe c table world IJld 111e-pouce;_ But people in the learned proleaslOM 1 abo have secrets to keep, especially . from the lay public. Of course, it ls not disputed that any le a r n e d profession requires a technical vCICi.bulary. But s u ~ h voCabularies almost always become more difficult than , necessary . No physician has ever been able to expliiin to me I the difference between "new born baby" land .. neonate." . ' ; THE A'ITRACTIVE FACT about a ;learned vocablllary ts that it confers , aodal prestige and status upon Its uteri i at the same time as it creates awe ; amoog those wbo . don't uncleralol\d iL l One of the pleasures of being learned • la tO ]nduce In Ille unlearned Ille nactloo, · ~"God, be must be smart! t can't un- 'dentand a word he says.'' And we ; wbO are learned are always jult a bit : afrlld that if we wert to express ~CIW'ttlves simply and cleatly, peGple : would cease to be impressed. with us. '. Historically, the intellectuaJ's self 1 esteem has long rested on his conviction 'that b'e is a special ord'r of bdog. far above &be masses. "Some men. are IOld. some are silver. some lire iron ·and ·fem." said Plato. Soldiers are allvt:r. A~ and workers are iron and lild. PbllOBOpbers are -gu,ss. BENCE !fALKING TO each other in a languaCe" the" masae& co4ld not UO· cleratand 1'11 a llatus symbol -almotl a caste mark. In put ages iotellectuala lalked to eacb olller In Lalin or•Sanslo11 Quotes ·~" pabllcltlol C11 t II e Newpon ~ Mesa Bo•nl of Jl.elllwt-"We ooderstand the American a.ti Llbertlea UDlonJlla picked up lhe .....,.,. ol lenanll evicted throup -detainer actions In the northern port of Ille ltlte, canl<ndiog Ille action is _..,iJGoal. Soon landlords, for their own, pre4ecdon, must quit renting to marg1nol -. aelectln( only thoo< ---cr<dlt. W"'ldn't 11 be a lbame to .. 1 •')erce'nt vacancy factor -~ -deoplncin-thek °"'·'' or at Aa.u ~ becauoe landlords .. ~ --reut1n1 lo them! I• 1.....,....alllll. Ult -lqUltttrs• of '49 -.e 10 manerous and compsraUvrly pohtlcllty_.rful, they caused '"'"Y " sood lei tlllo to be defeated. Gould It be poollblo Ill~ wW eventually YO!• "' Into 1 complete COYanment takeover llf ...... !. J . , Vse of New Food Grains Not the An•acer . Dear Gloqmy • D·ifficulties • Ill a 'Green Revolution" ·~ Gqs: Tllll r.tm "'*" ,.....,.. """"' "" ' _..,.., ..................... ..... ,.., "' ~· ... ...,,,, . .....,. ........ . To tllt•lldilor: The NUcle by Havtratock and Scbroecler (DAILY PILOT Comment Pqe,~prll 11) about the "G..,.. llo•Olu- tlon" · fed !be lead.,. to belleVe lllat the !wk! focid prOplem Is ooJuble through the · ue. ol l)tw food 1r1ln1. Unf<inuljatety, this la •a mitlaken Im· ~. The "Green· J\evolution" is a -~lete•revolutloa. To-accomplish Ille 1~ talift not only saed, fertili..,. and 1n'tptton to trU.fwm a socle\y from a bave not to I 1ia,.., bUt extraordinarily large sunis ol oulalde eapOrta and money. IAIED lll'ON studies made at Cornell IJNYet8lty, It has been eaUmaled that It WGUld take ..,. upert per eYery tit ~aLCblnm, alw&)'I mUllll'llU'O . 11 to IQ peeple in an Wldetlleveloped that tl:lele Ianiuages were JIO Jancer . c:owitry lo bring the newsary espertlae. being spoke~. These dead lutuica eerv-Jn addition. tor the 1'Grten Revolution" ed the extremely UJeful -of keep. to be acoompllshed, qeveloped nations Ing the peasant> In a state ol 1.....,.<k wpuld have to shift markedly lllelr apen. nverence before .mystorlea .lbey coilid dine Impetus. Currently the U.S. and not hope to under1tand. · ' -other developed couotritl spend at about '!be American acholar ClllllOI, WI• hi• a 20llO:I ratio of military aid to fonolp medieval C0W1terpart, protect bla enlted (m>n·mllltary) aid. 1tlla ratio would have social ima1e by writing in Latin. But to bt revened. he can and does write in Jangpaaes To 1tfcreut.,.:the fOocf crop by ,o tiines almost as opaque. Let me quote · a current prodUcUon would.mean a 100.fold paragraph from a recent iuue GI .the lncrtue ·la the uie of fettillzer. TM "Amtric~ Journal or Sociology": current hilh ltvtla ·•re • source of "IN ANY FORMAL organiiaUon, tht goaJa as reflected' in the system of functiGnal dilfereQUation n!sult in a diltincUve pattern of role differentiation. In turn, role differtfttiadon, whether viewed hlei'arohlcallY or bo<izonlally, leaib to wti.t Mannlleka·ealled 'perspec. tivlatic thinking' namely, lnCiunbency In a particular atatua: tndllOis a cor· responding set ol pereoplfcms, attitudes and vaJuet." Whal Ille outhar la aaylng In this paasage Is menoty that different people have dllfen!ll\ Jolla and Illa! people In dllferent jobs tend to ,.. ml · think dllferenlly. (Read the p_..,.., 11aln and aee U I'm not r1shl) · What ii c1W from thii pusAge - and the anly thing tl\at Is clear - is that the author's concern for bis professional, standing .ts a' man of learfl. Ing bas almool completely •ubmer1ed hiJ eoni:tm for cominuniCaUng.ldeU. '"''t OCOIOflcal danger, a hundred fold irtcreNe could be a dliaster. 8TILL . :AftJOTBIR problem would be that developed countries would have to cut Nck .., llttlr production and marlletJng of ll'ain cropl IO the newly de""loplnc CGUDtrieo would be Ible to enltr the-,....Id market and ..U lllelr ~ .. lw'the fulldl -arr to 11111otn the "rtYOIUtlon ... When this waa propo11ed In Ille U.11. by the FAD, the Unltod States, Gmt BrC!aln and olller dtvelope<I n•llc!M ~Y vo!Ad qalnat Ibis -· On paiper, the ''GrHn Revolqtlon" IO'ands IUI• a IOJutk>n to tbe w1r on fll'llno. In. !<!alllJ, It la not. 'Ille 4U• fkul'Ues involved are of tretndou1 magflitude and do . not yield to eaay soJQl!ooa. . GARY S. RESNICK BlololY lnltnlctor '1ntruldiott To Ille Editor: . ,,... DAILY Pllm"1 policy l'Olardlllg populatilin ind planning In Orange County ii b\c:Onsistent and puuUnc. Jn your April 7 teed edllori8'.,zou ll!M"' from retder1 ,,. "ie.n., N0"'1•11'1' wrl""11 al'!Olllcl conllfl lllflr mt&MIQ Jn 3lllJ wer.I• Of lt!•·-Tllt rlOM i. C(lnf;kflM .. n.r. 10 Ill INCi fr t llmlo nit. l!bl!I It rn1r'lfd. All lettt,. l'l'llnt Inch.ode 11• n1tutt ind m1moe Mcltttt. but namn "''V be wlthMlcl on rtt11ul tt sufflcl1111t rllllHI I• WP41ftnl. Potfn' will not bl! pubtl1lled. • quoted a UCI report which txpra1ed concern over the lack of open apace along our coastUne to accommodate the many people of Orange· and Los Angeles counties who might wish to enjoy them. You then urged efforts by county and city government to acquire more beachfront property for public ue. This would truly be, as · you termed 'i~ con- structive action. YET IN ANOTBEJl lead editorial jLUI a few weeks ago, you pralaed the Irvine Co. '1 projected 450,000 population City ot Irvine as a signltlcant step forward. '!'llu!>n.tr>d!ctlo!!_ ahould be obvlo111. Us- ing the' report's figure of 21 feet of public shortlint: for each 1,000 population, over two miles of this very expenaive commodity will have to be acquired to aervt thia new city alone. Thus you seem to be &aying that (1) we don't have enougb public shoreline for cumnt needs, so we should acquire more, then (2) tel'•· l>nlld another city ol 4!0,GOO so we'll be sure to have less beaehfront footage per person than we had before. EVIDENTLY 11DS contrldicUon in terms of public benefit is not obvious to Ille DAILY PILOT or the Irvine COmpany ; 1fter all, population growth la 1ood f« bustneaa. Bui to this Orange Countlan, who came here some years ago to .• eScape cboldng conge~. it is Something that dearves qne con~ sideratlon at leatt from 0\11' pubUc of .. ficlals. Grow~ -for growth'• sake bas to end aorneUmt; why not now? HENRY C. COOK What we meant to say was : (1 ) if:.ii probably ntVff havt 1tall~ enough shorelint and ahouJd beg, borrow OT steal o!l we can for public u.te, and, (2 ) people are going to keep coming to Oro1tge counti,i whether OT nOt we lfkl it; far bttter toe' encourage plan- ned dtvtloptnt''ntl such GI the .Irvine cttv rather thtrn turn it over to a variety of di.JconKeote~ potchworlc buildn1 and londmovers. C~inly every effort 1houJd be mode to prod fro.m any developtr -includtt1g the Irvine Co. -highest ond pest ·U$e of the land, including porkl and public beach. -Editor Credit .Line Droppefl To tbe Editor: Saturday, Apr. 11, yoo printed an artJ· cle on the cOnuntnt Page entitled ''To Police: 'We, shouldn't Stereotype 'Them.' " The article bad no by-line and no Jndieation that it was anything other than your own editorial intended aa a criticism of police offkers. THE ARTICLE WAS, h0wever, a direct. word·for·word, quote from FBI training ma terial made ava.llable to law en. forcement . ageftcles for trainin& of of. ficers in police-community relationl. The credit for the article should ·10 to the law enforcement agentjea for the efforts they are maklnc-witbin their own ranks- to Improve police-ammunlty rtlaUons. Please set the re<ord straight. MRS. E .. L. A credit line rtading "From the FBl Bidlttin" was inadvtrttnt111 dropped by printers. -Editor WJiat Are We Dohag7 To the Editor : 'nte entire world waited and prayed until the three astronauts were. home aa(e. What are we doing for 1,50& men who were serving our country-the POWs? PA1TY KELLOGG Lagun•11'• Lament To the Editor: Woe unto us! Woe unto us poor mortals who cannot see beyond our own selfish. goals in this world. What a aad com· mentary it is on We when we loee our sensitivity to What life la really all about. What la happening to man's power al reason and cltor thinking wh<l1 the obvious ~ obscurect behind the muk of our so-called "dO-gooders" -those marveloUa cttaturu who prom· isi the answtta 'to o u r problems by taking the hard line and •imply ellnilnating the unpleasant. JS IT REAU. Y that simple? Is that really the anrwer when we're dealing with human beings? Why do we put ourselves above others the minute they refuse to conform and why do ,re· stek easy solutions and smooth talkers to arouse our emotions to the po i n t or radicalism? Is that the name or the game now? And under the misnomer II f PROGRESS, do we honestly· feel lllat more people in a community necessarily adds to its charm and appeal? DID WE ALL move here (Laguna Beach) because it was a thriving business community or perhaps, wben we think back, it was becnle of lta cbann, aesthetica, and small population. .. Can we lose sight of these"'lh lnp merely tn the name of progress? Perhaps so, a1 many· of us exhibited this feeling ill our recerit election. We're rapidly becoming an insenlitive nation, populated by a people filled with fear and avarice. If only we_ !l'«lld stop and tool< around -not al· bulldin(s or people or THINGS . of a marunade nature, but of what ii abov~ us, atound us and within us. THERE IS NOTHING more "progressive" in life thait· the Simple nower, tree or forest that grows and conUnues on UU'ough all the ages. '111ere Is nothing "lovelier" than the smell of pine trees or the taste of water from a clear mountain stream. And tbere is nothing more "beautiful" -than the look on a child's face as '1t gentlY examines a butterfly or m o r e heartwannlng than when this child nms to you with a nower he has di!K."Oftl'td growing in some hidden place or even the excited look he radiates when be tells you that he just spotted a rare eagle in the sky. TOO BAO, ISN'T IT, Iha\ our future generalions will most like!)' be deprived of an these wonders Of nature -oh, and don't tell us that science will come up with tbe an:nffrs. We've all seen synthetic freei, flowers and anlmala and they just dOn't make tt! No, sadly eftOUlh, if' we· don't start, now.-thinkll'lg and •cling upon !be inevtta6te out...., of life on this planet just a few shor t 'generations from now -tbere will be no llie ! LINDA WAHL IT SEEMS TO ME th•t this p....;. lllustrotos beaullfulty Ille dilemma ol the ambitlbus American scholar. Al scholars we have to _ab.ate our findln&• with others. We have to communicate. At. communie1ton we knOw fr<ITt every day expertence that · the · simpler and more uupretentiQUS our Voclbtllary atat syntax, tbe more quickly we art .. dentood. But In addlUon to being scholars and communicators. we ar-e atatus &etken, like everyone else. We want to impna othen, u nol with fhle .'tlothes or tl· pensive automobile~ wtlll the aym~ of vast tNdition. Therefore, re1yini bn a tradition that goes biclt at I-to the Chou dynasty In China and the ancient Greeks, we wort Clft an ~Po lion thlt says that you can ntflr 114 ..._led u a man ol le&mlnc If evel'yone could underataf'ld what yoy a,y. Fulbright Is Dropping Some Hints the next Congress, which convenee in January 1171, there will be 1 number of challpt lo the Senate Faretp Rtla- llona Commtttee which Fulbright beads - a position be bu consist.Olly uoed to puoh his tOllteatious vtowa and theorle1. Theoe cbangts lo Ille CO!ll' mill«'• ~mbetablp could fmporlanl!y affect Fulbright'• hlglJ.11ancled mulP!l•· tion of the COllllnlttee. llliWQ aiuld be lharpty cUJipid. Sboukf Ibo Republicans capturt -1 o! the Senttt;, f\llbright would loM thla prise . ~P· ·outright II •-1d be taken -'lly llpiitor Georp Alllen, Vt., •nlar RapllblllOtll comm111oeman. Suet a lbllt 'liwlol dr..uc.Ib' -to FulbrithL Roprdlea ol the tlt<ll'!O out,_, Ihm .,. c:ertalD to be at teut four new ~mmittnmen -two Dtmoc:rats and two Ropubllcanl. OUT OF A 'rorAL membership ol 15 (9 Democrat>, I Ropubllca111), that could markedly modify the bulc vi.,.. point and atUtude of the committee from being generally pro Fulbright to anti Even under the prtSent Une-up. he has lately beesl encountering oppoaiUon to !IODle of hla moves. Some of the committee's private meetlnp hive been stonnY. On sevoral occastona, Fulbrlibt bu been bl111tU, challenged and told olf. He obvloull1 dldn'l lik• iL Fclr oome !lrrit, Fulbright hao been 11111ontcally known amo111 colltaiuea .. ••tbi Ufttequlted Secretary d.. state." Ria b~ ambiUon WU to Wlr,d ·UP -his public t&rffr ti head ol the Slate OepltlmenL For ytan on <Iott l~rnls Willi tllon-Senate Leader LJl!don J"""°", Fulllrtght confk!eOl!Y expoctod to be lnltalled as Secret.ary ol State follow ing the UM tlt<llon. llllleed, Jolllllon nlalned Secrttary Dean Rusk, who hod beta appointed by Pmlclent Kennedy. • By Robert S. AJloJI udJobA.<;o- '--.iW- 1 Friday, April 24, 1970 Tl!< edltorlol pogr of lhr Doll• Pilol ,.,,., to Inform and .- •late ....... by l>Tflt•liftp lhla. ,,..,._,, oplllio!ir """ -lllf•""1/ on topl4o of r.. ..... a -• and signlficenct, by provfd!nf • forum tor Ille . •ltJ>T<-"1 our 'rtodtn' ~°"'· Giid br prt1nllng lM '""""' ...,. polnta ot fnl°""'d obseri>m and &poke.mien on io,lci of IM <1ar. _ aobert N. Weed, PubUah• 1 - ----~~~-·----------------------------------------- -- -:cHECKINa ~ •UP• Restaurant Menu La8ts Five Weeks •. I. M. "IOYD -y aolec:t.ion of DWMrall PaullNAL llATl'Bll -Do for -llvq rooms. yoa mind ~ -bl&il spirllod n-will he lnlc,kod to the reno... ilMeo )'<IUr wife tithe< lot and boilled llllo placo, hello or .....,,. II, a party! when -c:nftmwl, spoe-SUcti~.,.. tile lnqUiry tl>at tacuJar 'rill 1Uls ucl bolls, JIOlll!th pu1 to a IUllber of wru air.,.. tne -Je lhebani marrtecf.aenllemea. Three out toto a tolld unil. Ob, so yoo of 10 Mld yes, they mind. -all 111!1! All rish~ but And" tn out of 10 wooldn'I do yoo know what carpentm even amwer the queatlon. will become oblolete? And in Whal'• )'<IUr decblon Jn 111!1 their ploce,.. wru:11ave boule matter, air! Waft, 11 tl!is is med>aalcl! Especl il too --1, !Ult forte! ft. TBB IN.UZV lllllrAURA· wllO P.lUhs tO n11oc1 TBUll8 Upec1 t11o1r f1111<7 s,,_u,etlcaDy t1lat 42 per. JDelllS to lalt lboul IM -U cent of Ille bop in this eow>-••• AK INFOllMEll a loll try IUflw from u I c e r 1 ! shell crab is only, a IOft Nobody ,. • • MIGIQ' ADD, · lllell crab !or -t two days. one lblnl of what a pig •ts Thal'• how long tt tUea for the goes Do the meat. 'Jbat'a shell to turn bard ••. llOIT pretty ilOOd-Only one rilhtb McENT STATIB'nal lllow ol whit a cow or a sheep oDe oat of every 11 Americans eats does likewise. bl.I arthritil. "ROGIJl!l! DIFFER LIT· C:UBTOllEll lll!BVICE -Q. TLE. Ead;1 began first as a "What is the aaJtiest ocean?" disobedient IOD." So goes an A. Tile N«th Allaotlc • • • old dliDese proverb. That's Q. 0 Do deer 11eep?" A. They a II I leorned today i n take brief but deep llllJI. philosophy. AK ASKED -· Coo-HORTICULTUllE -Wero nectlcul aot its name. In the you awar< a lick U.. ii apt old Algonquin language, QuiJ>. tc> nm a temperature? 1bat's nehtaqut mtant "looc river." what the U.S. Forest Service Tb.It's where ••• "AMONG fa<md out recently. I do not STATUS conac1ou1 criminals," koow where tl>ey imert<d the •Y• a priaon -., "the thermamettr, but It npeated-confidence man invariably ly llilo!led a percepllble rise regards the m.rtloniat u an in unhealthy trees. Also, their inept fool." tests indicate :dct lMeS are STA"nmCAUY a 1S-yur- hotter in the morning than old girl 1JP011c1a exactly 41 per· at any other thne of. day. ctal mort a year for clothes NO HIPPIE wtll want to than 1 13-year-oJd. boy • • • !"gel lhol George Wuhinafon IT WAS IRVING llllllLIN'S wore a beribboned suit oC canteaUon that ChinHe food bllick velvet at his second lo-will mate )'OU creative. Mi&ht auguratiOn • , • HOW LONG tly ttlat • • • QUICK, HOW have you had your MANYolthbcountry'ael&bt refrigtrator? 1be appliance fivHtar gtnerals can you experts say the average name? ... AS FAR AS tues refrigerator survl~ onJy 10 go, you and I pay about twice years • • • RFSEARCHERS as much overall as the cor- al Wayne State University poratlom pay. contend girls stay ticklish RAPID REPLY -YM, sir, longer than do boys, but they Darwinians will tell you our don't uplain why . oh-to-dlltant forefathers were CONSIDER TRIS -Within born with a third eye that the next 10 years, it's said, looked straight up from the you'll be able to buy your crown of the head. new house piecemeal. By • • • selecting standardiled com-Your qtttstionl and tom- ~ parts at a departmeml mnits "'' 00<l<Om<d a1ld store of houaes. Modular ~ will be uaed in CHECKING st.ruction, it's called. You'll UP iohqever po1sibJe. Ad· pick out bedromn number drt11 letters to L. M. Boyd, 1312. bathroom numbtr 4Z. P.O. Boz 1115, Newport kitchen number 967X and a Beach, Calif., 92~tl0, ·some~ Injury Cable Car Nympho .Backed SAN FRANCISCO (AP.) - Superior Cc:mt Judae Francia McCarty in a aurprlae dlrect· ed verdict.ruled. 111.unday that Gloria Sykes suffered "some" injury aa a result of ne,li- gence by the city'• Municlj>oi Railway in a 1114 cable car crash. 1be Z9 . year ·old former dance inatruct« had sued the city for '500,000 damages for alltge<f lnj~es in the acci· dent .... aald i!itadled her sex drive to abnormal lhnits. Mc0atty's order requires the jury ol eight women and four llM!l to decide what ln- jllrits Ille plaintHI did sullor San Diego , Mmcans Hold Park in the milhap and whal dam· .,., muat be paid by tile city. The city's only dcfeue wit- neu, Dr. Knn: R. Finley, a psychiatrist, !e1Ulled Thurs· day that Misw Syke1 <oUld likely h 1 v e nymphomania problems even .U lhe weren't Involved In tbe cable cruh. He said she hu emotional problems but wllbln normal range. He added, •ever, the accldent may have btcmne a symbol on which to "project" all'U(ly aisling dllllcultlea. Tile jury has· heard 11 psy· chi~ and otller medical e><perts, alx Ill Min Syk<s' former lovers, two pMlelllen and the grlpman from the ca· ble car that cruhed. 16 Student.s Arrested Polire Kill Gal Knife Thrower NORTH HOLLYWOOD (AP) -A.....,. __ _ knives po<lealoaally bold m -boltapatabar where the waa refuaed a drink, dueled -wbo ~ to·UMJ rescue, and WU shol-to -as bor arm reared bock -a lbrowin( knife, police lakL V1r11J1ia ·(Ginny)· Gallqoa, n, · who erocen said once -knl•• al cam1Vai1· and bartand<r Derlene Parter, ffJIUI' ftllllD a'ltOriwl and 1 mole patron -Ille return-ed to tho bar w-.,. night after bcUC -a beer, Dtl~lYe SC!·. Donald CUJD. mop . She ' a swit.. chblade llnife and a IO'lnch ~ llnlfe and kept lhe: alJ: bOllap _,, 1llln an 'boor before -allppecl from 1111 bai and -nolUled ..-Jtlea, olfictrlaald. Two, and tlleo four, olflcerl arrived at lhe bar and manai· ed to 1et the bolt.ages outside. With her tnife, poliee sakl, Mia Gall-dueled wllh the olllcan. '!'bey aald they psr- ried her tbruats w J t b nlghtatlcka. When lllt advanced on them and drew back lhe lhrowlng llnlfe, Sgl Cmnmlnp, said of. ftcen Timothy Bater and Joltn Tucker opened Dre with their servkti revolvers. Min Gallegoe was struck In the chest atld arms, ht said. U.S. Envoy Plans Border Delays Study TIJUANA, Mexico (UPI) - The U.S. Ambuaador to Mex· lcO pledged Thursday to look iftlo reportl of continued traf· fie delayr at the bordw cross. ing here. ly Phll lnfefl-'1 ' • reiJ, ·1pt1'1'1, 1'70 oM.1 "LOI .J ~Three·D~e in· Hol~up . ~ _Officers; Suspect Kifled in Bank Heist ·~ LOS ANGELES (AP) -poll« olllcer, Earl J. Rl4dlck. Authorillel llY I bank pan! ' 30, .... ol! duly Thursday and a pollce olllcer wer. killed me! -· Ii>. -r the baflk by an o:-ccmvlct before a to calb a check. motorcyde officer fatally. shot The holdup man was kSen- tbe tunman after ID 81).mlle-tiijed as. OWlrles Henry Maclt, an-hour cbue. 32, recently paroled from San 'lbe 11Jard, a t~montb Q!Jentln Prison after serving employe of Security Pacific six years for armed robbery. N-.i i1anli, waa George Police .tblef, Edwanl M. MKMullen, IO. Tbe slain Davis, adriaed ol t b t Long Beach Protestors To Picket Napalm Plant .. ,:: shoollnco, oommeotat later Iii . ' tHe •1 in a speech " HlaJ>land Park: "I c:omt before yoo wllh 1 heavy htar\: 11lis' momlni an o t h1e1 polteoman was killed. He llioi it oUt1wSth I bandit and Joli.'~ inveatlgaton said the chai~ of events bepn when M'~~ rollbod a parking lot att"'"\'!C: ot '27 and s&ole a car there.•:· Later he entered Stcurili' Paclllc's branch on Sou~ Western Avenue and obWioi f ll,!00 at g._mt from ., wcman teller. := LONG BEACH (AP) -Anti rout troops in entrenched posi· Jill' proteaten plan a· return tlons. It clings to what lt to a treellned middle clasa touches and burna at 3;000 ::i..:::.:::.::=:~=.:;:..:::;~;.;;;;;;,;;;;;_ ;;; .. ;J nel&bborbood w h e r e In;. de ........ ., centlmde. ~rs · trodudJoo of a napalm plant .......... b'" Police s a I d Mt<Mulleli; unaware a robbery tiad takri: )>lace, was shot in the chegt near the door -hla .owif· revolver still hol~red. IJ.I~ dl'ck was ldlied in \he parldn' are a in an exchange of gunfire in whldl Mack was wouod«td~ Stanford Still Boils -~.~ -tr•ttoni :~ i:.::id,:. °":t~.,:. About this , time, t w - mot«cyclt ol!lcen ~ by the scene and pve chaae. Q(ficer C. E. Teague even.: tually cornered• Mack and. mortally wounded him as h' hid bene.alh a boat trailer id'. a back yard of a residence. • Peace groups including tht warfare qents. With 22More Busts Peace and Fnedom Party, American Electrlc declines which conducted two small to say what P,etCentlge of one-day picketing sessions the naUon's naP,Itn "it prcr, outside the factory I a s t duces, referring all inquiries STANFORD (UPI) -Tw• ty.(wo penool Wtl'f: arrtsted today wbeo tberiff'• deputies made a '.nift-.-raid on the old ;tudenl 1mlon building on the Stanford University capi.- pus where antl·ROTC pro- t.eften were defying a aobool order to leave. Nine ol those arreated were women. Several of thoee who Oed the buildin1 retaliated with <OCk-41lrowing at police. 'Ibey broke numef'OUI windows in nearby Treosidor Memorial Union and moved across cam- pus to throw atones at Win• dows of other bulldinp. About 3.IO pmeat<rt bad swept Into the buUdinc Th,..._ day after cluhin& wllh 40 more conservative 9luderts of tbt Free Campus Movemtnt, who tri~ to bar the way. 'Ibere were seven.I Incidents of minor ICllff1ing and pun. November and December, say \o the Deferwe De ..... ..-... nt. chine· a crowd of 500 to 1,000 will .,..."""" Stanford University Presi-march on Saturday. dent Jl::enneth Pitzer declared It will be part of nationwide the. building ckleed to all demonstrations urged by the u~ persons at 5 p.m. Student Mobilization Com- (EST) but about 125 remained mitlee and the V 1 e t n a m 1n the buikllnJ:. Moratorium Committee, which WIU)in an hour. f o u r began April 15. deputies advised those oc· 11Je campaign against the cupylnc tbe buildinl that they loul manufacturer, American were treepalliag. Many of the E1ec:tric Co., began after it proteeters wore mu.ks to pre-woo a contract for production vd ldenWication. Deputies of the controversial weapon, also reminded tllem that this succeeding Dow Chemical Co., was U1e1aL prevloua producer in this area. Dinntr WU brou&ht to .the Dow WU the target ol protesters, who liftened to a repeated demonstrations. rock bond during the eveotng. Nei&hborl-1 residents, too, Al a mldbight meeting, the have protested the plant -~ ... -·-··~ •• n not on anUwar grounds but .--lcld• ~ w f aa an allqlCl lir< huard. qua Y when .. ""7 were to d Napalm ll a fiercely burnlnt the JIOHCO were coming and jelly that, oqulrted or dropped l>Ollibly return law today. · in ~ is uted to till or But many were caught off ' piard wlleo they beard their lookouts' cry of "pip, pigs." WANTED! Men And Women With A o.slre To le On Televllion. ARE You ·ovER 217 CAN YOU TAKE DIRECTIONS? T~k• 1' Production1, Inc., ~Is Proucl To Announce The Openlnt Of Our NtW HOLLYWOOD TALENT POOL for ADULTS TO AUDITION ON-CAMERA CAt.L 714-547·6251 TAKE "1" PRODUCTIONS, INC. HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. P.I . Ca.,_, Nat PNfwlHlll c ... _., fM ......... Robert H. McBride also sald be would investigate alleged unneceasary restrictions Im· ~ on Mexican citizens trying to visit the United * * * * * * Prof Survey Indicates .. " " :: Dislike of Disruption States. McBride, who was making his first visit to ~ and BERKELEY (UPl) ~Alla· Baja California since his ap. pointment last July, apPeared tional survey or college teach-- at a press conference whtre ers' feelings toward militant reporters confronted him witb ltudents wu "prematurely" the cunplainls. reJeued, according to a so. McBride was told that the ciologist who heMled the sur· border crouing delays and vey team. travel restrictions are hurting , However, Dr. Martin Trow tourist trade on both sides conceded 'Ru.rrsday the sur· of the border and have crtaled vey, in it. "unrefined" form •. ill.feeU.,.. agaiml the United lndi,,ated Ill percent of the Stites. tNCbera opposed militant Mexican Citu.ens _...i .... in-.. _ --· lo the United Sts!el ar< n· Three-foorlhs of the faculty quitfid to have· border crosainC members respondlng a 1 s o cards which restrict them to tnought students invol\1ed in travellng wilhln 25 mi1e1 of disruptive . clemppltrations the border. SpeclJI p<hntla lllould be expelled ·or ampend- .,. n<eded fOI' Jaoi..-tr!pl, but ed, lhe University ol Calli or· the Meaican r<porUn claim nl _, •• ~ few are -and that Mu· a .. ---· icana .,. at the wblm of U.S. An early analysis of the sur· lmmlgratlon impecton j n vey WU printed by tile CJnn• seeking the pmnlla. ic1e o1 ffi&hel' F.ducation, a Pr<viOUlly, MeDcan cltlaens weekly publloolion for unlver· wero allowed into the United 1lty and college adrnlnlstrat- Statea: ml could tr a v e t ors. 1n It.I April I ediUon. survey lhowed that less than _ half the faculty members agreed that more minority group undergraduates sbouhi be admlUed if it meant relax· Ing normal 1 c a d e m l c standards. ''The survey is under prog- ress.'' Trow said. "ft Is un- refined data.'' An examp~ of further anal- y1is needed, he said, was a breakdown of the. IO percent who cHaapproved of militant demonstraUOns as "to the quality of the lmtltutton." Suit Filed Over ·Chips With LSD ·-~ u •-g u ·~y However, trow said tbt IUI'· -v -~• ~ •~ u. Ull ~•-SANTA MONICA. (UPI ) -could return in 72 hours. When vey resuua are 1 ~1 A former pla ymate r o r tile pment system wu in-analy1ed by hlm.H, Seymour Playboy Magailne filed a II iUattd, the Mexicans were M. Ltpset, profeaor of. soclal million damage suit against told permltl would not be dU· relations at Harvard, and Ev· ficult to obtain. erett C. Ladd, allOclale pro-the South Bay Club Tbursd1y, fes19f of pollUcal aclenct at saying she was hospitalized the Unlvenlty of Conlleciicut. after eating IJllHpllied potato Bill to Allow T!Vw said the survey, apon-chips at a atnglea party. -~ by the Camecie Com· Heidi Anclerl, It ' a Cl ed Se • -a.a halrdreuer, flJed the suit 08 8810ll mluion 00 Hip Education, agalnat a catertna firm, 20 .Fashion Island-Newport Center SATURDAY, APRIL 25'h 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Come watch new champions In the making. Over 600 entries in all competing for prizes, frophies and awards. Best of Breed···-Best In Match.,. Best in Obedience •.. each judged by well·known breeders. Entries are now closed but this is your opportunity to /earn show requirements tor your pet In our next Fun Match. ' " .. -. ~ ' involved mailllt& 100,000 ques· Jolm Does and tbe ·R and SACRAMENTO (AP) -Uon alrea:. The firures were B Development Corp., whlcb What do you do ·if yqu're bUed on S<i,447 which were runs the alaglts • only 1part. a clty OOllDcll or other put.Ille r«umed. ment complues:. SI FINE STORES ond SERVICES ; . _,;,..-.... -1!!! I body and -breok up The Olnlolcle reported that The halloclnogen!c polato yoor meetlnl? 4U ~ of the !acuity re-chips ..,..ed at the party April nin.r tile public O\ll and llpol>denta described t h e m • 4 at the Marina Del Rey Cub p behind daltd clocn, with telm as "liberal," S.5 per-sent 17 pmom to tht holpitll. only Jhe p,.. praent, under -as "left," about 30 per-Mi" Anders charged broach a bill ptnclinl cn the Auemhty eent as "middle~f-the--road," of warranty, ·negU1eoce Ind Door today. It d-tile :JU percent as "moderately liability tn her 8Ult which oald .,. aw . FASHl9NJ ISLAN .D · j F D Aaembly Govt r nm e n,t conservative" and 2.2 percent the food wu contaminated SAN DIEOO, CaHI. (AP) -Or rugs ~pntutloo Commlttoo ao "strongly conservative." with hallllcinogenic agents in· Yo ung Mexlca~Amerlcans ~w111iout;;;:::~•op~~~Qlll~tlon:;;;:~'lbund;:=;::ay;·:::;:;;Tbe::;;~Chron;c=lc~le;;;;:•=lso=:;sa=~;;:;tbe:;;:;;i=url=ou=•=::la=li<a=:lth::=.:;:::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::':::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::===:===;:=:===:::;::- X11W .. OB.T OllJl'Tll&. . • PAClllC COillT KHAY IEllllDI JAlllOllll AllD llAC AmtUI vowed -Y to keep finn coo-VENTURA (AP) -SU.teen . tro1 of the two a<rea of public ·junior high ICbool ltudenta land they Hised for a park ' under a bridJe ramp and all betwten II and 15 years planted with trees, ehrubs and old, were arrested in Ventura gms. w-.y on drug char1.,. "Tile only way la take that Police aald tbo 11 pla and park away is to wade through five boys aDetedl7 boupt, oor blood," said Jose Gome&, --•• took tile arug -i student body vloe p<"ldent -°' • at Sln Di•go City College. wllleh b used in slteplng pills, Anolller speaker ldellllfylng durtnc the day. himaelf only u a' San Ditp The inveatlgation b e I a n Stale College sllldenl said, when offlctals al De Ania "we've got the land and ,.. J\IJ\lor lllch School notified ire going to 'work It. police that Uiy were holding •1we are ping to 1et that two students who appeared park. we no Jonctr taJk about to be under the Influence ot asking. We h1Ve the perk." a drug. 1be plot beneath a ramp Inv"°1aton 11id th e of the san Die1cK:oronado childron ..... not hint core Bay Bridge was being con-dru1 uws, but were ti· verted into a highway patrol perlmenUng. at area headquarters. Two of the udents were But about 2511 psrlOlll, Miii to Juvenile Hall anil the rooetll chicanOI b t I a n other 14 -· raleaed into p\ckellllg Tuesday and lalor the culllody of dielr par.nta planted 1rau. 'lbt number or guardians. 'AO wtrt IUlpen· grew 1a about lllll Thursday dee! from achool and wm ,. when youn1 chlcanot planted before a Juvenile probetlon of. tree and bullles. fleer. I Huntington Beach Office: <{ii Located at 91 Huntington Center at Edinger Ave. & Beach Blvd., adjoining the San Diego Freeway, in Huntington Beach. --•••w---·----:..1 •. :i.2° ... ,. ........ _ ............... ·-.. 1 ....... ·~ --NWIMlllll&•--==·---................ t_., ' .- IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ••• Huntington Beach Office of Coast & Southern Federal Savings, where your account is . l~PI • CO~Nl•NT • AYAILA•LI Mactcat ~a1lonl don't w«tY Coeet a Soulllam ,..,,., tllllt copltsl la alwaya ~olng l~ value. HIQ"'-t earnings conalltMt. wtth taftty wfNlrl you NYe It CoMt & Southern. · IQIUICt Tl $21,MI / llSHICIS lfll $111 MllLIDN All< AIOUT1"l INSIDERS CL'DB A NlW WAY yo IAYE MONIY-A ...... IALANOI IN YOUR ACCOUNT MAKl!a YOU iUGllLE. ''"°"'"• orn1 ..,. ""'...,.Mo .... ,,,, .... _ ..... '-... "'" HIGHEST PREVAILING RATES . 5.00%-5.13" P•lloolc; No MlnltolHIL 5.25%439% '111,.. Moftth ~:No Minimum. 5.7S"'4.92%ono-Y .. rC.tlt-;'1,llCI0- 8.0CJ%.l.18" Two-YwC.tltllcalo;tf,oao M- ·! ' ' ' ' I i " ' 1 •, , __ _ -• I ' I " t l - • • • • • ' F.w.t, Afril 24. 1970_ For the Record ' Jtf arriqe Ucenses • • ....... ---......... .. ,.... ... ~ ...... - Sears Walnut finish plastic top tablcr wich built·io AM/FM radio. FM stereo and 4-speed record changer that plays boch _..,n) ond """'° n:conk . . ' ' Cotner Stereo Table Highlights ·This Regnlar •349 Modern ~oPBeP Studi0--Group- The-perfect room grouping for remigers! Designed for versatility with a modem look of elegance. Quilted floral print cover· combined with coordinared solid c:olor , •• Scotchgard• treated for soil resistace. Brass finish ball-type casters for emy re:urangements. Walnut finish plastic top table with ndio-srereo-phono combination. AM/FM Stereo-Radio is built into the um. A1- rniai•e grille-work trim cooceals the speakers. Vinyl Sofa Sleeper • With Built-In Stereo Radio NEW ..• tuJtedo style sofa sleeper with AM/FM st= radio built into arm ... speokers in front arm panels. lather-look vinyl cover. Reversible Kodi:l0 polyester wrapped polyurethane foam scat cushions. Deep button tufted back, and tuJtcdo style arms. Opens to full size bed with 220-coil i~pring marttesS to sleep rwo comfortably. ' S399 Queen size sofa sleeper with built·in stereo radio._ ______ $329 AH Aho'at Sean Convenient Credit Plana $ Sears.· ..,.,. ,.,.. ,................. . .......... . ... t111C11 • M1'1 POMONA Illa ....... GlTl9W•IOfDMMOlt NO'WI ..... -NJ.I.I.. IAM'A MA • 1'411n ,.,...._ •l.atlt. 111""" &UWA• ._ ...... _ ........ •11••··-· ... •,........... i ................ _ ............. ,. ';;;;;;;;;;o;,;;;;;:~ __............... ...... ............ . ' -~ --. ....... ""'1ilbbb .. .... .. _-oor""""'· 7 ............ ..,.. .... ~,,-... ... A ' .... .. ~ .. ...,.. -COMt' ft.uA ..._ 'IDIUlllU ..,.,,,, •AWT "9 ....... tM4m . ......... 1 .. . • • ' ----~---------~----------------------,. - ' F'rlday, Aprft 24, 1970 Primary BA·ll~t-Sq11:abbk_ ' ' Hearing Sched~iled Monday fJ1prre11 ·Parkf District La Palma Detacmnent OK'd SANTA ANA -1'le detach· and largely unincorporated will dE;velop Its own parks m~nt of the city of La Paltna• west, county area, -and recreation program with SANTA ANA -SupU!or Corfman. "The maral11! ls recognl7.od . rmm· the 'Cypre!s l'•rk' and , I.a Palma City All<>rney • 3kenl tu-rate. Court Judge Robert S • ~ John said the county as a judge's aide and judicial Recreation District bas been Rodger Howell said the city John Belch, La Palma prop- ,,..,-1_ ... has aet u-.. .... I r· counsel's office has already ol"-· and as su·• he 1-5 not approved by the county Board represented 12 percent of the erty owner called for a delay \IUIU-.___, 0 u...... '"'u of Supervisors. assessed value .;( the reerea-in action for further study. 1 hearinc oa a petiUon ~( ruled in effect that Miller can ~mpelled to live within the At stake was the. itparation , t.ion district .a&l . 7[)· percent "The people do mt realize for the removal oi the f1llDe: run fOr the south county district," St John said. "It of 755 acres ·in· La Palina> of thedistrict's pOpUlaUon. what they are getting into," of Wl)'nfl 'lbomu Mllltr ol marshal's job under state is my opinion that Mr. Miller from the 51000.&cre county The distrkc has a• 40.k ent he asserted. Cost.I Mesa from Oranie codes which" allow jud1es and is an eligible canfi.date but dlstrict. 'Ibe disjri.ct ... wu tax rat& plus 2.31 cents for He also t:ontended that th~ Countfs June s primary elec-judicial officers to run for or coo.rse we will have to . formed In October iMt tQ pro-retirement Of .boMs. ·"' city's new park and recreaUon . judicial posts outside their wait for Ju<tge Corfman's vide recreational facilities to La Pabna City Manager district would have no limit tion ballots. • area of reli.dence. decision on Arpil rt." the then .sparsely . populated Burt Westnberg said the city oo its tu: rate. Mtrt.r; °' 1 561 Oranc• Ave ... J---~~;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9;jjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiiliiiliiiliiiliiiiiiiiliiiliiiliiiliiiliiliil;;~iiliiiiiiiiiiliiilliimiiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiiliiiliiiliiiiiila~---1s a candidate for the office! or marahal ol the Sooth QrlJlle County Jud lei a I Distriot. Its current holder is Doo l\llea, 245'1% Los Serranos, Laguna !lllJUel and what ap. pears to be Rhea's argument in the dispute is presented · in the Superior Court petition 'by Pasquale MllDCini. Mlmdoi was ld<ntilied l<>day by a<t<rneY Scott J. Raymond as "a rtlideDt of Laiuna NJ.gutl who is loosey associated with M a rs h a I Rhea ." Raymond's lawsuit ror Man- cini argues that Miller's name cannot be included in any ballot or . elec:Uon material since be does ~ reside in ... Sooth _C<unly Judicial d.ist(ict. C<ulty Clerk William E. St John who Is named .. dolen- dant with Miller in the action today dismissed Mancini's complaint as "publicity seek- ing" and certain to find re- jection at tile bands ol Judae Principal Dies Jogging ANAHEIM -An Anaheim elementary scbOol principal drowed c!Hd 'lllursday while jogging with two companicns, the Orulge Coonly County Coronen Olllce report<d. WilllJm "Billy" Nicholson, 42, principal of John Marshall Schoo1 for the past six and a half years and with the Anaheim school district since 1957, was jogging at Loara Hl#i School at 6:20 1.m. when he collapsed. Death Notiee• ...... 9TT l.~1M \rlcQn ••rrttt ...... M, ot" G.id111red St., cor-ft! M.lr. O.te ol llMth. AIH"il 23. WldlM el' tti. '91• J..- W, 81rr11T Ind'""'" el' Jud9t W. Vick'" II LM AMlln. $trYk:tl, Satvrd'•Y· n AM, '•tlllc vt.w Ch11119I. DtrKI• llY f'1effic VllW lo\ort\11rv .• aAIMO• M41vl11 l1thor. l:trn I-•· WHfrrllrnt.r. Surv1v9d lrl' wlfl, f'IWll11; l1tMr, (!1\ld, of Colortdo; IOM, Lou!•, llt•Y 11111 Me1V!ll 811t>or, ol ftl• lllmll dtutllltro. l.OVIM Wttls. ol CotortdOI l!IHNtl" 811her, L- 8Ndll brolfltn, ''"" Ht,..ld 11'1111 L-trd 11111or1 tnd MYtn 1r1llddll1dr111. S..vlcn, TUMdtY.-2 f'M. Sll'lllh• ~I. CLAlltlC Ht...., W1111ffft Cl1rll. 113 !'IO'!"f' St .• C11t11!1 Mnt. All IJ; d.it of dM1'1, Atrll '3. survlVllll IW wlfl. Mr.. M.IN Cl1rt11 tllrM ..it, HtNld l"f9pert, ll'llllWOOCh lhY!llond 1nd Tllomll l"eppera. bolll OI Mlct11 .. 111 lltllt 1r111ddl1klrll'I tnd four· '"" ,,..t-trtlldclllld,..11. krY!t11, S.Nr-c11v, 2 f'M, 1111 lrMdwW c"""'. In. f9fll'\9"t, WnhlllMltr Memorltl "'"'· kll lroadwtr MOrtu1N, DlrKtOrt. llllACUIA t.oul• Slr1CVH. nr Yoril:tewn. Hllfltl111tio11 lttdl; survived w 1Gnl. Lout• Allan. of Nl'WllOf't 8Mell1 ,h!ll' SlracuM. Tn111 cl.Uthllrt. C•lfl91"1M J1111 Ind 9trNra t.ov1 .. S!r1eu1o1, both,, NIW York; ttrotll• en. 0."'9, of Te11111 Ernttt. lollVla i ·1tld Wlll!1m, of Huntl11lllNI IHd!J tlt- ltr. INtltllt """'"°' Ort!llOfll tr•llddllld, 0..11 Slrtcuu. S~ S'111 ..... Y• II AM. Smf1t11 Cha"'-1nt1rll'llflf, !'tlrtl•ven M-111 '•rk. smiths Mort\ltrr. Dirac· tori. Wt•N•NGA Dort l . Wl""""'· "" '" of 2055 trvlM Ava., HIWP«I lllCll, Diii• of .,.,If\, Aprll 23 Survived 11'1 c1au1hf•r-lno"w. M,_. DoiM.1 Wltnlnlt/ ftlrll 1r1nC11-: -, .. MiH111llttr1 .i'!d flw 1 .. 11t-1rafld. clllldrt11. ServlcH wm i>e htld S&l\lrlltl" I l"M, ll:oat WIMloW (l'"..-1' l'tlrN!Ylfl M_,111 '•rk. 111111 AM, wl"' lltv. Ml'lv111 Tl'l'111r offlcla!IM. ll'!Utllmtnl, Ftlrhtvtll M-1•1 P'artl. _.w.m:11tf ChtiMI MtrhMIY• .......,, Dlr«fort. ARBIJCKLE• SON w-~ U7 E. 17111 SI., C-Mesa -• BALTZ MOllTUAlllES Corolla dol Mar OR IM'll Colla Mela Ml HIM .. BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY Ill ......,.,, C..la Mesa lJ "3413 • DILDAY BROTllllM Hntlapa ValleJ M-.,. 17'11 -Blv<I. HuUnpnBun IC-7771 • PACIF,fC VIEW MEMORIAL PAIUt CemotwyeM~ -Padtlc~ Drift Newport-.~ """" • PEEi FAMILY COJ.oNIAL ftJNEllAL HOME 'Ill! Baba A"' w .. --• 5ta11EF-yn£OIR MOim1ARY '-"-ftl.Ull Su a.-le ...... • 8Ml'l'llS' MOim1ARY 111 Mall Ill. -... --- FREE .CLASSES SIGN UP ROW LDllT 100 PERSONS CLASS HELD 7:~:11 P.M. LA.·MDW>A STORE OHL Y FREE CLASSES REGISTER WOW DOOIPBIZES llll'llESllllEIS GALVAJllZED PIPE Wo11 ;m you. a vood deal U you buy th• stuff iai 21 klot )nagthtJI W• ho•• to cut tt. •• loM a ton. So 9GY• and hcrro pionl7 lo do lh• Job. 1/2 DICI II' FT. 3/4 INCi 16' n . PVC SPRIRKLER PIPE •• 419 ~--.... ·-..... NEW FORMULA 409 67:2oz. You kno-.r the high ptic.U ,hai{. ll't adv1rt11ed. on TV and eYerywher•. SOmobody ha1 to PGY for ihat, yO\I Sa.ow. Tbi• l• chM-p••· homollor, but doot th.e tct:111t tl\Ui.g. G•t tht ai.••togt? SCEITED cm LES 7 c IA. Oh. lhl• 11 noal. lfico .e-11:11• to pl4!Q••· Go! Strawberry. Inconn. fro;nglpanl. PJne. and abo\11 •"ht other•. Mork lo••• it• lM!.t M '• on old hip pf who fo11nd_ hlm"lf again. • RATIONAL LUMBER NEW WOOD & MASORRY LATEX BOUSE P.AllfT ~:'2~1i:;t!:t';:V11~~ 1/2'• 9<u.10 "FT LEIGTB Stat't with on• paint G11d go tho whole JOU!•. Mo cl14aving from 011• to th• other 1*:-o:u .. yov. got mollll llaR!.qg to do. Made tor 111 }Jr Ibo l:iig Mcm. IO you cuNt.'t 9.ttmg SOID• jllnk tot th• moner. 4•1 lb• 1tandcud prnsuro wi:it•r ... ...., ........... -in .. ,,,, 3/4" 19' EA. 10 FT LillGTB tho ear wuy-. Roda ts doo'I. · • llb It oo lhoy'U hcrft '°go l:iock to i::ault aDCI Mrri11. l SPRIMKLER BEADS Who nMCl.1 t1 spr!.nldor head on s:poclal Ube l1Jm1 anolbet typo liollor. We , took ti hotch ol them aad put tbo11:1. h1. good. You. got ilff IO c:boo•• ho111.. II nolhJJi9 ploo.aoa JCMlo cclll 7our c01151rNB1on. • PDP-UPS -BRASS 97c RESUJ;ll BJHllJE-'l'-·PLASTlC- 169 27c l ELECTRIC SYSTEM TIMER Th•· JOU c:an got Yoey apitfr G11d do !ho -.rholethlag'oUo:dock.Letllwator . 2777 cu1tomatk:olly and forget abo11t watching the thlDg. SH ua. wi 11 toll rou. o:Dd yov 11 Jlip, RAllf BIRD nPE Llh you ... oo the golf. couraos. 'rbla one • YIN can attach to your ho .. an4 do ma1.tY• arocrs. IOryou. ecm lNy Ibo oaeoH the stand and. liook lnlo you.t system). 597 21 JlfCB ASTRO DECK POWER 19 llfCB MTD POWER MOWER MOWER PLASTIC LIWH · ........ EDGING r 11' ... • f I/".• ' 4"x25' W••* to putls IHMl -hut ptcmk I• J11ott a:Dd woa'tcorrode. Nit. or brook down. to11 IO a ... eGIJ" to c:11t. and '°'1' to P«f lot m.t algllt J:io th~ bett porl). 4988 22 lllCH 59•• A little moro llghtwolght. but union rou got a manl"N tlold. th ls wdl do )'O\l lflhl, OHIOI wbffl• for CIONI moWiDg ••• doc:lr to eadOM lh• lllado. WROUGHT IRON RAILING , El•t•f!.Ct, b111d ii to ll'l tlft tl•irwov r1 tl, 9rt1t for I mt1T1tr1bl1 f.mrrv 1pt1(1!t1. like, "If you li!oR'•t k11p your hair comlt9', I'll 1h1•• your .. h11cJ whll1t ·yo11 tlttp,'" LIN. FT. GAL - .,, ·KIMADO (BAR-8-Q) II•,~ .to llftl .bt ~~TOii caa go oal ad lluy SOG)>Otll.lq: 0..Dl oalr, •b• wealthy COD afford • ...._ .. 1--..w ;-. -fllf cl ..,..l>q Cl!ld tbcmk tho lioadl:ioN forbolltg f:Ne to .. n a dllCftt - llrinf. .l1<hwtl ......... • , .... ~•Ill IQlrii •• lt10 '""' u ... __,_.l"'.., .. , .... 1 ..... "'""· "•Ml ••llil.r m.., 101 11 &11'"'"1). PATIO LITE -SET' -2" 7 LITE lf you buyoftly part ol lhl• 11111! a nd 11 11 H. you will ho"' do1orYod a oleo party on th• patio. So 901 tho light .. pO\l r a tall•· r•la•. Yo11 did your Job Jor lh• gang, now bot t sorn ploa1uro. RIG. 49" TBlllG 2977 FULL COllSOLE CIR MAT 2'7 Pli>. 'I SAFE, Jll$T IN ~s~ f!Zll'( fO« liAlloJ • . • I l 1 I I .1 • • Jf DAILY ,ILOT LEGAL NOTICE , NOTIC• Oii l"UILIC N~Al lNG , NOTICE 1$ HEJIE8'1' GIVEN 111•1 • 11ubllc hffl'1flfl Wiii be held try !he Clh' C011ncll ot the cnv o1 cost• Mew "' M•Y '-lf10. et tlie lwMlr ol 7:'Jll _.dodl ...... .... " -ll!erffllff " !tie mill« ,,,.,. be hffr<:I, 111 !rift Council c~w et 11ie ci"' H111. n F11r Drlv1, (llfTI Mell, Oii Ille lollowlnt <HKrlbed SNelfk Pl1n· ~Ilk Pl.In for 1 Pr~ $lrff! 1•1endin1 •lon9 lt!t 5(11,!fMrl'I bouncurr of the ""c"' N--1 ~ Sci-I Dlllrld 1ll't '''"' Tr1ct 1m kl ~ le<sedlon wllll Goll C-M' 0,,.,., •• ,.,._,, Oii • ,.... on lllt In the Office of the Clh Cieri<. NOTICE tS FVRTHEll: GIVEN tt.111 11 rM fllM Ind PIKI 1bov-nllonecl •nv Ind •H oe<'IOl'IS ll'll~led ,,,..,. _., Ind lie ht1rd &t' the CllY COllllCll "' """ City ol Cost1 Mew on wlcl $He.Ilk Plan. EILEEN ,., PHINNEY City Cler~ Pubtlil\ed Or1ngt '°''' o.i1, P lklt, A~rll ?~. 1'711 767·111 LEGAL NOTICE HOTtclf TO C•l!DITO•I IUl'l!•IO• COU•T OF THI! I TATI: 01' CALIFO•HIA •1'01 THI: COUNTY 01' OIAl'tOI HI. A-ill.ti l1!1t1 el OEMA VE•NE LEOPOLD, Oect15ld. NOTICE IS MEREllY GIVEN Iv l~e tredltvr• of tM •bcrit n1ml'CI Oe<.e<knt lhtl •ti "rtOM n1vl"" cl1lm1 19111'111 ~ i.akl ~I ''' r11<1ulrtd 111 Ille !hem, with tM MCHMry l/OUCM"', In !he office el tl!t cltrll o1 !he 1~ et!!lllf'CI cwrl, or Iv prt.enl 11\em, wllh l,llt nl'Cftlllry ~OUC:M!'I, hi lhe un.- dtf'11t11911 11 4llt l1l'IO Slrfft. NeWll'llrt lleecll, C1lllwnl1, Wllkll 11 mo. 111« sf bullnKt el rt.e UN11r1l1Md In ti! m1tt1"' M'fttlnl... IO Ille Ullte ot uid ctecederll, within 11• ~ tlltr tM 11"'1 llUbllctll:Or' ol IM$ ngllct, Dtlfld "'"'II 21, lt1'. llANIC 01' j\Ml!!lllCA NATIONAL TllU5T ANLI SAYINGS A5$0Clj\fl0N El«.vtor of IM Wll o1 Ille ebow Mi'Md dKMfl!I HUllWITt. MU•WITI & lll!MI• ut»JllllS~ M~ 11-.111, C..M""1111 ""1 ,...., 1114) .,,...,. .. ,..,..,.. fw l:ucllt« l'ubllllled °'"'* '"" o.t"' A.,11 l•. ~ 1, I, U, tt1' LEGAL NOTICE s Frldl),' .,_II 24, 1970 To qu•lify you must h•v• • Car, • ftw •1Nrl hours wnkly, •.good work record •• company is responsible to the loc1tion1 for· Hrvlce, & make an imm1cUat1 celh Investment of $1500. For person.11 inttrvHi)W, write giving ua a lit· ti• information, ~ yourMlf including your phon• number" Distributor Divialon, P. 0 . Box 2701, S.11 B•1ch, Callfom11 90740. A DIVISION OF I: I. .HOLLYWOOD NEEDS NEW FACES NOW! ALL AGES, ALL SIZES, ALL TYPES ,OR TV COMMERCIALS, MOTION PICTORES AND TV SERIES. DO·YOU HAVE WHAT ' IT TAKES TO BE A SUCCESS TODAY? FREE ON CAMUA AUDITION IN OllANH COUNTY CALL (714) 547-6251 URGENT DEMAND FOR TALENT EXISTS NOWI TODAY T1l.nt S•arc~ l•i"t Conduclod ly TAKE 1 PRODUCTIONS , ........ , ..... ,.,, .. , ... .-... , .. ............. l(Cf...,.., .. , ............ JIJ • I ~ • I l.\~cAnF .20b N,KOoflld M MKkt Co .JO 1:..c;y RH 1 M~ Flf 1.Solt />I~ s.q G•1 MIOIC(hf .60 '"!"VO:C 1..29 l.t• lorY I.IQ MdnPOWr .n NonH111 2.IO MAPCO ,70 /./<A.PC Dfl.12 Mdrf!hn 60 MMC(ll' Inc I /~Mer:>< pf Al M~remnt .211 Mar MIO 1.60 M•rionLCI .i• Multnn•n I ltnr<11111 Cem M~rrlO!I .80! Mdrsl\Fd 1.10 Mnrll<1M l IO MrvlC~p .•Ob Ml>to Cll .24 M••onl!e ,n MllHfV F l Ml~ll'l'F In 1 Mflt•f .10 MUl•I wJ M1vDS!r 1.~ M1vO 11!1.IO MIYJ JW .lO ~~~~·~~· .60 Mc~d l .:IOb Mc rorv I l'O /Ac fO ol• SO Mc •Cotv6o! ~ Mt •m!I lb Mc ~!(I Co t.\cOonnO .Cl "'§''I 1.•o Mc Hll .604o Mc reo Dot1 t.lcl~tvre 2 Mel(~ I.SO /"'tLten .tll.I Mcl.outn .«IP McNeil .10 MNd Corp I Mttd DIAJ.00 MeMI 1116 .IO ModuJ11C t.70 ME'I Coro MelvSho I.SO Melv Sl>O wl ~:~•e;1 CD Mertdllh 1.10 Mesa Pet Jo MtJ sr pf2.:IO M~abiT .Ot' ~ol't Inv .:io MlchG•JUt \ Mich Tu~ "l''ocl91 ,10. 1'\ dCnTol .&8 M•dSoUlll .~6 1;1101d R 1 . ..0 M!awsl Oil ) Mll~Lab 1.20 Miii Btad .60 l.<in"MM 1.1~ MlnnPLI 1.70 M\•IOCP 1.l.I ,,.,,,. lllY 1,20 I.IP Cem 1.60 MoPubS .IOb Mobl! 1.~ M~lllllCO 1.10 Mon""' Data l~Of'8fCl'I I 10 Mo~m Ind "'""'~Ii .15q MMrOE<1 .60 Mon.,.n l.IO Nom ... ptl.IS f ... on!DUt 1.11 MOf\I Pw 1.61 lloor MCCOI" "'"''ganJ 1.-0 Mm .. SllO 10 1>10,.Not ,Ill llolorol• 1 !.llFutlS 1 IO •,•1s1aTT r 36 V5L I"" ~O r;111nti1>11W• I /\'.~rptiy 1.111 Murpn~ Ind Mur1>110ll .&(! Myrr~Ot! ,60 ' .... 23, 1970 DAILY PILOT Thursday's Closing Price~Complete.· Ne_w York Stock E;x:change List l Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List • j • ... J 2 DAILY PILOT Pings Soug•t ~ ArtsFace ~ · Glsfl sing WUF =::-~ri!..:isfs---on 'As Tax Loophot~s -Popularity WASHINGTON (AP) - c...... hos turned Into • WASHINGTON (UPI) -lion in U.. Philippine>, iltW bii>iiiliii iiitlonelbuiiliiiii _ .ats.~ officers 1n Hawaii and over · V' et 11 am. going and other noncomQat zones have ·cornlitg floin' a 'three-day as. and e1so a gigMUc financial flown quickie trips over South signment in Thailand. He re· ~adache, the governmem's Vie~ just to qualify for ·celved· a 'tax exemptioo of top offleial for the arts sa;'S· large tax breaks, Air Force oJ. $%96,50 in base pay -ancl on Nancy H_anks, chairman of ficials acknowledged. a $5,670 ,reenlb:tment bopus. "'r Secretary Robert C. · ,. · ghe·National Endowment for .;ou A captain in HaWlll flew Seamans Jr .• Air Gen. John over Vietnam 00 June .~, arid the Arts, said the huge (.'fOWds D. Ryan, the air cflief of staff, \.00 July l. ifie received tax ,ex~ streaming into the nation's ~'1tr ~~wci,~1;,t~:: cllSBio"f on' his pay fOI" ~ mU3eWM and concert balls said the Delense Department rrioot.hs. • ' are · signs of a vigorous in- is using directives· and con· . A 5eTQ~t ln the fhil~s du~. trols to try to cJamp shut:tbe new over VietoaQl on Jnne -~. "All this growth and change tax "loophole... and on :July U.Jte got tl 518.JS . . -. The· offfci31s agreed under!'" in tax free base~.~. a ~\II ~ causing tre~endous f1nan- questioning by the House Ap. and accumWated :O:.Jeave for cial problems, ahe told the propriations Committee in just June -: and $437.30 in tax .f~ \l{Oftlen's National Democratic published testimony that the ·pay for July .. He also quahfied Club. practice.has been going on tot for and rece>ved two montps at least two yea.rs. of combat pay for the short !t{iss Hanks said Museum crowds have increased from 300 .million to 560 mi)iion in five years, but added that In the Korean War, military trip. -to Wlderwrile the Veto the Bill Letters Sent on Abortion ANNAPOLIS. Md. (AP) -are born/' one little girl Dear Gov. MiutdeI. If you wrote. Ano11>tt asked, "How do -you are going lo woold y.U like it ii your ® you are a aoazy man," mother didn't want you and reads a letter from an a.year-killed you?" old Baltimote boy. ''.How -Several ~ asking ~ would you like someone to governor to sign the bill have kill VNo!°' ~ v,. come fron1 women who say In a dliktish scrawl, the they undet""W?nt illegal abor· third grade student from a lions in tl)e past. ·J\Oman catholic elementary One woman from Annapolii school joined 33 of h i s wrote that When she became cl;assmates in writing ·appeal6 prfgna.nt at the age of , 38, f(l" the governor to veto .the she and her husband managed .allorlion bill passed by 1he alter ' great difflculty lo COO· 1970 Legislature. ct 'lbe measure would remove ta an abortionist in York, ·virtually · ,all ~reSrictions on · Pa:. · abortions in Maryland. "Here by myself I had to '!be cootroversy over the stand in the lobby of the hotel bill !1-lr~Y ~ attract~ with a certain mag4Zine in more than 25,000 letters, an my amis"· so the pick up ou~ring of public sentiment woman would know me," the unfriatcbed in tbe memory of letter said. r vetera,n state House employes, . "I was picil:ed up aloog with Letters f~ oPponerils have three <ltber married women, run ·a tittle ahead of 'tbose driven orf . in a big Cadillac ,frorp supporters,. to an abandoned fann house. -COASTLINE .-HEAlTH-=-FoODS Specials Through April lb, 1970 FAMILIA CEREAL 0,1,11,.1 Swi1;-- lllCHftMUISLI 1J Oa:. ..... ,, SPICtAL 69c . KAIN SOY OIL LECITHIN CAPSULES ler9• 19 Grein si1t 2oo·cap111I• s;,, - •115, SJ.6t SPICIAL. 2.69 VITAMIN ''E'; D·Alph••or Mbr.d I 00 Ctptvlet llG. S2.4S 1 9UAIT II•. 11, VITAMIN ''C" Ro1e Hip1 I 00 MG, Vrt,mi11 "C" 100Tol>lehper1totti. . l 1onLl!5 FOl 0.. ,._ ··~' Cl'9 BALANCED B COMPLEX Wltll Solllblllitd Vlt•mllll Feit .Mli•lmum Ai..orbllon Levels. 30 TctlM ht· S2. tt SPEciAL 2;39 SPECIAL 65c LECITHIN GRANULES 14 Ounc• Hermetictlly S•eled Cen RIG. SJ.ti SPECIAL 2.49 Remember, when buyllM) aupplemenh, quality is ttle roost important incJredltftt personnel wh~ spent one day Seamans· defende~ the prac· per month 1n Korea were tice for •servicemen stationed exempted from the entire in 'Thailand who do not qualify month's income ta~es. And it for·comOOt pay. "'The gen;eral was ~moa practice for pee-policy reg81'.ding combat pay sonnel in Japan to make one-is teally very toogh, border· day visits ~ Korea to avo!d ing on being unfair," Seaman.! payment .of. income taXes. Tins said. Some servicemen in was ~cularly true of desk-Thailand, he said "are running bo~d pilots, who were re-as great a risk as some of quired to ny a ~rtatn amount those based in combat pay "Please do ni>t sign. this ~ last porµoo of ~ ·trip abortion bill and have all ~e we were told · to close our, muiden on your head;" one eyes. expenses haven't kept pace. woman wrote. ''God .wilJ -sureo · ••upon arrival dle abortims Five years ago, 15 million ty destroy anyone connected were perf«J1leit, and each of tickets lo :!hows ol performing will! it. Are you ano<ller Herod us paid tl!e doctor $700 in COASTLINE HEALTH FOODS . Two Complete Nutrition Center1 arts were sold. It is at 50 or Hitler?" cash. million loday. The packet ol letters from "This was a horrible ex-TUSTIN COSTA MESA But Miss Hanks, who has the 34 CatlioUc third graders perience for me. A married 1094 IRVINE BLVD. 270 E. 17th ST. proposed a 1971 budget of tt6 referred' without exception to woman with three children.,. near Sav-on 544-7134 in Hillgren Square 548-9537 of hours each month to qualify areas " for flight pay. R . .d h 1· I h d Under tbe law, enlisted men yan 581. ~ trs ear can deduct their entire month-about the s1tu~t1on t~o yea~s 1y pay, and officers up to $500 ago. The. offi~als said an Air monthly, fo, any part of the Force directive was issued month they speod fn the South N~v. 29, 1!'67, a~ renewed Vietnam combat area. this January, ag.aimt letting million for cultural develop-:l.Ja~b~or1~;~ons~as~m~ur~d]er~or~ki~ll~in~g.Js~neakin~·~·~g~~arou~~nd~=li~ke::•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ment, said she opposes revers-"Sister told us t ha t criminal only because at 38 ing the ratio oC support, now Maryland ·wants to make a years of age, I did not want at 25 percent public and 75 law. to kill babies before they any more children." percent private funds. Although the ratio ol. so.wort Rep. il<lbert L.F. Sikes, (D. persooneJ get a di~a;ge and Fla.), conlronted _the officials reenlist in ~th V1etnam to with several examples of • get the spec:1a1 taX free bonus. called "abuses" by service-The Defense Department men stationed in noncombat last year concluded an inves· 'areas such as Hawaii, Thai-tigaUon. the officials said, and lat¥'.l. Okinawa, and the Phil· found "oo apparent abuse of ippines. the income tax: excln.sion pro. A sergeant, Sikes said, sta· vision." is the·oppoo1te in Europe, she said a toor of the states strengthened' her convietioo that local money an<! IocaJ initiative are still most im- porjanf. in American arm. ~s ·Hanks said fears that federal belp to the arts would leid lo political conflOI ol the artist have proved groundless. I ..... c::m .--f':'~ A tfirisiM 1f ... $.S. lrn1e (OMIH"'Y ' I ... t r~~-, ,,. SPORTY PANTS 2 DAYS ONLY DISCOUNT PRICE REG.2.97 33 Choose from a tremeodous as.ortmeilt of priots~ipes-solids, 100% c:oaon. Machine washable. Sizes 8 to 18 °"'"'' Wntmi11ter _, ..... ...... ,.n ... , ..... r.tt ~L•tMc,..._ u.c.a.nv.ta.,Vitw IMdl M ... lllltwlffw 1usa.r.,. 1SMllt«~ ...... snsu.r•a ... SJl1a.etilhoL c .... -~ sai.u. ................... . ............... 221tlllrhr .... , ... .._ . .. p 'l l --·~ Now at Yoyrgreater LosAngeles-Qrang!COuntyOlds Dealers! I Sensation Of Southern Califomia! Oldsmobile's new Rallye 350. California, here it comes.:.· Oldsmobile's Rallye 3501 It's the freshest fastback on the freeway -and your greater Los Angeles- Or11nge County Old~mobile Dealer is ready to conjure up a real budget-pleasing deal on this great new Olds beauty. Talk about value, Rallye 350 will amaze you! There's a big 350 V-8 with Oldsmobile's exclusive positive valve rotators for smoother action,. longer life ••• hidden windshield wipers •.• a radio anlenna concealed in lhe windshield .... a side-guard beam in each door for added security ••• an agile 112" wheelbase. There 's magic every- where! A t:berglass hood with funclional air scoops and special paint accents ••• new urelhane- coated bumpers and painted wheels ••• two-tone striping •.•. blacked·out grille ••.• custom-1 sport steering wheel .•• Sebring Yellow paint ••• bias-belled tires~ for longer tread life ••• all part of the Rallye 350 option available1 on three Olds models. See the best "escape art-; ist" in town -your nearby Los Angeles-Orange County Olds Dealer! Let him. show you the magic in every Olds model ••• from t}1e front drive Toronado to the l~xurious full-size 88s and Ninety·Eights to the nimble Cut- lass models. Make your escape · from the ordinary ••• today! You can win a Rallye 350 in the Olds Rallye 350 Sweepstakes at your greater Los Angeles-.Orange County Olds Dealers ~ t • s I I • - BARBARA DUARTE, 494-9466 PrlMr, AMI Mo 1'71 S ..... II Leading . Question Which Six • The perennial question is, "Who will qualify for scholarships presented to gtaduating Laguna Beach High School seniors?" · • ~ As one of many Laguna 'Beach clubs which annual- Jy present monetary assistance to deserving students, Laguna Beach Ebell Club is in the process of seeking applications from Laguna Beach seniors to decide who will receive annual scholarships. - Awarding of a scholarship is based on high scholas· tic achievement, exti'acurricular activity and leader· ship. Emphasis is on selecting an all-around s~udent with a keen desire to acquire a higher education. There are many applicants who qualU'y in all areas and to decide who the six winners will be is no easy task. Mem.bers of a scholarship committee now deeply Involved In the task are the Mmes. William Longfield, cbainnan, and Gordon Brown, Heil Chamberlain, Aldon Clark, Gordon Forbes, Mark Pines and Winfield Shiras III. .- • To raise funds for this and other projects, mem· bers stage two major events: a January rummage sale and the upcoming benefit ball. Winners of scholarships are announced during an annual awards assembly. COMMITTE QU EST IONS SCHOLARSH IPS -Ebell Club mem- bers (left to rigbt) the Mmes. Winfield Sblras Ill, ball chainnan, Mark Pines and William Longfield study scholarship applications. Six awards will be made at the awards assembly to Laguna Beach l ligh School seniors who qualizy in the areas of gra4es, otifsld-t activity and leadership qualities. An upcomirig ball wUI:underwrito a partial cost. The Laguna Line Opera· Le ague Takes Break JUST FOR FUN, members of the Opera League • l"ill host their husbands at a cocktail buffet in the :Emenild Bay home of Mr. and Mrs. Williiiln Witt- . man tomorrow night. The informal gathenng is 1 planned as much for a get.acquainted evening as ,.for fun. The bard-working volunteers spend countless hours throughout the year sponsoring fund-raising ' events, doing office work, mailing, telephoning and hosting affairs for the Lyric Opera Association. So, as a means of celebrating the success of their home tour, grape festival and rummage sale, they will enjoy some purely social hours. Buffet chairman is Mrs. Jack Lyons. Members of the tele- phone committee are Mrs. John Nichols and Mrs. Donald Outmans. • ART CENTE RS AND MUSE UMS of the Eastern , world are on the itinerary for Laguna Beach artist Larry Kronquist. Having departed with a string of 'tickets more than 12--feet long, Kronquist is bound for Tokyo, Expo '70 , Hong Kong, Manila, Singapore, Bali, Bangkok, Ceylon, India, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Greece and London .•• then home over the North Pole. Besides rides on elephants, camels and Japanese bullet trains, the artist will travel by jet, steamer ; and hydrofoil. !-' A DE LIGHTFUL train trip along the Copper , Canyon Route traversing Mexico's answer to the 1 Grand Canyon was enjoyed by Pete and Eloise ! Fulmer. The couple, along with Mrs. Fulmer's mother, Mrs. Barney Stewart of Oklahoma City, drive to Mexicali where they boarded the Ferro-- f catril for Guaymas, Los Noches and points south. SALT LAKE CITY bound are four members of the Laguna Branch of the National League of Amer· ican Pen Women. -SAL AD BOUQU ET FOR MAY DAY -El Camino Real clubwomen will present thefr annual Kitchen Bouquet Home Tour and Card Party on Friday, May 1. Jumping the gun with a salad arrangement • Ho me Tour May Bouquets. . " Fill Kitchen : \Vhat could be more appropriate for May Day tban bouquets of.11o.w.ers? This time, however, the bouquet will be in the kitchen as members of El Caniino Real Woman's Club arrange their final fund-raisirig project of the club year, the fourth annual Kitchen Bouquet Home Tour and Card Party. On Friday, May 1, Mrs. Ernest Riedel will wel- come members and _guests to · her home at 33352 Astoria St., Dana Point. Coffee will be served by Mrs. Riedel and Mrs. L. E. Druroond from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Moving along to the next home, participants will tour. the home of Mrs George F. Betts at 34051 Bl ue Lantern, Dana Point. Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. Walter P. Carutliers and Mrs. Arthur Sewell. Lunch will be served in the Dana Point rest· de·nce of Mi's. Alfred D. Mata at 33791 Granada Drive. Helpers will be Mrs. Donald W. Moore and MrS. Seymour E. Nutt. In the afternoon, Mrs. Henry C. Meents and her committee will greet card players in the Dana Point Community House. In anticipation of a full house , Mrs. Riedel, gtn.. eral chairman of the day, asks members and friends to make early reservations:with'Mrs. Athony MBn· cuso, 496-5141. Mrs. Nutt will lead members of the women's -in!" club for the club year 1970-71. · · Assisting th e president with e•ecutive duties will be the Mmes. Mata, first vice president; Cora Jensen, second vice president ; Russell Walker thlrd vice president; Homer Turk, recording secre: tary; Bernice Kraus, corresponding secretary; Glen Garwood, treasurer; Arthur Sewell. historian of celery, carrots~ tomatoes and ·strawberries a're (left to right) Mrs. Ray C. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Riedel. and RaY. C. Miller, auditor. ' Boss's Wife Adds Frills to Employees' Fri r:l ge Benefits ' • DEAR ANN LANDERS : Aller 12 yws ti what 1 thought was a good marriage, my husband be~ to lose interest in me. I blamed Mike.Vlong hours, Linanclal P.ressures, everything under the sun . Finally I asked him if there was another woman. He said, 0 No." Mike's boss bas aJways treated him ltke 'a aon and me like a daughter. l <leckled to conlidc In him. I don't know whit possessed me but on a wild hunch I Mked if "the other woman" could be Mlke'a problem. He sakl, "Yes -it's very possible." Then he began to speak freely, assuming I knew all about it. The ''other woman," it turns out, ls the boss's wife. I nearly passed out. · H.r repulalioo la not good. 1llis Isn't - ANN LANDERS ~ the first time she's been involved with a man at the plant. (She works there.) lt'a theJirst time my bu.band ha& been In- volved with 1nother woman, however, and I don 't know what to do. The boss does not want to fire Mike. He 's sure the affair will end be!°"' long and advbed me to keep quiet and keep the light in the window. What do you aay? -UNHAPPY DEAR UNHAPPY: Mike's boss gave , ...... ldvlct-lo -lo Ille ll&bl tn Ute w1Ddow1 durie, keep 1 ftrt lD tbt !llJ'UC<. DEAR ANN LANDER5' Do you think you can tear yourseU away Lrom the sex perverts and other asaorted kooks long enough to answer a sensible question? Several months ago you wrote a col· umn about venereal dilEla!le. You mlde the statement that gonorrhea caused (among other things) arUlrllia. I've read a great deal about arthritis Medical School ii Wnbington, D.C. and have never seen such a statement. In • ArtltrltJ1 ii 11 t.nammalion of the fa<:t, the doctors with whom 1-have )obits. The vast majorUy of 1rtluide1 discussed thla ailment say no cure for have either rbeum1tokl or otteoarthrttt1.- artbritis can be found because the cause In 10me CIHt tile cause for I.be In· is not known. I think you owe It to every nammallon fa aoC tnewn. In 1onorrbeal person who has arthritis to retract that artllrlds, bowner, dte eau11e IS tnown · damaging statement or Identify your beea•se the bacterla bas beta Isolated authority. Gtt with it, AM, or retire. -ud tdentUled. Yoor 1pologie1 are ac- MEMPHIS cepled. • DEAR MEMPDIS : I did lncleed make the 1tatemeol tUt conorrbea can eau~, among olber tbbig1, arthrids. M y authorltif:1 are Dr. Jolm Najarlaa, pro- fessor and cllalnnan of tbt department of ,wter1, University ol Minnesota aad Dr. Rebert a.ow, 1110d1t.e professor ol a1edlclne II GeorptDwl lkMol e I Medldne ud pi lllllOf It Bowml DEAR ANN LANDERS : I am pregnant with our third child. JU!I barely. Like, would you believe, six weeks. The doctor verified It )'etterday. This momlng l received three phone ea11s congratulating me. My big mouth husband made the an· nounce"1tolat hia office. 1 am burning. He says II makes no dUlmnce when the news la told. Lay bbn out In your ...,, Jn. Imitable style, AM. -FROTHING DEAR FROTH: or eoane IC mH• .. dlllettnce -lo RIM. Nollody -lllt husband, "When 1lready?" beca8le It seems &o them thlt you've been preput fOI' 13 IDOICll.I, Since prepaacy Is dte wom•'• t-.o dlllon It -... be ltet'-·~••dm .... Tiie Inobud "'""1 .... m Up dppol • -UI Ille cu DO Ion1er sip ller_Ulrl. Drinking may be "in" to the tidl yoa run with -but It can put you "out" for keeps. You can cool It and stay popular. Read "Booze and You -For Teena8ell Only," Send 3S eenll in cotn and a loot. sell-addressed, stamped envelope wlUl your request In care of the DAILY P.ILOT. l •. . . , ,~ I' J4 DAILY PILOT .. ·-·~·-·-·-· F'rldaJ, -'11tll 24, 1970 \Y;, '!' .. Gisler Students Up to Their Elbows in Soap Suds Up lo Ihm .tlbOws In suds are L. Scott Wojabn on the hood and school grounds from 9:30 a.m. lo 4 p.m. A nucleus of 32 stud'"1ts, ~.Caputo OI\ th e fender while Kathy Holmes prepares to sixth through etgblh grades, grew to 4llO members in two months. viCuuin.' students at new Gisler Intermediate School in Hunting-The club's slogan SOS means Stamp Out Stupidity in the arrtidrug toh Beach have organized a Spartan Smarteen group which is abu.se organization. Monies earned will aid JD the printing of in· aponsoring a car wash and bake sale Saturda)r, May 2, on the formation to eradicate the use of narcotics. '---'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'-----'--~~~~~~~ JUNE McKEE Future Rites Students To Marry In August June McKee and Michael McCartln have selected Aug. D for their wedding date in Mesa Verde United Methodist <llureh. Paren~ofthebetrothedare Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKee of Costa Mesa and Mr. anH Mrs. Donald A. McCirtin of San Juan Capistrano. 1be future bride is a graduate of Estancia High Sdlool and Orange C o a st College. Presently she is a junior maj<ring in theater arts at the UNversity of Redlands. 1be bridegroom-to-be also is a graduate of Estancia and wu a student at OCC and UCI. OJrrently he is prelaw student majoring in history at llodlands. · 'NB Aux iliary Jackie Onassis Defended Fan Magazines Chided NEW YQRK (UPI) -Best se.lllng author Irving Shulman, in a book on the rise and fall ol Mrs. Aristotfe Onass.ls' believe that "although they fered imprisonment for more are little people who don't than five years in the count, their lives were far publishing hell of the 'Jackie better than those of the rich factories.' Now that she has and the famous." escaped, is her ceU being ~larity, put the blame on Later, the slick women's readied for Ethel Kennedy? ~ dass of J?PO"IY educated.. and picture magazines saw Or Joan Kennedy? Or at some fan <11lag7 readers ·-bow well Inside Stories on later time, for Clroline Ken- mostJY·w· -who wP.ied ..,.Jackle~s widowbpod sold and nedy? • . • It is not too to drag ·~~ froin' 'hef almost. · qutdkl th~ cheaper prejudiced to conclude that '·rotne' . magazine' ln making her a only in a natlon where many ui:: 8 cover girl. of its insitutioos and cltlJenl Tbe book, "Jackie, the Ex· Many of the stories, have become c 11ntca11 y ploltatlon of a First Lady," Shulman s.ald, were full of in-Pf)'cbopatlllc, w o u I d &g· said Mrs. Onassis' photograpb nuendo but wit.bout substance gressors scream ao loud1y if wu sometimes on the cover and many readers told" him even ooe of their innocent ot 35 fan and movie magazines they felt they had to. read vtcllms escaped persecution." th d In between the lines" to find out The press, ln general, was a mon ur g her years as what "Jackie was really up furious with the former First the widow of President John to," he wrote. Publications Lady for deciding to marry F. Kermedy. were virtually free to write ArlstoUe 0 n a.J s ls "without AccordingtoSbulman's · bo Oo · I Ill b t Cardinal .-.,18· •1.-movie -_, fiction a ut Mrs. llS!1S e ng anyone u May Date Revealed At Party Mrs. Martha Stevens Baker of Rancho Santa Fe hosted a family supper when s h e revealed t h e engagement of her daughtef', Stephanie Baker and Raymond St.evens Elliott m; son o1 the Roymond S. Elliolls o/ Newport Beach. 1ile betrothed have se1ected May 23 for their wedding in Village <llun:b, Rancho Santa ·Fe. Miss Baker is a graduate of Point Loma High School In San Diego and attended the University of Arizona. Her fiance was· educated at Mira Costa High School in Redondo Beach and Orange Coast College. w .... • w... a1.1n71 because they were sure she Cushing." A! a result, e v e n dec:~ed !!' make Mrs. Onass15 would never sue them, and the International P r e s s a star when the>: found she never did. "treated the newlyweds with ~tr circulations slipping dur-"Institutional press plans scorn, derision and the limpest Jng the successful years ~( for the future will eliminate humor, but iL would be safe Coofldenllal Magazine. Their 1lle traditional privacy granted to say that these would ha"" Rebekah Lodge Judgment proved to. be right to citizens In 8 democracy, been minlmized if the and the fan magumes won especially those men and their American media had truly Triple Link Club of Mesa ~ record ,,audle~ among consorts who are foolish wlsbed the: couple well and Rebekah Lodge has meetings unthlnklng Amencans who enough to believe in service not. behaved like the fan the fourth Mondays at a p.m. to their communitles and con--· magulnes," he wrote. in various locations. Mrs. Adult Movie, Tots' Matinee At Library Walt Disney's "Hound Thal Thou8ht He Was a Raccoon" and "Jenny'1 Birthday" will air tOmorrow at 2 p.m. in the multipurpose room of Marlnen Library. For the adults there will be a viewing of "American Cowboy" and "Breath of Spring" on Tuesday, April 28, at 8:15 p.m. in the same loca- tion. Alums Meeting Alumnae ot Hood Women's College ~ frederick, Md., will gather for brunch al 10:30 a.m. tomorrow to hear Mrs. Kenneth Hubbard of Hun- demn themselves, thereby, to Shulman also is the author Douglas Morgan at 543-1938 suttee," Shulman said. of "Harlow," "Valentino" and may be called for additional "Jacqueline Kennedy:_suf:cc.·_'c.'..ille __ Am_boy_:__in_k_e_s._" ____ i_n_fo_rma_tlo_n. ____ _ The IAldies' Auxllilry ol Newport Beach Fire Deparl. ment gathers the t h l rd Wedradays at 8 p.m. In ·.r various locations. JnfonnaUon tinston Bead! -the group. Mrs. llubbard, area ad- n\i$iCllS repre.5entatlve, will greet women at 11222 Kens- lnflloo Rood, IAc A1amitol. regarding Jocatl.on may be.ob- . tained by calling Mrs. T. C. ·' Dilley, 548-983$ . . ~ ' ' ' ANNOUNCEMENT K·MAC DRUG .. DISCOUNT_ STORE .MOVIS ••• , , • to la.,... quamn. Plenty of frH puking at ,..,. of store. Our new location 11 1t ••• 1 ~ Newport llYd., Costa Mesa Font.01l r CrowfG..r1 o...,. Store Opon 0...1"9 RtmOdtli"I Talaphono 645-1"? • • ' ./----- Virgo: Romantic Night SATURDAY APRIL 26 SCORPIO (Oct. ~Nov. 21): spirit .. Keep prom~es. c .. Stress oa your ability to be mept relaUonshlp with one who versaWe. Sellse ol humor ii an is both intelligent and attract- especially good ally tonl&ht. ive. Diacs'n quality. Reject One who speab out of turn is flash and superficiality. by SYDNEY OMAllil ARIES (Mareh 21-Aprll 11): best 1111wered with laugl>er. IF TODAY IS Y 0 U R. A~t on achleveme~. You Messaae will become cry11tal BIR'IUDAY you tend to be m. accomplish rrio3t by being 1-ar be 1 original, independent. 1bere ls Cq: • ltolpective. You may s ow room at the top for you, Let SAGITrARIUS (Nov. 2 2-getting started, but you are others know you are ready. Dec. 21): Empbuis on money, strong at tbe finish. New pro--sesm·ons You -"d -·•e i·ects are favored and changes One in position of authority ..-· ... vw 1™ d pays compliment. , discovery b)' browsing through prove beneficial. You are ue boot or antique stores. Be to meet individual who plays TA U R U S (April 20-May frank in stating your needs. meaningful role in your life. 20}: Spotlight on journeys, Creative, ori"'nal approach To nn11 .,, wllo'1 1uckv •N YOU ,,, Writlll• g ublishl y &' montY 1nd lo\lt, Older $yelnt~ On11rr'1 • p ng. 0 Ur bring best results. tl«*lel, ··~tt H!nl1 1or Man tnd horizons are enlarged. Key is CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. =~~~ ~:_:~~~1:,'1i..!Goill~ erpans1'on Don't be a pr•-er PILOT, 1o11 suo. Grand centr1J sr .. of .. II ._:bl Loo" ahe d-Y· 19): Cycle high; take Jn. !lotl, H .... 'l'ori<, N,Y, !0011. "'\IUll • .. a · OU iUaUve. Compliments recel.ved•-,;;;;;.;;;~;;;,;;;;;;,;;;;;.;;;o;;;:( are going places. on new attire. Gain shown if!J GDIDfl (May 21.Jwi, 20 ): you are an attentive listener. Avoid scattering your forces. A Sactttartu could show you Do not accept assignment how to achieve bnportaot goal. which drains away time and AQUARIUS · (Jal\. !G-Feb. energy from basic.goal. One 18):' Be discreet. You are who makes money pronlise mistaken if you feel you can should be made to pot it In confide &eerets today without writing. havlng them r e v e a I e d . H•v• A Sensational Summ er! s •• Gr•1k hl1nd1, Sp•in, ll•lv. Fi-1.,ce, E"tl1,,d, Swih1rl1nd, Holl1nd. 411 DAYS DEPARTING JULY 10 ... CANCER (June 21.July 22): Delicate matter requires ut. CALIFORNIA Lie low .. Let others do most ol most discretion on your part. STUDENT Touas. INC. 111e talkin T ' •-I at 42'0 s. .... llvd .. S.lttt 700 g. a .. e care U1 eg Act accordingly. LA t .0021 (21JJ 478-6619 matters. P~rtner or mate -r I s c E s (Feb. 19-Marcb ••wllll Tran..Conllnlfllll Alrll- should be ~luded in .yourli;i2~0~),~Soc~la~I ~w~hir~· 1;.;;to~ru~·gb~(~ljl~· ~Is~~~;;::;~~~;;::;~~ plans. Otherwise, there will be emotional bruises. Act ac- cordingly. • LEO(July 13-Aug. 2 2 ) : Fulfill resolutions concerning diet, health, exercise. Gain cooperation of family member. There can be greater domestic harmony if y o u make extra effort. A gift could brighten day. VlllGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Good lunar aspect today cofn· cides with bringing forth of HOT·-FRESH NEW OWNERS "Get Aquainted" SPECIAL! J u s T creative resources. Use im-1.,. t5c du. aglnation in constructive man-wet1. thru s at., April 22-25 onlyl GUDD DONUTS ner. Deal with young persons. Romantic evening lndi<:aled. 135 E. 17th Street -Costa Mesa UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): (Just la1t of Newport llvd.) Practical affairs dominate.I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get routine tasks out of way early so you can relax tonight. Some confusion exists about appointment w I t h relative. Pick up phone and verify. OC Economists HQme Economists In Ho~memalcing of Orange C-Olln- ty will hear their guest speaker discuss i TI t e r i o r decorating during a gathering f1tonday, April 27, at 7:45 p.m. i'n the Anaheim borne of Mrs. Robert Miller. Information regarding Ute group and Us regular mombly meetings may be obtained by calling Mrs. Henry Megrund, chairman at 611-3938. ~ a: w "' w N a: .< SOUTH COAST COMMUNITY HOSPITAL cordially invites all RNs '& LVNs to an OPEN HOUSE on Sunday, April 26 I -4 P.M. Tours.-Buffet 31872 Coast Highw1y (1t 7th Avenue) South L .. una, C11iforni1 92677 Phone (7141 499-1311 INVITATION a: w V> < a: .._ HENDRIK VAN KEPPEL AND TAYLOR GREEN -BEVERLY HILLS AND SANTA MONlCA - INVITE YOU TO VISIT THEIR NEW STORE 0 ·> z .,, ' ;><: '-m z .,, m z ON THE BOARDWALK IN THE ' < _, < z 0 ... HUNTINGTON HARBOUR SHOPPING CENTER 0 ACCESSO\IES FURNITURE GIF TS 1684 1 ALGONGU IN ST. HUNTINGTON HARBOU R t 714 ) 846 -2 88,B • _I ;o m "T1 0 ;o .,, "" r- 0 () ;><: • • - • • i < ' ' : • • I .. . . . ' . \ • .. ' .. "' ' ... ' ' • ' . ' ' i I l i ~ ' ~ • • ' • • • • • • , . .... ·~· ~ ' • ' ' • ' • • ' ! l • • i " l· i' ; .. .. ' ' ' ' ~: ~ ,: ' 1 ,. ' ' \ '• I ' l . l ' . ' . • • :· ~ . \ • ' • ' ' ' j • • ' ' . . ' • ' • . ' . ' ' . \. ' " ----- I • .. . . . , 1 I I ' • . . . ... ' . AHOY THERE:, JYIATEY! FROM POITTSMOUTH, ENGLAND, OUR FLEET OF DISflNCTTREAS.:.. URES TO BEDECK YACHTS, DENS, OR WHEREVER YOUR PRIVATE CAPTAINS (:OR!)lER MAY BE. ·EVERYTHING'S SHIP-:-SHAPE, BE THEY ANTIQUES OR REPRODUCTIONS; FROM THE COLLECTION: BRASS TELESCOPES, BINNACLES, SHIP'S LANTERNS, ' ' CAPTAIN'S CHAIRS, SEXTANTS, WRITING BOXES, CHESTS, TABLES. NAUTICAL BOUTIQUE. . ROBINSON'S N EWPORT FASHION ISLAND 644-2800 ' ----~------------·-----------~--------·-·----· · L_aker·s,-I(nicks Open Sho-wdown Set-at Ga-rden • NSW' \'OllK (AP) -Tho IM AnatJts ~ -lhelr Str~ar Named Dlllro Into New Yon tonilltt lot Ille -ol Ill< N1tloqal Ballttlblll -tlon cllomplooaNp playoff• -and hope It doeon't tum Into a Strtticar NlpledDllUter. The Knlcb alao are hunlfY for the ehasJve UtJe and the '81000 que1ti<l'I 11: Who wants It more! While the L4ktn woa five titlel when their 1rucbiat "" In M"'°"'polia, ll!eY"" never won In I.Cit Anf<1es deaplte blllingaaasuper~ . Aa !fr Ille Knldi, Wtll, It's be<o elOle lM no cipr In -lftYleus Golf Game ' . Of Sorrows . -Player llANellO t.A COSTA, Clllf, CAP) - "Wbeo ,...,. pl&ylng lor ,,,...y," Aid Gary Play .. , "'lfU la a aame of -~ roWs." 'Ille to<ilh liW. S..th African waatd Jlilil~ 'f!lalrsday after cutting out • --.,... • and llkiq tilt flrat- "'"'4 lead in Ille $111G,000 Tournament of Champlolll. "When you're *>1iqg for fun, tt'1 fun," Player qW. "B\Zt when you're ployiog for money, ••ll. that's something else. You always tlllnk.yeu can do better. "At tbt ad of 1 llamanttnt, tbere's only ..,. """ WI» II hippy. Everyone else js<.....,.,fl I Pi.oYV, Uie dollndlq Utle llolder, held a •Ir'*< QI ovtr ~llah ojion ch>mpl<>n Tony Ja6 lad Auolraliu Broce Crampton ,,.,; jDio .....,.. stcend mlDld u . Ille fGnlp connn,1e•t ~ •••"""'1 plly In . this ~-1lifee.tlme chaalpion Arnold Paliiltr btadtd • goup ef four tied at, 70, t~ .., tl!e,pbuh, 7,llf•yard La CGeta C91mtry Club eoilne. Tiit olllorl are Dall Deuel..,, Lte Trevino 11111 Frank lord.' . Jacl: Nleklaus and Masten clwnpiM Billy Casper wtre in a l'OUP al 71. lllJlllED IT Player, OM of four men to ...., au the world'• lnljor .JOtf titles, had It six-aoder-·antll he bOC•Y<d two of Ibo Lui -boles. "I Wu IO ezcited, 50 charged up, J ll\d8I r ktlld of roahed 11 a little," Aid Player, who bu WOii over fel.000 In Just six..,..., o0 the ~lea tour. "It WU I buy finlah ... he 1akl. "But eo1r1 • ftaly pme. When you mike a mll!Ue, )'Oii liave to tUe )'OW' punlah- inetit." He thr<e-putled IS when he lilted his head on bll aecOnd putt. and bogeyed 11 from a trap. "I tried to ruah my aeooad ahot.'' he said. He had three deuces ud reeled off one 11trU11 of four consecutive birdies. "I could have bad a 63 pd should have hid a 61 at the very worst,•• he sald. "I'm playiog the best goU ol my ..,.., • "l waa bitting It rigl>t at the flog on every lhot, ju.st bocking it sliff," MlS8!:ll PIJTT ~e missed 1 12-foot birt:Ue putt on the first hole, then CIMed a twisting :ZS.footer on the third. · Player missed birdie putla of eight and three feet on the fifth 8Jld sixth, then put a five iron three feet from the flag on 1tve111. tJe started hjg birdie string w:ith an eight-footer on the ninth, canned a 12- footer oo the next and rifled an iroa within •ix feet of the hole on the nexl. And he got It up and down from a trap for a birdie four on the nut. Palmer atarled with a r11>h, turning Ule front nine ii a five under par 31 before, u he said der\&ively1 "l ,ot bact on my &•me." lk double-bogeyed tbt loth when he left It in a falrw'Y trap, !>ogeytd the last two and limped heme· with a fat n. ser!H. tile list in 1961. llealre -and cruclll ~ual matcl1UJll' will key the lompo ol the aeries, wtli ~· No. I b0 ""'1>11ytd in New Ytri< 1 -8Qull'e Ganten Monday o!tb1 llld -tine and lour m Loi Alplol next Wadntlday and l'rlday... ' 'l1lt winier ge1a '48.000, the lostr, ssz.111111. . Does Wtlt Chamberlain ol Loo Angeles, who _bM wen only one tJtle with the Phi~ 76fn, want it more than Wlllll -ol New York, who baa never wen Jt! 'lbaae two etlltm lil!ould be an eyt.ea~ chlng lnaldlup -and, perhopo, Ille key to tilt wholt, best.of-7-game strlto. Does Lot Angelel' Jttry Wt1t want Jt more than Walt Frazier of· New York, his probable matchup in the backcourt? On TV Tonight 5:30, Channel 5 Neither has ever tasted championship champagne. Or how about Elgin Baylor? Is he hungrier than New York's D a v e DeBusschere, who will probably play him head*head at forward ? "'Ibey may have the greatest forward AWAITING THE KNICKS -Elgin Baylor (left) and Wilt Chamber· lain of the Los Anaeles Lakers, relax at a motel in New York await· ing tonight's NBA championship series opener. The Lakers and Knicks • In Baylor, one ol tht ll'talolt IU•nls in WOlt aod maybe jilt 11tileol 981ller in Quunberlain,11 II.Id DeBunchere. 1'11\lt really adds up to 110111eth1Qg." 'lll1t'1 what they Aid lut year - and the Booton Celtlca wero -., elee. 'Ibey beii:t the Laker1 in seven. The Fraizer-Wut battle is signifl· canl in that West has been 1 one-man gang against New York ln the aix re.war. season 1ames. He averaged '4.3 ' same, despite playing one of them with a disa~ng injury. F'ru:ier, voted by the NBA'• coacties as the top defemilve player, volunteered to guard the Lakers' quick gun. ''Frazier'• willlf11 to do uythtn1 we ask1" said Ntw York coach Jled Holzman. "Frazier baa aone along w111- lngly aod even SUQtlted tbol be takt on West." "If I'm s•in8 to sacrlllce offtoae, I might a. well 9'> it en Wm," laid Frati", w-defensive heroin helped New York dump Ba.Hlmore 1 n d MJ.lwauk~ en route to the Eutern Dlvtslon UIJe. "I'll rtllly' have to W«k on West to prove my l!!pQ!atlon." Fr..Wtr Aid 'be m1'hl be dein& -e wheeling and _., himself. 01 lhlDt ~berlain'1 limpitlg," be " .,,,,, ......... play in New York tonight and again Monday night before returning to the Forum Wednesaay and Friday nights. Ang~ls Throw Messersmith At Senators Lakers Join New Division W~HINGTON (AP) -"There Is. a team that beUtver tn itself," manager Lefty PhlWpg Hid of bis California Angell, "This is a team that can go places.'' The AngeJs are doing just that starting tool&hL The American League club, leading the Western Division with the Angel Slate All t•l!ltl tit KMPC (111) Apr. 24 Al'llels •I Wlfhl..,lon 4:2! J.m. Apr. 2J A111t11 .. W•Shl ... ton ~;lJ 11.m. Nt. 24 Allltll II W11h l11tton 10:25 1.m. best start in its JO-season history, starts a nine· game road trip in the nation's capital. California slated to send mound ace Andy Messersmith 2-1 , against Washington's Dick Bosman, 1·2 in tonight's opener of the three-game set. The Angels · will also vis.it New York and Boston before returning home to take on the same three teams. The Angels, idle Thursday, own a 10. 4 record and hold a one-hall game edge over Minnesota in the West, the result of a three-game sweep over the Milwaukee Brewers that closed out their first Anaheim home stand. But virtually all of 1he Angels' games thus far have been again st probable aJso.rans such as Kansas City and Milwaukee. Now they go against more ?>tent com• petition. C&lifornia won only 12 of 36 games against the Senators, Yankees and Red Sox a season ago. "Some of our worst baseball was played agaiast those teams last year," Phillips said. "l hive to believe it will be better this year." NEW YORK -National Basketball Association owners Thursday approved a realignment plan for the league's 17 clubs for the 1970-71 season. Under the plan there will be four divisions, and the teams will be aligned 11 follows : Atlantic -Boston, Bulfalo, New York and Philadelph ia. Centra l -Atlanta , Ballimore, Cin· cinnati and Cleveland. Midwest -Chicago, D e t r o i t , Milwaukee and Phoenix . · Pacific -Los Angeles, Portland, San Diego, San Fran<:lsco and Seattle. • NEW YORK -Jerry West, Willis Reed. \Vall Frazier and Biiiy Cun- ningham. a quartet of familiar names, and newcomer Connie Hawkins were named today to the National Basketball . Association's 1969-70 All.Star team. West, Los Angeles' high-scoring guard , ""Picked for the seventh time, was the only unanimous selection. The squad was selected by a panel of sports writers and sportscMters in the league's 14 member cities. • LONG BEACH -Undefeated Sul Roas University of Alpine, Tex., led 16 teams into today'a eliminaUon rounds in the flr1 t Women's National Co 11 e g i ate Volleyball Championships. Sul Ross, No. 1 seed ln the tournament at Long Beach State, defeated Yuba, Calif., College, Occidental of lA>S Angeles and Ml St. Joaeph's of Ohb> in Thursday night's opening round. The event enda Sunday. • A fund for !ii1innie R o j a 1 , former California Angel pitcher hu been started by the Angels. Rojas was critically injured in an auto accident April J. Rojas' condition was described Tuesday as stabilized. A spokesman at Baptist Hospital in Miami, Fla ., said Rojas is in traction, "i1 fairly alert and m<M.nt his legs 110mewhat." The appeal will be natioDWide and donations from the public will be ac- cepted. Checks should be made payable to Minnie Rojas Fund, P.O. B!Jx 38201 Anaheim, 92803. • DALLAS -The ll\lury·prone Dallu tennis classic limped into the quarterflnal rounds today. Injuries have caused three players to withdraw (tom the tt:iurnament, including top.seeded Rod Laver ol Corona del Mar. Another, Andres Glmeno, ls con- tinuing to play despite being hurt in an auto accident Tueeday night. Glmeno suffft'td a lractu...i rib and brnlstd blp ahcrtly afle!' he 11111 Ron Holmberg upset the top.teeded Australian doubles team ol Jolm Newoombe and Tony Roche. Jn alngtes malchta Thunday, Newport Beach's Roy E m er 1 on defeated Holmberg, 4-6, M, I..! 11111 81olle cltlnttd Denni.s Ralston, 1-3, M. Peace and Quiet at Last • J!'or Tigers' Naughty Boy ltocarding whether he milm baaebaU or llOI, the 28-y.ar-old rigl>thander rtpllod: "I don 't think I'U reallu how much l mlSI H until 111'1 bock." Jfe Mid he has received several Olfers to perfunn as an Mganist in night clubs but, "I'm not sure what to do along that line." "I don 't think a night club atmosphere b the place to work out. "I've never seen a pitcher get In thape ln a night club, wilh all that amoke and stuff." Meanwhile. he is pitching to his brother Tim and playing considerable golf .. plus enjoying the wtather. "We haven't had rain since before the 'llgm !di," McLain said. "Our ktea of a bad day Is seeing four or fh•1 clouds. 0 1'ie Tigers• spring tr1ining camp wu at Lakeland. . . Penguin Scores on Blues Jean Pronovast of the Pitt sburgh Penguin s slams puck into net b-eside St. Louis Blues' goalie Jacq1.1es Plante In Stanley Cup playo!!s. Pittsburgh won, 3-2 Ul'I T...,._,. in semifinal ga1ne. Boslon's Bruins came from be-- hind lo defeat lhe Chicago Black Hawks, 5-2, Lo take a J..O lead in the besl·Ol·seven ieries. aald. "I'm '°'"' to have to clleek hlJ1I out. Maybe we dn drive all the way on bun." If he wu limpln&, It wun't notlct•l>l1 · disabllna In earUer Watem DivWon playoff gam., qaJost Pboeni1 and AU&ma. 1be Laker• have won seven strolpt for a playoff recotd . Dick: Barnett, a crack shot from tha culllde for the Knic!IJ, will probably draw tilt ....,,.,en! of guardinl Loi An(eles' rookie guard Dick Gamlt and Bill Bradley o1 Naw Yon and the Llktn' Keith ErlcllJon will p!Oblbly be matc:bed as forward&. Judge Won't Dismiss Flood Suit NEW YORK (AP) -A federal Judi• refused 'lbunday to d.i.smiM cart Flood's sult a§ainat baseball and ruled the 0<11· fielder s case requires "a thorough in· quiry at trial" becllming May 19. Jn handing down his decision, JIJdlt Irving Ben Cooper denied a motion too have the case dismissed because of baseball's contention that Flood's al" titrult suit is a labor dispute under the law. "We are not aatlaOed that, as defen- dant. CMlend, this matter la l'NP'flY within the primary jurtadlction ol the Natlooal Lib« Relatloos Boml," ~r wrote. '!be queotion ls "11111 _.i... ~e added, wbefiber the cue ii "a labor dlapute enmpt from anu.truot llW1. "'!be tr1al mllll .....,_ the factual laluea rlloed nopec:ilng Ille .-v• aysten, hailed u a bltatnf by pro- ponenla, condemned .. deatruCllble by antagcnists." F'lood, who -sht the Mt apimt . baoeblll after he WU traded by the Sl Leola Cardlnala to tht Phllade!pbia Pllllltea. Is c:halleoctnl the IJ)lat .. that bind> a pllytl' to the elub with - he a,,,.. Flood -that the syattm violates anUtrust 1tatues. Judgt Cooper pointod out In bis declllon that "eiploratlon of the opera- tion and effect ol. the reserve system is vital to any determination respecUn1 t>lalntllf'a .. ,,.. ol adloo baaed on ln- voluiWy ""'1lude. "Potentially, ~ may alto lllumlnalo the quelllon ol the <Ullinu«l vitality "' bueball'a judicJally dorlved anti-trust exenpUon." Baaaball eonlellcls that tt ean not survive without the rewve syltem belnl attacked by Flood. At tilt 11n1e time, Judge Cooper dlsmlaaed two alieiatlons made by Flood -that. the ptoyers wert •llit>tad by ~ arrangements made fer the aaJe d beer in Ille Sl Loul1 ball l*'k and that the Columbia -..11n1 Sy....,'• owntnlllp ol the New York Yank ... lnteriered with blddinl for televlalon and radio broadcut riflbto. '!be date for the trial, jll'tvioosly set fer M1y II, WU moved forward ant day at the request of attcwney1. Dodgers Call Vance to Staff; Battle Mets LOS ANGELES (AP) -"'!be boy wt're brlngln1 up la the top pntaptc:t in wr syat.em and we jl:an't keep a kid of lµa caliber sltUng arouod," Lei Al1geles Dodgen llWlll'f Walter Alotoft aald .. the club pn!plrtd for tonlflbl'a game acatnst the New York Meta. Ht'• Sandy Vanct, a ~year-old rlsht. hander who has vaulted from -at Stanfonl to a spot in the J:lod&on' starting rotallon in just tine years. The 6-1, llJl1>00nder Is beln1 aakod Dorlfler Slcee AIM-MtlCl'l(fllt) AOf. 14 DoQtn 'WI Ntw Vetk J:ll •.11t. ,..,, 2J Dofte ... "' Htw Ym •:N "·'"· A-r. :Ni Oldfera 'WI Hew Ytrlt Q11f ...,.., to fill quite a lara:e pair of !hoes. Ht'1 r<placln8 Bill Sin( er, Los Angeles' aca right-hander and 21)..game wlnner in t91J9, who was sidelined earlier this week by hepttiUs and will be out of action at least !Ix weeks. Vance i!n't expected to sta rt until Monday nifht whtn Philadelphia opens 1 thrff.gamt set at Dodger Stadium. Until then Los Angeln will he thoroogbly occupied wtth the World Champion Mets, especled to l<nd southpaw Jerey Koosm1n , 0.2, against Dodger youngster AJan Foster, 2-1 tonlgl>t. ~ Claude Ostet!n, lm Ange ' veteran left-hander, is slated to face 1 lllng Nolan Ryan Saturday niaht with Don Sutton going against New York ace Tom Seaver on Sunday. In three yem at Stanford, Vance compiled a brilliant 27-3 record. He con- tinued to cut down the oppo.1ition i. l!IU at Ogdtn, Utah, ol tilt PJ..- League, winning 14 Of 17 decisions and striking out l!IO bait ... In lll innlngs. Last year at Spokant, the Dodgm' Triple-A fann club In tilt Pacific Cout Leagut , he won hl1 last five 1ames to flni8h at U . This season he w11 1.0 with an 0.57 earned-run 1vera1e and 16 1tr1Rc>u1s In 11 2/J innings. •• r. u ~ p T p 3: w p t L n " u t • • t h ft • D B 2 c G L s I a fl n _h ti T 3 e· I< T I< fc !1 h fr E w d s. 5 " p e· L t< tr a: j ., al LI or M ... th w, 22 (1 hl cl () I) wt ti.I ' •, ". •• ,J ' :~ •• ''; •• "' ' Rustlers r Fourth In Meet Ry CRAIG SHEFF 9f tW -.11r Plitt Iliff Goldtn We.st and Orang~ CQl8t colle1e1 ranked fourth and Mii io tho leam -Ill· foUowlq Ille llnl day ol tho -~ soii4lieni Calllomia """"""" and di vln& diamo plon1hiput Rio Hondo College 1bundly. 'ne Rutlltrs !obied 4~ poinu 'llillle Oronge Coast had 11. Polldma bad the lead with 11. Gold<n West go! oulstandin( , performanc:ts from K e i I h DooaJdion in the SO free, Don Ll1!JOldi In the 200 Individual m<diey and lls ~oo medley relay team. Dooaldaon placed third in the SO ftee· wkh a Ume of "22.1, clocking 22.6 in a heat earlier 1n the day. ·nie event wu won by EJ Camino'i Mike Durlllfler (22.1). Uppoldt finished fifth in the lodo with a mart of 2:Dl.s. neorly tine IOCOlldl off bis !luttn belt ot 2:05.7. The win- ner ol the event, Fullerton's Byron Reldenbaugh, clocked J;00.7 to Mt a Southern California """""· nie Rustler 'foursome oC Gre1 Fellll>er1 <bodslroie), Lippoldt (lxuatstroke), Kris s-(hutlerfly) and Dooaldlon (fre.tyle) swam to •· seasar1 best ol 3:41.5 in finisiilnc fourth in the 400 medley relay. 0ra.,. Cout placed sizlh _Jn the same event with a time cJi 3:41.8, a season best. Tho former top clocilnf was S:l!il.1. EL Camino won the event·tn 3:41.5. Bruce Jolmlton clocked 23.0 to place el&hlh and Gary '11lompson had a time of 23.Z to finish lOUI in the 50 free for occ. Orange Coast's top short free.styler, Andy Erickson, had two false starts In the 50 free, and WIS d!.aquallfled. Erkkson came into the event with a season best of 22.4. lo 'the ather event of the day, the 500 free, OCC's Steve Schwer flmabed eighth in J:OB,f. which was nearly two seconds better than h i s previous best of 5:10.4. The event was won by Carter Loven of Puadma in 4:57.7. Seven events WHe lK:heduled today and Saturday wtth time trials at 9 a.m. both days and finals al 3, Sit tr-I. Durt11ttt {El C1mlt10I, ~; 2. TllOm•1 ILACC/• 2 .1; l. ii:'°" CGoldt" Wttl , :zt.•; 4. I.it ll'•NCt•na), 22~7; 5. Groou 51n An• , 2l. ; I , IY CMt. U" Antewt1o\. 21.f. 1. Iller Cilnl1 An•!. 22.,; I. Jdlnston COr1nrg1 Co.ti), n .11 '· Ael!Hf1 ll'•~cn•), 23.1; lit. Thom-IOl'I"" CNsO. 23.2; 11. l'lfltr CEI Cimino), 23.11 11. MiriY CH1rbor), 2l.1. lr.._1. l.,awn fl'eHden•\· 4: 7.7; 2. M(Mull.., ILllW!I ltld'I , S: I l. Jecobtol> c ... ,..,,,...) S:Ol.4; •· .~ (Fulltrtont. 5:11.1; /· AtNll lf'IHIMMl,.1:01.11 • l'l'ltlll VIia"• ;D1.01 1, -••In Ct!l'llM~, S: -5; I. $dwftr {Or111111 CNll , !' .h t. Auurtes I ii~" m:.;r \ :1 .21 >L '""' " -' ,., I>. GrotM u:1 tlfn no), 51 •.11 t. 11.•Wi IFul1WtD111."1r1: s.11 190 ll!ll. ... -'Itel •••"!"" =-·i , ...... -·~· ijl(•), :M.ll l rw~1rd -'· l'~~·: .. ~1· 2; I • .old! tn '1' ' 1~ ~.~r:r. ~llr~ ' . = ~,I ''"""! '"'~ "· •:.iW,~ P11Mltnll) 1 , :11)1 l, PfWll(' ta<:hl. 11 .41 1 o" I • 11 ltrl\lrdl11t'11i1 ·!· «WI mta ~ •¥-!. I CemlflO, !:"6 .. h 2. 11 ... n1, S:41~; 3. L-8H<l'I, J: Al GolMn WNI, l :f!l.S; s. 'l'"rklll. l :f!l .. I I· °''"'' C:011I, ).<It. I l· Veli.yl:JO,t1 I. ilnTI nt, J: S.S1 t\ tt.y, l:~.t1 10. 1'!trc•, l:S1.1( I. l'O HOllllO. J;$1.•t 12. S.~I• Montee, s,· 1.t. T-.m KOtl~ eucllnl ,1, El Ctn1ln11 62. Full1rlo!'I 511. L0"9 lfKl'I •t, Golden Wftf U, vr•ntr COllSI JI, S1nt1 ,,,.. 27. LA Velley 23. S1nl• MOlllCI "· l'ltrct~ 16, L~CC: 1!,. •lo Hlftdo ll Ml. ~•fl An!onkl 'i Cll•tt.Y a, Ctrrli. 1, H•rbor el'ld ., ler"'rc11,. I, CHRISTIANO UPSET -Steve Christiano (!ell), Fountain Valley's version of a track and field iron· man, i5 upset m the 440 .by Loara,'s Jim Beyers in DAIL 't PILOT ...... ~ LH Pl'fM Thursday's Irvine League crucia1 .. A few minutes before be was upended by Beyers. Christiano cap- tured the 880 in 2:02.2. r,lday, April 2•, 1!70 ' DAILY ~ILOT fr. -~Oilers 'IL!!:im Marina,: I ' . ' rf ars Rout · Western Hott Hun&tton Beech 111&1' Oller• l'lklllfl 1M1 i, 11:00 cM1. T1m1i n.•. lied out a IS-54 -• ..:r •.• ..:~l;!j'.1'f·~~·i+•""'" e b-i and field vw•-,• v'"'" ' 1~~ N 1~1tM ''lfin:l 1 :N~'11"' "... ..,.,,_,,. l!u111L~•l1t11 lllHll !'I) uo Mlrlu 12' H~ -· 1. • Pkklor~ '(io t. over rival Marina 1"W'lclay IOO -I. V"'""'llrt. CMJ t. Mlllb'!' ' 1!.~~" CM) s. '''""' (~). ,.'"' .. .Cternoon to hlgbliaht OrlDCe IMrll'l:_K!~~~=·ma· 'rc1:JJ;;tr·1 . KU!lf~ OLH -·~ T1,.1w ·~1 J~ ~!dJord ~---d·~t " ' "'''' I --1 C+i l. lttrobo 1MI. Tltnt. '·'· ~area 1JUO;:a ~. T · · ...... · 111v ..... 1. ~r1,... T1m•1 "31 !!·1 ·1, Jur1 !Mf;i' SIT'Ol.lth l ·l1 Newport Harbor , ci>·"''"~· ,..,1. . 3'HJ ;-l~·,"'~¥,.'1'°w2. LH .IMI mef,llwbile, routed tnvldin1 -l, • H . c-POell 0LJ~"-' ~ : IM) ,, KIMIO., 1 J. ~''i. i,1 'c \ t· M41rt.," IMI l •~• O \'i:' ....,. westem, 95-11. , 1~ •••r ""' ,_, ,.,, . ., PV ·-·1• ,j,. 11:""""'" Tbe ~Marini af. l:Ji't,-. l~'fi.fjMl ·t.'Mll~U 11~~ ~~"~,:ti!;, ftTi11i ... i"Nrl fair nm. " decided unUl the I ~s..tr--r. 11i ~'I"i. '0.i!'.Ii:.., IHI J. 'H..,.., tti11, •• ~111...c1: •u. .. C 1. A\19rT! (M~TI~· l•.t., -final emit of Ute afternoon 1 r:-1. 1-. "~ t. "'e''-' ""'~"""" ••e~ 1w1 1111 ""''fne (/II ). "IHI, • ·[,· 100·-I, Hiler IM • leMdkl wbe9 the mUe relay was won ,~.U:.,, ~. v .... ,infi,'lf11.11t.J.'='{ CMl i. Kai.Mr (HJ. T1n>1: ••>· by 1f>e Oilers. 41 llO -1. H-IMI t. Glkk IMI \ .. ·.~-I. H1111tl"'lon aetcn l. e..n..i1c1 (M). Tlnw: ''-'" Runtlrlltoo'• quartet ol Les 11 i.. N 11111: o .. •• 1: ..o -1hkll•ll"11Gut \"'' '· ........ ,. P-~ J i Mi~-·-JI Sll'llllltlll). ' :Jt.A. IHI I. h s tHJ. Timi' :»J. -, . IC ... ~... m H~ -•t tto!l •. 1w1 I:. W"""Y IH ) ,,. -1. ~ cin 1. Mlllll' •N(t&konki (freshman) and • 1.:!!11'1~ l~'y/i;"'l~l f. Holl l~l 1°':~1·L~11~1~~· !4!f';f. 3jMi'·1. 011.S B--8,_,.., toured ·~ 1 ... ,.. 1. kfwMnd <Ml. 1>1,11«1: 11·1\'t. 1M1 1. Fl.iilllil 1H1.1.¥1m1: \ .... ··wiu ......... """"" .,... r -l, Wllet"'J:MI t. Prffldl¥Ule Ull Rtll't' -• M•rlM. Tjrntl In -in b <'Ill 001.Notlllrd,H1I 1;.lU . dS laps ,3:a .4 to W Y -51" -1. A"''f' 1"1 l. tmornnt 'Mj -t. •tu aj"I 7 Tribf:rt Y.~ to. .. .. _ --..la Poul (H) J. C:lw9111 CH ' Oltllnct: !J0.7. nil J. luller CH! • .H 11'1 : S.•. --.. "' '-'1ML'11 1M J..J -1 Hlr1t1 lJ 1. AIM'lh~-Wood'I outtk the narrow win. Hv1111HtM •NCI! <••1 cio M¥1111 1"Jv':!\lkfi~ ~· <~~'/.~..._ Gll'tb Wile tripl~ wttb bur· 100 -1. H11m1111.ic lMI 1. GV1t11son IH'f >. !.! . '",I .!'•'"I'•'•'.,·. ''"' fM! s. TMrllft CMJI Tim-: 10.l.. • W 11...1 > d}e victories \n 14,f and 2(1.7 120 -l. Hllmlll lk CMI 1. Sll!sor> IM J. 01""" IHI. PL11n1:11 •1 ... along with I ~7\1 effort .tn·--'-'-----'--'-------'-'-"--'----'------ the 1.., jump, the best leap or the year for Oraoae Coast area athletes. Marina'• Joe VenllmigU1 led the Vlkea sprint corps with first place In the 100 (IO.t) and DO (~1.S). 1be !alter mark was a Marina school record. Vlilbc Steve O'Hare suf- fered a 1evere. injury to his rifht · ankle while p o I e vaulting. Newport'1 easy win was led by Dare! Blood, who turned in a wind-aided 9.& in lbe 100 and followed up with a 23.1 In the 2211. He loof jumped lf.1111 for bis third •ictory. . sau.rs·W•ter" ....... l~IW.IWll :r -" ~--tHl 1. LM11Pllt fW 3. Fbh ( ~.I !Tit' f.I. ->. /I NI 2. Llfllll••t ·uo -l , I 1t11 h rl 'i R-1 OU l. Sllbltr NI. Tlm•: pJ. Loara Trips FV Spikers IWl 3, ROMr•j· T ""!i. U J. ~ -I. l•~ltr IN~) 1. Smllh {W~I. ~~. ( J!'tte i...i~:l 211_J."'Dblr!- 1 ) . C:~ (W). T/f.' 4:ff.l . '1i1 ·i-. iemlnt ) 2. ConllTlll'I I '°"I I. Tl~°' I '"·'1 l H -1 ~,.IN t.no ·~~ ~1'11· 1=1J1·fN1 t . J1tt1 IN) I. --IN • Tim•' ll.4. By PHIL ROSS Of 1111 O.Hy ""'' Slllf Loara traveled to Fountain Valley Thursday for an im· portant Irvine League track and field confrontation with the lmdefeated Barons. When the visiting Saxons got back on their bus to return to their Anaheim stomping grounds, lhoy bad -ried with a 77.50 thrashing of the Barons to throw the league into a three-way tie among themselves, their latest victim (Fountain Valley) and Santa Ana Valley, each with one dual meet loss. Estancia visited EdiJOl'l and came away with a 94-33 verdict in its faV1lr and in- vading Costa Mesa was edged, 66--61, by Magnolia in other Irvine du als featuring area schools. An upset by Loara's Jim Beyers over favored Steve Christiano of Fountain Vf,lley in the 440 set the entire mood of the Saxon-Baron clash. Beyers came to the tape In 50.9, about two paces ahead of Oll'istiano, who bad earlier WOO the 8811 In l :IJ'l.3. B•t'OIU•SCXOKI Vlr'11l' ""''!.' !"I -1411 le V•llly 1or·-:.. . :11r."" • '· ,,_. '*l ... ., m· (,,~ l!\'MI: •. ,. -• I (\.) . V1IW1111 ' • ,.,,\NI :",,,,,., .! .•. 410 -1. h¥tr1 CL) 2. OWl1t11rw l;iol Maes CF). Tlrnt: '°J'· '-1 Cllr!tlllflO IF ?. Herdln C !. lrth CLJ. Tlmt: 1:02.2. M!i. -1. Funk tFl 2. Heiden tLI JI 1't,Ul•r ~L). Tim•: •;tl.J. >M 11.-l. 1t1Ptlme1 CL) 2. ltv11• "~ I ) S. , rtellWOOd tLl. f!mt: 10: .4. l HH -l. H1n~1 CF l 2. fJhrtcel!IOlf (L I 3. Hinely (Ll. Time: l t!:. LH -l. Htn<IY (LJ 2. Fii":' ,.,~rke IFI 3. &dl•IClntoJf ill ~'R~,ij. -1. L{llrl . 't't""ll : •l.I. Miit ll:tll¥ -I, FOl.lnlt!n V•lllY. Tl""': J :~.•. HJ -1. M•!•ltt fFI f, lotdl-11• (L) 3. TJ1 "''•"r H•nlOll IL ) •"" ••rllr ILJ. Htlth : M . L -I. •Mllr Ill 2 Mtrtln CFI l. ltrYl t CFl.I Of1llnc~: b·•.., PV -I. 1'1rll lllOl'I IF 2 ltrl Ill J. TllOn'IPIOn IFI. Hll I: )1-@. SP -I. T••Jor 1\l 1. Gii~"'~ JL) 3. Mtlal11 CLl. 0 tll nct: 17. 111. OllCUI -1. McGll!rt ill 2. 1¥1tr (L) l . H•l1!llr CFJ. Dl1l~nct: 1J6.1i.o. l'tunll• Vt111J'n11 (UI Li1111 100 -1 KAPll ILi I. °""" !Fl l. Mattulstl fl'v, T-: 10.4. no -I, I(~ IL) 2. Mdwl"'I CF} l. CISN IFJ. lmt:,,U. ¥:-1. H1 IFI , ilvlll l'I J. .. .... n fl).-lrlml: :J!,t. -1. 511r 11t f,. 1. l ush IL . Smllll CFli '.f'l"''f\I: 1:~.I. llll HH -t, Ytnak\lr1 lfll l . Molin• CL) D~ (I'!. Timi: 1:n.o. llG LH -J. l'IM'n•~l I I J. Vont1cur1 (I') :a. DI,,..,..,. ffl). Time: l•.O. llO Rill'° -I. F-l1ln Ville~. Tlm1: 1 :17.7. HJ -I, 1"11'111 CL) 1. si-..111 (LI l. C•fM/1'1. H•/9111: 5-',, LJ -, "'''' Fl 2. "1.,111!11111 (F) l. Ac.liar CFJ. Df111nc:11· :1f.1YI. PV -1. kl'llnk (F 2. · lln .. ''/ J. ROIOudl CF . H1lrl'll: II ... P -I. Gord°" IL 2. OevldMlll 'f, l. C1ni"1' IF!. P l•ltnct: •1Vt. llCUI -. Oofdoll CLI 2. C1n1-( I 3. DIYld.on Ill. Dlll1nc1: 112·11\lt. l'w11te111 veu~'tn1 /Jtl LMre 100 -1. L11191 ~ I 2. Giron IF ! l. S-1.,..,1 IFI. Ttr11: 10.f. ltll --l . GI I 1. Mtllot!t IL) l. Sf111jlY9dl 111. lrn1: 1f.I. 660 -1, M•notr1, \"l."Gf!llDhtr "\ l. cu,.nlnvn..., cF . T m1·, :l~.•. 1 H -1. Edw1rds (LI . R .... 111 I' ~Moo" IF), Timi:: ):lt.6. 110 -1. LI I F) 1, Wll!tc""'1> IF) l. _.,11tkl frf. Tmt: 14.1. 4At RlllY -1. Loar•. Tlmt: SI.•. HJ -J, Ltflll IF I 1. MutPllY (L I l. H1rll. !F), Htleftl: S.1. U -1. 5-l~tde Cl'I l . MorKI (l'j J, M9!18U1 CLI. DltllMt: 1'•1, Hf~ 1~· ~1'l1'1\~·1Ll 2. aowrn1n Pv -1. McC1nc1 ILl J. Wlhon !Ll J. tFJ J. Troat!I CF). Otsllnct: lt·I~,. Edl•o,,..E119les VtnllJ' a11Mdl O°'I Ull Edl- 1(1) -1 lt1111son !E~ll '· ihlU91NUJ' 11Eau l. c111 !Ea). Time : tO.l. nt -I. JCll'I-111:11) J. R~ymond ((dl 1. J1nnlnt1 fla). Tlmt: n.s. olC! -J, OllQ!I tfsf) ?. P1r~er 1r:si1 1. orcrv..-Cl!rtl. Tl'"'I n .1. AO -1. Jl1Y"*'4! •(Ed 2. Sii~• CE10 J. 11'11"' fE"l· Time: l :Ol.1. Mlle -I. Hoyt Cl\<lill I DtllO\ll n ll!dl J. l'Old9 l~dl. T '"" 4:".I. '·Miit -I. J1cir. Moorr t ftll 1. Rt1d1 (Ettl J, $oOerDtrq Uidl, Time: 10:'7.f. 120 .-iH -I. Wllld !E~I\ 1. •r-.ahlre (Edl..l. H•lt (ECIJ. T!mt: lS.7. 110 LM -I, Wood (Ellj t. NOOT1ure (Ell) 3. l ra<*ahlre {ll!d l. ltn1: 10.0. 440 11te11v -1. E111ncL.1. Tim.:. 46.•. Miit ~ell• -1. E1l1ncl1. Time: l:U ,6. HJ -1. l1kke11 CEtU 1 Hesi~r (Est) l . Klftl !Ell). Htllhl: .5-10. LJ -I. l roollW!!ll! CEO ! I. Sh•U!lllnlSl't' !E1!1 l. Grovl<' IEIO. Oltl~nu: 1 .. N . PV -I, Nonwr• IEtll 2. st>IUOMSIJ lEsll l. Ford tE111. W..'4111: 10-I. SP -l. Cr1lo Oe11nls tE1I \ 2 Timmer""'"" tEdf J. MOiiie ([d). Dl111nce: ~•. O!Kllt -I. Laultk IElll ?. l lm-,,,.,.,,...n CEifl J. teurtult1 IEdl. 0 111...u: 1"40-1'1:1. I M 1Esl1ncll OJI IHI l!dl- 100 -1. \JP!on !Edi t. C.,lr1>0!f IEil! J, LIC•Kll !Eif). Time: 10.•. 220 -I Glrasolt CEstJ 2. Ulllon IEdl J, L1C1Kll \"~· Tlrnt: 'ZJ.I. '6C! -I. ..1 st) 2. 81!.llOP ffsl\ ]. Hinton (l!dl. ~' J,1'.1. 1)2(1 -I. Alve,..t <Edi J. M1vn CE •!! 3. Mt(:lurr !Edi. Thnt: l:l•.4 110 HH -A. ·Stu1r1 \Elll 2. C1tpen111r CEii( 3. Miits !Ed . 1'1"'4!: 16.2. no LH -I. Stuer! \E•ll '· Ctlll"llS IEifl 1 Girtne" IE1!), Im•: ll.7. UO Rel•Y -1 E111ncl1. Time: l:lS.J. HJ -1. cor1111111 (EO) t. Cerll(WI (Ed) l . Confer {E&tl, H1lal'll' H . LJ -1. Glrtaole 1e1r1 2. <.olll11t1• lEdl J. Upton (lld\. Dltttnct: 1•·4'ii. PV -I. M•~ll (l!•ll J. Wright IECI) no !lllrO, HtlOhl; lM SP -1. llY~H !Ed) 1. WrlQM U!CIJ 3. ~elO f!:llJ. Pltllnt1: SA.a. OIKV• -1. l1¥1!U fEifl 2. Arbudlt (Est) J. GrltYI lEdl. Plll•llCt: 16-f~. Eifl-lS4JC:ftu 1111nc11 IOO -1. Liddle <E•O 2. Ktr111"°'1 IElll 3. G•mm191 l[d). Tlrnt: 10 6. 110 -1. Lkldlo: (EJI\ 2. >Mrn1t\Ott CEO) 3. Ga1'M1191! lEaJ. Timi: lt .1 UG -1. ~· lftll 2. M1r"' (Eel) l. YOll!lgt'I' (Ed). Tlrn.: 1:)1.G. 1120 -1. D•vldl(lll jEt!l 2 V1rg1s (l!d) 1 K&•PI" (l!tll. lmt: 3:JO.I. 170 LH -l. C..q (Edi J. l'tul fl!d ) l. IUever IE~). Timi: U.t. 440 ll:tl•~ -l. ECllten. Tl"'4!: .oil.). HJ -I 9rdr11 !Etll 2. """'"'°" IEd) l . l rown !Ed). Heighl: S.3. LJ -I. lrow IEdj J. A..0.rs.on IEdl J. $dlorr IEdl. Oil 1nc1: 17-0. PV -1. N!Ht. _!Ettl 1. G1lpl" CEOI NO mlrd. "'llM: JM. SP -1. Jenfllng1 lEdl t. l l!leloW (ECll l. Pow111 ,ffdl Olst1nc•: ., .... ~fe•,..Magnolla V1nl1Y M.,...ile UO C60 c-tt1 /MSI 10(! -I. S1ncll4!1 !Ml 2. Mooal• (Ml 3. l ombc¥ IC). Tlmr: lj·'· 2?0 -1. G1lbra1111 !11111 • ilnchtz (Ml J.'8ombcY IC) Tll'IOI: n.J. uo -I. Galbr1 lt~ (Ml 2. Merrh CM) i, Y1rn11 IC). Time: j5.J. ....o '"I -1, Nl\ll-t H1rbor. TC!l'lfl' No I me. U0 -I. Ma.cl.ti~ (Cl t. ••tt Miii lt:J\¥ -1. NIWMrl Hfrbor. !M) 1. l1rbl!r !M). Time. 1:01.•. TlHm1' .!: 0·•· Ho•-'"t 1. Kiimtr Mlle -I, l'rlt s! !Cl 1. SttumwlV wn (M) J McGIMIS CMI. Time: 4:41.S. !NI l. No lhln:lilltlll: t l·Mllt -I. V1n ArMll1!1 (Ml 1. 'i -1, .. • IN) · Flsh 00 J. 0••••"11 !C) l. T. Ol1w1r111 (Cl. l . •Ullle!! Cvtl. 1111nc1: 1 11YI. ti,.,.; IO:U.1. ,V -lf IN 2. Moort 120 NH -I. UF1v1r CCI l. INSJl'l.~ollh ifM~hli..l 1: .Albf"lln C-r !Ml ). O•vlt tC1. f !mt: CNl l. F1rf11r tWl. Dttllnl:t: :ll·l\li. Ui'.:o Lli -I. LIF"'t< CCI 1 Ntlion 1" 1"llo*· j,f::' ..!_M~ .. T=J"ic!: Tim.: 100 N~ J!\.f'1!M'f1'11:9'~11:111tr LI... C!+l. R-t,.NJ.1.Tlrn1~· \I .. Ml .. Rtl•• -I M19n111i1. Time: -l . tlr'llft I l 2. ltltftlr J·)t.l . IW '· wttt CH ). Tlrm: .3. Mlle 11:111¥ -I. """noll1. Time: Mii -\, He!~ \:;!. 2. J~M!On J;lt,2 (ff~, H~1ow,1 I Vii:' <">":'lll·,· O HJ -I. 'l'tlUlll. -(Cl 1. Jl(llt -• •n ¥ "' ., rtu I IMI 1 l1k1r !Cl. Hel!lftl : H . lW ·.pi-( l. : 1:71..>. LJ -1. G1llM'1llh CMI 1. Endlle• 1 -1 L°'"z IW~l 1. l•KI IC) 3. L1Fe....r (CJ. Dlsl1nc.: 21·1\/o. IN J. -· fWI. Tlrt\I: I ..i. ~ l'V _ 1. Wtlltlrll IC) 2• e11o;., 1 LH -I. 111."Mr \"' 1 ... -1 (Cl ), D•vl1 !Cl. Htklhl: IM CVI ), lre<e (NJ. Tlmt: J. • 51' -I. lordln {CJ 2. Slebl IMI Rllt'I' -I. N--1 H1,bor. Tlint: 1:31.0. l. 11e1u, IC). O!tllnClll; 51·11'!t. HJ -I. ThomelO" .CWl '· sum-rill Ol1cV1 -l. R!lll'r (Cl ). Tur~r fWl J. Tuckt< CNJ. Htlt~D S.6. fC) J. J-s CM). llll"CI: UJ<lO"', LJ -1. "''-'°' \vtl 1. Amlll l'V -1, J W t. Mori IH fN) J. ktlrHll N ),~ 0" ~rr; \f .. \I). ~·1~1111 1111 fall C11l1 Mn1 IN! l. HllH <Wl. 1 I: I 10(! -I. Parktr (Ml 1. Tit Mtween SI' -1. Delle J 2. Tl'IDmPton L~r-tMI Ind M11 me !Ml. Time: CWI J. ~r IWI. DIJl&nct: 47·2. II 2. Cit mi -I Sl!cllfll (M) t. P•rk•~ "'"""" :rr:: I.HI wni.R !¥~ l . M11\m.a IM), Tlmt: 1S.I, j _ I. !NI :. ''"'' 6H -1. Llct! IM) 2. Fr1n~t . ff, CM) l. l!dll'lolrn (Cl Tlmt; S:U.I. ( l. ~111• { L\tt~"''/~l0.4.2. Grinl 1120 -I. J11llfn \Ml ' .OQ~1n I ! 10 0 I Tr· 1' 4 IMI ). Cerp1r11er IC) T mt: a+u.1. ._ 7~f'*' 0 ( '. ,.,,,.,, UO HH -1. Corrt• CMl 2. Germon I > '°' > I di 2 . .1 CCl 3. L~F•ve' ~C l. Tlme: 11.t. . '° I J, ,,,., :a. . . -....... '"' " ",_,,, ll't L -l. .,min ICl t. ••lditru C J, A"'ilrt11111 !NI. Tlm1: J:l7.2. IMI J. $.llOllll !Ml. Thnt: 15 I. 'r 'I:-.. ~., .. 1w"1 H-'fW•ll 110 Jll'l•Y -!. M19n11ll1. Tlrnt: O" ! O ..... N T ( S No llmt. " · \...,..' · '"'' · · HJ -l, Hall fCI 1. Tit btlwHll' T~1 : llt' -• Ntwtorl Htrbor. HOWIY CM) llld loleltru CMI. HeJoht: HJ -I. Htr_•YW•ll CN) I. No ~J -I. ~din !Ml 2. S.!"9111 ·:r.~ 'r.1'd~tr1Ulth1J.il; 1t~· ). 0••'• !Ml l .... ~ ' . Pltllnct: 1'-'· c s. '"""" CWI. sl1nct: 11·li. ..• l'\r -1. ~IOtru IMI J T.flhl -I. Rieu f ) 2. No _... !Cl ne n11n1, Hl'Clhl: IM. or llllrd. Heltl\t: lM. I SP -1. JOIMI'°"' IC! l. ,p1t1Wr1~~ ' SP -I. -Hori.'fWllll It-I CCI l. town"'"' IMJ1.Cil1t1nct: •1·1. ·(WI J. llntwe-CNJ. 01KUI -1. lp,.INrqtr CCJ '· U· 14. W.rner {Cl l. .DJ'• CCI. Pltl•nct: -"'-"'-----------tl .. l'h. '" Mltlllll• 141) C .. I Cftll M .... 100 -I. l'noldll IM) 1 SMJlflltl'1! IMI 1 Hungertvrd !Cl. Tlmr: 11.l. llO -1. K1!1¥ CC) t. ,rMldl1 IMf l . S.tlephenl lMl. Tlrnt: It ... WO -I. D1J'IS IMI '· ilrllff IMJ 3. 01.., CM). l lmt: !:».!. IUD -1. JollY CMI ·'· HoHldlJ' 1cr1 OIW.llltq CC! Timi! t:M .•• 12t Ll:f - 1. KtllY (Cl t. ~n !Ml J. H\ll>olrlord (C). Tlmtl· 1 .. t. UI RlllY -I. MIF'Ql I. TllM: l:•i• ..i. -I . Hut1111rlord (Cl 2. °"""" fMl ]. Quln1.,,en (Cl. Htl"11: S.'- LJ -1. Jolly lMl 2. G-!I fMJ l . LrltuMIM ic). Dltl1nC111: 11· 2\1). ' IMPOATED LEATHER PANTS FLAIAS e FlllNGEO STAAIGHTS e SHORTS MOTORCYCLE PADDED On Sel1 Now -Onlv SJt.tl Wha, Th1r la1tt JAMES LTD l'V -1. Whlll1111 !Cl 2. luH (Cl 11;. 3. OlKn !Ml. H1l9hl: ,_.. _.. SP -l. llm1 CCl 2. IMPl\lrd IMTIRNATIONAL MOTORING ACCll$01111!S Nft,.rl, C.M. 642°0040 .fM ) J, Slrelc~ lCj Dlltfnct: .. IV.. 1------------- * Thi COol Broko II lhl fl<ll big..,,, .... In brake Unlnp In 20 ,..,._ H nops.,ou Cold. * Reguler,power,dlscbr1kea. * All domeatic &.1cweign csa. * lnet:alled In 90 mlnutn. * Fr• brake adJ~. for the Ull of your car. * Nonapror•led guer•nlH lor' YNl'I or · 31,000 milN (whlche'ter comea firat). * UNyourB.nkAmerlCMd,M .... a.g.1 moet oil company credit c.rda, 0t om on llnonclng. ... ----IPICIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFEll I SAVE s1o··I Major League Standings I on a set of new COOL .BRAKES I ,.-D~'E•A=N=•L•E•W=-1-5=,I . T•k••h11coupon•• "'"'""""' BJQ BRAKE IAPETY'CBNTER .I .___Olf ........ _ .. ___ ........ _,... NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE APllL SPICIALS - Mater Dei Spikers Crush Servite, 93-20 Chicago Pittsburgh Sl Louis New York Philadelphia Montreal East Division W L • 3 9 • 7 • 7 • 5 • I 9 Pct. .727 .692 .s.16 .138 .385 .100 GB I 2 • 6 ~~ Detroil Baltimore Boston Washington New York Cleveland East Dlvl1lon W L ' 3 a s • • • • • 10 3 I Pct, .750 .515 .IOO .500 .ITS • 273 GB 1 II I I I 5\\ I TIO~Yl[O~T@[ COROLLA 1970 3111 H•rbor Blvd . l.l111t S.llfti of S.. Diet• Huntington Beach 16091 &.ach Blvd. 10. Wtcl S..tfl of '-CH.,.,,.,...,., Mater Dei High crushed ardl-rival Servite Thursday afitrnooo, 93.20, in an Angelus Le1gue trqck and field meet on the winners' oval . Coach M a r k Wiehardt's Monarchs .swept the sprints a"11d finished first in 11 of the 14 everts. Steve Frill led the wimers with victories in the 100 (10.5), 210 (23.1) and the IOllfl jump (If.I). ' Bob Krueger doubled In the hurdles with a 17.2 and 21.9 clocking' while mate Don Davis was leading a Mater Dei sweep in the haU-mile with a 2:07.I. Ron Dixon led a one-two finish iii the 440 with I 51.S. '""Z ~ Dll IH • "" TOI -1. frlll lM ~. Fr'l::t IMI •w.tnPMI\ IMI. T1!Yll : 11.J. -1, "L:!:(M\ Ji "rtltt IMI 1. . m• IM Tlmt: ft. , .. -I. IMI t, McK- j!-1. GU-{$). Tlmtr Jl.J. -"jl" IMI t. lvrll911 I 1. ,,........ (M Tlmt: l :t1.i, Miii - l , 11!1 I t. H1ml!IOll !Mm Mell In ($1. ~I"!: 4:4f.J. !Mi -1. llllllfle Cl lomll1mo IM I . l'hhltl' IMI. f t""1 ii:ti,4, ltf HM -. lttllfltf (M) '· N1,rlOlft (Ml I. Cllcu!lc C/111. time; ~ \.H -1, l<rwtt• tM 1. J -(Ml a. T111111 tll V1111" "4i1 11:111¥ -1. Miler DI'. T .... 1 ..... Mlle 1';1C.¥ -I, Miier Det. Tlmt' a,,..1. HJ -1. Martin (Ml(.,1 Hanfllhlll fMj l. Mcwl1111 /Ml. Htl Ill: '-# U -l. rtti I t. MDrlcwl !Ml J. ClllPllr11tjSI. Dlti.f'lal: 1'·1. l'V -1. GI_. ($) !. Krufolll.,-IMI J, NG fl'lltd, HlltM: lM . J' ...,. 1. w11k ... 1s1 2. M,em,o11 IMI 1. h rr11t II~: 111nc11: •w. ~let Del 1111 11'1 Stntli. 100 -1. "i1111h11 ISi '1. Codl1POll (IJ l. Hlll'lftl' (Ml. TliM: 111.1. tto -I. Hytl'>n IS 2. Hu'll't' CMI t. Htlllllln IS/· Tl!lllj' M.l. .. 0 -1. Wli.on I) 2. Wtlll1 (Sl l Ak etl (M). Time; 1:27.6. 1>20 -f, S111'00 ( J J. C&lff !Ml 1 EICObtda (Ml. TllM: l:lt,O. 1,. HH -\, MllMt li l I. N-1 OS\ l· Mitntr \M\. T!rne : 11.S. 20 LH -. NUlllf IS! 1. Nvnel 151 J. Ml9tWr CM! Tlmt: 14.I. lltO R1l1¥ -1. Slt¥11t, Timt: 1:10.l. KJ -1. R ..... 'fjrrf J 1. Mlm ISi lllCI Dllri.. f~!L I M . u -1. • .._'" ...,,.,._" ISi l. ~lit (M). Oltltnq: II·•''· l>V .....; l : . S.1<141 !SI I Jty1n ISi S. NI lh!nl. Helglll: .... SI' -I, ll:tmlr'N (MJ 1, l(lll'Cf\C.n ISi l.. DtllM• CS\!!IM-: 4" ~ Del 1•1 nn ..,... IMI 1 H ($). Tllfle: 11.S . >• -~~ IMI I. '''' IM -I, {.Ml J. °'9dtl<IH IS) J, ~ IMI. T1rlllt M .. -1, ~ (M1 t. l'rYw I.Ml t. ,.,.. (M~. "'-: lj~ .. t me· -' f"'' '· 1:1111 1Mr1 C*"""' {Ml~· ... ~· t:U.O. l IJ( -I • .MIM'I !S t. F....,. CMI t. J ........ -flj~ T : J. U0 RNY -I. Mllll' • T""'' ~'') H -1. Glll'Wll"t (I) l Cltmlrlll !Ml S. Otn<ll• !Ml. HllOMt M. LJ -1, A110ttlc1 (SI 1. FMfltY IMI S, lell CMI. 011111nce: 1'-11· ~Y -1. Corcorn IMl 1. $1111111 !Ml •nd O'lrltn I''· Heklhl: W ti> -t. M"I 11 !Ml t. Hodlln.oft (II I ... Ii lMI. Pi.I-I ...,...,_ Cincinnati West Division 13 • 7 • • 7 San Francisco Dodgerir: Houston San Diego At.Ian ta 7 9 ' 9 5 JO T~urllll•r'• 11t1wll1 Pllhbvrgll I, Alllnle • Clnc:ln!!ttl el Sr. Lou.111 r1!n Orlty .,...,.. KMllY-. Tlilln'J 01M11 .715 .4117 ,4112 .438 .400 .333 5 5 5~~ ' 7 Houlton fOrtrtlll l·fl 11 Chlc19o (Mfo!trrnln 2·11 H-YDl'll: (It-ml" 6-2) I I C>oclttrs IFM!tf' 2.1), nllhl PllllH11,.t\le [Jecll:Jool 6.1) el ''"' Pleoo (DDbo .,,., 1·11, 1111111 Monl••"l CW11llwlkl 1·01 •' Sin Franc!Ke '""'Y 1.n , nloflt A!l1nl1 IN".it 1.11 11 l'lttllourWf! !lllls 2-dl c1nc1 ...... u !Slmf'sOll HI ., 51, L~b IC&rltlon 1·1!, hi9hl ~1lnnetola Anpb· Oakland Kanas City Chicago Milwaukee Wea' DtvtaJon • 3 JO 4 7 7 • 7 s a 3 10 TllllP'IM't"t Ill-"• ChklllO 7, Mln""°ll J N~ YOfk II, Wlllll.flCllOtl • Orll\f 9111'111 Kl\ld.,...., .727 .714 .500 ,411 .385 :Ill \l T...,.. ...... , It 811tl,,.r1 IC11111tr t-11 '/ "'-' C:"'t' CDr ... 1·1), nlgnl • Dllrelt fHlllt,. t .. I •f MlnMMt. (l'wry l-01 CllkaM (Hor"" 1·1 .,. W'frMlt Ml •I Cll'" 11nd 1""-1 .. 11. l!llh! Anvi~ (M•Jlflll'IUll 3·1J 11 W11hf1'111ton 11"' """" 1.n , 11111111 0..11114 fO.bMn W If' llol11'1d 1-01 11 Ntw 'r'trli: t llfilll~ /•U, 11110111 Mllwt"*• l(r-•r I.JI •I lolron f51ti11tr1 •U ..,.,..,.. ......... 181lllrnor1 11 1(1n .. 1 (lly, nlof'tl Deir.it 11 M""""°'I Chlcnt It "Cll¥11tnd ""9111 II Well!lntto!\, 11'9111 Ott ...... If H .. Ylrll 5"ttl1 el llottwo DEAN L·EWIS 1966 HARBOR ILVD., COSTA MESA Strvlce and Parts for All Imported Cars Modem Body Shop for All C1r1 Orange County's Large&! and Most Modern Toyota and Volvo D•aler ,, 113 + T"'' L;,, ~ 'VOLVO 1970 DIMO SAVE $570 142 2 lllr., r•lllio, ho1ter, 4·111e..I. IS1r. #4740) UllO CAil SPICIAL ~ 1ffl AUITIN AMlltlCAN 1!1dlo, P\fft.f, fUIO<Nlk tr1"1m1.- tlorl. ""r'i' till!\, tier, *XGCJ i 111. ,1 099 -· 1714) 549-4022 13388 Broolchurst St. 10 .. lllock Nortll el Gent.. Gt••• ,,..,..,, 1714) 638.0911 1714) 847.0011 I Santa Ana 626 W. 171h Str11t (714) 884-6348 • ' ' ., .- I '. ' J ' . ' ' " • - ; ·,. .. '." '· s .. _ .. ' r ,)' .-. ' J e!..~ I ·" -.. ~ " ,, ., ,. " . :· ' -'. .• t· -' '' ' I :i-' ' ·-. l • ' f: ·:. ' . ~· '"' }' + f I I ' ·1 I , ,, • ,) • I J j .-...,,--~-~-----·---:--:--...,,--·----------... --- 1 ! • • . ' rrldjf. AlrM 24, 1970 Tritons /- Upend ·r:aguna San c-hit the ..... tury mart '11lursday in win- niq lll'CrfttYiew League dual trick anct . field meet ovet Vllillnc Lag1mo, IOl-22. The Giber Orange Co..t uea ()-est.view representative -Mlssloo Viejo -dropped •n 11-41 decision to invldlne Villa Park. At San Clement., hurdler Bob Blacker and field event apodolllt Vern Mc:Garry pac· <d ... Trlloos' victory with a pair ol wim. Ardsts'·Tt-lto11• ..... ,... tltlMMI 11141 1n1 u.-hKlf "9 -1. Gldlll1 IS) 2. Morrll ISi S. ,.......,. CS). Tln'w: 11.0. m -1 .. ,,_1s1i.,.......,. f51J-.!'~:-~i. Tl<'rr:2~~"5tw1c:11 . ILJ l. •rown IS~. Timi: U.L .. -I. ~Id: ILi :t. Sam cs~?i. ~ {S'·d;.~ ';~-5 1. a.ldl IL) J. EIMnlloMr 15\. TlfN: •:56.J. J-MJl1 -!. Strllllt (Sl 2. Wll-CLI :S. Hvnt! {SI. TltM: 10: 1.L 120 HH - 1 •ltdlw IS) 1. , ..... OS/ 3.. Ovvtll !SI. TllM: JU. • lH -1. •1.0:.-ISi 1. MOrrl• CSJ L Dl.tYell IS), TlfN: 20.t. U1 Rllal' ·-I, Su Cl.,._! .. Tlm9: -M.S. Miit 111 .. ., -1. SM Cltmtni. Time: 4:Qf.L HJ -I. Mdi1rry CSI I. Hur• t'SI L Wlll!Mll ILi. Htlfllt: M.. U -t. McG1rry (SJ J. AbOW (L\ l. FwTl!1" ISi. Dl1tt11a1: 20-All. fl\' -1. ""'°"11 (SJ J. o."tl1 (S) Me t!llN, IWIJlhl: 12-1. Sf> -1. ~'7 (S) 2. GecllwV CSI 1. .'nd: ILi. DbtMCI: ~S. DI.cu. -l. 5-Ill 2. f'rodl: ILi S. It_,.. CS). D .. 91'1Ce: IJIM\L u. 1ar"111 '--...., IOI ~ry (~) ! l it ~ C,,,....., tSI 111111 Tl!'IT (i). Tlt!w: IO.~ - 1. fry ISi 1 (I"....., (SI l. LIY5-~S. 71m1: U.1. ... -1. \SI 1. ,,,_. fLI I. ._... 151. : :Jl.5 IUt -I, L rt ILi 1. Smllll jLI I. Dtwt11r11 Ill. TllM: J:Jt.7. I• HH -1. HelMn (LI I. T91'1"1' 151 J. M1W IU. TlnMo: 1.U,· 1• t.H -I NtlMtll It.I J. T..-ry llil J. =ILi. Time: 11.t. .. • -l. 1111 <:..,,..,..,.. Timi: 1:• HJ -1. tenv ISi J. Hllltl IS1 a.~ 1~l ~ii.'f t. Jirffif ISi S Sofl jLl. DINl't:t: 1 .. N.. ..._ ~ -. S-ILi I. '"" ""-t.-. 111 _. RW!w (LJ. t: l:M. DAILY ,ILOT l"llirtt n LH I"•~ .. Baron Wins Mlle . Still 4tll. ln880 Tbr.. -In lncllvldJJll tv-plus --· ., a relay tetin m the Giiiy Orin(• ~ --... llild ...... the --.kl:r CIF Soutbera -Jill .fl P(ep butl. • . ~ ' -Lapna'1 Dive H-.JI 11111 la lo!adi, Ill the • Ila o11 1111 1,11u ....,..,. 111 11e Huadqton Boidl SI• tlfna CGunllel moel lul -Tllo -· Pmon ltlaJlaC t1 lfDrninCl!de, hOcJ .,.. • ... tlallal belt Cll 1, Ill.. ' In the ...... -llldl Wood al Eltandl bu the foUrth bell --wind-aided mart In die aeetlon (11.J), to tie him "1111 C«UM!al'I Allon Colbert and Cclmploo'1 Dw•!"'•. MltdJe!J. *.I "* * ., .. .. "' :. .:, '·' ... fl~ 21!t ,,, 21.1 1:5?.I 1:5'.I l :.M.! , . ..., 1:S4.6 ,•o*' ..... . . ~"""_.....,.,...,._ ' ' . It's a I~ id~ ,to let your opponent know where you're stm:a~g as he pre;p'!res to make· his •Ql>ioacb to the ir-i.· Clearing your llp-oat or dropping 1 club 10lo your bag at t&e liJp of Ills bactswint should take care of it. Fer {;east Area . lVet, Golf Results 'tli!MI U.-._. \\~/..11\'al Ylllll ,.,_ O'Mtl!I (UCI) • L• IDccldtntllJ, .. ~1 IL•T.,..,. M. .. ,, ·~ CIF Girls' Swim Meet SetMay23 t~ /t' *'· Ir (UCl•J. ~ ... ~ ....... CLl l -•t. 1-1. '"l. ~~m,,a.'-Z!!cn,. INf, .... ,. 1c11 .,......,,_ 111 1l11 -1.s. M. ..o. Girls athletic compelilion ). ''-. ~ .. 1+12i .,. SMnlo •t u . · .. -.1-u.... CIF •····r •· a -l•l'llir (Lil IMt 1 ... •4 34 -~ 1.1111;: IHUIUll: Ill .... O'f:11111,,_.""v~::_.~•,uc11 •"'•.· .wi. '" 1 • ~· reality. 1be lint.ever CIF .. la ••• .-1. M. J.... 't'~n~ >-~ s1-IL•I -.. ,, C'-... L.--wl UMIW ~ •IMlll .. ......uweiu Sect.loo Girls S m ~ -,.., " ~-..:_-• "" "" "-diam~-~~ ~ under way t.. CUfl!OIMll--..a. W. °'" V""'..,..•v-> ... ~ Dt11 -ff..,,.,"· uc '"'"" cui cni c.i 11,.,. co-May 23 at Foothill High School w~7'1."'lr" :.:.•'ct'11 -'-'· M i ,,°l!:tiw11r11 c~1 def. Mlli. 101 ::r E!L~ "btlJed for varsity Cllljli •:::~I 11~ Cll 7'. flt. Dfslftld, (DJ ~~·~~':,ti~ .. II:. ~-,,_ Cr!" Wlilt .. 1, ... ,..., fl) .,, *"· H1rtc11 ID) 7S. ~ ; -. w. .... , "' Foothill will manage fie • N11iiit-'f"•nHY -,;;:· Ill 1... Hf. Hok ... b IDJ • ._ 111 141 c._ .. ,..,., · c 1 prellrm beginnln1 1t 10 1.m. ·-·~ ..s. Rt I 11 • ~I lo Uri (DJ The finals will be held ,'•l T k (') ~~ •NII UJ WOii bl' lorfell. ''°· Be I Hiii H'gh ~-f ll '"' -· H'"-11 U!I u . "1. •t bill: uc Irvine '"'°' '"°' 1..5. ver Y s I un:: O ~· -I. l"llllW 111 !. HI!* Ill 1.D1ie111~1r·~IL'tt o.w-Tim Funk of Fountain Valley defeated Loara's Larry Heiden in the mile Thurs- 1s1a. ... '"""11~!1111111;91 UJW-.... day with a mark of 4:32.3. Despite Funk's heroics, Loara handed the host Bar~ u... ...ca 1n1 cnls.. (llMl4ltt ons their first Irvine League dual meet Joss of the season, 77·50, to knot the loop .T.,.... ICI loll Ill Clt lr 111"1 1-6, 24. \'ersllY . Frid ·""' ;h HHlllW (() Hf. HllmHIOll (I!) 1.a. c .... M .. 11•> (II , ..... "' Vllln' me a~ n11t" ... at 7:30 t 1-s. "'"'11. . ••nd•I 1c1 n. dtf ••n1t111 IFJ LynwOod coacb Vic Hee r ,.~~ 1c1 lat to •0111>1111 fEI ,...._ _JJ~n cc1 •· def H1r1 IF) 13, serving as meet manager. H•IMI' (Cl .,., to H0.1"1 ... !II M . . WlflUIU IC) 13, '°"' le Hotfm1n Qualifying standard& for •n- ,... 1""1 •· 2-J. try Into "'--n .... •:-••• DWW.i You111 CCJ M, !led l rown IFI W:Jt: ,.. ... wu~ '" ..i. 2.J. V I $1\otf!'!l t<lf" Ind Mc.C1m fCI 10'.5! ,. '•Iv• ICJ ... tie! Rltool! (F) 15. an t)' l fL11\ ;-... ..:.., l~t T1W, 1l.1. Ludlln' in a three-way tie among the Saxons, Barons a nd Santa Ana Valley. Each school J. 1rlki;~·<f.~· T~L11,.t. •Nltt• ILJ _h_ .. _on_•_d_u_al_m_eet __ 1os_s_w_i_th_th_e_1e_•.cgc.u_e_c_h_a_m...c..p_io_n_s_h1_·p_tw_o_w_e_ek_s_o_f_f. ____ _ MO -1. l'rell IL.I l. ........,,.r -Ritt •flll WlrlOll ff:), S.7. 6-3. 2... 2.0. · . G••!• I nd f'omt!IU CCI *'· l"rlll· Mii' (C J 15, tie( Ad1m1 (F) 17, 200 medley relay -no ltlJt-"I l. Hwh LI. Tl-1· l13' s. m - r. lrloht ll I. Gonulll Cll l. LllllMc*. <f~l.Tlfnl1 t:2t.7. U• ~ - 1. N 1 (L) 2. ltobertlM ILi a. ... Ill. T ; -M.I. 4'i : ... I' -I. l.alllN Sttcll Ti;n.: 17A KJ -I. N .. Mtll IL\ J. Am- tll. "" 11\lr'll He191ll: 1-l. U -1. N=lll 1. •1tu111 (II 2. Ntbclll (ti· D : lM\'!. ~-. CLI LICIMr 1sip ~ rir:w.=~ 1,~ :t. ~ (LJ l. Shull (L). Dh l11Q: 6f"AI. ·-,,,,... Yltlt 1•1 1n1 "* ''"' JOI -I. c.rdfr'I' l.M) t. a.!•rf ( I) Htcllund CVl. TlrN: 10.l, DI -I, ~ tMI 2, 11t1rd (VI l. f"u (V). Time: t'' .. -1, hlllr. IV 2. "°' IM\ • •..cott jMl, T l'M! 1. -n: - . Cort C\11 i. ll1ttr1r I 1 Hlllhtl IVI Tlmt: 2:kt. II -I. llMtemacNor IMI 2. Uwtllw (VI 1 Glfttt (MJ, Tim.: •: .... I-Mlle -I. fl-(Ml t. f'trrntv iv.i.1"•~·!.1r'iri=cv'1S.,~ tt.rt1n11 CV/J L~~ ~1111111"'1~11'f·.._;.,...lt IVI 1 A11m.i. fVj• ""m:: t.t. 4& lt1le'o' -• VI f'•"-· Time: ~~·Ill 1t_.i_,, -I, VHll PW'k. fl""'I 1:).0. HJ -1. Hirt !VI 2 MeA""1'r IVJ l. fll! lle!wftll Peildenir1tt tMI 11'111 coui.r IMJ. H•Jotit: .. ,. u -I, Hl<ltll!ld (VI 2. McAfertr IVl l. Klort tVJ, Dl1l11K11: 21"'\'I, f'V -l . o ... uerd (VJ 2. •ret111•n (Ml l. Cod'I' (Ml. Helgllt: 12-t. SI" -I. ledltr {Ml 2 lellalt'f !Ml l. F........, IV\. Obi-: ~ ...... OllClll -I. ·~ !VI 2. leidlltf' (Ml l. H11mPIYlti CVJ. Olt11na: lU· 11\ir. •• ~ 't'ltil 1111 1•1 Vllltl '°""-1111 -I. Proctor IV) 1. Dimmitt IVI l. WrlqN !Ml. Time: 10.4. m -1 l"roc:tor !Vl t. Dimmitt CVI l. K. A11J11rt1 !Ml. TllTlll: ?11 . ... -I. 1>91.,._ (VI 2. l1rrlttl• (VI 1 W11t;er IV\. TlrN: ·1:19 .•. 1.nl -l. Urve {V) 2. lllal'1ock CM) 2. Hiii (M~Tlme: 2:22 S. UI HH -l. !VI ?. V9fldlrM1r IMl l. W11Qr (V • TlrN: 11.4. l:tO LH -1. (VI 2. W1lklf' IV) l. V111dtrtlalr ). TlrN: 14.•. l:tr's. lttlll' -J, VIiii f'•rtc TllMI HJ -1. L1wll IV! ?. SPlllCtr CVI l. f'felftr (VI. Heigl!: 5'7, U -I, ''odor \Vl 2. Wl lller l~l~:..l. K. ll1rnlre1 M). Dlft,111e1: Pv -1. Allell cv~ ' 1C1mllfoft IVI l. CMdwlH !Ml. Ht 111: 11 ... ,,. -I. IClmbk ( 2. Mined IM) ). Md)vlft (VI. Dllt111ct: 4-1'1e. Dli.a,n -I. Kimble !Vl 2. 1Cr1te1 IV> l. McGo.11.-. (II), Dllt111e1: llM. <• MIMltll VI.it 1111 CUI Vllll ,11'1 100 -1. ~l•11tMer (VI 2 Mllltr fV) 1 Mc:Cir1w (M), Tl"1f: 10.1, 110 -I. Sl11111llltr IV\ 1. Weber IM) 1. Mllllir (Ill. Tlme: 1t.t. iii! -I. WCIOH9nl (V) l. M<C•fttn' IM . "'-'"'slo111 !Ml. Tlmt: 1:3l a. -I. ,-'""* IV) 2. McNlmer• IV l. ltoVtn (Ml, TlrN: l:kJ. ne LH -'· ·~ tMI '· Otclltvtto IVJ a. l"ffrMlll tV). Tlmt: ... 'ti lttl" -I. Vlllt l"trt: Tlfnl: •••• HJ -1. l!Mth"on1 1111 1. tie """'-" MeG<1w CM) ,,.. G41mmn (VI. Ktltllt: U. U -I. M«fr1w IMI '· Snlft:t IVJ l. w.-(VI. Dl11111e1: 11-7. ~ -I. Kr•fl IV) t. Tr.a (VJ S. Mr.)(91...., CVI Htlghl: 1•1. M" -I. Hal!fltrf !VI 2. ....... lVI l. OWwnn.n IVI. D11t1111:•: 4 •1\t. II.I 11.1 lt.O It.It ,,, if!' fnd S'-"'tMon Ill • .W. M. -.J. ).f. ·dard. ~ MerfR O•~vfi:tt'1 wntmh1Mlf" 200 free - 2: 12.S. • Huntington Race Ace San Oemente In South Gate Event To Compete lt .2 fl.3 lt.J Pr•flk• cwt sr:t'"1o N•reo cM1 Broderick Set so free -.29.9. 1 .. i lost lo Tllvrm CMI ' M l def 200 indo -2:50.0. ~,...._. lM) '"71 !Mt lo lltldd CM) F s I d 100 fly -I : lS.O. 11.1 ,,.c~!ri IW\ kilt '""" 1"1 _. '"" Or l8Il Or UIO free -1:05.0. 11.1 -otl.O l•ron fSl -M. •t. •1. 100 back -1:17.0. t~ JdllliOt! cwi ~'"" 1"""1· Dan Broderick, 0 r an g e 400 F 5 Ul o Huntin&ll>n Beach's Duane Carter will be oo band Satur- day nia:ht at Trojan Speedway in South Gate .and tbe area resident ls expected to upeet favored Rick Goudy o r Norwalk in the tropby dash of !he United Racing Alsoci>- Uon'a ipidget auto racing feature. 1 Lakewood. His learns won lhe Moore League title in 1966 and tied for it in 1961 and In Spikef est MILi ltlU.Y Wl hll-Sl'ltroll (WI'"'* to Mc-ooweH· County's high school ba:!lket.4 JOO ~~-_'5 .·1'0.·o. Mowb«:k ~"\1 ,..., M 1 i.st i. 'lllhl•· o~ ~r~":i~'I" iil:l ·~.~~ cwi 1111t ..., "'· ball player of the year from 400 free relay _ no standard. ~=P'l:tll . i':_:n~ wi ..... 1. Westminster lilgb, bas signed ~ Ray Reeves and 15 of his e= G""1 J:~ MMIM ",ir,-16~-:"'~ a letter of intent to attend 200 medley relay _ 110 Aan· San Clemente High track and F11111t•1" Y111w 3:%3.2 Slfltll-. Stanfoni University . dard. '69. • Ray Lawson of Lyn wood High will assist Ford. • MteM JUMf' Cllol 1w1 kill f1 Woll1 !Ml ,•M·•·1 Brod . k ~ ... , had fieldacestravelloVislatoday FvMo...._.s. .. 11 F1 "''" ., T•• CM> ':Ji ~" Cr•IO enc ret""..,..y 200free-2:17.5 . to compete in the Vis ta ~~~~::lldt t1 ... ..ir,.~1':t'wr:,-~M .ti'· -"'• beef _.n undecided between StaJl.. 50 free -30.5 . ~rA~1r.1,1:: t:(t •2.j,,':f 1it\ Int '"· ui Ii/Oii .. 2, o,v and UC Irvine untll he 100 indo -1:19.0. Relays. POLI YAU\.t 1e~.li'.he" cwi 1051 ..., ,.,, ,_ si,ned the letter this week. 50 fly -34.5. The meet, featuring mostly ~=:T:r.s~:l:j••lllr• 11~~ w. 1e11 M. 0tu•••• In addition to being the most 100 free -1:07.S. Time trials begin at 1:30 p.m. with the trophy duh .:iiet to get underway an hour later on the one fifth mile clay oval. A tt I f 0 a variety of relay faces," is T~er. G~": lti Lv•ll·Smlfll 1w1 .,, sw1111-Nl<llats1111 sought after prep cage star 50 back -36.0. qu a · e o range Coast Y1 "· '"' (Ml w. ,.., ,,., 0·•111-wv1irrn1n CMI • th 111 h · tr f. h b k slated to begin at 5:30. Krlr111, Sa • Mtrl• 1"'°"' .. 1 1 5 in e cou y, e LS as aight 50 breast -38.S. area IS ermen are ac from Evtt11. Sav111 Twr1nc. 1a.1 ~1i.;.1,..a1vctt" 1w1 -.. ,. '"" 1 a sortee in Mex.ico af'·r Ian· The 15 athletes who will !!el~•·· <>l•nd•lt 1+1 lost :w, H. A student. 200 free relay -M 3tandara. u:: White, Doll'llhl \tt:i: 1-4-1,-----------------------------'-------ding three marlin at Rancho represent San Clemente at McAllslet'. 11~1~• JUM, 2,.11 1 Buena Vista south of La Paz. Bo I R' B f'otr ™'"' Vista are b Backer, 1ck !..,~m_~w· f.o,it ,_,,, ,,_,,~~ Included in the trip were Gedd B d M K · B d · •• ... ...... • B N I r D P es, ra c enzJe, ra w.tt.,.., Muir n.2 en o an o ana oint, MOT ,u1 Marvin Haglund of Fountain Winton. Mark Bradshaw, Mike wu11,,,., f:"'1*1111 •s..i •-. Smith H'ck B ff'ttllrtl, 111 Mtrlow •2·1 \• Laktwood High coach John Valley, D. M. Layman of >J\;vtt. Tim , I rown, P-•· Fv t.11on '1·1 ~ F··• •·· ~. na--• Soulh N tt Be I I · V kllll!w, Mllilk•rl '1:!\1 111u 1J.N """"' 111CU ewpo ach and BI I I Bl I Sprou e, Tom Davis, em McC•ll. c.n11111111 *5 coach for the third armual Hartge of HunUngton Beach. McGarry, Steve Hurd, Mike Mee-Jiii. ~~·~~,,. 1n.a 'Vhittier Kiwani.s 1i05 All.Star The catch ranged from 120 Douglas. Tim Duvall and · ~~~~·or.= 1f~\~ football game. to 128 pounds each. Renee Hunn. 1111mer, Coron• 491 Mir ''lj!.,~ 'Ibe event, to be held atl,.:;===========:::::::'.'=========~w~·=~=-~'~~~-;;;====-;;;;;:11 Cerritos College Jul y 10,11 features graduating players from 29 high schools in southeast Oraoge County - from the Whittier area south .. Loo& Beach. Ford hu: a 52-16-1 record in seven campaigns I o r Oates Selected To Don Post Bill Oates is the new basket· ball coach at Santa Ana Colleg~ after SttVing in the same capacity al Villa Park High in Orange. Oates succeeds G e o r g e "Bud" Presley who resigned after the past season to return to the San Francisco uea. The new mentor rtsides in Balboa and is a graduate of Occideotat College. { f ~ 1 ' ,~ TRAVEL BUG Qdftf -Presents the Tou1na1nent of c::hampions i I.a Costa Counhy Qub April23-26 QI See the best of the PGA WllUlersl &Champs lib Palmer, Nicklaus, Casper, Player, Trevino all tee off! 8$150,000 in prize money! A Ample tickets at the gate! A Plenty of parking! 11111 Only a short drivel a J 1111t 60 minutes south on the San Diego Freeway! a Bring the whole family! Diuy AA•' d'"· Thea. or Wod., April 21 •d 22 (l'nctico tomlds) f.2.«111 .... Thun. CJr l'li., April 23 and 2' S'.00 S.L or San., -'pril 25 and 26 '5Jlll . S.-Tkb<:AdaUMK>ntolll6d.,.. $12.00 For-tkketa and onmig)ll acriJmmnofatiofts, ull ('114) m.71ll. ' ' ' li1n9 t•n c•rdurey sw im trun~• • Male A Tlevel Bug Out Of You• Volkswogon. Buy A Troils .West CompstO'. A L;ght, Eosy-To-Houl Trovel T,o;ler With A K;ng S;ze Bed, Designed Especiolly For Lonely Bugs. See One Now At : HARBOUR V.W. 11711 BEACH Bl VD. HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIF. Ml .... 35 I -· ·, " I I 1 ! ' J ., ,, I I • 1 -------·------·--·---·~ 1 HARBOR BASEBALL REGISTRATION 2nd, 3rd & 4th Gr1d1r1 IA11t1 Srtl .,..... ......... Nt•I• Ntlllfftlet1) DAY tONI LOCAfKIH • M••., Aptll 27 1 l•her kll"I TM•., April JI 7 I" k .. •I w~ .. """ '' • 1itai1• Sc""9 Th1t., Aptll JO 2 D•,11 klrl••I Me11., Msy 4 1 TeWl .. I• kli••I Wed., M•r ' 4 LIM•I• kit.el Nearly Eve:fyone Listens to Landers DAILY PILOT J 9 ..... t of Mar ·· l}YC Co-spo~ors ' . , B1lboa YICht Club his Join- ed With · ridniir !dUinen y ICht tiiit>' ". Mlrlilo c1e1 a.r 111, 1pol.ol1~ · .... jdr ..... roi< to be -u the Slota Moolca to ' Newport OUt. ~larido R,.. lr1y II, 11, 30. '!'ht -wtl1 be the loqtsl ·bJue.woter •""11 atartlnl and flnUJ:tln1 -fu S o u t h e r ri C'ill~. Two 1'ICtS counes : hi.Ye been lflt up -ooe for the Octan Rocq and Ocean Raclni cltainan.m fleets, and another kl< tile Midget ot.an Racine and Padfic: il'andlcap llado1 lleeU. ni. 1on1 coune tor the ORF ,and ,ORCA will be l30 miles, 11ar1i11C at Marina del Rey and leavfnJ AMc:apa llland, San Nk:ol.11 Island, Catalina Island and SID Clemente Island to port. The short course for MORF and PHRF will be 13$ mil,., starlllotl at Mlrina de! Rey and Jemnc Catollna and San ci-ote lal-" to port. All cl the )'«1111 are ex- pected lo f1aleh al Newport ckuinr the Manortat Doy ....Und. BYC will boet the aklppen aod mtn at a buffet dinner ... Sllurda1 and - day '"""""· 'l'n>lll>lu will be praaMd at tbl &mday eve. i,.-. Entries for the '"" must be filed Ill eilllel' dub by I p.m: May 14. An entry l9e clllljaroQU!red_. The ""' ls -lo Plppera of yacht dube alflllOIOd with tht Southern Califernla Yadlllnc --bOats are over \ • feet and wl1icl1 have valid. OR, ORCA, MORJI' 0< PlllL1" .,..,..... lllOlll certlllcota. All ylChla mlllt be Inspected under the --eafe- ty '"''"· lnspectlal valldallons for the Enaenldl race will be ac:«pted. A mfftln1 for 11kippers and crews of the parlldpallng yachts will be htld Wednetday evenlnc, May 27 at Plcinc Marinen Yad'lt Club at 1 p.m. Yacllll fl'Om the Newport area plannln.I to enter ~ rac. will be affcrded mooring rpact Ill Muina del Rey the """ prior to the ...... Yachts 11r·eady ten- tatively 1igne.d for tht race in- clude: Ya T ur i o , Colwnbla-00 yowl, Gtorp Antarr,.PMYC; I Nam Sane, II-foot eotttr, Bob Kelly, PMYC. 1 Whir'lwind II, 58-foot yawl_ Miu Lewin, PMYC. Pirate Ir, Cal-40, Merritt Ad•np>oo, Callfornia YC. Vamanoo, fl-yaw~ Bob w-.PMYc. Mlrnle, K-40, Milt Smith, CYC. Orient, If.foot cutter, Peter. Davll, NHYC. 1 Coqutle, 10 meter, Al EM>r, DRYC . Slrlul, 10.meter, Art Wald, DRYC. DOD a a J, CIJ.a, Johrt ltoberta,PMYC. Alles Cat. tS·feot catamaran, Bob Jones, LA YC. Aurip. SUoot lrtmaran, -Cameron, SGYC. tma Loa, U.f<Q cltamaran, Vic Siem, Sett Beach YC. lmua, ~foot catutiuan, Ron llobinslr.Y, occ_ . Lani Kai. i7-foot cMllDll'&n, 1llorln Crumrine, BYC. Tabal, 3Uoot catamaran, Conrad Bllllia, SBYRC. Malama, 41-foot catamaran, Jack Swart. LJYC, Patty Cal II, H -foot Cltamll'lft, Jotm p u r I e 11 ' BYC. . Polynesim Conc'l'I, 3$-fooC catamaran, Buddy E b 1 e n , BYC. Sta Smckt, U -Io o t catamaran, S e a Explorer Sc::opts~ . • ' T<rU, 31 foot cltamaran, Tom Saµler, SJ BYC. C:lass SliJll"'r II, ft.foot c1t.amar1n, J a y Johnson, SI BYC. Champion Skiers Readr, For Races on Weekend Oiamp~ lkier1 f r o m Northern llXI Southern California, Arizona a n d Nevada will be among the more than 300 31Qera to com- Snipe Oass Still Popular lndlcllions that ihe Snipe Cius coot.lnues to be the most popular boat in mo1t countries of the world was Indicated In March ligurea showing that the intematJopal fleet now numbers 11,844 in I 8 J chartered !leet5. Since the first of the year 23t new numbers hive been Jsslied. D.Jrlnr ·January .and February 74 otber . n e w numbers were i5sued -30 to Spain, Z2 to the United Statts, 211 lo Denmark and one each to Portugal and Canada. Cbarttn: were issued to two Mtr flette . <:barter No. UO won! to Sullander Fleet !ft Spa1n1 and .Chlrter 181 .went to Lake Cenyon Yacht Club near San A~, Tei. pele In the 7th annual Puil- <llngalone Boat & Ski Club race Saturday and Sunday, May 2-3. The San Dimas Chamber of Commerce is spor¥10rlnf the two.day event, to be held al Puddingstone Lake near San Dimas. The races wUl be conducted by the Los Angel" Boat & Ski Club. Race chainn8'il c h u c ~ Coc!tey · announced thal lbti yeer'1 Women's Open winner, Bally Younger, wUI be defen .. ding bet UUe against Llndlo · -Martini and Casey Harter~ both 1989 high potnt winners . Among the men will be two of the world's top akler1. Chuck: Stearns and T i m Guckes. Stearns holds the world record ol, 122.11 mile. per hour -a me.rt he ptan.1 , to break at ~arine Stadium in Ju1y1 Guckes wis the mtn's open chamPlon for lMt and iJ a . past wtnDei: of the Catalina race. Other.-among the 211 listed wUI include r•cu fOrl pf'Heen a.ld teen11• )'OW'l&Mn:. Start.ins tJmt1 for races will be at JO a.m. on ~ d1y1. G<oeral chairmen V I e t.Jmeyer Aid this raclnc carnl~ la !rte to the public: and wUI probably attract ovet 211,llllO pel'900S ' Jo the Pud- di.~ Lake rem area. Ensenada Race Boats Awaiting Inspection With the otart of the 23rd Newport lo E1111111da roce oo- 11 cne week away, tht mad duh Is on for inlpectk.11 of the J70 yadlta enltred In the annual International cluak. No yadit w!U be alloped to llart without a 1ip1cVeaf .. II' ~ ticket. : JlllpldGi'I will roqu1rt11>at alJ ufai,. egulpmeot " - the boat and In """' wortJnc -· '1llo IMpe<1or may, at N1 discretion, require opera,... tlonal tetlll ror such equlpme"t 11 weter llplts, tile rel!< and •llior lllr'll•al equlpmeal. Safety inspectors have beta Ml up In IUd1 yachtln& ereu u Sin Dleao, Oceanside, Looc Bead!, Los Angeles, - Beach, Marina del Rey anil Santo Barbara. NIW)l!rl -l!ll'*"1d are lte'fart Carpenter, Newport 1111110r Yadil Club i Bill Cin'oll, X0a N 11e1 Marina ; Jeri! Farwell, Sweleo Anc:horap; Stretfocd EnrJcll~ Lido Peninsula Sh Ip ya rd I Chuet ·Avezy, Fruer Y"ht Bl'Qkelail. . and c b d c t J-, Balboa Yacht Club., I I ' ' l .., j ·' I j I r-v-::::~-;:;:~=:;:;=·------~----~-==·-~--~·~-~""'.'.'-===-.,...,.--:-:--r:-~"""""""f'."':~~':":"":~~~~~----....... ~ ............. """""":::--~....-~~-1 , 19 DAIL V PILOT '"'"' "'"' 24, 1970 -~ With Monlte_t_s Bridging the Gap I ·Famed A~rialist to Cross Mo untain Chasm ' • Hoag Hospital Eyeing Patien:ts TALLULAH FALLS, Ga, (AP) -The ragged gap In Jhe foothills of the Appalachian M 1na -her• er""" to 100 feet aL one .point, and its caveroow yawn ia aoo feet the depths each Ume, "He was jmpressed by tbe gorge, bu\ ~ claimed tbe ., cond~t~ would like to see if it has a bottom,' " she said. Two memb e r s of the \Vallenda f a mi ly, who performed loge lher a& "The Flying Wallendas/' fell to their death from a high wire in Detroit. The tragedy OC• curred during a pcrforma~ of the "pyramid" stunl. 10 which the family was stacked three-men-high on the wi re . whlch constaot.ly shows the heart rpte and heart waves or each patient, relaying the · infonnaUon to a cent r a I across. With the purchase o1 a _.ydevei.ed p ati en I momt..inc IY9lem, H o a g holpital can now monitor the heallb of ila critlcally ill pa- Uinta in tbe same manner hi the Mimed Spa<e Center ln Bao-, Tuas. 'monitors the -of Its ........... nurse's station. . Any change in the paUenl's heart rate sets otr ~ built-in alann which alerts a nurse to the problem. And ))ere, near an overlook into Tallulah Gorge, aerialist Karl W~Uenda p I ans to perform what he says will be the hlgblighl of his 50-year career on the high wire. He also told her, when in· formed that the gorge reaches a depth of 1,000 feet ·in places, "It doesn't matter how deep. Anything over 40 feet is the same. How wide b it!" Most circus high wires are 40 to 60 feet above the ground. Wallenda was injured in the fall. Tbe new ~ve Care Unit (ICU) al Hoog, purcl\ascd by ·the Burns Family Foundatk>n, wa1 designed for patients who require intensiye care at all Umes. The unit, nicknamed "ICU," doe! just what its name implies. It "sees" the condition of post operative pa- tierts. · those suffering from ~~ c o m a 1 convulsions, poi9oning and near-drowning. The new 1 system keeps a visual record of the heart ac- tivity and records lhe signals on magnetic tape. Should an alarm occur, the. tape would allow the doctor to see the current condition of the pa· Uenl as well as his coodition prior to the cbang'e. At 3 p.m. on June 13, l! all goes well, Wallenda will pick up _a 40-foot-long, 46-pou"nd balancing pole and step off a Wallenda says the gorge walk: will be more difficult for him than a stunt w h i c h brought tragedy to his troupe ·in 1962. Wallenda's walk was In- spired by that of a 19th cen· tury performer who called himself "Professor Leon" and who c'!'osscd the gorge at a narrower point on a rope. platlorm onto a l~lrincb-thickt--------------------1 steel cable to beg.in a wal k qf more than 800 feet across the chasm. Below him will be the jag- ged rocks which once lay 1be new patient monitoring system features an oscilloscope at each bedside Hoag officials state that lhe WATCHING MONITOR -Monitoring Station in ICU. Mary Ann Hawkes, R.N. new idensive care unit will reading heart action recorded on magnetic tape, while in· full view of critically be able to adapt to any etec-ill patient. trooie advances in medical --'----------------------------- science within the next live beneath the Tallulah River, now little mo~ than a creek because of a hydroelectric dam. There will be no safety nc(, On the Boardwalk Umttington l:larbour years. Martha for Presld ent? According to present plans lhe patriarch of one of the most famous circus families will stop at midwlre and st~nd on his ,head as crowds watch from the ridge of lhe gorge. Mrs.Mitchell Fans Respond The walk across the gorge will be the triumph of his career, Wallenda said in a WASHINGTON (U PI ) - 1>1arttyl MitcheU has been get· ting letters ever since she sug· gested that Sen. J . William Fulbright be "crucified." The notes have ranged from one wanting her to run for presi· dent, to another telling her to keep her "big Arkie mouth'' shut. the Uniied Stales.'' you helped gi ve him." from a telephone interview. ··Dear Madame Allorney Minneapolis, Minn ., woman. "My real reason for doing General" it said, •·why in -'·Such a li ttle mind in a this -I never made a stunt heaven's name don 't y o u big head. Three cheers for like this. It will be the longest resign?" Sen. J. \Yilliam Fulbright," walk ever made in my Most or the messages were from a lady in San Francisco. career." from women and most came -And from a man in 'Wallenda said his entire from Southern states and Dallas: ''Your big Ark i e family is against the walk heavily populated California mouth and small brain have because of his age -65 -but and New York . Only a few really done a job -and ex-added, "I feel pretty good were in the "crank letter'' actly the opposite of what you abut it. I know it's a pretty class. planned . Have you ever tried higlJ gorge, but I don 't think Some were pure fan letter.~. being qu iet'.''' I'll gel scared when I'm on the like the one from a man in Every Jetter will get a repl y. high wire. I concentrate on Tampa, Fla., \\'ho wrote, •·1 signed personally by Mrs. Mil-what I'm doing. Holding the should have married someone chell. pole for so long will be the dif· like you." ficult part." 'THE RED BALLOON LTD. ~- .. ~__._ w1ique & w1usual clothing for children The messages. al a rate or 200 to 400 a day. appear to be running better than 10 to I in her favor. They started pour- ing in to Attorney General John N. Mitchell's o!flce soon after his wife's 2 a.m. telephone call to the Arkansas . Gazelle April 9. Mrs. Mitchell demanded the new s paper '•c rucify" Fulbright, a Democrat fro m Arkansas. for voting against Judge G. Harrold Carswell for the Supreme Cou rt. M r s . Mitchell is fro m Pinc Bluff, Ark. "In my opinion, you are Or the man from Portland. doing more in the area of He said the only other walk A E Ore., who said, "we need a emancipation of women than I he made that could compare SPRING s L lady like you for president. recall since women wer e with the Tallulah stunt was Someone who will tell it like granted voling rights," wrote one 48 years ago over the it i.s." Danube R,·,er 1·n Budapest. SKIN one woman from Harrisburg, Pl((QLINQ BUFFY • DAN From the S(k)dd letters Pa. Hungary. • care f u 11 y marked ''un· Signing his \cllcr wit h "ad-l\trs. r.lobley F. Childs or favorable" by one of Mil· miration and affection," a Atlanta, prime mover behind •• ~·1• chell's secretaries were such Texan from San An ton Io the group sponso rin g the wal k, • ~ ' comments as: wrote: "l\1y Dear l\1artha: said Wallenda selected the 16877 ALGONQUIN Sl'. 1f l'h~-.t" .l .. MONITORING PATIENT Mary Ann Hawkes, R.N. demonstrates patient monitoring equipment "With "volunteer" patient, J udy E benhoch, Hoag Hospital employee. One letter from a Republican on U!ng Island was addressed: 'Mrs. Martha Mitchell. Attorney General of -"I can now urtdcrstaod This country doesn't need a .spol himself. why the attorney genera I good five-cent cigar, what we Mrs. Chi Ids said the lluntington Beacli (714.) 846-1666 always has such a dour look -need is more 'Martha Mil-aerjalist had visited the gorge he probably has ulcers whic~h~c~h~el,~ls~.'~'.~' =~==~=~t~w~ic~e~, b~u~t~h~ea~ry~lo~g~o~bsc~u~red~~~=================~ ' ' . DISCRIMINATING INVESTORS AT ';Ve4t 7io~ & .{ot11e J'/4~ (JI Soettk -;;~ • , ' Look For: Stability and Availabiljty of Princi pal. Max - imum Dependable Earn ings. Ease of Trans- actions . ~And Find: , Accounts Insured to $20,000.00 Reserves " sufficient to assure cont inuance of maxi- mum permissible earnings. A location as close as you r mail box. · ' 1000 FAIR OAKS AVENUE SOUTH PASADENA, CALIF. 91030 Area Code 213 7 99-4143 Area Code 21 3 682-1131 r}8;~~;~~~~~i:~:~~~~~j:j;~:~:I;~!:f::~~~~~~~~:~;~~;~t;~~~t:~~)::~:~:~:~~:~);~;~~;~~::;;;~~:;~~~~:i~;~~:~:~~~~:;~~:!;~~:~;~:/r:::~:~::~:~:~:~:::::;:~:i:~:l:;:;::::~:;:::1:::;:;:;:~:~:~:. '' · Statement of Condition :: December 31, 1969 A ·.:.!.•.,• .. •,,.',i ~!f~l~~;Et~;~~~J~i~~: ~~i~ ~i~~~i $GJ,79~:~;i ~g : : Estate ......................................... 134.203.01 f.::::: .. Stock in F.H_.L.B .•••• ~.. •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·71 5,000.00 :."·: '. ''8:: ·U .S. Government Bonds.', ••• ,.................... 3.498. 707.88 ii: :::.::: Other Invest.men\ Secur1t1es..................... 789, 714.41 : :·:-: :~:~;~ Cash on Hand and in Banks ...................... 570,354.47 :-:·:·: !:~~~~ Offi~ Building, Land and Equipment -Les~ De prc-:.:·.:: :·:·:·: elation •••• .: •••••••.. _ ....•......... _ .... _...... 1,427,964 .3.) ::: ... ' :~~~ Secondary Reserve for Federal Savinj!'s a nd Loa n :::::; w~n: J lOtnshuerraAnce..,~rporation ..•.•••.•.••.•.•..•..•.. _.. 734,550887.8108 :,: .. :-,:,~.~.:,~ '•'•'•'• _.. WI• • ' •'• ' ' ' ' • o • • • ' • • ' • • • • • '• ' • ' o •' ' ' ' ' ' ·. ::::::~ Total ••••••••••••••••••.•••.• : .•••••. _ .. $71 ,669 .175.33 · ... · )):: . LIABILITIES . .,,. :@ ~~=~~ni"i'.1 '.i,'ri.'::::: :::::: :: ::::: :: :: : :: SG8:~~~:~~ ~ •••••. j~J Other Borrowed f\.1 oney ••••••••••••••••••••• ,.,,, NONE :~'-=.~ Loans in Process ., ••.•••.•••••••••• ,.,.......... 236,972.60 .:r .. ,,:.· .. ,:·,:.·,l.;.,:;_:~ &~::;.~~~~:::::: ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . 17~ :~~~:3i Specific ReServes ......... •• • •• • ••• • • • • ••• • •• ••• 7,240.45 General Reserves •••••• •••••······•••••••••••••• 6,146,036.12 ~~~~ Reserve f; Co t· · 19125900 ~\\§~ Surplus.~~ •• ~-~~~~~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::;:: 1,260:469:57 ··w Total, •••..••••.••..•.•.....• , •••••.•••. $71,669,175.33 :~:;; MEMBER %! f"EDERAL HOME LOAN BANK SYSTEM ;,:o• MEMBER FEDERAL SAVINGS AND .,,,. ~:tt~~~1Km1~w~~;t~1~~~~~t%j:~r1~~~~tjilii~i~it8!il~iI~&~~r:~~;rn~~~;~~1rnfo~~~~;;ii:~;;~~1;1;~~~~i~ -J ··.·.· :· ' .····: :· .. ·:: ·:-::· ...... -· ... -.·.·· .:-·;. ··.:.: ._ .·.• and Directors 0 . R. CLANTON, Pres;dent, Manager and Director ':''''' ROBERT K. CLANTON ., Vice-President, Sccret.ary and D irector -.·: WILLIAM E. CLANTON ~:::··· Vice·Prcsidcnl and Dirf'C \or -· •·•••· ~~~.~i;;r~'.:E~~RD Vice-President :~:~:::~ Treasurer, Assistant Secretary and Dircclnr ~}. ?t CLIFFORD P. GRUA D<rcetor I!-DEAN CLANTON Director WILLIAM J. THOMAS A55islanl Secretary R. A. YOUNG Assistant Secretary RUTH DONALD Assil'>la nt Secretary MARJORIE HAIRE As~islu nt Sccrl'l;1ry . ,. ·:.:··~ ~;~~8f:~:1:~~~~~~f ~:;:~:~3;~:::!~:tmf:]f:~filit1~1~8~~~~g;~~{~:~1~~::::::~:~:~·;:;:::;:;:;-· :::·::·.: : ::: ::'. · ::- . ! I ·I ' I ~ .. ' "' • • ' ;1 ASSUMES POST Vaughn Redding z 0-CCPicks ·, Redding For Post ; Costa Mesa resident Vaughn Redding has been appointed to head a new program in the Orange Coast Junior College District. 1 The program is designed to place students with area employers so the students will have a chance to gain prac- tical experienCe in their area of study. Reddi.ag, who lives at 2071 Swan Drive. took over as head of the cooperative work ex- perience education plan at Orange Coast. CoJlege and Golden West College on April. I. Under the program, Redding said students will have 'three options: -They may go to sc.llool for a semester, they wor k for a semester on a job related to their major. This plan continues until the stu- dent completes his AA degree in about two and a half years. -The parallel plan allpws the student to en roll in school, take classes and work in a related job from five to 20 hours a week. For each fi ve hours per week of work. the student gets a unit of credit. -The extended day plan alloW1 the student to take evening classes related to his goal , while working f11ll time or nearly full time. Under this plan, there is no minimum number of units the student must take during t h e semester. According to Redding a stu- dent in the prograrn will get the chance to apply on the job Uie things he has learned in class. and to find out if he really wants to enter that field as a career. The employer, Redd ing noted, gets steady, motivated help on the job. with a good chance of hir ing the student permanently when he or s~ graduates. Redding came to OCC from Cadillac Controls in Costa Mesa where he was director of industrial relations. He is a member of the board cf directors cf the HarbOr Area United Fund : a member cf the board cf directors and treasurer cf the Costa Mesa. Chamber of Commerce; a member cf the Costa Mesa High School Advisory Com- mittee: and a member of the OCC Vocational Ad v i s or y Committee and Supervision Advisory Committee. U.S., Soviet Discussing Consulates WASHINGTON (UPll 'n:le United States and the Soviet Union are making pro- gress in their fin. a I ar· rangements for opening con- &ulales in San Francisco and Leningrad, possibly by the end cf this year, dip l omatic tOUrces said. The sources said that withjn the next few weeks the two governments are expected to exchange diplomatic n o t e s which will spell cut pertinent details for the operations of the consulates. The ncte! would define, for ezample, the consular dl.stritts. w o u J-d d~ibe the rights a n d privileges 6f U.S. and Soviet ex>nsulate offices and list oUier details of consulat operations. The United , States already has sent 1 1COUling party to Leningrad In an effort 'to locate adequate premise•. The Soviet Union is dlspatchin&_ a similar team to San Fran· cisco, Soviet sources said. A general agreement to open consulates was reached ~ between the two countries in '?-. 111&9 rollowlng the U.S . .SOviet ·:c consular convenUon of, Ul&8. • Frld111, APl'll 24, 1970 DAILY PILOT t l • €arswell Again~uts President on the _Sp,ot- By WALTER R. MEARS pa1«na across the nation. urge<!. chim' Lo run for tlle Southerner Lo tile hlch coort, country, and lta goveC}Vlle.nt · a Ion g t.'Ollstltutional . con- servative li~.11 WASHINGTON (AP) Senate in the first place. Other lie must discard, however, COP sources confinned this. a tw<i-week~ld piece o f President Nil:on may race a political dilemma in the sud- den decision of G. Harrold Carswell to make himself a candidate instead of just a campaign issue. Carswell's political escala- tion will put his name on the ~pu~lican ,2!'1mary ballot ·,. in Florida. It is a name syrn- bollc of the Supreme Court controversy certain to ~ an issue in con~es.iooal cam- Rejected by the Senate l<>r a seat on the Court, Carswell· now seeks nomination to gQ to the Senate himself. ; Tbe presldenda,I sugge$,llon, presi~entlal advice. 'i The II was widerstood, wu Offered President has urged me to That means a collision witH at a White }louse meeUng stay at my present assign- Rep. WUliam Cramer in the some nlne montt* ago. ment, antl I Intend to do so," Sept. 8 Republican primary Carswell, on the. <>ther tiand, the federal appeals judge said -and almost certainly, a can. ulalm polith:al inspiration . a!Ler tbe Senate voled down ~~t~~~a~!sm:fi~gcl~imW::;'1'N= Jn Piesldent Nlxoo's angry his homlnatian, 51to45. statefueot Qll his · SuprelJle · In Ql.lltting the bench "fon-stamp of approval. Colirt rejectioo -that "with day to run for tba,.Senate. C;;in;weU's move apparently was engineered by Florida GOP Gov. Claude R. Kirk Jr., who Is seeking re-elecllon himself this year. To make way for Carswell, Lt. Gov. Ray Osborne', ,a Kirk ally , stepped aside as a senate can· cJidale. Both men liav~ It -Ute !ienate is presently con-Carswell said he wants to although not for the same job, stituted" It is futile to ~'jo'in President Nixon in his "I'm ctrtain Nlxoa. didn 't ask Canwell to run," one Republican source said. ..,.IQ..,. __ --.--·~ ·-,.,.__ .... ,_ _ .. ,.. _,,. ... Cramer said flatly Nixon nominate a conservative • goals or rtstructuring our HAVE YOU VISITED OUR NEW STORE AT , l'OUNTAIN YALLIY-11'14 M'9ft9111 St 9f Talllllr1 HUNTINGTON al!ACl't-21111 lucll ·~· II Alllllll EL TORO-El TNW at Rk1111-lol RNll SANTA AN-1406 W. •1t111ttr .... a"'MI 51. Wl!STMINSTliR-at1 Wntmll!Shr 11 0.1<19 WHI COSTA Ml!S-2.>0t Hlrtlff alft. 11 WlllM St. COSTA MISA-UJ I!. 11'11 SI. 1861 ADAMS AT BROOKUURST : IN HUNTINGTO.N BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLl!Y-U141 l'llrtlor ltl'd, 6 Elll"l'lr BOIUS lliPHOTOe FiLM PROCESSING on AllDTIA WAl.&ITNlllT wnH·-Y-LAll- OP ICODA'°'411l fRM 126 • 127 .. 120 • DO S..11t11W Pllm Otlly ' . ' + Gerber's 771 Aloha Baby FoOcl Charcoal St..-.. ·v,""'911 Briquets 12 IOI$) ""'sac T'll'ilr lop ftn I ••r Hur Last ·s Da s THRIFTY _WEEK EVEN LOWER ' ' DISCOUIT PRICES! Jndoor ind out• door 1t)'Js haocl Jutcd for petffrt fir. Cwhion in- 1 o l r 1 and httlf. Whi te. Black, Gold, lkigt, Pl•t-Tnum, Pink or Blut ill, lo SJY.i. ' •1n Value! 12 Inch GOLD VllNED PANEL '1" KOTE. x llOX Of 40 ~ l.INrTAIY NAPKINS ..••.•..•• fwhilt ..... W... .... ShtW . • 88C • 149 IUFFERIN :'Wo ... ,, , . , . ,, ,, .. z°j; LAYORIS :.OU:..":"-.,, .. ,.,.,. 2 i '1 ,...,10 93c '1 19 CGNTAC ::-.......... ,.. ., ··-9&c •1•9 MAALOX LlQUID., ... ,,,,., $'29'.:"oNE·A·DAY ::,:.~~ .. ,.,, , . .',, '1'' isc"DiAMAMINE .... · 631 ....... a.1nr P RGUM:x,. ...... "" .. ,,29' Vnttal Vinyl Call or Pallnt Handbags • ""=' ·•"'· s3sa Msor~ts. .Acl . aippea. 1-lat colors. , i:+.'6 New Spring Fashions! Pierced Earrings 97; M•n'1 Vinyl Flight Bag Fits ·u 11 d e. r plr11e 1e1t, mttts 111 1ir· line cury-on tr<qairll'-$884 IDl'lltl. Wei,m jllS.t ~' Jbl. 2hllY1~ .~ 1iff. • Kodak 124 lnstamatlc mera Outfl 69• & 891 Hazel 'Bishop Eye Makeup or Upstick f.:';~~E' 390 Shido.. Stick. Bt* • Shadn', fuhion liplticb pion! ~-l yel .. lo Kit er Upet;ck ~1 Wbile 11ocb lut ......... ,,h Fashion Styles! Summer Colors $7" Women's Double Knit Sweaters 11111 fuhioaed l&ID27" I~. ":"..;,,~ ... ";;:.'. s5 s· 4 'White, N"'f, Yel-,_, Aqua, PWc or Gold in 36 to ... L11dy Wilshire Non Run C•tnce II PantyHose :J...:~~;=-= $169 itr. No pull, no 1ttai11 Jllllltr hose 1tmch 10 ti!. Women's Boat Shoes s1 •• Sandal """" look vU..,S, in llp :,1:1~;:· s1 II $2" Daisy Print Cannon Sheets flit tr flttod s20• ·121101'' Twin White King Complexion Soap 6c •~1ia. Reg. 'I'' StHI Law1 Rak• sac St11nl1 nkn -~""' togiweJ'(N ,... " Hn'i~. 'Appll•ce Wheels SIT $J62 OF 2 Fint qualitr multictilor fl o 11 l printtd m111lins ·.,.ith Pia~. Ydlo• or .. Blur .!ominacinJ. Elutic :;!:::; ~rs fill f~ fit. • ll•IOl'.'.Full Jlat or Jltted Y'"'r Cholc• .• $2.79 , 'I" Value! ',. Vinyl Baby Pants •• 12 94• M~i.im. larJt or ~•u~. :M1d t in U.S.A~l11ll CUI. S!l~dy, ""11ll&hle. c-.i-,. "' tMt. .. m ... • ''• HtaYy Duty Motor Oil ~ 2~491 Quan c1ns a( hiJh • q111Jil'f IDOIOt oil . I 1p«:i1Jlr prim! at Thrifrr. 49' Papermate Flair Pens 29c Auorted c o I 11 r Flair le!c Ii p ~ l l ·~id disc()llllt pnc1! 91' G'ory Spat Rtniover '::.. Tr ' 'I" Vil. Decca ,and Columbia , Stereo Tapes y_. Clioict '' I , , 5 YEAI I ·II . s1•• GUARANTIJ Guar. for 'Jyqrt •gainn cmX!n, 'or 1pllitin,t \llldtr 11111-. , 11111 lllf. Stroqtr b~t li,hl'ft~ for Iona 1em~. JY. 0...:eTMttl,nt• 48' 651 GLEEM II TOOTHPAUE 1.70..C•T•a...,.._t.C.lcOff .... •1 11 HEAD & SHOULDERS vu l~GM.. 84 •1 19 ORA FIX :.::. .... ,, ,, ,, ,, . . . . • h1k If ll 33• 491 MIDOL TAILUS 40•M• . 29' 45c VASELINE :1T~ ...... ,. . , , , . , ,-,~:J&J. conON_SWAIS 9 98' Johnson & Johnson I st Aid Mini Kits ·-19' c.rlty Cottoe ·Balli htlflOO 44 Cllrity COllott b.iljt: at ThriflJ' WM 1pccill! Giant Plastic Roses or Poppies ~=.,•~d =~ul~ 6 F $199 22 indlel hi&Ja. N~ 0 "hot'" colan. M e I your own •trangt· _ mrnn-u..e 11 Thrifty. IJl!M~!ljl,lfR·tp'WS~ $J1" Quick Fr*'h Wettr Spin RHI '1t •r• ~luwo , fnt111u •iCh 1d0 J111t1blt . ' Sandbox Wit• C111p1 S1.ia 111 1 r• lime fno1i1rt for •ll the kid9. s711 •1\11,uetf 11m'll(h poly it-U.. tr mitl1n1, $2''. Value! SO Ft. Garden $J4C 1'12 GallOll ••• J11 •1• $3.99 Value! Printed Vinyl Chaise Pad Colorful r 1 o r a 1 prinled. $299 \V roathe:r proof. :20"x72'' 1i:i:c. !\11)(11'1 200. ' Shat W1lnut Flitl1h Credenzas Long !Mid tk- 1 .... su•.'I s29• door•. W1pt cliran •it.Ii. d&iup doth. 5far'1 &6for'I UllHy Glasses hr I, -$1.lJ • $1AI ;:-:':,;:'~&. 98 hue. D11h· O wuber 11fe l A l'ot bu or ti· bit. Dominion Rare Cariadl• Wlllllcy ,,.. s311 G.11-11 ....... ,_ -· '*" 1,r---Ji'l" 59' I I • \ :a..:..:~..:..::.,._..._ ___ ___..;__;__~-----....;_-~--'--'-""""~--~-~---7---~-=-7"-~.==":"'"'·":"'"'~-:----:---,.--'."""""-::----.;"'~--~----... ~ ---: J .. • " . -,_ ~ -. ' t'2 ,DAILY PILOT ,._:_'"-=-;;iiiiiiilij;frl;:dJ1~.-A~ptl;I 2;4,;19;70 ____________ ;.._.,.. ________________ .. E ~·~ .. -,--,,.,..-;--~ . l .• • ' • ' r "1,T.111·5· .· .,S.. ·JT! \ · :!. · ' . . ~ . ' ... . ' ' I . . ' . I ' . ' . • '• . .. . THEH CARS MUST BE CLEARED THIS WEEK·-UNBELllVABLE SAVINGS '69 LE SABRE Custom Cpe. Sb6wroom !re~h. . Vir~ually every popular .acces. ·sory available. Exec. car serial # ( 454379Cl00403) .. '69 WILDCAT Custoni.·Coupe. Specially order· ed for Siles Maiµ>gers wife. Al>- . • ,.sqlutely ~iorgeous inside and o~t. Exec. car serial # ( 466379- €102130) '69 ELECTRA 225· Custom Coupe. Owners persortal car. FUll power and factory ~ · conditioning, vinyl roof, e~ . Exec. car serial # (4M579Hl43- 736) ' . .. .. . ~ ,;} " ' . . ' . , . '69 JAGUAR XKE . ' . . ' :Roadster. Driven .only 500 miles. Almost brand ne\v. Fully equipp-' . ed including chrome wire wheels, f'\M-FM Shortwave radio. # (421· ASG) · '69 'JAGUAR 2+2 • t Coupe. -WiJ<I of owners personal car. , F&ctory 'air, automatic, chrome wire; Wheels. bess than , 3,000 very carefully driven miles. Exec. car. serial # (J691· R40129BW) ROADSTERS e 2+2's e • COUPES' e 1970 OPEL GT WE HAVE A TREMENDOUS SELECTION of the FABULOUS GT's RIGHT NOW. ALL COLORS .& EQUIPMENT TO SELECT F~OM ! VISIT OUR' VOLUME OPEL SALES & SERVICE CENTER NOW DRASTICALLY . . BRAND NEW . BRAND NEW 1970 MODEL' 196'9 OP·EL KADETI EC1ulpped with U h.p: 1100 econp Kadett "'tine, 4 ,,... fully 1ynchronlltd tr•n•mluion, hNMr, llfethne luM chUlls, 2 1,..cl' wuhers & wlptrt, ... , belts, INc.kup llthta. (3192'1611) __, AIR CONDITIONiNG-~INYl ROOF REDUCED · TO , $719 DIS.COUNT $1:891 CLEAR FROM WINDOW STICKER IMMEDIATE DELIVERY - AT SEN l • . ' , " . • • ' ' PERSONALIZED BR 'AND NEW 1970 •· AUTOMOBILES • '67 JAGUAR 2 + 2 COUPE '68 THUNDERBIRD LANDAU Full pow1r, factory air, 011ly l•,700 lo. c1lly driv1n mil11. Sold l S1rvic1d Lo· c1lly. IVTP941 l '68 RIVIERA A11tom1tic, r1di1>, h••i•r. powfr, fie· tory 1ir conditionin9, m19 wh11lt, buek· et 111t5, etc. Show1 011hl1ndi119 c1r1. IWXK4411 '68 FIREBIRD 400 '68 DODGE RT Coupt. V.I , 1ulom1tic, rtdio, ·h11t1r, powtr t11rin9, f1ctory air, "inyl top. Ab1olut1ly 9or11ou1 Ioctl doctor's car. 12,500 mil11. IYOl1221 '68 PONTIAC GTO VI, 111to111pi r1dio, h11t1r, pow1r 1t111in9, ,-6w11 r1k11, f1ctory 1ir, low mil11 . I ow r, loc.1lly own1d cir. Imm 11l1t1. ( 191 63 \ 2 DOOR COUPE Automatic transmission, concealed radio antenna, fibre glas belted tires, padded dash, seat belts, back- up lites, dual speed electric wipers. 433270Z600154. s IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 234 .E. 17th St. AVTHORIZED BVICK-OPEL-IAGVAR SA.LES and SERVICE OPEN SUNDAYS • .. ~ • p • UN BEAT ABLE DOLLA~~~~~s ~OLLAR Prtcol--For in "- -'64 f~o~ ~~~va, ..to .. · .radio; hffter, pow·• r: st'•iring, air coftdition'ing. --1ozH2s·1-• --~ . ' '6. ·5· ;BUICK ELECTRA ' Full:· "pow•r, factor:.. air conditioning. I PEX268} '65 MERCURY . hrklene 4 ,Dr. H.T. Pow· er staering, bralc:e11• win• dows, seats. Factory air. IREP4271 · $1091. 4. door H.T. VI! i1utom•· '68 IMPALA $1495 .. tic, factory a 1 r, R&H, power steering. IWJH. 2081 SUPE'R SPECIAL 1969 V.W •. BUG 4 speed; radio, heater, only 9,000 miles. aean as 1 pin. (XTL '393). REDUCED TO 548-7765 ~ . .;--____ ...___.__ -' -. -~ . . • .,,.. -· -. .. . • • • fOdar ..... 24, 1970 ' . IMILY PILOT - :A Complete Guitle ••• Wile re. t.o • •• Wlta .t to tlo · -' •••• ANTHONY BERLANT,LQA~EO THIS GOUACHE TITLED 'FRANK PERLS' Bo Hu"'°°" Acting Brutal F fir IJ;o,-t· {Faylor ~·.1 In Fight · Scenes By VERNON srorr Ultl ..011iwtef c_.,.....-ftt HOLLYWOOD -Actor Rod Taylor caught a right hand smash on the jaw, knocking him-silly, but he jammed his foot into the stomach of"towerlng 'Bill Smith and kicked him across the set. It was a fight sceoe that got away from the performers. • Smith crashed Into a breakaway wall with more impact than had been rehears. ed. Hall in fury he grabbed a breepwar botUe and smashed it over Taylor's bead. By that time Taylor h,al'.I inaoaged to slug hls adversary in the abdomen.~ ~ Both men were panting 'with ex· baustion, but· director Robert Clouse hadn't called ·''cut" lo end ~ scene. Smith, almost twice the size of Taylor, picked up the star and threw him against another wall causing Taylor to lose a shoe in the brawl. And still they foug)Jt oo. 110D T.t.n.o• under «dinar}' conditions stunt men woulr have doubled for the principals. But Taylor insists on doing his own figh~ scenes. Secondly, the melee toot place in a small stateroom aboard a cruise ship. 'lbe hand-held camera was in close prox- iplity \o the players at all times, forbid- ding the we of stunt men or doubles. After.the brutal scene both actors were attended by a doctor. '"Ibere was no real anger or aflimosf. ty," Taylor said. "But sometbnes you get carried away. I realty toot a shot to the jaw there, and my back is burtmg." A former amateur bbxer in bhl native Australia, Taylor ltays in top physical cottdition. Still, he Wl!fl' ~g. .. After I kicked Bill a1a.inst the wall I could ,.. hil eyes were glazed," 'Paylor uid. "When he hit me witll that boWe K wa a little earlier than we rehearsed. I . .11..v •• WIS _,. ~ '!be scene takes place In Cinema center· Films' 1'0arter1Than Amber,'' and is one ol. three o1 the moat 1ory fights ever fillned in a single picture. l'aylor ii involved in another fight se. queOce .•• as is Smith, but-.not venm one another. '!be opeclaJ el!ectl deputmenl wa.s busy daubing and l!lraying red paint oo -mea during the battle. But one .uspec!S had they l>Oen lert to their own detices, the actors were sufficiently in·. ¥tilved in lhe brawl to proyide their own plasna. .. Movie fights have been 'a part df.lthe business since .Pent days," Tayior con- cludes. "But I must say that the one Bill mld l bavt ls the tougbt,est I've ev.er attn." Amen. PEN ANO INK 'HIGH CREATURE IN HIGH LANDS' Weekend Highlights DANCE CONCERT -The Orange Coast College dance students, will perform two nights of contemporary works in . the campus auditorium, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, to- niibt and Saturday at 8:30 p.m. Funds raised will be used for scholarships lo< OCC dance students . 4-H SPRING FAIR -More than 1,400 4-H and Futute' Farmors of America youngsters will be engaged in the anniial Spring Fair this Satbrday and Sunday at Orange County Fair· grounds, 88 "Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. Hours are 9:30 p.m. to dusk on Saturday and until 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Open to the public. . - ' Sl'RING llANO FESTIVAL -The annllDl Spring Band Festival will be held Sunday at 4 p.m. in the Orange Coast Col· Iege auditorium, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Classical to Jazz music will be played by two OCC Jazz Bands, lhe OCC Woodwind Quintet, the SaxOpbone Quartet and the Percussion Ensemble. Dr, Charles Rutherford Is tn·cbarge of the program. J S.. Gulde lo FIHI, Pa .. 24 . . - I •' . A. WATERCOLOR OF Sl'.ERLING HOLLOWAY BY NEWELL, LOANED BY HOLLOWAY \ ' . Jntermlsslon 'Underground' Artist Shows Work on Coast The Newport Harbor Art Museum bas opened the lint major one-man ti.· ' hibition of painUngs and gouaches bf "underground" artist Edward Newell. The show will run through May 14. Because of Newell's nomadic Ille and unavailability, factual data concerning him is for the most par:t Mn-existent. Landon 'Dying for Art' Nighily on SCR Stage He is primarily self.taught and the works themselves had to be ferreted out with the aid of such recognized artlats as Anthony Berlant and L a n c e Richbourg. Some 60 gouacbes, ink and felt pen drawing plus 13 oil paintings have been borrowed from private col-lectors. , . Newell lives. ID Venice, a section of Los Angeles Where many of the other important artists live and have their ltudios. He is well known and respected by these artists who admire his intensity and ,insight, as well as his rejection of . the . materialistic complexities or present day life. Newell owns nothing and ~owes nothing. His home is among his friends. A lfew clothe!, a blanket, colored pend.ls, i~Dd a roll of draw· ings constitute most Of his possessions. The paintings, gouaches and ink draw· ings on exhibit are w:lde in thelr ·variety and rich in contrast. Terrifying monster cat-forms are counterba1anctd by more highly stylized, relaxed and whimsical animal shapes. A series deVtlted to draw- ings of vintage fipter planes is remini,. cent of boyhood adolescent endeavors ixcept for ·the fict that the planes in these drawings become a part al. "ewell'a fantasy .land~. • His representaUonal wateicolors of the bridges of Venice, California, l)ong with the provocative portralfs of •bis friends , point oot the vast spectrum, Of this artist's work.. The Newport Harbor Ali Mweum Is located in the Balboa Pavilion, 400 Main 'St., Bal9'1a. Muse1:1m hours are Wed- nesday fhroogb Stmday 1.S p.m.~ Monday nights &-t p.m. Closed Monday and Tuu- day during the day. AdmisskJD is free. Docent toun are offered 1o the public free of charge every Thursday .at 2 p.m. Tours for educationaf or private groups may also be atranged. For rurther information call the Museum offl~e f7$.3816 , Pitcher Don Sutt6n Cast in Lewis Film Don Sutton, plt.cher for the Loi Angeles Dodgers joint leamm116 WUilt Davit lo "Which Way lo the FronU", Ille Jerry Lewis motion picture production for Warner Broa. - Sutton will play a bit part ln the war sat.Ire in which Dlvla hu. one of ~ top roles. Lewis la the star, direct.or and pr~ dUcer of lhe Tec:bolcolor comecty, _. By TOM TITUS Of tlM Dtlly lt1191 lttH Hal Landon Jr. is one of South Coast Repertory's liveliest young actors, but he's doing a lot of dying these days. Not critically -physically, in two separate SCR productklns running each ·Thursday through Saturday at the com· pany's Costa Mesa UJeater .. On Thursday nights,~ Hal gets •,shot to death i11. full vie'w of the 1audience in one_ of the theater's bloodr.t cllmacilc scenes for '1We Bombed in N:ew Havea." ~ Friday through !>"n- day · he eoda up smothered by a pli-· low in SG.R's latesl oflertng, "One Flew Over the cuckoo's Neat." "I'm really get- ting goocJ at abort br eathing," he quips, this being the "'"""''"""""""' ... ""'•~•,.· term for lookJng realistically lifeless on stage, which he · has to do for long perloda of time in both shows. "SomeUmea I find myself startiJlg to weaken and I think why don't they get the ·scene over with? It seems like tbose scenes last forever." LA.NOON, AT 28, has become one of groups. He appeared in the Los GatOI Shakespeare Festlval·and played major roles in "The Taming or the Shrew,'' "Edward ll'' aid "Look Back in Anger- before heediRg the call or SCR earI1 in 1967 for a role in "Playboy of the Western World," followed by what for him was a natural sequel to "Long Day's Journey," the role or Jamea Tyrone in "A•Moon· for tlie M-i!begoflen.'J ' AWIOllGH LA N D 0 N admlltedly yeaiiia tor the ••-lo make hil·U•lnc ·~ ~ ttall,}le alto recognlteS t¥ drawbacks of prdfeasio•al theater. "' usure I'd lfki ·lo make money ,it acting and devole all '117 Ume lo I~" he says, ~''but when• it starts to become a bUsineu, .~ ol the creaUve· edpi comes off. :A pro company like U. Actor's Workshop has financial pressure~ and this hurts the arti.sUc product." : Landon prefers the approach of sea; which is taytnJ its ·creaUve foundatioo before attemptt.g to become ·fully p~ fessio.ial. It's entirely possible, b • believes, that the five.year.old Cosfa Mesa company one day will be "pro" in every sense. . "This is a· pretty ferWe tin\e for me at SCR," Landon says. 11A' Jot of creative things are happenin1. The finan- cial reward isn't much,· but as long as we caa keep growing a~ expanding; the "old ·timers" of the youth~riented l company,1 particularly now that two of •••••••Ill!• .. ••• ita founding members, JohA Arthttr Davis · then It's worth it." and David Clements, are no loager, with the group. The heavier roles now are falling to Landon, who doean 't mind a bit -although It did get a llt\le tiring alter "Cuckoo's Nest" wu on stage to awing right irtto a five-day rihearsal schedule for the encore of "We Bombed." In both produCUou, as in his earlier shows, LandOn takes the role of a tooth nonconformist continually b ad g e r I n g society. He insists, however. that it's not CORSC:lous. type casting, although the • aimilarilies art evident .. "I see the character oF ·Hender'IOR (in' "Bombed") more clearly now after dbihg MacMurphy (in "CUckoo");' he observes. "The differe~s are euier to "' now, and I hope lo 1el them across," · • LANDON HAS taken his acting oerlout- ... ly for a long time, and be cornea by his taleall naturally. Born la """"° to a profes!lona) movie actor and his wife, who wa.s acUve In amateur theater, Hal grew up with the stage. In ract, . the three Landons OOCf played mothl+, father and 10n (Edmund) ill a production or O'Neill'• ''Long Day's Journey Into Night."\ Hal majored 111 drama at lhe Universl· ty of Arbona 11¥1 headed for San Fran- cllCO atttt graduaUon, where he 'jolned lhe AA:loc'a Worbbop and Drama Rine WE~ INSIDE FE-'TlJRES -Frtcl~y, April U, It'll A bi( Trlllldad ~Itel Band will. be playing at the, Music ~ier In Los Angetes as part of the Uberace s"°" when ~M•lll!" rtlunis to •. his bonie town. Story and pk1'iro on Pa1e ¥· Travel . l\'ll<el1 ... i:am .... Uve Tlrll&er G•kk ti Fa Chlldma11 Bllttt Joe Fllb Out 'N' About Gulde to Movies In Ille Gallerie1 Banjo Fudval Padua Tbttler Joblu\y C11b I 1 Bracll.11'1 World Page ti Pill'H Pase'' ,.,.11 PapH Pap 14 P1g<1 IS • 17 Pi11'17 Pill'll Pap~ hioll Pl(ell p .... I ... I \ \ \ I .~ 1 - J I ' '!\\, DAJLY PILOT '' frfUJ', AJiril ~. 1970 ~---_, • • r. j Valley Has ~ __ I ~ ~piing F ~ir. _ ~ .Rural Areas ..... ' ·~ By stAN DELAPLANE CAmlEL VALLEY, California -Under the . gray-green live oaks, beside the bubbling, tus~g river, the lush grass is thick with litUe white daisies no bigger than your fmgef'. Up. ("Spring· has come when you can put your foot on three daisies at once," said the poet.) When I was swinging on. a gate, this was all ranch country. Now the tjch homesteaders have found il Rich enough though so the homes have plenty of open space between. The big hotels b.Ven't moved in. One excellent small re<ort is John Gardiner's Ten~ Ranch. A doz. en courts under the oaD where you can whack ap- ple'~n tennis ball&. ('Thi! was so success!Ql that Gardiner opened another one" last month at Phoenix, out toward <Jamelback.) * . The dark olive coastal-mountains lie between ·.the valley and the wil d blbe coast. Lot& of wild pig. · Enough deer ta keep a f ew mountain lions haoging '.around. The valley floor is fUll of paired .. u quail now. '• · You are twenty minutes away from C~el's smart shops and restanraot&. Monterey's old wharf, Cannery Row. Faino)lll Del Monie Lodge and the finest golf courses. The weather is splendid. When the gray, drip- ping fogs lie on 'Monterey's pine forests -(Robert Louis Stevenson loved them) -they seldom drift up the quiet valley, * . Couple of ...... restaurants in !\>•.valley. A one- . block village. Look )hrough the WIJge grocery stare ind you see who the valley residents are. It has as . fine a selection of. gourmet food as you can find . . Like biscuits imported from London's l(ortnum and · Mason's. *" ''W• are renting a camper In Amster.dam and expect· to 1t1y two months In Europe. Alty advice would help/' , ' · Summer camping already is a . big thing with -Europeans Getting big with Amencans ~ it's so cheao compared with restaurant and hotel living, · So it's getting harder ta get Into the camp grounds. The AAA sells an Internstlonal Camping Carnet which they say gives' you priority reservations and 'discounts. Cost, $10. . ' ' * European camp sites are marked with roadside signs - a drawing of a tent Sometimes the word CAMPING." That seems to be international. 'There "' are also a Jot of privately owned camp grounds. You pay a fee. *' Now these camps_ are not at all like ours. Not the toughing it type of life. The European camps out with the idea of moving his comfortable home outdoors. A JOt of it is like setting up camp on a Jawri. You wouldn't dare build a fire on it. Evening cOcttails ar e mixed in port.able bars. And gourmet · • dinners cooked over s mart little cainp stoves by . . ' tilan&Orous Em~or HaJ 'o1Neal, the emperor, is proud of his new finery and b1s queen, Odlle de Witte, is properly impressed. "The· E mperor's New CIOthes" and "Tubby the Tu· ba" will be danced .at the children's baJJet program ·this SU.nd8y at 2:30 and 4 p.m. in the Festival For-um, 650 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna. ". 'Streetcar' Opens Run; Other Shows Continue Bids .-.4-H'ers • APJllL !WI 4-H SP~G FAIB -More thaq 1,400 4-H and fl'AA yoµngs- ters win be engageit in what is Jlally a dress rehearsal on April 2}2" for the Orange County Fair which takes place 1n July. Featured will be livestock, agriculture, home- lnaking and sPecial club projects. Hours: 9:30 a.m. to dusk on April 2S and unW 2:30 p.m. April 26. Adm.Lsstoo free, open 10 lhe pubUc. APRIL-U-U . DANCE CONCERT -Orange Coast College Dance students will perform two nights of contemporary works 1n the cam- pus auditorium, Z70l Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, at 8:30 p.m. April 14-25. 'J1ckeU $1 at the door Ori 7:i cents if pur- chased from dance students. FwKis wlll be used ror scholar· ahl.ps for OCC students, AMPLE SPACE IN . CAMPING TRAILER Little Tr•iltr Tows E •sily, P•rks Mywh•r• APRIL Z4 JUNIOR TEEN DANCE -The Junior Teen Club ol West· minster will have two dances each month -on the second and fourth Fridilys -from 7:30 to ·9:30 p.m. The second Friday of tbe month all Westminster 7th and 8th grade studenta attending Wesminster schools east of Beach Blvd. may attend, and on the fourth Friday night all 7th and 8th grade students attending Westminst~ schools west of Debl!nking Rumors On Camper Trailers • By JACK KN£ASS Beach Blvd. may attend. All schools have the new schedule. · One of the fascinating things On April 24 "Der Zepplin" will play for dancing. ab<>ut "Lite in these United APRIL %4 . ,. ·States'' is· the number of LEE MICHAELS CONCERT -Hard rock organist µe things peOpJe believe whch are Michaels will appear in concert .at the Anaheim CoqvJ11Uon abs<>lutely false. Ceoter Arena, 800 W. Katella, Anahe.im, April 24 1at 8:30 Take the riulnber .~~ea· p.m. He and his drummer, Frosty, will appear· along wltlt tional vehicles mamifactured. the Ike and Tina Turner Revue. Tickets. $3.50 • $5.50, at 'MOO people think tr u c k • the ConvenUon Center b<>z: office or ,most Ucket agencies. Campen are the big items '---------- Phone 635-5000. ' and that camp1ng trailers put out doesn't seem cheap. APRIL %5 (maybe you call tliem tent· And the six models listed LA QUINTA DANCE -The La Quinta Teen Club holds trailers)· are ·things of the range upward from $895 to chaperoned dances each Saturday night !roll\,8 p.m. lo mid· past. ........... N f nil.ht a~ the La Quinta High School, 10372 McFadden, West· The Recre3:tionaJ Vehicle $1,895. f.o.b. fa ...... ;. ow or . mfnstei. All teens are invited to aUend. Admission is $1 for lnstitute proj-$1,895 you can get a pretty "Stree&car Named Desire"''"----------., members, $1.50 for non-members. Dress is restricted to ects these man· good little 15-foot conventional . Classic American drama on LIVE school wear. For furth er informat.fon phone 531-3583. The ufacturing fig· travel trailer. C TREATER "'Faith ~de" group will play for dancing. ures for Febru-Nor Is that the end or tt . stage at Westminster Om· ary, March and munity Theater at Finley '----------~ APRIL %4 ·MAY 3 1 hi There's a long list of optional RAMONA PAGEANT -The Ramona Outdoor Pageant will Apri of t ·s extras, such as spare tire School, Truk at Westminster stage at the Costa Mesa Com-be playing in Hem~t in the afternoons <>f April 25 and 26 year; tr ave I m<>unt, $17.50: privacy cur· Ave., Westminster, Fri · Sat. munity Playhouse, Community and May 2 aDd 3. The story of the play, adapted from the trailers 62,HIO: $50 ~ 1105 "" Cent Bldg (west G le Of . tr .1 tain..s, ...... ; canopy ...... , at 8:30 p.PJ. April 14 • May 9. er ·• a book by Helen Hunt Jackson, tells the early history of Cali-camping al· ~ACIC KMIEAll add-a·room, $16t50; adequale and Sil May 16. Reservations Orange County Fairgrounds, fornJa. Ticket information may be had by calling 1~111 ers, 62,700 ; truck canlpers, 24,· tires for $38.50; aqd heat.er, _ Bt'l·ll&4. 88 Fair Drive), Costa Mesa, Jn Hemet. 800; inotor homes, 9,000, and $129.50. In short, you can Fri . .Sat. through May 2 at S:30 APRIL %5 pickup covers, 48,400. spend more for a tent camper "Girl la Freudian SUptt p.m. Reservatlons -834:-5303. TEEN CLUB DANCE -The Westminster Recreation and And or course we all know than for a trailtr, i! you want A oomedy about psychiatry "Play Fe1Uva1" Parks Department will hold a Teen Club Dance in .the com· the only reason for buying the ultimate. on stage at the San Clemente Festival of American one-munlty Center, 8200 Westminster Ave., (for Westminster a campjng trailer is the price, If that's the case. why would COmmunlty Theater, 202 Ave-act plays will be on stage in teen s) each Sat. from 8 p.m. to midni~ht. Admission, SJ. right? anyone buy a tent-trailer? .the UCI Studio 'Theater, Mon.. for members. $1.50 for non-members. "The PolluUons'' will Wrong. That's a long story. but we'll nida Cabrillo, San Clemente, Wed . and Fri., April 27, 29 and play for dancing April 25. Some of the camper (tent ) try to make il short. Thurs. • Sat. at 8:30 p.m. May 1 and Tuea., Thurs. and APRIL 26 trailers today. if you take all A tent-trailer slips easily in- AprU 30 ·May 23. Reservations S8t., April 28, 30 and May 2. SPRING BAND FESTIVAL -Music from classic I<> jazz will options, .cost we_ll over $3,000. , to almost. aJlY ga rag e. m.s602. Reservatiom -83U617. be played during the annual Sprirfg Band Festival at Orange And for that price you could Campers on trucks, and.many Coast College, April 26 at 4 p.m. in the campus auditorium. buy a very nice little travel trailers. don't. ''Olle Flew Over 2701 ·fairvlew Road, Costa Mesa. Dr. Charles Rutherford or trailer, fully self-containted. Ate n t ·I r a i I er is com- tlle Cockoo'1 Nest" ff • the Music Department will present several works, two OCC When the Coleman Co., na· paratively light. It can be pull· A comedy on slage at South URtf.ng tOJt Jazz Bands will perfonn as will the OCC Woodwind Quintet, Uonally fa·mous .Jor such out-ed by'· a small car. A big .Coast Repertory, 1827 Newport the Suophone Quartet and the Percussion Ensemble. There doo r Items as . the Coleman _C~ realJ.y whips it ~gh Sh • ...1 is no admission charge Lantern. enteied lhe recrea. the dew', the limiting factor Blvd., Costa Mesa, ~w:s. ~ """"ents , ""' . APRIL U tional veblcle.J fitld ft ·catne being 'Only the size . Of the Sat. at · 8:30 p.m. tnrough CIDLDREN'S BALLET -The Laguna Beach Civic Ballet in through what could be tires on the camping irailer. May 2. ReservaUons--646-1363. de ' Company will present the third in its "Ballet fqr Chlldren" regarded as the back door, (Very small tires d.on't take "Walls ., Ute Tortadon" Do ., M ft a series, Sunday at 2:30 and 4 p.m. in the Festival of Arts the tenkamper, a11d m.ade rugh speeds without w,earing Forum, 650 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. "Tubby a typkal hlgh\quality~Jeman .out qr b~owlng o~t.) A COil\edy of marital indis· the Tuba" and "The Emperor's New Clothes" will be danced. product. lb this field. And -above everything • -··campers in 1he latest spOrt clothes. cretion on stage at Huntington Greek tragedy comes to Tickets, l2 for adults, $1 for children under 12, will be sold at Cheap! Well, the recent 14· . else - a camping trailer <>f· Slleact hH p!?!~seB, 21ch10 Mpain HUfltiogton Beach May 1 and 2 the Ballet Center. Phone 494-7271. · page1 full-color brochure they fcrs space .... lots of space • '• ' • * Several companies now rent campers completely . , un ... 'ti'l"n ea • er-with the presentation <> f 1-----------_:_:;_.:__ __ ...., ____ .:__ __ -'-------- formances at 8:50 p.m. Fri. • "Medea" in the Huntingl<>n Sat. through May 9. Reser- vations -536-MGI . Beach High School auditorium. equipped. American camP'.trs write .me ~~.Uy c~t.!I for eyerytbing run about '12 for two. (Not 1nclu~mg aJr fare over or camper rental.) * ''I heard there· •r• t11x •dv•nt•ges in the B•h•- " m••· .. cast in Lhe leading role of ''Right l lonorable Gentleman" A drama of scandaJ in Brit· Euripedes' play, adapted by lsh Parliament, on stage al Robinson J effers, is Cry.Stal Joe, 'Fish At Irvine Laguna Moulton Playhouse. 606 Laguna Canyon Road. La- guna Beach, Tues. -Sat. at 8:30 p.m. through May 2. Res· ervafions -494--0743. Payne. Berkeley-based rock · band . She will be supported by Country Joe aDd the 'Fish. Plyto the 1 lotel SS Lurline Matf 19 or June9and avise the islands of ''We Bombed la New Uavea" "So they say. And there are folders explaining II on all the hotel desks. (I must say I COlll(ln't ·un- derstand it so you should write somebody. Ministry of Tourism, Freeport. Grand Bahama ·would prob,. ably do it) Anti-war drarqa on stage at , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SoQth Coast Repertory I um • • Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, Debbie Bauer as the nurse; featuring J0e McDonald and Paul Lawerance as the tutor: B1rry Mellon, will headline f " Chris Cleveland as Jason; and concert at the University of .f-.OOY Yelusich as Creon. California, Irvine in Crawford Other members of the cast Hall at 8:30 FM April 24. are Tara Strohme.ier, Kathy Al!O on the progr afll, • • Thurs. only, at 8:30 -J>.m. through May 7. Reservations 646-1363. spansored by the Associa\ed Brewer, Shelly Cade, Gary ,Student!, is the Fr 0 n t j er Putnam, Robert Galle, Margy . Constabulary, a newly-formed Shey, Jill Leigerot, Pat ·country r 0 ck aggregation Murphy. Mike Geck. Ronnie : whose members include Mark Olhe;·sallings ~tat.cl 23. Augusl 14, September 4 and 26, OC!obe~ 17. "All O.e Lonely Peoplf:" Tye, Susie Shey and Holl1. 'Spoelstra, Ml 1 c h Greenhill, Vignettes of T e n n es see Cade. and Mayne Smith. all of whom Wllllams on at.age at the Open Curtain time for the event 'Is acquired national reputations End Theater. 2815 VIii a Wa y, 8 p.m. on both nights <>[ as folk musicians during the Newport Beach, at 8:30 p.m. performance. middle sixties. Check into Matson's sea-going Hotel SS Lurline in Honolulu. Then, over the next 10 leisurely daYs, cruise to Hilo, to Kona, to the old whaling port of Lahaina, to Nawltiwlll, and Fri. • Sat. through April 25. Tickets priced at $ 1 . \ ~ Tickets are $3.50 and a r e • Reservations· 675-1120. adults, $1 students and 1,,5\ .ivallable in adv~nce from the ''Girl In Freudian Slip'' cents tor •children will 'he \ campus box office or at the back lo Honolulu, t1!3fore flyi ng home. Five fascinating poru4·of call. Four exquisite lalands-b3hu, Hawaii, Maui end Kauai. PLAN YOUR TRAVE~ VACATION WITH US • Comedy about psychiatry an available at Lhe door. 1 door. :~iiiiiiiiiiii~~~~iiii;;iiiiiiii;i~ ............... o;;;;;~~1 Maison's Hotel SS Lurline makes It au so delightfully easy, loo. No worries about packing and unpacklflQ, or transportation from place lo place, or more than one hotel reservation. • CRUISES • STEAMSHIP arid TOURS :J~ises Justfor.thefuaof it • • • • • • • • • "iil~~v~-~~'3own & Counlrg 1\1 Travel 11112 .._. llfllll., H .. t t61·J465 "........,.. .... 14t-tt11 Good Things To Eat r .•. From All Over The World!. All you do is enjoy the islands in every l way. And, no maller what yOu do, Hill AT NEWPORT PRODUCE "WE HAYE MlYTHING," lo• woll 901 it for you the ne•t motnin9 f. ·'~ , e '.S~NTA. A.NA STIA.WlllllES. -wjth &t.ril1 too! e 1 llVINE A.SPA.IA.GUS, ~mbO~iit•. ~Oo ! e Pepeye1, M1ngoe1, Pin.•apples, by :.ir, from the Philtlr.ine1;-....e Belgiu!n Endiv• from Europe, by air. • Fr e1h ' Sw1et C orn !rom F ori~ e Cent1!0upe, Honey D•wi. end C1;1n1h1w1 fr.om 1m peri 1I Velley. , Countless Others Too Numerous To Mention. . ~ SAVE! SAVE i SAVE! WITH THESE COUPONS · ··········~·········~········~ MAlllHIUllN QUALITY • GIANT SIZl:-SALINAS • JUICY. SWEET 8 • CILLO ' ICEllRG COACH IL LA : CAR.RO'l'S , : LmuCE : GRAPEFIUIT : • • 5' IA'° : 11' : 5' EAC H : Limit-I ..,. Llmlt-6 • Llmlt-10 • Wit~ Thl1 Cevplfl • With Thlt Ceu,.n With Thl1 Coupon • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• COU~ONS EXPl~E APRIL 2' Th••• resteur•nf1 d•m•nd the fine1t for their cu•tom•r1. Th•f'1 why th•y fee· ture NEWPORT PRODUCE. Patroniz• them! DILLMAN'S, B•lboe ; THE: FISHE1R~ MAN, Huntington Beech; THE VICTOI HUGO INN, legune ; DICk CHU RCHS, Coit• Mesei ALLEY WEST, Newport; J HE CONTINENTAL, Tu,con. How •bout you celling u1 ? •OMNGE (iOUNTY'S F4STEST GROWING PRODUCE ORGANIZATION" V N~~lJJ~~~CE _§ "'35 Years of Produce "'\Vf'.f!rt Quo.lity 11 Tl~ • t everything is arranged for you. From • caddies, to deep sea fishing excur-~: s/ons, lo every Imaginable kind of tour. SO give yourself lhe perfect ''two!-week." vacation. Fares begin The SS lur11ne is registered in the U.S. at $460. (If you have the ti me, stay .aboard for the delightful five-day retum toCanfornia!) CONTACT YOUR m AVEL AGENT, Or send this coupOn directly to us for addlUOnal information. r--;~h~-er~~;;;:l Matson Linea, 523 Weat 6th Str&<'t loa Allgeles, CA 90014 Telephope 213-62&-0501 I OI' 1"'1.YU I I Please send me mOre inrormalion aboat the Hofel I I SS lu,lihe's 10-Dsy SUP8t" f our-Island C1uiae-V1c.,. 1100s. (lnctude in!ormatlon about the longer cruiaes, 1 too) -.J ADOBfSS CITY STAIE ZIP I I I I 1 I -~::_;J L IllAl'aMJM ----~~-'!=-====-~-=-======== •• -,.. --. - • -- WEEKENDER OUT 'N' ·---~ . Frtear, ~ H, 1970 , DAILY PILOT '. NORlll By ST-'NLBY .... ARLEY STEVENS ORANGE COUNTY'S RESTAURANT, NIGHT ·AN@ EN1_ERTAlNMENT SCENE , Henry's to Move · Never count on the earth beneath you being too solid. That, at any •.rate, is what He'nry and TcmY., proprietors of Henry~s restaurant in Costa 'Mesa, learned one· recent and unsettling day. , And who, Utey realistically reasoned,. can· bead olf the Department of Highways when' It decides .to · roll through! So a deciSion was made to let the· road builders JO ahead and construct the overpass. And a scout· mg expedition was mounted to pin-point a 'new lo- cation. · Now plans are in full swing to drop the curtain on Henry's landmark building at Palisades Road and Newport Blvd. A neighborhood fixture dating back nearly 11 years to its start in September, 1959. MOVING NEARBY But the temporary closing by no means signals an end to the popular esi.ablishment. Because it'.s being' moved lock, stock and bar a little ways down the street to 2122 Palisades Ro~d, one block east of Campus Drive. . Work won't stop, either, following the sizable task of transporting the structure to its new Bddress. Additional construction will be undertaken to en- large the size of the new place. GALA JULY OPENING A mid-July opening is anticipated for the new restaurant and cocktail lounge. Accompanied, to be 1ure, by a gala celebration. GALA CLOSING MAY I· 3 Meanwhile, it's already party time next week- end as Henry's toasts the final stand in its old loca- tion. Three nights of festivities, May. I, 2 and 3, will find customers receiving wine or champagne with dinner to note the occasion. The manr. fans of Henry's fine Mexican food , and char.broiled steaks shouldn't waste any time ' getting their fill before the intennission. Several · months, after all, is a long time away from home. MINESllAFI' GRUB TOI' SIRLOIN .... 4.25 TEIUVAKI ........ 4.50 NEW VOltK ...... 5.50 mn ........... 5.50 CO!o\IO ......... 5.SO lOISl'Elt ........ 6.25 HAUIUT .....•.. 3.50 IEEF KAIOI .. , , .3.50 SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN ..... 3.25 lnc:l!JdM ll11Hd Salad, ll•ud " 8eyer1•e lUNCHION 11 AM. - 2 P.M. e DINNll PIOM I P.M. Clllld,.n•, M-Av11r111i. 2916 w. LINCOLN ANAHEIM 826-1840 COME IN TONIGHT ''For The Prinae Of Your Life'' Roast PRIME RIBS OF BEEF ........... ....,,, ..... ,,.. ......... tfftY, . --•IANT Ill ROASTI. -wllO -s3as ..................... ..., ........ ....... DIAMOND JIM BRADY CUT ...... 4.15 CHILD'S PORTION ............... 1.50 Ulndtr tt Yflfn) IAILY PllMI Ill DIHHll SPICIAL , , • SI.ti MONDAY THlU PllDAY ONLY! 4 ff a:rl P.M, NOW-TWO LQCATIQNS OPEN 7 DAYS KING-SIZE COCKTAILS 321 N. STAN"tON BUENA PARK AREA -M-""'-'" 1t .t..M ....... -2P.M.S.- Dl1• Men Phone 121-4110 421' E. 17th ST. COSTA MISA O,..M_ .... _ 11 A.M. LM.• o,.. 4 P.M. S.11•, • S11H1ey -11,...... M ... P~'4$.0990 . A stopgap measure, fortunately, is. available. Regulars from the Costa Mesa location can count on regulars at Henry's Newport Beach spot, 2530 W. Coast Highway, to make room for them. All in the family; so to speak. Be certain, however, to take part in a few re- ftains of "So Long, For a While" at the corner of Newport and Palisades next Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Frank StiJI Every once in a while yo-u come across a pel'- former whose life story is as interesting as his act on stage. Such an artist, make no mistake, is pre- sent hereabouts in personable Frank Still appearing at Corona del Mar's Five Crowns. This marks the third year that Frank pleases 'music lovers with his piano sty lings-at the-res- taurant. And a host of loyal follpwers hope this long engagement is only the beginning. HAS FASCINATING STORY . ,. While Frank has delighted thousands with his amusing versatility at the diner's piai:io b&r, few probably kliow the parallel entertainment value he can dispense with the storied sidelights of his per· sonal life. Thanks to a long chat the other evening, we now count ourselves among those in the know. "At the same time we hasten to share a few of the more interesting details· with our readers. Since many only know Franlf. ··as a talented and witty guy. What they may be surprised to learn is that he gets a special red carpet treatment whenever he visits bis native England. Because he helped Win- ston Churchill's nephew, Giles RomilJy, escape from a P .O.W. camp during World War II. THE BERLINER German Fainily Restaurant Femcus Fer SAUERBRATEN w;th DUMPLINGS CHILDREN'S DINNERS Fr11 Soft Drinks For Th• Kiddi•• OpH For Looch Ft°'" I I A.M. DI""" From 5 P.M. -Clo11d Moo4oy Drift lw Prom Ckrm•nY-L1tht & Dirk 11512 .IEACH ILYD. HUNTINIHOll IEACH Hl-5100 M1y ~3 Bavarian Night-Dine and Dance With Thi!! Astoria Trio From Munich Wed. Thru Sun. ARLENE SKILES 37'f ASIDON ISLAND NEWPORT CDmR ........ ",,_. ...... ""' ........ d .. "..,.....,_ ..... _. EXCITINGLY NIW AND DlfflllNTI UMODILID FACILITIES NEW COCKTAIL LOUNGE Introducing Our Superb SEA FOOD-0-RAMA ALL YOU $4 25 CAN IAT · • S1ltcf F10lft All Tvp•t of SEAFOOD AND SALADS l •ery Nii~t· I to 12 P.M. Prep~ted \v 011r Mew Ch•f HAL HAZltWOOD South Co1st's L1r9•st Stl1ction of SHfood Cuisin• ., StlKt Your Own Stoek et the New Steak Dock Now Appt1rin9 DUKE IUR!tELL At The Pi1no 81r Wed. ih.ru Sun. 'to I :30 lllJ w. Coa11 Hl9hway Now,.,. loau 642-41H ' WAS IN · ... O.W. CAMPS In brief, here is tlie i tory. Still was in O•Io for a mtlsical enJagemlfif When · the Germans 'overran Norway. In his earfy twenties then, he was prompt~ ly arrested and spent five years in various P.O.W. camps throughout G~rmany. He met Rorri.illy, who had also been taken pris~ oner in Norway. While incarcerated in an ancient castle, complete with moat, at Wulzburg, Frank di!· guised Churchill's nephew a:; a -German officer's wife and then helped Giles bluff his way through the gate. Unfortunately the escP..pe was short-lived when a Genn~n gentleman about 50 miles down the road took more than a passing interest in the 4'shapely lady" that attracted his attention. Bul the daring plan that set Romilly on the temporary road to free- dom remains a major episode in war prison Jore. Frank himself was liberated near the end of the hostilities by members of the Irish and Scots Guards. Romilly·died last year in-San Francisco. PIANO PLAYER AT SIX Born in London, the youngest of 13 children, Frank started playing the piano at the age of six. Prizes \Yon in various laJent competitions helped pay for his studies at the t.Andon Academy of Mu· sic. He performed in England, and toured as accom- panist for various stars before making a first trip to the U.S. as a pianist for Martha Raye. He spent seven and one half years with Martha. touring throughout Europe and 'the State! and ac- companying her at her Miami riightclub, He follow· cd this stint wilh another extended lour of Europe and Africa. WRITER TOO Returning to·this country, he turned to the pro- fession of writing and came to Hollywood on an as- signment for Mae Wesl. He subsequently wrote ma- terial for many stars including Liberace, Rhonda FRENCH RESTAURANT OPEN FOR LUNCH 11:30--2 e T11e9'1y thru Frid1y DINNll 5:30.10 P.M. lu•tdty tilru Su1nlty CLOSED MONDAY c.,,_ ., 11:...i11, • .U lriattlf C....M.. 1414141 Ool Wob: //> '{:!//~v .. PRESENTS FRANKIE ORTEGA AND HIS MUSIC OPENING MAY 18th l107 JAMBOREE ROAD NEWPORT BEACH 644-1700 ExcgPT AT ii~¥·~- .. :will you find • a thick sizzzling steak, crisp golden onion rings, scrumptious f rench fries and salad ... for $2t:2S-~1 i11g~r1·1 333 &AYSIOE,N£.WPORT &E.ACll•Pll.673·2733 ' Flemln& and Dorothy Dandrid(e. Frank spent-two and one hall years at the Bal- • boa Bay Club prior to his current assignment .at the Five Crowns. Jn fact, club members are stilt hum- ming the tune ·be wrote for 1tb.e organization's 16th anniversary -11Balboa Bay.•• CASUAL ENTIRT-AINER As. those who have listened to him for any length ot tim~ know., Frant is best clitssi!ied as a casual entertainer. His easy going manner and witty patter reach out with the same kind of warmth as hfs 'mu· sic. ' · . He rolls through a Wide range of selections cov· enng e~rything from light classics like "Warsaw Concerto'' and "Malaguena,'' to the latest tunes written by the BeaUes, Jim Webb and Blood, Sweat and Tears. Along the way, too, there's some fine comedy numbers, standards, Irish ballads and not a few of bis own compositions, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Frailk plays nightly, Monday through Saturday • !~om 8 :~ to 1 :30. He's in fine form these evenings since he JUSt returned from bis annual visit to merry 'old England, and tl\e big reunion with all his broth- ers add sisters who still live there. One can't help but note how appropriately Frank Frank fi(s. into. tbe Fiv,e Crowns setting. The restau- rant's exterior is a faithful reproduction of Ye Olde Bell, reputedly England's oldest inn -founded in 1135 A.O. at Hurley-on-Thames not far from London . · . Tb_e· dinir,g rooms also offer some of the most taste-tempting British specialties this side of the Atlantic. Like-the roast'd rack of Southdown lamb, $5.95 and Aylesbury duckllng, $4.95, we enjoyed b .. foi:e adjourning to the piano bar for our session with Fran]I. . Th'e Five ·crowns is located at 3801 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Open seven nights for dinner and Midday Faer on Su~day. Continued on P .. • 26 ARCADIA '8JBBY -AIRPc)fi-f"' -..1 .. St•. Clllu ... ItwU.. Codtloo SerYing Late Dinners .,. ·~ -,fl • ~ ~ "'•I, a ht, 111•11• A.M. 233 £, HU...TINGTOH O•. All CA DIA .w .. 11, fienr'I~ INVITES YOU TO A MOVING PARTY l llG NIRS FRI., SAT .. SUN .. MAY l·Zol . . WINE OR CHAMPAGNE WITH DINNER ·Jel11 ,u• l'!·(lo1irHJ the •Id t•1hn•"' for tho rn••• to 2122 '•Ii. ••'•• Rotd whot1 w•ll opo11 191i11 ot•un4 MiJ.July. Honry 1"'4 Tony ' · PALllAln IOAD •· NIWPOIT l\VD. . COSTA MUA 14S.117f TBE OCEAN AT YOi{R TA,LB!. • • SEAFOOD, STEAKS AND GOURMET ENTREES -A-orln9 The Murchison Co. Nlfhtly Tuetcl1y thru $1turdi1y DANCING UN9Un N.CIUTIU • 117 heHic C.. 'Hwy. " ............. R...,..tllM: IU-2SSS MEXICAN RESTAURANT JONATHAN BROWN AT THE ORGAN FRI. & SAT. NITES IEEll -WINI -IUSINISSMIN'S LUNC,H Opon l1 A.M. -11 P .M.. 'l>olly 547 Vf. 19th St., Costa Mesa ' . 642·9764 Food To Go ... ' . ' l • I ,J ; • • • • • • -...... -.. ~ .. . 1.. DAILY ftlOT l ~ " WEEKENDER OUir 'N ~B8l:Jt ' . NEW AND EXCITING lN•o~~E .COVN'J'Y DELANEY'S SEA SHANTY OYSTER BAR ,......._,., LUNCH e DINNER e SUNDAY BRUNCH w..... ................ .................. ' _. . .._._.,,_.., __ _ .'3o LIDo PARK DRIVE . NEWPORT BEACH 67.S.0100 DON JOSE' C•lint WIDNUDAY. MAY ' SPANISH FlAMENCO DANCERS • LIV,!:_!!:t_OWS N .. AppMtlnt In TIM FIESTA ROOM JOSEPHINE COURREGES F..-merl'f Wlth n. a.c ........ F .. hni"9 BOBBY CORRALL e COCKTAILS e lnchlloda and Toco ............... . Chill Rtlleno • Enchllocl1 ••••• ., .... . $1.35 $1.50 s.r...I""' llur. ..... ,.....,_ .... w.. 9093 E. Adoms (11 Mlgnoll1) HIHll. a..ch 962-791'1 < • ~framP11e25 Blue Dolphin Any place that sells a cup or coffee for five canta today suggefla lb• pouibllity of relegating the . old,colfee pot,at home lo storage..And calls for a recommended \?Jjt even if <ine· bas to. go oUt of the way. Not that Newport:Beeeh's Blue Dolphin restaur- ant bas orily the five.cent cup of coffee ~olng for it, There .are other thlDgs too, but this link with earlier and more inexpeniive times i,,. especially noteworthy. GETIING ACQUAINTED Placing an immediate order (or the Dolphin's surptjae bargain, we then began to examine the at- tractive surroundin~s before perusing the: ,menu. Deciding that the unpresslon registered by the decor·depend(, in large m'easure, on where y~u're sili4iR· . The restaurant is divided . Into two distinct ·areas and each provides.a different kind of atm.os-. :pbere, ~ne is wtndoivless, dimly lighted and given .to a feeling of Inllmacy and coziness. . The other section, in a radical departure, has huge pictnre windows looking out onto Via Lido - 'easily one ot tbe most beautiful busfoess thorough· iares in the world. Observing the people and autos moving along the tree-lined and plant-bordered street, it's not too difficult to imagine oneself din· ning on a handsome boiilevard in one of Europe'lll major capitals. WALL MURAL' Either enter or leave by way of the side exit in order to study the extraordinary rriural that splashes across the entire length of a long·wall. Be· cause sucb works of art are usually reserved for the lobby of a big metropolitan hotel or corporate beadquarters building. A11thenfic Peni•1t Dish•• Li~• Penie11 M111ic •n' D1uer1 fe1tvrlnt N .. W....._ 1,.. 1041L11tSt. , .... ,, .. ,..1 Its abstr~l marine lllOtlf ,ls executed !"ith a profusion of materials and textures that i:laule the eye. To name only a few there's bone, copper, iron, plastic, wood; glass and brass. C.OLORFUL AND SPACIOUS · The Blue ·Dolphin is also characterized by an overall spaciousness that's .. eVident •to patrons ' whether they're uWizing the table, booth or count- er accommodations. And bright colors like yellow and orange are elnployed effectively' in th .. furnish· in gs. Geared essentially to the family trade, the pleasant ·atmosphere ·and reasonable food cost acta ualJy make the place appealing to 'diners ·in any category .. Particularly when you add other inviting features such as. exclusive use of' choice meats and the delecttible hom<>-made pies and· desserts they serve. MEET JIM TEETER Owner·manager of thiJll fine establishment is af. fable Jim Teeter, who assumed proprietorship about a year and a half ago. He was formerly associated with the three Bob Burns restaurants in Santa Monica, North Hollywood and Fashion Island, New. port Beach, working in all phases of the operation. Seven entrees lead off the Dolphin's dinner menu, ranging from a New York or top sirloin steak, with onion rings, $3.95 each, to a breaded veal c.uUet, with country gravy, $2.15. . All are served with a choice of soup or salad choice of French fries, hashbrown or, after 5 p.m.: baked potato with butter or sour cream and chives. roll and butter. HOUSE SPECIALS N,ext in order are three house specialties: Welsh rarebit, $1.45; Reuben sandwich, $1.65; steak sand- IN JAZZ CONCERT .llUNDAY Iii April 2~ P.M, • A'-MayJ ~"'"'t:}aci \Pt:.u.t.J ~Welcome to the Wonderful World of wich, $2:65. These are followed by a, v~rl~ty of sea· food ollerings and several salads: shrimp or crab Louie, '2.50; chef's salad, $1.75; tomato stuffed with tuna, $1.85. OUR CHOIC!i'.S The first or our two entree . selections was the islander: cuts of beef on a skewer, with musti. rooi:m; green . peppers, cherry tomatoes, served on • bed . QI rioe .continental with grilled . pineapple, $3.251 The othe• was the combination seafood plate: L-Ond.ontown fish, shrimp and scallops, served with French. fried potatoes, cole slaw and special sauces, $2.65. : . Both were well prepared, seasoned to perfec- tion and offered, we felt, in very substantial por- tions considering the cost factor. Taite your own choice of soup or salad since we tried each by cross· table sampling and gave full approval. CHILDREN'S PLATE Three children's plates, served with French fries, cottage cheese, fruit and milk. are priced at $1.30 each. The entrees are fried shrimp, hambur· ber patty or fish and chips. The excellent desserts previously mentioned in· elude cheese cake, cream or fruit pies, custard, jello, tapioca pii:ddin·g and freshly baked deep di.a apple pie, a real'treat for only 50 cell'ts. Every evening there's also a complete dinner !or less than $3 that includes entree, soup, ,salad, coffee and dessert. BREAKFAST AND LUNCH The Dolphin also serves breakfast and lunch at all times. Jn addition to most oI the menu choiceJll offered at dinner, midday customers will find a wide selection of sandwiches from tuna and fried egg to beef dip or turkey. . Scanning the breakfast bill of !are, we noted some interesting prospects in this department too. From a special .French toast to eggs Benedict. The Blue Dolphin is located at 3355 Via Lido, at the entrance to Lido lsle, Newport ·Beach. Open seven days a week from 6 a.m. to lO_p.m. EL MATADOR FAMILY RESTAURANT FINE MEXICAN FOOD Frett. ._ H•-Mede• Ceotfttt -C.Me ... ti Try It O'EN DAILY MONDAY THRU THUll.5DAY 11TO11 PRIDAY AND SATURDAY 11 TO ll:JO-SUNDAT 11TO11 LUNCHfON SPICIALS $1 05 INCLUDIN• IEYERA&E • , .•.. , ••••• , • • • • 1768 Newport Blvd., Cost• Mes• Dh1ln1 ltoom And FoM Ta Go 642"'411 . f~e FLINGsmz ENTERTAINMENT • 7 NIGHTS A WUX DANCING MON •• n1a..wo.~ * HAP HALL DUO * L1rry Like wlltl JW!ft • .,. .... ... -~=st -nu ...... s ... ___ _ MES;:~-Re1r-MeSI Theat•~ souARE Cost1 Mna ORANGE COUNTY'S BITTER RESTAURANTS • OMELETS ; DANCING 145 E. 19tll St. J111t eff New,.,. llff. W 7 NIGHTS -.,..,. ""' """ .,... .... ,..rws. o.. • •. -. .. 1 ';"" o.11r -ARE A GORDON'S ENTERPRISE No m•tf•r wh•r• you liv• in Or•nt• County you •r• within minut•l of • Gor· tlon's own•d 1nd op•r•t•cl r•st•ur•nt, wh•r• qu•lity of fo~, its pr•cise pr•p•t· etion, servic• ind •ffention to det•il •r• considered importent ••pee.ts of ,. ' 1i1ni_qu• dinin9 exp.erience. i ''The Resteur•nt Th•+'• Atweyi. Got Somethin9 Going" LUNCHEON A Deily Experience COMPLETE DINNERS 5 p.m. to 12:-45 1.m. SUNDAY BRUNCH 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. BANQUETS L.r9• •rtd smell ttoups COCKTAILS Fency Hors d'otuvr•s 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 900 WEST FIRST STREET TUST·IN Phone 543-9319 Ono P011nd Cottlon:1n'1 T~NE STEAK . ' ' One of 25 Outst•nding Entr•es On· l he Complef"·Dinner Menu ,' Served With Gen•ous Pouringi of Complimentery Rose' Wine . · Choice of Sel1d or P•achaln-Chatn· / p19ne, Ve9.t•ble or ·Pot1to •nc:I Dess•rt From iTh• Cert. ~ ONLY MAJOR CREDIT CARDS HONO~ED 'OTHllt RESTAURANTS OWNID ANO •OPIRATED BY Mt.T_.. UM1 ""'8111A ---WHQllOH C1Mplet• ..... ,_. Codif.a. HenlO-.. ...... --. #M1fet c...ilJt ~ Cetltff P11lfi• C.11t Hlfhr.,. .... Cll.OWN VAL\.fY PARKWAY L1111•1 Hi1111I rhoh ...... ,,J ... ff.2•1• ~P\•j• Dinner• · 'A-om 1 · p.m. Coc•t•lk Hors d'Oeuvr11 M1 jw CrMit C1r41 lll I ar11t.I $tr•1t '' conA Mf:SA Pho,.. 146-2414 luncheon Comitlete Dinners c..•••ll• Hors D'Oeuvres a." .. u•t . Room 'M•iot Crfflf C1~1 PRESENTED AT THE ~JOE &HERB TRIO I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11 :.::·:::;:.. 'O: ;;!. i;;: Real EGG AND ALE ' CHOICE OF 30 OMELETS Delly bfreel u.... - Senoff ..ntti 11.elfall ,,.., ., ......... 'ml T••· thni S11t.-L•llllk 11 .. 2: D._, 1-11 Su•.-... ..u •·2: Di HM' lot-CLOSU MONDAYS 12161...WltM. 3101 NEWPORT BLVD., NIWPORT BEACH llltw tr.111 psrtll .. let tl4e 11t ... 11t11 ef THI IH AND ALI, •4J•cent to fl'flnt lutl.r. '71-0f77 Phone Numller 5J4.tt1t ''GRANTS BRADFORD HOUSE'' Your Family Restaurant EVERY FRIDAY . ~1 ·29 All THE FISH YOU CAN EAT """ flrMdl """' C,_llllJ' C... tllW, MM ._... a lllftw, T•rt•r -· EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY BUCK NIGHT YOUR CHOICE ..... 1 .. 1...., •-"" Pf'-! Cldck• a.-...,A•J .. ••• httte. l •H1,.i ......... II It Crelft'lr Hit .... . .... .... ....... OPEN FOR IREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER 1:30•.1"· to 9:30 p.tft., Mond•y thru S.turday-10 •.m. to 6 p.m., Sundey GltANn HUNTl~GTDN "BEACH BRDOKHURST & ADAMS PIZZA HOME DELIVERIES HAVE CHANGED A LOT . . . SINCE THE OLD DAYS C1ntonese Food Ht her• or t1k1 homa. STAG CHINESE CASINO 111 21it pt,' Newport BOich ORJolt J.9560 o,.. T ... lre11H Dally 12°12 -Fri. elMI s.t, 'Ill J e.-. ifrancois' CONTINENT·AL CUISINE Femous For FLAMING DUCK Op•n 11 :00 A.M. -Closed Monday HUNTINSTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 18151 BEACH BLVD. 842-1919 Presents THI 'IOYOCATIYI SOUNDS Of THE Sound Company 6-16-8181 DANCING NIGHTLY 130 E. 171ti f11h,rint MOD!ltN JAZZ, ll:OCK, SOUL & PO, MUSIC JAZZ SESSIONS EVERY. SUNDAY Nl6HT MUSICIANS Wf:L.COME ....... ' ..... . MR. MIKES HOUSE OF PRIME Rll PRIME Rll _ ... $2.95.:!.!Si :::! DINNER FROM 5 to 11 P.M. , SUNDAY CHAMl'AGNI' HUNCH 10 A.M ... 2 P.M. 209 P.alm, Balboa (II lfle ..... ll"JY l.elMllfltl lt!ten•tlent • 675-5774 ' • • USTAUUNn COfllll SHOPS ,eoet!TAIL L~NMS LJqUOI SlOW All r,,.. a c1.,.., At .... Friday, April 24, 1970 DAILY PILDT • ·'Cycle ·Savages~ Roar Onto Coast a,,,1;,trc Prlct• A T.,nu , " • . ' . I!: •,,,~u"':.;.~:; =· ! _ .. ICI I FOR .FOOD AN.D IAlt Ed•tor'1 Nott: T 11 f; end Mn, WiUiam Were groups and 1D11l appear OPPOflTUNITIES CALL movfc guide is J)ttp(lrl!d " commitf.tt:. chairman. Jt 101!1!kl11. Your vittD• arr motorcycle epic Nnlnl Chrta lht alarrillc .or. .. .. ... ~ -) -·-· .. l 'Ille Cyde ~(II): A :mm wllh Maull Smith In ·-L -1*6:---' NIWIU. ASSOCIATES bl/ ti•• fil"" eommlltt• of u lnt<ll<kd "' a rtf•rtnce •~licit<d. Mail thtm to M .. . w e Guide, care Of &he Roblmon, Bruce ll<rn ud ceolilc but captl911llll leacher -IC> M"'""• Pa"·-. al u · Edlnburp 11<11' ldlool -.,_ ,,.. , _.,, M. e.. Hwy. Harbor C°"ncil PTA.. Mr1. in determining ndtable . DAILY PILOT i.. .. .._. 4t4-61t4 John Clark fs J)rf.rident fUma frJr ctttain a~ e , *' -J -·-· 1D tbe mld-31'•· "' . • .. ::::~= .. ~: !. o:."~~ :.e!:iti. ~ ':'1!·t .. !l:&Ti :::.... .,_~oo-:. i: : ~~~ .... ~~·~~'~M~·~w~ .... ~-~~J1~~~~~~~~~ir----::::::::::~--;;;;i;11 ADULTS Tht Adveaturtn (R): Flim· · verslon or Harold Robins' bestseller aboul . a n in- poor llbrlllan and a nouveau youth ... king I-and ' , f!: · """ -~~ l>llll. -' • rk:be college girl Japoes due low takes pla<e durllll the f """' -· '"'* -,.. · """'· .PRlncE o~ . .WIWES S.1fooct·1tntaur1nt ......... ,,1, 11971 HAUO& ., .. fOUNTAIN VALLl'Y . 839-6no PUii TH .. I HOUIS Of CONTINUOUS MOYllS Pizza Palace '161Zl H•rMf • 141.,., (Nat .. z.4,'1} 139.7290 .. NOftOR AU. l'IUA COUl'OHS IPA•ttml SANDWICH IS ..... IUT PIZZA FAMILY bt t'ht fld ttditilnr ' oft lit '"" mnhepa' s llft. IFINm. ~ l 3a)1. :F.l!T Co.lft Jlm.aT ec.otam.K.u.~ ~(71<)~• fin• Europ••n Foods o,.. 7 Doys ~r nw. kt. fnlll 1t A.M. s-., ' ... l'.M. C. ...... DltlllMI ,.,..... szso Hun91ri11t lttf 6oul1th, Ch.i,k1n P1prik11lt, Stufl1d C1bb19•, Ro11t Duclt 2555 W. LA HAIU. ILYD. LA HAllA COSTl MESA GOLF, COUNTRY CLUB ALL FACILmES OPEN TO PUBLIC Now Ap,..rl .. VIC GARCIA LTD. Vocals By GERMAINE INTEltTAINMIHT e DANCING Thin., fri .. Scat, t ,..,,. t. 1 :lD e.111. Now Serving Dinner ' .. t :JO p.a. -TMn., M,. s.t. PheM 540-720I - H.,., ..... ~ s..e,• "-• M...., tin FrWey, 4 t. 6 Contlnonlal Culalne Cockt1ll1 SmlinQ . tur&dlton end Dinntf' Monday tlirouph Saturday. Closed. Sundays • W• tr• loeat•d n•xt to th• M1v Co. in South Co11t Pl1z1. UJIL ....... c.... .. _ 14f.J141 • The strangest, trio ever to track a killer. ternaUonal playboy w h o becomes embroiled in pollilcal life and revolutions ol South American Republic. Bekim • Fehmu and Candice.Bergen. Allee'• Restaannt I R) : ' Story of Ario Guthrie's search . for his "thing" in life. It is set to Massachusetts where Guthrie is guest of friends who buy a churdi and turn it into . a restaurant. Film shows the background of a C.Oln!!UDe· • . • BIOocly ~1ama (R): Shelley Winters stars as t h e ringleadtr of the Barker gang who terrorized the Ozarks in the ~arly 1930's. Bob and Carol and Ted and Allee I R ) : Contemporary comedy satirizing marriage and friendship. Robert CUip, Natalie Wood, Elliotl Gould and . Dyan Cannon. IEST ACTOR !GP) l <o tbelr dlfferenl views. A ·Hundred Yean War In • ~=~-r ..... 2:1191-•111s ... 11J · satire on IM!l with Richard Fruce. Ossaf Dye a · An-<hM•> '11-N rAffr, .111111 ,,. Benjamin and All M.ICGraw. jellca H~ Nil. v... ..,, ,. 1t11t11f ._ • BeU'a Aalel• (GP): Two TEENS AND ADIJl.111 Ol'11 " -'" -- wealthy brotlter1 crash Hell'• Fua:f Girl (G): t.vllh :. *':\.w.:tt. ,._, .. Anlels' ~la or<ler mllli< ix-ntatloa-the , --"" . ..., ". '" -• J·· to use them as dlvtnl<oary life of Fanny Brice, dllld of ~ 1ac11c while • i.a. v..., lhe.wm.w11o-...ac;1 I"'*.,..,.. f . . C&llno lt robbed. Tom Stern, star --~-~·---· ' ....... I 1_ 1-(10) 1:111 ..... --... IQ ' Jeremy Slate. Sbaiu'.'Wai:.,.~~'. . I -"'U' Pi' -""I--IC> "" Job ud Mary (R): llu!Un Gooe wtt1o ~ Wbld: Bued f -(1111 ,c" a-·~· Hoffman and Mia F~ star on Margaret M I t c he 11 ' s · ~ L.r.:" ~ ._. tc> (SO) IJJ ..: tit in thls contemporary loYe brilliant novel of the old South w .... k DNltt, lilloril llif. CC) story about the "nowt' life during the Civlt War era. Orw, htll ..._ ·• 7:11.llllliltl ......_ fC) cf a young couple who become Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh. u1w n ... (Q (IQ) D~e ....... II* J deeply involved in a 24-hour True Grit (G) ~ Western Rt .... .._ ._ (C) (IO) , • period. in the 1880's about a fourteen MM'•,_. .,, Kt,. Ward, uo•11"' ..._IQ . J11Uelt• de &de (R): A year old girl cletermloed to ct,.,...,._ ... ,,. so.... r,: e11ooo - • ·1 modem story blsed on a avenge· her father' a murder &I Tllt ........ (C) (30) Jim !!III. f ..., ~ h t ' t l th d I '·lped by d 0U.0..0 --""'· lillll '' 111 "' c arac er pronunen n e an s 1R: a one-eye CiJI .._. '"' lM Mlrl~r. wa· Mliilt t.. ~ . Marquis de Sade'a book marshal ·and a· young ranger. IJW w CCl (J)) , ... " .... ,_. "Juliette." John Wayne, Glen Campbell T• ..., • 1:1188(f)llit ...,,.... .... Mlchilght Cowboy ( X) : and Kim Darby. ,. ) Clllt tflllley •· • iiW re Dustin Hoffman and Jon %001: A Space Odys1ty (G): ft '''*' 1t111 looll tt t1'H11 ndlctl .~ M ,_ ~ Voight &tar in a atudy of FuclnaUng film about the f :n:.... "':.,:_!Ch' 111 ~ ~ CC) 11 .. W' loneline3s and -llW'V1Va1 in New history of earth'• fonnaUon ........ M cq {IO) (Id.ft) 17-hllf ._... York. through lhe ability of man - - -(ti (JO) 1-Ill Tbe Sterile Cuckoo (GP): to travel in space. Spectacular JM1i UtMM. ~....,. Qa.,.... ( ... Liz.a Minne Ill gives a senslUve visual effects. Keir Dullea, llD.,..... r. (30) Wlltllr'I) 11 -.... Mclll'7, performance in 1hi1 s<ory Gary Loclrw<>ocl. 1* ·~-~ -IC> (JO) ""I U Ii" ~ ~ I about twe k>nely coUege kids .,-.._ -a--..... who find love for the first FAMILY IWlllh lllJ....., CC> (30) ...._ ' ·lime.Wendell Burton costars. Fulaala (G): Disney's ~ .. ~(30)(C) (90) : lef•,~.]Jt/tc11· 1 combined cartoona and aer:ious ...... (JO) ""*-) •47 -....,, M~:O~:s =~ 1:poJ~si:~~ ~ ~.:. ~5) • 1r...;:. L:.' 1 I Bamoot hi Ille Park : Symphony Orchestra, ""' ., IC> (JO) t:ll~~-IC> Be&Wllogal<>ryabouitllelint T!leBonehllMGray,,_ t.J1•8CIJW -fCI (JO) ~~= 1' few weeks of newlywed life Del Suh (G): Disney comedy i'"u "" ti ..t for • CM.-• ~ .._. irP a Greenwich Village walk· of a spl~rxlid gray hone which """ • II ...,... " "9 lor cf'lllhl 11111 ........ ._. " !' up apartment. Jane Fonda and becomes contestant Jn an 11•-:=,.. ,..._ 111 .nic. ell ""' Allllflalll id.IR•• • 111> Robert Redford. International Horse Show with :: H• Clflhl. Johl ~ h-b!tltlll Ill * ..,. " '* C ! Butc:b Culldy ind Utt Swto the world'• finest jumper• ln n ClllDIDflte "11: ....,, ,...,_ 1...,_..., ...._. t danc:e Kid (GP): A deft com• action. Dean Jooea a~ Diane tilr -..---ic> <IOl A a,.lllt 1·lftl me ftt ...., .. CCJ • edy about two charming legen· Baker. ~lfll• " llJle '7fl, • IW " do'• CiifM , ....,_ • dary bandits who take tbe In Sell'Cb of I.be C11taway1 •N illDll'ta '" 111 IRfonntl 1111"' 10:001u.--.._ tc) • ways of the old West to (G): Disney'• version cf Jules =::.:.tilt Miit ohlbltl 111" M • ., 111~ 1p . Bolivia . Paul Newman, Robert Verne's classic of a bt sea 8 .tmcilen. ,.,... .. tQ · · :.1~.,..... "4-: Redford and Katharine Ross. captain and the ~earch to find (jj)--(l)l"liii1 ==~ ._ -~ "'9ll • ll1llilll M : , DewnblD Ricer (GP): study him. 1:1Ay1ey Mills, Maurice f!:!' ( .. llll)· 'SS _ w(8 ("8MI) "H llfd& ....-.• Of a young American'1 '1trug. Chevalier, George Sandtra. TMd. .,.... --. Urlldl -. --. nor. · gle to beeome a champion ....._ n. Ml* Mr MIM&lry ec-·• _. ; akier. Robert Redford. The letttr lmm•"·'·l•I -l ,ldMllW't ...... "...., l&lllU' ., .. tea a Gaily, Gally (GP): Wicked CHU~ • :;u• Mr ._ Cl),,.. n , , fll a1ier the title indicates the I --11 · -,_ • Chicago in the early 1900's • ,., -> .1 T _... • 1'ating mvm the .Jeture bt1 - --t-"' ·•i-111....., c.y, · n seen through the eyes of tM M~iion Pic~~e Code. ~ a.t (;{(fl) · ii\m())e .... fl -.I•· a 19-year~ld cub reporter. The Motion Picture Cod C.. • Alltr (30) I-~ · Beau Bridges, Me Ii n a And Rating Program mdV 7:11.t.alllt........ _. lMl•Mllla:: fQ ...... ll .. .:: Mercouri and Brian Keith. be ·found on the motion •i•mn. ._, fQ cio> ...,. (Wllbnl) 17 -..._.. KiUen Drt:e: Tale of picture paQe. 1li ._ ._ tC) ~·Htet a.et. ..,. ....._ • bacltwoods With the fU11HUlf '"" -~ [ft-· 1J•11u· -.. ~ ner battling 1uthorlly duru\g -·-.,,,. - -G• ~ -: the J>O•t World war 11 era Emmy Hosts Mloo, "' ._,.. ,.. .... " -<"'. "la I "·'·rt Wat•· "'v t111 It • ._... ,_ • " w, w es&ness. iwui: ... r. I f DI ""' lllClll . ti!lll 111 -,.... aiW • • • Odd Co 1 p I e : Uproarlow C<>llO!ls Oii ABC's bn>ldcasl ~' comedj in whlql lwo t IU Televitlo]!Academy Awardl Tor• .J;: ::i ~ l'"iiiirtJGWlT-..: matched ennarrtedl/ dlCide (-the Emmy) wJU be Dfct Tllt w .. a· IS. (30') "Whit 1111111 ...,.. toroomtogelber.W1lterM1t~ Cavett Jn New Yort•1 111.Mr'.Jtfb "7 lllWIMlll!ti.11aatm{I)•·--..... :. thau and Jack Lemmon. Carnegie Hall and Bill Co1by ,,..,.. _.., ....,, ...--ca-oa an II""' ~ Tiie Prlme el MlH J•u at the cenlul'Y.i Plua Hotel llJ •. ~ ICI (JO) ,. r. ::.• a.t;;--.. ; llndl• (GP): Englill>made Holll'WOOd at v p.n\. June 7. l:llDt..llo LM (SI) ( -'I: ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~iiiiii-------~-----~~ ""t:;:..-";.-.!Cl.fl ·r-o-~ ~.~ ~ OIRECT FROM (111,'ffi °'""" '°""'"'·" ' ( "!') -' ITS ROADSHOW W:::,."'U:::!' CQ (30) l \ ~ ENGAGEMENT ~ ml>(C)CllJr ~ ~=-"':; 12:111.!~fto -Ill ,-: S ...Low.. -~·-' 1---(t)(tl!) ( ,._..,...,_~ Pr-led In fabulou• "' .. ,., ICI (60) ...., -..,_ , SttrHphonlc Sound -=:ir=:t' ._ fC) (JO) &::' ...... A me w $ ' .... _._(10) ·--~ t:11•8(J) .. __ -.·--' ' * * BEACH BLVD. AT ELLIS * * NOW AT, POPULAR PRICES ' IXCl.Ullft OU.N•• coum An"'**·°"'....... ~ ....... .,.'lot ~ liilO-..,. Id-> ,. -12:111•m--111· HUNTINGTON BEACH* 847·9808 Only four men have walked on the moon. For the rest of us, "2001" ,. is as close as we're likely to get. "Kubrick:.pr:ovides·the viewer with the closestequivalenttopsychedelkexperience this side of hallucinogens I"-:; .... "A fan- tastic movie ·about man's future I An unprecedented psychedel~ '°''•'coaster of an experiencel"-J::., ... "Kubrick's '2001' is the ultimate trip I"~~-• 2001: a space o dyssey IN•A••INT . NA~ Ol,.JtA( tcllt"O'IA'TION .,.,._ ICI (OJ) ,.. • ..,_. .., - Fiii~.!!! ... ... ,_,." .,..,. '4f.1711 . /rt Hlf!IOftJ.• "'• ....._ ........ , um ... -..,.,..!tl m-11111C> (IO)..::.::.."= -·· '*I~.~~ (ti .• I "" (30) (C)(2.,, lD)(I),. ':-···· ' t...a ...... (2 Jir) aolftri • ·-.= .:.~ WMliNyt: 7:J0·101ot s.t. _, h•.r 11:1 .. J rH l :Jlsl: ... 11111 ' -(Q (10)......... . ·-.... "" -i.o l:IO.-IC) (30) -W.._ ..... Ith ""12 -of -1-(10) ml)'42---·. ~~;;;~==711 --1~' .... --·-· -... fCI •• fj • iiioi (OJ) "" ""' ... .... !tcf llUll l tU wll .. .... ... .1;11 ......... , ....... A ........... --l:Jlllll(J) .... -IC) ·'.· tt1w. "Clnllnl r...tlMIDI.· ~ ~........ a ,,, '! Cltdt IUPport I ""9d1 dhllc: 111C1 , .. fl ............ (, ~ .,,., ..u coin .....,,. cMlr ti S,.. htWeo It USC. ... ...... -....i .~.a---..... " ... ,. 111·-~IO) (.,...,,,. ·-.... ,. .... J '• TILIPHONI t7M• tw M ......_ ........ T ..... fCJ ---1-~ __ ... __ , .. _,_ -... ... ......, tt w. -· ... """· .. ·-·-.... ,,...," ... !:"--.._ .... (OJ) -(-) -... .... (IO) ........... -·-(JO) tit,.::. (C)-IQ~ 11•g5;: (ti 1·"'i == :.,: .. ';";l &-.. (C) .. _ ar: """ ..:.•-wm ....,,., .... .., t a :: 0 ·~· ~""!.--...,. ,.,_Ill • i·l.~::17. Ml.,., 1.~r:r:s:.:."!.t! .... _...... .,...... I 11:111•1Er.:.:. ICI ::.•--:1 Wt:.:....... -1~ .... ..... ..... -.......... er..-. ....... -'"'••m • -"'' -•-111 ..... " ---Do-I'-'>•·-.... ···-111 ··-"-" e JOI PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Qu•lily Prinlin1 IM O.p•ndabt1 s ... 1 .. for mor• · th1" • qu1rt1r .f •· c•"""1· ti " . ·' " ii .. bll -IALIOA an. -n --MMlft Ii ~· :1 t• 1 ' -p ... -· -· -~ --••••••• ··-· -~--· ---------···~-·~~..---·--~-~--.... ----------.... -----------... --"'!"-------... ----------~"' l ~ ~lV PILOT .~·:·-•• 111e • .. . . ~·· Coral Art ,· ·At Lagu;na ';:,. LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS -M Ocean Av~, IAalna ,-,· ·Beacb. On exhibit during rqular b>nlneaa hours, through April, a collection of 1111 objects and Jewelry made of jade .. udcanl "; .iJ.ntwpoaT ft.\UOll ART MUSEUM -400 Main SL, Bal· :: ·• lloo. Haan: I to I p.m. \\led. througb Sun.; 6 to 9 p.m. Mon. Closed Tuts. On exhibit through May 14, painttnas and ·. p11ches by "l!_Dderiz:ound" artist. Edward NewelL ·~ LAGUNA ART G•t1.gy -~Cliff Drive,. Laguna Beach. Admlsslon 11. Members and ooe guest tr... Hoon : I lo~ • p.m. daOy; doct!lnt tours Sundays at 3 p.m.. QirrenUy on > • · exlul>tt, • .........,..u .. ""°"' of the late Emil J. Kooa Jt· •. in oil and watercokn through April le. Also on exhibit. &hat f ed C8DYUU by James Warren and the. wire sculptur~of GU)' I. Pollen. . • BOWERS MU8EUM -lOlll N. Main Sl, Santa Ana. Hours: ( 10 LID. ·4:30p.m.11Jo1. -Sat.; I t0$ p.m. Sun.;.Wed. and • ThurL eve. 7.a p.m. No charge. On exhibit through AJ>!'il " automobile parapbemalia ol William Jones inc:ludina: ac· °" ce.ssoriea and ada. l.· CHALLIS GALLERY -1390 So. Cout Highway, Laguna : Beach. J!oora: IJ Lm. to S p.m. daily, ()n eXhfbit through ' • April new paintlnga by Ken Knullon. l\IESA VERDE LIBl\AJlY -JSl68 Mesa Verde Drive East, Costa Mesa. On u:hlblt during rtgular library hours tbrou"1 May 15, oil paintlnga by Blanche Downs. CROCKER. cmzENS BANK -%JOO Harbor Blvd,, Costa Mesa. On exhibit during regular business bOW'I through May JS, oil paintings by Jean Say. SECllRITY PACIFIC 11,\NK -196 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. On ezhlblt during ~ business h0111s U\rouih A:>ril 15, oil palntlniJ by P•I Jniram. OCC REPRODUC110NS EXHIBIT -2701 Fairview Road, Coda Mesa. Hours : 7:30 a:m. -JO p.m. Mon. ·Thurs. 7::ft a.m. -5 p.m. Fri.: I • 5 p.m. Sun. in the Library on OCC CllDput. CUrrently on exhibit are· rtproducUOILI of gnat palntlnp Including works by artiBts, Degas, Manet, Mt11el, Van Gogh, Cezanne, Renoir, Gauguin and Cusat througb April. .COFFEE GAllDEN GALLERY --E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. Hours: 10::.1 a.m ... 3:JJ p.m. Mon. through Sat. On exhibit through May 9, acrylic paintings bY, Albert Andenon Clymer presented by lhe Newport Harbor Service Le/lgue. CMTA MIS.\ LIBRARY -1166 Cen t er St., Costa Mesa. On exhibit during regular library hours through May 15, oil and ai.lk ICl"een work by Lydia Souttr.yorth. MESA ART LEAGUE -513 Cen~ Sl, Costa M .... Hour" Sal and Sun. 1 to S p.m. ConUnuous exhibit of art work in various media by Art League members. No admission charge. HUNTINGfON BEA<lll IJBRARY -525 Mllhl St., Hunt· : Jngton Beach. On exhibit during reguJar library hours and ·Sundays 1-5 p.m. throug)J April, oil painting, by Sylvia Moon- ier. CORONA DEL MAR LIBRARY -420 MariSola Ave .• Cor- ona deJ Mar. On exhtbll through Mrtl, oil palnUnp by Mary . Lou Speed and wood carvingJ by Henry llen!lik. :i:Jvic CEN'l'Elt GAl:LERY -3300 W. Newport Blvd., New· :pcl't Beach. On exhibit through May 14, during regular busl- ; )MU hours, An exhibit of Jo and Dther Dendel and their : Cnft!men Aasociation. ,The show includes mosaics. weav. : Ina•. lmottlngs, stttcherles and bleach prmi.. . •MARINER'S LIBRARY -200S Dover ·Drlve, Newport Beach. During regular library hours, the Jr. EbeR Artist of ~!tie Month exhibit featuring winners of Spring Art Show span· •Sored by Youth CoallUon Council. Entries in various media ·1¥ertl all from Harbor Atta youth, ages 13 -%0 years. Emlbit :lo be shown through April :6ou,EN WEIT EXHI:Brr -Golden West College 13744 . Galden West St., HlD'ttJngton Beach, is presenting a Faculty ·~ exhibit In the Library on campus from a a.m. to SI p.m. ~ APriL Student J11ried Art Show, April 20 -30. :-CALIF. FEDERAL SAVINGS -2700 Harbor Blvd., Costa '.Mesa: On exhibit through April, "Photography '10", photo- xraphs oI Orange c.ounty by Randy Randall and Mark Crav.·· : f<rd. Open durtng regular busines5 hours. ;~LDEN War GALLERY -College Center, Golden \Vest :College, 15744 Golden West St., Huntington Beach, during :111y time hours April 2G-30, a juried show or :students work. ·v.c IRVINE GALLERY -The Irvine Gallery on cainpus :~111 show student art work, May 2 -24 from 1 • 5 p.m. daily '.afsoept Monday. :~RINERS SAVINGS GALLERY -ISl5 Westcliff Drive, ~ Beach. On exhibit during regular business hours, :"1roolh ~prll 24, paintings by Luchia Alcott.Shaw. ::, ' llALPH RICHMOND JOAN WULFSOHN ::•• VIRGINIA NIXON ....... . \:.,: Ill ~:'The Right ~: Honourable Gentleman" ::· An l n&riguing Scandal Jn Vict-Oritm England DlllECTED IY J. I. FER.ZACCA TUDDAYS ..,_ SATUlDAn U.tll MAY 2 LAGUNA MOULTON PLAYHOUSE TICKETS 494-0743 f NEWPORT JIARBOR ~::SHOWBOAT CRUISE "' .. DAILY-2 p.-• :see ALL THE FAMOUS HOMES AND BEAUTIFUL :YACHTS AS Yeu CRUISE AROUND THE~61SLANOS ;i:>F NEWPORT HARIOR. . ... .. .. A-$2.00; U.._ IZ $1.00; U..-1 - PUN ZONI BOAT CO • IALl~A (714) ,,,..... PIANO MAESTRO AT MUSIC CENTER Joined by Trinidad Tripoli StHI Bind Band of S<teel 1~~~::::::::::::~~L Trinidad Group Oldest ... band has progressed from The Trinidad Tripoli Slee! back yards and the st~s Barut, r cat u red in The of Port-of-Spain to the conce.rt Li berace Show '70 in the Los halls and 'theaters or the . I NOW·~V~ I J ' Angeles Music Ce nt er'' world. CIN£DOM£ 20 Ahmanson Thea ter April 27 Until recently, the Band'.s ClitpMOllA ..... ~fs.Anofnrty .sµ-3321 through May 10, was founded classical r e p e r t o i r e was ••11.1 tt l:OO· t.00°10.00 ' UTilllllA'f •SUIUT In 1939, one of the oldest of Hmlted because or the di!·1~~~'~"~"·'~""~·~""'~ . ..,~~·~"~"'·'~""~~~~~~~~~~~ steelbands. ficulty for 2a n o n · m u s I c It was customary Io r readers lo master the ln· parUclpanb in the Trinidad tricacies or the greal co m • Carnival or those war years posers. However, there wa3 THREE FOR CINEDOME 21 to "borrow" their names from an Anglican priest, the Rev. the titles of success ful motion Father John Sewell, who had pictures. The spectacle film, shown interest in the steel- "The Shores or Tripoli.": serv-band in this regard. lie in- ed the Tri nidad Tripoli SteeJ lroduced it into the Cathedral Band in th.is manner in LMO. ot Port-ol..Spain, and shortly The name "stuck" in the Hugh Borde invited SeY•ell to Caribbean, the United States, take over the arrangement ol Canada and most So u th the band's classical numbers. American count ries. Jo~ather Sewell, who had judged The flnt leader of the band steel band fesliYals and wa1 was Joe Crick. who fought an adviser to the Stee.lband many a battle ror his band. Association, since 1965 has CINl!DOMlf ti TNIATI• "10UOLY ,l.SINTS A UIOOUlf .. Wl!llC 'llSENTATtOtf OF I ALL. TIMI! AW410 WINNINe MOTIOH f'IC'TUll!S. TNE51 '"II.MS WILL •I SHOWN IH 01101· , HAL UN.CUT VlllllOHl. HEii! II YOUll Of'l'Olll:TltNITT TO ' SEI! THl!Ail AOAIN WITM THI! l!NTUtl "AMILT, NOW PLAYING At tbJs time steel bandsmen been the musical director ·and B • s uJ s we r e look e d up o n a s conductor of the Trinidad 8DJO pectac m· et ~~~,:~y J~~~~~~la!s ~s~ Tr:c~~ls at the Music Center $1Aln WED. M.t. l 6 Trlnldadlan would call them, Box Office, leading agencies At Hollywood Palladl.Uin,.•;.nd;i;;;;it•"iii' •°"•'Y-b•y •r••'•.·.ues=s -··.•.o•n•s•••''·r•o'='".• .•.ng .. •s•· l.:i determiJ:latlon that the steel· ment, which slars Liberace. 1 WINNE OF 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! ~--ACA'llJl\)lllllll:l.C!Qj DAVID LEAN'S FILM-"!"!"""""" DOCTOR ZHt\IAGO The So u ther n California eludes the names of the late Banjo Band will present the Queen Victoria Of Great Bri· first annual _ "Banjo spec. lain and Mayor Sam Yorty of lacular" at lhe Hollywood Los Ange1e.s. BUBBLES THE CLOWN CHILDREN'S PARTIES MAGIC SHOW -PUPPETS -FAVORS STAllTS WED. MAY 20 REASONABLE RATES 644. 4290 The rcsurgen« of Interest Palladium on Sunday starting in the banjo has created a at noon. One of the charities large demand for the older.I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ that will share in the proceeds superbly-crafted banjos and of the performance is the .!IE!Yeral collections will be fou ndation for the J unior available for Yiewing at the "AROUND TIIE WORID IN 80 DAYS •. Palladium. Blind in Inglewood , California . -;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;II Eddy Peabody, the banjo's 1 finest master, will headline the program whkh includes perfonnance11 by banjo bands from throughout the United States as well as such fine jndividual performeri as Rich· elieu, Georgette T w ~ i n , Charley Tagawa of Tokyo, EJ'aine Long. Dave Marty, Don Pa/the and John Martin. The banjo, the only native American instrument. e!ljo)'ed a period of wor ld -wi d e popu larity during the late 1800'5 and well into the 1930's. The list of illustrious en- thusiasts for the banjo in- MltCMnT UJICC STOCK • ('fMinp 'tlJ 10 PICKWICK ~ ~!.~!~!>.~ ~2.llJ '"' ,,.-~-="-:::: *lllWMd CJ:U) NO •lltJ ,,~ .. ~, LU<JLuz ~'"' HILD OYllt JOhn w,y,,. "TI U• Gll:IT" LIU. MIN•LLI "THI STlllL• CUCICOO"' Cont sun. I :llO p.m. ~ 'tONITI Al 6:00 & 11:M • MO\/IE RA11NOS FOR PAREN18 AND mt.IND PEOPLE Tl'll~flf/119r....,.,.ro""°1"' ,..._ "'°"' ... _...,. ol _ .. c-,., ~.,,,..., ,..., -------------------- ® ltO Oii( 11110(1 11 AOMlhlO , ..... 1 ..... 1...., ¥..., ll!c.1•11! '"HJ ·························~·· ..... D llfl-ID -----.. --........ -................ -. o"" 6:41 7'9'1 .•• ,.. .. lllfM Pnlnnl1 NOW-ENDS TUESDAY Nightly 7 :00 and 9:40 ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! rJ_B~~ESS BARBRA OMAR STREISAND · SHMIF \' "''"''"'"'"". ii l\AYSl.W.PIDJ.CIOO tP&~~ ·1:;~ '"-,.UIJJI' e end cit t :ZS Only e .t.CADEMY WINNING SHOltT SUtJICT "PEOPLE SOUP" WESTMINSTER AND GOLDEN WEST . 892·4493 I BETWEEN GARDEN GROVE a. SAN DIEGO FWYS. WINNER OF -· CADEMY AWARDS! BEST SONG "l~lllllHl'S •Ht ,AUii' 11!1 llllY llllf~ 8J 8 ! IURT UCMARACM IEITarwur1 11.UCD Oii IAAURIM. "°' 1'1tC1'!0USl.Y Plltl.ISHCDI IDT-MUI. l!ORKT= K.11lWUNr: llOSS • llU10I CMSIDV MO 11tf SUllDANcL IGD ·---·----a-Sl!IOMfl ~ MFQlllrf ll*Y.00 ___ _ ---·--.. --... ________ ..... _ ·-----.. ···Km• THURSDAY -"Ezcel!enr• ... L. A. TIMES "WE IOMIED IN NEW HAVEN" Friel ~/S•lurd•y/Sur1cl •Y "ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST" "A Theatrical Shock Treatment" ••. Daily Pilot fOI lt:ll!IYATIOHS: CALL '46-IMl 1n1 """" •rwi., cost• Mtw • HARBOR ot ADAMS, COSTA MESA, PHONE 546·3102 ON HAllOI ILVD ... ONE MILl SOUTH Of SAN IHI.GO FWY. NOTHING HAS BEEN LEFT OUT OF THE ADVENTURERS r ,.. ___ ...,_ ... _,: ·-... .-.. __ ............. --- --.-.. .. '----~.....,. ..... TleADVmfTURIRS ...... -----lllllQI- : ·~ .... ---if ...... .....--.......... c.-ce_ t ~-·..a..•tC 'Mil ·W S ----·--•N.U.U. _ _,4 ~""~ .......... ~WUIJl.WIUJtl, NEWPORT SPECIAL PREVIEW SATURDAY NIGHT, APRIL 25 ONE SHOWING ONLY AT l :JO ,,M, Metttb ltt'fore its , .. .,.., relem., .. 1111Q•al MW fllN 'Will M .... ~ • cn14ie11Ce fer tho first ti-•y~ et·tM IOWAIDS NEWPOIT CINIM.f. CO.f.ST HIGHWAY et MCICAITHUl, New• ,..., ... 11. c .... -.41 ,....., wfttl St91ey tltr•"h hit '"fie ,.,...,_ fTho 1-.t Y1n ... 1. ..... 1111111 I• hit 4bceftrle1 MhhHI ,... fOfthll ....... fU.TID l J IXCLUSIYI OUNGE COUNTY INGA.titMINT Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice 4 Academy Award Nomlnation5 "BAREFOOT IN THE PARK " Wlll llttM-....~Mllt~ .. ~,. ..... FOR ADVERTISING IN THE WEEKENDER PHONE 642-432 ( --~ji Regul1r low Pric•s- ij;181 i (!ii •1 ;I l1J :0 lfl i:l 4;S i;lij Show• Start at Dusk • Children under 12 frMI / l•cllfftt 0 Pt<llnl '•"!rim ""Ht!. A 5,ACt: ODYSSEY" plw1. "11110 1! THE HIGH WIHD" FOUNTAIN VALLEY ORI VE -IN -5 ) A~my A•l'111 8flt Actnu "PllMI OJI MISS JIAN lllODll" "8UTCH CASSIOT ANO TH• SUNOANCI lllO"' Winn« ot l Ac .. _,. Aw.Ni l n l J'khlr1 "MIDNIGHT COWMlY" (XI CllW "ALIC E'S ll!STAUl"MTN llJ UW Ullllt r It NII A~mttt.I ••ti-°""" C-t>f or""•'" 5111Wlnf Sltllley Wlftlw• 11 NIL.OOOY ~Mil" Ill C•ll• "KILLERS THll:lilf" {C~,) C•IM' Ulldlr 11 M11$1 81 Wttfr J'lrl'llf Acld...,y Aw••• Wl-r l t•I Aci.• -JOHIOI w"""' "TllUI! GRIT" !OJ C•ll• ... "SYElll lLI CUCKOO'' (GI') Ctllr 411 Ctltr Sl!IW "G"ILY, GAI LY" IGI') ... "JULIET Ol!S4DI " (II:) U"lltr 17 M1111 It Wl!ft J'•rtftl Att C1llr SMw "TH• MINX" 110 ·~ "JULllT DISADf" Il l UllCltf II NII A•millttl PACIFIC WALK-IN THEATRES --.... 5U-t1J1 AH Coll• S ... w "CYCLE SAVAGES" lltl ... "HELL'S ANGl!LliS '4t'' 111:1 UMltr 17 Miii! It Wit~ ,lr.nt (Y• Show Stam 7 p.M. Co111l11110111 Show S1111d1r from 2 p.111, HELD OVER WINNER OF S ACADEMY AWARDS ORANGE COUNTY'S BIGGEST SHOW I 111111 Clllll#lf.fOll PllfSDTI MULN!WMM I R08£RTR£DR)RD MTlltJ.llE ROSS ft BtrrCH CASSIOV AND THE SUNDANCE KID I 61otl;E lltll Hill· ""' -PllllOUC1DI --STROTHER MARTIN . JEFF COREY HENRY JONES l ............. Flll __ .,Jl»llt_ -.. 61otl;E lltll llll -br WilUlll IOJJWI ~ ~ N ~ ~ IU~l I~ I lllE'HliWl·FOllEMIM PflESEITAllll P1*¥1SIOll• COi.Dl 81' OClUU (--..r -.:""'->1-P. ho '!Of:fo•· llo-'i ._.. • .., lfl4. ..... I -ALSO - MAGGIE SMITH ACADEMY WINNER BEST ACTRESS 20a Cl•lll•f·fOa _...,,., 'lhe<imne W. ' 'Mis§9eaa~riidie I ' ' • . • . . • . -. • . . • :: : ' • ... l-. },1 I ! I • ·. ·, ' ., :: • . , ' ·. l • . . • . . . -..... ~~-.... ~ ..• -. _.. . --. ·--........ I ·• ,,.cas Again .: Plays ··~· ~J!ig -Q'· . -. . . ' tbe Tenneuee road" called XlncaJ•nd, tbe tall. rapgi.aC . Caoh learned to P!iy' 1111 guitar from bis motlW on an Arkansas cdtori rum. wwid a four 'year hitch ·u. 1111 U.S. Air Fcfrce and upon d= gol to1ether with 1111 Lullllr Perklps and b&ssill Maraball Granlf "Tenne- Two" (?). ' ' ' It' Leslie Niel.sen > ••Cry, Cry, Cry'' waa Johft. ny's flist major recordlnl suc- ceu for Sun Records ana no,,. u an artl8t for Colwnbla Rocordl, the Cuh name ha -Cll -to 400 SO"il and nearly 20 albums. ~I he evtn found time to ao 1 network televialon aeries for a time. In spite of his great su~91 Johnny Cub still considers himaell a ceuntry boy and mainta1ns a borne in HeD- denonville, Tenn., because he ju!t "bad to get out of the ci- ty" And, Channel 11 vfewl!l'S will get richt out or the city and in. to jail when "Johnny Cash in San Quentin" airs throughout the 5outhland. JOHNNY CASH San Quentin Progr•m ·cohb to Star HO!LYWOOD "(yPJ) -Let J. Cobb will star fn P•• mount television's new hour- long dramatic 1erles, 11'Ibe Young Lawyers... · · • sr,~ Jllr,tj C,WISIHANO MIS SION [1111\lt I~ Mfl'Vlr '> ~"'"'·-· Mift ,,......... • Clllll' ''FUNNY •llL" ...... °""' "THI DllPIRADOI" • ' 'tBE LINCOLN DRIVE-IN THEATRE RAS A BRAND-NEW TWINI s 0 T ,' ' ,'· • PA~PIO'SWONl!BBl'UL BUENA P11 RK DRIVE' -1· N COLOBl'lJL,ALL-llBW ll . . . NOW OPEN FOR YOUR: PLEASURE! • • • COME SEE US! AND FOR . I ~HOW-VAWE . P£US! . PRECISION PROJECTION .<=> SUPER SOUND < ElO'l'ER/C . ) PRIVATE USTDllTIG R,EGAL . RESTROOMS < .S/IACIDUWARKIJNS) CUN/CALLY· CLEAN ' . . ./SPApiOUS . J SNACKBAR <$!_/FT SERYICE·) · MAXl·MINU .. ,. ' • ' . . ' SDPalME SCREEN SIZE ( SlllPASSl#f) AUOTlflS • . ...................................... . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• {. NOTHfN6 IN THE MOVIE woRW LIKE JTI. , -• ' . • > I ~JI COllVElllecr'N EW ElfTERTAINIElr CENTER-WHERE TWO COllPLETE AND DIFFERENT MOVIE PROGRAMS llAY IE ENJO~ IN ON~ LOCATIDNI ~·~. YOuR . CllOICE ... -THE NEW BUENA PARKDllVE .. qR TIIE UNCOLN DRIVE-INl-NOW lWlftSI . . . iB·OXOl'F(CE. Ol"l!NS'll:30· l"M, SHOW STA:9'TB AT. DU'BKI ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'e.•··-······························· ··WE ARE PROUD TO HAVE H,ILP.E .D WITH TB~ 'BIRTH' OF THI~"NEW·'TWJN! , ~ .. I .. . , . ) ·. . . . Berney Construction * Alco Electric * Richwelf Steel Company * National Theatre Supply i:I· George D. Widman * Ben Mayer Design Stud io * Interstate Masonry Cla~ & Johnson Painting * Sanymebl Products * Day Pm.ii Co. * Miller Desk Co. ~ f.o•ion Service ~. -tr Coca Cola Co, * Dab Corp • . I . I I L & L Concession SUpply i:I Al Lipid us Popcorn . ·'·~ Sweetheart Cup Corp. 1:i lellerbach Paper. Co. * J oPnost Foods "fl Ogden Foods "/( lh,!lln .N. hlnllli, Inc. i ~ ., Barban Ann Baking Co. 1:r Quaker Maid Company * Easterday Supply Co. * Globe Ticht Cci , * Mincle Equipme~t'eo. * S. F. Bums & Co. * Allee Seriice Corp. • 4" I • • I ' * Los Angeles Hanlwan1 * Shawn ~111 * S.C.I. Inc. I · * Penn Interiors , * Epnd, Inc. * McCandim 111e LA. Paper Box LifeScapes, Inc. '. ~ ., ' \ * Atlas.Stationers * Hyeet1ic LinelrSopply '" -tr 1 llllnn ~ Co. · :t:i · Pacttic Maintenance * Manor Paintina ·:tr Federal llollllnr Griffin & Banks, A.IA -, * Sweda Cash Rqister * Crush lnlltnltioNJ _ -tr Bowyer a{ld .Hudson Co. * . Leo's Quality FocMls * Knit Candies --1.f 4•ence1llolille CompanJ * Ollmblm ltutinc and '* -A & J Glass Coa)pany * Royal Plumbin1 & -tr Advance Neon & Plastic * Oneida Paper * Alr.conditioniil1 of California • Heating Silt' Co. Pnrducts, Inc. · / "'l'be Archttect.s, DesJgners, Contractors and Suppliers who brought forth this new 'Addition' to Paelftc'sfamlly. /' -, ' , • F I I • ... ,_ ' -• '. .. .. ~ , ' . l I I l t I . ATtA . ··-. . / ' -' ' Rambler. A"'9rlcan $1205 Door h1rcltop. Autom1tic tr1ntmi1- 'io11. ISYY41 l'J ·1 66 Ford Mustan3 ._, :¥-1, 4 1poM, t•clio, h11t1r, ,ow.,. $1630 ••ji119, dwo,!'I• wh.ela. etc. CSM ~66 ~·h SaNlllte $15'95 :,Coup1, v.t, 1utomatic, r~alio, h11kr, • >now1r 1t11rint. 1ir condttiorilnt. l01&A ;i..21 :- ·:'-66 Fard· Galaxie $1585 ~ 2 Doo"r h1rcltop. v.1, 1-.to1111tic. 4'.dio, hHt.r, pow•r •••lrint I ltt-•k•s. ir c0Mlitfot1i119, I RW6 I l .... v.1, .............. rMlie, ... t.., $1710 1t.1ri119, eir co.Mltioniitt• IXST 4)·~ _, • • ·"" CHIYSLER NIWPORT ... . ·-- ' BRAND · , · NEW '7t CHRYSLER ' :, • NIW,YOUD 4 eoot/HAIDTOP '1 'I.· Alllo.,• ~/A . ..,....... •Ir CD!d., PQW ,,_._...,1111 ... ~ICloiloMtt,r pDWtr '°°"' IOCkao Yll)Yl -'lllllp..,... ~I, !Mf'Y l'MllY fMn ........ °'I , , , • ' . I r • r • • , • . . . ' ' ' ' . ,, ~ . BELVEDERE COUPE $234"'""- AUDITORS INVENT.ORV CUT-DOWN . W_GGEST 4DISCOUNI . . . ,ON ALL NEW& USED CARS 5995 '68 Plymouth Fury II VI, 111!0m1tic, r1clio, h11t1r, pow~, ' ' 1t11rin9, 1ir conditionin9. (VR M2 27) ~1195 '67 Mustang Vt, •vlom1tic1 r1cl io 1M h11t1 r. ITZP: 4l91 . 51295 '66 T-Blrd Landau A11tom1ti"-r1dio, h11tor, pow1r 1t11t• ln9-br1k••·wl11clow1, t ir cortclitio11i119. I I RUN6&71 512951 '67 Dodge Monaco Sed111. Auto1111tic, rtdio, h11t1r, pow~ 1r 1f11ri1191 pow1r br1lr11, 1ir cortdi• tio11i'119, vinyl roof. fXGTl241 51395 '67_ Buick Special · .. '\, Dtlu1:1 S•vl•r•. V-1, tufo111ttic, rtdio, h11t•r, pow•r 1t••rif1f, •ir conditio0 11- i119. IYCT06JI ' , ' , s.,, • '111,, KELLEY BLUE' BOOK, RETAIL"PRIC"E; •• $2025 $1870 $22~0 $2060 $207'5 AU P'tJCIS PlUS.TAI • AND ', LICINSI 51.;595 " , ·~~·· r ~ I 51595 J 5169·5 ~ 51695 )• 51695 ~ I: l 197:Q MUSTA . . _· ··Round·'P ·. .. .B:::0 1970 GALAXIE 500 - • 2 Door H1rdtop $ Color keyed interior, fresh · tir heater, full safety equip- ment. Serial. No. SHOJ55Vl· 35535. . --DoliYory ,. ~ SUPER SPECIALS ;'6. 7 FALCON _ __ Club Coupe. TGJ 8~ I. $988 ., 68 DODGE CHARGER V..S, auto., P.S., landau. YTL 711. Fridar. Aprtl 24, 1970 DAILY PJLDT 3J .. a 'I I I I I ' ' Spring Demonstrator Sale '70. ,F,RD 'caltTINAS • ' t .... LlkE NEW · LOW' MILEAGE CARS WITH FACTORY WARRANTIES AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ALSO ·· A GROIP. OF FACTORY REGISTERED I EXTREMn Y lOW MllEAGE CARS . . - "' 4 MAVERICKS . ./ 2 FAIRLA.NES ·18 AVAKlllE IN THIS SHIPMENT. I ~-~ ~-~ lmmtcll1t• Dtllw1ry ' I . • .Swl•I N .. IAHJIC1M4 4 • • ' • ./ 8 ~USTANGS " 5 TORINOS BRAID ·1970" THURQERBIRD ./ & GALAXIES ./ 5 ·FALCONS IEW . . . ' .•." 11. .. I:. . ·, I ~-THUNDERBIRDS ./. G LTD's 1 ~~ rfU.IH)././.l.l.l.l.l.l.l./.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l./.l.l.1.IU.l.l./.llQA , ~ BRAND NEW 1970 TRUCJ & CAM~R , . ~~~j.E:~ $ 3A T. FORD TRICK & EL DORADtCAMPER ~ w · --~ ..,,... Olr!trlll. ~AM. ••• ~--· · 3 4 s· s· . ::.·:r...:"'.:: .:l!l. · ..... llf:~~-~ lmmHl1t1 hU~!..'1 ' I '1' fl.a Jrn.. ... OR l".U. l lf uo t.1.0. .... • ;i, !Ir••· ..,,. • olt MU.... '10 l'Ull P,I OVl!ll "OT· T0WA'1, • ''-• wt!ll 0 ·-lfnil Nd + •t•no.rd Nd. TllrM ~ '"* 'Wllft hoed. Clfl!., fil'lfll'I .. • i.rM w•rdf\119. ' \ :soPER s ~ ~ ". :· ~.-- '6'. 1 ·~AMBLER WAG •. · ,$2·88 .. · . American. 6 cyl., auto . QVB 558.,,. -' -'64 c,aystE1 ·· ·. · ····· ~3 8"8, . rt Town Sedan. Orw 166. LIK· s: NEW WITH FAOTORY . · I., · WARRArttY AVAILABLE . . ' '69 ~.~!!.~N~wersleering, radio, Ian $2088 dau roof. No. 120905 . .' 69 ~~~~~~~~~w~!!ri~ ... :io,fKJ $2388 '64 !.~.~~~~6~BIRD $688 '69 ~~~J.~g9h~! ~~~~~" P1s1 ..... 52(388 .-, 6-6-~-~.-~R-~-~~-19E-'-GT-A-,---$..,.8 ..... 8-. --3· '69. CLUB WAGON $248'8 '65 . $888. ~~~58~23" w.b. v.a. 1Ulom1lic. 8 pl!S. -PONJIAC Grand Pnx 1'69 THUNDERBIRD $ . f • Alrcond.,landau.XGT391. $9. 88' Power windows& Seals,aircond., loaded. 298, 66 ·RAMBLER WAG,· YNJ 776. '. f . A~er., 6 cyl., t!IUfG1 SLU 275.. . I, ' • Use-. one of our many ways· to linani:e your new or used car or truck;.'includ ing Bank-, America, United Calif.. &In~ or Fiid Miltor C~lt (Qrp. With yo ~riAppr~~· Cre'dit. I \ I - ~ l ' I • I TUMILEwEEDS Mun AND JEFF l WISM I COUL.0 STOP SMOKING BUT I CAN'T.' I TRJEO BUT I PJ.WAYS GO BACK TO IT.' Frldaf, Aprll 24, 1'70 5ME's 60ING TO 5-KIP TOWN •• IUT ~E WON'r S.OP BEFOIE SHE 5TOPS OFF AT 'IOllR HOME TO PACK !CME THllJ6S •• ANP POSSl&l.'I TO CASM A c.cxlPLE MOIE CMECks "' . 'tOIR' NAME ! •. I REMEl(l&Bl' n!EV'C> LET ME C.OME OUT FRC>ti\ UNPER ™E PRUGS 1UST LOMG EtlOIJr:.M 10 SIGN tAV NAME TO PAPE~! By Tom K. Ryan rr AIN'T AN'J"M'ERE NEAi\ ASca.D! ~:..::::.. .. ..,.. __ By Al Smith 'SKYHIGH l'OWOER WOOKS MAN WANTED TO WORK WITM~Y FLAMMMU !~VI! MATERIAi..~ "=" "Ir. -- By Harold Le Doux A WllPLE·OF PLAINCLOTMES PE- TEC.TIVE'5 A.RE WA.IT· \~ A.T VOllK MOME TO PICK HER UP! U'l: ABNll SAU Y BANANAS MOON MUWNS c::::: DON'f-LoOk' Back', 5°"'1eTHING MaY BeGalNING ON YOU.I ANIMAL CRACKERS .DODOS· cN:Jr 'FIS{, al ?' - .--------. ~ PERKINS By John Miles j DAILY CROSSWORD •• ,by. J.. POWEi 1----------------.. .. ,,,-, •..:~"-;-;:=-;:;;-;-:J_<'X::::-i ... •J ACROSS · j l Foolish ,t ~rson ::s Europe1n •• nallon ·1.o Maize :J.~ Ac idity ,l s Bolero's ·~ relative lfi RuJrt Ji1 ---gap ;J.9 Newsp;per •• srctlon: , lnfor11al 1lO Delelloll , .,21 Expttlenctd f · ag1in ln • ;. imag1n1Uon :.-23 Tile 1'u " 1 \• of "UHF'' .,'2S Bubble - 6 Dwarves ;29 Becoming .~ less )4 Situated by '~'" I.'' "''""" )7 Come forth )8 Exist 39 Marked by simplicity ~•l Sea e1gle ( '42 Negative phrase: . 2 words ·414 Wavtt ,45 Formerly, ·: long 190 46 Amrrlc1n • Br1utles: 2 words , 418 Gives .;i-. assent ~.SO Wl1e •etsurr .· 51 F1!11tln11 W!.lpon" SJ S. Amrri,an e.1plt.al '1 Of an African river lil Built-in, in 111odt111 homes 6Z Reason for Clpen Door Policy: 2 words li4 Peil 65 Muslim religious text '6 Und!fendtd 67Airor watrr rnovrm,nl (,8 Flower p1rls 69 Accom- plishment DOWN l Herb 2 Birthday c1ke expert '.3 ~Lisi · '4 T1ke for , .. , ... S Gets going: 2 words 6 F•thtr, In England 7 Blick bird 8 Optrallc prince 9 All that is not the conscious self ,,....,......,,;--r.,... 10 limits to o c-losely 11 USSR sea. 12 Spouse ll Remindrr 18 Reign 22 Bluebonnet, IOI' one 24 lnformallon on an envelope 26 Sizing liquid made frOfl'I •!Ill while 27 Scandi- navian dialect 28 Without a break: 2 words 30 Surf noise Jl River of France JZ Hospil;il employee 33 Fellows; Slang 3& Church area 39 Not affectrd by feeling 40 Certain South· western Asians .-J Eugene-··: ConductOI' ~5--omission: 2 words 47 Garment '49 liloney; Sli ng 52 Section of lndoch in1 53 Nucleus 54 Very eager 55 Tear Sb M1rtsman 58 Narrow fib.de for binding 59 Fancx 60 10 nuns &) P1ovoke MISS PEACH ' (l> HERE HE IS, SOSS.' ... A MINUTE L.(TER ~· HE'D OF Bi:EJ.l (,(ME! PEANUTS -/\ND LET'S 'f'liUST E/\Cl-I OTI<EI< AND t'ESP!OC.T El\!'.~ OT\.IEl<'S JNDNIDUALITY, ot'AY? GOOO WORK, si:Jvs.1 )Oll'RE NOT° FINISHED WITH TMI S JOB .' A"ID LET'S NEVEi< I-IA~ Pt< Al«lUMENT, OKA'/ 1- By MeA I ME/\H,IT WON"f DO )'OU ANY GOOD. • 41-lf "--·-L---::...1.li'="--~""''-"':6'. !<IM ll..IJ'. By Saunders C!nd Overgard By Charles M. Sch1b: I 'llllEP 1tJ FINP llAASa! Cl!fl IN l\lE EIKVCl.OlaliA, BUT IT ~DN'TmHMEH'll<>lfT • -~ . .___. ·- MR.MUM " 1: " ,, ll () I ,,.,,,. ""'·Ale •J .,, . By Gus Arriola By Ferd Johnson By Roqer BOiien :!\J.. 6NJ all!. ' 'IHllJG ~HIM. j ME'SllO~I ~ DENNIS THE MENACE ' I • "' '. i I • " ' ·, ~ ' • ' ~ HOUSES FOR SALE llfOUSE.S FOR SALE ~ . HOUSES ~Oil SALE 'HOUSES POR SAL E HO!JSIS FOR' SALi HOUS~S POR SALE 'HOUSE$ FOR_ SALE SES F~R SA~E . IHOUSES :POR SALE • -·r. . 1000 GaMral • ui.i ~1 tooo o-r•I · 1000 G .... rat · . 1000 O...r•I . 1000 General · 111!! ia..ral 1000 -·• 1j: in!r11u~.! .. ~!.... WESLEY N. TAYLOR cd ; ;1 FAIULOUS. ' . READ THIS . It you are 'in the market for a NEW home,.see the&!' outstand· ing customized hqmes, built by Frank H. Ayres and Son, local· ed in a prime arei very clc5se to Huntington St ate Beach. The · homes are priced from $30,290 lo""$331690-and vary in size from- 3 to 4 bedrooms,· 2 to 3 car gar- ages and 2 to S b aths, with shake or mission tile roofs, fire- , places, undergroll!ld utilities, concrete driveways, built· ins ,.- and carpeting. There is VA and FHA financing available. There are 3 homes available because of credit rejections. Occupancy by May I, 1970 in this t1nit. As added features these homes in- clude such additional extras, as shag carpets, front lawn land- sca ping with sprinklers. O~r next unit is now on Sale for occupancy in May and June 1970 and introduces th~ new 3,000 sq. rt. '4El Dorado" model priced from '34,490. Rancho La Cuesta Homes on Brookhurst' at Atl•nta, Huntington leach 96a.2929 -96'"1338 ...--. ·coklvvell,Banker -OFFERS: ~ OCEANFRONT LAGUNA BEACH / BeautifuJ Mediterranean Villa -6 bed· rooms, study & huge playroom w/bar & FP. Encl. patio w/lanai. Steps to beach. $195,000 Caro11'atum PRIVATE AREA-NEAR NHYC This S bdrm. 3 bath home is 111 exCl . cond. · & attractively dee . Sandy beach plu s pier & slip for large boat. $180,000 Kathryn Raulston BAYSHORE -PRIVATE AREA Contemporary 2.Sty. home~ close to great swimming. beach. 3 Nice bdrms. & gst. rm. Extra lrg. patio. Bit-in kitchen. Slight view of Bay. $71,500 Mary Harvey BROADMOOR OPEN HOUSE 2700 LIGHTHOUSE LN. Open Sun. 1·5.· Gorgeous 4 BR.. outstandmg mountain view. Soaring cathedral ceiling. Other de- Juxe features at $69,950. Bud Austin FANTASTIC LOAN-5 BR. Large Westcliff home has 4 bath s. Great pool & a very large 5% % Joan which may be assumed. Lease/option available. Low at $69,900. Walter Haase CORONA DEL MAR Small home on back of great view prop- erly, 45 Ft. x 118 Ft., South of Hwy. A "Must See" value! $57,800. Al Fink BEST ASSUMABLE LOAN Westcliff • 4· BR .. 21h ba. former model home. Prof. landscaping. Pool-sized yd. Move-in cond. Low int. insurance loan as· sumable. $55:000. Marion C. Buie OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1 ·5 PM 4000 IN LET ISLE, CORO~· DEL MAR Lusk 4 BR. La Jolla Model. Fam. rm .. 2 fireplaces. 3 Car garage. Vacant. Owner transferred. Anxious. '53,500. Cathryn Tennille SUNSET · VIEW EASTBLUFF Lusk hm . 3 Bdrm/2'h ba.1 Cam. rm .. play· rm. or office. Beautiful decor. Bike to ten· nis club. Price reduced. Good financing . Make oiler. $51.500. Harriett Davies EASTB~UFF -$36,500 .Just reduced fo r quick sale , this cozy 3 BR. 2 . B~th home. Private corner Jot. ' Schools & shops: close by. Least expensive home berel Lavera Burns NEW EXCLUSIVE 2·Story 5 bedroom • pool Baycrest ; 3400 sq. ft. 0£ charm. Lg: formal din. rm ., brk· fst. area. Upstairs library. 800' Sun deck off ma ster BR. 3 Car. Garage. · Mary !Au Mllriilli 833-0700 644-2qQ ' " • ' MACNAB • IRVINE thia sprawling beauty with THE BLOF FS $26,SOO P.l'll'at!s what you'U say When You see this 28' · alnlOSt l,IXXl *'· ft., 3 CoOd Lovely 2-story condominium. 3 Bdrms, built-·x.23" indoor garden:room ~itl\ its electrical-I FIN~R HOMES size bedrooms: wilh .2' baths, in range &: oven .and private patio.:. Ideal for .::'ty controlled sliding root to bring the out• Family room With wood touple: In exclusive Newport. . t~oOrs in. 4 Bedrms, 3~ baths. family roo!'l, 1' LINOA ISLE Beautiful 5 bedroom home with diriingpm • 4.lh Baths. One of the several tine 11ames & Jots 'tha't we have available on Linda Isle. ;145,000. Open daily. #11 Linda Isle. ALSO, see our representative at 106 Linda Isle. burning fireplace adjacent to ~w/fireplace. 3 car garage. Master ll.edr~, ltv· • modern P"'h button kitchen, HARBOR VIEW HI' LS . ltl kit h all custum drapes · with thick · 'I' • ing room, dining rm l-exc ng· c ~. shq a.rpetinz, Situated oii a For a fastidious buyer, Sharp, near ne\Y 4 , have panoramic view. ASking $99,500. Come 1 tree studded lot overlooking ~room Lusk ·home . Family~m)\ dining rm 1:&ee. Open Suqday i ,to 5J 1836 Santiago Drive. fi·• nd Abou 5 · & 21» batbs. Move right in. • , , '5{,500. } • -... . t. •ron 877 s d I o· s 15 ,. T .. HE GOOD LIFE . ,· ahot trom tht 5th areen ot an cast e pen un. ' : <)\/ _ I an """''" _.,. club. HARBOR ISLAND AREA . ·,Ir> DOVER SHORES 0be"gins In th~ Ivan' Wells · DOVER SHOR ES Just listect· .. almost ne,v, custom built1 over· size S-1fedrootn pj us Jamily room h·otne in Dover Shores. Huge Jot. An outstanding view with a low leasehold. Kitchen with sunny breakfast room. Beautifully decorated \Vith costly papers & drapes. Wet bar. Room for pool. $145,000. Reduce-4 price $34,000 CJ ~no ProCessionai decor in this colort!!l 3' & .1 .. n ':t1 ·Bedroorrt.hOme._t.o_r.IDal ·clffting rooDlt Iarg~_ 1 cash down -or take-over this -~ 'TC ._._ ----• • ---~ :.. • l . l . lib 2 d r· lace low interest Joan of $2lO per ndme wlw pool. Gr_eat floor plan .w1th ·_~tiun--carpe ed. (amJ y room ·.w_..,, , .n ~ep . mo 4ant0 storage. Large covered patio. Picture 'Unique island kitchen w1tli -cu pboards galo~. . YO. UNG FOLKS perfect. Cail today! $79.0QO. 'Spectacular, unobslrµcted· .View. oil Galaxy '"Drive. $95;000. · ~ LINOA ISLE · · · LIKE EXCITING See this gracious new home with 5 bdrms. • . CLIFFHAVEN ' HOMES mai d's rm & 5 baths. Spacious living & dining ·Amid spreading"trees, this warm & friendly , OCEAN & BAY VIEW Most beautiful Lusk built home in Eastbluff. -OWner custom finished & professionally dee· orated the entire borne. Truly sumptious California living with handsome billiard room. $72,500. Open Sat. & Sun. 2221 Alta Vista. This CalitQrnla contemporary rms open to cantilevere4 patio deck facing 5 Bedroom home offers the utmost in privacy !', if the uitim~te in. rnodem Jagoon . Rum/eus nn plus_ family rm Which . yet walking distan~e to .schools ~ shops. All livine. WaJ.1 towall <;arpeP11g opens to gar en patio. Wet bar. $169,SOO. ··extra large .bedrooms. View of bills. $55,000. throughout J nice .size bed· #80 Linda Isle Open -Sat/Sun 1-5 :30 . . , 1 rooms and 2 bat.,, modern BAYCRES.T •' ROY J . WARD CO., R•oltors J kitchen with aeparate family Beautiful enclosed garden en try to exception· BAYCREST OFFICE ..-1 BAYFRONT ;::_ ~tiu~ ~~~ al 3 bdrm & ram rm home on fee simple site. ..1430 Gaiaxy Drlvt, N:B· 64~1550 I 18'x36' heated and Wtered Forma! dining room. 21h: baths & 3 car gar. Sandy beach, private float, 59o46 lee\,oU?ay . frontage. Owner will finance to qualif1edbUy- er. 3,000 Sq. Ft. in this lovely home in one ·of Newport's most exclusive areas. Open. Sat. & Sun. 433 Baysid.e Drive. pool-' and selling f 0 r the Professional landscaping. $81,500. amazing price of $24,950 Gt 1927 Santiago ~ Open ~at. 1-5 :30 iloo down, Move rtght 'n. CORONA DEL MAR ,,., LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT BeautiiuJ new 3600 sq. ft. h"ome: 4 Bedrooms plus maid's roo!ll; family -room · sunken liv· 1ng room: 3 fireplaces: lormal dining room. AU exterior walls insulated; private pier & slip. $235,000. WESTCLIFF Charming 3 bedroom bo1ne on corner .lot. Newly painted -ne\v carpeting & drapes. Beautiful s\vimming pool \Vith large terrace & dressing room . Kitchen complete with b:arbecue. A real buy, $51,500 OOVER SHORES A truly fine home. Over,-4200 sq. ft .; no ex- pense bas been spared in construction. 4 Large bedrooms, farhily room, form al dining room ; 6 baths. Custom in every detail. $130,000. BAYCREST VIEW 5 Bedroom 2-story home. Magnificent view irofu fiuge master suite. Large family room with enclosed wet bar. J'oday's kitchen with large breakfast area. Forinal dininJ room. Quality carpeting & drapes. POQI -inze yard with patio. A dramatic 4,0QO sq. rt. home on Fee land. Priced for immediate sale at ~'93,500. Open Sun . 1815 Santiago Dr. Sl'.ECIAL _ Another Macnat).Irvine first & only $23,950! Cute honeymOQn cottage on a quiet Cul De Sac . very close to Santa Ana Country Club in Costa Mesa. 3 Bedrooms & 2 car garage. Situated on a large lot with plenty of room for your boat & trailer in the rear -out of sight! Open Sun. 1-4. 2611 CJub ·Mesa Place. MACNAB·IRVINE Realty Company 901 .Dover Dr., Suite 120 1010 81y1lde Drive Newport leach 642·123S 675-3210 . . .REALTX 15366 GOLDEN WEST -5313 OPEN EVES·TILL 1:30 (.'LAS lllOI' •••• ASSUME F.H .A . Near Harbor fligh and .17th Street Shopping. \Vcll kept Three bcifroom. l\Vo · b<tth with, family roon\. double ffrcplace, built • in kitchen and ~'x24' screened in" glass. ent 0pReled aluptimun COV• ered. patio .. Protessklnally tandlcipep, Split rail Jenee in trOpt and red)l'O(ld fenced ~ yard, Quiet street • ex. t-ellent • neighbOrhood. AS.. suME $21.600 • s~ % LOAN • $193.00 a monlh inclll(lCK laXes and insurance. 1110 buy yo1:1 have been '"aiti~ for. JBLll* ,llHllS Evening• Call 646-2259 Top O' The World Enjoy cool, clean Ocean Bl"ef!Xe& , In this excellent ne!Khbot:bood. Beautifully C\llltomized home with large covered , patio PLUS con- crete boat or trailer area. Spacious family room, dou· ble FIREPUACE, special servi~ room, many exll'as. $34,500 with. ALL terms available! ~!!!!:~!!!!:!!!!:!!!!'~~!!!!:!!!!:!!!!:!!!!:!!!!:!!!'!!!!!!I w E SE LL A HOME " loGO I EVERY 31 MINUTES G ... ,.1 1000 Walker & lee Jf Priv•cy Pleases -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.! Th!, 4 bedroom 2 bath hon1e • Realtor ""lo~ of ii·'"''"' aw•y WALL TO WALL 2043 Weslclifi Dr. 646-7711 on a quiet cul.<fe.sac sur-... WATER rounded by tree& and gar. den. Roon1 for camper or boat and a pool, Beautilul built in kitchen and warm family room. $34,500 with F.H.A. tenns available, Open 'lil 9:00 P l\1 Sparkles in this delirhtfullyj ... iiiiii=iiiiii ... ;o;ii;• I e Colesworthy · & Co. blu. •wimmlng pool that wu B ES"J EVER custom designed to give the utmost in beauty & utility in a cha.tining courtyard patio 16 UNITS setting, Step inside to, a Costa z..te;:a's finest income brand new 4 Bedrm, 3 bath property -t>hows excellent + pov.•der room home. Liv· tax relief -with. $$,000 ing room, formal dining down YoU can assume ·exist· room, family sized island ing 6.6 financing of i225,000. kitchen, breakfast area, all Call for details and coonsel- overlookln1 the Bay, Large, ing. Full price $275,800. richly panelled family room with fireplace & \vel bat &: sliding gla~s to the pool area. Luxuriously carpeted thru. out. $108,400. Newport .. On the biuff ovecloo~ing harbor entrance, bay & ocean. Split teVel w/3 sJ)ac bdrms, 31h · baths, den & family rm. Million$ view. 250l·Ocean Blvd. Open Sat/Sun 1·5:30 DOVER StjORES Gracious home for the Executive who enjoys entertaining. Pier & ~lip. Enormous terrace surrounds pool. Elegant master ste opens to lge deck + 4 bdrms & mds rm . '$150,000. OOVER SHORES Near new gorgeous Mediterranean w/4 bd· rms, lge family nn witk sunken wet bar for· mal dining nn, 4 baths + pwd rm & 3 car garage. Professional interior design. $118,000. DUPLEXES & TRIPLEXES Newport 3 & lam + I br & encl lll)lai . $43,500 Corona del Mar 3 & 2 br under cons't. $68 500 Corona del Mar 4 & 2 br dup. view. $87 500 New duplex & jriplex, 3 & 4 Iidrm, short bl\.ck to beach. . . $78,500"& '95,000 Corner waterfrt duplex. 3 & 3 + den. $99,500 Laguna dup. Beauty w//vie\v. $11~,000 OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 10.5:30 ''Our 25th Year'' WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., R•altors 1111 San Joaquin Hlll1f Road NEWPORT CENTER '4M91D 1000 1 General PR£STIGE -WATERFRONT HOMES OPEN SUNDAY 11 • 5 15 Lind• fsle Drive New & beautiful 4 Bedroom, 5 bath home with large sunken Jivin( room & Cam. rm., \Vet bar. Radiant electric heat. Carpeted & landscaped, Priced ................ $155,000. 16 Linda Isle Drive N.ew 5 bedroom, 5 bath home with upstairs view of Corona del Mar hills. 3 Fireplace.!! &: BBQ. Llixurious carpeting & panelling. Land· scaped. With dock ............... , $145,000. 77 Linda Isle Drive New 5 Br., 5 bath home on Jagoon. Marble entry, wet ba!, AM/FM Intercom, Mstr. Br. has beam ce1l. & own frplc. Large family room \V/fireplace ...... , ..... , . $185,000 80 Linda Isle Drive 5 Bedroom & maid 's, 5 baths with family r~m & large rumpus room. Carpeting. 3 Fireplaces. 4,246 Sq. Ft. . . . . . . . $169,300 PRIME BUILDING LOTS FROM $35,000 TO $175,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 133 Dover Dr., Suite 3, N.B. 642-'620 REALTOR Newport Beach Office Ivan Wells & Son 646-11 ti Gan•r•I 1000 Gentr•I JlrlS Bayside Drive Roy J . Ward Co. (1nytll11e} 67"4930 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 1~~~~~~~~ I FOREST E. 3 Bedroom 2 BC!fh !<JO Gruaxy Drive 646-1'60 $16,500 o L s o N CAN YOU TOI' THIS!! $21,950°$134,QO IOpen Dally) ,What a <Utt doll house thl• h is for newly weds, featuring Jn an area of "6,000 home!! , •• A spacious • bedroom 3 bath home with fOrmaI din. Ing room, large living room with ooor to ceiling windows, a superb built in kitchen '"iJh_gleaming hardwood cab- inets 1and a family room with wet bar. A built in ·1acuum,, and a pool 11i:i;<t yard, Can you top thia at only $&t.900. per mont 2 big bcdrooma &ituated on This ''ery popular fioor plan alm011t 113 acre lot .r. Ir the Jnc. Rcalton h.lul family room and break-croorn i1 a ''Vet, no ca.sh fast bar, buy 11ub}ect to 5%~ ~~~'!!!'l!'!'!:~~~!' I down. Total payments or COLLEGE PARK FHA loan. Total payment WHATiONL Y $IOO Sl48 per monoi. Nicel,y car. wil! be i134.00 per month. DOWN + FHA petcd, Won't last thts ~~k. NO DOWN GI 11 Almost unheard ot bargain In College-··Park, 3 l&rie BR's, 2 full BA' s, Dinin&1 nn., kite!)_ w/al~ ,delu.'< • bl~·ins, brick fireplace, flhake roof. Low • low down FHA or .F1-IA/V4:t. Only $1450 ,down. Seller desperate. Now only i2f;.9:ill. So Hurry!! C a l I 6<>0303. New paint, deluxe deep pad CLOSING COSTS end. Jlurt')'! high pile carpeting UIJ'Oua;h-That's right! f'or this 3 bled· out. You must see it to be-room 2 bath home in Costa lieve it. Ifs &harp. Open till Mesa, Big corner lot \vlth 8:30. Double garage on ,._ ~al 262' HARBOR BLVD. 546 1640 OPEN EVES TI LL 1:30 MACHINE SHOP Immediate ·occupancy, near new 1600 + fl . lligh ceiling, easy lo add \.secolld StOl)'. 63 x Z!KI Fenced, .11lora,ge lot for extra income, Priced for Wt Mic. For lurther deta.lh call 54Q.U$1. street. Needs some cleanin& 15,,, GOREALOLETYN WEST but a beck or a buy! Subject -•Y to a new F.H.A. or Gt loan 194-5313 ' v.'ilh annual percentage rate OPEN EVES TI Lt L 1:30 . PH~E 673-1.SSO ·o TH[. REAL "'-ESTA'CF:I<S ol 8~,%. WHAT'!' \Vhen can'i'"-""'""'-!iiii_,iiiii> 1 OPEN SAT/SUtfi:5· )'OU ... It! NO\Vt 'Call L••N/Optlon ' 645 n ~o3 . I 22" A II 6M I "" . re • WE SELL " H E Creal ' Bedrm "d~, • .,..,.. • ,.. ., """ at Harbor Center Ea11tbl11U. 4 Bdrm11. EVE RY 21 MINUTES home in popular l.fesa Verde ) -H-~, Blvd c 'f 1 433 ln bellt T9rr. Cambridge Series with both _,., -&11.N " '"' I Walker & lee d .. .,.. ... ,..ly ... m•.0"" s2a ooo j ~ ~;,;~:Ja. "~!'!~"~ er movina: north. iaoo. mo. ' T BR. 5 88. $180.000. Renltors , ,4 Bdrm. + Fa~lly rm. 1 22 3 Vi• fthaca 2700 Harbor Bh,'d. al Adam$ &541:M10 '"titove rfiht in " Yai;d full ot I Udo Isle. ROOuced to S45-046i; Opon 'til 9 PM ---O~tt • th•d< '""'· Enby i $79,500. CO""n SaV e A·FRAME e GE REALU hall. 2 marble pull!11an baths, Sun 12·5) ()rif!n beam eelllnga; 2.Stv, 3 Mllllail:"""', all the new home built.Ins. .,._.. M mtlni' g 541).t'nC) ...,,...... AlmNijl BR. 2 b8. ~. · T "-~;:=;==~11~1'~111~1;:~=.'-; ,...., old. Walk to bloch. 0111¥ HORSES O.K-. -ARIELL 2955 Hu -r • $33,900 • Terms. Countt)' living, 3 BR.. 2 Ba. S.A. HEIGHTS Use your'G:J. FOR Leal(', store 3>x00, xlnt CAYWOOD REALl'V Pool. Auume 6'.$% loan. on thlsi 3 Bedrm, $23,jOO, 11hopp1 cntr. 536 \V. 19th, 6303 \V. Cofl~I Jlwy,. NB ~fay trade. }'ortin • 'Co. L.ite 1'l'd. 2 car gar. CM, Kermltt .J\iiP Ai'· • • 541-1290 • • 1 6.'U-lOOO. Kina-. n.E. Ml 2-2222 '46-7759 Open. H~us~s THIS WEEKEND -. ' a.., Hilt ...., 41!'MMfY wltlt ~ tWt WMlleM • Y•• .. h .,._kalfl ... Al tlie , ........ fhtM ~ .... 11etc1ilte4 ............ lty ........ ..... wW• I• tMley't DAILY PILOT WANT ADI.,_,, .. . ..... ,.. .,.. ...... fw ............... ,... .. lht w• iaftor ..... • 19 ..... ••-.... MHy. " l HOUSES FOR SALE ' (3 Bacl room I **515 S6tb St., Newport: Beac)l S ) 67~10 (Sat & un 228 Hazel Dr., C~rona del Mar. .1 • ') 673-2222 · I Dai Y v• **106 Linda Isle Dr (Linda Isle) NB • 609 Vista Bonita (The Biulls) S 1 S) 675-5930 (Sat & un • 15422 Baffil\ Clrcle, HJl l 5) . 846-0604 · (Sun • (J Br. & Family or Oen) 497 Abbi~ Way (at Irvine) East CM 673-0218 · . (~at & Sun 1·5). 333-Ciitallna-(Npt; Heigh ti) NB 5) · · 67UlilO '(Sun I· 16351 Rhone Ln (Sol· Vista Hms) HB · . 947.5845 , ' · ·(Sat·& Sun), ......,433·i1ayslde J;Jr., Newport Beach "642-8235 : 875-3210 (Sat'& Sun) 2221 Aita Vista (EastblUff) NB S ) 642-8235· 67$.3210 · (Sat & UD *2048 commodore, Baycresf. NB . 646-3255 · <Sat & Sun 2-5) 384 Mira Loma. C.M. (S I 5) 646-3255 · . un • 1927 Santiagq (Baycrest) NB . . · 644-4910 (Sat 1·5 :30) 2501 Ocean Blvd., CdM 644-41110 (Sat & Sun 1·5:30) 1026 Sandcastle, Harbor View Hill s 642-5200 (Sun 1·5) 2989 Andros, (Mes a Verde) CM 546-5440 (Sunday 12-5 p.m.) 14 Bedroom ) ll30 Sa ntiago (Dover Shores) NB · 842-8235 · 675-3210 (Sat & Sun) **II Li~da Isle Dr (Linda Isle) NB 842-8235· 675-3210 . (Sat & Sun) 1227 Suroine, Harbor View Hills, CdM 842-8235: 675-3210 (Sat & Sun) 2700 Lighthouse Ln (Broadmoor) CdM . 833-0700 644-2430 (Sun 1·5) W1721 Gaiatea, Irvine Terrace. NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun Z.5) 1903 Orange, CM 540-17!0 (Sal & Sun 12-6) C• Br. & Family or o.,n) 1134 Gharleston St., Cos ta Mesa 5411-3283 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 1300 Estelle (Westcliff) Nil "642-8235· '675-3210 (Sat & Sun) · 1330 Gala!ty Dr (Dover Shores) NB . 642-8235 ; 675-3210 (Sat & Slin) 1015 Goldenrod (Harbor View Hills) C::dM '675-2101 · · (Sun 12-5 :"30) 17431 Chapp'aral, HB 842-5541, Eves: 1162-6350 (Sat & ~un 1-5) 1836 San\iago·Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 . (Sun 1·5) 1430 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Open Daily) Ii24 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores ) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1·5) 4000 Inlet Isle, CdM • 83:i.o700;· 844-2430 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 877 Sandcas'tle (Harbor View Hills) CdM 844-4910 (Sun 1·5:30) 2112 Windward, (Bll)'crestl NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 13.14 Hampshire Circle (Baycrest) ·NB • 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 2-$) 8202 Wilburn Circle (HunUngton Crest) 'HB, &12-6691 (Sun 1·5) (S I r &. ·F•"!j.ly or Dan) 821 Cam•hor, (Eastbluff) NB ' 67$.5726 1 ' (Oally 1·5) *1538 Galaxy (Dover Shores) NB 842-8235; 875-3210 (Sat & Sun) 1816 Santlai o D.r !Doyer Shores )'NB · 842-8235 : 67$.3210 · (Sun) #f!O Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 844-4910 (Sa\" Sun 14:31) 'I l I I I ' ., "·= , .. • • • •• . -. • DAJl.Y 'ILOT Frld'1, Aptll 21, 1970 SIS FOllW:E ,~SES FOR SALE,'.) HpUSES FOR SALE 1 ~I S FOR SALE ~OUSES FOR SAL,E HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi HOUS I S FOR SALi RINTALS H ti ...... la.d. l4GO . -'umlohod OM.,ol 1000 G,t)orol I Gwro l , lOOI -•I lOll Coata -. 1100 0...r ShoN1 1227 ---"lUI *BAY-MOUNt o\INS* LOTS Ol'\LIOHT- ScOnlc i>Vt. loelltioo. Ne<ii)i ln thll coo)eotp. 3 Br. A new "Old World'' COnttm. 1.-nw. den homl-. flii Ba. P:orar>'. QaCious w/atrlu.m New, ~tlm in. kit~n. AD Lide Iii• un = N•!e!!! ...... 220t Pete . Bar~ell ~aft'! p re6snli '"OPEN ·HOUSES Substantial !'rice Reduction . 1721 GALATEA -$3150. OU liSte(I price on this lovely custom Irvine Terrace home. It's many assets jn- clude: • Spacious livinJ: room • Format dining room • Entertainment area • Harbor & Ocean View • "Swimmable" pool • Bear- ing avocado tree. Marsha Bents will escort you through this newr decorate~ home. Soty rdoy &. Sundoy 2,to 'l , ..-I " ~ • 1 • HC!S l!ve"""'ing! . 1334 OIRCLE ~ Step behind lhe garden barrier inlo a tran- . qull sottiDg: This l<ively·4 Bedrm, dining rm . and family rm home is built .around a tieau- tilul patio with filtered sunlight & splashing fountain. Panelling, darl: oak floors , wet bar, built-ins thruout, 3 car garage with ad- ditipnal space for dune buggy or boat. Aut<r matic sprinklers, basement, and storage. Visit Ken Brittingham or Eileen Dinwiddie. Satur day & Suncfey 2 to 5. Easy Elec.iance , 2112 WINDWARD Step thru the gated courtyard into the ~ra· J:io.us Del J>iso tiled entry,.enioy the spacious ·open -floor plan, of' tills 1oveiy lva'rf'Wells 'Bay'. crest home. 4 Large Bedrms, dining rm & 1 famil,y rm. Gourmet Island kitchen to·delil!ht any hos'tess. Being held open by Larey Plis· ter &'Bill Mors -ready-for immediate oc- cupancy. Saturd•r a. Sunday 1.5 Wide Open Spaces 1026 SANDCASTLE Viewed fro01 the living rm, dining rm & breakfast ar,a of this bright & charming . kitchen. 3 Bedrms & den combine to make this a delightfuJ family home. Bill Mors will show you tbis Harbor View Hills borne on ,' Sundoy 1 to 5. ' Offfce Open Saturdays & Sundays PETE BARRETT REAL TY ' 1605 Wo1tcllff Dr., N.B. 642-5200 G.narol 1000 Gentr:•I 1000 '.•oOV'T APPRAISED" FOREST E. '. LIDO WATERFllT APAmlNTS 320 UDO NORD -SH.D-fr BA - &e&u.t. tr.It, blt.ln-kJtcben 01 or ~ tmnt. Drive b;· 1386 Wa t•on. Call Oa,yton--Rltr £213) 432-397$. & court. 5 Br'1 expandable, tllll b'.$89.500! ' 6 Beauliful units. 6 Cai garages & ulility rl!ODl, wllb 85 ft. !rooting on e~c~Uent swim: ming beach. Units are newly fllrl!labed. Roducod to, ,200,000. ·Xlnt torm1 • BILL GRUNDY, REAL TOR 133,Do~r Dr., Suite 3, Newport Beach • $11,9tl0 CUTE. EASTSIDE .t ROOM , HOME. 6% •. W~ ·, S43-=8680. 6'2.9315 I !OJJOoq f~ 4\! e., ~. Walker Rlty. &75-$200 ' oar pr ... accommodates 3366 Via'Udo, NB Open iun. 1..<>e groups~ Furn. opt, Price 49' BAYFRONT lowered to $169.000. °""1er · 5($..7249 Via nldo Nord. 3 & A malda, Estate Sale, _ .. 9 FOUR·PLEXES Exccllen"t -restd"tntlal area, good income. Rrloed for im.. med.late il8le at $47,500. FHA terms (must be owner Of!. cupi.cd). New cooventional 108.J!S (~~u.r-e!_tx per in- dividual). Cash to existing loans (multi.bldg purchase available). All oUers·subjeel to court approval. Ca 11 ~424. *BY OWNER* S BR., 2 BA., lam, rm., '42-4620 . Swim. -pool. $2!JlO down-. 126.800 toJal. 540-2334 1o0o BY Owner: 4 Br. bugh tam. rm. Xlfl't ~.M. area, N- .llWlle 7~~ loan, 549-3283 CHOICE TRl·P.LEX $39,500, 10% down, 2 Bednns Mesa 0.1 M er 1105 eicb unit. ~t No. Costa lMMAC. 4 Br, crpts, drps, Mesa loe. Gar•. crpts, drps, ideal I and• cap In & & food pati<>1. $390 mo. Jncome, deooratJno 843 Sonora CM 6 UNITS E-SIDE -~· ' .. Sharp! With pool, on qu.let Mesa Verde 1110 secluded street, 2 Bedrml _ _..__..._ ____ _. each, gar·~. crpts, drps, pa. Mesa Verde Condo · 4 l'll!W baths, dbl pier: New Unlver11tv-Pa rk 1227 . deck 1 n a:. $200.000. (213) J . 826-ml, m<> 6U-42;1, <213> ! STORY '47'1-24l3-'Brl>k!>r. Thia ls the ONLY 2., story , home available: in Oie de-BalbM l1l1nd 1355 sirable TURTLE R 0 C K . area! 4 bdnns _ tam.Dy BY OWNER room&: dining room. 3balhl, Live Rent FrM . Less than one year 0 J d. Custom 4 Br, 3 ha house w/2 Sweepin& view of UCI & br 1 ba apt. Wet bar, frplc. countryside from upstain. Xln't financing. 227 Con! 3 car garage, Price ju1t re. Ave. 675-2916. duced $.l,000 -to $42.950. Bob Pettit, Realtor 833-0101 tios. ~.~. ~t wai.JL ~try a@ V.!Ua,, aAJac .to BY OWNER-3. Br. 2 BA. -3-BR-1 Yi B• $23,950 goU eo:une .'.or sale by own.. Frplc, fam rm, newly d-_c: ~lnglon Baach 14GO MAJESTIC 2 STORY CIRi:JILA~ STAIRCASE No down to vets, low dn FHA, er. 3 BR, 2'h BA lrg, liv. ~~ blk pool A: tennl..c. Trana1. dble ga.r, huge yard, fenced rm., Patio, de!~ 0tri.gtdalre -make otter. 833--0160. front & rear. Woi:i't lrurt! appl's, rad.l1J1t heat. dbl gar NEW OFFERING wl~c dr &. ~It.Jn storaae Irvine 1238 Near We1tcliff, quality built cabinets. $3.S,IXXI, fi40.8249. ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;;: 3 BR & family rm on quiet ·========= 6l/2o;0 LOAN ~ lined street. Huge liv-College Park 1115 Take over, on UJ.is 5 BR, lam- ina: rm, has mau.ive brick ---------ily home in planned deveiOP- b'plc. BBQ in tam rm. Xlnl NEWLY decor. • Br, 2 Ba, ment, offering comp. recre- N H • hts shag crptg on pegged hard· tam rm, bltlni, fruit treea, ational facll. for adults & ewport erg wood. See this today! $39.500. bllc wall Jenee. $27,950. children. Let your family & NEAR CL11"1'"' DRrvE. On 808 OLSON REAL TOR 548-8'10>3 • dollar! grow here! $37,950 Winding to magnificent mas· ter mtte with retreat. pri- wte bath and huge walk in closet. S Dedrooms, 3 baths, sepllttltC family room, FOR· MAL DINING ROOM, ftre. place, tnple garage, custom drapes &: carpets and MORE. can be purcbaaed Joi' $8,o» down and subject to 6% % government JOQn. $44,500 FUIL PRICE. double Jot with large ' ~580 [""';;;=~==== e Red Hill Reiilty greens, I a r g e landsca~[ :=:;~==~==~==t~N:ow::po'.':rt:'._B~o:•~c~h'.._~1~200~ Univ. Park Center, Irvine ed privalf pool. 2640 aq, ft. I' Call Anytime m-0820 <b;g Bodroom,3 Batiu<, Fo•· REDUCED! mal Dining Room, Breakfas1 room, Laundry room, 3-car sized ~garage with power Opener, p&hl'ling decorator wall.paper ... Luxurious Liv- ing on a Sha'dy. 1'rce-Lined Spacious condominium on airy corner lot in UnMrsity Park 1240 BY Owner. 3 Br hpuse xlnt financing, no points. $2.6,«M>. 2351 Westminster, C.M. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MllilUTES Walker & Lee Realtors 7682 Edinger 312-4455 54().5140 .---------£~ Street. ' 546-2313 646-7171 3 Bedrooms, 2% baUts ·.Family roo.rn. opens onto enclosed yard 2nd Story sundeck oWner leaving state Reduced to $29,900. BLUFFS -Split 1eve l Townhse w/ba:t v ic w, greenbelt, nr proposed marina. Beaut. Trina model home w/all the many xtra1. 2 Bt. &: den or 3 Br, 2% Ba, lge kitchen loaded w/cupboards, ornamental iron encl. patio & entry, $47,500 -.$14,500 down. Owner/Brk:. 644--4746 or .....,,. ========= Priced lrom $17,500, 1 BR & 10 T HE REAL ~ESTATERS ' . EHtbluff 1242 A New Way Of Life Relax in this popular 3 BR Eastblulf Condo. Owner des- perate, has bought another home, See, to appreciate View. $30.9:,0, La BU&ea.da Realty, 838-1234, 24 hr ser. vice.· 3 BR. Surfside w:lth ah8.ke roof, trplc, elec bltins, prlv dble garages &: clu~pool priv. Check on attractive le""" . Pacific Shores ·Realty 536.8894 or • 847-8586 -----~- 1st HOME?' TIRI D OP .F'OJt LEASE . HIGH TAXI S? 313r_ Vlewhome-1\lrO !350 Tltla' b•d•-" blth ranch-Mr. C...ly, Bl<r. f'l' wm help Pl1 ror lttelf •. 5tl)..2960 with 197{) tax savtnas. Sep. 2 Br % b1k to bat a btach. arato FAMILY ROOM. fire. ' ~..,.~ W Balboa place, buiit·inl. ~tomd1'8P. t1flO yrly • .-n • ea A-carpetJ included, COie Blvd. 67$..2539 to treewan:, Mtjo11 ahopp!Qi AVAU.. Now thru June 20. ~ Golden West Collesc. 4 BR. 2 BA. $250 mo. 7101 $28,500 with VA a.pd F11A 8fa)bore Dr. (2:lj) Gf..9S61 ttruu available. · '• '!'1•--iii WE SELL A HOME --EVERY 31 MINUTES il"'1li\n-MNT Balboa & L Penln •• Nm. 5 Br. 4 Ba. Walker ee 17i~:i~~~i'"s Realtors '"'"'"-8424455 MG-5140 OPEN HOUSE W~I~~'::, Wloton Real E&talt S~T &. SUN 1-5 PM 229 Marine Av.., 17341 Chapparo!, H.B. Balboa l£1Md Enjoy a cup o1 coffee in the • 675-3.m • 34' family nn of this unu.1ual BALBOA Jaland yrJy l't'nlal. home. Bedrm space fQr 3 tQ.. 2-Br~ tum, adults. $225 mo. lO children. Assume· 6"°% 673-0023 aft 6. APR. ---·.-• . · HunllJ\flon Baoch 24GO MARINER R.£ •• rn·R.-2-BA Furnished 17849 Beach ~:mt home, $400 mo. 142-SS4l San Juan Capistrano 2725 SEMJ.F'URNISHED 2 sto,Y Fountain Valley 1410 4 hr, 2 tia, bltlns, w/refrig, NEW-5°/o DN.! 3 & • BR. Custom homes ready for occupancy, Lo&cled ,v/ extrd.S! From $31.200. Deal w/ builder It save! Cor. Las Flores &: Pheasant Ave. Call 537-0085. SPANISH Townhouse, 1500 sq ft, 4 Br, l'iJ Ba. 2 story, garden patio, crpts; drps; frpl, pool & clubhae. Assume 7%% FHA $27,950. 968-!019 washer I dryer. Avail. May h:t. $285. mo. 496-3355 or aft 6, 493-4nt. Summir Rontala 2910 { DELUXE 2 BR. Apt. 6/15-9/15 . $375 mo, Westclill area. M2-627f 24x55 MOBILE Home by the beach. golf, pool, sauna. Rent or option. 53&-0321. RENTALS Hou••• Unfurnished General 1705 3000 Emerald Bay Elegance 2 BR, converted den, 3 BA, designed by Don Willhumon, AlA, enclosed heated pool, 4400 sq. ft. under roof. EX- OL\NGE for OCEAN FRONT home. F.quity ~.000 Lease1-Leases-Leese1 WE "IJT 'EM Al The Fabulous IDuffl and elsewhere 2 BR. thru • BR .• tum, ar unturn, • Short tenn or Jont tenn • you name it! New &: ready for tmmed oc--as~"f~65R.e~· Estate * 2 BR. 1 Ba. uni.. •••• $260 LIVE in beautiful Irvine Ter-eupancy. 4 Br, 2 ha. bit.in 'l'baJia S * 3 BR. 2 Ba. unf. hie. $325 Irvine Terr ace 1245 Just listed, this tiU.per sharp race. See this 4 Bedrm range & oven, dishwasher, 318 I. * 3 BR, 2 Ba. unt.. , , •• $325 4 Bedrm home, w:ltb spac-e OPEN HOUSE e home w/silting nn oil w/w crpt, dtps, rear yd fenc-Laguna. Beach ~ * 3 BR. 2~ ea. unt. •• $350 ious !aniily rm, formnl liv· ~ VISTA BONITA Master Bednn. 4 BA, lg ing, front yd land.sea.ping. TOP of the World, unexcelled * 3 BR. 2" ba. uni., deluxe ing rm, step-saving kitchen. _,.SAT SUN I 5 fam rm, formal din rm. $23,500 mA _ Min. down. ocean &: hill view, l BR Bay view . v&C&J'lt •• $425 Over-sizedlcorner lot w/boat ., • • Call BR · 3 BR 211. ba A d light to Lovely pool. r.tany, many VA $400 tota1 down. + extra lge master , * 4 BR. 2 Ba. uni. Ilse. $3F.Q gate. Terrific residential ., ~ tio ; ha extras. LA Buscada Realty, 962-1353. fan1 rm w/frpl & wet bar, * 3 BR. 3 Ba, Jam, unf. $425 area. $34.500. Call Jack Ham. own. . =· n 11 us \ t 83S-1234, 24 hr serv. !!!!!!!!~~~~~!""!!!!'I liv rm w/mirrored wall, * AND ontERS, AT * more! . SUBJECT TO NO MONEY DOWN 10 c.r.'s or FHA terms. Bcnutiful 3 bedroom homr on a great comer location. Upgradt.>d •carpets and gorgeous dra~ O:L S .0 2629,JlARBOR BLVD. N . 546-8640 OPEN EVES TI LL 8:30 mond. 540.1151 C()pen Ew!s.l vacation ine a year. -========= SELLING 2 BA/ Purchase option Eastblutf Realty 644-ll33 ~ BOYD REALTY Corona del Me r 1250 $3000. lotal ~o.OOJ. Below l~AG(I 3629 E, Coast 1-f\vy. Cdf.t market. Terrific. llfust see LOVELY 3 Br home, 2 Ba, ... "''" e 675-5930 e · OPEN SUN. 11-5:30 YOUR HOME ... .,,,12 din rm, pvt patio ou muter _ to apprecla.te. 4............. b drm, famJ l y p&tlo, + 1 BY TRANSFRD owner 2 1015 GOLDENROD ? NEW 2 Br, 2 BA + Multi Hawaiian tea house, trpl, Inc • .Realtor.i ... °""' to ,,..w.,. and NO DOWN GI 'lhopping. MD<lorn !"-lifor•1•. MESA AREA · style kitchen, H11ge tii'ick tt you used ·YoW' G.l • on]y fireplace, Double Garage. $85(1 down 1HAT'S · ALL!! Call to see. 3 large bedrooms, 2 full WE SELL A HOME batl\s doiux lrild"" with . EVERY 31 MINUTES bunt-ins. hardwood 'door. lllahker & Lee • "• iu-.,1.,,.. .SEl.LE!! JI. _ __ _ _ __ DISAPPEAfiED! _~iced now R<a!Jon 2190 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 545-9491 Optn •tu 9 PM JllST REDUCED Not In s.iz.e, for this gracious 2 story colonial 5 bedrm home has a formal dinine rm, family rm. 3 balhs and tot.ala: aver 2500 sq fl i:n living space. The prict' has just been reduced to $35,500 and Can be purchased on VA or FHA terms. Call ux to set ~bt away, . COATS .. . WALLACE REALTORS -54"4141- (0p1:n £v1nin91) at $23,950 hard to find bar- gain~? Better hurry!! Call now. 645·0303 at Harbor Center 2299 Harbor Blvd., C.M. 3 UNITS S29,950 !ncomr $420. a month -- .Eastside Costa Mesa near golf course. 77 x 150 Lot, Spanish style with court· yard & patio & a bltin BBQ. Call to sec: Newport •I F airview 646-8811 (anytime) Catalina .View Spec 5 Bednn, 3 baths, ram . ily rm, w/sepa.rate wing, (ideal for in-laws or teenag. en). Dining rm. delxe elec bltins, with brk!st area. Ex- ceptional large closets & storage . Lachenmyer Re.1 ltor ·story, 1 yr old 5 BR, 3 BA, Harbor· View. t:li11i e ;Purpose Room. White water w/w crpting, drps, blt-ins, Eastside,Special arch designed, pool 1ize lot, THIS IS THE ·PLACE!! • 25 Years Experience vie\\'. Bit-in oven, range • ~ mi to beach. p;o mo. u · end of cul~e-.saC; l BJk Most fabulous vlew of bay & e FREE APPRAISALS ·dishwasher. Balanced 549--0377 before S; 9fi8..4076 nusua.J., diUerent • .adaptable. Back an .. , 2700 Sq ft, din 4 BR 2" ba H/F 2 Bedroom + 11x19 detach. &.>OJ ocean. · ..v ·• e NO OBLIGATION power. Carpeting, $27,900. after 6 «l'sleeping room i;: 16 x'"32 nn, sm Sl'wlng~rm·oi office, pool, cov. patio:~ may • WE BUY EQUITIES ~A-~ o-w-no 499-3006 orlNR--oce-a_n_tro_o_I_, -.....,_ --.. -.-, worka""-. Bi .. "S)!2 lo' Hur· fam/kit 30 ~. 14, liv rm carry 1st trust deed. BRASHEAR REAL TY ...,.__.. °"' 2 Ba dlx bo · ........ '6 t.,. .. w/beamed ceilings & frplc SEMPLE 847..ssm Eves. 642-0427 · DI. • • view me. rY -only $26,500. • Mother-in-law suite wtseP REAL ESTATE San Clemente 1710 $275 Mo. Adults only, Agt. ~ 54&·5110 entrance $51000. 546-1544 2515 E. Coast Hwy. 1f15'2101 6~c% VA LOAN 4M-54S8; 675-8800 IC_~ 0_~7,~ New. Di.p' I exes This .!se~~~;t lt has 4d!~w:~;~~1~~ =: T~i~~~::r!°mm ~:; sio~ <~::y 4~~9:,. Rio. s6methlng special, witli' 3. oul. Beaut mirrored living View Homes. Xlnt terms Refrlg. Fenced. Garage. "'l=:i=:i=:l::::Z:==:i=:i=:i/Near beach. Open SAT & rm. Pymnts $208 per mo. Lots . From $7,000 Kids & pets ok, Bkr . Iii • SUN 25th & 26th. Owner/ bdrms., l~' ba., trplc,, car. P.J.T.I Extra amenities arc; Apt. rentals • from '$135 S34-6980 lSQ> Newport Blvd., CM 5 Units & Low Interest Builder. 642-2020. <204 & 206 J>E;l" &. dra~s. ~!size. lot % mi, 10 beach, schools easy GOLDEN TRIANGLE "LAKE--FR-O~NT--· -Lal<-.-,,-.-,.-,, CALL 646-3928 Eves. 64.2-2237 2 Bedroom <'ach with garages 33rd St, at Balboa Blvd., '1'1th some view & 1S priced walk shopping cenlc , 1% mi. Realty e 492-2030 n e iv 2 br. 2 ba, fishing, & private yards. $53,000 with N.8.) to sell, $43,500, Call to~! ' • A"" N. El r--I-Real boat' 1 t · .,~ $15,(0) down, balance al ~c;..===--~-MORGAN REAL TY I' ...,,. ........,, "" ing, poo • enrus, ..,.,., !! Money Mach1'ne ·"· $350 mo incl 71h"'-interest *CH ARMING \\'aterfront 673-6642 675-6459 BY OWNER -T _yn young, I='"°,,..,· -"""-:=-=,....,· --Wells-Mee· ci1'~ Rlt · home. 515 3Gth St., N.B .. :WU E. Coast Hwy., CdM t'2-447t l:=1546-110J nr bchs, stores, 80\Jth side, $165-Cozy 2 BR. Fncd yard •r '• rs. J BR. 3 BA, large patio. 1 Id 6 Beautiful Wlils produce $880/mo gross income, Top shape • pride of ownenhip property • no junk. Room to build 2 more units. Price and terms for last sale. Call 540-1151 for pll details. Needs Work? Hl'tt's a "fixer-upper" of the 1st magnitude • you n1ust sre it~ A good floor plan in Mesa Verde Cambridge Ser. ies \\'ilh additio1111.l, attrac- ~ lHlO Newport Blvd., C.f..1. Pier & float. Terrllic buy 2 br, 1 ba, b l·inl. shag for ds & pet. Nice area. 548-7729 644-0684 Eves. at $65,000. PANORAMIC VIEW $21,950 cptg, painted, little garden-Broker. 645--0lll JONES REALTY 6'13-6710 2001 Bayside Dr, Beaut. eC°LOSE TO B°EACH• Ing. fruit trees, fenced yd, $12S-2 BR. Duplex. R/O. shake roof l·sty. 3 Br. -1 ba. 3 Bednn, fam!Jy nn, 1%. $25.!XXI. Would exch. for Avail. now. EASTBLUFF waterfront home, xlnt swim· baths, fireplace. New paint Duplex or ?? \Vrlte Daily Bkr. Active. 534-6980 5y,o;. Loan For You! 4 Bd, 21h Ba, fam nn w/f""l. ... h N 1 -• P ilot, Box P-151 .,. ming ~ac . ew y 1=ieco~. fntlde & out. Boat door, lge ==~~~-~~-1 5 BR. 3 Ba. Near beach, l-lu.ge family room. entry S5000 dn, $375 mo. tolal. L~! $175,<XXJ SHOWN BY APPr. patio, assume Jo"' 'interest. LOVELY Residence 2 story, w/falbulous ocean view . hall, 3 bdrm .. ''-"Ira h!i!hs, 3 yrs to qualifiE!d buyer. 2'.>01 Bill Grundy, Re altor Vacant. 4 BR, 2 full 2 hall baths, $350 Mo. 494-54S8; 675-8300 dining nn .. buill·in~. yard Bamboo. Open Sat & Sun. 833 Do 0 NB 642-4621 BRASHEAR REALTY Pvt access beach. Mag with sprinklrrs, subject to Owner 644-1450. vrr r., · · 847-8507 Eves: &IZ..0421' vie~· $69 ,500. o'wne; $145-Lrg 2 BR. Duplex, 5~~% loan. 540-1720. THE BLUFFS 3 Bd 3 OPEN DAILY 2-S 114-871-9300 by app't. crpts, stove, oonv. location. TARBELL 2955 Harbor bath, split level~' on :228HAZEL DR. SPACIOUS LOVELY4bdrm,2ba,many1-Bro_•o_•._64.>-0_·_u_1 __ ~ LIDO SANDS gree nbelt . Cuslom Enjoy the sut1 at Little Cor. 'I'rl·lrvel hon1c with 4 Bed. extras, ocean view. Finest 3 Bedroom s decorated & immaculate. ona lrom this cust. built rooins, 2 baths + family rm Location, $38,750. South 2 Baths, buill·ins Large kitchen. S 37, 9 00. home. & formal dining rm. Take Coast Realty. 494-4346. 2 Story -m> sq ft of living $2G.500 644-0575 aft 6 pm Wttkday11 DON V. FRANKLIN over 5~ FHA loan. Owner area in absolute gorgeous George Williamson DON'T MISS BLUFFS REAL TOR \Viii help finance. Capistrano Beach 1730 condition. Qu.tet street· close REALTOR Exquisite 3 Br, 2~~ ha, \.\-el e 673--1222 e The Reel Estate Mart to xchools. 3 Bedrooms, $25,950 Coste Mesa 31100 ·---- MASTER CHARGE '!!!~!'"'!!!!""'""""'""'""''I live, pa!+C'lied room in de· Costa M--iarhl'd garage. $32.900 or 673-4350 645.1564 E ves. bar, dbl ovens, automatic 147-&531 Custm 3 Bd, 2 Ba + guest family room & buie bonus HARBOR VIEW HILL$ -~=="'==-I 1 ea• kit•· roo Le·· S300 c·" LAKEFRONT. l..ake 1'~orest \Valer softener. By Owner. INSTANT HOME rm Y.' sep • Cuen m. ...,e . mo. IW New 2 hi', 2 ba. Compare $45.000. Ph. 644-0985. LUSK· $45,900 $l'6 PAYS ALL $36,900 low down 496-3377 545-8424. South Coast ·Real Almost new 3 Br, 2 Ba + Estate. mkt prices & sa,·c! Owner: *BLUFFS -Choice com. xtra lrg: fnm nn, !iv., din. Squeaky clean 1l.1ld ready lo ~-offer! Charmer-$21, I 00 Dana Point 1740 may not \vork • but f'very. thing else will. FHA low down, VA no dOY.1l or con. ventional. Popular Eastside model, 2 + den & family. near shop!! A schools, cul. de-sac location with boat ~. Priced at o n I y $25.9Sl. Ca.II 540-ttrit for further details. 5•6·5110 494-8463 view lot. 3 Br. 2 Ba. I level nn. Estate like privacy. move into with plush carpets LCE 4 Bednn It lam, 1~ On a tree lined street in Costa (l!fffelntmllheltrt) \\•a.lled patio, cus. extras & drapes ~ughout. Buy BA home in College Park. Mesa, you'll find this 3 bed-LLEGE REALTY Sa·-" . ••1.950 .... •¥•. Lush green lawn. ~aut. ~-OPEN SUNDAY $250 mo .. Avail 5'-l•'lll. Call l~=I WDWI $20,500 A real cutie in a,pple pie or· der. Owner going overseu and must sacrifice this 3 BR b taut y. Convenient to acbo01s & shl:>pping, Com- pletely fenced reur yartl, 2 BA plus bll·in11. PA1JLoWBt11' CAINABAN aa.&LYT co. '~ C M • ., '" .., ~~....., I ·-'• ~ Room for tennis sub1'ect to low 6112 FHA loan room doll howie. For a total .....u Adlms llHl•,CM. osta esa 1100 BY OWNER·. BLUFFS CON· arow:ocal"'"· and total """"'ent of only Ray Gault, Herlta1e Real of $(i()O, it can be yours, Jt's ~ 00 2 2 .__ court&: pool, 995 Sandcastle 1166 •-th ... Submit with 10 A.M~·S P.-M. Estate 540-1151 (open eves.) beautifully landsca""'"' with 4 UNIT S . Br, den, ~ ut<, Dr. 64+'.H.:.S. a. mon . ~~ I + 511 ~-Ida"·-ONLY •'> IJOO Down 33890 Alcazar Or. 3 BR. Townhouse, 2 bath two private patjos and lots 1-3 Bdrm .. 3-2 Bdrms. Xlnl QUALITY BUILT uxury · ,.. • .,n ..... u. 2 good houses on double Jot, ..,, · pan&, NB Eves 644-2861 WE SELL A HOME Last MW 2 fa mily crpts, drps, bltns. $225 mo. or trees. Ca.II tonite. Open rental area. 3 tenants O\'l'r 3 F ONL y $27 500 · · · So. or Hwy., CM.I. OWner, EVERY ll MINUTES Studio Duplex Adults, older chi! d r e n , • tilt 8:30. 1 ye-ars. Ideal propcrt:; for ""·al ~r l\a 'r ts BY OY.'ner -beautifully kept $58,500. 673-c169 & L \Vlth 2 bedrooms. LIVE ON,~"""=~566==--~--0\.\'llCr lo livl' in & rent 3 . .., .. n c nn ':'mp 1men View. 3 Br, 2 Ba, fam Wa Iker ee " Crossing $6.4&>. A s k 1 n g U1ia adult occupied home, 3 rm. Sl3,9,)(), Good loan. Balbo. Penlns ule l300 ONE SIDE, RENT THE HALECR.EST -3 Br, den, SS3.000. For additional Info. Bedroom!!, 2 baths, beauti-64&-6785 01lfER SIDE. PRICED 2 Ba, cpts, dps, bllns, $225 call owner/Broker fully landscaped yard, brickl-===-=:=:::::::::::::::::::= VAci:NT _ Nr. Tennis club, Reallon RIGHT! 90% nNANCJNG mo. (11 735-!H32, 842-TI53 2629 HARBOR BLVD. CHI T OB N fireplace, large screened pa. boat ramp. swim'g bch, 4 7682 Edlnaer AVAILABLE. L R I ETT tlo &: .all bltin kitchen. Per· Newport Hei""'t s 1210 A d '-1 540-5140 842-4456 Or Cell M ike Bayor 546-8640 REAL TOR 645-0128 .If" BR. 3 B . en, u 1' c. feet cul-de-!lac location. With 40xl00' lot. $55,000 Frank FOR aa.Je by owner: Sol Vista (213) 278.J61l OPEN EVES TILL 8 :30 W E AR A MASK • • ru dO\vn VA ~r low do\\11 WALL TO WALL r-.Iarthall Realty, 675-4li00 hom~. 4 Br, 1% ba, bltins, !:::=======:::. ' When you "steal" lhi11 • BR. FHA tenns avail can Lan-y .-hrdwd Ont, ....... t, &: drps Duplex•• for Sale 1975 pool ' home. Party patio; 54G-U5l Herit~ Real Es'. Storage, thnt is. King size 20">::50', MOij,ll.E HOME on thruout. Ne.;·" shop. cir, gourmet kitchen. \\11'.''tt sur. late (open eves) rooms. 3 BR, 3 bath, huge BAY. Adults only, bO pets. schoots & oolle~. Pay down Cd1'f. 2 houses, garden, CHEERFUL 2 BR., garage, No pets. Adults. Slto mo. 713 W. WllAon. 548-2802. $235-3 BR. Condo. 2 BA. Shag crpts. Drps, bl tna. Jmmed. Occuri. 546-61.!H • --•·r at "".SOO. · rumpus rm. w/frpl, View SlS,500. 67>3674 , 1 ".v. ,.,_ • •::i: 000 17000 •---' "''n"' .,,., I· to existing oan • .,.,.lfJ inter, _., · """""· N rt 8 ch 3200 Taki' your choitt. !3) 2 Bed· Hal P inchin & Assoc. SPARKLING 3 br, l~ ba 1 ~ rm. w/unusual ~"?°'1 847....5845. Bkr 67$-fi0t4, 642-3223 .~•;;.!f!;:;.;;;;;;•;•;;;:;;;;;;;1 roo1n condoniiniuma in 3 REALTORS cwtom home, cul-de-sac, bummg !rpl. Best T pt. Lido l sle 1251 RENTALS I lights Joe 149 950 -BY Owner; Exec. Home, 4 DOYER SHO oi.,;.., locatloo" All ""'"'· 3900 E. Coru>t Hwy, 6™'92 ram. rm w/;sland klJ. ·. · · • OUTSTANDING Hou101 Fumlohod · RES perfect condiOon. 6'7o Lolln , Loadi of cupboards. In the Univen1$)1 Realty 6'J3.4j10 br. 2 be, den, hea~ pool, available. All bltins . KOtJre-PRUDENCE PAYS low $40's. Open house Silt 3001 E. Coast Hwy., CdM Custom Built Hom e volley ball court, 2 car tar. General 2000 Enjoy a mountain View A ous crpU & dl'P!I Pool &: Do )IO\I WI.Ill the fil1C!ll tor & Sun (l-S), J.rl Vista Baya. NEWPORT HE I G HTS 3 BR. 4 ba, It powder rm. near beach. A stW Iii -· ·------poolside living in this IPA<> clubhouse prlvll~. C&lJ tbr lcastesl! 4 Bdrm.<t, tam. 642-4580. rambling ranch sl;)'le 3 Conv. playroom: tremendou11 $30,000. 536-8900. ~ 1 BR, Duplex. AvaU illus 5 beodroom home, Al1 545-842A, •· rm, townh0u.1't,. lmrnnc. BY OWNER Bed.rm. shake roof, frplc. Uv. rm. & mstr. BR, Lge. 3 BR HOME, xlnt cond ., now. Yard for peU. BScr. ~~bic Wrarlalklant heat: 3\' 11)93 Baker, C.M. ~16-M40 l\Vc Alt0 have A 2 Bdrm.) $28900 Klng&ard R.E priv. patio, Xlnt loc, Owner fitpl, w/w cpt1. Lovely yd. Active,~ · ·in Mt bU', 3 /:;c::::::::::::: :1 e Bill H aven, R lt r. JA\1}\y dt'COrt11ttd 3 BR., 2 Mt' 2.2Uz. ' , w/rintU'ICf! if desired. \Valk to schl1 & shopping, sna: Utll pd, l BR. !~-er Car electric pn.ge, AD on FOR SALE..$56 650 21U E. Coa,t, Cdt\f 673-.'\211 ] BA .. ideal location. FHA a~ A Steal At Thla Price R. C. GREER Refl1ty $32,750. 84~2G!lt .Cplex. Yanf. Family. Bia'. 190 ft. deep lot. Owner Pt'YI 20lS-ICEWAME E 22nd ST. BACK BAY praised S26,!l00. \V~I . '!!11 $20,500. 1 Br. By °"11er. All 33S6 Via Udo 673·9.100 OPEN HOUSE SUN. <1.S) Acttve. 53.f-G980 pool & prdf'n ·mainttnanct. Irvine Terr act Onf• 11.r.tt Incl . 2 nrK> hOu~~ FHA: VA "" tr1tde. ~2.j:n 6 A-wkends 6-1&-Sl.60. DECORATOR'S 8422 Danbury Ci re I e, ~v:-;1~1e~sc~ =:on::. aD• - 4 .BR. 2* bllhl, !anal room. EAST Ir 11 to1 to build on. These 3 or 557·9116. ~ HOME Assumable rnA loan on S Renta ls to Shere 2005 MACNAB-IRVINE Elu, Jdtchf!n A a1J bit-ins. BlUFF parcels are iiu.b-divirled, BY OWNER Ba y cre1t 122l Be1.t1IUl.itly dont', $ Bdnns. Br, 2 Ba, many xtru.1--,-------· Rel\lty ComPll'IY Low Land Leul!. Call MAKE AN OF"FER! ()pl!n House, 497 Abbie Way. Family rm. Xlnt street to i .,;.!16;;2-~7-"425C,..~---~ BACHELOR \Vlll tM.re Nwpt (7l 4 ) '4!-123' CURT -, Realtor • Bill H•ven , Rlttt. it Irvine, Fri .. Sat. Ir sun. BAYCREST. Nol Jeate.d . street '5 ft. lot. JUSI' Completed-9 Unit irgtiis hOme w/vklw. l\fUlt 90l Dovtr Drlw, suite 220 llUolll OPEN DAI LY 1-5 2111 E. Const, CdM 673-3211 tl.S) 132.500. -down re. land. ! BR. 21; &tho, LR. • $98.500 AptU'tmMI. Wa~ to be.lei>. = ... =ID=iap:Op:-:roc.=61&-4112==·=~ I 171 4) 675-3210 1'730 w. 0:a:ut Hia:h""'Y 821 CAMPHOR quired. }1-f.A 6'-' loan avail. Xtn lam f•mlly tm, DR. L IDO.REAL TY INC. h:t owner tax advanf.aie. Coste Mesa 2109 1080 B4.Yt\de: Drive &G-8472 EVtt. mJ.168 1 PntOO ~""" market at SZZ ,500 673-0218. Bte11.kt••t. la.rs-ldtchc.n .1'l37 Vla l Jdo m-m THE LINDBORG co. Newport Beach ~.OX!'. 5 BR. + family rm. Bll.Ys w1 brautlfuJ 2 Bc<li·m 1 •3 BR. 2 BA. Cul-de-sac. 642-4589 EXTRA CHARMING e 536-2579 e 2 BEl>IW, hrdwd Jlool'8, ~ YA.rd "-rm, for J)OOI. a. den, fref'C.h Otr. condo. Bltns, crpU;, <1.rps •. frplc, nNE Bl)•crrst Four BR '4 BR, 3 BA home on 35' lot. BY OWNER: 3 Br. 2 Ba. t91c. a:blt cond. Eut CM. Cf1rnp. <.'Ptd; I: draped, A Alllluml' S'lf\ FHA loan. I lndacaped. Assum~, 5'4% home for rate or trade. ~r bey on Lido. $63,SOO. crpl.s, ftp~ bllins. 6~..t':-: Rb SJJ.~. tarigurd RF. rLust .-e ... t~ll,)'f _ PE RRON" 642-lnl f1£A or refinance. ~.7.iO, Stcluded atrte.i. large yard, Ken Brittlnaham. Pete Bar-GI. $2W' mo. 129,900. Mf 2--2222 !icrnk-Propernei 61;;J>Si26 I Owner. ~98. ~&--Om rett Really, ~. 81&-2114 '--'---'-------' SMALL film. 1 BJt cottap1 .Eut Costa ¥esi. Shower AVAIL. MAY JJt. ! Br .• 21ii only, $135 incl 11\f It utU. BA. TO\\'n home. Swtmmtn& 1 ad\llt only. ~ cvt&I pool. $300 Month wkMI Hal Pltlohln Jteal(M 67$-4S92 CAJLV PllOf U RINTALS RINTALS lliNfALS lllNTALS . ' A1h••t-.1...., ....... .U., .......... Apia. ,..........,_ Apia. fvml....., Apll. Uofyml ...... Apto. _umvml....., Phones Are· Open 1:00 a.m. • 5:30 p.m. 9 to Noon S.turd•y -Closed S"""•Y DIAL DIRECT ••• 1>42-56.71 , WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540-12l0 Huntl"flton BM<h: 540-1220 L .. u.. llNch: 4'4-9.4H San Cl-ta: 492-4420 Ho~r1-Re9ulation1-Deadline1 • lltlOIS: MvertlMn llteuW check their Ht Ally .... ~ IMMM"'91y tftWt Or mllclutlflcatfen&. THI DAILY PILOT.....,... llaMtltJ t.r...,.,. Nly N tht ut.nt 91 llUWlahlnt th. .n .. tt.wt c.-r'Mtly w tltM. Adults Only 2 BR. 2 bath .,,Ut r.v.t 1225 AVAILABLE NOW ""' • Buch _R..il)'. lJle. !IOI Dover Dr., Suite lll NB COSTA MESA'S FINm. "NEAR THE IEACH" I 2 BR. Ideal tor 2 me.ti. -· Adulu ooJ.y, Pool. siso. 1993 O!.Utth. 548--9633 merrllllac lush lind1capln9 w/ lS' Pine ft••i, 1parklin9 w•+•rfall1, bubbling ' 1frNm1 I · t•r•n• pond• make Marr1mac Woods iha,placa to five . That• DIADLINI FOR COPT AND «:ILLS: 5:'9 P;M. -~ ..,.,.. ,..llutieft, ean,t f.,.Menfty IAlltlM wheft ._.HM ll"S.tvrUy;.12--. "5-m> .,,.._ -. . lachelor, 1 " 2 leclrootns Completely Fmilshed frolll $140 laho unfurnished· avallable I I 1 BR new, beaut. furn. ~to. to mo. Adult. only. ml Elden, ~ eves. NICE 1 BR. Dplx. Qultt tep by ~z. 1 adult over JO. No petL SU..1001 I & 2 IR1 2 IA, furn. or unfurn. apts fa~tura air-co11d, 1tlf.claanln9 ovens, btam cailin91, dl1hw1shar1, prlv. 9ara9• w/ttora9a, elevators, 10•• therapeutic pool, swiM poo~ __ l!~'s, 1auna1 & a lovely clubhOusa w/1oclal actlY1t1a1. YOU MUST HA.Va KILL 'UMllltr Whlft ldll ...... H'· ...... ., ..,SCk "9Uttli. .. ..,... ............. ., "" ldlli ......... ''"" .,.. .., ,.... ...... .. RENTALS-Pool1i de or Bayfront. 2 1-3 BR apts ll twnhst, ~ Up. Nt. 646--0732 wertfkatten ., '"' an. Adults only, no pets • Luxuriously Furnished IY..,. .rfwt Is ...... t• klll W C9"'tCt • HW .. tfult hf:I ltlM enl ... ; Mt WI Cl"~ net tU11'1lfttw ,. 4• • until th• .. hu .,,..._ Ill HM ,.,... NeW!IOrt Heights 3210 0 All Eloctrlc Aportmonto •'riv•,. Gira ... $90 incl utll. Small apt. nr. .J I I ~ •i •o $Z 10 15th &: Newport. Sin:&:le A<aiu ts p ••••· rTOm • ., ~ • adult. 642-5583. -· • 2 sw1 .... 1., Pools 11-teoO 0 IMlviduol '•tlcoo '~ ~-. ~~·w~~roll _ ·~ -~ pa pd. as-.8911 or Mi-3319 ----::r NEW 2 BR. 2 llA. fam, bllnl, ref. Grdnr iricl. Av. May l $2!IO. ....... (:!13) 459-lf(IJ TM DAILY PILOT,...., .. ,, the ~t ft c.....,,.~ .. It, Ceetttf! w Nfw uy ....... =°"=======J "-'*"· W '.' c,..,._ th raht anti retvl•tt.M wU.....,. ...t.r: •Mfkt. University Park 3237 . " ...... PLUS ......... * NO RATE INCREASE for Summer * c;.,,..,.u, MOVE.IN Allowonce 1 BR rum Apl Adult> "°l•N·e·w-peoiirt-·lo_o_ch __ .S2IO __ J llo-w~.,..._rt_. .............. .S210 .. ;1 pet!. S60 mo. can 548--1356. 1816 Fullerton Aw. Miii Mill,_.: In 1175, Newpert luch, Catlftrftl• CLASll,llD COUNTIU aN lec..W •• felS.W.: 4 BR. townhouse , , • • • • $340 3 BR. townhouse ••••• , $285 2 BR. townhouse , , , • • • $275 Newport leech * Speclol -I Month's PREE RINT 4200 NOW RENTING Beautiful new 2 BR. 2 bath units with quality carpets and drapes. Planned for privacy + frplc., outside living areas, pool & recrea· tional facilities. Jn the bear t of NeWJ)Orl; Beach. Easy access to shOpping -beach - freeways. $275 to $300 . : ..... COME SEE ...... Newport looch COSTA MESA NE\.YPORT BIACH 330 W. BAY 2211 W. BALBOA 3_Bdnn. house .......... $300 ' Bdrm. holl!le •••••••••• $315 HUNTINGTON BEACH 17875 ·BEACH BLVD. LAGUNA BEACll 222 FOREST AVE. 0 Red Hill • Rulty Univ. Park Center, Irvine Call--GRAND 1760 Pomona, Costa Mesa • SAN CLEMENTE -305 N. EL CAMINO REAL Daily Pilot Classified lrvlne 3231 FOR Lease by Own@r. New home. 4. BR, 2 BA. Fam rm. Cpts, drps, frplc. Xtn. Jup &an.at· L&ndscaped, Pool, 'l!IW~Ol~I ~of!!!!!Ne!!l!!!wiC!!irt!ii'i!!!!""!!t!!!w"n 17th & 11th St.I RENTALS ~ Hou••• Unfurniihecf Gener1t 4000 OPENING IMMEDIATE 101 AMIGOS WAY OPEN DAILY 1·5 (Off Jamboree & Eastbluff Road) IOYD REALTY 641617 675-5930 CLASSIFIED INDEX Lo9un1 Niguel 3717 REP.IARKABLY HOUSES FOR SALE RENTALS t•MnT, ~ "" rec &: clubhouse priv. i.usi·Vl-EW-Ol-..,-,-,-""""'--·-3-B-,-. 2 1• AJttt. Furnished g::;.~~~ uc.. ::_ mo. Water pd. 83.1-2!17 aft 5 Ba. 2 yr lease. References UNBELIEVABLY · RENTALS EXTRAORDINARILY OCCUPANCY Apto. Furnished Coste Mete lllO ------CllNIUL COSTA MISA MISA OIL MAii MIU VllDI! C:OLLIOI PAJtlC NIWl"OIT 11!-'CM NIWPOltT HEIGMT1 IALIDA C:OVIES NIWl"OIT SMOflll IATClllT IATSMOllES OOYl!llt SHOllS WllTCLl,I" MAllOll MteltU.MOI UflllVlllSrn' PAik lllVINI llCK IAY IAIT'ILU,JJ •• T-. IRY IN• T'lfllACI COlltONA Ol!L MAii IALIOA l"l:N lltSUl.A ll!ACOfll IAY l..llilOA ISLIE llT ISL.AMOS LIDO ISL• IALIOA ISL.ANO MUHTIJIOTON ll!ACN MUHTIJIGTON MIJllOVI ,OUMTAIN YALLIT SllAl. llACM SUlilSl'T 111.t.CM GAllOEfll OltOYI LONO llACM 1.AKIWOOO OllAfllOI COUllTY OUT 01' COUNTY OUT Ofl STATE STAM'TO• WISTMllllJTlll MIDWAY CfTT SANTA AHA SANT A ,.,.... Hel'S. OUJl•I fUSTIN lllOllTM TUff'lll ANAH•IM 11LVlllADO CMIYotl NAVASU LAKI! U.DUMA HILL.I U.OUHA lllACM LAGUNA MtGUl!L MISSION VllJO 1.\N CLll:A!l!'NtE l.\M .IUAN CAP1STltAHO CAl"ISTllAMO llACM DAMA l"OINT OCt:AMllOt: U.N OllGO lllVEllllDE COUHTT MOUSl!I TO •• MOVl'D COflOOMIHIUM OUPLIXIS 1"01 SALi Al'AllTMIEMTt l"Clt IA.LI RENTALS Hou111 Furnished GIMlll.\L •lfllTAL.I TO IMAltl COSTA MllSa MllA OE L MAit lolESA VlllOE COLLIOI! PAltlC fllEWl"OJtT llACM NIWPOlltT MOTS. Mt:Wl"OllT SHOllh IAYSHOllliS OOVl!lt SNOllS Wl11CLll"I" UNIYl!lllITT l"AllC lllVIMa aACK aAT l!MT ILUFP II Te .. llYIMI: Tl!ltltACI! tOltOMA OIL MAii IALIOA IAY ISL.ANOS LIDO ISL• IALIOA llUllO NUNTtNGTOM l l ACM ,OUMTAIN VAUl!Y SIEAL llACH LONO IUCM OllAHGI COUlllT't' s.MTA AMA #llTMIMl Tlllt MIOWAT C:f1Y SANTA AMA HllGMTS COASTAL U.GUHA llACH t.AGUNA HIOUll.. MISSION VtlJO IAH CLl!MEllTI UJf JUAlil CAl'ISTllAND CAl'llTltANC l •ACH OANA POINT •IY•llSID• COUNTY ~ACATK>N ltlMTAL.J t OftOOMINIUM OUPLIXll ,UIM. RENTALS 11• otM•llAL ....... R ... ,.-c, ...... ,.,,. tar wkdys, anytime wknd•. req'd Owner_496--M~~ lltl COl'IA MIU ... CAlll"IT UVIH• • IEl!'All ... or write P .O. Box 427 Dana .... nao. u1• o•• .. 111•1Ea ... East Bluff nn lllf M•Wl"OllT •IACM fM DIMOllTIOM ... ----------Point, Cal. 93i29 Ull lillllfll'Olt'1 Mllletrn 011 n•.&t<TINe llllYICI Ml' -;========::. lW N.wl"DllT l*WtQ 4t11 DllY'WALL u• 2826 CATALPA St. 4 BR, -· - 1211 wt1STCL.11"11t m1 t:1.11.11ticA&. "41 2 BA. $400 mo. Incl Mlst'°'1 Vleje 3711 ltll UMIYllUIT'I' PAllk ttV IQUll"MllMT II MT Al• "fl •• ~ ... r •~ .. t••. o •• •·t _ -----IOI &A.Ck I.AT n41 fllMCINe UM tlSUI: • ,,.. -""""' .-ltD ....., •LUPI" nn l'\.DOlll "" • Sun. &U-1437 Owner. LAGUNA Hills. frwy turn 1121 CO.OMA o•L MA• ttM l"UJtNACI 11111A111,. o:· uJt of( to La Paz Rd. New, 1221 SALIOA Oii l"UllNITVlll ltllSTOlllNG •-4 •-• ~t · int •AY 1sLA1101 '* a 1111"111111N1Q ..,. HuntlngtMI leach 340I vn::w, .xurm. U}' e, in IHI LIDO m.I an .... OININ• .... family rm. Crpl!, drps, IU1 ULSOA ISU.1110 uu ••NlllAL SlllVICIES "" landscaped. Lease $29$ mo. ::: :::'.J.~:O:~~" :,: :~:~•• DltCtN• = SHARP, spacious 2 11tory, Avail June ht. Call for ,,.. HAL IUC'IC ...... •11••• TMUMI '* 3 er 4 Bedrm1, tam rm, appt. IMI L.Ofill• llACN 4111 •UN lHOP .,,. eustom crpts &: dl'Jll all '"""""=""""--.,.---,--~ ...... OllAd• COUMTT ... NIAL YN CLUll .,.. • 4 BEDRM beauty, wondutul '.. eAl:Hfll ••ov• .. 11 MAULIN• '"' blU.ns, newly de cc rat t d • · ,__u •• 1 ticn ., ___ .. ftlTMINnllt -Mlt MOUllCLIANtN• mt S275/mo. Ava 11 511. .....,...,. eca · .uzuu~. oc- 1* MIOWIY CITY .... UlnltlOlt OICCMlA'11H• '"' Herit .. -. n-a1 E ,, • ••. eup'y, ~ mo, Alt 546-4141 I• MMTA AMA .. ,. IMCOMI TAJC '1.&f ,..... '"' 1• SAlilTA AMA MlleHTS .,. 11t011, °""'......, 11c:. m. ~1151 (open ews)\ Condominium 1111 '1UITllil .... lltONINI '119 I.. COAST.... .,. IHll.IL.ATIMI ,,... FOR Lease 4 hr, 2 ba house. I• L.AeUlilA llACH 4'11 lflllUltlMCI •m $215. Except, dean. No U. U.CIUltA Ml.UIL Utt IMVllTteATUI.. ......... •711 : ... "· MISSION Vll.IO 4711 IAMITOll .... L mt pell. Located near Edinger ...... CL.ltMIEJlfT• "'11 JIWILllY lllPll .. ltrc:. .... I:. Bolsa Chica. Just So. ~~ SAM .IUAlil CAPllJTilANO 47U U.NOICAPlfll• '9JI cf l)o11ola11. Cail :i36-~. 7 ... CAPIS'TUNC llACH 41)1 LOCKSMITH '8lt ..., DAMA l"Olftt a1111 MAIO llltYIC• .............. lftS 1Pf TltlflLIJC. .ie. ..,. MASONJtY. a1uc11. ..,. :: COMDOMPOUM .,. MOVINI I stdllAll 11'1 Mil MOTILS ....... ,_,_,.. ......... 4''5 fllllfTIHI. .._.,......_ ... '.'' RENTALS PAllllTIN.. ..... •• .. PATIOS GU ;tU ADh. Unfurnished Ptt01oe11APMY ..,. ··-•••1"-t.L -PU.ITll .... .._. a.1r _. '"" COSTA Ml!SA 1M11 PL.UMSINe ... ""om MllA WltDI 1111 l"n' HOOM'" .. flllWl"OaT HAiCtf ,_ l"OOL S•1t¥tcl •11 = MIWPOllT Hl .. ll'n 1111 P'OWSI IWllflMe ... lUI Mlwrolt:T SltOlllS Im PUMP SlltYtcl ... I• WIST'CLl,fl ml ::::.".--., b._ _ = 1M =~:.~ PAD :: lllMOOILIJI• a llPA.. ... 1711 •An IW,I" 11a ltlMOOILntl, IUTClllPll llHll 3 BR. nr new. Bltns, crpt1, d1h1vhr, dbl gar. $210. Av. immed. 544-9506, ~1083 3 Br House, 2 ha, fenced yd, nr 11;ehls ~ Hunt. ahop- Pinr ctr. $225. 842.-3655 ~= COllf»IA NL MAI llM ,__ .._. .... ,,. ::~1:'u.N01 = :::::: MACMllill ltll'AllS = _I 3 BR. 2 BA. Fam, rm. lnl LIDO ISLI SUI lll"Ttc T.tMkl,.....,.. lie. HU • 2 BR., 2 Story Townhouse. 11! ... <rpt., lrplc, pool ~. dbhle privil. 897-5.\U. UNF. 2 Br., $t., ..... au. patio. No pets. 1 Sm. child OK. S145 Mo. 540-3862' :: MUNTIHGTOM llACM ..... TAILOJtlN• .,,. 2 frple. $23j mo. Crpts, 1141 ,DUM1'AIN VALI.IT Jell 1'111MIT• Cotl'11Gl = drps, bltns. 96l-8206. 1.,. • .._,°"' ISU.ftO ml ~:t:: f:: & ~ _,, =l~B~R.""'~=-----.,.-,-~~--~ 1m SIAL llACH .. ,. n:•• •••VIC• .... ""1<1UU· Patio; carport, I .. LotlO t•ACM Ult ~ .. -•• <Jee ap·"··-· -• IM Ol!AMGa. COUMT'T -TIU:Vll ._ lfrc. "*' -.U .,...... ... -=. rvw '... GAllOIN ••ov• Nll Ul"HCL.JTll• "" privil. $180 mo. 962--067 STll Wl!LOIHe '"1 1m Wl"Mlfll It NH WINODW et.aANIMe .,. .• - -MIDWAY CIT'I' .... F I v ·-S.IMTA AMA "" JOBS & EMPLOYMENT eunte n el,.y 3410 -"" ... "" 1111 t!ll ... .... "" "" "" -"" -"" "" "" "" ... -"" "'' ... ... 1411 ... .. , .. 1•11 Hit SANTA AMA lilllGMTS M• T\llTIM Uilll .I09 WAMTIO. --COA"AL mt .t09 WANTIO. --U.OUfllA llAClil 17" .tOI WMTID. LAGUNA NIGUEL .f7l1' Mllll a WOMIJI ftlt MllllON Vll.IO 1711 ICMoot.I I IHITllUCTIOll 1 ... IUI CLIMIHTI 171t JOS P1t•PAUTIOM 1Ut SAN JUAN CAl"IST11ANO 57U TMIATalCAL "" ;~~!T:::T 11!ACH ::: MERCHANDISE POR REAL ESTATE , SALE AND TRADE G I ,UINfTUJt• -en•r• O,llllC• l"UllilrTUll Mll TllPLIX. .it. tM 0''1C• IOUll'MIMT •n CONDOMlflllUM nll STOit• IQUl .. MINT •II lll!H1'A~ WA!n'IO Ifft CA,., llSTAUUlff •14 llOOMS 1'011 lllMT MS U,11 1 .... ll'MlflT ll'IJ llOOM a IDAllO '"4 HCUllMOLD eooos ..,. MCTSLS. TllAIL•• cou•n ...., OAlll•• SAL• "" OUl!IT HOMIS '"' ,UllNl'1U•1 AUCTION _, MISC.. lllMTALI "" lPl"Lh\NCU 11• INCOMI PllOPlllTT "9t .IMTtQUIS '1tl IUllNISl ,JtOl"lltTT ... s•WtN• MACMIHll lltl :~:~~::.':::~AL = :~·~~~LI i::i:~~INT :;: Ol"l'ICI JtlM'1AL •U• IADIO nM INOUSTlllAL PJtOPllTT ''" TllL.IYlllOJI -COMMl!ICIAL "" tfl·'• • ST•llO nu HOJl.fE Fer Lea.st, by owner. 3BR, 21iiBA. Cpts, drps, firepl11.ce, built-in~. db I 1arage. Ltndscaped. Nr school!!. Avail June 1. S250 mo 842-2035 eves DLX Conde, @'.> aq. fl .. rum· pus nn + 2 1rt BR's, \.\•alk in closets, 2 BA 's + bar kit. wf bltm. Crpts, drps. Pool, tennis I: dubbse. S265 mo.96S-400! 4 BR.. Bltns, erpts, drps, frplc, blk wall fncd yrd. $240 mo. 963-.2790 Laguna Be•ch 3705 INOUlTlllAL llMTAL Utt tAPI lllCOJtDl:ltl Im I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;:;:;;:;::;;;. LDTS '1• CAMllAI a EOUIPMINT UU I• llANC:Mll .iJe MOllT SUPl'LllS -CITltUS OltOVIS U7S Sl'OlltT!NI COOOS UM ACll•AO• •ltf llNOCULAlll, lCOPll ISJ.t LAK• ll.JllilOlll "'' MIKll..LAN•OUI Mii 111.SOllT PllOfllln •HJ \OSC. WAMT•D .. 11 OllANOI CO, PlltCl'EllTY •2'1 MACMINl!llY, lie. 1/ff 3 BORMS. & DEN Fireplace, carpets, dra.P", bullt·ln klk~. A Fint fam- ily homr. RENTALS Aph. Furnished General , 4000 Single Adults Lwnuyomgi<,1A2bod- ~ ard ~n::~':1"1~~ complete privacy and land- llC8ped country club atmos. pbere includine $750,000 \l.'Ol'th of recreatioNLI. facil- itlel designed llDl: operated just fer · •ln&le people. Renh From $145 to $300 Immediate Occupancy Mo. to fl.to. Lea:e Avail. ANAHEIM 211 So. Brookhurst (1 blk. So. ct Lincoln) <n4> 1'J2...t500 GARDEN GROVE 13100 Chapman Avt . (4 bike w. Santa Ana.Fwy.) (TI4) 63&-3030 NEWPORT BEACH S80 mVINE AVE . IRVINE AND 16th CTI4) 66-0550 "" "" ... "" '"' ... OUT 0, STATll l"ltOfl. •Ha .UMll!I 11SI MOU•TAIM • 01s11T 111• sro11.ao1 am So·...... lay Club SUIOIVISIOlll U.MO 411t IUILDIMe MATElllALI 1••1 llTft lllAL ISTATS SlflVICI (711 IWAl'S mt I '."!"..,~~!"~"!'""'!"!! I Apartm nts S2G:i l\1onth • Lease l\flsSfON REALTY 494-0731 'Jll "" "~ "" ''" --... ::• •. •.:~~==• ::: PETS and llVESTOCK I ~ \'OU it AD IN ==-.,;.o--=-·'"°'=...,,-BUSINESS> Ind PI TS. e11t11t&~ t111 CLASSJF'TED! Someone will $87.50 lni:I. util. 1 BR. Nr. t••• 1r1 bl' lookht!l for t:. Dial 60-town, couple only. Broker. FINANCIAL 0001 1121 '16711: 645--0lll IUSIM•IS WAMTIO .. KOlllll en• IHVl'S'1Mllf1' Owwotwiltlto ~It LrY•ITOCk n• ~:J~~~·.:;';l~~111 !:; CALIFORNIA Ll'.-I NG MON•Y l'O LONI llHI fllUllll•l•I tf1t PlllOMAL LOAMI ... SWtMMI ... l'OOU lttt 'IWILllY LOAlll Gii PATIOS #If BEAUTIFUL' VJl.J)_'INrt G_erden ~· Luxury !larden a~U L~9un1 ~1ch _. 4705 Puttlna: · areen, Y.'atf!rfall 4r otterln~ complete prlvSC"Y.t---------- 1tream, flowers everywhere, beauWul landscaping l .:s· pool,' rec. room, bllPards, unparalleled rttttational BBQ'•. Sauna. tum.-unrum, facilities tn • country 1 I 2 Br. a1ao Singles from club atmosphere. New $135. See it! 3lOO Panons leaslna: in Newport Beach. Rd ., &t2-8670. &h11een Har- bor I Newport .2 Blk·N. l9tb Models open 10 am to 8 pm RENT FURNITURE $6 NIGHT & UP $30 WEEK & UP STIJDIO & 1 BEDROOMS TV &: Kitchenettes incl. Rents from $135.$310 Furnished or unfurnished $175. PER MONT!i BeautlM Ocean View Furnished 1 Br., Bachelor Carpets-Drapes.Sundeck 384 Cilf Dr, Laguna Beh r.tn. Stokes • Apt. B 494-2775., Mr. Dwyer '437-6204 * * FREE Apt Rental Information. Low Weekly Ratti. 4!M--T211 Linens a: maid ser avail 2 BR. Furn Apt. Pool. Ne Q . I Ad II L' . FAIRWAY VILLA APTS. Private paUo, pool • indiv. laundry tac. Near Orange Co. AlrJlort .l. UCJ. Adults onl.y. _a.u•"'"' • pet '"tlo" ,hu .... , ., ,..,_ 240.;\I 1•th UJe u 1vmg 2376 NEWPORT BLVD. St., NB. 64M6&4 $171 ~9755 BACH. Apt. In priv. home. 1 A&dOulBR.nlJ swim pooJs J Br. l~ Ba, patio, blt-lns, . • .._ ti 0 y, .... pets. SPAC. Attrac. Pool. UW Pd . Prt~. entrance pauu. 3IJ7 A·-·'-s c • etpl!, drpL Aak about our s· i ... ~ 548-3684 VUUUIU t., . t. Garden Living. 1 er. U45 1na: e m111 ....... ;). See Mgr on premises di11CCunt plan. 1180 O?nter I:. up, adults, no pets, 2 FURN. 4 Br apl Ocean (Behind K·Mari off Harbor St. 64U340. BR. Sl75, cpl er pano:nt w/ .view. To June 30th. Call atcomerRutgen:,Avocado)1 M~ESA=~VE=RD=E-...,--,·BR-, yng adult ok. 1800 Wallace 646-1191 or 673-3663 Da)· 642-3535, ew &lf>-0283 2 BA, bit-ins, dWna nn, Aw l 740 W. 18th St., --ORLEANS APJS, h'pk, patio, •ncloled dooble C!'.t. E11t Bluff 4242 garage. Luxury I privacy. VILLA MESA APTS. 1250. 546-8629 2 BR Furn. Priv patio, htd EASTBLUIT Summer Ren. ADULTS ONLY 3~.N~EW=~Oe~tux-,~,~Br-.-,,-,-l(-BA pooL 2 car encl'd gar, Child· ta1 comp! furn. 2 BR. 2 2 .&. 3 BR. Av~ll. Privatt? pa· apu:. Ju•! belnr completed pr welcome, no pets please! BA. $350 mo. No children. Lio, pool · indiv. l~undry fa.c. nt corner cf Wallace & tBlh $185 me. Resp. 1dult1. Avail ht \.\'ffk (Nr. Orange Co. Atrporl : Tur;. St. $225 I $250 on yrly lease . n9 \V, Wilsen. * 646-1251 In June. 644-2847 wkdys bfr Un 1t 11th St; nr. \Vestc!Hfl. Chvncr. fi13.µ55, $30 PER WK. & UP 'l:XI I.: aft 10 p.m., wlmds 1741 Tustin, Cos1a l\lesa ll\t1'1AC. untum. 2 BR . Bachek>r I: 1 BR, htd pool,,-=b"=·='='=·=m=.=====-I Duplex. Avail May let . maid M"rvice. Kitchens 1:1.. M:r. l\lrs. Carson. 642~641 Pre(. older cpl o:-1 1ngl TV avail. 450 Vietor:la (Nr. Coron• del M•r 4250 -=""'='""'==..:::=-jooi .... ~d. S145. 646-6626 aft Hubol'I. , -----STUDIO APTS. 2 Bedroom1 -2 Baths Carpets A: drapes. Garage 339-C CABRILLO 2 Br, 2 Ba, 1unken living LRG l BR. Apt. room. frpl, balcony. no •ml Adults, no pet!. children S200 mo. Avail l\iay •675-&Ul6* l it. 1255 Baker 540-0896 , - eve• I wknd1 Bell:t01 Garq:e. $115 Per Month -er St65 On Lease • « • &71-6051 0 W"I FIL• s. * DELUXE 1 I 2 BR Garden Ap t1. Bit-Ina, prlv . patio, heated pool, frplc. Adults. $145 mo, ~6.1 3 BR Studio apt, l\i ba. encl pr, patio. Crptl, drpe:, bHns. S165. Cays S42-3.324, tWll 546--0689 COLUTIUL LOAM ,,_ lWWlll.S . .,_ • ltlAL l"ATI L9AM A4I YAttAT'°* .,. Hou-Unfumlohed S@\l~~-L££!J'S• EL COllDOVA Lide lat. 4351 Brand new delux ~ta. apac- I ---------ious, 1 le 2 Br. awtmmtng MIMER Rl!nW on Say. pool, b-bque, rec hall. These Comp[. tum. 2 Br. 1 Ba, are the be1t in the area. See patkl, frpl, er .... 2323 \vkhds, them at 2011 Charle, m&ll.'lg· NEW dtlu:<e 2 Br. duplex. Bltna, D/\V, cpbl. drpa. ~ deck. Adults. No pets. MOllTOMU. T""' ..... '-"'--MOMIY WANTIO ... :: ANNOUNCEMENTS ri:: end NOTICES JM l"OUNO tl'"9 ..... , .,, L.Ol1 am l'llltofllALI ltU AHNCUllCaMIMTI ml lllTMI n• ,UHIUU = :~~.::tT~~::CTCl'll ,,_ l'LOlllSTS na U.110 Ofl TMAMltl IM4 IW MIMOlllM ---... "'' ... "" ••• "'' -.... -= •• c•MITSllT Lon me tlMS'111T Cll""1 mt CUMTOllll'I .. MIMOlllM. ..... ""1 ,_.. AUC"t'ICllll IOI ,_ AW&TIOll MITIC9 ... WI ftAYl'L •• ,_ Alll TIAHIJl'onATIO• .... ,_ AUTO t1tAMll"OITAf.0. .... _,.11 LIOlL lil0'1tcll MJt Ml TUTOlllM• Mt -SERVICE DIRECTOllY -ACCOUlff... -,.. A ............. a • Jilt ~LllM• llPAll S. .... Mii llh ............ -......... A\.t, 0-. .,. -AltCMrTl:C"nltt"-1111\'Kt ... JM AU 10 •l .. Alllll ... '* AUTO, S ... hlh. y.,._ IDL .. Jm .AITSITTlltO '91 1"' toAT MAINTltl"""CI au ,,,. llllCK. M'4toflll1', -.wt 1121 IUllJllll H•YICll IWJ ~ •UILOlll ..,. P• CA'1111t1J1• .................. iJn -tAlllOllTMAIUflle Mii 1n1 CU:l'IJITllM• - TRANSPORTATION IOATS • TACHTI Ml IAILIOA11 Hll flow•11 CIUll llt N2I' IPllD-llh IOATS ... a~T T1lAILlll •-st .O.T MAllfflNAlilCI M» ICMT U.UfllClillM ttU M.ll!IMI IOUIP. tttS IOAT ILIP, MOOltlMI tell MAT SlltVICU .. ao.t.T 1t•NTALS -INT CMAllT•ll ... llltflll ... I0.•11 .... IOAT MOVIN• ... MAT IT'OIU.el ,_ ... n WllnlO tUI A .. CllA" fMt ,LYIHe lino.I ti .. MCllLI ~II tltl MOTOlt .,.... tlU llCYCLll t11t ILftTfltc: U•t ""' MHH lllCIS ml MOTO•CTCLIS '* M'>TOIKl'lCT'lllS ... AUTO •••Ytct:I a PAlln _ ... AUTO TOOU a aou111. t•An...I .. TllAVll,. ... tllAILIU. ~ ... ntuc:r.1 .. JllPI mt CAMPlll Mt tAMPI._ llWTAU ftll OUMI 1"90111 -IMP011iD l.4110S ... P'OllT CAAi t-6U llf'l'IOUIS. CU.Slit.I fllt ltlCI u.11, IOOS "'9 AUTO IYINn Ml AVTOI WAHTIO mt M•W CAii .. Alll'O LIASlll9 Mt UIN CAU ... .... --~~---------.,,,..--~----~~-~---------' "' ' The Puzzle with the 11ui/t.fn ChucMe 0 Reorrono1 l1tr•rr of the ;-"}...::;::~:--~~--.., four scromb1•d words b• r --- low to fo1m IOI.Ir simple word1.1 • 0 • • lljGHil I I I I : .~' ~· .,' IPETUR I J 1. \ t-. 1.--1.......,1.......,1..-i· f I . :~ I\'' Y' I IKIREH Ii -~ -~,,....,1r.•,...,1-T1-r1-l I A clever boozer: He tokis . . - . . o pint to bed w!Jh him so '1e ~---------.con11tep--. I RA"GEN I . 1 ._, ...... , ..,, .... , ... ,--.., -i 0 c-p ... ""' '""""" 0.:'4 by liill"" "' ""' _.,. _._ • you devaloo from lhlp No. i below. ·! PtlNT N..MICKO LEnEtS IN THESE SQVAtf$ 6 UNSCIAMlll AllOVI llll!IS TO GfT ANSWEI l'fl'l'l'I 111111 SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN CWSIFICAnOH 7600 I • • (213) ~16 wkdays. er John A Louise Sellen, -M6-21J8 • ••lbH Island 4355 2'~B=R-d~.-.~ ... -_-=BI~ •• ~,,-.,-.. -,~. -·-·------• range. Drpt, new wall to BOAT Sli p I 2 Bdrm. wall cpt. Fenced )'d. Ga.ra;e Apt. 1 Bath. $350 Garaa:r. A,•all ,,_1ay lit. $145 Bill Grund)' Realtor ~ mo. + clcanln& depo1lt. Gardl:ner l \\'8.ICT pd, Adult' Huntlngten Bloch -only. No pet.. 548-.1036 alt •--------2 Bclnn, comer apt, nice NEW Stnale tty Gdrdcn furniture 1.nd spacloUll out Unllll. 2 Br. J Ba, shag '°°1c. 5 pU. Store&, etc., crpt11, drps, dsh~'hr, 2 l blk. SW 1121 Ellls, open patlOA, bc:am cellln1s. lrplc., dally, or call owner eve1. car. Adult•. no JH!IL $165. m-.3292 l650 Eldtn. 531~ aft 1 2 ~R. ,&dultt cnJ.y, __uUl__p:l,1-;,•·,,m_,,.,..•_su,,"_·_,....,...,.....,,,, Be&llt.-QuleL Ja!O. Avail AVAlt... M.,y l . 3 hr, 1% ~ 1. l?rn Cameron , bt, bltlftl, crpts, drti1, ~ dlhwalhr. No ])tff, child -ok. Ne.r RhlL M>3215. Le9un1 leech ---4715 PANORAMIC View -k· Ins Allio lkach. 2 BR tum, Br, 1% Bl, dlbwr pr, eptl, paUo. $15.'S. Adlts: Nr. 19th • Pomona. MM.151 2049 Tustin Ave. 64Z-ln6 ,/ NE\V 1-2BR.SllOl1170. Util Incl. 241 A voeado * 646-0919 NEW Dix 1 &: 2 Br. 51\1 erpt, drps., bltns, lmmed. oecp. From USO. 50-1973. MS-2321 LRG 2 BR. Triplex, Priv pa.tio. Carpets, drape•, bltns. S135 mo. ~188'1. * LRG 2 I 3 BR.. 2 B&tht, frplc, bltns, crpt1, drps. Encl gar., paUo.'MG-1034 , NR. New 2 Br, 1'~ Ba. Ctpts, drps, stove, dshvibr, pr. 7li6 w. Wilsen, 642-79S& , 1 A 2 BR. Newly crptd. drps, eltc kit, chlldrtn ck. Clll aft 5 pm. &l5-IW 2 BR. wtw ctpls. dll>lt bltnt. J-.2 ddldre:n ck. SUO mo. Nr echool•. 91)2...3)55 2 BR. 1 BA. Upstairt. Nr. OCC. crptll, drpa, bltna, S139. mo. 567-6151, all elec, Mature ad'11ts1 no 2 BR, crpt-, drp1, bltln 1 BR. F'rplc.. crpb, prt• chlldhn, no pttl. tW mo. o a r, car., patk), no pell,. p.Uo. $149 uW pd, l adult. Ev<~ 49W1llS adullo Onl1 11eo. 1<&-nu ' 117 E. 21.!t. &4US2D • • ., l I l I i .... .. ' • ' . ' " . . ·-;~'t;~":::===--1-;;i;j.,fJiii:f-~tt~~!!!•~""~U~24,~-~19~1~0 r • , ~ n RENTALS -REAL' ES1'Afli • RIAj.:•UfATI f IU91NISS. •...i .. ~.!JTv~, '> _ °'"!~•I _ 0-rol _!.INANC_,IA-'iL-.,,.,,,...,,... looch 540I -... ch -5411 l!Mltolt Wontod 5,,. I_,,. P!!J!!rty . -......... • • • • • ·• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ;,;;;;:-;..;-~ 3 ~ """ usi YOUR ~"!"~,_..!!!l....9!!!!~!!!!!!!.:....!!!! --~ -. NIW APARTMENTS ' • :,=.-:fe~\~·.:i'."";!J • STiOCK 1!0111. PAMILIES WITH CHILDREN exec,-wife JO yr old daughter & pt0fe$S. 1m, poodle (well behaved, ghe Will Cotulder A Pet $190 works tn pictures), Box As Down Payment on the9e . t$J, DAI)¥ Pilot, NB Deluxe Garden Aparbnentt. ::O::,"-'.O,,:"-'-:;.:c:;;:_ __ I $49,500 ¥.qu.lty, Out ol town Larae Luxury 2 Bedroom, 11> Baths Pl.l( 2BR 2 BA apt unt. -...... • • 'End.oled Patio. • Electric Dlshwuhe1·s needed by 2 respcl'I bach's, ~ DIS-.· I TED lilll t~· OR mu1 ~ • L&rp W"1Jt·Dt Closets e carpets & Drt'pes faJ,her & son. Prefer quiet llllDl·IUft \~ f~~ _ .• Range la Qven • Private Laundry Room area wlthiri short walking 6462 w.-. Ave .. Huntlntb>!t -h d""""' ot Bay I Beaoh. Jltilable gerson will be s.elecled,ln Uua .area ~T. GEO/!GE APTS. * Mtr. 1424127 · :!:* n~s";'s:~~; lo OWlldlM service United Stata Postap "' , Stamp Machines and color picture postcard •-=' :;•;,•;,;•~•=;•=::•;,•;,;•"='•:-.=•;:;•::•""'•;~•~•=•==' ·~·· 6'13-8700 ' • vendOfS. This ·is a non~selling, service butJ.. r · ' 3 OR· 4 Car Garage wanted Bus1neuiRanf1t '°'° nest 8.nd qot a "get rich ·qttic"k $Cb•me." An ~--· SIGO !:!..""""'""' llHcli 5400 '"' .. i.raao. Newport HILtfGRIN SQUARE stores hov•· already been selecteckaad llMI)' BJG1 t BR., Jr ynl, 'patio, ADtrr.TS ONLY Bcb-('.osta Mesa area. W-ill 2 stores avail £... imined. be r,eviewed , by you. This business can be blb\s. child ok. Semi 'rurft. NEW DELUXE APTS lease. Bill Patton. d&)ls lea.ae In one oi clty's'busiest started pai't tune (evenings Or weekends) Nr.' s.c. Plua. ~ •WILL FURNISH• ~l07, eves 548-3355. shopping centel'$. APP. &ii and be! developed into a big profitable fulr oLX 3 BR. c/d, bltns, ~Br, t BDRM .... •··· .. from Sll5 NICE Fully turn. 3 or 4 sq. tt. ea. · time busine ss with unlimited potential. c/d,, ~tna. no cbldrn 998 E. 2 BDRM. • •• • • •• • from $165 BR h8'· or apt. Newport, 250 E. 17th St., Coata, !.1"8 T o qualify you must have a car, a f~w spare Camino Dr, OL 51iot5J. e AIL UTIL. P AIDe· CM area .on yrl.Y lease. Call f\tr. Bram (213) OL 1·2700 )Jour4 ~eekly, a good work record. a s the LRG-alARP! 2 JUL Drpt, ~TED ~e BBQ =wn bUJine•s in area. 3,000 SQ. FT. conipany i.1 responsible to the loc ation.a for crpts, bltn1; quiet bldJ. r~ .. _. __ TQECbl • w H s.· · · Corner store downtown .Santa service, and make an immediate .casb i& _ _..,,t-oJt.-$150,-..5f0-8'i22 _ au..-r.a "' arntt · ~LOYED CouP!_e with 1 Ana.__Xln't busy l2C 206: Pl. tm ' ,.., CM · . BE:AClf Apt. Octanview ~ child w~t 3~2 Ba bOUse 4th St s A 541 Sui -Y..flS e.n.~ -'-1~· --./ 2 Br, crpb, drps, deck Newerdlx 2 Br Bltns In CdM Want 1 yr lease . ·• · · · For persobal •interview, write giving us a -:abJdryr. refs req'd. l&9 ~ drPt. Jndry, nr'. ~ with oPtion. Around $250. 162? Sq. Ft. l\etail oi: oUiot. litUe information on yourseli including your Meu. I>r. $135. 543-l885 . &: pier. Sl.75 yr round. Alllts, 673-1544 30 lrontage on Ne~ phone number. ~ baby Ok. S36-213L RENTAL SERVICE Blvd. Acrou from Cl t.)' Distributor Olvi1ion N!"J'Ort looch 5200 .BAYFRONT 2 BR; 2 BA LdxurJ A,pts, 1 Priv. Wftoe, elevators, sub. ter:rtUIMll pk'a. All elec. Pool, IOlt water, dock.-. 3121 W. Coast HW)', Newport. 642-220t ' • 2 BR. New paint, crpts, drpe:, nfrtg av111.il. Nr. beach. YI· rnd, ~. :;67-8400 NEW l Br. l blk bch $130, Frff to Landlords HaU. Ervin, 67>160L • P.O. Box 2701 S.11 Beach, C1llf. 90740 $145 tum. QUIET &: PRl· Blue Beacon, 645-01.83 CM Office .Rental 6070 A Division of J'.t:-. VA.TE. Patio, gar. Adlt WANTED: Double car . REAL fSTATE REA ES A mg1eA &: cpla. No chldrn or garage for storage (enclos-DELUXE 3 rm. suite in ~w . G 1 L T Tl pell, 202-A 14th. 53&-1319, ed) NH area. 646-1S57 bldg., adjacent to enera Gener1I - 613-t7B4. BACH. or lBR furn. apt in "Airporte~ IM,"~ Ii Orange Caimrfterc,laf' '60as R.E. Exch•nte 6Uo NEAR Huntington Harbor. Cnty,• Airport, Air'-cond., 1-"';;,;.;;=;.;:;.;c.;.. __ .;:,:..:: o::.=:...;:::;:;:~::!;::..__;:= Triplexea. Qliie:t _area, Lrr Balboa or w. Newport area. cpta. & drapes, muaic A MARINA In Newport aeach. -OWNERS ONLY 1 &:-3 BR. SI4o & up. Pets, Reas. ~,aft 4PM ja.IUtmial lft'Yict. A vall . Prime loc. Fee . $33.5,000 TO TRADE children ok. (213) 592--2623, e LANDLORDS e May ht. Call Exel. KI n 1 a a rd, R.E. Trade lovely Cape Cod . in (Tl4) 846-35.59 FREE RENTAL SERVICE BOB PETTIT !.fl J-2222: best Nortb Santa Ana Area CHEZ ORO A.pf.a, 1234· Allan. Broker 534-6982 &33--0lOl 833-0lf4 Eves FOK Sale, store buUdlng . for home on Lido Isle, Bal· ta New l-~:i. BR. pnv. ---Modem Offices -w. 19th st. Be1hel boa h1and, Bay Shoru, Eait Blvff 5242 garages. Pool. UttlJt'f Rooms 1!!~nt 59'5 $15 single, $175 2 rm AUite. To\\'erl area. 548-1168 A(t. Shore Oitt, Dover Sham. PREsTIG-E LOCATION i:.~!!!; CHEERFUL Room & bath Air CGDd. Sect'y service, Our home iS' 29Q) square 1 ~ or 536-2727 overlooking ocean $20/wli. parking, cenb'f.lly Jocat~. Industrial R-.tal 6090 feet, on lot "5 by 175. Old- For ~. deluxe 1818,aq.-ft. ATI'RAC · 2 BR $130 3 BR Ntcely decorated quiet-bldg; So•-callf lit Nat Bk. Bldg.-BLDG-2 & . 3 RMS er lio!Jle but classically re-~R, 2~J" ..:itbarFrplc! n75. N~w avail. ~L Kid~ sundeck & kitchen priv. 1289 230 E. 17th Street Id al-comm'J rtist I ' done with addition& f'fOtnUy. bal:i-ea, dlilgaroffkit~ ok. 17401-A Ktelson Lil, SBe. eo..h .~. n00wy17, Laiuna Costa Mesa 642-148.5 U:rucs, etc. *cmd' :1e:: =lle~ ~-~h : d&hwhr,dbl oven.Pool..Conv H.B. 91)8...7510.,847-7446. ac.""'"" *OFFICE SU ITE park'g.646-172-t neighbon. My daughten; to 8bop'g scbl8 '& recrea6on. LRG. 2 Br Apt. Adults. Clos-PRIV room w/bath, priv en. For lease 2600 sq ft Ideal 400 SQ FT u· want a \fetter climate _ Only $350 mo ed garaa:ea. 2608 En&land tl'ance. H.B. location downtQ~ i..a,guna o ice space. Near '! ••• •-•-W•v, •NB St. ca.JI ~1205. Mgr. •962-8578• Beach. 'erpld, air ~ ·cond. ~~~ 1-Baker St. Call 110 1 you need a drier one-~ n.......... "'.I .n.r.t1o1~u let's trade! Call ('114} Mgr. tll!Xt door ·865 AmiJ:os, 2 BR. Apt. Crpts, bltns, gar, $15 PER wk up w/kitchen Janitor, UtU. Priv dual rest.. SU-2903 a.ttl:r 3 p.m. Prind- "" • rmfac,4M-S481 * * * * * * TOWNHOUSE -New lrg. no pets. ._, w up apts, $6 per · New 3800 sq ft $333 pals only, pleaa. 2 BR. 214. Ba.tht . .frp!c, encl *962--8578• night & up. Motel. 54S-9755 CORONA DEL MAR NeWpOrt Beach 642-~ WANT free/clear waterfront gar, patio. 675-5033 2 Bdrm!, 2 bath. Prtv patio, LOVELY Room, priv. home. Dix. oUice spe,ce, 2 Rms. ·-home w/slip & boat to 2 BR _.., A _ 1 heated pool, wa&her & dryer empl a:enUeman. POOne -Grnd fir. Priv bath. New Lot• 6100 $300,000. Exc"'• ..... e free/ • uy • ootl8 •<> poo · .. ..._ ... up. """ .....,.. 546-ln 3. ,....,t, Park'g, Utll pd, ~"1;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;; ·-~ Adults Oii) mo. 5'8-&n or .......,.. ~ ..... -clear lots • acreage (man-'644-5516 3 BR. 2 BA. $170. Also 2 FURNISHED, Util. ,paid, mo, Owner. 673-6751' agement free) Owner, (tt4} BR. 1BA.1140. Crpts,.drp•. 155-75 mo. Clrt. only. 388 OFFICE SPACE IMPROVED LOTS 459-3103. C!)ron• del Ma~ 5250 Nr. Bch. 842-4085 W. Bay, C.M. 642-8530 9CAl sq ft & TlO sq ft._ can be For Sale 6 MJy bnproved ~,_,, __ ::;, __ ::.:::-==== 2 BR. cpts, drpa, gar. 2 pRJ1J nn. KitCh. prjv . .Nr. combined. 2588 Newport ~ta In :r:c:_~ :!_~~CartoA. R. E. W•nted 6240 children OK I: small petJ. 21Jt & Santa Ana $17 wk Blvd., C.M. near City Hall. 08e ,. ... ..-"':t • • -,. -842-8365 -\\.'orkina: man 64i.1294 · Bkr. 642..Q590 wkdays. manlta. Also, 3 improved WANT To ~uy 4 or 3+ taml-ra;; .. , --~--·----individual lots ln H.B. All in ly Condo tn the mutts. Call ..., HUNTINGTON Bay .Condo. ~MPLO~ED man. N~ cook-Free .Conference Rm.a well develo~ are~. $8350 aft 6 PM 540-4007 Adult!. 3 BR. Wshr/ dryr. 1ng, Pr1v. home. Pr1v. en· M?Clernired O~~ ~m ~· per lot • terma. By Owner. BUSINESS and ON TEN ACRES Pool. $185. 536-2212, 6T':Hl806 trance. $50 Month. 548-368,1 a1t co~. daily Ja111tor, util Cal l ~Ir. Graham TI4: FINANCIAL l • 2 BR. Furn A Unturn 2 BR. Condo. CrptA, drps, -------~h 1~~· ;.AS4J ~· 206 W. 962-1353. =;_ __ _ Fireplaces / prtv, patics I bltns, Washtr/do'fr.' PatiO, Motels, Trailer " · · · · .lu1lness Pool&. Tennis. Omtnt'l Bkfst.. pool, Adults. (213)M3~ Courts $9'7 EXECUTIVE Oillce-Harbor OVERLOOKING N.B. Back Oeportunltles '300 900 sea Lane, OfM ,6f4..26l.I 1-==.;;... ___ ..;;;..:.; I frontagt> near New port Bay. 4 CUst lot!. A rare o~ --·--"'-.....:= (MacArthur.DJ'. O>l!lt Hwy) 5 LARGE spaces left! $45 Blvd. for lease. 1000 + sq p'ty. Fte, Kingaard R..E. *CAMERA SHOP, Prime I ~S;•;•;t•;;;An;;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;5';;;20; 1 mo. No hidden COit. Yr ft. 642-4644 for appt. MI 2-2222. Newport Beach shopping I• round fishhli::, c:ountry llv-NEAR C.M. City Hall. 3 Rm. CANYON To Oce&n view, center, est S n'! • exceJ. 5300 VILLA MARSEILLES ing. High & dry on OU!ces. Paneled, carpets, one of few left, Quiet res. lent income-good leut. BRAND NEW -Sacramento RI ve r. SUr-drapes. $150. eall "2"'560 st. level, 5400 sq. tt-, Sll.000. * LAt,m.DROMAT. l:ull_y REMODELED apta, All new everything. D o w n t o w n Balboa. 'Avail May. 1st. 1 &ch. furn $165. Three 1 Br $210. Two 2 Br '245 yrly. Parking, sep. Jndry ...rm, _aunroot. crpta, drps, bit-ins, all util. pd. No children, -pets. 642-3392 or 675-3008 after 7 pn1 SPACIOUS rounded by orchards, qu.iet, Best Location In CdM 508 s Ola Vista sc 492--5534 equipped· min time invffi. 1 & 2 Bdrm. Apt1. clean air. Rec. hall, ~un-800 to 1400 oq, ft. Deluxe Oft. R-3 Lot San Clemente. 6 ment. High trallic location d marina N ho -owner will finance, Adult Living ll'.· · r . 1 ppi~g. ice Spaces. Avail Inuned. bl.ks lrom Sumnier White *TACO SI. High vdume • . Furn. & Unfurn. ~':.ro~:r M~~~k~e~:·. Phone Owner. 642-9950 House. near golf coune. fantastic location. M 1 n Dishwasher . color coordlna,\o owner. Rt. l, Box 1'14£, Red NEWPORT Beach n,eiwce $10,500. Call 64i--5'l17. down to qualified buyer. ed applianett._,. plush sh&& Bluff Ca 96080 Olfices. Air cond., heated. , ~-_ * LUNCH ST AND. Easy op. :e; ~~lc~:s 2• ~ HO~AY BEACH MOTEL 1 w 1 /priv. ba. 2400 w. Coatt Citrus Groves '175 eratlon • waterfront 10ca- showers .. mirrored ward· Rooms -kitchenettes 100' to wy. 15 Ac, Avocado & Limes. tion. Owner will train • robe doors . indirect light. Beach. Free Continental EXEC ofc suite -1100.aq. ft. 1 BR. hse .. corrals. Ocean good tenns, LW. Isle 5351 ~ .... in kitchen • brealdut breakfast. 18 3 2 N. El crpts/drps. 444. Npt Blvd. View. Viata area. $6500. Call 545-84.24 t;;;=-="-----'-'"-' b:r .. b1Jge: private fenced Camino Real SC. 492-3582 CaU aft 7 pm wk d y s 8384.IOG. South Coast Real ~tale FOR LEASE .,~ patio • plush lanuaoapiag -./ WEE!q.Y rates. SE A 67>-4644 MANAGER 3Br.Bayfront Apt _.,.. brickBar-S.Q's.Jariebeat-LARK MOTEL , 2301 OFFICE OR STORE Acreage 6200 OWNER Mr. Creel)', Bkr. ed pools & lanai. Newport Blvd, C.Osta Meaa. 15 x 35' or 30 x 35' ;,ro...2960 3101 So. Bristol St. oil st pking & util turn 21h TO 3 ACRES National corpora.Uon, now fn. terviewi.ng, for owner man. aeer o1 complete 1amib' rec-reational sport center. Ex· tremeb' hiKh return on In- vestment o1 $12,500. Secured. Rigid inveatigaUon invited. Must have management &: f:!untintton looch 5400 ON BEACH! 9 SINGLES FROM $140 e 2 BR l~i BA FROM $225 e J BR 2 BA FROM $29'.I e 3 BR 2 BA FROM $.1ro Carpeta-drapes-d.iahwuhf!r beated pool-aauna-tl:nnls rec room-«ean views- patioHmple parkin&:. _,,...,,,., FURN. aho Avail, (%Ml. N. of So. coa:rt Plll&) ---------1 Newport & Bay Center. CM Rancho Capistrano Santa Ana Misc. Rentals 5999 2052 Newport Blvd 64!rl252 Is now offering fabulous, oak PHONE 557 -oo ==~==--.;.._-IPRIVATE office \ n pro-studded, ranch size spreads. l ~~~~'!!!:~~·~·~!I GARAGE FOR RENT 20 mincnt local\on. S50 mo. 333 ',l'he only ones of their kind I· month. Back al l ey E. 17111 St., C:-OJ. Bkr 1n the ':!..~~ Beach 5705 Broadway. Call 646-2017. 54g...a:;oa Booming South Coast Area SPECTACULAR ocean view. ~;;:e.~~~m~.toraic 525 to 1500 Sq, fl. Furn ~~.~~i:a: a:°~oc1:~ 2 BR .. pool &: patio, 6 mo * 642-6391 C.l\1. * 0: unfum. Crpts, drps, Park-gate guarantee the natural or 1 .,.. leue. Sl7S. 400--4205 1ng. Reasonable. 64&.2414 be 1., f this ,__ S PR ability. Reply to Box 580 the Dall,y Pilot ot· call Mr, Marie Rice (TI4) n4-7050. ,,. SINGLE Storage garage for 2630 Avon St, Newport au.., o ..,. .. ,er pan-or C213) 537-4250 ext 48. C _ ish Grant surrounded by OCEAN FRONT new luxury reht, .. M. 67~~ * 12~ Sq. Ft. Office beautiful Cleveland National co~r~d:~~ apts, 2 BR. 2 BA. Ad\llts, no Jn Civic Center Santa Ana. Forest All utiliUes avail-From $6500 to $37,SOO -ts:. 497-1661 Parking, crpt, water incl. able. .. -e Buena Park e Fullerton e kEAL ESTATE Income _!roperty 6000 From 29c sq ft. 541-5111. PRICED FROM $10,000 ~15 e Westm.lnstet e Generat SHARE space in income tax LOW DOWN • EZ. '!'.ER.MS H1.tOtington Beach e Garden OCEAN VIEW office. Ideal for Insurance F?r true ~try b~ng, re-Grove e Tustin e silnta Rentals Wanted 5990 DUPLEX • $41 950 or real estate firms etc tirementor JllSt~nln~st. Ana e Costa Mesa e Ana. ----1 64~12 ment al a bargain price. helm • La Mirada. 711 OCEAN AVE., H.B. 3 or 4 Bdnn \Y/pool for Quality, CUSTOM BUlLT for . Call or \\!rite for complete (TY) 536-1~ transferred exee & ram. year, of pride of 01vncrship. FOR rent oUices or .stores details and tree color bro-CALL CHARLIE 525.7833 HUNTINGTON PACIFIC \!!!.,.~""!~""'"'!""'""I of 4. Will lease -July tst Unusually spacious 3 bed· 130 E. 17th St .. CM. $85 chures. f'RANCHISE. Sun Resistor · White EJ.epnants? for a full year. 49&-5245 room owner's unit with de. & up. 64&-8l&l RANCHO CAPISTRANO co.atina: for windows, all ~ I.-:==:;;;;:;::;==~~======= I Juxe kitchen and LARGE CM OFFICE $90 2172 DuPont Dr. Rni. 8 ventory, equip, mailers &. $.Int• Ana 5620 S.nt• Ana 5620 dining room. Equally spac-Call 646-4833 Newport Beach, 92664. literatutt. Enough inventory 1;;:=;;..;.=---....;.==='-"=---""""'-iou8 2 bedroom unit. Great EXCELLENT Frontage , 133-3223 to do $2000 worth of work; CJ:CEAN VIEW . from ea~h ground floor office on 2% Acres by Owner, Utllltl'es· comp!. for ST'10 c as b . Spaniah Style Lu .. ury lttJ..,,...... r.,...bh-' n4 v,.,.,.,,,... Al.Ji UMc Qa.Jl11 S.Ui Car,,.._r.,. ,....,i,,,. Bxdlu., l"ut'-' ~ .... .,. ,.,.,,,. • a.... ,,,,,,.,. l)edt """' ... _,. Al, c-.ii1W,.,..f Et+Jo1 r_,. OW. Prlffl• Sc. B•• ,,_, Cflifo T, ,........,.. N-8-tinf-l/rom $140 /M w .... i •I ,,_,, c... ,,,_ 1000 IF'. Mac.4.rllo Ul' Bled. J 6ilcid f!M o/ a.....W s.u.i. """ 5""'8497 living room. Minimum ma~n. Westcllff Dr .. call 646--0228 neu running water A: Gou ,,.549-24,o=,.-25:,:,,~~--- len.ance yard, PLAS"rER m. Course. $950 dn. $14,900. FANTASfJC Bus. Oppor. 8 tenor and YOU OWN the Industrial (213l 782-2727 yr medium sized restaW'&nt land! $SOOO doY.'n \vlll han. Prorworty 60IO * In N.B. that must be sold die! _,.-Above LARE MATI'HEWS. due to k>ss of mgr. 10M down WE SELL A HOME NE\\.' Bldg., 11.000 sq ft for ~:, 1~ A~il67~ .~44 Lo Call Gale Pike. 494-6373 for EVERY 31 MINU"FES sale or lease. f''or details 0 · )' OY. · ..-u appt lo see. W lk & L -=;.,.,M;:,.;O;,:;;;M~&~P=op= .. -8 er ee i!attia ll!!alt!J R11ort Property 6205 Mone»making tt•taurant 2043 Westcliff Dr. &lz..G:i60 ATI'ENTJON SPORTSMEN! Booming Dana Pt, Groutt1 646-77ll FACTORY SITE Holiday vacation or retire-$32.600. Beer & beer take out Open 'lil 9·00 PM A ,, men!. fUhinrr all year. Ce-ONLY $9,000! --,.;;,=="'·~~~-I -pprox • actt. All utilities '06 TH UNTSMAN 2 GREAT BUYS avniL CUrbs aN' In. Sl.08 ment block 2 br, furn hollSe. EH • 496-1268 1 v 1 C ~·i All conveniences. Beaut. Newspa-r O..ltrshfp * 4-PLEX • co.mer location per sq. I. 0~ 0• 611<> view of Lake Mead. Loe. ,..... pride of ownership • Fenc-E . Coa11t Hiwy. Cd M. on ~' ae al Sttwarts Point, F;.~· =· ~nt~~ t'd patios -O\lt of town 671-2020 Lake Mead, Nevada. Wldow ness for youftltlf. C.uh de- owner. Livt in one. let \VAREHOUSE-Otlice space ,.11•·· at lou, Te-· at tal .. ,. '..... posit req'd. ~te Box RP ;::950• ~ w""°ooofllles -for lt>ase. Campus Dr atl:::•%::::. Ph::::·;:'n=•l:-64::5-0SOI::::::::· = 2662 Uncoln. Anaheim, ....,, .o .. ..,-, down. Airport. J\fullgn Realty. 1 ,:,;;:.~;:==:=:=::. * 5 SEPARATE HOUSF.S M0-2960 I· in top location • Income OUt of State Prop. 6208 Money to I.Mn S7SS month. A real buy at Commercial 60IS $40 DOWN $40 MO 1 T .--L---6320 $69,500 • Owner lea vine -----0 • st oa n town will ~I f i BUILDER OFFERS NEW 4 Acrel w/tttes 1:-road, • P mance, clote lo new Wee, N. E. 646-in 21.500 . sq. rt.. deluxl": bldg. Ul h XI 't h r • filh· U!ued choice Oran re a · n un ire• Lowest lnfft'@tl Available 2nd TD Loan -.:> THE REAL "'\.. I::STATERS TIME FOR 9U,CK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WAMT APS County' arta. P1'opeTt)' tng, $4000 tun price, Ctt4) clear. Owner w/carry 1st =64=-MIBS=='-====== ~1~~.~:~~.ok. Mo;;'ain & D ... rt 6110 Tennt ba.'led on equity, 642-1171 545-0611 PRIME OCEANntONT NE\V 3 Br cabin. nr Lake Serving Harbor atta 21 yn. 4 fumlshed units. mntid com· Arrowhead, trplc. c pt 1 • Settler Mortgage Co. mcrclal , 25Xl2:i. $69 .500 . (2t3J SQ..2900, SU..7064 336 E, 17th Stttet 0\vr1'".r: 673-22~. ~72 IT'S Beacb l'IOUte Orne. Bl&· CLASSIFIED? Somf'OM will I pgt lldtd:km eYVI See the TIIE sUN NEVER $i:rs on be lookfnc b' It. Dli1 642-DAitY PILOT Oaalllod DAILY PILOT WA$ ,<DS! 1618 ... Ion NOWI -____;.....;,_;;.;..__ __ _.. . ' . I ' I 'SELLERS CIRCLE' WE'RE SAYING SPACE FOR YOU ••• ~ ' rs--i ~ ~ ' If you sell a service and don't advertise in the DAILY PILOT Service Directory, you're doing bu1iness the h a rd way· The Se rvice Directory (classifications 6500. 7000 in the classified ad section daily) g i v e 1 you an advantage you get through no other adver- tising medium. It reaches customers who are ready to buy. Be there when your pro1pects come into the ma rket looking for the iervices you have to sell. If you r service i1n 't listed, we 'II start a .category just for you. your 1pace in the "Sellers Circle" • • Pick up t'he phone r i g ht now and reserve Your Direct Line to " Directory Results 641-56.78 ' . DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIEP AD DEPARTMINT l 1 ··•*'<>If • ~-,-·-..- * * bli¥ils * , When .Y-ou ll!WING • .u.TE!t.\nONs. COOKS No ••1-Mea'9 Wont .i.tdone. ::~~·-·'Call ..._ • ..,. · ~ rn •-I Brolltt • Orlll . MUI .... -,,,_ r,ig ,t ·• .. • ·" u,.-~ry -w "' c111Y1a1 -•• . . . llY p1aco, ~-,..... to opett NEW YILLOW CAB CO. Call one of · Ti,;.:(;r;mlc ff74 COLONY KITCHIN 111c!,;i:_ a; • the. expe.,fS * v ..... The Tile M11> * RESTAUllANT DRY C11f-• ...-; ti;. . list9cJ below/I cuN!' :!;., ':::ll.6Pl:::"· nn Horbor, Cnt• Mou oolr· 00 ~fO.O'll!I Whoddyo Wont? Whodclro Got? 'patio. LeUlnl .-lot ion Dioto ,._..,) EX!lCIJTlVZ llocfttuy, .,. SPECIA~ CLASSIFICATION FOlll • ,...1r. ~. • RIPI -- NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS SERVICE DIRICTORY SIRVICI DIRICTORY SERVICE .DIRECTORY • 111-lllt!!-• OO ~~ xic:..:: S ti-~:~!!"~ S buclcl Bo!J11lttlng WO Fonc"'! 6660 !!!,ullng mo TOPSOIL 6'77 Jo.,be,_.Moo_n, Wom. 7100 J.a. A\111. Wom. 71 ~:'°,:5 ... ~,!,.~ •Ul.U -All MIJIT lfllClUDE REl.JABLE mother will NEW Or repaJr. NO job too L}GHT Ha;::uli;;:..,::-, -:,:ard/:;;:P1'::1-TO-PSO--":IL.°"".'N""itr-og-.n""".'fartln.d"'.7::"'. ALL 1'ffREE SHIFTS EXPEltll:NCl:D ~tric ........, *' """ " ..... ~ """ ""' .,. ....., u ~-cl ·~·· Call -· CITY OF -·•"-u ..... a-TOUI' .,.... •111111/tr ...._, ...., .._ ., ....,...,... 'babyJ!t any age ch d af· small, ... """ HU. qe e-r..... all)'~ redwood· adaed 831'·1000 cir e Foreman --RN or nww; ....,."" mant '-NOTtttNG IJOllt SAle -tuoe1 ONLvt temoona If eves at Mc an tW5-23C or • 646-1$28 bet:n a am or after 3 pm. ...,, • •Lead Men NEWPORT llACH for sroup practice. Seftd To Place Your Trlder'1 P1radlM M hollt' in . ftll.' c.M. home. 49M92T _ __:__ e Fibel'Elul mo1den l'flUIDe to P.O. 8c11 1~ PHONE 642.$671 • K«p tllll.nWDber: 60-:IOll. Floora '66$. CARL'S Moving, Hauling • 1'roo Service -• Get ... ten TREE TRIMME" N"JI. • ., w.,,t to divenity port. 34' Monterey Pwr Boat, s/1 r .... n ..... reliable care for )'OUl' Cleam.u>. ~i Ton P.U. Reu.1--------· I • M th FEMALE btlp ....... ... follo Have: OTC sti>ck. radio. bait taol<, outrlwr. -;-~ •. Big fenced yard. CARl'ET VINYL TILE ..... ,DI. 518-8918 TREE SERVICE Alt ,,,... MacGREGOR YACHT°"'· $576 to .101 on ,,_ -at Ta-. Want: W quality Trull Ex. FU!hing Boat. Free & Hot lunches. Rates kl auit ~esdmate Uc, :::i:?a .Cl.EANING I: Pick Up Lise ~ fns. Free Eitlmatea 1631 Pllcentia, C.M. Fr-en from~ AM. K.,.. °"'°'· 541;5984 ci•lll·. rra,, "" roaJ """'· ,..., """""'· Infani. .,.. """""· s.t • sun. ,.... ..._ Ancient Mariner °""~ 1>ene11ts •• -· Call (714) Honalulu, !~waU rome w/ (1) 521-1134. corned. HWTy..: call 546-1965 est~ 96MOU TREES. Hed&fa, trim. cut, ee: ~ YeN' tree trimmlnc* ""'roo=."'D"'W"'AITRJ:88==;;--, -1 pool. 4 BR. $69,500; Equity Have 4 Pride of Ownershli) RELIABLE-mother of 2 Gardening '6IO -1tump1, rernoved, 111.Wed. 30 NEEDS f:'.xpettelQ. * SHORT ORDEJt COOJC WM .. want: NB-duplex or units -in· choice Tulltln loc.--aesitt1 tiiPJjiltting my hm,' HGU..Clilifiiiil--:---6735. -yra hp. Fully inL 642-m> ·e DA y 9 .1.-r .. brtcn J _ ...... lit, M1J1t be exp'd. SIM' Mr. Geo. income prop, ?i1cKe/12.le Want larger units, com.mer-3 yr/older, Mesa Verde. s-· .. 1 Salo ~ ..,.... ~ Rawles u..---. i..n.. al . ·~ -. ~--BA~ •. ft •• h Janitm!al I ~ SHER -Offlco, City Hall. ·--~.::::--Bl .. -~. ..._ . Re tor _,_ clal, or.? Nancy J. Moore, ,.._.,17 JUNIPERUS • • _, Ujllio story , "'~ DISHWA -~ -n~ Up to $ID;J,<XM> cash, $43,<XM> Realtor 613-allll VERY relie.ble mother of 2 .,A. UL SA ~~ ~~ ~ l'ZYKOSKI'S eu.tom, Upbol. ::!ewpart ~~ -"lleh.=-;;=-::=::-=;;:;1· TD&$12J,000eq.i"leased BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH 6 wan,.babY1ltlln1,my ovR 0 646-l40l Ewopean ~blp APPL~INPERSON ~l<>rllllormation. FRY Coo1r, exper. llellof lndustr.ial tor Orange Co~ .Rbf )ioroe ntar Pasadena home. Prel!r infant to 3 <HOIJ..YWOOD JUNIPER) Mesa CelJline Servlce • 100% tin! 6G-l'5C '2601 W. COAST HWY. shift. 11le °'ttap Collte ty lncome. for N.B., cdM, C.M. .Qu. yn:. Call 545-0223 Beaufil.ul Plantll 4• tall ....... -... .. willdoWI, 41_ etc. 1lU Newport BMl, C.M. NEWPORT BEAOI CLERK TYPIST Shop, 562 W. 19th. CJI. • Bkr. 644-4265 plex or units. Home value 98 EA -~~ - S29.500 clear. Call 548-8532. 7th Grade Girl deairea REG. $7.50 ·NOW $4. • Ru. &: C.Ommc'I. StS-4111 AMEMB•·YTralneel.da1or Type 50-60 wpm, electrlc GENF.;RAL Reltaurant •• Have: 15 ac. avocado &: lime 1 Br hie, corrals: ocean view, Vista area. $6500 vaJ. Trade: hOme N, Tustin or incOme. SSS-0906 Trd cpl Wks during sun\. mer; beilut. 3 BR hm, Tibu- ron, 20 min, S.Fran.-bay view, for hse in Bal. Isl., Lido, or CdM. 673-4169 Have molds & tooling tor 35' sailboat. Want Housecat. camper, mo tor home or trallerable Cl'lllser. Ca 11 '673-6809 or 645-0991. Attr. Pim Spngs hm, $27,500 vat., eharm. furn, 2 Br, den, 2 ba, FI R. lg fncd-lot nr 'all. Trd eq • for dn, lrgr coastal hm. <n4) 327.&793. babysitting, aft • c ho o 1, While SUpply Lum Watlg.Fioon-Wlndowl A Rap, nfeht · ldillt. temalt ap 18-typewritt'f. Purchutrlc de· Male. No eq, nee. Drl1tbM 1 Will excharige $1200 Private Mesa. de! Ma.:r area. 50c Garden Shack Nunery Clear Vu Window Servlct 28_-no exp nee., but must partment experlence pre-hrl oaly. ApSll:y bdll'e 10 , pilot course or block rental per hr. Call 540-9127 On Sleepy 'Hollow) Re#, le Omunc'L MS.a tiave ~ eyesleht ': tlnpr f<erred Dtverslfled duties, am oc after 2:30 pm. ~ I time for u .!ct car of .equal -'======== 600 s. Cout Hwy OUSEC EANING Job Wanted, Men 7ioo dexterity. AP.Ply in penon CALL PERSONNEL DEPT. LONE RANGER RDTAU. value. 642-9365 Brick, Masonry, Laguna Beach 494-1292 H L .;.;co..;. __ ,_ ____ I SAE Advanced Pacltaaina. (n4) 494-9401 RANT. 1'7SQ2 Beacb Blvd., Have Free/clear lots and etc 6560 ANTHONY'S Exp, Rea. Ref, 638-2354 HOUSEMAN tpardentt, 135T E. Edln&er S. A. TELONIC "H".B'".=:..--;l==""°-I: acreage. Want diesel fish. HOUSECLEANING Drive or otKer. No BABYSIT, mature Q\rbtlan INDUSI'RIES GENERAL ,Rntaun.nt ·I )Oat to $50,000 or live aboard BUILD, Remodel, r ep a Ir Fast &: elficient. ~ts. •mo ke'/d rink . Have Sclentllt, my home, IAcuna Lquna ~adl Mature WOIJ!Aft. mantea; yacht to $150;000. (714) Bric'k. block, concrete, 644 4160 · ·548-Sl84 or 646-3875 Llt e1uard license . BQch, tam to 2:!> pm 5 An equal opportunlt)' • 25-41). APP'1~10 459-3103. carpentry, no job too small. Dependable Maintenance Intell!aent, clean Japanne days/wk. Start May 4. empJooier am 'or after 2:• 'lBE d I ·'d b Lie. C.Onlr 96U945 Exp.· Pnutlng .,Plant:q: lronl..,. 6755 youqa: m.an 1eek1 5'4-1133. ,.,,_,.,. _ -·d, ••• -· LONE RANGER RDTAU· 2 Newer up exes,., e Y Budgef~i.ng --·~~-----Little En&lllb ~ _.., ..-~ side; 3 Br. 2 Ba. ea., tple!:; PLANTERS • Patios • Block e Horticulturllt e IRONING Jn my home, $l employment. · BABYSl'ITER, eta.ya I: eves. male over :n. Conventent RANT, 17503 Beacb. Blvd.~ nr. beach, Equity approx. Walb: • Driveways • Side-Dressmaldn& I: altt 2Uom-3290 aft 7 MUii start lnuMd. Must be market. 642-8520 . H.B. 1 $21,00Ct.' Trade ·~r land or walkll, &e.9852 Morn of eve. LAWN Maintenance. Once a ~. ~'764! ra-WINDOW wuliln& &: odd close t0 On.nit County Cook·Short Orders GIRL FRIDAY .. 1or amJ I indust. ReaJlor 673-4350. week general up-keep jobs, commercial, reaiden-a1rpo11 or C.M. are,a. Prind-.. 11 .. lhort crden, aaJ. contracttng ftnn,. 'I)'pbw, =.::;.fram=°',""ca_;;bl"•"-,;::.n'B"-ig,-Bon::.,:-. Bvslne11 S.rvict1 6562 ~~: ~ ·~~: Landscaping 6110 ~t·..:;: Bryan. ssr..-ads ~chel. No split payroU, ARJ~ .. ~2 .,_. I 3 Br; cpts: bit-Ins: Swedish --------546-6678 uk tor Tim ="--'-"-'..,____ BABYSITl'ER For boy tod· shlfi., no &lnda1 work. 40 Ciel, 5«5-Jno,...,_... ' .ffplc; ~ew, ts,~ eq. f'!' TRANSLATIONS. Spanish.· NEW lawru1, tt-Redlng. JobWantect dler, Yng Pi owr 11 yn, hr. wk, Qean. modemh&nch HAIR STYUST. Opeatlw sm. uruts. house; etc, Let.s Englith. 20 .,... """"· in Latin NEW Lawn 1 • re.seeding. Complete lawn care. Clean W-. 7020 ~U.ble, It blkps. 5 da wl::. counter. wanted for tMaq &bop tn ,..,o .,<:NO J•V -.. Complete lawn cai•. Oean b job or -th. ~ -·-·· N bch HB ~ deal! ~· America. Mumford Transla· up Y • ....,, -My home. r • · APPLY Llndberf NutrlHon, Lquna NfsaeL Grou.p ""' ' Beaut Mt Chalet Crestline lions 548-5300 ~~!~ o;0;no:; ~ ~~~e~~ ~Into call PLEASANT, neat. middle 96S-86!1, 536-7939 · located behind the Toy World surance, paid vacation t::;:- Llst Jt here _ tn Orange St. Mortiz area Choice view .:========~ I 897•2417 or 846--0932 ace lady dealtta poeltkm BABYSITJ'ER wanted , etMe on lower lewl, So. Followh!r preferftd. ..,,., What dn you have to tradeT Lake Gregory $35,000 val. Carpentering 6590 1-'"'-..,.,=='Uit;;;o-Comp a nton -lllht Paulirino echJ: dllt. Call Cout Ptua ShopplJW C.en-830-1302 ot -..a. Alie b OJuntY• tarxest read trad-Trd eq $20M for apts. in GARDENING Moving &. Stor• 6140 boulework. Have car, after 5 PM, SfD..6992 ter, Costa Meq. Riek. IJlrpen-ardmakeadeal. NB, CdM. 871.1l73/~ M!No?::.~R~o Job ~>:;.,~ ~ ~ .. ~d";:,..lllOVI~ :-=· 49>-287S or ~XPl!Rll!NCl!D coo!e~ILER ir..p=."'1ta1"'·'"--PllYlllCAL-.-_---1· • -"-* * * "" ~-Sma11. eau-tn " · 831--04tll, · O.K. Van & HouJekeeper BANK STINO ·-~1 'i!!!!~!!Ji"~!!!!\l!!!!!ii~~!!mi:~~!'::~r"!!! ; I: oth;;:~b= AL'S Landacapin&. Tree Storage. Dayworktr ~Swedlah .AvalJ. La~ O>tmtry Club APPIY PenoDDeJ. Dtrtets !!BUSINESS and ANNOUNCIMENTS 54!>8175, u no ......,. leave Removal. Yard Remodeling. Tuelda,y A Th.,....,. 646-9510 UNITID CALIFORNIA South Lquna So. eout Oonm..,.t> Rolfl. ind NOTICc.;;:Uo_ ___ mag at '46-2312. IL o. Haul trash. Qean-ups. Painting, aft 5 P.M. · BANK_ COOKS with broiler up. tal, 3lf12.0out Hwy:, louttb ~~~C_l_A_L___ -----~ Repair sprnklrs. 6'73-ll66 Paper+iarwlng '850 WVlNG care for YoUI' 4661-MacArthur Blvd. Alao wattreaea, full or part· t..a.c:una. Cll1f. Pb: ~llll I Monty to Loan 6320 Ptrsonils 6405 CARPENTRY-Cabinets-Room Gardonl-CUSl'OM Pal ting "Tbe children, m,y home, H.B.. Nt\\'pOrt Beach, Calit. Ume. Call 831•9006 42 ;;Ext"'". ,:,W,:,·====,_.,,.1 000 FOR I'd in-Tom Gawn• Jr Add.,Patios.J..nysizejob. ••• "'° Ex··-~-1n~.-!1-~ .. ll..+" daY A/or night, by day ('114)540M24 COUPLE-To m.anace hH'OUSElCUPER/~ .. ·1 $75, so 1 · • · • • Mike 673-1166 &: 646-2576. ~ ... r-""-... """'"-' or wk. 96M746 Equal opportunity employtt units In Huntington Beac ter -Llw.ln. Under , vestment. Need premium &!Us GARDENING . _ exp & Relidenttal • Commercial. ll $UI 1 (part time bmband) Stnd $100 mo + room I: boud return. Monthly <haw. Box New &·used cars & trucks QUALITY Woodcraft, sm1 Engl.I.sh speakinJ. Minor Nojobtoolarportoosmall TWO Women wi clean. BOOKKEEPER S600 or resume to.:~ Managt:ment 2 chlldml 5 I: T. ~ p 436,,Daily PilDt. at Conn.II Chev1"9let gen'! constr. & carpentry. landscpg & yard care. Lie, Bonet Ina. Won'lbe un-and $209 83&-6468 • young a:rowiflrorpnlzai!'~ Secur!Ue1 5203 Lakewood aft 6 od ..&.'l.tft 2828 Harbor, C.M, 5'6-:tnl Call Ken 645-0044, 548-4235 ~-4292 aft 5 derbld! 646-3679 =·p7t~ts :lng A Blvd, Lake'fll"OOd, .Calif. 90712 HOU,SEKEEPEJ\ Apo Monty Want ~~-The<~wu a pe1d GEN. repair, add., cab· AL•s GU'Qll:Dlilc I: Lawn 20 YEARS' Exper. from Old rna= ~ 10 key add. machlne by * CUSl"ODIANS-.Perm, for p!y.Parkbunt ReUrtmenl 1------~--· '"'.' aaleamansuivlVal~aavenue. Formica, paneling, marlite. Ma.tntenanoe. Commerdal. O:iuntry In paperhanging, Reference~ M6-725T touch a must. A&t 30-40 quallfled wbo t*1 Reaidence, 9925' ~ NEED Loan! $5000 .to $7000 ment Anything! Dick, 613-4459 lnduatrlal • residenUaL paintin& I: decoratina. 10% pttferrtd. can Mr. DarUel challenitns work. Lute. Fountain VaDry. 90a31 1ecured b y second Slngle-Wldowed-Divorced REPAIRS* ALTERATIONS * ~ * Diacount on all wall paper. LADY wouJd lib Uw -tn 6"-l390. new aputnMnta complex, NEED HOUldcteper .... tine mortgage. We .... $11.000 * MEN * * CABINETS • .,..,"" job * LANDSCAPING * Sa tllfaction ruaranteed. boulekee .... -Lellly, • Newpol1-. Top....... ~ "'-""" provable equity, Lovely 25 ~~r. 54~ Designs;-Jnrtallation, I.awns--!'!~708 avail. In s ured. P.O. 8ox 674, 1MuM 8d!,. ~~~~mo. xlnt fri~A,!'t~tl ... !Boni., traM I: ref~--- Mesa Nortli home. 5 yr. Everyone's loOJW1g fOi' the A·l CARPENTRY lTe sq ft comPl Sprinklen. '1W"9 • AIDES • fbt eonvaletcence, Apply, 43lt CampUI Driw, med, vacauu11.' .,. .. , : x HOUSEKEEPER, IJve.tn _., 54fN634. right one, We have a way -Call Gordon • 847-6745 12 yn local exp. 5J6.l225 Profesilonal elderly can or family care. NewpL Bch. M-548 The Daily Pilot. n.-· '"'-''"' Must haw ANNOUNCEMENTS '°<all"',!',!::' to liv.1 ROTOTILLING Polntofl Ltd. Hnmemaken. 541-&I ** BROILER COOK DENT.U.."°"'tary.Re<:ep. :::;c:. s..-. . 1nd NOTICES 24 hr. -ming C,ment, Conc.-.te 6600 N-lawn•. '--'--aping. BRUSH, ROLL, SPRAY bW ...__.. tlonilt.Bookkffper. Dental =-~ --..... ., ""' uu......:; FREE ESl'IMATES Jo .,..,.., · txper pref. U none, must HOU~~ or •-.-Found (FrH Ads) 6400 MEN! Why spend money on CEMENT Work: Walles &-Shrubs &: trees removed. * 548-6002 * Mtn & Women 7030 EXPERIENCED. Pmn. 5 or have exper in almllar po:Bi-f.or wtdowr. Call mot•lilWI expensive cars and cloij)es, patiOs. whatever :you need Free est. 5'~174.2 _ _ 6 day week -nl&ht •hil_!. 1D-tlon.~Mullt be~ neat;"-well --84~ -.-" when all you need is one in concrete the price is LANDSCAPING No Wading COUPLE will m • n a I e quire bet. 11 AM·5 PM. groomed 6 able to meet HOUSEKEEPER .... u..· ti Gb=~PPS::~~lkol:. of Sir waiter's famous righl! CallBob642-9187aftS. New lawns, rotot t ltinr. t,!A!:_~';!i.~!ct adult uni~~~enced. Tho FIY Crowns pUbllc. No amOkinC durtng for elderly coUple. Ma~ European razor cuts to cor· CONCRETE work au types. Shrubs & tttts removed. JV-~· R • 1 oUlce tin. Send complete woman pref. c.au &a..ean No ID. Vic Wilson & . . .....,., ,.,.__ l .... 174,. 5e1444 549-0449 estauran · n..n.. · • Harbor, C.M. 834-5373 ral a fair Laas1e! _,.. Sawing, breaking, hauling, ·r~= tos "" ,, J-Lz 'Joon, W-. 7100 -1 E. Padflc Cout H-. typePilotwriNttBen ~ttDMM ;:-INSURANCE REPS. Newport, C.M. Sklploa.ding; Lie. Service & a..EAN·UP SPF.clALIST INT • EXT. Pai!IUng. Free -,, ...... ,_, N ph. ..:_~,-, .• uu11. ~· Gall be your own boll' oui. BROWN puppy, mottled blk ALCOHOLICS Anonymous QuaJity. 842-1010 Mowing. edging, odd Jobi, eita. Loe refs, Neat I: Corona dt'l Mar o ....... DENTAL ASS'T Frc:lnt detk 1lde contact warlr. M~ ~"':' ~t:Wot~~. Pbone542-1217orwriteto *CON.CRETE Work, ~asonable. 548-8955 ~r0T!·~uck~ abt'ljfieS BOYSt0-14 only.Muathl.ve •exper.u ofcbkgrdamu.t.AttraetM! ~ P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. Licensed. Patios I drvw)'I, Exp. Japanese land1eape, METICULOUS PAINT CUrSer Rou• ()pd recept. ht dental otnce. • penonable only, Top Co. UP TIGHr? Need someone etc. Phillips Cem"nt. cleanup, maintenance. ~~hou tnt tlDlfmffeb t:lr ,__ Beach area. M6-3MO Sam-pay1 $425. up. FOUND -Newport Heights l!AS-6380 Mack 11A" oAA.. EXP. ~ lt'I. ~t. • ·--Beadl So ._.... 9 pm APEX area: young, affectionate to talk to! Dlal·A·Friend, "" °"~ INS col 1tudents 875-5812 agerJC'V --' . . Collie-Shepherd. Call 847-1293, no recorcllng MORE C.Oncttt~ ~tio ~JIM'S Gardening & lawn . ' . C7 DAILY PILOT DENTAL Auiatant I Rece~ Employment~ 5'8-8155 less money, Artilti~ setttna maintenance. Res. &: com-EXTER. Avs l Sb::lry S250. 2 IC-G7I-tlonilt. Mutt be exper. 1873 Harbor Bl'Wf. NEED Rid• to N•w Orlean" & finishing. 6l4-0l87 morel~. 540-<837 Story $350. Olmpl W/rood TRISH HOPKINS Cast1"ng Agent Knowl"1.. of . !ormo & (\I block ·So. Of 19t1JJ PAIR Of prescription glasses share expenses. April 27. paint. Inter. Rm'• $25 paint ...... 7470 G den 548-3426 V. ···--, .~2508 CEMENT WORK, no job too JOHNSON'S GARD. ENING incl.·-· -•• ,_ ... ~D xrays. --ar -new -blk. case. ic. .,...,,..., .,..-Small bl ""-A • ..,;, 11'1 ~....... G-CE Girl F.,·-~w !Nr. OCC .l • reasona e . ..-~-= Yard are O ean-...... s Pl1lJI. CALIF. CASTING CO. ........ · · INSU'RAN • ex_per. '""' Announcements 6410 Estlm. H. Stufllck 548-8615 lng, :witrna:. 962:'i»s , ~~:~Jc~~~ Quality Poiltlon1 for We are cuttns d.lreciora for DENTAL Aaalltant • OrthC>-Xln't opportunity tn futnl 644-l054. DECORATfVE CONCRETE JAPANESE Garde 11 1 ng rel. FREE eat. 548-H27 Qualified Applicantl many independent lnduttriaJ dontic Otttce, dental exper srow1nl pneral 1111. apney ~~/:E:·a~lk~b";7thm~: ---!MPO--R-1-.Jill-. --DRfVES..~~PATIO" Servi~Ne~~ CeabUp p A I NT ING-Jn t, A Ext. 488 E. 17th. Suite 2'U C.M. :r.doeume. Need ~te~C: ~~·pref. Ap ~ ~ ~i~tope.,:;, Garnen Grovo. 5.1(>.5656 att LEATHER PANTS yd. L Hi-I Quality. Lowest '42·1470 13..!5 l<>r nolMlft!on ;lobo. 171 DEN'l'AL ASSISTANT Clarlto c.m..,.. 511.-. S pm FLAIRS e ~ "'GHTS Child Caro, LAWN MOWING SERVICE Prices. Fully exp. Ina. John •~ "~ d W ·-not d "'" *** JN -o• ·-ts. 01~ 6610 Neat. depend;._ble, reuon-6n.1166 Jr. Purch11lng Admln. w ,..._ per l)'. e _., Cbnl e, exper o"M.:f• .!tl"'u.:, ... •"'6" MALE kitten. blk w/gold FRINGED e SHORTS Licenud able. Free eat. 8f6.(l955 PAINT NOW SAVE tt $1 D00 a achoOI or apnt. M8-88M Mac Greaor Yatbt Corp stripes, white paws/chest. MOTORCYCLE PADDED ANESE Gard '" 2 .,... colle~. ~ fXll, fet FREE TV SCREEN DIESll 1631 Placentia, C.M. Paularino St. 546-5f65 aft On Sale Now p Only $39.95 Pre School serving So. Qr. JAP ener lftV· can Jaek NOW!! J•W TEST I • ange Co. 6:ll am to 9:30 lng F. Valley. H. Bch, Cotta 894-38915 or S37-6925 pd, (also fee joba) call Ann, ' INVOICE C erlr • 3 p.m. WhUe They Lui. pm T d•"s wk. Full-P/time.. Mesa, Npt Sch. 6G-0345 . Wettclitf Pel"IOMt'I Apney, NO CHARGE TO YOU Estimating 1'l'a1Me tor «m· BLK. •hort hair dog, 1,.. JAMES LTD ~ PAINT!NG-Exl-!nl. l8yn. 3143 w .. tcllU Dr., N.B· EVER! MECHANIC tractor. Lile ..... W!al male, young, nr La Paz Rd. Alt IChl, Rates for 2 A up. GARDEN service, clean-up, exper, Ins. Uc. Free eat. 645-2770. We are client paid, Ph. for worlt, must be: &ood with Well behaved. Eve, 495-0062 lnternatiol1BI 646-3706 or 534-1292. maintenance, call al'ter 6 I lervlew <n4) 835-8282 56-12«2 Motoring Accessories BABYSITI'ING aJl ages in p.m., 891-7735 Accoust. Ceilings. 548-5325. General Office, to $4.50. n • 54>1117, M wk di.YI only. figures. CURLY Black dog found vie. 1584 Newport, C.Af. 642-00fO my licensed home. Ex. care NEED a Paillter! Interior Ac:cnti pay-rec. typlnf 50 CHURCH NURSERY DISHWASHER.. PART·'n'ME Keypunch ODr. SS20 Harbor & San Diego Frwy. BIG SALE provided. Call 646-2781. Gen.rat Services 6612 & e~rlor. Experienced. WPM, lowly ottlcta, call Attendant. Sun. mornina:, Swill Chalet. 414 N. New-DAYS. Xlnt. stable Co,'Ide.S M~288S. New &: used name-brands i: 55T-8S38 Loraine Wntcllff Personnel Tuea: A Wed afternooM. Ma. port. N.B 1'0t'kinc condl, T0p bettta. TAN Shaggy med. ,;:i:. fem originah. Ladies, teen 1, Contradors "20 LAWN MOMn lharpened .... COLLEGE Student. 2 yn ex· Aaency' 2CH3·"Weetclitt Dr., ture, love A understand ba-• Call Mla Pat. :157.Q.ZI. dog. Vic. Lake Park, H.B. chlldttns &: mens apparel, --------small engines repaired-Ute pmence. Low prices. N.B, Ms.mo. bie1 I: tnlall cblldren. Pb)tl-Drattllman Abiiall Abbot Peaarmal 536-3021 aft. l: 30· Small antiques llOld dally on Addition• * Remodeling weldhla:. Faulkner's ~ower Steve 54&-4549 lcal exam. Hrly wai:u~c. ~. 230 W. Wamll', MALE Silver tabby cat. corullgnment, Famil.y Trea.s-~ H. C:,rwlck,541;:2t10 Shop, 211J Harbor Blvd, RETIRED Painter: 26 yn ACCOUNTANTS ~!!lngha:s=~n··~ll! MECHANll'll sutte 211, Santa Ana. Pau1arinoarea,546-5465att ureHouse,528S.ElCamino CostaMeaa,646-7203 exiier.Neat•bonett.Non IOOl(KEIPERS tton,toBoxM·925DallyPllot. WU. *LADIES'* lMIO. 1bow 3 pm. Real, TUBtln. 832-0712 PROFESSIONAL dttnm. Call 53Mllll OINIRAL Ol'FICI ' SAltAll COVENTltY s,.q GE~~1:::."'· Corpot CIHnlng 6625 APT. CLEANING_ COLOWESTLLEGE '{[;!./',;';"' MAINTINANCI -CITY OF -DRAFTSMAN !..:l:, .. ~ ~::.·~ ~ Spedal Unit Rote .,.._ ' KEYPUNCH OPlER'S. NIWPORT 'BEACH traiJJ, Ni-em .or -64~976'l SERVICE DIRECTORY • ' GENERAC Mntnce. pa1n. Cali Bill 54M549 • FOUND: Rabbit. vie. of 16th of; .~ • , • ting, yard work. rug clean-ch MECHANICS e DRA,TSMAN e Tt1t &mall machine psrta:. ~ Pl. l Tu"lr Av.., Co"8. Boby1lltlng 6550 CARPET lnr . you name It! 494-2515 Plollorlng, Pot ' MANAGERS "'"4 ... , th Minimum 2 >"'· exper. Locol Off•-J-L-. M•aa. 54&-3297 STEAM CLEANED Repair -SALES --por,,mon lmmediah! openl .... Xlnl. -- ' ~~--~~~~ 640I OULD CARE In my bome. IDc SQ. FT. Hulth Clubs no * PA'!CH PLASTERING MEN lo WOMEN Exc:tU.nl l>enellil, chllknl· tunl!> for powth. ~~ ~~. n. a Sch 0 0 1 are.a · Allto' carpet 11111tallation -All lypel. Free e1tlmate1 .Inc j,om&n In pr'Oll'ellfvt Pleue c:al1 for appt. ~-W..S971 SAUNA -MASSAGE Cali 54M825 Cail: Public Worlca lleparbnenl. Send comploto rooumo -._ I0-1141 SlAMESE female, red oollar. OULD CARE in my home. R.EMARC Services. 3 rooms 545-0658 Requlrtl; Orie,_,. draft. M4lt D II PU l8S7 Harbor, Oolta JINi Vic. S.avl~-:'.. • Polh""'u•~a, 1nron1. H.B. anL eau $21.SO. Full cuaran. Credit WHIRLPOOL · GYM Plumbing '"° ,,.....,.,...,,,eoue,. train. Box • Y ot _ CdM. 4 u.u ... ppy c l.U"n. 847..-3397. cardl OK. 847""6688 Lo S.lon ct. Traltment1 RftOl'ded Job ·Infonnatkm lng tn dvB qineerq may ~ No'questtons uked. Re'Mll'd. ,.___ • hO N irubttltute fer two --o-Equal opportllnlf7 ~ _,-;-LOO-K''-;.,SP-IC-IAL-;; 673-3452 CHILO ..,....,, in my me. ·--29> W. Cit Hwy, 'pt. Bch. Pl.UMBINC JlEPAilt ~='°'r.:-;:'-:::::-,;:-:-.:::-,_. Call . · 2CO CabrilJo, C.M. Call Carpet c. funlrwl '62S D&lly 10 am-1 am 642-3154 No Mb tco small AL>Ui.T To care to f OW... perttnoe. Mor Comf,crt bn. It ,... 1Df LOST: Lrl Blue Po Int 548-1623. • --··• We accept Lil cmttt card• • "'642-3121 • vale1einc 13 yr old. Wkd&)tl Draftunan ''I" fttUDs at job. Cell .Mn. SJuneot Cat. be,..·w/gray CH!Lllc:are,ftnced yd,JIOC!d DWIONl>,~t C!!&nen • M 1!0. Own tranop. Aft 8 ApplylmmedlaielJlto-"!Jnlmtm1'1"ft..,.n. °""""· Jl!l.919. ..,.. 4 tail. blue . "'""'· I "°' playmates rou.• e S-Cleanlng SJJO<lnl e Houllng 67JO R.-llng lo 96i-0396 net Ottlct,. City Hal~ 3300 e"" In loyout 6 lapin( LVN-Full or part tinll, 3 ~.';..~""' Dr. 54 '"" 1 '· ~. area. 54&-6.tlO·' 3 ':.'m~ :~fl· Ropolr 6MO AGEJICY NWJS YOU :::::" C.:.~ N,:V:: °' ut """' tar p1ntod "' ll:IO PM. 8 -•""' LO-V'-n-t.t. •• -t It SPANISH SpeaJdnc lady wUI DISCOUNT "'·-t Clwwrs MOVING. gan.p cifarMlp 1 \ (n4) 67M$33. clrcWt borudl. Valle)' Convalttcea1 ,. ~. ~~~·w• al ..,. for ln~nts • childmi. -~ · &' ui. houlin1. Reuonabte. ROOM ADDmo~s. L. T. CALll'. CASTING co. Con Personnel O.pt. Hotpltal. 8C-4llQ :1~ ~;fi>'Si~se -h~t; Feneed)'d.~ ~"~.~&:"~ Free estlmatell. 645-1£,02. I Coaalruction . Family Loolc1nctoreverydl.ypeopllCLERK-For marktttn1 (714J f!4"94Q_I MALE .Ttltphooe..a..J"tN w/bUthy---tail. Reward . MA'I\1R.E, Exper'dt b&bysjt• -YARD/ Gar. Cleanup. rooms. •~e: or 2 story. llkt)'OU!J'orT.V,Oxnmer. dep·artmeat . Hta vy TEL"NIC ~~::.dlllJ· PH:., 83HSe3 ter, Pre!. Lido ISL Oim Corpot Liylnt & Re.,... tee•. Ivy, Jrub. Eottmai.1. pl..,, loyou1 6 claJs • fllm -". _.,.. ,._ <0nt&ct with v •v-• • oil while ooc>dlt tranlpx1atlon. 5<9-1'93 Repair 6626 Grode, bad<bot, 96U7tl flnabdoi .. Call IM7-151L .... ....,.. tNt. no exp'*'· ....,,,,.,., 8peed ml "" lnclatrft11 MAN lo -...... ·loeaJ SaS(· ~1..... vie Heil A WILL can tor one. c,bild u -HAULlNG n6 A LOAD ---Not • ttbool, no fff. curlct ln rou lnt ma.th. ch ~ ....._ M\1ll bt N...to~"~ 1n "Tl.. oompanion ror my," old * EXPERT CARPET o .. n up. -r... s.rv. Gen, Roofing -$50 to $125 PIR DAY type 40 wpm. Min o1 2 Llgunt lea neat-· Call 1 All pit.'' 114;...,.s. 847-1966 .,,, -ln1tollotlon a Repair Prunlnc ~:ms. 5Q.!O(t . 11 occepted. For appl phone yn. of1ia! ....,. nq'd. Equal _,..,, ..,....... to u AN. oolr. - BUSIEST mutte:tf)l&ce ln CXILJ> Care, 1'1'Q1 home. Ne job tOo small. 641-'111 HAULING j; Clean-up. GUTTERS a: DownlpOUtll tn4),835-l282 Contact PerlO(;;'ltl, AVERY OAILY PILOJ" DlME·A· J S ' YOUR AD JN town. n. OAILY Pnm O>nma de.I .Mar. CARPET LAYING ~ rernowd. Reuonlhlt. 1mta.lltd Reu0naNe lT'lS WOMDERl'UL · tbe PROOUCTS. c:...mer Div. LINE& Yau can -u.m CUSS•iltx>f a..1 ~•• .. OulUi<d •tion. Save *fn.o568• C.A. PACE JM:l.lO'IO F>te t1Umete. ~ITG C....... TI4: -· ...,,,. ...,.. In •~ '6lO S. SUout, !ania Ana tar,... ....... a dtl1. Dta1 1>e -,. lr I. 11111 16 t'l'JOne1• Ume 6: etran. took )Vil find In tbe 01wttled CNr Harber A W1mtr~ NWm ·1111 nowlll Ada.or--1 -.¥ l ------~>I Lost • -r r I + j .. . ' .. • • • ,DAJLY PJLOT FtldlJ, ,lprll 24, 1970 ilii'I" JOBS a iifljf'.I JOBS a IMl'LOYMINT MlllCll»!Dlll FOR · 1 MIRCHANDISI FOR ::::..:.. ~ SALE AND TllADI SALE AND TllADI jJ~·~~=·~·~~-~w~-=~7~100~~ .. ~-~;·~M~ ... ~·=· W~om.~=7~1~00~~J.l~b~1~M~11~·~·~w~--=::f7~100~1 , ---. 1: l'umlture IOOO Fumi.,.,. IOOO MIRC~DISI FOi MIRCHAHDISI FOR MERCHANDISE fO" l!\El\CHANDISE FOR SALi AHO TRADE SALi AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE Gar..-.s.i. _ .n ~-lloO ~~lonoou1 ·MOO Mi1c1ll1_,.,1 UGO THE AIRPORTER INN HOTEL U$ED Appliancet A TV'1, all ' ORDER NOW l\OS&.Gold dlnnu ring, lour LEAVING ~: 5' .-"'"""lead. Dunlap'a l&l! FOR MOTHERS' DAY d!Amont11 and alx blu. hi-ti/atereo ~ blue Newport. C.M 548-1788 Motbtrl rinp with cbildrtm a.pbltt1 $.'1)(1, and a PUBLIC NOTICE • ,, OPENING SOON AT 11700 MacArthur Blvd. (Opposit• 01•119• County Ai,portl i• llow 1ccepting 1pplic1tion1 to fill position• in fht hotel l re1teurtnt, coffee shop & b1nqvet dept. -FlON'T Ofi:ICE MANAGER -COOKS -FR.ONT DESK CLEAkS -PANTRY MEN -NIWHT AUDITOR -KITCHEN HELPERS -ACCOUNTANTS -DISHWASHERS IHCl JOOO s,,;,,) -POT WASHERS -cASHIERS -RESTAURANT MANAGER -SWITCHIOAR.D orEMTOR -MAITRE O' --IEll CA'1'AINS -CAPTAINS -IEll MEN -BARTENDERS -STEWARD -kOOM MAIDS -HOSTESSES --MAINTENANCE MEN -WAITRESSES -J+ffllOIS -BUSBOYS Apply We•kd1y1 b1tween 10 1.m.-12 p.m. or 3 p.m.-5 p.m All Br•nd New Furnlfur• r.tum9<1 from ·Mod•I , velvret tutted bMdboud A ' .,u•-1-' w..-1 .... ,,,.,.. .et ~-• -• -·t Vl'-t WESTINGHOUSE Auto, birtbatooea. ,Beaut. cwitom ~ .,.,.,...... ... • Hom••, cfecOr1tor c1ncell1tion• ind di•pl•Y tfudios. ;;:.:~-~~ ~ Wa.shtr, &ood cond., $$), made r1na:g, netklaeet 1 white eokl $75. ~ Spanitfr'& Medtterr•neen Furni,-Ure oid~t 2 IOfu.t newly 6tl-66Clevei. or S,USUn. eal'ri:ngJ at wilh opal,, N· AIR Compressor 6 'iHP 9 Pc Meditt Bedroom suif•1 r•g. $3•9, now $188.00 u~timd 2 a n ti que · bfcl, aquamari.nea. aapphlr. trailer mounledr 2 &al pot, Gor7eous Sp1nlsh Custom 10f1 w/m•tchg love se1t loftteat.t ~ dlttennt, 6 Ant5qUM 1110 ff, jade, etc. for the SPEC hoses, gun, & aco.ousUcal Cllo1ce of i)e1ut f1bric1, reg. $'419.95 now $225.00 dining~ hn: 1 Duncan lAL MOTHER. i...pldaey bop~r. complete $295. ~:Udi~.ejE~ir~i:1~;·1-c~1;;;·r~bi;;··::::: .. :-r::~ p~ ~~=.=· =~~~ :P·ior ~b ~i:uoo~ ~.54,,,'",,,"="======1 Tell D•cor T1ble L1mp1, reg. 4'9.95 now ..•. $ 18.00 ~=· llwlvel deJ chair, ·2 I: kine. U75. 645-1530 or jewelry_ makl!J'. supplies, Misc. W•nttd 1610 Spanish Hing. Sw1(? Limps, r•g. 49.95 now$ 22 .150 h'd ·bed ttre 2 6"-Ql!x; eves. aold, silwr, f1ndmgs, tools ----·-----1 l R I 1 Nl ma sses, & casting 1o.ppUes. ooms o . qr9eoui Sp1nish Furnifl.lre Mugahyde chrs, good cond. S.Wint Mechlrw 1120 Open Tues thru Sal. 9-6 LADIES, Girlt: c lothl ns .twa1 reg. $129151 Secrificel $425, term1 Paint ~prarer. ta~ gu~ ~ Sunday JM closed Mon. wanted tor consignment R D FURNITURE hose. Antique sign 8 x4 SINGER Auto zig-zag. 6 FJVE M GEMS 11 Origina:ls pref. Formal•, 1144 Newport Blvd. (1t Harbor) Cost• Mesi Only w/18'". letters blk • 1old. mos. ~ld. No attach ·needed LAPIDARY ·SUPPLY ::~'::ii~~:~:!~ Every Night 'til 9-Wed., Sot, & Sun. 'Ill 6 Brownie projector. Sleeve for zig-mg, button boles, Rear ot College Center .M>wing machine. 1 ro~ ~f-designs etc. Cuar. $37 ca.sh Shopptng O!nter 544-931110 am-5 pm. JOBS & EM OYMEi;:, mg paper, co m p o, 1 1 t 1 o n or small payments. 52£...6616 2750 Harbor Blvd ll·A DESPERATE you n g ex· ---PL "'T Furnltur• 8000 6~ingtes. Slay bed. 45 throw SEWING MACHINE Costa 'Mesa '* s4s.2039 pectant mother needs Jobs-Me Wom 7100 --------pillows. Many other Items. Sac 'New Singer auto FulJ,y ==,,.-.,--=~=-..,.. .furniture le baby clothes. 1 • .ll1Go"'b•1-.IMlloJa111n, Wom. 7100 Jo~n, Wo'!L 7100 I Jobs Men, Wom. 7100 ___ ..;,..".:.•_· .;.;,._·~..;,;;I BEING lransferred, must 3281 Colorado Lane. Costa ~ 54G-8l91 Pvt pty. ZENITH stereo $3.'.i. BR set, 546:9912. 646-9786. .•. • • TELLER sell comp. bedroom suite, Mesa. , . oak.1= 26 drwr, bkcase hdbd WANTED: Cylinder records. PRODUCTION . paid $1300 will take $650. GARAGE Sale; Meta] patio Musil:al ~ oak nite atands $5 Edison or Columbia. Top MAN I GU'd~Dl!r, ground SALES: Hosiery &: hand Spanish velvet sofa & table & two umbrellu, col· Instruments ea. 12 x U oval braid<.'d p · 548-5603 a1t 5 30 mal.nten.ance, at Newporter CONTROL bags. Mature women 25-55. Position available for per-loveseat, paid $500, will take fee table, floor waxer, 11' 8125 rug, multi-color $40 Pr. rice! : . 1nn Permanent. See head Leed''s Shoe Store, So. Coast sonable, well groomed young $275. Commode & end tables davenport, llkt new. Metal yellow plastic-back hdbds $2 WANTED Office Equip: c1esk Gardener, Mr &U:Js., N.B. EXPEDITOR Plaza. Contact Mr. Phelps. ~tyya:~i!1e::y~,:k U75. Washer dryer, refrig., fl)lng cabinet, elec. adding QUU.TER Bus ~p, 200 ,ea. Formica kltchi'n table c'".u" ~!b~..::.l,ec typewriter. , MANAGF?d'ENT ,OPPOR . SAL.ES dinette & lamps. Color TV .. machine, typewriter ,table, watts rms w/4 15 Allecs. $6. 3 Maple bars!Ools $8-$10 .... .......,,., ·FuU·or t tim Car :.J PrecWon metal parts man. $400 lo $3,000. No salea e:icp. well with the public, ·'feller paid over S500 will take s unit metal locker. 2 new $685 or best otter. &G-2540 ea, Se\ving mach. $10 2 I:;;========::.! l:hr wk.~· nee, ufacturing, hlul a need for needed to take orders & experience des.Ired but not $275. 534-2549 Amer. Standard wash betw.10-6 pm Maple lamps S6ea. 540-0116 Machinery, Etc. 1700 * MAJ D s . Perm, lor • man with experience in .cover leads tor wor Id's mandatory. DANISH Modern, 91h ft. sec· basins. Relaxlclzor. Twin * BEAtn'lFUL, like new 7 PEMCO at gal. Aquarium I ----------.1 qua I t fie d who enjoy manufacturing production fastest selling hoi;ne ex· Xlnt working conditions and tlonal, Beige couch with brass headboards, springs, piece drum set, hardly used. w/filter, aerator, heater, 9" Delta table saw \\'/drill ,•n.n .. rctng w<lrk.. Large, mntrol. Must hf! well versed er c l.s er. It aells like fringe benefila, Please call curved end, revers t b 1 e mattm;ses & frames. misc. Cost $400 • Sacrifice S2T.i? ! thermometer, ex t r a lights, press & 4" joiner $150. 30" ;;;r apartments complex, ln M>rldng with blueprints, bananas, In ~ bunches, fur Mrs. Nagel tor appt. (TI4) cushions, good condition $50, Sat-SUn, 9-4PM, rear For details 538-1435 live plants, de co rat i ve Craftsman lathe $65, Newport.Beach. Top Wages, production orders and engl-$10.1.50. with 100% ~ 6§2.47U, double bed with Walnut garage 3975 Birch, NB.12 string guitar & Bundy volcanic stones, ~xtral='"""=l.356="=.·====== xlnt fringe benefits, ins .. ~n·""·nt·!:'"'wth' '·opportuoity •,,ing. cau7 : 897.19116 between bookcase headboard, New 644-0026 B-Oat clarinet, both inunac .• artificall .plants. sel •,',''."',· FREE TO YOU med, vacation. Writ~: Box "'°''-" ... ¥ & p.tn. -GLENDALE_ EnglaMer Red Llne mat· ESTATE SALE, Sat & Sun, $90 each. 64M027 co°'! gra':'e · . 1 • M.-Stt The Dally Pilot. ~ flinge benellls. te 'th SALES-Service Estab. Fuller tress &. box springs, (tall 11 to 5 pm. Mason/Hamill :e::int ;:u ;::1;~-~fish, ---------·I MAIDS. Experienced, over cornmensura wi Brush route, $125 a wk, FEDERAL SAVIN~S boy length) &OOd condition upright piano, 8' down sofa, Pianos & Organs 1130 .0 j · eveir. 21. Apply Bell Brown's exrnence. xuaranteed to start. Call $65, 833-1350 ' Med. strle stereo console. ings FREE to good home only. Beaut. long haired kittens, 5 v..·ks old. 1. has 8 toes Motor Hotel, 31106 s. Coast APPLY IN PERSON 546-5745 1833 NEWPORT BLVD. -4 PC. BEDRM SET Wrought iron chairs. b_ar PIANOS & ORGANS D'"AN=rSH""M=oo"•"''":-· "s11"""1t"'". -:c,..:-_ HW)', South Laeuna Sanitary EnginMr COSJ'A MESA ~tools, S?fa bed. Drexel d.1n-NEW & USED Ilona!, Beige couch with MAIDS NEEDED EX SHUR-LOK CORP. 5 yrs bltgrd. Working know-Equal oppqt!unity employer Contempj)rary walnut queen ing chairs, lamps, Spanish •Yamaha Pianos Organs CUl'\.'ed eDd, reve rsible ·~ not nee KEN Ntu;S ledge Southeast environment WAITRESSES Full or rt size bed {headboard, lrame ~ven ~s~a~. b ab Y • Thoma& Organs cushions, good condition iso. on each front f oot . 546-3475 4/'n MAfuNA MOTEL, 1021· 1300 E. Normandy Pl., helpful. Young growing firm. time. Ref'1. A~ply Ben~~·s :i::i~=.lbu~1~a':~i~~ llems, cnb, inlaid buHet, e Kimball Pianos double bed with Walnut Da1alde Dr Newpt Bcb. Sant.a Ana Salary open for future di&-Coffee Shop, 133 s. Coa&t glass lop coffee tbl, etc. e Kohler & Campbell bookcase bead~, New NEED Good home for 2 lov. fem. kittens, 9 wkl. old, 1 black, 1 calico 897-1618 4/23 ·• H h stand. All with fonnica tops. 1301 Seacrest, CdM .. Lusk COAST MUSIC: Englander Red Line mat-* * * MAID * * * Cl blk N, of r~Fadden,...._ cussion, APEX wy., Laguna Be • $12.5. Call 545-6062 after 5 or Harbor View Hills, 2 streets NEWPORT & HARBOR ·tress & box springs, (I.all ~n~ * blk W, o rand) Employment Agency ~~~ ;;~· !"i:~ =·-.•=ytl=Jn='~""'~""',..oda_. ~-~ north of models. Costa Mesa * 642-2851 . boy length) good cond1tlon MECHANICS HELPER Equal opportunity employer 1873 Harbor Blvd. am & 9 pm BAYFRONT-Custom furn . 2 FURNITUR&G~rag1•,, Salode. Open 10-6 Fri lM Sun u.5 ~$65~, ~-~1350=-· ===,--MALE GUINEA PTG S, cream & white . 645--0127 4/24 {t,l block So. of l9th) 8' floral print sofas, Kent It~m11 otte~d in xn co . WHILE THEY LAST vw BUS CAMPING & LUBE MAN POWER Machine operator, MS.J426 WAITRESSES, exp'd. Split game tbl & 4 lthr chrs. Girl's v.·hile bdrm set, EQUIPMENT Must be tamUiar w/diesel drapes only. Exp. Colt =====~~--shift "62 PaliSades Rd. 12 pc antiljucd din. set. 5' phono console. oversized chr SPINm $538 All in one unit • 2 bu~r trucks, Furnish your own ,nra~,,_pery_,_,c,642-0270~~-:~-,-SECRETARY (Private) S.A. * THE DERBY* walnut glass Inlay coffee & ottom., Drexel accent AU finishes American made stove with big propane tank, SMALl.., Part Doxy • & • hand tools. Recent College Gr.cf. For Vice President ol Mtg. WAITRESS WANTED tbl. Carved Span. end tbl, pc's. Misc lamps & access. Six post ~ck Spruce sound'. 50 pound icebox, water DRIVER Sanitary Engineer. Environ-planl Accurate .I: efficien\ Over 21. 962-m.2 &ft 1, !~~!oo' 2 orange silk chairs, 4/.25 & 4/26, lOAMM. 2707 ing board, all inclusive 10 storage, place to hang Poodle. H.se. broken, has : shots, 4 mo's old, male. Free to good home. 642-8472 eves. 4/'15 W/Claas 1 LiceD&e, exper on mental science. No. 2 spot in handling COITespondence v"'"'" Wavecrest Dr., Cd · year warranty. clothes • can make into bed dae.et equip & 40' low bed In young growing firm. Sal-& telepl,lone v."Ork. ~=~· =~d.ha~:~~~ TOO Much Furniture! $300 EXERCYCLE $10, Butch GOULDS SANTA ANA • unit can be moved easily. PRE'ITY TWINS, 61A. wk. old black kittens, hsbkn, Jong hair, used to kids. 962-5644 4/24 tdr'a. ary open for future disc1,1S-Some typing A: SH req'd. $500 tools. 642.-4343 quilted sofa, like new $100. clipper $4.50, Sun b ea m 2045 N. Main 547-0681 Price $75. Call 642--0297 MAN FRIDAY lion. mo, Apply In person: • Misc. chairs. tbls, lamps, French .fryer $13.95, Mix We are having• -. CA$$H e For General Clean-Up &: APEX Z.D. PRODUCTS Schoola-lnotrudion 7600 etc. French Prov. white Master + extras .$1Z. 4' Wh I 1 S I Yard WPl'k fQI' locally based Employment Agency 3190 Pullman, Coata Mesa dres!ler & mirror $15. Call Florescent lite $5, Dishes a • 0 • a • F 5 PUPPIES, '1 male, l fem. Mother Cockapoo. 546-2336 . 3128 Lincoln Way, No. C.M. 4.25 tru.Ai.;-,._, 1873 H..-bor 81 .. ,, Equal op-·"ity empl"""'r r.: .• 0 3797. • 18 50 Sod K' & · on Pianos and Organs. ar .....,'6 """+ vu ,........... v;r~ ......,.-. ---~ ...,.,... . , a ing m\SC. You bt'tter come on down! FURNITURE Call J"ack 546-7172 (~ block So. of 19th) S•cy/Legal Trn•e $450 i'Th7t{~. CUSTOM quilted twin beds. 218 14th St, H.B. 536-6Q8G \VARD'S BALD\VIN STUDIO Appliances, Antiqtt('s MECHANic;..J"<nign Car, 548-3426 Exciting opty to start in legal e Schaal of BuslMll e Gold bro c ad e. com p I CAMEO Highlands Garage 1819 Newport, C.M. 642-8484 l Item or Housetul Exp'd., Coata Mf!llL Restaurant _ field, Very pleasant law w/brass hcadstead; elec. Sale, Sal & Sun. Men's golf Open Every Nile 638-5000 Need lovable home for very •Call 642-5133* ofcs., good benfs. Call Miss Features weekly refresher blanket, bedspn:ls, bed pads clubs, antique love seat, & Sunday Afternoon e 894-2312 e lovable afi'ectionate white MEDICAL Secy-Front. Of-* DISHWASHER Elizabeth, ~7-6122. Abigail courses In the skills you & all lint'ns. As new. Eico 11.mplifier & tuner. TV, 1 * AUCTION * kitten, 5 mo's greenish blue flee, some back, koowltdge Abbot Penonnel Agency, 230 Eves/wknds. 962--0212 sewing machine. mi sc eyes. 548-0813. 4/25 of all types of med. forms. (Night-time) W. Warner, Suite 2ll, Santa =I. to &et the job you NEW 8 ft sofa & 5 ft. love items. 6 7 5-3 2 0 9 4TI4 HAMl'lOND Stelnw~. Yam· U you will sell or buy HELP-Need home for 2 1 M Tu Th Fri Ana. Cortland Dr. CdM. aha. New & used pianos of give Windy a try month old kittens & t ""· on, es, un. . * BUSBOYS seat, 3 toned on gold, strip , most mak~s. Best buys in Frid 1 30 er• 9:JO... 6:30. $2.75 hr. Fashion Secy L19el $550 e 833 Dover or., N.B. e pattern: Orirntal teak rram-TIIURS, Fri, Sat, (16.5) 2530 So. calit a' Schmidt Music Au~tions 1 ay • : p.m. old mother. 1338 W. Balboa, Isl. Send ' resume to Daily CD•ytime) FEE NEGO e 642-3870 e ing. f.500. 644-5983 Santa Ana Ave, C.M. Span. Co. 1907 N. MPin, Santa Ana W indy s Auction Barn Apt. 4, 673-4523 4/25 Pilot Box ?\f-29. Xlnt benfs Incl, retirement ~ 8' SOFA & Loveseat, coffee end tbl, Colon. lamp tbl. 2015% Newport, CM 646-8686 NEED Gd. hrn. for h.&e pet. MOTEL MAID Part WM, • APPLY * plan, Other free&: fee jobs. SCRAM LETS & end lbls k bd patio tbl~ hair dryer, bed RARE Mesan-Hamlin parlor Bebind Tony's BJdr. Mat'L Calleo kitten 5 Dl0£, very penlnsula area. Reuben E. Lee JASON BEST • set, lam'p sng& s:z:ch rn; frame, m1scodds~ends. pump organ. Beautiful case LADIES Diamond Dinner friendly. Unusual color. . * ~lMl * 151 E, Coast Hwy. 2201Erns!l~ntSanAgota"1 ANSWERS Sacrifice! Call 646-4332. CLOTHING, books.&. staml p & tone. $375. 645-1530 <it Ring, set with 1%. karat 54~1955 4/25 * MOTEL MAID -Full or Newport Beach · am, na Al.t\10ST new Spanish round collection. Rocks, she ls, 644-<1105 ews. center diamond, 2 diamonds CUTE pups. VariOWJ colors ~ time. Apply: 494-9436 9264 W. Katdla,. Anaheim tbl, 4 chrs for game or fossils. Old 'ootUes A: vie-YAMAHA 5, 7 Grand Plano -% karaL on et,ch side. -sml &. med. breeds. Free Laiun8 &aeh. --ResRtaeuranu'L~n E. Lee 546-5410 or 821·1220 Tangle -'Erupt -·Hiker -nook. Make offer. 962-6473 trola. Sat. & Sun. 280 E . Xlnt oond Must sell Cali Brilliant cut. sac r If Ice ! to gd. runs. 548-0813 - MUSIC Arrangm-Write in-us * S1cr1tary * Hanger -TIGHT 8' Oft White Sofa. Excellent Wilson, C.M. (1) m-9024 Reply to Box P360, Daily ' 836-4493. 4m strument charts. for com-Nicest boss in town needs A clever boozer: He lakes condition. $35. Twin \vrought ANTIQ. Chair, desk. !bi's, Pilot LOV. sh. hair wht. male poser of popular music. Aft * BAR BOY * intelligent, poised exec. type a pint to bed with him so he iron headboards $7. 644-1830 lamps. pictures, glass. 1'11~. Television 8205 %. sack cement mixer, $63. kitten. Hse pet. gd, dlsp. 6 PM Sun thru Thurs person to run ore. Start $500. can sleep TIGHT. Lots of goodies. 402 38th · Ditch digger, $80. Engine 540-5955 4/25 ' ' ' Call Joan Marlin. I -=======-...~ 71h' Sofa, tlol'"al avocarlo c-t NB su & M COLOR TV' R ,., DaveMcKinney,54!>4270. AIRLINE .,., · · n on. . s eposses...,... tripod $20.8'camper,nook. 8 WKS old kittens . COASTAL AGENCY green shades S75, 2 ceramic T k 5 t Exp'd. Part Time 2790 Harbor Blvd., C.M. SCHOOLS swag lamps $5 ea. 54s-4177. SAT & Sun. Ruby hanging a e over payments, o sink, ice box & ~tove area. Par tJPerslan grey/wht. Jobs-Men, Wam. 7100 NEED Vacation Money'? If YoU Med a iood steady in-come I:: can work only ball days. Take food orders, Founliln Valley, Hunt. Bch. area. Cal.I Mrs. Stevens, cn4) 533-1932. Nuralng R .N. • 3 days par wk. Chollanging pooltion, r•llef SUJMrvlsar, 96 bod ECF. APPLY PACIFIC -~ _ lamps, marble tbls, cut choose from. Eagy Credit 549-0120 !162-6358 eves. _ 4_25 151 E. COAST lfWY. Day & Night Classes Office Furniture 8010 Klass, etc. Lotsa goodies. OuM t of stateAOKpl. _South Coa2133i.t HEARING Aid ( 0 ti con) I '2~p=u~P~P=1E=s~.-,~w7·Jt.-o,..ld7,-_l NEWPORT BEACH SERVICE Station needs -----··-----540-3178 agnavox P 1ances, Brand new, used 6 \vks, ex p'd man, day s , 543-6.596 USED steel desks $39.50 • GARAGE Sale at 223 Laguna Canyon Rd. L.B. had surgery It can't use. female blk & \Vht. 1 male RN J.n..Service, co.ordinator, Good -o.: 610 E 17th St Santa Ana blk. 54J-4595 after 5 4/24 oxp'd only. BA degree P!'tmanent. wo ..... ng ' ., Posture chairs $12.50 & up Marguerite, Corona de l MAPLE Console RCA 20" Paid $300. Sell $100. concl's. Union Oil 393 E. e Used 2 & 4 drtiwer filing Mar. All day Sat & Sun. remote control color TV 546-2994. 3 CUTE kittens lo good preJ"d. Xlnt benefits &: 17th St. Costa Mesa Cattage Art Shappe cabinets e Used wood desks $100 casb' Needs some , home, 6 wks old, 1 gray starling aalary. Contac t Art lessons, land & seascap. TO Good home only, female . ~146 CARPET Left from Comm I. 2 It brown 962-2lG9 4/24 Director of Nursing. C.M. es, .signs &: truck lettering. McMahan Bros Desk Inc, German Shepherd, 1 yr old. repair. contracts. $1.98, $2.88, shag ~=·""'==·=~~-~ Memorial Ho.r;p. 642-2734 SERVICE Station Attendant. Enuna Blankinship & Joyce 1800 Newport Blvtf." ~901j 4/27 '7-0 Sylvania Color TV \valnut .$3.99 sq. yd. Drakes Carpet 3 BEAUTIFUL kittens left, RN's.JCU, All shifts avail. Full time, eve. shift Ex· Sisler. 690 W. 19th (At :·.>-Costa Mesa * 642-8450 3 FAMILIES EVERYTHING lb! model $295. D a Y s 1-r.KIS Beach Blvd., H.B. male & fem a l c, fancy. Xlnt working cond's. Con-perienced, neat in ap-mona) 642-1689 or 836-6455. Off F.. Starts 10 ~ Sal. 4/25. 605 642-8274. eves 534-7678. 842-5ll4 494-81:>8 4/24 tact Director of Nursing pearsnce. Apply 2590 New. P IANO LESSONS • Ice .• quipment SOii Victoria St. CM. MAGNAVOX 23", s te r eo MAHOG. 5 dra\'ier chest, 1/3 Yard clean Bldg . .sand, C.M. Memorial Hosp, port Blvd., C.M. Beginners, intermediates • 0 Sal ' . Sa Su consol, AM/FM radio. Xlnt. xln't. 12) 30.6 rifles, custom . you pick up 1376 Shannon, 642-2734 SERVICE Station Attendant, all ages. THEORY • IM· ?tt A RC HANT E I e c t . ~t:i M' ehoFrihold t~sn cond. $95. 540-5853 Rolle ill ex camera & access. C.l\1. 546-6090 4125 =--,,77,..--.,,...,,---,.,, I mature. p/tlme, Corona del PROVIZATION, R••-nabl•. calculator & VICTOR 10 key ;>, isc. use COMBO 21.. 1 T v xln't cond. Fishing rods & FRIENDLY Black short hair RN, Night supervisor, xlrtt M ~ ••= -1 195.1 ?.laple Ave., C.M. · co or • 1 .,. ~,7 ' be fi Ill', "''J"Vl"N· Call aft" 5 p.tn. 546-1548 e eel adder. 642-4715 radt"/st•~. ree s. l;O'l<l'"'JU<I • d"". 1'1ed. sz, Needs lg• LVN. 6:30 •m. 3 pm, working cond's &: ne:ts. u ... u v .. "·-ta t DI •-· f N Shipping -R•c1ivinn • ------Cali 842-5834 MfNI Bike $35. hand mowers yard. 830-5409 4/25 2 days SM' wk. R1llef """'' c rec"".' 0 ursing, • C f R t t 8014 med. nurse. c64.~:....... Memorial H o~ p . W•rehaus• Man1g1r Theatrical 7900 1 •, 81 euran Appliances 8100 $5., small engine, as is ia. CUTE Baby bunny to a good ~"~ ---------____ Hi-Fi & St•rtt0 8210 ~6-5206. 1881h 11IeITill Pl., home. Ask tor Sbarel. ---·----CM BATH AIDE • I AM • 1 PM. 4 days pe:r wk. Will train. Set Betty Bruce at mjj lxec ~~·growing co~~~ ACTING ooo,,THs. 1so"'"•'1"1 ""',h ,'"'., • has ~c.o, ATSl'D'KI• R.BYd•---GROOVY GRUNDIG 4 NEW' ' Sylvant'a g .. , Lamp 548-9832 '1/24 •llXUS an expenen .. ..,.,. pu man · · w1 a es, ""'" '"" ed AM/Fi\'l 1 .. FREE Horse fertilizer, you man who could standard-Do you want to be a full lime settees. $j per lineal foot. models of new '70 Kirby spe · 1 ~ e re 0 • w/adjustable clamp / holder. haul. 20311 Cypress, Santa ize our \varehouse stor-v.1orking professional'.' Do 5cf' Dockmasler, 3333 W. CJ 2·~ If F t T/deck space. Like new. Used once $750 642-1724 Ana <I°' . ass1cs. J 1c fl . ac . 646-1234 (STAN) ' · · "" age and establish a you have the. self discipline Coasl Hwy, N.B. warm't. PH ; 536-75n/222 evenings. .• NURSES AIDE • 11 pm-7:30 om. Exp'd. pref1rrecf. Agency 1or Career Girls 410 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. smooth traffic control to subject yourself to a rig. 3/6 wks old kittens, 2 b/w system. td British training course & Garige Sele 8022 Sth St/ H.B. Cameras & NE\V HUFFY 24" WOMAN'S toms·. l v.•ht. fem. Hsebrk. PARK LIDO CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 1714) 642·2410 NURSE AIDES .•. All llhifts open. Experienced prerd. Apply: Laguna Beach Nurs- ing Home lil4J 494-8075 N""""' REGISTERED NURSE l .C.-C.C.U. Expanding Wl1t. Challenging ewortWUHes, continuin& ed· uca.tion program. Contact pers'lnnel So. Coast Com· mWlilY 1-J.osp. 31872 Coast Hwy, So. Laguna (Il4J 4'" 1111 Exl 356 '~ PART .. Tirne. Very a.ccuntlt' at ~ f.lgures & uslna ttddlng macbine. ~eed car. Ml.~ By appot:1t, 646-3939 Salos GRANT'S SURPLUS Now Interviewing SALESMEN Full Time Experienced prefetTed but not necessary, Many company benefits, Apply in person only between ·z and 6 P.M. Ask for l\tlke Grant. PLEASE APPLY 1i:i0 Newport Blvd., C~{ SALES PERSONNEL {Male or Female) Part time, for luxury apt complex. Previous sales 8t leasing expcr, req'd. Call SO. BAY CLUB APTS. Newpl. Bch. (714) 645"0550 SALESLADY Exper. in ladles ready to wrar. Apply PART TIME house cuard. APROPOS. No. 21 Town & 5-tPM, N"'PO!'t Center. Country, Orange. Mon-Jo'rl. C.11: 644-0003 10AM-4PM. 1 --~===--E.\RTJtllE 9_AM~ PM, $750.00 Good salary and excellent fringe benefits. Apply Box P-587 Daily Pilot SHOE SALESMAN, full time. Experienced only. Pleasant & casual 'llr'Orking cond'11. Well above average earnings. Call Mr. Densmore 644-0424 SKIPPER 45' Diesel Sport Fishing Cruiser. Full tline position. Factory work in winter. Maintenance exp. req'd. Ski pper's Uc, preferred, P .O. Box 729, Weslmiruiter, Cal. SO. CALIF .. 1st NATIONAL BANK has lmmOOi11.tc opening for COMMERCIAL -TELLERS- APPLY IN PERSON ONLY 1001 S. El Camino ReaJ san a,mente, Calif. (Alpha Beta Shopping Centtt) EquAl opp:>rtunity employer 3 dt3"I a week. OmCE Sl!.lesman, married, Product TELEPHONE Sales from .A.1l£TtULING. 642-«m. aales, c.ar pJu.s expenses, Jet yonr own hpme. exper, e e e PIE MAKER telmburscd lalao fee jobs), ·""'luy open, 644·2159, s.10 Rtlp:dlbW:, )IOI.I,,_ m.n 10 call Ann, We11tclln Ptnion-..,,•,,.•,,• =O=nlo-Y~· ~--- lcvn n. JM making bull-IW:I Age:ney, 2043 Wf'stclilt TRACER La.the Optt'8.tQr 6 nr.. 6 4111 • .a hr Mt, woril: Ori~, N.B. &tS.zrro mos lo one yrs t.:icp. prrff'r- tmo s;d flm.h with IJ'Owina' SAJ.ES: Service tstabllshed red. Call Mr. Le\\<ls 645-2884 ro. AIPJ in pmion. VY1 Pis Fu.lier Bru.Ah custoow.n. TRAVE11 ACENCY netds fl to 6 pm.l J.t1 £. 16th SL. $145. wk. par. to •tart. part Uni" gtrl. Exper'd on· C.M, C.U Kl M.339 ly. C311 Mon.~ ~ ~ f I the artistic humility lo ac-KENMORE Model 80 auto. Equipm•nt 8300 OR Gffil..S BICYCLE. SPY-546-9649 4/25 cepl minor roles until the ---------I washer, xlnl oond. $<IO. DER MODEL. S<lO. LARGE Old Hi Fi cabinet, training period is complete 1 GIRL SCOUT FrigidaiN' elec. dryer, xlnl MOVIE Camera Bolex ms 642-17.24 EVENINGS. no hi fi equip inside, just It so THE LONDON LA· RUMMAGE SALE cnnd. $50. &47-8115 or 3 lenses, comp. outlit & car. BALBOA BAY CLUB cabinet. 548-7061 4/25 GUNA ACT 0 RS \VORK· 229 E. \Vil.son g;30-4 :30 546-8672 rylng case DP 493-35ll Membership For Sale i\10VING _ Must find home . SHOP might be able to help Furnitur• 8000 I Furniture 8000 Sporti_ng Goods 8500 Reas. C•ll -673-4595 Tiger k i tte n , Je m . you. No previous experience -;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;;;;~j _ --------FENDER dual s ho w ma n 54G-315I 4/i:i necessary, no age barrier. r 257 rt . k Members of this exclusive * * . Ackley. Prem. Douglas amp I ier with spea ers. FLUFFY part Persian kit· group will only ht accepted bbl on Gew. 98 Rcvr. Tap-$150 & Take over pyts. lrns. 2 mahoga ny black, 2 upoo a 11tialactt>ey '""'\ml ALL ITEMS RETURNED FROM pod & all•t'ed. °'''· $125. 5'0-l12I ... blk • whH•. 64>--0239, "" intel'Yiew with tht direCtor. RENTAL S MES Olhers. 644-0027 after 6 SILVER mink coat. $1000 3 LITTLE Kltte"5, 1 black Call <"'4404 '°' appt. S, LEASE & MODEL HO ROBERT Jone• Slgnatu,. retail • you make oil.,, & wh;i. & 2 da.k brown, bluo MERCHANDISE FOR W h I I lo h irons. 2 -9 + wedge, $40. 544-8867 eyes. Call ~1248. 4/'17 1 ar1 t • se •• out et r t • Call "~~ ~113 · SALE AND TRADE • • I f • I """'""' · 40' TRIMARAN Sai lboa t FREE Wood. Furniture 8000 ---·-~-~~' HOUSEFUL Ol ne.w nuxlel home tumituro. Reg. $683, now $197. 894-«17 or 637-<200 8' Sofa never used, quilted floral, Scotchguarded $125. Match. loveseat S75. '716--0592. ANTIQUE Furniture • incl. Queen Anne tbls, etc. 3030 So. Olive, S.A. 54.9-2618 MAHOC. B<lnn Set, dbl bnprnp &: matt, Complete, 1115, eau 675-1;617 DIN. Rm Set w I burtet $15 Couch • A cba.ir p5. Call • 611-8942. BEA\ITIFUL Lug< Dark pecan bOOkcase. 6 shelves. xlnt cond. Call 61$-6705 DREXEL 3 Pc. Obi bed set. twin drtlllflr-commodc.Jlke new, $150. 642-0879 Jlfl 6. SIMMONS hlde<t•b<d, good cond.. $35. Call before 12 or 11.rt 1 p.m., 548--3696 ' nehon s er9e1t urnrture rent• co. plans. Reasonable. 646-323l Mfsc•llaneous 8600 5-18-0391 1 ;5c-;;-='.'.:""',.---:-=~"="· Complete 10 pc walnut BR set Including box springs, mattress & lamps. Was $350 .. , . now anly $119. Massive 9 drawer Spa nlsh dresser & mir· ror, 1 nite stand, 1 headboard. Was $225. now only $99. Complete 5 piece Spanish Bedroom 'set in antique green. Was $300 •..• now only $149. Complete 7 piece Spanish Living room set. 8' sofa & love seat, artistic woOd arm s, S tables, 2 lamps. Was $525 ... now only $189. Complete 7 pc. Spanish Jiving room set, 8' sofa & love seat, 3 tables, 2 lamps. Was $400 ................... now only $169. At last! Xlnt lt.led Refrigerators from $75 ••·up. Many good used occasional chairs • In vari- ous cofOrs from $9 each up. ' Our complete slock of lamps from $3.50 ... up. THE USED FURNITURE FACTORY ll&S Harbor Blvd.,.41 19th Si. Coste Mete * r 541-MS7 Hrs: Wkd•YJ '"5:30, ·s..-, '"5, Sun. lM '* • . * Kittens, G w~lo;. 642-1686 ROCK HOUNDS-FREE llAND Painted oil portrait of after 5PJ\1. 4125 Polishing unit & tumbler, you or your children from a CUTE Little black puppies. Complete new rock shop. photograph. 646-3629 8 Wt'ek." old. 54>5097 4/24 Come In & register for draw. LINDSAY Wat e r ·Softener. ing. Open 7 days 10 am-6 pm, $125. 120 bass accon:l\on w/ 8101 Bol.sa Ave, mU51c, $15. 548-3012 P.fidway City e 891-1970 DIAMOND Ring, ladies, 14) 4 Kitchen chairs I me t a I % KArat diamonds set in frame w/whllr plastic pad-platinum. 673--8800 ded backs A seats) $5. sn 1969 ll'OYCYTA Corolla Sta. re:t ~hicke~. wltt l~ing \Vgii.., like new. 196.9 Honda 13 wide ; l mesh) $5.00. 90 like new. 96&-1076 after 6 642-1724 -=·==--,-,~='=,,... HOOVER upright $10. Filtex ZS CU. IT. side ~y 11lde tank cype vacuum. $15, good Westing, refrlg/fm', l'J; yr condition. 673-9346 old. wht ~75. ~tagnawx "'"''"""'""~-,,~~-,-,-111ereo/radlo tape cQmbo. FA M I L Y Membe:rahip • $100 962--2356 Newport Bee.ch Tennl! C111b. OA~EN Tractor· WMel (?.tovlngl $42S. S44-4630 . Hol'lf! mnd. 151, f HP. 3 RACK for VW BUs, " length forw•rd. revcM!e. ~tee Jlftrt, w/la,ddc.r & canvas tip 31" mowtt attch. tncl. $450. cove.r. $30. 842--3779 6«-4074 FAMlLY 1nen1benhlp. Ne'"' SllOPSMITH v.•/ band t.11.w, por1·Beach Tennis club. $450. joiO('r, lathe tools, dr:um & (1) 528-122'2. disc sander. etc. $300. Pt.A ;;;DJ"u'"sr""'A"s"L0E"o""r'='1T11";7,, walkle talkie, n ll'MI.. i.bJe $.50. ne~~ pricoe. Misc. &t&-U63 644-2714 t\~nin{s •l ADORABLE kittens, 5 wk1. old, v..'eaned. 548-6842 4/24 2 Kittens, 1 white, 1 grey. box trained. ~761 4125 FIU.. Dirt. 9"~ W, 19th C.AI. 4./25 2 Pet rabbil11. To lovlnst home. ~7036 41'11 FREE kiltt'ns • 530-0013 aft 3 4/29 PETS ind LIVE5TOCK - Pets, Gentr1I UOO -~.~~-~- PEAfCO 20 aal. AquarlUM w/fllte"' ticrator, ht':l\ter, therrnomeler. ~xlra llQ'hls. llW' plants, d tcorallve VOlt'a.nic s I n n e s , rxtra artUlc\al planl11, se1t shell11, ~ colo~ ~vtl. 13 dlf· tertnl kinda or fish • 22 II.th. 1otaJ, $·15. 642.-1724 (evenings) .;.;.c;;;;c:;;;_~~-~-1 , - -- ..... -J • • . ' . rridaY, Ap~I 24, 1970 DAILY PILOT S9 P_m ind LIVESTOCK TUNSPORTATION ~NSPORTATION ~NSPORTATlON ]TRANSPORTATION .. TRANSPORTATION °!!!!~~RTATION TRA~~_l'.ORTATION TRANSPORTATION ~~-~ ~o~~-~fu~~~~ ~~~-~-~1~-~1~~- A~~~ &~~. • i.~~,; .tre~~=i:~:::~ ALPINE ~.:;~ .. 1;~;,:::dr;;::. BMW JAGUAR ' MORRIS TOYOTA 2612 Mesa Dr (Upper 8'y) Complete w/splnnaker spa.cea in one olCalif.'s ffl.51 · tlftued model, ready to ao. BMW'S ~ '69 XKE Convertible '61 'MORRIS MINOR ·-----·I Cats ..... e ~· .. T~EST e est growing resort arCBJ. VACATION Full)' eqp'd, TS lb tee box, 'TT"•I Loaded. chrome wire wheels, •Cd. Cond. $250, 6-tG-0796 '68 TOYOTA • Ollie 4 dr, -'" .,-mpc ass MOBILE HOMES butane light, 3--12 volt AM/FM, dlr, dilc brakes. radio, auto. 30,IX» ml'1. S.EALPOINT Siamese Su~Ma!t. Kttl-safe' are on displa.y theae homes TRAVEL CENTER Ughta:, butane tank, bedding, DEALER JN Take amall down or trade PORSCHE $1200. Call M!).0973 Fema1c 7 wttkl old $20, •H:z&~ 501i:91~ are JuUy equipped at prices Excel. .. Golden Falcon l6 pl. water tank 1 pump, CALIFORNIA AND will finMce pvt, Pt:Y. (YMS-IOO!I Toyota CoroUa~,~.Dr~.• Call 646-M02 P W ;-:_r Sal 673-l5'70 you won·t want lo pass up! Olympia -Alpine window drapea. While they 888). BJue Book $4700. 1'"'ull ,67 119.12 Porsche" Xlnt cond., 1tk:k llhift. R/H. =,.,...,=:-::--;;--,,-~ ac c ac " EXAMPLE: Apache· WhHI Camper last $895. ORAN.$E COUNTY'S 1>rice $4(ll:6. Call Phil aft IO l# Pl4A.) •"295. 988-3032. ACFA 'KJtten, 9 weeks old, BOAT SALE! Neiv 20x44 w/awninp, skirt, Worlds largest mOlt * * 13' Office trailer. Haw 54().3 .,.. I ~,.;.,~=~~--,-.,.. champion back.around ~th DINGHYS ,., ,,,,, $15 to $5o etc •. S9180 complete incl. tax plete RV yehlcle &ho= desk & cabinet. 1 It ting LARGEST . am 100 or 494-1029. CHICK IVERSON '66 TOYOTA Cctona. Auto. abou, $25. 54>-U14. SIOFFS .......... $l5 to $00 & lie. Many "'""" tor JM. oentor iaornu... For quick sal• mil'• lnunecL Dell,.,,. KARMANN GHIA Pors~he Audi :;'g".iJs950· Financing avail. 12 IT. SAIL .......... $240 1'!EDIATE OCCUPANCY• o~c" $650. 869 Weal 18th St.. 2S New Ir Used In Stock 900 Wt t Coast H Dot• 1125 NEW "C'T" TRAILER $100 GREENLEAF PARK -Gan!'" Grove lllvd, cc c ... ta r.i... T&M MOTORS N.B. ~6-9391 • 54';"k; 1"'ro=R_M_OTllER ___ 'S-DA..;Y;;;!:;;.112 SCOUP BAIT TANK .. $50 Ao adult private club S34-6686 * CAMPER 8081 Gorden G-Bl, G.G. '65 Karmann Ghia, white, lmportod A- Orihuahua puppies, mother's TOMCAT BOATS 1~ Whittier Ave., Closed Sat. Open Sundq SPECIAL * SM-2281 O~n SUnday ~ new tires, bhkes & battery. '6.1 Pon~ A~ Shape. Lo - father famous ' ' W h l t e 2602 Newpt Bl. NB 675-2400 C.OSta Mesa HEII..rl'E fol<l out tent type. Good cond, MU5t be seen ~~\ s-'10P~. ·833-3276 1 Prince'' owned by the 25' SHOCK Sloop "Hungry Ph. n4/642-1350 Foam rubber matt., ldtch, Ford Pick Up including camp. CORTINA to appree, 548-5417 Emperor or Japan. Males Tiger." Top Trophy win· Take 1-larbor IDvd, to unit, stove, lantern .t other er, V--8, &it conditioned, boot ·--;----'65 GHIA, top cond. Rm, '62 S Coupe, am/Im, mechan only. 546-5634 net. Lrg cockpit. Can sleep l!tth St., therl west acces. $215. 548-5270 Suger fantiut$12991c price. '65 Cortina, Clean.. excl. hew brka. Must sell. $1050. =~ri11C:dcatJ~l.2tiOMust 4. Fully equip; 5 HP"ootbrd. to Whittier Ave. , cond. $475 O?' best o.lter. Call 962-7413. ~,_i:a .. •n wl1 th )'OW' dog, 150 Germ. hinged mast. JOMJCRA, INC. KENSKILL Lie, G43326 642-769C.atter 5 ··=====,,._,--,.---, '69 PORSCHE 911-T Targa, uiM PP ness together! ~ -•·• ~.,.,,, cn<l 84,, _..,, NEW '70 MODEL $2295 K to M t -'========~1 1960 Karmann Ghia. smashed fully ..,,uipped. $6850 ot Obedience Class A<*Nng _. · "'"&.S<R BAY HA~BOR 18' FullY Self.Contained US m 0 Ors tront, runs well. trade . .i94-9s!Xl M~1~28~ 1213~ =~CLUB • Alto~l~WH,J:Mg~E'Ls .Scot~, 914 ,N. Harbor, S.A. ~s:BakGMCer,~=· 4 .. d.~1 •-___ D_A_· _TS_U_N ___ $250. 494.-_5323 '68 912 5-spced, am/Im, 6" 22 to 25 .Joot racer-cruisers. NOW 6N DISPLAY 69 15 Field &: Stre8;tll vaoa· · • n, w"""' """ '68 GHIA-Topnotch! Bottom fact mags. alf extras, grttn. BASSET Tri Color, Best of Breed Winner, AKC, 2 •yrs. old. Stud Service 49<>4139 GERMAN Shepherd Pup. pies, Good color, no papeni, $10 each. 2306 Redlands, N .B. Call 646-4393. $7.50 . per day. Ne ......... ..t 20' W•'des .. low .. •CM '-'. lion trlr. $950. can 642-1686 10"'' camper. Butan;e refrfg, e dollar for quick aale. Pvt. $4800. 494-4841 ,· • ... ...,.. ' ..,.,.,.. ft r 5PM . atove w/ovtn. 100 gal. Pl party 847..SSU area .. Sa.illng exp not nee 12' \'Vides to 34' Wides a e ' cap. 35 water, hydramatlc ,..._ MUUI _. l-==='=======-1 '69 "f..12 TARGA'' SOUTH COAST SAILING Park Spaces Available trans. power.takN>tt wlnph MERC <• 195A) '5795. CLUB m<I 547-9406. 1425 Bakor St .• c,.ta M"' Trailers, Utility 94SO & more. $2600 . .....,,, 0, EDES BENZ CHICK IVERSON "Leader 1n 1be &ear.ti Cities" · NEWPORT 16 CB, all glas,s. 1h blDck Ee.st of Harbor Blvd, see at Mesa Union, Newport 1---------Porsche Audi Dat:ron, SS, yacht twin, sips Costa Mesa. rn4) 54Q.!W70 TRAILER Ford box .fx1' Blvd at F~lrview ZIMMERMAN 2, head, big whl trir. Save T Jl A ILER • cabana. heavy $45. '55 Ford, frnt axle SPECIAL 2845 HARBOR ILVD. 900 West Coast Hwy. •o~ 8 mo-old like new Ba fro t t d & whls $12. 837-8868. 2.tA ._,.10 N.B. 646-9391 • 549-331.5 """"' " • · y n, new Y ec., many Introductory Offer --LAB. REI'. Pups. AKC. A great, safe sailing sloop. extras! Beaut aduJt park. HEAVY Duty trailer. 5' x g• sleeps 6 Sl.0951-~~~~~==~ 'S.S Porsche 16008 mond & black 962-8450. $14,900. Sell or trade Jor 11'. Two feet ~gh with a.ides 9• with toilet room $1445 ·DOT DATSUN $1500 or best oiler Show or pet. 673-87'73 ISL.ANDER 24 lNB. Extras small house ot duplex . SlOO. 962-7057 n · with toilet room S1545 OPEN DAILY Call 675-4438 TEACUP Pups. 'nny 2 lb. +. A·l. Reduced to $3845. Owner anxious. 13 Terrace, OU •-A ril ~th AND Poodles, Maltese or York.ies Slip avail. Must se ll . Lido Trailer Prk. NB. can Trucks 9500 er exp .... a P ~ ~ "25tl or c•a -Scotts, 914 N. Harbor, S.A. SUNDAYS at stud. MS-2100 7141897-0311 ext 5022. v•...., ~.ia 18835 Beach Blvd. '69 Volks •'Adventure '' BRITTANY SPANIELS wkdys. (213) ~9974 eves. VIEW of lia.)' & beautilul GMC TRUCKS eamper, 18,500 acutal rnl, g Huntington Beach AKC. Pet/Show/Hwit. t'1'5-CHAMPION SLOOP-21° Lido Park. Furnished, ca· Here now. Mos old. Loaded w/extras. 842-Tl81 ot 5'!0-0442 $100. 6Wks. 540--8638/846.1702 fibt'rglas. sleeps 4, enelosed_ ~.deck, lmmed, posses-lmmediat.e.DeliYU)' ~ '67 DATSUN 1965 Mercedes Benz 230 SL. Auto. Mint cond. $3950 firm. 64&-236,;. '68 912 Targa. Burgun. dy/blacl<, 5 spd, racing seats, Pirell.ls. cau 67>7697 RENAULT SPORTS CAR SPE~IALS $799 1960 Austin HMloy 8119 •Y• Sprit• Ro41tr. 4· •P••d, n•w pth1t, Shtrpl !CHS7101 Sl\19S 1967 Alfi Romeo Sprint 6T. l1rton• body. R•dio, ft••'•'· l ·•P••d. R•tl nico. fS1r. # ))6tl $1099 1966 Datsun 1600 Ro1htr. l odlo, ft•of•r, 4·•P•H, R••I cl•tn. I NRW &IS} $189S 1968 Datsun 2000 Rodttr. R•dle, h•o .. f, S·tpood. Hts • htrd top. R•tl thtrp. IXEXOlOI" $139S 196S MGB Rdstr. SILKY Terrier p u PP I e 5 head, galley, OB. Below sion. I-"========~ St 1• W '67 251'.l S. Full power. radio, AK C. ·cb·amir, ·s·to·c·~ L.pri~ .$1895.-M.uat..-U. -S-& K-MOlllLE-SoUlhl!rtf orange c.ouncy·s Dune Buggies 9525 -a !9" -~SI~ auto trans, air cond. Must Adorable, shots. 646-3541. Owner 64>-0834. HOME BROKE RS o•'"· Au tho~-~ GMC Dealer, ----------4 speed. radio, heater, dlr. Sell! Beautiful 642-2659 "V •o....:u 1· bceilent cond, Must sell ·1"'"°"=-,.,-c==-c~ TOY Poodle, male. black DINGHY, 9' Dyer Sailing, 12362 Beach Blvd., G.G. . UNIVERSITY WRECKED Manx/Cotv..air WW take trade. $899. (VOT· 1961 Mel"fflles 220S Excellent '62 Renault Dauphine, n1ns good. but-needs new clu tch, $1a. 968-5632. ll•dio, "••f•r, 4-tpo.4. :. A STEAL ti ttt J1 prla. fZWCIS I) phantom, no papers $25. comp! w/rnasl, boom, rud· • 63&0021 • OLDSMOBILE buggy. Can be made to run. 150) Call 54>0634 ID to 8. cond. Dr!g. owner. 54&-1592, 646-0623 der &. ~ntEer board. !;~t MUST MOVE 2850 Harbor ffivd. Gd ene. trans. Otter ! ' 8J3....3359 $1S9S ., ROLLS ROYCE ~ nd ...,,.... OWNER '64 Datsun P/U. Good cond. =~==='"'~-c= GOLDEN Buff 'Cock e r over . x co , . Costa Mesa 540-9640 646-1896 Now "-s, ~-.. batt.ry, '68 . .MER.CEDES Be . ., 220, 1966 TR4/A Rdstr. 1 Rtdio, h••f•r, 4-•p•od, 'f wlro wll••lt, ISDR6121 846-1027. 1969 • 24x60, 2 Br, den, wet ==-------~· "'~ Spaniel Pups, female 6 wits bar, 1%. Ba, Near Newport/ 70 International '55 V\11/, Corvair eng .. runs plu.p, $600. 675-3458 aft 2pm. 811' cond. Private party. $3tl Call 847 9525 30' Chinese J unk built in Travelall good, good for dune "''......... Must lll'!ll. 968-8306 · -· Hong Kong, good cone!. Costa Mesa area. ....._.,. WELSH Terrier Puppies, $2000. Call Peter c213) Call after 10 am New • Just e.ITived, big 392 ~$2'15-·764>-__ 9287~----ENGLISH FORD AKC regis, 16 wks, 1 male, 467-4679 545-8241 A.M.S. V-8 engine, automatic, air '68 Street Buggy. Radical 2 females. 544-63J3. ===-~~~--,,"' I '!'!"'!'~!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!-I cond., trailer package, aux. new design. Corvair .eng. ;;;;,;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1 ·----;;;;:;---- MG GREAT DANE PUPPIES COLUMBIA Defender f29') 30' Trailer. Clean w/ new tanks, much, much more. auto trans. Sll95. 496-2500 All New Enalish MG sleeps 6, 30 HP inboard, awru'o•. By •hoppina ctr Come in and ..,..ta deal at Sales, Servic.!, Pan. Brindle & Fawn ,.,. " M'6 • .. -DUNE BUGGY BODIES Fords In Our Big full racing gear. xlnt cond. Owni!r _ 642-5134. Kustom Motors Stock !low At Immediate Dellvery. * 675--0784 * 4M-773.'i or 646-GIWT $75. , .1 Week Only. All Modela Bicycles 9215 AUTHORIZED Ph, 547-4179, open 10-5. FACTORY AKC IDatk toy poodle, fi mos. Prefer family with children. $50 642-2278 ./ WHITE Toy Poodle Stud Service, AKC. 847-7176 AKC Yorkshire Terrier Pu~ pli s. Champion blood-line. ~25 COLLIE fS months AKC Very pretty, needs home with kids. 492-3212 15' Newport Finn U.S. 765 --'--------!INTERNATIONAL DEALER '70 Dune Bugy, Show INVOICE! w/b'lr & com Pass• NEW HUFFY 24" \VOMAN'S 845 Baker, C.M. 540-5915 car, top, mags, '69 eng. Poaltivtly No Added Beautiful. Cal 6?5-7024. OR GIRLS BICYCLE. SPY-168 Chevy Sportsman Call 67f>..175l aft 6 DeaJer Charges! LIDO 14 -Complete -DER MODEL. $40. Loaded & double sharp 8 Choose From ~ Cond~ves. 642-lT24 EVENINGS. passenger. V-8, automatic, ALFA ROMEO ~At~W&:'i 3100 .W. Coast Hwy , N.B. Mini Bikes 9275 blue & white. Spec!al this --------Whlle Overstocks 842.9405 ~Q.1764 J]rtup ort Jl111port s 1r 2 "'' Folbot Kayak. All --------!week $2,299.00. ,69 ALPHA GTV Lui. Authomed MG Oe•lor equ.ip. & sail. Very good * * * Kustom Motors "' Theodore '62 MGA. red. New I.op. Body oc'°.:_""~·,,:$.::ll70.~W.--77l2~. ~=· IPOWEl..J... 5 HP trail bike, 845 Baker, C.M. 540-5915 5 •peed, dlr, AM/FM, power ROBINS FORD in xlnt cond. Best offer, Can SABOT, Very clean $200. spark an-ester. front & rear 'll DODGE TRUCK disc brakes, godess gold w/ be seen anytime 'hi-IP Arrow Kicker motor shocks. Best .ofr. 675-2031 N 1 b ill , plush int., Recllnlng seats. 3)6() Harbor Blv;1-;., ,.,,...,. 115 E. Balboa Blvd, N.B. ·~ Call 67f>..2130 ew rans, re u engine. Has had k>ving care, (YCY. Costa Mesa . ~w .67 MG MIDG ET "-aut"ul '56 Vintage A-1 :nechanical. Very nice executive car. S8000 or trade ktr eq. in boat. cabin cruiser. Mr. Diamond 636-0091, before 3 or 635-4384 all 6 pm. SUBARU * '70 SUBARU Here Now . Immediate Delivery e 90 MPH Capability • 35 Miles Per Gallon • Beautiful Styling Test Drive Today At Kustom Motors 845 Baker, CM 5'10-5915 SUNBEAM $239S · 1968 Triumph 1'T 6 Cp•. R•dio, h••f•r, 4. tpt•d, wlro wh••l1. Uko n•w. Low 111ilot. IXJVIOl) $109S 1966 Triumph Spltfir• Rodlfr. Rtdlo. h••t· er, 4·•P••d. Ht1 t k•r4 top. R•tl cl•t11. ITll9171 $1295 1965 Triumph TR4 Roihtr, Rtdio, kttt1r, 4· •P••d, wir• wh••l1. R1tl 1herp. I NMJ I 2J I $1395 1967 Alpln• Rdstr. R•d io, h•tf•r, •·•p•.d l "•• htrd top. E:dr• cl1••· .. ' 1 I I 1: . • I I GEfu"\I. Shepherd pups, AKC 1 Wonned & sbots. $50 &. Up jl37 Magnolia, CM 642--8310 GERMAN Shepherd obecji- ence claM, Martincrest Kln. neb. 642-0739 or 546-0989. ......... . MINI Bike·3lfP. Nova model, $425. 549-0674 <>.'>A) Will tak trad cad ~~~~~~~~~:/ • ~ " xlnt cond. $80. Call 847-22171~=~~-=~~-c~ "'" c e. :: cond. lhroughout, Must see. Power Crul11r.s · 9020 aft 5 & wknds. MUST sell '69 Dodge Van, Phil 540-3100 or 494-1029:__ FERRARI Sll50. 495-0042. lVGX599) 1967 Sunbeam Alpine conv. '-'-'==-----·II , 25' Boal & MO!'lring oil Balboa Isl. Must sell! $1000. Phone 675-2065. , . &\llo trans. r/h, Mrs, Dick, ALFA ROMEO '67 Giulia BONANZA 5 HP, Jackshatt, 833-1245 cir 5.»o5050. • Su hi , • -• t -"!ti' $U5 per, w te, 'f"'"Qr sedan. Mn COuu on • $1000/best offer, 2984 Moun- 54S-2667 Campers 9520 tatn Vlew Dr., Laguna wllh roll bar, Al\1-FM D E A N ·~ -----..;..---·1'68 MGBGT. red, 4 spd., radio. Like. new. 4~25 1,, PERRARI overdr., wire wbls., r/h, '67 Venezia Super l..eggera, L E w I $ ~ Newport Imports Ltd. ()r. xlnt cond., priv pty. 536-484.2 4 on fir, alum. body, like I' BASSET PUPS AKC, 10 weeks. 544-3817 9300 Beach. 494-4651 Speed-Ski Bo•ts 9030 Motorcycle~•----'66 vw Camper, Stand.up '64 Alpba Romeo Sprint. New anae Collnb"• onb' author-'69 MGB, 270Q mi's radials. new, 23,000 k.m.h. 673-2254 , (, =!S'iavte&-PARTS radio tonneau. Yellow, blk THE SUN NEVER SETS on :ci's~A ~=~:~.~;.. -r: 3100 W. Cout Hwy. l~u!;:pho~l.~Ev~•~•·_:52S-~~24:;68~='--~D~AIL~Y~P;;JLOT;:;:;~W;,;ANT~=AD~S~I.:!~~~~~~~~!!('/ ;j Horses 8130 -BAY Gelding -part quartet. 8 yrs. $275. Spi r ited . 54~ TRANSPORTATION Boals & Yachts 9000 AUCTION Boat auction next Sat., 24th. 24' Cab Cruiser unfinished. 21' Fishing boat unfinished. 16' Speed boat new in & .out, 16' Speed boat needs motor. 16' Glasspat boat like new. 2 boat trailers. 3 outboards, inboard motor & trans. 0th· er items on view anytime. 1517 Superior Ave.. N.B. Auction 11 am. 645-0295 19' THOMPSON Lap Strake 13~~ · All fiberglas runabout, front deck, windshield, strng \Vhl, bench seats. 21~~HP motor w/ American trlr. $325. Call 6'5-2130. 1s·/ 'GLASSPAR G-3, 75 HP. Johnson outbrd. Trailer, xlnt. Must sell, best otr over $800. 67>-4397 aft 6 SMALL Lapstrakc 15' tnbrd Lyman. Trlr & new cover, $500 or offer, 548-7689. SKI BOAT -GLASS 50 HP Evinrude, w/trailer 1401 Toledo SC or 492-1786 16' GLASPAR AVALON. Shorelipe trailer. Ca 11 839-0369 after 7PM. Marin• Equip. 9035 Cabin, sleeps 2. Depth FISHING Boal 45' Hull . finder, Dush toilet, 2.12 gal Tags, document, d Iese I gu tanks, tandem trailer, eng's. Buda 10.'iHP-Xlnt. no motor. $Ta0 or take over Hallet 16HP w/all spares, $54.06 per mo/968-1542. heat exchange, pumps, com· 15%' PERFORMER Hull pressor, shaft. screw, anchor, etc, 546-3426 all w/40HP Mere. $160. 15' Hull wf35HP Evin. Make 1 ~5~' 307·~~~---~ bid. (2) El Camino camper 3% HP Outboard motor, like shells $35 ea. Call &12-5$-11 new. Must sell $60. 16' White Star Cabin Cruiser. 8J3.0664 75hp Johnson, Jrg whl trlr. 1968 3.9 Mercury oulboarrl. Coe.st Guard Equip. Rigged $175. 118 EmeraJd Ave .. Bal. for fi.shing. $6:il. 549-1363 Isl . 673-3ll3 eves. MARINE radio, 62 watt Annual Boat Sale Sonar wit.h antenna. Sat &: Sun, April 25 &. 26' at 547-4855 alter 5. Sea Scout Base, 1931 W. Coast Hwy, N.B. 24' T Cruiser. Beautiful throughout, 2 hn on new 185 Interceptor, $3195 •644-1368• '65 OWENS 30' Cabin Cruiser. Sell or trd. WUI finance. (ll n4: 871-7433 Collect. l&' Kennedy Glass over Wood 55 HP Homelite, clean &: teady, $650. 548-6731 l'm' Fiberglas inboard Canefisher, xlnt cond, tea· worthy $17'75. 673-9361 Boot Slip Mooring 9036 SLIPS avail. for narrow beam saUboe.U, under 8 ft. beam. Rhodea, Feath~r. Saber, L.12, Erickson, PCC, etc. Best k ept, most desirable docks in Newport Harbor. Phone-- John B. Kingsley 673--8711 TRADE 22' gllp 8;a1 Isl for OC<:lll. wknd use of boat. Will maint. Clean pwr boat only, 673-7475 eves & wkends. Mooring ". 125' Sloop $2500 * 613-3833 SUZUKI dome, Toilet, Side awning. trans, radiaJ tires, Cltch, Many xtras. New engine & brks. 494-1670 aft .C NoMl7TV>rt Beach I'" r' 142.9405~-540-1764 Used Cars 9900Used Cars . 9900 U1tcl Cars '900 r: IS HE RE tires. Xlnt cond. See to ap... I =========~ precia.te-. 1644 LabradOr Dr. C.M. 545-2327. $1950. AUSTIN AMERICA AUSJIN AMERICA ~A~u~tho~med~~F~en-arl~~Oeal-.~~llr:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;11 :: ' JAMES LTD. 1584 N ewporf , C.M . 642·0040 48 AJS 500 GC basket chopper $200. CAMPER Shell f!X' 8' Pickup_ truck $110. 546-2691 or 646-1568 or inquire 2766 Bristol. space. No. 6, C.M. 'fi6 Chev * T 6 cyl, xlnt w/new rubber. CaboVer camper shell wlboot $1500 546--1026 * 714: 536-9657 * CAB High campe.t shell with 1965 BSA 650CC. Ne'v carbs, h?°l for l~te r;nodt!l Ford cam, eng. work. Very fast. pick-up with 8 bed $225. 646-2'J76 after 6:30. =5371~""'~'-----'67 Yamaha 305CC, bored .out TRAILER 4x8.'. 6 ply tires, 2 steps $285. '69 Holsclaw 2 spare, turn signals. bike trailer, $1Zi 675-4683. 644-2458 '54 Harley Davidson 45 cu '69 Econol~. Hvy Dty. in basket chrome springer Camper equip, 8000 ml. V-8. ~nt end .• IHS...2977 auto. Many extras. 642-9287 Sales, Servi~. Parta Immediate Dellveey AU Models J]rluport j\111por1 ~, 3100 W. Cout Hwy., N.B. 1>12-94-05 540-17&1 AuthOrlz:ed MG Dealer AUSTIN HEALEY '59 SPRITE needs work. Best otter. 547-9501 wkdays 'til 5, 645-0636 aft 6 & wknd~ JA~UAR JAGUAR HEAD9UARTERS The only authuized JAGUAR dealer iII the entire Harbor AreL Complefu SALES SERVICE PARTS Pool• BUICK IN COSTA MESA 234 E. 17th Street 548-7765 TRfUMPH 1966 M20, dirt or Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 street, original conditionf-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:~· Make offer S.C. 4gz..g754 II '65 Honda 300. "Dream." Good cond. ST.JO. Call aft 5PM 673-7577. 68 Honda 350. Excellent con- dition. \'Viii trade for small cat. 64&-6351 '69 Kawasaki Mach III, ex· actly like new, low miles, $7'".iO. &12-6697 aft 6 pm. HODAKA tibergla.u T·T tank Sell for $50 and stock tank & seat. 557-7315. CIMATTI llDCC-NEW Must sell! $250. 675-206.l '64 Yamaha $50. Runs Good But Needs A Lltlle Work. Call 545-8046. 1969 Triumph Bonneville, Moving! Must sell best oJ. fer! 548--0512 '65 Honda. Scrambler 250. Good cond. S28.i. * ~7008. * ,.. 1936 HONDA S 90, big bore, 94 CC. Dirt bike. $125. 893-2961 Z-13l KAWASAKI'S. id cond, Enjoy your driving with • cer ihet giv11 you both economy and depend· •bility. Eoch of those e;ers will do just ihet • , , e;om• in end teke e good look et them todeyl s99 CAMPER ·""'" $3499 ._,..,, •tllll, clM. {lST S•I s97 DAMPER """"" $2486 s&& VW BUS ltHlt, ,,..ftl', ........ Wllllt wtlll, lllPA 111) s97 VW BUG ~ illt111i., Nfft.r, IVTW WI $1&96 $2'5 .. '~\,..,., ·s94 VW BUG =====II -s68 YW BUD Fttl*'y Alt, •Mit • MHlff. IYCL l•ll $1416 $1&96 WHEN THEY'VE EARNED A DRIVER'S UCENSE, RE· WARD THEM WITH A SAFE D.EPENDABLE USED CAR FROM SOUTH COAST PORD·MERCURY. '70 MAVERICK ........................... -$1695 tre•p, t'lmtl trlM. U. No. ZUMJ47 ONLY s68 CORTINA A11tor11atfc ttOftMlbN'H, rodlo, """°'· Lie, No. WXf6)7 ONLY s67 ANGLIA 4 .. tile ""'· .-di• Uc.. No. T5YllO ONLY s66 s65 s64 '62 MUSTANG Awtomotk, Ndlo, !Mater, wire w'-"I co..,._ Uc. Ne. llY6t7 ' ONLY MUSTANG Cet1nttlbl•, Y·I, power 1....-1!19, tedle, ...... Lie. No. CYP5Jt ONLY v.w. ladle, h .. ter, 'fhlte wall tlr& Uc. No. MNGJJ4 ONLY T·BIRD hft pow«, olr ·cotMtlf101tl111, wfllte _..., •• Uc. Ne. HYD201 ONLY $1295 $595 .. ~ .. .. . ' . . • .. • . • ~ ., .• • '• • ' l i f ' r " " 1 • " f. r .j I I ·I• .., " \. , , •• • ' • • •• • .. ., , ' t • . •• MUST 5acrlfice! Fishing Boat & Equip. See Marine Equip ad. Call 546-3426. Mobile Home• 9200 !.!:!!l•r, T_ra_v_•_I __ 94_25_11 ------s99 YW .. ,, .. ,. $1296 s68 OPEL .... ". $1196 s57 FORD r.100 •·•· ...... ""'"'· ' ..... "-· r-Uc. No. 111791 ONLY $129$ $595 . $695 $595 $595 $495 9910 S.llbolt• 10x55 Great Lakes. Furn, 2 14' DART Sloop & trailer, Br + panelled & Cr,>ted completely ttHnlah@d $250. Cllb&.na, 'howtr & tub. Adult S.8-4140 pa.rk. lnM Wblttkr No, 24, 16• Chtyaler Sailboat 4 1 ,-,,C.~M~·==~=~~ traUet, xlnt oondltlon. !\.lake 1969 SKYLINE XIX56. 2 Br. offer ..... 13.37 2 ha. Porch. Awning, Ctr· 32' PC SLOOP, X LNT . port, 2 •heds. 536-6366 Eve. COND. MUST SELL. $3250. 2 BR Trailer. 10 x 53 $4500. * * 64:;..o222 "t • Rent space $41.50 mo. . SAILBOAT CAL-20 Adu!~ only. 54~1457 No. 515. Xtn.a. 644-1156. MUST Sell! Sparkline clean BUSIEST nw')llttp&aoe tn l0x40 tn quiet C.M. Park. town. The DAILY PILOT Nnw awnings, $3.150. 646-3557 .aua.uJed tlCtton. Save VNUSUA,1,. Cuslom 24x55', inone"y, timt A dtort. Look Adult P~ By Ocea.n. Poot, tlowl Coll, sauna. 5.'J&-0321. 537-4011 Stream line 170 Terry*Nomed•Oasls Explorer. Motor Homes F,ourw incls•W .. kende r TRATEL TRAILER SALES 131n Horbor Blvd. G.G. 1 'Iii Blockl No. of Carden Gnn•e Freeway 537-4011 '69 AIR STREAM 29' Twtn Xln'I eond. Barfaln. Call after 5. 644-5073 It.Hie a Htmr. cti.r •Ul s97 DATSUN '" .... $11191 ... ..._lie, wlw tlru. fVW' lfn s66 YW BUG $119& •Kt.. llMttr, lltw ti,.._ (TIX 110 sao YW BUG $396 •Mte, "81ttr. (OHi lff) llMfe, ......... ...,.., ... 1111. IWll. Hf) '68 188 $1896 •eGi., ~tttr, ""1 ~ IW"TPll s66 VW BUB llNlt, ....... (TAIC Ill) s .. vw 11111 ................... fllct. -· CYCY Hll $1296 Sl&r6 HARBOUR V.W. -~IM Selos & Senlce 11711 HACH ILVD.UNTIN•TON llACH 14%-4431 ·sz CHEVY 2c.".:..i'~ :-.::..-ONLY SEE THESE FfNE USED CARS-AT -• ..1 " • .....SOUTH COAST 1 Ii FORD-MERC:UiY 4944515"1' 549.JHI • \ • r -r --r- ' I I . I I I 1 ---_____________ _L ..... ~ • I ' ' \ I ~ ~· --.--~----------·-·-~---------------~,---·----·---~-~-----~-· ... H DAILY PILOT Fndly, Alo!I 2C, 1970 IY"'MNSPORf ATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TPANSPORTATIOH TRANSPORTATION ~~-..--~--1-~-~----1------~ TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION lmpomd --Imported Auto• -imported Auto• -l.._.od Aut0t 9600 lmportod Coro ,. Imported A--~~---~~-·----------"Ract Cara, Roda 9620 Auto Lt••"'!____!!!! UMCI ~C.;.•''-''----"'°-·I TOYOTA TOY.OTA BIG SAVINGS NOW ON ALL NEW 1970 CORONAS • IS TO CMOOSI flOM • ALL MO"DILS • ALL COLOIS e AU IOUIPMINT EXECUTIVE OEMO'$ AT BIGGER . S~'(IN~S EXA.M,Li: 1t70 HARD ToP COUl'E 4 speed. radio, wlwall.s, heater, low miles. Ser. • 56677. ~ . \VAS $2396.95 NOW $1991.95 llLL MAXEY TOY·OTA 11111 llACH ILYD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 147..a.555 • 3 Ml. S. cf San Diego Fwy '70 TOYOTA'S In stock. Jnunet"..iate delivery. Authorized Dealer -~·=:~is 900 So. Cst. Highway Laguna Beach ·TOYOTA TOYOTA VOLKSWAGEN r;;;:;:===il BllL MAXEY /.===;;;;;;/ TOYOTA ITIOIYJC)JT@ SPECIALS • -~ $1299 11181 BEACH BLVO. Hunt. Beod! 147-UIS 1969 Toyota I mt N, at' O>ut Hwy, on Bell c.r.n. c,.. Radio, 1l11t1r, "·•ptt.d. Chick thi• pri••· IXIN4461 $1799 196' Toyota L• Cnlflftr H.T. l..clio, h1af1r,.W1rr1n hub. Real d ean. f RPD921 t $1799 1969 T~yote C.....H.T.c,... lltdlo, h'ttfiit, 4·t pt td, l1n· dtu top. Rttl d11rp! !XSS 2711 $1099 1967 toyot1 .......... St .. Wt9. with ovtrdrlYt I l11gg191 rt ck. <IUEl l•ll $1399 1968 Toyota c .... s.d. Ht1ttr & tuto. Prietd to 1t ll. IVTT371 l $1595 1969 Toyota ~1.c,.. Sprinl1t f•st btck. r1dio, h1.l1r, "·•Pt •d. Still iR f1etorv w•rr1nty. 1711 AIWI $1595 VOLK$WAGEN 'li6 8 PASS. Bus Deluxe. Completely reblt. SACRI- FICE SI600. 968-3768 '62 VW sunroof, radio, rebuilt eng, reliable meCh. cond. $650. 494-fi6,36 1.963 VW Squareback. well. f700. * 646-0692 • '67 VW Sedan, sunroof, mags, low mileagf!, xlnt CQnd.ltlon. -673-740!! SACRIFICE '66 VW,· xlnt cond. VW radio, I owner. ...... ,. 1965 VW. Like new, Mu.a t ""$800. . '42-1659 '63 VW SQBCK. $750 Gd. eond. 6'73-841B eves, '67 VW, like new, only 21,000 miles. Best cUer! ~9235 '66 V<V Bus, radio, split !rnt seat, ·cherry red, gd cond, le mi's. $1295. 847-7785. '65 VW sunroof. radio, ex- cellent concl. 547--0681 day1: 646-6649 aft 6 pm '67 VW Bug, 33,000 m!, xlnt concl., orig owner $125(1. 4"'"4223 vw SPECIALS $1395 1968 Volkswagen Rt dlo. httlt t, 4•1p1td. IVHA4l4l $895 1964 Volkswagen Rtdio, httttt, 4·1pttd. Rttl clt tn. l lVK4 t21 $895 1963 Karmann Ghia r1dio, ht tt1t, 4· l111dt11 top. !WAL $1295 1966 Yolks Squirt b1ck w1gon , r1dio. ht1ttr, 4-ipt.d. IS1r. • 167]) . ·$2295 1966 VW Camper 11.edio. h11!1t, '4-ipetd. Rt1dy for vee1tio11. ( SZJ( 6791 $3095 1968 VW Camper . R1dio, h1tlt r, 4°1p1td. Extr' elt1n ind r11dy To 90. IVWU91•1 $1099 1967 Volk1 Fastback 11.tdio, h1tl1r, (VOP715) $699 1957' Vo/ks VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN ' SHAKY JAKE'S '70 YW IUS YW BUG '_,,..,, be•ut1tu1 2 '°"'· BeautUul b.taclt w I custom AMIFM, dlr. New car war-rant.y. whitewall tires, no paint • EMPI gauces • thru air ...... t , II ill t·"· Konl shocks e Ansen. e · ~ se · w ClMI SemperllJI e AM. FM • trade or finance pvt. pty. Eveey keen eoodle tmaiLi-(#424631, Call S46-4051 or able e, On display at: .; 49f·D'm 10 to 8· JAMES LTD • '68 "VW Dunt Buoty" Iot.ernational l.10torlnr I• :.~) $1795. AcceSiOl'iet • CHICK IVERSON 1584 Old N•wport Bl.,.., c M Pol'5Che Audi 1970 vw Sqbck. Sand Tan: 900 West Coast Hwy • l'lldio, radial tires, Koni N.B. MS-9391 • 549-3325 shocla. 9'000 ml'~. u;oo. '67 FASTIACK Prl•. ply. Lio. 230-AGD; BLACK '6:1 Fonl, Jiii• 427 fORD AUTHORJZED IUICK cu ln, injected. lmmac. Beat of 11:48 11t ~ mi's per LEASING SYSJ'EM tu-. S2000. ~ America'• lal'lftt leuln&: ~ Bu.lck Eltttra Col'l•. FuU power. Air. Ori&:-t Owner. Will Sacrlf:ice! S l t 9 9. 11>-llJiO system t.or fin:1nce or net Autot Wontod '700 Ieaslna ol all type cars and --WE PAY TOP CASH for used cars A: 'trtleks Just call ua for tree e1timalc:. ·GROTH CHEVROLIT Ask for Wes ?i1ana.:er 18211 'Beach Bl vd. Huntlll&"ton Bea.ch Kl "'1331 WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR. """"'-• lmmedlate Delivery lrom 11iS Bulck Le Sabrt 2 OR, • over 300 can and trucks \Custom Deluxe. Fact, air, • Corr.peilttve rates ' . P/1, P/b) Radio, new tlru, e New car dealersrup service JmmaC\llate. call 673-86t$ • Full "trt.dern:· value tor your present car • All popular makes avail· •bl• Fo.r C.omplete Dctailt Call Malcom Reid Leu inr Manager '63 BUICK Spec. Dix. va. tart air, clean, $S25. After 6 pn1, 842-4939. ''6 RIVIERA, LIKE NEI'{. loaded. Atttlc White. $2200. Call .......,,. j Thtoder• t ROBINS FORD CADILLAC 1 2060 Harbor Blvd. t Costa Mesa 642-0010 1---------· I t ~~~~~~~~~ !'64 Cad Fleetwood, 4 dr, full ,f, --·· -·· pwr, air '1275. '67 cad El Used Cars 646-0088 (24 lu:sl . Black beauty, 4 spd .. dlr, VW Van '59, '6f e~Jnc, camp. wlne Int. Xlnt ruhning cond. er unll work dohc on trans Sma1l down. Will finance complc 0 1c new ~a·a,ke sys!"~ pvt pty.,IXJJl3l7\{~l Phil & tire.~. Good ._'Ond. ssoo. aft 10 Ml ~3100 or 494.1029 530-1708 Bt"'" 5 pm & 9 pm l!Xi? V\V Van Partial Cant~r CONNELL '69 VW Like new Sundl(l.I lliOO F.11Zlm•. &JOO inill'l! on EASY CREDIT 9900 Dorado, ftl.ll pwr, air, vinyl roof, till steering, AM/FM &: itereo tape $360 0 . 6~2182; alt 5 pm & wknds 642-40U Cam,.,, XI" ''"' nn. & '""I"'", Extr• set of ""' CHEVROLET • • elec refrig., · inside toilet, I.· rims and 2 sand Urea. 2828 Harbor Blvd. ""'If you att new in C&lit'. $3300 ~3625 53=-l·~"~"~-~-~-~I Costa Mesa S.1f,.12(q ""'U you have had a 1967 Red Bug. bnmaculale '68 VW, lo mi's, Sunroof. -WE=~P~A~Y~ro='p~oo=t,LAR'"""~ ""'1't8;!:.::?vC: been turned oond . 17,000 careful milCi. S700 . of xtras. Xln't col!d. FOH. TOP USED CARS down by others 1 o"·ncr. Oady/. SllOO. Call 61a-175.l aft 6. u your car is extra clean, ....,u ·you h.a.ve had a 673-Hl83. .see us lint. repo&Sessi.on VOLVO POOLE BUICK ~you have little or no '62 VW Bus, rcblt ens. New · credit uphol. $700. Call • .m-r.no ----------234 E. 17th St. lec•UH W• C•rry Our or 497.1845. 444~\i Jasm.Ioe 145 -WAGONS Costa Mesa 548-776.i Owft Cofttr•cts Cid. 19'7 Sod. Oe Ville BeautlM. condition: Buying new Cad. Sell for SlOO. cw r wfiSI. Total price $2900. Has every aceeuory. Pvt pty. -· '59 Cad Sedon 0. VIiie For Immediate Sale ALL or PARTS . St., LHguna Beach 164 -~EDANS li\1PORTS WANTED No Turn Downs 0..A.C. '60 VW Van. Has '63 Pots<¥ie VOLVO Or11.nge (.ounties All Your ~=•portatlOft ; engine, new rebuilt, zerw NO\V in stock! TOP ; BUYER 1 $ · '67 Black, Cadillac Conv. j. Call after S P .M. 542-3120 miles. Extras. ~tilke ouer. l mmedia1e [k>jivery BILL l\tAXEY TOYOTA .CAAS fAOM 99 Full p1vr, Pvt. pt)'. Best ~ "·' 77 .. ,.. llOOE s-t cou-18881 Beoch 81"'1. Blue Ch1'p Auto Sales -'~"'~'·~·"~'~' -',....,..~-o--....,..-I '61 VAN. New reblt e~. DEANi.£wls IH. Beach. Ph. IW7.SSSS ~CAO. E xce pt ional l y jt' b '·· T XI f HAVE $1 •~ CASH 2145 5. H•rltor, Costa M... clean. Nl!w tires. brakrs, & r,.... ape. nl oun-1966 Harbor, C.?t1. 64&-9303 ,vuv "'°""3'2 M2-t7H ~~~ MtlSt sell SSOO. 1966 VOLVO 122-S \Vti;t ::i~ tta;e'! i.'970 CHEVY Custom Impala, Sl09a. 546-l01.5. aft 6 p.m. l 1968 ToyOta Co'°"° H.T. Cpt. 11.tdio, h•1+tr, 4·•P•td, 11n· dt u top. llt1I nic•l IXOK ]]]) "68 ·vw Bug. Empi eqp·a. $300 & take over pymtfi~ Call: 847-4945 Dunt Bu9qy. ·All sh1rptd up. SEE THIS ONE ( FGE 511 ) '67 VW. Orig. owner. $995 l d<ror ;950. 1oaded· ~: · ........... -... ·-·-·~fc~>:P·,tJ°!~~~· ViA~l · + '69 V\V Sedan, 4 speed,, ===·=!>;2=""'='="'== A L I 9BIO 1970 1'-0RO Galaxic. 2 dr · ! stereo tape deck. Pertect1• _u_io __ •_•_•_•_s_~--hardtop S3050. Top $2.450 call: 838-0906. Condition. Under warrant,y. Anti • Cla · %IS .~ LEASE ~~ 1970. ~1USTANG, too.. _ded. low '69 CDV sllyer, blk 1tbr, lan: ': SI T75 497-1_285. __!lief, ssics ...,.... ..,.-mileage $3000. 63a-5480 dau, AM/FM stereo, lo mt, · '66 vw Bug, Sunroof, Xlnt 1931 Model A Coupe, ne~ 1970 Fon.I VS F ·l.00 Pickup offer! 6'7i-.8282/613-7829 $ Cond. $900 or best offer. paint Ir chrome, xlnl cond. w/camper, air, p/s, -auto BUICK '60 CAD Coupe. Beige. R/H, ! 494-2340 ' Best oUer. 546-7326 trans, 3900 mi. $109 per mo. air, gd tires & "11liling cond. .,. 494-7503 * 540-3100 D E A N IT!OIYJOIT!AJ L E w I s Pricccl for quick sale. 1965 .V,!kswagen Slfm. Call 846-2173 R1dio, ht1ftr, 4·1pttd. '6''1-;';vw;;;--=:::--:good::::;;-:cl:;::~ ll chro"'• wh1el•. R1tl •htrp. ' runs ' ean. INHE 71 $475. Private party. CiL.11: JO ROLLED '66 VW. SOhp, 1931 Ford Sport Coupe SOUTH COAST '64 BUICK Rivien . 1 owner. $200. Call 642--0239. : 00.IXXI mi's. $425 or best Restored $1900 Firm CAR LEASING Jo'ull power, a.ir-concl. Xlnt '64 CONVERTIBLE. ail' & : Mark II Wagons Hi Lux Pickups '''' HA.1101 ILYO. 642-9612 '66 BROWN· VW ,' blk int.. r&h, very good co nd . \11J1ide & out. Must sell! 673-0097 DEAN LEW IS orter. 644-4983. -==-=="="=·=LNW~=885===-300==W=·="'='=""wy°'=,=NB=·=,..;.=·===~w=ho=l="'=.:1';:·::54&-;:o;l260:::3=== all xtru. Low book. $1075 .. : -rirm. 4~2500 -~ L nd C i COSTA MUA 64'·'l0l • ru Hrs '60 VW Good sh#pe inside . Wagons · DEAN LEWIS llT'S Beaoh.hou., t;m,. Big· . gcat selecuon ever! See the 1006 Harbor, C.M. 640.9303 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! '62 VW wf'6.1 engi ne, clean, good body, l'tlns good. $550 or best. 4M-9J78 ,,,, HAll.IOR ILYD. COSTA MESA '4'·'l 0l & out. $425. 123~ 4lst SL NR. 673-9961 aft 7 David .. --,64 VW Bug Very nice. 548-2885 New Cars ·BUY NEW CAR JOHN CONNIU. OR KEEP · ... oLD? "NO GIVE>.WAYS NO GIMMICKS" • , , Jutt 21 Yt1r1 of Hor111t Dttling, SeUir19 -Chtvrolth. . ' . Government economists* soy cheaper ~to buy new one. "'According to latest relt•st from the Feder•I 'Highw•y Commission. 'L ll ~ lARGEST SElECTION llf MONTE CARLOS & CHEVELLES IN ORANGE COUNTY 1970 CAMARO Fully equipp1cf wi th tinf1 d ql111, t ¥1p. t lftiJ1lo" co"trol, AM rtdio, .. inyl inttrior, buck1t ••h. 1509 1941 lmmedia'te /Delivery NEW '70 NOVA Tinted 9\e11, evap. •mi11ion c;cntrol, pus k .buttcn AM radio, Gobi bei9a. I 273788 1 IMMl!OIAT£ · DELIVERY Ill.AND NIW '70 CHEVELLE NOT STRIPPED. VI t ngin1, turbo hyd r1lft t tic lr1n1miu ion, tinted 9!111, •le, $2693 lMMEDIATE · DELIVERY LARGE SELECTION OF USED CARS ''1 FORD 2 door. Automatic, radio, heater. tGFV172t $195 ''3 V.W. $795 '64 IMPALA $595 4 speed, radio. heatc.r. 2 door coupe. Automatic, tTYC711 ) radio, heati"r. (IQR263) '6' TOYOTA $1195 '61 Y.W. IUG $1395 Automatic. radio, heater. (VlE656) '64 OLOSMO/!!LE $595 H.T, Au tom•tlc, factory air, P.S., radio Mater, IOYF814l '61 INTlRNATIONAL \Valk-In van. t39555C) ''3 THUNDElllRD run powe.r, faclory air, A?i:l ·F?tt. tHSC926l ''7 MUSTANG VB, l"ldlo. heater. £UZF16ll $1995 $795 $1495 '66 IMPALA S.S. Auto .. R&H. buckPt ~f'als. l O\\'flt'r. {TEZ314J '64 PONTIAC GTO Convertible. 4 spci!d, radio. heater. tHWK939) '66 CHEVELLE S.S. $1595 396 V8, factory air. power windows, automatic, etc. (123452) '63 CADILLAC CONY. S97f>. 64.2·1686 aft 5. CHEVROLET '6.l lmpala SUper Sport conv. PIS, PIB. R/H, new top. $500/bst olr. 96&-5942 • 3111 ""' """' )4 tnl'-'tiol JS llf!t>I .. ""' ., ....... 6J P«of'I• ""~ ., .. '67 Gold El Camino, custom - 327, p/s, p/b, lo ml'1. St750. Call 673-~ 36 f'..,P• 37 !moonorot 66 Soc:iol '60 CHEV. Impala. Floor shif1. runs good. $200 Or best orJer. Call: 642--9048 61 Cltep 6eAcrov1"4s 69 """di1oi-. 7G Walld,_ 71 O.O!r ns;..,,1,. 73WJM ,,......,, '58 CHEV. 2 Dr. HT/AT. 283, 49t.1 act. mi's. $375. 280-C ., c.a brillo. cM. 646-7677 '64 El camino V-8, autc, p/s. r/h. Sacrifice. can 548-5372 or 837-4104. '66 l~tPALA 396 SS Conv. n111.roon, blk int. Xlnt cond. $930. (7141 673--0620 '63 Chevy Impala s.5 convt., pis, air, r&h. clean. $500 or best offer. 548-582'2 9900 9900 I Used Cars 9900 ! Used Cars 9900 I Used Cers ~======;;;;;.;;;======;;;;;;;;;;1 ·: ! ' 1969 AND 1970 PONTIAC AUTOMOBILES: Rem1ini "q '119 1 '70 Ponti1c1. All 1t dr11tit1!1y r1d11eed pric11. F11ll Ponti1c Motor Oivi1io1 w1 rr 1nfit1 iu u•d on 111 e1rs. 140 lift i nd th1re will b1 no mor1.) ''1 FOllD TORINO COUNTll.T S9Ullll WAGON VI, R.H .. pow1r 1t11rinq, b1 euliful fo r1 1t qr11n color end •11dy for th1 f,,.,;lv to 1njoy. l ie. !WXEJ41 ) $2295 '61 IUICIC WILDCAT 2 Dr., ivory 1n color , blu1 int1rior I top. Wtll c•t•d for fully tquipptd e1r, incl. l1ctorv t it eond. lie. IWAESJ S! $2695 ''1 CADILLAC COU,.E DE 't'ILLI lfl'!m1eul1I• Ci r throughout in 1qu1 color with whi11 vinyl lop. F111l C1dill1e 1ee111ori11. Lie. ITW\'1166 1 $3795 .,, OLDS YI ' l'ASSENSlll STATION WAGON Thi s 9old color1d w•IJ O" ht1 f1el•ry t i• co11ditionin9, power 1l1•tin9 ind th1 Vi1i1 Oom1 vi1w on t~e roof. 11'1 1 nic• t tr. lic. ISAASl l ! $2195 '61 flAllllllD \II , 1utolft1tie, r1doo, he1t•r. pow1r 1l11tin9, cu.tom t•ilft, b11utiful V1rdoro t •i tn with gold cutlo'" in• t1rior. IVHA6Jl l $2595 2-VOLKSWAGENS 2 '61'1-I t+ Sl,91 l ir.. IWXG956) I el Slttl with eu1lom i11lf1 ll1d Corv11ir 1n9ift1. Thi1 on1 i1 1 'pt eft lly r.1r, lie. fWIE92 4! ''' MlltCIOU JHS 4 Dr. R1dio, h11ter, 4 1pd. tr1n1., 1llftroof. letutif11I dirk blut tolor 1rtd i1 1 1polle11 e11 throuthout. Lie. !XPSI 191 $3595 ROY Rolls-Royce ''7 l'OlSCHI 911 COUPI R., H .. 5 Spd. This cir is in lop eond. l111 lh1n 500 mile1 on Pot1eh1 d11 l1r1 1nqin1 D¥1rheul in th i1 e1r, S1e to 1ppr1cit l1. l ie. (l0K915) $5295 ''I l'OlllSCHI COU,.I O r1nq1 in color. It, H., 4 1pd. Thi1 i1 t lint v1l11e i" 1xe1ll1nl condition. l ie. (VV\'650) $4495 '''CADILLAC FOii.MAL LIMOUSINE Wit~ bl1clr l1nd1u lop -1 l ,JOO mil 11 on fhi1 lu111"Y ct r which 1o!d le1t v11 r for $1<1,100. All conveftienee• you wou ld 1xp1et. lie. (XWYl541. C1dill1c1 fin~1t . modtl. -Ouht111di11t ... 1111 1t $8750 ''7 IONNEVILLI 4 DOOA HAll:DTO' Awlofll •lic, r1dio, h11l•t, pow1r sl1erin9 i nd windo.,..., Oti9inel bron11 witll 11ddl1 inletior, imm1eul 1t• I owntr r1fl1eh finis! of ct rt . !TRH6001 $2395 '61 CATALINA -4 DOOlt SEDAN "ulo,,.1tic. r1dio, h11t1r, pow1r sl1trin9. f1ctorv 1!r, 1•e1 plio"1I v1lu1 . IVTLl41) $2195 ''7 fOID' FALCON 1 Dr .• -·· H., J 1pd , lr1n1 .. 1eont,,.iet l, ivory i11 color. E•e1ll1nl let• F!'lod•I tr1rt1 porl1tio11. $1195 2925 HARBOR BOULEVAR,p, COST A MESA 546-4#4 •AL\ CAii SHOWN CA.llT OUI 11 MONTH 6UAIANTll "~ ! , • • ~ •.. _ __. ....... ___ ......... I •, •• ----'· -TRAllSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 'TRANSPORTATION - CHRYSLER 1--------'61 Ford Falrlane 500, 6 cyl. '63 Chcys Newport, 4 dr sed, Good cond. Needs clutch air cond.~_p1, pb, BURNS link, As is $150. See at 623 NO OIL!! Call after 6 PM Irvine, rear, NB to see & drive!! $550. '55 Ford V-8, new tires, i:84~7;:.....,;;===== xJn 't tramp u.r. Ca 11 I• 64&-2976al...-6dl0-· . CONnNENTAL 1968 FORD 4 dr. custom . R/H, 390 V /8, .35.500 miles ''66 .Continental 96&-3678 Save over $6001 Priced for '6'~2~F~ol~con-Cl=u~b~W"'ag--;V"°a-n. lnunediate sale! Full pow. Ex. cond. Radio. New tires, er + air cond, Excellent paint. $700. 646--0862. condition. 37,(0) ini. Dir. '68 Ford Futback, 289, V-8, (RRU814) can 545-0634 or full pwr, air, xl.nt cond. 494-9773. 540-7560 LATE '67 Continental, 1 --19-5/J-F_o_rd_Con~v-- o w n er, c lean, runs original $400 perfectly, ~ir, leather, & Private Part 540-5727 power. Pru:ed to sell. Y 646-4400 weekdays, 642--0766 '62 Fon\. Qii.Jaxie, V.S, radio, weekends & eves. w/sdwalls,. ~Uto Gd cond, 1960 MARK V Lincoln. 2 best offer. 548-8273 eves. DR. Hrdtp, .New rubbet, '65 COUNTY Sedan. Air- a.ir-cond., full power, xlnt cog>d, p/s, p/b, wht w/tan buy at $395. 54~7308 int. $800. 673--5811. 1967 Continental Convt. xtra '62 FALCON Station Wagon. clean, mint cond. Best 'otter. Stick shift, 41,000 miles. 499-2614 wknds · _0833--0'o--5'9"=~~~-'--~ 1968 FORD Ranchero, im· mac. cond. Low mileage. 1 owner. 494-2250, 4.94-94TI '61 2 DR, VINYL TOP, a ir, leather intfr, power. Xln't cood. Call -646-5619 COMET '61-0.ean, 6 cyl slick. Orig, owner. Xlnt transportation !250. 644-1235. CORVAIR '63 Corvair, Sac. $2)0. Nu t l r es, c h rm whls, 11tick-shift, xlnt body, radio. ll30-6Tlll '65 Col'Vair Monza. Xln't MAVERICK 1970 Maverick w/options, cr/t'l'vs whls, · raiclial trs. :llJ,000 ml. I~ '!1&-1956 MERCURY '67 Colony Parle, 10 J)asg wag, all xtras. Priv, pty. $1950 (213) 592-2344 MUSTANG cond. Lo Mi's. Days ,------3 -~-6e8274 eves ~7678 66 MU!tang, 6 ·cyt, .. ~. 1 ' Xlnt medianical care, Good 60 CORVAIR $110 cone!. 1 owner. Must sell Good trans car. 642-9287 $&50. See to apprec. 6Ta-4.146 '63 Corvair Spyder '67 Mustang, V-8 r/h, air $250. ·cond, $1295 or best otter. * ~12 * Call 675-5747 CORVETTE '68 ''Corvette'' C # 136A J $3795. CHICK IVERSON 1 ------~~ '69 MUSTANG SportS Roof, Jo mlg. $600 & take over pmnts. 642-1494 aft 6 p.m. '68 Mustang Conv. V-8, 4 spd, p/s, p/dlsc brks, pwr top. Ex cond. 644-1848 · Porsche Audi I 900 West Coast Hwy. V-8, air, pi s, r & h, wht. N.B. 646-9391 -549-3325 walls. $1450. 546-57~ lml!"rted Autos 9609 I Imported Cars vw DOMESTI C TRADE INS AT NEAR WHOLESALE VOLKSWAGEN BUGS From .$399 Good Selection of CAMPERS, BuSES, PORSCHES '68 MGB·"C" GT Cpt, Al#Omlltle lr•nsmi. •Ion, r.slO,• wlr• wtMYtlt. 21.-.. 111llw. ITXF-!211 $2499 '66 T·BllD Town CCM,lpe. Fv!I POWtf', •lr, N11S !Ito.• ntW. (JtPIC •221 $1599 '65 PORSCHE '67 MGB-&T Cpe. •Nftd, FM radio,. WI ... ...... la. Nell•! "'"· M.«JO ..-1111w1 milt1. ITXS $21) $1999 Ext, 6' or 67 1'70 Ha rbor Blvd., Co1t1 Mesa SCt-3031 M It. C1 YDI JOHNSON -BARGAIJIS ~ . . __ _ -~ 9900 UMd Can PONTIAC '* • RAMBUR . '61 FIREBIRD 400 00-Rambler """"""• SAVE $500 e /.-1 COND. 220 Wagon, stlck:$4:)0, ·~ •--I ·1 •646-2357* ".o, J)Wl', l te,t°u>f>, ow nu es, ~-~-:,:~::;_,~-.,- R/H, dlr, ill dtlu.xe equip. 1964 RAMBLER 2 dr Classic, Take fo..~-elgn car In trade. aut<r6, clean, Mual sell. Will tinance pvt, .ply, (WGJ... ~fl1::;5."'968-<000;;:;;::i:::;===-212) Call Hal aft 10 am - 54~ or 494-9113. 9900 .,...... .Ml. DICI JOHNSON BARGAINS IN EVERY CORNER WE ARE CELEBRATING OUR 17th ANNIVERSARY DURING THE MONTH OF APRIL IN EVERY CORNER MUSCLE CARS! We have a good selec·. +ion of Cougar Elimina· tors, Montego Cyclones & Marauders, all equip;ed for the Cat that likes to Scat! DURING OUR ANNIVERSARY '$100 OVER FACTORY INVOICE PRICED FOR ACTION! t~ .1\111 MARK :111 Look over ' . our nice se· . ~ ~........:.--·-- lection of Mark Ill's as as several slightly ones-the finest car well used mcide In America. DRIVE ONE TODAY! BUY ONE TODAY! LINCOLNS A Large Selection to Choose From '69 LINCOLNS low As $4575 - XSR 580 '68 LINCOLNS Low As $3325 VTP 736 I 67 LINCOLNS low Ar $2500 TRK 296 '66 LINCOLNS low As $1900 SUN 059 '65 LINCOLNS low A1 $1475 TFC 969 ~ 64 LINCOLNS low As $1050 GDM 894 LOOK over our fine selection of quality Lin· coins! Many sold & serviced by us! COUGARS We have a largo selection of Cougars 91 models, XR 7's & convertibles with prices ,you'" lika. "Tho good ole days are back again! NEW 1970 COUGAR wfth. whit side w1il fires, po'#e:c. ste1rin9, pow~ er di1c bt1k1s, deh!..~• wheel covers, etc. No. Of91H5178l4 ; DURl~G OUR ANNIVERSARY 53066 "•'01 u- PRICED FOR ACTION 1 HERE NOW! The Sexiest European THE CAPRI Mid• In G1r"11i1y ·IMPORTS '68 TOYOTA Corona Cpe. $1595 WIG 718 '68 KARMANN GHIA $1895 XJl 241 '68 VW Squar• Beck $1695 WIE 821 '67 OPEL $1395 WAE 083 '67 'VW FASTBACK $1395 VRZ 679 '66 VW BUG $1195 VTM 493 MONTEGOS . DURING OUR ANNIVERSARY We have coupes, sedans, & lots of gorgeous wagons et the "good old days" prices. Come in & see why Montego is the best intermed· iate buy in America. NEW 1970 MONTEGO 2 dr. h1rdtop. V8, front power disc brak11. · Equip. wi th delu xe wheel covers, white side will tires, power 1teeiin9, AM r1dio. No. OHO I f569l99 $ -2866 "afalU,_ PRICED FOR ACTION! WAGONS '68 MERCURY c;1·,::;.k $2895 WID tor • '68 MONTEGO Mercury $2195 NID 985 '67 FORD SQUIRE $1995 TVT 926 '66 FORD SQUIRE $1395 RTW 848 '65 FALCON $ 995 PEN 622 MERCURYS '69 MARQUIS 4-Dr. H.T. $3695 XWN 345 '69 MONTEREY 4-Dr.H.T. $2895 ZUl 492 '69 MONTEGO MX 4-Dr. $2695 VWR 098 '68 COUGAR XR7 $2595 Wfl 421 '67 MONTEREY Cpe. $1595 ucc 092 '65 MERCURY 4-0r. H.T. $ 995 UJM 850 NOW IS THE BEST TIME IN TEN YEARS TO BUY A LINCOl.N·MERCURY PRODUCT ~OhDSOD+SO .D n.aoo©®l!.oo ©U'ii'aoornoo'ii'-&I!. • 1&1ma\ m · 1rnrm©wrmw. ©'®!Yl@&m COSTA MESA · 2626 Harbor Blvd. NEW CARS 540~5630 ••2·0981 ' USED CARS 540;.5635 l'BREE GENERATIONS IN THE AVTOntOBlf;E BVSINESS THI OLDEST ESTAILISHED "FACTO•T DIHCT' NCOLN·MIRCURT DIA LEA IN UNIH COUNTY . ' I - " _J • ' ' . . ' . ~ IN EW 1970 THUNDERBIRD #OJl4~1421 l0) • 1 i 01FOF w ll<l)OW .' SltCklR - Come in and bla.st our · profits . on any -new ,1970 Maverick, Mustang, Falcon,. Torino, Galaxie, LTD ; or ; · r • Thunderbi~d in . our. stock~ : · ' ;I • ,(, i \ . ··WE ARE OUT " TO BEAT ... TtiE COMPEtlTION GOING AWAY -. ' -. . T:flE .SHARPEST ENCIL IN TH WEST'!! fALC0N ....... AIRLANu-..:f'OllOS-TOllNOS T-811~UITANOS-,-MAVEllCICS ~COATIN~TIUCKS--CAMPEIS ' FACTORY INVOICE SALE OF NEW ENGLISH FORDS · • Every Car In Our Big Inventory Now Slashed Ta:·our Cos', hsitiYely Na Added Dealer Charges! . - You'll S•ve A Bundle If Yw Take Advantage· Of Our .Pres ' . Over Stock Problem I ' . NO ENGLISH FORD IN STOCK EXCEPTED Cortina 2 and 4 Ors. Grs-Station:-Wgns. FULL AUTOMATICS --; FOUR SPEEDS TB~RE GOING FAST, SO BllRRl'.!_ e SPECIAL e · 1969 FORD CUSTOM 4 DOOR SEDAN 42, 'f'I, •ufotflafic, ht•fer, PS, dite ~.U.. C..t• M••• Polic• Ctr. l l•ck I 'Milk , Cornpt.hly m•iflf•initd •t n,.,,.. Rol:ii111, F1rd. Stk. #1490. Set'. #149046. 1585 .. ·-,-64~~-~-.~~ .. EYR~.,.~"~~o~ ... ~~~!~b-.Yl~.~G~N~.~-r.:~~:- , •• jo, M•ter. I PAG~271 '67 V. YI~ BUG . . $·1187 4 IJMtd, r•dio, h••l•r. IUOK2 711 s799 $1195 • '64 . f.~~~.~~ ... ~,:~.9.~.R R•1I nice c•r. ! 14244fl ----• . MGB 64 . c,; • .,i;bl• •~•"" .. w top, .. (fMSIOl) .• '69 '69 '68 '66 ~~~!~~~~TORY AIO. •i"I s3195 roof, cuto., P.S., P.I ., R&H, Appit. 9,000 mil•t, l oci! c•r. !YWT516l ~~~e, ~.~,--,-.. -b .. -•• -••• -•• -.. -w,-.. --,s--3=-=5=-=9=-=9 dow1, AM-FM, .,.;"yl ro of, fief. ••,,1nfv, 11401'.SHI $29·88 S T 500 KR. lr•"d new •ngin•. Appl!. 10,000 mil 11, tYPSl'l l SHELBY COBRA ~~~-~'-~!.!: ... ~~~!_ 51276 ISQl t271 . - New 101/2 Ft. Eldorado Ca•r Fully Equipped •nd LIST -14·· ' • Rudy for Your PllCI 6M Pickup or-• New '70 .... :,Cl '1395 CAM:s~N ,T«KI :.~~':~. •61 t. ... '"" Visit our complete car and truck 1 .. ,. deport,,,.ni. FORD AU· , t l#ORIZED L:E A S E SYSl'EM • mNnJ ·competitive fff&,., In-deal· ershlp service,~ ind nt~r. for your preten,t c1rl / ' · · · ALL POPULAR MAKES · THEODORE ROllNS, SI. let our IHM experts give you full cletalls on' the plan but suit· ICI to your ptitlc'ular needs, with· Out obligation. SUNDAYS . A. THioDbRE ROmNS . EXCLUSIVE LOOK FiJR THE DIAlillsnC CENTER SW ; ON THE WINDSHIB.D! 100°/, PARTS AND LAICIR WARRANTY 4000 'MIL!S OR 90 DAYS e.... • ••• '1tl ,.,. ................ ,, I I , .. .... ..... !M' _ .... PLUS .._ ....... - -Al .., ' ""' .-•.;it i!I _. ... .... ••• I ?. . . . OVER ·150 USED CARS AND TRUCKS IN STOCK . . ... -T'UCK SPECl~LS '66 ~~~~~;;~~:;~~~' $15?8 CONDITIONING, R&H. IT27175 1 '67 ~~-~-!!}.:!.~.~ ... ,,!2498 •xctll•llf condition. IU27499l '6~ ~~~~.~-~~,. $1999 ~ condltio". IY447021 '·6=a·· DODGE D-200 $2177 Pickup, eutom1tic, RIH, 111116CI 26eO.:Harbor . - • SPl:f:IAL .• . I -- 1i68 PLYMOUTH i:\JRY Ill FAST TOP -c -'.-, V.t , •lilfMl•tic, r•dio, h••t•r, pow•r 1t••rin9, vinyl. roof, •pprokim•t•I., '11,0M mil••· 152l ASHI . $1598 '65 '67 '64 .,, '67 '66 FORD CUSTOM 500 2 door. YI, ~·f•m•tlc, r1dia,.h••f•r, power 1fffril'i1. IPCfll 16} · ' FORD L.t;b.' $177· 7 4 dr. H.T. t own•r, FAC,TO.RY AIR, ROW_•! • 1teerint I ltrtk•1, •ufoWttlc, ~IH .r;TTj;74SI .. ~ - COUNTRY SQUIRE-$,_,. ·aa· . W•9on. v.1, AIR COND ITIONING. iu10 .. P.S., R&H, in ••c•ll•nt cond ition . (OXTJll J' . TOYOTA ~ORPNA 2 Or. H.T., low mil••9e, 4·1p••d, r•dl•, hilef•r. IYCR2241 $1498 Corvette · J:astback s31· s-8 4 1p11d, AIR CON DITIONING, r•dio. h•1t•r. R1•l 1li1rp. !TIPIJ9l !~,~~.?.~ ... ~.f.!; .. ~PE. $1366 r•dio, h•1t•r. IT EX1 61 I , ''64' -!!:'H~~.~~.~~~.~~. PS ,,,, $1099 . 11>ow•r winclowt. ( IEUJ 41 ) -l ' " • " •• ". • ' " ' I •• '·"' i ol) A •• ' " • -• • PARTS 6. SERVICE HOURI PARIS OHL y .~·1 , ,,. ., l'l 1 .. ; : 1.' :-, '.' '.' '"~[).'.· e ,'A ~~· TO ti'''~,~-~:,, ;l<l[J A.' 8 AM 1C! 6 I'• J·.u '.1A· . • ( •, ~ ~ ·~ ':!It ' J ·' • <~~~~~~~~..._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.-.:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__..i~L.......l ' ( MAICH OP DIMIS I CAltMIYAL PLINTY OF •AMIS AND FUN FOi IVllYONI . ·. WASHJNGTON (AP) -The enacted and expepditures personal income to ieoo bil- fecleral govertunent is likely which may ~ be held down lion. A number of industrial to slide into thi red by $3 • fo the levels indicated, but economists forecast I o w e r billi .. lli U seemc ... that we are likely ._ figures -' ' T h e ad· 00 to ~ bl 00 Jn the to hSve a deficit of at least ministration's esti mates may upcoming fiscal Jlelt -~# • '.-i ~ lli to ... ti"Uli and be h t too h" h" stead of adliev" the $l 3 ... u on ~ on some:-v a ig . billloa lua 0 :1i1 1 n 1 11 Y, poaibly 4w1ce ~t much." -The bo<ftet projec'.ed the lorecaJt SUZ, p~ Nlion Some of the speci1ic ques-cost of interest on the public _:_ Coasress' top fl 9 ca 1 tlons NiaedJn t\le study: debt at '19 billion. Tbe staff analysts esttmMe. --The. budget ftSS\11Md the ' 8:f1alysls, howev~r, found this Th · ti t aS ad by Orou Nadnnal Product would figure a.mimed interest rates the e es mJs e '!' tat!' f e th . rise to '985 billion and woul!l drop by o11e or two . nonpar . an s o e . percentage points. If this d~s Joint Comnuttee on Internal .. , not happen, the debt service Revenue TuatJon at the re. S J b cost could be as much as · qu~ of Rep. Wilbur D. Mills Weet 0 · $2 billi<ti higher. (!).. k.). ~ of the -The budget ·assumed a = Wayt an4 M~ Colo-Fo· You" a fCtaeral pay raise effective on-. \. .,, lll )y on Jan. 1, 1971. Instead, SillOe the study WU made, the pay raise has been enacted chances hav~ ~ that Missjon Viejo High School retroactive to the beginning the red int figute wiD be s~eats 1eneraDy agree that of this year. 'lbere is some ln the •upper rlJlle ol the ,Ken Rill did • sweet job-dut-offset however because the staff estimate, or tVef! beyol'ld Ing the recent fund-raising maj~ cosis oi the revised It. candy sale for the ~dent welfare program now p!l.lding Congress, at Nlson*s recom-'&ldy. would begin only in July 1971 mendatlon, hu passed a si.s HlU was top salesman with instead of Januity 1971 - billion annukJ,ay inereue for t&S boxes dilpCISed of. He will if the Senate accepts the postal and Olbit-fed er a 1 receive a $75 gift certificate at terms ol. the House-passed bill. workers. Bat it bas yet 10 Del Thomas Men's Shop in -The budget assumed sav· act on postal rate increases Von's Shopping Center. tngs from cutbacks or .cl other measures designed Clole behind In second • terminations of a number ol to offset. at least ln pert, place with 17$ boxes was Chip programs strongly supported the expense. WaJsb. He will be able to In Congress. TM ceminlttee staff said order up to $50 worth of The Joint Cooimitltee on the original surplu forecast atereo, radio or TV equipment Internal ~venue Taxation ls depended on Congress · eiiac-from the Juliette Cat1l1ogue. a unique group consisting of ~ a ~Wr of measures Third place winner, Jackie senior mernbers, of both cJailned to ralae iu blllion Hess, won a $25 Savinp Bond .parties, of the House Ways additional revenues, ind al9o from the La Pai Merchant's and Means and S e n a t e at a number of controvenial Aaoclation for selling 146 box-Finance Commlttee. measures to end or r~-es. It meets infrequently, but ture go~ programs for 'l'be funds go toward student ts served continuously by a aafblei totaliDg 'U bl1llon. body actlvitiea such as the bigbly-nted professional starf 'lbe study CODCludid: 1cboo1 paper, • 'Diablo whose flJcal forecasts have "It ia diHk!Utt tb forecast DllpMcb'' and a student effort often In the past proved more the ~ of ~ revenue to purdwe bleachers for the accurate than those ot the ~t10n ~cb ~ ~ be athletic field. Budget Bureau. Req. $1. $2 . . , Near U.S ... WASHINGTON (AP) - Soviet Polaris-type m.lllile-llr- ine submarines are patiolUni in the Atlantic within ltritlnc range of the Uai&ed Statet Pentagon aourcu 11y. • At. least one such sub- marine, ~iJt to carry 11 nuclear tipped m1ailes with • range over 1,200 mUes, bu been detected in tbe micf .. Atlantic. Previoµaly , Defense olficlall have said 1everal Yantee. class So¥Jet • auclear sub- marines were oper.at1onal, but indicated they hadn't ventured out for moee than shakedown ctU.ises. Secretary of Delense Mehin R. Laird believes the Russians are on a cruh program to bring tbelr Polaris-type sub- marine fore! abreast o r beyond the 4.1-boat U . S . missile launching neet within four years. 1% OPERAftONAL About l2 Soviet Yankee- . class subs, capable of-shooting from the ocean depths,· att reported operational -about twice as many as last fall. Aoot,ber 12 or 14 of these vessels are aald to be under construction. It is qot kncnrn bow many Yankee-class subs have begun patrols. 1f they follow tb~. U.S. method of operatiorr, the R u as la n s would tend somewhat more than .half ol • tbeir fCJl'ce to sea at any one tim!. · 'nle Soviets are building thejr JUb fleet at t w o 1shlpyards In tbe far Ruaslan north. Aceording to U.S. ~lculations, the two yards can accommodate a total o{ , ' fashionable . fantastics futuristic prices ! Howard Hindi · • For tti. Net t•lde te '!¥•'• h1p~11l11f 011 TV. ,.,4 n WEEK -411trl~ wltti the S.hmley e41ti1t1 ef the DAlLY PILOT. The Ar .. .MEM0RY LANE ,. I GAINESVILLE Fla. (AP) • death. -Aady Anderton wrote a County Judce Johft L. Coft.. poem about b.la drug 6· nen made public Tueedly the periences saying "My mind ls poem ~ a note ln wb.lcb no longer my friend. It won't Anderson wrote: 41'1be drug Jeave me alone.'' experience bas flDed me with Then he burned hlmsetr lo fear and doubts or myself. I STAR5 . Svdilev Omttr It ono of +fit worlcl't 9rut tttrolo9ere. Hit col1111111 Is one of the DAICY PILOT'S 9rut futuret. cannot 10 on. Please try to remember my good points and excuse this final act of desperation.'' The. 20-year.old University ol Florida junior, his body and hi$· car dou3td with g~line, GET THE ~UYS OP 'f4 LIFETIME!!! NEYER . ISEFORE SUCH PRICES!!! , DRESSES PANT5 . SWEATERS SKIRTS , JACKETS =TS .... .. !ts• TOPS -SKIRTS PANTS -. VESTS HILE THEY LAST .............. . ONE RACK )Rtrned t9 death Feb; It *-'t 100 ,yards from llll lp9rtment bullcUpg. A coroner's jury nil· ed the death suicide. 4~'111i.s Christmas I had a very bad experience with a drut called mescaline. I have smoked a little pot before - as many my qe -but I tried m e s 1 11 n e o n 1 1 once,'' Anderton wrote. "Since t.beil I have not ~n In control of my mind. I have ld1'ed myself because I tan no SPRING Cl.EARANGE . . -.0.%. 8Ff . INSIDI STORE or ••• OUR OWN WINDSOR CHAlGI , HAllOlt CENTEI 2300 Nabor •cl., Costa Ml• 546-2622 Joncer ni'I .. , lllrn allldft and I can Giiiy be trouble llil worry to tboee who love llid care for me. "l ba¥e trJed to straifbten myself out but things are only getting worse." Anderson did not direct the note to M)'one but in it 'be ~ his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Anderson of Lakeland. "Please forgive nie parents ' for quitting after you have raised me, b\lt 1 cannot Uve with myself any longer," he said. ... "You •ere good parents and I love you both, don't let my down'fall be your1 -yoa have nothing to be ashamed of. I made the miStake -not you. · "There h nothing b u t • -mi8ety f «>r all of us should I allow myself to deteriorate further. "To those of .my friends who might also think about learn· tog about themselves with mind expanding drugs - don't. · "Learn about yourself as you live your life -doo't try to know everything al once by swallowing a pill. ll could be too mudt for your mind to ~ at one time. u could btow out all the circuits as It did with me. "I am too weak te fl&ht -too proud to live forever on IJIDPathy ol .others. Love. Andy.~ Welg•t Watcher James Chasse, 2.9, of Vineland, N.J . steppe~ron the scales at 716 pounds as he i.s weighed by David Lee, vice president of the WelRbt Losers of Wisconain, Inc. Chasse hopes to lose l50 ~unds in the next 3 . or 4 years with the help of a diet prescribed by Lee and hi.J wife. • 1 • Steve Thompson, senior at the Herron, lnd.1 School of Art, dozes in his ''bedroom'' on the front lawn of the school. He moved his room furnishings outside t>ecause of a "school aaaignment" and to mark an art ~how ODelllna. He bad to weather rllin and tor-, nado warnfngs overnight. . .... Castle· of Dreams . ,; ~ . Hangs Out Sale Sign on ttie GoldenberhA ~ . zi~zag sewi1J1 Dlaaline· in ~one or three . cabhiet& Famous deluxe zig-zag 6eWing macHne t1( $inger has many exciting featw•. thNxc:lu8M ~ Button Bobbin, the btltt-ln buttOnholer' and the two-f nch basting stitch, ·. ... ... . ' . LONDON (~) -''We'll Tbe bookie ~ duty 1n Jack favorite par1ar 1ame: When · for February beciUM ·some amt w power wldt a frail for NUOnl of pique. tblt date take 1 ,,_,.. Oil lie winier . Solomons' and Bud J'laupn'a will frlme Miollter Harold · ot die bud(et benetita are tied # ~ majOrity tn. never bM loom~ Wee -.. ol Jt but not the when of beWnc parlor -the IOl't of WllBon ~au the next ccoeral to Britaia'• lldoption of the ltM. On J'eb. •. 19111, be 1n the bastiall· it," demurred the chap beblrid Lloyd's of Loodoa of the fut elecUGP. dedmal aystem in Jts. CW'· caQed u eleetion for Marah Besidea wbktl, a quickie the window.,.,.,._,, too c.'han-quid let -wu h9c1ttn1 oft JUDt? October? February? reney. . · Jl Like ~ Sam e)edloa call cuta clowa on the ptrUcipatin( ~ B r I t • l n ' • JI lbe booties •ere bashtul, • 'lbe ceneral election ls aboul MeDoweD el the Cleveland Iii-number of ~ bllnbes, ---iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimt • no one eJM tn Bri&aln seemed the Olll:y major moYeeble feast cl1am he blued the fast .balJ cowboy bab, ca mf a i g n to be. Smart money, over the left ln the Britilb calendar. by bll tiafflell Conle"ative breatfuta and .._. .. a.bits pub counter, wu oa early Unlike American presiden-oPPQlleet.I and plc!tecl up • • • candJdate hll to date in amuner"-electioal after the tial elec:tions, with ttM!lr"rigid more than worb.,_e -Allowing pursuing bJI craft. •·Pl•• S.18d Serving let Sauce lldle, lllad llrVlnt fork end spoon In ttenrnc Ortatnal Roe-rs Sllverp!lll Pllr'ld with ew.• ff utld aa.r cr)lltll llUCIJla*I aM to• · tllld bowt. t Londosl City COUDCil tJectlons f1nt Tlielday after the first in UN Comblnl. fte bootia, wbo wW llf lbowed Labor lteadUy if alow-Monday every four t b N°", behind benfgn cloudJ you 5 to l thlt .... midis Jy . eetinc into the Tory lead November, British voting ii of pipe aqoke, ~ namer will beat out tbe mull and In the polls. at the .iiim and wizardry in the houle • 10 Downing the min~ and .40 to l apinst Then Jut week the chan--of the incumbent St. ii as Ugh~Upped as a any date you care to choose cellor ol the exchequer, Rov By law Wllaon ·m~ present TrafaJcar lion. for the end of the Vietnam # • ' WW b6' Won't he' And war. won't lay a f·~'-on Jenklm, celebrated •. Bu~ himself to ~ electorate by · · · .. -.. Day by ~ two million May of next year when his wbenT 1'hell the PM will · pull the lower-paid worken from the fiv~year WJr1 is ~p. but he . Even his b:u~ler does,n't • !ipe from . b1a ~. ud II~; lncome tu. The editorial ean pop an eledioa anytime know. The British ~ 'Ere, cbapt, let I IYe •IO· writers ml~ and before then. 'nlere is 1 game deortves lbe candidatesfp;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~ PfOP>lticaton began .to dlpified three weeu•. notice of fttualisUc Fourth of July t.iJk of ()cJober electtons. The ot electioneering, which ac· oretotl~ fireworks ~t then, reasoning. here l>elng that tuallt woru out to four or most of the Jenkins jube-jubes five weeks because only work- won't .&ow 'up in tbe P31 · 1111 days are COdllted. Elec- paolteta until Jutx. tions are usually held on a 'l\ert was also 1entimenl Thur9day, except When tbey ~d on Tuesday. Beyond ·• those loose rules, anythin1 Drunks on Rise goes. ~ 'nlere Is no balk rule In MOOSONEE, Ont. (AP) _ British politics. Tte prhne. Some people bad a stagprtng minister can 10 Into a loag, time Jut week •hen a liquor 1'ind-up, step to the back of 1tore opened ·in th.la nortbeut. the JDUJd to confer 1ritb the .em Ontario trading . outpoat, queen or bis bookie, then fire puttJna an end to mail orders the ball while no one ls lookJ and •mile-1ripe to Cochrane ln~. for potables. ·Police reported W I J 1 o n , a c a o n 1 *'1nt and diaordetly chartes ..Yorbhlreman with* cherubic were l.IP 10 percent. r face, did jUlt that after be Hner. P. Newton Denied Parole SAN· LUIS OBISPO, Calli. (AP) -Huey P. Ne,,ion, ~ founder ol the Black Panther party, ha.a been denied parole for the second time, the can. fornla Adult Authority reports. N~, !8, is ~ing a 2-to- 15-year sentence at the Lop Padres-Men's Colony here on a manalaugbt.er conviction in- volvlng the 1987 sbootina dea ol an OOland policeman, John Frey. l "I• s ti lt e n n e r • .. Drc.sse.~ r~~.' iio~~'° · -lb.mo u.s no.me, ~tes from~·~ . Swimsui~ req.t2oio•2s .fu.rnous ~rn~~ ..... 14~d1pc. sh{I~ • UDJted states lntemallonal Unl~y and tbe Scuba Club of Ulliversitj ol Caflfomia at San Diego:> f The DANVllll • 12*~~ 1 lje1ut1ful ,Contempor•rf Zenith TiM HandCraited Ctias$is 11sUTts 1uper·~rfo1man~ i nd onrivattd d~ndabililV yeus Iona" ~1th s11n1fiun1 new Zenith e~11neerin1 •d~•n~• '" solia·$Utt terhnolon combined with proven v1cu11m tubt circuit desil ri· . tl)·rect compact consolt In 1r1intd W1lnut colot en telecl hardwood 1ql1d' and venttu. Zenith VHr i nd u11F spo1Hre 01a11. s· x 3" • Zenith AFC-Automatic Fine· tuning Control fo in·Cont Spea~er ' • HURRY I • Advanced Zenith Super Video Range Tuning System Slfllly 1-' :~·~Nt_w_z_en_ith_GY_RD .... ·D_R_l~"""!"'UH..;;._F c_ha_n_ne_I s_el_•c_to_r _:.....;,.i ,. W8lttnjljousa --~ ---... H lt\\.•lllJTV a ~ ---~ ---------_.J • W•lah· To·Slve™ lid • W•t• 11ver control with "Rntl«r' Mttln1..,Stop'NSoak™Timer ·• 2·po1ttlon a1it1tlon/1pht 1pHd ttltctor' • True 11· po\lnd eapaeity • Double· action w8shln1 • Heavy duty traMn'lllllon •nd su1p1nalon syst9m • 5·pulhbu\ton Wlttf temperature utector, lnctud• tn1 3 Permanent Prtst Ht• tln11 • Automatic bl11ch dlspen1tr • Optfon1I auto· matic fabric softener dllpt,,. Hr • Powtrfui non-doc drafn pump • lint fitter 1nd Wlttr rt-cireulltlon ayattm • lock 'N SpfnTM 11ftty Hd • Po~ tetn tn1lntl top and lld . TEIMS e. EXTEMED NY.UJS e. BAlllAllllCAll e fllAIDI CHARGE e REYOLYIG CllAllE "' IN HARBOR , CENTER 2300 HARBOR 'BLVD~ COSTA MESA 540.7131 • . DAILY 9 'til 9-S~T. 9 'til 6 ...