HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-06-26 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa17 l L • Dang . . • --• on-· .J •• . • > Mr. l'r~sid"nt,, - r ·,11~s · a Lady· ·Driv~r .• I .•. • ;.. ' Orang~ ,~Ounty's . . . . Election "~· Force • • ~ . ·-• DllULY l'IL01 """" h ,_ 'f .... 'HOLD UP, LIZZIE, WE'RE·A-HIADIN' FOR lHE PEA PATCH' In S.n.Clemonl1, Tho , ... MNn1.Rldu.Wllli-•·L""1.Dr1nr ' ' :~~ I I . ,-• ~,:Pf · A.gain Flunks -. ' • .. Ni~n,:Jj.rrives ·in :Cou~ty; Plane Strikes ·R .t 'l ·tel',:,. t " ·z ·1: . " t' :North Vietnam n.ns .n rec ua ,nces . . · ;r · · · " . · · In ·Retaliation ' ' 2 wa&.oui ' ' t' iJ lUC:liAlll»P. NAJ.il llewtpapen, Jook II televliion and tllk• • tiit..., NII....., to each other. SI~)' I'm .;at~I my ~Is" • "'lllere is a 110rt of in'teUeciual incest ·~~·~· !"!the r.,oldent·Uld -y. wbldi rully ,..iuces the ·i.vel d the r., ,. fll ,Mr '"'!' °'"' ., the ~ and Y"" have ID'~ to 111' ~Jlid~~,..~~p:~lpm= ~' , ~ oOW and tblft 1o, l!t I "'1 :• -I ,.._ (oellill·d what-'' ll< llllnllinl. -. •·• Ion Oomente '*·II•• ·~oshingtan 11 part of the country ••-· Yiews '"''topics Wllinl but ·t Is hot II J ·~ _......; •-hillthe-ID"~-t'.. t a w -·-• •o•-·· In W........... . ·. · than onyca!"toi'll~ll ol the ~ntry." ., IMS llJIOIACI[ "I' ·'--:..., to · et ba k to The Pres•dent had a plug for See. 1 , , ··., ... ._,""" m ....... , ..... I 1 c ,_ George Murphy (ft,.Cali()1 who accom- ••Jl"!Wlntkm" is • tlll ..,.... 'for lhe , Calitomia ·: • ·• ,.~larly .on ~ch 1 panied him calling him "my Senator and Orll1ie Ccilmll' 'Vollill SyaWml Tlsk ~ul. day, 111d the PresidenL my .good friend." , Fciree. Whem;t ·I heafd it.he temperature. was . Referring to A1urphy's uncomlne cam- " ·~ c . f • ' p • · 'lbe tlMDember · pvup. with threfl; 103 ~ here, l fell that was a paign a(l:ainst Rep. John Tunney (Q.. a. no11' : . OD· ...... m·. Q .. ', 'lin,..::ihn' e·r -· -Tburwdly for the third time Utlle· Winn .but >".':' know we have dry Calli.). the President said: "He'• e11er .LI 0 I ' .IOU ln. aft attwnpt to lwnedy the county'• heat in ~aWOl"f\la. . for the battle, I think Calilornla should • • • ' 1 ' ' 1 ' aillq vole 'eounlint·l)'l&lm. • ~ •bout Se n·i,t o,r Mike give him a ·vote or confidence." 1 1bt rtlll)t WU the tame u befaft. l'l!~nsfleld's r~~s ~bout ~ economy, Some of the hlghlights of thei L• 334 H Id • . ,~7• . They taoed. 1 l Mr. Nix~ .Mid.· 1 never co~~t on President's plans while in San Clemente 1st;·' . e Ill ·'' :•e~nam ~~':.,,'::': .:r=r:: ~~ :: ·~vm::~:: inc~~~·~· Saturd~y momi111 at·the n ' ' , ....,i ,... -Cl( • llbaup *Inc -'--·" do ~-i "-H Y(d a'-na Newport Belich wedding ol hu nleoe, · machinf.t for die Now!mblr' 'Gtneral --..... wiwi • 1.1111:: °':Ill: ..... ,.rese!'" Lawrene Mae Ni.1on, 26, school teacher" NEW YORK fUPI) -Three ciiunted. for' w.,.. '-.., tlie Ust, ' the Eledfon. 'l1111-Itavt been ouilldent· tali..,) -· Tiley should pt· out '" and daughttt of the Preaident's brother, Ame~iqns who visited HanQi u pliv~ ~~~~jf.t:J _...·:~ ~ ... ~ '-; to cover only 11 percent af ·the CllUbty't ~ ~' 111!4 see what -the ~try Dontikl. indiyidl¥l1s, r;eJ)9rted :~. ~'~--:..,~.,, ,, µ·!""'~ ~·~~ 't,112 prectnta. . . 15He aald ·the Senate would have .been -:-A conference ~ond~y with Secretary Viet~ ~ver~.19'fldMiils .l·~-, eduftt.1~,·«~~ .• ~~.: And before the tut force ($ld vote . terested in hi ·~uon in S\ tou\s of State Rogers before Rogq-s lea~cs firmed, 1 ljsf of 3S4 :American priloners.I ib\et Apdl '{.•"nle tpokelriW:i. lil4 Hinoi· an .. , "!W' motion to' leue '9 Cubic ~e referred to 'u.e• thunderous r~m~ for Asia and England to meet with of Wilr cempUecl bY a N8w York ·peace_ · i:Md not •.CC.:~-Wten out ol the, ptper-blllotcomltlnamachinet'to«l'M of about ll,OOO Jaycees 'who applauded new lead.ers. . group and st.a\,ed that it was comple~. , ·· . .,.. tbat .Ki(tpatrtci1md hil)cam~ •percent of the county, two membtra his 28-1 ute talk there loudly about -A live ·television conference· on It w;as the first' reported North Viel· ~t . \o the N~ 'f.~ ~~I walked out lelvtnc &he lfOUP' wttbout once u':r; mlnute foreign policy July l st 7 p.m.' CPD'l;) npmese com.m~t on Ow: list dra)Yn .up =· =:eW~ ~ ~ ': a quorUm and powir1eu to make a. .. 1 have alw~ys found that' In with Howard K. Smith of .. ABC. John' by .~ ·y~~tl?f· v!-.)'~ ,w_tth .. ...:list : · .. T ••• ,~· •• finaldecllioa. ' -' waahinttonweteridtoleadveryisolatei:I Chancellor of NBC. and Enc Sevar~ fam1b~s-.9J SEtrvic;emefl ~1ned.ln J'i'91':lh . ••oi; ·, , . , , ,.,_,, 'nnlndly'a action matnd the leoond lives," the President said. "We 'read of CBS. ~ress Secret~ry .Ron .Zieg . Vietnam, which !is ·he'ad,ed by Mrs. Cor1; The ~mJttee ' ~ ual1111t .,, • s Ume the~ IJ'OUP ·bu revened It.elf and' said the live TV session 1s unique · m Weiss. Tile committee submitted the list, establlstied laat ·Dece:nber by qrtesnent Jeft thl. comity's eiectma. department Presidentia l history. . : , based on letters received · from the between µie Hanoi 1ovemment and Mrs: just where It Wll afttr the cblotk F" G . -A report to \he nation, Tuesday rrom prisoners before Oeceinber, 1969, to Weiss, wife ~c:t 1• New 1Yort . ~.. June PrtmarY. · . ' iremen OID.!! his western· White House ·on the Citm·• Hanoi for verification last Apri) but to arrange letter communteatioil betweei vti.ea' from that fl~ ,were not com-'-' bodian situation. It •wlll coincide with, it met with silence. the ~rs· and their . tlmiHa. 'n>e, pletelyooui.tedforalmDlttwonUs. .To Blaze l{urt wlUKlraWa!· 0£ U.S. 'troops from ~t . · d POWa m ~ to ..nte one letler 'l'l1t Yolln( syllemJ ~p dOclded June aspect of the Indochina war. Confumation of the list was reporte 1 six Une' tofm each month and 1 to rmt .1,.. AulomaUc y 0 t 1 n g , , . -A poolside !un.cheon in San Clem~ by l spokesman for Kenneth Kirkpatrick on .. e one ..... i. ... e ev.rv other month M-h~-CAVM) ... cover half of tht todtiy With edllors, publishers and broaet-of the American Friends Service Oom-receiv ,......... -·,, · -~ .... } T tin" ·Cr h llci miilee, Seattle·. P!d. -Mark s. -counlJ'• incln<U. Bui tllil decision WU D us as cast .. ecutive; to explain and .. t NEW YORK (AP) -Here ls lhe rMCtndert a net later became d con-support for his s&.itheut Allan policle•~· of Harvard Univtrsity, and Prof. f.lbert -•--i Ni ' d rt Sunda Ith I u~... list ol r.•u-••·'1 r-..o .--,,~ f·....i--..... _. ....;.n .... _ .. been._ Four !'-men ••• 1, ~-·••t w---Mrs. xon s enJll ure Y w W .. Plelf[er of the University o muiioao .. , ....,._,_, "'I-'-""'a.u ICU -..... WINI•._ .. ., u-.. ._ __ _.-..a b uic -11-·... "''"' pl load of su'"-Jies for survivors who were in Hanoi earller this month. by Hanoi u an accurate ccmt ot QWrmu. Cecll lMa.""b, ,,_._ Y lnjured·nutda)' nitht'wben an Orange 1r : tr · • p ~ earthq akes to The spokesmen said the travellers were· _··-··~'-·-lloe __ ro_w_,._ .... __ .11_-_. __ •• ',_ ___ , ... __ VOJING,_.. __ .... __ 1_> _...., County Fire DepvCment ·lnlck and a ~emonstr:ru .s~~~=rn. u -told an thl men -were Safe and would r ,·. car collldectin the Tultin irea. 'lbe President said at El Toro Ttiurs- bc repatriated when lhe war is\ The ·truck; on Ill "'11 '° a grass day ttiat he wlll leive~hi! home overlook-· tenninated. ;. · ? flre'Wlth • vollllll«< pafd-<aU crew from · the Pa ifi·c Ocean lo ..turn Ill Pl E the Redhill ~tion, crashed iato a car, mg · · c · r · · ... Jnformatlon ovailible in Wathlngtoo ... ~-ue' , . wesore · it New'pllrt. Avenue and Lqw\I llOOd, Washington a week from Monc\ay. indicated that lhe Department of fl county fire f)fftclala reported. At his El Toro arrival, the Pres.ldfflt. Defense's list of known priloners of • r.·lremtn . Martin •· Lumlden, . SI, aiid. appeered highly elated over -his rec~ war is considerabJy larpr• lbln jbat·· ·-i··· ~ • .-tae" r-'-ui~ .g. ·-·L· !~Al-, n.'u "·Uulie,... • •. Cited in St.. Louis. It was the longest,,Joudeit verified by Hanoi. · • . UKe ti. 0 Dauld.D)lff,. M,, remain in, Tustiri Com·, ova~ since he began living at 1800, . H-anol stressed that the wives or miss-. munllr' HOll)ltal's ·inteuive . care unit PenJlsylvania Ave. in11 U.S. servicemen 1Muld 'desist troln · '· '' ·' : t "I • ' 1 •• ' lodtY aufferiag. from head injwie.s but' 1 The ·President -·Who Is not at.fending, ·~ ~-· . .• r.n.~. 'UP!)·-r ... _,._ -'"·.·=·-·-· ~ ~-are •In ,uUlf1ctory. ooild!Uon, hospital. !Dday'• Uth ••Miversary celebratlon'of tr1veling to Paris, J.oas .and other.-,.... ~ ' ""'•" .,_ .... --..-.--!'•-• ........ ported where North Vietnamese have represen-. colony w~ ~ downtqwn Vltlnam WF ~ . blcnu "llttJe old 1':'~ re dr. i. . He: _,__·1 0• .p U the United' Natk>ns creation -told' tatives to team or their huiands' bite ..... hftiirinil doel" • •IWllC.ftiwkh-iowwl. · .. u'C truck ver r .. 11111 ' ' arne I newemen at ,£1 Toro a1ao that. he Ms beCaute all captured' •Arner1clMJ at-• · · '"W• dcll"l "*'1 •• ~ntry•m to.D IaJmr A.._;" Aid Jolm JUllnt, ~. and ·the drirtr of the car, ·Warren: rio Pltlns to ' ctl.mpaian for Rtpubllcanr -· d the dlJ ,..._,. -mlMon. . F. !Jnk, 143, ol or...,, are llao' listed al)dldates lhW fall. . . IN 'IRll: ~ .U,O Gt aeinDel wa o -" eo!Gny In lllblo<toi-y-condlUon., Treated ' ud' ' He '181d •he' liellives the be.I thing1 'lor,1== .. d -...1. •• wrtten llbd '11>olildl111 -Lew1a. F. re~•wu ~nt a.tef'Mourice' ht can di! for the ,party, ~ 118Mo as .~ · • Blalel', S'T:' • '· ' ,.. · ,.,_._, redrd as --'ble-on ilitlra.t:Wi 1 scou .J1ian MOWr. JabD ..r Raallrr• Jelen. ·rtrimtft Uid· the· truck •as si)eediq, IS......-• ...,--""1-.a J llflD: Ill If W '"'!ii -ooi!l.•il i9 "'7'1W fwmoI "l:'J;.::l; ~ ae /leyrfllrl .\-.With rilf li(hts• ~ad dof"<,stJc; illuoo. : .· . . 111 !be dailqtowD -..~n II lllrl1ll.I .... -.... -onc1·, ~ .... , It '......._,. irllh ·~. 1 tlnUI -. 1 ' ,._. ::.:"', · • . T.· '':""""".. ;·' ""' c' .lJo' ·m· ·b'1• "D ,_:II', · 1'1'neP1 .,. PLANNINOOIF• WIOH llid .. n..... wflllDS 11 !be-· M--u A ,., A COIU Mll!a man WU llllled 1llundaJ I -.... -....... 1111,ton pl-,-····. Tlillllao .... -Tile ..... 'fire,; near . CIHn Drl•• • • •ltemoon w11en 1111 cor ... -n1ne -1n1. • --· · ~ .!:.mn:-..... ~v;'.~· .. COlllrolled, HiJ'acked to-Havana mDea east of Amboy in saa BaMIDM'a JWllll -~ "1' llld lrtld II •·tt .... .., .... _...... hllh de!ert country c,Hhrrnll llllbnY • "Bui-· ...... -----Jllrl'-·--. . DOGQTA, ci.1~ (UPI~..: A ~~-palrolmen reported 'toc1ay. • .. f • tbert," a. Aid. • -~-. l o "'"""' William A. c1-. 43, ol 119 Orlill' NWfll-~ll-... ••-1 Gf111rdtY~ . n,uia Minister Quits blae AYilllC• Al ·,Boe m "t l.vt was wesLbound oa 1.-ilale • • but lbe 11:1 •• W , •• I Jiii fll It Wll lllt C'OMllted. • pmona abolrd was hJJtcftd~to C\J .. hen .. he cro---• the center line. collkfftig Tiii -'I, 1 -_... ID o ..... ....,U. rGC$, wu let ,. , Nn DEIJll fllPI) --·• tsetp tod1y during 1 flight betwr.m . CUcui1, ~ the 1aco1 .\I -1-pall -· ~ 'lqli. no1po1 on the YelltJtitlon fronlier, Ind Bogota. =~h.lr1:i1er:'g;:'~:'aaTd.•m.,.truck ~ '"r. ~ i: ar~·~ svieemtll W._,blood na Ibid M"' wllln Prlmt Mlnil&er 1ndn a-:': An unknown numbef of peraons aboard ff i · 1 1 ceof olf the tr lier mtll1t live Ille plill!lit ,__ 1 lelllpled to mo .. him to 1 -pall. the tll...,-englned jet sel2ed It mlnules and" w.:.~ 111~~ t';n open desert ror 1 lllO Tile db-pfljlNf I w.....M --· 11111 t11t -•Ill lit mmd Slqtl, ti, a lltrOilC -1111 w <rllle ile!Oft iondinc at Bogota. 1lrllne olficlals yards in 1 circle before comlftt ta mt to I ....... -1111· ......,.,..,., w; Ii I• 1111 .._ eN ~ d U.1. ~111ttoo lo ~. loW Aid. The hl)lckm then ordered the• back on the rooc!Way -CAii YGU .., -. -thtJ .,..i: .,_ illl'lilC ~ new-. ht had dlclded lo lout tile .-pilil ta !Ind, rtfucl and fly to Bor- llc "" pr--*i dud .., 11rlvll l1atn • alMr ... ~ lnldl ... 117!" Ill -. co-rolher thon oece,i 1111 poM ti .--1111 fur a acoond rdueling for t~e at Amboy llorpi111, 11>ronen ...,,.n. MJnlltor for SteeL Ion& o<qw1ter hop lo Havana. '. ,. Mesa Man ·Killed· . ·, . In Auto SID88hup · ' l . 11 1 .SAIGON ·cuP.I) -':'A u.~ Navy jet bombea an antiaim;aft site c.tep inside Nodh Vietnam in the fint Amertcan .. ~ .... "' Ibo diio>lllloriud !llMZl lo a-th. the U.S. MI111oey Command said today. . .llililazy ,.m-'aaid t11e pilaf o1 the A7 Corsair ·fighter-bomber w11 ordered to attack the site 1bursdaY Mwa antiaircraft iunners took "hostile actiofts" against the 1Jlet.'Ormajssace alrcnoft tt was. escorUnJ. · • -in Camb&tia, military spokumen reported Conwunist forces munched a fullcale aUacli before dawn , today on Kompona: Speu, the major town on itie hfghway linking the ca~itill of Phnom Pes>h; with the cOuntry's only deep aea port and oil relinery. · . The eommand iaid the gunslte bombed in Nortb·Vietnam'was 'mrlhwest ol the coastal ~ty ~ Vinh. 135 miles ncitb of the. DMZ tJiOt dlvtd ... the twa Vl<l- nami: Resu:lts ·of the attack were not detm;nin«I, spokeSrften Aid, but there was OC? damage 'to,the American pllnes •. It was· the first air strike against North Vietnam Since May 2S when U.S. planes iaiQ.ed gun pc)siUons that hid fired On reconnaissance alm'itt near Dong Hoi, which is aoUth of V~·Earliel" in May1 American planes r'klil North Vietnam.'s •.SOUlbern. paMandle . reJlons in a weekend 'series of mluions tblt U.S. sou'rces des'cribed i s ·a · mpome to increasing h0itilities ~ ·N~ llietnaqlese . along the DMZ. . In Ca111bodJa, spokesfll,en satd the Com~ munist attack on Kompong Speu began wiihJaR assault on a, Cambodian ·military officers barracks oo the southem side o( the town, then spread to other areas on its outaklits. Cambodian •troops were reported fighting from defensive Jll)SllloM. ~round the edge o1 Ille !Own.· .. Viet Cong and North V-ese h'aapO were reported to have surrounded KODlo . pong Speu ' Hrth!r this weeW, ::.:J town blJ, been harassed-·by -· gunfire for lhe pest two days,1 , 1 ; ' Kompoog1 Speu is 2S miles ~~ of Pim-Om Penh and the o•ly Jipw17 I See W~JI; Pqe II . ' • , t '. Orange 'Wei.tiler ' •' '• I ' • ., I ! :1t·11 cool o1r11q ·about '19 da......i along the eout thts weekenCI· while 1 the inlind font ·wnr·swetter' .._ 1. 90-decree temperatures while am- ny akles •prevail tllrouihout. INSIBE TOD.,.Y . A' l>a<:lfw.<inl fllance ot a ·boq and productive liue. theuter no- .On alol't.Q the Orange Cocut U toktn by entutain~ne .editor TOM · Ti&us . i'n h.is Jntermltrior. columh jn to(:fa~'.t Wct~er, -" ,_ ' <......... ,., .. c.nks II Cret.-f lS ~-left • INltitrilt ,... ' fl1111111tt 1 .. 11 -" .. lllllLM6tr\ lJ ,_.... ' -Mlrr-L~ I -. . -.. ,, ................. " ............ ,... Or ... C..llfY I . ., ........ , .... ""'II"""' 11 '""' , .. ,. =:-r-= ·-. --3 --. ........ , .. ' • ! ( . I I I I ' I t DAILY ~ILOT S ' To FireAide' In TateCase LOS ANGELES CUPll -Le1lie Vaa Houten. l t.year-<1ld dl!fendlnt in the Tate- LaBlanca mlµ'der case, un1ucceufully tra.ct · to fire her lawyer Thursday in 1 united move by the "Manson Family'' tn prevtmt 1 "court drama." · Mias Van Houten, one of the three female memben of the cult 1ccused In the seven alaylnp, interrupted court P"°"' Offdinc• 11 1ttorney Ira Reiner wu questionina: the prospecUve jurors about thelr qualifications. ;·Your honor. he's not 1peakinf my \'Gieoe, ht'1·aipe11dn1 Mr. Relner's voice;• she said. "I want to dlamis'.I him at Nluae h.;m or whetever it Is.'', , Superior Court Judie Charles H. Older deriied her' request and the· defendant muttered. "~re do J •o from there?'' Anolbir of the Mal\IOl'J "gh'l1," Swan Atkins. zz. aoutht WecNlday to prevent her lawyer from questlonin& the jurors and ahe was similarly rebuffed. Oiarles Manton, 35, &ecuaed milter· mind of the 1l1yin111, earlier instructed hli attorney . Irving Kanarek, not to r1i11e any defense but to 1it mute in the courtroom durint jury telection which he has done. Mias Atldni' attorney; Daye Shinn, Aid the move to accept the 12 jurors wtttw:>ut lnler'f'Olllion wu an 1tlefnllt by tile "M..-Family" to JNl up a unified defense . However, ShiM, Reiner. and the' third wom111 deffndant's 1ttorney, P 1 u I Fltq:er1ld, have ignored the requesta: and questioned the prospective jurors. " fltq:eraJd, who repreaentl Patricia Krenwinkel. 11id of his client. "She and the others w1nt to de ny the establllhmenl 1he utisf1ction ol putting on 1 court dram1." . Liter in 'the " d1 y, Mant0n midi an -appearance ... J n Superior Court l,n Jle&~y Santa Monica in connection with ' the killing of musician Gary Hinman. When M1MOn's request. that he be ~rmitted to 1ct 11 his own attorney WIS denied, he turned ~ls back 00 the judle as he bu done prevloully in the Tate-LaBianca proceedings. Judie Laurence Rillenbrlnd ordered Mauon. to alt down. Senate Reaffirms Excl.usive Right ',l' o Declare Wars r W ASHING?ciN (~Pl) -The Senate '®J>ted 111 amendment today asserting that Congress still has the exclusive right to declare wars and regul•te the armed forces, . The amendment was added to pending legislation to cut off funds for' future U.S. operaUons Inside Cambodili. It was elfered by Sen. Jacob K. Javlts. IR·N.Y.) Javib was seekinl ~to balance off Jangu1j;e added last. Mond1y, In '" amendment by Sen. ftobert C. Byrd, (O.W.V1 .. ) aaaerling that the President had power to take whatever steps are ntcesU.ry to proteet American troope anywhere OR the lklbe. Javib said the Byrd amendment mlght 1ivt the Pren. dent power to commlti 111 army to battle "ir a Mari• guanfs life wu in danp:r in an embassy in Nepal." nit Javits amendment declared : ''Nothing contai ned in lhia stction shall be deemed to impugn the coostltutiorial powers of _!he Coqn:u including the power lo declare war ud to make rules fGr the govemmtnt and reaul1tion of the armed 'forcea of the United Stites " The· amendiTienl was lacked on to Je1islatlon spon90red by St:Rs. John Sherman Cooper, (R-Ky .• ) and Frank Church, (D·Idaho.) dtsllJM!d to prevent the United States from, bogln1 down in a Vietnam-type w1r In M:i1hborlng Cambodia. The Cooper.church measure will come lo a vote next Tuesday after learly seven •~s of debate. DAILY PILOT .. ..,.. ... .. " ............. ......... 'elef . .... ,_ "-t•• ... , .. c .... ,. ... l •D•rt N. We•4 l"r<illenl •llll ,.utoiit- Jet~ •. c ... 1 ... \lic:I '°"-·""'' •~d Gc""r1I MI Rllel' 1ho,,.•• IC11•il l!lllltr TI.o"'•' A. M11r,hi111 Mfl'll"" ll~e• l ich1rtl P. Ni ll Stv111 °''"" Cwrnr Efil9r Cll!olt M1>11 :JJI Well 111 S!IM! ir.~1 h1~11: nn wt11 111111, eou1cv1 ... ~ INCll: m ''"" •w<1u1 ~u11ll ....... lfftll: 11171 lttcll l .)Ul .. 1 ... I-ell [IMW!1t : JU NVlll II Ct.,.;.,. llNI <CMlllV 1"1l0T, "'1,.. Wiid! lo~ !flt .,._....__ h ..,..:11>t11 1111¥ t•c• s- • 11o .... t ie tl•I-IW Lt ...... k cil, ...... I lffrll, [Mii Mftt. M .... ! .... 1111 91K1'1' ..... ,_,II"' V1!ltr, 11_,, wllll 1 .. ,....... .......... °''"" '"" -""'"""" ~ .,..,,;.., , .. ~·• ,,.. " nn w .. 1 ..... •M .... ,_, l..cfl, .,,1 UI Wei ...,. .... c.u lo\ftl, , ... ,..-17141 ••••• ,., Cl_.,.. ~ 641 "'71 S-C' II All .,f,.MIWWWlft: fil 1'111 4tl·44JI CMWl'ltlll. ltfl. o....... Ctu• -....i1t1111tt ,_,.,.. ... -11 .. 111. lllllttr•t- ... ,i.111 --tr """"llf"'lflll ,..,.1~ ,,,., ............. ,,..., ..-1111 •• .......... " CW11'11111 ........ . l«eM ci... ... ,... .lllti I t N...,, tMCll -C:.• ,_..., C•llfti1't1l9. i~•l••lll! ..,. t i• .. -~; "" l'NI! ,,,. ,....", ...itllt" _,.., ......... . , OA!LY P ILOT !"...,_.,.ale ... ~ K .. IV IXIL INDIAN HELPING ANTHROPOLOGISTS AT UCI P•P Sh•1ko'w, 75, Ci1l1nd•r .Priest •ncl Diviner · 'Past' Recorded • UC Irvine lµdian Study .Brings 3 Ixils to Coast By JOANNE REYNO~ OI fM DIHr PUii Iliff Every summ~r. thousands or visitors pour into the Orange Coast, but this sum- mer there are three, who are i1 litUe. different, living at UC Irvine. Baliasar Asicona. Jose Pere1 Toma and Pap Sh.asko'w are three !xii Indians from Guatemala who are living at the UCI farm while. 19thropo'-iist IAlre Colby and linguist Terry Kauri:nan study their obscure culture and language. Baltasar and Jose ·are working with Kaufman in developing 1 comprehensive dictionary of their di1lects of the Jxil Ja_nguaae. Pap Shasko'w is a 75-year-old calendar priest and a diviner, one of about 20 from his mountainous reg ion1 Mrs. Colby ls writing his life .story Jn an effort to ' pre- 15erve the -last remnanfs of 11 n occupa- tion which i11 being rapidly absorbed In the Latin American culture. Pap Shasko'w (pronounced pop-sha5- kO:wa) is 1 descendant of the ancient priest class who flourished at the h.eig~t of the Mayan civili zation around the ninth century. His grandfather \\'as a calendar priest, btlt as Mrs. Colby noted, the priesthood is nol something a man comes into by her'edity alone. "According to tt>e Information he's told me," she said , "you ml1'.!lt first dream about it. Then you take your dreams to an interpreter of dreams-another cil· endar priest-and if he decides you really hive a calling, he takes you on as a stu- dent." Before ~1inning hi& studit,, the cal. endar priest makes some ceremonies to tell the 1ods that the student is sincere and should not be punished for using the calendar. Mrs. Colbf;'a Newport. Beach resident who organized the study, said the pur· poae is to eluc'ldate the theology of the ancient M1yans by studying "this man's religious conceptJ and mental and spir- itual attitudes." · Both Mrs. Colby and Kaufman siid they hope their effort.I will aid in de- ciphering the remaining hleroglyphlc From p_,., 1 POWs ... American prisoners of war beirig held in North Vietnam . The list. with home towns following the !)&mes \\'as provided to the Associated Press by Mrs. Cora Y.'eiss. head of a New York-based peace group called the Committee of Liaison With Families of Servicemen Detained in North Vietnam. Mrs. Weiss said the nwnbers were serial numbers. CALIFORNIA Wlllord Keue Abbott, 3081739, San Diego Everett Al varez Jr., 644124 , Santa Clara , . Anthony Charles Andrews, FRJ146S61, Chl<o Frederick C. Baktock Jr., 666620, Lemon Grove Robert W. Barnett, FR 3 IO 2 1 , Hawthorne Cole Black, 5'4387, San Diego Terry Lee Boyer, FR3153642, Vlsalla. Michael Lee Brazelton, FV31"8&00, Long Be1ch · Philip Neal Butler, 6473911, La Jolla William Wallace Butler, 3133430, San Rafael · Carl Dennis Chambers, FV3133401, Yubl City Arvin Roy Chauncy. 614i83, Lemoore Claude Douglas Clower. 60547. San Diego .James Quincy Collins, 2790t. Ath erton Michael P11u1·Cronin, 668952. Berkeley F.dward Oale Estes, IOS-Mt. Lemoort . \ writin1s, arts and architecture of the Indians' ancestors. Having become a calendar priest, Pap Shasko'w then dreamt his calling to. become a diviner. Mrs. Colby said he went through the same process or going lo another priest. who was also a di· viner and being accepted as a atudent. In the process of divining, which is link«! .ID .!Pt Mayan jilei$t of 1l 20-, . . day monlha, he uses baq mi~bean1 from the palo pinto. tree. These he divides in hall and sets ~ In pairs. Mrs. Colby said they are sllil learning a great deal about the method used for divining. "Each day is represented by a pa ir of beans and each day also has its own god. so that everytime ht does it, it ls different." The functions of a calendar priest, as Pap Shasko'w tells Mrs. Colby, is not strictly religious and may Involve divin. ing about illnesses. Beca use the Mayan people absorbed the Catholicism of the conquistadores, some. of the prayers used by the priest include Christian prayers translated inlo the Jxil language. "They've done it that way for three or four hundred yea rs now! so they-don't really know what the prayer is, just that it is part of their ritual. . . · "11\e main focus of their religious beliefs centers on ancestor worship for which the priest acts as an inlermedi•rY~ They also .have gods of air, sun, moon and stars. The mythology of their people is strikingly similar to Hellenic mythol .. ogy;" she noted. -In a considerably less myslic v e i n. Kaufman and fiis two friends are finish- ing work on their dictionary. "About 57,000 people in three towns speak lxil (pronounced eesheei"I which I~ one of about ~ languages in the Mayan family," he explained. Kaufman, who teaches linguistics al UC Berkeley, said he is working on this language because it only has three dia- lects-as opposed to the other languages which may have as many as 15--and can be more easily catalogued. · The \\'Ork Ls being done with the aid of a computer, he explained. "The words are all one syllable usually consisting of a consonant, a vowel and another consanant . The computer wa1 fed a prOgram with the maximum num· hero( sounds.for each and ca mt up with 8,00& possible combinations. , "1 read them the ~mbination tnd any possible variations and they tell me whether it's a word. and if so, what it means." Kaufman s.iid. The variations, as he noted, are words that cannot stand alone. but need an identifier of some sort. ''In English you • have cranberry. 1 Cran means nothing, unless you use it with berry." he sai d. The linguist said he has round that the two men are recognizing about 15 per- cent of the combinations from the com· put er. Since each is from a different town, he is gettin1 two dialects of lhe language at once. Jose is from Cotzal and Baltasar Is from Chajul. The third town is Nebaj, which-the priest. is from. Kaufman said he 'has already done work on the Nebaj dialect. Kaufman gaid he also plan! to teach lhe two men. who are both farmers and tailori;, to write phonetically._ their native tongue, "!l's a.n unwritten laflluage which over h~ll the people in the towns speak ex· elusively. I've been able to work wtth thest men bec1u1e they also speak Sp.an. ish ." he said~ The lin~uist sald having a dictionary, and 11. written form of the language will prove useful. to missionarlts, the Guate· malan government and future lin,Ulsts 1tnd anthropol0&lst1. 1 • -~ ·l ··Israelis Attack Syrl4 , t Gr~11:ntiCombat.Mtir1cs ~repped Vp Fighti,~r iorm ''Aeir.ed dmb-o! of Syrian posi· , By Uii ltetl Pren letenatlooal· An Israeli tank column wUh air and artillery support swepl across the Golan Heights cease-fire line today and l1unch· ed a major lttack Oh Syrlari bases. Syria launched a counterattack and said its troo1>5 seized Israeli positions in hand- to-hand combat. The ISrael foray orossed the SO-mile cease-fire line in the southern sector, and Tel Aviv communiques Sa.id Israeli tier.is" in heaVy llPting. Syria slid lb forces en1a1~ Israeli lroopl in the IGUthtrn 11et&on and sent a separate column across the line in the northern 'section Into lsr1eU-0eeupled territory. "Unib; of our .Mnor and, tianiied . lnfan~ry or053ed the Ceast-e Jine in the northern sector and stor ed Israeli fortified positions In the Jlsr )J.Rag1ad1 Attorneys Begin Cases • In Upper Bay Swap Suit By TOM BARLEY 04 .... O.ltr l"lllf lltff Attorneys for both sides in the bitterly dlSputed Upper Newport Bay land swap lawsuit today ~gan to hammer out the form and prr.sentatlon of their arguments in what is expected to be a three-week Orange County Superior Court trlftl. · Judge Claude M. OWens took the bench this morning fof -what will be a full day of the pre.trial skirmishing that Is a feature of major civil law suits. Those arguments will resolve the issures to be decided by Judge Owens in the Back Bay. swap litigation and th~y will enable each aide to indicate the witnesses they expect lo bring' into the courtroom during the trial. San Francisco attorney Philip Berry ended his two-week study of the issues contained in the Upper Bay Jaw -suit with the prediction that the exchange of 457 acru ot Irvine Com pany uplands for 157 acres of county-owned tidelands will he d_eclared to be unlawful. "This de1I is a com,let.e fraud ," he alleged today. ''If the Irvine ar1ument were to be upheld Jt would destroy the whole basis of th~ reaaonif)g behind the tidelands trust established by the state of California." Berry, who is president o( the keenly Interested Sierra Club, came jnto the, case for a homeowners group two weeks ago with the withdrawal of Los Angeles Briggs Chosen . Honorary SDSer At Cal State Conservative Assemblyman ·John V. Briggs (R·Fullerton) has received the dubious title of "Honorary SOS Member " by the Cal State Fullerton campus chapter of the Students for a Democratic Society. The announcement . by members 6f the Fullerton chapter came as a complete surprise to the state assemblyman when his secretary called him in Sacramento to confirm the report Thursday. Briggs has been honored for this in- vestigallon ol alleged mismanagement of fun~ by the Cal State Fullerton Foundation -a longtime cause of the SOS chapter. The conservative legislator recently in- ve~tlgated the Fullerton foundation and asked the auditor gen!ral's office. the attorney general's office and the depart· ment of finance to audit the Fullerton accot1.ntl. In a resloutlon approved by the Fullerton SOS chapter, Briu;s was laud# eo. as "a crusader against injustice and corruption." Briggs. only co mment was. "1 kind of feel like Abraham Lincoln-felt when they were going to tar and feather h!m and ride him out of town on a rail. He said If it weren't for the honor and glory of It, I'd just as soon not have them do II." attorney Ralpl), P.erry. Jolnln1 bbn In tile attae~ ol the 1rv1n ... Orange County trade is attorney Ouffern Helsing and County Auditor Vic Heim. Probe Continues Into· ~last,· Fire At M~sa .Laundry lnvesti1ation continue1 Jbday Into an explosion and fire at a ... Costa Mesa laundromat ,Tue!day, while firemen dlscloetd the .process that trig ered the ~.ooo blast ia 'chillingly commonplace. Rags soaked with a chemical solve"t were placed in ihree washers at the facility in the Vista Sho pping Center, then a cleaniri1 tom'pound was added and the volatile vapors mlxed. A apaik from one of the washers apl)a!ently touched off the devutaUng blasi that wrecked the laundromat aDd heavily damaged ari adja cent karate &tudio and cafe. injuring one woman. · "lt hapj>Ms rather freq'ueritly. We 're juai lucky we haven't had an exploaiop before." explained Battalion Chief Rpn CQleman. . He said cleiiling industrial cloth.'I - believed involved in boat maintenance iJt the Tuelday case -In laundromall is a freqUent occurrence in the Harbor Area. · Police and firt Jhveatlc•ton Ill! tetk· In& a llhott, lf<>cky. vay-halred man who fiUed the wuhtn with the m.. flanunable combinM.lon lhortJy befera the expk>siOa. .. He iJ only wanted for qunt.ionin1 to establish the precise cause alKI aid in future prevention. ~1rs. Lorraine Nelson, 53, of 840 Center St., described tile man a11d a car to authorities after being treated for shock and minor injuries. "We have no reason to believe it was 8rson ," added Coleman, aayiag hazardous use of chemical solvtnls is one of the leading causes of accidental explosion and fires in AFnerica. "Th.is ii a kind of home-brew practice of My ·cleaning which i! eztremely hazardous,'' he continued, saying the da"ger cannot be over-estimated . No one has been able to establish the identity of the workman who unl111- tentionally triggered the blast, spraying jl1ged ahards ol P.111! glass up to 61 fttt around the shoppin& center. "We have 10,000 leads wt!'re checking out,'' Chief ,Coleman said. ''Poor guy is ~obably hiding out. scared to ,death," added a1<>ther firema n. The roof of the building at West 19th Street and Placentia Avenue sau;ed bad· ly following the 12:48 a.m. explMion and $30,000 was tet as the 1tructural Gamage figure . Laundromat equipment -primarily washers at -ttle front of the shopping center suite -l'IUStained SJS ,000 damage, while dryers and other equipment at the rear were hardly touched. A~Hoorriah and Al·Hamidiya areu' on the outskirts of Queneitra,'' a S)'rian spokesman announced in Oap'lascus. "Our forees wiped out enemy a•rrteona in hand·lo-hand combat. Our fo~ art still In control of enemy pOslllona. '' · Tbt Israel tanks struck al noon on · the third day of one of the bjqest battles In the Middle East ·stn;ce· 'lhe sit-day war thret years 110. • Syria announced that warpla9fS, tank& and mechanized infantry laiali:bed a counterattack four houra later a11J.bll Jsr1tli forces which "pania!IY in- , filtrlted" some positions. A -spoketrnan in Damascus said the Syrians Mre "destroyiM enemy forces'' and that IJ Israeli tan'ks had been knocked out. · The incu rsion near Rafld in the IOUthern part of the M-mile Golan . Heights froot c1me as wave after wa ve of Israeli fighter·bOml>ers attacked three Syrian · ~ases. Two of thertl" On the outskirts of Damascus, for the aecond conHCuti\':e day. · • •• Syriait jets rose lo challenge the raider,, and Damascus C91J1munlquie11 said seven planes were shot Ctown. tarael concede(! the' loss of one plane, and claimed its pilots knocked down two Soviel·built MIG21s. An . Italian jetliner flying o v e r Damascus during the dolflthts wu hit , perhaps by a rocket, bot It made a safe landing at Beirut International Airport in Lebanon despite a yard-wide hole blasted in one of its win1s. None of I~ 104 persons aboa rd was hurt. The Golan Heights has been a nlsh- point ever since the 1987 w1r when Israeli forces stormed into the area and seized it in a move to depriVe Syrian gunners of vantage poinll: u"sed for yei'rs lo shell Israeli settlements north of the Sea of Galilee. " From r_,., 1 VOTING ... the turn of events, called another meeting for next Thursday al 3:30 p.m .. at· which lime it is hoped the problem can finally be resolvtd. C.W.ty Clerk William SI jo11n, r<Jum. Ing from a vacation durin1 which be aaid he had been ill with a sinus infection, pleaded · with the group Thursd1y foir "aome .Ort of action." · Task force members at first seemed Inclined lo get something done but tM usual confusion followed. After rescindlnl the Shoup offer. task force member Will Lindsay, a Fullerton enjineer, moved to leue 1,0001 AVM "!Mltll)el aa St Join had originally ,.tg. ...,..., all« the primary, 1111 - died for lack of a second. · Lindsay then walked 'out accompanied by couocilman John Dean ... of Garden Grove, leaving the: group without a quorum . h bitter exchange accompanied the walk out. From r.,,., J WAR ••. from the capital lo the port city of Kompong Som . passes throulh it. The port city, where the oil refinery is located. formerly was known a 1 Sihanoukville. eommuni.sts held Kompoo1 Speu and closed the highway for aever1l dlys earlier this month but were driven out by Cambodian and South Vi~ armed if!fantry units and planes 1n' a bit· lie that left the town heavily d.1m4ed. . U.S. Diplomat Named WASHINGTON (UPI ) -Robe1rt McClintock, a veteran of nearly 40 years in the U.S. Foreign Service. was con· firmed today hy lhe Senate as the ,U.S. amba ssador lo Venezuela. McClintock, llO, a native of the state of Washtnaton, was nominated April 2. The ~ ln Caracas has been vacant about a y"r. • SUMMER SALE • STARTS WIDNQDAY, JUa.Y ht ' ' . . . . Don't wait~ come in tod1y ind m1lt1 ..-ur MIMtlonL lxcellant vel~• futurM in !11 of OU_!' flna line&. DAIJCIL off1r1 ESP-IRANTO Including dining, bedroom and occa1len1I. HINRIOON 11 promotlni CAPRI, and OFFICERS CHEST comploto and HERITAGE J1 raduclnt MADRIGAL. All thrH compi1nlM will also rtcluce their out1t1ndln1 upholstery coll1ctlon1 ~v1H1bl1 In any of hundreds of upholstery f1brlc1. Lamp acc1uorles and plctUl'ls wllt 1IM be on 1111. Now Is the time te m1k~ your Mlectlen of the flntst furniture 1vall1blt and at rMlucH prices. DEALERS FOR: HENREOON DREXEL -HERITAGE fc - INTERIORS • NIWPORT llACH LAGUNA llACH 1727 W-llff Dr., 642·2050 'roloulonal lntorlor 345 North CNsl Hwy. 4M-6551 O'IN PRIDAY 'TIL 9 Designers Avallalllo-AID O'IN PltlDAY 'TIL f ,.._ f .. "-M .. ef o,... C....., 14 .. 116J ' ' \ - ·' I I I • I I u .•. \, . I • • ' VOl. 63, NO, 152, 4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES F.IUOAY, JUNE 26, l~~f: • • ' ' '!, '"'',,_ Center Costs · Going :HP~ hy .1$2 . ~ . . . I City officials· have r~vealed that tJ>e coat for the new Huntington Beach civic center may be $2 million more than the , . , .. I ortgina'I e'stimates. -. OffiCiais 'disclosed Th11rsday at a mee~­ ing with the a'rchitect Kurt Meyer a.ml two counciliyiep that the total cost ma)> be froin $7 .5 million to $8 million. Assistant Administrator Brander Cas- tle and FinanCe · Director Ben ·Arguello. ~ pointed 01it, however •. that the first est~ mile of $6 million for the complex was juit. for co~truclion and did not include furnishings, which were part of the re- vised estimate. • The 'complex, to J?e located on a· site at_.-, Mansion ~ and Main streets opposite Huntington Beach High SchooJ,-·inciudis . a five-story city hall and an . adjoinint police .building. , . · ftjeyer . was instructed .to supply tbe city with a·compJete br:ealuli>'fR·OZl what the Complex would cost U all ideas aqa- _,_ ,. . 1ested !or' k are inc1..ieil. This break· SI~·· . lid ,out that. qje ilecillon down will be given when the preliminary malln.'!lrl:•~ to~ th!J:lllll with · the revenue that can be enec:(ed, plans ue aubmilted in mid.S.pt;.nber. • The t4&ilndl 1111, authoriiOll ;tlie.,_!Ho Dev~t Coordinator To111 Severns explore the possibility of .. a joiQI. powers stressed today that he expects the $1 mil-aireement with another public J agency lion figure to be-cut down. : ~ to~fin~ tbe center. If these efforts are .''Thtt'1 the top figUr:e'wjth all U\e jdea~. unsuccessfl.ll.,.li\e·_city .Will farpi a·,DOO- lhrown i!J," he sa)<I. "I'm sur• that prqlll":oo>oraUon .lo .ial"e"!'!"'D .f(it Ille tl)ere'IJ be some· bi'ainitormlng sessions "' complex. ~-. .. _ ,',: / ' to .P<llL·this back. ~rer the 16 millinn . CounctbMn; A!~··~ .Ti!l(~!I° estimate." · attended 'I'lllnday'1 brJeftbg. ~· I• -. -' ~ - Nixoll Back Home .. President Raps Atmosphere in Capital By RICHARD P. NALL • Of ·lfle Dtffr ..... IMff ; "On Saturday I'm attending my niece's ftdding," the President said cheerily. T®cbdown of Air Force One: on the bot El Toro landing strip was r01tine T)lursday but . President Nixon . P.&used before flying on to San Clemente to give newsmen his vieWs on topics ranging · ffom the weather to "intelllectlial incest" in Washington. "I'm alv.:_asy glad to cet back to Beach Girl's Kidnaper Gets Term in Pr~op Califernia . . • particularly on such a beautiful day," said the President. "When I heard the temperature was 103 degrets here, I felt that was a little warm but you knoW we have dry heat in California." Qlfried abOut S en a t o r Mike Mftfield's remarks about the economy, Mr.· Nixon said, "I never comment on What the-senate says or what individual candidates say. ·"Sometimes I think they (the Senate) A msn wi,;,,. ~ ol a lltm-- tington Beach teenaaer ,.., hair.I - h!r abductor drove the ICl't~ • . hysl<rical girl past a llhds palnJ! '· • car was sentenced 1bunday to 1 to • 25 years in Ute prison. I shoold do what the Hou~ (ol Repr...,,. tativ.es) does. 1bey shoUid get out in the country and see what the country is thinking. He .said the Senate woold have been · interested in his reception in SL Louis. He referred to the thunderous response of about IZ,000 Jaycees who appl8uded his 28-minute talk there loudly about once every minute:- "l have always found that in (See NIXON, Pip f) N. Viets List . 334 u.s.:P.OW s Fpr.;lat .TiDt~ NEW YORK (UP!) -• Tb r 1 a A.Peri~M ~ho •~ · lftoo1 tu p;tv• lndivtduall. r<jlOrted .lodiy tbat ~ Vietnamese 1overnm11Jt . olficial1 con· firmed a lilt Of 334 American , pri10ners of war compiled by .a New ·Yort peace · _lf'Olip and stated that it was canplete. _ · ~ . ' N'o Be111.edy Vet . Coen P91nr.d oul llil/ H 1 aca!1.-model Is aubmitled with. the \'OSI ·bro¥dow•. -lhe ~ will be bettir able to 1lod\I< what should• be cut and what relalned. coen ·a11o obsemc1 tbli Dion'l"NciRa would probably have more detailea' Ollts m the, central~ library available-,iJi"1Slp-tember ! • ~ , "nieie ·11realn.;,"1ia will·'Mlp us qecide whether!!\< facilities sboukf be financed n a',tdlal paCbp or· wbillier in· Ol)lei: ,'l ... • ---'fod•y's Final ' ' , TEN CENTS Million of priori lies shoirld be set up," Coen added, SeV-erns pointed Oi!t !h'at lhe llbrarJ C<!ntract . fixes the price at $2. t million but many of 'the ideas suggested would take the'<figure hl&ber. ' 1'We ,are sUll in a concept stage,"-he ~id. ~'The qoriiling has yet to begin." , Othtr 'facilities 1 planned in the civ:lc improvements J)rogram are a cOrpgfa. tion ·.Yard and· more fire stations. . ' Action Delayed ! . ' . On Standard Oil Superior Court Judge James F. Judae ordered that ternl' for John Warren Hagadorn, 26, of Anaheim the man who grablitd his attractive vicUm at a llOft drink ·counter in Cost.a 'Mesa bwxlJed her into her car and headed for Corona with the promise that be would ripe It ,was the f1n:t reported N~ Viet· namese CODlDlft\t on the list drawn up by the Committe<., of Lili~ with families or servicemen detained in North Vietnam,. which is beaded by Mrs. Cora WeisS. The committee .sllbmitted the list, based on letters r.ecelved from the prisoners before ·. December,. 11.W, to Hanoi · for verification -last .April but it met wtth silence.· . CoU;nty,·£:lection Fofce S~fle~s Tliir.d Fdilu·re · -Plea for Well her when they got there. . ."' 1be !I-year.old girl told officers ufat1 tie speeding car swerved from side to side.11 she struggled with Hagadorn and that he reportedly grabbed her by the hair • and bounced her back oolo . ~ the car ,seat as they headed for Ri>tmide County. " They we're. just beyond the county line when the car and his screaming, waving Cl!-l'(O was spotted by Riverside sheriff's depalies. Officers said Hagadorn obediently pull· ed oYer: and allowed them to free his vicilin without further incident. They said he told them fie had just taken two morphine capsules and needed the girl's car to get him to a friend's home in Corona. Officers said Hagadom 's behavior at the time of the arrest indicated that he was under the influence of drugs at the, Ume ol lhe kidnaping. Teenagers Facing Shof,s for Rabies' Pam Jackson. 18, of Huntington Beach, may have to take a series of anti -rabies shots, if the little dog who bit her Ja,,t Saturday i.sn't found and deU:rmined to have received his own vaccinations. DAILY Pfl.01illM P'MtS: SWITCHES aos.1.5 ' t l;IUnll..,.., Booch'1'18;.~ ' J ' I New Huntutgton Ciif Hall !J(lce N oi-ReOU y N e1v . _ By ALAN DIRKIN . Of 1M 0.lly Pll1f Stiff There'll be a new face in Huntington Beach City Hall next week. It will be the . round,. smiling count.enance of Wilfiam Back who will be. the city's economic development director. BM:k is really being transferred to the city trOm the Chamber of Commerce. He h.-S betn doing the same wurk~under a .fl9,flOI} city cpntract with the, chamber for II months. · Recently the· council voted to teoninate the contract· aM move the position into City Hall. Bee~ was the fontard·looking ptonloter that .atY :Administrator Doyle Miller picked for thei job. The council wps adyistd of .the appoinbl;Jent at an ' Cnnllrmatioil of the list wu repon.d by a spottlman· !Or .Kennelh.XltkPalrick of the Aniericin Friends· Service -Com- mtttee, Seattle; 'Prof. ·Mart S. Patshne of Harv.iu:<J Univt;r!ity, ;ind'.~ibf'. Egbert W: Pfeiffer of the UniV1;rsity of Montana, who were 1n Hanoi earlier this month. The ·spokesmen. said. the travellers were told all the men were s~!:i and woold be repatriated when the war is terminated. lnformJr.tion available· in Washington indicated that the Department of Defense 's list of known prisoners of war is corisider8bly larger than that verified by Hanoi. Hanoi stressed that ~ wives of. iniss- ing U.S. servicemen should desist from traveling to Paris,. Loas and other points · where North Vietnamese )lave repreten· taUves to learn of their husands' fate because all captured Americans · ac- counted for were '>II the list,. the spote!man said. Appar tnUy this did not 18.ke into ac- count soldiers who have been captured &ince April 7. The spokesman said. Hanoi (See POW1, l'llp Z) ' By JACK BROllXCK ' · • Of "" ......... ...., • ' • "'Frustration" ·is the , word f9r · tbe Orange county · Voting"1Syttema·,Tuk> Force. 1 • • • ' : ·• ' '· ~ • -• · Thi t to.mem_ber,. ~up; w(fh ~ee: absent,1 met Thuriilay for Ull 1hird Ume in an attempt to remedf the co&r1ty's1 ailing Vote counting ·system: · The result was the same as before. They failtd : . . , The gl-Oup first voted Thuriday . to rescind ils decision of. a w~k· igo" to' accept free use of 200· ,Shoup' voting machines for · the November Gtlnb-ar Electfun. That would have beeri suf/icileni to cover , only 10 perti!nt o{ the coun~y's; 1,022 prectnts. , · . And before the task force could' vote on a · neW motiOn ·to lea~· 40 Cubic piper· b&l»t' counting imaChiftet to' CO\!ef. 40 ~t Of ·f,be County, ·two members walked out jeavilif the 'gmip .•widoou! a guorum and pow«lesa 'lo' M1k! ·a nn&l ,Cfeciisioh. ' •• I • ,' Vf ;nJund~y'.s aCt~p,~~~tk!d '\he/:~ time the group ·bas .rev~sed 1~~ a!'<1 le!t . the . ~ty·1 e!eCOons. ·t!ejlartn)ent . ' .. jUsr where tt was 'atter the chroticr JW).e .Primaey. ; .Votes from· that fiuco· were not ·com- pletely ,c:ounted for:'almolt twO weeks.· ; Th! votu1g',syst.m.11'.!l11P·decld•1l'J111>e 9• to ',rent· t,~ Automatie . V1oti1J'.g Machines (AVM) to cover, half. of .. tbe. ~urity's precincts, 'But this declsibn: wb rescinded a week later becauae of ·con-.~ ftal~ pver wh4tfr~Uy ha'<l •beeQ "VOted. Chairman Cecil Marks, frultraited rl1y· the turrr of · , events. 'ca1led Uother meeting 'for ·next 11\ursday-at 3:.30.'p.m. • iltl which titpe il is · h:aged the' prtlblem can finally be resolved. · . _: ,·County.Clerk William· St ·John, return- ing from a vacation during which~ he· said he h3id been ill with a sinus infection, Pleaded with the group Thur!ICl&Y. for . "•me·sort of action.~ , Tas,k force .:m~mbers at first lsetlned inclined· to get something done but,_ tbe' usual confusion followed. After rescinding the Shoup offer, task rorce member WW Lindsay, a FuDuton engin.6:,, g,ove11 to\ leaae i,eoo .A'VM machines as St John had·originally'sug. g~ after the pri~ry., •m, . ~1 died for·Jact>of a second. • 1 . '. .. Harbour·· Sme,11.ing .. N'ic:e~?: A ·request 'by Stanaard Oil Company of California to drill a new· well : off lhe Orlnge Coast neir Seal Beach, has been delayed one Week bj'---the Slate Lands Corrtmission, according 1o State Finaoe:e IMrector Verne Orr, ia meinber ' Of the C<lfruDisSion. "• ~ Verne as~ed Jor the delay of a well which.would qe .drllled.pn l81and-Eslher, a one-itcte· island l8Cated-., a mile .ind" a hall -of( the coast ~ wilere Siaridard is cur.re,rtly·oper&Ung 72 wells .. The 'cOmmissioner. was not pre.gent Jt the :r.fay meeting when the request.• was first considered and uked · for ,_ delay i11 the decision. . If· approved, ·tbe ~ell· woold be the first· drilled •in California tidelands since the ·commission stopped all new offshore drilling operationa,in February, ltell .. U~S. DipJomat Nam~ •WASHINGTON (UPI) -Robert McClintock, a v~te!an of oear!y 40 years- in I.he U.S. Foreign Service, was con- firmed today by the Senate as·1he,u.s.: ambassador to 'Venezuela-' McClintock, 60, a native· of t,Jie state of Washington, was nominated April 2. The past in Caracas h:ls been vacant aboilt a year. ' • Orange ' ·c:ust Miss Jackson, of 10S92 Shangfi La Lane, said the beige· dog, about. 18 i,nches • Jong and 10 iDches tall, nipped her in the downtown area while stie was headed for the beach . executive sesskln. , ~"J ·bf\jeve',in the· future of Huntington . · ' Weather Sanitary District Says. Sewage' .Otfurs .. Gone I 'It'll coo! off (lo about 70 dagrees) Anyone with knowledge of the pup, tq:less and last seen on Olive Avenue between Seventh and Eighth ~treets,.may· call • her at 112· llilZ, lo help pn!vent those ~ents. ' . Beach or .I wouldn't.be doing t.lfu; job," !lack, ~ mlddle'.iiged and daJlpit ligur~. commented this morning. : ly TERRY OOVILLE 'keep coming 'to roadblocU," '~ueermln Beck will be working under-the city's °' "" DellJ Pllt ..., added. • JNbHc information officer, Wlll4am·Reed. Have the foul odors in Hunf.inlton That solution involves hooking up ' Reed sai~ that Beck will work on Harboor been cleared up by the Stnet sanitary district line to dly _.,. !hies · " · along the coast this weekend .while : "Jf-. tbeirR now :of •sewarce ' ii bicher the inland folk will sftlter under .than the oriJinal .timall!' It ooald mean 90-degree tem~atures while sub· tbe cost ~1 ~_.. ·f!ookuP. 1'0okl jump ny skies prevail throughout. . ~ I Industrial promotion ol llie cK1 In much Bead& Sanlla-Dillrlcl! and 'the purcllase ol tllalsanftatlol), plmlt J,.--~-----------~-""'"-"'•Y-81 _ did With the ., 1ll!_lly the cKi. ' chamber, except that by working: out "rtJHnlt,0,"lUaiinllf~-ThOle----uJii art current y• pollponed considerably. ·They' might have· to find JNSW"' TODAY --·1o ""1 1111..... "" , --,~Piali~ .. -.,vte~ '-'<!',,.....__.pro-.,, "--+-------------•-.....,; Signups Slated,, or the city be will be able to speed tor or the district, uld t111s JR0111inc. while engi_,. mwure ·the ·now rate • the developer throu&l1 the vartoqs ,pro-"We're using .. enl!>'ely new .,.iem ol U,..dlstriel'a aew11e1 .- -, · ~nes in City Hall. at our Warner Avenue Plant' wbicb ,l:ias 1 ""Ou1ro~ll COlttract•la'baaed on • F Y Cl "We have no in&emon ol tettiq lo cleared tbe air..") 11oWer seW•IJ'?;estimate tliari rWrW ippea'n Or oga , ass of the developer's illnd once he gets But lhe CaUomia !Ug!""81 Wlliler.,l. ~·::. l!>Y Plc"'l!, HUllUn~ - lo City Hall," aeld Reed. ·00lllck~1'1R ., Qpllll)r. CGl&lrol BNnl.'wbich ~ • Tift•Chle!·and ~l-·1or llie-c>ty Sipups are now open lor the H\ln· be ablj! to cijt.....,. of .the~ lOpt 'tl!a~·tolllltthe loul·odoro-ral 1 'satdi ~11 their 11.,..,., ... :,11 ,~ ft U111ton Beach YMCA Hatha Yot:a' class for a developer and argue his case months ago, .... ;.;..:;... ) might meatt a whole new,, 'c;ontriet. We which starll July 13. helore the zonlnc ·Ind planning. com· "We think °'°1,.,;been movin& a Utile hope lo know.by .July~:" '' • Madeline Nelson will teach the classes missions.'' too slowly.'~ ~ A"~Bueerman, eJ· j 1be cOntrad ori«inally drlwn up Cills 1D physical fitness , we1ahl· conlrol. ~ Reed said the ctty does not expect ecutive diret1tlr of ~ water board, 1 fOl""'h ct.t)' lo buy the . sanltaUon.. plint Uonal tranquility Ind menial peace. .. to spend the flt,600 budgetelf for the satd today. ··~s;. the matter bu hem 1 for . about: ti 15,000. M~ that . money Classes will be limited. F.or further posit.ion. tu med over t01Qie 4(ate lttomey seneral u would be · paid by the ianttary 1diltrlCt JnfonnaUon conlad Pihl Cid, proeram ''Thert'H be no extn expenae (or ror legal acti~1~ ,,. ~. •1r for~.the \teWqe hodkuP .. Md tbe rtil coordinator, YMCA, 17131 Beach Blvd., aacretarial oervices and there'll be ao "They seem..,..·~111J&'_.'l'f') 11 &ti lli!tdinpr(Ye-l>Ofm'iurmoc it w pbw: lf'7-lm. · ftftl for Gffice apace," lie e1plalned.,.. with lbe cltJ.111 ti~ ~W I"·~·~·~.~ ~. ::-1 ~~:: .. ' .; J • ,.,, •,• •.~ I "' .... ,--: .... ,. ..... ,. . Harrlaon said be received no word ·-i . A backward glance at a bmv fronr ·the water qllalHy _, ""--' and productive live t~a&n leG· ~ • ~.i.'l,Nl#WVI uumiu son along the Orange Coast ft ~P~-.Wael ~lcllaa: fll' the1,dlsb1ct's token by 'entertainment editor slownla to comply wlth ... lhe board's Tom Titus i'n~is lnte1'1'P&imon ."--aod,delist' order.·· ~ ;· __... column in. todaU'" We-1kendtr. · . ''.~ l'l&Jllt ~' Wilh 1 _ffuhi-· · ' • • · u ..... ,.n .leach. I think-thee. ft6W', rate ... ,"" • 1;, ·-.-. · , ,..,, •oe-C1IHlnlM 1 MitRt .... 11 ta jl&Sf, l-1'11inor prdblem," he ;ldded,•-'" C'-111111 """ ......., ..... W ! ,B~ ,said ~1 ...... board dkl • ~:!:.,, :: :::-..:" h:~ not· ori:kir the-'sanitary 1dlstrkt to .take" ....,.Nttk" • 1.1 ... ...,,., ,, .~Y cerltin atSion -hooldq 1t,o Hun-.. ...,., '•" ' .,.... . w.11 • tington Beach -but simply to" stop ~ 1 .. :: =..,.~ ~~ lhe odors Hulltirfllon Harbour reaidents •1111 L...,, 1' ........, • compla.ined about... .. ~ :::. uc-: :=""...,. ..... ~~ • Re .aaid_Jtbe. IUiorneJ: 1fmlt:al fwill in-..... • • 1 1 r .. veoUpte 11>..0U,thal-.Jiaatl_-.. ' .. • ... t I / .. -~-~------~-~~--~-~-------~----~---~~~~~~~-~~~~ I DAILY lllLOT H Surf~:Set . •• For Contest \ • In Beach :..Surfen from across tM ·Unlted Statu will be pol•tin& their boordi toward Huntington lead\ this year. 'The 12th I MUl l United Stites SUrtbnard Championship wlll . be cen- ieittd in the clty'1 crishlni waris from l!ept. if.JO. More than '50 contestan ts, inc!Uding some from foreign countries, are ex- pected· to compete &JKf some IS0,000 perlOns are expected lo' line the municipal pier and bf:acb to watch the 1111 ol aurfln1 1kiUs. 'Nerman Worthy, director -« the Parks and Recreation DepartmtDt, hu been deliplted coateot dlreol« f0< die lll'IO wntoa of the n1Uonal fvent. Entry iMlmMltiGn wW be available Within the 1IUI few ~. Worthy 11id. The event will be unct&oned by the -westorn Sutfin& ~iatiao and will be invitational. An added future for thls ytll''• contelt will .l!e trapllJe. eopedaliy -for the cMell Tbt tropbiaa wtfi be a sculpture 1" bronze of i mrfer on a Wave for the top winnen r1tber than the uaual type ol co....,.clal tropliy. . The event be1!111 °" Frldly with the traditional IW'fin1 lu1u for conteltantl mt backers of the IUl'fin1 contell. Compelitioo will bepi early Salutdiy -.in( with the elimlnaU-IO<I end Sunday with finall and awarda to -.... , Featur.d Sunday will be -lllrf. .., no the tradltioaally ..... IUrf at lluntln&ton and . dory r--die dty pii!r. . . , . ' NIXON ••• ' Walbinston .. tencl to lead vory ilolated liv11:11 the President a&Jd. "We rud ~ewspepen, look at televiaion and talk to each other. , "'lbere ii I JOl1 of. int.elJectuaJ incett ,mldt nally reducea the level ol. Iha flialolue and you hive to 10 to tb• country now and then to pt a real feelins of whit people are thlnkinc. . "Wublllllon la part ol Ibo country but it la DOI all ol the counlry anymore than any capliol la all !I the oountry." ' The Pr..i.ieal had a Pl!!i for Sen. Gearp MurJ>l>y (JI.Galli), W!lo ._ panild ··-big> "my Sanator.and my 1ood frftnd .'' -Referrin& to Murphy's uncomhlc cam- . a1alnat -· John Tunnty ([). lit.), the ~,said. "He'• eager the baJtfe. I think California abould ·ve him a Vote of confidence." Some of the highlights ol the sident'• plw while in San ClelntttCe Jude, • -Attendanc< Saturday momin& at the ewport Beach weddins of his niece. wrbe Mae Nb:on. 28, school teacher d d1upter of the President'• brother,. aid. t-A con!..-. Monday with Secretary state ftocer• before Rotert leaves r Asia and Encland to meet with .... leaden.' . , ~:eoJi~t ~f· .. ,n HU11t;ingtpn'.' ~ldren in RUnlln,tiin lleacil •have encour1ied lo ·1om In the Hunting. Beach Pu6Uc Ll)iru, FiJie Arts Con- t by llb1'1rilft iulstat Pltricla Bush. t;ntries in st°')' wrltln&, poetry,· J)alntJ s, drawlns; and photop'aptiy may be ta en te> any of·the publlc'llbtiriea In t,t>e Jity between July t and July 31. Work ptu~ be origtnaJ and no·parenlll a.uist. pnce will be allowed .• 1 Awards -will be glven·in Au1ust. Judg-lu will be made on the' bail• of paeraJ tffectlveoeu and lmaliftltion. DAILY PILOT OllAlllOI COAIT l"UI L .. "411fCi COMl"it-NY lteltert N. W114 .. ~ ..... '""'"''*' J1ck It C:w1l1y l!tltO• 1ho.,.11 A. Mu1phin1 M1n"I"' l11itor Wal o ...... C-!y ldlt•r ' Albert W. l1+1t ,.,_Ill• 1r•11 ... H, ..... ,...,._.Offlt• 1717S l1•ch l 11w!1¥1•4 Maili11t Atltl••!•: r.o. ••• 1to, t2•41 _ ........ ~ ....... •••<fl: m ,,,,, .. , •¥-, c.1w Men: ut wut 11v S!rtH N,....., .. ICll: ftll Wiii lllllln l tul'°'lrf Safi '""""'"; ... ~!ft II ''"""" ••! 1 Old f'l•lala' Bole • .. . 'lfe~uaril.,, ,. .. ~. : .. ,. ·' Huntirl~o·n ·Says County~ :'Fair': • ~ Huntington Beach, like '-a I u n a Beach, does not believe It ls aetting a raw deal fre>m the county e>n subsidies fe>r ·lifeguard service•. ~ 111 think the cOunty'1 share ls pretty fair/' Vince Moorhouse, Huntington Beach Dii-ecie>r Gf Harbors aiid Beiches, said !oday. "Some minor inequities may exist, but I think they will be straightened ou{ soon." t The county pays $35,000 lo Hu~ington Bei.ch for Its share of gui rd in& tbe city bca~h and another $45,000 to the city· for covering the county portion of Sunset Beach. for auarding Sunset Beach because It l.s county territory," Moorhouse ex· plained. A breakdown of beach use fOr 1969 shbws that 44.8' percent of the 'people were from Los Angeles County I 4:3 per- cerit from other counties, Z.f percent from out-of-state and .4 percent from foreign countries. '4-0Qrhouse introduced the idea Of stitislics on beach crowds in 1968 .lls a base for figuring the· amount·_of the "'°'°1ty subsidy. · 'Prior lo that \he board of .supervisors simply di vided up the money in whatever HWllilll\On Beach re1ldenl Ron Violette and his ..... J'u'nmy, J ; Joey; 3, and Danny, 9, .(from left) try their luck at Talbert Lake. The·waterway .will become part of the city's larre central .park in the near fu!ul'1!. Flocks of ducks apparently cotildn 't .,\(ralt fof formal dedication and took up residence at tlie lake. -· 'It'8 city lifeguard budget fs $354';000 including Sunset Beach. ·· .LaJUna :Beach City M'1Ja ger James D. Wheaton criticized lhfi county subsidy for city beaches Tuesday, saying he lhe>ught, hCoastal cities are getting the short end of the stick." · manner it w8nfed. Seal I Beach used to get nothing." he said. r.toorhouse pointed out _Lhat Huntingte>n Beach residents represent about 15 per· cent of the tGtal population e>n the beach. "TwentY years agO Huntin gton Beach peoole accounterl fe>r only one percent of the beach use," the director of beaches • .,....,.. P .. e J POWs ... did not accopt 47( tetten out ol the 711 that Klriipotrick Ind hla companions 'took to the North Vietnamese c1pit1l with them on the p'Ounda that they Wert 1ddreuecl lo men who were not ea the llat. The CtaunJ.ttee of Liabon W I I establiabed Jut December by qreement between the HIDO! iovemment and Mrs. WU, wife ol 1 New Ycrk ltlornty, to arranae '8tter commlltication between ~ ~ and 11>elr famWea . The POW1 are '8rmitted to write one letter oa 1 slz line form each month and ~ve i;me· ~1e every other month. NEW YORK (AP) -Rm la the usi of Califomian •• reported ~Inned by Hanoi u an accurate m.mt ct. American prllonen of war belns held in North Vietnam. The lilt. with home towns followinc the names wa• pr"e>vWed to the Aslociated Preh by Mrs. C.ora · Wela, bead of a New York-based peace llfOllP called the Committee of Llelaon With Famill• of S«vicemen Detained in North Vietnam. Mn. Wei» "id Iha numben were aerial numbers. . CALIFORNIA . Willard , Kem Abllott, 11111'!1,' "'" Dieco • ' ' ..,. . 1 J:\1!rett · AIYll'U Jr., IMIJ4, Sant.I Clara Antho11y eur1 .. Andrew•. FR3 IIWI, Chico Frederic k C. Baldock Jr., 696QI, Lemon Grove Robert W. Barnett, FR 31 OZ l , Hawthorne Cole Black, 194387, San Diego Terry U. Boyer. FR3153842, Vl31lla. Micha~ Lee Brazelton, FVIJlllltl, Lmg BeaCh Philip Neal Butler, 647398. La Jolla William Wallace Butler, 313.1430, San Rafael Carl, Dennil Chambers, FV3133401 , Yubi City Ari-in Rey Chauncy. 6147118, Lemoore Cl.a~e Dou1Ju Clower, 60547, San Dlqo Jam.,. Quincy Collins, 27-. Atherton Michotl Paul cronin, eemz. Berteiey F.dward Dale Eatn. 805484, Lemoore John"Fer. 13123, San Pedro Hcri>trt Kelly i"le'sher, !2119, Sacra: mente> David Edward Ford, F V I 121 0 74 • Sacramento Henry ·Pope Fowler, FR314§74, Pale> Alto : · ctiarles R.:Gillespie J r., &42951. Colltns H. Haines, 593915, San Oie10 James Mll'Un Hickerse>n, 5 8 to 8 5 , Lemoore .. Harry TaTleton Jenkins Jr., 504424, Lemoore Theodore Frank Kopfman , 597544, Lemoore Carl William Lasiter. 98084, San Diego Earl Garder Lewia Jr., t83119$, San Diege>. Jr. High Dances Starting _Tonight • Summer Reading Slated Are you a )'Olllllller tryinl to find somethtna to do thla 1ummer? The Hun-tmiton Beach Public Library auge1ts Y6'1 join the summer readin1 prosram. Yount people may register at any of the four library locations and will be 1lven 1 log1 to keej> track of books read. FGr every 10 · boots read, the nlder will aet hia name poeed on a t...1)00 symbol in 1l>e llbar1ry. At 1l>e end ol die 11U111111er participatlJ!i )'OUD&lter1 who have read ten or more books will receive 1 certificate of achievement. Small children will recei ve a toy. Other awards are offered fe>r each set Gf IO books read. A big readers' pow-wow is scheduled fe>r Aug. 13 at Lake Park compltte with Indian dancers, teepee, and face painting. The Main Library is located at 525 Ma.i n St.. and the two branches are 1t t211 Bannin1 Ave. and at Edinger Avenue and Graham Street. Ixils at .. Irvine Linguists Study Obscure Dialect By JOANNE REYNOJJ>S_ Of .. Dlltt '"" si... . - Every lllmmer , thou.aanda ol viaitors Piur into' the er.;,, Cout, b!lt this 111111- mer there ire three, who art a litUe dlrferent, Uving at UC Irvine. Baltasar Allicona , J-. P~ Toma 1nd Pip Shuko'w are three Imt Indians from Guatemala. who are llvinc at the UCI farm 'wblle antbrol'!lolllt Lore C.Olby and IIncuial T.ft1 Kiufriiu aliify their obscure culture and language. B1ltuar and JGSe are wGrkinc with Kaufman In developin1 a comprehe,.. · dictionary of their dialects of the ~ langualfe. Pip Shasko'w la a 7'-year~ld ~end.I~ priest and a diviner, one of about 20 from his moontainous region. Mr1. Colby ls writing hia life story in an effe>rt tG pre- serve the last remnants of an occup~ tton which is being rapidly absorbed in th e Latin American culture. Pap Shasko'w (pronounced pop..shas- ko-wa ) i1 a descend1nt of the ancien t pried class who· flaurished 1t the height of the M1y1n clvilluUon aroond the ninth century. . His grandfather was a calendar priest, but as Mn. Colby noted, the prie1thood Is not somethifta a man comes into by heredity alone. "According to the informa tion he's te>ld me.,'' she said, "you must first dream! about it. Then you take your dream1 t~ an interpreter . ol dreams-another cal- endar pnest....,and If he decidts you really have a calling. he takes ye>u on as a stu.: dent." Before beginning his studit~. the cal. e.ndar priest makes some ceremonies to tell the gods that the student is sincere and ahe>uld ne>t be punished for using the calendar. Mrs. Colby, a Newport Beach resident who organlzed the study, said the pur- pose Is to elucidate the theology of the ancierit Mayans by studying "this man's religious concepts and mental and spir- itual attitudes." .... Jn a considerably less mystic v e in, Kaufman and his twG fr iends are finish~ lng work or their dlction1ry. "About 57,000 people in three towns speak lJ:il (pronounced eesheei) which is one of about 20 la nguages in the Mayan fam11y." he v:plalned. Kaufman, who teaches linguistics at UC Berkeley, said he is working on this language because' It only has three dia- lects-as opposed to the other languages which may have as many as 15-and can be more easily catalogued. - _ The work is being de>ne with the aid of a ce>mputer. he explained. "The words i re all GTJe ayllable usually ,cOnsistlng of a co nsonant, a vowel _I nd another consonant. The computer Was fed a program with the maximum num- ber of aounds for each and came up with 1,000 pe>ssible combinati e>ns. "I read the m the combination and any possible variations and they tell me whether it's a word, and if SG, what it mea ns," Kaufman said. Th e variations, as h~ noted. are words tha t cannot stand ale>ne, but need an Iden tifier of some sort. "In English you ha ve cranberry. Cran means nothing, unless you use it with berry," he said. The linguist said he..•has found that the twe> men are rece>gniring about 15 per- cent of the combinations fr om the com· puter. Since each is from a different tQwn, he ls getting two dialects of the language at once. Jose is fre>m Cotzal and Ballas1r ls from Chajul. The thi rd town ls Nebaj, which the priest is from. Kaufman s.ai d he has already done work on the Nebaj dialect. . Kaufman said he also plans to teach the two men. who are both farmers and tailors, to write phonetically, their nati\'e ton.Rue. "It's an unwritten language which over half the people In th e towns speak ex- clusively. I've been able to we>rk with these men because they also speak Span- ish," he 15ald. "I thiilk our share is pretty fa ir," ~1oorhouse said . __ The county pays 1 subsidy to cities for their lifeguard service based on the percent or c<Lnty .residents who use that city's beaf:h. "Right now the figure is abclut 30 percent. They. pay us the complete cost Mail Drng Bust Ma~e DENVER (UPI ) -Federal narc<>tics agents said they got their men - and women -Thursday, just by fe>llowing the mailman as he made his deliveries. Officers said they arrested 14 persons and confiscated me>re than $10,000 in narcotics after stopping at three houses where a ma ilman had delivered pactqes from Mexico. added. . He obtained such breakd owns from first aid repor~ and the addresses -liSted. "It's the only objective way tG d'ete rmine \vhe re the people are fre>m . The percentages have remained accurAte lhrou~h the years." • "I hope in the fu ture the county we>n't have to pay us any subsidy . Our e>pera- tion is· heading for the black now. and snnl\. I hope it will be entirely self-suf· ficient." said Moorhouse. He explained that other cities might . face greater obstacles in pu tting their beaches on a paying basis because o{ the difficulty in guarding cliff areas such as Laguna Beach has. "We 've always-mainl.ained there were certain inequities in the s u b s i d y payments, but e>n the whole we are satisfied with them," Moorhouse con· eluded. DAILY PILOT l"hf!1 by •k:~lrd KMhlel' IXIL INDIAN HELPING ANTHROPOLOGISTS AT UC! Pap Shasko'w, 75, Calendar Priest and Diviner Both Mrs. Colby and Kaufman .said they hope their efforts will aid In de- ciphering the remaininc hieroalyphie writinp, lI1I and architecture Gt the Indilu' ancestors. Having become a calendar priest, Pap Shaske>'w then dreamt his ca.lllng tG become a divioe.r. Mrs. Colby said he went throu&b the · aame proct11 of 1oin1 SUM.MER SALE to anoUier prim:. Wlio-W-lilliOTQJ:-- viner and being 1cctpted as a student. In the process of divining, which is linked to the Mayan calendar of 13 2().... -ST-ARTS WEDNESDAY,-JULY 1st ·)· ' l • : • • The first in 1 summer series of junior hish d1nces atarts at 7 o'cloc k tonight in the IYftl ol Fountain Valley High School. JuniCM' hilh danees will be held each Friday night at the same loc81ion from 7-9:l> p.m. They are co-host~ by the Fountain Valley Parb Ind Recreation Department ind the South Coast J unie>r Woman'• Club. • dly months, M uses baq mlch-beani from the palo pihto tree. Don't wait, com• In today ind make 'you~ nlectlons. Excellent v1lue1 futurMI In all of our fine lln•. DftlXEL offers ESPERANTO . . . Including dining, bedroom and occasional. HENltEDON Is promoting Fouhtlin Valley Junior Hlth School Oaoce cards are required for admittance. These he divides in half-and sets out Jn pairs. Mrs. Colby said they are still learning a great deal about the method used for di vining. "Each day is represented by a p1ir or be1na and. each day also ~as ll.s own gOO, 10 that everytime he de>es it, it ls differtnt." CAPRI, and OFFICERS CHEST complate and HERITAGE 11 raduclng MADRIGAL. All thrff companies will lllO redvc1 th1lr outstanding uphol1t1ry coll1ctlon1 av1il1ble In any of hundreds of upholst1ry fabrics. .. -{:( -{:( -{:( The functions of 1 c1\end1r priest, as Pap Sbalko'w tells Mu. Colby, ls not -~w ...... kend-DuJl,--~•tric\ly _cellgious and ma~ lnvo!ye dlvin: ~ .-·r ln1 1bout Illnesses. Lam'p 1cce1sories ind pictures will also M on ul1. Now it the tlm• to m•k• your Mlectlon of the fln11t furniture aivall1blt and at ·-----reducecl-p!'lc..._ ' CAILY P ILOT, w:111 -• ~f "'' .._........ II ll\IM!tltd .. ll'f •C#I kon-•• , "' ...,. ... 1, (.,. ........ LlflMe 1411it1'1; ... _. k Kl'I, '°''a ,_,,.,., 1o1un11n9:.,, ... tfrl l tAI ,ltl#IN1n \IJ!lt'f, 11 .... Wil~ llN ........ -~. Or..... C.ltl l"ut:ltl>"'9 """""' •"'tint !'ll n!S '"' tt 1211 Well "*" 11,..,, MtW1"11"1 hfcll, ar.tl :Ill W... .. ., itrltl, C..11 M•1. T1t1,•111 17141 642·4JJI ,,_ W••l-.r C..I 141·1lff c...sw ,t,'"'"81 .. 642·1611 t;orir...,r, m't. Ora~ ui111 .... 11s111111 ~l'lf• Ne -• 111rtto., ltloll!rll,_, •tterlll """"' ., c•~wU1t..,lftl1 .......,. "''" .. r"""4Kd wlll!llll 1Hti.I ..,. "'"'*' " ait'l'1' ... , ........... ._... cfMt -.. !. II HtWtt" l'ICll er• c.11111 ....... Cll!~ -...C•iMltfl W -·-... ~..,, .., ,.,.u •• "*""''" •11119"1' llllflMI...,., U •• ~l~t,, Bec1uae the Mayan people absorbed Of R k ·So d the Catholicism of the cooqulltadores. oc un s ""'"' ol the prayers used by the prit>t . Rock sounds. for teent wUI fill the air in Huntincton Beach tflis ..-nd at two bilf' schools. · The "Rush" 1 local lf'OUP· Will play at a,30 toni1ht in the Marina Hl1h School gym. -Sounds . of the "lncubu1" wtU emanate from Edilon Hi&h School 1t 1:30 p.m., Sat.urd_,, All current high school atudent.s or thc>Se entering high school nert f11l.m1y :'':..~T.l.at eldler IChonl. CO.I I' include Christian prayer1 translated Into the Jail 11n1uage. "They've done it that way for three or four hundred ye1ra ~. 10 they don 't rtilly know wha t the prayer ia, just that it ls part of their ritual. "The maln focus of their religious beliefs· centers on ancestor worship fot which the priest acts as •n Intermediary_ They al so have gods ot air, tun. moon and st1n. The mythology of their pet'lplt 11 1trUdn1ly 1lmilar to H~llenlc mythoJ.. tlC)'," lhe noted. - DEA~ERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE NIWl!ORT BEACH 1727 W11tcllff Dr., '42·2050 OPIN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 INTERIORS • LAGUNA BEACH Profeul..,11 Interior 345 North Coatt Hwy. 494-6.SSt D11lgner1 Availablo-AID OPIN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 ,_ ... fel .... M• .t O""'fl C•"'9 Mf.116) I I I _ _.__ ·' I . I ------------ --- • H. __ .PM~Y PQ.OT IJnd~r~_og -~~t01an_~ ot Blue 1Jem0cr;at Hinges Campaign o·n Schm-itz' Bircli Philos~plif ,. By JACK BROBACK Jlllmitlod mombe[lblp In the ultra con-will reflect a chanae<l pattern," ailho.Ji, we bave had low disaidenll I 0t 11111 ·o.llY ,., ,..,. servaUve John Bireb Society. However, • Scbmltz bu conflded that he ii COii· at Santa Ana (pllege." ; i David N. Hartnian doesn't look like he -ta be II puule4 -lithe noc-fldent, but not cocky about the outcome He nolel 'lhat liclunlt Is a flinnt. UOn of voten. He'• mt convt.ced they ot~Tuelday's elecUon. "Tbe aures& way history teacher at the same col-a man facing certain defeat next Al\' wWing to ICClpt 1 CINl!dat,e wttb to be defeated is ao tblnt, •you ~e Je_ge. Sdm'Utz once served under Hartnwt Tuesday. llUMt extreme views, evU tbouP Schmill it Jn the bq," ,,he said. "~ ire dui1na: a PeriOd When Hartman wu Tall (6-2), robust· (l!IS) and smiling, is a proven vote-getter. have a pod preclnct orpnlietaotr, our chilrtnao or the hJstory department. the 41.year-okl Santa Ana College teacher utheae are ftrY literate people, eon-bigest problem wtll' 11!1 to Jet-tbr people Harlman ia married ud lbe fat!MI'· eerned about their country and com-know that is an elecb -:lune •··" of foor children. This i! not his first of American government really thinks munity,'~ Hartman muses. '•t•m eon-•Hartman slew!: about,U.eo~g<r pro-candidacy. He was elected president G( ·he has a chance to defeal ·state Senator ·vµ,ced ifter living ben 14 yewa. .if feuor imqe, a ,i!'t. :'Many .. people the FBc.ulty Association at Santa Ana John G. Schmitz )n the special run people really .. study Iba-· the vet., auodate 1!I widti dloa1denl slqdent.. •ColJ•ge 111 1965. qff el~Uod to select a temporary sue-: ' -; ~ to the late James B. Utt. RUNNING CONFIDENTLY Schmltrof tho JBS, GOP RUNNING Democrat H•rtman At stake is the Congressional Seat In the 3$th District, a district split between Orange and San Diego counties ~th an almost 1 to l Republican. voter majority. ,. ' Hartrnan who has written two text· books, has outspoken views on the con- gressional jon and his opponent. Manson Girlfriend Tries ' Schmitz Heavy F avor·ite l n Congressional Voting He won the Democratic nomination handily fro.m. fellow Dem~ral Thomas B. Le.nhart. Curiously, tt\e voters selected Lenhart: to oppose Schmitz in NoVember Futilely to Fire Lawyer fQf the regular .two-year term. . But Hartma• doi!sn't see the tenn LOS ANGELF.S (UP:tt ·-· Leslie Van_ However, ShiM, Reiner 1.. a~d the third that expires next Jan. '38S-a -!:'ime~=H~ou:;ten"...:ilt.year-okl defendant in tJii Tate--wbtnan-defenda{tt's attorney, Pa u I duck term. LaBian~a murder "t ase unsuccessfully Fitigeral~. have ignored _the '. requests "If a Democrat could win this special ' . and questioned the prospective 1urors. ' . ' election thei;e would be a tremendous tried_ to fire her la'?er 1 Thursday. 1.~ Fitzgerald, who represents Patricia impact on the nation and a solid victory ," a united move by the Manson Family Krenwinkel, said of his client, "She and M0st observers believe the biggest of the 'registered vo\~rs Tuesday. he argues. to prevent a "court drama." the others want to deny the establis.hment question to be answered in Tuesday's Whether this will help or ~jcnder Hartman Iiartman bases his chances Tuesday Miss van Houten, one of the lhret the satisfaction of putting on a court special 35th District Congressional elec-remains· to be seen. _on this premise: ··u the people will femalC members of the cult accused-;-ln -drama." · ti.on 1·5 how large a margin state Senawr Elections official Ed Arnold · sa id the only realize what Senator Schmitz ac-· , ·t 1 th d M d d l th II the seven slayings interrupted court pr«>-~ er n e ay, anson ma e an John G. Schmitz (R-Tustinl will win ballots will be hand counte a e tua y stands for -his political . · . appearance in Superior Court In nearby b precincts immediately after the polls philosophy -they wilf back away from ceed1ngs as attorney Ira Reiner was S la Monica in cOnnection with the YBut Democralic candidate 0 av id close at a p.m. and the results telephoned it and support us.'' (Schmitz is a member questioning the prospective jurors about ki~~ng of musician Gary Hinman. Hartman a Santa Ana College American . to electioa headquarters in Santa Ana. of the ultra-right John Birch Society.) \heir qualifications. . When Manson's request that he be history professor hopes to give Schmitz He antiCipates a final unofficial tally "Californians living in this district are •tvour honor, he's not speakinf my pennitted tO act as bis own attorney ·a real battle 1-n the speci'al etecti'on "ithin tw.o hours after t~ polls close. -among the best educated persons in · de ··• h t d h' b c th ti be sed · S h voice he's speaking Mr. Reiner's voice." was m~. e ume is ac .. on e to fl.11 the unexpi·red porti'on of the late The same method wi . u in an t e nation and will certainly demand • · ,i,. h has ~--previo· usly 1·n I h (. I Its · d I sli sa·d .. I want to dismiss him or .)U,.e as -~ "'"'"" . James B. Utt's term in the House of Diego County wt 1na resu promise respensib e and forward 1 o o king e 1 • the Tate-LaBianca proceedings, R l t. well before midnight. representation in Washington. That is release him or whatever ll is" Judge Laurence Rittenbrand ordered epresen a ives. The w111• ner of the special vote. may what my candidacy offers them," he · · I th · ·•"term Superior Court Judge Charles H. Older Manson to sit down. SChm1tz near !I won e unexp1rcu take his seat in Congress. immediately contends. • . outright in the June 2 primary, polling after the election. If Schmi~ wins, ~s . Although a registered Dem 0 ~rat, denied her request and the defendant 103,127 votes to a con1bined total of predicted, his state sen~.tor1al po~ in Hartman claims he is no flaming liberal. muttered, '·\Vhere .df I go from there?" 105,969 for his· six competitors. Sacriynento probably will . go unfilled He expresses his greatest concern for Another or the MansOn "girls," Susan Hartman garnered only 19,163 votes until January, when the winner ~ the the chronic problems or inefficiency in Atkins, 22. sought Wednesday to prevent in the special . electio n, edging fellow November race for the seat will be government and spiraling taxes, in-her lawyer from questioning the jurors Democrat Thomas B. Lenhart (The com--sworn in. creasing unemployment especially among · l 1· 35 000) · · t and she was similarly rebuffed. bined Democratic vo e was .on '!I , • · \ Aspirants for the :Hth TI 1 s t r 1 c· skilled engineers and technicians, and The district has .almost a 2 . to 1 , Senatorial seal are Newport Beach environmental pollution. ·Charles Manson, 35, accused ""master- Republican majority in Voter reg~trat~on ' Republican leader Dennis E. Carpenter On ·what he ~·ou\d do in Wasingtoo mind of the slayings, earlier instructed and includes the southcasteril section ~ lhe is State Republican <;:hairman) and_ as a short term freshman congressman: his attorney, Trving 'Kanarek, not to of Orange .CotintY, (328 precinct,s.i and DemoCrai•Dwight-Mize of Garden Grove. "'1 am abso lutely convinced that I raise any defense but to sit mute in coastal San Diego County (30 1 precincts). Carpen.ter· is a big favorite to win · \\'OUld support President Nixon far more the courtroom duririg jury selection County ~leclion officia~s are pr.e<!icling the posl i•: the predominately GOP than Sc.hmitz. • -\Vh ich he has done. a turnout of ahout 30 to 35 ~rcent distric.l.. 1-lis record in the state Senate shows MiM Atkins' attorney, Daye Shinn, consistent opposilion to genera I said the move to accept the 12 jurors Is~~eli .Ta~cs~ 4i. Sweep Republican party progiams. without interrogation was an attempt ··How can we expect· that he will by the "Manson Family" to put up change pis ways i~ Washingto,n?" a ,unified defense. lta·rtman asks. ' The candidate admits to financial pro- blems in contesUng Schmitz. "The little fellow can't afloql to contribute to ,a ·Democratic candidate. Schmitz admits spending almost $60,000 on the. primary and special electi6n campaigns. I spent only '2,400 including th e two filing fees A~i'~ss ·syrla~ Fr9ntjer . . By Uriited Press Internliitional An Israeli tank column with air and artillery support" swept acrOss the Golan Heights cease-fire line today and launch· cd a major attack on Syrian bases. Syria launched a counterattack ~net said its troops seized Israeli positions in hand- to-hand combat. \ · ·The Israel foray··crosscd the SO.mile cease-fire line in the southern sector, a~di Tel Aviv communiques said Israeli forces "seized contr.ol of Syrian posi- ticr,1sl' in heavy figh ting. Syria said its forces engaged Israeli troops in. tbe southern section and sent a separat~ column acroSs the line in the northern section into Israeli.occupied territory. "Units of our annor and mechanized Infantry crossed the cease-fire line in the northern sector and stormed Israeli fortified position s in the Jisr Al-Raggad, At.Hourriah and Al-Hamidiya areas on th~ .outski rts of Queneitra," a Syrian · spokesmai'l announced in Damascus. -$850." . Hartrna,i barely ~!ks about Schmitz' a and mechanized infantry launched I ~counterattack four hours later against Israeli forces which "partially in- 1filtrated" some )iositklpa. A apokeam•"- fo Damascus said the Syri.. w~· Briggs Chosen ''destroylJlg enemy forces" a°'-that lZ , . · Israeli tanks had been ·knocked out.::.. . -H ', . SDS The incursion near Ran( in the onorar,· er southern part o( the 50-ralJe GoJan Heights fra,1t ·came as w8ve'\fter wave At Cal State of Israeli fighter-bombers atilcted three · Syrian bU:CS. 'two of ~ on the tskirts r D f the d Conservative Assemblyman Johri V. ~nsecutlv: da;.m,asc~s •• ok...--secon Briggs (R·Fullerton) has received the Syrian. jets ~·to llenae-: the dubious title of "Honorary SDS ·Member" • • by the Cat State Fullerton campus raid~rs,. and ·Da s _jOmmuniquies chapter of the Students for a DemOcratic said seven planes were shol1down. Israel conceded the loss of oae plane. and Soc iety. claimed Its 'pilots kirocted down two The announcem~nt by members of the Soviel-blilll MIG2ls. ~. Fullerton chapter came as a complete An Ilallan jetliner flying 0 v e r sur,prise to the state assemblyman when Damascus during the ddtfights was hit , his secretary called him in Sacramento perhaps by a rocket, _but it made a to confirm the report Thursday. sa(e landing at Beirut International Briggs has been honored for this in· Airport in Lebanon de{pit! a yard-wide vcstigation of alleged mismanagement of 'funds by the Cal Slate Fullerton ' .... Colo1nbian Airliner Hijac~ed to Havana BOGOTA, Colombia (UPI) - A Colom· :a~n~~~I~:! ~~~~~~Jc:~~ today during a flight betwe!n Cucuta, on the Venewelan frontier, and Bogota. An unknown number of persons aboard the lhree-engined jet seized it minutes before landing at Bogota, airline officials said. The hijackers then ordered ·the pilot to land, refuel and fly to Bar- ranquilla for a second refueling for the Jong overwater hot> to Havana. "Our forces wiped out enemy garrisons In hand-to-hand combat. Our forces are still in control of enemy positions." The· Israel tanks struck al noon on the third day of one of the biggest batUes in th!? Middle Ea st si11Ct! the six-day war three years ago. hole blasted in one of its wings. None Foundation _ a longtime cause of the of the 104 persons aboard was hurt. The Golan Heights has been a flash-S~eci:~~~·vative legislator recently in-point ever since the 1917 war when nd Israeli forces , stormed . into (he area vestigated the Fullerton foundation a and seized it ;,\ a --anove to deprive asked the auditor general's office, the SAVE THE Syrian gunMrs of vanta-00!. ·nts used at.tomey general's office and the depart- for years to shell lsra:U setuements ment of finance to audit the Fullerton &yria announced that warplanes, ta11ks • nortti of the Sea of.Galilee. •, actc;un~s. resloution approved by the \ 1 ·Fullerton SOS chapfer. "'Briggs Was laUd:· .--------------'----------''-----~ ea as "a crusader against injustice and corruption." -Plaque Eyeiore?- Littering Little 'Old Ladies Cited CART\fEL (U PI ) -City planners In this longtime artists and writers colony want a dow nlo\vn Vietnam War memorial removed because "little old 2 Assemblymen Say UC Prexy In S)J.ady Deal -~-EAS¥ WA¥. I I BY MAIL! . ' FOR , Senate Voices · ' •J Congress Righi To Start Wars · .. . ' . WASHING'l'ON (UP.I) .(:. The sena~ adopted a" amendment today asserting ,that-Congress . siiJl~has~the exclusive right to declare wars and regulale the armed forces. T)ie amendment was added to pendln. legislation to cut off funds for futu11 U.S. operations' inside Cambodia. It was offered by Sen. Jacob K. Javlts, (R-N.Y.) JaVilS wiS se"i!king ~to balance off language added last Monday, In 8,(1 amendment by Sen. Robert C. Byrd. fD-\V.Va.,) asserting that the President had power to take whatever steps are necessary to pro,ect American · troopi anywhere on the globe. Jlivits said the Byrd amendment might giv~ the Pres!- dent power to commit u army to battle "if a Mariite guard's life was in danger Jn an embassy in Nepal." The Javits amendment declared: "Nothing contained lh' tills section shall be deemed to impugn the constitutiooal powers of the Congress including the power to declare war ~ and to make rules for the government-and regulation of the anned forces of the Oniled States.'' Tbe amendment was tacked on ·to legislation sponsored by Sens. John Sherman Cooper, (R-Ky.,} and Franl Church, (D-ldaho,) designed . to preve.t the United States from bogging dowh in a Vietnam-type war in neighborinf Cambodia. The Cooper.church, measure will come to a vote next Tuesday aftel- nearly seven weeks a( debate. \ • SHRINK PROOF INVESTMENT 1adies in tennis shoes" kee p strewing it with .fiqwers. From Wire Servlce• "\Ve don't want a cemetery on Ocean Island A~ue," said John Riling, SACRAMENTO_ A s s em b I y man dirL'C tor of the city pl anning commission. Robert Burke (R-Huntington Beach) and INSURANCE 5o/o PASS BOOK IN THE. PRE-WPPIE da.ys of tb~ 1'2<!s, Carmel ."'Is ~ cu~tural c:oJony John Stull (D-Leucadia) have accused f~r a g;neral1on of famou~ writers and . artists, .lnclud1~g S1ncla1r Lewis, F. Universily of Califoniia Pr.es id en t Scott Fitzgerald, Henry Miller, John Stembeck and Robinson Jeffers. . -Charles· Hitch and Regeht Edwin W. .. . Still cli nging lo its artistic past, it has very few f~rmal streets~pt . -P-auley-of-lnvolvement-.wl\h-a-poulbly 11--1~-; .n-the--downtown-arca-;;1ost--are--of-asphatrpavemen and wlfiCler hapl'iazafifIY improper busiJllelS deal and called for through lown. N . . . an Investigation. , -1---'.f0,_.20,000-_.7,l1-%c'-CER.'µUCA:u.T_.a;.E~--•--­ WRJ1'E ,. ' " , THE PL~~NING ~~l\tISSIO, said the flow.ers w1lt1ng a~ the memorial, Among other things, the investigation ~::C:st~d on a d1v1decl strip 1n the town pla~, constitute a "!,iol~llon of the ll~ter would be ai~ed at finding out if Pauley, Riling said the city had tried to.keep it clean.-. a wcaltt1y oitman ,.gained tax advantages "But little old ladies In tennis shoes come altei: dark and put more flowers from tOe transaction . . there," he said. , The t¥1'.o asse_~blymen told '":wsm.en The memorial was erected 11 months ago on approval of the city council, that senior off1c1a~s of the .un1v~s1ty but the planning commission complained ft Was not consulted' formed a nonp~f1t corporal_100 . called THE MEMORIAL, a bronze plaque in a large 1ranlte rock, ~'WI set up the Property Holding Corpo~at101'1 1n 1966, by the local American Legion post. • and reached an ag.reemen t wllh Pauley . "To the memory of Cpr rnel's servicemen whose blood was shed that we Petroleum to receive balr of the pro- .might live," the plaque reads. duction of a group of wells in.Huntington The city planners recommended unanimously that the memorial be moved Beach and In the Santa Barbara channel. to a •·morl" aiipropriatc" location. Riley commented on the "little old ladies." Then, the nonprofit corporaUon bor- 1'HOW CAN YOU 11top them when lhey sneak around <1'.ii,rina the dark TO\ved $5.8 million from the 'First Na- ~·· hours or after the rubbish truck goes by?" he asked. tional Bank of Chtcago and loaned !\ to Pauley, Stull 1n~ Burke said., -. FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS· -' ..t-.~ o/ So.a 'A.U- ' SOUTH PASADENA • 1000 Foir Oak1 A11e. SAN MARINO • 2355 HunlinQton Drive SYcomore 9-Ali3 • M~rroy-2=r131 ) DAILY PllOT I~ .. t110 DallJ Plllt ..... , Fashion headlines at the annual \Vimbledon Tennis Tournament are usually made. by women players, but Torbtn Ulrich of Denmark set some sort of precedent for offbeat male attire. The bearded tennt! player combed his shoulder }jm.glh hair into two loose pigtails, 11sten- ed Wilh rubber bands and added an lndian style ·headband. • . - I Ul"I TllofflotO .. ..... p ---.,.,.--...,--...-,.:.)-t --NetD .,.-·r r-· . Counieracts ' Antiwar Moves I WASHil\GTON (AP) -Sen ate Ropubllcam, ha•Inc a1....i to end lhe Jone debate over Cambodia, a rt·_ maneuverint to blunt one ot lfte most potent weapons' left, to admlailtratJon criUcs.- Sen. Gordon Allot.t. a C 'o Jo r a d o Repibllcu and •launch defender ol Nil<· oo Vietnam pollcy, unexpectadly In- troduced a measure Wednetdly 1\0 bar funds lot ftgbU., in South<ul Alta .,._ cept -necessary to protecl .U.S. troop witbdr•'t'aJa or when war bu been officially declaral. i An identical proposal, known as "The Amendment to End the War,'' was in- troduced originally by two Of the Stnate's most vocal doves -Democrat George S. 'McGovern of. Sooth Dakota ind Mark 0 . Hotlleld (R-Ore.). ·Their plan called for bri"1ll'll up the amendment later in the session a! a rider to a de(ense procurement ap- propriations bill in anottw effort at a full-scale debate on Nixon's Southea1t Asia policy. B~t Allott introduced ' his propasal as an amendment to the forel&n military sales measure that has been the vehicle for the current debat"t on the U.S. role io Clmbodia. Under the agreement reached .,I'hurs· dly to wrap up th·e seven-week Carlibodia talkatbon AJlott's amendment will be voted on' Monday.· 'lb.la eliminates the po11ibility of the extended debate the Democrats wanted, and AJlott says his measure will be defeated, The motives b!hlnd AUatt's amendment drew eJpressions of outra1e froni the spoosors of the origlnaJ prop<>Jal. "Memben are offtf'ded by these tac· tlcs," McGovern said after Allott ·in· troductd his amendment. "Yesterday T called it an end run, today I say it's offside.'.' . The ADolt amendment Is the ~ GOP attempt to steal Uie thunder of administration opponents. The Senate Wednesday voted 81 to JO to repeal the 1964 Tonkin Gulf resolu- tion wttich former President Lyndon Johnson used to escalat~ the war. Should t h e Republi can-sponsored Tht clossifitd od in tht ptr· 1011011 colum11 of Miami newt· poptr• rtad.s: "Darling, our a/· fair is over. ATni ,ltaving town. Ho ve .left recorded mtssage. Diai 44e·5614. Syloia." The num·· btr is constantly bus!f, even at 2 a.m. A Southern Bell Tele· phone Co. 1poke1man said Tutt· day the number belong& to a dairy usociatio1l which i1 using it to de liver o recorded com- mercial lo callers. Here Conic tlaeGirls amendment get through the House - I'll now appears likely -it would give Prtsldent Nixon a chance to make a symbolic gesture of his desire to wind down the war. A busioad of women soldiers arrives in Cfl!mbodia's capital, Phnom Penh, for military training as part of an all-out conscription drive. AU men and women between the ages of 18 and 60 are to be taken into the armed forces. Jet Crashes Into Ho.mes; Four Killed It also would take much of I.he sting out of a separate resolution repealing the Tonkin Gulf measure which ad- ministration foes had also planned to debate at length later in the summer. • The Philadelphia Society !or the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ·is ofiering a private cremation ser· vice for dO!I• and cats. For $11 to $35 it will pick up dead animals at owners' homes and return lhe ashes in a container. It is unlawful to bury dead animaJs within the city, said Ei:ecutive Director R.6bert G. Hud· &on, and "many families consider ·a trash lruc.k to be an ignoble end for their pets." · • Pitzer Resigns At Stanford, Cites Vietnam STANFORD (!IP) -Dr. Kenneth s. Pitzer is ~signing as S t a n for d Uaiv~ty·~ president Aug. 31, declaring ~t ''premlm tending to diatracl or dJirUpt the edu<:aUona! JJ1'1Cfts have in- .. ertiaed algllifk:alitly" beclute oi the -War. . t Plber, ~; mad< lils de<:ision public Thllridir., remarking that ' "the I u I f between ·the campus commumi; and lodety at larp has widened, partlcularly In the past two QIOlllhB. '"lbere is little confidence on campus about our pr.~ disen1a1ement Crom the war," he contlnued. "As a result. pressures tending to d1stract or disrupt Uie e.jucatiooaj ·procc bate lllcreued ~--A ificUtly."' ; I> • _ ~ Palmer P'uller fl!, Stanfont board fr: or trustees president to whom the Expensive _Ed·ucation Bill OK'd Despite Nixon Plea SAN ANTONIO, T ... (UPI) - A Navy PF9 Coucar jet on a tralnlnf fiilht crashed into a lllhtly setUed rllktenUal area just a mUe from i1a destlnaUon late Thurlday. The two me.n on board Allott moved shortly after agreement was reached for a final vote on the military sales measure at 4 p.m. Tuesday -the very day President Nixon .ukl he would have all U.S. troops out of Cambo<lia. WASHINGTON (UPI) -Wllh evtn a propoul by R<publican sen. Edward th< plane and two olhm on the sroond J u h s lhe Republic.ans ignoring While House J. Gurney of Florida to bar universities were killed. esS Drll OD appeals for economy, the Senate h111 from closing down brieOy this fall to ( S!x penona.were hospitalized, including adopted a $4.8 billion aid-to-education give students a chance to work in election a 12-year-old boy who was burned over .11Free n.f Pot Rap bUl that exceedi Prelildent N!}l:on's ~e-campaigns. Some politicians believe the 85 percerit ,or hia: body. Air Force and " u quest by $1 billion and may giYe him stude9ts will be effective in helping elect Navy officials said no cau11 for the an election year dilemma . antiwar Democratic candidates 1 0 crash had been detennin«l. COMPTON, Calif, (UPO -Marijuana Coo Fu I eel f ~-I '-· p>saession charges qainst Randall The near-midnight final vote on the gress. e spew rom. IDlll P ane W11111:n It h·t th d ·1e f t~-Brook Unruh, II, son of Jess Unruh, measure Thursday was 70-4. -Approved, o".r the .opposition of 1 e groun a nu rom •n:: runway Dem I ndld t f at Kelly Air Force Base .. Two homes ocrat c ca a e· or governor, · Unless Congress takes back some of 15 Southerners and three western were destroyed by . fire and a third have been dismissed because of insuf· ils aenerosity in shaping a final com-Republicans, a $150 million down pay-•·is damaged. ficient evidence. promise veniion on the measure. Nixon menl on Nixon's plan' to help Southern A part of the plane glanced into a Deputy District Attorney Marin Kaye may be sorely tempted to veto it again school districts carry out desegregation hpuse owned by ~frs. Naomi Farrell. said Thursday the alleged marijuana -and again risk humiliation in a plans this fall . She was at work when the plane crashed, seized may have belonged to one oC the -• do The•-.. ••-h bee two juveniles with Unruh at the Uine of OJ•OW wn . .wui.1..:;mers were un appy ause but her sister was inside the house. his arre!l. .,. By a 279-91 vote, the1House overrode the' Senate specifically ruled out money "Look at U. wtngs ·ttic~ in that Unruh and the two' juvenile! were Nixon's veto d.• a ·a7 ,billlOP hospital for school districts y,·ttich have given •·inQow," she said. "Hones\ to God. arrested Saturday night after their car atnstructlon authorization Tri e a'1 u re.. away or sold for token prices buses, as low M these ..planes fly here it's . was ob&uved racing into a field north ,_~., . • ' .... ~kin ... tubmkled.Jlld.•• ..u. ' 1--~his1JO.sr'fOIUl'T'Dcrrt-'t.ilhs~riJovect-presrdilit--wouta be appointed "Jn the bu a dad lndino a dog't lift. ·Or i! Jlelf future" and· added he hoPfd Pitztr J)UJt o dog ltadhtg•a .dod'• lift? A!}lt "will find.at Stahlord or elsewhere the llH.li/, Mike, a ·$·t1tar-ol4 Iris/~ Stt(er k.ind of. futur'e challenge V•hich he seen.·· and currently fa1W of 12; WCll tht Pitier ., a cbemiat. . 'nlursday ~ J04.,i Ui_:_~att ,is'\L_~~ 10 1,.. texttaoQb or buildings to privale, all-a damn ~me. It doesn't make"ltnse." or the San Diego Freeway. Deputies follow -stnt next wee L t d u ca t 1 o n while _. d . ~'This is the climax of years o( planes stopped the vehicle after they p.w 1 peck- measures: tend to be just as popular ca emies. . . rlyin& tow around here," said Harry age thrown from the window on the pas- in the Capitol as hospitals. But, even Scott Joined Thursday in Page, another homeowner In the area. senger's side. Authorities said jt con- In addition to tacking $165.5 million voting for additional spending. "They always come In too low." tained eight ounces or marijuana. onto ,the education bill Uiroligh the Ooor ;-------------,----'---'-------------::..:. __ ;_:_:__:c_.:.._ __ picture of tath.trl11 nonchalat1ct~ai ht Pitier's "t11Una that the heavy burden awaited the mo1t recent additloni to or ldndnistration in 1these days of crisis his clan. is lncompetlble with the basic interests., of '1be scholar Ind. educator is indeed 0 uodenUndablt," Fuller conlinued. amendmenl3 -for everythJng from bi- lingual schooling for AtTierican Indians to $5 million fOr "dropout prevention -the Senate: - Hooted down, in a loud voice vole. A little old, lady; about 65, beat a iirl on lhe head with a cane in San Francisco when ,the efrl declined to i ive up her seat on a bus. pGl.icf!' . &aid. The vicUrn was LkMI• Dvnlon, 20. who said the lady caUed her derogatory names, hit her with the cane, relaxed for a few block.I. and then hit her again. The bus d"ver stopped the bus, the lady dismount-. ed and disappeared, and Mis1 Dun- son \Vas, treated at Central Emer- gency Hospital for 1 ligb.t contusion of the forehead. Spiro Takes Vow . • VP, Speaker Stv~f.Lr Off' Dirty Politics' •• WASHINGTON (UPI) -Vice Prtsi· dent Spiro T. Apow and Speaker John W, McCormack ..today formally swore oil dirty politics for the rest of the 1ear . 1be Republican vice president (who ilso is president of . the Senate) ahd the Democratic leader of the House toot the cuetomary· election year fair campaign pledge for their. respective parties', and the hundred s or candidates each will be fielding in congressional and other elections this year. Tht winemakers' circle 'Of the Navy Deportmtnt i.s propo1ing Britain lav1'Ch its 1l~ips with homemade elderbt"11 wine in- stead of foreign whits. The rea- son -it would save the Britisli treatury about 12 &chillings ($1.50) a whack, At a Capitol signing ceremony, lhe . nonpartisan Fair Campaign Practices d • Committee scheduled armouncement of L!;,,m:•••:!Z,..,•m•llE:mC:l its new piaD ·to put some muscle into its efforts. The commitltt arrangr.d with the American Arbitration 'Association (AAA) lo render impartial rulings on complaints of alleged unfair campaign tactics, con· gressional sources said. The AAA this year will make their ru.llngs publi c before Nov. 3. ··in time for the voters lo punish with their bal}ot those who resort to dirty politics," the sources said. The arbitration plan grew out or a test run in the 1968 electiont. In each of several cases where arbitrators found that candidates had breached the com- mittee's campaign code, the committee said the offender lost the election. ' U.S. Basks • Ill Sunshine .. Mercury Expected to Hit 120 in Low Desert Areas C•llfernl• Sol/ll'ilnl C11lle•11l1 WIS he! Ind t""°'OW lodlY Wllll 11101! (!OUGI l "d some cool11!!1 !'llt• tti. c~1!, Somt 111111 r1l111 wt1r1 rwlll!'led In lh1 u · lrtml 1outll. I.OJ Ani'e! .. wit ftlr wHll lllt 11rt. dk ttd h11h II Clwlc Ct!ller 95 Gttrtu c ..... t>1red wflh ff Tllurtd~v. Tiii low tot'lllhl tS Ind Ille hlth 111'.lleCttd Sit• urG1v '°· Medlr1tt to ~·w """" w•1 ••-'· ff !ft ll'IOll secllen1 a! 1111 bl~lft wllll l'T\Op Wl•!ll""t lft '"IKI l!I l~t Stll Otbritl V1llt'I' trld lht Porno!lt•Wl l"ut Mou'lll l!lt Wirf $111111¥ •rid w1rm whh hlo"' 11t1r If!) 11 t111 rHOrll. Dlurt1 wtrt w1111r 1nd hot with u-r Wlllf Y hl1r.1 lg IU Ind '9wtr W•llf'I' lllol'I' !o U(. H!ths Tlluna1r •1'11 1orldl(1ed hl1111 todlw lrw:l11GI: l.Oflt llHch 11·11, s1 ... 11 Mo!llc1 n. 74, l urbfnk 10..·104. Ml. Wiiton If·•~. P1lm<11lt IOS.101, "111..,11oe IN-101. l"•lm "'""'' lw.Tn. ••ktnlltld 17· 10s. Soft oi... a~ •1'11 """ ,.,.. '-r• ta•. ' c ...... 1••!1, Tiii Air Polhlllon C1111trot DI•· Ptrtlr '"'* '8dlY 1.leW! l bll !rid ,_,,I'd 1 m lft!mllm wl1lb;tltr • ••• • el -mllf 1!1 t1!1 '"-•·WllllUI '''' ytlticlt 1\11111 ... _,,,..,.. l!wrs lll-f----0!\d·.,_-....... fflrW ,..i1e1 1~1-C-~ '"1..""'-'-H1-11.inin..ll! ti llOChn WI•• tl/MJ' wtlll • """ °' .. _I ,..., Ind s.1i.rn1r. Mith l'll 1M llW w1t1r M. todtr 1'. SOUTHl!'llN CM.IFa"NIA -F1i.-Coollot ~oturn ,,,... lrom 17 ""'°"'h i.1!11•d1w. l.llltt cN"" In ,_ 7t, \llloftf '-''"""" ,,,... """1 ~''"'"" ~c--....it~ M • a ...., ,.._.,....,,. a. 1owtf cOlilll 1ec1i-Frlolr oM S•~·;·NGEl.ES ANO VICINITY-S1111, 1'1.... l'ltle• F1lr 111fw911 Sll!jr ... y. Low P rhtol• ,.1.111 65. Mltll Fr1*1• -n. """" S.turHy 'tl!l•ll llttll w. POINT CONCEPT IO N TO Ml!Jl'I· CAN 90 11 0€"-Wllldl wttl to _,111- wett ti t to 1S -1'11111 Ill 111..,_ 1''1111Y t !ld s.iurMJ. COlllinlled t1!r. PtltllW lew CIOllllt 1GUI"'°'"' Wt*lfl 1111 S1l11r•1y, 1.llllt ~"rlllH'I di•""· EKfllfMI! SOUTHERN N1!VACA- ~1lr lllr-11 S.!ufd•l'. COlllllll/Od ~ti. O~r~ltlll l!lws to lo 'II, Hl•r.1 Frldq. l'ld S11U....., 110 It UO. , COAST.t.~ ,t,NO l~ff:"Ml!Ol.lff: ,lllD.\'( leclllill fllflt ........... •:O 1.m. J,I llcOfllll ..., ..... , ..... lh M '""· 1.1 SATUIOA'I' f'lr" Iii~ , ............ S:lt 1."', 13 Tlrst '°"" ............... M:O '""· l.S I~ h1lfl , ........ S:• 1.m. 5.• $4coind ie ........... n:• '·"'· o.-. M "!Ht S:•I '·"'· 19'1 l :OI '·"'' M• "'"' l rM I .II'\, htl 110 I .I'll. ·ll.S. S11mmar11• 0.tt c-1 ,.-... , ...... ..,. ......... ~ k"1INf thowm ... , ... Wttt. Moll .t '"' C .. !llr'I' Wll """' t•• (... ,.,. 1111 l'fOl'ltllll!orft ~"'· If "" "'"'°"' wt!kl'I hid ,...,. "'"""'• ~m. Ml!lfllfl\lfl'I IHlll'lftlUrh 1r111,1rld ll!t coi;ntl1' tll'llH tram M II Grtt1WHr.. Mtl11t, to "' 11 fl'ltf1'111, C1Uf. Tilt ""1't'l•W wtl t tPltltd ~ -r llllVI 1111 U• ...... , INril !ft Seulft. · •rft C•lllorftlo Nttr11' lft '"' '•Im Spr/lllt, 11ylhe 1rld 711Ut!llll 1111t !00•~. Ml•~ 1,..., 'rte. A~u.!rQUf 100 •t .oJ A!1thor•1• u .U ili.tt111t1 ,, ,. ·'· ••~e,.lltld ti 15 l!ll1m1rclr. II JJ llOb f 100 IJ IOllOll I' St •NWMwlll1 9'I 1iO .M Chk... '11 St ,13 Cl"'IM1tt U H 09ftver .. 1' 0.. Ml>\!ltS ll 6t ,U Detnillt ,, .u F1lr"9!1~5 76 SJ l1f Fort WDl'lfl '6 15 ~,_,..,_~~~~ ... __,,~- Mt1-ti " "-lul• I' 71 IC111Pi Cltw ft 7t I.ls ""•• llJ er LOI Antitlfs .. .. Mlln!I .. 71 .1' Mf.....,.llOI!• n ,. ,It New Orlell111 tJ 7• .tJ ,._ yn -a "1't _...,.. l"i.tt. tt St O.litofod u st fll:I"'°"" Cil'f' tS .. Om•h• n .. 1"1lm St>rlrtn 1'7 l"IY "obltl f) ~ flhot<il• 11' I! ,lits~·~ 11 ,. '"°"'"'"' ~ f.J 6$ ".,.Id CH\' Ii St "lif l tvtt •1 " ".,.. ff y Sotto-Ml t• 11 Si lt L•-0 City °' 6• S•ft Dlt'e 11 ~' S•ft Fr1fttltee Ml S4 Je1tt1t ~· " Earlvapartrnent )'ou don't-- dwellers had to liVe man all-electric with-flames: -apartment.~ • Sttp instdc any all-electric Medallion the clean, rrrsh look or the drapaiu Apartment. You'llsecwhythey'rtset· and the uphol5~. That'5 bcausc ting the trend. Notice how the • eltetric hnt ;, cltan heat. kitchen 1lcams. Why? Becaust · Now the bathroom. Tum thr:re are n·o by.products or · on the ""'ater tap .. Notc how combustion t o Clirty wafl s che electric \l.'ater heater gives 1nd \\'indows. No oppressive you hot water-right now. kitchen heit, tither. Electricity heats Enter the bedroom. Sec the separate the food-not ihc \.:itchcn. he.tt dial? You can only have room- \~alk irit o 1hc livlng room. Notice by.room 1c1npcr111urc control ;r it's electric. Many Med•llion >.p•rtlTlentJ also provide el«tric air conditionina. "nie rent) li\.:c Mtdall ion Homes ' Meda.Ilion Apartments are also avail- able in all prke ra.ngu: You ca.n sec why more people arc choosing to live ·the. good -clean life-electrically. "sCJi , Southotn California Edi1on • Vili.1.Ll'YS -F1I• !~ri;u"' S.111rd1"1" llltflllw coolll• r.wtr to1~111 1ectlc!l1 ~,..., "'''" fli"""'" tOl!lnt Oii ,,,,,.,, G1r. I.Hiie <lllllfl I!\ l11¥1atll!!Jttt 11'\. r.1111 11•t!JW1, P""1119'1J ~~ tO ~ 1'. Hlft..1 llO '' 1CJ1 .. ,,,.,.,~ U It 100. WH!lltr IOClll', wl!!! l(IUtrtCI 11lcwtrl •rid llluftdtrlhowtfl ,r1111lllM lro.tl ,,. o ... , """" !'ftloll .,.. llllCICl1t •llllt fttfc CIMI" llflU 1owll!W.r• " 1111 Morftl!I• ro; ~!!r011d1d tl!t ot1•n. ccoltd Nori!! Ptclllc to.11!U11t 1nd (001 1lr bl111k1~ •~• N1r111t111 from IM Gr .. ! l.1kt1 to NIW (,...1,~, ·~·119 fJ ft /! ti..fl0\•1 U1 ,,. f I Stuffolttll tlllfcnlll WOI t \/11,,., lfltl w11m. Wftlllitt!Oll n 71 .h''---------------------------------------------- r / ---------------,..... ' .. • Priso,rter ~~tqrn-"" · . ' Veto Political Hay Saigon VU;tory · De~ocrau ·Make Ho~p;,4Jl Bill .Issne . . . ... ' PARIS (UPI) -South Viet· nam had notched a tactical victory IA>day over North Viet- nam at the peace talks . The IOlllb penuaded lhe north to accept the return of a lid: lllld Wounded North Vietnamese P.J'laonerS. Hanoi · had refused . f o r p>0nths to. accept ·~trialion of the priloners beciause it hu never admitted its troopa .-e operating in the south •• The NorthVietnamesf! delegation .~ the peace con- ference announced 'lllursdaJ it would take the prisoners, thwlh. bein& careful to avoid any implication that they were ooldiers. Hanoi said t~ men were U .N. I.ea:ders Mark 25th ~- •lllY •w1etnom .... Pal riots de-w A s H I N a. T 0 N (UPI) talned llleplly." It said they -Deinocratt: served notice h~ lbe right lo live ~re today Ibey (Jiu to make Pres. in Vietnam. •.. • Jdent Nlxon'1 almost certain- i'he Communists sakl the to-be overturned veto of the prisoners must be released at f2.7' billion. Hill-Burton H• the border Or in North Viet-namese territorial. w a t e r s pita! construction bill a rhajor addin.< thll "ObViclull)'i they tbouclit it wu in the interest of their ~ts at Chat ,;_ ..... ~·K• • "Tod1y, Ibey 1lned up beo hJnd lhe Republican pr084clont like IJUle toy 101dlen." be said. "The 18 Republicana mutt be defeated at the polls tb1I' November.'' In ·the Hoose, Rep. Ray Madden, (·0.lnd.). warned fte. publicAns that voters Nov. 3 would rerDember whit he said would be"' viewed as a GOP stand apinat he4lth care. ulll;fer "suspended milita,ry ac-issue in the ~November elec.. tJvlty" rather .than being tions. p 0 T 0 d ed es<orted lo NOrth Vietnam by The 5'nate quickly sched-. :rISon .erm . r er Red Cr053 personnel as pro-. u.led a vote Tuesday on over. pooed by Salgon. ' ' riding the vdo after the House 'Hanoi barred 1Red cross Rower Thursday again passed the ~persoMel so "no peT!Olls could \ measure on a m.to-98 roll call ·PIO: fit by penetrating illeially U S V • vote-Z7 more votes than the ;Dtb North Vietnatn territory ." 1• • ua '1 two-thirds majority required. I BELFAST, Northern Ireland Lord McDermott, rejected her T'ne South Vietnamese, in It was the first time In JO (AP) -The Belfast Appeal appeal against the sentence. wtyt they said . was · a MIAMI (AP} -"I'}! got )'e4rs the House had voted to Court •ruled today t"h4'8 t, Her defense lawyer then ·aP. , ''h~itarian ·gesture" had 8 man here who says just override a ~sidential veto. Bemadette'Devlin must gO to plred for penn.ission to 'take; tfied ~for near\y a year to rOwed from Erigland the Si1ty-seven Republicans .prison. ' the .appeal to the Lords in get the North ,Vietnamese to joined 212 Democrat.s to ·pasa A Warrant for her arrest London, a'nd this was turned accept~the prisoners. . U.S,. immigraUon aakl t11e·mu. "the objections of the ' down today Hanoi ·onc.e suggested they into the tel~hone. " . .he ~~~dt. to·~eOncontrl aryh npt-w~to !::.'~~r ~Zp;. Mis~ Deyu:r w~ rwlection ·be released w_here. they were doe5!11~ h~ve· 1 visa~''$' • .,.,umuu• Ing: . Y . ~ re e pUcaliOO from Miss' DevllD, and allowed to rJt,urn unann-Having Tecelved al Democra~kps. Willia!" M. the \Ml1ng'5t member of the ln the British general el~lori froni his superior, uRi . Colmer, (~.); O. c. Fisher~ BrlUsh,·-·H of Commons. last week, aOO she is not ed and on foot through the (Tex ) and John Q M nh ouse • expectec;t to lose her !M!;At war zone ''if they wished." hung up and issued • •Y (Va.)..:~pported the Veto~ ' to appe8l to the ~se of because she goes to prison. The· prisoners were not visiting permit to B ·mer But Democratic chairman Lords· a~nst a six-month The HOOse o( Commons will discussed in Thursday's 72nd Sidney Gehders. Lawrence F .. O'Brien announc-~ntence 1_1~e~ her for in-have to vOte whether sbe re- For Bernadette. Devlin Anniversary session of the . peace con-Genders had just com leted ed that 81 of the 95. GOP mem-cttement to r1ot1ng and rioting. mains a member. and it ference . The North Viet-a 6,000-mile solo pull across bers who voted against the bill Th~. H~use of Lords Is Brl· seems most unlikely that with I!~::;~~ namese announced the ac--the Atlantic in a rowOOat 19 would "be primary targets for taln s ,highest court. the threat .of renewed religio~s SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -ceptance of their return in feet: nine inches long. Democratic candidates" in The 23-year-old R o·m an warfare hanging aver 1be U.N. General Assembly a statement 1o newsmen llis welcoming party] was November. . Catholic m1Litant was first . Northern Ire I a n.d , the · flew , across the nation for aftenvard. the crew of a police patrol "I find it curious that 88 or sentenced In Londonderry last leglSlators would inflame the Fastest, in West ceremonies today marking the The peace talks continued boat. They directed hifn to these cynical Republicans vot-Dec. 22 for her activities Roman Catholic minority by Bu7 It. Sell IL Try tht fastest ~spom.e ht the Wm 191lnst YM' 25th a~versary of the peacE , without movement by either U .S, customs and immi'rtion ed in favor of the act only two durihg street fighting I~ fall. ousting the young woman wOO OWft tlock. Test Dlmt·1-llne Ads, whtre the action Is, In Saturdl(I ;,. organization's charter. side. Chief Amer i can of~ers. and I half weeks ago," O'-On Monday, Northern has come to be known as DAILY PILOT. Celebrating •started 'Thurs-negotiator PhiUp C. Habib said · Genders, 51, said hei 1nade Brien said iR a statement, Ireland's lord ch I e f ·justice, their Joan of Arc. day with a champagne recep-"Again today we made it clear the trip to show that a,. m·an i1r~:::::::~~~~~=.~~~~~)~~iii;,ii;i;iii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I ~ given by. Mayor Joseph that at these rpeetings we isn't washed up at 50: Alioto in the city hall rotunda, are ready for serioos negotia-The sturdy-built Britisher across a boulevard from the lions, but they are not finished the v o ya g e from ~ £R' War Memorial Opera House prepared for that kind of Penzance, England, toi Miami , • o e was drafted and the Veterans ---------------'--'----where the blue-boond charter discussion." -in 166 rowing days. H£~D Building where it was sl&ned ,.,-----------, '. JU. Ml l4J a quarter century.ago. .. 0 ... oAY On her arrival here, Mrs. ; M I' 1 JULY 3 Angle 'Brooks of Liberia, the fll\DA1 ~bUly:tsed pNretaident, sai~, The. . re's something Very , f0 --to' 1:30 f•ITl•- "'' nl a ions is man s I \0·.lO· a.in. . !::tc':;~;.~~ardless of its comforting about the Aud • Ship Wrecks Drawbridge NEWPORT NEWS, V a . (AP) -A steel cargo barge bein& towed upstream slam· med into the James River Jtrldge before dawn tofiay, Its scats ·were designed by an orthopedic 'surgeon. ja,mJning the draw bridge • mechanism and closing the t ::,'• toll facility for ·.;, Test drive it toc1•Y· The Slate Highway Depart· ment aaid tn• bricl.I!•. unking It's more of a car Newport News and Isle of h th' kJ Wight County, rtopened at 10 t an you 10 ; a.m. and estimated damage l · • .· ! at $30,000 to $40,000. , Traffic over the bridge, 1 which bridge Supt. B.R. IJtlote CHICK IV!ER~I estimated at 2,500 to 3,000 :a'!~i'.y ~;,'a~I~m;. ~ PORSC:l:IE I~ DI nrouted through Norfolk and 900~CoastHilhway/ Beach the Hampton Roads Bridge 646-9391 Tunnel lo the soulb. Traffic l ___ ~OIA~llGE~COlll~~·~m~r~s ~lll~~tDEAUl~~----flows across the bridge from u:s. 17 and 258. THE BIGGEST SHOW, OF ITS tllN~· WlST OF THE Ml SISSIPPI! TIIE OILY 11M S1IOW II SOUTHERI ClllFOR I • P!CllEDli1111 llClllE fL111111Ei Riii erntRlMllG! • - • rr fl1S THE OOllE COIMllTIOll CElll!RI t1 • MEETlll'DE~GNERS•IHEllRlllS~E SOUTH ' ND DECDMTOR ROOllS! • EVERVTlllllG FOR !HE HONE& GARDEN! • SEE! ... A all Of R.OWUS. ••• £-*-. lllJ -~ IMIHlt. llllef· tlls, ......,.. ..... IMI W-.i tr. 21 l•ei&I ........... ,Pt..i .,,11s1y IKm) •SUI ••• ~~DlllElMllli~UlllllTS. •• , ,..... ....... II-Kn: Nit *-wil Famous Australian artist will caricature 1 00 visitors dally-10:30 a.in. • 2:30 p.m. -J,51t ... 111111,,... ---""~ ...... ,.. • un ... uaaus ....... ms ... A ........ Clllll: .. 1•11a"J._ ..... =--.. .,.. ... '*fi,..,. --.. , . ' "-I •lltl ...... ~~··· . , .,...._... ... cw.'1:' ..... 1or ... ~ Nlllflf..... . ... .,,L~ llllCllW.illlliJ:C......--• '. mt ••. 1'111Cl-aCOOUC.... . ---·-~ ... --. a. C'llllllM ••• nlllilll •Iii AU.-v.tri Sec· ... JU~E ' 20··28 SllOW HOORS, 5 °1! P.M. W!llll!YS ·JIQOll • 11 P.M;SAlURM'ft SVM)A'f ADULTS •• .' $2.00 ~:;;G*l~I ~~~!-.:.:.· 1.oo · ! .......................... .,...., I CEORCE COLOURIS PRODUCTION IPOllSOl9 IYa the Orange-County Builder• A111t. ond The Orange County Chapter of the Bulldlng Industry A11ociation, SAYIS~ SHCIAl DISCOlllT TICllTS AVAUW Alt AlPHA. lfTA. MARKETS 1 •• THll lFTY DRUG STORES UNtlfD CA.llf. IANKS Ot OAANOf COUNTY .. YOUR C.UU.IGAN MN4 -. , I ' • GORDON CURRIE "the World's Top Caricaturist" will J;ie "in person" at the Pleasant Corona del Mar office of Mutual Savings. Also on exhibit will be . his fa1ndous "l'ACES OF FAME GALLERY". You've seen him on NBC's "Today" and "Tonight" shows, "The Steve Allen Show," and other network TV shows. FRE·E! .... c.m."1 IMp:••• ., ,,... ... Nm. ....... ,......,..11, ...... -,...llllt -,...,. hr "-"'I-ALSO ••• ..,._. .. .t ............. ~ ....... ,. ...... ~ef THI II• II, MUTUAL IAYIN•L • • Now, meet the man who bu caricatured Presidents , . Eisenhower, Truman, Kennidy·and N'lXon, General de Gaulle, the Duke of .WindJor and hundreds of other \\•orld celebrities. , _ 'I' 0 U can also be caricatured in a S PE CI .AL SOUVENIR FOLDER, ABSOLUTELY FREE. w. R. Sammons Seaior Vic• Pf'uidnl Rrgiollal1-lt...,w Robert D. Aston Vice Pruidem Bn.KchllaNJler ' . MUTUAL SAVINGS _.lun•c••dalilln CORONA DEL MAR 2167 East Coast ':"'ighw1y Tol•phono: 675-5010 l Blocks South of MooArthur 11.d. · • - • ' DAD.Y PROT EDITORIAL PAGE . -- ' A Proud-Achievement • ........... It 111111 _,, ajd· flllbioned. but Hunttniton Beocll ls alfaio goln& to celebrate tbe Fourtb of ~vly witb a parade -witb apololle• to DO one. . Tbe city ls one ol tbe few tq taep alive the tradition of celebrating lndepetldince Dey w1tb a public display. It will be a day of patriotJ.m and fun. • , The Jaycees have put in many hour~ on Ibis year'• event witb tbe result tllat U will be tbe largest ner. There will be J,4fl0. pettlcl_panll, at laall-22 Ooats, 18 · ~ bandl, prancing -llld high· stepploi _baton twlrlen·, The fatlvtllu wlU Ill capped by an hour-long fire- works dtapla1 fftlm Munlcip81 Pier at dusk. "Achin-. of (Jar Amertcao Youth" is tbe tbeme. Tbe paradt 1llOll ·promlsu · to be a preud achievement fer bolh Ille Joycees and •tbe cit1 of Hunt· ington Beach. Comhhie T·heir. Efforts? May organiullons work0 bard in Huntington Beach to Increase community involvement. They all deserve 'credit. ' Brillglnc tbem toptber for tbe mulmum commun- ity benellt II tbe IDiportant· job of tbe Coordinating Council. The c:ouncll recently proved It CID do Ille job by 11po1110ring Ille cily·wide Community Festival. Tbe women's cllviston of Ibo Chamber of Commerce lw done much for beauUllcatlcm for many years. School and college students are DOW .doing •II tbey can. Scouts and Cubs are Involved, ancj sundry oilier groups bave joined tbe ecology mpvement. It's a moveriient-tb1t can-.bring people, and not jus• organizations toeether. The · women who plant flower~ 1urely have something in common 1 with youth• who clean tresb off Bolla Cbtca 1>e¥n·. Maybe 'they would be able to accomplish more it , they combined tbeir efforts. Covering Education News .. Tbe DAILY l'JLOT was pleased to receive ID award for its coverage of education news last 1'Hk at the board meeting of ,t)le Fountain Valley School .Diatrict. The award WU presented by the three employ~ associations, representlg the teachers~ service penon- nel and the . admlnistretOrs. • Covering school news produces beartJfanning, cori· troverstal , iad and puzzling stories -heertwarmtng as 2nd grade fingerpainting, controvertlal as sex education courses, 1ad when youth misconduct makes painful news, and puzzling as tbe budgets, with or without the benefit of new math. It is always rewarding to be singled out for an hon-- or, even when the. feellng of pride is tempered by the knowledge that. the paper was only doing its job. • IVVQ.AJ ~ INo tt appears to some obaervtrs..that1here ls another area where this type of coordination would be beneficial. Wouldn't tt be a good Idea for Ille many and varied fon:es at wort tn Improving tbe environment to pool · their eUorta? But It is an important job. Keeping parents and &tu· dents informed. of r;tate and local trends in education i• one of the tasks this neWapaper gives special attention. ( . . . --.... -. - • ' H "OV~ ENEMIES WANT US SIX FEET UNPfR ANt> OUR fRlfNP5 Wfl.NT VS To SETTLE FOR THl!.EE." 'I .. I Cot11d Degr'ade [{•er'• Credit-Status . . Academic Inbreeding Slwu'ld End Dear Gloomy Gus: Credit ~Card's -Destructive Po·wer It Is Incredible bow many lludenll, t1ptCially ill praUgloua colleps and universities, have beea penuaded by lheJr -lllat Amertcan oocJoly la rotlen to lbe ..... ----mi.io a lallo idea be ID)d to ID -wloo brigbl gener-! stmply br-""'11 Jn -.its !be UMDpllan tb'1 lbe ICOl'Dful rejldion of ··~llil values" and Ammicla. tmtitutlonl ii a Ullmark al lntelledual -An lbere ..,., _..... _,. ... irbkh ·-.. not being oabjeded ~aily to this aatl~l1tellec& a al brainwashin( by radical facullJ! Of :ourse theno are. Tbey j1lll Clon'I mU1 budlines. I DEIJVERBD TllZ -- 1ddress receml~t )usl such • • r rom the aills of the Santa Lu. cia chain of ~ !ains by the Pacific -t. the CaUl«Dla i t a t e Polytechalc College al San Lull Obispo has ·-mare than 11,000 du- !law tbal tbe Jluotlniloii Beach ldlool bclMI hu la1led apln, I bope lhal ·lbe Dei>art-at fl Parill and -Will ... ·lbelf.. -wllel)< to acqWN and Im' Jll'O" our parb. Our cbilclren Will need aomewben to apend their lime when they llart baU-day , HWON lhil cominl year, J.C. ftll .............. ._.. ..... -Al,,..., ... nl ...... ,, .... ,_ ......... _,, ... ..., .... . . maintained lbe lndlvlduallly. pi!l'IODl!lly and local autonomy ol Cal PolJ. By Jaw Cal Poly can offer Jlberst 11'11 progr1m1. But lbe emplwts ii oa ... --1 educallon 1eadlnc to canon la agl1culture, qtneertnc, t.1s1neu, bmne -Ind oilier applled fleldL E¥en ID £ns1llb major !Inda bilDlelf in the "ICbool of applled arbl." Cal Poly bu . alwa)'I soqbl laeulty members who ban both lloul academic -Ind practlcal aperlence In lbe .. -and --clinctJy a-llled wUb tile cOuraea they toach. ,,,.. raqulnmenl, according to Praidenl Rallert E. Kennedy, for 30 years a lllCll!ty member of Cst Poly and a dlsd· pie ol Julld McPbee, squaru wllll IOllll --me rwarcb Into wbat can be -· to Improve all ln1tllull0011 ol bllber education. !lelits to this spuwe. DR. ltlCNNSDY CALLS attention to Jy populated and a l'OOOllllMlldll made by I 4 A mtnl sludy CO!i<Ncted by two.Gross-· moot Junior College students concerning the destructive power of abUled credit; cards revealed a few interesting points that could degrade the credit card user's credit status if he is not careful. There are two main points that eD- compass this power of destruction and they are : First, the consequences ol lost or stolen. credit cards: and, second, the hidden dangers of' unsolicited credit cards. The first point to cmsider is the degr1dlnj: effect of <me's· credit status II h< II not able to cover, ftnanc:ially, Ille ~ mllclo With a loot « 1!9len credlt card. The financlal 'respons.itiility usually lies eolely Qn the shoulders of the card owner· 1mW written noUficatioo ls ncefved by the card ts.er 1nd this could entail lqe Sl8nl of money owed U the Jou wu not dbcovered im- mediately. THE SECOND POINT is the hidden darwer of UPSOlictted credit cards sent tlftuch the mails every day without the knowledge ol the addressee. This point ts 1inl<ed to tile Orsi point, bul contains one main difference. lf this card was 1tolen prior to the receipt by the lddfeaee, there would be no way.to report its loll. Here the addressee ls once again responsible for any abuses of this card becau&e the use of this card by an~ indicates to the issuer lhe acceptance al lheocttdll. the comuner now, not in t~ future. GEORGE C. JOHNSON GARY L. KIDD 'Tea afttl r.,. .. t• Dlels Letters jrom reader• are toelcome. Normally writers 1hould convey their To the Editor: messages In 300 taordi 01 lts1. The Thank you for running the arlicle: right to condftue llttn1 to.fit space "'Senility, Bad Diet Linked," by Dorothy or eliminate Ubfl fl merocd. All let-Wenck, Orange County Home Adviser. ten mu1t incluM lfgnature and mail .. ino address, but wama mav be with-(The women's page, June 17) kcld on Te~st if iuf/icinat rec.son "Tea and Tout" diets must le.ad to ii apparent. Poetry toiU not bt pub· bad health in 1ny IP brackft. Jn the li.rMd. eJ4tr1y arya, UU1 type of food int.Ike \, • ia).not very oftea a coune of least W I t•· ~'" to "·--· ' . reliatanct. It Is 'a necese:t:-1, in con· e 1re no a l'Cma--•I ~rage tJ, sidtraUon of spiraling food costs and or even stop credit card syltenu; but the1 drag of pre-irlflaUonary income1 as we are demanding that governmental soureea of expenditure tn the marke~ legislation, on both federal and stall place. levels, be enacted to protect the con-Older folk, as well as the younger sumer from fraud and UMf:Ce9Nl'Y wut.e generaUon w i t b whom we have more or consumer incomi. Also, we suggest in cpnunon than mlt:ht be supposed, to the credit card holders to be more are pretty wtll aware of their nutritional careful in tr8Dsactions mine credit cards needs. to protect themselves._ llV'I', WHAT CAN be done when there TO STllESI THE 1mportance ol jlllt llD't eDOUih cash to meel daily legiilation and prot.ection, one fact can living Costs? The "eat proteins" warning be pointed out: Jn one year there are or pod medical "men must be ignored. IOllle 200,00D declared bankruptcies,...and One subsUtutes, sniffs meat counters, of this fipre, a percent are personal ·but ju.st 'does not buy; And then, boom! (other than businea). They are all linked An · expensive convaleacent program is l'l either over-extended credit or abuled in order Ind costs there must generally credit made available through the UM be borne by govenment. And -- of credit cards. the goverDJ71ent is us all -the people ! lt is time for legillation to protect As a i'anch operator, I found that £arming was more hazardOul than a Las Vegas game. Her e, humans are being mechanized out of business u workers. And often as a necessity. Aad ranching isn't the only area wtlere robots are taking over to the detriment of the human race, in total. R. M. JOHNSON Senator HNrpll11'• loft To the Editor: We are lucky to have a man like Senator Murphy u our repreaeataUve; ror based on tu1 most rec en t perforuiances il, am sure that he will be able to c:pmjlete JllCCOS1fully. with most othir .enators in the art ol doubletalk. t Senator Murphy assured us thlt his _ t job with Technicolor took no time away from hll dutiell u senator, but ainCe he wu )iold about half wbal the , ~ senatorial po1itioo pays, I must uawne that he did about half as much work for Technicolor as ill the Senate. (What's half or nothing?) YET, WHEN IT came to obeying the Jaw w:llh regard to informing the SEC of his Stock manlpulaUons, he informed us that be could not take the Ume 1 from his senatorial duties to comply. Now that Technicolor has n e w management, hopefully Seuator Murphy will have sufficient time to at lust make his pubUc releases consistent. R. II. TUFFIAS beautiful sm,·lree area al the llate. )llYd>ololllla· and psychilllrtsts who llore lhan ,lOIJ 1tudents received wwked "l\h Jooepb Katz In a lour lllUlers and bachelors degreea In a ,_ ll1ldJ fl Stanford and UC Berulq memony that omfiowed Ille 7,000 ...-1a1. Ooe of their coacluslonl< •I lladium. Cal Poly, IS It Is popularly "PIMI ficulUlll .tend to repruenl only tnown, ii, like my own instltulioo, San -...-1 al humanity, prlmarlly peoo Jackson . . . _,' J ' Faces New Left 1Challenge \ J1'randlco Slale College, one .of Ille 11 pie wllh strong cognlllve orlenlaUon and WASJUNGTON -In his campaign for Clllfnia atate colleges. Unlike mo1t the tendency to eurcile thou1ht in a reelection, Sen. Henry M. Jacbon, 0. ,, tbl o&hers it •did not evolve fr9m non-applied fashion. The st udents Wash., Js warning that our political Work Education ""1111 schooll and teachers college&. t h I I t ol · .> r repreten a muc arger var e Y in-system Is threalened by what he calls Hor hat It 8ISUTlleQ the mantle 0 terests and orientation .• , Yet they ICMlemic respectability by ca1lin& ilseU are aearepted frim much ol the adult "the tyranny of a smaJI minority that 1 "liberal arts" coUqe. world, so that In 1 period in We when is systematically disrupting our society.'' "tyranny of the minority'' at ~bout ttal Instead Cal Poly grew up from a . they are particularly open to ch1nge, He begins by telling his audiences time another Ml\Carthy target, Harvard iltle state vocaUonal scbool establbhed . lhey_are secludod-lrom polentially ---1hatminorlty rilhts1lave long b<en pro-Prosldenl Nathan Puaey, - bf the Legislature in 1901. In the SS;ye1t-aigniflcant adults." tected In an Anglo-Suon tradition ~hich "McCarthyism" of the New Lift in • period from 1933 to 1916 est Poly WU The concluslon ol lhe stu<Jy Ind Pres!-dslel back to the 'Magna Carta. Our Bolton beccalluriate - pilded by Ille late JuUsn. A. r.n:rbee, denl Bob Kennedy's opinions bued on • own Bill al RJ&hls aflonls prOleclion JacksOo lac<s a New Ldl cballenp 1 giant.-· educalionst leaden In 8 :JO.year observalion al ...,;its al Cal ' agalnsl unrestrained domination by a · In the Wasl!lngton 1lale - Cllifomia. He foughL an uphill batU. Poly, are bujcally the same: College• majority, the lf:Dltor •YI· prbnarJ on Sept. 15. He is belnC appDlld, ~ make CMXUpationally-cenlered college-and universlUea need a conaiderable Then Jackson suggests that majority by Carl Maxey, • black attorney frCiilt level eilucaUon an acctplable partner of 1 rights need tecUon f ·r Spokane who represents the • "Seattle -'th the 80-Cllled "liberal arts." H• dlversiflcatJon of the kinds peope pro •now, rom a m1 I· E; .. w" conspiracy defend111ts and bu "' _i with whom we brbtc our atudtnts in tant in~norur bent on •.narchy. Wpul~-be ...... f • Pllllber Ntired at 70, having ser"ed 33 ,eara contact. ·We must stop the academic revolutionaries are using violence and called fot tfle release O Blac. U president. He died a year later. inbrtedln• of appolnUng to university fear, he says,_ lo introduce the majoril,Y leaden Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. ... In three Senate terms, preceded b7 DllPlii!! 'm llolERGER Into the faculties men and women who have on campus, In urban centers Ind 1n six terms in the House. JacklOn bu Clllfcrnla Male college system, McPhee never worked in any pf'9ductlve labor other phases of American life. compiled a solkl liberal record. As outside of their years as student.a. chairman of the Senate Interior Com- sraduate students and teachers. '1'114T IS AN interesting campaign line m1·11 ... for example, he has ... _...bly fer J.cklon, who was himself a target . ..,vv. WHAT BE'ITER MODEL could 'there of the late Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy. achieved more by way of really im-R--Wls., in the early 1950s. By coin· proving the environment than lrlJ of be for aome: college. student he.ting cldenct, Jacklon began df.ploring the the widely publicized champklU of COD-' into • career ln engineering than a aeri'atian and foes of pollution. licensed engineer who has IUCCeslfully cn.m.e_ · •. bulll bridges, dams and hlgb rlsea beloro UN'l1L RE que.tioned the move of ~ •••Hog on a .-.ct c......-11 a coltece .---•1 Geerve ---. u .s. lrooJlll Into cambedla, however. • teecber? People of this kind, ln all Jaclc:lon IUpport.ed 1he def~ 1!!?_licles "---~~!.l,,,._ ""'=~~~~~~~ waltL.of...Jife,....ftequently.-.have a_grut_ -Dur-G«qe-~. -------•--and tJieVJetnam war lnitlitlm olthe Ullo pan, 1--= "Voe~ -. to teach and to be In contact Don't you think 11'1 awful lllat Johnson and Nixon adminl&trallons. -Is a.....,.11 .....uaJ lo our wllb ,...,,g people. Such I a cut I Y censors In some placu are allowed By a clole IOI to 48S ·vote, the King -I ~ 11 la not 111111 ....,. .. _ .. al Cst Poly 1.nfl""1C<! lhelr 1111 only to acl, but to wrlle about County (Seattle) Democrallc Commltlee bu been Ille wJaoiva juri-of 1111-not Ollly lhn>ilp lbetr In-bow mJlCb good they .,. doing? endoned Maiey. The commltlee acted tlie formal ~ .,._.. U.B. ID-lelleelual knowJedce, bul also lhrou&h Whal are you going to dq aboul In 1 ,_which also embraced much _,.., b>jllant 11111 -job lninllll lbe -Ibey ban 1ained fr<GJ prac-all the,. pro.censorship articles, ~I Muey's campaign plalfonn. The ..,.. IUll'll that 0.. .,. work ab I 1 Ucal npelienee. George? • " meettng approved a rf:901ution calling .aemattvea to _. Jllldequte public P.talpl that's what al1 colleges need ANNOYED AMERICAN. for \be impeachment of President Nixon. wecational educltklftll IJlllm. Busineu -Hpeclally liberal arts colleges. hlori Dear AA : Jn i n a&iressive "peace" campaign aad lndultry must -the )eldenblp pnfeaol 1 who ""are acquainted with the Well, I called a meeting of against Jackson, Maxey hla alto al· '* in •wort education'. U w~ art to workt outslde the classroom. ~ewer pro-several f1eedom-of·speech lovers. tacked the administration, alle&lnl that have a sufftdeat ....._. ol ldi!quately fe111111 who live in thlt dre1"' workl We were aoiftg to try to pass ·il wars on youth and paliUcal minorllle1 lnlDed wwbn, taMetld o( ~-core In which the Pt.ct and Frtedom pwt.iel I Jaw against letting articles for including the Black Panther Party. He mernployed, then technical •kl 's mu!t seem the only lo&icll choice. c:eR1Dnhlp appear In the press, supports repeal of lhe miULlty draft, Ila rurtured br. _. .... , J191'1ftil, and 1 1 8 _,.,._. but after we sat around th inking popular election of the Presktent and ~ben of Jadllllr1. Through this com· IJ · · a,._ .. a about JI, we all went home. e••n the removst of .-...1ue1 for use -~ wa ean deVlloP the skllla Pnlldeol ~- m 1•--•wilil" IMFl--Ctlilp ofm~ ECllOING COMPLAINTS long voiced by New Left Democrats in •the s ta t e, llauy hu chOrged lllal Jack50fl (who wa Praldent 'Ninn'1 first choice for secretary of defenM) is a priloner of the mllll•r)'"lnduslrial complex wbk:h has pr«mpled Ille fedtnl funds ....ted h<re. at home for edUC1Uoa and welfare pro. gr .... "Jacboa aymbolizel a problem," Max- ey sald in an early SeaWe campaign speech. . "He n11a.te1 bis votes for llbor, --Ind~ by Involving us in ID i arms race. He is ~ more 'lw Industry lban r.oncem for oUr country," Muey declares. Many experts. here (and they are sometbnes wronc> do not think Jackson is In ltrious trouble. For one thlng, =Y ;!e ~~f:1~1 s=:S in~~= =~-=~ a~i!~' :::: recent More important, *ever, ire th e other circmnltlncel Which seem likely al~ to determml the Jac-.Max- ey outcpme. Foretnost among them is Ille •tale of the -y, which has had lts effects In the •late. ONElllPLOVMENT Is the big polltlcst factor ia 1ny economic slump. J1ekson, over tbt yog, bu foujht (in such Quotes Glee• s. Damn. ~ ... lier, Calli. Sla&e c.lk!p1 -"Our 10Ciety has allow- ed It> lnoedom1 to be misused by those who would destroy the r....-.. " IAlploa Rolllaa, dl,.clor, Cal-I Af· , .. ,. lmdtlte, Sala luba{a -"The only privileged young person is the one who has had to race somethlna not easy ,to face, IDd ha lriumpbtd.'' ' .. • • controversies a1 the batUe over the TFX contract) for. auch job -making loca l enterprises ·u Boei:ig, which is now feeliDI' 'ID employment pinch. Maxey is contending thlt in a peaceful, diversified economy, ~ could con· tribute to ~ 1 u c h problems as mus tr1111Slt , pollution control and the Jike. That argument will provide tittle comfort for workers recently laid of[ by Boeing. JacU:ln'a partisans m well aware, however, of the recent fate of Rep. Jeffery Cohelan, o.caI., the 12-year California coucreuman from San Fran- cl9e0'11 East Bay. In a primary race between peact: candidates, the very 1iberal Cohelen, was defeated for • renomination by black acuvtst Ronald V. Dellums. Consequently. J acbon is a cross-coun. try commuter these summer weekends, and his a590elates show no d.ispositim to take the chall enge lightly, whatever the experts may be saying. B1 Rebert S. Allen ..i J ... A. Gold1mllll :-IW--r Friday, June 26, 1970 Th• edllorlal fJOOf of th• Dailt" Pilot 1tet1 to in/orm and atim- l&late rcodn1 bv pttstnting this n11i01paprr'1 opi.UO.U and com..' mtntorv °" iopka of interest o!ld lignlflamet, "'1 prOl>lding o torum for &M ezprcnion o/ Our nodcr1' oplniona, Jmd bv prtltftting Che dmn-11 view- points of informed oblnver1 and 1pokc1mca on COpicl of tht d4y. Robert N. Weed, Publisher • . .. ( ; f ' ' ... ... •• • • ... • - --------------- --- • . . JODEAN HASTINGS, 64'1,4321 .,,...,, ..... M, Int I ...... IS.! ' -. _.. ; ' . Sunilner Safety .' -: ~ 'r"•J.•~" · With the advent o! s~m;,,er 0 it's Up, Up, and Into the Pool .!or ·" 'rrfatiy area youngsters! " , · . -> To make the summer scene safe for everyone, the Huntin.g:t~n Beach Junior Woman's Club' is sponsoring a pool safety progra11.1 w1th1n the area. • ·. • Methods of rescuing a drowning person and administering nlouth-to-.mo'uth resuscitation and "other life-saving techniques. will be demonstratfd by the Huntington Beac~ Fire Department .in ·conjunc- tion1witb the prograll).. . Residents willing to donate th~ir pool_s for Jhe prograll! will -re-- ceive safety eosters and everyone ~ill receive a telephone st1c~r for quick dialing m case of an emergency. .t. • - Serving as chairman of 'the pool progiam is Mrs. Daniel .Drag~ . set, and additional information may be obtained by calling· her at 968-1275. · Also· in the interest of summer safety. the· Jun)ots are sponsoring.- a bicycle safety program which will take place We1lnesday, Thursday and Friday, Jul.Y 1, 2 ar'ld 3, a'i Huritingt.On Center. Serving as·chairman will be Mrs. Cody. Evans, and"assisting'will be Ute Mmes. John .Kn_ox, Karl Hammer, Erwin Zuehls, James Shepa~d, Robert Evans, 81c.h8rd ?tlcDon·a1d, Bruce Burton,_Earl.Jlale, Edw.1n Hume, ~naltLNoy~oy, __ _ William Biss, Ted Reddick , Wendall Emde, Drageset, Stanley Hettmga and Jack ,Hall. • ,. The project, "to increase bicycle safety within the. community,. -~-also is being-assiSted-:by-Sgk--James~Mahan of~the Huntmgton Beach • Police Department and the Automobile Club. · Bike owners may be tested for their kqowledge of tra~ic rules and regulations, ridihg ability on .anrobstacle course, mechanical safe- ty and registration. ·' -! 1 There will be daily winners according·lo .age•ciltegory; and the ~pl~ce .Department a!so. will be dem_oi;1slfatin.g its h"l1copt,er. · ;· . . t ~~ • I • . J •• _,-----1~ ,.. '' ..r:. d . ~ 'tit"' :>cJit· Soun s' ~ _ ,.. , "~ ~~,., f' # ~ ~. 7 ~· .e. W oman~of-the :Year· - Keyed to Commun ·iJy By JODEAN IWITINGI Of ""' DNIJ Plr.t Iliff · The U10Cl1UOn, whlCh bas To encourage young women a mem~hlp' Of more ~n to enter the baiiking field the 7,400 . women executives 1n banks and savings companies in the U.S:, Capada and overseas, wu founded in 1921 when women ban~ executives were a rarity. Today there are more than 20,000 women bank ollicen in thil cowitrY alone. · -associatio·n ,provides schola~ps for,;q u a "Ii fie d memben. l~ud_ed , In tht roster of memt>rr,s are 20 women who ·~Ctiairmen of ttie bo~ of ;~\,banks,: 47 ,women .bank .pnaldenta and 20 ex~~ve·~, presidents. "':'" · .'~l .' • iPJCKED AS WOMAN~-tbe-. )'ear by Golden Key, I IUpporl · group ·01 Child dulilance Cllnic , of Orange County, was Pat. -.U, dedicated publicity chairman for the group for the •·two years. A ·resident of Huntlngton Beach Ill' the past' five yeara1 Pat is the niother of Mrs. Don at d Campbell. IJld Robert Lee ~ .~ -· ~ !:;¥"~(1 Holman. She was proposed f o r membenbip in Golden. Key by a former ptt'bl·lclty chairman .-PauJa Fullmer • ...who allo received thit award in 1861 .. l,n . additioo; to . .Iler , dutles .u publlcil)( cnajrman , Pat has · served Golderi Key- ,S, 1 • ·c:Onts'ponding .secretary · and,wial!ed in the thrift shoJ?_ •. IJld· with their, fUhion show• ood)>man. · , ;. .~· . PBICBENT AT Ille· Rocky ·'. M o,191tiin-Westeln •Regtoaai : > Cenl~ , ol the ~atlonal .~ .• of iBank ,,,woo:ien in lllll1We City, Ulih, wai . , Paullne ·Boria of \be United Slalel 1'allonal Bok of. lfim.. 1 'M • • . . • • '.. • . f ··•• Founfain Valley Juniors Score Smashing "Success " ' . . , • , , · llnPI <lleach.' . : . ,,. ConrerenOe ·otlrlctal m ·lljin. rJ1 ,prol"8kiiiil women -. h'mn Arbonlr CaDfomta, ·:eo1orac10, Hawaii,· Nevod.; 'N"' Mfttoo, Ulab: ' . :;Achieving their goal are (Jell to right). !bl! ~s. Friyik Fieck, ··and Mrs. Gregory fli;lnker. Husbllid'• .~pNC!atlon N1lbt was · ~-Larry Long J!Qbert Somma and Rober! Marten, members.of the staged to entertain 'mom~', hµsbends wh.o have worted,as ' ' South Coast. Junior Woman's CJuK The. group. ,recently honored diaper-<:hangers, cl)auHtlliil ~ ·~ttlll:s d1lrine the pall yeer. l their husbands during· a party in the Folintain Va)ley home qi Mr, After dinner acUvitiel _..ping-pone, ~ llld 'llucliig. . lllld' w,..,...,, . . . c . ' . , ;~ . ' : Good Stoelent t fa~Js ·to'1 Scdre ' ' 't>EAR ANN LANDERS: Our daughter i-'li.17..)'ean.old..Sh<..was.an.'.'..<L" ~stod.,..e,..al.._ ___ c-c~="' in the way through school. When it S....u .... k ·rlnP-.;;.......... ~::ii::;~==-~'--..i.dooln,_.l'm.alnld,Ja~ lllO"' men! for fear he'U eaU ...r' 1'8 llliA him. I hesii.to to invllo frllnda • ..,. because he mlgbl drop by -...,.... j ame to common 1ense, she didn't hive Jdlleh. · Her grandmother used to. say I Ille was "book smart and life dumb." 1 :.~ has a· mnters degrte in English tnd taught in junior high for two years. Ten months ago she married a brilliant c9mputer genius who gets lost on h~ way home from work and misplaces !If• paydleck .regUlarly. He has trouble "°lding jobs becau1e he becomes i~ !rlilJed with afternoon JV ,..P operQ and stays home from work . : Recently, he became '• enthralled with ~Edge of Nlght"'and "General Hospital" fit flked lllnen fll' five days. Now lie hu fallen in Jove with "Sesame ~ .. • • \ Street'' and there-b no telling when· he ':"ill go back to his job. Anoe is pregnant and 'had to quit Luchini tut week. She told me yester- day her marriage was a mlst.aket ~ she, ia led up with the lazy lug. Wh<t -Id her father al!d I do? -AGONJz. ED FOLKS DEAR AG: -··· It'• ... aiiton Hd .... bllJ loJ. Lei lror -,..'8 g!vellerndlM...,7W ... _ • llobe""""'1....ittblt1111111M111 lhat mlpt •llCOUllp ..,. to lea,. ... llutbud. . . . DEAR ANN LANDERs: Today ii mjl birthday. I'm alone.' My love just plloned to say his wife is Ill and. be can't leave her. This isn't the tint time he ilas cancelled pla111 11 the iut minute. Of course there'a nothin& I can 111 <rdo. . . My Mllhip .. ...-11111111 "1 Ille la llere. • I'm 8'hamed . lo ' loll JOU how !orig r.. been living 1llro 11111. 1 'U JUI\ lip off with a •aminl ,lo other ~ .. ,..i fools who lhink thi roll ol ,the .OllJI\' , 'W-ii •ldllna llld ·11.-1t'1 a lousy IHe IJld I 1-iy ooe. The road ii 1 rough one and it·lead1 nowhere. I've wasted my youth ucl' I have no lutwo. -TEARS IN THE PILLOW DEAR TEARI: v-111t111p 11 plala, I..,. IM eudldalel rad'°" loud ... dur.. " .. • ' , ' '~ '• - • ' I .. .... \ • . . DAILY PILOT • , • Your Horoscope Tomorrow ~ 1· • • • • • ,, • .. Pisces: Surprise Trip Ah·ea·d • • • .. ~ • . • • . • • : • • • . . ' . . . ct .• " • SATURD,t.Y JUNE 27 By SYDNEY OMARR TEEN DATING HINTS' Persoullty kkt 11 Taunu, wbJle Scorpio Is coaefl'bed with permanency of relatlon- lbfp. Key to f1llo on date lonlfbl ii ·1ndoa11te1s. Some exhibit liabbont attitude. If yoa wanl to win popalll'Uy coatesl, make illteW1ent coece1sioa1. Blind date sttml oa 11eada for Gemini, while Aries gets stuck wldl cbeck. Romance could btos•m ror Caprteom, whlle Cancer flDds new friend• stimulatiag. WES (March 21-April 19): · By tonight yw get financial matters on even k e e I • PurchaSe of flowers, olher gift could be move that Insures fine evening. There appears to be a' valid reason for celebrating. · '- TAURUS (April 20-May llll): Mystery clouds are bktwn away. You see more clearly. Path is outlined. You know where to go, what to do. But you must be a self·starler. Take initiative. GEMINI (May 2t·June 20): By tonight, you know where you stand in romanUc arta . You also will know whether or not promotion you seek will become a reality. Day to perceive truth -and accept truth. CANCER (June 21.July 22:): You can gain added recogni· lion. Key is to flnlsh, complete project -then advertlte it. Means let others know where . . various possibilities. Be flex-You for arented. But you find To llnd ouh \llt!o'1 li.ock~ tor ,..., r In money and 11¥1, wHr 1111MV it almOlt impossible to AY C1Mrr'• '**"'· "Slu.t HllN w ible. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. ll)' Ue• low; do plenty of listening oblervlng. Take apecial cara Jn connection with contracts, agnements. Glve thoqht to how you cin put acrou pri>- B J •· much pressure Moll 1nc1 WamH." s.n11 blr111dlNI r.o. Y llv • •lld so cents 10 Om••j Alh'olot• is Wted and Ufe takes on *'"'· ""DAILY PILO ' hit u-. a brl•hter lloW. Gri nd C@fllttl St1tlon. Hew !Ywk. • H.Y. 10011. Free Estimates gram. RE·UPHOLST-ER SAGITrARIUS (Nqv. D· C-Jt'eU! Selttflett at· Dec. ll): Tonight empbaais I is on health. how to overt0me F••rlea •el11tll119: tens1e.,.. c o • w o , t e., or . Linens 1nd Velvets associate has been acting Jn manner which disturbs you. Matffr C:r•htrnan Alw.1y1 Diplomatic approach ls best; At be moderate. C""'KO. SK'I CAPRICORN (Dec:. 22-Jan. Ai I 19): G~ lunar aspect tonight 1sv.KOs.icev1 1131 N!Wl'OIT ILY COSTA MUA CM•r K1*'1 coincides with roman ce, n,.-. 1•~• creative ebility. You are abie: Phoae _..... ....- to give and . receive affection. Adjustment, in home situation proves construct.Ive .. AQUARIUB ,(Jan. 20-Feb: 11): Obtain •' hint from C.prtcera message. S e t i I e domestic differences. Qulet talk and will;ingness to, make conctsStons pina major Point. family member needs boost Jn morale. Try to provide it. PISCES (Feb. !JI.March llll): Surprise trip may be on agen- da. One who baa c:orresponded with you insists oD ptf'I01l81 contict . This could be"to your advantage. You aet needed support. IF TODAY IS 'l'JiUR BIR111DAY you attract people to you with their pp:lbltms. Many take advantqe and take • e11y.C1re active Wt•r for min and !.oys to be at •.1se i1 to dress ~•11li11t1trict,il • t1111!1r ch•1"11• • Tennis Instruction 7 fedil•• i1l1H, ntwport lt11ch '44-1070 Dolls Displayed by Coast Delegates Displaying the handmade dolls they exhlbitid during (!ell) and Mrs. Antllony Gajewski, pat presidents of Las Brizas de! Mar AlWllaJy of Fountain Valley. )'ou stand -where you intend Unique Guaranteed to go. " Method • a statewide meeting of Cblldren's Home Society members in Los Angel,_ are Mrs .. James Ackley LEO (July 23-Aq. 22)' 645-1907 642-0954 Perfonnance counts; you are 11=~;,;;,~°'==,,;;:~~~!i!:==================~ asked to live up to advanced 1~ : . • • • ' . • , ' • • ·. ' ' ·. , • -:· ;: ~ ·: .. .. .. • . • f JUDY PRICE Augu1t Bride T exes Rites- 1 n Offing News ol the IOi'll!<omlnc maniale ol Judy Price of lloc:kw.U, Tex .. and Cary Lee Gr!ff111 <i Newport Beadl and Glendale hu been an- nounced by Mr. and Mra. W. J. Price ol Rockw.U, porents ol the bridMlect. Miss Price, a graduate of lloc:kwall llJih School, earned her AA degree from Stephens College and her BS degree In oecondary educatlo!t from T .... Technological lnstltulc, Lubbock. She is a teacher in IAredo, To:. Her filnct, eon of Mr. and Mrs. •C. Art Griffm of Glen- dale and Newport Beach, at- tended the University ol MillllOllri and re«ived his BA degree In Enalloll from UCLA. They will eacbanie plqes Aq. D In Rockwa!L Facts Told By Doctor . ·Gavel .. Change.s Hands New Duties Outlined For Slate billing. There is s o m e pressure. But you are capable. Know this -act accordingly . VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22); Tonight you may find it dif • ficult to get factual in- formation. There is a tendency on part (If many to fantasize and idealize. Your task is to sift through and get at truth. For ·r own and . Gown - The Town and Gown Junior Auxiliary of Orange County of the University of Southern California, ha.s installed Mrs. Edward Brufllleau or Costa Mesa u presid~l for the ensuinc &Inn. The year-old organization 1\lo wilf;, be served by the Mmes. ~ •'illlam Hazewinkel, vice pr-nl; John !Jibtfoo~ c o r r e,_.,mtng aecretary: Rlchard' B e r t e a , l'!COrding · secretary, and James McCun- nlff. tnuunr. More · are the MMes. MlchaeJ 91bb: way1 a n d means; Rk:bard · I n.11 e, · scholanhip;·Edward Halligan, hospltaltY; J ... ph Roee, Los Angeles Uason ; Rando J f Parker, meeting; Rob er t Brownsberger, new mem· berahlp; Richard Ramella, membership; J.ames Tyler, progrim; Paul HJdley, social; Oby · Woods, parllamentarian, and Philip Aruihutz, hlstorlan. The Orange County chapter was founded to assist the Los Angeles group In fund-raising eventl. Each year, Town and Gown Junior Auxiliary awardl scholars!Ups to senior women. PRESIDENT Mrs. Brumleu New officers and n e vr members took the spotlight when A1ta Bahia Committee of the Orana:e C o u n t y Philharmonic Societf ·met to welcome both. LeadlnC Ille .,,,.p for the comiD& yar will be Mrs. John W: Doaakla, c ba I rm an, assisted by Ille Mmes. John Croul, vice dlalnnan; L. W • Jeab, ftCOrdlng 110CTetary; Richard Franklin, cor· respoodlng aecretary a n d m~ chairman; David Chamben trulµrer, a n d WiQiam M. Laing, parliamen- tarian. UBRA (Sept. 13-0ct. 22): Some money -factors require more detailed examination. Be sure you are obtaining your rights. Don't give u p something for riothing. Check Scouting · Gets Boost Underprivlieged girls will benefit from a $2,000 grat given the Girl Scoot Council or Orange Coonty by the Seara Roebuck Foundation. Deadline Approaches For Freedom Awards ·Chairmen are the Mmes. Paul Queyrel, ways an d ineans; Leonard Hall, publici· ty; LuiJ Luo, previews; Htnnan J ohnlon, continuance fund; William Heidemann, telephone and Raymond C. Dost.a and E. Morgan Quinn. programs. New members are the Mmes. Jenks, Robert L. Wolf, Hall and Marlin Sheely. The ·grant will be uJed to strengthen the pJ'Olram in areas where famlllu mi&ht be unable to ·afford participa- tion for their daughters, e1- plained D. A. Primrose, roJllonal dlroct« of southern California foi' tbe foundaUon. ·Accepting the check for the council were Mn:. John M. Owen, president, and Mn. Franc:e.s W h l ti s , execuUve director. The funds will provide 20 new &rOQDS with proaram IU.l>- plles. A Tuesday, June 30, deadline hu been set for the Freedom FounclaUon's annual school awards program, accord ing to Mrs. Louis L. CUrlls, president of Orange County Women's Ollpter of Freedoms Foun· elation at VaUey Forge. The school awards program Is designed. to -recognize the clllzenship-bulldlng efforts of public, paroc:hial and private schools, both in and out of the classroom. Awards also are made to school papers for edilorla b Rebekah Lodge and lo educators for building RIUPHOUTERY intelllgent, capable a n d •t Fect92 1'1"1Cft Direct patriotic citizens. The awards FREE tSTIMA TES include the Valley Forge Furniture Made To Order Te ache rs' Medal, the With "Quality WorkmaMhlp" Schootmen Medal and the: Stop By and Stt Our Showroom American Educators Medal. CASTLE INTERIOR A national awards program 7141 CN1t1Mn, .. ,...,. Gr... will honor patriotic strides lnJ~~~Ca~ll Celtect-192-12'# tlayt ., M7e7 the areas of advertising, I· editorials, magazine an d newspaper arUcles, radio and television programs, essays, publle-.tdresses and other ac· tivities. All award · selections are determined by a jury of 30 state Supreme Court jurists and national executives of p1trkltlc, s er vi c e and • • An established surgeon will Triple Link Club or li-!esa veterans' orpni.zaUons. be the guest speaker at the Rebekah Lodge has meetings Nomination forms a n d 2 to 4 p.m. meeting on Sunday, . ~ £ow:th P.1onday~ at 8 p.m. further information may be Jime 28, or the Ostomy Club in various locations. Mrs. obtained by contacting "frs. of Orange County. Douglas Morgan. at 548-1938 Robert O. ·Peterson of Santa '· ' • • • • •• may be called lor additional Ana, awards Ch a Ir m a n , Dr:-Joseph ·L. Keating of in!onDaU;on. --Oranp eoonty-'Chaptef.'·-· Long Beaoh will dlscun How 'iiiiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiO..,iiiOi;iii.;,iiiOiiiOi;,;;;;;;;;;iiii;i;;;;;;~ ' . • • • • to Uve with Your Cok>stomyll and Like lt In the communit1 room or Belmont Savina• Bank. Seal Beoch. • • , , , , • ' . I +.,....-.-fello-w-or-tht--Amertcan Colle" or Suraeora and a diplon11te or the American lloanf of Surgery. Dr. KeollnC ls oa the staffs of St. Mary11 and Conummily hoopllall " 1-Beach. He bu been on the staff at Hope Medl<ll Center for nJne years. ' ' ' ' ' .. ' • . . A C'Offee period. will follow. Who C.res7 ... ...... .. ... ,.'", 111 .... .,.,.W '''" 1kri ye11r ~'"""'"" .... Ii~. , • ., IHlllRllllit• dilly Mwt,apw 411f. It'• tk DAILY PILOT. ' . SUMMER PANTS ro.N A-ITT A SA L'E! 3 DAYS 0 NL Y Next Mond1y·Tuead1yeWedn11a1y WESTCLIFF PLAZA ONLY oPEN SUNDAY 12·5. fr1nehh• Dealer ftr YAMAHA KIMBALL KOHW & CAMPBILL • OPEN DAILY 'l0-10; SUN. 10-7 Friday AndS.attlrday,june 26,27 --............ cl• --- ' Krxkl® •lfli Collon! RELAX IN A COOL ROBE Rq. 3.75 lo 3.96 -2 "4ys 88 Wb'en you see these e-.eniag robes )'Ou.11 find. that nen the .price is relu~ iaa! Select print or solid hue Kodel®· polyatft and cottOa robes during this· sale. Also Jo-.ely paltels that offer a choice.of lacy or applique trj111_splu1 eJabonsi imbtoiileiy. 10-18. . -- """""'I"" 0 KPDEL ......... --~==.:---.....,_ .. _ --- - • E . - ...._ . -·~-----.... ...;...-.... ---.... --- --. --~,----,,----I . -· -- • t Fo1111~i11 ¥-alley ,. ' · . •EDllfOlt ~odllY'• PIMi .r .~N.Y. Steelul • ' *· -' . VOL. 63, NO. 152, 4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ORANGE COUNrY, CALIFORNIA ·-' ~ . TEN 'CENTS ----,,..------------------------'--'------..:;..--.,.......,..--...,...------,...-..l-..,,.,-,,--"!'""';-.,.""'"..:---.---.l. ... , ••. -----'--'-.. _I -~ _i' ' ... ·~~ Civic Center Costs ·GQiyg ... ;. .:~'.~:'.: ..... • • -·. ... ~· .. • > ••• 1 ' -"'.-\~' ;. .... ' . . Ci~y officiala have revealed ·that tht mate ot ti ~lllion for the complei was just f~ c;o~tion a,nd did , not i~clude furniJbinp, wti!cb were part of 'Uie rt- geeted .for tt art Included: Tbb -. ,., .._ .......... aa:.-~1$11'." CaoJ> ~ail lhol K i ~ •1 down will be liven Wilen the -'~~-· ~ wdl flho to W!llP fllo -iltll. IJ --'Wilb 1111 •'"•ircMpu, :Milli·on · -. ·--. ,• ' .. I ' .. -' . 'of priori tie's.' shooid • be set, u~ •:Coen added. ·: I j t ~ cost '.for the new Huntington Beach civic center may be S2 million mOre than the origi'nal estimate!. ~ • viied• estimate. , -,._, the -lllol JllD bl,..,..... . '-"'-. ""1r ' ' ' plans &l'!I 111bmiUed in ..., S?Jlttaher • ..: ' the aoUnc1I .. ·~ the W "tir> ~the ~~?ill·.be ~ -~~ De.elopll!enl Coor<ijnator Tom Severns ·explore the -UOHty" 1 joint~ Wha\ lbi>lild•be cul and.what retaiMif. - stressed today that he e.ipects the II mil-a.,..,...t with uother_ pobllc agency .. ~-~ obse"ed .u.t 'Dion'~- s. .. rns pqilited' ·oiit Uiar the .Dtiraey cootract f~es !1te Pitci' at tli·l' niillion "but 11!•.ny ·of the Ideal lll(l'eiled _woold ' Offici8ts disclosed Thursday at a meet- ing with the architect Kurt Meyer 'and ~wo councilmen that the total cost may bcf frOinr ·fl.5 million -to sa·1Jlillion.. . 'Assistant :.\dministiator· Blander Ca• tie and Finance: Director Ben Arguello pointed ''l"t· !\Ow'•·~· that the lint esti· Tbe ·~mptex,.t.o be locaited ·on a site at Mans.ion and Main streets opposite Huntington. Beach High School, includes a nv~story , city hall and.' an a4joining . .poliC< bulh!ina-Me)ter Was 'instructed to supply the city with a comple"te breakdown oo w_hat the coml)les would cfJltt ii all ideas sug- , -" .. lion figure lo be-cut-down:--. to •finance_l.he center. U U.. effort.a are ·would probabJy have fnOi'e delanlcreoell "That'.s the top figure 'l(ith.all. the.ideas uaSu.~~ the city ~~ JonD . a . DDlkr 1q{I -~ ~al. library a~aili~e', in Sep- 1hi;9wn_ ~." be said:_ !'~'m . sure that pl'Ofi(~ataia. to ilsue~;Jor .. u;, .. lllhbei';, -S • , -. -~ .... ; • there'll De wme brainstorming sessions cnmptu.. -i ,... ' ·'' ·... , ''Theie· breakdQwns' will hilp·1.t:~es.i0; to · pull this back niarer the $6 million -~n'·Al 'Coen •lrkl 'Ted 'Blnlttf ··-Wlietner tht facililiU inouW be-~ estimate'." -attelldid Thuroila)''• brlOfln(. • ' ' • • aa a tOtel packap 0.. irl[ether II! lll'd!I' --· . ~ , -' take the . liiufe hlghilr. · • - hWe are still in a coocipt 'ita&e.." be said. "Tile . asoojzing· hl1. Yet-10' belin." .~·Other facilities ·planned izu the civic improvi!menjs progr8m ~ 1 ~a: ·lion' yard' and:JDOl'e ·11ro -·" ' -.. ~+· -N:ixon ..... Bacli Home ' . ! Pre.sident Raps A tmospher~ iu_Capital2 By RICHARD P. NALL Of .. O.llf ,llet Stiff "o0 Satu1rday I'm attending my niece's wedding," the' President said cheerily. ~ Touchdown of Afr Force One on the -hot ·EJ Toro landing . strip was routine ThUrSday but President N.ixon paused before flying on to San Clemente_ lo give newsmen his views on topics ranging from the weather to "intelllectual incest" in Washington. "I'm alwasy glad to get back to Beach Girl's -. Kidnaper Gets Tenn in Prisob A man wheee kidnapjn& oi 1 Hllll' tingtan Beach teenager ,,.. baited - Cilifornia . ,,. particularly on . sui;h a beautiful , day," said the .President. "When .. I he&rd-the ·tempera\ure was 103 . deirees· ,here, I felt ·that was a little warpl ,but you know we have dry heat in .California." Queried ·about S e,n a't·O r Mike .Mansfield's rem~rks about the economy, Mr .. Nixon said, "I never comment Oi1 !ft'hat the Se,1ate says or what individual candidates say. "Sometimes J th.ink they (the Senate) should do what ,lhe House (of Represen- tatives), does. They should get out in the country-and ~ what the C9Ufltn is thinking. -He said the Senate· would have been interested in his reception ~m St. Louis. He referred t.o the thunderous response of~about 12.,000 Jayqes 'fl'ho applauded his 28-minute talk there loudly about once every minute. "I have always found that In !See j ON, Pap I) N. Viets .List . . ' 334 U.S. POW$ Fof'. I·~t 'Tjnje: ~~ • 1 • ~- IjEW YORK (.UPI~ -,T bt e.t , '- . A~ill wflD •ltlild. ~ ti lrt•ite ·1 •· her abductor drove .the ICreaming hysterical girl past a sheriff'• patrol ' ,t car was sentenced Tburaclay to I to ' , lndi•lduall r<port.id -~y '·t11af. ,llorlh __:_:_+..:..;,.,.:,., .;_.,...;-;..,...~v.F. . .;:,:E'S" VietnaD)~ government,, olflciah ~ • -: ·' • ·1 · . 1 • '' · "1: ~· · ~ ~ 2r'!~ ~~,~~.~~.= No ·"'"me4y,)'e~: . ·.··~ ·:... .1 . • . 2a years in state prison. \ Superior Couri JIKlg~ James F. Juct,e f ordered that term for Ji>hn Warren Hag.idorn, 26, of Anaheim the man who · grabbed his attractive Victim at ~a IOft drink counter in Costa Mesa bundled her into her car and . headed for Corona with the promise that" be would rape her when they got there. The ta.year-old &irl told officers that f.tie' 1peeding car swerved froin side' lo side as she struggled with Hagadorn and that he reportedly grabbed her by the h'air and bounced her back onlo the car seat as they beaded for Riverside County. They we're just beyond the county line when the car and his screaming, waving carao· was spotted by Riverside sheriff's depUlt ... Officers said Hagadorn ·obediently pull- ed over and allowed· them to fiee his Victlm -without further incident. 1'ley said he told them he had just taken ·two morphine · capsules and needed the girl's car lo get hiin to a· ftiend's home in Corona. Officers sa id Hagadom's' behavior· .11t 1/le time of the arrest indicated that he 'f3S under the influ_ence of drugs at the time or the kidnaping .. -:---1-eenager-s-Facing Shots for Rabie~ ... K.Y Ptun' ..... ""'91: -----,, ' .tWITCHES BOSSES 'Huntington &..ch'• hck New Huntington City H'all Face Not _ Really Ne~ .group and Stated that it•WIS CCIDplek. 1 , • r , • ; l .. • It was the first reported Nortb V.iet,. c -, , 'E J ;,... I. . r F . ~;m~: ~:,: ~ ~;:wn,.: ' olin_ ty' .' : .-· eitctw1ti orC,e . families ·of servtcer:nen det'.itned in North · • ' ,. • , ·--, Vietnam, which ii headed by Mrs. Cora · ' · 1 • • ' • • , , • ~=~~ef:;:u .. ~~·~ su· 1.f.:nrs .. ;1lhird Failure · prisoners before December.· t•, lo .,;.. , 1 • Hanoi rfor Verification last April ' but ... , . • .. · .,· ~~~ ~·, .. · .. _' ,.., . " • · • . - : it met with silence.. . · · ' • , • Confirmation of the lilt was ~ed 'By 'JAtK BROBlCX ' . \ ~ ·' .!~t wPrhe~rettylt wal af,ter , the --c~~c. '"'t"''' 1 ; , 'Of ... .....,,..-....... ,\ .' 'I I ..,une · ~ by aspokesmanfor'KennethKlrkPltiick _ ·v·-:-;-~... •' ·~.--. ···ro ·-· -• of the American Frtends ServtOe ,Com--"Frusti:aLion" .ist, • ~ , ;"'Qrd for 1\tlt' ' Vite! from .that 'fluco, .J.ere ft>t• com. mittee, Seattle: Prof. Mark S. Patshnt Oran~' County, 1Voting Syatems . 'I'.-&sk · pl~tely c0unted fo~1~t·tWo,weeks.~-.{ of Harv11trd Ur;Uvel'fily, .~·Prof. Sibert Force.' · · • · t ' .. '. 1 1 The voting syste"'5"rrouP.·d~ided JUDe W. Pfeiffl!r of the Univets{ty,of Mobtana, Th,e .-IO..m_ em'1<", .Jr~p; ~th lhret ~.~·to l r~t 1.000 .·.AuloJnaUc ,Vo l.i'I! g- who were in Hanol 'e8rUer ws-inonth. , Machines (A\IM) to cover half qf ~ ~ sppkesmen said the travell,er, sr were •bsent,. ~ 'Illurada~ for the tb{rd tb'ne'. ~~tyis ·~S/ But this ~n was told all the men were safe alKI would in an attempt to remedy the cOunty:s, rescinded a week later beca~.1of CSIO.O: be repatriated •when . the, war is ailing vot:e counUng rsyttem. -, . fusien ever,what·reaHy.bad.bee(I vokd:- terminated. The -result 1was ·the · same' Iii' before~ Ch'afnnan Cecil' Marn, fl'ustra'ted1· bY They failtd. · 1 · the tum of-; eveutl,4 call(d .. ,another Infonnation available ·in ·wuruncion The · lrbu)> • f!i-St vote<I T1iW'lday' to meeUng' for,_nelt Thurlday ·at ·3 ~:1e11.rri. indicated that the Department ol retcind its decision of a wee ti .8"go "-to at -which ·time it. is· hoped'~ problem 'Deferise•s · Jist or ·1cno1rn ... ptil!JnUs of acc~pt tree uSt of ~ _ShOuy vOtit'& Can tlnally 'de resolved. ·-_,, 1 By ALAN DIRKIN war is con~i<ierably li,tser. than that maChlrn!s' •for ·' t~ No.v~mbei' '~ntral , ·County Cl.erk Willit1m St ·John,• re\µrn- of tlie' °"" 'JJtt f'8ff verified bY 'Hanoi. EJectioi1. Tpat would ha,ve beCri sufnCiefit ing fronl a vacation during wflicb ~ ' Hanoi stressed that the wives of miss-to coVer on!)' 10 percent 'o[ the cqunty's seid h~ had been·ill with .a.fin~ infection, There'll be a new face in Huntington Ing_ U.S .. servi~emen should des'ist from · 1,022 prec1nts. ' · • •. , _' · . Pleaded with lhe group Thurlday tor: Beach. City Hall next Week.~Jt will be traveling to Paris, Loas and other points And before the task ferOe could .vote "some-sort of1actien." -. · ,r -· • lhe· round, smiling countenance of where North Vietnamese have repreten· on ;a , new niotibn ·to ' lease 40 :<;li1:\ic • , -r.• 'force .. 11\erilber~ at ,fir'ltJ ~ William Back who wiil be the city 's latives-t.o learn of their ~nds' fate ,papet baUot· couatint machlnea •to;cove'l" , lnclin'ed to get someU\ing done but the ~conomic development director. because all captured Amencans ac-40 percent ·of1ille county,two members usual confusion followed. . ___ , ed to counted for were on the Ultr the wllkH out 1·nmg: tbe •gtoup, without After rescinding the Shoup ·offer, ~k .....Back kis.J:e..lllY. bejng...Jrllu:ilerr _,__________spokesman. oilid. --L ----T---a--quonrm~anc:rpowerlfsrlirmura----rorce-mernber WW-Lindlly-a-FulJerton the"city from the.Chamber of Commerce. Apparently this did not take lnlo.1c-fhiil.C:leclsM>n~· ' -· • · 1 • eipieer, moved to-ie.,.' J;GOD ,AVM He ·bas blen dOing \he .same work under count soldiers Who have been. captured ThuridaY.;s· acuim. mllr~1tlfe lecon(f machiW as St JOhn had· Originally 1u1· a 119,800 citv cootract with the chamber oince April 7. Tl)e spokesman sajd HlllOi t-tiJpe, 1/1•'. grotiP,}iu ~~ 111e!f ind g._ied.'llfl<r the ~~_.,ffil - " Acti()n DeLiyed . . . -' ,• ' On . Standard · Oil · A"request ·or·stanaard ·OirCompony of California to diiU a new Well, Ott tJJe ·Or8nge C:Oui Mer ~I ~ ... been delayed one week· bY· tfie state Landt Commission, according to State Etnanc;e Dil'ectqr Verne OrJ;\8 member Of.the ~R'!IS~on. • . . : . . Verne asked tor the delay or a well which wi>uld I>!' drilled.on Island ·ui.. a one-acre llland 'IOcaled a mlle".and • half' off ihe co8st 'where Siandanl ~ c~"'1~Y ~atiug.72 wells., , . l1ie ,cqmplLSSIOMJ' r-Wll mt )lrelent ~t !be Maj(· meeting 1wbm tbe ,_t was first· conllClered and. ·asted· ff:ll' a ~elay i!l ·tberd~iaitJn. . ·. · . It ap(>ro•ed, the ''"JI· ,...id 11e,,111e lint drillOd•infCaJ!(or'iila tidelands llnco Uie' coi;nmi~on; '1qpped1 all• new· uffBbon: drilling operatioutiD Februiry,1t•.< ' . ' ' • I ' ' .,., . -·,' . ' U.S.-Diplom~t N~in'ed I -.• , • .WASHINGTON (UPI) -Ro·be.rt McClintoc~ .. a. vetera,n of ·natty 40 years in the U.S. 'Foreign, SerVice, wu con- ' flrnoed ·WdaY by.the,Senale>U tbe1 U.S. • ambuledor lo· Venezuela. McClil)tA>c:k. 80, ..,; -native· of the ttate :ot WlllJiriltOn, ·was nominated April · 2. ·-ne Poit in Car.aca's·-has been·v~cant about 11 'jur.., f ' ti.;._;/.. · " (See POW1,_,Pqe. I) left the , counij.1 •IOclloM ~I cfled for lac:k of a. -, , , I or: ... _.,._ • ' -•·t ·~ '. . ,,, • Pam Jackson , 18, Or HunUngttln Beach, RecenUy the 1m11nri1 voted lo terminate : ."! • r • , "' ~ may.have to-ta>ie a series qf anti-rabies "'"T··-• • · • -' · '' ' ·' ' ' -' ~ t ' orange ::::~~:~~:-:w~:a:E= ~~~r~~r:~:::.~;1 · ff .. arhour Srii:etling .. : N'iee. :r~·:, Mi~.. Jac•--n, or 1-Shangri· , _ Miller 9icktd fw the job. The council _ ~ . . r , . , 1 / . 1 ~ . ...-. !\:)\/ -· ~ was advised of the appointment al an ·• · • • • • , · , • • • • ,1, • . , . La'ne, said the beiae dog, about 18 i_nches ' • , <:Na . / ..... h" executive RSS1ofi. • 1 • • . • • , • , • 1 • .+ 1 • • .. ': u ieatll-• i ..,.15 and 10 inc es tall, nipped her in 1 'lfY .,. :!;.:l:'e":~~-area -".~ii· slie was ~•d<d ik;1~:;)e ~~.~~.:·::o~~,~~~~~?. . Sanitary i D"istr'ii:t 'Sa ·ys Set.W,ge· Qdnrs. ~. '• .~. : lt'll eool off (to-abenMO ~) An)'One wilh knowledle of the pup, Blcl:1 a middle-aged and dapPer figur~, i • · • ' ' '. ~ ... · 1 • ' " r· ' · '·· along the coast tfilil: wffkend whlle tagless and last seen 00 Olive Avenue commented this morning. • By· TERRY COVIU..E 1 1keep1 cOmmc ~10 ·rafldWockl,"' BdeenJWi. 1 ,:•if-. their · Oow,#o,f . .,,rflii 1i·N~bisblr the ·inland ' lolk will aft1ter 'under· hltween Seventh and El~ Streets, may Back. wtn be .worki~g uncler _the city's °',... o.., .._...., i .adiled.l • ' • . ' ' . . '~ ·': . '.than ~oriliofl...,W*J*Mld ..... : ; 111>-degree temperaturel',,eille~lllt- ..U her at ID-1511, to help· pre..nt publlr information officer, Wllliain.Ree!f. .ff8'e the foul ..,..., in HuntmP>n ' Tha\ to!•liol\. involves •. bclOkliW· "P' lb< .caot,of .... ge;~r111Wti <Ju~11(" '11Y skies P"''lil tbi-Oli&bouL" • - tm Roed said that Beck will ...,.k on Harbour~ cl··~ up,_ ~·.......,t •illiJ-11(-lo\dfy~n:..:. ' '· ,-_,. · · ·· ... · ~t " · • · ' -'-0 •-· '· _ _,,.,..__.,_.,.,...en1s.....__~....:..---~•lndUtriol-~«"toe el!Y-ilHnnch · '~-• ., -·......,. <1111f'tllo1,.... ,_W.e.iwniliinl·~. , , · \o'i' .~ -< = ...._.iill ·~...-;;:-'!<--; the same way u he did with the llfad>,Sanl~~! • 1 ..w.,.tilr~"'''"'"'~····:· ;_'.·,, """1Jier.~·1oi ~..:llil·1~~'"'~ ;IN3..,r.,1~ · • <'-. chamber. Ollcepl' that by working out · "Mhtnt .,,• IUcllard 'lfFrilol.~· ~-idiij ........ ,.-µ-.~ , lllm:"~it;nl ''4if. ,,_,, '"!!.',; . :•,: ,.,; ~-badc1Dar<I glanM'-ol a NV "of~ city he 'fill:~ able lo-speecj , I« 'tf ..0 ~· Ul!l'..11111.'~ )llljllt-....,..;-oit•iffi!r.inte ·'<II-·~-~ .. ~""'1111>t=l;" ~ productiv< liv<'theai.r-Signups Sia~ For Yoga Oass Signups art now open (or the Hun- tington Beach YMCA Hatha Yot• class whlCh starts July-13. Madeline Nelson will teach the ·classes .. pbfsical fitness, wei&ht cObtrol, emo- llooal truqullllf Ind menial peace, Cla"" wtl 1" limited. For further Wonnatim contact. Patti Cid, program --· YMCA, 17131 Beadl Blvd., ·~111-. ·1 ~ developer~ the, ~.Pl'Ot ; KW.i(e,-lllng Ill elltlrelf lllW ~ .otibe:CUltriat'I~ 1.,;' "i. ;1 '." • f~-· ,~.1~"~."~'. !-I '1~Son 'along th.e 0ranOe·Coart'U • ~ ....e.1n"Clty ·HaD. · a\ our Wimer Avenue' pf"1( imldi,i.. "!Ml orlllnil -Mlbt.ls'liMerhan-_. • "~ llPl 'l'ltll!''r~. . ~.;taken by . ent<rtoiRmnt editor "We have 1111' -d lettln1 go cleared the a~." -· ,-. ..Wqe!alll-.-llDW<aP!IUrl' •,~ to -~ -.. 'bWd'J 'C; "7'om Tilf<I in his lnkrnalulon of the devtloper'1 band once be gets But the Calfomia RQlonal Water climc:t," Ray Plcard,.ltunlfnllooi-·~ :~"llf~'I ~•·" · ::,:1 · I · todo '·we knid t.o City Hall," said Reed. "Back will Quality control Board, W'li!m orcttred .,,,. Chtef andt ritiQUitar 'fOl'+IUle 1Cl\y, . "J/e'~:."11~ ·!Stlflr ..withr 1fmn-·• ~1.umn 111 us ' ff', be able to. cul much of the red tape , the dlabict to stop the foul odol"I seVtral -.S1id1~ "'If' their flow · rate ' ta ldlher• ll ' Unaton Beleh. -1 .tht·•Jbir ra;· ), ~'" " ~ • w;n for--a _developer and-argue his case monthl_llgo, dtsa~ -~ht metn a whelerM'W ~4 tWe • Ja,iull;a.111;M-~ 11it~b:-'i ~ • c;.ri: H·t~ ~'t:'..~ • .: before the zoning and planning com~ .::..Welhlnkthey~vebeen'tftOVi111 .. a-"lil1'e. "g\i.kliowby.Jalp.Ji';!~.i.~~d. .• ;, r, ~un ~-=.Wtilid ,. '· c• _.:_~-=~l'r::IZ ,,_J mi!!Sions." . Loo slowly," Richard A. Bueirma. u • j ~.. ~~C!'Wtnilly arawn....,tai0a ;qot. -,UJi ·~ ... ~.;. ...,.O'.Cfl I s•,•:ift ~ It Reed said the city does not expect ecutive director of the •n,ter board,· _..&o'_~.t~•ni&aUon ~' ~J.~i~ ~ +· to ffun. =::''''' 11,1f :~:M:irtt•lt ¥:_;~ _ to spend the $1t,too budgeted fOr the said today, "So the m¥tr bu.'bee'n fr ft.~llt,a.' M'oMol that '~ wtglol)ft Be&CfJ _-l>ut limply to. stop ~l«·• 14 T·u·~" .. ., po!ition. turned over, to the ttate •'--· -• would . be. P,8Jd br the sanlta17 dln..c..t ~ 1odon•Hll'U1C',on Rartlour raidenll ~ "'"""' • u r ,.i•:.-r • f I -'"":I_.,,,..,.,. ~·"• .J.t-..i -... ....... t ¥itir-tll'1 N:;!'"' •>I• "There'll be no extra expense for or egal action. 0 for the .. ._ hookup and the felt ~.,.,..-1.-... • ' • . • ' fMr:N'I• LICflwt • ~i"' :.'"' .., ,_tarlal seM1lceo and there'll be ao ,"'.Ibey aeem to be wonmc.., t tolutlan .for Ille _m.pr.._( -., ....... ·ii , He .llld the ait«pey -al wlD "'--1 :-· -~ ""' -for aftke opoee," lie uplalned. with tflo c11J ii R•...,.. lludl, l!ul -lo the city. '. • "-, ·~lo oee U lhl\ .... ....,...._, ; , t . ' I -------~ --~---~~~'-~~~~-''"--~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~.=.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I u • I DAIL y PILQT H ' . Surf ers :Set - -I -, For Contest In Bea~h ·." . - t 'Surfers from acrou iht United Statet will be pointin& their ·bOardl toward Huntingioil BeaQt tl'lis.yea,r. ' The 12th IMUal United s l a t e I Surtboard • Championship will-bo con-' ~ . . . ttltfd in the city'i Cruhina wavea from Sept. IS.Ill. • More than 450 contestants, including some from fofeign countries, are ex- pected, to Compete and some 150,CMXI personl!i ' are expected to line the municipal pier and beach lo watcll the test of llllflnl, slillls. , Norman Worthy, director of 'the Parks and Recreation Departriient, has been deoiinli.ct -..1 :c11..-.. ror' t11< 1rio version bf th~-naUonal event. ' - -Entry 'intbrmation will be available -ithln tbe next few weeb, Worthy aaid. The ' event · .will be albctloned bf the Western· SurfinC Auociation and will be invltat.i0fl'1. An 1dded feature for this year's contest will be lropbles apedally daalped for lbe contelt. ' 'Ille tn>pb1eo will be a llcUlptUre in bronze ·or~. mrfer on a · ,,.ave for the top Winnen rlther than the uaal type Of commerclll trophy. The eRnt be&il'll on Frldty with the traditional lllriin& luau for contestants and backers of the aurflng contest. ComJ>e!_illon will beti'n earlY: Saturday morning 1tlth the eliminltlona ind end Sunday with finall and awardi · to win-. nen:. • Featured ·Sunday will be tandem-surf· Ing an . the lradittoqally hup llltf et Huntlnaton llld dory recea -..I the tity pl ... ··. • j ' ..,.,.. .. r .. e1 · NIXON.•. Washi.,ton we tencl lo leld very i>olai.d -lives." ,the Prtsident •aid. "We read newspapers·, look It televW.on and talk to each other. . "There i1 a JOrt of intellectual incest which rellly reduces the level of the ~loJue and you have ' to So to ttie ~ Dow -and then to pt a real feeUn1 of what people are thlnkin&- "Wf.!blngton is part of i'tbe country l/ut tt la not all of Ill< counlrY 1nymore 1han any cipitol iJ aU.ol ljle countrY." The' 'Prelldent had1 a 'phig f0r_1 _Sen. Getirge Murphy (R.Cal\f), who accom· panied l>IIn c•llilli .him ::my .~'~' my toad friend?' " ~ · Referring to Murphy's uncoming cam- rpai11:n aRainst -Rep. .John Tunney (~ tCalif.), the President said. "He's eager ttor the battle, 1 think California should fgive him a vote ol confidence." E Some of ·the hll!Jllght. of !he resident's Plans while in San Cl~mente elude : . • -Attendance Saturday morning -at the !NewJX>rt Beach weQding of his niece, ~wrene Mae N~on, 2&, school teacher ~nd daughter ol the President's brother, J>onald. i" -A conference Monday with Secretary f>f State. Rogers be.fore . Rogers leaves f or -Asia and England to · meet with · liew leaders. t I iArt Contest Set .. ! . . ' ' ' . ' ~n Huntington · ' Otlldren in Huntington Beach havt encouraged 'to 'join in the Hunting~ Beach Public Library Fitle Arts Con. by librarian assistMt Patricia Bush. Entrie_s in story writi,ng; poetry, paint... ~s, drawing, and photggraphy may be ken to any of the publie Jibrarie11 in the y between July I and July 31. Work ust be original and no parental assist- ce will be allowed. Aw3rds .will be given in August. Judg. g will be made on the ba!lia of general fectlvene·ss and imagination. DAILY PILOT ORAi.ill'!!: Ca.-.IT PU&L litHHC. COMjl,t.HV •ob1rf N. W11-' p,..1c1'"1 •"d Puo .. 1l'lll" J1dr II. Curl1v \tkt ,,.,-.1 •nlll lillr.~r•I M1n&g1r Tho11111 K11 ,,il 1ho"''' >.., Mu1phi"t Mll'llDi"g Eo-'Or Ali" O i,~i " Wul 0•1"111 (O\ll'ty E~\!or , Albttf W, 11!1, -"-l••t l!lllKor Hllllfl.,, .. _.._. Office I 711S l11th l oul1•1rd M1ili11t Mdt1151 P.O. l o• 790, 92•41 Otllet Offlc" l..-llJUI: 721 ~orH• Av-. Co,lt "' ... ! "°Wu ! llY St''" ........ ~ .. fell: 2111 Wat lhl1Mr1 l111,1l1v1rf ... II tlelllerllf; .. Norifl f l C1ml.,. R•l --- Old Fishln' Hole ' Llf eguard li'utuf,s . -- 1 • ~ • ·Huntinglo·n Says "County's 'Fair'· Huntington Beach, like L 11 u" n a Beach, does not believe it is getting a raw deal fr~m th.e FOODlY on su~sidle1 . (or lifeguard ~rviees. · "l think the county's lhire Is pittt1 fair," Vince Moorhouse, Huntinston Beach Director of.Harbors ~nd Beac~"e·s. said today. "Some minor inequities may exist1 but I think they wiU be straightened out soon." ' The co4nty pays $351000 to Huntington Beach for 'us· share Of tuardlng the city beach and another $45,000 to the city for C1lvering the county portion of Sunset Beach. for guatding Sunset Bea-ch becaiise it Is county territory," Moorhouse ex- plained. A breakdown of beach use for "1959- 1 'shows that 44.8 percent. of 'die · peoJ>lte were from Los ~geles County, 4,3 per- cent from other counlies , 2.8 . percent from out-of.state and .4 percent from foreign coun tries. Mopr:bouse introduCed the id~a. ,of statistics on beach crowds in 1968 ·as a base {Or figuring' the .amoUnt rJ. ·th~ CQUnty subsidy. · • Hu_ptin·gton BeaCh re~idenl J\on V~olette and his sons, Jimmy, 6; Joey, 3, and Danny, 9, (from.le(t.) try their luck at Talbert Lake. The waterway will become part of the city's large central park in the near future, F1ocks 'of dllckS apparently couldn1t waif for form.al dedication and took up r_esidence at the lake. -· The city lifeguard budget. Is '354,000 including Sunset Beach. · . ~~una Beach City Manager James D. Wheaton criticized the county subsidy for city beach.es Tuesday. saying he thought, 11Coastal cities are getting the short end of the stick." "Prior" to that the board of supervisors simply divided up the money in whatever manner it wanted. Seal Beach used to get nothing." he said. Moorhouse pointed out that Huntington Beach residents ·represent about 15 -per· cent of the total population ·on the beach. "Twenty years ago Hun tingkln Beach peoole accounted for only one percent of the beach use,'' the director ofbe~ches Front P .. e l POWs ... did not accept 471 letten out of !hi 'lU that Kirkpatric}[· and hit compai:Uons took to the North Vietnamese capital with them on the arounds ·that "they were addreastd , to men who were not- on the list'. The Committee of Ual!On w a s established last December by agreement between Jhe Hanoi ,10vernment and-Mrs. Wela, wife <X a Ne.w York , attorney," to arrange Jetter communication between the prilonen and their families . Th8 ~· are permitted to write cne letter on a Ill tine form each month and receive one plCkaee.every olher·monlh. NEW YORK !AP) -Here Is the Utt ·of ·C.lifornian'1 reported confirmed by Hanoi as an accurate " r.Wnt of American pri90ner1 cf war ~ing hel,d in North Vietnam .. The list, with home towns following the' names was provided to the Auociated Press by Mrs .. Co'ra Welu, head of a New York-based peace iroup called the Committee of Li~IOn With Families of Servicemen Detained in North VJetnam. Mn. Weiss said the numbers were serial number1. . , C~ORNIA . , wllford'1 Keue Ab6ott. •tm, 1 San Dle10 Summer Reading Slnted Are you a )'Olllll'ler tryln( to find 'IOmtt.hing to do this summer?. The Hun. tington Beach Public J,.lbrary suuests you join the summer readina progi-am. Young people may register at an y of-the four library location• and will be given a log to' keep track of books read . For every 10 book1 read, the reader will get his name posed on a ·tee.pee symboJ in the.libarary. .Al Ill< end of the lllllU1ler participaUng )'OWllltera who have r,ld ten or more ' ' . ,, .... :.Isils · at books will receive a certificate of achievement. Small children will receive a toy. Other awards are offered· for each set of 10 books read . A big readers' pow.wow i~ scheduled for Aug . 13 at Lake Park complete with Indian dancers, teepee, and face painting. ' The Main Library is located at 525 Main St..· and the tWo bi-anches are at 9261 Banning Ave .. and at Edinger Avenue arid Graham Street. Ir-vine Linguists Study Obscure Dialect By JOANNE REYNOLDS Of t111 DlllJ ,lltl Steff Every IWJlmer, thousands of viii tor a pour·into-t.he Orange eout·, but this IU?Tl· mer' there are three,-who are a little different,~livlng at UC Irvine. Bal~ur Aslcona, Joee Perez Toma and P,ap Sbuko'w. are three I~ Indiana from GUatelnaia' WhO are uvtiia at the ucr ..farm while anthropologtlt Lor!: Colby ln a considerably Jess mystic v e i n, Kaufman and his two friends are finish· ing work on lhelr dictionary. "About 57.000 people in three towns speak Jxil (pronounced eesheei i which is one of about 20 languages in the Mayan family," he explained . "I think our share is pretty fair," MoorJ¥iu.se said. The county pays a 111.lbsidy ta cities for th,elr lifeguard service based · 6n the percent of -cOunty residents who use that city's beach. . "Right now the figure is about 30 percent. They pay us the complete cost Mail Drug Bust Made DENVER (UPI) -Federal narcotics _fgents said they got their men -and women -Thursday, just by following the mailman as he made his deliveries. Officers said they arrested 14 persons and confiJCated more than $10,000 in narcotics after stopping it three houses where a mailman had delivered packaaes from Mexico. , '/' > added. . He obtained such breakdowns f!1)m (iut aid reports ,and the addreSses listed . "ft's the only .objective way to dr.terinine where the people are from. The percentages have remainetl accurate thrnul{h the y~ars." _ "I hope in the fuJy_re the county won't have to pay us <1ny subsidy__,_ Our opera· lion is heading for the black now. and soon I hope it will be ""entirely self·sllf· ficient," said Moorhouse. .1 He explained that other cities might face greater obstacles in putting their beaches on a paying basis because of the difficulty in guarding cliff areas such as Laguna Beach has .. "We've always maintained there were certain ine<iuities Jn the · s·u b s I d-y payments, but on the whole we are satisfied with them,"-Moorhouse Con· eluded. d'vert;t !\1•11'1!• Jr.,. 114411~,, Sqll ara Anthony Charles Andrews, FR314'5el, Chico. "'Ind llillulJt'Terfy. Kaufmlli!sludy their ohlcure culture and langUage. • Kaufman. who teaches linguistics at UC Berkeley, said he is working Qn. this language because it only has three dil- lects-as opposed to the other languages which ma y ha ve as many as 15-and can be more easily catalogued. The work is being done With the al~ of Frederick ·c. Baldock ·Jr., 666620, Umon Grove Robert W. Barnett, FR 3 1 O 2 1 , Hawthorne Cole Black, 594387, San Diego Terry Lee Boyer. FR3153M2, Visalia. Michael Lee Brazelton , FV3148690, Long BeaCh • Philip-Neat Butler. 647398. La JOlla William Wallace Butler, 3133430, San Rafael Carl. Dennis Chambers, FV3133401, · Yuba City · Arvin Roy Chauncy, 614788, Lemoore Clau4e Douglas Clower, 60547, San Diego James Quincy Collins, 27908, Atherton Mldlael Paul Cronin', 688952, Berkeley F.dward Dale Estes. 6Q5484, Lemoote John Fer, 83823, San Pedro Herbert J{elly Fl!sher, 32199, Sacra· men to · David Edwirct Ford, F V 3 1 2 2 0 7 4 , Sacramento Henry :Pope FOwler, FR3148574, Palo Alto · Charles 'R. Gillespie Jr., 542951. Collins H. Haines. 593915, San Diego James Martin Hickerson, 5 6 I O 6 5 , Lemoore Harry Tarleton Jenkins Jr., 504-424, Lemoore Theodore Frank Kopfman, 597544, Lemoore ' .. Carl WilUam Lasiter. 66064, San Diego Earl Gardr.tr Lewis Jr., 683095, San Diego. Jr. High D~nces_ St~rting Tonight The first in a summer series of junior high dances starts at 7 o'clock tonight in the aym of Fountain Valley High School. ' - Jtmior high dances will be held each Friday night al the same location from 7-9:30 p.m. They are co--hosted by the Founlaln Valley Parks and Recreation Department and the South Coast Junior Woman's Club. Fountail) Valley Junior High School Dance cards are required for admittance • Baltasar and Jose are working 1'ith Kaufman ID developing a compr~hens!~e dictionary of their dialects or the I1il Janguai(e. Pap Shasko'w Is a 75-year~ld calendar · priest and a diviner, one of about 20 from his mountainou s region. Mrs. Colby is writing his life story in an effort to pre- serve the last remn•nts of an occupa- tion which is being rapidly absorbed in the Latin American cul ture.· Pap Shasko'w (pronounced pop-shas- ko-wa ) ls a descendant or the ancient priest class who flourished at the height of the Mayan civilization aroµnd the ninth .century. .. _ His grandfather was a calendar priest, but 11s Mi's. Colby noted, the priesthood ls not something a man comes into by heredity alone. "According to the information h!'s told me," she said, "you must first dreani about it. Then you take your dreams tQ an interpreter of dreams-another cal· endar priest-and If he decides you really have a calling, he takes you on as a stu- dent." Before beginning his studie"· the cal~ endar priest makes some cer!moni~ to tell the gods that the student is sincere and should not be punished for using the calendar. Mis. Colby , a Newport Beach resideni who organized the study, said the pur- pose is ta elucidate the theology of the ancient Mayans by studying "this man's religious concepts and mental and spl~­ ltual attitudes." Both Mrs. Colby and Kaufman said they hope their effort.II ' will aid in de:. ciphering the .remalnin& hieroglyphic writings, arts and archJtecture ol the Indians' ancestors. Having become a caludar priest, Pap Shasko'w then dreamt hi! callina to become a diviner. Mrs. Colby said he · went through the aame' process or going to another priest, who was also a di- viner and being accepted as a student. a computer, he explained. ' ' "The words are all one syllable usUilly consisting of a consonant. a vowel and another consonant. The computer was fed a program with the maximum num- ber of sounds for each and came up with 8,000 possible combinations. . "I read them the combination and any possible variations and they tell me whether it's a word. and if .so, what, it means," Kaufman said. The variations, 11.s he noted, are words that cannOt stand alone. but need an identifier of some sort. "In English you have cranberry. Cran means nothing, ·unress-you use it with berry," he Said.· The linguist said he has found that" the two men are recognizing about 15 per- cent of the combinations from the com- puter. Since each is from a different . town, he is getting two dialects of the language at once. Jose is from Cotial and Baltasa r is from Chajul. The third town Is Nebaj, which the priest is from. Ksufman said he has already done work on the Nebaj dialect. Kaufman said he also plans to teach the two men. who are both farmers and tailors , to write phonetically, their nativ"e ton~ue. "It's an unwritten language which over half the people in the towns speak ex- clusively. I've been able to work with these men because they also speak Span- ish." he said. ·:..' ' DAIL V jl!LOT '""'° It~ ltk:~•nl ICMllllr IXIL INDIAN HELPING ANTHROPOLOGISTS AT UCI P•p Sh•sko'w, 75, Calend•r Priest and Diviner .... ..., ____ ..... ____ ,,._. ____ .... ---=---.... SUMMER SALE ' STARTS WEDNESDAY, JULY 1st In the process of divining, which is linked to the Mayan calendar ol 13 20-Don't wait, come In today and makt your Hltctlons. Excellent day m<m!Jls, he .uses baq mlch-bean1 valu• featured In 111 of our flnrllnes. DRIXEL offers ESPERANTO from the palo pinto tree." In.eluding cUnlng, bedroom and occa1lon11. HEN":"EDON r1 promotl"ng These he divides in half and· sets out In pairs. Mrs. Col by said they are still CAPRI, and OFFICERS CHEST compltte tnd HERITAGE 11 riduclng .learning a great deal about the method MADRIGAL. All thrH comp1nle1 wlll tllO reduct their out1tandln1 used for divining. • .. "Each day is represented by a pair o( uphol1tery collections av1ll1ble In any of hundred• of uphol1t1ry beans and each. day also has its own f•bric1. god , so that everytime he doe! it, it l1 different." Lamp 1cc1uorlu and plcturu wlll 11so be on Mlt. Now 11 th• ------1------11-----'.A.-. _ _,_ __ .Jo..~---,,.Th!o!"'e.:f~uncti~f..!_calendar priest,..!!--•-------, ~ ~------·w· ·w· ·w-ap asko'w tells Mrs. Colby, 11 not lmlto---milie your iilMtlin-if ttieflneat-fiffiilturt avallilile 1naa I ·- oan.v l"•LOJ, .:11 ..,..u. •com""''.-. 111_,,..,, • ,...1....., .. n, •ttsi• $""" etf 111 MPt""llC: dlt!ent 1'1'' ~ ••d't· fll•__, ._,., t olte M1S1, HIH'llf!lt•, .. td! ,,,_ ,.,,,!1!11 Vl "t"f• 1!-t .. wltl'I IW~ ,.. ....... lfterlt. 0, ..... teJtt l'~tl!llllU•lt (~ 9'lrotln1 ell"" l rl 11 U l) Wtll 11•1 •M.• Nu•,-t ... <II, ''°" DL.Wnl .,, $1r11t. C1111 MtM. • T ...... f1141 6~1·4111 ,,_ w"'"'h"'w Cell t•O·l llt Cl..UlH A4 .......... 64l•ltl'I (o"'"'"• 1•1' Or•"" "eu! l'lll!lltl'l!"f c..rlftf, tit ntw-t 11111tt, !l!olt!r1li0ftl; d \ .. rlifl flltlll'I er CCl~fl'll1t_,,lt II~ "''' M •tll'Olhlt(CI 1!'11-1 tllt'Cll l ,,.,. "'kl"ler\ ti c.orr1111r •"'~"· ~ ...,., ..... ,..!tit'-N •f 11 HtwfO:rt ltttll "' C.• ,,._., Ct l!fotl!lt , klflkr1••Jo!I If te«i.r .... ""~lftff! &,-mi ll » 5l l'llOllllll~I "'llltlty ... llllf!IOftt, IO to l'IOll!ltl1, Wee. kend Full· strictly ,religious and may involve dlvin-reductd prices. lng about illnesses. . Because the Mayan people absorbed 0£ Rock Sounds the Catholicism of ·the conqUiaLadorel', 1ome or the prayers used by the priest Include Christian prayers translated inlb Rock sounds· for teens will mI the the lxil languaae. ' --:':-~if i~_tfunUng~i ~@:~Qii.\~.·-:''1'hey'ye_dot1~ it that ~JY for three o.r ~. at two high schools. . four hundrtd years now, so they don t The "Rush " a 16eal group. will play really know what the prayer Is, just that at IJ :30 tonifhl in the Marina Hl1h School it is part ol their ritual. gym. Sounds of the "Incubus" ,will "The main focus or their religious emanate from Edison High School at be.liefs centers <m ancestor worship for 8:30 p.m .. Saturday. which the priest acts as an lntermedl.1ry, All current hifh school gtudtnts or They also have sods ol air, sun, moon those entering high Khool ne1t fall ma y and stars. The mythol<>IY of their people enler the dances at e.Jther tcbool. Cost ls strikingly similar to Hellenic mythol· al-.., II fl. "1)1,'' she noted. " DEALERS FOR: HENREDON DREXEL -HERITAGE -6' ·-. ' , INTERIORS NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH 1717 W11tcllfl Dr., .. 2·2050 Prof111lon1l Interior 345 North c .. 11 Hwy. 494-6551 OPIN ,RIDAY 'TIL 9 D11l9n1~1 Av1il1blt-AID OPEN ,RIDAY 'TIL 9 ,,._.Tell "-M• l1f OfWle C""" M .. 126J ,_, ~11111!.i!!!!!'!l!!ll!i!!'t!!!!!!!ll!!!! I / I I - ', .. rt Beaeh Teday'8:ft••I : -.. • ... EDITION . . YOL. 63, NO. 152, 4 SECTIONS, 40 ·PA6ES ORAN6E COUNTY,''CALIFORNIA TEN CENTS . - Newport Work-erS -.Approve~ 8 ' ' ' Rai.se · By THOMAS·FoftTUNE workers are paid this year. °',"" Del'! !'1111 ~ Only about 30 ci!Y empJoyes showed N~port Beach city employes voted , up·at I.he American Legion hall Thursday nearly unanimously Thursday night to 'night to r8tirY what their negotiators approft ~ average eight percent salary baa agreed to. increase for next year their negotiat<>rs City Employes Association President had agreed kl with the city manager .. • Jim Larsen said he interpreted the lack A relined. ca~UOo d the 'pay JaiSes Ol attendance as. mu.nin& employes are . Showed the ·~verqe increase to be .eig-t · ·satisfied • .f{e recalled th4t 150 had turned ,percent ·instead ol the 7.6 perceftt' out in March when the)r had ·a gripe reported by city spokesmen Thursday~ that police , were asking for mid-year Assigning a dollar value to new fringe pay boost not to be given to other Mnent.s the ply package~ Is worth 8.3 city workers. percflrt .mort: on the average than citJ Larileo and Phil Bowers Jr., the \ . • employes'.f>ald representaijve, uplained kepi up l'llh-other Clli<a lo P.t more. -Up lo two !"'an· o1·-~led ' !mum. for C01111eS rellted to 'llie to those pl'esent tht letter-of agreement • Firanen tre to get"a 71..2 petceM ·raise vacatign' can be carried '.three...-.mtia employe's wort. . they had signed with city Manager and nolH'lllking policemen 1z1i'J percent kil\Jer tban ,before. , ~ 1 ....... Workers "caUed back" for ovmime Harvey L. Hurlburt. ·' with·offlcen 1ettil\& 15 and 17tn percent. • ..:.COhunbus Day will be •liven a1 ,a ~~~· ~ = The letleT aJao .wu slgDeil by Ed The "f"°"""t calls loc a mid-year bO~y In place of Llncohi'a Birthday, l!taisJ!I time pay. Cibbarelll for the Police Employes adjustment In cues where . pay lailJ and ~ Friday fi>llowin& Tbanilsgivln& Ill, -Sioollng pnlflclency pay fir pallc:t Association and ;Jim Schoettler for the more than lY4•perctnt bebind·the average place di:. •Admissions Day. The holld&11 . wW. be increaaed to $11 per ~ for Fire ·Figtl\e(ll' -~ of other Cities. '!lie maim.um• mld·year . ff«· Washlncton's. Birthday .. Memorllll . .,.,.,111man nting, 41 for oJ:tarpoilooler The ' City Council Will cohsider the ~djuatment . IS to. be an iddlllonal:l l> , Day{ Cojwnbus, Day ~ Vetera111' Day . ind •ti for ex(l<ri. • ' · . saJafy acrftmt!nt in 'a special meeting ·· ~ r11Se. ahlfi)r1. will be taken on a Monday ta 1t ·also ii recOmmended to ~ City at 9 a.m. Saturday. . Ftreinen are to bre ·li~en·a :wwk· week.. provkfe a ·three:~ay weekend. . 1 Council· thal additional .pay for superiOr The ~salll):~ agreement is for every redui;.tioft from 87 .~ to·ll bow:a.. . -college;-twtion relmbtasement 'Will ~on-the· job .performance ot. utenstve 'tVorker to 1et a fiv' percent raise and, . ~ ·1nnge benefits are part of the, be · ~·Sec!· tn:m tour units · per ~· iclieaUon be iinSldered fer:,..tmait~)'l!:ir many workers wboM pay scale hadn't s1ped·qreemeot: mnester to·s1z·untts per semester ma.. Jmplfmtatiou. · .... • ·~ .. ----···~-·- Nixon , Bacl( Home President Rap~ Atni·dsphere 'in Capital ' . By !llCllARD I'. NALL Of 11tt1 Dl!W Plllt Stiff ~On ·Satutdly'l'm attending my niece's wedding," tht-President said cheerily. Touchdown of Air Force· 0.-,e ,on the · bot' El Toro landing strip W{lS routine Thursday but President Nixon paused before flying on to San Clemente to live newsmtn his views on topics ranging from the weathtr to "intelllectual incest°' in Washington . "I'm atw:asy glad to get back to California ' ... pMlicularly on such ' a beautiful day," said . ·the ·PreSident. "When J heard the-tempera£ure -was -103-degrees-here,---I-felt that was a little wann but you know we ~ve dry heat in California." Quel-ied about S e n a t o r Mike Mansfield 's remarks about the economy, Mr. Nixon said. "I ·never comment on \Vhat the Sei1ate says or what individual candidates say. ''Sometimes I think .they (ihc Senale) • Mesa's McKenzie ,·Out i .' . ' . I ·.~ ~ • '.J : ~· • I Due tb-Healtli: Prob~m · ·, .. • By AR'i'ifutl R. VJNSEL • Of Ille DmllY ,Plllf INdl ' Stricken by· a cetebral hemorrhage four months ago and 11ow .facing a Jong- tenn convalescenee, Costa Mesa City Manager Arthur R. McKenzie Is retirin1. His dec.isioo was based oh his doetor's r.ecommendation and his chances for returning 1 to the top.level job he has held since August, 1965, in the immediate future . "Tbey tell me I'll be all righl, but the time element is too much in doubt tO leave it hanging for • a prolOoged period," he said. No definite date tiaS l:ieen • it!l, 'since his application for retirement and ~g· term disability benefits is currently beiilg handled by internal commiftees of City: government. · The 52.year-old McKenzie, hired Sept. 30, 1953, as Costa Mesa's rust police chief, plans a prolonged vacatior in Mexico with his wife. Acting City Manager Fred Sorsabal ls expected to be the choice to succeed McKenzje as the top appointive officer in the municipal government. The stroke McKenzie suffered March 1, at first thought to be less serious than specialists ultimate.ly determined, has led to the second medically·induced retirement in McKenzje's acreer. · t: . . : LEAVING COSTA. MESA 'SUptr C~ief' McKenzie He contracted polio , while a member stroke March t , a mild attack that Of the Los Angeles Police Department sent him to his physician the next da y, and retired as a detective sergeant complai¢ng of headaches and slight before . recovering and accepting the Coit.a Mesa police chief assignment. , numbness. His bout with the crippli.1£ disene 'Beiides being active in !be Orange ·led him to work enthusiastically Is County March of Dimes campaign. Orange . County chainnan of the annual McKenzie is a Boy SCout ~ader and March 'of Dimes campaign for many frequent consultant in the acea or justice years. and· law efi'orcement. He is a graduate. McKenzie, one of the most popular of the FBI Academy. among city ofticials, became city He was appointed las~ y~ar by m1nager on Aug, 1, 1965, earninl him G~vemo~ Reaa:an to ~e Cab£orn1a Com· the nickname "Super Chief." \ '"':!~~on on Peac~ Officer ~ndards and . He was promoted from police chief J (See ~~ZI~ !'•ct Z) to director of public safety in mid·lflM ~ ' · should do what the HoUJe (of Represen- tatives) does. They •should, get out in -lhe -counlr-Y--and set what the country is thinking. He said the Senate. would have betn interested in his teception hi St. Louis. He refer:red to the thunderous response of about 1Z,OOO Jaycees who applauded his is.minute talk there loudly about once every minute. "l have always found that in (Set NJXO~, Pap Z) N. Viets List 334 u~~ .. row~ For ·Ist ~Time · .. - ' Nf!W YORK (UPI) -'JI hr• t Ame,IClhl who visited Hanoi . ., private individuals rePorted today that North _Vietnamese government officials con· firmed a list of 334 American pr~rwirs · of war compiled by a New York peace group and stated that it was complett!. It was the first reported North Viet· namese comment on the Ji.St drawn up by 'the Committee.. of ·Liaison with families of serviCemen detained in North Vietnam, which is beaded by Mrs. Cora Weiss. The Cammittee ·submitted the list, based on letters · received from tht prisoners before December, 1169, to Hanoi for verification last April but it met with silenct. Confirmation 0( the list was reperted by a spokesman for Kermeth Kirkpatrick oi the American Friends Service. Com· mittee, Seattle; Prof. Mark S . ..Patshne of Harvard University, and Pro!. Egbert W. Pfeiffer of the Universi.ty of M;ontana, who wefe in Hanoi earlier thi! monlh. The spokesmen said the travellers were told all the men were . safe and would be repatriated when the ·war is terminated. InformaUon available in Washington Indicated that the Department of Defense's list of known pri!Clrlers or war ts considerably larger than lhat Lifesaving ': A~t . I . ' Kids Saued Form Ne,~pott Surf Two yotl~ters are . Jucky to be , alive today. They almoat 4rowned' in the surf at twilight Thursday near Ne~Port Pier. A man·rjn for help and a veteran life- guard savtd !hell]! • , Lifeg1,1ard Bill Nelaon said "" uhideiiti~ . · fied mitn 'ran into guatd: headquarteis Thursday at ·about l :~J 1 p.m. and told · guards there·w~ri? two children in trouble in the water off 2Znd Street. Ne:lson said when the lifeguards arrived by jeep at the dark•beach all they could &ee were people pointing out into .th.e water. "Ydll could just barely hear someone out there calling for help;" he said. Steve Farmer, 21, a five.year member of the force swam out to find the· child-, ren, guided anlY by their cries aflcl a sPot . light from the patrol jeep manned tiy capt. Bud Ber.he. . "You .couldn;tl re1Uy see them, they' were 90, far out," Capt. David Harahbar· eer Sl,iJl .,today. · "There :w11 · ~aN!J~· a sihouette. ". • In .tl)o 'dlrknesa, ,IJ>Go!t 18 Y"'1< i>fl· shore:• Parnitr• f<iund Lorry Barela, 11, holdini up'IU'sisti!~. Llicllfe,ao; • · . •· ~ "Hfi got to ~them just before.~ g~l went under. She was all through, Nel· "°"-sai~.' · • · · · · · Farmer was able: to c¥1')' bQt,h child· ren saf Jy to shore through the , riptide that, had· swept them ()tit. · • • , The two 'children, who gave 'their ad- dress as 618: E. McFaddeii, (no City), were • U'eat!d ·by lifeguards •for exhaUS· tiOn , .~nd released. ', . . ' . . . ~ ""thOse· kids were extremely Jµcky,' Harstl_barger ,said._'.'.Jf Ute jeee._ had ~-. down at the Wedge or up at,"the.,11"'tr , jettr.,they·might nt!ver have made it.7 · verified by Hanoi. · UCI Oh 0 D f d · ln~·;~.st=~~~t:::u~iv:~~= .• . seen. ity. ·. 'e ··en ant . traveling to Paris, Loas and other points . , . , . . where North Vietnamese have repreten· tatives to learn of their bus.ands' fate because all captured Americans ac· counted for were on the list. the spokesman said. Apparently this did not take into ac- count 10lditrs who have been captured since April 7. The spokesman said Hanoi · " (See POW11 Pip Z) · To Get ·Demurrer Hearirig : July 10 'h~s been &et IS the date 1 for a hearing on a demurrer filed on behalf of Ernie A: Smith, 1 UC Irvine . • student charged withl distUrbinl the 1 peace wheil he allegedly used oblcene · !a'ngUagt Whi~ spe8kin1 before a student rally at the campus. t and further elevated to acting city romager, then ronnally assigned to the pool. . . County ·Vote Force Fl,:gp~s Smith, a Black Studflits Unkln~off\ctr ~ at UCI,·was ptotesling 'tht lack.of studtnt response tO ~Uie "killirig ol two black ' J&ckaon Stlti! Audent.' at •11 ·MIY . 15 , I ' • • rilly whent ttte .oblcene remar.U were • .. Robert-L. Unger's resignaUon to.enter prtYate . business left Arlie Schwarti as adkte city manager for several month~ before McKenzie was p~o~ted the loflowinc spring. • ' ' ' Third Tiine . No . Charm for Election TroribleshOoters . r~~!~t~~:;.,.n 1n ll1f audie!f• oi..; . Pat Will F,dcus- On Peru Relief Dui'.ing Her Visit ·Mrs .. Rich¢ Nix® · P!&nB to focus a~tenUon on the. relief needs of larth· q~~...X:ten PeruVIQ Citizens durt111 bar thrtMH!ay visit Mrt' week to the Sduth~Ainirlcarl,nauon. · rShe : ·Will~, carry \ blanketl, .. chiklien:'1 . c!othing and other auppli~ ;when :sbe leaves Sunday for' the belequered coun· try. . . . . . • .. 'The Fin! Lady wi11 I join-. forces with Mrs. Juan Velasco, wife of tile Peru\rian presid,ent, i~ 1searc~ing out · \he· q,,e;da of ~ thousands of homeless during . the' brief stay which wtll end TueadiiY momlng. M"rs,, Nixon plans to tour the coastal are'as deVutated by the Ma'y 31 earth- quake in a U.S. military· helicopter. She w;ill view the damage at Cbimbote on the·ground., ' " 1Mn. Nixon visited Peru' ln 1951 when her husband was then vlce-~l~nt and made. an official tour of Latbl America. Nixon' returned a1Qne ,tct Peru in )981! The First. 'Lady· ·will stay at the American embassy: In"' L!ma and will dine qujetly with Af!'b,assador aJl>!i Mn. Taylor-Belcher the night of her ari'ival. Cou& ·W .. dler ,. . . It'll C!)Ol off (to aiiout,ro degrtel) along.the. co,st this "end whUe tbe inJand lolt will" swelter under 90-deeree le1nperature, wtllle . ~ ny skiea prevail throqhouL Re bu been undergoing extended telllnl and ttlerapy since suffering the · · · · fected .lo the lan1Ualt · aJ¥f ·UC!. Police : By JACK BROBAClt on • "" motion lo leaae 40 Cubic ,Chainnan Cecil Mar.kl, ll)lltrOted by . Chief Robert Heavy flltd.a complaint wftll INSIDE TODA 11' 1---..,,---------------;.-_oi_ ... _-...,, '-'"'-''""-----paper.J>allot countin&JDachintl t9 cover ~ tum of events, ~ .. another , Off' , -' ''Frustration" is the word for the 40 percent of the~cburity, two members meeting for ne1t:'l'litiridiy at 3::1 p.fri. the~Dlstrict~Atto~;s~ ,tee.-..~.· ~ A backward olanct at o bustt 0r-e. Collnty Votin& Syll.ema Taik walked out leaving the ~•p without at .Wtiich time it ·is OOped the problem Smith was charged with t~ ~ls of .. ~ -·.. .,,.-1 , -olfi and producttve live t1MJater seq-l Force. a quorum and pawerleu to make a 1 cin finally be reeolved. disturbing the peace by the1DA I !Ct. son atono the OranQe Coast is The to.member group, with three final decision. CoUnty Clerk Willlim St John, rttum-Smith has · said he will call upon pro-t4kn by eiakrCGinmtnt tditor Remember 1940 ' At Harbor High? abaeot,.-met ,l11urad1y for the third lime tfmTheu~~•apcth~~ ~~~ tbe11,.~and ~~t fherumhad ~beevancJal~i:;th d:::.,~:r~o~, . mlilent Negroes to ~testify that bis . ,· Tom Titv tn hfl l11terrniision in.. an ~•ttempt to remedy tbe county's UK! .. ¥-T' .... ~acu , &aru( -r-~ . 1 not oblc:ene ind 11 ul8d cotKmn in todatl's W111"11Mr. Do you remember all your old eroaiel lllinl iYOt& ~ l)'ltem. left tbe e,unty's . electiof}I department , pleMled with . the lfOllP ~IPY f«,1 a.neua.!.~~ "1n,11:s ...... bf--community , . • . ln.,the class of_lMO at N~_ Hl!blr The result •'5 the same. as ~fore. . jusl where it was after the chaotic , "90"?' ~ of. action:" . t .. 1 • ,., ·~.......,-•. ",.. ;---. • :=.. 1~ ·= ....... k •: Hlah? 11'1 almosl time.to get ready lo They failed . • "• -· ··•---. -.June.Prim"1·· · I lfaill ftlrce 111..hbelj at 'Unt i..oinlil ... A)anrulP.llU<!'i't and 111 amouncer ..,_ . .,.... ·--w aee them again _ 30 y.ears later.. The group first voted 'Thursday to Vo&es\tnln ,.Ui• fiMco·•f°e not cam· ' inc11r'9dTto • ~.dine ¥Ut Utt · t• the carappJ r.UO." .. ,.. he ·llid., I c.-. 11 0r ... ce.tr 1 • --1940 ~aduate.s, spar•c·s McClel· .rescind iU decilion of a week •an to "t.t•'-«Mb1teffof almolftwe .,..ks. . u·ria11 · ·40J.._.. .... ,,,-. ·,1· ·1 . bt1J~ 1W.1·coD9al lnd \"·tll'"'tk'· 1• a=· i' 1 : =-"': 1an, June Mictelwait, and Virginia Ros. acct!pt free use of 200 Shoup voUna ,,,e vot1n1 system11rqup dec:idecfJune ~r ~· offer.ituk . ~,l4nce , ,,.·--. .~1 . , P , ,..11 ,.. ,...... i•n sier, are planning a class reunion for . machiOftl• for the November General t to mt· 1,000 AulorftaUc Vo i l n R <•itii!i'.; , a Pulltrton,; tilth a ~. ra&ed the question ~ 1t ~ ..., •w= • • ~ ,,.......,. ~-· .,...lince·\lf~r:'l.tw'coil\n'tmd'":"· ·-1 ' • .' ,, "•w Nov. 7 at the Balboa Pavilion. EJectiOn. That would have been sufflclent Machine. (AVM) to cover half of' the ' vtJI ;lleul' 1,Ui:AVM· ~ of.A 'tllly ht only one . charged . ::='9" · 1! ::::... """ .,,: II you.,.. aotMfl .,...ioa1e o1 Newpon to conir only 10 pemnU1Lthe couoty'1 ~pnc;lacla. Bui 11111 ~was ;fohn·had !(lgllllllJ sue,.; ""' Clal!U • llUllent apaaltm at _._ o --., Harbor Hlth or you know of some, lel l,022 preclnts. retcl I a ~k later became oL .n· r pr~arf;, His.1·illotioD ~ otbet ral8'1' ~19 ulei:I. limllat lanpqe ' ......,. • ...., McCltllan know at i4H624. And belora the' task force could voto !Ulloa over wtiat re.U, bad bllD voNd. k o -. -. ' wlllloUt belnt prooec:Uted.' ' • ' ' ' '" ' ... t • " . . ··~----- • . ·-. .. ---, DAI LY PILOT OAIL Y PILOT Sttff ....... llATTeRY OF ATTORNeYS HEADS FOR COURTROOM AS BACK BAY ISSUE Goes TO TRIAL :oepUty County Counsel Nuttman, Deputy AG. Shavelson end Irvine Comp1ny-Couh11I Warren (from left) Bay Trade Foes Prepare Cases For Court Date By TOM BARLEY OI t11t Deity 'II•! ti.ff AUor11eya ior both a.Ides in the bitterly disputed Upp!r Newport Bay land nvap lawsu it today began to hammer out the form and presentation of their ai:guments in wl}at la eipected to be a . U]ree·week Orange County Superior cOurt trial. · Judie Claude M. Owens toOk the bench this mornlni· for what wUI be a full day of the pre-trial 1klrmlshing that is a feature of major civil Jaw suits. Those argumtnt! will resolve the Inures to be decided by Judge Owens In tht Back Bay swap litigation and they will ehable each 1ide to Indicate the witnesses they expect to bring Into ~-the courtroom during the trial. San Francisco attornQ" Philip Berry ended his two-week study of the l.ssues contained in the Upper Bay law suit wi~ the pr~icUon that the exchange of 457 acres of Irvine 'Company uPland! for 1S7 acres of county-owned tidelanda will be declared to be unlawful. : . DA ILY l"lLOf 51111 Ph11' "This deal is a complete fraud," he alltged today. "If the Irvine argument were to be upheld it would destroy the whole basis of the reasoniAg behind the tidelands trust established by the &late or California." I I HOMEOWNERS' ATTORNEY BERRY CHATS BEFORe COURT Sierra Club President Le1d1 Legal Batt.le A91in1t Trade' Berry, who is president of the keen ly interested Sierra Club, came into the case for a homeowners group, two weeks ago with the 'A'ilhdrawal of Los Angeles attorney Ra lph Perry .• .\ Heat to Boost Beaches Joining him in the attack of the Jrvine- Orange County trade is attorney Duffern Helsing and County Auditor Vic Heim. I tNinety-degr@e 'heat and smog alerts I.land promise ·to send large . ~rqw45 tf NewpO~··s be~ches over the weekend. • µ,lleguaros have reported crowds· ralig- 1¥ from 50,000 to 60,000 •during ·the Week and are preparifig for : a weekend ~slaught. ' ~scues and first aids have also been rr.ning high , guards report. iA tropical storm miles off the coast r.}s brought large-v;ave pr<>?-ucing south s1·ells lo NeWJXlrl with resulting riptides. Lifeguards an askina baUlers to be iry of the r1J)I. DAILY PI LOl ,. . OllANil• CO.UT P'UILISHING COMP'ANV Rok.erf N. Weed ' f'ru ldtnl 11111 P'ubll1h1r J1,k R. Curi t~ Viet P'r .. tftn! 1nd GM1trll MIMQlr Tho"'"' K11.,a Edl19r .. Many ·Jellyfish are in the surf and con~ct with µ,tm can be painful. Water temperatures are expected to remaln in the low '80's, Ufquard ~id. CdM ·Man Offers Fund Proposals Corona df!l Pttar residenl Robert L. Wombles has some tongue-in-cheek sug- gest ions for1balancing the Newport Beach city budget. In a letter to city councilmen, he . proposed: -A $25 per month permit to leave uncovered trash containers out on days other than those of scheduled pickup. -A $100 per monlh pennit to drop refuse y,·ithin 20 feel of a city trash container on the beach or other public propert)'. -A $500 per month permit to ac- company a canine depositing excrement in a public place or on other's property. A major factor ln Irvine Company arguments is expected to be the approval given to the exchange in November 1967 by the State Lands Commiulon. AttemPts by the homeowners and Hels- ing to revive the issues raised before the commission three years ago and to obtain te1timony of cornmiulon members by subpoena have been re· jected in pre-trial actions by Judge · Owens. f'rom Page J McKENZIE ... Training <POST) an agency of expertl who set the expected level of excellence among slate lawmen. McKenzie obtained his bachelor of science degree at Los Angeles State College and his mastf8's desree from the Unive rsi ty or SOuthem California, both in police science. He was also trained In accountlna. mal)B.gement and related field• durina his caree r. interrupted by polio and t,hen resumed ·as lilerally the father of the Costa Mesa Police Department. Thom11 Fortune N<Wl>Of1 l~tcll CllJ' f.~I,.,,... · -An $80 per month license for a guest -~~ng room . in areas that are not ~ea multiple l'eSidintlal. ' Newport Charges For New Tree8 Ntw,.rt '"'" Oflke 2211 W11t 111901 lou11~1rd Mtilin'il Add1on: P.O. l o• 1175, 926•) Otllw Offk11 Co111 MHt! llO WHI ltY Strwt LtfUnt ... ,~. m ,Ortll AWftVI "'111'!11""1°" lt1cn: 11111 l11c11 l lllltv••• Stn C1C111111111: JDS NW1ft I I CtlTllN l•I \\'ombles, of 414 Acacia Ave .• 1aJd that if the above fees were chai:1ed the street on v.•hich he lives \l.'OUld 'A'ipe Newport Beach city government hu out about 10 percent of the council '• long required Lhat trees be planted in $500,000 deficit. new housing tracts. Now the city will Councilmen l.a\•e s.ince wipeTiut -most charge developers a fee for plentint of the defic it themseh•es In more con· them. .... 'E ventlonal ways. City councilmen Monday night in· --~1---------------~troduced-an ordlnance..tlial-w.Ul-requi e $3 be paid by tract developers for each Gii'• Js Sof tbalJ tret. planted to meet city spec:i!lcatloM. OttL'I' P'ILOT, will! w.•ocll lt c~"'~!ntoll 1111 Ntwt·P't111. It ...-U.llf.<1 <11111 tv~ S- l 'V 111 u111rt!c tdilltr1 for Lt811<'1 IMcl'I, Nt•fl••" IUCfl, (Olit Mt11. l"UflU"''°" •• ,, 1f.1 l<11i1n!1!jl v1 u11, 1111111 wun 1-•io*'I•• tll11"1n1. 0•11\ft" Colt! P'ubl!1""" C-ii.t11Y ~rlrwlfttl pl111!1 119 11 nu Wt•! I t tiot I ""-"'"'PO" ltlcll, 1rA Ull Wnl ..... y ~., ... -c..~ Mew,_ Ttf.,..._ C714) ttJ.tJZ1 Cl...Ulff A•Mrfll ... 64Z·S671 C-'ff"ifM, bof, ..,.....,. Cou1 P'ubl11hlftt <-... .,, Nt lltWI 11'11rlft, llllltlrt!letlt. 1L!ll'hl "''"' .,. 1n~·1-11 ""••~ ..... f .. -.flf'Mll«Oll .... _, •"'1•1 ...,. --tf '""'""' •,f'(tff. -..... ~ ... ~ .... " .. ..._. hid! .... c.!e "'·-· e. ,,_. .....,.,,,.,., ..., C.W+t u• _.illf<J; ty -UJO _.rit~1 , •11M1 ..... 1,,s: -·~,~. • The charge is for the cost of inspectinc to Ste that the trees are planted f'llhl. Play Scl1eduled Cal1ini_1ll.you..Lucys Biid Peppermlol U.S. Diplomat Named Pitt)is -girls who like lo pliy softball.-wZ,HINGTON ·(lJPI ) _ · R 0 b ;~ t The Ne~·port Beach Par)?. Qeaches and Recreation Deparlment Is organizing !\IcCllntock, • veteran of nearly 40 years sottball teams• for each of the !ieven in the U.S. Foreign Service, was con· city parks. For $3.50 each 11lrl will firmed today by the Sen1t1 11 the U.S . recel\'e cap and jersey and play pmes ambassador to Venezuela. MCCiintock, tw!Cf a 'A'eek with once a week practitt 60, a na tive or the state of W1.shiftaton, 5esalons all 1ummer. • 1 "'as J}Omlnated April I. TM poat in. For lnlormatlon, telephone &'TS-3180. Caracas has been vacant about 1 yur . -. . u:s. Jet~·: Raid Nortll Retaliatory Bombi-,ig First in One Month ~GON (UPI) -A U.S. Navy Jot eou111 city ol Vlnll, U1 "'"" llllrlll Oli Ill Mlllklnl. Clmbodllll ~ ...,. . bambed m llltlalrcratt site deep ip~de of the DMZ that dlvidu the two Viet~ reported fighlin& frqm defenaive positions North VWum iD Ute Cirst American natn1. JleJUlla ol tbt attack were nol. 'around the edse ot tht town. air atrtlce north of the demilitarized detennined, spokellMft •Id. but tbert Viet Cq and North Vietnamese troops · (DMZ) ln I mon'th, the U.S. Military was no damase to the Amtrican plull. were reported to have surrounded Kcm- Comm1nd II.id today. It was the first air strike qala!t pong Speu earlier this week, and ttie Military spokesmen said the' pilot of -North Vietnam lince M1y 15 'ff'htn -U.S. town haa --been har•saed by IJ)Ol'ldlc the A7 Corsair fighter-bomber was planes raided sun positions that hid gunfire for the past; two days. ordered to attack the site Thursda y fi~ on recoMaisunce airer aft ne1r Kompong: Speu is.-.:S ·miles aouthwest when IJltialrcraft gunnen took "h\)Stile Doq: Hoi1 which is b..ith ol Vlnh. E1r4cr of Pbnom Ptnh and the onJy h.lcb••Y actk>ns '' q:llnst the reconnaiJaance in r.l1y, American pllDll r1ided North fl'Onl• the capital to the· port city ol aJrcraft It WIS· escort ins. Vietnam '1 IOllthern panhandle regiOl'll Ko~ Som paun through it. The In Cambodia, mllilary llpokesmen ·in a ·weekend series of missions th•t port • city , where the oil refinery 11 reported Communist forces launched a U.S. sources described as 1 response localed , formerly was known a 1 full-scale attack before dawn today on lo inCreasing hostilities by the North Sihanoukvllle. KomPofll Speu, Uie m1jor town on the Vietnamese alon1 the DMZ. . COmmunitts held Kompon1 Speu l.nd hiahway lin.k:J,ni the -capital of Phnom In Cambodia; 1pok1!$111tn said the Com-clos'ied the hithway for 1everal days Penh with the country'• only deep sea munist attack on Kompong Speu~an earUer th.is month but were driven out port 1nd o!l refinery. with 1n assault on 1 Cambodian it y fcambodian and South Vietnarli11e The tymmand said the 1unsit.e bombed officers barraclca m the toothem Ii anned infantry units and planes In a bit· In N<rtb Vietnam wu northwest of the of the town, then apread to other areu tJe that left the town heavily dama&ed. • Prominent Mesa Builder Jln111 P_,e 1 t ~ POWs ••. , Ray Dike, 67, Suecumbs did not tccepl 41~;1etters out ol lhe 78J that Kirkpatrick and his compan~ns took to the North Vietnamese capital with them on the grounds that they were addressed to men who were not on the list. Well-known Costa Mesa builder ~y · Dike died Thurtday afternoon at a Hun· tington Beach hospital alter sufterin1 a heart attack. He was fl. A licensed reaJ estate broker since 1924, Mr. Dike was president of Dike, Driiger and Lownes, a South Pasadena firm until 1949. He became chairman of the board al Dike and Colgrove in 1950, building more than 10,000 homes in the Harbor Area during a ~year span. He was a director of the BuUdin1 In· dustry Assoclatloilof California, 1 former member of the board of directors of both the Ho,me Builders Aaaoclation of Los An- geles, Oranlt •nd Ventura Counties and the 'Building Contractor. Aaaociation ol Orange County. He was also a member of the S'te.er· Ing committee of the Building Industry Association and the Mortgase Finance Committee or the National Association of Home Builders. Mr. Dike was active In the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club. executive dirtctor of the Orange Coast YMCA, and a mem- ber of the Balboa Bay Club. Mr .. ~ke is survived by hit wife Helen, and his son. Don, a Corona del Mar real estate broker. Memorial 1ervlce!I. will be beld at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church In Newport Beach at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Mr. Dike will Flat Tire Leads To Cycle Strip On Newport Road If Thomas Banks. 24, thought he had troubles when his motorcycle got a flat tire, it wa1 peanuts compare4 to the ail· uation , that confront!<! him when he return!<! to fix it. Bankt, who Jives at 336 ZOth St., Costa Mesa , told Newport Beach police he was riding his bike down Irvine Avenue Wed· nesday night when his rear tire went flat. Since It was nearly. m1dn!Jht and he was within walkina: distanCf!"'of his home, Banks Parked the motorcycle at Z3rd Street and Irvine Avenue, with the inten· lion of returnlns the followlng day to fix the tire. When he got to his bike at noon Tburs- day the flat tire was stlll there-but not much else. During the night, someone had removed the handlebars. the carbureto r, and the drive chain, in addition to severin1 the brake and sauge lines and d1m1Jing the sas tank. be buried ·In New Orleans, La. The family 11111esta tributes in fonn of donations to the Ray Dike l"und, Or- anse Coaat YMCA. f'rom PGfle 1 NIXON .•. Washinston we tend to Jud very isolated lives," the President aaid . "We read newspapers, look at televilion and talk to each other. "There Is a a.rt ol intellectual inctlt "'Ailich really reduces the level ol. thfl dialogue and you have to • 10 t.o thi country now and then lo set a real feeling of wha t people are thinklna. "Washington Is part of ·the country but it is not all of the country anymore than any capitol is all of the country." The President had a plug for Sen. George Murphy (R..CalifJ, who accom · panied him calling him "my Senator and my good friend .'' Referring to Murphy's uncoming cam- paign against RfKI. ,~ohn '.funney ([). Calif.), lhe f>n.iclent uld. "He's le<i1t- for the battlf'. I think California lhould The Committee d. Liaison w a s establl1hed last ~mbf!r by acreement between the Hanoi government and Mrs. Weiss, wife d. a New York attorney, to arrange lettf!r communication between the prisoners and their families. The PCW1 are permitted to Wl'ite one letter on a ~aix line fonn each month and rettive one package every other month. NEW YORK (AP) -Here Is lhe lilt-of. Californian's reported confirmed by Hanoi u an accurate eount fl. ' American prisoners~ war being held in North Vietnam. 1be list, with home towns following the names was provided to -the Associated Press by Mrs. Cora Wela, head of a New York·based peace IJ'O:.IP called the Committee' of Li•.ison With Families of ServiCf!mtn Detained In North Vietnam. Mrs. Weiss saki tht numben were serial num~ers. Wilford Die10 CALIFORNIA Keue Abbott , 3081739, San Everett Alvarez Jr., 144124, Santa Clara An.thony Charles Andrews , FR314«581 , ·O;I~ l:~ '°f ' ' Fi'ederlck C. Bailiock Jr., llllm, Lemon Grove · give him a vote of ronfidence." Robert W. Barnett, FR 31O2 I, Some ol. tile. bjiblilhl& . or'. :th• )lawthoroe • Pr<>sldenl'1 pllnl;bllo In Sall Clemebll I '· ~If illl~'. lfi:i87;rsan Dlego . inCl ude· ~ Terry te.! Boyer, FR.11~. Visalia. -At~ndance Saturday mornJnc al the Mich .. I Lee Braulton, FVI!-. e.... eddln ol h'-n1· ' Loac Beach Newport ~· " I w oc:e, Phil. N I &·••·· 14-La Joli Lawrene Mae Nbon • ICbool tucbet IP ea uua. ·-· a and daupter ot the Pr.i1dent'1 brother, William Wapact Butler, 3133'30, ~ Donald. ; -F, Raf HI . -A conference Mondaytwlth SecrtW7 Carl Deruua Chambers, FV3133401, Ro be! Ro , __ c._ Yuba City of Slate I"' en 1er1 --Arvin Roy 01auney 114711 LOmoore 1or Am ind Encland to meet with Cl ud ........ 1 c;_ • -·i •-· new leaders. Die~ e ......._ u JUWtt, _.. ' .-n P9lice See.king Hit-run Auto Newport Beach police today' are 111k· ing the driver ol a red car involved 1n a hit and run traffic accldent which slightly injured a bicycle rider Thunday. . William T. Hoy, 17, ol. Anaheim, told police he was rldin1 h1a bicycle IOUth· bound on Irvine Avenue near 23rd Street tWhen he wu rtruck from behind. Hoy rece.lved minor injuries when he was thrown to the pavement over the handlebars of hi1-bike. , Witnessu told police lhe car that struck Hoy was r~ and ml1ht have been a Falcon. Jameo Quincy Collina. 211111, Alberton Michael Paul Cronin, .m, Berkeley Edward Dale Estes, «IMM, Lemoore Jolin Fer. am, San Pedro Htrbert KIUy Flesher, 321ft, Sacra- mento David Edward Ford;-F V 3 1 2 2 O 7 4 , Sacramento Henry Pope Fowler, FR3141574, Palo Alto Charles R. Gillespie Jr., M2951. Collini H. Haines. 513915, San Diego Jam~ Martin Hick~son, I 8 1 O 8 S, Lemoore Harry Tarleton Jmkins Jr., S04424, Lemoore Theodore Frank Kopfman, 597M4, Lemoore Carl Wiiiiam La siter, ll8084, San Diego Eul Gard11er Lewis Jr.1 M3095 San Diego. ' SUMMER SALE· STARTS WIDNDDAY, JULY ht I Don't wait, e«tl'M In tMey ancl rntkt yevr M1Mtlen1. IKcellent valuo1 lo1turod In 111 of our fine 11-DllXIL ollors ISPIRANTO lncludlnt dining, bedroom and occasiontl. HINRIDON 11 prometlnt CAPRI, ind OPPICERS CHEST c°"'pl1t1 a_nd HEllTAGI Is rHuclnt MADRIGAL. All thrH comp1nlu will 1lso rtduc1 tho;r outstan4ln1 ut1M11tery colloctlon1 ••1ll1W1 In 1ny of hun4rodt of upholllery f1brlc1. ' Limp Kc ... rln 1MI plctvrw will 11• M 1r1 1111.· ~ 11 the time te PMk1 y.ur Ml.ctlon ef the flMlf furniture av1l11lll1 aM at rtducMI prlctt. DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERIT A6E 7NJ. "· . - l · NIWPoitT liACH 1727 W-1111 Dr., 642·20.!0 OPIN PllDAY 'TIL t INTEltlOltS Profottlenal lntwi.r US LAGUNA llACH Dotl1nart A•1ll1W1>-AID Nw:p~~l:l;'ZY 'TIL t 4944111 ..... , ... "-... " .... c..., .... , .. -----~--~---....--- . . • \ ' .. : -• ' ,rrw.r. """ <6, 1970 DAll.Y PIUT Prisoner ~.aigon PARIS (UPI) -South Viet· nam had notched~ a tactical ~ today Over qrth Viet- nam at the peace talk!, 1be south .persuaded the north 'to accept. the return of 62 sick and wounded North ·Vietnamese priaoners. Hanoi . had Afused f o r months to a~pt repatriation or the prisoner~. because it has never admitted its troops are operating in the south. The North Vietname se delegation to the peace con· fertnce announced Thursday · It wOUld take the prisoners. thougft. being careful to avoid any impliC.:tion that they were IOl.diers. . Hanoi: &@,id the men , were · . r Veto Pol!_!ic~l H~y_ Democrats Make .Ho$.pital .Bill lssue "Vietnamese patriots de-W A S H I N G T 0 N (UPI) lllecally." It said .they -De-WV<d notice the right to live anywhere todaY they l!lan to make Prea. Vietnam. ldent Nilon'1 al.molt certai&: The toi'nmunists said the ~be overturned veto of the ir.:;rs ritust be released •t · 1 a:.n blOlon Ifill.Bufton Hoa- border or in Nortll Viet,.. pit.I ccnatrucjlon bill 1 major territorial w a t e r 1 er "suspended military ac-blue 1n ~ November -elec.. ·1y" rather than being J:: ·Olll. rted to North Vletnan\ by .6,000~miw The, Senale qulckly tched. Cro!!! personnel as J>l;O-. / • ' Uied a vot.e Tuesday on over. , d by Saigon. ' Rower' Gets rldln( the veto after thellowe 1 noi barred Red Cross 11wnday again passed the pe onnel so "no persons could •• measure on 1 279-t~ll roll call a~ that "Obvl!'"'lr.' they must be defealed at the poU1 thou t it was in tl)e interest W. November.'' of it cOnaUtuenta 1t that In the House, Rep. Ray Ume." M~, (D-Ind.), warned Re- ''Today, they lilied up be-publicans that voters Nov. 3 hind the Republican preaident would temember what he said like liUle toy toldiers," he , would be viewed as a GOP Nici. "The 81 Republicans 1tand against health care. ~ ,_ . Prison Term Ordered .. For Bernadette Devlin p 'I by perietrating illegally U S V • vote-Z7 more votes than the iii North Vietnam territory." • • . isa tw~th.irds majority required. BELFAST, Northern Ireland Lord McDermott, rejected her e Soutll Vietnamese, in It was the first time in 10 (AP) -'nie Belfast .Appeal appeal against the sentence. w they sai<J was a MIAMI (AP) -"I've pt years the HoUSe had voted to Court ruled today that Her defense lawyer then ai> _.,·h anitarian gesture" had a man here who.says be just overiide •presidential' veto. ~le Devlin must go to plied for permission .lo take trie , tor nearly a year to ed 1 E 1 nd .. the . Sixtr-s e v e n Republicans pr~. the · appeal to the Lords in ·gef e North Vietnamese to row rom ng a ' joined 21,~ Dem~r•ts ~~pass~ A warrant for her arrest Londol;I, and this W!J turned a t-the prisoners. ~·5• lmml_1ration_._ off~ said _the bUI, -the_objlctioiia Of tbe was to be issued later today. c1own.:kKlay.-'-- • H i once suggested they into t1he tel~ho~e . ., And he . :resident. to !,he contrary not~ The cwrt rejected . an ap-Miss Devlin won re.election U N T _ -·d • be leased '>'·here lhey were . doesn .t have a ~asa.. tbstandm.g. Only \ h re e · pliCaUon. from Miss pevlin, ' In the Brttisb general .election • • ~ ers> and i \lowed to return unarm-' Havll!g rece!ved ·~•I . Democrats-:-Re~. Wlllia~ M. the )'QW11f!lt member of the I Jasl. week and. she ' is not ed on foot through the from hts supe~lGt, t~ officer ~;inr• <,:•;~0• QC. '=· British HoUse of CommoM .. expected io Jose her seat Mark 25tll . war e "if they wished." · h~~g up ~and issued 8 ~ay cv:X)~pported the ~e1;!. • to appeal t.o the House. of because she goes t.o prison. Sid Gende · u ocra c u..u-1111n -. . 1" Th~prisoners w.ere not VISltina permit to Bntisher B.t Dem u a'-AI..:.... Lords· •lfainst a six-month '""e House o( Commons will discu in Thursday's 72nd ney rs: Lawrence F. O'Brien annOunc-sentence gl~ her f<?r--. in-have to vote whether she~- ~. NOT ALL CHURCHES 'A RE DYING . • Ma.ny are .alivtt and well/ .... ,. .. the "9111. • -tr A HAPPY CROWD -tr MANY VISITORS . -tr LOTS OF NEW MEMBERS . -tr CHANGED. LIVES . FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH HUNTINGTON · IEACH MAIN AND ADAMS ' 1:30, 11 :00 •nd 7:00 " A • · sessi of the peace con~ Genders_ had Just completed ed that 81 of the 95 GOP mem-cttement lo r1ohng and nobn~. mains a member, and 1t DUJVel~S8l'Y ferei· The North Viet-, a 6,000.m1\e .solo pull across hen who voted against the bill ~e, H~se of Lords is BM· seeins most unlikely that with I!~~;;~;~~~~~~~~ nam announced the ac-the AU antic 1n a rowbo~ 19 would "be primary targets for ta1n s tughest court. the threat ff renewed. religj_ou.s SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -cepl.a of their return in feet. nine inches long. Democratic candidate!" in The 13-year-old Rom an warfal't! hanging over The U.N. Ge!leral Assembly a s tement to newsmen His welcoming party was November. · Catholic militant was first Northern Ire 1 and. the F • W new across the nation for afterward. the crew of a police patrol "I find it curious that' aa of sentenced in Londonderry' last' legislators would[ inflame the astest in est ceremonies today marking the The jpeace talks continued bo~t. They direc~d _him . to these cynical RepubliWls vot-Dec. 2% for her activities JWman Catholic minority by Buy IL Sflf rt: Try 1tht flStnl response In lht West aoainst JfJlll wq.._anniYer.sary oI Ute peace wit~ movement by either U.S. customs and 1mm1graticn ed in favor of the act only two during stMt fighting last fall. ousting the young woman who own c:loct. Test Dlmt·l·llne Acts, whrrt thf ac:tlolt Is, In Satunllf1 orgaJ).ization'scharter. side. \Chief Ame-r}ca n _offic.ers. _ _ •!ld. a h1lf WD_b qo," O~-On MOIJday, Nor_ther_n has _@me to be known as oAJi.YPrt.OT. Celebiitihg started Thurs. negoti~or Philip C. H@ib said Genders, 51 , ·said he rpade ~-Biiri:tn~sa:i:d:i~·n:a:sta:,l•:m:•n~t~, ~Jre~land~'1~1ord~~c~h~i~eif~juati~i"'~·~the~iriiJi;;oei0niiiiofiiAiiriicii. iiiiiiiiiiii;;;; day with a champagne recep-·~Againtoday we made it clear the trip lo show that ·a man - tion given by Mayor Joseph that af these meetings we isn't-washed .up at 50. Alioto in the city hall rotunda, are ready for seribos nego~a-The sturdy-built Britisher across a ,boulevard from the tions,i lbut they are not finished the v o Ya g e fronl · --' f £R'- War Memorial Opera House pre~ for that kind of 'Penzance, England, to Miami ol ~ -~dr~uJl:d~ndV=-~~~.-d-isc_uss_itn_' _." _______ in_1_!6_ro_w_in-'g'-d_a_ys_.___ L1£'D I . -• Building where it was signed r----~-----------:==::i _a .. JU...ui: r. ·a quarter-century ago. 11--1-"".&O ... DliY "~3·--- 0n her arrival here, Mrs. "· . ... " .. ~ JU\. y Angie Btook.s of Libf:rta, the fl\01" I 1 assembly's president, said, · There's sometfliilla very to to 1:30 p.m. "The United Nations is ma·n's -•41 1·0·."'" a.ft'• ~~~ardless of its comforting about the Audi. .~ Ship Wrecks Drawbridge NEWPORT 'NEWS, V a . {AP) -A steel cari;o barge being ~wed ~am slam- med into the James River Its seats were designed by an ...... d' ... _ or~IC-~-.. , -·--- .. " . . • -Bridge before \lawn today. jamnUng the d!law bridge mechanism and closing the 4'k-mile ton fac~ty for &i11'. houn. ) The St.ate · Highway Depart- ment said the bridge, linking Newport News and Isle of Wight Coomy. r.opened at 10 a.m. and estimated damage al·$30,00ln• '40.000. TraffiC over the bridge, which bridge Supt. B.R. Belote estimated at 2,500 to 3,000 cars daily between S a.m. and I a.m., temporarily w a s rerouted through Norfolk and the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel to Ute south. Traffic Dows a~ the bridge from -U.S.' 17 and 258. Test drive it today. It's more 'of ·a car than you think. CHICK IVERSOI PORSCHE I AUDI 900 W~ C01!111: Higttway /Nawpart Beach 646-9391 DRAKE COUllTY'S AUTffOlllltD DEAlR THE BIGGEST SHOW OF ITS KIND wlst OF THE MISSISSIPPI! Tiit DllY.llOllE SHOW II SoUlffEH CAUFORtlll! • • • l'!Cll!D 111111 MORE FUTUREiJOR BETTEll LMltG! • ~ fW THI EllTIRI COllVlflOOll ClllTER! • IEITlll' DISl&JllllS IN THElllllU SIZE DICOlllTllll llOOllS! - • li!RITHlllG (1111111! HOME I GIROE! ! • SUI.,. A DD IJ RO'llllRS .••• bolit ,._, Illy -. lntiMfut fo11111itit wttr- lllll. .......... """' "" 211ortip ............ ,,.. li!':IWIJ ltctil) • Sil! •.• all\.ETl'USUl.t.nll~l»llllfS .... hmlll• ........... '°'"Mn •ill ... 1.seo ... tllttl ........ IPQ {Tiil llulfll!_ .......... ,... \ • SUI ••• 2-FMlitlS "llllUW llOlft$. •• 1 ,,......,,... CWll• .... ..., • ....., _ .................. ... ---\ • sm ...• ........,.CMDm.... , _ _, __ .... 101 ........ . ....... -................. _,:LJsiil . llll:tlA.Ll.Wl•C....ltiml - e 1JD ... 3PllCE .. cocm .... -·-·-·,..--' 111.Qllllmmt 'MIMlrtlilN.1.-Ellc.tri(SK·~ ... JUNE 20·28 . • -HOORS, 5 ·ti P.l . Wllllllll lllOOll • 11 P.M. SATUllDAY& SIJR6\Y ADULTS • ; • $2.00 · J_U~JO~S ._. ·! J.OJI --11 fChlfcl_ ....... 11M11•_....., ........... L&vell ......... .,._., A GEORGE COLOURIS PRODUCTION SA YI SOC IPOISOllD IY1 Th. Oronge·Counly Builders IPKIAI. DIKOUllT 11CllT1 lYAU.A&I ATI AlPHA IEJA MA•KtTS ••• TH•lfl'f' Aun. ond Th• Orange Counry Chopttr of the OR UG $JORI$ UNITEDCAllf. IANKS o~ Building Industry Alsociotion. ~ O~NGE COUN!V ' vou• cu.UIGAN MAN ·- l Famon Antrallan artist will caricatvre 1 00 visitors dally .;_ 1 0:30 a.m. • 2:30 p.m • .GORooN CURRIE '1the Wor1d's Top Caricaturist'' will be "in person" ,at the Pleasant Corona del ar office of Mutual Savings. Also on exhibit will be his Fabulous "FACES Of FAME GALLERY". You've seen him on · NBC's "Today" ·and "Tonight" shows, "The Steve Allen Show," and other network TV shows. -FRE·E! T .. 0 W N pe;11.i1 ...... 1st.1 "- ..... c.m.· ........... ,.... · . ... ..... .. .... .... ,. "· .......... ,. ...... -,..., fw ......... ALSO.,, i.,.-1 .... ...................... .,... -··-·' ·.:·••••JiiW.c..,i-.. fHI ... M. MUTUAL IAYINH. • • ·.-- Now, meet the man who bas caricatnred Presidents Eisenho.wer, Truman, Ken\1-edY IJJ.d N&q'n1• Gerieral de . . . Gaulle, the Duke of WIJ\dsor and hundreds of other world celebrities. Y 0 U can als0 be caricatured in a S P E C I A L . . SOUVENIR FOLDER, ABSOLUTELY FREE. W.R.SammOM Seni&r Vie• Pf'Uidnt ' R1glor&GlZ.0.ll..G,w Robert D. Aston Vic1PruidfM ara.c.11,.:. •. ,·-- :... MUTUA& SAVINGS ....... •••ii:lalllli CORONA DEL MAR 2167 East Coast Highway Telephone: us.solo J Blocks· South of MacArthur ll•d. (NIM oA-.'P111I• .. • I , • l • • DARY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE -- .No -~M~jor T.ax Boost JI ha• been a-loalh ~"-bllanclng act lhil year for ~wport Buell city ~-but now it appears they may ellCllpe wllllout lncreallng the tax rate sl&nlfi· cantly. , .. .' The last ~II problem, city ~oye salaries, wu re- solved this week when ~. Ct,tll!(icllly aild plea•· anUy agreed to p~y "1lea )~:Ulan they had first ask· edfor. .~~ , " Filial salary approval Is lo be given by councilmen Saturday and budget adoptlcn la aet for'Monday night, , so the last born Is llGt in lbl! 1*19 jel But it does ap- pear al this poqrt the roundup ll·oboul cklne . Councilmen llove done 1eoman duty bringin~ order to the city financial picture. They have met Monday and Tuesday !'i&bts {or the lut month and three limt1 on Saturdays. -, Councilmen ·were handed a buttget that was abont S850,000 out of balance. City Manager H"""ey Hurlburt had an e'xplanauon: . , It is a very tough yeat, Hurlburt said, because the slumo in building ii costini: the citv between S400.000 and SS00.000 in revenue. The cost of living is up 5.2 per· cent · and pooulatlon increase o·r the c.ity win require aJ.. most $i00,000 additional for clt~rf oervices, he pointed qut. • . . I ~ Moreover, employes were ••kinJ to be paid more than those In other cities ubecauae ·Newport residents expect mori Of them." Old street.a and •ewers were de· lerioratlng, the city was embarking on· a. police tielicop- ter program and Jnsurance premlwnt were up. So councilmen asked (or ball llclrtenl11.r In city ex- penditures. Tbey raised the laft'iiii several taxes and fees. They were fortunate In getting the cooperation of city. employes, who let councUrilen know what they wanted, but didn't PfOH for It militanUy. And so in the end it appears. the tax rate will be saved from a tnajor .hoisting. . Clly employea appeor to be gelling a fair shake with .. ' Academic ln~teeding Should End 1 It is· incredlhle bow llWI)' students, especially ii pratllloua ~ end universities, haft been perllllded bJ their teochen 1111t American 1oclety ii rotten to Ille con. -ca,. ?'"f I (Ilse idu be IClld to • -bright pnerollan? Simply by inculc:attnC in lludenla tbe -Jlli!lo 1111\ 11!1 , --1ul rejectioo of 1'mlddio<lul values" and American IDIUtutlou ii a blllmark of -dlltlnc:llon. Are there IDJ cantpt\llN today on which atudenb are not belnl subjected dally to thi1 1ntl·l•t~flec't ual brainwashing by radical llCU!ty? Of cour,. there are. 'Ibey jult doo'l makl beadlines. · I DELIVERED THE , commencement addreaa recently at jlllrt such a collet:e. F r o m the rollfnc 'illls of the Santi Lu- cia chain of moun- tains by the Paclllc coast, the callfornil S t a t e Polytedmic College at San Lull: Obilpo hu 1ttroctod more than 11,000 A- -dents to this 1p1n&: IJ populated ml beauUful 1mot-free area or the state. More lhan l.* students received masters and bachelors degrees Jn a ceremony that overflowed the 7,000 aeat llldjum. Cll Poty, as it is popularly known, ii, lib my own Jnstltuti!)n , San FranciJCO state College, one of the 19 Calirarnla ltate colleges. Unlike most of the othen It· did not. evolve from mrmal schoola and tuchers colleges. Nor has It auumed the mantle of academic respectablllty by calling itself a "liberal art.s" college. Instead Cal Poly grew up from a little stale. vocational school established by the Legblature In tlOL In the :13-ytar period from 1133 to JJa Cal Poly wu plded by the late Julian A:· Mc Pile<., • giant a'"""' edncatlanal leaden .. calil<lrnia. lie fought an uphlll battle b make occupaUon1lly-cenlettd college- lnel educaUon an acceptable partner wtth the so-called "liberal arli." H• retired at 70, having served 33 yean a1 preaidenl He died 1 year later. DllPITE ITS MERGER into the California lll:le colle1e system, McPhee \V ork Education Dear Gloomy Gus: 'Ibo dty of Newport BelCb plonl to ralae the tu on dop. Well, that'• fine, we'll pay -bQt why dilCJiminate? It RMI lo UI a tu m call ii certainly in order! Shouldn't their owners pay for the · privllqe of" keepin& them In ...- city. too? How about animal equality? Doti Loven and Nelghbon ""' ...,.,.. ,......, ,.....,.. ......... ~ ......... llf .... •--·--.. -!'9"'I " ~ ......... maintained the individuality, pel'IO!llQIJ and local autonomy of Cal Poly. BJ law Cal Poly can offer 'llbenl IN procrami. But Ille emphuil II oa oo- cupattonal educltlon leadtnl to ..._. ht qrlculture, ea,meertna, bUalneu, -........,. and otber appllod ftelds. Even an ·Engllsh major !Inda hlmJeU in the "scbool of epplled .arts.!' Cal Poly bu alwoy1 IOUihl flCUlly members who have both st.out academic records and prldlcll upertenco In the • profeuiona and ocoupollooa dlredty lllOdated with the cOur.o they ~ 'l'hll requiremeo~ according to President Robert E. KeunocfJ, for IO years I flCUlty member of Cal Poly and I disd· pie of Julian MePbee, .. uares wlth IODll recent scientific ruearch into what can be dooe to Improve Ill lnatltutiool ol higher educalloo. DR. UN!IEDY 'CAW 111W1tion to a • recommendaUon made bJ I ' J>l1Cholo!llJla and P1Ydliatrlsla who -keel with Joaeph Katz In ·a f...- year study of Stanford and UC Berkeley graduates. One of Jhelr cooc:lualons: "Presen~ faCulUa tend to represent only one segment of humanity, primarily peo- ple with strong cognitive orieotaUon and the tendency to exercise thought in a non-applied fashion,. The s tu d e n t s represent a much larger variety of In· terests and orientation \, .. Yet they , are segresated from much of the adult world, so that In a period in life when they are particularly open to change, they an secluded 'from potentially &igni.ficant adults." The conclusion of the study and Presi- dent Bob Kennedy'• opinions, baaed on a 31)..year observation of results at Cal Poly, are basically the same: Colleges and universiliel need a considerable diversification or the kinds of people with wbom we bring our 1Wdefit1 in contact. We must stop the academic inbreeding of appointing to university facu!Ues men aJJd women who have never worked in any produclive labor outside of lheir years as students. graduate students and teachers. WHAT BETJ'ER MODEL could there ht for some college student headin& ipto a career in engineering than a • 1 l licensed engineer who has successfully ralaea high enolllb to malte up for the slack this year and to get abreast with wages paid io other cities. Police- men art' to be given a special boost and tlremen 1 break in the length ot -their work week. ' Now If the streets and sewers ·Wlll just hold to&eth- er and other cities won 't boost their 'Salaries too much. But that'S city finance. There always has lo be some compromise and someone to hope for the best. W~y Not 'Kite Flight'? The Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce bas announced that the popular, annual Flight of the Snow· birds will be held no longer. This liummer would have been the 35th running of what has been billed as Hthe worl.d's largest small boat race." Some years more than 100 of the 12-foot boats were enlere<nmd tliousands of spectators watched ir&uid the ·bay. But the chamber says a recent survey showed fewez: than 25 Snowbirds sbip-shape for th~ annual race. Last year, as the number of Snowbird• dwindled, sailors of Kites, a much newer model 12-footer , were invited to join the race. There were 31 Snowbird entries and 56 l(ites. • . . The Kite, wi th a lighter hull and smaller sail, ls not a s awkward as the Snowbird and easier to right when capsized. Clearly it has become the more popular craft. , The Flight of the Snowbirds may have outlived its usefulness to the Chamber of Commerce, which we aus· pect became sponsor O( the COiorful event because it W89 a good promotion to draw persons to see Newport Har· bor and drop a few bucks with local merchants. . But the spirit of the race is very much a part of Newport Beach. It should be continued -even If "F1ight of the Kites" lacks, at first1 the authenticity of old New· ~ovtt. ENEMIES WANT us SIX FEEl NPER ANt> OUR Port. ' . N t rRIENDj WN-If VS To . SETTLE F Tl-flt.EE."'. Could Degrade V•er'• Credit Status Credit Card's Destructive. Power A recent study conducted by two GfOSI. mont Junior College students concerning the destructive power o~ abused credl& cards revealed a few interesting points that could degrade the credit card user11 credit status if he is not careful. There are two main points that en- compass this power of destruction 111d they are : First, the consequences ol k>st or stolen credit cards: and , second, the hiddea dangers of unsolicited credit cards. The first point to consider is the degrading effect of one's credit statUI Jf he ii not> able .to cover, financially, the purehl• made wtth 1 -lost or stolen credit can:t. The financia l responsibility ~ usually lies solely on the shoulders of the card owoer until written notifi cation i1 received by the card issuer and this could entail large sums of money owed if the loss was not di!covered ini- \ medlately. · THE..)iECOND POINT is the hidden danger of unsolicited cre~t cards sent thf'Oll&h the ' maill every day without the knowledge of tfle addressee. nus point is linked to the first point, but contains one maln difference. If this card was stolen .prior ~the receipt by the addressee, there would be no way to report Its Joss. Here the addressee ls once again responsible for any abuses of tbls card because the' use of this card by anyone ihdicales to the issuer the acceptance of .the credit. We are not attempting tO discourage or even stop credit card .systems: but we are demanding that governmental legislation, 1an both federal and state levels, be enacted to protect the con· 81.lmer from fraud and unnecessary waste of consumer income. Also, we auq:est to the credit card holders to be mora careful in transactions using credit cards to protect themselves. TO STRESS TllE importance ol By Geor9e --~ Dear George: . ' -' <.·. '~ :e~· LetttTS jrom Ttader1 GTI IOllcomt'. Normally writers should conoq thtir messages in 300 100Tdt: cw llu. Tht r ight to con<Unlt. llttul to_ fit space or eliminate libel iJ rnnveCl. All ltt· ters must incltuU lignaturt cmd mail- ing address, bur nomn may be with· htld on requtst if JMfjicinlt t"tason U apparent. Pat:try will not Wt pub- lilhtd. legislation and protection, one fact can be pointed out : In one year there are some 200,000 declared bankruptcies, aod of this figure, 92 percent are personaJ (other than business). They are all linked t'l either over-extended credit or abused credit made available through the use of credit cards. · It is time for legislation to protect the consumer now, not jn the future. • To !he F.dltor; GEORGE C. JOHNSON GARY L. KIDD 11:1ank you for runnin1 the article: "Senility, Bad Diet Linked," by Dorothy Wenck, Orange County Home Adviser. (The women's page, June 17) "Tea and Toast" diets must lead to bad health in any age bracket. In the elderly area, · thls type of food intake is not very ofte• a course o( least resistance. Jt is a necessity, in co. alderation of spiraling food costs and the drag of pre-llifl1Uanaly incomes u IOW'Cea of erpenditure ill the matket place. · Older folk, 1s well as~ the younger seneration w i th whom we have more in common than might be suppoaed, are pretty well aware of their nutrltioul needs. BUT WHAT CAN. be done when there just isn't enough cash to meet dallJ living costs? ne "eat proteins" warnma of eood medical me11 must be ignored. One aubltltulel, snlffs meat counters, but jµst does not buy. And then, boom! An expensive convalescent program is in order and COltl ther,e must generally ~ borne ~ aovernaent. And -- the government ls us aq -the people ! ~ 1 ranch operator, I found that fanntns wu more hiza.rdous than a Las Vegas game. H e r e, humans are - being mechanized out of business as \li"Orkers. And often as a necessity. And ranchlnt: isn't the only area where robots " are tatint over to the deCriment of the bumao race, in loLIJ. ._ ·R. M. ~OHNSON 'i'ES Is s..,.11tpeol To the !'Ailor: The Youth Employment Service of the Harbor Area ii well along on • summer program of finding jobs for young people. Scores of teenagers continue to apply · for work and an encouraging number of local buain~en, manufacturers and homeownen aie phoning , In · with job off en. YES ii succes1fully filling these jabs. In fact, we're swamped! Our one and only paid employe, Director Florence Hayo.s, ls pulling in overtime but slill can't handle: all the business thil worthwhile projecl ii ,._ating. THEREFORE, Y~ is putting out an ur1ent call for volunteer staffers. The houn are 10-2; the location is the Boya' Club; the work is challenging, excltinC, rewarding and appreciated. Only the pay is lacking! Completely lacking! Men and women, and Y 0 U N G PEOPLE are Invited to step forth and become involved. If this sounds in- teresting, call Florence at YES head· qumten, SU-Ot74, or myself, at 54&-5990. JIM WOOD YES Chairman E119l-rs A119ereol To the Editor: Jn response to an a r t i c 1 e en· titled "WullhJ, Wcrd for N e w po r t Don't you think it's awful that censors in some places are allowed 1tOt only to act, but to write about how much good they are doing? What are you going to do about 111 these 'p~DSOrship articles, George? Handbills and the Law • ANNOYED AMERICAN Dear AA : \Veil, I called a meeting or several freedom-of-speech lovers. We were going to try lo pass a law against Jelling arliclcs for 'censorship appear in the press, but after we sat around thinking about it, vt-e all \vent home. Richville was a quiet, wealthy llUll town. Most residents took long ftClUonl. Richville also had a high number ol burglaries. So the city passed 1 number of law1 for better lighting Of homn and streets, a'nd providing for men police, and special patrols. lt allo palled a law that no one could throw handbllll or other papers on private raidenUaJ land without the owner 's consent. Dear George: Randolph Burst ran 1 neiahborhood I try to make breakfast 1,... pa.per with ads and 1 few local news teresting for my husband -•11 llems. He claimed the local law violated • \ • • in Action • Is worthless unless there are meaDJngftil ways to express It," the Supreme Court 11ld. i ' ANOl'llSk QTY tried to limit &lvln free pomphtets on public lllreela. It sa Beach," by Thomu Fortune, u ll I~ peared in "Your CornmunMJ," the DAU.Y PILOT supplement of Jlme JI, pleall be advised that several ol us tn the engineering departmeN of the ··~1 and changing· city of Newp.. 1 • .a.m" are quittr angry and put out. Please be advised llllt the employes of this department are fi1bt1n1 tel be recognized for · what they bave done, do. and can do and be recompemed for. Il seems ,that the !police and fire ·departments are the orily ones that aet credit for their efforts. ' . HAS ANXOt;E oor, Y9Uf staff ever checked oa worli!JI&, conditioos, job qualifications, job llQUittments. money and lime spent to rbe~ these qualiflCI· lions, respoosibiliti,s and their extm· parative pay scalea?- Do we need to umcirm OUl"lflvea, bk>w whistles and· sirens lo be noticed? Bt fair, be democratic -.if you praise one, prabe us an, ' .. WILLIAM BORREGO Principal Engineer~ Aide Senater 1ltl•rpla9'• lo• To the Editor: \\'e are lucky to have a man like Senator Murphy as our represe11taUve; for based on his most recent · performances I am Sure that he will be able to compete successfully with most other' senators 1n the art of doublejalk. Senator Murphy assured us 1111t his job with Teehnicolor took no Ume away from his duties as senator. but aince he was paid about half what the senatorill position pay1, I mull .uume that he, did about half as nmch work for Te~icolor as la the Senate. (What'• half o~ nothing?) Y~, WHEN IT came to obeyin1 the law with regard to informing the SEC of his stock manipulatton1, he informed us that he could not take the time from his 1e11atorial dutiea to comply. Now that Technicokw hu n e w mapagement, hopefully Sen1tor Murphy will have sufficient Ume to at least mate hii P11blic releala conalstent. R. H. TUFFIAS Quotes Gtw s. flnllo, "'-"Dir, Caitt. ,State Collopo -"Our IOClety bu allow· ed its freedoms to be milusetl by lhose · who would d~stroy the freedoms." Lelgliton RolUn1, dlreelor, Callur1I Af. fain lnstltule, Sula Blrtwa -'"The only privileged -young penon is the one who haa had to face something not easy to face, and has ttlumphed." ·: • . .. • • . I I ' . . l ' I l . • • ' • , ' • l t ~ C.hlnmenQ · buUt bridges, dams and high rises before -~r.-• '~, dec:ldin.1 on.a second cafeer as a college teacber? People of this kind , in all -..~..., =~=-~=""~_,walks of We _tr~uently,_ha.v..e_a_grea t--~, .1•~-Put, 1..., Niil: ''YOCltlollll 'M.re to teach and to be in contact e61c.UO. ii •blolUlltr aaential to out wHb J'OW1I people. Such f a c u I t y cantbmaJ growt1L D ll DDt and Dlftl' "models" at Cal Poly Influence their hit been the -jwisdiclioD of aludeoll not only throu1h their In· occuional oDion salad or a 111i'prt11e his right to frte speech. He cbaUenged such 11 touted goose li ver, and the law in court but he lost. _JJl.st_lblJ_mornlng_he_pl'ICliClllJ--· . b threw my oyster fritters at me. 111! ORDINANCE did not ar 1 the readers littered the streets aft reading them. The court thoulf\l ordinance invalid; the city could illlering.-But-glvlng pomphtelo-to-- public lies wlthln the scope of lfM sptteh. Since Thomu Paine's Ume, the free r:rea his been a 111ef\ll weapon ---~-~. the formal .-IJllem. U.I. ID-tellectual knowledge, but also throu1h dostry's in-planl ... -job tn1n1o& Ibo -lhey have 1ainect from prac- alllf!ll that there • w ~rt ab 1 e tical exprrience. . aJtemeilvH lo W lle$t1'MI plbllc" ~-that'•s ;hit Ill ~Ueies -need •ocational educatlaMt .,.m. Business -especlllly liberal arts colleges. ~fore •Del industry must -the llMership prolamrs who are acquainted with the tole in 'work educ.a.'. U we are to world outside the classroom .. Fewer pro- ti ... ve a aufficient mllllMr " adlqulttlr feuon who live In thal dre1m world lrained worke'8, l,,... ol honl..,.,.e · .... ,.h the p net F dom I uMmployed, fhcn tec:hnletl lkll'!! m'.t~t in "''-"" eace a rte parl ea 111 nurtured by .educaton. ,_,,1,, and teem the only logical choice. 1n11nben of lndU1try. 'l1lroulh this com-BJ S. I. H1y1k1wa -etf<Jl'I we con jllftlap ihe 1idtll Pre1hlent WP 1 Po Dip Ams1c8 •owbCI• ... In F1w'9tie .... CWllp .. Do you think the honeymoon ls pubUlhtr from leaving papers I& • home over? that eceepll them. Nor did it keep TEARFUL BRIDE .him frnm asking the owner'1 couent Dear Te1rful Bride : to leave papers. Honey, perhaps you've gcnten In Throwing pipers on another's property 1 bit of 1 rut . even this early without his conJerlt is like stmding on rlf' Tnarriage~·WJ'iy--nor \•3ry the the pe'rson's front porch, hopin1 to Cit.ch same old diet or onion salad and some people ~ho might listen. No one O)'lltrs for break fa 11 with has the rlght '° Utter another's property something exotic like bacon and under a claim of "free sptteh." egp. Men are funny, you kno1v. ln another case, Palm Sprinp pasmt. .....:...J a law that barred use of sound trucks (Send your problems to George· y;ifhout a police permit. It also limited ind let him do you r \li"Orrying. their «Se to four hours 1 day, and Then you'll REALLY hav e said lhe trucks had to move at least something lo worry about.) ten miles an hour; To lhe court this -.... too ~ """ IJ>OO<:ll in dL •e or liberty, I You cannot restrict thole who 10 from door to door h•-1 out ... u,iodo or ~tlcat Information. You_ can I" ,trom dOor to door to ,.. tt you c.. &el willing listeners. Soliciting money ror charity bu no such protecl\on. The law reprd1 it not as "speech," but 11 1 commerdal ac· tlvity. Ordin1nct1 UmiUng door io door 11lesmen are pnerally v1lid. Note: California lawyer& offer this colttmn so uou nlaJI know abOut our laws, Friday, June 26, 1970 Tht tditortal -of lht Dally Pilot u1kf to inform and ttim- 111411 ,_,.. bv pnuwUng lhil -~· qpitUona and COnk """""" on loplca of , lnllre11 and rigwjfit;aftcc, br ,...,.;cu.g a fonm for the ezprellion of o•r rtodlra' opl...... and by pre1m&ino tht diDft'le vfew- poinu of tnfom&ed otmrver1 a1ut 1pok111M• on topics of the day. Robert N. Weed, Publtsher • • .. , . .•. . • . ·;! •• . . ,. . ·: ... -.-----..... ----------.... -.~~ .... ~.-~--.. .. ___ _ ~~ • ·~men- • •• ,. B'A• ANDERSON: l!dltor llrllln; J..,. 2t. ltll N P .. \I \ '. ·Bau rg 1.as.ses .......... ... _,. -... ---· . . . ·Tu r·ffl ·e:d -~---Over·::· . • >f'•\' Y. ._1 ' . ' .. ,..., Time hall f.un--:'out ·on another club year 'for the Costa Mesa Junior Women's Club and members have' turned their eyes to' the future. . , Taking as lier theme. the Time Has Come,, Mrs. Ronald Stenge has .gaveled to· o.r~f!r her first meeting as president of the club and has 'outlined a series of projects for the. year. Meeting with Mrs. Stenge in the Costa Mesa Wo.men's Club were other new officers',' the Mmes. Michael Estey' and David Melcher, vice pre~· idents ; Robert Di . Domeni~o, ·secretary; Robert Raciti, treasurer, and Thom Sis Bandy, parliamentarian and immediate past president. ~-The-new officers were ihStaJle<I during ceremoffie!"ii1 the Mesa Verde Couptry Club. Mrs. Stan Garland, a past president, presented symbolic hour glasses during the ritual. 1-. · An all-out effort will .be made by -1he club to boo s t membership through ,partic,ip~tion in COJ!lniu~ity affairs including the. Lions Club Fish Fry Parade, in which the club took part with a dune buggy, and the Al! States Festival, where members iwill distribute infqrmation on free county services. • The club also supports the First Step Hoase:·a4 rehabilitation center for alcoholics. the Fairview State Hospital Friendship program and the ·Harbor Area Girls Club. , ~ ' . . -. . Mrs. Melcher is in charge of ways and · means and is planning fund·· raising events... to support the projects. • Young women between the ag~s of 18 and 35 interested in membership may call Mrs. Sten~e, 546-2720,• fOr further information.' HOUR APPROACHES .-Watching the hour come near when a . new club xear wj.ll begin are new.ofiiceis pf the·Costa Mesa J_unior WomenTs Club«IeJt to right) )heJ\lmes. RP!lald Stenge, pr~)4~t, and ,1'!1chael .Estey.lliJ\d> Pavia llielcher" vice presid,ents. The' new leader has chosen a, her theme the'.,Tlme Has Come, and already has icheduled a fuU·.year of activities. · . . . . .. . . ' • -' . . . ' ' . . ' . ~ l Wheels Set in Motion foT. a. Safe Independence Qay , . • ~ safe Independence Day is beiiig' "'1iltrl ined by the Newport Ready for competition ar~. (left to rigllt) William, ·Cbrillian and Shores social committee for Shores residents. Tbe Fourth of July Jonathan W,ornardt. Afternoon houri·caD be whiled away at car· !. festivities will begin with the traditioMI 1bicycle1parade at 10 a.m.1 nival booth&, sports events and a· hot dog comer, and 1be finale ; . followed witb the judging of toddlers tricycles and wagon entries. wIU be an .Italian ~er'. ~ccording 111 Mrs. ~ack· Smith, cbalnnan. t • . -. ,. .-, . C10derfillas, Roll . Along '. . . ' • Rolllrigtinlo. a new y~r ol'filnd•raising•tor. Orange cOuhty Children's H0spital • are'1Q1!)-71 office.« 'f•Jlke.Jl(ewpj>rt Be~ch Cinderella Guild . Mrs. DomUd M . Gusta!l<!fl, corresponding secret.ry·js.pulled Into activities' by' Mrs .• Rqbert J. Lucas, pres(d\!111.,,AlsO'.on ' the 'boerd"are,the Mmes. Sain Gurley, Lo~Dyef, ·William \Dootson and Nancy Cunningham. Provisionals receiving the Cinder- ella 'slipper .and full member:sbl!l "aJ>!'Mrs. Don Bayless and Mrs. Moot Gherman. New' provisionals· are the Mmes. •Paul 'con:tary, Forest Dennirig, JohD Holcvoinb, Robert Ma~, Roger Petersoh ·and terry Walsh. ~ ·. '{-, -.... ' I ~:GoocJ St'Jdent Fails ~·to . Score When Computing ,., 1 •• .. ;'DEAR ANN LANDERS : Our daug-' . . ' ' I ,, • My ...ninl• are llP"'t llUinl by the DEAR ANN ·LANDERS: Mr hllsband crulch." l ·kno'w ""· wUI never get a ~ ,_ ... , • I -lH--Ji.J27 years old.-She was-an.. "~tud•••.•~----all the way through school. When il Oafne to common sense. she didn't have ftrUch. Her grandmother used to say ihe was "book smart and life dumb." ANN LANDERS ~ _)!hooe. ~tim~ il..!1np.Jometimea_,nd-J,.have-been-married-elgl!H>e1t1-. -Child-ILiie-doesni-lll<>p lhli--kind-oEC--- tt doesn't. I'm afraid to leave the aPl!t,. we both want a ramily ' but, I can't talk. I've. begge_d him ,to just keep quiet !~Anne has a masters degree in English • itid .taught in junior high for two years. '?jn months ago she married a brilliant •puter genius Who-gets lost 6n his 1fay home from work and misplaces ~ paycheck regularly. He has. trouble lp)lding jobs because he becomes in- trigued with afternoon TV soap operas ind stays home from work. :~ently, he becarTie so enthralled with ·l~ge of Night'' and "Genet:@I Hospital " lie; laked illness tor five aays. Now he: has falltn in Jove wilh "Sesame :1: • . ... .. l· Street" and there la oo .l>t will.&o back, to hi1job. lelllng when • Anne is pregnant and had to quit teac)liog Jut .... k. She told me Yetter· day her marriage wu " mistake and she is fed up with \he laiy lug. What shoulG her father and I do? -AGPNI.Z- ,. ED FOLKS D!All AG : Notldq. Jt11 lie~ mtalUe •od lier loll' i.1. LOI lier t.w ,..'11 alve lier ...... 11abJ ... ad lloonl ff 1lle 1Mld Dttd It bat say '"'\bing ·tut mlP,t encoarage her to leave ber llu1bud. DEAR ANN LANDERS : Today is·my birthday. I'm alone. My lovt.just phoned to say his wife is ill and he can't leave her. Thi11 isn't the first time he: has cancelled plans at the l11st minute. Of COW'Je there'• no&hing 1 can say «Clo. ment for fear he'll call and 1'11 miss to 1 1 lie h bee about this subJect but he uys, "l'm him. I hesitate to inv1te friends over seem ge pregnan · , 88 n no hypocrite." becaitse be mlgbt drop by when someone checked and the · problem ii mine, not What can J do? -REDDING. is here. his .• 'l'hrtt -· ha,. told me Ille DEAit RED: V11 'f _,. .wt to · I'm uhamed to tell you how long troubI .. ·t. "psycholosk:al" and mt cuelocl odoptloa .., .. "' ·-on,..i I've been _li.tng. llke this. I'll-just sign .organic. ·!!'hey haV. suggesled odopllon. cllm<INlllUatH -H ,,..,. ,.,. , .. off with a warning to other st1iry-eyed . -and all three doctors have said, wanlf a clttld. I'm 111t to ore lte doe~ fools who think lbe role of the Other ' "Alte.r you adopt a child your ..UI ·pro· Woman is exciting •nc1 gl amorous. It's. bably hav~ your own." • , a lousy life and "a lonely one. The The problem is my husband's .. big road ls a rough one and it leads oowhere. mouth. We have been interviewed by . J 've wasted my youth and I have no -representat:lv9 ol. two tdopUoa ~ luture. -TEARS IN THE PILUlW • When they ask him •about church a!- DtAR TEARS: Yoar me1aap I• plaia. · tendance he Ny&, "Religion is a lot I hope tlle eudtdne1 read yea ltud of garbage. Children should be raised ud clear, to depead on U.-Iv.., 11111 a plM)ar, Al'°"'l ls no shm'ICut lo social sutcess. If YoU think you have to drink to be atteplld by your £rift*, Id the factt. Read •JIOoR and Ytu -for Teenaaen IJnly :• by Ann Landm. lend ~ • ctnll In coin and a long, teH-oddreae<l. •iamped envelope with ,.,... nqueat In .., .. of the DAILY PILOT, . ' • ,. . ~ t • • • ' . • .. • . . • :· . . -• ,, • . . -• ' . .· ·.· .. ' .. " ··-·. • • , , , ' ' DAll.Y PILOT Dolls Displayed by Coast Delegates DIJplaytng lbe handmade dolls they exhlblllcl during 1 1talnlde meellns of Cblldren'• Homa Society memben In Lot· Angela are Mn. J'!llle• Ackley 011\) and_ Mrs. Anthony Gajewski, pa.st president. of Lu Bnzas de! Mar Auzlllary of Fountain Valley. Gavel Changes Hand's For Town and· Gown • • Anaeles gn)cip in fund-raising events. Each year, Tow.1 and Gown Junipr Auxiliary awards lcholanbljll to -- The Town and Gown Junior Auxilllry of Orlllie County ol the un1 .. n1ty ol Southem Calllomla, bas illltalled Mn. Edwal)l Bnunleau of Cleta )!Ila ;•lil~mt for the ..... · . :ee-t )wr-old org1nliaUoa . • 11111· be IOrYed by the llma: W!lllam ·Huewtnb~ ..... ~~; Jolm Llgblloot, e or re IPDOdial'. llCl'etary; Rlcbm llertia, .--dine -.lary, IJld Jame. -alff, tl'e!Wir. JUDY l'RICI ......... hie Texas Rites • In Offing NIWI ol Ibo fortllcomlnc nwriac• ol ·Judy Price of lloclorall, Tex., and cary Lee Griffin ol Newport Beach _ond. Glendale hu been an- DQID!Oecl by Mr. and Mn. w. J. Price ol Rocltwall, parenll GI lbe bride-elect. More : are the· Mme1. Michael Gllib,· ways and "'"""'' Jlld>anl ~· •le ; ......, ......... Edward n . ---t'· ., . holpllallty; ~ -· Lee Angela llalon; Randoll Parlier, meellni; Rober\ Brow111buaer, . n e w memo benhlp; Richard Ramella,' membenblp; Jmues Tyler, Jll'Ol'IDI; Plil1 Hadley, eodal; Oby Woocil, porljamtntarlan, and Philip Anlllula, hlltorlan. The Or•1*e CoUnty chapter .... -lo 111111 Ibo Lee l'RESIDINT Mr1. Brumleu Deadline Approaches ' For Freedom Awards ' . New Duties Outlined · For Slate New offlcerl and n e w memben took the spotllcJit whoo Alta Bahia CommlUee of the Orllli• Count1 Phllharmonic Sedei, met 10 wela!alt botli. . Leadl• thi _, for the cemlnC 1* wW be Mn. John W. Domldlan..ebalrman, aasbled by Ibo Mmes. John Crvul, vice chairman; L. W. Jenks, ncordlnc oecretary; Richard Franklin, eot· respondlns oecrotary a n d memberlll>lp chairman; D1tid 0!1mbert treasurer, a n d Wlllima M. Laing, parllam ... tarlan. Chairmen are the Mmes. Paul Queyrel, ways an d meano; Lennard Hall, publicl· ty; Luis Lazo, previews; Hennan Johnlon, corlUnuance fund; Willlam Heidemann, tekpbline and Ra)'mond c. ·Dosta and E. Morion ~nn, procrams. New members are thl Mmea. Jenks, Robert L. W.U. Hall and Marlin Sheely. Your Horoscope Tomorrow ..., .... _ -~ - Pis'ces: Surpris·e· Trip . Ahead SATURDAY JUNE 27 BJ IYDNEY OM.\1111 TUN 'DATING HINTS: Per II~ kJd II 1'11n11 -....,.. ii_ ..... wllll-lolnlallo•· ..,..lleylola•-lolllPt .. ., ......... m&bit --· H 1"I. ,...t .. wla........., ~t, -.ke tidelllpmt cmc111l1r•. BUiid -,.. .. ---hr Gemlol. ntle Arin &ell lbtck wta met. Romace could ,..,,... fer C1Pfk:trn, wllUe CMCtr ft8dl aew frteDd1 ollmillaltq. ABIEll (March ll·AJ>ril 11): By tonlgbt you get fiDaliaal matters on even k e e I • i'w'dwe ol llowm, -gift could be move that lmures fine evenmc. 'There appears to tie; a valid reuoo • for c:elebralln(. . TAURUS (April IO-May 30): Mystery cloudl are blown away. You 1ee mart clearlf. Palh ii ouWned. You know wheft to '°' what to do. But you mmt be a lelf-atarter. Take inlt!allve. ~G1!311!!1 <!UY lt·June 30): By tonllht, you know whm you atand In romsntle area. You a110 will know whether or nol promotion you seek will become a reality. Day to perceive truth -and accept truth. . CANCER (June II.July 22): You can pln .dded· recopi· Uon. Key II to flnilh, complete [ project -lllen advertile H. Means let olherl 'know when varloua ,_.;biJIUes. Be Dex· you for gr1nl.ed. But you find T• !Ind 9\11 .._.. 11oc11,, ,.. 't"" ~-1 111 ..-•nd ...,,, onitr s~ ible. it alrnott impouib e to aay OrnArr'• -.1t1, "S.Cr•i HJIWI ..,. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): r.o. By July, much pressure Mffl 1nc1 .w .... 11." s...a blr11M11i. and lif tak Ind JO l t '"h lo OIT .. rr Asl(ololt' Lie low; do plenty ol lb:tenlna; is lilted e ea OD SKnlS. tM DAILY PILOT ....... observin". Take -ial care, a w1 ... 1-ikJw:-• GrMjj C1n1r11 Slfllon. New 'Ywk. ·~ ...... =:--~~-,.;:·~-V~,~*~"~·-:::::=====":_,...:_' in connecUon with eontracll, agreements. Give thought to , ... Eathaate• ~:;,zou can ~t -pr<> RI-UPHOLSTER . SAGm'ARlllS ()'iov. 22-C-plete Selttt'-of Dec. 21): Tonight emphasis -L-'-i I tll • is on health, how to overcome F.urwc• lie • ... te .. i.... c 0 • " 0 r k e_' ~· Linen$ and Velvets &S.'IOCiate bu been acting tn manner whlch disturbs you. Malter Cr•hfMlln Alw1y1 Diplomatl~ .approach is best; At bee=~~ (Dec. 2Z.Jan. CDKOSKI 19): Good lunar upect lonigbt 1sY·KOS-Kl!YI COSTA MISA coincides with romance, Ph •~2 14' 54 creative ablllty. You are able oae v-. • , to give and receive. arfeclion. Adjustment in home situation proves constructire. AQUAlllUI (Jan. IO-Feb. 18): Obtain hint fr o m Capricen 111e111ge. S e t t t e domesUc differences. Quiet talk and willingness to make -Olll pin!, iiiaJ<lf,potnt.-Family l!lfmber-needs boost in morale. Try to provide it. PllCEB (Feb. 111,March 30): Surprise trip may be on agen- da . One who has corresponded with you insistl 01 penonal contact. Tb.is could be to your adv1ntap. You &fl$ needed suppw1. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIR111DAY you attract people to you with their problems. Many take advantage and take Tennis lnstnctlon , •••Y..C•r• ·active weer for m•• ••~ H)'I ' is to dr•ss At,.Easel " you st.and -where you int.mi Unique GU1r1ntHCI to... Method LEO (July 13-Aug. 22): 645-1907 642-0954 Performancecounta; you arell=~'.;;,;;;,====~~~~==================================~ asked to live up to advanced I~ billing. There is 1 o m e pressure. But you are' capable. Kmw this -acl accordlngly. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Tonight you may find 11 dif· flcult to pt fldual Jn. formation . There is a tendency on part o( many to fantasize and idealize. Your task is to lilt through and 1et at truth. IJBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Some money fad<Jn require more detailed.. eumtn1Uon. Be 111re you are obtalninl )'Ollr fiChtl. Don't lfve up IOIDl!lhinl for notllJnC. Oleck ' Scouting Gets Boost Underprivllegecl 11•11 wW bellellt !run a 11,000 _, 11... the Girl Scout Councll of Orin(• County by the Sears Roebuck FoundaUon. The 1nnt wlll be llSed to strenglllen Ibo P"'ll"am In areaa where famWea ml&bt be unable to afford participa- tion for their dauchten, e•· "Plained D. A. Prlmroae, rel\Onal director of aouthero CalifonU1 for the foundaUOn. Acc<ptla1 the check for ltho council were Mrs. John M. Owen, president, and "''"' Frances W h I t I s • encuU'N director. Tbe funds will provide • ... -with pnllrl!D -piles. OPINDAILY10.101~UN.10.7 • FritlayAndSaturtlay,june26,27 .. KO<kl® 1111J Collon I RELAX IN A COOL ROBE Rtg. 3.75 to 3.96 -2 days 88 Miio Price, • graduate of llockwall lllch School, eamed her AA decree from Stephena Collep and her BS de ..... In llCll1dary education from !. Tau Technoloe1cal Institute, ' • lAlbbock. She is a teacher in l.«'edo, Tex. " ' ' A Tuesday, June 30, deadline has been set for the Freedom FoundaUon's annual school awards program, acc:ontlng to Mrs. Lou.fa L. Curtia, president of <>range County Women'a Chaptor of Freecloml Foun· daUoa at Valley Forge. and to educators for building RIUPHOUTIRY intelligent, capable a n d •t PHter_y_ ""91 Direct pa1rtot1c cltlions. The awards FRIE' nnMA TES jnclude the Valley For1c Furniture Made To Order Te a c he rs ' Medal, the • With "Quality Workmanship" ; •'r • .•. .. • --• • • :t • • • • • • • • • • . . • , ' l Her fiance, 1011 ol Mr. and Mn. C. Art GrllOn of GJen. dole and Newport Beoch, a~ -lbe Unlvenity ol Schoolmen Medal and the Stop &r..!ftd See our Showroom American Educators Medal. CASTLE INTERIORS A nlUonal awarda procram 7MI CM....,, ........... ~ honor patri~ stridea inl~!""'.'~ca~l~l~C5!-~~~·~.,.~-~~-~..,~-1Ml~~-~~~~~I -and received h~ BA ..... In English from UCLA. 'l1>ey will uchange pledges Alli-22 In Rockwall. ··Facts Told By Doctor The echool awuda program Is dnll!ft"1 to tt<0111ize the cilizemhiP,.ljuilding efforts of pubUc, parochial ind private schools, both in and out of the C\Ullrt>Om. ' Awards also art made lo lldlool papers foe editorials Rebekah Lodge the areu of advertltlng, 1.;. editorials, •Jt!aguine and nettspaper arUclet, radio and television progr.ams, esaays, public addresses and other ac- tivi\les. A\1 award selections are dttennined by a jury of 30 state Supreme Court jurists and national executives of patriotic. s er v Ice and An established su rgeon will Triple Link Club of ?t!esa veterans' organizations. be the guest speaker at ttie Rebekah Lodge has meehnas Nomimation forms a n d J to 4 p.m. meetinB on Sunday, · ~e klw:th Monday~ at a p.m. further information may be J 211 of the n.,tomy Club in vanous locations. Mrs. obtained by contacting Mrs. une ' ""f' Douglas Mor1an at 548-1938 Robe(t o: Peterson of Santa ol Orange County. may be _called for add.ltlonal Ana, -awards ch a Irma n . Dr. Jooeph _L. Kealing of inlomialiOn-. ' Orange County Chapter. 1An1 Beach wtll discu11 How 'iiiii;;;i;,;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;iii;;i;;;;;;ii;i;;i;~~i;;;ioiiiii~ to Uvt! with Your Colostomyll and Uke ll In !he cemmunlly roam, of Belmont Savini• imr;-!ul Beacl!:'-- A fellow of the Ameri<aD flollep GI Sur1eom and a dlplomate of the AmortcaD l1olrd ol 11urpry, Dr. Keatial 11 ... Ibo ltalf1 of St. Mary'• •ad c.mmunlty beepltail of I.ala Beach. '\.: ,,..,, .. the •tall at Medlcll -!or """ yeatl . A corr .. period wlll fi>liow. Who C.m2 PANTS • -- BONANZA SALE! 3 0-A·-Y S ON.bY Next Mond•y· Tuesday-Wedne1d1y WESTCLIFF PLAZA ONLY OPEN SUNDAY 12·5 fr1nchl1t Oteltr for YAMAHA KIMIAU KOffLn I CAM'81ll Today~s Stocks 'Today •• --........ w. •• 11. .. , __ _ Wh'en 7ou He these e:•eaing robes, yoa1l find dm eTm the: price: is relu- jql 5e1ect print or eolid hue KodelGt- polfelter and cottOn robes dwiag this· sale:. Alto lo·iel7 paitela that offer a choice.of lac7 or applique: trims plus et.borate embroidery. 10.18. alti'•iftl# 0 KP DEL . ...... .. ........... cs ·---_ .. --·---- - --- ------------........... -......... . r I ~Qsta Mesa EDITION VOl. 63, NO. 152~ 4. SECTIONS. <40 PA&ES . . . :Mcl(.ellzie Retires •• ' , ' ·:City MaJl#ger f.acing Long ~~covery . . . . . ' . LEAVING COSTA MESA · ·'Super Chlo!' McKonzio· • , ARTHUR R. VINSEL • : .... Deltr .... ,..., SlriCktn by a cerebral btmorrhqe four ~ ,q:o·and nQW' facing a klnl:· term. canvalaCence, Colla Mesa Clfy ·. · ~ Artlwr .R. McK-,js reliring. Ria deci•IM was bued on his doctor's recommendation and · his -chinces for retummc to the top.level '.jOb. 'he bas held smce August, 1915, iri the immediat.e future. · · "They tell me I'll be au ri&ht, but the 1Ume, element is toe much in doubt to leave it' hangin1 for 1 prolonged period," he said. " No definite date has been sel. since his applicatjon for retirement and long- term disability benefits is currently being · handled by in~rial committees of city government. •. 1be U.yea,.--old McKenzie, hired Sept. 30, 1163, u: eo.ta Miiii's first police chief, ~plam a prokln&ed vacation in Mexico with his wile . Actln( City Manager Frl!d Sonabal ls ~ted to ~ the choice to succeed McK.~ as the top appointive. officer in tbe1niunidpal government . TM stroke McKenzlt suffered March 1, at first thought to be .less serious than specialists ultimately determined, bas led to the ae~·inedically-lnduced Hanoi -confirms Prisoner •• List; 334 Held in Vi.etnam retirement in McKenzie's acreer. He cootr~ Polio while • a member of ·the Lc3 Anielol Police Departmenl and ~~ u · .a detecU\'e aerpnt . before, recotetina ,am1 'accepting· \be .. COllta ·Meaa police diiel ISlignmenl. : His bout · with tlie crippling disea&1 led h\m to· work entbusiaat.ically u Orange County chaHman of the 111nu1I M.arcti of Dimes campaign for many )IW1. McKeni.ie. !)De o( tht most popUlar amoog city officials, became city manager on Aug. I, 1965, earning him the nickname "Super Chief." . He was promoted from police chief to director Of public safety in mid-19M and further elevaltd to acting city manaau t then formally assigned to the. pool. Robert L. Un&er's cesignation to enter private business left Arlie Schwartz u acting city manager ror several mooths before McKenzie "'as promoted _the following spring. H~ has. )?een underaoing e1tended testing and tnerapy sinct suffering: the stroke March 1, a mild atlack thlt sent him to his •physician. the next day, complaining of headaches and alight (Set: McKENZIE, Pa~ tl * * * Mesa Leaders Give P·r.aise To McKenzie . . ' NEW. YORK (UPll -T•h re e be tt:patriated wbtn -lht war 11 -.,,. wbo vllited H-aa ·Drinte lermiutea. ~. but ~ tbat he ckvo(f lnd!Vldilala re(IOl1od tocloy ·!bat 11'otth Inform-.Vall'lbia in Wa........ llimaell:lb ~~Kesa clvi< Vietnamese covernment officials con· indicated that tm Blplrlmllt• .. ot_ leldel'l ,Ulll ..tt., SH f ,-, ,_ firmed a !isl al 334 American pm....,, Del"""''' lisi ol lopo_wn ~· ol a -flf -;.,._-to rdlriJlf City ftf -,er conapUed by a New vor.-peace w1t . ii ccmid;erably larger thin that M.....,. Aft McKeade. - ll'°"P Ind stated lbat it woa COllll>iele. verified by Hanoi. . 1itt ........ lad•MIH. · rorm<r .ma•on, T...,...Pl••I • • -• J .... ., ...................... ...... 'HOLD UP, LIZZIE •. WE'RE' • .:H,~DIN'.POR •'ntE PEA PATCH' In S.n Clomonto, TllO Pruldottt Rldol-·Wlth,1 Lady Drlnr . . . . • Nixon · 'Glad' to· Be Back' President Rap,s Senate~.' l11Qlation' in :CQunty Gree~in1 By RICHARD P. NALL Ol tllle CMltt' 1'1111 lltff "On Saturday I'm attending niy niece's w~,"' the President said cheerily: · Tooenaown of .. Aii' Force One on·tbe ""'llf' -'-"•& mip · -.rautiDI> 'fllandlf"T'~~-N~ ~ -fl1inl: ... ,..San ~-........ ne...mel bis views on tdPlCI nniltC from lhe weather to "intelllectual'incelt" in W11binston- "l'm ilwasy 1Iad lo aet back ' to California ... :. parUcular\y , on. such a llhoUld do what tbe Houae (ot1il.ep-ileit- beaullful day," said the President. lalives) does. They should set GUt in "When I h"ld the tilm~aturio • ilas · the country aM -wllat: lbe eiunlry 103 d'llftSI here, 'I '.felt ~t • wu • a .' is th.inking. . little warm but you know we ha•e: dry He aild the Senate' •WOllld Ute beea ~-~mia." · ~:. :j ~. t '1M,:;:J·hli•JW:1,u. m·1t.'LouiL Quiillll ')-"l .. 11••1,0r M!lll Ht fo'llie -._.. \l .. •mfttW' .... ,.. a~ Paufjle,er'••*f.1 ot' abcait 12.0IO <la~ who·...-. Mr. ?tla'ull 'uid, .'AJ . ...,.. 'c011111n.t cir( his 21-miiiute talk, tliere 'iaadty 1aboat what the Sesiate uys or wbat indivliul. once· every minute. candldales.,sJy .• • . . · ·~·' . "I have alwlJi !-tbal In Il_ was the first reported Nartb Viel· Hanoi atceueCI that tilt wives of nliss-~ namme comment on the lilt drawn up in& U'.S. 1ervtcemen ahoUld desist from martla:er1, and tbe inan wbo succteded by • the Commlttet. Of Liaison with traveling to Paris, Loas and other point! him u police chief. - ','Somellme• I !hi\11< lbty (tlle. ~), (See NDON, ..... 11 .. " . . ' *·~-=-c~-~ f~ilies or ~rvl~men dela~Jin North where North Vietnamese have represen-Mayor Rokrt.M. Wilson, aware of the Vl~.tnam, which 1~ head.ad by Mrs. ~~~ ~ talives to learn of theµ-husands' fate decii.ion,....a1ona:-;w1th-feJlow-coa-ncilmtn . Wein. The committee s~tted .~e.h1t, because all captured Amei:icans ac-bas been in city government in some Prominent Mesa Builder"' Pat will ~Focus . ..... -. based on letters received from th~ countei:I for were on the list, the capacity as long u McKenzie has been prisoners before December, 1969, to spokesman said. employed. Hanoi r~r verification last April ·but A~ently this did nol like inlo ac-"I don't ·think we've had any more · • , · · · · ,· . ·: . On Pe.ru ]{~lief Ray Dike, 6 7, Succumb~ DuJ:hlg , Her ·:visit it met. with .silence. count · soldiers who have been captured Joyal, dedicated servlnt· . of the people ConhnnaUon of the list was reported linct April 7 Tbe spokesman aaid Hanoi that I oan recall," said Mayor Wllaon. by a spoke~an for ~eMelh Ki~kpatrick did not a~ 471 letters out Of the "One ol his 'problems' perhaps, wu that of. lhe American. Fr1epds Ser~K:e Com· 719 that Kirkpatrick and his ·companio. m he Wanted to be eYerywhere it the ume m1ttee, Seattle, Pr?f. Mark S. Patahne took to the North .Vietnameee capital time to mah sure everytrunc waa done of Harvard UniverSJty, and Prof .. Bgbert wt'th them on the -""'· that 'Ibey right f M •• ._.._ "He's a man ·with such a strorc mind W. Pfeiffer of 1he University o on&ana, were addreued to men who were not and constitution that one ol these.-davw, who were in HanO:i earlier this month. Cl1 the Ust. . . . .. J~ The HW'lkesmen said .the travellers w.ere . ..1 Lia' I espect he will rea:am his bu.Ith. ...... Tbe Committee va llOTI w a S F M AJV-L 'Pinkley "I told all the"IMn were aafe llld would •-"u-i...-. last December: b• • .,,.....,....nt __ ~orm~. _a'/!'f ·_01 • _· : es~ai-- -1----·----worlr:ecf w1Ui lilm twO terms, longer than ' ' ~ ~e Hanoi government and Mrs. anybody el.se. now on the ~nci.1. It goes , he 1940 \YetsS, wife of a New :'fork attorney, wilhout sayillf' that when you lose a Remem r . to arrange teller communication between man like Art McKenzie an.er losing one the prisoners and theit families. The like Charlie Priest. you leave a void that At Harbor High? Do you remember all ·your old 'cronies In , the clau ol 1940 at Newport, Harbor High? Jl's almost time to get ready to ace them again -30 years later. .. Three l!MO graduates. Sparkes McClel· Ian, June Mickelwait, and Vlr&ln~a Ros· sier, ,are planning a class reuruon 1for No•. 7· at the Balboa Pavilion. .If you are a l!MO graduate of Newport Harbor High or you know of aome, let McClellan know at ~2824. PCWs are permitted 1o write one letter will be hard to fill ." on a six liiie rorm each month and Former ·Mayor Willard T. Jordan : "He receive one package every other month. developed, 'fro'!" the1 very beginning, orie of lhe best cities In the' state a11 far 111 I'm concerned. He's been, a fine civic employe, a great, dedJCated individual. I'd feel much worse if he was leaving the .city. but he will continue to be active in the community. We wish him the best." NEW YORK (AP) -Here Is the list Of Callfomian's reported confirmed by Hanoi' as 'an accurate r.ount of }.merican prisoners of war being held in North Vietnam. The list,-with home towns following the names was provided to the Associated Press by Mrs. Cora Weiss, head of a New York-based peace group caned the, Committee of U.abon llloe J!OW0,.Pa1e l) Former Afayor John Smith: "He was the best around. He wu topa in his field. , not only with the politicians, but with personnel or the polJct department." Mesa Women's CQurt Stay Former Mayor Claire M. Nelson : "l was on the first city council and one of those who brought Art McKenz.ie to CO&ta Mesa as chief of polict. I always felt it was a Wise decision. Certainly, he proved himself to be a very efficient public 1ervanl" • On Dr1ti ·sa~e· Raps Starts I ' ' ' Former City Manager Arlie Schwartz : ''I have admired his·ability a11 an admin- Jstrator, froqi the Ume he assumed the office: or 'the first chief of police through the years of his numerous duties. He has earned-the-high regai'd, e~r--and iit- A fight by 1wo Costa Mesa housewivet accompanied to .court by two other con-miration of all, whether public offlcl1l11 to j get judges to impose maximum cerned mothers 'from the LI Habra area. or: citizens. He has served Jong and well." peQalties for those selllrig drugs moved All four, of ~m ,.-ill be weacing badges, FQrmer City Manager Robert Unaer: whi~· say "Citizen C o u rt r-o o m ''He worked for me directly in his e11ht intoOrangeCountySuperlorCourttoday, Obsen'er." years as poliCe chief. J wish he could Well·kfiown Costa Mesa builder Ray Dike· died Thursday afternoon at a Hun- tington 'Beach hospital after sufftting a heart.· attack. He was 17. A Ucensed real estate broker since 1924, Mr. Dike was president of Dike, Driiger and Lownes, a South. Pasadena firm until 1949. Ht' became chairman of the board at Dike and Colgrove in 1950, building mor~ lhan 10,000 homes in the Harbor Area durln1 a ?G-year span. He was a director of the Buildin& tli- dustry Association of California. a former' member ·or the board of directors of bolh the Home Builders Association of Los >.n. geles. Orange and Ventura Counties and tile Building Contracton Association of Or~"i' Counly. He was at.a a member of the steer• Ing committee of the BuUding Industry Aalocladcm and the Mortgage Finance Committee of the National Association of Home Builders. 1 Mr. Dike was active in the Newport Harbor Kiwanis C!ub, executive director ol the Oranae Coast YMCA, and a mezn.. ber of the llalboa Bay Club . Mr. Dike is survived by his wife Helen, and his son, Don, a Corona de! Mar real estate broker. Memorial services will be held at St. • Andrews Presbyterlan Church in Newport Beach at Z p.m. Tuesday. Mr. Dike will be buried in New Orleans. La. The family suggests tributes in form of donations to the Ray Dike Fund, Or· anae Coast YMCA. 'The two women, Jeanne Armando Before moving into court today, the. have retire::I some otber way, but if any-, and Sally Jardine. will be present as wonwn will have over ·5,080 · 1i1nature one can come through somethinc like , Mesa Man Killed· oblerver1 durln1 arraignments of on a,peUti~ dlrected i:t Orance County lhis, Art can." . -penons arrested ror selling drugs who Dlatrict Attorney Cecil Hieb and the Police Chief Roser Neth: "I've worked ..... round<d up in lhe Operauon o111.,.. or ...... Superior. eourt judaes . . r .. him nearly 11 rean. .. patrolm•n. In Auto Smashup cf.llJ--Hal'ftlt. the largest .dni& raid ID P..aM;~e _,,,.,petition._cllb for rg1X1JnW1 penalttes_ cortynand~,J.hd _~ent_head.Jle: ~. Oqwty, ·hekl one monlh ago. under the Jaw to be applied to lhoee has taught me a Jot-f:l tfiin1s not only"!- Pre.siding over today's dellb:f:r1Uona is inJhe Wepl salt ot-ctruc•. about poliee wort but how to 'deal with A·Costa Mesa man wu killed Thunday J~ James F. Judge. They were set "I'm surf: thlil lite petltiOn ls wen people. afternoon whtftl 1KI car overturned ni"' Lo lbetln at 1:45 p.m., in division live motivated," Hicks aid Thursday. "But, "He had a very deep feelins far the mi'n•east of Amboy M Sin Bernardino's ol Superior Court. · I think lbit Ibey don't ruliu Iba! the -le who -kl!d U!ldtt him-but •I· hl!lh desert COlinlry. Calilornla Highway "M observers, we think we will be c:omfnDn practice ol Oranc• County is ways without uciiflcing the efficiency petrolmen reported today. .Ute e(fectlve," said rt!rs. Jardine. "It muimwn sentences for thole peddlinc ~ the dep1nmeql WUU1m A. Giblon, a, of 2408 orange started In the east and judges be1an · drup." "ftat/' ~ef Neth concluded, "should Ave., was westbound on Interstate 40 Nnding dO'o\'Tl stiffer penaltie::; when they "'Ille only quarrel t have with the be itreaed. when he crossed the center line, colliding ):11ew inlerested citizens were watching petiUon ii ttie way H Is wotded hnplits • with I.he rnr . wheels of. •'' Rml-trock &hem:' something less is happenin1 than what and trailer, CHP officers said. "We are ndt try ing lo P"''"" Judges is actually bein( dont," he said. India Minister Qujts Ills vehlc~ glanced off lht lrailer but ~·, arc concerned ihal they are The women hope to have collected Rnd WC'lll Into. the open desert (or 200 AOt even hand!n1 down minimum somt· 15.000 si&natures by Sept. I. when NEW DELHI (UPl) -lndia'a foreign yards In a clrcl,e bef01'.e coming to rest sentences in many cacs i11volvin& drug it wlll be pre.sented to the district al-minisler1 Dineah Singh, reslped today back on'the roadway.· pushers," she said. torneJ and the judges, Similar petJUona when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi al~ He was pronounctd dead on arrival The two Costa Mesa women will be (8et COURT, Pip I> tempted Lo move him to a ~easer .post. ll_ Ambo)r Hospital, coronet• report. '. ., '· State Art Meet Extends Deadline l So that all artlels may hi~ .oample time Lo pt their worU Into Pl~s Art '70, a sl1tewtde _. -est -Od by the ctty ~-H_antlnllon ~ and lnltmallonal\ Art .....,......... 't be --~ ...... , Mr>,., Richard Ni'on plans to fOCUfl attention on ' the relief needs of elJ'tb.. q~Htri~k~ Peruvi~ .citlr.ens durtn& her Utrte-day vilit next week 1 to •the SOuth'Anlerlcan nition. . She will c;arry b!ank~,. chiSdren's clothing and other supplies when Ibo lea\l'f:S Sunday !or tbe 'beleaauered coun- try. . ' .. . The First Ladyl will 'jotn' forca: with Mrs. Juan Velaaco, wife of the Peruvii~ president, in searching out the need1 --::of the thousands of homeless' durine the bri!f stay whlch will end IJ'ueada)' moi;nipg. , , ·, Mrs. Nixon plans to tour the · coaatal area! dev'as\ated by the Miy 31 earth· qi.lake lit a U.S. military helicopter. She will view the damace at Chimbote on the around. 'Mrs. Nllon viaited Peru ln I9611 wbM , her husb.,.i was then vice-president aid ~made an offictal tour of Latln America. Nixm'retamed llone lo Peru In lil7. I The Flnt Ledy •will &lay at Uae }.merican ·embassy in Li1na and will dine quietly .with ,\mbassador and Mia. ~Taylor Belchn_r the~ or ~ arrival: 8ruge > It'll caol oil (to ,aboul 70 dqnesl along ttte rcoQt thit Wffkend while tht 1nbind Ji>lk wm miter ut\dll' lo-degree tempefaturia whlle: llln.; n)l •Skles prevail•tbnJulboui. INSmB TODAY deodllnt has been ,~·-.lale 21 lo J~ly lo., . , • • The cunCelt is •ezpecled to'*" nior< A backU>Ord at•'""' •I o b"'11 than •llOOD artistl who. will = ,_ 1 :o:ni:t productive live :tlwater "°" " !1t10 In pr1 ~ ·.an alowO lht 0ran0t Coost ii ~. ,. money, · by ' : tokrn by entntcm .... r rdllor bulinr.umen• ill the l:ltinttnpan Beach ·Tom Titut i11. llU lxttrmimon ...... Tho ..... p11on ctllllr la -ll room IOI o1 the Go1citn Wtll Ca11qe .colmn .bl toda~'I Wa<lc...scr. ¥u1ic Buikttng. ,-:,:..._ ·" M.. ... · "'" Competitklfl will be btld oa U'le m1l1 1 1 t ' ..._. ....,. 11 of the Huntint1on · Cen\er, Sept. 13 ~~ "-: ::'c:i .. : tnrouahJ5 and it 11 expected,U\al •.oao ~=:;.;.. •: :WC:,=., •: pert0ns w1ll view the various exhlbi\a, · · """"''"' • '"""' , w.11 ' An . addlllona.1 IS,000 will be awarded · ... ,.. · 1 .. 11 ,..,. .._,. te.n """""'" • 14 ,.......,.. ' ... I to sludenl artiats durin& I.he competition "*' L..,..,• u ,....., • as well . This mOney wlll be donated .==.'-*""' ! =--..:,.~ip• 1•: by business from lhro.Ulheut Orange """""" • • 1 1 .. CounlJ, • , ' 'l • • • - • '' 2 • OAILY PILOT c Frldil, """ 36. 1970 • Que Probe Continues lllwlllplloa !"llUnUH toiloy illlo U e~ and fir' at a 'Colla Mill taiiDdrom.at Tuetday, while firemtn d-!ti. -that trtuered the tu.cm l:llui ii '"N'llqly commaapiam .. Rap -ad wllb I cbemiCIJ IO!vul were p1leed in UU"ee wuhen at the ficillty ·in the Villl Shopplq Center, thea I clwliq compound WU ldded ud 111<.vollWO "'""" miled. A -~ fnlm ' ... of "the, wuhtn _..,uy touched off the devulllln( blut fhll ..,.Ued the llundromlt ud heavily dullpd ID ~ k I r ~ t ~ llodlo ad <lie, illlurlnl ,......,.... ''It happens ratbv frequently._ We're juat lucky we •v11.1't hid an ezp~ ~ ... uplallied .. ~ C!llel - Colemm[. . ' " . He aald c)p1eln1 i&dultri'1 clotl}I - • b61eved Involved 1a ·--,.......... m1 lbe Tueldly cue -in laundromltl · g, I •frequenl -.mace la lbe liltllor Area. ~-• Police ud fire lnveollplars ll'O -11· Ing 1 _., ~. FIY·halnd JllU who Olled the wuhera with the lA- fllmmable oombtn1tion shortly before the upk>llon. He ii only want.Id lot quutionin1 to eatablllb !be precl.oe ClllM ud aid J Ill future prevention. Mn. Lorrline NelJOn, 13, ol 840 Cenln .St., ducribed the man ~ .• car to 1utbor1U.. ilter 1ie1n1 1re1ted for -k ..., niJnill' lnjuriet. . ·"we hive no reuon ta believe · tt wu anon," added ·Coman, 11yiq hulrdoul me of cbnnical IOlventl 11 -ol !be leadlng Cl-ol ICCldenlll ezp1oaion ud fires in Atnerie1. "This ill 1 kind of ·home-brew practice d dry cleanin1 which ·ii e:rtmnely hazardous," he: continued, uylna the danger cannot be over-estimated. No one bu bten able to eatablish the ideptJty ~f the workman Who unin- tention'ally trtg1ered Ute bl11t, spraying Joqed lblrdl or pil,. glln up to 16 feet around the Shopping center. ··•we have 10,000 leads we're checking out," Chier Coleman said. ''Poor IUY 11 probably hidina out, acared to de1th," added uother fireman. The roof or the building at West 19th Street ud Placentia Avenue uaged bad· lf foUowiQc the 12:48 a.m. e1plo&ion and PD.~ WU let u the 1tru<;tufal <fmi•ae figure. Llundromal equlpmenl . -primarily 'IWhqs al Ille front ol lbe ~· -.... --111.ioo dim .... wbile dryen · ud other equipment 1t tbe rear were hardly tOuched. l\'ovetnlJer l\7l11tlmare "' ' . . ' . ' . Vote Count.Team . ' Strikes~· ·out Too . -• '! f'eneeff.·Jn By JACK BROBACK , 01 t11t 8'11'1' ,Ult ... ., , I ''Frustration" is the word ror tl\e Oranie County Votin1 Systems TQk FOfte. Tile JG.member aroup, with thr~ absent, met Thur'ad1y for l~ Wril· tbrle in an attempt to remedy the 'county'• ailing vote counljng system. The result was the same as befott. They failed. Costa Meu. police -officer Tom Lazar ·measures ac· cidenl oeene a! 23rJl Street ahd Newport ~ulevard. Accident occurred 'abOut 9:20 Ulis morning when driver Rmlald E. Crawford, 31, of 174.1 Orange Ave., crashed into fen~e narrowly missing tree. Crawford told lraftic oficers'h·e swerved to avo1d a truck ))UH· ing out of a priyate drlv~waY· and lost i::o.ntrc;il''of the ca"r. He Was J'.!Ot injured, according to pohce reports. The; group first voted ThliU'ldl' to rescind its decision of a week •IO to accept free use of 200 Shoup votin« machi nes ror .the November General 'Election. That woUJd have been 111fflcie9t to cover only 10 percent o( the county s 1,022 precints. _ • And btfore the .task forct could· vote on •· -new . motion to i.ase 40 . CUbic paper ballot counUn1 machine• to cnver 40 percent of the county, two members · walked out leaving the • aroup without a quorum and powerlt11 to mike a Ex-city Manager Recalls Mcl(enzie Police Interview Hearing Set On Ob-scenity Accusatjon final decision. i Thursday's . action marked the second time the group has reversed Itself and left the county'1 elect.iOrul departn\enl just where it was • after the chaotic Qne-time city ml!laiet Georp correy hll known Art McKer¢e ·longer than anybody ' else in Coeta Mesa, e1cept. of CIOUJ'H:, Mrs. McKenzie. Coffey today reminisced about how be met tbt rlthin1 city manager while both were takina graduate studies in 1952 at USC and McKenzie was teaching police 11eienct at El Camino College. "He hid been retired from the Los Angeles f!olice Department because or polio and -we gof acqua inted on campus and l•ter took 'Classes tegether," recalled Coffey , of 47e Broadway. "When I ·was appointed the first c;ity manager," said Coffey, who finally retired in 1957, "Art called and said he wanted to be oUr first police chier." "I can 't just pick you out of thin From Page 1 McKENZIE •.. numbness. '"'"' ~ ..-. ill <!hf .Or ..... CoUnfy March of Dimes campaign, McKenzie ts a Boy Scout leader and frequent consultant in the area of justice Frem. Page 1 air," I .told him.· "Submit your a~ ' NIXON ••. plication." July 10 ha! been set as the date A handful of applications wu received for a hearing on a demurrer filed on behalf of Ernie A. Smith. a UC Irvine by the f~edgling city aov,ennnent and st d t charged with disturbing the examin.ltiorui )"ere adm1n!stered, -fol-u en W1thin,ton we tend to lead very l!Olatlcl. lives," the Pmident laid:-"We read newspapers, look at television and talk lowed by an oral board convened in the peace when he allegedly-used obscene old water department office. -language while speaking before a student to each other. · Coffey said he almost b!J~ped into rally at the campus. a young Orange County. Sheriff~ Depart. S 'th a Black Students -Union officer "There la a aort of intelltetual incelt which really reduc11 the level ot the dialo1Ue and you have· to 10 to the country now and then to 1et a real feeling of what people are thinkina. ment j:leputy who was Just leavmg after mi · . a not-too-enthusiastic hearing board fin-at UCI, was protesUna the lack of stuqent ished questioning him . response to the kllling cf two black "He had been eliminated," Coffey said Jackson State students at a May. 15 today. "The man that passes that deserves the job," whistled the deputy, who tumecl out to be Clinton Wrigh"t", who became chief of police in HunlingUln B.each and laler Fremont, Calif .. Coffey explained. Coffey said great care was exercised to be certa in the examination board remained unaware that he bad known McKenzie al the USC campus. ''l didn't want an y 'old school buddy' charges," he explained. "I felt then and have felt that Art was very competent and capable," c.ot'fey continued, adding his appointment to , !bl California '!'f"m~ ,,..,Puce Of- ficers Standards and ' Tralrtlnl proves th~. rally when the obscene remarks were "Washington Is part of tht country reportedly made. but il is not all of the C1'i.mtry anymore Appar~ntly women in lhe audience ob-than an y capitol is all of the country ." jected to the language and UCI Police The President had a plua for Sen. Chief Robert Heavy filed a complaint with . George Murphy {R-Cilif), who accom-the District Attorney's Office. June 4. Smith was charged witP two counts of panied him calling him "my Senator and dist urbing the peace by 1he DA's office. my good friend ." Smith has said he will call upon pro-Referring to Murphy's uncoming c•m· minent Negroes to testify that his paign against Rep. John Tunney (~ language was not obscene and is used Calif.), the President said. "He's eager commonly in the black community. A language student and an announcer for the battle, I thin~ California •hoold for the campus radio 11tation, he said give him a :1 ol confidence." his language was Ctllloqulal and "'in the Some or the hiahligh~ of the parlance or the black Ctlmmunity." President's plans while in San Clemente Smith also has raised the question Include : ~ • 1 _. of wh y he was the only one char1ed. · f. 1 .::. t. • "'. • • .KL Jwie Primary. . Vot~i frOm that fluco were nO( 'ctm- pletely counted for almost tWtl weeki. The v~tlng systepis group d~id~ June 9 to rent I.000 Automatic V o t I n ~ Machines (AVM) 10· cpver hair of the countJ.'s precincts. But this decision .was reaciqded 1 week later becau5e , of tOl'\6 fusion over what really had been voted. Chairman Cecil Marks,' frustrated by the \urn of events, called another meeting for next Thursday at 3:;l0 .p.m .· at .wttich time it is h°'*d ~ther prob~m can finally be reeolved. · County C1erk Wllllam St John·, retitm- Jng from a "'Vacation during which ha said he had ·been ill with a sinus infection, pleaded with the group Thursday: for "some IOl't of action." Tut fofce members ' at first H111ted inclh)'ed , to get IOn\ething done. bu~ ~ UJual confusion followed . After rescinding the Shoup offer, tut force member Will Lindsay, a Fullerton enP,eer, moved to lease 1,000 AVM machines u St John had oritil!ally SUI· gested alter the prlmary, Hla motion died for Jack ol a second , Plane Strikes North Vietnam In Retaliation SAIGON (UPll - A U.S. N1vy Jal bombed an antiaircraft lite deep inside North Vietnam in tbe first Americ'1! air •trike north of the demilitarized . (DMZ), in 1 month, the U.S. Military Command uld today. . · Military spoke1men said tbe pilot of the A7 Corsair fighter-bomber was ordered to attack the site Thursday when antiaircraft gunners took "hostile actions" a1ainst the reconnaissance aircraft it was escorting. In Cambodia, military spokesmen reported Communist forces launched a full -scale attack berore dawn today on Kompong Speu, the major town on the hi1hway linking the capital or Phnom Penh with the country's only deep sea port and oil refinery. and law enforcement. He ii a araduate ' 1--..J---J'.lwiU l!IJll!LLI __ __.0~1 th~euFCB&i..1 A.,,,,.,...,'"""Y·-----Nlewport C · He was· appointed last year by Ows-Governo( .Refgan to the Calirorhia Com- " He cl~ims other stud~ht -SR'tkers it -A!tendanee 'i'.ra, tJil"D~ at\'Ul* £ 0 er rs Ii~ have uif!d s1Mll!rlingUi~e.w.por.t_B_each~eddmg of his niece. without being prosecuted. Lawrene Mae N11on, 28,. sc~I teacher UCl's Academic Senal.t _gave Smith and daua:titer of the Presidents brother, The command said the gunsite bombed Jn ~ort~ ViFtn4m-"'W1s-nortt,iwest-()f-U\e cCWtsta.I City ol Vinh , 135 miles north of the DMZ that divides the two Viet- nams. Result,, ol the attack were not d.e,rJnin:.ed. sP9kesmen ll!id, ,.bu_t U)ere w~g JO' p~afe lo thfi Atnerica n pl1oes. It w11 the first air strike again st North Vietnam since May.25 when U.S. planes raided gun positions that had fired -on reconnaissance aircraft near Dong H<>i, which is 10uth of Vinh, Earlier in May, Am!rican planes raided North Vietnam's southern panhandle regions in a weekend series of missions that U.S. sources described all a response to increasing hostilities by the North Vietnamese alon1 the DMZ. • I • • • mission (II Peace Officer Standards and For New Trees _....... Trainin1 ~POST) an agency of e1perl.5 th Fam!Hel of Servicemen I>etai'"'° who set Uie expected level or excellence North Vietnam .• Mrs. Wei1s said t.bt among state lawmen. bera were seri1l number•. . McKenzie obtained his bachelor of • CAIJP'ORNIA science degree at Los Angeles_ State f Wilford K1!51e Abbott, 3081739, San Colleae and his ma ster's degree from "tie the 1 Unl\lersity of Southern California, ~l·E~erett Alvarez Jr., 644124, Santa both in· police science. ra -.ff~'\ was also trained in accounting, Anthony Otarlel Andr~1, FR.1146Si&l,, li\inaiement and i:elated fields during c!h1co hla career, interrupted by polio and then fFrederlck C. Baldock Jr., ~·· reawned a1 literally the father of the Ji<mon Grove . • CoU r.lMI Police Department. 1Rl>berl W. Bunetl, FR 11.H I.;> Kawthome ,. ~Cole Black. SMMT, San I;>ieao . .iTerry Lee Boyer~ 1"B3IS36G, V~, •Michael Lee Brue)tan, 'FV3148890, ibig Beach · • -- t Philip Neal B~tlei'l 8473t', .La Jolla 'William. Wallace But&er, 3133430, San ~fael . , ..1.?arl Dennia Chambers, FV3t33401, \"ba City ;Arvin Roy Chauncy, &l47U, Lemoore ".Claude Dou1laa Cloww, 60M7, San lljego .James.Qui.ncy.Collins,.17908, Atherton jf.fichael Paul Cronin, 661912, Berkeley tEdward Dal~ Estes, IOMU,i'.Lemoore ·' DAILY PILOT Ola.Hll CO&.Sf .. Ull..liM ING COM .. ANV : .,.,,,, N. W11tl J11• II. c~rl1y I/lee .. ,.111.,1 .... ~rtl MtMI ... ni,,..,, K111ril T~e<111t A. M ur,~!"' M-.ilnt El!JM c .... .1111 ... Offk• lJO W11f l1y St111t M1 ill11t .Y'••tll P.O. I•• 1160, •1626 Otliet OHIUI .. ...,.. htdl: nn w.1 ••1•1 ... ~•·• UIUlll •~cti: m ,._, •-111 ~•illl• ... di, l111J .udl .,.., ... 111 1t11 C._lt: Ill l'ffl'UI 11 C-lllf lfll Newport Beach city government ha! long required that . trees be planted in new housing tracts. Now the city will charge developers a fee for plantin1 them . · City councilmen Monday nigh t in- troduced an ordinance that will require $3 be· pa.id by tract developers for .each tree planted to meet city specifications. ; The charge is for the cos1. of Inspecting to see \hat the trees a~e planted riJht.. 0.t.U.l .. 1~01 '"'" ., .,.. kltMl*t Tlaree tor the Fo1i1atui1a . It waa~hol 8.nd dad was in the Crista 1'1esa Civic Center taking care of aome boring old business, so triplets Paulette. Lyl e and Harry Bernett, 6, Santa Ana , coole d their heels outside l'hursday. On a hol day, what better use for 1 fountaln? ~ • . ' From Page I COURT •.• a vote of confidence in their regular Donald. . meeting June 3 when , according to ~A conrerence Monday with Secretary Gordon Sha w, physics instructor. they of Stat~ Rogers btfore Ro1ers lea~u "approved by an overwhelming majority, for A&1a and Engl1nd to meet with I' ri"iotion iiUpporting students' ri4ht o[ new lea~ers. . . ' free speech and urging the Chairman -~ hve. tele v1.s1on Ct'.lnference on (of the Irvine Division) to set in motion fo,re1gn poh~y July ~.at 1 p.m. (POT) procedures in behalf ot Mr. Ernie with, Howard K. Smith o( ABC, John Smith." Ch1ncellor of NBC and Eric Sevareld Shaw is heading a movement to hfJp of. CBS. Prea: Secretary Ron .Zieal~ raise money for Smith's defense: "Of said . the .live TV RUion 11 unique In the literally dozens of public speeches Pres1denlial hl1tory. . marte during the last two months at . ~A report. to l:he ntlion Tuesday from Irvine, also using 'obscene' Janguaae on&-his .weat~rn ~Vl11te Hou1e o~ ~e Cam- wonders why only Ernie Smith is being bochan s1tuauon. It wUI COll'IClde with prosecuted?" he asked. withdrawal or U.S: troops from th•t aspect of the Indochina war. -A poolside luncheon in San Clemente today with editors. publlshen and broad· cast executives to explain and 10llclt support for his Southea1t Asian Policies. are 1prin1in1 up In Los AnJelt!!, Riverside and San J);eg:o Counties. U.S. Diplomat Named WASHINGTON (UPI ) -Rober t McClintock, a veteran of nearly 40 years in the U.S. Foreign Serv ice, was con- firmed today by the Senate as the U.S. ambassador to Venezuela. McClintock, 60, a na tive of the stale or Wa shineton, was nominated April 2. The post in Caracas has been vacant about a year . -Mrs. Nixon's departure Sunday with a pla ne load of su pplies for survivors ol the tragic Peruvian earthquakes to demonstrate U.S. concern. To date, the Orange County petition ha!! receivtd the support of three county con•rvativet, Assemblyman R_o b e_r t 8 ad ham (ft.: N.ew po rt Beach), Assemblyman John V. Briggs tR-Orange and San Bernardino Counties), and State Senator John G. Sch mitz IR-Tustin l. The President said at El T4'1ro Thurs- day that he will leave his homf: overlook· Ing the Pacific Ocean to rttum to Washinaton a week from Monday. "We are happy that they have endorsed our petitions, bul we don't want to get into politics," Mrs. Armando said·. "We Wl'l'll anybod y who is concerned, re1ardlete ol politics." SUMMER SALE -STARTS WIDNUDAY, JULY ht Den't wilt, come In today and make yeur .. 1ectl0ft1. l•t•ll•nt v1lu.s fe.eturecl in all ef our fine lln11. DllXIL eff1r1 lll'IR.ANTO lncludin1 .. lnln1, bedr~om and occaslonal. HINRIDON Is promotln1 CAPRI, and OFFICERS CHIST complete and HIRITAGI la rducing MADRIGAL. All thrH c1mpanl" will else rHuce their outst1ndln1 uphol1tery cellectlona av1ll1ttle In any of hul'HirM• of "'hel•tery fabrics. ·---L•'"•-acca ... rl" inti picture• wlll alM M .,. N~•· "-•• l•·~'~h~•-­ tlme to make your MltctlOft of the flft•t furRltuN 1val11lll• aftd at rMucld prlc11. DEAL&RS FOR: HENREDON -DlliXEL -HliRIT AGE 7td11111 " INTEltlOltS ' . NIWPOIT llACH , LAGUNA llACH 1727 Wt1tcllff Or., 642-2050 Prol ... len1I fotwiw .. S4J North CtHt Hwy. . 4'~51 OPIN fRtDAY 'TIL 9 · Dttlt••r1 Av1ll•lll-AID OPIN fRIDAY 'TIL 9 • ,. ... , ... ,,.. ........... c....., Mt-1111 . • -------= I • I DAU,y PU.OT EDITORIAL PAGE . . ·17 Y.e-ars Only Ibo oldest olcl-tlmers of lb• city may mark Its passing on their calendars, but this wHk ia the 17th anniversary of Costa Mesa '• incorporation. Back on June 29, 1953, the community wasn't much to look al, nor to live In, com!18!'*1 to ptese n\ atandards. The first City Councll was sworn in' after a campaign that won cityhood by a ))are •votes. with partial ann,ex- ation by Newport Beach or Santa Ana -or retention of the status quo -the alternatives. · Mayor Charle• TeWihkle ud Councilmen Bert Smith Wall Miller, Claire Nelson and Bruce Martin faced a monumental job. No clly hall existed. The police depart- ment was a tin aback. Shantytown building code! pre- vailed and were poorly enforced. Only 16,185 persons in-1 habited lbe city. All that baa changed drastically !or the better and most of it i• directly attributable to being incorporated. · The home rule issue came up first in 1947 and failed. But when the issue was revived five years later it car· ried. A feW areas of town still have no sidewalks but in 19,53 'paved streets were even luxui-ies. Today the andiS.. tinguished business district has been expanded and new development& hive pushed .Costa Mesa's 1naual sl1es lax Income far above that of Newport Beach. Our civic center complex, used recently as a movie set for it.a ideal imaie. 1tands as 1 monument to the fomlcht of those early le8ders. The treasury ii healthy compared • to the months 1fter June, 1953, when the Globe Herald , forerunner of Ibo Orange Coul DAILY PILOT, printed municipal legal advertising free. ~ - of Cityhood The chanaes b1ve sometimes been slow and ln more HCent years, 10 fut and frequent on occulaa V>at II becomes dllllcUll lo keep track of them. The changes. for the most part, ban been toward the better, and all it takes to prove this is 1 ecan throuah. old newspaper files, city archives or library shelves and historians' notes. . One can find them chronicled, in fact. In Costa Mesa's own history book, '!'!>fcb goes to press thls sum- mer. The changes have been for tlle better in virtually ' every aspect of community life and ii is mostly because. _J. when the crossroads of incorporation w11 reached 17 years 1go, lhe right path was taken. Luckily, the J.\'arlin of 400 voters hod foresight. --A Proud Achievemen It may , .. m old fasliioned, but HunUnirton Besch Is a1aln going to celebrate th•· Fourth of July wtth a ·parade -with apologies to no one. -_ The clly Is one of the lew to keep alive the lrad!Upn. of celebrating Independence Day with a public display. It will be a day of patriotism and fun. The Jaycees have put in many hours on this year's event with the result that it will be the largest ever. There will be 3,400 participants, at least 22 DOits, II marching bands, prancing horses and hilh stepping baton twirlers. The festivities will be capped by an hour-Jong fire- works display from Municipal Pier at dusk . Today, the city has 1 varied citizenry of 75,000. with an average ·annual Jncorhe of $10,000, giving a $3,235 per ca Pita buviri( Power. Thi s will feed an estimated 1970 taxable retail sale• fl1ure of $252.8 million . .. Achievements of Our American' Youth" is the theme .. The parade itself promises to be a proud achievement for both the Jaycee& and the city of Hunt· ington Beach. c "OUft. ENEMIES WANT US SIX FEET UNPER ANt> OUR . fRIENt>j Wf.NT VS To SETTLE FOR THP.EE.'· C:OHld Degrade V•er'• Credit Status Academic Inbreeding ShouM End Dear - Gloomy Gm: Credit Card's Destr_uctive Power ' A recent 1tudy conducted by two Gross- moat Junl9r College 1tudents concernini the destructive power of lbuMd credlt cards revealed a rew interest.Ing polntJ that could degrade the credit card user'• credit statUi if he is not careful. of good medical men must be ignored. One aubstltutes, anUfs meat counters, but just does not buy. And then, boom! An expensive convalescent program is in order and coats there must generally Impudonce la a trail which fl!Ablel a man sitting lo ·a bul to flirt with a woman who ii ltlndiq. L.A. Letters jrom readers art welcome. IM borne by 1overnment. And --· There are two main points that e~ Normallu writers ahould conocy th eir the government ls us all -the people ! compass this power of destruction. and messages in 300 word! 01 lt11. The As a ranch operator, l found that ll is incredible how many atudentJ, they are; Fii·st, the consequences of rfgllt (o cotldenit lftttrs to fit space farming was more hazardous than a especially ln presllgious colleaes and Tllhi ,..._ ,...... ......,.. , ..... _. lost or stolen credit cards; and , second, or ellnUnat• lit.fl ii rcservtd. AU Let-Las Vegas game. ll ere, hunu1ns are universities, have been penuaded by _ __.., ..... ., .... ••••••"· .... the hidden dangers <1f unsolicited credit ter1 must ineludt signature and mail-being mechanized out .of business as their teachen that American IOclely ,... ,.. ,..... • • ..., .., ..,, ""'· cards. ing addreu, but aama mar be~1Ditlh_¥11lrke.cs._An_<Loften as a necessity. And u:h Mid on request iJ avffidrnt reason ranchln1 isn't the only area where robot~ ls rotten to tbl ccn. How cao The first point to consider is lht U op:rrent. Poetrv will not be pub-are taklnj: over to the detriment of a false idea be sold to an otbienriae degradinc effect of •'• credit status WM , the human race in total. bright generation! Simply by Inculcatln& _,,_II J .e [s not able to cover. llliii\CliUy,"--' R. M. JOHNSON tn students the -uannpttorr--thlt-tbl maintained the individuallty;-penonality the purdlUll made with a Iott or..aiolen ICOfnful rejectktn of .. mlddle.elul and local autonomy of Cll PolJ. BJ. credit card. The financial responsibility values" and American inalltutkm ii a law Cal Poly can offer liberal '"' usually lies aolely on the shoulders of hallmark of lntelleclual dilUnction. · ¥ proerama. But the emphaiia ii • oc-the card owner until written notification Are there any campuees today on cupational educlUoa leadin& to careers is received by the card issuer and this which students are not belng aubjected Jn qrieuJture, engtneefin&, buainul. coukl entail large sums of money owed daily to this ant I· t n t e 11 e ct u a I bonle ~ IDCI other 1pplled Oeldl. tf the Joa: was not dlscovered im- bralnwashin1 by radlcll faculty.! Of Even sn Enililh major fiodl hlmRll mediately. course there are. They just don't maU ill the "1Chool of 1.ppUed arta." headlines. Cal Poly hlS alwayo IOlllhl faculty 111E SECOND POINT Is the hidden 1 DELIVERED TR& commencement members who have both stout academic dancer of UOIOlicited credit cards sent rooordl and pradlcal esperiela lo lill--tlln>ugh-the-!Dlllo-•vory.-<lay-wl-1 address recent11 at prolealons and occupaUona dlrectlJ' the knowledge ot. the addresaee. This r,t such • ~~ aaoctalecl with the couraeo Ibey tuch. point is Unked to the flnt point, bul r 0 m the Thia requirement, ICCOrd1nc to Prelklent contains one ma.in difference. If this =~s g~~f: ~r"'~ Robert E. Kenntdy, for JO years a ·card was -stolen prior to the receipt talns by the Pacific faculty member of Cal Poly and a d1sd-by the addreasee, there woukl. be no coast, the California pie of J~ McPhee, IQUIJ'U wtth some way to report Ill loss. Here the addreUM g t a t e Polytechnic recent scleaUflc ftlf:arch Into what can, is once agiJn responsible tor any abuses College at San Luis be dcme to improve all inlUlutionl -of of this card because the use or this Obispo has attracted .. hlaber educatioa. card by anyone indlcates to the issuer more than 11,DCIO d~ · the at'C'eytance or the credit. denta to this sparae-DR. KENNEDY CALLI attentJon.. to We are not attempttna to disoourage ly populated and a recommendaUon made by 1 C or even stop <ndit card systems: but beauUtul smog-tree area of the 1tate. P1YchoJoalsta m:I psychlatriltl who we are demandin& that governmental More than 1,:llO students received worked with JOMpb Kall in a four legislation , on both federal and state masters and bachelors degrees Jn a year •tud1 of Stanford and UC Berkeley levels, be enacted to prOtect the con- c:tremony that overflow~ 7,~,radutea.-One ot-thelr conclusions: sumer from fraud and umece111ry waste teat l&adium. Cal POiy, u It~ popularly "Praent faculUes tend tO represent only of consumer income. Aho, we auaesL lmawa, is, like my own institution, San one aegmenL of humanity, primarily peo-to the credit card holders to be more Fr•clsco State College, one of the 11 pie with ltronj copltive orientation and careful In transactions Olin& crtdlt cardt Callfmda atate colleges. Unl ike most the tendency to ei:ercise thau1ht In a to protect lhemtelves. of tbe others lt did not evolve from non-appJled fashion. The s t u d e n t a TO STRESS TH!-importance of normal IChoob and teachers colleges. repre9erlt a much larger variety of in· Nor has it assume:_d the m~ntl~ of terests and orientation ... Yet they academic respectability by callin& 1laelf are aerrqated from much ol the adult a "liberal arts" college. world, so that in a periOO In life when Jnate:ad Cal Poly grew up fro~ a they are particularly open to change, UUJi! atate . vocaUonal school establW!.ed they are 1eeluded , from potentially by the Le:gl!lature In 1901. ln-the 33-year" slgnlflcant adOlts."--- -Delr>!n.~eoy~e:think It'• awful that perlod from 1933 to 19151 Cal Poly wa.1 · 1 cuJded by the late Julian A. McPhee, The concluskln ~ the study and Pres· censors In BOme places are allowed a giant among educational leadtrl In dent Bob Kennedy .• ~. baled on llOl only to act. buL to write about California. He fought an uphill battle a :JO.year obeervatkm of resu~t1 aL Cal how mtM;h &ood they are doln1? to make occupationally-centered colle&e· Poly, are ~sleally the ume. C.O!le1e1 What are you P'o& to do about le 1 ed ron ~eptable partner and wliver1.1Ues need a considerable all these pro-oenaorlhlp articles, ;h.-the uca 1 11':--.•uberal art.a " Ht dlverslrlca1lon of -lhe~kind11-of people_ -George.?_;-_ _ ., ~tired at s~a h:vl ng served 33 '.years wtth whom we brtng our students ~n ANNOYED AMERICAN Id 1 H di d ear later . contact. We must stop the academic Dear AA : as pres en · e e a Y • Inbreeding of appointing to university Well, I called a meeting of DESPnE ITS !'llERGER into lhe f~culties men and women who have several frtedom-0f-speech lovers. California state colleie system, McPhee nev~r worked i~ any productive labor we were aolng to fry to pass Work Educat~on outside. ot their years as students. 1 la" qalnlt letting articles tor graduate students and teachers. ~aorahtp appear In the r,"'"· but after wt sat around th nkin1 about It, we aJJ went home. Deer Georp: I try to make breakfut I• tereatJDa far my husblnll -u occulonll mdon salad or 1 mrprile aucb u IOllted aoose liver, and jull lldl mamlng lie pradlcally thmr my oyster fritters at me. Do you think tile honeymoon la over? legislation and protection, me fact can be pointed out: ln one )'W there are some 200,000 declared bankruptcies, and YES la S"'•Mped of this figure, 92 percent are personal To the Editor: (other than business). They are all Jinked The Youth Employment Service of the to either over-ei:tended credit or abused Harbor Area ls well along on a a:ummer credit made available throu&b the use • program of finding jobl for young people. of credit card!. Scores of teenagers continue to apply" It is time for legislation to protect for work and an encour-.1ing number the consumer .now, not in the future. of local busJneumen, manufacturers and GEORGE C. JOHNSON homecnmen an phonll!I in with job GAllY L. KIDD oilers. -' 'Te• ••• To .. t' Diet• To the Editor: Thank yau for runiting the article: "Senility, Bad Diet Linked," by Dorothy Wenck, Orange County Home Adviser. (The women's page, June 17) "Tea and T~t·• diets mmt lead to bad health in any a1e bracket. Jn the elderly area, this type of food intake is nol very ofte1 .a course of least resistance. It is a necessity, in con·, sideration of spiralln& food costs ad the drq of pre.inflationary incomtl u ......,.. of upenc11i.r1 In the market pla ce. Older folk, 11 well u the younpr 1uer1tJon w J th whom we hive DXlfl in common than mtght be suppolld, · are pretty well aware ol tbelr nutritional needt. · BUT WHAT CAN be done when Ihm just iln't enough cash to meet dallJ Jlvtn1 costa? The "eat proteins" warnill YES Is IU«tulully fillilll these job3. In ract, we're· swamped! Our one and only paid employe, Director Florence Hayos, is putlJna In overthne but sti ll can't handle all the buslneu this worthwhile project is 1eneratln1. THEREFORE, YES is putting out an uretnt call for volunteer staffers. 1'he houn are 10-2; the locaUon ii the Boy1' Club: the work is challenging, e1clt1n1, rtwarding and appreciated. Only the pay is lacking ! Completely lacking! Men and women, and Y 0 U N G PEOPLE are invited to !ltep forth and become Involved. If thia sounds In· terutln&, call Florence at YES head- quarters, 842-0474, or myself, al 541-990. JIM WOOD YES Chalrmaa E"911tff,.. A"9.,,..,. To the Editor: In rtapOn6I to an art i c·I e en· titled "Wealthy, Word fir N twp or t Handbills and the Law Richville was a quiet, wulthy Dill town. Most residents took bls vacatlonl. Richville also had a hllh number GI burglaries. So the city paued a number of laws for better ll1ht1n& or -- and streets, and provklln& for mare police, and special patrols. lt allo peaad a law that no one coukt throw handbUla or other papers on prlv1te relidenUll land without the owner's COlllllll. Randolph Bunt ran a netshborhood p1per with ads and a few local new1 llema. He claimed the local 111" violated ht• rlpt to free 1pe«:h. Re challtnpl the law lo courl bul lie loll. 111£ ORDINANCE did not bar a publisher from leavtnc pipera at a home that ICClpll them . Nor did It k"P • La'lf in Action la worthlus unless there are meaningful ways to expreu It," the Supreme COurl 51Jd . Lab Park, Iowa, NeWI: "VOCUkmll educatlot'I ia ablolutely esaenUaJ lo our continual growth. lt is not and never has been lhe ei:cluaive jurildkUon o( the formal educaUon l)'ltem: U.S. in- dustry's In-plant and on-the-job tratninc 1ugt1t that · there are w o r k a b I e WHAT BE1TEI\ ~tODEL could there ht; lor some college student headln& Into a career Jn engtneertn1 than a licensed engineer who has successfully built brid1es, dam• and hi1h rises before declafug on a second career as a c0Ue1e tucher? People of thil kind, in all walks of life, frtquentty have a great delin to teach and to be in contact with young people. Such f a c u 1 t y "models" al Cal Poly Influence thelr 1tudeat1 not only through their In- tellectual lmowled1e, but allO throu1h tbe '"-lorn they hive &lined from ptac- tkal experience. TEARFUL BRIDE him from U!<iJli the owner'a C0111tnt AN0'1111:R CITY irled lo Umlt ·1Mn1 free pamphlet• on public atreell. tI. said the rtadera· littered the streets-alter reading them. The court -ffi>Uaht this ordinance invalkt ; the city could ban littering. But 1lvlng pomphlelo to tile public Uea within the scope of free speech. Since 1bomu Paine's Ume, the fr" prep bu been a Uaelul weapon In deleilse of Uberty. · f]ternatlves to our inadequate public wcat.ional ·educational system. Business and Industry must aaaume the leadership fOle in 'work education'. lf we are to t..ve a sufficient number of adequately Kained workers,· lnatead of herd-<:Ore wnemploytd, then technical r.kll'!l m•t11t M nurtured by educalor11 parcnls, and memben of lnduatry. Through this co111· blntd effort we can develop the skHl.s nee • ••ll'J' ta keep Ameri(a IJ'OWlftl I" -~~~!n~~!~r~~:r~11~cr,~::~ :0: ' profesaors who ·are acquainted with the world outside the cla111room. Fewer pro- fes,,ors who live in lhait dream worhl In which the Peact: and Freedom partJ11 iftm tht only loa:lcal choice. IJ S. J. Hayakawa l'nlldnt •a,_ -Cefllp Dear TMrful Bride: lo leave papera. Honey, perhsPs you've ..,uen Jn 'l1lrowiaC popen on another'• property a bit GI 1 rut even ttus urly without h1s CCNent Is like Alndln1 on in maniqe. Why . not vary the lhe per•a'• front porch, hoptnc to catch ume old diet' ot onion ulad ind tome peopte who ml1ht Jlsttn. No one oyat.ers for b r e a k fa s t with hu the rl&ht to litter another'• property IOmllhlnt e1otic like bacon and under a claim of "free speech." eQI. Mtn art (uMy, you know. __ ln a~r case, Palm Sprinp: pasHd (Send your problems to George and let hhn do your worrying. Then you'll REALLY have aomethin1 to worry about.) a law that barttd use of IOUDd trucks without a police permit. It ailo limJted their use to four hours a day, and said the trucU had to move at least ten mile a an hour. To the ewrt this ..--too --....... 1peech • Yau cannot restrict thole w~ l«i from door to door handtn1 out ttlJalOUI or poUUcal Jnformauon. You can io rrom door to doo'r ~ aee II you csn pt wlllin1 listeners. Solicltlfll money for charity has no such protectk>n. The law retard' It not as "&peech," but .11 a commercial ac- Uvlty. Ordlnance1 limltlna door to door salesmen are pnerally villd.' Note: Colifor11la lowuera offer this cob1111J1 so uou '1ua11 know aboitt our laws . • Beach," by Thomu Fortune, as It IP-. peared in ''Your Community," the DAll.Y ' PILOT supplement of June 11. pieal• t be adv!Sed that several of us in the )1 enginee ring department of the "beautiful and chaD,ing city. oC Newport IMch .. are quite angry and put out. : Please be advised that the employe1 I or this department are flihtlac to be j recognized for what they have done, • do. and can· do and be recompensed : for. tt seems that the police and fire i departrnenb1 are the only ones that aeL credit for their efforts. i HAS ~YOl'll ON your staff ever checked on wOl'klOI condltiam, job qualifications, job requlrements , money t and time spent to meet these quallftca-j lions, responsibilities and their com• paraUve pay scales! . Do we need to uniform ouraelva, blow \vhistles and . 1lrena to be noticed? le , fair, be democratic -if you pralee . one, praiJe us all. · ' WILLIAM BORREGO Plincipal Enatneertnr Aide Sen•tor 1'111rpla11'• l•IJ To the Editor : We are lucky to have a man like Senator Murphy as our re:preaemtaUve: lot based on his mo1t rec• n t performances J am sure tbal he will be able to compete successfully with most other senators in the art ol • doubletalk. Senator Murphy assured us that hi8 job with Technicolor took' no ttme away from hla duUes u senator, but since he was paid about half what the sena torial po11IUon pays, I must auume that he did about haU 11 much work for Technicolor 11 ii the Senate. (What'a half of nolhing?) YET, WHEN IT came lo obeying the , law with reaard to informln& the SEC or his atock manlpulaUona, he Informed us thal he coWd hot take the time from his "natorlal duties to comply. ' Now that Technlcokw has n e w • management, hopefully Senator Murphy will have sufficient time to at least • make h1I public reJeuea ecmlatent. II. H. TUFF!AS Quotes Gleu s. Damke, C&aeelllr, CalU. State Colletu -110Ur aoclety has allow- ed its freedoms to be misused by those who would destroy the freedoms." LeJahton RoD(ll1, .... tor. C•ltanf Al· • fain lnatilale, ~&a 8atbara -"The only privileged younc penon Is the one who hu had to face something not easy to face , and hu triumphed." -~-- Friday, June 26, 1970 The rd1tor1o1 -of th• Dallu Pilot 11ek1 ea inform ond sti,,... tilate readers bu pre.anting tl1it MtDlpOplr'I opiJUona and com- rnttiCo~ on topka of •nt.,e.st oncl 1il1fllllca!u:o. bw pnHNdmQ • forum for thl e;tprcuion oJ our nod1f1' op(nlona, Giid b~ presnitinf th• dft7fflt view- pobltf o infONMd ob#rver.t and 1pokcmw:11 on IOpics oj th• dou. Robert N. Weed, Publisher • • I . - ... == • r.--2'. 1910 DAit. Y PILOT S ·Prisoner Return Veto Po·litical llay Saigon Victor.y ' ' . Democrau Make Hospital Bill Issue PARIS (UPI) -Soutll Viet- nll'D bid notched a tactical victory today OYer N~ Viet- nam aL the peace talks. 1be sooth persuaded the north l.o ac:cept the retum cl a lid< and wounded North Vietnamese priloners. Hanoi had refused f o r months to accept.repatriatfon or the prisoners because it has never admitted its troops .-e: operating in the south. 'Jbe North Vietname se delegation to the peace con- ference ~need Thursday it would ·take the prisoners. though being careful to avoid any implicatim that they were· lllldlers. Hanoi said the men were only "Vietnam... patriots de-W-A S Hl NG T 0 N (UPI) talned illea:alty." It said they -De~all .erved ~ had the rigtw. to live anywhere todly they plan to mUe Prea. in Vietnam. idem Nixon'• 1lmolt certain- The Communists said the to-~ overturned veto ol the pl'isoners must be released at '2.'TJ billion HilJ.Burton Ho. the border or in North Viet-pit.ii axuitructioa bill 1 DPv." namese Jerritorlal w a t e r 1 P" under "sllspended military ac-isaue in the ~overnber elec. tivity·" rather than being 6,000-mile' _ tiont. escorted to North Vietnam by · The Senate quickly · Bclied. Red CroS! personnel as pro-uled a v_ote Tuuday on over. posed by Saigon. G ridinc thei veto after ·the House Hanoi 'barred Red Cross Rower -ets Thursday l(ain pa.,.d the personnel so "no persons could measure oa 1 27f.to.M roll call addlng tbar "Obviously, they thought it wu in the interest of .their .constltuenla at thal time." "Today, they Lined up be. hind the Republican president like little toy soldiers," he said. "Tbe 81 Republieana: must be-defeated at the polls this November." In the House, Rep. Ray Madden,',(D-Ind.), warned Re. publicans that voters Nov. 3 would remember what he said would be viewed as a GOP sland against health care. Prjsori 'Term Ordered . . ' ' . For Bernadette Devlin profit by penetratinJ illegally U S V • vote-27 more votes than the into-North Vielnafll territory." • • isa two.thirds majority required. BELF'ASr, Norttiern Ireland Lord McDermott, rejected her The South Viei.ii'amese,. in It wu the flnt Ume 'In '10 (AP) -Ttle Belfast Appeal appeal a'gainst .the senl.elll;e. what they said was a MIAMI (AP) -"I've Sot . years the Hoose had voted to Court ruled today that Her defense lawyer then ap- "humanitar,i&n gesture" had a man here who says be Jus.t •· override a presidential veto. Be_rnadette Devlin must go to plied for permission to take tried for nearly a year-to rowed from England," ·the: Slxty-s even RtpubUcam: prison. the appeal to the ,'Lords . in get the North Vietnamese to jqined 212 Democrats to pas1 A warrant for her. arrest London, and this wu turned accept the prispners .' .U.S. immigrat~on officer said thpe bid'll, "~ Object.lona ol the was to be issued later today. down today. · }fanoi once suggested they into the • telephone. "And be res1 ent to the contrary notr 'I1te court rejected an ap-. Miss Devlin .wbn re-election U N Lea--d be released w·here t~·were doesn •'t have · a visa." with&tanding." Qnly t h r e e plication .fnm Miss Devlin, tn the British "general elecUOri • • efS and allowed to retum unarm-Having received approval Democrat.-Repa. "William M. the 'yoUngeat member ol the 'last w-eek, and she is not ed and on foot through the from his superior, the offictr Colmer, (Miu.); O. C. Fisher, British House of Commons. expected to lose her seat Mark 25111 war zone' "if lh<oy wi-sh-"-" hung up and issued a 90-day (Tex.), and John Q. Manh, lo appeal lo the House of lo -~ --t--t to e -t-he (Va.)-supported the veto. because she goes prison. The prisoners were nol v1s1 1ng penni n 15 r But Democratic chairman Lords againat a six·mooth The 'House of Common~ will discussed in Thursday's 72nd Sidney Genders. Lawrence F. O'Brien announe-sentence given her for in· have to vole whether ~he re- A • session of the peace cl>n-Genders had just completed ed that 18ofthe 15 GOP mem-citement to rioting and rioting. mains a member, and it DDIVerSat•y fere~e. The North Viet-a 6,000-mile solo pull across btni who voted against the bill The House of Lords is Bri· seems most unlikely that with namese annourced 'the ac-the Atlantic in a rowboat 19 would "be primary targets for taln's,highest court. the threat of renewed religious SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - ceptancc of their return in feet, nine inches long. Democratic candidates" in The U.year..old Rom an v.·arfare h an gin g over The U.N. Ge:ieral Assembly a statement to newsmen t His welcoming party was November. Catholic militant was fir s t Northern Ireland , the NOT ALL CHURCHES ,. · · AR·E-DYING Many are alive and well! Here are the si9ns fr A HAPPY CROWD - fr MANY VISITORS __ , * LOTS OF NEW MEMBERS fr CHANGED LIVES FIRST CtlRISTIAN CHURCH HU"1'1NGTON BEACH MAIN AND ADAMS 1:30, 11 :00 •ncl 7;00 Fastest in West new across the nation for afterward. the crew of a police patrol "I find it curious that 81 of sentenced in Londonderry last legislators would inflame the ceremonies today marking the The peace talKS' ·continued boat. They directed him lo these-cynical RepuDlieans vot-Dec~ 22 for her activities Roman CaUlolic minority by 25th anniversary of tl}e peace withou t movement~ by either U.S. customs and immigration ed in favor of the act ~·two dur1ng street fighting last fall. ousting the you ng woman who «ganiza.Oon's charter. side. Chief Am e rican cffi cers. and a half weeks ago, O'· On Monday, Northern has come lo be known as Buy jt. Stll it. Try the fastest rtsponse In the W!St against yel.f' own~lock. Ttst Dlm~-a.1Jne Ads, whfre the action Is, In Saturda,'JI DAILY PILOT; Celebrating started 'I'hurs-negotiator Philip C. Habib said Genders, SI, said he made Brien said in a statement, Ireland'• lord chief justice, their Joan of Arc. day with a champegne recep-· · ''Again today we made jt clear the trip to show that a man ~-~=====~~~~~;~~~~~~=~~ii;i;;;;;i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiii: tion civen by Mayor Joseph that at these meetings we ~ i3fi'fWashed up at 50. Alioto in the city hall rotunda, are ready for serious negotia~ The sturdy-built Britisher across a boulevard from the tions, but they ar.e not finished the v o 1 a g e from ~ £R' War M..-aJ Opera Houoe prepared for that kind of Penzance, England, lo Miami H£~D o • where the blue-bound charter discussion." in 166 rowing days. wu drafted and the Veterans•--~------------=-'---- Building where it was signed ~-------------------, JU.ii!! l4J • quarter century ago. 0 ... D a. Y "'5 On her arrival here, Mrs. M "" "' 1 JUL:Y 3 Angie Brooks of Lilieria, the · fR,DAY -aaaembly'• president, said, There's SOlnt:thing very to to' 2:30 p.m. ••'Jbe United Nations is man's Audi \0•,)0 a.ta• !:ic.,"':,;,.~ardless ol its COlnforting iJboa.Jt the ~ Ship Wrecks Drawbridge NEWPORT NEWS, _ V • - (AP) - A sl<el cargo 'barge beinc towed upstream alam- med int, the Jamea River Br\dce before d_awn today, imnlnl \be draw bridlle --""' •looin&' tile 4kllt \oil facility tor lix hours. The State Highway Depart. ment said the bridge, linking Newport News and Isle of Wllbt County.-reopened at IO 1.m. and estimated damage at l30.000 lo $40,000. Traffic over the bridge, Its seats W.re , designed by an GI tltapedic surgeon. Test drive It today • • It's more of a car than you think. which brld1e Supt B-R-Belote CHICK IVERS, I • estimated at 2,SOO .to 3,000 can daily between S a.m. and 1 •-m-. tqnporanly wa s PORSCHE I AUDI rerouted through Norfolk and 900 w .. ca.t Hilhw•Y/Newpari ~ the Hampton Roads ·Bridge Tunnel lo the south -Traffic 646·9391-- nows ae~ the bridge from ._ ____ w __ m_coum'S ___ IUTHOlllDl ____ D_w_e ____ _., II UJS_ 17,ancl ISi- THE BIGGEST SHOW OF ITS KIND wlsr OF THE MISSISSIPPI! THE 01.T _llOIE SllDll 11 SOUTHERI CALlfORllA! • mll1I WllH IJIOll£ f!ATUl!!S F\l! BEITTR LNINGI • n FUS lllHITIR! CllllYENI~ COOER! • M!ll !llP DESJGNERS INIHEI fllU. SIZE DICOllA!Oll ROOllS! • EYERVIHllG FOR !HE HOME& GARDEN! • SlE! ... •..o«RilwlJS .... (JICit....,, 111J ,.., ~ hllflt.1u, •ttr· lllllL...., ,..._ 9111 "'°""" lrom 21 lorei11 ............... ,,.. .,, ...., Iller-> ., • SCE! ••• cowtm: ~I.MIG~ 0111111S. ••• hlllllll: .......... llll•ri': till• ,.,. wilfl Famon Australian artist will caricature 1 00 visitors daily-10:30 a.m •• , 2:30 p.m. • -1 ........................ 0-.~ _ ... ... • SHI.,. NmlM "llllM.r llCIKS., • ........ ¥slllm Clrlllt•••*Y ,.......,. ............... -.11 ... lliiliitiellllll.~ ..... ,........,,... ' ' • tlU ••. tll(~CMlfla. .•• --------'"""-· .................... .....-~:L.i.• ... All."""' C-. llildln •,SHI.'. INC£• GIDQI;. ••• . ................. "'lOltc.tw'!l~· b. ~ I 1 -..11 nt All·llklllli SK· ... JUNE 20·28 ......... , ............... ylMMlll A IEORIE COLOURIS PRODUCTION IPOllOllD It. Th• Orange County Builde rs "''"· and Th• Orono• COl.lnty Chop1er o( thit Building lnduttry Astoeiotiol\, • • Sl10W HotJIU • 11 P.I . Wt!IDIY! JIOOM • l I PJI. SATUMM't'& SUllMY ADULTS ••• $2.00 JUNIORS .~.~J.00 IGhll<llO• -, , , ... -,......i.i SAVISOc Sl'KIAl DtKOWIT nc•m AVAii.Aili AT1 AU'H" SETA MAltKETS ,,. lMllfTV' Ol!U c; 5 T011f$ UNITtO CAllf. IANl(S 0' OllANGf COUNTY & YOUR C-Ull1GAN MAN ' GORDON CURRIE "the World's Top Caricaturist" will be 0 in person" at the Pleasant Corona de! Mar offlce of Mutual Savings. Also on exhibit will be his · fabulous "fACES OF FAME GALLERY". You've seen him on NBC's "Today~' and "Tonight'' sho\vs, "The St.eve Allen Show.'' and other network TV shows. . ' -_----· -FRE·E-!- ' Tw OWN,.,... .......... , ..... ..,.. c.r.fili't i...,ml•• ef ,...._ -----·~ ......... ,.. •••••• -,...., fef "-lilt-A &. I 0 • • • IMpfmle• ef ........................ .,. .. •••••••• M Ullnlll. c..Pt1...,. ef THI lie M. MUTUAi. U.VIN•S. Now, meet th'e man who has caricatured Presidents Eisenhower, Truman, Kennedy and Nixon, General de Gaulle, tbe·Duke of Windsor aild hundreds of oiher "'orld celebrities. Y 0 U can also be caricatured in a S P E C I A L SOUVENIR FOLDER, ABSOLUTELY FREE. W. R. Sammona Senior Vice Pruidettt Rtgional 1..ocsa llaNll/ff' Robert D. A.ton Vk1 PruidftU. Bt'tllldJto,.qa· MUTUAL SAVINGS --•i.nauos:ialian CORONA DEL MAR 2167 E1st Co.1st Highw1y T•ltphono: 675·5010 J lloek1 South of M1eArthur Blvd. 4"-0ftlttl........., • 7 7 I I I 1 · ' ' ' . ,• Saddlehaek El;>ITION wot ~3. NO. 152, 4 SECTIONS, 40 P.AGES • IXOll •I ' " I Hanoi Co.nf irms . ' 334 U.S. POWs NEW YORK (UPI) -T h r " Amk;cans who visited Hanoi as private individuals reported today that Norttt Vietnamese government officials con- firmed a list of 334 American prisoners or war compiled by a New York peace group and stated that it was complete. It was the first reported North :Viet- namese comment on ~ list drawn uJf by the Committee of Liaison with families of servicemen deWned in North Vi<lnam, which )s -by Mrs. Cora Weiss. The committee submitted the list, bued 1 'Oil le~• received from the ¥ otin g Force Again Run·.s ·Into · Trouble • By JACK BROBACK °' ... .., r111t ~ I . ' "FruatraUon" ls the word for the Orana;e County Votfua: .Syitems Tasi Forte. . Thi · IG-mernber group, with three abeerit, met 'Jburaday for the Ultrd time in an attempt to remedy lhe county's ailing vote countjg system. The reault was the 1ame as before. They failed. . The group first voted Thursday to rescind iis decision of a week ago to accept free use o~ 200 Shoup voting machines for the November General Election. That would have been sufficient to cover only 10 percent of the county's J,021 precints. And before the task forc.e could vote on a new motion to lease 40 Cubic paper ballot counttn·g machines to cover 40 per~t or the county, two m~bers walked out leaving the group without 8 quorum and powerless to make a final decision. Thunday's action marked the second tim'e the ·group has reversed itself and left the County's elections departm~t ju.t where il was after the chaotu: June Primary .. Votes from ·that fiasco were not ctim· pleteb' counted for almmt two week~. · The Votlng:sfstems group decided June t to rent t \OIJO Automatic Vo tin lit Machines (AVM) to cover half of the count·y's precincts. But this decision was rescinded a week later because of con- . fusion over what really had beer\ voted. Chairman Cecil Marks. fru~rated by the turn of events, called another meeting for next Thursday at 3:30 p.m. 11t which' time it is hoped the problem can finally be resolved. Clounty Clerk Wiiiiam St John, return-inl from a vacation during which_ be . (See VOTING, P11< !) . prisoners before December, 1969, to Hanoi for verification last April but it met with silence. cOOfirmation of the list '~as reported by a spokesman for Kenneth Kirkpatrick of the AiTierican Friends Service Com- mittee, Seattle; Prof. Mark S. Patshne of Harvard University, and Prof. Egbert W. Pfei!fer of the University of Montana, who 'were in Hanoi earlier this month. 'Ibe spbkesmen said the travellers. were told 811 the men were safe and would be repatriated when the war is terminated. lnfonnati.on availaWe in Washington indicated that the Department of Defense's list of lqlo""·n prisoners of war is considerably larger than that verified by Hanoi. Hanoi stressed that the wives of miss- lng U.S. servicemen should desist from, traveling to Paris, Loas and other points where .. NorJh Vieb}Clmese have represen: tatives to learn of their husands' fate because all ca ptured Americans ac. counted , .for ~er,e on .the list,. the sp<>tesman said. '~ ~ did DO! ~ into ..,. etUil loldlen '!'° ho,. -captured since April 7. 'l1le spolroMDIM llid..Huoi_ did nqt accn>t 176 lellW1 out ol the 711 that Klrkpotrlck ond bis companions took to the North V;etoameae capital with them on the gi:yunds ttiat they were addressed to men who were not on the list. ·The ·committee of Liaison w a s establiahed last December by agreement between the Hanoi iovemment and Mrs. Weiss, wife of 1 New York . attorney, to arrange letter communication between the prisoners and their families . Tiie POWs are permitted to write one letter on a six line fonn each month and receive one package every other month. NEW YORK ·(AP) -Here Is the list of Californian 's reported confirmed by Hanoi as ·an accurate r.ount of American pri90ners of war being held in North Vietnam. The list, with home townllf following the names was provided to the Associated Press by Mrs. Cora Weiss, head of a New York-based peace group called lhe Committee of Lla_!son With )Families of Servicemen Detained in North Vietnam. Mrs. Weiss said the numbers were serial numbers. CALIFORNIA Wilford K'bse Abbott, 3681739, San Diego Everett Alvarez · Jr., 644124, Santa Clara Anthony Charles Andrews, FR3146561, Chico Frederick C. Baldock Jr., 666620, Lemon Grove Robert W, Barnett, FR 3 I 0 a I , llawthome Cole Black, 594387, San Diego Terry Lee. Boyer, FR3153&U, Visalia .. Clee POW1, Pli1e I) ~· Plaque Eye.sore? Littering Little . Old Ladies Cited . ' CARMEL (UPI) -City plarUltrs In this lon&time arUsls and wr\ters oolony want a downtown Vietnam War rnemprlal . removed bee.Buse "little old Wllea in tennis shoes" keep ltrewin1 it With florirs. ~ "We don't want a cemetery on-oeean Island Avenue," said John Riling, dlrector of the city plannin1 commission. IN THE PR.£.HIPPIE·daya •of the. 19ZOI. <:armel was a cultural colony for a 1eneratlon of famous writers, and arU~. including Sinclair Lewis, F. Scott FitqeraJd. Henry Miller, John SUinbeck and Robinson Jeffers. SUit cUngin1 to its artistic past, It bu VtrJ few formal streets excePt ln the downtown area. Moat are of asphalt pavement and wander haphazardly tllrough town. THE PLANNING COMMISSION tllid lhe ,ftowen wiltin& 11 the memorial, located on a divided atrip in the town plaza; consUtute a vlollUon of the Utt.er laws. Riling sakl the city had tried to keep It clean. "Bui Utile old ildie1Intenni1llioere11~ da'lrllld put more Cowers 1bert," ht said. · · • ORAN$E Coullltt, CALIFORNIA • • .... .. , 0 OAIL'"t Pll.01 ....... Ill .llM ..,....,_ 'HOLD UP, LIZZIE, WE'RE A·HEADIN' FOR THE PEA PATCH' • In S•n Clemente, Thi President RW.1 With • Ledy Orlj'tr • ~ ·~ ' ' , . . . . . ' ... ~~'Y.~~ P~a~s . ·.n~~r· §.~~'i.i,ig J:ud,g~''· ,~ For ~BQa~eh ~'()ts.ier in: a;bQrtiO,,;,,~ '. Mov_ mg Ahead · · · '. , ... : The lawyer for Dr. Robert CW!unlN l'tlclillllan that 'the Glllid Jiii)'• bu no The committee ior the incorporation Robb of · lJacunl Beach today mom! power to indict or. Robb r.inee &he of Dana, Point-Capistrano Beach ls Iron-ror the dilqilalificaUon ot a Superior' panel's exiltence is~ lil'leonltitu&i. It ing. out its last wrlnkles befort a July c t ·ud •· had bee -~~ led d t he-~ _ _.the. ~n1s· 8 hearing before the Local Agency our J ge !1111 1. n ACucuU °'1 JllO ' • .............. --:u•' r- Formatioo commission. to rule tbl.i morning on motions for ol Oran'ge County m·~ ct•~, The committ~e approved an am'ended-<l:ismisaal ~o1 ·abortion chara:u q:ainst social, racial Ud cDJwrii:l'back~· · boundary map Tpurxlay 1fter a len,thy the P!\ysiciu. , JUdge Paul t:taat·~il!'ff the qbarps discussion over ~ontcsted 'property. , · Juilge Byron le. McMillan pa!l{led the against Robb in Santii Ana M~p.l The committee voted lo delete a water Robe file · a'°11& ·to Judie William S. cOurt in a litndma'i'k rUUR'whJcii tibeltd tank in the mi9cf_le of U)e P.fOllOSed Lee: as ·his response to cha:rceS by at-· Califomia'1 1 tbera~c Act '11, un-norlhem boundary . and to delete the . . , , entrance · to. Dana Point Har.bor. The torney ,Moses Bermaw lh~t cornmen~ constituUoo,1:, :. 1 : "' latter· deletion was at the reqliest of h.f! had made during conferences in his A broadly iimllar ruling: WU handi!d the HarJ>or .Departinenl • , ~hal"bor! had been prejudlfill to Robb's -ftlll -k by1MllDleipil Collrl Judie The· group voted lo retain the Chandler-case. ' 1 \Villlaril T)lomioa 1in laWr ot'Dr,• John Shennan property •. which inchKles the Berfua'n ·said those co~ts ~ave 1 S. Gwynne, 211, ~ Santa ~ ph~ Dana Point itself. . • ~n lo the effect, that J~e McMillu. who had"perto"tmed·UorUoa.~·defllnce The committee also ,decided to include ol police acUoa. · •. ·• • , "was not , prepued to make any new 1 the Beach Road area, parallel to Coast laws on this abortion iaue and ·WU • " *'• ;. HighwaytotheSanClementecitylimits. quite content to · wait' for a higher court • 1. D-~ ·h· W, ll llay Berryman engineering consultarit ruling 00 the matter. •. • • • Sea . ~e t e '· for the group, said the Santa Fe Railroad "'He made it quite clear," Berman · has indicated it will not fijht tfle in-said, "that. he wu pre, tty well stuc;k Pl ·p • " ed "- corporation mpve: with ·the prosecution in· Url! .case and,' ea osttviin .:. .. Despite the objections of 'Chairman indeed, in any action invOlVlng the ' con-· 1 : T-· , · Roger Sa~erson and committee member troversial ·abortion iuutt." · . A. ~e~uest 'byi StJDdari:l 'Oil 'COqipSny Alex Lake Lhe cqmmiftee voted to d.elete .Judge ~ ~ tel July 2 ·for het1rine t of Cahfornia to drill a ~·well off 22 acres of contested Laguna N1111el of ihe disqualification motion filed by the Ora111e,~t ·near Seal Beach, has propei-ly near the. efl4 of La Cresta Berman. ' ~n del~yed ~ \tHt by the State Street. · But' it was m•de clear .todty th&t t:ands Comm~llioa, acCQl'd:tna .fG State . A leUer trom Carl Kymla, manager any .rejection Of .the Berman ariuraent.l F:inance ·Dlrtctor Verne Qrr, a m11nber of the Moulton Nlgue(' Watir District, will mean the immediate isauuce of o'f Uie conimilsion. . asking that 200 acres of his dlltrlct a ruling that hll already been ftaehed' Verne asked for the delay ' of a well be deleted, was not acted upoo. by JUdge McMillan.'. . ' , which would be drilled on'lsl~·~. The group has invited LAFC com· Berman arguea that I.he distrk:t at-a one-icie .11.•Dd locitad~.a 1'lle ud missioners to tour the area before the 1 torney'1 offiee aeted wtlawful,ly ~· a half olf the coast where ·standard July I hearing. · it 1ot .'lri incilefment ot~Aobb on 11hlirUon. is currently operaU. 721~ • 1 charlli>s from the,Or•n•• County GralKI ''nie ......n ... 1~ • 'Mt -1 India Minister Quits NEW DELHI (UPI) -India's forotan minister, Dlntsh Singh, resigned today when .. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi al· tempted t.o move him to a lesser p>St. • a~ -,.... ' . "=':'."'•\~· ~U ' ,.._,, Jury a(\er 1 ·munlcfpiO CGlll'I ' judp bid at the May meellnJ when the requ•t dlsmilaed &hole charau. , r was firat Ct?nli~· and aQed "for a Dr. Roll!>. 17,, ol 14617 ~ llrl,., · delay in the .~ , •· · Dona P-0fnl, .had beeo I lmtOlecf on . If 1pproved, the -well , wOuld be "the ch!ir1<• that he performed 1borilona oo • · first drilled' !J> CaltfGrnlo -otnCe unmarried women, paUents. · . the coinrn1as10n ~ 111 new dhhca Bmnon a!IO arped • before Judp ~-·"""...,...taJ'....,., t•' : C~nyon InsJ}ection BlaSl~. ' . , R~idents Sign Peiiti.On Protesiilig '~g~na Mooe ~ • ' I • ' By BAftWAl\A KREIBICH on May 11 when tlie tnspecUtJiru proeec:ture as the fint.ofranral• ln tbldy teblifilh °'"" DdJ "*" •i.tt was authortled aa part~ Mayor Richird id 'for ~llLlpldlonsl·M .. al tti fllh Residenti of Latuna Canyon, objecting to deslgn1Uon by the city bulldi111 ~ ment u a' "houainc: defidency pro)ect area,•• todaJ began· circulating a ,peli- Uon' ...... Ung a propooed buikli~ bulldl111 lnspeqllon of the nelahbo by· teams from Ule ·Building, ·Fire and Goldber1'1 seven-point ~am: . 1 f~ of. ~arftfl LflrU. a ' tn-' 1 For )1lor'e' ~n "• y.,~; ·occiitjf1111 , dloatecfoa·~·nn·t111 i~'o~: I to.a clfY bulldllll o111ctal,;vi1Ulol checlal J1ll(l where oftl)-llH fl'llblpcillltlcl. tlN>m the -) hove been. i-., An .error In the •-Gt thll'llhf ~t the rJty ht 10 1ftompt , to I meetlll( -~ ltldid to tlle•con- The rnemcrl1I was eredfd II mont.hl ICO oa appl"Oftl of the citY coundJ, but the planning commission t'Ompllllned it #as not consulted. THE MEMORIAL. 1 bronze plaque tn a large grarUte rock, wu sel up by the local American Lqioo po&l. 1 • Htalth Oepartmenta, seeking violations • ol bulldln1. health and .-ret1 codes. spol coie vlolallnlll llld ' deteri<ra!ecf , r..1111 .. Reeclnllq, 1, """""'"'· ~" 1>9<i•lnc a11uat1om. 111111 Chorflon ..,.i•to"wi111ot· t111 cftJ .· lnterk»r imPectwns. alao , have ·bffn. roa"'aer to .~mblt) tn•r•·Qll••n carTied out In commerclal. areas to com-teams .•. to evalUlte crlUea area· •· "To the..memory o( Carmel's servicemen whose blood was shed that we miaht live," the plaque re ads. • . The clty plannirs recommended unanimously lllaL lhe memorial be moved lo 1 "mort appropriate" location. Riley commented on the "little old ladles," • ._.GAN YOU llop them when they lllWt lll'OUDd durl"I the dar• hours or after lhe rubbish truck goes by?" be aslled. I ·I s~~l: ;::U!t1nttis °:e:~~~ and occupants of 48' properties in the Woodland Drlv,, South earuion Acres and . Arroyo Drive ll"tl,: requestna cooperation with the lnspeetion teams. · Tbo liiovo lollowed a., Council octiol bat fire ond health h114rds.. · Cjll'dl,ng to probliln Pr!OrilY i1 'piiJP91nttd Su1(estlon that lhe Woodland Drive. on pbyJieal problem bolrds,!' tbe 111mut;el a tea· was 11eled'ed for the flrtl house-to-' rerer to such boar~ 11 betnl "IA 1"' houae lnr.pecUon I o r · "har&Nmll'll" · phlice departn\'1\t." where' Utey' 1shoukl rtasl>hl was vehemen'lly · dented IOdly b~ve, read ,··~· t~ fir.e cteP8rtme'4f." by Mayor Goldbel'I• ' ' • "Thll is .deflniJoly ·• '1"!f 1 the ,p,o!lce The orea, be ield, WU dulplte4 ( .. HOIJllNG, ..... I) , ... ~ .. - : . N.Y. SC• .. •- . -- JEN CENTS - a.c ,. • • -" .... ------ Hits .Senate ' 'Isolation; • .. ' From People . . By IUCIWID P. NAJ.L , ................. - • "On Saturday I'm lttendlft& r111 aiect 'a wedding;" the Presidenl uid dleerfty. Touchdown1 of-Air -Force' One. on the hot El Toro landing strip wu-routint -Thursday J,ut Preaiden) NI..., JflllSed be1oro flying '°" to San Ctemento tq fflvo newsmen his views on topics hJlllnl trom the wea,ther to "lntelJJectull incest'• in Wubington. . . "I'm alwuy gild to got bock to' Clftlomia .. • Jlll'llc!llarly oo .,ch a beautlflll . day,• slld the Pr-. "When I heard the uimpet"lltun wu IOI . .,_ here,' I 'feU that WU 'a Uttle Winn but 1"' know• we hive "'1 heol ta Cll!IOrnta." Queried about Senator Mike M.ananetd's remarks about the economy, Mr. ~b;On said, "I never comment on what the Senate says or what individual candldates sa)'. ·' "SometiRllS I thin1t they (the Selllle) should do what the .House (ol ReprNen- taUvesJ doet. They Jhould lei out lo the eountry ond ,... whot t&e country is thtaking. ' He said the Senate ·would hive btet1 lnt<rested la· hla nceptiGn fn . St. LoUll. He referred to tba ~· 111,111 .. ef -11,1111" J13'C18 ~ "''* t! 1111 ~ -.... """'· .... ance ev,ry ~. .. • · ·:- "I -· "::l! r.ilmil _. lo Wllllfilllaii w . to IMiii"'l' - 8"1."' the ,,_ -.... reod ....... pen.' llol:· at -Ind tll1I to-other. "There is a sort ol Intellectual lncat which rulty riducea tbe level ' ol tbe dlllolUe llld,·1"' !lave to IO to the COldr)' OOW ond then to '8"1 I reol . feettq ol whit people "' lhinklng. "Wuhlngton la part ol the i:ountrJ but ,it la not Ill ol the couotry 1nymore than any capitol iJ all ol the country." • The Presklent had a Plua for Sen. 9eoqe Murpl\y (~ll!IJ, who accom- panied him clillnt him "my. Senator and my 1ood rriend. '' Referrin& to Murphy'• uncomlnc cam- paign against Rep. · John Tunney ((). Calif.}, µ,e President aaict. "He't eqer for the boUll,· f thfDk CaUlorn11 lhou!d give blm 1 Vil&e d confidenci!." ·-'cil "' the ' 'll!fflllllhis ol tbe Presilfenl'I.~ while ln Sin Clemente ' includJ: .. • . . -Attondance'saturdoJ momJnc II l)\e • Newport -h w)lfdlng d his niece, Lawrene Mae NWin, •· 1ebool teacher and 'd~r el the f'lwident'a brother, · Ilo!l.lkl· . , . . -"A conf'"'1Ce M~ with SecrNry ol Stile Ro1en before Rogers teaveo for ·Alta and E,.land to meet wttb new leaders. --A live televlaioil emterence on foreign policy July , I II 7 p.m. (PDT) with Howard K. Smith of ·ABC, John Chancellc:r of NBc and · Eric SeVar~ld' of CBS. Pr.., Secretary Ron~1ter Slid the live TV' sellion is umque in 1 • Presidential history. .. , -A report to the nation Tuelday from his Westem While HoUle tn the Cama bod\l'l 11\uaUtin. It wiU coincide with wllbdl'lwaf of U.S. troops from .Iha\ .1spect ot the IndOchina War. 1 -A poolalde Iuncheon·in Sin Clemente todaf with edJtora, publishers and ~ (See NIXON, hp, I) ' . -lt'U cool off tto about 71..,_) •loni the-cout tlU -•blle the Inland folk, wlll IWefter under ID-degree lefl\P.fl'aturu wh.lle ..,_ ny 1kies prevlll tflroUlhout. JN8DtB TODA 'Y ' . ' A bockwanl ,,.....al a &.., Gild ·,,,OOuctiV. !We tllntor - ,.. ol0110 u.. Oftln111 Coal ii ' ~ &w .... ~ • .,.... ldltor Tom Tit., in '1llo ·I•_.....,, col..,.. itl _,,,.. w-. • ': ::: ..... -: ................. ,, .......... . 11 ... _ -,• ........... ~." . ..... ,... , .. lt .......... , ... It """"' .... ,,........ . . '_.. ......... . --.. .. I .,, 7 ... , .. \, I i , " I DAILY PILOT SC !;(Ida, J"" 21, 1170 ...... p~ J ltd1 JO Dale HOUSING·7~ •. .. ' .... (' have nothina wbetever to do with the boustq illlpoc-." G o I d b er 1 em. phasiaed. He 1100 .hod mode the point durina dildlssion at UM Miy f meeUna:. '8111t ......., to .. ..... .. "" °"""' cdiua --~ ... _-.,, that llllJIOCl1ons lllloUld be cooducted "II random" throughout the city. of buildings where <>bvious code vk>laUms are visible fr.om the out.side. Goldbera said he w11 under the imprmim that the council had agreed lo combine Ute two ide51 -area in1pec.tibn and random spot dieckl. Minutes of the. .meetinc record only , the vote on Boyd's motion, with Holm's , remarks u ,t. "tugution" on wblcb no action wu ~ken. Holm said today tht council bad not been asked to define any perlicular area for the ·inspect.ions but h.ad discuned high fir.e hazard 1reu as ahown on Fire Department maps. He 11reed that" reference to the polict department in ~ minutes -was in error. . The petition beinc cittuloted by rod- pienta of the dty letters and their IUP" porters reads: . , , "We, the undersi3ned, $herewith peU· -•. • -~nl IPOk•-tUI that u uhbule re1Ult ol completion af th_e hous- Ju' """ey could 'bl the sranttn& ol ltdlral fund• to uper1de problem areu ,_ lllt Urban -II prosr1m. If u -~ ~qoltfy lor dlllllli .. 'tite Wlllu ..,. al ....,II vll'llU... ol IJrllu -.11; Ille city can o!>Pl1 for funda lo belp \lfllrode ll, ilr -lo Clll llef:k very 1-·lnterut. lolnt .to rehabilitate their homes or re-locate to other &re.. if lhil ii more dtlir1ble. . The spokes-man noted that Urban Renewal for any area in Laguna l1 ·"just 1. p:mibility" and no federal funds can .~ requested unUI inapectlon te~ hive completed a ptescribed survey. :The learns working in Llsuna will have to co.,&ete a number of fOl'JM which wW btl eompUed into 1 detailed report including-such items 1s lot siie, location of buUdinp, ro;om size, sanitary and el@ctrica) conditions. An individual repOrt on each dwellinJ:. includiq rec~enda•, tiOlll, will ~ --the .....,, ' . FNMP .. el . • POWs; . .-I ·~tudeiit Hearing : On ~Ohsceri.lt~ Set· I , • ~ ' July · 10 has been set 11 the datl for a hearint on a demurrer filed on 'behalf or Ernie A. Smith, a UC Irvine student charged with di~urbin& the peace .,hen he all egedJy used ~ene languaae while 1peakihg before.• &tudent · rally at the campus. , · ' ~ • Smith, a Black Students UJlion officer. Jt UCI, was protesting the lack ol lbldtnt respo_nse to the killina of ~ bla~k J ackson State students at a May 15 rally when .the obscene remarks were report!!CllY made. ApParently women in the audience ob-· From ·Pllfle 1 ' ., jected to tlle languap end UC! POiice ChW Robert Heavy filed a complaint. wlt.h '. the District Attorney's Office. June 4 Smith was charged with two counts. ct diliturbing the: peace by the DA •s offiee. Smilh has said he · wm call upon pro- minent Ne1roes to testify that hJt lanlJIMt was not oblcene 11\d ia used COl1UJIOl1ly iri the black C!bmmu!>J!yi A Ianauase student Md an •nnotmcf: for the• campus radio ltatioR, he uld his languag~ was colloquial and "in Ute parlance of the black community." ·Smith a lso has raised the questi<rl of ~hy he was the only one charsid. He claims other student , speakers at <lther rallies have used simil'ar language without beil11 pr<MltCJlted;J • • lion the City .Council ol Laguna Beach to instruct tbe Director of Bulldin& ud Planning ta cancel the "bulldln& by --.->"building, lot by kit inspection of all MJchaal Lee Brazelton, FV3lt8&80, l. structures" within the area which lies Lc:n1 Beach NIXON ••• cast executives to explain and solicit support for his Southeast Asian policies. UCJ's Academic Sena(e gave Smith a vote ·9f CorifideftCe in their re111Jat met!ing June 3 when, accnrdinil to G<>rdon Shaw, physics instructor they "approved by an overwbelri\lng m~j9rity. a mo~~on •.u,ppor11n1 ·'1tuderft1• rtlhf. of free speecli and urging the Chairman (of the Irvine Division) to set in motion proc«lures in behaU of Mr. Ernie between Milli1an Road and Woodland Philip Neal Butler. M73M, Le Jolla Drive and between Woodllnd Drive and William Wallace Butler, 31SMIO, San Conyon Road ud wbich bu been lin(led, Rafoel • out for such inspection. • Cart Dennis Ch&mt.en, • P'V31Hl, "Some of the rwons for this petition Yubo City are as follows : Arvin Roy.Ch1uney, 1147'1, Lemoore ''That the motive for .iDlpection is' Claude DoucW ,q.,llt'll'", I0547, San not primarily bued on health ond solely, Diel<' but that the city ii 11lowina illelf to :·-Jam11 Quincy Collint, "9oa, Atherton become ,party to an attempt to drive Michael Paul Cronino•llliu, Berkeley . certain presently unpopular minority !'.dward Dale Eatel, I064M, Lemoore groups from the community. John P'er, am. San Pedro "That inspection, tn fact, ii int.ended H .. bert Kelly Flesher-, DIM,. S.c:ra- e1111entially 11 a form of harassment in mento -'fl ' that insignificant building cOde 4vioil-David Edward P'ord, P' V 31 2 2 O 7 4 1 tions' can be used to make it" impouible Sacramento for o~rs to -pennit ten.anti to continue Henry Popt Fowler, FR31tl574, Palo livin·g in their homes and that this may Alto create undue--hardthip for owner-Charla Jl Gillllpie Jr., $42151, l't!!lidenlo os well. . Collini H. llolneo, 113111, Son Dlqo , "That the city is not be a r i n I Junt1 Martin HJcftnoa, 11 1 o 11, responsibility if residenta an forced to Lemoore leave their homes tn1 f~. new .homea Harry Tarleton Jllflkins Jr., 60'424, for them comperab e to WJe ones now IAmoore occupied by them end within this dty. -~-F -·• K,;.,.... -.. "!hit · ditcrimination apinSt thil ~~· · r.,. ... ,...._, _,_., neipborhood is lurther being abown tn Carl Williom Loaii«, -. Son Dteao th't the1 bud11•:for thethbull4inl,~ol· Etrl Gotdoer 'Lewil. Jr., ll!Olli, Son rnent c ear y •110WI at prov-, Dte1o. funds i1 not being aollcited for the lft.., Alan Pierce Lurie, FR fUU, Apple apectJoa of neighbornood1 throujhout the Valley entire city which could be considered John Michael McGrath, 169291, Su to be from appearances run down. Diego "Th.at this area, we feel, was choten George P . McJwain, 197713, Montrose for tbe purpose of making it more readily· John B. McKamey, 814191, Lemoore avail• to thole special interesta wlthia Edward Holm• Martin, I 8 4 SI 7, the <8mmlllllty wbo have. olreody publicly · Coronodo m>de their inlcrat In ocquirint -· Ro·--• Jomes MerrKI, 44721, Col'"-laltds known. ,, ... v•iu ...,., "'lbar-.uch devaluaUon of thele ....._ Ediaon Waimn1pt Miller, OMI02,i&&n· ,.. .... -ta Ana ~which may_.. becollR of Jooep·hkottMobley,7011117,·Manhaltu the 1'1pectiolll would In efftct be maklna Jt impossible for owmr1 ff receive fair Beach compensatioa for t11et, •boUMs and pro· Emeat M. Moore Jr., 563869, Lemoore perty." . . . Richard lleu Mullen, lllft!I, LaJoile The later nrorence In the peUUon John H. Numyth Jr., FVJII0117, South San G1brJtl I • . • opparenUy bu·10 do with o plonnloJ Dile Huriiml o.~--, II'-. u--•-• auuellion to• lthe effect that 0 1or11: -·~ -~ .... area of Woodland Drive near the new ; Jamu Glen 'Pirie, &141M, IAmoort Boys' Club lie ocqulnd by the dty .Loo T. P.ro(ilet, IDM13, Polo Allo and tu-over lo ,..,..tionll ud DorrtU Edwin Pyle, FV3IIH.!I, San,. · Ana .. park Ult. • ft·yjd ~--n-•-··· Amplifying the city's Inion! In 11... ••*' ~1• ~·-•'· 1911112, Lan· cbinl the boUlbll inqeclloo, o bulldlnj Wendeµ Burke Ri,..1, 111144. Olnord Dovld John Rollllll, 1139111, Son Diego Kay Ru ... 11. 113117, Son Diego F...,..P .. el ' ' VOTING ••• • . • ... '1 .,.,. sald he had'been ill. witli'a liJIUI infeelloil, pleodod with · lhO ....., 'll>ur~ · for'- "some sort of action... " TasLJorce memblri at ftnt teein!d Inclined to 1et ~ ..... but the usual confulion ~.' ' ' Alter roscindllir-tlie;shllllp olfer,.tuk force member Will Linds~yt a Fullerton . enaUieer, moved ·to ·1e-~1,tioo AVM . machines u St Johrl hid arllinally au1- gested after the! primary. 'His motion· died for lack of a second. Lindsay then 1walked out: accompanied by councilman .John Deen of Garden Grove, leaviq the croup· without a quonun. A bluer uchanp · 1ccompanled tht walk out. · DAILY PILOT """ ....... ........ ,..., hi C' •• 01tANOI COAIT,!UILllMl!illl ~,AM'f ••Hrt N. w.,, ""'lflol' ,,.. "*'..,,.,. J••k J., C11rl•v Vlu Pr•1!0Mf .... ~II M• ....... T!.0111111 K1t.-il t.inor Tlle,..•• Ji., M'urpill~t M-elr4. lfllOr IUclri1'4 P. Nill llufll '""" ~' l•llw -C.."' Mww : J» WUI ..... 11 .... 1 ,.....,1 '"'"' nn w.1 .. '"' lou1'W41fll • IAllN ._,., ut ,._, ... _ "'"""""*" ._,., 11'1H .. t<.~ I~ Siii """""* .. ,..,.,.,. 11 C""'llll ... DAILY PILOT, wtfll wllefl It"""""'' ,._. ...... ,.,., i. ........... ••11'1' --'41 ... .., Ill ........ ~ ... WlloN k:tJt. ..,._, ..... C.11 M91, Mlill'llllllM t.cfl .... lll'llllltlllll Vlllf!t. '""" •1111 -""""" ....... °' ...... C..t ~""lllt °"""9'l'Y ................ ,. •I 2tll Wit! .... '"""" .....,, lffcll, ft.f ut -· .., ....... c..,...., • Ttl1111'1r1 fn41 '4Jo4Jll Cl-'AM A .. rtld•I MJ.1671 .. c ....... .,,.., ...... T111,•• ffl-4411 CIM'l1llll, ltN, ...,.. (eut "utllt!IMt ~. ... -·-~. 111iltl•lt~ ..... "It,., tr ....... 1.....,...1. lllrelfl IMJ • ...-UC:lf •"'*" Ulttlfl ...,.. ............... ~· ...... elMt ........ Mriil •I ,......,. lffell ... ..,._ ._, c.I_,,.., S11tK,;1111W1 IW ....., a• -llllt!'f'I •Y l••tll tt.a -lfl!fl .......,,. .,.,.,,., u• """t"'~· ' . . . H!>"'ard Elmer RuUeda:e, IWIM35, San Ille go foul Henry Schulti. 111716, SllJI Dle10 rRobert James SChwittllr, 571194; Lemoore . \ Wlllllm L. Shankel, 114281, Jackson Robert tfarper. Shumaker, 141965, LaJolla Charles Everett Southwick, &44716, CUpertino . ? • ~ t Cllorlea ·Dovld Slocld!oUle, 147914, Lemoore ' ,._ Joilo Edwlfd S~yut. 51914, Cloremont Thiodore Gerbirl 'Stier,' MllOO, San Die10 · Rober! Lewia SUrm, FV-11, ,,.,., City Jama Bond Stockdale, Col'tlnldo Richard Allon Strotton, -· Hulord Gory L. Tbornion, 70Dl03, Port.rville Brian Dunotan Woods, 11!08!, Lemoort State Art Meet Extends Deadline . So that 111 artists may hive ample time to &tt their works Into Prolpectus Art '70, a statewide art cont.eat. lpOnlOred by the dty ol Huntington Beach and ln...,..Uonll Ari Sdlolanllpls t he deadline hll been eztended ~ June ~7 to July 10. The contest is expected le draw more than l,~ .•rUsll who will compete for Q,500 in prize money, donated by bulinenmeri ln the HUntincton Beach ma. 'Die rectpUrui center Is lOcated It romn 102 of the Golden West College Music Building. Competition will be held on the mall ol the HunUntcoo C..ltr, Sept. 13 throuih U and it is. expected that 200,ooo- penom will view the varJou1 eltubita. An additional '5,000 will be awarded lo student or)illo duriq the -i>etltion 11 weU . Th1I money will be d!>lllled by buliJleu from lilr<lupout Orqe County. U.S. Diplomat Named WASHINGTON !UP!) -Rob er t McCllnloek, o veteran ol,neorly 40 yiors in the U.S. Forelp Servtce, wu con· finned tocloy by the 8en1te os tho U.S. ambluador to Venesuelt. Mt'Clintock, 80, a native of the 1t.tte of W1ahlngton, WIS norninlled April t. The poll ln Clrtcu bu beett VIC&nl about I )'Ill'. ' ·' · OAIL Y I'll.OT ""'"' .., lltleYl'll Kltll ... IXIL (NDIAN HELPING ANTHROPOLOGISTS AT UCI Pap Sh•1ko'w, 75, C1lend1r P.rl11t and Dlvlntr ' Ixil8 at Irvine J - Linguists Study Obscure Dialect By JOANNE REYNOLDS ctphering the rem11n1ng hleroglyphic °' ... 0.1,.. f'll•t •1•_-----wnUn1s;--aru-and arclilteCture of --t.lfe Every summer, thousands of vi1itor1 Indians' ancestors. pour into the Orange Coast, but this sum-Having become a calendar priest, Pap tber thr Shasko''l" then dreamt his Cllling to mer e are ee, who are a little become a diviner .. Mrs. Colby said he different, llVing at UC lrvine. went through the same process of going Baltasar Asicona, Jose Perez Toma and to another priest, who was also a di- Pap Shasko1w are three Ixil Indians from viner and being acrepted as a student. Guatemala who are living at the UCI In the process of divining, which is farm while anthropologist Lore Colby linked to the Mayan calendar of 13 2fl. and linguist Terry Kaufman study their day month s, he uses baq mich-beans oblcure culture and language. from the palo pinto tree . Baltasar and .Jose are working with These he divides Jn hal( and sets out .K•ufman Jn de veloping a comprehensive in pairs. Mrs. Coiby sald they are still dictionary of their dialect.a <>f the Ixil Jearning}a.,,g_reat.Jiei!spout pie, vielh~ Janguaae. used for d1 v1ning. " Pap Shasko'w is a 75-year~ld cal~ar "Each day is represented by a pair of priest and & diviner, one of about 20,,.om beans and each day .also. h48 its own his mountainoUJ region. Mr!. Colby ~ , god. so t,ti'at everytime he does it, it is .,. wrlting his life story in an effort to pre.; , different." s.erve ~ l~st r~mn~nt~ or an occupa. The functions of a calendar priest; as lion which is being rapidly absorbed in Pa" Shasko'w tells Mrs. Colby, is not the Latin American culture. " Pap Shask<>'w (pronounctd pop..shas-. strictly religious and may involve divin· ko-wa) Js a descendant <>f the ancient '. ing about illnesses. .priest class whc> flourished at the; Because the Mayan people absorbed · height of the Mayan civilizaUon around the Catholicism of the conqu istadores, the ninth century. ·som! <>f the prayers used by the priest His grandfather was 8 ·calendar priest,, include Christian prayers translated into but as Mrs. C<>lby noted, the priesthood : the lxll language. is not something a man comes into -by "They've done it that way for three or heredity alone. four hundred years now, so they d'"on't "According to the information he's really know what the prayer ls, just that told me," sbe said, "you muzt flrst dream it is part' of their ritual. .i~t it. Th~n you take your dreams to "The main focus of thei r religious an Interpreter of dreams-another cal-beliefs centers on ancestor worship for endar priest-and if he decides you really which the priest acts as an Intermediary. ) have a c1lllng, he takes you on as a stu. They also have gods of air, sun, moon dent." , ,and stars. The mythology of their pe(lple Before beginning hls studies the cal-is strikingly similar to Hellenic mythol· endar priest makes S<>me cereinonies to ten the gods that the ttudeilt is sincere ' ogy'" she noted. nd sh Id be pun! ln a considerably less mysUC v e I n. ~alend: not • abed for using the : Kaufman and his two friends are finish· Mrs. Colby, 1 Newport Beach resident ing work on their dictionary. who <>rganized the study, said the pur~ "A·bo4t 57.000 people in three towns pose ii to elucida te the theology of the speak lx:il (pronounced eesheeii wh ich is ancient Mayans by studying "this man's one of about 20 Jangua1es in the Mayan religious concept! and mental and splr-family." he explained. itual attltudei." Kaufman. who teaches linguistics at UC Berkeley, said he Is working on this Both Mrs. Colby and Kaufman said language because it <lnly his three dia: they hope their efforts will aid in de-lects-as <>pposed to the <>ther languages which may have as many as 15-and can· Coast Teenager's Kidnaper Given be more easily catalogued. -Mrs. Nixon's departure Sunday with a plane load of supplies for survivors of the tragic Peruvian earthquakes to demonstrate U.S. co ncern. The Pres.ident said at El Toro Thurs- day that he will leave his home overlook- ing the Pacific Ocean to return to Washington a week from Monday. At his El T<>ro arrival, the President appeared highly elated over his rec~ption In St. Louis. It was the longest, lciudest ovation since he began living at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. The President -who i1 not attending today's 25th aMiversary celebration of the United Nations creation -to!d newsmen at El Toro alao that he haa no plans lo campaign for Republican candidates this fall . He said he believea the best thins- he can do for the: party is. make as good a record as possible on international and domestic issues. *·* * Pat to Focus On Peru Relief Smith." 1 • • Shaw is headin1 a movement· to help raise mcmey ,..f<>r Smith's defenee. "Of the literally dozens or public speeches made during the last two months 1t Irvine, also using 'obscene' language one ~onders why only Ernie Smith ia beJns prosecuted?" he asked. 'Oliver' Enters Final Rehearsal At Playhouse _Action at -the Laguna M ou-1 t'on Playhouse i.J..moving inlo high gear this . weekend as fmal dre11 retiearsaJ da(e1 appro.cb for the most ambiUous un- dertaking yet presented in the ne~ theater. · After two invita ti onal preview performances next Wednesday and Thursday, the ~it musical "Oliver!" will open Its eight.week summer run on Fri· day night, July 3. Mrs. Rich,ard Wix.on plarui to focus A combined effort of the playhouse attention on the relief needs of earth-and the Lyric Opera Ass · U quakwtrtcken Peruvian citiztn1 during "Oliver'" .11 f t -ocia , on, her three-day visit nen week to the ·. w1 ea ure • cast of 45, South American nation. · an II-piece orchestra, the original sec She will .~r/Y blankets, children's us~ l>y the ·~atiopal,touring com~ clolllng ~d ~~~'°~ llmen ilft ·~ i~ llO_period c01turi\ee, deiigned 'and leaves Suhday for tlie beleaguered coun-cruted in the playhoue costume depart- tryThe First Lady will . join forcu with accordina lo PJayhoule President William Mrs. Ju·an Velasco, wife· oC the Peruvian Barbe. president, In searchina out the needs Both ll()W]d and lighUng systenu tn <>f the thousands . of homeless during the playhouse~ have been improved to the ~rlef stay which will end Tuelday achieve 1 "real 81'()adway producti ri " momi,ng. d' to 0 ' Mr;. Nixon plans to tour the coestal accor mg Playhout President William areas ~evastated by the May 31 elrth~ Harc~m, .who adds, "We couldn't have quake tn a U.S. military helicopter. She done tt without the Lyric Opera." will view the damage 1t Chlmbote on Actually the cast numbers more than the around. Ml, with all roles except those of tome Mrs. Nixon vlsited Peru in 1958 when of the principals double cast 80 the her husband ~as then vlce·president and volunteer players will not be required made an <lfflc1al tour <lf1 Latin America. to work more than a four~~eek 1tlnt. Nixon returned alone kl Peru Jn 1987. The .~ly paid prOfeu.ional on ~tqe will The First Lady will stay at the be Br1t11h actor Ben Wrialey, who will American embassy In Lima and will star as Fagin throughout the run. dihe quietly: with Ambassador and Mrs. All the <>ther players are volunteers Taylor Belcher the mpt of her arrival. as are the ushers, dreuer1, 1eam~ • Robert H. Finch,' termer aecretary and .n:i•n~ m~mbera ol. th,e &~le c:itw of the Department of Health, EducJtion pa:rtiClpating 1n the elaborate community and Welfare, and now a presidential theater effort. cOordlnMor al U.S. assistance, '* it 'Playing for 53 nights, "Oliver!" will would be dlfficult .to estimate how much be viewed by 1 potenUal 18,000 people of the don~ money and suppllea will during the 1wnmer. be with Mrs. Nixon on her flight to If the joint eff<>rt this summer Ill Peru. But he said it would be 1 "very successful, says Lyric Opera president substantial amount" H. Jean Bedell, a similar cooperaUve The Uni ted St<1tes has ajlocated 110 presentation may be undertaken next million to Peru relief and ·rehabilitation. summer during the festival run, potslbly Finch aJIO said that 13 million has alternatlna "MusJc Man" and "111e: Klt\c come from private donations. and I." Term in Prison SUMMER SALE !_____man whOle kidnaplng ot 1 Hun- lingt.op Beach teena1er was halted when ~r abductor drove the screaming hysterical girl past a eherlff's patrol car wu 1entenc«I 'Iburaday to 1 to 25 years in state prison, Superior Court Judge James F. Judge ordered that tenn for John Warren Hagad<>rn, 26, of Anaheim the man who grabbed his attractive \'ictim at a soft drink counter in COl!lla Meaa bundled htl" Into her car and htaded for Corona with the promise that he would rape her when they got there. The 18-year-o\d girl told <>fficers that the speeding• car swerved from side to 1kle u lhe struggled with Hagadorn and that he reportedly grabbed her by the hair and bounced her back onto the car teat u they headed for ~venkie County . . They we 're just beyond the coo.nly line when the car and his scre1rnin1. wa\lftig carto was s~ted by RJvtr1lde sheriff's deputies. . ' • Ofncen Said Hagadom obediently pull· ed <lver and allowed them ·to free his victim wiU)out further Incident. They said he told them he ti1d just taken • two morphine capsules and needed the girl 's car tQ 1et him to a friend's home in Coror\11 . • : STARTS WEDNESDAY, JULY ht 0.n't wait, come In today and mike )'9Ur .. 1tctl1n1. lxcellent vtlut1 fettured In all of our fine llnea. DRIXIL effen ISPIUNTO tnclutllnt dining, bedroom and occe1lentl. HINltlDON It premetlng CAPRI, and OFFICERS CHEST complota tnd HERITAGE 11 rtduc;ng MADRIGAL. All thrH compenl11 wlll 11 .. -r~uce thtlf 1uttt1nclln1 uphol1tery coll1ctlon1 avail1bl1 In any of hundrM1 of uphol"'ry fabrics. Lamp "'"'°''" trHf pltturoo wtll olto llo .., Mio. Ntw 11 tho time tO meke your Hleclloi, of the flMlt furnltuN 1v1lltWt tl'MI tt reduced pric11. DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERIT A&E "· NEWPORT llACH 1727 Wollcllff Dr., 642·2050 O'EN fRIDA'( 'TIL f INlERIORS ' LAGUNA llACH Proleoolonol lntwler 345 North Coatl HWy. 4f4.6!51 Dt1l1n1r1 Avollt~l ..... AID O,IN fRIDAY 'TIL f I otfictrs said H1pdom'1 behavior 1t the time of the arrest indicated that he w11 under the Influence of drup ai the lime of the kidnJpia&, ,.... , ................ ~ .... ,.p ' ' • ' ' I' Lag••••• Beaeh ' EDITION voi.:. 63, NO. 152, 4 SECTIONS, 40 PA&ES • . . • IXOil: ·. .. . ' • • ' " Hanoi Confirms · 334 U.S. POWs NEW YORK (UP[) T h r e e ·Americans who visited Hanoi 'as private individuals reported today thal North Vietnamese government officials con- finned a list. of ,334 American prisoners of war compiled by a New York peace eroup and stated that it was. complete. lt was the first reported North '°iet,.. namese comment on the list drawn •P by the Committet. of Liaison with f antilies of servlctmea detained in North Vietnam, which is beacted by Mrs. Cora Weiss. The committee.submitted the list, based on _ letters received from the prisoners before December, 1969, to Hanoi !or verification last April but it met with silence. ~ Confirmation of the list was reported by a spok"'"an for Kenneth Kirkpatrick of the American Friends Service eom.. rnittee, Seattle; Prof. Mark S. Patahne of Harvard.University, and Prof. Egbert W. Pfeiffer of the University of Montana, who were in Hanoi earlier this month. The spokesmen said·the'travellers were toJd all the men were safe and wouJd be repatriated when the war is terminated. • lnformatiM available 'in Washington - indicated that the Department of Defense's list of known prisoners of war is consideral>ly larger than that verified by Hanoi. ORAN6E COUN1Y; CALIFORNIA . . 0 -· " ' • • . - " ' • Vo.ting Force ~gain Runs l'nto T~ouble Hanoi stressed that the wives of miss- ing U.S. servicemen should desist from ' " DU,.Y: PU1 ........ ., ..... 'I....,_ 'HOLD UP, Llllll, WE'RE A-HEADIN'° FOR THE PIA PATCH' ' In San Clem-, Tha·Prulclont Rides With a Lady IJ•I-• , By' J~CK BltOBACK I .... ..,., ........ , ' "P'rustratkln" IJs . the 'fOl'd for the • Orange County Volin(· Systoma Tuk Force.. , !I'be· 10-member P,"OUP.. wltb ;lhrft ·-~ met Thurllday for Ille thlnl time in an attempt to remedy ·the county 's ailing vote counting system. · - 1be result was the same as before. T~y failed. The group first voted Thursday to rescind its decision of a week ago to accept , free use of 200 Shoup voling machines for the November General Election. That would have been sufficient to cover only 10 percent of the county's 1,022 precinll. And before the task force could vote on a • neW motion to lease 40 Cubic paper ·ba).lot cowiling machines ·to cover 40 percent of the county, two members walked o.ut ltaving the group without a . quorum arid Powerless .lO make a final decision. Thunday's, action marked the Second time the group has reversed itself and left the county's elections . department just Where ·it' 'was after the chaotic June .Primar;y. Votes from that fiasco were not com- pletely counted for almost two ~ks. The vcting systems group decided June 9 to rent 1.000 Automatic V o t i n g Machines (AVM) to cover half of tile county's precincts. But this decision was rescinded a week later becB.use of con- fusion over what really had been voted. Chairman Cecll Marks, frustrated by \ the tum of eveoLt, called another meeting for next Thursday at 3:30 p.m. at which time it Is hoped the problem can finally be resolved. County Clerk William St John. return-Jnc from a vacation during which he • fliet VOTING, Pare II -· traveling to Paris, Loas and other points where North Vietnamese have represen· tatives to learn o(. their husancls' fate because all captured Americans ac- counted 'for were on the list, the 1pokelmaa II.id. A~ W, did ''!"'' ~ into ac- count IOldtm ,_W!vJ hlv• been capfllnd since April 7, 111e .,,...,... .. satd llanol- dld not . accept 471 l'41era. oU\ of the 'i«I ·tbit tarkpotrlck Mil Illa, companions _ • • 1 ' toot to the North Viitnam• capital M • Ahead with them on the grounds that they . ovmg were addressed to mea who were not _ -· · oo the list. . The Committee ol Liaison . w a s established last December by ~meot ~tween the Hanoi government and Mrs. Weiss, wife of. a New Ycirk attorney, to arrange letter communication 'between the prisoners and their families. The PCWs art Permitted to wri&e one Jetter . on a six line form each momth and receive ~ package every other month. NEW YORK {AP) A-· Hert is the Jist or·cali!ornlan's reported confirmed by HUoi u an ac.'CW'8le r.ount of American prllonen «. war bein1 held in North Vietnam.'" The list, with home towDI following the natnes Was provided to lhe~lated Press by Mrs. Cora Weiss, head bt a Ni!w York-based peace grou p called th~ Committee of Liaison Willi Families of SerVicemen Detained in North Vlttnam. Mrs. Weiss said the number1 were serial numbers. • ' CALIFORNIA \Vilford Kesse Abbott; 3081739, San Diego · .Everett Alvarez Jr., ~4124, Santa Clara A:nthony C~arles Andre\l'S, FR3146561, Chico Frederk::k C. Baldock Jr., 666620, Lemon Grove ' Robert W. Barnett, FR 310 2 I, Hawthorne . Cole )!lack, 5M387, San Diego Teri; Lee Boyer, P'lt31i.16U, Visalia. fflee POW1, Pap II The committee for the incorporaUon of Dana Point-Capistrano Beach ii iroo- inf out its Jut wrinkles before a July 8 hearing before the Local Agency Formation Commission. The committe~ a(>P.l"Oved an amended . bOundary map Thur1efay after a Jeng&hy discussion over contested property. The committee voted to delete a Wlter tank . in the rpiddle of th! propoeed · northern b6und8ry · and to delete tWe entrance to Dana Point Hart»or, The latter deletion ·was at Ole request of Ille Harbor lleparlmeot. - The grO.ip voted to retain the·ChandlO!'· Sherman 'property. which includes ~ the Dana Point it.sell. 'I1le cOmmiUee al90 decided to include the Beach Road area, parallel · to Coast Highway to the San Cleinente city limits. Ray Berryman engineering consultant for the eroup, said the Santa Fe Railroad has indicated it will not fight the in- corporation move. , Desplre the objections of· Chairman Roger SandersOn and oom1nitt~ member Alex Lake the committee voted to delete 22 acres of contested Laguna Niguel property near · the end of La Cresta Street. A letter from Carl Kymla, manager of the Moulton Niguel Water Dbtrict, asking that 200 acreJ of his diltrict be deleted, was not aeted urion. The group has invited LAFC Com· missioners to tour lbe area before the July a hearing. Plaque Eyesore? Littering ~itt~ t;Jld Ladies Cited India Minister Quits NEW DELHI (UPI) -India's forel1n minister, DintS}\ Singh, resigned today when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi al· tempted to move him to a lesser poll. The lawyer for Dr, Robert cummi., ' . I . Robb of Laguna Be1ch · toda~ moved for the clllqU&llficatlon of a Superior Court judge who had · been scheduled to rule thia morning on motions for · dlSrnis~I or abortion , charges aiiinst . the phyoiclaa, ~udge Byron K. McMiilan passed the RObb .file° aloni: 'ta Judge 'WlUiam ' S. Let as his feSP,O~ lo ctiaraes'. by at· . . . '' tomey. MOMS BermaB that ·cpmmen~ he had ·made during confere~ in •flis· chambers bad been prejudicial 1o:¥1>'s caee. Berman J&id • tJIOle comments have been to the effect · that Judge McMlU111 "was not prepared to :make 'lflY new la.ws on. this ,abortion . iSfue and wu quite content to wail for a. hi;her court . ruling on the matter. "He made it quUe clear," Berman said, "that he wu pretty .well stuck . with the prosecution in this case .and, lrideed. in any action {nvolving the con- troversia l abortion lssuel." ·Judge Lee hai Set July 2 for hearing of the dlsqualification motion filed by . Bcrm,an. Dul it was made clear today that • any • rejection Of the Berman argument wilt'-mean the immediate iuuance of a ruling that hjt alnldy been rea'ched by JQdge McMJUan. I Berman arp~ ihat· ~ district .al- , tor .. y·s olfk!e . acied ,wlJawful),y when' it got ·an indictment-or Robb dn abortion charges fr.om the Oraq.c:e County Grand Jury after a 'municipal court ' judge' had dismissed those charges. Dr. Robb, fl, ol -Scenic Drive, Dana Point, had' been arrested on charges that he performed abOrttonS Oa ' unmarried women patient!. Berman abo irtued before Judge ' . ' McMillail that.the. Gruel JUl'}<<hai no power to indict Dr. RHb since the pm;,,, e~nce la1 ~unc.lon.t1tuUcmal. it docs not, he sai;f. represent the residents o/ ·Orange COW\tf In fen\ll ·cl eqonomlc, . ' ' r • -social, racial and cultural bacqraunds. ' ·.fudge Paul Mut'cnmu-t UM! di.rps against Robb ln Slnfa Ana Murdclpjll ' Court in a landmark ruUna wbicb Jabeltd california1s nier1PeuUc .Act . .. uD- constitilUonal., , • • , A broadly similar ruijnc was banded d0wn last wee~ bY MµalcIP,al Coilrl'Jui!Ce WUH1m 'Iborhlon In' favor of Dr~ 1,~olln S. Gwynne,,~ the &an .. Alla ~ who had peifoi'lned abc!r1lou in delllnce cl police acUoo. ' ' ' . • I Seal: Beach ' Well I Plea Post:p0ne4 A request by Standard Oil Company of California lo drill a UP ~ell off t~e ,Orange Coll.st near Seal Beach, his bffn delayed ,one week by th~ State Lands Commission,' ICcord1ng ·to State Finance Di:rect~·Ven,e Orr,' a'lnember or the commis:uon. Verne askecJ,.for the, delay of a well which would·be drilled on laland'Eat~~ a one-acre itland located · a ~e Ud a halt off , the coa't where Stlndard. is currently aperatinc n WeUa~ .' ''Jbe conimiasloner-WIS ntit present at the May . meeting when, the. ~~est was ·first conildeted and aSked for a delay in the d·eci!lon. · If approved, the well would be the first drilled in 'C1llf1>""la, t.rde)arXls since the &nvnl118'on stoPPed al' new otflhore drllllng-operatl0111 lifFebruley, t•. '\' ' CARMEL (UPI) -City Plannen In this longtime ' artists · and writen colony want a downtown Vietnam, War memorial removed because ''little okl ladies in tennis shoe&" keep strewing it with flowers. "We don '.l want a cemetery on Ocean llland Avenue," said John Ri14nl:, director ol the city plarvq commission. Canyon lnspe·ction 'J)l~~t.ed IN THE pRE-HJPPu: days. Ot 'the 1920s. C.nnel wis" •· cutiutal coklny ,,.. a generallon cl lalllOUI wrllen and ani ... , illdudlni Sinclair Lewis, F. 5coU Fltqerald. Henry Mill<r, John Steinbeck and Robinson Jellen. Still cU"linl to its art.lltic.r,st, it has very few formal streets except In the downtown area. fltost are uphalt pavement and wander haphasardly lhrougll t..... ' . ' THE PLANNING COMMISSlON said the f~n willint at the rnemortat,, located on a divkled strip In the town plaza, constitute a vjolati:la of the litter laws. · • Riling said the citi ~d tried to keep•it clean. • •• 1 ··But little old ladies in lennil shoes come after dark llld put more Ootrlh there," he said. • • The memorial was ereded IPmonths ago on approval ot the city council, but the planning commiulon complained it was not cunsulted. THE ~1EMORlAL, a bronze plaque in 1 larp 1rantle rock , was set1 up by the local American Le!iOft post. . · "1'o the memory of Clnnel's service.men ·whole blood wU shed that we mJa;ht live." the plaque rtadl. 1 The city planners recommended un1nlmou1ly .Ut the. mtmOrial be moved to a "more approprjlte" loci.lion. Riley commen&tcl on lht "little old lMUes." • "ROW CAN YOU stop them when they lll!ak anllllld durin& Ille dark hours or after Uie rubbilb truck 1ou by 1" be asked. · .( I , 1' • ' Rei.ithnts Sign. P.etition Pro~st,i.ng Laguna .Ml1Ve By BA~ARA IUIBIBICH C:. Mat I, wh.n·u\. ~oo'pfoc.dUra °' ,....., ,_,w.... · Was 1uthorize<l'as part of M'ayOr Rlchai'd Reslcknta f>I Lquna Ca,,yon, objecting Goldher&'• '°""'pollll -prolfUI. , ·, to~tlonbythodtyhulldln&ckpart· ' ·For more fW a JOir, -..,. ment u ·• "housin1 deficiency project to a cit)' bUl!dq olflolaf, rilual checlul . ~~" tt>day began drcullllrw a 1petl--(from the o.allidl) haYe been rudeJ tllln _,......tin& a proposed building-by-thi'oagllout ' the' dlf fa 'an ' -to llatldfa( lnapoctlon ol the neJll>borbood spot cock viol-· and• dderisaled • by teams ~ the Bulldlq, Fire and . housing .situations: - Health Oepa"'"ents, seeking vlolatlons 'Interior inspe(uons· allrJ have ~ of buUdiftl, ...,. ll1d nfety codes. cirrled oul In cammerClal1 a~ to com- Lottera _......,. the ~ ;,.. bat nre and health huarda. spectlons wdll'aut thts. ...-lo o~ .~ugeslion. \bat Ille Woodland Drive and occuplnll ol le ~·.Iii !lie 'a..,. wq:lefected for the ,llnt,boUoO-to-, Woodland -...... Ams , theuse Ina~ lor "~''. Ind A ' ', roquto!D&' i ....... .la ~ ~ today cooperaUon with the inspection teams. by 'Mayor Goldbtr&· ~ • n. -. -CltJ COll!dl -Tba area, 111 ealil, -.d. Id ' , .... " TEN aNTS ac -· J ' Hits Senate 'lsofution' ~r~~feople • By, IUCllARp P. NALL ·-Dellr , ....... "Oa Saturday I'm attendina my niece's weddJn&, :• qi. President said cheerily, , Tou~*wa tOf Air Force, One on the hot El Toro landing strl,. wu routine Thursday but President Nixon paused before flYinl an to San Clemente to pve newsmen his views on topics ranging from tbe weather to "intelllectual tncat'' In w ashlngton, "I'm ' alwuy II~ to get .back to California . . . • plrtlcularly on such a · beautiful day," said ~ President. "When .I heard the temperature was 103 del?ftS here, I felt that was a little wann but you ll:nOw we have dl'J heat in California." Queried about S en a t o r-Mike fltansfield's remarks about the economy, Mr. Nixon said, "I nc\!cr comment -on what the SeY!ate says or what individual candidates say. f "SomeUmes I think they (the Senale) sbou)d do whi.t the House (of Rcpresell- taUves) does. They should get out in the country and see what the country is thinking. He said lhe Senate would have been lpterOiled in his reception in St. Louis. He referred to the thunderous response ol about tl,000 Jaycees who applaude4 hil llominuja lalll llwa laudlJ about once every minute. . :•1 have always found ~that In I'!~ we~ to load wy Isolated ~~. i;:~ .. f=..;·!~d ·~~ to nch other. "There is a sort of intellectual Incest' which rea11y reduces the level of the dlalocue and you have to 10 to the country now and then to get a real reeling of what people are thinking. "Washington is part of the eountry but it is not all or the country .anYmore than any capllol is all of the country." · The President had a plug for Sen. George Murphy (R-Calif}, who accom • P1nied him calling him "my Senator and my good friend." Rel'errin1 to Murphy'• unmmlng cam-- palgn against Rep. John Tunney (D- Calif.), the Prnident said. "He's eqer for the battle, 1 think California abould cive him a vote of confidence." Some· ol the highHPts o/ the Preslderit's plans while in San Oemente include: -Attendance Saturday momlng at the Newport Beach wedding of his niece. Lawrene Mae Nixon, 26, school teacher and 'daupter o( the President'11 brother, Donald. -A conlettnce Monday with Secrttary of Stale Rogers before Rogers Jeave.1 for Asia and England . to .meet with ne~ders. • .._A live. television conference orf foretp policy July I at 7 p.m, (PDT! with Howard K. Smith bt ABC, John Chancellor or . NBC and . Eric Sevareid of CBS. Press Secretary Ron Ziegler said the live TV session is unique in Presidential hlltory. -A report to the nation Tuuday from his Western White House on the Cam· bodian 1itualion. It will coincide ·with wltMrawlll ol U.S, -from that alJ*l of the Indochina war. -A poolside luncheon in San Clemente today with edilon, publishers and broad-,_ (5ee NIXON, Pap II We•tller It'll cool elf (to about 711 def11'8!1) a~ the coast this weekend while the inland folk ' will swelter under 9D-degree temperatures while sun· ny 1kies; prevail lhroughout. , INSIDE TOD~V A backward glance o' a b"'f' and productivt livf thtaaer 114· son along the Orange Coost ii m"'" br -entc11ai11m1nt edl*ar Tom l'ittll ,tn· li.s !nttrmtuion column in todq's Wttkender. -.. (.....,,.1, 1 -... ,_ " -" --. --' ,....._ •n -M ._Wllfrln II -' ~~ ....... -.. , ' I DAILY PILOT SC f'!Vl.,JMM 2', 1970 • ,, ..... J . -, ... , 10 DeW . • " HOU.SING : ... 1 _ .• , I ' • . .. ' .... ~;...t .,..;... Mid that u I, -Stude~·t aea·r~ing baVe no\hlna whatever to do will\ the bouailll lupec:U...," G o Id b 11 I em. ,i.oilod. Ho alto. had mada Ille pmnt ~lt Ille Moy I meelJna. .. _._. .. t-'FIDl lly ca.... CU.. llJ Bllm--at ....... 'I 1'111, that In.,.-. llboulcl bo 'conductod "II rand•••>'"thr•upout the city, ol bulldiJlp wttere 'Gbvious code violaticm ar1 visible front tne outlktl, Goldbet& Aid he waa Clllder the 1m,..-thll the council had aa;rttd to oemblne the two idei.s ...... 1rea, inl!plction and rudom spot checks. Mlri1te1 Ol the meetin« record only the vote on Boyd's motlon, with Holm'• remarks u a "JU&llltilll" on wbicb no •clion waa Llbft. Holm said today tha council bad not been askN to dtline any particular area for the inspections_ but had ~ high fire huard areas as thoWll on Fire Department. maps. He aareed that refer«lce tD the police department in ilMo mi111ta wu. in error. · The peUtlon b<inl cittul1~ by rocl· plenb ol the city Mt1'n IJld their IUP" porters read., • $If SI' reoull o1 c.pleU• ol tho bous-_.. _ eoold bo tho F,lllllla ol ,..... funQ te uperlde )lr'obitm areu -Ibo U"""-11-111). ff ti 11'11 ilDll ...ntr fir dW"'M• ~ UDdlr .. el ............ . ol U?tlln -· Ibo .., ... applJ for ,...... '" bllt•Nndl II. .. -ta can aeek very low-laterell loans to rehabilitate their bomu or re-locate to j)ther art11 if this ii mOre dulrabte: The 1polu!sman noted that Urban Renewal for any area ii' Laguna la ''.just a poaibillly" and "° federal funds cu be reftuested until inspection teama have anp&eted a prescribed IUl'Vey .... The tuma workln1 In La,una will hive to complete a number of forms which "Ifill be compiled 'Into 1 detailed reporl inetodlng IUch Items II '°" •aize, · tecation of buildings, room size, sanitary and electrical conditions. An Individual report on eacfi,~welllng. including r~enda- ; JiOlll, wW be Jl'Ovldod· tho owner.· • POWs.;. " ··we. the unclenipod, do herewith peli· tion tlie 'city_ Council,•<i( Lquna ~ to instrucl the !>i..ct« ol llulldil\1 allCI Plannilll to cancel tho "blllidlar by blllklin1. Jot by !Ot Inspection .ol ill Mlchaal Lee Brualton. FV31-. $tn.1ctbres'' Wlttlill the area which Uei Lone &eich · · · • liotween 'Milligan Road ·and Woodland Phlltp Nu! lutler, 117311, La Jolla Dri•e and between Wciodland Dri" and Wff1!!un Walloce Butler, llll4lll, San Canycm lklocl and wblcb lw been liqled Rafael , ' • . out for such JD9ptCtion. Carl . Dennla Clwn!JFI, FV313!401, ,;Some of the reasons for lhil petition Yubi Ctty p. • are as follows : , Arvin Roy Chluney, lltTll, LtmoOrt ''That the motive for tmpection ii 0.-D!iul1u an., .U, ·SU o ·n.,9Lscenity · Set Jul)' 10 has been i10t u ·Ibo dale· for a he~ on 1 demurrtr flled on behalf ol Efnle A. Smith, ~ u(: IrvtM st~e.nt charjed wilh diattirblna the peaci wben ht a,lleeedly iaed oblcene languace •hilt tpeaking before 1 student rally a~ the campull. , :- • Smijh, 1 Black Studenll Union offktr ll Uci, WU protesting the lack ol lt~t responSe to the killing ol two · blic1i: Jack9on State students at 'a May JS rally when the ob&cene remarks were reportedly made. Apparently women in the aU(ilence ob- . . .... -. l'rom P .. e J. NIXON~ .• cast executives to explain and iollclt support fot his SoutheaSt A!ian Policies. -Mrs. Nixon's departure Sunday with • plane l<>ad of supplies for survivors of the tragic Peruvian earthquakes to demonstrate U.S. concern. jectecl to the Janrua1e and UC! Pollco Chief &bert Htavy filed 1 complalnt'1H'th tht Dlttrtct Attorney's Office. Jtme ,4 Smith was charged with two counta ci diaturbin1 the peace by tht DA'1,olrtce. ' $mlth ha,s said he wW cell upon pn>o minent Nesroes to teltify thlt hil lanptge 11as "n0t -Ind ii used -iy I• tho'1lltck -munlty. A laquqe student Ind an ll'l!OllnCel' for the cunpus rad'°. ltatlon, lbe said hls "langU. was col1oquiil and. "in the parloiilce qf ihe black com,munity." Smith a11o has raised the quotk>n of why he was ttie only one charged. He claims other student speakers 1t other rallies 1have used similar langua.ae without bein1 prosecuted . UCl11 Academic Senlte gave Smith . I vote of confidence in their resula,t mteting June 3 when, according tO 'Gordon Sh.aw, phys.ic.11 in~tor, they ••1ppr'Oved by an overwh.Jmtna majority, a motion aupportinc ttudenta' riebt ol. free speech and urgini the 'Chllrman (of pie Irvine Division) lo set in motion procedures in behaH of Mr. Emie Smith." , not primarily bued on health Ind aafety, _ Dtqo .. ~ .#<-~ b<Ct that the city It 1llowlq ilMlf, to J..,..Qulncy CollilJI, Im, ,A~ llecome porty, to ,an llt<mpt to drl.. Micball Paul Qootn; -BerP1t1 OAI\. Y ,ILOT ....... "' •1ct11re bill .... The Preside.it 1aid at El Toro Thurs. day that he will lea ve his home overlook- ing the Pacific Ocean lo re.tum to Washington a week from Monday. Sh.lw is heading a movement to help raise money for ~ith's dtfen.ae. "Of the literally doun, of public spetthM made during the last two months at Irvine, alto using fob!cene' language one wonders why only Ernie Smith la bein& cerWn presently unpopular minority !'4ward Dale Estfl, 8DMl41 Lemoore lfOUPI from the community. . John Fer, um, San Pedro • "That 1111~~ in fact, ls Intended Hsbeh ·Kelly Fleehlr, 111•, Sacra- eauntJally ai 1 form of har11m;ient In mento I • , , · ' th1t inalinlflcant bulldilll code 'vtala-David Echronl Ford, F ¥ 1111011, tions' can be ued io make tt tmpoUble s.cramento for ownen to permit lellOtlli to -..Ue Him')' Pope Fowler, FR3111571, Pllo llvllll in their bomtt tfld th•t thil may Alto <:ruto · undue IWdtlilp · for .....,. aiui .. a, Gllltlple Jr., 111851. resid19ta u well. Collllll H. illlnel, -15. Sin Diefo "TMI 1lle: city .'It not b e ar In I J.-· 11art1n Hie-· O 1011 re1pcllllibllity li resident. are forced to u,,_. ' ' lave --bomlo~ii! l!ndlDc new llomes Harry Tarleton Jankinl Jr.,· IOIGI,. for ~em com~rable to f:JM ~es now l.emoort O<XUP<ed by them and withlh thil city. . 'Illeoclore Franlr Koplmu 11'15" "'Mt.at disc rimination api'nlt this Lemoore 1 ' DeJihl>orhood ls further betn1 1bown In Carl Willian Lalilar -·San Diel" ll11t the budget for the b<CUdtnf deport· Earl Ganbler i...,; ·Jr '11111811 San 111ent c)early show1 tb1t proviakm of Diep · ., ' funds . is not ~DI IOlicit.ed for the in-~ Pierce LurMI, FR I.UM, Apple opectlon of ne•lh-throu&hout Ille VaUey . ontire. city, wblch could bo CClllidencl John Michael McGrath 851191 . Su to 11 be from. 1ppearanca run down. Diego ' • · .. ~t thiJ 1rea, we fetl, w11 ~n Geor p M 1 · 1971 • M for tht purpose of makin1 it more rNdily ge · c wam, 1 .. , ontrose ~vlillble. to thOlle special ia1ere1tl wtthii John B. M~Kamey, 114711, Lemoore pie c;!>n\iiiunlty wj1o have a~udy publlc\y eo:::: a.-•Martin, 61111 7 , r:::: t':::n interest in •cquirinc tbeae Jtaymoad Ja1n11 M.,,.itt, 44729, O'.llton "~1.,..d. cloval1111ion . al , th-P'1>" '~ Edlaoq Walnwrtcbl MiUer,. OMeO; San· periiel which may occur becl111t of ui Ana the lnlpectlool would 111 ef1tct bo mallilll Jooeph ScoU Mobley, 791167, ManhlUu lmpoutble """"""'" to race1 .. fall-Beach penutkla W _. boutts Ind pro-!:~t M. Moore Jr., 553859, Lemoore y,. Richlf!I Dea• Mullen, 5119111, La.10111 ~ l1ler · nferenee 111 the peUlion John ID Numyth Jr., FV3UOll7, Soulh tpp1H11Uy ~ to c1o wilh a plllllllq San Gabrifl uoo to' the .Uect that •-larll, Dale ·Harrllan Otborne, &11229, Hanford 1 of Woudilnd Drive ne1r the ~--· James ~Jen Plrte, 114.118, Lemoore ya' CluB be, ,aiulred by tJie city Leo T. Profllel, IOMll, Palo Alto tUl'Ded ovlr to recreaUonal uc1 AnaDarrell Edwin Pyle, ~31459.11, Santa !~.the city'• lntont Ill 1a... Dtvtd Geor1• llehmann. -. Lan- the -. lmpection • bullcllilc culU • ' ·w~ Burke Rivers, 555144, Oxnard Dfftd John Rolllu, llMI, S111 Diel" ., p J KayiJluat<ll, 513517, Sill Diel" .-~ .... Howonl Elmer RUUed1e, IOM35, San . . lliqo '. OTIN G • • • Paul; HtnrY Schullz, 111715, San Dieao ·' .., . , , , •.• • JlbbeR James SChwtetlfr, 571194, h< lllil.i;o;,. Ill with a 1inua ~·, Le~ · · eel 'witli "the Jl"CICIP 'lbunclly' ,fGr ;, • Wllllllji L. Shankel, Miiii, J1cbon , me sort oi~action .'' · Jtobtrt Harper Shumaker, MllM, ask force members al lint· IMlfttd LaJolla . lined to 111t -=eUiln& done but the OJ Char~eJ .Evmt1 Southwick, 644716, confulioa!Ollond;. ~ Afler .-lllcllDa . the ,lllci!I~ offer. tuk Clitrla . D1vtd Stackhowe, 1117111, member ww· Lmdu.y, a Fullerton Lemoore . ,......r, moved ·to ·lllie' 1,000 AVM Jolla r.ctwonl Sto'lsl, 52114, C!11!mont hlne1 11 St John bod ori&lnall11111· 'Theoclore Gerbard Stier, 1991100, San 11te·r the ~,: Hll mot.ion Dieao or lac·k d a ~d. Robert IA'fjl.Stlrm, FVS03191t, Foster Lindsay tben walked allt accompanied City . ~ COW1Cllmaa John Dun ol Ganim J1me.1 l!and Stockdale, Coronado ve, le~vili: the IJ'Oup' without a Rjcllard Alltn Stratton, emo87, H&Jlford._ iuon~· A blliir etchanii•·acCGlllponled Gary L. Tboniton, 70lllOI, Port.rvtUe Wilk oci~-~ Brian~ Woodl, 1111113, Lemoora -· ' DAILY P!iOT " ........ " ............. ....... ---c.. .... S.Cfl:•••• CUHOf COAIT flUll.llMING COM'AN't' l•\ert N. W1M ,,.....,, .... P'ulll..W J•c• a. c.,,.1 • Viet ,.,_:...,t W GtNr1 MIMIW lho1111t K11v il lflllll' TholOlll A. Mur,111111 M.,....... tlfl* l ich1'4 ,P. N11I *1111 ~ c.itr IUJIW -Callll Mftel UI Wu! ley ltr"" ,...,..i ... a., nu w..1 •••• 1e1,11t¥-1111 l.tfllll' ... c11: m ,,_, ,._ ..._ ...... 9-tl: 17115 ._._ ........ ,.. 1111 C .......... : -...,.,,. II C-IM IMI Df.l\.Y fl ll.OT, wr. •1lc~ II c~ "" ,,._...._. " IJU9!itlltll 4"1" .. (.... ....... ..,. "" ...,. .. dffilft5 ,.,. ~ k.:cll. ....,I .._,., C.1' 111... Nvl\t1Nf1.,. ..... t1111 "-"'"" VlllfY, 119'11 wl!ll -,....... .. ll.... °'""" ''"' '"'*'""""' ~ "'"""" ,..ft,. ••• ,, :nu w.1 ............ .........,, '"'"' .,,, JJI w.. llt ........ C'*N M ... Tsl&Jla11 fTI41 641 .. 111 c ....... U.11 .... ,., .• ,,. S. Cle !t ~R Pt'•'w'" ,.,....4'M4 .. ~I. ""-OJ-.. C-t l'uMllMflt c--,, ... -...... 11:,..., .. ~ ........ "'fflW ... ....,,~. ..... _,, IC> 10 I s otl-,i ..-1111 ,... ......................... ._.,i. ............ ,___, ... ., .. c.. ...... c.11 ........ ~ .... State Art Meet Extends Deadline . So that all 1rU1t1. may have ample .Um~ to ttt their workl into Proepect118 Art 70, a slltewlde art C'Ontell tponlOred by the cily ol Hunlil!llon Beach allCI lnttrnational Art SCbollrlhpi.s t he deldline hu been eztended f~ June 27 to July 10. . The contest Is expected to draw more th.an 1,000 arUsl.!I who wW compete for U,500 jn pr!Je mo'ney, donated by bu1ineumen In the Huntlnitor\ Beach 1tt1. The reHplion center la Jocattd at room 102 ol the Golden West Coflep ... Mu.1ic Buiklin,. - Competltlon will be held on the mill ol tho Huntinqaa Center, Sept. II thn>up IS and lt b e11ptded that J00,000 ...,-~ ylew !Ill vortoua elhibils. An -1$,000 will be IWlrdecl to ,,_ art1ltt durlll1 the compeUtlon u nil. 'l1ljl m...,. will bo donlled by -!rem throushout Or1111< County. . U.S. Diplomat Named IXIL INDIAN HELPING ANTHROPOLOGISTS AT UCI · ' Pip Sha1ko'w, 75, C1Jend•r Priest ancl Diviner proaecutl'tt?" he uked, - ' . I Ixils at Irwine At his El Toro arrival, the President appeared highly elated over his reception In St. ·Louis. lt was the longest, loudest <1vatlort since he began living at tllOO Pennsylvania Ave. The President -who ls not attending today's 25th anniversary etltbnitJon of the United N1tiona crea.llon -told newsmen at El Ten .alao th1t he hu no plans to campaign for Republican candidates lhit fall. 'Oliver' Enters Final Rehearsal At Playhouse Linguists Study Obscure Dialect 11!' JOANNE llEYNOLDI Of "" '"'' ""' ..... Every summer, thoua&nds of. viliton pour info the Orange Co11t, but this 11.1m- mer there are three, who are a JJttJe different. llying. 1t UC 1"tne. Baltlsar Asicona, Jose Perez Toma and Pap Sh11korw are three l1il Indians from Guatemala who are living at the UCI farm while anthropologist Lore Colby and linguist Terry Kaufman study their obscure culture and language. B1lt1sar and Jos~ are working with Kaufman in developing a comprehtnsive dictionary of their dialects of the Jxll languajle. Pip Sh111ko'w 1s a 71-year~ld calendar priest and a diviner, one of about 20 frorn his mountainous region. Mrs. Colbta,,Js writin1 his life story In 1n effort to ~ serve the last remnants of an occupa. tion which is being rapidly absorbed in the Latin American culture. ' Pap Shuko'w (pronounced pop-sha1- k~w1) ls a descendant of the ancle~ priest cla11 who flourished at the height of the Mayan civilization 1round· the ninth century. His grandfather was a calendar priesr, ?tJt as Mrs. ~!by noted, the priesthood. is not somethn1a a man comer into by heredtty alone. ,. "According to the information he's ,told me ," the said, "you must first dream about It. Then you take your dreams to an lo~rpreter of dreams-another cat~ endar_ priat-lnd lf he decides you reallJI have a calling, he takes you on as a 1tu.o dent," • Before beginning his studie,, the cat- endlr prle8t makes IOme ceremonies to tell "the 1Qd• that the student is s.incere and ahouJd not tie punished for using the caten"dar. - Mrs. Colby, a Newport Beach residvit who or11nlzed the study, said the pur- pclle is to elucidate the theology of the· ancient May1n1 by studying "this man's religious concepta and mental and spir- itual attitudes." Both Mrs.·· Colby Md Kaufman said they hope their effort& will ald in de- ~oast Teenager's Kidnaper Given Term in Prison A man whose kidnapm, or 1 Hun· tlngton Beach teena1er was halted when her abductor drove the 1c:reamm, hysteric1l girl past 1 aherlff'1 patrol car was 1entenced Thursday to l lo 25 years in state prison. Superior Court Judie James F. Judie orderl'tt that term for John Warren Hagadorn, 26, <>f Anaheim the man who' grabbed his attractive victim at a soft drink counter Jn Costa Mesa bundled her Into her car and headed for Corona· with the promise tklat he would rape her when they got U\ere. The 18·year~ld girl told office.rs that the speeding car Swerved rrom side -to lkle, u lbe struggled with Ha11dorn •nd that he rePortedly gi'abbed her by· the .h1ir •nd bounced her back oolo tht car seat as they headed for Rlvtn~' County. They we're just beyond the county line 1 When the car 1nd his screaming, wavln1 carao waa 1potted by Rlvtnlde aherlff'1 ' depuUes. • Ottlcm uld H1111dorn obedlent\y pull· ed ottr ind allowed •them to free hi• victim without further Incident. They MUI he told them he had just liken two morphine. capsules and needed the girl'a car to aet him to a friend's home in Corona. _ dpllerinC the rem1lnlng bier01lyphic wrilliijj, lrtl and architecture of the- lndians' anceston. Having be.come a calendar priest, Pap Shasko'w then dreamt his calling to become a diviner . Mr•· Colby aaid he wer,t throu1h the same process of going to another priest, who was also a dl- viner .and being accepted as a student. In the process of divining, which is linked to the Mayan calendar of 13 2G- day months, he uses baq mich-beans from the palo pinto lree. These he divides in haH and sets out in pairs. Mi's. Colby said they are .11till learning a great deal about the me'fhod used Jori divining. "Each day ls represented by a pair of beans and each day alto~ has its own &od, &0 that everylime Ji,e does it, it is dilferenL" ' ' The funcliont o( a calendar priest, u Pap Shasko'w tells Mr11. Colby, ls DOt strictJy religious and may involve divin-inl about illnesses. Because the Mayan people absorbed the Catholicism of the conqul.11tadores, some of the prayers used by the priest include Christian prayers translated into the lxil language. • "They've done it that way for three or four hundred years now , so they don't really know what the prayer is, just that It ls part of their ritual. "The main f<JC\ll o/, ' their religious beliefs centers on ancestor worship for which the priest acts as an intermediary, They also have aods of air, sun,· moon and slarli. The mytbolog:f of their people is strikingly similar to Hellenic mythol- ogy," she noted. In a considerably less mystic v e i n, Kaufman and h!s two friends are finish- ing work on their dictionary. "About 57 ,000 people in three town! speak Ixil (pronounced eesheei i which is one of about 20 languags in the Mayan family," he explained. Kaufman, who leaches linauistics at UC Berkeley, said he ls working on this language because it only has three dia- lects-as opposed t.o the other languages which may have as many as 15-and can be more easily catalogued. He said he believes the belt thing he can do for the party ia make as good a record 1s possible on lntematJonaJ and domestic i.Ques. * * '* Pat to Focus On Peru Relief Action at the Lagt1n1 M o u I t o n Playhouse is moving into high g!ar w. weekend as final dress retJearW dates approach for the mo&t ambitious un- dertaklna yet presented in the new theater. After two invltation1l previe" performances next Wednesdly 1 n d Thursday, the hit musical "Oliver!" will open its eight-week aummer run on Fri.: day night, July 3. Mrs. Richard ~ixoo plans to focus A combined t!ffort of the playhouse attention on the relief needa of e1rth-and the Lyric ~ . AlloC quake .. b'itken Peruvian clUltNI. dwing: "Oliveri" .11 f tu ·· •· iation, Mr three-day vilit nut week to the : WI ff rt' a :cut of ' 45, South American nation. an 11-piece orcheatra, the orijinal aet Slw; wl· carry blank&, chlldren'a ~ used by the n1Uonal tourm1 company clothin1 ~,_ofjlfl-, '!iPlll.,. 'file AM!, Onf 180 Wiod ....Wm'!I d"'iped incl leavu S iy :f~fbe~~~ Create111f6 ~· Plfyhoue ~~ depart. lryTh. Finl Lady will join forces "Ith ·~ to Playhouse Pnlldeni William Mrs. Juan Velasco, wife ol the Peruvian Barbe. President, in aearchi111 out the need• Both soond and lighting systems in of the thousands ol h2.melus durin1 the playhouse have been improved to the brief 1tay which will end Tuetday achi~e a "real Brosdway production," morning. accor":-to Pl ho \ Mra. Nixon plana: to tour the coeatal ""''' ay ue President William areas devalt1ted by the May 31 earth· Harcum, who adds, "We couldn't bavt quake in a U.S. military helicopter. She done it wilhout the Lyric Opera." ' will view the dama1e 1t Chlmbote on Actually the cast numbers more th.tn the ground. 80, with all roles except those of IOme Mrs. Nl.aon visited Peru in 19$1 when ol the principals double cast IO the her husband was then vice-president and volunteer players will not be. required made an official tour of Lltin Americ'a. to work mo~ than a four-week stint. Nixon returned alone to Peru In 1987. The .o~/y paid profeuional on 1t11e will The First Lady will ttay 1t the bt Bn_lillh actor Ben Wrigley, who will American embassy In Lima 1hd will atar 11 Fagin throughout the run . dihe quieUy with Alnbluador and Mrs. All the other players are volunteert Taylor Belcher the nilht of her arrival. as are U)e.ushers, dressers, 1tamatres* Robert H. Finch, fcrme:r aecretary and .":!lllY members of. the 1tqe crew of the Department of Health, EducaUon participating ln the elaborate community anfl Welfare, Ind now a prtlklenUal theater effort. coordinator of U.S. usistance, Aid it Playinc for 53 nightl, "Oliver!" will would be difficult to ealimate how much be. vie~ by a potential 11,000 people of the donated money and suppUes will durlnl the summer. be with Mrs. Nixon on her nilht to If the joint effort thi1 1wnmer ii Peru. But he said it woukl be a "very successful, says Lyric Opera president substantial amount." H. Jean Bedell, a 1imilar cooperative The United States has allocated SIO prestntation may bt undertaken nert million to Peru relief and reh.lbilit1Uon. summer during the festival run , ponibly Finch also said that $3 million has alternatina "Muaic Man" and "The l(jq come from private donations. and I." SUMMER SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY, JULY ht DM't wait. c~me In tocf1y 1M m1lce .,.ur ltlectlona. lnelfent v1luoa INlurod In 111 of our lino llnoL DRIXIL offoro IS'IRANTO lnclucfln1 dinln1, bedreem 1"41 MC115-n1I. HIHltlDON 11 "°"'°''"' CAPRI, and OFFICERS CHEST complolo end HERITAGI 11 roducl"9 MADRIGAL. All thrao componl• will •I• reduce their -londl"9 uphol•ry collectlon1 1val11ble In any ef h11ndrM11 el ·u,Mlmry fabrlca. " Lamp •«-rlM and pictures will allO lit Oft 1110. NoW 11 the limo lo meko your MloctlOft of tho fl-fvrnllvro avollalolo '"" It rMuced pric11. ' DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERIT A&E " INTERIORS .. NIWl'ORT llACH 1727 WMtdlff Dr., 642·2050 O'IN PRIOAY 'TIL t LAGUNA llACH Prof-al lnltrlor S4.I North c-Hwy 4'WS51 DMlwnaro A•alla~l~ID O'IN FRIDAY 'TIL t ..... , ................ c:-. .... ,"' I ~-----· """' ... -'My/ ::. ......... --· Mllll9fJ _."!'~. ·'! ~· . WASHINGTON (UPI! -Rob or t McCUntoct, I veteran ol Milly 40..ytltl in the U.S. Foralp -.. WIS con· flmMcl toilay by the llen1le u the U.S. am-to Venuuel1 . McClintock, IO, a native ol tho •tata ol W11itin(ton, WU -Wied April I. The poll Ill --Carocu.1111.-vacul about a year. Offlctrr saic(> Kapdorn11 be:ha\•lor al the time of the mat Indicated that he wu under the Influence o( drup a1 thLtlme ol .the ltl<lnaplns ___ --·-P•' • -· --• -~------~· • •-.-I • ., ' I I' ' . . ,....,, ..... 26, 1t711 IJnder.J,og Da .. iD1anN~iBIUe 'i I • • • pemocr~t Hin~ Campaign on Schmitz' Birch Philost;1pliy: ' By JACILBllOllACK .kmilled ~ Ill Ille ultri .... wW •reflec:t 1 chlnpd pallem." , •lthoolllh ....--·lied ""' dl...,enll °' • .., "" • ..,. aervaUwe Jobn 8lrcb SOCWJ. Ranver, Scbmlll bu confided that he is COflo' at 5anta Au COU.1&." ~ le ldmill lie II pualed 111cM Ille ,_ . fldea~ but not cock)' about Ille out<ome .He notes lllel Scbmill la • ,...,.. David 'N. ~ doesn't look like a man faclnl certain defe~ next Tue~~ Tall (1-1), IQbult (195) and smilln1, the 41-year"!>ld Santo Anl Collep teacher of American aovemment i'eaUy thinks he bu a, chance to defeat state Senator ' ' t1oa of ..ier;. lie'• not'codv~ tlle)' of 1'lelday'1 electlGn. "Tbe ,.._,way hlalOry -llll tbi' same colo ft wtJUnil le. l!<"PI I candidlle with to lie defe11ed is to think )'OU be,. lop, Schmlb _,, -.<f Under fllr1mn $ICh estmne •iews, evea lhouib Scbmila il in lhe beg," he oaid.' "Although we dutinf 1 period wben Hlrtmln •u ii a proven. vote.19etter. ' 1 have a SoOd preclncl orpnb:ation, OW'. Cbairman of the biltory ~· "Th ... ore very Utet1te people, con-biqe3t problem wUt be lo let lhe people · HarUnln ls -ad lhe l1lhet' cerned about their country and com-know that is an electioR June 31." of tour children. 'Ibis is not his lint 11)W11t)'," H~ ·muses. •t•m eon· ·Hartman stews about the colle&<: pro. candidacy. He was elected prealdeot of John G. Schmitz in the special off election to .select a temporary cessor to the late James B. Utt. itnced .,after: UVlng• bere 14 )"IU'I. if feuor imlce, a bit. "Ma11y people the Faculty Association at Santa Ana run ~. pie really . atuclJ lbe --. tbe \'Ott l.ssociate \II with • dissidtn& stqdenta tollege in 1961. w ,, sue~ ;~; - RUNNlflG CONFIDENTLY• Schmitz of the JBS; GOP .. RUNNING 10e.,,.ocr•t Hartman At 'stake is ihe Congressional se~t in the S5lh. District , a district split between Orange and San Diego counties with an alrriost 2 to I Repubfican voter majority. . · · Schmitz H e.avy Favorite .. . ' . Hartman: wQo ~has wi-itten..,l~wo text· boob, bas outspoken views on lhe. COO· greisiortal job'1and his opponent. ite· welt the Democratic nomination handUy from fellow Democrat Thomas B. Leilhart. Curiously, the voters selected Lenhart to oppoae Schmitz in November for lhe regular t~year term. ltt . Congressional Voting But Hartman doesn't see the term that • ei pires next Jan. 3 as a lame duck term. P"fost observers believe the biggest qOOstion to be answered in Tuesday's · special 35th District Congressional elee· tion is how large a margin State Senator John G. Schn1itz' (R-Tusti n) will win by. But Democratic candidate D a v i d liarunan a Santa Ana College American history professor hopes to give Schmitz a rEial batUe in , the special ' election to fill the unexpired pdl'tion of Ifie late James 8 . 'Utt's term in the HouSe of Representatives.• • Schmitz nearly. won the une~pired term outright in the June 2 primary; polling 103,127 votes to a combined total of 100,969 for his s'ix competitors. Hartman' garnered onlf JQ ,ts3 votes In the · special · election. edging -fellow Democrat Thomas B. Lenhart. (The com- bined Democfatic Vote was only 3$,000). The di stficf has almost a 2~ to 1 Republican majority in voter registration and includes the southea stern section of Orange County t328 precincts) and coastal San Oiego•County (301 prtcinclst. 1.Coonty election officials are predicting a tl]rnout of about 30 to 35 percenl of the registered voters Tuesday. Whether lhis .will help or hinder Hartman remains to be seen. ElectionS official' Ed Arnold said t~e bf!llots \\'iii be hand · coun~d at the precincts immediately after the polls close at g p.m. and tbe results telephoned to election headquarters in Santa Ana . ' He anticipates a final . unorficial tally within two hours after ' the polls close. The same method will be used" irl San Diego cOunty with final results Promised "'ell before midnight The ·wiMer of the special vnte may take his seat in · Cpngress immediate!)'. after the electlon. Ir Schmitz wins, as predicted. his · sia~ senatorial post h1 Sacraml!nto probably v.·ill, go unfilled _unUI _January, whe.n Jhe .l!inOO'. Q[__tlle November race for . the seat will be sworn in. Aspiranls for Ole 34th D i s t r i c t Senatorial; -seat · arc Newport Beach RepublU:an leade'r Dennis E: Carpenter (he is Slate. Republican Chairman) and Democrat Dwight Mize pf Gardpi Gr:ol(e. • Carpbit.er, is 'a big favorite to . win the post i• ' the predominately GOP district. "If a Democrat cOuld \\'in this special election there y,·ould be a tremendous impact on pie nation and a solid victory," he argues. Hartffian bases his chances Tuesday on this premise : "If the people will onJy realize what Senator Schmitz ac· tually stands for -his political philosophy -they will back away from it and support us." (Schmitz is a member of the ultra·right John Birch Society.) "G:alifornians living in this district are among the best educated: persqns, .in the nation and will ttrtainJy demand responsible and forward I o o k i n g representation' in Washington .. That is what my candidacy offers 1 lhem," ~e • contends. Alth~gh a registered D e m o c r a t , llartman claims he is no naming liberal. He expresses. his grealest concern for the chronic problems of inefficiency in government and spiraling taxes, in. creasing unemployment .especially among skilled engineers and technicians, and environmental pallution. • On \•ihat he would do in Wasington as a short term freshman eongresslnan : ~aguna Merchaq!s F?v~r "' ' . "I am absolutely convinced that I "'Ould support President Nixon far more than Schmitz. His record in the state Senate shows consistent opposition to g e n e r a I Republican party programs. City Bus~~;-Shore -.Hotels "I-tow 1can We 'expect that· he wiU change his ways _ in W.iishington?" Hartman asks. By MRBARA KREIBICH Of .... O.il'f 1'1 .. 1 tllff Businessn1en in downtown Laguna Beach favor a Fcstiv~l Plaza, a municipal bus line. multi-story parking structures within easy walking dislance or' their businesses, combination-com- mercial-park development of the Main Beach and maximum rezoning to permit ocean front hotel s, they have advised the Planning Commission. A four-page study of Laguna's present problems and future goals has been prepared by members of the Downtown Business Association as an aid to the Planning ·Commission i11 Its ~t studies or general• plan concepts. On the immediate problem of parking. the · DBA proposes parking strutures toCated downtown, so that customers will not have to walk more .. 1han 300 or 400 feet to shops. These could be used Uie year around, the OBA no!es, With tram service to the Festi val during the summer. Most desirable location for the first stucture, they suggesi. would be bet'.l"een the G\enneyre-Mermaid lnlerscs:tion and , 2nd Street, taking in the existing Mermaid parking lot. The structure might also ~eneompaS!!I the building at 328 · Glenneyre,. the Faih:hild parking lot and the Security Bank lot, it is suggested. The OBA urges lhat every effort be made to have throug~ traffic bypass Laguna Beach. with Laguna itself as a ,"de!tination," such as Carmel and La'. Jolla. The business group expresses approval nr the decision lo maintain and expand the cenlral library site u well as the choice of local art:hitect Fred Brigs to ' eXecute the project. It promises lo urge merchanls and property owners along t~ two blocks or• tile future library alley to redevelop their buildings and entr ances to "project a village street aimosphere. '' PM!posing construction of a model, such as used in Palm Springs , as tool to assist planners in redevelopment, the DBA also orrers to assist 'llnanclally and with design talent for such a pr,oject. With regard to zoning, the OBA "•n- coura11es maximum rezoning of jocean front' to commercial hotel zones.''. Tbe study says, "Wt recognize that the· tourist Industry is our principal 9UUl'ft of revenue and would like Jo encourage the construc\,ion of first class hotel and motel structures. We woukl, however, wish to see very · delinlt,e re- quirtments made to allow for con- tklera~1e open space for landscaping. 'Ibis might encourage taller (tower like) ltrudures with open spaces to'. the sea ." A "balance between comm er c I a 1 developo1ent and park and recreational •wlllpment" Is favored for the Main leech, with shops, restaurants, art ex· lllblts ind 'porting atrvdures combinM --wttlt---1'm!lfder1ble parU;--recreational~ tplCt and ·waltways. '' I Location or a multi-\eyel parking struc· ture with a tower restaurant on top at one , end of the beach is suggested. · A combination or reStaurant.!I, shops, parking and beaCh could b e c o m e "another great tourist attraction," says the OBA. , , ]be OBA support!' .a FNUval Plaza concept with undergfoundinj: of the Can- yon road to permil a plaza that ·.wo1.lld join the Festival ground• to t¢tty-owned . property across the road, 'the whole area becoming a cultural center around the Festival, Playhou!M! and ,School of Art. . .. The report also supports a municipally owned bw service, including regularly scheduled service to Laguna Hills. The OBA study will be among views discussed ' at a July 13 Planning Com· mission study session on· the general plan. ' New T~ Cans Go on tl1e Job . Aloi;ig Highway The candltlate admits to financial pro- blfms in contesting Schmitz. 'urhe littie fellow can 't afford to contribute to a Democratic candidate. Schmitz admUs spending almbst $60,000 on the-primary and special election campaign!!. I spent only t2.400 including thel two filing fees -$8$0." Hartman barely talks about Schmitz' Leary Requests Hearing for Bail In Te'xas Court From Win Services LAREDO, Tex. -Denied ba·il wtlile appealing his Laguna Beach marijuana conviction, Dr. Timothy Leary requested an immediate bail hearing on a federal pot rap here Thursday, through his counsel. Dr. Leary. now serving a one-to-JO year sentence at Lo& Padres Meii's Colony in San Luis Obispo, faces an additional two-to-10 year term In a Texas federal pentitentiary . · A two-time loser In the courtroom of U.S. District .Judge Ben Connally. Twenty-four brand nt:W silver trash the former Harvard psychology professor · cans. decorated wiULL a gun.a ' s city asked in his plea that some other judge insignia: are in position on Coast + hear·the bail issue. Highway Md "doing 8 gooll job" helping Judge Connally -like Orange County tq· reclUce litter, Chamber of Commerce Si.iperior Court Judge ffyron K. McMillan lteautificllion1-Committee C h a i r m a n -refused bail ror Or. Leary on grounds · Lloy~ Mlhfe told feDow direclbrs this he is a menace to American yoath week. l>ased on his flamboyant past activities. The trash can!, he noted, are bolted The Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, to 'the · si6ewalk, just In case anyone liowever, has found that denial of bond should find their beauty irresistible. -while the Texas rap is being appealed To complete the harmonious picture, !'11.ises a serious iss ue of unconstitutional Milne added, the old green traih cans treatment. • ~ a190 have been painted sliver and equip-:The bail lss~ was returned to tfie peel with tbe city insignia. U :S. OJsU-ict Court and the higher ap- Next step t« the beautirtcation group. pellale court said if it is denied again, he said. w.ill be to suggest that the the reasons must be set out , in writing Art Colony,'s new police foot patrol be and shown to be within applicable laws. instructed to keep an eagle eye out "We do not undereslimate the effect for litterers. either issuing citations or, the applicant may already have had at least, pointing ou t the beautlful new on Loday's youth," the court said in trash cans. its opinion. 1- Next proejcl for the beauty gfoup, "But-Leary held in jail, pending appeal, MUne reported, will be moving a number without ~il. on grounds previously held of palm treea, now in containers in to be constitutionally ui;iacceptabJc, poses the city nurse!')'. to screen the flood a more serious threat," Jt continued. control ditch in the neighborhood of The opinion explained that threat as the bus·depot, now being refurbished. being to the integrity of the American Actual planting o! lhe trees along the system olJ law, saying it would be. less ditch, he said. will haive to be delayed dangerous to release tum on bail within ·until the Ora nae County Flood~ Control establis~ rules of law. Distric't detlde.s exactly \\'hat' it will 111e appellate court stressed it Is not reql!lre ·Jn •the w,y of acceu to the expressing a view either way on whether cbaMel. he should be granted ball or not. Noting thal tbe path of beauty ts Dr.,Leary WIJ: arrested Dec. 28, 11181, not always smooth, the Chamber direct.or in Laguna , along wi\,h his wUe Rosemary said the State Division of Highways and son John, who last week was relea,s.. is about to wipe out some 200 feet ed on thrtt years' probation to undergo or center island Jand9C8plng on Laguna anti-drug therapy in San Clemente. Can~ Road by installina 1 left tu111 Mrs. Leary is currently free Oil bail pocket for west.bound traffic seekfnl·to while appealina a 60-day sentence \o enter ·· lhe-pantnr-·lol Ofl!IOlile-cthe-Oranse -Counly"'•il;·impoltd.-b)>-Ju\11• Fe.sUval &rollndl. flfcMiDan. .~ -1 J ' . ,,, .. . ~ounty: Okay.s .. ' ' Ahandonmeni In s.: Laguga AbandonmOnl of on unlmprovod portion of SIJllBet Avenue .Jn South Lqunl bu been approved ...... ty b7 , the Oranp County Boanl of Supervisors. •• Roadway abandonme~ art a tquchy subject before the supervisirs since Ule ill-fated old Salt Creek Road incident in 1--But acting upon the adv\ee of County Counsel Adrian Kuyper, -the board wcm bers relinquished , title to the SO.foot· -·ide, so.root-long parcel by a 4 to 1 Vote. • Kuyper said no right had been established over the years to the ooun\y: or ~blic to use the' unimproved roadway. Supervisor Robert Battin, who seizes upon every opportUnfty , to oppose roadway abandonments, argued that the J>,arcel could be used for acceS!!I to the nearby beach areas. "A walkway is feasible, although it is loo steep for a.ro_!t(l," he stressed.,. - --- But Battin lost the battle when Kuyper tOld the supervisors the lot had b' e e n reserved years ago by the then owners for "road ~rposes only." County Road Commissioner Al s. Koch originally proposed the abandooment Ma'y 27. ' A.C. Pf!iul. a resident of Viralnia Way, northeast of Ole parcel, told supervisors ~e and his neighbors ~did not object to the abandonment. - ·The erased portion or1Sunsel Avenue ls between Virginia Way and the Pacific Coast Highway. It has never been )iived or. im))!'Oved in 811Y way. '' Lo•S·tlme LQg .... ' Rosary· Rites Schedule4 · ' . .For .Mr~.-lda ,fro.twr. Rosary wi'n be fci=iled 1t I 'o'clock tonight in St. Catherine's Church for Ida A. Trotter, who died Thursday at the age of 67. after a long illness. A funeral masf will be celebrated at t a.m. Saturday, followed by interment at Calvary Cemetery, Los Angeles. · Mrs. Trotter and her husband, William D. Trotter, owned and operated Trotter's Bakery, 234 Forest Ave. from 1950 until ' ' Worilen's C[µ~;. ~~ e~thusi~Uc aoifet; she was an actiVe men'lber ol the Ll,uni Beach CountrY Club. McCormick Mortuary are.directors. El Toro Link ' ' By Phone Near their retirement In 196.5. Free h II f La •--di p one ca s rom Cl:lfl& - A downtown Laguna landmark and to the El Toro area should be avall1ble community gathering place for decades, by the end of J9?1, according to Jlo6 the bakery still is known as Trotter's, · though. it has cbana:ed ownership twice Kroh dt, General Telephone's Lquna exchanp manaaer. • since the owners of that n..,e rttired. 'na Beach is one of' nine ez;. For many years prior tO their arriVal, d."'--e.s klcated within , an enJaraed it was known to all in t}le Art Colony tele ict authorized by the as Fender's Bakery. The business was California Public UUlities Commission, .. . purchased by the Trotters when ttiey Krohnfeldt said, "•nd what• this means came. to Laguna __ 20 ye~rs ago. from is that our Laguna Beach customerl Everett, Wash., where they also had will have-frtt -calling-.-into the··El-T(N'0 owned a bakery. . area as soon as the necessary equipment is installed." • Mrs. Trotter is survived by her ·hUs· band of the family home, 469 Jasmine He estimated it would take about JI St.; two sons, James Rodney Trotter months for General and Pacifle of Costa Mesa and Howard M. Trotter Telephone Companies to install and test of Seattle, Wash.; a sister, Olive Brown the new lines. · of West Los Angeles: two brothers. Discusaing the new PUC ruling, Lacuna William Dumond of Imperial, Calif. and Beach ptaming eommiuklner Robert: Al Dumont of El Cajon, Calif.; and Hastings, a former phone company o by eighl grandchildren. ccutive who has been working to adHve She was the first woman on ~the the reductiOn of toll costs from Li~ Ctiamber of Commerce board and was ex.pressed the . hoP,e that free d1aUnl honored as Woman of the Year in 1964 might become effetcive well belort U. by PJe. Bpsineu 1it and.i. P.rolet1~al end of J97J. • . ~ •l'J I ,. 1 .. SAVE THE EASY WAY ... BY MA-IL! .· . ' FOR . . ·SHRINK PROOF INVESTMENT INSURANCE TO 820,000 5%.PASS BOOK 7¥.i% CERTIFICATE WRITE FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS • SOUTH PASADENA• 1000 Foir Oaks ·Ave. SAN MARINO • 2355 Huntington Or:V. SYcomore 9 ... 143 • MUrroy 2-1131 - 11 ' ·~----· • . " ' • DAILY PILOT I ~ Fashion .headlines at tb'e annual !\Vimbledon 'Tennis Tournament are ' :Usually made by \\'Omen plaYer&, P._>ut Torben Ulrich of Denmark set ~,ome sort of precedent for offbeat ;na1e attire. The bearded tennis $)layer combed his shoulder length j1air into. two loose pigtails, fasten• :eel with rubber bands. and added ail andiari style headband .. ,, I . • . i . . • u,tT•~ Here Come tlaeGirl• ' •• I ' GOP Counteraci~ . Antiwar Move·s WAllHINGTON (AP) -Sen ate an 1111endmeet to Uti forelp mUitary ~bllcans, havlnc qrted to encl the sales mlUW'e 'that hu been the ftbtcl• Iona: debate over , Cambod.11, a· re ror the turrent debtte on the U.S. role ·{fW)eUverlng. to blunt ~ of the molt in Cambodl1. Potent, weapon1 left ' to adm!nh!tratlon · 1Undtr the aareement reached 'lburs· crttica. d1y to wrap up the seven--welk Cambodia Sen. Gordon Allott, a Co i or ad o talkltbon, Allott'' amendment wm be Republican and staunch defender ol Nix· voted on .Monday. 'l1li,I eliminaW, the on Vietnam polk:y, unexpectedly In· -lbillty ol Ute extepde<i debal< the troduced a meuure Wedneaday to bar Democrats' wanted, and Allott aays ·biJ funds for flghUn1 in •Southea1t All.a ex· measurt will be defeat.ed. cept when neceasary to protect tJ:.S. ,f. .The motives ~Ind Allott's amendment troop wllhdrawals or when war bu been · drew e1prenions of oulrqe from the officially declared. sponsoi'a of the crigln•I proposal. An identical propoaal., known as "The ''Member• ate otfended ~ tllete tac·. .Amendment to End the War," was in-lies," McGovern said after Allott in- troduced originally by two Of the Senate's traduced his amendment. "Yesterday I most v~al d0v6 -Democrat George· called it an end rWl, todaY, 1 say it 's~. ' S. McGovern of South Dakota and Mark -offside." · O. Hatfield (R-Ort.). -:pte· Allott amendmen.t Js. the ~. Their plan called for bringing up th~· GOP attempt to steal the thunder of amendment later in the session as a a<lministritlon opponents. rider to a defense procurement ap-The Senate Wednesday \/Oted 81 to propriations bill in another effort at 10 to repeal the 1964 Tonkin Gulf reeolu- a full-scale debate on Nixon's Southeast tion which former President Lyndon Asia policy. Johnson used to escalat~ the war. But Allott introduced his proposal as ~hould th e Republican -sponsored amendment pt through the HOuae - Tiie 'cla1sijitd O(i in the .. per· 'So1iols col·un111 of Mian1i ·news· -pape1's reads : "Darling, our of; fair is obtr. Am leaVing town. Have ltft f'tcordtd me1.sooe. Dial 44ti-5614. S~via .. ~ TM ft.~ ber is conston~ly bU!l/, evtti. at . 2 a.m .. A Southern Bell Tele· p11one Co. spokesman said Tues· day the number bel.011111 to a dairy anptiation which is using it to deliver a recorded com- 111erciol to callers. A bUslMd tit Women soldiers arrives in Cambodia's capital, Phnom Penh, for 'military training as par~ bf an all~ut iconscriptlon drive. Ali mel) and women b~ween the ages of 18 and 60 are to be taken into the armed forces. Jet Crashes as now appears likely -it would give President Nixon a chince to make a symbolic gesture of his desire to wind down the war. • 1, The Phila4elphia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty tO Animal1 is !offering a private cremation ser· ~ice for dogs and cats. For $15 to ~ ii will pick up dead animals at Pwners' homes and return the ashes In a container. ti is unlawtu1 to bury \lead ,animals within the city, sal4 ~•ecutlve Director Robert G. Hud- ,on. and 11many families ~sidir e trasb truck to be an ignoble· end ior their pets." Pitzer. ~esigns At Stanford, . Cites Vietnam Expens!ve Education Bill OK' d Despite Nixon Plea Into Homes; Four Killed SAN ANTONIO, Tes. (UPI) -A Navy PF9 Cougar jet on 1 trainlnl fil&bt crashed into a lightly setUed residential area just a mile Jrom its destlnaUon late Thursday .. The two men on board the plane and two others on the eround were killed. It also would take much of the sting out or a separate resolution repealing the Tonkin Gulf measure which ad- ministration foes had also planned to debate at length.later. in 1'11~ summer. Allott mov~ shortly after agreement was reached for a final_ vote on the_ military sales measure at 4 p.m. Tuesday -the very day President Ni10n said -he-would have all U.S. troops oot of Cambodia. I • ' his past ~I Dalt was t~jo1114 y a dad leadltto a dog's life. Or is ho.t a dog kadfrlQ a dad's life? Any- y, Mike, a S-11tor-old Irish Sttter nd currtntly jach.t; OJ 12, 1Dal the icti,rt of h!th1rl11 ftORChclance al hi 11.i11ited the moa1 rictnl odditiona to is clan. ·I • -l A liltl~ old lady, about 66, beat • ~irl on the head with a cane in San f'rancisco when the girl declined to . . . STANFORD.· (UP) -D'--Kennetit S, Pitzer ii ria!gning as St an r or d l1Dl~'1 [nilcleDI Aug. 31, d~lng 'ihit ''~J ~tencting to ·diltr•d or dill:UPt !lie lituc<~I p,.._ have In· -alp~ly" bec1111e of Ute Vietnlm W•: •. ·-: ' .. . · Pt1zer ~ 11, -his deeialon public Tbunttay, l'f:Dlal'klliC :that "lhe .. 1 u Ir betwltll tbe campua comlnuhit)' and llOclety at larie bu Widened, partlcUlarly In the put two rpc11thl. "There is littJef confide~ on campus about our prorni1t4 dlseng11anent from lhe war," he continued. ''Al a rtJUlti preuurea tending to distract or diaropt tbe,educatloalj..-.;o hue ~ ~.". ~.t ~" W. Palmer Fuller Ill, S!anl«d board of · lru~·\president to whom ~­ realpatloo:.tii submitted, sald IJ!,adl!ltl · president Would be appointed "in tbe ~ future"· lid added he hoped Pitzer "will find it llanforid or ~sewhere the kiod of~ eballe111e ~·hich he seeks." Pitzer If a c:hemllt. Pitzer 1 "'-1!na Uuit the heavy burden ot}admlnlltraUon In these days or crisis. is ~ with the basic interests of the ~·and educator is indeed undentadablt," Fuller continued. WASHINGTON (UPI) -wiih. even the Republlcana ignoring ' White House appeals for economy,. the Senate h9s adopted a $4.8 billion aid-to-education bill that. exceeds Prealdint NiJ:on's re. quest by $1 billion and -may ~vi hl'm - ah election year dilemma. TI1e near-midnight final vote on the meuure Thursday was 71).4, Unleu Congress takes back some of its generosity in shaping a final . com- promise version on the measure, Nixon · may be sorely tempted to veto it· a1ain -and again risk humiliation in a showdown. By.c a 279-98 v:i:lte, q:ie House overrode Nlaon'1 ·~veto ol 1 $3.7 billion hospital construction aulhorizalion '1 e a s u r e Thursday an<j the S~e 'ii lil<ely \o follow .suit next we1ek. E d'u'c ai ion measures tend to be just as popular in the Capitol .as hospitals .. In addition to tacking $165.5 million onto ·the education Dill through the floor amendments -for evetything from bl· lin&Ual schooling for American Inctians lo $5 million for "dropout pre vention -the Senate: -.. Hooted down, in a loud voice vote, ·~piro Takes \VVow . . . VP, Sp~aker Sivear Off 'Dirty Politics' f. ve up her seat on a bus. police aid. The victim w1,s Lindi DunMn, . who said !be lady callfd her erogatory names. 'lrlt her with the f.ane, relaxed for .a few blockl, and ,hen bit her again. The bus driver ttopped t.he bus, the lady dlsmollilt· WASHiNGTON' (UPI) -Vice Pres;. its efforts. d and disappeared, and Miss Dun-dent Spiro T. Agnew and Speaker John The ·committee ar~ged w\th the ton was t~ted at Central E~er• w. M~1ek leday formally swore American Arbitration Association (AAA) fD ency Hosp1taJ for I lll._t contusion . off dlrty politics for the rest of the 10 render im'P'.'ll'Ual rulings· on complaints l C the forehead. )'Mr. · of alleged unfair cimpaign tactics, con-.~ The Ripubllcln vice president (who gressional sources said. allo .ji' presk!.ent of. the Senate) .and , The AAA this year will make their The wilM'makers' circle of the Nav11 Deportment is propasing Britain lavnch it& ship1 witla , homemade elderberrv wine in· stead oj jOT!ign wines. TM 1·ea.. son -it would saoe the Britilli trtasur11 about J 2 achiUings ($1 .50) a whack. the Democf1Uc leader of the House ·'· rulings public before Nov. 3, ''in lime iook the c:ustoanary election year fair for the Voters to punish with their ballot campalan pltdee for tl'leir respective those who resort to dirty politics," the parUea and the hundreds of candidates sources said. tach will be fM!lding in congressional The arbi\ration plan grew out of a and other elecUOna this year. ·test run in the 1968 elections. ln •cacb At a Clpltol algning ceremony. the ()f several cases where arbitrators found nonpartisan Fair Campaign PracUces that candidates bad brtached the com· Committee scheduled announcement " mittee's campaign code1 the· committee jls new pl&n to put scme muscle into said the offender lost· the election. · U.S. Basks • Ill Sunshine Mercury Expected .w Hit 120 in Low Desert Areas . .. -. Callfortll• Mo\lnl1l11t Wtrt sut1nr tlld w11m with ll1t1hl Mfr to 11 !flt f'flO•ls. Onwrts Wltl sunny 1nd hol wllh "-Ytllttv hlt h1 to 115 '"" lowtr Y1Uer hlvti1 It 121, Hit"-Tllur1d1r •lld •rtdk!tcl hlt~I ( ........... : . Lont 811ch 17-lf, S1n1I Monlc1 n. 7(. eurblnk 164·10... Ml. WillOll t9·tt •. Pt!mdlle lOS.107, Rl'111'11cle 10 .. l!W, "•Im _.,.. 1•1n, lll!wrtltld f7· 101. s. Dfll9 a.a •lie! S.nl• •• ,. Nrt~ ,_ Ceut•I l'e111perature1 AlbuQU1!ro11t AndlO,..H Atl111t1 ll••f•slltlcl lll11tT11,ck llolst '°'''" •-nsvlllf Cl'llc .. o ClftCfftftt!I °""" Dfl Molnt s Otli'oll P;•1,..lli<J Fort Worlh ·~ ... Mt19'1• H-luhJ 1(111111 City L11 \11111 lo1 A"9tlu Ml1<11t Mln111~~nt N1W l>lt1"' Ntw Yo•-H01111 Plt11f 01tlt!ld nllllhotT>t Cltll' ....... P11m $orlft1J Pt~ Rotlll5 Pllotnl~ Pltllb<l•qll Pwll~M •111i• City "" l luff ... tH1t<11~t, S•lt Lll!it Cltr ''" or"~ !Ill Frtnt1KO k1!1I~ Mlt~ L-,l'IC. 100 ~· .CJ .. " '' ~ ,,. tt lS II SJ 111(1 !$ ., 31 ~ ~ ... '~ s• .13 •• u '!: !' 13 '' ,ll •• 34 ,, 53 /It .. " .. . t1 SJ " " !' " 1 S II .. .. II' 71 . ,.,.. " 5• ·" 81 " "" 11 '' " " .. u '5 ~· . " ~ m l l 5' 1'~ ,l ,, ,, . tJ 6S " " " " ,, ~ t• ,, ·~ !• It 6' ~ " II ,, t l •• 3 propgsal by Republican Sen. Edward J. Gurney of Florida to bar universitiea from closi ng down brielly this fall to give students a chance to work in election canipaigns. Some politicians tielleve the .students will be effective In helping elect antiwar Dem~ratic candidates to Congress. -Approved, over the opposi tion of IS Southerners and three western Republical}S, a $150 million do\\'n pay- ment on Nixon's plan to help Southern school districts carry out desegregation plans this fall . ' The Southerners were unhappy because lhe Senate specifically ruled QUt money for school districts whlch have given !-w'ay or sold for token prjc~s buses, taf:bQ9ks or buildings to 1".ivatc, all- white acadmiies. But, even Scott ·joined Thursday in voting !or a~ditional spending. Jes8 Unruh Son , . Free of Pot Rap Six perS:_Olls were hospitalized, includin& a 12-year-old boy who was burned ovtr 85 percent or his body. Air Farce and Navy officials said no cause , for the crash had been determinfld. COMPTON, Calif. (UPI) -Marijuana Fuel spewed from the plane when poeeeuion charges against Randall it hit the ground a mile from the runway Brook Unruh, 11, son of Jeu Unruh, at Kelly Air Force Base. Two homes Democratic candJdate for governor, were destroyed by fire and 1 third have been diami.sled becau1e or insuf· was damaged. ficient evidence. A part of the plane glanced inlo a Deputy _District Attorney Marin Kaye house owned by Mrs. Naomi Farrell. said Thursday the alleged marijuana seized may have belonged lo one of the She -was at work when the plane crashed, two juveniles with Unruh at the time of but her sister was inside the house. his arrtst. "Look at the Wings BtickJng in that Unruh and the two jll'Vei'liles were window," she said. "Honest to God, arre$1£4 Saturda·y night after their car as low ,., these planes fly here it 's was observed racing into a field nOrth a damn sWame. It doesn't ma~e se'nse." of the San Diego Freeway. Dtput.ies ''.This i! t}Je climax of ~~at! .of planes ,, stopped the vehJcle after they saw. a pack· fly ing low around here, said HaP'Y age thrown from the window on lhe pas· Page. another homeowner In the area. senger'S side. Authorities said it con- "They always come in too low." tained eight ounces .of marijuana. • Earlv apartment dwellers had to live with flames. You don\ in an all-electric apartment Step in side any all.electr ic Meda.Ilion the clein, frtsh look of the driptriH ··Apartment. You'll see why they're set-and tht upholstery. That'S beauSt~ ting' the trc1\d. Notice how th e • electric heat is clean heat. kitchen gleams. Why? Because ' Now the b1throom. Turn there·are nQ by-products of on the v.·atct tap. Note how com.bustio n t o dirty wall s the electric water heater aivcs and windo\vs. No oppressive · you hot w1ttr-right now. kitchen heat, either. Electricity heats Enter the bedroom. See the separate the food-not the kitchen. heat dial? You an only have room- \Valk into the lh•lng room. Notice by-roon1 tcmperiture control if it's electric. Many Medallion ApartlTl(nts also provide (ltctric 1ir conditioning. Th• rent 1 Liko Med•llion Hom., Mtdallio1' Apirtments arc also avail~ ablt in an price ranges. You can sec why mort people are choosing to live the good clean(lire-electrically. ( sm Southlrn C.l/lorn/1 Edieon $lllOl<•!ll 'T'Ml'<11tl Wttl'llntlOll '" ,, -n .. n ·'''-'-" --~-:------------------'.-------;----------...:....:... __ •' ,, ' Sant. Cleinenie • ' ' . I ~ Capi8trano EDITION : , ~· 't:~.:-_Steeka_ .. . ~01:. r,3, NO. ·152, it SECTIONS; ~ PA6ES· • . . . ' . 1xon • Hanoi .· Confirms U.S. POWe .,, 334 NEW YORK (U.PI) -Th r • • ~rlcaill ·who visited, Hanoi as P.fi~ate individuals reported today· that ·~orth Viet.namese government officials con· firmed a list of 334 Amerjcan prisoners of war compi~ by ~ New Yorlt peace a:i:oop and stated.that it was complete. . " prisoners before Oecemtier, 1"9, to Hanoi for verification last April bu'l it met with s1.lence. -• Confirmation or the list was reported by a spokesman for Kenneth Kirkpatrick- of the American Friends SerVlce O::im- mittee, Seattle;~ Prof. Mark S. Patshne of Harvard University, and Prof. Egbert W. Pfeiffer of the UnfVefsity of' Montana, who were in Harloi earlier 'tl\is month. It waS the first reponed North Viet-n~ conunent:cm' the. li_st;dr&Wn up by the Committee of Liaison with families of servicemen1detained in North Vietnam, w)lic:b \jl "bN\\Od by Mrs. Cora . Weiss. The committee submitted the list, baled· ·on ·letters recdved from th• The spoliesmen said the~ travellers were told all the men W$[e 1saf~ ·and ~Id ht , repatriated when ttie war'"" is \ tetmina1ed. -• r Voting· Fore~ Again Run~ lntq Trouble ·Ii~ JACK BROBACK ' OI ' ... I~. Plllt ltell ·~ . u ) . "FnilltatiOD" is the word for the Cillole Colml7 :vt11111, ~ Task ,..,.... ,· Thi ·1o-men1ber '""'p, with three ·-me! Thunday !Gr the third lime In an attempt to remedy ihe coaally's ailing vote counting ~. 'Rle result was the same ' as before. l'hey failed. tnlormation availab~ in 1\1/a~ington Indicated that the Department. of Defense's list of known prison.ers of wzr is consider;::bly larger .than th:it verified by Hanoi. Hanoi s!ressed that th~. wi\'cs of miss- ing U.S. servicemen· ,hould desist from traveling to Paris, Loas and other pcir.ts where North ,Vietnamese have represen· tatives to leam of their husands' fate because all captul"ed Americans ·ac- counted !or were on. Lhe list, the sprikesman said .. . ' A-~~.tbiJi ,di~ Mi r ~ lnlo ·'I<>-• coiinl ~ wbo hive boea c:aplure<i 1PCO April 7. Tbo .,..... ... d Hanoi dlll DOI accept 471 .Ietten •Dl!I of tha 711 that Klrkpetrjdl ail bis campanlona took '° the ·North Vletaamese ·capital ·with them on the grounds thatl they . were addreased" lo men· whO were not on Ute list. • . -' '. .. ' . a ' e .. ~ ' OAIL'I ll'IL01 """''1 '"'"' V........ 'HOLD UP, UZZIE, WE'RE· A·HE'-DIN'·FOR THE PEA PATCH" ' In S~n C!omente.,The.Prealdeot Rides With. o Lady, O.lver ' TEN CENTS a ·c , ' , ' .. Bits Senate . . . 'Isolation' . . . From People . By RialARD P. NALL ' .... DlllF"" ..... ••0n Saturdly I'm attefKlina my rilece's' w.ddiiig," lh• l're!lcler\( said choerlly. ~ TouqK\own of Air Force One· on tht~ hot Et ' Toro landing strip was routine, Thursday but· President Nixon paused before flying on· to San Clemente to give. neWsmen his views on topics ranging frOm the weather to "intelUectual incat'' in-\Vuhington. , 0 1'm .alwas)'. , glad to get back to California .... ' Particularly on such a beautiful day," said the PresiClerru "'lVben .I heard the temperltjll'e was 103, deglfts· here, t felt that .. was a litUe warm but you know we hive dry heat in CaJifornla. "1 •· Queried a~ Sen a tor Mike' Mansfield's remarks about the iecoQOm7, Mr. Nixon said, "I never commtnt on what the Seflate says or what individual candidates say. "So metimes I think they .(the Senale) sllould do what the H..ouse (of Represen- tatives) ®'s. They sh-Ould g«:t out iii the country and. see, wbat the country is thinking. • >;' ... .~ > He said ttie' Senaje would have been Cityhood Plans ·• Doc ·. ~n~i. • ... ,Ji.ii ··, · .. ,: ~'~=·b~~ecepljoohl St. Louil.. .. ~ .. rr· ,.r,.~ · r ; ·" ·:. .~,~ Y~IJJJ.1 "'1~8~.' .. ~ .: :1. G:~ v D .n , · •1::. , ~ • f • . . -. , .ror· aJ,1"~~~11 · 0-~ ~i~~·· ·,::,·ntl!>7:'''.4.'b;or·t~·w:~:n~~c';.."';,J,::i.'·>·~ ... il=J.lt':~t~ , ... -.·· u-a , ·tt: · ·Uu-ac; . ..,,-u;Pr.....entu1c1 ... We 1reec1 Moving· Ahead. . , ~ . . .· .:~: . . .. ···;"' . ' ~ "~ ~i;r~ll>ok • ~1eti.1on Ind .. 11: ' • • 1 • The lawyer for 'Dr. -&bert.,Cµmmiil& McMillan ~ the G~uid Jun ,ffu, llit "'n.lere is a 90:r1 of Intellectual incest The cGmmiltee for ' the incorparation Robb o( .J..agun• Beach ' today moved power to indict Dr. RObb mace tlle wliicb really rectuces the leVel ol the I D · C Be I • • · • diaJosue and Y<JU • blvo lo go to the q , <ina Point-apistratlo · SC I is 1ron. for the disqu~lifica,tion, o.f· a Su~ior ~I'S exiSten.ct ·~ 1 uncoMl.ltut1DnaJ, . R, .-.-.., now ,arid· then to .,.t a reaJ I . hearing befo're the LOcal Agency . l ,ge 1 a n,' IC • u oe~ ' s ' rtpre • feelln1 of what people are thinking. ' lo rule this 1n,· orning on motions for of Orange County in iums .of..~ "Washi"nti.... is _,.. of the cOun--Forrn;ation Commission. • , ,t.!4_.____!_~ __ _.;,~ •'6-• ~· ""3 The group first voted • Thursday to rnclnd its deciSiOb · of a week ago to accePt free use · of 200 Shoup · voting ma(bines for •the November ,Genual ~l:V~~· ~~ ~C::~e;ee~~~~;~: 1,0ZZ precints. . And before the· task force could vote on a new motion to · lease 40 · Cubic paper ballot counWig machinesrto cover 40 percent of the ·count¥, two members walktd out . luVing the group without a quorum and powerless to make a final decision. Tbe Cammittee of Liaison w a s established last O.C.ml>or by .,..... .. 1 between the Hanoi government and Mrs; Weiss, wife «.a New York attorney, to' arrll\ge letter comm~icatlon between the prisooers ~d their families .. The POWa ·are Permitted to write one letter on a six Ible forin each month and rteetve one package every other month . ' . ing out its last \Vririkles before a July Ct)urf "ud bo h d bee bed Jed d JIKlt he aid lent tbes ___ , o• The committee approved an amended dismissa l of ~borlion cllatges against sdcial, racial and Cuttutat ~-· · but lt is not all ~ the country an~ , boundary map Thursday ,after a lengthy th~ physjci::in; · . , JU41e:Paul·M.aat-~sf4·1be~. -.~: tbThean~:=t•si:~ 0~ °;.;'Tc,7·Sen: d~~on ov~r c~~ieStcil pr:oper:ty.\ .. . Judge Byr K. f\1cMillan passed the ag~ans~ R°!>~, in ~,,.. Af!a ~ ... ~e Murphy (R-Cahf ), WhO att(Hllz Ttie committee voted to de'.ete a water Robb · fiie ~g to ,Judge William 'S1 Coilrt 1n a landmark ~"Ww~~ ied him calling him "my Senator and tank· iii t~e mid91e of th:? proposed Lee as his ~sponse to ·charges 'by at· Callfornia's Ther~ 'Act ';' Uitz my good friend ." ~ ThUrsday's action marked the second time the group has reVersed itself and left the county's elections department ju~t where it was ~fter the_ chaotic June Primary. NEW YORK r(AP) -. Here is· the list o(. Californian's reported confinned by Hanoi as an accurate r.ount ol American pri9oners ff· war -being held in North Vietnam. The lilt, with home towns following the names was provide~ to the Associated Presa by t&°l;).£ora \Veiss, head of a New York-based "J)eace · g'roup Called the Committee of Ual.son With Families of Serv.lcemen Detained · in North Vietnam. Mrs. Wela uid the numbers were serial numben. Votes from that fia9CO were not com- pletely counted for almost two weeks. The'voting systems group decld1ld June t to rent t ,000 Automatic V o l'I n ~ Machines (AVM) to cover· half of the county's precincts. But this decision was rescinded a week later because · of con- fusioo over what really had been vol~. CALIFORNIA . Kesse Abbott, 3081739, San WiUord Diego Everett Alvarez · Jr., 644124, Santa Clara Chairman Cecil Mark s, frustrated· by the turn of events, called another meeting for next Thursday at 3:ao p,m, at which time it is hoped the problem can finally be resolved. Anthony Charles Andrews, FR3146561 , Chico Frederick C. Baldock Jr., 6666~1 Lemon Grove Robert W. B.imert, FR 3 I 0 11 , Hawthorne Cole Black,· 5M3117, San Diego ' Terry Lei Boyer, FR31535c, Visalia., 18+e POW .. Pap II County Cle rk William St John. return- ing from a vacation during which he (See VOTING, Pap I) \ Plaq-..e .~yesor.~? Littering Liitle Old Ladies Cited' CARMEL (UPI) -City .plannen In ihis 1on&tlJ'1e~artists. and Writers colony want a downtown vlfflWn war merriorial remoYed because "litUe ·old ladjea in tennis :shoes" keep .vewm1· it wltlt flowers. , · · • "We don't want a cemetery on Ocean Island Avenue ," said John Rilin&, difector of the city planning commission. IN THE PRE-IDP,PIE days of the ltlOs, Carmol .wu • cultural «>1111\Y• for a generation of famous writers and artista, including Sinclair Lewia, F. llcoll Fltqerald. llenry' Miller, ~Olin 'Slelnbodl en1f."Rilbilllan J<iflm. · .. Still clinging to ill artistic past, it bas very few ftl'IDll streets exttpt 111 the downtown area. Most are of asphalt pavement and wander blpbuardl7 lll:oolh ...... . TllE PLANNING COlllMllllON AliI the flooren wUUn& el the .......-Ial, located on a divided strip in the town plat.a, Constitute a'vtOla.Uon of. the lltter laws. Riling said the city had tried to keip ·it clean. , "But litllo old ladles ii~ oboes came llller Wk Ind pal mon 0ow'1S there," he said. -• _ ~ The memorial was eNJ*:d 11 monthl qo Ill ..,.....1 ol at dt1 eauneU. but the planning commlasloo complained, it wu not conaultad. THE l\IEMORIAL, a bronze plaque in a larse IJ'lftJte rock, wa at up by tile local American LoglOI\ post: "ToJhc memory~ Carmel's servicemeo wbQiie blood wucahed lbal wa , might Ilvo," Ibo plaqu< readl. • Tho city pilln...., ,,,.;jnmend.<J unanimous!Y that the mom«ial bo moved to a "more appropriate" location. Riley commented on Ute "nttle ollf lldlea." !'mw CAN 'l(OU atot -wben llley -....i .... tla illrk houri ... -the niblilh truck -b)o!" bo ulied. · northern J>oundary .::nd . lo dcl.et~ the .:_t • • · 1 · Referring to Murpbjt'a uncomJng cam· entrance to .Dana Point Harbor .• The totney Mo1a1 Betman ttlat comments conshtutiona . \ , "' , ; . paign against Rep. John Tunney (D- lat,ter. 'deletion was ~al ~he rei:iuest, of . he· hid'~ durin1 confe~nces bl .. ruJ A br0adly 'similar •rt.line w .. ;.bld:led Calif.), the President said.·0 He's eqer the Harbor DeparlJIJent. ch.ambers·#'d been prejudjtjal lo Robb's· down· last week by MllJlidi* coWilJWl,e for lhe battle: I .. thfnk Califomia .lboald The grOup vOted to retain the C~and\er-·. case. ' Wi)Uam . Ttpmso1~ ·~ :fawr, of~·~ .. J#m lfve bim a vote of confidence." s~~M 1 propertY., which includes . the Bernian~'1said I~ commenls ' h;lve S. Gwynne , 21, me Santa~Alli 1n Sam'e • Of the highlights' of tbe D·•· ~-1 ·1s U ' ' who had perforl'ned aliortlW Mance n-..•.aanl's plan5 while In San Clementa .... c-vui 1. e · . . 1 ~n to the effect that Judie McMillaa c-i·--= The committee also decided to me ude "was not•s prepared to make any new of ')>Olice act.ion. ·l}_ -, include : .&~ the Beach Road area, parallel to Coast · . . and . 1 1 "' .:....Atteodinct Saturday morning at thl · lflghw t the San Clemente city limits. laws on this a~ion issue waa ' 1J.. NeWport 1 Be;aob' wedding of his niece, . ay ~ . . . . · quite content to wait for a~blgher court S a} B h. W ll Lawrene Mae NixOo, '2', school ·teacher Rar Berryma~ en11neering cons_ultant ruling on 'the matter. ' e eae ~ . C , and daugbter•Of the J>reaident's brother, for.~ group, ~id t~ Santa .re Ra1lr~d "He made Jf q"Ulle clear,'~ Berman DooaW .• ' .. has ind~ated Jt will not fight the In-said, "that be was pretly .well Stuek Pl n ' ... ' . ed. -A coriferlnee Monday with Secretary c~a~ move:. . . ' . with tt\f' prOsecUlion in this case and, -< • ea r,OStpon · ·~.:: of State Mters· before Rogers leave. pespue the obJect.1001 or . Chairman · indeed, in any action involVing \he con-· -for Asia and , England to1 meet with ~er Sanderson and committee m~~mber troversial aborUon iuuet:" ~ A request by Standard: Oll -·Coinpany new leaders. • Alex Late tile commiUee vqted to d.elete Jllf}&f: Lee. has set July ,2 fqr bearing ·; of California to drill a new well otf l ~A live television confeience on 22 ~res of contested LagW'la Niguel of the' disqualification motion filed by the Orange Coast, near Seal' Beach, his (or:eicn policy July L. at. 7 p.~. (POT) property near the end ot La Cresta Bernfan. been delayed one week by the Stlte with Howard 'K. Smith of ABC, John Street ' But ;..it was made clear. lod !I)' that Lands Commi~lon, ,actdrdtng :to State ChancelJor ·of· NBC and Eric Sevar~d A letter rre:m Carl Ky!"J1la, manar,er any~:rejectlon of, the Berman argument -.Finance Director Veme.,On-, a· member of CBS. Press Secretary Ron Ziegler .. of the Moulton Niguel Wat~ Di.irict, will. mean lbe immediate issuance of of the commission. · said the ~llve TV session is unique in ask inll: that 200 acres of · his dlltrict a ruling that ·has already been reached · Verne asked for the delay of a well Presidential history. be de.leted, wa,s not acted upon. • b~:-Udge McMIUan. ~ .. which would be drilled on .lslan~l_Eat.ber,. -A repor't: to lhe nation Tuelday ,from Tbe group has invited LAFC com· ' an ar&uea tbat the district at· a one-acre island ,located a mile.-llld !Uf Western lftite HoUle on the Cam· mislidners to tobr the area before the y's offlee..-acted unllwfulb' when • a halli...J:df. the coast where SJandard bddian lltualkn lt will coincide with. Julyr I hearing. it ~pt ap ~t of !Jqbb oii :iJ>ortlon . is curr~tlj·operatlng 72 ,,.ells~ _ .· · "1thdra;,p1 ' of .U,.S. tniQps tfom ttlat f..!Wges lrom tile Orange Coullly Grud 'j'h! commlal-. was not ·-I .• •-' ol the indoChlnll war. • . 1 ""1 allcr ·a municipal' court-•Judie hall al the May meeting whoo lhe .niquesl -.A poobide ~.ill San Clemmie India Minister .. Quits· 1dlsmiued thole dtlrlH· · • _ ·' was flbt~ conside~ 'and ;aakelf ~10r 1 a , t.oC:lay with editort,,.pub~ and broad- 1'1 Dr. IJobb, 17,, o1 ~.Scenic• Drlw, delay ill-!!" decision. • • ' . " '" 1 (See NUON, Pll)i1 I) NEW DELHI (UPI)·-India's lorelp mlniiler, Dinesh Singh, rulped todai when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi . & tempted to move, him to , a lesser poit. l>ll1a Point,. hai:l ·1 b;een· arreajed• on If appr_oyed, the ..well ~ be . tbet- •harl!• .that. ho ·perlonned abortlOna oo • fttBI .dilUO;i In ,C.lllomia. lldolanil1r llrlce ' , r,mairted """"'" pa11en11. · . the conimi""'° alo!!Ped .an ... olflilalO 11 llermazr aJao arllied. bolore Jud.. clriUlnl \>Pln.ljonl In F~brUafy, 1•.; I . • I I • • I Cany9n' lnspe·etion: Bl~sted : f • • • I .,. 1 • -• I I • • ' ' • • ' ! • ' ~ • ~e.sidents Sip -P~t~tion :·Protesting liigu:Jici,' µ.~e By BARBARA KREIBICB on May•f, wben flw~·~,. 11 tile fintaf ·-al· In tM'dty.li;lietluJ. . °' "" ..., '"" •• .• WM authorilld. ii pm( ol Mayor Richard •· ~ ed l>r implttiOnr, 1blcMa.e rOI ' lb ~bip BesldOnts ol Laguila Canyoa, obi: ; 0o1..,.-.·1 .._,.,,. ~.. · · ' I~ al '~ :Ii,...,·.,, Jn. : · lo clellgnaUon bJ tho city bul!<Ji04 n. I For more lbla a ,,..., ae<Ordlni diotlled '"' the Fini ~·1 ~I : mm! .u a l'bouslni defl<Mncf ;\o a clti, building Glllcial. vtiual dleCU · mop wlMrt·Over)' IW la'pla~ •ru." today bepn ciradlllrli a' • ! riilm the ouilklel have been 'lltlC!e. An.....,. In the mlnutea 'al tbeM'ai: 1 llaa pnteatUia a ·Jl!qPOlled bulkli • 1tlt~1.111e . <\11 ,In, ea . •l\•llllll. lo I meetlni epparentJr ·added lo !he ...,., llldldl,. -~ of Ille neigh • W . code vlo\allaaa , and ~'!'! , fusion. Recardlnc a 1t1o1foo ol -<:ootocll.! · ·i.y teoms from the BuUdlng, Fire and housing sftualjdna. ,. . . ' • 1 man Charlton eo,d lo ·-the e1t1 1 Health Departmentl, aeeklng viol.tt.lona • Interior tnspecticn :a1ao have ~ manager to aaemble 1 f 1.1 f ~ o t i o n ol buildlnc, hnltll Ind ~I~ •codeo! ' cal.Jed o@I In cmunOnilal aren "to."1'1'" toams .•• i.. OYaluN ~ •• ,... ... Loiters · announcJna the pr_..i In-bal fire · and ho~lth hazards. , . , •. , cofdlng to ptob!Ojll prlorilJ up~ apedions ,.,.I out Ulla weell to owners Soggeition tllal ·the Woodland Uli1' on phy11cal JJl;Ol>lem l!dotd•i" .Uie mlnufls , and occupaftts or • properties tn lhe area w•• seledtd for the: first ~. rerer to IUdl ~ _u oem1 .. Jn ""' Woodland Driv•, Sou!h can""' Acres· ~-inspection· lo r 'lharwdlit\''.. ~ police ~.rtmen~ ~ the1 ~d and MroJO .Drtye ..... -, ,...,.. 'WIS Vellem!i>tly deaied """ beve rud .bl.the lin departnlen!. t cooperalloo with the lnspecll~~:-by Mayor Goldbor,i. l . ,,; , \ • '"I'hl3 ia clelloll<ly an emir, the polD 'l\a IDOVI lollowed CllJ , . , ·-'Iba -. Ila 1114, WU duiptad (loe BOIJllNG, hp I) • ... 1 ·'· f ! • . • I • • -·------· . -· . --·-···-·-· . . .. . -.. ·oraage' l ' 1~11 cooI offJ to aboul 'JI!~) along the 'cont this weektacl whUe the inland folk will swelter under 90-degree temperatures whUe sun- ny skies prevail throughout. INSIDE TOD.-\ Y . ' A ,backward, olon~e of a b11s11, and J>T'Od:u,:tive live lhcate-r s~ son along the Onmge Cooac u. iaktn b~ · ~ntt'(toinmc'Jt edUor Tom Titlll h1 hil lnttrmiuioM' column in tbdq11 Werkndir. f ' •1 Ml<rln »-tr --" ew: :J ..,....,.,.. , . . ...,_ .... =..---= -' ........ """'I>" --.. • J11aa1., n.tf ' I ' . ~...,.~---· I I DAl~Y .. ~, • 5C HO\TSING~. ~. • 'J . = " llave nothina whatever to do with the ~-= 11111 that u boulinc ._....,, .. Go Id b n 1 ... rttult .i C.....u.o of the hou .. pli11ill!d. Ht alao had mldt tht ,.Ut Ill ..m, l*!ld "' tht crulllll ol «irilll '"""•uloo at the May I metlinC. Well fUnda le WOde prolll<m iiJaa .._ ____ ..,....,,......,._,.,Olaf • .., ... u,.,..,.,., ... _., ___ 11,.._m1qttaj,· • ~--tlillllJlorelua1flca. lllat '-'""' lllould be~ ''II .. --" ~ ........ nndom"Jhroulhoutt1>edty,o1bulldiftp of'·ur1111 .--.i_ t1ta dlJ -111'11 / Where obvtous code violations are viliblt fer twm llD blJp IQllr9dl_it, • l'llWUtl from the oullkte, Goldber1 aaid he was cafl Mtk very low·lnt.erest loaN to under the ift1prtakln tbl the CGllllcil nhabilltate their homea or r.locatl to had aareff to <iamblne the twO ideil other IJ'UI if thit is rl\ore deairable. -aru irNipldiOn and random spot , The spokesman noted that Urbal\ checkS. · , Renewal for a11y are• .fn Laguna .i• Miau'95 af tht meetiJtl T'ICOC'd only "'juat t Jloaibility'' and no federal funds the WU on Boyd's moUGn, with Holm11 can be reqllfll&ed until inspection te1m1 remer~ 11 a "suglaaUaa" on Wbkb hive completed 1 prescribed 1UrVey. no ldion :!!II takal. . The turns working in Lasuna will have Holn'lilid today the oouncd hid IOI. to cemplete a number of forms wtucb been allled to -IQ)' porlicullr IJU wlll 'be '<:a111pi]ed into a detailed report for Qw: tnspec.'tioal bM ·hid dlacu..ct including such items aa lot size., location hich fire hazard areU II lhown on of buiklinfs room site sanitary and P'ire Department maps. Ht asreed that electrical coftditiClll. An ii.divi<tual report refermct to the ,olict dtplrtmen\ 1n on each dWellln&. including r~omme:oda· tbf' minutts was m error. . .ti., will be Jll'l'tided tbt owntr. ,,,. petition btlllC dtcUlatad by ..... pienll of the city llttn and tllalr .. "' porters reads: -"We. the unde.rsianed, do herewith ptli· lion the City ·Council ~"' LalWll Beech lo inslnJ<I Ille lliro<lor of 11u!Jdlq and Planning to canctl the "buildlnl by building. lot bi lot inspection ol an • structures" "within the area '!bkh lie.I betweu Milli1an Road and Woodiud Drive and between WooclllM Drive and Canyai Rood and which bu -lilllled oUt for sllCh tnsipection. "Some of ""' -fo< 11111 petition are as foUow~: · ''That the moUve for ialpecUon is not primarily baaed 00 baaltb """ll(ety. but that tile city ti a11ow1n1 llltU lo . becomt party to 1n attemPt to driv• certain praently ._1ar minority .,..."' from the canununlty. "'!bat ~. In !act, ti lnlandtd esaentially u a form of hlraument in that lmlplfkant bulldlnr code '>loll· tions' can be used to make It fmpoRble for ownera to permit tenanta to continue li~ Ill their homet and that 11111 may elute undue hardthip 'for owner· realdenll u irall. "That 1bt city ii not b e ar I n I ........ lllblllty u -... for<od to , .... -homet In n-. --· for &bem comparable to Utt ones now accup!M by tlliln and wtWn tbla city. "'Ibtt diecrilll1natloa a1ainlt thl1 ntlP"'*-la -btinr -In lllat tile budpt fm tbe bulldlnJ deport- ment cIWly -· that prvvlllon ol fupdl la not btinr aolldted ftir tile lft. spilctloo ot Plfilbborhoedl lbroaPout .the -city wiileb cauld bt --to be from appearances Na down. '"l'bat Ulla .,.., wt feel, W'U cholen "' tbt -ol mUinc tt ..... radlly ' anllablt lo-spldal lnlortota wltbla Iba _ ... ly ""° -_, publlcly 1!lldo llltlr -In ~ -wm known. "111at -.. aluation,,!f u-.;JI!" , port*, ·-may oecur btclllll of tbt ~--w"' -be mUlq 11 IJnpoulbie' fm ~ to -in fair · -lloo tW dioir 11oU... and pro-perty." ' . • ,:.~~~:::..~"' ":r-t ' ~ to tbt llltct that a .....,:. area of Woodlud Drtvt ntar tbe nw . Boyt' Club bt ....,-·by tile e!IY and turnad over to · recnallanal .ud park .... Amplllylnc a* city'• llltaot In 1 ... <hilll tbe -.C lalpoctloo, a bulldlq , .... r... J ' ' PO"''. • "i ••• MlcbMI Lit ~. rv11-. L<qBMcb Pbtllp Nul llutler, 111111, La Jolla , Wllllam ,1l'allaee lluller, lllMIO, Ian Rafael -. ..... . . ' . Carl Deanla ..,...._., rVll:IMlll, Yube City . Arnn llDy QiallllC)', 114711, 1- Claude Doqlaa Clols'ar, ·-'· Ian Diep • ,1' i .... Quiney Collliia, N , Athtrlon Mtdlatl Paul Crooln, -· lltrttley ,.Edwanl Dalt Ellaa, -· Lomoore " John Fer, lml, Sin Pidro llert>ert JloJ!y Flllber, III•, Sacra· mento David Edwin! Finl, F V 1111 0 f 4 , Sacramento Htnry Pope Fowler, FR.1141174, ·Palo Alto Cbat1es R. Gllleapie Jr., lmll, Collini IL HllPlfa, •11. Su l>lelO .IU-Martin H-, II 1011 , !Amoart " 1lany Tarleton Jmkilll Jr., -· i-.... -. Frw Koplmu, 1117144, LefQOore ' • Carl Wllllam Laaltor, -· San Dllro Earl GanlMr Ltwil Jr., -· ,Su Die10. ' Alan Pierce Lurie, FR 11116, Apple Valley John Michael McGrath, &ml!, su' Diego George P. Mclwain, '97713, Montrose John B. McKamey, 114711, Lemoore Edward -Martin, 114117 I Coronado Raymond J11n<1 Merrtt~ 44729, Colton ~ Wllawri,i>t llillcr, -SaD-tl Ana Jooeplt &colt Mobley, 711lM'I, Manhlttaa ll<ach ·Emeat AJ. Moore Jr., ~. Lemoore Richard De411 Mullen, 514928, LaJoUa John H. Nllimytll ar., FV3ll0117, South Sin GabrliJ . Dale H-Olilotnt, 114221, Hanlon! Jamee qleil. ~. &litae, Le.m00rt Leo T,.frdllet, 1111413, Palo Alto Dorrell titlrin Pyle, FV!t41131, Santa Ana David Geor11 Ralunann, ll8502, Lan-cuter· · WQ4e;IJ Burke Biv1r1, 566144, Oznard 0avllf¥M. RolIW, ISM!, San Dt•ro ,. P • J Kay llmsell, M!!I?, Son Dlero ,.... ., · Howanl Elmer !luUedge, IOl43I, San V OTJN G ' •. • ~:i .H..,y Scbultl, 111715, San Dte10 ' Robert JIJl!fl Scbwietur, 571194, lllld ht hid boaa IB wHIL"a atnua 1n1odi.. ·. ~ . pleaded with 1lle -'!bunda7 !or William L. Sban.keJ, llUII, Jackson "'some sort of action.•• : • · Robert Harpu. Shumaker, Ml955, Tuk force ~ at ftnt lll!Md. LaJolla incllned to pt 'D:ll•W.-aant 1lut tbe Charlea Evetttt Southwick, M4716, wual conlullon ~· _. ' Cupertino After resctncllril.11io•8hollP·olftr, task Cbarlea !>avid Stackhous<, 117911, force member Wjll }..hlsay, a F"ullm1on IAmOore. en,meer, nt0¥tld"1a 'IUli 1,0 AVM. John Edward Stlvast, S2M4, Claremont mldllnel as St Jolm luld tsrlllnally aU!· • Theodore Gerhard Siler, 119!00, San geotad after tbe 'prlmarJ. :!Ill -Diego died for lack o( a w:ond. . Robert ~•ii Siitm, FV3036919, Fotter Lindsay lben wallted out IC«lmpanled City by councilman , John Dtin of Gard1n Jame.. Bond Stockdale, Coron1do Grove, leavtna tbe JrO:UP· without a J\.icbard Allen Stratton, '°2087, Hu!ord quorum. A b-'uch-..,....panied Gary L. Thornton, 700lll3, Porlervill• the walk out. • !lrili! Dunstan WOOda, tl1808S, Le.moort • llAllY PILO T ....,., ..... " ........... --· --c...111 .. S.C111 oa...,... COAIT ~l\1 .. MI COMHMY 1-'-'t N. W.M ~, ......... ...., J••ll .. c.tt.! \'lee~-~1M ....... n .... w ... 11 .. ,., ti. ....... A. MYf,lrii1111 M...,,. ltlMI' li1ll1HI P. Nill """"°""""~ .. --C.te ,...: Ja Wtal ,.,. .,,.... ....... 1 -..Cll: 911 W.1 ...... ie\1'"'9'9 ~---:•,_, .. .,...,.. ... .................. ,,,,,. """ lw!Mlflt ... c........ -...,. ., '-"-... State Art Meet Extends Deadline So that all arUsts m1y have amplt Ume to J!I their work1 into ProtpectUI Art '70, a statewide art contest lpOlllOred by tile dly ol Huntinaton Beach and ln&emltional Art Schollrlhpls t he deadline baa been extended fro~ June 2T to July JO. The contest Is expecled Ui draw more than 1,000 artists who will compete for '2,IOO_ in prize money, donated by bulinlumen In the · Huntlnlf.on Beach aru. Tbe reception center Is located~ Al room 102 ol the Golden West College Music Building. Competition wUI bt held on the mall of tile Buntlntpi Center, S.pt. 13 tbroucti 25. and it is t:ipeeted I.hat 300,000 penam will view the various elhlblts. An additional N,000 wlll be awarded to -t · artllU dur!Jll the competition .. well. 11lla money will be donated by i.m..,. f""" lhrouchout Or1n1e CNllf, U.S. Diplomat Named 11'AllllNGTON (UPI ) -Rob er t McCllntoct, a veteran of nearly «I ye1r1 in the U.S. Fore!p Service, w11 con· firmed today by the Stnate 11 the U.S. 1mb1111dor lo Veneiuel1. McClin~k. to. t native of the tllte of Washlnaton. wis nomln1l«I April 2. The po1t in Clracu hU been vacant about a )'tar. DAILY •11.0T ,.... 1W akJllN ....... lal1 JO Dtiie rj -5tude.nt Hearing n Ohscenity .. Set July 10 hu been .et u • the difAI ~ a hNri.nl oo a Gtmurrer fUld oa l?ehalf of Ernie A. SMJth, 1 UC Irvlfte lludlot chuaed with dlatutbinc the peact when he alleaedly used obectne Janguap while apeakin1 before ~ sludent rafly at the campus. Smith I Black Student.a um offlctt It UCI, ~as protesting the lad: ti ~t response to the kill ing of t'r' black Jackson State students at a1 May IS rally when the o~ne remarks were reporitdly made. Ar)p.renUy women In the •udience ob- ' f'r0111 Pege J .. ,NIXON-. •. . . cast executlvet to explain and 10ticit support for his Southeast Aslin policies. -Mrs. NliOn 'a departure Sunday with a plane load of auppliea for Survivors of th.e tnllfc Peruvian earthqUi.kes to dcmonstri\e U.S. concern. jJ.:ied to the lansuge .aiid UCI l?Oiico Clllef Roll<rUleavy f11td J complllnl with the District Attorney's Office. June t .Smith was charged wlth two count! d disturbing the peace b'y the DA 'a offk:t . ., Smith has said he will call upoa pro- mln .. l Negroea to test~y that hJI lanpqe was not obscene and la used commonly in the black community. A languace student. and' an annoltllCft' . for the campus r1dio llation, hi!! said his l~guage was colloquial and "ln tht par I Ince of the black community." Smith also has raised the quest.19n of why he was the only one char1ed. He claims other ltudent speakers at other rallies have used .similar lingua1e without being prosecuted. : UCI'1: Academic Senate ·.gav~ Smlth a vote ·of confidence in their regular meeting June. 3 when , accordin1 to Gordon Shaw, physics instructor, they "approved by an overwhelming majority, a motion supporting lludents' right of free speech and urging the Chainnara (of the Irv ine Divi!ion ) to set in motion proc!dures in beh11C of Mr. Ernie Smith." IXIL tNDIAN HELPING ANTHROPOLOGISTS AT UCI Pep Sh111ko'w, 75, Calendar Priest and Divine;.· The President said at El Toro Thurs- day that be will leave his home overkM>k· in1 the Pacific Ocean to return to Washington a week from Monday. At his El Toro arrival, the President appear!d hi~ly elated over his reception in St. Louil. It was the lon1eat, loudfft ovation since he be1an livtn1 at 1900 Pennsylvania Ave. ~w iJ hetdina a movement to 'help rwe money for Smith's defen91!! ... Of the literally dozens of public speeches made during the last two months at Jr.vine, allo usina 'oblce.ne' l1J11Ua11 one l\',Ond<n Why only Emle Smtih ti beil1I prot«Uled?" ht uied. Ixils at lr'1ine 'Oliver' Enters Final Rehearsal Ling'!ists Study Obsc~f~ Dialect ' The President -who is not attending today's 25th anniversary celebration of the. United Nations creation. -told newsmen at El Toro alao that he has no plans to campalp for Republican Cflndidates this fall . I Af Playhouse I>' JOANNE llEYNOLDll Of ... DlllY ,..., ...,, Every IWllmtl', thousands of vllitor1 pour into the Oranee Coaat, but this 1Um· mer there art three, who are a lltUe different, living at UC Irvine. 81Jtasar Asicona. Jose Perez Toma a~ Pap Shasko'w are three Irll Indians from Guatemala Who are living at the UCJ farm while anthropologist Lore Colby and linguist Terry Kaufman study their oblcure culture and language. Baltuar and Jose are working with Kaufman In developing a comp~hensfve . dictionary of their dialects of the l:rll langua~e. · , Pap Shasko'w is a 75-year-ald calendar p~iest and a diviner , one of abdut 20 fl'.lliJ'I h11 mountaJnau1 region. Mrs. Colby' writing his life story in an effort to pr~. serve the last remnants of an occupa. tion which is being rapidly absorbed in the Ll:tin American culture . Pap Shasko'w (pronounced pop-shas. k~wa) i1 a descendant of the ·ancient priest class who flourished at the heJaht of the Mayan civllizalion around the nlnth century. Hi1 grandfather was a calendar priest, ~ut as Mrs. <'.<'lby noted, the priesthood is not somethir11 a man comes in to by heredity alone. ''According to tfte information he's told me.," ahe said, "you mU1t first dream · about it. Then you take. your dreams to an interpreter of dreams-another caJ. endar priest-and ii he d~ides you really have a e1lling, he. takes you on as a rid· dent." Before beginning his studies, the cal. endar priest makes some. ceremonies to tell the gods -thar the. student Is sincere and lhould not be punished for using the calendar. Mrt. Colby, a Newport Beach resident who organized the study, aa id the pur. J)Ole ls to elucidate the the.oloty of the anci~nt Mayans by studying "thit man's religious concepts and mental and apir· ltu1I attitudes.'' Both Mrs. Colby and Kaufman aald they hope their efforts w:lll ald in de- Coast Teenager's Kidnaper Given Term in Prison A man whole kklnlping of a Hun- tincton Beach teena1er was halt!d when her abductor drove the. acrtam ing hyatrerical girl past a lheriff'a patrol car was tentenced Thursday to 1 to 25 years in state prison. Superior Court Judge Ja!l'les F. Judge ordered that tenn for John Warren Hagadorn, 26, of Anaheim the man who grabbed his attractive viCtim at 1 soft drink counter in Costa Mesa bundled her into tier car and headed for Corona with the p~mise t_hat he. would rape her when they got there . The. 18-year-old girl told officers that the apeeding car· swerved from side. to mde u sbe. atruggle.d with Hq:idom and that he: reportedly grabbed her by tht hair and bounced her back onto the car teat u they headed for Riverside County. They we're just beyond lhe county line wt.en the car and his screamJn&, waving car10 wu spott!d by ruverside sberltf'1 d'JlUl(es. orncera said Hagadorn obediently pull· eel over and allowed them to free his victim without further incident. They said he told them he. hid just ta ken two morphine capsules and rieede.d the girl's car to aet him to a friend's home In Corona. Officers said Hagadorn 's beha vior at the time of the arrest Ind icated that he was under the tnrluence of dr.up at the ~me ol the kldnapiJll. • ' clpherina the · remainina: hltro11~e wrltiW, am and architecture ti the Indlana' ancntors. Having became a calendar priest, Pap Shaako'w then dreamt his calllng to become a diviner. Mrs. Colby said he went throu1h tl)e 11me p~ocess of going to another priest. who was also a di- viner and bein1 accepted as a student. • In~lhe process of divining, which is linked to the Mayan calendar of 13 20- day months, he uses baq mich-beans from the palo pinto tree . These he divides In hall and seta out in pairs. Mrs. Colby sald they are atlll learnlnJ; a areal du.I aQout lhe method used for di vininf. · . "Each day Is repreeented by 1 pair of beans and each da y also haa its own god, IO that eveiytime he' doe1 ii, ii' is different." The. functions ol a calendar priest, as Pap Shasko'w tells Mrs. Colby, is not strictly religious and may involve divin- ing about Ulnesses. Because. the Mayan people absorbed the Catholicism qf the conquistadores,_ some. ol the prayers used by the priest include Christlan prayers translated 1nto the. li:il language. "They've done it that way for three or four "'hundred years now, so they don't re.ally know what the prayer is, just that it Is part of their ritual. "The main focus of their religious beliefs centers oii ancestor worship for which Qle priest acts as an interm!dlary. They also have gods Of air, sun, moon and stars. The mytholol}' of their people is strikingly similar to Hellenic mythol- ogy." she no led. In a considerably less mystic v e. In, Kaufman and his two friends are. flniah- lng work on their dicUonary. · "Abou t $7.000 people. in three towns speak Ixil (pronounc!d ee1heeii which ls one of about 20 la nguages in the Mayan family," Ile eKplained. Kaufman. who teaches linguistics at UC Berkeley, said he is working on thia langua1e because it only has three di.a· lec ts-as opposed to the other languaaes which may have as many as 15-and can be more easily catalogued: He sakl he believes the bMt thine he can do for tM party I.a mike as good a record u possible. on int8'Tlatlonal and domelllc iasuea. * * * Pat to Focus On Peru Relief Mrs. Richard Nixon plana to focus attention on the relief needs of eaf'th... quakHtricken ·Peruvian d.tilint dwina her three-day· vilit ne.rt week to the South Amtrican nation. s~~ wlll . c~rx J>lanketJ, dtildr•p I d ollimg dd IOli;rt tuppilit V.!«i ti lfavet Sunday for the belU,utred coun- try. The First Lady will joln forces with Mrs. Juan Vel1sco, wife of the Peruvian president, in aearchin1 out t.he need1 of the thousands of homeleu during the brief 1tay wlllcb will end Tuffday morning. Mrs. Nixon plana to tour the cotatal areas devutated by the May 31 earth- quake. In a U.S. milftary helicopter. She will view the dama1e at Cbbnbote. on the ground. Mrs. Nixon visited Peru In 1951 when her husband w1s then vice.president and made an official ~Jr of Latin America. Nixon returned ah>ne to Peru In 1117. The First Lady will etay at the. . American embaay in Uma and will dirie quietly with Ambnudor and. Mn. , j aylor Beld1tr the allht of ber arrival. I Robert H. Finch, former le.Cl'ttaryf of the Department of Hulth, Education' and Welflie, ~ now. a prmklenUal coon:linator ol U.S. usiatance, uld ·It would be difficult \o ulimate how much of the. donated m<mey and supplies will ~ with Mrs. NlJ:an on her flight to Peru. But ht uld It would be a '1very· substantjal amount." Tile United .States . has allocated ttO million to Peru relief and rehabilitation. Finch alao said that S3 million hl1 come. from private donations. Action at ~the La(Unl: M o u I t on Playhouse is moving into hl&h par this weekend as final dress rehearsal dates appl'OICh for the mOlt ambitious un- dertaking yet ·presented in the new · theater. After two invita ti onal preview performaocts next Wednesday a n d Thursday, the hit musical "Oliver!" will open its eight-week summer run on Fri· day night, July 3. · A combined effort of tbe playhouse and the Lyric Opera Aaaociation "Oliver!" will feature a cast of .s' an 11-piece or~tia, the ori&inal ~ i;sed PY the llJfuJlal touring come.w and iio pei;od ~wme.1, detijM<11 ind creat~ in tile playhoue costume depa.rt- •ccording to Playhouse President William Barbe.. .: &t.h JCJUnd and lilflt1n1 sywtems in the playhouse have been improved to achieve ·a "re.al Broadway production," according to Playbotte President William Harcum, who adds, "We couldn 't have done It without the Lyric Opera.'' Actually the cast numbers more than 80, with all rolea except those of aome of the principab double cut ao the volunteer playen will not be required to work more than a four-week atlnt. The only p&id prOfeaaionaJ on stqt will be British actor Ben Wri1ley, wbo will 1tar as Fagin throughout the run. All the other players are volunteen, .llfl are the ushers, dressen, aeamatreues and . ~an>: mem be.ra ol the st11e. crew parbctP!ting in the. elaborate community theater effort. Playing for 53 nilhts , "Oliver!" will be ~iewed by a potential 11,000 people during the 1ummer. If the joint effort this summer ii suceessful, nys Lyric Opera pmldent H. Jean Bedell, a similar cooperative prutntatiOn may be .undertaken next summer during the featJ vaJ run, p>sglbly alternatma: "Music Man" and ''The. Kina and J." SUMMER SALE . STARTS WEDNESDAY, JULY lit • ' bon't welt, come 1n tetlay and ,,..ace yeur telectloits. lxcellent valut1 IMturod In all ol our fine 11-D•IXlt. e11ora IS'lllANTO Including cflnlng, bedroom and occul•al. HINllllDON 11 premetln9 CAPRI, and OFFICERS CHEST complota and H•RITAGI 11 roducln1 MADRIGAL. All lhrH companl.n will aloo reduce lllolr outllandln1 uphol1toi'y cellocllon1 avallablo In any of hundroda of """°'"°'"' fat.rlc1. 1 Lamp acc11•rl11 aM plcturt1 wlll .ti• .. en 1111. New 11 the time to make your Mlectl.., of the flMtt fundtvrt nall1W1 1M at Nductd ,ilc11. DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE 7ed 11111 _f "~ INTlltlOltS NEWl'ORT llACH 1727 Waatcllff Dr., 642·2050 OPEN ,.IDAY 'TIL 9 LAGUNA llACH ,,..,..., ... al '"'""'°" 345 North CNll Hwy. 4N-6SSI Do1l1nora Avalla~l......tlD O,IN ,.!DAY 'TIL 9 ..._ tll ,_ M• _, .... C...., lda11U - I ' BESr 'HISHi".S 1/IR. P iDE>IT1 . . 6'/~L. AfcCUINllH.4/rOJ..LLAS N.clRNJ,i:;: NEWS, ~lL#IS,~. • .... f. ' r j I fs not <the kind of p~sent which~ to everyont-. HoweYer, it's bttoming a tra· dition for the AuoclAtion of American Editorial Cartoon· Uts to oiler their unique 1ifts to the Pmideat ol t\Je United States-in the form of a collec· tion of their sketches of h9n. Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson each received such a volume. 1n'5eptember, 1969, members of the AAEC pretented a 1t1atber-bound volume containing 7" original car.icatures i:o President Richard. NilOD. The boolc beon tho gol"' Praidentiol seal and President Nison's name on the covet. The photo oho,. ,JiOws the President tokin1 the jok;,s ... u. He's with ollldw Of lhe cortoon- • ... ,~ • • ----• • ~ .. • . I • • ists' auocialion at the presentation which took place U, his private study iii, the Executive Building m Washington, D.C. ThrN wolb al the study are alrea.dy covered With cartoons of himself which President Ni1:on has collected during lils Public life. 1be cartoonists; from left to right, a~: Jim Berryman,· Art \Vood, <Ane Basset, John Stam· pone, John (~lilt) ~lorris, Charles Brooks ( AAEC president), Jahn Collins, Geno 1.,..., 1 , \Vamn Kine and Hy Rosen.1be memben of the association are editorial cartoonilts for riewspaperl ahd newf~iees throughout ibe U.S. a,od, Cuiildo. The l'reoidftt WU olta -•I ..nted wilh .. Haaarory Mombenhip ploque · and can! (he'd bean nuljle on H-1111 M- ..Mr Whfn hl~as Vice President}. · I ----// . '\. /I I I ( ' Tiie Preol--to -.....-, ploque lnMn John (11111) Monti of Tiie - -,,_, AAIC hi vf-llidlnl 11111 ~._,.,. ,_, ........ 1'70 ,• . ' • , .. " ~ • c..;-?;""'' ~ DAil V PILOT 9 I nu ....... PictullE WOW-AP N ............ ,.;. .;:'.ii I ' I ,If DAllY PllOT I r SC ' ' I I j : l • • I • ' ' ' ' ' ' i ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' I • ,. . . • ' • , IC DAILY "LOT JJ Briefs HOUSTON (UPI) -T.,,_ neco Inc. ag reed to lease pro- ~rtles of lhe California Date Growers Association, including a date processing plant at Indio, Calif., with a processing capacity or about 30 million. pounds per year. The plant will be operated by Cal-Date Co., a newly organized com• ponML of Hecgblade· Marguleas Co., Tenne co's agr,icultural mana,a:ement and marketing aibsidiary. The lease is for I year with annual righls to renew for four ad- ditional years. ._ WASHINGTON (UPI) Singer Co. anqounced forma· lion of a w~ter resources division, to function as pa.rt of its metering and controls group. The move follows final agreement on the acqui sition by Singer of Layne & Bowler, a Memphis-hased pump maker and water services supplier. WASHINGTON (UPI) Bendix Corp. received an ·$8 million contract addition from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The contract covers fabrication of. Apollo lunar surface geophy. sical instruments. ANN ARBOR, MICH. (UPI) - A process for the direct conversion of sheet metal scrap Into wire produCta: throulfl bot extrusion wa! mo nounced by Hoover l)gine, a joint aibsidiary ol Hoover Ban & Bearing Co. and Cefllac a subsidiary ol. the Fench Company Ugine Kuhlmann. Patents hive ~n 1ppli~ (or Jn the major industrial COW:t- tries of the wqlid. Tht pfuceis Is pate.rited htre and con- struction of a prcxiuction facility In the United States I~ planned. Hoover Ugine a.aid. ,. " ,? • Fridal, .luoo 26, 1'70 ' I JI DAILY PILOT i'.469 ,.. -.J Seniors Graduate From E.stan.cia ·High Sch<:>ol .. ' . . A total· ol • h!ili ICbool ....,,, ,..,. 1Vliiultec1 doarinc. reeml 1l70 ecimmencement exordset at Eatancia Higt! ·=" ~ c ~-.I ' ,,,. studeali iDcllllle; 1111 A<kllt; l<othleen Aday, llAiblo Acn!M. John -· Debra Andencm, K a r e n Andenon, Linda A·n nan, Frederick AnMtgton, Pamela Jo Astor, Vlrelnl Auble, Amy Austin, Peter Aydelotte, Dan Allin, O·e n~ri is Backstrom, Robald Bado. · Helen Baker, .Nina Baker, Timothy Baker, Anthony B a k k e n , · GleM Baldwin, Sandra Barker, Dale Bartley, 'Laureen Barnett, MW &rton, J e a n e t l ~ Bauwin. Gregory B e n t on • Susan Ben"•are, Diana Ber· retli, Julie Blackbum, Richard B!Kbtooe, Danielle Bomwod, . , . • I KfNn Bollllnc, Ri~ ik.io. Stephen Cot·. Diane c:olfman: Steven Em~ry. Kurt Enu.. 'James Kerwin , TI moth 1 O'Hare, CaJ:los 0 Im e-d o, Mark Ready. ShauetinessY. Frederick Borad, T r'i n a • Kevin Cooroy, TI mo l h y Stanley Enael, Mari.I y n Kimble, David Kime, Ray-Gladys Olmrdo. 8 a r bar a ~fltlaret ·Reed, Cornelia Sharoo She~. Jou. Borada. Jtea, Bos, David -Constant. Elizabeth Cook, Ernst, John £v111.1, Cu y mood Kine. Kmri JOssin&er, Obon. Cbrif&opber Ollon. _ ~ Pamela 6~ro, ...S!wlaonao_, Dl!_kl Slebellr' ~ ,'Qlentce Brfdlhaw, CharloUe Coaper, Jane-Cop.-Ji:abre, Andrei Faby';-ftobert Vicky KleppUtte1-, A n·tt a --CooM: Olton J Mark Ridwdloft, VJ ck i e Pamela Simonton, Lu• a a~ HOllla Bnidshaw,. Laura pincer,RayltneCowley,David Fate, Roberta. Fate, Tony Knapp , David Knavel, O. aoce ' oan JUebardMn, Hotel' Riect, Sisle.r, DeborahSlottfn,·JllDll Bradmiw;: caUiy. Bfaunalorf, Cos, M..iohaeJ Crane, Kathryn Feathers, FrlJDk Feffw, Linda K·ovacic, Grace KU ma i, ~~: ~= Carol Roberta, Cb a t-1 es Smith, Michael Smith, 5*epben Sharon ., Briley, N a·n'C y •· Crawford, Jamm Cf.eetman/ Feirer, ftodDeJ Fella, Cheryl Ca.roJyn Lafferty, W 111 i am John ~tlaw, Qmyl Overy, Roberta, Robert ftobiDIM, Vi-Smith, James Sneller Jr., Br<Mfer, Crcitbia· Brown ,' Loren Crook, CorlMe CuJJen, Fether,, Pamela J'etterline, t.ldla r.,DarleneLlllczet· Diane•Palmer Ricblrd·Parte vlan ~.~in Ron-Susan Snellinc. Michael Brown,. Debprah Suaan Culp, Artbur .. Cun-JobamlWllhebninaCbarlotte tel, Id Lankford, Fred p kef, , ' qulUo,'~a Rout, Atilio LoriSommer, Karen Saree, Brustand, Linda SrYan~ Robin ni~am. MI ch a e I Cun· Filet, 'Ibomas Foes, Robert M arita Laveap, Ruth Mll"J' ';11br -Rkty Parker Roie&tl. Terri Roush. Diane Spaclnsky, W 111 I am Budd, Darleole Bunney, Debra niOgham, Luls Cur!fl, 'rObert Foster, Donald , F ·r a a c I s , Leadholm, Olrletine Leland, Donna Park~ • 8 U 1 a ~ Richard Rovln j~hn Row, Spurlock, Jeffrey St I b 1, Burkhart, Jlllice Bu'· it·e t t., Curry, ·Marslai Danie.lllOO, Lin-Sharoo Franken, Gr I n't .Michael Lemke, Mciotgomery l> I Ttmothy• en· RudicJU, 1Erlk Ryan, Cynthia Stamper, ... IL Sh.lrlty Bui'nside, Pat,. i ct da Daub, Mini Daudelin, Ivan Frteland, ·Marla Gab I e, Lew Greg Leyerly'· Carolyn earch, Suun Peart, Dia s a.nJJ er 1, ._Mart Clair, Andrew Steinfeld, Lany B le I Id B . 't 11 D port' G-,:,1 n. 'I ~ Q-• ul!o L' ' N ' ,_.:u J-•y P•lenoo, Qlane PetroWll<e, Id s•~~~ Ut r, ngr I.It -t n g ,... aven ,. upe ....,v1 .•• ~-mi, &1r, J Garcia, ieay, ancy ....... _, • Nicki -.,.Pisano, Kat b 1 e en Saunders Daryl Sch e I Jn, .st~Jihenson, Dav M:aua_, Jeanette C1dnum, 1Jndii, Call, Jo~n Davis, art ~n1s., Daniel GarQck; Neil Gaydon, Uoy. Pisarski. 8 andr 1 Pisarski, t'hrlltine, Schmidt, Clifford Kristin Stevens, Linda stinlon, Kathleen Callapian, Donald Susan DePlaaa, CI a 1 re Roy Geentn', Sandra Genis, . Kathleen Lodes, Margery Patricia Pollak. sch 0 n er I , Lawrence Joo Stocker, Paul stuali, Campbell. VirtiDia Canzoneri. pepres, Paul deRimin.oCzy, Barbara George, Lee Gibbs, Loelkes, Brenda Loc&doa, Ter-Keith Powell, Gr e 10 r y Schroeder, Linda Schroeder, ' Cavid. Sullivan. ·. Carol Cappello,. ,Cb er yjl Cindy Devine, ·David" Dic~I, Debbie Gill, Thomas Ci.sriel, ryl Long n e ct er, MarY Powers Debra Price Laur-RayD.@nd Scbureman, Steve Ewardd Swiss, Ad r I an• Carpenter. Krilli Carpenter, Margaret f>\elermann, David Patri c k Godwin JI I , LoplZich, David Loufl, Eileen ette PTI.buco ~ Pur-Schmier, · , Tagliari, William T • n at a, Glenn Ca~r. ·Sandri C.BIS\lbe, Dinius, Diana Dorsett, For~est Christopher Golson,· Yvonne t:oughery , Bonnie Lu m 1 n , dom Victit f>Utt, Cltril&opber Scott Schwager, R 0 0 1 J d Bruce Taylor, K r I 1 t I n e Rita eaudill,. Denise• Cavin, Doud, Mary Dreiss, Georgia~ Gornt!, Thom~ Good, Diane Keri MacLeod, Gall Mahnken, Quezada Stepbanie Mariel Searle, Frank Sears, Stephen Thomas, Audrian 1'bompeoft. J~ Ola{norro, Shirley na Dwight, Chri s topher Gorman, Michael Grady , Neil Glay Mahoney, Marguerite Zuiro&, Frank Raioilno, Seiver, Kate Sevoa, Lenee Qerie 1bamplon, Jul i e OwnotTo, Edward Chait 111, Eckert, Brian Edgar, Zora Grant, John Granzilla , Phillip MarsaOOon, Edwin Marsh, Kathleen ·Ra r 01 1ewic1 , Seward, PhJllil Sfetku, Un-T"ll om p 1 o n , Tb om 11 Joel <ll,rdl. 'Janet ' Coats, Ekovich, Michael EI am • Greiwe, Priscilla Grierson, Richard Martin, Terri Matrin. Veronica Ratti, Mary a.uU, d a. s b a fer, Mich a e I .1(.See aTANaA, P.,. It) ' Ardena GrindslafJ, Robert John Masoo. ·~~~~~~~;;i;i~~~~~=::~~~-==~~=~~;;;;i;!;;;;;, Gunyon Jr ... R<becca Guss, Candice Malthews, Dean~ ". SMOKERS I' "J(CT NOW Geneva H'ale , Jeannine Hale,· May, MIChelle McClurg, Julie .. =· .. · · · ;~, -. . • · Pam ·e I a Ha I I ; Gr eta Rk:hard McCoy ,.. ",," ·~· ~ ... ... · ~ . Hal,orsen, Susan Hambaclier, i;!,~nmbM~aM, Thero~ -c\ i,.'!li!'.' •TrfllllOR/lOW ,. THI• -NATIONAL Belh Hambodyrg, S..UHanoon, McCulloch Jr., Timothy " r~=-=· /A. NTI·SM·. OKING .COUNCIL Guy Har ; Maureen Har-McGregor, Carolyn MCoiash. '• .,:.·--_ ~ l'JL QUIT risen, Douglas Har s any, Kim Medlin , Jane Meeks, .) .. =-:= i.) &MOK.IN' s Ctiristine Harvey, Mich a e I Phillip Messrah, M Jc ha e I .:. c,.--GUA'RANTEE . Hays, Jan Headley, Anne Mlllang, James Miller, James Holberg, Jayno Hendricks, Miller, Patrick Miller. Vic--~,...-·• ! , -) . , 'f TO. ff.EL_ p YO• u-. Thomas Hess Ill, Leslie ' / v , Hester,: Linda .He tr I ck' torla Miller, lJnda Minear, ~ ...., ' ::i:::~v~=°:.~~~i~ P~':~~1o~1~11e11, Gary ·11'<_ r <'~~~ ·t STOP 'SM()~G Gregorf Highfill, J e 1 r r e y Mohn, Pamela Montaomery, \ ~-<. ' t""· .. "" ... -...... ., 11111 ultoua. Allll-SlllOll9' Co.N- Hilberl, Christcpher H i I I, Rogin Moody, John Moore, \ • ~ -"'•' CIL 'MAllT.COMllOI.' ,.._.. OUAI· Stephenie Hill, Ba r bar a Debrr1 Morgan, Gay I el .,. • ., l ... . Afll1'lll te ._. ,.. NOT ....... 11 7 Houston, Susan lluffma.1, Ran-~1organ. Barbara Morley, Lar· ' 1 -.. ' ~ ... i-_: '"j.. · ,.,. ...., ""'.,.. tWr.,.....: di ijutton, Slephen lsakseo-, ry Morrison, William Marrow, 1 £. · "'":""""" ii!.. '"°"' TOUT llOI A Patricia Janssen. Joan Jelle, Robert Mueller, D a' id Ol\)~"'"'· :'ffo.10S\.,. ' fO•&I. il "t:i t::..:;, 0 Da .. ,., Joh-·n 0 e br a Muhonen, Patricia Mulheron. tlO 1' \. IT!I • u "~ ."10 "o ..... I . ..._. .. ... JohllSOl'I , Jeffrey J o h n s o n , Steven Muro, E I i z a b e th 1' ~ ,._ Karen JohlllOn, John Jones, Musch, Barban M y n a t t , Martha Jooes, Susan Jones, Mareo Nan, Dicic Needler, NAJIONAL 'PlloM 642-4163 ••• ,,,,.,., _" Paul Joyce, Jeffery Judge, Monida Newmann, Beth ·' • , . O''s lw-Orw.lte Susan Jundanian, Mooique Newman, DarlanNicbo.ls , ANTI-SMOKING ·co, U,NCIL;,... surn D Kappeler, Olristine Keefe, Ronald Nickell, S b a r o D F Diana Keele, Jack Kehler, Nickels, Craig Normura, .1710 ORANGE AYE.~ COSTA· MESA, ~LI • John Kelly, Kurt . Kersten, Kathaleen Nunn, Daiei '-' · · · · ' ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~,~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Come, See a Ree-a.lly Big Show •. • greatest selection. • • I owe st pr ices ••• i rilmed·iate installation-· ' ' 3 -Color Co111~ination I r 'KODELShag I SU! carpoli1& of uct,-,.w.y, itq·Sltllj Kojol "~ostor 1ilt 1n1 ttiat lfl liPtlJ·twlstH -u ~ ... ltflt. lrii wear. hf Jl•'N Im It '1" aftor 1111 illcaai tf.ib !Wip~ cblfrhl ~r lftods . , . ti11s · ript, l Prte•ii Clllrs ill 1 liltlt t1f1•tilf.• l11'n 111m •••• tllis tJJ41 et lodel Skas Hfw1 ••• 11vtr He11 a cem,araMI 11lu1 b1f1r1. DUPONT It's I Cltilim 5'11 tf -· lat .... rtJ(ll ,... -to rlllil ·Its poj lolls hr J1111. Seioctlft ol j---r twlHs 1Y stl~s .• , 1 p · ins anti lllJ-IW.l·flr m· 'ltillf SI llkl ti lhl wilt!. 2-Colo·r Twea•s • and Solid Colors ..,_ KODELShag ff JtO'j 111ftr I 2--. II Ill~ Color 5'111f Wol ,..,... .... J• ·mt to "' tils ~ ""'--Ifs WI! ,. llio k'o ,. miloll till k -ript lllCli •.• it'1 Ul('dolllrlr .•• _, 1111 1r crlltl ••• 1111 It's ..._,, ·*...,,..r, • 11.,.1c. WH1 It co.,s to Wol, a1 ,.. oflon tio -1111 n11n JH1 flH 11 C1111t TOWI ript IOW! ' ' 99: ;t: ' ' :.REMNANT ·CLEAR· OUT! 100'• .. cllo••• ONE WEEK ON LY. V2 ' ·PRICE! y ,_......,_..... • • for lnformotlon -l'lllM 642-4305 Open EYllllnlJI 'tll . 9 . p.111. ' WAREHOUSE - Saturday 'tll 6 -Sllllday 10 • 5 . . Our H1191 BuyillCJ P'ower For 30 Carpet Town S'-5 Savn YH ~II I ' 524 WEST 19th 'ST~ COSTA MESA' CORNIR of 19th STREET anti HARBOR BOULEVARD ' . -' . , ' I . [ . ~ : ' t t " I • \ '-· Mt 26, 1970 5 DAILY PILOT :J Un~~ .. do·g Ilarttnan Not Blue pemocrat Hinges Campaign on Schmitz' Birch PhilosophY, • llUNNING CONFIDENTLY . 'Schmitz of.the JBS, GOP RUNNING Oemocr1t H1rtman I Schmitz Heavy Favorite · ln Cong .ressional Voting t.fost observel'3 believe the.... biggest q~tion to be answer~ in Tuesday's ~1~35'h District Congressional elec- tkSn >s how large a margin State Scnal.or John G. Schmitz (fl·Tustin) will ~·in by: . . . But Democrati c candidate ' D av i d Hlliman a Santa Ana College American hiJtory professor hopes to give Schmitz a · real battle in the special election to. fill the unexpired portion of the late Jame~ 8. Utt 's term Jn the House of Repr~tatives. Schmitz nearly v.·on the unexpired term oUtright in the June 2 prhnary, polling 103,1%7 votes to a combined -total of 105,969 for his six competitors. ilartmaq. garnered only 19.163 votes In ~ special election, edging fellow Demo<,Tat Thomas B. Lenhart. (The corn· bi~ Remocratic vole was only 35,000). 'the . district has almost a· 2 to l ~~licap. m~ority in voter registration ~.:i inck>des the southeastern sectio11 of ' <kange· cOunty (328 ·precincts) and cotital San Diego 'County (301 precincts). cilmty election officials are predicting 1 1tlfrnbut or abOut 30 lo 35 percent 't"' .. of the regi stered voters Tuesday. \Vhcther th is will help or hinder Hartman remains to be seen. Elections officia l Ed Arnold said . Lhc ballots will be 1 hand' coonl.ed at the precincts imme<iiately after the polls close at 8 p.m. and the results tclephooed to election headquarters in Santa Ana. He anticipates a final unofricial tall}' \l•ithin two hours after the polls close. The same method will be used in San Diego· County with final results promised well before midnight. The winner of the SfX.'Cia l vole may take .his seat in Congress immediately after the election. If Schmitz wins. as predicted. his state sena torial post in Sacramento probablf will go unfilled until January. when the winner of the November race for the seat wi ll be sworn in. Aspi rants (o r the 3~th D is I r 1 c I SenalOrial seat . are Nc"'por~ Beach Republican leader Dennis E. Carpenter the is State Republican Chairman) ,and Democrat Dwight l\tize of Garden Grove . Carpenter is a big favorite lo \\'in the post in the predominately GOP dislrict Capist1·a110 T1·ustees Set -;.;~1 . ' Sessio~ to Apswer Charg~s · A ·special meeting to answer charges of .u:ctssi\'e spending and poor personnel prict.iccs will be conducted ~1onday by the trustees of the Ca pistrano Unified ScJtoo1 Di&tricl 1'e charges were mad e in a report ~piled by the Cjtizen's Advisory Com- mittee which ha~ been studying school firiancts ahd operation for the past year. 'J1le meeting; at a p.m. in Serra School in• Oajiillrano Beach, will be used to .uad.Y the criticisms outlined in the report wbil;b WIS presented to the board by committee chairman. Art Holmes on June IS. The report pointed to non·acaden1ic areas, personnel atti tudes and the lack of students' ability to communicate as prQblem areas. IL-criticized the business o(fice and the transportation department as being too extra vagant. It said that bus drivers and classified employes were overpaid and it called for removal of tenure and built in pay raises for teachers. ·crimo~ 0t lfl,e Dtoll' .. lltl Iliff Dav!d N. llartman doesn't look like a ma" facinc certain defeat nest Tuesday. Tall (6-2), "robusl (195) and srnillng, the 48-year-o\d Santa Ano College leacher .or . American government really thinks he has a chance to defea t state Senator Jolin O. Schmitz in the special, run off election to select a tem porary sue· cessor to the late~James B. Utt. . At slake IS the CongresSiona l seat in the J5th District, a district split between Orange and San Diego counties with an alqlOSl 2 to l Republican voter majority. · Hartn1an who has "'ritten two lCxt- books, has outspoken .views on the con- gressional job and his opponent. He won the Democratic no1nination handily from felloW Democrat Thomas Down_tlie " Missio11 ,.I., rail • Fo1utl1 of Jul y Parade Planned CAPISTRANO 1-ll GHLANDS -There may be !'I parade in Capistrano liighlands on the Fourth of Jul y. Anyone interested in being in a paraUe may contact l\1rs. Joan Rex, chairman-:- All Highlanders who play musical in· slruments are in vited to join the band by calling Mrs. ~1el Goldfarb. and Mrs. Ga ~lh Rogers. · Other pa rade participantS will be a fire deparlmenl band <1nd beauty queens \vho 11'ili be -selected Saturday, July 27. After th<' parade. a picnic for all residents w_ill tak e pla1.:c. in Costeau Park. P.lembcrs or the Capislrano tlighlands HomCO\l'ners Association art!: working oul the details ror the .day 's activities. e l 'cc11 Ccttlcr E11cd h1 JS.SION VIEJO -An outline of the proposal for a tttn center in Mission Viejo will be pr.~ented to members er the Mission Viejo and Aegean liills hoineowners' associations Tuesday. The l\1ission Viejo group will meet at the Mission Viejo High School and the Aegean Hills group will gather at Valencia School. Both meetings will begin at 7:30 p.m. 1 • Teen center organizers hope that each group will aPPoint two members (or a governing body for the center. TI}ese rour members should then selecl a ri(th 1ncmber ror their board. A proposal will ha ve to be sub1n ilted to county oHicials in July in order to use budge led funds for the coming year. 'The center would be financed from surplus funds in the county .special services districts which serve Miss ion Viejo.and ACgean lillls. · e Traffic Si1111ar. OK'd SAN JUAN CAPISTTtANO -The City Council has been given the green light for the installation of red lights. 'The Catholic church, owner of property where two comer easements were nceessary for installing traffic lights at the corners of El Camino Real and the Ortega Highway and Ca m In o Capistrano and Ortega. ha s given its approval. Other ligh ts are planned for the comer cf Del Obispo and Camino Capistrano and possibl y at the intersection of Del Obispo and Ortega. e Boa: Social Pla1111ed MISSION VIEJO -An activity har).;ing back to a, gentler tim e will be staged for the 6(Mj member families of the Mission Viejo Recreation Centers. It's an old fashioned box social which will take place Sunday at 7 p.m. at the P.1ontanoso center. · Those won1en attending are asked to fix a box Supper for two and Jet it go for the highest bidder. l\1oney spent will be won back in prizes during the "compclitivc ga mes that are scheduled. Call the center al 847-4084 for rescrva· tions. e Trnrk Trip Tottled i\1 1SSION VIEJO -A bus triri to the Los Atamltos Race Track has been scheduled for Monday. The bus will leave the '-fontan<>so Recreation Center at 6: 15 p.m. Those auend ing will ha ve dinner at 7 p.n1. with post ti me at 7:45. The cost Is n per petson for dinn er, admission and transportalion. For reservations can the center at 837-4084. 1t'l1J Lady-• Colle11e Tnlk Slnled • , l\11 SSION \-IE.JO -The Laguna Hiiis Vlvilin Mayer touches up one of nine \~1 lgs used by cast 1nc111bcrs 1n Tli"h 1'welvc Club will hear an address ~a Beach's a~nual Pa~_!nnt ol the 1\·f,as!~'·s_in livin_i;::_por,tr~yal_on.':thc-cummunUy olleJ!e CCltlCCpt...Mon· • oflht' German painter f . X. \Vinrcrhallcr s E1nprcss Eugenie and day 11oon by Sarldleb;ick College Prrsi· Ladlta of the Court." Painting "'as...firsl portrayed in the pageant IQ tlein Or. Fred Bremer. t!Me. The original hangs a t l\1u scc National tlu 'Chatcnu de Compicgno The meeting will be In the i\lisslon in F rance. This year's pageant opens JyJy 17 and runs thru Aug. 30. Viejo lnn. \ \ n ar . CunDiii!Y7'Uii vo rs ae t.ed Lenhart &o oppbae ScbmiLI in November for the replar lwo-year \erm, But Hartmaa doesn't -the term that _ expkes DIXI. Jan. J as a lame duck term. ''Ir a Democrat could win this speclfl election there would be a tmnudoUs Impact on the nation and a solid victory," ht argues.· . · H~a.o bases bil chances TueldaJ, on lilS premise : ' the people will only realize what Senator Schmitz ac- tqally studs for -his political phUosopby -they will back away from 1t and supporl us," (SchmHz is a member Of the uhr1-rlght John Birch Socie~.J "CalUorni•llli living in this district arc among the best educated persons in the na~ion and will certainly demand re_sponslble and forward · I o o k i n g representation in Washh1gton. That ii Rejection of Pref ab Scl1ool M,ay Cause · Rift i11 Dist1·ict By PAMELA HALLAN Of tllt D•llY Pli.t .... ,. A CClntrov,rsy which threatens to pit one comm.unity ·against another · has / erupted In the San Joaquin. Elementar~ School District . ' • " Trustees, in 1 special meeting in_Valen· cia &hool In Capistrano liighlands \Vednesday. voted to turn down a pro- posal by the Maceo Corporation to build a pre-(abrlcatcd temporary school in the highlands. Parents attending the meeting didn'l want the pre.fab school, fearing it woukl be inferior to a permanent school and 1,1•as merely a home selling gimmick. Trustees assured them it \\'OUkt fill all state requirements but voted against further exploration of the proposal because or excessive cost and becauSC! the school "''ould be outgro"''n soon. The parents indicated that what they really want is to have all the children Kid~ Invited To Rec Ce11ter • Does moin need a re sl from the kids? Membel'3 of the ~tisslon Viejo Recrea- tio11 Ce nters who have children who arc toddlers through six are inVited to bring them to the Montanoso Center Friday (rom 9 a.m. to noon. A special program including rree play, music, rhythm, stories and records has been planned for this age group. Cii)l the center at 837-4084 for 1 resei:vation. ' ··- .s from Capistrano · Highlands and The Missions, ~th of which arc ·on the west side of fhe San Diego Freeway near Mission Viejo, attend Valencia School. Supe(intehdent Ralph Gates pointed out that Htis Is not possible because 390 children from Aegean Hills, north ol Mission Viejo. attend Valencia. , ,. He said a year from this fall al\ of these children will attend a new school being buill in their own area. "Then why can 't all the Aegean Hills children be bused somewhere else so ours can go to Valencia~'' asked a parent. Board President Gralian Bida rt said that speciali!ls \verc hired to draw the best possible attendance I areas. ··tr l\'e go over to Aegean tlills and say we're going to bus all their 'children to El Toro so yours ca n go to Valencia, they'd probably be unhappy . We don't want to pit one community against another." "\Vho ca res what they think," said 1 woman in back. The board indicated that it would ex· plore two possibilities. It would either leave things as they are or bus the Aegean Hills children .to Oli vewood School in El Toro. At present , Valencia School Is full. Part of the students are from Capistrano •lighlands and the others are . from Aegean Hills. The rest of the children from Capistrano High lands and from the new Missions developmen t are bused to ·Olivewood. Supt. Gates said OlivC\\'ood will be the only school that will ha ve room in the (all for extra children newly moved to the areas surround ing ~fission Viejo. • SAVE THE EASY WAY. .. , BY MAIL! FOR wha~ my candidacy orrers them," he contends . .., Although I [egistcred D t,m o C: rat• llartman claims he Ja no flaming liberal. lie expresses his grea test concern for the chronic problems or inefficiency In . government and spiraling taxes. in· creasing unemployment especlally among skilled en gineers and l.echnicians, a11d environmental Po,Uution. On what he \l'Ould do i" \Yasington as a short' ternl freshman congressman: "l am absolutely convinced that I "'ould support President Nixon far mor• than &hmltz. · llis record in the st.ate Senate shows consistent opposition to g e n e r a I fiepubliC [UI party programs, "How can we expect that he will change his ways in Washington ~" J1 artman asks. The candidate admits Lo financial pro- blems in contesting Schmitz, "The little fellow can't afford to contribute to . a Dcmocratii: candidate. Schmitz admits · spending almost $60,000 on the primary and special eleclk>n campalg11s. I spen t only $2AOO including Lhc two filing f~s -$850." Hartman barely talks abcot· Schmitz' admilted membership in the ultra con• scrvative John Birch Society. However, he admits he is puzzled about the reac-- llon of voters. He's not convi nced they arc wilting to ec~cpt a candidate with such cxlren1e views, even though Schmil1 is a proven vote.gett er. "These are very literate people, con- cerned about their country and com· 1nunity," Hartman muses. "I'm con· vinced a(ter li ving here 14 years, if people really study tile issues, the vote \Viii reflect a changed pattern.'' Schmitz has confided that he Is coll· fident, but not cocky about the outcome of Tuesday's election. '·The surest way lo bC! defeated is lo th in k you ha ve it in the bag/' he said. "Although we hal'e a good precinct organization. ou r biggest problem will be to let the people koo1v thal is an election June 30." llartman stews aOOut the college prf>. lessor im age, a bit. "Many .Rfil>Pl!l associate us \\'ith dissident studenl' although we have had few dissidents at Santa Ana College.'' · He notes that ,SChmitz ls a rormer history teacher at the same rol- Jcge. Schm ilz once served under Hartman duri11g a pe riod when Hartman was chairman of the history depa rlmcnt. Hartman Is marHed aAd the father of four children. This is not his first candktacy. He was elected president of I.he Faculty Association tit Santa Ana College in 1965. 1 SHRINK PROOF INVESTMENT . , INSURANCE TO $20,000 5% PA SS BOOK 7~% CERTIFICATE WRITE FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS a 1U14-.4_, 7/d~{'SM'ti-~c ~ SOUTH PASADENA• 1000 Fair Oaks Ave. ~ ~ ~ ~~ SAN MARINO • 23SS Huntington Drive ~· ... ---SYttfiffi51'i" 9.414:r•Murroy 2.1131 ~sJ~~ ====="=;..~ -~ ) ' IC.-lllol k tllt Dalfr f'*" 1'lft) ' • f. Fas~ion h~adlines at the: annual : lVimbledbn Tennis Tournament are ·f sually made by women play~s. ul Torben Ulrith of ·Denmark-set ome sort of precedent for of,fbea.t ale attire. The bearded teaftis layer combed his shoulder length air into t\\•o loose pl~tails, fasten- d with rubbei' bands and added an ndian style headband. ' • ThC clO:Ssified ad iJ1. tilt Pf!t· sotiols ' colu111i1 of Miami 11ews· papers reads: "Darling, ovr af· fair is over. Am leaving town. flavc left recOrded messa~. · Dial 446-5614. Sulvia.." The num- 1 ber is con1tanU11 bu.ty, even at · 2 a.m. A sOuthtrn Bell Tele- • I • • New Blll Poaetl b.OP Counteracts- Antiwar Moves · ' WASHINGTON (AP! -Sen ate Rtpublicans, bavln& aanred to end the . long debate over Cambodia, a r e maneuvering. to blunt ooe of the m01t potent weapoiis left to adminlatraUon critics. . Sen. Gordon Allot!, a Co Io rad o Republican and staunch defender ol Nll:- on Vietnam policy, uneipected!y in-- troduced a measure Wednelday to bar funds for fighting in Southeast Asla ei;· cept when necessary to protect U.S. troop withdrawals or when war has been offjcially declared. An identical proposal , known as "The Amendment to End the War," was in- troduCed originally by two or the Senate's most vocal 4oves -Democrat George S .. McGovern of South Dakota and Mark 0. HaU~d IR-Ore.). Their pl3n called for · bringing up th:? amendment later In the session as a rider to a defense procurement ap- proprlatlons bill in another effort at a full-scale debate on Nixon 's Southeast Asia policy . But Allott introduced his proposal as an amendment to lht fonI&n mllitary sales measure that bu been the Nk:le for the current del»te on the U.S.·rele in Cambodia. . Under the agreement reached 'Ibun· ~ to wtap. uP the seven-week Cambodia talk.athon, Allott's amendment will be voted on Monday, This ellmlnatn the pooslbllity oC the mended debate the Democrats wanted, and Allott 51)'1 till measure will be defeated. ' · The moUves ~hlnd Allott's mnendlnent drew expreasions of outrace ftom the sponsors of the orlglnal proposal. ··~embers art olfended by ~ tac- . tics." :P.fcGovem said after Allott in- troduced his amendment. "Yestenjay [ called it an end run, today I say it's offslde." • The Allott amendment Is the ~ GOP attempt t.o 'steal the thunder of adm'inistration opponents. 1'he· Senate Wednesday voted 81 to ·10 to repeal the 1984 Tonkin Gulf r111Clu- tion which f o·r mer PresiClent Lyndon Johnson used to escalat~ the war. 1 pllorte Co. spokesman taid Tue,.- +-da11 the number belongs to a R" dai,.Y OBiociation which fo usiilg Here Come tlaeGirls Should t h t" Republican-sponsored amendment get ' thrOugh the Houat - as now appears likely -it would give President Nixon a ch~ to make a symOOlic aetture Of his desire to wind down the war. .. it to deliver a recoTCied com· rnercial to callers. A bu.sload of women soldiers arrives in Cambodia's capital. Phnom Penh, for military training as part 1 of an all~ut conscription drive. All men and women between the ages of 18 and 60 are .to be taken into . the armed Jorces. Jet Crashes ·Into Homes; Fou,. Killed It also would take mu ch of the sUng out cf a separate resolution repealing the Tonkin Cull measure which ad- ministration foes had also planned to debate at length later Jn the summer. • t .• I-The Philadelphia Society !or the . Prevention of Cruelly to Animals is . •ctering a private cremation ser- ice for dogs and cats. For •ts to Pitzer· Resigns At Stanford, Cites: Vietnam it will pick up dead animals at wners' homes and return the ashes a container. It is unlawful to bury ead animals within the city, said xccutive Director Robert G. Hud- fOn, and "many families consider ti trash truck to be an ignoble end for their ~i,..:• · •• his Past ratber-1 Dav was enjoyed y a dad ltodilto a flag 's life. Ot it wt a dog liading CJ dad's life'! ,Any.- au, J.fi ke, a 5-year-old Irish Setter nd curre1itl11 fathtr of 12, waa CM icture of fatherly nonchalance oa l&e waited the most recent additiom to is claa. • A little old lady, about 65, beat a . STANFORD (UPI -Dr. KeMeth S. Ptti:tr ii r'esigning. as St an for 0 Ulll>:<l'li!Y'a pratdent Aug. 31, declaring that "PftSIAI• llndlni lo dlltrlCI or -dljnlpl !Iii ·•witloil&I procm have Iii· cl'llSed' lf.lftllWantly"-beciUlt of 'the ~l'etnani W'•. . Pitzer, ·.ilt made hil declsion public 'l'l)unday,, -!Qnl that "the 1u Ir betwi!ett the cami:w communit1 and society at large hQ wld<ned, 1>1rt1Clllorly in the past two months. t "Thtre .is UtUe conflclence on c.iinpus abotJt our pronUled · dilengaaaneot from Lhe war," he oonuitued. "As a reaull, pressures tendiig to dist.tact or disrupt the· educational procem have jucreUed ~ ... · '·. W. Palmer Faller III, Stanford board of trustees~ president to whom the resignation m submitted, said an acting president would be appointed "In the near future" Ind added he hoped Pitzer ~=,~~ =~=:e ~hi~=k~'~ Pitzef ii a dlemill. · Pitzer'• .. feellns tl\lt tbe heav.)' burden of adm~ in these days of crisis is incomp1Uble wtth the basic interests ol the ·scholar and educator is indeed undentandable," Fuller continued. ' Expe·ns~ve Education Bill OK'd Despite Nixon Plea SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (UPI) -A Navy PF9 Cougar jet on a training flight crashed into a lightly settled residenUal _area just a mile Jrom its destination .1 ... ' :. ·-· .. •• late Thursday. The two men on board Allot! moved shortly after agreement was reached for a final vote en the military sales measure at 4 p.m. Tuesda}' -the very day President Ni»on aaid he would have all U.S. troops out of Cambodia. WASHINGTON (UP I) --\; With even a prqpos81' by Republl can Sen. Edward the plane and two others on the ground J U h S 1l the Republicans ignoring White ftouse J. Gurney of Florida to bar universities were killed. esS llrll 0 appeals for ecOnomy, ~ Senat~ has from closing down briefly this fall to Six persons were hospitalized, including adopted a $4.4 ~lllion aid-to-education .give students a chan ce lo work in electi<lR a 12-year-old boy 'who was burned over Free of Pot Rap· bill that ·e:rceeds 'President N~on's re. cilmpalgns, Some polllicians be~ieve the 85 percent or hls 1 body. Air Force and quest by $1 billion and.°may '8iVe hin\ S1.11dents \fill be effective in helping elect Navy of!lclals said no cau!f: for the an election year dilemma. antiwar Democratic candidates 10 crash had been detennined. COMPTON, Calif. (UPI ) -Marijuana Con · Fuel spewed f.rom lhe plane when possession charges against Randall The near-midnight final vote on the gress. Brook u,,. . .,,. 18, aon of Jess Unruh, -··~ 7A ~ it hit the ground a mile from the runway ... ...., measure .1.uu,aiay was ,,.,, -Approved, over the op~ition of .. Democratic candidate for 1ovemor. ,....,~ at Kelly Atr Force Bue. TwQ homes Uriless Congress takes back some of · IS Southerners and three western were destroyed by fire and a third have been dismissed because of insuf· Its generositv in sh.apina a final .com-Republicans, a $150 -million do.wn pay-ficlent evidence. ~ ·'9 . v.•as damaged. · Promise ver1ion on the meaaure, Nixon nient 'on Ni:s:on's p!Sn to help' Sou them A 1 r h 1 1 _, · 1 Deputy District Attorney Marin Kaye par o t e pane g anc~ in o a ·d Thur.id th II ed ·· 1nay be sorely tempted to veto it ~}Bin' school districts cari'y out desegregation house cwned by l\1rs. Naomi Farrell. , sa1 ay e a eg mar~uana -and again risk. humiliation in' a plans this fall. , s• the 1 ,__.. seized may have belonged to one Ol the howd ue was at work when pane erasucu, two juveniles with Unruh at the Ume of . s own. The Scutherners were unhappr because but her sister was insick the house. his arrest. By a 27~91 YOU, the Houae overrode · the Senate specifically ruled out money "Look at the winp sticking in that Unruh and the two juveniles .were Nbt:on'' veto of a $2.7 billion hospital 1 for school districts which have given window," she ·said. "HOnest to God. arrested Saturday ni&ht after their ~ar const~tion authorkation mea s u r.~ away or sold for token price s buses. a!t low as fhese.. pttpes fly htrf it's was observed racing into a ~eld north Thursday . and ~ Senate is 1ikel~ . textt)()$iks or buildings to private, all-a darnn shame:. It doen't make sense." of the San. Diego Freeway. Deputies follow suit next week. Ed u cal 1 on whiti a ad . ·'This is the cllmax of years of planeis stopped the vehicle aller they saw a PJCk- measures tend to be just as popular c emies. . . flying low around here." said Harry age thrown from the window on the pas. Jn the Capitol as .hospitals. . But, ~ven Scott Joined Thursday in Page. another homeowner in tbe area. senger's .side. Authorities said it coo- In addition to tacking $165.~ million voting for additional spending. . "They always come in too Tow." tained eight ounces of marijuana. onto,.the education bill thr.Ough the floor ,--------------------------------------~---­ amendments . -for everything' from bi- lingual sd'IOOJing for American Indians lo $5 million for "dropout prevention -the s,nate: ·l -Hooted down, in a loud voice vote, • •· ,.,-. ' ' ' t< • '~ irl on the bead with a cane in Sin "rancisco when the girl declined. to ive up her seat on a bu~. police ·aid. The victim was Lind• Dunson, 0, \Vho said the lady called her erogatory names, hit.her with the anc, relaxed for a few blocks, and en hit her again; The bus driver topped the bus, the lady dismount-- d and di sappeared, and Miss r>un-"· fon \Vas treated at Central Emer .. Spiro ·Take's Vow VP;SpeakerSwearOff'Dirty Poliiics'- jcncy 1-lospilal for a light contusion if the forehead. l • • Tlie winemaktrs' citclt of the blqlJy Department i& 'proposinQ Britain laU'llch its · sl1ips with homemade el(UrbeTTll wine in· stead of foreign wines. The ,.ea· son -it would rave the B,.itilh treasury about 12 schillinQs (S 1.50 J a whack. \VASHINGTON (UPI) -Vice Preai· dent Spiro T. Agnew and Spe:.iker John W. McCormack today formally swore di .diriy politlcs ror the ..... of th< year... ~ 'Ibt BepubUcan vice president (who alao. ii presldent or the Sen.ate) and the Democlfitic leader of the , House took . ~ .cu11tom~y election year fair campaign pledae for their respective· parties and the hyndreds of caridlda\es each" will be:-fielding in congressional and other eleCtions this yeii.r. . At a·· Gai)lfol signing ceremony, tbe nonpartisan Fair Campaign Practices Committ~ _scheduled announcement ol its new plan to put some muscle into ita efforts. The committee arranged with the American Arbitration Associ<itlon i AAA ) to render irnparUal rulinis on complaints of alleged unfair campaign tactics, con- gressional sources said. - The AAA this year will make their rulings public before Nov; 3, ··tn time for the voters to punish with theif ballot those who ,resort to dirty P,ll{ics,~· lhe1 sources said.· The arbitration plan grew oul Or a l.elll run in the 1968 elections. In each of several cases where arbit'rators found that candidates had breached the com-,. mlttee's campaign code, the committee said the offender Jost the e.leclion. U.S. Basks • Ill I . Sunshine t i •• ' . • • • Mercury Expected to Hit 120 in.Low Desert Areas c.i111 ...... 1. ~ Soull'tttn C1Utorn.. w•• hot I nd ~ ,,,_!l'I' todl'I' will! 111011 cloud1 1nd •om• coon.,. Pli!1r Ill• c0!'51. SOmt l!tM r1ln1 -••• recoortwd In TM ,,. lrtml MIU!ll, Lot An•~ei w11 fflr wllll llle 0•1- crlclH 111011 11 Civic Ctnt1r t J 9'ree1 tDmO•~td wl111 M Tnun1cr1.,. Tile 1- tonltlll 6S 1nCI flll 111111 U Pltllid SI!· ~ Ul'dl'I' 'II. i M~I~ lo llf1V¥ 1mot """ rePOrl- ' M Jn mo.I •~l~n' Of 1'111 lletln •1111 • 1mot 1to•rnl1195 lfl tll1,1 In Ille Si n t Glb<'tel V1Hty trld 1111 ~~·W1lnul ! ll"fll. The Alr PollUllO!O Con~! OJ•· l•kt ,.....r1u 1 mlfllmul'I vttltoltrtr • 11'1 -mil• In 1111 ~-W•ll!Ut 1rt1 t tnd ''°"' ''" 10 '"'" mlle1 1!:ew1WA. I llKllH were sun..., wllll I llltfl af I 'It Ind ""' Wi ier &.I. $0UTi.tERN CAll"ORHIA -F1lr !. '"'-""' 51turd1¥ l ltftf C)'ll-lfl '-"'•turn t11.t•I Iii..,! cooll"" If i_. COl1111 r11etl9M Frltll'I' Ind s.tun11r. lOS ,t,NGEL£S ANO VIClt.it'f'I'- ' F1lr 111....,..,, ktvro.v. L-flrlft' l nlttit ,!. Hl•ll frlOI' _, n. C•ltf $1111f'O#I• w'l!I 11r.11 "· I ~INT CONCEPTION 10 Mf)l'I, C,t,H llOIOEl-Wlnd1 _, le -"'· wpl tl. lo u •nets "" ··~·­Frtcltr 1nd Si+uriar. ton1111Wt1 t•fr, ~•ldo'I' ~· CllMll -lllern w''"'' tilt S1lurd4t'f. Llltll ,.,..Pfrll"'' """"· EXT•EM£ SOUTHIRH NIYAO,li- : l'llr "''°"'" '41!1;rdtf, Corollnufd "°'· • °""'".i.M "'"" • i. fCI. 1111111 l'rld1r r 1,.. S1!u<d11 11f le 110, COA1Tll AN D tl'ITEltMIOtAT[ VM..ll!YI -l'i'~lr !fin; ....... lurt:lt•. t S.Ut~tl'I' cocltr ....,,r CN.\11! H(f!Ol"t 1'rla11 wlltl • IWfW c"'lti9 "" lllur• lll'f', 1.,l!llf ....... !ft ~r1!111'H "'- Mclltnt1lns we" sunn'r ind w1rm with II~ ntar !'O 11 lllf resort., On•rl1 W1r1 """n'f' Ind flol wilt! liP"1' \llll•'f h!1"1 to IU Incl lower Yllll'f' 1119"$ lo 12~. HltM Tllurld1r li'ld ~k:lld llllllt tod•l' Include: l-llHcll 17-18, &1n11 Monk:1 Jt. 11. llurblnlt. 104-104. Mt. W!llGft rt·n, P1l"'4el1 'l'IS.107, ltlYlf'tlfe 1 .. IN, P1lm 5111""' 1•1n, llM;1r1fl1t1• 97· 115, S.n ~ D.aJ lllCI knl1 llr· blr1 C40. ' c ...... P1rlll' t'-.1Y IMtl'. Lltlll '1'1rl1bl1 ""'-flltM .... "'°"'1'11 llWn ~ cornl!w ~ 1 i. 11 'nob 111 1f. ""'-foclll' .,.. S.h11'111l'. Hllfl _ ... c ...... ....,."_ ,."" ftttn " .. 1&. ,....., ._..twn ,_ "- M IO .... Wttit' .....,,tu .. •1. S11a, ,,._, '.l'lllea ... -•i-}!4) .,,... , ... •:• "·"'· lltllh I i• 1.m. "'-H• f'Jl'I. Temperature• ,..,lbu<l\ltrQue Anc:llotffl At18nlt A~kenft..ld lll1m1rck "'~ llottcn 11r11wn1¥l!l1 Cltlc10~ Clnc:l~n11fl Oerlver Ott Mofntl """' l'lfrbtnkJ Fort Wol'lll "mno ....... -·· K1 JtW1 Cll'f Lt• VtNi los An11tlet M'""' Ml1W1VJ1Gllt N.,. 0•1NM. New Yo" N&rlll Plllll 08kl11'1d l'-IAl'wlml (lt'f ....... ll1h., $1>!'1!\<IS ,..,. ·ttobln ~I'll• Plttsbur'lll ,..,,11•1\d 1t1nlf CltJ' ... ·~ff ·-$1111' r•m•me sett L•-• c11, $,'" l)l111t1 S•ft Fr1N:IKe Sttllls Ml•h Ltw Pr..:. 100 '' .DJ .~' .S• ,, ll ,,, 'I 1S f l SJ 100 ,, .M ·" !f !t ~ . ~ ~ " .. ... !j • •l ,.-.ll .. ~ "·"'·°' ~ " .. ~ " .SS., .• " n ·" .• u .. llJ ,, .. " .. . ..,. ,,. n '' .Tt 'i ,,, ,N u " n " " ~ . fi ,, H M " ~,, "' " " • .. ... " " " • n .. " ,. t' •O M ., tf " ,, ,, ~I ,, .. 1?1 ·~ ' .. ' . Early.apartment dwellers had to live with flames. You don't in an all-electric apartment -.. Stt'p inside ,1ny all-el cc1ric Medallio n 1h' clean, frtsh look of the draptrits Apirlnient. You'll sec why they're set-and 1he upholstery. That's beciiusc ting1tht-!rend. t\oticc how the ... electric heat io; clean heat. l.i tchtn gleams. \'(thy~ Bl'Cau sc • Now the-bathroom. Turn -tlltre arc nn by-products-a on the "·atcr lilp. Note how cosnpust ion to dirty \va ll $ 1hc electric willer heat'r gives and windO\\I S. No opprcs~ive · you hot water-right now. ki11:hen hra1, ci1h,r. Elcc1rici1y hc.i1s Enter the bedroom. Sec the separate the rood-not 1hc 1:1tchcn. heat di;il'? You CilO C"nly ha ve room· \\l,1Jk into the living roon1. Notice l:Jy.roon1 tc1nperature control if It 's elettric. Many Medallion Apartmatts tlso provide electric .iir 'conditionin •• The rent 1 like Mtdallion Hornet, Medallion Apartments art also avail- able in ~JI price r.inges. You can stt: why more people art choosing to live 1hc good clean life-electrically. gps Southern California Edl1on llMI v1l""l. Owtrllll•hl 11·11tt Ill M It, Hltolll 91 10 !OJ.I llluf04i'r IJ It JOO, lllt ~r11I l 1Mt1 • rttlofl Inf '"IOClll A•11n1.c CM1lllarfMt .Ow~1,.. It IM $MJk.I"' Tl'lltm8t W1sfll"'IOll .,. n ~1•-~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {. ' ' 1 l \ ... • • \ ........ 2' 1970 DAl~Y PILOT 5 , Prisoner Return :Veto-l!oli-tical~H11JL··-l':lo.r_AlliHlJ.R~cH=· Es _. ARE DYING PARIS (UPI) -South Viet· nam bad notched a tactical victory today over North Viet- nam at the peace talks. 'lbe soulh persuaded the north to accept the return , "! 62 aick and wounded North Vietnamese prisoners. .Hanoi had rffused f o r months to accept repatriation of the prisoner~ because it has never admit.ted its troops are: operating in the llOUth. ... The North Vietnamese delegation to ·the peace coq- ference announced Thursday it would ·take the prisoners;· U.,ugb being careful to avoid any implicat.ion that they were soldiers. Hanoi said ·the men were .. only "Vietnamese polriol! de-WASH IN GT 0 N (UPI) a<klllig that "Obviously, they talned W011lly," II laid they -Democrats served noUet lhoucht It wu In the Interest had the tight to live anywhere today they p1u to mate !'rel. of their .~uenll at that in Vietnam. ' · ldent Nixon's almoll ceiitah!" tbne. "., · ·. · · The Gommunlall .. id lilt lo-be overtiimed v.to ol lhi "Today, they Dned up be- prilollen must be released at IUI bllllon Hll~Burtoii , Hoa-hind the Republican praidenl the bonier or in ,Not1h Viet-pltal Ute UIUe toy IOldlen," he namese ,territorial w a t e r a . ~ bill a ID.ljor aaJd. "The a Republ1cfans r must be defeated at the poUs this November." In the Hooae, Rap. Ray Madden, (J>.Jnd.)1 ,warned Re- publicans that voter1 Nov. 3 would reqaember what be said would ~ viewed as a GOP stand a1ain.st health care. ' . i. under "suspended inilltf.ry ac-... , ~e ill 'tw: N!JVember elec-- 14vity" rather than beJna · • · tlons. , p • ' T O d ed ' escot1ed lo Not1h. Vlelnam by 6,000•mil.e' The Senate qulckiy" oched-nson erm .. er , . Red Croa ptl'90nnel as pro-Wed a vote Tuesday on over· pooed by Saigon, . '. rtdlni the veto alter the 11o11ae • · r ' Haooi barred Red c-Rower · l;ets ~ 11atn PIMOd the V B d tte D Ii peraonnel .. "nope....., could meuure on a 2'19-lo-111 roil call .I' or erna e ev n profit by penetrating illegally LJ S V • vote-27 more votet than the · , into Nortb Vietnain tenltoey." • • I.SQ twoAhirds majority required. BELFAST, NorUiem Ireland Lord McDermott, rejected her . T~ South Vietnimese,' ,In , . . It wu the flnt lime~ Jn It (AP) -'!be BeHast Appeal ap~al againSt the sentence. ·what ' they said was a MIAMI (AP) -' "I've. pt yeara the House Uc( voted to Court · ruled today that Her defense lawyer then. a~ ·"·humanitarian gesture" had' 1 man here who says he bat override a preajdential veto. Bernadette Devliit mu.st go to plied for permission to take trlec;I for nearly a ye, ar to . rowed from England," Uae 8.iXty-.11 eve l'! }\epublicins. priaon. · the •weal to the Lords jn get the North Vletn lo joined l!J Democrats tO pass A -.~ f ff ' t · • --•-and this "turned · · amese U S immigration officer U"1 the bill "the ob~•-·-ol the • warrlU~ ~ er -~ I MlfN""'.~ " was acyept. lhe pnsoners: . · · ,; . • ,-.~... was to be Issued later ~ ~ tOday Hanoi onCe snoaested they into the tel~e. And he ~resident to the cOfitrary nOt-· ' · · . , ' · .· .._ does 't ha -is " with!tandi .... · .. Only th The court re,ec~ an Ip-' Ml111 Di;vlln won ~leclion be released ~r~ they· were ff n. · v~~--~· _......... 1 Deinocra~Reps Wl!Uai: ~e plica~on from Miss Devlin.. In the British general election and allowed to return unarm-a~ ,....,~v~ ~-·• Coimer (Mlu )· Q C Filher. the f.OW1geat member of d;te last Wftk, and she is not ed and, on f00t 'through the rhrom bis sndupe~~·Jh'·:!f , (fex.) 'and .j~ .' Q. Ma~ Britilh House of Commo!". el:pected to lose her seat war 1one "if lheY wished ." ~g up a -a ., (Va.)..:.Upp0ruci the ~o · to appeal ~-~ ~ouse r,of beca~ she gOes to prison. U ;N. Leaders Mark 25th The prisoners were not v~1Una pennit to Brltiaber• But Democratic . dW~n ~-. apinst-a SlJ:~~ Thet, House o( Commons will .,. discussed in 1bursday's 72nd Sidney Genders: Lawrence F. O'~rien announc-· sent'enCe given , her, for ~. have to vote whether she re. ' Here .. t1ie19t -.. . . . .. ' , -k A H~. <fROWD •• * MANY VISITO-!lS ' . ·\ ' ~· fr LOTS OF ~EW 'MEMBERS ' ' . ~ * CHANGED .i.ives . " . · F.fRSt CHRIStlAN "" ' .. . . . • • CHURCH .. • •• • • t HUNTINGTON BEACH ·· MAIN AND ADAMS 1;30, 11.:00 •nd 7:00 Anni • , .. ~ion of . lhe peace con-Genders bad )Ult completed ed that aa or the 95 GOP mem: cltemenl to rioting and rioting. rhalnS a member, ·and it VerS8J y !'' f.erence}, ,The North Viet-a 6,00D-mlle solo pull ~. bers ·who voted against the bill The, House of Lords ii Bri-seems most unlikely tha~ wilh l~~==~=~ namese announced the ac-th:e AU~c lo a , ~boati ~ would "be prlmai'y targets for lain s highest court. the threat of renewed religious SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -ceptance of their return in feet, nine Inches lOng. Democratic candidates" Jn 'Ibe 23-year-old Rom an warfare hang Ing over '!be U.N. General Assembly a Statement to newsmen His welcoming party wu November. Catholic militant was f Ir st Norttiem Ire I and , the Fastest iri West :flew across the nation for afterward. the crew of a police .P81nl "[ find it curious that 18 of sentenced in LondonderTy Jut legislators woold Inflame the ~emonies today· marking the rtie peace talks continued boat. They direc~d .h•m to the~ cynlcal .Republ4:ans vot-Dee. 1. 22 for 'her activities Roman Catholic mpiority by 25th annivenary of the peace without movement by either U.S. customs and nnmigrltion. ed 1n favor tA the act only two durinc street flghtin1 last fall. ousllng the young worna• who organization's charter. side. Chief Americ a n offi~rs. and a half weeks ago," O'-On Monday, Northern has come to be known as Ce:lebriting started Thurs-negotiator Philip C. Habib said · Genders, ·5r,-said' be m.de ~iB;;;;rl;;;;en:aa:id:in:•:sta:te~m~en~~~J~,.~iand~'~s~tord~~cih~i e~fiJi'u~st~ice~.1t:he~iri;iJi;ioa;iiini;o!ii;i;Ai;rcii;,iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Bii)' It.. Seti It. Try lhe fasttst rtsponsr In the West 1galnst your °"" clock. Tnt Dlmt-1-llne Ads, whtte the action Is, 111 Satirdati DAILY PILOT. day wilh a champag;\e •r.ece~ "Againtodaywemadeitclear the trip to show that a 'man lion given. 'by Mayor Joseph tllat at ttiese meetings we isn't washed up at SO. - Alioto in the city hall rotunda, are ready for serious negotia-The sturdy-built Britisher .. , . I a~abou_levardfromthe tions, but they are not finishedthe •voyage ·from H'£~D, 6~/£R. War Memonal Opera House prepared for that kind of Penzance, England, to Miami where the blue-bound charter discussioo." in 166 rowing d~ys. was drafted and the Veterans.--------------=--'-'----,--- BuUding where it was signed ~--------------"".'"! 1 AY ·IJUi.l.C tit a quarter century ago" :/. .......... D ""' ' 3 On her arrival here, ·Mrs. 1'11~ 1 · JU\. 'f Angie Brooks of Liberia, the d • fl,DAY 1 assembly'• president, said, There's SOIH .llJll wry to ·to 1:30 P·"'· "The United Nations is ma•'s ..... 10·,'ll·O aJft. best hope, regardless of, its --a....1-ab. -o-u• .... _ Alhl • i1 ihortcogllngs. '' 1llVllRVI MllJll I• '"" Ship Wrecks Drawbridge NEWPORT NEWS, Y a . (AP) -A steel cargo barge being towed upstream slam- med into the James River Bridge before dawn today, 1 jammi!lg the draw. bridge mechanism and closing the 41h-mile toll facility for six boors, The State Highway Depart· ment said the bridge, linking Newport News and Isle of Wight County, reopened at 10 a.m. and estimated damage at·S30,000 to $40,000. _ Traffic over the bridge, Jrillch bridge Supt. B.R. Beklte esUmated at 2,500 to 3,000 can daily between 5 a.m. and I a.m., temporarily w a s rm>Uted through Norfolk and ~ Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel to tht south. Traffic • Its scats •re designed by an orthopedic surgeon. Test drive it today. It's more of a car than you think. CHICK IVERSOI PORSCHE I AUDI 900 w.st ec.t Hist-1/Hewport e.:111 646-9391 -~ lion across the bridge from L---------..---------U.S. 17 and 258. OIAllC( CGllllTl'S llf11tOlllZ[fl D£M.O , THE BIGGEST SHOW OF ITS KIND wlst OF THE MISSISSIPPI! 1HE OILY.• SHOI II SOUIHEH CWFOHIAI • f'!Cllll WITll IOllE FLITURll FOR iETT£11 LMllGI • rr fllS THE EN111£. Cllll'/Ellflllll CEJITIRI • !IEE! Tiii' DESIGNERS IN THEii Fill Sl/E OECORATOll ROOMS! • EVERTJHlltlfOllllt£ Hlllll& GAAOEN! • stEI ... A D.11 IJ R.OWOS .... llllJ ... .,, ---....... ··-1111 ....................... 21 fnip _.. ...... "**' 'r:lllr!J ... I • ' • S((] ••• CCllUTt-usul..,... Dllllll1. ••• h1911111 • ...... IMlctic ......... dally -10:30 a.m. • 2:30 p.m. FaillClllS Australian artist wiD caricature 1 00 visiton ' .. , , M" IJNI ...... "litlW .-n-. ~ .... ,.. • sm ... t.fm.tlll.......,.., .. , A ...... 'M:llll~lll111Jo.DJ,_....,.,. _ ................ .-... .. ............ ,. • am .•. 111..-....rCMDllL ..• -----"''"' .. _"" lilllltstt ................. lil':L.llrllil ... Al.I. 11111 Ir:"""" ... • Im ... IPllCl".Mlf: CllCllC.." ...... _,_.,., __ lcL c.... t .... "' .. AU,.l*:tft s.c. ... .. . A SEOICE COlllUllS PIODUCTIDL _ SPOllOID U1 The Orange·County luildel'1 .... ,n. ond TM Oro~• County Chapter of th• Buildmg lnd:U11t1y Auoclotion. GORDON CURRIE 11the World's Top Caricaturist'' , . ' will be "In person" at the Pleasant corona del ¥ar. office of Mutual Savings. Also on exhlbit•.will be his' ,, . fabulous "FACES OP F~E G,ALLERY". You've seen him on NBC's "Today" and ."Tonight" shows, "The Steve Allen Show.'' ·&nd other network TV shows • -'FRE·EI y.., OWN,..,, .................. ' ..... c.m.· .... , ..... ,...... SHOllUS:5•11PJ.~YS ,_. ......._ ... t-..... , .. II," IOOll·llP.1,SATUDY&SUDY 1 .. 1asl • ,_,, 1 -...., ,_ ADULTS ••• $2.00 , -ALSO ............. " 'UNIORS 1··""~--·•~ --~--1•"0""'"••· ..... _. _ ...... ,...,_ -.. .. . ...... . ~-,,,...,._..., SAYISOc lrKW -""' TICll1I AYAiAU Alt Al!JHA Ill A MAllfTS ,, , THllfTY DRUG STOIES UN1TfOCAUf. tANll OP. O~ COUNTY&. YOUI CULUGAN MAH • I ll•s .... hrllli, C1.,l•&l1 .. THI ... M. M"'11AL IAYl•I. " Now, meet the man who haS caricatured Presj,(lents -Eisenhower, Truman, Kennedy and Nixon, General de Gaulle, lhe•Duke of Wllfdsor:li!~·bUndreds of 'other world celebrities. Y 0 U can also be caricatured in a S P ' C I A L SOUVENIR FOLDER, ABSOLUTELY FREE. w. :ii. s.mm ... SnilW Vie.Pruidftd R1~.W.ll111W11• MUTUAL RoberlD.Asmn SAVINGS ' Vlu-P1-·---iiiil1iii Wft&""aa=.---.~-"---1-~ B"'*""ll'*"fet &mUllll f ' I CORON~ DR MAR 2167-htl Coot! Highway Telephono: 675-5010 ' J ll0<k1 .s.vth of MecArthur '""' ' , ......... " '• . T ,_, • • . .. AQ.Y PILOT EDD'OB~ PAGE ' .. -e~hy-the Crow. I . ,... . ' ' A b-, OI ~ Ian !!l!lblblliJll lhlqs r1111- I 1U& tram cllniblq a· fdblk: Int-to •llt!D& a loalbld ' ~ lht ~._,....lted audl volumlllliua public op- . poalll.., lalt •-tliat Lal'Jlll· 8eacb -.tl1111n wltw trNd by Ille ~· . . More tban 190 persona ·i..r..t eul lor ~ ~ Coun- • cil meeUni. n waa ¥illaUll ,_ '1 )lllblic-•ed La.J 1una's staidarda. · · , ' , · An auoclate ol =mnuor.I fit leaiolS -for ...._ not • -to -.. i!lllne • . ' • wbelller·t.pm moriaed atf;nllon tiom N• .der' 1 Raiden. . · . -• ; The Aliltnou CM! LlberUts Ull}on i.ct aome nther cauatic tblnp IO ••Y ~llOul the propoalll ''.ur&fDCY" or- dln-. ·One ol Ille proollll4 Jan ~ a _Iara• · liill"' o1 lnulent ud idll pll'llllll bivlliJ mlMd inlo . baguntt, pofbaiis inHverUlltly hinting et Hilell .. ..,. forcement. ' > The Instant ordlnancea would bave mada 11 1p!Jlat the law to: · • · . . -Walk a leashed ilog on the beach or .Jn a park. . -Sing or ploy a musical irutrument in a public place. ~limb a public tree or alt OD a lawn In the park. -RMa a molqrcycle on· prtv*le property Without written con1ent ol lb• owner . .,..a. ,fn 1 hotel room U undar 17 llJl)111 with parent or ruard1an or hive lllOrl than llve penono under 21 in 1 hotel room un1111 llCCOlllPllllod by on adult. The mullc law w11 wttli4r•wn before the JDNllnf. TblJ 11111111 win 11-!hare 11 llreedy a atate law agalnot disturbina the ,... .. • , CouncUmu Roy Holm madl • lllCMI .palot •11111 .. •UU•Nd tbot the <!Uy attempl 11$ to ~ lte os- iltlnc Jealb law befOn lesUlllilll uy new CC¥1trol• for our canine populllton. . \ The cOUlldl ma, have ltarnld o .. pOlltlcal ·~!¥ ffllm last week'• drama: 11'1 one thine to Id; .Uotlt retuJallng humans or oven bl•winl up caves. But poocll. 011Pro1alciii -WOW -tbol'I dynamite! Beautifying Coets Money· J• . San Clemente's active Woman's Club ~ launcbed U ·eneraetic Cbamllor ol·CiJmalloirce !>-. caUon calnpaip wllb a donation ol ailO. '. · • : · • The money, cbomber aldaa hlff promised, 1riD io toword paying for lbrubo and other )>lae)llll• ...-1lil 'ntw ·~ Lane beach acc111 In an areo now rolaUvely llemn ol beouWUI •c:celltL . ---• .. Tht dO!JAUOD by . Iha -lllould be lollowtd by a Jllileral -and llDll'lllll -re1po111t lroDi Iha ~· ol 6lbor civic ll'"UPI In the clt7. . . Troee, paint and other ltelnl wblch beautify a 'ell¥ cosl ino••Yr ancl Jiecause Of Iha ~ ol tho ch1111lltr'1 beautJficall,., 1""11, funds are """°rato!y llffdll!. · 'l)e .cbalnber'• five-man commlU11 lllO espect1 to pull 1upport frvm · locll •youth lriqps, whe11 member• II ready hive promllld to lllllf 1ome lllUlde to tlie •I· fett, . Only throuab a well·fllnclld, united and 1erloul if. fort con such &eauUflcaUon plana -e • rnllty . - \ ( . It '""" doubtful, too, lhlt it will becOme acllut the law to sit on the lewn at 1 public park. Other lliaf, ten, lncludlng dog cootro11, were puabed over to - future study sellli>n . Su Clemente II a pretty town u ii II. But It ltlll needs cltl.-ln\'Olvwnent· to Mlp It - the commltlll's aoeJ ol maklnl tha clfy the "l'relldent'a 1howca1e." . ~-~·~ ·"O~ ENEMIES WANT US SIX FEET VNPfR ANI> OUR Acatkmic Inbreeding Slwuld End ' . Utalncndllillbow-~ especiilly ia prlltlPm m1J11z1 and univenitles, -..... --by tboJr luchen lhll -_, llrotlontotht-.--...i. a !aloe illll i. oold It • __... bript _._, --by IDoulcalln& In -ta Ille -pllon that 1111 KWDllJl rtjecllol o I .. _ valuet" and ~ inltltutSoal ll I ballmark or fntalltcl1lal - Ano l then 1111)' .._ loda1 m which ,._ an 11111 belnC oubjeolod daUy ~o thla 1atl·l•t1llect aal braim.,.shil\fl by ndJcal faculty! Of course) there an. Tboy Ju11 doll't make -Ible~ I D'1Jvmo TRI ca•mw• •meat -~al "!Ch a rr-om the · hilil or the SUia 1.po cJa chiin ol IDlllD- tain1 by the p~ coast, the~ State~.' C0Ue1e at Lull Obispo bu lllradoll more than 11,a • dent.s to this _... • ly popllatm md . b:aullful •l'JIOlofnt: aru tbl •· More than ' 1.1111 -ncetnd masten and ..,_.. dtcrtll 1n a cer~]. __ tliat ..,.jlowod the 7,• 1oat a~: Cal PoJ1, u 1111 JIOpuJarlJ kllOWll, la, UIR my own. inltll...,., SID Frllldlco ~ta Collep, olt of the 11 CalHornla -cog.cu. UDlllle moll of the othtn II dll mt e..i.. - oonnal -.. --.... Nor his It .-aod the niantl< of aca<1e111ic r<JPOCtatilllty by ca111111 11 .. u a "liberal aria" collep. Instead Cal Poly grew up from a little llate vocations! lldiool ellablllhecl by the ,La1illat,_ln t•. In the..,_ period · rrom 1111 1o t• Cal ~ -auJded by the tale JUUID A. McPbee, a gt..i ....... ed.eotloiiat -In Calllomla. He roupt an upbill_,battlt lo make occupatlonallJ-centered col1- lovel education an aeceptable patllC wt th tbe so-called "liberal arts." He r.Ured at ?O, havln& oerved J3 yaan u preaklenl He died a year latet. Dl!IPm: · m MEllGEll Into Iha Callloml_a otata collep oyatem, McPhea Work Education .. ' " I . fRl~Ntlj. WANT VS To SETTLE FOR TtlREf.1 -· .. ~ ' . ,· ,'.,. C.o.W ~~·JI•~•· Credit Status ,• Dear Gloomy Gue: ' . Credit · Card's ·!D'e~tructive Power ... 4··-I. ' • . -• ... ~ 'If '"' ~ ~ .,, . • ~ ---A recent stu<ty eandudad by twa or.,. " ., · .-., of LqUni' Beach lo came ti> or luck to Roy Holm) .. .lie's sure 10lng ' moct Junior COl1'P ~&I tonce1mDa U._ aid of 1lleJr rtpresent.aUves on the to need it. ' the dellriictlve -'o! -aodll CllY Ooolll"IL Al.Ibo Jut council mtetln&, ANTHONY J. MATANO l11q-... lllJI.-......... ' a' IDID llllllntl la I 11111 lo flrt cards revealed .1 ftw · lot.erestlq pamtl ~lbnan .Lorr dtpkftd the fact that llomeowner and Buslnes.wu ---• oilly r...r paopla •att.ncled the study . wltll a -wlio II _.., L:A. ,.. ....... ,...... ._.. ...... - II It -• .. • ... ............................ 1111, UNNlllY CAW _..., lo ·-----a .... -·fir 'Jl ..,..,.....,_. -..,.,._. 1iJla ... , ...... JOll)lll 'lfll In • ' -' :i-.11111111 llalord ad UC Ntalq . ,,........, Oii of lbtlr cilw'lal'an1: ""'-' ,. ... tand lo ...... , oa'1 ... _, of llUinanlty, prlmorlly peo- ple ...... _, eciplilft erllntatloo md the -y lo __ ....... In. ...,-appllad fuhlaa. 'Ille 11 u d a n I I npreltnt 1 "mUcb lll'IW vaMety of ln- lerelll aid orientation • • • Yet they ... oegrsptacl from -"' the adult world, ao thit In a period In Ulo when they ... parllcuil!'ly optn t;.:::1.T4; they are iaCludad • from lilldflcaDt adlltl." ,,.. ........... of the .., ... Preli- -Bab x..ne.ly'I ....... ~ OD a 30-year oblervaUon t11 r9llb at Cal Poly, .,. baaically Ilia ,-: Colleget and univeniUa need I CODIWft'abJe dlverslfteatlon o! the lllnda of peopla with whom WI brlna ..,. -la In that could degrade ~ credit ca111 ~11 Hllion on· tbi dot ordtnance. This Js credit otat111 II he ii DOI car<lul Lelltn tr-rlOlkrl ..., lfiteome. 1...-bll ..i ~ DOI be allow6d 'lliere are two main points tllat eo-Normallr torllm "'""1d -!heir lo luippa aptn. COinpuJ this power ol deilrucll4ia and -· In IOO -:~'TM they are: Finl, the c-o1 riff't lo -1111.n .to _. POll'ftlHATILT there ii 11111 Ume. bt or stolen, credit cards; and, __,, or .,.,...,, ,..., ... AU 'ut-This ordlnance has been rtrerred to ••• -~-d lnt,tnul -........... -...a. ~... ha ·~ d' 1.11.:: ul\IU'Cl1 ancen of umoliclted crklll :.. .. addrtll, bSt .... _.._ M wUh-·3"Aly, u ve -emerpncy or mances can1a. \ ••• .. ...,. wbicb were aa tbe same agenda. I licld on r<qunl If nfflclhl ......,. "*" -l!lo ~ lo ICbeclule study Tba ftnt polo! lo comlder la llil ii _,ant. l'oolrJI IOlil ..C k plll>-_ 111wa In ·~ _.._ ~ _ .. de&nClnl o11ec1 t1 ....... c:ndll -•w · • -.. .,.... -· -11 i. ta. 11111 .111111 lo . ..,.., f1MnaDi ' I • )IOllibll • Ii.& ...... wlio -k dllrtftg the,.__,_ a loll or-• tho U, miry all!md ... Watch ·)'OW' cndit can!. The llnandal ,...mblUI, \ elderly area, lhl• type of lodil ~ ,..._. lot '8DDOllDClmeola ol study usually Uea IOlely , oo the llloulden of Is not v~ oltn a .,...... of 1eut :;!!~ ~;"" there. Support tho card ..,. 1llllU -notlfteatloo .. ., ,_ -v ts ·neeJved by the canf faaer and this resistance: .JI is a DICllllty, ,in ...,. BILL LEAK could entail lal'le .,..,~ moley owed llderatlon of 1ptrallni foal """ ·aBI P.S. Brine ldeu. if the Joa wu Dot ,. koft!red im-U. dr .. of pre-lnflltkmltY iDi»qiet 'U mediately. .,,..... of el)lllidllure Ill' 1111 - place. 'l1IE llCOND POINt ii Iha hidden Older folk, u .,.u u ·a. iyOUJ!ler dancer of amollelttci mdll tardl sent ~tloo w ltb -wt lilYe man "'"""" the ~ ....,. ..., wt-in -lbU 'mlfll .. ...........,,. the lmowladge of the -... 11U • an prtll)I Wlll'tlw., 11 llllit llllltlllonai point ii Unbd lo tho 11111 J>Ollit. bul -.. ' . . ...... ta1n1 -main dlllertJXt. u thil canf WU aloltn prior lo !bl ~ bf tbe adck"!ll!I, there wGuld be °" W111lo~ltaloaHentho­ .. once qain respoalible for · any •bua• of this can1 beca.,. tho use or thll .. n1 by -1-lo the lllUU the ~of tbi cndll ' We are notTll~..:.t.o_ dllcourat• or even *P credit card l)'ltem1; but we are ~ ti!'!': (IOVtmnenlal lllisililon, on both leilenl and stata llveil, be macted lo prvte<t the """ IWMI' tram fraud and dnneoemlrJ wlltt of conlUIMI' Income. Allo, "' !AllPll to t.biil credit card holders IO bl mbrtl canfUI In, tnnUctkllll ulint cnlllt cU. to protect themaelv•. TO STllESI THE Importance ol lelislatlon and prolectlon, one fact COJ\ ba pointed out: In -year lliaro an oome llOO.ooo declued bankruptdes, and of this n...... ta percent a,. penona1 (Mmr lhan buoioea). TlieJ.,. an llnkad to tidier O'f'tr«itndecl cridil, or abUH4 credit made avollable tluqh the ... 'l'lletr Are Aatl-hlpple' To the Editor: • Just a n-eap al the "party" 1i ven -by Ille 1-lleacb City' Cooncil June ·17. . • . . OYer • pooplo atunded, llOO fUnky !nab, • anllqllltod rllhl Wingen, and the ml bewlldor.i. . -......._ (Holm) decided to epen hll campatp-early for Ille next ·-A cvtoon1at wbo ls starting a recall . Loll d. dleerlnl, lauihllll, and clap- )lillf by •• ..,..;.. of crodltcanll. . It la time for llflalatioo It ·..- the cooswntr now, mt m Utt fubft. GIOllGll: C. JOl!Nlo!< GAllY L. Xll>I> Handbills· and the Law 'To the Editor: . ' .. . . . llld\YIU* .... a quit!, ~. -' IOWll. -.nlldeMa look~·~. Rldlvtlll ailO' bad a hlP ....... ~ butglatlea. So the dty ,,. ...... ._, of llw• r.r beUer· llatillnl ti • ...., . · conllCt. We must slop tbe ' acldtmlc lnbretdlng of appoinilnf lo unlvenlty facu!Ue1 men and women who have Rever worked ln any produc:Uve lib« oul!kk of their yean 11 ltudenta. graduate atudeota and tuchera. 'Miank 1'l'I for l'llMlnl the article : .. SerdlltJ, Bid Diet United," by Datothy . w-. Oranae County Homo Advlltr. WHAT ll'ITJ:ll -Jll, eouJd Ihm (1lit ....,,..., pqo June 17) and -· and prOvWli\I .... --pollat, and apedol patrol.I. It ._ a '"' Uiat no ane c0uld -er oilier paJl'fl ... Private '11 W«llillao aniall then' .. ...-,iul 1'111 to UJ!l'.tU It." &bl lupr1119 C0urt li1d. , ,.. bt for aome coJllto -hladll\J "Tao ad Tout"' dieta m,.t 11114 to !nto • career tn '"If· 11 t lnl than • bid bealUI in any 11f: btlcMt. lll &M: -........ """bu -llJ • ,,. ' built brldles, dams and hlP rba belero '• dlcldlnl.., a -career u a oollelo .. Gn,... ~~ ... -! Poople of thta illlld, In Ill waJb of We, lrequenUy have a put -loteachandlobebicontacl -,..... -le. 9acb faculty ._,, at Cal Poly lnfluenOe their lliMlon" not ooly throup their In- -11Mwled1e, but a!IO throup llil 1llliloni they have aolnod ll'Oftl pr ... llCll--. -... lbll'I 'iiliit~a!J coJleif1 n...i -llflCltlly libero! arll aillop1. Mon ,..,_. who are acqualnte<I with tho wcrld outaldo the clulroom. r ... in- ....,. who live in thlt dream wotW Jo wlilch the Peace and ~ partlol ..., tht oaly loflcol choice. Dur °"'1": . Don 't ,.., think "'' awful .... ;. Ctn10rs In BOme pllctt are ,...... ... ..., lo act, but lo -*"" ' .... much pd lheJ .. aoi.ci Whal .. 1'l'I loin& lo do abOllt all -_._..,., _..., Gaarp! --AN!loYEDAIOOllCAH DurM: Wall, I coll<4 a rnaolloc of -6-.of...,..ch toveli. We _. IOlnl to trY lo pa• 1 In iplilt lettln1 articles for '*~ appear In the prtll, !Nt alter we sat 1round thlnklOll 1bout U, "'t all went home . land •lt!loul the -·· .,..;it, . ' • ' Roodolfll -ran a nil~ 'W mt ,triad lo Ji1a11 r•IOll =.with adl and a few -lnl 17J ll'Ota .. ,.... _I said clliliiod the local'ln! ~ the ,._, lllterod the -ta alter lllo lo lioe · l)llOCIL Re obilleqed l'OIC)tq• them. The court thoqht thta 1111 II In _. but • IOI!. . , ordloance lnvllld: the city coulll boa _ ""-·-did 11111• •• : a Uttertn&. JM &i•IOfl pamphlelo lo the • •• ---· -public Bes within the ICOpO ti lnl . Ire ._..., papln al a -,ape<eh. Since Tbomu Paine'• um., the IC<l'4I them. Ncr ... l( a., ,... ...... baa -a 11111111 -.... '""' lll!dDi the ...... -in ·-of w.n,. 'lo ..... papon. ' You..-ratrtd-wllo10lrvm ,... .... _. on UClll\tt'I "'-11 door lo door hudloc 1111 nllctoua er WtlllOoll ·llJa -la lilt_..,. '"'__il!!lllcal 1n1....-. Yeu can .. from ... _'1lrmtpor<11;-.......... -. ·--io-la-~---... -- -..... Wbo mllht -NiJ '• wlllhia -L hal the rtpl ta litter aaotl\er'I WIJ lrty ..,....... ~~ ~-~1• •--00 mldlr I elltm ol "free~• • _._. -......... , I ,_ In .-r cue, r.tin ,.,_. JllllOd -~ ~· law "I"'* k not • a 1 ... that bamtl 1111 of ,.. trucb u ~. lilt • • -men:lal ... without • police ,.,..k. It .. llm1tid u.tl)>. --llmlllnr -to door ll\elr ... lo foilt ·l\Olln • dl,f, 'Ind lllMIOID ,._ ~ villd . said llio trucks had lo move at libl Note: CaU/omla latDJfra of/or til/1 ' . Lltes••r•. c.~ 0 To the1Ec1itor : · The redueUon In lhe lifeguard t is an excellent idea that citizens of Laguna should support. II the City Coun- cil retain.! this cut in the budget, It will not1 ~Y be doing Its small part to control the population explosion, but it would be keeph)g its pled&e of fllcal reponsibility. The family, whic~ drlv~ 'to Laguna on the weekend to enjoy the. beach and which buys at most a few lee cream cones or tacos, is doing little for the betterment of our small art colony. · ' AS THE DROWNING deaths mounl over the s~mmer, such families will, learn to go elsewhere and to leavt the coast clear for lhe Proper Tourist, who stays in motels, patronizes the quaint shops; and enjoys the beach from the safety of the expens.l ve restaurants that overlook the ocean. But why take only hair measures? As the DAILY PILOT pointed out in its editorial June 17, the local residents have little need for lifeguard service. The aiuncil sbould abolish the citt lifeguard budget altogether. The ad· ditlonal fUnds could be used by tha Chamber of Commerce.. .to .encourage the Proper Tourists to come lo Laguna Beach. PATRICK ~· SP,INGLEB < Sr.taator 11J11rp•11'• lob To the Editor: We are lucky to have a man like Senator Muiphy as our reprptnlatlve; for b!Ut<f on his most r e c e n t performances t am sure that he will be able to compete auccesdully with most other senators in the art o( doubletalk. Senator ~lurphy assured us that his job with Technicolor took no lime away from his duUu aa aenator, bu( since he na paid about hall what the :senatorial poslUon pa)'I, I must assume that be did about half as much work for Tecmicolor u ii the senate. (What's hall •' nolbin&?) . YET, WHEN IT came to obeying the law with reaard to informing the SEC of hJs 1\ock manlpulallon111 he Informed us that he could not take \he time from his senatorial duties to comply. Now that Technicolor has n e w management, hopefully Senator f\turphy will have surficicnt lime io at least make hill public releases consistent. R. H. TUFFIAS ----- Friday, June 26, 1970 Tiie cditortOI 'paoa of th< Dail~ PU.at •~•k• to inform and atim- lllatt rtadtr1 bv J>f"•#ltlillO thi.s ~r'1 opiniou and corn-"'"tclt'r°" -topkl 6f lnCtrest- aftd "9111,_, '' prooiding a forum for Iha e'P'fldon •I olil' -oplnlotll, aftd br ,,,.._,.. Iha dlOftH vtcw- poflllt o/ ln/ii'mied '"""''" and 1pokeamen on 10pb of th• dar. .. • • • ' l ! . ' .. I . l • ; ' . I j I l 1 ' I • I ' Byl. Lllaf- PnaNnt .. ffWPllDI ..... ~ ten mllt1 M hour. To the ceurt tbt1 column 10 .,au mav know abo"t 01#' --........... ~,,.,.. ...... ,...._ Ro,bert N. Weed, Publisher ,. j I • l ) e • . ' -. . . . l . l j . I . l ! l T I • Freeway Fund Bil~ Moves I ··waiter-Athlete Mar~ • Birthday IO~ i": SF SUMMER PAN'TS -, BONANZA SALE! 3 DAYS ONLY , Neri ~ond1y-Tu•"•.,.Wedne1d1y • WESTCLIFF PLAZA O~LY Coming J-.ne 27 Family ~e.kly The "Other Co1plj'f in the While Boae Connie and Chuck Stuart aro a bright, atlnx• tivo, highly motivated young couplo who work for tho Nlxono. Connie is Stoff Director and Preu Secretory to Mn. Nixon. Chuck works ao a .Stoff · Aulofant to the Prnidtnt • In thlo artlclo, they toll about thoir oxcitlng and choll-ing positions. e JOHii WAYNE'S STORY -One of Newport Bt1Ch'1 most famou s citizens reveal• 10me of Ibo funny and some of Ibo touching !Jlcldonll lblt oecurredi n "The O!Car's Sweet Aflennalll." e HISTORY QUIZ - Wilh the Fourth of July coming up rapidly, Ibis is a good time to tell vour knowted1e of early American hlltoryf Taite lbe quiz. Only you need know your ocore. Portable Park . SF Freeway Gets ~,Greener)' I e DID · NIXON SERVE? -Presidential Preis \ ' . • , ••• -26, 1970 DAll.Y '8.0T f Medi~a1 cks .Revealed . . . • The ONLY Dishwasher \ . - t~at· washes Casserbles, 'er9iling Pans and frJ . Pans·-without J!a'nd Scru~bing! .. • t ' • KlechenAlcl.I ' f , · --.. ·.with new exclusive, automatic \ . ' ' - ~OAK· CYCLE ' . ThentW Suirarbi Ki1chtriAid di.Ji~·uher Ui tbe OM.T di1hwuber oa tlae market that h11 lliii{ wo•der/•l featw-e-1SOAK 'CYO.Xforpo11,p-.~,..._, c11aeroleit and all cooking 11teDlil1. No aon Uh fi l_led with toald~ bakiqg :~ --~ ~ .. w111l h1nih 1bru1N! N~JOll can .. ~time_ you hands, and elbow gre11e witk ~iCI SoK·C,de · and eniyme action PanD.fy-Llae DO IOOUr eleuer. ' ' ' ) '. The,,.-KikhenAidSoak c,cle ii Plrl of lht regular automatic waah CYfle. -~ mum with the puab of. a Wigle bW1o1; yw can Up- .,.__pily.,..wlllk away,1rom the Wtrll dfnner party meu yow.ever u.w, KltchonAld Dlohw"""9r _ ' ' ·START$ AT . :$1999~ ., ~ II t . " -· • • • •• _, Secretary Ron Ziegler answers,a question about I ~~~~~~ ~--1~-.""etbu-his bols-ierved ln-tbe armed-forc"-in-111._:= ::: ~ the "AJk Them Yoursell'' feature. • • ' A.ll Coming Saturday in the : I DAILY PILOT I ' - -. . . ' •. , I .-' ...~ ,.,, .. . .... .., ............ :..... ......... ..... --~ i ~· Nnllll'M• cm: •11""'...,,......, ••nn ...,._ _... &.-.. • ,m.,.f _ ...... :.· _.............. ~."'., ._____ l.unA NIA . ...... __ ..,...., LOANl ... ICllM91C'f: -·~·... ._. .............................. P'14l'41411r f . ,. ...-.-. h 1 I I I r • ' ... I • . • For The c;p_.:."&.':/• .~ . tfarriage Llcenses Deetlt Netiee• ANDERSON Gwtrudt G. A~ 12. 111 tu J11- n1...,.o Orlwt, C:.,11' Mffl. Survlwfll bP l d1111M ... 1: Mr1. Gl1dy1 M.itn, EICOl'ldldo1 Mr.. M1rlor1-M1dlaon, Cot!1 Mt i.a; Mrs. Tl-.tmt S!HV11, fl1Hroll1, C1llfornl1, S.r11le11 wlll be ~ II .... BrHllwlP Mortu.rv Ch•· Ml Mondap, J11,.. :n, fl 11 AM. In- '-! wm be 11 H1rw ""' MtmOrlal "'"'· GAWS LllllM M. G1Uls, '1, .t 24'1 test1 No-. Sir"', C•I• Mlq, W\'ka 11111 ,..._,"""" aolll lie MW In Ulllofttow11, "-'tva11l1. ••n IAMw•r Mltrtlr fr"", M 26, 1910 County Parehed at On'y, 9 l .nehes BJ JACK BROBACK ot • DllllY Nlf 11.t11 Ott.erman warned that areas llUmlWldlni Irvine Park and llOUlheast to Camp Pendleton llNl'.l'ED STATES NATIONAL BANK lowest in rainfall, however. Meanwhile, County Jf l r i fire depeMt CID where the1 Wiea .,id the meqer 3.~ Warden Elmer Ol&erman bas Urt and the weather con· SANTA ANA -Think it inches recorded 1n 1161-82 issued hil annual warning on ditiom .t the time," the fire L-,rarli1>0i-ilr~01Y..-YOiM~~wut~esLlbe111C.~hooQ11111r~1-. -:--:-~~~bruab~OllJand""'··•&ruau"'-:'fir""'.es~.::--:---c r-~.......,..., eri--~:!";~~~:f';~~~-S'OliiTR~~~PC'1ii-J~ r n 1 OU'W 1.. li chli ,111d. "'"'' ... z .. ese -J to -·••·· and camp11·res SOU "Last )'W's total was "AJthough we n11d tue rain-cu •111V• ... "Goodwill Rites Set By Reagan SANTA A'.NA -Fairview Stttiet in Santa Ana betwetn ISi and. 5th stuels wllf be dubbed "GoodwW . w a y ' ' toniat>i and Governor Ronald Reagan will be dh lla.Dd to dedicate the Goodw i ll Industries' new, U 3! , o o o rebabllilation andr ffaJuation . . center1 Officials are expecting a large turnout for the 7 P..m. event at tbe:oew· center which faces Fairview, just souUa of West lib. - MuslcJIJll be supplied by tht Santa Ana High Scbool "Mardling Sainls" band ·and an award will be made to Horace Staubley Jr., a deaf mute, who was voted Orange County Goodwill Worker of the Year. Designed with the wheelchair occupant in mhid, tht new bullding h a s telephones and drinkin& foun- tains 1t lower than usual levels. .Doorways ire· three feet wide and all hallways -iglll feel wide. ri1ht. Only 1.01 inches or rain-boolled by ~ flood ralna in fall this yea,.,-what we did wind&, like those during the for Lhe s8uon, The national fall baa been recorded in January lnd l'ebnrary~ which have was spaced jusl right· Paieo Grandt nre of the fall f'orelt areu are ·al.!G closed <>ranee County for the 11tuon took •vfl'al ilvea and d.kf so to keep the grass crop growing of 1917 we are in real trouble'." · ,Qcept fnatn Nida a n d whk:h ends next Tueedly • much. property d a m 1 I e , • ' too well," ~ fire leader 11We are hlttlng ,every small clnlpgroUnds. June 30. Wiese said. . 1 warned. "The showers we had ftre in Lhe hW and mountaJn '1Moat major labdowners That figure-compares ,-uh Heaviest rairUll was 'in were spaced well and grass areas wJtb everyt.tllpg we lulve c~ ,their propiertles, 1 61-year-averaae ol 12.IO in-tN0-41 with 32.5 inches, far and grush grew rapidly adding have," OlterJnan, who doubles •itb f¥ blessing, to use by cties and the 191Mt total of Surpluing Ute recorded .J7.51 tothecomingUrehazard." 11 State Forest Rancer, said. anyOne and e s pec iall·y 19.71 Inche s .. according to lncbel .in 1937-31, •the year The .moisture content of the "Last wetll: a small bla,ze affioken," Olterm&n warned. Robert S. Wiese, hydrologist of the cH1utrouJ floods which brush ii much klwer than last started in the Trabuco Oab · · ~n·t: ~c~. County Flood ~Ri: = :m=~ ~~u=~ 1~~ ;::, ~,:: = :1nu "'! :!rte~ = f :auY The DAILY PILOT l Tbe 1al9-10 YtV, will not most of the central area of cautioned. . control before CU' lf'Ollnd I JUst for 'Petnu+s' [ go down in h1sti-, u the the county. "The real dangtt of a bi& crews could reach the 1pot." . • • BRANCH NOW ONN SATURDAYS t >e I P.M. MON.-THUIS. 1 .. 1 P.M, PllDATS • 11M P.111. 1,7141 i4t-IJ11 . Lec....i \ai s.. c.-,...,. c.... ... At.II. VICI rm.~ E. H. LEVAN Disposable Whlto or. Pink ~plbioft & 111 COLD . I' CIEAM SoaP. ·-·····:.-:-:. Pampers Diapers BeluUtut ealor reprod11e-o tlon• el Crut ....Wni A C0•1'MJOnrT •a rt I• t •I :Bn11h ltro•ed '° look .llk1 (ltlrtul pa1--.._ Vu Gosh. Hu.It .,_ lttm· braadt Jt o ti et~ Wood, _,._,.., lncludlllfl Proceuillfl · 77c Aloha Chareoal Briquets . 10 u.. Bag 58' 1'ut. 1tu1.lll1' ••• c 11 •• and ,lon&'. bun.In•. 111,()Ck up! ;,,~:,:,.:,:::: .. 3 3 c lnble1 11 lbii. 1n~ 01·er. Sorter thnn el e~oth dla:f)llr11-l!•1l- ly Ula:llOable, -': 1ry, C..lt ,,,,..., ............ Dlrktot1. Miss Co~nty Pageant Set Saturday tf .49 Novelty Print Beach Towels c::,:= :=:. s111 ' HERRING TilcwMI I", """"" IJtl Sa!lltMILf TirrrK1. Car.,. ,... Mer. Dalt al .. tll, JllM H. Slll"llYM IPf Wlft, \llr1lnlf1 1011o ~c l"Ol1w Htrrf1mi I 1l1k<' eM 1 llrolhen1 Mime,.,. .. i.us -...... -whom .. h11 _...,, l\t'n LI, TJwmH flor· fet. Mr. Hwrh• .,... 1 ntlrM LI, Clf. lot ""-U.S. MMllll CWjll, 11111111 111 "'"-"" 1111' "5 '!'Uri tow lltd:.m11t llldrvlft"9t Co, flrlYIM fttmllY WYW Wiii lie Mid Monday, JvM '9, 11 11 AM tf P'aclflc: View Mt!MNI ;1rt, Vl11t1tlllll llourt. ~ .... SUMff 1t hilt Mortffno, C-*4 Mar, l1t llW of flcJwen, ,,. .. mUY "'IHtb dolle!llM ... --..... .._ ,.... morlal ~.. "'"d"'-,11... l lllz MorW•n'. c.,_ 4-1 Mar, Dlrtctor1. BUENA PARK -Finals for · the M'w Oranp County beau- ty -ant wlll be htfd In the Independence Hall Theater 1t Knott'• Berry Fann Satur- day It I p.m. 1be winner will compet.e In AO&Ull •qalnot all other coun- ty queens for the title ol Mias California. LUTHER , 1be Or1nge County winner WlllOll II. l111her, N. ef I• W, EICI· ili be •-~~ th •--j liMH, S.n Cl_.., Sllrvlv9d b'f W le!Q.:RU1 Oft e U.. S s1...,., Luci. .. ,.. -' r-...:1. "',,. ot poise chann beauty and .... ~...... --.ik.. ll!d lntltl'mlfll ' : ' -MN 11 .. " lnoedw•v Mortu1ry. personality by a board of NUMBR seven judges: note wishing J-J . ..__. "" L1_,1c11 l.4.M,. to enter IDIJ 1Ull do so by c.11 .-... o.~ .t .. ffl. J-ts. • coa&ictinl the Ed Harrell """"'.-.,, ...,., v ... 11 1 ....,, 0r. u-..a...1 1. .. .....,, Lill No Main Dlfl ...,_., IMfil ""'' Deft ,.._, -.; "'6..._JI • 0r.,.., ,,... ""-'· Ml,.....,., ...,. St., Santa Ana. Chy queens t«, Jiii ~. Clltl MINI filMlllf', -•~ -'th •-· f Liiia NUllM, 51. lDllll/ I ahtlrJ: LK-may "'11\Cr WI no llW<O 0 ll1n 111111-. 11. ~Is, ... IMllM thfir current title Mlddi....., $1, LM.1111 • 111Mkllll111'111. ' """kn wlll M held ,....,,..,, ,_ 27, 1 ~M If Plkffk View Clluill. Tiii ltn. aruc1 k11rrl1 effkl111,..., l1111tl\- on1<11 11 ~1cltk \/ll'W ~i.I Plrt. P1d lk Vilw Mwlllwv, Dlr«tln. SEl\10 · ... l'hN hrlo. '"' HllNr1. (Mtl MKI. !.lfvkn "'71dlnl, Mlllo\'-Mlltlfl l'-r•I Home. Loi A-lft. a1!1 Brc.d'wt~, CMll Mina, lwwenll"' Dlr1CIOl'1. SWANSON 111r,nk1 J. Sw•-· m ''°"'"'" Slrfff, Cftt1 /o\KI. Servlcl1 """Int. ••II lr~dW•Y Mortu1ry. ARBUCl<LI: • !ION WootclflfM--, 117 IC. 11111 st., Cella Meu -• BALTZ MORnJARIEI eor-*I -OR Miii Cella M,. Ml 1-1411 • BELL BROADWAY MORnl.lRY Ill --·Colla -UMlll • DILDAY Bltll'IBDS _....,.,....,. n~n-:=\...i. H~-• M<CORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 11'1 Lapu C..f'O M. -II • PACtnC VIEW MDIOalAL PAii& c.--,e•lla7 --~­N ....... -.c.rr • ·-• 1'111111' AMIL 1' COLOIGAL P\JNl:IUL --.. -.A ... W•f ' Ice --• "SHE# ... '"r'"l!"'R MOlmJAllY Lqu•---IMC ' -..111 • flMl'l1ll' _,,,,u,. ·-.. a ua:.- Dog Owners Can Relax ORANGE -Do1 owners In Orance County can relu: for a while. 'ftle Cleadllne for 1et. ting dog licenses is Sept. J. Licensing will begin July I at the <.'OUl1ty Animal Shelter, 561 S. Mancbelter Ave., Santa Ana. 'nle deadline date of July I previOW1ly aMOUnced was due to an error by the Orange County Public Wormation Of. fiC<. All clogs tour montM or older must be· registered. A certificate of ·rabies vac- cination and a sa fee mu1t be provided. Pair Oaim . . Bum Rap SANTA ANA -A Laflllna BellCb eouple who ctaµn they were falsely accUled of leav- inl Berbhire'1 restaurant in Newport Beach without peylng the tab have 1ued the dining place and Ka owner for llll,100 In d1111-. -.t N. and Lindo Serafino name the :utaur1nt It -"\'la Opario and pro-....... J._. BerUblre in .,, Dr-. County Superior C.-_... wMch pointl out am ... -·· clNnd ol !rood ..,..,. olfer a jury lltol Ill ...._. Judicia l . ~c..1...:_ The 8enflnOI Wert af'l'dted lul Od. II and complain that llleJ ... bpi In cuotody by Nt•;ort Baaoll potlc• for :io ~ pllldlnfl procellln1 of Ibo -.... aplall them. Tiit -lodicat.t that --........... _ .. ~ lln. koftna •t OllftlmL $6.95 Value! Mital ___,,,Ironing Boards 14-Poaltton ,......,. Arvinl " .DIHtHI . Prlllll .ldimUi to 1~ 1lt-or-111.bd .,... -.IUOM. DI a · ll'lo.d. Jlt:rfOtal• I'd top! uched fed w th r11b-- ber tip&. Balled e-U flnl1h. $1.91 Plastic TV ·Floor Cushions X.htorll'll.tch $ 1~ ,.tlo "4 F 5 llbol. LI e, • I l It tl!f.h 0 "lnyl cover-ll · Euy cue. 25c Valwl 20 Oz. Iced. Tea Glass ~:~cln.:c!'.J 11r' br"'1t rMt ~: ~ """""· ........ 1r1p1. • lly's ........ Quality Oxfns Ou111.r•llltlt1rtfT'lp.. ~· l~t .... Clllblo•· H t-i. aM •ttll ... ~. a ... lt to 2 . :~~~r:.:tr .. ~~:l.· ry I• wuhrut eolol"I 11ie;t 7Mi.t Miu. !Arp frbll.. IOdO" ol~ $I Valiltl Tanfastlc Sun T 1n Lotion $1.69. Value! Playttx Wo .... n's Swim Caps "8wlrn Ptetl7" tit Ill head 1lze•. Color. to o:oordlnale with ••Im 1111!11! Llii;hter lo weir, w1ter·ll1:ht. ~27 $1.98 Valutl 36-11. Pool'Swim laM t:rp\odell .,.,1y1tyren1 lhaL'1 _ ¥lrt11&\ly hide• 1tr11C:tlble.. Kour. flt •nJoyme•l la th• water,· · ,,. $1.49 va'i.:.1 Waln 6 Ft. Air Mattnu $495 Value ~t. 'Chaise lounge PIHi lirlt'hUy pr\tiltd Dor.I -.tnyl top baekld wlllll d11rabl1 duck, · Jl'tllet wtth 1h1'1'ddt1d pol)'• 'foan1. 11111.'f)' d11t7 •t1IUn1', l!Md tllftU.1 • ·sis 24a12'". $319 $2.24 lllnlwood leach. Back Int I nt a e t h I y li111\ahed ,...._ wtth • naued .t.tliiei ean.•u. .Ad· Ju.t• t1 a po1JUOn1. JoSP nat. ,93 $2.91 Mel's & Bay's Lasttx Swlmnlts ........,·...., .. " ... ~" and ..... i.. -.1.ed ~·-· ••••re lfl' .., ... 99.c Disney 24" Swim Ring M>ml _, '''"77· •b'le ......... !... ,. , ................. . lbll ,.GI. $1.59 Valwl GaDon C1li•n Ca111p Fuel :: :.: .. -:91A~ =··~~·.e t.Bir ... Ladies Lacy Cardigan Sweater hffy Hlled, 4ret1r Hiit• $347 I• .... ,., • .., creclll' leN. 99c lady Wi shire M::m!:.. Hosiery ·:: 2 ••• 74~ l'lne q111Uty ho1i..iry In f~ to 11 11-and cotor. It f1nl&.1th: llVl!lj' Child's No-Iron Play Sets 2 1':.. pel'lrUlnl!.nt lll"l!IMI .t\ort eet.t. Girl• i • •X colto... In •ew coiol"!, ,.11-.. 94~ Women's C111orfil Shift or Pant Shift tyle r.IM:>IOI!.. 8olld11 Ne.w at)'IM for 1·1e8-1" Uon JJrne. Ce.lor and •nd prl.111 of' flo·lron fabriCL ( " '2" Value! Wotntn's Casual Slippers Jlohled llOlM aftd het1• 99~ f or Indoor · outdoor • 1 a f, Leathl!r·klok, ,.IC•l M~ •m~1ed .rotd °" •ti~ rny\1r. fll-. rnklf!I! . " ' • " • .. I ' t • • • BEST \'ltSHE.S, ....... .sML. Alc:CUINAHA/rDAJ..IAS N.<JllNN;;NE\llS, "'lLli,~. " • i • I ... -tho !dad of . ...- .... -. to evwyont. HoweYW, it'• btcomin1 a tr•· ditlon fOI' the Auociet&on o( Amorican F.dttorial Cut- bl! ...... thoir wUquo .... •• the~ ol tho tJaltod States-In tho 1-of a ..U... tionollbelrsbtdiosolhla. l'mldeab Eloonhowe., r..wly aad , ..... ueh .-j..d ....i. a ..W-. la Sopmnhor, l9e8, -i.ors of tho AAEC pmeated ;.: leathet-bound ..i..,. -lainla& 74 origtnol caricalunt .. l'mldoal _ .... .Nbon. 'Ibo book bean lllipw PNlidonlial seal aad l'nlidenl N'-'•-oa tho-· I ' ·'Ibo plioto abovo ohoWI • Plaaldent taldli&. thojobt-U.Ht'1widt•m1l•ol ... ca-· _ __.,; I ) ~fd.h!~ Ml..\.AS T•"\i~ Ht!W. ( i . '' ... • ,_ ·' ..... -a. lt711 . . . ' .. .. • 1 • DAILY PUT i • I • ) .. .. I I ' J Jt DAILY l'ILOT .. ,, .. Cl•Tl,ICATI OP I USUllK ,.ICTITNMll IUMI The 111'11MrslenMI do o:ertltY, thW •t• ~....iud(l'ltl a M IMH al •. 0, a.II 1111. A~elm. Calllllf1tl1, 1111691' ""-tktltlou• firm ,.....,. 1111 SOUTHEltN CALIFOl.NIA SWINGElt.S ou1oe Mil '1111 ,.aloll llnn 11 ~ fA tM followlnt "rsont' wMM _. 111 tut! 1/1111 alaCel ti rtl161ncf 1r1 t i t.I~: G1r1rcl '· s,.tdltilOO<• flt I . Nutwood. AMhflm, C1llf. K..,Mlh N. J.Nkflwl, 12111 W. Nol'lll, oif...,.lm, C111f: Olllld June ), 1'7t. Kefllll'lfl N. Alllllrtw1 o ... 1r4 N, '"'*"oor '11lll ti C1llfot11l1, Otanie Cou111y , On JUM ), '"'' ....... -· I Nettrt flubl!t Ill 11111 .,,, .. Mi !ttll/ ,,r~olllllY 11anr ... Gl'l'lrd f , :wecJ<M•r 1M kenM!tl N, Allllt ..... ~n 10 ,... 111 tMi Ille p1..-.,.._ ,._ ... 1UbKrlil• ,.. te h wlltll11 l111trument t r.cl •c~ll'Clltcl ""-' •ecuted ,,.. um.. COFl'IClAL SEAL) Fr1ncl1 C. 11;1(!1 Not1ry f'ublk.C..tlfor11l1 Otlllfl Count.-• IAY Commlu!911 Eultn J111. s, 1m flllllll~lllld 011111111 CMlt Dally l'ltat, ....... 5, 11. It. 2,, lf11 10ll·JCI LEGAL NOTICE ! Frida>, J11111 26, lt7~ ly SYLVIA POl\T!JI• (Finl la • -II lllne • • ' ' " ' ' " ' I ' ' ' ' I • I ' ' • • • • • • ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t ' • ' • • • ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' • • • ' • ' • • ' ' ' ' • • • ' • ' ' ' • • • • • • • • • • ' • ' • ' • ' ' • • ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • • ' ' ' ' • ' • • • I • • • • • • • • • • I ' • ' t • • I ' ' • • ' • • ' t ' ' • • t • ' ' • t t I ' i ' t • ' I I I ' I I I I' I --....------- < • t ..... ? ' •• I • -'.Ariierican St~k ~xchange Li st ... Finance· Briefs TULSA (UPI) -Kin-Ark Corp said 1t has decided <to write off its net equity in two high rise apartment bu1ldmg1 10 Tulsa that currenlly ar e losing about $40 000 k month The equ ity will be written down from '10 m1lho11 to 18 5 m1Jhon &he amount of the outstandi~g mortaaae on the_ P.roperlle:i Kin-Ark s.11~ 1\ may be forced no , tumi·the buikhngs over to the Federal Housing At1lhor1ty, the mort g1ge guarantor •• ON THE TUBE ' I L ' ' DAIL V PILOT • Friday, JLUll .26, 1970 -~69 Seniors Graduate From -Esta·ncia High School • A total of 469 high school Karen Booning, Richard~, Stephen Coe, Diatie Coltman, Stevj!n Em::!ry, Kurt" E-:iax. James Kerwin, T I mot h 1 O'Hare, Carlos 0 Im e d o , Mark Ready. Shaughnessy. 1 seniors were graduated during Fr~riek ~: T rina Kevin Conroy. Ti moth y Stanley En&:el, f.1 a r i I y n Kimble, Davld Mi;::'mii'i,;·.;;Ra;yr,·--;G~lad~~·;;O;:lmedo¥.;:':;:;-;B";;i;a ;;• :-b"-'.!.'"-'-.: ron • nicent 1970 ceme t vMi-GONit"'ari"'••o-4El~u.,aa>li"etlh-G<~;.,--EtA&t.. .leh11 Svane, 0 11 "J 111e111d King, Kan=n , Ol111n, Chriltopber Olson. 1nennaM, Pamela Renfro, Shu1arman, Oivid SIMb, exercLStS 11 Estancia Hig Bow@o, Gr.mice Bradshaw, Charlotte Cooper. Jane Cop. Fabre, Andrea Fahy. RD be rt Vicky Kleppsittel, A n i t • CoOltance •Olton, J 0 1 n Mark Ricbardloa, V i c k i t Pamela Simonton, L u a n n e School. Hollis Brackhaw1 Laur a pinger, Raylene Cowley, David Fate. Roberta Fale. Tony Knapp, David Knavel , Dana Richardson, Roger Rieck , Sisler, Deborah Slotkin, James ~ swdents include: Bradshaw, Calby Braunsdorf, Cox, Michael Crane. Kathryn Feathers, Frank Feffer, Unda Kovacic. Grace Xu IJl al, 0p("1n.M, John Oprerman, Carol .Roberts, Ch• r I es Sm.ilh, Michael Smith, Stephen Kaiy Acklin. Kathleen Aday. Shnron Briley, N a n c y CraWford, James Creelman, Feffer1 RDdney Felts, Cheryl Carol)'I Lafferty\ W i 111 a m ~.OU~ =r g::;: Roberta, Robert Robinson, Vi· Smith, James Sneller Jr., Robin Aj:rusa, John Amorde., BrouWer, Cymhfa Br 0 ~· n , Loren Crooll:, Corinne Cullen, Fet!'et, Pamela "' Fetterling, Laidlaw Jr.~ Darlene Llngzet· Diafte Pi lmer, Richard Parie, vlan Robinlon, Laura ~ Susan Snellln&. Debra Andersoo., K a r e n Michael Brown, Deb o r a h Susan Culp, Arthu r Cun-Johanna Wilhelmina Charlotte lei, Ronald Lankford , Fied Parker. quUlo, Barbara Rosas, AUllo Lori Sommer, Karen &irce, Anderson. Llnda An n a n, Brustand. Llnd,a Bryan, Rabin ningham, Mi ch a e I Cun· Filet, Thomas Foss,· Robert Malgarita Laveaga, R u l h Mary Parker. Ricky Parker, Rosetti, Terri Rowlh. ' Diane Spacinsky, W i 11 i am Frederick Annington. Pamela • Budd, Darlene Bunney, Debra ningham, Luis .Curiel, robert Fosler, Donald Fr a o c i s. Leadholm, ChriJtlne Lelaod, Donna ParkiMOn, S u s 8 n Richard Rovin, Joiin Row. Spur19Ck, Jeffrey St ah I, Jo Astor, Virgina Auble, Amy Burkhart, Janice Bur' nett , Curry, ~1arsha DanielS?", Lin· Sharon Franken, Grant Michael Lemke, Montgomery Pearch, Susan Peart, Timolhy Carol Rudlcill, Erik Ryan, Cyolhia Stamper, Steven St. Austin, Peter Aydelotte, D.an Sl'jrley Burnside, pa t ri ck d8 Daub, Mina Daudehn, Ivan Freeland, Marla Gab I e Lew, Greg Leyerly, Carolyn Peterson, Diane Pelrowske. Diane ·· sa nd e i 1 , Mark Clair, Andrew Steinfeld, LJrry Ailin, Denn ls· n ....... i. ... -Butler, I-id Bu t t 'e I i n g, Davenport , Guadalupe Davila , Deborah, Gair, Julio Garcia '. Llcay, .Nancy Lindall!, Judy g8 .. -•·-, 0a~1 s c be Ii n , Sleph•nson, David Stemltd:e, · ~........ ._ · Nicki Pisaoo, Kath I e e n 1&1J1K-1~ ., Ronald ~do, Helen Baker, Jeanette Cadnum , Linda' Calk John Davis. Mark Dennis, .Daniel Garlick , Neil Gaydon, "' Lloy. · Pisarski, 5 an. d r a Pisarski, Christine Schmidt, Clifford Kristin Stevens, Linda Stinson, Nina Baier, Timothy Baker, Kath leen .Callaghan, Donald Susan DePiazza, Cl ai re Roy Geenen , Sandra Ger\)s, Kathleen Lodes, Margery Patricia Polf'ak. Sc ho n ert , Law r e n ce Jon Stocker, Paul stuart, Anlhony Bakke n. Glenn Cam pbell, Virginia Canzoneri. De.pres. Paul deRiman.oczy, Barbara George, Lee Gibbs, Loelkes, Brenda Logsdon, Ter· Keith Powell, Greg 0 ;. y Schroeder, Linda Schroeder, ca·vid Sullivan. BaldwJn, Sandra Darker, Dale Carol Cap-Uo, Che r y I Cindy Devine, David Dicke.I. Debbie Gill, Thomas Gisriel, ryl Long n ecker, Mary p 1 , • Ra,.....,.. .. ..i SchUreman , Steve Ewardd · SWiss, Adria n a ~ o d Powers, Debra r ce, iA.Uf· -'""""' Barkley. Laureen Bl)rnett, Carpenter, J(risti Carpenter, Margaret Dietermann, av1 Pi at r ick G o·d win 111 , Lopizich, David Loufi , Eileen etle Probasco, Richard-Pur· Scm.ter, ·Tagliari, William Tan aka , Maria Barton. Jeanette Glenn Carter, Sandra Casiube, Dinius; Diana Dorsett, Forrest Christopher ~Ison, Yvonne Loughery, BomUe Lum an , doi:n Vickie Putt, Christopher Scott Schwager, R 0 n a Id Bruce ·Taylor, Kri s ti n e Bauwin, Gregory ~en t' on . Rita ~a~ll, Denise i;:avin, Doud, ~1ary Dreis;i. Georgian-Gomez, Thomas Good. Diane Keri MacLeod , Gail Mahnken, Quezada, Stephanie Marica Searle, Frank Sears, Stephen Thomas, Audrian Thompson, Susan Benware, Diana Ber-Josephine O\amorro. Sfilrl ey na Dwight. Ch ri s toph er Corman, Michael Grady, Neil Glay Mahoney, Marguerite Zuiroz, Frank R agOslno, Seiver, Kate Sevon, Lenee Gerge Thompson, Ju l ie · r¢1, Julie Blackbum, R.i~rd 01amorro, Edw ard Chase rll, Eckert, Brian Edgar, Zora Grant, John Granzella, Phillip Marsaudon, Edwin Marsh.. Kathleen Ra r 0 g le w i c 11 Seward, phyllis SfeOru, Lin· T h ompson , · T h o m a I Blacksl~ Danielle BoMand, Joel Church, Janel Coats, Ekovich, Michael EI am ' Greiwe, Priscilla . Grierson, Richard Martin, Terri Matrin,. Veronica Ratti, Mary · Rau.a.a, d 8 sha r e r . Mich a e I (See F.STANCIA, Pagi: 11) · ' Ardene Grindstaff, ' Robert John Mason. .~~~~§~~~ii;i~~::~~=:i;~-~";;:~~:::;:;--;;i;;-, Gunyon Jr., Rebec~a Guss. Candice Matthews, DeanJlr OKER' S I ACT NOW Geneva Hale, ieanryne Hale , Ma Michelle McClurg julie :· ·"'.: '· SM' •· '• Pamela Hall', Greta M~mb. RiChard M.ceoy, ,,·: .·~·""· Halvorsen, Susan Hambacher, Robyn McCrann , T h t.,. 0 n .~ i Ro( I.' P.. · Beth Hamborg, Scott H~nson, McCulloch Jr., Timothy i ~f:!'7 ~uy J.1ardy, Maureen . Hilr· McGregor, Carolyn McOlash. ',~ ·,::~:. TOMORROW l'lL 'QUIT SltlOKIN/; TH.E NATIONAL; ANTI·SMOKING COUNCIL r1so~ •.. Douglas H a r sa ny , Kim Medlin, Jane Meeks, ,:, ,,:.:,_~J Christine Harvey, Ml ch a el Phillip J\.fessrah , M i ch a e 1 .: c,. -GUA'RANTEES Hays, Jan Headley. ~nne Mlllang, James Miller, James Helberg, Jayne Hendrick~, P.1iller, Patrick Miller, Vic- Thomas Hess Ill, Leshe · •. 1·11 L'nd M' Hester, .Linda Hetrick , tor1a n I ~r. t a mear, \Vitliam Heylln, OetJrrah !Jib-Pamela Miolla. bard, Victoria H i g gin s , Patricia Mitchell , G a r y Gregory Highflll. J e f r r e y Mohn, Pamela Montgomery, .1-lilbert, Ch ristopher Hi 11, Rogin ··Moody , John Moore, Stephenie Hill, Ba r bar a Debrra Morgan, Ga YI e H~ton, Susan Huffman, Ran· Morgan , Barbara Morley, Lar· di Hutton, Stephen Isaksen, ry Morrison, William Morrow, Patricia Janssen, Joan Jette, Robert Mueller , D a v i d David r . Johnson n' e b r a Muhonen, Patricia Mulheron. Johrt$11, Jeffrey J oh n son , Steven Muro, EI i z a bet h Karen Johnson, John Jones, Musch, Barba ra Mynatt , Mar tha Jones, Susan Jones, Marco Nava , Dicie Needler, Pau l Joyce, Jeffery Judge, Monida Newmann, B e I h Susan Jundanian, Monique Newman, Oarian N i c h o I s , Kappeler, Christine Keefe, Ronald Nickels, Sh a r on Diana Keefe, J ack Kehler, Nickels, Craig Norm u r a, John Kelly, Kurt Kersten, Kat haleen Nunn, 0 ale I ' " _ . .-.. )' v ' /-) ' , TO HELP YOU - STOP SMOKING ):...._ /' ' -.>... ~"-'c ~ t .\'">--I.. I."(,. ~ ,_ r ,,,,--~ \ -... -:~l .. ' . Tiie ••nONAL ANn-IMOllNO COUN· ~:i CIL 'HAIR CONflOL' N:OOUM OUAl· Allfln te ._. ,.. NOT SMOllN• 19 1 ..,. ...., .................. .. "'~ .. ./ ~o otluc;s "'"'"os\S eo"''" t&O tlO "4\\.\. PHONI TODAY H)t A N ... ...i ..... s..tit.t c .. ldl ,.,.. ....i.. -4 -i..i... HEE NATIONAL Pho• 642-4163 A~NeC..•r 0......,...-0,wrt .. ANTI-SMOKING COUNCIL-SUITED 1770. ORANGE AYE.:... COSTA MESA;CA~IF. ~ Come. See a Ree-ally Big Show .. . greatest selection • • • I owest prices • • • immediate 'installation • 3 -Co lor Com bin ati on $· KODEL Shag A Shae ttrptti\z ~f t1ceptianaHy·bta"Y, lang·strand Kodel polyeste r pile ~rns that ar1 tlthlly·twllltd ta assurt long, lan1 wear. And you'll lowt . It r••r lftM' year bttause of its bri!hl, c~eerlul l·color tweeds ... that's ri1ht, 3 1or1e~~.s .col11s in a sin&le carpetin(, You'w1 never seen this type 1f Ktllel SllJC before ••• never seen 1 comparable value before. 99 ••• yd. It's a civilize' Sh{ tf i11u, ~eat·stl nylon yarns •Ille t1 retain its rood looks fir years. Selection at decar . enbancinr tweeds and solids ... 1 1r1e· ious and easy·to-c1r1·f1r car· petinc 10 nice t1 live with. - 2-Color Tweeds ~ and Solid Colors .., KODELShag If JO•'' pr1ftr , 2-c1lw twull If ltli,-caler s.iac 1f Kldel ,.tr1st1r Jilt, you want t1 111 t~ls 1111'>1,.clal nl11. l ecaus1 it'1 lMel JH .kl•• H's so r1sillent tllat it bounc11 rlfhl back ... lt'1 tuy-cl1anlnr ... N 'I ••l tr cru1~ ••• and it's meth·pr11f, 111Ud1wtrllf, 1111-all1rrt11k:. Wlltt It t1m11 t1 kNol, 111 1111 1ff1r1 , the 11l1cll11 1H •11111 Yl•'I fin-at Car,1t Tewt ril:ht llW! REMNANT CLEAR· OUT! ONE WIEK ONLY "Yi PRICE! 1 OO's to choose from Bri ng your room measur-nts. -- AREHOUSE Fol lnform1tion -Phone 642•4305 ------524 - WEST 19th ST. COSTA MESA Open Evenings 'til . 9 . p.m. Saturday 'til 6 -Sunday 1 0 • 5 Our Huge Buying P,ower For 30 Carpet Tawn St-s Sav'5 Yau Mani! CORNER of 191~ STREET ind HARBOR BOULEVARD J - .3 i ' ------7·---- ' ' • JODEAN HASTINGS, '42-4321 .,,_,, , ... 2'. lt1' I '"' ~l > . Sumrlier Safety ' \Vith the advent of summer it's Up, Up,· and· Into Uie Pool for many area 'youngsters! . To make the surnme11 scene sare for everyone , the Huntington Beach Junior \Voman's Club is sponsoring a pool safety.program within the area. ' ' Methods of rescuing a drowning person and administering mouth-lo-mouth resuscitation and other life-saving techniques will be demonstrated by the Huntington Beach Fire Department in conjunc- tion with the program. Residents willing to donate their pool_~ for the progra~ will re- ceive safet y posters and everyone will receive a telephone slicker for quick dialing in case of an emergency. · Serving as chairman of the pool program is ~1rs. Daniel Drage- set, and a<JditlonaJ i9formation may be obtained by calling her ,at 1163-1275., Also in lhe interest of summer safety th e J uniors are sponsOl'ing a bicycle safety program which will take place \Vednesday, Thll;rsday and Friday, July 1, 2 aiid 3, at Huntington Center. Serving as chairman \Vilt be tl~rs. Cody Evans, and 'assisting wi!J be the :tvlmes . John .Knox, Karl Hao1mer. Er,vin ZuehJs, James Shepard, Robert Evans, Richard McDonald, Bruce Burton , ·Earl Hale, Edwin 1-lume, Ronald Nov~ov, William Biss , Ted Reddick, WendaJI Emde, Drageset, Stanley Hettmga and J ack Hall. . The project, ·to increase bi cycle 'safety within the. community, also is being assisted by Sgt. James Mahan of the Huntington Beach Police Department and the Automobile Club. . Bike owners may be tested for their knowledge of tra~f1c rules and regulations, riding ability on an obstacle course, mechanical safe- ty and regi stration. . There will be daily winners according to age category, and the Police Department also will be dernonstrating its helicopter . . Fountain Volley Juniors Score Smashing Success - • . --.-• FOR SUMMER SAFETY -Members ol lhe Hunl- J'ington Beach Junior Won1an's Club will be volunteer· ing their time to sponso_r a pool sa!ety program dur· ing the summer. Lending a helping hand to Greg . . Surf Sounds Noble are (left) Mrs. Daniel Drageset, chairman of the pool safely committee, and Mrs. Cody Taylor. Anyone wi shi ng to don ate a pool is invited to call Mrs. Drageset at 963-1275. .~ I Woman-of-the-Year 1 ' ·-. \' . , ' Keyed to Comm 1unity By JODEAN HASTINGS 01 Ille DaHJ l"lltf Sttlt ,PICKEO AS WOl\fAN-of-lhe- ycar by Golden Key, a :support group o( Child Guidance Clinic or Orange County, "'as Pat Holman, ded icated publicity chairman for the group for the past two yea rs. A res ident of Huntington Beach for the past five years, Pat is the mo1her of ~trs. D o n a I d Campbell and Robert Lee Holman. She was proposed f o r membershi p in Golden Key lJ> by a former publicity chairman -Paula Fullmer, who also received the award in 1967. In addition to her · duties as eiublicity chairman Pat has served Golden Key as correBponding se<:retary and assisted in the thrift sho p and with their fashion shows and bazaars. PRESENT AT the Rocky J\f o untain-Western lleglonal Conference of the National Association of Bank Women in Salt Lake City, Utah, was Pauline Boris or the United States National !Sank of Hun- tington Beach. The a:sspciation, which Ms To: encourage young women e membership or more than to eiiter the banking field the 7,400 women executives in banks and savings companies in the U.S., Canada and overseas, was founded in 1921 when won1cn bank executives were a rarity. Today there are more than 20,000 women bank officers in this country alone. ass oc i at lo n pro vlde s scholarships for q u a I i f i e d members. Included in the roster or members arc 2f'l wome n who are chairmen of the board of their banks, 47 women bank presidents and 20 executive vice presidents. ' Achieving their goal are (left lo rig ht ) the Mmes. Frank Fleck, Larry Long, Robert Somma and Robert Marten, members of the South Coast Junior Woman 's Club. The group recently honored · their husbands ·durine a party in the Fountain Valley home of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Reinker. Husband's Appreciation Night was staged to entertain members' husbands who have worked as diaper<hangers, chauffeun and baby-sitters during the past' year. Aller dinner adivities were pifts-po111 , volleyball and dancing. The conference attracted more than 375 professional women bankers from Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New MeDco, Utah and Wyoming. FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE Mrs. Robert Holm•n Good Student ·Fails to Score When ·Computing Lost Genius DEAR ANN LANDERS : Our daughter Jg 27 years old. She was an ,; A" student all lhe way through 1ehool. When it came to common sensil'.!, she didn't have DlUCb, Her grandmother used to say lhe was ''boo k smart and lire dumb." Anne has a masters degret in English ANN LANDERS ~ I nd taught Jn junior high for tv.·o years. Street" and there ls no teUing when ti slle sboald Heel I& but II)' llt&blq Ten months ago she married a brilliant he will go baci: to his job. &bat mtp& elC!'OUl'lp •r le lnve Mr computer renius who gets klst on his .... bud .. way home from work and mlsplaces Anne is pregnant and had to quit 1 • his Pl)'check regularly. lle.Jlas trouble:_';'lea-,chlng last week. She told me yestc.r=·--DEAfLANN-LANDERS: Today Is my holding jobs becluse he becomes in· ay-r marriage v.·ai a misLale and birthday. I'm alone. My love just phoned lrigued with afternoon TV soap operas she is fed up with the lazy Jug. W~at lo say his wife is ill and he. can't and stays home rrom work. should her rather and 1 do? -AGONIZ. leave her. This isn't the first lime he , n.eccnlly, he bec1me 90 enthralled with ED FOLKS has ca ncelled plans at the laal mlnuLe. "Edge of Nllht" and "General ttospltal" -DEAR AG: Nottaing. It's Hr mitCake or course lhere'a noUUng J can 11y he faked Illness for five da)ls. Now a.:I ber lazy htf. Let lter know JOU 'JI or do. he has fallen In love with "Sesame. give •er ind Ute blby W .... beard My evenlnas are apent slttl.nc by the phone. Sometimes It rings. Some.limes it doesn't. I'm afraid to leave the apart· ment for fear he'll call aod I'll miss him. I helltate to lnvite friends over because he might drop by when someone ii here. I'm ashamed to tell you how long I've been living llke. this. I'll just sign off with a warning to other starry~yed foola who think lhe role of the Other Woman ls e1clting and glarAorous. It's a lousy life. and a lonely one. The road Is a rough one and it lt:ad1 nowhere. I've wasted my you th and I have no future. -TEARS IN THE PILLO\Y DEAR TEARS : Vow meaup ii plal1. I IHlpe Ute e11dldltea read yoa loud udc ... r, DEAR ANN LANDERS : My husband and I have been married eight years. We both w111L a family but I can't seem to get pregnant. lie his been checked and the probk!m 111 mine, not his. 'Mltee doctorB have told me the troub le Is "psyc.hok>gical" and not organic. They have suggested adoption -and all three doctors have said, 1o Afttr you adopt a child you wil l pro- bably have-your own." - The problem is my husband's big mouth. We have bc<!n Inter.viewed by represen lativell of two adopUon agencies. When they ask him about church •l· tend a nee he snys, "lleligion ls a lot o( garbage. Children should be railed lo clejlOlld on -1-. IOI a Ji"'ll' cZ:Utch." 1 know we wUI never aet a child if he doesn't st.op that kind Of lalk. I've begged him to just keep quiet about Udl subject but he says, "l'm no. hyPoCrtte." What can I do't -REDDING. DEAR RED: Y•'d beltff 1lart t1 COlllac& adop&ioll qqt~I -wWCi are IOI c~HU.&ed -If yOll'ft sure lie ••&I • dilld. , •• Ml IO ...... tie ... AlcohOI Iii no shortcut lo social succtss. tr you think you have lo drink &o be accepted by your friends, get the tac.ts. Read "Doo1e and You -For Tee11111gtr:J Only,'* b}I Ann l.and,rs. Send » eenlJ In coin and a loD1. oelf.....,.ued, · sto.mped enve lope with your ~ 1n ..,.GI Ille DAILY•PILOT. " . • . ' ' • . • • . • ... : :-. . , . • . • . . • • •. . • • • ' ' ~ • • • ' ' . · . • • DAILY HI.OT • Your Horoscope Tomorrow . Pisces: Surprise Trip Ahead · By SVDNEY OMARR TEEN DATING fUNTS : Personality kid Is Ta1&n11i, "hlle Scorpio 11 cenctrned Ytil.b permanency of relatlon- 'sWp. Key lo rvn on date tonJ,rbt Is graclousntSs. Some el:hlbii stubborn atUtude. 11 you •·ant to win popU.larlty contest, maL:e' intelUgent eopcess.lons . Blind date iffml on agenda for Gtmlnl, wlllle Aries gets 1tuck with check. Romance could bloswm for Caprlcera, •·bile Cancer UDds DtW rrtead1 stimulatlng . ARIES t!\1arch 21·A~il 19): By tonight you get fmancial matters on even-k e e I : Purchase or no ... ·ers. other gift could be move that insure fine evening. There appears to be a valid reason-for celebrating. ·· TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Mystery cldods are blown away. You see more clearly. Path Is oUllined. You know where to go, what to do. But you must be a self-starter . Take initiative. GEMINI (flitay 21-June 20): Dy tonight, you know whtre you stand in romantic aiea. You also will know whether or not promotion you seek will become ' a reality. Day to perceive truth -and accept truth. CANCER (June 2l.July 22): various possibllilil'ti. Be flex-you for ll'lllted. But you find To n"" ...,. W11o'1 w.w 1w ._ ·t-ahno9 impeuible te 11y ~::""" ...:...lld,..,,-"".,·-·r'".,,,.;,•;;••:;;;.• _ SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): no. By July, much pttsa ure Mtn .,.,.. WD1N11." s... ......_ L · Wied .~ W• •AL. •l'ICI JO cenis le Otnarr Altr...., ie low: do plenty of Ustenin& 1s ... wui.es on s.cr.11. 111e 0A1Lv i-1Lot • ._.,., observing. Take special care a brighter glow. ~~~,:1°100ff.""'1 51111or1. ,.._ .... .,., in connection with contracts, 1 "'"· .,..---=.,..-..c.::::.='-=,,., ====-- agreements. Give thought to Free EstlaatN ~~;myou can pul across pro-• RE-UPHOLSTER SAGITl'ARIVS (Nov. 22· CoMplfltfl Sel...,tloN of Dee. 21)' Tonight emphas~ E _.. __ I I _.1 . is on heallh, how to overcome ·aflrff:9 KC "• HI: tensions. c o. w o r t •. , ~r · Linens alll Velvets . associate has been actmg 1n manner which disturbs you. Muter Cr1btman Alw•y• Diplomatic approach is best; At bec~;i:[~~ (Dec 22-Jan. CDKOSKI 19): Good lunar aspect tonight 1sv.l(os:.Kr:v1 1131 NIWPOIT M. COSTA MESA ,,... .....,. , coincides with romance. •--z 14" ~ creative ability. You are able P•o•e _.. • ..-. •• to giye and receive affecUon. Adjustment in home situation • proves constructive • AQUARIUS tJan. 20-Feb. '18): Obtain ,hint from Caprlc«n message.. S e ·t l I e domestic differences. Quiet .talk and williDgness tor mate -concessions gains major. point.' Family member needs boo.st in moraJe. Try to provide it. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Surprise trip may be on agen- da. One who has corres~ed \lfith you insists on ·personal co~t.act. Thil fOUld ~ to your advantage. You get needed- su.pport. IF TODAY IS YOVR BlRTHDA Y you attract people to you with their problems. Many lake advantage and take ., 91sy-c1re •ctive 'Wftr" for men •ncl Lay, to b• 1t ••1• i1 to dr111 Dolls Displayed by Coast Delegates You can gain added recogni· Uon. Key is to finish, complet e project -then advertise it. l!Ieans lcl others know where Tennis lnstructian "•11l 11r11ric1rJ e 11111t1r c~•rt• 7 ftU.le• itl1M, ...-port M1cll 644-1070 .. . (l eft)' and Mrs.· Anthony Gajewski, past presidents of Las Brizas del Mar Auxiliary of Fountain Valley. you stand -where you intend Unique Gu.r•ntffd to go. Method Displaying the handmade dolls they exhibited dUring a statewide meeting of Children's Home Society members in Los Angeles are ltfrs. James· Ackley LEO (July . 23-Aug. 221' 645·1907 642-0954 Perfor mance counts; you are 11=,;;;~~,'.,,,=,,,,;~~;:;:;;d~===================== asked to live up to advanced I' ' JUDY PRICE Au9u1t Bride Texas Rites In Offing News of the forthcoming marria:ge of Judy Price of Rockw111 : Tex., and Cary Lee Griffin ol Newport Beach and Glendal e has been an- nounced by Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Price of Rockwall , parents of the bride-eleet.~- 1'fm Price. a graduate of Rockwall High School, earned her AA degree from Stephens College and her BS degree in secondary education from Gavel .,Chang,es·· Hqnds • #M -I For T o~n and ·. Gown The To•·n and Gown Junior Aui::iliary ol Orange County of the University of Southern California. has installed hlrs . · Uwai;I -l!nunlhu ·iii' "Costa · Mesa •·i president for the . oail>i~. • ... 11ie ·'*8.r-old or&-aniza\ion • 1lso w.:Uf be served by the JIDICS.• ;.lil!U.m • Ha,..._b1¥~ ~ ~; JoM Ligbiloot, ce rr~~ .. ·~· Rlctianr:-B e r ti a ·, recotdlrlg teere\111, ·and James McCUQ. mu. tr ....• ·~ , Mo,.._ !ti.the M m e ·S . M.iCh~ -""P.J, 1 an • means,, .'JIJ ard I~\ i e', scho1~'1'.i:c!ward H,aUigari,• hos ptlallly: JoSepb R""'.~LoS- Angeles liason : R a n do If Par)er, meeting; Robert Brownsberger. n e w mem- bersjtip· •Ri~ Ramella, membetsiftp; James Tyler, program: Paul Hadley, social; Oby Woods, parliamentarian, and Philip Anshutz, historian . :Angeles group tn. lund-raising events. Eat1'1 year, Town and Gown Junior Aui::iliary awards scholarships to senior women. The Orange C\XJnty chapter PRESIDENT ~·as founded to assist the ~: · ·~.Mrs. Brumleu New Duties Outlined For Slate bill ing. There is s o m e pressure. But you are capable. Kno\v this -acl accordingly • VIRGO (Aug. %3-Sept. 22)' Tonight you may rind it dif· ficull to get factual in- formation. There is a tendency on part o[ many to rant!Wie and idealize. Your task is lo sift lhrough and gel al truth. New officers and new LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22): members took ihe ~potlight Some money factors require when Alta Bahia Coipmittce more detailed examine.lion. Be of the Orange C 6 u n t y sure you are obtaining your Philharmon_ic Societf met to rights. Don't give up welcome -both. something for nothing. Check . ).e.W., ~ ..,.., Jor the _ • comingyar11ill·•Mrs, John Scout Ing W1 Donald90n, cha 1 rm an , misled by the Mmes. John G B t C..ul, vice chairman; L. W. ets 00S Jaks, recording aecretary; Underprivileged girls will Richard· Fran k'l in , cor-benefit from a $2,000 grant ·responding secretary a n d , given the Girl Scou t Council membership_ chairman; Da vid of Orange County by the Sears Chambers treasurer, an d Roebu ck Foundation. II The grant will be used to \V liam hi. Laing, pa rliameo-strengthen the program in tarian. areas where families might . Chairmen are the htm es. be unable to afford participa· Paul Queyrel, ways and lion for their daughters, ex- means; Leonard Hall. publici-pla ined D. A. Pr i m rose , regional director of southern ty: Luis Lazo, previe••s; California for the foundation . Herman Johnson, continuance Accepting the check for the fund: William Heidemann, council •·ere ~1rs. John M. telephone and Raymond C. Owen, preside nt , and hirs. Deadline A_ .. l"f~toaches =~.:;~ E. Morgan Quinn. ~~C::. \Vhi tis, exeeutiv• ,_,,.,,. New members are the 1'he funds ••ill provide 20 • -, ' Mmes. Jenks, Robert L. Wolf. new irOOPS with Pni&Tim SUD-F 0 r F 1eed 0 m . Aw a rd s r.";;;al;;;;;I a;;;nd ... Ma .. rlin;;;;S;;;;hee..;;ly;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;p;;;;lies,. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;......,I A1'oesday,June30,deadline 'and to educa tors for buoldingl RIUPHOLSTIRY OPIN DAILY 111-lO;SUN.111-7 ....... . ' . Friday A11dSe1t11rday,]u11e 26,27 Kotk/!ll .,,,,j c OllOH I RllAX IN A COOL ROBE Rtg. 3.75 to 3.96 -2 tiuys 88 ; • ' • : Texas Technological Institute , Lubbock. She is a teacher ln Laredo, Tei:. has been set for the Freedont intellige nl , capable and •t P'•ctwy Prlcn Dir.ct Foundation's annual school • potriotlc eltl?e11s .. Tile ·uwards FREE ESTIMATES awards program, aCcording to J\trs. Louis L. Curtis, presidenl of Orange County Women 's Chapter oC Freedoms Foun- dation at Valley Forge. include the Valley Forgt Furniture l\fade To Order Te ache r s ' Medal, the \Vi th "Quality Workmanship" ! •, ,. .·· ' • ! ,. .. . • • • . .. . ' . . • Her riance, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Art Griffin or Glen- dale and Newport Beach, at- tended the University of '-tiSSOJrt and received his BA degree in English from UCLA. Schoolmen Ml'dal and the Stop By 11.nd SC'C Our Sho"TOOm American Educators' Mroal. CASTLE INTERIORS A national awards program 7541 Ch•'""•"· O•rd•n GrH• will honor pa triotic strides in C•ll C1ll11Ct-ltt-1m d1ys .,. 147-7SU .... ._ They will exchange pledges Aug. 22 in Rock•·all. Facts Told By Doctor The schoo l awards program is designed to recognize the citizenship-building efforts of public, parochial and private schools, both in and out of the classroom. Awards also sch<?<>J pa.pers are made to for editorials Rebekah Lodge the areas of advertising, editorials. magazine an d newspaper articles, radio and television programs. essays, public addtesses and other ac# Uvities. Alt award seleclions are de"rmined by a jury of 30 state Supreme Court jurists and naHonal execulives of patriotic. s er v Ic e and Triple Link Club of l\1esa veterans' organizations . An established surgeon will Reh...i..ah Lodge has meetings NomlnaUon forms a n d be the guest spea ker at the "'? 2 to 4 p.m, meeting on Sunday, the fourth ~londays at 8 p.m. further lnformatU;in may be JU'l'le. 28, of the Ostomy Club in various locations. fl1rs. obtained by contacting J\lrs. of orange County. Douglas ~iorgari at 548·l931 Robert D. Peterson of Santa n11y be called for additional An•. awards ch a i r m a n, Dr. Joseph L. Keating of ihfonnaUon. n.. c t Ch t Long Beach will discuss llow p;;iiiiiiii;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_,;;ilri;,;;•n,;gi;c._ou_.noi_Y __ .~p.;~;;;;;;· iiiiiiif to Live with Your Colostomy il and Like IL in the comn1unity room of Belmont S3vi[)Ms Bank, Seal Beach. A fellow cf the American College of Surgeoaa and a dip\01nate of the American Board of surgery, Dr. Keatin1 is on the staffs vi St )lary's and Community hospitals of Loni Be&ch. He has bttn on the staff at Hope Medical . Center for nine years. A coffee period will follow. • Who Cares? No oth1r ti•""lP•P•' 1" th1 world c.•r•• 1bo11t yevr c:or11tr111• 11ify Ii•• 'l'O•H C:Otrltrllll'll~ d1 11 11twtp1por ~011. lt't the DAILY PILOT. ' SUMMER PANTS B. 0 N A .N Z...A SALE! 3 -·n A y ·5····0-N l Y Nt.11t Mond1y.luesd•y·Wtdnt 1d4y Jtoln ~hl WESTCLlff·PLA'ZA ONLY OPEN SUNDAY 12-5 fr1nchi11 D~•ltr for- YAMAHA --···. - KlMIAlL KOHlU & CAMPIUL 1 l)f Newport ltvd. at Horbor, Costa Mete Coll , •• 642·28$ l Today's Stocks Today l, --......... """'··· ............ When you s~e the1e eveaiaa robe1, }'OU11 find that nen the price i1 relu· iDg! Select priDt or 10lJd hue Kodet•- polyester and cottOn robes dmi• thi1· sail'. Also lovely pa1tel1 that offer a choice.of lacy or appliquetrim1 plut elaborate embroider,. t~ 18. ... , ..... , __ --·---- 1 ' ' -- -··~ ---·--------_ ... __ -- I I DICK TRAC\ •' , . •' '.~ · TUMBLEWEEDS ' ·' ' .. PAJAMAS, I HAVE. SOMETHING 10iELL )O(JJ ... ~. Mun AND JE"F . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 JUDGE PARKER • SINcE VOU ARE MYltlLVCM,'TllUE FR\EW IN'TIIE WH0tE W?Rlt>~ FORM{ OOU.Y). .. 1 .. ~'«XJlb IJE THE FIRST'TO OOW THE Sltl0\'IN6 ml'/S!: ... PAJAMAS, ot'. Pl\L. ••• J-11\11 60M.11>RUN AWAY! . . ---, -. ---.. ------------~ --,. . By Tom K. Ryan · ITS NICE 10 . HAVE A FR\EN\'1 "'100 DOfSN'T PANIC ' By Al Smltli '°'E'S WEAKENING.' LAST NIGHT HE eoareo Me CLEAR OVER · -THE GATC.-.' By Hsolcl Le Doux MAY t ASStiME T~AT IT · YES ! !'LL . • r::::=-===---.. ripiii1P;<,;s"iieo;S<,A~'i _ IT TOOK COtlSIPEl"&l.E COURAGE FOR I MA.VE NO 015JECTION5 TO WI-IV SME MElf TO C.01'.E lO JUVENILE HALL~ I. WILL IE A.LL 116MT !=Oft TALK TO TME .; , . " • ' ' • • , ' ' " " ' l ' f " ' I ' ' ' ; • ; . . . " . " YOUR: MEETIN6 LOVE ALEXA.NPER~ NEVE~ c-.Me MAPE IT A POINT tr.IOT TO P!ESS HEii! · TME !OV TO STAY WITM JUP6E ! MOTl-IER •. BUT 51-lE'S A MERE &E-FOR INFORMATION AT™IS TIME ••• ~RICi>MTENED, W1TI-IPRA.WN FORE THIS? AN'1 I MOPE YOU WOtfT EITMER, MISS SPEN,Ell: UNTIL A FINAL PKISIOW IS MADE?. VOUN6 WOMAN! lr\11':, PRIVEl1: ~ iir.:===~F--~, ,- PLAIN JANE ' ' ' J f. " i I i • " : • rD Llk:E 10 SUV A LDV& CHMlM 'l=OI< M'Y NEW 90YFRl'ENC>~ I DAIL y CROSSWORD ••• by R. A. POWER I ACR'OSS 1 Brealht convulsively S C lolhing accessory '* Wraith . 14 Oppositt ol lS Big name \11 .. _baseball lb Mer e goss ip 17 Miike lamentatlons 18 Nol brief 19 Sculptured !i9t1r t 21} Allractive 22 Thinly sta\\ered 23 Tooth 24 Par t or , the body 25 Speed light: Infor mal 28 TV Vlfs 32 Grayish- whi\e 33 Wasp's weapon •34 Tourist's neces sity 35 Fe1ni11ine name l)b Bakery prod uct 137 Hereditary 1 elemen t ·JB Army unit: 1 Abbr. / 3'* Not olig inal I 41} Commence 1 <11 Debar I <13 Country of E11rope , 5J " 44 Barber and Kelly 45 BotanicA! ·plcral suffix 4b ··-··· grits 49 Storage container: 2 wo1ds 53 -----on: 2 words 54 5'uper- market necessities 55 Rep resent· a lion Sb Bend outward 57 Grte~ god 58 P1ipasition 59 Canadi1n professor or medicine !.O Conserva tive bl Well ·arranged OOWN 1 Cert ain wild a111inals 2 In a short 1imt ) Adult male animal 4 Slee veless smock 5 Sally b 111 the course of 1 MPlolly 8 A!rec1ion1te act · '* Compla lninq • 7 11) PtQJllP 11 P~rsi an pee! 1Z l~akes we l: Di al . 13 Newsprint source 21 Simp le ton: Colloq. 22 Gavt off · ll ght 24 B11ckbo11e 25 Canadian Foreig11 Minister 21. Color tester In pa int factory 27 Roam abo ut 28 Garme11t 29 T ht e11d JO Entered quick ly: 2 word s 31 O lsbor~t 33.Biq quantity: Sl anq • •• i.121.n o •Jb Room 37 Solid i!i- t a!ion 39 F1agi1e '10 Chan9e to steam 42 Cowtr 43 Tending to be insistent Olal. 4S Toot 4b Tr11mp 47 "Hivt ''"''Y ---\ ': 2 words 48 Shoppi ng center 49 Gambl ing gamt 50 Sk in disease 51 The "N" of "N.8 ." 52 Small c lus ter 5~ Spttt IZ IJ PERKINS MISS PEACH STEVE ROPER SM E THfART .' 'lt!U Leo< u<E 'OJ JUST 5A'tll /Ii. GHOST.' I By Frank Baginski I JtJST SAW '4. GUY WHO'l.L~8E ONE, Vi .1 BEFORE TCMORROW! .. .. U'L AINa .SAU Y BANANAS GORDO . MOON MUWNS . .. . ,, By Mel t $JH•, OANC:~ AND THlllATaH THI Pl•KTO•· I• ' ' F .. ,-.. 1970 ·'• .~, ..... • MR.MUM ,( ·~'-· .,, ~ OAIL Y 'JLDT J 5 By Al Capp " By Charles Barsotti l·.J.i.M Ji. J.o,. 'd'h cd. ~.Ml~ t.vamf: ~ Otjj.· By Gus A'rriola By Ferd Johnson By Roger Bollen OO! • AIJD I'LL TEIL 400 WI*! DORllJ E> 11-lE IJE \IT COMMEROAL ... :• ' blNGE~~AD ~Ml_~E~"'f ill DENNIS THE MENACE f I · .. . . II DAILY PILOT Friday, .... 2~ 1970 Laver Drops :Set T~en ,Blitzes All Smiles--Alinost • WIMBLEDON, Eqlud (AP) -Th< no-proud by rtacs:.:, the loll• II • rcianlnl champiao W<D "I, U, M, W: Wlmll-c:bullp(oa In 1111and·1•. ltllvtly critM:ized aeediftC coramittet of with a five Mt vM:tory over Sou&h Africa'• ' NtwO>mbe, aeeded f.o llJ!ft ,Llttr' In Another Amer1caQ, Clark Gl'llllnlr, the Wimbledon teMls championships was Terry Ryan. the ftnal, 1wnmerM anotbif A161tnlian, h1a !'"~"llll!llrlf"11"'8:~."'Thll'lrbe""'..-1-H~Mtfte~~w~-"'Tl>ei...~~~bor ... ~1wo00-~li:lll:..C..,...,,.w-•••••lilr•~J1Maa~w•~•~Dlllolvid~·u.,.°'!':,~~~7,,"'.i,..i.~~7--:c~-•~~~·r.;:;:,,;,~~~,..;=:l<h:,,.:llolnll:o::;:;;:..!:Pr~em~J~~- 11 eelectiorui made It into the fourth Kodea of Czechollovakla and Zeljko Ashe, LWnt his held and varylna hia • • Y· round of the men's slhgles, with one 'P'ranulovic al Yugoalavia, art out. serv~tuma akllfuUy, downed the Three other key battles shaped up more still to play . Franulovic, all at sea on Wimt*tdon's Egypt! lefthandtr, Ismael El Shalti, in today'a fourth l'OWMi. ''That's not a bad SCO rt in these days fast, sun-baked turf, succumbed M, M, 6-3, &-1, , U . Gonnan, the Slant twer, went after of optn tennis, with contract pro-0-6 to Bob Carmichael of Awliral1L Baldes Tcm G<nnaD. and Albe, three another flJDOUI atat -Ken Rolewall, fes.sional~ and all competing," said' Capt. J.feanwhile the big gum -C6ranl del Americans were thnlu&b to tbe 'last who was a flnalllt here beet in 1954. ~flke Glbaon, the tournament referee. Mar1s Rod Laver, John N~combt of J8 -Marty RIMRR of Evalllton, Ill., Tht wily Auatrallln, now .34, hu not .The most controversial seedings, bit-Australia and Arthur Ashe, the U.S. Stan Smith of JM Aqeles, and Denl:Us lost a 5" in hll Usree matdles thUl"- terly criticized by sorne stars who were Davis Cup stir -also advanced. · Ralston o{ BUersfiehf. · far. I ldt out of·the list, were three European But Laver showed he ls .not completely Smith, recently back in the game after Riessen f~ Tony Roche, powerful · clay courts specialists. But one of lhem, inVUlnerab1e. ·Frew McMillan of Soi.Ith .. a troubleSome shoulder i!'IJW1, had to A.ualralian ltfl-hander wbo . was thl Ille Nstase of Romania, did the com-At.ica, took a set from him btfore the play Newport B:each's lioy Emenon, finalist in 1a : . GLENN WHITE Sports Editor Former Polio Victim Leads At Cleveland CLEVELAND (AP) -Larry Hinl!Oll, a highly personable young man who overcame the handicap of !A polio- "'ilhered left ann to become · one of th!! most consistent money-winners on the pro goU tour, almost made a boo·boo alter taking the first-round lead in the '150,000 Cleveland Open with a, five-}IDder-par ~. "I haven't won yet this year," Ifie 25-year-old bofish blond uid Thursday, "but I'm playing good enough to win. When I do, I hope it's Dow Jorn." lie surveyed the somewhat surprlsed faces or lhe Cleveland repotttrs than hastily added, "Or course, I'd like to win here, too." ' Dow Jones late this swnn1er is the richest stop on the pro tour, a '300,tlXI event w~th a $00,000 prize to the winner_:1 • Hinson ran in a 40-foot blrdle pw oo the 18th green to bresk out of a logjam or players and take 90Je control r.C the lead over a group of five others who matched 661!: They included Lee Trevino, who said he had to win $2,000 this \\'eek io break even: Dave Hill, playing the 6,66l·yard par-73 Aurora Country Club course for the firsl time; roo kie Bill Br ask ; Grier J ones, and Tommy Aaron. . : l\f o·rganna Strike.~· Again: . 42~22-36 Pales Palehose • By HOWARD L. RANDY ot .... DlllfY ......... Morganna Roberts ii a young lady who gets around the baseball world. Perhaps il was a carry~ver Crom the prevlou.s night when the PlaybOy Bunnies staged a .IC)ftball game at the Big A. t At any rate, when California Anael outfieldtr Billy Cowan CQ1e: to bat in lhe third iMlng of a game with lbe Chicago White Sox Thursdoy night, 1lllnp 1Je8an lo happen. .The Angels won the game, 7-3, before 10,190 paying customws and picked up a game on the Minne9ota Twin& in lhe pnx:eos. The Angels .... thn!e gomeo back now. . But back to Cowan. After popping uP in the fll'Jl with two men on base, he toot hi& stance in the batter's box .when the voluptuous bnmetle (12-D-Jtll in ug111.n1t1111, brighl Sports In Brief \ red shorts, jumped over the nllln1 l)t1l lo· the Angels dupil aild· beaded for ca.ran al -plale. . , • She is the same Muia who bUSMd Clete Boyer at· At.lanta and Frank Howanl in Wulilnilon earlltr ll1il seuon. , Mor1aooa· planted J kiss· on Cowan'• right ear. Later, Cowan, whole wife Allene: ii 01t Tl' Tealfllt . . C"-114115 ·.i I expecting the couple's 1h1nl ddld In August, said Morc;anna tokl. him, "hold still, I want· to kiss you." Allene wit- ne:ite:d the e:o~ proceedings. After her mJulon WU accornplbhed, !he bnmell• r.lumed lo the llands and pjlcber TomD11 Jdm lei loote wllh a Dodgers,PadresCollide; Man Faces Jail Term. LOS ANGEL~ -The San Diego Plldr:t<, huddling once aglin In !he bue- ment, and the LG& Anple:s' Dodger&, stlll eyeing the penthouse, open a three- 'pme series tonight at Dodger Stadium. 1 Anolher big crowd II auured .. ""1bpaw Claude ~. Jl.7, - San Dleao's Clay !prbJ, Hi ... "'1Jnel night. All 1 .. ,. .. -anil ...... wW rwceive: 1 free Dod1er1 ·beJmef'-~i .· . ' l!Olh teams wore Idle Thunilai, San , Diego ~"" of .-...,alt In 1he l<jlellult, 1he Dodgen ·-they ,,_. rlined out or tbeir aame 11~ At1ant1~ • , ( . ' Ray Foase, the Cleveland catcblr, sur- lmcl bums. • EL CAJON -Jlllle ~of Arllona Slate \Jntverlily and Wh1lllor, ..., an euy quari«.flnal n>and with ...._ pie~ 'Ihaaday lo advance lnlo Friday's -Is of lbe Wmnen's Na· ~ lnteT<ollestefe Gt>U Charn~s al Slnlln& Hills Couolry Club. Mias Blitlnchury was four up at the: tum, ·won 1he !Olh and 12lh bolfl and cloled out Susan Me:zie, Canada Conq:e, Wood&klt , Caltr., on the 13th with a par. • ,. wild PKcb sendinl 'base runner Alex Johnoonlo"""""1. • ~ Cowan responded to the treatment wtAi · a wrons·fleld triple down the ri&ht field line. It WU then Ume for White Sol MCOnd. sacker Bc:,bby Knoop to react and he. lhrew !he ball lnlo the Angel dtigout in a vain attempt to pt COwan at third, allowlnl him tQ «Ol'e. . Soulhpow clyde Wrishl (UM) had lillle trouble with the allcqo lineup for seven innings. He was nicked for a heme nm by Tom McCraw in the: &eYe:ntb to end a 13 Z/3 inning scoreless pjtching string. He tired in the elshth and wu n!lieved by Ken Tatum altar livinc up a two-run homer to Bill Melton. Manager Lefty f'llllllpo revealed Wrishl had been suf· ferblr'wlth a IOl'e throat for a week. The Ant!el soulhpa• nol oii!y <=lied on Ille mound bul also had a· big" nigh! at the plate:, He droVe in four runs,.. wlth two singles and a double in hii' fi'lt three trips. Sandy Aklmar wute:d little lime gel· tin& a base hit to nm his consecutive game· strHk to 20. He: hit the fir st pitch ~ .. the Angel leadoff batter in !he •fll'll lo right cenler lleld and had _aMher safely h11 oecood Ume up. Abnar was asked U he was looking for any special pitch when he went &o the plate in the first inning. "No. As l«ig as I get a &trike, I'm swifllina." Bill Voss i•· st.Ill on lhe disabled list and Phillips aays it will be a week lo 10 days befo~ he returns to action. "He won't be playing until he can show me De can throw." C:MltAIO ' tALll'OllNIA , .., r llltll •llrllrM W,Wltllam1, " "' 1 2 O Alolnlr, :Ill ) t 2 O ANrk~. U 4 I 1 I J.l•tunt,_cf 5 I 1,0 Mortlel, II • • • • Fr-•, II 5 • 0 • O'l rltn, lilt "' I 2 I A.Jolw.o<t, If 3 I 1 I Mf'l1911, rf 4 I 1 2 Cowtn, rl l I 1 I Jo1.,.,..on, c • t 1 I R-r. rl o 1 o o McCr1w, lb 4 I I 1 A.IQlf, c J I I O l(~,1b 210tlh1l1;J11 •121 .v..11a.., p11 1 o 1 o s""'''• tb • 2 o 1 lltrry, d • o I o Wl'IQlll, , • o J • Joto11. ' J o a O l(.lllvm, 11 o o o o O.Mvrpllv, 11 o • o • lltrl(O, ph I 0 0 I Secrl1t, J O I I o Hoplcln•, "' 1 D D 0 To"11 u J 10 I Toltll -~ 7 II • U.S. DECATHLON CHAMP JO HN WARKENTIN EMBRACES WIFE. Fresno Star In Decathlo11 Win at Tahoe SOUTH LAKE· TAHOE (AP) -John Warkentin, the 23-year-old son of a missionary, sucreedcd the relircd Bill Toomey as America 's decalhlon cham- pion Thursday by winning the National AAU title. · Warken tin, who was born in India and now li ves in Fresno, scored 8.026 for th1t 10 events in the two.day com· petition, fall ing a distant 391 points short or Toomey's world reco rd 8,417. David Cox of Saddl eback College finish· ed 16th with.6,384 points and Bill Hattwn of Orang~ ,Coast .Co llege was 26th with 5,521 . Cox Was fourth , in the javelin ~ilh a throw of 195·~ for his bes! effort in the second day of competition. Hanson was ninth in the pole vault. Jeff Bann iste r of Scarborough. fil aine, leading after~seven events, was injured Bob fifenne, Dick Carmody and Billy Maxwell shot 67s while those in the 68 _group included Bert Greene, Torn Weiskopf, Bob Charles, Bob Murph y, Frank Beard and Mason Rudolph. Defen- ding champion Charles Coody had a 72, well back. NEW YORK -A 21-yeal"Olci New York man was arrajgned in Bronx Criminal Cow-t Thursday·for allegedly tossint: a rErecracker in Yankee Sllldlwn, injuring a player. He is Luis Eslada, ordered held in $1 ,500 bail pendin& a heartni. He was charged with posaesslon Of dangerous explosives, as.sault and unlawfW use of a firecracker. He coutd '1et up to lwo CHICAGO -The Chica10 Cubs purchased veteran pitcher Milt Pappas from the Atlanta Braves Thursday for "conslder1bly more than" the waiver price of $20,000. Unhappy Mom Lashes Son's Recruiting · Thursday whjle pole vaulting and dropped out of the competition. • Among the missing are rccen Uy crown- ed U.S. Open champion Tony Jacklin. Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklau s. Billy Casper and Gary Player, all preparing for lhe Britiah Open. years in jail. t The firecracker was toued, onto lhe field iA the fiflh inning of ~ay's second game of a doubtlheader between the New York Yankees and Cleveland lndian1. READERS' . ' ·HOT CORNER You-the reMler-heve • chance to sound off, whether It be blowing off steam, offering' of • new Idea or simple commentary _., sports. It'• a new feature which starts tocMy called "Reader•' Hot Cor- ner.'' Contributions may be sent to the DAILY PILOT S,,ort1 OefMlrlment, P . 0 . Box 1S60, Costa Me1a, 92626. They must be signed for publlc•· tlon comlderation. De:ar Mr. White, , •Would you please ~Ive your National origin? 11lis is lo allow some kind of excuse ror your obvious bias. It has always been my belief that a sportscaster gave 1111 obte<:tive:, un- biased rtporl, but your article lleadeif "To Latin 'l')'pes" reek& of antJ.£ngliill r.enliment. People unfamlliS' with .xcer and its man y devo~ would probably believe )'.!)Ur words about Englishmen Meling unwanted at the: Forum etc. I ~Uended 3 of the 1ames shown at the Forum and no matter who was playing,· ihe various partisan groups "got the • treatment ." I do not think a11y National aroup y.•as excepted. Your • remark$ "Mexicans have genf.rated hatred for England ever since 1966" etc. were totally unne cessary, and to my thinking only used to further your OWi) bl&Se\I endo, ~. ID "keep the: pol boiling." 1 have Me•lcan friends and have also. officiated w.lth Me:ck:an soccer teams since 1961, and I have never encountered IJti& "hatred'' IS you call it. I think you use the freedom of the press too literally. If 'you watched the fina l game in lhe series as I did, you would have seen a solitary figure dreaed in .a Jong red hunting j1cket, top hat, and waving a huge: Union Jack walking round the front of the stand• at Azteta Stadium amona all the other excited fans -contrary to your words, no one threw anything or a111ull.ed him. As for the episode accusing Bobby :P.1oore ol stealiflg, were: you unbiased you ·would a1&0 have printed the words of the local police chtef stating tha t aorrie of the shopkeepers made a racket of accusing wealthy looking tourist of theft. One: thing England, and the Engll1h, do nol need, Ls frieftds like you. Tell, me do you switch )'OUr coat according to the game and the J\I· tionality! 'Mtere ii only one · place for )'tlUt' article and it is fit ted-with 1 chain in England. • Dear Mr. White, ALFRED EVES Buena Park Jn reading: ytRlf reixirt on the En1land· Brull -ma1cb I woodet, lot Ibo • ' Pappas had a 2-2 record for the Braves. • CHICAGO - A six-run second inning, spiced by three Chics10 errors and a double steal, carried New York's ram· paging Mets to an 1-3 victory Thursday and a five-game sweep of the coliaJ>Sinl Cubs. second time, if "We both Set the same 1ames. I suaest you report the play rather than obvious prejucllets. The England·Bruil pme: was a tremendous match showing IOCCflr at it.s most professional standard and any estimate, to be really .objective would · conced e the play edge wu 90 fine th1t Lady Luck was the decider. The goal rrtMh incident, obviously, \\'as a most unusual accident 'caused by a fearlea save: by a brilliant goalkeeper. The replay (l!lven twle<!) clearly !1-ed !he pie~'• leg (lhin) In contact with the: goalkeeper's head. Players do not ttclc with thtlr lhln1. Obviously, the referee did nol lhlnk !hen hid been a foul or a penalty would ha\'e been 1iven. tn contrast to Mr. Whtte, teems have: a "'ay of making t:hfir own judgment of the oppolltion, and Utls game WU absolule.ly exceptional in its lack ol penallies, a sreat tribute to two One: teams. • l _ .. ' : It Is ltl'IM.t tmw Mr. 1 ~ could not have obeeNed that the: ,,iaytrs were most considerate to nch other in many lackles, twTtln1 to ~ if the player wa1 O.K., ruffllnt: hair etc. Great teams do not need bad manners or foul play to win. '1 I • MANSFIELD, Pa. (AP) -Mn. James McMlllen 11 thinking of writin& about college athlete recruiting. She ought to know something about the su bject. Two of her som have been the target of basketball coaches. Mrs . McMillen took notes on the techni· que of recruiters from more than 200 colleges, who ln rece11t months besieged her soa, Tom, with offers to come: to their insti tutions of higher learning. She and her husband , a dentist, ar~'t happy with what they saw. , "This ls a nasty, dirty business," said Dr. McMlllen. "The bad publicity hurt our family. We are grief stricken. f suppoee It's right that the parents get the blame. l do not want to be quoted fUrther '' The McMIUus turned their inger on recnDUng practices after their 6-foot-IO inch son who scored 3,80& points for Mansfield High signed a letter of intent to enter the University 6f North Carolina. "Th.at boy.Ii not 1olng with our bless- ings," said Mrs. McMlllen. "We ablolu te· ly will IKll atgn the grant, now or ever," she said with 1 tone that smacked finali- ly. Maybe Mrs. McMillen Is saving her best shots for that article ~he may write. Neither &he 11or her husbahd would say why they didn't want Tom to 10 to North Carolina of the AUantic Coast. C«iference. "We have: very valid reasons why we don't want him to RO lo North Carolina," &he said, "But we're not ready to state: lbem. "• 1be 11-yeu~ld McMlllen alsnect a letter or intent for North Caroli.Ra Wednesday night at an infonnal party in Elmira, N.Y. He said the school met his requirements both academicaJly and alhletlcally. AJipertntly they don't meet mom and pop's &tendarda. . '1We: object today, tomorrow, next week, anyUme to North Carolina," .she sal~. Wiiy! "I can't go off half cocked just betausc v.-e're hurt," she replied. "We have to bt raUoniJ. We may hive a statement in a day or IO, Qll)'be never." - Veteran Russ Hodge of Los Angeles was second in the final standings "'ith 7,886 points. Warkentin , a 6-foot-2, 195-pounder, "'On the title on his fourth try. He "'as fiflh last year as Toomey "'on his fifth straight AAU title. In Thursday's events Warkentin had died. The new champion was born in Secunderabad, India. He came to the (See FRESNO, Page 17 )-LAR RY HINSON GOCF LEADER. • VIRGINIA WADE GRIMACES AFTER FALL AT WIMBLEDON, • • ---- • ] p n ~ c g ' 0 L a c G n ti w A fr ,1 " R ., " !!( " ti Sl h' It Cl fi· " n A k• of 0 rl .. "' .. ,, ,, .. ~ ,, ,, ,, " 0 • ,. • •• • ] ] v s ~ F tt ~ It b ir v ti b h e c'. H " " "' ' • " 0 • " " • • " " ' " • ,, ' .. ' " ,, ,, y l ~ (' •• •• p Q •• • -t-• . _____,, . -~ ---.~~---·--.... --·, ...,---.---... -----. . , s, • •r-o • ( rrw.r, ... at. H70 DAILY PILDT IL 1 State Nine , J Dismantles Meet thea Ang~I~ Mar'ina: Slams BP, 56-38;,. Counti By ROO!RCA~ CH "" Dlltf' , ... ltefl Sixteen of SOuthem California's ~st prep baseball pl1ytn tuned up for their meeilng with a simil1tt IJ'Ollp from Northern California in the second annual cal-Pal North-Sooth All-Slit. bueball game "Sunday ar Anaheim Stadium wlth a i-1 breeie against a foe comprlled of ~ Ala~itqs and Savanna lfigh at Los AJamitos High School Thuraday ·afternoon. Tlie ,South All-Stars, coacbed by Hy Cohjh ol Birmingham (Los An&eloi) Ind C.ene Zeller 'of St. Paul, met another nlii.e from the Santa Fe Sprin&~ area lhis afternoon at the same site. • They'll cap off the practices Saturday \Vjth ..a 10 a.m. workout at the Big A· artt a light drill at I;os ..Alitmitos in the aftttnooon in preparation for .their showdown with the North Sunday. . Thursday's business brought a lot of smiles to the South coaches as· the Re bels demonstrated a potent batting order )n slappln& around the oppmtion. Darnell Ford and Manny Estrada were the leading hititrs, each. collecting · a pair or hits while five pitebtrs were scattering a pair or infield,sln11es. "They all swing that bat, don't they?" said Cohen af1'r the breeze. "1l1ey all sort or looked around this morning and saw a Joi of people just. as good as they· ire -and they're responding wen,•• sumQ1¢ up Cohen. · · \\feSlminster Hiih .flash Eddi&" Bane hurled one inn ing or shutout ball during the fracas, strikin1 out one in the pro- cess. The Rebel nine took advantage of five enemy errors in the second inning and added Six hits to chalk up seven runs in the slx·inning contest. Estrada, the sparkplug of Bishop Amat's Angel111 League champions, knocked in three ruwJ with his pair of hits and scored twlct!. Ford, a first round draft pick of the Oakland Athletics, also had a pair of rbi and was impressive in centerfield. ' SO!;!lft All•Slll'I 0 1 LM Al•S•Y-(1) .... ~ ..-1 Ed'll'l rH, IS 2 1 1 t H-.n"•lord. 211 l 1 I 1 A•roMfflt. 30 1 0 0 0 Forci,c1 •1 21 NC11el, II I 2 0 0 Allll .. 1en. 11 ? 0 0 O Hennes.rt 2 0 1 1 Estridi, ll>-:lb 2 2 2 3 Na..111. l b 7 1 1 I Gr1nl,c 2 000 Storrtz, c o o o o 0·~~1110," 0 0 0 0 Hdrntllde1, p 1 1 o o e1ne.·1> 1 011 An9ll n, P•lll O o o o RoH,o 0001 1'0lllf u ' •• Dll lYflll, cf Dln""1ft, II C'""'"'llJ II S1'M!tl1r. Sii Hin, 111 Yoder. cc MCC:1rttr, ltfl Wilden. rl R•dll•nv, rt er1111111c1, l~ Fo~, I JdlnOon, 11 ........ .. '""" 1 I 0 0 t • • • 3 ••• t • 1 • , 0 •• 2 0 •• 1 ••• 1 0 •• 1 ••• 1 • 1 • • 0 • 0 ., 0 c • 2 0 •• 10 1 2,. Fregosi Lags In All-star Vote Count NEW YORK (AP) -Luis Aparicio, ve!eran short.slop of the . Chlcaa;o White Sox, moved into the lead over B<?a(on's RlcO Petroctlli and the A n g e 1 s ' Jltn Fregosi in the weekly fan ball0Un1 for the American League All.Star Uam an· rioUnced today .. Other Angels in the running for the learn are catcher Joe· Azcue and third baseman Ken McMullen -each fourth in the balloting ror their poslUon•. Aparjcio led Petrocelli by only 415 votes, 220,298 to 219,BlS among the 902,393 votes counted ao far in the balloting that ends next week. Fregosi is far back with 105,371. The leader In total votes is Bill Free- han, Detroit catcher, with 454,llO with Boog Powell,-Baltimore first ba11man, close behind with· 4!U,937. illiMlllllCAlf Ll ... UI Cetchf r -1 111 Fr .. ti."' o.lrelt, •1',tfll; El""' H1n<1r1c111. e1111mor1, u .m : Dul• sr,,..,, Cl1V11«111, ~1,6-IS; Ja1t Azevt. c1n1or1111, u.n11 °"-J• st?hJOn, ChlclV(I, JJAQI; G•,... M!H1rw11f, Ml11- n~-'G!ll, 21,1'2. Flr51 BIH -8aof ,_ti, 11111,,,.,t, 62,"'61 Narm c a1h, 0.1 .. u. "-"'1 Gtol'" koll, Bosio", "6.1«1 Miki E1111111n, W..r'llftllt>rl, ~.ow1 T•nY ....... ton. C!t~•llnd, )2,)11; lllCI\ Ill-, M1llllff0tl . 19,tl'l. Stcorld llM -lled C•,._, Mlnntlllll, dl,9"1 0 \ek Mc.Avllll. Otf,.ll, '°'°"' T'"""'Y H.trJlir, Mll-'°'llllCM, fl,"4;1 Ol\lt J._, la1tlmett, S1M11 Mtk• A,rldtews. loJton, H.U.1 Did: 0 ... 11. OM11nd, i•.n,. TMrd Bate -Hlr!TIOll kHlllDftw, M!"fl'91fl, l21,3S1i Brook~ llolll-. l1lt1mtre, m .. $1; I BI 8111tk>. 01kl11nd, .w.ani IClfl McMullen, (lllftlrftl1, '1.llS; •I ll! Mt!llln, Chlc1 ... 20.11'1 Avrtllll llld- rt11utt, Wathln1ton, 1 ..... • $11Gr!llol> -lull ANf1C1t. Clllt-. Do.2't: Ille• "•troc:•llJ, 10111~. 11f,11~; JllTI '""'°''· C1ltt.rn11, l!ll,J11; lllO C1ntt1'111, Mllllltlelll, M.llt: M•rll llel•MO•r, t11ll1mo,., SJ,)111 ll!rl CtimNMtl1, Otli;· 1~Jld, -.u2. ou1n1112 -F••n-Roblnllll, 11ttlmort. m,,..., Fren-How1rd. W1tlll"9fon, m,as; Ur1 Yallr!lfno 11'1. Bolton, 301,Sill Tany Ollv•, Mln~ll, lOi,1111 11.oy Wh]!t, Ntw Yor!I, 11,nt; Wll!ll Hor1on. Olltetl, ,s,1n, P1ut 1111r, _ l11llmo''' n.m i C1rio. Mff, Chlc190, 80 . ..U: 11.fltlle Smith, lofllrl, n ,W i llN· olt Jtclo:IOn, O..~l.rid, n ,062; _loMY MtfMf, Ntw Y0111., 41A~I Al K•tl111, Dllroll, SS.tit. I-~ -'.'!II.'-~~' · ' - ' -· . , --.... ' ~srGF~, STAllTlllG-Re"~~ '1ir #t, --.JIM WORKS MANV E><mol HOURS 70TJEilFB:r 1115 NATURAi. 11lL£Mr.·, .W , EaUDIT 1'1~ ·. Mission Viejo Romps; \ Mater Dei Five Bows Orange Coast area repraentativea re- corded a split in ca1e action Thursday night in the Santa Ana summer basket- ball league. Missioo Vlejo'a Diabl0& kayoed Los Amigos by a 50-2'1 count in a clash at Santa. ANi College while the Mater Dei Monan:hs were upended by Santa Ana V1Uey, 56-48, in a contest· at Saddleback HIJlh, The Diablos or coach Pat Robert<i . cruahed Loa Amigos wit~ a hot·an.d-<:Old fast break and Roberts' customary 2-3 al· tem1tlng zone defense. Mission Viejo wu heW to a s.5 stand- oll In -the thlrtl period all« piling up a 25-14 halftime edge. But the Diablos re;ained their form in the final quarter and buried the Lobos with a 20-I thrult. The wlnnen monopJlitell control ol the boards with S\evit Ashcraft and Rick Masterson plucking off II and 14 aaroll'll. Mutenon alto lfld his side in point· m1kJn1 wHh 11 while mate Richie Price threw in JI. Million V .. jo is now 3-1 in Ult loop be· hind unbeaten El Modena and SA Valley, Mater Dei dropped its leaiUf record to Z.2, although coach Jerry Tlrdie's ~tonarchs siuled the nets with a 27-point rourth (!Uarter barrage. Jet.quick guard Steve Fritz was a vlrtu.al one·man 1how for Mater Dti in. the tourth quarter. The Fountain Valley rtsidenl popped his (a me total of It pilJnl,j lhrou&h the hoop all In lhal stanza_ Mlflr Dtl t•ll sA V•llt'· uo ... ,, ,, 5 0 , ,, 1 ' 1 ,. • • 1 11 J • 1 • I I I 1 1 • 3 , 11 (105' F•lll l(nllll!'n I('"'"' Rob(rh D. N1nrv D. IClltY Ta!1\1 M111r o er SA ¥l lf1v """" 51111l~l 1 t01'0(Mll !Oll Ktvr.i ' 2 2 10 H1rotd 7 I t • Fltlcl' 0101onvr. ,, ~ .5 " To1111 .,., • .., horttl'I 11,,,7_4 1414 Ull -5' Mlllllll Vie le IHI I.II ....... 011 .. """ .. ftllf ., Mfti.,.en • 1 J lt !Cnllr . ' ' . AlllK~lt ' . ' . s•,. J I J I "'" 1 2 2 • Kiltll ' ' ' • Pr1c1 ( 4 I 12 G•~ll ' ' ' ' c11 .. l 0 0 • ... ' ' ' ' j .,_" 0 1 • 1 ,.,,,,, 11 Ji • fll . Ttlals " •• v SCO!i ., llfftttrt M!Ulln Yl•lo " " • 2t -JI '"" ""''"' ' ' • . -. ,, Pirates Suffer · 4th Loss" 3·2 The Costa Mesa Pir1t• failed to get enough hittln1 support again Ind went down· to defeal Wednesday nlght in f\fe~polit.an League lllDUller butbill hotUllties at Anaheim's Boyeen P•rk. This lime the bentfacton of the lack or Pirate offensjve activity were the La. Fonda Juniors, who ran& up a 3-2 win. 1'he Pirates now stand 1t 1·4-1 in P.1etro pl•Y going into their Sunday night (7) contest qalnst the Lon& Beach 41tr• •t Santa Ana Memorial Park. Pirate eo1ch -Billy While commented oiler Wednesday 's Mtback, "We did a pretty good job out lllm, llut I pa~ Of : ~·to-back •inllea, 1 puaed bill ·: ' •·· ·. ' and a w1lt1 coupi.ct with 1 squeete play, IOI them two 1'111111 in !ht fifth. That broke our Mck1. '' LI Fonda a<ldod the lle-br'*kin& run in the alith- Cosll Mesa, comprised of next sea1011's or .... <:out Colleae baaeball hopelllis, pulhed 1crots .11n1te runs in the second Ind thin! """"-Billy Powell led off the second for the Pirates with a sin1le and a stolen hue and subsequenUy &cored on Don McNeely 's blae htt.. Dan 811)'der tallied on D•n Cl1rk's double in the third after gettini on via a free pale. Rtghthlnder llk:k Da vidlOn went lhe roule .. lhl lllOW1d !or C.1ta Mua and picked up lhe lols. AJttigugh Oavktson was not overpoW1r· Ing (he didn't strike out any La fond• bitters), he allowed just thr~ wilka and only five hl\8. Pet. Pijl 1luged other safety. lhc Pirates' only COSTA Malllli PlllATIS tt) .. ' . ... snvoer. l~ ' I • • Cl1tt. 'b • ' I •11111. ti ' • • • POWl!I!, 3b ' ' I • Le.vP. u ' • • • MCHHIP, 11 ' • ' ' Htt5. rt ' • • • l _, rr ' • • • t:'·· ( ' • • • 1111..n •• • • • • ~111, "' ' • ' • tell It kin.., 11111J! • • • La"-• 000 0'1 • -••• CHt9 MU I en • t -••• ( • Barons, CdM~ Oil'ers ,Roll Marina HJlh ltll'ld within one-ball llfllt ol Fountain Valley In the Huntln&· ,.., Beach 1111111111< ltqllt bublball atandlilp 1bundlf nllbl with a 11-11 declslon aver Buena Park's Coyote1 in the wtnners• am. · In another contest on the M a r i n 1 Hardwoods, Founllln Valley dwnpe4 Weis.tmlnst.er. 55-U~ l.O Up Its record l.O U :"" Al Hunttqtao Beach HJih, ear.n. Ciel Mar lipped Jiiii Garden Grove by a 5$.31 '""lln ucl ~ Alamitos beat BolnOnnde,IHO. 11 sununer c11e ac\lon at Edison Hi1h, HunUnaton Beach ran put, the boat Charlers. 11-14, llld La ~loll ripped VIUa Park, !G-$7. Jim Stephens' Marina VikW;s unleash- ed their vallllted fast brtak to ita full fury and put the c!Wnps on Buena Park's assault . with a ferocious man-~man defense. Stephens noted after the game, ''Our main Idea is to put as much preuurt as poesjble on the bill. Io other words, a man-to-mu all the time." lie llddld, "We played pretty 1ood deflDlt .even though we made a lot ol errors with experimenllUoo." A> llSllAI, H .Kipp Baird did hil e.- peciH aood job oo the boards and carted . ol! Vlldnc bJP point honors With 17, Slx.foot p1aymaker Bruce Miller added lS ao the Marina cause. Fountain Valley tot double figure ef· fottl fl"O@l four players ea route to U\i: Baroni' win over Westminster. · tn a confronlltion which saw both &ides uhiblt hearty 'fast break offense,s, Fountain Valley's Dave Lynch canned · 17 polats to lead both aides. , .. 7 Eric Soutbwh:k paced Weslminster · • Motor_ Baelng Brleft11 · Bike, Scramble Set - AtSanClementeSunday Dirt. Diggers r.totorcycle· Club or Wtst Los Angeles wUI Sill• the third annual All-States Scrambles champM>nshJp at Ree~es Ranch in San Clemente Saturday and Sunday. First evtnt each day will start at t a.m. wt.th the final race at 4 p.m. Between too IJld 700 entranU: are ex· pected to ptrticipate In the scrambles OYer the one and _.half mile dlrt track J!!ai Winds Its way up and down hills aj)d down fast 1tralghtaway1. Saturday's feature race will bt a Women's powder puff class competition. Sunday It will bll! Mde-baclc cyclu. Tra veling sooth on the San Die10 Freeway, take the Avtnido Pieo· turnoff and rollow the signs to the race course. Admission i1 $1.50 for adult! with chlldren 12 and under admitted free of charge with a pa~g adult. Proceeds Of the race 10 to the San Clemente Ward of the Mormon Church. l11J•rell C .. •P • ..,,. Speedway champ Steve But can ex· pect an outstanding welcome back to racing tonight 1s Costa Mesa'a Orange County F&1r1roundl !pltdway oval .hosts another luJI program of Class 'A' motorcycle racing. The 21~vent card 1eta under way at 8. The Van Nuys high school senior was Injured M a . two rider cruh aeveral months a10 at a tract Jn Lancaster. OCIR Expects Speedy Field Ironically Bast's chief rival, Huntin,ion Beach favoritl Rick W~, WU the other rider involved tn the lrindln1 col. U1lon which saw Bast siilelined w:itb • a badb' shattered wr\1t. Officials at Orqe County In\ema- tional R1ceway e:rpect lo see all ei1ht quall!iers for Saturday's Double A 1as supercharged race in the ei1ht second bracket. Qualification! tnd at 1:30 p,m. with finals from l-10:31 p.m. A record number or 11 aspirants will enter Saturday's main event in an at· tempt to force a tr1ek record. Current stand1rds Of 8.60 seconds· 187.tl mph by M~1tebello's Manuel Her· rera will be ilndefendtd 1ince Herrera has forsaken the gas supercharpd division to construct a fuMy car. Five' non-Oranp County drivers and one couritiln are 1iven lhl best chance of eclipalng Herrera's marts. The countlan Who ahould figure moat -notably in Stturday's OCIR feature is Gary Burgin ol Oaiden Grove. The 111 supercharged dl\lisioll includes 1 wider variety of rtoe car types than any oCher fe1ture clasi. 1'he late m~ confipiraUons bear cloee resemblance to fUMy cart, the only differences being that tht funnies burn nltromethane fuel and are allowed to locate "their engines closer to the rear axle. While on the iubject or funny can, a . round robin compeUtion for injected funnle1 and a hllftdiclp bonus bracket comprile the remainder of Saturday's feature r1eing at OCIR. The trac" will reopen at midnight ror. another after houri evtnt which will lntlude handidp competition! aloo1 with crudae anct private match races. · However, Bast has undergone e1ten1lve therapy and is expected to be on hand tonllht for 1 long·awaited return to ac- tion. Stev.e's younger brother Mike. al.so hurt in a racing spill several monthS' a10, i! allo tcheduled to make his r:tturn to speedway racing 1t the Fairgrounds ova~ poshl& a dual threat to the clear cut superiority of Woodl. A t~lap Match Race of the .Week between Dtnni1 Glldeh~us of Canoga Park and vastly-improyed Jimmy Ray· mond of Stn Gabriel hu also been scheduled. ftellouJNIAt...,.pt San Dieao's Lowell Siadls had his win strt1k snapped last Saturday niiht by Norwalk's Rick Goudy and the San Die1an wlD attempt to retain 1 winnin1 form Saturday in USRC mld;tt com- petition at El Toro's Orange County Speedw1y_ Time trials start at 7 p.m. with the first race IChNuled for an hour later. Costa Mesa's Eddie Miller iS the ·chief Orange Coast area competitor enlisted on Saturday's caret Speell11 Mork• San Die1o's Le:roy Goldstein recorded drag ractna'a first official six-.aecond performances by a funny car last week at New York National Speedway. Goldstein drove his Detrolt·b11ed Ramcharger DOOge Chall~nger to tlme1 of a.ts, 1.t7 and 1.M aeconds. ' Major League Standings r AMP!tAN U:AGUE Baltirnort New York Detroit Boaton Cleveland Wuhlql'"' Minnesota Callftnla Oakland Kan1a1 Ci ty Chk:a10 Milwaukee Eutlllyt .... W L Pd, Gii ~ 2S -'" n 21 ,1191 212 3S 31 .!311 I 32 34 ,41$ It 30 11 .<Si I! . 30 30 .tli 141~ 'Wnt Dl\i1loa 41 21 40 2t 3t 31 21 n 2S 45 23 45 .Ml .!ill 3 ,167 , s ,314 11 _317 19 ,338 20 NATIONAL LEAGUE East Dlvlaloa 1 New York Chicago · Pittsburgh St Loul1 Phlladelphi• Montreal W L Pel, Gii 37 31 .$44 36 32 ,522 3'1 35 .Sil 32 36 ,471 111. 2 5 31 36 .483 $~ 26 43 ,377 11 \I Cincinnati Let Aqel11 Atlanta Weal DfvlrlOll ff !I 40 30 36 31 32 37 31 40 San Francisco Houston San Diego 30 44 """' ..... ,.. ........ ~hll..,..1111 I. Mant,.al l. 11 lnnln11 N-Yorl .. Chic... J Plt!tllurtlt a, St. loult ' lo• .llltflh 11 AU'"''' r1111 °"'' ·-Kllld1111d • .700 .571 _1117 ,414 ,.,, ,406 • II I> Ill\ Ill> 21 .,...,.. ··-Nlw Yori! (McAndrrw )..~) 11 Mantrftl 1•enk• , ... ). 11l111t ChlutO fJtntlll"' ... ) II Pllt1bllre~ (£Ill• W),, ll ltfll ,hlllldflllllll (,rymen .. ,, II SI. levl1 CGlltltll f.J), nl#llt Clncl11111tt (Ml~rll, 11"'1 11 HellSIOll IDllrlt., Ml, nleht s.n Dl9IO uom i.n 11 lot A11111t1 10.11111 t-11. t1l1M Atl11111 (Sltftt .. 11 al s.JI Fr•llCltel ("'•Y 11•1· ••M DEAN L'IWll 1966 HARIOll ILYD., COSTA MllA StrYlce· •"" Parts fer All 1""*'"'11 Can Modoro ledy Shep fir Ml Can Or111g1 Cowtty's L•raut 111d !dost Modem Toyoll Cllld Velvo Dtlllar ( • ·with 13 while Ken Shi ball had a dOMn tor the winners. Corona turned a 12-polnt lead at the half into 1 complete rout In dropping Garden Grove by .the waylide. Tlndy Glllll' Coro..., choked oil the .cold •hootina: Grove attack with a con- trolled tempo oftente and a steady zone Oefe1t1e which reaulted in four, five and nine-point outpq_ts for' the losers in lbe final three periods. Mark Grlgaby ud Don Killian IM tht 19711 Irvine Leque champioas of· rensively with 22 and 13 markers. Huntington's Ollen and Edilon played racehorse basketball and after alt the puffing and panting wu_ over, &he OU City crew had taken {ull advantaae ot a bevy o.f Olarger -fouls to po1t an I .. point final spread between .the hto Huntington district schooll. . The bil difference was at the charity stripe1 when the winners' sunk a whop- ·ping 32 free"throws tb only 20 for Edison'. Steve Brooks and Scott WhiUleld lid the Oilers' sortie with 20 and 19 points while mates Lee Ordway and Garth Wise chipped in with 14 and IS. John Fisher and Bob Wri1ht 1hared Edison high point plaudits with IO each. Ill-IMI H1t1ftN11f1111 INcll (GI .. ".,. 6 I J 1.1 s • 2.J• l It J 14 I ' J 1Q J 'l I 1 1 0 2 1 Wl1'!0h Wrlr..! FllMr ,,,,,_ .. ",, .. •13 ,Wl1• • I 2 20 Wltllflllf ' I 3 20 Orctw•v ?t S61roolcs .M ••vmtnd H1rmo" 5c1'claler Tll1lt '.i e J I T"°""1 DOflWllt .. l ll lEi~• COID(runk n '° 1) 6• Tof1ls .• • 0 2 0 I J l 7 ll l2 1f t2 kll'I llY OvlrtOr• l!ldlllOll )o(un!ll\Qlan l11ch H " l l ll 1'1'-.. 2J ;o -u M1rlM Ulil lu-P1r1: 011 l1lfd S1ndtr1 IOflllan McOul•• ..... Mllllr RIWlll8f CK• Tlllll'n w • ...., •• t111i. Ml rlnl ·-,,,. .. """' I I 1 11 1 3 , $ 1 I 2 S 1 0 l 1 D O 2 O s 3 0 13 , • $ • 1 0 l 1 1 1 ' l 1 -l ' i ••• Mlr6vlnlc~ Ftrntr KDVltlCh Perkins C1nl1ekf Fll'rnMr1 ll 1D fl .t• Tot.is klr9 _, CIMl'f«i 1' 12 u ' II 1' .. ltllle l ~ J 10 2 l ' 1 1 2 I ' l , J • I 0 J IJ l 1 t I • l I I 11 1'11 .JI u -s.t ' -. "MMllll V•lln IUI WQll!llMttr 110 L~nc:~ '"""'' Krl1llt11I ~ltlblll "fu .... """• 1 J J ,, l 0 l 10 I 1 l ( . . . ., 1 t e 2 • 1 ) 10 T. Yount ,,,,_ Morrow '""'liOll ••• ,,., . sm11men $0.rlllwlcii:. '''""" ·-· ti 11 16 JS Tol•l5 ..,. " °"'""' F-llln YllllY 1, t If Wn t1nln111r U 12 1J .. " .. ._ e J 1 1 l a t ' • l 2 ¥ 1 ' 2 l I O o 1 ' • l ! 1 0 1 4 s J 1 ll e • 1 .,, I 0 1 Z 11 f1''' IS -It . -.. .. ,_ ......... UH L•rMlltlM1ttUI ... " .. .. "ltf" ¥1n llOllTI • , ... Kllllln • ' "' ,,_ • . , • Grlonbv " • '" Fle<k • ' • • Dltlt ' , ' . Mlnktl • ' ' ' McF ... l1nd • ' • ' a111 • • ' • ,,_ • • ' • Wtijl1rm ' • ' • L-Prt ' • ' ' WllMll ' • ' • Wltse ' • • ' Tot1t1 " • . " Tol11• " J If JS kWI _, GNl'flrl Gltdltll Gf°"I " • • . -" Co""' ftl Mer " " " II -61 FRESNO • • (Con&illued fnm Pa1e II) Uaittd St1lel jn 1963 alter his father limes of 14.f ·in the 100 meters and 4:44.5 lo the t,500 meters .. He had • 149-lOlh effort jn the dbcus, lM¥1 in the pole vault and ~ in the javelin. His point total for the 10 eve11ts wu the seventh best in history for a U.S. alblete . SOUTH Ul(E TAHOE -su-•I" " ttiun- d•Y'• tvtnt• Ill N1tlollll MU dec.111119n: 100 melll" hufdlel -1. OW!ilt PMntl. wi.11· t1ched, 1•.J (nt peln .. ); 1. Tit JIM w1n..,rm. -111ched, •nit Jell l1nnl111r, -lt•dlld, 14.4 ft14); .. Ill Sien GoUllh, $11111 ,IKlllt. Ind Mil• Hiii, Ml, San Aritonlo eoll ... , 1'.1 l•O. Polt YIUll -1. l tnntl1 lf.41'1 ffn)J ,, 0. ... Tit«-. $.C. Strld1n, IM dt111; Gor1IOn Sttw•rt, li"1t11d1 .. , 1..0'AI (171): i. 111 l"•M S.mtre. Unl'I. If Ptnn1ylY1nl1, and ICIMY Krlnf, Ctntr11 Coltt. C.MI,, 1'.C .. l:H'/;I (1.51). D11c111 -1. llory k.,"rd, S.C. $frldtrs. 1'1·1 1nu1 i. w1rk11111n, ,.,. .. on11 J, l'ftlOll, 1•1 lntll1 '· GOUlh, 1(1.2 11"41; J. Cr1ie ,llr, , ... , ..... 1111d t .<; .• 1o1iW inn. • J1V1tl" -1.-JI"* Sobleuctyk, KNrnty, N-.. st1tt, :aD7·t (ICl1J; J, Warkentin, :IDJ.( (1'2>: J. W-rnak•r, 1~11~ (191111 '· Coll, 195-J f155J; t. Htc191, 111·10\'I 17171. UOI !Tlltf<I -I. Oavld Arnold, Allt.,.1 T.C., (:11.J ($11); 2. ll!'lnltl, 4:'3.t fJ01ll J. W1rk"I· 1111, 4:'4.J (<lt1!1 '· M. Hiii, (:'5.1 t•1l1 J. So!Mw· tc•'I"· 4: ... 4 (4'l. ' T• 10 tlnfllltrs -t. w1r11.,tlft lllOM)i I. Modlt 111Ml: 3, ltnnall (11tllli '· GOllllfl C1J2011 J .• Tl!orMOI! j73'f)1 I. M, Hiii C1J10; 1. ,._u (11'8)/ a. Sebllnc:r'(k 111J1J; t . w1111 .... ker UUtll It. •1-lty 11115). 1 , DEAN LEWIS ANNl•RUIT UU TOYOTA COROLLA 1970 .1697 Ta• & Lie. Al ............. ..... M .. ll-Hlhll Pkl • .... VOLVO 1'10 DIMO $271• 142 2 ,,., '"''· ..... , ..... Jiff. (SeJ • 4144) SPICIAL 1170 TOYOTA WAGOll 1817. ., ... - 1 • ', • • .... ,,- •, ., ·- -• -, • . , ,_, • • J a OAILV PILOT WllAT'l 1•- ~ounooast ., ........... , A coaaiatent bii< ti Joe barrlc:Uda, bus llld bonllo llGll( the .. lite sooth _,. hu rewanl!d party !>oat lftl)en with Jots of action. A le.; large yellowtail and white sea bass have also btea broupt to gaff .. the l>oals filhin( the oui.r Islands. Art's. Landing and Davey's Locker art: ruDiinl all their boats out of Newport Harbor on • daily balls and the IOldl: have been UFL 'lbere is an URCOOUnned rtix>rt that 1 commercial fisbiJg boat landed the firSt a1bacore ti tht season. The' report said •the fish was boated south and ·way out. 1be exact location and size ol the fish was not given. It is a good bet that if .a longfin was boated, it was mo~ than 350 miles south of Point Loma. ' Even if there is ·no truth to I.he report, area aqlm can look for the first TepOrts from Departmea.l or Fish and Game boats -probably as soon as next week. Yellowtail fishing in Saa Diego has 'cooled off from what It \Vas last week. ~Is are averaging less than 15 yellow~ and the passenger loads are .heavy. Bluefin tuna are still around and add variety lo fishing. · NeWpor:t ·Bay fishing is good for spotted i.nd .sud bass llf'O!And the Coast Guard doct on the incoming and outgoinf tides. , Live anchovies and feathen are good enticers, "'bile some fish are being netted by uglers. trolling Smithwick Rooters and Hellbenders. · Best fishing is during mid·wtek arid over the sandy and ecl grass bottoms. Up to minute rtpOrts on bay fishing can be received by callffig ~tllePaVilioli~aTS'n"S245-. ---- ·1nlallfl Lekf!a Bot Daytime ttmpentarn at most ef ear 1e1"1 freU water Jakr.s are over tbe 15-de,ree mark. \\'arm 1''eatlter aJ911g wl~ large weellead CNWd1 llave slowed down rishing. , • Fif.h are moving early la tllie' ntenainc nd late bl tile t:\'tning and most anglers are either gettln1 on t.he lakes loo lale or leavlnc too e1rly to ctl Into any real pod Odtlng. A &~:.poand bass topped ~ weekead flsltiq at V11H Like, but craPf)ie and bluegil flslliq la nited best at tM: Rivenlde Coualy lake. CHff Roblr of Bae11 Park capt tlte blc 1'rtlz.ebad .. a Bomber ploi, and filled oat tM hit ti ~ Ove-0.. llmJI with fciur 11ber bass averagtn1 better tbu daret ponds apiece. Pan fi sh are hittint rtd worms u• -~ cra1tien Heerdllll tn the Vail Lake officials, ud tlte bass are active • sarfatt plugs along the ~ sbert lale ta tM evellilgs. Catfltll and lrout art scarre. lrVine Lake re.porll fair fi11dn1 ror pluted trout around troal Island oe spiDDers al!ld dteese bait. Younc Ou Jodpevldi or Westmluter landetl Ille 1atfH1 trout of. tbr week, a alee !~~-pounder on a Mepp1 spllieer. Most of tbe troirt are avenP.1 better tUa a peand wl~ an occasional lanker te dlree popdl btla1 11etted. Bus aad catftsll pe nted ~ blaecU ltot and crappie very slow. For more inform•tioa on lrvl• ,,..._ •152t. Lake1 Wohlford ud Heullaw .,. oHttblc pod llshlnJ fer bluegll ud catfish, wttll a .J09d dMwhtc ti uuU bass. Wftfford ·ts beill& helped by wetkly troll pluta ud the. •verall ft1bi11g: picla~ is good 1t &ff lake localed jut. eut ef lM: ton or T~:°~~~=~s are over lM tlelffltl Ully. l\'orthl•nfl sr .... A short weeken.d trip up to the Yuba River by this writer proved 10 be bad timiAg. In hopes of getting in on aome or lhe. fine shad fishing on tht Feather River close to Orovll1e, T made arrangements to fish with local sports writer Bryon Bools, who also is an expert fisherman ~ guide in the area. Upon arrnvmg at the meeting place, Boot.s informed us that most of the shad had moved out and that wt miibt have a rough time hooking a fish. ' Boots was right, we had three strikes on '118d flies, but managed to tum all three loose, without even landing a fish, The run was aot as big this year as it he been in the past. Even though normally this the season, the fi sh did ftOt California scribe. would be the peak seem to favor this week of Soothern Boot.s said the bass fishing orr'Oroville Dam was excellent for fish running to 2\~ pounds, with the best lure beillg a "Loco-Motion". Fishing in the delta area is slow for all specles1 except catfish, but a good run or larger game fish is startln~ to bu.ild up. All the Jakes and streams we visited in Northern Calif- ornia are in excellent shape and angling ~ssure is light. Camp- ing areas are filled, however. Slflrru l'l11al119 GOOtl Reports uy troat fi .. ing ci• Crowley Is •""'lnc don • bit for numben of HU, bat Informed tlds writer that tbe flP are running Jar1er ll slJe, ._a· IM'y did at tlw be~ ef the ....... 8ggs and cbeese bait are ltlll IOp!I for 1etthl1 raill~w1 to bile, white Ilse bluer browu wt.II lit worm• ud trolled Rapalas better. " AD !lie bl<k '°""try IU.. below 11,111 feet .,. ope1 led tbe flaldng is gettl•1 ral ,..._ Gae groap of yoaagsten went tn&o Waller Lake wltll • guide and aU came eat wit• limill el book uout to 1 ~ pounds u worms. Fl•hhlg ea Rull Creek wu fair for planted rainbows ud good for tmlll browM • Din. Lakes Grant. Gd, Sliver ad Jue. are all pndUelq: tome alee llmlts of 01h wltll: a few l1111k- ers to six poond• being cnpt. Grut IR ""1' pod r.. tntllq wltlo Illes, ud Jo• I• pviq •P We ra1Dbow1 • sallllOD ew. Tr•p Shoot Sl•lfld 1'be Laguna Hills Gun Club will hold an Invitation ATA trap shoot thb weekend. There are six events scheduled ud lbe shoot will be run under ATA regulations. The. public is weloomt lo shoot in the compeOtion and can register ror ATA membership al the club bet~ shooting. Shooters who would l.lll:e lo ask quealions about how to Improve their shooting are alJo welcome. Duane and Bob of Duue and Bob's Guasmithi"I tn Garden Grove will be oa hand to 1n1w!I' any problems you milht have with )'our guns. · \Vllh tht hunting aeason just al'OWld lhc comer. it might be a good time to pl the guns out 111d look them over before the lint day or 9hootlq. Deep Sea Fish Report SA" C\.IMeftl-1111 • .,...,., 16 IMH. ttl tlwr...,., 10 to>lto. S llfl- 1!),lr, I Miiie -N H. SU.L allACM -Ul .,...wiH t15 .,.,..,,)b•••~ ........ -n ..... ..... u .. ""'°""' ....... ,.. .... ""· tflW'O•r (°"'"" leaW) -211 .,....,11 .-n b1rr~. -n """°-4# .... ., I 't!lowtell. IAWI ....... ,_ MS -ltf11 I~ Mn-..:vo.. I .....,., 2tO M$1, 11 rn«fltl'tl. JAN Oll.O ,,.,.... "9rl -4 lllfl-; J7 VtllOWll!I, J,J bin~, I bl ...... two1. .._... .... , ..... '""91to ; l Vtlle.1111, ~ ~ M Q, 1 .. btr•t<li>Cll, d •Ito. I 1111""9.: 1 wtol .. lN MM. • OCllANSIOI-* •"tltrt/ 401 Wt• ,.,_,.., U• tonltlt. l)f b1M. I ""n. I tt1 INN, 2 Mllbut, LOfll lllACM IPtcllk. '""lltllll'I -11• lfll'ltnl 1 r-11owt111. ,,, ., ••••• tUda. J hlllllul. ,,. N H, M btntte. ........ "9rl-n 111tltr1: u nn.. t lldm, W "-• I Nllbut, UN ....... ra. •. L•lllll....., .,,. ..... / ,, ... , ..... "6 "''" ..... • '*"'"' .. """' ..... '" .. ,,. ..... , ........................... lntltrfl ' "'" '°"'1111. S ~. IJ tloO!ll!o, tn tlllct N •.. 91 ..... NM, II r«ll- CW, 3Df blue '-"· &AMTA MOtfK&-.o -fwl'1; • .. •• , • 1111111111. l.trM-11 l fltltrtl u llKS. 12 ,,.., •• rt"I. •IOOfl~ll, 1,,,ltr11 I wfl11f IN .. , .. 1 venow•M. ..... ., It Mlllle. I ll1UtM, .as lllw Ml l . 11 ...... n • •llrl.t '' ,---" • ~ Tie Tilt . Puts NB .. 'J'bi Newport Ctn t tr Kiwanis (Cmm d<J Mar) tum tooit llOie pouessioo of flnl phlce Wedoetdl,y night by . tying tbt Newport £1. cbln&e Chab · ( N e w p·o r t Hart>or), Mt in a seven.inning 111111 Eclisoo High to highlight lllmlington Beach Summer ~ buebaii actioo. Kauffman and B r.o a d (-) knocked North Hun- tingkft Rotary ( F o u n t a I n Valley) out of a share for the ts>P apot with a 4-2 win over the latter group. In 'i four·i"nning game, Hun- tington H'arl>our (Hl.ttltingtqn Beach) ~lanked :Winn'• T°" Se<viCe (Eclbon); ~. in a clHil at· lluntiJlgt<8 Beacb High. Coach Andy Smith's Newport Exchange CJub crew posted a lincle score in die' bottom ol the-seventll inning to knot the final count al 6-6 and put the latter's record It a loop-leading 3-0-l:--, With two outs ln the seventh, Mark Keller got aboard on an error, stole se- cond and scored on Mike Easterling's base hit to center. In the top half of the same frame, the Ki.wanis nine had put together a pair of nms after a single and two errors. I Scott Parker and Mark Jobmon scored for t h e Ki,wanis alter an errant throw on Jim Biahop's grounder. Mark Erickson halt a bases. loaded triple for the Kiwani s. Steve Hedrick and Steve Knoi , shared mound chores for the exchange nine while Dave Vilas and John Palmer I.oiled on the hill for coach Tom Trager'! Kiwanis team. Kaliffman and B r o 1 d (Marina) handed North Hun· tington ]Jeadl Rotary (F'.oun· taln Valley its first Joss of the season with its 4-2 verdict. A lhreH'un expklslon in the third inning negated a pair ol single tallies by the Rotary outfit. Leading that spUrt was Tony Creed, with a two.run single. Cre9Ci wn the only player lo bac a pair of hits during the fracas. Rm Eckles turned tn a nice performance ror the losers, hurling four innings of shutout ball while giving up three ·hits. It wasn't 'enough, Mwever. as Kauffman .pitcher Kirk Eill!on kept Ille Rotary learn away on three hits while whif- fing eight batters. •fWl'CHlT CINrl• ICIW.l.Nl!l Hl .. • • '" l(.rl, :/II i ' • • J . P•lmer, l b-p ' ' • I. P&lrntr. 31:1 ' ' • • Erkksori. c ' ' ' ' M, Jol'IMCll, IS ' ' ' • l'arl<.tr, " ' ' , • 81~.ll ' • • • It. John$0n. rl ' • • • Nlolsen, rl ' • • • \lll&s. • ' • • • C1rM1. pl! • ' • • llktl', 111 • • • • Tolllt • " • • ' NIWl"Oll:T IXCHAHGl CLUI 1•1 Hedriek, Pod Kelltr, c Ettltrlln•, i s Wt!!te, 111 Wln111rd, 11 Sch!ndlf!', d ....... rl Smlll'I. lb .I.I ll H llll ' ' , ' , • , ' ' ' ' . . ICllOll, I' We1v1r, 211 Tot1lt • le.rt ilrf llllllnll ' , ' . ' . . ' . ' . . ' ' ' ' ' . • • • . ' . . . ' ••• Ntw_. Ctnltr 1Clw1nlt 00( 000 2-l S J NtWIH>rt E~Cll1"91 Clllll 500 000 1-4 ' WIN•'I TOW SBllVICl Ill AllH, cf T, MCNty, " G!ll, rf l'trll;tr. Ill ltun. C e11cn, II S. McNt~. :lb Scolleld, 211 1t;i~:1~·' ,,. Jt " ltll 1 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 1 e o o 1 • 0 0 l 0 0 0 l • • • 1 • ' • 1l • , 0 MUMTINOTO" HAltlOUlt !•I Vt llAIMl'lferl, d 5111.rbln. I DHter, lb e roolu, lb W1rowr, If Nt!ll. rf Jerrv A1Merct, c Venhtm. 111 Mkltlln, rt DowllfV, cl Jim Athtwd. u lttl'. II Tott!• Al1tM•tl 1 • • • ' ' ' , ' ' ' . ' ' . . • • • ' ' ' ' . . ' ' . . . ' ' . ' • • • 1) ' l !lctn ., '""""' • MI WIM'• r-Strvln ooo ~ 1 1 Hvnl!ll9foll "''"°"'' Ott I~ l 0 ICAUl'l'MAN ANO IOAltO Ill M lf"Chel, Cl L_, cl l lldloJm, rt Omt'-eO. rt Elllto11, I' TOlt ls Al It H ltll 1 , 0 0 • ' ' 0 • • 1 0 ' 1 0 0 a • ' ' • 0 0 0 2 • • 0 2 • 0 0 2 0 • 0 I I I 0 l I I' 0 l• • • ) trtOllTH NUMTI ... ,.... ICITAltY 121 Mlllfttlf, 211 WtlllllMn'I•• a Vtf'll'f, H Mf"'T· d -rl< Mllrtllll• lf·lb ~.,,,1. ·-rl Avslln, ( EO. .... II , •. ,.. .. Toflil1 Al II H ltll ) t o a ) 1 • 0 J • • • I I 1 I J • • 0 J • 0 0 , • • e ' • o a I 0 I 0 ? I I O l I I 0 2' t ' ' Inn.,,_,_ ••• IOl 000 0-4 I ' '91•1-1. I ' SWING CLUIHUD ITIAIGHT MC«-•u. \ I think it is verr important the clubhead to move dlrectlr back from the bill (illustration 11). Now, here's. a lood rule to follow: Swin1 your: clubhlld straight beck aton1 the taraet line until it panes your ri&ht foot. By initiatinl your 1wl"1 'in this manner, you will aufomat. ically extend 1.0ur left arm to the fullat. It i1 this eitension that 9iv1s you the wide swiril arc, 1nd forCff the bi& back muscles into P'ay. Such a tak• away also c1usts atullshoulder lur'n: one on ·.a sufhciel'illy up. right plane. Thit end result is more 'distance ·and strli&hter Shots. I •I •• I If You push.. the clubh••d · outtKle the taraet line during your takeaway'( iUustr1tiorl 12.), or if you ·pull "it 1rOund inside the line too. quickly (illustra· tion #3), you win not achieve the desired results,-You,r awing will move out of the proper plane from the start. • I PUT POWER BACK INTO YO.UR SWING!-With il'lt l'lelp of Arnold P1lm1r's dlus1r1ttd bookltt. "'Tff Shots ind f1lrway Wood9.'' Stnd 20c •ltd • s1lf.1ddr1as1d. allmped en\f91ol>I to Arl'IOfd l!almer. in ca.re of·ll'lis nl•'91p1r. Mesa Open Loop , Merchants Bag Overtime · Verdict Harbor Merchants turned in 'a 9t·• overtime Vict«y over Woody's Wharf Wednesday night to highlight . Costa Mesa Open basketball action at Costa Mesa High School. in the other reature, Saddle- Aces Are Common: Tln·ee in Day NORTHRIDGE Two boles-in-0ne in one day at a golf club are unique. But three? Profes si onal Harold Firstmli.n o( the Porter Valley C. C. reported the feat Thurs- day which came during a tuneup for a club tourDlllllent. Playing in separate threesomes, and wilhin an hour apart, the attS were scored on the third bole, 143 yards over a water hazard. Guest Ed Richerson ' hit the first with a severHron. Members Stan Scherr, with an eight-iron. and Chuck Speerlock, with a s i x , duplicated the shot. Firstman coot:inued the stoey : "Several of us went out for a practice round, including my associate, Georp Slingerland. \Vhen Ibey came to the third hole every one joked and said v.'hy not make another hole-Jn· one, everyooe elae has, "Slingerland drove and the ball stopped dead center, one inch from the hole. One \urnover and it would have lMjrn four for the day." SOFT SEU SAM back downed Progressive Pro- duce, J03-80 . . Lee Walters' steal and subsequent layup with 30 seconds to go in the overtime provided the Orange Coast Colleg~riented team with its tWt'>1lOint victory over . the perennial frontrunners in the Open circuit. It was Lee Haven who sparked the Merchants into the overtime, canning a five- foot bank: shot with two seconds remaining iii regula- tion play. The winners had r I v e players in double figures with Haven-leading the pack with 2.1 <Ill 11 field goals and a free throw. Dave Warman led the losing Wharf contingent with 31 point!. Saddleback produced six players in double figures in rooting Progressive Produce • ll••d .._~n•l'IOai Naa.,.n Jo""' Plumm•r Tot81~ s.tlllltllllllll CIUJ ,. ft ... 4 I 2 11 • 2 0 10 • I 2 ' : ~ ~ ,, • • 2 20 I 0 1 la 1 S II , •j , ' .s , 11 103 ~~'£',., ,, 1211.26 2 0 3 • 1 1 • 15 l 3 3 ' la ' 2 u J•11 1SIO H1lfT!m• Sc:or1: Protr&uivr 41 • J.fddlelHdi: ». ........ Merc!IMI" ltJ ,. ff "' h .,.,,,eon 11 1 l ~3 G~wlll~r t l 1 13 (&Ille Gll O .._olm~ J O S 6 RedmCl!IO 1115 She111v 1 a o 4 i:t:'evtr ~ A ~ 1~ w 1n1r• 5 1 J 11 Lt(l1rr 4 • l 12 Tol1!' ii J llO t i WM\''$ Wllert Ill') """''' 1 ' • J s 0 3 10 11t331 ' • l 16 t 1 J 21 2 0 2 • lSlt lStt WOOfN'1 A\, Mlrchtnll Woodv'1 IO. Mtrcti1n11 By Marvin Myen ,. I Jli>{ IVANT you 10 KNOW JN THIS IJAR AG~l/'IST Fr>VfRTY I CONSIDER YOIJ AN E~EMY AGENT/'' LEGAL llOl'ICE L£!lAL NOTICE -· ' , • • '• ,, .. • ~ ~ • • • •• " • •• • ,, • • • y w • .. ~ • " • " w • • • •• • " •• • • " • • • • • • • • ~ " • " d • ~ • • .. L • " • • • • • .. • • • •. • • • .. • ' '" • " • • • ,. • " • • • • • • " .. • • • • • • " • • • • ,, • • • • .. • • > • • • • • • ' • • • • • ' • • " • • • ,, • ' ' • •, • • • ' • • • • ' ' • • ' ' I ' ' • ' ~~::ital'· Line .Top Line Jensen's Boats Seen-Everywhere " .. . •.• . '•, 17 AUION LOCL\BIY --... IOITOl'I HOTf: Tiie 111111 In I . ' Time w U, In • the not too • dlatant put, when I o n I .. ailtlnj:e yacht rices were . sailed In any ~rt of the world .~ :fou could ,Wit abOut count , : Ol'I I Cil.40 being In the win-. : . ~}e:;~~·:'"be=~ ""I• aay that the Cal·40 ; ' 'catapulted C. W 1111 a m ·-·~ ~lilpwri tnto thl me1ic cir· · ·cle of yacht dlllpen and · · Jensen Marine of Costa Mesa · · to the front ranks d qutllty · • • yacht builders . rr WASN'T that Lapworth •was unkrxnln prior to the ., "Cal'' Jioe. He ~ designed -· some top performers I n ' , woodewt boats 1Uch a1 lhe L-32 . · 'L-31, I.AO, L-50, and assorted .'.,, i...Uer boatl in the 14 lo · ~ 4Jt-f0Dt range. · ·• · But the uaoclttion o r Lapworth wilh a youq El ., , SeJIUDdo boat builder, Jae(< ~ .. Jenaen, and the dawning of 'l_ the qe of fiberglass combined .••. to Write another chapter in .-. ,' .'the boat building busb.1ess . · , . 11\t Cal..fO is still recognized ,:,u the star performer of the '·it;apworth.Jensen combo - '. :.&nd lt'1 11111 Wt!"'lllJ 111 ll>are or· races In a 111J111Y mpped up design race. ··~: "We're sUll building two . ~aMOI a month -down from , ,, ollr peak production or four _a month -and to date "''e •. · ba YO produced 178 of the 40- , ' 'foot sloops,'' said Jensen in ..•:· dilcuulon o( what's ha~ : .. P.<IUC to the boaline tndliltry 'in a cooling economy • . ·Al to buaintss in 1en1ral, .. ~en1e11 admit. the sales of ·,boall are falling oil. · "AT THE belinnln1 or our · ·fiscal year -which staned .. Mir in Front . .;~·:of Blackf in ~<InLang Race " · •· LOS ANGELES (AP) -The '10-(oot, ketch Mir moved out in front in the Los Angeles-to- TahiU yacht race Thursday, . ; )lut Wldgeoo, a 54-100! sloop, continued to lead class A and Over-all <l'I corrected time. , , Mir, piloted by George . O'Brl1n of Vancouver, Canada, · was rtpOrted I,741 mil• from ··"-Los An1ales, nearly hllfway •·in the 3,57I·mlle race • ~ld1eon, skippered by Norman Bacon of S a n t 1 , • Barbara, was 41 mlltt behind .... ~Ir, but led on handicap based " on size or the boats. · . ·. ' . Ebnbere in tht standing•: : ·Blacklln, 1,710 mllea out: ·: ' Ariea, I,•; Vision, 1,574; :·. -Jubtlauon, 1,&nl; s l moon, ' .. IJSSI; NwnH 11, 1,MS; Quasar · . (clua B leader), l,MO; Nar· ;' -ryigantett, 1,532; Sptrtt, I,4ft; . ·Misty, 1,471 ; and Tangent, 1,380. · '"'' French yacht Pen Du.lck , · Ill baa not roporled tln<e the · . ,St.art of {he race . : .-~Winds were light and ". · norilleast at JO knoll, wtth • _ pccalional rain aqualb . Safe Boat Parade Set Balboa Power Squadron will initlata Sale Boatln1 Week S,undaY with a 1ala parade .tl:U'ou&h Ne1vport Harbor with Buddj Ebsen of Balboa Yacht Club u grand manhal. · The parade will be beaded by the Moot P1viUon Queen, • a hart>or excursion boat. On ·hoard with Eblleii will be BPS Cmdr. John Wuhington. '' (C.dn .. I"'!' Ptce II) ESTANCIA. · • · Thompsoo, JOllph Thrope, Karen Tipper, Michail Todd, Di1nne Tornow, Thom as Trapp. Slltryl Tretter, P a t r I c I a Troke, Rona Traux, Keith 'l)mloon, Gall Tyler, Michael Urdu, Steven Mallere, Cheryl . Vandqrlff, Alma Van Gordon, 1 9 Bmwdttte Veluco, Charla ' 'V~nanr. Ralph Veit. _ :· ~ Wagoner, David . irakln, Mark W a It m I re , ',:Xevin WaltGa, Jahn Wan'11, :·r'll!' Wini, Jack waumuth, 11:.trk:il Webn, S u 1 a n .. 'crner, Dlane Whalen, Belly Wheelor, ICathloen Wblddoo, :Pobn White, Corl Williama. .,rRicblrd Wllli1m1 1 JH- •uellne Wllll, W 1111 a m Wlnpn, 8uaan Wolff, Rlchltd Wood, Jollnny Woody, Mark Wuklwll, Richard Wyckoff, CAL llOATS CREATOR C. Wllll•m Lapworih -y. our bl& hoatl ouch 11 Cal~. Cal-43& and the the amall boots -below the Ca~S&. for instance." "Now the smaller boats seem to be movina better, but wt are sllll pt.tine order• for .bl& boatl. We have built 12 Cal-431 since the design was introduced leas than a yea( ago." ONLY TWO boats produced by Jennn hive been dropped from procluctJon -the cai.-and tho Cal-II. • · Other modell, from the qly ducklinfr Cal.al lo the moot rettnt Cal-43 are 1UU in pro- duct.km. In two lnsllllees, the 24 and 30 root bo:ll, Lapworth bu r<deslgned them and they .,,, being built as Cal 2-14 and Cal 2-30 . The · best seller in the last Ociober _ w& forecast medium slie range has been a 17 percent .1ain in sales the Cal-34..--. about 300 ~o­ in ®r ·entire· line. But with 1.duced tp date, Jense~ saJ~. and stricter credit we flrid Although the" Cal-36 11 still that to date we are on)y 5 be~ng Produced, Jensen ad- percent ahead ot'last year_ m1tted that .never came up and by the end or the year to ex~tlons from the we feel-we'll-be lucky to hgld standpoint .~r sales ~.~use our own with last year " ht It was a mini ven1on of said. ' the Cal-40. NEWF.ST OF the small boat line is the Cal·27 w h i ch reatures a raising hatch which gtVes run standing headroom ror cruising purposes. When racing, the hatch is lowered into plact, giving the boat its original lines . Jensen blamed the slov;down in sales on the virtual drying up or "flooring money" for dealers . "We've r ecently had bankers tell us that in five years they .expect to be out of the ''flooring'' bushleS.s and will turn it over to commercial credit companies who are specialists in this kind ol credit," Jensen explained. "IT'S A SIMPLE ract of life that if dealers aren't sell· ing as many bolts we are not building as many." Asked if the money pi',1ch was renected more in the sales of larger, so-called lux· 'ury boats, or in the smaller models, Jensen replied: "Stranaely enouKh, I t • s rather spotty. Foi' while, even during the slowdoWn in the Anot~r hot performer in the Midget Ocean Racing Fleet tf pe ia the Cal-29. "Thi.I bolt is both selling weU and sailing well," Jensen arfirmed. Whal does it COil to get into a Cal boat? The currP.nt price J'ist runs from $2,500 for the Cal-21, a. retractiblc keel boat, to $62,000 fpr the Cal-Cruising 46, the lar,e:csl of Ille line now being built. The Cal-43 basic price is $36,000 and the Cal-40 still goes out the door ror 129,500 • IN ADDmON lo the Cal FINAL INSPECTION --Jack Jensen . president of ~ensen Marine inspects the "spade rudder" install• t1on o.n one of the famous Cal bo&ts produced by the firm. Designer C. William Lapworth created all of the Cal boets plus the now widely used spade rud· der " MILLION DO~LAR~PLANT -From a subcontract operation in El Segundo in 1 1958 Jens~n ~ai:ine outgrew a small Costa Mesa plant on Placentia Avenue to occupy this m1Jl1on doOar plant at 234 Fischer Street in the Irvine fndustrial Complex. ,1 P.MI• ,_,,... caatl,ICAT• Of' IUIHll!Sl. CllTl,.CATI OP COlt'MAT ... "'ICTITtcMtl JtAMI .... tl&"IACT ... W 1"91 ..... TJle 11 .... rs....... .... Ul1tf'f 111t b UMDll PICTITIOVI 11AM1 c.nductlnt • W.-.. tt m MarlM Tttl: VNOllSIGNID COl:'OUTIOft •-.t. la ... IMMll, Cltr el' N-' don lier*' ctrfllY ~ n 11 ~ 9"d\. Callfwnl1, ..,., ttw llctJllOUI • MINu In lht Sr.t. fll Ca-.....i1, "'""' -"' THI! ,,.,,MMOfol TIU!I! C-IY • or.,. 111 ... Cl" -leftf• ,,.,.. ..., .... •1"" r, ~ fff ,.,,.., I' 1ts:11 c-°".... --*' lllt hlllwl119 --· ........ l'lalM 111 lfW "c ltllul llf'llll IWIW: fl HATIOHAI. Ml tfld •llee el r•ldei!a h 1!11 follows· AYIONIC U.LIL INC. Mii tMf .... Jollc• A. W111'9rl, fll '•l'fl!Nf AY..W.. ftl'll'I 11 ~ of ,,_ ....... Ull'• c~ •1 M•r1 C•lltorr.i.. ,.,.., .. 11, whOM ••ll'ICINI •'-9 ., DI ... J-16. '71 , MINu 11 .. follows: JoYCI A. Wl11I.... -SALes, INC .. lffJ c.,.,..... Drl .... , si,i. of C•llfwfll'-Or ..... Cou11ty : Offlc1 n, Orlll .. C-'Y Alr..t, lefll1 Ort Ju111 1', 1t1111, blto,.. ,..., , Nohrv Arif, C•t,+omlt. , .. lie Ill '"" ........ , .... , HrHM11'1' O.ltcl; .... n. 1no. 1 ... tf'ltl J"cw A. WI"""~ k!IOWft i. SA IS. INC . ,,_ lo bl "" H/'IOfl wllost nlft'll AH111 J. W1llrfll11, "•II • It ~lbtd fo !tie wHlll11 'ln,lrvinent Sttl• llf Olllo, C111111ty of Cw111ot1 tnd •t:k-111:19111 1119 ••~lfll llli Nml Oii Mii' 7t_ ltl'O,_ btfor1 ""' Jptllu• (Ol"l'ICIAL S•AL) . J. l<1Mtfiio1m1 I ""'"' l'llMI(" •or SU1111111 lloblnMlll Hid (Ollnl'/' elld St1ll, HPto.,.11'1' , .. Not1.,. ,llblk: • 'C.tffernlt H•rld Allln J. W1"""-n l!llOWll to "•lnelHI Gnlet 111 !r' lo be !he ''"ldltlll of tilt cotw111011 0r11111 Ceun.., "''' l•Kvtld "'9 wltt1111 ltt1lrvmltllt 011 Mv c~ulM lil!W• bll\elf of 1111 COfPClr1tllll ther1111 .,.,..d, A1191t1t lS. 1971 111111 1'k-lldffd la 1¥!1 ltMll IUdl "ubll•hed er..,.. c...1 0111.., Piiot, ~~''°" -\ltlcl "'-un11. line, Jensen also "'reduces the At the present J c n s en Th · • d t JUl'll 1'· 16 111111 Jul»'" 1., im 11.u.111 Jnh ... J. Kfl'IC1tblu"' " omas, vice p re s 1 en , Hot1r.., ,.ubtk: 111 11111 .., uld Ranger line or boats designed lifarlne has a payroll or 2f0 marketing; Roal ca r I s 0 n , LEGAL NOTICE COUlll'f 11!11 s1111 ,• M~ ttmmlatlon .... , ,. by Gary liiull . perscns ·Who earn upwards or .. plan' superintendent ·, Alon I-,,-----------exa1r111t" '-'' H '((j • P-#• ~lion 141.0l 11.C. A search or Ole Jeitsen riles ""'m1 on a year. Helms. controller, and Ian c1•T1,1CAT1 ~ .~'l::••ss T4JM h that th (. st c I .. _R The corporate personnel are Duncan. eastern , a J e, 111CT1T10Us "11bu~ Or•"" c ... , 0.11.,. "11"'· s OWS e Ir a uuo l TM ~ w cmlft ,.,.,. ,,, J-J, 11, It, n. ltl'I 10»-11 ••· ca1 ·21 od d Jensen, president; Charles manager. C01111ucN111 a ...,.._ ,, nm cen11n11 -~JC --was pr uce 'iiiiiiiiii0oioii0ii0iiiiii0ii0;;o;;i;;;;;o;;;;;i;,;::i;;;;;;o;;;o;;;o;•---~1c1re11. o_... ~,..,.. ·cellfofiilt;·lindt{ LEGAL NOTICE in 1951. At that time Jensen II ""' flct1ti.u.'nr"' ~ c1 •IT IM1"0•T1---:=::::::-=:=-.:..:.:..:.:..: __ _ AUTOMOTl\llE Mii lflel "Id firm 11 O•DINAMCli "° Jll.14 teally dldn'l expect to be in H u R~ RY I ~., ""'~ ... w-. wT1o11 •• HO•MA1tc1 0., TNi ciTY COIHll· :::: :I..:'.'!' MCI ''"" .. f'ftldel!Q CIL Of' Ttll CITY 0, COSTA MaSA, the boating busines!. The Cal-TM J ·1:-1UllM' wm•~ CALll'O•IUA. AMliNOINe ••CTIM '. Was Subcootr.cled r,__. < • ..,,.., Ml•.t OI' THE MUMICl,AL COO• -Ufl~ ' Tulfla, C•llf. 0, TMli CITY 01' COlfA Mna TO to two buiklers -one wilo • ...~'r."c!i1 J~.1:.2' Corl~ llTAILltll ., •• 0 LIMITS°" CALI· built the hull and tm other 01tM J11111 ti, 1t111. •o••nA •T••IT ••TW••• 1owa ho Tad J, l(tDba ITIEIT ANO etlLlil AVIJllUI . w built the interior. Jtoblr1 8 J1t:1c:m111' THE CITY COU NCIL '01" THI CITY "'11118 didn't work out too i HERE'S "YOUR LAST -CHANCE 1111t of ciln1ot111I • o•"'" cou11..,. .OF COSTA Ml!SA 001s H111ea'f 0,, Ju111 II, ltJi, "'-'• -· 1 'Nolirv O•OAtN A$ FOLLOWS : well," Jensen recalla. "so we Puttu, 1n 11111 1or .... 111i.. "'SOll&ll'I' 11cT10• 1. 1ec11"" "'"·! ., tflao later subcontracted to another •-'" T"' JI. IC._. -" , ""'" M~n1c1,.1 coo. 01 lh1 c1.., of cos11 I. JK111N11 k,_11 te ma to be t111 Ml.. 11 P!tl'tbl' tmendld bl' 111e ..wtll111 builder who produced the' en-(A Imo +) ..,.on. W11oM Mmh .,. 1ublcr1'tlld of "" 1011o'yo11nw: 'ire ~-t. s Ill lllt 'll'ltl'llll lll'llrumtn( 1 ... llClc-i.ci. NC ALIFOll;NIA STllEET, bltwffll uvtl td tl'lll' l•Kuled "" -· Gl11tr Av111111 '"" Mln1111111 AVfllW • "This was 'not too satisfac. (OFFICIAL SEAL) MPH !Ory' .. We later mo"ed to , Ml fV f . Ktnl'Y M"CALtl'OJtNIA STJIEET, bttwt-11 • N-"'l'Y 1"ubllc-C1llfll'l!le lnMMtl A-to law1 Slrltlt » the small plant on Placentia It' ~~~~:·b: 1" 1 ~:;,:~. t. T~l• Ordtn•ric• shill Ave. in Costa Mesa wbere $ Mv cDll'l'"'9.~IM EJ11lr" llKon'w In fuH ttlKI anc1 '°'" thlrt• e Started Producl'n• th Mw. 14, ,... UG) d•v• lf'IN'n Ind Iller !IHI INH19. W fl> e l'Ub\llllld Ori,,. C .. tf" 0.llY l"l!DI, ltllrtof, lllCI .,-ior IO tl\t t•alr1tlo" whole line of L a p w o r th JuN 1,, ,. a1111 Jutr i. 10, 1t11 11u.11 c1 11"-" till ••v• trom 111 •••uo• d .. ' 'gns." DAILY wn ii. itu1ihs11tc1 MM:• 111 ""' o•ANGlf LEGAL Nont"B cOAsT 0A1LY PILOT •• -· JENSEN MOVED into the ot' .._,,1 ctrcu1111o11. 1•1111.,r 111111 ,.J741N Mll111tt In ""' CllV of Co1!1 Mn•, present million-dollar opera-· klltttier w1t11 IM 111mts of ,,,. --... lion on Fischer Street in the c:.-:~':1~'\~ .. O:, c:~,':~Tl~=D~~ :.1~ ~1':.m~ouncn "'111'111 fw 11111 lrvil:le.· Industrial complex in PILOT TH! UN~~~~:N"'lo ~:..ott&TION ,,!A~·~~~~'?o·. ADO,TEO. THIS nM Oct~r of 196' -just one ..... "''""' urlllY 11111 II 11 undocllftl llDIEJt1' M WtLSOM month helot. ·-sold _.. to I bu1l111U locelld at '"' Herbof IMI.. llYI"" of "" Cll'I' uc; ""' C•ll Meta, C1.....,lt """"' h ftcllllous ti C•lt Mt .. ••-gor Pu ta Al-Corp flnn -°' ""*'°•IAME•ICAH 11111 ATTEST· PCUI n ¥e-e ., !Ml .... flrrn •• c"""9td of ""' flLl!fN °,. PHINNE'I" S 3 5 O -million conglomerate 2 i.111w1,.. """"ttoii. .,..... 1r1tKJH1 c11Y c11rt1 •1 ""' Clll' which I ..... ' f 1 N"t •lfc•tlblnl-1•1•191 .... : tlC•l1Maa saw grea pros....,. .... -Jn -or • I e A-Jt•mtllr, ll'IC., .,., Nlrtrot STATE OF CALl'O*NIA the boating business. Bangor lf\111., °"1' ,,.., (aftfWlll•, COUNTY OF OllANGE SS also acquired iuch companies J W/TNms 11' "'"" 1111• flh ..... of CITY 0, COITA MESA I , OUT . AT 1l:;.',,1f ll•ll I, l!ILffN "· r,H1NNl!Y, Cltv Cltrk as Henry Luhrs Co. or New ..,.,_ •.mtllr ll'IC of ..,. Clll' of c. • ,...... a"" ••"lff1er11 J Starer It 0 • D J I Hld!I ' . Cllrll ti ffle Clll' CMlllCll of Ille Clt'I" ersey, a , a y , ,i,· .. 1: lacAttry of C•t• M-. he...., ,.,,11.., that Seagoing and Ranger. STATI! OF CALtl'OJtlillA ., Ille •INv• •1111 tor~1na or111111nce No. •· ' ~ h t' THE OLD COUNTY O""OJtANOI! ) u 7'-,14 w•• lntroductd 1nd tOlllldtrtd .tn 1n '""~~ sue opiera tons, on 11111 "" d•r ., • Ju11t' Ao 19~ ~11et1on bf lK•lon 11 1 rftl+11~r ""'11.,. Jensen Marine remai....il an wor1 mt Miry IC. t11nrV i 'NotirY of the utd Clll' c.,.111d1 h1Jc1 on ,.,. ·~,.. ,.~lie In 11111 for -Mid CounlY uid It! ll•r ., Junt. 1f10, 11111 ""'""~" autonomous though wholly •' 1tt1e, r.11111111 tMr.111, INtr C1111'1mlu loMct '''"" •nd ~tld •• • w11a11 11 OWned su~1·d1'1ry ol 81n•or BALL GAME' •nf -"· --.111' , .... ,., J a • ~1.,. lllltlirf!H "'"'1n1 11 111d cuv U3 a · Htdt1 k-tf l'rlf la .,. "'-A111it1ni l!wncll hllll on till t1nd dll' of Ju111, "We gjve them a statement , 11cm1.,.,of t1i1 cerHr1!1t11 lll9t ,.rcutoci u111. •• 1111 loltowl11<1 ro11 ult "°'" every' month," said Je111en . ""' Wlllllll , .. trumtnl Ill btllllf ol th'J AVl!S; COUNCILM•N: WlljM. 11 . _ ...., CMWlllOll ttllflll11 111m111. a 11 d Ct11r, Jordan, """'"'ell "Otherwi.e, we are on our Kl_ ....... ""' lllat •lldl ~•lion HOEi: COUNCILMEN: ,,._ Own. " ltllklltltl till NMI, In Wll!ltll Wiit~, AISaNT: COUHl;IL~~FN: .. lnktw I hl'l"t '--fl Mt flll' lltnd 1nd IN WITNISI WH!'lll!OI', I Nv't MORE MORE l'ILOT l'OE INVITES EVERYONE TO atll•ld "'" offld1! IHI 11>1! 11.., 11111 lltl'!llnlo Ml m'I' fMlllll ind ,,,Jdd ,.,. ADD • JL "'' Ill 11111 etrtlfltltl lltlt 1Mvt wrl,,lll. !Pl of 1119 CllY cl C•l1 MIN. lhll a (Ol"FICIAL Sl!ALI Uni d1y of Jullf, 1t70 . THE JENSEN I t h SIE THE &N"ELS l'LAY K &NS AS CITY Miry IC. Htnr't' • FILllEN '· ,HINHE'I" p an as ,. ,. ,. ,. • .,~ ,,.,.~,.,-"' .-~ "' ""'"'" ••~ 104,000 square feet , including ,.,,MINI Offfd 111 of Iii. c1.., councu of th oil' I w D s Or•~ CllU!ltl' till C!IY ti C•I• MWI • corporal• '°"· mod E NE DAY, JULY 8, AT HALF l'lllCE M• ,_,,,.., ""-'""~"' .,,_ •~• 0"" ""'· shoi)s and other .......... uction Nown>blr 2,, lfn Jurit u. '"' 1111.,. t!"'""' Pullllllled Ori"'• CM1t Ditty P!let,,1 ----,,,,--,,~,.,.-----""- £acJlltles. The flrm a I so -, II·'~""-''-";-';;";;' H';·,•.;.m;;;;;;;;;;;-'"":::cn: I---· :::LF:'.'.:G::'.'.A (, NOTICE operates another plant. near i;,, two ••••,.·1d 1111 tic••h for tha W1dn1ulay 11itht, .July 1, LEGAL NOTICE !he Uihrs plant at Red Bank, Al'lf1l1 w1. ll.oy1l1 t •m• at A11ah1i111 St1cliurn f•1 th• 11orrntl pric• 0101•A•c1 "'°· l'l-b N J which ••· f · • I h l'.:"Ot••-:1 '°' -AM OllOt•AHCl~O, TMI CITY COU ... • . 1!&3 82,000 square 0 0111 lie ''· lwy 0111: I I DAILY PILOT 9i~11 you 0111 .I ...... CIL 0, Tiii CITY., CotfA M•tA, I j AN H:O AHtl Tltl CITY COllN· AiTIMt AS Ttlli NAJtb t' DlltlC· et , CIL Of' Tit• Clfl' W COITA MISA, T II 01' Ttlli COSTA M IA ,AllC 2-$3.50 Tlc•m $3.50 C&LIPOIJlllA. M.llCI•• c •• TA I" .. " ·••ClllATIO" ,,,.T,W'T. Al"· PO. TICltlCtc•L CM.IHll IN Dtvl•ION , OVU.. Tltl A~NIXATIOJf Ofl XIII · OI' TMI COSTI MllA CPITAIN UNI NM Al lTI D flJI· • MUlllCl .. AL COD• I ii TIT L. 0 11,TO.Y CONTIO\tOUI f9 fHI CITY TRAVEL BUG 2-$2.50 TICllrTS $2.50 "CA .. ITAL OUT~'I" •A•K AND o' COSTA Ml'A 1• TME Cf'IUHYY' fOI llC•fATION •UND'' 0, OJIAMfll, ICNIWlt Al WMITTlll THE CITY OOUNCll. ~ THE (ITV HflOMT• A•lllX,\TIDN. You c•n rt1•rv1 ''I 1nlir1 11clio11 or iu 1t t:_o 111 h , lul 91t you r 'party lo1J1tl111 11ow 111d rn1U in the order bla11~ b1l1w with c.ht llk o• monty ord1r !no c:11h, pl1•11I i ncl hu,,y. D11lllln1 for ttc••t orcl1n i1 Jun1 lf. ABSOLUTE DEADLINE FOil ncKn ORDIRS 1.5 5 l'.M. MONDAY 01" COSTA Mf'IA, CALll'OltHI-', DOl!S THE CITY COUN(tL t\F THF. CIT't' Hlillll'BY l')ltOAIN A• l'OLLOWS: OF COSTA f~F~"o· ... CTINI" At T,HF ••cTIOM ·1. Th• (Ill' COUllCll of lht BOA•O OF 0111 .. r.TOll.' 01" THI! r.~TA CllY ol c,..,. Ml'lt fllldl IMI dt!cl•re• Ml!SA ,.,., .. k j,~O II~ r JI I! AT r 0 N 11'11! tlll oi'l•d "fllMI" 1'111 I' sttcltl OlSTl.tCT, 0011 Hlltl!BY OIOAIN /l\tt11t"1 In thl lltld or 1ccou111l11t 111-A~ J'C\•.t.nwl: , (Oflll1ltnl with lh UM '" OrdlnllM'I llCflON I. Tlutl !l'le 1llf!l'•lll011 Qt Numt.r ~tit t.11111 lld1Qn1 tilfl31I IM Ca1t1 Miii P1rk and l.11Cr1elltn fllrowk llld IMllH!lna Stct'-n 92103.s 0111•tct. c111111tv o1 °''""' st~· ct and thll 1111 •:l')tfr tlrnlllll'l*"-Y •• cir lorn!t, ti' !hit c•rl1l11, u11l.,~•btled rtclll'!'11"ll'ldllll ..., till Cl.., Aud1tor1 t!W le,,llory, o::ontl"10•11 lo ••Id Cll'I' of c1111111111"1 wllll 11«111111111"! •9Cilee1 ""a Coll• ,Y,t11, 11 her1bv •rttrovr<t •I'd l'IUll!tlHI lllllllCll'l!I 1hould Ill "kcwnt". !l'lt 11Jlf twrllory It 1'11•9'1Y or.t1 llll<f s1695 """' TAX I UCINll Make • trft9I IMit 011t et ynr vo11sw ...... lllJ a Tnrlh Wnt Catnpster. A lltllt, WJofa llc:ll traffl t1'911er with a kl119 Ille bed, dftltwl esp1clally for lonely b•ts· HARBOUR V.W. A .CT NOW Ac ( • r II I" 1 I Y, 11'1• lol•owlnt It be 111NM..i lo 111\d rn•.-. 1 an rt •"'•nll1¥!1MI art 1dlll!N IW Ordinance "' the C~t• Ml!c'• ,~111 1"11 ~•C•ffll"" ~.tt. Olllrk:t1 lhitt did lerrltory, k._11 1• llC]IOlill t. T,111 11111'1 "C'itllll.\I Whlltltr Hlltlm Is plrllCUl•rly ft•rl'lbeot Outl.., "•I'll allf •ecl'!lltloll l"U'lld" Ill I INP ind ""'ltl ,lo.sulltllll'I otltt~..., Is htrtllY Ull....,. 11 rttll "Cttlt•I lltrtt1 m••~f'll l!•hlblt A J 111111 llY 1~11 Oulll'I' 1'11'11 and Jttcr11t1M Account", '~''-"'"'" l'llltdt • ••'' "'''°'· tnd ltlt' SllM 11'1111 .. a1 111.-111 SICTHIM t. T1lat !ht al'kltd'l'lf• lnr rtdt•l11111ec1 wllef.Wr It 1111111 1~r •tt,.••I~ l'ltr•lll' 1rd1l'lff ••• fl•ll 1nrt '" OrdlntlKt ff·20. Arw rtftfft!Ct In ""'"" Ul'Mltr ,,._ •t1Yl•lot1• ol Ill<! ..-t "lulld" In rl!lf ~rltl11'"'<:t ~ 119" ol ll'lt Lt11l1•1t\lft of the St1l1 e4' In th• 111111 or of!Wwl• ""'" 1" CllllW'llt. dult111ltd •nd ~•rrl>d It rlllfsl1111lltd and 1111 _., "1co:ouril .. •• "'-"Anrt•••fl"" or unl"!Ybllad Te .. tfl•lt ,... 1••bstltuted lhtrettr. '"""'"'"'If Int'' . lliCTIOH J, Thlt trdll'ilfl" V\111 llCflDN J, f!i~I 11'111 ""d!l'tlnct •"\•If t~'' 1'""'' Ind M Ill' IVll ' fol"t-1 ttte •Ille! ~nd be In IVH lorct ltl lrt'f' r .-rLIASI llHD THIS COUraM WITH OIDll-1111rtv f»~ dan frfllrt lfMI 1tttr 11t 1~1 d~•s ,,.,.,.. ""' llfltr '"' ••!01.lte. I •~Hnl. 11111 blfort tllt , "*'lr1tl011 lil•ll b'! ••IO< fo lhe exalr1tlon 'I// M • • c1 11 nn11n OSI •• ,. ,,.., "" ·~·''"' flfilfll 'JJI '11y• I~ Ill NI! ..... .,,i,n • .,.. 1 I o;h1t •• money ord11 p1ya .. • to a111n tit to•tl•h-11 OllC1I '" lllt °'-" ..i lllC 1n lht 0••"" C"JI O.llY I DAILY PILOT All91I 0,,. Cotll 01U' Piiot, • . .-W•l"'r II ,.,lo!,•,,...,.,,~, If •l"tral clrr"••tlG<1, I """t•lf \(lot.~laflort ·Cllllill..... ·111 "'• "111'9!1 11111 •llllll•htd In Ill-Clll' of '.'' '. ', Clh' Of \Co.i•• Mita. ""'""" Wlltl c.,,,. MIS~· ""~'~'"' wl11'1 lh.. nt rnn lhl nl m'"" 111C1 ""''• of ltl• _...,, fll !hi mem111>r1 If th! l'ltla•ll ~I Dtrtctvn I ti lilt Clll' CllUl'ICll YOlllll f9r 11111 ""1,.. ,...~ 111'1 ~lttlfl!ll *'" •'llfl•• 2·f•r·1 A..,t D•, I ••1 l11•t 1111 ••""· 'AISl!O """0 AOO,TIO 11111 71nd ltlr PASIFO .-,Nn AOO,Tl!O lhli 221111 llt If.)•!"•· 1•10 0-Ce• Del'-PJ!ff GI~ ol J•m•, lt~ , •OIPJIT M, \'llLSOH I ·-•9 '' ' llOl"!•T M. W•LSOM ~'"'' °' '"' C!lr C/O '•Mk s.n!M .,.,., I "•"Of of lh• (Ill' "' Cllft Mtll O)f Co1t1 Mtaa "fT"'f : 0 ATT"~f: •ILE•N I', PlollNNllY I ,,, w ........... Cnl• M ... , c.111. 91617 !ILISN "· P~IN"ffiY Cftv Clfrk cl lllt Cl!r •I Clll' C!•lt ot '"' CllY 1r "' "~·'• ,,~,... crLIAll PllNTI r.•1t• ""'" !TATE 0, OLlll't\JINIA I !TATI 01' CALll'O•tll A COUNTY 0, nitAN~I! ) 11. I N-• • ••••••••••••••.••..•••••• , ••• , , , , • , , • , , • , 1 couHTY o' 01tAHOll 1 11. CITY o~ rO!TA Ml!SA 1 CITY 01" (OJTA Mi!!A I -I, ltLl!EN "· "HINN&Y, Clll' <'•rte I, IEILllN ,H.,.NIY, Ctl'o Cit.ti """' oof lht Cl.., at l"Mll Mts•. alld l•.otflr!11 I ~ · · · · · · · • • ·· ·· · · · • · · · · · · -· · · · · · · ·· · · • • • · • • · • ,,«11ci.. Cllrtf . ti" fllt 1 CllY Cp0n0:1t Cllrt: flt ~ Clll' ~ou,cu of ~ cltr I ti 111t Clf\I 'of C11t1 MtM l'ler-1;-V "' C(llt• M-1t. fllt ''''"• lll•f - • -'Wll .... lhll 1M 1Rbove 11111 'f.or....,lr'll ""' fllWf! •Ml ~"' Orltlnlll(• No • • '' ·' '• '' '' '' '•'' '' ' ' •' ' ' • • • •''' • o.• • • ' Ordln~~ Nf, iv-n wi• r...,...,cl!d nwt JIO.tJ Wit lntnlll11t.ld 111111 c-ldlAtt I -llllrM MCll!lfl 1W 11(1111! ~ • -tl'r llClloll bl' 5"!11111 " Ille C°"'llMH tt City •••••• , •••••••••••••• , • , •••• , • zi, . , .... , .. I "'"'t"" ., .. .., , c11y c.ncu htlll " • ,...,1,, """"'r"' 111~•eor r.111 ort ~ ,thf ht .... " J-. lt'Jtt. Miii ..... ~ ... •• ltl ''"' .. Jlt'''" 1'1t 11111 1~·••1!W "' Hltld Inf .....,... 11 I who,~ al ,.Hid llld I-ltd 11 • wllolt If I I WIM I fltfll If L 4, •• L it lciftlll ... Ir Wl'lli MllMlt • a ,.,.,,,, lllllf'Jf'Mll ""'91!11 If Ill• I ,... ... , .;inot•'ltd ~II"" rof lllf> I r•ld Cltl' '"""'" r.111 "' """' rl'llf "Id C:ltl' Cou«ll 111 ,.,. ,,,.. d•'I' "'" ............ " ... ..., """'' ....,_ ... ts. •• ..... .. .... ti Jllllf. '"' ... "" ~ ..... J-. ltl'tl llt "'-lttl0"'1nt ''" ........ "" ....,. I ,,...... n. ........ City .. ,,.. " ....... rwll ;y··~~OUNC!LMIH wt1-. Jtr• ettl .:Y'ilr COUNCILMIN Wllttn. JOf'o I ......._,IW ..., lldlet ~. I Ml fiCjlijf M iiliit111 I 411'1, II. Cl•lr, R~•t .-It; C"""'H-INll .... ' -... D• LY >OLDT Nt)!l1 CCtlNCI. rN tflll-NOi.~: COUNCJLM IH Holll I'll I ' I WMI fS.fit/IUI fClml -· AISl!NT: COUNC LM1'!N ,l!lll•r AlllNTt COUNCILMIN "!llklly I ....... lllf*lll It l ""'' """ 111·,.,_.,.,. IMll 1111...... lN WITN!IS WHIJl'r),, I llf,.t!'I IN WtTNlll WHl•IOI'. I 111"9 I If!! ltlY ...... !"" 1tt!nf lh' •••I l\llrl'""° Ml fl"Y 1111111 allll tlnll• tll1 ., ...... I Nft '""'"" I •• ,.. .. Hdlll'• wru ... ..... .. .. ~ C:lll' ~ "" Miii. lhl\ U•• ,... .. .... Cll'I' of COiii MIN. 11111 l"'LlttN '" ':l'INN,V f.ILl!IN ... "HINNi:Y · ,7,llancy Wylie, Kat)1ryn Ytn- dall, Debra Youmw. I -1J _.I. I ............ 111tr1 c.... .. 111 MCMllfl 11 I llltr .. ••v If J""•· lt7t. t"" Mt ti Ju.,., ltJI, , .... """'" """' lldllfl. ~ _I t''ly c·~ If ••"""c.11 Clf"k .. 1111 Cl" CouMll 117 11 IE Cltrll ,, lllt C:lty.. of COlll ............. wi<effkll ••lliilJiliiiiAiCiHiiliBiLliVDii •• liiHiiUiNiiiTiilNiiiiOiiTiiOiiNiiiliiEiiAiiiiilHiiJ".iCiiAiiiLiiliiFoi,•mMilri2iii-4ii4ii3SiinM.I - - -..,-. -- -- -Coo• /\1111' ·C!tw' r...,,...11 Cltrt; OI It'll City Countll ''•------------------------:/ Publ1"'911 .Or•,.. Cotti 0111'1' Pl"'1, •ub!f111tt1 nr1111111 , ... , Dtlll' "'"'•' • J-it. t'(' 11"·"' 1~-a. 1'11 n•.,. r •, . f • ~ ' ~ • • • • ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • DA.lL'f , 11.l., f'.ldz.y, June 26, 191'l . ~qsta, . M~:~l:l ft,~g¥..:PJ~Iowfl~.1-~~d~d .~o , 3~;:~~~s ~~--.-Karen ~-Neth. -"'"""'"' • ~ .. -,Id Relft,;lillt~ ~. Timollll;; . ""11' llnWi,. !I~/$~( h!d .. ilaY" ~-1111n1 ·.'~, •Bobbi ......... . ... IJ/I" Scoll •NeviJI<, ;t ff re y . ; .f1m Pen-y,.S!!ltlei ~\ana, .(,-~· Rey~ 1:-4,>J • Sa It I er'. -b ' Kl~ Smolich', ·L'in a• Toering, Linda 'l'oiplin.•Tlfry Weber, ~iiiiiji "!ello+i, Gail alveil tbeir dUcitll Newman, P'alricili. o g I e.->1 8lilrl Peters. ·""1,-IJ'lke. Joe Ri :.. ,. .. ,. ~. , ~ Maureea Sqy de r •'-\ToOilie,.. Debb&t T-o.~ l'lll, Wheall~1 • ~ 'Whitaker, , . e~_;.oary Norman, Kellie Norton. Piuica. Curliss P I u m I e e, .Dana RlchardsOO,. Caro I Suzanne Sc bot t, Mark JoiePll locba, Danny Sohrt, 'Gregory Totrnlr. De .f>o r., h Mary ~Wbl.~, fDtjJ or ah !' ~ attemum ~'• ~i'd O'Neill, Maureen .Steve...Plwnmer, Robert Pol· Richie, Frank Riem , Kaye Schrie ber .._ M~a David~tter,Judy_Spink, Tucker~CAtherie.~ .WUderm~ .. QieryiWtti'J.se , _ •' • , g1 vie, wa 0Ili18.""Sfiiron fer, J a c k"I e ~r.enderg~st, RObln.son, Manueli HObtbeCI, Sdiwassmann, toliiii ScrOgp, James ! P.O n 11 Ji>-Jody Marc TUme~ fiiDif, ·'· IJOiliiii · , ~ · . Owens. l Kandt Price, Katnna Price, ~err1 Rogers, Lynette Roll-l)trk:ia• Shannon, C1ui1t1na stellwapa, Kristina Stewart, Craig Tyloskf., 'Gl'fi l•f y ·1 Jeff WOltt, Ka Woodard, ~ ~~~~· , ,\I... Susan Paplham, R 0 b e rt Kirk "l:trice, Richard Priest. 1ngs, . Angela Roslti, Sallie • 'Sliarp, Calvi.I Shene. Harty Stephen Stoltz VanH~ Clriltiie~: .1~m\e .. WoddJ~~ .~ e bra ~ "8hJ •• ,, .• tanr . Pallo, Cynthia Parker, Robert Mit-bael Purcell. . ~m, ~.Ro ss, Shia:aki, Sue Show.alter, J~ Tim• strain, Terry· SW~, Sl~·veo V.'!1-;V :1 .,WQod~, Ctr~ Wright, , ~-~ii\ . , • ~' Parker .,. John flarrinelJ.o, Kri s te..n ~ Quackenbush, Janice l\OIJUey, ~lie ~)'. ShaUer, Lart)' Shuck. Debbie Sberiy Talbert, Tb om a s Christopher ~ · ,, ~~~rici~ W·r\ghti. G-reg or 1 ~ K~ ~n R~ Maria 'Peace Joa11 Pearson, fltarylee Radcliffe, Mo y_c e ..Ann ~. ~ RundeU, Siepl, Robert' Sim mO',n s, Talklo, ·EWa Thoma&, Ludn~a Leboard Vloci •. ·~·~ l,~. ,.. ' • l. WU\tf, .Kirk. \'.'en, ,S"t eve n e~~~u~. en rma • 0 Diane Pe!~~. Douglas Pelle. Raglin, Robert Randle, Sharon .. John Rupsa,.J\Obio' Rutan. Stefmi Sion, .EU.. Sira, Mar)'' 'Ibompeon, Dale 'nton. ~ames Stanley Wallbl, :a ob e .~ t Young, Micha~l.Zielioski, ~ohn . 1 Debra Pre1ra Theahna Perlin Rask. Susan Read, Theodore Becky Salisbury, Cb er y I Slade, Debra Smith. Thrasher, Greg ThuneU, :>aula Walllosky, Andrew Watkiifs, Zweers. , ...-, ~la~ne Baker. Cynthia Ba . • ' linger, David Bannon. Betty Barnet1-, Janet Barrett, David Barton. Laura BaUistoni, .Mi. chae l Baxter, Douglas Beau. belle. Cynthia Beck, Robert Bell, Sherilyn Benvenuti , Chris Benzinger, Douglas Bernhardt, Carol Best. Margaret Better- idge, Victor Blake, Bob Block. · Patricia Bolton, ~1elanie Booth, Brad Bourgeois, Barbara Bo- va, Arthur Bowie, Allen Bow- • man, Cynthia Bradley, Lynn Brad. ley, · Mary Brady, Richard Breck. Joseph Broderick. Jr .• Bob Brqwn, PatrJ~ia Bryson, Steve Buford, Steve Burger, Steven Burnett Th eresa Cab- allero, Debra Cairns, Judith Cameron. Terry Carlise, Les.. lie Carmona, Luis Carmona, James Thomas Casilas, Bo!! C-avanaugn, · Elaini" Chavez, Glenda Chounard, Ruth Chris. tiansen, Paul fltiChael Christ. man. Jim Chrysler, Debra Clardy, Debra Clar~, Kath· erene Coffelt. Diane COilins. Nadine Colsten, Benjamin Conner. Linda Conner. Bar- bara Cook, Michael Costelloe. Oscar Craig. Nancy Crane, \1ictoria C r a v e n, Margaret Cross, Anna Cunningham. Carol Custer, Da vid Davis, Kennetth Deaton, Gail De. Biddle, Jod9 Deehan, John De- Geare, Stephen . Dendinger, Antoinette Deschenes, David Dcsjardine, Caro1ine' Devlin, Kathy Dewitt, Mary Deyden, Leigh Diehl, David Dies. RiChard Dietzel, Cynthia Dinger, Tom Dinger, Linda Dingey, Audrey Ding- man. Donna Dixon. Debra Donaldson. Keith Dey le, Clarke Draheim, Robert Drink- wine. Roger Drouet, Deborah Duffield, James Duffield : J u- dith Dunn, Maureen D u n n. Phillip Dunn. William Dupree, Mary Dunsv.•orth, Moria Dur- ham, J ill Edgerly, David Ed- \Vards, Laurie E d w a r d s, James Eggert, Bruce Endsley, Ted Engard, Stephen Engard , J ohn Engel· man, 1\.lary Ennis, Karla Esch, Janice F'au!ds, R i c h a rd Ferryman, Kim- brough Figgatt Kathryn FHlinore:. Richard Flood, Fabia Floreani, Judy Folkert, Mitchell F,olsom. Ken- neth Forgie, Heather Forsdi ck. Susana Fort. Ma-rs ha Frazier, Alan Freeman, Susan Frey, Colleen Fritsch, Ann Fuller. Toni Gann, Sam- my Garcia. Patrieia G·er- maine, Patricia Gibb, Laura Gilna. Victor Goochey, Lindell Gleason. Sandi Gragg, Dia ne Green, J.1arc ia Greetne, \\lilcy Greiner, l\1alcolm Griffith. Judy Grimes, Rayna Hake, ~lary I~allacy. Scott Hallock , Richard Hanchett. Jr .. Robert Hanchett, Joyce Hara~a. The- resa Harrison, Joan Haubrick, Nancy Hedrick, \Villiam Hei tz, .John Helton. Joan Henderson, John Herman. 1\.tark Hirtler, Kathlene Hoadley, Celeste Hol- linger. Susan Holland. Vicki •Iorst. Sally Hubbard. William Hus- crof.!, Wil~am I ml~, Janeice Jarek, Debor ah Jones, Margaret Jones, Patri- cia June, Kim Kaneubbe, flielodie Keller. Vicki Kel- lermann. Vicky Kerner. Elaine KC\\', Doris Keyes. J o .Y cc Klaas.sens. Patricia Kline, Karen Knight, Werner Korn, Mitchell Kramer, Doug Krotje , Masahiro Kumamo!o. Faye LaBorde. Linda La idler, K.alh- rya n Lair. Va lerie Ltimme. Teri Lawrence. Stephen Lear- ned , Steve LeFever, Martha Leguizamon. Mat. them Letteriello, Jim Lever- ett: Stephen Lilly, Sandra Lin- dahl, Solveig Lindblom, 1\.tark Linder, Giril Linfoot, Concetta Lombardi, Sharon Love, Dan· ie1 Lueking, ' _ Bonnie 1\.t ac Ph erson , Pamela Magner, Ch a r 1 e n e Mainenti, Mary 1\.1alec, Lisa Mai-idelbaum. Marie Mapakoi , Al(r edo r.iar a n . P aul Marchiorlatli. James Mar- quez. Donna Marr. Bruce fl~arshall, fl.la!')' Martin , Carlos ]!.farlinez, Timothy Marx. Randi Mason , A n g e I a Massmann, Nicholas Matyas. l \Varren Maxvill . Jr., Christine ! May. James fl1ay berry, Linda }'~ossell, Andrea McArthur. Denise McCanles, P a u I McCanles. Sharon trfcGuire. Tena fltclntosh. G 1 en n McKinely, Duane l\1cMullin, Michael fl':cTieman, Ca r o I r.teader. Frank Means. Cheri Melancon, Joyce Melton. ' I l .s-·a·o' RTY's---11-·re· a·ooM ~.:.~~::.!~:i.~~~:-.::.~~ If? r•do or comPl.te a new bathrodm~ All for udder, a R. EM-o· · DE·L·11-·. 1·. IT --. -· .--~~ai::-~::·~:::.=:.'a~:~c::=.:::. , ' · , 'It you,lJcrt'••t lb.en ln lately/(wbat hcWe you bffn doing?)/,. . l _ ' J comehatOiiay_and~.all.tben.•••tu~we'reofferlng.• ·' --1_---Everything --incl~edrltul th. towels and IOllJI! • WHITE Ir GOLD J'ULLMAN •PORCELAIN TOILET .- Spo:rlrling white. a perfect deal include• t!Je iop and hot~111 eu1d the 1eat. (Well. I Uould hope So). No:turallf !Ueiime !ired ·porcelain. • 14" TOWEL ¥1 '. •SOAP DISH •PAPER HOLDER • A nlc•ly linished pullman cohl.n•I. compl•I• with the mcrrble one piece link and top and cabinet hardware. A U. inch delight. •WAX llllfG Smooth ~ ..... plo:led. all •IA ~111>tiag harchisre.' From operi •tocll:1odditioAo:I piece• CCIII be> pun:baffd. •POP-UP CHROME FAUCET A very nice looklng laucet. this picture doe1 II no ju1tice at all. Pop-up Included. lit• the pullman lop. AMERICAN FLAG None better, w•ll made. meto:il alofl and btoclret. it'1 your• 10 Uy ii with pride every holiday. 197 , ELECTRONIC ~~~~~·-:::iii"'~-~~~~AJ;;TDOOR OPENER ln•teill yourself with regular tools. America'• fi r11 quality deal a1 lhili price. 77 VHF-UHF COLOR -TV ANTENNA Many dipoles. Pulls in weolr signals. (II I shout "Help" I wonder ii onyon• out lh•r• will piclr It up?) 11 87 8" FAN Hot lime• coming. b'e ' ready 10 !live yoursell som• · reUel, .. . 488 YOUR CHOICE STROBE LITE • COLOR ORGAN Wild 1lrobe lite for tho" 1top·Qcllola 1H1et1 at th• ne•t party. Color organ Ha1be1 Color1.ir1 time Qlld lriter11ity with mu1ic note1. 2488 -. EA. f •'PLASTIC -·TUB ERCLOSUBE , . No problem .. er with 1batlering 1las1. alumillum frame and 1lidlng track. Easy to ln1tall 1md mall:e cz 1bower oul of· lhe tub. ··FLOOR TU.E mMASnc Your choice In •lnyl a1be1io1 pattema. full '5 ICI· ft. ciit1on. Mcnllc iacludM 10 do·!be tile. YOUR CHOICE • COCA COLA SWAC·LITt o "LOYE IS A CROO'IE" SWAC o LOCIY LACER SWAG lnter .. llng riew cylh1der IWOfS. Wh•n 9 97 they mob orie that ~ "Cleat1 \Ip your room" ru buy two, 10% CHLORDANE . 11 tbe bug gong i1 OTenunnlr111 the ploce. eepec:lally anll comlllf ln arouad the tounclallon. thl• will get It. JIFFY ROLL-OUT Ii ARDEN Doaea1 at tlower ~o:rtetl" In their own llMd llcne. Jui! roll oui. wotn, end gel ready lo 1111 up the flower .0H1. " .. ,ff AdTert!MCI ' 1p«lo:l1 .~ *Fu ·~ly ·l >' Jf711 (U we uaa this deal lenger we •cakh it ifolD tho o:iceou11lanl1). 2x4 ECONOMY + STUDS They 1till look like they hcz d ineasles. but you f0lk1 kHp lugging lheiri out by the thou111nd linea!. leet. so her•• 6 FT. WOOD STEPLADDER ,A v1ry good ladder lor tbi1 price or more eTen. Cross braced. reinforc ed 1tep1. and polrit bucket shell. J77 NATIONAL LAWlf SEED Good Dliirtur1 for CczlUornla. II yw're going baell: £o1t. lpt'9el ii. Thil i• lull, but •rio\igh liae vra•• •orletln lot looJni loo. 49~8 . 40 fiAL. TRASH CAii Gohoan!nod ru999<1 beo1I. Comes with the snug llltlag lid which bo1 been condemiied by cal1 and dop .lhNoul lh• world. 3s1 _ ' ' .. William r.territl, Scott Mer· 1"--~-----,,~,.r-o:e €11 n d-a~illeLibutg~ Catherine r.1 on t go me r y , Kathleen Mooney . It o g e r Moore. Robert ~torris, James 1'1oullrup, Jeanne ~1owrey. Al i\1euller, Randy M u r p h )' , , Ralph Afers. ' I I , ' • r rldlJ, JuM 26, 1970 DAILY PILOT J/ R ..... •' ,. • .A Complete Guide •·•. Where to go ••• What to do • •• ' • . •; -... 'LAGUNA'S MERILEE MAGNUSON .PLAYS ALICE, JOINED BY TWEE.OLES DEE AJ'.ID OUM II 0'11 f11cood TV's Monasl1 Scores Iligh · ' .011 'Cassidy'· By VER.NON . SCOTT Ul'I HeltYW•od Corr1-ffnt HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -" Bu l c h Cassidy and the Sundance ·Kid" lost the Academy Award, bul it~ brour.ht new l~[e to _producer Paul fl.1oriil.sh who never ex pected the western ·comedv to becoffie one .of the top 211 box office films of Bii tit'ne. • ' Monash is the s;une ,man' wh.o pr()f.:luccd television's sudsiest·soap opera, "Peyton Place,'' and "Judd for the Derensf." The television -series am{ ".Butch Cassidy" were all in produ ctio n ·simultancous\v. They were completed or canceled in the same month , January; 19'19. ''It all came lo a shattering end at one ti1nc :' Monash recounted al. Univer- tial Studios. ''I was oul of production and times were hard in lhc industry. They still arc. Then we began to get . an idea or Lhe kind of picture we had in 'Bufch ca~!'idy.' "After a sneak preview 1 \vas offered 11. <'l!artcr mill ion dollars for my interes t in the picture. Thank God 1 didn't sel\." ~o far the film. starrin g Paul Newma n and Robert Redtord, has earned its n1 a~ers -incl udi ng 20th Century-Fox -$35 million. "J \'1as encouraged enough lo Mcq uire thrrc motion picture properties," Monash conlinucd. . . KRISTI MOORHEAD, HAL O'NEAL DANCE 'CINDERELLA' One is .. the best-selling n o v e I '· "Slaughterhouse-Five." "\Vhen I read it last year' I trembled L Ch• td ' B II wi\h anUcipalion, so I bought the. \>OPk. aguna · 1 ren S a et for a con.~iderab!e amount of money ($185,000 ). Later everyone I talked to !'aid it was a great book ,but cOuldn't be made into a film . Will F 'C • d II ' "U niversal saw things diffe .. ntly and eature Ill ere a no'v we're pulling the script in order and getting pre-production ~o~k done.·.: Monash is a compact man with graying tiair a prizefighter's nose, a copper •icinderella'' will be the fan! Jn the le, Louise· Fralcr, Damara Bennett as tan 'and dappe r wardrobe. He is one final preseiltation of (our by the Laguna Fairies o( the Sea and Gene WilkCs of lhe few video. pr~uce~s lo m~ve Beach Civic Ballet Company's "Ballet as the Cavalier. · up to the movie screen "'1th a major The success of the series, "Ballet . · ·-for Children'' program to be staged hit 1 11. . th' S d . lh F of the La for Children." has prompted the company Now he is in the uncomforlab e pos ion is un ay 1" e orum guna lo schedu le another series starting Nov, of attempting to top himsell with another Beath Festival of Arts, 650 Laguna Ca-L with other programs to be given Feb. rnovie success. ,, nyon Road, Laguna Beach. 7, March 7 ·and May 2. Tickets for "I don't want to sound immodest, Two performances, at 2:30 and 4 p.m.. the new series or ind iv Id u a I he Said, "but I think 'Slaughter~ouse-will be given with.. lead d~cers, Kristi . perfonnances ·Will be available from the l<~1ve' will \Vi n the OS'car for best picture Moorhead as Cil)derella, Haf O'Neal as ~ . Ba~let Center in early fall . two years from n9w · 11 •• • Prince Charmjng, Sherry Kraft and The Laguna Beach Civic Ballet 'Com- /\ 1arge stale~1ent for ~ fTIQ'ViP th.11t • Kathy Jo Mahr\·, as the Ugly Sisters, pany was the only • group in OranAe ti:is yet to .~ t1lmed ; on,e that ha!O 't . , Chris Kii-by !IS• the , Faley Godmother,, County selected, to appear on the gala teen cast . . Mar y Catherine Kaminski, Odile de Wit· program at the recent Fresno ballet ''\V<' bllve GOOrgC: Roy . Hill •directing 1 ' ' ~ resUvil ind . is still Ole on1y national (""8"1 " ... t,tQnash ~aid .of the man wh'l • • hooor company in Southern CaWornla. direc~ '·Butch Cass idy" for him. "And Fo1•nicr Grid' Star ~company and its dancers are justly 11't" ecript is ,a 1 mind·~}ower. full ·pf proud of the accompUShments over the trag:~y: ard CQmcd)' -a c~mpcund Si' !!:lled . fot•· 'Julia' past eight years and of its a111stic dlrcc· rf cvcrYl\\ing we feel ~co~prtscs our .._, l-Of, Lila Zali. cornpl cx+r.oc.lcly. . ·•<)ur rirsl pr(l!l)cm ~ findln~ an ;ict"r Fred WilliamM>n, former all-pro foot-Tickets for Sunday's pcrforn1ance are v.•ho can play an ase range from 22 ball· player. has been signed lo a con--$2 for adults and ~I for children. They tn extreme old age with a wide emotlona l tinuing co-slarring role in 20lh Century-may be oblained in advance by calling ability. \Ve probably won't find il star, Fox Television's "Julia" series, it was 494-7271. If available they will be on but we're looking." announced by producer Hal Kanter. 1alc al lhe door. 'I ' Home Hosts · . Premiere ·Of !Disney' '4 .. 'Ille Flo~ence Orittenton Home ol Orange Coonty is hosting the premiere performance of "Disney oo Parade,'' . a live traveling stage show which opens at the Anaheim Conventioa Cent.er next Wednesday, July I. Tickets are all at regular prices, and are available at the box office or from a n y member of the sponsoring organization. All "Gold Tickets" have been sold. Phone 547-9377 for reservations and tickets. Fllnds raised will go toward building a facility and rendering services to many unwed mothers in Orange County. The goal is $000,000 and with ap- proximately $311,980 raised, the board or directors and support groups are bor- rowing a bit of magic from Disney to help spur them on to the final goal. "Disney on Parade," a joint presen- tation by NBC Films and Walt Disney Productions, . brings all or the great Disney creations together for the first time in one _unique two and one half hour show. A new form o{ entertainment i3 born with the blending of all elements of live production; sound effects motion pictures, magic, music and special lighting. Famous Disney .creat.klns come to life on the world's large¥ portable area floor .-... 9inging, dancing and performing 11 !J>ecta.cularly rostumed production numbers which include "Alice i n Woridert3nd," "Peter Pan." 1'The Three Little Pigs/' "Cinderella," "Jungle Book" and the "Dumbo Circus." The ~ets range from a three-ring circus to : a royal ballroom. Marilee Magnuson of Lacuna Beach, wbo is no stranler to balletornanes of ·Orange Coupty, will perform as Alice and dance in the "Alice in Wonderland" sequence of the show. Marilee -was a lead dancer in the Lagwia Beach Civic Ballet Company under .the direction of Lila Zall when she was tapped for the ''Disney on Parade" role. MICKEY CALLS ATTENTION T!) BENEFIT FROM BALLOON The purpose of staging this show, ac· conling to its producers, was to capture the excitement or Disneyland, condense and refine it into a family participation show , and take it on tour lo. share with the rest of the world that is unable to visit the Magic Kingdom. No Di!1leyland act is duplicated in the "Disney on Parade" show, although the koow-how came from Disneyland, the Disney classic cartoon library provided the stars of the show . The entire show is built around music, uti~ng t'Ortemporary pacing so the au- dience's attention is constantly being shifted to some new visual element!. The action takes place on the arena floo r and sp.ills out into the ~ audience . The characters appear and disappear in bright flashe$ of color and · sound - they don 't just enter and exit the performing area. There also i s psychedelia with strobe lighting effects and rock 'n' roll music · reflecting Uta current scene. "Those attendins-the premier night next Wednesday will have a lively evening'5 entertainment and help the Florence Crittentorf Home of Orange County ·at the same time. Tickets are $2.50 · $5. lnternaissima Theater Season Busy By TO.\f TITUS Of 1M O.llr Plltt Steff When all is said and done regarding living tJ:ieater in Orange County during the season now in its final performances, a backward glance will reveal that there was, indeed, quite a lot both said and done· duri ng 1969-70. The community theaters, normally • pretty prolific bunch anyway, reflected 11 birth rate comparable-only to tnat of rabbits and white mice, increasing their number by one-third as four new playhouses hung out their marquees dur- ing the season. ·Added to the county's Jillie theater roster were -the Irvine Commun ity Theater, the Nifty Theater in Huntington Beach, the Tustin Community Players and the Ana-Modjeska Players of Anaheim. And for the first time in many seasons, all the old theaters re- mained intact, although Newport Beach's Open End suffered a financial scare and is crossing its _fingers regarding its survival. While the newcomers were straining through their labor pains, the big theaters were growlng bigger. The two grand· daddies of the county stage circuit. Laguna and Santa Ana with close to a century o'f seniority between them, moved into spacious new quarters. YET, \VlTH AIL the 1oc'at playhouses (15 at last count) operating in high gear through most of the season1 the number of duplicated efforts was surprls-- ingly slim. Out of_ _58 productions staged by county groups, only two were repeaters -"Pools Paradise" at Hun- tington Beach and Lido Isle and "The Girl in the Freudian Slip" at Costa Mesa · and San Clemente. ThiJ has lo be some sort of_ record. A> milht be expected, lhe bigger !heaters had the busiest seasons. South Coasl Reperto')'.. with D seats, and .I.be new Laguna Moulton Playhouse, with 450, staged eight productions ap)ece. (':osta A1esa . San Clemente and Santa Ana accounted for fi ve shows each. It was a mixed 1eason for South Coalt Repertory. which has consistently pro- vided county tbcatergoer1 with the cream ol the local crop for the past five years. While SCR mounted fT!Ore than Its normal share of bombs, the Costa Mesa company did come up with the scintillating highlight · of the season, an outstanding production of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," which was encored (and is still encoring ) by popular demand. THE NEW LAGUNA ~1 o u 1 t o n Playhouse, with John Ferzacca at the artistic helm, wasted no time in demonstrating its potential with a superb 'mounting of "I Never Sang for lt1y Father" as Its opening effort. Other J,a~una hig'hlights were "The Owl and lhe Pussycat" and "Little Ma r y Sunshine." Costa Mesa's Civic Playhouse enjoyed its finest season yet, with a parade of hltl led by the magnificent "Slop the World -J Want to Get Off," a show that lost money in spite of.capacity crowds, but proved the biggest artistic success of the season and .elevated the fairgrounds playhouse atiother notch. The bright spot lo an otherwise less than eventful season at the Huntington Beach Playhouse was "The Im possible Years," a fine family comedy that rewrote the record books at the Barn at a time when success was demanded. Back to back comic delights "Luv" and "Generation" highlighted the suc- cessful season at the San Clement.e Com- murtity Theater, while "Freudian Slip" proved the top box office draw at the tiny Cabrillo Playhouse. (Diacuaion of the next rour theaters Is a bit more difficult, since this _writer was involved in their respective seasons, either as an actor or director. Therefore. the summations will be presented without crftk:al comment.) ' · pleted their third season with a balancaj, three-play agenrla, sandwiching a drum~ between two comedies, th e last twO shows making their county debuts. -: Waiting until near the close of the season to join the county lineup, the new Irvine Community Theater bowed in with an evening of one-acts follow·tid by a revival of "Come Blow Your Hom.!• "Bus Stop" and "The Solid Gold Cadil· Jae" proved the people 's choice at Santa Ana. where the players observed thei r golden anniversary by moving into a new theater. These plays .dominated the group's awards program, first of the county's annual hardware ceremonies. ,_.- ORIGINALITY WAS the key word at the Open End Theate r in Newport Beach, where revues were compiled from the writings of Tennessee Williams and Jules Feiffer, and another was formulated by. . . (See INTERMISSION., Pa1e 25) WEEKENDER ,, INSIDE FEATURES Friday, June M, 1'11 Restaurants, night clubs and en· tertainment are all part of Out 'N' About on Pages 23+25. Check il out before you decide where to dine or dance this weekend. Travel Wbetl1 and C•mplng Knott'• WeekeDd Music Uve 'lbeattr Tiie Templodoos l1llleGlliertes Jllfrlam Sbtltoo Sealplure Jr. Bllocl Beaellt Show Gulde to Fun Page 2% Page%% Pap U Pase .U Page %Z Page 25 Pap: 15 Pa1t %5 Page 26 Page !I THE WE8TMINSTER C o m m u n t t y Theater proved that a heavy Tennessee Williams drama doem't hav~ to negate !he box office receipts when it produced "A Streetcar Named l>estre" as the r:;,p~i: on a short three-play season. t -Dr'Oke a record• a na iiifiince""d Tetevi1lotl Log -GlidLlO ... Mcude __ ... b-qe--11 Welll'1 llUi Year t..w CTa11t1 on KCET Page %7 P.,.17 Westminster's dream of settling even· t.ually In its own building. Tbe Rancho Communilf Players c.:om- • • • ' • II ' h r \ f ' ' ··-----------------------...,.-------,-------I ' ft DAILY l>ILOT . TrtWel • • ' Rural France ·Ine~pen:Mve ROC·AMADO\JR, France -<:>nee this ~?wn of 8115 people wa1 tho ond ol lhe pilgnmage lo Ifie heal- ing Black Vlr1ln . During lhe Middle Ages as many as :.>,000 camped here, crawling· with chains o! pen- itence around their necks to the Chapelle M1racu - leuse. (Henry II or England was miraculously cured .. here.) : ··~ . T'ne village is 500 feet a bove _th e Al~ou Canyon .... -Michelin gives it a three-star view rating. A two-- ... and-a·half hour. luncheon under. outside umbrellas at the Grand Hotel Beau-Site et Notre Da:me comes to $4.50. If you \Vant to st8y the night, it's $4 to .$9. That's good enough to pull you out of expensive Paris. . * ~.'. Thi• is the ancient pro vince of Perigord. Elder- : • Jy women in peasant black drive nosy pigs under " tlie oaks to root out the mysterious black truffles. "'~,11hey sell !or $12 ·a pound and delight the French ,:·.gourmet. . ·· . . 1 · This is 500 miles south of Paris. The French . barr.el do\Yn here to eat the truf:fled om~lettes. _To . ,,~drink the famou s wines of Bordeaux. An inexpensive ;. ·weekfnd in quiet, greep rural France. . . * 'We intend ta buy a car and taur Europe. What :P.pers do we need?" ... ' The seller sDould have your "Green Card" ready with your car. "that's insurance. And it's your car's passport to cross borders. AAA. 11advises" a~ Inter- national License only costs $3 if you want it. (Im- press your friends when you come home.) . France recently put in speed limits. But .li~e . the old speed limits which were only on certmn ~ roads in certain seasons, nobody pays any attention · to them. They go on killing each other at twice the rate we do in America. ) " * "And •rt there any driving rules or habits w• 1hould w•tch out for?" On the super highways -autobahn in Germany, autostrada in Italy, M-1 in England -Europeans " drive like sports car racers. The man on the right .:• has the right-of-way in France. The French driver ~· will kill you and himself to prove this. The Italian driver is all flowing scarf and fly-boy. Cutting in and • -• DOZENS OF DIVERSIONS I I Schldlllt . rut br•lk 111 l't!Olnia: .... ,. t!ttrt •r• plenty Df KCDlllllllN!ltiDllt I -·1 -11: low summer ratn-and tv~inl undtr the sun to do and stt. Tou'll I I :PHifili~K-•ddto-~l"'OI""';;· .j I I 1 AND ARIZONA'S VALLEY Of THE SUN : I Phoenhc Ch1mbtr of Camrnerw.._0.pt. ,1 I 805 N. 2nd Sfrfft, Phoenix, Arizona 8500.( I ! HND Ml PHOINIX PUN ICIT _ , • 1 1 I HAM<~~~--~---~~~~~~~ ,.. I , I _.,......... 1 !' • ~ . .... .. ~ reat fla ir and little. safety. ou·t of traUic -with \ * .. ·~ ~ German drivers kill twice as many people as ~e· do. The British roads are na{row. The drivers drive each other with .hand signaJs. Show signs of over· laking the car in front of you and the driver ·Immed- iately begin s to drive YOUR car. "' He ·urges you to pass with .. hand \vaving -on a . blind curve. Sights an oncpining car aud signals you frantically bac'k.. " · • . * Most unusu•l . to you will be the ca r lights: In towns you drive with only parking lights. On high- ways you turn on head lights. But for oncoming car1 you don 't drop them"to dim. You 1um down to park· ing lights again -some problem on a dark night with· both of you on parking lights.. · * In France, p.U headlights have yelloW g1ass. My English car had yellow paper covers which· prompt. Iy blew off in _France. And I drove throligh_ttie ·night with every passing car s.ere~ming Curses ·at me . (The French are the world's greatest one-hand driv· ers. One hand is always free 'to shake 8 fist' at you.) * ''How "'' European roads?'' NO LOSS OF· FLUID WITH CLOSED SYSTIM Stondtrd Buick Equipment But· You C1n Got It. Here's Qu.ick Solut!on for Overheated Engine Narrow -except for those killing superhigh· ways. They get narrower in·,towns which were bui1t . }\ave You ever pUlled yphill in the Middle Ages for donkey traffic. Get (h·e stnalla _,for miles, with or without a est car you· can. This Will also save money oh gas. trailer in tow, and stopped Gas runs from 50 to 80 cents a gallon. for gas on a broiling hot day: European gas '!fl&tions don't wash the \vind-and heard your precious cooJ- shield. Don't check .tit.es or oil or water. Unless you ant gurgling out · 1tito the ask. On the Continent, you tip the attendant when be pavement?. does this. What you'd tip the bellboy for bringing You are now faced with a L----------'1 up the ice. dilemma. Wait till the radiator •-""·--·--Reports" offers * cools enough so that wa"'' • .. .uuowu~ . can be added, thereby dilutino several aKernatlves. A nice thing about Europe : They don't fence ~"O Your anU-freeze ~ One can install a .,Tudor" fields and woods much. There "are wonderful places and rust inhibit-kit costing $3.98, or a "Raptd to picnic. Stop in a village. Buy sandwich · things or, or drive on Coolant Transfer Kit" costing and a bottle al wine. A Thermos bottle is handy. A hoping t~at you $9.95. 'nle11e-are not of the Swiss Army kqife with many bl ades -and a cork-h;i v e n't lost same quality as the high pric-- screw -is a must. • . enough fh!id to ed unit, but they do Ult job · * affect the cool· if properly installed. ''Wh•t ii • pen1ion which you mention as cheap ing properties of The magazine mo tells how , liYlng in Europe?" your radiator. .1•c1t KNIAIS a "surge tank" can be made ,Pension in France; Pensione in Italy; pensao You.can stop this waste and from a ooe-gallon plastic· in Portugal. They can be anything from renting out anxiety, slmply . enough. A bleach bottle, al a cost of the spare bedroom to a small charming inn: Th e device i:; advertised in the 10 cents. idea is you get room and·meals at a flat price·. Jn tr~iler magazines that takes· As for us, we don't care Portugal by law the meals include free wine. the o~erflow. ·thery sip~ it to part with money . in any You have to take a taxi and shi>p for these afl· ~ack into the radiator in due large quantity and don't care • •• . . All~inclu•iv~ tour• through tM Al•M• Getewey. , Ext.nd you, Al•sk• 't(•t•tion to include Sibulel Depertur•• from Anchorage: time.. W~ll tool~ a n d ., much fer O\H' m~ er y~µ (_et ,there. They aren't big enough to' saver. ~nglfleered, the coSt 'Inst.ailed abjliJy, so we have anottle!J: tise or·~~j~., W_itl] travel agents. But the Gov-1s somewhat l~ss than $50. solution · · · . . • . ernment "tourist office usually .~as a li st. . .. The June issue f?f . · ~ . ''FOr.the•firs't.tims:ever fly direct 10SiMr1a from the United (15·d•YI June 6, 27:July 11 : Aug. 1, 15;Sept. 6. (B,,d1y). June_20; July 26; Aug. 29; s,pt. 19. Temptatif}~, ---'--"--~--------------~ ~ Bw~ki a~ Cadillac have States. This sutnm11r Alaska Airlines will operate ,ten 11//a 1 ' ' be~ in~ta1lin~ thes~ tank~ 8: inclusive tour charter flights originating in Anc~ora!J.~· Alas~a. sta ':xi eqd uiren ·8n. ,:11 ':'for Khabarovsk Siberia. C'hoose from two unique 1tJnerar1es. cthars ea ersr Wl ms':!' · The &-dey Siberi•n tour: S849.00 Khabarovsk on thtt ' . 'Moms' OpeQ,. At Greek The Temptali(!l'.IS, one or the , world 's bilgesi 'recordlpg · groups, open a one -week engagement Monday night at the Greek '111eatre. Appearing with them ~a;. n>eciill guest star will be Jackie \'Moms" Mabley, the' leg~ndary 65 year old comedienne. em on cars o .any ma11ooe:. T. • · · 1s·b · · 1·• t · · da' er ro~ installed · $ll 60 1 'Amur·River. Irkutsk. one o 1 er1a s o ves c1t1es an , 1orm · .....,,,~, . ' is · • Pus ·rcO'.sack settlement. Bratsk end the world's Jargnt hydro· t~ tprKe of-eltra antJ.fr~ 'tlfctrlc...dam. Ride a Hydrofqil on Lake Baikal. deerst l~e in _ mJX ~re. · . . "~-i• ~world. an.end the opera or ballet. taste tf!! exollC delights BuiCk cal.ls ~.a,,,._...., 'Mt1-Sitftiflanb11nquet. And more. -. \ cl~~ ~I.mg system ~ TM f 6adey comprehen1iw tour of SiHrie, Moscow says: 1bis system w i. ll. i8 Midd1-A1i•: $124.9.00. From Khabarovsk 10 Moscow ellrrurte the~ of engme. :(extend to Leningrad or KievJ. Samarkand to Tashkent to c 0 0 .ant . ~. Irkutsk to L11ke Baikal and 68ck to Khabarov_sk. From the ~r: m. ov~a~ ai~ · J<mmlin to the home of Genghis K/1an to the flch. culture of ~':tic ~ ~uch 1iJ t-Central Asia, then home with a lifetime of memOf1eS. the'. wincllb1e1d i.1per bottlj>, COhnectM' to the radi• overflow tube, whkb--eollec:tl radiator overflow fluJd. The fl.uid · fs return..i to 1 tjle radiatoc by way of tl)e . vatuusb created durine ~ down. Tt>e translucent con. · tainer allows the fluid tq bt insj>tcied ·• and/or serviced :.,;~ , without havJrig tq remove' the t 'tf'I •. pressured radiator cap. ~. .. / "This .system will illsutf a l(i_,,,.,.,. po10;111~r !...on,Y 10 flights •PPl'ovedf 1910 m•y b•;You, Only opportunity/ Act now/ S.,,d th• colJPQn. see your TraVtJI Agent. or call yout local A/ask• AirliMS office: ~---------------~ r/ ~RLRSKR: I ~ RIRL.llVIES I Currently, the Temptations new Sillflle record "Ball of Confusion," a·-pungent ,critical commentary on the ·state of · contempmorary society, is creating controversy on the top-40 radio_ stations, due to the combi'lled impact of its raw message 'Jyrj.j$· and their eaersctic deliyOl'}'if lhe iVhit- / ~ . full coolant system at 1 all 1'•1 l '., ~~-'"'1 times ·and ,preserve the rin-~.t:~: ~ ' teg'rity ot the coolant's en· )! . _ r tllreeie · and corrosion 'om- I Pleese send m• yaur free brochure: Sibetia! RUS!il r All·inctusiv• I J tours 1hrough Alaska Gateway. ( N•m• ( ~: • ~~f1 1 tection capabilities.,,. :-- ' . I . . . field-Strong' pe.i:vieCf ti.Inc. . I .Add"" I The five · ifiembera of the . Temptations, Paul ·Williams. Dennis Edwards, M e I v i n . Franklin, Otis Williams and Eddie Kendricks, recently met with the Archbishop of /tJwHf Nutte1· at Farm .. Canterbury at Lambeth -u , _ ~. ,, . ..... .: Palace in London to dlscuss . . .. , , ". . .. . . -.... J:i L ·•• ill 'I the group'..s work ,.with youth ~~ott s .~erry ~arm 1!1;.Bue~a ark uas s~l ay groups in ~roif1arid. geDtf·al,;-." N~t~er aS~ headliner to~1gh.t m shows ir,t 6:30, 8:~0 problems of integration in atfd 10:3()' p.n1 . Former1.Y \v1th the Nev.:. Christy Min- schools and ~ing. · strels, Nutter is one of Jhe top Cou ntry and Western It took fifty yeaJs for sin.gers ~nd composers. The Reinsmen 'appear on And, we might add, JC you are loaded down with a !Mg camper, or towing six tons ·of trailer, it will save . you more than a little worry when you pull off. the side of, ihe , · road in the desert when _ temperatures a~ well over 100 degree ranee. I City Stare ip J I I I Transportation Consu!tanrs. lnternar1onaf OC"-ta I 6290 Sunsat Blvd. / J Hollywood, Calif. 90028 ./ ---------------- IT'S GR .. T TO SIE FRESH FLOWIRS "Moms" Mabley to break into Saturday. _ big time, then Harry Belaf0nle7'----'-----~~--'--r-------U Invited her to appear on his , ,. . IN A RISTAURANT ! This s•rivce is but one of many that we off•r. And et s•nsible prices! - television special, and that did it. 11 w ... t1te rirst or many 'Ltve Theaie1· t.1vitations This is her first appearance at the . Greek Theater. · •. ·fl> .:>· 't.:.1 . .. Go to fhese fine rest1urents end see the f1bulo.us flower err1n9ements ... The Berkshire's, The Villa Novi, The Village Inn. The fresh bud veses on every t1bl1 at Oeleney's Set Shenty, Reuben E. Lee, Stuft Shirt end many more. , We're sure you'JI c•ll us for your flower needs •.. end your piece will t1ke on • '.'New LOOK!" I . I ~-~~------------"2' ______ !_ ___ ..1 Tickets are available at the box office and most ticket agencies. 'Come Blow ¥our H6rn' YOU "~WAYS SAYE WITH THISE COUPONS! • • ' I • ' ' , • ' .. " . ' . . • ' . -' • • • ' ' • • -• • -• .. • TRES CHIC .- JET 'WITH US TO THE JETSET ' SPOTS OF EUROP. ; . . SEPT. 24-0CT. 15 ' . • .. -.- N .. port Center Travel Bureau invites yov to live .the life of the beailtiful people witll our penonally escorted · tOllr that visits •.. Rome, Posltano, Costa Esmaralcla, !<thens, Glorious Greek Isles, Mcirbella, Madrid alld Estorll. $1295 INCLUSIVI 'Boei11g.-Boeirig' Clo~ing ''Saved" 1' 8:30, p.,m •. June 26-27. Re.ser· On state at South C11ast .. v;itions -833-1793. . Ahpertory ~eater, 11127 New: "On \ t Pl " port Blvd., Costa Mesa, Fri1-.. . ; Two , On:' ~ct ~iay~ . •by Sun., at 8:30 p.111. through July Slawomir Mrozek, • 'The 11. Reservations -646-1363: Police'' and "Out at Sea" are "Obe Flew Over on stage at the Nifty Theater, the Cuckoo's Nett" 307 l\.1ain Sl., Huntington 1 A ~medy on stage at South Beach. Reser\ltttiorw -536-'COll!t Reperklry: Jm Newport 9158. f Blvd., Costa l\.fesa, 1:30 p.m: , Wed.·Thurs .. throUgb July 9. '1Tbe Fantastlcks" )leservations -646-1363. Musical fantasy on stage at 1 ti ''Boeing • Boeiqu San Clemente Theater, 202 .. "I. A coinedy on staie at the A venida Ca b r i 11 o , San Cost.a Mesa Commurlil)' Pla y-Clemente, Wed! ~ SaL at 8:30 house (West gate of Orange p.m. July I thrOu~h Aug. 6. County Fairgrounds), at '1:30 Reservations -!92-0465. p.m. June 26"27. Reservations "Otrver" -834-530.l.' " !\tusica\ version ol "Oliver "Come 1Blow Your Horn'' Twist" an stage at the ··········~~···············••\ • GIANT 51%[ • LOCAL OIOWN • CILLO PACKID fllSH PICKID "GOLDIN JUllLEI~ • POI PllSHNlll • : · CELERY : SWEET CORN : CARROTS : I SC =~~c·H • 5 . ':!:S1 39' • SC ~:Lo u• • • • •• ~ ~ . Limit 6 • Limit 11 • Limit S • With thl1 CMJIOft With t"I• Cw,.n With this Cou'°" . -· . . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• · ·. ', coo-llpiro Joly I " Tlte1e relttiur•nts demaM the fineif ... fer-~their customers. That's why they fw. fUrt NIW'POIT · PIODUCll Petronis•. them! The f1bulous new Alrportlt' I•-. ltrkshlre'1 on +he ;Jey, .• .,. ..Wkes. Fountain Velley; n. Arches. Newport; Tltii ·Sfttft w.f,.ff•Wport, and o¥er 200 others, How about you c1llin9 us? ) . "ORANGE COU!f'l'Y'S FASTEST GROWING PRODUCE ORGANIZATION". ' •• ·~---)!-A_comedy_by.-Neit...5imonJs_Moulto1 layhouse.L..--e 0 8 ,_--TOlirlllfirM:atl•1f•·c•A-Niwport-eiiftr tiffr(7f4T "'A40:1.41 on 1Jlagc at ·Corona del Mar Laguna Canyon. RoaCI, Laguna -· ~ NE!_~!I w!~~~~CE · :§E~ ~ll """•!llLlilll•.tn_.._.JllLr•-...-·1--==· ~-ti·--, .. c.L. 92660 High School's little tl1eater Beach , Tues. · Sun. al 8:30 SH Newpert Clfttw Drl•t Newport '"'"· (presen ted by trvinre: Commu. p,m., J~Jy 3 -Aug. 30. nily Theater), Fri. • Sat. at Reservations -4N-07U lt:Omo::.;.J._~--••ai:o.•m=.,.,,.==""'"-'m•m=-""""'lm""',...,.mil "35 Years of Ptoduce ''1Vhere Quat.it11 I~ The Know How't • Ordl r of the Roust" u \ j - • • ---------,---------- ----------i ---·------,- ' Frld~y. Junt 26, 1970 D•ILV PILOT 2:J_ '--Q y T ' 'N' WEEKENDER Dy NORM STANLEY .... ARLEt' STEVENS • • . r QR.ANGE .·COUNTY'S >,--. , • ·The Derby's Birthday Tbere:,s a big one on tap . for oUt 'n' aboutera this woek"1d. It's a &ala two day party -today and tomorrow, June 26 an~ __,.to mark coplPletion of the first year of operation by Costa Mesa's Derby restaurant. 1• " ,...., • o,vners 11~1urph " and · "Slugger" Sturnio1o, a! ·well as their son ·~cbtp''. who· ·is manager, will be 1 :tossing~'1tb8t promi$es to be one.or lhi s·eason's most '·festive affairs to celebrate the mi(estone event. And launching a loCal tractltion in the process. J.' -. . TRADITIONAL _ ' •• 1· Costa Mesa's first amiiversary party wut ~ · ·· ,&long lines of that staged each· year ·at the Stuqit:- olo's other Derby restaurant in Arcadia .. JJb&t tra.: ~1dition -now in its 10th ye~r:..... has ~qme a major •activity for the establishm~'! regular'pat;ons and ·fans · L -' .... _.,, • •. • I•· While costumes are QPt\olial1 · custpmers, are . urged to follo\v the :lead set by staff~_members and dress like foµr or five ye.ar old children · attending -a birthday party. ' f , . AJI thoSe' o~ hand for the paif.y are treated to "balloons, hors d'oeuvres plates and generous help-· :ing_s of the Derb,Y.'s ·justly-famous che~e cake. The latter is sufficient reason in itself for heading to the place anytime an opportunity presents itself. · Ann~versary ·parties will be under way through the day and evening bQth days at both restaurants. The Costa Mesa Derby.is' located at~l269 Palisades Road, just off Newport Blvd. The Fisherman Summer's first official d8ys aren't always too different from those immedia'tely preceding -in Southern California. But that doesn't keep us front being. akin tO traditionalists in , Other parts of the country who take special note of the occasion. Overcast or not, June activates some ·' MIKE JORDAN DUO Mon. thru Si1t. DICK POWELL TRIO wHh "ARLENE SKILES I 37 FASHION ISIAlll NEWPOIT aHTll --&.!~-A .... P..td .. ·-....... _. "McDonald's Hamburgers Never Had It So Goad ! McDonald's®. . . With Indoor, Air-Conditioned Seating · TOP QUALITY FOOD FAST SERVICE WHITE-GLOVE CLEANLINESS" 634 W. 19th St., Costa Mna LIJllCllUll DlllN!t 1-· Now Appeorlnt i1, JACKIE JOCKO . · SEE THE GUN Mffil.S AT~ 1/ . RESTAURANT, Nl .GHT CLUB AND ENTERTAINMENT SCENE previodaJy dormant juices ,and we develop a yen· to start indulging in leisurely lunch hours. Which means an iriner stniggle to· hold lbe time under two hours. · _ __) NEAR THE WAt:ER ' I Further, one, setting takes precedence over all others as 'lhe most desint,ble location. It should require no second gueaing, of course, to 'pinpoint that sing\llarly appropriate ·site, one as near lhe ocean &If possible. ·· · Hffding a Call th_e other da¥ to celebrate the ' rite1 of 1e8rly summer, we took off for Hun· tington jleach with the avowed purpose of dawdlinit over lunch· as long-as time (and the ;restaurant's m'1nagement) '''ould permit. Choice of place \Vas one of our favorite spots in lhe beach cily _:. th~ always excellent Fisherman. . A RESTfUL VIEW Taking up a ringside ocean vie\\'. table at on.e of lhe large picture WindO\\'S, "'e Couldn't help but wonder how the .ever gracious and t!fficient manager. Coleen Baker. would react to a sUdden ' t~uest. for, perini-ssion to ·take up permanent resi- dence. · . Certainly the thought· crossed our minds as '''e relaxed into the comfortable surroundings and observed the slackened pace of life unfoldng on the.sand;and pier ou~ide. SPLENDID MENU Scann~g the Fisherman's menu, '"e con- sidered everything from lhe California fruit salad, served with cottage cheese or sherbet. $1. 75, to the New York steak sendl'•ich, served on sour dough bread 'vith French fries and a choice of clam chowder· or salad. $3.25. · A 'vide variety of additional sandwiches rang- ed from a chicken salad, $1.10; to a pan fried abalone, $1. 75. All hot sandwiches are served w.ith French fries while those that are cold are ac- companied· by potato salad. JUNE 21th -CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH ~11A.M.t92 P.M. -All Ye• C• ht-iJ.JI THE BERLINER Ger1nan Family Restaurant Famous For SAUERIRATEN w;th POTATO DUMPLINGS YISIT OUl NIW HONIAU lOOM Open Delly For Dinner From 5 P.M. • CLOSED MONDAY 11512 lleoch ·Blvd. ToWn & Country Center HUNTINGTON BEACH -- ' PISH ENTREIS Some. proapective flab enlrees, served with a choice of chowder or sa1ad, are egg dipped filJI of English sole, amandine, $2.25 grilled swQrdfisb steak, lemon butter, $2.25 ; deep fried eastera scallops, ,1.96; broiled halibut steak, tarter sauce, $1.15. . · · . Other salads. i_nclude chef's salad boWl. garr:ii. $1.15, a"'!Cado stuffed-with crab meat. $2.50; stuffed tomato with tuna or chicken salad, $2; shrimp or crab Louil, f2.25 each. For our eventual luncheo'n choices we turned '·to one selection from th~ sea!D09 en trees and another in tl)e sandwich department. Jn the first case this . netted· a superbly prepared and cooked fishkabob garnl, '2·20~ featuring generous portiorls of swofdfilh, sbriolp, .scall~ps and ·halibut. ' HOUSE ~PECIAL The hol Neptune sandwich, a hOuse special, really proved 8 winner. 1£, consisted of assorted se-food (shrimp and ,cra);J meat. as it turned out), served under a hot coaUng of melted imported cheese on sour dough bread. Congratulating ourselves on the \\•isdom of our choices when lhe last bites had disaJ.>peared, we rounded out tbe occasion sipping aromatic coffee and satisfying the' swee' tooth with a light touch of, lime sherbet, 35 cents per dish. CONSISTENTLY DELIGHTFUL It's gotten so each visit to the Fisherman is like renewing a·cquaintance with a delightful and long-time old friend. And tryingt o alternate meals as we do, we'll make the next call a dinner outing to catch up,on that facet of our friendship. The Fisherman is located at 317 Pacific Coast Highway, 1·ust to the left of the entrance to the brightly ighted pier, Huntington Beach. Open seven . days a. week for lunch, dinner and cocktails, with entertainment nightly in the Lounge. iii" FLINGlt{" · INTElTAINMINT • 7 NIGHTS A WUK DANCING MON.·T·~·WID.~ * HAP HALL DUO-* Lorry Loko ...,. JM • .,.., .., ,_ Singer .• . ....,, ..,. S.a. ....:.._ ~i~st _ le1r-Mele The1ter s:fue,.s:,~~ 141 L IM St • .Id eff N..,.,. ltM. Correction -Please One of lhose type gremlins got loose again. Some bedeviling force was abroad in the land when we got to the last sentence of a recent item concernin'g Newpo·rt B:each's \Vtiile, Ho~se Inn. Because we . noted therein mention of the" Inn's buffet lu'ncheon . ' ®' . It so happens the While Horse fnn has dropped its buffet lunch in favor of ,a 'strictly sit-down type o( service, and are offering some mighty interesting op tions in the process. . Just to set the record straight, we headed to the Inn one day last week and checked ·out their new lunch selections. Our advice to you is . to follow suit. . . ~ . _. . · . . A tot·al of 11 intriguin'g possibilities gr:ace ·the new midday menu, all served wfth a chpice • of soup ·or salad .. 'f'lle first of two entrees we ordered \\.'as the ki~g's delight, succulent and tasty slices of roast prime rib served hot with au j!JS on a cottage bun . g:arnished, and accompani't!a with French fries, $1.85 . The other \Vas crepes Newpor~. French pan~ cakes filled with diced chicken and ham, garnished '"ith grapes and glaced with hollandaise sauce; $1.95. These are only l\vo of many selections. · For lunch or dinner. you'll find the White• Horse Inn at 3295 Newport Blvd., Ne.wport Beach. Rc111.hrant's · Artists of the soul and stomach, if not with the brush an<f palette. we took off the other evenint to explore the world of beautiful food advanced by ijembrandt's restaura nt in Costa Mesa. --The dinner set before us would have m<;lde a \vorthy subj ect for realist, expressiO(list or ab· straCtionist. . It's the restaurant's claim to make food as attractive in appearance as it is palatatile. On Continu!MI on Page 24 . . CASA GARCIA C,.,_ty Mr. ld'1I , NOW SllYltiG AUTHENTIC MEXICAN FOOD -N..,. lkffet 11 te J Di""' 4 te 110 . Fe .turi ~9 Your F• .. orit1 Mexic•" Diih11 Food to Go Cockt•il1 -- ' f \711 PLACENTIA COSTA MESA ·-p.,,..;.., ~ ~ .... ....,.,.. o.., '~""" M ! 1.111. DlllJ --·' Cl....i S...t.ys ~ 646·61Z4 r~""~""~fU(. l~~~~~g~~ ITALIAN . 6 N DINNERS l FINE ft e'J:\flZ o"1 t('.Q!!. -~ ! E ENTERTAINMENT . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t,j ·w;,,,,,.Holid•vM<•"'"'•'"•"'" ~ ''RANDALL of DIGHTON . NOW APPIAJ:IN• t '!J ••••111119 tfovbidw, OPINS AT 6 P.M., CLOHD ilONDA.1'. ~ 21~ W. C..,11tu, est.Ill. clrct. I• 0 IJJ.9177 .THE KANOA SERENADElS ~· lt("~....avlt(".,., •• ,~,,.., "'·M" ~· ~ INTIUAINMINT e DANCIN• ~ Pri., s.t, t ,...: t. l :JI e.-. Now Serving Dinner ' .. t:ll •·•-'rhn., "'" .... ---M.,!IY .. ....._....,..Hew, M...., tin .....,,,4 .. I LOBSTER LOVERS Everyone is tal•int al:.out our fiant Australia, Lob1ter Teil 116-20 •1.) DINE WITH AN OCEAN VIEW Ra1erv1tion1 Accepted . 'SJ6-H55 BANQUET FACILITIES --App1.to1 Dlc1c ...... Doo .,....,. ........ s.11., Dechtt 117 PACIPIC COAST NWT,. NUMTIM•TON IU"CM oM AM!llCAll c- TROPICAL COCKTAILS l'OL YNESIAN SHOWS ' Friday and Saturday Evenin9s ltll ADAMI &n. I• M ...... I • MUNTIN•Totl MACH 968-5050 OIAN•I COUNTY'S MOST llAUTIPUL IUTAUUNT THE DUKE MITCHELL SHOW . D•11cin9 To Tho l it 1•114 Sound 11116.COAIT MWY,. IO. LA.aUNA-IU. 4tt021lJ DELANEY'S SEA SHANTY F-"'t °"""" c .. oty'• RMst OYSTER BAR Eastern lluapoln+ Oysters on Half Shell $1.SO E1starn Charryston• Clams $1.SO L1r9e Shrimp Cockt1il $1.JS Mmiy etW W...,,.I s.IM'if9• o,_ ,. 2 P.M. Entert1 inrnent Ni9htly ly KA"Y At tk1 Pi1"1 l1r . no LIDO PARK DilYI 'NIWPORT RACH 671.0100 DON JOSE' NOW A·PPEARING VIC GARCIA LTD. With· Yocol1 ly . GERMAINE e . CCKKTAILS e- lnchlladl •"" Toco ................ Sl.35 ChUI Rollono • Enchllodo . . .. .. .. .. .. . $1.50 1----!!mf·""'-"""'-~....--ton I . Adanio (ot ~lol Hunt. lleoch 962-7911 1 RICKSHA COCKTAIL LOUNGE Piafto lar htertalnment Friday nd Saturday HA'PPY HOl:JR Mon . thru Fri. S to 6 LADIES NIGHT Fri. •nd S.1t. 10 p.m. to 2 .1.m. Temple Garde11• (:hb1e1e Restaurani ' 1511 Adanu (At H.1rMr) Cost.1 Mo1.1 540-1937 540-1'23 ' • OPIN: 11 :JO e.11t. te 11 p.111., S•HHl41Y tflni T111nMy 11 :JO •·•· re 2 0 .111., Fridey eM ScrhtrHy Real Cantonese Food .. there or take home. STAG CHINESE WINO 111 21st pf., Newport Beach OR;olo 3-9560 0'9!1 y._ 1'""4 Delly 1Z·1Z -Fri. n4 s.t. 'ti J •·•· MESA CLUB Proudly Presents LARRY ROGERS I Formerly 1t the Caspi•~ I , WED .• THURS, FRI. & SAT. NITES { ' . MOM t P.M. ON \ 632 W. 17th ST., COSTA MESA { , ·' ARCADIA ~ '.... SINCE ltlt ~ ~-IJY -AIRPORT ~ • '"'"'I"' Stoak • C:hlck .. • I,.._ Cohlot Serving Lat• Dinners • .- M911.•Tll11r. 11 ... Jll.·l:M AJlll. "rl, & I-el. 1:1: .. l :M A,M.'°' --126U.ALIU~AO.----:...-JU:.Ll:lUlll.lMG!OH,.,DL.:...-COSTA MESA • AltCAOj,t, ' ~ ..., .. ", J; •• i . . 'I -1 ---------,------..,..--------------------,------,---~~---------,--- ' F .cld.U. J,.,. 26, 1970 ID UJ 'N _ABOUT ' ContinuH from Pa1• 23 lobster· meat in wine sauce, served Clambe at the ff-.,..-::---:--:-C,,-::===::-:==.-::rrt:-..;::-:==;;---W>le,-wit.h rice. pUa fC, $5.25 both counts the proprietors succeed wi th the art1s ry Additional gourmet delight& left for another o( old masters. time are jumbo shrimps in bourbon sauce, $4.95 ; ONE OF FOU R chicken·in--champagne, served on rice pilaf(, $4.50i 'fhe reslaurant is one of four in Orange from the deep sea. scaUoponie (scallop patties), County operated. by the Gordon Brothers -Bernie, served with marinated pineapple, $4.95. ' Alber t and Eugen,e -widely-known Southern California restaurateurs. q tllers are th!! Revere House in Tustin, Gordon's 1n Laf.una Niguel and a P lacentia edition' of Rembraniit s. · ~· The brolhefS! Gordon also own the popular Room At The" top, located atop the Sunset.Vine ·ro,ver in Hollywood and the 1Twin Lakes Inn, at Lake Los Angeles, near Pa1mdale. SELECT MENU From both o\Jr scanning and sampling, there were only a few concll11ions to be drawn about the menu the Gordons present at Rembrantd's in Cos ta Mesa. It is s1nall, discriminatingly select, .. savory in all. departments and offers some of .the most unusual dis.hes tp be found-here~bouts .. Leading ofl the bill of fare 3re five gourmet specialties , any of whi~h. can. be consi~ered a true adventure in good eatmg. Six other items follow by \\'BY of steak and seafOOd entrees. All are served with a choice of crisp green or fresh spinach salad (the latter ge tting our nod ). home made pumpkin bread (watch it or you will filJ up on this taste sensation before your entree even arrives), fresh fruit garniture (pineapple and stra wberries), stuffed baked potato. coffee, tea or milk and the eveni ng's surp,rise dessert (strawberry shortcake the night of our visit). -OUR CHOICES It was to two of the gourmet specialties tha t \Ve uJ timalely turned. Braised lamb shank, in Burgundy sauce. served on r~ce pil~ff, $4:5(); lobster cardinal , two sea shells filled with prime ''GRANTS BRADFORD HOUSE~' You.r Fauiily Restaurant EVERY FRIDAY EVERY TUESDAY $ PRlnCE YOUR s129 AND THURSDAY CHOICE lihAI BUCK. Roost T ... T•rllrr ES All THE FISH Golden fri9'd QIU• 11.oast a.et Ao J111 FAMILY RESTAURANT YOU CAN EAT NIGHT Ha111 Stffll. ----Wiiii Fr-ic~ Frisl, ••• DIMJlltltS lrOlll $175 Ill $4.!IS '"'"'' Coll si.w, Ht! Pot•ll, •1111 ...... "'"ll~lt 0~11 Jll111l11°"'1 (doHCI MMllllJI) t 1t1h t. •utt.r, Tartar or cr1a111y c•ll ll•w. SMTA ~ 15175 '*-l hlf, llt-1170 '-•· ' . Hll Alll • lllltw (I •ltd: II. II Clliteorl . • OPEN FOR BR EA-KFAST, LUNCH ANO OINNER 8:30 .1.m. to t-.30 p.m., Mond•y1hru J•tun:l.y--10 .1.m. to 6 p.m., Sund.1y GRANTS HUNTINGTON BEACH BROOKHURST & AD~ PIZZA HOME DELIVERIES HAVE CHANGED A LOT SINCE THE OLD DAYS ' ftMEftA ftESTAUtt.ANT Contlnent.11 Cuisine Cockt1i11 Serving Luncheon and Dinner Monday through Saturda.u. Closed Sund ays W• •t• loc•t•d n•rl to ~- STEAK AND SEAFOOD Steak and seafood entrees include catUeman's porterhouse, $6.25; New York steak, StUl5; broiled ground sirloin, served with bleu cheese, plain or \vi ne mushroom sauce, $3.95; choice dinner steak from the broiler, $4 .95 ; steak and lobster duet, $6.95; broiled Australlan lobster tail, $6.95. ; . The bar can take pride in serving a '"•sturdy''. cocktail and hot -and cQ!d·hors d'oeuvres" a re served froht 4 "to 7 daily, Monday through Friday. Each lady can'l help bU't be pleased by presentation of a fres h Clower when she gets setUed in . LUNCH· TOO We also took advantage of an, opportunity to look over the restaurant's luncheon menu. Which set forth many good reasons for paying a midday visit as soon as possible. \Ve'd like to try, for example, such di shes as hamburger· supreme on English muffin. ac~ companied by spinach salad, sea shell of fresh fruit, $1.50; omelette with ·rresh strawberries or fresh pineapple and sour cream, with spinach salad, $2.50 ; the smorgasbord, thin slices oLroast beef, turkey, ham and SWiss cheese, shrimp, served open face on special bread, house dressing, $2.95. During the cours,e of dinner we we r e . especially impressed J:>y the extremely effici~nt and friendly service. our needs were never lacking for a moment -thanks to the pert and courteous waitr ess. Rembrandt's is located al 2831 Bristol St.. off Newport ~ve., Costa Mesa. Open seven days NOW FEATURING FRESH LOCAL SWORDFISH HALIBUT AN D SEA BASS 400 MAIN, BALBOA. PENINSULA • 17:MU.1 ' 'We Three' 1t1usic tailored to the mood of the ocean view and restful decor of The Embers, 1900 E. Coast Highway, Long Beach, is played each evening, Monday "!ro1;1gh Saturday, by the "We Tbree" group with Judi Rich· ards handling the vocals. Ranity Kemner at the p~o and Steve McAndrew on drums .. a week, lunch ls served from 11:30 to 3, Monday through Friday; "dinner from 5 to 10, Sunday through Thursday, and until 11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. CXl We Get Letters From Jack ·Kneass of Huntington Beach comes the followirlg recommendation after a night on the out 'n' about circuit. -"A visit to La Brique restaurant, 14892 Spring- dale St. Huntington Beach, resulted in a good healthy drink at a moder ate price, and an excel· lent prime rib dinner. Cost was reasonable at $3.95. "This is a family type restaurant, eS:cellent . sei:vice, and a come-as-you·are atm01phere. Bar drtnks are good." w Tha11b for !JOUT tip, Jack. We haven't madl ft to ·. La Brique as yet but we've certainl11 noted your IMQ- ge1tion for future checking. , ~1ftttt Proudly Pres1 nts THE NEW LEE FARRELL AND flllNDS the M•y Co. in South l[jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiill c ... , ~!~:·s. .,,,., COME IN TONIGHT LEI" o,._ GEOl •I .. &itltlff' l OD .. Dr•.s CHllS wM; YMek CHAMPAIONE OPININIO MONDAY IVI., JUNE 2t De.1., ..... n.1 ...... HOU SE • 'l -'--rdo, ;M.l•-' - 0.,.,.,.ftod, ;,,,;1t1 7" to,,.,. into• -wwld "' 111~H111 ,,,,...,,,. • • • fM f/!OM W~O '-'• fW • foll•~ wl>.I O pl.a1u•• deJed•DI• dit;•ll tot p. • • • 1°"' <•~ ,.. cf,.o ... it 111 lo"f ·-~I //~•II rU ._ "-.... ,... ''For The LOUNGE GIL SHEl10ll IV .. ,, ·04'8116006. Dittt ;,, rile c,tttinr•t•I M•tttt1r LUNCHEONS • DINNERS • COCKTAILS 5&5 EAST OClAN llVD., lllNOlN AVl . lNT"ANCll FI Ol llTY f(O("A L il'LAZA ILOG. LOfifG HACH e .. , .. ,.,_, b'I' Ou!t .. i• voc:ll,.t Pri nae 01 Your Lile'' Roast PRIME RIBS OF BEEF C__, ,,_GIANT I ll I OAm. s.-4 --s3as .... , .. , ••• fl.tty ....,,. ........ ,,..,, &....-4 ..._•••• ....... ., er Mle4. .._., DIAMOND J IM BRADY CUT ...•.. 4.15 CH ILD'S PORTION ............ , .. I.JO cunc11r 10 Yu r1 1 U•LT ,.IMI I ll DINNll IPICIAL • • • SI.ti MONDAY TMIU FllDAY ONLY! 4 .. 6:11 P.M, NOW-TWO LOCATIONS Ol'EN 7 DAYS . KING• SIZE COCKTAILS 321 N. STANTON 421 E. 17th ST: ANAH•IM COSTA ME SA fNNr ·-,.~I o..-.. ...., ..,. Fritley o,.. • ..., .... w..., 11 ..... Lettcll 11 A.Ill. "-II o,.. 4 P.M. let••'-t &: 0,.. 2 P.M. s..Aey MONDAY NIGHT SPI CIAL COMP LITI PllMI I ll DINNER $3.25 3295 Newport Blvd., Newport Beech ReH rv•tiont 673-1374 THE WHISTLING OYSTER LUNCHEON ,. . ·DINNER • COCKTAILS • DANCING • BANQUETS • OYSTER BAR 16903 ALGON9UIN mm COff,_....C..11 .. ..,1 ...... A-.I ----- '. ~ , ~ J .. f II ~ •• j '" _,. ' " MA , 1 $ YO . i TOY ; TC . . YOUI ~ A ,•/ i VA ' c . • ' HA ' ' . -. • ' . • ' . : .. -. ... ; 1:1 ' • • ' • l • ' l • • ' • 1 ' • ' -' I ., I I' ' - ' ·.· ' •• l .. • ...,, . • .. • .... ' • . • • ll'\IT ... ' ' TA • • TC • l • • ' ~ • • I '"' ' (i ' • ' { ~ ' • " . 1' •• ... ._,. • ' • ~ ' • : "J : .. 1 : 'iw -··~ . ....,. .... ._ • -·= . ~~I --: ·== I :" .. • • I _; '~ ( • • .... Ill • • ~. • ' . , . •• 1--HUNTIN&Tott--HAl•IOUl'Wlll----1---:-:,:---Pfl!. 121-41110 s-~ ;;o,;o MMI Mliff CrWit'<•"" Ac"""' R1Hrvotlon1 Tobn 8*"77 ' .. .. i '" '""' JilllSI trditil>lr . ojlbi ,,.,-innliiijii's lltt. In t'he Galleries ·sculptor'~ Frliq, JUll 26, 1970 DAILY PU.OT Q Hobby1 <!~ft Show Jr. Blind Benefit OUl'ICHKF IS A l'llEAL Pl'IO. T"'I' HIS LOllSTEfh IT'S . ·H£-f .iNES:U>u:tS10t<-·I M ... PllNELAND.STEAKS.' TOO.ANO'A FIX4T- ~ ' .. ~~ WorksShawn Thoosands of -i.i· be .,_ The --·-etwenuto-C e 11 t·n-t ~ a-; PicaS90I will attenct tbe an-clusea and catepiel will be nual Ceramic and Hobby craft. =~of Judlos • • YOU .. SELF..SALAD 8AR.· TPIY OUPI NEV,W COCKTAILS TOO. LIKE A FOOT OF YOUR FAVOPllTE MAPITINf. A OAEAT DINING OUT VALUE ANOSOUTHEAN CALIFOANl ... 'S MOST BEAUTIFUL OCEAN VIEW. • ENTEATAINMENT NITEL,)' TAKE SAN DIEOQFAWY•', TO HAWTHORNE BLVDf ANDOOSOUTH TO MAR1"8,AND DISCOVER THE ALL NEW ' 3801 EAft CoAsr llJGB.UT O.ONA.:.lU. .. ~14 PaoM&: (714) 675-1.114 flUI THlU NOVU Of CONTlllUOUS·MOYID Pizza P•ce 1f12~-............. CMutte ZM(s) " 139-ntG WI MOMOR AU. fllUA COUflOMS FAMILY FUN .... lloolo frf. ..... FAMILY DINING COMPLETE DINNER UNDER $3 : "BREAKFAST WHENEVER" , 0111" I A.M. to 10 p.m. O.lly :i ius VIA LIDO,. NIWl'ORT alACH . 17J.11U " ' " ' ' . . . • MILE SQUARE GOLF COURSE RESTAURANT lr••kfast l Lunch.tt0n 7 •.m. to 7 p.m. Daily ' • ' AppnrlM Nlgfitty In Cocirt.11 1.Dunp Thund•J thru Sunday HARRY LIZST A.t TIM Org1n SHCIALIZ!NIO IN IAN9UETS loc:.1t1d 011 W1rnsr Av•nu• l•tw••n Euclid '"" lroo'iihurst . 545-3726 FOUNTAIN VALLEY 962-5541 ~EWPOJIT IE~CH, CAllfOllNIA ·' TH·E WINE "CELLAR" UNIQUE •nd ENCHANTING RESTAURANT Commaodot Jiiiy I IS OPIN WID., THURS., FRI. & SAT. ._,...,,. l•11•lff -.... BOB MOLINE CAPITOL RECORDING ARTISTE VOCAL WITH GUITAR FOR RESElV~TIONS TELEPHONE 644°1700 1107 JAMIOREE ROAD NEWPORT IEACH -·- COFFEE GARDEN GAU.EllY -= -· E. Coaat IDghway, Coron8 del Mar, ~ by the ServlCe League of New· wt; Harbor. Houra: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mon .• Sit. Oa ekrubit June 29 through Aug. IJ, llC\llplure by Miriam· Sbelton. ~'8 UBRARY -2005 Dovel' Drive, Newport Beach. During repilar u11r_.,. houn, the Jr; EbeD Artlal of. the ·Month exhiblf featuring mutala and ~lings from c~ dren 's art show, throu&h June. BOWEll8 MVSEIJM -2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana. Hoon: IO 1.ri • 4:30 p.in. Tues.· Sat.; 1 to S p.m. Sun.: Wed. and Thur1. eve to 9 p.m. No charge. On exhibit throiJgh Junt 21, work of 15 Award Winning Arll&anl "Deaiper/Clafla. men" SOOw and "lt'•r·Yean c:Jf Calif. Architecture Show. Thro111h July 12, modern Japanese prints. 1 NEWPORT HARBOR ART. MUSEUM -400 Main St., Bal- boa. Hours : Wed.' -Sun. 1 to 5 p.m. Monday I • 9 p.m. CurrenUy on elhibit ibrough July, works by 41 American sculptors from the Whitoey Museuui of American Art. ~ ' LA~A ART GALLERY -307 cliff Drive. Laguna Beacb. Adlriission $1. Members and one peat free. Hours: 1 to S p.m. dally. On exhibit during June, Memorial Show of Helm .Hunt Reid paintings. . CO$rA MESA LIBRARY -561 Center st., Costa Meaa. On exhibit during regular library hours through July 15. 'oil paintings by Clay Campbell. MESA ART LEAGUE -513 Center St., Costa Mesa. Hours: Sal and Sun. 1 to 5 p.m. ConUnuoua exhibit of af\ wort ill various media by Art League memben. No admiasion char1e. NEWPORT NATIONAL BANK -1090 .Bayside Drive, New· port Bea~h, ·0n exhlbit during regular business hours throu.&h June, oil paintings by Sylvia Moonier. · NB CIVIC CENTER GALLERY -3300 W. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. On exhibit during regular business houri, 25 paintings selected Crom the NB Arts Festival On ezhlblt twhJune. UNri'ED CAIJF. BANK -3029 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. On exhlbU,-during regular business hours, thtough July 11, oil paintings by Louise Young. • CORONA DEL MAR LIBRARY -420 Marigold Ave., (;croqa. del Mar. On exhibit through Jtme during regular lltirary hours, a photographic show or old Salt Work pOOto. by Gerald Felgemaker and the rock and mineral collecUon of Leo and Dorothy Koch, part of which has salt Cl')'lta1s from d~posits in Back Bay area where the old Salt ·worn were. CALIF. FEDERAL SAVINGS GALLERY -mo Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. On exhibit during regular busineu hours, through July 15, oil paintings by Pat Ingram. ' SECURITY-PACIFIC BANK -196 E. 17th St.. CO.ta Mesa. On exhibl during ttgular bulineal hours lhroogh July Ill, rater color and acrylic work Of Ferne Wilijams. Al'AllEIM ART CENTER -2GO W. -ay, Anaheim. HOurs: Tues., Thurs., Sal., Sun., 1-4 p.m. Currently on a. hibit."Summer Festival" painUngs of FOUlltaln Valley art1Jt. Sylvia Paulus, through June 28. WESTERN ART GALLERY -Saddleback Inn; First St. ai Elks Lane, Santa Ana. Hour• 11 :30 a.m. -10 p.m. Tua .• Fri.; 4 to 11 p.m. Sat., and 5-9 p.m. Sun. CUrrenUy on ex- hibit through Jui>e, recebf works of western artiltl, O. Lawrenoce Hansen, Betty Lou Nid>Ola and Paul Weber Jr. CRAWS GALLERY -· 1390 S. Coast lliflhway, LaiUJ1ll Beach. Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Two one-man lhon · will be on extllbit June 27 -July 2&; Jo Anne Mb:, oil paint· ings, and Frank Hamilton's recent w1tercoJor paint1np. CAMl!BA WORK GALLERY -2400 W. Coast fflibway, New· port Beach. Houri: Thun. Fri., 5 - 9 p.m.; Sat. and SUn. 'noon to 9 p.m. This Gallery Is Umlted to pholosraphy. Cur- rently on exhibit through June, work of Terry Wild, John Gallivan and David Hahs, mJ!"A VERDE LIBRARY -2111111 MOia Verde Drive, E..t. Costa Mesa. On exhibit during regular library houn throu&h July IS, arts and crafts by Donna Frtebertlbauaer. AVCO SA VING8 AND WAN -i!JO Brlatel, COata Mesa. On exhibit during regular buslneu houri through July 15, oil painting! by Shirley Howard. CROCKER CITIZENS -BANK -2300 Ha-Blvd., COata Mesa. On exhibit during regular buliness houn throuih July 15,. oil and acrylic palnllnga by GOrdon Andrew. THE NIITT THEATRE 'Les Ballets Show to be held at the Tecbnlques wil be Anaheim Convention Center, cllmcllstrated Ga Ille llllkli>I August 1-1. Spcllllond by the and decaralln( of all i,pe. Ceramic Hobby c r a f t 1 of eeramlcl from ...,..m A . t' of S th piUY benu to uplque dlea . ssoc1a ~on o u er n pieces and uquja:lte ~ CallfOflUI, a portiGa of . the . tjons. of ancient KI n I proceedl will be uoecl to mllil>-pon;ellin, fuclnaU., !loo-·• taln ceramic and poltel'J coware of Japan, the lradi' classes for tbe FoulllaUon for tlooal Wedcewood ol En&1and the Junior Bllnd, projecll and lbe --of MG-«1111pletely underwritten by lco. the Association. In olher -lu ad cnft1, "l\'e are deeply Indebted to Vlallon who belleYe In lllloplng the Cera m:i"C Auoclltlon,'' Amlrlca clean ntber tbln'ad- says · Norman Kaplan, Ex-ding to its rubbilb heap, wtll 'Butterflies are Free' .. ecutive Director of the Foun-be shown how to cannrt *'8 dation· for the Junior •Blind, bottles, tin c1m and 'ill "for Its understanding an6 Its cartonl iDto ·utl1itlr1an of>. . devotion to . lbe c...... Jn. . jectl. An W1111UaJ lhtUre ot atituted and conducted by 11 the -· will be 01111 bull-for -our ·Yountl people. Sieing . dred 111.llleb QlrlaWM i-1 the joy it gives our blind hung with decorallans .,..,. youngsters to create by touch" d materials found Jn any and 1 .. 1. lnvely ceramic-and houlehold and oltm tlnwn potlery objects, and reallzlng away. Wendell Burton and EJlen Endieott-Jones play l.he roles of a young man in search or independence and a nutty next-door neighbor girl in "Butterflies 4re Free" at Huntington Hartford Theater in Hollywood, It runs through July 18 • the confidence it lmillls in For younpten. tbers will lhem .is a rich and rewardin1 be clowns, fun and limes to experience." keep them en&erta1Ded,, mQ. Featured at the lhow will Ing the "-., eoJoyable be an exhibit of tbe work family affair. Miriam Shelton Works of Junior Blind ceramists and Show baun ,,.....,. and ~l~ers. More than 200 ex· Friday, 11 ~.rri. • t p.ni.; h1b1tors, craft and ceramic Saturday, 1 p.m. • 1 p.m.; c~, manufacturen In-Sunday, lJ:OO noon to 1 P·trl• ~rod~1ng new produeta: and General admluion ts ft.21, 1ndiv1dua!s proud of their cbUdren 1-11, IOc: and llDdfr · work, will clemonatrate the I free newest advances in the most ' · Presented at Gallery popular home bobbles. Silt .. to life claasical ballet dancers chery, china,painUng, nower The 1fewporl Harbor Service Leaaue will be presenting a collecUcin of · aeulpture by Mriam Shelton in the Coffee Garden Gallery, 21125 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar from June 29 through Aug. 12. Haun at the gallery are 11 a.m. to J p.m. Mondays lhrouib SaturdaYs. The arlllt, who bu recelved conolderable notice lh""'lh )?er worb In a variety of materllll lnclucUng wood, stone, bronze and clay, says, 0 My work is an expreuk>n of my feelN:s. U the viewer rececm-in my sculpture IOl1le al 1111 own feellnjl o! Jove, lonllnell, frustration and joy, thep 1 have com- municated." Her studies bring .f'rot11 P .. e 21 INTERMISSION lmproviJIUon Once down 1!MI nearly out, financially, lbe Open End has been ttprleved and will continue at least through the summer. The Lido Isle Playen of. fered their usual I wo pro- ductiom, the bell of which wil the vintage comedy "Ladles of the Jury," re1Ur- rected and injOcted with new life. Over in Huntington Beach, the Nifty Theater made e late start but squeeud two show1 In at the tall end of the seaaon. Two new ncrth county groups rose up to challenge the old Umers in Santa Ana and Fullerton. These were the and chil<ftn. making, clay mo Id Ing, Miriam Shelton is a ceramic decorating, plaster graduate ol Pomona College casting, w e 1 v J a g and where she studied sculpture, decoupage are among those winning awards with her appealing to beginning hob- 'Work. She pursued further blsts as well as to aophirti~ studies at the University of cated craften. California, Berkeley, the Over 5,000 p\eces of ceramic Corcoran Art School I n art will be ezblbllled. 'lbele Washington D. c. and with range from lhoee created by Jon Raymond. kitchto bobbylats to the fmest Her works are represented art of skilled c er am l 1 t 1 . in many fine fine private cot~ Ceramic studios from a lecUons and by the Art lmage number of -cities in California, Gallery of New York; the Arizona and Nevada will Ryder Gallery In Los Angeles, dllpiay the work of their and the C:lallls Gallery in mtom.TUlllllTOCl•r-fllP'llltt Molly Cast HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -ay's Molly Pkl>n bu bean out by.._ Norman Jewlloa to slarl u lbe match. maker ln the movie vendon of .. ,lddler on the Roof'' star· ring the IJraeli -Topal SOUIH SW TROPICAL flSH ·Tropical Fish • Lar1est Selectlo11 of Supplies In Ibo area. the tbeAil California Art Show BOOKSHOPS •••-~c:'lr' ..... , La:;::!v.d awards ~t PICKWICK 'ff . of Lquna f'.esttval of ...,.c..tf"llll.Cllll.._ • ltlfffl•lrv•M., 9M Arts; First Methodist Church M0-2111 1n-o. •'""*DI'._......, .... of Santa Yonica ; the Laguna 11a lllllJWOlrl lhC. ,.,. ..... ...., CM1D1 ..,. Beach Art Association, anct1 ;i"""~·~s••~o~"'ii;ii'°~-~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;i the M1donna ..... Festlval of Loa IJ Angei.. She lllo has exhibiled at the Clllfornia State Fair Art Show, the Servite Art Festival, the Riverside Ari Aasociatlon and the National Orangt Show A preview party by ln- vitatlon oa1y will be held on Saturday to open th is exciting elhibit at &he Coffee Garden Gallerr. . BUBBLES THE CLOWN CHILDREN'S PARTllS MAGIC SHOW -PUPPETS -FAVORS RIASONAILI RA ns '44 • 42'0 lllDALIMlmT ACCDSOllD 4J\tA 1\\ Japanese .,.r;-z Village Has 2640 E.Coulll"""' Coron• clel M.,. lolly 9:JHo ~:JI Teh 67.r•17fll Teen DancesJ::;;:;===:,......:::==f=:"::; .. :=5 ~;::::::::;1":::A=·=Mal-er====c:::.....,== .. ~ Tustin Community Players, Japanese Villlge in Buena who planted "The Apple Tree" Park at the Santa Ana on a school gym floor, and Freeway and Knott Ave., has the Ana-Modjeska Players of instituted "Groove Nights'' Anaheim, who swung into mer each Saturday throughout the tion wtth a comedy that•1 been summer. Visitors may dara staged all over the Orange to •the beat of the rock 'n' Coast, u A Thousand Clowns." roll band, "'lbe Prophets" Meanwhile, in Fullerton, a from 8 p.m. to nlldnlgbt, revival of ••Harvey • ' throughout the llUJIUDer', in the highlighted the FootU••ten' Aquacade, the village's newest 6'' attraction. Tod.y, Fridu, it'• Msyf Natt•; S.nrity Tlle R•D mu: Suadt.y, The S1ddie-itM-all put of 1Caou'1 au son. That was the llUOn which Couples and singles at.-tending "Groove Nlaht" can • summer loa1 Goldea C.•alcMle of Country i w..._. MaUc. Firsworb oa the Lale in fie.ta VilJale cYerJ alshll presents Slawomir Mrouk'1-- "0ut At Se•" ~'The Pollee'' • was in Orange County, circa t 11 '"-··gh ~- Af • • ' 10.'10, 8 year marked by s ro ulHJu 1-ne 'tranquil l'J.C81DS walkways, feed and pet the growth and imqlnatlon on gentle Slka Deer of Nara nearly all fronts . With all Japan, Jet white doves nuttei! A 5ATlllC ITATIMINT ON A Mo111N rouc1 stATI Juno 19-20 thru July 17-11 FRI. & SAT., 1:30 p.m. 307 fl\AIN ST. HUNTINGTON BEACH For Rnerv•tMlna Coll (714) si6-'111--··-··- A ed these new entries. lined up round their heads, see the nnounc at the Sepiomber starting gate -Sea Show wltllilS -dancing, ..!~--==---==-_:=--=---==-_:=-__::. _,,,.---next aeason, we can only hope dolphins and performing aea i- An 'an:.-production of lhett .,.. enough different lions, witness prec~lon karate THE BIGGEST SHOW'OF ITS KlllD WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI' ••t.a Billets Afr1cal111" has plays to go around, exhibitions and even feed the bean llCbeduled tor a -it TllE OlfLY HOME & WllEll SHOW IN CALIFORlllA! eng·--It the Greek gi1nt carp of the Imperial -r---Koi p:>OIS by hand. The 'nleotre In Aul1Jll as , part P(f) lugs Film Teahouse of the 'Moen will of its lltb 1ea1111 of summer be open, serving JaPane:se and entertainment. HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Jo AmericBD food. 0penJnc Moad.y, Augull 10, Ann Pflug, wbe bu a minor Guest> wlii he treated to the frenetic performm from but f 1 r. o u t ' role in a variety of vis!Ung dance the Republic Cl( OiatnU: hue "M•A•S•H." will tour Europe bands in addition to the their dilplaya on the rich and South . America pluging regular band at fut u re folklore of Africa, dancing out the comedy. ;,Groove Night" dates. fuct~Ung rituals and abeorb-r ------~-------'------ lng legends. . ·nie bold ind brilliantly coo- tumed company will be on • at.age at the Griffith Park • 1mphitbealre through Salur· e PAClllD WIN -~ 11.115 Q lm8 INll9 fOR nl fllSf TM • •• ...... -........ --SUI COMPLITI "'1.Blllltl llVIMG" . ....,_.. --5Ellhl9 ..... ~ --$(ti TH "U""llllWWf" CARfnll C.-... .. __ sn1 s,.u..,. acc,,_11 20tlil <•fWJ _.... ..... s .. ' . ·• •• ' .. • Ii ENTERTAINMENT -DANCING Sonpt,.../Song Writer -Mondey thru S1turd1y • day, Aug. 15. • Tickets to uu1 Banet. Afrl. • clans" are available now I Mm TOI' DISllMPS Ill -nu All saa DICOMo TCllOOMS, • • • • • • • KATE PORTER S:3D--1:30 P.M. Mon. thru Fri. R.tvrnlne June 29th JACK COSTANZO with LAST TWO NIGHTS I . ' MURRAY HOllM TRIO at the boxoflice, by mall am • ataliqenclel . .,1=,,-e~c:,:.::,:;__~~- • • • 1)41 Bo!r HOUSE JUNE 20-28 COHV~~~~""'' A 8£011E COLOURJS PIOOUCllOI ' ' ;:~1 1' :::-! J 1 .... ·-l .. - ~-· -. . .. I • • 1. I' lllOW ...... Sponsored by: The Orange County ~~1'i.:::;;o.;::"1;::t1;,,:r..,,.,., ... --B.t.tlldtr1 A1,an •• and-l.be..OtAft .. , ___ .+41.J-~ County Chapter of the lulld... :._:#-~ • GERRI : 21112 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY-HUNTINGTON IEACH SU.1421 • ~ ................................ , iiiiOii :::::::ffl lndustryANn. ~ ~--1 ...... l . • --.------,-..,-----;--.,..,------,----,,.,-,,------------,-----------·--·...----,--------------- • ' Y ot1r Galtle to Fun Home, Garden Show~Closes This Weekend flCl·ll) '5t-ltlch11d Trl'lla. J , El) u..lt: (C) "Sc ....... ! laid• " • k . H iO da.Herl~ 1romanct) '41-ltw Mt· .IUNE M·!S Beneke, Sa1nmy Kaye and 1'Iarry James playing. SUpday p.m. Tickets at box office or most llC et agencies are ... • F RIDAY C111iste1", Juna Hly«. bFing11 "Country JubUee'' Oll the Tomorrowland Stap with $7.50. --"===ITT.;i;i-.;.-----+=' _ ~~ µROME!.l!!'~~AND~_!G~A!.!!RD!!!!iE!!N-,!Sl!JH!!,!0JL,~1'!!h•!_,!!16"!Jlh!JB!IJnn!J!U!!aLI ~SO!!!Ulh!!!!!I J!"--a-dil-1 ----~k drawn frondolk...WC.upet!$. --~-------~~- 1:00 ~:: ';?:;t;:..!~~G1:,r lllJme, DecoraLor and Garden Show is on at the Anaheim Jazz will be heard in New Orleans Square and aboard JUNE %1 • %1 F f s E hlind . .loin O'Btltit. ConvenUon Center lhrough J une 28. l~undreds of booths. the Mark Twain. All this plus the 53, permanent fun-!1 1\ed MARIONETI'E SHOW _ A children's puppet show will bt II.ft=:; 1~ .. 11 C.nftlct" displaying products for ·the home,' an art' gallery, furni shed attracUons all summer long. tlours: 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. dally. staged at 11 a.m. I, 3, 4 and 7:30 p.m. lhi• Fri. and Sat. io 1.101 lic News (t) C60J Je111 Du~11h7. llll •---(<) (30) lqll ......,II (C) (cont'd) An· lf'iml) '53-Edwtrd Atnokl. rooms and rbqnificent plant and garderl exhibits will be the mall at HunUngton Center, Beach Blvd. at Edinaer, J:JO 8 C.•MAllJ lllhtill ... ,. (Cl ahown. Tickets at the door, $2 'for adults; $1 tor juniors 12-18 JUNE 2:t • !1 Huntington Beach. A dog show and pet parade will be staged n, Kanm City Roy1l1 11 Kanw City, Mll!iOll!i. . 2.10..,GI '"• ;~111"'•· ,,-..... ,·,.·1m'•'~.~t.1c,u,. years, and children under 12 free if accompanied by an adult. outside the mall m· lront of Thrifty Drug store, Sat. at 10 1.m. ~ -., d HB YOUTH DR..U1A -The llunlington Beach Youth Drama Enlorw." nours: Sat. and Sun., noon to 11 p.m. week ays, &-II p.m. , Worksh~p is sLaging ~;Come .Blow your Horn"' in the High D Sb O'Clod Ml'tit!""nlt...,.. (t:Omedy) '60--.leny Lewis. 800 W. Katella Ave., Anaheim. ' • School auditorium, 1905 Main St., HunUngton •Beach, at I p.m: June-26-27. The group· fea~es youngsters enrolled in fret classes sponsored by I.he Parks and Recreation Dept. Tickets. 75 cents for adults~ 50 centt 1for students. JUNE 11 -~EPT. 7 Stlt Tf'lt; IC> (60) Mlllta fttw! (C) (30) JUNE 27 KNO'IT'S BERRY FARM ~ A Golden Cavalcade of <;:ountry = : ~~3~0) and Western Music will be staged each weekend at Knott 's, JUNE II -II I.ft!~ (C) (30; ,.... ill tllf ·Row (C) (60) through Labor Day, Sept. 7. Appearing J une 26 . l\1ayf Nutter ; l :JOl'KNIC ,..._..,. (C) (60) 5!!5 IMU.TllilDlr June Z7, "The Reinsmen"; June 281 thC Saddle-i tcs, v;rllh FUC~IA SllO\V The Ca lifornia Natio[lal Fuchsia n.·11 .. C.• (C) (30) Hosl 1:311 ..._....,.(Cl sfiOwtimes-Fri.·Sat. 6:30, 8:30 and l0 :30 p.m.; Sun. 5• &:30 Society ts presenting its 16th annual .. FUchsia and Shade m M1cKreH wtltomn Pcllr eeraen. l:S5 ktlq ""9t i\.d 9:30 p.m. "The Sound Generallon." a group 0£ 24 young Plant Show; titled ''Garden •Wonderland /' ,in the Orange lollli1 trtr1 111d ~a11t1 Kulp. 7:00 ~riE . men and women from John Brown University, will present Im""*' Martli:i IC) (30) ID~ thl:llt I Jmlt (C) shows Mon.-Thurs. at' 7, 8:30 and JO p.m. Hours: 9 a.m.·ll . Cou'r.t,v Fairgrounds. 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, June Ult'Nllllc ti tlarl7 ·@ CulliWlll (t) \ 26 -23. Instructions on potting, ~gating and fertilizing 1 I (30) (R) H1rry l'artdl, Mr · (Cl . p.m. Moq.-Thurs.; 9 a.m.-midnight, Fri.-Sat.; Close 10 p.m. hic bsias, plus a show of fuchsias, begonias, orchids, 1n lnw ntor of mll$ical lnst1uments 7,. • I bo ~1 Sun. Ad mission II adults, 2:1 cents ror ch1'l.dren'" 11 •nd under. ., . · ' lent Kll ,.. .. ferns, Afr_ ican violets and bromeliads p~us rnany other , ,based o~ a system Of 43 tonts to th• UO 1'lil Jtllolll (C) p k f;h~.tc plant°' \Viii RO on f:'()m 2 to 9 p.m .. F..-L: 10 a.m. and compowr of unuwal mu1«: I G)SMti.,tlu lur(C) 'No additional c~rge for sho\vs: 6039 Beach Blvd ., Buenu octrvt,1Sseen lnconoert. · .mH•ll Co11ea tM ar' to 9 p.1n. Sat.; 10 a.m. to ,6 p.m. on Sun .. Plants._ giflJ I =•:.!!rt<C~:lt (C) 1lO) · • t1:,l ga~'t.;els will be on. sale and snne~s will be available. bl II Verllld ( ) , . Tl• . , 'I · · 30 · I CNMocl ·C.b (C) ~ . JUNE 26 ~SEPT. 6 r ;(' ·cts hv. donation, '11 for aclult_s: 50 cents (or students; c1111p1111 lotnllll CCl (30) -T.ta:lif wint-Farp --Dl&~EYLAN'11 SU!\H\tEJ: -Disneyland is cc I c br a l i n S . children u11Ccr 12 (Wilh parents) free. 7:•!g:k~l~ll lkn tc>_l30l Wtl· l:JO"" !i~C~~ lt111nr/Road Rwn-its 151h bitthr'1-1y \\"i!h O\Cr .;. r\i1te1"tuincr,q-nJI ""'rrrz~---- Wlllt's MJ Lilttf (C) (lD) l fH @mr1111r; _htltltr (C) long in the "Super S1.11nn1cr"' c~!r:br~·Ucn. TJ·crc \Vi:! be J UNE %6 I LM Lacy (30) Cim(l"5 P1clile 28 Sf)CC;al shows ar.cl tn!r.:it grcups \v"'h "~hr.~v i·:~ Am"~ic;:\,' .IUNJOR. TF.F.~ O/\NCE _ The Junior Teen Club nf \\lest· 111t tlll a.ct (C) (30) · Mnie( (C) "ku:h ot T1n1 Riv· musical comedy on the Tcm_orro\Yl«nd ~-rrc ill ll ni-d llllll l•ll (C) (30) " 1 d • 1 •61 F I "fl ·eh -n1lnslcr-will hoiil 1lanccs on Jnost Pri. nights from 7:30 -9:30 ~. ,_ w d ~ 1301 ti a vem.uie -•u ,ci · JO p.r>1. ~:-·.-J"•·i. The 'fen· .. _..,,. · ·:d T: : · • •. ·1: h 1n · c \' A IV ' ~,.. Amtrtu1n ~ , .. , htrdt. Axel StrobJ. p.n1. in l·1c Com inunify enter, 82.rJ \ es~mins.'cr ve., er.- Simirlt•elltt M«il (55) 81 Cisco ll!t! "Sound Cristie Ltd." \Vith nc\v r~:s, n~w ccz;tutr.es :rnd mlnstC'r. Admission, fill cents. "Elmo Fok v.·aU" 1r ill play fer ftlt Ckl (C) (30) MDVit: "llOll Shtfiff" (western) to., reel\ f-1·r "t;·~ <'•·r··v •!\"C't ;lt". r-o.n1 9 c"r. ·-~ 1--'.·"1. ·rt::n I · 5 7·--rn •· •--• 1c1 (30) (R) · • • '· <anc1ng on June 2 . :.... 1U .. -· . "57 -s:ar1l11g H11·den. '"MincrHy of Six" 1vill l;ikc over the Tcrrr.ct! on Sun. ar,d Tiit Sm1f!s become p11ents of twins. 9;03 9 (i1 (6) m H.R. Pufnrtuf (_C) j uN E 26 anfi 23 B m_Hi,-Chpelral (C) (60) (R) g ti10¥li: "fie Mqnlfieenl fii!ICI" m:,y also be hrgrd Oil Ifie 'fOJ"":':'O"Y'-nd Stap:u nn &it. @ (})aJTbt flyin,r N•n (C) (dr1m1J '39 -Uoi"!I No~an,-A~lm <1.nj the Plaza G<ird~ns en Fri. Tt c ··~·1tcrtr.i11rnc11t C:ini- (30) {R) "Ptpa Carlos.' Tainiro!f. Prtrit:a Mor1'~i. , mittec" pl;:vs on :he Tcr:·:tre r~on.-S:' .. ;:ftrr!lC'.'1:1~. The GMMl"'l-'CCl"""~' O @ill !Pl""Whnb lCI Pl G ,· '·11 1 ""' I' . ., d I b II Collfilllttl" (western) '66 -Russ OJ Miffli= (t) "Alriacn" (~~ven· az~ lr('.C!l~·\\.'I lll\'e .'"'.1g _.:::c. ~~Un s rlr :: l'~Onl Tamblyn, .llmts Fhllbf!>Ok.. l!lre) '54-:'enjl s.111811 Aluma Kitt. dl:'nc1rr,. n•l{htly e~:ccj)t f, r1., v.•1lh lc1c;ers s1:ch as rex CUOSl~Y, STJLl.S CO~C?!:ItT -C ro s b y, S tl!I S, Nash anti Young will be heard in concert ;;o.t the For11m in Inglewood, M<>r.chcster at Pra irie, June 26 and 2B at 8:30 I Trlrtll Of Con.QUIMH (C) (30) I Ctnt!ontl r Mu!iCI -•· -""1 Mno~ (60) · 1'~AG'llll llllrtt Tit frndl Cite! (C) (R) 9·3C ~ ({) Duta1dly & Muttley (C) """"""" 1301 . · @oo m 1 """" "' '" • "'""' "'" '· ,,. .. ~E """'"' "'.,,..,.,,. "'OUNTV 7;55 Clllllltl .. Slpndol n~lll Spllts Mvtni111 HOUI (C) l:.I A '91bW.a;a " W t':.Jiolt.I'(:.~~ ~ l:OO a (I) ffl Md Slit (C) (30) ,;The Enormous ~g." Encore of NBC '"' '"'·'"' ""''· '""'" ""· ";i,,.,., '""'" ""'"""" '' "' INDC.CR E ~GA.GEMINT · 'Cross' !\loves To Buena Park· JUNE 11-JULY 31 STORY HOURS: The '\Papoose Club" story. hour will be bekl in three Newport Beach \,lb~aries ~tween now and July .31:. The Balboa branch has ichCduled it for 9:30 a.m. on Wed ., the Corona del Mac~Libitiy will hold it on Thurs. at 10 a.m. and Mariners at 9:30 a.in. Fri. JUNE %7 -30 . -, FILM PROGRAl\1S -A children's matinee film wi ll be shown in the' multi-purpose rooin next to Mariners Libfary, 20Q5 pover .Drive, Newpo_rl Beach, al 2 p.m. on the last Sal of U}e plllnlh. June ·27 films will be "Secrets of Life: Anti and Insects.;" "Smallest Elephant" "and Apryl and her Bab1 Lamb."· AdUlt films will be shown ·in the same place on the Jast Tuetd~y of lhe mQllth at 8 p.m. June 30 Hlfll& Wiii include "And There Was no More Sea," "River Nile" and 0 Ski Mod-- erne." I mm films -fi ve t9 a patron for a period o! three days -C!:[t! available to the public. Inquire at li brary. ----~-- JUNE 18 ljALLET i'<Jn cm(nnEN -Tlie last of l o u r pro- g1·cms, in the Ballet for Children series will be presented in the. F~Uval of Arts Foru1n, 656 Laguna Canyon Road, L::-~~na Beach jjt 2:30 and 4 p.m. Jurie 28. "Cinderella" ~ory b31Jet \':ill be dariced by members of the Laguna Beach Civic &llet Co1npany. Tickets, ~ for adult!, •1 -ror chlldrcn may be obtained in ad11an cc by calling 494-7271. JUNE 21- 'fEEN CLUB DANCE - The \~1estmir.ster Recreation ind Parks tn::artment v.•ill hold a Tee n Club Dance in.the com- munil.y Center, 8200 Westminster Ave., (for Westmimter tee ns) each Sat. from 8 p.m. to midnight. Ad mission, 41. for members. $1.50 for non-members. The "Rei Bros." wUI play for dancing June 27. bralt l~tlf.llXlh 1nrwve.r5l1J by btine story of 1 young bO')' and his unusu1I 1em~l'l'11d 1n 1111 hshlOn.· 11ei. a dinostur hatthed tram 111 Spec_ ial_ Ma~·inees Daily' "111e Cross and the Switch· JULY 1-AUG, 9 Ci'fJ @ ,aJ Tiie lradr lllndl ' hen I O•ct c.t (C) (30) enorm~us eu l1kl by the boy'• pet (3~) (R) "A Clubhouse h Not ,, 1@00 m Tiit H11dr IOJI (C) Homt. . CuerdlS r Cultarm IT• T.ii TN Tretti (C) (30) 10;00 "(j) Wld:y Ratti (Cl Ci.,.,..itr .. (30) · QJ aJ sq Hms (C) Lucedla. (C) (30) ovie: (C) "30 Wh1dltlllr for 1:115 luchl L1ln (~5) 1Wo" (adventure) -John Heslon, 1:30 i:i!) ril HorM I Hints (C) (30) TopS'/ Col!lns Cir! Mohner. ( ) Re.iU!nnr I coorilf the GH· m Movie: 0"TM wa,..1d lirl" mll'IS 111111 not suspect ~s in Allied (draJM) '5Z-Gina Lotlobri1ld1. Int, Koran uses 1 d11mp1nz e.. I Pueblo Jin (.splr1ru:1 o oo m "'"" " 0e •1• io·30 ~cu Sc.oobf-Doo <Cl (90) (R) '"GoodbY! H1ny." • . d @ in TN flh1btt11a (t) bne 1"!. T'lutrt (30) Movie: "Miid ti Selem" (dflma) @CD al Th• Chffl ind Mrs. "J7-Cl111d1tte Colbert. w (C) (30) (R) "'ladies' Min." 'Q {ff)(]).&Jl1111• ti tlM JI• Clrol111 1nd tile 1hosl 1ivt Clay-~ (Cj · !'ID" I boost When ht deeidu he m Morie: "llld; Dnipn ol M1n- IS 1 flOp tl I kmr. un1r" (dnm•) '66-Rod CanllfOll, 81 Tltt O.ld frut Sllow (C) (~) 11:00 IJ" (I) Ardiil C,11111J Har (C) Tony Bennett, Dyan C.n!IOn. Jim 0 @ m Major l11pe .... MDfl", Robin Knux-Johnston. Gilbtrt blD t I Ne·11To1~ Yankees vs. Boston Pria: ind Clement Freud IA Rtd Soi 11 Hew York. The comput11 .sdltd~ltd cunts. • tG1.1rnament continues iii Ille pre-m Wllwl tr• ~iq-Tllll strip , .. ,.. show with I 111111 bllwttn th• (~ (6ll) froni !ht bl1 b111d dlJI 1927 New Yorlc "YlflktlS Ind 1963 to tM lbcot9q~ look 1t the L01 Anf;"-t Dodpra. • IOCi•I molution di1Jin1 Hie lul two II (ft) (I) tB Ill ft Tolllltttr (C) dec1d11 on th• wertd·l•mous SU~ sTn1er .lerrr Ha)'lof 111d l ht Bom xt Strip, Bill Bunvd holla.. Rio ind Edison U11tthoust croups fl) ........ Oii (C) (30) .. :'The iunt Arthur Hall Alro;!""'ricln•Oince EA· fl) 1 ·p1cp;L I Watts S.•1111 ""* IMlble, Pllt 2. (ll/z hr} Cove1111 of the 1nnU1I IJLll llMriJ 4t ,.,... (30) Wrtn SPllltS M nt. l:GO t1I CIJ CIS frldn lrllllt;_ (C) 1--.--...11 lfwlnr Ii .,., Slillll" 11·JO n'1 Cl) m Alleflun .,,..., (dram•) '6t-VM1n l•ilfl, W111en ' (C lfiCk Clilll llctsls. Trini Lopez: Beatty, lotlt L.,,ya, JHI Sl John. A iuests wt11thy but !o"e1y ·~ btcomes O Mftie: "'ftmr II 1 T1u1 TIWll" 1omanllcall1 involved with • )tl11ne (welllern) ·~ -Slerllne Hl)'d•n, Roman. C.rol Kel!J "Tiii .... (C) (60) "So 01rk the Qt Movlti "Liit llqlcloKll Wet" :I~ ffMI C... Ult lriNf (C.J ~:~stem) '57-Jim Divis, M11y tn- (15, (R) '1.tl1ftl0 B111h," A htrmit detennlntd to preserve the forests doset dowll, the Bolts' lopin1 op-r. r r 1 P o...; n o 'i eriliO.rid s.tlllll CCl (2 hr) 12:0011 a (f} nii. """"" CC) lltf (30) • m liiwti: "lldy hlblers" (COil\· • lllladul (60) •1) '40 -Ronald Colman. 9".lO J11n (C) (30) Su ter W11d. Wlttl s. .. ca-(cont'd.) 1tn (C) (30) 8111 JohM. Ttlln F1111l llr llDclln T1plin (30) Dn• ......... 1HO I Ms.\& I Ollt ti IN Sllldowl 12:3CI 3 (f},....,. ,_ (C) ) (60) l'im Anderton All'l'tles this Mtotll: •,l forelp Mlh" (com· look 11 tit• life ind Iii• styles ol a edy) '48 -M1rlene Dietrich, John littlt·known .sub-culture In los An· Lund. aelu. SClnes Include irrttrtlewa with II Mlwil: (C).,.... '"""" (dr1ma) 1 minister cl 1 homo1111.u1I church, ;sz--Ann Shtridan, John lulld, How- Ctiristl11t Jor1enst!I, p91ctilttri1ts, 1rd Duff. membeis ol the IHlfftoJlllil• commun-I Yllul liill (C) 1f1 and Chri&tophtr Isherwood, 1Lrth· 1:00 ISOOS.t1111 (C) OI ol '"I, a Clmer1." • liioV!i: ~11111111 Mlllllftlln" I m Ntwt ICl (60) (musical) '61 -JlmmJ Clinton, aJ Len, "-«kin Style (C) RocQ Gllli1110. . . ( ) (R) ''low end th• Boss's Ex," m Mtwil: "'""" It 1 ...... ., .. RIJ WalstGn. P1t ·H1rrinf!On. Whll· (western) '57-Vm R1lston, An· MY Bl1~e. Vir1inia Wood; "Love Ind ttiony Gtotp, Geoqt MltttldJ. Nr. Nice Quy," WtllJ Col, Alt~andr1 IT"' NII illl$ltu HI)'. RI)' Danton; "LO'll 111d !ht 6 (<) G1ncshtr," .lenyY1n Dkye. Nthemiah 1:l0 (})......., t..t (C) l'lflllll, M1ri1nn1 Hill, Stl¥t F111nk-Z:DO 1 T......_ (Cr "" MIMI Mllllrld, lewis Ch1rlts. ' ...... flltln: ~r•t•" Ind I Nblll'• ...... (t) (90) ' ht C.t." 1-"""1< HIP ICI 1601 0 _, CCJ -._. 1111 Nes Dlltintll (30) (wesitrn) '51 -sttplltn McN•llr, Ulll Spedll (C) (60) "Blm· CollNn GrlJ, Wi111rd P1rklt. buti." a;) S.. ltlt USA (C) m 11W1nn11 4(1 (2 h11 m •111111 """' (C) 1 .... 111 Ml MHSt11 (30) 2:30 R .. ,.ton W....., (C) .. A 11 .. ,!~flln (C) C:Omptl'IJ of OM." A lhowcl11 ol I':) News (C) th~ outt11ndln1 t1ltnls ol Phil1del· .....,.,.. p~11 Ktor Joe Earl.,. m ._ CCI o Mme: .. ......,.... (a111111al ·41 &I • • Wiil (C) -Luise R1i111r, Artlll9 dt CttdiM. fWI: """' 11 Ktr (lll)'St•l'J') I w111R r11i. (Cl ' -UWMCI Tilnllf, IMllM (C)" lj .. a. .W IC> (311) Mftle: """* 1111 r (dr1m1) Tiii hnflt S. (I) -ldl Lupino, 5"" Cochr1n, Elll 111c1M a ._. 1111 . How11d Dufl. 11"9 Cl)-..... CC! C...• -(CJ , 1Jftll1 ,,,._ fltllCJ WM· VlriMldll Mllicilhs -. Joan llonOlll * Sol\llJ Ki111 3:00 SN H1lll .,. xlltluttll p llfl. Upbllt (C) II@ (j) ~== ._. t<J ,,.. Giini )liiith , Co""lt st•· 11r MW1 (Cl .. llld C111rttt ,.._ fltlllJ 1re Tllh 11111 SeNdl --1"9 ... __ !<) ..... ..... " lM:"'........ "" hllntl wlllte tail ........ ii°••) '17 -Fnncllca 11, I.Ill 8 .Mn: (t) "kflll .. 1111 V... ""i= _.. (horroi) '65 -Dennis Prtct, I Didi tMtl (C) , ~ HllliOIJ, Lill O.llllllr. I:.....,............ • ,,... ....... CC> FOR ADVERTISING IN THE WEEKENDER POPULAR PRICES EXCLUSIVE ~----1!:!1 -.!'-- OPEN AT 7 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK "I LOVE YOU ALICE B. TDKUS" blade" is no\\' sho\ving at DISNEY ON PARADE -'Anaheim Convention Center, 800 the Buena Park Theatre, ,V, Ka_tella Ave., Anaheim. Performances Tuesday -Sun. Buena Park, following a three· 8 p.m.; matinees at 10:30 a.m., and 2 p.m. Sat.; 2 and 6 p.m. week exc l u s i ve World Sun.; 2 p.m. Wed. -Fri. Closed ~ion. Tickets, $2.50 -SS.; Premiere engagement a t · (Chil dren under 12 $1 less.) available at box: office or ticket Loew 's ,Century 21 Theatre, agencies. 100 Di.sney characters appearin!( for the first tl,me . together in a live twir-and-one-half hour show. It blends Ji ve Anaheim. production1 sound effects , motion pictures, magic, music i nd The film was adapted frJlnl lighting effects in a new form of entertainment. On staa Rev. David Wil k e r s o n 's July I · Aug. 9. au tobiographical best-seller of ===================== the same title relating lo his one-man crusade among dope I addicts and street g a~ g fighters in New York ghettos. Pat Boone toplines the cast with Erik Estrada, Jackie Giroux, Dino DeFilippi and Jir- Ann Robinson as cir-stars. MOlllE MllNOS RJR PRRENm AND 'VOUNO PBJPl.E 1119 ~"',,..,.,.is ,., ......... ,,._ ...... ,,.. ...Ut lffllp "' ,_.;e ~,,,, ......... ,,,,,.,.,, ~- (( \'11\tllllf w. TRUTH ~. ,, .... 1,1 2'05 East Coast Hwy • Corona del Mar EXCLUSIVE AREA SHOWING All Ages Admitted .Commonwealth United Presents a Grand Film Starting . M -Petet-Sellers . ·~, /3-ri/Wigo8f;ur' : . . in"'lJCCMagic()uisDarL" ~~ ITCHNICOlORSI Rel•1SedbyCOMM<lNWU..LTHONITE.O , :' ® U HE UllDll 11 MHUnlO (AQI llfllil lllty Y"'Y IR CW'll llllt'l1$) l l~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~' .. .•...•....•................. ..... g~-111 .......... ... _ ........ .. _ ... ._ .................... ... BALBOA ,673-4048 OPIN 6:41 7"1. ..... .. , .... "'"ln1UI• NOW-Ends Tuesday ~~ ___ l'ICWS_... .. , ..i ·. "9fll~n ;i·a DflRI ~ CIUll by DeLU!E The '"9t ••lipe A4"9'hlN: Ffhll -I Yt y.-n In tM ..... ""' c ...... Jl.100 dml a-4 "G" -ALSO- Plt!Mlllt l! l!NGAOliMINT •llff L-H I., Dt;in Ml tllll ""Ill.PORT" IGI Ctltf A F1ml1Y lnttrtlln!Mnl C1111tr ro~•• .. 1~~ PAULO ORIVI rN -·-.... S.5·1111 521·2223 • llll:tttan. 'wlsr 111n11 Wt ll D/Mey'1 All Cola . 0 "SLEE.-ING l l!AUTY" c~:~ltr •"tN S '"" • !AltCH OF THI! CASTAWAYS" • l!OJ Ctltr Alt COit• F•mlly Sllow Gre;ary Pttk In "MAROON EO" /GI Ind Jehn WIVM In "THI! UNOEFEATEO" (GI '"-~Mll ll.I lNeAOIMENT Cll•r"llail Htttoll JI /MS Frtntl-"I ENI ATH THI ,UNET "DI" THE A,ES" IOI Caler A Plch1r1 ,., till l!ntlre F•ml)f W•ll Dl-.\"'1 Alf C•"' SMw "SLEl ,IMG IEAUTY" IG) co"' . .. "IN SEAICH OF THI! CASTAWAYS• !GI C ... r Wiii D""ty'I Atl Cfltt Sllnt ''1Ll!ll'ING ll!AUTY" CGI C..., - "IN SIAll.CH DF ~I CASTAWAYS;.:.,. IGI CMr IE•tllrllv1 Sttowl111 The h•llel Ill "LIT IT ll" CGI C11tt' .... '"-""' Sitton lft "THIE MAetC CHllllST IAH~ ,.,, Cllo• "11.l!MllEll.I IHOAGIMEHT J111111 St.wffl H111ry Ftnd' "TH I CHIY•NHI SOCIAL CL.UI" 10 '1 C.r "'M"N FI OM MOWHEllE~ -..f----llHONE-642-432-1---Jll.J I ' ._ __ _ H •l!rt n- -· ron . lita 'lln iwiU tele pea \\ :tmll! "ah . his 'JnOI H Onl T exp -':the •mu: •I u ·for .. ,. u ~~·ale~ 'l ij\a1 ·..w: , 'f!' rtiy mu: louc pla~ ·1451 ·~~1 D :,suit ·,Wei .. .., .-;det COii "I mlJ! is v .!bl t •ll't ,,.1p1 •IJu ·rev. sav• "] lam bus: .. mg. . ·;A .. Wei ,,.id i' "] -.pub ,-l 'm 'Joai .jier1 nud that A . Welk Still ·)Mr. Clean' ·"In Music .. HOLLYWOOD (UPI)-Law- •'"<fince Welk is a living anactt..J ~ ronism in a day of acid rock . titar'ds and super-amplified m: : ~nts, but he rolls along :wilh unprecedented success on television and in personal ap· pearances. . Welk, still beelnning. his .... ·music with "ah one, ah two,-1 ~·'ah three," doWn -beat, starts . his 18th year on television next . ·montJ1. 1 He plays to capacity houses on tour . The 66-year-old band leader exp~ins his unique success in ··':the~ revolutionary world of 'oluSlc: r ·• · "I think ~he world is.hungry •forr WholeSOftle entertainment. . ·•I· think it makes the public • 1 'sick to see some of the things ; that are being done with ·~music and on stage .now. . ·oAILV PILOT 2f Gulde to Movies -Voight 'Out of · It~ WMn•My tllr• frW., "Int Sii•• etf tile Or~.~ ........ -D.P. "ONE FLEW . OVER Ti:. -CUJ;KOO'S-NEST" Editor'•. Nott: Thi.~ bordello i·n ~'--nne. James LAST ~.WllK!i i d •• d ..... ~,.., and RoCkHud s on -Con · ,s.tu,.,:tiM ....... 1 mov' QUI e WC prepare Stewai;t,,_,r,;;;;H;p'--F"onda==-•::n,,,d-;f;~eClo;. ';;';;"';r.·>~·-who::;:~m::'ce::lc_.::•n!!.r::ou::'te:.u. ___ ;W::IS:'.T.;C~OAST Pl!MllRl-SHOCllN•I YIYID! 011 ~ffl'r'IU-co:mmtttee oJ-sruney ione1. to ex co. u • iA-V-El>"". liv Eclw•rd 0 Harbor Council PTA. Mrs. The er.1 ud tlMt Swt&cll· FAMILY John Clark ~ presidtnt blade (GP): Story based on African Safar I (G): ~nd Mrs: Will""'! Ware autoblography of the Rev, Info rmatlve documentary ~ ~ommittee chairman. Jt David Wilkerson and his life filmed from Ron Shanln's five ~s rntmded .~ a refer:ence among lbe narcotics usen and and one-llall year odyssey on i,_i determining . suitable gang· fighters in the New York the Dark Continent. JJlms for ftr~tn age slums. Pat Boone. Blackbeard's Ghost (G): groupa ·.~and will appear Jiang 'Em Hip: Clint Peter Ustinov stars in we~klu. Yo~r views are Eastwood, in the roJe ol Depu-Disney's adventure of the ·~lidttd: Mail them to Mo-.ty Marshal, bunts vigilantes famo1J4 pirate .. me Gur~t, '"cart of the -Who tried to lynch him. A Boy .Named C b a r 11 e DAILY P1LO.. Tiie Mogle Cbrllllaa (GP): Brow• (G): Full length cac· * Story of the richest man in toon feature based on Charles Al>ULTS the world and his adopted son. Schulz' Peanuts com,jc strip. T b ·e CbrisUne Jorgenaen Peter Sellers, Ringo Starr. The Comp11ter Wore Tennis Story . (R): Biography of A Walk In the Sprlaa Rain Sboe1 (G): Walt Disney spoof Christine Jorgen9en starring (GP): Romantic drama star· on ttie generation gap. Kurt John Hansen. ring Anthony Quinn and Ingrid Russell and Caesar Romero. Happy Ending fGP): Jean Bergman. Goodbye, Mr. Chi,_ (G): Si~nmons Portrays ~ bored . TEENS AND ADULTS Musical mn~ke . or Hilton's m1ddle-cla~ housewife who Airport (G): Film version classic starring Peter O'Toole, turns ~ drink. John Forsythe or the best-selling novel. Burt-Pctti1a Clark. and Shirley Jones. Lancaster, Dean Martin, Helen King of the Grinltes (G): .~OD!!)'moon .Klllers. IR): Hayes and Van Heflin. Walt· Disney film about the ... ~ . ,.0. •ISl•VATiOlllJ CALL .... llb, 1'~7;'M .. Nt1 lllHI., Cnt• Mt!M • Monday he Inherited the Cheyenne Social Club. Tuesday he met the 6 girls who Uve there. •.!'We have gotten .some good rhylhnt patterns from rotk music. But we don't play it. so loud people can't hear it. We play with moderation and good .145te." LAWRENCE WELK STARTS 16th YEAR Made H!s Television Debut on July 2, 1955 .s~irl~y ~toler and .Tony Lo BeneaU. die Planet of tbe life of a grizzly -bear, Bianco in a curious and Apes (G): Sequel to "Planet phOtographed In the Cant.Han unusual drama based on fad. of the Apes" 1 tarring .Rockies. John Yesno. M·A.S.H (R): lrrever~t Ch Ito Hes~ and James In Search of the Castaways '.t-; Dressed Jn a blue business ,tsuit, and with short sideburns, ',Welk continued in h i s 'tolel'Jllanic accent to berate the . ~detune of morallty in this cpuntry as he sees it. . "Permissiv~ness a b o u t mo1i.lity jn the United States is very·"'dangerous. You see it 1bl the crime rate. We've got to .g\!t back to Cflristian prin: ~lples and a ·decent moral . ' 1tandard. The trend must be ·re·versed if we are going to save ourselves. "It must start with the family," he said. "And show business should help by clean- . . mg-itself up." ·:.~A .naUve of Strasburg, N.D .• ., Welk is appalled by screen .-1d stage nudity. <4'·"Nudity doesn't belong in , public," he said. "I don 't think .:J'.m old fashioned, but we are -1,earning a bitter lesson from .. Jtermissiveness, ,sm4t a n d nudity on stag!!. The lesson is that once you start, there is no · ~4.0J>Ping. .~os( . decent people have the same feel.ing I do. It's common sense. "My training from school, parents and church was fine and upright. I was fortunate when 1 was young. Today peo- ple are too busy to see that their children are getting the right training. 1 "Parents have failed their young by not giving ~Qt more discipline. love' and guidelines. I've been criticized for being too much of ·a disciplinarian with my band, but I Viink it contributes to our success." · • Welk says there is no gene.ration gap in his family . "Yo.u caq under.stand that better if you read my book - it's now in paperback - 'Guidelines to Successful Liv. iitg.' It is my philosophy of life and I live by it." Welk keeps his music cur· rent by playing new songs, but he \.\'atches the lyrics carefully for double entendre. ''Maybe I was brought up too· strictly," he said. -"But I l\z(irnesa ·, ,1 1" '~11· I').\" f.: ,, ·1~r,._.,,, ~~[',/.'µuRr 1\ND HAR~"R 1r-r ,-n<Jf;. ~"1.£5/\ ALSO SELECTED 5ttORTS "GONE WITH THI WIND" s•o-et J old 7:45 • CONTINUOUS SHOW OAILY FROM 2 P.M. END5 1, NEXT TUESDAY TEN ACJIOEMY NOMINATION$ ; ''Epic battle of the sexes!'' -Vincent Canby, N.Y. Times. iliRICHARD BURTON •• M HDl'llY Vlll .:,:·GENEVIEVE BUJOLD I' ••ANNE 80LEYN • • .... ' IN nl! HAL WALUS PROOllCTION ' tA1111t ef t/ze 1fiousmz~ Deft Ifill"" A UNIVERSAL PICTURE Al.$0 Law Course ~ing Set. Oven KCET comedy about the Mobile Fr::.C~us (G): Disney's version of Jules Army Surgical Hospital during Marooned (G)· Space Verne's classic· about a lost the Korean War. Elliott Go~ld. rescue of stranded a~tronauts. sea captain and~ the search <?at ~f It (R): Growing Gregory Peck, Ridiard Cren· to find him . Hayley Mills. pains of a teenage ~y. Barry na and James Franciscus. Sleeping Beauty (G): Disney Gordon and Jon Voight. The Out-of·Townen (G): version of Perrault's, fairy J\.1ATURE TEENS Disastrous experience of man tale. Music is Tchaikovsky's AND ADULTS and wife' who go to New York "Sleeping Beauty" bai!et with Anne of the Thousa nd Years from Ohio for a job interview. the voice of Mary Cost.a. (GP): Genevieve Bujold and Jack Lemmon and Sallcly Den-* Richard Burton as Anne nts. The letter immediately Boleyn and King Henery VIII . .The Undefea&ed (G_): Po~t aJter the ti tLe indicates the The Cheyenne Social Club Civil War story oC a fr1endsh1p rating give1i the picture by (GP)': Afteir the Ci vil War, that blossoms betwe!n two the Motio1t Picture Code. a Texas cowboy inherits a Colonels, (John Wayne-Union Tlie Motion Picture Code A·nd Rpting P·rogram may be found on the motion picture page. ..BENEATH THE NATIONAL GENERAL ~CruRES PRESENlSJ .~MES STEWARt HENRY FONDA .'THE CHEYENNE SOCIAL ewe • Rated "GP" -Parental Discretion Suggested I . , • •THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THEATRE IN AMERICA EDWARD ~:!ufo~-~h•t.~ftf:~~~~ -KCET will begin . broad-rLAIET OF Arf S" beginning MondaY," June 21, DE IN THE FIRST 4 WEE.KS AT EDWARDS NEWPORT CINEMA -47-,259, HA:Yl"SEEM "AIRPORT' . . ' . at 8:30 p.m. on Channel 28. . Entilled "Law for the 70's," · -the co~rse·is designed to lllffl SHOWN AT 1:15 AND 10.30 .P,,,,. ~ •• ~~"fa~~.~ i~ be~ COME EARLY! BOXOFRCE OPENS 6:30 ~~~·:~/°ln~P.~g·c;~~~ni~; GIANT PLAYGROUND -DINE WITH US! College District. Donald P. Lyden, practicing Pacific's fOUuTAIN u•LLEY attorney and college professor, · n IM will teach the so sessions, DRIVE-IN THEATRE which will be tetevl90d in color AT SAN DIEGO fREEW AY Monday through Friday from 6:30 to 1 p.m. BROOKHURST (SOUTH) OFF RAMP The three-unit course will TEL:EPHONE H.Z-4877 cove r in a non-technical wayl -=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:__11 aspects of the law which af·l- rect the Californian. Lyden will be assisted by authorities hi various areas of the law; and ·many of the programs Will include dramatized ex· amples of legal situations. Among the topics for discussion are torts, crimina l law, adoption. dissolutioii of marriage, Contracts, property, wills, probate, bankruptcy, state inheritance tax, rights of s ha r eho l ders, and copyrights, trademarks and patC'flts .. Stude11ts who wish to have credit for the course may register with any d the eight Loll Angeles Community Colleges or Pasadena City College by calUng (213) 380- 6000, ext. 280. NOW EXCLUSIVILY MATINEES DAILY ' RATED "G" lfS FOR EVUYBODY ! 'lhe"Peanutl'Ganc in their \1intcMarie! k ·C• (.; '--' . .. _.al ____ .. ____ -.J _ .. ___ , __________ _ --------··----Ill!-·----2nd "G" RATED FEATURE Discover th~ incredible space-age world ol tomorrow . . • . "LATITUDE ZERO . . ., "I ~ii't r11111111b1r when I've enjoyed a picture as . much 11 •A~ R"ORT'. It's a wonderful escape filni In wll!cll,.1! ,.:an lose yourself completely, caught 'UP In the ictlon and tension on the screen!" -Rocky Mountain News "AN ABSORBING THRILLER! EXPERTLY PERFORMED! A DARNED GOOD MOVIE!" A ROSS HUNTER 1>tt<Mtioot AIRPORT , . ~-BURT LANCASTER • DEAN MARTIN JEAN SEBER'G . JACQUELINE BISSET GEORGE KENNEDY HELEN HAYES YAN HEFLIN MAUREEN STAPLETON BARRY NELSON LLOYD NOLAN DANA WYNTER . BARBARA HAtE · :iii RECORD-S~ASHING WEEK f,::, CENTER · -•. ,,.'". __,__ •e tMtf" ....... ,. ( ..... ·: 11G11 Rated 1. I' .i • I I ;- -rTHIT"llllA~i;.¥'-'=li TAKE YOU. IND Ila Hn beneath the Ha I" --==---__:.~~~ : It's for Everybody! .•• • ****Highest Roting! ~wanda-Halec-, ---1--..:..JI.! wtrfl ALL STAI CAST "BATTLE OF BRITAIN" ' -JoMph Cotton e Cfflr Romero N.Y. Daily News • • ' • 2j DAILY PILOT Friday, Jvne 2-~. 1970 . P·ICKUP V-1. 1ulorn1tic, redio, heeler, cut• tom c1b, 1t1p bumpet, Neer new US Royel M••tel"I in rear. R11dy for the roed end 1h1rpt !1268621 s1295 .. ' 1EAR-EMO Sl~\NGS NOW ON ALL PLYMOUTHS CHRYSL~JlS & IMPERIALS ( V-1. Automelk, 'Tadio, heeler, PO"'· er ileerillg, air co11ditionin9, Pow· . er br1k1s. I RVC3 JSI $695 .. 1967 DODGE DART 270 · d'o h11t1r, S.den 1uloll'l1l1c, '' 1 ' I I ' . ' t -1 .. c ·~" Power 1!1111119 . 11 11 Cll/021101 J969 CHEVROLET ' CAMARO 2 dr, h1rdtap, 111+a,,.1fiE, ridio, h11l1r, paw1r tl11rin9, whifi W•I/ tir11. CYQC611 l • s2095 ·1969 PLYMOUTH ROAD RUNNER v.1. ~-1p1cd . r1dio, h11t1r. poier i teering, buc~tl 111h, consa 1' tZUSll l s2195 , .. , , 1967 PONTIAC FIREBIRD v.1. •ulorn.f.c, ri fMo '"··· er 1f • B k ' •r, pow. ler.119, UC et 1eefl f ftrrific Y•/i.1! 1-Ull09111' con10 •1 s13g5 • • NOWU GIGANTIC USID , CAR 'CLIARANcr . ~V:R:J:I. IN HUGE INVENTORY . n.c l'RICE Ul!UCJ IONs . . . l 1,69 . C.HEVROLET • 0 NOVA'.COUPE v.1, 1ulom1lic. rtdio, heeler, pow· et 1!11rlni . Sherpl !YCP955) ..... ~~ .. ·.,,,,,. ,.,.,·a-}r:•~"~t-: ... ., .~ .. ..,,..'1-,,:t-..• "''"..., ~ •• . . • • • . • . • .. • l ' 1 • I I • • ••• .. ' • I ~ • • .' ------·---~------ ' Serial No.·FIOAR~34362, 1 .... 11970 GALQll. ~-Oo'' ~-I SlllQITS R~ OllA"DOOI SIDAN . YOUI CHOICI I I NEW 1970· MAVERICK .. · * *· *.·FREE ·;: lll '~ .• I 7 DAY TRIAL El~HAIGE hy-••-IHlndf ............. _ Drhro It for 7 tlays alMll ·H . .,.. ... ... -plotoly ................. It ... - of tho 200 uMll wn .,,.Hlli•lo. ·ntEPHOIE' APPUISAL · Uso tlio ...-It, In,_, olll C.. ....... ... ...... ,.,.. ... -.. ---..... fer. 9'IHlll CREDIT COUISELllG • SHOIT ON DOWN ll'AY-1 P • SHORT TIMI ON ,_, •. LllTLI OR NO CIDl,lf • ovni.:.oua W1T111••s IUT .snu. Nim AN AUTOMOllO! ~ COMI IN OR CALL 142 ... 1:1 OR .... JJIO '64 ~~!!LAL~~ beouty, 1 .. ded i~I. factory .a.ir.VDU 261. ,-'67. DODGE COROIET _ · ::$,9·33· . ~ • V'-8, Mttom1tic:, powet·atttring, Mr -~ •• ,. JV01 J·l8. ' ' ... f -. . '68 . . . 1088 . CORTlll l.T. .. ... $ · Radio, heater, Yinyl roof. License ZAE' 42i '69 FAllUIE • . I I $188 8 HARDTOP. V-8, 11110. power -lnq, ,. dio, hHttr, xtr1 "ice. No. 105159. '69 !~!~-·!~~.;~lt.Ctory .• ;$22 88 landau roof. XMG llS. , l frldq, -26. 1'70. . . r . . . ·~ · } ", SPECIAL PUR-CH ASE' . ~ ' • I SPECI AL SAVINGS I · · N~w 1070 MU'.~T:ANG$ CltOICE . · I ·, HOTP: • OR •: S YEAR 50,04!0 Ml WARRANTY AVAILABLE' ••· :. ·t·f 7.o LT.D~ s1a;.:··w9n •. COUNTRY SQUIRE • " · -.. o.11 ftclill ,_,,..,ts.·•,w.,111. Y-4 -.~1c .• w , .... 11,. •• · -·.•-.. --.'41tc llnlj9' • nr~ wl~ •._..~Ir-. AM-FM rMli9 • .......... r1dr: • tli!t ...... "''llllDlllty .. _ • liht.<,wh!,·---<'U"'91r 5l .... • ' w ... f!Mr. Sir. l+I. OJNKll2$02. $1 ....... 6c MIMI Use one of our many~ IO fNllCI your l1IW or used car !It tnick, including Bank of Americl, Uniltd·Cillf.,Bank or foRllMolor Crtdit:~rp. With your ApplOWd Cntdit. ' " • ' I . ! I 1' : I • I ' 1 . ' ' • ' ' • • • • I " ' ' . ' ' • . ' , HOUS&S POii SALi • HOUSIS POii SALi H~ll POlt· SALE , 1 ~s1s FOii IALI 1 liUllS FOil SAL.at. HCIUSIS ,~SAL~/ HOUSIS·~!!'l·!=\!:E -·I 1100 Gonerol 1eoo Gwrol llllO-rot•":"""·1*ilo0noral. ·,· 1000,Gwrol ·-o..,~1 '"•'"'"."IOOl~Bl ""»•'.""l .... Gonerol · llOO ---·-----!~~. ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiil.. _ iiiiiiiaJ *' 'MAY: ~· o~ ·1-· --* FOlllST I'.' n::a.-. ...-MA..tl¥.--N.7A+BJA-JTR4Y-.rn.ETJU1W lA.:~!~li*t... .:~,:.:J~~~o::o ~ ,,. READ ·1111s ~ .)• '' or ... I ·--·· mf'ftlil c . Ana Helgh\,I. Good for evHy'thlnr. Huae bedrooml, ..... ..:~ A i i ..,. (~ ......,,.. • • . ''• • Mnes;-or nUJ"Rr')': pouible leXl' bath, dbl attached SU· •'• • 1 • 1 ·"' 1 ,' ~ .. , ~1 ~ ·~) .. 1 .. •,1 • ., " • ~ , ,,_ • ~,. 1.~ to u. for unu, all this tor aze with trailer • boat ac--------~U.....l'-i' ii'.I : A p~GDdna,.,.. ~ISO : ,; · · RLTRS. Fl. N,IR HOMES 1!1.500. eut, ;r you,,.... • <H<I. Alt •lectri< "''"""",,.. · •"' ··•-' , , ~ ~ E ti#_~' door· a9d behold . tl.11 ~.this 2 BR 111 a chann-mom with diahwuher, Nice If you •r• in the m•r1tft. ~ ·• ' · ;,n...._! a 3 bdnri )Some w/SpU. MlnlTS' IE'IJ,EAT IAYPIO~ \-J ' .,. e.r with nice e8t~na: area and · carpet• and dnpn. submit NEW ~om•, ... the .. ·•••t•"'!' ~~~ • en w/b!Mn R/O. ' ONLY $14,7, oo. Stunning, •pacious 5 bedrooro.w!U. roo•' lie. llvtna ... m. your-· to..,.,. ... of · · · lo · •, '•Ill•• Luilt ·hy ' l · ••, .~· '· ,,._.n ~t eo .... "'·5'.M "" 1134.00 per mo, to 1n9, cu• m11a .n • 1111 . ,, .-.,,.,. "P.""' ~~~ ;N """'to ~e l:ie'v'-? Only pier & slip. t197 ,500. Owner wlll finance! · w lk & L 'F•~u• li· Ayru ~·~ Soo, 1~··~·~ ~. ' 'il•'RBOR ISLAND ROAD -$71,llOO ! 114.Tilll!;, d•llahttul ,,,.,. Open Sun . 1014 Polaris Drive, Dover Shores. P/ltJLoWitf: a er ee . J.in • '-""'',,ea 1n C1~tr1l1!f"~"~· 1.~·1 "s1 • ..J'h' :.a..:..:.L.-led _.hft. •• .&do I Malled anm, t~ hllia; . ,, .. ~ ' l ' CABNAB,..n '' The hom11 ,,_, priced ~ frfirq ' Pm ~s. on1111)' un.vra ~mt ·-•. • a11 CJO\e lo rttl 'oef1n.·v~1ed DOVIR SHORES • • • r , , aa&&.TT co. Rr.11ll.or1 S2'1,99Q to .•• ~.4p,'400, an~ vary in '• • walli· o~nri to ~J ·& CQY~tlo .. 3 Bdrm. v..;n:~.~~"t;flil1 . Designed br outstanding San~Frl,IJCi~d arc.l'li· .. St&-~ mo Harbor; Blvd. Rf Allama si1.e from 3 to 7 be~rooMs, _2 an-' den A s@P. diqlp• rtn. Fu.net!.9""•1" floor plan. triee•:>Cl~se ,to .. Othef' •rti&ta. tect. Beautifully decorated. l..4ro ~ ~ith; IO!Q Baker, C.M. ~91 Open ·111 9 PM -. J car g•r•g•s a nd , 2 to 4 lt•ths, , · lJC H1riM>r· lslalld ROid ' 'PJ>en sa,-Sun l·S -A tea.I bRrpln, c.tt~: · exte_Qsive terrace. 3 Bedrooms. larn1l y-room; iwith shake or ·mis•ion til e .,.•of•, . • . """J NEWPO,R:T H.EtGHTS • · ... -...... ,. plann~for.expanriqn. Open Sup. 500'Mom-1• fireplec•1, ,uncfergroun" utilitiet, ·. View-2 ._tory Colonial 'horrif\:.3 & family rm, 36.QP , ~ P;t.,. Pi1 ·~W Lane. • . -,.<, concrttt• cfr iveway1, a ll· l:.w;ttin10 2. th Bt · lf.O N h ls & h ., · N and basic c•rpetin 9. There i1 VA\ 1·' ba s. · d.t·Tm · . ·&· .:!_f1:1C 00 •A 1 !~opg, MAN -· HAJilOR. VIEW HILLS· FHA •ncl Convention-•I fin1nclll.t · ' •' · It rear Y · rai er ...... space . .,.. .~. .. ,. YA 'T , ·· 3 Bedroom home with view of the ocean. Liv~ I bl JOI LI Jolla 1. •• Open Sun 1-5:30 · · erlftl\ ' ina room .. ·.w.ith fireplace, lovely Jarge family ava·i • •· ~. . · Sf*'inl.\9 Tri l4!vel m1111!!ion. e L 4 0•7 · ' ' 1 1'9 8' LINDA. ISLE ~ •135,000 Jo"ORfl.tAt. DINING ROOM, rOOfJ!; almo~t new. 15 ,500. Open ~un. 1 " Qccupancy by AUIUSl ~ . 7 '' P.i•r & slip. Mexican motif expresses . warm ""'"''''"""•room, 1,m11, ;rm~r Way, '' ~ hospitality Jn,S.bdrm & ram rm. Owner Inv-· mom, a arsiclous bedmom•. B~v·~c;>tilT· .. Loi S t' The RANCH-Ayres . J.1~1 , Since 1905 , , " . ,~ .. J.__.lil ,_ ' ........ •t . ~ ' ' Jeflory RMrl & 'Santa ,.,;w,,.,.,,::i 1 • • • ... • l : . -' 71'+838-5136 714'131'51~0 ' . ' ' , ...... . 11 :00,1,.M.,te ····~·"'·" .. . ! ' " ' '1ocll ' WATUNONT WfPrivale pier & 1\91tl i< beach; llli' "°ater ironta11<. Li!Ue 111111111 -~16.0a llllrilicl. ~ BR .. ·3 Ba. R-2. Furnished, $HOJ.OOO · '!° simple -you own the land7SM• .-,. -11~ Al ·Fink ' . ' • .,.. 11' ", UDO ·ISLE TRIPUX:· ' I Nw beach & tQwn - 3 Uni~ Sh9,i{(o~ 0"'.0:, er apt. ·3 bedrooms, 2 baths. fr_pl .. J•e. -patio,, 1 fumish~Alsu 2-2 bed'rooll!. .. f•cellent con· dition. · • )· ,.• ""'''\.1'"-' t.Jify Lou Manon . ....._ ' ""1 1 • " ... _. WARRFROkr _., ·wmt l'RIVAT&SLIP •. - Owiie? Hawau~·boqnd It anx'iou~·. Will corr sider any offer. Very lovely 4 Bl\.,~ 'bath ; oil private, saitdy bNcb with. gooo Swim· ming. 2_.Car iara~e plus unlimited' parting; L.. Slf'p 'for large cr.1.!fser. Priced very low at \ ~.75C). Wllilter Haase . CORON.\ DEL' MA{l...,. mYi Ocean &. b~y view ·from 2 °lots on quiet,' one-- w,aly street4 (jS:xl.56', with older home. -:- can build· z new homel!i or' eltlllnt view home.: Just reduced to S75,000 for quick sate. · .Mary Harvey · . ' HARiOR VIEW . HILLS JtlST LISTEO ·-lmmoc!iJote . 4 BR . ~· lafge fam . J111 . & form al din . rm. -'(k>Pu·· · ~Jar 'tri-level 'Tnoifet Large, w'ell ranilscaped yird + rhlOY extras. A rtr1 buy at tll,NO ijui! Austin . 'OPEN HOUSE-BROADMOOR 2715 WAVECREST, CdM. Open Sat.' 1-5. ~ Pi-ice re<iuced , owner transferred & wants acti.on! 4.BR., 21h Ba ., fam ., rrr,t .. D.R .. 2 1 frplCs.·ocean view·:_ come see! $65,500 : ··M~ Q. Buie . · . FOR THOSE WHO PREF!R · \-· . . A l'RIYATE IEA~H Tbts is an ideal spot to relax. 3 Bclnns .: 3' bilth s. sep. din.' Tm,+ lge. f1mily rm. with wet bar·&: dark rfu. with sink. Badminton. "c.Ourt. doll..houi e & dast: run. $59,500 ..K&thryn Raulstqn ' -BAYSliORES. OPEN so". 1-5 117i BAVSHOR&. Spacious 4 Bdrm.' 3· Ba:, formal din . Enjoy beach Li vi ng w/sandy · beieh steps away; boat facilities. $59,500 •'Harriett• Davies. · . ' " ' !'()OL, V.IEW AND -PRIVATE BEACH Lovel y home on spacious· lo_t: wit~ huae livinlil: room. Extra· la r~e fami ly rm .. ,;eat. ed pool & orchid house. Easy maintenanCe with no ,1?rass to cul, just be?utl ful 1'1'd· ,sc•pin.1?: 3 private beaches. $52,950 · Walter Haa se WESTCLIFF-OPEN SAT. 1·$ • 1 .. nt.ESTEl!LI li:ANE. Be su re to see this 14' BR.~i,~aln. rm. w/frplc .. fonna~ . _,,.~am ~as fountain. Room for 'llblll~ln bad!. $S2,1'0 • _ C.thryn Tennille t I I. • ' • .. . . -·WALK TO THE. BEAC,ff I' , 1 111Uque UJllld• down house; huge L'.R., Ill~ .. ' dbl: rm .. mllr. BR. & IW~ deck up 4 :1 • more BR's It F.R. down, Plus I <!or .car !"~ 1and & aeri breeus. 144,IOO " W. G. SW Comstock ' · ing state. By appt. or. s~e broker ~t #80. Hw.:-e rumpus Mom. 2 chf!ery ''The' la-st 'Jvailible 80' ft. Bayfront lot in Dover tlreplaccs. fnl4!rcom. Stln· .'l!f:;INDA ISLE .-o 1169,300 •w· 1...,.1 . .,,.,.... """"'· -shores .. Will take over 50 rt. bo1t. Asking Just coliipleled New 'Orl•l!JI• style home w/f .yi,.1111. lf!ti> vK""-.f'" $68',500.' bdnni, tan\ r.m + ll(e game rm . Cptd &: ready · naW 54;,..dB, ·· ~ · Linda tsle-51 ft. on water, plans available. for decor~ touch. 2 stain:ases. 1 · · ' · 1 • ~-. ~ .: t . · , #IJIJ Li'!d~ hie Open Sot-Jiun 1·5:.30 . UASE.-OPTION $35,000. I . ; . ,. • BAYCREST GbM .Hl•H ·AREA DOVIR SHORES •. :' ' Ple•tige· atldries for th is spacii>us 3 &: fam Classic Rom.a,n Villa, so exciting & ~ferent. rm·;+·· f6r1nal dining rm . E ncl. Patio entrv F'ahulou~ val~t"H n~ =c~ Everything new. Full of luxury· &; c6mfor~. . • . liri ··i;• B;iy. OJslom ome, au Outstanding'View •4 Large bedrooms fam1-stepdown hvin,g rm . 3 car j[:arage . .,u1,MO. tifully p11.nelled f 11m 11 Y 1 · t d· · H' h '·1tngs 1927 Sa ntiago.. -Open Sat-Sun 1-6:<30 mom , circul1r bar. Two y room , separa e 1n1ng. room., iJt: ce1 . , cheery fireplacK . 4, brd-4 Patios. Open daily. 1806 Antigu~ Way. WESTCL.IFF roo Det-p nlympic pool. AR EX~llent location for quiet fainlly Jiving. Spa-. HI ~rd Rent 'now buy COltONA DEL M . . cious 4 bdrm & 3 bath home. Neer more ex-t.ter. ea.ii no .. ·. · 3 .Bedroom, 2 ~ath ho~e with a never ending ·pensive tiomes. Pool size yard .. S52.500. ".'iew. Extras. 1n~ude ., guest room & bath, llH Nottingham Open Sat-Sun 1-5: 31 LA5.o~03 !!replace paho wt th view. Room for e><J>an· · ..._. .,... ., s1on. All on 1 40 ft. lot. Call for appointment.. LIDO ISL.r.. . 2'l99 .. l~ai~r ~vd:.: ~.:.f. 675·3210. :On Lido Nord~• Over 3000. sq . ft. of Eleiance • 111 Harbor Cl!n!t r DOVER SHORES 1 in bayfront home. Beautiful &: luxurious 4 & .maid's rm w/for.mal dlnin.c_ rm. By ~ppt. · 1 • ,JIL~-LAGOO!f VILLAS ,t..lsure ilving,in. bdrm, 2'ba condo w/ocean vu. Stop1 to pvt. beach or pool. ... '54.500. . NEAR .. .. . ,. ' ·NEWPORT HEiGHTs Well •designed 4· bedroom home overlooking the entire B.ay. Large Hvini room & dining room ; all electric kitchf:n . Ready for immed1· ate occupancy. Call for .app't. CORONA OIL MAR OUPLEX ' BLUE LAGOON VILLAS . 2 Bdrm . .2 ba,co""O JacinJ; flower ')?ardens &: green lawn. Gust. drapes Ii cptng; , $53,500. OFFICE' OPEN, ~UNOAY 10-5,30 , "Our 2St'1 YNr" 4 l•droom ; •. Pool FHA· VA -' $25,950 3 Bed.rooms, 2 baths each -located in beauti- ful area near excellent shopping. sc hools & ocean. Property in excellent condition. $82,500. Call for app't. 642-8235. • WESLE't N:;TAYLOlt. CO!,, RHlton , 211"1 Son JH<iuln Hlllo Road !IE.WPOllT CINTlll. '"-4tll ' ' . ~1000 o .... r.1 546-2313 Ml 717,1 T HE: R!:AL iZ LSTAT£RS MACNAB·IRVINE RNlty Company 901 Do.,.r Dr., Suite 1·20 10IO a.yside Drive'\· • b Newport leach Cieneral 1000 General 0 · I : () B. ,,~!Jf$i.:Y · oL.indq; Jjc~·. -BL PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES · . Now Li,,;., . • ., .:/ Q. Bay & Beach Rlty, Inc. OPEN HOUSE SAt~RDAY & SUNOAY :. O•l ht pr'<O>int. s Bednn, , 1 • L -• • ' t .: 11piit.Jevef •I uii'tlr!lk!vl!'•bly . ,.,_r-r.;1~ . :211Gf,.E. COAST HWY., CdM I · ' • . :i· l"•' c '.' ·~'\jftL~l1le Drive low price ot $.S"/.950. ·i.a:rgi · COrp. ow1ri~.'5"Br.,~ bath 1borfte'faciilg H.iitboi" ,Jamlly rm with we1 bar, EASTBLUFF 4 Br. & !am. rm. Freshly ""'· orated.' c'overed patio. ·$41)000. •• \ .. ' Jsland. J1Cul!t· 6 •sauna. Comp. furn., for iha&: carpets thfooout. 2 r 1n . Jmmed. oc~p. W /dock ........ : ,l,. $200,000 . pl•~ a: loc:al'ed within . ,. ' ' HARIOR VIEW HILLS 5 Br., din. rm. & lam· ily rm. View. Owner moving East. $68,750. Very cooperaljve seller! " · · vr•lklnl: ··di!!~ · ot lhe . n Lind• Isl~ Drive . couhtry club I pool , l4!nni11 New 5 Br .. 5 bath home on lagoon. Marble . cot.irfs " Solf eoursr. seller entry, w~ ,baTl-AMl·F-ld Intercom, .Huge ms tr •nxiouil for quick ulr! ' I B~. has (f?ea!_ll. Cell,;fi:.-own frplc. Large liv .. .Ct · ' · · -~. rlllJ. w/lmlc;t. w{.dock ....... $165,000 IRVINE TER•ACE:Day i<'night viewtif ocean . & bay. 3 BR. ;t den :}•!ff· rm. 3.150 ·'q. rt. ~ \.". l .2f~~ . . 101 Linda Isla Orlvt !i BR, 4 batbsi fam. rm •. Mexican tile flrs ., .exposed beam ceil., cpts,. drps incl. W JPier .. & slip. Excellent -Terms. ...... -.... $135,000 ' ' OccuP.ied-Llnda ,111, Dr. Cust. 6 BR., study, 5 bath home W/! frplcs., circular Sta.irway, .deCorator selected carp. & drapes .................. : ...... : $210,000 w•t•rf~ont Lots No.' 54 : .. E-!.c~.!1~£.. lot.fronting lagoon; with plana .. ~ ... \" -;·'• .......... ·:.: ....... $60,000 No. 41 : L9ng water ·view,. facing Harbor ~s· lafid ;ov/78.2 ft. of fro,ntage. Pia~~ a.vaUa~Je. : No. 88 : Corner Point lot with 118 ft. of· front· age. Long wat~r view. Pl1ns available. ~ ... compl•t• inform•t'-en ether home1 & Jots. c•U : . ': . ' ' ~ ' ' llLL GRUNDY, REALTOR ' 133 Dovor Dr,. Julte':i, N.1. '642-4620 I , ,, . " I -- Open Sat, Sun. 1-5 ~ 1223 Goldenrod t Coron• Del Mir r . . \ ' TWO HOUSES So. of .Hwy. 3 Bit uhfurn. - 2 B~. furn. ~ove-in cond . Ut/7&0. \ CAMEO HIGHLANDS. Truly custom built. Ocean view. 4 BR .• din. rm . home. 2 Frplcs. Spectacular entry! $59,~. CALL ANYTIME , S~f.1161 EvK I First sho\.\•ini! ftrMd-. I moot; 5 bdrm., view I homr. . . " I Cot'111N-N!AlmN:l ==-~· -----111-1u1;:..:..:::JJ G.ner•I General e I.AKE AiiROWH'EAO 0 ,;:::.;::.;::.;;;;:;::.;::,;::.;1:, ;::.;::.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;::,;::,; ss.;oo ·moves . you , i""n 10 OCEANt v11w HOME-formal be11utlful 4 BR, '3 BA In e:icl:IUiive Cameo Shores 1n.:ievel home w/ Rt I ., ......... Sq }'I D" 0 OVl!'r ,,.,......., . , moderi1 Conwnicnce~. Incl ol finest con."ltruction 1n1n• $!'JOOO worlh of new furn with 3 bedrooms, includini & • ·~r11P1•· AllO dilh.._wJU1Mr1 ~rg.,, mRster ·~ile 4 Bed·rm Home (1\s 11.t: bltn v a c .u um , l drf!iising rooin with A~f-M lnter-<.'O(n 111 4!11. rM. Cl.ti!" ~lMn or S48-67b3 full ai.tlfi11i ·w.1h C•n Evitn ·K1ep Your ev~s. -• r·onn11.1 riinlflR: rodm HORSES IOOI' -'----'----'-----wood ""~ Mn ' in Thi B.ck•V•rdl 61/2°/o Loon A. krvl!'ly home in 1lli~'is" bt'autilul combina. 1111 lhnoiat -----ENTER· TAINMENT ' ' HOUSE flXIR·UPPER lmm111cul•te condilion don of -'--'em '---In the ll• GI 1 •nyone c•n ••sum• $84 ~ """' '""'oe w a oan °1 Sll,400·iny. This 11nnu111J -;;. rate IOlln. ' city wilh lhe feel of Irr.es .r. on.. qualities, 4 hup bed-1 d ho-·• I• 1•--·•-. Hom• Beautiful e111t4! • t• HAR801t '""" '"'"'"" ''3 rooms, t .. ·o baths. Cor~( RTOUnds. 4 bdrmr., entry hll" prlvile mRster suite, lot on cul.de-Me. Large1t IOI hRll, cmtrlll Ooor -plan. · iunkr.n livi ng mi, e•tinr in I.n et. Pl1y house for kidl Priml' location. $23,!IW. arr.11 In the big, modern included. ~bject .to . PAY-~ , · ' kilchcn & huge ruml?u1 ments of $152 tolal 116% an. ~:~1i'£LL 2tSS H-.rbor "Rc:Rltoni · rooni . OnJy s yrs old, lhl nual nte. "fl.1eag4!r'·' down ''Our lSth Yeir'' hom4! combiMI many rare f.it~. t&"'..alc;_e· LIDO'S FINEST BUY 673-4400 . ·. ~:,~-;~~~.~~~~ : :~r= ::m• . R.e•l!on .. . End of ti1llnd. 4 Bedrm, 3 $1., J..1-DOLLAR& :::i":!:e ~~ 7i~ e 1Tx't2' Bre~11i.i ftnoril 2790 lfl~ .Bl\-~. it"Aiia~ 1-th, fJO' kit, 1trttt to 1trada. MOVES YOU IN it ! ' • """" ...... ,_ • .....-----<Ji;;n'ilf•9 PM -~ ...... ,.., _, NO DOWN TO G.l;'a= illclr,Dls ·Rear-~ e """"''"" ... ,,. Pl>ol * DRIVE IV·* )Qll tlllifh llealtar NO COSTS NEEOED • Llllnai and Bomb·SheUe.r ,2 "'P'~T''' Gtt•t 6 bedrOoms with 21A 546-tSll . • Jorutt Trtt1 gal~ 1 lJ6 WESTMINSTE1t~ ' W::'"'-5 ~tha, Room for everyone. All Jor·only .i!.!'ioo • 9QS'l'A. MESA ~ ·•-r. · Sepante family room '"Ni!h To I~ -call M&-hn. I Then cart Ull. Chrtrmln& 3 ISTTTli' ··L' h.Otmed ceillni" an4 nuse ~ BR., t \.i blth11; hu1e lam.. "' ~ • r -d lty room. Largl' tree.1hliikd Badt B.,y New Engte.nd rot t\"'PlaCe. Huae mo .er n "' On' ·~ 1-! e'R l"' BA, hrdwd kitchen With loll O( eeling ========= ya . Y wn.000! qe, . ._ N t•-•--,h ,-, Tul FOX CO firs h ke roOt: •'OOd sidlte 11s-ce. 4!ar •-...; ""° ,,,,. " • &: u's!t •brl k hnt 11-IA •P-vb nt the: moont11.in11. t'1LL DOUILI LOT R~AL JORS 17).~l ........ •' ••nm'. llO.'lltl. PRICE 125.'llll. CALL! 2 HOMES ONE LOT w ...... 100·11:r:;· .... c....,. 3 s24,soo v..... s..•• """" ... , Walker & Lee bdrm. 2 beth, dlnlrc nn.. ewner· •1per1te ~'iii"'C'"'ii''c'i,.....~1'1"~m"i;--f----i10111"""r---+" .. ""~-~:."!nO'Jtl, hellmed u.tn ,ldld•n td~ta-tlG>f. ·wrm +·f Y rm. -.-ocDNl'RQN14 aral.e ..: ... ~ .!:'. :::. fa11 eru, Covered -no and Almost DO dew" <;.I. or FHA. OU~LIX 27'llO H•rhor Blvd, at Adama •---p ,,_ l r ~• ~· o " 9 PM t11h0-ppi.... Pfl,MIO W lh an double 1•"'11'.--Prk.'t!d ta aeU lf'l"ml:' Entry hall. hup IAITI· "' Bloc tron\ Bay ,,......,._, pen Ill .... -No f'IMl'(tl fl"OIMrM ll! Uy rm. 'o.,.rsb:f'd 11'1na J'n'I, ~.oon 4 UNITS aaumahle low lntere1;t Joan. 1 M. M. L•IOfltDE, ltlfr. lu-.:urloui1 kilC'~n. !540-17:!0. Gtor1• WU01m1Dn LO DOWN F'HA. Wel11-McC•rdl1, ltltr1. ----~"'" '11)ii1]! TAl!l!LL 2'S_S Hortier RIAL 109' ' ' All ' BR, ;""""' "'1. mo. ,}f~ewport E~."~ I PILOT W•NT AD!J &42-5671 Oiil&al-567& tor RESULTS 67'"'350 '45-1564 Ev11, 1 ~Ai!:';'.:"'.;.'·..'.'~"':'·:.;~:;:~~· --'' .... 11111 ........... .. ·Open Houses THIS WEEKEND. . HOUSES FOR SALE (2 a.clrooml *20181 Cypress, (!'.:ounlY Corridor) Or. Co., 546-5440 -(Sun 1-5) (l Bedroom) **106 Linda isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB ) 842-8235 ' (Sa t & Sun u::~ Rd., Cllffhovf~ari~4sun 12-4) 308 La Jolla (N ewport Heights ) NB ) 644-4910 (Sun 1-5:30 .20~;/0•· Cost~ .. !lle •(sat & sun 2-5 :30) · (3 leclrNm• & f•mily ,er 0.n) **433 Bayside llr., Newport Beach J 642-1235 !Sat & Sun *2006 Tahuna (Irvine Terr.) CdM 642-8472 673-3468 (Sat. 1-5) 1027 Tille; Way (Harbor View Hills ) CdM 642-8235 (Sunday) 170(Port Abbery. Corona de! Mar -"875-3210 (Sunday) ·1206 Pembroke Lane (Westcliff) NB 673-6510 (Sun 1-5) 333 Catalina Newport Heia;hts 673-jj510 ' (Sunday 1-5) 3057 Carob (Eastbluff) NB ) 64m9 rsat & Sun 12-5 724 Malabar, (Irvine Terr.) NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 2-5) 22}5 Aralia (Easlbluff)• NB ) 642-8235 · (Sun 2137 Aralia I Eastblulf) NB 673-3211 (Jl'ri. Sal, Sun 1-5) *2048 Commodore Rd. (Baycrest) NB 646-3255 (SRI & Sun 2-5) 15422 .Baffin Circle. Hu ntington 8j!:ach 846-0604 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1127 Santiago (Baycrest) NB 644-4910 !Sat & Sun 1-5 :30) 134 Harbor Island Rd., Newoo rt Beach 644-4910 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 14 Bedroom ) 716 Cameo Highlands Dr., CdM 675-1662 (Sat 1-5) **11 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 675-3210 (Sat & Sun) 109 Via Ravenna (Lido Isle) NB 675-1662 (Sal & Sun 1·5) 1130 Santiago Or. (Dover Shores ) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) ,#5 Collins Island. Newport Beach 1135-5164 or 673-9043 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 287J Bayshore Dr., Newport Beach . 833-0700; 644-2430 . (Sun 1-5) 149 Via Venezia (Lido Isle) NB 646-3255 (Sal & Sun 1-8) (4 a..lroom & F•mily or Den ) 1430 Gala xy Or. (Dover Shores) NB 846-1550 (open daily ) '*1721 G·alatea, (I rvine Terr.) NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 2-5 :30) 1334 Hampshire Circle (Baycrest) NB 642-5200 (Sunday 1-5) 1330 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores\ NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1606 Antique Way (Dover Shores) NB 675-3210 (Sat & Sun) *4627 Ca mden (Cameo Shores\ CdM 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1507 Luicaln Line (Baycrest) NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1310 Estelle Ln. (Westcliff) NB 833-0700: 644-2430 (Sal 1-5) 2612 Sandpoint Way (Harbor View Hills) CdM, 833-0700 : 644-2430 (Sat 1-5) 2715 Wavecrest. Corona'liel Mar 833-0700; 644-2430 (Sat 1·5)1 10202 Stoneybrook, Huntington Beach 646-0604 · · (Sat & Sun 1-5) 183fi Galaxy, Newport Beach 846-0604 (Sat & Sun l·5) 2515 Windover (Broadmoor, Harbor View Hill s) CdM (Sun 1-5) 1112 Nottingham (Westcliff) .<B . 644-4910 (Sat & Sun 1-5 :30) Cl llotlroom J 656 1 SeRo Via Ci rc , HunUn«ton Beach 842-8568 (Open anytime) 122., Go ldenrod (Broadmoor) CdM _675-1662--(Sat & Sun .1-5) (l llotlroom a '•mlly or 0..) *15311 Golexy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) *1014 Polaris OT. (Dover Shores) 642-8235 (I ledrMml 119--blnda-lsie-{t.inda-lslej·NIB----- 644-4110 (Sat & Sun 1-5:_, *,... ... w...,,,Ht .w ...... ... ·- • ! ' • ! ~AILY PILOT a.I Hous1s FOR SALE Hous1s .. oR IAL• Hous•S' .. oR SAL.1 Hou••• .. oR SAL• HOU••• "oR SALi Hous1s "OR SALi Hous1s P:oR SA£!L E~r&im~~~r~~~·~ .. ~R[:!~L!: 0.-ol lOIO-ol , HIGO 1 Q;;,;;i .. ' 1tll -r.i.. llM Cell ... Portr lllS ·-port ...... I IM C-. •I Mor llM lo-1110"'1 llA L-leMh 1111 . --euow ROoM · ASSU• • 'IPiill"""'iiii:-,...iii-iii"""*l11o1o;i: ....... :--: .... ;;"' '·.-:.'Fl.~TUIJ-.. -L\-~-CAMIO SHous .-.. l __ *_°" __ N_ ,~:.:'=. :. u. I wltll VIEW SJ/• ~I· LOAN , .....,. nlA " v, -. ~ • ._,,, ,_ OPllN SUN. 1.s HOUSE * · o p1,M1 o .t il' V._ alld Nl4)I 3 llodrooin avail, "'W' .-. t "'---4 bdi91.1ionio W llDxBuRY. Great lor 1 Sharp buy • walk to b<h. ! 3 80 Sq, ~.or. CUl1Dm built, • 2 bath ln .el:lab: Calta 2 ba, fam rm. bltnl, ... /W on I& lo'ftb' k>t oa llC'hlded entertaininc 1n this exec. l •-a S. 1 I e $.SS M e ., Pete Ba",irefl f<eaft'I I = ~~.: -...... w.upio .... ~ ~· SJ•;UI. ·...<: Xlnt11pd --type, ....... built 3 BR.. : '""" uv.NNA Sp&< ..... Br, Low dowo t ,;,... 1 w.aa...., -to"'• '"'"·-· · ti .,.,__.....,,._ __ d<!l,,»OQIJ..,,....11.ruoll•J«.. r -•-Mt.-..o-1.t--+. In 0:.: ~. 4 lied--=~--~ N.w,... INclt 1'9t ' . DUPLll( ' :~•;,,.-=.: : Cont..~~1al.;..,,e :I-Sty 4 BR· llca1b ...i pn6•nl6 Irvine Terrace -White Sale $9000 Reduction!! Owner \vants instant sale on this magnili· cent 4 Bedroom, beautifully decorated, view .home. Spacious living • year round swim .. mil)g • immedfate pOssession. Bring deposit check to BUI' Bents. · · Soturdoy or Sunday 2 to 5:30 1n1 Ool1i.. ·unique Custom Home rooms, I boilll pluli lfovO.ln """'· (I) 2 BR, fl) woodtd area 176 "° I 4 Bedroom> PLACE REALT'l 8 ~~ .. ~,_Ith ~::-• .::_-~. ~~y OPEN SAT/SUN. l·S ~ S611.ll'O ,,..So,C...tHwy. • ....., -_...... w. e r .... ~ ' 4521 ORRINGTON, Ideal eHANDYMANSPl'.CIALe i breakfut ua. OwNiaed ...., J39,9:'JO, • ~..,__ for ~ executivee ·CataiN-MMTINiJ 4 UNIT apt., ocean aide of ; pWl/td lam ...... -fire. _ "'.9" MOii.GAN' RIAL TY ~-... to entertam 3 BR 111•1111 h1vy. approx. lr.G }'lh. li'om I pla~'alld-111. -bar. Celt• Melli 1110 IAYCRIST .,._ 671><4:i!I ~ rwm.1 d;n, "'".'pool: • bea<h. Croued 19.000 laat , Lu."~ earpeted ~ J . s.52.000 Full ....-_ beats all ocean \'lew tsl 500 H·~-'-Booch 1-yr. Nds. paint I: cleanup ~ oot. ,. • 33 ~~"ng ""°' --~-Now__. Hol...,11 1211 , · ' · ~·•·-· -or lntu Price 169 "'° < -_. competition for a la?Ze, ..-• •• WILL 'rRJ.oE · ' · ,· in , ....... Pl'!i courtyard. • ,-,:! i·~ qUaii(v home on ' land. $135 MO IUYS ,Come ... tDdai. ' HOME a lllCOMB, Jioo!illlul Fonnat dlntlq: nn, REDUCID«TO SELL " · MISSION REALT'l· '94fl3i . IYu Wais ' Sons . 3 --· ·-Ina nn, • lltdnn, 3 halh ·..,. m CATALINA YOU A NEW FORCED SALE. Trana ..... ~ hudwood l1oiln • ,... "' .... ....._ ..... " ~ Bike .. H ... -•ta1. ...... 4 n HOME • rod. Listing .... rod. -' garaae. L.arp, easy to rent eua~om dtapH. Full kl n es, ichools trom thit charm. ed $7,000. Must sell thi9 2 Bednn with hardwood overlookina 1arse, cov in& vl.ew home. Roomy 3 .If you earn $1.500 a year or v.-eek,! 113 acre, cuan view, II you want . O unlimited storage O elec- tronic oven-• ice maker • built-in color TV's O park adjoiQlng ~our backyard 0 this 3 Bedtoom, view bOihe is yours for the DOl"Ai· nal price of $53,500. Visit ltjarcia Bents. Soturday • Sundey 2 to 5,30 724 IMl•bor Or. Roy J. Word Co. EXCLU~ AGDffS, 1430 GaJuy Drive ... ,l550 (Opeo Daily) floors A aiilde pr, Full patib &: iovety, 'Jow m&lnte BR., 3 baths + .an un111ual LES.S and have 5 or more 2-ttory w / e v • r Y l ht n I · l price aa this 6'.rt:ltandin& ance yard. View today, call hilly rm. Miah( Jease/o~ penons in your family, yoU $.l,000 down. Fantutie hu)' \ ...__ property ts only Sl,j,950. Va-540-1151, ' , · Uon. $48.500. may now quallly under the at $42,000. 49'-4286. • ; Exclusive Uncoln La110 • Livea)lle borne wlth 4 Bedroolll•, formal din· iog ,room, separale family rm. BeauUfully decoraiea by CarutOU & Chattin plus spacious 'garden With farilily orchard is available for immediate sale. See Harry Marcil to make1 offer, asking f77,000. r • Sunday· 1 to 5 1507 Lincoln LMtl, Weatcliff $oronity 1 For the SO(>histicated buyer, an lqlderstated air oC quahty & the tranquil charm of a Ja· panese Garden will enchant you. 4 Bedroom, 3 bath,. family ,room, separale dining room. See Eileen Dinwiddie. Sund1y 1 to S , 1334 H•mpshire Circle * *' * * B•yfront RenS•ls Available Year Round or Summer Contact Mr. Brittingh•m or Mr. Bents * * * * · C..Ompletefy ·Charming Furnished beach home, Newport Shores, $3S_,950. Jo'lorence Mccue. Olli<• Opon S.turdey1 a Sundly1 PETE BARRETT. REAL TY 160S Wntcllff Dr .. N.8. 642-5200 """' !or ,.., ~cllon to-Opon S ..... y 1-5 pm 2121 I. COAST HWY. new FHA Proeram 23.'i !or • Realtors. . - -,.. , ._., 3001 E. Cout Hwy., CdM • 673-3770 home. Paymenu of its:> per C•plalt•ne 1n5 ~ay. Call 5'41). SJ; Horltage If ~H;.;lla..;.j UiilWnity Realty .mesto c.,.... tlol Mor a Mw • Bedroom, 2 Balh Son Juon t11ULTMS REDUCED To $25.!iOO, by !!!!!!!!"'""'""'"""''""'"'"PI mo. tor 360 months (30 ~· --------1 ;;iii!~~~~~~~'\rli~'fij~~~M.11~~=~~5~=~ DUPLEX yean), lncludlnc tues &: VIEW ESTATE • A llT OF TEENY IAR""AIN . 0"''"'· assume &% VA, · lnluran<e. l'ay>bents may be 2 a< .. small ,..u .. bome, ' · . . ,• • . . Spanish.,.charriier. 2 BR. cor Best bu.y SOunt OF nu; J~ 'dependlnc on your in. '14 yr. old, 2 br .. 2 N., : ·.OLD SPAIN · ClelJl Dltl.t 11• cottafe on* OCEAN,RONT * lot, fncd ratrJ .. 645-1446 if, HIGHWAY! Two units Sep. ·come. Annualpim:entap'in. 'fttlt ;trftill, ·Valley A ocean · Near NE\VPORT'S. BACK a SOxl50 cul de . sac lot -~ATE SALE. «I' Coml!r no ~.642-00~~ ask for Paul arated by a large patio Itta. tertst rate of 2~0 on a view, 164.500. Capistrano BAY ! Custom_ built in the Panelll!d LR • '$16,500 • lO'J~ lot, 3 Bedrma:, 'BA. modern Hemck. A 3-~m r i.bath home $23,900 .mortpae. Valley Realty.-498-lUC Grand Tradlticn with HUGE down. · bome, only 3 yn old, Great SALE or le8J:le: -New 2 br, -spacious livin&: room and ROOMS. PilASSIVE FIRE· ....:7171 ~ail.view• sandy beach: 2 ba, fam., bltins. '33,900 a fftplace( PLUS a deluxe $400 in cuh is all you need PLACE with buill·in wood-R-2 lot. Attorney says aell! or $270 mo, 213: tie-1400 · 2-bedroom apartment. Excel. 10 move in, which include• box! Authentic SPANISH Tty S65.QllO. All oflen sub. tollect. l~nt rental atta; $:)1,500 and au closing charges. TILE roof, BASDt£NT and ject ID ~ !pproval. Appt. BY OwMr: E'nd of cul de G 0 0 D 'I'Eru!ts AVAIL. ' spacious voorkabop. Adjoin. only. Cill 545.8124 "' sac. 4 BR .2 ba, sprklng ABLE! l mile IIJ>l]'l. the oeff.n it1g •·garden and orchard" ALL FOR Ql,511 pool. Nr schools, llhpnz, • in Huntington Beach Joi avalla~~-Owner will 3 BR. l% BA. dbl hake beach. 548-413& Bkr. n4: 962-1353 carry LOW mtertst loan and . e gar., 11 S BEDROOMS $30,950 -!· New homes ~ NO LOAN fee. SEE NOW! ro01. hup yard. (fenced l•.ucrett 1-• 1 n-e Stardust Ho-· , "'th pi -• ~-· lk & L front &: rear). Quiet street :# .,.,.. -11 -,...., ... com e1cu. near new .__.... Wa er ee wW> <Orbs'.• •i ... wolks. · •ood lloors. Big family Point Harbor"S ~R 2 ha. -BOB OLSON REAL TOR BAYCREST ·n!duced S5000 room and den, Quiet neigh. 1520 aq ft. Ocean views. Reol'°" 546-5111 HARBOR VllW HOMI i.r 4 br, 3 b•, !02.SOJ. Open c I rth ho•hood, aehools near hY. ")lo> loll. 34001 A...ito !Ir. , ~>o43 \Vest.dill Dr. Much IOUlht after "Clnnel" Sat., Sun. ~. 0 eswo y stone fireplace, all elttbic Bldr. 84M905. l 646·m.t . * Ff:_tA 0 .. 1-* model 3 BA. 2 BL, tonnaJ Dover Shores • 1227 ~~1~ ki .. t_:~n~n!er, block Dup'--. --•-•-,-n""n 'til 9:00 Pi.\! Sh cl · dining nn. plus tam. rm. --.. ...., •·-~ ........ oversized .... 1 ..,. ..,. , .. ,.a "l"" atl>, ean, . , frplc., & Co d"'-· t' 58' C;' _::.;.;_;; ___ ..._ I F • lo 1y · LUXURIOUS Jnlerlors by -"' 1NIQUE.SCENIC* • ~ gor.. ""''"' •" ~ ve rmiitl.! •• u111e. Only llf~ OCEAN FRONT A HOME $26,EA R-2 lot. Vacant, leadlne .deoon.tor! Profeu. Uhri.Jall!d · V\e\v ot Bay I: REALTOR loan. Oupl ~ of 25tb St chive by 1903 Oranc_e Ave. lndscpd. Choice loC' •• dole Mtn1. \\'/privacy. Sp&ciou!I, Ne\vport Beach Offiee If c.on!~r~. Apnt (TW) LOCKHART REAL TY to Swim Cub I: Park. Qual.. nearly new "Old World" 1028 Bayside Driv• W 3llS. IN THE HIGHLANDS """'!. 511-""I, ..,,_ •~·"'"""'·TOO NUMER. Conlempora>'Y w/ '°"'' " GT',...., ffl.4471 t:J MMlll RENTALS , ,t , * TRIPLEX *' ous TO LIST, Call .... !or atrium. s B"• expand•ble, p ..L.ctiO' P'··-Acres of rolling hills aur· details, lmmed .. occupancy. 5000 sq tt • .f.~li ba, hi-cell· enw n Ria ti"'" ------Heulff Fumlshell : round this truly exquillte 14 Ow':' ... "~-~lNOWp finance 'Thil is a MUST SEE! $43,500 tnp, 4 ·car pr. U78,000 In oliir,orlt.t4'.:<T ft-..... -. ' -K &drm customiied home, -. ~ ! •·Red Hiii Rulty furn. wm take· small house 3 Spacious Bednm, indoor -· ,._ t - ol -·~ -~ ""· Pli<e • S35 950 Univ. Park Cenler, Il'Vine or V.Caot land area. ~--r Harbor View HIUs p1o b' bl · "-la ---------· _ ... .....,. Call Patrick wood 545-2300 vwiio:: m 111&, tins, un:p ce BACHELOR 'AD )'irdl. fWb' ~.AIR HI H Call Anytime 133.()839 541-7249. Imqine the view of twink· I: ·xlnt location for tchools $75 Util pd. ~apt unens , Coplllrone lo•ch l7JI OCEAN VIEW. '3 ..... ;..... I frpl., \\'et bar, JS50 ... ft .• PallSldmi, $35.000, 496-28l2 \ 17411 Dana Point CONl>fnc:lflNG and' Jnall)' • B •ven,. Rltr. APPROX. % acre lot, S BR, Jing harbor light! and-the I: •bopplnc ~ "'&lk to ,the furn. avail now. Brolier lOOI more custom_ features. VA/~ E. Coast, Cd." 67l-3211 Truly GrKleul•"'lvlnt 4 BA. HIS pool,. immed. plea.sureotyourownprivate world'• finest beach. Only ~. • J-;:;,;;· ;;;;·-;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;; FHA financing to iWt any 3 BR, 2 BA. Patio, Dbl. Extra • l~ eeparate ). oC .• $81,500 Onr. 64z:.s&l.I walll!d patio and shimmer· $20,950. Xlnt tenns? HANDYMAN'S DEUGHT t General I• Gener•I 11 • pocketbook. Beautiful Moun. gar $26.000. Take over story condominium unit, ls. ing pool, all eet in low main. P•clflc Shorn· R~_alty $l.SO 3 BR yd, pr, avail ' SPECIAL Priced Rightl tain Vi'w lot,·ALL tor only S~c;::, loan. "2-0398. m&mrsuite w/elepntbath, Unlveraltv "Pirk 1237 tenance aum>undings. Mt-1586 -, " """894 now. <hild •~ pet ok, ••-. ( _., Charming home: for largP,: $.13,950. 833-5423. Ir. 2nd bnn. ·w/,ood aiu Plus ~~ .. ~-SELECTION family, 4 king·size BR's, CO"TS FIXER UPPER-t BR.li bath, di~nc rm., tr. livinc OL'E A 1pacious 2 Bedroom con---'--="''=' ===~-large closets. .f, years Old.-13> ~ BA E .... C ,1 n..:-rm. w/fiteplace 11m oWce vertible den home that is PRESTIGE AREA REDECORATED The "'inQer in Dover Shore~ Consider trade. Good fine.· & • · .11""' ·•• ·. '4Wlll atui an Jectri ii' bUui..tM 3· 0 \V N ER TRANSFERRED spoUeas, Call U! aOOut thii $2j0 3 BR Ince yd • i is this 4 Bedroom, 3 bath. cau evei; 612-2237 · ·wALLACE ~~ fin. F 0 rt 1 n Co. pri~te;!tios, :00. a: emtt. TO SPAIN. Better ttan neW outstandinc property. Only \Valk to beach. 4 Bedrm, fun many extru tam \\'eiOC:' ~ Vie1v home. You micy-dect E•stsi..1-S-ial REALTORS · tainment area wrtth 8-'D n. I.: only 4 mos. old: 3 BR. 2 $67.900. nn., l% ba. Sell GI or FllA. Bia 5341980 . -to ha rd · d -~-( By 3 BR 2' ha ~. ha G'""EN KITCHE:-..• Need quick aale! . ' \ ve your ga en •n oors, Custom built 3 BR. 2 Bu. -~54,., .. 41t1-owner, • • beautifully ~ped, car. · ~ ••~. Call 673-Ci.iO M'l"501 l!.."ves: 642-M2? OCEANFRONT ~ in ~he spacious 1vbite bricked Xtra lge Jivin,g rm .. walk (n-.n Eve·l-s) 1<0rne6r.,,.1o!:,.. t7o~ i~~re..!.~ .. GI pet & drapes. You will con. sep. ,Iami]y n:n .. beautifully -· 1 1 $100 Ulil pd. Bach •Pt Avall 'Ii atrium with soaring 14' high to sl10ps, dble pt·age. \\'ill ~ .... ,. oan ~o, ....,, N • ...,....~ 11jder it 'very reasonably paneled, Cho1ce loc.; pro-..... 111 I ; now Bia SM-6911J. .J; :lky. Jight or ootdoors thru sell FHA-VA terms.,~ priced when you ltt it Call 1ess. Jndscpd, lmmed. ·occu.i1 •• {n1 j f 0 J;.••••• U. a;Liding gla~s walls oI a CUI evei;: ~!i-13'.6769 PARTY PALACE P•int C.ould 09 Wondo .owner after cat •989s. pan$<!.~ C.JI tor details. 1--•!!!!!! !!! •f'..it. 19.l•• • • Rent•la,te Sh•re . 2G05 , ..;zaciuc.S liui!!•" room 'viU1 ~ BR + 2 BR . rs ~ ; 15•· ,. Ente11ai11. in elegance in the OCEAN ua..u I . pinol.11mic vie\v. Luxurious-on on_c lot \vi.lb gai·a;;cs. A FORAfAL DINING ROOM Needs so!l'e "'!pets, too, but :-1c.n • Red HHI RHlty * Ol'IN SAT 1 i I SHARE ?i!y e le1ant 3, Jy carpeted. draped & waU· real buy "ith gooCI fine. \\ith R00.IA.~TIC VIE\V er you!' bid .nu~ht lake it. Immaculate, ~ J&rae Univ. Park Center, lrvinP • • * M REDITH G,A~DE~S waterfront home w/dock. papc11!d. Youn for the wi n-C:il! evl's: 543-6769 th!' FIREPLACE, spacious Great l~tion 1n ~tea v_er. 2720 1q ft modem home, Call AJiytllQe B3J.0120 1 716 C.ff , 3!052 Colgate Circle J.lan. 30--60 yn. $150 mo. rling ticket or $89,000. Finest Newport Beach SEPARATE :E'A~ilLY de. ~ , Fam/d:tn. Quiet, only21otstoooean.5Batha, ' ' ' [ Hun~n Beach 61:>-4331. S Roy J. Ward Co. CONDO -The Blutts, 3 BR, ROOM., BreaJdast area in deade~ sti;;et. 0 "Y ner s 4 ~s.,le@ ltv roo.m, Up.. 2 BR. & DIN ~ Hit.._. Dr. 4 Br. S~t Level House Sep. \VILL 1hare my lovely RHltors ~1,~ Ba. Hu~ Jiv rm&. din t~ ULTRA MODER.!~ kit· price is $2!,500. See It· then atairs mttin&' "'· R-2 lat. SJianish aty)!o; SEPARATE r .arate dm. rm., fam. rm ... Blufls" hom•. NB, j Baycrest Office l'O'.I. Overlooking "g-i'een-chen. 4 queen-sized, bed· let us bear Youn PRICE. 4th BR bu be@n converted home for the small family. I Corona Del l'ttar $40,000. No money down to w/ttfined woman. All priw • bel " Aski $-'3;500 room~. 2 elegant baths. Huee &541-SllO ~ lovely bachelor apt Out-, Lndlcpd, tor minimum up.. I retpOMible party, Immed. inc 6#-0369 • 1430 Galaxy Orive,.N.B. t · n1 • · IMPRESSIVE e-· ball. , __ . -aide entry,, ,,,,_k, M... keep. Beatn ttili...,.., dbl. I :C BR. w/view447,950 occupancy. P. D, Colburn, I"=· =,..,..,----::--0 ~1550 Call eves: 612-D185 .... 3 be ''&" ~ 644-4321 ?rllDDLE-Aae man w/I yr; J Lach Rlty Really different at $34,rol> • GE~~ seen. Appt onJy. '69,500 -tr;lc., · Mt bu; tile '°°'· ' olrl IOl1 will .fhare their 3 ' . enmyer excellent terms! , Mlllilt ~~. ~. CoutRNI Realistically -prictd w/very -COfttMN·MMn'INjJ 51!~ AS ~UAIE _, $159 bnn hOme N.W. Colta J Coll P k 't>ffiee 646-39'18 O?' 54iJ.3·183 w lk & L -=-IAR' ·iood tenn, avail. 111 ... , !_ IDOllthly payments or Mesa. 546--2160. 1i ege ar a er ee -5 BDRMS.BEACffFRONT 101 PETTIT, Rooh0< · _ ttllnan<e. Super dean, 3 i HARBOR LIGHTS · -· 0.1 Mor 1105 XI.NT INCOME "SINCE 1918" IRVINI TERRACE BR. 2 ha. fam.<lin'r rm. Coati Moio 2100 ~ $26,950 Phis the serene vie1v of sail .Realtpl' __,,_. Summer rentals will cover · US.0101 3 Bdrml. 2 Balhl. Pool, c;ar.. All extras, o wner --iS EXCITING corner location ·boats sailing in and out of 20-!3 \VestdUf DI'. FOR Sale by owner, xlnt your loan paymenta I you A'M'N. SPECULATORS! By peted I: comp, furnished. '1if/MT425 3 BRM. washer $20I) mo. j with decorative block \Vall, ~ul ~ewporl Bay.~ , 6,46-ml . loc, c1oM 1o schooll, 4 &a can own a 5 BJt beachfront owner .. 3 BR, ·2 BA, cptl, Existing tra.J_isfe1Table 6%"-~DITH Gardens, S BR, 20jO Republic f.ve. C.~f. ,f Famous .;T:.Q" Dike & Cole. Living Rm .. forn_ia! dmma: Open tll 9:00 P1'1 or 3 a den, 1" BA.' qpta. home for free. Completely drps, fJll, blt·inll •. dahwahr. loan. Full pnce -$47,500, 3 ba, din, nn, lam, nn, 646--0304 J grove Awa.ref Winner. Call rm. large F8.ln.·B~ rm . ..,BEST BIACH BUYS drpa. bJtns, fr;l!'lc, fani din fum ... Xlnt cond, pe.rldn& Planned comm. w/compt ca:..de-aac cptl,. drps, abut-CUTE, quiet, cool cotz. Mp! ~ row _ these are ""Sl'c.l'<&.j-._,wl;;;.;;>th wet bar:. Beautiful B/I 2.6r Muse, IW •• , • $22,950! rm, cov patio,' dlcmndn. .area included. THIS ,JS recreation I act• , for f!lf~ lee. patio. Owner, furn, 1 BR, utll., lndry. t Extra shal'P thruout! . . ove~loo1UJ1g ~rotected Dupiex 2 br each •• $43,000 lawn, spmlder lrnUrear, ~E~Y A BU¥r~ children I: ad!U. Prin only. 963-l460. No dOgs. 170 Del Mar, $130. ~ EXCLUSIVE WITH: brick patio \Vlth ~isli pond Dlx. home 3 °br 2¥.: ba $43,000 very clean, well kept. $58.000. Call. YG\;lt locU $26,250. firm. Attr ~nns. FRANOSCAN Foun1A.in1. By --\ and loads of tropic~ flow. 4 Furn Units ••..••• , $56.000 545-7090 broker or Mr. Hollingshead 833--044S, 3-7 PM only 315 MAB.INF;. AYE. 673-6900 ownr, 6%% FHA, $44,950. Newport l••c:h 2211 ~ t4•wport ers. Thr"ee ~· 2~ ba:th * oCEA.,.FRONn *BY owner-Lovely 3 bnn, 2 ~Glendale Prop.ertie•'i BALBOA ISLAND $8500 dn w/2d TD Xtru: -~------ at . huge mas.lei Bdrm suite R-2 Lot 30'x85' •...•• S4S.OOO ba. fam rm, drps , & aha& 1244-7292. lack I~!__ 1240 8.f2..8566. YEAR Lease • 3 Bedroom. complete with Roman tub. 3 Br. hon1e, R.-2 •••• S49,9:i0 erpt thruout. l\taDy xtns. ~PEN ~t. I: sun. 12-5 .. No. UNEXCELLED VIEW 6~ VA pmt $211. 4 BR 3 bath, den, extra room Fairview ~arage oft aJley + a<ldi· Dllplex 4 & 2 Br •••• $59,fJOO Beautifully landsCaped. a ,Colh.ns Island. SpaCJOUI NOT A' of Harbor It ~an. Attr. 2 ba, LR, DR, groovy ·fam, off palio, dbl 1ara1e, '46-111 J lional boat or ~er storage 3 Furn. units • •• • •••• $82.500 Covered patio, dbl 1araa:e 2-story . French. Rei!ncy To a Vet, no closing cosU:. split teYel home on R-3, 5100 nn \V/frpl. Nr. b ch. garden mtnc on Gr before : space. °!'.OP ne1ghborhoocl • WATERFRONTS w/boat door I: &lab. $20,000 overlookiftl turnint b9t111. • Lo\v down HIA., CU!iom, llCJ, ft. lot, Ideal tor 4 Apt. 962-8732 July 15 • $350 per mo. ;. (1nytime) top quality. top value . Only '/PIER & FLOATS assumable F11A at S"-% b' North ~ay. 4 bnn, 3% bathl qual, bit. 2200 Sq, ft. house. unitii. $22a,OOO. 2501 Ocean PACTFJC Sands • 3 bnn \\'rite 4034 Leland Rd., $72,SOO. $127 mo 9ii.'i· Juniper 0 I: a livlnc room as tarp 2 BR. I: den, cathedral ceil. Bl d CdM 8 ,. nly Louisville, Ky. 40207. I"""!'~!"'"'!~~~!!!' i M. M. L•BORDE, Rltr. Balboa Coves l hr 2 ti& $79,fJOO ~ · as all outdoon. Small awhn· tnrs. massive stone frplc., v "' · Y •PP<; 0 • $19,500 Sharp. 8341 i turuter UNUSUAL_ contemp 3 bnn .. ,";RAISE A GARDEN" 646.0553 Res: 673-6ll6 Npt. Isl 2 I: dP.n 3 ba.$80,000 . •~-·1 ,_, -mine pool, pte.r, A :111p. 34x24 L.R. $38,000. S:':!!ru~yN:':!~~ Dr. 213/~1761' or 536-7511 pool, lfdnr, $390/mo. Yr ' BR I Dbl REDUCED $10.000! 4 Brm. ..,.,1 Y rm. w,,,i ... ,.. $237,500. By owner. 135-5164 334 Del Mar (Unlveraity Dr.) r ., -~ I A il 1/10 "" -• isc. gar on TOTAL PAYMENT Dix duplex NO\V $75,000 thruou.L OwDer muA Jeaw or by a.PPo1nhne-nt 6TM043 642-1212 Ch. vner/ ... nt I "''""'""'"""'""'"""'"""""'I Feunt•in V•lley 1410 ease. va. ' • _,iN R2 lot 5ardJo land. Be va· $127.00, PER MONTH 9 "" baylront home $125.000 .,..., AakilW 13hl00. Al ======== OCEAN VIEW * OCEANFRONT-411r ~s:--· J~ly 1 1· 1''ru ~ Rea! sharp 3 beProom home, BALBOA BAY PROP. V 5'~ or St6-flM. ' oc·EAN.....tl'RONT Eaatllluff 1242 from thll attractive small OWNER.4br, 2 ha. tarn. rm. house, front yrd, $3DO m::i. ·~ 'to:-<: nee s cw ng care luxurious bath. 7 re 5 h I y 2309 \V Billboa, NB 673-7420 _ _ _ .. _ ____ home. Professionally decor· Large nnr. Nice yd, patio, yrly. 673-tllSS. ~~~~ri~~· N~6!! ~· B~us; painted in and out. FHA · . · Me1e Verde ·1110 DUPLEX $51,500 ,OREVER VIEW ated. Completely cbannlng. See it-You'll love II! SA H&ts Joan or $15.400 at 5%.% ~ Golf CourH Are• -·. Just a few atepe ~ beach. 200• ~c view from Only $46,500. Priced to sell· $30,950 ;'ri~~c :~~. u;_~ of apP ~:-1 lnterest rate. You can't Luge Cal/Ranch 1 &tory DREXM HOME 2 ~L~S3 BR, WJth fam. this lal'le 3 brm, 3 ba home VOGEL CO. RLTRS 10243 NIGIITINGALE $26,475 at 6% l n t . uo:at it! separate service home with 40' 1orig,_rumpus . nn. l·Bt. A hi.. ~st in F.utbluH. Jncludes 26'x 2667 E. Coast Hwy, Cdi'I Good Location 963-145'1 Assumable CMh to Loan or area, Dbl. garage. Forced or billiard rm Wide 130• Cozy warm interior. Lott of rm. Xlnt condition A bar-15, I.aml.ly rm. with bQl.Jt.ift ====·'=~====::: IBY OWNER . 4 br, 2 ba, 1,i down &: owz;ier will CaJTY air heat. ~pletely ~· deep lot -pteiri;y of room house in friendly nei&hbor· pin, ~helves, cabinets a wet 1630 aq . ft. Sprinlden: front 2l'1d TD. Nr orange Cty Deep -pile carpet!! with for pool Fre.h paint I pa. hOod. bar. Uptraded sbac carpets l•llMNi Penlnsvle 1JOD I-ftV. Fam. rm. $31,500. Airport. J unils-2 BR each ma~lng drapes. New;tmm per. m ;:Dt or best offer! For S.ie by Own.et and proleuionally Jandscap. Auume 7~1?f VA loan. Eoat · Bluff :na .. -~---~~~ For Leue: Aus Ctb-Jan 2nd. ~ 4 BR, 3 BA, lg detached ~ ' dy, sundeck', J& yd, view of • Back Bay, nr beacbe1 Ii ten. nis club. tdeal tor ·'tamuy. U50 mo, util'a incl PH: 64~2239 Oft, * acre. Good loan, •PP wavailalblke. CALL& L &..... $27 IOO ed. with concrete work tn w. hy W•terfront =96J.="=';;'====== $27.480. Private Puty, Good a er ee ---I !!!!!!!!~c;··~··~5;i'~-;~!!!i!1l~~f~;~~~ ..... " rear ·-· Price BeautiluJ. newly ........ BR ~es~~~!.~~:-= Realtors ..l!lfA!;TYI• IY OWNER LARGBay fve B~~ 41!.~· $49:.,.:JJl;.~b·:i,~9· ~a=r~·ip~~;t:~· BWYoiOlmlVN_~nE.!~:_nl ..... r:'1 : Coron• del Mair 545-2200. 2i90 Harbor .Blvd. at ..<dama ,. Custom built, 4 bedrm, fam. Din~ R~. M'~t. lBit IHI Grundy, Re•ltor school. 2 at':"~·vbrm:-hol.t&e. HARBOR ' v1aw HILLS 911 HOMES 564l&i 0peo 'lil 9 PM VACAl(T Uy room, 2 big Oreplaceo. to oceao, \I Blk to Bay II Tore 1244 833 Dov"' Dr .. ll.B,,W-4620 Covpatio.133,900. 6871Hood EXECUTIVE HOME Lilted \\'ilhln the put JQ'dQI Thia ~auttful home o\o'er-I: Newport.Y11Cht Cub. Plus ::.;...;.;;..;,. ____ ..c-· Dr. 892-Q02, FOR await'°"' INpec:t\on. W•• L.IDO WATlllP:RONT COWGE PARK 1oob tha 17th !airway al pevtd Jt-2 'lot lor porkinr. CUST016 RANCH • LEASE ""'' your -.. -or APTl • .m LIDO MORO 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath. tarp tiv· -Verde Golf Courwe. 171.:!00. F RA l'.f K MAR-Ho~ hoyseeBam LIM "lo l351 ~-INch 1705 4 BedroomA 3 Batha lo<atloft,,.. have tha RIGHT NOW RIDUCED TO Ina "'°"" ... .,, '""'• rool, 1% .......... loan. """ !IW.L F.EALT'l.sr..-, Art. GT'>'.'~~. OECORATOR'S 1~;;;;: .. ;.;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. And v~w lfOME for your family. 11 $160--Xtnt T.,.,.. doUble car pragt, bee.~I JIN& Rd. 54M095, "2,900. FOR Sale or lea1e 'lrVlne Terr•c• 1245 HOME BEST liACH IUYI =::: ~ '411 flawn't got it, it'a not G Bea~llful mdts. & Car ... rear yard tor the family. SPACIOUS LIVING w/opt.-Beaut., 2 bnn, 2 ba, ---":'--Beautifully-dont. S 8drms.. Four 2-BR. units onJy l block IricludH Utilltk-9 i ilable? raaes .\ utwty rOom, wilt! FHA/VA tenns. S29JOO. Open HOUie 3 er, 2 ba. din,. trplc, patio in Bl¥Jide, VIEW ....., Reduction Family rm. Xlnt street to' tii beach l parks. Priva~ And Gardener, a Iker & Lee SO It. frontlog oa •xoelleol 546-UU nn '"'1e. T\1% FHA Good Viliag< (pool ' bea<h) ·•~ 1tttel <l ft. lot. ' patios, Bnul. throoot. CAIL malllO awimming beach. Units ue tchooli .. loc. 3321 Calltor. $13,500 vac.! Must sell. 1121 Galate1 $98,500 7SX12.0 Lot. $12S,500 Rcultora n~·ly tumished. nia St. $33500 Owner Sacr. tor CUil. Adult1,1no SpacloQa4Bed:rm,dinint:rrn. LIDO REALTY INC. Open Slt./SUn.1-5 7682 Edinger Bill Grundy, Realtor 551-6608. ' · ' pets. Open hall~. No. SS. pool. Open dally 1 to 5. 33.17 Via Udo 673-7300 324 Allter, Laguna Beach 45:'i G4Q.jW0 833 Dover Dr .• N.B. 6424920 3 BR condo._ pool, clbhae 6?>-421.C. -P9te a.rrett ltNlty 45' LOT $j.2,500 IRVINI TERRACI MonOeello no 8-kline 2 llST IUY llAYClllST !~~!'42-1211!!!!!~~!!! N•at, ..,,, 3 br. bit-Ins. b1Q Oc Coll I: all achl.!, Beaut. landlcaped all elec, ~r. 675-2643 or G'f.126.5. lrond New Ll1tl"1 '"""""""" alld lutil,y room City Hall. Owner "'°" 4 BR, 3 11o_....-home on · Price Reduced Vacant -beine ftdecoratal. • new appliances ... m:rre-in l /22-21 dally l-5 7-1 Aa Jae fee tot Center island ~· .. ,.,., 1ZSO LARGE LIDO LOT for \Ulck Nie Excellent 4 I family nn at O)tdltion ~. ~--heatad JI SJJ,(l(M), ' , kit~: suPrr muter BR' BR.OADUOOR HARBOR Gtx88' 206 Via Lotta. TmnL to-$33,500 only $2;,950 on VA no do,.. pool. !11.175 • --IHtt l'OR SALE BY OW1!EJI. familY. 179.SOJ. 60-7131 VJEW (n4) ~ 346-32!!6. IR & FAMILY OE LAN CY REAL ESTATE '1'1 Ir ll I' Fil ~ I:;.;]',\ i I ]· ~I I LW. l1lo . USI _ ....... ___ _ WATERFRONT 4 Bedrm. pier I< allp, lllOO -· Auaust $2000. 2Ul934-mt or t'IMstT. c ramily home in No. or Fl:l4 tel'm$. Jn qultt C. UleallT IM'U 8 _._ Jmmtd poaa 4 BR. I& tam CLIFFHAVEN..(.'harmlq,-Xlnt view, lg tot, 4 BR. a.n... fsl•nd 1w· ta J.le&a with all bll·U. North c.i f. location-hun7! UlhHI, ftM'Ull rm, many xtras. Rul& 3 brm, 2 t.. Quiet S be., IOOd finucinr. 2.i15 ---·----, ~ -"~' .... 1~~~ -nlrSI loca w1~-, Cd>! -• ~.. * llACH COTT' AGI-' SPACIOUS Lido -on 2 uding \\'ater conditioner. 541·SllO ~,,,.,_ ... ••190• ne ... uui-uuuu, "'" • ,_,v" • ~ ........ ;;Nl1 2IZI I . COAST HWY. Iota w/JIOlrl .f. br 3 ba k Pos!i. At.wmef'.xistq: fMarcil*'a~ &Q.6472 t.'Ves. l73-346l o1 BR.'\t. home in l\Iesa .Verde Uon. nr. schools. J...c. trees l-5 Good loci ONtr 2 Br. + (.,....• .. M•r tam nn ·July A_ Aue'. .. ~J-~~~t~~~'R~Ji~g"~N~,,~~~.ooo~-t~n"°~1~w·~·~=~'?'-Lf~"°:,:::=a~=:~:~:~:~!~1!130~~w:.!eo..!""!!t!H!"!"-!""!!!!'I :.n;· ~:"° ..JJ:, ~ on;:::~~~: s~":!o3 ~~?~L!~~ ~\~~n~ ~~2 {: ,n.mt. :.m-s;<=;'0::'·======I Did you ever thbdc of ~"';~;i•·Jiii<ii'=iNi1iOij;iii;r=b m.ooo. t-Blk:, ocean • haf liv'1 nn, Sepvall! din'a nn, room ror one nlOl-e. Priced_l ,N•i:wtlll!lllVhl-te"waB!ter.,view""''"hoo>e""'', I hlbea ltt.M UIS SUN NEVER SETS on o Wbttr&ptian in ~W. boa .. -encl paUo,·Pool iu;.J91. to ~AN'"ROCTY-...a-!•sfi»11·C:1ii1;;)·4;;;;;:;:;:~~~;:;~~;1-~-t- lt's really not that bttd the attic for IOmetbins )'OU town. The DAILY PILOT Qwner/Azent 642-1212 Immaculate. Owntr67"".J-5.l07. 673-6642 67~ rm, Plt.YfOOm, tn <Wta WINTEk reiitiJ .. Chiriiiirii t illed'1 aclk.11\, power. 10 1'eplace. Just \valch aw can ue? 1'17 the Traden OuaUitd teetlon. Sav·f! TOR Sale. Wamiront lot 4. BR ~-bath. with OCNn :::;:::,:,:_ ___ ...:c.:= ruee. ~ &: cpt'a. 3 :-~· .,S: mo. Jn. ,,, .ad lo sr.JI around f1,1rni11m1 I mllcellaneout money, time A cflort tw ~ Dr. P It S view. Decon.ted and f'UUy Tum those While El1ptiantl B&Janl"lll llO'ffi'· $27,tl). qu at -· columns tn tilt ,etauweil Paradl1e column in U. Dal· •hop pi 111 hm )'QUI' privilep. iO'x122' Faces landscaped. '58,IOO. Owner I Into cub Uuu • DID1 PDot lK down. 10$4 Norla St. THI: QUIOUal YOU CALL. "doclc. dial ~lL -bo Pllol Want -armchair. Unda IJle, M4-ll57 n•, ~or~ Dlme-1-lln< adll -.. -· 111£ QU10CDt YOU SILL ... ~ \' j I 'I • . . • '¥.N~ull;ILGT '. :: 1··~NTAts '~:"~26.~;~~.:.:~" "~~;.·::.· '. , •• ~ ... -':·· .Mw UMTAU . "~LI 11,;.AL• ......... t.~iwal~ _H~H OMurnl1~ """,_ • . ...... r........... ... ,~ _Ar.!!;, ..... ~ I ' M'i ,,...~ U""'"J!!',ml • u•ml ... , Hun~"'~-1o1ch '400 0 ... ,.1 . · -. .....,~, , , ~•OT~ iij '";' ... 1 .. ,1.i , • N"l!'! 11::::1:. :?' "="""' -• c-. MMe · 11• c.-. ., Mar IW i .:;o vRs ........ ,, ,,... oN .iSLANo ,;;:;;;HUN. :D1Ri6sz10.F· .. S.: 'L*I !! .H"iiiii : .~ -~ ~~ •B¢..;,.,..,c1nn.,., •!U.21111.loUPLSX• """~ 1"'· on ""k IOI, 1"10 New 2 BR "" oundk, , , "' 'l 1f ftV ' , ' l'f· Uuh>, .. 11'11-~ Cpts. dl1e. hlllll, encl pr, ~~7i.1 per mo., 00 pels. R/0, ref. Child or i{et OK. _ ' , ' ' ''."' a ... JOe 1140. ~: STJ..HO. . ...Jll'oMW3Jd191lO--'N ~.1,11 •Di•" t •iili. """-''!"'· ..., .... ' iiiiit_2 bolha. ~-3 e~ ! BA Model home. $90 J4 1 BR apt, gar.,. ·~ L;l;.l·~-D_I_ .. ._ .. -ftti a--erapes. SUI. • b-·Ut-hw. OiO, ltue. Iii ~ Av.aillhle Alli:'. 1. !181 &: ~'IUiher' hciokup. ~..,..ii A A~·-· mTll ... :aM ••. Onita-Aw. ' -, Iris, 61$.SUI. Adams. HB 962-0123 711. Broker 5.1~. Wlllf"UIUILUI !Ull ,.. ,ll"'lt j 6 JJW, tlN .-V, drpl, , •a•, 11 _ *• 1 11, 5'1 I v.~;;.-it ... 1111 2'GI 1140 i BR ,.. ''°"''" ..,, * Owner's 01 •Thounndl Of Apia u;e e..JUlfi: . ~ .. -··· l1Jtl. Ctnt.r .. ,_ .... _____ .__ 1----==--· !ncd for tot & pcL , , , ' • • St. ~ 1 !..AKE Arro1.vhead: N e w Blui! Bt1tcon, Bkr. 6t>-Otll / 1'ftll9 u I .. J ~ $W 2 IWnJ'. Crpte, drpc, 1:15 Yrly J llR upper, oce4n-f p1.,b A-framo, 3_BR 2 bo. Sl6S ,3 J)!t.lif't "I>P."'· 4 •.New _.....,. 'BO$)b Pulllifhld IVW7 nslay ' • .,.. 111~ Adtllls, "'I ..... •f)>oot. ~·w ept/pnt. I !rpl, TV, + studin apt. DJ yd klds A pttl Y.'!lcOme. • ,· fr ' R'"1 Pl.lDt Dr. 5'i.Ollo I ul!S-S13ii> ..... i:o' -==-== 1 ,,i, !rpm lili, pnv '""'"" e1ui eea&n 8'r 64$.0111 * COmj>I&~ ~et ~ptlqlll lncludtd • · £ii '1 ii: iftui ;;.,,i;,., L~ ltli · '"I I ' S\\'mnz. Rate (I e x i . • r I • • hl;jo. enc w., bltnL No .. I • ~ 11 2.\31~. . ColtO' Mu. 1 •. , ... , ·*.Apia· Chec:~ed F.~.AviilabiUty. Btt• l>tta PrteilllM d>ldm. jllti. 1135. -.1112 · .u • • ; .. '• .. • 2 ~ 1 "" apt. JJN' ~ I 8~~ ::::;, v:17ns.nlu4~:;: -~· '~ itvrt ~~~~-·;_ .. ~.y9u tliM, -..,; ...,,.,.. 't:n~=·~ct.z:r.: .~~· Yrty sa;, S40 wknd, soo \\'k. CTlf) w tlA$E , ,. ·.11 .• :11! POI .SAL.I AT: tr c~r. llMJlt. . .=:.x:::&''*': >11-!1672 3 bodroont .home •i tb pool. , . Bojid •lleiJiy. 38:1t I. Clolllt Hwy .. CdM , ' 0. ak. d ' Bil 2 ·IA: ~ pnld. ..lllN Iii•"" 5115 CABIN FOR -RENT· !llam· family room .• Qilldren &: PtUl-~carnahan.. Ru1ty, l~C Biker, C.M. ' w· 00 New qt / ,drp, bltm, xlnt --· · nioth Lake"' in High Si:!rras. pets accept~. $300 incl, poo.1 ' -iftlt~ Doyle ,Co.; ITO II.· 11th st.; C.M. vtL $113. SiST-fQL DELUXE 2 D "Uttlt }1u·n-1 nH" I"· ""'''" Rrv.' call ' ' • VU111e !IHI Eallllj 19142 Broolllll!h~ H.J . ' ' \ . t • t I al\M iiJWI;, IV Anll ...... :'. Boat doel!-!le •i .now. 5.'ll,33'74 Eveo. 5l0'0017 ; ' • · POii INllC*M4flOll -. f4MtN .• n-• -av. to .Ji..... in July 11. Iii llfO,B iv. 11"1 """· No ~fl, no dllldlu. CABIN 'o" G"'o Vo!Jey • lillilllNf I 5 Cl ' l&h~· , ' . UW.-w.-.. 3 WU St. C.M. -' ""° ~ lew ..i,.. Lako. Sloep& ..... IV"lk I irA¥%ll . alNTAU ;;z:: ' " .;.. N Be ch . ' ''!':':'. --_,.,'==·=;;=:I :;~~·::'5.~:t""· -,::•Y-Ji°i'D-. -H_ u .............. ~ Utllvnil ...... _:_ ~-. •• ewport a Nhpirt ....... jJ\il w....• ...... !!! . . , . . u•1 ... dirT.ri! u11 L-...... m. ·•WI•• au" · · . ·,.;c;;1~o'A1.:-t;;,"; • Sum1111r '!,1nt11l1 f?1P MESA Verde l!rune n"' golf -~--1 , 8IVDll) II 1-lt't,f ... la•.•" ... bon di •M•".• • ll•'••, . ·:m AMI.OS WAY ON llACHI " . ~courses,~ beacb, l u x 11 ry .... • di -· -· 2 BR 2 •• ..... ,. --...... ....... _ ' _, 11 11•1 •.. 1..,. .a ... ..i1 •..-• r-• -. • D. 2 """ _,._ _...., __ 1 IAYFRoNT crphl, ·drpli, ~· Bit, a~:, n~~ 3 .-..nn •. n rm,·,., .. " .-.. .' _., .. r, _. v..-w, .-. -....... -. 111 'ia Illa ltt*1:lftt J'*o ...... Thit'I Oak· • -....... -..-· 3 Bedrooll18 • 3 Balhll on the tornial dln.. !8.m rm:, 3 J .aedrm 1:, atrlwn •• ;,,,p)O $225 mo. Ste J'rt., 81.t., SUn. I UMa • _ ........ lftD wo.od Gatil•• A»1rtaint1 ia N~wport ~ !fti1nl ...... a ad • 2 n ~'~ &A FROM - beach. car '::rnr +~ baa!' pad. 4 8ednn &: ·tam 1111"··1"2ii at 420 Bent..Wi Belt. Qdllrn8 •.Ht~ !lath, fuat i!UnUtH freit\ lal1tea11 lla7 ud dou1'lt ."""" S250 f6 ···e;. t 2 a 11\0M • $1500. _FOR JUL\" . Gardener. Avail' Aug(-. ,1. 4 Bedrm, fam J'lll Ii dlnlnc -286 NIWNIT ll,;,YI• liCatillti, · ~YD llAL TY . · •• S a:; : F!\OAl sseo' S2000 FOR AUGUST 130l~· YrlY ''"'". 7H; 'nn, "'""' R8'kl .... 1!380 hn Cl1111tnt1 ,,,. . ...... ' * .,..,,. * . c.r,ol><lri,.a-dilh-' OR . 528-5m · IOI· ~ITTl'I', ~.Ulllt FOR U.: 00 .. ,. WI, lowl; iilltlt::ofl < TlllN'e a'/• llliwo'n dollar Clubhouse witJi Cil61& 2-BR town-bklld po01.,...,..i;nn11 $3000 FQR JUL'i &. AUGUST 2 Br. ·car. patio, crpU;, dJ118, SIJ~~~l194Sll 3 hr, 1~ b&, b1c. 2 cu t.\l wk"{ iap, JCtb. biiit PfOI, , pU'tJ flll9. Mllldll• NUl, irtddor pit tltfy.. .;,t Ue. liv rm, trpl, nc rooni-octan WM THER~LE.STATERS '-11tove. refrli::.· Btmboo ._ pr, crpil, drpl. In .x. ifr. cOM."Weta W. •. Jh i.,....,. ... ·1.midwemin'1htal&hdub1, sans.nP&tio.hidfOOl,ten. pa~puldns. i 332 Atarruer1te, Cd1'1 67~ Villq:l!_bas privacy 1 quiet 2 Mt· 2 ~tba , :· .•..••.• $2T5 clUaive nirishk'ha $250 .tnO. ,.,,,, ·Jlib t . \\'.Wy fitf;; •llllllt ttnala cp~a. n1ldent tenn11 JlrO nlJ, Walle to beach. 3 car Secw1b' IUIS'dl· l BEAOl CO'ITAGt . for .mat.,. &dalto onty. 2BJ\,2Bathi ., .......... 13llO ql7c.iie~bril.S...cam. -~-ll:ii.t. aad .... oliop,endbl:vap!o•lzepoeLAll ~--'!lalta ..,iy, Pet FUR1'1.-AvalL l e.dmmo ("mp 1o I e 1 y pwort•"-CM. $160. 544-0452,. 3 BR. 2 bL new home ... sm Call. <ni> -S.T I"!-. ~~ • . W., aad "'""" mme, j .. t •t6p• fllllll yot>r Mt~· lAw $210 ""· HUNTIN•TON ""'·''""'' ..... k 1 y or 5411-711'.. , . •R..i Hill Realty tti~S · ~ --prtf ... tonelly dHorttlid 1partml1!~ ucll • CllllJC II monthly. July • ~'Ii; I\" Rini or Liiii Ojltlel\: ~mv. P&rll Ooah,, ~rvlno ·Apia. -""'I"'" • .,, .. _....,, t!flYall, · with pllftll loal".':,~1•itllt. Air colldlUon· 2 iii: 2 B&.'W-view. r!i · · ' " · per "'eek, Can hfr. W1nh:n, 3 B4edrm home 1ge UvJrw rm -Call &Jl¥llme ~ ... __..; -, ~.,. .... .tu'• Hew , ... ,._ New. Ovuiooldns 8•ck 1U ~ AVE., H.B. · Sts-2lµ _ · new kitchen, '$200 ~1 , ' 3 BR. 2~~ ti,., lal'le tic,ius O....raf 4MI ....,..., tM'L J'tiUli •'. . ~ ...... placea,opU .· Bay. Frplc, dlhMlbr. $36.l (fi1) 516-lGT LGE 3 BR, <kn apt, Ci"!' . Nlchol1 R11I E1t1t1 rm, Pool pri"!;.VW.,. W. -'r U '• • 'Ml: .,....... catfiii ~oab mo. 7'.I llQmlll&o Di., N.8. 00. oPllt 0 ..... pm Don,y to ocean &. bay, Avail July •. 546-9,';21 *· • ' $315 ~0· * -..299& * (Ju.a Fo' r 51M111. Ill • Call 86-lJIO or f1'4lS5 Manajed by l2'0 wk • A llOO k. • II ftil tliifA• On 16 8-h•-lrvlM u. Dover Dr. 2 BR 2 h, 'bl~ cpt/drP, . ~ WALT!:llS CO. ' Spacial lhlug I ~ ,_wnt 2 BR; 1 bt., car .. 1partitlll)> Coron• dll Mir 3!50 ,... (11.Cj ec::-itid tar pnv bal. Adi.alfl. ••It 1 • mon y " ': .... d"""'d & cpld, w/•tove, s· I ,.. 1·· .'!.\': ... ~1 1111 ~·~~ .. ~. 1113. A ... eoly, -'! .. H RITAG APTS 67~ ~lrs. Jo)', e\'cs disposal. fnctl yd, water' · ,, Ill I •I II ..,., ~ n ... ,_, , ......... tat........................ ~ """" 642-.22jJ paid, r:ef. $160, ~vail J.ulr CHAR?iDN<?~BR.SOoflj~, ' ..., •.... • ........ •1t.lt•tn1. 1•WUMOce.lllcy ·H~a Way. -net Attn.etlve 2 llR, cpV BEACH House, neut & clean, 24 64MM5 · frplc, neW!.)' decor, bltns, South sJy C11.1b is 1 _..,. Nl\VLY.m ·g ••t. JMBRMA~~tj,tpe.1 ·2 ~ 1:· =~ K~:.i! ' sl!eps_ 4. Secluded af'!&. u}yEL\; 3 i hr 2-. ~ home, ' $250 "Ite. 675-4401. . new lN&'J ot ute dilltbtd qt/err., llltna. It UUI • .. _ • e ec .;. If ..o32$ privlt• I beach, ' -wk, Ood tocation &aide . $225 $750 Mo 1se sp;c:t.M:ular jl.llt fOr linsle ptGp1t rr 1M tuO i:..· 'j I R1Nt~~· I ' ' rUlft a rttrlc II JIO ~ Ln. NT-'1 ' 7 -. !7.....,,.,,.,4.1t-00<1 ~1"'64>-3183' NMMs. vleW,'trpl,hllni.ll'rCdM .tuh 'llvln&wlthw..,.:df~ ~ .... ,..i ....... 1,1...i aU hlLIWu+lolilliM ""-PlO"l'-.q.w.' *IEACHILli'F ' after 6: • 3 BR bi · ·: h beach. 3 BR.1 2 ha. et.l,y namSc ne!ChboH. It'~ ia iE.""'iiii l ii '1( 'j(i;: ·, . . .t•::i;;:: · JUsr 1tei11 to i"aclftc. APT* SP,ECTACULAR Viewo 3 BR ta/nil, ~ "i:;_ 3 ·= ', 11/m. 613-1235 ."-.fH·~.. $100,000 CluhhlMue w 1.t,h ..,;.. 1 er 3 'Olllls. eolJ, lie ,,_ IAl.ICIA INN • CMt1 M1ae llN Del""" 3 1111. 2 lo. 13aO Nlto/ 2 BR, poo~ view, polio, + ~e~h.~ :: :r:1~!: Vacanl.o~/mo: ~-Al~ a:w;-1111 . i ' ,.-m~ ::: ~~·:~~.':: I ~ 8::,. *• Aft ' 2115 • ::. ~~~&OWk. 3Mii~1r'w1,ooi dah=it 8:1 ~VL 6'1">-2268. ' 1" Don 830'6060, -362· • · , • -· U>door IOll drl\llnl MiliiiiilAie', WQGDlf " l'fftt 1 i( llletpa f;'.... prtv .. "'1. 2 cu pr. 1215 NEAR "lfunifuiil\O JLdOiir 1 ON The water. Bal Penin. $14;> Attractive s,epa ~ate 3.BR. So. P•tlo.,Cif,.ts,.drpt, nnp, tennll oourtl, Jl'O 1 _ MW mt.~ A Aqr ava11: A mo. 673-9113. .New Triplexes. Quietani. J Elepnl, lum 2 BR 2 b·n, houire,-'2 BR ~~BA, Cp't/~. "6itr4.. Lease , (ad,ita-.only) shop~ Nll4ent Nnnil_PJO, ~ W.v = Wlnttr-70 resv'I, CJ3.150S U1Jb 11n1e 11111 w/15' f ldi'ma;fiiSo~· Lra 1 &: 3 BR's, Ollhn.Mr. r new hi--rile pool $250 wk .Adlts only, no pet&. :;.efl. $3ll0 •. 67,J .. 406 l,.; (113) slnlte. 1 .. 2 Bedroom lux. -· .m a ''"• tnlt, ~ vjew "15M . mo Ptt dL (213) ~ i;ra...1235 or Sr~. · 54W.T2, ~· :i 629-2861. ., u, • ~· . ury Qlrtrntl!.li .wtth au "9 8tt daa • .,,.U'I,_,, renmi :.t': 1 to water1alla. lu:r • ~ · ct (Tt4l Ma JS58 i FOR ·July, 3 BR 3 ba bOuse, 2 BR aar, toed )'.d. $125 $·100. 2 iR., den, :t Ba: mOdem or:mtnienoee a.,.a.; ** 2 ii J'\blt-1&;: = ;.~ ./:..~ :TM311 ~ ~~~ u,. '11 It. ~. NP:W 1 iitil1Jt. to Niclb. w/v•w. 100. ht.th'& beach; 251~-C ~ 'SU!-'.~ ,,Ave., 119 Via Y~la 1' ~~~ Fumilhed ud udn. Nm'AJ".::.lti..,.. '* 2 BR apt. ,. ~ ~ t& ltvi. Thele 1 6 2 ......... Ht19Mt Ult $1*!. Prt ~I GU, I & 2 br apt w/vlew, July C. ~ 714: 262-09ol;.~ ~. · I ::=r= /vH -wk Aviil i;U.2 .... furn~·• ov , , alnslt ..Utl, rQUDI•. »A I l Aug. o"•rty. 613-.1918. 2'11t, trpl; ... Oil. di•, pat Id. . , ....., '411 RINTs p llOM UliiF 1, D: ;;;;;;: ~ A~ r· ~ ' ~~~tore.._, IMlni N!i:E i Br, pool, ..-ir, 14th, ~1714. "311ol31f. [;()VELY Lido Isle '' ~. !!" ... ci>Ud ••~ l/U. Huntl,,... . . . • •11i te .... ~ l~~u;..:_,.11. J .. " . .' , ·-Hffi• :Ill\.--· 1¥1· bit-In!, ""' <!na.1 o * 2 BR 1% ba, polio, pool. bedroom ~me for lease. ..:L.._:::s::::::: CONOOMINimf ' • .. .,... . .:N.~· :;=:JI!• · Huntl~ ltffh 44N w/11~r1·1t, ~DO Pl~· 11•·0. $1i1i mo. Mori· Hal 4'ts· .A\•aUable July 16 to Sept 2 BcdLms, 1% baths; &ll •P-' ~.1 • '*lll tnft, · -. •It 'tors, 1GI _!~ I ~-Eut ol 1eJGb 81, ~J ~ 16. 615-7086. Coll.,• Park 3111 pttancea Ind. Adalb with 880 livi~a Ave. ellct. bl~-· 4120 OCEANJ'ltllNT ww,. --!!!~~ pool; "E"i 2 BR. pool, frplc, crpt • o<t Gulleld. LAGUNA, 2 blko "·"""'· ""' ' c... . ~ over 14 onl,y. 1110 mo. Irvine & 16th ' ¥~ ua ' ---· ........ J 1:11, clil't.l:~"":1 ... 1J dnl. oio elolldftn. utU , pd. .~BR""'. "'Liiiir.-~ ... -T.u~111-pa~.1 cbanninr •• 1 ~r. frpl. ~aly 3 ~~· -ha, l JamlJ.7 Avail July.. ht. A 1 • n t IE4ifiiTUl:itY ftpia 2 BR, Bit: tltstnf, Ntn. bltnl, ,... actMUH. A.duJtl pletet, 3tl6 A. Cl&)' St. 5d--ms. , Blab~ Ai&I. pt I y l: Aua:. S2rA> month. 232 La nn. J!"rf\et!lab; occupancy, 54S-4141 Newport . Beath Ptol, Aqtt1, np ""' 1151+ HO, ladry, nr. •hit• A-pier, 1:~11 .. t EUt td . . paUo. Seim dnp. 1"1'i Brea, ,,,._.557 '•l:\.-O!;i1 ofter 1 ' " l2'><1 MO < BR l, ba, t.m (7t41 ~ vttJ. ·~,Ila~ ~ ." · _-'215. A•ulb, llaby OK. , . Bl~t ~ ••Jt II"" '~ c.mmn. 14U1J1 JULY • 1 blk trom ..,, .. , Nl.-.. rt.,-... ch 31tO .nn,. lool Yd, l"W pnt/<pt" SOUTH ••y CLIJI ' 2 ii •Uuxe. &m~. " irrlm•e ~. l1ts-8300 .PRllTlll LOCATION LGt clkn '.Br. du;tex, Pool, patio. 3 br 2 ba •P• rn-; htln.~ owner ~ Cf ltft eellllo ..... d\alt.,, SW. M.L-W 1 BR-m to bea(h. ~ llW. For 1ept delaxt 1111 ICI ft. cloee lo' blacli; CJts. drpl. . ;7 Beaut furn . iltrs.-Fenton, -, J' ~ i !W-23llj evc11. ~ __ ' . ~. ~: patie • QUIET! Mow tn today. 4 Bk. 2~ Ll ept. nPic. NO pita, Adlts only $145. 642-9933. 613-2110. . ' DDVlll IHDRIS , Witarfnnt i•W liltUtl', ~ 1 i °"· •iftilt ad!ts. -~· ilv idAilOi\I Affl'. ...,.., -. wot bar prt 53'-UIS. ·PENINSULA"""'"'· s BR u...ty ~--vi.w. 4 Bed. Hunll"llall fforliour AP1111111wuS • • • i,lu~. , .utlito · 2111-.A lllh. , •n-nu. Niw ...,tlitc 1 1111, 11411. .,_,atpro11111td... LG 2 -· i II&: ,,.,.. + maids qtra, pitt. Call room Nan Wells home. 1~ Unfurn 4 BR. 30' dock, lea.Se, • -~ ~°' 5fZ... . ~~ LI ,._,..:.:.. , 2 BR. '14 IMm ~. ~. Alewn. Pool Cell¥ yard, no uni. '150 mo. Sm. ftfn:. Stapil!!I (2131 ft.j;.7175 Yeart old., .Year lee.se from 213/37U550 or tto/3TS.~ whtrt fhe fun 111 l bll lft, , au.rt. ~ n ~-~~Qt. Weed PG'IL ....., ertfl, tit llllf's ICWP. • rlerUlill. pets~ ur..w. Gr (213) 'f9S..l&U Eves.,,. Jiiiy 15th, 1nclud~ prdtn.. ~ • . '" ·, Afllts. 511 • HaeJl-. tU. JllW: l'ffl, ~· .priv. ,au.. 1DftW11 W/ fltpla O..ly .Ua ntt. 2 BR w/-•, iftCij yd, wattr 1~==~-~~·--er $TOO month , 3 BR pat10, cpt/drJ,12'·"' , A..U T/1 5*4i11 w P9ol 9lnd _,._ HU · ~ •-BAYSIDE 01'., Lldo, L;nd& ... ' ..... )1 '"<d yd; ' ear -1223 ll Cl! ~1211 ·-"'n ... ' . ~... ·..,-,, .... 115 Amlp w.,,, N1I pd. 1130. mo De11..U., l•e l Pe"'"· wotei'ft'lmll • · mo 53&--4634 ""'"''" 1 'SUMMI .,_ · . . . · ~ -·tool laillff, "'' M&f. --• Amlp, "F". 81M120 ' + oti-wat" i.;do Hames. ' ' · · · "' " ' RINTALS ~ ...... -Cl1N'llllt. \iili )JJ;l. W•ll 111\1 ,,...., Mulll, •· ""' Manq<4 ..,. -• • • ' , ' • 1 vi; em Gnuldy. rutr. '642-<620 ' 'Realty o;,,,pany F....iatn VAho\. 3411 · _.:_ '-· . N~. pall. lid'•· ,.. l'7 w., ""· 0pao Hoiuo WILLIAM WALTEils co. Santa All• Ha • SUMMER "'"lal •••. .ieepa 675421D ' I . -" ACCl"ID . IA \'CUFF unni; -. . $113 -... ~ f:;' !!"-::·-l!MOlt. • HIW DltUlll • I I . 'I . 4. On Baytront• "'· Lido • DEWXE coodo. 2 BR • ""' • MARii UE • 3 BR I BA Apt .., -YIL~A ·~R$llLL*; Shop'•· ru 38th st. 613-4216. TOWNHOUSE: . 3 BR. 211 4:10 ""' tt. "°""' n>0m, 1• PALM ur•• alTS, • 1l1W wtal.Y lUtl:i • ~ It~ .OU · · ..:.....i lad.·· wt • ll!i\N~ NIW . BALBOA. 2 Br, 1,,_ apt BA, trplc, patio, pool, 2 kl,~ w/bUna.-·CUit cpt/drp, • . lllWA Ar KMc1M, tv'a. JMW ~. """'' ~."' "'"' P1rk•LflMI M~IM1 -=··muter te..: • bcb .• h~ .. , oar gor. all bltn• ""'" 1, b&. prlv patio, cl-. . llftlod l'tol, 11...._,. "D · -· D~UXll l~ ~I II\ AP'll!. ""A -· ulll . IPA ·IOUI nt . • ' op I· d · 121· ' .oau pool tennil E~ -t ·Bacl<tlo,...1-2 Betrins ~ ...,.,.. " Ul.:1• AYtl rt,IJN, ~It -*''°-Pool • Ille. I I 2 14lr1'fl, A!>IL ;~~· or Sc~!. l<OO mo. 0~~;., ,v'., ":,1·:.:.ci.. & , j;:tu,, bnl,y :1210 mo, FURN/IJNFUllN ' 'AY1f£ I/Ki iii -a;:;, SQ WIC. V]L'-'81 1NN !'Iv,. Jll'!°' •• "If ~ ....,~ FltO!ol _, e Ailotlt Livi .. --.. e l'alL I --.~. • u,a. I M!J inllllm. um . -· --,... Fuh!. I llRfllhl, ·-Mo I .:..1 J• ,~ HARBOR View Homes Area ' _.. ,.. -... .. , • .:.. Uvtnf. l .. m ..... ....._ •w _., liS Atnlpt Wll)', Ni N .. ~.-~,,,_ ---· ,.._ . or"""" uuer. urn 3 BR, 2 ha,, dln'g_ &; tam TWM'Ol_Y, .3 ,Bdrm • SA\.!NA j .... Sm. ·flri11. aft, ...-... ...._. ttli~M&14 r .,. ll e" •1 """ M&ng9d bf ..,..., .. ._~.· • ~:~~~~l.home, near rm. Fe,nccd ;vard. c ';,.1.1 ,Town,,_ houta lhruouse. ~ IBt&,!11·· ... ~hn'u'• fl· ...... •11~1.Cuza1 ~ .... t:i' ~·~-bl '91Y. --· a 1'.'~I'; • 2 ':·f~ •"'f~ WIUJ~ ~ALmul <;O. ~,!!Pl~~:-::: LIDO, LINDA 111le1 Baysi® =·y avail. a ~;;\' ovtr 'doiibl~·~are. ... .. PhOnt '. 546-Hso 1 .. iiitt*Jt''~·~·· w REUlftl -~· ~;/;. W/w crptl. rm:.it :.~~OU 'br, 2 ht ~I -;., • 2 bathl. di Dr .It: Penln. waterlronta + ' all ' bullt-illll,' pool, tennis, r;· · , . w lroM. ctau. ti '-ch: ,.ta. lit • Jut 111$ 1119 pt'lv. main pd, nr. IChioli. Uowm • rnlrTlrid .. off-water Lido homes. Bill* CHAfu\1,:-New Blulf.! ~tc.$2511molease.~ts the ;w ~ ~~· F1Jfft ;f,;'Tt'i .,lo wtnl 6: tar: Jftd uUI. AnJf 113 41~ UID mo.~ !U.n ~. nibit ~ • i~:C'! Gnu~y ReaJtqr &11-4ti20. To'4'ohscV 3 br, pool, '10 .... " IRlii ,,.,. or • -.eifu, s h wfpatie 1 Pl., c .M. """ UJlltl.b'I apt J'l.B. 6"-2SIO 121--2111. 1.ns bl ldtcbe:i • 3 BRi.f, l ba. borne nr. Cd11 ~s~l~Lpt : :;~~~: 1· . ~11· Wt1tmln1t1•r 3'11 1 1 2 BD!tl\l ,...,.. Jtebl~ ~tn, _..,. ~· 4~1141 ar call <m> llMllt. fNH!t: "'2 llt 2%. ba, fiil, bar • bqpi -Prf\'l,te ~ ~ b b h _,._ --.~ WICLY .......,, l·I ar, * ' " ' . . NEW 1ttnlii111i . j "fi In-patio enc pr, m -Pil!o • PllJ'I> ~pl,. . ,~:;s1 or ~1S:3a c e s . 3 Br, 2~1 ha tov.'fl~. Pool~ 3 BR •. 2 ba. qtS, drps. fbr Adul11. Frem fUiO •• 0 Ntat l~b • Id· l!'JA~L9.......... ~¥idutl. Wlltl. J'rfl, 'ify, lpt 5, ,.00. ~· Id~~!_; 1afP hilt. Ira srounds. Avail. imm~. :.· , bltns._l!~ .. Jn:O.. 'nJSTIN C'a1l U......, ~tlfl!l..__f!lp=:; .,..,. ..... ttltt11,, 'P w _,,. , .... --· ._....,_, .. _ ,__ • ....,...._ BEACH """'" "''"' to 12!0 mo. Art. 648-07',,2. *""""""'* !Ml! WWl&m< """'I l11.0Hitt' &ol\Fl ·\iiO "-. · --..,, <ldultO"""' no ts.~ tltl M•r Jut 1111 k. lrllloll 9t. ~:~"2r7i:efi~t:;~ 6~~ curft1AVEN hon1e, Cou· L .._.,. c~~~ ~OVE ~· -, ~ ~' ~~I .. :551· ~ C. 1111,iO 6 ii1'.1t.':uc -~· · I ,, ; 1' ;·, <~ 111• N. o1·•. C!M~ l'llla) pie,. 110 pets. Gre!n fU)Tlb •IVll• ..... w 13212 fif1. ..... 11a Sttett ~ -~· \).fi--..;i; ........ Ave. •tm "' : a -. -t S•nt• Alta TAKING Ree rvs. for 2 BR for huge yard. 213/789=6610 lBDRM-~ .:p. 1l1tp1nl cn•l.MT'-&50D y ~:·'2 br.· ... " I ~ E1.i •3 ,~ONI: "'• ~~~~~·k~~.l:~ch. Slpa rm. cpts, drps, trplc, ranre· FOUNTAIN v~ ftlilc., .:... Cllllhl', lit , IMMM=ui.ATE AFrs' 'VILLl ·Mill Aliff• ~ •2 2 · 2 i 1Z ' ~ewport H~!ght1 '210 & relrig. More turn av&il. 17080 San bnl.Jli? ~t bll-1111. tzt, ..,..., ADULTS ONLY ' J ak. Pitv paU., 11'4 fOC11. ,..__ ~ $lat .. U\G . 2 !tR. Studld RINTAL:t . I . : . END Q( cul-<llHJC. 4 BR We.lk lo beach " lhopi. cnt) eu.:qoo e . ' . 2 car dd.'d pr. C*ldNn . ,_ M Att· (TrtlJ~). Fam.Q,y •lze ~ Unfurn ihtll' 2 .bn, sprklng ppo\1 ,,l'{r $1&;; mo incl util. 49'-3901 REMAiiKiBtY' * 'tJ:.."','l:f:"; ~elk lvelceiM, r. Pftl ~I 1 a~ ... ~t.l'lllWtt ~~. w.n!.wiar-:~· ~ Generii .~ JilOo K.hools. 1hpng, be ach. arter 6 pm, inyt lme uNBEIJj:V~L"y * hlnl JMI, tutlanen !!P • ..,roo1 · 111 W. \\~ f'V Jl'Dtl ,/ r.· Mtlll I ablldNn ok. (Nr seh!i) •" 1----~-----5411-41'6 . "'k'nd" · . ·~x:rRAD!tbliiAltlLY . . . . * ""1, INiv/llldry "'"" .-~ · ....,,_, . pett. 22!() s. e<ntar Si 3.BEDROOM; 2 Solh, bull!· . .ro~ Leal" t;ew ~ Br 2 BEAlmroL ~NOWI e , IMI Atllhal0. .... t"lii."stdJii r:tili&;'!\l llt Liiio . ,s.A. Nr Warnei ~." In kitchen, dl1hwai lJ?r. u•all We1tc!lff . nHj bt. 1pllt-Iave.I home. Vlew Val D'l•trt ........... ~ ~ COi'tA M.tSA. ..,,,. -,,, 1"' ''-, bltn "'tcbtn, ' Pn.ar WXirl I • ' to wall carpeta1 patio, dou· -..-• -· or senC041t. H\lle llv nn, Puttl . ~' •t ~ 4 9 JM retnc W/lce m.-, ft7te . . 4DIJ so-¥fl ble gan.gt .• ne11.r major BEAlfnP'UL n1'X.lcr;t ~~e. Urp1, frpl. S300 mo, •9'1-:WO' ~tae!!; fa::.. :-lwfall ·~ •• • ....._~· • b..r NEW f, 2. l hlrrftt. I iii drpll, ' eU _.;. 'AdUJt.: • ., AA.. , 1hopp1!"'. $26a. R e a Ito r 3 BR 2 bu, Prdf'ner me. 49'-6932. 4ii' pool, ne. reaft!~ ~~ •tua Clltldr?. a-r. Nr So no ,.ti, nltr "41· S111 me. ~ntt ~ NII' ~ $~??mo. 5-1~~·-. , , ,LOVELY 41Bdnn. lam. rn1. ~···Sauna,~--~ 1 Q&i4i--'::1"Crl!. ·Cwt tiua fcl.1ITJ, c.&I be4'n 12 PM.~ $123 2 BR dplx, bltns, cpts, NO n1auc~ 'libat ir t,; )'IN vle,v home, Cp~ ~bit· 1 6 2 Br. alto Slrtl• a,.. .; Q • tac. ~ ~23D • uua1-DiiNS ,ri~~; .. ':it:"· 615-0\ll r~~·~M·~~~* ·~-:_·~~ . .ii<;I<-:t..':'.":.J~'. =.,.:.":;::, .,.51~•-±::. ... '!,1 ~.-r. \>Ch: sr:. ~'t~APTI , · ' ' ·:; ··~ borl1'ftplrt 0 IBUcN.ttth StJibltO •Ml+I· ... 2 aiui=&r-.~ IM!h.1.2-!_lii'l.-"-nti.tt. Oanorill -G1nor1I _ -4-rol -l£ift f lfUIC :h~ wl!lll. 1 =· 111 . ' ' 1 ', ,<:;::: ~-":'• CJ.I. ; , · 11111 = , I ,1 , .t. ta.ta MaN llN i8JW: to<.v .. yo( ..... Ci~\\. .fl,.,~ .. /) t;,' f;,,.s• j-., """tll.M ca...,. ohl Mer 4111 Dii'ftill 1 ·.=· """ no ""'· 1-t.& P "JI tyt., 'It <r Month to -"' l\!ldl)o . riltt(, cpll, ..,.. •Apt. 8. -. C.X. T~•. Purtle with the ·fwilt.fn Cl111ctle Wld6 ~ l lll.DllK • ~ Q ,.. ~ -.,. lllO. ,;;;lll;:.,·;;,n1';;.,.,~---100,; P1.illd!.W: Ol'TlCN j, "" ,ut .ia'L No plll. X. , • ...:.: -•2 lo. title .. .,..,..,. 2 1111, "" bl .. , heir,... , Jet11r$ of the •j •• ~•1 -~ ~-~'\' .a ~ ~ ~-:-·~'1.., .., fOvt ..tr."1bled words b.-" """· usa Vtry · ~ J cllll •k. A.VIP T/l Ir ..,...,.. r.:.11 Mck yd. low '° foN1t lif"P I• wofds. Cl.lfltom l\ll'nlturi Rlatal ., , Ii;... me, 91111 4tf, 11tt-$7S2 W. 1111 at., C.M. H E' p M • R ' ' 517 \II, llltlt, CM, -i ~ • iiiffiisu•• 1' llr "... _, -· n Jr.a W -"'"""TTf4let -" · · ..,... 6iWlli I &< ' "'"'"1 .... ptrtially -· Ill• ,.., .... ' .. ........ eHATIA\I c-.... M•r -N!lf ,., ..... A'"'1.-Jul,y ...... ~~ ,bllnl, """ I LA l'DINTI • . i.t l'lllo. ..... "" ;111, ._,.Il- l y 0 N E T I ~, IJR -.,,~ Peo!, ... ,~~ '.To .;.,;,.. ! ........... -. -211E191!1 .. $1l\ - I·.• I , I I '1 .,......., ~'alk ·to -...-•• · • i.,1. ™ 1 ilC t1111 MOb!ilf'' w '111 .., • Mal'*. htl ()Otl. Bal, , _ ..U... ll\lclto, w/w """' ldl1oo, ""...,. GS ldtoh. .itw, ,! . 191! -. C.!.r. B ~ -· No, C.M. $1i5 .... tO< pr, Nr •bqa. lllLI. I K 0 N E A 11 , ..... ,....""'_,;. i.lAoNlriCiifi' """"· IP lmtnl ooi. Call-, -· ~-nut"'~-E:. ' ' .-.... Elepnl , '*"' ""Qi.·! ,. eM; s ™ ... 2 "[( ..... ' ilili'"I • J IK 2 .... j J. 1 • J ' It" a simple mqnor.to,milk duplex. n.m or ·~ =>') ~';;'-1 1 ; , ,.i/tli9, "° !"II. tltldn !fnle, -""" """ :=~~-;=:!::·:.::;-:::::!_,•cow. --can da tt.. ~ adnl'-' only. 13.iO -l!oo. 1•"9a ltllM, 4'11 e1r. A\'Oll JU171 HU. ,.cl. pr, Pait.. 5*-Hll " • " " . l.·1 :.011 Killp lid., N.,;,.ri .. · --~ JIXRP, 14-,'IK ~ 1-.r~~-... ..... ~-1 e ~;"if,l',,:;':'.:'t!. ":." B<h, ~ ::i,':1 ~u: •~1'i1plil1'1;• ~1na.&bl4--.. Ok. ~~~~g~"";..:;··~ .. ~14ii~·;·~lidl0·;:-.;·•;;.;""~· .. ii·' ,;; ... ~··1 ___ --'.,.c ... ! ~· 41• ...-. • .. -.... ...... 1 -1111, .11v. ,.llo, '°o:1Jo ** WDKLY-Lowll' .;.. 1tet ":...~ 2 llR. .,i. !11111. IOtll ell iacl• er cpll. l'lltnll1'1'1 NiMY """ iilihii. ifl. I i( ..vaij; M;t"lll . 11!1 !l•fllt, lit. ~ .... <1>"111· ltikh. ~ :-er:. Y"1 ...... Ona 11.'ntpl .... t ..... T l I • I / lo, tu! . ..0. iP£iT ._.;tf i ii( 211 1>o. 1U', !Iii Ill noto\a. , over II, --.... NI Ma-qle 6r ........ cptl4rJ, blllll. lit ,ell. Ml ~! 1Ndtflrt er Ht,,.., Sil udl. fd.li'it. Mla5en Dr No. 1 MMS:M. J ......... , ... 't\d ... .,.. •• ,, ' """~ ~ .... tf)szil ....... .. , ......... ' *-,.. .a''""a~·.,"',.--­,_,... ... ..._ .. :~£?•: .. ,.,,_., __ _ 1000 P •• _.rlA_. IW. ,_,_.,_ """"' .... lfO.M7 Dlal~f1or,1f5:.:S pd, (Jq) ... ,1['11·,~·;r1~ ~"ii! r~Am; !ifl1,,;;;;:;;;o:;;i;;;::;;iii SCUM-LITS ANSWERS 'IK 'CUSSIFICATION 9000 l I I • F-, -26, 1'10 DAILY PUT al RINTALS ltl!Al •STATE ltlAl ESTATE _ ""!.'· un1urn1""" -'o_..-_..,_._, ____ ="o"''""'"'""'•"''.,....-__,=1* * \ ANNOUNCIMINTI * an4 NOTICn· • llRYICI DIRlctOitY SllVICI DlalCTOiv SllVICI DlllCTOllY " Sonia Ana 5'20 1_. P....,.l'ly -Offlca Rontal ~ 2 Sultts. 250 sq ft, Well '"""""' --o........ -.... """'" MOl 1-------r-------Popoiti..,.1,. •• L"t' CAN'T BE BEAT AttentlOll !Um. 300 W. C...t Hwy. $133 per mo, "5-2182 for Investors I •PP'· -----·--YOUNG SET AL'S GARDENING --·-·----1 MISSING PR&SOIOOL tor Prof.-Ganlontnr PROFESSIONAL Paint;.,. from 121 .£ 8&yhat 1.itts. A&el 3-10 T daya, I: 31)..7: SO A anall I a 11 d I c a p I 111 Neat \l'Ol'k. Fine paints. Bal Is~ Snail bicWwble Hout, di.Y or wetk. rwl terVion call MSJ829. Serv. RoUer, brwh, alr-1eaa For~~ approximately v.il-=========~I South Sea Atnvwphere acre prime &3 property. Cemmerclal ~-i-flfllla.IO<I.!!!' b'ab bhtfl. .,..,. .;..;.;=.-'-'-.,..·;..;..--~ • ...-'-''I ' female ~t "Dinab" Vtt)I • p/time. 50c per hr ... in& Newport, OW, Cotta aprayina,' accous. ceilit!p. , ~ wry dear to ~ tam. 1 dilld. 1k for :r, $1.00 M .... Dowr ~ Welt-L«aJ r9f'1, Low prioeel ~ Ntum hlr DO for 3 In &&me family. clUt. ~ Roy 141-1358. 3 Bednom: 2"llatt. jookiiw Udo I:slaad, New-.,., -.- C..,.IB,1 l I:n&a pst Beadl, *· Adjacent to $ p:.nit'.!ooo' BR.- • • -Swnmu Procram ·~ uktcl. lt«wvd. tar ~JI 1"? olds. All *LANDSCAPING* HOUSE Palnlin&, ex· -Memorial lloopital, .... Air Conditioned 1urrounded by Me d i c a J 5 tJplts +. 2 Con1n1. Jklttl Buildjqp and a love1y high-• $115,000 e &1103 fplallfied tachen. 152.i ~ New Lawns 171'c 1111 ft. )'kw terior--inll!rior, PIPf!r harw- PLEASE: Loki'• mat• ii ta Ana Ave, C.i\I. M&-GlO. deslsns. Do all ar put )'GUI"· :'~ ~U::ble ::::· 21 miuina -A: she ts havina "6-3'106. 11eJt, RototWU.. Lie. ..,e . ea rs, ~ a nefYOUI breakdown. Her tractor, 12 yn loctJ exp. 1net11, vut l!xper, ,...,. , . ~w--~-mate, a male 1 A.l&lka.q RELIABLE babysitter-My SJ6..U23. ., work June 22nd. 65-2894. Private Patios rl.se, apaJ1meJll c«aplex. Motet, '1J + l apts. Excellent flnanclnc avaJI. PL.ACE REAL TY .f9l.9704 ~ ... ,.-_., Malamute (sled dorl, is home. Any •St. tncd yard, · * PAIN'MN(; INT •-.,._, • 1< CLASSIFICA · POI bl"' h playmates. Wkdy1, aum.mtt w,-... S,.Clallah • • ~ • · I' ~\ .NA _ -· IOl.N SWAPPllS· "'w titan. Lolt vie Baek vac. Call aftl!r 5:30 Garfield Gardft ~tHieatkln A JWIL A~. 1 sty $2fi0. ? ll;J lleated Pool able. $190,0Dll: Write or eall 2969 So. Codt HW)', Plenty ot lawn Pert"' Uptnn, (TI4) 'f93.2B41. $110,000 trroRE buildina. Townsquare Dev. Corp, l W. f!J0-418 w. 19th·:St. Bethel ;. , , .Ba,.J'"llSubstantlal reward •. • Buahard. s.ll.73. 1., RN:lonable prkn Call $3.il. ind all material " Carport j: Stqr&ge State.St., Redlands., Ca. 92373 TOWVI ana, 5'8-1761 )st. • ' " /'< I late _.._ ,,_.~ 5Q.l&M T·JI' ~ or pttparation, $13, per nn + . ..-1 .. ' ,~ I 'I 'a.'--S tlm11 -S Mb BEAGLE mixture black w/ WILL care tor your cb_ilche ., •• .,:_ ' . paint. Local reh. Call Jade l:IIDDEN VILLAGE CARDEN APl'S 2500 South Salta Santa Ana * 546-1525 5705 e OCEAN VIEW; Lr;: Bachelor, 1 &: 2 BR apls. Furn or unfurn. Crpts, drps, bltns, patiOI. walk Ing distance lo town. 100 CIW Dr., Lag. Bch. 494-5498 LUXURY 2 BR 1 BA, all elec., s!Dve, relr, disposal, cptl, balool'I)', ocean view. Adults. Refs. 497-140.1 5740 UNBELIEVABLE 'view ocean front, 2 hr, 2 ba, lrplc, dshwr, ref, c &. d; pool, $250. Adults, no pell 16 UNIT LUXURY APT. Vie:w, EutbluU location No Vacancies Owner says sell! Will show excellent net return on cash inve1unent •.'I : ........ -AD MUST INCLUDE ' In my· Lquna BNc:h home '"~•-l9i-3l9.) ot 981-1900. ~L;;.ot;;l,.... _____ •;;.1;;;..;• ·;::. ~~~ ~ =. ~": ;:,t ~~ '1A.:! 1~ 1,_Ca11==' ... _,.· 1.,,"'_· -;,.-,.,..,,,.--· I CdLLaOa STUDINTs 1 STORY stuceo " owrft&DJ l e '$5·,·· • , , ~ t'Olt SAL•-ruo•1DNL'f'I "Ola.rile", Vic: Glen Mar OllLD care -Exp'd •Mon. Year Ara..r ~.,Lan $99. J story stuceo 1 T• ~ Yew Trader'1 Paradise M tract east ot Btookhurst.. thnl Fri. my home, 1r. Catt. Yd dean-dp, • ovttbanc $149. Acst. c:eilirw Lovely VieY.\ level lots. Easy PHONE 642-5671 Pleue call 962-1500, Pomona Khool. •10!2 lpeC., Jnd9cpQs. 50-2237 .,,, -nn. Min. l nns. to build on. ( ,. .... ,.... PLACE REALTY m 97M ii A'cre. 0NMry F.state, l Heartbroken o<WDerli! WVING cani your ~b NEW Lawns, ~. -.mn 'GT-6U9. 29G9 So. Coast HWy. Br, 2 bll, pool, horses OK. Trade 2 clear view lOts Sil. WHITE female whippet, my home. H.B. BJ,bHay. Comp1,ce lawn •tan .. Oein METICULOUS PAINT, I W t I•· 'J<>m< boa1• v~rado. clear Jot ~ta Ma. loolul !Ike small Gtt•.....,.•""'. wk. !NIM7.f6 ftilmat.illP by lo,b "',..· -.Wo ..... ..U 8WE ~'IP STAMPS. INS. R2 ot 66Xl.tn 4 wiit.9, $8150. an un .. , or · na for stocks bo&tl car ,._..... ""° · ~ 0 /"--' • ' Vic Balboa Blvd • 2l>th WILL •-~-,·1, ,..., ...___ · .. -....a 1•·•-n-•·t .. •t 7742 Liberty St, H. B·. wner ,,...,nt. • or what ha\Oe 100. Days. St. 54G-Utl alttt J.PM. evtni,,;v:; ~· ,197-Ml'l or 146 f132, ~ """" 11;,:;b· ei5.saU 54>~ NEW 3 BR, 1 BA. Ne..,.,.port .S.U.7903; eye~. 4~1702· .Hevtbrobnl Adam1.. 540-&.sfttr 5., *ALLIN IRO:rti,IH . !'w . ...i-· ATTR. View lot o'iOOklJW H~!• J01: beacb an!a res. Call for plete yard ~ ""' -·-Mf'Sa Verde Country Club idenffsl. comm'I, ind. lot TRADE '64 Lincoln Conti!\-GERMAN Shep. tem. pUp, WILL Bab)'!ll\. my home, us tun . * WALLPAPER * entaI, fU1J. JnlT, AM/Fl\f I: 5 mo's old. Blk, .,.bite ~ . Corona del MiJ' Area, , lll'Yict at lo-.-est tatel! When )'Oii call "Mic" COMPANY 1" HB. St9,950 3f6..3tij3, F.qulty $44,009. AIR. FOR I Puaenpr Van (l'f:Y. Vic. Bilboa Blvd, * 6"-0:3' * 5t0-17tl9 5'3-1444 6tM032 , . Realtors ~·nchei . ll5' PH.ipR 3-6450 or Bus.-Balbol. Reward! Ca l I . GEN 'L Clean Up,~_...,. EX-PAINTER. now. sehl "Our 25th Ye•r" ~--------.,.. Townhouse, 3 Br, 2% ba. Call 968·1091 or 545-8427 675-ti727. IHt MainteNnoe '5U v;eed kill, roto-tlll , teachf:r w8I pa.int llJ:m.mer 673-4400 Fc:.R sale-40 actt ranch. /'~.B. Priv, patio, p(IOI, near •65 Jeep Wagonrer-4 "--d. LADIES. rold. Alovado '~pri nk le r1 rtpaftd. mo's. Xllnt's workmanlhtp. J\fodern 2 BRM home. Bay. Yalu $32.500.0T~ low new psfpb, o.d., ·vs, am/ Watch, vie. Apolena to Comlnjey Y~_!~. 646--5MI. F'tft nt. SIMXl62. CM: be.low mkt, '-priced to 5'5-2943 or 545-2031. down T.D, or tra er, fm, 4-spttd; for import 81.,. Marine Av Bal Iii Reward. plete M .. .,,. l'VlCe AL'S l..anchieilpini. T~e e PAINTTNG ~ Ext.·Int. 11 sell. $1800 mo. inoo¥Jle, u I ~========;;;;;I .-_:awn.~~'·'--~~~-tion waeon 'vlth a11to trans.1 ~"'-,_~"'-'~~----Mechanlell·Electrlcal ttmoval. Yard n:moclehnc. yrs. exper. im:. Lie. Free dlx 2 br. unit•, Pool: $llSM Acre•~e 000 Tight money? We trade 494--7182 l\1. Cat altered & de-cla,\-ed. Bot~~~~'aler ~~~ ha-ullnt. k>tr:=P· ~· ,.!~. . Cetl 1 ns•· $25.000 dn. Bia. 545-4211 RETltlEO seller needs PDe land &. stock for anything. Tradtt 'sgle tainily re!, in Bm Ii. blk lone hair. Vic Jo"ibel'liul; Buffinc, .-.. ....--.. ~tUST seJ:, by owner: cash. reduett price for •11 Junk, antiques:, boa~, Real Garden Grove, x!nt cond, Ralcam " Thurin C.~t. Fiberalau Refidahinc. JAPANESE • ~APE 1WO UCLA students Deed 2 brm. duplex-0-pt; drps. Duplex w/adjoining w.cant e~ptional invrstment on Ettate, stock " businesses. good st, FOR duplex-or tri. Rei\-ard. &12-4860· Call Jim. 50-1021 '.f.ft 'r Clean-u~ Mamtenlllet morie:y. Exp'd house built-ins .. SDI mo. 33938 lot $29,500. 646-3589 lhLs Ml ·acres in city limits 5Cl.es39, eves. 646-4643. plex., H.B., N.B., or C.M. \Y~DDI~~ 1l fn&aare~nl l\lACK * 842-8442 • pa inters. J>"ree e1t. Ken ~1940 ... Alcazar, 496-23U. ove rlooklng Saaamento Have: 2 Br, 2% ba. condo. $1&,000 eq, 6d-H:JO nngs. rv 1;;1e/l Ill . lrlck, ~Mnry, JOHNSON 'S GARDENING 544-3074 R~E~A-L~E~S~T~A~T~E~--81--------RJver A: City of Reddi.re· ~equity $15.500. Want: Reward. 673-9893 or eves etc 658 Jard care, Oean.-ups. ~Ian-P;.A:,:l,,:NTJNG-='==INl'=.~.~~E~x~t-.1 O...ral · UI Mn ~roperty ~ 6050 Have water, sewer, elec-J....a.ml, mountain home, de$. 19' Thom.PIOl'I, A·l condition SU..317'3 ---------Una. 'prinklera. 962-~-lllshelll Quality. Lowttt I-,.--------C-2 lot, 50 x 200 with 2 trlcity &: natural gas. Wu ert home or 7 ! Myers, 80 HP Evinrude, lew hnl. MINI blke • 6118, boys birth-BUILD, Ri!m*I, ttpd' EXPERT Japanese prder't· Priees. 1'Ully exp. Ina. Jobn Rent•l1 Want..r 5990 BR house on rear near $1750 pe:r acre, now f~ 673-6'l56. Panco trailer. Trade lor day present. $25 fOl' lnCo. Brick, block, concretre, Ire. Fl'M est. Complete 613-1166. E. 17th. 0"'11er. ~ •. ~~ acato" HA 195,trtOOO' ~ 10to1000 a~res S.E: Oreeon property, etc. See m· Water, leadlN; lo ttlum. ~o quee-c1t.rpentry, no Job too small. yard servk.-e. 646-0830. ..---,_===-=====ol --· --·--··-·- ' .... ,. , ..... ... w. '""" c.tf• ~ ~ MS.till -:.._.;.,111-i~lli ., tU10io1t"" :--......;;:: ·~r 'ti'"" RESPONS. ~pie would li ke '.o renl 1 or 2 br house \v/yard In Laguna. (TI4.) 723-8049 aft 5: 30PM:. e LANDLORDS .- FREE RENTAL SERVICE Broker 534.6982 Rooms for Rent 5H5 : * SJ;> per \Veek-up w/ • kitchl!n. $3.> per Week-up Apts. Mole!. 54S-9"1;ii. $50 Lovely room, privale IMlmt, employed gent. ~G-1713. * Garage-storage only, $20 monlh, 19lh &. Pomona Ave, Cl\l. * 897-41185. IDEAL Room, rummer only. For young couple. l blk lo beach. lmmed. 494-39:i0. 2 rm1. w/prlv bath. Priv. entrance. single party only. ' $75 mo. 839-2185. PRIV Rm .\ ba, kit privs, for "11rking lady, refs., CM. no peta. 546-1300. ROOt>.f $25 a v.'k, kllchen prlvil, C.M. area. For appt. call 642-4042 a.ft ti. LARGE room, pl'ivate home, kitchen privileges, North Costa l\1esa. ~1061 Room & Boord '"' PRIVATE HO~fE. pool, suit. able mature or n!lil'¢ Dana Point area. 493-3846 lncomo P....,.rty - 21 UNITS By Builder. 2 • 3 Br's. Walk ~1413 ,~uct n. ave r ,_.. .. , .-itV1 ,., Lido Boa.t Grdn!. OR ~7502 lions, 549-1343 Lie Con'-.,_ ,,... •. ~ Pho! ph •- .,,.,.. comm/multiple unit -n.. $100 to_.., .Pf!r act-e, w~nt -==~o==-=-· · " ~ ·c.mptete Y•rd Cerel ~~~ ._'? -·• So Callr ro -· M List tt Mn ' tn -....._ MAN'S EYEGLASSES ----ttal. Adjoining property ; . p pe •• ,,. ann. -.... _.. 8 1••-''JI Jim _, st0-4837 CUSTOM PHOTOGRAPHY Bu1IM11 Rent•I 6060 priced al $3500 per ao"e. er a Inveetment. Rea:lty Co, ~~ ~-r!.t ~ Rew~~ Beach, i.ai::9862 " _,, ~ CLEAN.UP SPECIAtIST Re&!Onable -Phone Gotdoa Investigate now • any delay ~ ADDITIONS And Alleratiom Mowinl, edginc, ~ jobs. * MT-t745 * ATIR. R.E. ofC. to shan! w/ttaltors. insut, acetnts, atlny's. etc. Choice N.B. loc. cor. o[ 32nd l N'pt. Blvd. Shon! Properties 673-9060 675-4747 eves, STORE • 340 Potnaettis, Q>. rona del 1.far. Lease Sl25 to start. Mr. Hardacre 673-7689 O" 542-4607. COSTA Mesa: 600 sq. ft. office, 600 sq, fl. store, 8C(I sq. fl. shop. * Owrw:r 646-2130 So. Laguna, So. Cst Hwy & 2nd. 700 Sq. ft. SlfiO, Brokt:r &t.3-5200 nay bl!: too I~! Aa:ent, Watertronthome,$30,000eq, lncp01t-ar1makeadtal. Lost!; Seiko man's watch. Rea. -Comm. contractor ~~"'~·~-~~hl~•~-;-~~··~-1 ;;;::;::;::=~=;:==""1 P.O. Box 66, Redding, 4 BR. Dock \Yant larger oil-Trade clear lot w/beaut =u ~:"~=' ~ llccnted, bonded A: illliiTid GARDENING: Land clean-Pl•thrlne, P•tch, Shasta Co. Cal. 9600L Call water home 4.5 BR or in-view in Laguna for small free. estimates, (financinc) ups. Spkr sys, roto-cemel!t ltopolr -916: 24.l-4444. OOme prop: unit1, srn tfOus. home / lot CM or submit. "-'ard. ~ 11t •l:30~ ... 5r3f.2810 5tS-39ro M6-5800 5""ACREs, level, XI.NT w, es, or vacant land. Q\\'n!r W. E. Lachl!nmyer, Rltr. SJAMESE Cat, ,-·eonar::ciTk --~'Ork. Yancey, -;-PATCH Pl..\STERING nr Roy Roger's Apple 846-1315. 646-39'l8Call Ewa: 642·2237 color, sounds~·~ C•,,..,..rlftl 6stl JAPANESE ,Gardening Alltype1.Freenlimates Valley Inn Ir. Ne\\' Spring .a. *" Bal Isl. ~. '15-3404.· .-Service. Neat v.Wk. O nnup Call 540-a25 Valley Lake. 1'3!5 FP ., * * * * CAltPINTltY \~,-d~. ~m~aln~l.~-~2303~==:\:,::::.:::===~=\ w I terms, Other gd inwst Penen•lt • .. MDIDJt. REPAIRS. No Joli I •-1_ _._._ Plu_m_b_l,.-=-------· I a.croeate 1: eabin sites BUSINESS •net BUSINESS encl Toe lmall. 0.blnet la~ Gener• -rv-1 ---\\'/XLNT . terms. Bkr. FINANCIAL J P:ftU!-1.CIAL '1 ~.*-ru_LL_Y_Ll_CE_N_SEO __ *_ qe1 • tlhtt C11Dln9ta. WATER Heaters, dispoelen. 644-46'm · 1----·-----='-----.-Renowned Hindu Spinlualillt 561115, tf DO answer leeft HOMi-shop.Yard Main·t . etc. ST.50 per hr. INY.•CTORS! Bu1ln1u Monor le LHn Q20 Advice on all mottmo, -at 111-2111 IL 0. Jl<>lln. P1lnt-SMiv.. 13 642-273; °' 64Ul006. :II ·-~rry/Banitow OpportunJtie& 63m Love, hf&rrla.ge, Business ......... • hr min. 1'73-2135 Aft 6. PLUi\tjobBINC REPAIR --1st TD L' Readinp aiven 7 days a QUALlTY \\'oodcraft, sml GENERAL Clean-tap. haul-No too small area, along path of air cuah--W· Id Y le . 011 ~""'k, IA.:\f-9PM 312 N. El pn'l conlll'. I: ~-Ins of anythinl. Honest • &&W.128 • k>n train planned f1r L.A. to OU OU ~ Camino Real San }'r@e COMUltatlon l quote. price• .,54!-6395. &6&-ln& ~ v=.~ ~=-;;~::. Interested? . 1~ INTEREST Clemente, 4~9136. 492.-0016 Call Ken ~. S4S-42Si . APT ci:&NING _ Pai~ ~!"t "'° 6071 PERRON 642•1771 111 rinding 11. Tax s~1 ter '°" 2nd TD Loan * Al t REPAIBS ~ 41.TEtµ:Io:-•s ,.. Rur ShaMpooins , u1e QUALITY yoo'\·~ always ynur hard earned 1n<:ome?' one. *CABINETS. Any Hize JOb R·,palrs. "ft~M ARC wanled. Dreu makinc SUPER-DELUXE QUALITY In a part lime venture tyou I Terms based on equUy. 2S )Tl exper, 5'&-iiUl SERVICES. 347 .. · alterations. Kl!y S..y, 1163 Office Rent•I 1·2-3 room, ·up to 3,000 SCI. ft. a;t;,s,, .. Prop. 6208 de'tern1ine tilt' f'Xlcnt Of iii. '42-2171 J45.0611 Ye•, It's your fatilt. For re-A.J. Small job speclalltt. CLEAR Vu Maintenance. W• Oranre Aw ., C.M. 645-129'J oUice suites, Immed. OCCU· -------'•oh·en1ent1 \Vhi ch will ·en-Servin~ Harbor area 21 yrs. ::: :=,~ !f:'. will Cab Gardon. do everyfbin,! Free est, 24 CREATIVE FASHIONS pency, Orange Cnty. Airport ./ Beautiful • sun! HOOJrity for your rettre. S•ttler ~ c.. 5f7.fi667 M6-8IWO hr serv. 646-am By nom. Dee Irvine Commerc. Complex, SHELTERED ISLAND ment as \\·ell as provide 336 E. l7th Street GEN £-~1-add c b For t•-•---1 tn -adj, Airporter Hotel Ir; Rest. in I.he San J uan Islands, h • •1 '· 24 Hr, Recordinc · _.., • • · Ed's Cleanlnc SUvice ''"' ........,. cus cas now. " any peop""' Fonnlca, panellnc mnU.te. r.-..t! _ U..Mi•te..., • ~ made tuhW>aa. 5.J&-lOM aurant, banks, San Diqo Wash., in the heart of the eam a $1tm per month with.. Mo.._ . HELP )'OW'lelf thru positive An .,1,. .. 1 n.1..1. -•• ,... -.... r-.,, • N' I F boatl --••--of the • ...... , .. ,nld yt,,..,.. _.,..,..., .,_..., ·dOws -F\oor Care.~ --·--.. P. wys, ng _. .... lK Jn their rirst year_ In having Truit D--~, t1u na:. Improve your in. Tl'· C le 6974 UNCRO\VDEO PARKING Pacific Coasl. Wooded. an extra $225 per month to -UU come, home life. Enjoy life -.--HANDYMAN. Paintirc, fen. '!• __ .,._•_m _____ 1 LOWEST RATES Natural cove for dock site. & it --~ ·1· .. __ .. Cement, CMcre.. UOO · -• t t • make your retirement 11 "l'l""'.uniies. ~"v ~-CIT!f, :ene1·., man . *Verne~ TUe Man* Owner/mgr. 2172 DuPont Dr., Nice beach. Close lo shott. dream~ realili~s?' You att 2ND TO J\fortpge \\·a~ted, name j: $2.00. PO Box llOjl, * co N c RETE \York, 646-1809 or ~9000. Cust. work. Install l re-.'-.' Rm 8 N~-•-ch M~rate climate, clean air, 9 ""'1Yl 111'~ Choi F -· V·'I ~· · • ~~ ...... •• °"'" · paid now, not w~n you re. ........, "'"· ce prop, oun ... m .. ey. Licetlll&d, Patios I drvwys, -No job too small. Pluttt 333-3123 Courtesy 10 Brokers clear \vat era. This island .tire and the money contin. valued at $44,000. $15,000 PETER ISSACSON. Now a~ etc. Phillips Ce men t , Havllnt •no patio. Leakina shower DEWXE l-2 or 3 nn, suit(! ls definitely unique. For full ues to be paid to your heirs. equity. 644-2873. pe&rin&: at the Bratakellal', ~··1 repalr. informatkm write; P. O. I 1 tns -•t f "· ho 'NNOU M NT nr. Orange County Airport ' n ran .. o t.~ • ve "" NCI I $ Town I: Country. Ore. Folk CONCRET!:, AU type1. Frff HAULING l!O'A LOAD 147-1957/M6-0206 ~ Irvine Industrial Box 481• Bellevu)e,~ w:lthout • capital invest.-•ncl NOTICIS i-A: Folk..rock. ~ )'OU'vt ..t. Sawjq, brNkiJW, baW-a.an-. Tne &rv. Gen. •-..-A Complex. C&rpet, drapes, 9IKl09 ot call <206 ment'!' It this llOUnda liiter. never"'hKnl!f&t ' .._ 6 ~. Jns. Seftie9' -M6 ml. 543-a>U ·~· ff77 m .. ~,. _,_ --"'""";.... .._ eve11. ,.1;., to~" pl···-,~-F--• (F-••-) •-_,.11 ... -ft-'"' •---'---"~-~;orial -==·......._ • , kr an _.,;;l~tme:';'"'ancf"""i: --.. -GOOD CJlEDIT: w .... · 1e-• ,._ft, --yiiU) I Gar. CI ea n up. TOPSOU.. Nltl'Clln ~ AVAILABLE NOW Mounl•in& p ... ., .. 10 t~ryiew. Call ,any of the ---'-----'--I~~~=-~· BlockWdl·~ •Rlbloft hftt. Wy, trub.red'WOOCI add:ed. D'l-7000 • Cnurte5)' to Brokers numbers listed below. HUSKY, -Samoyed • or Patiofll·S1dtwalk. Lie. Grade, backhoe, 962-1145 49S-4632. ·s Scenic acres, water a n d Nor. Elkhound -type dof, SWINGERS 0ranp County 6'2-9152 mom or ew. =========-! BOB PE'M'IT, Realtor electricity Yucca vaney Mr. Burke 67a.o389 mal~. 25-30 lbs. TRASH le garage clean-up. T •--~--• 833--0101 e •tr. Sinlth 613-3210. 673.23TI Sllw.r/'"'"'"• lot. haJr. Vic Gulde. Flft Info wrile P.O. CEMENT WORK, DO job too Mon.-Sun. $10 a load. free l'M -.-.-.-c15,:,000=·=(:7:14:):.,._=3:!:01:. ==1 htr. Kleim 642-6832 ••U.J Box nn Anaheim 9280f Small, reuonable, Free ti te 548-5031 ·-· DESK SPACE 222 Forest Avenu' Laguna Beach ........ - 62 .. ,. hfr. finhegan 8J0.6186 ' W-aide C.M. 583 P lummer ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Estlm. H. Stufllck 5'1-1615 "' ma . BOB'S TREE SURGERY -Mr. Crew 494-0672 KEYS Fowld on beach vie. Phone 54.2-T2l7 or write to MOVING, Garaae cleal'Hlp la back ottering the aame Jlland & Balboa I~ CUSfOM CONCR.En: &: lite haullna". Reasonable. Fine Quality Tree Servke, WANTED: view home 1n , Distributors fro • -P.O. Box 1233 CotlA Ml!A. PATIOS-DRIVES-ETC. Frff estimates. &t>l602. * 540-3?98 * Corona rlel Mar, pttl. 1IO% PROFIT _ ~~ :i opunter, Daily -Free estimate, 610>-5511, H ~-v~w Hill• a-a· ol, Balboa, N.B. •-----1m101nl1 ,.II • TREES, Hedru, trim, '"'· R. E. Worilod to shopping. $410,000. Also, OFFICE suite for lease, 4 new 4-&-8 units nr bch. Call pvt oUicea + lge recpt ar.,.,. ., 'c"a11' Route Sales Co. Contracted I: _.._ -MORE Concrete patio tor Je I 673! from owner only. PUPPY • Approx. 3 mo. leu ArtiiUc ttlnr H--..MC •n "I 1tumJ111, removed, hauled. 30 673-8916. approved acct'•. Jmt Ser. old, terrier mix. Gray money, • . yn: exp. Fully lnl. 60-4030, ""'"""==---:---1 vb. No Sellin& required. '11'/white feet. V.ic. Hun-• Attellfioft G.J.i't Uc,, caJl Max at &IMl6l7 JOE'S CLE~N SERV. DON'S TREE SERVICE AD 341-3937. room, sir cond., ample BUSINESS MCI Invntment security. May ti~ Harbor. ~ · Think.ins of buying: an autc> DECORATIVE OONCRETE We de Everythilll • }te,.. l types LiAe Ir Int Free Es. FINANCIAL finance to qualified. * * * GREY' It-white mobile after returning from DRJVES..WAI,KS-PATIO Comm. Free Est. 549-3126 timat~. 642-55&4.' (C•ll Collect) cat-recent mother, Gbi over.iteall?' We at Ban,rick CALL DON, IC-8514 Mesa Cleaning Service ButlJM1•• 6300 Dllvld Moore, U.P.S. who callftd, pleue call ImpotU would like to extend ••-Carpets, "1ndow11, floors, etc. Upholstery "" 0 ·s THE pu11:·, space. xlnt k>calion. N W l..achenmyer Realtor &l .. 3928, call eve" 6!~1489 TIME FOR· QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 64t5678 DESK SPACE _ Opportunltiei • (213) 4'1-7519 again, &12--3444 or 54&-9405 our hl!artiellt coniTatu1ations ContrR+en --Reg. le Commc'I. 54Hlll -'----'--'----= 17875 Beach Blvd. COIN Lndry Harbor Blvd. (?!tin. Invest m.i· ~.) FOUND boy'a bicycle. Ca& tor a job \\1!11 done. Let u1 •nlE REMODE\.ERJ• * APT CLEANING * rABRIC SALE 26 washel'll, IO dryers. Anx· S&CURE!" to idl!ntll,y, help aelect your new cat' or J'rte eats • lOO% financln& Fallt It thorough 64Z-8164 2j()(I Blue Chip I ta mps Huntington B8ach lous. Leav ing country. Only 3 STORES . 536-344l u8ed automobile. Call tor ap. Kite.he ........... es • ca-..t• Williams Cleanin: Serv. t'REE. 2-pc divan I: chair 114 500 Sub 't Broker ·-' :t I polnlrnent 546-4052 ·~-• ...,..... -:-$69, inclutles fabric Ir: labw. 642-4321,ExtZiG • · nu . 6000'Heartofi.ancaser.Lot l\1ALE Siarnt!9e cal . QUI • .or Complete Remodellnr . BAY 1;1 BeRch Janltonal All \\"Ork done In 5 ~ DESK SPACE M5-8424.. 78 x 118. 2 storerooms i ID identify, 494-97'73. Quality Contractors, 6'2-Carpets, u'1ndo1\'!I, floors. Free f"ltimate. l21-6t74• · 305 No. El Ctmino Re•I Stn Cltmtnt• .,., ... .,. NEWPORT Beach Delux!! Ol:tlces. Air-cond, hid, w/ priv. ba. 2400 W. Coast Hwy. WANT TO BUY OR SELL ~{ e I I Market Including: 54!--4370 WRITING • ReWf'lting • 3660 etc, Real Commc'l. 646-1401 A BUSINESS?' L.ET US equipment. Corner 'A.voe, I &:. Editing • IBM t y p Ing . Additions * Remo<lelln& JOIS & EMPLOYMENT JIELP YOU. ntE RE~ division. Acl"Olris from Fair. ~~RAwpo·~ET~~ .. i:: .. · •1211Rut!Oh, Spanish/Ena:lish tran&la-Fred H. Gerwick, Llc. lronlnt 6755 MW•ntecf, Mon _ ESTATERS. 646-7171 · AS" rrounds. Excellent lnw11t· -.on lion, FL~t. accurate stf\·lce 6731041 * 549-217ll ,_ 1'~0R VAN ment~ 673-3326 tor 1,uen, re1ume11, IRONING tn my home. $1 CAPTAIN: THR fVI NG COJ<'FEE SHOP ~,Q;C!O. FOUND• Blaek I.·~ 'fer-reports, s c rl P l a, etc. CerMt CS.._•nlnt 6'2S Hr. Drel8makln& Ir. alters.. Licensed • Radar . Loran 3(1 WelJ locafed In 1'ede\·eloping l.ll'-s. ltUey after ti. rittl poodle. Call to klen-646-544;; ;.t.;.;. Uons. 545-7641. , Yfll l!Xp, sail or power. Pro. beach 1re11.. Owner~ rellr-n4·l>-10-5595 . Ufy. 54:>45911 NEW Chlropraclic Hou rs. ~...... ·Q.. ~ lr.nlnt In My Homt. f!!si>lonal Sport Fishing Juide NEAR N1!11.'J)Orl Post Ofc &: Ing. l\Irs. 'Terry 536-14.l!I. $.'t'JOO. \\•\II xtart you in FE~tALE Irish Setter .found 10-8PM Dr. Don A. Field, · e ~7219 e Pacific Waters . alllO Jicens. Greyhound depot. Oftiee 16 Gl1'1' &. Party shop, a-real bu!llnrMS In !his fi~ mix by \Vll!IOft i Placentia in DC. 445 E. 17th St. Ci\f ed multi-enc. comm. pu'Ot, x 19, SI00-125 mo. lse. location. For Sale, 548-3,;3& food hand-out rcstaur11.nt. C~t ~1542, 548-J539. 642-6548. CARCPl! .. I L•Miupl_ ... _ 6110 land ' sea. Admlnlstratiw Graham Rlty. ~2414. or~. F'hK'lll equip. only $ y~1s FOUND-Lit\le black female ST.IAM LI"'" D '-----1 exp. Beat or refs, Box M 1'===17~;;~r:=~==~====::::~~~~;~===1 old. 11 1,Traffie Beach Cjt)' dog. Cemetery L... 6411 lllASONAaLI lltATIS LANDSCAPING 1000, · Alust 11&crificc at once. a.is.1546 l"OR Sale, 2 Cemet-"'°" Also carpet lnltallation New l&WM, rofiH:illing p=n~o°'r=E=ss~r~O~N~A-L,--30--1-,-,1 S T'.&R GA:,...E-.."~~ Call VAN at 641r-7171 THE ~·J .a.u -1 -• ._ l trees removed , ... ~~ REAL ESTATERS . MENS P••tc•iplio~ 1150, P~clllc Vie w -• · --' "'P· Plt>OrhARi;Ri •pol .. I I ' ~:,;.;;_.;:.:~CIA1'1 ===,_--.-...----1 11unrt&J1r.e11. Awcado A U~, MN. Db ha a STEAM 'jlt ,_.,.. eh!U~. Free Ht. !Ml-lM2 · ting, from Ef\tland. 161-7411 MID 'f ........... ~-...i. 'f UAA FANTA~ , business op-Avalon, 518-8884. • Gade, ltLWJ'J Mbwai1ti Aw By Cldlre, ~ LIVE Pre Med Student 1J. NAl. l _, __ , -"" u rh. portur»ty. l•O: re1tauranl, ..,_ I -t :::::-.,.1.:;; IAManrv Brick 6l30 Al# ,, •lccwJ1111,. "• a.n. ,· :ii}~ FOUND male mutt-vk:ll\ity ,._.,., Seattle, 'Wull. tlUI. terv ce. &>"~ a , ~ ~·-,._ inside aale1 exp. fUll t1me • 6-11 .12. ~!tJ.w.:':c':.=,!«~~ ~~;; . :-:~~e~ec'J1.~~~ of little Corona. 211t5U41 REMARC itfViC91.1 w CUSTOM MASONRY job. Jim 675-6Zt . -.Q.80.11 cfyoll'Zodlocblrth·~to._....... ._.,· hnmedlate tale .due to loss 6~7811 PACIFIC VIE\V $2l.50. FWly cuaranteed, Spanllhbrick AWfOUlhllron, hb"W.--.. , litht 31 <iood .._.. .. ,1.... ot manager. SI0,000 dn. Cori. FOUND-Boy's bike, Call to 2 Lota .• ~l~crific:• _Credit cuds OK. 14'1~ Cement block, »tone, patio W "..._ lT-32~ 62Act lllCl M'r. Pike, *'-6a73 or klentify. ~""°' ~ coveni. s.w.3218 _.....,. ______ 7_11;;.2"01 3,,.,,..,. JJAwoy 6lCcwnK 4M-7432. ,5.16-lfU f I PACIFIC View M'ell'IOl'ial , ... rl "'5 ~ REUABLE AGlt 3's..,.if<oot .. ~ --~ SAttoom l !ia.. ~C-C P:•ANCHISI GIANT turtle ldDbd in th9 Part< k>ts. OIO ~eacll . O\\'NERS SPWAL Movl-& St. ... '840 day work. 'Eld.. l6 v-"Will le 1 Ora ......, 6Gl323 or '42-4084. ... p•f il 7LJrt JTl""'lk ''"-Hometurnlahlnp, 4 k>catlons " lnty of ntf! .t. u.:1 ~ i;q. ft, PO. Diamond --" ava · ,..-on1an wanb t Csll an. &;» Mon l 1\ws, I v-it JI WOtea 61 Dino1¥1 heltw opened, Excellent ,,,_ MM". &12-77'1'8 -Carpet c:eane:n. ll7 n.t LOCAL ,. lori,: dist. rnovtas. 5U-4867 .:=.. ~~ ;:&-turns, modente lnwstment. FOUND blk and white Tom T __. •11__ "'"• st, Co8ta Mea, ~U17 :i~ .to:rVaa ':" ~ AI~D~ES=---tor~-co-nv-.i~ .... --...,-.1 11 1111111111te ••~'t 71~lmt Fac:tcx'y tr.inins procram, Cat atDanaPo~nt, bu flea _...!_':!'I,_. •• _. --CARPETVJNYL ..... 'r • • e&dertycareortamllyeare, 12Wlll A2 UllWI n$rN9tw. Call M Robe --•-"O'"'-"O'-~ 1Jw.tr. .eJA 7JTe r. rt_..,.,... tor collar. 496-4029 snJDENT wishes r ide UC CONTR. FREE EST. p ffttl Homemakers. 547~. :;~ !;t::' ~j=--Info, 523-9160, FOUND pure bred male Poo-Mon-Fri momtnp to USC. * 541).7252 * •. "'! .. -a-tat PRIVATE care tor elderly l6Dlllflrt'IJ A61o!ti.-Jt~ COIN LAUNDRY-ht. Ume dle puppy v)cinity of Vic-w~ pt.J' SU.,..-,..-, K·•i!!!!!., .... -.. women. (Reeommendatiolll) 17'f'-...... ,,._ 77~ offtnd. Mo.I delulle·tn USA. ..... C.M. • I "--=~ =----. -.. ...... ._ .. __ .. _,, ;::-=;:;;~2~.,,,_=-=;;;::==-1 11 ""1••• "' ... ,......,.t 71-:.-.• N I '·"'"~' T !!! I ~ & " !!I 61'"•· -·· .-.. n 1o1 • .,. -.-,':: lfProt«t-.,S.0.-7'C 'etl• \. .. equ p ., "~ GOLD Bracellt )qqtla center 'flltr ·. .WW -• ,., ... It'd, h• .. free est. PRACTICAL N\lne. UW!i ln. JOT• !ODilficult .... lmde By Owner lef-.B&ktt ~ ----...•~ Y"'" ''"°" l l"'9t at F~lrv'ew, cM. then'c:all ....,mul'tlUlllL ELE11'1fT~l1 lmftl l\ntNJ'ftfU llrfPDlll A --~ lf5.(MJ)t, . Refertnces AVJ.llable 2>~ ~t, :l:t:, ..._UOT. m.1171 ~ ~ .. allll • tllDIUc ,.,...,._, r1a1oaa"9e + ltHANOING 193-2561 Ml'roo9io 54eo..-tie .. ._ !.WALL Colla ~IHI. nnn ... *8lt.~ftont TJtl ,_. NII&. Call f42 .. tlTS tP~G. * -How.edeanl~bytbeday ~~ ~=-'.., ::-,.;,, nttds bookkeeping j: Dfrtc<e LMI !'J3&..182l uytlme. P•llltfftt DacerM... D:ptrlf'nctd "...,~ .. ""'I VWotria ST,.._ ,111n help: partnership open to YOUNG Sa.It I pepper mini FULLY Credentialed ttacbtr Furniture A: AnOql.Ws Ue'!I,, bonded. 5.11.e:9flll 6tJ..Gl83 <!;"~"!~¢: ~=a..:;;;'"1:::-~~/"':-""J?:r.-f----b°ill"'°"'..,~'r-W . tllUR't, m11i'.,"V!.,-...,irl-wUHvtor-rt1!111!1'f1t"itn tnr~ OOKICEiJPiNG:Gll if; swr. JI )Q~ 60'f'OOI f0Ye11 data, 583 w. 19th St., Co.ta Vmle area. ~ math. m.,2(23,· * &15--81 • la you ad :In thl dulified flee. Exp'd. want ptfm. 32.23-0 ~Cood @Adftrlt f)Hc~I Me111 9'l61f. LOST: r em. Dobennan, on TEACHER Will tutor dutlna NC matter whal It t1, YoU SECl'IONf Someone: I 1 potlUDn l4l-21S4 .net S PM 11------------.~.._-,.,---:------------· ~ ntE SUN NEVER SETS on bee.ch In H.B. REWARD! summtr months. Spectal can ttll It wtth a DAILY watoem. rci' lt. 0 I al THE SUN NEVER BEl'I • DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! Call ~ -education. CdM tiTi>-3971. _. ..PILOT WANT ADI IG-3l7I IC-am lodQ"I DAILY PllDT WANT,ADS! ,. i ' ' ~-r -. " . . ' . ' , ,. --... -. ---~----------~·-·----------------,----------.--.,,......--·- ' , ' . ' . / . . • • " ;..I • ,, . , ' ' . " ' . ' , . ' . ' ' . . · · .. ,-.'· · ·SO . YOUR .LITILE RED WAGON . ' I . .. ' ' I . • . . . ,1 .... ' -• j .. IS REALlY DRAGGIN' . J ' • • t . , I • ' .. . ·1 • . I .• '. _.-' ' • • . •. . •. ' ' llL\. I'!., .... ,, -~<..... ·---~- BIL~ ~.-· . . ·' . , . .....--~ '''"'-' llLI.-llLL , . . .. . ' .. , • ' ·' . ' 1 l".) . \. -. .. ADD ·· HORSEPOWER T·O THE FAM/L· Y. BUDGE·T • ' . ' . , • ': ,. . You can handle those bills. All you need are tht :dOI· ICirs you'll get for all the stlll·good, but· nobody· uses· them items you'll find all over the house. Make a llst of them today ·and decide to turn those unwanied ar· tlcles into extra cash. It won't cost you • • • it'll pay you. And you'll be surprised at how fast you can sell . . . iust about anything with a DAILY PILOT classified ad • Try It today. Every ·day is a good day to use • DAILY PILOT WANT ADS \ \ ' -... • ' • • • • • • \ . ·~' \ ' .., I ..... .,~ . ' '· ' "· -~ t .)' ' • (And You. Can Charge Them) . .' ' , . . . 42· ,, -------~--- /' 1 Frlilr, .-. at. 1970 .IOll & IMl'LOYMINT .IOll & IMPLOYMINT JOll & Nl.oYMIN1 .IOIS & IMPLOYMINT .IOll & IMPlOYllUINT. MIRCHANDISI POii ~MIRCHAHDISI PO ~~t]l~~J!D!j!fi .... Wont.ti, ...... -· Wom. 7100 hi;;" Mon.-7100 .... -.w-7100 J.~ .... Wom. 7100 SA\.I llNO'TltADI ... atrANrTU!!:._ UL~ TUDI SALr AND :..:::::::-..1 i .,..!..-7020 cool(:** * its. rlrt"""""' helper. m * PERSONNEL * SEC:IETARllS * Purnltuno -Pumllure -PumltuN Auction lllU Purnllllnl AuctlM W J COOK .~. liVe out. Xlnt nJLL OR PT. 11ME n10. rm A bovd. S..lboa C-LERK * • I' caterllw up. Have car. No PhMe Calli • Js. OR ~· NlQ. 2 )Tl, .. Ptt. Dudes Jn. f13-T72l/~. ' Apply In"'""" HOUSEKEEPER, ""'"""" ct'd ..,....,..._ '"""'~wlnr Soc'y SH Ill ' .... $475 ~ MUST QQl,I, PUBLIC AUCTION OINTAL HYillNliT * SURF • SIRLOIN * for motherleu home .,....; oppllca..,, handle """'"In. Soc'y· TroYOI · · · · · $550 A..U 111.J 1Wl. -.imi 5830 Pacltk Cout Hwy. or chlldftn a A 9 pha IOfne •urute, accldrnl ~. Attr. Eoc. Sec'y · $575 I ~ ...., -6 111, -k. maintain ,.....,., ,,,_, Soc'y, 2 Y1't up , , One of a kind Items -odd pl..., -ma. _ _ H-. of M .... 1 -~---~.---DtNTAL SllCllETARY, ,,. 5'&-m4 ............... -...... l'/C ..... ,. ••..•. Nit matched .... -dU<oalillued..nnlAI ilem--1·-- MW......_ .s. ~ only. PH: llOMEWO)IUCERS <~nw1ope Kqowledee o1 S&>anl!h MJp. ' parts of Bedroom set.s-over-inventory items. Glm • c:os'Mmc:s e. W•G• 1 -a W-111111 UT.af -nl wonted. Rush tul. 12.00 min. brly '°"""· Lit Ito-rs ;\II mmt go to make room for more furniture .. G WO •t&mr>ed, "" add. env., Apply In ""'°" l'or-1 AoooncY being returned from renlA!s. • ORIGINAL P.AINTIN•S RICERS AvaUable: :: DONUT UADlES. nl&ht shift. Xiuack, P.O. Box 1350, Z.D. PRODUCTS 4JOI Cempus Dr, NB ~ !or::~~:·Qulck, No o;per. nee. Mr Donut Garden Grove, ea. 92640. !190 Pullman, Co&tA M• 146-2111 We are I sales ouUet for the nation's largest •ftlctent, anytime. $2.§11 hr. 136 E. 17th C.M. HOSPITALITY HO s TE s s EqtJal opportu{lity ~m"'°*r SECRETARY furniture rental corporation. IU-TMT BtL I am--12 nooa ~RA p ER y INSTAu.ER. SERVICE, has openings tor PHO'.J'OGRAPHIC TraL.et Enlrepnneur with for. Green sofa sleeper, IS is • , .. , .. , .. $ 15 daSy E:ll:p'd. Penn. Salary plus ~~utt \\'Omen looJdn& for m':!i~ve ~e 9 expe~ ~iln lnt~1t ~ mUltl~ Green 71 sofa .•. , .• , .. '. ••••• , •• , $ 25 benelil1. AppJy Sat. s-10 :~· part time work. ~ ac!:.n A?.:. ll&'UfJ pan time ~ Brown T' sofa . , , ..............• $ 39 ' I.I M•·· WMI. 7100 AM1 WlNDOW DESIGNS, we m 111 newcomers to y, . tary to take charge' CO:. Grn/blk: sr.:i· b sofa It' love seat . , $1H _ -, _ --..:-3131 Birth. Newpt. Bch. your arra. Sales exp, PRESS OPERATORS ordinate actlvlUet,' I oth-Gold 8, •. I t 5 50-<MlO desirablE". Muit t.\.'f' acr. women Vi'Ork for plastic ers to trans!ate ~uskm--SO a a:: ove sea .... · ....•. $14 abflfties aalimfteb ageDCiY , TRISH HOPKINS tll Et ltth. Buile 2N C.M., 642-1470 * DRIYEis * No hptrlence -Necessary! Mut .. .,. clean c.utonda driYlJw -• .,., YILLOW CA& CO. 118 E. •lllh SI. °""' .... CALL: Sf!'~ molding plant. Shift \\rork. a.Uy In many langua.ges. Green crushed velvet sofa .....•.. S 79 HOUSEKEEPER, a mature Ph: ~O Please call 675-1122 if Half 'put corner group . . . . . • • • . • S 39 J "''Om•n for rook, lite R. E. Salesman wanted qualified. Corner group 5ludio couch .... , .. S 59, •. ""~ hou1twork for elderly &II' be&cb Mles & rental$ SERV. i!n se.lesman, exper •. Color TV ·,···.· ........... · ... $13S ,..f) "'idow on Bal Isle., rooin Pyramid E:xchangors &75-8800 nee. Appl~ In person, Tom'• (2) Black/White TV's .•.••.• eMtt'' S 75"..: '. & boa.rd, $25 week. 67l-ri703 Restaurant Rlchfleld, Blookhunt 1 Occuional chairs ........... ::· .. $ 16 ·" lfOUSEKEEPER for all girt CoNcientious young man, Hamilton, HB 12' white Admiral refrigerator , • , . 'S t9 ! 111.mlly. Sep. pest hse. PH: willina: to work part time SERV Sta Atttnd&nt, pt, Dinette sets w/chairs .........•• S 191\lp alt 6:to p.m. 538->&53 tralllillg as • Steward. time, ~xp'd only, See Jerry, End tables ..................... S ~up H'iKPRS Emp!yr pe.ys tee Experience mt neces-2S90 Ne~t. C.M. Cocktail tables , ......... , ...... $ f · up Geot&e Allen Byland Aaency Al')', Apply 3 pm to 5 pm. SEl\,VICE Station Alttnda.nl, Lampl .... · . · : .......... • ..... $2.5'1 up * ACCOuNTlNG a.ERK lflS.B E. l&tb, S.A. SC?-0395 See-Chef. exp.d. 23-4.). 1476 P&lisadtt Antique desk .•......•.••....•.. ·s JS --only. A<COWlt• e ESCROW HOMEWORKt!lli w.um:o Tho Plve Crowns Rd. C.M. Box springs ... , , . , , , . , . , ..... , $7.50 '"'"lvable I """""· ""' OFFICER e (Eav<lopO Addttssen). Rnlouronl SINGLE """'' & '""'"' Mattresses ......... , , . , , , , ..... $7.SO • aceountln&. Call InduatrlaJ Rmh stamped, 1!:lf·ad· lSlll E, Pacific Coast Hwy. machine operatws Wah-5 pc. Bedrm. set ...... 1 ••• ,., ••• S 79 up RelatloN (n4) 49f.9401 PDBition available· In our d r e 11 e d en ve I ope. Con.:ina del Mu. No ph. call• led. Exper'd only, Top pay, 1 Bunk bed, steel frame ........... S 49 0 , I TILONIC LANGDON WORLD RE!JABLE "'1 P<Prod·-•~-Pl NB ___!~J•\Sete 1122 Mu1kel ·---·------~-- INDUSTR!El! ~~":n=m:. ::. TRADERS, P .O. Box :un .. •mok•" .... tt:r.;.,.. ~ ~ ---. . . ' THE m FURNITURE FACTORY UN!vfiltsl~ iJi.... 1"'''""""" llU LQ\lna Beach, Calif. ~Redondo Beach. Calif. in ca'"·-·. 67"'919. SH"IPOO 'Ir! • Pal I Equal opportunity emplo)'f'r ture lndivklual. Minlmutn s .,,,..,., UAI,. ,,., ,..., li to uslst 1115 Harbor Boul•vlrd, C0tt• Meu r .twn •• complt, For sale: l•=-_'--~'---~-,-'--'-'-1 )In. u le ncrow ahd foan RN ~ ICU all .,. XI Tony at The Hait Factory. 57 l\f3gT11.vax., conaol.e radio , incl 2 med -· 1 •·-•·-·nt I ' , --•u•-' a..,..ts, ' nt >t l ' 541. 94 ~ .... _, -,__ •n Procesaine experience re. JANIT0111AL working cond's, I ~benefits, Ut ha\•e Cillil. llceme. 1. phono. Pr. t:,1\, ~119. BR j•tom, .,..,.., blia a: symbola, Controllen Ass't. Groth Co. lllllred. , PART TIME Contact Director ot N' .. 'RS-Call: * 645-0311 * o,. w.....,_ tJ:JO. s.tw•rs t-1. a...~ nite stand w/dwr, "walrait. ~.eat A ataDd tr Qmldl A located ln N•WpOrt Financ. Evenine work after 6 pm ING, C.M. MernorW Hosp. e ~ STENO TYPIST "· I Kine size quilted bedlphad. ·snare m.1913 lal Ctnlitr. De~. youna: I XLNT. FRINGE BJ:NEFITS Janitor or Janitress. \\"f! have * 6f2..7134 * Major Bank Trust Dept JOBS & EMPEZLOYMENT --· (!f::r: \Vtstlrwhouse elee oven A FEND~~ ambltlot111, Start to $11,000. 12 openinp to be filled in ·~ . ' seeks Steno/typist for Trusi Pumttur. IOOD l'Ctti:Mrie. ~lisc. 18l51 DELUXE ~llCY fee paid, also fee Please call Roel Lewis Costa Mesa, Santa Ana ,· taJ ~ATIJRE, ·~perd, pro-Ad · · _...._ ............ !lo ~berrv Way, 8Jl.3)45 Jobi. for appointment, ln4) Newport Beach areL No i!xp feuional Ale1men. A 11 sen~~ ... ·-· "'ft;(A n ff. Jobe Mien, Wom. 7100 17 PC. ·KING-SIZE >:' .,...,..MSS CurrAR Superior Agency W.n41 MW7ll. , req'd M0-1910 areas 01 Orar.ge Co. open. to .. ~.~~ CU'ffl' oppty, WO AJN col'-irl lllORl'\l'llA.a / ·~ · ~ * l75-MIM * 1~7 ' Income over $1000 mo, lst. r q....,a.ucu per.on. Equal M or ,.., I to ,,,_n. · Appli1nce1 .• 00 WelllUi 11.1-& iH6 Harbor, C0&ta Mqsa , ~ e J,.\NJTRESS, for Laguna mo .. Eves. 982-49Sl oppty. emplom. ~t en~ live In for summer. Hsewrk Larp t dra'ftCj.'dftuer, nffr, -.. :.t __ . ~ .,...._ .. 1• _ ASSISTANT -GLENDALE-area, part; time evn. ~eat plo)'ee benefit.. Contact fl-I. &. babysitting. Priv. tm/ba. ror, 2 bedlkl; stands, King USED Appllance! I: 'fV'I, .--. HE•.•ER FEDERAL SAVINGS · appe..,......, own t""'P. SALES ORDER , w: Fairchild, ~ Eli!. itI:;o. 54~1632. '''° hc•dOOa/". tram., quilt. all I guo<anto<d. D""!'p'i •• ----·----I ..,. Apply 8:30 to 3:30 PM, 110 CLERK ~. Security P9cific Nat'l WOl\fAN tor druJ storr v.'Ork ed mattrllf Uftfi: blank. JtlS Newport· 1c.M. Pi•nos & O 11• Evertlnp 6-10, Part time, ' E. 17th St. Santa Ana SUit• Experienced ·ln sales order Bank, 550 Newport Ctnter In C.M. Apply to Box Ploo. et.. etc, f • ' ' :548-ms. ' ~ dependable, ~ 19.31, $3.2;; 1!33 NEWPORT BLVD. 102. PH : 83l)....4006, processing, maintaining or. Dr., SU!le 350, N.B. Dally Pilot. ChoWJfl Spuish ADMJRAL dbl elect slilinless hrtostan. 0.:>STAMESA JANITORS , WAXERS. derlop&,~rd5.Type60 SI'OCK-Oerk -Young man or em Style 1 stttlv.·allovtn, top(,burner HUGE DISCOUNT CaUMr.AJlan 956-2870 Exp'd only. Good pay wpm onelect. Wishinc position w/ ·School I~.-..... A _,ORS249 + dl.shwsbe, &d/,1cond. on new AUDrt'OR (nJa:ht) with hotel • EXECUTIVE SECR£. • v.'Orking cond's, Call aft c.n Personnel Dept. future. Busy Newport Bch. ... n .-'!!.. ~ No ~ pmts, o~!,P mo. ~1236. (' Wurlltnr ..... I •NCR mt experience. At> TARY .BOOKKEEPER. Ex. 3, 543-9393 17141 49,._9<40I marine buol""' W.9"ll . -~!t7(' l!LK'S WAR.,,0\ISE KE>~MORE ••lomallc othor fornous mob ply at Rodeway Inn 1400 perienced, capable, adjust· Light gervice 11: lube Tel•phone Solicitors AIRLIJlll! 600 w. 4th St.L·~ta Ana "''sher in :<Int 'corxl l45 PIANOS A ORGANS Pallsal!t• Rd, C.1.f. Jn ed, for challenainr, dynam-maJ\. Full ~e, s.days. for appointment SC~~·"'~ :,. Dally 9-! s.t M Sun 11-6 Will deliver. 1'546-8672: GOULD MUSIC CO. Peraon for inkrview. ic, Girl Friday functions. 548-0566 g.5 Pt.f TELONIC 1. Pennanent pogltion PACI"'"· llE~E 'rlNG • Drexel 847-81.15 Since 19ll &RE YOU Conatructlon exper. des'd, ' . lnduatrlea 2. Onl)' exp'd. ~apply Day I Night~ .••. bed ~t consistin& 01:1,K.;;EN""M;;OR;:.,E,..-r.,-d,..cytt-,-Xl~. nt 2045 No. Main, S.A. " 3169 Redhllls Ave, C.l\I, 1ttAIDS • expenenced· Hotel 3. Xlnt. hourly lllluy . MJ.6598 '.lrt dftuer, c:'hesl on cond , SMr'' KE-nmore elec -* 547 .... 1 * l"•U11FU. L77 (adj to airport) or Motel. Please contact L-.une Beech 4. Many co. benefits CJ.II E. 11th St., Santa Ana I~ kine alze hudbowd. --••~ 847~115 o' 5" · ~fr. Fred DfJullo In ~n. Equal opportunity employer 2 ~ I .. _ '"·' uo,-~• ....., Jl't all in the .,.e or the be. EXECUTIVE Secretary. Rode way I nn , 1400 S. New, modE"m office: ' • t ttanda n ....... utuw .*-llm •-~ ~~ -· 'IV SALESMEN Full time • Some ev-Fl"M lox Sporklera ant c white. SeUlnc tori,',~=~--~--•~. ~ u~ eom. Sharp, Exper career v:om•n Pali11.dn, Costa Mtta ..... 1.,. · " ~ "' -. ~ uprl&ht freezer $100. ml lch nd if Part time or full time. Your w!U be riven to each boy and 79 .,, ... ., -· )'OU .,... a you wiihlne permanent position 1.tAJDS houl'll detenntne ·your saJ. Pleue apply in person 1tr1 who attend• Bible School 646-1 , e\.'6 I Wttkenitla~ tlfWboule washer It fed you're as pretty u with • fut\ll't'. Shorthand, LIKE H 0 USE W 0 R K'!' ary_ Call Mr, Robert Shoret at Ftnt Chrlsllan Church of 2282 ~ Dr Ne'A ,,dryer $40 ta. or J70 both. IOTTle or thoee people, call us. typing, sales ability RE-Permanent resident [..,quM for appt. 523-9lfi0. Beach. . ·• All 3, $150. S49-32U ~1 CALIF. CASTING CO. QUIRED. 25-40, Attractive. Beach wanted for m•id SEARS, ROEBUCK Costa Mtta, 79221!V~ctoria on -e M&ytq: deluxe was.her $90 iJ continuln& U's seatt:h ror Bu~ Ne~ B each \\Wk g daya/w~k. 491-1196 &!e Betty Bruce at AND COMPANY ~~ay~~rien'.ds!:30 Al\!. Ma,ytq •t. cu dryer $D1 evecyday people who have marine business. Casual al· MAID-MOTEL Office Jlv(nfture ~ O_then tror\t $2S up s:n-3137 .. -. ~· -- THE BIOGESTI Plona & °""" Solo In Town Is going on rl9ht now •• WARD'S BALDWIN mroro 1819 Newport, C.M. M2-MM Open Every Nile &: Sunday Aftemoon a desire to work on TV or mosphere. Salary open to m l 400 \V, Warner Ave. SWIMMING Lessons priv or --- -'-"ntodeltnc jobs, $15 to $125 qualified person. 642-9201. * 675-8740 * i_J..t Santa Am group, certified Red Cross USED ~I dtsb $39.50 e USED REFRIGEJUTORS ptr day, No lee to you ever. Experienced HAlRSl'YLIST $600 Mene9ement ;.1 XIZC • water sa.lety Instr. 675-2257. Posture ~$12.50 "' up • * $5S • S85.• * FOR ON CAMCRA for blll)' aalon, N.B. Follow· Trelnn . AN EQUAL Private swimming leSIOlll e Uaed 1. 4 draw.: flHt& GqOd:·Condltlon ""'6769 PIANOS & ORGANS AUDITION* ing prtfd. Frln&e benefiti. Na Company• Orani::e Are:nc)' for Cal'ftr Glrll OPPORTUNITY Your pool or mine. cabhleta e wooddc_lkl QfiErf:"' .. a: Merrit I NEW I: USED CALL (U4) 135-8282 646-1M5. County • l\1ust be married, 410 W, Coast Hwy,, N.8. ErtfPLOYER * &43-1697 * Mc.Maban Brot Deak Izib.. w/pfil, 6 yn old, $'7'0, e Yamaha Pianos crp. 10 AM to 6 PM 2 to S yrs, sales exp. Call By appoint. 646-3931 * TRAINEES, FULL TL.'1E 1M» Newport Blvd. * 646-856t .. * e Tbomu ()rpm z EXP'D. help for camper tac. Costa MHa * ~ e Kimball Pianm uABYSI'M'Elt for 2 great lot)'. Male or female. 869 Ann. \\'tstcliU ~rsonnel Sales !\!ale, betwn JS-23, apply -G.£; 2--door 14 cu. tt.'f COI>' kids, Meu Verde area. w. JSth Sl. C.M. Agency, 200 WestcliU Drlvt, DOUBLE KIRK JEWELERS. 37 Hun;; Theetrlc1I 7'00 lJKE new, 4 des~s. contd. flenone rtfri.gerator. $lOO. •Kohler A Campb@Jl 'l'ransp req'd MQ.81T4 1 NB 645-2170 * tington Center, Hunt. Bch. ORANGE County's Profe•· ence table I chairs fnr all. ~2171 COAST MUSIC BARMAm ~ENCED FAT Ir UGLY777 M~INTEN~ NCE Man, PRESENT TRUCK cn,.r, pem. full •lonal Repenocy Theatre ..,..... ' YE;:c::.LLO=W:......Frtgld_~o1-... -,.-,,.-,-•. •1 ~":.:!'! 6*1: 21-311. Apply 2 pm to 3 pm U you are, we probably can't mature semt retired, exper. * EARNINGS time empl'mt. Will be mak· So. Coast RepertorY Freezer, 15 cu ft. $75. WW Open JQ.6 Fri JM SUn W at The Flame Room 1880 u1e you. 6Al\f 3PM. Sun. off. Plea&e Ing local deliv'a for bullden is otftrinc It. 1st -public Office IC)Vlpment 8011 dellv. 540-7652. Monrovia, C.M. ' CALI,, CASTING CO. apply Lone Ranger Re1t., & 1 &Upp!y. Must have xlnt driv-Summer workshop C&ll WARD 2 spd exE-rcycle $150. HAMMOND stei-.. Yam. BARMAJD The Etc pade Is conllnulng its eearch In 17502 Beach Blvd., H.B. Ing rec. conscientious A 646--{)364 betwn JO - 6: JB?al Exec. $150. l\lonroe JS cubic ft chtst type aha N 6 ~-'iU.. or Room, 21.:as, AttracuV:. Oranp Co. for a varlety of MECHANIC • Exp'd, own THEN SOME v.·llllng to V.'Ol'k. Opp'ty Malle Calculator $125. Exec. freezer SlOO. 968-1587 ·1 ,:;.. a.st'..__ 111 * 5tl-I0&9 * types, for v.-wk in mag, mo. tools. Ford truck c11:p. ff you're making $15,000 no1v avail for adva~ment for MERCHAllQIS POI\. 6: 1wlvtl chr $15 I $20. m01 . · ......,. _,n: TELLER. e•· !Um. Great pay, pl. time. C.M. may make $30-$&0,tXXt. No M&-9326 for appt. ~ED . • " ,I ns·. ·;l'b~ , hw , XJnt condition. !·"'~·~Santa Ana •• ft~ ..... ; . de:Una:, TV reomm1 '1, Ir ind, prelem'd. 1900 Nv.'PI Blvd., -v.·e can show you how you •mblllous Per a o ~;..,~I SALi ).ND"!r' 11'1 I' ~I' chrt $8 ':l~l. '~ f10 rta b le, ~.$1> ~.5';,.at lr;hmidt Mu8c ~~en~~JWI9371Ume. Pleare We are client paid, no fee. MECHANIC OR l\fECHAN. gimmicks. You 'll be backed BUILDERS HARDWARE, Furniture : "9.. n~·~J&U.Whlt--.WW~· · ~· I • 4 ti ~ 1 ~ "· .-Not a school. !C'S' HELPl:R Conlmunity by a multi-million dollar 1730 Anaheim, 'C.M. -·-·-.._ -; U , CM. ~ i1dlG£ ~chine, PL\NOlt I diiilll leaoN BOOKKEEPER-FREE CharterBmSy;tem 4gz.3873 pUblic co. l•:ith full adver-THE BLUE BEET 20 PC. ''MADRID'' --Just been owrhauled, Xlnt given at St. Aiiilrew 1 1 SECRETARY TV SCREEN TEST · lislng support. 673-9904 • DINNER COOK • ROOM GROUP Ger .. e Sele I022 order $25. MG-5TI2 Presbyterian Church. ~ Pl/·. 1n'1 _.,_ MEDICAL ~tary. Ptr, w I t tu ... .. ---·-MONTGOMERY nl tact Robert Hue1ti1 Bklcpc, typlna I aen clerical " ~....,.. I k I d f e guaran ee o e you •NW, Stan $30. per shift FROM MODEL HOMES GARAGE Sale: 1tfoving, 12' . . Wa oroanist 547 ""17 ' dutlfl. A job w/ a tuturt 10 A?o-1 to 6 PM typ ng nt{'., now e ge ~ when and where )'OU may lncludel: Quilled -A lb~ts Snowblnl xl•t ··-" wuh1111: machine, 3 years ·• · ...,,, ' with -··TJVE ~·· ,,...,. 1n1. Report pref. Submit L . • kl h'-•• " 1..vou. 1 ~ --~-~--·-----! tt1ume Box fl.1-IOU, Dally U<.·gin ma ng t ~ money-• WAITRESS ct.it, 2 end table.I I COlfH girl's white twl~ bedrm aei, o d $40. * 536-8376 * PrANO, IJl",pt, 1'ln't c:ond, FIBERGLASS I a y· Piiot the really big n10ney! Our table, 2 lamps, drtuer, mlr-White king tlze headbrd, CROSLEY Freezer 15 cu fl. Fum~ture for Ale. CaU ·BEAUTY· OPERATOR up, sa11di11.t1 I d•· people may E'&rn up to + Experienced ror, headboard, quilted box matchg: bedllde table, crib, runs good, while, $50. Call 892-15'17. ••7 l\fEDICAL secretlU',Y, temaltt, SI00,000 a year-many work sprinp A mattreu, s pc play pen, color TV a: 673-7030. BA'"'°'LD=w"'IN""A"---,--, =--u't1 tamn9 expei'. Ap· Ins, exp, 64S.0460 Call 9 to 1 :e~ie than 24 hourr: • Full Time dinlna: room; table ' 4 hJ. portable ' other good\es! PHILCO refrigerator, 2 dr. v.•alnu t tinlah. A ten'iftc buy Ply In = ED· & 2 to s wkdays, A-1y In -n o .. 1.. back chain. 10 Al\t to 8 Pl\f, Wed lhru white/brushed ehnn. See to at $495. 673-0582. Mutt ·be experienced. ' AtODEL netd~ for p/time * Cadillac car plan at once. ...,. ..-·-"V OOMPARf._!T $749.95 -Sat, 422 Belvue La, Bal ~n. apprec. $135. 644-1011. LEI I DUSTRIES .. rl<. Coll M&-<896, U no + Uoe our P'•n•n lonnula • .... 675-1900 INC:. 2101 Doy.r '"'· M!>-3108. guuant .. younelt 2 """ THE RIGGER No <!own/.,;;~. Only 110 mo G'"'GE. Sal . J " 27 •--1 1110 Tol1vl1lon -APPLY Personnel Office Thlnl Ploor NURSES: LVN~ to 11 PM. per month. WELK'S WAREHOUSE ~ e. une ' ' ""' ques_ -----I S N I + Group Health Insurance-U. Picture1, book!, tbb, l\tOVlNG SALE 1910 TV'a t., . • Xlnl 1alary & benetlt.oi. No. 16 Fuhlon Island 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana lamps, clothes, sm. ap. ESTATE Zenith color, bile I: wht. FILING clerk, Ille typing Under new management ~cx:'cc: medical, life Newport Beach CHANGING Decor • 10x14 pllances + many other AUCTION ~ave up to $185. Daves 1V help for lge mtdical group Palm crest Convalescent *As an ~iate of a:id a.11 "'00:I Chinese hooked 1'ii utetul 1tem1. 6862 Trask, Sat nite, June 27th, 1 pm 810 S. El Camino Real Ian THE BROADWAY 'C.:\1. 3-ll pm 1'-lon/Frl,' llosp!tal, 13075 Blacltbird Sl. under the aegis of p'rof~s. WAlTRl$SIS+++ , & ped, $50. 9 ft sofa, like Westminster. American Girl e Lgc, consignment of an. Clemente. 492-1291. Salary open, Penn. Call Garden Grove -sklnal salesman and lin· £XJ>ERitNCED new, custom made velve-Sportl Anoe. tiqucs Irom l\llnnesota PHILCO OONSOLE NEWJIORT BEAOI P..fn. Collins for a p Pt Nunine anclal t y coo H W No Phone c..ns teen, $225, Lounge chair $10, •LEAVING STATE • S Grandfather. clocks, 3 Black A Wbl19 $t5. , '49--0386. RN • Cellf. llc•nH Dwle;ht reno~ f.Ju: Apply 'Ip Ptnion , lxS hooked rue-$15. Dunca.n Selling evtt')'lhlnc: Hshld beaut. leaded Tilfany shad. 492-4719 arm-5 pm, FRY COOK-Experienced 12 PM to I AM .Shilt R.E. bro1ter.,._con\munlty SURF I SIRLOIN Phyfe CoUee ~able $25. 611 Items, rum, tools, bldg ea, 100 pieces of art It cut Gii COTI'AGE COFFEE SHOP APPLY In penon: leader and entrepreneur 59l) Pacific Coast Hwy. Klng1 Pl. Newport Hellbts. mats.. pwr mowen, car glass. 562 Wett 19th st. C.M. HUNTINGTON BEACH you wnt learn how yo~ fiewport Beach 646-4032 stereo, tape' deck, ntw Ford •Over 500 Items to be sold. Hl~FI & S..,_ Equal oflPO"Nnitr emplc:rif'r FUU. or PART TIME. Earn CONVALESCENT may lmtant1y succeed. WAititESS wanttd, apply ln OVING. Spanish f urn . dlx air cond ut\!_t. 395 E. BOB'S AU~TION 47 FASHION ISLAND Newport llHch SPEAKERS: 4 baxe1, I BEAUTY ()peraklr, booth up to $5. per hr. FULLER HOSPITAL + Profeuional tralnini:'. pro. penon. J\leu t..nei, 1111 ~lrlg. S.by furn. il ~Ilse. 16th SI. CM . 204 w. Chapman apace tor ttnt, CdP.,f Reu. ~USH, ~745 18792 Delaware, H.B. gram easy to lcam. su~ Ave. Colt.a Meaa, ~ W. 18th Apt. No. 40 nJRNITURE A Gara1e Kie, Orange, Cali!. Ph: ITS-l&t6/eve-M2-520S. GAGE LAI NURSES: RN'•ll-7:30 am *Pre· qualified prospects C011ta l\leaa. ~trig, lam111, c ha irs, Phone: 538-1141 -CLERK-SUPERVISOR shift. n time. Relief RN· through million dollar ad-42" WROUGlIT iron table. plllow1, port-a-cr\b, h t· Owned & Operated By •11 •• m ~•-1 ··•·-· & verti1ing pfORram. ,WIG STYLIST 4 chrl, 1wtnln1 leave! under chair, dishes, kit uteN1il1, Bob Ford PRODUCTION Experienced on.IY. Salary up hen'.-P ' "'111 __.,-Get The FaclS Now-Cell: alus top A chr backs $75. appllancfll elc. 431' Seville, Auctioneer: CONTROL to $800 per !"onth. lfndn-new ownenhip Mr. Stanley 1714) 8J,;.l2.1J AND SALES 644-5298 on Peninsula, 675--1194. Burt Garretson LOOKING lor bri&ht rirl who Apply m pel'M>n I Co --• t O 7 O. ..,., ,..~• ,... •n .• n .; l'" Jemtn woofer super tW"eelel' In ea. bottom bOx; 8 .. tweeftor I mldrup hom In ea. top box, $UIO. 96>-7967. lllln workl• with ficw'ea, Z D PRODUCTS Pa mer est nvll;'escen pen ys Lr9 Corner Sof• 1_,, ....,...,,.. ftK .. 1er, u11.,, TRADER Kay's Buy Sell I ' g,j Pull Jloep.' 13075 Blackbird St. Sales NHded ror millinery dept. $85. 67U056 upricht plano-dnun-aultar· Trade antiques, oollector 'WW t)'lle ~CIH, ~u ~1_ MmanCalAvlcl. G, G. * OPENING * ?al111t be experienced. HIDE-BED m Doub'· ...... IOncsJey 1tamplJW machine Items. 1425 Victoria, CM • NIKKON 300mm LENS ~JIUl'Chue -·--· USe car· , '"""'ta esa, . -... 11: """' • di.hel • m*. am ilema. 64z..11n $115 1:;. :::: =b~-~ ~=Rn1:RA7;~o;~ N~~:: CL~v·.~:~~i FO:A~::tE:~TI APP~;;-~·J r ·r:::.:· ~ .~:.¥01 llO St. e. m..n.. ~ * 54l-39M aft I pm* odvuctment, $400/mo. to No _._ ;, ""'· Xlnt opp. "°""ta!, PH: lld-3lo;. 'loor' tlnitt ovoll. PER50NNlll ,OPlllCI 1-' ' ' -~.. 27th ~· 11 ut one-A=~ ~=:~= "'"· mu Ml-!I08!l • ~..,.;-*-CALL POR APP'T. TH.IRD 'L,OOlt ~ ,.hi<, ta ~.'JV . B~, . 84 new, $40. 5.1&-9618. General e SUMMER JOB'!' e 1.lr. Corbin or Mt, Martin • ' ·i iltf, OllUcb, e 2lt4 Oil)se 'furn fuin ,fl DELL & kOWEl.L XLNT. wortdna cond .. ,.u $3 95 HR A h1'0 "·eek concentrattd lll'WAL"'°" The Broadway Ave., No. c, c.M. chain. Appl'•. Odd •n endii. • uo ~,, • 8mm aoom cemera $ltlO I tnrce blnetlll ind. profit • • typing program a t the MIRROR. O>cktall tbl, mfr. P~TIO 1 Gar. Sale: June .na-vv. 548-0911 aharing, J..arge, expandllli chain need• NEWPORT SCl-IOOL or ColtalN·MMn'1Nij ror t m!l I iih c.Jlfernle fUll A: pan time help, Tmip 0 • BUSINESS can be the key. ln·llU -41 FA!HJON ISLMID ' u5" pane' S 'tll, TooU, f Jshln1 Sewl"I Mechlw 1120 ' I I~~ ~-"I Pe. A 19'31 1 Mo NEWPORT BE.AC'.$ • • " nnce. tackle, 1ilve:r, china, clothe• -· Sportf"I .... .. ft _,_, ,..... "I il rm. It · · 1 Inquire IAM-llAM, Mn. 'Equal ---. • .Lty emplo)'wr • If u 10.U.14. Corner 13th I 197J SINGER Touch 0' M•Oc -".,--"---"-----'I 1 I» Brtaa Ave., C.M. tt11dent required. ruchudl, &U-317tl. SALIS MANAGERS uwu••..... CUSTOM w·"• Ith ·-·~ 81·~ 1••u TPM wt •. t --• T'I SUR.l'BOAJU> Hawaii '~ ·~~-• eom~xl .~2871 Jim o ... n ......-._ ----ffj ~ ,,... H .,.,_ uuo w a .... ,,,. wu. wwa· • 1e nc mac 1ne n wainut WAVE y • •• ......--_..... ..... ;JJU" ·~-~=--~ ome 1.....-11ilhinp lranchiM, burnt orange lnthe!' hand cabinet. z 11-za11. but--"""' • SET C&lliGs Girt or T, dnil"o Chn'IOfc .. $SOI · e e NIE ID Dftan. on tint inttrvlew. rail a:-3 blr ltOoll, $1.50. ~i:.G~~:1: tonholes, etc. Guarantft;d. Mmt 11U. STO/ofttr. las rm pl• board plua lntuetttrc. varied work \n Call Mr, Robert Shores for * WIGS * Call 131).1337. Irk •tow dmt. la--.. Pay olf balance or $311.30 8Sl-le7 ! 111uy tor Summa. EJc.. plea•nt Newport Bnch Twe Office Glrl1 appt. m.919>. Sell ladles fuhlOn wfp HOUSElUL or new modtl er S.JTit or ~ per mo. Call MJ..8335 EL PA.IPO "Knee MadYM", chante b a 'i y 1IttIn1 A medical off:lce9. Top bene-~t111t be 25 and able to drive by wtarinl on the job or bo tumituft Rea $1183 • anytime. wave Id nn. Uke new; """'"'""" 1 child. PH: m.. C.11 MIA v""', -APPLY -SECRETA1\Y -IV-tall ,.:.• 1191, Mii 0; PAnO l!ole! KI-"' ~BINGER Auto -1 ..... $50. M<IJ416 ~1310. S-'74122, Able.ii AbboC Per. 191 E, 11th S..,,C.M. ff._ SChool -•·"lo with ~. Sky!.' · I .-. -, .. h --·•ed •· ========~! ..., .. I •.,ncy, -W. WUJ. •" .,__ ~ ;J:' ?inl1ftt.n .... 1• ~• c QftU :iur Ml II ...,; LLECl'OR Small claims. -ORA.MOE COAST 'JR, COL-f<M:U' yn of l'llllPdt.lble and -.. ~ butlon ho 1 e , , ICI ...vi .... Must lie able to type. Call ner, Suite 2U, S.llta Alla. l.EGt: DlST ba• 2 openlrws varied aecretarial and cler. :=&" t Guar S39 ah Mr. Youns at Collection GIRL FRIDAY a Asn' for !Ill. STENO a.ERK. at ~nenoe. lalle know. WIO Sr Tlifi ~~._;, ~& (EXERQW) lb'dnulk: a: Bureau or Wnttm 0ranp RECR£.A110N ollUC1'0fl SH-U:ID wpm, t)plng SS ledle ot an •lnte:wuw Exper oNy. tdaloo '1'Clse machlne. Uke ~-->u ... -••••--price r1atl!. Ill -'--'"' _,_,, APPiy ln pel'IOl1 on SWL June WJN". ~,--ta •ti.rt. otnt'f'. Salary blrfm at "50. Woman owr Ii.',_, in a~ ~ w-n 21th, 11 am to 5 pm al Apply 1rtll Fairview Rd., ApM" u-dg,J Fri., I ·-pearanct, to work in ftah llU CABIN at M&l'AllM6 ·~ ~ ~ ---!1<i l Utt M0-3m ARNORMAL GARAGE SALE Full w\ 1100, •Pl T, -makM1 . t.M G.....nt>rook: Model 51te, C.1'1. Ph. ~TOB. 4:)3 pm, market. Wtelcttldl Included. 1 rt& ma •· • .., tnln. Enc pOI ava , " . . ,_E 'PORT A ~ •t 3620 Nl'WpOr'I. Game tahlfl and 4 chairs, Mink, boAl, new de<lol' llem1. USED Conn AJto uxaphone F\arn, ReleTvt .,.,, vlan Woodard Colm•tlc:t Ask kif' Jeanne Edward!. periePced lf\l\l.'frllll 1r:r. SCHOOL DISTRICT 81 ., . · i06CI m Ln.-IM!pt -wkh ew;-Qmd~ Y ''"'"'"· dltat, M4-1*'· HAIRDRESSER w/cllenltlt vice. 540-2052 \VOMEN, 1.Jle delivery work. Sell for $75. 64:Z..2290 11, Hunt. llArbour. SS&, ~ new. Colt PS. 1111 ta , l'\tUtf, 4 dt.Y •le. for SUntet Besch Sa;lon, Mult haw own ca!'. Apply : HOUSETUL or tum klr uile, GARAQE M.I•: Anything ELECTRIC Guitar. red I,...-=~"'",_~-~~ Must know all dkits. 11 10~. 592--*!19. E vea , nfp; QUtCKElt YOU CAik 32S N, Broadw&y, Room tlO, very ttaaonable, 1593 lndut ftOm A to Z. 3211 lTtb Pl, hollow body. dual plck--QPI, a END Tablll. Pl'fell ILOD . .,am..T1JO ,... Pll: '1l-5'5D... w.ac. ntE QUICKER YOU SELL Santa Ana St, Santa Ana Hhl. at the bl1 1lgn. 1100. 0.ve, 613-9721 bdore 5 can aT-4231 -------• r 'I '~ ·-·--------------------- I OAILY PILOT ·M~HANDISE i'OR SA I AND TRAOI * Auctlo~ * FRIDAY 7:30 PM JUNE 26111 FiM Fumlture & Appll•nces Like New Hammond organ & splnet piano, console & por· table ~ 1V's, SPlnish stereo, dlnU.: Mm & bed. room sets, china cabil)('ts. book1;ases, Boelton rockers, captain chairs, dinetles, cof. lee tables. de.ski. divans, che9ts. antique breakfi'Ont & china cabinets, marble ta.bles. French lamp, "'3sl1 • 00\\'I & pitchers, lots of new carpet, 22 office desks, wash. ers, gas dryers; & lots n1ore! WINDY'S AUCTIO.N Friday, Junt 2b, 1970 , . Pets, Generol -S1llboots 9010 Speed-Ski Baals IOIO FREE lO qualified home, 2 ('"I TU•1-BL·l-N•C ·p••oo•-$1 ----r d I ( both ... w ,. ua b · 197& JOHNSON 16' "Front. a u t cm. "1· spay~ ea~. iguana, 21' fl, Ion• COR NADO 30 16' GIBSO!'I refr\g. 1t1.te & boost.er shots, aU;o kit-.... 'II • ..,, runner" w I tilt trailer • model, fr06t .free, Xlnl Sl:Q. tens. Various ages & coJol"!!. with. cage $lO. 673-81»4 Cd~f LISr PRICE $15,500 fil)(trglass tri~hull , lSjhp Luxurloug Kelvlnator elee. 54~1846 ·&129 SAIL AWAY Vo.6 110. 4Z rnp~vi.nyt top -.. ,.,,,, A"" 4 ... -,., Igo Dorl• 8125 $1• 495 Now II "''/side cut•ta!rni, 11'"' -·· ..... ,. ... , "" ' ... ' ' FREE to good hon1e • darl· -,., •• •'f•Y ..... - O\ien, slightly used, \\'Orth ing black &: while i:nale •GREAT DANE PUPS• NEW taln, camper top, moorlng $365, $200. 24" ~pt size gas klllcn. Hat had all . ~ts. Beau1iful chanip. sired fawn, CORONADO 27 cover ~ (ull instrwnen'ta. stove. $39. 2114 Continenlal, Owner lcavi .... for airllnes. AKC, 6 \\'ks. \VIII keep & lot:: mbl'e eTu"tii -wed CM ... NOIV O only 79 hrs. $4300, save 645-0024 6/29 love for you until cropped. N DISPLAY Y h R $1000 from private owner. BAR 1>1.oOl1, upholstered Jn Klil'Ei'iS: 1 part Persian (TI4) 447.2()j9, •c ts oyale, Inc:. Ed Ellison. See Sat & Sun lellther like naugahyde "'ilh ._.. RM Sh 2912 W Coast Hwy hobnail lrim. Cos! new n1ale. 1 s ho r I ha11..:u • GE . ep. pups, 7 wks, N · • at i;:torage Jot, Park Rd 10 wks old. 1 is on the gd with family &: lrleocls, ewport Beach 645-0ltO at Newport, I blk norlh $'\9·95 each, selUng for S20 botlle ,vill hold til vacation. bad with p1'0\\'len. $2Q nf 19th Costa l\fesa. each. 646-lnt eves & • "'l •~• alter S or Sal. RHODES 33 "0 £"'AllUU" • ' week!'nds. 2282 Redlands 836-4493 6129 ... -voov Be Uf 11 """1 ~" d CHRIS Craft inboo!i41 speed D N Be I) hlOVJNG. \V hit e Sox, anytime. au u y equ p~,. a n boat. 18 fl . 120 • H.P.S. r., ewporl ac ' adoi-able ma.le kilten needs NE\VFOUNDLAND, ma I e, maintained. Ideal for racin& Chrysll'!r. Sacrif1Ce $695. ST;EREO. l970 Mcditt., g. good b·o·me immed . gentle but splrlled, FREE or day sa.iling. 6/J-6953, 67a...2484 speaker console. P hone · ' $5500 -TERMS Af,f/FM MPX. Tape deck, 5'18-588-1. • 5!27 :Kc",'1":f~ty~. 1~· a;:-ct See at 19 Bay Island · '69 · 18' SeaOile lrihulJ etc. Never used. Sac. p;;o. HURRY for this beautiful, 4~474 -1 • 67l-12S2 runabt. Evinnide 55 hp ol· Tenns possible 8-16-4156. long·haittd, Rulfy 'h Angora ., 2. EN "I G N S 1 brd. · Like new. ( 714) 6 "''k kitteo only 1 lelt ADORABLE Toy Slive r"' . ..,,_ ~ ... oop, 846-3293 MICKEY 3 HP ·mini-bike, ,S46-34'i5. poodJcs 1 1-f 1 F 8 \vks ti~61ass, main, Jib, & ~,.~.---------$100 or Oiler: Custo1n coffee old Af<.c. shots ?$25 !'a. genoa .• o~tboard motor. Sail W·/ CH EVY eng. PITS and LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION MIRCHAADISE FOR =FREE TO YOU SALE AND TRADE TRANSPORTAT,ION , --- 1600 TRANS~RTATIDN -Mobile Hoon•• 9200 ------PRE 4TH SPECIALS! CONTINENTAL By Cambridge ?iffg: Co, 25x 55' cedar lined \\'ardrobe dool" & beautifuJ appolnt- inents. DUAL WIDE PACIFICA Plan no. 809,' For those who want the best. PARAMOUNT SllOW MODEL 24x55. Reduced to Sell. RIVER HOME JDx55 w/Wv. Rm. Expe.ndo. 2 Br, new crpt, new relrig. 12x44' GENERAL •S·1122 $4450, 24x4:l' Sher. ton J\1anor. #1700606. $7995. 24x51' General #6277 $9700. table stereo w I Gerard FEM. 4 mo oJd dog, part 9G2-S059 & cockpit covers. S2T:JO. reasonable; Also Me r c. COME BROWSE AROUND changer $50. 968-3013 San10yed & part Germ . Also: 10', '68 Glasspar Mark 70 eng, TI4/729-5396. Chapman Mobile Homes 207511:: Newport Blvd. ANTIQUE sewing ma c h Shep. Blk & '\'ht. 645--0529 GERMAN Short haired dinghy, $100. 673-1887 SPECIAL Custom 18' 'in. 913 N, Harbor Wvd. Behind Tony's Bldg l\fat 'ls cabinet; $25: 2 end this, aft 6 Pl.1. 6126 P~lnter pups, AK>= cha. .. p. MUS't· sell 30' ti.lark C 30 board sklboal. $1500 or best Santa Ana Costa 1-fesa * 64&-8686 $5 ea.; l dining tbl, $10. 3• KITTENS. 2 blk & wht, ~j~hots, "vormed. Reas. incl's mooring, nylon mai~ offer. 536-8891. 531-1571 OPEN DAILY 9 to "' 673-2295 l f<!male t.lger striped and · ~ii. 28 hp· Johnson aux. ---~----ll:;JJ~~~~~~~~dcERAMICS _ Garage full. \\'ht .. box trained, aft 2:00. SILKY terriers • Puppie'$ Other xtra~. Gd cond. A Boat M.inten•nce 9033 * Newport Harbor * VACATION S'PECIALS Perfect for gift shop. Wo11h 962-751)j 6/27 $100 up; l!' yr, old female S!cal at $2000. Pvt ply. ---Afewremainlngmobilehome Rock hoUJ:lCI supplies. Custon1 SlOOO .• sell for $600. 641).9215 2 Snoiv while Angora-Persian $50 to good ho1ne. Qu~ity 894-6966 • CoR!m or pleasure_ boat constr 8;paces in ~ of CalH. 'a last. 'casting. Wa.'C Patterns, Cast-eves. kittens. . male, S i l·ve r , breeding. AKC.,646-7335 VENTURE 21. full equipped,• ~~trypair, ~~~ est gi'Owing resort areas. ing ·equipment & supplies: C~A~B~l~N~.~M~,-m-n_m_th~· ~La~,,-,-,~n I Persian mOlher &. 4 kittens. POODLE pups AJ{C, blk i~I . sail covers, Newport 0 · . MOBILE HOMES .. Custom jewelry in stock 01 2800 Ocean Blvd .. CdM 6/'!1 miniatures male and female slip avail, $2750 or trade B AT PAINT1!'iG -Quality are 9n· display, theSe bolnes to your o~-,. High SierTas. Furn. 7 nites. 8 k Id h bot 4~2610 1 . 1 work done right •'· .,..,,,,. are fully equipped at prices •Utt" $9.l. Reserve now 531-3374 UNUSUAL 6 & 8 wks. old w so ' ass s ;t<P-or sm. inboard cn.i ser. . -" J~ you won't want to pass up! Open Tue thru Sun Eves 540-0617. kitte.ns, part Sla.me11e , SlLKY Terrier puppies, 962-ti3:)1 shp. S43-5552 •· EXAfoIPLE: Closed Afon. 4 x 8 REGULATION pool healthy, box trained, \\'ean. cha.m.pion stoc~. tcnns it ~~ PRICE 20· Flying 15 Marine Equip. 9035 New Jlx44 w/awnings, skirt, S·M GEMS table complete with all ac· ed. MG-6004 6127 desired. S39-TIG5 w I 11·\r, Proctor Spa.rs, ---~-'-----etc. $9180 complete incl. tax 2750 Harbor Blvd. 11-A · XI t nd ·~~ .2 FEMALE cats 1 fentale WANTED! \vinches SS wire 492-3741, MARINE Paris & equi~ &: lir.. Many "'"'· y for IM· Costa 1'1esa * 549-2039 cessories. n co • ..,.,,... l · t Pro trol bl 646-3629 after 6 pm with shols ten1porary or DOG GROOMING KIT a so new fillings, spars to men: ps. con ca es, MEDIATE OCCUPANCY! Rear Of College Center permanent home . e M0-3&28 e sell. windshields 1tG1 marine GREENLEAI' PARK HOUSEFUL of Furn, king ~9l 6129 W 17 C BO SI Fb l transmission, Jack Cole 894-2312 J\loving East-~tust Sell! Cor";l!r studio couch set, WOOi braided rugs, 2 Twin bed sets and mctaJ bed frames. Antique ca r v e d piano 21" B/\\I console T.V. 19'' B/\V portable T.V. Cash sales only, 642-!Kl28 LEAVING, must sell: 2x-I ft table, resin.top, Strong, gd, for tape or TV, etc. $7.50. Adjus. metal ironing board. NE\V w/pad & OO\'er. $4. 2 lamps, $3 & $5. CaU 642.-1724. s:;: hide-a·b<!d, Bar g a in! ./ AKC IRISH Setter PU.~ A·. · ' . oop. gs bucket seats (bGat) fishing An adult prlvat.: club Everything goes! 540-6089 5 DARLING female kittens: pies Choose Yours Now! ss rig, dacs. alun1, mast, chair. Tu.'O i{trgc inboard 11.i(I Whittier Ave., MUNTZ Alldi~Sterro 4 and Mother Siamese, fathe r 675--8718 Balboa cushions, mtr, tlr, xtras. ·gas tank 8 ~ 1 instruments, ~ta Meta 8 !rack' Car unit model A-60. Persian. 7 \\'ks .. box trnd. BASSET PUPPY Xlnt. $l600. ~8--0549 blowers & misc. Special Pb, Tlf/&a.ts.10 ExccUent Condition. Price car tmd. 494-469:> 6129 'Femal<?, AKC. 544-3617 12' ·SAILBOAT, no sail, Price on \\>bole lot. Take llJrt>or 'Blvd. to 2 BEAUTIFUL Cockapoo \V/ge!!.r & trh•. Must sell 549--0530. 19th St .. lheD wed S50. Call 837-"239· pups !o .-..1 home. Approx. SILKY TERRIER PUPS beroi<e Sun. Best offer. .-~-~~--lo Whl1tift' A'T. HIDE·A·BED, like new $65: 5""" AKC, Xlnt quality ~.,,, "'"""" :F'iiPChryslcr electric start JO""rD .1. ·~ 8 "'ks old. 118 28th SI,. "'<>-<>UIJO _ .. , ..... _ M-.. Relrig, 2-dr, self-delrostiJ'lg N.B . · 6129 female $170. 644-4806 outbGard motor (5 hri. 21--~llA~Y~HA~~"=llOlt=~- $65. 642-8171 AKC Basset Puppies Luders 16, Must sacri~ props. battery, controls ollHo •-L- T COUCH, celery f\\'eed, llke S!-.1. 1.Iale Chihuahua blk tan $50. 644•55S3 · • fice. XLNT cond. Full (single !ever) cables, tank, M Hr.1w ..... 1 & "'·hite found in Thun· rac'g gear. 54()..0020 speedoineter $175. 549--0530. ALL Nn.,. MODILS :~~~~·&J~~?cr, good derbird homes area. PRECIOUS Poodle Pu~s RACING Naples Sabot No. Also kinds ol marine equip· NOW ON DISPLAY 493-UIOO 6/27 AKC Champ s!ock. $50 '1781 . Xlnt, w/trailer. Stan ment. a' Wides U low U t:le Misc. Wanted 1610 \VANTE:D: Donations of any useful items for garage sale. Support Wesbninster Girls Sports Assoc. Ca ll 893-0100 or pick up or deliv 1o 6862 Trask, Westminster NEED horse lot desperately. Cheap monthly rent for l or 2 horses. Preferably close lo Irvine/ Airport. Don or Elairie . eves 646-8749. 549-0844 1~ W"-to •.ii ,.,..,._ 2 SILVER gray and 1 manx ' Miller $325. MS-7470 COMPLET DIVING Outfit s. ....,. ,,. ... _ cat 10 wks old 1 calico cat TRANSPORTATION 9. DlNK KITTEN & gear, m n's size' small. 1425Parlc~ =na 1 yr old w Is hots . 1-----------1 Excellent condilion! Good cond. $85. 496-4673 % block Eut ol Harbor Blvd. ~748 6129 Boats & Yachts 9000 $250 * Mf>.0906 Costa ltfesa f714) 540-9470 2 LOVELY black kittens, I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.!:rFi;ibooC.'iiiila~";--&-(ee;e!.iroa:OO.t Boat Charter 9039 l ... ·n·' __ , good born•• I 1 20 x SS KIT iii existing adult 1 =· '""""' · B • * * Rt'=irs * * FOR CHARTER ,. 962-4894' 6/29 rowftlftCJ •-park, HB. 2 BR. 2 ba, patio, Free Estimates 54S.1752 42 ft cabin ·cruiser. Sleeps 6 awning, See thi.'I \\'knd. FREE to good home kitten born in a barn ":ishlng lo better hln1sclf. 540.1547 6/29 DACHSHUND, 2~~ yrs , Fem. good with children. 89-1-1912 6/26 Marine Division cal-25 Full race eqp. For pvt. cruities throughout Days 642-3920 Evll.s 962--7264 PRESENTS SIS, rad. 9~ Evlnrude Southern Cnlil. Daily & Factory Showing of the 1970 * 646-8559 * Weekly rates. For res. call Jil1<' of NE\\'PORT Sa.ilbo~ls, KITE No. 229, good Cflnd., 642-5m. AEROCRAF'T litern drive, Dolly & covet'. $65() ti.rm. Motor Homn 9215 outboard & aluminum boals 968-7003 aft. 5 pm. \Vanted,Bavarian china, mis. Sl\1 blk female dog, needs at our Costa 1.1csa plants. ~ . cell pieces, Electra pattern good home. p I a y f u I . Our boats range in size from F IBERGL_ASS Sno\\•bird. Gd 27' Trojan fly Bridgci Sedan ful. equip. sips 6. ~a~ $450 wk. 646-9000. CHEV HOUSECAR Excellent rondition 351 W. Bay, Space 12. CM TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Mot!!'.~~le1 9300 !!~c~.J _ 9500 FOR Sal" '69 r.muha GMC TRUCKS lOOCC Unil bike. ~27l. Call !l~lrol llere now. Imn1ediate Delivery '6.l HOtlPA Scrambl~d cond, lo n1i'5, fiblt eng. Southern Oranp County's $315. 493-3663 only Authorl?A!d GMC Dealer e ·10 Honda CS.350 e ' UNIVERSITY 600 mi'•. 1650 OLDSMOBILE • 842-8129 * 285U Harber Blvd. I 1970 730 llONDA l:JOO mile&. Fail'lng, $1,450. 496-4673 Costa hlesa 54Q.9640 '67 CJIEVY .\.~ Ton, 6 cyl,, 8 I! bed. step bumper. 6 ply on · & oU road tires. Auto Service trll\ hitch. 30.000 mi. Xlnt & P•rts 9400 cond. $1400. 557-7315 ....;c..;.o;,W_H"-E-E-L-S___ '61 Chevy % ton pickup. Split . . , rims, free axle. 6 cyl. Stick Closeout of n1ag wheels. $575. 646-63i9. · Crager, A.P., Keys.to~ Du-i""========I nchrome. Up to Sllw off JHpl f.$11 regular price. Huny-limit·l '-==========1 ed slock. Will not reorder. I· BROAD,VAY TIRE CENTER !64 INT'L Scout, 4 x .C, Even- 5.l t'ashion Island,, i-::'""':::·:"':' :"'::"'::::::::=~ ( Nffwport Beach I· ~="""""~~~=-JEEP . 19M Willys Military Wholffale to Public 4 whl dr. Motor &: drive COf\fPLETE ENGINES train. xlnt. $500. 549-3416 SHORT BLOCKS Motor Man 64>0204 Recre1rn Vehiclet ;sis V!N Engine, Good Cond. TRA VEI:. Bus. a e. It-con-e 642-6143 e tained. Very goOd cond., '.59 Porsche parts, trans, 325, New motor. $1,4'3, 6tS-338S metaJ·top, $100. 675"-697Satt:-·u 6:30 Phi. ='~· ="'~'-'-•h_st_. _N_.B_·-~~ '6.i Econoline, rebuilt engine, • VW pans. trans axles, & automatic, lop open1 t.o body parts. stand i'ce box,. stove $1650, 642-1).143 962-1026. O.H.V. 4 cycle jeep eng, '69 DODGE Van. Custom in- radiator complt"te. tcr. Elec. re!rig., new tirea. =~=*='5'='8-<584,..:.;'-"--*~~~I Tape deck. Bob 6~2098. 283 CHEVY engine Call ----------·I 64&-5260 6/15 ---------Campers 9520 ==.;.:·---=;I 9425 537-4011 Stream LiM '70 Terry•.NOmH•Oasis Explorer Motor Homes Fourwincl1•WHkender TRATEL TRAILER SALES 13172 HarbQr Blvd. G.G, 11,, ffiocks No. ol Garden GM·e Freeway 537-4011 16' T.T .. elect brks. $700: '48 Chev carryall $250. y.•/trade for u·uck caml)Cr 548-3970 15' T.T. CLEAN. $625. "5:'> Buick )200. 17811 St i 11 J1arbor µi., H.B. 847-8398 e 17~~· Terry e Self-contained. $1SOO the Fabulous ~ Motor Homes Cab 0Hn Chauls Models El c-1 ... ......... Tndlen "YOUR vacation is OUR business" Calif. Campers 143 S. M91 .. Of8lll9 Op,n o.a., 1:00.s:JD Summer Vine. Ph aft 5 PAf: Ms..5990 6/29 the 8' F1ippcr Sailboat 10 cond. S22::> or bst offer. PH: Bo S 673-61)110 .~~ at forage KIRBY vacuum "'/all at-642-4\:zj 1 BEAUTlFUL kittens, with lhe 21' Galaxie & offer ex. · -·----- 9048 847-1136 Bi_cycl••-~---9'.-~_5 1 ---~-~--~ S111>. 11 :10-S:OO lhl-'t. I Fri. 'Til 9:00 1 531·0Dfl er 13 ... JHJ tachments including handy WANT~2 used relrig .. 2 or without nmther, diUerent Ct'ptionat perforn1an1.'l' & Hobie car-14', $8!10 GARAGE "'anted Dana Pt or _ TERRY • 20' completely self· butler. !fake over payments rolors. "'l).'333 61.,.. comfurt. You are invited to i\loving, must sell. Capo Bch to store 14' Ski used couches, rolltt tables, "" •• ~~" ~"""' oI $4.50 per mo. or pay 1 visit our plant or any auth-* "'""""""" * boat, wrile 206."1 Escarpa on tor only $32.:iO. Call ~r;::;~3 ~~ ~~1. lamps, BLACK angora ft'malc kitten orized dealer ln lhe 11rea. LIDO 14, No. 1904 Dr, L.A. 90041 or call 213- !.:13-9335 anytime. llhots 11 wks old iree to Ask for our FREE 40 p~e Top condilion. 2»6472 eollect aft. 6 pm. ./ 'VANTED: 1().speed bi· cycle, 23" !tame, good con. dition. Call Rob 494-TI08. Mini Bikes 9275 contained, L'lndcm, beautiful $26.JCI. 54S-5185 --~===~-- '62-20' Pathfinder CAMPERS. 351 w. Boy, Sp. 12, CM * 6 PACK * • • • • • WANTED: 10 speed Rae-good home. 96S-4691 6/'!1 catalog, $930. 846-2529 wkdays, summer School for Dogs ~~?~~Jn Good Cond. 4 BLK kittens about 7 wks Factory Sho~t'OOm l\10VING: Sabol, like new DRY storage & lailnching * Vacation Special * old to good hom e l!ll9 Plact!ntia. C~f gls, sail & fittings. Cost fo1• small sailboat.( 12' & TACO 100, 6 mo's old, $22.i Sell $165. 2400 Marina, NB. ~7535 Trailers, Utility '"' 9450 $795 Via metal Your dog trained while TWTN Size Canopy Bed in 642~13 5/'!1 646-4737 . <.: 548-1171 $400 SAC. $22.5. 64.6-6783 up. 18th St. M11rina, 2602 you play! 546-0!)89 e;ood cond. BEAlTTII-1.JL white & Blk. 9-3 daily & Lnt. only 1969 16, CAT Newport Blvd. 673--6606 fl1ARTINCREST KENNELS I ====C=a=ll=54=04=125='==:. & \\'ht kit!cn, male & Offcnhi\user !\tarinc • • • e female. 89a...2867 6/27 411 So. Harbor, S.A. Sacrifice. S4S.2lS8 Mobile Homes 5 HP _,9200 e p0WELL e • 646-3488 • sm. Full Price Standard model includes cab $100 I=========-== o.~·cr feature, 2 burner stove, Trucks 9500 ice box, butane heater A UTILITY Trailer-all jeep. Good cond. 644-loafl. GOT A VW? Private party wants to buy V\V Bug with no motor or in need of repairs. Ca I J 642-4689, M1chlnery, Etc. 1700 2 FLUFFY feniale 8 \Vk old 839-1260 19' Cabin s.loop w/motor. all --kittens, 1 gray, .& Wflitc. S-6 Wr.ekrleys & Sat. safety gear, Xlnt cond, slip PRE 4TH SPECIALSI • l\rFGR MOVING 1 striped tiger. MS-0813 6127 9.5 Sunday avail $1450. 548--3283. Air compressors, sp r ay ---="°'•c=,---·lpARAr-.tOUNT CLA.~IC booths, spray guns, ru.!nts, TAILLESS gray striped kit· Lil J ohn's FUN AT ~ 7 k Id 140 E. Whittier Blvd. 16' r-.1ain & Genoa, l\lust sell metal cabinets, furnace, t c n s. w s · o · this. racks, Pck'g mater, 642-0154 6/27 La Habra. 213-0'V 1-4715 cl4_90~6-13-~TI=62~=~== HAl\fl\IOND Organ $700. 7 wan plaques, picture 3 YR old male Dachshund, ~7 Tuesday·F'riday STAN MILLER SABOT ~~it!ru:. ~ ~p 8j.;,~ frames, statuary, ash trays, goo<f with children, h.<;br. 9·5 Sat. 10;3' Sunday Xlrll cond. 673-4TI1. 673.6696. Taco Mini Bike, ~.:t1. Alter etc. 642-8289, 54!J-2868 ha s shots. S.13-9787 6/29 R.V. Staats Co. ** CAL 20 ** ~ I DO 2001 'V· Coast H\\'Y,. NB ~·I ~. 5 PM, 962-0923 V D \vorking machinery, ML'\'.E~. darling puppic11. 6%1 S4S.l33l S..S every day "any i:..\: 56 ·1ras LADIES diarnond dinner inanyitems,likene\v \\'eeks: weaned. 6"6-0356 or ** 644·11 ** ring, set with l 1A. karat ·For appt call 548-8046 642-58a3 6/26 SCRAMi"I• ETS LUGER J6' Sloop f"ibcrglass, center diamond, 2 diamonds -FOUR lovable kittens \\'ant -.L dac sails, trlr, motor, xlnt 20x57' needs good h0n1c. 24' \\rlOE UNIVERSAL #S.15297 }"or those who want the n1ost for their doJ. lars. $9350 24' 'VlDE UNIVERSAL #15302. Patio, kitchen & den. $10,995. -J,2 karat on each side. FREE TO YOU lovable hOme. Free, Call cond. $950. 830-1572 ANSWERS 24' \VJDE #7069 l.biJliant cut Sacrifice! Rep--· · Peter at 494-2900 6/26 KITE No. 362, dolly, mast ly to Box P3&1, Daily Pilot. FIVE little girl kittens. One TO S ""rd 1 1 3 cover. etc. Top rond Den. 2 BR, 1%. bath. Ex. black, one grey, three Y hep"" • ema e, yrs ceptional value at $9995. 2 Couches $10 & S15 .. 2 chairs · old. f'ree to good hon1e. HampC>r _ Envoy _ Oaken $650 * * 642-2079 $7.50 each, bookcase $5. orange tiger cats, one wilh 548-6286 6/26 -Junk•! -ANY J ERK LIDO 14' No. 795 Xlnt cond. b 'I long hair. Seven "'eeks old. 1 ~-'=~~~=~-,,,-~ .. Ch•pman Mo 1 e Homes ~orcy_cl_e_s ___ 9300_ n.n.n.nn THINK HONDA ... ''fRIEDlANDER'.' lml ••ACM (lfWT, 91 NlW-USID-SIRV. UV'""' LIKE new, '69 Hodaka Ace JOO and Ka1vasakl 90. Both set up for dirt. Must see to apprec. l( serious, call 613-2527. tte<ln:I cabinet S5. Apt size 495-5981. Laguna Niguel 6/30 4 BLK & 'Vh. killens & Jt's a simpll' martrr to Dolly, cover. racing sails, 12331 Bt>ach Blvd. refrigerator SlO. all wood BEAUTIFUL 8 mo. old small 2 gray kittens about 2 mo. n1ilk a CO\V, ANY JERK can Asking SS¥. 673.7323. Garden Grove '69 SUzuki 120 Gd ·cond. New drcsse:-$30. 23" color T.V. female lawn boxer. AKC. old. 545-6294 6/27 do it. 18" l\1ALIBU outrigger . 530-2930 ex pan sion chamber Sl45. 673-3316 before Friday. S1vcet & ~ntlc. To good 2 Piece sectional, l straight, BERTRAM Bahia Mar. 25' complt, lrlr, perfect cond. I oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..., $175/take over PY m 11 • '69 HONDA MINI·TRAlL -hon1e with children. 968-2171 1 curved. 288 Knox SI. l\vln 120 hp enc .. top concl. l\lust sell. ask $600. 847-4120 Jff£ MEADOWS 96&-5347. $125. Barbelll'i & \\'eights, 6/2ti CM 6/29 Electronic c-qui p, incl. l.,= .. ~=s7M=w=-~ru;=os~7$.,,=.""·"66' steel \\'ork & top, tx-nch Auto ,,._ -utp & "''"YI----------s k' 150 •200 Dual legs 8 2;>-14 heavy d ty 16 Young Acacia trees, 14'' APPROX 5 yds smooth, ... ~-. " POwer Cruisers -9020 (lrvlne) uzu 1 • " · i;oo~ ll~s. 644-5500 u high in containeri;. decorative stones. You haul. extras, loChrs on eng. 19681----------purpose 4' x 7' trailer w/6" M!HSO.~ 6127 546-4167 aft 6 p.m. 6/27 hfodcl. an be Sf!t'n at 2:l' CABIN Cruiser s\Mps x 11' tent body, $85. 6~2-6973 GUN Collection, old Col!s & ~lboa Bay Club. Days 4. Galley, hcnd. complete Reservations are no1v being '66 Norton 750cc Chopper Wincheslet"!!, Na\'ajo rugs. SA\VDUST & fertilir.er mulch ~' SIAJ\1ESE kiHens, 3 fen1. 61:>-2338 or 536-5910, eves: l'ng, o'haul. New controls, taken in Orange County's 1 bad rod jewelry & baskets. All inq. for flO\\'er bed . You ·haul To xlnt. bon1es. 8~2-3197, 673-0783 bait tank. Sl500. Sllp No, finest & most con1plete park Best offer over $575 an~·ered, Box !l.1107, Daily MS·4S88. 6129 11·8 · 6127 FOR Sale. 4-0' navy 111otor t.!3 Bayside Village, N.B. at 14851 Jeffery Road (Sur-* 548-9861, 67~2787 * Pilot, CM YOUNG blk male cocker DARLING kitlt'ns, free to launch hull. Cedar planking Call 548-9650 after 4 pm. !"°undf by FOra~g; Gro~cs) .60 BMW R69S, only 2IXl orig. SONY-4 Inch TV.operates on Spaniel very Pl a Y f u I, good homes, all vaJ"icties. 1 5/8 Ovrr $3;100 spent slrip. 2s• Ch . C ft .63 Tw' lS.ls in Irv ne. or ~~~ ion, ----------lite. Best value in town. LEASe·A·i:RUCK Kustom Moton '7~ Dodge C500 -V8, 2 sp, 20 845 Baker. C.fll. '540-5915 h1 Van ••••.• $156.19 per mo --~~-'-~-'----­'70 Chev, CF':50 • V8, 2 sp.20 8' Full . ca~er camper, hi van •.•••• $156.19 per mo fact, discontinued model. •n Dodge van • V8, auto/ Complete. $895. 869 West radio ••••.... $89.00 per mo 18th St., Costa Mesa. 'TO Dodge Pick. V8, auto, '10 CAB over camper for , step bumper • $89.00 per n10 DatsUn I Toyota $595. Pri. "Chrys.ler Lease ,.System" Ply. 962-2656 John Davis -=c~ .... -,-.~a~.,""stc-c=.-m-pe_r_ 9 to 6 daily • 557..fl600 88" x n" $125 • Leo l.et'll(!r 398 Hamilton, CM 7 to 9 eves .• 213-TR 3-1095 '69 Ford Super Van TRUCKS Compl"• campec, $3800 All Typas-Models i'-~-==-='46-80==18=== We Buy oc Sell o B · 9525 PICK UPS-VAN S GALORE _':'~!...._ ~1!91"'•.:.•_...;.= 4 WHEELDRIVERS -'69 J\1eyers Max Dune Buggy. CAt'.fPERS Amer, mag \\"hls, new ~ng. Many, many lo choose fro1n Never in dirt. See this ELMORE MOTORS wkooo. can ""'"''· TOYOTA * '69 BOUNTY Hun!.r • 90 hp VW. Licensed. Needs 15300 Beach, Weslminstcr, \\'Ork/m~e oUer. B i 11 , .894-3320 673-8651 * lnt9rn1tional * TRUCKS Big discounts on all models PickupS, Scouts, Travelalls Save $ Al '69 DUNE Buggy, red, debce chrome, 6,000 mi. Ree.I cleanl * 5.'!6-2127 * e V\V Chassis Shortenlnge Free pick up Ir delivery 9 642--0443• ' J batt~ry or electric, ne1\' $1~.._ 54().9542 6/29 544-9424 6/27 P!ng interior ,t:, exterior (for cn<:I. r~:ad~aauto ii~~ elec. ~!~3.s730• or ~~:sr:~~~s 1r:;k,ta~~nt";;,~: ...., .. •---l·-sony.12-hictrCotor -TV~w '\V~ are loW', lonely, parf 4 GENTLE nuny Jong halred -J 1 bei::g l·a·s·s·i·n·g-J S4000: "'·cncb";"""ralliO bairl\ank, w ~;;;;:;;;j..,;;;;~i'"''""""' S:if;,O. Priv. pty. M2-9194 ~200. VI':" .speaker wl!~ built-S1an1cse, house broke 11. kitten~ longing good borne. 644-l5.17 rails, 1!1Wln1 step, full cove.rs !!Snaces-Spaces-Space1 '68 HODAKA dirt bike, in amphf1cr $12.50 6-16-2174. 836-4493 6/29 &16-9524 6/29 'fi6 STARCRAFT 23' LO., con1pl rt>fin. $7200. 673-7260. Ne~ 5 star Adult Park • fibel"glass tank & seat, ex- S'fUDIO Couch, w/bolsters. 2 BLK part Cocker-po and ADORABLE longhaired grey rigged for A Ih a e 0 r c. 10' GLASPAR \\•/<! deck· Ct!ntrally located 'n quiet pansion chamber. Best of. · .slight damage by cat, part sheepdog 4 n1os. old & \vhite kittens. 6 \Vks old. Tallflcnt lrl~. l\'/,brnke!I. \Vind-shield.remote control. ncighborboocl of \Vcstmins. fer. 557-731&. Kustom Moton ~til:r sl~.f:~~~J sitablc, haS shots. 548-1837 6/29 Please hurry. &!2-7136 6/29 ~ubles ~31~~ s~1f .boat. n<111a mcler-Cd 10 HP ter, Clase to shopping area y·oA~,~,~A~H~A---,,19~1~0~200=-.,,--,~,,.-.. • I 0 er. · · 2 Very friendly older dogs. ~ onie: 1 ' 0 ice: Evlnrude, gel cond S2ro: & freeway. A beautiful new tric, used on street only. DECORATOR Accent n1g,, Blk bo 1 c u· & 1 CUTE klttens. weaned & 547-6&19 OR 3·7506 "lubhou••, Lge swin1mina x 1 . re er o 1e ot ler lraineQ. M8-t6l5 6/29 TNRAW~E.,,-,;:;;::--;:;;;;;-;;;;;.-:;;;-1 ,;:~:;.::;:::..~-=...,~-... "" Rack; dil't'Ctionals. n t hea\')' shag, fringed. Ne\\'. Shols. 540-4808 6/27 .. D ·ol' ~?ur land eq, HI' Sabrccrnft !20 ~!ere. pool, Jacuui & all other fa. shape, Askins ,$495. 5.16-6822 .C x 7 $35, 5 x 7 $43. 7' 3 FLUFFY kittens 7 \\'ks PART Persian kittens, 1 ~Ohlson sa1ll:'. yawl. Sips Cruiser. Deluxe. 1''ully cilities. 5.JG.2930, 531-8571. HONDA dirt or street. Pric· rnd $5&. S48-4G54 old will deliver in CM or wks. M2-6.S92 6129 5• hd, galley, fully sd. equip! Llke new 313 ~l.SlD5. ed right! Call Joe: S40-3232 FENDER Bnss amplifier nearby, 642.9,i16 6129 CUTE klUeru; -7 \\'k.s, 9'd. TI1ll/4 98i29-4SS;l2-l S 81 days• Robinhooo. Ci\f. , S:.~J.~C~ .. -=,..~.x-4~8~' -,...,-w-=2-.~,~.""2 , days, SS7..fl218 evci. deluxe Rlckenbacher bass H.B. 962-2218 6/27 · ha I t 2 r-~~=~=-=-= DC N~, -bo e SACRIFICE 20' Cbn Cnr. • w w cp g. aW!lg$, "'''"' YA'IAHA 350 "'"~ guitar · ' ~ 8 .... w m ' TOY terrier mix. fc1nt1le, 20' CENTURY Runa bout, 'VOOd. head, t2) 40 hp skirted, otsd. stor .. conv., .l.:JUO " ~.w. ~ S'•"'"' * Healthy alteffll m::ilc ce.I. ~Al 1 1 545-1782. 2579 Oxford Lane, rNVALI~ w;;;' with Srat. Vt.ry lovable, 673-3208 6/27 hot1seb1'0ken: 8974i80 6/26 =k ~1~:.l'lidC::'~.~~~!~1:;; ~Z~i~ste~7t~~ .. ~.os:nd. :~~tr. 5 * adult park. cc~"~'~·==~~-~--, ADORABLE 7 wk old kll· BALL of fill'. no tail, net'dii .,, ... 1,·tu•. \\'"l su•t. otho•· ----~-.,-----'61 HODA"A 90, gd. oond. Chf'Omf, and Lcalhcr. Likt ond I MO '193 6/26 u ' 8 CE ruR La k BAYSIDE VIilage 300 \V n l~llS. all colors. 644-1076 g 10nie. <hlO""•· • .......... r,es. "'8-""-"1 I n' N' Y pstra ·e · ' · sol up· for dirt. Exinas. Ask· New, $&1.00. Call 8374239 "'""" '" """ i rd ·' R -• Coast H~ NB •P 0~ 2 YES. We Need Puppies, What Have You? 1\10.:ed or Pure. 842-2903. (Eastbluffl NB. G/11 2 BR short he.ired pupplc!\ nboa bay a1ou oce&n, c.... ..,, · · w•. ing $275. &l"-5475 n1i.\:cd breed. M&-7202 6/27 1•1' 'Milcht'll Fiberglass out· JC\\'('j must sell. $1150. BR. 2 Ba.. $10,93D, trn1s. DESPERATELY need gd brd : Rml conlrOI , G?5-G!l).1 Owll<'r, da,Ylt 675-1642; '6~ YAi\1Al-IA 80-Dirt ready. honie for 3 hsbr, & ••caned CUTE playful kitten, 8 \\'k~ windshield, trl. S 4 5 O ·'=~-·~~-~-~--6iil-0968 evrs. htu!rt sell, see to apprec1a1e. '57 Cl1EV P.U. V8, Excellcnr condition "'' ea bov er campe1'. 5,1c;.112:1 alt 4 '56 FORD P.U. New trans, ballery. $32.i, Best oUer. Call Ma. 7~l.'l5. Sales. Service. Pnttt Imm«!late Deliver,. AU Modela ALMOST New, S\\'lmming pool Vacuum. pole. net, and bl'Llah $30. 494-.<;259. kluens. 646-1463 6/'17 old. 968-1M5_,:. 61'11 613-8922., z;• Ctu·l.s Cr:i.11 Ove1·nighter. "'" • 10 x •o. ~.,,,·,"··!. 830-67'la ,11...._to-shl 12000 ffcr "" '' r u "'"'' 1--=~~--~=-GP11C. '65 'h Ion pickup, R& MALE Irish Setlt"r 6 mo. SMALL breed , puppy, cute 2 FIBE~GLA~ din~hYI'. 5'9" 63,;1• N. p~~ual ~~-0 Sa~ Alum awning. $2895. 351 \V. '68 X6 Scrambler 250, ll, 3 spd V-6, Very cleBn. 3130 W. C.uut H"7 NB. old to good home with yBn:I . & fuzzy. MS-293<1. 6/27 R!id 11 . Both 1n good ~· il'lt!I !IJ77J. Bay, Sp. 12, Of xlnl cond. 3j(I $ll9.l, 962-4569 ftC.9-ltl ··S«).1711 J?clt1pu11 !lt11po11·:. Encyclopedia Aroorlcana S40-2S?9 6127 PEKE--A-POO cuddly pup!I, 673-8626 5 · DA'VN Cruil!er. !win CM 2 BR. Sf;iOO, Choice space 5{).62\l e '59 FORD 10-\\•hl DUt.tP Authorized MG Dealer 30 vols Ind annualt SI~ FREE wood, Afodcl Gl&SA: Co. 6 weeks old. 642-n'W 6/2tl 15' OUTBRD an lrlr, c 6-7l diesel. $27,j(l(]. on golf cour9C. '' blk. from BU~LTA.00. CAPllPERA **,$1700 * * '60 ROADSTER l!XHi, fair e~l6 e 1644 S ii I.I r l or, C.Plf. new 35 en..i;. boil nnk, 613-3017 beach. tl._tg. Bch. 5.36-6928 _ lTa cc. Dirt !"_~trf'tl __ _ 837~175l or 64-!H66 cond, Prt pty, $400,- SACRIFICE $1300 ·elec. &i$-.373l &m PETS enclLrVESTOCK' \\i(k. be m.$?95.. . "ts'"· "cA"'B°"t°'N,:cre::_:;l::se:,_c,-w-/"50'""'h::-p l 2 BR. $7fi00. Choice 11i>ace l 1T10tolil S·l9:s. ~g;::JMS ·~ O.fE\'Y }i Ion. cafuf)Cr '*9&2-75"3• Pianola $61)(1; drW pre:ts & 7 \VK. Old blk &. whlle part S fbM 90IO outbrd. SSSO. 8913 S\\'allow on galf C011rse. ~' blk. (ron'I 69 BSA 6SO r'elldy. V-8, tt11to. alr-cond., 1-;==='"='i:~==,( band 811"' $.~tub. 6*ofti38, ~l~·~S~ r & Terr t;;~; Peh, Gen_•_r_•_I ____ el t•----~ .. ,-Ave .. 'l.V. 002-3717 bench. l!tg. Bch. 5.16-6928 :~~~1~ rondillo~7$1~ P/bnkes, 8' bed. 812.-7!\16 DATSUN vw PARTS. Everyt h lna: LlZAROS. ~p!llcs & am· VENTURE 21' Fully cqui~ 1;,· CAOIN Cti)istr type bont 10 X 45 KIT w/scrcent'd l\\'etn ' ·61 FORD Super V11n. Goodl':::::-":':::--..:.:.:.. ___ I 1nvn fenders IO f.l)"Wtlffl•. 5 AOORABl.E Ii Sia~Cli(I phlb1'ins. Suinmer clearance ped wtsllp. VOA qualJCicd. & ll"tl lll'r. Cnll. roon1 $2995 Ca$h. Adul! • ltONDA 350 SL • cotwf. Fnr snlc or trade, '67 DATSUN WAGON 3823 W. Warner, Santa Ana. kitten~. 6 "'~old ~16-.341.\. Side '-' t{) 11~ oU. Thnl 962-.i730 * 6-IO.l236 * park. no pets. 646-2536. 4jtJ mi's $750 Aft 6, 6'16-2098 ---IMUST'-Sel1"-HolkhQr Heelth 2 FOfA1.f) rabbits and f-o'"!>':i"?-; ._\ · · ho 12' SAJL Fish, llf'W s;iil, Sl9..l.f----------.j.:SK YLIN£ 2: ' X 60", 2 BR, 49;,..4309 all ·ipm 196 CMv. Panel tn1ck. Extra llill'lLAUlomalic_a. Spa mcmber11hlp. For in-utc , yr o . 440 E. 171h c._.,t, *tr. Bo.9 , iU---of B ' I -•5 i.I , ~ , x rn~. n IONOA1n:Nt-Tfh\1 e11g nrtJ6gs-vc1'$00 chrome . W h ,· o I 1 •--- 2 S j~ f I Id • ,-,.·-is _icyc __ e!_ 7'-' Ra~""·d•ltloy.8 '"""'0 Xl"t -nd 112; f l cm •1·•1°•3 · formation call ~718;;. u·,"'" e:1nae llcM, "BABY Pll_f*kcels &· Fincli. ,......0 --'"''"' ... IY".w1 ' ' "v • " • it'•"'>11o (UOE.Y.JJJ \Viii take car tn iCMOST new Polaroid wlca. &12-8.'1·13 6/27 June Special 20~"1-off. • 32' PC-Xln~ cond, full • L..ll'E N'W ltkpc~d blue 30 Day old 2.1' x ;12· 2R n G4.f-5.~90~·==-.. '60 FORD f\500 rated 3 T. tradror li11nntc pl'lvatepar. camera 800. AJl ati.chmenls 1 YR. old puttbrcd dalmatlOn 'VhUe's Pct Shop-440 £, cover. $36.% Paugcol bic)'c/c 2 BA. 1.'0r lot. Adlts. Xtras. -,66HOND 160 ror fix~up or parts. $300 I)', Cull for appofnlment 1:(1. 64-1715 11pM1 897-:>480, 6/ZI 17th SI. C,i\l. 6·ffi..2..i"17 '7!'1-Glip O\vncr 9684ll58. Nice. $275. S36-<IM3 o.· V\V. Eves. ~2...2980 546->to:>2 ot 49-1·9773. ' I " • . ') I TllANSl'OltTATION AND SUNDAYS 1&.133 £each Blvd. Hunttna:ton, Beach 1C2-77SJ. or ~0-0442 BMW 9600 BMW SALE!!! TRANSPORT A 'l'ION 9600 FERRARI ---'-FERRARI Newport Imports Ud. Or- an1e County's only autbor-NE\V '&: DEt\10S tzed draler. . lar .. 1t $t;lection SALES-SEilvtCE-PARTS Of All BMW Models 31 00 w. Coast IJwy. . J Brertd New '69 Newport Be~ch .. 642-9405 • 541).1764 -2000"1 Authorized Fen-ar:I Dealer Completu SALES SERVICE PARTS BA~R BUICK IN COSTA MESA 234 E. 17th Street 5'1S.Tl65 '67 Jaguar 420 We'll sell you 1 car that won't self -destruct 8 yean • • II ' Dq, you get e. (&'ling 6f impending doom \\'hen your car Li about two year1 and ten monl,hi old ? . That nag11lng, "Site01 i;:onna iO, she's gonna go''! A Volvo won't alve It to you. ·, ' Volvos a1-e bullt so \\'Cll that 9 out of. every 10 registered here in the. Jaat eleven years are sUll on the road. Ot course, we can't1s:ual-antoe that. If we sell you a Volvo it'll last cle-vcn years. But we can te.11 yo·u that it will last long enough to get you out !ro'm under car payin~nts ror a \\•hile. Then you can save some money and become preoccupied by 11omethfng rise: "rm gonna be rich, I'm gonna. be rich!" FRITZ WARREN'S SPOllT CAR CENTER 4 Dr Sedan, • Automatic, fact. .i. TOYOTA __ ,, _____ _ • • NEW e USED Rec:reellorial V1hlcle1 --100% Faclory Warranty Av•ll•ble on Used Toyotas 1000 Miles or 30 day11 15 Used Toyota1 to Choo1t iJrom ALL YEARS- ALL MO~ELS Elmore Motors TOYOTA , Feclary Direct Dealer NEW CARS USED CAR~ 194-3322 894-3321 ,;, oood . AM/FM, load«! -710 L 1ST;, SANTA ANA 5'7-0764 ExccUenl condition. Lew, ======~=::::;:;~======~====;;;,=:;:==I · • 15300 Beach 81\'d. \Vestminstl!r • -· .TOP USEO.cAa VALU ES FROM OUR OUT- STA"!OING STOCK OF RESALE AUTOM0° BILES. 8U'I' NOW "ANO SAVE NOW, • •• 1968 PONTIAC VENTURA 2 DR. H.T, Fact. eir, P\V, PS, 11uto. trans,, P.6., Rid-I, execu-tive car. No. Cl04377. $2695 low mileage. to.lust sell, Imported AutOI 9600 .lmportlcl Autos MOO impo~ Autet . HOO ,.: Small down will finance prL ' · j 1_1n1VIOIII AI "''' partji, (WXUL18c CalJ .opn ·PORS'CR -poRscFIE-~ -M-J= Q dlr aft 10 am Phil!. 4W•l 029·1 ----·------------- All Automatic, 4 Dr. Se<l~:"_""'~.:§§~~~~~~'§J -~f.~P\'":' ""::0:;1'$3999 ~AT 1967 G.T.O. 2 DR. H.T. Spar~!. Ivory llillllh w/contra&t. black' vinyl top, bucket-tte.ts;----auto. trans., P:S;;-P.B.; factpry air! -·-3 Brand New '69 -2soor1 All automatic 4 Dr. Sedans with Pol'.'ct Str., XAS Radial Tires, etc. List $6557 SALE $5299 -·-70-"UOO" CSA Coupe Demo with Leather Int., AlR/ COND., Tint. glass, Blau. punkt AP.I.lnil Radio, etc. SAVE $1000 -·-70-"2I00'1 Automatic Oe1.io with Leather int., Afr Cond._ powc1· SU'., Al\I/FJ\·I stereo mulUplex, lint glaxs, etc., etc. SAVE $154 -·- o' ..,_,,oo. '69 OPEL RALLEY '62 Ponche S "53" Ponche "'°"° with • ANNIVERSARY '65 J.!I . S, lux s ed, Coupe . Loaded Xlnt condi-good "57", 1600 encine, new SALE P:vr / ~1r / lcthr I chr, w/v.• tion. Gold fl~ish ~!,black c::·tl~~l~~e~~~~urw paint, tlfi chelin t Ire a. 1970 TOYOTA WAGON ~;~~-~~·265'° mi. trade. leather interior .. CXTJ208~. S26n -~-~----•7592 Demo $1117 llBBll ·~-~----1 Small down can finonoc pn-CHICK IVERSON SUBARU Toyota M•,rk II $2149 '\'E NEED USED CARS 'Gj -t2 ~IK. 10 PllT/air/ vale parly. Call dlr aft 10 Lie. ZP8516 TOP DOLLAR ' FOR YOUR luxurious. Xlnt. Cond. i\1usl 4~1-fl 6 ~ VW ---'"'-----1 CLEAN SPORTS CAR ~"'=· ":·=:I""°:='=:•::•· •:ff=:"::·;0";0"-=:''°='oJ.,;~~3l~00:,_-.,,~=._'=00',,-~..,.,.,p.-.,-m. * '70 SUBARU-DEAN LEWIS :)49-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 1,_, H ~Uta Mport ltd '10 OPEL-GT, XL.NT cond. 1970 HARBOR BLVD. Here Now • .&3DU arbor, C.Jf. &16-!!303 MERCEDES BENZ 1100 •take ov" pm". COSTA MESA ImmOdlate DeUv"y '70 TOYOTA'S 9625 Garden Grove Bh·d. 537.1117 893-1568 dDllJOlll1Dll-- l.rU'l.IV'l.I • THINK "FIAT' SE! "FRIEDLANDER" Or .H'"Jf' (..,v1 ty'~· L.1rye~t c;,.1,!rtir)n New R 1.J~r,J ' . Mertl''.le!"> Benz Jim Slcmons Imps ' W,>rner 11. M;iin St a~ta An ~46··ll l 54().66()9 e 00 MPH Capabllity In k #62 PORSCHE • 35 :P.files Per Gallon sloe . Immediate delivery. '60 OPEL Rekord, lo Best ofiel'. mi's, Ai\f.Fl\f. Chrome rims, new e Beautiful Stylina: ~ •• ,-•ut's paint, n!blt engine. Super Test Driw Today At "' Cloan ...... oil"! S.o •I Kustom Motors Ll •t•rs 2089 llarbor Blvd., C.~!: 845 Baker, C.M. 540-5915 QI !louse Jn rear of A & B Lagun. Beach · Ptlrsche Repair. 900 So. Cit. Hi~w3•y '63 PORSCHE-AM/Fi\1, ski SUNBEAM rack, ohnn rim" "'bit. PORSCHE '68 \1, 912 'P', --------I 494-7503 * 100 -PORSCHE1 call 846-1965 TXS7•10 . . $2195 1%6 O.T.O. 2 DR. H.T. Lli:;ht aqua \\'-dark aqua contrasl int., auto trn ns., R&H, P-S. orig: sold !: sen':lced here. CTEZ091) $1577 1965 CHIVROLET BEL AIR Sib. f'.conomy 6 cyl., Rulo. trans . ., P.S .. Rolff. iust 34,000 miles. tRI\Y663J $1395 '70. "2002" Automatic Demo With 1.flch XAS Radial tires, AM/nt Stereo MuJ U. pln, etc. t J750 l!ACH I Hwy. 39 I N!W-USED-SERV. PU'U'V'l.l'I '67 FIAT 850 '65 \VHJTE l\Iercedes 230 SL Must sell. $2200. MS-0066 talJi Vl'/blk, 19,000 nil's. Ex· <;:oupc. ~ n1Ucai;;:e, new 1961 PORSCHE Super 90. .tras. Absolutely !he best tires. Pnced to s e 11 . Xlnt cond $2l50 &45-0063 looking Porsche in L.A! 615-7086, M().116:1:1, E1ft 20. ~r G45-06l9· · 821-5164 an 6pm. • '63 Alpine ->..1nt cond. Al\1/FM, new interior. $593. 962--"'"' Bill. MAXEY lr!OJY!OJTIAI 1970 MUSTANG MACH I f actory air, P.S· .. P.B .• R&:H. only 6,900 !tolls Hoycc trade-in. (071ACN) mUes. MG '64 SC, 2 tops , Roni! rack. PORSCHE '64 C~ elecl. • clutch. valves, Betit offt'r sunroof, nu pain!, Ai\'1/1'~1'f, SAVE $360 . ' '65 SUNBEAl\1 Imp. new tires. $350. 54a.:.li36 Clean, $3695 -·-'7o."2002" Sunroof Cou(I(!. 4.-spced, racto, heil.t-Oemo 1vith Cont. Radial tires, er. Shal'p! Sre 10 appreci- AliVFM stereo ?i?ulliplcx, ale. {VDLll.fl elo. SAVE $160 $795 -over $2200. MS>-8641 mich. !\lust sell. S2800 or ~ '65 POR8CHE,. Immaculate bst offer CTI4) 675-27W • THINK Shape. Make OUer. &12-5SU '62 PORSCHE c abrolet. "MG'' o·· 830-4091 ' • TOYOTA 11111 IEACH BL VD. Hunt. Beach 147-1555 I nU N. of a.st Hwy. an Bcll '69 TOYCTJ'A Crown ~ sedan. Xlnt cond, it650. · Reblt. eng., tape ec , new '67 Corona '68 Targa.XJnt cond. Urea. $2.300. MiJ-1700 Ext. Ill Uather Interior. $4900 134 Red · 1-~ully factory eq uipped . '65 TOYOTA 4 dr, 4ti.OOO 4M-6705 ='-----~--I VLK927) \\fill take car In mi's, radio, \\•htwalls. see "'fRfEDLAHD•R'' ~===""=~-,---=I '68 Porsche 9ll T, red trade or flnancic private par. lo apprce. $525. 962-21 13 · -•-Harbour V.W. C. llOb Autrey Motors mm sE•CI• BL .. 8'2-4·1.15 * 6'16·2095 • 1968 MERCURY MONTEGO 2-door ll.T. Auto. trans., power steering, top. (YE\V923) vinyl "OVERSEAS DELIVERY SPECIALIS'tS" l!UN11NCTON BEACJI L '61 PORSCllE 1700 SUper 90 ·AM/FM, loaded 1,11ith ex-ly. Call for appointment, NEW MIDGliT $1HS Roadster. Near Concourse. tras. Best oUer over S5000. 5464052 or 49'1-S773. 1---------\l:L..----------------$2495 • Authorized Sales • e Service & Parts e 18fi0 LONG BEACH BLVD. L°"' le•ch 591 ·8721 S.\LES OPEN SUNDAYS FIAT 1969 121 SP, 5 spd "'/tape. Xlnt coll(/. $2700. 40 ~361::':..· ------·59 F'IAT 600. ~tusf st•ll~ Reblt cngilll', good ct>nd. !1Jj Glenn<'yre, ~una NEW MGC $3195 <94-«197 673-3003. TRIUMPH '61 COUPE, very good t'Ond. '69 PORSCHE !112, s spd. '69 Toyota Carolla tJU• &IACM IM~~· •1 II h • -"•\ p · $1299 FULL N.EW·USID-SllY. Npt'y~ 64~~ . e"'"'. n v Sand beige, 12,000 mi's. PllCI '67 Triumph TR-4A, Navy $5.000. 833-2441 4 s~. \Vhlte. (XRX080) blue, wire wheels radials, ~ Porsche 1960 Super 90 Mo clean, Sl..500 or hest offer, 1969 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE · Li r,:hl gi.-een leather lnt~rior, 9.100 miles on this beautiful Holls Royce trade-in. All usual extras Including AM-Flil stereo radio, t<-lescvpie alee"'" lng 1\•hecl. tZCL.642) '&7 BM\V 1600. w hile, amlfm, new radials, $1650. Priv, pty. ~2-0194 '59 FIAT llOO, 4-01' sl.'dan, Runs good, good lires, nu trans, S19':i. &tG-383 1 Did ~u ever think of swap-Runs well .. 11800 Kustomton must 19ell. 617~ Poppy Cdl\1. MG Ing that While Elephant In c ~f $4().5915 Sala, Servl.c.J, Parta the attic for something you 431·5189 8'15 Baker. · · '17 m '1A, J.R.S. new tires. lmmediata Dttiwry, can use? Try the TradC?rs '60 PORSCHE, Xlnt cond, '69 Corona 4-dr. sedan top, tran11 & rear end. Can AU ModU Paradise column In the Dai· '63 eng. disc brakes 4·spd. Xtra clean aft 3 or \Vknds. make oHf."r. $5695 --lmJIOl'fed C•rs 9600 fmpomd Aulol - SLEMONS SUPERS '60 MEICIDU 190 SL H•rG .... Spert, llHClslff. ' 1Pftd, t9dlo, """'-.,,.,_,, 1i>tOlut•ly lmn'ilcvl.ie. Mui! -lo 1pprec;i.t1. ZCl(.4 7. ''6 TOYOTA COIONA I Mr 11d111. Aulom1lk tr1n1mi.111tn, rMlla, heoll'1', S\IF·ff1. ''1 YW. CONVERTllLE ltMla, llN!ff, """'' IM to IPl)tKitlte. Cltan condUlon. GEY·nl. s1495 s999 '6t CADILLAC CPE. DfVILLE $2695 full P""t lncludl1>9 power ... 1n0ow1 .. IHta Ind IKlorY •Ir corl!llllonlflll, TFl-44. '70 CHIYIOLn CAPRICE LOA.OED lnc:ludl"f .. WIY PO\ftt INts, power 11Mr!n9, power dl1e.Dr1~et, AM/PM rMla, ¥1nyl rool, lln!ICI u11u, Hit •1M•lne 1'1'!ffl, ,,.,., low mun . 1111UI 53795 _nr11 ·v1111 q , , ,· I •' ''' ·' Qin\crllblf', 3 ~peed, dlr, cl~an t•ar. 10X\'&191 \VIII lake car in tr.u!(' or fl~ private Pl&.liy, Call for ap. pointnwnt 5fft..I052 or 4!M·9773. MGA 'lill f.1GA . i\Te-ch. sound, body good. $600, Call 67~2161 MORGAN LEAVING STATE MUST SELL l!r17 !\!ORGAN, new top, brakes, $1200. Private Par- 1)', Call &12-1724. NSU N.S.U. Introductory Orlcr e FREE AIR e On any n1odcl Jn lllOCk Kustom Motors 845 Baker, C.P.T. 54().5915 We've Got A Whole Squadron of , Spitfires Waiting To Take Off •600 Sto by our showrooins ind climb into t he coclrpit of• new TRIUMPH SPJfFIRE MKlll. \t's lllre nothing else. W ith ell the equipment th1t m•kas driving• Spitfire• different sort of adv•ntur•: . Racing~type rack end pinion sle•ring. lndepen~•nt four wheel spr1n9- int. Front disc brakes. Competition-proven enljJ1ne. Four-forward-speed 9earbo11. Th• works. $2476* •7r• '" Month $29580 DELIVERS TRIUMPH SPITFIRE MK. Ill $295.10 is th1 tol1t down peV"'•nl , S17.18 i1 Ille lot11 111onth ly P••"'•nt lnc lud!ng te•, licefltt inti ell c1111in9 d1ar911 on bi n~ 1pprovod credit for l6 1r1onlh1 , Ooftrrt~ ''"'"'~' prlct h 11099.41 ;nclwiin g ft• and l11n1f1 r. Annu1I ptrcent19t 11!1 •I u_.,J~...!tlw~1.,_._ru·,.,.,,, ..... =----------------.::.. FRITZ WARREN'S SPORT CAR CENTEll 710 L IST., SANTA ANA 547.0764 ly PUot Want Ads. Best oUer. 5'M-9538 546-9452 Call anyllme 546-0llOO ~ l9tiO UMd C•rt BEST SEATS IN THE HOUSE Front row cent•r •nd •II weiting for the curtein to 91,1 up on meny mil •s of driving comfort. We hive a lercje selection of sl•r p•rform· er1 a ll compl•tely ,quipped. We"r• overstocked end clirs must be sold, regerdless of how sm•ll th• profit. Com~ in t~dey end let one of our selesmen show you how e•sy it is to seve bi9 on • better c•r now. 1970 MUSTANG 1970 MAVERICK llAND NIW DIMO Hardlop. t·Ggh bae• lurc••t 11•h, c.olor Verv low 111il119a. 200 CID 6 cvl., f1,1lo· key.cl eerpeh, floor 1hift, i111hu1r1enl 9aw9· 1r1etic, white w•ll tire1, c:lelu•a eccent e1. E11•14 Fibergle11 b1 lt1cf tir11. OFOIL· gro11p, 11dio. OK91 T21 9l65. 116111. $2195 $2274 '65 FAIRLANE v.j, .. door 11d1n, pow•r 1feerin9, redio, he•ler, WSW, b1ig1 with 1r1efchin9 .. invl lri111. IEQV 61 5) Sl91 '66 GALAXIE 2 Dr. Herdlop. ll1cf!o, heel· 11, •11lo1111tic, P/S, white with blut inftrior, WSW, wh11I co .. trs. l SVF 111 1 11J21 '65 GALAX IE 500 2 Dr. H.T. v.1, •uto., P.S,, wh11I c1 .. e11, WSW, 11.110. f PCll4441 Sl29S PR ICIS PL US TAii & LtC. '66 GALAXIE LTD 2 cf1. h1rdtop. Ft.dio, WSW, v.1, auto .. P.S., P.I., 1i• cond., e11to 1peed eon· trol. ISLV9191 SIS•S '6' IMPALA 2 Door '1erdtop. R1cf io, heel11, P/S, F1ctorv A/C, WSW, Gr11n .. invl top. IWIE JSSI S199S '67 T·BIRD L•nd•u Full power, Sttering, l r1••1, Wl11dow1, Stefl, e11!0., WSW, e ir toncf. IVZF574) S249S '62 GALAXIE 500 2 door 11.lan, R1dio,. h1al· ar, whita will tira1, v.1, a11t o1r1atic. I QXV594 J S•tl '67 VW BUG lledio, he•l•r, 4 1peod, while will lir11. lo111lif11I car, ••ttltent concfiti~n. IVAN2111 ' $1191 '66 DODGE 500 2 dr. herd!op, v.1, euto., r1.lio, P.S., l'.I ., WSW, wh11I co,1n. I •525911 11191 DON'T MISS THISE IUYS FROM THE OOOD GUYS H9·l851 CLEAN '68 Triu1nph 2:i0. f90CI Many xtras $2400 or best oiler. 61"'.r-1281. VOLKSWAGEN iw)jROY C ARVER ~ROLLS -ROYCE '66 '"\flV, qug. Ex. cond. Nev,, clutch~· <»a> nmts, ski rat•k $895. 5'15-2572 ot !ICC ii Ill 25.';(I Ca.rnegkl St. 0.1 2925 l·IARBOR COULI:VARU, COSTA i\IESA 5.J6-44.J4 '65 V\V Bu~. Good t.'Ond. -New Bi'il.kes. $12%. 646-4968 eves. Ti-m-e For-QUICK CASH Through a DAILY PILOT e 1967 VW -sunroof -\\'hilc Xlnt. cone!. iltOO -U1td C<1r1 9900 U1td Cars 9900 Used Cars LARGEST SALE IN ORANGE COUNTY HISTORY W.• Must Move C·ar1 Feil. The City Ha• Taken Part of Our, Pr 1 op- erty & Our Lot is Jammed Full of Cars. All Makes & Models 57-67. No Reasonable Offer Refused on Over 100 Cars WE CARRY OUR OWN CONTRACTS IWfl'l'llll OI A .. a •"'PltVllf Cln l~y A Ci r Al AnclMlr Ml"rt I •VEN IP YOU HAY• NO Cllt:DIT DOWN PAYMENT NO PROILIM HERE WE DO NOT RIQUIRI •·l UDQET T•lll!ll • WElftLY, SEMI WElllLY t MONTHLY PAYMENTS e DIVORCl!O -HO llED TA"I A SPECIFIC DOWN PAYMENT LOOK LOOK L~OK '61 'tW '"" $599 FULL PRICE '63 liilc.- M•ny of 011r uttd c11r1 c11rry our f11mov,1 "RED CHEtK" GUARANTEE 1 ""QO.'-Unconditional Gu11r11ntu V '/O P•rh & L•bor ON ALL CARS W'ITH "RED CHECK" ST!CKEll OH TH• WINDIMll LO -· •M1tor, Trtntml11lln, llter lfntl OOOll ftr 14 1>1y1. '61 T·lltd '64 R.aM~ W911. '62 Ci.r.,.Jar Aut-.011<. r~tio, 1'111•· A1i1lom11k, red lo & • 2 Dr, HT. Y ... hlll. "· RllY S3f. ~!er. OlD JIO. trl~I .. ll&H. Pl.l 6», $279 $349 $199 FULL PRICE PULL PltlCE PUL.t. PlllClf '6J 014J •• .,, hrd ••z C,.Wolet Sk~l•r• 2 Door H1ro. 1 Di;Jor H'n:t lop, Aull. Y.t, 111to. tr1111., P.S., GeleJlt lOO. Auto. tot. Aulll, lfeN,, :ro~ 111111, roMllo ' llHl•r. P.I ., R&H. JJW OM. lr1n1., R&.H, ~ 1lr, Mkll .-ab. D TWI( •T•. wind,, AIC, II~ '1$. 67S. FllLL PIUCE $279 $249 $599 $349 FULL PRtCli FULL PIUCe l"ULL PRICE 'S7Y.sl1...,.. . '17 Codll\1< l ''1 ...., ,,_,. .,, '""• • -· OUl ''" Std1n Dll YU!•. F1i1ll 4 'Door. Alllo. 1r11U1. T1-t, Auro, tr1111., ,...,...., RlH. IOJ >ii. LllJ Uf. tHlo, lltl!t• .. IVP ~ $299 $49 $99 $149 FULL_PlllU . FULL P.,A:ICE FULL Pll!CE ..f.ULL PRICE_ . -'61 LI•• I . ., .... ."' "•"···" Mmy Y.W.'1 '""· '"II -.. ...... ·~10. "'"'·· • A1i110. lt'1n1.. tHIO, •Ir. JIUMft •Ir, Ho, J161f, hetl1r, Ol>M 140, T•°T"-$299 "' FULL l"•ICE FULL PlttCE FULL PltlCE ,,_ .. , SE H~OLA ESPANOL .Al.L CAR S PlUS lAJlf l LICENSE ( • ...-.~--·-·-----~-------~-----...,.---.,------------------------- • 8All.Y PILOT f'.lo.11 , Jt1t1t 26, 1~70 ~~~~!!~I ~N!::~TRANSJiC>RfATION TRANSl'ORTATION 1n1111n.t ,....,.. MOO l ~.Autlll ,.. lm11!!!!t! Au1e1 ,,_ YOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN YOLKSWActlN '59 YW lug 300 AWes on ovc11wllllcd en- elne, $49' CHICK IVERSON YW !Hs-al31 t:xt. 66 or 67 1910 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA l\tESA '67 VW Bug, factory air, AM/f'M. IUi! rack. trlr hitch. aood cond. $1300. 54G-5Dl 'Ill 5 & all 6. 64~2&19 '68 'VW sedan, 1600 cc's % race cam, paint job. Besl otter or trade tor llI1Y van. Call 673-9352 ' '64 YW Cot1nrtllile O~e "'i lh tnnd ntW pai&- 1@)' IOJ) & branl MW qllle, U c. OYJ798, Sii" CHICK IVERSON YW l.anJe Selection >lll-3031 Exl. .. or .,. TRANSPCRTITION T ;:RA~N~S~l'O~RT~A~T~ION'.'.'.!~ i:T~R~AN~S~PO~R~T~A~T~ION~~I TRANSl'OltTATIOH ~~RTATIOH TRANSPORTATION ~"!" -, HOO !_111p1rMd ..._ Hao 111 porn.I -Nia -W-• '1lt ...i c.,. -UMd C.n - VOUCSWAGEN '65 l/Wdlug $'100. ~ 557-91!).1 '61 VW CONVERT. $1 250. 8t611l'O '59 YW Sunroof Runa good, Needl painl $39f CHICK IVERSON YW / VOLKSWAGEN VOLVQ WI PAY TOP IUICK CHRYSLER ~CASH '67 YW • Squareback Sunroof AM/FM radio, tape deck, a.Ir eond. 10.000 miles on new faclOI')' engine. Llc. UEP*4 11695. totli.roquorebKko to choOM from. ~¥0: "FRIDIUllDER" . 2dr. Demo.· * $17541 * '66 \r\\'. SUNROOr NE\V ENGINE. BLUE. 6.16-76i0 or &12-0350 Of YW Campen, 1970 HARBOR BLVD. 64!h1031 Exl. 66 or r;r COSTA MESA 1970 HARBOR BLVD. CHICK IYERSON YW ., .. ••ACll CnY. •I NIW;USID-SDY. '69 VW BUG vans, Kombis, 1-,66~"=v'='w~"'B""'U""G'"' t'OSTA MESA Buses,"•"' usec1 i-,=61~v~w""'. ::;;1'=u=G 54!>-3031 Ext, 66 or 67 1970 HA RBOR BLVD. 'COSTA l\tESA .........., '58 1VOLVO -1plendkl motof, tires. inlerior, etc. Needs small metal WGl'k, $250. Call atter 5 p.m. 536-6646 Radio. H~atcr. IZBS32'il $1799 ·Harbour V.W. mu BEACJ{ BL., 842-4435 JiUNTINGTON BEACH '63 YW BUCJ ll!ECl:IANIC SPECIAL $299 CHICK IYERSON YW f>t!)..3031 Ext. ti6 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COST A l\1 ESA Immediate Delivery .nad1o, H$ •• l1.1 •. 991TBX539) CHICK IVERSON •·"3113• ~ 66 o• 67 Harbour V .W. 1910 HARBOR BLVD. 18711 BEACH BL .. 8~2-4435 COSTA MESA·---llUNTING'toN BEACH '65 YW BUG Great transportation buy. Priced lo sell. (VHB6S2) $799 Harbour · V.W. 19711 BE;ACH BL., 8(2.4435 HUNTINGTON B:EACH '61 V\V, Good cond, nu paint.. Xlnt tires, radio •$495 ...... 673-3036 '64 V\V Double cab pickup, rblt )JOO motor, Ponche clutch, new Hres, paint shock.s. tee box. water air coole r. tarp cover. Extra pair wide wheels & tires, 536-2449 . WANTED * V\V '63 e\ii. one pr lv ale patty. 833-3467 * owner, $475. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! Dial 642-$78 for RESULTS. I'll pay top dolla"' !or your VOLKS\VAGEN ·today, Call and ask for Ron Pinchot. 549-3031 Ext. 66-67. 673-0900. '67 Sed•n, 29,000 ml. XLNT cond. 642-0443 9900 SPECIAL PURCHASE From Chevrolet Motor Company 1969 low mileage, Remainl~ factory ~uaran'tH lm~I• cu.1!om coupes and 4 door hardtops. All with raillo, heater, ~tr concht!on- ing, power ttHring, vinyl roofs, tinted glass, wh i!e 11de w•!I t1re1 in new car condition -one 1970 custom coupe with 7,200 miles - Th is is a rare OPPORTUNITY TO BUY a real nice car -Special this wHkend -• red 1969 Impala 4 door hardtop in this group for just $26" (ZVL·llO). '68 IEL AIR COUPE J27 V-8. Po\\•et strerlng, radio, heater. fact. air cond. - a real bargain. (VBB-6601 Kelly Blue Bo6k price $1930 Our 1u·ice. '68 IMPALA 327 YI 2 DOOR HARDTOP Fact. Rir cond., auto. trans .. power steering, radio, healer, \'lnyl roof, nrw car trade in. {XEX-7911 Kelly Bluebook 1)rice $2480 our price this ,,·eekCnd '68 IMPALA 4 DOOR HARDTOP . 327 V..S, fact. air cond., radio, heater. po\ver steering, automatic lrans. You won't believe you ~n buy this nicf' ·yellow CRr fot only-Kelly Bluebook price $2200 our price (XBF-7971 '67 CAMARO 6 CYLINDER Fu.tory air cond., auto. trans., radio, heater. Such a nice car "·on't last at (UOG-028) • '67 IMPALA 2 DOOR HARDTOP V-8, po.,.,·er s teerin g, auto. trans .. radio, heater.·Lo"'• 10\v 36,000 miles 11ho"·room fresh. (TGA-784) Special this \\"eek 51799 . $1699 51899 Radio, heater, air cond, IUVT287) . . $1299 Harbour V.W. 18711 Bt:ACH BL., 8'12-4435 HUNTINGTON BEACH 'li!_i VW, reblt cog, 2 ne\Y lires·Best oiler 642-5748 '65 Volkswagen $730. Eves. 546-9235 .vw BUG. $55.89 pr. !JIDnth $147,71 down includes tax & Lie. · VW LEASING AT CHICK IYERSON vw 1970 llARBOR BLVD. COSTA ME.SA '68 VW BUG LARGE SELECTION . of vw CAMPERS Harbour V.W. AlJTHORlZED SALES &: SERVICE l87U BEACH BL., 842M35 HUNTINGTON BEAOI • '63 VW, Xlnt cond. b11ldt · & out, $750. A1s0·0une Bug: gy, good body, needs much work. $650. Call 642-7243 '68 Volkswagen Bus Good condition, Mu't SC!ll $2.000., Private Party. 002·0878 '64 VW Bug. Excellent con- dilion. l\lust Sell $650 or best offer. 49S-2066 1 O\VNER '62 VW Camper, ne'v tires lr: brk!. Good cond. $750. Call 543--02D7. ------1 ~rt C::t:;l'1;:_ __ _:96'.!· ;::10 '65 PORSCHE Coupe. New engine, Pi1usl see to appreciate. PGX279. $3499 ' CHICK IYERSON YW · :rl!}.:',OOf Ext. 66 or bi 1!170 HARBOR BLVD. COSJ'A MESA '66 Ponche 912 3 TO CHOOSE FR0Jlo1 Priced from $3499 WOZ-926 CHICK l~ERSON YW ~rl9-303l Ext. 66 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA COUGAR Auto Leasing I.•.• ••••• Antiques, Cla11ic1 9615 WE FINANCE LEAVING STATE ANYONE MUST SELL '63 Ford ~tom, Fully lac· Rood r:ady, Radio & low, 1 ________ _ low nuleagc, (\VAK020) $1488 Harbour V.W. 1871.l BEACH BL., 842-4435 HUNTINGTON BEACI~ '61 VW -Immaculate. Stereo, coco mats. Ne\V paint & interior. $6j(). 5'18-&129 '60 VW Bus w/Corvair eng fl trans, Call Ron. 673-7350 days , 836-5934 eves. '67 VW Bug Xlnt. COflel. $fl75 675--6019 '66 VW BUG VOLVO VOLVO ANNIVERSARY SALE 19711 OEMO "142" ........... $2759 4 speed, radio & healer. • 4740. 1800 E Cpe. for delJv. cry. Ovcl'l'!cas dcl Specialist, DEAN LEWIS 1957 '°fORGAN + 4 in very tory equip~ good CQndltion, Smxl. New I •:;.=; V\V <IPC.(l'j()J lop It brak~. Please cal1 J199 &12-1724. '66 Fon! Cortina G.T. 2 dr. H.T. 4 r;peed bucket seata, DODGE '62 C.d Convertible Automatic. mechanic's spec. ial CNPU821) Dir. \Viii take ca~ in trade. \Viii financel-,64-DO-DG-.E-·-D-AR_T_W_G_N_ pnvate party. Call fGr ap. F . pointment 546-4052 ac. 4-sp, 6 cyl, >Ont cond. 494-9773. . or $740 * * 67>4496 Autos Wanted 9700 CTAB-lS5l ::::_ _ _::.::.;: I . . $299 ; CADIU.AC '64 cP. DeVille. TOP . llOLLAR 64 Buick Skylal'k. VS,. 6 pass. a ir & all xb'jls. Leather FALCON \Vagol). Full p<nver . ..air cond. buck. scats. Beaut. cond 1·.--~~----.-1 {OOT-344) $1495. Financing avai l . 62 FALCON 4 dr Station lor $3!J!l 988-Jl29 311 6 PM • \Vagon, good tires, gOOd CLEAN USEO CARS CREOIT AUTO SALES .67 Fl . , 0000· ll'O. 64Hl4! See George R11y .10292 Garden Grove Blvd. steel eel\\-: . ~rouglham, '60 FALCON 4 dr, a uto. 3 VOLVO BUYERS JHEODORE 530-2092 53CJ.6300 grey, . r in • sg Ol\'11. ne1v titts, good traruiporta- ROBINS FORD I • • • • • • • • • ;'.'.;.2~: mo. XLNT 0000· tkm $125 . ., .. ..., 1!!66 1-1aroor, c .ri1 . 646-930.1 i..c't US check your deal. -· -· -·-Chances a1't', .,.,.e muy save 2060 J-larbor Blvd. BLUE CHIP SPECIAL '69 CAD Convert, leather int. FIREBJRD ' you Costa· Mesa e '61 f.1ercury Comet $49 AM/FM radio, full pwr, -------I 4·SJ>N'd, Sky Blue \V/Blk $ $ $ 642.00IO e '59 Cad CPe. de Ville $99 fact air. till tele strg, p\\T '68 FIREBIRD Pontiac 35() Vinyl Int, jJ.f'0096) FRITZ WARREN WE PAY • '59Chevlmpal;t $199 doorlocksete.6'14-58..~ auto power very cl ' $899 SPORTS CAR CENTER TOP DOLLAR • :~2 Rambler \Vgn $299 \VANTED: '63-&I 4 DR Cad, llfust sell, i1795. 846-~ H b V W 710 E. lsl, S.A. 547--0764 For clean. uSl:XI can • .:i9 Buick, sharp w/alr S399 Jo mi, fully eqp:I., ori& HB ar Our . • '68 VOLVO P1800, l\1ust sell, JOHNSON & SON e 61 Chev Impala $199 O\l'ner pref. 6~2-4620. i'·===:--="-====='I XI I "" • I U • .-....1 • ·s2 Chev Impala $499 •68 C d CD Xln FORD n co u Y equip"""'. LINCOLN ri·ERCURY \Ve <..,......., our O\\'n conlract a ·• V: , I l.9711 BEACH BL., 842-443:i &12 1.'i36 eves -... .~'" kl I 1 HUNTINGTON BEACH -~QI Hai•bor Blvd., C.i\f. \Ve can finance anyone ~ ·.· 06~~~· --;-56-. -FORD '6!1 l44S....-1\UTO,_priv_pty. -!MPOR~J'S WANTED e -T-Bird Speeial l:;;:::~~·~··~===:o::::::cj '66 V\V Bus. sunroof, reblt. 1 O\l'ncr. Like ne."" $2-100 Orange Counties From $19!1 & up 1 ~ A--=~~ engine, n450. cau 4M--.'l697 or make offer. 675-1991. f'roni l!laa thi"U '6-l's CHEVROLET utomatie. I owner, Illa! new! between ~7 Pl\J. TOP $ BUYER I h A S I dlr, 63.000 actual miles. P-1800 Cp. '63, :dn't cond . BILL ~tAXEY TOYOTA B ue C ip uto • et J'o-Iust sell. Jlo1ake offer. \VIII Is you ad in the classified New brks, new I.Ires. Clean I 18881 Beach Blvd. n45 Harbor Blvd., C.hl. '69 R CAMINO finance private party, (PLG. .'66 CHEVY IEL AIR 4 DOOR FacL air cond. power steering, r adio, hea ter. auto. trans., "'eckend spttlal (SVS·604l '66 IMPALA 2 DOOR HARDTOP 51799 51599 $1299 s1499 51099 51799 :"D:"W=&l2-067=='='=°'=RESU==L=T=S:;_.;'ihru~ou=I:=. =l="='='·,. .... ::;;";_:1:;8 =,__::";_· ·=Be~ach.~===P;;h.=M~7;;-3505=:===="~~~9~700==*==' ...... """392=;-925·1 ~all for apJ>Ointment, \jpiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9~IOOii;;l~N~t~wiiiiC~t~r~•jjjjiijiiiiiiii-iiii~NeiiiiwiiC~t~roiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~-~~I NaiiiiwiiiiC~t~ro~----CUwl•thtom. Dir, Bri ti&h green Mfi.<f052 or 494-9773. deep tan interior. '55 FORD needs trllTillmilskln 307 V8. automatic, power work. ?.fags all the. q,y steer ing, maintenance man's around. Call alt 5 : 00 special. (99978D) Take small wkdays, anytime wkenda Auto. tran.'i .. radio, heall!r, power steering- Shar1i Sharp Car!! l"lurTy! (ULA-965) '65 PLYMOUTH 2 DOOR HARDTOP This has got to be the nicest 50,000 mil es Sport Fury Jn all of callfornla -Red Interior, consoll! radio, po\Vl'r fitecring, auto. trans. IATB-361) '67 OLDS CUTLASS 442 4 speed, Red, Red, Red. Po"'Cr steering, radio. heater, atieolutely shoY.'tOOm fresh - Hurry only one. CVFV.Q71) ----11 WAGONS-WAGONS i-1 -- '65 IMPALA ,,__ •• .,_.._, .... T Sfftrl .............. ,,.. ...... llGU •31 I. '66 CAPRICE • ·-· ...... Ml ..... ,, ..-... i ... -lodle, Hecrt9f, P....-Steen ... Nice. llUZ 1511. '68 FORD FALCON -....... Al• c ........ i •• H-,..., StMrt ... Im 1111 . '68 MALIBU - ' .......... •1• c...1"'°'1"· 1 .. 10• Heater, Pa.., Steeri .. . '68 IMPALA '·-· ""' w ..... , ...... -h1clecA .. AlrC_..tteel ... (l.IUJJI). '67 FORD Country Sedan-.:.=:.::~.~~:: '69 MALIBU -' ............. ., ,,,,., •• , ........ Air c..dttlHI ... fU. 4411. •All the above advertised c•rt urry Connell'• 100"/. Gu.rant .. -_Buy with confidence. CARS 30 Oay TRANSPORTATION '62 CHEVY Nova Wagon TIT THIS $ 499 '63 OLDS $ 499 2 DOOi HAIDTOP-S.,... C:-. llUL 4111 '62 CHEVY IMPALA c. .... -1,;....,*· .,.,1 $ 549 '63 CORVAIR ...... ·-· °"' C..,le c ....... IHI $ 599 '64 CHEVY IMPALA , •-· , ... ,.., $ 699 '63 CHEVY 2 Dr. ~T::=c ... nc1 .. 21S 699 '64 CHEVY 4 Dr. 'o:i.'!'.!'!".,..c-. •••H "" $ 799 '68 VW 2 Dr . Seel • .....;.;_-.. _..,... ...... ,,,-$1299 CONNELL_ JOHNSON ·& SON _ Ll.NCOLN-MERCURY THREE GENERATIONS IN THE AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS BIG SELECTION BIG SAYINGS ON STATION WAGONS NEW MONTEGO STATION WAGON MONTEGO MX VILLAGER Jl1-4Y Y·I fftlM, IW1p9ratl" l miul•11 C•lltr•I. hlect- SMft T.-. ....... Cewte1y ut•t G,..,, WSW G·71il4 TI,.., ,.._ a.., WIHow, L11ttote Carrier -W/Alr hfttr, Tllirtl s..t, ... , hci ... , Ponr ''"""'· ~Ir C••· 4''*'-', AM • .._, Tlllfff • ._ • c-,i .... Dt1. s..t • FRT ...... hits. 1.-.te CTL Left H-4 Ml,,..., ho luP Wlleel Cffen. Tr.S._, To'"'t Pecll .... •OHllM i · .. .. , Save$$ '87 0'•L •ALLYI $1271 IWD• llJI '86 au1CK SK'l'LAlll( $147& 2 OMr "".....,· AT, ll&M, Pwf, Slrt. '88 VOl.KSW•Gllll SQUAlll.aACK $147& IWll t211 '70 ,0110 MAVEltlCK $217& A.T ., 14. ... "'iltl. . .'67 MUSTANG MAlltOTO, $1875 A•le. tr1111-, lt .. it, air cllll .. NIHll•-i.,. IVCL JOI 166 CMIVllOl.•T i1115 ~kt 4 DNr Mtnlle•• L ...... llVM 11" '87 MlltCUltT $1875 CV<ltnt OT 2 Dr, H,T, L ... ttl. '89 VOLIUWAOlll IUO $187& ..... _ . BRAND NEW 1970 ·Marquis ·Station Wagons 'l'adll Dlo;. Pnl., ConcNI~ Hd. LtnP. Grine, DINI Ac:tl11n Tl. GI. Pow. RN• WilldOW, Flo. lhtU VMI S'J'llffll, Luog991 RKk, Eyp, Emluloll (11111., Blk. SIW•ll H1hU Tl••· P-SIWlllCIOwJ. ' Nl'I' PO'll', SNI, Ctn~r FKlng R"r SN~, C1r,.llOI Lllld FIOClr, Pw. Fri, DiK 8r1kes. Pllw. Slwrlrog, Wlllsper Air (Qlld., AM/FM 51trto Rilllo, ln1. Wind/ '1ikl WIPI<", Tinted Pion C11111p,. OI~. Se11 .. Fri. SFIOU~• Btltl, RI. Com. LO. Mirror. LllllUrY W. Coy1n, Croll Country ltloM Pk. DISCOUNT $967.50 FIOM WINDOW STICltll PllCI Cougar Top Cat for '70 WHERE WILD MEETS ELEGANT Thi1 br1n!! ntw Couqar !1 eompl1ta with power 1t11rin9, powt r di~c br1ke1, white 1ida wi ll tirt 1, and many olhtr luJury faatur11, •OF91H5 I 71J4 $2995 +TAX & LIC. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 166 P:O•O·CO\ll'tTttT SIEOAN $187& f P ... ., avtt. "°""'·• RIM, •;r ttllf·• rllf •1111. (TO& 1111 '89 MAllK Ill SAYE UllMll SlttM I 5"1. ctlllr ... ITOl 1MO '8& COMET $87& C•lltnll C ....... Avll, lr1M., SIMI"., tic, (MOW IHI '&l COltTll'IA Z ONr. IVTP •JJI $97& '&& T·llllO L•-. IQSI. '4JJ $1175 '67 P'OltD COUMTlt"I' SIOAl'I $2275 A .... tr-., lt .. M, P.S., P.I .. •Ir ftlllll., rllf rtlll.( VGT tttl 11511 TOYOTA COttOMA c..,..1w10 1111 $1375 '86 DOOel. ..,, ·-.t.t. hM, P. s.,.. $1675 NOW IS THE BESJ J~ TEN YEARS TO BUY A LINCOLN · MERCURY PROOUCT CHEVROLET : Ll~!~!!!!!IM!!~:eR!R~!!AR, down or trade. \Viii finance $125 ..... 6'13-8917 pr~vate party, Call.tor ap. '68 FORD XL 500 red conv. po1ntment 546-4052 or Xlnt cond. lowner 4-1pd, 494-9773. V8, ps/di!IC brakes. $1600 ;: '6i CHEVY V.S, au!o trans or offer. 675-820.'> r~io, beater. Fou~ n e,; '62 GALAXIE 500, t ownr. tires, new carb and interior -Only 32,000 ml, auto, VI, mechanically excellent in A· PS. nu tires $4$ or otr 1 shape! 962-6278 546-3877 '69 IMPALA, 12,000 mi. orig. '69 MACH I, fully equlJ), • Forced to sell: School. P/S, air cond auto P/B. Air. Best Oft r . *' 548--iJss * 673-1023: Keep Callin& 'W 1-=,-. ==~--~-ll P i\'J. 1965 FORD Conv, rfh,. stereo. Xlnt cond. FAMILY reduced! '68 Nova 548-533! DeltL'<e 2 dr. VS, P/S-P!B.1-'=~-".::.:=--- RIH. Vinyl top. Very clean '62 Ford Station \Varon 11,500 mi,· Best offer. 673-57":.4 X~~I ~:· 1955 CHEVY, 327, 3-spd. 4 """" COUNTRY Sq . new tires, slicks &; chnn "" . . u1re, r/_h, rimR, 8-track stcl'C!O & m;_w hres, Fatr conct, $100. tapes. $175. ~ 675-5016 '70 CHEVELLE SS 396. LINCOLN Uodcr Wammly. A~ """'l--------~26Jake over pymn'ts. '65 SEDAN CONVT Nu glass tires, 2 o\\nen '66 Chevy Nova SS $1250 * * 543-1807 ps/pb, A-l cond. $1450 ....,260 '&I OIEVELLE 4 dr °"'ag, V-8, pis, r/h. auto, lie\\' \Vhitewalls. $6.10. 962--2113 MEf CURY '67 Montclair '69 MALIBU VS, red w/wbt F~ power plus air cond., vinyt top, auto, r/h, 16,500 vmyl top. CVOD0491 Wiii mi. $2.3$. 492-6776. take car in trade or finance EL Camino '69, fact. air, p~vate party, Call for •P- p/b, p/s. Many xtras. po1ntment 546-4052 or 494-9773 Pi9S. Call 548-4004. '63 NOVA Slalm wagoo. MUST.t,NG New !ires, lune-up. $290 ,-_____ ;;.;:..:_::__ 83.1-0692 · W ?1-fustang Convl, VS, 1t , blu le wh~ top, R/H, auto 65 CHEVY "'alOn. 4-dr., V8, trans, 46,600 mi's $10.jO JJl/pb. 52,000 mi's. Beat oller SJl.-0298. ' ........ '65 MUSTANG" VB '64 IMPALA SS, 283, 49,000 P/S.P/S.R/H ml., w/xtras, good cond., 642-0350 & f46.i670 $900. or1best oller. 496-4673 . .,~-:-C"nn-o-~.-c-c-=h '-'--"''--1 , ~ . "" '--U w/w lte leatherette 65 CHEVY w11.gon, .f.dr., vs; uphol. Lo nil $1200 Call pa/pb. 52,000 mi. Best offer betw. ;;..g 642-2iit9. · performance, 4-spd. $1000 .... ~ 2 2 • Call Bill f>4" .,.~, .,.. + E astback, red, VI :====~====:I auto. $82:i. ' * 6(5.-0;J39 art 5 pin * CONTINEJfT AL ... Shelby GT :i.;o ?lfany ext ras. Sacrilice '65 FUU. lee.lbtr, •II xtras, $11195 * * 5-ID-79:i5 f'Vl':I new tirn, looks new! Owner '65 MU~ANG, Jo ml \'l!f'Y 6'12-MU sharp. v~ crui~malic Sac for quick u.lc:. S.10-7873 · Ct«YSLEI 'GO>lUSTANG 289~ 1.W ---------mileage, auto, ~I nt cond. '69 New Yorker · M.rCtop, $13T.i. .f94-55.I~ 2-dr. Top co_nd· All_ ac-'67 ~lustang 289, auto, VB, cessorle1, $329S. 5J&...2U3. air, p.s .. Clean. Pvt own@f '59 Chrysler New Yorker Full ~1. po"'-er w/dual air. Nr nu '61C ONVERTIBLE- • 2121 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa °'' ... , ... ..,.. 01•"1 1" .. ,_ , ..... , .. _ .............. ..., .... ... ---!!~.=!-"'546-~~1~20=-:3~-====---1-t-----21626--KARBOR, CO,NA--MU>A--- 540-5630 . 540-5635 (I Mlle So. of Sin DlllO Frwy.) lb'e!1 & brkl $!!00. 546--8441 * l DAILY PlLOT DIME ~ A ,;;;,..:;;S;=~IV;;;O~N~D~E~RFU~~L'=:::, .::,cJ---- • LINES COit you just pen-many buy! In applhu'IO!S rU11 a. dQ. YoU find In the CJ:w.lllild Ad11. Chetk the1n now! 1 I , I , ' I Through special arrangement with Buick · Mot~r Division, Gen· ' . . ' / , ,, . ' • . -" . e.ral Motors Corporation, we have purchased several 1970 ·pre ---~-'--''-~•--~ . . . . . driven Buiclc •Skylark~~. These will _be sold at 'fan~tic savings on \ . R. -4. a first con1e, first served basis. . Bauer ' P.S. BAUER BUICK . ' All are fully equipped including Air conditif1ning. ' • INC Specializing in QUA~ITY ,JAGUAR COSTA -234 E .... 11.th St. AllTBORIZED BIJICK·OPEL·IAf'IJAR SALES end SERVICE . -MES-Ar--~--~~---~ : BUSiNESS · rs ·,, Af~ '· " JOHN CONNll.L ''.~0 GIVEAWAYS ~ GIMMICKS " , , . J~sl 21 Y•1r1 of Ho"•if 011lin9, Selling Ch1vrol1h, ' CONNELL CHEVROlET HERE'S WHY! BRAND NEW --.,=-1970 NOYA 2 DOOR COUPE Ti"l1d t l•u, d1lu•1 b1 lt1, pow1r 1l1•rin9. AM t•1lio, 1•1'p. ,,...;,. 1io11 control, wh ilt will tir11, ler91 wM1I cov111. IJ60TI 17· 16241 LI" Price · ................ $2111.15 DISCOUNT ............... $ 318.'2 ::,'tr $2562.53 BRAND NEW ~~~1970 IMPALA CUSTOM COUPE ~- Turlt•·hydr1rn1lie, 1ir cond., win. J Lht Price ·······-······· $45Jt.1 O yl roof, tinted 9l1u. 150 i nt .. po••• 1!11rin9, b•ll•d WSW, •••• 1p11~1 r, •leclric cloek, t1lly wheel1, (1941 (11 241)1 DISCOUNT .............. $ 152.Jt :~LJ. $3686.71 BRAND NEW 1970 FULL SIZED WAGON ' Tinl•d 9le11, turlto hyd rernelic, 'ev1p. 1rn i11io11, pow1r 1l11rin9, 250 Vt 1n9 in1, AM r1dio, vinyl inl•rior. 1907 1 !lt l71 61 BRAND NEW CHEYELLE H.T. VI 1119i111, tint1d t l~11. f11rbo hyd r1,...1t!c t r1nuni11ion, •"•P• •min ion control, hid• 1w1y wio• .... 1 6611 ~(1 64609 ) • LI" Price ................ $3930.90 DISCOUNT .............. $· 632.5J SALE PRICr $3298.37 Llot Price ................ $JOH.20 DISCOUNT ........ : ..... $ 405.10 ~:,'tr $2693.40 OLDSMOBILE _2LYMOUT~ . • PONTIAC · 1 ·~utlass • . ., ............ ·11c,,eoNNEVrLLE -*' . I · Xlnt cond: ~( ffll. pt/pb, p/windowl: Landa~ plUs alr cond., * ~~ + top; Pri._te puty. M&-lo29 I YI P-C'J'.RF306) _w 11 1 * Ul5.1 -XLNT cond 63 ooo ·54 GRAND b..9... ..... I r:ar In trade or finance · • • • •-. MAU power, • ll 'llftY. CaJJ for ap. ml. 2nd owrttt~.,,,.r '' ~ 1• 1 ~t. <pnei. ~ I poinlment, , 546-4052 or S49-l · · 5J6..9782 494-9773 _ ... . ., o~s cuuau 8,., • .,. PONTIAC T·llRD l 2 dr H.T. Auto. Air. tun '65 BONN. 4 br. Hdtop. Full '64 T B' d 1' power~ Bucket seatt. Tlnttd pwr. Fact air. Lo fl;li. Xlnt • Ir glas~. -Immaculate! 8000 ml. cond. $1200. 673·5156 Convertible. Full price $198. i Below Blue Book at $2850. 503 Carnation CdJ\.1 · /ONR067J Will "take car in I $500 caah •£: T.O.P. 642-4M&"I '6' . ' tra• " · anytime • GRAND Prix. one owner, 'l'e or 1.1nance pnvate : , · PIS, ( P!B. Factory ·air. party, Call Jor appointment. J 6'J GOLD 4 dr CutlUI Xln t cond $875 646-5602 546-4052 or 494·9773, ! Supreme. alr. PB, PS. Xlnt · · cond. lo mi's. S300 below 'f!2 Pontiac Bonneville conv. '63 T-BIRO hrdtp, lite blue, l ltlc. SaJe1 pr S2SCKI. !l40-3.'l71 Xln 'I cond. Auto, p/1, $425. new titts, xlnt cond. $800. : 'SI Olds. Clean lmlde k out, Rt'.lns great, nu radi11 tor , batt &: upholst. $250 . 644--07711. '&t t.w.:ury 911 Olds, 52,000 mi. $739 646--0669 67J..565.S. Priv. ply. &U-9194 ' '62 GRANO Prix -$300 or '66 T-BIRD, Gooc1 l cond, I be1t offer. 2517-.C Santa Ana white red Interior. Fact. ~ .\ve., C.M. ' , 1teno Sl250.;492-l445 . sell. 646-9157 • 644-{11(11 t '65 GTO New tran1 & rear 1970 T-BIRD w/Landau top. I tnd gelll'll. Mag. $1300. ~tusl Fully load«t. • $5111),. Call i' .;;:c-; . .,61-c'"u"T"LA"ss"'s..=.,.= ... =. I '69 PONTIAC LeMans • air. -.,--------u XJn• '°""· 11400. 1>1t••. "'"' """"· VALIANT i 673-3745 962-5730 ____ ,.._ ---1: 'M v1:111nt 2 dr Signet, Aut>, ; 11teer1n1, alr, R&H. MOO. I 6r.r.«ill I ntE .SUN NEVER SETS on THE QUICKER YOU CALL. DAILY PILOT WANT AD, THE QUICKER YOU SELL =========-=====::;;=~-========1 1 -lmpomd Autos -. i Ou*Are FIGHTING FOR! . ''6S PORSCHI Soort Coupo ,,.;;[ ft.w .... IM ..,. I milt on Ill Aldlo, _,.,, lfl'lniKulllt lhroulllOul, .... .......,, $2995 T&M .MOTORS (°"" ... =.. ' -1011 •AIDiN n. ~ lllr.1.fl- 114 1114 _. ...... , , l I I -4. ' 1 , . . ' I , " . •• I l •• ·-~-- -------·-----------·--..,...-------------------------~ ---- PER · SAVINGS ' . . \ ' . ' ON _ $.2;000,000 . . . , WORTH OF ·NIW~ · ~F01tos-;f0i1.;...::; I . .. TRUCKS. AND-._ • "ROllNS·READY-. -· . USED. CARS . ' ' .. \ ' ' .. . . '' WE ARE PROUD THAT l'HE-=BONA FIDE ANNIVERSARY DIS. • , . . ~. ·cotJNl's wr· -ARE OFFilHMG·· DURING JUNE ARE BACKED BY i~ ·49 ·YEAR$:ol!i 1us1NEss IMRGRITY IN · THE GREATER HAR·. -· aoR AREi ------·----' . -··-, . . . -· : . . --,. -. . ~ ,... _, \ . . \ -.. : . , Coiile 111 AM Wo WID Mc*o Q•r Birthday· Soll· A.• lrarfoft. M•Clli . . . . '. ( ' , . -. . ' . -\ ;J · . ../ -... -··. ' ..... ,,,,·· •1 .~6.rGREAT · D-EAL TO YOU!_- .'-.•. I~·-·; i. .--· -' . - J ' . a. • • , 1 ' I A\1,~~ ........ . UAR A NEW FORD' fOR 6 MONn!s.t Dl•1 l'AUld1 ... ~c , rperCsi:mlrJ,I . ' ---saa · .~... ..RINIALS 2 Dlllliit; 4 illi 111~ ,GTI Sffltll•:-~··~· 4 S,•••·•·M••llllcs ........ $1·677 .... ,.. -....., ... ...., af -tlrlNt • ,..,. IQ \ii .... 1fJl ..... ef·,..JMlce -Mllx ...... -• _. ... -...·-ca1l1tM" ,.,.. TH ............... ,., ,._ ... ....,. .............. -·· ................. ... ___ ......... _...,_ •CllL .. MAlCOIJI f9 flll ' DETAILS •! ' 642.-0010 ' . -A ·-THEoobRi .0-.1111 'IXCLUSIVI LOOK FOR . THE. JllAmsTIC CENTER SEAL ON THE . WINDSHIELD! . 100% PAl!TS AND LABOR WARRANTY 4000 MILES OR 90 DAYS . , -. -.. c...n • •s•••I& ..... lfll' fl I ........ h I llslil ..... ... ~~~ .. ~~!~~'~'''· . ~67.7 P;S,, P.I., racUa, Hater. tTAXl741 ; I ,_. .... PLUS---.......,_. .... .,...._ All .... .... ..................... I '• I ' -~ '64 . Qooso-,_ ~McfEI Dorado 1!icit S 7 1 o p•1 6; Or A Cos;9?11e Motor Hamo For 'Ille ........ , .. .... .,.. ... ,. , ~~RA1Hf Raaft· EAlLlt ' . ·couf!IT<RY SG>UIR! .. - w.,... Y0I, AIR CONDITIONIN&, A ..... lt&H, P'.S. IOXTJlll '68 DODGE . R.T. Ca'"9f t-4r. H.To YI. ...... f•ct.rr--•ir, . ,.....,.._.ri11;1·l lwU... .t11YI ~··UH. ' ,_ 121·71At' 1117410) , • • '70 MAVERICK It.elf., ..... ,, J •• ,.'4!1. · Ulra'-· (YWT217) 51899 ~~!!!;~.~~~~ ..... Sftftft. TRUCK SPECIALS ----·=·"=· ~'"-'"-"-"---------7_7_'7 '68 FOID f.250 'f• TON $AVE FORD ll!A:IRl1A:NE '2498 StylesideP.U.V-8,automa ttc,power 1 ~llU l9A · ateerlng, air condltiorUng, radio. ) 166 M·E1··c··.,.~a.1y WAGON. 51 . COlllAJET._Ci;........,..,._1......, • .,.-.. · heater,~tilm1 andheo.,,•dut.r . •UI\. . ' · 799 fiM;..,i.. .... ,., ... ,.....,.-.._,...,. , """· 11 76A), . • ..... c.1:1..t..A.....,.,H,_f,.t.~._ .... ,, ~6 7 ~~~~~~!:: ::~ •n •• .,,. :6677 ~!~~~~r·~ $S11'89887.7 -.-,-. --7-..,_~o:; .. ;:;:¥:;.;!2:. != .. ~==::==N,o:!=·:::..·=::.::.·.:::••::.., "::..".:::'""=-·="=!-s-='-1-=-=.3:_:_:9=-_~,=-.· , ft....., •It, ITJIOIOI • 51899 Wlth~lop, Y,..,.olM •!"'Hlo'° (JICF-6tr i~--~ . '.'$598 .. __ :.:.:::: ::: ~ ·1111'!1·"";· -'!· __ , __ ._,_711!!1~~-=--.~'!".··.~.· '!1~1!'·~ ............. ••••11 ·1!11·; .......... ••· •1111~.1.t .... " .... . ' ' . . SERVING •CE \ 1121 ' •• ' .• J ' 7 ... -~