HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-07-04 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa. . .
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,,J_fjna.nce Impasse
, .
· Ulster Capital . . •'
Calm. After New
Violent.' Night ;
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SaiiWday.-l~y C, 1'l70" ------::::--=z __..., --~-·
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fiBeats~:,wm:tiie'si'..;~ ·
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•,i ... ,, ,,.. ~ .. .-ByTOMBA(U,;f!Y~~ ..•.. ,
·~ .. ~. ~ l''. ... ""Of .... 0.llW' "Y" ~'·~ • . ··~ '
i!:)it).'.N~~tANY :'American friCnds· have aSK~r fqe !Iver.
lhe year• to explain what f.tiey unanlltiOUsly regard as fhe
BtiUsh Publif:'s 'cillO\J.s.i'ejection Ur 19J5 of Wlp~t9JJ. Ch.\U'ctJ:~. ... ' .. • ill."1 .. .-,.;-.... '· .. : ·\' ... :··· ,.:_···. . . .• . ..
...... _ .. ' .... , . .. . . ' . ,L ••. '.f . . ;;· ;. -..
We were kicking.that one·arouDd in:the Pf~ room.-~·.
. otM:rtday white cttscussing the' 11&11.·outcome of. Britaln1i
ft\Olt. rec:ent lltctkilr.' ''How-could you,, it colteague, 8Sk~,, ' . . . . . "'..... ...._ ~outthat'~ ,,~!Mll,n•!f>i he-;-inore than any<fne, pulled you through
neatlY six years of war?"~ .
· "I've spenf''hours hammering 'hon')e
wtiat'l'beli"'•·tb be lhe p«/ecllx sourid :
rel&oning .t)ebiria that bea(Ulne g"rab~
of:ji yeers ·ago~aft(l'ltll ~lf..'rllh\ noW:,
lbat ·1 haven't really convw,d .'.anYooe
that Churchill's ddeat w·u;ft qvJie the 'lr~Bec11 it w·aa..crac.ked i.lp to~ be. j...-·;, l
ff -~· -J ' >"' • _ .. -1' ~ ... THE .r8}1CU!>D of wfltlme ·'
Mli\1Rer Harold Wilson is-a much greater ·~gedy. And I
alncerely believe that my homeland will have much~greatet
reason ·1.o regret ill casting aside or this brilliant statesm¥
than \ever. hitd to be ·sorry for What was, 41fter aJI, ju.
a'ttmporar-y aidelining of our beloved Winnie. ' · 1 •.
And before ·anyone picks up his pen let me say right
now that I regard Sir Winston Churchill as the ~test
Opre.1rt British history. My· home 1i.s 'I haven of Church-1
· ~.the"repolitbr:y.of .every Word he .ever wrote and (he···
praud :iftt.ot;Uialf"1ious Kanh'portralt -the-g~al bul ·
~ lllllldqig Jigure of Churchill in World W.ar JI.· . ~; Jookfug. ~'on us with Iha~ "They Shall !'at Poss"
~,.-. ' " ~-.. ..--' .... ' . . ~ .. ' ,. -· ~'. ·, . . ~-. ,. ""-atUllCllJLC. TO my c.bildren, ls a fttasurj4 .. W9ftf fn:lm.
the Boot of· Common Prayei:. The }'tlUrlier '1~ tieJ~ye,:.l . .a.tore, thllt•tKI)' will see hitn in England"this $\!rpm~ ...
~t lhe side of_hi~ Queen if and wlJ~·~y get tbelr e~$~t!y '. ·
awaited g~pse· o( :that monarch. •
·' '..'l'hat1• Unda-st:andable .• Ch'urchill, the indestrU~Utile.
. . ..
~. f ....
, .. ' -·
' . '
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..... ~ . . . ' .
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I l'lllM!I' ireally dled"fOf'lthose millions of BtitonS'tO' Whom 'thi
.;&rdt""'~We ~an ·fight'' on the·beachesl' .!re as fr~h tcslay
u this mo~g'.'s breakfast toast: •• · _:..,'.: • · ·
·t ;:'.AIJ-thia', ·o1 CN'le;'has nothing to dO with Harold' Wilson ...
Bllt ~be wu 1n hil-own Very .lifted:way the ·supreme arch I-·
teCt Of a Btjti~el')" thal~rrrlght .. well ~ve1-~luded ~
Churcblll for all his tnagnificent qualities ind undenied
. . • . ... . .
abHJUes. ~ ·1 • .._ •• · •• -; • ~ ! .. ,, ...... ,.\ ..... ~ .
• WllA(>N:S..HITI..EJt was a..British economy which. he
mlnaied.to gra&p by, &he coat .t8.U.s1P:lt ~ntered.the ·grave-.
y~~11 .J1•(:i...n diie;i'f4ied · tiy a· ConwvaUvo ..
aQffilnlsliaUon wfitcli ffiankfully crept. on, to the Opposition ~'3::in ~~~~t,.glad a91j,J~1Jo ·be relieved of lhe
cWl1,'i ,.IP"'.~ c;,QIJ.lltryc; \ ...,, ,.,
-''"Jle ellminated. a...~!Wng .~t,J,a,Jbe balance of pay~ ~'1-W.,~~µia· ,iQlfy ftlOil mto a:handsome
IUfPlus. "t'fue: ~-devaJ ued the ~nd, but that ·was inev~
=;=w~~t'~~~dft!i ~~; ~c , . ,gr.fhi ,elctteijUei,11ft9Y'JenJdns.' ' .t 1-
• And 'wbif<! -11 OU. was going "'1'.b£'v1Uinlly ttfilil'!o, ~;...., · Jieiif <!he 'im!l)ing 'Sllie bl 'Jthodesfa, '. ~iipil\~eil'. '
Brttiln'\t:Jlat!Onlttfealth Service 'iiltO 'the finest~stiucfure
of ill kind .!JI Ufe'·woilif lodal_ iiiid _~dQ.w.~Jll~ .>ici..and .. eld~y-wtui beiiefiCS tlial were long overdue and -pay great
lri~~ to~ bg!ior•Ji.!!'llld hlOl!i!oe labor"~tr-: ~tm1w. UEN~~ce<t bi a.ffian' wii'ii, tml~~~ ho~er "'°"" 111e ., ........ un.rioliilon'.f•· ""'P<i11tI<a\~~~~ rev~_ tnaw~~~ io.~Nt~ttie~~~ ~-11 the back 0£:.Jli!word~lh,~ )hem •
f1gi!N .Of Enoch ~~!l11he ''""-'UVe: ·-:;;~
• ·1as •
·-11nc1er Wilson,_ llf:ttajn wou1a:havt'.-i11Clo.set)i'\li1de<i~'
a Piii.Jidl}g ' social ami"ocratic foui\datioa .. JiitO' the lfanie-~
wq'1(1,a,. linite1KEw:• thll seemed lo be' il'itjiliimd. ;!,• ~ J. • ~ ~
the:.:cmmr:11e-wiU; be back but he ... may!hly.e-to: Wait~ar.~ J·-.. .,,_) , • . ,... • • " fiv<;~ fei.!i: .~_.. . '-. ~ ~ ... ~-·~7. ' . C' ~-__:·~! J Mao· SIZE CANN'ON f .... _ :. ...... ·~ R ... r .
r • • ~--·-·-. --. .
-.,_ "T'-• •·' •~ --............ . ...
··-~ ---.. --· ... ' ·.
...... -
' .. . .
Mf9. Cloff.Oufs of NEW
8 .TRACi< · . .-........ -~ ......... , ....... ~ ... S~E~~O-. TAPES .
.· 01t111/ 2i 5 5
_, ... •
Complete selection of Country, Western, Today's
HitS ; Old Fav'Orites. Over' 1006 to choose from·~! ! '·"I'~ . -• ~·.· ' - . ·~ .... ~ ....
not necesSari!y as illustrated. ~
' .
°"'" 491
Set a stylish table with attractive brown ''drip . -~ ' ...
. . glazei! oxeuploof dinnerware~ l~pc. ;e-t, 4' ea".;
~---..-·~-a.-. -... ~ • ' . • 10'~ plates· 7" p!a••!''6'" ,.,,lt<1':4 'mlJ~s'.·" _, ' "t. ~~.I •\~'\"Tr' ,r-• 1 <!~I'#..,~ _f
;,·~ . :·, ' --·. • ... ,, DECORATOR STYLE BATH TOWELS .-. -.l·
c~.' t :,¥~ut~_:io ~·s_i~~~ .. , ;;.:.~t·:.~~~;,;~:,4--·· ·. · 3.: ~:~--l--~;;bt~;~~~;;~:,~i
: , ! .. · . 1 > .,r~-• ... ~wtls i~,,_at.rl~a 1' so!1ds for drtv,t. In, two-.tone colors. Shoul-&u;r.iJ pe: · Wit'lj · €ontertti ~:.:""'· · · .. " ' ;: d~r ~poul Chor•• ;u -
157 . 1 ~EN'.S. 'WES'J'ERN JEAN$
s~.,da11 on1y1_ _.2 -9.ft .. R.,. 3.97 ~
Ma'de or tough cotton denim. . , :
Points or strain are reinforced for lohgeri-wear. Sizes 28 to 38. __ .,._ . . '
. ' . l" J~:ro;e~~. t!ar so::~=~ fJ~'
and Mrs. Victor Yestma'n~ 23oa
•Fairhill Drive,. will repre~i
·the Newport-Mesa S c h o o 1
District this summer on a
goodwill taur of Eun:ipe.
The young vi91inisl has been
selected to participate in the
sixth aMual American Youth
Symphony and Chorus Euro-
pean concert tour whldl will
leave from Pittsburgh July
t9. Ll!i'='="="~ .!:.~·~~~.= FOCAL® 5x4a.:SPORT .GLASS. '.VINYL Y·THONG SLIPPERS' TODDLERS' TO". TRICV:ClE ., . . ... ~· ... ,.. "' upon out:lti.ftding musi-:· ._ ...... . :.··: ... :; .· •, .·"
damillp,. cil.~oship and Sunday Only!· · ~· 7 6 . Suada11 Onl11! 200 Sulidail 0 •1•1 011 charaeteo ·aocording to Dr. F ti . hl 1 ·• . . •1 ,_. -. . •. .. " .
Pattee Evenson, ,!'ho is the 0~~ 5~~~e~n 8~~~ gi~:s nf~ Barelf"there glamour' slides att ' EC6n6Pllt® • trariie "with sturdy ·., • •
youth symphony ~. national a smart investment.. Compact )'O\trs In white or go\d.-The nell.I"'-rear step "detk. ·Handlebars and
board ~ll')ember for southern to can-y along, the cruse is est' thing to barefoot, and much 11teel saddle are adjwtable. RecV
California . . . Included. nicer. Try Jt! Sizes 5-10. white. • , WITH SYMPHONY
CdM's John Vtstman
During their fou~-week con-EE:>!"l&~--.. ... -a~~o.n.._,...., .. ...,,,.,.,..,.,..,.,. ••• ,..,.,.,.111\oq--..'Q-•••r:::;m,....,•••m•l!ll""""'~""-•"'"""""•••=••'!l
cert tour, .the student musi-
cians will take in ten comtries
including .Be l:g'i.U m , Lux-
embourg, East G ~ r rn an y ,
W..i G<nnany,. Swtlle"•"", A'1mna; · Cie"moslo'vikia/"&:;;.
mark, the Ntthtrlafids -and
75-CT •
CA~ LINER_$ 3 From Coast
Get Degree
'Itne Orange Coast area
ltudentl received t heir
blcheJor decrees during re-
cent 1970 oammencement ex-
erciNI at the Univer5ity of
Cllifotnia, Davia, accu-ding to
ocl1oof olllclalJ.
WtlUam J . DavJes and
Michael L. Whillns1 bolh of
CoU Meea, receiV'ea bacbetor
derreea from Ott four;year
college. Dovles major..r In
_ _,.,.,..ology and W h II i o t,
nntW•b.fe n.tiW'.aJ_retQ\lrces.
The musical director of the
youth sym)ilony is_ Dr. Donald
E. ~1cCathrtri, ·a· 'proteSior or
music at. Duquesne UniVersity,
Piltsl>urgh, where the students
will rehearse for three days
before departing on the tour .
Only Ont
Fina{ siocks~tn 111 hOrn• tdltlons.
That's a big dtan It Is 111 Or111ge
County. Tiie DAILY PR.OT Is the
only dally news111Ptt that dtUw·
'"tht ~"'
11..-I Maben, majoring In
lll!Clology. alao rtetlved her
degree. Miaa Moben II from H~!ll!ch,r . ~.,==:::=====~
l --•
·Portable Ra.dio
· "Sunda11 On1111
J.adl': AMIF~I portable radio
has a 27'' telescoping Fl'wl an· tcnna. operate• on '4 "C" cell ·~ncrl~ or At"'cord.
• \
..... --------
7 ·.SHN-da s ~1111 • -
All·purpo&e plsstlc trash bags"
flt 20 w 30 gallon cans_. 1\o.tat
.tits included. 75 in dispenser
''"'--"''--, ' -------""""= ----
-· :CAMPER . ·_
hferu111rt?1 ' S-x'f. Wilh 18" re'ar
extension. 4-oi. blue cotton
drllJ1 \VAX flnlih;
kif Ill .... ,,. ......... °"'"
' ' )
I '
I . •
-. ---· -
--. -.
. eruge
Tbe weekend wD1 be ieoeraDy
• fair alanC llie -with IOl1W ~ e1rly mor'!!nglow ~ and tern-
! peraturel ·~ llP to tbe IOll.
TM Biitbh ..m fnl 'lh< lols'
of Harold Will<m 01 prime minis·
ttr mort' than tM11 did that of
Win.rlon Churc\iil, bl!!litvn the
DAILY PILOT's Tom Btwl<,.
Pao• 2. -!="°.;... ---_ ..
I'•' I
EDllfON -·-
Fillaµce .IInPass~
Reagan Rejects ·Dl3Pi_~rat's .Demands
~ ' . . .
SACRAMENTO (AP) Stale senaton quit for the Jilgpl ' • ; . . 'l:he Assemb.ly ~ the lladlot,
scheduled an utraordlnary Fourth of Today'wai .tbe ftulth day al the new. wbich ·now cootalm flllZ mlDiol>ln.-w
July ....ion todoy Ofter Democrats 'ond lfl0.71 lilcal year ~1111.:noi budpl; no ' ICl!ool aid, 11-15 Thursday ~=
Gov. Reagan failed r to brat their Im-~y cauld:be . fir'~~ JliOo'ncessed for 'the,...._~
j>asae over bis IUI blJUon budget. Uoos oucb u llllarta, pds illd ......,... pressure build on tl~ 13 -.& DtmOi
The seven Democrats rel\eraled Fri-J!eai'I" ~Jed&td ·lli4~be .bOcame crata in the Senate. --
day their request tor on -fll ''~"•with the-~o., • The vote In .the Senate.w.ia S.IJ w mJWon in stale aid to local .-ajld craUc deloption, oddln(; , · · \he,1'idget,twovotesshyaftbetwo.tllirdl
:leqan ,.JOcled ii. "! fiMlly pointed out that I 11!1¥ this. . margin of rr reqlilrecf' ,in .the -
"l did all of my giving 11 for u the gnat stata ••• bu ldala!IJr been made house.
bud1et wu• concerned before we aot· to ..4 to loot ridtculou1, "Ind fof .whit I ~ ' Republicans hold a narroW';martil hi tooi&ht," the Reoubllcan chief execuUve not aee ii any. 1ood SOUDd. reason," Rea. each boost, but the two-thlrdt.ftqaire:.
told a new1 coolerence after the Beute gan said. (See BUDGET, p._ •-
Historic Document UnkrtuWn
MIAMI (AP) -Only one penon out al ilO a~hed on locahtr'*•b~
a reporter agreed to lip a typed copy ol. tbe _.of·~l ·
Two caDed it ··comMle j~,11 one Ulreateaecr.to call u. pOti and·anolb-
er warned Miami Herald l9pOr1er Colin Dlngunl: "Be ca<dul wbo you . .-·
that kind of ~Overnment stuff lo, buddy," I
A questklnalre, ,clrcuJited '-among 300 young adults attending a Youth
lot Christ ptberlng lbowed that Ill per<ent thought an excerpt from the Decla·
ration wu written by Lenin.·
Tile 'youtlla, mostly ·bigb ICbool oenlon, we.. then 8'ked to describe bri<I·
ly what short ol person they thought would inake such a statement.
Among other thiop, the author ol. the Declaration was called : 11A person
ol communllm, someone apinst our country."
.. A penoo. wbo doel not have any sense of rapoosibillty."
''A hippie." .
"A red-neck revolutlooist."
_ "'Someooe tryq to make a change in government -probably for bia
OWi aelfilb fea.IOOI."
• . .
N .. lreland
Again ·rur_n
. '
By Rwting . .
BELFAST, Northern lieland (AP) -
Houae-to-bouJe batlling between Raman
Catholic dissidents and Britiah -·
raged through the ,n!rht in Be1'ul, bot
the guns grew quiet as dawn broke today.
The night of violence, one ot. the worst
so far · in the JrOVinclal, capibi left a•
le.ast five persons dead and 57 wounded.
Ten of the wounded were IOJdier1 and
two 9f the confirmed dead were mjpers,
an army spokesman said. But be ldded:
"It is difficult to n,...., out Ju11 llow
many snipers we got. Their frienda are
very quick lo spirit the dead and 'wounded
' -• . 1'faa1. oblp\'lrl belleylJj ,ll!o· ll#inl
, ~d no longer be considered --
riollnl be-Catbolla ..... -
onli, !lot liad ~ -war bet,,...
Tbe nJrht'lq vii>lence -widl
an, army .raid on an Mms cicM in a
Qllbolic stronghold. Prolestinr Cathollc
crowds uelled Into rock and bottJo.
throwing mobs, •nd the melee eac.i.led
into a full-scale battle between, dvfllaDJ
firing automatic weapom· and IOlne 2;000
Briti&h aotdlm:.
BARCELONA, Spain (UPI) - A clJar.
tend jet ~ llJ -· lndudlo(
1115 Brilllb -· to .. -... Sp.tn'1 Co8ta BrP1, cr1'1*1 .Into· moan-.
!aim outside llln:elona J'rlQy nlgbt u
ii •-1>ed the lirpart, police l4id
today. All .... believed dead.
"It ls very un!Jliely there ...,.. any
survivors," iaJd 'a•· spokelman for the
Brtlilli ...-y,
"' -wtY found .....uie al the !lrttloh Dal>Alr Comet jeOlner 11· day·
brelk .in an area of the MOnfseny Moun. I
•this -u the peats ol. the -40 miles m.rtll al Barc<Iona.'
Tile plane carried Ull l!""engen and
cmrof~ ' . The four eqlne jet wu en route to
Barcelona wltb BriUsh Tlcationers from
Manchemr, England. It disappeared
from radar tcreens at BarcelOna Airport
as .~t approached for a landing at 7:25
P.M. Fridoy night.
Angels' Wright
Get-s No-hitter
Calllornla Aniell ooulhpow Clyde
Wrtgbl, on .the nigbt be wa ·IMllet··
ed Into the NAIA hall of fame; bur~
ed bis flnt mojor lequt ne>biltel'
and the finl of the year In the
American League Fridoy n!pt as
he blanted the Qaklind .A'• u .
The J7.year-<1ld hurler walked
only three men in the 1:51 contest.
He bnproved lU1 record to 1U in becaminl the finl Anlal to pil<h
a nc>hltler since Bo Bellnoty turn-
ed the trick' qalnlt the .Ballimon
Orioles, Moy 5, ltC. (See Sports
Page for detalla) •
Ellller N!(lOrla lndlcai.ci IJie plane haJ ' crall111Mllo '!be Medllel;uean. .
Diooovory ti lbe plille followed a lliil)t
al -.. land llld ~ -ceniered near lbe -.ide V!Dil• of · Mataro, )4
clenta al dle·villlp. bad ._wd -.
• plille lct.down. .
Tile M<>nloeny """'1talna. ore a ,,_.i·
·-tarniinc • hail moon to t11e 'nartll Ban:eJaDa. ,..,_ ' at. . ' l ' ' • ' '
Jn London, a '"'*"'°'" for Doi>Alr said.he.believed all tile~
the Camel w'" Brllllb and ' 11111, ille1
included a baby. 1
The spokesman said the -er•
fncJudild, • men, • U· women, three chll~
dren and the infailt. Tbele were seven
'lbe Barcelona airp:rl said the jet was
12 mUu out and at an altitude of l,«Xt
fett when It Jost contact on radar and
on radio.
Tbe cruh was the fourth in lbe Jut IO
yun of.a British cbarler fight en route
to'lbe Spanllll C¥a Brava area.
()i Junes, 19171 a plane· from Manston,
Kent, F.ngtancl to Perplgnan, Franct,
cruhed in lbe mountains, kllllng alL a -·-·
No Irish Protestaota: were beliewd in-
votved In the ligbtlng neor Ille'~ ceo.
let. Other parts al the proriDco """
Aa the anny DM>Ved forward _. a
bai~ of rockl, bot!IM. ""°1e"Wle illlnbs
and· Molotov cocktaU.1, •t beJicoptlr' hov-
ered overhead and warned tJiroulb a
bWlborn that gmunen and -ben'.we...
liable lo be shot.
Tile thump of heavy exploaiom aouod-
ed through crackling gunfire, tbe sbalter.
irtg of bottles and the clang ot·gu gren4
A bomb blew out the !root olllces o1. 1be
Bellast 'Nen Letter new~, 'injuring
three of the stall and 1 puaerby, An-
other damaged St. Bridget'& Roman
Calbo!lc Churc:b, and a lbinl apioded
behind a guoline'staUon·la a"-
British '°ldierl liAlod pf1D-111<81 II
their postataa women ·m clllldren were
evacuated from the m ..,_. ll'llUlld
the Palis Road boUJecnml. '11111 lbe
troops moved in flriDI at rool.lop .......
~T JllA Mlffo:ANIK-VllWS Yll.tllAA.ll!llMOltlAL
S•'1t.R1l1i:ti111Ml.t tt. Prlai of Pr11••11 --
• " -· •
I "'llV l'ILOT
·-" . ~ -. -~ ---->
~· •
.•• \
W,ilson. Rejectipn
'Beat s Winnie's?
Of t11t MllJ Plllt lttff '
MANY, P.tANY American fr lends have asked me over the° yurs to explain what they unanimously regard as the
British public 's callous rejection in 19'5 of Vi'~ton Church-
ill. --We were kicki.na: ,lbaL one 1rouiid ln the pre:$1 room the
Olher dly whlle di1e11s•ing the likely outoome Of Britain's
1 J1K11i ·recent election. "How could yOu," a coUeague--asked,
' "throw out that wooderful old man when
he, mere than anyone, puDed you throuab
ly six years ol war?'! .•
I've spent houn hammering home
what I believe to be the perfectly sound
reasoning behind that headUne grab.her
of 25 years ago an4 I'll admit right now
that I haven 't really convinced anyone
that Churchill's defeat .wasn't quite the
•tragedy it was cracked up to be. ,, ,. .
I THINK THE rejectiQn of Prime ,
Minister Harold Wilson is a much greater tragedy. ~ I ,
sincerely believe that my homeland will have much greater
r,ason to r~gret Ila caStil)g aside of this brilliant statesman
Olan i\ ever had to be sorry for what was. after aU, just
• 'temporary aidelining or our beloVed Winnie.
" And be[ore ,anyone-picks up.-·his pen let _me say right
now that I regard Sir Winston Chlp'Chlll as the gr~t!{i
fifure in British history. A1y home is a haven of Chqrch!
iWana, \he repo&itory of every word he ever wrote aod the .
priKad. site ol thlt famous Karsh portrait -the genial but
dot<mllned bulldog lil\ll< of Churchill In World War Il
prime, loOti.ng down on u with that .. They Shall Not Pus" eJowu:. . •.
. CRURCQII.L, TO my children, ta a treasured word from tJ¥:·11oOk, of Common Prayer. The younger ones bellevt, I
IOI aure, that they will aee him In England this aumma:
at the side of his Queen if and when ~y get their eagerly ·
awaited glimpse of that monarch._
-'.{hal'a understandable. Churchill, the indestructible,
never really died ror those milliona of Britons to whom the
w0rd1 ·"we shall fight on the beaches" are as fresh today
.If thLs morning's 6reakfast toast.
AJI this, of course, has nothing to dh with-Harold Wilson,
But .he was in his own very gifted way the supreme archi·
tect . o( a. BriUsh recovery that m'igbt will have eluded
ChUrthill ·ror all bis magnificent qualities and undenled
abUllieS;o -
WILSON'S IDTL£R was a British ecoriomy which he
managed to grasp by the coat talla u it entered the_ grave-
yard, whence it had been diJpalthed by a ·Conservative
1dminlstraUon which thankfully crept on to'the Opposition
bencbes: in Parl~ament, glad and taint to be relleved of the d111¥ If· governing lhe country. . -·" -'
Ht eliminated a yawning deficit in the balariCe. Of::J>l1-~&nd ,tru11Grmed lbat ~·mess into ·a '.banOmie:· .ntui:. Tnie';lifiteYalu°ed the-J)aund,-but ihlt--W8s ~nevti-· ta* under any lidminlltraUon and he made it pay haJld..
101Dt dividends in the export market with lhe aid of his
brtlllan\ chanctllor of lhe exchequer, llov J enklns.
,. Alil jillli ,~·!bit, w~a gqlrii 1" valiaQ.lly lriocl lit
Janee 1ind1 ~~1 .rupn.ing ;ore~'lihodeail, •Cipa,ndeci Br\llJn'• lja~Oii'M ,,•Jiii Ser~ Into lhe fJnest.airllcture
of. lii -tfnd·lil the world.today .and.endowed the.sick and
ekterJj with ben,ritJ that were lorig overdue ana pay great
tribute to.an qonorable and humane labor administraUon. · u ilAs ilEEN ~raced i>i~I .. ~601.:'J.i. ·;..rw,
haO neter shown. tlle 1illhle•l liiiuCallnn l~·his-.pollUcal ,lile .
ttiit 'fit .even knoWa:. wJ>ere to ~ goveJ'.ll!ni: ~ qOµntrY·':" ~-'at .tbe back 'of ~Dlw,'rd; \IN!th Joo~.~: l?Jtnaclng ~ tiJie tit 1£11bch Powttl; the il:cb conkrvaUve. ·
·1 f88
During the ho~ summer weather, stay cool in
polyestet/colton waltz gowns with lace and em·
broidery .trimmings, spring colors. S,M;L.
j ,. -,
·Under .Wllaen; Britain Woulcf have moie. closely. welded .
a ~iii .so;clat democratic found'atio(l into the tram.to .
w..,-t . ~ a united· Eilrope that seemed to be just iround '
thi :~· He wUI be back but he may ~ve W"w•it tor o;,, d\lflnl \'ears. · · ·. • .. ·~· ·• ' " ·· . • . ' JUMjii's1 i:E CANNON .,.·
"-'..._. ________ -Y'• :'DEOOUTOR snLE BATH Towns
·c . . Y h . · s • ..., • .,.on1111 4 3 00$t out to See s1, :zr·;.·'. ••"' &. ,hi .. .,. . . " .~
• • · tov.·eJg 1n 1trlpea' a 11ohcb tor '{ Eur~pe With Concert ~; :;~., · '-~ · "~•'{.,
Corona de! Mar resident
John Vestman, the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Vestmao, 1108
Falrhill Drive, will represent
the Newport-Mesa S ch o o I
District this summer on a
goodwill tour of Europe.
The young violinist has been
selected to participate in ttie
sixth annual American Youth
Symphony and ·etiorus E~
pean concert tour whidi will
leave from Pitt.sbura;h July
19. 4 i1!;~;;';;;~ ~1ttnbership in the youth ~~y'~'d•~~~:,t FOCAL® Sx40 SP9RT GLASS
clanship. cillunship and S11 nda11 O n l11 / 676 character, 8C(!()rding to Dr.
Pattee Evenson. who is the For vacation sight-scf'lhg,
youth symphony's national ~u;m;;rrn~~=::. c~~~~~~ . ·
boa.rd member tor ~ to carry along, the cue Is
California. Included. •
Mfl). Close-Outslif NIW
Complete selection of Country Wes!e!'.Jl, .Today's
Uits, Old Favorites. over ll!OO to cbopse from . .,-,.
~ -· . not necessafily~as illustrated. -: -·-
S Nnda" 01d 11!
Large Insulated plastlc jui::
keeps drinks cool or hot \\·bile picni cking or taking a long
drive. In i~·o-tone colors. Shoul·
der spout. Charge it!
S11nda11 Onl11!
Banl)'·lhere alamour slides are youn In white or gold. The near-
est thing to barefoot, fl.Rd much nl~r. Try Jtl Sizes 5-10.
• w•
Set a. stylish· table with attractive brown "drip , .-
glaze" oveniroOf dinp.erwar~. 1&-pc. set, 4: a.; • -· • ... .. 1. .. ·• . 10'~ p18!eS; 7~· pla~'-· 6'' :.fnP.~;;:_4 mµgs .
S11nda11 Onl"!
Econopa.k® frame "·ith sturdy
rear step deck. Handlebars and
steel saddle a.re adjustable. Red/ white. '
CdM'a Jeih n Vestm•n Duringthelrfour-wetkcon-.,..,. ...... '°'"'"'""""""""""i2'.,.,....,,,,,, ... '°'""'"" ........ ..,..,. .... ,...,..,. .... .,,.. .. ,...., .......... ...,.,...,ml...,,...,..,.,...,.. .... ...,..,..om...,,.."'"'l
3 From Coast
Get Degree
'l1ne 0rlfllt Coast area
ltudaM rectlved l h e I r
bld>elori decrees during re·
cent 1910 commencement t.t·
ercllts 1t the UnlW"ersily oC
Cattlomla, Davb, according lo
ad>oOi ollicLalL
, 11'1Wllll J . DavlH and
lllchoel L. Whiling, bolh ol
Calta Meta, rectlved bachelor
...... from lhe lour.year
cxillep. Darin majored In
phYllololY and W h I l I n 1 ,
rtMwable. N1tur•l ruourees.
cert. tour, the stildent mus.i-
cians wUI take in ten countries
includini B e lg i u m , Lul-
embourg, East Ge rm1n y ,
Wat Gtnnany, Switzerland,
A~. .Cqdioslovakia,. Den-mark, .·.Netherlands and
Engla . • .
The musical direolor ol the
youth S)'mlllimy is Dr. Donald
E. McCathrt!!t a prole..-ol
music al Duqtl<OOe Unl~y.
Pittsburgh, where the student.I
will reheane for lhitt days
before departing on the tour.
Only o-, , .
Fh11! slOW In 111 i.omt edlOoris.
Tllat'I I bit"" dtal? It It '" Orllt;t
County. The DAILY PILOT Is the
only. dally n!wsptper thtt Clfll•·
m UM ~IOI-·---
llert Maben, majoring In lltlCloloo. alto received her
degrto. Yla Maben u ffiiiii II""'""'°" Beach. '======:=:!
• -"
Portable Radio
Sund•• 0 11111/
. 1257
Jade Al\l /nt portable ra41o
has a 27" telt1COpln1 FM an· tenna. operates on 4 "'C'" cell batlerlts or AC cord.
S 11n d n11 Onl11!
4 _96
~leMures 6xT, with 18" n?Ar extensloo. ·4-oz, blue cation drill, \\'8JC finish.
kW "" 1""11111 o.Nt o.,t.
. . .
Guns Shell ~
1' " ~ •
Ca ilibodia·;
"..>. •
-... ~ . t
., ••
Border Area ~·' -. . ... .. WooN (UPI) -The An>ericn mill-tti7 command today formally .-.
ledled that U.S. arWlery bu been bon)-batdlnl Cambodian· border areas since Anierlcao. trool'! withdrew last Tueaday.
ID Cambodia, a military .p,t...,..
1n Pbnorit Penh said a heivy concentn-
tlon of Viet Cong and North Vietnamese
m>ops had mlseed In j{ompong Thom '
province for an attack against the pro-
vincial capital of Kompong Thom.
'Ibe city is IO mUes north of Pbenom
Spokesmen for American commandert
laid . ortlllery lire had been ordered
qalnst the earitbodlan border "on the
same basis aa air interdiction missions''
to insure the safety and security ol U.S.
forces in South ·Vietnam;
The lt.atement followed reports fr0m ·
military source• saying american guns
placed at artillery bases near the Cama
bodian bonier had fired 1,500 abelb ioto
Cambodia In the fint three days after
lbe withdrawal.
Prostdeot N-In reporting on the
withdrawal ol U.S. forces, uid American
pbnea .....id keep Jlyli1g missions in
Clmbodla but the statement today was
the first formal acknowleqemeot of Al" lillery alao being ll30d.
''When speclfic targets of enemy troops
Or supplies are withln range of .our at·
tlUery they may be taken under firt to
reduce the threat to friendly fortes m
the Republic of Vietnam and as we have
a id ;nany times, we will conduct pro.
tecUft reaction as an inherent right of.
1elf-4efeme whenever friendly forces Jn
Ille R>publlc d Vietnam are end>ngered
fn:m positions la (!ambodit," a military
opobman aaid.
A Cambodian military apol<eaman in
Phnom Penh .aid Viet Con( and North
VIetnamete forces hid curled out a mor'•
i.r attack apinat Cambodian pooitlon1
..., a high -in K-,,_
Friday night.
The communists have been trying to
overnin the cifY 1'-10,000 persoos for iii:
Abortion Charge
Revised; Doctor
Faces Hearing
A Santa Am munidpol ..mt judp
IOOOO(lled ...iaed 'iibortlon ebar1e1
•-'-ot Dr. him S. ~Friday ml ;:;jj.,,lldlll'• aar..aw · 'ent and
JO for a J>l?l!rnlnlry bearing.
Judge William 'lbomlOft i;<fecW al·
tm>ey Moaea Berman's sul(<llion that
h9 rte0nskler bis earlier ruling in the
Gwynne case and denied Berman's
clemlll'Tef to the amended complaint
lasued by the District Attorney's Office.
Judge 1bomson's action reduces the
-of the dlarges filed by tile -~ against Dr. Gwynne, 28, of Santa
AM. and·Debbie Meyer, 11, of Whittler,
but sUB leaves the pair facing charges
that th"1 vlolat.d abortion statutea.
In an earlier decision Judge Thomlon
ruled that most of. Call fo r ni1 '1
'Ibefaputie Abortion Act of 1967 b , un-
comtitutional but he delmled that part
of the statute which calla for the
perlonnance d abortions In hoopitais
or carefully superviled cllnics.
Or. Gwynnt's Santa Ana clinic, states
the pn)secution, does not f.ail within
that category and their complaints
against the physician and Miss Meyer
have been amended \o conform with
that porlion d the Id defended by
Judge 'lllom>OO.
Gwynne bu stated hi be Ill continuln(
to perfonn abortioos at the clirUc and
will continUe to do to .. until this matter
is IE!ttled before the United States
Supie1ue Court."
Identical diarJ!'S have been filed
againot his -· Mn.. Rubye Unruh
Gwynne, !41, and c:omt -is pendiJli
In her cue.
DAILY PILOT .............. ......... .... .................. ,..., c........ . ...c ...... .
OANtOI (l)AIT ~-tt/Ml'Nf't
~ R•"'9 N. W-'
f'rulllmOt ... l'WlllW
J•c.• It. C,,r!.y ·. n:1 ........... _, OC-tl ........ -....... ·-n-" A. M""'-M ...... lllllfr
ltit.ti•NI r, N•ll
s..111 Or...,_ c.ur.ty E91"" -
In Costa Moso, tho -.alock Goos to• Party . ' -
""-· ""~ •• 19711 $ DAIL y ,llD( I . '
Quler Nixon Weekelld
-. ,: Presiden·t ;t.o ~!!et .New Paris Envoy . . • iJ RialARD P. NW. ...............
:· Pl-N""'1 wal upected'lo oped e qtfft Fourth' d July with his 'flmUy
' !Ddaj lou.wtni morillng -Ions with
Ambasador David Bruce, his new dlief
,...cJitor at the Paris peoce talb.
· The date of Mr. Niaon'1 departuN
from .San o.n-tor Wuhlngton bu
--.. -but the Pnoldent lndic&ted oo bit arrival lllat ft woulil
be Monday. .
The l'r<sJdent -in his -until I p.rn. Friday and Ihm ntumed
to ""' ..-to lptlld Ille afl<moon. Aft« receiving the National •Plan of
the American Revolution Bicenterinlal
Commission, charged with coordinetint
!lie nation'.• 200th ann)..nary celebra-
tion. the President spent several houri _, on a JnOSSal'! to honor the
America Day celebraUon.
'Goal d tile bieen-1ai study ii to
forge a new natimal. c:ommibneat -
ment allowa the minori~ party to ust
the budget \as a negotiat!Dg Instrument.
•a ..., .,int for 'l9. • 11>e Oc>INnlJllon
llu . ulled PllOadlephia -. tba
Comtltutiln and 'Dec.J.aratlon of
1....,,.-. -. tlpied, to commit
ltaell to an lntematJOnal etilooltton,
hlst«lcal, -· and insplrationol in natun.
Pnsldentlai llClfvltlea Jl'riday Included
Mr. Nim>'• -that 111.4 mftJlon ta fedenl diuiJer nllef fllndo
will be eapended In 17 .-m Califomla
-allected tiy lloodlng Wt December. .
The Prtsldent decland a major
disaster fer the state on Feb. 15 at
the .._ d Gov. Reapn, More than
IU million In federal f\mda bave been
committed for the disastu to date with
an additional l t7.I mlltiocl pro.,.ammecf •.
In light « the P.r<sident's -lie<
remarks aboot the Middle Eut bel!lc
niore dangerous to the U.S. than Vietnam
becaUle of a possible eollision there
d the SoYlel U-and U.S.,...,.._.
l'lll Pr<a 'Sem\117 ._. ~J'K.
day. ·
Zi<Cler aaid the ---continue to cloaeJy watcb the ~
balance. He aid the U.S. llu put -
peace tnltiativ• to try IDd cool tlll
1Kuation, Ziegler said !be -
"eoukl be molt siouf."
Aslled 1-the U.S. mishl "npal"
the Soviet forces In the Middle Eu!,
Ziegler aaid, •we have ao plant to
lnJecl U.S. personnel inlo the Mlddlo
Friday Diehl NisClll left Iba Sn Cleo
mente· compounds for the flnt time dur·
inf his current stay. .
The Rn~dent motored to• the ii .IAloba
Restaurant in San Juan Capislrano, -
. hb: wife, Pat ; daughter, Tricia, and clOM
friend1 Charles G. "Bebe'' Jlebolo..
NilOll nportedly had what WU' -
the "Nixon_ Special" ·cona1stlnc of· .....
r<frled beans, enclliladap and ~"
Following the dinner, the· lllHa pally
nturned to the caaipound. • ,
Suspect in San Clemente
Killing Remaining Quie.t
Of ""' o.41»' '""" lllff . the baae and taltlng lo the -·· buddies. But e11 thetr rotum 11."l' .-
Going \Vith "Bang
Family to Get Street Party
Senate Democrats indicated tbeJ want.
ed the oe• achool at<r,lil addition to the
already budgeted $1.SS billlon, to come
out of revenues raised by Jteagan~s $1
billion tax reform irogram.
Reagan replied he would not ·add to the
taxpayer's already heavy burden lo pay
for nother temporary infusion of It.ate
aid. ·Aed his ta1 plan coald not be Uled 11 "a bargalnlng tool,,. Rutan uid.
A 1,_year-old Camp Pendleton Mamie
described by po 11 c e u "un.
communicaUve'' ls atilt in C\llf.olfy in
San Clemeole today awaltlqi formal
cbarps of munl<r in the death of &
JOOMld houaewife Connie Lynn J-
to dbcula details of !lie cloy'• problnc;
••All we . can 1ay at tu. p0mc; 11
that we have received .Dme tr9llb new
leads today and we wfD be ¥•Al'C
the -11111 d+ ... -oat," -,
' ' Old eoldlers may never die1 but nne
do go away. With a bang.
Dooa1d R. Harris Jr .• a retired Marine
C«ps Colonel, is moving ~ family.
to MissiOn Viejo from Costa Mesa. And
the city, at the request of his neighbors,
is closing his street for the going away
party. •
The Fourth of July party, complete
with fireworks, is being given in honor
of Harris by his eleven neighbors on
Swathmore Lane in College Park. Most
d them pur<based -bomu 00 the
tiny -14 jeen ago, ond ·tbe Harris
famliy.ia,voey popuia<·ln tile cJoae.bil ~· Harris served r1 years in the Marine
Corps as a .ligbW' 'Pilot ·and aaw duly
In" Vietnam. 1lis last duty station was
at El Toro as assistant chief of staff
for the Third Marine Air Wing.
He is moyinc be?UBe his Costa M~
home is no kinger big enough \o ac-
commodate hb family of nine.
His new house will be bigger. lt better
be. He'll need the space when time
comea for tile booae warmln& party,
Judg~e Orders New Panel
In Manson Murder TrWl
He abo rejected the Idea d a """"""'
ary bud(et while negotiations eOntlnued.
Reapn Aid be WU hopeful d a tofu..
Um despit. tha lack d pr= In Iba
direct negotlationa -the ho t llemO> era ts.
The pemoerats slated their pooitlon In
a page-and·a·half·long Jetter to Reagan ·
and he said he replied. Neither aide re-
leased the contents of ellher letter.
"This was a private le""r,.. Sen.
George Moscone of San Francllco, the
Democratic Senate leader told newsmen.
Sen. Mervyn Dymally of Loi. Angele•.
the Democrat's caucus leader, i&id he
didn't know u.., d his---awitcb votes.
Pollce' Oilef Clilfonf MUITlly Aid late
Jl'riday hi Pfc. Frankie Wayne MeW..,
11, "'bu made no atatemen~
_.. to off-. .lince bis an..t
mrly Friday morning Ill an unspecllled
San. Clanente apartrnenl •
Meanwhile, officlais at Camp Pmdleton
are arrangin1 for leeal C1>Mel for the
membe:T of the 2nd Infantry Tralnlng
Regiment who faces ellher arraignment
or po11ible indictment by the Grand
Jmy early next week.
Detective Lt. Robert Muon and hll
J11ftDer in the murder probe, Leonard
Goodwin, sptnl the day Friday oamlnlng
Melllno'1 -.,,,.. la bis borrac:IEI al
........... l .
."lle!<>!ld lhel ,,. _, odd a -
It tbiJ: point." '
MeJlino Is belnc held M a -' ,
In Iba bludfeolHlabbtnc ·el the --weeks-pregnant wife d Marino Lonee
Cpl. W~yne J"'--It, a -el
Vietnam action.
Mn. Johmon WU -·-by ber husband "'°"' · than two ....U ago in
the CQUille'• studio apiftment nur the
San Clemente pier.-·
For two weeu detectms drew blankl,
then 11!11 Wednesday ntcht received what
they tm.ed ....... very i<>nd ...
formation on l a:aaPeet· •• ,,,., ___ :M_
Bat -lben a u.n ... be!!I cl1011J>ed
on tbe cue and· deledMI ~ Ire
ING . boind'"' L · IRELAND 'RIOT • • • ~ tllll .;:•::1 .. a 1.....,.1i1
tu. Othar ""' el llaa plcH!uco ... ..........Jbal -"'"' -...... ' Iba st~ ~-.. "t.:~ ,quleL · , ' ... fo lli4ot. • , · 'fldjnl --· ' As the army llJOftd forwinf under a -11>e thump d he..,y ~looions ......i.: ...._ ·
!bait d rock~ battlea, IM>memade bomba ed,J~1roup eracm.1 suftflre the Ohattit. · ollllon'o w.Wltlllls mlaoiltJ!.
LOS ANGELES (AP) -Judge Charles
Older has ordered a new set ol 60 poten--
tial jurors caJled up for Monday's ieSSion
of jury selection tn the Sharon Ta~ mur·
der trial.
' ond Molotov cocktaiJJ, a helicopter hov· ini·OI botlla and' the clans' d 1u cren, ·Other pil)liCal ovldtlloa llUfnl • tlller
ed and 13 have been eaCUIOd, many d l-"ered=..:oc.ve:::•.::.head=..:and=-"..:arned==lllrou=;..:lh"-'-. a_· -''-iiii _________ ..;_ __ to_lhe_..,_ __ baa __ ilot_turned __ up. __ _
the excused claiming bus.ineu or finan-..
So far, 104 person! have been question-
Land Not God's;
Judge Orders
Hippies to Go
SANTA ROSA , Calif. (AP) -God d00$
not legally own a 32-acre hippie haven
near here, a California iudge has ruled.
The owner of Morningstar Ranch, folk-
singer Lou Gottlieb, tried to deed his
$32,000 property to the Diety after a ~
noma County Superior Court ordered the
evJction of hippies using the laod.
But Superior Court Judge Kenneth
Eyemann ruled Friday: "Whatever be
the nature of the Diety, God Is neither
a natural nor artificial person capable
of taking title to real estate under uist-
.i.ng California Jaw."
Eyemann also told Gottlieb to remove
by July 30 "any and all campsites, bus
bodies, vans and tents" from the ranch
1111d 50 miles north of San Francisco.
Gott11eb, 47, star bass fiddle player
with the folksinging group LimeliRhters
unUt 196.1, had opened his land to all who
wanted epace to 'live.
He said he recorded the deed to God •
because Of a religious belief that land
ow11e1 ship Is sinful.
Gottlieb argued that any inquiry lnto
the validity of bis religious confictions
woold violet. bis c:mstitutioaai rigbtl un.
der the , First Amendment.
Despite hl5 convictions, Gottlieb has
agreed to pay land tuea. "Foi' God's sake
I'll pay them."
cial hardship. The juron wlll be locked up
nightly in a hot.el for the duraUon al tbe
trial, expected to last six monlbs.
Charles Manson, 35, SU!&n Atkin!, tt,
Leslie Van Houten, 20, and Palrida Krm-
winkel, 22, are on trial for murd~
spiracy in thf: slayings or the actreas and
six other persons last Aueust.
Sixteen penon1 have been dismllled
during lbe jury ael<clion phaae d Ille
trial tie<all!O they .aid prHriai publldly
had convinced them the accused ftN
guUty. Eleven have been dismissed be-
cause they said they opposed the de.alb
One potential juror was excused Fri·
day wben he said the death penalty wu
not harsh enough.
"There ought to be something worse
than death •.. Death isn't bad enough,"
aaid MJchael Parrish.
"What did you have in mind!" uted
defense alt.omey Paul FiU,erald, "the
rack and acrews?"
''I'm not a 18.dist, but aomethin& lib
that," replied Parrish.
Latu, Parrish said that il a peraon
were convicted of first decree murder
1le would like to ''give· them life withoUt
posibility of parole and hard labor. 'Ibey
1hould aweat for what they did."
Okinawa, Japan Set
For Typhoon Olga
TOKYO (UPI) -Typi-Olp with
IS mile an hour winda swept ac:rou
Okinawa today and headed toward IOUtbo
em Japan.
Air, rail and sea tranaportaUon In Olin.
wa were hatted and all pernment of·
ficea and llChooll cloled.
I Prince Charles to Meet
Astronauts on U.S. Visit
SAN .CLEMENTE (UPI) -1!rilain'1 17, -they win •lew the opace tllu'blt ~ii" ~ buff, Prince ChaflOo. will aliil .-! the APoiio miaion ........ ' me..; •o · famoull American aMronavta 'Slcial events will be pared to a plcnle dirfiiir"ntl !int villt to the United States al•Camp David, the preaidential ..U..I bil!rthio month. in lhe neartiy Maryland mountelDJ when'
The 2i)'eaMld prince ol wales and bis the prince and priDCelll will spend thett
sister, PriDcess Anoe, will be greeted fint afternoon and evening following tbe1r
by Nell A. Arrnstroflg, the flt'St man to arrival from Canada.
land on the moon, and Col. Frank Bor-The following evenln& they Will be hon.
man, first to circle the moon, durlng their ored at a private dinner given by Presi-
t.hree-day visit July 16-llt dent and Mn. NlJon. Afterwards, some
. England's royal children ~ill~ guests 700 gueJts, between the ages of 21 and
~ummer CJJaif
d Coflce1ls
Fashion Island Oyerture
S.ibre & Spun
s1n .. •
West Side Story Overture
N•tional Emblem Twld
Tongo Ameriano
Thunder I! Blazes
BugleUllbg R.ader Amnpment'
Minion lmpo15ible
st.ughter on 10th Avenue
,,.,,_ 1>y n.e 1,_ eoo .... ,, and '""'""' "'""'-.., Aaoill!lofl 111
_.iloo wilh tho Aacordin& fndulltill Tnisl fund.
This Coming Monday Night
o( Jbe~Wbil<'110U!e't 10'ltl&l:I" RI: JUiie _ llO,."ba•e been tnvlted to attend aa: llUt-
anil Mid Elmlhowel',...ttrida>Nilloe. ·doll' dance 111 the White H"""'. llarlhig NllWl'O:aT CllNTE:a ~ and Mrs. llbioo are lettint at t P .M. Moat d the """" lllOsla a~ -
tllelr daqjlter ·ani! -1 .. 11w run . Iha' children " mernbero "' Cooc>m I PIClllc: cont ~1-lelwlln ola!llbone 8lld (lllcArthur
. .
.... ,; f dtp&omltl. • . ' "
' 'OnLtbolr.JllllJ'JChedUle b a ofop olf 111 .Qiampq11tandlOfldrlUs·wlll be-I----------------------------,----Ute -lmtitule 111 Friday, Ju17 ed •lllmll the su<llL ,.
y If ~·
~;;~DAIL~Y~l'll.~O~T;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~·J~~~l~4.~l;fnl~ .... li!"' .. ll!l'"!" ................ "!i' .. ..
;Pliipit' ~Ii~· 1-e'.rir ~~1;,. :~.~i.. }'{&;~cMogs -
' "
,,,. -., .... ~i.i~-r.·ti 1 • .-a:; •. ~-.. :oi---~ tnW.c:·.~ Thia ~will;.. :~rv..i at Church Group 'Seekf F,air Deal For Blacki
M.--..,1ro111Uer o1 children llDll adurt1. 'ci... is open'lo all adults Templf-· 5'areo, 117 w, NEW YOM ·(Al'J<.!...A ''Ilia bacltlll'W<Dt to t11i ~noer<newalWOfC.
Stt'8I. COiia Miio, -:Di blve QliJd!'ar< ii Jll'llvidod, durJoc who wllll. to unlta wilh lhe \~too,~ Mqo; Fritlljo dJurcb -1 bu -on Olllco ol CGmmunlcaUons ol pre• lously, nogotiaUans
two SUnday morning wonhlp U-MrVicoo, · cllqroh .,.,who mq.just w1lh ~.iflJ."10 it I p.,a.. . a -klgtl ol ~·...; ... _\lit ~ Unµed .bllwteo ,..1..,. and cxtm· ..mm 111and11:111 a.m. , to ' learD more 'about 1he1;1filoi>i ~Goodm 1¥; !l!ll•anllllOllldalwMcbdoe a.ur.tl,olC!rll!-That ofllce, '
Holy CGmm-will be llellMing lhll Sunda1 IN!, churcll. 1be cl.. will be ""1tuiiJ !elder w!U-·~ • to ... l!lll.,m111G<111 -· -..i rpt. Parker, helps munlty groups have prodllcod
-and"ftev, Paul c. mtmben of-QrllUoo .-ved Into memb<nblp on !..,,,iee, W'..riu11tllv .. llls · 111UaJ1f • ol Wacu, .,U-oet up pulillc.mooltorina •ll'ffm•w regarding. Pl"'
B-yer. tbe mlnlller, will ClllM, DllCjplN el ·amt, July :II. ., ~•·· i.. • • ,a fair, daal !' "'°""lul-. IYalema v.-•cllleJ. aram cbanies and employ. --' a comm-, Madli. will meet for worship •t t :li . --. ....,,,..,, l~tkie ,.. tlle ne11 ~ ' • ik.~'This Do In Remem-a.m. Servicel are bad a.t 1be Finl Ualled Met.Hdlll SJ.ncetoit' Y'llttety.• B'l'1' · '~ ' .. AnotMI' majl&\durcb a1eD-ment practicta m Tewkana,
br-.OfML"<hfth ICbool ~ EiemSi•~ School, ~ 1711 Sev-Mitrvab .celebratlml -fi'r • The _.im. !l'l'kad by ey, 111 lhe United Melhodist Tex.; Shreveport, La.; AiljJl· a... are at the t 1.m. m E 11th st:,~ MUI. Street, Huntlnfan Buch, will ~ Bua. IOD ef •MJ. and ...... · •·' • "" a· mini* ''c''6it Jn ·~· Cburcb, thla .week joined ·in ta, Ga., and Charlotte, N.C.,
aorvtoe GlllJ.' • -.;. 111bject b "Oo <l<*'C conduct two ~P om1ct! Mri. David Bua will bt held Cltrlll ......,.-~. 790 ~ ~ ~. 8: "1; \ht~~ ~ "There are dongen inherent ~ Areund in ,Qrcles." Dr. D. Sunday at t and 10:15 a.m. s.turdly morn1n1; Jul1 11 at Victoria, Efald'Mm, on Sm-'Iii years ::"i.!'' a ni0M" : ... ...__ ~lyelltortUM: south ~in attacks leveled at ora1n1
Dr. ft•~-~ Sneed, rorm .. 1y w. u • ..._ ts the minister. Olurdl !IC!tool ciules for •II . 10 •.m. at Temple 5ltarGa. d I ~ -. ~~ • ""'~~ "' -~ 0 " now f · tio wh'ch Smklr~ Of tba Ftrlt __..,,. Rd. Edward C . ...... ay, I l-Ml*'!F ... -· ..... -. court . cw, . ..,.. .... ~ 6iiaa: uplnded ni&onwide. o commuruca n 1 • are
Mllhodllt 0.urch ·of lM Dr. ib~ i. Brlhanu, ~~ ·1!ll1 . ~uct th~ 'Ibesmon1Ub;..;t1or ·Sun-1:-15--anil 11 L"!!::Jba Rev • : .. .' nat~a .IJ"'~~:-.1 •r. •'-.art oafUs activity, government Jicens.!e1, ~. and an enlhullutlc _,,.pallor. will preoch oervlce9. Holy Communion day at Conaa dtl Mai"Oom-JAlblr Tornow Wlll· ltrillc a ·-__,,. . ' . • Dr. Parltw uld moot ,..tiona particu\arly where the First
...-i. ol our' pblloM>ptty, .a "'1ll0!1 entitled "Come will be obt<md at both lll'llllt1Clton:lt,111Hellolrope m-• on the tlleme, ._!!.~~di -~ ·almldatblacl:.audlences "are Amendment fr« si>Oech 'll
will -'< at the a.a of Back!" at the I; 1:111 and ,...ice,. 1be '-youlh "°""' Ave., will bt "Our Jte!IJ!ous "lltartr '°' Doll:!" II both ··--"'fj;;J~" DOI llcOnood to blacks" and concmted," says Ille churcll .,..,,. 1e1mc:t 10011 11 a.m. aervtces at St. will ineet at f:30 p.m. Tuel-Jkrltqe." To be ire-nttd servictl SwxllY icbsol and • ~ ·~ dd often "'recard blacb as con-agency report. i.u-~~.onsUn. Andrew'sPrmbytaianChJrch ctl.y, at 9:30 a.m. the Bible by Dr.\ Philip G. ·ulDTay. . · • ·~ repr-m'e«'•ea to ~ 1Umers •Po Aft fair game But-IL adds that 11crltJciam
diJ at t a.m. and 11 1.m. at Newport Beach, a St. Study aDll Prayer g r au P Church 9ll'Vtcel ll't at' 10 1.m. Bible claua are held • l .30;\ wcrt .._~bli 'ba1'QCll' 1or e 1: p J.a it 1 t i o n by of broadcaaing w11 lore
• tie aabjeict· .. ~ ls · ADdrewa Roed, an Sunday. meets. · with dilld can -pt<nkl.ed. 'Stzm. a.m. ~ P'Oll'IJDmtnC, •. allo hl umcrupullUI adWrtisers." overdue" and that the court.t
: ' WH1iit YCU'ltlf." Dr. Sneed • me:: d¥D'dl tcboal ls alao at The _ 5-crllMDt· of"· ~ emfloJld. ., . Alao, '1uck-oritnted sta~ have ."paved the war for,,~
rejllaceotlwReY.Dr.Gerllard 0n sunc1a1.Jaty s,1m a1 '"Ibo A-Fallh" is to. Communion w!lf be 'i: ~.tloe -·flftt_be UOlllollenCalloljolYrefu,.to exercueolpubllcriJJ>b 111
'li1o ;, -·· aolll the CoouHolly U--II Iba lltle ol the tt<mlOl1 which ->..... min-..i at tbe aOnlaa .;."...., by dlrtct nqo!latlonl, broaclcut -• concerning the matter.
mldtlleolJuly.Dr.Sneedhas CllL,.h, 11f61 Hell Ave. the tMse ""'? worthlp at Finl La!Hru Clllll't~ _ti .tile IJllM U-llt.ellol!it ~ are made to _the black!<llvllleaOndintemts." . The church ageocy .be~
givm radio broadclit 8el'l1lOM Rev. Charles L. _Rose will be auilttan Qiarcll ef Cotta Mula' ta ~ P.aaif. Jiew . Cbirc*. llS A-'a" A t·• Ft d't r a r Comnianlcatians To leCUl'e iDodificafo f Its fight against ~on
over tbe rgajor ~kl am ....-....+.Ina at both the 9 and Mesa ,.W heir during the. DriveincctoaldelMar--'often •-ve., · ComnU~ c:hauenctna . the tucb ' _,...._ 1 n ° on· the air in 19f4 when it ''ifiol!' the lecture lo~IOrVice:HolyCml• montbliWOUhlpKTVices. 'two lloun of wonll!p at 9' a.m., by Ille min!IW, Dl;ll broadcuttt'1 llcenle ....... aJ · ,.. __ , tjle church sought revocation of tho ~-on munionwlllbO~elebra!Alddur· ~oerv!cetbeginat1 :40 and II ~.m. Sunday cl)urch A.-· .VII-to, tbe ongroundaollalllngtomeet ~,hel)llMIUP,monllor· license of WIBT·TV In
ing both worship hours. Rev. and ,']0·40 am The Jennon 8Chaol daMel have "been ' aqmlmly.,. c,o_rdlilly ~to ll!n'1! -·"Uc ~ srou .. in ruious com-Jackson Mi& for .. n-ed . · · · -· -welcam& and cuual dreu ii· .,..... munlUes to keep tabs on Ume . • . ·• -a •'Surprile. Surprise" ta the Rose will uae the title "A will be pretented. by James di9contiooed for the mooths quite accept:lbk Cb u c H ·Diida and lntereltf. and content.· If progr fatllU'e to air pr 0-1 ram a
title ~ Pll&or Wll11a J. 1 New Man for ,a Nft Age,. E . Piercy. the minister rl. the of July and August. The faml-school Ibo meeb at the 1
1.30 'Televlalon and radio ·au-1 basis tW possible amf~~ meeting· Interests and lutes •· 1-11'111 pftach on SUnday lorhll.COllllll--· COOJftPUon. 1be churcb'• ly Ill -sldp -.Y SUndaJ hoor · di...,. -lhe ,most oilent of kV!c •'•·• ' of blacks. at both ~ of the Pint Church school classes for all addreu is at the comer ot hu been offered u the awn-a.m. • 1iler(majorkit1 -have found aee -· ....... ,.es. Although the FCC twice
Bllptiat CINrn ol 1Hatlactoa agt4 as wtU. u nurterJ care Victoria and flacentia. Durinl mer prccr1111. Dr. W.R. Eller Holy Communion. will ht their vGlces,'' says Dr . co~:~nt, such watchdog denied the petition, the U.S.
Bed -9:JO a.m. at Peeks. for the v«y young ii also the Vesper Hour, 7 p.m, Mr. wW brin& tbetneU1.1e "Walk· observed at both the '?:3(1 -and Parker. •· work i Y·MIP'OU~s a~e at Circuit Court of Appeals in
Olapel. 7801 ' Bolla Ave., avlilable both hours. At 1:30 Piercy will ~ak on ''How iDe the Hilb Road." 9:30 .a.m. services at:SL Jtlua Addln& a boost to the effort Puyallu: w~~p Y~ng:Onn.: Washington, D.C., overruled
•• Welbninster and 11 a.m. at in the afternoon in the church to be a ~P!OO·" · u.e DlvlDe E)lhcopal -C1tvc1i, was a $100,0001rant to further Ohio· ~lumbi~ SC wnd the FCC in two deci sions writ·
Ult HuntinatoP Beach church. chapel will be 1he flrlt The order .of Holy com-it, announced this week by Chlc~go. In Col~bi~, ·~ ;~i-ten by Judge Warren Burger.
., ...
'· '·\; .. .,,, ,,,,.
,. '
.-1 ....
" l •
" . .. " "
" '
" i '
· 1
6th and Oranie. tburch 11thoo1 ' meeting for the riew mem·. Regular Sabbath evening munion will tie celebrated at (See PULPIT, Pase S) the Ford 'FoondaUbn. tion has been f,iled against (See WATCHDOGS Page I}
You are invited to the
Finl Assembly of :God Ch~rch CHRISTIAN SCIENCE
CHURCHES do E. 22nd St., Costa Mo1a 541 1761 ... c. CtMk. ....., -,,... ••• , .. , .......
Mornlnt Glory .. 8:30 AMO...~
Famlly Wonhlp •• 10:50 AM ,_ CNOk
RaYlval Tlmo .... 7:00 PM "'· --
\Yadnaaday . . . • . • 7:30 PM -....,
6:10 A.M. TO I P;M. PH. U .. Jll2 ' Sunday,,
. GLAD TIDINGS Coot• -.ii'!:=.:'.!'::!'!· Scientist
~SE .. LY Qfi~D ,,,,: , .5:=-:.~l~'."·.
1 mt • MONIO'llA, NIWPOft llACH 646 llJI ...... mt "-... •• ..
<~• .. ..,., ..... ._..o .
TllM.., .. ,...~ ,...., . ""' MUM,·ll••lul DrrK+w H. II-•-••-• L •i~c11u~·o1~·~~ s.•--d-1 t:41A.M. •••••• ,.,.,1, "*•• ,......._ . un ....... -cn--t"" ,., l"Wl """" .... , -"9
' ,,
1t:llA.M-''f ......... _. ..,._. MI~
..,_..,....... . ....... ldlMl-t:ll. 11:11
7:0t P.M.--llw. leltett 1eW a..ti-t1Jl I 11 A.M.
NIWf'OllT 1111.CM atlll~iTw. ...... "111 m JJ1 M• It. CHILD CAlll. Ne-tOIOI&. M ' "• ._ • AUO IUMMlll nlllCMMD't f •. I .................... ~ .... l Newport Mac~lnt Church .. Chrltt, Scientist
.-. • ... """ -.... _ ' ..1: nu• Ult "'-Cl!'1 1M-1tll114••• ... MwU&". t .., a...• ......... -tt11111llO
740 w. wu-; coota Maaa i .,
'· I. HllTWICI. ...., 14M7M "' ............. -·-' ' . =-!;.':': ... '.:
' ' . SUlfDAY SIRVICIS ~ ~
1t&H A.M-.. Ps1wla;1 _. I• ••r _..,_
7:11 P.M~,.. We......,. _..,_.
'"''? ?-• ---· ?*\1-GlllUN
...... '!--1.tll Ylo -
Ne•port laach S1e1NI Church of Christ, Scientist
1111 .............. c.-.... . a.1111 ........... _,, ... ... -,--:llllL-Hwy.
All are cwdlall1 IDYlted to ottand tho church
. ael"flcel ODd onjoy the pr!Yile ... Of the
Readln1 Rooma
S11rid•v School • •••• ••• t :45 Trei11i119 U11i•11 •••••••. 1:00
If ye• tr• fffldrit for tll tl1bor1te pro9r1111, er 101i1! prstlit••
1 ... t if yo• 1rt loo.int for 111.d•ptfi l lble 1twdi11, Chri1tit11 ftl•
loWJhi,., ..... h1tpltlllf •l"ltittd Wttthip, you'll lo.-. vtl '· tCCOlll•
f!lodtt• • ..,, 9rewl11' church f1111ily w1 now h1.-e two s ... nd1Y;
1no"'l119 ••""'•"• t :JhlMI 11 :00. Nurttry c•re. Cor11tr ef Gr••n•
will1 I S11nflewtr.
Mor11i119 Wonhil" ••••• 11 :00 Evt11i119 Wen•ll" ••••• , 6:00
WM11t:Mle1 l"r1yff Meeti119 for t ll •111 • •• •••• •• ••••• 7:JO
Corona del Mar
The l"bn of Cod
The '"'°" of Christ The Powtr of lhe Holy Spirit
I • 5undrf SdH::ol !ii AM
Mon!inl W~hlp ' &nd io:JO Ml , .ftll!nln15eMoe7fM
I ......... V •llllel!Wy snd frrt« 7 ,,..
Nu!Jtr1· durina: H.IV/Cn
AfuDYouth .........
c... of °""""-.2.lnl, SI. . °"'"~ ' l"'~ FtM Mo,..9; '•1.ter
-tlMRWTIOHAI. . -. '
S.venth-Day . 611 HELIOTROPE
w..-,1,_11 A.M.
Adventist Church
2,71 AYM ... St,. C.t9 M .. ·
"""" "'-'*•· ... .,.,
· ClleNt: ScllMJ-11 A.M.
Dr. Philip G. M""1y, Mlnlltw
67:J.4000 -·-s...... k11M1 •••• f :ll AM
................ 11:00 AM J Pi I .._ ~ w.._ Mo•• ....,,nfen Church
Welcomea You.
ST. JAMii. J2" "9 &.u.. N"'"9't IHc•
1DA.M.-fAMILT s1aw1c1
CWN C.. ., t:tl •·•· n. lft. ,,.._ P. A,l'9y II, hcter n. ... hykl .... c,.. .A ......... ,., ,,....: 671.f21.
ST. JOHN THE Dl,VINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M.
S.-.,. 7tll & t :JI C"-rc• ScMel -t •ll Tll ...... 1 6:J0 & 11 ui.; H.er hra • ...;.__,
Vlcer, 'Re .... .W. W. h•.!•111-l'lteN 14MlJ6
NEWPoRT HARBOR ,.._ '42-ttll N.-, 1Jwrs A ........ 141-2111 ::=;::=;::=;===::=;~=====;;;(II LUTHERAN CHURCH
I .
I ' I
-Attend :Jhe Church 1
o/ '/jour . C/ioict1
A Cordial Welcome from
, •. •.!'!bo~~ W,•l'lcl 'H11,ti11gft11 lttch"-Nortt.
THI UNnlD . COMMUNITY ®MM~-MITHOOfST CHURCH MITHODIST ~ ICH •••2 H1il A.-1. 142-44ll 111 J.9•t• , , · 675.0950 Wonhlp I Church Schttl 9:10 A.M-Wor1hi1t
Wo11hip I ' I /O:lO A.M.
I SuNtY School lnin• -E11t l luff
I tth. St. I Htrbor 11.-d. 11422 Cul.-tr Ro•d
Chureh Wouhip -t :lO I 11 1t Uni.-tnity Dri.-• .
Church School -':]0 Wt11hip I Churc.h School
541-7717 ' I 10:10 A.M.
L1911ne l••ch · '
Cort• M•1• North LAGUNA BEACH , MUA VERDE ' METHODIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH 216]2 W•tl1y Driwt Mitt Yenl• I ltli:•r St. in So. L•9u11t 549-2719 Wor1hip 11 A.M. :W-onhip l •Chwrch Sc.hoof Ch11rch School t:l O A.M. t :OO l IOtlO A.M. 49,.JOll
Hu11tl119te11 •••ch N•wport l•tch
1400 W. l1lbot 11.-cl. 2721 17th St. 5l6-Js'l7 •71-1105 S1rvicH -9:JO I Ir A.M . Worahip-t:JO A.M. Nul'ltry thru 2iN 9rtd1 • 11 Churc.h School-Ch11rch Scheel-9:)0 A.M. 9:10 I 11 A.M.
of the, Coastal Areas
Christ Church Presbyterian
2!_111.M .... lle C"-.U-1 H•tlfltfHIMca. · ~ a... Deitahl I. lebefts, P'•tor
i! UNIVERSITY IAPTIST CHURCH !.JJa),~r et.ri:1lian et.urcl. .
798 Dover Dr. LI l -l6l I
Tiie In. JeNt •· lleltl, P.mt
T'9 ln.lelHlhlWMte.
2900 Pacific View Dr.
Corona dN Mar S...., W.....,: t :ll A.M. Cll•rdi Scltoeol: 10:45 A.M. °"'!-' 2111 J ........ If. "'"-' ...........
g;' UIJ S. I. PALISADD ~Al • t
SUNDAY SCH~~~.~.~~ .. ~1.!~ ....... t i• A.M. \ MOllNIHO WOllltU,. ............................. , .. n A.M. t-: IVININe WOlllHll" •···············-• .. ••·"·•--•·· 1 l"M. p MIDWl!llC 11"\llCI! WIDNllOAT ' 71• l".M;. ~ ,,);:::;;;:;:;;;:;:;"";~;:~:;:T;'·;"";;:;:;~;;:;:;==i:il;.;F;;;;S;~;";~;H; ... ;R•;l:;T;IA;;:;:;N:;:ii
•• BAPTIST CHURCH CHURCH · S 4:'.=::-.:ei• Victoria A: Placentia Ave.
OP NIWPOIT Ill.CH-I....,.)
-M ...... •cul..., H.,_ .• , IMf 1t11M1
411 l .11tt: It,. c...·M ..
Morning Worshlp.J,'5 A.M.
-..,..,. c.. "'9"''. -. ...._ . ..wns . . • :.;;. . • ...r-.,_. ~.-...-. ,
, .. , ... ,...
E•rly Wonhip 1:00 A.M,
Chriltitn Eclwc•lio11 ''d 15 A.M.
f11ti.-, Worthip IO tJO A.M.
Nursery c•r• •veil eJ:>le
DR. WlLLfAM ll ELLER Mri.. w.i .. C•••••rW.,
Phone 644-76'4
t 10I A.M, Pnlllt,. W•nflip
1 O:N A.M • ....., Cltwcll ......
11 :00 A.M. ""'" • .,..,, --
' ~ 17411 M•l'•1~ '·'· Costa M..-. CH R I ST L U T H E·R A N C H U R C H
..... 0-......... M,._ • '-L......, Mi11ttri Synod
Minlster i Dr. D.'W. McElroy ~1
~ ~w:'~:'s::t1~ • .'.:.1~ !:!!:: ,~;:;_=. ' ~CHURCH Of.;.· ~tlRIST 7~e~~,!:;.~.! ..
~ Yevth M .. tl119 • • • ••' l :JO P"' I l•l'ly .._ .......... ,,l iJt •·~ .,. 217 W WIL•""' ff COSTA MES.a 148-5414 • ' S • lO a111i. Scllltl ........ ·--·-·••• •.a. '1'. • ~ •1-"" wer1~111 5'!nr1et1: t :ts "· n A.M. ~' 1crioo1: •=•AM.. ~ ',,.,,, ,,..,,,. ~····· : pm_ M_:1...., .......... 111• '·"'· ,. 1nw11N .......... MllYllW . . Mvlt ellil• CIHI: ti•·~ . .. E.,...,., S•rvic.• •••••• 7~00 Piii ¥"911 ......................... """ ·' • • ,.. ..... -CHalltlAN nlMINTAIT.SCHOOL 14MIU
Ch•rch of the Covenant
. 2111,.,.hM,C...M ..
•, ~ lrua A. Ktints, ,..._, •
.. .... WMlilil: t :Ol I t :ll A.M.....C....· SdlHI: t :ll A.M
"""91 14Ml4t4 '
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
6"-St. A-... 1"41,.....,.,. hacll
a.4el .....,. "-••""4. .......
• ....... Chrcll 54MI: .. t :ll • 11 .......
St., Mark Presbyterian Church
CetW J1 Ill: 11 .. a 1-*'tff Drlw, c.,... iN1 Mer
"--.,..._ llrt:, ..... ,
wen11;, I C••rc• klleef-t:JO A.M.
J, ,.__,. ,.,,.._.
:.:• .W... :;;;;11,1ry1·····cv;·p~14·~ .... id~.~. SUNDAY MOR'N1..-t1t~STUD't_ •••••••••••••• ',t :411 A.M •. !''===================~! •-~ SUNOA~MORNl1*Y(Ol1Ht~ t,_q;IMMU~'f'~ -l )0'45A.M., I; SABBATH SERVICES "=========~=·=·====5;:;=~ SUNDAY. IVlMllM WOllH1' .. :< .... ,.,, .. ,,;, ''0' '-M. ' PRINCE OF l'EACI LUTHERAN CHURCH RELIGIOUS SCHOO~ I ;; c,,,,, •' ... Dolly w..i WEDNISDAT MNIH& t ll ll STVDY ••••••••.•••• '7:10 l'.M. h""'bor re"orm te I
FIRST CHRISTIAN ·. F"'tl"iliil~ '&u .. on Bia . ·--·-·--• --· .,_ M-Coll. <1£ L' mp e , , -..,, •HO .. ~·«'"°''""'· '""' . • ~ RABBI BERNARD P. KING
CllURCH NEWPORT UNITY .._. .:~,.:!,....... D. e: H.,., w.r kMll1 At t:JJ -~1,. wo,....111o: t :DO, .,.. I••• , mt1ting at
CHURCH ......... ,......., Prt11ie ;f Pttct Luthttt11 SUMI -Mi11 Etfhtr Ol•e11o Pri11cll"el St JMnll Epbcop.al Church, c 3209 Via lido, NewrvvtS~
I ....,M .. _,..,_ ~-~141-S711 Doy.,N'""t ' F t 1 ~ -·
. . • ' .
hoialn I Ad•ms Streets ... '9'\."""9 ,., Office Phe11e1 14t.0121 5cheol Ph-1 Ht·Ol62 Pf n Off!*ion;Can675-7230
• lllth I lrvl11t, Ntw,er+'ltact. llr====~:;:=~==========~:1'! ~~~~~~~~===~~~~~~~~~f~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~ Honff"gton Stach ts..1or cni-a11oc1rr.1 • •
M.nffllt Werthlp ·,·· ••• ·• ••••• 1:45A.M. SwrMl•Y Scheol =-~a.::,:.:.",,!:':.;.!:.""' O..lmi wW -'" '\ ' ST. MATTHIW LUTHI RAN CHURCH * TEMPLE SHARON' •••••••••• 1:JO 11 :00 A.M. ••-.. __.__ .......... _ 11 •M , lllft Culver Drive
11W. Wpel •••••••• t :4S AM 1or00 A.M. DMtl•n•I ser.1.. _, _......... -""' • ; University Par... Irvine '.' •. c••,..lw .,,.,,,,.. ,_,.. M "°° PM ,.. ,._...4111: .... V.... o.'d" ~ ...... ...,._AIM
Y_.. MP'...... .,, .... ,.w.c,oot~-.. ,. REU"'-IOUS SCIENCE 1"· .,_"' •-•11 -•-•.., .... M_ h ..... We,_il" •••• 7:00 f'M '"'-i """1ll . W ...., h•i•I l :Hi A.M." .-..._., W9'111111 l ilt I ti A.M.
,..,_., c-. ,.,..,, ... "'"' ~ i 91A&,.A.11U'fll .. 646-IUfi ~"",_.St.•••,.._ "l4tz7 111·1 211 """"' C-. Ul4 246
OIPQ1 .w '*' Otwolllll: ·-
... 'The Family
·That Prays Toget~~r
.. Stays 01ether ---
""~ ._.. M.,,.., a.-If U.... C.. .,..._ k-.Ct. U. Mitt•
SUMDAY SlllYl(S ••• If AM
Mllllllff • , •Aki •llf1!t. 11.1.c,fl.
Tttl l•ILL CLUI 0' JllWllOll:f I PCK
f lJ ...... ,..,. ..
P1I"' Mlllhter, Dr ...... b'NMI 'r-f .. ltt ti TIHlol lMOfotlc.tl ~' LI Mlrld4:
~111 1trv1c• •••• , ..................... 11 •.rn. SUlld11 School ....... ,. .................... t ,.111. l!W!lll'IO Strvkt ..•••. ,.,,., ..... , ... ,. ... 111."'-'
ot hst CMlt ttwy.. Cef'9M 411 M '
All"Je.wf1h ft111ili•s •rt 1nwi,t.4 ft !0111 u1 i~ truly fl'lt•ni11tful
U.llA1H mtt1Ne SUWICB PllDAT • 1111 P.M •
.-..-~---·-· ~Ila 1 .. 111. ·Sh.,.11 Chtlr -°"'' .Sh•a.•1 J41·14ll . . ... .
Attend the Ch,rch pf Your .
·-'., Choice ~· • $unday : · ---
I l
' I • I
' I
' ' I
' ' • . .
' '
. .
' • . •
1QU11N11 __ ·, --:. ~:--· -·-s:i.:_·=_,·v,___""~''"-19MMI_.,,._ •. ~ediii Boycott Called For
,J .., ' --A -
. P~J~it-~nd Pew ~ .. "'!%_ --!I: ~t
. .. ' '\ •·(OlsYa:.W ftoa.Ptil I)~
:!Ml Orlllli< Ave .. Costa Mtsa.
Fat.her Baird Coffin of Laguna
Beach w111 be the guest
prtacher at the 9:30 aervlc~. ~
Sunday school claues are IL
this hour.
Mrs. ~1iriam f.1 irkovltch will
prtstJJt the Wrttin1s o f
Baha'u'llah and review the
v~rious proclamations of the
Prophet at I p.m .. July 10,
1970, at lhe 8Ua'I Ceat.er,.
885 Victoria, Costa Mesa.
Resumctlon L a t ti e r • ft
Cllutt .. , 9812 Hamilton, Hun-
>.on Beach, s c·h e d u I e s
morning worship with Holy
Communion at IO:SO a.m.
Arthur R. Tingley, pastor, will
speak on "A Loftier Klnd "o(
Righteousness.·· S u m m e r
1esalon8 for Swiday: school in· ~Jude nursery ·care through
second grade at 10:30 a.m.
Third graders and above at-
tend . w«ahlp with t he i r
1'The. Anchor Still Holds" wm be the · sennon topic of
the Reverend Bfuce A. Kurrie
at The Presbyterian Cb11rcla
of tbe Covenut,'2850 Fairview
Road , Costa Mesa. An 1n-
fonna1 wriip service will be
held at a a.m.; the traditional
service will be held at 9:30
a.m. Church school through
eighth grade will be held at
9:30 a.m.
"Tbe Light That Lasts" is
the sermon topic of the Rev.
Norman L. Brown on Sunday,
at the Plymoa~ Consre1•
tltnal c b a r c h of Newport
H1rbor, -Broad StJJ<l,
Newport Beach, at 10 a.m.
worship service. S u n d a y
~hoot ls held at the same
. .
ti 1.ap.a -. There wlD
be a 7 p.m. youth SttVice
dir«ltd by Rev. Roa McHugh.
~ewport Vl\ly Cbarcl will
hold 1trvlcet at 10 am . SUn-
day in U.. Senl<ir CttiJAlls
Building, 15th and Irvine,
Newport Beach. Or. Mix
Flickinger, guest speaker, will
' 11v1 his talk on • 1 T h e
Conlcloos .... al ,,. .. Man."
.Pastor ~ames Bhtln will
speak on "One With Chrilll'
at the services of the Ne""91't
H1rlm· ~ .. Cllv<h SW!-
day at a and 10:30 1.m. Holy
Communion will be celebrated
at ·both services.
St. Vincent de Paul
. Summer Camp Slated ··~· ~, .. ... '
The St. Vi:iicent de Paul
Society wil provide summer
vacations for 800 boys aged
de Paul Rancl\ Camp starting
Monday, July I.
One hundred boys will go,
to camp each week over a
seuon of eight weeks, through
Aug, 31.
'Ille first week has been
resenred for -boys f r o m
Orange County, but plenty of
places are available th e
periods of July 27, Aug. 3,
10, 17 and 24, aecording to
Mrs. Naomi Lendgren, camp
St. Vincent de Paui Ranch
Camp is tocated on a pic-
turesque site of. hllls and fields
the Santa Susana Mountains.
Campers must be registered
in advance by parents, guar·
dians or spo,1S0rs at the camp
office, 200 N. Avenue 21, Los
Angeles. Phone (II!) 223-146t,
for Wonnatlon.
To proVide .c~rships lor
boys from -poor or needy
families, the St. VinctM de
Paul Society is appealing for
public donations. Benefactors
may help send youngsters' to
camp by contributing to the
St Vincent de Paul Camp
Angeles, Ca. 90015.
~y ' . :r::;;«-~....13...· e ~,._,..._,J-.11n.w.w-._.....
"It muat be fer you-it'• 101DtODe soblf, 'Kitchy· /
ltitclly-eoo. I love you.· And ho• about '
•ome lunch! , , , •11
Proceeds of the St Vincent
de. Paul "Storel and Wor~
div~lon abo will help 9Upporl
the camp prosram. Usable cUscarted ck>thiDg, furn.iture_.,r--------------------1
appliances, b o use ware & ,
ne\vspapers and other articles
may be giVe\1 by calling tPe
St. Vincent de Paul number
nearest you.
* * * CYO's Camp
Set Monday
• To June 17
Why Vietnam~·
Bisliop Questions Motive .
u111 a.11e1ti11 w""'
"Whatever elM! we're fightina for in Vietnam, we're
11ot f!ihUng for the fr~m ot the Vietnamese people,
They are not free ."
A e1mpus r&dical speaking? No, a Methodist Bishop.
And he 's not one oC those way-out clerics who'll say
anything to be considered "relevant." H~'s~ --soft·spoktn
patriot from the mldwest . fann belt who ddfi'n't lhjnk
it's corny to. llnk "God ind country''-provided you put
Contributions of California's God first. ~ . _ -· ,•
v,arious ethitlc groups lo tbe . His name is ;, J ~ Armstroag. At tbe ,q:e ofl-.-4.5. ~e's ta[~ developqtent will he ~. Bishop · o~ the Dakotas in· the United Methodlst
bit explored by younpters ar Church. In another time, his concern might be focused the Catholic Youth Organiz..a.. lion Day Camp in Irvine pan. ~ parcelliq out putorships or meeting budgets. Bu.t
Orange, July 1-17 and July Bishop ,\rmstrong hu·had an experience he can't forget.
20-31 ...,..,,..f,I_ t E Latt year, a1ona with several other U.S. churchmen, • ac ......... 0 • verett he visited Vietnam Jo tee ror hl ........ 11 whit his ---l~ Gorman, Orance County CYO ....... J• ww11.ry
day camp coordinator. · was doing thel'!. He was appalled by what he learned-6r New Churcli Based on the theme , perhaps one aho~!ld say, thought he learned , for who
At F 1 ant a I a Valley • •callfornla Heritage." ac-can know for sure what ts the truth about that confuaed
Cltarcll · livltles will ;11cJude arts and and contrt1verslal altualion?
Pre 1 b Y t er I a• Talbert, Set tO Open crafts, games, dram a , Bishop ~trong has made a report on his findinp ~e:r:::~a)~t ~~ 11 a.m. storytelling folk songs Indian lo some or his fe.UoW· churchmen, and ht exoanded on
B.Y B~ptis~ Con~erenc13 .. , . ::
' ' r •
SAN DIEGO (AP) ed by a commllt,. u leaslble. was eannaiud' /0< fortip
DeJecatts •to the Baptist JJ'be smalltl"---poup said the' mlutons. 1
Geaeral coatercnce c a 11 e d 11me about the B a p t t t t In other ....,Jutkn:, the
Wednioday for a boycott of ~II Conference in Iii'!. Bapll.tb ul'(ed "'-' cl low
inUt' mecMa whldl. moy be • A bud(tt of 12,ao;ooo wu ..,_! aamc1e1 *"'
"antagollllllc toWard I ht · appt0ve4 10< lt?0.71 al wlllch eclucatlon for~ iad.,..
Chrl>tlaA view." aljpUy more lhan II mllllon"f UOa lllorlo. "We uhott our _. to ·
it.ate thllr alarm," ••d ·-a
. reoolutloo flPl"'O"ed .. the lilt
amual meetine ..sed. "™ phJ!ooopi>lel btln( advocaled · bY·'the.le m .. media are tn-
cnuJnCly aecular."
The reoolutloo mentioned
lelevbion, motion pO:iures and
Christ Church by Sea
Receives New Pastor .
the !healer by name. . At the Annual Coolereoce
• Il aald mus media 11encles held at Redlands inr June,
... t actively "to lilape the MetllodlJt Bbbop Gerald K..,_
direction of our Culture." oedy announced t h e •R-:
The Rev. Rog« J:. Younc· pointment ol Dr. Ray c. Gery
qulat ol Weet Covina was to Cirilt 01 .. -r.. by ••· •·a,
chun:h tchool at iht -
lime. Study -.... bcld at 11 a.m.
elected Ulular bead of lhe w ~ ·~ ~ Knotts T alli.
110,000.member denomUw.Uoo. local'ed at lfOO W. Balboa
He succeeds the Rev. Edward Blvd., Newport Beach. By· Cr ad r
, 0. Nelson -al DeaV«, Colo;, 'Dr. Gery oervOd the South US e
u mqderatar. Neorly 2,000 · Laguna Uniled M • tho d I at • c1e1ecateo auend<d u.. ,..,.. · S t T da day convenllon. Chureb l1nce July, 19'5 and e Ue8 y
~ ·with the 70,QO&. prevloualy had paatorates In .
member North American Bal>'· San Bernardino and Whlltior. -Dr. Fred Sd!wari, ~t
till Orpiiailoo wu -rib-He f?aduated from Eaatem of the ~ Anll-Com-
Sets Talks
Coll'fe in BollM, Mus. ·onc1 ~~~ ::!
took ,nduate work from Chicken Dimer ReatMnftt
Boston Univenl.ty. He receiv.· Knott's Berry Fann, B-
ed his Divinity Degree from Park, on Tuesday eveniac'·
·Kansas City Semlna.ry and in He will diecuJM the. M)eet.
1!188 received bis DoctOrate "Subverskll in the. Sctiools''
from The School ol Theology with particular empbasiJ upon
At St. ]''mes at Cjaremont. the role of the radical pro. ,... . lessors who are proteeted by ,. Dr. Gery ur:-ie~ as pr.es1· tenure and UR the coleles
• 1be Rtv. Wlltiam Wood, !or . dent rA the M 1 n 1 s t er 1 a I as smctuari«9 fmn w**il to
ovef twenty 'years the. Aaloclation ot Lquna Belch advance their ............. for the
mi9stOner and chairman of the for: 3 years. Amon&:. other ac-\"kllent ove~--d the
London Heam.: Mission will tlv1tle1, he served as a board United St tes Th __.,. member of the YMCA, a~1d a · e ~ .. IC
conduct a mWia1 at St. is en honorary member of cues of He~ Marcuee ~nd
James' Epi~I Church, 3209 Kiwanis, . Civilan and Ex-An&t1• Davis wll' be con-
,Vla Lido, Newport Beach, oo cha-Clube. . . lidered.
-Wednesday EvtTWng at 8 p.m. ...,~ -.t-a..oi-f beth ·• ~ · He founded the Laguna 11"' QIJ~•wu o ;w er ei-"Bi'other Hill", as he ls f...., • ...i _, _ _. ··-"" Be.ach Community CouMeling eu1.1ve ...... oo aga.ull)I. luo..:J•
known to a host of Christians Centtl' and was in.strume.ltal professors must violate ha.sic
•round the world, was priested in obtainJ.na: religious releue dvll liberties will be con·
in the. late 193C's In the time In the public school pro-sldered .
servk:t will bt "'The History lore and n3ture, all reiJecting ~it in an . intervle'!l'. He.re are som~ of the things that ~ of Law ;.. In the Bible." Jn Newport California 's romantic and col-trouble hi.! coR1C1ence .. as a Chrlstaan Americ3n, about
orful background. what's 1oing on in .Vie.tnam:
The full Sund a Y ·sch o o I Otbe.r activities will inciude "The Saigon 1ovemm'1!t Is run by a bend of g~~. 1
Awtralian Bush Ministry and gram. The public ls invited either
later went to England to Wray Andrew, Pastor Parish to dinner at 7 I'Jn. or to f!.~:~~te in the miristry of R e I a t I 0 n ~ c !' m m ht.et the meeting which ~mencts
..... --...'f:i Chairman. will introduce Or. at 8: l~ p.m. Re.ee.rvaUoot for
_ • For lhe past decade he has Gery and his lam\)y. Dr. Gery il'le dimer, wtDch costs $4: per .
pastored fl'OfI\. time to Ume has selected "Why Are We per900, can be m.-de by a.IJ.
to the mowUln tribes In ~J{ett-;". All)'Wiy?'' as hi s ing (213) 437--0941 Or the
sdiedule will pre.cede 1t 1·:39. Sunday, July 12, will bt the who etd t k the. in tn ord to sta Jn the evening, nu,mber· fotV.' ~1.:.... or a new ctiurch swimming, fishing and fie.Id n c etp . war go g , er y al Seti .......... '"'6 lriPI to beach a-.ld cultural in power. They do not represent a majority of the
of lhe. Sped ·Summer e-s in Newport Beach. The Jnew ctnters. ~unistl ln South Vietnam. G;e.neral Thieu and
of Sp(ll'll and Spirlluall lor coogrega\k>g ~I be u~ the Gtoerll K the I"" 'I electicn' bee their youth will begin at I p.m., -'9h1p·a1 the rapis"""° Camp fee of ,$2S lor tach , Y "°", r· r<e ' ..,. conc1·..11 •• with tbe Ev .. 1... ~'A&nti• J" two-week period will cov• most popular upponents weren't permitted to .run ·acaiut --. . e....,. ValleJ. ,,,....;.1 church and will ryn. T_,,,. lnouranee bus them. 11le -•COJ>dJdale who did ctve them a ,,....
Bible Hour 1111' enlire• families .. ¢cl.IPY' t/>e .. ~.w ... \""'I for Pici:lP. ~hk, craft .. ~ was inipriscmed u .... . .. the ' ele<tlon ..... over~
It t :JO. J{arbour Lutt.efan, c bu r:c; h, ll ' · l 'II In j II •
Mln*win at Rome lat.
of Santa Ana will sponsor a
musical present&tlCl'r\ Monday
night at 7:30 p.m. The musical
will be held at 214 N.
Sycamore in Santa Ana and
will feature various choruses
and singing groups in concert.
Calvery Evangelical Free
Onard will be sponsoring a
Chlldttn's Bible Story Time
each morning slarting Monday
in Bluebird Park of Laguna
Belch. There will b e
rtfrelhments and 1 t o r i e s
starting at 9 a.m. This pro-
gram ii open to all children
over five years of age.
fte Cbu.rcll of Cbrist of
Huntlngtoa Beach, 301 Hun·
tington St., will begin a series
Of sennons Monday nl.j;ht with
a week of aennons by James
R. Cope. president of Florida
Collqe. His topic will be "The
Divine Answer to Human
Doubt''. All are invited to the
programs which will be1in at
7:30 p.m.
Rev. Bruce Cushing will
apreak on "Country Home and
G(>d" at the 10:45 a.m. aerviee
of the First Cbri1tlan Churcb
N. p es and trained counsektrs. 1S Ii a . ~eG~fe:,·church wui be Camp will be in session from "And be't ·only 0D€ ol thol1•Dtll ol. · · ·st
known as the First B.ptlst I ·.:m. to 3. p.m. Mondays Pblitical Priloniri illo~e betn Jailed by the. -Ky
church of Newport Beach. through Fridays. regime. This ii ·the kind of 'freedom' we 're def, ..... .._ 1 Rev. ·Emery Co 11 i n s , The. fin:t period will be for in .Vietnam.''
Metropolitan Milsions DJrec-boys and girls aged ~'h to Even if he could be ce rtain that the Vietn meae
itor tor Ora.nee c 0 u n t y 12 years from the 8reas of people are better off under the "Mllce state corruption"
Southern Baptist, will serve Anaheim, Brea, Buena Park, cf Saigon than they would be If left to ·the tnercJes
as paslor durin& period the Fullerton, La Habra and of Haol't "Communist teJTOrtsm," the Bishop said ; he n~w organiutioD ii: be Ing Placeiitla ; 5ee'Oi1d period would still have grave doubt& about the morality or'
formed . Sunday services wi.U Corona del .Mar, Costa Mesa, America 's role.
offu Bible study at 10 A.M., Cypreu, Garden Grove, Hun-TradlUonal Christian doctrlnt holds that war Is morally
Worsh,jp _service at 11 a.m. tin,ton Beach, Los AlamitO!, justified only when it it clearly necessary to avert an
and Bible hour al17 P.M. · Newport Be9ch, Orange, Santa even greater e.viJ. And Armstrong finds it difficult to
Southern Ba~ are the Ana, Turtin and Westmi111ter. Imagine any greater evU than ls now . being inflicted
I a r g e & t no a·· C at boUc CbU~e.n . from El Modena ·on the South Vietnamese.
denomination-fu the world and Stanton will attend both "The truth 11 that our overwhelming fire-power is chwl~-h· ovme:.:.._~vande '":°",ooo ~lions now are be''"" simply destroying these people and their land," he said,
... "' QI~ a .. ,. and u he said it, he ahuddered via!bly at tome of churches. The Oratip Count. taken and fonns may be his memories. ....
association is made up ol ·35 secured by cont.acting Mr· "'The .....,,pie have beea uprooted, torn from their churches wttb 12,000 mem-Gorman at the CYO Orange ,.~v bers. 'lbe new congregation County Office, 16lZ N . land. Millions ol refugees glut the cities. Each year,
will · cooperate In th i s Spurgeon st., Santa Ana 92701 about a quarter of a million civilians are killed or
fellowsilip. by mail , or by calling him wounded by misd.lrteted flre from our trocp1 or COmmuniJt
Southern BaptiJts are con· at &47--0003. troops." ser:vat.lve in their theoloay. Armstrong is haunted by a conversation he had with
holding to the rl:loctrlne that a Buddhist monk ht South Vietnam. He asked, "What
the Bible~ tile inspir<d Word Mesa Talk Set can we do to help your people?" The monk replied: ·
of God. Tbty are mission!ry "The thing we need most It ·to be saved from your.
with 5000 missionaries in 72 silvaUon." · Dr. Harold Fischer, ~ d and J h political entltes besides the fesaor of dlrisUan educatlon Bishop Jamea Armstrong is -tea · y .talflt o onor
United Stales, and a mission and counseling at 0 r a 1 America on its Independence Day. But with the best
budget of $is million. Roberts University will speak· will in the world, he cannot honor what his cou ntry
The congregation will be at the First Assembl y of God is doing in Vietnam. ~..., ' _ w• -· -. • • • • composed of all races who Church , 157 Z2nd St., Costa It is worth rtmembering.on:1. nat!anal .j)it[iot1c ·tiol 1dey
care to have a part in the Mesa, 81 the 7 p.m. evening that there are such Americans, who hate this war precisel y
work of the Gospel.. servkt this Sunday. becaute they love lMir country.
He is the author or several
· Philippines Ind most receoUy ........, ~c. Won!UP ~ce · ken, Di-. Reslautant at
· comp1"ted,~,"1'1!t!!':as ~ ls "'-l!t;i f ilf. un,,,· th ~\),~lllj. ""'$7.
of the Pbillpplne £<Umenlcal "" . ' • .. • ' -· .
Cbriltian Church where he ,.·.-5. -
• ........... -first ax native ""'"RICAN CHRISTl:JUI ·SCHOOL "~'&1MiDdtnao for their , .... ''""' .~· :· liir'~tt .. ~~'fl'!"' .. ~ ··1~
~on ~. tiJe .. JJriesthood PHOtflCS • AMlllCAN HUITA•I J lllU
this month. CAU. '424J61 POI PALl,INIOUMINT
Mr. Wood has become well· ~-collfonlfo "-llttlOll., a,.._ 1c111011
known as a speaker and lude.rl~---·limP~~·.,PlV=====! Charismatic Renewal!
i e gllcan Communion 't {
and will be stopplf1t! at St
Jam es' e from the • flan 1 Philippines via Vancouverond . a·-orio Jlarlt speaklne engagements In t''-'lt
callfomla , New Me 1. I co ,
Washln(ton · o.c .. _Nor lh . The Southla11d's Most Be"'11iftd
Carolina, New York City and MemorilJs
Toronto, canada, on h1I way MAUSOl fVM • COUIMlld:IU .... CIMITll'I' back to England.
The Wedneeday evening ~~ITREES.,,o,_f,,_th~-WORL. D service which is open to all ""7 ..... ,.
in the: communJty will be at.~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~=::; Celebration of the Lord'• sup. ~ ..,.,... S.. Nte -' °""'ft ·
per, teachlng mlaaon, and
Healinc Service with the .
Laying on al Hands. I
During the months ol July,
August and Sept.tmbe.r the 1 Thunday evening Eucharist
and "Healing Service at Sl.j
James'· has. been moved to
Wednesday night, at 8 p.m.
Pray for
. ""'-
"This Is Your Biblo"
C._,ntl, 1J ., 10:00 A.M.
CHURCH WATCHDOGS books and f!\&nY periodical ~~~~~~~~~~~~:::::::::::::::::'::::::::::::::::::::~11 arUclet, and ha traveled by
car throu&h some 20 cou ntries
(Continued from Page 4)
~U.S. Supreme COurt chid
jwttiet. '"I
The first ruling gave. the
public the right to Intervene
Jn llc~n•renewal pro..
ceedinp, Ind the oecoad •
revolted the WLBT license:
This week, the ttn i t ed
"1cthodlst Church's Mission
Enetyrlie Loan and Invest·
me nt Committe put up
'300,000 to help an tntecrated,
nonprofit corporation tem-.
porarily run Jackson's WLBT lecturirJC and atudying. He at·
until the. FCC plc.k.s a tended the. colleges a n d
permanent licensee. seminariea of three denomina·
· The new corporation, Com-tlonJ earning a M.A. at Tes.as
mu JUcaUont Improvement, ClMiJt1&n UiiversJty, a M.R.E,
Inc .. which hu •pplied for and an ED.-D. It
an Interim UCeme, uys it S 0 U th We I t e r n Baptist
plans to tum over any profits . Theological Seminary. He has ~--.. profit . li~h~ad~m~any~poot~~~~~~·hou~rs~~~~~~~~~~I to """""' non· organlll· in the human relat.lonS lft&S. tions engaged in actlvlUe1 • , ,
related to broadcattln'g
primarllY. tn Mbsisalppl" -BIBLE THOUGHTS including edytaUon1I TV and college trainina :of 1blacks ,in LAW AND OIDll;.,..., .,,.;iiH aov.
EltNMENTS fo r LAW •nd Oil.CEit· •"'
broadcasting. ;. COMMANDS obMl011co to *I•"'· ll•"'·
!ION WIS -'19''
IJ:l•7, M•tt:·?1: 17·17. I '•f.1J t1J .17.
Jo••t ,.111 l1tet, thr••th 1bhol'fitlt ••1110
'"'' of t+K.to. t•"'• M•H. 17114·17. A NATION •f lE9l\.UOUS· ,..,lo it
"'SICK" IN THE ,HlAO, tho IOI.lo ••Y•·
h•. I 11. Who11 ooch 111•no11 do•• whit ;, "rlt ht h1 hit -It •Y•• .. ,
o 11oflo" will 1tt·101110 EVIL Soo Jlliffl 21 :16·11 fo r • 9lblo'f
011•~11110 of cltln•• """' wor• lttDNA,EltS, b.11 ... 01ch ,.,,_ (
DID AS HE ,UASED. No•"' 11 tot. wtri.,. "'" 41-.orlll LAY/
AND OR.DEii. -' do whit .. _, .. rifM .... "-. •
Owr 111tlo1t c111Ht u11wi¥O 11111l1t1 wo r .. oi11 ,,,,... t.f LAW AND I!
011.DElt. Ho1110, ho1101t citho111 Jftirtt DEMAND p1i111l11rtf\'1011t for
•111rchl1h. S111oo4y 111w11l1h"'ollt for o'l'il 400" 11 1 «lot1,,011I whl1li 1
h bo1t for SOCIETY ort4 tho EVIL OOEltj it •••lllt hlM 1111 of
t1011bl1I If II• c•11't co11trol hh1u1tf, ii'• b11t thot OTHEkSJ co1t•
trol hiJft. • '
IF 9••1r11111011t l1w co11fllf.h wlth Wo4's I••• "' MUST r.hoo•• 1
I• oDoy .OD'S low. Ach 4:19, l12f.111t, 111 tho •l.t•R$• •f ditoCt '
conllicl. CIVIL OIEDIENCE 1, ro~11;r1d. lit 111 11ot fell •lr.llfll
to '"'ii •1111 who •••~ lo DIVIDE ANO CONQUllt. U11it1tl wo
1t1MI, cUwld1tl wo foll , Mitt. 12121.
' If '1'•11 hl•O llblo ~u11thn1t, writ• or pk•M Churck of Ckrllt,
117 W. Wll1•R St,, Co1t1 Mo••• C1. 92•2?. Ph. 141·1111 , Yltlt
TUNI T HANNIL t 7:11 A,lrtt, SUNDAYl.._ f
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I l'.M. to 2 A.M. -• 425 S. Coast 'Hwy:--494-1151
By the · HoteJ Lagana
' .
• Comment Page
Laws Close in .on Roar, Roar; Roar of Cycle~
Why We Print Bad ~ew·s
'Both tlie Good and the Evil Must Be Reported'·
Norfolk (Va.) Vlrglniu-PUot
"Why," they ask, "do you print so
much bad news?"
"Why don 't you print the good news?"
''Why do . you put big headlines and
picturel concmling inllammatory IJ>.
ddenta on the from page?"
"I• the prt.a CfJllJPb'.inc to wreck our
So It alweys bas ..... am always
will be. In every period of great natJonal
controversy -when a people are 11
divided 11 war, dtmomtrationl, and riots
have pola.riJ.ed Amuica today -the
tempo of letters and phone calla to
ne"Wspaper1 Increases proporUonltely to
the magnitude of the unrest.
'Mie readers ask, in brier, what Is
It Is a legitimate question. News Is
more than Webster's deflniUon : "a
report of '8. recent event; tidings" or
"matter of interest to newspaper
readers." News defies catecoritaUon as
much u ''right" or ''wrong," "good"
or "bad," for the ilterpretatioll. often
b in the eyes of the beholder.
NEWS IS many things.
vaccine to cootrol polio was worth the
front page and another day of scientific
eiperimentation without resu!U was not.
Who would read a story about a bank
that went through anoUier day without
being robbed, or al>out a taxi driver
who got heme from work without being
NEWS IB both the good and the eYil
that men do. And if it olten seems
that ~ 1Wint more ol tbe latter,
remember thet it 1'11 no le• an obeerver
of hwnan nature than Shakespeare, who
The evil !hat men do Jive& afttr them.
the good ii oft interred wih thjJlir
Evil, however, ls too often an adjective
for change, which today is wracking
America. Oian1e -at beat orderly but,
unfortunately, 10metimes violent -is
lhe keyat.one to the survival of a free
10Ciety; otherwlM there could be no
adjustment to new demands and new
needs. (The UnUd states survlv<d the
Civil War, bul it never could have surviv·
ed with slavery.) A frtt, clvillud IOCiety
is founded on "eood people," "the salt
ot the earth," a raponsible citizenry; lt is natural phen<mena and lluman
endeavor. lt Is murder and rape and
arson. It ls births and marriages and
deaths. It is war and pestilence and
turmoil. It is progress and development
and achievement
• most Americans do not break the law1
by which they are governed.
News is magnified by drama, surprise,
significance. That is why an underlJog
team that wins is worth a bluer headline
and more space than a favorite that
wins ; why the assassination of a Presi-
dent is mote newsworthy than the
President'• living another day, with
routine comings and goings and meetings
and st1tements. 11tat is why the develo~
ment of new math was news and milllona
ot chJldren learning muWpUcatlon tables
wa1 not, why the diacovery Of the Salk
But the evil ttiat men do, in the
name ol change or)for whatever reason,
can be willhed away no more than could
the calamitous developments in Europe
that inexorably led the Nation, even
as it sought to Ignore those events,
into World War 11. For a newspaper
to ignore or gloss over today's debate
or detn<xtst.raUons about the war tn
Indochina , or the riots that have torn
the Nation's ctties, would be for it to
betray its function to inform. Those
who would have a newspaper, ostrichlike,
report only what they want to read
are as foolish 11s they are p:tentlally
Our Man In S•n .Franrlaro
A Ro111an Knows
ROME -Here he is, your insipid
correspondent on the loose in the
Eternal City. He bas given up the
comlorts ol home ud the 40-hour
week to become a tourist. It ii hard
work -long hours and pay-pay"'Ply.
But he ls happy, lt Is a beautiful
day In Rome a!i he picks hil way
down the Spanish Sle.ps, trying to
avoid stepping °" zonked-out hippies.
HE WALKS acros1 the cobbled
plaza, with Fiats to the rlg~t of
him, Fiat& to the left, Flats In front ,
P'tats on top of him . Breathing heavily,
he lttPI Into Gucci to buy lhe ritual
pllr of lhotJ and a Fiat trita to
break dowa the door to set at him.
-he walb CMJt In the """ ahoet, It oceun lo him that they are too
tflh4 but be 1s air<ldy llCCllmmed
lo thelo mild dtsoppotnlmenu.
·• TB& IMOG, or whatever they call
It. la terrible. There la no ltallan
~ tor 1moc, 01 the lhtory that
If you don't n.a.me it, It doesn't e1lst.
The. cl'*'t phrue ta "mlJCUglla di
g11 veM:nost" (ml•ture of p;o1IOl'IOU5
gutS) or "folata toalca ' (lo•lc
rtu1t},' 0 Molto amout," he shrugs.
The traf'flc it the worst he has 1tt11
anywhere. 11 a country's progrtu
cu be meuured in cal"I, It~ must
be lht moet prolJNlf'OUI coontry tn
the -'cl. On his 11111 trip to Ram•
in 1949, a friend had said, "Dolt't
tell me these people are poor -
why, they're all drlvlftg foreign can.".
He chuckles aloud at the recollection.
looking ldlollc again, but he doesn't
care. He doesn't know anybody in
Rome. Just lhe1 Ml'I. B. W. of San
Francisco and her bearded boy frie..d
walk hand-in-hand out of a small
hot.el. They doll't see lllm. He Is
relieved. So are Oley.
1T COMES UP to 12 o'clock noon .
Rome turns lnlo one. vast windup
toy, a clock factory gone berserk.
Ancient bell.a toll all over town, in
clashing tones and rhythms. A caMOR roes off, Ver/ loud. Sirens blow. ·1n
sunswept lqlW'tS, rusty f l cu r e 1
emerce. crulily from belfrle1, ham-
mer on blackened 1onrs, then retreat
wtth Jerkl ud claob.
AT ONE P.M., Rome dies (to
awa~ih1 agaln at 41. 1"e shopt: cloee
wtth a feat nttllq of grates, sltm·
mina: o shutteri . The sea of cart
-"mare di macchlne" -dl!iappeara
by ma1lc fr.om the atreell. The mtn
go home to havt lunch with their
wives. or ebewtltre to lunch v.1th
thttr lady fr1@nd s. At Rome sleeps,
or perti1p1 thrashes about (you never
know what's,. eotna on behlnd those
clooed ahultt1>), the tourflt wenda
hi1 weary way back to the. Hauler
Hottl. Tha Hauler II 1 lovely, 1t•ld,
dangerous. Only those who are familiar
with botll sides of publlc issues, who
are aware of the crimes and excesses
of their fellows, can b e intelligent
citizens; only by learning of the "bad"
can men make detisions for "good ."
A FREE SOCIETY and a controlled
press can coexist no more than a cfic..
tatonhtp ond a free pr<OI. It Is that
tmh wblch W81 aanctioned by the Flrot Amendment. ....,_.,,,
A n .. "IPIJ>U oocuples 1 unlqul paattlon
Jn American soCiety, not mly became
al tta constitutional protection but alto
because of its very nature : it la a prl·
va le bus iness that functions like a public
institution. To exUt, it mu.at make montY:
but it could not long endure· if maklni•
money were its only aim. It also must
serve the public by re.porting the new11,
what people would rather not ,know 11
well as what they want to read.
nius, demonstrations and dissent are
front.page news , not because of a
"conspiracy," but because the cleavage
pf kltias in this country sekkm has
been gn!ater -or the llakes higher.
And riots get page one display, not
because newspapers seek to i~ame opi-
nion, but because tht urgency for law
and order is compelling.
A NEWSPAPER is not a culprit
because It reports chana:es in the old
order; rather, it Is an instrument which
helps provide the information needed
to make that change responsible. A
newspaper is all too subj~ to mistakes,
as even the most defensive newsman
will admit, but no more so thin "9ny
other business or institution.
Criticize its mistakes, then, I t s
typographical errors, its misspelled
names, its incomplete stories, 11..s
misplaced Jines, Its upside-down pictures.
But do not blame it for seeking to
give !ts readers all the news -the
"bad" as well as the "good."
smallish hotel, ~l\itlfully ru1, I•·
credltily quiet. In the. cool lnler
cou113anl, lanclscaped and sereno, he
lunches with his wife and IOfl,
Christopher, on one ton ol pasta. .
AT 4 P.M., with pasta coming Olit
ot both tars, the tourist 11 ready
to walk aome more (fn an old pilr
of shoes), with Cllllde Cllristq>her
in tow. 111 the lush Borghese Oardel'll,
Christopher Immediately find1 a bicy-
cle for rent and tootles happlly around
with the Italian kids ln the Strldale
de! Bamblnl. Hit father 1int1 Gnto
a bench with the othtr fathtrL Not
too 1lamorou,, "he rtOecll1 but
dellnllely folkl)'.
' Head for the Hills, Riders Told
Of .... °""' ..... , ...
To U.-wbo've Wted and l;yct tbe
opori, blutln1 throuP the wldMpeo
spaces 01 a motorey& ls an in-
comperable .rapture.
The thrill ol holding onlo the
handlebars 11 the bike rips throulh the
dirt, avlaUnJ iU front wheel high over
bumps and utural obslacleJ is unlike
any other aporl
It denwxlJ aklll and daring lo throw
It into a corner and let It 1Ude u
the rear wheel sprays the COUJ1U'yside
with a tu.sty rooeter tall from ·its kmbby
And ~ ublaatu from the open·exhaust
of •·healthy dirt mochlne Is downrig)ll
satlBfying to virtually all motorcyclists. ,
It's hardly a surprise the1 that In·
. creuing numbers of people are making
their. motorcycles recreational toola and ,
heading for the hills.
The lateSt Department of Motor Vehi-
cles figures lhow there are now 401,D
cycles registered in California. M«e than
30,000 ol them are In Orange County. And
it Is estimated that u addiUonal 40
percent are unregistered and used for
off.road purposes only.
LAND, however, is becoming rare.,
especially in rapidly growiRg Orange
County whe<e the wtlda are being turned
into howiln.g tracts and commercial 1
HC1meOWJte1"1 and bualnessnen con·
oequently have bec<imo lnc:reuligly
disturbed at the ~lght and sound <I -
mokrcycles and have unleashed a storm
of protest against the cyclists and their
accompanying noise and dust.
To most of them, the by-products of
cycling have become sheer agony.
Says th.la woman :
"We're continually aggravated by the
noise and dust. They start early in
the morning and C'Olltlnut to dusk. Tbelr
dirt gets on everylhlng, it's all over
the home and sometimes it'I 10 bad
we can't even 1ee."
Complabits like this one, from Mn.
France ~au, resident of a mobile
home part 1p Weatroi,nsttt, opposite the
Hmun,ton Center where the biktn have
turned a vacant fleld Into a tract for
ane euy riding, an! numerou1.
"It's tbe dust that bup me. I ca1
turn off all the JIOise, And on Saturday
and Sunday it's pure murder," charged
Joe Zampe.UI, assistant mana1er of the
Driftwood trailer park.
;'THERE ARE 300 people living hert
and they're all against motorcycles.
Some of them have even threatened to
move out. Tiiey say they can't even
hear on the phones when the kids are
making a racket," he said.
Rushina: to their aid have been the
city councils of several Orange County
cttiea which either have enacted, or
art coruikiering, emergency legislation
to curtail the aggravation.
The cities of Fountain Valley and Hu.
tb1gton Beach have already passed
ordinances to ban the blken: from public
·and private property.
Similar laW3 are under consideration
in Anaheim, Wesbnlnster afld Orange.
The City of San Clemente only rect!ntly
scrapped its plan for an anti-motorcycle
ordinance because it waa deemed "unen·
forceable ."
Jn Costa Mesa, where cyclists have.
beea using an area south Of Mesa Verde
as a playground. the roaring cycles have
also been a problem, but Clly A·tton1ey
Roy June says he has not yet received
orders from the .clty council to draft
a motorcycle ordinance.
"WE'RE REL YING oo sections of the
Penal Code to eaforce violators. There
are CUl'Teftlly ln effect Jaws regardin&
posted pivate property and disturbing
the peace. If we a~ violators with
our helicopter, they are given tickets,"
he said .
1be HwiUnaton Beach and Founlain
Valley ordlnanou, wlllch are being used
as modela for other clUea c:utsldering
the aame 1egl1Jatioa, appear to make
It almost imJIOIBlhle fat a bike enthl1>iaat
to roam vacant fields .
They flatly deciare that no motorcycles
and minibike.a will be ridden o. public
or unimproved private property within
the city limits, other than public
highways. The vk>lator will pay the price
of a stiff, fiJ1e or a jail term.
The law makes exceplloM, however,
by allowing rider and landowner to ~
tain special permilJ for olf-road uses.
But .Lhose who would like to put a permit
In their pocket will find the WIY tangled
wttll administrative rod tape. ·
l>trmll• IQ\' both .-, and rider
are lsrued , by the chlel of pallet, but
only •f1er the property o ...... · haa COl1•
aented in wrtUnc and afttr tht fire
chief h ... delennhled that the operalloa
-"" CllflllJtuto • fire ·hnanl ond that it ii sufflctenUy removed from
hcMJaes, nsldence.1 ind 1ehool1 llOt to
conaUtute a noise, duat , fume or nuJsanct
Don Bolfa qreed the ordlnMCt ls a
constralm but oatd , "It's perfectly pr<>
bable that ptrmlu will be LUiied U
everythbl1 checks out."
That I• aot the w•y the motorcycl11ll
... 1~ howe•er. To them It'• )ult another
fonn of harassment from City ,Hall.
Their rkUng areas consl.aJIUy belng nib-
bled away, they are Jn a s~te ol outrage·
over the new' laws.
Ivaa Wagir, editor ol Cycle World
maguine, the nation's largest enthusiast
pubUcaqGn and an oracle. for the "boon-
dockers," foresees a national crisis If
laws drive the off-road riders irlto the
"About half of the riders are minors
and the kids wlU use the lhlng one
way or another. It would be catastrophic
If we WQtdd unJeash 2,000 or 3,000 minors
onto our city streeU and highways. Some
of them t\llve never earned respect for
other vehlcles and will sneak a ride
one way~ another," he predicted.
"We shoukla't drive kids ollt of the
hills and onto pills. They need a relief
valve. Off-road vehicles are the greatest
iellef' valve. Mter a few hours in the
dirt you feel like you've had a three.<fay
WAGAR BEUEVES the gTeatest
enemy to the aport is the raucous noise
produced by open exhausts, especially
two.cycle engines with ex pans Ion
"1 used to have a riding area behind
my house which was just closed. It
waa extremely iITitating. NGW I doR't
have to hear those · damn two-strokes
anymore. I'm happy the area has been
cloeed," he said.
Some motorcycle manufaclurt.ra, such
aa the Ho.ta Corporation, have begun
installation of me.piece exhaust pipes
and murners to discourage operators
from making excessive noise.
Dealers, however, sell pure-br.ed com-
petition machines, sans mufflers, which
are often ~ In urban areas. And
accessory manufacturers churn out tons
of speed equipment -most of which
adds: to the noise.
Effective silencing of motorcycles is
usually accompanied by a eoosiderable
drop in horsepower, something the cyclist
wbo likes to climb hills and blast down
atralghtawaya ts not happy about giving
Noise or not, motorcycliltl from Seal
Beach to San Clemente 'have 1ever been
able to understand how cit.ies could
allocate vast chunks of real estate for
parks and golf courses while ignorJng
their sport. They feel they're gettiJlg
a raw deal.
During lhe next rew weeks the
motorcycle backlash will make itselr
felt , they predict. They won't strike
back with chains or wrenches but by
"I HAVE NO IDEA ol how to go
about presenting a pet.ition," says Mrs.
Barbara Slayton of Founlai/I Valley. As
m o t h e r of two motorcycle riding
youngsters who "spend their whole week's
paychecks to get their bikes ready for
the weekelld," she is convinced her city
fathers have heard only one aide of
the story.
"I just can't tmdersbtnd how they
cu ahut a door in a kid's face like
that without JookJng further and In-
vestigating the possibility of setting uJde .
IOme land for the bikes," she said.
Tn Hu11Ungton Beach, Mrs. Barbara
Shook, Is delermlned to carry complainU
from "the other aide'' to city hall.
"This ls a terrible mistake to say
the kJds can't ride. It's going to pu t
a lot U thftll back on the streeLI.
My 13-year.old can't afford to go to
Saddlit:back (a private trall park near
Orange! and pay p ,5G lo ride," ahe
1'11\ere are areas in HuM.lngton Beach
free from realdential development. where
we c:oul.d aet a park, I'm surt. But
we have to t<t f81t.. We realhe that
tile blkK .are noisy and dirty am -
thtnrs. but so ar< my n<lghbon'
lawrmoweni, power edgen, tht freeway
and police alrens."
IT WILL TAKE time to see If the
riders can moont 1Ufflcicnt polltlcal
prusure lo chqe the ntw lawa.
Hl5torlcally, thry have been unable to
unite themselve$ for any other purpote
than riding and racing.
1'They don't want to bt bothered by
all ol the land closures. 'Jbey would
never do anythlJll, They'll· 11w.,1 h1v1
something else going," said editor Wapr
'"llley're most disunited right beN
in California where the sport is enjoy1nC
iLs greatest popularity. It seems that
no more than four or five percent ean
agree on anything. If they can't ride
motorcyles anymore, they'll probably buy
sail boa ta or airplanes."
Tom Co6g:rove, operator of Pacific
Coast Hunda in Lomita and a resident
ol Anaheim where pnill!bltl<n ls lo<lntng,
hopes he is wrmg.
Friday he rented the f o r m er
Mtlodyland Theater in Anaheim for a
mass meeting ol 2,000 co n c e r n e d
motorcyclists with represehtatives of the
Bureau of Land Management, county
superviSors, lawmen and representatives
of the California Hlg'hway Patrol.
He c!Aims the rlden must fally now
since the bureau has plan1 "to close
down all desert riding areas within tbe
next year."
AS TO THE city miergency laws,
he contends they are "fiagrantly illegal.·•
"They're saying that I have to get
a police permit •to allow anyone to ride
on my property. Ji seems to me that
I ca~ do whatever I w3.0I. to my property.
"The present la ws cover all of the
objediooable aspects of motorcycle
riding, such as disturbing the peace,
trespassing and lrnog. They ought to
enforce the existing laws and if riderl
persist in having not.sy bikes, they ahould
have thftr head! jumped.on," be llJd.
"Tho dty cooncll• ought 1o reallaa
they juJI can't arl>ltrarily blank off OOll>
ties and cities without designaling rkHnc areas.
';T'hey ulf.d to go tell us to ride
In the desert and now the whole desert
is _J.n ,danger of beifll closed to all
people other than on foot ," he continued.
"Everybody is always nlsing havoc
about the damage motorcycles came
in the desert. But nobody raises havoc
about the· Anny and Its maneuvers.
They're running around flen! with theit
tanks and machine guns and dropping
bombs. You ought lo -what tllat
does lo the-.."
He aaid he can ·undenland .my tba
lawo are beinJ poaed. "They're ~
passed to combat the evi11 otc\ITlng.
Unfortunat..ly, they are an lnju11J<e lo
the lrmocent ...
Motorcycle dealers, who have enjoyed
-extraordinary profits from the bike
boom, are worried that ~ new laws
will hurt their pocketbook.
JOHN ROCCIO ii HuntlngU>n Beach's
newest motorcycle dealer. He sells three
different brands of dirt bikes which con·
1>tltute approxlmately 50 percent al his
"It'll hurt my business, ltlere are no
two ways about that. J can't undentand
why they would pass these lawz. It'•
keei>lng the klda olf the atreet. lan't
"But l'm a new dealer and J'vt (IOt.
my hands full. J've fou&'ht city hall
I before and I know how tougfl it ii,"
be said.
"I have neither the time nor money
and I doubt if the other Orange County
dealers do. The big factories like Honda
or Kawasaki -their lawyers might
have some effect."
To date, however, the factories and
their United St.ates representatives have
lent a deaf ear to the outrage of their
product buyers. More concerned with
production than with cyclist concern,
they appear cootent to let ttle tw~
wheelers roll off the assembly lines until,
perilaps, they also suffer losses.
There are some answers to the pn>-
blem. however. One of these is the
private motorcycle park, where riders
cart' pound the-dirt to the.Ir hearts' content
and make 83 much noise as they want.
A TRIO of fa rsighted businesm\en
established such a riding area scme
time ago, oddly enough in Orqe County
where the riding are~ have m<lft rapidly
SaO:Ueback Park la located near S•
Uago Canym, outside Orqe, and
features inoomerable trails, hills, rU\I
courses -even a pimic area in U
7()0..acre confines.
The only apparmt hllch ls lhll llw
ticket to the cyclhll's paradiae COSll
$2.50 and that It is k>cated in a remote
area. "Too far and too ~x.pensive," say
The ~me concept will be tried out
in San Clemente where a 700-acre park,
just olf the San Diego Fneway, wtll
go into operation July I, deJJike heavy
opposilion from residents.
Saturday. July 4, 1970
The Comment Page of the
Dally Pilot seeks lo Inform
and stimulate readers by
presenting a variety of com--
mentary on topics of Inter·
est and signl!lcance from
lnformed observers 1 n d
Robert N •. Wied, Pu~llohor
r .... _..__ ....
-. ·,~----
Satutdq , July 4, 1<170
Carrier Home Fr°'" War Dut11
Heather Crossen. ·12., 3711 Lake Ave., Newport Buch c
Aircraft carrier Coral Sea (CVA--43) steams under
the Golden Gate Bridge after nine months of opera··
tion duty in Southeast Asia. The ship is to U!1dergo
modernization repairs wh.ich is expected to take •
year. Marin County is in the back&round.
• ~. Any child under 1.2 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contest. }lere's all you
do:· (I) Draw picture on piece or plain, white paper $~1 mcbes wide and
4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or_trace
!liCLu.re. ll must be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and address
on back of dfawing. ti.1ail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAILY
PIWT, Costa Mesa. \Vifl!1er will receive Kennedy half dollar. Aries: Creative Efforts to .S ucceed
or this ilate. You can camp in this country so take cart
and fish in almost deserted ol what we've got.
wUderneas. This week's contest, ..boys
Or . if you don't like the and girls will be about cam·
mountains, you can 'go to. the . ping. Draw your pictures ald
desert land and hunt for. do YOlU' poems on campina:
gemstones or anything else trips and the great outdoors.
YOl.I care to look for. There are Kennedy half·
If you are going on a cam· dollars for the winners.
ping vacation this year or if Horiorable mentions in this
you are plaMing one in the week's art contest are :
ruture, you should keep some Charlotte Ordahl, 9; Vanessa
things in mind. Halloran, II, Costa Mesa :
Wilen hiking, stay with your Peggy Wier11icz. !I, Costa
group. Jf you are in the Mesa ; Gree de~ocskonyi1 9;
Tbe late Marie Dre11ler
crtdlted a1trolo1Y with much
of lier 1ucce11 I.a molioa pie·
lurts. She cllllmed tUt IF It
had 1ol bee1 for t h e
astniloglcal eow11el fel Nella
Webb, lbert would nol have
btta • l\tarie Drt11ler of
tivily. vacation travel Indi-
TAURU~ (April 20 -May
20): Nece!1511')' to take prac-
tical tpJrOacb. UtWzt Jea90ns
learned In put. Heed voice
of experience. Leo individual
has key which could hasten
journey toward goal.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20):
wilderness, it is very easy Aimee Knoi, 8¥?, Huntington 1. ~ ... r to get ·lo8t. If·· you are in Beach; Oua'he Wierllicz, 101/,., mov-. .. mocay amt.
Short journeys, v Is It s ,
messages are featured. Pul
ideas on paper. You gain
tMough written word. Nothing
seems to remain the same.
Be versatile II you are ne1:·
ible, you invite happiness. ·,s.q y ............ Alli .........
the desert, be sure and carry Cos t a Me 1 a ; Jon ARIES (March 21-April 19):
water to fight off .lhe beat. Gar-usen. 11, L 11 u ri,J CreaUve efforts succeed.
7•/•~ C.--Ny ........
~,r&0: c_... . ......, edf ....
-" '
~ And, just for fun , if you Beach; .. Allred Baactan. 11. GenenUon barrier ls mmuhed
are camping in a trail~ or·_ .H~ ' Beach;. , f. 1 t .. u Y'O&f Mta,,~ c;ommunic&·
a lent, sleep outside on the Know'lton; t,'"fount.ain V'a11e:9 : tioa ll!iea: WtiA Ctalaren. other
ground one nighl J n the clean ~ven hmberton, 11, Foun-YOW11 •Pll'900I. Plenty ol ac-!th&Jknv ~of water, curving fresh air and take in all ot U11n Valley. :
CANCER (June it-July n i,
· P'er'aonal poues:sJons • re
hiJ:blJCbted. You rec e Ive
A~ -s • comPlell 10-voh1,.,.
el "' l'Nl;lit,; ..... "',,.,...u. ,,,_
AOlilYn a11~r •t• 17, ol M1nufu .
N•Wftllndl .... (Midi, for her ••Uli•
lion: •
•500 miles around the seaward-nature's beauty. 1 ' UriClt! Le'R 'wu reaJ'pleued
lsi<le of. Newfoundland. Swaf'P.l' Above 111, boys and girls, wfth ihe cob,'Petition in pof_t.ry
Do ocean currents affect fish·
of seabirds hover and Swoiti-t De kind and think of others lh:i! week and choosing a win·
showing fishermen ~ere ~ who will come after ·you. ner was ·very hti'd. Very
fishing is likely to be best. Leave a clecrn camP-leave. honorable mentions 10 to Rob-
lhdeeCI they do. The Atlantic
fishermen from the Maritime
Provinces can thank the cool
Labrador ·Current for filling
' their nets. The fishermen m·
Moving water a{ld shallow h as clean or cleaner than bin 'Tbompson, 11; Pat
waters also encoufige teem· you found it. Don 't damage Knowlton, 8, Fountain Valley ;
ing fish populations. f"'1 re-the planls or harm animals. and Charlotte Ordah1, v.·ho
quire molecules of tree osy1en f\emember, there isn'I much sent in two entriH and is
the Pacific waters off Peru
can thank the cool Humboldl
Currenl. Sunlit coastal waters
11nd other 1acton abo affect
fisheries. But these factors
are Jeas ·important than the
right kind oC ocean current.
And, of cour-se, ·there are
reasons why this is so.
from the water and the sea c!ean, ~re camp land left 9 years old.
dissolves rno.n ot ill: 9JJJtll --------------------. f"""' lhe ~~. TOBllllll, nilrllng r
waves ate ridler in oxyaen INDEPENDENCE DAY
\Vhea Independence called.
We went to fight;
Though we knew many would faJJ
To find the !reedom,lighl.
The strong and the bra.Ye .
Fought hard to sav~
Our independence and in the finish
We won our freedom from the British.
A It_.,. ll•ll •111r _. " """°" ....... 11, lfJI
IU•911ulll LAM. Hut111 ... i... lhoKll, .. r , ... •""'"'' 911ln
Ill llM ...,., 11141 -'" C911ffft, Mall ...., -•r ,,.n
i. UIKle IMI. •• , lUI, Ct•fe MUt, C•HffrRI•.
The sea is a hungry world
where creat.ures feed on
smaller· OQe:!. This food chain
is the ~vital factor that sup.
ports everything that lives i'n
the oceap. Ant1 like all oth~r
grest systems Q( nature, d
also !in~ all the sea dwellers,
direcUy or indi.rectJy. If .all
the . aardines were removed,
dozen& .of larger and still
larger specieli would g o
hungry. Naturall y, this food
chain, h.i:l.s a. begil)l1h1 g -and
the Orst link is plankton. The
1nain ingn;dlc nts Ip this basic
seafOOd are diatomi; and other
microscopic p I a n t s an d
animals that lh"r!ve best in
chilly waters. The g r e a t
p I a n 1c to n • eating whales
migrite to · rhe ArcUc and
Antarctic tn tiihe for the rich
plankton sea~ns.
· and hence more likely 'to 111~
port fish. 1be1' tOod, chiWi ol
the ocean tePe~ •o n
microscopic. ale~ ~, .. other
plants -and \i)ants "t111¥!<
sunlight to manWacture their
foor. Sunlighl pierces only
1,000 feet or so through
surface water and plant.s can-
not live below this level. Fish
.populations also thrive w~re
miperal-ridl water wells up
from the deeper levels of the ocean. This occurs off the '----------------'--'"'--.,,.--'
coast of Peru, which some
say is the richest fishin1 area /} ~
in the world.. -----LaroCJ
'There are, of t'OUrsc, plen ty
or fish and other sea dwellers
out there in the middle of
the deep ocean. However,
t~re are far more in the
shall ow, sunlit waters of the
coritinent.al slopes around the
shores. A few inlets around
the ~'Orld are· neglected by
tides and ocean currents. In
these stagnant waters, the fish
are suffocated, either by chok~
ing vegttation or lack of OI·
Question: ·What kind of k·ey opens a
locked cemetery at night!.
'A•>t ~l•>i• "t :.teMtuy ' l"•I lt-"911. 1, 111• "' L-1"-l•IR \ltlleY'"
Smaller fishes and lhe
larger fiSlles that feed on
them also swarm there to
fet!l in the thriving meadows
Anctv ''l'd!o • W•r .. ,...._ Glflll ~ l.':===================:::.J lhY K•t~. •H •• OI Hunt1n.,on k•t~.
C•lilornl•, IOI'" ~II '1Uftf1on:
of planktort ...... and on each Hew were ibe tceans formed?
other. You might suppose that Scientists are not quite sure
most of the world 's fish how au that· water got into
<tbound b1 polar water s. the deep ocean ba&ln6. They
llowe revef', lhe sea has a way do not agree how it happened.
Lo dl.stMbute at least a good Bul all agree that the watery
many or them to other loca· oceans have been there for
lions. The Sl.ln and the winds. ages. Maybe they wer11 Ulled
the rolBting earth and other n1ore than four billian years
great forces_ conspll-e to keep ago, soon after the young
the ~can waters CirculaUng. earth was born. Through the
One ·feature iS the ocean cu.... long ages they have chan1cd
rents, great rivers af water and grown "'°re s a I t y ..
n1ovlng oo scheduled routes Sometimes the sea levels -were
throush the seas. higher, sometimes I ow e r .
The GuU SLream, bearing Sometimes seawater tlooded
fillhy 1~1lltiMI f r o m large tracts of land -and
southef'I: stast twteps .MCth then v.·ent. back home lo the afool ft Atr.nt.1c cont of oceans.
Ann Letaders
Easy-going Mom
Makes Life Hard
DEAR ANN LANDERS ' This lllllY be lhe craziest
letter you've ever recei'ted. How can I get my mother
to be more strict I'm 17, a high school senior and on the
lazy side. Last term Mom let me sleep too late several
mornings then she drove me to school or sent me in a
taxi. I'm ashamed of myself. She should have made me
walk. I can (alk Mom into -----------
anything. I missed a lot of
school for phony reasons. She
should have m"de me go.
When I see my friends'
mothers give them orders, I
get jealous. Whal can I do
about thi1 problem ? -_PLAIN
could write a book on your
problem -aad OH day I
ml1bt TM sequence ls as
l11w1: No modv1Uoa, no 111·
I no 1en1e of
ft:lponslbl y. tu en
l.capacltlted by • mother w
titoapt ilte wa1 doln1 you
•J•vor by m1klq nre usy
a eo1venient. .
It'• brd t. &rew up wben
you doll't llav1 I• -aid tblt
Is wbtt'1 wronj wlU. &eo many
kidl today. ftey are Im·
mu.re, lrrespoulble aD&f Ill·
' ecrtdned le fM?e Ufe bectuse
~ ll1d mom• Uke ylHlrS
ud ·dad• wbo were Ito busy'
to 1.Uce. At lieut yoU
neo1nlu tbe problem and
lhal'1 an lmportlt)t 1tep In
the rl1llt dlrectsen. I'm lfrald
yoo're 1olns to llavt lo t0lve
It yourself.
The letter from the wife who
complained because her hus.
band ke_pt lnvitina lhe paker
club to their hoo9e brought
hick memories. My husband wu anot!:>er 'cer.trous ro who
wu forever votuotee.ring Our
home for committee meetings.
Some weeks I had people here
four eveninas 1n 1 row. This
meant cleantnc the place from
top to 1>onom, baking cat..,
p\e:e, cook.Jes, maklng sand-
wiches, c~fce, buyln1 CJndy,
oiprettu, cigars{ aoft drinb
I returned that night to rind
him madder lhl)n a wet hen.
\Vhen I asked, "How was the
committee meeting, dear?"
He replied , "Terrible! I don 't
know what went on I was so
busy waiting · on people all
night!" I replted, "Oh I'm
sorry, honey. It's a lot of work,
isn't It?" He aot the. point
and it made a lasting im·
pression because we've had
very few meetings at our
home since then.
If you think my e1perience
will . help the wife of. some
other overly generous hus-
nd, please prlnt this letter.
u~"'-!'EX' 'tlulU.1 l•r
IDlpl llOI
u lM:ck ca11't
mad eoouah to chew nalla.
Jrµ.hLpast_stx week•, I've
teen four TV showJ· revolving
around childless couples. Tbe
'actors (supposed!¥ doctors or
other well educated people)
made the statement, ''To
adopt a child just Isn't thtl
same as having your own.''
I'd like to say a couple
lhlngs to the l~iots who call
Ulemselve11 't'V. 1 c r I p t
writera, •We adoi>ted 1 Utile
boy ana later I gave birth
to ahother boy. There Is
lbiOlutely no difference in my
(eellnp. My llOCOlld thought
Is neatly embodJes Jn thlJ
llllle poem : "Not fiesb ol my
flt:&h, nor bone of rny bone.
But llll1 mlraculoualy my own.
Never forget, for 1 11lngle
minute : You didn't irow
under my heart, but In It."
lesson bl valQe$. You can
lectm. today to differentiate
between fact and fan$. Be
realistic in approach to pro·
blems 1nd persons.
LEO (July 23-Aug. %2): Aid
1'1iurus individual to fulfJ\I
potential. By so doing, you
also will be helping yourself.
Avoid tendency to brood. Look
to futur e. The past is finished.
Don't permit it to haunt you.
~ '\rtRGO (A1.1g. 23-Sept. 22):
\Yhal is necessary may nol
be obvious. Means you have
to seek lhe truth. Nothing is
prov;ded for nothing. Aettnt
on 'hidden · areu, organlia·
Uonal acUYlfY, charitable pro-
"' U8RA <Sept. ~. ni,
Spiritual reveJ&\ion c o u Id
make lhil a meanin1ful day.
You are better able· to un-
derstand loved ones. Many
wt'19 apPeared di9lant now
co me close. Deep desires can
be fulfill(!d.
SCORPIO (Oct. Zl-NO'. 211 '
Outllne objectives. F r e s h
viewpoint proves beneficial.
Don't be bogged down with .
past concept!. Be creative.
T'ake a chanoe on your own
abilities. Your opinion is
valued by superior.
Dec. 211 , Ruch beyond
mediate expectaUcw. Serve
as inspiration for y o u n 1
per!OOS. You may be airpria.
e<i at your own capabUJijn.
Key i.8 to try.
CAPRICORN fllec. n.Jon.
19 ): Don't permit yourself to
be tied down by fean. Finan-
cial situation is improving.
You soon will have concrete
·evidence. Today, determine ' ,. thAt you will be free-in many · ·"'
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-~"'eb. l)lr:
18}: Accent on clOie rela-.JI:
tionshi~ Break t h f o u & I\
llOUnd ~ emotional barrleMi,
Express yourself In mean· ,.,11
ingf\11 mi.Mer. Mate ar
busine!s pattoer win teipond. '1 ..
PllCD (Feb. lt-.Mwcb •>: J1!
Be •ware of bellth re-.,of
quirements, habit 111tterna, .-v
proper diet. Briefly, uae com· .,,.
mon sense: avofd extremes. .·•
Your relations with auociates, ">'
co-workers emphasized. Re· Jv
union is indicated.
BJRTHDA \', project ot rela· ........ '*
lionship started l&M year >""' • -.._. begins to bear fruit You ire·'"'
shaking off restrictions You ""
can now get ready for tht ~
adventure of livlne
.. ,
Nixon -Doesnt' Us~
Jawboning on Labor _:~ .,
Richard Nizon has tur~
thumbs down on "jawboning"
-that genUe art ol Presiden-
1.ial persuasion where labor
and management are urged
lo join harids in the anti-in-
rlation fight by restraining
their wa(le and price demands,
. In hit econom}Qj apeecb
June 17, Nllon spoke of "some
people who get satwaction out
of individual
slnessman 0t labor leader
called on the carpet and
browbeaten by government of.
ficials." NiJon's economic ad·
visers also rind It a repugnant
practice ..
But it was opt e-Yel' thus,
Veteran reporters remember
when President John F. Ken·
nedy pulled out all the stops
In Augu.st, 1963, when Rager
Bl()ugl1, the head ot U.S. Steel.
announced a hike in his com·
pany'1 prices. ,
Keooedy thought he had an
Industry-w ide understandlng
that steel Would hold the line
on price Increases. Blough
came lnto his office at e p.m.
one night and twohours later,
when Kennedy appeared as
hollt at a White !tot.de recep-
Uoo, he 'wis atilt fum lng. lie
!Old repor""' Bloogh's move
came out o( the .blue.
By the next cl11,y, Kennedy
bul he paid a heavy price ~,..
in lo.'!l ol support among the~onr
business community. Ii ....,,
When Lyndon 8. Johnson ''
became President. he vowed , . ..,
not to make the s am•
mistake. He often brag1ed -
that he had txlh business and i
labor backing h i s ad-I
. Bui. tl\ere were limes when l
the old persuader rrom Capitol
Hill had to exert his powers t to hold the wage price lioe.
The railro.d dllpute In
April, 1!164, was a clustc es·
ample. Johnson broua:ht \he
railroad indultry le.aders and
the union chieftains lopther
in the Executiv«; O ff I c •
Building, next door to the
White 'House, for meeUnp tnd \
kept them there till lhey ~
reached an agreement. \
Johnson used ,to remind hls i
wife Lady. Bird of the nights l
they watched the llrl:hted of· '
fices in the EOB lrom lhelr t
White House vantage point.
Johnson got hl9 agreement
and the industry and labor
leaders came ovtr to ...... th•
\Vhite Hguu: to tell him the
~'•· He nl!:\'er would Mve
called that "jawbonlna. ''
On another occa s ion,
Jotmson made a few calla and
atopped the aluminum ln·
dustry froin ral9ln g its prlce:a,
North Amtrlca. 'Ille Labrador Some scientists think that
Currtnt sweeps down from the the newborn earth WJS secltn&
Arctic. It carriei Oretnland hot and all wrapped up in
lcebera1 and teemina popula· a dense blanket ot thick, sou py
tiOn-1 of fish from the plankton clouds. 'llley think that later
rich ~l1r seas, 'Mle two op-the dense clouds deluged down
poslte (!Urrents •mtet and col· rnoogh rain to fill up the
lide where the seabed risei octans. Other s c I e n t l 1 t s
off t~ Oralid Danl<a. No 9U>ptct tbal the newborn
wondtr lhl1 r.egton supports earth wu cool, with 111 that
one of the rlcheit rliher1eR • water Jocked and hl4den 'fu.
In 1.he whole world. Two dlf· side. They think that ·lhl$
fcrent ocun currents dtJ>Mtt • ground water aractualty gu.sh·
l11cir assortment of fishes • ed out and ra" down the slopes
right on It.< doo"tep. The to 1111 up the deep, hollow
,o-owded region Is • rathtlr oteifl basins.
· -the whole bi. II loOk o
lot of lime and enerty. not
to 'menUon tht dent U made
In my """"ry blld1el.
ntklM lrt hlclly I I •. • . .
n..111 for wrt1.1·1r.
· had applied ,the pre:Mure.
Other ateel companies we.re
toe.in& the line and rolling
bfick ·on price lncreasea.
Sloup too bad to capltuilt•.
It wu a \'lctory for Kennedy
He knew enough, however, J
never to crow about auch vic-
tories. In fact , when &Iv•
the cre<ll1 for whlpplnr
ever~lll6 Imo une, Johnlon
would &rin and clu vow 11\Y
involvement. •
One dey I told Tom I had
a meetlna of my· own and
ev1rylhln1 wu In the trld1e
10 he could htlp h~tt.
' ' J
• \
• •
8 DAILY PllOT Si111rclaJ, July ~. 1'70
Ve.r-r......t . Patriots
Stars ·Boost Causes
Fourth of July 1s a year-round
preoccupation of m ii n y
Hollywood motion pidure and
television person• lilies who
campaicn . r 0 r candidates,
raite fWlds and generally in-
vorlve themsel.ves in Ult body
.Polliit:1l persuasion
notwithstanding, the 91.ars lend
lbtir names and lalents to
numerous causes.
When the I~ JoM F. Ken-
nedy wu campaitnln& for the
prf.lidency, Fr~ S I n a t r 1
OMJ 9-
. .__..,
lllCIC llOl"I f "-HOCJAnf
Never h111
motion picture
bMn.more timely I _, .... ,(~
n 1 Next Tuesday
Anthony Quinn ·c0t.o~
l!rn Ingrid Bergman Cit
TON/Tl AT 6:00 l lO:ZO
9ME FRE$11ES1 flllll Df HIE Yflt!" -Mcc•u 5
/. l~NIO'llt" f'!'IOOUCTIOlo
, .. CO~UWIH lll~IAI'
worked tirelessly for his elcc-know their counl.r)'men care.
tlon.. Bob }lope is in the forefront
But Lancaster has given his of sHbw busi~ personaUties
name to a variety of progr-amf lnvolve.d in trying fo close
he supports and considers of lhe generation gap by !pe&k-
major importance ' to con· ing at c o 11 e g es and
stituUonal governmeot. universlt.ies. lils holiday trips
Eddie Albert spends days to remote military bases are
and days traveling around the well known.
country speakjng a schools, Some stars, unwilling lO of·
to service clubs and other , fend their audiences by speak-
organiiatfoos about the perils ing out on behalf of a party,
of pollution. cau~ or candidate, contribl!t.e
Whefi lhe Russian cos-liberally to those segments of
monaut.! visited the UnHed our society In v.ilich they
States last year they wece believe passionalely.
!hf guests ol KJrk Dougla5 Jimmy Stewart r e.cent I y
al a r~ption in the star's retired as an Air Force
hooie. reserve general.
John Wayne frequently ex-Glenn Jt'ord holds a com-
pr~teS his <petriotism. mender's rank in the U.S.
Jade Fonda, whose opinions Navy Reserve .
do not precisely agree with Debbie Reynolds and her
Wayne's travels ~ coqptry Thalians raise money for en10-
on bdlalf of the lnchan popu{a-uonally di sturbed ch.ildren .
Won, attempting to betler thek J3ne Russell and her share
lot. group direct their charlty 1 to Jt;lymond Burr, George orphans. _
Jessel, Martha Raye and 8 Whenever there is need , score of others have traveled ,
to VleWam to visit American Ho 11 y wood s stars -
troops there -to entertain Republieans, Democ rats and
_ or just to let the righting men independents -con1e a-run-
know that busy people can ning to lend a hand for a
take time off to let them benefit.
((\'t"··~f ~ TNl'ITSI ~ t7l-6:Z60
2905 Etit Cpost Hwy.
Corona del Mir
All Ages Admitted
l'llEMIEllE EHGAGl!MliHT C~1rlto~ HftlfR JI-I ~lftCiKYI "l li:HIEATH THE l'LA In" 01'
A l'ktvrt t1r ll•t IE~llrt mtlY
E•(l~li>'I ShOWlftl
J1m11 5!n11r1 Htnrv 1'....i1 "THE CHEYEHNE SOCIAL Cllll"
lGl'I Ctlfr ...
"MAH l'llOM HOWHllll"
lil(IUll>'t 1-1111
Tilt IHlltl iol "LIT lT IE" IQ) ,,._r
"ALICl'I llliSTAUll•HT" 111 1 Ct19r
Ulllltr 11 m1111 M wJtll Hrtfll,
AH ftllr Slllw
''''' ltlltn lllntt lttrr
lt.UHIHIHnlli ~;;;;;;;;~~"~"., .. ,,.~STATION lllR•" IGI
Louis, u.~. f;eI.~.,~~t~>1~~~r .
Satchmo Marks 10th·· Birtliday With . Big ~ri~ute
Queen Ends
Year 'Reign
a year .of travel and work ,
$20,000 richer and five pounds
thinner, Gloria Diaz is pre par·
ing to turn _in her tiara~
Gloria's year · as ' ' MI s s
Universe " will be over on July
11 when a new girl wil l receive
the crown.
"Miss America," ''Miss
USA" and. "Miss Universe,"
the big three among the
televised beauty pageanlli ,
provide financial rewards for
the winners .and spectacular
1noments on cameras, wat·
United States of ·America Is
194 today. Louis Armstrong,
who has been termed a good
symbol of lt, will mark hia
70Lh birthday.
A birthday eve celel5tatlon
was held Friday al Shrine
Auditorium . Such jazz
veteral\5 as Sarah V&Ughaa,
Hoagy Carmichael, Barney·
Bigard, Joe BUlhkin, Benny
Carter and Teddy Buckner,
joined the Salctmo k>ve feast
which helped raise money ror
a Louis Anmtrooa statue in
New Orleans.
Armstrong's 70U1 is also
being observed by special
magazine is.sues, television
tribules and a ••salute to
Satch'' at the Newport R.I.
Jazz Festival July 10.
How does he feel about all
this fuss?
"I like il,'' .he rasps. ';You
can tell it comes from the
heart. 1r it di~'t I wouldn't
buy it."
Arriving here from hi s
Corona, N .Y., hon1e,
Armstrong's en·ergy belied his
two serious illnesses ill the
ched by people in between ----------
15-million and 20 -million
homes each year.
Gloria, a dark-eyed brunette
who wears lightly her of11ctal
stamp as 1969's most beautiful
girl in the universe , reached
the t.1iami finals last July
alter winning the ' ' M i 9' s
Philippines'·' preliminary. One
of the 12 chil~ref) of Pt.fr. and
Mrs. Jaime. Diai, Gloria says
she went into the original con·
lest during a vacation from
college when "r had nothing
much to do and it seemed
like fun ."
She has had plenly · lo do
during the past 12 months.
She has traveled to South
America, Australia , ma n y
areas of the United States
and Canada representing com·
panies that sponsored last
season's pageant. She has
learned lq cope gracefully
with autograph h u n I e rs,
discourage elderly -over 25
-wolves, and keep in shape
one basic makeup job in-
cluding eyelashes, with oc-
casional patching, for 18 or
1nore hours of personal ap.
SHOWN AT 1:15 AND 10,30 P.M. ,
TELEPHONE 962-2481
....... _
CORPOR'llllli San Die10 frffW1y at Bristol • 548·2711
Haley Miiis in
' once with pneumonl• and he said. t•rm conna wrh my
again "when my heart started book all by myself. I could
acting up on me." . 1 • gel a stenographtt but lhe
Annstrong has ape.ot mOet ... wouldn't poootuate like 1 talk.
of Ills 70 years entertalnini I gotta have my own punctua-
audleoces with his gravelly ti<itl."
voice and pure;~d trumpet. Armstr~ at.Ill appean al
, He has been on .the move ~ concerts ·arid he expect.s to
tor mos1 ol tlfose ye11n. • keep enterta!Nna "WlUI l re• 1 •
travellnj ~1 to rt:mo{e · up to heaven, ..
countries aa • g09dwitl aro--''I know l'm going there
bassador fer the U n i t e d becau~ J want to have a ;
Slates. He blame~ too much duet with that cat Gabriel, ·
traVeJing for ~ recent ill-Only trQUble is, he ain't J'n ·
nesses. the u.1ion and-I don't" know
"1 used lo work all night how I'm gonrra wor.k out tha t '
and then stay up most of problem."
Louis Armstrong, 70. "
the day because I was afraid
I'd miss Something that "'as
goin ' «111," he reflected. "Not
anymore. If I work all night,
then I'll sleep all day, that's
"TI1ere'5 a lot of things I'm
cutting out. Llke booze. I used
· to slug jt down so the fans
wouldn't think I was . a
wallflower. .
"Now l've quit. I did it
just like King Oliver down
there in NeW'Orleans. He used past two years. He said: to hit it pretty good, then
"The average cat goes into one day he took a baU pint
the intensive care unit only of bourbon and said, 'this la
once and probably doesn't the last ·one.' Then old · J<ie
come out of it alive. t went · slugged !t dow~ ~nd never
. 1 . d I' t"ll he look a drink again. _
in wice an m s 1 re. Since his illnesses, Louis ha.a
"A few "'eeks ago, I record-been spe.lding more time 'at
ed a song a guy 1vrote for horile with ·his wire Lucille ,
me ca'l:ed 'This Black Cat whom he married in 1942. He '
has Nine Lives.' That · s has a room full of tapes with 1
, ~ .. · ·• his recordings dalif!g 40 years. 1 ~•s. . , I
'11 listen to the music and Armstro.1g was hospilalized then I wrote oul my story,.,
Fonda Series
ABC has set January, 1971
as the premie re month fo r
Henry Fonda's situation com·
edy--drama series, "The Smith
. Family," in \\'hich he will play
a Los Angeles deteclive
sert;:eant with a wife and lhrcc 1
ch ildren.
HlLD ov1• I I'll DllHIV ,lt.ODUCTIOHI
Cenll"IMlll Dilly 1 ,,M .
"SLlll'INli llAUTT" ,.... .
wit~ H1yl1y Miiii
ABC Special
ABC will tiave an animation_" specia~ "Santa Claus Is Com • ..,
ing to Town,'' on Dec, 13.
A one-hour musical dealing ~
with the Santa Claus legend ,. J
it will be voiced in part t.
Fred Astaire, Keenan Wy n, 1 Mickey Rooney_ ~nd-P ul
Walt Disney's
World's Finest
Continuous ·
Daily Fr~m 2 p.m.
'• " .
w ..... theJ tau ,ou for an out-of-townn,
thQ reaU~ tau ,ou.
l'tM Leo V• CIMf 111
lll1w1 et 10:lt p.111.
-All C1l1r ...... ,.-
Orange Drive-In
's.t. A111t ""w.., ' .... c-, .....
"Ttt. Out•of.1-'Wlten" tMwa
., 1:11 .. 10:00 , .... •.. °"'" o, ... 0.11, • 7:)!'
Set.·S•11. ot ~:N p.111.
the sounds of th.e harbor •
marine weather reports -7 times dai-ly
-· ••
-·~ ---.~ ·--., -· ----. -"' ---.. -----.---------------------------------------"~~-~---
Show .Eyed
By Merv ··
HOLLYWOOD (UPI) "cine of the lour of ua ...S
to move from New York to
Hollywood," sikt Merv Griflie
of !he Mlllhattan.baMd talk
1hows, "and I hope it's me,"
Tl\e other three tallt lll»w
hoots on Johnn1 Cmon. lllCt
.caoett Ille! lllvld Froot.
. GrVtlu, on. his ( o u r t h pl~ IO Hollywool Ible '
he bq1n his litt-nllbl tallt
feot, .II e~thualutlc about the
........ he's hid· with -geet 11 Doris Day Che!r llnl
appur-on 'l"'b a .i,,.,),
Mil~ Berle, Jerry Ltwil, Ra-
quel Welch, Jacquelin BisMt
and othOn.
"I don't lhiok 111)>1of the
cthei's want , to eo.ne to HOI~ Oft . I ,.,,,..,..nt
basia,'.' ,Grifftn said. "But
""""tllfl\l'a 1ot 1o live. "All !OW' of ·111 .lff liPinl
-at I Pi1'1· In New YCJtk eY#)r
nflhL 'With 1•1\f: .llltlli.-e8': : shoW,_Jthat' fnelftl"W:."Mld
: ti , .. lebrititl evwy ~l Y : 1>tcauti we bave lo 'lllve
• j ' .t
lt'• Bollpood loe
• 80~Y I..-lo 'talk FootbaJI stllJ'tumod·actor Joe Namath get. a chance :to;,~·~oeii.~ ~ to do ~the does best (off th~ 11,Id) with Victoria
: ii'tn'I. llO..:.. .;,iia~ii . -.. George durmglliefibning of "'I'lie Last R~bel" in
''It' 1f.J.a'S';.... -'lot ..... n i\9tne. . ~ ·~ ,., you" c;~, _ ·
'. Sarili'flf1t l :ae and Uk the-· '
: head walltt If tiler-bay' l1IY ' . : ~-:-.:·~°"! ~: 1ill'*•tt-l<i 'Joy' Set fo.r Retl(rn
i-Talk lhows are baaed in
: New Yott be:ca\111 ~llti!:,tans, ~=~ ~"'=8,U.-::.: Xo (J.pe.n..End Theat~r ~ tGWll at ,. ttmf Gf--,~~ -· J
: And U10allfl!bllyWood ptopto N_.t Btocl!.!s Open -sound, talle, touch and smell.
: do better in' ffew Yark than Theater will offer a rePeat Music, poetry reading and a
: ii\ ~ . of 1t1t year's proitUCtiQn ":Joy : movement -sound im-
-; ''Thi nuon i1 simple. In A Stmory·Ctlebratikll•:.iu its pro.visation by the acting com-
: lloll)'Wood the7 are up at 5 sunvner ~licln. oJl'lllng pahy complet< the evenin&.
a.m. to work in movies or '"July 10 at the company's . The concept, when presented
'M .·· , ·-vra . . _...1,1;,_p-;.J .l,.. .... __ ,,_ '7
'Peyton' Tops
Place has prove(\ the most
successful modern television
ser ies in Finland, accord,lng
to televisioli. market research.
Second came a Finnish ser~,
Heikki and Kaija, and in third
place-Was The Virginian, also
an American production. TV ,lhow1, .ud._,. lly 7 p.m. thut.er, 2111 ViUt'Way. last year, tvas a first for they're ~ txti.cilled.• 'l'heil · it De$cribed more as an ex-Orange County. "And, ac:
tall:e1 a lot of nerve to llk perimce thaq a tl'adlUonal oording to Letrilnger, the ----~---
them to do your show for theater production, ''Joy" will rtSJXlnse was ovtrwhelml~
*265. play through early ~ptember with a large numb!(\ Of ad-
. "B)lt if.they 're In New York with performances scbedultd dltional p·e r form a,11 c ~ s
: It's 1enerally on ·a promotional every Friday, Saturday and scheduled.
for Ul06e that mia&ed it and
we• Upeci many people to
: tour, artd tbly, ,~e eJ¢te4 Sunday at 1130 ·p.m. Tic;ets' "We st.ill get cajls ~king
: ~ ,refreshed. . 1 are p for general admilllioo whtn 'We're going to do K
, I d like to orlfln&to my "lith a 12 ~ f<Jqo\l\<leo\s, , ag.;n," he said. "We're happy
: show from Hollywood bec1uae· Din!d.or Mi t t 'Leininalr t6 6t able rto present it agam
; it ii· fertile country f'?" in-noUd that the new produ.dJon
return agai n."
; Tickets are available by
1calling the theater at '15-1120.
'Casual dress is suggefl!ed for 1pa)'<P Jri'llill& to attend.
'; i,rviews af!C1 .conversat1~n. I would inco(porate. what he call-
:. asl<ecl to itay out here ali lt!-!!tl!e ~ elem..U of the
:: IWDl'Dll' t.ca... the show• . .,. ~r· . . . •d im-.: have brfen ~ cood. But I'm . ' · >I ~!
-; returni., to New York." , '• • ~ ..r--. Grtflln, reland Ille! affable, f ·,Allljlmce ""'"be" ar e
said there Ls an enonnoua Jed-7eyes .. ~tM;iugh a :
roadblock to making .a ~ m&M} which mclu~
permanent move to Callfo~.
. "CBS just spent ti million
; converting ~ Cort 'Ibtftlr
: at 4lth Strett tM 8(h Avenue
'. into a televiail)in·the1ter.,tu41G
· just for mY show," he aakl.
: "That's a Iii< Investment and
'. it can't sit there ~pty."
$1•woml.r Mrozek't
"Out At,~e•"
•JTlte ·l'ollce"
I -
· · Griffin fnlJ' continue to
; make lo=llollywood, but
• he la r · .'1e Com"1ns ·
: with ~. ,the{'~ ~'~t*. ~ =~~~CN~=::rri~~ A
; show• t~•b It . Ire' , quently ~In •. .,lib(ttY ~-l'"lt.Jhry'July 17-11
: appeatlr!l t11 two, ·of_ three . "FJll. A ~T ... '''° P·ll1·
: of tl1e ahowi on ~lye , • 307 MAIN ST,
: 01f,~!!;, ch ..... · m~'. tnOw'• NUNTINGTQN llA~H
'. rocu1/' Griffin.Mid. "We1Were '•r Re1erv•tlon1 ; bootdnl pel!ple; ·wijh ·<~.,., Call (7i41 536-ttli
• who uelld the ·lik>W(;fl a plat-•'• --; form. Thlt'i ~ ' • -;r
• "We liealded ,. ~l~E;:::::::;~~
: more e~NMnt. "' r_' : 1•ve ~ .fhii ;~ ~
: of one. I «at tired of seeing'
: the same people on my show
: who turned up on the 11
'. o'clock news. • •
"We just want t.o be f1JMY1 l,t!=~~=~l!! relued and pretent an ef.
fortl1ss show/' Grifnn con·
eluded. °For IOme reason it
. sums tQ i.ve clicked that
·. way here in Hollywood for 1 : me."
Art Award
' :winners Told
~ Michul Caine
I •
PREMIERED.RI 1 ·)Nl§0,11~·
;.:1~' ,JHE LAMPL.ORD''
Pl.UI. "THI ••OUP"• Color
Show Starts At Dusk
Children Under 12 PRIE
Beach Blvd. at G11~den Grove Fwy.
534 •• 211
• J
: ;, J.i!y (, 2:.J DAILY PILOf Q
.'Dolls~· Stretch the Limit
•t ••• 0111<1 ,,
ar l'i..nt. Alu ....... s--·llft 1~11 .. lllt II Ill llAll8lua 1~11
M,\:::"l..:::n WAJ.TER MAn&AU
_. -··--·"-'"""' SIAD/UM 1 ,'!:
... .....u.LI!!.ILJ >..' ~
O•IN AT 1:• P.M. UIO\lf ST.lllTS AT OUlll
0~1!111 AT r1• l",M. &MOW STAllTS AT OUIK ........... ,,
t 1 •1 LOYI YOU
-... ,. -,7"0" ..
$fADIUM 'J ~:
... ~ .. u.x:..m: ... ~·-·-
Magic Ganlen of Stanley
Swetlhear\." 1bo bu proved
a diaappolDtmtnL
'Ille ..... wtra.enc
"Tlte Oe?M! S8CIAL (WI
·SHIR!!Y ~!S
2nd' G'll&AT WHK -Acadi
ll..aliOll ol ~ (0$1.li"--\U-)101 ..... --..----·.---.
"11" H;!l'l'Y
M E1ul111J.:"
HOLlpAY MATINEES-Frid1y·S•turd1y·Sunday
"It is the · p~ect entertainment for the summer
.. THI OUT·Of-TOWNllS" ;, 1om•thin9 to 111. w, pr1dict th1r•
..,.on't bt room i11 tht 1i1l11 for 111 tho11 who will 1111 off thtir
111b l1119hint ~ -
-RolMI lcrrren, MtJr•..M9 TY
MLWll U:mr-••-mn
li!l . 111 llUMF-11IWllll -~-' -=r ~ -.. ---.. --°'-.. ---. . . -·~'"°"''-· .. ---... «II.~ •r.-M~l . .o..""""'°""' ~
Orang• County Premi•rt Eng•gtmtnt
. .
' '
I r. . ~ •
JI DAll.Y-.UT ---Mei.d ~ _ ; · · .. ·:· 19' laii;jj. · · . ·"4i' · . _•:n• a . . . ~~-.. e . . -"f'!~ , '
Wiiii FIEl 2 Gelloir• ....
"'ll\lll" -taree '" ""' , wini food tray, wttri drain~7~g 1· ,
. 99· With wide mouth opafting~llKI • :
"'faucet tor eas~ pooril!J. f 1 • •
' Ii(. 2lM . o, • • •
&'.ft Beach Umbtella· · FOLDING Patio ' Chair
fll!f size alumioum chair wil!t W!athtt
re$ist11t 21/•"
arms.As$0rted co1-
• ·~·Shade''
... ~11 ..
. ' Fii DIU
··1o~aa •om webbin1. 2· 99 Da1bl1 •tMbular , '
0I&. -.3.U ·• '
BALDWJll ~ .
M•rY Gllwtr ••ldwln, 21JI Htrbor ~lft1rd, c.o.t1 Mal. 0.11 Ill 1111t11,
Ju1r. 1. su,..,.1-i IW '°" ud u 11111-1..--r11-11w, Mr. ind Mr•. Edw1r-
•11dllM, Co1l1 Mt&t. s.riiolcn will t.:
ti, AM Tu.UV, JUl't' 'i• 11_ W11fcllff
MerlvarY Challtl. lnlen11tt1!, lnttl· wood P1rt. • ..... ,IHICI ·lfllCI Kurrie
Lor-Cloroth't L9'klit.. "4CIO.-,twllot,_ •
,to~·COnlnl • ~'r ~!ti of
clMtli, July 2. SllnlYM W -· I•· ntrf ~r "Ltcldtr.i N.....,., lftdll
2 IJl'tnddllldren. lwtt n karln.
s.nic. di • n NA, TvtMtY, .llllr 1. l"ec:lflc v .... CllllNI-,.,., ... llllftr· "*"• ~ c...Mterj, L-._,,, l'tmNl' ~ ""!1"9"111 ~
'"*"'-llWY be '""°" .. AM«lc.n C-$0C1'tY. OlrwcfM 1W P1ctfk
vi.. ~111ry.
C1rlllll ltulll Rodtl, 1', Df IU A Wtl-
rwf, c11111 Men. Surv!vtd by tu1,
P1ul H. Roclef, Coll• 111\ft•i bn>lher.
Selby H. lloblltn of T"1MUHI 4
1rtnddllldrltfl1 I ll'Ml,.rlnlichllCI. Serv·
ICff wfll bl 11 Ii AM Mondt'f', JUl't' ' M Cl\Ul'dl ol J-..in C~rllf gf the Latlff·
H r S.lnlS Ill H-'1 klKll. Bill lniMww Moriv.ry, PlrKOlra.
C...a del -Oil ~ C4lla M-Ml Mal • BELL BROADWAt
111 Bradway, Col&I Mela LI 14111 .
8-llqleoValleJ M.-,
1'1111 -BM. -.....-IG-T171 • /okOOlllllCK LAGUNA
1'1111-t CalJll Rd. ·-II ·• M:.~:lfLV:.~Rll c. ... ., .• u....,.
SRI ,..In'~ Drivo
No.,.n-.~ -• ,mr.um:r
llOLOlllAL PVNDAL -'1111-Aft.
Wiit 'rtsr •• • 1u-a-r~ER-MORTIJARY
·-· -· ..... r. SuO••• ....... ' . ; , . -om: :.:,'»_1A.IJ,..... • ·r--· -
• '"
&'xJ5" '.Wading Pool
="~.;.\:tr , . ···~. ""'""' ~ 5 ·&9' 1111 and ~af~ I•. · . !hi-I.II • ...
Vitamin "C''
Iii 111· 211 l•lltU
Vitamin "B-1'' ·1 ·09 '
'""' . I~ 1 ,o . , '
Vitamin "B-12;,
;:GtAMORENE 'Cleaning AIDS
~ ' •M• ' · Daily Vitamins .
'·'" ~ llhltj.fll•!lllli tlf tie\llJ 1·96·
I llfpl1lltlt. Mi's •
.,. Vltliin"E" · "
IWllt.llllt 2 69 "' .....
Malt! Vitamins 2· , 71·
""'"""'' . , ...
l •
' '
IOYS' .•.
"Utle _.; Slretck, outfits. -Milt.i-color
·prtnt Gii flht. As·
"""" colo!J.
s1m98C n 11c1 •
.. '
, • "Soft White"
• Softens shalows ••• las ••-iln. pl
gi"' ~"'1 Ii liglt y· .. c~'CI :~::: 4 , 1"".09'" ~ •IWW111 .: 0 '
• I
"S . Puff" . cour NYLON .-' DISHCLOTH \
,Clearis disMs, 1¥)trand pans ..
Yl!l gentk! enough-!or Jef.
llJll. Also for sinks, tubs, • '1~ ' etc. Assorted colors. .
..... 231 11. ·• '
, ' ' I +
watnox , , ., •• ''O' Il'teff fail , Alar• c111k : · . · •
f J.JPtel'•ilf fot!f4 ~oar , .,. I i . r ., • ,
' ~"!lblllt~· · Cotiriil"l2 gg • illnil l-1H1ht M-·
'"" wlite. ..,, I.II • . . ..
"Saucer" Tosser ~ ..
11 llies bigh, sails far. Plas· 119 · tic •• , can't tiurt. Assailed
colors. 151,1" diameter. • --.
' '
"409" Miracle: Cleaner ·
Sprrt Al M l!IM' GI any-• • •
~-! ~I.£. Clm! 79 , bi& jobs sllcll . .S walls, etc. C
.... 'i ·'' _, 1 I ~ ~ ' • "Youthha" " ' . Ir ..;.I . •• • . •lii!'! .. i• -. Mjtl ., ·m· . ~1
W1a11 -•1 ad11~ ?"
• -ililY ""' " ,.,~. fUI sflaff. 0 ~ I IL • . • ..
. TM-tt-Light · · .:
...., ... , I Stitt• NY~ofhce.. J • Mllinl-$Wivels froril
' resoilr ID -"'l'i· 17 88 1Ji11.ltr· 14.11 #Ul·I •
r 1
· CllAlMHN "C1otroca JI• '
Patrty Hose ' •
ll!Sfalatic J34 c11."t
1111!1 ., Ill I"· lll!l'lo! I
ll!llllrmllf ......... "19 '88 ·-·•-rt • ~ • --·· . "" .... '""'to tori. ' • ""-.... 1411 • • 11111.,-.. Uri' ii
Colar Fil .-Iii-.... , ... "
:~::~. Cllicuf llll2So m ~· . . 1'• 88 (12.£9,J, CXl27, Q&ll • I• 1 ftll'\ ~· ·~· \j: ~. • • ...
''.FlaslieuhS" ..
~, PCIWQID Caler f i11· ~.~. 3.89 5 3:49
' ' • ...
I I'
~ EXclt ' r Fllit! HOl!l..:'.s.
~.a Jr. ~tale sized Jot -priyacyr a. ~,ihe
:111eme insfcle"&! out. King iized ~s. ~· s~
bi\ths. family room, bellutiful kitche11 Wllb 'ft.liiol
.<loixury bililf'ins, disllw~!ller. .Nahital~1!t •. ~)
iplace. ',Work ,Qench in; C~~e:1 P"!n8y:'4ti°'!"
:(93;:!) >41"1720. ,~, ;. '{ ~
• ~. t. ~ i :iicn.i.r'~. ~'"',950" L.' L 11111 • DOWN! , i '.."' · !Qf•L· .p,lll!l• HOM( $2(e9!SJ.!1,~\:' :ve& s~~~""'~ith If!!Y 1ux~.·1Lt1:;;::::;
'terms ~~-v~·litt1-down~ E . , , 'f,atures;il'"J>ulliillili'batld-, 111!ed brick ·frrepl~~~·
llY installments Jess tl)an rent! '.· • . if c ~:Award" push button bipll-m .kJtch,egi. = Or. subject tO-.a FHt'5JA. 'Q..I. loan assum~ T~x-1 , ting; C1,1Stom decor8t9r dra~s &Jb~~.
all' sized bedrooms, .2 b~IJll. fresi&p•bltell~lnS1do , e'roOf.Neey,Jow down paYJlltlll.,OWny ~11:'!-.lli out. Forced •it lieat, f111'!Place . :ril't! ~· r 540-1720. • , ·• · '
secluded rear llvfuJ roolllj built.JD .d .1 !hell. · ' \ · .. I,
.Landscal>Od to ~ection.~Lov#JClllwim;m;,~ro-~ ~· 9ur1 fl,2, STORY-4 !IEllRM ~ $28,9~ '
ered patlo, /oaa·!,~f deckin1 -~tropic sett gl ~ttin\ .. pr 'o\ty on .a large "cornei'i Jot ! Ntar.mejoi:
(9101) 540-[\:l!>;-t ,, : •• • · ..., •• · I• , oppmt &;'sch"91:'. ,2 ~aths , banquet siaed dilliJll[
.•. -.o :..:. r1 ~v. JO BIJY.f,'.$28 . "! 'C:f. l , .' v .. ~·g~nl fire111>1u;.'l"elcomes alt to ~Ul!DY.J•v-.
'"· I.II ~ • • · g. room; . .f4"'1 sized !{fl.ounds. Patio,; PxiJ1¥! Iv.ca· ~. ''%ubj t 6:Y~fo Joan ~fumption. S"~l="'9'Uon. Subjecy to 61'.!.<J\' . loan! ~t720 , •
. ome ~·n an «of beaUiiluJ, tree sha ~ . . ..
tr If"" nea~. & majo~· · '. .. ~.l"i', " ~ ~· ":•"•"ll · :~· ~ . . ',, ~m'j·Y r room~ . . ll~T.· . .,-'·· : .. ;__"? • l ~t 1 t 1 , t."' I ~
IL. -~ ~ ~ ' < 'i' ... '-' • G<>rg~6~ gro~nds ,.~ 9,f~esgjcmally · Jandscaplid/
Es.cape II\ the ._covrrecr Pill!'>· !11174) 540-1?'!,.,, "
• , f iai. ¥ f. ".;:.\Ii • t .. r ' l uitL ' ~/ . ME-i-:>t.D,,~o < ~ '; •
•Spacious . ~~!!Ill wi\ii! -.,J , eJy.·•wun Pii!ili!M( .ls
hellled .&! filtered for year l'llnnd IUD. ~~JilliH.tip:
BBQ-outdoor Jiving , " entertaillil!g ~rfect here! ~u: ~,in,S• G~jeQ95 .lii"eplfCe. (~) ~.¥;¥1, :•
.. ·;ft' ·4 BEoRoDM! $32,95QIL5 ~%,,. ;·:
Very spacious home wllb o full dining room, bu!Jtin ,
gourmet kitchen· with range, o~en ""dlsl>w...,e.r..
Separate office. Showa like a model horh@ 1 ~m:
mediltte possession ! Subject to <fl loan JiS_~mpt19n.
(9305) 540-1720 ~ . ' . 27·.fT. FAMILY RM-$29,000! M~ VER.Gt
A rare find in g~eatest & mo st conven1e11f l~a~~
of M:e;sa Verd._,. -walk to everything! T;JlK abO~t
gorgeous Iandktiping ._.. 'this is truJy '~ ~ t•51.e
yard -with figs, lemons, grape orpors,-ro'I! ~ . ;I~
• -only seeing is believing. Completely, f'"t . l~lll a daisy ho!]'.{; ~.;_~ll"C , d r wllb dish.wasll'/r. p 8na•umc till u e
," •11111.lfa.niilY roo~1,n;. tj)e~~-~~;~Ml abpookl ~;..: • Vl~or ·@lulam•P¥>t:J1Ja ric --.i.r; .I ' "much . mor~. '~ '. · low do WR '
,..,._ · ·-540 •••o · 'J 1r1°··· payment movse ybu ·lnl (D..,,) ~ •• ' • ! . , "
Very spacious (2583 sq. ft.) of luxury -lilige farruly
Jiving . 3 baths, fafllilY room .. BapQlJet diIJlng roo~.~
all electric "A.ward'' .Mei:Jallion kitchen -(1nesl bu1lt-
in appliances. Exguisite fireplace. ~tll lease at'
$300 month or s~Jl this exceptional famtly home! Call
to see. (9249) 540-1720
Shafp & lovely large home ide8I for gro~g. a~~:.•.
family & ent~r\,ai~Qg ! 4 bedrool)ls; 2J b,qis, famill"
rooin. All electric bu ii tin kitchen ·.g'orgeoq~ ~led
Jiv~oom-elegant fireplace. Ov.ersiz• tia~: y~rd
-for Jl\'ll!r\a97B);,~120 • ; . '·;,~ 1 ~ \ a •
J f '
. ..
I "
• I
. ~:,a ,.1 ·•j:a· Hli .. __ ...___ ~·-..-... -
..... '
• • .-~
.~: • · •. OF .OWNERSlir J $24,951! ~
Pt:m your· ~WAmer ..,Srtles' & relaxation in the large
l. cov,er'4 'patto -.. pverlookfug· a ~rcbard •·
• beautifUI landscaging. 3 bedroom, ~ beth., exqW.ito
'natul'al brick fireplace. Homeniaker's dream builtin
kitChen .... Shein. driye to1 beach-near all schools &
major,shopping, (~) 842-0091
. , .· ·~,.YOU SffttuiERSl $25,580! . ·
---...EnJOY41.1ie ,Jiolil all summer & winter too! It'• heated
.&. filtered .• ~has ;a private ' outside shower for th._, j•~l.i 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Beautiful wall
to ('l'aU-,l'AQieUng, drapes. Fall)ily room .. TV aotenna, 'lwa~r, & dryer. Built·i~ dr~am. kitch~n. See it
ino;W ~if wo.q.'1t'.last -owrlei leaving area. (9286)
84..,...,.., .. .
:""""'.r':'7l'' ' • . llUC(lOJ:..itoilE plus' DUPLEX. $35,750! .
E~cellent rental area near Golden West, all schoolJ
& ~ major· shopping centers & fr.eeway. 2 bed.room
1duptex plus 1 bedroom cottage: Income $375 inont.b.
I ( 926(!) 842,$18.\. ; . .
i . '.. ~RIJIG ·BOAT DR TRAILER-$26,000-G.L ~
·0r-FHA terms available -means very little cash
heeded .& • ~ments just like rent! Oversized
-bedrooms, !· llaths. beautiful landscaping. Sia!> for
boat. Dream kitchen with built-in features even 1a large eaP~rtone refrigerator. Adul t occupied.
Flagstone ~tio, .frime location near parks, schools .
& shopping• '(f:l64) 842-¥91 '
• ' ~ ·5~ % LDAMRICE DICED ; . ' . -
to $211,750.~ Subject to a great assumable Joan ...,
1payments less than rent! Oversized' d~ c.astle ·
with 3 ~,2 bath~, 20 ft. living 'r®m enhanced
·by chamung lirtplace! Built-ill lfitchOI). Family
rooin. i Pool • siz,ct yard. Quiet cul-de-sac st~t: -846-0804.. • • . . . .
1 gro.unds -What a lovely settivg you have a view
of private residential. park ~rOm your beautiful 4
bed'i""m 2 bath borne, full dining. room. 25 ft. ,family room, massive fireplace in living room. High
1bleck. -wall fence -built--ins -many ~xtras._ ·LOcatect ' bl" Of\11 or the finest areas of Hpntington
BO,cb! 84&-0e04
•l ~ " Dey t ·:. 962~117(: :,, (' ........
. ·~l
' ......._ ____ ..... ..-
•\ .
• "' 'a\urday, July 4. 1970
• • ...... ~·-.....
Real ~
'-' Que~tioni
\ ~mli\ont
•· By f . ' . J!,.ltor~
'Ri ndal! McCardlo
. '
Walker, Lee . lesmell.· :Set · .World Record
••. , .... , • llo •
\• ·~· ~, .. ·JI, 'f;' 11 '' • ;t·. • -In what la .bel!jvedl tol be ....,Id ,be . a W'!'ld'a ~ <!ford ~ ,prlve Intro<iuf<d new people to · ljat their •horn~.· parameec!' l"lt tr ad .. in P.o-uleamen1 ~ .' o v Id. l n & u-
1'world'1 ~ perfilrfnanc6t t fbr so ttayi. llfoi> that .... ~e've .1 WaJQr "'"1,... tee t'~pr',.Sale" ·The ever11n~easlng l))l'lc~s of gram has prOWld to be a!11ong cepUonal oppo~uruUea \t
300 Walker ud Lee , ~oc:, real .. e1c~ tha~ goal . by .over signs, wbitb,, wil~ ~~rth new .homes ,have dra~c~lly the ',lll9st SDCCf1911fu} Jn !he serve both sellera.pnii btiys a. ·
eState saJesm~ listed .fll . lOJ? ~e~ .. '"We r~ally ~re cer· be used~on . ho~'brced raised tf\e value of all existing COWiey and can guarantee the . , .t
homes for i'ta)e tlufing I lain fhal il S a teeord. for .£ ' UJi~, ~ist,s hqmes, ~,means that tq. sale of a ~ at its full 1
• just-com~leted 38-day listing McCabe added 'that the ""(11; .. ,~.irOh lday peopte ·cafi get ,a mucb ~et~ice ··]Je alaO noted PUT WH IN
Clrlve, U-Wa.s anhounced· Uils Walker ' and ~e :r1e s ale . Post·-~!by ·a dec».r~l!.ve.,..t·~-~1foiithe 'hon;tetbey · tba&' the ~' lose
vieek by wuuam H. McCabe, depa!'!Jnen\; '!'ln•h·b< beads, .~el,!Clrl~· , '!11&"fliri· sell . .\nil, be<liliBe JinaJ!cini, • J:-.~-•!II,, c YOUR POCKn
seriior yice' president of t'he ls. attem.Pt,i{lg to foll~w qne 1 ~t8e1r, · f~ '• meta!·. 'fflU iii 1oWtr DOW than they ' ~ w l-t Ii; ~
Anaheim-bued' teal · estate , .record ~1l~· a~~her. it~ a~ual 'inn e · frotp;ihe· J>!llSt. 1 h11,fe beeil' m 1Drne Ume, they tpeed, when n e c e s s a r y ,
finn. · · . ·~ record sales week-. He-ex· lgftt hundred ~ t&e 1new can ·r'ealtze just ·that much •· because it has it.a own escrow
· "Since wt are the world 's plained thaf each' '/ear, ·the ... 1gfi1 ~-~·~eril tor. the more cash from the sale.·~ _ department. • ~
larxest residential real eetat.e reSAte.s staff goe~ all Q\ll dur· ,drive, a~in( to.,~t,e; ...... Walkec. and Lee, which has Qthet. adv~es , McCabe with a DAILY Pn.oT •
C uslfied Ad.
' . I ,kno.~. 1910 is .. _. ct:nsus ·year. ¥1,h•t ,hfs~·°"'
firm and ·since we •hive Ing the last week Qf June ~a,_nd more had to ~ '$peclal · '!Old over to0,000 homes since c~ ai'e the liJ:gest com~eti
,t seldom listed more than 500 Jo break Its aJl·Umt,O{le-week ~ ()rdered. it-was founded tn 1941, offers ·advertising JX'llll'IUD of, lny
homes Jn a 30-day period,'' lales . record. The .Present ·; · Commenting ' on the"'1'fe9rd a · iiumber of exclusive ad-1 relJ~estate· ftnn 1 in tSouthtrn
, uid McCabe, "we ·were re~~Ie t'e(lt!~,' st;,t, la51',Jqne, ;tl!1if~nce, Mcpa~ said(•1 i-... vantages to both buyers aqd Cp.lifOQJ~ and the t~t that
. rea!IOna bly certain . t b a t . 'is 181 hon_les.' . , .· . . w1. ''We ~ve ~ 'no~ \·ts · sellet:S,.,.,).fcCabe said. He in· w~-Bod Lf;!e has over too
6'2-5618 (H'"'li!!ll~,S,•ch) PoffUl•li!lft. growth '1'"!11 I!) th•
,.,, ten ye1r1? How does this compare wlttt the
other Beach Cities? •
• P •. T. -H.untl"9fon Boach
reaching ',Qlll',loal of 800 homes ~ M~b,e JHUd · tbai the • an ~allY g(qi,1Jtim.-1 foti dicated · that the 'f i ~ ~ ! s llcen9ed reaale and'D!')' bi>lhe
" . The Orangt ·County·Planning,Commission gives
us the following figures: .• . P~ulatlon Growth
Huntington Beach
Fountam ·Valley
: NeWJl(lrt_!ieacb . -.-COStaMesa
, · Laguna Beach
1960 Ce"su1
~:wi ~
1970 Cen1u1
13,700 ..
I have always been confuted by the rel~~thlp ' .
th•t • r .. I estate salesman has between the ,buyer
and the solltr: in our situation, our real eat~ufe.., ;
min did not 1111 the p,..rty,. another eom~nJ. t:Jld. l~appur.cf 8~ if WI• h~l?u-: .jent::ane, .~·JKiyers he•" .. , .. , ropmontf~ thom, ~~I Wot~· t r uft14!t'11tt1:nd"9',..."f ~ W~rl r•Crtiiti to
r 'iill .)i.lrtl•a. What'a'te Ille dull., Of iho·lital
•tt1te Pft0pl9 ift'volved? ,\' .. · '~ . ·. , R. V: -Huntin9ton Btach\
The relationship you are referfing to iS known as \
a tiduciary relationship, or one of trust and confi·
Qence to all· people concerned. In our refer.ence book,
published lly !lie California DeParl!nent ot R~l Es-
tate, it states in part ... "The real estate salesman's .
o~ligations to deal honestly include 'bonesty toward ·
. sides, buyer and .seller. Willful .concealment or ·
·.~oppression of material facts is deemed a dishonor.'' :
· -· ~use a relftiOl\flbip of tnut _.... c~nce
x)sts--in such. fiduciary relationshiP, ,it is the duty
,:12.f the aitent, in whom such trust and confiden ce js
r ePosed by his. principal, to lflake full disclosure of .~; NI material f acts and circumstances within his ~nowledge relating ~th e transaction.
~~ The broker and his salesmen owe a definite Joy-
.~ ty to their clients, and are prohibited by law from S · ersonally profiting by virtue of their iager:cy, ex-
' cept by the agreed compensation f6r tJiEiJ.P Sf~es . '
Edi tor's Note: Randall R. McCardfe fs th~rv'p~riJent
oj the &pl Estaters. an invesme11t a11Diti!t, College le'tt· •·
urer, and author oJ "Rea l Estate i11 California ." Se11d
tlQUr comments and questions to Randall R. McCardle ,
c/o the DAILY PILOT, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Me1a, 92626
· John Wayne 'Headlines'
At Apenmeq.,,. ,!,_ __ mi· &=-. . . ~ ~
John Wayne; Aca ,d~n:i.Y
Award-winning, actor and
• • Newport Beaeh resident, of-
f·icially opetJed .Par! t'!!wport
Apartments last Saturday.
Wa)'!1e presented 11n
American flag to G e r s D n
Bakar, I.he dev~loper of the
unique 50-aere complex of
parks, recreation facilities and
"As a long time resident
of Newport Beach.,' Wayne
commented, "I want to con-
~arvey Becker
Sales Le a dc1·
Selhvg 20 new homes in
May, Harvey Becker, Walker
& Lee salei;man at Parkside
Homes in Fountain Va lley,
was the firm's lop new home
salesman for the month,
reports Wiliam 0 . Thagard,
senior vice president of the
Beeker joined Walker & Lee
three years ago and sold other
developments in F o untain
Valley before moving to
Parkside in January.
grahll;ate·f Geryim Bakar • on
Park Newpo~l's really a
park, with •1aPAnments blen·
ding lnlo the landscape. JL'1
a great .achievement for
private enterprise and a fine
addit.ion to t.he Irvine com-
munity." .
The public ~Ill ol . Park
Newport conUruitd.throu&b the
week~. with· guided toun
of the Spa recreation center,
parks, gardens, tennis Ol!Jrts
and pools, and 1the five model
apartments now on display.
Refr~hments and mus.ic were
The model apartments and
Leasing. l nfonnation Center
are now open six da ys a week
from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m .•
Saturdays from IO a.m. to
6 p.m. Park Newport
Apartments are located at
Jamboree Road and San Joa-
quin Hills Road, just west
o! Fashion Island on Newpor.t
CREA Honors
Solon Porter
Assemblyman Cariey Porter
(D..COmpton ) was formally
commended by the California
Real Estate AssociaUon for
breaking the legi s lative
stalemate that allowed the
governor's tax reform bills to
move through the legislature,
The CREA directo r ·s 1 meeting at Disneyland Hotel
.ir. Anaheim,. adopted .a resolu-
tion to that eUect "on beh11ll
of the property taxpayers of
ttifS: slate 8s . well as. its own
membership," accordina: to
Melvin L. Mould of Lohg
Beach, CREA president.
--· ----------9':MATTRESSESe0
lrrelUl•r Sbapea
' ..
" ~
r .
. '
\"'• ., ' .. . 'c • ' ,,
~· • I • ' ; .,.., .
I '
. ~ .. -' ' loi • . "' .. . I '
)".,; ..!J .• . j
J~r~1~ .... , -• ~ ... 111 . I ,
~. •• 'r ' ; " .(.·f"· • ' ' • -• ' ' ..
. •
·' •
./ ._ , the. first 1,()47 buyers
we'll throw in Newport Beach.
... --, . ... ..... ,. ~ ~-:. ~~,,
iJ ~w ... 1\.:ef
It's really a ~ial day when you ca!i fioo•a gra-
cious· bra nd new home-in expensive Newport·
Beach-for under $35,000. .
... But here.it i~. the charming Montego. And
we have other 3, 4, even 5 bedroom homes,
just as special, for under $40,000. Such ·
versati le and unique designs-beam ceilings,
iia rd en ki\<(he..n.s, l:(qnus rooms, breezeways. All in
a very. pr(vate, wall~ neighborhood of quiet .
· ..
' '\ , I -.
streets, All centered around a school and park,
a· private ,family recreation club and. pool: ·
The sun-and-water fun o_f. Newpor,t Js right
. down the road.The bay'. The boats. The surf.
And Fashion Island and UC Irvine could hardly
be cl oser.
$32,995 in Newport?. You'd better believe it
And see it-soon. f,l ecluse we'rfl selling and
selling-at least one home a day!
lake tllt San Dlero or MtWport rreew1~ to
M1tArttn1r, then 10 south to Ford ~~d.
Pat O'Toole of Costa
Mesa has been named
top salesman for June
at the F. M. Tarbell
Realty Company of Cos-
ta Mesa. She al so won
the award for April.
COAtll Mesa M1ttres1 Ca. '
!150 Newport Blvd. •. 'RbBOR VIEW HOMES
Uberty 8-1.303
Mesa U~olstery
. LllMrty 8-4781
'l . '
re'' •
' . '• I
An International Paptr Compeny -
Svd:nty °""''' ;, •11• •f th• wotl4'• 9rt1f t1h9lo4t)1. Hit
0!11M11 it ertt of tht DAILY
f.'S tr••t ftttvr.-.
-~ .L
• l T ··~ I,
--........ --------~ ...... ·-----------------~-c----~~-------------------------------------~----------
-. .
·-Alton St.
. ....
5.1.\Ut'Qr, July •• 1'170 DAILY PILOT
Children to Have ·
' Ball at Yorktowne Refinish it ~f . .
7 to 8 P.M •
• .
. Do11't lftill t••i119 th i1 Foetory Oernon1t;atio11 011 011y of 010 ,i,...,.
Joto1. A11trq11i114J i1 not diffie11lt Olltt yo11 loor11 tlrio pr•1Mr pr•• ..... , ..
'' " •' ..
For tllo •111t 9vido to whot'•
h1,ponin9 011 TV, roo4 T'f
WEEK -di1trUu1!1d ""Ith tho
Sotl.lrtloy itelllio11 ol tho DAILY
26" HARBOR BLVD. 546-70IO COSTA MESA • ...
W""d•y1 . 9. ta. 9,. S•t-Sun . 9. h .S
4 Bedroom,,-3 Baths
From $31,990
VA. FHA, Conventional terms available
Here is the charm or'old California , ••
nestled jn.qat11rel rplllng. countryeide. i •
1 • E".e\'Ylhlng desirable is t:onv~niently near .•
Y.oµ;Will enjoy Fashion Island shopping, UC[
educational and cultural Opportunities. There
is•golfing, tennis. and the 'ocean's boating,
s\vimmin_g _and surfing. The Ranch West is
where you .will want to be and stay.
.. 0: ~
• • 0:
Q The
f5 Ranch
ri &INTA AllA FIW. Q ,. ...
::> ... .... u ... z ~
Visit The ~anch'West today.
~ O\~GO flfl •
Just take a look at the11e quality featl11'88:
IN -
:o •.
.. ,,
" ·'
'··' -· ..
' . . •'
. r
" .-
l! •• • • '• • . • •
,~ ,
' .,,
The Ranch Wost A Y'RES SINCE 1905 •
r . .
\' .• ; t • '
• •
J4 DAllV l'llOT
• . .
S1t,.,,1Y, "''' 4, 1970
. , . . .. . · . • " .. .. <:
.. I
... • •• DAILY 'il?T S.0t~, Ju~.~. 1'70
• • •• Angel~:' Wright ... Hurls NO-hitter
" By GLENN WHITE " ' '!'be ·prtll w-whl)e be ptbtred the mth tnntni. ' Ille as Felipe AIOll stepped 10 the pl.Ile. °' • ....., •Mlit .,." bl! wbitlina lbouahts Lo tell about the "Tht pressure built up righl along Earlier Alou had hit a ball that he
. . .
Clydt ••skeeter" Wrl&ht, the fun-}ovinc noohiUW' be bid juat thrown acainsl the after that. And it reached its peak in the ~ beating out for • hit by an eye-
happy.,..luclcy chip from Jeflenon City, • Oll]\lli>cf. Atbletlca· Fridey Jliil>t. ninth," he added. "By then I told my-laslJ...or leu.
Tenn., took a couple ol •IWtas from • ; ·~f'vrieYer dreaihed abytJafuc like thll self, 'just aet the ball o\1~1nd hope they And thla ume·he hit it well. ''I though{"
bottle or champape, ~,for tbe1fl,iL 'CQU)d U..-to me," he ,.said. (the defense) get it."" • •' It mi&ht be in there for a hit," manager ha·-~rr... "' I • Lefty Philllpt said later. vision cameras, then dropped u -.cU. ' "I threw Sood · Jicthes when l was . be-Tha,•s e:ractly what -bappeneii ~s 11.bie ,But It wasn 't. Fregosl got It, shoveled
onto a stool in front of,the ~el StacUum , btnd, I liad a· UUle 1\lck and el1ht areal crowd of 12,131 roared ·1ta app1"(Wal~ (pr the p.n to secood baseman Sandy .Alo-~hole where be hanp his duds wbih!' J\IYI behind me,'"' contbwed the 27-yeiir-!eat )1with every pitch·uiat final lnnine;.. mar for the force and then Alomar care-
pitcbing baseball for th6 An1el!. ' ,old toolhpeW' "bo'had become the Second He ·Walked Ult fitst maD up, pinch-tilt• , fully threw to first for the game-ending Ht ·wu hoarse from shoutiDC aAc1 talk-~n in Hilo tustery to tou 1 no-hitter.. ter Rrllik Fernandez, after go8>g 3-2. double play. ·
• Jn'r. His hair . dripped from the cblm· "It was just llkt 111y other pine when Then 4cam;y Campeneris rifled •at -ahot wrtght was mobbed simultaneously.
peigne that mate Ken McMullen Md•pour-J .waited out to the mound for the first -right at .abortstop Jim Fregosl for' lht first by McMullen, then by Alomar, and
ed ovtr hll head, A·toweJ wq wr~ 'irJniN." AHed When it stopped bein&: f111tvout. 'f. then by a sea of teammates and finalJy
around his neck., lik::.•:.::•::::::Yz.·!'lher::::'·~-=::.·:.W:.:ri:"rht::::.:repl::O::led::_: _"l:::•:_~B'.!y-'-:::-'~the::_~.c'.1r1MV::;d_:·ha:::d :_r:.:••:::ll:.Y.::comt:'.'.'.:::'°:_:::ra'.'.ns:'....:w'.'.ho'.'...'.ha:d:!jum~ped::'....'.tbe~l:enc::::•~.OO:::_·:::ru::•
. '
• ' ,,-........ ,,,._ U~l'f .......
BATTLING l'OR SINGL<ES TITLE -Australians Ken Rosewall (left) Newcombe ousted Andres.Gimeno of Spain. Newcombe teamed wfth
· and JollD N-. baUled for. the; Wimbledon singles crown today, Tony Roche to defeat Rosewall and Fred Stolle in the doubles final
Roo8Wall rNdled the finals by defeating England's Roger Taylor·while Friday. --''--"---~-"-~-'-~~~~=---~~~~~~~~~~~---,:-'--~~-
:Roche Retain ..
·noubles Title
· WIMBLEDON, England (AP) -John
• N'eweombt and Tony Roche retained the ·
··\'{jmbledon men's doubles title FrK11y
with a 10-a, 6-3. 6-1 vtdory over K~n
:Rosewall and Fred StoUe in an all-
··Australian final. ,
: Rosewall and Stolle·eatl~ in the· day
:had beaten Romaniails lOn Tiriae and
:}lie Nastase, 6-4., 104, o-6, 6-3, in •
seDiifinal that ended on a bitter note
:because of dtsputed line calls.
Newcombe, beaten.in the singles final
·last year by ~ Laver, met R06ewall
for the men's championship today.
Margaret Court, who defeated Billie
Jean King, 14-12. 11·9 for tbe women's
·~ngles crown, moved wiµiin one cham-
jrionsbip -the U.S. ~n at Forest
"}111sl, N.Y,. Sept. t-3 -d • grand
~lam of the Australian. F r e n e h ,
'Wimbledon and U.S. championships.
This has betn accomplished once but
never since these famed . tennis eQam-
pionships. became open meets. The late
:Maurttn Connolly of the United States
won all four in 1953.
· 'l1>e t1l1 Australian has announced her--
retirement from big-time tennis twice.
She m1y make it stick this lime if
abe wins at ForHt Hills.
The packed crowd <lf 17,000 around
the etntef court was kept enthr8lled
l1moit from the first lhot. to the last.
Tb9re \TIS an e1cbange of strviet
-kl IA die fifth and sixth ga ....
of the ftrit set, but the real drama
~ when Mrs. King hit two fine
:torehand paues to break service and
lead H .
Sports'. in llrlef -Davis' .4 Hits
Los Alamitos Season Paces Dodgers
To Open Tues<fuy Night :~ .. =~~~~illi•Dav~
. LOS ALAMITOS -Shut down by a
maoa.gement-employe wa,e d~ tinee
ib scheduled opening June 23. Los
Alamilo.! Ract Course will open its
quarter horse meeting Tilesday night.
President. Frank Vessels Jr: made the
amouncement followinl final settltment
wrth ltle Service Empklyes Union.
Preutiabiy kinks in the agreement coold
develop over the Sunday wages.
Vessels issued this etatement:
"Lot Alamitos Race Course has a1reed
to sign the same contract that was
signed. by the Other tracks, Hollywood
Park and Sapia Anita, included with
the single stipulation that the unions
take the issue .of. dooble1 time pay for
Sooday racihg to tneir membership tor
a ballot within 10 days. ·
"If the double time for Sunday issue
is rejected, Los Alami~ has the option
to cootinue the meeting or cancel the
contract. Jn addiLion, Los Alamitos has
further agreed that if the unions adopt
double time pay for Sunday lftemoon
racing, -.·e will guarantee to nm six
times Wffkly and !Jhouki we eled to
ruit less, we Would agree to pay triple
time for Sunday afternoon racing." • KIEV, U.S.S.R. -Valentin Gavrllov,
Russia's broou medaJlst in the 1961
Olympics, won the high jump wilh a
Je·ap of 7 feet, 2~1 inches Friday jn
the final day of the Broi.her111
Znamenskiye track and field meet at
Ceritral Republic Stadium.
win in fou r years today m the bli!lertl'l(
asphalt 0( Daytona ·I" tern a ti on a 1
The chunky South Carolinian ignored
96-<legree midsummer · heat to clock a
record 191.640 miles per hour in trials
to win the po~ a second straight year .
He will sit alongside· Bobby lksaac in
the two abreast' start.
Yarborough won con sec utive
Firecrackers 'n 19&7-61 and has been
the master of the 2.>mtte supert,rack
foc three years, also-winning the rich
Dat)'Onl 500 in 1968. • CHICAGO -Roberto Olemente and.
Gene AHey belted four oC six p,jttsburgh
holhe runs Friday as the Pirates blew
• six·run lead and tr.en came from
behind twice to defeat the slumping
Olicago Qlbs, 16-14.
'The game produced 30 runs oo 40
Stolpe Sets Mark
Richard Stolpe. 45, of the Corona del
h1ar Tract Club, set 1 national Masters
220 record to highlight the second day
or the third annual seniors track and
field championships invSan Diego Friday
Stolpe ran his 220 heat In 23.3, two
1enths under the mark set last year by
Don Badinelli.
collected a homer, triple and two s~gles
lirting the Los Aage)es Dodgers to an
84 victory over the Giants Friday in
the l,OOOth major league game played
at San Francisco.
The .Dodgen broke a Mi tie in tbt
eighth when Bill Grabarkewitz walked
and scored after Ken Heridersoa' errored
on Manny Moto's sinele. Davis followed
with a rua-seoring single for his third
RBI of the game.
A Helmet Day crowd of 25,530 watched
the wild eoigesl. Reliever Jim Brewer,
3-1, was the winner and Mike Davison.
0·2, took the 10s... as the Ooclgers
overcame two home ruas by Bobby
Grllkw!ll, 1$
Molt. 11
WDtvl•, cl
WPtrtu:r, lb
Ct•wlord, rl
swe11;1 .. lb
H1!!rr. <.
KOKO, pl\
9rtwef', o
lrlebYre. 111
sunon. •
Totrbort. c
1• r -M 4100llOl'lcls,rl
J 1 1 o H•lsl. "' S 2 4 J MIVl,cl
• 1 2 a McCover. lb J 1 o o ~r1n.ll
s11 00111r,<.
1 I I 1 GallQMr, lb
1 I 0 I L•nltr, u
I t I I M•rldl.i, o • e 1 2 11T1v1or. 1111
1 I I I D•vbon, 1
IOOI Hunt,1111
JJotmMn. p
)J I n 6 Tot1I
lc•rt .-, 0"'~r
.... ~ w
J 2 1 ' s 0 1 0
4 • l •
5 o I o
4 1 I 0 , 1 0 •
l C I 1
~ 0 1 0
1 o I 0
' I I I l
I 0 0 I
' 0 ••
' 0 0 • Ji''°'
Los A"'eles • ooe '» uo -I
5.,. Fr1ncls«I lll GOS 001 -'
E·LIHller 2, 8-1, Hel'ldt..-i. Of>.Lo1 Angeles I,
Sin FrenclK11 1. LOB·LOI Al'lffles I, San ~r1nd1GC1
I. 28•LeltbYte. W.P&rilff. 38·W. O.Vlt. Hll:·Bonlls 2
U, I . T1vlor 2. W. 0.Vft 2. SB·H ... ""n. s.Gll·
ti' M It SR II SO
SUllOl'I 6t ttli
llrewer w, lo! J 1 1 I l J
Merl<.Ml t t Jll t
DIVllOllL.0.2 1 4 J 1 I 1
J. John"" 1 I o o O t HllP·br Svllon ~,,_,, T·2:S1. A-15,JJO.
ooto th< playlni fl•ld.
The only other An1el lo throw 1 no-bit-
ter was Bo Belinsky who turned the trick
at ~ger Stadium '.Ma.it $1 ltlt, a1alnst
,Baltimqre. .
PtllJ:Ups:, who has partlclpat.ed ln three
Qtber ·no-bitters as. a coach for the Dodg-
.ers, said, "It eouldn't hive happened to
• nicer, more destJ\vlng guy.
"He was l.a last year, But he played
wtrln.t~ ~11 and worked hard in sprin1
awng .
By now club owner Gene Autry had
come into the festive dresainr rocrn to
!See WriPI ,.,.17)
• ' Cl. YDE "NO.HI T" WRIGHT ---~
t\dams Beads for Cal
Prep Phenom Groo.ms .
For Olympic ~ecathlon
BERKELEY ("1>) -Dave Maggard
brought the _Ufliversity of California the
NCAA track championship his first year ·
as head coach.
How do yoo follow !.Ip
maybe by prOdueing an
decathlorrchampion .
that? Well,
Ol ym pic
"It's easy to talk about now,·• says
Maggard about· IS.ye ar-Old Chris Adams,
a Cal-bound athlete from Los Altos,
"but he's ~so young . He's got so many
things to work on."
"But he's got at least one thing going
fM. him -dedication ." Maggard said
" Priest Idol
Of Soccer Fa11s
GORIZIA, Italy (AP) -The idol of
soc.-cer fans in this North Italian town
is a goal·getting priest who thinks that
soccer can be a good means of com-
muniea.Hon among young people.
Sunday, Don Sergio Am brosi, playing
as centerforward on the local Audax
amateur team, is the nightmare d op-
ponent defenders and goalies.
Last Wson he was the top acorer
with 17 goals. in the first division ol
tile league in which his team played.
But soccer is ~ not just a recreation
Cor him. ~
~·1 had the fi rst true contacts \11ith
the youth of my church parish by playing
soccer with them. Sports are only a
means to help our boys become men,"
Don Sergio explains.
The 27-year-old priest is not considering
any poss ible career in soccer.
"I play out cl pure passion, and for
my teammates. We never think ol prizes.
Money collected for our gimes ls used
for parj.sh activities. I already made
the dlllte about my ruture," Don Sergio
However, many club! in nearby town!I
hiive sought to hire him. Don Sergeo
has refused all offers. "'I could not
play soccer as a professional," be says.
During games oppontnts do not spare
their rough tackles.
"Soccer is a manly sport and contacts
are normal between opponent pllyers,"
explains Don Sergio. ·
Should hi s superiors rorbid him from
cont·inuing his activity as a player, the
prie9t would obey .
W rig ht's Nugget
CALl,Oll!NIA ···-Ill .. ,~ ... Alom.r. ?b ' I ' OC1m .... r11. II ' I 0
ll:eo>oio rf l I I OF Alolo, rf ' t I
F..-1. 11 • o o llt J-.:tMn, d l I t
A J<l'H!IOll, II l I I Ollilltlkl. lD 2 0 I
J T\IUm. II 0 0 0 oT O.wl1. H ) t 0
s-er. lb l 1 I ORudl. lb l 0 I
MCMulln. lb J I I lOunct", c 2 0 0
Azcue. c l I 1 00 G~""· RI l t I
JOfln110t11. cl J 0 I OCll:lblOll, o I 0 0 Lalturtt , llfl t 0 I
ll!ol•nd', • I I I
Fttlllnd'L pf\ 0 t I
Tt rltllull. Pr' 0 t 0
T1!1! 1t41 l l'Oltl ft IO I
0.-111111 MO OOI llOll -I
C.ilfofftll 100 lOO ~ -4 D~·Ctlllomlt 1. LOl·O.kltnd' J, Ctlw.mlt J.
211·S!>ence<. Jll·ll:e110t. Hll:·McMuu .... '·
IPMll•lt ll SO
DGIY..on L. l·•
'Wr11h1 w. U ..S
T.J;$1. A,1 ),lll,
' ' . l 1 • 0
• • • • 0
' ' . ' ' '
In an interview~Thursday. "He's thinking
about the decathlon already.••
Adams, a 6--foot. 19G-pounder, also has
some impressive track credentials.
He had a national high school record
discus toss of 201 reet. s inches last
month in helping his team win lhe state
meet. ..
During the season, he had top ~{forts
of 61 feet. 9'~ inches in the shot put,
9.8 seconds in the 100-yard dash and
19.7 in the low hl,lrdles.
Maggard. who coached Adams ·two
y'ears at Los Alt~ before moving to
Cal, e_allJ the youngster "a possibility''
for the 1972 Olympics but points out
that· most recent decathlon champions
hiive been in their mkl·20s.
"He basa't worked on the jav'elin.
bl!t I think he'll be goOO. And I ih ink
he can handle the long. jump, ·1,500
meters and the high jump. • .his big
probletTI might be learning to pole vault.''
Maggard says.
Adams leaves next week for Dartmouth
College in New Hampshire, where he
'A'ill altend one or several three-week
summer training programs for traekmen
being conducted by the U.S. Olympie
''He'll start working on the decathlon,
but in an indirect way." says Maggard,
who will be one of lhe coaches' at
Dartmouth .
The 32-year-old ·Maggard, a foi-
Olympic shot putter, makes it Clear
he'll spend as much time with Adjlm!
on the decathlon as he can. • ·.
''The decathloh w'lls som'ethin'g 1
always di'eamed of trying when I was
in high school. But I played football
and basketball and couldn't gi ve track
th at much time," he recalls.
"I think interest in the event Is growing
no\11 at the high school and college level
and this is great."
"For one th ing, there are more meets
now. In the past, it's been mainly just
an Olympic year event." ...
Chi Breaks
220 Record
of Nationalist Chi11a eclipsed her own
pending record for the women's 220-yard
dash Fri4ay in winning her qualifyi111g
race at the Amateur Athletic Union'•
national championships in 22.6.
Miss Cheng ran a 22.7 three weeks
ago in Portland, Ore., but she left no
doubt on this hot day that she could
run much faste r.
The wind measured only 1.9 n1ile!
per hour at ·the UCLA track stadium
when she won her heat by 10 yards.
Earlier, the U-yec:;r-Qld wbo attend~
Calif~mia Pol y at nearby Pomona had
beaten the AAU women's meet record
in the 100 when she W<;)n in 10.3 seconcis.
Defending 100 champion Barbara Fer-
rell won her qualifying event in J0.4
· seainds which also was better than the
meet record of 10.5 she and fellow Olym·
pian Wyomia Tyus of Tennessee State
ran in 1966.
Miss Tyus holds the American record
at I0.3 seconds bu t Miss Cheng establish·
cd a world mark of 10 .0 also at PorU and
this year.·
Miss Ferrell. running for the Lo~
Angeles Mereurette.!i, v.•hile A.Uss Cheng
represented the Los Angeles Track-Club
turned ill a 23.5 for the 220. '
From that point. Mrs. King served'
Jor the ttt thret times -al 5-4. 7-6
llJld ~7. Each timt l4rs. Court broke
hick With magnW\ctnt shots.
A finely judged k>b foiled Mrs. King
In the lCM.h 1mne, two great backhand
fttums !topped her in the 13th, and
anodW ~ aaved Mrs. Court in the
Tass, the official Soviet news agency,
reported the resutls of the two-day t'venL
Valery Bonov. a physical edueaUon atu-
dent, captured the 200-meter dash in
20.5 seconds, tying the Sovlel uruon
record. It was the best time in Eurcpe
for the 9eason.
Pro Grid Players Threaten to Strike
• -Tbe pmea 1bln went witll service
untll IU Jilli pme. But th< 25th Jllrs.' q.irl; llli)lwlnr a ciollbl< faul~ •
bod lo-.. ..... bold her ..... .,.. ,,,. A• a beld on, Ind broke
MUSKOGEE. Okla . -Defending
champion Donna Caponi and 1165 wmer
Carol Mann bltUed each other .and llin-
ing heat Fridoy but remained deadlocked
for the le9d at tbe hallway point cl
lllt U.S. Women's Open Goll Ollrn-
pi<oship. throulfl to tllle the let in a 1ame
el Jone, eldllDI ralllea. :rhe winning
point WU a -_. of "'1'Vlc<
whlcll floated paat B1H1a J-'• for<llend
ind lmled C111 the llne -a shot wtdch fht AllltreUu played ef!ectlvely at'mM>y
Vital polntt In ... ..-.•
: The oecood I<! llarted with ~ &iJ'I
l01in1 her 1trvice In tum. But from
J.J tht gameo went ""'lorly with IMl'Vice
\llllll Mn. c-t lioai!J bn>lll throuCb
11 11 ...
• I \,
~ &bot ooe-under-par 70s to 10 with
u;iening .. ror ll-lioie tou.Js of lit.
Their cloeest. ~. vetet111 Kathy
Whitworth. and amateur Cynthia llill,
were ithrtt: ttrokes behind. • DAYTONA BEACH. Fla. -Hall.O.ld,
hall-mod cal• Yari>orough and his
Mercury IPeed machine will fioort>Oard
1n C)lleo! !-• lhlrd •·lrt<recker 400
NEW YORK (AP) -Professional loot·
ball pl1yers have voted to strike 1f
they cion't get "a setisladory cootcact
package" from owners of the Natk>nal
Football League teams, a spokesman ror the NFL Playen ~ation said
Friday nishl.
"'lbere's ootbing'flt'W or no:vel In that,''
commented Tex Schramm of the Dallas
Cowboys. dtairman ol. lhe four ·man
O\','l\t.rt' negotilting oommtUee.
"We had that two years ago. 1 don't
think thert's any pertaeney or rflevancy
al this time in a strike.vote."
Tl'le NFLPA isn't ualng the word strike.
The group's spokesman, who asked to
be klenti.Ued as "i reliable 80UN:t from
within the NFLP A." Rid the pla,yer1
"\·oted overwhelmingly lo authorize
\\1thholdin& ol servieea."
Training Clll)p! U the 26 pro football
clubs open at various times over the
ntx.t three weeb. Two )'e8l"S ago o~
•kept their prelN.U:I cam-ps closed unUI
they ttadled accord with the players
over contracts and pensions. '
John Mackey, Baltimore Colts' tight
end and NFLPA president, was
unavallable for oomment. He was not
ex:pected et his hom·e until late today,
the NFLP A spokesman said,
Scbramm, In a tong dista_ncUelephont
lnlervtcw from Dallas, said hls com· _
rQlttee and NFLPA negotiators had been
.ICl'ledule:d to meet in New York over
the holiday weekend but the sessiOOJ
v.·ere called off 1t Ute la.!t minute by
Mackey "because of personal eotn·
mittments by the players." •
The NFLPA spokesman said no
"formal negotiations" had been heki with
lhe owne('S ~ the NFLPA filed an
unfair labor pradices Marge Wilh tht _
National Labor RA!latlons Bo;orcl.
Schramm 11id, however, that hi!i com-
mittee met with Mackey and lhe
NFLPA's Lwo vice presidents three days
last week. ..
I-le. said he thought "we had made
good_ progres.s," but declined to be more
spec.ifiC. Schramm descflbtd the unfair
lsbor practices charae u purely 1 le1al
At the Ume I.ht chara:cs were ntcd,
Schfamm said
the o'A·ners' negoliiiling
committee had barga ined in good faith
with the NFLPA.
~1embtts <i Sdlramm's committee are
R:llph \\~Ison of the Burralo Bills, Ranl<in
Smith of the Atlanta Falcons and Wayne
Valley of the Oakland Raiders. Maekey's
negotiating team Includes Ken Bowma•
cf the Green Bay Packers and Ernie
\Vright cf the Cl!>CinnaU Bengals. ,
.The NFLPA asked the riLRB to dcfi nt
Commissioner Pete Rozelle 11~ :in
('_ffiployer. The owners contend this would
reduce his powtrs.
R01.e.lle hll!J not been Involved Jn \he
negotiations, his office says.
---------·-------·-----------~ ~
' Sot...,, Ju~ C, I 97D DAl_LY PILOT Jf
Im ireved tt•tloek How to .Talie the · Fun Out of ·•..o .. fl\ttiµg Higl)ilgbt~. -· .fi •• 1' J • I , , (JU.":-.'. ·9· Wasn't'·~ . . .. ~
· ;t Cood Season
• ' ;o; .. ""' .. ..
L01t ~Gm.ES (~)--wllb ·J,u. llU-iiorformuce, tlioucli,
..,. 1"" o1·in foll>all llDCllr tlwo -.. -who old.be
hit bell; o. J. SI-loob didn't live up to b!J ldvance
back a! a I,. than tltlllactor)', blUJng.
lnluawal .euoa ud lbead to , Now, 11 the 1l70 .uon ap-
ma]or 1m-.emen1 by bl-ll 'prvacl>of, O.J . ~ yootll u
and the -of the ·Buflilo the key to this Y'"''' !mpro ...
Bits. , ment.
"It was not a eood yw," "Ow' team ii IO younc thal
he inlilts, '"tlUMr for me or all but about five IUYI on the
!or the tam." . oguld aruoill(_ to ret>ort to
The team did, fndeecl, "have ri»okle cl.fllp.'1
1 pioor auon, finlahlnl fOtWth , Bt1idf.t tht major drawba~
In the A-1ee Football of a Jack-ol ex~ on u;.
t.eque's E a 1 te r n Division. BlllJ In 1•, Simi-n belleYt.
with a 4-JO record. -°I' club wu 'llandicappod by_
Rookie ~mpai. however~ the feet that .''DO ~ ~
was the ·aittb 'belt rusber: in · tO take charge. '
• ·'
_. ·~ I,: ~ 'T .. ... . -~ A~ea . Baseball ... ~~-ay
• • ' ' . ' \ Hi~ 11o1e Ille opoWFt a>fleldor's-and ·-.ii -"'-/: '"'
1:., ::t'/ = 8:: .'".° !n
111 :;"°..ri, for the 1-s, ~Jt,11" . j ·1' ·11 r:.:"1~ Ser;lce· by ~~Ga~:·b~ol~e: !~~~. '. · tlipml>he<I oY.,. N • w p o r \ Deeter and.a mw piatad two '\lll:i:"'
CeOt.er Kiwanis, M, North ~ runs. . ',.,_,.,. , ...... a.. ,,1 • '
HuntJnston ~ outlluuecf . Newport Eldllot• scored '" ' ' "' •
Huntinp>n u-.., W, llnd the on1J 1wo rum il needed "'l;~·,. ' 11 Newport Eldllnce Club-.. · In Ille ._.i lo e.U!y· out• .... t: ·
• t<j Kauffmln and ~. 6-0. <ilJtMa Kauffman and Bniad. '* '. ;: • •.
W!m's ~· out 13 hits A *'lie bJ Sleva Hedrick, . •·,I'< I
In an a~lated 1ame that a walk to Steve ICnol and At.~ I
went five lnnln&I with Mike a aln&l• by Randy Hauae ~1$i,r!.,.,,tt . J
Balch and Mark s111 ,outnc """1!d ooo run. llJm then '" • -., _ ,.
tbfte hlls and Terry McKay u1uec1 an,an error,. · · ·• • •
bitting safely twice: In the ntib 1 walk to Bruce: ~ '°' "' "'-' 1 • ~ McKay Urted the tcorine Wlnsred. Jtm Swtck'a ta-· oft a.~ aUll "' ,. "~ t •
·aaaault with a leldoolf home ball• and tlnS)e la.-. Mike 'Wtrtli , ........... ......, CQ -" ~ in the,fint. Balch's triple Euterllnl. fo1~f# Alvin,• lhlfntll, • ' •. -: ~ •1 0 in tbe inJUal lnnina .11ve the White's 'double •pla&td . m ~-.-.tt , ••1 t 1 the AFL with M'7 yards and "I guell the loelcal man 1 ,
·:WU filth b\ avvaae yaim on would hive been Jack Kemp, It is possible that your opponent may pot know how many strokes he took on a
·tlck<lll Atilftll at 2u. Du-the •~an quamrback, i!"' hole, so you should be prepared lo give him a detaili!d accounting, particularly
1 • bo-w~J a llartu lor ·a lot ol / U be takes a quadruple botlY·
winners a two-run i....1;... more · ,, · ·~· c1 s 1 • 1 ....._..,, ' />,~ ]' #Mtl!wl. rM ll I 1 ll Wqtn's )lUt the game away Knu went ;@ll"tM waytqn. ...,.,., ""''°· 1 •, •
fw good with flve tallies in 1be mound .~ ~. whmers, :;;c: ~ -_,_. ~ .~ ~ ; tht. "lfJCOnd. A t~run double pltchtnc I ~. ltrW.ng HttfllW,."111 .,_ r ' I 1 a the year-and thlt'a hard for a '------'---i'. --''-"------------~...,.------,=by Mc~~lanhld""'~'l£~~ outnineendwal'1nlfive. .; ~~~.~·· : : : : Monarchs
.. Drop 3-2
man to lead When he's on the
bench," Sim peon observed.
He believes one of the club's
young quarterlllCb -Jamee
Harris, Om Darn&b or eYen
rookie Dennis Shaw-coWcl be
Ibo -lead«. ll could ailo beO.J.
"I Imo" the coach John
Rauch Is looking to people like
Harrls and myself,'' he said.
Mater Oei's butball entry ·,.1 think we're In a ve.cy good
\n the SUta Ana summer clr· position to hJve a group ol 1et
cuit is Mttlnl • ~.for lt:aders, if not just one man."
"Pl•yinC in one-run . dec:iSlOM What's the difference be.-
thft: aummd' · tween a seuon in the cardinal
. . . ..
SET TOUllSll.f Poi! A -llMAllCID I WIHG
Perhaps tho mooti..o.-ec1 11pect of the iott ....... ,__.,
ol -the moot-· io p(-r bll-
"'1<0. Loslila bl-....... 11\9
'IWiOI ntinl timin&.Ja$: of~
......... oltects"1119''i)dl .. lht dub-. . . -., ,,
Net Events
On Tube
A bit al something for
everybody is ln store this
weekend for television sports
fans .
Tennis afficlonados gel first
crack at the tube when
.. .., e li"'U6'fte\i "~ 1.l'lldlrldKll. 11 • • • • i '. • WIH'I TIW ._.. (~•rtri 1'1 Tot•lt U I It ' 1 !Cd Winn's ~.lun ·•Iii(•~~,.• l l ! I '!""'~~·"'1-·'0:: ;, "' ,·..:.~! llbolt\f fn ~ '
. 1· Vtfl A,....,.f'Wtl ... 4 f I I
VllrlU aa..... completed YJla C.11" Cl • ll I I I ~for. victors. ':. ' = f.!! : -~ : : Pitcher MUie Alva limited , ,!• • l' , , I w.,_, rl t • • •
the t--,. L-. rl 1 I t I ~ to jmt four hits. ..,....., ClltW \..j... f•I l'ul111>m. • t 1 • •
In the ~orth Huntqt.on · "' • rM ~~· ,t ; : : : ~ vtdory RVtr Hun-~.. 111 'I •-· II' J ' • ' tincton Harbour, the wt.Mera • c , 0 J, A.,.,..rd. u t • • • · • CtrlMll. 2• t I I I
-ed five runl In ·~ third I~. I ! f 1 Min.tin, r1 ..., 1 • • •
inning to run away with the ; :I I '! tm11 ._. .., ,..._,. , • '
game. ' ~Illa Jf I, llM• Huntlnflon Harbour ICOl"ed eiit. ll t 1 Norn. N~ -S t• ht It ll
• linalt run in d)e tint. when .... ~ ..... • M·a Hlilflt. ...,..,, t• -t--i I .•
Richard Gaile IOI lboerd on 1//:;:~. ·1!'.'t:j '.I I '· , l Tbund•Y night 1t Santa Ana and gold unifonn cf the Unl-
Mernorial Park, coach ~ Vfl'tily of Southern C.Ufomia
Wipnore'I Monarcbl wert 1~ and the royal blue, wblte and
vol\ftd lo anotber ooe-run 1earltt of the Bills?
W.I<. Well, security anctwelltll be-
nlll tDne tbeY came out yond the wildest dreama cf
• ~ the short end of • S-2 the kid called Orentbat James
acGn ap1n1t s.dd)ebact, thus Simpson who spent his form•·
dropping their hot weather tive years in the San' Fran-
TIM weilht -........
--al Ibo •ill*~ ibal1r1Qld NcUt.... . ·
wei&l>t -a --left loot in tlMI coune ol tlMI down-
swtnc. th• head MCI 1houkier1
should n.Wr llide in that diret·
. Australians Ken Roarewall and,
John Newcomlle l)l<et in the
mens' singles e( the All-
England lennil f$ampionshipa
·todlY It W!mblilon, England.
.Nutrilite Cage~s
~. :/>:'
Triu m:ph, 85 ~61
I Bet You
Know mark to w. cisco ghetto of Potrero HUI.
. 'lbe game was 1 aee-uw And, beyond that are .-boys'
affair all the way. summer camp be and Baltl·
lion. •
'fiae. match ttepn on Chan-
nel 4 at t :~ a,m.
Thi"' is tbe ·t&int time in
the finals fof ·u.e ·SS-year~ld
Rosewall and he feels the time
Is ripe to dump Newcombe,
~." '
Nulrl!lle .tloYed ii.;. !he side• ~.la tW'fn /!F.e• with
forefront cl~ Cotta~~ua ):lruce ~ Of~ Wibon
Open Leag11~ ·iunln#)liUkel-:beinc· llll!i'Jiiu. at .. : .
Saddleback pollted 1ingle more quarterback Johnny
run In the third and fourth. Unitas operate in nearby
tnnin&s to mornett.arily garner Clartmont, endorsement! ror
1 i-o edge. But the M~ several naUona1 products and
etcbed a pair of talliel m property investments.
the top o( the filth to even One of those investmenlJI is
thinp out. 1, a showplace he, his wife,,
With one out, M.te" De I Martueritr, and their two ~eny Li11ntrt sinsled and tben chlldttn. Amelie, I%, and
·Was driven home on Chuck Juo•. six weeks, are getUng
Adami' home run, which ftlll used -· almost new ltOO,·
wider the lelt lletd fence. 000 plus home id the fllhiob.
A simple •r/ .0 insure prop-
er bale nee is · to ima1iM that
)'Ollf body is 1 "triens~ ol pow··
.,.. (HI iUustrltion). As ~
address th• hen, ~ that JOUf
...... t is eenttatized 'Iii lht in-
ner sides of JIOW· .iilt. TIMw keep·--.,'!"' ......
With a N!!-tional . League
baseball game .Preceding. at
11 a.m., the ~mtl\s' ,doi.ibles
and womerw~ ~ fiR&les
al Wimbledlli ilnl slated for
J p.m. on aiamll ,4.
ball picture with an -..1 ~ Alai& ~ -.Vily to
quest of Southern Plastics the wift®f'S' C~·~e ·Gary .
Thurllday iii~ \n, ·~ c\l!l>llle~ . Con!<lin ;(JS)~'~ ~· .a n
played at C•iili,)i~:Jjl&h' • < J.~·~ "' • >':lli,
In anolhe<~1jllalr;' Toin !iolfB· ~ Wilson Ford ·joined u.e·:cen-for Pftcaiilllve.: .~ ··r.·'
* ua11•1...,.'..., """',_ -11kk-.it Ill tll .. ._,,.
s.tclleblck "on U. t!ODl.elt able ctimmunity of BtJ..Alr.
tn the . bodorn of: the sevenlh But this is orily one tign or
when tt pmhed acrOu a lin1le success-and a10ther preys on
1Tiger Still Tries
To · Rega in Los t $$ · coimw-. O.J:s mind. It lo only with a
Lelthander RDb Mannaud half-smile that. insteod o! say·
started and pUched thrff in-int goodbye, he siyi: "8ee NEW YORK (AP) -Dick Bob FoMu, the current the 1 before you ln the Supu Bowl.'' :r:: r::taced by~ brother Ti&tJ', nearing 41, !ltill is plod-
Steve, a rtpthander. ding along trying to recoup
Jim Nanry and Bill Clou1h WRIGHT part of the fortune he loet
also conec:ted hlls for the • • • when hiJ native Nigeria waa
Monarchs, who face Santa Ana fCoatlaed from .P11fi 11) torn by a bkiody revolution. Valley Tuesday nl&hl (1:30)
A A A offer his congratulations. Tiger was on the Blafran
)..( H H Catcher Joe Azcue lauded aide. Ht said he had no idea
MAT•• Dll cu ·Wi;i&ht'• conlid~ In Uie what happened to hi1 re I I
•• • t1 11•1-ctirve and cbanttl:lP for the estate holdln1s that included ~~:;; : ~ : : : hurler's bit. improvement. apartment hou&el, a movie
c•-"· • l • '1 ' \"He's not afraid to come in theatel' and a prlntill ahop. :'~1• ct : : : : witb one of tboee pitches now "I doo't want to think abou\
s1.mtw1, • 1, •, • : in a ~1 or ~J aituaUon," the those things,'' he said during
M•...W.td, Ill I ,__ b ba -~-aid J . N•nrY· 11• z • 1 • '"''io::ru c ........ • · a pause this week in prepara-·::Z:: :: ! : : : General mana1er Dick Walsh tions for his July 15 rematch
Llnntt1, rl 1 1 1 • said he thought Wrilht had a with Emile Griffith a t :.•:i~,:-.:, .. : ~ ! ! good shot at a ~iUer after MadiJOn Square Garden
111. M"""'iid' ~ : : : : the fifth inning. In fact, at "I am just an African who ~:.2b,., , , , 1 that Umt ht ordered the ~ase came here for boxing" he
Toti l• ,. 2 • 2 of champagne, which diaap-'d
Ml'-' ~--.., !:';: ~ , 1 peared swifUy once the An1els w ·
&tcllll9Cltdc 001 100 1-1 • 1 • lilt the dtessiiii Brea. --..I walk: like a man, proud
By the time Wri&ht cOnclud-to be a fighle:r. There is no
eel TV arid radio interviews more Biafra. Please call me
there was one bottle left. a Nigerian. They made me a
champ, in 1988.
Ti1er dilputed the narrow,
but UJ11p1mOU1, decision in
favor fl GrU!lth in their
previous meeUng, April 25,
''I thought I won," he said,
"but my title took a walk.
I decided to quJt becauae 1
did my belt and figured
maybe I bfve no chance here.
"Sir months Jater I got a
he a.vywei&ht cbamplOftlhlp
and I won iL I WIS having
trouble making the wei&ht 180
pounds anyhow.
"They say the winner af
this fight. will get a chance
at Nino Btnvenutl , the champ,
but I beat him lut year and
got no chance. If I win this
I don't think I'll 1et a chance.
I weigh 166-117 now. If the
price is rtght I can make
"J'd like Vf!ry much to get
another chance at the l!ght
betvyweigtt a1aln ...
Th• 111~ televised
but.ball ttleCDt I pits the
PiUabur1h Pintea against the
ChlcagD Cubs at the Windy ,
City's Wrigley Field. Game
time is 11 a.m.
t :JO t .m. UlCL -Tl!NNIS -Tht ,,,.,.,, ll"lltt d\.lm•klnllllH from
Wlmbl9do!I, E,,.llnd, T1,~ ,,,11., 111
~ d1y, the l!Mldl fMluru • COii•
fr011llllon bttwftll 111 Aullr1ll111 111lr
of IC.., "Clltw9tl •NI Johll Nll'WCPmbt
111 t,.. 111111!•1 lln1l1. •,
11 1.m. !OCL -MAJO" LEAGUE
aA5E8ALL-TM ,.Jttl0ur1h Plrtln II
Clllcq t Cubl 91..,. t•IKl ll 1111~
w10.. T1'1• Plrt ln 1nd Cubl ••• cur·
rtftllr ..,,,1..,, 1 bclll• for ..conct •l•ct
In tfll N1llen1I ~·1 E11t.
1211' •·"'· fll)CL -U.SEaALL -o Tl" L• ...,_tin OOllHrs c""""tt !If>
I lllfff-ft!M HI ttltnsl !he t rch-
rl¥11 Gl111U 1n $111 F rt nclKP.
' 11.m. l•lCL -Tl!NlillS -Tht
........ doubltl tlld Wllmtft'I 11"91•1 fl.
,..,, fr.,, Wlmblldon, l!""l111d. Tl~
f<rld1y, July l.
J p.m. f11CL -WIM WO"LD 01"
SP'OlllTS-The '"-rKll.,. 400 11od:
ctr r•c• ''"'" O.r folll a.tf.11. Florldl
11 '"'"'~· S:JO 11.m. fJ)CL -lllAMS HIGH·
n :JO '·"'· UJCL -M U T•ACIC Ml!l!T -W""*''t .t.11111.ur Atllltllc
Union Cll1nwo .... 11111M !rom UCLA'1
mulll.fflllfloll dolltr !tide 111d lllld 11c1u .....
U;U ··"'· fll )CL -•AsEaALL -T,,. U.. Allt'1l11 Dllcltet1 clow out
tlltlr "''-111 with Ille Gl1nt1 II Stn f<r1nclKO'I c:tfldlt1tlck •1rtt.
llrlt!f rvnclown 11 tll• Ml11nttol1 Vlk· ,,,, •• lfff _..,,,
l:JO p.m, C71Cl.-GOLF-1'111tt n1u11d
of the U.$. W-'I 0Hn lrCllOI MUI·
k-Country CJllll In ot1111orn1.
jJlry club for the oeooacl time .A. " .. Ai 1" .1;., '
this season wlU.' a 103-M · H '' 1-l" 7 "o;:r
decision o v e r Proc;rmaive w1na1uTa 1.,.-•
Prod,uat. , , lriinafn 1 1 'ft· PT 't ,~~
NutriJlte (~)bad 11 ~IYll"I HU!fNlt , · t ,ii !1" ~. 1 ', reach the ICotlng column lrod1rn111 .. t J 2 ,
while showing an airtl1ht ~= 1
: : ! 2!
defense against § o u t h e r n w 1111 ' 1 t 11
Plutics fl-3}. ::::0.. ~ : ! ;
The losers were able to can iciur.11 o 2 • 2 Gllll1 2 I I • just 21 pointi in the aecond etocwn 1 2 t t • J( T11111 21 ll lt 15 ua · Ht!1t1n,e:·o!'" NUfr1tt11 .u. &outhttn Tai-as Younj Plced tbe win-1"111t1e1 '3. •
nera with 2% points, followed SOUTNtaN PUtTICI r•n Pl PT Pfl Tfl by 1J from Ed Flinders and °'*.., s , ~ n
11 by steve Sabins. e;;,~t'.t. : ~ ~ ,:
fr~ll;ive Produce (1.J) Curfl• · 2 2 1 '
chose tO run with the •·JI H•"1-o ' 1 ' .. L,1111 'IJ4 and talented Wilson Ford (3-1) sim1 2 D 1 ,
five but it didn't pay off as '';11,1, ,; 1:· 1; ,~ ·
the latter 1roup rang up its
third consecutive victory.
Four performers on e_1ch
Harbor Angels
In ll-7 Win
Htl'W AllSlll (111 tlli'll rM
~.111. cl ' ~=·: I I I I
Morrt#, ll• 1 1 '"*"'· JI> $ 2 l • hll'IOIOl'I. Ill J • I I """"'. c s 0 SY['a'rfrrrv. •II j 1 1 l
1111 s WI 1:·' 11 1•1
A. If 11 I• vlif! 1"1rt ~ ur 1 I I
WIUOH 11011~~1~ pp ..;
C""""-11 • U 2 4 • ...,...,.lcll II 1 l :tJ
CitNilln 11 2 ) K
Wiit ,$217
T"°"',.., 1 I 1 2 .. , .. ,., ,,,,
,olftr 1 e . 1 o
Mtnctlle lllJ
TC111l1 41 IJ 11 103
fl•O.ttlllJVI 11•0011ca IHI ,.. flT ,,. T,
1119111,.. • 1 J 10
WIUJtm1 • I 1 t
lllHd 192 '5
,Cu1111lrothlrn 1 I I 1
•1lllutll • 2 • . '
N-11 1 I I 1S
ICtllr I 0 0 2
Gtmltr 2 •1l•
L"llt 331 1
Total! JI '2CI If tf
Htlttl!M! Wlltll'I n,, ''"f9tl'f'I .. '
=1,_.,_.., ... ,..
..... • ....... llkll• ........ -.;..;-... -... !~ .. ....
........ 1 ......... ...... ... ................... .
.~'::"r. l~ i~ ·= ,...,., .... ~•· lll• II I ................... .,.,.
_..,.. CM'Wlfll ... .... l'kll•lt .... Mdill9faldro ... ,.. ... _ ..........
WIM ... ~_._., .. ;:::: .................. ....
* Dt'"""...., ........ •" '*"' :.,...n.i city -.,.
... ,I ................ " fMlftt •• ...._ h Tt'9y, M.Y.
••• T .. , ..... ,.. " ......
L. .... fr9fll ten .. 1m.
Tt l'll O'NIMler, .... ...,,,..
IHWI/' 11 -~ fer
.-. tt • tn1tr _,..,.. 111Q •
... ......, SCMt• .. ,.,.,. .. "-· --
O'SHANTER ---Wlohlrt N 15 69 ,.,... .,... •.
No Change
In Area
The genial Southern whiz lieutenant and ~· in six
walked only three batters-1 montM, a captain. 1 never
two ln the fllth inniD& and one handled a IU.n. , When they
1n the ninth. He itnick out only ta.luted n:'e, I d1dn t know wliit
one in getting his 12th win of to ~· 1 JWt nodded .mY ~· the campaign. Now, I am jU1t a ftghltl'. Bast Wins Race
Major Leag ue Standings DIANLIWIS
"It was the greate1t thrill Tiger has been boxine u
of my llfe," he told the DAILY a pro slnce 1952 and has
PILOT. "I don't know what participated in some rich
could pouibly top lt." purses. He won the mld·
' . Lut weekend'• poor arta
llJIOlil1'hlnl oltuation Jiu not
been improved upon during
the wMt, with the exception
of the· weather, which has
bffn mikl u of lite.
All three major landin&a
report virtually m cllange
ftom 1 ·fttt ap, inchJding
. the 11-• problem.
Tonlsht at g they'll play dleJr!lght championship ln
game No. 2 with Oatland ud 1112, loel it lo Joey Giardello,
that will be followed by 1 won it back from Pal Joey
fireworks shoW. , , anil lost H. again to Griffith
But really, it'll take a helluva Jn 1961. Then he won the world
show to top the. one brother llcht heavyweight crown frum
Wrllht put oil Frlda7 nlPL J... Torre. and loot ~ lo
Steve Bast captured the
scratch main event Friday
nl&ht to hiJhli&ht motorcycle
racing at Orange County Fair-
Mike Bast won the handicap
main e\rent while Sonny Nut·
t.er defeated Steve -Bast ln a
apecial match race over two
Stone Hol·ds Lead
New York
Kansas City
Eut Dtvltloa W L
0 .21
43 33
40 34
38 38
IS 42
33 u
West Division
.. 25
41 31
ff 31
28 ..
27 SI
28 !12
.455 :«0
• 7
Eut DIYlll01
Pittsburgh 42 37
New York 41 38
St. Louis 38 39
Chicago 36 . 38
Philadelphia 34 43
Montreal 32 45
Wett Division
~ Atlanta
San Franclaco
San Diego
55 23
45 32
39 37
31 39
34 45
3t 50
The large, mackerei·like fish
were expect.ed to be ill the
viclnily o! the Orange CoMI
at least by tblJ lim•, but
vtey few hive been llghted is yet. Qytly a .• minimal ti '"'*.r'• ,. ... .,. ,.~, 11...,..
Amount "I' 1edtral and com-LONDON ODt. (AP) -~ ., Masten, matdieo par wllh . In the pack. "" ... ' " <l"111111 1 '*""• '· "" '°f*"'Chco '
merclal craft reporf any ·Stone, a 1i.f.er-N.Jred 40-~f 72 and 1Wa1 Jn ,third place , Sarjl SBead ,.the 51-yelr old ':!~,':'r ~·..:ri.i:0,'! 1 ~ u;'!.i '· .. ~.=i.:.•1 a
alblcoft cetcl>et. old veteran, carved out a If-at ISi. tnl!tel' tho Ued for the top :.'=! ! ~':'. 1 :;:l'lt..";,~"= \~.
Thrte-qulrtl:r dly bolts out cond comecutive 11• Friday At . 139 were Phil Rodgers, l!pC.ll only io be In a pl1ya(f 1C111111 cny s... M11w11111. w c1nt1Mtt1 ,.., "-"" •••
.41& .m
. 513
.417 .m
t i>
21 1>
of .Art's Landing have been and took the teeond-round lead 10, Mike RealOI", a ~time· to TO{Mly Aaron lllt year, TODAY'&~ T...,.. ..._.
doinl well' dn bua wilh a in ltie .. r«arved ,126,000 ·caddy ror Arnold Pllmer who fell vlcUm to the mu,gy heat tw~O:.~nd IHllflter 12.n •• "'1tltl• <Mtr u1 s1 Lw11 1c1•1tot1 M) 11 ""'"'""' '""*"
bevy oC llmltl being liken Canldiao. (4>er1 Golf Touma· 'bad ,a O, ind Cbt Chi and took in 80 for 149. He .. ft~f•IY CO'•ll" Ml 11 Mll .. kill't tKr•Ul(e :~~·: 1 ,..._. ,, • ., •• f ,~llfftti•fll• U•c_...,: "In off the Hunlinl1on Belch ,ment. Rodrl~-, who bid the city's WU tied at lbat fi,..,. with ~ IV w oiJ rip. d stone'1 31 bolt total of 1311 best.:;,:.:. I 17, AMon, do rallfl!d for a 71 -~IJtttn S.UI t i M!..-t1 (ao.'llflfll W I ~ !!f'J.~·~1.'111tc ... MI ti Clll~
n--ICUd1 art -w ... off · .... --..t-I ._..., after I.ft -'-71 1>91..it I"""*" WI •t a1ttinw.. fMcNtllY IW)o ~f.""~ -,~ J::J '1 AfMIU CJrrvl•
DM• ,..,...,.... •IS ei..,..~..,... or two Jim Jam.on, and a Plir "I-'-• · tw111Qtot pi•mh'!ahem .. ,, 11 c.111e11W11t1 1~1111 ~ boaKo are mmoM non-triP1 OV9' ta roWnc. 7.1.. of Ca1WldianB -veteran Al ~· who llvt1 t n w.,, .. ,,.,.,. IC. .. ., HIW Yertt IC..,,,..,'9fllf
· uiJteT&. yard Lcadoa Hunt and Cow>-BakU nd ---·· G lrOipendence., Mo., joined the ,........,. IDllMl!tll 1.11 11 .. fin 1M.wt wt 1 ,,...., J.7I '1 * '""'"° ll'fltfl'
. One hlll<i'Y -1 out o! try Club ........ and left him Cowo':t ah,.,.... "t.;tt;i ~ pro tour tbfte y .. n ato afltt .-------------------------"'
Dlvey'1 Locker hid pod luck one stroltt tn. /Nnt al another NaUonal 1m1t.tur c h 1 m p , lpendlng about 12 YW'I in D E A N L E w I s with bull but on· o! crystal veleran l6-year<>!d Art Wall. loliowecl at 140. Baldini and club Jobt around Mi-rl. , · ' .
Cove wtth the bluest wboJ!per Wall the ttst . M•len <'Alwan are biddlng to btoome
welghina ·fn at 114 pounds Ch1mPton but a non-winner the first Canadbrin in ti years
Salmon eat.chit .rue also ol the rqular t.oltt' since tlM, _to wtn this Nadonal Ollrn-
evfdent in tht llmt. !ocale. 1crambled in with a bard-woa piClnlhlp.
San Cltmtnl• SJiortl!sblnr 7t. Gibby Gilbert. the !Int·
Service Ind Pam for All lmp•1 IM Con
Mi4ern lody Shop i.I' All Caro
' '
reported litUe or no chanie Georp Arch«, the f.foot..f round leader with a 61, blew
in lta repory. wltb the bail former ranch hand Who KOred to a fat 77, including 'I 40
ll!D bilinl In l11r numben. bla lui lll....,.. i,i tile !NI 1olni out, and drllled back
Jlrange County's largest and•Most Modtr11 Toyota and Volvo Deller
--------~-'----------------------~·~ --~~--~-------~~--~~~-
COROl.1A 1970
.... -$1697 +Tu & Lie.
AIOtWM .... la.._.
MM n--Hllu ,....,_
L-4 Crellin Caw
1•2 2 111., r•41•, h11t.r, '4°tp..d. I S-.
11 •
I .
• '
• •
lJ sing Special , £quipinen t ,, -·
-;-~ . I -•" 1' Justin Ogata demonstcates how:' well he gses spe,cial.J equipmenl to feed 1 himself
during ' visit to Orthopaedic1 Hoi:pit.a:1 R~bilitation Department. \Vitb .Ogata is "
D.r. Thomas Gucker, Ill, director o.f rehab~litation at specialized medical cen-
ter. Injured in "-'testling acqideQt last Year, Ogat,a ·is currently .a.O outpatient at
Los Angeles facility. He is the son of Mr. and A-1rs. Hitomi 9 gata of Costa Me~a.
' • ' • ),! • ... • . ' . ~ I ' 1 - '
.,. . ' I .•,, ..
Mexico Cttff All·~"t Ballot~g f. ''
Stars Facf· , '4-nfi ric!.o ~o @s
Swiss Team . ; .~,:· \ .;,,.' ..... : .~TI{ ~~ .J
. • · -ci:J , ll'n J: .Ote .L e,uu
When C!Ub AIJlerica soccer .f\ \ . :\I
team of ~exic~ t:ikes Co~" "i l ;, ' ': i t rl
turf of the t.l e.m pr l,a I 1i,, , '~O , (AP, -~h~ . base ... honors. :Bd' Carew of
Coliseum Sundaf , Ju.I)' 12, at .f,ula,,A~ar1Ci6i~?etroc~,lli . .'Minn~ota,, sid ed by knee
s p.m. against' the visiting duel for the'torJslop job is surgery~· Is a -easy winner
Swiss cham pion zuricb~~ F.C. ttie only r~ba'.lt!e sUR• w·. ~f seeoQ!:I base~l a 'rej:llaCe. ~re v.•ill be six Me lean be decided Id: the 1seJection. rnen~will have )fbe named.
World Cup stars in the lineup. or lhc Ameriean J..e.ague All-. Bill Freehan of. Detroit tops
Leading the parade fl{ agulh ~~ ~-~JQe ~ing li~ff~ "f ~ .?,i.e~ ~~~I>) 1'~d the first
of the bor de r in\crnalional Aparicio, l~e Ch 1 ~ago three outflellfers are Frank
stars will be none othe r than veteran. leads PE?1tocellr, tit's Robinson of Baltimore, Frank
Mexico's idol Enrique Borja, 27·year1ld ~ rival by Howard of W,l!Shington and
tbe highest paid pro in Mexico 4.465 votes in~ latest tabula-Carl Yas.trzemlki of Boston.
and one of the most consistent tion anno~-1oday by Com-' Tony Oliva 'or Minnesota, the
hjgh scorers in the pro circuit. missioner Bowie Kuhn. f6urth, 'outneldef is 1'1!;964
\\'hen Borja will be \Vorkl A. total of 11489,336 ballots ' b:ehlnd th1,rd-plac,e
Cup teammates also for\vards, have been coUnted. They ih0w : Yastrzemskl. 1:
J J F h d k AParicio with ' 382,711 ~ ~ d TIM •-···-, .. " ..... ,_ •• ' • ~v er r~goso a ar wor -...,,.. ... _. _,. "" "~
ing opportunist who scored a Pel rocelli.wilh~378,246. ,J.~~e;;.''~~"·a11=:
11031 •g••'nst El S•l,·ador 1·n The N.rtlng lineups, eiCepi.' ,1U,N11 DIM llcm.:Xl1w11nd, w"' ., ., a Os.t Aiu,., Cillfornllo, 1i.711'1 Ou1nt pitctx:>n . · will be announced · Mltt-116. Mlllndo11, '5,1Jf .
. 1970 World Cup play, and 22· Tuesday for both the National Fii;.1 ••s. -'°°' Pow,11. a.111.
year old Horacio Lopez. se· League :fnd Ameri·'can Lea~·e. · mci'e. 1•7·"'' Norm e1s11. Dttrou. r;w !5i,12sr Gtor9e Scot!, Bo1ton, 111C1,m ; cond highest scorer in ~.fex-The game will bf: played Miki EPS!fln, w11hl"'ton. 11 .111121 ran., -J I 14 l Cl · ., Harlan, Clevo1,m1. SJ.I»; Ric.II R .. 111> ico's pro 1eague wi U1 21 g02ils. u Y a nc1nnah s ne\v Mln1>11011. 4t . .m.
Th" • ..: I I h Riverfront Stadium. Th e Second B•-Rod C•rew, Ml""'' is ... o o goa ungry pitchers and. the ·remainder ~1. ""11111 o1c.k -MtA111tn.. c.rro11.
lorwards have plenty of speed of the sq"ad•, selected "'· the ,· '"-'"• Tomm., IM.fN•· Mllw1UllH. u;, 1.Q,IG; Miki AndreM. ll1»lot1. 100.ns1
·' .
I ,
... :J· • •
-' \ ' .
'. ' • • '~
·4 :· -'
2 ' '
and determinalion and no managers. will be anno"pced o.v1 JOr.nllOll. a1111n1or1. t0.7471 Ok11 Grttn, O.kl1nd. ll.#J. • doubt. can be expected lo later next week. 111!rd eis.-H•·-Klll•~•w, Min-
create many e x c i t i n g The ooly other contest in n,1011• '~·~'; Brook.I Roblnton. e11. ·"-· ' . ' t1mote;1 ..,,.,,,, Sil ll•Mo, O.kl1nd, 1ruomenlS as they race the ,,.u1ch the runnerup is \rithin · n ,11'1 a1K ,.,,,,Ofl, Ch1<1to, tAl4i ic:1n 100,000 votes of the leader McMullen, c1morn11. :M.nt: A11r111o slrong Zurich defenders. is third base. H 8 rm 0 n Rodf"h1111r, w1.iiin.1on. 21.,1t.
The nd I · f M · $~!°" -Luis A1111rklo, Cll!e11111, seco r10 O ex1can Killebrew of ~finnesola ha,s m ,1111 Rko ~1troc1m. Boston, Jn,.
Intern at i on a J 8 are all an apparen tly sa"fe lead of 2.ui: Jim Fr"°"I, c1111orn11, 1n.t 1t1 Leo C1rden11, Ml,...,..tt, llS.t7'; Merli defenders. Lert fullback Mari() 61 ,553 over Brooks Robinson ae11-. a1111mor1. <11.315; 81r1 c1m-
Perez is considered as ·one of Baltihiore• K1'llcbrew has p1ner11, 01k11nc:r. 10,n1. • Ovllotld -F•~l'lt ll:oblnl>Qn, 81111· of the fine!t a l tackin g 550,SSS and Robinson 489,2M:~ , mo~. 604.0SSi Frink Heward. W~•ll· I f nd h l · ;'I'" • 1~9!llfi, .H6.N01 C:1rl Y11tnem,kl. 1101. c e e crs. w o crea cs many ~g Po\vel\ of Baltimore torr, ,,1.n 11 ronv onv1, Mlnne111r1,
cffensive moves with his speed is the leading vote.getter with "1·'"' RO'I' w~u,, 'f'iltw Yort. 1t,,11i1
nd · k · · WIU19 Horton, 0.11'611: 114.otli ll:enlt 8 qUIC re<.'QVerleS. 747,668 in his funawa y for first Smith, &Mton, 140.0U; C1rlos N.lw,
SOFT SELL SAM By Marvin Myers
Clll<IVO, 1)1,'141 Pflll ll1Jr, f111!1rnor1, ·1~-"l1 aobllr· Murcwr, Nirw Yort.:,
11',9»; Al itetlM, Detroit, !ot.001:
RIHltll JldlloOflt OHl1nd, t 7.US.
Three'"'f op
In Tij~ana
Artistic Manolo Pi1arUnez.
stylish Raul Contreras
·PIL01 "
' 1·
• · (Flnito), and A~an.,Robert 1--.JI
'Ryan, who has· DOI, l\fdllll In llltllftf,
\ Tijuana since '"ltf1 ~#;t ~ 1 ·~ ~ of te.rror1• 1Mt )'!U, COd'i'j)ri1e • 1 lhe' ptbgram for· U[e ~ '. ,,.. ! ~I ~ .,
"Sund•y 111·111e-19wj.,llal(r· ~Ma ' ala
.mg; Et '1-de Tlj~ •· 1 , , !'!I' ·
' They ,win 'r;.,. 1\1 G~iu '
• bulls ttarthas at t P·f1\!I , '!l!••""'!!i!iflll"fli!!lllll!I
Ori'; May JI.-In· ·• •
~fartlQei , WJI ~ , C Jt f. I'? t if
rel>"!ledly during hls -k,bl•
first bu.Q,.ftom -e11 Hl.1!l;'UI.
and wilb blil ~. · """ c;,n,.,'1 art)nti p~
1h~-J?itrd bun because h~ ,. •
o;ond l'" · ,,.-i>OrPiUOJ11 for Ogh1ini;1 ~ won iL ear In
fl.fadrl cl durlog ti\ae: year'&
-presil1ioll1 Feria da illlll
• ,. ••
• 'SOMJITHlllll TEl~S ME WI 'DO~'T, WATCH . '
rH' FIGHTS 'TIL t 1~1Cl!. OW TH.E GA~lll.GEI'· .. . "' --I ( • ·-
'For Top Sports ' Cove11 ge
Read the DAILY ·PILOT •
• '
.. • • "' ' "'
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~"-·• DICI 'llACY
Saturday, July 4, 1~70
. a
l ':> •
..-............. -........ -1-.i..--........ ~~, ._,. ___ __,
By Tom K. Ryan
:~ ~~----·
'll:lU'.O SAY Al/EAAGE, SIR.--rM·
.. -· --7-¥
By Al Smith
PEISON M40 ~OWllS.TII'!. l&AllTIFlt.
'1=-oA==1t-=-v-==cR~oss~w=o=Ro:--.-: .~by.-.•. -POW-. .. I , ..
• ACl!:OSS 42 Mate 'ttdy
• 43 RIYtl' to Utt
It I Tiffs Caspian Sta
I 6 Grain 44 Excla•tiOft
. ~o Egypt. 45 C1n1da's
Christian ont-ll111t ~4 John or status
I. Sebastian -47 Group of ls About half-trave lers
way thru' 51 Tak• rwe the 2nd 52 Hockey ot
century bas1ball
•1• Yearn pla~rs 117 Proof or 54 Long
Innocence Yttle111tM ~ I Part of speech
the body 58 Bubb It
9 In S• ltlih
I> COllJWISDA prtl\llllt
1 with 61 UnbrlYt 120 "Voci don't 62 MotMr or
.: 1say!'.': , Virgin ll•Y 1 2 words •l Ut ah 's.
t 22 Least state flowtt ~ exp«ltnctd &4 Of sheep
~24 Sl ush 65 Sly tatt
2' His &6 AlloW,Mtt 1r amb ition s for ••st• 1 27 Olnt11ents 67 Put on again
• J l Ed9'
I JZ Stottisb DOIN '
VIP • ~ Jl Body ' 1 Fist!
"" ol •oral •2-Alto ptlnciples ) S•all
35 -and IJUlntity;
bolrd 2 yrords ~ 31 Shade 4 "Ctl'taw,r';
, • ol gt'Hll l wcrds
' l• Trio or 5 Quietened
quarltttr 6 Alas:~ ~ Ani lety 7 "Shlkt
41 Above -: • --!":·
ChitllJ 2 wor ds-
' . Yestftdayts Punle Solvtd:
8 Cr!M'n
9 Aeronautical
lfl Pla nt of the
11lnt la11ily
11 Gold toin:
12 Sllge in 1
ol cha nge
1ll Pert1ble
21 Mr. ChantJ
23 Heroic pot• 25 l ing:
COlllb. hr 111
27 fortar11 ....
28 FaSlt'll
2' Breati,i119
30 Rosi frOC11
a chail
}4 I ll's
co111pan ion
35 Island e1st
of Java
36 Htnce
37 Oldest
3• lllosl nu1111rr1JUS
40 Devise 42 Yield
4) Guts\ « Tret'
41i N~ York lnstltullen:
47 Intrigue
48 In har1111ony: ·
2 words
49 Rivtf
of Europe
50 Absolutely
'" 53 111111 fa111td
for yr isdorn
~5 Among
:;6 Mr. Martin
57 Paradise 60 Negative wad
· GLf.E .
. COllC-E'-T
1Ell US 'MN YO\J'R:E
DCXNG 11-1151 .,R. MAY I
Hf'5 60J 1!4LES Of BMIK•
-,...._.,.., STOLE "EM
sa.!fFV.cf ! ?
-----------~ ~------
~ . •
By John Miles
* ; . [.
~ . {:t I ''(:{
{I. lJ ~ ~I :i;r
-Pt ' {{ 11
By Mell
' I ~ ct; ............ i .. -. -
By Saunders and Overgard
No ~1\11~ 5UlfS
ly Al ~P
'1'14A11 A RELi • AH
, .
· ly Gn· ·Arriola . .
' ......... l
"' -. ~,, ...
By Roger BOien
lhAA~'ktt M~ ~ ~Allf;!Clt
Al.LOWED . <
J N THE \;
lllNING ~
-·tl ' ....
" .
• ..
'Li;rs HEAr:t IT FOi<!. UNCLE ·SAM!.
---·--,..---~---~= -----•
General 1000 Gtneral 1000 Gtnaral 1000 General 1000 Gentral 1000 Gentral· 1000 General 1000 General 1000 _ Gtn.ral iOOI
. ---o ;iit i.nto Slu;;;b.;( * * * * * * * * * *!;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;J
If you ere in th• merk•t for •
NEW hom •, see +h•s• outstand-
ing cu1 tomi1•d hom es, built by
Frenk H. Ayte1 end Son, located in e prime 1re1 in Central Irvine •
The homes •r• priced from
$29,990 to $40,400, end very in
1i1e from 3 to 7 bedrooms, 2 etid
l car g1re1Jes end 2 to 4 b1th1,
with shake or mission tile roofs,
fireplaces, underground ut•lities,
concrete driveways, e ll builtins ,
end b11ic carpeting. There is VA,
FHA 4"d Conventi·onel financing
Qccupancy by August 1 .• 1970
Tht: RANCH--Ayres Homes
Since 1905
MOdels at
Jeffery .Road ,& Santa Ana Fwy.
. 714-838-5136 114-838·5120
p :oo· A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
General 1000 Gonofll
• 2715 CANARY DR. Spacioµs Republic 2 story
'vith 4 Bedrms, pool, panoramic vie\v and.
assumable 5¥4. % loan. Many features in this
outstanding floor plan. Owner moving to new
home. Listed at $54,950. . .
1926 KAUAI OR. 5 Bedrm split-level with
view of the golf course, large family rm with
fireplace & wet bar. Short skip to s\vin1 , ten-
nis & golf at M.V.C.C. Priced to sell at
1854 BOA VISTA CIR. Classic f\'lesa Verde
family home, towering trees. quiet cul-de-
sac· & delightful neigbbbYs. 4 Bedrm floor
plan with 3, balbs, formal dinin¥, _ i~land
kitchen & panelled l"V)ily rm. f~t time open, $42,900. ·• · 11 •
Pier & float for 55 ft. boat: complete prl·
vacy & security behind .electrically con-
trolled auto entry gates. A 3 Bedi·oom ho1ne;
Jarge living room, marble fireplace; spa·
cious famil y room , sunny breakfast roo1n .
A perfect setting for the most stylish furni-
ture. Call Maxine Williams at 642-8235.
Livable home \vith minimum upkeep. Suiiny
patio: 2 (ireplaces, 3 bedrooms. Perfect con-
dition. \Vitb ~he possibility of exceedingly
lo'v interest rate. $63,500. Jane Frazee
Eas,tern .. ch;lrm, $uropean craftsm~nship.
The ultimate in waterfront Vie\v location. 5
' Bedrooms, 5lh baths, den, fonnal dining.
Pier & float. Sho,vn by app't. $225,000
21h Acres \Vith prime frontage near Hoag
Hospital. $200.000. ·
5 Bedrooms, 41/~ baths, 2.."sto ry hom~on fee
land. Lovely formal dining roo1n,. large
breakfast area, enclosed wet bar in family
room . Large sto'ra_ge areas. Poolsize yard.
See this ·for value. $93,500.
Truly a vacation ho1ne for year round Jiv-
ing. Pool with safety fence for children. On a quiet, cul de sac with ocean view. Clean &
sharp 3 bedrooms & family room. Fast pos-
session . Priced at onl y $49,500.
Seeking the unusual ? 4 Bedrooms, 3 bath
poo l home with sumptious vie\v & private
beach. $69,500. Open Sun'. 1·5. 4545 Tremont,
Coropa del Mar. ~J
Come running! For this spectacular value in
Harbor \.'ie\v . 2-story. 3-bedroo1ns, 3 bal h
ho1ne. Portofino model. O\vn er extremely
anxious. $41,500.
Unusual 4 bedroom vie\v home. Surrounded
\vith volcanic rock , Polynesian u•et belt &
game rootn . Islan d kitchen. separate dining
room. Large indoor pool. $79,500. Call Amy
Gaston, 675-3210 .
SOUNS~~~~ ·THE • * · TA YLQR * "~ clinJa JtJ/e
111 eb-."Ollel •' letl~llCe Dtly, e1r
office wlll ._ cleud s.t11dey, J1lr 4tl.
__&100L • ___ OPEN SUNDAY, JULY 5th
2 Brorooms/2 bath11, firr· WE'RE CELEBRATING
placr. built·ins. Breakfast I it Sunday in Corona del l\1ar! Ne\v ~,;elusive! *
on tht" terrace ove1·lookins Near beac h! Prime area! 3 BR. con'tempOr·
the canyon and BLUE PA-it ary custom bit 2 years ago. For the young >f-
ClFIC. An attractivr no-up.. at heart. Good \'alue. $79,500 . keep yard makes 1his a dP..
light.fut home for rotircn1en1 . it 228.foldenrod Open 1-5:30 *
$3'\,5\lll. WESTCLIFF -$52,500
WESTCLIFF • 4 Bedrooms'& Cam rm contemporary w/S * CHARM bath s. One isolated bedroom & bath. Un·
ONLY $40,000! ,.. usual floor plan . f,arge yard & quie.t street. r 1112 Nottingham Open Sat.sun 1·5:30 *
Bright, Cheerful J-bt'Cl1w111•
home. large living 1'00n1 \rith it. NEWPORT HEIGHTS
high bean1 ccilinits. Jo\'e!y 3 Bdrm., 2 bath vie\V custom home. Walk *
~tone fireplaco and slate en. to school s, beac11 & shopping. Oversized
try1ve.y. Beau1iful no-can· it rear yd. Park yo1,1 r trailer & boat. $41.950. * ya rd \\'ilh l"Olnplcte privacy.
Corp. owned. 5 Br. 5 bath home facing Harbor
lsland. Jacuzzi &. sauna. Comp. i.yrn., for
immed. occup. W /dock ....... , .... $200,000
. 77 Linda Isle Drive
Ne\~; 5 Br., 5 bath home on lagoon. Marble
entry, wet bar, AM/FM Intercom, Huge mstr
Br. has beam ceil: & own frplc. Large !iv. &
fam . rms. w/frplcs. "Yl deck ...... $185,000
Occupied-Linde I tie Dr.
Cust. 6 BR., study, 5 bath home w /3 lrplcs.,
circular stair\vay, decorator selected carp.
& drapes .......................... $210,000 ,
W•terfront Lots
No. 54 : On lago<in:-Wlth plans ..... $60,000 Quiet street In top neighbor. HARBOR VIEW HILLS -$54,500
hood. Subjrt·1 to LO\V·IN~ it" Near ne\v! Ideal famil y home w/4 bdrms, lf-No. 41 : Long water view facing Harbor ts-
TERES'T' loan that can be 'i Ca m room & for mal dining. \Vell planned land w/76.2 ft. of !ro~tage. Plans available.
assumed. elec. kitchen. Lge rear yard. 3 ca r garaee. ..... N 7 W'd 1 Colesworthy : 877 SandcastleLINDA o
SpLeEn Sa t·Sun 1·5:30 ..-·o. 6: ' e ol on lagoon ........ $85.000
,.. No. 88 : Corner Point lot with 118 ft. of front·
NE\V \yaterfrt hon1e fa cing lovely \aJ?oo n. * age. Long water view . Plans available.
5 & fwla1d 's r1n, fam ro1 + lge playrm. Cptd For c~mplete informetlon on
'it" & ready for decorator's touch. $169.300. Jt-other homes & lots, call:
-.• .& Co.
Newpo1'l Beach O!fice
1028 Bayside Dri,·e.
80 Linda Isle Open Sun 1-5:3"0 . BILL GRUNDY, REAL TOR ir We have 3 other fine homes on Linda Isle . * 833 Dover Dr., Suite 3, N.B. . 642-4620
Call for appt. or __ see broker at #80. !~~~~~~~~~~!!!~~~~~~!!I
COOL & LOVEL y;. HARBOR ISLAND ROAD -$79,500 *ll'Gonuol \ooO
"I Decorator perfect! Bright & colorful 3 & 1000 Gtneral ! ! VIEW ! ! .> . den \V/pool, lge covered patio & abundant +: * ., ' ~;~~11~u:1 ·u~:n~~:11:1~J>u:11~ ~~;~:~~~eI~~;~da~g~ci Open Sun 1-5:00 I -
wrought ii-on gates of 1hii< ..........-----...........
brand n.:w Ivan Wt'll!<: ho111e ir BAYCRE.ST BEAUTY -$81 ,500 *1 C Id II Ba ke
in DoV<'1' ShOrci;. 4 Bct-l-Glamorous 3 bdr1n home \V/famil:v rm & 0 ""' , n r
roon\i;, l ba ths plus po\,·dor .tc; sep dining rm . Ideal fl oor pl an. Shake roof *i ~"ocOMl'A~
room. fo1111at dinin~ roo111 & 3 car garage. l\1any extras. -
and Urean1 kitehcn '"it h 1927 Santiago Drive Open Sun 1-5:30
brc11.kfus1 area. Ovel'-sized it lt'
panelled rain room With fire-I LIDO ISLE I
place and v.·ulk iu "ct Dar. I On Lido Nord! Over SOOO sq. ft. of elegance
Lu'xurlously carpc~tcf\ thru· 1 • in bayfront home, Beautiful & luxurious *\
out. 19 x 32 Sparkling pool 4 & ' r,m w/forrnal din. rm. By appt.
in landscaped courtyard. -tr WATE RON'r. CONDOMINIUMS Jt i
T\vo of the best vie\vs in Newport. On the
front row .. Lge. 4 BR. custom. $200,000 C\t
3 BR. w/pool ao $175,000. Both are a "must
see" type of property.
Al Fink Con1r. st'!:' loday. j ~ I
Ivan Wells &. Sons
~ Luxury beac Jivi facing garden co~rt. ~ Steps to beach · ool. 2 Br, 2 ba. $53.500. * OPEN SUN. 12·6
I Ocean vie\v in So. Laguna. 2 bdrm, 2 ba. I
Roy J. Wu d Co. M Swedis h lirepl. . l electric. $54,500. BALBOA BAYFRONT HOME
EXCLUSIVE AGt.:NTS ,.. ' 111 ' ~j 342 ~BU·ENA VISTA. Custom 4 Br. home 14.~ Gala"l:y Drive 646-l~ I -"Our ·Utfi Yui'.i...... 1 · corbpletely furnished . Sandy beach. 10•,
' CALL 546-5990 • Only 7 available. Panoramic ·bay & ocean
Vie\v, Exclusive 2 be9room cipartments. Ele-
~ator~. terraces, Jacuzzi pool. 7% Financ-
ing \v1th 10% down. Very special bu,v, $44.500
to. $58,500. Open Daily 1·5 P.M. 3121 w. Coast
Hwy. Newport Beach. 642-8984 or 642-8235.
m1~" D•ilY), ·~' ~, WE$LE, Y· ~~:Y[OR CO., >j:' < Ple,r', 40' dock. Pt:oximity Newport Har~ · R IJors · I Yaeht 'Clu!I. $16~,500. ~ ea . ... tathryn, {rennille . for easy directions and a fr iend ly map
4)llcsa\ }rbc'Jtcaltl' ..
'2151 MISA YllDE DR. e COSTA MISA e ·PHONl S46·St•O
. -General 1000 Ge111ral 1..:..:..;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. 1000
3143 Samoa Drive Just off Gilbraltar Avr!,, In
Afe~a Verde. Nttds some
\\"Ork -like carpets. and
paint, but price can be right.
Come and sec!
3160 Country Club Drive
40 foot lanai added to this 3
plus family room 'vilh 2~
baths n1akes an attractive
set up for entertai11ing. Close
to golf course. Va canl.
Open Jf~use On
Sat. & Sun. al
2611 Baysl1ore Dt'1"e
Cute ra.nch style hoine
\Vith 2 bedrooms and
Lovely private patio
Close to
Private Comn1unity beacl;
144 Sonora Road
Lo"ely l\.1esa d£>1 Mar home
'''ith 4 good sized bedrms & Realto~
family rm. This i8 a sale fo "Our 15th Year
setUe an estate. O\vner e."I:· In the Harbor Area"
tremely anxious for oiler. 673-4400
Quick possesskln.
~ • 2' 1 l S~n JoaqUin Hills Road ....-
NEWPORT CENTER 644-4910 . VIEW-IRVINE tERRACE . * * · * * * * * * * * , For full ~njoyment or living~you must see . this 2 bdrm., conv. den home. Near golf BUY TODAY
MACNAB·IRVINE 1 1~G~o~n~e~ca~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~l~OOOiii;;G~on~o~r~•~I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~IOOOiiill .course1 best schools & Fashio'b Island. own· for your future ---. ]' . t r d
INDEPENDENCE DAY . er 1vmg, ou o town an anxious to sell.
Realty Company
1080 Bayside Drive 675·3210
642·8235 901 Dover Or., Suite 120
Newport Beech
OOVI::P. SHORES UrtU8ll<ll
floor plan plus "ro1-cvc1·
vic\y" makes this spaciou~
5 Bedroon1. 3~ii Bath hoinc
outslanding .. 2 BcdrOQms &
IJath Jn separate \Ying per.
feet ror 1l>enagt'l1! or guests. General
4 BR. 2 BATH
Built On Your Land
1343 Sq. ft. living area
All lath & Plaster
Hardwood cabinets
Breakfast bar
Pullman ba ths
Spacious Wardrobes
JUST $8.41 SQ. FT.
CALL 537-0380
INDOOR POOL "°'m•l dh•i"t: room, big family rm 1vith 2nd fire-] Bedroom • place. Island kitchen '\'ilh F "I R breakfas! art!& &· oversizeU amJ Y OOm cupboard.~. Luxuriously car.
$ 196.00 Mo. pcted. draped & landsca 1'4XI.
Total at 6 °/o 1"·000·
Here ii Js, ·e.-:ecuit\·e type Roy J, Ward Co.
sho1v hon1c, heated and fil-Realtors
tei -cd indoor swin1niing pool. Dover Shores Office
professionally landscaped 113<i Galaxy Drive, N.H.
!1-011! a11d rear, In bcller than ~1550
model hon1c condition. But ::::::::::C
Make,offer! $89,750 . SUMMER fUN Kathrrn· Raulston
HARBOR VIEW HILLS "Miniature Disneyland"
Just listed , College Park Estate with pQOI &
slides. Separate 20x20 game room, big cor-
ner lot. breakfast eating area + dining
room . ·rhis was a model home. Now vacant
and ready to move into. 3 Bedrms, 2 baths,
FHA-VA terms or 10% down. $34,950.
2526 Carnegi• Av e., Costa M•sa
For the large family, this is special in sev-
eral ways such as 5 huge & cheerful bed·
room s, 3 spacious bath rooms, form al dining
roon1, bi g fa1nily room . name your terms.
Even lease option. Vacant and ready. $34.000.
JUST LISTED -Immaculate 4 Br .. large
ram. rm . & formal din. i;nl· -popular tri·
level model. Large, well landscaped yard +
many extras. A rare buy at $68,950.
Bud Austin
This is the one you have been waiting for.
4 Bdrms., 2lfi ba., fam . rm., liv. rm .. 2 fire-
places. Loads of extras. Best Joe. Communi·
ty pool 'h blk. $65,500.
M. C. Buie
Indoor-outdoor living at its best, with no
close neighbors. Corner location in Crvine
Terr. Lushly planted patio & pool - 3 Bdrm
-Can expand. Some Bay view . $61,500.
l\1ary Harvey
Op•m Evooi"'' -3 BEDROOMS
546·5380 Stanco Builders, Inc.
(nt1tcinematl'ltaht) 2 BATH "1100 homes & llpls.
subject io r:'<isting VA JQ!ln
\\'i1h intcres! at 6%. total
monthly pn1t. $196.00. O\\•ner
asking $34,900, onty 2 ~!
years old . See ii today,
low Interest
Assun1r ll'i;, GI loon, 3 Bed·
rm. 1 ·~ bath. shake roof.
hard1vood floors.
1,\if:!=~~TJ, POOL. $26,700 c~~~~,~~,i~~v l'I""""!~~~~~~"' $190.00 including taxes. Set' 10666 \Vestminster Ave.
POOL TIME this to l?elicve it. Located in Garden· Gi-ove $26,950 <2&) 1491 BAKER ST.
VIEW-POOL $59,750
OPEN Sal & Sun. 1-5. Lus~ Home -858
Sandcastle. 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath, family rm .,
2 frplcs. Brkfst. area. 3 car gara~e. Walk to
Co rona del Mar beaches. Age, 2'h years.
best Costa Mesa area on tree ------''---
OPEN lined strret, Jt'l! in beaut\. 11!:!!!!1 --?L ..
SAT & SUN 1 ·S fol move·i" '°""'tlo", h•nl· &;;::,I ...,.
\\l()()(j Doors, fo1-cOO air heat,
Assum~ 5~~ 7c GI Joan. 3 Bed. "!'!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!1!!!!!'!!!!!!
rn1, l ~' bath, t-orncr Joi, :;: shak root Gentr1I 1000 General 10001
1706 IRVINE do,ble gacoge. eo .. ,,., lot BUILDERS
I . adds privacy, boat or trail. REPO
Private entry to 8 spacious er access. Step Sav,ng biillt. Big <I Bedl'm. fanilly &: bonus
cQurtyard with heated pool, . in kitchen. \Vhat else can roo1n. Full bltins, new paint
e $26,500 ==------"'.:.: --------11
Nawport ENTRY
colorful kitchen, master bed. \Ve say, See it. &: carpets. A fantastic
room \Vilh master b11th, value for a large family at
at $16,500 lhil'I ho1nc has
t"Verything. Huge bedrooms.
sexy bath, dbl attached ga.
rage \\~lh trailer or boat ac.
ces8. All clecti•ic kilchen for
three other bedrooms 'vith only $.~.500. For details call
tv.·o more baths, family room 540.1151.
and large living room open. --------ing to an e.nclO&ed'separate
yard . $59.500. . .
nio111 'vith dish\\"asher. Nit-c (anyti;,,e)
.F\m house for the large fam·
Uy. A
Call 673-S
10 Ttll: Rf~AL I~ ESTATERS
262' HARBOR BLVD. SH 't """''''a"" "'""''· s, ... ,,.;;;;...,;;;;;;..,... __ 546-8640 e,,r,.f .,Q,,CJe mif your tlo1vn to p11y1nenls I!----~O;;,P;E~N~E~V~E~S~T~l~L~L~l:,:::30;:1 ~;;;::::=:;;~·;· ;:.;;;!
of $134.00 "" mo. '" COLLEGE PARK ------Walker & lee AssuME 5'1•010
THE BLUFFS SHARP New lisling In '"" liood Col.
Condomin~m Baycrcst 4 Bedroonl hornc Rcalto1·11 Jc~~ pa1·k. SQUEAKY clc:in.
FINEST Nc\\•port 8'.!it·h liv. \\•ith dining rooin and fani. 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adn111s Llkt nr,v I5/W. Mnr . rrce
irtg. 3 BR, 2~1 BA. Huge Jiv. ily roon1. Only $45.000. Slf1..S4!1L Open 'tll 9 Pl\! ~v~~1~·a~;I ~:~~~:c ~~~~I . ..6 BEDROOMS" ::k;~ .;~:;":,~· :;; JlRRY FREUD NEWPORT of"'""· c,11 iw,-0.10.1
Do you hove•''"" family! Call Ali<o Clarke, 642-0185 ·CHAS,, ARNOLD HEIGHTS FOREST E,. OLSON
'... • '?
\Ve have a large hon1e for 388 E 17th St CM l/4 AC. Estate ·,you. This, place is FANTAS-L."L77lS., • · 1-lt 110-_. Curving drlve\vay leads tv ...... CA ,,,
JT?C. Slng'le "story huge 1ep. !!ARBOR N Of' \VILSON -"' n.•alnt manor hOu"", n....n · · 1.arate family l'l)Om, also w•lh TW-0-FD-R-ONE·-~· " v•~ • beam cellin"ll, f4n1il" mom CHARMl•'G beamed ce iling, No mo"' B ti · J bd 2 •· ·-e " " ; crowded bedrooms . one for 1860 Ne"110rt Blvd .. C.M. ny iis llC\Y rm. vath, brcakffllll nook, lilc balm;, J 8'~droom hon1c. 1\11 Be.th!!.
Fabu10U8 v'8.luc neur Buck
< Bay Custom ho1ne. Bcauti.
full y panelled family roon1.
Cil'Cl.llar bar. Two cheery
lircpla~s. Deep Olympic
pool, Hi boa.rd. Rcnl. nO\\'
buy Ja1er.
CALL 645-0303
Jue. ReaJtor~
llARBO!l N. OF W!L.C:oN
2 Homos, 4 BR + 2 BR
on 011t" lot with garage~. A
real buy wltl\ good llnaoc.
Ing, Call Paul Sc.lf~rt, '
eves: 548-6769
R:e .1 ltor · : ff.Ch. Submlt No Oo·wn Gl's oWce 646-3928 or ~5-3483 din ing rm. !Ind fam. room \\'OOd noor. View of Ncv.:porl Huge fbn1ily room. Pool.-;ized of Low Down FHA. $filer home with new carl'J(!1$ Urru. Bay, ~ 11.cre ~f brautltul yard ~·ilh child'!! playhouse
•ls rtady to tnlk,., Prlred 4 -BR. I FAMILY-RM. out, andO we wUJ lhl'O\v in• p rden. C11ll now 645-0.10.1. & AAt'ltlh(lx, $2n,OOO,
" ~liil. CALL 8'at Jhis '°' cxln•! Large lovely ,,. bd,m, BIN hitch. FOREST [. 'OLSON THE FOX CO. 1-:======= ""'"" hall, 3 luxU<lous '"· a»d di"'"' apartmeut. . REA L TORS 673-9495 1 • Walker & lee botbll, y,·alk-in c103ett&: ........ _ Scpa1"llte garages & yard~. -UPPER BAY-. ..-r Excellent Astlnnui.ble fin. Inc, Rc.al!oni Dover Shores---NEWPOR T"
fr)', priv. mstr. 1ulte, dark-anc!nit Hurry!l! 1 llARBOrt N. Of' \\Ill.SON By owner room 1n1nll oUlce ,vrought M. L B d -------Custom 4 BR 2 bll, ft1n1 nn, Iron icflCl'd hid & fill pool M. . a or e, Rltr. ONLY $21,500. ~3 HR. nc3r Xlnt. tci11ns. 5 br, 4 ba, love. Jorin din, 11: CO\' patio, 2"100 R.ealtora
2790 Harbor Blvd, at1 Adfl1ns
DESCEND tilt wroug~t iron
staircase to the 8paclou!
sunken living room with fire.
~Ei:.~~~n~~e ~i:~~j i
use of !iOfl colors in the t
:ithag carpet. Drupes & wan.II
papc.r, ri1ARVEL at the out.
standing rloor plan . \1•ith 3I
bcclrooms 21h ba1hs end pr!.
vate sun balcony • It you l
11re cons.idering the Bluffs.I
you l\l UST see !his love!)/
Only $<13.000.
. SUN. 1·5
CALL 673-1550
r.:c; THE REAL \"x ESTATERS '. · ... ~ r
IRVINE tERRACE I ~ Jk'(!room11 l\nd family roomJ
• new appll'l.nccs • move·ln
co,1ditlon • lnrge heated
pool • $l8.875. It."' lnnd leaff
CURT DUSH, Realtor ~65 Open 'IU 9 P ~f
IT'S Beach house time. Big•
cest eeiectlon ~er! See lhe
iHction now!
w/wide dtckiiia. pi~rcu. 646-0555 Eve11, 646-4579 rr{\RBOR~, lllGH. AJ1;son1e ~Y bay vlc\v, pool.lilt.ed )'ittti, 11q !1. + rxta·tt.t! Nr li\:hlll,
lndscpg. ' DON'T 1t1ve ii a1v3.l'. get preic.nt li. FHA LOAN. 1mn1cd. oct't11~. (Jp!ln dally pk-i g. boy's club. By O\VIM!I'.
Fot11n Co. Rc&Jton &t:Z.5000 quick cW!h for ii with " ~<tNCAAR.0 R..E, rin 2.2221 ll-6. 1712 Anti~• Woy,;__ 6'16-1816, 6-l:J..6'li2 1'..\'Cll. 613-3468
Dial &«2-M78 fOr Ri:SULTS ~!L~!~If: c'f:rr:: lt~D. ~t~~~l~~: ~r:o~~ ~~~g~~n ~gUc~~l •p"'~,•wr"""-"'w•A•NT•~!OAD ... l!!! " .. ":j;"56"J8"'" e!'!t!'!1'0 ... !'!W ... !'!Coas!!!!!!'!t!!ll.!ig;,;!'!w.;•Y!!!!!~
r ' ' l (
l\1ary Lou Marion •
Beautiful ocean & bay view - 3 Bedrooms,
~21h: baths, family, dining, breakfast & laun-
dry rooms -2lh fireplaces, walled court,
3 car gar. Only 21'. Yrs. old. $55 ,000.
Carol Tatum
Ocean view home on huge lot \Vith.key acc.
to 3 private £dM beaches! Big LR., extra.
1arge Cam. rm .. htd. pool, lush lndscpd. pat·
ios, no grass! $52,950.
Bill Comstock
Invites you to 3907 Topside Lane in Corona
del Mar. 4 Bdrms., 2\12 baths & loads of
eharm. Open Sun. I 'Ill 5.
Harry Frederick
22:26 ALTA VISTA. 4 BD., 21'. ba. Lusk
home -large wood paneled fam . rm . Con·
venienl to schools-recreation & shopping.
Ideal family home!
Harriett Davies
0.-al t•Oonorol t• G;;,.1 1• ~al . 1#1 9-ral 1• Coate-., 1111 Mon Vorde 1110 ;;;,;;;;_~•do 1200_ ~·-~· 1250 ,I
' · Peb! /JarNff Rea/t'I
2 CUTE BEACH HOUSES, side by si de, on
R·2 lols. Bit; o~ or both for fun and in·
4701 Seashore Drive ....•.••••.. $54,000
4703 Seashore.Drive ...•.... , ... $56,000
CHARMING •mall home,
just remodeled .............. $54,500
CHALET STYLE 4 BR .. 3 BA home $63.500
2 story ........ __ .. .. . .. .. . $69,500
BIG 5 Bedroom Colonial,
on oversized lot .............. $97 ,500
BEAUTIFUL NORD Bay!ront home, ·
pier & slip . , ............... $220,000
-EXQUISITE New Soud Bayfront. '
pier & slip ........... : .... $235,000
VIEW HOM!i_ -3 Bedrm.
family, IOVel)r yard ......... ,
VIEW HOME with pool -
reduced by ..............•.••.
GREAT New Listing, 4 Bedrm.,
lam .. 3 BA .. etc .............. $37,500
IVAN WELLS 4 /5 BR., family,
dining rm .. pool ............. $74,950
REAL PRIDE of Ownership -
4 Bedroom, custom .......... $7 7,000
family, dining .............. $89,500
TOP QUALITY 4 Bedrm .. 3400 sq. ft.
• c.p.M.
Double Header
J"IXER UJ.>PER 4 BR. Well bU. 2 atory by BY OWNER .. S Bdrm. 1~ It * *' 5 BR &: FAMILY I BR. l!( baths, Eulllde <lwn<r $29,900. Heu. dn. Baths, !rs tamlI> om, lrs , CHARM
Pr• RMuctd CM. Ownu wHJ ~ tloah. -'-tmt GI 5"-ln. Ni' ICl'Ml'Jed patio, new ~ta:. New BluU. Townboule. S ,
* ..
Estate Sale fer Sulek sale f'ortia Co. 6G-.5000. ~ • S.D. Fwy. 3142 xlnt cond. 1 blk ta l el•m pool, lo ma.Int-. Immed po;JI.
O.llat>tfUJ 3 8odrm home, "J' §QO -Cork La"" • Jr. HI. A>Jdna $31,>00. v.. July l , A. BUrton
covtttd patio, new carpet.. • to J. ' J Cotta·Mua 1100 OWNER lt:avlnc state, 3 5%" Gr W. 3252.Coknda ~vMH0« Real Estate.
1. Cott ... by Tllo IN
White water vtew of littlr:
Corona be&ch. A bachelon
hideawfl.)' in a secluded can.
}'Oll setting _ look into thil
2 bed.room 2 11ory charmer
il}I and trult trees plan:. Larp famllY home in No. --.... Bednn, large .tam Hy rm. Lane, CM. $41J...29t5. ~. 6f2.8223.
Court •PP'ala! $22.000 . ot. Coota -Wltll all bit.I"" FOi SALE uaume ~% Gt loon. Alk· S.aut loc, <!Or lot, < BR, la OCEAN FRONT
fers 1ubject to COl.ll't a p-including V.'&ttt conditioner. BY OWNER inc $l2,SM. 226 Cottaee fam nn, 2400 sq ft, tmmed Duple.'<, corner of 25th SI.
proval. Call S45-8Ct. Qulck Pou • .-Ume exiatin&: Place, C.M. poss, Owner. 546-0313 tVH It Con1lder trade. Agent inf)
tt * * * * !''HA ~-Onl)' $3,000 down, l bedrooms and larae fenced I B 3 8 wk/end1/or 839-2249 ~ 381•
We have 3 openings tor ex-PER ROH 642~1n1 )'&td. Perfect for children Y o ... ner, R, 2 ba. ..!r-.;..;..--,..,•~· =~~~-2. BEACH Tl'!'I
'Easy \\'alk to blil ciirona ' and pe•·. ~shly .... int-.. _ comer lot, lo 1Aterest GI Elepnt 4 br, 3 ba, din &: MUST SELL ' pt>rie'hccd, profes.slonal men "" "''" ... -~ 1--~ 6"'-•'10! 750 54e ""'~" t •1•·· 2 •-•
orwomen,ExcepUona.lbene-v--A--N-O_D_O_W_N living room just pane:led. ~ 7
"·-· • ~1 -Ws..rm 't "CM s4s..1~ • WILL TRADE
beach. • · * 5 BEDROOMS . \ '* 3 BATHS "' "'" !! Cali :;<~8124, $21,stlt), 3 BR. 2 BA. Patio, Dbl, .an " · · Beauti!ui • Jloomy Saj<or .. 1 , FHA LOW YA·NO DOWN gar 126,000, !>!( FHA loan. ouslom-built < !><'rm homo
-* OPEN SUN. *
Cameo Shore1, CdM
109 Via Ravenna
Lido Isle ....... I • • l OPEN SAT., SUN.
T 1223 Goldonrod
: Broadmoor Homes
1 Corona Del ?.1ar I 167.""'
'* \YALLED PATIO · 642-0398: 833-5423. Coll.,• Park 1115 on lg, lovely Jot on secluded
DOWN FHA·LOW DOWN --· ........ Xlnl loan promion
Ew.ninp 613-656& Weekend• Mesa Del Mar 1105 PR~CED $12.00 below apprsl 2001 Leeward, 548-0773,
* ONLY $"3,500
l bedroom house with hurt
fenced yard.
PRICEO AT $21,500
Freshly painted and paneled.
Call evenlnp 673"6568 week·
, -·-for o:Wck sale by owner. BA,RG~ll . ByO~rAuurne~~%Ioan. FHA or VA fin11.n avail. 4 Br, pool, Ba.ycrest-like
~w. Fee title. Fam, rm,
gd loan, nr. schls, ahop
\"\,. ESTA'l'ERS
Owner wJll aell hla lovely 3 $31.000 3 BR. .tam rm, prof. Newly decor 4 BR, 2 ba,
Br. &: conv. den .an G.l. ldscpd, 2 patiOI, new ~ tam rm, bltns; w/w cpl,
tnns. Remodeled kit bltns. crptl/drpt, slate entry cu.st, drps S26 450 548-1'153
L&:e. mart br. w/pr\v. bl. fpl. nr schls I< pk 5'9-1323 ' ' · BAYFRONT apt db: 2 Br. ----=~"'==="'-=
Room for boat"' trlr. Take '4 er:n famU)' rm ~/W ctpl BY OWNER, 3 BR. 2 BA. 2 Ba Condo, fine fum. FA.i'iTASTJC,
8 /8 a look )'Oll'll llke It• • • larJ:e living nn + man)' $49,500/$10M .dn. A & t. U~CLU'ITERED
CUSTOM BUILT MORGAN REAL TY thruout. Owntr must Ieavt extru. l50 Hano\·er Dr., &16-0732 OCEAN & HARBOR VIE'\V:
673-6642 &Th.64S9 area. As.king $ 3 1 • 9 0 D · Costa loleia. S 2 9, 5 0 0 . PRE.STIGIOUS HARBOR Cameo Highlands. Ocean 543i-0938 or 54~9755.. 54.G-S'199 • ,/ BAL, Penin. 3 Br. Lg. VJE\V HIU.S:
View. 4 Br. &: din. nn. patio. $45.950. Ft an k l , • B , l , • Ba' home.2Frplcs.Spectacular ALLPOR$2S,500 ._.__ V d ·-·----1'1anhall Realty. Call: _r. r 5, ...,.e 1• en•-. $59,500. 3 BR , 11ni BA, dble au., 1hake ,....s1 er e 1110 1.._ 6'F.>-4!iOO Lovely, pvt. Court)'ard I
., , ---------' Ne~R.qrt Beach ''"' p · Ll DI • F
~Ir\\ ,\ IU 11'11
Ill II.I\ I \4'.
f\' ,•; ~I~
root. hup yard ~fenced , atlo. v., n . .: am.
front & rear), Quiet 1treel TALL TREES -=---·-2 B~ townhouse· low clown, areas are all -deluxe size n1ust sell. Make oUer. with curbe A: aidewaJ.b. S~de the entr)' on this spark-HARBOR VIEW HOME Owner 614-'488 4 idea! for entc1·1.ainlng.
808 OLSON REAL TOR ling .r-fesa Verde home. 3 •""u•h '°""hi attor "Cumel" Beaut. stollC! firepl, beam ,., ,,_ S •-•-2 b 1n•'" ..., BEST-Buy. 2 BR 2}t ba con-·1 & 0--r plus-~~ pa.eious. ~.nus, alhs & model. 3 BR. 2 Ba., formal do. po o I , steam/uuna, cei · many u1<: "~
large family rm. Covered dining rm. p1·ua !am. rm. in thil charming & cheerful ,_ lo 1••• Westcliff .. Myers 673-6756. ho 167 000 o Sat & ONLY $-.. DOWN . * TRIPLEX * pat , P-.r Yard, shag cu-LUXURIOUS inlP1'ion by me: • · pen
Pl · · FHA I ••• ~·-· W pell A. :fre·"1" decorated ...,.'°' sun: IU. 2907 Harbor Vie"V us min. . . . c osu,. vw .. •::r w help finance "'IV . . · leading decorator! .rrofesa. Newport Helnhts 1210 Dr .... -~·•ner OCEANFRONT 0081. NO DOWN VETER-M st.Sell NOW• See this new Uatmg! Priced Inds pd Chol I clo • V't "'"" v•
3 Bodroom Homo ANS. Large 3 bodrm. a.au-,!;..., · '35,950· •• only S30.500. cau Ray to s~ Club':_ P::::k. Qu::_ OPEN .SUN. 1·5 t Perfec:tion PtUI
R-i Lot llluJ kitchen cabinets with Call Patrick WOOd StS-2300 Gault, 5W-1151, Heritage it~· features, TOO NUMER-2936 CLIFF OR.
Add incl Un it $54,t50 tiled counter topa, New cer. e BUI Haven, Rltr. Real Estate. . ous. TO LIST. Call us far ENCHANTING VIEW In
G.orge Wiiiiamson amdc!ra~~ ~N!!"::·.,,Re<O"· ~ 2lll E. r.oa..t, .cdM &7J.3211 BY OWNER deta.i!s. !mmed. OCC.Upancy. or Bay & Ocean, spruiding Harbor View Hiiis Realtor ~ ***CUTE 1 BR*** Custom built, 4 bedrm. ram. This 1s a ?l.fUST SEE. $43,500 lights at nit•. Presti&ious
er moving. Pri~ at only on bus'----lot. "".~ lor ily room, 2 big fireplaces. •. Red Hiii Realty Clill Dr. 3 BR .. 2 Ba., plus Imagine the view of twink· 673-4350 645-1564 Eves. $21,500. u~ ...... """ ..... ,_ .... tifu1 ho u p k r. l I I un ... harbor lights and the quick sal•. M•y~ ~ dn. • ..... ucau me over. n1v. ar .....,n er, rv ne I.,....., guest rm. Built around BELOW Cost: New -deluxe M. M. laBorde, Rltr.' .. "".,........, 1-•-t•· 17th ,_;_,_.. t Call '""" """........, -•"" pleasure olypur OY•TI private "AG-0555 EYH. sn.6ll6 Terrific tine avail. Vacant. UUAa ''"" ............ ...,. 0 ,.._,'¥ me ~ lovely patio. $59,900, flfali;e \\'ailed patki' and shlnunet·
3 BR, comer lot. Shag rugs, U'I Dri\•e by. '192Centtt St., Ci\f Meaa Ve~ Golf Ccune. OUer.
I---+~.-lovely patio , .. , ......... --~ .. $95,000 brk tiled-mlll1Y spec. COUNTRY ESTATE .. *Lockhart Re•lty** 6'( asswnable loan, 3036 OPEN UN . 1.5 ... ~e~·!!~~~;.main. ~~ .. SJ2.500. Lo dn pmt. 3 BR 2 bath, IA aett, pool. 646-2301. 548-2951, fWZ-0267 Java Rd. S<llM095. $62,900. 4206 Spindrift Way Plus
Extra Sharp, Newport Shores•Beacb Home
$35,950 Furnished
= o~St~~n C:O., Perfect Qmd....MJicmnl OPEN HOUSE DIRECTORY POOL A spacious 2 Bedrooln con-
6 UNITS 4 Unit!. $49,000. Inc $660 _ 3 BEDROOi\l SPLIT LEVEL vertlble den borne tlllt b
EASTSIDE CM NO matter what it ts, you JJer mo. 11500 dn. A. Burton 24335 La Hermo&a, Laguna 3 BR., 2 Ba. New cpta., drps. spqtleu. Call us about this •
Ownei-will he.Ip finance. can sell It with a DAILY C!evidenc:e ' RaaJ Eatate. Niguel Bit-in kit. Gla.sa doors to pa. NEWPORT outstanding propert.,y. Onl)' • f;F:o:'""==""=·====6'2..IOOO===PILOT= WANT AD! 642-561B m.6044, &4J..1223, 493-.ll.U (Fri It Sun 1-5) Uo1 3 GARAGES. Large HEIGHTS $67,000. Ii heated pool I park·like yard Call 67l&50
with no oar. involm. S<e $) 6,000
Offloo Opon Solurdaya & Sundoy1 J PETE BARREJT REALTY
1605 Wootclllf Dr., N.I .
l.. 642-5200
General 1000 General j;B;;EA;;;;;;C;;O;;;N;;:;;IA;:;;Y~ -Ne:port Beach
bdnn. den, remodeled kit·
cben, attractively decorated
Ir: landAcaped, dbl. car ga·
rqe with complete outdoor
kitchen, communib' beach.
tennia courts i boat slips.
OwJ\l!l' will nn&nct tor qua.I.
tfted. buyrr. PRICED al
ONLY $72,500 . R-2 zoning •
Shown b)' appointment only.
OPEN SAT. & SUN. ~-5
No Dn. Payment
lmmac, Home wl tomw din.,
& beautifully Ughted land·
acaping, What better ll'IWlt.
ment can their be in buying
property w/rwi' 'down ipay;
ment '! World War U Vets,
your. eyc;b~ qpi~ thil
July. call ~. NOW! '
Nichols Real Estate
Situated on approx. t .8 acres
thil rambling ranch lltyle
home-offers 3 bdrms. 21"'36
liv. room. !gr, formal din.1 '""""""''"'!''!'!!~""'""'""11
room. den w/Urepla('(', peg. WOW,!
aed hdwd. Dool'$, dinette, $l48 00 TOTAL Jae. pantry, blt·in kite"'•· •
,.rv. p. ALL thb built PER MONTH
around '""· ho•ted • (jj. 3 B-.. room • t•red POOL + nice guest WU
house wt nrep1ace 1t outdoor Famlly Room
Hil &. Hers showers &. dress. You can'! miss with PAY· I.. -·. \\'Orkshop, 3 oar '""' menU; like this. Buy aub-
pr&ge. SEE TO-DAY. ject to existing 6%% VA HARBOR loan, or go no money down
HIGHLANDS VA or rnA. Beautiful add-
'"' family room, doubl• de. EXCEPTIONAL HO~tE in tacl~ garage with boat or
new condition · 3 lge · bdrms. trailer access. This home is
fam. room, 2~~ ha1hs. blt·in in exception condition •
electric kitchen, 2 lireplaces, ready to bt IMd in. Asking
2 furnaces', intercom, sPrtn. $24.500, make oiler,
ltlen. walerfall in l.ront pa.
tio, $59.500. CALL TO SEE!
tifully decorated 4 bdrm.
home, din. room, 3 ba!M, 2
firl!!placea, hi.fl, stereo,
wuheJ'.dryer. 2 relrig. w/w
I. rirpes, heated & filtered
POOL • ONLY $76,500.
224 \V, Cout Hwy. 548-5527
Newport Beach, EYe. at5-5643
Jul)' 4th Spec.isl
Set' tltis «>'-now
Opt>:n Houw '
On Sat. & Sun'. al
1721 Galatea Terracc>
Exclusive Irvfne Tr.rrat'f'
E11tate closed on th!~
4 ~l'oom vlcw hon1r
Ownl'r says sncr\ri('~
Now only $79,:.00
........ o ..
''Our 25th Year
In the Harbor Area"
546 BMO
Fantastic custom home on %
acre overlooking beautiful
Santa Ana Canyon, J Bed.
nns, priv study off i\lstr
bed.rm, separate fam rm.
Living rm with conversation
p il 70' Veranda &. muc:h,
much. more! Horses OK.
May exc~ tor btach
Main Realty -Rltrs.
Cail 545-8971 or f'Ves: can
Tom Qberdorfer. 633-3926
$160,000-Xlnt T•rms
6 Be:iullful units. 6 Car i::i·
l'flgcs &: utility room. y,•\th
80 It. lrondng on excellent
1win1minj beach. Units att
newlr furnished.
Bil Grundy, Rfaltor
83.3 Dover Dr •• N.B. &t24610
Open Houses
1130 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB
647r8235 (Sat & Sun) '
4545 Tremont Lane {Cameo Shoi'es) CdM M2-11235: 67$.3210 (Sunday)
this~ land condo. for only Charn1ing 2 Bedroom cotlage.
$33, · \Valking distance to all shop.
~6H 111l " .
EAL "l\/f f.1<,,oDt
R Avt
NEA R N i'rPORT PO~! Of tl(f
ping • Excellent condition.
390~ide Lane, Corona del Mar
; 644-2430 (Sun 1·5 ) BY OWNER ,
tt342 Buena Vista, Balboa \Vestcl ilf Villa's Finest
'( ', jl, TI 4 ! M
833-0700; 644-2430 (Sun 12-6} for adult gracious liv'g-REDUCED To s2s]ii;~y
109 Via Ravenna (Lido Isle} NB separate l·story condo unit. Owner. auume 6% VA,
675-1662 • (Sunday) L.ge . master sui t e Spanish charmer, 2 BR. cor
10171 Merrimac, Huntington Beach \v/elegant bath, 2nd brm lot. toed yard. 645-1446 if
646·0555; 545·8308 (Sun 1·5) w/bath. din'1 rm, lge. llv'1 00 ans 642-0010 a.sk for Paul
rm w/frplc, all bltns, office , "'H;:"c;'';:.'':::·--oc-;---;--~~
0 SES FOR SALE (4 a.droom & Family or Den ) area, 3 pv( patlOI, en-I By Chvner: End ol cul de H U . 1606 Antigua Way (Dover Shores) NB tertalumenl ....a w/O.B.Q, .. ~ • BR 2 ba. spr!dng
\"\.. ESTATERS . '
2616 Way Lane
Overlooking harbor, jetty &
Blue Pacific. A pleuant &:
exclusive comniunity. J BR.,
large liv. rm. Lots ot glass.
view baJcony, 3 Garages.
(2 a.droom) 675-8210 (Sat &: Sun) pool, beautifully lndsc.r:<I, pool. Nr schools, shpng,
324 Poppy, Corona def Mar *'627 Camden (Cameo Shores) •CdM . completely maintained, crpt beach. 548-4156 HARBOR-vi.EW-~
673-6510 (Sunday 1-5) 642-8235 {Sat·& Sun) :oa~I.~ ~!!:!;r 7. $21,900 3 BR l~i ba. 1300 A BEAUTY!
1437 ao
onie DOOne (I?y. Terra'ce(S) unCdM
1 5
) 17~! 7S1an15· Diego Circle, Fou.n(Otpealn
VDaila;tey) 6 .64&-989S sq. tt . F'rpl. v.·/w, open 1100 Sand Piper Drive
675-• l"n· Y bea1n cl gs. xlnt concl. Call Ne w c r p ts , drapes .
*211 Grand Canal, Balboa Island 1430 Galaxy Drive, (Dover Shores) NB BAYCREST owner 548-8448 Complete!)' redecorated. 3
675-3331 (Sat & Sun 1-5) ~IMO (Open•Daily ) Priced 10 sell! Assumable ls! BR, 2\.i Bath. Pool. Xlnl
f591 Vista Dr, (Bayshore) NB 1941 Windward, (Baycrest) NB TD. Spaciou.~ " Bedrni, Dover Shores 1227 tem1s.
6'i'5-4930 · (Sat & Sun 1-5) 846-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-5) large panc.lll'd family rm :__.;.:;:; $65,000 Owner. 6Th-2787
2226 Alta Vista, (Eastb!Uff) NB ,vith huge itonc flreplace *MEDITERRANEAN Call all 5 pn1 for Appt .
(2 Bedroom & F•mily or Den ) 833-0'7(tf); 644-2430 4 (Sun 1-5) adjoining cheerful living rm. Exceptional Bay & mountain ~v=1E"'W~Hcio.ID~E"A-=wiiA"'Y.-I
264 Fairvie"' St., Laguna Beach *858 Sandcastle. (Corona de! Mar) breek.la11t area. Large back viciv. Private & spacious, Unu11ual 2 Bdrm. tri-level.
714 : 494-7551 (Sat & Sun ) 833-0700; 644-2430 (Sat, Su n 1-5) Yard, covered patio. E."'tra nearly new. 4 Bdrms, ex-?l.1od. kitchen. Hi&'h beams.
2936 Clifi Dr. Nev.1port Beach *1749 Skylark Lane, Newport Beach storage. For appt: pandable, 41·~ ba + maid's. Steps to beach.
. 57• '366 (Sat •-S 12 5) «• •••1 (S J S ith R It fligh clg's. 5000 sq ft built ()pen Sunday 1.5 646-3928, eves ~ ~ un · ~ I at & Sun 1·3) ean m , ea 01 •round =rt • atrium. ' OPPY
511 Santa Ana, Newport Beach 1112 No ttingham (Westcliff) NB car gar. Consider sm houS<> 324 P
675-4930 (Sun 1-S) 644-4910 (Sun 1-5:30) 400 E. 17th St.. Cotita A1csa or lot trade in this area. University Realty m.6SlO
*1115 Goldenrod Corona del Mar 877 Sandcastle (Harbor View Hills) CdM 646-'255 Sl.69,000. Owner 548-72'19 3001 E. Coast Hwy., Cdi\f
673-8550 (Sun 1·5) 644-4910 (Sun 1-5:30) NEW OWNER. , BR. view 01 buy. * SHORECLIFFS *
(3 Bedroom) 833-0700 ; ~2430 <Sat. Sun 1-5) PORT Imm. occ. Will rent. Open 3tiBR..,.~ BA, ~~k .ing r':'ll·
2144 Tustin Ave., Ne\vport Beach BEACH!! 11-6, 1112 Antigua \\'ay. c. """''Y y;.., via priv.
319 Driftwood Road, Corona del 1'Iar &f&..1846 (Sun 1·5 ) __ gates to 2 beaches. fee lot
673--0171) (Sat & Sun noon til dark) 4600 Roxbury (Cameo Shores) Cdl\•I VBaery close to picturesque University Park 1237 room to add. Trans.frd. 4632 Sierra Tree Ln (Univ Park) Irvine ck &.y. 31•Tie bedroonis S&J.000 for quick sale! 642·8235·, 67~3210 (Sunday) 67~1662 (Sunday) . 'home eJeganUy carpeted • ;;;·;:;;:.;·;.,;;;;:,;;· ;;:;;:;;: . 673.(1176,
1800 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach Pool, beautiful glU'dens-. Jm. MUCH SOUGHT FOR 1 ==-=~~---228 Goldenrod, Corona deI Mar 675-3000 (Sunday 1·5) mediate possession . Only CHINA COVE Bay Frt. nr.
644-4910 (Sun l-5 :30) 6841 Vista de! Sol Dr .. Huntington Beach Ut.500. Intere,ting tenns. ''Marquette" p.lan; 3 bdrma .. nu. 2 sty. 3 bd. 2 ba, 2
24355 La Hermosa , Laguna Niguel 646-7171 2% ba. townhoose with lge. frplc, bit.ins, crpt, dr1>1,
49•1124 (Fri & Sun 1..1) 842-6691 (Sun 1-5 ) ram. rm., formaJ din. nn .. balcony, tropical patio ,
.r 1304 Londonberry, Costa ,._lesa bit.in wet bar, frpl. in mstr. bulk-head terr. $128,000 ,
(3 Bedroom & Family or Den) ~1720 (Open Daily) bdrm. Close to children's OwneNi oll i ce (213)
32.i2 Colorado Ln (Mesa Verde) CM 10041 Stoneybrook, Huntington Beach play area. pool, school & 469-6~; \l/kend C714 J
.,.2945 (Open House) 846-0604 (Sun 1-6) shoppinf. Quick occupancy. 673-MlJ I ~ 16712 K ttl L H t ' t B h OPEN Se.t. & SUn. 12·5 No. $36 <m ~ 208 Via Mentone, (Lido Isle) NB e er ane, un mg on eac 5 Coll ' 1 1 _, s . • · GOOD inco1ne on 2 valuab1e ~ 842-6691 (Su n 1~) , ins s a, ...... pac1olls ~ Red Hill Realty IGts. 502-SOt Ja s mine ,"
646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-6) 6071 Point Loma, Huntington Beach 2-slory French Regen c >' Univ. Park Center, Jrvine o,vner, j()2\~. $62,000 *2006 Tahuna (Irvine Terr.) CdM O\'et·looklng turning basi n & Cail Anytime 833-0820
642-64:72; 673·3468 eves. • (Sun 1·5) 842-6691 (Sun 1·5) North Ba)'. 4 brn1, 3~~ baths l """~~~~:'!'l'~~
**433 Bayside Dr .. Newport Beach 9342 Pier Dr., Huntington Beach & a living room as large LOWEST PRICED
642•8235 (Sunday) 842-66Ql (Sun 1·5} as· au outdoon:. Small awin1· 3 Bdrm. 2K: bath 10,,'Tlhousc ---------
*2048 Commodore Rd ., (Baycrest) NB 1842 Irvine (nr Francisco) NB ming pool, pier. & slip. on tbe m&rket in this area. BALBOA DUPLEX
646-3255 (Sat & Sun 2-5) 646·7755 (Sun 1·5) $237.500. By O\\'ner. 8.15-5164 Only $28,:iOO with low down J BR. up . 2 BR. do"'"
*1801 S d I ood (B t) NB or by appointment 67J..9043. N •-& -•n ~a•he• 1027 Tiller Way (Harbor View Hills ) Cd?l·t an aw aycres -payment ~ ear ,,..y ....... "" .. •
G42-823S (Sunday) 646-7755 . (Sun 1-5 ) WHY WAIT? BOB PETTIT, R••ltor 1narket & public library.
N °•• Sonora Rd (Mesa del Mar) CM In1mrd. occupancy, charm-"SINC.,. in.•e" Sunck>ck. Tty S4S.:i00. 1927 Santiago Dr. (Baycrest) B ~ 0 ~ R WHITE 644-4910 (Sun 1·5:30) 546-5880 (Sunday from I) ing 3 Bdrm, 2 BA. gordon. Days 133-0101 _ ..!l_ights BU R
34 H bo I I d Rd N rt B h 26115 Cordillera, Mission Viejo t;tyle home. Can get )''Ou Into __ REALTOR * l ar r s an . . ewpo eac o '>ll. ~ (S t ,_ S 1 tills Baycrest Beauty for un-I rvl-12•1 N 644...\910 (Sun 1-5) o.J\MIVUU a ai:: un -5) der SSO.OOO. with only S5lXXI ,,.. "' , 2rol Newport Blvd., .B.
2907 Harbor View Dr (Harbor View Hills) 21 38 Tustin, Newport Beach dn.. Xtra Bonus, )'OU will -I ~=='~7=5-46~30===
CdM 644-2792 (Sat & Sun IM) 6~930 (Sal & S~n 1·5) own thiJ Prim• Iaod Open U.C.l.·Turtl• Rock DELUXE DUPLEX
1849 Tradewinds, (Baycrest) NB 1706 Irvine, Newport Beach House Sun l·5 pr-,f 180 4 br, ctps, drps, bltns, farn. $40,000 Full price
67S.1808 (Sunday 1..Sl 67~ (Sat & Sun 1·5) Tradewind• ar caJI 673.1808 rm., lrplc. dining rm. pool.
2526 Carnegie Ave., (College Park) CM 15 Bedroom) . to 6t'C. Pvk. rec. ueas, lcllls, Sac. 21~p~:~.
546-4141 (Sunday 12-5) 1223 Goldenrod (Broadmoor) CdM -Baycrest * Pool sale, J yr. nu. 1~294:; or call .C213) 693-6012.
1003 Bonnie Doone (Irvine Terr.) CdM 675-1662 (Sat & Sun) By owner. Gracious 3 BR 2 E bl f,;========
675-3000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2507 Windover (Hirbor Vic\v Hills) ba, spac klt/bltns, huge liv •st uff 1242
*3033 Fernheath, Costa Mesa 67~3000 (Sat & Sun 1•5) r1~ \v/frpl, dln rm, n1asl«>-r --·-----
540-1720 (Sat&Sun 1-S) !!U!lc w/eleg1tnt bath over-CUSTOM hon1ft·new ,1;;;;;;-;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;
3253 Idaho, (Mesa Verde) C~1 (5 Bedroom&. 'Family or Den) lookl pool/pallo. Beaut Jnd. beaulilul 3 br. 3 ba. frplc,
540-1151 (Sat & Sun l·S) *1014 Polaris (,Dover Shores) NB scpd., choice Joe. S:i2.300. crptll, drpc. !hu1Ters. Open LIDO ISLE
2899 Baker. (~l esa Verdel Cl\1 642-8235 ·(Sunday) ~· ~a~~~jypa~~ v1i.~~';dr~~1 ~; Just Listed!
546-4141 (Sun 1-5) *1536 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Sh6res) NB HOME & INCOME O"-'l'IC.r. $48,j()(), Tennis Club Don't Miss ftl
3160 Country Clu b Drive. fl\1esa Verde ) 642-8235 (Sat & Sun ) Original 0\\·1\Cr w•n!s to sell member11 h i p . By ;1p-' ~TO!ll channing 3 Scdrrn
CM 546-5880 (Sat & Sun from 1) 642-8235 (Sunday) hL~ 2 Br. hOnlt ..+-l·bdrm. polntme.nr 64W4&8. hen1e on 56' lot. Priced to
468 Ogle. Costa l\·tesa 21231 Cupar Lane, Huntington Beach . rental. Blk to oettn.-Shake s BEDROOMS.-3 tull-bathit, iscn .. Rllom to expand. Beaut. ' ;
675-4930 (Sun 1.5) 842-6691 (Sun 1-5t roof, Xlnt col)d. Take a look! 2 tlreplece,., 26'.XI' sc:i. ft. family .room .. Mode~ kit. : ;
2800 Catalpa (Easlbluff) NB 10202 Stoneybrook, Huntington Beach f MORGAN REAL TY La-lo[ adja<"nt 10 pa•k. cl~n. Se. lhls now. 'I 67S*42 S'J5..M59 •• _.., ' appt· I 673-8550 (Sun :Z.5) 84&-0804 (Sun 1·6)' Waiki"' dlstanc< "',,.,.,... J · S ith R ltor
673-8550 (Sun :Z.5) 675-4930 (Sat & Sun 1..1) Priced '"' Immedlole ale. tor ltmfll'. For Sal• ht' • 1 ,.
Balboa Peninsula lXIO
Lido Isle 135.1
G.I. No Oown
324 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar *•IS Linda Isle Dr., Newport Beach PR.!ME OCEANFRONT. tary and hlal> octoo!. Ideal ean m 83 .~!
2272~ut e rs, Costa ltfesa 3 Bednns. 2~i baths, ex· Owoe:r. U9,500. 644-lCMO 400 E. 17th SI ., Costa ?tt... • 16 a.droom) ctllent condiUon only 3 ~ ... "S
Tip top Jooation, bis 3 ' 67 (Sun 1.S) **80 Linda Isle Dr (Linda Isle) NB rean old. Huge Mutt?r BR. Corona dtl Mer · 1250 -.w '1 famlly In tip top condition, 15460 Avqn, Circle, Westminster massive trplc:., mode t'n ESCAPE
"""" CM. 1211.900. Tenn•. 646-81111 !Sat & Sun 1-4) 644-4910 (Sun l..1 :30) kit he nd rfMI the
Vacant.Sbow •nytimo.C.11 31'3 Samoa Dr. (Mesa Verde ) CM DUPLEXES FOR SALE .. .:.i,•bo:chl C:ii .~,., -------TO BEA\.ITIFUL
Glen Qu,.n, ""'""" 11<>1 546-5880 (Open) Soulh Coo" Roolion. e-em• IN CD LIDO ISLE
$1,500 clown FHA
VERY ~ftp 3 bdnn. It
den (or 4 bdrm\ • Large <'O\'.
tt'lfd Pillo • ~lk-nl area •
don't w1Jt. Dl,950.
Ealalc, ~Ila . (S & 1 Bedrms} ~· "'' ~r 3 + Oen •N"\VLY d--ted J BR & -. .. c. 3 Br, den + apt. ~low NO ON VA or LO ON.,..... 14 Bedroom) 121 lllarine, Balboa Island d" 2 b ... B.. 1 1 Tr11:1. S-19.9.iO. Call m-«97 45' Lot I
2 l'lne t:as1stde 1ocau6~ ***•5 Collins fslend, Newport BeoCh 675-8800 (Sal & Sun 1·5) a:~·k B.;: ~~:t ~:/~. 'or &M-1234. . Sti·:;_e_t
toh S
1.·ll9,9ii0, clean, 2 BR: R-21 835-5164 or 673-9043 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 517-5171h Begonia1 Corona del Mer Slip •v•ll. No chlldl'l'.n ..,. .• .'
•,.,!,.ul \I I
WJ,6JO, 3 BR, hrdwa nn **11 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 67$.3000 (Dally 1-Sl ..__..__ .. -KINGA.ARD R.t;, Ml 2-2222 57•32 S undt!r 18 or pets. $23,9.JO. + * •:... uw. '* ..._ T I '"7171 ;r 10 ( unday) '* '"' 838-2886 or 67!>-499:i ...,..,....... .. • o nspec_t ..,..., . ;
l.L •--...___. DON'T JUS"I' WISH tor 149 Via VenezJa. f IAdo Isle ) NB ~ * * ..... ..,_.,,,_... Chlrmll'lit duple•.' So. er ..,.... ~-turnWdnp lor )'OUt bomt. 646-3255 {Sat & Sun 1..$) -* * * '"' _. __ ,, .. ~ BLUP'FS Condo • Dolore1 ""'>'· Patios, trttt. A. 3 Br, 2 Ba, ~·OK. Own-llnd great buys Ln todl1'• MOd~I • 3 br. 2lt ba. $42,SOO: B\irton d~vidt:ncc Re a I
-~ ~ts-94!!. &U.."«Xl._ ll¥8inet1 Mii. ll!:s:;:::::::::::::::::===================U-~-~~~'*'..n~''.:-~!!'1835~-Eltate. m-60H, MJ.8223.
'-0 '!'HE REAL
"\.. ~~STATLl<S
• • .
-. ' : ! :
•• ~1
s......,, "''' '· 1970
H0<1ae1 l'uml....., -UnfvmlthM HOUMO Unfvmlohecl 0-rol IOOGGenerol 1•
Vomlon Rental• 2'00 0....,.1 3000 !!_nlvtrsl~ Pork J2J7
1707 lijH~un~liii"!:m""'iiiiiiBo~o~chiiiil~400~H~untiiiilntm:.""'iiiiii8o~o~chiii;1~400~ Laguna Nl ... 1 II C>'!" OPEN HOUSE:
24356 LI H'"'-
1.q'una Nltud LAKE Amwhoad, new pllllh I BR, utlt "'1d ""'" ,175. S 8'dnn l dlo rm, NE1' $32!1 . WAS $45.900 * NOW $42,500 * 1.S PM July 3nl -!5Ch
3 sunny bdrm., 2 ba., nSce
llv. nn .• bkd: ....n encloled
A· frame, S Br. 2 Ba, trpl, 1 BR, utu pak1 •• •• •••••• $85 3 Bed.rm • atrium ••••• ,$3)0
TV + 1tudk) apt 200 yda 1 BR, utll pakl • ......... $90 f Btdrm A tam nn •••• $325
from Im. PYt filhC A Walk to boo<h, utllltles .. Id 4 Bed,,;,, lam "" 6 dJoina
Oupln + home, 4 bloch from
better than new •
oc11n -rrar yard. Crown VaUey Sdx>ol Dimkt. Just $29.950 •
C.,brlJ'om Valley Real!>
•wmc. Rate flex. (2:13) ••••••••• ............. $97.50 rm. {'J'Urtle Rock} ..... $360
936-6360 nea $1~ 2 Bedmui tol9' OK 808 PETTIT, Rt•ltor
BY Bay, 2 BR cottqe o..a. $135, 2 Bednn tot I pef)OK "SINCE 19«1" --Bay SOott Pul< 115, •. ., •• 3 BR Iota I P'la OK .... $160 Doyo 13:1-8101 Nlght1 112 W Pac C•t Hwy NB 4 BR lncd tqt&/pets . , •• $180 _ ~ _____ ,_
BY Owner, beautiful mtn ~. ~i. ' . STAR.LET 547-0063 Corona del Ma; 3150
view. 2,000 sq ft, 3 ik. NEAR OCEAN
Exclu1lv~ered by:
The Real Estate Mart huge tam. rm 4r kit. beam CABIN-Mammoth Lakes in IJ40 2 BR. fool yd, ga., $750 tifO 1se Specii.Clilar
-111-,... cp•-''" High Sierras Sips 7. rum. I •-1 bltoa N ~..-, Ev 1 962-6365 "" ··•· '"'6 ""• • patio, R/0, wahr hookup. vew, uv , · r uu" • : ced/landscaped. $ 3 9 ' 5 0 0 . 7 nitn, $95. 531-3374 Eves avail 811 chUd/pet Oh'.. tM:a~b. 3 f!R., 2 ' tta. P.tiY 147.a531 • "'!!!!J!!!!J!!!!J!!!!!!!!!!!l\ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 49>5576. S.10-0617. Broker 534-G980. furn. "*-1235 or ~2'J68. ::". ----me Bear very nice howe, ru A Dll.fflt..TG 2 BR So .J U"1V Lido Isle 1351 Founteln Valley 1410 Dan• Point 1740 nr Lake, bltns. 111 day, $155 • 2 BR. I Ba. Triplex ................. .,... ' ........ ~ .. ,
f'...i .-1-· bJtna.' Chlldt-t frplc, ne.wly decor, bltna:,
Spacious Lido Home BY <>wntr: It'• a Beauty. CUSTOM u shape 3 bd, 3 ha :_~knd. $90 wk. tn4l ;~·· ... ,,. ,,... $250 lse. 675-«0L
Prime 3 Br. 2 be., slngle 3 Br, 2% ba, lrg faro. rm, + guest nn w/2nd kltchn. mue Beacon, Bkr. 660lll 4 BR, 2~ ba, dplx studio 200'.l
atory, 3 Sunny patios. On uttl, nn., frpJc, crpt.s, drps, l mile from Doheny Beach Summer Rentali 2910 $115 • NEWLY dtt. 2 Br. Ml ft. Nwly pntd. Bltnll,
atnet to· street arner k>l full la.ndspcng, Very close in peaceful rusUc area. hm. fnd yd, au, Child/pets car. $425/mo. 1t ~7573
&: %, $89,500. to achls. <n4> SJS..7839. $36.900. Ov.'ner. 496-3377 B•lboa Penlnsul• v.'elcome SHORECLIFFS -6 ·room
Prtme Lido Nord Principals Only RENTALS DUPLEX mue: Beacon, Bkr. 645--0111 Me, 1 yr. lease. $425 mo.
5 Br. 4~ ba.. nr. new wate:r. Owne~ br, 2 ,ba. fam: nn. Houses Furnished 2 Bedrooms Each. COOL BREEZE 206 Driftwood, 675-4116.
front home. Beaut. decor. See tt-You U k>w It! ~· Short Block to Bay le: Ocean. $185 3 BR 2 bll fed yd I:
Deck, pier & float. For ap.. ,?i-1ust sell-A.siring $30,950 Gener•I 2000 $150 wk. frpl.. Olden & pet ~'t'lrome.
p't. Call: W24S NIGHTINGALE AVE. 211 Cypress or call Avail 8/l Bkr 534-6980.
Bill Grundy, Re•ltor Good location. 968-1454 REDECORATED (2131 698.oo12 $l45 2 BR trplx. Free lr>lill'.
83.l Dover Dr., N.B. 642-4620 . ·-· -~ 3 BR fnd yrd, pr, BEACH COTIAGE Gas/ .. ~ pd A··" S•nt• Ana 1620 many extru. Fam l I y w..-• · VII.II .now.
DECORATOR'S ·---· t ••-A t i Seclude:d 2 BR {complfum) Chdrn ilt pet ok. .Bia
HOME 3 Bedrooms 2 Bath ~,;··, ~. ' •• . on •·ooded I> acre, .. .,, ~.,....==,·~~~~~
Beautifully done:. 5 Bdnns. r $ll0 UW.ltiea paid. Bachelor prlv. Weekly or mnthly. $110 -2 BR Fncd yrd. Gar
Huntington BHch 3400 --·-WATERFRONT ,
Huntington H•rbour
Unfum. 4 Br, 30· dock, lease.
Open Sat &: Sim 9:33-4:30
213/376-6550 or 213/375-5941.
16513 Harbor. Lane
Family rm, Xlnt atree:t to Massiv• oust. built driftwood. apt, avail now. Avail July 4 thro Sept. Call R / O. Ch i i d r ll!!~ /pet
street 45 ft. lot. .,_pla-. N•. """°"' ... Broker 534-6980 Jerry Walden 53&.11:24. . we:lcome. ActlJ Bk r , $160 -·3 Br. 1st &: last + $98 500 ..... .., .... "" 0 534-6980 clrw:/dal:nage dep. , N·r .'
' shopping center. Asking N The: water, Balboa· Isl. """""""'·~~_.,..=~-Beach Blvd & Slater. Nr. LIDO REAL TY INC. ~23.~. Rental1 to Share 2005 Bliat dock, 3 BR, fum'd. $110 Utiitifl pd. 1 BR lo'Nel', 3337 Via Lid ~7300 ., .,.,,, sch111. 2 Children ok. Key 0 '".,.. Call Anytime 546-7"119. --Avail 7/lS.Sn-4225 wk: avail now. at 17660 Van Buren. Also * * * 222 Notti * * * WILL aha.re my lovely 3 8/1~/~250 wk. w/2 wk Broker 5M-6980 ·1 ·4 B 2 Ba $1 -bd home A I with ava1 r., . 65.
BRAND NEW BAYFRONT Santa An• Hnto. 1630 nn. ed d poo bl min. 615-6737., $150 2 BR dpJx. Yd, gar,4 --8-R-hom--',-. -2-bl~ks-to-St. 3500 sq ft, 5 BR, 4~ ~A. • emploY • epe nda e R/0, re(. Avail 7/7, child pier & slip. Area's sealand woman, %1~ yeara of age; PENINSULA Bayfront, 5 k Brok ~ Francia. Vacllllt now. Lse
buy w/7o/o tin, ls! & 2nd, ~i ~CRE-2 br, pool., pack l child O.K. $90 mo. 962-8334 BR1 + maids qtn, pier. 2° Bd. ~.. .~ Chari ;240.
rms, drps, stove, washer after 6 p.m. Cal Mrs'. Staples (213) rm ....... se. ~ e ~~~~·~i:~~~ns or & dryer. Owner. $29,000. SHARE lovely apt or priv. 795-7575 or (213) 799-1642 St. CM . $ll5 mo. No pets, 5 Btm, 3 baths, lam. rm.,
545-6!MS weekdays only. r m/bath v"/cleAn, reDned; Eves. ' l child O.K. 642-2259. frpl.c, bltns. crpl!l, drps,
LARGELIOOtm matutt v.'Clman. La1una JULY. 1 blk from Ocean. $14:> -3 BR ·4~plex, l\~ ba, c'°'='-·.c84_7_-4_'6lc_. ____ 11 58x8&' 206 Via Lorea, Tenns. L•gun• Be•ch 1705 Bch. View. Walk to Pool. Patio. 3 Br. 2 Ba. families only. Avail now . LEASE $300 mo/Executive
* 536-2375 *
. REAL . .ESTIT~ · ~0'/J.
It's the SOLD SIGN +Hat counts ·
at um pretty tv.•o Jx>d-
room home. It Is iden-
tified with towering
trees, shrubs. % Acre
tn4) 54&-0913, 340-3256. everything. 494--9577. sip& 7. Beaut. furn. $180 Blue B<!accn, Bkr . 64>0111 4 + 2~. Available J uly 12.
45' LOT $52,500 A WALi< SH ARE my e I e g a nt wk . l\ln. Fen!Q:n, 6U-9933 PH: 963-3035. of land + cuesl room.
Neat, cozy, 3 br. bit-ins. o 'vaterfront home w/dock. or 673-2ll0 Cotta-Mesa 3100 .:.C:C...:.C:~~-.=~-----
Owner. 675-2&U or 491-1265. IN SPACE M 3MI l1SO -----2 BR near perk w/w cpt _besides, makes this an
Is equal to a lifetime ot
toil. Here's your chance
and only a short ""·a1k to
shopplng. Check thl1
1.1esa Ver d e FOUR·
PLEX. Potential lneome.
$l;oo per month. Priced
11>4,000. -
·-_ an, yn. mo. LIDO, l.JNDA Isle, Bayside --·-dtps, for appt after 6. No .... ti nal al , H -£7S-4331 -Rent or LNM Option ...... 1~-"""" • ex .. "p 0 v u · 0• .. -That will be your tint fm. . Dr. & Penin. waterfronts l ~"'~";;·,:•;;;w;:;~::::;:~·-~·===11 pression. when )'OU see this MAN ID 9hare Huntir:wton + oH-water Lido homes. 3 Bednn borne, lge livinc rm, es OK, 10 bang lt goes
SPACIOUS 2 story borne. Beachfullyfurn.bome.Call Bill Grundy, Realtor . new kitchen. PX! mo. S•nt• An• Heights 3630 for $33,950. 546-5440
Balboa lolond 1355
OPEN SAt./SUN. 1-5
Excellent. beamed ceiling
home on the water • with
BUILT ON l " LOTS THAT 96Ull4 btwn 1-9 pm ~ Nichols Real Estate
I d ....__ -* 546.9521 1r 4 BR. near UCI. Frpl, OFFER A SCENIC VIEW EMPLOYED e Y to ...... .., ,OCEANFRONT Upper l Br. ncd yd $215
OF THE OCEAN. Detailed my horM. AU privs, Own art, twin beds, lrg livnn $145 Attractlw a e par ate %~~: sJ._9930 • "
plC'I'.' • . all wood exterior in classic nn & bath. $70 mo. 548.-0027. w/day bed. Gar, garb dlspl. house, 2 BR 1 BA, cpUdrp. ====="===='II
Laguna architecturaI 11tyl-AGE l9-2S, share 3 story Utll pd. $115 wk + $30 Adil! only, no pe ta •• ;.eta. WILLIAM WINTON
229 Marine. 13-'\lboa lsland
• 675-3331 •
HURRY! Fixer-Upper. 3 Br.
& l Br. apt. 121 Marine.
Open 1-5. Only $5'?,500. Mr.
Pyramid Exchangors 67r..8800
Huntington Beach 1400
$161 1'AYS ALL
When you assume this 3 bed-
room Rancher subject to a
6% % GI loan. Large spac-
ious yard with room to run,
ONLY $3500 total down. NO
GIMMICKS! $23,500 Full
Walker & Lee
Ing, large sun porches en. beach home. Own rm, BA, dep. 642-3944. 548-9472, 673--0395.
closed with post & rails. firepl. 675-~ eves. CORONA DEL MAR COT-3 BR, big scrtened porch,
SPRAWLING 4 BDRM. & --• TAGE. main beach. Sips family only. fo.tax. 3 chldrn.
OEN FLOOR PLAN has w/ EMPLOYEiD Male, 25-3:1 7. $150 wk. 217 HeliotroPe Vacant. $725/mo. Agl. Ask
\V carpeting thruou. Exclt. yrs. lo sha': Ne.,,,'J>OM 57-3j39 for Don 830-6060, 968-4362
ing island type kitchen, has Shores home. $l50. 642-a2S8. a-" · *·-, BR. "'w w/w ci"'\S,
GE I BEACH House, neat & ,. BILT-IN RAN & OVEN, ., __ , patio, fenced yard, no pets, DISH\VSHR.: GARB. DI.SP. Mesa Verde 2110 clean slps, 4 . .30<WUded area, $200. ~9001
& EXTENSIVE USE OF private beach! $200 wk. -"':.:C~"=-"-~~~-
DEEP STAINED MAHcx;.. BEAUT. 4 Br. home. formal TI"4-6400, eves 494-0041 a~l G. 4 BR, 2 BA, Costa Mesa.
ANY CABINa'S. OR, pool, den, $400 mo A-Frame, slps 5, 1 bllt Lge, sleeps 10, 1/3 acr.
Open staircase leads to 2nd 962-2326 aft 5. bay/ocean. 7/1 - 7/18 $100 I _,an::::"c.6::·..:"""":.::.="=--~-
level, w/2 bdrm. bath & -wk. Aug & Sept $125 wk. RENT or Lease Opt\on 3
LARGE DEN, APPRox. ro Newport Beach 2200 204 lJth. NB. or>-ilGS. Br, exec. home, immac.
FT. u ......u DBL. SLIDING ------~-· -$265 incl. prd.nr. 642-2755 n'llll. YEAR Lease 3 Bedroo 2 BR UUIUO:: WI Yety
GLASS WAU.$ THAT OPEN 3 bath den -extra roo~ llhape. Slet!!J8 6. Avail. in 3 BR, 2 BA, new crpt.s,
TO SUN DECK W/OCEAN '. ' July $150/wk. Aug. $l£itl, bltn R/0, fncd yrd. $230.
VIEW THIS SPACIOUS off patiO, dbl Ca race' lriquift 216 33rd SL,·N.B. 531-9563, 531..£541.
HOME IS VACANT NEEDS garden mtnc on or befcft pAfNr &: CLEAN-iJF Dis-Ju1y 1~$350 per mo .. Write LG, new, apt. 2 brm, 2 ba, 2 Br, 1K-bouae. Newly
tressed owner says sell tm. 4034 Leland Rd. Louisville, aundeclc, sleeps 6. Close to decorated. Stove A-fttrl&.
med. l-"Ky"'-. """'=:.::..· ---~-beach & shopping, $175 wk. $ll9.50. 1-712--0'142.
"AS IS" FOR LOVELY 4 BR on bay, 2 3510 J.Iarcus, N.B. 673-197a
$29,950 FULL PRICE BA. o/side shower. Winter SPECTACULAR View: 3 BR
LOWER rental. 400 38th St. 2 ba house, i;lps 8, nr CdM Newport Beach 3200
N PYMT () K OE'LUXE Bayfront 3 Br beach. $250 wk. 673-1235 or
Realtont D • • , • "A--. "-·--r on vacation. 67&.-2268. 7682 Edinger THE BEST BUY •NUn:: vw11t: DOVER SHORES
Lovely Forever View. 4 Bed-
room Ivan Wells home. l %
yean old, Year lease from
Ju1y 15th, Including garden.
er, $'100 month.
842-4455 540-514{1 IN LAGUNA BEACH July 24th·A~. 8th. STS-1849 BEACON Bay, 3-4 Br. home.
$17•950 MISSION REALTY SMALL beach cottg, summe:r $300-l350. Also, 2 Br apt. t $95 $250. (213) 845.3427, <n4J
3 Bedroom, 2 bath, OOxlOO 985PhSo. Coast(714H)wy4';."~731 """w tklhly _.!15064:" :.:..~r . IC6'13-5094::.:.=::· _____ _
fenced lot. Includes elec bltn on• ~ e:e Y ,.,... ...........,
G AL ,_ l bnn BAYSIDE Or., Lido, Unda range/oven, rarbage: dispo. OLDE EN LISH UNUSU • oon..,mp " Isle & Penln. waterfronts
sal, washer. dryer, deep 2 Story, gable roof, shingle pool, grdnr, $390/mo. Yr + otf.....ater Lido Homn.
freezer, caqieta & drapes, &: shake exterior, surround. lease. Anil. sno. 642-2753 Bill Grundy, Ritt'. 642-46J> Macnab-Irvine
dble garage, landscaped .. ed by towering pines. A Realty Company
Low down & payments home with the modern Lido Isle 2351 CORONA del Mar 1 BR apt. 675-3210
-•-lhan t .,. plus the old slp1 4, view, nr bch, $1.50 ''""'""'""'""'""!!'!''""'""~ "'"'aper ren . necess1 1es, 3 ~,Id charm unn want: con-LOVELY Lido Isle wk. Owner/Agt. 675-3777 E --,--bed ho r ,, .. _ $375 I.eue. New Condo. .
l' rllage Real Estate
'62-4471 ( ::::.) 546-llOJ
Price reduced. Cust bit 5 BR,
ram, 2~ ba, lg kit w/bltns,
3 car gar/alley, Prof. Ind·
scpd, Sell GI or FJ:IA. Own.
er b'ansf.
847-8507 Eves. 968-1178
MEREDITH Gan:lens, 5 BR,
3 ba., din. rm, fa.m. rm,
Cul~c cpts, drps, shut-
ters. Owr:ier, 962-8460.
ti-ntal ki•-.... n -·---'cell-room me: or ....... WKLY rental avail now. 2 3 BA M-~ .... '-'-'"" , ""' v cu A ii bl Jul 16 to Sept Bluff. 4 BR, • .... ... ing living room with Cots-16va~~ Y · Br. furn apt nr. ocean. Slps pakl. View. Near pool,
\\1'ld fireplace, library, 2 .;:.:,· '=="====== 6. 312 33rd St. NB 557-9805 school, h!nnis, market,
baths, 3 bedrooms, including -L -B h 2705 SUMMER RentaJ apt, sle:eps _Own<::,,:,=,'.c'~4t_4~1134=. c-:--""""
i;epara.te master suite &: an •gun• ••c 4. On Bayfront nr, Lido 3 BR 2 ba, 1812 Dover Dr.
anisl's studio. All within BEAUTIFUL Fum. 3 'Br., shop'&· 613 36tb St. 673-4296 Gardener/water. no pets.
walking di stance to the 2 ea home; ocean view, WEEKLY Rentals. 1-2 Br. $300.
beach. RL~u~ to J44P~D nr. schls " best beaches From $100. Nf!ftr Beach & :........,=..:::.:::,,· -~=~537-·~1346~
SUPERB D A . & town. $425 summer mo'a. Bay! Call (1) 683--8247 REDUCED: 2 BR, 2% BA Lush enclosed courtyard with & $350 winter mo lease.
rock waterfall, fish pond & Avail imme:d. 4 g 4-2 9 21, BALBOA Isle. P i an o, Condo, part rum. Pool
bird bath. Comer lot per-495-5480. dlshwuher, p&tlo •. beautiful Adult a. $240 mo ,
mil! wide lawns & a spac-:4~B:;:R~.c..-.$350='°'M"O"N'°T"'H" furn. July 15-Sept. 1 5 • 1,.:64c;Z-40~:.c15:,,/6~7"'~7-"~· --,..--
lous garden, Shad~ . patio PLACE REALTY: 4.94-9704 497:.1829 3 BR, 2% Ba townhouse.
for gracious entertaining. lt:;,;;======= BEACH cottage, Sm al 1, Pool. Lrg ground. Avail im-
Bedrooms, large famlly1 · F · hed $100 wk $275 med. $2&5 mo. Agt £4£..-0732
room with fireplace&: wood ~Point 2740 urms · " mo. 642-3828
paneled living room. Only 1 BR expando mobUe, beaut 3 BR. 1111 BA. on Wilson
$37,500. furn. porch, carport, pool nr llChls:. $210 mo., water 1-.;;.L..-------
& clubhouse. 1 blk to beach. paid. 642--6973. BR 2
8:a_ · .............. ~
$150. 49!1-1639. BR. • •· •• ••••• .. •·-·a .AO tan
Laguna Be•ch 3705 -·---·----LEASE 3 br. 21.~ bath. Ocean
View. 2 patios. ~ly yiird
\1·/trecs. Part. fu . Walk
to n1rkl & be11ch. S:: ;, mo.
'199-3087. 494--6409 eves.
$21.} BEAUT 3 BR 2 ba,
Cust blt. Span, beams, trpl,
vu. immac. 832-7449
S.n Clemente 3710
FOR IM: Ocean Vw, lovely
3 br, 1 %. ba., frplc, 2 car
pr, ~. dprs. Jn ex·
elusive neighbrbd $250 mo,
4217 Calle Abril, San. Oem.
Call (tt4) 6JS.3500 S-8 1>!1\-
Apts. Fumhhed
Gener•I -
Just For
Single Adults
South Bay Club ts a whole
new way ot life designed
juat for single people, It'll run living with warm, c1y.
narrUc neighbors. It'• a.
$750,000 Clubhouse wit h
health club, 18unu, Swif!'·
ming pool, party room, biL
li&r<b, """"' .,it d<Mng
range, teMill courts, p1'U
shop and resident te:nnis pril.
Single, 1 & 2 Bedroom lux·
ury apartments with all the
modem oonvenienc:es avail.
abJe. FUrniahed and unfurn.
$150 to $350
880 Irvine Ave.
Irvine & 16th
(714) 645-0550
Live where the f\.ln iii
LEASE. Option. 4 + 3.
Everything in. $31,900. Lo
dn, Avail '?/12. 10474 Owl
C\rc. 968-3055 Owner. REAL ESTATE V•catlon Rentals 2900
DON'T JUST WISH lor 3 BR. 2 Ba •••••••••••••• $325
tumishings for your t.ome, 3 BR, 2% Ba ••••••••••• ·$375
find great buys 1n tod8¥'1 5 BR 2~ Ba , ........ • ••• $3!'Q ------~-
1190 Glenneyre St. LAKE ARROWHEAD; new Oassified Ads. e RED HILL REALTY REMARKABLY
Huntington 1405 4!M·9473 54s.o316 modem cabin, 100 yds to Dial 642-5678 A dw'ae It. Univ. Park Center, lrv\ne UNBEUEVABLY
l-:,H:;:•:,•boo=u'-r-----1 Biiiowy S.a 300 Yds i,;;'ake;,;·,;11;;";' w;•;,·,;54t>-;::,;292'::=·=========~~Cal;:;;l::,A:,:nyt1:;::me:=;;;::-;,;:="' EXTRAORDINARILY
WATERFRONT* W / 36 ' MOVE JN now! Very charm-1: BEAtn'JFUL
dock. 3"bdrm & ttudy, crpt. tng split-leve1, 2 Bedrm, den, Cotti MH• 2100C01t• Mn:• 2100 Costa Mn• 2100 Val D'IMre Garden Apt1
lg f8.III nn. Brand Ne:w. Im. din nn, frplc, Convert ctay. Puttlna: green. waterfall I
med. poss. Owner Sac. lite basement to apt. Open a ~' ' f) -c ~ ~am. Dowers ewrywhere,
$19,.,,. 043-2381. """" Sat & SUn. 264 Fall'. p~ ~). -~ p q• S • 45' pool, ""'· room, hllllard• view. $34,500. BBQ's, Sauna. turn..unfurn,
F ... ntoin Volley 1410 HHJ;. MoConn"k Realtor The fluu/e with the Built-In Chuclcle 1 & 2 B•. also s1ng1., trom
· ----714-494-7551 $135. See it! 2QXI Panons
$2950 TOTAL DOWN e $30,300 e 0"°"",.. ,,,_ of 1t>e ..---... lld., 64U670. Be-n Har-
Buys, attractive 3 bdrm. con. fovr 1e:rombl.d wonk b. bor & NewPOrt . 2 Blk N.19tb do. Yes! A real dining room, View + privacy, cloitt in low lo form four slmplt ...ords.
2 batho ol.cttlc bll-iM. + 2 2.s:~3:·::!m, I c A y L E K I RENT FURNITURE
pools. . 61.i LOAN Xlnt terms -Low dO'Nft I I I I 11 a Rooms from $19.95
Roomy 3 bdrm. entry hall PLACE REALTY 494-?704 Month to tnonth Rentab
sepr. Jiving room. tamilY 2969 So, Coast Hwy. Wide Selection
room 1% baU... Samoe 3 BR, 2 BA. blt-;n ... I T A L N S I A 100" PuRcHAsE OPl'!ON
porch lge patio, pool sized pliaoces. w/"!". C[llCI, dbl 1. u: hr, Delivery ,,.. °""' 13),.,, .+ ...,. ..,, ,.._. 1o1. FumlUft • I . 1. I I · ~ FUrnlture R<ntol
........ Court"' Real!> -· 131.000. Lo. dn. 517 W. Utb, CM. , 54!-3411 ;F~:Tfstti"fi~·N' ,-~;:=M"'."'~"' • .,.""'-·"'==-~ I slo x1i"1u I 1 ·1· .1J~i~w~ -w~;E"~
Spanish decOr, dining atta. ~nt ~price SU.500. .-------~--------.from new grumbling: .. Don't Lovely 1 BR tum apt. Pool,
4 BR + family nn, atrium! "'" I 8 U T S 1 M I trust anybody owr -. -. carport. waUc to ahol>'i·
Privacy -Belt Area! TIME FOR ., "' Adults, no pets. $150.
HAFFDAL REAL TY ' I I I I~ I' 0 Comoloto "'° ..... , •• .;;..d 1941 Po'"'""· C.M.
142-4405 YO\! ~/!'fr! z ";:.'? i:°'io!. MAGNIFICENT view, lga
· BY OWNER. -4 BR'•, 2'1 QUICK CASH rnom1. Elogant 2 bdnn
B•· I ll ,.-•l-PRINT NUMIEREO UTIERS IN 4 ) duplex. Furn or unfum,
"'· am y nn, .. " THROUGH A '"''' SQ porch, paUo, 1ra cul-de-«ac UARES adult.I only. $3.50 -$300.
Jot, ap. for trlr/boot, ~tAny A UNSCRAMllE A80\'E LEJTfRS I I I I I I 20U Klnga Rd., Newport
<Xtras! $33.!500. 1.7842 San DAILY PILOT .., TO G!T ANSWU • _ _ • _ _ Bch, """858.
No Income. This prin1e
triplex invites your In·
spcction. The operation
shl'ct v.·lll brar your
closest scru tiny. With
proper dov.·n, get lll>\
shelter and spendable.
Asking $35,950. 546-5440
P•ul White Camah•n
R .. lty Co. Announces
New Alloclate
·With pleasure ~·e wel-
come tlS a new associate
:r.1rs. Ba i-bar a Jones.
Barbara lias had previ·
ous i;e\ll ni;:: experiencl'
in \Vest Covina and
Nc1vport Bl'ach and ''-'e
are sure this experll'nce
will contribute to her
Thar11 rlghl. $240 pa
mo includes everything,
princi pal, interest, tax-
es le IM. Only $2200
dov.·n to purchase thl1
lovely three bedroom
home, nicely carpeted
thru·out. Large liv rm
with frplc. All bltlns.
call now: THIS WON'T
LAST! $30,600. 546·5440
J ust li!ted and priced to
1ell In Mesa Verde, four
bedrooms two bath5,
large size family room.
Beautiful firepla,.ce, real
nice carpet and drapes.
$35,950. Better hurry!
Good financing avail-
able. 546-5440
So buy now A be pre·
pared-This choice piece
ot R-2 land 'In the heart
ot Costa Mesa, 17,280
sq. fl has strong po511l·
bilitles of being rezoned
R-4, l or 2 adjacent lots
avallable. Present owner
Is uklng $2.~9 11q. ft.
Property hu $260 per
mon th Income. 54£-5440
Exterior ha• been re-
finished l>Y owner.
Sunken living room with
lovely white carpets.
Ottering FHA-VA term1
at $29,e!K> but has ex-
cellent assumable Joan.
3 large bedrooms, bath
& *· all bltna, with
$8500 dn assume $172.
per mo. payment In·
eludes everything.
Tb&t'1 what yoU will aay
when you see thlJ lour
bedroom 1nd larp FR.
Ita exterior and interlor-
appointments .speaf of
comfort, ease and dignity,
lnner circle :r..resa Ve!W
t~'O story. Full price,
$43,000. '46-5440
Bedrooms are included
In the beautiful C.Ondo-
mlnlu m: ,warmly hospi-
table: colonial stylinr
thl• residence givl'S
great charm. EXTRA
sharp! New carpetl In
L.R. P11.11elled dining
room. Only $22,000 with
good financing availa-
ble. 546-5440
Here la how you can
become the. owner of
this terrific three and
family room home.
cl011e to shopping. With
$5,000 down, o w e 2nd.
You Pll7 $170 per month
including principal, int·
erest, taxes
and insur-
If You Uh Flowers
in your garden then you
must see: this 3/BR. 2
hav1 wttb
the house at $26,500. -
Then you needn't Jook
anymore. We have a
reaJ family home for the
professional who must
entertaJn. Huge sepa-
rate den 24.xl6, formal
OR, 5 Bedroom, 3 bathl
in beau~Uful Mesa Verde,11
This Is without a doul?t
a $50,000 home for only
$47,500. 546·5440
Owner Is out ol the city
-Immediate poaes-'
sion. Here ia the m01t
terrlllc buy of all; at an
ama • ot $25,:,_....,,.
a val
"'"· All new carpeta lllJld
freshly painted In and
out. M6-Mt0
"The Home of Complete
Red/ Estate Service"
. -• '
" • ..
• ! I • t
• .
• 'I •
Diego c;,., F.V. 1162-TllO 1160 • 2 Bl'. w/ pool. Gar. 1093 IAKIR STUET, COSTA MESA 146-1441 ~~~AN'l'~· __ w_A_N_T_A_D_s_ SCRAM-LE'IS ANSWER IN DIME-A-LlNE " ::~AJ:."'~ .... _______ .;.. ___________ J
w ----'. •
~~~.;,,._ • ... ., , .. ,~ .. • , .; ....... , ............ .,.,,..,..,....,...,.., _.,, ., •• , , .,.. ,-, io--, ~-;.c.;-c;.-,,."·"'..-""'=• •-"'·'•"-="""'"°""~""""'·~""'~,,.,,.....,,rl -.,n_..,,,....,~.,,.,,.,,,.,,,,.,...,,~.,....,,...,.,.,.,,,.,,~,~,r• ~·r,.,.,,.,.-~.,.,.,...,,.~-~-· ~-•-• ~··-·-·-·--~......------------~--,.....,.~-
• • • t
1,, I, t1 4 IR• FAMILIES ".l'IRE1.LACES
... AS LOW AS $110 l'ER MONTH :
' '" •( ...
APT-HOMES N~ ~Iott , lived in. Prt.
-vate _patio l!Vi.na. Ne a r
Boyd RHlty, 3629 E. Co•lt Hwy,, 'CdM · beach. I ahOppinc'. All new
---------, Eel RWdle A.e•ltor, Victorl• & Npt, CM ' buJJt·lrw dishwallhtn, w/,w
L:ockh1rt Co Re•ltort, 5't W/. 19th, CM c11~~ung.· '• .drapu. ptj~te
l'DR INFORMATION P•.i.Wlllt.C•rMha~ Rlty, 109K Baktr, CM ··• &42-4851 Per""' Co, 1797 Or••· (•croas Pie. Tele. : i~i:t.=· plus
ltlde) CM , e l BR-1 BA-deluxe ain&le p.._;.;_ __ .;;,.. __ ~ The Doyle Co, 270•E. 17th St, CM Cofsic •,; Apt. Hornts
... -Viii ... Re•I Elt•tt, 191•2 Brookhur1t, HB SUNFLOWER AVE.
'»;:: l'!'"!!!!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!""~!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!~!!!~~!I Btwn S. Main &. Bristol "' r--Loeatl!d % mile E. of South 4000 Newe!" Beach 4200Newport Bt!ch . 4200 Cout Plaza Shopptng Center "'r--------• Call 540-1913 HOLIOA y PLAZA E VII. 545-2321
"Modern Spari.ish"
16211 Parkside Ln.
• 1Scottlsh Treat"
16161 Porktljlo Ln.
Mt•: 141·1"'
Mg r: 147-5441 .
Lush JandSCfpin~. cabana & covered §ar-
dens, sunken sw1m'g pools 1 exotic BBQ s.
I BR's-From $150 2 BR's-From $170
All util. incl. FUrn & Unlurn.
' ,Apia. Unfumlshetl ---Santa Ana . 5620 -··-·-----CAN1 BE BEAT
. I
SQijth sea AtmoaJibere
2 Bedroom 2 Batbl
Carpets le Drapes
Air Condltionf:d
Ptivate Pttioa
Heated PoOI
Plenty of lawn
Carport &'Storaa:e
* * '* *
W......,o Woll!? w-,. Oat?
S Ll--511--5 llucn
......... \Ollf MW te ..... : .....,_ YM ...... ,,... a.-voua,_.1111111........ • ............... .,.......,
......o'rltlHO N)ft IAl•..,. TU Oll OfilL\'I
To 'Plan· Your Tr..i.1"1 Ptrlldllli M
PHONE 642-5671 . 2500 South SaltJ ..
Santa Ana • 546-1525 l Bedroom home. Eutslde,
....................... ~l costa Mesa. Xlnt cond •• VILLA MARSEILLES $23.950. Conllderclearauto,
1953 MERCURY 425 ens;-
ine &: trarwnialon, TR.ADE
F01t TOOL.SOR?? MS-5486.
2127 Collep Ave, C.O.ta
Mesa .
BRAND NEW boat Or travel trlr. Call
'SPACIOUS >tSW4 J!outh Cout RI..,.' . ,. • DELUXE, spacious 1 Bdrm.
• , Furn apt. $135. Plus utll.
Heated pool. Ample plll'k· ina:. No children • no pets ..
Cosl• M1H 5100 Balboa 5300 * n * * ------~~---·----1 l t Bdrm. Apts. * * '* •· * Adult Lfvl"I ' Gilt 1:, PAI1Y import 1bop
. WIU. trade 10 l.rrlgated
acre1 ln Hemet with 3 re.nt.
all for Orange County in-
come property. 'l"='"':;;::P::omo="=""::;:::;· ;;c;;.M;;.;;::::=:.
Cotti! Mete 4100
~I· * su'NNY *· * ACRES *
L * Motel·Apts. * •t Studio & I Bedrooms
El Puerto Me11 Aph. * LRG 2 &: 3 BR, 2 Baths. • · • ..-* •" Frplc. bltns, cpts, drps, encl
OCEAN Front-yearly 1 Fresh
paint I.: carpets. 2 bnn up.
per. $250 mo. 67l-S729,
Furn. & Unfu rn. 1$4000 klr bwr camper, or
Db.h\Va:jher. color coordinat. what have you. 548-3536 or 1·2 Bedroom Apt1. gar., patio. 546-1034 ed appliant't!t • ·plush •ha.a 646-5383. $130 up Incl. utilities . UNF. 2 & 3 BR. also furn
Al&o furn. Pool &-Recreation 2 BR. cpl. pool , kids"" ok
area. Quiet Environment 1998 Maple, No. t &48-2808.
Lido Isla 5351 cu-pet • cl)Olce ot 2 col.orl,2,-.,.=-,.be-au"'t-Ranc""--.-bo-;Pt°'ne=•
tcbtme1 • 2 bath~ • stall Jots, 1IoWton, Tex. Finest
Ott street parking, No pell.
Also 'garages for t't?nl.
1959-1961 Pi1aple Ave.
Coif& Mesa
--·····--2 BR, 1 BA Apt. 100'. from lbqwen • ~ •ard· est. Clear. Also 32' trlr, tun,
SPLIT Level 3 BR 2~, ba; Beach w/ view. Yearly robt doo:S • indirect .u,ht. fuU ba,/bltns. FOR Mobile
cpt/drp, blt:ns. No pets. 988 . $225. cail 673-3948. ' ·tnc tn kitchen • breakfast home. 54{).5589. ,
Mission Dr No. 1 549-3524. ----bar • buce private fenced ~.~""=~-'-..-..,,-,,-
1 BR. Upper, $100. Older B1lbCN hland 5355 pat» • plush l\JJl,lscapfnl • :.! SLOOP, sleeps. 2, Ms
··-·1. Av·" 111. 122 brlck-Bar.s.Q'a.larp btat· !>tad, outboard enginr,. etc.
'" iw DEL~ 2 BR ··uttle ed pools A lanai. J]JJXI, value, trade tor late
Magnolia, ·C.M. 4M-4695 · Balboa". &..t dock-tie up llOI So. Brlitol St. nodel Sta~on Wagon, Dune
cai1 n4/962-2561
Good condition, new tires.
TRADE for motorcycle. 435
Hamilton, Apt C, C.M'.
Newport Beach View hou.e,
value $84,500. equity ;44,500
TRADE for <>cean view lot
betw Long Beach &: New·
port. 548-1168 Rltr.' Day, Week or Month
~ e Color TV e Pool • Phont Serv incl
y;c e Maid Service avail
LRG 2 BR. crpts, drps, 1 priv. No pets, no children. OS ML N, of So. Coe...rt Plau.) 3uggy or . 492-8508
New 1.2 BR .. 2 BA., tum child ok. Sl35 + dep. 221~ $300 mo-yearly lease only. S •-· IT nf l d " eo1r. A t 2 "' -s~ "~7 · ant• _.. ...._,._ clear lot \v/beaut . or u urn, a r~n , aeu .ege, P. · O'HMIO"'· 1..-u"" PHONE 557.a200 .. _ -. 1 Signial So. ot O.C.
«r-~ Faif'arouncls 1~~-'"'· 'i---lmt"Newport-Blvd;-
' k d clean oven, beam celling, VELY 8 .t...... : 1Jew in Laguna for small
dshwr rl a le at LO 1 r. crpts, ..... ..,,, _ lOme / lot CPil or submit. a ~Jl7on . theraPyp ~ 's~~ v~b: bltns, ~tio, gar, Adults, no Huntington B••ch 5400 $160....: r.;itu 2 Em._studio. "· E.-Lachenmyer, _ _rutr. -.W-W-.V a -..-. -ea~·s. -saunas, ubhouse. ·-pets;-$:155;-646--l76t.----: I;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I APf. (Triplex). F~ size ~can Eves: 642-22.17 • Ji e Adu ls. From $140 .. Just 2 BR apts, bltns, cpts, d~s. I' Jdtch. w/blbUI, crpts, drpl,1-'---·-----
Heathkit JG-23 color bar
genera.tor&: degausslhc ooll.
TJUOE for .38 or lgr cal
revolver or tM-steooo-re---cerver cmtlponent. 962-50¥'.
, I
JJl ** WEEKLY-Lovely apt, a new way to ve ID ~~~t ~1I:~r~t-n:;s Cle~. lnqulre52681552 ·~A" ON BEACH'. frplc., encl gar. l or 2160 a~s near Bishop, C.\ llacb. or cpts. Funililh(a Merrimac Way. 545.5300 Coriander. ~~ · childttn ok. (Nr schts) No Jor., Southern Calif. incl.
Trade $12,000 equity In lge
4 Br, 2 Ba home for small
home or lot. C.M .. Subtlul
W. E. Lachenmyer Rltr
646-3928 call eve£: 642-2237 compl. Kitch. $35 wk-paya Newport Beach BAY MEAOO\V APTS. 1 BR Ir closets, MW crpts •• 2 BR l~ BA FROM SZ25 pet!. 2230 s. Center St., Palm Springs area. Free
all. 998 El Camino Dr. New exciting l BR, $140, pool, uUI pd. U40. 1B84 e 2 BR i BA FROM $260 S.A. Nr Wamet, 545-0989. and clear at S15.9l0. Roy J.
5f6..0t5f • 2 BR, U65. Beam ceilings. ?.lonrovla, ~. e 3 BR 2 BA FROM S3110 Amt.on. 494-7260, * SUS CASITAS Il',s fun,' fine neighbors an·d prestige living, Wood 'pan'lg, shag crpf&", l Bdrm upper. carpets. $ll0. Coarpets-drapet-dish~ S•nt• An~.~el9hts 5'30 u.t 'It be1w -1n Orarce
TUrn. 1 BRL Ap_tt, Adults all in one Juxulioua package. That's Oak· prlv. patio, some -w/ frplc! ·wm-Side C.M. ~Wted pool ... una-_~ 2 Bedrm, unfwii. Vacant Wbaftto 1ou bave to trade ?
only, no ..... 21.10 N--' ' Pool, sand voUey ball crt. 673-5729 tee room-ocean vteWI 1 Child OK. $135 mo. 0ottn~·, •·--·• tra' " .. _. wood Garden .Aptlrtmenta in Newport patios-.mple partdne v -..11.-• ~ .... Blvd., C.M. * 642-928&. · Bea-' 1'ust mm· utes from Balboa's Bay and rec b~dg. pool tables, put. Seeurih• -··-'· • 642-4422 Agtnt ii. poll:-al'1 maM a deal. BEAUTlFUU.Y FURN. ......., ting green, Adults, no pets. Mes• Verde 5110 •J .. ~ .... beache_,. ' 387 W, Bay. Open House ----FURN, alw Avail. 2 BR duplex unfurri (l't?ar), ..& * *
""" type F,'REEZER,
for API'. siz.e
electric Sl'OVE or r
* * 2 BR. Pool. AduJts, no pets • 12-7 pm daily. 646--0073, 2 BR, newly dee. apt. ?.le!ll HUNTINGTON adull! ()nly. $135 mo, lat 'K • $155. 2272 Maple St 543--0157 There's a S/4 million dollar Clubhouse \\•ith v _.._ Adult 1 $150 mo &. last + dep. MS-1362. ., or"""'-b II d . d I! d . 2 BR Unfurn apt. Bit-ins, e.~. s on Y. . PACIFIC 1===='=====1 T E ESTATE --partyri>om , j iar sroom,1n oorgo riv-\Valk! d" t to -•~pp'• RP.AL ESTA I! R AL
---~ ---~-~---· --·
.,. BACHELOR \v/1v crpts. Jnfa:nt ok. No ~'".,,!!or~•""~"",....., · Apt, ,v / w in·g range, men's and \vomeh's health clu bs, pe ts. lst & lu:t s165 mo ,,.,.,...uu" ;nv-"""" 711 OC£AN AVE., H.B. ·~-~":" le•ch 5705 Gener•I Gentr•f
crpll, drps, pool. Priv. p:aunas, tennis courts, resident tennis pro incl util. Apply 135 Albert FaMle Price. Realtor <n4l 536-1487 A Util ___ ..;.. _____ -8 1---p----6050-
baJcny $135 l~ E 18th · d b d 01 · · 1 All bf 10 .g Daily * 1 BR. Unfurn. P~ Rentals W•ntecl 5990 u1 ne•• .. _!!perty_ -~·· ,557.-82. · .-an pro s op, an ymptc s12e PO?. Pl., C.M. mar upstairs aJ?t 2 BR. elect kltch. Drps, c. ope~ ~ bpm incl, $1G5 mo. ,
.) this, and much mo~. just steps from your or call <Zl3) 693-5839, 1213) crpts, encl ear. Jlarbor anag.:u Y · ~71 or 494-882l 3 NURSES need 2 br ptly 4 BR 2 ba dbl 1ar. stucco ·~ 1 BR, crptJ, drpa, 1tove, p.rofessioriaIIY decorated apartment eat h 724-5100 ·ext. 5.3. Baker shppg. Adults, no WILLIAM WALTERS CO. ---·-furn house to $165, 54S.3848 lxlme, zoned for bus. use.
:" rdric., carport. $140. Ask ,vith private b alcony/patios. Air condition· 2 BR 1Jnfum l pt, Blt-iM, pets SI40. 642-2389. 3 .BR, 2 BA Duplex ........ ti, S•n Clemente 5710 anytime. Full view of busy mkt cor .
..,. about our dlsccunt plan. 741 w· g/fireplaces optional. w/w crpts. Infant ok. No 2 BR. elect kitc!l. Drps, drp ~r -• LANDLORDS e An adv. sian is visible to
W 18th St A t. B '·'"!'~" 11 bltns !ncd y·~ Like N••• ft·a•• lovely •• ~-n 'MIN>/\ .... _ .. -'ty. JOOM. '·•. • .. P • .,...,,.. ......, pell. 1st 4 last $165 mo crptJ. encl gar. Harbor ' ' ... ,,... .._ °"" """ "'""'"' -FREE RENTAL SERVICE ~ ........ ._. 70 ui...
FRESTIGE l BR $1-40. Pool, Oakwood Garden Apartm eh ll incl ulil. Apply 135. Albert Baker shppg. Adulll, no priv. home. $200. Chldrn or apt. 2 br. ref., range bit.In Broker SM-6982 tory YIOrkert. Ideal location
13' quiet, nr fwy. Adtilts, no On 16th Street bety.reen Irvine and Dover Dr. Pl., C.r.1. mrr upstairs apt childrtn. $140. 642-2389 pet ok. 2 blks from Hntg bar, cpl.I. drps, &araae. ~ ' . chilckare or any pro .
• ~~ , pets. 546-8791, Checkmate or call (213) ,693-5839. Hosp. 897-4809 ·or 213: mo. 601 Calle Puente. S.\.. Roomt Lr R--S9t5 fcsaional. $24,S00-.$65jKI dn .
.J • (~14] ~.2·8170 430-9743 492-0492. "' ..-u $180 mo'ly . .Apti, 2831 So. Bristol · ·. ! ' 2 Bedroom Apartment, bltjn NewJior.t Buch 5200 I'"°'· =~~.-~~~~ Lytle Realty 583 w. 19th _.. 1 e~ fum _apt,_ ~l. c;arport. SpaCioiaa'".eo.dl0, 1'a:1SM.t90rn 1uite1. Fur~l1hed or range/oven Ir rtfri&. No _ _ -__ _ _ l BR. .J ·b&, frplc, bl~, OCEAN vbiew &P~,1 new m. Wk, ;<:dM. Room,\. 'prYI. 548-94.9.1 24 hi'. phone
Adulta 560 W Hamilton ~-•. •.H_I toS!jl,_.ljnmedlateOcc\!pi_r:i~y. chlldrenorpeU:.$135. '"*T.PW'!"'-DA~ILY~5 ..,.. w/w . cpts,. P_at10 . plU, 2 r •• bit-Ins I. cpts ·bith &. entrance, p ref
tti -·nu · · ' t· W 11• u.c di Rlt u1 .EN I •· lt' everything Near nu acroaa 496-2160 or 496-3954, employed person. No smok· FOR sale by owner, 7-uni t. "' CM 548-'. e ~ .,. e, rs. 777 AMIGOS WAY from Hun•~ Cntr • .:. ..... , I d 'nkl ""Af modern MEDICAL DEN-~ 1810 N rt Blvd C.M ~ • ~-RE 'L fSTATE ng, n ng, ~ erences. '"' MERRThIAC WOODS new =========~===::.:::::=::,,.,=.::::= ·548-rn:wpo Eve; ~ 2 BR. 2 ~'. units, unlurn. & ehUd ok, Immed ocaip, G:n.r•l '' 673-5321. TAL CENTER. Good·
(t ~u~ent!acB~ay.a~ Newport Be•ch 4200 Hunti11.9ton Beac:h 4400 . Outside hvtni area.<i and Rsnble. 842-3550, 8M-«88. OO~U~B~LE~Rm~-.. -kl~.,-,he-n_p_n~·V11 return, good write-off .
See class 5100 -~---~--1 -QUIET ADULT LMNG double garages. S250 to $."O), NEAR Huntington Harbour Rent•I• W•ntecl 5990 + ++ in prvt.. home. Near Consider home or1 in trade .. ===~~=....,=~ 11 AND 2 BR. \vkly or G!I 1 & 2 BR's. Shag crplll, ~ 644-1617 ~ _New Triplexes. Quiet area. Fairview It Baker. By wk See 5911 Hell Ave., HB.: •,1 ~ 3 BR· -$150 1 llJ()nthly wntr or suriftft'U, P("\ :w_, • .,t bltns, pool. bet.ut. lndscpd . ~ Lrgl&.3BR's.Dishwuber, NOTICE or mo. \Veekdaya aft 6:00 call owner TI4: 84&-3221.
A: 2 BR's S90 up. IP W. avail now! 549-0fw, 892-4936. 1'.'l' ':...A~ Sl.50 &. $110 mo. incl all IMM.At PentboU.le type. 2 $150. Pet ok .. (213} SE0--2623 REALTORS &: RENTERS pm. S4~l06L eves. or 2~: 69&-1810 days -
Wil.on. 548-9a"17. 133 E . 16th C'4lf, 6' util. 2!t,1 Avocado St . BR, sundeck, cpt/drp, elec or (n4) 846-3559. The housinc qtft~ of U~lv~. ROOM, Bath, priv. entr., on C-2 lot, 50 x 200 with 2
st: 642-1265. Coron• del M•r 4250 Take SOME_ONE you 646--09'ra. ~ ~ refliifi~ts, no 2 Bedroom 2 bath just sit)' of .~on:i1&! Irvine. Js beach. Avail thru July, C&il BR house ()M rear, near
1 BR, Older bach nu.n only, --. LOVE to the DELUXE 1 & 7 BR. Bltn pe · mo. . ... . d I expand.inc its listing service Alt S·.30 PM. Re~r. ~. E. 17th. Owner. 646-456.l, S85 furn. Bach. No cooking,. La Q • ff pa1ntcu 1mme . 09CUP· '"' ..... GU-l.tl3 t Util pd, no garage. $125. 415 Narci 11u1. CdM. Uinta ermosa itOVe &"'-"d!liWhr, pool. tl'ICI WATERFRONT; u·pper, block to 5 Pts. stores $150 torotfca~pusrentals.Real. 494-5647. ~ -I 1911 Owrch St. 646--7093. garage all utll pd From spectacular view. New, Jux-ton &: private ownen: are i====~---...,--,... 6'ffi-4518 a!t 5:30 Yokdays, "THE EVERYTHING APTS" $I! 5 1• 17 0. ch !1 d re n l.lrioul 2 Br. -2 Ba. ir.uv; unt:urn. 1121 Ellis. en ..... -...-to list suitable SLEEPING Room only for ~t ATI'JUCT. l BR. furn. util's ny1· lend · h fT"" ....... _...... '-·eel can :.c. pd.· $1.0S. Sin&'le adlt, over a 1Te w s. San ,Diego Frwy &: Beac welcome. 241 W. Wilson, No. month. 673-1235 or 6'7>2268 * 2 BR 1~ ba, patio, pool. married 4 single 1tudents & emp..,,. person. everr
! UlO Mo. Bach. apt. Patio. ~~d: :j14 ~ksp~~~~; 5. 548-7405. WESTCLIFF : 2 BR, $165 mo. Mora Kai Aptl. f aculty accommodationa 1ngs, 675-3180.
rt , 30 onJy. 64Ml97. Hotplate/refrig. Util pd. Lane VILLA MESA APTS. cpt/drp, bltns. Adults only, Ea.lit of Beach Bl, % blk with us . \Vrite or phone for NICE room, man only, 9hare
:.. • 2 BR. DELUXE APT. Nr. bch. 613--1963. . . 2 BR Pri patio Htd pool no pell $175 mo 548-65!5 --o_tt_G_arll_eld_._____ a lilting tonn from: Hous. bath with. one. 1739 Crest-••' cattiedral ceilings. Pool. ''The. LiYi1"19 End" · v, ' · . . . -ing Offlce, Library Admin-mount, CM. S48-8119 4 • Ad I $155 642-T'.:iOS S4l-544l 2 car encl d ear. Children CONDOMINIUM w I P 0 0 I 2 BR. Adults. Util pd.
.. "! uts. mo. · BI I Ind 4ll5 ">elcome, no pell plhee! privileges. 3 br, $285 mo. Be~ut-QuJet. Pool. P rlv istratlon Bide._ UC Irvine, FURN. Room for rttined
,,._, BACH, $105 inc util. Quiet, •.boa 1 1 I Br. condominium-nicely $165 mo. n9 w, Wilson. 6?3--9lS3. patio. Beam clngs. 17676 Irvine, Calif. 92664. Phone: person, Newport area.
f'.~sober, resp. man. 26l·Mna ---------·!furnished. Enclosed patio. 646-1251 Cameron. 842-6121 CTI4) 83J.68U. -642-5697 ~~ Dr. 646-1342 BALBOA INN . s1ao. 962-9568. New at~ctlve 2 BR in. E11t Bluff 5242 LRG. Clean 2 BR. encld * Yoi.tng couple needs house ROOM $60 mo. No cooking.
On the beach. F'ro1n $35 \Vk. ···--· dlvidual units Fr P 1, garage, Adults, no petJ:1 2608 or apt near Daily Pilot in Lrg prlv BA &-entr. See
i'll Newport Beach 4200 6 mo. minimum, 67~40 Sant:. An• 4620 E~ nd St s 3 6 12 o s Coe: ta Me1&. NO bad habits, 'I-No. 6, ~35 E ld•n. C.M. • ....;..._ --crp/drp.beam c eil i na:s, PRESTIGE LOCATION .,..a . -'children or -ts. and can1 -"..;•-·....;.·_" ____ _
:·· • YEARLY Av&il now. At· STANDARD. MANOR patios. Adults onl y, no pets. 536-ft59.'l. .... !a... MESA MOTEL tractive 1 BR. $170 in-Refs. $l59.SO Ir $l'19:5(1 2354 For lease, deluxe 1881 sq. tt.3 --BR~-To~wnhow--~Pool---1 pay S135/monthly. Own Misc. Rtnt•I•
, duding u'till"-67: .... 75 Large, charmina: newly dee. Sa Ana A "'°"'' f BR. 21,ii BA apt. Frplc. "·--.. 00.~ ..,o.:i ap-fumlture and would be will· -i * LOW WEEKLY RATES * ~. ~ &: quiel. Sl.3$ mo. By the nta ve. '"~ or drapes, crpts, wet bar. prl puam.-.:S .,. p pa · ._.. mo ing to renovate a ahabby SEMI·PRIV. Room now avail
, ,. KHchen, TV's. maid service. * 1 BR $15.5 mo. YEARLY. corner Standard &. McFad. 675-039.5 baJcontea, dbl gar oft kitchen lse. 540-22&5. dwelling. Pleue cal l in licensed gue1t home ior
:.• Heated Pool. Gas I wtr pd, no pets. den, 1009 S, Standard, 541-UNFURN &: tum 1% bath, d.shwhr, dbl own, Pool. Conv 2 Br. Apt. Children ok. New 673--7796 and leave meuqe ambulatory, senior citizen.
:11. Gt&-9681 646-21.30. 9494. 2 BR upstairs, L I v 'a: to ahop'1 schls A-recreation. drps; crpts. range, cloeed with pleasant mother·in-law. Lovely yard.l a patio. Good
l 1 BEDRM apt. Clo~ to bay ATI"R. I BR. sleeps ~; by quarters down. Cpts, drps., Only $350 mo. ga.r. $1410. 842-836:i. food, conaenial atmosphere,
A: beach. Furn or unfurn. _mo. July &: Au& avail; A L•9una lkt•ch 4705 pool, no children under
10. 835 Amigos Way, NB BEACH apt., studio, 2 br, CM area. 548-5225. OAS wel.
I 675-7876 or 494-9471 Wlnter·70 resv·s. 673-1500 Clean cut adult sgles w ref Mif. next door 865 Amlcol. 2 ba + 2 br 1 ba. Adults. RENTAL FINDER.S eo "~m~•=·~~---=-lii Robinton ok. fi46.-049&. ' Managed by no Jlt'IS, 219 15th St., No. 1 ,,.. T• ~ RANCHO Roaallta Riding ! '.'BACHELOR, ideal for Huntlng19n IHch -SINGLE ADULTS! HARBOR GREENS WILLIAM WALTERS CO. Santa Ana 5620 ~ .. w.~;:'.',:7~ M-~~~.,,;";\~., ·~~h'<$3a~
•, "'tired person. S hop•, $35 WK. VILLAGE INN GARDEN• STUDIO APTS e NEW DELUXE e -,.,...,.,,,,,,,,,,,,. ""
•·-market, theatre 2 blk! ........ --DRUIDS 6 MO minimum Buch. 1, 2, 3 BR's, fn:>D1 $1]0. 3 BR. 2 BA Apt for lease, --------:::::_ .,-·u11 11t11u1 Space 17~ Orchard Dr., • 67• u •o BR "",:~~::::=~~~~I Santa Ana Heights. or call t"' $70-$75 mo. ............o. Never Hiri 11 So Gooi:H! Prestige living. !\laid ller, 2700 Petenon Way, C.M. Incl. gpac. master suite, din SllS..Lrg C°he'ertul 1 . a pt. -~ Oi&ne Weed at ggs..70lil aft.
l,• l ·BR. duplex I bli. to ocean STONE HENGE APTS ~I_. ste?S to beach. 4!14·9436 546-0370 rm &-dbl garage, auto door Crpts, drpg. blths, encl gar. CLEAN Furn house, facing 1 ••• &-bay. Sl50 yearly, util. Poot l"at•,/Table BBQ ___ 2 BR l % ba. $l60. Cpt/drp, opener avail. Pool tr,,Jtec. l child ok. <Nr. achls). 2230 ocean. 819-8/17 have rets.1~~=~~-~=~-
pd 37ll \" ft•'bo Bl d ,v area s Center St SA Nr G. Kovatch. 3845 Co~ee Ln, GARAGE For rent C.M. Ap. I.~ ·~ D<ll a v · 2BR. 2BA .Jnfant OK San· Clemente 4710 patio, pool, bltns. SeacliU · ~ ' · • · Santa Rosa. 707/546-1733. prox 11'x22', alley access
-• \VINTER RENTALS • $185 Furn 536-3107 ~:'1!"a,.Ap .. ~,k 3525bou· pt lacend~ia : ~ ... O~ :;55., NB• \Varner. 545-0989. -$22.50 mo. 897..()196.
Rent NOW for Sept! 2320 Florida St. HB ., .~ ......-.-u. IUO a our 1$· ' ' Santa An• 5'20S•nte AIM 5620
I'!.' Ab~.Y ReaJtv 642-3850 t BR., liv rm .. kit. & bath. count Managed by _ Garqt for rent
... If'<· ' FREE t.rnL. Fum 1 It 2 'OcMri view, wlk to bch., WILUAM WALTERS CO. CM. 25--Vic. 19th and Santa
' WATERFRONT . 1 br. $150. n->-apto. N•ar beach. s h o PP t n i &. show 2 BR unfutn, n al u r a 1 2 -"" ·-DCllUu• · • ---'wood -.ic Pr\v patio BR. 2 be. &: powder room. Ana. vu-wo;r. Yeorly. Adults. New l y ~· "~ up ,,., .. ~m 1"t'afl0nlble tal'e. 492-9996 • .,.,. • .. l" · . ' ~
Busi"••• Rental 6060
COMPL Furn Real Estate
office. Well estab. 100% loc.
Parking. $150 mo. incl all
util. 5 Yr lease. Harbor &
19th area. Write Box M
1061 Dally Pilot.
DANA PT-blk from harbor,
on Del Prado, ofUce/store
space 1000 sq ft, S190. mo.,
lease 496-1672-Box 27, Dana
MODERN Ocean view units.
Shop It office space avail.
199!1 So .. Coast Hwy, Laauns
Beach. Ai:ent: 494-9471.
600 trr 1200 &r. Ft. Parking
Reasonable, 646-2414
2630 Avon St., Newport
COSTA Mesa: 600 11q. ft.
office, 600 sq. ft. store, 800
sq, ft, shop. * Owner
Office Rent1I 6070
Deluxe l·Rm. oUice
Nr, Orange County 'Airport
Ir Irvine Industrial
Complex, Cai'pf!t, drapes.
music, air<i0nditioil.ing Ir
janltor.tal se~. $125 Mo. r. ·ed 67.,702 r.IU>-, -.....,.. • .......... • ...... 1:189 . garagf:. 244 Ct.brillo, l blk frpl, spec cpt, patio, kar u· '"""'' · ~ 53&-1366, 536-7282 · ~ • """' ol 17th. $10l mo. •"· 1 yr Is.. AvaU lmmod.
• . • 548-6859. $245. 642-soeo or M4-2492
In-Property · -BOB PEl'rlT, RO<ltor
-• ,833-0101 •
r .. •
FOR Lse: 2 Br, 2 ba ~too
tlcello condo, Adult section.
Attach. dbl pr. v.·/auto.
optMr, crpts, drps, bltns
incl. $225. 54~2627
Sharp 1 BR, cloae to OC'C &
UCI, $130. Ref.B required.,
• • Call Mf>.4879 • *
TNHSE: 2 BR 2% ba, tpl,
patio, enc gai-, 752 Amigos
\Vy, Apt 5, $300. 67>5033.
3 BR. Unrum. Frple, \V/w
crpts. drp1, 2 Ba.. 4151..C
Hilaria \Vay. NB.
*DELUXE 1 A 2 BR Garden Coron• ffl Mer 5250 ~--· Apts. Bit-Ins, priv. patio,
heated pool. frph::. Adults,
$14S mo. SfG.5163 ~~
Gr•cktus Adult Llvlnt •
2 BR. w/w c.pts, dri-, bltn
R/0 , 1pir strcee, frple, 145 ON TEN AOU:S:
E. t!lh. 557.-. ruo. 1 a • BR. rm • v.-
UNUSUAL l ·Br. apt. -::::1*~ ~~
Partially lt1rD. IUO per mo. llOO s.. ~ O!M M+M1
Nr. Moppin&. ~vall. JuJy lst (M'ae.\tthar nr. O:INt R~)
Realoaomlcs-Bkr, S$.6704 •
MODERN 2 actrm, l" be., LUXURY l BR apt. Crpts,
<>pt/drp, GE kitch. vJt w, 11hutten. be.loony, fr p I c ,
enc gar. Ni' bus. $155. slovc, re(rig. Nr. bcb $200
adul!J, no :-cu . lXI E. 20th mo. 673--1963. -
·----. --
2 BR. Unf\{m. S\3(1 010. Jn. 2 Br, 2 M. J wit S1 qf H"wy.
lant ok. No i>'ta , J0&n.n SI. Crpte, drpJI. Clean. (213)
O f. 5-t~37 431-l19j .
3 BEDROOMS: w/w carptt e 3 DR. ~i BA DUPLEX a
No pets. $145 montl\ Cpta, drps, bltns. encl pz.
mac Arthur
1};11age ·
s,,.,.w. s.,.,. i_,,.
J•IW s il r. , .. ,, ... ..r V.,_ I I rl
. -'-Qlatllltr ..._ c.., •• ... r ... .._, __
-r-r.-,.ta-,.,.._._._,.J '
.... C..tlllh •• h}er ., ... 0... ,...... !la. ,,....., ,_,-c.i. ,.,. ......... "'.,,,., u....,, r...a. c..... o,_.., .$e..,. 1 ..
Now RenU.U,
1 .,..,,, ·-., .,..,.,, , .. ,, .... el s..tA c...,,..
1000 W, 1t .. Ar1/u 1r Bled.
Sanlo AM· 5""'8497
S.""'230 • mm; _, .... ,..,,,,....---=----..,.,..-------------.~,--':::..:::::;.._~,--..... ~-----·-...::::::::::==::::::::
• I
Attention .DESK Sl'ACE
lnveston I ) 7875 Beech Blvd.
For Sale, approximately ;-; Huntington Beach 11cre prime M property.
Situated on h1lh blilfl, ()Vtr. "'""=6'2-<371="'""='._Ex_t_m~~=I
looking Lido Iala.nd, New· APPROX 600 sq, ft . S120
port Betl,\:h. ete. AdJat11nt to mo. All utll's Incl., t!Xcepl
Hoq Memorial Hoapital, phone. Nekt to Sec. Pacltic
SWTOUnded by M e dica l Bank, 188 E. 11th St., CM;
BUildlnp and a lovely high-Ample parking-. 642-4210
~.;,n:.:U:mfv::. DESK SPACE
able. $180.000. Write ... call 222 Forest Avtinuo Pmil Upton, lT14) 'm-J841, Town&Q11U'e Dev. Corl'. l w. Loguno .Beech
Stato St., -~ ca. 92373 $9166'
• $7',950 • DESK SPACE
· 5 Units + 3 Br. home 305 No. El C.rnino Reel • $19,000.
5 Unlit + i Comm. •lm"E's Sen Clement e + hoo•. comm. f.rontage 4924430 e $125,000 •· NEWPORT Be11cb Deluxe
Hotel. 12 + 3 Aplt . OUlcts. Alr--c<1nd, htd, w/
Eaty tenns • Wneim prh . • bl. 2~ w. Cout
Pl.ACE REALTY <94-9104 I :::H::iwy"',==-~~-
2959 So. Coul Hwy, $100 MONTH. on Cou t HWJ.,
CUSJ'OM 6 units • prime t..aiuna 8e11.ch, UUll t.let ln.
Joe, Q\\'nef'S c Br, den. 3 chided. ~.
Ba .,.. S lrf atudloa: . fpl~. DAILY PILOT DIME w A
patiOJ. Net $198,SIXI. Owner • LlNF.S cost )'OU Just Pfr>-
67S.:503S. ' nits a dQ.
• _, •
s.tril)', .lutJ 4. 1'70 DAILY l'!llf
l'INANCIAL l'INANCIAL ' \ ... NOl'ICU -· --=I~ --
8ullnel1 . luttwa '.'!
L_. ,
•l Cmtr...,. '621 H~,..,.~ ''~ Tate. Catam&c "74 , ... Min, Wocn. 11"00 I ~ Ji•• .,..._vr.r.. 7Jll> '•'• tMo, w-. 7l•
a.p! 1:.itlN ,_ -...iH -, -APtllTIONS.Alld.Allontlom .f*HOUSECLEANING CERAMIC TILE IN· . '
""'! '"!::., , : = • "l9"ll -Holt In lllln-r.;-..;i ~ ~-··Men ·&Wlfo. l'est& STALLATlON And ASSISTANT: · . ' IA~ ttci,GGG AND llP Pl• YIAll :.t""n11t~'.. !!'. ~~mr ... · :,..~ c!1~\14 ~.r.::.:;~mi.:_n~~eo~ , !Mii.PER . 1 · NOW lffERE 1 .ARE TWO!!!
• YOUll ~ ll.lllNUS. Wll,L' NOT • to malt. Pleue return! !lo1llll!O " -...ii ui. ·-1'ull' time ond pert -, ' ' INTlllf'!P WITH !'RISE!ff. llr,u'LOYMINT. Call MM94 alt 6,00 p.m. wTHE llEMODELERS* ci!:.°: = s.mc. · • MexiC.,. w.; Ali."': depellda6te. Aae ~ iU5 · •
Mole .• ' ' .No. .... 11... "·,,....,.le 6r S!Ml10. """ ..... -'"'""""' • , ........... ' -_,_ Call "' .. --il-Tlle-COnsoJld•'*1DbtrlbUtkrg co;=.JiQiiston .Sl,<l<ESE cit (°"'" bl ... Kltcbt,. _·carports ~ ;4 Cotomc • 5IMll1 5'6-1$17. "Call Mr. Allan 95$.:trl!J , :~nl""'" ir!lll•P'polnl•'~butor.lnyolir' ~idiJ. potnt _a .s<at point> mate. Complete Remodellns. JOES CLl.AN S&RV~ , ARE YOU jJalSonnll
tribute eqr patiottll, !ast riiovin~, )I profit I.Oil ... tbe vie, ..... Shan. Qu&lllY, Contracton. au-We .,. ~ ...... t; ~II ' . • -~ ' wn ege cy' AND
product$. To qulllfy you need car. be a Joell """ " Collere C · M · 3i60 ' Comm, Froe Ell. "4Wl'6 'roP . -• . IE.AUTIFUL?7 . n
respoJis.ible ~party, .make a one.· time invest· .~~' DQ s.7~9507 eve ~ * RemodeUnc *APT C'Ll:ANING * ~ ~.~~ail-~ It'• all lb the~ of u.. lie-833 Dover Drive
ment oJ $2875.00 and be willing to devote ap-· J'loedo H. o.rwlck. Lie. Fut" Ibo-64>.e'.\M, --. holder. Check the TV ..... N~'..lsfo•cb
proxioiateJy in hours r w ~ to m'anaging KEEPSAKE Bl'6ceiet lost in m-wt * 549-2l'ZO WillWM Ceaninc Suv. -ml, you watch and u ~ ' , . your")~busl-;iess. • ,pe ee '!_ullock'• 18;;'inRe~'.'.°~ ""'C: SIRVICE DIRECTORY TRQJAN,MAINT. ,CO. T-. Service 6'IO tee! ,.qu•10 u ... tty . u · FOR THER. INFORMATION WRITE· .. ~ nn •• • -"· • Oompt houaecle≮r. otc A . -01--e,caU111. TO .llTTl!R SERVE : • W682 or OR 3-3346. Cerpet CIHnlng "25 -""""1l•"'"l m.siu BOB'S TREE SURGERY "CALll' ICA$TINCJ co . The conoolldottcl Dt1trlbut1n1 co. . ,. · =·....-· · ·-, __ ,_ . · ·-· . · YOUR PIRSONNIL Nl!l!DS 3810 Wttthelmer S lte 426 LOST-Toy '"''" poodle vie. . BAY " 8e&cb Janl1mial • ~ ott-the ...,. • con-Ill "uch tor '
, • u , Sltepy Hollow & S. Cout ~ ~ C&:rpets w1ndowt floors., Ftnt Quality Tre. Service, e~ PtOPJ• who bavt / ~~~~~~~~~··~!~·~~~ ·-~~~~· ~~1 , .. Houston, Texas 77027 . ..-Hwy., Wed. ew .. Reward. ~ V etc ~a:Comme'iM&-l«ll * 5fO.ml * •~to work on 1V orj;
Jnclucllng .,i.,ne number. , .... 18tl6. 'CARPET • . DON'S TREE SERVICE All moddlnr Jobi. fr.I lo SUS .lallt Mer;. W-. 7100 J .... -· WOlfto 7100
REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS itnd ns:,=. :,. G~~m~: STEAM CLEANED lrOfllng ' '" 6755 =.::.1:::"°~lns. rr.e ~";{;,;'~~~--' . miRmlYAttndt&n,......
Gentrel FINANCIAL 14559. Nneds • ·..,." v;.: ~E,~ONABLE RATES mONING-PIY by piece. Wlll TREES, H._ ~ -~ . AUDri"!ON * FIBERGLASS I a y• Ires al Newport -
Commtfclel -au.1 .... -w. wil.on, C.M. 5'8-0066 -carpet inatallatlOli pick Up,&,cleli,.., Call alttt stwnpo, .........d. hauJid. ""~ c~ .J:'-~---. -dlwg & .. Lu ...... Chmob. .. -•
0-rtunlll QOO REWARD •. Golden Labrador 646-5971 1 pm, 613--1998. yn .... Fully Ins. W-«l30. 1. PM -rl ,. • ' ORDER Delil a Typist
s stntts, s110,ooo. 68S-6M w. " . puppy, '9m, Emerald Bay, OWNERS SPECIAL moNING In my home, $1 AUTO bookke.per, DMV " ta ling exper. Ap-Lt. otc. work. 'Mature womu
19th St. Be~l TOW'ef'S cor.. June 28. 2!3:~ coll, 500 aq. tt. i211. D~ Hr. DrHamaldn& • alttn.· Upholatery 090 cont~ acts exp ft<I, ply In person ED-210 Briaa. Ooata Ma&
ner.548-1768.Agt. *PARTNER 49'-6102ot;.·494-83$8. ~ Carpet Cl~~ 187 21st tiona.~1641. , knowfedreot.othlr')>urn&J& LE ' · * PBX Operator.Ex.
-WHITE female b ' t St .• Coeta M,..,645-1317. -FABRIC SALE helpful. .Tornmjl Ayera R INDUSTRIES perienc<d --me ,... ~~ ~ent•I 6090 Acti~e with $9,500 ~uh ~Cll'' 10oks like amaJl ~r::t!:oo: srEAM Jet carpet cleanl.rg. P•intlng, • ' 2580 Blue ptlp • tam P.• Chevrolet, 351 BroadWay, 1INC. 21·01 Dove ~. 5«).m2
INDUSTRIAL Bldg. tor lse. b~s1ne111 that's ao1nc like Vic Balboa Blvd • 2>th By OarK.are, nation.wide P•perh•ntiftl "50 FREE. 2-pC divan A chair Lquna-8each.~•1Ul i, S NI :·. 1-p--------1
Wiid fire!! St. salary $zriO st. ••• ·~· alter 3PM service. Free esl 642-t055 -$69. incl~es fabric • labar. BAR.MAID 'W'V'DWIDl..UC£D~ -'·· .. _ .. _ -~ arts Man 4~ sq ft. 847 W. 16th, wk.Couldeaall lelected .,...,,.._,.. · ·---- -All work done ln S da)>a. '.l:UU"".,.._, · • N.Bi (Jn Rear). 673-2557 party 25m 1arnet Mutt Heartbroken! REMARC ~s. 3 rooms* PAINTING INT A: EXT. Frwestimate: m-541.a.. 21-30. AJIPb,' l pm'to' pm l,FUU. or PART~· EU'l1 -. .. •
1300 +ft Mi On Pl d&.~ • year:. • . $U50. Fully guaranteed. Avers 1 •ty $260 2 flt'/ . . .. at. The name Room. 18llO II up to JS. per hr. FUU.ER
. -• acen ' hav.e mana&erial ability It Pe. non•ll 6405 Credit cards OK. 84716118 no;n. ~-.... all ,..:... .... _ • ._ JOI~.& EMPLOYMENT MOnrovia»C.M. BRUSH, ~. '5 For counter_ • work.~ haw CM. 0 mo.· lease; desire to __ .,_ .,....., No ..,._ wu \11:.--.. • ..i_._ 646-033.1 J • ..........,. ·-i. -~ Sl! r nn + ~Younc a at v .. 11 -,,,. expene._ Apply in penori
• eave message. Sellin&!! Call 5.17-8950 F.xt *FOLLY UCENSED "!' Floon 6665 paint. t.oca.i reh.~ Jack Job; W~ntecl, Men 70001 tractlw. The Sandal, Sunsei r1~= ~=~~JR to i-rta rUn.su. Sb: d&)rl.
Lots 6100 •"2. 3 STORES Re~=~:..~~t. CARPETVINYLTILE 8M-3895or831-6925. mGHLY Qualified El.EC-Be&ch .. 5t2-!818t.·· \Daily·PuOf~'..... Haoaedb~· v' w
, . LoYe,Mani&ie,BuaineA UCCONTlt. FREEEST.PAINTING?·Aceoua. Clil-.TRO.MECHANICAf..proj. General ar our ARIZONA 600) Heart cl Lancuter. Lot Reading; ~ 1 d.Y, 1 " 540-1'62 * Ires. 113 per rm. Inter. .et e-with U ,..,. BEAUTY $3 95 HR • • Larae level Iota:. \lla,ter, pow. 78 ~ 178. 2 1totttooma I week. 9AM.;.tPM 312 N. El wall.I, $15 per rm. AVI exhir ot (lftlll'flSliyt ' o:per1,ence • • • • • 1'1ll ·BEA.al BL., 80405
er. Good'°""" 1195 lull Meal Market lncludinr caniJno Real, San Furniture RHlorlng l •tory hou .. $'69. Quallll[ --ln Oranp OPERATOR Larte • ....-cllait>nned• HUNTINGTON BEAQI
price. EMy terms, Free plc-~lJ?ment Corner Ave. I . A Clemente, 492-9136, 49'J-0076 & Refinishing 6675 work. 54Q..0062. CowitY. ·~ recenqy bead. full •·~ ti¥ne bdit. Te~. Part . time bcpkeeper for •
tuttS, maps. Write Elmer d1VIS1on. ACJ'OY from Fair-Slilgle-WidoWed-Dlvorced 1 srORY Stucco a: overhanl ed. project to develop MY.t be experienced. A ~nn. ~ ~ 6 Mos dru& &tott Rep to Box
Butler, Box 486, Kingman, grou~, Excel!ent Invest. * ME. N WOMEN Furrtlture Ir Antiques S99. ' story at u cc o A vacuum column portion of • raident requ.lnd. . P-108 Daily.Pilot •
Ariz. 86401. ment. -• .1 ~ • Re~torinc. o~rhang $lf9. Acst. ceWnc hie:h apeed aynclironow: +Al!P-LY... · 956-2871 Jim Ryan . . . . e $5,500 ·• · $55,000 Everyone's looking ~or the * 645-0991 * $13. per rrn. Min. 3 rma. recorden. I otter a F.!eflOnnel Offlc. • ~r•I Office $450. p~i!:!:_ice,£: wanted. SharP
Lovely view, Ie~l Joli. ~ Mrs. Riley alter &. f'iEbt one. We have a way-so 6t6-05n A 637~. divenUied backgrouM in • Third Floor ' Good typlnt Plus math ab\1. ---•· Jtb W 9tndenl:
to build on. Easy terms. • n4-540-5595 call us &: IX"fin to UVE! Glfdentng · '680 TWO UCLA students need elect r.o ·mecbanical ap-tty, call ~. Weatclltf wl~ tlCR1atil1 desire. Rn:.
PLACE REALTY 494-9704 Opportunity Knocks · 541-6667 . money. E*p'd hoJ1 &~ pllcat i o~•· Contac.t THE BROADWAY Pttsonnel Arency, ~3 = call 10l' appt.
2969 So, Cout Hwy. In Dana Point. Stl.tionary & 24 Hr. Recording AL'S GARDENING painters Fl'ff est, Ken 213-'182-509Z. Westclltt iDr., N.8 . M5-2770. ---·-----'-I
CANYON TO OCEAN VIEW gift stett. Only one in b:>om. AL COHOlJCS Anonymou1 for Profeasional-GardenillE ~4. GIRL with driven llceme
Level quiet residential street, ini: new marina area. Only Phone 54.2-1211 or write to &: amal1 I ands cap In a SAVE Money! Two ooUtp Job Wani~, ' NEWPORT BEACH to help Odo •·Isle motMr
60'x107', appraised $ll.OOO. $4,IXX> + inventory Ir owner P.O. Box 1233 Costa Mesa. service• call 646-3629, Strv-l't\JdtDta' Out ··ior · IW1UDtl' Women 7020 41 FASHION ISLAND with wmmtr activities ol
Owner ·needs cash, now will catTY. Gros.21 $15,000. DRIVER Aut. 10 Michigan in& Newport, CdM, Costa with 3· yrs. exp. Neat A . Newrt •---L 6 childreil 2-11. Duties fl'I..
• * POUCE'*
$9950. 49~. -..-Won't last, call now! i.vma:_awrox. July 13. Call Mesa._ Dover Shores, West-dePendaWe. Steve ~. P~_!'~ «~-~ ,-,..... Detnin clude driving to and from
MESA v-Golf'Qour,,. lot AGENT 496-1368 !i!6-3038. clltt. METICULOUS PAINT. ln .,._,...,._e ,! _...:.~ ~-··• -----cactivlti.,, _blbysttting, t. CITY OF -----· ~-opportunity employer child ..,._ ean 8'13-IJIOO NEWPORT BEACH
$16,500, ' FANTASTIC buaintu op. '4lO LA!'l0~E/GARDENIN9 BLUE CflIP SfAMPS. INS. to one, Reta exc~. BEAUTY ()pen.tor, J:iootft
962-3668 .~unity. 140' _reata~t, Announcements Maml·Res1dential, comm!. cnw col. nudents. Int-ext 646-6593 ~.. space for rent. CdM·Jleu • ./GIRL For General $4H to $605
ATTR. View lot o'look~ established Newport .Beach ~an-up. Lawn removal . & houses. Exp. Docks. 675-58U MANAGERIAL pora w/ffw-Ph: ~lS46/e~. Restaurant help. Will train. per. me. '
M.,. vmte ""'"'"" dub s -~: Well -.. For • Attention G I 's '""""· Spmkln. Weed kill· N w tin . • """'' 3'll1'B .,,._, CM. & HB. $l9,951'.l 546-365.1. ~m«hate sale due ·to loss • • ing. Designs. Llc'd. Contr., . o as g out apt, ad aru import. Pt * CASHIER • Perm, full Hard ot manager. no,ooo dn. C:On-Thinkin& ot buying an auto-12 yrs toe exp ~1225 * WALLPAPER * or 11. time. Mature, attr., exp, time aftetnooi• A: wk. ware store u.lesman.
Perform a variety Of pn..
era! cltrical work of aver. aa:e difficulty.
tact Mr; Pike, -494.&73 or mobile after ttturnln& from . . '. When )'(Ml call "Mac" w/&d but. bkgmd. Daily ends'. HOAG HOSP. N.B. H. W. Wri&ht Co. 126 Ro-creege 494-7"32. overseas? We at Barwick NEW Lawns, re-seeding. 548-~444 M6-t032 PUot Box M 1045. ~ Dept. cheater, CM.
LITn.E Yellow farm house Imports would like to extend Combple~blawn careth. ~ HOUSES dockl, b 0 at1 TRAINED nune wishes CU"f: ~ • T ~ REP· -·1 co· ---•-H-~o"MEW=°"o"RXERS==~c.-... -lo-pe Requlm: Jil&h School snd-MKT. $200,<m In lf'OC· A .... art! t tulatio up y JO or mon . .., .. ,., ' • ~ ' .. ,,. · ·~ addreuors) led ~ .. h ti 1 lull on 1.3 acres in picturesque produce annually. Prieed our.... es oongra na estimate•. For inlo call a nytbin1-everything for 1 ambulatory patient in anq&ftllive,marrieda&les wan • ...... s ua on, year tlme1ex.
Murrieta Valley, La r g ~ for immed. Alt. 536--2042 for a job well done. Let us 897.:.~1 or 846--0932 reuonably painted. For tree Newpt Bch, live tn, mature. penon, Great oppty for adv, ~~ l!tlt add. env.. perience in typlnc and aen-
oountry etyle kitchen, ~lee-• help select YoUl' ne'A'. car or • eitimate ~9752. Ref'•. Box M·lOU, Dally Boa pays tee st at _,, Kuisa.c)t, P .0. Box 1350, eral oUice work. 'I'Ylinc
tric ~ &•refrieerator, Money to I.Mn 6320 usedautomobile.Callforap.~IN_G, gardening, PROFESSIONAL. 30 yrs Pilot + bonua. cati s&u1 Hart Gardf:n·9-row,Ca.92640. speed.50wpm.~al
place tor wood atOve in pointment. 546-4052 ot prumng! trimm.lna: a n d exp. paperhanging a, pain-AIDES _ for oonvaletcence, 540-6955. _ HOUSECLEANING A Child ottice equl.pment. 1
kitchen. 3 bedrooms, 11i'i: 1 t TD L 494-9773. renovatin(.CallatterSp.m. ting,fromEn&land.91JS..Tt61 elderlycuecrtamllycan. COASTAL AGENCY care. $50 Wk plut rm. Ir
bltM. piP<d water, h,,.e s . oaq N'EW ~c houn ~ 548--S:lll!l.. PAINTlNCl' • Exf.·lnt. U Homemaken. 51"1..al. 2'190 H""°' Bl, CM bolrd. SI>....,,.. l\d'1. PH' BecaUle of,.,,_ olc -= r::~.~m~~ ·~~-· p,m.Dr.:DonA.F'iel~.D.C. *ALLEN BROTHERS )Tl. 6Pf!'· 11111. Uc. Free BOOKKEEPING-Gen1 ot-Otherlee/freejoti,avall 54()..9212. ~~llrn-~tok.
2 d TD Lo 44~E.17thSt.CM.642-6548. Call us for complete yard est. ACCOU8l Ceilte'1a. flee. Exp'd, want perm. HOUSEKEEPER f·or 5 -.Y• , ::,",.':, ~;~,, ft ' ' an SERVll;E l;)IRiCTORY ,oerv1coa~rate1! 543;>32j~ <·· _-poettlon--5PM . * D~LIVERY * ,adwt...$200 mo ·+ nn" ~tiOn..diOl!aMou-. -==-=-=~:.,.---IPAINTINC.:.INT.1 ··11 Ext. -·Boy tor ....... time deliv..h. ~~~alt-59421 betr 5, ~t-•"..:•b':.t-'-.1...L.-please! $24,500. Owne".: Terms baaed on c!qulty S.by ffllng '550 G'ENL Cl U '· L .. W .,.... ~·1 ~ll_J .,.., .. ··--....-.. UWQ 2)122 Riverside Dr. Santa.
5'5-06IJ · I ' ean p, tfte HIV., ffjghest 'Quality. · Lowe:at .Ocl J ___ o&•JtOQ work. Approx 20 hrs Wk., . Pmonnelt-Cit;y 'Hall. n>I)
Ana, Ca. 92707. 546.7827. Se-"ng u-•bor' area -_.. weed kill, roto-till, Prices. Fully exp. Ine:. Jpbn Will advance to full time In H'3KPRS intJ]yr pays lee Newport Bt\od,, N~
•"• n&L .... 1 .. -YOUNG SE:I' sprinklers repaired. fil3.J166. .future. M1.11t be neat & de-Geol'll! Allen Byland~ Beach C&llt. 92560 '<n4)
MUST SELL Sattler Morlgett Co. PRE-SCHOOL ~8. . RETIRED ""'1tor' '6 yn cibflifieS pendable, and hive eoocJ 10$.B E. 16th, S.A. 51"14195 ~
5 Acres M·l Huntington Bch 336 E. 17th Street Ages 2-10 7 dtJS, 6:30-7:30 AL'S Landlet.plJl&. Tree .,,_r Neat I: hones• Non •.• ,..lfmt'f.e2rri. driVin& record. Apply 8:30 INHALATION THERAPIST Just off Beach Blvd. $15,000 ...... M .i.... k Full ~..-· .. MIA U ,._,, ,,.,..., .~ Qt wee • removal. Yard remodelina;. drinker. can 53S-6801. .to noon. A.R.I.T. reqUired. APPiy Ff11n1 deedll•: 5 PM, lab'
P" acre. ~ ............. Morlg•gn, t. p/timo. 5!>c pu l>r • Trash haullnr, lot clesnup. PAINTlNG A -ageDC~ Olanre CoUt Plutlcl PeNOnnel (nl) '90-llll. So.
JONES REALTY 847-1266 TNlt Deeds 634J 1 child. '7Sc for 2, $1.00 Repair gpmldrs. 613-1166 reu 25 yrs exper ~· ·850 W. l8h St., C.M. Cout Community Hosp. lOtb, 19'10.
CHINA Lake, Ridgecrest
YEAR 2S•', YIELD for 3 in wne !amlly, LAWN • Garden Care. Call.540-l94l. • · Wl1hlng You 31172 C:O.st Hwy, So. --------·I area. North Antelope /1 ~ Sum!ller Program beautification, weedlrt1 & .A H•ppy DENTAL AJ&L/Seicty, Exp, Laguna, m&77. Valley. 2~ Ievet acres. $29,500, 10% TD, behind o111y 1~ •. field ~1_>8· swimming .d._eanup by collea:e students. INT. a.~ Pa.inttnc. Local 4th Of July HB. ,Bef. ~:30 AM JANrl'ORS. Exp'd. only. *RECEPTIONIST
$1995. You name the terms! $4000 per acre On lSacrri'lif for 6-10 year-olds. All Reas 543=736l. CalIBi Broll refs, Ile d, tns., free at 962-24-·, a.t • • PM Good pay It wnrldng cood'a, · NEWPORT BEACH '
646-5586, 64&-6682 Agent. San Juan Capistrano. Sold qualllied teachers. 1525 San. · ' · Call Chuck, 645-08)9. '" uc vo ~i -------
5 ACRES So. Hemet • 2700 at $10,000 per acre ~. 2 ta Ana Aw, C.M. 646-9210. CLEAN-UP SPECIAUST * PAPERHANGING &tfr.2728 cau after 3PM 543-9393 Major Callfomta nondeten11 yr due dates.~% discount. 646-3706 ?a-!owing, edging, odd ?bl· ,. PAJNTlNG. * ...,..,~ DENTAL ASSIST. Laguna LITE Houekeepina: &: coqtpany aeekl ·m ~ ft. elev. Water, smog frtt. 121 02l Reuoosble "~" "'''"' _......, Su-.i-2 sch! ~~ ·~-•-$8 850 847-&147 9 to Bia. -497· O or 497-1 INFANTS to 4 yrs, wkly · ~"""' Hilla • El Toro area. 'Exp'd ro:•·-ace ... ~s, UUIUllb: •
, . ' am eves • IM M . ho 1' need .~ LANDSCAPE maintenance INTERIOR &: exfel'. Inter chalrsJde. Saluy open • for rummer, ~ day. Lido I 2 wk fUlt ttme, Rish 2 pm · · .Y me, e J"• .. • pri ' flat waH avg. 3 br home 83Q..ll30 hie. Own trans. Call aft School -~··te 'th bml-
ANNOUNCEMENTS ·"°;;.t~l;.•nche:;;::=':,,· 6'2-5639==:,,.,='°I ~~8"47~1605 .... t mo. in ce. $53.75 labor only. 543--1546. -4, ~1'53.--•·~-M 6230 and NOTICI:$ LOVING care :your children ......... 1 Dept. Store ' neu-tninlng, 1 to 2 Jell'I ,. JAPANESE G d i LITE • house work Ir experience in ..,neraJ t;yp.
Found ("r .. Ad.) ,.__ my home. H:.B. B)' br-day-ar en ng Photography ·6170 O 1111per'lllie 2 .chi age girls ing and receptionilt work.
OWNERS ONLY -wk 968-6746 Service. Neat work. a..... J. w. R llNSON H in Lido ,.. .... Xlnt I ~"-·~ . yd. ma.int. 968-2303 CUSTOM PHOTOGRAPHY • w ... e, ~ eyp n&' ,....,... ftqtl..-.....
TO TRADE RED Irish Setter, fem. Brick,Maaonry, LAWN maintenance .Reuonable-Pbone Gordon Newport Beach front,call&tt.C.675-3104 fi2wkpartttme(fhn
Trade lovely Cape Cod In Found Mesa Verde. Has etc '560 residential ,\ commercial * 847~45 * LADY For kitcben h!lp A dally), Hlsh ·ICOOol Sl'ldG>
best Nortli Santa Ana Area Sacramento tags. P1eue, Free estimlltes. call Mike's ==="'="==== Hes immediate sal&ds. Spqhetti &oder. ate with aeneral otnce work
lor home on Lido hie, Bal-call & give ldent. number. BLOCK walls • brick , Lawn Se;rvice, 847-2393. Plaaterlnf, Patch, 64s.o&SL desired. Some t»tnc. Ae-
boa Island, Bay Shoreg, 54~ or 646-6896 slumpstone, driveways , GARDENING: Land clMn-ReP.lr 6880 • opening for en I ~ijiiiiiii quaint.nance wltb bullnell
Shore CIW, Dover Shores. FOUND A brown Ir wht pu~ patios k planten. &U-9852 -·-·:;.. ___ ...:;:;;: I ~ machines beJpful..
Our home is 2900 square PY about 2 mos old It ts morn. or eve. ups. Spier IYS, rot1>«ment * PATCH PLASI'ERING TRISH HOPKINS E • ed MAIDS
feet, on lot 125 by _175. Old-wearing a flea color. In BUILD Remodel repair '1r'Ol'k. Yancey. 646-5860. All types. Free estimate• 488 E. 17th, SUlte 224 C.K" xperienc. Outstanding benef1tt and: eal-
er home but classically re. the vie. ol Wilson in a.ta Brick,' block co~crete GARDENING & Landscape Call MG-11125 642-1470 Receptionist Full time, da)'I. ary tortbeMU .. rootited>tn.
done with addiUons re~n~. Mesa. 642-8792. carpentry, ,.; job too small'. maintenance, Free est, 1st FOR dMduaJ witb a pleuut
Excellent sc~ro," -, nalhigh ln. KEYS Found on beach vlc.; Lie. C.Ontr 962-6945 ·mo. 'ii price. CaI1 847-1605. !!_umblng "90 ~-Aroundtoodrellauran~ B11uty Salon EXPERIENCED personality.
come -p en o s as Island & Balboa. Inquitt JAPANESE ~ LANDSCAPE -~t s~. c-nela;hbors, 1.lY daughters at front cowiter Dallf C1rpenterlng '590 Clem-up Maintenance HER~l~·PLUMI. Bet 2:30--4:30 &l&-8561. Apply penonnel office, Please call Mrs. S'moll.t . at
want a wetter climate -Pll t, 22l1 Balboa. 'N.B MACK 'Ii 842-8442 Speclalilt in additiona, ttmo-APPLY IN PERSONlO.S PM 3rd 1loor &«-3258 betwten I AM A
ao If you need a drier one-0 • CARPENTRY dell, homes. Reas, 54l.o980 · , MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 12 PM, Monday thrv n-td&Y.
Jet's trade! Call (714) BLK!whi_te fluffy miniature MINOR REPAIRS.: No JOb JOHNSON'S GARDENING aft l PM. ASSISTANT Recept. to $500
Ml-2903 atter 3 p.m. Princi. dogBe. hV•e81 .. ~0rans .. twoodt a: Too Small. Cablntt 1n IV" ~F ~~i.~~~~Ian-WATER Heaters, dispoeen. S'llEET PERSONNEL The Broadway . Beautiful N.B. oftice•. Vera
pals only. please. ac Yu., an ° n • apt A o t b • r cabinets. ng, s.,. .. ....., ' ' etc $1.50 per hr. DEPARTMENT pleuant co-workera. Top
3 Adjolni"" lots. 1 oceao 89>-1941 ~'15, u no .......,. 1ea .. EXPERT Japanese garden-'00-2755 or 642-D50tl. MAINTINANCE NEWPORT benefl". Call MJa Ve-
tront. Balbo&. Will trade for SMALL brown & black. me at M&-2372. ll o. 1ng. Free est. Complete PLUMBING REPAIR * FQREMAN * •2 Fashion llland, n.a. 557-6122, AblpU Abbot~-
Income p---.. 673--6729. young, male, mixed dog. AndenoD yud l!let'Vlce. 646-08.Xl. No ~ _ tmall 1 N 7 f F IOIU'll!I AaeMY. 230 W. War • ......... "" Sa J Ca · tra Fl 11"1 wu Equ · lo o. 4 Courts o uhion BUSINESS and n uan p11 no. ea QUALITY \\'oodcn.ft, Ami Complete Verd Cerel • M2-3123 • CITY OF aI opportun1ty emp yer ,ner, Sutte 2µ, Santa Ana.
FINANCIAL . collu, tn4l 496-2159 .. n'l eonstr. t. carpentry. Jim 540-4837 -* D•IYERS * Newport Center RECEPTIONIST LARGE .,.., rabbi~ tam<. ,.,... con•wtation A quote. ~-I •-I uM Pool Service 6910 NEWPORT Bl!ACH ~ 13'15 F,. pold, light -.
Business Vic. Mesa Verde Country Call Ken 66-(11)44, 548-4235 '"'ner• _.rv ce• -· No Experience An equal opportunity PBX Boeld. YoUDI (.'O;
Opportunl!IH 6:1DO Cub. 546-8397. REPAIRS * ALTER.A~IONS Af'r CLEANING • Patntinl Sw!mmlng Poat Owners "67 tO $ll1 per mo. Nwyl e-Beach ..... Call Lon!ne.
MA FOUND Sunday pile 'blue * CAB1NET~!-An1 alie job -· Jbl& Shampooing 6 Ute BW • expert pool mam~n-SupervlJe a ~ tn per1qnn. ltut Callo Fte jobt,) W'.tclltt
)'OW1I parakeet, Mesa del 25yndjllr.54M713 Repa·lra, REMARC &llCft· I: cltan1nc le!VIC!. trcavarlet)'ot~Wmc have dlU cal1larDll Pereonnel Arency. *3
CANDY SUPPLY Mar eve 54&o2S'2 Al s-•" ~b -J-•• , SERVICES, 847-"88 Awrqe -pool ~mo. J,, ~ .......; ~· -.-do""" --... mont Tral... Westclltt Dr. 645-2'17D . • ROUTE . . . -~ ,,,...,..... ~ , · 968-l132. on"'' '"=~. •·-·· _,. YIL~OW CAI CO. 5650 OD
(No ... ..,_ Jn·-•·-•) rotmo a me.n's divinc 'Cali Gordon. , ,Eds a~ Service and other small corwtruc> lltl .. •Mi. _ • ~eceptlonl1t to $500. ..... -& ""'"'l:U a. 846-656 u bob tion je ~ _.,.. -Good math ability, some cot. bPlnl 80 100 bafl
$65(1 to $3250 -watdl in La&· BM.ch. Must C&rpeta • P tery ·Win-Remodellnt & pro eta. Costa Mell Iese Ir 'WOl'k exp. call Ann, appearan: ca.11wpm.i..c:..w
C&llh Requitt<I identity. ·~1569 ,l-'!·~·L~. add, cab: dows . Floor c.,re,.~ Repair I, 6MO Rtquimnerfta: Hie:h School "* * DISHWASIJER...Appl.)· Wtltcllfl Ptlw::mbel Agency, Westcliff ~ ~oey'
Inquire about a,ll. Excellent GOW Bracelet )'Wtb Cllntc', ormfca, panellnc marlite. G£NERAL CleuHIP.• ha* -graduation, 3 --... .....-. At SUrf I: Sirloin, 5830 20G Weatcllff Dr., N.B. 2043 Westcllff Dr N.B• income tor a few hours tennls courts CdM. Anythin&! Dick, 673-4459. ing or anythlng. Honest FIBERGLASS thowtrt I: 1~--.,,....,,.. 645-zno. " .,.~ ·....t...:.. '• • weekly work (Days 1 Even. 613-lOTl -_ _ prices. 646-an&. pullmans, 536-8915 Mk for ence in strttt repair wwt, Cout Hwy, Nft'Pt. Bch. .....,.,..,-,u
•·-) R filll ·• u Ce--c-te -Herb valkl Calilornla driwn· 11· * EXPERIENCED-FOOD It MZN 6-womf!!n tO learn prof. R.,. ~·•--.. .._u ...... -u .. o • e ng lluu CO ect. FOllND. male Dachlbund. ".,.., .. ,_ re · 730 _ cenee. COCKTAIL WAITRESS abalone diving. Aver earn. ·"'· _. .............. __ .. r
Ing money fl'om coin oper-Eftancia & Adams " * CO NCRE~E w k H•ullns 6 ·· _ -* A·•~gp·"~ TIME 1110 -r day, 18 Ir: over. Beach .,in -Reniala ' ated diapensen in Newport 540-3528 . ' or • Stwlnf ._..,,. IUw;t ,... ' • f9&.5488' or iwg..1191 ~ach • and tunounding .. Ll«naed. ~atiol I drvwys, HAULING $10 A LOAD ~-· .. ·.~ r. • 1.,,,UO.don and job annoUnce. FRY coox. -St;rtple~n'kotlm~1-, ~paMrn REG, Nunt to flll in full •~a. We establiih route. FOUND tame cat tiP,f-etc. Phillipi Ce m•n t . Oea.n up. Tree ~· Gen. QU.(LITY )'Otl vt always ment may-be obtained from Rancho san .JoaqG!n Sh\ith'-;";114 _ ~. unw, now, . w -a. 1MI ~ name brand can. l'lriped, -.: Oceanside ~' 548-631), PrUnSne 64&-Zi2I. ~ wanted. ~ ... ~ City Hall, ~ GoU Cqura ~ be , on call u needed.
dy and snacks). For pnwor..: Corona del Mar. 673-l309 ( CONCRETE. All types. FtH HAULiNG I Gen'l"Clelb-Up. altentlom •. Key . Say, 1763 Newport Blvd,, Newpoi't 180n CUlver Roe.d' MO'IllER'S-He!per ~ 5 days Paydrlatric tntnirw Pftf.
u interVlew in f'iewport LG male Malamute IOuDd' eat Sawfnl, .~aklna. haul· t,..a~ mowed . Reu. rat.ii. OranQ ·.A.ve,, C.M. 1«5-1282 Blach, , Clllt · 92850 (114) Newport Beach wk.. 9-5 tor next 2 mo. but''n0t DIC. Ho 1 pl tat.
Beach ·area, .end name, ad· In · a.ck ~ ~. Ina A lklploadblg, Sen1ot EXper, M2-0039 CREA:tJYE FASIUO~ f11.P. Imn. Ranch , Ase 16-21. $30/wk. Must 49&-6Tm. <
.t...11 ond phone number tc ~U • A quality.,.._ Bob. HApLING .a -,cletn-B1 -0.. ~ <letdlllw. 5 PK J Nr. UCt mu """' 1nnloirtatio,\. """' R=''=1t-=s-=r'=o~M"s"1°"B"'°L°"E,-Si=u.r~I
llf u LT I· s TAT E Dts. CUSTOM 'CONCIU:l'E -By "'11•.. -· For tlMf !"l'st I~ """"" = ltlll . . • aljo FAT " UGL Y777 .... Call-~T -, bi ~ -· No
TRtBU'MNG. INC. 1111 Lott . 6401 ' PATIDS-DRJVES.EI<:. 54!.-1363. ca!ina --made t.ullloN. ~ • ' ' Nunl!C or. 2 -· s dt1I""" W"!t .lln>ldway. AMMlm, ' ............... _,._ TiWli " ....... cl-DRESSMAKING. _...... A nENTION u )'qU ........ ....--1 RN • Collf. l_lcenn 7,_30_ SID -al! 5,
Calif. 9211112 C714> 7™!060. BLACK LOOSE . L.E AF MORE Collcrlte pa!lo 1i1r llfon..Sun. 110 a toed, Free IUlls, --· . -,.qu. • • .a U PM to 8 AM ll>tfl
COFFEE DISl'IUBUTOR BOOK lmprtnt<d "'Ch leumoney.Artfriie•!tlns. estimai..Ms.5031 ·--* AirDn• Stew's CAL.,. CASTt .... co. APPLY in-Sto---·o1
OpP.Jl'tunib' tor re Ii ab I e Oifbkfe Sllo'AlC.filled Wttb Lie .. call Max at &44-0GtT MOVING· Garaae cle&JH1p -----H , lhe tel 11 h contlnulna. ltl •arch in HUNTINGTON BEACH
penon lo deliver cot&e to dor'ahow ptCtures A ribboii.· DEOJRATIVE OJNCREI'E & lite ~lf'W Reuonable Tiie, Cer~mlc "74 t"' • ,!:"' ..._. __ !_!tGTcar.e OrJnae Co. fOr a wrttty of CONVALESCENT Ind. ,planu, Ole. bldt<o t. . . " or,.qua -.. ~·-...... for-in mag, mo. HOSPITAL othtr l oc. Exceptionelly focethtr with 1e. veral'' OJUVES-WALKS-:eATIO Free estimates.-~tan. *Verne. The nit Man* .c apeed, wlth OYtrdriYe, £:x.. dtllnt, TV cornml'a .. 6 Ind.
hiCh tarninp. lnveatment packapi ot dog plctu'?' CAU..1>0N, 64MS14 YARD I Gar. Cleanup. Cu.al work. Inst&ll I; rcpaln. tra clean <UOV 840) will Glm1. Great Pl.J, ]>L ttme. 18?92Dtlawve, H.B. ~ llr Ontr G*
or Sl99S 10 $3900 tor an & corretponde!'CC.;_ CEMENTWORK,no jobtoo Remove tttes, Ivy, truh. Nojobtoo•~.PluttrN-takf!car intndeortiruoe Weueel*tp&ld,no,... *NU~ISAIDli* '18W o..tB N.8.
1fffmtd. inc. Write tor more REWARD can 494-M. Small, ttuonable. Free Grade, backhoe. 98W'lf5. Uo. Leaking shcrnr repair. private party call dlr. HJ. Not a IChocl. 11·1 1hitt. Pmn. tidL tlme. i JB~;~•:pt.:·"":mt.~-W"/ ... ,::~
into. alvlfll' ph, no . .t 8.d· pa Reward for flndi.nc am, Eatim.. H. Stutllclc 541-MlS PLANNING to move? ~ou'll 847°19671846-0'JOS <4052 or 494-$713. II.REE ·' e:1C.ptrienctd. APP: Puloo· I ~
rtre. to QUICK KUP DIST. blk Jong ' hair male q, NO malttr what tl lit ~ t!nd an amaztna: num•"r iurn ·u.o. White Eltphallts DON'T live It aWQ, pt TV SCR!!EN TEST nel t>e-p t • • H 0 AG Y°'\'JI _....' anat ......
CX)., Ull Rob I flbood , v,ic . F.V. Chula Vi.ta Uc PIJ ICU 1t "'1tlt a J:>AILY ~· tn ~·1 cu.mtd '°'° cuh Uuu a Dall1 PiJot quiet cull IOf tt WU!t a PH: (n4) 83S4282 HOSPITAL, N.B. ..::111\ers. Jlllll °'111119'' ~
Stockton. Ca. 9.5201 No. '4359. 962-431. ' "1Df' WANT AOI fD.IS'll Adi. Oteek.~ now. otme-a..Jlne &dll DAll.Y PD..oT WANT AD. 10 AM to f PM Sahlrda)o .. DDIE-~LJNES! ~ d• ... lld _.. ,. .
...... -. ·---
, I
t \
I ..
H _DAILY PILOT Saturday, Ju[l 4, 1970
jli,;. M8r, ~-7100 S<hoola-lnatructlon 71il/!J Set-ls-Instruction 71il/!J OUR FA MOUS
Is+"' 1..!1= ...... , n .. MEN Eirall NOW ~ •XII. in For JUM 2tth'l1.su1 In ~'-'."c!:":"iZi **MEDICAL & DENTAL
c;n Ann. w .. 1c11•. Pono... •SSISTANTS u ~o,.u.· "'""' ...... ,. .. "'' "-----'* A&eQcy, lWJU WutclW .. lll NllUl. , ................... ,.. GUUT ..OMh tM1: u v1rv"".i. •~.....-•-$25 •. VACUUM dftD!I' with at. I' WORK btnehes $5. Sto"f
Ii-. N.B. 145-mJ). MORNING-AFTERNOON-EVENING ft°lslfoitsAM.U .::::::::::::::l~: r~~e:~:r...,., ......... = Apvtment aiJe pa n..-e ~nts $10. I MM Movie mm .... $5 • SlO .. ~e <ksk
P Wanted-Meet fOf' July 20th Ctis••• in MIJA v••ol' K··-·· .. •··· •. 11M eu11NESS l'•O"t:•TY ~ "2l. 1008 W, Bt.lboa Blvd. projector $20. TV $20. $25. MWcellaneota dune . INHALATION THERAP. Y ~~~L,\°.~ ~~c"············ .. ~~ ~::l~::, "::::.... :.; {&anp on alley). '13--2W 'Upholttered dialr $ 5 · bupy partJI 50c • $25.
IAL•OA covrl. ..•.•••••••••• 1211 1NDV1T•11.1. ••o,.1•n ... • BEDROOM 3
· E'RE DO YOU * * NI W'°•T NltoMTl·::::::::::1111 ol'Fic • •~titfAL :::::::;·:: .. ,; Of' 673..PJ.49 ~1525 96Z-22T3, 19072 Carp Circle
JHS Newport Blvd Costa Meta N1w..o•T SttOll l ........... 1211 t OMMl•C•AL ..•••.•• :.:6111 . set • drawrr WOODEN bumpn iOr vvl FLOOR furnace $25, 4
71"/"•2922 aA'l'CtlST .................... :: 1NOUtfa1.t.L ••lfTAL ............ cti,at, book cue and desk $2$. Art box with eueI ~.1. ,,,., .. ,_ boxea 'S3 each. Us·
GO FROM ~ _.,. 1.t.T•MO•C• .. ................. U)TI ..................... ,u. with '•'-G r --·
poV•• aHo•ts .... ., .......... 1:, U.HCMIS .............. _ .. 11ti c.-.... rotto.blue. $25. Rot<>-broll oven .$5. 4" mat-ed,' buj in good condition,
~' CALIFORNIA . ""'"'" ,_.,., ......... ,'w mous HOVIS ............. "" Cati 926-31.l9 19292 Hanl!"1 """'· uoed '" cam-r. <8" ?e<l.,,.m for fe"'lng from " ,.4All101t MllM ........ , ... ~ltlAOI .. . ............... ll«l r _ .. _ H ' r• ·
RE? uN1v1•1lfY PA•K ........... -U.KI •LSIMOal .............. m: ~,,., ,B. x 84", SlS. RCA TV needs 20c • 40e a board. 2 X
1•v1Nt . .. ................... 1111 ••to•T 'P"°"'"" .......... •u: pal " uo " 7' --' -....1 Sc loot
PROFESSIONAL IACK IAY ..................... , ... OA ..... co. PIOl'llTY ..... llli MEDIUM slzt doe hOl»e """ re r ••·ON· Boy'• roller .. x l>:U\\~ • ~--the Mondl.y mornlna: ~~~:r~uff' ................... ::!: :r,::A~A:f,l,•,O:+ :::::::::= ed one :month ·$lO. 'ean rink skates, size !, Sl. 2214 Elden Avt, C . M.
... rettloe more rre. """'...:..--LD SCHOOL 11tv1M1 T••tu.c• ............ 1,,,.,.. suao1V11t0tt U.MO .......... •ttt !IU-1075 , 548-4863. 404 Fullerton, NB _548-'-"_51_4~'-------Doel facl thlt •u ,._,.. '""" C:O•ONA OIL MAI ........... . , .... L llSTATI SllVICI ..... •tu DlSHES 10 50c Pol 1 .. -na IALIOA ,.INIMSULA ......... ~= t.t. IXCMANll .............. <WI l.ANE cotfff f&ble • walnut Maytag Washer wringer C-' e _,_, ... nd job Wl!e:k after ll!ACOM ••" ............ _ ..... t. •. WANTIO ................... -e.1 .... .,,_ . "-ft.... -~o .... ~ I........ and with 1tand $4. LivingroOm
drl OF &ttlt.l(Al "-DENTAL PIRSONNIL IAY ISUNOI ................. 1 -· .... --· ........... 90" •• . DUU -_,,._,_ .,0 all ~~-
_.l... cut )'OUl' vet ~nl '!!!!!!!'!!~~_...!!!'!!!!!'!!~~· ~"""~~~~~~~~iLIOO IM.I ..................... 1:asi BUSINESS ind x 170" -. eet-dra stand $5. l rue runners, .. -.liLll •~•Clothes,' , a.u...., ,..,,..need us u much u v.-e •AL•o• 1$&.AND ., ............ 11u FIN NCIAL .....,, '*"" w 27 x •• S3 ~--looal ...... ,. 10c • SOc. New men 1 pentg . MUMTINGTON •IACN ....... 1• A drape, 90" x 100' $1S. Beige """ • .....,.,"IP ,.,..._.. • II · k for sta ·
• >«I ·Jobs Min, Wom. 7100 Job........M.n, Worn. 7100 MUNTLNOTON KA•IOUR ..... ::: •Ut:itrn!sa o""°"Tuw1T••• .. '* skle draw dra 90 .. x ..,<\,. $5 Car tabl Sl. curta· pair. Cat rac Hon LINDA llLI lltllNESI WAMTID ... ..... ..... pe ~ ' . e m wagon $12. Hoses 25c • $1. -·----·-~ -...... -fOUNTAIM YALLIY .......... 1411 INYEITMI MT O...,.IJll ... ,ill $1i. Conil draw drape, 50" rods, sturdy, i-3 ft. 2-64 Pictures lOc -11. ~ ... _,~rcuu:u ~vu • "# **SECRETARY JUL llU.Clt ......... ,. ...... 1411 INYISTMENTWANTID ,,. ... till , inch $2 1948 Fulle """""" llhow )'()ti how tG shape " iUlllSET ••ACM ............... IOI MONEY TO LOAN ....... -... 1211 x. lllO. $10. 958-4777 ea . rton rod and reel $15. 4 barrel
Technicians GAtOl lf G•OV• .............. MJJ PE•ONSAL LOAMS ............ mt . Ave, CM_. 548-10f6 HGlly carburetor s 10. ~ own future the Way LONG I EA(M ........ -........ 1HI '""'EL•Y LOAMS ............... ICE skates men's black size I -~~~------
y.u; think It 5houlcl be. And u..1••• --•-·•·te. •·-•·-El~troni'cs .1.KtwOOD ................... 1• coLLATE•AL LOAMI ......... UJt 9 Jadies white size g~ sis MAPLE double bed, good ~17&. 980 Oak St. C.M. .I.: cv DC\I ..,.,.....,.. ....,.., ... ...,,,. ->AANM COUNTY ............. WM •EAL lllTATI LOAMS ........ IN ' • • nd'bo ~ "'~ ~n money! Our dy. with lbove average skills. OUT Of COUNTY ............. 16illil MO•TOAOIS, '""' DeM ... Q.tt each pa.lr u new rondition. co I n ..... Double box. T\VO bathroom sinks $5 and
nl.m1c.u.les promotion and -r..~ 7U SH-100 Min 5 Technician our oF sT•T• ............ -•. l6tl Mo~•" .•ANTEo .. '* Redwood ..t.... bouae medi spring n:;. D o u ble In-Sl. Twin size rolla""'&Y bed ~ .,,.t"<' STANTON · .................. 1'11 A NO"NCEMENTS -um wrtilllng program produ. 'yrs of ~nt ·expCr. as· an w•STllUNITt:• ................ 1611 -.. size $10. w~ qog pen ne~rlng mattress $1 O, $10. 24" girl's bike $15. Crib
all 1he leads you need. Exe•uU·-··-ta-. JGnt G l "" I MlOWAY CI TY ··················,','!.! ind NOTICES medlwu ·-· llD Ma··-lh· Clothes line poles ~. Set and mattress ru. Trike $3. .,, ..... ~'"" •.r l"O\\' ng ll progress \ff: SANTA ANA .. ~ ... ., ........... •• '""" • ..._.., 'J .., _t, Draw Plan Available benefiU & aalary, For ap. Orange County company~~~:~~ .. ~~~~.::::::;::·:::: ~::',"0 .~'~.~ .. '.·::;:::.'.'.' .. = clothes aize U $1.flO to $10. hobnail lamps $4.. Grey ~ camrr boot~· 2401 1 polntment contact Person. nee<111 experienced Elec· fUSTIM ....................... , ... ''•SOMALI ....................... Original oil paintinp .$25 pearl toilet seat $l.SO. nge, .M. 646-54
Work CI05e to Home. nel M0-402o · tronics Technic1an. koowl· :~:~:.~un'M ·:·.::::::::::;J:: :~."T0N~Nc.~~~~ .. ::::::::::::::l: each. TV needs work $5. LadiM tan vinyl jacftt. ti~ HUMAN hair mini fall $10.
Car Plan Available. . AVERY 'PRODUCTS edgeable In manufac ture as-s1L'9'1uoO'cANYoM ......... 1w 'UMt•ALI . · .................. "' Can aee Sat and Sun 14 $4. Aluminum acreen Two ahort wip, one human Be an as&OClate of H. w. _,, LAGUttA HILLS ................ 17" PAIO o•ITUAltT .............. 6'11 . door 18 """"' n..n.... Consumer Dlvl1i91" sembly, and ICno•ce of elee. LAGUNA llACH .............. 1,. llUN••AL 01••CTO•I ., ....... u 64U708 frame $2. Motorcycle hair .50 each.
...... "t .. t. respec~ Calli. tronica and ultrasonic test. u.•UNA w1GUIL ........ -.• 1111 'L0•1STI .................... ··"1' helmet $7. 548-5067, 834 wtgietan.50 ·$2.50.642-4659 R.E Brokltr . MISSIOM '9'11'0 ..... ·--·· ,,. C:A•D o• TNANQ ............ 6411 $25 GAS rana:e. 642-!kl43
_LJ .... .......: •• He·-······ 1--........ 2620 s. Susal'l St. )ng products. '"" CLl!MINTI ....... 1111 IN M•MO•tAM ............... Ml, Congress St. C.M. 9 x 12 WHOLE cl_ean cotton
ftd Oriental design rug.
Belgium made $8. OvaJ 18"
high walnut lamp ta.ble,
traditional $10. Handcral'ted
pot stand, needs ceramic
insert $4. Small 3-light
medium decorator lamp,
new black shade and bulbs
SlO. Bookcase, about 40 x
30. dark adjustable sheJvM
$15. India carved lolding
stand for round brass tray ru. 548-5632. SM Knowell,
CoBta. Mesa
-n ..,...... ..., ,,.,.. .... ,. SAN 'UAN CAPISf•AllO, 1721 CIMITl•Y LOTS ,.,. ........... 11 TRAlLER hitch $5 Office -$25,000 'JM,Jor medlcal Santa Ana tNr CAPl$T•ANO ... CK 17~ CIMITl•Y C•Yl"TI ........... 11 • HOMEMADE trailer $15. • Harbor &. Warner)· ' SALARY OPEN. EXCEL DAMA HINT 17<M =•METIRY C:RV,.TI _ ....... ...,. desk painted wood 34" x 961 Pl I
life a nd a ccident. LENT C0~1PANY BENE· OCIAMSIOI ................... 17Jf .RIM.AT0•11s ........ ~ ........... 60" $2.). 545-2a29 l ymooth S tat on Unlimited Com Fi * SECRETARY * "'" 011!00 ............... -.. 1Jfj MEMO•l•L ,. •• u ........... '4ll Wagon, 6 cyllndtt, stick
'· anclne on AU ~1!.. n. Beautiful New Ofiices. FITS. ~~vu~~~·~ ~~u:i,~10·::::~:~: ~~fl~~:: 1iiilVic1r·::::::::::t:: SOWERING &U~ $2. .9" shift S25. 1961 Dodge engine -+1 Bonus Incentive Plan GOOD oppor\unltv for alert CONDOMINIUM .............. 1t511 T•AVIL · .... · ........... em plane 7'' plane Sl each. only, 318 setup for stick
,Get Going Now-Call:
Mf.Stan1ey fTI4l 8J.5.323J
Opeh ' !lay> -, YELLOW PAGE
-··-· to •• :!.... ·-1~--I &>nd Con1plcte resume, OUPt.l X•S .. o. SAL• ....... 1ns Al• T•AMSPO•TAf!DN ., ••... '441 Car/boat com-13 12,·. 1939 L a Sal le ......... ,. .,,. """'" "' ""'' o il Pil 1 Bo.x tit 1019 NB ,.,A•TMINfS "°• SALi! ... 1• AUTO T•ANSPo•T•T10ff ..... '441 • paced N.8. advertta:lng a Y 0 · · · RENTAlS LIGAL NOTicts ,-...... .ue Coleman stove S14. 7" transmisskln $25. Dinette 'J GE8M.t.lt & TUTO•llf• ..... '°"' agency. All skills incl. Hou ... fumlahed SERVICE DIRECTORY power saw SlD. 22 Win-table and 2 chairs $8. Red
shorthand ttqd .. Xlnt sa1fu;y TELEPl:IONE OPERATOR Gt!HIRAL ................. ACCOUNTIN• "" c~tl!r $25. 22 marlin $25. type power lawn mower $25.
&. benefltt. Under 30. Ph: 3--11 pm Sat&: Sun t l!NTAU TO IKARI ........... ANIWl!•llfO ···Rvicli ·:::::::·-20x.40 acope $10 Rifle scope Jteh-l-tor, cross top °"1~0 228 f f Lagu n. h COSTA MUA -· ............... llM A"PLIANC• •l!PAl•S. Ptrtt Ult ' ... '6'-'" • ...,,... '" * ores. na lXllC Ml!SA DIL MA• .............. 11• ASPHALT, OI ................. ::"21 $5. Old gUn ~•Gun rack freezer $15. 20272 Spruce
.., MIJA Vl8DI ····---··--2111 AUTO •tPAl•S ,._ uu; ,,,.,, ...,:o
$614 to $131 per mo.
Supervise actlvltie& of B
~e storeroom and several
storage. facilities.
Requires: High School grad.
uatlon, 3 years experience
in ~neral warehGu50 Cl yr,
a.a supervisor), valid Calif.
omia drivers license,
TELEPHONE Solic.i1Dn, .u COLLI OI rA•« ..... ,n ...... 111s AUTO. ,_ ...,.;·;..,.;·1te,""'91 ...,.... _.....,..., Ave.. Santa Ana Hfts.
or pt time, 13 or over. N••'•"'°•o•"• ...... ,. '!' ... ,. ....... .,,-, •••vs1n11110 ............... SABER saw U3 HP ~ 540-<323 . ....., n ., ............. , •OAT MA!f"Tl!NAMCI MU .,_. I ~=~-~~~--,~ Long hall' OK. , ,.,...,.151 NIW'°•T •HO••• .......... me IJUC:I(, i!MIOM•'I', 1tc. ·::::::: .... o-....-torch kit $4. Bench I •ncE round Maple -
E B U.YINO•U ................... IDS •USINUS saavtc•l Ma .. ~...--~ ....-..n. Tl;lE BLU EET OOVllt lKOlll ............... ml' •• ,..... ........ .... ~~. and motor 116 table ·~. 0 -k--. Pair
COO WUTCLI'" 22:11 .. .. ... • """"""""' 6•.,.,.-• ~ nuo.; ,. • .-673-9004 • DINNER .K UNIYt•SI" P.i.lliii ·:::::::::::IUI CAT••••• ....•.. .: .......... "" Generator and regU}ator lamps S20. Dresstt and rnir;
Start l30 .. r ·•oft OIYONO ... c.t.•IMITMAICIMe ·••••••••····.,_ _,_ JOc . ... ........................ CA•PIMT•••N• .............. ,SH test le't $4. TVUllt to f\'.11' $25. 'P:nby chest, 5 IACK IAT ......... , .......... !Mt ClMIMT ~ ..... · ""t' Topless Dancers ~S~LU•• .................. = CMlLO cA.r. u-"ii·:::::::: .. 11 $3. Plumbing supplies lOc drawers $20. Pair Maple
. 1 , ''"' ••••••• -•• CONT1tACT01t1 .. . .. ............. to $2. Saw attachment !or dropleat end tables "" Are Yoll looking or a. new R ........... ·-CAR PIT CL•ANINO ....... ..u . • .... • D ~ aed co•ONA OIL MAR ........... tut CAl:PIT U.VINO • Rl'.PAllt .. ,. drill motor SJ, Electric lawn ea.eh. Maple Captain swivel 10 atsu,n or a """" u IALIOA ....................... JIM OAAPE•1•1 .. .... ........ . ... . reel -$12 M I tl'anspottation car? Please LIDO tSLI! _, .................. m1 ol!MOLITION ............... .uu mo11er .,,.,..... • bar stools $20. Large ap e
let us help yoU l<!l""t Dlr. :~r.~s.~~~:NO""""':::::::::::: DRAJ'TIMO st:•VICI .......... 61SI 546-5057. 968 Laming Lane, knick·kne.ck i;heU $25. Maple
,. , •• ,,,0,0, ''''" -rLrcr•1C:AL ................. U41 CM di 11 tab! -4 atchl•g call 546-4052 or 49'1·9773, . ......... EOUIPMINT •l!NTALS ....... 6'51 oe e e •• .,. m " cc'=<~==~,,,.-~-,-1'0UNTAIN YALLIY .......... uu FElllCIN• '"' . O"-ch11.in1 $25. Westinghouse UPHOLSTERER \Van led . slEAL IEACH ................. 2.w ,Loo•s . ·:. ·· : .. ···;:::::~ lOc each, any quantily. °" . LONG •IACK ................. :uot l'URNAC• •l!PAIRt lk .. ,, _... . . 130 E vacuum and attachments full or p/llnlc. PhOnc Ol:ANGE COUNTY ............. 2600 FU•NITU•• •l!ITO~llf.. .... qu ..... cannll1i Jal'$. . 120. Su-••mp aoo •land &1~:;s or eves afl 6, s"NTA """ · .............. 2'11 a •I FINllHINO "') Albert, CM "
G42-4280. ~!~ft:"N~~:.~~:.:_:_:,:_:,:.:.::tu :::~::tN~irRv1c11" .:::::::::::DOUGLAS Dinette, antique =$l=0.~54"'6~-::;l~l=-;n:--;::= * WIGS * ~:i'it"•L •f•C:K ................ m: :m~N.G •. ~tsc.1~.::::::::::::= white a.nd 10id table $2.S. FANCY glazed tile game
PAIR hi?:rfanna.nCe ex-
haust m anifolds $10. 2-650
x 13 soow tires and wheels
$5 ~ch. Z.15" Chev chrome
wheels $3 each. 56 Chev
hood $5. 56 Chev fenders
$5. Stnail Chev cuiltom
steering wheel $5. Bumper
jack, antique andirons $5.
Back coipes of Lile and
Time magazines lOc each.
Chev 11 bucket seats $15
pair. Chev II fender $5.
Chev ll sport coupe doors
$5 each. 67l-7413 or 646-4563
GOOD Philco refrigerator
$15. 6f6..6929
Lackey -Slant -Buxom -,
Submit -SIXTY.
Predlclion; Hlpples will be
sitting in bars thirty yean
from oow grurnbllng: ''Don't
trust anybody over SIXT'(."
KELVINATOR teh'igerator, =,-e ...... ~
JUNGLE gym $~
Railroad ties S3 • -10 FOOT swing set, 3" pipe.
You take it out. $S. 5.S1.$t5
Surfboard lO Jt. U0.00, 3
b'B.iM, SIS.00 each. Track
'OZ7' guage and Accessories,
from $1.00 to SSJlO. Tennis
Racket .$4.00 Misc. 2513 S.
Olive St, Santa Ana. ~S.5784
kneeboart:ffi, 2'3" 4 4'4",
$12.50 tG $25. 499-4153
GARAGE Sale • Sweeper $2.
Claaa Of' concrete blocks 30c
·SL Bar stoola $7. Barbecue
Sl.50. Plants $2 • $25. Wheel-
bafTOw $10. C'nest $8. Two
hand carved tram.es $14.
Socket set 30 pieces $2&.
Fabrics 50c. Eyelashes Se.
Desk and chair Sl7. Bowling
ball $10. Maple tables $25
each. Till sold Call 494-4286
BEAU!J~L king size bed
set 10 oiled walnut,
bookcase headboard S25.
Triple dresSt'r $25. High
dresser $25. ta.fattress 125 .
Matching box spring and
Jrame $25. Sunbeam facial
sauna used once $12. Belt
massager $12. Commercial
electric meat slicer $25.
MIDGET racer $25. Citizen
band radios $25 each. Speed
graphic camera 'S2S. Grun-
dig hi-ti' with tape recorder
and record changer $25.
Metal file and storage desk
cabinet $10. 536-3498
APARTMENT size s!ove: :
clean $25. 3601 Seashore Dr
As , the Weal's mos\ ·~ B~ &: 5UCCl!Uful indepen-
dent local Yellow ~ pub. ushers, sen-ing the Southern
C&lif. market for 21 years,
we are undergoing a well
th(!Ught ~ e~nalon pro-
gram 6. must add m~ men
to our Yellow Page u.Jes
staff. Eamtnp are high &
thi work challenging &: crea.
live. Extensive clas.'>room &
!il!ld training will bo PJ'Oo vl~cd those men l!Cleclrd lo
join our growing finn. If you are personable. neat &: havei
sales vcpcrienct, pleiue ap.
pl.f in person at fJ(m E.
BtDl.dway, Anaheim, Mon.,
Tq!S. or Wed., July 6, 7, &:
3, ·at 9 am or 7 pm for m.
Application "nd job announce.
ment may be obtained trom
Personnel, City Hall, 3300
NeWJ1911. Blvd., Newport
Beach, Cl.lit 96220. (n 4J
. &73-6633.
Sell ladie:!ll Jasttlon wigs U.GUNA NIGUl:L ·:::::::::::::1111 o•EEN TMUM• ................ ,. Chain $5.50 each. Fold-over table $18. Coming ware cof-
b . ... job or MISllON Vll.IO 1711 GUiii SMOP . . ................ ,nt tra I ~-S4 50 ·--1.... !ee pot $6 Large Qa.thoUc y V.ti.nn&: on u... iAN CLl!MIMTI ·:·:::-::::::::.211• l'IEALTK CLU•I ............... ,,. ve -. '. "'"'':'~ . IOdally. SAN ,u.N CAPIS'TUNO ...... ml llAULIN!O .................. ,,. board $3.50. Electric~ family Bible 17. Heavy duty
Call Ski fOT' ftppolntment "'''''•ANO •••CM ... -.... v• :,w~L .. ~~~:RATiNO'":::::mJ iron $2.;.o. SUnbeam touter cart or doUy $8. Pieta
Silver plate. Chippendale
design, convertible from one
to ·three candles. 20 inches
BABY crlb $20. 2 encl tables in height. Cost $135 p&ir,
S3 each. Coffee table $6. eell $25 each. 833-0319
Baby wardrobe chest of
i..,key Brotl, Ir Co. Jnc. 8eh1nc th! West sinOe IN9
OANA POINT .................. 1141 oNOOMll •AX .,-Statue K S ~.~ ~k ~~ ---~··~6~SIOl~J!_ ___ ,•1v1•s10& C:OUN!TT ........ -·· · · · ......... "" S4 50. Electric console aew--· w~ ~ .. ,,.. YACATIOllil •tNTAU "" 1•01111 orw••I. •ic. ........ u• · $5 Philco ' AM Radio S5 suMMI!• •IMT•LS ,;;;;.:·;;·,.,, lltON M• · ..................... 11.11 !,..; machine $20. COM • ,.V tONDOMINIUM ................ ltSll llllSULATINO ................ ,. 11'4 673-4769 Remote oontroi speak't~
Du,.L•:w.e:s ~ua .............. am 1:~~~~roc.\1trie;·~·::::: box $2.S9. TV tray set $3.50 .
RENTALS '"NIT'DllAL ............. •1" TABLE !Onnica $2). Chairs JAmps $1.50 each. Trash •WAITRESS
dmwets $12.50. Play pens USED drapes, ul'ieCf\iX86 $5.
$4, f1 .~. $10. Dressing table 96x86 f7.50. 144x95 $12.SO.
$3. Van1ty stool $ 2. 5 O . Wool area rug 3xS $25.
Dinil'lC table, makes into 846-0498
SALES Opportunity * wen Established (14 yean)', ~ &tale' office needs
1alft people. Private des]( &
phone-. Top commission,
F10or time. Good walk-In
traffic. Call for lntervie
Filing deadline: 5 P?.f. Jul)'
10th, 1970. Experienced
Full Time
Houses Unfuml1hed 'Ew•L•v ... ,,. ... 1:1c. ..... .... 15 h. ......... ; .. ~<\ Couch canii 50c nch. Servtr1{ carts U.NOSCAPING ... .. ............... eac ~ -ff 11 Ol!NllAL ...................... '.OCKSMITN ................. tlll $10 56-5335 $1.50 each. Metal me .!!O. COSTA •MISA .. ~ ............... 11• MAIO s••VIC:I .............. ...,, -. Ladies bowli""' ahoes sltt MESA DlL MA• .............. 11• MASONtY. IRIC:K ....... , ... . ""' SERV s ndan 1 t 1 MESA Yl!•D• ................ 1111 MOYUIO .. STOAAGS ........ :6141 DESK, small, with chair $15. s • $1. Power supply $3. ta Altc t. pt. App y n pc~n on y COLL•o• PA•K ............. 1111 PAINTINO. P•"'11an91• ..... ,6tif Card table $2 Step ladder Books, reconl . a I bum s. time. exp'd only. See Jerry, Nll:W,O•T ll!ACK ............ J2ot PAINTING, lllM ... .. . ..... 111/llJ •
:i;oo N CM THE RIGGER Nl!W,o•T KGMTI ............. J21t ""TIOS '" ................ :"" $7;). 515-5335 linens. rugs, silverware 10c
a big table .$25. 4 dining CHILD "==REN="·s~cl~.....,,~~lflc,....,tD
chah's , flS. Paint spNY. SOc. Gold drapes lined $10
wood crilor and other colons 40 sheelll mos.ale tile. pink
lOc • 25c a can. W~n $15. Inlaid vinyl 4 and 6
wardrobe $2S. 2 p~ yards $10 • $12. 8695 El
frames S2·50 • $5. 881 · "'-ta Cir I F V 847 1·-
ewpt, . , NEw,o•r SHOll!S .......... mt ,.MOTOOtA'"" ... . ..... 1117' • $4. Eletcrie ramr ft. 19th. 642-4558 ~ c e, . • -u;;1
SINGLE needle & special ~~~~~~111:1 ·::::::;;:::::::: ~~:1~~0. P•~ .. ~~-~~::.: CAR-TOP carrier, vin yl Waste basket SOc. Window
machine operators wan-No. 16 Fashion J11land 'Nll.SfCLlf'I' .................. mt PIT GltOOMtNG "°' covered $15· Mattress $25. aha.des 50c. Tools and ac-
ted. Exper'd only, Top pay. Newport Beach ":~~a.,•si~.~ .. ~~.~~.:::::::~:::= ;~:1:.Z~'e',1iiG'";:::::: .. :::,'n Box springs 120. 545-5335 cessorles·lOc • SJ, Hamper
863 Prod ti Pl NB BACK IAY ................... n•• ,.UM, 11•v1c1 ............... ltff 2 NEWLY •-tod he--50c, Hand vacuum $3. UC on ., . . l!AST •LY'" .................. 1242 •OOlllNO .. ' . .. . . ................. \,IC\;Vra c "'"'
lllto N...,.,..,rt B!vd C M 646-0308 I ~-::===.--,;;::;:;-:-7-: El ''"' "" aA010. •11•Jrs. ltc. .......... ..,. for baby's room $8 so each Magazine rack 50c. Garden , --.-•• • • • WAJ'tRESS • Night& Ap-IRYIN'I Tt!•tACll ····-·••• .. J24S REMOOELING 9' REPAI• ..... ' ' hose 50c. Chain Jlnk gate OUif'! 646-3928 eve1-. m.4577 SHARP SECRETARY N' hol ' 801 co•oKA o•L. MAR ···-···· .. JUI •EMOOtLllfO, K1TcH1Ms ..... Refrigerator runs good, ply to Mr.1. 1~ s, U.LIOA ..................... a. sc1sso1'· SKA•,.•N ...... : .. :,,u clean $20. Men•a golf clubs $2. 2633 Elden Ave., C.M.
ROUND Italian lamp table
• CberTy finish, like new,
$25. Lionel eledrlc train
$25. Electric 110ldering Iron
$3; Slip cover for Standtlrd
SGfa bed, blue/green, one
year old. Cost 140, sell for
SlS. 962-9824
j}ALESLADIES * E Balboa. Blvd Balboa IAT llU.NOS ............ -... Wt 1ew1NO ...................... -.. &42-5880 s for beautiful bay!ront office, . • LIOO llLI! ······••··•••·•••··• SUl lliWINO MACNtM• ••••1•• fNt $l each. 642-1619. 1033 w. ~~='=~~~-;,,,.-:;; ..i. • I N IALIOA !SU.MD .............. JUI llf"TIC TANKS. II-. lk. "'s ":Sl'OVE .,i;. ft.J_.__.,,t $10 PATIO table and umbrella
20-:a, to ... m u field rep. 25-35, attractive, well groom. \\O~IEN, Prr. w car. 0 NIWPO•T WIST .............. ms TAll.ORIMG .................. :: •• =-::;:~S~l~CM='-----·-~-··--·"' 110 Patio hutch "".ui ...... _ for nat'l conoem , R .. ponsi. ed. 5 Y-. ex-rie-, SH"'· door to door or ph work, MUNTIMOTON al!AC:lf ........ w TE•MITI C:ONT•OL .......... ..n·~ h with apl Bed $20 Chest $11> Dresser _. .... ~WV ... ...-""" h Co ltllNTINGTON KA•.OUlt -·"""' TILi, ~ ................. MM ouui:. cou.c m e · $15 chaises $4.SO each. RedWood ble and have an auto. No typing 70 Executive, Mon-good pay w/Sara ven-,OUNTAIN VALLIT .......... 1411 TILE. L"--a --....... ,,, 4"IC Bel-ra·~ .... ..u. S20 Table and chairs . 0 F I d. ' Pref t trai F Fri, 9 5 'H\ PH 642-5"""" try No invesl 547-3428 Jen. SIAL 1u.cK .................. Mse n:11 St!ltVIC• ................. anns ....,. '5"' _..,...... Maytag wringer v.uher $20 patio set Sl . o 1 n g vcp, nee. () n. or to :""'. : ....... . . . OolllOIN G•ov• .............. 10s TILIVlllOM, ... In, Ile. ..... rocker .$15. End talMll $5. ~· Eide A c M ftdy,'OCJd table $8. Other intervieW call Mon, 10 to S; * STUDENTS * n1c. LONG ••ACM ................ ·-UPMOLSTIRY ...................... """"' B ., __ A CM ~ n ve., . • . .., 15 •• o•ANOE COUflln ••• , ......... 1611 WELDING ..... . . ............... ~ '""""" ve., • I 1 patio funuture ~ -eau .. Mf.8136. NEED A JOB? \VO~IAN to \\"Ork In Donut SANTA ANA .................... 1611 WINDOW CL•••t•• .............. , 646-1818 BAR Stool s , I W ve • Card table an1 chairs .$10
$1000 00 Posttions now available ·A~ shop. No phone calls please. Wl lTMINSTE• .............. :.1611 JOBS a EMPLOYMENT ,;:::,:;==~~~~=-..., upholstered In leatberli.ke .. t ll.iscell-....:...•s chain_ S4 -• ~ c M MIOWAY CIT'I' .................. ,. STANDARD toilet $U Check ~ ... ..f with h b n al I -..... ,.,,,. -college &: high school 2947 Harbor, . . IANTA ANA 1tEIGMTI •••.••••. .,. JO• WANTl!O, Miii ............ .,... • naug .... ,-ue o each. Book.1 25c. Bedding c-.1 .. -. (not commission) five ===========[COAtTAL ................ 17'11 '01 WANTED,•-........ 11111 writer $17. Divan. tangerine trim. Cost new $49.95 each ___ _._, .. a _ ... to~. >le"''· .,.,.....,-atude.nts with fast growing U.OUNA llACN .............. 11'5 JOB WA.NTEO, ...... ., ~~.. 20 h "'"~1711 o.;w......... •• ... yean management exp, In company, full Ume or part LAGUNA NIGUIL ............. :1111 MEN a WOMt• .......... 1':11 red Su. ti'_......... sell for S eae . .,.. · women'a and teen age
General Life I""'·--·. ,_ ti Schools-Instruction 7600 MISSION Vll'O ...... ·--····mt SCKOOll . ltlST•UCTIOlf .... 76M E . . 12 WAIT ampll"er 19.~ do ... -.., -~i::. ' ---18. ·--..... .... me. '"" (LEMINTE ....... ml ,o. PRI PAllAT!ot4 ........... 7Ml lRONRIT automatic ironer " .,.. ur= ... -..-... ..... ~
Negotiable. (also fee jobs) CREDA-TEC. INC. 4~.-6750 -===:.:=====~l'sAN JUAH cA,.llTRANO am TMl!AT•KAL ............. ,,.. S20 !149--0739 Bathroom medicine chc~. 13 Bal.boa Cove!. 673-4097 call Ann. \Vestditf Person--t A,llT•ANO •EACK ......... Jnt MERCHANDISE FOR _,,,..·~===~=~= like new SS 24 x 38 leather
ncl Afency, 2043 We1tclitf IT'S WONDERFUL the AIRLINE g~=~:~~i,.,;·:::::::::::::::·= SALE AND TRADE 1T' PORTABLE TV $2'5. desk pad fl, 67l-7226 leachREFRI. < doorGERAch;;itr;:O, 9'6$25 SCHOOLS oUPLl!Xl l UNFU•N .......... nn •u•N1TU1tl! ................... Rocker $10. 543-6529 .... •i Dr., N.B. MS.2770, m any J.. .. -in appllan«• PACIFIC IUMME• tt•NTAU .......... ms o,,.1c1 FU•N1TU1t• ........ to111..::.:..cc::.,~c_:;.:,,c__~~ GOOD Kenmore washer $25. Junipero. c.M. 541).1769 * s A LESWOMAN needed .,....,,.. . RENTAL) OFFIC• •G•l,Ml!NT ........... 11 Bl.ENDER, hardly used, like 644--0254 1..:.=cc:::."-'=:.c.c.;...,,~-=
Must have experience. A~ you find ln the CJ asal1iied Day &: Night Claases Apta. Furnished ~l~~~ .E::/:::.., .. :, ·:::::::;;:,: new, paid $32.50, oow $16.50. BLUE walnut trim divan $25. ~YTV:~ l~gh~~~b~~ec:~
pl I J ACKI E'S 543-6596 QlN•1t•1. ....................... IAllt IOUl,MINT .... -.......... u 113 Monte Vista, off y n per.ton, • Ads. Cleek them now! G.10 E 17th SI Sa t Ana COST.A MEI" .................. 41111 MOUSl!HOLO 00001 ............. N rt m d Oceaslona1 chair $10 Pillow dryer 120. 220 Electric cook FASHION CENTER. '7 5 • .• n a MISA VllltOE ................ 4111 OA•AGI SALi ................ M!t cwpo y . $1 Door $1 Wrought Iron t good looking S25
HunH-ton Center, Hunt. [==========:....';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=o:[NIWPOIT 11AC:H ............ •• 'UlltMITURE AUtTIOll ........ 1121 LIFE ralt b'· •--·A' s ove, • · U0'6 NIWl'O.,. tll!IOMTt .......... 4211 •P,.LIANC5S .................. ,.. • ru ircr, "'""" Ir railing $2. 2320 2nd Ave., 2114 Continental, C o sta
Bch. NIWl"OllT IMO•t!I ........... tnt t.NTIQUIS ................ -... •1 ~· Force 1000 lb cap $25 80 CdM. 6?>-3511 Mesa. WllTCLl'f' ,,, , ............. 4ut SEWING MACNIMI ....••••••. 11• ' '
1959 VAUXHALL, four door
sedan. Body. Interior and
tires excellent. Needs ·to
have radiator and a l r
cleaner put back, ~ $25.
..... 1519
portable sewing machine
with all attachmenlll and
instruction book, work s
great $18. 842-8638
FIBERGLASS moulded cam-
per top to fit p)ck.up fiO"
x 80" $25. Propane gal bot·
tJe $5. 53&-1674
SEARS one wheel trailer 5'
x 5' box $25. 5 gallon
gasoline can $3. 53&-1674
factory !eCOncls half price
$16. 962-0061
PANASONIC tape player,
cu9ette $20. !J62..-066l
ROTARY lawn mower, good
condition, 2 cycle $20. 8.55
x 14 suburban tires on Ford
wheels $7 each. 642-6989
2 in 1 aviary, total 11lze
6 lC 5 x. 2, good condition
$25. 720 Hamilton, ·646-1096 SALESLADY UN 1v1•s1tv PA•IC _, ........ 4u1 MUSICAL 1HIT1tUM&NT •••.•. fits bass accordion a.net case, J\-tATCHING Jove seats, with 15 INCH poriable 'IV. ele11.n
S E L L I T •ACK •• y ..................... 4UI ,.IANOS • o•OANI ............ 11• p IMl"I !25 BU..-Je $10 Experienced ready.to-wear. l!AST ILU•• ................... 242 IADIO ............................ an . • .. ,,.~ . 7'" brass legs SlS each. 9 good condition, $25. Antique PAIR f ~ tl!ul I "'" k CORONA Dt!L ................ 42$41 JELllVISION .................... Amplifier. gO.itar' $15. 9 re.I wittJ 'a) 'd 0 ""'au ma c c Exciting Udo shop. Excel-t ALIOA ................... 4JOO Ml·f'I a SfElll'O ............... ntt . lid x 12 grey no rug Fre n ch ProvlnCI 51 e rattan bird cages SU pajr,
lent pay &. wtlrk surround-5AY llL,.,NOI ................ .4Jst tAPI! •Eco•oE•I .......... an dool'I, Birch, so core, pad. ex:t'!llent condition $15. chairs. new moss.green $6.SO each. 720 Hamilton, ~-. 2I3-. 37"" LIDO ISLI! ................... .US! CAME•AS .. l!OUIPMINT ....... cloSt'l $7 each 8J5.-064S 2589 ............ e, Apt B. C.Jl,1. veluet upholst........ $25. """'I096 .,,.,., r ,_. 01 IALIOA JIU.NO ,, .... ,, ••• .,.4'5S HOl•Y SUPPLIES ................ · ..,, ... '6 ._.,,. .,...,...
MUN TI NOTOM llAC:K ............ SPOllTING GDOOI , ........... 1511 22 CAL. rlfie Winchester ' STEP end tables, modom, 646-5503. ,..-""'""'=~~~~-~ • fOUHTAIN VAUIT .......... '411 l lNOCUU.ltS. KO"'' .... -.. -' 5 PLACE Betta tank. MATURE Part time tlAL &If.ACM .................. ...,. MtSClLLANl!Ous ............. 1611 Jl.1odel ~A SIS 642-1641 $15 tor two. Collee table, COUCH $25. Clothes dlUdren beautiful condition 1 20 ,
Ypung Maternity Sbops W TH ~ · ~:::o~"tgm·::::::::::::::: :i'ti:.1":::~~~.c:·::::::::::·:::',: SWING set. ~vy duty is· 18 x 52" mar-proof tops lG adult stz~ Zic-$1.00. 3 Other supplies and bowls,
So Cout Plaza aft 2 P M' I A <11.•0l!N o•cwt ................ ,. LUM•E• ....................... •1• p1' S25. Like new. -I drawer Rattan-chairs $5 esch. Toys pu·m,.,., lOc • ''·'°· -lll'aSTMINSTE• ................ '41t 1to••o1 ...................... 1111 high. lS' ~. com ete .......... i:. "A"2025 N B ~ ·~ SecDetary ~I OWAY CITY .................. w IUILOING MAT••ta\.I ....... 11 .. with ladder seat and chill· 0'"""" ...... <1'0.r' Sc-n.oo. 1545 o. I Hamilton, ~1096
,ANTA ANA ..................... 4621 SWAPS ... · .. · ...... II'" ' _;""-' LUGGAGE. 2 ......_ i.et f7.50 Co~Or., CoBta Me9L PADDLE ~~ llO. '-~-IAMTA ANA MllOHTI -....... '4» PETS •nd LIVESTOCK ni~ bar. Frelhly r>'"""' t'"''"~ _...u .....,u_ ESCROW TUSTIN .................... -...... 'ars ,OtMtllAL. .............. --.. 557-6945 2 p~ $2 ef\Ch. A1en and EXCELLENT used carpet· table $10. End tal:We $10.
DA I Ly COASTAL •···•••••••••••••""'''4111 .. a,S -•-lad' ,.._.._. A"--•-• ., U I and
ETARY u..OUNA llACN 41U .... • ................... -..... lei e .,.;u•C ........... .., ing, di erent ·• %e s Olest $25. Dnlr: $25. M-.&.o.
LAGUNA NIOUIL ·:::::::::.::::4m ~· ........................... •RUG. Early A me r ic a n, each. 546-4917 co•-10c -. fl 284 Knox ~~. -... ~th ~= ·NEWP'oRT BEACH MISSK>M v1a.1e ..... , .... _ "" NO•Sl!S ....................... a>I ---:~i. 12 9" ft 110 ..,.. .,.. •u;gu ""' ... un11.~0
.. " (LIMI NT• 4100 l.IVl!Sfoc:tc .................. '"'""""'"' • x 711 • • GAS --~ n ---tor s C.M -~ 5 .,,.. 110 ea~-18 .,., ·-. SAN JUAM CAPIST•AM0'""'"'4n1 CALIFORNIA LIVING 2UD Elden, Of. ~171>2 ... ,,. ... r _.. ""'......... t.. · cu•:-• · · """'' · -U>6'1'
M11Jcr Southern California.
lane'! development company
~ secretaries v.ith 11.
minimum of one year es.
crrt<V "xpcrk!.nce \\'Ith B
bank. title rompany or In.
df:pendent escrow oompany.
Ma}or rtuli~ Include the ~ro·
tt&aln& of aalea I: leruse of
residential pn:ipertle11 a.nd
asdatitll. In the malnten-
mDCI: of loaM.
Olll . .tana:Jnc comPMY bene-
ats and startlnc ai.lar,y.
J'llttMIC call Mrs. Smoat at Mt~ betv."tt:n 3 Ati.f A: 12
P~t. ~r~ t.hru Friday.
Ptrm:i11ent. 25 hr.. 5-day
W\"'k J>Olltk>n .vanahle.
NcWport 13e'•ch. ltoun: 9-12 a: l·l pm. Tap salary. Box
M lfl.10, Oa1b> Pilot.
F.CltETARY, All:llstant to sat'fMtnt. 8llltr1 ..-Gfl ~. Ntt.r CJnrw1 °" .-,.n. Coll •• -
cA,.UT•AND llACN .,,. NU•sl!•tES , .............. lf'll 2 4 16, $20 Wa.!Mr $15 Stove SlO EXCELLENT b:8 tongue WATER. skib, novice. me
OANtt, HINT .................. 4741 SWIMMING POOU ................ LUMBER, new x • Rotary mower $10 New and groove V-joint white hM single binding. Tow ~~~~':r"fJ;..··:::::::::::: .. :·=: :~i':os··~:::::::::::::::::::::=: long $1 ~ch. 543-5034 _ lavatory center 5Cl $2.50 spruce ~ling and decking rope and belt have neYer
HOTIU ............ -......... 4'11 VACATIONS . . .. ens WALL paneling light and ,Star 0 tripod $10 8/Super g• and 16' 16e lin ft. :l84 been used. All ~ $ls..
RENTALS TRANSPORTATION d k new ~y are lt'ft 8 projector $25 Zoom ~per Knox st., c .M. after~ eves. 646-8298
Apt1. Unfurnished •OATS• YACNTS ................ ar ' ' 01 .... job 8 camera $25 ~n S5 Lite ,.., """-=--~~-=~-1
• ••••• • -sA1LaOATs . .. ........... "'' over from decora ... ie. s bar 12 Royal po-able ·~ DOORS ... 0-$14-28" to ~" • GOLF carts $.'i • 120. Bal' .. ............. ,....... POWE• CAUlll•I to2t '' +""' •• tGITA MISA .................. llOf SPl!liD-SKI I OAT ............ ,.. S3 each. 54&-0034 Solder gun •z Air p~tol hollow and ~Ud oore. 91)1'ne stools $3.50. Gas hloa~r $10. MEJA VlltDI .............. 1111 IOAT TltAILll:J ........... ~ "' ._.1...1 . 00 ·-• Ca ta' haJ 110 B bbl NIW,.OltT •r ACM ........... _.snt IOAT MAINTlMAMCl"::::::::"n PECKY cedar, new for fe~ $4 Electric C'()ffeepot .$2 8.50 with wu ... aws a ..... .,........ p in c rs . u e :::~g:~ ~:~~~~ .:::::::::::: :..".1N':~:~7~N• ., .......... ;: elf!( or interior deoorating, and 9.00 x 15 tires .$2-$5. Use for tsbles or doefrS, sextant $25. New ~leetric
tflSTCLt•llll ................. mt •OAT SLIP, Mo0•1Mo·::·.:·: .. :nu left tNa some jobs lOc ft. Foot loc:ktt 50c Dlsttwuher . 642-4589. appliances S2. $10. Clothlnii VM1ve•stTT PA•tc ........... m1 io•f 11:•vicrs .., _ __._ mo•-Sc -1 ~•p-DOUBLE m--and box 25c • $'5. Toys: 5c -95c. SACKaAY .......................... IOAf •l!NTALS .:::::::::::::: .... ~ l i=YD w• vuv ""u __ ... ,...,. 5J4 S. n...--• Balboa UST aLUPllll ' .............. ..1111 IOAT CKA•T•!I• "" -· Dr Westminster .-..... pillows. spttad $20. uu,,JUUll .. COllOlllA DIL MAI ........... DM ,llNlflll •OATI ::::::::::::::,...VACUUM det.neT, up:'lght ~....,... ., ...:.._ G &;ii..-' euy dair, good Jaland •,•,,L~u-·~··· .................. _ ..... •OAT Mov1 ................... ,... .,. vaeawn cleaner can. PRc..>,v pressure coo.~.. u.....w-~·. 2 -~ 13.~~FOOT==~.~~-~-.. -.-...,-•• .................. •OAT ITOflAO• ................. -..,"' P'.,..""'"' • ..., ~ .,....._ LIDO tR.a ·•····••••·•••••••• .ml IOI.Tl WANTID ................ nlster and attactunentll • .,,. -qt $7 Prest" 642-2138° cll'!Ctric HGt· ........ " _.... 2 small •nlmm wlth b ard••••· IALIOA ISL.AMO ........ , ....... Al•C:RA" .,.. •U. • ...,~ .... ~ ... .. MUMTllfOTOfll ••Kii _ ....... Mlt .................. -...... Movle pro;lecklr. automa-. ..._.._ ..... _.. both $6. neer De'W •<11'1. Gall•y -p ~UMTAlfll YALLIY Mlt 'L ltollll ••••••••••• .. t'IM ....,.. .. ,.,,.. 1m1• ...., .--..
••••••• ,. • ............ MO•ILI MOMll ............... ftOI end _...,., lei. $25. Shower mCYCLE 24" inrt'a. Ex· s-•1 .... table ., New f8ucd. ffrt '"""'' -~ " "' · •" ... , •• ., ••••• ., '4()TO• KOMU n;m _...,... "'' ..-a uu .... -. -...--.... LOM• ••ACM ,.,, ................. •1CY'CLl!S .... -......... enc~ and door for tub celknt condllXla $12, bar ·~-~ Glua 642--0342 DllA .. I C:OUlllTT 1111 ' ................ ...,,_. ..-. •---------·I
•A•OI• ••OY• .::::::::::::: .. ,. l!Ll!CT•te: CA•• .......... ~ ....... glass ..,.,. aluminum $18. 54&-24'11 ctecanton sdC eech. P'!60 c 0 MF 0 RT AB LE
W.''"OH-a •• ,, MINI •IKll .................. ft)S , __ ....-..1 • _ __; h t 'f ' •-'"' ••• ········-··· "'"" MO~ .. CYCLll .............. '* lmlde ~ hiflK""U I u. F 0 RD 427 ........... Wtber chain .$1 each. n en I ""'"""" M!OWAY CITY ................. Ml• MOTORKOOT•llS ftM .. "°'" ........ o<A. 1Jl-t I u~ chair $10. lJ SANTA ANA .................. NII AUTO IEl:Vl(ll & P.t.in""' tilt trn .djustabll! 10 x ..., • clutch S2S Alu:mlrmn flY· thlrta <M.:• '"'6" • e e 8-«161
SANTA ANA .14lt9Nn ......... U>I AllTO TOOU • I GUIP .... ,., IO'" 22:" ind 11" and A.. • .J ..... H I ~· boOkcue $10. vw tin! 1u1nM ........................... ftAILt!lt. TlltAVIL .• :.:::;:: ~ x "'1R;'.'." .,.v. 0 u 1 n I ..,. chai,. •5, Solder -·n SS. tOASfA~ .i· •• ............... 11t1 t•An.11:••· ••••• •• 22" 1i each. C31'Tlf'ting .i!A')........,. • ,., .. U.OIJMA ••"CM 11• ., ...... ...... ..-o.-oo;J•. board *"' H ging LAOUNA •••VIL. ·::::::::: ... :'.1111 CAMP••• .................... 9Dt be\gt, heavy wool and f()l'M BELLY .... ~ P'.11:. --1 Tl0111nit .... <tn IAN C:LIMINfl 1711 T•uC:KS ...................... '* f uuuro ••01• 01""'""'" 1•-bubble M.mp $5 Mir-
•• Ju•• <•••STtiANG .......... ,ru JIEPI .......... tsu padding 10 m:itch rom ~Po ,..,-•·1_ coUee table' •lO. . ...... CAM"li• •ENTALS tsn ~ 20' STRETCH wig. won as prize, ... ,. • UPIST•ANO llACM .,. ouff1 IUGGllS n u proidmalf!I)' lj' x room. sells for $23. Auburn color. 1133 l.Ag\IM Canyan RDad. •R•E•A• ,'°E"s'rAT"e """""""s1• 1MPo•t•o •uTos ................ 1111 for s1s. &12~935 d -•••r No. 12 s.··~·· _,_ .. # ,,o•T CARI ............. 9'11 asking $10. Includes hea 11.. l\llUwo.,-.,.~
Gen1r•I AMTIQUIS. CLASSICS -......... u BIRD suppllf'.s: Cup,;, books, form, \\11 •pray. ~loo.1 9 a.m. to 1. p.m. RACI c•••· aoos ........... HM r11t1P~•11;. ttc ..... _ ........... S'JM 1.u'o I VI NTS ................ '4itS c~ f't'sl boxes wateren MAPLE c:omblnaHon lamp TENT 9 x 9 earner pole CON~llflUM 1.. ..... ,. •••• ,.,,,. AUTOS WAMT IO ...... ,,,,,,.,f7'11 ....., •' •<\ ~ -'u .-nton tab!C 18, Bl~ lo~~ --o'·'·.. T'<---Jt._. ___.,..,_
RCA 21'" color TV, •'Orics
OK S25. }.tlnk 1tole, new
$25. Tube lesttr. I~
modcl s:z>. 19" portable TV,
RCA SZ. 551-9<12.1
••NJA.U WolJlf•D ............... 111aw C.AltS ................... ,.. OK: .. -• llAI n..lllM ""' u .... --'J'"1 C.M.~lA QllJl.l.IUUlllJ ------------------'JtOOMa PM •••T ............... a.vro LIAllH-............... •• 64f..l09I 10c • $2. M&-62117 tA-~
Save )'OUf 1;ar • tt'• not
fat! J'ult ttacb for )'OUr
phone &: call Dally Pilot
Cu1illod ...._ °"'1'
..... 14 • ....,,
1 '
• '• • • .
. . . ....... -----·-~--·-------·--..-----~-·----·-·-·-------· ·-----. .
~ . . •' , Sai.otal, .AIJ1 4, 1970 DIJLY PllOI' , >~
MILllAllD TIAD'<ll · r..,~~ MlllCltl'ND1s1 POil • Ml~P'Oll :. FREE TO vou NTS .,.., LMSTOCK TRANsl'01tTAT10h twimamJOR !~SPORTnlON _ S~-· IE_._ , , :·SA.Lit AND TRAiii ,SALi I 1' HorHa -S.NMata ' llfO Molille il•m• ftoi Me 1u ..... L ; ~!"Jl!lli' ·t ~ OpS.le • ··4 in\z (~1.~a ·ar,...1 fli MIJlli••n•' l 1M1 /WKS••mo.ktl...l1q APP"~·A •J.:i.JN=a ••. ...:...~··· •• a-• ~·'''"'1!.~"""=""-~:;...-+-¥. •• r _.. 7 ..... -..., """' haired ~· u-~ w--~ -..., 1No1P1No1Nc1 "" HONDA n• .cc ~ 2t ~--..... DttlO" CARPETING <;•up~ PIANO, ''liltruoo Yhn<H· CUsTOM ~·wlLRY ...... ""' "wbt • "'11 trainod. $3Clll. dll' .ii.., -. """"" DAY SPICIALS --· 2IOO ...... .mt.~ -I
I llOOM GROUP I """...i. """"' ........,;is Prov. Q>m>, btncb. neor RI-wi1np A "'*""· 1 uid '1 ""' i.r ::::· * 61Mt!ie * llaln Jib 6 aplnnW<; Llloo 1JN1VER.SA13. ,. wldeo, 11111. l'l3.al1 ...,.. t a i
l'ROll l!IOOEL llOllES ._ ll!I W-bua.t SOI -· 11'1. 111~ Let' ill ~ _. old -1tS TltANSPORTATION now. °"'1-y equlp'd. f!Om -· 1 PM. ·,
(ncladel; 'Qu1!tOt1 -l AdJ. --IS -I BALDWl1'f Spinet ~--a--· ._ lor -funl· 2 BR, lll batho ~... I ctWr, J .,.S tab'-&-coae. $10 A $15. PQrt. dllhwuhcr Xblt cond Best ok~ .. ., C:UU.. llllPPliet. ·Cttt s:tow. J BEAU'l'lJVL. Gutty female Trdcr lncl'd. C.O.t S2DJ, • ... .....,. rm. HONDA ._ CiO C:C. C.&.
tablo. 2-. ........ mi.-SIO. LoU """"· lll E. Utb IMi.1012 ' ----;Rell-& wko old klt1e.,., l ""'' ..... & Yachla "°' ---Call 5'W102 -· 'hul,ydel.,., See a.I-ftnlob -ldnl,' ""· ~ ""1lted box St. Cl<. • llllc -' ,\ wht. and """ •lriptd ·' ' RHODES SS "llANAHULI" tbtJn -I cont!. --r-~ ,prlrwa'-r• nu1ttre•, $~ GARAGE Salt: l5th St and P~-:1;:J~~\ ' Qpen Tu.I thrU SUD tirtt· 541-0SlS • t/4 Btndt\Ltl1 equipped a11d New" sea CON'l'lNENTAL *-M1.0.UO • • -""""'~tab!. 'A t 111-Bolbo< Bl"'1. "'comer Npl 613-rnl ' · CloMd Mon. YOU l1tJllt It, I hlvo It hwnlnt -· ldMl,lar-,. ,lly Cam-. 2 BR, fun. '" HoOill dirt b t t e; ,.r;
bock chalrl. • B.•FumlWft, O>ck ""°"" ' S M GIMS Cato l ldUtnl -,......., u _ _, ..._._, ,. day taUil!I. ' Dy '"' 1!1 batho -tanlr 6 -~ n·' ~
COMPARE 'AT $149.95 ta,.., children and aduli Uprlthl Plano $150 :mo 1Urbor Blvd., 11-A °'" l <doro. Soni<·-· -.ne .,,........ ISlllO• TERMS ~ KalMr'o ..... ;,.= .....,,. -· -cld '!f $399 (..~, Sun & Moo. July or beat otter 833-3079 ,Coe):a Meta * ~ aome w/#hot., 5'9--lS46 7/8 PRESENTS SM at 19 &y &laM .IOfllal sidlns. fer. m .. TSU. V
No down Pmts. Only iJ,6 mo 5-6. ltear Ot (1ollere·Ctnttt CUTE pupp1et, 2 Joni hatr ~a.ctory ShDwlnc ot the 1910 m..1233 I ::='"::=====~'I:\!
WELK'SWAREHOUSE * t'INAL d..,..,.,. S&le TtllYltlon l20S 6 l •hort. black 6 "1>1te, ~'!i~LII?O l4 w/ tJlr. Ei!ulll'd Saoillctl0 xl70...Iel'ui. Aui. Servi.. • :~
600W.41tbst .• SulaAna eYfl')'thitc r ·oe1, any NEW&:USE01Va , tmall mix. ·breed . autbovdl:al~ 'b' ndnl ST95. stiond at mount. ' A Perts 1·
FURNrruRE ret~ from re.ION.bl~ ofM accepted f'or saletrent. 540-4113 1/4 ea.ta boltl lOt5 &yalde Dr. Nwpt. • 'VW ' • J:
displl,y ltlld.iH. model horn-on •"Ythini. 395 !:. 16th Dunlap's, 1115 ·Newport CM sn.VER are:r A...-a femal~ t;a ":.,., raap ~ .:= (2U)' ~· ..,... (213) Chepm-.. Mob.IS. ,:W... 1:'~ °'*! ~· :.\
es, deccnton eancdlation. St., CJ.l. · .MS-ma ' · cet needt • new hm, 10 the r Flipper S&llboat to tbt 193-.sw ~ Beach BtYd. ' 11
Sp&nllh A Mediterranean MOVING • Household Jttma, 23 .. ADMIRAL aolar TV In. r,,01. old. Lov lnr . 21' Cala.xle A otttr ex. 11' nBIRCLAS Centerboud Genkn Orovt ·.: P&Nt tram U-. A tr• 1
R D FURNITURE btby dothel It equipment, dudlrc bn.od new l30 oolor ,.._.,.., 716 <"otional -.,,.,. A -w/trb-, l ''"old. l10l6 UO.mt .,,... . ' I
1144 ~wport Bl.. C.M. books, r'!eOl'dr, m.bc. 20231 TV anten,., <never used) FREE BEES comfQrt. You are tnv:ited to or bit ofr. Or tradit ,tor INDIPINDINCI ~ ' ! .
every nite 'til 9 ~~:.....~ruct, S.A. Hatt. $145 or otter. 546-4418 I I • visit our JUnt Or' llQ' auth. V.nturw 21. 300 Bro.dWa.Y. DAY SPICIALS * 90 HI!' vw actnt. m 'I. i
Wed .. Sat. • Sun. 'til 6 .....,...,.... PHILCO CONSOLE I 646-2317 or:lzed dealer In the area. C.M. --~1. 12x4f Ge.na"e1 S-1122 •• $M5(1 mis. Great -dune 11aa:r: "' i
REDECORATING • Drexol NEIGHBORS Truh & Black Wbl 99.12312 7/1 4'k tor our Fl\EE 40 pap e U-AQUACAT, fun boat, >1"43 Slientno S«ltl •• 119ii!i '7MISL-'I
bedroom 1et coroi.stin.. of Treasures, Name it we have "" ..... A te $45. .,-' catalor. I' rt. at • b a Pt., n ew 24x5l General s.6211 -'62 FORD \ti'f, & eyL truci-... •-19 after 5 pm, FLUFFY A: f\qtky kittens bl • •H•w -· ' triple dreuer, chest on it, Thur ~ Sun 9:30 534 r;n.y blk & wilt, 6 wk! FaclDry Showroom ue/whtte all. $450. ~1tilfett, new bead ,
chest, kirg size hea.dboard, S, Ba.y l"'ront, :Ba.l b o a Hl·FI & Stereo l2lO REDECORATING Drexel old bsbk tree to _...... l9l9 Pl~n&, CM 49&-St09. 10x!55Uvin&'room.E>cpando •v.IW1:.ISO.~ .•
nirht staDdl in beautiful an-Island. bedroom .et COllllisti~ ot ~I!: . • •m ~737 • 5'&-lln * 24, hlander, aux, head, New floor new CO\'erinc; 213 CHEVY ttll1M ean ~
tique\vttite. Sellli:w for less HIDE-A;BED, dreiser, 2 TAPEttconiers, ampllrler, = """~ ~.U.:...~, 9-3 dafl¥ A Sab only_ . p.l.ley, coven, pulpit, I'll"'! drapet, new refrtpra. fM-mao W .t\
than in price at $650. chest. dinette set, Maple turntable, .speakers, "-" ..... ...._u FOUND 1..a.rp bile_ and Offenhat11tt Marine cuahk>na, w/allp, Reduced tor, $3995. i '-::=====~====•r.:
646-lID, 2282 Redlands Dr. hutch, nlrig, double bed stereo CUM.'tte. Offers, nilhtltandlinbeautifulan-brown doc. 1n vk:lnit;y 01 f1l So. Harbor, S.A. to$3T4i.897'41lltx !i022 • Tr•ller, Tr•vel Ma Newport Beach 54&-861 6U-3253 .tiCllie wbMle, SelliAs tr lffl ~ A Baker 839-1260 . . Cla11lc Moblle Hornu ), I ~ Priv, Home 1. CRAIG P~r. 4 le 8 track ·tbaft 'i prk» at . ~. 51ll).OS23 '117 M Wffkdl.ys Ii Sat. USED AQUA CAT .. nearly 913 No. Harbor. Bl.,,... ,,,, ,_ '
bl pl .__.. • ..... ..!.....__. Appl ho • 6.f6-11U, 2282 RedlanrJi Dr. 10 n. -oet 3" ..J...... !J-5 SunclQ MW 11.ih. "'--.. ..___ ( R-.-,, .. 1 d ma e_ ~. " ....... ~ lances 1100 me stereo. $95. Call aft Newport • , • .,...., $500. * M&-2951' .-n ........ ..,._ _
bar stools Whirlpool retrlg 6, 847-3084. You Wee it oot -come 11, VENTURE -.-i .. ...r..-531-1571
wt ;ce milir, w.....,. e1ec KENMORE ··~ ......... & * AUCnON * ...i ... 11. 5611965 111 Lll John'• -·-~
dryer, 1aa. edger, fertilizer Pencreet elec, dryer, late Sporting Goods 1500 Fine Fumiture • SEVERAL eute.kitten1 need 1140 E. Whittier Bt'ld s.crtnce $1580 eomp&N. THE MEADOWS ltrMm LIM '11 '
spreader. L&mps-Polel, mc_>dels, "!nt oond. Both~ • Applianct:s pJOd home.' Need .,.., La Habra. 213-0\v l-4'1is Slip avail. fHJ.lMI T•try•Nomad•Oaah
•Wll' 1; t&J:ile. 536-8'm. H.a ~ill_..., del1v, 847..m5 at GUNS-K38 SAW 6', tarpt No Auctlon Tonite ~ before 4. '111 9.-1 Tul!!idt.Y·Friday * J0TE No. 616 locd cond, Exploret Motor Homa ~·· ·• .,;p., bolotu 185. 38 S&W W d , A B -~-, 9-5 Sal 10..t SUndly cover. muot oell. 16«1. llrvl .. J Fourwlnch•W--L--,-r 17 PC. KING SIZE ===....,,~'----Dettttive model No . .,,.. in y s uction 1rn BUC ....._., ca-.. love a &16-<11185 -...--.... DELUXE Lady Kellmore "" cb-n. 10 -'t;d ---------b--· ,.. '"TIL BEDROOM w/bolater $65. 38 sp, Dtr-~ Ne..,.,,...,. CM /Ult -...,_, • R.V. Staats Co, n--·---_._ ,._, __ . ~YStlonm ..,. now '--'-• ...,..,
I matching Wshr ~ dryer -........ ....._ 6M-G7l n 200 ....... --~ take ...,,,.. ,_ [.,.up9drawttdrrisef,mfr. ol.ive gm, all speeds . ~r. nickd plated $35. Behind Tony's Bldr. Mat'l. 1 W, CoutHwy NB **Repairs** n ln Orange County's TRAILER SAW
ror, '2 bedilde stands, Kin& 6l5-58.l.S 38 automatic Colt. pat. GAS WekiUW: FREE rabbits, larp I: small 5'8.J.131 9-S every day Free Estimates 511-l'ISI finest Ii moat com plete pule-1•172 Ha~-llL~ G.G. l'-
slz.e i..cttmrd, frame, quilt ' 1897-1902 fro, 357 SAW . , Bet_oompl, $IOO. • u.11: for J_ac:lde, 2155 ~r at 14851 JeUery Road (Sur. "' .---•TIL
ed mattress. sheets, blank-EZ Ai.Ito Waahtt &: Hamilton ma,anum 3.5 hich w/hobter :~ 1
3 dA~: b~ ~: Pl,. C.M. ~ "114 CAPTAIN ~~~: 3:__ ~ .... ~· rounded b)' Qranre Groves} 1% Bloclu No. of e~ etc. . Pl dryer, xln't, cond. Both $85. t4 Mqnum Ruger rifle tern1 $l5 St ' il 2 Lovable brown lhcJrt hair lJoemed. .. Radar .. Loran, .._. n ...... or~ _... in Irvine. For Information, Garden Gm·e Fnnt,,
Choice of Spanish SSS. Will dellv. 847--8115 or w/ahoulder pad. $&5. Pvt. lixt~ $10 :S..1410ar N ~ g mixed bfftCI pUplries, male 30 Yeua exp. uil or power, q. $3000. 87)...0Uf all m.5730, 531-85n ur 537-4011 !
or Modem Style 546-3672 party. Contact Andy Brown ' . • . • ttmaJ.e. 5a-Oll3 '116 Profnakmal Spore Ftlhinz * * CAL 20 * * 531-1105. TERRY, 20' tandem wb1.1. ~.
AL:L FOR $249 USED appU11.nces & TVs home. 646 -6942 Bus. XI Pea 4' x 8' x J~" COX Guide Mexican A CantraJ Muy Extru oomplt sell-cont. Toilet r.~
No down pmts. only S9 mo. All guaranteed. Dunlap's, 64~~~· OUen conaldered ~'r'°°'1t _:. $2USGea; 901 __ ~. 2" ~tt~hal~ wkp~i°': American waten .. al.lo * * Mf..m& * * SPACES lhwr, p.s/Mc Utn, refrlc.,
ELK'S w•REHOUSE 1815 Newprt, CM 543--7788 on '°"'"'· ·a .. ~ •1>11 ..... non, llcenled multt..ena'. commer. LIDO 14' 4 _.,. No. 2211 Available In Hunttnrton atv. Beaut. $3495. 5'S-51IS W "' SCUBA outfit_,.,. ......,,1 .. tor "l5" x 4s••, $20; Curved pool ~1096 116 1al .. 11 ... knd Bea h 1:-eo.ta • 600 W, 4th st. Santa Alla • USED H 0 T p 0 I N T ·--···, bel' p"-Lu's~".e:;:: ... .,' alide, It bl'D, •Cit, 8'73-fdiL c . ~ ..... Ad-Xtru. top ooal., mUlt .u. c M ..... rue. 1952 ROADMASTER ~>..; n..n.:g..g Sat 9-& SUJl U-6 REFRiGERA.TOR, $85. ...,._ .. ....~ -DOUBLE Concttte tub 1, minlltra.tlve experience. $1015. l'l3--3106 eat PQtca. _......,_, 53 S' 30' .,CM L1 ~ ~ * ~ * 675-3781 CABIN-Mammoth .tues in •~plank, pnp~. Best of l'f:ferences Writ. MOllL8 HOMES wuuu 548-x -Jo '
BEDRM set, compl:. corner ./ 7'6" SURFBOARD, gun ~ Simu. Sips '1, flJm. &16-1492, ~;· T/6 Box M 1080, l'-ib' 'P.ilot. SNIPE ™' ft. ftberllus. Amerlca't ft.nest. available 9861 :• i
desk-drt!Mer comb, sbeil GAS Stow, O'Kftole • Me!'-t;hape, l9" wide, xlDt cond. 'I ftiM, $95. 531-3.?74 Eves SKY Terrier temai. doc "BY OWNER" $195. S.. at 23U Newp't. tn every alie A ~ r&nlt '68 TRAILER. m.p. 1. "• ~& ~e ... ~D~;; : J~~a:..1l: $60. Dave 49'-2946. 540-00!'1 beiae I: blk Ione halt,~ SEIL, JeeM er lease ~v. NB B..139.1 « m-1070 JOMICRA, INC. . Ptrtect cond.iHont ._ 1·~ : -~ ~.. ~-~---== I-"=======::::: I MUsr Llqukla.te FABULOUS children .• SCl-0813 '1/4 purclme, 40 ft. -T . s lB CABIN s&oop W/rt!dl:lt, inn Beach Blvd. -Call: scs..c:m In! ,
walnut I:: wtrite. 2 Yl"I old, CLOTHES dryer like new, Miscellaneous l6IO OPAL COLLECl'ION a.t KITl'ENS cult u picture WhMltr. Sun-Jounaer with aafety ct~. Xlnt tend, Slip Huntlnaton Beach 536-6SU 16' SELF oontaintd $950 1•
in pert' cond. $145. call aft port, ~sbwa!ber, new cond.. below wholesale price a. book kittens, he tO zood fly-bridae s .. D.P'., elect ttr. a.vail, $139;,, 54~328.1 BAY HARBOR 16'6 Newport No, IS.. AJi. ...
6pm. 644-4~ PH: 545-0016. S TEREO-l97D-Medilm'an-6'13--0802. home. 675-4'138 7/4 Nu paint. ).390 cub. j~ Mobill Horne S.S.t 3 p.m. ''
KITCHF.N aet. round white NORGE washllle" ma.chine, ean kpeaker ca l1 so I e. CRAF"I'SMAN Acera--arm lO 4 YOUNG female _ ... ...i terceptors &: recent major, Power CrulMr11 9020 •LL NEW. ,70 MODELS -_ ,i:
tormka table & 4 ban'el just overhauled. Xlnt order. Phono. am/fm/mpx tape · h Radial Sa with ~ .s_,--cu Xt:ru PIUJ XXX. ~Ice otter "" Truck1 HOO chairs $50; Black slate top $25. 546-Sm. declt, etc. N@ver 'used. ~™\ tw dra w. ca I: cats, 1 oranp, 2 tortoise Weekdays 539-1878. ~ lS' RIVIERA • Deep V-105 NOW ON DISPLAY r\
Spanish coffee table & Sacrlticl!! $250. Terms possi-~ wer:;s casten shell and calico, 54S<fll3 7/6 S93-84M. lip Chry1ltr-powel" llft·foot 21' Wides u low u $5995 LEASE NEW GMC <
matching end tbll $100. Antiques 1110 ble Sf6..(156. a nts:. n · 549-0739. 6 Mo. old male doc tMnd]y, 27• OWENS '62 327 ttu'Ottle<tlltom biz wheel 12' Wides to M' \'l1de1 • ~
645-0653 art 4 KIRBY vacuum w/aU at-Fisher Stereo w/speakers with ahota needs, boy for f1aptrlp enc A ' n: Full tralltt-many xtn.1. $U95. Park Spa.ca Ava11able TRUCKS "
KING-SIZE Bed in perfect SING.APO~ BOUND! tachments including handy Sl.50, Sprague-Carlton Early playmate-a.ft 5. 546--1978.7/6 coven. head'. 1alley, ba.tt, $41-3436 after 5 pm !425 Baker st .. o.ta Mesa "': I
cood. $70: Couch C 6 ~uthenhc . AnliqUe M~ butler. Take over pa.ymentl Amer. bedrm set-dbl bed PET$ and LIVESTOCK S.S. rad. &: o.r . Xlnt coad. 11' Sabre Cratt 120 Mere ~block Eut of Harbor Blvd. l•t
cUlhic:ml) $30; 2 ma.rble top in ~k:irw c on d 1 t l o'!· 01 $4.50 per mo. or pay cheat $.1.50. 6"-4618 Alktnc: $4'750. tn4> 624-?329. erui.er-slldin&: bardtop.. Coat& Ml!!sa ln4) S«>-9410 1'70 GMC 2 Ton .~. I
tables. 736 wee1o, rear, Sarcifioe $350. 615-4292. off tor only $32.50. call MUNTZ Audi<>-Ster.> t and Pett, General NOO Slip 12, Bayaid9 Villq:e, fully equlpt. 3U Robin $pt1ce..S1Nc•...Spacet 351 V&, s IPMll, ~.ooo GVW, ,
C.M. M.1--9335 anytime-, 8 track car unit model A.SO. _ N.B. Hood, CM. New 5 atar Adult Park • 2 speed axle, 900 x »10 pl:J '.j \
BAR S t 0 oJ 1 • swi ve 1, Sewing Machi~ 8l20 LADIES di&~ d inn el'. Exce11ant ~~.Price BREEDING P& t ra of 18' FRBGLS "Mark Twain" SACRIFICE: lT~' lnbrd. All Centrally locattid in quiet tlret, power lteerhlc, poftf •
uphol!tered tn ·leatherlike l9'10SlNGERToucb0"l\fatlc ~. Rt WIU\,1% karat _ .$flt, Call · CockateU. $20 pair. 120 Mer.crui.tr outdrive. fbr&:l1, xlnt cond. $1650 or ntlshborllaod of Westmhw-~. tie!.trM:l::i. l .~_..20-fta ;~ \
nauphy_d«:: with ho b .n a 11 sewirl& macldne. m wall'lut cenb!r ~nwmil. 2 diamonds S-amter Chinese stove $50; H~tonnOl,&16-1096. 1 (Fully reblt)" 121 1HP a.vy best otttt. 173-1381. ttr. Cloee to ahopplnc area ..... -'
trim.•Cb&l.new$49.95ffeh ~tmt. Zilr •aa:I 'but--·1-'.~l ,o~each ajlie. upright piano~ ·Old cuh • . ., . ...._._ JI,erc. $2MO, pmta;.i2S>011• TROJAN o.bln cruiser, &-freewa)',.Abeautitulnew keta.-f:MIM4} 2 ,_.,..._l!Qll
lf!ll fDr pt each. ~lm. tOllbc:Mes. etc. G~.· BrilJU, cut SiCrifice! 1f.eP.: repter. ~ Mirine Ave., Cite, -~ ~· 5t8-96H «~ xtnt tbape, nea.r1y new clu~ 1'e ·~ at only ' • ,._;,,,
EXTRA Lo"' twin bed, <0f· Pay ott balance of $38.30 ly'to Box P360. Dail• Pilot. u,.taln. Bolbo< ls. 21' llURFING OUTRIGGER. eowine. $3895. 6'4-1363 P!""o Jl<:UDI & Ill oilier fa. $172 '.per lllO. . ;:
fee table, end table, TV or $S per mo. ~ S43-S33S FISHING F.quip. telling all SWU.lM.JNG pooi, 3ill, com-REGISTERED Burmele kit· cu.tom buil t by 1.J1ll :JI' Qi.Ncn.ft Expre c:nm. cilittes. 530-293:1, 531~ Contact Bill~ or Bil ~ se~ couch, etc. 2144 Orange anytime. persoml fret!h \.\.'Bter fishing plete. Filter, vac. ladder, ttns. Ownlloft lind. call Edwardt. $2)0. NMC!s "'°'*. ti al 6
58 a 531"105. Lea.l ie ,;
Ave., No. C, C.M. 1970 ~r toucb-oo-matic, equip. Lu~. tackle, reels etc. Like new $75. 548--4278. 645--0391 Call after 6:00 pm, 6'15--0C30 :w· ~t. :::. ~· * 2 BE ORM, DEN, UNIYERSltY :•.
CUSTOM Wood bar with zlg-zas, beaut. walnut con. A: rods. Must sell! 644-11'1 -· BEAUTIFUL Siamete kitten, 16' GL.ASS over .. 40 hp ' DRAPES A CRPTG. '9600. ~SMO "
rail & 3 bar atools, $150. overcasts seams, b 11 n d NB. 968-5831 oover, •""". 667-9661 P BEACH CLUB, HtJN. Hartiar BMt. 1
burnt orange leathtt hand .ole. makes button hoJes, uk for Richard. 2003 Baja, MiK. W•nted 1610 8 wka,, female. $20. w/t:fec. starter. Trailer, $ lld Ski S..ta f030 SPACE 26 DRirIWOOD . llLI ~w
WANTED: Good used toys, ..,._, Costa M Calt 830-1337. hema, designs &-etc. Gilar. FRlGID°"IREelecoven,rng, wqons, trikes, desks &: B~UTfFUL Sea lpoii;it FLIPPER, Whaler trailer, 3 10• GLASS-IS h.p. Mere TINGTON BEACH eu. 5f0-9S40
PAIR wing backed nylon $44 caah or amall pyrnf.s. hood, bltn. $75; Port itereo, chair.a-child size & misc. Sla1neee kit~111. 1 male, l hp & 5 hp Jobmom:, leaky tq. Wheel trailer., like ~ Traller • Cabana BQfront . ~ilil-A-TRUCK :
upbolstered c ha i rs • Ex· 5t5-8238. $40; Stenotype mac h ' for ptt-a:chool, FREE• femaJe. $15 each 5'8--2538. dinghy. 673-3008 $250. f men nylon in See to appreciate! Make of.. '10 Dodl'9 C500 • VB, 2 IP. lq ~;
eel.lent condition, $ 2 5, O O SrNGER Auto d&·UI" 6 mot; textbb, ribbons, tapt, $100; Phone ~9210 or Gt&-3'/06. flatable $.10. 1626 Newport ftt • Jlara,ln! $10 900 hi Van .1 •••• $158.lt per mo !l'
each 6'B-9509. old. No attach needed tor 54~1112 9-4 wkrlys. WOULD Like to ren.t from Dogs U25 ~SLER '/illbd/outbd. '611 Bl., No. 35, C.M. aft. 3 6~ . ' ' '10 ClleY C1'0 . VB, J ..,.JO ~
UKE new! r divan " ~ zig-zag, button h o1 e • • CORNER set -Tab l e I priv. party station wag OI' hn t : = i:· law p.m. 27' TRAILER, twin beds, hi van ...•.. S1SD pm' mo -
seat $l95 designs, etc. Guar. $39 cub walnut. Covtn, bolsten • am. bw tor 2 mo's Ph. ~lll new. u• nlJerslUl-Jobnaon .33 P .O. 1; Slq:lplzw cene:: '71 Dod&9 Van .. VI, allttl ;~
55'7158S or amall payments. ~6 Almost new. Rel Coldapot, 646--92lO or 646-3106. St. Bernards, AKC, U75 hp otbrd tiec •tart c.M I0-51.N ndJo •••••••• 189.00 per mo I--.==.,·...,..,,..-14 cu. U. Ice maker, white, .. , • ..,,8 Bl..... ~.A.KC, $15 NEW 19' Oris Craft Lancrer remote ~. trir. x~: 2 BR.. 9'MIV!. ,..._,_ '10 ~ Pick. VI, aatio, ;"1
SOFA BED $25 Musica l Excell\"nt condition. 64>• ••vw• -· Aindale•, AKC, SIS -$4150. Contact · Boa. t xlnt Sacriftot ~9543 .,. ............. IUA .. "*" step bwnper . '89.00 per mo ~u * 675.«69 * ln1trument1 1125 SELLING all h ouce bold ~~ Sf6-~t. -Scottfes, AKC, $90 n.ndt, Bob Cole. 55-nn · · on aoU COIU'IMI. % blk. from "Otryaler i.e.. Syttem._ .....
LOVELY F1oral aofa, never FENDER BASS AMPLIFIER fumiture incl refrig. bed llechlhunda, AKC, $60 KITE Sa.llbol.t ult: $625 10~ ~~valon~ 9!,.::; beach. Ht,. Bch. 536-6921 John Davis ~n;
used, sus. Match. love seat · set, 1tereo, TV, rugs etc. M hi Et l700 Skltt w/4 HP outbrd,, uJc trlr 'new waf. i 14 00' '&I · 1Dx40, nJRN. Xlnt tend. ·1 to 6 daily • 557..., _
S7S. Pvt pty. 53Q..833'1. DEL~.,~CKEGUJTNBARACHER prior movin& early July. K Mry, c. AlloPol AKC Gee~ Shorthair $225. 6t6-876l. MMm · · Alum. awninp $2895. 351 Leo Lerner , ~ 548-4353 _ nters, .._.. ........ German W. Bay Sp. No. 12, CM T ta t ·ewa .• 2"-TR S-1095 ,
Office Fumlture I010 * 675-6404 * CABIN • Mammoth Lakes In e MFGR MOVING Shepherds, Welsh Corgiu, /14' SKI Boat, Fut. 35 H.P. STAR 2 BR 2 ba. Quiet '64 vw P' k ·•~:.'
ELECTRIC Gultar, red Hisll Sien-as. Furn. 'I nites. Air oompreuon, spray Wire Fox Tmiets, SI()' Ter-S.llbMfl 9010 Johnlon. Trailer. i 215 • adult park, N.B. area. Lived fC Up •'.-' 1
hollow body, dual pick-ups, $95. Resuve mw 531-3374 booths, apray IUlll. pa.in.ts. rlen;. ~ in 9 mos. 536-3Jj6 (0111 346) '' 1
: Retin'd 34x60 'A'OOd dfflui,
$69.50 e Refin'd wood arm
rotary chain, $29.50 • We
have ttie l&rvest aelec:bon
or used olfice turn. in this
noo. Dave, 673-i'129 before 5 Eves MG-0617 metal cabinets, furnace, Shaggy Duapooa, cockapoos, LIK& SAILING? l4 IT. Trimaran. 'IS HP $899 ~.: •
Walnut Spinet $250 FENDER_ ea:.. ...... i;i;er tbl.s, racks, Pck'r mat.er, I: maltipoos. DISLIKE THESE" Jofmlon mtr.; trailer. $950. llcyclei ms '"-' : ~after 6 PM .............. wall plaques, pi cture • p ta Nab !ntttett, Xlnt condition. 646--5612. •• H b v w r , :
*ARTLEY·silverfl.trl'E. ~~= Rlckenbacher ball :::~~trays, °Ou~ ~=~ca~eDi~! de::'::On: 1lip rental, 16' w/Chevy enctm ~:a,':':ti«xtru ar our • .::..,!
8J'Cll.. Mc Mahan Desk Good condition. Alkire $85. * 6'f5.M04 * 7 da.Ys, 10 tot. . pcJ.~· I~, etc. RE~~ 64$.6192 * * 5'8o<d2 llT11 BEAm BL.. 8C.f4.15 .,.,, •
1800 Newport Blvd. c..II .W-2931 H OM ESTRAND Swnl"' FREE TO YOU ~~ TIIDJE . Mini Bibi 9275 HUNTINGTON BEAOI ";,;;
64U4SO -steel electri<: stove for boat. Dogs Internationale • Low cost, no WORK A * 12' Mtnl Sport, 40 hp. ,67 CHEVY ~ 'nm. 1 eyl, , q-:
--Plan01 I. Organs 1130 camper. Near new $50, SILVER Persian fe m. cat Safeway Shopping Center, CAREFREE SAILING! Evlnrude, trailer. Elec, MINI bllce-Xlnt lbape. 31ii I ft bed, l1IPp bumper, 1 , ,r ;
Office Equipment 8011 PIANOS I:: ORGANS 642--0342. 9 mo o!d le beby kitten Main & Edinatt, Santa Ana Cal ~ug:. ~u~4~ dQ" start. Sl,2SO. 961-600T. hp. Disc brks. Good tires. ply on 1; ott 1"0l.d tin9I, ~,.s 1
NEW Is USED 4 x I REGULATION pool with blue eye, to act. home, e NEWPORT SAILING CLUB BcNt Malnten1nc• to» !1oc50 ~w.;.... WW3 acrttlct: a.t trlt hitch. !ft,OOO rn1. X1nt -;
4 Standard walnut dtsks.
5Wivel inside cha.in, pads.
ffii\t Selectric typt"writer
$200 under cost. Tot11lla
Calculator 1~ cost. 1)15..4422.
• Y--•L-n<--~-table complete with all 11.C-2!ltlO ~-. Bl ...... ._.. • • • • ....,.., ...._,ol'l>I COQd $1400 S57 ms : .......... ~...-........... , ""-t _ .. ..,1;11 Vl."t:&n vd .• t..W>I. hn. • 6l>nOO • · · -• "I', • Thomu 0rpns ttMOries. """' ""'"'' ....,... before 10 A.M. aft 3 summer School for Dop BOAT P.AJNTING BONANZA, Brand new '68 CHEVY ~ Ton Pick u ... : 7:' 646-3629 before 4 PM. * VACATWN SPF.clAL * UDO 14, No. ~ u9e!1 le11 ' Run 1 Hr.""' V... m r • • Kimi.Jl Pianol P.M. 1/6 Your dOI trained while Yot1 than 21 hn. RacifW tir, Quality v:ork done ·'!Pt 833-3592._ &lllO, • cab hiab ,..,,
e Kohler le Campbell NEW 1970 Panuonk 4 apd BEST dog In the world! Male ..: .. v M-.... ~• v~•-COY, trtr le xtra sk>Ued. at your 1Up. MJ..5652 • camper *11. 124 5 0. r-.1
COAST MUSIC tape recorder, Sacrifice, m ix ture , 1 year . r·-· ;'~·._,., CID I: rd. uz;o. 6f6..479C 537...-. -
Typewriter, Royal elec. NEWPORT A HARBOR Sl50. S32--l~. HOusebroken, 1lffdl yard. • e • • • -~· Crulstng Catamaran Marine Equip. 9035 ~otorcyc... ,_ ~w ~V~ ~ ~· ~.~.;.:1 $89.* ~ ;:Y> Costa Ml!!aa * 64l-285l APPROX. 60 ysrd.s dark Pref. tamfly w/~n. wka sail w/auxlllary, & 36' LARGEST di.counts cm all '67 HODAKA. SO. &d cond, .,_.....,.. -r-l °',-,""-';i~=-=::r::: I Open llMi F1i J.D.9· SUri JU olive catpetlrJi. Good cond. 962--0573. 714 IRISH setter pup, 6 ' moorlna, N.B. ~ Ph. mUlne equipment. Radio.. ttt up for cl1rt. Many extiu. Shll.rp-ph. 837-M48. >~
DE J UR dictating ma~~ne $S0 546-9378. PUPPIES": ,,, "· German ma.le, ~i~· * 536-8247 aft 5:30. COMJIUllf:•. depth sounders, $250. &U-St75. .. 1955 ... :;:-", l(' ~ ~ ton....,.2 .d: ., !:·m!t «!!'~ :~ HUGEono:,:;ouNT . 6~ b7:! =~ :b~· Shepherd, ~Collie, 3 mos ~ Furr':! blonde TEMPEST 21-Many mru, paints, etc •• eWl)'lhi.llc tor '69Honda175 tank. Ph. &17-5548........,
--Wurlitzer •nd turmtutt. 5tG-l372. ~271K ~ ~4 ~;7 ~: no=t. for ::1n ~ ~~~ 1": =~-ZS~ Shoppe. Lo* m~ ~· '50 % T. a.v. P.U. w/WJ I
Household Goods I020 other famous mike LADIES eleprit diatnond MOVING: Be au t It u I blk 1111• n • appreda.tw=! $)150. 592--2:119. Km W. Coast Hwy., N. Bcb. 'et Honda 3SO efW, Needs work. 1125/bst
GARAGE Sa~: TV'• ndlal, .PIANOS &'ORGANS Mddi._ ...... platinum.... ..,,... lhep, .W., l yr AJ'GllAN PoPI CAL a, 113 -Cleon, llalll pd. Bat-· ob'. 61>-4124. ,
tape pl<)en. cbairs , GOULD MUSIC CO, tlng.Sacrlllat,675-5856. IOOd w/chllclren. MUll9 tbllt=Reuon. "11 .... -........ bttt loolSllp-"'9 -548-2861 '64·VW double cab-,,.,
clothes, ·aurfboel'd&, etc. Sat Since 19ll CAR top carrier, viny l 7/( otter. 833-U34 ext 371, -----YAMAHA 250 DT-lB. Near reblt enc. new titt, pa.int. • .. : i
& Sun 548-2!02, 229 Robin 20U No. Main, S.A. covered $15, mattttss sz. WHlTE/BroWI\ RAT. 2800 f:qLLIE • AKC. female 6 bettm I am • li pm. SI.JPS AvaU. power er ..U, new, "15 cuh. Many extru. ~JU9. -.... 1
Hood Ln CM. * 547-0681 * Box springs $25. 545-5.l35 Ocean Blvd. CdM betcre 10 mot, all thotl. Se.ble I-wht, CORON ADO 2S, clean o.b. 25-60 ft. Newport Bay. f7S.3Tl1 e '» 1'0ftD lQ...wbl DUMP 1m : .. Im z DAVENPORT I', very good amoraftcrlpm 7/4 Gd •I children. 96&-4103 extru. MOOftC1 Huntington w_rlte Dally PUot, Box 'ff HONDA SO&--SCRAMB-** $1700 ** ...... j ~·.!,.•V• __ S_al• 8022 THI! BIGGISTI cond i t ion $75. Also BLUE eyed Angora kitten ST. Bernards · to &how & Hrbr. (213) 454-J..574 l'VI. Pl012. . LER aood condltlOn, $315 84T-1753or-.-·i'I
LG. Collectlon-ov~r 6.000 PianO & Organ Sile refrla:l!l'lt<r S50 842-2331. 2300 Ocean Bl., CdM before breed. Ch. tired. Liberal chp. DOCK for 2.j' poWtt bOe.t. 536-00n . 1964 FORD IA T. P.U. I' '...,1 j
books. 10c • Up. 20231 s.w. in Town ' _,.. 10 am or after '3 pm · 7/4 Mme. 830-5743, 495-&BS. CALIF Catamaran, 13' hUW· •1.so per foot. Newport • bed, rib, l'!nt cond. $950.
SER.JES 400 Cod~Phone M I NIATURE Schnal!Je1'-i ed ·' $39S. See -·' Bea.ch 6~702 2:50 Hond1, 5emkhopped. MS-6331 •r.':'
Spruce. S.A. 546--7264· i1 ping on w/retnote oonl.rol p la 'i WHITE poodle crou .. ltmale, mo. old fe aW uJt 1:-M mut,NB ....., ,.,,_11.t • Re-built •nclne, trans Xlnt. . .,.1. right now et back. $395. 64J..'1686 -2 yrs. loves children. 881 m , pe~ ~. , v,.,..,_,, •--.... fl-I coed. 6'15-ft03. Ri:.Rl~~=P. r= WARD'S BALD\VIN SI'UDlO NEWPORT BEACH TENNIS Victoria, CM 114 per. AKC Phone 847-2393. KITE NO. zn. dolly, new 99tJl ... rv CH 9111' '67 MONTESA La Cftlll MX ...... ~·· :;~
tablea, more. 400 38th. N.S. 1819 N~ewport. C.M. MU484 CLUB MEMBERsffip JG>, FREE puppiet. J.f~P» AKCa Wlilte~~ covtl"7'n. aood cond. i•~so 11ber'&2 .. I; Geico.t ~. new ttrea; Erwtne 'S2 WILLYS Ovtl;ilnd Sta. J .C
()pen Every Nile S4l-5306 dle, !&On ~ f ESTM).CJ • ,... **Repab'a** rebuilt $375 FIRM. 5C$-4J..n WICOJI. C cyt w/OV'B'drfw,
!ll!!A_SUnd&y _ _,.._l!!l!,;:,.,_ I INVALID Wlllmr witb Sttt -. tl4i-33M t/j , *&l>le cat * rr.. EIUmata lti.l!52 HEAVY dut;y Trail Bib, i Gd ""'111. llOO. -·~")
Qlrome and t.eather lJb ~ M1NlA111RE poodlt pu~ AKC reebtued poodle. t fr• old like ·new S8SQ ll $85 ~·.l
• . New. 181.00. can m'.m9 pt .. 1 -Old. 644-ml Blecltlnlnio...,. male. • m.mo 1oit Charter tat .,. ~ ll4&-lll2 * 1..,..rn Vahlclea HIS
HAMMO]'ID, St91nwa;y, Yam-7/4 961-llm 11' CaCa.nmftn. nudt 11111 ·'ll!'f
aM. New "" uMcf plalXll ot NEWPORT BeJch Tennlt FREE Bab G . . MIN. Dachlhund. pupplet, 7 Me.in ml 6 Gmoia. $'25 flOR CHARTaR '47 Knuckle C hopp• t-80 ,65 ~h• nlllidlt tJlline • M
most maku. Bat bu)1f In ~ubh"'~I o~uy mem-Sf&.9965 Y uwea Pft4 WHb old. ).maJe1, i. or bit otr.113-na. '2 tt cabin cruila', sa..p. I ltrokit, nu pn .. traJM, Mold· aatomaUc. -top opens tO ,.~
So. Ollit at Schmidt Mw:k: rs 't"• • • femaJn Weaned M-8909 ~ pyt. crultel throu.lhOUt td bmt, dean. 5'1-4472. .......... ic. ._ ltoft .. .,. ~ OG.1J07N.~Sa.ntal111 AUtOST new Polarold I LOVABLE puppies am. ' ' VENTURE lr " Sltt91 4. &outbim Calif. ~ A 1111SUZUKI150 cc Clean. ;a:"°UGB --. ""'--"
camera 800, A 11 at· breed. fi4l.a34 716 Hortn 8UO o.lley, motor,--Tlehw par. Wetldy n.tN,, l'Cll' re.. ag Biii: ofr ov ... .. --:=' =-c===---1 DAIL y PILOT PIANO, Uprtgtit. xln't cond. taduntnts. $50. 642--1715 2 BLACK-Shtltie?/ MPles. moo. ---i.: 14 lf2.5m. M5.oo:J.9 ~0-~ 111 =~re for sale. Call llAND ~~--~ A 9 wk1. ok!. &f&-2133 114 REGrs. 17 Hand B • y XI.NT COND. -27' Trojan ~ Ba1dp ~ Yamaha ZOce "SIC Btu'' $.elOO. * 90--·~
• wares, ~UMl"I i;x.::nch. BEAtn'!FUL med. 111• Gelding, 6 yn, beaut. 67S-'IXll """ fUJ. tqulp. •»ii 6. _.......,, 9e&t Of'ttrtl
HA..,L\t:OND R.1'2 OfiAJl w/ 512'-' 29th St., N. Bcb. 'N1ltcb q pt Brindle Bo:cer Engllah or Wt 1 t e r n $450 wk, &• tllOO. ~ Ask IOI' Da'ltd '7" CHEVY~ "11 t~
PRAG rewrb,1pea.ktr. Xlnt 6 AQUARIUMS . 25, 20, 10, lows lddt • 5"-8853 6/6 pleMUre, ribbonl, i $OO . C.U,.3) Sec:rlnct -----'ff Iii 750., jM Um, klMtd..:.n
cond. J.,,,, 1n ~ 6<"415 6 ..,, 5'•· For Information. 2 YOUNG ,.i..._ pip. 962-1122. c.a .,...... 'lahl!!f loota pt..,. call: marT3 --------1 ~
D!AL dlrtct 6U-6678. O!ll'l't caU M2"'4135 .545-081 •' -' l/4 MORGAN' Mare; ablolutelJ * ~1'19t * ~ 17' J'Sberlf ... 25 hp mot., 19111 Kaw...Jd !m 11IE SUN ~ 111'1 Ob 'lft
,.... ..t. '""' ~t b<c1c ...S THE QUICKER YOU CALL, BEIGE A Wht C111co kltton pnUe tor drlld,.n, fUS or oiOi ltHS!I tor llESUL11 -~ $3!0. No -· 2,000 ml . llOO DAILY PDm WANT .AD. ;,Q "'""to flit phon4 ilng! THE QUICKER-YOU SEIL 10 wlal. old.-546--lm "M ""'ollot'. IU-ol!l2. ' m.4MI. --·-Clall -_ _. • . • -'-.. .. • \
---------------------------'-·---------------'-"'-·~.o.:··:._ _____ ~~------~
.,... __ _
' r -
' :
, ,
DAllY .. LOT Sa._, JW. 4, 1970
I ltocrNt'~ Yojllcln _tS JS, Catnpofl '15111 Duno ~IH 95~ lmfl!!!"d Autoo "!!> lmpon.11 Aut. -lmpOitiil A""'° HOO ~ Con -
1 ·11 ooDGE van. cu.tom 1.. ·10 -...... conter AUSTIN HEALEY ENGLISH FORD MUCIDES BENZ TOYOTA
lmpon.11 A~ 9600
ter. Elec. rtfria., new UrMt frame, uo IIP rorvatr tnns -;.;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;,;;;,;;;;;;;;;;l:========J:--;;nT.;;:;;;;;:;;-
1 Tape-· ..., 611-DL '. ~:': ~n.rlah•. x1n1. AUSTIN AMERICA-• ALL NEW ENGuSH •10 TOYOTA'S.. '66 vw Sedan LARGE
Com-rs • '520 * oou-Huofcr . 69 Salos, S<Mo<, Parts FORDS NOW JN srocK Ia tlOclr. lnuoe<ilatt d.,lv..-y. ISLN 383\ SELECTION" . ...-1• • • Immediate OeUvery DRASTICALLY .•67 VVI: . OPEN ROAD i'~:. 90 o~f. ;"' 0 =';'; . All Mooei. ~~ ' "" 1ltftDl$ -$1199 CAof~RS ~"'n,.,:· .. )~~';'!. o1 :.=::.: :.~~.;_"::1~ ·;¢,R~~o:· ' U ldlt•rs Harbour V .W. Harb.our v .W.
Fully D{\J{ppcd (UQR 6':0• -V~ ... • Free pick up 4 delivery ' Theodor• Laguna· Beach l87ll BEACH BL., 842-4435 $2499 ·' ' • N . ..; .!Jamper/> H<ET,;~: BLUE ROBINS FORD '65 WllITE Merc<dK 230 SL • 900 So. Cot. H~ay HUNTINGTON BEACH
H b V W. I • .4roi!i J DUNE BUGGY "~ SlllO w, Cout Hwy., N.B. ln60 Harlm BJw. Coupo, Lo mile .... new ~94-750) * )1 ' '64 VW
187ll BEACH Bt..., "2""'35
HUNTINGTON BEACH ar Our · $tN IJ ·1 · Ml).g?tfl""'" ' M'l-94lll • 540-11'1 eo.1a M.., 642.()0JJ) U.... Priced lo ••11 . 'i'OrorA '69 °'"""" auto C _...,bl , ' • • e l.m'.P-~lf!ction Q ~-Authorized MG Dealer 675-7086, MD-8620, -::xt 20. 1 r/h, new tires, 12,000 mi's~· OftYWTI e
18Tll BEACH BL., s.dM.15: New and 'll• Campers . • 1963 SPRITE, beautiful CO{I· 1963 WHITE Couee 230 SL. Xlnt.•cond. $1745. 675--0141 Orange with brand new pa.is. . WANTED
HUNTINGTON B~dt'· '; ,. • .. imported Autos '600 ditlon , MUST SEE! $600. RAT Low~ new -tires leytop&brandnewengine: I'll pay top dolla-for
New '70 Dattun • OPEN -R9AD · "~ Priced io ""'' 61s..1rils. · · SAAB Llc. oy'$9l'i,, voLKSWAGµ< today. eau
""'OHC. p;cJrup ~camdlrp. ·~AIU..!!~~~· . '6' US SED.-pwr, air, llhr. ·BMW · '67 Fiat 850 '':.,. 23).• .~ ,.! :. "::: '68 SWEDISH V~ Saab, .. ,. CHICK IVERSON ~'f' Ex°7. ~-=
er. Sale pn,.ce -• C5 mlles ao. of Disney'8nd) chnn, w/w Mich. tires, kl Cou "·d· IVDL ll4) •-,=.-; •• N' . ' wheel drive. Deluxe model. VW C# 67798~ \\~U take-cu-kl ''i•l 631...ae • l.1l-IJ.1t mi_!_ Ti'ade • oUer. &W-4265 Pl'. n.n. '° ~ .._, I&· _ Heeter. Lo miles. $l9XI. CUSTOM BUS
trade, Will fiMnOe irt:vaw ,66 FORD ... ~ _ _ * BMW * $799 MG 4gg...2747 S4S.303l Ext 66 or 67 '67 VW. Prof interior, lf'N.I
party. Call 5464052 or super van -.,.. •. per Largest BJ\f\V SelccUon . !.========"° lS70 HARBOR BLVD.· cond. Beat oUer. 67J..3269 .
• ,,..!l7tl. . =·.:..~w. ,~ .• ~ .:: ..... AUSTIN lfEAllY •Sal .. • p.,. .. • s.rnc. Harbour V.W. -------suNB"·M COSTA MESA 8' Full cab-over ·cam~. ....,....,_Ulf.., ~ ,,.-.......,. for lhe. sul"T'OUnding area. llG 5"' 1969 VW Sedan, Am-Fm VOLVO
fact. discontlnued . model. ~ ~NATIONAL atep. Overseas delivery special-18Tll BEACH BL.1 842.-443.i Sales. Servic.; Parll ---------radio, atick &hi.ft. Showroom ---------1
Complete. $895. 869 West . van 'mrM!rted to camper. ·as ROADSTER. Reblt.eng, ists. Sale5open Sunday, HUNTINGTON BEACH Immediate Delivery, CLASSIC 1960 Alpine Convt. cood. Days 546-3662, eves VOLVO ·~" SL, C:O.ta. llfea. _ ·$550~ 557-9661 new cl,ulch, tires, paint & . C. Bob Autrey All Modell 39,000 mil«. Orig o"·ner. 83G--064
-w chrome ••~ 67l-'J3'0 ·-' -0 --· h BJ·~ LB ,,,,,., nntiJU !MMWI Xlnt "'""'· •~. 64<-5635 5· ANNIVERSARY 1964 Econotine Van, Alps 5. '63 Chevy truck she 11 ,,...,.,. ...._.. ......,(152!3~) ,.;, _.:"·• • ' _.., '1 '61 V\V & '63 V\V No
auto trans. mus'' llfll-toak~ camper. i:'eblt eng. ssm· or '00 ROAD~ .)00;6, fair I="·=="'·=~=·~"""···== motor. . SALE
...... offer! 531--0184. best olfer. •r>-1153. cood, Pvt ply. $400. C.ORTINA . TRIUMPH __ ea;;u,.,. .. ,,'-&322..,·=-· --1 1970 DEMO '
n..oT \VANT AD!! ~· Dial 642-f£78 lot REsut.TS •962-754l* -------1 '66 VW Bus ''142'' ....... , ..... $26't '
Imported Cars, ·,... .. ~!'·'Ht Autot 96001mportecl Autos
f I ! I
BMW's .
Sport Coupe
tlr•lld MW t!l\91M l\Ot I mllp O• ill ~lo, t11•11t1"
1~1efe 11'H'ougl'IOul.
Whet e bNlll'YI
52995 .
HMley "$pfll .... lladlo .. ,.._,.... Ptl'i.d !Or wtn--· $695
Autom•lic 1tick shift,
'"dio, h1•!1r, 100•1 end
driv11 lik1 e fectory fre1h
cer. ISERl/1/51.
'66 BMW $1095 1800. Re.,ie, h1•f1r, 4·
Jp11d, 1i,eptio111lly cl•e 11
c•r. ISS F6271,
'69 v.w.
9 p1111n91t we9011, fiv1
111er n1w r1 .. i1l lir•1.
This but i1 f•cto,.., 111d $AVE '64 v.w.
Redio, h1el1r, cu•lom
pric1d 10 low you wo11't ~1liev• it!
(Open Suflday1) 1081 GARDEN GROVE ILVD.
'Ii Ilk. E. of ... ch l l'fd.
534-2284 • . 192-S551
'64 CORTINA-Cust. interior,
nu paint, eng. 3: 56 Chevy
gears. Over $15i00 inves(ed.
Sacrifice. 962-7462.
:'Leader In 'n1e Lear.b Cities.,
2145 HARBOR BL VD. . 5-4U410
18835 Beac.b -Blvd.
Hunt:ina:ton Beach.
. ·842-7781 Ot'I ~0-0442
1969 DATSUN 510 11talion
wagon. New 40.000 mi.
radials, lug. rack, & radio.
1969 21:m, Roadster, r/h, lo
miles. S2SOO. 645-0640 • or
'61 DATSUN Pick-up. l\1usl
sell! See to appreciate.
646-4970 or 642-3122.
......... -Lid.°" ··~·enb' au~ lzed deal
3100 W. Coast HWJ. ~ Newport Beach
M2-9405 540-1764
Authorized Ferrari Dealer
auto ·-·rt ltd 3100 w. °'"" ""'. N.E. '68 GT ·6 Good cond. 11400 ' ...... radio & hooter •• : r-642-Sflfi ~1754 · · 642-3253 4740, 1800 E Cpe, for dellv-:
9625 Garden Grove Blvd. Authorized MG Dealer Col~rado Red, 27 ,000 actual --;,-;6"B'"""'VW=..,B=U"S,.-ery. Overse11.11 de! Specialist.
537 7'177 893-7568 mlle11, fully equipped wire DEAN LEWIS • , 1967 MGB-GT Yellow hrdtp. wheel11. Excellent 'cond 7 Pass. Just like brand new
llllQll llllQll taall 26,000 mi., wire wheels, nu <YEM 414) Take "smaJi •3600. S2595. 1966 Harbor, C.M, 646-9303
'69 8.\0 SPIDER Now eng .. ,, .. ,. "'""h & """ p,, dowo wm ""'""' •''"'' CHICK IVERSON VOLVO BUYERS
tires & brakes. Must sell prty. $2250. £75-8119 party. CaJI Dir eU. lD a.m. VW Let US check your deal.
lmmed. $1700. 497-1856 ·55 MG 1100 4-door Good 540-3100 or 494-1029
·----cond, $375. '64 HERALD conv. A-1 body, 549.3031 Ext. 66 or 67 ~:nces al'e, we may save
HILLMAN 8.13-3l&:i. eng, Xmission. B{u'galn at 1970 HARBOR BLVD. $ $ $
---i.;95. 6J8.r'1.0 COSTA MESA FRITZ WARREN
Runs good $325 VOLKSWAGEN '64 V\V Bug. A perfect run-71 E S •• 1 rn64 646-1492 or 646-5'32 LEAVING STATE "'"• .. , w/body In good o · 1"· .A. ~.
MUST SELL shape. Radio, Good tires. 1966 Black Volvo. Xlnt cond.
JAGUAR 1957 ~10RGAN. new top, '63 VW Bug Extractor exhaust. In same $1600 or $500 down, take
brakes, suXt. Private Par-family 11ince new. $750 .. over paymen~. or belt of-~ ---------! MECHANIC SPECIAL 642-1724. (if no answer, kttp fe't . 49&-5224. " ~.:_~~ln4. Lic.$~~C-612 calling) '68 VOLVO PlBOO, Must sell, JAGUAR
The only authorized JAGUAR
dealer 1n the entire Harbor
SUBARU 1967 V W Sed
Good ru~-Xlnt cord & tully ...,,;p~. CHICK IVERSON ,,,....; .. · •• ,:.·;...,,mil. 642-1536 ... , ··-~· * '7H-~-... -~-~-WB-~-R-U-I 54~= V:t 66 or 61 ~9"vw Sedan s"'pa"',"',"'c= .. '""',·===""'1"'01 ;
1910 HARBOR BLVD. '66. Po.rsc:he 912 Immediate Delivery Automatic ':slick. 5hifi {Y.CY e 90 MPH Capability COSTA MESA (961). 3 TO CHOOSE FROM
• 35 1!fi.!:es Per Gallon '66 V\V bus, very ~ cond $1729 Priced. from $34'9 •
• Beautiful S1yling tbruaut, radio/heater, cptg, \VOZ-926 C
Te•!"''"" Today At hed. '''· fk•t olfor thl• Harbour v.w. CHICK IVERSON i Kustom Motors weok•nd. <91-1065. VW !
"' Ba•or. C:M. """" Large Selection JS111 BEACH BL .• M24'35 • IN 549-3031 Ext. 66 or 61 • COSTA MESA Of VW Campers, HUNTINGTON BEACH 1910 HARBOR BLVD. I OPEL '63 V\V. Xlnt thru-out. COSfA "l.ESA
234 E. 17th Street ---. Vans, Kombis, Loaded! $750 or best offer. -=~=====--I
54S-7765 '69 OPEL_ dlxe. w...,o: 102 Buses New & Used * 64~1243. '65 PORSCHE
"65 JAGUAR 3 ! .. , t engine. Like new. 16.000 mt ' -;-;;=-,y==~:--o--C°"po· New en"inf.. Must . """'8"· al~.! Still in warranty, &1Hll56 Immediate Deli very '69 W ·Sedan ·~ Original. Wire rim5. .LOlN llee to appreciate. PGX279.
615"1171. CHICK IVERSON Radio, ""'" IZBS lZ7J ' $3499
Coupe, Absolutely concourse
condiliOn. Lie. SBN021, $2699
549-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 VW l910~~o~;VD. Harbour V~W. "~"'1 Ex• ..... 61
-· -· 1970 HARBOR BLVD~ '67 VW J87U B6AE.H BL .. 8'U435 · • . · ·~111 ~ I HUNl'INGTON BEAei-r·· f\ • I l'""'I"'... L -• -
.Squareback '61 vw. sun roof. Rebuilt eng.
Sunroof Custom uphol. New brks &
Antiques, Cla11ic1 9615
New Cars 9800New Cars 9800New Cars 9800New· Cars 9800New Cars 9800
549-3031 Ext. 00 or .bi
AM/FM radio, tape deck, air lir'es. Make offer. 642-3334
cond. 10,000 miles on new '70. DELUXE Bus, 'Tadio.
factory engine, Lie. UEP464 Warr'nty $2750. Offer or
1957 ltfORGAN + 4 in vt
good col'Mlition, $1200. Ne
top & brakes, Please c
Wish lo ihank you for
making ii a very •
successful first
----ll'ICIAL OF THI WlilC ----.. !~.~~!~~~~u~v~i1.:w s219·· 9 t'll ITl'f.lllNG. WT'° 4S1.
Use~ lo miles. Auto~lic,
radio, heater.and defroster, 51999 · windshield washers, vinyl
trim, accent groUp, lafge
wheel covel'l, carpeting. ...,Al. &It.
'6S Ramblor Wgn. $899
'6S Ford Country Stdin .
~M'.··~'.· ; ·. ~1'199
'66 Chevy 6 PosL Wgn. ........ ~ $1399
ll•H. '"'" llr cOllt, A,0f( Ill.
'64 Falcon R1nchero $899
'6l ·G.M.C. ~ ton P.U.
,_.,.,, J~1 Ill. $RQ9
'68 Dodge P.U. 6 Cy!.
·'67 Ford ~ ton C1mper
'"'Ill ~--~~ • tyt., ~ -.. rlolilo< ,_,.,, -s1999
'69 Ford lconolin• Vin
• ..,, .. •1110 .. ,... ....... ,.,,
WJU; ,,._ s2499
AM-1''M, Chrome rims, nev.·
paint, rebll engine, Super
CJean. ltfake offer! See al
2089 Harbor Blvd., C.M.
· llo~se in rear of A & B
Porsche Repair.
$1695. lraGe 642-0459/546-2222
9 other square backs ·&8 '1\V Bug. r/h + extras.
to choose from. 31_.plXl mi~. i\1echanic owner.
549"3031 Ext. 66 01' 67
$129:'l. 492-1381
'63 VW EXL T cond, · undE>r
r~tail. Call tierore 5 .
64&.SS,jg •
'59 V\V bus, reblt eng. xlnl
1970 Porsche 91-1* coupe, 5 ,.--.,.,,,.-;:;;:--,;::--=: cond. $750.
speed trans. 7" niags with '68 BUG, blk vin I n t 5<16-4909
Race Car~, Rods ______ ..,.,,
TEEN delight • ':i& Ford •
2 dr. "'agon. Prof. bit 312
eng.. headers, dual lf::n.,
H11rst 4.57 g1?an, gauges.
Sac. $42.i 544--8034, Tustin ~
Dunlap racing tires. Am-Fm w/canary )'el pnt. Aulo/istk ~==~=~==-----
ni.dio/and other Xtras. l\fi. tape dk, Xtras. $1 200. NEW VW BUG Autos Wanted 9700 ~
6500. $1850. Call 6T.l-.1319. 645-1156. $55 89 th '
PoRscHE 1912 FOR""'" '67 vw B"• ''"' · pr. mon WE PAY {
ConcolJl'Se cone. • so:{XM) mi. cond. SllOO or best offer. $147.78 down includes TOP DOLLAR ~
$3850 -call 6 p.m .. (499-1970).1 ="~&46=7~6 ~-:co-~-c-tax & Lie. For dean, u.sed can ~
'64 "C" AM/Fi\f, nc1u tires, '67 VW Van. Nciv. factory VW LEASING JOHNSON & SON "'
ch1m whls, XLNT. Pr pty. N'blt, 11·arranly. Xlnt 1..'0~. AT LINCOLN 1'.'ERCURY t
12800 644<1105 $10!3_.'.'ll 5, ;<4-r><J. CHICK IVERS.ON "'6 """'°'Blvd., C.M. '
-,1 Po"""' 1600 s c,. '67 VW Sedan mroR:rs WANTED ' Re· bit thruout. s'l695. VW Orange ·Counties , ~ Call 548-2195 1SK D 6111 -1970 HARBOft. BLVD. , . $1299 COSTA .MESA TDP I BUYER. ) '68 911 Tangerine 4-spd. Niai;. --BILL J\IAXEY TOYOTA i wh~··· $"300. 831-1680 O« H b v w '66 vw Sedan 18881 Be"h Btw. J '"-""" ar our R. s'""· Ph. "'"'5.IS ·• • Radin fTSF 7851 PORSCHE '61 Cabrolet $1299 WE PAY TOP DOLl.AR * 67a.1321 late eve. * 187ll BEACH BL .. 8'12-443,j FOR TOP USED CARS , if
HUNTINGTON BEACTI H v w If your car 1l! extra clean, ~ ·:-is Porsche~ hdtp conv, new 'SJ VW bit s:;oo arbour sev ur first $
eng, l'ad\o/.~tereo. dn. 1ak~':~r r;mts~;~O mo. • • 234 E. 17th St. "
BEST OFFER. 49!l-2481 540-ll24 eves. 18711 BEACH BL .. 842-4435 C.OSta lt1esa 54&-7763
'Gii Pol"llChc SC 1961 V\V • $2tXI. Must sell, HUNTINGTON BEACH \VANTED: Clean '61 to '64 '
XLNT CONDITION dependable transportalion. 'nlE QUICKER YOU CALL, Chev '~ Ion Pickup. 8' bed, i-4~.a949 La Jolla Call 968-7035 THE QUICKER YOU SELL 6 cyl. 546-7827. ~
__ T_O_Y_o_T_A_. --f ~Im:· porlod~:~~;A~u~1 .. ~~~'~600~~~~1~m~pa~r~toc1;,;A~u1~~.,~~~~-~~1~m~pa~r1~..i~~c~1~r~• ~~~-~~; 1
'66 TOYOTA · · We've Got A Whole Squadron of · Gleom~.0!~N!, •it• ··Spitfires Waiting To lake ·Off '11
brand new leatherette Inter-,
ior, has automatic transniis-Stof by our showroom• and climb into the cockpit Of a neW TRIUMPH
skln, radio, full faclory SPI FIRE MKlll. It'' like nothing •lie. With 111 the •quipment th1t m•k••
equip, TEY 957. ·, d rivin9 a Spitfire I diff•rent sort of •dv•nture:
$1099 R•cin9-type reek •nd pinion steering. lndeflendent four wheel spring. CHICK IYERSON in 9. Front disd br1ke1. Competition-proven en9ine. Four-forw1rd-s peed
9e1rbox. Th• works. vw .,
.. S4!>-30.~1 Ext. 66 or 6T
SALE 1970 TOYOTA.WAGON 6Jn Demo $1117
Toyota Mark II $2149 Lie. ZPBS16
1006 Harbor, CJI.
5295 80
Sll/S.10 11 th• tot1I dow" peyrn•11t. $11,11 i1 th1 lol•I rnonthiy ll•vrn•nl i11tl1idint
11•, lic11u1 ''"' ell Cltt~int th•t911 on lt1nk •PP•O•td c1•dlt for l llo rnont~1• Dif•ri•d
p•yrn1nl price i1 S l~''·"I l11cl11dl119 te11 1114 k•n1{,,. Ann11el perc1nl•t • r1t1 ;1 11.911.%. •Plu• I•• I l+cen1• -
• •
• l
. . ... , ... ' ·-. .. ., .. • ... ~. .. • l • • .... ... .. .. _, .... ... .. ' ,. .. ' ..
~.Wrdq, ~~ 4, 1970 DAILY ,llOT ~
Autos Wonted 9700 UIOd c.,. _ 990I UIOd C•n _ 990I U...,_ C•rs 990I U ... C•l!O '900 NeW C.n -'Wew Ca" HOO N•w C•" -New C•n -
·CASH 196,; Buick Skylark. RIH, CHEVY •55 brdtp, v..g 1 ·~ 1'ot¢ Medi •••l• ''3 OLDS Cutlass blue;
factoey air. Priced for quick owner. $195. Call alter S:SO. otbelWile Nl1I aood 2 w/white top, wht-wall tlret:,
aa.le! St~t9. , 644-lln. dnmtriml"5\ttt-5,._ r/h. p1. Very lood cond •
. :i~lo\'"~~lo~tojult '69 EL CAMINQ."'6, ..... ~k -Call l'J5..6ll8:
GRO. TH liuMW_ " • CADILLAC .,,...,, bucloet _ ... -· eyt. -Wllll 'II OLDS II ........ white, ~ -----·;... ---~ · m.. cbmpletll1 iielNUt • .15,CMXI mil, like ;.riew.
'02 Old-->:let<wood, air, 2 r .. ~-1.11111-. --IUe AM/FM/( Irk 11<NO,".J25(JO,
1 NM fok.r Salq Mariapr s:pb> radio, dtail tntenar, '67 .....-... -.. 321, auto tranll, ... •: , • , m.4'799 ·
1 18211 Beacli. Blvd. ,Push button away po'Ntt PS, PB, air ~I top, r/h, ·'Ji lf.ANCJIERO VS Npd. 'SB Didi, Oeu. Inside 6 out,
Hwrtina1an Beach seat. $600. After 5: 30 or Sl650. 897~• ~ tfNL S:SSO. act-2.111. Rwll irut. nu radiator,
icT.(JOS'l . KI W331 weekends 49$-.5786. '67 CHEVY Caprice, low -~-Dr H.B. batt 'I: uphollt. $250.
I WE PAY CASH '65 Conv. 32,000 ml. Factory mileqe, loaded! Xlnt cond. '5 FOJU> V~ . Rm XInt 6"-0718. , , air Priv. prt;y. $1875. 54g..QSf, 1 ;,Ml ;..___ ~-""'-'°'Oki""'•:.,•~ .. ~-~~' I ' · • oloc. -"'· G,...,, • •69 ~.. El Camino r • n n n r •-· ~-. --· xlnt oond. 9,000 .. w/white-interior. $2200. ~tom . • ~ · ml, Tu.rb~
,• • •
·FOR YOUR CAR Call Tom Brow q In" """"" lonneou, like"'"" '89 Chmlry Serlan 390, '"""""""''· W.9755. 642-4011. $2'lOO ** S31"'"91 PS/PB, JJC, atereo. Xlni .;;;=;i;;::='======l ll--4
'63 2 DR ...tan. 61,000 m~. CHRYSID , eap1: •1115• "'" 6'2-5IOI: PLYMOUTH
CHEVROLET =---Costa Mesa 541" .. 121'.X)
1 . • for
See George Ray
""" -Blfi\. Costa Mesa
• . §42-0010
1961 CAD DeVille COQpe
clean'& ICrw mil~. 961-3129
after • w.m· .... . " ' -·--Auto i. ... 1,... "10
XlNr cood. Good tires. $995. ~ '6( F.aliloline" ~ ftll.. -... , ,_....,, ...... ,., ---
9U-519C. 1957 Otryaler Im.Penal sd. N .front -t. ram.I tlr8. '68 8*terute 38.1, okpd, TD.
'62 CADILLAC Q>e de Vil!~, cond. 393 Stock Heml $400, $1195. 308 E. 18th, C.M. map, mint cond. $1995.
full pWr, $'t95. 450 Victoria. Call Richard 646-1Jl&. '65 FU'l11RA Conv.-1/hli81'='=·""=:;:anytlm==:;'=·===I eo.ta Mesa stereo, ~w tires, very rood
' EXTRA CLEAN 19 6 6 COMET cond. 1100 ... ....,, . PONTIAC
Cadillac, air cond, stereo, '65 Econoline camp unit, /
full power. 495-5349. '65 COMET Caliente, PIS, many extras, $1.r.OO or Best LEAVING STATE
auto, n!W tires sharp, $7'50 otter. 644-2900. Rt-sponilble party w/good
'SC Cad., mag wbeel.e. Runs or best, 893-3400 b!t a: 30-· credit 10 Ul\1n'Jf! ~
..... 1250. Phon°' 5•00, .....,,.. alt 6 MERCURY on ""' 191111 -c GTO.
893-0757 e '65 "·clooe 289 e . PS/PB, . air' exceptiondy
WANTED: '6.3-'64 4 DR. Cad. Hi·perf~. 4-epd. $1000. STAnciN Wqon: '66 Mere ~· Call a.lter 15·
Lo mi., fully equiped. Orig. Call Bill 548-6443 9 pus. Qded w/air very 1---'--------
0wntt prefd. 642-4620 ~Ccll~~~~~=i,~cl~•an~ll~""°~~.,._~~=~l '68 PONTIAC Fiftbird. U.S. '!i! Coupe O.Vile. Xlnt mnd CONTINENTAL · _ l\lagll, wide oval tires. Mlot
1115· AOt. D, SUMy ....., MUSTANG ......,. fl400 or mt off<r.
Motel, Newport Blvd, CM, '&J Conti.Dl!ntat, full pwr, alr,I----~-"'---Olll .rt 5:30. 6f6.9161
AM/FM, new tiret, braket. '67 MUSTANG GT J'utbad: '69 GTO Convert., au~
=O=nt;=·;;11;:200=:·;:963-=:1097=:.i::::::l 2+2. Pwr. sir, disc brks, 4 P~B. PS. Xlnt cond . 1pd. ~. WW take older Price42400. 548-6123. Ill' LEASE Ill' ------CORYAIR oar '" ·tn•<. Pvt ply ·ss GTO """'" All •70 Che VS ~--to El ca. '67 CHEVY EL· CAMINO. -646-0313. factory air. $1800.
· v'. • '""" !11 like new rond. 27,000 mi's. '64 "---i ~ SEIL! LI S.TI62. mino Pickup. Racho, turbo. Auto trans. air, P\\-T brks, ""4'.-va r .. Dr. Sedan, '70 MUSTANG, 11ll xtru, Jo I-=========
hydro, pwr steer •. 3300 mi's. stmg, vinyl 10p, 396 cu. auto, clean, $450. ml. Pd $4100 + tx/lic, sell
$89 per mo., p,1d1sc brakes. ln. eng. Priv, ply. 540-.26?7. * 540-3660 aJt 6 pm. * U)OO. Will take older VW RAMBLER
SOUTH COAST . . -burasptpmnt.~ ---·-----! CAR LEASING 65 IMPALA convert, lo m1, CQR\m'l'l'I: • '65MUSTANGt.."'ONVl'.• .'&t AMERICAN,. auto,, 6. shu:'p, good rubber . · ,·.-~.I!•~ • XLNTcond Re.aleconxny DJ W. C..t Hwy, NB. 662;1112 $850/best otter. Sell tlilii :. Xlnt Cond, lo mi'• · · Eves &: wknda 496-5695 wfftend . .,~., ---'li6 CUSTOMIZED Stiner'y. $1000. 518.9861, 675,2717 $495. 5J6..167t. O'U"'...,,., 396 •nc!Pe· •lBur1~dy , ·
1960 OleYTol w/golcl laeoe 1tr1~. MOided 65 4-sPD, Medi paint T llRD
,u_ ... ...i __ c_._,_, _______ I Wagon. 'l83~t ~~ spoiler, side pipes, mags, ~ ~946, 20tO Newport --·-----
BUICK powor .......... radio 119'1. elec. window•. new w1<1e 1.=~·..;c:;----~
I---------· 542-6327. tlttl. $2250. &U.4091 or '65 Mus tang V 8
'62. Electra 225 4 Dr. Hrdtp MUST Sell •55 Chevy V8 st8--22ll ei. 228 ~=-R/ij. IWU3SO &
w/air, 8ll pwr &: remotes, 3-spd Hurst, Mallory jg· 1964 Convert. 327-300, auto, 1 ""-="~'-7-'-""=~~-I
au.tQ head,lights, new paint nition, Isk;y % cam Needs power. Rare, MUBt sell this '65 MUSTANG • Lo ml, wry
tires, µphols. &: rebll eng. work. 962-9555. ' wk. 6'1S-3770 sharp. VS cruise-o-matic .•
Like new. Best offer .. 65 El Camino, ,69 q,-36S '62 VE'M'E Hd. top, orig Sac.·forquick sale. 541)..7873 .=;:::,;:=:=:~===I
142-1962. h.p. m m..,, , .,,, ,.... r«1 paint. ,., m "'" .... 0 VALIANT
'63 SKYLARK SS coupe neou "''"· Mako oUor <-•p, SHARP 11595. 6""945 OLDSM BILE
w/rrrr~all cng. One of ~ ~19. .
htrd to find, lo ml'1,, orWin-'65 IMP. Wqon. All ex~
al cars. Xlnl. $659. Full. pr. Air. Pert. cond. Call lit.
642-6197 noon. Ace. best offer
'65 Skylark Gran Sport 440 673-&452
Sharp '68 Red Cougar!
Best OUer 675-t2!12
Delivery July 7th
eng, xlnt cond. S 8 5 O • ~ • .,,---,CHEVY==_--oB"i-,-,-,-,-,-n •
~ or 837-2011 mechanically sound, good
'86 RIVIERA. Loeded. Great tires. Before 9AM afte'r 4:30
ccn::lition! New tlrn:. $2,000. $250. 84&-32C3 • 1968 XR7-Uke new, only
Call: 846-4929. ,69 Ims-Ja l2,1'.m nrl'a. Fore-17,000 mt. N_ear ~ Mlchl'!lin
1!165 Buick LeSabre 4-dr, ed Sale. PIS. P/B, air, X tires. &IJ', atereu, vinyl r/h, ·air. $8f)O,' 675-3833 or best ofc. Call 'til 11 PM, top, etc. S2750. 5'0-8589.
..._,.,,_ m-=·-, ~ . DOD~E
... "' ,...,1 . 1.;;,=;...:;:;,;._...--...-.;;;,;;;=;;;;...;;.;.....;...=u~,c;~:;.._=·::::t" W~TED: •457 ai '68 Dodp
· ieustom Sportsman, V. 8,
What We Have For You .
VI, eutorNt1c, rMlo, tltfttr, powfl'" -
1-lng. IK'°"' lllr, Ml!et Miii, '#hll'l-.. u tire, ueetl9"1 cmndi1*t i..-..iwt,
mini coridlllon, "OK" In ......, "tRY. oum. ·
11tlck, * ton, 1£18 wb, 8
pass, RI ff, 119:l1-12<00.
'68 Charger-Power wind., air
cxind. & vinyl top power
steer &: brakes $ 2 3 O o
'65 DODGE Dut--2 dr, RMI,
coed tires. One owner $423 __ .......,
'64 Luxury 98 01~
52,000 ml. $139 .......
Uaed C11r1
'65 WAGON. Good cond. $1!)5
down & $37 mo. .... ,,.,
9900Used Cars
_. tN•.ntE~UNITED STATEft .,
P•rk w.rd Co•chb111lt Coup•. M•11nific•nt •11toomo·
bilo, block with 9r•v l1•th•r inlorior. Sold now by u1
ond with ju1t 19,000 mil•1. Lie. No. R6U 796.
Coochbuill Mull in•r Po rk Wor' CoujHI. a.011tif11tl
1holl 9roy wifll 1corlot l1othor, 1,000 ori9iMI rnil11.
Thi1 cor wt• 1old by 111.
j"I" f • ., -l ii' :s
~ .. 0
=· ~ .. • 0 .. !. z -if ...
~ "' -:< ~· .. ~ ,... •• c: •i ~ ,.
~! ..,
• • ii' ~ J;r w ·O~ , .. w :z: "i .... ii.,. ~ •• -0 Cl .-"·" ... • ; .. :i ... :!:~ -0
' '
" i .
Autonllllk', radlD, Mam, fKfonl 1lr,
Yert', yery low mlt"9<1: "OK" In
eYefl' w1 r. 111.ue.
'67 Dod&'e family wag., r/h,
expe.ndable top, hldeabed.
Xln't cond.. ~9. 1970 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX ' .
"69 IMPALA JioAI! .
VI, .u-tlc, r-:llo,. llmtlr, poww
•lwrlflg, IK'torf •Ir, ""'-" fh'K, tllltftl t l•i•, wry low ""1-..,, •«11-1111'11 ur lnilcll/OUI. XEEi flO.
hoo"t 15 Min.
for-. Toy
1969 Dodp Super Bee. Xlnt
cond. Must ll!ll Best offer.
9000 mi'1. 6fZ.5505.
PRI pty. '65 Faicon Futura.
V-8 ht, fully eqpd. w/e.uto
tn.m, pwr •tr&:· C&rery
yellow /blk int. $915. Call
a.ft 5. 6t6-8353 * '63 FALCON, 4-sp, 289,
macs, new Holley carb, nu
clutch. ;500 642-1121
'6' ()ouMry Squire ~
auto tram. air, sood oond.
'64 Econoline Van
** $750 ** ·-NewC.n HOO
Toy 1970
or M""°"' """ _....
. 1970
or Mu•hflt ""<;:
'// 7 /I 1\ '""-'"-'
Jtfy 4111 •
& Joly Siii
OVER 40 1970 MOjlEl
Afllr s,lu Smic•. ,,~Irrc~~ 2sSJ NORTH
la .oiir ·M>•t If!" TUSTIN AVE lmptrtant . . •
Consldar•tl•• ~ v I a ~ °'0":0..':~"'
~ FORD .,ilf F0<d Doolw ~::':1:"A~~: ~ ~~7Li."' (714) 6i7-1222 1 "" -• •-•· -~ (2U) 160-5112
~ .. /' . '
· I I N11rly n1w 4400 ml. ctr. Orl9. 10W llert.
Full oq11ipm ont, b1I of ntw c•r wo1To11ty,
Orig. prie• $5131. Lie. No. l,017BEOI
l•1utiful 7000 lfti, cir. Foef. oir e•nd.,
power 1toor., oufotnotie tro111 . (071ACNI
9000 111il•1 clriHll on thi• Roll1°llloyeo
1t1d•. AM-FM •teroo, t1l••copie, plu1 111
u1u1I C1Gilloe 1cc111oti••· Lie. No. IZCL
6421 $5495
Cullom S Horcllop Cp1. Ori9, 1olcl ll•w
h•r1, 14,000 mi. Ecofto111lc•I 011orheo•
c1111, 6-eyl, 1119 'With hirbo·h.,tlr•m•lie &
pow1r 1t•ori119. l ie, No, (yWR449)
4 cloor 1ed1n, ori9i1t1I 0111 OW'Mf 4dctor'1
cor witti only J4,0DO 1111111 • .Au..,.,otie
tr1111Mi11io11, powor •t.ori119, r1tlio &
oco110Mic1I 6·eyllllllor oitgi111. Lie. No.
,lllW66JI $1395
Vtrd1ro Gr1t11 with motchi119 9r1t11 i11·
t1ritr. Eqwippotl with pop11l1r 4 .. p1.d
. tr111trnluie11, pow1r 1l•erl1191 pow1r dl1c
br•lr11, r•dio, heoler. l ie. No. (714AFXI
Loc1I 12,000 milt cir.
$2995 .
H1rcllop , .... ,.. W.totltterotl com'p•llY ·
... ,. 7,100 "'"''· Derk lllu• 'Wltll llliro
·•i11yl top A blu1 i11t.rior. Ori9, t+ie••r
prleo. $5100. Fwlly oqwi,pod, Str. 262J•
1•.c10•111. $3675
19l~ HAltBOR.IOUL~A RD. cofTAMESA . ,. 5<6-4444
• t
• '} J . • • • f
'. '
. ' '. '.AUTHORIZED , '
•• ' .
.. '
. .....
, • ' • • ' . ....f ... ,.p
" ' -· • DIMP,.S'.llo\tOI ' Full po\\.·er. factory aJr, J~•· hi~: IPr'inyl root, AM~P'M 1tl!reo
multiplex, door Jocks, Ult & telescopic steering, electric aeat release.
twlllght sentinel, elcctrtc,trunk:.opencr a Vet)', very ft1t: mJ)ea. ~o.'ml)
SALE "°$,,,,PRICE . -"·
i96G CADILLAC • $3777. Coupt de Ville. Vinyl Top. Leather Inter·
ior, full )lOwer, factory air conditioning.
Tilt & telescopic steering, power door Jocks. PRICI (\YlD 726). .
. . . . .
1965 CADILLAC $11888 Coupe DeVille. Vinyl top, leather Interior,
full power, factory air conditioning, AM·
FM radio, C!ll'clrie wing vents, white v.•all -
tires, etc. {UWTl74) PRICE
4 Door HardtQl>. This one· is loaded with
ORANGE . CO,\JNTY?,. t 1 ', , e 1
1966' Contlnelitcil 4·Door
Only 38;000 Miies
£xquillt.e Sapphire Blue with bJack full leath.Pr Interior, black vinyl
root, all possible xt:ru: Inc. tJJt &: telescopic steering, door Ioc:Q, fac-
tory aJr conditioning, ne\V tires. Truly must be seen and driven to
appreciate the fine care shown. ?few 1970 Cadillac trade in. (SJY424)
Ho_Hday Sale Priced
' ' .
' ' , --~
•• ' . . . .!t. •l 'J' ., ' . . ' .
S@dan de'Vll~. Leatm-in~~ f1'J ~er,.~actory air conditioning,
power door locks, stereo AJl.l~~h:, white wall tires. (Z¥A-
' .
• j ' •
1966 EL DORADO $ 0
SALI, 2222
LuXurious 98 Holiday Coupe. Factory air s.i222 power ~ulpment jnclud~pov.'er steering,
·power brakes, power wl OWi, poWet, 5eal,
plus Al'lt-nt radio.,-Very.loy.r miles. .(NGJ· • 2~-; ' ......... ' ' i" full {fj. vjnyl pad~lop. plush I in\er , t ~lesco steering,
• . .
Fleetwood. Vinyl top, full leather Int.,
full power, factory air, stereo AM·
FM multiplex, tilt & telescopic ·steering,
power door locks, electric trunk, cruise
control, twl11ght sentinel, headlight dim·
mer, rear window defogger, etc. CIFC423)
Luxurious Coupe DeVUle OA·lth vinyl top,
plush cloth &: leather interior, AM-Fl\I ra·
dio, full power, factory air conditioning,
tilt &: telescopic steering, po\ver door locks,
etc., etc. (Ser. 2764)
____ .,. I
PllCE • 1 ·1 -FM' ; e.,_, e tc. Dll Spe~ ~-· i . ., -~ _<y_, l l_J " .\'.'-... ~· I • ..
1967 CADILLAC SALi $3111 ' Coupe·DeVWe. Vinyl top, cloth and leath-
er Interior, full power, factory air condi· tlbnlnJ, tlll-telescopic wheel, algnal seek-
In& radio, twill&ht 1enUneJ, power vent PRICE wlndQY.;'S. •
SAU $4888
CAMARO ~raa -·· 1967
Everest white exterior with red bucket
seats. 321'-engiM, 4 speed transmbalon.
radio, heater, console, new white 'vall
tires, 31,000 J owner mll(!f. (033ASM) PRICI
\ ,NABERS • •
2600 Harbor ;Bl-v~.-,-.r ~-i'-~ . Costa Mesa ~:,~_ .. , _,,. f
540•9100. ' ~·
•• t . ' ' '
'Sales J)eP.a ent Open AU Day Fri . .Sat.·Sun.
• 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM Mon. thm fii. • 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM·Sat. and Sun.
. Sortie. Deportment Open Mon.·Frl. 7:»-6:Q9
• A , ~ 1970 -
I i, t
~ ·~
~NLY $199 MO.
. 24 Mon" Opeo bd L-•
l HH otttr ••plr• JUl'I' '· ,,,.
Oft N",JIOV.D Clt9D1'r
'-l <'
' . ...,
FOa IWBBlt'l' M. B..4.LL, . c ... .,,.; •• ,r, o/
S«W s«.,;,y
, • ., s.a-1 ~1 ........ , ..........
,.,.... rthwM, •/IM . .. ..,.,. ., ....., ...
... •pplb-11 .............. """'
,,..,. e11er N uM /or s.a.l S.
e""'1 •••Nn1-L.M., Y,..., F--,
r ....
• It hu 'not Mn oecaary to tt:iNue
Social Security numben became the DDte
cligite ueed for these numbers can be
med for 999,999,999 people without re-
~ting, and eo far only 184,000,000 of
thae numbe.ra bate been aeed.
'Oa ~Ulf B. SBEP ~ltD, NASA ......... ,,.. ,.,.,..,
•""' .-. .. reqalre-................. ......... ~-····-........ ,__,...BN,.,,,,
... ,,.., Clly, S.D.
e A maa mUlt be 1) leae ti.an 40 yean ·
of age; 2) leu than S feet 11 iochee tall;
3) esceBrmt pbyUcal coaditioll; 4) INM:h-
elor'• deg~ in eacineerial or ita equjva·
leat; S) quali.6ed jet pilot; 6) tmt-piJot
achool c:raduate; 7) at leaet l,SOO houn.
8yin1 time.
'Oa '.4lflflB ~GG, c .. eii~·uw ,,. ,.. ...... ,,.,., .. ........ ~·-·-·· _....,..._,-It. D ..
",,,,.. City, If :J. ..,.
• I hawe one enonnoae wllite balf-Peniaa
e.tt who truele ~here with me. I
oec:e Jet bim oat tlmin1 me clay ud he c.-e home wida a IU.bana; I •ppoee
that make. him umoal
flOR rllf'rOl'f BU>fJlf'I',
,...,__.~ ........... ~ ..
..... a.ry1 rMa ..
oetN ... Jail ...., ...,,
" ...... aw,., .. ...
~rif1-" ...... ..
--. ..... 1-J.Aa J. COJ •·-~ Jr.,
y .U.J-, C.U/.
• Zip Code ie already mandatory for eec·
ond-and third-dU. mai~ bat there are
no plans at this time to make it man·
datory fo.r int-clue mail. When sip code
is in full me, it would be pouible (or
a letter to reach ib deetiaatioa by _.
1titutiD1 it for the city and atate, altboqh
a complete chan&e-o•e.r to thia ayatem
would neceuitale greater ate of tech.Doi·
OIY in eortin1 proceeeea.
What In Ule Worldl
" Keep Your T... Up Jamea Drwy
(title etar of NBCn'• .. The Virg.inlu")
it u much at home with moto.rqclea u
he iit with hones. With the coopention
Jomes Oru"I
gives tips for
"easy rider.."
of the Loa An1elee Police Dept., he'• do-
iec a documentary 6Jm for bigb achoolt
oa the riaht and wroq war to be an
.. euy rider." We ulted l>nary to giye FAM·
lLT WEUJ.Y readen a few adnoce
tipa: .. Always keep JOW' toes pointed
up." he aapeated; .. otherwiae you can
break a foot if your toe 'catc:be.' on the
roadway. Whee piag throush mad, U8e
low aear. If you're already goiq too fut
for that, elip iato aeatral. Tho moat baaic
adt'ice of all ~ leanl dae ea.t to wlaich
JOU body will react iMtinctm~ a
tum or facina an oncomiq c~n
you•u bow better bow to maintain COD·
trol ia &ft emerceacy."
Where Chentea Are Cherishecl Once
a year the people of Traveree City, Mich·
igan, boat a National Cherry Feeti•al.
nu. year, it ie July 6-12. Their town it!
in the heart of the natioa '• cherry belt.
Statiatice? You bet. 1Dere are te'ftll cl.if.
ferent varietiea of cherries and more than
3.000 ciom.mercial orc.harde in Michiaan,
with approximately 3,450,000 cherry
trees, which produce 70 perttnt of the
world's red, tart c.berriea. Mi<lhigan cher-
riea are shipped to 32 other states, plus
many forei1n countries. Amons the fe&-
tival 1Ughlights ia the cont.eat for recipe.a,
which MidUpn ladies dream up during
Mryfltinfl imoginof>le moJ. wifft c#Mn;.s
the year. Primes haYe been awarded for
cherry pula, cherry .~ cakes. cherry
cobblen, cherry French pancakes. cherry
pork chops, cherry bread. and new ways
of makin1 1ood old-fashioned eMn, pies.
ef N• Y-'
Al .. ••II ••r rally la .,..,.,,....., ,... .. ,..
~apr• .... ,,....
"'8p& ... N ...... W ., ... ~ ......... ,.., .. _..r IM .... ,..., ,,_.,, bHy fl/
• ..,. ......... ,._, .... alrippei
..._. ~ J'ietr•a. Flay .,.. ,_. .,,,,.,...,,7 ............... ......,,...
prediee ., ...... ..,. ...,. ....... ,
--B. Y. s......i, • ......._, lf.Y.
• The report you beard miainterpreted
my speech at the Mobilization Day March.
in which I iDdudecl remub made by a
mother whoae 9011 had died ia Vietnam.
Slae wu the Me who waa diapleued at
the u.ie of an American Flaa to co~e.r her
aon'e co6n wlaeo i& was ehipped home
from Vietnam. and abe aa.id: "When my
t!Oll'• lifeie.., broken body came home,
the cuket wu draped with a Flag. What
a poor and dreadful . war for a Flac to
be uted ! It aboDl be ueed to celebnte-
peaoe and reueL"
ANalaer..,,__,_,. ••••, "F•• Fre•ela
4 Cu//' ,..,. ..._, _
c.,..iya Pesr-a, Pe-,.,.....,, ,, ..
• Some of the recipes OD the aeriee are
mr own, but moet of them are cl .. icaJ
recipes lrom the eaormoua repertory or
Freacb cooking. I follow all the. FttnCh
recipes but ue American iDlftJ(lienta and
equipment eo that they will turn out well.
FOR l'~VL B.4JO'Bl',
Le~ N.D.
Nin c:om914!111•tr Do,..-. •• ~ .... ,....... ,_. •'• ,.
••1i111, "lli1la1 •/l•r
,,... Z" .... ,... ..,..
.i..1-0 •••• , s •••• ,
• Thia ia my penonal cue for the net·
work to ineert their local messape. I ha•e
always p.ref erred thia to the usual cue.
';\nd now a word from your local ution."
w ... te _. • 1-..,_ • ••r ,._? Y--....... du........__._ .. .,t .__._ .... •.,.,.._,_I !;sw.._s....---.,...r~-•
,,_. _,., .. .t.k 'n.-Y__..,, F..U,. Weekly, Ul ~ A-. New Y .... N.Y.
IMU. Ya e.wt sxtrrvr' Is 1a111hw, .._. ts will a.. .... 1-_.. -.....
Loww Qelh11 lud9et Two eeJdom.
thocaPt-of eooeomiea for tJ.e aterqe
mu'e clothes<are budset are sugeeted
by the Men'a Fuhion A.-oc:iation. 1)
Be careful gdt.iag in and out of ca.ra.
More clothes are eoiled by bruahiq
ap.inat car-door frames and hinpe than
any other way. 2) Doa't pin weight, or
you'll need new ahirte. It take. only 6ve
estra pounds in the area of the neck
to require a one-half eUie larger.
Oh, My Aching ladd In hotels and
boepitala, Europeans have ~n aJeeping
on a unique laminated wood-U.at bed-
1prin1, mounted on individual heavy
rubber moJclinp, Uaed with a thin foam
mallreae, this kind of bed yield. to every
changing body movement and weight dis·
tributioo. thereby 1upporting the spine
leYel. Called Latto~ it wu diaco..-e~
on a trip to Swillerlaod by Richard
Erle, u arthritis sulerer. "'My doctoMoD
warned me there'• no cure for arthritis
yet," be told us. "But when I found set-
ting up io the·moming wu eaay-for the
first time in yean-1 bad to have thia bed
in America." So be etarted importing
them. adding an adjutable foot .. lant-
New I« ~ping1
wood slots
instead ol springs.
board and headreet. What about the
artbritie? we uked. '"Ob, I etill have it,"
be aaid cheerfully, "but now it dcN.'t
bother me."
to boost ouT volume to 80 million pictuTes this yeaT
Introductory Opportunity
Here's 1reat money-savin1 news ror
KODAK film users! One of the country's
lar1est Kodak film processors, BALL
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How th_e 'New Vigilantes' SaVed
Aroused Florida citizens have shown the nation how to
Last January 15, Walter
J. Hickel, Secretary of the In-
terior, John A. Volpe, Sec-
retary of Transportation, and
Governor Claude R. Kirk, of
Florida, made a memorable
announcement t.o newsmen
gathered in the White House.
An agreement had been reached,
they uid, with state and local au-
thorities in Florida f orbiddiq thp
completion of an international jetport
-already under coutructl~ipt
milee north of Evel"liadea National
Park. Tlle Federal Go9'mment, Volpe
added, would foot the bill for "bury-
ing" the one runway already com-
pleted. Preeident Nixon bailed this
decision aa "an outatandinl' victoey
for conaenation."
The dramatic diacloeon concluded
a nine-month battle between tbe Dade
County Port Authority and thousands
of Americana who had banded to-
gether to. save the Everglades and
preserve the eoutbern half of the
atat.e. Their victory, headlined in
newspapers ac:roea the land, la a most
sipjtlcant instance of an arouaed Vuiton to F"'"'14'1 Efff'glada ·'"°" alotaq At&lit10a Trail to plwtog,..1' bi..U ad ~ grot0tl.
citizenry defeating a coalition of buai-___ _
neu and political intereeta bent on amuse viaitora who paddle canoes
commeJ'Clal piu rqardleu of what through the eatuariee. Florida Bay,
damap mi&'ht be done to a unJque which ia alao part of the Park. ia con-
environ.ment. aidered by man.y to be the bf9t ftahiq
The great Gladea are a shim.mering, &TOUDda on tbe Eutem Seaboard.
aun~min.ated Eden of water and life It ia this .oolotical prden-Amer-
that atretchee from Lake Okeechobee ica'a loabest subtropical environment
south to Florida Bay. The Part bar--that Floridian.I won back from de-
bors the richest collection of wildlife velopera, defeatiq a multibilllon~ol-
and planta on this continent. Treee lar project even after concrete bad
are f eetooned with more than 60 va-been poured. I recently went down
rietiea of wild orcbida. Among the there to learn how they did it.
2,000 varietiea of plants which bota-
nist.a from all ovel' the world come to For decades the people of Florida
see live 860 dUf erent kinda of birda. have watched while their paradiae waa
More than 300 apeciea of butterftiea being dynamited, bulldoeed, drained,
float over the aawrraaa and sip nectar and polluted-and perfol'ce, they be-
from the galaxy of wildftowera. Bob-came student. of ecoloa, the ecience
cata, necoona, armadilloe, and black of relationships between man, planta,
bean prowl through the mangroves and animals. Southem Florida's
and cypreeaee, and the only awimming planta, animals, and men are parti~
cottontail in the world, the marsh ularly interrelated because the ~on
rabbit, leaps into sloughs and paddles ha.a a delicately balanced ecoayatem of
amoq the water WJee, reeda, and wet and dry seasons, ;with everythina
frop-16 abundant speciee. held together by interactiq layen of
fresh water above and below ~nd. The bi&' tourist attraction, the al-' Moreover. theee coneenation-minded
liptor, is but bile of 48 incl'edible rep-Floridiana today think of the.Ir Park
tilea that haunt the Glad--witb the aa a bioloeical unit that can.not be
mammoth lon'erbMd turtle, beauti-ravqed without dire couequence.
ful l'lua lisarda, and the alr J>nmY Biologically and economically, the
rattlesnake. BabJf.eed manatee&-whole southern 160-mile tip of Florida
eea co-.......bave their bomee there and is like a row of dominoes-and the
• F••ilr W..tlw, Jw.l-, 6, 1110
Ant domino might well have been
knocked over by the construction of
a jetport.
The battle to save the Gladee was
joined a year a.&'O last llay 2 when
Port Authority Di.rector Alan Stew-
art suddenly announced at a pu,blic
beariq that a gigantic jetport was
goinl' to be built just north of the
Everglades. It would. be the bineat
airport ever planned anywhere in the
world-covering 89 square miles, an
area lai:ger than half of Washington,
D.C. I By 1986 it would be able to
handle 66 million pasaengera a year,
three times the capacity of Kennedy
lnt.emational. Eventually millions of
Floridiau probably would make their
homes in the vicinity of the Port,
and aa Miami and the W eat Coaat
cities expanded to encloee it, a new
industrial center could be created
around the jetport.
To grasp the implication of Stew-
art's announcement, it ia neceaaary to
understand the most important fact
about the Everglades: namely. that
it ia not a great swamp, aa it appears,
but actually a free-flowing river mov-
inc from BOUt!M:entral Florida down
through the aawrraas country into
the Gulf of Mexico. The whole ecolo-
gical balanc&-Uterally the surviftl-
of southern Florida aa it ia known
today depends on the purity and
quantity of the water flowinl' down
from the north. The jetport, Stewart
announced, was to be set in the Mai•
atream (known misleadingly u Big
Cypress Swamp) of this unique river,
ei&'ht milee above the Park's north
'Nhy WU the Big Cypre1S site &e-
lected 7 Seventeen sites bad been con-
sidered. AU but Big Cypreu were
deemed too close to urban populations.
Their selection would bring protests
from land owners. So the uninhabited
area was cboeen, and the Port Au-
thority left the problem of air and
water pollution in the neighboring
Park area to the Park Service. Ob-
jections from this body were many,
but rn·e«ectuat, and perm.iaaion to go
ahead waa quietly obtained from local
repreeentativee of the Department of
the Interior in Kay 1967.
Floridians were in a quandary:
they knew that a jetport wu badly
needed-but what would it do to the
Glades 7 Thia question bad been raiaed
before. Some montha before S~a
public ftat.ement, Robert Padrick, a
an auto dealer in Fort Pierce, and
the Everglad.es
protect precious wild lands from being bulldozed
' then chairman of the Central ~d
Southern Plorida Flood Control Di•
trict, bad rot wind of the propoeed
jetport ilJ Bi« Cypreea and bad called
Dade County Port Authority commi•
sionen ukiq to eee their plans. Be
wu shown a map on which wu a tiny
line. Thia, he WU told, would be the
only roed to the jet)>ort. ·
Ten days later he happened .to see
another map on the wall of a State
Road Department c6e in Fort Laud-
erd~. "There wu my tiny road." be
told me. ''Ei111atw ..,_,., .au of
roadway riabt in the middle of my
water conaervation area!"
Pad:riek also worried lest one of the
pipelines briqinr fuel to the jetport
from the cout should bunt and the
entire water system be aolluted. He
wrote 100 letten protestin• the plm
to preeidenta of leadinr conaervation
orsanizatiou-the Audubon Society,
the Sierra Club, and the Bureau of
Outdoor Recreation, among otben.
Meanwhile, the Port Authority,
uauring everyone that the jetport
would not harm the Evergladea, float.
ed 14 million dollars of reve-
nue certiftcatee to ftnance initial con-
1truction.. On Sepl 18, 1968. with a
minimum of fanfare, they broke
When, in January 1969, Padri~ in-
formed Nathaniel Reed, conservation
_ aide to Goftrnor Claude R. Kirk, that
the jetport was under construction,
Reed wu increduloua. He and Pad:rick
ftew over the Bir Cypresa aite to see
a three-mile rub in the wilderness.
'1 couldn't believe my eyea," Reed
said. "But there it wu!"
The followiq month. Beed joined
Padricl(a group of conaervatioaiata
at a meeting with the Port Authority
in Miami. AJao preaent wu a con-
eortium of local politiciana and air-
lines personnel. "I shall never f orret
that meetinr," says Reed. "Here were
160 of the best brains in CODMrvat~on
-state and Federal, private and sci-
entiftc. Yet our previously submitted
questions were rebuifed.
H owever, public intereet ,,..
aroused by thia meetinr and protest
Jett.en poured in from all over the
world-U,000 of them to Governor
Kirk in Florida and Secreta:ry Hickel
in Wubinrton. The PJt of the letten
wu: the Everglade. be~ to the
world. They muat be aaved. In Au-
guat, Governor Kirk, Secretuy
Bickel, and Secretary Volpe stopped
all work on tbe jetport until ecoloeical •
atudi• could be conducted.
Three reaearch teama moved in.
One wu a rroup from the National
Academy of Sciencem. The aecond wu
the ao-ca1led ~ Committee,"
led by Dr. Luna B. Leopold of the
Geolorical Survey. Department of the
Interior. The third wu a committee
orpnised by former Secretary of the
Interior Stewart L. Udall and funded
by $76,000 from the Dade Coun~
Commi11ionen, the Port Authority.
and the airline compani•.
The National A~ ot Sdencee
group aaw danger in the propoeed
jetport, but 1u11ested that perhape a
mere ''traininr atrip" -the two run-
waya already under comtraction-
would not threaten the Park. The
Leopold Committee found that-. de-
velopment above the Evergladea waa
a distinct threat to aoutbern Florida.
The Udall rroup declared that a jet-
port could be l&fely developed there.
They aaid that the Everrlad• could
be 0 protected" if the port WU built
aa a "clean enclave"-no banran.
terminals, or parkinr Jote. jut run-
waya-connected to Miami Interna-
tional Airport by "aeromobilel" (air-
cuabion vehicle&) or IODle other type
of mua transit which could ferry pas.
aengera and caqo to and from the
jetport. A aophiaticated and apenaive
sewage system would be ineta11ed to
protect the Park d.own.atrum.
U dall's plan wu quic~y denounced
by con.aervationi.te u pie in the ally.
For one thinr, a jetliner on take-off
consumes ~ pounda of fuel below
SOOO feet. Emitted in the fuel burn
are carbon monoxide, unbumed by-
drocarbona, carbon, and nit?osen ox-
ides. The latest studies abow that u
little u one-elabth of th.la accumu-
lated exhauat could daqeroualy pol-
·lute the Park. The damap would
probably occur at the loweet lnel of
the food chain-the alne-and the
S!? . Family~/ 1.,q s, 1970
By JEAN GEORGE A""-of "M't SW. ef .... "-........
Evera-lad• would. in time. be doomed.
Another penuaaive argument came
from the work of Dr. Jam• Fersu-
aon-Wood of the lut.itute of Karine
Sciences. lliami.' who bad made a
1tudy concernin&' thole tiny alpe.
the on&-celled planta called peripby-
ton. Thia micrulcopic cell, FUsuaon-
W ood di1COVered, 1upporta the whole
,,.tem. It ii the berinninr of both the
plant and animal food chain. To keep
the Gladee ftlled with bird.I. allJpton, ea...,..., and U.., it must haft ab-·
aolutely pure water. Pollution by
nitrates, aome of which are thrown
out in jet ahauat, would definitely
till il And if peripbyton went, all the
!Wit of the food chain would IO with it.
N ow buaineu and pl'Ofeuional peo-
ple joined the con.aervationiat cru-
sade, armed with publicity and or-
raniiptional akilla. Their entrance
into the ftabt fon:efu).J drew the at-
tention of top-level cdciala in Wuh-
in.-ton, and the decision-to buOd or
. not to build,-ended up on the -d•b
of the Secretari• of Tranaportation
and Interior. (Tranaportatlon wu
helping to ftnance the jetport, and In-
terior ia reapoaaihle for prot.eeti.q
the natfonal parka.) In December
1969, Volpe, Hickel, and Kirt bepn
the aeri• of conference. with state
and local ofBciala that reeulted in the
defeat of the jetport and the tra.lniq
atrip. Tbq saw that the onl;J wq to
preaerve the ecology wu to ret lawa
puaed, and that the wa;, to do thia
wu to educate the }esblaton.
Meanwhile, many of theee new
ecolocical vigilantee haft DOW
banded together. Typical ia a sroup
called Cona4,rvation 70., pl'e9ided over
by 47-year-old aalee and marketlnr
executive Lyman E. Rosen. After
collatinr a number of recent acienttftc
studies, this rroup baa orranbed and
has recently publiabed a booklet en-
titled "Leaislaton• Environmental
Guide," which di.aculeee not only the
Everslad• but a statewide deftlop-
mental muter plan. By diuemlnatiq \
recent eclentiftc ftnclinp via the pnN
and public meetinp. the croup ,...
alao imtrumental in pualns a law
reatrictin&' statewide uae of chemleala
tbou1ht to be danproua to animal
life. ,.Now," aaya Rosen........,.,...._
ble land-development ft.rml are bestn·
n1n&' to contact competent ecoloSiata
and to aak their advice in developlq
new houaiq in keeping with rood
environmental pnctieee."
Today there are hi1hwaya, Uma.
boaafna-projecta, and jetport. tm.t-
eniua' bundreda of areu of ecoloaical
importance tbroushout the countey.
The Florida experience will be in-
1tnactift to enrironment defenden
everywhere in the future.
Bulcal.l1, the Floridian.a won their
ft•ht by meana and arenci• aftilable
to all dti.ena. Fint. they called upon
ecientlata who were expert in certain
upecta of the local ecoJoa, includins
the per'IODllel of the U.S. Geolosical
SUl'ftT and the U.S. Pl8h and Wfld-
Hle Service. Tben. citiseu' ccmmlt-
teee were aet op to keep the l'OY-
ernmat-both 1ocal i&JMl PeclaU-
infonned of their ftndinp. T)w
flndinp .... alao widely publldsecl
throu1b oqanisatiou aJned7 let
up to diueminate information-the
Isaac Walton Leque, the Florida
Audubon SocietJ, and the Florida
Federation of Garden Clubs. Inc .• u
well u ch1U'Chm and the pr91. Birh
.chool and coDere atudent.a puMd
ftien and knocked on doon.
R.ibl;f the moet important lellon
that can be learned from the Florl-
diam ii that wbm people are ciftll
the eeolorical f aeta. thq do act upon
them. For instance, many of thoee
who helped ltop the jetport are ,,..
ciaely the ones who, had they not re-
ceived aceurate information. would
undoubtedly have 1upported it.
As the amoke from the jetport bat-
tle dies down, the new vicilantee tab
1tock of their victory. "lt'a only a be-
lbmins," ..,. couervatloa aide
Reed. "There are still numerous pol-
lution threats to the Everrladee and
to Florida. However, the jetpo.rt
airunle and ita attendant reeearch
have b1'0urbt them to the attention of
an arouaed citi.lenry, and we will win
tbeee baW.. too!' Aa one aclutist
put it auecinctly for me: "llan la an
intellipnt animal-if 1ou ahow him
that he ii deltroyiq bi&environment.
he will not peniat." •
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Ringo Starr:
There's a world of differ-
ence between the franti-
cally running, imbibing,
fan-besieged Ringo Starr,
drummer for the Beatles,
that I first met in London
six years ago, and the rath-
er sedate, earnest, and up-
right Englishman who now
wants to be an actor.
The reuon for thia metamor-
phoeiat Riqo Starr. now 80, baa
become a family man, with a new
parpoee in life.
"It's time l rrew roota," he told
me recently. 0 After all. I've rot
children ecbool ~·now, an' I've
got tc>--think of them. yoo know
. . . I don't want 'em livin' out
of a sufteue !"
N o lonrer does be live in night
cJuba. Nor doea he overindulge,
although he "liba the shampoo
and a few ainJee;• as Peter Sel-
len, bis good friend and costar
in "The Kacic Chriati&n." points
out Now be MrlouJ.T lnal8ta, "l'
Uke to act, to try eomething very
heayY, to sustain a character clear
through a ftlm, without ita being
jult basically me, you know, just
goin' alon• . . . I don't reallJ al-
ways just want to be a bappy-co-
lucky, sad-faced clown, you know.''
Ringo's first acreen venture waa
in "Candy." In hia motJt recent
ftlm, he portrays an adopted va-
&TUt eon of the world's wealthJeet
penon. .
FortunatelY for Ringo, he ia far '
from a "struggling" young actor.
In just seven y•ra, the Beatles
have ~ more than '164 mil-
lion-which does not include Rin-
go's own income u an actor. Thia
sudden avalanche of wealth bu
aDowed Rinl'O, u well aa the oth-
er Beatles, to realise hia most ex-
travagant fantuy.
But pn>bably U..... moat precious
addition to JliQC>'a life ia hie wife
Kaureen and their two aona.
Z.Cb, four, and Juan, two.
Beeauee Rinao'• owa upbrine-m. wu one of poverty and con-
stant illneu, which kept him boe-
pitalized most of hia cbildbOod,
he delights in sivinl hie own chil-
dren .. many advantaga .. poa-
aibJe. Be started by buyiq a lovely
home with huge rooms in Wey-
bridge, England. He revamped
many of the rooms to accommo-
date bia o1m "toya"-bundreda of
cameru, stereo ~ tapes, and
all kinda of eound equipment.
l'hen . Sellen entertained the
Starrs at his home in Surrey.
Ringo wu captivated with the
18-room, 12th-century atone house
with ita owa movie theater and
sauna bath set on H luxurious,
green, rollin&' acree, complete with
pond, wild birds, and a mid.pt
forest. So captivated wu Riqo
that be told Peter, •'J'Jl buy it!"
And be did.
But in Rina'o'1 ha.ate to acquire
the estate, be didn't comider the
bour-and..a-balf drive to London,
even if he baa a chautreur to drive
bia silver llm:edee 600. The only
solution wu to buy yet another
house in an elegant London suburb
with an acre of l'l'OUDd, when the
family's aeven cata, collie, and
poodle have been lnatalled.
For Ringo, hie bome (or homee)
ia truly hil castle. Since be baa
become a family man, be la relaxed
and happy. Be wanta bi.a children
to ha.e as normal a childhood u
poaaible. Perbape in a new career
u an actor, one more .table than
that of a globe-trotting .. rock"
musician. Rinao can achieve the
kind of life be now COftta.
• I •
I • I
for •
• I • I • I • I • I • I • I. • t •
I • • I I • • I and no belt at all I
• I • I • • I • I • I •
I • I
Tlt.ru-t01teeUd. "boat" co" t01tip al.ot&g at •P
to 50 mplt., ia ateertd b11 pedala ttp f N>ftt.
Sa""-4aili"'1 fa.m tote
o•r to perfect duert
apot, aaumb~ era.ft in
f"' """"te' a."4 t1'.tm
fv:n begiM. At right,
dr,-lafld. 1t1ilor1 liM up °" 1t4rti"'1 poittt a.t El
JlirGge Dry L4lu cit edge
of Mojave Duert, CaJ.if.,
for tJ rau. Oumere ta.ke
pride ifl duoratiftg nil.a ·~...--·
toitlt.. i"4itlidtcal iuignia.e.
Sailing Over the Sand!
A new family sport weds boat and race car for fast-moving fun
When John Schindler gets the urge
to go sailing, he packs his gear and
heads straight for the desert. That's
not because John and a growing num-
ber of other sportsmen are afraid of
water. They are "sand" ,sailors.
In place of the usual sailboat.a, tbeae folks have
their fun in little three-wheeled vehicles that are
first cousina to iceboats. The craft is steered by
pedals that move the front wheel and by deft
handling of the sail. With a good breeze, a sand-
aailinc vehicle can whip along at 60 milea an
hour and more.
Moet Southern California sand sailors converge
at El Mirage Dry Lake at the edge of the Mojave
• I Desert, about 100 nules from downtown Loe An-
geles. The bed of the ancient lake ia now dry,
flat, and aa hard as concrete.
That makes it perfect for racing. Elsewhere
around the country, sand-sailing is done on hard
tidal flats and at old abapdoned airfields.
The sport baa grown so fut in popularity that
Schindler, a Los Angeles fireman, baa founded
the National Sand Sailing· Awiation. It holds
races at El Mirage, and members compete for
points and trophies.
M r. and Mrs. Robert Thompson are regular
El Mirage visitors. They sail their vehicle with
eight-year~Jd Ronna or Steven, four, cinched
in under the seat belt, aa safe aa in an eaay
chair at home. Pam Britton, 13, hu been sailing
alone for more than a year.
''There are few hobbies in which the whole
family can compete u well aa participate," aays
Phil Kilmer, an insurance agent. His boys PJiil,
10, and Bryan, seven, and his wife, Barbara, are
all avid sand sailors and prove his point.
'lhere are plenty of other advantages of aailin~
on dry land. For one thing, if the wind suddenly
dies down, the sand sailor ian't stuck on the
high seas. He can propel bis vehicle along with
one foot over the side as a little boy would pump
along a coaster wagon. Easier yet, a sand sailor
can usually get a push from one of the many
motorbike fans; who also use the dry lakes for
· weekend riding.
Construction of a sand-sailing vehicle is com-
paratively simple. Schindler estimates that the
average home craftsman can build a vehicle for
about $300. The steel tubing for most of the
10-foot Jong main frame of the body is the kind
used for automobile exhaust pipes. The metal
maat is made out of steel tubing used in scaffold-
ing. Wheelbarrow tires are used on either side
of the vehicle with a little three-and-a-half-inch
• tire fto]n a go-kart up front.
S ails must be specially made; experience hu
proved that a conventional sailboat sheet isn't
t he proper shape or size for sand-sailing. The
seat for a simple sand:-sailing vehicle is most
often just a plastic kitchen chair, although sorhe
models have sleek fiber-glaas bodies.
Although most sand-sailing vehicles are just
one-seaters, a few fans have rigged theirs up for
two. And to prove it's really a family sport, one
NSSA member hu four seats, all in a row. +
Speed, cofttrol are ciided bv deft lumdl.itag of aciil.
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Amlc•ble ~reement
We paeeed the peace pipe
And b a ried the ax.
The neighborly fe1Ld
la over, relax.
Ala, peaee~ 1weet peaee,
Aad M tmaU t1te ezpea.ee
Sinee they were the 0 11e9
Who bath the aew pleket f enee. -I•• Ro~en
A motoreycJe cop waa about to
write a t icket charging a motor-
ist with speeding, when a woman
in the back seat began a tirade:
"There, didn't I tell you to watch
out? But you kept right on speed-
ing all morning, pulling out of
line, blowing your horn. Didn't I
tell you you'd be caught? Didn't
I ! Didn't I'!''
"Who is this woman?" the offi-
cer aaked. with pencil poised.
"My 41Wife,'' the motoriat an-
swered grimly.
"Drive on,'' said the cop aa he
proceeded to tear ·up the ticket.
"You have enough troubles."
-Dorotlt• Kent
The 1~eanest man ift town is the
I ellow who i8 t otaJ.l11 dea,f and ha.a
never t old his barber.
-Aftna Herbert
Flshennan'a Luck
I waded for ho urs,
And Jo and behold :
I ditl catch aome~:
(I cau~t a cold. )
-Bal Clt.dt0iclc
A pretty actress appeared in a
show a~ an Army base. When her
performance waa over, there was
a huge crowd of Gia around the
shapely miss as they all tried to
talk to her at once. In the crush,
tempers started to flare, then at
the peak of the confusion, some-
body yelled : "Hey, baa anyone
seen my hand-grenade pin ?"
A moment later the quick-t hink-
ing GI had the pretty girl all to
h imself. -Dan Benuff
If those M W electric hair 1etter8
for women blow a fue, man11 o
girl toill ha.tie a misguided curl.
-Charle11 Vincent Mathis
A guest at a cocktail party who
had slightly overindulged was in-
troduced to a Doctor Jonee. "Doc-
tor,'' said the man, "what do you
• recommend for excess acidity?"
''I'm not an M.0 .: I ,have a
Ph.D. in finance."
"Well, so it shouldn't be a total
los~n a long-range basis. do
you think we're in a bull or a bear
market?" -Willi.am. Lodge
.. ' I
~~~ .. A
"It's alteays such a relief to get out of the d ty."
Family Weekl11, JKlll 6, 1910 11
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Cake All
MELANIE OE PROFr F0tfd E<iitor
A bind of 101&.i~ duurt toppift,g mad
CGtlttH 1'GftiU4 ptUlditlfl, GOCftUd toitl&.
•Mrrr, "ci IGti•r MtWOt1' /Wi?&ll au fro•~
i"O for tltia nll1>ben-w-rib~OMd partr CCIU.
• Cab .use. ...U It poMIWe to M"e c:ake at almoet a moment'• notice. Their lutaat
partnen ~die ready-lo4pread froatiap, canned paddlnp, and whipped claeert top-
plap, ..... are a•allable for idnp and 61Unp. The addition of nata, maraMhJno cber-
riee, pi -p,le, ........_.Dow., enaalted pepperm.lat atkk eaady, and preeerve-, to name
a few ' '}'Mahe, will lelMl eolor, tenure, and lavor eontruta. Let yoar lmapaatJon
.he ,.._ ...... ft'Mld• P.aoar eakat
l .... ,....mb•ix
t caa ..... ,. W"fe n.allla , ..... ,
1 ftlY. (~ J eL) ... rt toppiag •ix
1 h" 5 ID eMrrf
Y.i c•• .... ~ ,..e.erT• J t=" .. I IH toa8tff allYef'ed .......
1. Greue ~ of a 18x9x2-in. pan; line
with wuecl fllpel' cut to flt bottom of. pan
and sreue wued paper.
z. Prepare cab mix fe>llcnriq pidap cli-
rectiona. Tum batter into prepared pan
and spread evenly; bake, f ollatriq package
1. Remove from oven to wire nck and al-
low to stand 16 min. Run spatula pntly
around aid~ of J*1. Cover with a second
wire rack; invert and remove pu. Care-
fully peel off .,....... Co'ftl' with a rack and
tum cake richt aide up. Allow to cool
completely. ·
4. Meanwhile, empty puddinc into a bowl.
Prepare toppiq mix accordin1 to direc-
tions on package; fold into pudding. With
final few strokes fold in sherry. Chill
5. Cut cooled cake into halves and transfer
one half to a serving plate: (f~ sec-
ond half for further use.) Carefully cut
crosswise into 2 layers. Using two wide
spatula.a. place cake top onto waxed paper.
6. Spread top surface with half ot the pre.
&ervea. Spread bottom layer with remain-
ing half of the preserves and spoon half
of the pudding mixture onto cent.er; spread
to edges.
7. Carefully place the top layer, piwne
side up, onto filling. Jmert 2 or S akewera
to hold layera in place while spreadinc
pudding mixture over preserves, if it ia
8. CbiU thoroughly. Remove ake•ers and
sprinkle almonds over the top.
, to 11 1enti""1•
Chocolate Creme-Filled Cake
I ,q. dteeelate f .. se~ .U
t cu ready-to-eene cMcelate pwWjac
I taw...-.na
% c•J .. raedii• clllerriee., Cl•arterei
1 aa• eNnely die~ walaata
I eoataiaer (4~ os.) frosea wltip.-e4
cleaert toppiac, ~wed
! ... (2 os.) aa11weeteaed ehoeolate,
ahand witJa a parhac knife'.)
1. Grease bottoms of two 9-in. square pane;
line with waxed paper cut to fit bottoma
of pana and grease waxed paper. Set aside.
%. Prepare cake mix. following pacbce di-
rections. Turn batteT into prepared pans
and spread evenly; bake, f ollowiq pack-
~e clirectiou.
1. Remove from oven to wire racks and
allow to stand 16 min. Run spatula gently
around sides of pans. Cover with wire
rack; invert and remove pans. Carefully
peel otf paper. Turn cakel top aide up. Al-
low to cool completely.
.f. Meanwhile, empty puddiq into a bowl
Blend in 1 tab)eapoon of the tum, cherries,
and nuts. Gently fold in deeaert toppinl'.
Set aside.
5. Carefully cut each cake croeswise into 2
even layers. Place one top layer, cut aide
down, onto a serving plate and drizzle with
1 tablespoon of the rum. Spoon one-fourth
of the ftlling mixture onto center; spread
almoet to edges. Sprinkle evenly with one-
fourth of the chocolate.
6. Carefully place bottom layer onto ftlllng.
Presa lil'ht\y. Driule cake with another
tablespoon of the rum; spread evenly wf th
another fourth of filling, and sprinkle with
another fourth of the chocolate.
7. Transfer top layer of second cake to
waxed paper. Uae bottom layer of cake,
.repeatlq step 6. Place ftnal layer, top side
up, over ftlliq. Complete with remainiq
rum, Alliq, and chocolate ahavinp. Chill
thorouablJ until 9et.
I to 11 •n'fli"'ll•
gives Vigor
More Stamina
Less Heart Stress
; Don •1 belier• it 1
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To every profealon•I pllot,
w•kend pllot, would be pllot,
lo everyone who hu In hi• or her
heart• ...... lo fly, Prtv•• Piiot
IMkM thl8 Hmlted eubecrlptlon
offer ••••• Mftd you Amerlcll'•
....... growing nt.Uon IMpZJne
tor• Hiiie • 21¢ • copr.1t'1 Hk• getting 30 ._,.. FRE~ Prfv•• Piiot la All ... w
A private pilot Is a man or woman
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It's also a magazine. An all new
magazl,,. designed to cover the entire
spectrum of general aviation.
We'll take you up In sailplanes and
aerobatic aircraft, In the latest
production airplanes, antiques,
homebuHta, warblrds. and maybe even
hot air belloone. We'll teach you
c~ry techniques, how to get
the moet out of your equipment, and In
general how to become aa good a
pilot aa you can be. And we'll do It
using crisp, Informative writing,
unueual g raphlca, eye-catching,
provocative plcturee.
We•,. Different
The people who contribute to
Private Pilot such as photographer
Russell Munson, writers Ernest Gann
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They combine this with an urge to
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It's why, whether you have 10,000
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Get Off the Growtd TodQ
Read about the latest In aviation,
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exotic places to fly to, and the planes
In which to fly there. Enjoy the exciting
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skills as a pllot through the best bask
Instructions avaJlable. Even keep
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the all new Private Piiot. Prtv• Piiot -a..c. .. there'• more In II lo read.
r---------~------------~ I • · Special .. Come Fly With Ue'' I I · Half Price Subecrlptlon Ofter: I
Save Up to $12.501 I II It'• Uk•Gettlng Upto30
3 West 57'h Stl'Mt,New York, New York 10011
YEii i ...a to take edY8Mage oft ..
epedal lnttoduc:tory offer for PRIVATE PILOT
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Ot1tf' Cl •McltA, tool ~
-~-~.SwofJ oollar; 11· '°""· ,. toiM. 16..18.
Barrid CM'Ur, Dept. FAW,
Pl~ .llutiflg, Pa. 11-'"·
•••Mr llBDALS of llw.
E:tploren' lui(lflia: Apollo 11
Ba,U; Apollo 11 ClippwSl&ip.
1 %• .-Utou lour botla
"it&to ~~· ~. ,.
~ eu~. B,.,,,...
ut, l-'.10; derli•g 1il'11r.
111.10. A~ Jliflt A1toe.,
Dept. 1A, Media, PG. 11HI.
' . rooo 'ASBIONS-lt'• riM,U
to deeorGU beati/tll cUu ,,,,.
,.rtia, '"·· toUl ,...., book, ''Cab ad Footl D~g
ltl.al,'' to uu '°" Aoto""" ,,,
•Ufl. Eaaw. 11-' P411" /till of
color. 11. W.UO. B~u.
Dqt. FWB-10, Bii W . 115tl
St., Clait>aoo, IU. IHU.
Weekend Shopper
17Al8 OPFE8-A lady who
wiahee to earn '26, ~or more
in a few boun a week? Be a
Blair Beauty Dealer! Savinp
on your own beauty produda
u well Free beaut7 p.roduda
worth $8.60; catalog. Blair,
240/Dl, ~l'I'. VL 24606.
lllNIA'l'UU Nft. llBLllETS-
replleu of all 16 helmets in
omcia1 eolont, inairniaa plua 2
goal po9ta, $8. Alao, all 10 AFL
helmet.I pluS' 1 goal poet_ f2.
Pro Football Kerchandisiq,
Dept. FW, (806 Bersenline
Ave., Union CiQ', N. J . 07087.
REWARD '9,'186.01 for t!Ua
1948 Penny accidentally made
in copper1 You may have one!
Catalol' Uata-'\pricea company
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Buyer, FW-r>. 2928 -(lit Ave.,
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W.ATE-OPF tablet.I reducing
plan may help you take o«
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eorbs in stomach aomething
like a spoqe. Gives feelinl' of
fullnea to curb appetite. $8.
Fleetwood. Depl TT19, mw.
Randolph, Chieaao. m. 60606.
printa on the Moon," charm-
bracelet memento of man's
great feat, stepping on the
moon r Sterling silver, f&.{O;
gold-clad, $9; 1« gold, $26.
Great Heritqe Co., Dept. FW,
Box 1789, Waahiqtan, D.C.
VITA..CRDIE may help aafJll'
akin, wrinldee, for a .yeare--
younger look in 2 or 8 weeb.
Of natoral oile, plua Vitamin
E. Non-t1111thetic, bu no hor-
mones; aafe. 80-ckT euppq, $6.
Vitaco, Dept. FWC, Doz 6615,
lliami, Fla. 38166.
may order from: color shoe cat.-
alol' you ahow them. You take
ordere, gain p.roftt.e, and poai-
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far-off' lands! From Europe,
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to set names for coin list. Free
catalog. Lit;Ueton Stamp, Dept.
CCI, Littleton, N. H. 08661.
PLAY tbe suitar in one week!
No teclioaa practice or exer-
cieea. Get 820 80nP, pftar
tuner, inatnJctions, chord se-
lector. $8.98. Terry Elliott,
Dept. G66, P.O. Box 1918,
Grand . CentnJ Station, New
Yortt. N.Y. 10017.
F•fAil• WHklw, Jwlr f, 1110 II
The Only Jewel to Come from the Sea
-TbriU to the ~Y ot aeauine
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nery oyater YOU WILL FIND a
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ndiant beautyt
When~ werc.utttmely rare
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found only in oysters into which a araio of sud bad enteted. . . . To
proCcd its ICDlitift inDet membranes,
the oytter abed eean of calcium car·
booatc, tbele 11>lidified, and evcntu·
aJty tbc mocber oyster bad commed
an aftliction iDto ~ Jwniooua pi ...
the only jewel to come from the tea.
Gea ... ~ ......
At the turn of tbc century ditcovuies
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Thus bepo the aae of superb cul·
tivated pearls ••• Tbe qe of uoder·
You11 prize your own cultured
pc:alts u much u if you had ptbered
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elmiw oyltet' bed la DOW in the palm
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When You Order
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the cloeo-teiJt teem ot the mother
oyster! A F8mil1 ~
Y ouopten will 1ee tbil woode.r of
oatwe as the pearl aem it created in-
side the ICa •• muter jeweler ..•. Let
them ha~ pearta for their very own
. . . to wear . • • to decorate band·
crafb . . . to enjoy and to show-a«
proud.ty! Set them in cuft'·links, fie.
tac4 °'in a riq. You will own what
was ooce enjoyed onJy by queens.
sbieks and emperors and at the un·
believable low price of oaly Sl.91.
PALM co...,_, 3173 I -PC.W. &Mi ........ fta. ,_.
...... nail -•Y <»-*n lll • Cu. I lf I'• 110t ~ wtt11 t111eet, I -. ~r-:..s'='1 ~.: 1' cloeed a It or •.o. fot '--~ _n.9 <>Yl&er la a C.. e St.ti Adi or ) fot $4.tl
(Md •5-post. _, I
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aiat .._., Ilia,,.. ID..._ •-"t waaw ~-................ ,,.
.... -will -11,... ---trial bos.
111JC1 ce ........ u.n. u . 1••2
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Mel IWf'lllttt. Ordtf firtct Md ll'lt. Wrltt ...., 1'r frlt Cltllos _. Millet. PIUTl8[,
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Invention ~111':.ii
Fer Pe1,11 With "U'''"'" ....... .....,..,,
For the first time, science now
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F1xoosNT De nture Adhesive
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... ~
WILION nu Ra% .. lwlll
Hln'1 an tnt.nltlna little Item
from our netabbon In canada
• • • A. vllltins American mo-
tarllt aDDIU'IQ beton a loc8l ma~fe on -..... ol drlv· -"' m.t:t .......... ==--~--that tbe IS\ l9IJan .. btlPr than a U.S. PDon1 mllel were no
doubt ·~ UJO, He .-.oned tbat In aider to cover eo ea-mdlan milll hJI 1Deedometer abou14 reed at 1 .. t '10 m.p.h.
The PIP however didn't In·
terpnt It tbe same ~He
pnmDtJ.y tined him In Cana-
dian -do11en . . . wblcb are
amaller than U .8. clollan. Soealdns of small clollan ...
How about tbe belt dollar buy cm tbe autornobUe market to-_, ,._. 1'Jllc:Gn for exam-*· Hen at WUaon Ford Sal• In Hundilltoa Beach we M\le
an outat.andinl collection ol hlcoal. Tak~ the Falcon f'u-
tura. The Uoor lldan II the
top ol the Neon llneup. It II
the laat wOf'd In c:om.-ct lux-
ury and bis-Ml' Ideal. Ideu Ulr• bis-oar ride . . • amooth.
quiet. loft. But h1Ddlfnl U.t la d@ftnltelv compact. Ideu
lllce the 2QO.cu. in. Six. which slws IUcb bltr POWft' for cnrlck
DUiin' and "'"*8)' c:ruJalns. But which II oure cnm..et-au" In pa mllell~. Idlu Hice the·
bll(-aar 1'1&Ciouan111 9'1th ,_.
eroua Meth" for alx lldulta olua 12.2 r.u. ft. of trun1c ,,,._ fM a
vacatll>n lad f>f luqace. And
It'• all on a compact wheelbue
of 111 l~hea IO tuminC ..
quick and Ml)'. Idlu ... tbe DIUlhnla of cloth and vl~l him, comfortlble foam-'l*lcled f\lll-wjdth aeata and rich loop.
pi.le oaruettnc ... 1r1 all Ju.et
part ol J'ord'1 new Better Jcleu
for 1970. Whv not atop In at ~Beach Blvd. and Me the
pat Ford "-lcon Um fol' younelf.
1HE DIMLY PILD1', TV WlllC. JULV 4, 1170
11251 .CH m.VD .. HUNTINGTON llACH
JEE ELEEEUaauu11uu .. 11111111111111111111111Ea11u•E•••Es i1i1•1111
See all the g-
ones for
' .... te 10 , •••
1 ....
, .. , .•• Fri ......... 5 , ... . ...:.., ....... '~··· 592-5511 .
1 1
~ 1 l
1 1
l 2;15 tD fB Ci) Dodgers Dugout/Werm·Up (C)
12:306 MU Track end Field (C) The U.S. Women's Championships
are covered from UCLA in Los Angeles.
12:55 m lit (j) Dodier 'Baseball (C) L.A. Dodgers vs. S.F. Giants at
San Francisco.
1:00@@ Retercted Children's Olympics
1:301J NFL Action (C)
1:30 0 (jj') C1) U.S. Women's Open Golf CNmpionship (C) Final
round pray from Muskogee Country Club course in Muskogee,
3:45 m tit Ci) Dod1er Scoreboerd (C)
4:30 (it NFL Action (C)
8:30 0 Chempionshlp Wrntfing (C) Featured are Black Gordman
and Les Roberts.
8:30 0 Boxln& from the Ofympic (C)
11 :00 AM D @ @ Mejor League Beseball (C)
• 3:00 @It Ton>s: Bullfights from Mexico.
4:30 0 Rams Action (C) Highlights of the 1969 Rams vs. San Fran·
cisco 49ers game is seen.
4:30 @ (1) Golf AJl·American Teem (C)
5:00 0 Hollywood Goldcup Thorouchbred Race (C)
5:00 D @ (]) British Open Golf (C) Televised from St. Andrews,
Scotland, the final round of play will ~ reported by Chris
Schenkel, Byron Nelson and Dave Marr.
5:00 @I) futbol-Soccer (C) Czechoslovakia vs. Brazll.
7:30 9:00
10:30 11:30
7:30 8:30
11100 11;30
• 11:00 11:30
7:30 9:00 11:00 11 130
7:30 9:00 11100 11:30
7;JO 1:00 9:00 10:30 11:00
11:15 11 :45
9 "One M•n'a W•y" (drama) '64-Don Murray. Wilham Windom.
7 17 3 (C) "Eye for •n Eye" (western) '66--Robert Lanslna. Pat Wayne.
U "The Hunchbacll of Notre Dame" (drama) '39-Charles Lau£hton.
2 "YankM Doodle Dendy" (musical) '42-James Caaney, Jo•n (eslie.
7 (C) "•onlour Tr1steaM•• (drama> '58-David Niven, Deborah Kerr
13 "Make ~lne Mink" (comedy) '60--Terry.Thomas, Athene Seyler
• MONDAY, JULY 6 7 t (C) "The Mouae Tflat Roared" (comedy) '59--Peter Sellers.
9 "Cry of aattle" (drama) '63-Van Heflin, James M'cArthur 4 23 6 (C) "How To Murder Your Wife" (comedy) '65:........Jack Lemmon.
7 17 3 (C) "Picture Mommy Dead" (my,tery) '69-Don Ameche, 11 "Dluy of e Chambermaid" (drama) 46--Paulette Godd•rd.
9 (C) "11bdeme" (tomedy) '63-Sophi• Loren, Robert Haue1n.
TUESDAY JULY 7 7 (C) "Arene" (dr11ma) ·53.=G,, Younf., Polly Ber1en. Jean Hagen
2 29 I CC) "P'ank: In the City" (drama) 68-Howud Duff. 9 CC) "We Joined the Navy" (comedy) '62-Kenneth More.
7 17 3 (C) "Gt~ Q,,,.. Up" (romance) '69-t<aren Valentine.
11 "Fort Alal•rs (•dventure) '52-Yvonne De Carlo, Carlos Thompson . 9 (C) ''Tiie ala Tr-eea" (western) "52-Kirk Dou_Jlas, Eve Miller.
13 ''The N•k•d StrMt" (mystery) '55-Anthony Quinn, Anne Bancroft.
7 (C) "The Sound end the fury" Part I (dt'ama) '59-Yul Brynner, 9 CC) "Aall Any Qlr1" (comedy) '59-Shlrley Mac.Laine, David Niven.
11 "Deya of Glory" (adventure) '44-Greaory Peck.
9 (C) "Chuge at Feethet River" (western) '53-Guy Madison, THURSDAY, JULY 9
-r--(C)-"'Tlle Sound end the Fury" Conclusion (drama) '59 9 CC) "The Journey" (adventure/ "59--Yul Brynner, Deborah Kerr. 2 29 I (C) ''The Venetian Affair' (suspense) '67-Robert Vauahn.
11 (C) "From the Earth to the M--." (sci-fl) '58-Joseph Cotten. 9 "The Junst• f laht•ra" (drama) '61-Rlchard Todd, Laurence Harvey.
7 (C) "7th C.v•lry" (western) '56-Randolph Scott, Barbar'a Hale.
9 "The P-•r and the Prize" (drama) '56-Robert Taylor. Burl Ives.
2 29 8 (C) "Hawaii Flv..0" (drama) '68-Jack Lord, N•ncy Kwan. 11 ''D•l•y Kenyon" (rom1.nce) '47-Joen Crawford, Dana Andrew$,
5 "CCMlntd-n to Doomaday" (dram•) '67-Georae Ardlsson, 9 "'The ar1de and the aeaat'' (horror) '58--Charlotte Austin, 13 (C) "T'unea of Glory" (drama) '60--Alec Guinnns, John Miiis. SATURDAY, JULY IJ
9 (C) ''V~• .. to tM a.ctom of CM lee" (adventure) '61 1J .. Min. OWft £Hc:utlofMr" Cmyattr)') '47-Sursns Meredith. 4 23 t (C) "The Qlofy Guya" (drama) '65-Tom Tryon, ll "MHl•r el the World' (sci.fl) '61-Vincent Prfce. Henry Hull.
9 (C) ''The M11nlflcent Seven" (1dventure) '60--Yul Brynner.
7 (C) "TIM Little Hut" (comedy) '57-Davld N iven, Stewart Granter 2 "Du11 City" (drama) '50--Ch.,lton H•~ton, Lizabeth Scott,
13 "Panas• Home" (dram•> '66-Anthony Steel, Diane Ciiento.
I 7:30 1J ~ Ci) J1dlle Glt1aon (C) (60)
I The Kramdens end Hortons arrive In
Paris, the first stop on their "'round
the world" frolic.
JULY 4 0 ~ @H~ R1y Stenna Sllow (C) (60) Ray Stevens. lulu ind
fVfNING M1ma Cus headline the hour, and
featured are the "irregular reaulars"
4:30 g Scene 70 (C) Ho·• Clav Cole -The Sacks, Swamp Girl, The Blue "' , Grass, Mr. Echo and Billy Van. welcomes the ke Truckina Com· 11 piny, Horatio, Otvld Perrett. Kin& Movie: (C) "A Connecticut Yin·
Curtis. 1nd Cushman, Pistilli & West. kee In IUna Arthur's Court" (musl·
I Huel (C) u l) 'C9-8ing Crosby, Rhonda
Loft& John Sliver (C) Flemina. William Bendix,
Sonil M1lkine on C.111pus (C) fJ (i7J 00 &l let's Mike a 0111 00 Ila Movie: "Desl Sel" CC> (30) Monty Hall hosts.
~enoer Tracy, Kath11ine Hepburn. O ,.illion $ Movie: "Tiie Qallant W Qvut for Adventllfe (C) Houcs" (drama) '60-James Caaney,
5:00 O 1rs Acade•ic (C) Competin& Dennis Weaver.
hiah schools are Palmdale, Royal aJ Wonders of tll~Wortd (C) (30)
Oak (Covina) and Neff (l• Mirada). ''The Kona Coast Caper." D @ @ 1al AIC's Wide World @I) Sylvia y Enrique (60)
of Sports (C) 1:00 fJ @ (}) &) Newlywed G1me (C) B I Spy (C) mo) Bob Eubanks hosts. m Movie Greets: "Whirlpool" (dra-Movie Greats: "Whirlpool" (dra· ma) 'SQ.-(;ene Tierney. Jose Ferrer. Richard Conte. m1) ·s~ene Tierney, Jose Ferrer.
I Richard Conte
Petty Diile m lob Lee's Road to Adventurt 00 Hip Clulpirral (C) (~ (30) "Bli ck Canron Campout."
Joyce Cfltn Coob (R) Tiie CIM for lar1el (30) Cine en 11 Tarde Storlet of Success (C) ttl NET l"layhouse (2 hr) (,R) "The Seagull."
5:30 ~h~~~C Newservlee (C) Gordon 1:30 IJ 9 My Three Sona (C) (30)
0 Rams Action (C) Hiahll&hts of (R) Barbara loses the feelln11 that
the Rams vs. Atlanta Falcons 1969 she is a guest In her own home
game. when Steve leaves town ahd she
I Mcfgle's NIV"J has to confront one of Chip's
F11ture teachers
Scope (C) 0 Qj (6] m Adim·l2 (C) (30)
6:008 I lg New1 (C) (60) (R) "A Rare occasion" Pressing · <1J@ m Huntley-Brinkley (C) police, work interrupts what starts
(30) out to be a pleasant evenina tor
I Grand Ole Opry (C) (30) Officers Reed and Malloy
Bou City (C) (30) fJ (}) m lawren'e Welk (C)
Ani111als, Action 1nd Adventure ™>l Independence Dey and the
( ) (30) "Giants of the Pyrenees." show's 15th anniversary are cele ·
Bill Burr ud narrates this e.ploralion brated.
of the Pyrenees Mountains that bor-aJ luck Owens Show (C) (30)
der Spain and France. Los Encan· &!) M11imlli1no r Clrlot1 (30)
tos. a l Q,OOQ.foot peak is ascended 9:00 IJ. 9 (])Green Acres (C) (30)
on this adventure (R) Lisa talks Sam Drucker Into let· EE Tiit lob Strock Sltow (2 hr) tins her open a cosmetics depart·
Films and interviews. ment in his l!_neral store.
G) Sttrli111 Tlleatre (C) (30) CJ Ii) (6) W NIC Sllltrday Nipt
6:30 I KNIC Nm Conferen" (C) (30) Movie: (C) (R) "The Satan lug"
Melody R1~ (C) (60) Welsh (suspense) '69-Georae M1h1ns,
slnaer Steve Arlen is tonight's spe-Anne Francis. Dana Andrews, Edward
ci1I guest. Asner. frank Sutton, John Lukin. D ROMY Gritr Show (C) (30) Sing· Harl Rhodes. Richard Basehart. A
er James Darren, comic Jack De· former Army lntelliaence officer is
Leon and The Sound St111e singing ,recalled to find several stolen flasks
group auest with Rosey. of a dudly virus.
I Run For Your Ufe (C) (60) aJ 1111 Andtuon Show (C) (30)
@ Hert Corne tlM Irides (C) @I) Nodle de Estreno (2 hr)
@) I 1Rc"41 liu (C) (60) A 9:30 1J ~ Ci) Petticoat Junction (C)
musical salute lo show business .star· (30) (R)When the chimp that Un·
ring Liza Minnelli. cle Joe bought ror Betty Jo's birth·
EJl) Twin Circle Ht1dllnu (C) (30) day bealns to cause havoc at the ~ Cf) CBS News (C) (30) Shady Rest. the family decides the m Edit of Eternity (C) chimp must 40
GI) Man From UNClE (C) (60) 0 I s!lc1AL Lest Wt for11t (C) 7:001 CIS Evtnlna Ntw1 (C) (30) (30) A half-hour musicll patriotic
. KNIC Survey (C) (30) proaram featuring the Mormon fib·
Annlwrsary G11111 (C} (30) ernacle Choir, and hosted by Rich·
• Dt•tll Valley Days (C) (30) ard L. Evans, who gives 1 talk com-
Mttromtdia Prtstnts (C) (60) memorating the Ctll of July.
"Keep America Slnaln&," A musical · 0 Ci1l ClHiB TM Lennon Sisttrs
variety tribute to the late Herb ~ (6()) (R) Wayne Newton, Tony
Schriner, with Dennis Day as master R1nd1ll end Senor Wen cea auest.
of ceremonies. and special auest 0 News (C) (30) Larry Burrell.
Mariartt Whitlna. G) St1n Hltchcodl (C) {30)
fill nt Fl• Ctwefatle11 (C) (60) 10:00 8 9 Ci) Mannl1 (C} (60) (R)
i "On Woman.'' Mennli probes the death ol Cory
(f) llldt Owtnt Show (C) (30) Boone, his friend ind fellow private
U'°Sllow de Pedro Varau (30) eye, and winds up conductina en
Rlt Patrol (C) (30) lnvest1111tion for en attorney (J110n
, ••• l
SATURDAY (Continued)
Evers) who is suspected of h1vln1
been resPonsible for Boone's death.
11 m,.... <C> <3o>
fJ Sina Alona Wltfl Mltdl (C) (60) 1 llJ Country Muak ClroUMJ (C) (80)J
fl!) TIM To, That lrtw Up (60)1
"Webs of Steel," a 1926 allent film
th1t stirs Helen Holmes, Andrew
Wald, ind Bruce Gordon. Cox, P-aul Lynde and
10;30 9 Robert It Dornan Show (C) The Wmer.
N1tional Committee for a ustina fJ llJloplna Counntt (C) Peace Throuah Victory in Vietn1m II ..... Tltll n-(C) is represented by Major Jim Cawdrey, 5:55 c ... Ua ... , ID Trnel flf111 (C)
USMC and Sat. Dan Johnson, us 6:00 II Su .... , S.IMSttr (C) ~1:00 II a Ci) Wherw tltt He1rt la (C)
Army. m Clsce Kid, Wed., Thurs.. Fri. 9 ·.9 00 @D ....,...., (C)
fJ Newa (C) (30) 6:25 D Education £xdl111p (C) "New g) JollnlJ Crant'a C.lebflty Circle m Movie: "The M1plflctnt AJ.ber· Approaches to learnina." ~)
ac1na" (dram•) '42-Joseph Cotten, 6:30 IJ OdysHJ (C) fJ @ ·(I) hwltdltd (C)
Anne Baxter. A&nes Moorehead. fJ Law fot Utt '70s (C) fJ Tt•Po (C)
I!) Muaic CitJ, USA (C) (60) m Eduutlonal flltum I!) Ro111pts Room (C)
@ (I) Love, American StJle (C) 6:45 fB Commodity Report 11:25 fJ ~Ci) CIS News (C)
(E Passport to Trml (C) (30) 6:551J MIC Ntw11rvice (C) . g Toni Holt's Hollywood MttrJ-'O·
11 :00 II fJ a> News (C) 7:00 fJ S 00 C8S Ntwa (t) Joseph Round (C)
fJ Movie: "Alon& the lrtat Dlvldt" Benti,. 11:30 fJ a Cl) Selrdt for Tomorrow (C)
l•estern) '51 -Kirk Dou(llS, Vlr· 0 @ 00 8' Today Dow (C) 0 Qj 00 @D Tiie Who,. Whet or ~ia Mayo, fJ Tiit A.M. Sltow (C) John Bar· Wiiere 81111 (C) Art J1mes hosts. tllJ NET FatiYll (R) "Encore Paris." bour ind Phyllis Kirk co-host. g Mr. M1-11 (C) Actor Ch1rles Boyer narrates this .~ film about the Paris of yesterday m Mr. Wishbone (C) fJ @ (I) That 111'1 (C)
ind today. I!) Bolo tllt Clown (C). m LA. City Sdloola 9 Ci) This Wlff in Rtvin (C) fB Martlet Openlna/N.Y. Actlvts I!) World of WOtMn (C) Mon.,
11:15 fJ Fabulous 52! (C) "lrandtd" 7:30 fJ From Ute lround Up (C) "1on.; Tues .. Fri.; Perspedlvt/Stretdl and
(drema) '42-Alan Ladd, Charles leometry, Tues.; DavtJ I lolitll (C) Sew (C) Wed.; Tiit Pitnt St1ow (C) Bickford. Mona Fretman, Milburn Wed.; Partnb·Youtll Forum (C_) Thurs.
stone. A wandering gunfi1hter Thurs;: Resources for Youth (C) Fn. fB Amn Exchan1t/Over Cocallttr
brands himself with an identifyin1 I !~urtoonnnts(C(C)) u:55 -"°" '6' °"'.'NBC News (C) birthmark In order to Pose as the wi till l63ll' \!!.1 1:1:1
long missing son of a wealthy (I) RockJ end His Fritl)Cls (C)
rancher. Stock Me,.tt Covera1•
8 News (C) 8:00 I a [j) Captain ltanproo (C) ABC SatunlaJ Nl•ht · Movit: • Momlila Watch (C) Ted Meyers. 12:00 fJ letltique (C)
"The Man Wbo Shot Liberty Vil· &umbJ (C) 0 @ 00 m Uh w;ttt Unlltett.r
1net" (western) '62-James sfewart, (j) Jacll LI unne (C) (e) Jack 1nd Art Linkletter.
John W1yne. Lee Mervin, Vera Miles, New Yt,. £xcun11/local I e1r1 Ttlt (C) Betsy Palmer.
Edmond O'Brien, Andy Devine. Ken 1:25 IJ CommunilJ Bullettn Board. (C) @ CJ). 8ttt of beryttiina (C)
Murray. When Liberty V1l1nce ter· l:30I Mr. Maaoo (C) Slttflff "'n (C) rorizes a smell western town, he is Movit: See Daytime Movies. .Gil ~ Nna (C) oppQsed by two men-.1 rancher •.nd 1oCJ
a tenderfoot l1wyer. When he loses MiptJ Mouu Tlltatrt (C) NYSE Most Activts
an election, the 11unman forces a Rocket Robin Hood (C) 12:05 cS (j) Ann &utdttr Sbotf (C)
showdown. (I) ~UMn '°' 1 Day (C) 12:30 I ~ Ci) Aa tht World Turns (C)
@ @ Spotllalrt Thtatrt (C) AMt!iean Exdlatl1t/Dow Jones • 9 00 @D 0.,. of Our Uva
9:00 I a l1J Tiit luq si.ow (C) i eB) Ci) Award Theatre: ''Ver1 Cruz." , QJ 00 @D It Telles T• (C) Vin ""''s Show (C)
11 :30 0> News (C) Scully hosts. Panelists: Alan Sues @ Cl)&) A World Apart (C)
@ (j) Chiller Theatre: "Bluebeard's ind his date, J1ye P. Moreen; £d· Dialin1 for O.llera (C)
Ten Honeymoons." Georae Sanders. mond O'Brien ind his wife, Ol&a Stoa Ma,.tt Clote
O PREMIERE!! NEW s~n Juan;· ind Ed Nelson ind his l:OOfJa ~Love Is 1 Many S91tn·
wife. Patsy. . . dortd Thine lC) * SEASON! THE LOHMAN I Movie: See Daytime Mov1u. 11 00 m Tiit Dodelra (C) AND BARKLEY SHOW!! Jeck La unne (C) Movie: see Daytime Movies.
11:45,,. lollm1n l larkltJ (C) Bozo tltt Clown (C) (3) G) All MJ Cllildrtn (C) "' (i! H•Jden's Happenln1 ui1Iii1 lht Mertltt 12:00 9 Movie: (C) "TJPlloon" (adven· Office of tllt Prtsicltnt
ture) '4G-Oorothy Lamour, Preston Sesame Strnt (C) (R) #76·80. 1:301'1 (]) Tht Culdln1 ll(ht (C)
Foster. · 00 @D Another Worl6-laJ ll:45 m Movlt : "Kenus City Confiden· 9:20 I!) Fashions In Stwl111 (C) City~)
till'' (mystery) '53-Preston Foster, 9:251J 0 00 @D NBC Ntwa (C) ,,, (l7J (I) EE let's Malle • Deel
John Payne, Coleen Gray. 9:3011 ~ Ci) BtvtrtJ Hillblfllts (C) (9
12:30 m All-Nlaht SIMM: (C) "Operation 0 @@@D Concentratitn (C) fl) Co11moclltJ Report
Alr.ntia," "Madeleine," (C) "Battle fJ m Movie: See Daytime Movies. 1:50 CE) Fulllons In Sewlna (C)
of the Worlds." • CS featur• (C) Blick Women in 1 :55 fJ Paul HlrvtJ Co111menta (C)
12:45 D News (C) Los Anaeles, Tues. only, 2:0011 ~Secret. Storm (C) 1:00 fJ Movlt: "lroedway" (drama) '42 fB Stock Marlltt 6 @D Bnpt Promise (C) ~eorae Ritt, Pit O'Brie n, Janet 10:00 fJ ~ 00 A!!dJ lriffitll (C) • Mov~ ::=m~':':v;~~
Blair. 0 m Seit of ttle CtnturJ (C) : t Advocatea (C) (R) Mond1y
1:15 ,m Mo_vit: "P~role, Inc." (dr§m•) Jack Kelly hosts. only. "Should Police Dep1rtments 4~1chael 0 Shea. Qj 00 Sunny Toda, (C) M1lnt1ln lntelli1ence Alu on Poli·
1:30 R Movie: ''Tiie Bia WM" (drama) 10·30 II a Ci) lOvt •• Uf• (C) tlcal Milit1nts?" •fi-Sessut H1y1klw1, Mickey Cur· • D g (i) m ltollywetd ~Mm m Yo11 Na•'• 1 Winner (C)
tis. (C) PinaTfsts: Sindy Biron, Shani Z:30 11 ta Cl) Edp of Nlpt (C) 2:00 fJ II Mondo (C) Willis, Don Rickln. J1yt P. Morain, 1J tlJ 00 a;) Anotlttr Wortd
2':30 IJ Ntwt/llvt Us Thia Day (C) Jim B1ckua, P1mel1 Rod1ers. Wally Sollltfllt (Cj-
,... 4
11 Coekl•a (C) Wedneld1y.
fJ @ Cil la> Dltlftt I•• (C) tD Rendezvous Vflth Advttltwt (C)
Mon., Wed.. Fri.; Trtvtl With Den
and Bettin• (C) Tues., Thurs.
3:00 fJ S Ci) &oMr PYie (C)
O Ifs Yow let (C)
11 Hlati•IJ Patrol
fJ @ (I) a> ltntral Hoapltll (C) m Hezel (C)
9 00 MatlnH: Don Rodew1ld.
@D Movit MatinH
3:30 fJ luc:kJ Pair (C) (R) Richard
Dawson hosts.
O Mikt O.u.atn (C) Hervey Kor·
man la 1uest host.
11 f a.-er Knows lest
,fJ @(})ED Ont Uft To Live (C) m Qa•n for I DIJ (C)
I!) Hobo KlllJ (C)
~ Ci) Potitye Cartoons (C)
3;45 Ell) The Friendlr Qiant
@I) f'taturn (C)
4:00 fJ Mr. Ed; Mowie: See Daytime
Movies. Wed. only.
II Jeck hnllJ Show
' fJ@ (I)&) D_,. Sti.don (C)
fJ Nna (C) Baxter Ward. m ltorlt Putna111 Ntwa (C)
Ell) Saa111t StrHt (C) (R) #76·8-0.
Pro11ram lor preschoolers.
4:15 @It Mell Nam SIMM
4:30 fJ Movie: See Daytime Movies.
9 Stump tllt Stirs (C)
fJNews (C)
fJ Mab Room for DaddJ
I!) Tiit Munsttra
@ (I) Mille Douatas (C)
~ Ci) Tiit flilltstonn (C)
@I) EJ Julcio dt los Hijos
~ Yamos 1 Ylaiar (C); Usttd J la
Policia, Tues.; La Salud dt Uattd,
Thurs. a> Btst of &tfJthln1 (C)
5:00 0 MIC Ntwstl'Vic. (C)
News (C) Tom Reddin.
• Tiie Lone Rineer (C)
Pope,. and Friends (CJ
Batman (C)
(6) Ji111m1 Thomason (C)
· iiiterorers' NtlpborMocl
Cl) McHele's NIVJ
• Doa Callos en Pllenque
• Tht Rif11111a
· • Notlciaa
llwltdltd (C)
Q)ABC Nm (C) tfil RNI McCtp
Abbott and Costello
Cilllaan's Island (C) 00 Tiiis Day 1970 (C)
: Art Studio, Too
(I) News (C) Mike Foley.
• C...icot y C.ndones •
• Town Talk (C) Don Wiison.
5:45@ (I)Newa
. EE Deport.a
The Smothen Brothen return to TV on
a regular basis Wednesday at 10 PM on
ABC, with a summer series appropriately
titled "The Smothers Brothers Summer
The show is going to be relaxed and cas-
ual because that's the mood of the season,
according to Dick Smothers. "We also hope
it's going to be funny, entertaining and
groovy," he adds.
In bet, the show will be so relaxed and
casual that the brothers, Tom and Dick,
have added a critic as the third star of the
series. The critic, as yet unnamed, will be a
mynah bird who will deliver a two-word,
commentary on Tommy's perfonnance.
"That bird is really a problem,'' Tommy
remarked. "We still don't know if it will
work out. and they won't tell me what it's
going to aay. I don't know if I like that"
The starring bird is one of· five being
trained now by Mrs. Hazel Degenfelder of
Los Angeles. Each bird is rewarded with
food after speaking the two-word phrase.
The bird with the best diction will get the
starring role.
Besides the bird, the summer entry will
feature a top name star like singer Nancy
Sinatra each week as well as groups like
the Creedence Clearwater Revival who will
appeal to the very young. New talent will be
spotlighted regularly.
Each episode of the series will also have
a Poet's Corner. Mac Davis, who wrote "In
The Ghetto," is an example of the type of
performer who will be featured in this
"Throughout history, the style of society
has been reflected in its art forms," Dick
explains. "Today, it's the singer and the
poet who are most popular artists. This will
be an intimate and somewhat serious part
of the show."
An added feature will be sad-faced co-
median Pat Paulsen, whom the Smothers in-
troduced to the nation on their CBS series.
Paulsen will guest star on several episodes
of the summer show, editorializing in his
unique way on social mores and codes.
A summer series is nothing new for the
Smothers Brothers. It's how they broke in
th.cir successful CBS show and how they
helped engineer the success of their friend,
singer Glen Campbell.
In fact, taking a chance and making it
pay off is the story of the Smothers' career.
Their first big break in show business
came when they were signed for a short stint
at the famed Purple Onion night.club in
San Francisco. They were so successful
there that the short stint was extended to
36 weeks and also resulted in a major re-
On their ABC show, they will use a min-
imum of props, Dick explained. "The show
will give viewers a look at the backstage
atmosphere of TV productions. When we
need .a prop for a skit or a routine, we'll
either get it ourselves or a prop man will
hand it to u~n camera."
Each show will be taped in entirety on
one shooting day and an effort will be made
to do it in sequence so that the spontaneity
of a live show will be present. A small audi·
ence on bleacher-type seating will be pres-
ent for each taping.
To produce the show, the Smothers have
signed their long-time friend and associate,
·Jerry McPhie, who produced the recently
completed "Many Sides of Don Rickles"
special for ABC. McPbie was production
consultant on The Glen Campbell Poodtime
Hour and, previously, on the Smothers' CBS
Canadian producer-director Norman Se-
dawie will direct the series. -
The brotben were born in New York
City (fom on Feb. 2, 1937; Dick on Nov.
20, 1938), the sons of Thomas B. and Ruth
Smothers. Their father, deceased, was a
major in the Army and they spent their
early c)liJdhood in the Philippines where he
was stationed.
Tom, Dick and their mother were evacu-
ated from the islands at the outbreak of
World War II. They relocated in Redondo
Beach, Calif. While Tom and Dick were in
Union High School in the coast town, they
developed an interest in comedy and music.
The success of their stint at the Purple
Onion and their first album led to a string
of record-breaking college concerts and
nightclub engagements, and nine more
Dkk Smothers' hobby is auto racing.
During the summer of 1969, he entered
more t)Jan 1 S races in the United States
and Canada, driving the full U.S. Grand
Prix circuit. He finjshed ejghth overall and
first in his class in the endurance race at
Sebring, Fla. He is developing a television
special on auto racing for network airing.
P•1• 5
-..... 7
l :JO
<; U N 0 A. Y
r ;1 (I f 1 r 4 I ~~ I '
I £m CJ) 0> l1tltwiMJt) (C) (C) Albert Speer, Adolf Hitler's war· fit u...-.... (C) time Armaments Minister and per·
CIMtrcb In die HeiM (C) sonal 1rchllect, auesta.
ct) flnt laptilt Qurdl (C) I Celt AS (I) SH.i!IJ Mtrllll sMw! Prtfll• of htCJ .. (C)
"Strewbtrry Blonde." Jemea Ca1ney, 3:30 Diii 'M' flf Mllic (C) C•nnon· h••• LltiM 11 .,.....,. Rita Hayworth, Ollvl• de Havllland. Adderley and his qulnttt, end
Apicuft•rt l.,er1 (C) I Cllt ..... ea.. aonastress Esther Merrow return for
t :SO Ttdat'• ••• (C) V1tltdadt1 Muakalta • second session. Tllk 11 ... Llft (C) 11:30 Teti It Lat It Wu (C) "The Y...-. encl ... PoUce (C)
Tiie C11M•1111lln (C) lw E uea." Thi story o1 how the blues hm Conftfllla (C)
Tiit .... ~· (C) I!()) i n..., h-llatit (C) melody developed from 11rly music E...,...t to Trnel llM U1 11111 ~ Ofll (C) of the sl1vt1, IN Tr1ln
To• 111d Jorry C) lat•n (C) fJ (12) (J)U) DilcovtrJ (C) (R) M pn' Ntlpwllotcl (C)
Mr. W...._o ~ 10:00 .. Lu,.1 (C) '11f 1ture's Sfrlllatst Monument1." Cl) fl• fOltllr• (C)
Swt.i Healt ( ) MJ flWOfit. a.... (C) Rn. A vtslt to Monument V1lley, Ul1h. Ciidtn , .. " (C)
7:15 TU CINtallplln (C) 1lter C1rt>tr, M1llbu Prut>,tvlan IJ llevlo: (C) "Vlwl Ju1lllt" (ad· Cdo.iral If TolMf'ftw (C)
]:JO .. ~,• <!~ ~11 W .. d (C) Church, (UHU. venture) '65-fl1blito C1lvo, Gtorae 4:00 Ylewpoint (C) Jere Witter.
Horlld of Trv (C) ~ Cl) 8) fafttutlc VIJl(t (C) tD .,....... (C) er Ch1n1e or . . . " Proarem COYlrl - -"' I NM' of Ptwtr (C) Thomts. On Ca•pu• (C) "Colleae--{lth·
a.ival ""' (C) iiftii: le) "TM StM W..1 the 1ltern1tives facina colle111 In l!OO u., u.tt MJ foet (C) " (1dventur1) '66 -Chrlatlne the nur future. r..... NitlMn, Helmut l.lnae. B Dr. Kiktlrt
Der of °*"lfJ (C) ~ !~ fOf Today (C) Crltit (C) "Are There Any More m•) '57-Rory Calhoun, Anne frln· ::4°*!v9l:Jc/..., ·
~era lllrM ~ 11 There like You?" Rober1 Ry1n, els, Vince Edwards.
c.tlledrll ff TtlMfrtw (C) 111111 la Yttir lllllt (C) 12:001 Fta Ille Nltlel (C) Mowtt: "TM Hired 81111" (dra·
(j) l..i 11 tlto AuWtr (C) 10: 9 Cl) a, t:.,. Of falUI ll<at~·S:'(~) flrrell ~ra•lt
(]) T ... Hall Mttti11 (C) "One Nlildn lndMslblt7'' Tht ()) Stldea Of Succeu "'1/l.a?
1:30 BU.. Up alld Uve (C) "M1S1dl: rst pert of two pro1r1m1 1ttempt· (1) Fii• ftat•r" (C) WMt't N.-7 (C) (R)
AStruule for Freedom." An If· Ina to seek lnslaht Into the .c:rl1l1 DnlMI DoMlnlcal lrtnco
cheolo1lc1I Hpeditlon In tbe Holy Amenc. fices 1lmolt two centurin l•ll&M (C) 4:30 ,......,. .. (C)
Lend is featured. 1fter the American RevolutJon. 12:15 9 (j) De4pf latblll (C) L.A. s U, (C)
I Mra. A1t1111 let (C) I lm CJ) OJ .,._...... (C) Dodier. w. S.f. Glints 1t Sin (C) ..._., St*Y n .. (C) faitll fer"ledaJ (C) Francisco. l Castello
Mevle: (C) "MlltillJ In tlle Std . SetlllM StNet (C) (R) #71·75. 12:30 8 MU Tt1ell Hd field (C) The Sa•aon (C)
S4il1" (1d¥1nture) '66-John H•n· A flve·hour r1pl1y of list week's tJiilted Stites Women's Ch1mplon· f'llJl•I Ult 8uitar (R)
Mn, GISllle Arden. pro1r1m1. ships ire covered Crom UCLA In Cl) Nn. AdiM (C)
I...,_ , .. , .... (C) I Ci) faa Ille Natio1 (C) Loa An1etes. ~ CH Ila Elctlelat ~ DMJ l IMlatll (C) 11 :00 ~ Hoed Stlrt (C) II lhwle: "Island ef l .. t Stult" Sttrtl11 Tllllter (C)
f'.U a..,tl •evlVll (C) . M-'t: "Me.Ilea" (dr1m1) '62-{ifr1m1) '33-Bele Luaosi, Ch1rles 5:00 KNIT Newt (C) C1ete Roberta.
t:GO ""'' Tllrte (C) revor Howard, Dorothy 01ndridae, laufhton. Inquiry (C) M1ury Green.
Ttt1 Clltistopll•• (C) Edmund Purdom. I Oral ••rta (C) Mlstor M1ioo (C)
Dar of DlaawlfJ (C) D He••lllfen' 8..W. (C) (j) UU11d1tWIJ for htce (C) SuftdaJ Mewl1: (C) "SoWler ef liiitMn '" Livi•& (C) ortune" (dram1) '55-Cluk Gable,
SUMM SAL 1:00 9 @ 8' Mitt the Preu (C) SuSln H1yw1rd, Mlcheel Rennie, ER E Oli"ectiona (C) "The Second Gene Barry. A h11d·drinkln1. two·
ene1is." A diacuaaion on the ethi· fisted aun runner In Hf)nl Kon1
iil~llll~~ Adrnnced wi;ince1 ing pcrmill 4 freedom
of design. Cle411, 1moo1h
unders!nrcl u I'•'.
•lurdy inlerlocLinF
Our lHtur Qut1llty
For l~rie or llJl&ll hoa't 11nJ 111olillo homa
••• All Alurnh1um: Lup Doon; Dug Proof.
Od l«ll tho wind.
ea.. ... Awnl•p-Valan~ur1aln1
1101111111 Df.t.t,01u UA• C.a.., ........... c..... ............ . G•n y.., ........ ,..,. ,._.. ..
TH£ NBP LOO" IN 1910
...... ~-·· ...... b
p:inels. l1uilt·in rn itl
itUlll'r 1¥i1h 11/:! ..
ornamcn111I post 11111ki-
for a p1tio 1:0\'cr of
modem beauty aml
gre41cr 11rcng1l1.
O.r I ru e A 0 IJ I«
'-1• I
....... ...,. .... ,.c-_,. ...... .,, . .,u
1' lsl1 our /•ttorr
anti 1hotcroo111
2202 S. Mila St.
Slftta AN
cal ind mor1I 11pects of controllina Is uked by the wife of 1n Amer·
Ille by scientific procr11lion. ic1n photoar•pher to help find her
Sllerlea HelMa llltltf• husb1nd who is bein1 held prisoner
hbllc ltfvlc• rll• (C) i the Red Chinese.
Cf) htarded Clllldrt11'1 Olr•plcs M1tlll1I Dlllo11
rtit:vll tn Mt.irld Cr11tur1 F11tures: "Dr1cul1"
• tlerllq Tlleater (C) ind ''The Mummy's Tomb."
1:15 Pwbllc Semc. Fii• (C) II) Patty Dulle
1:30 Nfl ActiN (C) ~ (})Seven Arla Theatre: "Good
lnterutie111I lone (C) Momin&, Miss Dove.'' Jennifer Jones. liY.l CJ) al U.S. Wo1111t1'1 0,.n Qt @ My World (C)
f c.iMpliftllllp (C) Final round fm TIM Show (C) Howard H. Baker
pl1y from Muskoaee Country Club Jr., junior 11n1tor from Tennessee.
course In Musko&N. Oki•. discusses the Nixon Administration's
Velce ef C.l~•fJ (C) "Southern Str1te1Y."
Ci) Fi111 fNturls (C) Cf) Skippy (C)
mnte I la Vida (C) Clie en la tMde
Mlric.1'1 htlllt•s (C) • lllil Is tlle Lift (C)
2:00 Tiie Siesta 11 Over (C) · • h•!!Jos alpnt"
Station to Statlel (C) 5:30 9 (JJ A••teur Hour (C)
Mewlt: , "lrute flfce" (1dven· Alf-Alllflcan Coller• Show (C)
ture) '47-8urt L1ncaster. Mctt1lt'1 N•vr m 1..a o.. ... <C> Ed ,, . .,,.. <c> ~ @ fuhlrt FU•: "Johnny Stool • Ufe USA (C)
P11eon." Howard Dutt, Shelley Win· a.we. Yem (C)
I Mutlca J P1l1br11
Tiie AnlWtr (C)
2:30 T1lt New SecittJ (C) "up1nded
M Pro1r1m," D h11iide lull11111 (C) "Hum1n Re·
l1tjona in Bil euslnesi." &'J Mllllff ._ovie: "1111 1111'11 !tOlllt MOit Hlfcaln" (comedy)
'62-8ull Rathbone.
11*1 W1k (C)
EUf1 de A_,
Tiit Cllriateplltrs (C)
3:00 l1lffltr /Otlbldtr (C)
~ialfture USA (C) ~ CJ) a ,..... • .... Aaawon
r v I N I N c;
1:00 R 9 Ci) CIS £vt11in1 News (C)
0) ~aer Mudd.
• fr11ll Mdaee •eport (C) (30) ~ '•ride (C) (60) "A Theme Summertime."
I Tiie 8reovy Sllow (C) (60)
Aliult, Actiln and Adwenhlre
( ) (30) "Rice to World'• End."
The world's lon1eit ind touahest
1uto race-10,000 miles 1on1 1nd
lutlna 19 d1y1-1round the conti·
nent of Austrell1. Bill Burrud ner· rttes.
on· Ind
"' If·
er •• .,
• " .t
I Tll1 hb Stred! Sllew (2 hr) spotnahts contemporery humorists
(j) F'Ntwe (30) ind t09ical, rcll'lant comedy, stir· ~n (C) (60) (R) rlna youna performer Robert Klein.
Stlfll111 Tlleattf (C) (60) Jolnlna Klein are M1d1tlne Kihn,
6:30 Ralpll .....,.. L" Allpl11 (C) Peter Boyle, Marty B1rrls, B1rb1r1
( ) (R) Tht wom•n Who cleaned Cason, M1clntyre Dixon, Judy Grau·
i 11Jt'M'• f11tured. blrt, Laura Green and Lynn Upton TIM upf P'ualMf (C) -•II Up·comin& comics.
) OU rua special. a ID Ci) m lellMza (C) (60)
I Tiit , .. ..,. (C) (60) (l) "Return En1a1em1nt." As 1n ~ F'rn• Mda1t l.,.n (C) ldmlrin& fan· of a visitln& actr ·
l.tt Mt T11k t. tM Maaa11r town, Hoss becomes a 1uaped w n
( 0) the airt's leadina min is shot. Silly C.~ O'T.:a. (30) Kellerm1n auests.
7:00 a (I) Lau (C) (30) (R) LIS· D ()1) (f) a> AIC Slllday Mtvit:
111 1nd a youna N1v1jo lndl1n (C) "£Jt ftf an E,. .. (wutem) '66
(Paul Petersen) ire plunaed Into -Robert Lanaln&, Pit W1yne, Slim
a n11r t111edy In 1 deaol1te, watery Pickens, Glori• T-lbott, Paul fix. A
c1nyon on l1k1 Powell. retired bounty hunter takes up his II Sa.twa11 5 (C) (60) "The Al auns 111in 1fter the murder of his Hfrt Show." Specl1f auests include wife and child.
S1r1h Vau1h1n, Dluy Gllleapie, Pete Nen (C) (30)
C1ndoli and Don Ellis. M1nltft F'tru• 0 ~ (I)&> Lind 1f tlle Cll11ts • Thi F'ortytt S111 (60) (~ {So) (R) "Every Do& Needs 1 TY Musicll Osslrt (C) (30)
Boy." Chipper, Barry's pet doa. Is 9:30 • Nen (C) (30) Doua Dudley.
seriously lnjuted. YOUf Ne11t'1 1 Winner (C) (30)
! Tiiie Rat htr_. (C) (30) C.1111ntlrlea J Ctletlrlded• (C)
j igc!M 11915 (C) (60) (R) 10:00 . 9 Ci) Miaioll: l111peuible (C)
r11 vens serves IS anchorman ( ) (R) The IMF sets up a bizarre
for a 1lmul1ted newscast portr1yin1 mind·transfer experiment to con
1 n1tlonwlde emeraency resultin& vlnce a syndicate l11der (Donnelly
from m1n's lack of concern over Rhodes) he WIS double-croased.
the importance of ecoloo. Ill Qj Ci) iD TM ltlcl Ones (C)
I Tiiie Adwocltea (C) (R) {ro) (R) "And Those Unborn." Dur·
T .. tro F'.a!Jtaltic:e (C) (60) ln1 tests of 1 woman p1titnt. Dr.
Dell 'ltllle c... AIMft (60) Hunter deteets slans In her hus·
7:30 9 (I) Te ..... Willi LM (C) b1nd's actions that he is 1ffllded
( ) (R)Penny finds a Rom1n coin with an incurable disease. Stephen
and is sure it is worth 1 fortune. McN11ty auests.
Ill Qj (6) m WMcltrful Werld of I ID Nnn (C) (30) 61iaey <'> (&(>) (R) "The Secrets • lat Mt TIMI Tt .•• (C) (60)
of the Pirate's Inn." P1rt I of two Labor Report (C) (30)
p1rts. Ed Sealey portrays 1 retired : DUUT be11i1t1 et Pops (C)
Irish SH capt1ln who sets his si&hts ( ) Arthur tiedler, who h•s con·
on the buried treasures of Je1n ducted the Boston Popular Concerts
L1ffitte. ("Pops") for the put 40 y11rs is
B Million $ Mn: "One Men'• host for 1 new summer series Wt'/' (dram•) '64 -Don Murray. emanatina from Boston's Symphony
William Windom. Biography of Hall. Toniaht. the openin1 pro1r1m
churchm1n Norm1n Vincent Peale. is 1 birthday p1rty for America (her OJ f'euport to TrMI (C) (30) 194th) and features Sen1tor Edward
1:00 119 (I) Ed Sulllv1n (C) (60) (R) M. Kennedy (D·Mau.).
The entire proaram is devoted to I '"n T11tr1 (60) the Internationally famed sketina 10:30 Thi World Tollttfrow (C) (30)
revue "Holiday on Ice.'' with slnaers Movie: "flit Hundabadl 1f Notre
Ed Ames and L1n1 Cantrell as spe· 111•'' (drama) '39-tharles Lauah·
ci1I auests. ton, Maureen O'Hu1.
DROLLER GAMES-live! (C) m KATHRYN KUHLMAN * T·BIRDS vs. DETROIT * (IN COLOR) D Reller 8111t1 (C) (2 hr) T·Birds. "-ii lluhlun (C) (30)
vs. Detroit Devils. 11:00 ! NIWI .(C) 0 ~ (}) Q) TIM Fii (C) (60) 6 Ntw1 (C) (lij ''Th1 Dolf Courier." Posina IS tdrel tf Tt.orrow (C)
an antique doll oollector. Erskine @ CJ) al NIWI (C)
unccwers a major espion11e case. Willia• F. luckley (C) ID Movie Cr11b: "Wllirtpool" (drl· Orel Roberta (C)
m1) '5(}-{;ene Tierney, Jose Ferrer, ll:U (J) TM• la tlile Life (C)
Richard Conte. Kleptom1niac mar· ll:JO Movie: "YenkH Deodte Dandy''
ried to 1 noted psychoanalyst is (musical) '42-James Ca1n1y, Joan
put Into a hypnotic state by 1 chlr· Leslie, Walter Huston.
l1t1n lnvolvinr her In 1 murder. I Su11dar Toniatit Show (C) (R)
I He Seid, SIM Slid (C) (30) Movie: (C) "lonjour Trllttue"
Tiie Cat for lsrttl (30) dr1ma) '53-0avid Niven, Deborah
Jiu et Ta11at•wotd (C) (60) Kerr. Jean Sebera.
Performances by folk sinaer Judy Q) Movie: "Mab Milli Mink"
Collins ind the Don Elli1 Orchestra. (comedy) '60-Terry·lhomas. Alhene
I C.rrouul M11lcano (30) Sefler. H•ttie Jacques.
l :JO 9 (6) ~ 1111 C:Olby (C) (30) I ~ lnalatit (C) 'Tlf>r!Ven to Distraction." Chet Tht Christopfter1 (C)
Kincaid faces terror when he be· 1:00 ovlt: "List Train Fro111 hnt· comes a teacher of driver education .,.,.. (adventure) '52 -Jon Hall,
for hlah achool students. Christine Llraon.
I Wtt1d Adventure (C) (30) D S11t1•ill1 Freely (C) Luis Ferre,
Wtrtd TtlMf'row (30) Gov. of Puerto Rico. auests.
MlllMllilne , Cuttttl (30) m Movie: "loo• lit tt11 HoUM"
t~OO 9 (I) Ptt£MIEJ£ C:O•ldy To-(oom1dy·dram1) 'SS-Patrick Bur.
Ot (C) (60) This summer seri11 Marjorie Rhodes.
Yeu c ... S.. AM Drtv. CAPllll New At
' I
•'Tk lfl••f IJM4pe A•--Mle A~··
CAie CIM kYl AT i...ST 131-2911
.. ------, ae • ~
,r ' Fine Quality
Offset & letterpress , ,, •' ) I
2211 W. l•lboe llvd. -N.wport le•ch
..... .
$1.00 ..........
Moy be used on envelopes as return address
labels. Also very handy as identification labels
for marking personal items such os books,
records , photos, etc. Labels stick on glass and
may be used for marking home canned food
items. All fobels ore printed with stylish
Vogue type on fine quality white gummed
Mn. Christin. Brown
969 Poit Ro.d
Coria Mew, Celif. 92626
r - --- - - --- - -
FU! IA thl1 ceu111on, cllp 111d mill with S 1.00 t•r
'llot 'rlnUn9.leilel Div., lo• 1175,
Now111ert leach, Calif. '2HJ.
I ~-···---------------···-···-····-·-············-·······
I ···--·······-·······················-·--------------~--
I ····································-···-----··---------
1 lo 111ro to 11ae yeur Zip Cocf o , __ _ PILOT PRINTING
, ••• 10
-----------·FREE BONUS
......... _ ..... 14.
' JULY 6
For morninc and afternoon
llstlncs, please 1ee DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies.
1:30 O (C) "TII• Duclltu of ld1llo" (ro·
mance) '50-uther Williams. Van
9:00 U "llfHi•" (wutern) '39 -
Preston Foster, Ellen Dre•
9:30 B ''Cri .. Wavt" (drama) '64 -
Silrtinf Hayden, Gene Nelson. m (C) "Special Corr11P41nd1nt"
(drama) '66-Marie·Jose Nat, Jean·
Louis Trlnti1nant.
1:00 U "Oealre" (comedy) '36 -Gary
Cooper, Marlene Dietrich m ·111, .. SaClets" (drama) ··~ Patricia Neal, Ruth Roman. •
2:00 fJ "San ol 1 Qunflpttr" (we$t·
ern) '66 -Russ Tamblyn, James
Philbrook. m "Unknown laland" (adventure)
'U-Barton Maclane, Virelnia Grey.
•:30 IJ 11AdV1nturo in B1lth11ore" (com·
edy) '49 -Robert Youn1. Shirley
Temple, John Aaar.
f V f N I ·~ C.
5:00 I ~I Ntws (C) (60) J.erry Dunphy. • HuntltJ·l rinlllty (C) (30)
n You Top Thia? (C) (30) Red
Red Buttons, Jackb Vernon and
Morey Amsterdam 1uest. Wink Mar·
lindale hosts.
0 Sia O'Clodl Movie: (C) ''TM
Mouae Tllat ltoar1d" (comedy} '59
-Peter Sellers, Jun Sebere. David
Kosoff. A tiny country declares war
on the United States with the hope
of losln1 and receivin1 rehabllila·
lion lo boosl ill sad economy.
fJ f Troop (30) m Thi fllntsionn (C) (30)
ID Star Trell (C) (So)
(jjJ ABC Evtnin1 Ntwa (C) (30)
fil) What'a New (C) (30) "East
Africa # 1." The impact of tourism
is explored.
Qj (jJ CIS Newa (C) (30)
el Pueblo ain [sptranu (30)
CI!) Teatro •las E.at111t11 (30)
ff) Ntwt in Utt Round (C) (60)
6:30 0 KNIC Newservic. (C) (60)
O Vh1lnia Graham Show (C) (60)
Marty Allen and his wife. Frenchy,
The Cowsills. Harrison and Tyler,
and Marika Aba 1uesl.
O Tile G11a1 Ii••• (C) (30) Jim
MacKrell hosts. Grea Morri~. Ron•
Jllle and Dennis Cole guest. m Mr flworit1 Martian (C) (30)
(fi) Cl) rerry M11on (6'l)
'D 00 Huntley·Brin•l•r (C) (30)
Ell) l aw for the 70a (C) (30) "Ori·
ent1tion and Introduction" will be
repeated in this Community Colle1e
Districl series.
Thi Munstera (30)
el Notltitro 34 (C) (60) a;, KMIR D111rt Report (C) (30)
CI!)ftatuJt (30)
&) 5al19Jln1 htil'Wltt (C) (30)
Graham Kerr.
7:00 8 CIS £111nln1 Ntw1 (C) (30)
Witter Cronkite.
fJ wurs Mr line? (C) (30)
GI I Love LllCJ (30)
ID ltat ~• Clock (C) (30)
9 Mt11dlr SMw (C) (Z hr)
•'Tammy • the Doctor." Sandra Dee,
Peter Fonda. fl3 On Ca•pn (C) (30) "Kathy." A document1ry on one of today's
CJ) Tru11t or ConMquencee (C) l ically typical students.
• Wfnp to Mv"'ture (C) (30)
"Win1s to Alaska."
CI!) SiMPlo .. 11te Marla (55)
G) That 51rt (C) (30)
7:30 tJ Qj (j) l111t1MM1 (C) (60) (R)
"The Thieves." Three delinquent
boys (Michael Burns, Timothy Burns
and Bill Calloway) touch the heart
of bartender Sam (Glenn Stranee). 0 m Mr World Ind WtlCOMI to
It (C) (30) (R) "The Human Bein1
and the Dinosaur." Why some peo~
pie are superior and some inferior
becomes the subject of 1 Thurber·
esque adventure. D Tllo Mnla 11•1 (C) (30) Marty
A!Tiin, Peter lupus and Gree Morris
compete with Polly Ber1en, Martin
Milner and Kent McCord.
0 @ (}) &) It Talia 1 Thief (C)
(60) (R) ''Touch of Miele." Bette
Davis aueats IS a down·On·her·IUSk
Jewel thief whom Al seeks to brin(
bactt to usefulness. B Million $ Movie: ''Cry of l1ttt1"
{drama) '63 -Van Heflin, James
MacArthur. The son of a wealthy
shlppine tycoon in the Philippines
Joins American euerill• forces in I
unit where passions and violence
run hiah.
I Truth or ConMqutnces (C) (30)
reny M11on (60)
Tllo Frend! CIMf (30) Julia Child
cooks "Veal and lamb Kidneys, Sau·
teed and Flambeed~' . el Estafa d1 Amor (30)
7:55 Eii) Cueation de S.cundoa
8:00 D m l'REMIEltE Monday Theater
(lj (30) "Two Boys." Mitch Voeel
and Mark Kearney star as 1 couple
of l3·yttr·olds whose friendship
turns to fisticuffs when a aneak·in
plan al the local movie backfires. ll I lflc!M i ltevolutlon in Sport.I
i T~b0/111 the Truttl (C) (30)
World Pt1u (C) (60)
r111dor11111 ( 30)
8:05 Eii) Aqui Tru Patinu (25)
8:301J (j) Htr1'1 LllCJ (C) (30) (R)
Lucy slips 48 cents into the bank's
till to balance the books-and eels
Mooney fired. 0 ID @ m NBC Monday Movie:
(C) "How To Murder Y111r Wife''
(comedy) '6>-Jack Lemmon, Vlrna
li$i, Terry.Thomas. A cartoonist
plots to sever his hasty marriage to
an Italian beauty queen 0 (jjJ CI) Ql AIC Monday Movie:
(?) "'icturt MoMMJ Dead" (mys·
tery) '69 -Don Ameche, Martha
Hyer, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Susan Gordon.
A eirl's inheritance entices her step·
mother and 1 cousin.-m O.vld Frost Show (C) Frank Si·
natra Jr.. Mayor Teddy Kollek of
Jerusalem, Jackie Vernon and Dana
Valery 1uest . m Portrait of a Star (C) (60)
'·" ,.,
•" es
0 's
• 1. ,.
"David Janssen." John Wayne, Ed
Bectey ind Susan Oliver ere fu.
tured 1uests. l >EI SIMw de Mauricio &arcu (C)
GD Ellr .. lu ... Mll•I (C) (30)
t:OO II QI (I) llayM"1 l .F.D. (C)
(30) i R)Aunt B .. end htr aerden
club l1di11 take 1 stand •&•Inst
1 new road thre1tenin1 scenic trees
around Mayberry,
Ooodletown Pipers on Campus."
Norm Crosby auest..
fl!) NET Jeurnal (C) (60) "Tocque·
Yiffe'a America." A study of the
prophetic wrltlnas of Alexis de
Tocqueville. Contempomy political
fiaures comment on his ideas as
they apply to present·d1y Issues.
GI!) N1tlchl (60) Novel•.
9:3011 s m o.r11 01y <c> (30) <R> Dorla' life aets quite complicated
when visitlna Prince C1rlos asks
her to mer~ him ind become a
princess. CeS1re Danova auests.
fJ N-. (C) (30) Baxter Werd.
OJ News (C) (30) Bill Johns.
.., ... lit ....... , (30)
10:00 8 ~Cl) IETURN Tiit Wild, • Mdwat (C) (60) An assl1nment
brinas James West to 1n eerie
island estate and into an 1lle1lance
with a famed Scotland Yard detec·
live (John Williams).
IJ m News (C) (60)
fJ I $PJ (C) (60) m ,.,,..·a Ln <60>
fD Flri111 ll11t (C) (60)
II) Tru Vldla Dlstintla (30)
GI!) Tele-ti11•1'Ar&HtlM (2 hr)
10:30 D lH) Cl) IEE New (C) (30) "The
Loyal OppoalllOn." Three Democrats
-Sen. Edmund S. Muskie, Lawrence
O'Brien, Rep. Henry Reuss-discuss
national ind forel1n affairs.
fl) Ml ...... ,. (30)
11:00119(1) Im News (C)
19m mNews (C)
Oie TtetJ le,.tld ~mmN ... <C> eii~llf tlit Wat (C) M : ''Daky of 1 Clal•ber·
uid" ram1) '46-Paulette God·
derd, raeas Meredith. m He S.icl, SIM 1114 (C) fD Werkl ,, ... (C) (R)
11:15@ (]) Cilleu Sew11t1111
11:30 8 ~Cl) Merv 8rlffl11 (C) @ Im JtllanJ Carson (C)
Devi Frye and B. J. Thompson are
scheduled 1u11ts. 8 Mtwlt: "Kina tf 8111tblers" (dra·
1 IN) '37-lloyd Nolan, Akim Tami·
roff, Claire Trevor. D 0) Dick Cavett (C) fJ 1Mltr• t : (C) .. ~ ••d••" (comedy) '63-Sophla Loren, Rob·
ert Husein. m Movie: "Red llpt'' (mystery)
•lJ-Georae Rift, Virainla M1yo.
1:00 8 MOfie: "Tiit Nlatit Runner''
(Orama) '57 -R1y Danton, Coleen
l lJNtwa (C) Cllct lid
. Mewie: ''l·Me11" (dram•) '35-
James C11ney, Uoyd Nolan.
1:15 8 C.••nitJ lllllttl11 .... d (C)
2:301J Ntw1/ltve Ua Thia Dir (C)
For mornin1 ·and afternoon
ll1tinp, please see DAY·
for y~ur convenience, are
the day's movies.
1:30 D "LM TMt lrute" (c0medy) '
-Paul Douatas, Jean Petera.
9:00 II "The 8reet Mctlllty" (comedy)
'lO-Brien Donlevy, Muriel Anaelus.
9:30 0 llondie'a Holiday" (comedy)
•ff-Penny Sinaleton, Arthur Like. m "A Run for the Mon.,-• (comedy)
'50 -Sir Alec Guinness, Donald
Houston, Moir• Lister.
1:0011 "Tiie flMt'I In" (musical) '42
-William Holden, Dorothy Lamour,
Betty Hutton. m "City of Fe1r" (dr1m1) '59 -
Vince Edwards, John Archer, Patricl~
Blair. :00 (iJ (C) "The ,arty &irl'' (drema) '5
--Oyd Charisse, Robert Taylor. m "Eaclt»e in Ult Su•" (drama)
'57-John Bentley, Vera fuaek. _
4:30 11 "Wltile Ult City Sletpl'' (drama)
'56-nan1 Andrews, Ida Lupino.
t V f N i N (,
6:001 ~ Neila (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. Ir:' Huntter-lnnkley (C) (30)
CM You Tep Tilia? (C) (30)
only Hall, Soupy Sales and Morey
Amsterdam auest. fJ Six O'Clodl Movie: (C) "Areu"
(drama) '53--01& Youna. Polly Bir·
aen, Jean H11en, Robert Horton.
Success aoes to the head of a hlah·
ridina rodeo slar. Rodeo foot11e was
filmed at the annual "Fiseta de Los
Vaqueros" in Tucson, Arizona.
I F Troop (30) ·
Tiie Alntstonea (C) (30)
Star Trell (C) (60)
Cl) ABC Evtnina News (C) (30)
Wll1t'1 New (C) (30) "East Afrl·
ca #2." The story of wildlife re-
search in Kenya, Tanzania, and
(j) CIS Ntw1 (C) (30)
Pueblo lin [lpet1nza (30)
Tutro de la Ellrtllla (30)
News 111 tlle hnd (C) (60)
6:30 I INIC NIWIMrvice (C) (60)
Virainll &r1hl• ._ (C) (60)
Lou Rawls, Toni Holt, Red& Foxx.
David H1rt111n and Michael Lindsay·
Hoaa 1uest.
(iJ The &a•e 8111t1 (C) (30) Grea
Morris, R4na Jaffe and Dennis Cole
au est.
I ~Favorite M1rtlln (30)
PtnJ Muon (60)
Huntley-l rlnld., (C) (30)
LI• for tile '70. (C) (30) (R)
"Two Sources of California L1w."
I Ci) The Munltlra (30)
NOticlero 34 (C) (60)
OUR Duert Report (C) (30)
F11ture (30)
Qalloplna Gourmet (C) (30)
7:00 IJ CIS henlll& News (C) (30)
Walter Cronkite.
I WMt'a Mr line? (C) (30)
I Love Lucy (30) hit tllt Cleek (C) (30) 00 lranded (C) lO)
GIAllm 2 SllOll81S
TY/tlCA~Alon ,._ 1,0DI
J0111r ltoml1 ,,,. ---,_,. "'°"'" i11 Lo.I A1111/11 CP ,,o-
vlfl• ''"'"""" 1htl11r /« youn1111r1 who.st llv•s Git dli-
'"""' 1hrou1h no fault of tletir own.
AaW. .... •flwww IC ,1•111 tMi ._ the II• of ._......_A.....-.W.,
..... ·a 19Y ON II llft oa a .......................
..... A,...lirl.Mreyta _.. ... ,.., .... ~ma
polioD "'*' car aa her ~ aN arlileecl on a narcodcl
~A ............. , ... ,__ , ............... .
dllir widnwd ...., ii too W
IO Clre for tlwm.
They .,. like thoulandl ol
Los A1111lel youn.-n who each
year ate deailtd die ~ of a AOrmtl haM lih, tbroUab aa accident. aNnelonmtnt, ltnpril-
oamont of one or both parent•
or the hardahlp of parental ill· ..... Can uJthiq be doM for thnt
'Qd other yOUftlllln who are
the vk:tUn ol ef\111 drcum·
seance? The '""r ii a rt10Und-
in1 ~· and it wHI aU be ...W out 1n a KNXT 5-cial .. Wholl
Chilct a. Thilr alrina T.-day
at 9:38 1-M, in cOlot oa Channel
KNXT New1 Anchormaa
Jerry Dunphy will 1erw aa ,..
portlf for the blOldcll& which
euminll the lll'OblCIM of thlle
yo1,1n•n ancf what can be done
• about them.
..WMM Cllilcl II Thil?", In
addltioG to foo'*"a attention on
this compa,.tively little-known
condition in our community, hal
a hiahly ~rnendable purPQll:
to (nd f01ter hOma for chil·
Bach month, Reporter Dun·
phy will relate, 2,001> hofna are.-
Reeded to provide temporary
lhelter for youapWn whale
normal routine ii halted by o::J:
edy-whelbtr tbty .... f4
linp or teena1Dn. thoJ lltld
Reponer Dunphy wiU iallnM:t
viewen on how people become
fotter panntl, what nquire-
monts 1111, mUlt meet, how to ..,_
qualify, and the ftnancial ar-
ran1tment for fOl&er pareata11.
APPllrina la "Whole Child II
This? .. will lie a numNr ol I.al
An1Dlel totter parents who will
relate their happy and reward·
in1 apariesa1 Of fOller parwnl·
hood. Additionally, there will bl
several repraeatativa from the
Los An111el Dtpanment of So-
cial Servicet.
The Southern California vicwlna audience will .., 1een11 of the
annual f otter bome picnic held at Ely1ian Park and apomored by the
Loi Anael• Jr. Chamber of Commeroe.
At the conclusion of "Whole Child II This?" KNXT will broad-
cut a special telephone number that viewen aeekin1 more lnforma·
lion on becomina fOlter parents can call.
O.nny Is one of thou•nd• of chllchn teft hetplea .very
month In Los Anfttes County. · ~
He needs a home and your help!
If you have ever thought about bec:omlnt a foster parent,
how it felt, what It meant, we urge you to watch this KNXT Specitl
"Who• Child Is This," with Jtrf'V Dunphy. It could be the molt
imporunt night of your Ufel
,.,. 12
TUUDAY (Conttnued) lhown will be "lovt of 1 IOnd," ID Yep t.f HMltll (30) Slow motion lord SllOWdon's film •bout the Brit-
stretchln1 to re11ln routhful Ith lovt 1ff1ir with pets.
"sprint' In the ltp. l!I ..._,.., After Derk (C) (60) 9 Cl) Trlllll ., c ......... (C) !r""uats Include Don Adama. Otvld Hemmln11, G1yle Hunnicutt, Deep 8' 1111 .. lo tM 111 (C) (30) Purple, Lynn Kellog, J1cldt Gayle ·m ...,.. .... Maria (55) and Brenton Wood. SJ n.t lif (C) (30) flD NO Ftstiv.I (C) (60) "Monterey
7:308ft(l)CIS r.-., ,...: (C) lW festival #1." This docume11t1ry
...-.. hi tllle c.,-(drlnta) 'st-... the pteparatloM fof the 1967
Howard Duff, Uncfa Crlstil, sttphtn flltlval and. the event itself from
McNally, Nthtml•h Penoff, An11t both behlnd·the-scenes •nd in front.
Jeffreys. Los Anatles ind the entire m> N.a.dla (60)
wld ar• threattntd .with dtttruc-t:3081MfC1Alwtlole Qitd lrTilill
tlon by 1n atom bomb th1t has betn (l) ( Jerry Dunphy rer.rta the
constructed ind activ•ted within the pli1ht of Southern Callforn a YGUl\I·
city limits.· sttrs who •rt suddenly dtnled a D ~ Ci) ID I Drt111 If .a-It normal family lift. Ounp!IY will alto
(t) (!O){R) "The Wtddln1." After uplain how people become foster
hectic PrtP«ations. Tony and Ju1t· parents. what ls ,.quirtd of them,
nit Vt married. how thtY qualify and how they art
l!I Mevia la• (C) (30) Larry Bly-paid for such cart.
ciift holt1. Marty Allen, Ptttr lupus I ~ News (C) (JO) and Grta Morris compete with Polly Tiit .._.... alMI JJ. (C)
8ef11n, Martin Mil11tt and Kant Mc· ( ) R) Go'ltmor Drinkwater b• Cord. comes tht aubject of an undtraround I~~~~ ~~pft! f~:! a,n:.::~ .. ~ <C> <30>
hlmaett 1 homicide suspect without 10:0011""' (C) (60) an alibi When ht tries to help a CJ)&) Marct11 w.-,, M.D.
roun1 woman In trouble. Ridlard ( ) ( ) (R) "Diaanotis: fear." A
Ancltr10n, Tom Colt and Brenda youn1 basketball player, told by Dr.
Scott 1uest. Welby that ht must have kntt sur1· B MllNH $ Mevle: (C) '"Wt ery, aoes to a faith healer Instead. Jelled t11t Navy" (comedy) '62-Ruth Romen 1uest1.
Kenneth Mort, Lloyd Nolan, Joan I' s,, (C) O'Brien. ltne's Llw (60)
I Trwtll er C.111.HllCll (C) (30) • ~ (C) (60) (R) "A
~ ~ (60) Conversation With Alfred Hitchcock." ,_ r., •-lrw Up (60) "Tht l ())CIS N1ws l.,..t (C) (60) ard," a 1915 movlt atarrin1 lrn Vldaa Dlltiatas (30)
Clwlrtts Ray. , Fatlnt Mtxlca• (60) E flUfa di bier (30) lO:lO cas ..._ Sptdal (C) (30) (R)
7:5511!) c.tiN • ._.. ' e Mystery of P•ln." The broad-
1:00 D a Cil ., ~ • .,...... (C) cast focUMS on three common pains
(10) (R) "Hurray for Our Side." -muscular pain. fear of pain ln-
Whtn 1 sandlot is to bt converted fllcttd by tM dentists and head·
to a flower prdtn, Debbie cam· aches.. Gtora• Herman reports.
pal1ns to save it as a basebaU lot E Ml ..._. l ~:~:><~~o/3o> n:•1e1.~ ..... <C>
QllCM AwllaMt (C) (30) Call ti t11t Wat (C)
1:05 Htt ........... (60) llewlt: "fort Allitn" (ldvtn·
1:30 II 9 CI) m Mia (C) (30) (R) lurt) '52 -Yvonne De Carlo, Carlos
•'tether ol the Bride." Cony learns Thompson, Raymond Burr.
1 ltSIOft In fritnclthip. I Ht S.W. a. Said (C)
llOM·MH ._ (C) (30) Jack (])9@9 CIH ... s (C)
Of' lt0n is iliahted. • On fir•: "The Cfnematoaraph· D ~ Cl) AIC Mtvit ti tllt · er." James Won1 Howe rtcalls how
W-ttk: (Cf' 1tt Crews Up" (ro· h9 became 1 Hollywood camtrllJlan.
manct) '69 .-Kare11 Valtrtlne, £d. 11:15@ (]) CIMMI Sevutttn: "The Old
ward Mulhare, Paul Petersen, Warner Dartl Hou1e."
AndtrlOn, Nina Foch, Bob Cum· 11:30191 Merv Crlffin (C)
min1s. Paul Lynde. Gid1et 1ivts up U ID W.., Ca"" (C)
surtlna &o btcc:ne a United N1tions Rabtrt • n auests.
IUldt Ind finds her lift complicated It Mtwit: ......... 1 ~ (ad·
by a mature love 1f11ir ind the vent,•) '32 -M1rlene Dittrich.
pro!lltms that arise from llvlna In fJ · Dick Cawett (C) Bobb1 Darin
• bl1 city. . 1nd h Little auest. m DawW Frnt SM (C) (90) Art fJ Tlltltrt t: "Bl l'c Tratl"
Buchwald, Tom Wolfe, Robert (western) '52 -Kirk Doualas. Eve
Vauahn, 8'rbara Anderson and D.D. Millet.
W1rwlct autst. ID llewlt: "Bl NaW Str..r' (mys-
11"' Pop.i.tlell ~ (C) tery) '55 -Anthony Quinn, Anne
l111CJ (30) "West 1nd the Wind Bancroft.
Ina." A photo1raphlc look at l:OOi ,...: ....., 'EM F1ylq (com· Pl't·Coloft.lal Amtr~ from Cape Cod ) '41 -Abbott and Costello. to the Monterey Coast. D ,. ... (C) ti> la ea.stlbldtlt (60) liliwit: "1itt In Jwtlallt ,.._,.
9:00 IJ U (j) 8' Flnt T.-., (C) (2 ( rama) '59-Jerome Thor,
hr) GovemorTom McCall of Oreaon 1:15 11 C:..••ltJ ,...._ .... (C) and his 21-year-old son Sam, 1 , , forr11tr dru1 addict. art amona those 2:00 m 't.'"."llM a..:. 'Trent~ •. ~·st lnltNitwed in a filmed report In· Case, . 'The Vampire.~ Coffin, An·
vesti11t1n1 methado11t procedures Ill With • Trumpet.
that combat htroln 1ddlctlon. Also 2:l0 8 Ntws/Clwt Us Tilil Ott (C)
ltP ~'·
llJ 167
int. .,
Dr. ,,.
''A It u
IW . n.
" ,. .. ..
A· T • T ·E·N· T ·1.0.N
The New 1970 DATSUN
2 .,.... • 4 DMr .............. . ........
11135 IMch Blvd.
Huntlnqton leach
IG-7711 ... 54CM)442
Th~ 19191 •••Y cAr from lurope
with the price of • 11ult com,.ct
SANTA A .. A l.INCOU•-••t11tt:URY
0111" ""'" f '·"'·· Me1'.·,rl. I 111.tn. kt. & S1111.
[][Q][Y)[OI TI~
19&& Hnr, C.M. &4&-9303 • HEADOUAITIRS · ................... .......... ''"'' ,....,, ...... .nc• -............ ~.
VOLUME SALIS CENTER. .......,!1111, ..... ....
UICK Costa Mes
114 L 17 .. It., C.. M ..
11111 B!ACH 801.JL.JVA"O
A.lw.,a • we-4 MkctlM ef 11M4 , ......... Tri•..,a., M•'•• 5-·. ....... etc. w .......... , ....
..11se41...,..m .
L...-s.Mce Deftt. Altfwllere
S•les Service Parta
......... ,..,_,. Cer Ce•tef'
l 1t & Mein Strfft•
Sent• An•
Your Authori1ed VW
Dealer In.the H•@
Home of the Love But
445 I. c..-Hwy.
• ...... Dme.N.L
67J..... Mt0JHI
nt. H •· M•H
· Mlt.DED?
Then Newport Imports 11
Your kind of piece. Your Authori1ed
.. Allltf11 AIMrlce
La,.. stock of u1ed Ponctt.1
J .. 1. MG'1, Austin Healey1, etc.
311nµor1~, 1• W. Coast Hwy., N.8
..2-MOS, S.17 ..
,. 11
For morninc ind 1fternoon
llst1n11, plUM see DAY.
for your convenience, are
the day's movies.
l :JO O (C) ""* .. " (romance) '53 -Ricardo Mont1tb1n, Pier Anreli,
~ Charisse, Vittorio G1um1n.
9:00 U "CMpt 111 tile Drift" (com·
cdy) '41-Bob Hope, Dorothy LI·
mour. 9:30 0 "Ttte Creat Cllue" (comedy)
'SJ-Buster Keaton, Pear1 White. m ........... lad" (dr1m1) ·so
-Join Fontaine, Robert Ry1n, Z•ch·
1:00 "Slwe Mt a Sailor" (comedy)
• b Hope, Betty Grable. m "&cape Fro• Slllara" (drama)
'63-Hilde11rde Nett, Harry Meyer.
2:00 0 "TIM lost Wortd" (sci·fi) '60-
Mrch11I Rennie, Jill St. John. m "Coda of Slltftct" (drlml) '60-
Ed Nelson, Terry Becker.
4:00 II (C) JollHJ Cult.If' (drama) '53
-Join Crawford, Ster1ina Hayden.
I Vf NIN(;
6:00 I~ Newa (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. • • Ma11UtJ·lrlnkltJ (C) (30)
n You Top Tllis? (C) (30)
Jack Carter, Stu Gilliam, Morey
IJ Sia O'~ Movie: (C) "T1'e ~ alld Ille f11ry" Put I (dram•)
'59 -Yul Brynner, Joanne Wood·
ward, M1r11ret Leifhton, Stuart
Whitman, Ethel Waters, J1ck War·
den. Wiiiiam F1ulkne(s story of 1n
old ind once proud Southern family
ind the adopted son ind he1d of
the family who sets out to restore
It to Its former position In society.
Tltt FlltltdlMI (C) (30)
SW Tflll (C) (60) IF Tr.., (30)
CJ) ABC Ewet1la1 Ntwl (C) (30) IUfs New? (C) (30) "SU
Shell S1f1ri.''
I Cl) CIS News (C) (30)
,..,... sill Elperlftll (30)
,...,. ... 111 Estrellaa (30)
Ntwa ill tlte Rffncl (C) (60)
6:30 MIC Ntwstrvlu (C) (60)
Vlfpall lrtlal• Dow (C) (60)
Russ Meyer, Edy Willi•ms. Otto
Premlnaer, Al1n Burke and Lor·
r1ine Chase aunt.
0 Tiie 11 .. &aM (C) (30) Grea
Morris, Roni Jaffe and Dennis Cole
au est.
I ~ f1¥0rttt Martian (30) ""1 Maoe (60) H•tleJ·lrifttltJ (C) (30) Ln fOt' tllt 70. (C) (30) (R)
alifornia Court structure."
CJ) Tiit Munsters (30)
· ffiticit,. 34 (C) {60)
• KMll Duert Report (C) (30)
' featllf9 (30)
8111epift1 Courlltt (C) (30)
7:00 CIS Ewttt111 News (C) (30)
Mat'• My LIM? (C) (30)
I Lowe luq (30)
Ci) Hip Md Wild (C) (30)
: liferf1ee (C) (30) "Robots Get
Smarter." Dr. Albert Hibbs and
S-T-i-E-T4:-H I SEW
Fabric Store Of Orenge County
724 &at Ketele, Orenge
PHONE (714) 6JJ.2842
.. Rl&ISTll NOWll
C41 THi FIRST ANN 'llSOH LINaHlli COUUl OffllliD
"Excellence In Service. Quality & Price''
S-T-R-E-T-C-H & SEW rr•>
Fabrics of o..... c • .....,
..... 14
auest Dr. Charles Rosen, Ma1tacer medical center.
of the Mificlal lntelliaence Group 0 9 Ci) fl' "'8ft MUllc Hll (C)
1t Stlnford Research Institute, look (g(}) Des O'Connor welcomts auests
1t three robots representln1 .the Sid Camr, Edie Adams ind Matt
latest adYances In automata and Monro.
artificial lntelliience. IJ 9 Cl) QJ NDUEft JollMJ
I (J) T,_. er ~ (C) tali Priitnts Tiie [vertJ lf.tllen
.... Mdertat (C) (30) Sllow (C) (60) First pests on this
Si111ple•.... Merla (55) summer variety series are Johnny nat llrt (C) (30) Cash, Kenny Roaera and The First
7:30 Edition. AllO jolnin1 Don ind Phll ... NEW WHERE'S HUDDLES Everly on the curtaln·r11ser will be .., .their father, Ike Everly, Carl Per· * FAMILY FUN COMEDY kins ind The Tennessee Three, Ruth !~~~~:e~~~·~ ~M1~,dtAI:::: Ind Joe
~rofesslonal football players. NateclY (60) n a CJ) m ne Vlrsla*' cc> t:30 m News <C> <30> (§0) (RJ iifhe Old Cowboy." A DllUT Tiie Newsial MIM (C)
erusty old cowboy (auest Frenchot (30) A new 13·week satirical aeries
Tone) tries to pto¥t he is still the th1t tells it like it is-muslcllly. ij cowhend of his youn1er dlyS. Folk slnaer-auitarist·musicel satirist
Mewie I•• (C) (30) Len Chandler is host. Lew Irwin, re·
(j}) (J)GJ NaMJ 1t1d Ille Pro· porter TV newsman and document· ..., (Cf ("30) (R) "I Think That ary n'1m maker, Is producer-com·•
I Shall Never See • Tree." Nanny mentltor.
heads I protest demonstration to 10:00 R a (j) Hlw•il Five..O (C) (60)
save 1 tree the city Is plannln1 to (lij James Greaory ind. Jason Evers
remoYe. ruest when MeGarrett Is asked to c:J MiliM $ Movie: (C) "Alli AltJ build I cue lllinst 1n tx·racketeer. Cfrt" (comedy) '59 -Shirley Mic· 0 9 (j) m TINI C.•t lreMOll
Laine, David Niven. Youna alrl ar· (e) (g(}) (R) "Lucky Day." A Wed·
rives in New York lookina for • dina day is Interrupted when the
career ~nd • hus~1nd. bride hits a wlnnina strHk 1t the I Tnltll or CoaMq•llCa (C) (30) iimblina tables. ""1 MalOft (60) m NewsjC) (60)
TIN fon,te Sap (60) (R) -07)())0) PltOll ERE Tiit
Est.aft de ._.. (30) S..tlttn lrotlltrl Su•mer SM
7:55 ml CltlltiM de Sapndos (C) (60) An entertainment proar1m
1:00 llS(J) l••r Pyle (C) (30) (R) returnin&Tom ind Dick Smothers to
Sit. C.rte(s men ire asslaned to network television, f11turin1 the
make 1 reconnaissance l1ndin1 dur· diy humor of Pit Paulsen ind in·
Ina se1 maneuvers. but Gomer keeps troducina 1 m1Jor auest star each
sinklna the rubber landina refts. week.
Diwofc. Cowt (C) (30) • I Spy (C) (60) @mm T1't ~ of lllrtt's Ln (60)
's Tatlltf (C) (30) (R) "A : TltlrtMn Aplnst Fite (60)
Flve·Pound Monkey on His Stom· Tres Vidas 6iatlntu (30)
ech.'' Eddie's sense of responsibility • Tele-Ci..., £lpaMI (2 hr)
keeps Norman Tinker on 1 diet he 10:30 · Ml ,....,. (30) •
needs but doesn't really w1nt. 11:00 !~~ (C) I To T .. l tM Tmll (C) (30) • . 6 ...... (C)
LAI Crlada lien Crlada (30)
1:05 E Ttnille (55) ~ (l)Q) Ntwl (C)
1:30 QI ()) leverfJ Hlllbillits (C) • eail Of tllt Welt (C)
( 0) (R) Jed joins a liooterville Mewie: "DIJI of Qlory'' (•dven·
firmer (Guy Raymond) In providi na lure) '44-Gre1ory Peck, Tamara
1 new pf1ne for Steve's (Mike Mi· Toum1non, Maria Palmer.
nor) flyln1 service. II) Ht Said, SIM Said (C)
BCIY•pioulllp Wrlltllll& (C) fill NET Journal (C) (60) (R) "Toe·
(§0) Featured ire Blick Gordm1n queville's America." A study of the
1nd Les Roberts. prophetic writinp of Alexis de 0 Ci1) Cl) QJ ho111 222 (C) (30) Tocqueville, 1 youna French 1risto·
(lij ''Teeche(s Dropplrr1 Out." Pete crat who c1me to Amt(lca In 1831.
Dixon's work with hl&h school drop-11:15 (j}) (I) Clnt., SlventiMll: "Herod
outs brinp him an Important job the Great."
offer from 1 C:Ofl>Orllfon. 11:301 m(I) M..v QrHfl11 (C) m David FrMt Sllow (C) (90) Ron· (j) m Jotm1y Ca,.1 (C) r1lt Dyson, Charlie Callas, Karen . : (CJ "lnctndillJ ......
Morrow, Chartton Heston ind Tlna (musicll) '50-8ttty Hutton, Muro
C~en 1uest. De Cordovi. m Portr•lt of • Star (C) (60) "Ste· Im Diet Cavitt (C)
phen Boyd." • Deetrt 9: (C) "Qaraut Futlt-m Evet1in1 It Pops (C) (60) (R) tt IMf" (western) '53--Guy Med·
Arthur Fiedler hosts this summer Ison, Vera Miits, Frank Lovejoy.
series emanatlna from Boston's II) Movlt: "llrt Fro11 Mlnllltt.ln"
Symphony Hill. The first show le•· (dram•) '48 -Dorothy Lamour.
tures a birthday P•rtY for America Georae Montiomery •
(her 194th) ind featlres Senator 1:00 II Mme: "Milslen Ovtr Korel"
Edward M. Kennedy (D·Mass.) Mr· (drem1) '53-John Derek, John Ho·
ratlna Alron Copland's reverently dl1k, Audrey Totter.
P•tri. 'otic "Lincoln Portrait." D IJ Nns (C)
I Sonrtsu <C> clo> m Mn: "1tldt a Violent ,., ....
9:00 9 (f) Mtdjcal Center (C) (60) Matern) '57-John Asar. < ) wmr.m Sh•tner auests es ·a 1:45 C:.111•11111tJ t•ltti• IOlrd (C)
res•rch scientist who is determined 2:00 All·Nlpt Sllew: (C) ''Wee Gor·
to hive his probable cure for dtt," ''Waterloo Road.'' "Klu To·
Hodpin's Disease accepted by the morrow Goodbye."
tsts ••tt ., .....
be >er·
1m· ..
to er.
:he :he
... .. 1m
C· ... ,.
" r,
IUY! SELL! TRADE I ''''r-i-' ~,., \ ~ CLEANING & DYING For the Touth JMs •d ~ ~ '"' Use Your Bankamcricard ~ AR PET-to·_,11) 0... 1 ..,,... ...,. .. ,.,... .... The Fine Jobi-It's ............ ~ C9 ........ Mtleflctlell,
BACK DOOR 2 ............ reema DUNN WILL STEAM CLEANED 1'' & IMll S11.Sf For A Job Wei DOftel IMPORTS IEASONAILI IATIS ,_,., c.,.t. u&::''...Y SOIL llTARDANT 11'6 Harbor llvd. Also carpet installation ca-.& • SHAMPOO~ Costa Mesa
(Park in the Rear) 646-5971 534-1560 MR.DUNN 548-8544
Als<' Apt Oeaning &: Painting EYE LASHES Free Eatlmate-Ucensed Reasonable Ralt>s Fully Guaranteed Contractor
Credit Cards OK Each Lash Ai>pUed Scparatc.•ly FAST SERVICEI Cafl Ev" After 1
847-6688 Very Natural Looklni;: Cal Day or Eve 642-1407 House Calli 714/146-1690 534-6729
0• fM ipOt Of" pidl •p l ' doflyery
546-9841 ......... _ ... ,.,.
Proper Fitting Assured
3409 E. Coast Hwy •
Coron• del MAr 67S-ll»
ALL LINtl ttllt5 -AUTO
JEW•L•Y -aU•OLA•Y aONDS -•o•n.
\ 11•, ... J 'r 1T1 , 1,. 1r1 1 1 1,, 1· I 1, .: ,. -..1._ •i
S«v"'e T111t C.lftlftlHtlly ftt eWf' )S yHn
SU.2SJ1 207 5th St .. H.I .
[') CLEAR VU ~ Wollt e Corpets l::::1 Ft-n e Wl•wi
,, ........... , •. c ...... ,
Free Es t. 24 Hour S"rvict'
Quality Work at
• Mllfflen e Tall ,..,._ • 0.-l .:oMlh e VW & "9n<lle He.-.n
Open Tues lhru Sun, Oosed
Jl1 Sth St, Downtown H.L
Neat Work-Fine Paints
Sprayin~-Acous. Ceilings
local Referoiteet Lo .. 'rlcet
Lie. & Bonded Int. & Ext.
Apt. Spccialis1
PH. 536-11 '0
301 5th ST.
/ .. """\
' ~lr~ ~~)
O.Wa,._a H1111t11tttea ... di
(PNnt ef IZ M...._,)
Call Phil NelsOft
Spccialls t in Acid Wa. h
Repairs and Mainl.
RIM ODELi NG * ~2-3660 *
Cadillacs Cost More!
642-587& ,. &4&~058
$199 .... JULY SPECIAL
Cle•n & 011 4.SO
All Work Guaranteed
C•ll Tom 536-3062
Nation-wide carpet &: upholstery cleaning co. No harsh deter·
gents that cause r esoillng are used-Quick drying-The most
thorough cll'aning method available. GuarantN!d work.
Call for free l'!\timatl' and save lhis ad
for 100/o Discount · If ro• ....ety ...
Oft All CleclftilMj 642-4055 c•ll ClarKare
3 Room Min. 24 HI. SllYICI
2 pc. d iv1n & Ch1ir for $69.
lnch1de1 f1bric end lebor. All wor:C
d one in 5 d•v1.
CALL 642.U71, ext. 325
Page 15
DECOY-Detective Ed Brown (Don Galloway) usu movie
actress•Vivian Page (Tiffany Bolling) as bait for a grou~ of
bank robbers lie is attem pting to cote/, in "The Wrong Trme.
The Wrong Place" on NBC's Jro11side. Thursday at 8:30 PM.
1'' WW. • W ..... • lt2 ..,_re feet • 14 ,.ntMter ft.
FREE TllP TO LAS VEGAS. l deys -2 nights!
With purchue of fird 2 5 pools this month.
J fMt to I fMt dHP Cement Conatructlon Complete with:
e Heavy duty filter, motor A: pump e Automatic Surface
Skimmer e Deluxe testJng kit e Main drain system e Chlorine
dispenser • Safety bullnose coping.
$1695 :>.:~~-hllotl•
This Pool Is not elevated a bove grade. Price slightly
less for pool elevated above grade. e CONVINllNT "NANCING AVAILAILI e FREE
o,... s Dey......0.lly 11 .. 7-aat. t te 5--lun. 12 te J
2 blcs. So. of CINI,..._ -532-1 HJ
...... 16
For mornin1 and afternoon
li1ting1, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies.
1:30 fJ "T\at WOtldetful Urre" (ro·
mince) '49 -Tyrone Power. Gene
t:OO 0 "Hall "'8 ConqMrin& H•o"
(comedy) '44 -Eddie Bracken, Ell•
9:30 0 "Opefstion Snatdl" (comedy '62
-=terry-Thomas, Geo11e S.nders. m "lltttt Victory" (drama) '53-
Richard Burton, Curt Jurgens, Ruth
1:0011 ''Lidia' Min" (comedy) '47-
Eddie Bracken. Cass Diley. m (C) "Yoya1e te die PrelliltMlc
Plinet "(sci-ti) '6S-B1sll Rathbone,
Faith Domer1ue.
2:00 0 (C) "nit Yir&in QllMfl" (dr1m1)
'55-Bette Devis. Richard Todd.
ti) "Anon for Hire" (mystery) '59
-Steve Brodie,. Lyn Thomas.
4:30 II (C) "l11e lady libs 1 flya('
romance) '58 -Lani Turner, Jeff
Ch1n!ller, Chuck CcnllOfs.
rvf NI N <.
6:001 llJ lhws (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. · m Huntte,.lrinlday (C) (30)
Cin You Top Tllis? (C) (30) Red
Buttons. Jackie Vernon ind Morey
Amsterd1m 1uest. fJ Six O'Clocl Movie: (C) ''Tiie
S011ncl Ind Hie fury" Conclusion
(drama) '59 -Yul Brynner, Joanne
Woo'dward. Stuart Whitman, Mar11ret
l ei1hton. William Faulkner's story of
an o!d and once proud SouJhem
family and the adopted son who sets
out to restore it to its former posi·
lion In society.
I F Troep (30)
The Flintstones (C) (30)
Star TrH (C) (60)
Cl) AIC Evenin1 News (C) (30)
What's New (C) (30) "Su Shell
S.fari #2."
I (j) CH News (C) (30)
htblo sin Espennza (30)
Teatro de laa Estrellu (30)
News in the Round (C) (60)
6:30 0 KNBC Newssemce (C) (60) 0 Vir1inla 8r1lllm Show (C) (60)
K1ye Ballard, Criswell and Robert
Etlin1er auest. 0 Tiie 811we li1111e (C) (30) Jim
MacKrell hosts. Grea Morris, Rona
Jaffe and Dennis Cole auest.
I ~ flYOflte Martian (30)
Perry Mason (60)
6 Hu..U.,-l rfnklty (C) (30)
law t.r tlle '70s (C) (30) (R)
orta.'' •
I Ci) The Munsters (30)
Hi"tidero 34 (C) (60)
llMIR Desert Report (C) (30)
hllopln1 liourMtt (C) (30) Gr•·
him Kerr.
7:00 11 CIS Evtnln1 News (C) (30)
Willer Cronkite.
fJ What's My line (C) (30) m I Lew hey (30)
ti) leet die Cleek (C) (30)
0 Ci) TM A .. ran West (C) (30)
fm ,...,., tile Clllitar I (30) "Music
in Two Parts."
9 (() Trultl or CoueqHtlces (C)
(30) m True Adwtnt•e (C) (30)
a!) Sl•pl•tntl Marla (55)
im TUt llrt (C) (30)
7:30119 (j) Fa•itJ Affair (C) (30)
(R) liie children ind French Join
Uncle Bill in Tahiti. First ot 1 fwo.
part story. 0 9@ m Daniel loone (C)
(60) (R) "Run f0< the Money." An
innkeeper ind Cincinnatus dploit
two brothers in 1 scheme to win
the 1nnu1I Boonesborou&h foot race
from the Indians: Jack Albertson
1uests. B lllt Movie aa .. (C) (30) Larry
Br,den hosts. Marty Allen, Peter
lupus ind Gre1 Morrts compete with
Polly Ber1en. Martin Milner ind
Kent McCord. 0 @Cl) EE Alll•al w...w (C)
(30) "N1v1j1 Cits." Host-n1rr1tor
Bill Burrud takes 1 lrip involYlna
the 1dventures ind mi11dventures of
• eou11r ind her two cubs. 0 Miiiett $ hie: (C) "T11t Jew·
nay" (adventure) '59-Yul Brynner,
Deborah Kerr. People from ·various
countries ire trapped In Budapest
durln1 the Hun11ri1n revolt of 1956.
I Tr.U. or Coaeq11et1ce1 (C) (30)
Peny Matoll (60)
DEIUT Maule and ttlt leautlhll
Maclllne (C) (30) A new 13-week ...
ercise show. Hostess is Maule lett-
vin. wife of M.l.T. professor, Dr.
Jeroll\' lettvin. -m £star. • •-c3o>
7:55 EE C....tien de Seaulldos
1:00 . II HAPPY DAYS COMEDY * BIG BANDS of 1930's B Cit(() Hippy Days (C) (60) Tex
Beneke auests. Also featured are old
Edward G. Robinson film clips, knock·
knock jokes, 1 classic Fibber McGee
and Molly radio comedy spot and
J1ek Bums 1nnouncin1 1 dance
marathon. 0 Divorce Court (C) (30)
fJ @ Cl) a> rut '"' (C) (30) (R) "Shake Hinds ind Come Out
Actin1." Hoodlums interfere when
Ann tries lo help boxer Tony Hanis
study drama. Billy De Wolfe •nd
Scoey Mitchlll auest.
I To Tefr the Truth (C) (30)
WalllnctH In Review (C) (30)
Pn•itf (C) (2 hr) "Historl1 de
Dos Pilletes."
1:05 EE Tel .. Revlsta Mlllkal (55)
1:30 B 9 @ m holllide (C) (60)
(1ij "The Wron1 Time. the Wrona
Place." An asplrin1 youn1 actress
becomes 1n unwillina p1rticip1nt In
Chief Ironside's search for bank rob·
bers. Tiffiny Bollln1 auests.
I IOli~ (C} (90) @cv m 1tw1tt1tect <C> c3o>
( ) "S.m1nth1's Secret Is DllC.OY·
ered." Sim reveals 'She is e witch
•nd is reprimanded by the Witches
Council. m David Frost Sltow (C) (90) Ger·
ri Gr1n1er. Brook Benton, Telly Se·
val1s. Count 81Sie ind Ch1r1le Cal·
las piest
Q) nat'a PNllOl'aplly? (C) (60)
2 .
I sic
I Ce
UI tat
It· Ir.
Jt 1n
I a
eil) NET Playtlouse (2 hr) "Rosmer·
·.sholm." Enaland's Dame Pero A5h·
croft and Norweaian star Knut Wi·
1ert pl1y the leadlna role.s in lb·
sen's d•rk story of a former cler&Y·
m1n's stranae bond with Ms
houHkeeper. An 18-mln. bl1ek &
white fllm, "Mamako's Bauaae."
completes the proaram.
9:00 II 9 Ci) CIS Tllu'*1 Movie: (~ "fie TttMtiln Affair" (suapense)
'67~obert Va11ahn, Elke Sommer,
Felicia Farr, Kart Boehm, Boris Kar·
lot. Arriving In Venice to cover the
For mornin1 and afternoon
listings, please see DAY.
for your convenience, are
the day's movies.
killing of the deleaates to a world 8:30 0 (C) "Wiii succm S,Oil h4
pe1ce conference, a New York re-Hunttf?'' (comedy) '57 -Jayne
l)Orter finds himself the taraet of M•nsfield, Tony Randall.
forel.an aaents, blackmailers and IS· 9:00 e .... "' No An1el" (musical) '33-
sassins. Cary Grant. Mae West. . D@rna> Tom Jones (C) (60) 9:30 fJ "Tllree on a SprH" (comedy)
(Jij PaurAnka, Joni Mitchell and '61-Jack Watlin1. Carole Lesley.
Geor1e Kirby 1uest. m "P111dile Aller'' (eomedy·dra· EE Natadla (~) ma) '61-Huao Haas, Marie Wind·
9:30 ~ tD@m Dr~cnet (C) (30) (R) i·oo ~ ·~1:~ ~~·s Millions" (com-·~1-Nappers." friday and Gannon • ~ • search for 1 P•ir who steal dop out edy) . 48-Robert Stack, Wanda
of p1rtled cars and then collecf high Hendrix. . ., rew1rds by returning them. m ~1ep1n1 Car to TriHtt (mys-
0 ID Ntw1 (C) (30) 2:00 ~)(C:~a~i:;n~r:mbe~~~i
10:00 B fD@ 8' Dlln Martin (C) (60) field" (drama) '53-Richard Egan, W Jimmy Stewart, Leslie Uuams. Dana W~nter.
Dom Deluise, Danny loekln, Albert II) "Tales of Adventure'' (adven·
Brooks and Jan Daley 1uest. ture) '54-0on DeFore. 1J m""" (C) (60) 4:301J (C) "Istanbul" (adventure) '57 D (i1) Cl) OJ Tiie Survivors (C) -Errol Flynn, Cornell Borchera.
(60) (R) Jeff leaves home and 1oes
to live with. Tom end Sheila, Tracy
and Philip learn Baylor has only sill
months 1o live and Baylor chan1es his will.
0 I 191 (C) (60)
I lur•t's law (60)
Tres Vidas DlsUntu (30)
Horoscopo con ti ProfuMr Hor·
anrel (30)
10:30 fll) M11ina def Rey (C) (30) Boatlna
facilities available to the public are
&I) Ml Maabv (30)
a!) AQul Tru htlnts (30) ll:OOlu>Ft:::: ~~~ Ont lfep Beyond
@ Cf) (E) N... (C)
• Call Of tbt Wnt (C)
Movie: (C) "From tllt Elrtll to
Moon" (sci·fi) '58-Joseph Cot·
ten. Georre Sanders. OJ Ht Said, Slit Slid (C) fE Waslllniton In Revltw (C) (R)
11:15@ (j) Clnttu Sevtntltn: "Lydia."
11 :3019 Cl) Men 8riffin (C) · QI @ m JollnnJ Canon (C)
Movie: '°hplltrd of tlte Hills"
(drama) '41-John Wayne, Betty
8 Gl Didi Clvttt (C)
Movie: ''Tiit June!• Flpt''
(drama) 161-Richard Todd, Laur·
enoe Harvey. l!J Movie: ''Tlte Man I Manltd"
(drama) '4~Joan Bennett. Lloyd
1:001) Movlr: (C) "Hell's laland" (dra·
ma) ·5>-John Payne, M11y Murphy.
Cl D News (t) II) Movie "Tmor Is a Man" (hor·
ror) '60 -Francis Lederer, Greta
1:30 II Co••11nltJ lulletln loatd (C)
2:00 m All·Nlelrt Sllow:· "Honor Hotel," ·~uh of Siience," "Wrestlln& Wo-
men vs. the Allee Mummy."
2:30 fJ Ntw$/Cln Ua Tlais 0., (C)
f' V E N I N f,
6:00 I ~ News (C) (60) · m Huntley·8rinkley (C) (30)
Ca11 You Top This? (C) (30)
onte Hill, Soupy Sales, Morey Am·
sterdam guest. D Six O'Cloa Movie: (C) "7ttl
&airy" (western) '56-Randolph
Scott. Barbara Hale, J. C. Flippen,
Frank Faylen. A captain in General
Custer's famed 7th CavaJry is un·
able to prove he was not a coward
for havina left the party on the eve
of the fateful massacre at Little Big
I f Troop (30)
Tiie Fllntstonu (C) (30)
Star Tr .. (C) (60)
(I) AIC Ewtnin& News (C) (30)
fiars New? (C) (30) "Cape
I Cl) cas NtwS (C) (30)
f'ueblo Sin Esperanza (30)
Teltfo de 111 &trell11 (30)
News In ttlt Round (C) (60)
6:30 ltNIC Newstrviet (C) (60)
Virainia Gralaam (C) (60) Guests
discussing abortion are Polly Ber·
gen, Sen. Vincent Yano. State Sena·
tor for Hawaii; Dr. John Gwynn,
abortionist; and his lawyer, Andrew
Krappman. fJ The Q1m1 eame (C) (30) Greg
Morris, Rona Jaffe and Dennis Cole
auest. I ~ favorite Maltian (30)
f'eny Mason (60)
6 Huntley·lrinkley (C) (30)
Law fOf tM 70. (C) (30) "Nee·
lirence and Llablllty Without
(f) Tbt Munttars (30) · Notid~ 3" (C) (60)
• KMIR Dtttrt Report (C) (30)
• Future (30)
• lllleplna G111r1Mt (C) (30)
7:00 CBS Ewnlna News (C) (30)
• Wbara My lint? (C) (30) Soupy
Sales. Jo1nna Barnes and Bert Con·
vy aueat,
m I Love Lucy (30) Kenneth Mars guests as Albertson.
11),8 .. t Ult CloO (C) (30) Greteh· m Tiit David frost Show (C) (90)
en ~er auests. Olio Preminaer, author Wllllam
@ ltJ CifttMa Sllowcue (C) (90) Styron, B. B. Kina and Carmen
"Sierra." Audie Murphy, Burl Ives. MacRae auest.
ell) Tiit Frtndl Qef (C) (30) (R) m f'ortr11t of a Star (C) (60)
"Veal and lamb Kidneys, Sauteecl il81tbar1 Stanwyck."
and Flambeed." I Tiit Ntwlical MUM 'C) (30) (R)
I Ci) Truttl or Con11ct111nca (C) Los Beverly de Peralvlllo (30) flit American .Wnt (C) (30) t:OO tff (f) CBS fridly Movie: (C)
Shnplt•t11tt Marla (55) • ... 11 Flv..0" (drama) '63-
Tllat &itl (C) (30) Jack Lord, Nancy Kwan, Lew Ayres,
7:30 9 (j) ett S•lft (C) (30) (R) Andrew Dugan, Leslit Neilsen.
Mu and99 Infiltrate the 1t1ff of a Story cent•rs tround the leader of
radio Station which KAOS Is uslna a apeclal invtstiaetive unit of the
to pau secret Information. Hawaii state aovemment n m.Hl&fl Cbapa11al (C) (60) (R) M Tiit llnin (C) (60)
''New Hostess in Town." Victoria is a> Here Co1111 1111 8rldt1 (C)
kidnapped by outlaws and forced to ) (R) "The She·Bear." Robert
work as a cantlna weitrns. Jim Cummings guests as Lottie's ex·
Davis guests. husband who goes to Seattle lo &I Tiit Movie Ga•e (C) (30) Marty blackmail her.
Alfen, Peter lupus, and Grea Mor· @ (]) FrldaJ Movie (2 hr) "300
ris compete with Polly Sersen, S rtans."
Martin Miiier end Kent McCord. : David Sussklnd (C) (2 hr) 0 ID rn EB Tiit n,tna Nun (C) Hoy (30)
(30) (R) "Armando and the Pool • Natacba (60)
Table." Sister Bertrille Is given an 9:30 • m Newa (C) (30)
old pool table for the con11ent and • lfcidt11 ~till (30)
one of the orphans decides he wants 10:00 9 Cl) m lradltn's World (C)
to become 1 pool, hustler. ( ) (R) "The Money Men." 811 fJ MUUon $ Movie: "The Power money moves In to challenge Bratk·
1nd the Prize" (drama) '56-Robert en as head of Century Pictures at
Taylor. Burl Ives. Story of human the same lime Sylvia Caldwell quits
di&nity. ethlc.s and love. as well as the studio to marry a banker.
the thirst for power that moves some IJ tD News (C) (60)
to use others for their own ends. 'fl.l lovt, A11ttdean Styft (C) m Trutll or Con11ctutt1ett (C) (30) (60) (R) "Love and the Fly" fea· m 1 •ec•AtJ Tiit Fabulous Sidles: tures a nealecled wile who gets at·
1964 ( ) ( ) Highlighted is the tention by adopting a house fly as
year of the topless boom, the Ton· a pet. and stars Darren McGavin,
kin Resolution, the murder of three Suzanne Pleshette, Herbert Rudley
Civil Riahts workers, the Johnson· and JamH Mlllhollin; "Love and
Goldwater camp•i&ns, the tra1ic the Miiiionaires," about 1 low·ln·
Alaskan earthquake, the Invasion of come couple devoted to playtnr the
the Beatles, the New York World millionaire game, stars Forrest Tuck-
Fair, and Khrushchev deposed in the er. Jane Kean and Jonathan Harris;
USSR. and ''Love and Double Trouble'' fE 8* Belt (C) (30) "Carnival." stars Sean Gurison. Pamela M.i·
by Arthur H. Lewis, is sympathetic aon. Malachi Throne. Steve Franken,
took 1t America's oldest form of Johnny Brown and Joanna Phillips.
entertainment. • f'tlllbin'1 P9ople (C) (90)
I Estafa de Amor (30) lurle's Law (60)
7:55 Cuation de Staundo• Trn Vidas Dlstintls (30)
8:00 9 Ci) Ht and Stlt (30) (R) • Ttl•ClntlH 40 (2 hr)
Dick and Paula Hollister obtain an 10:30 Mi Maestro (30)
unlisted .number to avoid wrong· 11:00 9 (j) News (C)
number harassment, then can not @ @) m News (C)
remember it. One Stee fk1ond
I Diffret Court (C) (30) (flj (]) rQ) Newt (C)
@ (I) &) The Brad} Bunch Ciil of tflt Wnt (C)
( ) (30) (R) ''Brace Yourself." Mar· Movie: "Daisy Kenyon" (ro·
cia is convinced that $he Is urly mance) '47-Joan Crawford.
with braces on her teeth. I Ht Said, Slit Said (C) (30) m To Tell tllt Trvtb (C) (30) : Tiit F0tsyte S11a (R) fE Cineposium (30) "Who Bravely Esta Notht a Las Onet
Dares" a11d "Be Yourself" are two 11:15 CI) Cinema Stventetn: "foxes
cartoons by animator Sam Weiss. of Harrow."
I lucecltl (C) (30) 11:3011 ~ Merv Griffin (C) 8:05 Luella Libre (55) • m Johnny Canon (C)
8:30 Cit) Cl) Hoaan's Heroes (C) (30) ow : iifotlntdown to 0oo .....
) Col. 1Uink becomes a victim of i ~rama) '67-Georae Ardisson.
thJ ruthless sergeant (Miiton Seim) Q) Dick Cavett (C)
he hes Installed at Stalag 13 to • Mowlt: "Tll• Bride and tlle
discipline his raata& war prisoners. ••.-:horror) '58-Charlotte Aus· D t2l @ m Name of tbt G1111e tin, lance Fuller. ~ (90) (R) "Island of Gold and i Movlt. (C) "Tunt1 of lltrr"
Precious Stones." Jeff Dillon and rama) '60-Alex Guinness.
Pea&Y Maxwell (Tony Franciosa and • Notlclero 34 (C) Susan Saini James) are sent on the 1:00 Movie: "Voice In tllt MlrtOf"
trail of some missing millions when (drama) '58-Richard Eaan.
one of the world's richest men dies Cl 0 N"n (C)
leavinr only I small estate. m MOiiie: "Toupnt lun In T•••· I Zane Gr~Tlltatre (30) ttone" (western) '53--0eorae Mont·
@ (j) ' Tiie Ghost altd Mrs. imtry, Beverly Tyler. Ir (C) ( ) (R) "Tourist, Go 1:15 C.••unlty llitletJn ... r• {C)
Home.'1 The Jhost protests when 2:GO All·Nlpt Sllow: ''The Extra
Carolyn and Claymore work to make Day.'' "Bell, Book and C•ndl•.''
Schooner Bay a tourist attractiOn. and "House or StranaetS.''
,. .. 17
m Movie: "The Great Adventure
(adventure) '54-Arne Sucksdorff,
Anders Norborg.
• C1ncionu y Mll!ica
JULY 11 • • Panorama Latino
The FUN way ... The SAFE way
Th e LINK way
• Link Simulators •
• Teenage Classes •
• Pre-Driving Instruction Courses •
-• J 9 70 Air-Conditioned Dual Control Cars •
9:30 ! ~ Dastardly l Mutt111 (C)
· 6 m Banana Splits (C)
1 ED The Hardy Boys (C)
6:00 I Cisco Kid • Cuerdas y Gultarras
6:25 Glwt Us This Day 10:00 Q!1 (j) Wactiy Raus (C)
6:30 Summer Semester (C) "The @ ~ lE ~ Hawks (C)
Image and Its Speech." Or. George • Mowtt: (?) Seven Men from Weber. Now" (western~ '56 -Randolph
6:55 m Morning Pray« Scott, L~~ ~arv1~. ,
7:00 fJ OdJSSlf (C) "Today's Biological ~ Movie. 'Yaqui Drunts' (western)
Revolution " Dr Bernard Strehler 57-Rod Cameron.
@ G) Gulliver (C) · · .. ,.
~~ Free home pick-up 7 days a week
~~~ Link or1v1ng centers
• 0~· m ·Htckle l Jeckle (C) l0·301 1P.ueblofE~~nza(C)
Mr. lshbont (C) · • 6 m The Fllntslon~ (C),.
7:30 Dusty's TrHllouse (C) ~ovie: ~heers fOf Miu B11hop §~:m Smokey the Bear <C) (drama) '41-Marth Scott, William
1·00 fhe Jetsons (C) Gargan.
,... 18
. 6 m Here Comes the 0 @ ~ tm Geor&t of the Junll! Gru~ ( ) m Mme: "Tiit Three MusUtttrs
I (!1) @ &) Catanoop Cats (C) (adven.ture) '35-Walter Abel, Paul
Storybook Time Lukas. Margo Graham.
Tiles of Wells Fargo 11 :00 fl I (j) Archl Collledy Hour (C)
1:30 9 (j) lup Bunny /Rold Run-0 @ m Major Lape Base·
ner Hour J C) ball ~)
19 00 m Pin11 Panther (C) 0 ffll Cl)(!) Get It ToaetMt' (C)
6Mpus Profile a:l Fiest.I Me1icana
. Movie: (C) "Terror oftht Tonp" 11:30 O @C3'l (!) Alntrican lanclstancl
(hOl'ror) '61-Geoffrey Toone, Yvon-tl> Dick Cfa!lt hosts. . " ne Monlaur fJ Movie: Silver Whip (western) m Cisco Kid '53-0ale Robertson, Rory C1lhoun. m Movie: Hlad&• of Marsllal Bren· m ~ovit: ''Tiit llldl Wllip" (west·
nan" (western) '57-Jim Davis, Ar· ern) 57-Hugh .Marlowe.
leen Whelan. /\f i fRNnn·. 9:00 0 @ 00 m H. R. Pufnstuf (C)
B'Movlt: "The Battf• of Chief
Pontiac'' (western) '53-lex Barker, 12:00 I QiJ (!)TIM Monk• (C)
Lon Ch•'!!Y· Helen Wescott. ftltro f1•illar 0 @ CV a> Hot WIMeCs (C) · • Dra1111 de la Senlan1
Most men consider Bob Barker one of lhe luckie'>t men in the world. A nd he 's
incl ined to agree:
Next Saturday night (July 11 ), handsame, genial Bo b will lead 68 of the world's
most beautiful women through 90 minutes of frantic activity which will culminate
with selection of one as "Miss Universe:· for the comi ng year.
"Men figure I'm luck y because I get to be on-stage with a ll tl)ese lovely young
ladies," BoQ observes. '"But I figure I'm lucky because I don't 'have to pick the
wi nner."
Bob confides, however, that menially he makes.his own selection-and has done so
ever since he first started emceeing the Miss U.S.A. and Miss Universe pageants
four years ago.
"I'll never tell whether I was right or wrong." Bobs say~ with a grin, "but I c:an
truthfully say that the o ne l consider to be the most beautiful woman I have ever
seen in m y life was a winner. But you can't pin me down as to which year that was."
The current Miss Universe is Gloria Diaz of The Philippines. Among those vying.
for her title in the televised competition (IO· I I :JO P M, CBS, pre-empting Mannix)
will be the new Miss U.S.A .. Debbie Shelton. June Lockhart will be on hand as
In spite of the honors, the recognition and the rewards which go with the Miss
Universe title, Barker says he has only sympathy for lhe winner. She faces a year
or global travel. she will be treated like royalty and then, 12 months later, the bubble
bur~ts. •
"Many enter with high hopes of becoming television or motion picture stars
through winning the contest," Barker says, "bur in time they learn that beauty alone
is no t e nough. They find it impossible to rnmpete with young girls who, alt ho ugh
only pretty by beauty standanls. have the years of voice and dramatic training
which make them much bette r equipped for l.'areers as actresses.
"It must be difficult, indeed, to turn over your crown al the end of a year and
go home to a life of being an cx-M iss Universe.
"Bu.t, of course. no one ever enters a race or a contest of any kind with the idea
of losing. You go in intending to win."
Barker says he sympathizes wi th the non-winners who huvc their hopes shattered
by the results of the final eliminations.
"I tell them they might be the best off aft er all. They have shared a wonderful
expe rience and n9w they can pick up where they were before-with their family
and friends--t:ont inuing school. their cnrcl.'rs or .whatever they were pursuing."
, ..
g. »
·12:3089(1) Penelope Pllltop '(C) "recently departed" women-one an
Mtwlt: "Tiit lat Outpost" (dra-aalna delicatessen owner and the
ma) '3S--C.ry Grant, Claude Rains. other a youthful, unfortunate secre-
Gertrude Michael. t1ry. Durlna their final hours ot a Mevle: "Stl(tCNCh" {western) urthly suspension, both women are '~John Wayne, Claire Trevor. visited by their respective mourners IQ Movie: "Cunp Din" (drama) '39 and are faced with a reality· they
-Cary Grant. Y1ctor Mclaalen, were unaware of durlna their life.
Doualas Fairbanks Jr., Joan Fontaine. Lillian Adams and Jessica Myerson I Cl) Jlldj LJ11n SMw (C) star.
jiiul Clrl (C) D Mevlt: "Union ~ (westem)
1:00 tJl(I) Superman (C) '39 -Barbara Stanwyck, Joel Mc·
Mtwlt: "As Yt11111 As Ytu F1tl" Crea.&.. Robert Preston.
(drama) '62-Monty Wqoley, Jean I "aaon Train (C)
Peters. · lllliatlt ~)
G) Mowit: "Rtlttl In Town" (west· Mowlt: "Sin Frandaco story"
lern) i"""si!:=::Ruth Roman. I~ j?-: = (:,..,.
R (C) (C)
1:30 (I) .lollly Qltlt (C) Vartedadts Musical• ,
the 1969 Rams vs. San Francisco
49ers aame is seen. ·
I Naztl (C)
Lona Jtlln SllVec (C)
(]) ltlf All·A11erlcan Teall Spt·
cial (C) fD feature (C) "MARK -Some·
thin& About Communications." S CJ) II& Mtvlt: USttlla." Ann
SherTcfan, Victor Mature. 8' Quest ftr Adwetlturt (C)
4:55 9 00 Art Instructions <C>
5:00 II Ifs Acldt11lc (C) Competlna
hlih schools are frenklln (Los An·
a~lei!s~, ~ills Hlah (Covin~ and Tem·
Htllywood Coktcup
Race (C)
· fiin 1111: "Destination 60, 3:001 Ji• l11t•a, o..._,. (C) ! 000" and "Hercules Aaalnst the ~ (C) • •
Sons of Sun." • Fllt•t (C) "Aaalnst ,.
2.:001 Daly's TreHouse <C> the
D (I) alJrJtillL°'-tfLCo~lf (~)
Ftnal round Of play, telecast via sat·
ellite from The Old Course, St. An-
drews, Scotland. Tony Jacklin Is de·
fendina champion.
I I In (C)
Mewtt .,....: "Mint Own Ex·
laltJoMr" (mystery) '47-Buraess
Meredith, Kleron Moore. 0..... feature: "Tiit .,.... ~-Aptlt" (drama) '63-Marina Vlady, ta Plctlrt (C)
Robert Houeln. "TIM ldm Mtro dtl Sebado
MtMlftt" (dra .. ) '49-James Ma· 3:15 @ Fllblrt Fii• (C) "little
son, Join Bennett. . • Marti Stevens. Rhonda Aem-D Mewtt: "TIM flcldina Cuna" Ina.
(drama) '55-Julie London, Rod 3:30fJ Mtwlt: (C) "Dnt• Beat'' (ad-
Camtron. venture) '55--Alan Ladd, Marisa 9 00 Farm Slltw (C) Pavan, Audrey Dalton, Charles Bron-Qt Cf) Sltlrdly Dotlblt ftltln: '°"· .......... "Louis Pasteu(' and "Juarez." D M..W. "TIM llacl ... Ir" (dra· 8' SM tM USA (C) ma) '49-Robtft Cummlnp, Arl"n GI> .. 1ta.1 Tlttltrt (C) Dahl, Richard Basehart.
No Flowers." A bltterawtet comedy 4:00 • l1lt ...,.,.. (C)
l" . ~
loy (Martta ~ capt.ftt a
crlmblal (Ron R ) wttb die aid
of a polke lwllcGPter In "Amo," an
epilode of Adam-Ut.S.turday, July 11 al 8:31 PM on ~BC.
fD l1lt Wotid of Tiit AMftun
CrlftllNn (C) "The World and Wor1'
of Barbara Scuponl," jewelry and
mltal wortltrs, art mmlned hr the
ruatd New Hampstilre sttcoast
wtlert aht livts and works.
mhttr Mt fl) Heb Notl Wit1t lob and His Pup-
pets IU Ci) Hip Qaparral (C) fD Fiiturt (C) "Under 30: Dissen-
sion In the Rinks." II> fltbol·Socctf (C) Czechoslovakia
vs. Brazil. VI' llorlta of Sucaa (C)
5:3011alpll St.offs lts Anplts (C)
by playwri&ht Joel Ensana. that foe· I IMe 1J1cJ
2:30 8 ..,.._,,. W........, (C) "Pleue ITrawl th Wtftd (C)
uses on the hilarious happenlnp in Ht Slid, si.. Slid (C) 4:15 ""'/ lldlf I ... Pwtr(C) I MIC NtwltfYla (C)
Md1Mt11 N..,
l1lt ltll ~ Sllw: Two and
one·half hours of film and Inter· vttws. a slumber room betwMn a pair W11J Dre .. ? 4:30 ltl• Adlo11 (C) Hllflliahta of
TIME TO .. ........................... ,,. .. _ ... p,....._......_ ......... ..
............................. _ ...................... pN .. ,.. _ ... ...., .................... .., _ .,._..,_, ....... ...
Ulllelt .............. , •• ,1111 .. ,_ ..... ·• N,_eet-.Ceee ....... .
AC•••l...e. ... Ith& l•tiJ-... ~................... •9•• 110011 ADDITION .... .... ... ,,.
--~ ... ir ..... _ ...... _... ••• _ .. 11 ........ ~ ..... ............................. , ·-~--··--.. -~.
• ......... .::. ......... • Lltlfl......._ • ............... • ClllllllP_... • ....... ............... •Llllll ...... . ..... ,.,_ ,........... ••• .c ......... . ·~=-= ......... c..-r. ,.... .......... • •t1\•• ........ -
YOll g•t the d•aign ft.-Wi1y you ""''t hove to be wN yOUr
will be Iii.cf o!Mf prap~ed to mfff your apoc• needa...ctly-
ond to m-'g• With ttie building •¥• of yo11r home. 0p9fllng• ~°"
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flll IOO• DlleG,. furniture orr~ngem•11•. Ooott. windows, st•ps ond .tKlric oulleta
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Here's the "hi&h performance" ma·
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