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1970-07-22 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
• 1EOontai_11. Valley t . V~. 61, NO. '17.f, ~ SECTIONS, ~2 PA~ES ' . . ~ '\ I MEADOWLARK WARBLES ALONG, WHIL E ANONYMOUS NllGHabRS SINCJ -tH'i!' 'Btu!s - Meadowlark's Night Flyers Raising Ire New runway pavement and ligtlll for ;# Jlylnc at -lark Airport have rMlnc!led an old COll!lict between north Hun!io(ton Beadl homeowners and . a!!?"operalon.o · The 'antkifport effort was renewed UUJ week with the circulation ol a peti--. ' tion <UDpWninc about an alleged Jlll).{oat utenaion of thJ runway and Ille -.tioa ol night lilhts. II W8' ~ Oll)y" by •1mtertsted homeowners" ...i are..-aloal Heil Aveoue behind l!Je lirt>ort- . : "It does look like 111 illegal eztension ol the airport to me," Jack Cleveland, lM!ildinl tlittd« for Huntmctoo Beach, •id tllil iliOnung. . Jotm Turner, who oper1le1 Meadowlark, sajd today t.be alleged "ex- tension" was no more than ·~tbt pave- !lllbt of 1 tedim el. the old nmway,'' ...! 1i1J11o ~re. inslallecl, "for safety .......... i'umer llddod tilot liiere hod ·-niabt flymc 11 lbe aillat for ....,. time. cte'Ve)Jnd e'splained tbat when jfeadowiark was annexed· to the city About IM8 it Wit allowed as a non-con- tormlng use, thus requiring dty approval tor any chlOgeS. · "I 1111nk Ibo Meadowlark people will f.a.le to 10 before the cily Pllnn!ng E:ornm•ion to solve this ti~ IDd extensloo problem," aeveland added. )le said his depuU\ieot 'Is c:t.ecking the, complaints of ~e residents in the area about alle~ problems from ihe new work on the nmway. ''It's something new to me when the bllliclmc department '""" in and tell• man be can't put my asphalt on NI' property,'" Turner replied. .Turner said both improvements were made to make the aif1)0rt safer for Iha. flying public. "'Ibis is the only airport in Orange O>unty that's completely self-suffK?e~l. Not one penny in tu money or 1ubs1d1es 1oes to support Meadowlark," Tur~er aaid angrily. "People who are worried obout tues should think of that." .. Not one of these complaining homeowners or homeowners' groups has approldled me about any problem," Turner said, acmitting he kne"'. of the petition. "I don't know who 1s com- pWnini or oending this petition arOOhd ." 1be peUtioo tells about the runway paving and night ligbls, then claim• both items cauae airplanes to fly lower Over Heil Avenue, greater interference with televisioo sets, more nolte, dirt mt dllllt and create 1 greater buard lor "'""'"1Cling -... Votronlcs Selected Coast Cities May Get New Votif!g Machines By TOM BARLEY Of .. Mib' ........ A sharply divided Orange County Board of Supervi9ors today lgroed to .,. lbe Cubic ' Votronics vote rounting syste~ in the Nov. 3 General ~lecUon. It wu indicated that communities along the Orange Coast inay be voting on the new machines in November. The board voted 3 lo 2 to hire the Cubic Company on a one time trial basi! for a $60,000 fee. Supervisora will then have 60 days In which to purCbase or reject the $1.7 million voting system. Supervi!on O.vid Baker, ·Alton E. Allen and William Hirstein backed the PnlJlDS•I submitted by County Cle;k William E. St John. Supervisors Robert Battin and William Phillips voted no. St John's recommendation was the one adopted in the majorjty Teport or an Orange County Voling SysteD11 Tuk force wbicb took two years' to eDmioe ·==-~:"".:·~ •PPointed task force bec:atne apparent when • -ol itlr memben dral1ed • D!ll>orllY rep! <alllng for tlli counly'f •dotltlon Of equipment manufactured by the Automatic Voting Machine CompanyJ It was evid!nt·from board discuuion today that AM\1'1 failure to prOvide • recount of any county vote wu a prime fador tn the rejection of the company's offer. SI John uplained today that be will now use the CUbic equipment for about hall ol the Oraqe County vote In the November e1ecUon. Blclling the 31).lwed macbinel wW be restored and renovated Coleman Elec- tronic co.un~ systems which will .take over vote couottµg chores 1n the central 'portiop of. the county. CUbic equipment. wiU be used to tally votes in outlying" county areas, among, them the coastal communities. Supervisor Saker led lbe move to accept the Pl.lbic 0 offer ol a Nov. 3 trial run with the comment that the ~firm's :ability to provide' an. immediate recount Was "vital in any Orange County election. ' "We are behind ttie times here in Orange Count)r," he .said. ''We mll!t Jet t~ peoP;le show lll what i tlJey f:1n!°~·~~~:~ Bui lllittlft -itl>ei-.t -. .. '"'*kine 8!lil blr ... ~ ........ )i!lio lO'J ~ ii• ~'-L ..... ha1"'.'• offer io use ...-.; ecprlpment 1bsolutely free ol cbarp." I Batt~·s ~ WU· to ~ offer by the Shoup Voting Maclilne CompallY to provide 200 mach!nea fer ute Jn the Navember election at no expenae to the COWl(y. It brought tht comment ·from Bater: "It has been my king up«ience Jn many years on this board that you never get anytbine free." Judge Slaps Gag Rule On 'Devil' Murder Trial By ARTHUR R. VINSEL OI' 1M Deltr ...... ltmff A court~rdered gag rule which js .almost a carbon copy cf that imposed on the Sharon Tate-Manson Family murder case was clamped onto Orange County's alleged "devil cult" killings Tuesday. Judge James lo~. Judge concluded pro- ceedings for four among five persons indicted by the Orange County Grml Jury by ~gning the thick document at his Superior Court bench. His order is believed to be. tbt finl in Orange County blltoey. The judicial order specifically forbids any and all principals -from pro- secutibn and defense attorneys tc police and clerical aides -from di.scusalna the case outside court with the press. Gruesome disclosures about the alleged sacrifice to Satan of parts oC the mutilated corpse of Mission Viejo schoolteacher Mrs. Flcrence N. Brown, 31, were anMIDll potentially damJ&ing ""1UllllDbr menli<med earller. Stephen C. Hurd, II, a long-hal...t def-named in -UOO with both Mn. llmrn'• -murder incl the , ... GAG JWLE, .... I) Lit~Je Leagues • Ill • ,. , WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1970 TEN CENTS'· I ' I l I ' ' ' ' . . ' Arabs Seize Jet ., ' .. ·-~· • Guerrillas Demand Prisoner Relea.se ;- ATHENS (UP!I -Sjz Arab prrUlu today aelled an Olympic Airways jetliner wllbllperlODlabnanfand- to blow k up ii ..... Arob guerrUlu were not rtleued from AU!em· jails, Honn !Iller they bepn relMsin& the , ....... IOIDt of tbelr demands ·~ pamllly met. -Ar1llolle Onulil, owuer ol Ol1mPI< Aitwaya, ollered blmsell u a .... !age for the -at one point but the guerrlliN refuiecl and demanded U. atsad lbal a high oUlclal ol the Greek gOl(Or1811ent llCCOIT!pany tl>em liaclt to Beirut wbere the flfabt originated. Deputy Premier Styllanos P1ttakoa persooally negotiated with the guerrfU.. by r1dio from the Athens control tower and wu reported to have persuaded them to reduce their demands. Shortly afterwal<is the guerrUlu be1an releasing the puseQgen two by two. Onus1' lped to the airport in the Seal Beach Staff May Face Purge By RUDI NIEDZIEL&KI Of llie ..... Pllt l..., Three membera of the new Seal Beach City Council appear bent Oii. • • hoQseclelnlng of the city ltaH -• purge which m->' well air some dirty laundry before it's over. Caught in the wringer are all members of. city bOanls and oommlalons, the city's IU million budget and apparenUy Lee Risner. cM;y manaaer of the •aside resort-for the past four..a.nd-a-hilf-yean. ln a,JW'Pri~.move at Monday ·night'1 ~ ti tile cl\y ~I. veteran coun- cilman· floawav "· Fuhn-.li, an el· 'r. · DC)l-~ea"'!i; Called for -~~ 'J£.t ecUtlve .sellitil on a • -Fubrman, ..... '!• .....,.w lo bis "lQuesl by Mayor "Mor11!B llalim Ind Councilman Thom~-· Jald hi• intent is to re-ev te lbe entire city pvemmental ltr'Uctiitt. ~ Thoac O(IPQled•,... ~I Lloyd Gumm.ere and Bai'o&d Hotden. "The pllnning -and tho olher boanil In my optnfon could have been mme attentive to what our laws are," .said Fuhrman. ''This bas not always been the cue. There have been too many variances which shouldn't have been graated.'' One of t:bese, according to Fuhrman baa -been • cOntroveraial SOO-unit swing~ ing singles apartment complex, the R&B development, for which. the ordinan- ces were allegedly bent so that it could be COllltructed. "The development was a violation of fll.lr own ordinances, but the planning commission went for it 100 pereent," The budget freeze, Fuhrman claimed, is needed so that the newly elected councilmen will have a chance to review all lhe expenditures approved by the old council. "We feel that before we can say the budget ii cmcrete we should have a rtgbt to go through it," said Flft"man, who claimJ tho budget wa1 pa•led by a "lame cjttck" council. 'l1le tnqullitioo inlo city operation& - an umecceuary and foolish task, ac- , ... SEAL ·BEACH, Pap I) Windup • morning shortly llter the bijacking and tallced with tl>e gnerrlllu over the airport control radio. He returned in the .af- ternoon for a· second cmversation, shortly before the situation bepn e11lng. 'Ibe guerrillu were armed with mach!MgWll and hand grenlldel and threatened to blow up the plane with all on ,board unless 'Greece freed. their comrades, jailed fer terroristic 1ctlvitles apinlt llrael. · They flral demanded that Grtece reJeaae two Arabs scheduled to go on trial Friday for a bomb explosion at llie l'1&eli El Al airlines office last November. Then they demanded the release of two Arab commandos sent to priaoo tn ·March for an attack on an El Al plane in December, 11189. Government sources aaid the guerrillu agreed lo reduce their demands bu! did not say what cooceuions they had made. An official lald the auerrUlu final\Y agreed to return to Beirut • wttb a Red. Crou representaUve and the ti~' man crew aboard u hbllqea. " 'l1le plane, • Boeing.m, -rellloilOrr for. the return to Beiiiil w~ Gftlclall bepn liking Je<:Urlty meuur.t. SlmlUil' • measures also were ordired f o r : Damucus and Amman airports,. and ' presumably Cairo. ~ Airport oUiclals lald tl>e ......,.W. I wouJd Oy back to Beirut to await wonl'i oo lhe Greek govenunent'1 .decill0n Oll j the releue of the seven I~ com- mlllllkll. In the munthne tl>e 131 -n(ers were beinl relwed. - Government sourees uJd tbey tatet! reduced their demandl to immediate freedom for three commandoa and tll!I , release of 1he rest within 30 days. ~; the meantime they fned 1n Iraqi• .woman, 23, who became ill, and her husband. She was rulbed to the airport first. aid station. Sports••.•an Kil~ed · Life Ends for Glider Enthusiast • Richard Merris, 32, or HWJtington Beach pursued an active We. He loved Sparta: and waa a proficient 1lll'fer and •kier, A couple of years ago he took up a new hobby -gliding. He was thrilled by the fredom of ...,;ng lil<ntly through the air, Now that freedom ia ended. After com- pleting 13 llights, the pilot waa killed in a freak accident last weekend when the left wing of bi! &lkter fell off near Perris and he plummeted 1,000 feet. tc his death. Services were hekt for Mr. Merrill at Dllda,y • Bros. Mortuaiy-., Huntlnglon Beach, 'Tueod'-'. Cremation followed. . Mr. 'Merrti.,a ._.ie-n,,i., survl.,.P ' )>la ~-il!i"D· d ...... lillllor~ ... -........ S; father, Bruce, and brother, ~ and litter, Suaan. , . The accident happened near Penis Valley Airport. Wltneaes Jald he tried lo ball out but lbe parachute failed to open and he wu hit by tl>e lallllil craft. .. · -. Tbe glide!' landed In a grain field two miles aoutbwetll of the airport. No u.>lanation hu been &iven for the wine'• collapee. The ICcldeot ia btq inYellipted by the Fedenl Avtatine Adminlltration • Mra. Merrll said thal her husbanil went gliding ~i often 'u . poUtb'6 with the 0rwe eout Soarin&Allnclallon. "It gave.him a va? peacoM· l••lln&, • ahasaid.,. r r, •. . "He ~ all 1poi:ts, but lhll> · -W*°'"" bis~· . ... ·;--·' . ~ Valley Attorpey's Jibes Don't Aid Harbor 0.use By TERRY COVILLE , °'""'o.lr ...... ...., Is Hqnltngtoo Beach looking lof • 1avy? Fou1tain Valley City Attorney Thomas Woodruff suggested with a laugh Tuesday night that auch might be one. rea!IOn tor the current controversy over the Orange County Harbor Dfltrlct. Woodruff, a former asslalant My at- torney for Newport Beach, a llrong supporter of the harbor district. was explaining Allemblyman John Briggs' propoal lo hri>g the atatua of the harbor district too a vote ol the people. DeJplte Woodruff'• llght-harted scep- Uciarn, the Fountain Valley City Couacil voted 4-1 lo 1111pPort the Fullerlon Republican's plan for a referendum. -Brigp' harbor bill wwld allow Orange Co\mty voters to ,decide if the harbor district should stand as a 9eparate taxing •&ency or be combined with the county parka and recreoti111 department. Keneth Sampeon is CUJ'Ttntly chief of bolh the parkl department and the harbor district, bul the llrat Ill • county departmen~ while the harbor dlatrfct bl a l!'J>lrate tulng agency, "WW &rfl on record aa tte0mrnendlng dllaqluUon of this district. County Supcnilor1 have reluled, " thll bill Is our only cboloe,'1 Fountain Valley Mayor Edwin! J,.t said • ' uplain the bill ud ht said l<*ll!W. ••uun~gton BelCb. wants Its cnn:t navy ... 'l1le beach city ha• been the mnst vocal opponent of lhe •harbor ·~ claiming tt's a separate trihfi aGtticiifty and Ne..P,rt Beach-II tbO only d t,y, benefitting from it Molday alght, Hunfinglon Hach C.U., cilman Jack Green, referrin1 to Brfap' bill, aaid he fell, "there are a lot ot. indications that the county Is tryin# to bottle this thing up." Primary re1ponlib1Lity of the harbol: district is tc construct and care fc)r harbon Ind beaches along the Oranp CO.st. The diltrict buill Newport hartJcir and is currently bulldbig ud improvbja Sunset AquaUc Park and Dana Potfd Harbor. Jt is also responsible !or ~ and-a.ball miles of beach along the com including, &Biiiet, Allio, -Royal and Dana Cove beachtl. ' Brtgp' harbor vote bill Is 1et tor a hearing at 9:30 a.m., Aug. f, be!Ore the state Senate Committee 0 ;a Govenunental Or1~izatlons. ~-.. :. The anonymous petiUon suagest.s other ....,..,,.ers call the county and write Jetten to the state Bureau of Ael"Oll8utict Jo COll'lllain. 180 Top Pl.ayers From 10 Circuits in Pl.ay offs Albert Hollinden, the Olly oppo..ent of Brtga' bill, said he didn't feel a county IJ'lllllleol should be talten lo the state. 1 When Meadowlark ca.me into the city tt wu wm:ulded by bean fielda and just· a few homes. New tracts ·hive been buiH. there in the past few years 1Dd·the complaints have increased. Countian Killed -In NM Accident Frtm Wirt ~1 GALLUP, N.M. -A Westmblster man was killed Tuesday on I n t er• t a t • 'Hiahwa.y 40 just east of the Arizona 1st.ate line when his car overturned in the median divider. He wu . identified u Uenry Nowak. }1, of -Pakll Verdes Ave .. accordln& to the New Medeo Highway Patrol. His wife and two chUdren were ta kca lo a hospital in Gallup for treatment. -but the extent or their injuries Wll no! Immediately known. J •• Now that tl>e major leque all ltar• have finished their "tpecial game" it's time for the little guy1 in Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley to ahare aome ol the baseball limelight. About 180 ol them -the bes! from JO different Little Leagues -are meel· inC in all star compeUtion thil week ia Fountain-Valley. The Fountain Valley Littte Leque Is hooting U>il ,..,... Dlltrlct 55 - toomament. All weekday 1ames flirt •t 5 p.m. on the Fountain Valley field olf Ward Street, south of Talbert Avenue. Saturday games start at IO a.m. Ten teams are featured In the single elimination tournament, wlth the winner moving to tougher competllion in county. wide acUon and perhaps en to st.ate and national competition. Teams from the Fountain Valley, OCetn View N aU011al and American, Roblm!ood, Huntington Valley, Sea View, Westminlter Natlooal •nd .American. Bolsa and Stanton lltUt: leasues will compete. They'll play on tl>e diamond completed ll1f.t · unmer by the Fountain Valley Little Lelgne 'with help Crom the U.S. Navy Se.Mes at Lot .• .' Alamitos Naval Air Station. Thll year nearly %,000 boy• played liWe ~ -ll Ii! Huntinpin Beach aod FOlllllain Valley alone. Th< bat of those boys wilt match thtir rkilll on the field agahwt other league all star teams. The-following boys, lilted b)f leap, age and team were aelected for all star play ln the five leagues repre!ent- ing Huntington Beach and Foontain Vallfy: 1"11 All09rtot1 ... !~ (l11nl\J lldlfno lllttd, U, 1"11'11"1 Vinci 8_, It, Glll'l_f11 ltldrt .. .,.,,.,.., It. l"lrltel/ llo lloll:llollll, II, '*' I.Ir"' c..-... 11, 111.. l!•!'Vft. --· "· ...,_, "'' """"""' II· Ml!ti1 Miki LIYf!\1111 12. Mehl 1111'1' Mlllll'. , ~.-'"' It~. 11. '"~'"" °"" ...,..,, "" ~""'J:.:tl It, a ....... 1 ltldt WMlll'd7:i, 1', Cll'OIJ n ~ )I, .. I lrtw f • 12. c 1 r1 twtfttoll, II, GllHll11 auiM."~''='v.-,u~'f L•••t.1• 1"11 le.tr. I rl, YI I I 'IJ!M~, "' i ..... ~ "'"""."!!. ~~ ,_ OHb. n.' Mitr.1 o.v!J' tlirmon. n. ••1 111 prefer to keep local rule over this matter/' he commented. Counollmon Jolnl' Harper replied lhat, "'the harbor district is • creaUon of the .ute, that's why the atate I• involved in it now." At thbr point Woodruff Wll uked lo Alamitos Voters Nix Bond Issue Voten In the Loe: AJ1mJto1 Elementary School Di•lrlct Tuelday blmed rfown a 7kent tax override by 2,546 tc 2,181 inargtn. In lddiUon, the dlslrld failed In Ill bid tc ralae the malimum allowable Interest """ on IChool bondt from five to 11ven percent. . Lut M1rch, voter• turned down • 75dnl tax hike pro~sal by Ill vote.. ' • Local fog and low cloud• an expected 1lon1 the Oraoae Coast in the earJy morning hoµra -with buy aumhlne foJ.. ~ lowing. But the temperatures / will remain Jn the IOI. • INSWE TGDA l' A lolklng c:lllmpt y., -bul ht1 trainer ~" aM may b1 briglltf.r tMn ~ owrooc chi,m.-. J)CntfC, NCVff'thelt11, thit tn9ft·' ke11 dot• commtmiccic. Story ,. Paoc 14. - ...llllW ti CIMftnlle , .. c-CtrW ts ·~ .. , ,_ - ''""" M -" ............. ' ••Ill ' •1' Plllllltl H Meltlll9I ! ,, ,...... •tt .. ftttlMtt Ntwll I -'-"' ll ..... -"""' tt-• I or. ••*=*' tt --" ,....,.... .. ·-... -. -. ................ " MM•s..ttt II :;---.-..... ": ~ .1 ' . ' ' • ------------,...------ S 2 DAILY IOILOT H '' •. ' ·~ ..._.P .. e I ti4iEAL , BEACH • • ,...ttllig to Councilmen Llord Gummere ¥d Harold Holden -will apparenUy lllO -• tllt'dty manaaer's olllot. lllmrl bne ..,.,.Wed !or oome limo ttiat RisDer would be asked tO give up his $27,000-a-ycar job aftd many. in· eg the city manager, feel that Mon· ; ~xe;cutiye 1essioo deall with hls • • • }ititber Fubnnan nor May<'r Blum .!tt'ould say what \\'Cnt on in the closed ion. but they mad.fl it clear that ~·s position was definitely subject o view. "The 'city m.nager also serves under t h e pleasure of the c i t y council and that makes hlm subject to review," Baum said. Baum added that the mass resipalions does not mean that all board members will be dropped but they must resuQmlt their applications ror review by the coun- cil. The city manager, who says he has heard rwnors ever since the J Wle council election that 60me factions are out to get Ii.is' job, reels the executive session did ·,.. dkectly deal with hil !king .~t admitted "I have strong feelings ~\hat th~ m~y be a move for termina· nttOn. of ·my contract." , He 'iayl no official charges have been against him, but that there are be is hard to approach, arrogant at doesn't inform people of what ,,ps··golng on. . .. The generation of all the s e nmKrS 5 the worst thhtg that's happened to iJ):i}s pty~ Jn the Jut 15 yeara,11 Risner re>mm.1\111¢. Tied Vp for Sumnaer . Others, hCM'ever, view the houseclean· · l>;ing with delight: 'Ibey have COM!dered ' Annette Shipp (on ladder) and Kathy Heintz, students ~I Spring .,.Risj)er an overly persuasive man who View School in Huntington Beach, are learning the art of stri,_ng sculp-- was able Ip talk the former city council ture in a summer crafts class taught by Mrs. Barbara BeaSley. The ..,jnto rubf)ef-stamping his recom-Ocean View School District class will offer a special show of art work ~ndatlons. and projects for parents Friday. .... :.Miss Julie Dorr. a member of the --~~---~---~-------------~ii for Environmental Concern. said "the city manager is not dishonest but he is leUing. in. all these high def15itY developments." - She claims there are plans to bring high density developments into the city under the • Riverfront Redevelopment ,M.ency, a city council pdntinistered ~gantzaUon which benefits by collecting irO.pf-ovement and appreciation taxes and placing them into a special fund. ·ar.;Many ~idents·have adamanUy fought a plans for these complexes into their ~ citY, the most recent one ~ing the . o..P,i'cilic Electric R~t of Way, a narrow strip · of land planned for-apartment ~rposes. '"' 'lbe tand now iemains unzoned because ;rtr· a planning commission decision. . Jli~ Moreover, Miss Dorr claims, the city manager has refused to listen to citizen ~if4Jemands that some of the redevelopment btUnds b:.e applied toward a park. ·1;11 Harq)d Holden, a neW council member, aay's 'Risner has done "a beautiful job" .f?jllpd has brought progress to the city ~lwhil~-holding. down the taxes. ~ '!1'Je reason ! ran for office was thJt I was very happy with what he as doing. I heard rumora that certain people would want to get rid of him," said the tanner realtor. "He's installed new light.!, widened the streets and tie's got a plan for bringing high rise apartments into the city Which would provide a good tax base. Nobody could do any better." Likewise, be contends the mass resignaUon demand js .unjustified< "Our commission and board members are dedicated and good people. I've been satisfied with tbeqi, never entirely, but we can't get along without them." "l think he lust has 50me IJC'rewy Ideas." he said o Fuhrman's plans. Lloyd Gum.mere, a former mayor, said he thought the idea of the resignations and the budget freeze are "ridiculous and unheard of," Oversexed Baboons Sent to Denmark • : OSLO (AP) -The Kristiansen 1.oo in southern Norway found four baboons- one male and three female-too demon- strative sexually 11nd shipped them to Denmark, whel'e the attitude in such matters is more relaxed, Ule newspaper Verdens Gang reported. DAILY PILOT 011.AMG~ COAST PUIL,.li111NG COMPANY Rob1 rt N. W11d ' Prnldenl i ncl P\11>1>111ef · J1ck It C111l1v Vlct ,., .. ld.,,I •"" w r.cr11 M~n1ou Tko rnt • KttYil t:oaor 1~'"''' A. Mvrpt.!nt M111o18l"1Eliof0!' Al111 Dlr kin Wal 0•1"91 (aunty E~i!or . Alb1t't W, 11!1• Auoc11t1 Edl<o< Hu11th19to11 B.Hc• Offkt 11175 l11ill loul1•1rd M1ili119 Add r1111 P.O. l o• 1t0, 9264t Otller Offlcn l~-l1Hll: ~D F0<11I A-• \_. C.11 Mtlt~ )»Wei.I 9tt ~!"ti " ...... ! ltKll: 2211 Wnl l11M1 90Ult¥1•d Stn C-i.: JOS Nerlll l!I C11T1lno lhol · HB Council Goes South In Talbert A venue Dispute The Huntington Beach counci1 finally has decided the way to go on Talbert Avenue -south . The council ended months ol wrangling Monday night by adopting a compromise alignment of the eas t-west arterial through the city's 147-acre Central Park. Instead of extending the highway straight through the park and bisecting the recreation area, the road will "meander" in a southerly curve behind Huntington Lake returning to a East- west line just beyond Edwards Street. The approval brought smiles all around the council chamber as architects, traffic engineers city planners and recreation h'tterests reacted favorably to the solution Jo the drawn-out problem. 'I'tle solution was a compromise between Public Works Di~ector James Wheeler and the park architects, Ackbo, Dean,_ Auslin and Williams . of Los • Angeles. Wheeler also proposed sending Talbert traffic sOuth In a series of alternati ves he presented .to the council. The architects amended Wheeler's plan by putting a curve in the alignment so it woi.t1d run behind a hill and would be concealed from most of the park. Wheeler said fhe change was "ex- cellent"· and endorsed the architect's J>JllPOS•I. · Jn 'the plan Talbert Avenue will start to tum south from Gothard Street, run down a depr.essed area between a parking structure for the library and tbe police heliport and pistol range, cross Golden West Street and then curve behind a hill, rurming just north of a proposed three-par Ia.bole goll course .. The architects said the road would be concealed from most ef the park, noise and yisual pollution would be kept to a minimum. The road would also provide better access from the south and would tie in With the golf course layout. Development coorcliaalor Tom Severns said prospects were "bright" for ob- tai11.ing $1.S million in federal funds to offset the additional right of way costs involved with the new alignment. library architect Dion Neutra utd he liked the new route, stating it provided east-west'J"actess to the park. He noted that trafnc wouJd "meander" throulh the soutbf.rly ·portion of Ute park becauae of the curve h\ the route. . The road willr also provide a trafnc now to 'the Bol~a Chica propertiea. Hope . was.expre!sed at the meetilg that Signal Oil & Gas ComP411Y, owner of the pro- perty, mliht dOc!lcate land to the cllf for the highway. · WQeeler estimated that such dedication might be worth $200,000. Cou111cilman Norma Gibbs commented, , ''l don't feel we have to put in a road just for the Bolsa Chica develop- ment b\ five or 10 years. lf $200,000 is what it would cost, that's what we would be giving them." Huntington 'GI Wins Silver Star For Bravery Warrant officer Robert L. Parker, 21, of Huntington Beach, has been awarded the Army's Silver Star medal for bravery shown Jn the killing of 43 North Viet.- namese soldiers. Parker, a helicopter pilot attached to the Vinh Long air base, risked he a~ Y groundfire during the assault and re<:eJ!· ed minor wounds. JOINS OCEAN VIEW STAFF Bu1ine11 Aide Rajcic Firing guns on hia btlicopUr. Parker showered the enemy with bullets and killed the soldler1, beti~ to be North Vi etnamese regulars, according tG,, the Army. . . ... Since then lie was wounded ag11n m · a similar operation during which three enemy soldiers scattered from a bunker and fired their automatic rifles, plercln& Parker's right thigh. Rajcic Named To Beach Post .John M. Rajcic has been 3PJX>inted asgjstant superintendent for business services in Jfun tinj!:lon Beach's Ocean View Sdlool District. Rajcic joins O<.-ean View afte r five years as administrator in the business depa rtment ot the Orange Unified School Oistricl. Prior to Lh11t. he v.·as a business assistant fur the Newport Beach Elemen- ta ry District. Rajcic is enrolled in a doctoral pro- gram Ill Claremont Graduate. SchooJ. He holds a bacheJor1a degree from 'the University or Minne~a and a mastfr's degree from use. A form<'r teacht'r at elementary and teeandary levels, the new admlnls trator Is mattled and Ule fnthcr of fou.r dtlldron. Fully recovered, P1tker ls now on leave at his home on 8392 Saru Circle. Jlc and his wife Kathy have two children. He is a 1967 graduate of Marina HlCh School. ln addition to the newest decoraUon • be holds two Diotlnguisbed f'l11nc Crosses. 23 air medals, the Army COm- mendalion Medal for Valor, two Purple Hearts. lhe Vietnam Cro31 of G1llantl'}', and a Bronze Star. The Army has reeornmendtd 'hlm lot another Silver Slar and anoth«' ~ mendation medal. Beirut Seeks Bandil8 BEIRUT (AP) -Beirut neWJpapen reported a aang of masked hlghwaymtn ls ambushing and robbing cars oo rD1d1 near mounUiin resort., in central i... banon. The gang took $5,000 In loot hn 6evcn cars in one weekend, the repana said. '.Weary Nixon Expected . ' Prerident Plq:ii~ ~usx Cross-country Trip ·.~ 'IJ me V~TERZA -. - .. °' .. ...,, ... ...,. • AJter the talk.I In fario. Nixon will Secretary Maurice Stans, George Rom· "bol.rd Air Force bnt again for a hop ney, secretary of housing and urban de--1'resi-:Jt!Ci!&td N1"'*1'1 arrivaJ Al the W11tern Wbii!. lloutt, helicopter 2id early Friday nlibt prolili"' to he a weary day for the Chief ExecuUve alter a day ol wbirhrlnd coal-..... at> ~In the Plaint nd Rocky lllouo-taln llalel. • .! tt Sall Lake City, Utah, w-he <Will I ··• olllcl •· o1 th ~"-o1 meet with Jooeph F. Smith, the President ve opment, NN •~ ' v-ol the ·qiurch of J_.Clhrilt o1 Latter Ecooomlc Opportunity. Day Sltirt.s. 'lbe Mormon church will Next~Monday Defense Secretary Melvin be celebr,Ung ii! amual Piooetr Day Laird will fly lo San Clemente for a Friday. 'l1>e arrival wm · ... at .1;4$ dill of .~ with the Pre~t p.m. Utah time. • ' On the fbcor 1'72 defe ... ~udget. Deputy 'Ille holiday ff tbe 113rd lllllvanary Def .... $ecrolary David p~cUi.J ai!o The -1. ldteduled to urtvo , at.. ol the dio<Oveiy ol tbe Sall Lab Valley · will ~ = •..ru.m.: ~ Wbl~~ H: ; • ~.::;:m Youn1. It la a •late '< . s-~ ol-~~te w~! ~~II '""""!« Trtda 11 ldleduled to coo1u. F .-:. _, ~-~ .. join arrive --· woe. °' a ·-£ -... • • rom " ... u.ouierenct ,,u.\111:, ""' on l,IDIPIClfled subject.I wltb ftve pvernon, lilt bead o1 tho hil family for a drotHn· viii!, to tht • Tr.. JI~• will ~k their hap on Mormon Church and drOp In at • rodeo Ploaeer Day Stampede ....... hut they A ., I the tri bl k to Wulihicto ~st:t :" :t;i. alter hil mtv~ :t..:!. s::;. for the entire allalr, ,.: .;lrl:-•J!llf .Jciud; a stopover ~ '"' the South Cout. Wbile Hooae aid<I Once the party bouda the Praldentlal Denver, ,Co!ii. . • · Mid today the Nlxoni plu a jaunt jetliner 111 Utah the next lltop ,Jiu he 'l'bere,, tJje Praldellt will . ccinfer w~th uP to """1. Stadium SUnday to watch the Marine c«p. Air Statloll 'at El .~ Cl tho otate plllMllll aaencies the AopiloWaalllnctGD Seoaton bueboll Toro where tho Prelldenl' hellto"'"-wmch coatrvl f!IJ!!la for the federal Crime pme """ be al''"" for >' t.i ,...., Control and !la!• Street. Act which pro-FrJdar• alNQ bop ICl'Oll the nation ' &",\ Wern:nt:''" the bop vldes ledUal grant. for local jurisclic- wlll l!art with Can!e-Jn Farso, . Qll'Jhil latHt vlllt:to the,seuldo Spa.. lions to uparade their law enforcement NJ>., with Ibo govemon from five plains l!h villa the President wtll f<lcul 00 talU capablll_liu. . llltel -North and jlocllll Dabla, lillJ>. 'With a newly created -council Incrtued local secunty by San -. Iowa nd Nebraska. headed by John D. Erllchman. Council Clemente police tl!fs _.,., during the Secretary of the Interior Walter J. members will attempt to set federal Nlxoo visits was made possible through mckel ,bu ~, ~ to the, "•t of goall on a.priority·~ llDd will tnvolve the same act which yielded m~e ~ top aides and cabinet members in the several top-level advilen -Agriculture $140,000 to the local force this fiscal mceUng with the governors. Secretary Clifiord M. Hardin, Commerce year . From Pftfle I GAG RULE ••. beating of a Sant.a Ana service station attendant, pleaded innocent by reason· of in>anily. : He hu been lndict«I for hil Alleged role in the killings on subsequent warm June night!. His attorney, William Gamble, had ear~ portrayed him in press con· ferences u a self-styled Devil worshiper deranged by damaging d°"s o f barbiturate drugs. 'lbe thl'et-day Grand Jury hearings led to lndlctment of Hurd, plus Herman H. Taylor, 17, another transient, Christopher C. "GYP'>'" Gibboney, 17, ol Portland, Ore,, and Arthur C. Hulse, 18, of 11481 Dolan St., Garden Grove . All are held without ball for their alleged connection wilh the murder and muWaUoo of Mrs. Brown on June 3 and the fatal beating of Jerry W. Carlin, lt, the night beforo. Hurd, Taylor and Gibboney have been linked by Investigators to the slaying of Mrs. Brown, whose body was found Jn a ahallow grave off the Ortega Highway two weeks later, minus heart, lungs and left arm . Hurd, Taylor and Hulse are charged with Carlin'• murder ln a robbery - the victim's third within a month - that brought them less than $100, ac- cordlu_ to tniUal police reports. A clillnky brunette waitress, Melanie M. Daniels, 30, of Santa Ana, wu in- dicted by the Grand Jury as an accessory to both murders and a $15,000 bail wa.s 1et. Authorities expect to have h e r available for a time, however, since sbe Is 1ervlng a ~ay Orange County Jail senttoce for a narcotlca violation . Hurd was ordered brought back before Judje Judge Nov. t for a sanity bearing and jury trial, for his alleged role in the Brown and Carlin killings. Prosecutlon and defense attorneys agreed lo Aug. 7 as the arraignment date for Hulse, Taylor and Mrs. Daniels, allowing them to confer in days ahead . A bench wlll'l'ant was issued for the arrest of Gibboney, who is fighting ex- traditlon from Portland, where authorities have been urged by District Attorney Cecil Hicks to speed things up. A1Uifu1Ty practical sift. Fountain Valley· Facing ·· Boost in Cleanup Costs The cost of collecting trash in Fountain Valley is rising -but no one knows how much. · City councilmen were unable to Oetennine an accurate price Tuesday night to charge for trash collection so they asked for more details to determine a fair price. Rainbow Disposal Company asked for a 50-cent increW in its trash collection Huntington Seeks More Free Labor Huntington Beach needs a man (or a woman) to help build a city of more than 300,000 residents. f He'll need the skill of an architect, patienct or a priest. and the common sense and desires of a man who lives in the city. U .selected by the city council, the new mam will fill an empty spot on the city's planning commission. The planning col:J\lltlSsion is now short a man with the resignation of Michael Bokor, an electronics designer, who is goina: to work overseas. , , ~ Applications for the post are ava;Oable in the city administrator"s office. They should be returned by Aug. 3. The only requirements are that the applicant be a registered voter and a resident of the city for the past two years. The city council will int!:rview all air plicant.s at 7 p.m., Aug. 7, in the city's administrative annex. India Arrests 8,000 SAMASTlPUR, India (AP) -Eight thousand ptrsons were arrested for traveling without ticketl on the North Eastern Rallw1ay during a three-day religious festival , the railroad manage- ment announced. It's m Omega watch. tees . Rainbow trucks prowl the city's alleys collecting trash once a week. City Finance Director Howard Stephens suggeSted a 25-Cent increase would be sufficient. But he also wanted to tacit on another 20 cents · for the city to defray the cost of trash billing, handled by the city. When pressed. fot answers by· city councilmen,, Stephens agreed be had no figures tO support the proposed increase1. The total fee would have been $3.20 every two months for each bomeol'p'ner. "Ther'e's a rising cost in paper, office help and other factoni. Both j.ncreases seemed fair," Stephens said. Stephens said Rainbow has sought the 50-cent increase the past two years. "ln some cities they make ,Pickups twice-a-week. Our trash pickup per resi· dent is more than the average though, uh, because of larger loU J gue1s," Stephens s3id, bringing a laugh (rom the council. Stephens agreed to study the costs rl billing and trash pickup and report back to the council in late August. ND action was taken on the Rainbow request for a rate increase. Byron Marshall > Dies in Mesa Byron Marshall, a yacht captain and long-time resident of Huntington Beach, died Friday at Beverly Manor Con- valescent Home. He was 75. Private Services and interment were held for Mr. Marshall on Mo11day. Mr. Marshall, who l i'v e d at 11361 Brookhurst St., is survived by his wile, Nellie; two sons: Byron and Jule; a daughter, Eloise Gogerty and .even grandchildren. Mr. Marshall clime to Huntington Beach from Los Angeles 50 years q:o. For the past 40 years, he skippered a number of yachts in the area. A beautiful gold bracelet ls a sinfully luxurious gift. But a watch is certainly practical. PartJ.cularly when it's an Omega. In the world of really fine watl:h· es, the name and reputation of Omega st.and out. When Omega artfully conceals one of their superb timepieces in an ex· quisite bracelet, it becomes a sinfully practical gift. See our complete 9mega collection, from $6S. CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. .Jlwnphriej Jewefe~ PHONE 548-l40J H YEARS 18ll NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA IN SAME LOCATION • • ', VO ( . -. .-A •f s Cubl in u · 11 aJol\ on t -Tt Cug -.. .. >.-J , <I. • . ' .. ,,. ,. eJrl wea a ' -ta in Tl •Pf! JIOUI 0 p "· Ir N &et- ""' te!io c!ll Oi!r the M ber. M•I 'll to,.1 !Mc pei! to ·ci G) pe~ Mc! Ill"! "'" line "' ~ .n! I I •q "I mot art . ~ rals ii 01 M bO~i !I<• ~,., • . rt Beaeh T .... y'•~: •• N.Y. Steek• -· EDITI O N VCilC. 63, NO. 174, S SECTIONS, 70 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, C.W:ORNIA WEDNESDA :'f, JUL y 22, ·1970 ., Coastal Cities May Test New Voting MachinC • • • By TOM BARLEY ,,. .. °""' , ........ A sharply divided 0ranae County Boon! •f Supervisors 1oday qr...i to .... the Cubic Votronlcs vote C0\1flt1nl aystem in the Nov. 3 Gtneral Electi<in. U was indicated that communities along the OraDI• Coast may be voling on the new machines in November. . Tbe board voled 3 to 2 tn hire the CUbjc Company on a one time trial ~ tor a $60,000 .f~. Supervisors wjll ~ ! then baw IO d•l'! In wblch to puri:llaM or rejed the tl.7 millioa vollni ~. ~bcn •Dam -· Alton I!!.' Allen aqcl' William llintdn boclc<d the ..--i· aullmilted by County Clerk Williu> E. • St John. Super rilors Robert ·Battin and William Pbll!lpo·voled no. St' John's · recommendation wu· the one Ollopted in the majority report ft! an Orange Clounty~oting Systems Tat Force which took two years to eumine · a wide·range of voting equipment. . ' 041LY ~ILOT IWI ...... More a<c<pt the .CQble offer el· a Nov. I trial run with lbe comment that tbe ftrm's ability to provide an lmmedltte recount was ''vital in 1111 <>ranee County election. "We are behind tha times hero in Orange County," he -said. "We must let these people abow us wliat they can do-and then make our On.al decision in the li&ht of tbeir ·performance."" But Battin branded the board deci!lon u "shocking and ~nslble when Jets ... you bear In mind that -JIM '*' offer to use competitlve tqUlpmW: abeofqlely ,free of cllarp ... Battin's ref~ Wu to the efllr' by 1he ~boap Voling -l>bw ComJlllf:J to provide"llO'~ for -·1n Ibo Nomnber election •I no ~ It the county. It brought the comment from ~ "It has been my Jone upil ltn<e In many yoan on thlll board that ""' never set anythinc free." ~ ' • • . •. Airport Expansio.n . Recommem!-e.d U!Umale exponslon of Orange Cowlty Airport jel traffic to thtte time& its pt'f&ent capacity Is one of a seri~s of master plan reco~atiou beilg atlldied today by Alrpor;I Maoager Roi>ert Bresftahan and the county AJrpoi1. c:Onl. mils ion. But that expansion, indicates a 271· page report prepared by ... the Ra1ph M. Parsoos Co. of Los Angeles, may hinge on the creation or a suppleme1tary airfield which would h'Udle . overflow from the existing fM:llity. In any event, supervison were warned in an ~our long presenf:ation Tuesday of the $1~,000 study of the master plan's· second phase, flight aerv_ice at Orange County Airport should I>< limited uRtil addlUonal "11hort haul" jet landbi1g fields are in operation in Orange County. S•pervl!ora, obviously boggled by the mass of technical data and complicated Increase May Fall recommendations cmtlin6d'1n the·tiuli;J brochuno ealleil 'for : a' 3Miy • llludJ. ol the Par50r!s plan. They wlll aet dales for· pobtie beartols on the iirport ia&ie .Orrietime ftext''fftll!t. The board • must decide bjo Aq. 11 whether it will expud or cuf t.ck or maintain jet traffic at Orange Sol.Inly Airport or PaY the liotl a day penalty set for delay in JmplementaUon o(. the (See AillPORT, Pace I) : -. Guerrillas Seize Jet In· Greece . -""'-· . -· ... lf~rt Fire S~~ ,. ...... ' Newport-Mesa Sclwo.ls ~a~ Sl!Pve Tax ~~g Bi~ '\ • • , I o ATHENS (IJl'Il -llr ~:e: !!>day aei.d ., O!Jmt* AJri! loilioor Firemen mop up after uplosion of lulnes l!.nd re-1ar1g~ at th• hom~ ef Newpoft ·tibrary, ·~· . Slliting fir• ~IJ!l!l~od tw<> N•)"Por\ Beach ~omes Eloi~ Luther. 1730 .E.'0-... Blvd. 1\oOf.ott "!'&rt· • '"'"·1 ....... ~.ta lhe ~--~ llOl4 ha -""'·"""'· IChoot -,for a., '11"*'1 :rur ll>IY memberl ..,.,. '""*I ·w. o! the witb 51 persona aboard aacl !i.fi.d to blow It up ~ 1emi Arab . ...,.mu were not released from Athena 1'lla. HOlll"I laler they beain ~ ·1111 Tuesday. 'No in jun es were reported: as a result o! rnent acrosa the alley alao was damaged. The ftre · the blaze. which caused an estimlited $15,\!00 in h•rned through a major telephooe cable, cutting bt ""' tlian ...iatnaI1Y antklpoled, -three sulilestle-111 • ll'"k IO h7 -olflclall llld Tueoday. be able 14 mallt • diela~~ the Au1. damagl to tbt garage and the apertment over the semce to the Balboa Penliaula nd Laguna Beach. ~~-=-~~-"----'"--~~---''--~~~~~-~-~-~ . Tho eoumefiid 14<ent ri,e orii!Mll1 1 bem1ai on 111o - prodlded for district taiplJtrl liM drOp'°ped to a eenll. Under curt"iinl fllli· mot,. the tax rale per f!OO ..-vaJu. aUon /or c..ta Meoa will be 15.3f u op- . paaed to $5.0. Newport's rate is "?" -"'""' -of their ................. pe!ently met. Bu8y Schedule Precedes Nixon's Friday Arrival By JOHN VALTERZA (.. • Of "" Dellt ""' '"'" ' .~resident R.ichard Nixon's arrival at °" Western White Hou:se helicopter pad e~rJy Friday night promises to end a weary day for the Chief Executive after a whirlwind of, conferences and ap.. pearance! in the Plains and Rocky Moun- tain slates. The: President, scheduled to arrive at a~t I p.m. at I.be White House com· Pound with his wife, Pat, and elder Chamber Chief Predicts Rise In Business Tax Newport city councilmen will probably be' ready to hear a prop9Sll for an in· creased city business license tax in s~ tember, according to Bob McCur.dy, cl'liirman of the Newport 1;1arbor Ch.am- ~r of Commerce committee studying the proposaJ. McCurdy made the prediction lo Cham· bet'. directors during 1 luncheon meeting Mohday. , 'P.f we want a city like Newport Beach to be Me ol the fine l'I t in the U.S., ~we're going to have to have top nnel and someone is going to have to .._fay for it," he said. GjB'rently the city charges a flat $25 pe:t' year fee for business ticenB. Mc:Curdy, who Is the owner ol Newport Marine Supply Company sakl the iJt.. .,,...,., will bring Newport's policy In tine' with lho9e of other cith!s. As rrow Proposed, the new tax wilt staJt at a ~ minimum fee. McCurdY .~_d an additional 20 cents per $1,000 of _tros.s sale& will be asse~ starting aht?r the first $40.CO'.I. After the first $1 million, the assessment will drop lo JO ce:nls per $1 ,000. ''ff It helps make the license any more palatable," ,.1cCurdy said. "we are expk>ring the possibilities of taking ~ 'port.ion of the. $461,000 that will be rajsed under this proposal and using il on a city ptomolk>nll program." McOJrdy al.90 noted that the average business that paya 1 S25 fee in Newport llc•ch, would poy about liotl In Costa ~1tsa. daughter, Tricia, Ls ICbeduled. to eonfer wilh five governors, the head of the Mormon Church and drop in at a rodeo throughout the day. ' But as a respite after his arrival on the. South Coast. White House aides siid today the Nixons plan a jaunt up to Angel Stadium Sunday to watch the Angels-Washington Senators baseball 1ame. Friday's zig-zag hop across the nation will start with confe~ in Faf'Jo, N.D., with lhe governors from fi~e plains states -North and South Dakota, Min- nesota, lowa and Nebraska. Secretary of tht Jnterior Walter J. Hickel has been added to tbe list of top aides and cabii\et members in the meeting with the governors. After the talks in Fargo, Nixon will board Air Force ODe 111ln for a bop to Salt Lake City, Utah, where be will meet with Joseph F. Smith, the president or the Church of Jesus Quist of Litter Day Saints. The Mormon church will be celebrating iU amual Pioneer Day Fti'day: The arrival will be at 6:•5 p.m. Utah time. The holiday is the 12Jrd annivtrsary of the disccwery (){ the SaJl Lake Valley by Brigham Youn1. lt Is a state observance. From that conference· Nixon wlll join his family for a drop-in visit to the Pioneer Day Stampede rodeo. Wt they may not stay for the entire affair, 1poktsmen said. o.M:. the party l>oorih the Pteaidlmlial Jetliner in Utah, tlle nell stop will be the Marine Corps Air station at El Toro where the Preaident's hellcopt!r's will be wafting for the last , hop to San Clemente. On this latest visit to the ,..side Spon. lsh vitla t.be President will focm on taJb wllh a newly created dometttc C(Q)Ci! headed by John D. Erliehmln. Cooocll members will attempt. ID Ht federal goals 001a priority ba!is aod wW involvt several top.level advisers -AgncuJture Secretary Clifford 'M. Hardin, Commerct Secretary Maurice Stans, George Rom· ney, secretary of housing and urban de- velopment. and officials ol the OfUct of Economic Opportunity. Ne1.t Monday De.fense-Secret.rJ MelY1n Laird will Dy' to Son Clemente for a day ft! di8CUl.1loons with the Preaident on the fisc1I 1m de!enst budaet. Deputy Defcw Secrttary Davkl Packard ilso (Set NIXON, Pep I) Teleph~ne Crew Lauds Neighbors For Courtesies "I've been doing repair wart for over 30 years and in all kinds of adverse situ· aUons, but never have T seen such a wonderf\Jl group of people." That was the comment today of Carl Schmuck. telephone company. repair sup. er-visor who worked nearly 12 hour! to re-- place cables burned out in a fire at 1730 E. Ocean Blvd. "I just thought it would be nice If the.re were some way ol. saying 'thank you' to· the people who live in that area. We were all impnssed with their thoughtfulness," he said. Schml>C~ said residents of the area pro- vided he and his 12-man crew -with cof. fee, cake and donut! as they worked to restore phone cables which gave aervice to the PeninsuI8 and Laguna Belch. "Th_ey were just wonderfuL I-8pite of the fact thelr "rvice waa out, none ft! th<m • 11"1 on us about it," be uld. No 'I;ime Schedules For U.S. Visitors WASHING TON (UPI) -'Ibo Stale --bas docOled that for .OC.rity reasons tt wUI .not give eut ~ specific times in sMedules 1or omctal visitors to the United' Stlll<. estimated at $4.98 compared to the one· iJud estlmale of $5.08. ll(strlet ~ Director Wall Adrian told board mOmber• Tuesday ,ql1t that usessed valuation in the district llad In. creased 11.• perctl1t over the prtVIOtls year. The district's budget this year was• figured on the basis of a nine percent in· crease. he said. Adrian said the Increase In assessed valuaUon will bring lhe district about Sl.4 million in tas: revenue he had not figur· ed on. •·nie Increase in property value meani1 that we will be receiving $550,000 less from the state. giving us a net increase of $890,000," Adrain told board mem- bers. The budget is set for public hearing and final approval Aug. 4 at 7:30 p.m. in the Costa Mesa High School Lyceum. "Based on some recommendations, we will be lowering the permissive override from $A cents to about 52 cents and the old high school district bond levy will drop about six cents," Adrian said. r District Superintendent William CUn· ningham was directed by trustees to study three llfopoYll for the surplus. Tlbtrict trustees Marian Bergeson and Donald StraUSJ both Indicated they felt the money should be returned to the tax. paver!. Trustee Thomas Casey said he would like the possibility of restoring some pro. trams cut fn>m the budget explond, ~nd Tn.i~ James Peyton asked CUnn1n~· ham to lnok Into putting the money into salary Increases. Weapons -Vanish Military Poits Lose Guns, Ammo WASHINGTON (UPI) -CalKornia officials tesUlled today that an astonishina amount of weaporui and aplollves intended for use in Vietnam had diaappeared from West Coast porta. . They revealed in testimony before a senate Investigations subcommitttee that ewn the huge Presidio corttpOUnd in San FranciJco. hadquarten of the &th Army, lost several hundred slick~ of conlltcated dynamite to burglars last weekend. "I think It came as a great ·lllf*lr: Just how much they wtre loain&," said Charles A. O'Brien, California chief •t1 attorney aeneral. "I ~ it ast.onishlna that weapons in this 11po1.11tl could disappear from a military base." t mittet, a vast array o(· 1mi1itary wUpona ll)Plrtntly has been ll.olen from mHoe. a vut orray ol milllarY WtOpinl --7hn been ....., from munilion111 dumps In Cllifomia' lince11he flr1t of1..~ year. Included were. M on .. pound bricu·of Cf plutie .. plooives, 16 bana .,_ to lidooUr and t77 pistols, machine IUM and rifles, The 1111 alao lnc:Mled 11,0llll roandl of ammunition. ' Newport Dunes' Operator Ke/!ps 50-y ear Contract Col. Harry Bynl of Dallas retained his $0-year oootract to operate Newport Dunes Aquatic Park in Upper · Newport Bay on a tight J to 2 vote Tuesday by the Orange Counly Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Davi~ Baker, long 1 critic o( the perk operations. offerf:4 the re- jected motion whJch would have cancel- led the contract and thrown the opera- tions open for new bidding. In another fpllowlng action, however. the county bOard removed ad01lnislra· tion of the I~ from lhe county Depart- ment of Harbors. Beaches and Parks and placed it under jurisdlct&on of the Department of Real Property Services. Baker fired the opening salvo in Dunes · arguments by declaring. "There ill tre· mendous potential in this lease and it Is not being ulillzed. 'Ibis Dunes opera· lion could be one of the flneat ol ltr klnd on U"ie West Coast but all we have from tht present concern is 1 ti.year history of non-perfonnantt!."' The 50--year lease fot the 19-acre faclll· ty was signed Feb. 5, 11168 and runs until the year 2008. Baker repeatedly tangled with Byrd·s attomey~Walter B. Chaffee as the angry supervisor pointed to a record of 211 ac- tions against the lease holders in the last 12 years and what he said were "re· pe.ated adjustment. of the lease In the favor of Newport O\J11es." Chaffee pointed out to Baker that his clients had complied with every demand made by' the county aince the leise was signed and reminded the 1upeni5or that the concern had put $4 million into an enle<prise "from whlcl\ he could hal'9 walked away long ago.0 Chaffee· said there had bee• little °" ftO profit In nmrilng the Dunes cqnc .... oi<Jn and the ol'<l"ators hod spent 1111.000 correcting the deficlendet "flrat•point· ed out "by a bunch •f nitpick«> who submitted a list a mile lonlf." Current Jlf()blems. ChaffeP. said, ·in· (See DUNl!!S, Pap I) Oversexed Baboons Arutollt Onaaala, owner fl Obilit* Airways, offered hlmae~ 11 a bOolUa for the pWengera at one point llUI the guerrillas refused and demlndlld tn- 1tead 11\at a biib of!Jcial ft! tbe G....., iovernme~I aecompony them -lo Beirut where tha otght ~ . Oeflllty Premier Styll"'ll!I Paltairol personally negotiated with the prTillu by radio from the. Athena C<drol tower and was reported to have ~ them to reduce their deml"nds. BbtldJy afterwarda the auerrillas be1an .. 1ea11nr the paMebgers two by two. Onassil aped to the airport" ·in· 811 mommg shortly after the bljacklng and talked with 1be guerrillas J>Vtr the ~ control 'radio. ~He returned' in ·the: af .. ternoon for a second converatlon, shortly before the situation bepJr~. The guerrillas were armed wtth machineguns and hand ~ and threatened to blow up the plane with all on board unless Gretee freed their comrades, jailed rot terrorisllc actl~ a·galnst ·Israel They first demanded that Greece release two Arabs ICheduled to IO, fWi trial Friday for a bomb erplotlon at the Israeli El Al • alrlloes office. laot November. Then lhey ~ lbe release of two Arab commandoi 1att t0 prison in March for an . attack on an El Al plane to ~ber. 19111. · • Government aourCM Aid the guerrillll agre<d to reduce their demands but did not say what cooeeaslons they bad made. An official said the guerrilla (See IDJACK, Pap !i Orange • "Loco! foi md tow <lotld• are a~ al°"' tho 'OriDIO COOst . In I the· -If inornlnl houri -with.buy IWllbtne folo I lowing. But. the temperaturet wlU remain hr Ute 801.' ' . • INSW & TODA'l'." :. A talk,ng chimp1 Yes -but htr trainer admita 1h1 '"4JI be brighter thaft. iM ootrogt chifN. pall.tee. Ntvtrtht~ss .• thit ~. kt.II dots comrnunlcatt. Stbrr Page 14. . ' S l t D k lwtlM fl "'""""" ~• en o enmar .. _ •• - -: c ... -c.e-u ................. . at(_ .... , "" 1 • ..... ..... " OSLO (AP) -The Krtllhwen Z.0 In !::°.:"' »:: =· --.,.: aouthern Norw~ found !U bo-..., -" .. -£ '· nd I le-d ~----""' ' ...C...;;:;; · one m•"' a et em• too frno&l-. •11!9l'lllllMIM •" .,........... lb'aUve scxu~IY and 1hll>Pfd t.hem · ~o .---,. -ni..-i-.. ,. Denmark, where tb& auJ(ude In llJCb ~ st ....., · -a· ,.~ ·--"•• ---· -. matter~ Is more rtlaxed, UM newSpfi)et ~ V<rdena Gana reported. -~--------_,..,·,..· -.._. ( .. ' Z ':_"J : D'-l~Y JILOT N l __ . JY~, Jrotv'21; ·1170 ' .• . • • . ' • Pll'IDlll .,._is. ~ulaltlon cl l1nd and IOlllld ptoOfinJ If tl>e Par10ns plan Is adopted Md a( Newpon bomet thll WQ\lld be ll!eeteil ruibaa ffom 0rlll80 Coun!J ,o\lrport ex-by lncreHed noise levela. fl s~pested pm -1111 • prueo1 . it ••n •. -!hol f~al fund! milhl ba 1v1t~bl: ~.,... • • ....., . ~ tle county. . cltportur<s lo If by ll'IT, some 114 hemes Otl1er spendl!ll recoinmend1U... bt between the airport aJd Upper Newport ttie Parsons brochure include the outl•Y ....,, .Ba.y .wuth Of the runway may be bulldot-of $9.t million to. opand the termln11 lb -'!l'Olil.ol tbe w1y. from its pr"•"'· .level of 171,000 a :··~:board wotdd have to find the paSsenger11 to 3.'? million by 19llO. ~able funds for fUCh condemnation ll is flSO suggested that the county .i;,~ WPuld also have 19 pay the costs ~pend $6.85 million to double t~e priv~te "'"' ilvoZfve<& in tht..,propostd soundproofing. airer.aft runway , extend the air carrier nci another 3&5 homes in the vicinity runway, move the control tower a.nd 'b :.lhC'atrp:ri. ~ ' , ntake addl;ional improvements whicA Parwaa repFese.ntatives said land ac-would eliminate air tra ftlc delay and qulsiUon and sound proofing are the open Orange County Airport to larger only methods by which the county could jets, comply with the state Jaw which becomes Plans submitted by the ' Parsons effective in January. organization would lim it airport ex-ne r~atioos suggest a $1,000 pansion to an eight percent annual in· fine for pllcts. "'.ho eiceed the noise create in !ht ,number of passengers j~ ·tevel ,.OOV• 'fesidential areas; handlfd at the f4Cillty until the maximum bl9e(t-on decibel ratings of almaft, of three and a half million passengers flle number of dally fllg!its and the a year is reached. time of day when Ille ~ation look Qtange County Airport cur re n t I Y &lfritt ~ ' · · handles: one million passengers a year. l{ Wiit eitin\ated"1n-the Pat10ns plan It''has betrt e'rpandlng at the rate of tbat'"''8J million would be needed for 12 to It percent each year. ~ lt ~~· :3r d Bov s' Club in Area ~ .... -·.·· b..~.:'!! ..... •, .. ' ;~~t.ep Nearer Realization tA".! •<; ?.•· ';l;"O\ird' Bo)'s dub recreation center .oo:f(!C; ~-e ,Hlrbot Area moved a step nearer .,.,.,fq!ility Monday night """1 .Newport Btacli city eodncilmen approved a SS.. :3'·;.e1r·~,. with the organization. ~· ''1C.! ' ~,,t ~1-... ,"' .. ht)V' center will be located on ~ 'iiil>· llioch II the bese of the Balboa Pior.e tidelends controlled by the city. Two exlsling brenches are located 11 !II Cent..-SI. and 2131 Tuxlin Ave., both it<;Oala lll•"!I· · . .. . City attorney Tully Seymour said coun- cl~•, are acheduied lo lake aclion .,,. •••• "'•1 . . . a .... 11.....,,. ., .. ~~wport Readies : :Fa~ Boat Parade I},,. -·· >· .. ' •'Oit' American Heritage" will be the " ~ or the 1170 . Chmct.r Boal 'S' -~· .,• t • ;..;: ~f; which is tcbeduled Aug. :Ill In .,,~rt H"fbor. Jack -Barnett, &})Okesman for the -f''i:JilewP>rt Harbor Chamber of Commerce "9'.:,\,~0tes. sponaors of the e'vent, said T"~'lilh \.1innllia.of '~:,P.,ade' lt open 'eit-lo -W[\h any kind Of I boa!. .ti') !'EnVJ blank• and route maps are ad: IYillatite In the chamber offlce1 al 2166 ~"· ~ Hl&bway. , , at their next meeting to put the lease on the ba}Jot for the November election . "When a least, such ' as this one, runs over 25 year1, lt ha11 to be put to a vote of the public," he explained. 1.op x..,wrn, .adutini1tra1or or the "H a r b or Area Boys Club said t h e 35 year lease was necessary fn order to secure· fWlds . for life organization from charitable foundation!. yanwrn sai~_ no plans for the new ~~r .have been· drawn yet. "Construc- tion will wait until voters approve the lease,", he aaid. · Terms of the lease are $1 per year. The agreeme~t -&lso states tha~ the facili· ty will be open to recognized church and Y<!llth groups. Councilman Howard Rogers got a laugh from fellow councilmen when he noted the facility will provide a "badly needed aMembly haU for Free Us." From Page 1 HIJACK .•. finally agreed to return to Beirut with a Jtecl ~s representative and the five- m•n ·Cl'IWta~-as hostqes. ::-.. .. .i&..--~ -, ' . ' . The plane, a .8Qeing 727, was refueled for the return to Beirut wbez:e officials began \aking securjty measures. Similar -measures also were : ordered f o r I?ama,s~a •l)d ~mman 1lrpo'rt;s, a,nd _ .... Pf~~~~ ,.1.., ..... ,j · A!;rt officials said the guerrillas DUNES ••. wouJ y back to Beirut to await word on , ,t-Greek government'a decision on t~_.ll.:.:. , sJ# the seven Jmprisoned com-m~qHJ. U-. .the meantime the SJ th ' ' ·'tin •• ... • . pa..._., .... bei~ tllhsed.,,.,, ' elude e com~Y·~ !•.,, '~·.,""' 0~"'• ,' Go~"Zsources. .. aatd they ~ll!ter come of a zoning n by lbe Cit)f.. . . . . • •· • of Newport Beach. ~~cle\I to the· =d: ~•-'11em~~-~ board that II?" ruling Oii. ~lily· ~ will b<i relta~~t Within 30 d'JYs. fn in .~ Dines (Ivor. • .. • 1he meanume . .they .beed all . ltaqi It disturbs IT!e 1~t we don t have a WCldtan..:.n: t\vti1 :btd.ne UI. JM.'.~r belltr relationslilp.. Chaffee t 0 f d the l'Alliand. Shi wli,rulbed lo the airport 1t1pervlsors. fJ!!lj aid ala lion. Police Artist Draws " "'I Chicago's SlaSlier ' CHICAGO (AP) -A i\Q(ice artl1t has drawn a composite al<W.Ch of the man who slashed one 1•11e C1lifon\la girl to death amt wounded anolber laSt week in a downtown hotel. ' The drawing was done Tutsday based on the answers given by .Riilko Carol Yamada, 17. Mi's Y9.01ada .fJlked with police and artJst Otis Rathel for more Lban two hours. ·r :..r:. DAILY PILOT R•~~ H. w • .1. ,...u ...... ..., l"l*!llhlr Tli•M•I A. Mu111!.;"' M_) .... l!dllll< l!.e111•1 F•riuft• ~ ..... Of .... Jiii w ... 1.11 •••.•• ,,.,, •• tl M•ihttt A4tlrHt1 r.0.111 1111. t2,,I ' " -! ~:-, .. ' Annex M ove ' " ' . Gag · Rule Called . ' ' In 'Devil' T clal By A'RTHUlt R. YINSEt OI .... O.ltr Plitt 1-" , A court-ordered Ill ruli '"'hlch is 1 'almoat a carbon cop)'. of that lmpoeed on ~ Sharon Tate-Manion Family m~er case WU clam,ped onW Orange county's alleged "devil cult'' killings Tuesday. .. M. Daniels; 30, of Santa Ana , was tn. dieted by the Grabel Jury as an acceS$0ry to both murders and a $25,000 ball wa.s set. Authoritles expect to have h e r · available for a time, however, since she is serving a ,90-da)' Orange County Jail senteoce for a narcolics violalion. . DAILY flll.OT Slaff _...._ Ready to. Swim Mayor Bob Wilson of Costa Mesa (lefl) and Mayor Ed Hirth of New· port Beach (right) will lead swirpmers Saturday in fund-raising "s-wimathon" tor new Olympic-size swimming pool planned at New- port Harbor High School. The municipal leaders, urged on by fund drive Chairman Mike Ash (center), will plunge into the task prompt- ly at noon at the Newport Beach Tennis·Club in Eastbluff. Teams of swimmers will keep swimming until fund goal of $87,500 is reached. Local agencies already have pledged 75 percent of the needed fund· ing. Ex-Newport Atwrney Pokes at Harbor's· Foes By TERRY COVILLE Of llM 0.llY Plltl st.it ts Huntington Beach looking for a 11avy? Fountain Valley City Attorney Thomas Woodruff suggested with a laugh 'I\lesday night that such might be one reason for the current controversy over the Orange County Harbor District. Woodruff, a former asslltant ~ly at- lorney for Newport Beach, a strong supporter of the harbor district, was ex plaining Assemblyman John Briggs' proposal to brhlg the status of the harbor diatri;t tOQ a vQte of the people\ . . Qo1pjte WPM'11{!'• lig~~hat~d ,scep- ticism, the FOunta1n'Valley CltY Cou11cil voted 4-1 to support the Fullerton Republican's pla,t lor 1 'feferendum. Briggs' }\arbor bill wodld allow Oran11:e Goujlly voters lo decide jl. .the llarbor ~\(i,cl llJollll\ •!lnd.f• a P.H<J,i,~c agelicy or be 'Comblned Wftl('fhe county parks !,P.d recreation department. Kea~ SamJ>50n is currenUy c)µef of botH~ ~ »Mks department and the harbor dlitrfCt,-but the first is a county department. ·.while the harbor dlstr-ict is _a..,.,eeplfafe·taxlng agency. "·We-, Jre on l'fPll'd as recomtnending dlsloluiioo , 9L ,pus d~trlct. County SuPer\lisOrs liiVe refwed, 30 this bill i' ~~ ... o~nly choice," Fountain Valley Ma~ward Just said. ~:Holllnden, the OJtly oppo11ent of arrg.·· bill, said he didn't feel a . " . ., :. ' J ., . CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH counly argument should be taken lo the state. "I prefer to keep local rule over this matter," he commented . C.Ouncllman John Harper replied that, "the harbor district is a creation of lhe state, that's why the state Is involved in it now." At this point Woodruff was asked to explain the bill aid he said jokl&gly, "HunUngton Beach wants tta own navy." The beach city has been the most vocal opponent of the harbor district, claimµtg it's a separate taxing authority and Newport Beach is the onl y city tie11,efitting from it. Moaday Right, Huntington Beach Coun- cilman Jack Green, referring to Briggs' bill, said be felt, "there are a Jot of indications that the county is trying to bottle this thing up." Primary rtsponslblllty of ' '.the hitrbor district is to construct and care for harbors and beaches along the Orange Coast. The district built Newport harbor and Is. currently buildlq: and improving Sunset Aquatic Park and Dana Point Jlarbor. It is also respoiuible for thrce- and-a-balC lrilles of beach along the coast including, Sunset, AUs<>, Coast Royal &.nd Dana Cove beaches. Briggs' harbor vote bill is set for a hearing at 9:30 a.m., Aug. 6, before lhe state .Senate Committee ~ 1 Govenmenta! Organizations. India Arrests 8,000 . SAMASTIPUR. India (AP) -Eight thousantl persons were arrested for traveling without tickets on the North Eastern Railway during a thr~ay religious festival , the railroad manage- ment announced. Asiiifuify practical gift. Judge James F. Judge concluded pro- c:;ee<Ungs for four amona five persons indJOted by the Orang~ •Counly_ Grand, Jury ,by signing the lhjck d0CUU1enl at 1\lr Superior Court bencb. 1 · . H11 ) order iii believed to be the first In orange County history. ' ' Tbe judicial. order 1peciflc1ily forbids • any · '¢· all principals -from pro-~tion and 'defenae attomeys -.to Police and ,clerical aides -from dlacussing tbe cue outside court with the gress. GruC5:0me disclosures abqu~ lhe _alleged .sacrifice to Satan of parts of the mutilated corpse of -Mission -Viejo schoolteacher Mrs. Florence N., Brown, 31, were among PotenUaUy d'1taglng comments mentiOned earlier. Stej>hen C. Hurd, 20, a "Jong·bei .. d defendant named in COM~ti.on with.both Mrs. Brown'• butcher ·murder and I.he beaUng of a Santa Ana service station attendant, pleaded innoctnt by reason of insanity. He has ~been, iQdicted for his alleged role in the kil1inii on subsequent warm June nights. His attorney, W'illtem Gamble, had . earlier portrayed !. him bl-pre111 co~ ferences u a aelf«yled Devil wonhiper deranged by damlilni doses o f barbiturate drup. Tbe three-doy Grond Jury bearinp led to indlcbnent of Hurd, plus Hennan H. Taylor, 17, anolher transient ', Christopher c. "Gypsy" Gibboney, 17, of Portland, Ore., and Arthur C. Hulse, l&, of l lt&I Dolan St., Gardin Grove. All are held without b~ll for', their' alleged connection with the murder and' mutilation of Mn. Brown , on June 3 and the fatal beaUng of Jerry W. Car Un; 211, the night before. Hurd , Taflor and Gibboney llave been J(ii.ked by investigators to the slaying of Mrs. Brown, whose bocfy was found in a shallow grave off the Ortega Highway two weeks later, minus -heart, lungs and left arm. ' Hurd, Taylor and Hulse 1are charged with Carlin's murder in a robbery - the victim's third within a month - that brought them less than $100, ac· cording to initial police reports. A chunky brunette waitreu, Melanit Fron&. Page 1 NIXON •.•. will participate. Secretary of State William Rogers will arrive later next week for a meeting, on unspecified subjects. The · Nixons will pack tfleir bags on Aug. 3 for the trip back to Washington. The trip will include a stopo ver in Denver, Colo. There, the President will confer with officials of the state planning agencie~ which co11trol funds for thfi federal Crime Control and Safe Streets Act which pro- vides federal grants for local jurisdic- tions to upgrade their law enforcement capabilities. Increased local security by San Clemente police this summer during the Nixon visits was made possible through the same act which yielded more than $140,000 to the local force this fiscal year. It's 1111 Om es• watch. Hurd was ord~red brought back before Judge Judge Nov. 9 for a sanity hearing and jury 1trial, for his alleged role in the Brown and Carlin killinas. Prosecution and defense attorneys agrted to Aug. 7 as the arraigrunen1 date for Hulse. Taylor and Mrs. -Daniels, allowing ~ 1o coltfer in Gays ahead. ' A bench warrant ·was issued for the arrest of Gibboney, who Ls fightliig ex· tradition from Portland , where authorities have been urged by District Attorney Cecil Hicks to speed things up. The gag rule prepared by Deput y District Attorney Martin J . He.negb.an will prevent reporting of any flirther Wonnatioo which would come from an y source other than cQurtroom procedurts. The rules do oot affecl what, up unt.il Tuesday, has been published or ineerted Into the public r<eord. ' Depufy Dlslricl Attoniey Henqhao •ubmllted the gag rule lo Judp jud&• after ~nting (icts of the C,. to ihe GT~ ~ury and reportedly c:oUlng about IS wijpesses. ' The lengthy ro.ter ol princlpat,, at· iomeys •ncl other. jJU~lties \flS sup- plemented by lncloslon of .~ Ana police and Orange and Riverai<te cowtl)' sheriff's deputies. . Deput)' Public Defender -Jaines Gofr, who represents Taylor, and Mrs. Brown, -had objected to the . fact ·lhey were }eft out, possibly indicating a loophole in the order. Wording of the gag warns anyone coming under its jurisdiction that statement! made oulSide the court could .. sway the prQper, eventual finding ()f guilty or innocence. • Contempt of court citations can be imposed for iny violation. The order Jtself states: ; "This court is aware of the necessity to assure the defendants of a .fair trial and cf the constitutional g1.1arutee of a free press and believe that they are both compatible with reasonable restric· tio~JJnposed,on,pretrial publicity-." ·~,1~t· furttw" appears to tbe court th at the dissemination by a ON. m;e~ .9' public ,cpmmwtiCjl:tiQn of any o u t • 0 ( • c o u r I statemenl.i relating to this ,case may iqteriere, 'With the constitutional right or the defendants to a fair trial. and disrupt the pr:oper adminialraUon of juatice." ~· Aton1ic ConunissiolY" . -' . Records Red Blast jl' ASHINGTON (UPI) -The Alomic Ehergy Commission bas r e co rd e d seismic sJgnals rrom the Soviet Union, preswnably from an undet:groond nuclear blast. The agency said the signals originated in the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Area and were the equivalent of what would result from a blast in the 20 to 200 kiloton range. f I A beauUful gold bracelet Is a sinfully luxuriou! gift. But a watch is certainly practical. Particularly when it's an Omega. In the world el really fine watch· cs, the name and reputation or Omega stan~ out. \I/hen Omega arlfully conceals one of their superb timepieces in an ex- quisite bracelet, it becomes a sinfull y practical gift. Sec. our complete Omega collection, Crom $6 5. PHONE 5~8.J<O I Cross-hatched area on map indicates general ouUine of Collins Radio property sought by Ne1vpo rt Beach in annexation proposa l filed Tuesday '"ith the county'l: Local Agency Formation Commission. Propo sal lo annex 177-acre industri al property was approved by city council i1onday. CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE Jill NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA 24 YEARS IN SAME LOCATION ' , l t ' i I ' • I • t u v a v • • ~ h • " c I f, f (; • • p !1 h r u c • h s ' b u h b c 0 I u r 0 ti p J I c d b v T b 0 b I ' l • I " • ' t • • I ~ PANACEA, 11L (AP) -A tornado opnnod by tropical storm llecq dionled ISboro .. Levy Bay today and dtslroytd ... -and damaged at least nve othm before winding tto.11 Jn a pine forest a milt and a b&lf io- land. The Zl·year-old (rame cot~ tage owned by L. E. Muwtll, an Albany, Ga .• machlne shop owner, was IHted from itJ foundation and aboved 7$ feet inland be.fore craahing to a stop against a pine trfle. No injuries were reported. r.taxwell and his family, who use tbe cottage on weekends; were at Albany at the Ume. GOODlfEAll ,,. -~\" SURF BOARD SHOP OWNER BATTENS DOWN HATCHE S John Harper Rt •dy for Becky -But Storm Dying Down INTRODU RY Youths Die; .. Mainlining Party Told PITTSBURGH (UPI) - Twq yauUw were killfll and three othen ho!pilaliied today by an apparent overdose or drugs v.tuch they "mainlined" into their veim at a party, police said. .f!olice said one oI the youlhs v.·as found dead in an automobile and another was pronounced dead on arrival at a hospital where he was taken by friends who were unable to revive him. The iwo vk:tims, both 18, were identified as Garry Reis and JoseJit Vertullo of Mt. W~on. a middle income section ri Pitt.aburgh. I.bled in criUeal condiUon fll Mercy Hospital here was Keith Sherlock, 2tl. Police said he had not regained coo- :'.~,~~· Alor.M'.tl1!.i1 Cathy Augustine, 19. Police said all of the yooths wtre believed to h a v e "npiinUned" a drug known as DtliOdld into their veins. Ollle<r1 said 111< trafidy un- folded at a a.m. today whe? Refi was found dead in the fnint seat of a parked alllGmOOUe. He wai; :t)tiserved sllnnpe<t> in 1 car by a p-rby. About three hours later friends of Vertullo brought hint to Southside Hospital, reporting that they were unabJe to awaken him. The ofrice of Allegheny County Coroner Cyril Wecht aaid. the friends reported they had been using drugs at a SouUi!Jde apartment and that VemtUo had passed out. The fr iends took the youth by car to a nearby park oop.· ing the fresh alr would revive him. When that failed he was broucht to tbe hospital, the coroner's olflct said. Farn1er Repo1·ts • Stock Missing 1.111..AN. Tenn. ( AP)-Some- one has rustled 75 head or L. D. Holt's 1tock. Holt said he checked an isolated area of his farm recently and disoovtted some- one had run off with all the catfish he stocked in a pond two years 110. Polic~man,. Places Collins NJar Vic ti1n ANN ARBOR, r,lidl. (UPI) -A ·university policeman placed J oho Norman Collins near his alleged victim the day ohe disappeared but .,..,. tr adicted a report he filed about Collins' descriptioo. Larry Matthewson, a .... pollaman at Ea ste rn Michigan University, where ColUns wa1 a senior, Tuesday becanlt the firit· person to teatify he saw Collins -riding a ''very shiny motorcycle" - near downtown Ypsilanti at the time Karen Sue Beineman was walking to a ~arby wig shop. As the trial moved into its third day today, WashteDaw ~ty Prosecutor William F. Delhey was upected to pro- duce other witnesses wbo a.a.y they saw Collins in tbe arta. Collins, 23, ii cbar&td with flrskfegree lgUriSef in tbe ~x slayiils qi }Clss Btineman, the· 11-Jear-old. EMU freshman frcm Grand Rapids, Pt1ich., whose bo6)o was found July 26, 1969. She was the seventh and last young woman alain under llmifal"' cir~~ within t\\'O years around Ann Arbor and neighboring Ypsilanti. No one his been charged in the othet( deaths. Ma thewson, who said he knew ·Collins casually, told the jury of seven women and seven men he passed Collins on Lowell Street aboot 12 :30 p.m., July 23, 1999. "He stop- ped and a girl with long brown hair came across the street and talked to him ," Mat· theWson said. Under cross-examination by Chief Defense Attorney Joseph Lou.iRll, Matthew900 said he did nol actually see the girl -Unda Campbell -talk to Collins. "t asaumed they \\'ere going to talk," he said. While the handsome. dark· haired Collim alternately look- ed intently at him and Loulsell, Matthewson said he had shown a phot.Oflraph of Collins to Mrs. Diane Goshe, owner of the wi& shop. Mrs. Goshe, a key pro- secution witness, has iden· tified Collins as the driver of the motcrcycle the r..root- tall girl hopped onto when she lert the wig shop. "Is that the photograph that tttrs. Goshe said could PQMibly be the same man on the motorcycle if the hair was curly and the sideburns shoi1<r?,. Loliisell asked, his voice ris.i~. 1 "No, I don't believe I did, sir," Matlhewm said. Loulsell snatched a paper from the podium and brought it to Matthewson, who iden- tified it as a report he had filed. The report quoted MrJ . Godtle as saring that Collins, as shown in the photograph, "coold possibly be the same man on the motorcycle U the hair was ·curly and the sideburns !horler." Britain Now Feeling Strike Pinch LONDON !UPI) -Fgdd prkes climbed steeply in Bri· lain today with the cloCk strike entering ila second week. Orange, bananas and imported apples began disappearing from grocery shelves and newspapers started cutUng down on the number of pages. With these and other signs of shortages growing, there was stlll no solution Jn sight for the strike that began last Wednesday when 'dock workers walked out in a de· mand for higher pay, shutting down the nation 's seaports !or the first time In 44· years. A g o v ernment-appointed t'OUrl of Inquiry, which heard prtlimlnary statements Tues· day by representatives of 17 ,000 striking Longshoremen and port employes, w a s meetin& both sides privately today. Union leaders said they are ready for a showdown if the employers want it. The employer1 said uni-On demands would increase their wage paymenll SO perti!nt or more and mean "very serious con- Rquences" for the economy . The biggest worry o! the government and the public was the steadily climbing food prices as stocks dwindled. tn addition to the shorla&es of imported fruits and newsprint, the meat sup ply wa1 affected. In London s Smithfield Cen- tral Meat Market, wboltsale beef and lamb prices moved sleadily upwards. Dealers 1aid the hl1her prices would affect the housewives' pocketbook• by the end of the week. regularly *23.50::. · E·Jl.HT-Blockwall Plus $Z2S Fed. Ex. Ta No tf'9de -· • New from Bftd to Betd • 71 teries • Low profile • 7 rib tread pattern • bnge·of lizel • Loob great! Low pro(ile for 1tabillty, new 1 rib tread pattern for mileage and traction. High priced look in sbould1r and 1idewall 1tyliog. Anilable ill blackwall and extra narrow whitewall des!P-'"• u• *".....,. .._ "•..,.,... ._,.....,..,. "*"•• tlr-. "' _, ,_ Mt tlf .-. 11*1 ilriH tlillt ..... 9*t .... ~ ....., i. "°" ,_ .i.i. ttre tt-. .... rt1..., ,,a .. -.. ,. • ,. (~ttk !Or"'""' dtllwry -tilt ~•ndh•- YOU SAVE •51s -65().13 E71-!4 F7S.14 G7S.14 H7H4 J7S. • 560-IS F7S.IS G71-IS H711-IS goo.15 $2~90 $27 $29.90 $33.90 $22.00 $2Ut $27.17 . $2ll1 $2.IO $31.11 $3.01 122.IO $1.75 125.41 $2.40 127.$7 $2.60 12U1 $2.!0 $35.31 .. • • r..,9 ' . • • 1 ... , ... O.tfNt.,..,.at•rl•lne/lk-of-~I ;::. v• .1•:'1 •• . rt:1 .. • ~ l: : Calm Shattered Nylon Cord Tires for PANELS, PICK-UPS, VANS and CAMPERS. Liberal Budget Tanna-·' Low Month~y Payments .,• : Or Uae Your. ··:. ' • Blast Rips Kanas U Confrontation Aren LAWRENCE, Kan. (AP) - A brief calm In this university city -sctne of two gunfire deaths in less than a week -was shattered early today by pn explosion near an area whtre there have b e e n repeated confrontations between police and a croup ol )'Outhl. ~ blast knock~ 1i lw~foot hole tn a wall « the Crtdit ltureau bulldint and shattered windows In residences mort than 100 yards away. There were no Injuries. Robert Wolfe ol the Kall!ls fire marshal's office said, "We've found fragments of a aoap deter1ent box . We feel certdtn-It w11 pacftd wilh black powder though the stuff wtD bl 1nalpe<1." • The Incident marred a "let's cool it" undefstjndlng btlween K111111 Hlahw ay Pa\rOI Supt. WUllam Albott: George Kimball: leader of a lf'OUP living at the edge or the University of Kansas cam- pus "ho nfer to themselve1 as "the sCteet -peop)e," and a number of campus ministers, Tuesday night that police would stay out of the area lf all remained quiel The area at the north ed1e of the campus was the Sttne of a confrontation Monday night in which Harry Nicholas Rice, 18. was struck and lilied by a bullet while running with a group ol the ••street people" from police. There was no official in· tlicaUon where the thot came from. , 1be confronlaUon 1narked the fourth 1tral1ht night in . ' . ' which some students from the •--• .--' ' ___ ;~::~;::~~..,~·~~~·~ ... ~'=7 ~·~Aliil~~r:1~.i.:~~~~~~!"~!:f ~l~:"~ .. ~·~Cz!:!:z~ .. ~Ca:·="'~:.' untvenlty, some former ~ -·r-_,_ · ~:~d::',:.~:;~~~1: · GOODYEAR-THE ONLY MAKER OF POLYGLAs• TIRES .' .. : , vlronmeot. had brought out • • • • • • • • 1 1 • • 1 • • • 1 • • • • • • • I • e· • • • a • • a • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • • • • a • • • •I I • • • • I • • • • • I a • • • • ·: polk.>e and fire.men by setUna • . ~ -·1 • ••• ! trash fire1 and creating ••••••••••••••• 9 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •·• • aa ••••a••• ··•.iii ' disturbances. •• • Many ol UM youths 1aid a : .. • · .. ~~u~:k1·~~~~1 : YOUNG & LANE TIR·E CO. INC.:-.:~!.'. Negro, last ntursday nJgbt in • • • • • • the black community. Police • COSTA MESA LAGUNA IEACH :. •., aald he was nee in, from of· • • , .. 1 Ileen and w11 ahol when he : 1596 NEWl'ORT BLVD. e Phont S4f.9313 482 OC I AN AVI . e Phont 494 6666 '" i 1tepptd from a car with a • a ' .-.. ~ .. -~ 1u8.,~ ~-;;'10ock1ns m•d•: ALSO THEODORE ROBINS · FOR~2060 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 642.0010 ':' .•~i a aurprlH vltll to the troubled '• • • • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • W a a a • ·• • a • a a • a • a a • a ·9· .. 1·: area Tue!ldq. • ' -.! ' ' • DAIL~ .PU.Ol' EDITORIAL PA:GE • -··-·· I t· ' ,, Ill ' . .• . • 'Annexi1tion . : Newport Beach City Council, In a bold and rather · abrupt action Monday nigh! ~hallenged the county, the Irvine Company, Costa Mesa and Siinta Ana to an an· nexation showdown in the industrial . area adjacent to ~ ,. Orange County Airport. • • • , In an. action that, consideriqg ·the pace at 'vhiCh kl:~ ..., l • the coun~~l has d~a~t "".ith less al'Jlbitious projects, was 1s surpn11ng for its swiftness a1 for its scope the coun· cil rHOlved to : . ' p l . "' ) ' -Seek annexation of the 177·acre Collins Radio industrial property. __ ... _ ~ -Stake a claim to the Irvine industrial property between the airport ~nd Jamboree Road , all the way out to the San Diego Freeway. And, for good measure, announced intention to try to annex the Orange County Airport. . All ~is is ce~in to activate the annexation map makers m other city balls and to start nerves jangling inh county government offices, in the Irvine Company eadquarters and tp some state offices. . The Collins annexation action could hardly be con· stdered surprising; since that comnanv has often irlent.. lfied itself. with Newport Beach ti1 civic activity, through its postal address and the ll~e. Whether Collins enVIsions any use other than industrial for its sub .. ~tantial ' undeveJoped land at some future time is un-JCriown. · · But the rat1J.er amJ:>ttious action .a1so· includes about a dozen of the prime 'industrial. sites which the Irvine Company Jong has eannarked as important tax bR se for the n~w city Of lrvllie. The. plan for lhat city is due for county clction in .November. . H~w far Joss of t~e industrial sites would go toward scuttling the economic base of the proposed city is a matter· upo~. wh!c.h, th~ Irvine Company, the county and tb~ .l)n1vers1ty of California can be expected to have lltrong feeling s. .. ShoWdown ; ; . · Orange County govemm~nt can be exp~ted io look with considerable disfavor on the prospect of its1 major airport coming un<1.er muc~ Newport .f!lunlc!p'i control-or for that matter,. the control of any ~i~y Newport, Santa Ana, Tustin or Costa Mesa . qosta ?i.1esa, meanwhile, iS likely to take the cue to seek a way to annex .the w~st sjde of the · airport. And Santa Ana can har:dly be expected to stand by quietly and watch supposedly ,·ureserved" Irvine i(l.dustriat lan,ds go into other cities. without taking its bite at the Jr.vine industrial lan~ north of t~e airport. ' The one sweeping ·resolution of the Newport city council has the prospect tor a chain reaction that could change the future of not merely its own city but those of four others. · No Private Heliports A request by a businessman to land a company helicopter on the roof of his building at N~wport Center was unanimously turned down by city councilmen, last ·week. That one helicopter·wasn't too great a threat to the public safety and the public's right to peace and quiet . But setting the precedent would have been. Other applicants for private heliports ha ve been turned· down in the past. The only approved helicopter landing site is the Newporter Inn and that is for a pass· enger carrier service that falls in the realm of public transportation. Police helicopters Will be another et· ception . The city planning department wisely is \Vorking on a helicopter regulating ordinance that in aU likelihood will incorporate recommendations from pl anni ng corn· missioners either to have a central city heliport or allow no private helicopter landing at all. I •• ~ N '~ l'D SAY A 5.A.M. t>IC> rr. • Exag,,'ttated; V-is~n at the f'titure? Vacation: Do ' .Thing~ Never Done Before s:ir Ronald Faces Orange · ~o~~ty's Politics The Rat Pack -. . \ . . Oranie eountY. fCaflfOmla. 111 11 ' America~ a_f berry pie :aqd' bi(-leape baseban and Oisneylaf!d •and ,t!ie U.S. Marine Corps, all of ..-hich it contains In spectacular manifestations: Knott's Berry Farm, the C~lifomla Angels, the Marine air base at El Toro, and or course Disheyland, the one an"d orily, Otange Coun.tY, south or 'Los Ange lei, also is a home of uJtrapolitical con· vervatism. It confirm~ that again when the voten of the 35~ District, made up .larply ol • port of Or•ng• Coonty with a pleee of ~ Dtep·County tbr0wn In. e!ec:t.d a ni«nbOr'•I' 11M1 .r.tm . Birch ' Societx. stat. s.n. 'John Schmil&. to the U.S. House of Representatives - to the surprile cl no one. NOil IS OJIANGE COVNTf'S eonaerYatbm ordinary, TIUH(.tbe-mill OOIV«V•Usm. '11!< J>11bli"1tr of 111 prin- ciPf] peper haa said "there 'isn't 1ny ,;uch thini as a just or fair tu." For nearly two decades, until be died, it kept sending to Congress 1 man who felt that the: de>-gooders ·Jn Washington were 'depraved as well as dangerous: ''Tbe federal government ls like the child molest.er who offers candy before his evil act." Schmitz, the man who was just elected, also hu a suspicious eye. He onct said: "American!Sm is not trusting your leaders."' Wby should Orange COunty be what il is politically? It is not ilolated, cut off from the mainstrum of American activity. lta tourist attradions, Which dra\v milllona. are not limited to Knott's ' • • 'I. and .Disne)'land. Tbey'range-from Presi· dent NllOn'a lumrder White House at ·san· Olemente to San Juan ·.Capistrano MlsSlon to wtU~· the swallows return &¥! Laiuna BetCb; where, artist! in· cludint !POie {)I, the movie ~vatlety, have ~~n~nto~. NOil JS' m "POPVLATION old ond staid and ataanant, the lepndary litUe old men and women in l.Gnis shoes. It ii' YOUlll and ii ii, ~Ill swlftjy. ltl tll!O poJ!lllotiiln WU tiartlY -.,. a 225 perceat lncrea1t over 1950. It Is e1Um1ted that more than J.3 million now live In the county. Nor are they poor and Ul~ted. To a 1reat e:a:tent these art famlltes of 1k.illed craftsmen and technicians, and, lhelr Income is abOve both the nationel and state average. They are homeowners. The county bas mile after mile of housing de\•elopments, dotted with shopping centers and a score or more of citie,s which have names 1but rarely have personalitie~. The people come fro m the fl.1idwest, the South. ·and Southwest - and a great many come fron1 Los Angeles, fleeing the cily. They are nearly 4'11 white .. Anglos," about .93 percent, with son1e 5 percent ~mericans of Mex· lean deteent and the fest black, / Orange County, in short. is Tatller like a magnlfiecj suburb -something similar to thO!,llh vastly greater than the subtlrbs that have been. forming arOl,lnd cities across the country. It ·is made up of people wpose iniertsts -center .. on their-· homes and' their jobs, people who like what they ·have. worry , about paying for ii, and art hostile to anything they think might change ii. THE QU~TION we ask ourselves, the only reason for going into all this, is whet.her, as Ne-.rsweek once suigested, "O(ange County n1ay just possibly be the patttm of the far-out tutu.re." Or, as a piece in Fortune remarked a couple of years ago, " ••. The1.homeoWner syndrO:f11e that. ~ C?n~rlbui. to con- . iM'ta&ivt btb1.v1or 1n Or.an&• County ta commc IO be a pervul" polltlcal for,. In many suburban areas. "'lbeft used to be votes ln promising to meke thlnp happen. a prominent New York politician observed not long ago. 'Now there are votes in _promising to keep thin.s from happening. 1 " The nation's sUburbt ·are becoming an increasingly powertul palitJcal force , perhaps more powerful' ur~ either of the old antagonists, the \cities and the rural areas. If it is true that Orange C:ounty Is in any way l:'viai® -albeit an exaggerated vision ::.. of the' future, what we now think of" as dengerous polariz&lion will seem in retrospt:ct to h've been brotherly comradeship. -Lou11vlUe Tlme1 ' ,..,1 l?"i\· WeJI, children, as You remember, Sir 1/J Ronald of Holy ROOd and his faithful ~~ f.i1:t squire, Sancho Reinecke, had plunged ) 1 ' 11 •• 1 ~ ," deep into The Tangled Thicket in quest ~ ·*' -1· it;£>. of that frun1 inoUs creature who dwelt Are YOU bored With routine vac'ations? somewhere in the murky gloom -The Don 't you get tired of sweating all Dread Unruh . day in a hot rowboat trying to calch Sir Ronald was a wary wall-eyed pike or t.rout, and keeping in fighting the. n sitting all night ln a resort trim by hacking ho J' away with his fam-• te. s frigid cocktail lounge in hopes of ed ... Swinging Sword nar:mi an unwary glassy-eyed blonde? at a nearly-expired "fan; you're in a circular-rut that Welfare 8 u d g e t, ~ nowhere. You're wasting your time when suddenly he >'~ might II well be back .. th; paused . "Hark. San- ·Off1ce teUlnt liflVouM the watel «19ler. cho," he said, "whal · Wblit you need is 1 vacatlOn Jbat melodious sound iS will 5!1ap YOU out of It, a vacation that?" ., :!~n dolnc thinas you've never done Through the thicket came a golden Voice. "When I was 52." sang The Llke 'wh&.t ? Well, the choice is endless. Voice in the most beautiful of tones, For example, you might-''it was a very good year ... " ~OVNT THE GOOSE bump! on I frightened wart bog. Cross-breed crabgrass with four-l~af clovers_ so that when a patch of it grows 1n your lawn you'll feel downright lucky. Track down the guy who opens cans of W°"";' instead of closing them. <>rcan1ze • marathon nagpole-sitting contest for politicians who've bored you by their fence-sitting tactics. Take Dean Martin to a marshmallow toasting orgy. THE BRANCHF.S parted and out step- ped The Voice. itself, a thin dark-haired, nervous·looking creature with a cigarette dangling from its lips. "Beware, Sire!" whispered Sancho in a state of great alann . '"Tis U1at most evil of beasts, The Voice. He is the leader of the sinful Rat Pack and the boon companion of all your qiosl. dirt enemies, including the Mafia -both Irish and Italian." "He fights. then for The Dread Unruh?" asked. Sir Ronald. " ... ' .. ' Al-t ... "Hi, there, Ronnle, baby,11 said The Voice, lighting another cigaret te without much intere~t. "What' gives, dad?" "l go forth to do battle with The Dread Unruh. Wiil thou support me in my _ fight for Decency. for Purity and for Just Plain Goodness?" ''Not exactly my bag, dad. 1 flgure to opt for The Unruh. I've always been the life of his party. Gotta think Cf my fans . .\pY reason I shouldn't?" "Non~," said Sir Ronald guileleuly . "If yoU adniire a creature that'.1 oab' 47 and doesn 't approve of dyed hair." "ls that so?'' said The Voice frowning. "NEVER TRUST anyone under 50, I say. Particularly if he comes not from· Holy Rood. Ab, these interlopers who wish to take over our belov~ Golden State." · "There's that. too." conceded The Voice. "But look. dad, 1 been loyal to my fans for 30 years. And they'd never dig me coming out for you. There's nothing we got in common." "After 30 years, that's exactly what we 'Ve got in common." said Sir Ronald with a smile. "Your fans." "Okay, dad, you win·, I'm .your boy," said The Voice with a sigh. "But could you cool that decency stuff a litUe7 Jt curdles my Scotch." The Vietnam Tiger Cages Give Milton Berle a new old chestnut to tell . Send your boss a box of a dozen assorted molehills and see how many mountains he can make of them . "Verily, he must. Sire," replied Sancho firmly. "Far he has supported the causes of wickedness for , lo , these three decade s past and more." AT TlllS. A thoughtful expression crossed ~ir Ronald's noble mien. He sheathed his Swinging Sword and, flashing bis famed Grinning Grin, ap- proached The Voice. AT THIS A roar of outrage reverberated through The Thicket. " 'Tis The Unruh, Sire," cried Sancho gleefully. •·You 're winning over The Voice has wounded him grie vously." WASHINGTON -The latest shocker from SoUth Vietnam, confinement of political prisoners in crowded "tiger cages," has now ~n 1ama1ted at length by war critics who see it as new sub· human evidence of the inhumani'ty of our South Vietnamese a.Uy. Now that those recriminations have predictably been uttered, it is time to say some vet'")' different things. Without in .ny way condoning the use of the cage.$ (or the acquiescence of U.S. of· fk:lals), the matter should be put in a Vietnamese contexL It shouJd be understood. in the first plate, th~ animaJ.Jike cages and zoo-like enclosure' have ~ used on both sid.es In the present I11dochina "'ar and before It. The inbumanity·~s not new or localized in the·Soil1h. · - -~The Viet Cong and North Vietnamese ire · kno~n . to confine U.S. prisontrs oC war ra a sort · of bamboo 'jmoqkey cage." ~ al'.e laltlet>it strueidrP..s a llttle mO('t •than. five : feet Jong.' about -limo!~. Wed-.y,rJuir 31, lt?O · TM edttorlol fJ<lDI of t~ Dally Pilot u•ka 'to iii/om anll dim.. ttlatc uadfrt bu pre1entlng .t.hl1 MIDl'pcl_pt!r't opiRl0111 and com. .Jl,C!l!<Jry Ofl topla of inttr<st f iiil4 1lgntficonc•. by providing a f forum for the eipris1ion of otir readers' ophlio111, and by pr"'1'Ung t11t diver1t view- ~ of informt<I ob1•rv"' . G.wd ipoh.tmtA on topic1 of thr ' ..... • Jlobort "··weed, rubli•her three feet wide, with perhaps four f'eet. headroom of AS IN THE TIGER cages, prlaonera are unable to standiln the small bamboo cages. As in the tiger cqes, the prisooert are usually locked in leg-irons at ntght. and only a thin thatched roof offers protection from the weather. Mort0vtr, th~ bamboo cages are not punishment cells, used for unruly prisoners or to conflne recalcitrants for short periods. They are a way of POW life and believed to be such for many of the l,500 Americans held by the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese. Th.e COmmunisU are also report ed to confine POWs in unprotected op~·.1 pit~ -bear pit! -where prisoners are forced to live on short rations in their O\Vn excrement just as in the tiger cases .. There is. in short. no justilicatlon for the recent expressia11s of outrage from the Communist side of the ParlJ peace: talks.1 -ON THE OTHER hand, 11\e South V"~ 1'tnlese use a !!Ort of barbed wtre ••fox nin" for disc\pllnary purpoffl in aome · of their PO\\' compounds -and ap- ~ently with semi-official International sanction. · Newsmt'{l ~·ho v\~ited South Viet· name:ae camps in Apr11. with Texas multlmlllionaite Ro111 Perot. questloned autbor1Ues closely about i barbed Wire enclosure In one of the compounds it !.he prison camp on Phu Quoc. 'l'h11t 1Sl1nd, like Con Son, is off the southern eo11st ot Vletn11m. lt Is the site of the largest South Vi l"tnamese PO\V camp. The tltClMurt 11ttn there i~ aboUt eight feet IOl'18. four feet wide. and four feet blp. It ii ••linli¥ fenced ancl rooled "'ilh woven barbed wire so that 111 BUILD A LOVE nest in that unused pri soner can do little but lie or crouch corner of your attic. in it, unsheltered from the weather. Borrow a new trouble and return an old one. SOUTH VIETNAMESE authorities aaid See if you can find a bank that wilJ the small fox tun was used to discipline let you open a savings account without trouble-makers in the .POW compound. having to lug home an electric toaster It was clean and empty at the lime. of or piece of luggage. Lhe well-publicized Perot visitation. Mae a oopectlon of prize box topa Authorities reported that officlala of whiclt>yuu can't mill to the manuflC'turer the lnte""'tlonal !led Cro55 had first and ,;\ an)'thtnl: l>lid<. que~iltned the , use or-the barbed wire Crute: t .tek!Ylaaori1c~rcla1 that enclOsure. However, The Red Croll in-wUI 1utonf~11ly 111!-detlruct tee0ndl spectors. who monitor(!(( the Si,qth Viet.; ,, •fter it has been thowtr. onCe. . namese camps, made no for-mil protest, Tiain a couple ol Jartersriakes to keep camp authorities said, when they found you, socks up. ,. · that s.imilar disciplinary facilities had been In general ute In mlJitary prisons CONSTRUCT A private trough for in fndochlna dating back to the days government employes who are weary of French ocC\(i>allon. . of eating out of the public trough. All of these e.nclosures are olfemive No one yet has thought up a sure by our standards, ,even though condition! fire wa~ to . cook· spaghetU • backwar:ds. In many prisons here tn the United States Can you? 1, have come unde:t-iharp criticism . It Bake some free custard pies for is lmportan\ to understand, however, statesmen who say it is aaainst their that our staodard.5 are not l lWl)'I usefUl principles to throw mud. ' • in making jqdgments about \lieblam. ..'-JnVent a wrafMround, 1 I e 'v el es s By Robert 8. ,AJtta necktie wide enough to be used also •ad Jelllt A. Gcikl1mhll ·aa: a dresaing gown. Dear- Gloomy Gus: ' Eveybody sq1111wks about the rar right Birchers. but how many banks have they burned down lately? -H.J. 8. Tith "°'"'" ""'*" ,.._... ...... _. --""' tM-. .. .... """"...... , .. ,.. Mt ..... II •IMM'I' Odo Olll'I' Plltto Is there any land ln the world where tile ·HUvtS ;utn'I -T How obout 10iJ1« there and 0.lldllJI a mt home for thoae who want to 1et away from II all. POT A BEAN UP a teen-ager's note . Search the zoos for an elephant '*Ith 80 much aelf-«introl he can stop after eating only ooe peanut. Utunch a campaign to minimize the maxlsklrt and maiimlze the miniskirt. Ott Amerlcaq Indian tribes to 111gn 1 new pe~ce pact under which they'll agree to quit sending up smoke signals. Affer all, if we are ever to lic:k the problem of air pcllutlon, we've got to make a rirm start somewhere. Ve!. why should anyone be bored on hill vacauont JuM look around you. 'Mlere are a mllllon worthwhile: things just wailini for you to do llM!m. • "Greetings. fa ir knight,'' he said, "peace be with you." "I have captured the Italian vole,'1 shouted Sir Ronald into The Thicket. .. Do you yield, Dread Unruh?" Ater a moment's pause, the cry came back: "Not wllile I still have Sammy Davis Jr." A Treacherous Phrase Tboapll ot 1.arJ>• One of the most trtacherou.~ phrases ln the lexicon of argument is "the.public" -for there i~ in fact no such thing, only a congeries of different publics, forever shifting and refonning their con- stituency. • • • ti's strange how the people who regard It as an infringe- ment of personal liberties if society should decide to limit the number of children we might have, doo't. at .an consider it a loss of freedom that we ani permitted ' only Olle husband or wife Ii I time; but if the slate has the acknowltged right to m- fort:e monogamy. why not the number of J>l'Olenyf (And please don't quote the Bible at me. in defense of "multiply- ink": all the Old Testament pattlarch11 had numerous w!ves, but th&t dkfn 't stop eeclesiasUc11l authorities from eventually banning polygamy.) • • • Speakin& of children. 11ny parent. al 81\Y time during an argument with a ter:n-agtr, who remarks ''When I wa s your age • • . " deserves exactly the scorn he or she gets. • • • Th< next hardesl thina to ai•ina up smoking is to avoid substltutlnc something for it. like snlugness . • • • \Vhy is it ca\Jed ~ "soft" job when it's the hardest of all to cet '! • • • For a Shrewd -understanding o r feminine psychology, it's hard to beat J. 8. Priestley'! Observation: .. She waa not Pref.ty, ·bOt she •might , have been hand"'""' If somebndy · l!ad kept teWna her that she was pretty." 1---B11 Geo,.,e --- ~r George: I'm engaged to 1 columnist on my local paper who writes a funny column. But everywhere 1 go peo- ple keep warning me against m&r- rytng -·a humorist -Is it true lhat hinnoris1s are essentially gloomy. grouchy and ill-ten1pered? ' RUTH Dear Ruth: Ttlat's the most !llupid thing I evtt heard of! Humorists hav1 !fWeet di!p01ltlon& and never loSfJ tbtir temper! And don't you foraet It. ' • • " - .;1 0 in al OJ 1 ] ol .. m "' Iii " c N t< w P• do ., Cl tc •• tr ot •• i • Ii L ~ u • u ti ,, • g • ti • t • ti ' s • J I • ~ I I I ' i I I I t ' • I • ' I t c I ! ) ' t I I I . . . . Costa Mesa EDIT IO N • • vo r. 63, No. '174, 5 SECTION~. 70 PAGES ORANGE ~.~ . . WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, '1970 TEN CEtm -' Coastal Cities May Test New Voting MiiChine : By TOM BARLEY Of .. Mltr P119t ltetl' ' A sharply divided Orange County Board of Supervtson today qreed lo "" the Cubic Votronics vote counting system in the Nov . 3 General Election. It was indicated that communities along the Orange Coast may be voling an lfie new machines in November. 1be board voted 3 to 2 to hire the Cubic Company on a one time trial blasis for 1 $60,000 fee. Supervisors will ;, :: School Head then have IO days In wblcb lo pun:ba&e or ,.jeet the 11.7 million ¥Ollng ll)'olem. S~ llaY!d Balter, Alton E. Allen; lod William lllrsteln bocked the proposal submitted by County Clerk William E, St John. Supervisors Robert Battin and William Phillips voted no. St John 's recommendation was the one adopted in the majority report of an Orange County Voting Systems Task Force which took two years to examine a wide range of voting equipment. LGQl4aodlng divlolom In the - appointed tuk -became -· when. I !MDber ol Ila snemhei;I ~drolled a minority report callinl !Cll' the COUllly's aOoptloo of equipment 111&11Qf11Ctured b)' the AulomaUc Voling Machine ~. Ii ..... evident !rem board -today that AMV's failure to pnmde a recount ol. any county vote wu • prime factor in the rejection of tbe company's offer. St John ezplained today . that he will \ -Ult the CUblc equipment tor abcMJt ilatt of the ~ County volt ID the November dectlon.. Backinl the »leued macflloeo wW he mlon!d and renovated Coleman El<C- tror\ie COUDling S)'llems wblcll will lake over ~ countlna: cbcfts ii). ~ central porlioD of the county. CUbic tqulpment will he used lo tally ...iea lo outlying CGWlty ·~ among them the COU!al . communiiieI' • · Supervisor Baker led Ute mo~ to More acaipt the CUbtc oUtr of 1 Nov. 3 bial nm with the cotnment that the firm's ablli~ to provide an immediate recouat was 'vital in any Oranee'County election. .._ 1 "We are behind the timel'I here In Orange County." he said. •we must Jet these J>C9p1e show us what they ciln do and ltten make our final decision ID the light of their performan<t." But Battin branded the board decision 1s "ahocklng IDd incomprehen!lble wben you boar In mind !bet .,.. have • offer to use competltl've equipment. lil>oolutely free of clllc8o·.. ' Battin'a reference wu to the ~ef by the Sl)oup VoliDg llaebilie· Conlpody to provide 200 machines for me in the' N:ovtmbtr ·election ·~ no· ·e~ to tbe county. .... II brought the commtllt fn1f!1 Baar: "It has been my long Ull!'ritnce lo many years on this board ' that ,... 1 oo...-pl lll)'lhing fret, .. • I • • l ' • • • • , : May Meet Petitioners ' . ' By JOANNE REYNOLDS Of llM DIHY Plttt ltaft' Members of the Newport-Mesa board of education Tuesday night asked district l'IUperintendent William CUnn.ingham to meet witti Costa Mesa High School parents after an angry group of them .,wed up to protest the use of modular scheduling at ~ school. Board president Bud Franklin asked Cunningham and assistant superintendent Norman LoatS to meet with any in- terested parents o{ Costa Mesa students when it became apparenl the protesting parents were not aware some ol their demands .had been met. Harold Marshall led off the parade al protesters when he presented a peli- 1 ion signed by 432 parents Of high school 11nd junior high school students in the Co!la Mesa area . The petition asked board members to return· the school to "traditional l!d!edulink" by !he end of 1970. Included in this demand was a return to use or state approved text boob, regularly assigned homework, regularly issued lrades, a closed campug, recWar teslin&t a <:0nventional dress code and the aboU.. tion of lny pasa-fail courses. But fcinner Mesa High Principal Frank Lopes had reported in June that plans W.ere being made to make changes in tbt controversial program. A1 that time, he indicated Coata Mesa would operate as a closed campus, with the possibility of privileges for seniors 1hat earn them. He also said that the freshmen and sophomores would have alf increase oC scheduled time. The problems in the comput.eriz.cd grading system were being worked oul ,.nd grades would be issued more often \Mn under the tradition al system, he ~d. ~unningham poinled oul to the group Tuesday night that the state does not Ai>Prove text books for high ~ls and that the district has a review board to approve texts (or use in the high $Chools. Mrs. Fran Newman, assistant principal al Mesa High, Mid today only the hegin- tSee SCHOOL CHIEF, P11e I) Newport Dunes' Operator Kee ps 50-year Contract • Col. Harry Byrd o( Dallas retained his SO.year contract to operate Newport Dunc5 Aquatic Park in Upper Newport ~y on a tight 3 to 2 vote Tuesday by the Orange County &ard o( Superv~r~. Supervisor David Baker . kmg a cr1lic of the park operations, offered the re· ~led motion which would have cancel- lid the contract and thrown the opera~ tions open for new bidding. ln another following action, however, the county board removed administra- tion of the lease from the county Depart· ment of Harbors, Beaches and Parb and placed it under jurisdiction of the Department or Real Property Servicea. Baker fired the opening salvo in Dune9 argument! by declarb\g, "'lllere is tJ'e. mendous poienUal in this lea!< and II Is not being utilized. This Dunes OPft'I• lion coold be one or the finest of tts kind on the West Coast but all we have from f,he present concern Is a U-year history pf non·performanct!.'' The SO-year lease for the 69-actt facili· ty was signed Feb. 5, 1958 and runs unlil the year 2008. Baker repeatedly tang led with Byrd 's 1'llomey Waller 8 . Chaffee as the angr1 1upervlsor pointed to a record 0( 211 ac- tions agairuit the lease holders in Ult Jast 12 years and what he sal"d were "re- peated edjustment.s of the lease in the f11vor of New port Dunes." Chaffee pointed out to Baker that hiii tlitnts bad complied with every demand tnadc by the county 11in<:e the lea11e wu (S.. DUNES, Pap Z) • ' • . . . Airport Expansion Recom~nded DAILY NLOT,1'111 .. W ...... ktlMMM" Cottt!entratio1a Ulllm1le •x(J11111on of Orona• Cowlly Airport jet trallic to -times its present capacity Is one of a series of master plan recommendalioa11 bei..q: atudiacl today by Airport Manqer Robert lll'esnahan and the c:ouoty Alrjiort Com- mission. · .., · · But that expansion, inpicates a 277· page ,.port p<epared by the Ralph M. Poraons Co. o( Los AngeleJ, may hinge on lhe creaUOn of a supplem9tary Gas Station Attendant Bum Vi~tift.l • A Costa Mm service lllatioo attendlnt Wll eniulfed Iii ft .. eo Tueodl!' Wboo atru<:l<C..-~hltea blowtorch. He raa out bito the niJh\ with bis "1irt blalnl. .ftcwel" Smelter, ti, Anaheim, was ""'8hl In 1 •ICllll field by the man whole vehlcle he was trying to fix, -... to -,111ors. ' Robby Miller, 13 (top). studies the situation from his bike. while James Smith, 8 (center) and Scott McKenzie. 13 (right), devote their attention to a game of Stadium Checkers. The action took place Tuesday at Costa Mesa Park, indicaUng, perhaps, that not all of the Richard Bell, ol 890 Joam St., ripped the flaming shirt from Smelter's body after the 9:11 p.m. incident, said Fire Department Battalion Olief Ro n Coleman. Kelly King , Herlll0$8 Bea:eh, was sit- Una: in a 11earby hamburger takeout lot and witnessed the accident. running to aid Smelter and Bell. powers of concentration are developed in the schoolroom. · Knowing the location of lloai: Memorial Hospital, ilJe quickly got Smelter into her car and raced to the emergency room. where the burn victim was ad- mitted. City Aid es Get Together Hospital spokesmen said today Smelter was in good condition with first degree burns on his chest, back and right ann . • In Mutual Help Session Battalion Ollef Coleman said Smelter lried lo re-start Bell'• stalled pi<kup by pouring gasoline. from an oil can into the open carburetor. City government got what Mayor Robert Wllsm called an "education'' Tuesday night when Parks Direclor Joe Jones and Recreation eupervbof Skip Stone told their story to the assembled officials. TI;ie joint. meeting was called by the mayor to "establlsh b elt e r com- municatibn among ttJe c I t y 1d- ministrat.ors. Those attendin1 included members or the City Council, the plan· ning commission and other dty officials. Jones and Stone told the meeting or their respecti ve departments' need,, in order to cope with the .,awth of Costa Mesa . Jooes began with 1 review ol the development. or the existing perks. He explained that Che 16 parks covering l 16 acres were taken Cll'e ol. by only 11 men. With the recent lludget cWI, he aald · his depmtr11ent wn "inMI.llng equl~ Thief Operates At Med Center A burglar made an 1ppointment at a COSta Mesa medical buildtnl Tuesday, made an incision in lhe door of a doctor•• office and extracted more than $700 in loot from it and a dental !Uite. Or. J. W. Coddington. of 2850 Mesa Verde Dri ve East, said he k>st $47& in office equipment. including 1 chectwriter, typewriter and • adding machine. Dr. Wallace M. Remsen said only a .$250 electric~ typewriter was taken from his adjacmt dental office in a report filed wHh police. • • ment that. cuts out as much·maintenance as possible," auch· as automatic sprinkl- 1~ and lighting systems. RecreaUon. Supervisor Stone, in a r<vlllW <ii the exislin( _ ..... offeml · by the department, said' that five years ago, there were not enough people in- terested In the programs to fJU them to capacity. Now, he 88.i~ "Just the opposite is tn>e. There ire not enough programs.'" Both men stressed the needs ol their departments for more money f.or more parks to accommodate more: people. and Jones • said that the parks mister plan called for 30 parks by 1980. ''When it backfired, he was startled and apilled the ga.'IOline onto his fihirt when it Ignited," said Coleman, who added U!at the lruck ltaelf was un- damaged. " Oversexed Baboons Sent to Denmark OSLO (AP) -'rhe Kristiansen Zoo in M>Uthtrn Norw1y found lour baboons- one male and three female-too demon· stri.tive sexually and shipped them lo Denmark, where the atlitude in such matters il'I more relaxed, the newspaper Verdens Gani reported. Weapons Vanish Militar y Posts Lose Guns , Ammo . . WASHINGTON (UPI) -Calllornla olflciall te>Wled today Iha\ an astonish.in& amount of weapons ind explosives intended for use in Vietnam had disappeared from West Coast ports. They revealed In testlmOf\Y before 1 senate lnvesllgeUona. subcommltttee that even the huge Presidio compound ln San Jrrancl111CO, hadquarters of the 6th Army, lost several hundred 1Uck1 Qf confjlcated dynamite to burelars last weekend. , 1 ~·1 think it came as a great ahock jmi how much they were klling,'" satd Charles A. O'Brien. California chi,r deputy 1ftomey ieneral. "I found rt astonishing that weapoM In this amount could diSlppear fz:Om a m.l.lltaey - base." mittee, a vast. array of military weapons apparently has been stolen from mitee, a vast array of military weapons 1pparentl yhas been atolen from munitions dumps in caJUontia since the first ot the. )'W'. Included •ere M one-pound bricks of'C4 plastic upltslvea. 55 band crenades, 1ofbal<IOk11 and t77 pistol&, machine .., .. •Ind rifles. The Ill\ also lncludici'IUOO "'"""''of · ammurlllion. . I '-,. , ! y'_ • . airfield which would bUcile overflow from the eii!1Jn1 facility. In any event., supervisors were warned in an hour long presentation Tuesday of the SltO,OOI study of the m111kr- plan's second pllast, filght !IOl'Vict 1t Orange County Airport should bo llmlled uJtUI additional "short haul" jet landiq: fields are in operation In Orange County. Superviaors, obvlcusly bogled by the mass of technical data and complicated r«:<ll1Ulltndatioos coritaloed In lbe 'llulil1• brocblll" called for 1 io.daJI dud:r If: the PatlOl'UI plan. I They will ,.i dai<S !or public. -- on the· airport iAut sometlmo onl -ic.: · The board must decidO by A1'1. :at whether it will upud or aat back or maintain jet tr&ffic at Orange County. Airport or. pay the 1100 1 day penalty; set for delay In lmpltment1tioo of the llloe AlllPORI', Pip I) bierease May Fall Newp~rt-~esu .Sc~o~ . ' . . . ' ' May Sh{ive Tqxing . Biw· • The tax r a h in the NeW]lOl'CMtu ldlool diJ\licl for the _. ywo, m1y be i. u..., orflinalb lllllc:il!'lod. - offlc:!lll Slid 'lllOllda)'. Ti\O 11\lmaled 7kent rile ortfinony predlclacl for district lupayen h18 dlW(led to a cenia. Vndtr i:umnt .. u. mates the tax rate per $100 usessed vafu. aUon for Colta Meaa will be '6.Sl as.op. posed to '5.43. Newport's r ate la now estimated at $4.lf compared to the orig. inal estimate of ss.oa. District Budget Dlrecttor Walt Adrian told bpard, members Tuesday night that assessed valuation ln the d.btrict had in· creased 18.4 percent over the preylous ye~r. The district's budget this year was figured On the basis of a nine percent in· crease. he said. Adrian said the increase In assessed valuation will bring the district about Sl .4 million in tax revenue he hnd not figur· ed on. l>The increase in property value means that we will be receiving $550,000 less from the stale, giving us ' net increa~ of $890,000," Adrain told board mem. hen. The budget Is set f.or public hearing and final •pproval Aug. 4 at 7:30 p.m. In the Costa Metia Higli School Lyceum. "Based on 80me recommendations, "'e will be lowering the pennlllslve override from 511 cenUI to about, 52 cents and the old high school district bond levy will Newport Ma n Hurt in Crash A Newport Beach man la In salisfac· lory . condition today at Orange County Medical center after his car left Pacific Coast Highway north of Crystal Cove and turned over. California Highway Patrol reports that Henry M. Jakecewici, 23, of 1980 16th St.. Newport Beach, apparenily fell asleep at lhe whee l of his car as he headed northbound on the highway toward• Corona del Mar Monday night. HI& car drifted to the •Rkle of the raod, hit the shoulder, and fllnped over, of· !lcials said. He wu taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital where-he wu, treated for head Jecerations and a _ftactlll'ed nose_, then tnnoft(f<d to Oi-anro County Medlu! Center. Luce Fortune Set Al $103 Million • NEW YORK (AP ) -The male of He.nry .. ·R. Luce, who headed the; Time- Life maga:dne empi re, was !3ilm1ted at. $103.014.eoo tn 1 court pe.Utlon for approval of estlmated "estate taxes. The petition Tuoadtly eollmated Now York Sia\< iuea at 11.423.000 •nd Nld f7,t!S,toe In feder1l eal•I• t11t1• Hd .... pUcl. ~ d!«l·Feb,11,! ltll. • I drop 1bout six Cfllia," Mrl•n llld. -" Dil1tlct Su(JOl'inl"1dent William Cun- nlnfblln .... dlroctad b)' -lo ~ 11-,._.. for the '"'""· Dlaliltl inialles Marton Bemlio Ind llooald Slrall.OI botll lncHcaiad' ti..,. fell the JllOlley -d'be retUrnecl to lbil iu- payers. Trustee Thomas Ca>ey said he would like the J>Ol.'ibillly of realorinl !OIDe pr .. grams cul from the budiel expiONJd, Md Trustee James Peyton asked CUlming• ham to look into putting the -liito salary increases. CUonlngham said he ·-Id· give .bolnt members varying con;ibtnation1r of tbe three sµggesUons in a wieet eo they would be able to make a decision •l ~ Aq. 4 hearing on ~ final bud&et. 7 . School Election Deadline Set Candidates for the vacant Newpcri. Mesa school board stat 11a .. untll Stpl, 10 to·file their declaraUoris of candidacy at the Voters Reglsiralion Office, Jilt E. Chestnut, Santa Ana. The post was vacated earlier 1hil month by the resignation of · long-time board member Elizabeth IJUy Whole term has three years left to run. , Candidates must be a registered vot• er in Trustee District 2 which tun1 from the intersection of Newport and Harbor, Boulevards in Costa Mesa to the nortJ>. ern city limits 11Jong Newpcrl. The west• ern boundary follows Harbor to Baker Slreet and along Biker to Fatvlew Street. then north on Fairview to the clty limits. WMlhr· Loctl log i nd 10w cloud• - expected alone• tho Orange Coast ii>' Ille llJ'ly IDOl'llblf houfll -· wJth haay IUnehlne fol-l~wlng. • 'But 11\o temponture1 wlll 1remaln · 1n the 80a. • INSWE JOD~Y A lqlking chlmp1 y,. -b•I htr trainer odmlti 1he '!My be brighter ihati Che average chim- panzee . .N111«r&hele&1, Uaia mon. key d011 comm1rnJcate. Stor11 Poa• 14, ' JI DAILY PILOT C Wt~, Ju!y U, 19!Q firat WI~•• State Will Call Tate · 'Lookout~~' • t.06 ANGELES (UP!) -Linda Kasa· outside lhe houM while lhelr occupants ~an IS the only slate wltnes,., who can were butchered. The slate is expected [ • Jace Ult "Manson family" at the scene to gr_ant her immunity from pro~ution the Sharon Tate-LaBianca slaylngs if aht tells her full story. she wlll be one of the firs t called at the murder trial. She has been carefully ·Shielded from The ProsecuUon will open Its case Manson and lhe Olher defendants - 3-iainst Ow'les Manson and three young Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel and womtn members of his "family" Friday. Leslie Van Houten. They have put up Unlike mOit murder trials in wh ich the state first calls police and .medical a oommoo defense ln face of the death experb to · establlah the foct ol death, penalty being demBnded by the P~ the depu\j' district lltdn>eya a the Tale seculion1· . ' . trial .,lll plUJige lminedltlf<ly Into the Selection of six alt<rnat< jurors to rtrY evfftb ol the two Augual evenings back up the r<g\llar panel of seven a'/::. =.bian, 21&, the mother of two men and five women was completed children, ,.lived with the "f-11 .. •1 at Tuesday. "'""' Deputy District Attorney Aaron Stovitz the Spahn Ranch, an abandoned wfflem outlined for newsmen the opening pro- movie set, at the Ume that five persons cedure of the proseculiod. :Were slain at tbe estate or the blonde ~·other deputy district attorney, Vin· actress and two more at the home cent Bugllosi, will make a brier opening of grocc!t Leno LaBianca. t t · h " r "'SShe is:said to have acted is a "looh:lut" s a ement "setting t e stage or the ...,,. case against the 35-year-old Manson and .~: the thi-ee girls. · :._ , ' The first witness will be William Gar-'llt.gneW Denounces ret.wn, 18, the caretaker who slept in ""'loi'l _ _a_ bttn&alow some dista nce from the 11 !-1-M renioo Tate llome the night or the kill· 'l.;J.llll. to emo ifigs. Second will be the maid who l i d!scovered the bodies strewn around the estate. l()n '72 'Election Roman Polanski, movie direclor hus- . ,0 , . baod of the actress, u expected to w ,..,;..,_ 'UPI) _ VI ~•-be called Monday and then Mrs. Kaaa- ..... ~~.1.ui." ~ ce r~ bl.an lS sd>eduled to take the witness ~ Spiro T. Agnew today denW!lced otand. .-:"1Dtalljr ""'""°" a pibllahed memo ~ lo link him with .. allepd ..,...WO tlrot the 11173 electioal be cancelled. Apw also said 5canlan'a Mimthly's ~bllcatfoft Of. the aJle1ed , meino was "an lmspon!ilble action.'' 13 Apew!s office Issued a statement after ~ian•s publillhed part ol wbat H IBld was a qonfidential memo written on J!Jt vice president's stationery. ; "This is a totaJly spurious document ~nd an· in'espansible action of the editors ~ not cll<cling my olllce ., i,; i" ,uthenUdty," Agnew· said, :·. "Aftboach it pw'pOl"tai to be on v Ice ~ stalloneey and l • dlfed ~~~-1J1 29'10, it is a type of stationery Mt ·uaed by my office. The form in .l'!hlcb tile memoraDclmn is ""1tlon •is -.... W>t ·lollowed by me or anyooe on ~-· '1 lln<'JUlv=lly denotmce this hoax ~ whatever motives that may lie ~ind it.'' Apew llld. . .,_, f.l'elephone Crew' · Lauds Neighbors From Pagel AIRPORT •.. Paraons proposals. If the Paraon.s plan is adopted and n!&hta from Orange County Airport ex· pand from the present 20 dally departures to 61 by 1977, some 256 homes between the airpoi't and Upper Newporl Bay 80Uth of the runway may be bulldoz. eel out of the way. 11te board would have to find the COOJiderable funds for such condemnaUon and would also have to pay the costs 1n .. 1ved In the Jl'Opoaed llOWldproofing Of another 385 homes In the vicinity of the airport. Panons tepreSentatives said Jand ac- quisition tnd 'IOUnd prooflng are the only m-by'wll!di Ille oi>unt1 could comply with the slate la>1 which becomes effecUve in January. The rerommendatlons suggest' a $1,000 ftne for ptlols who exceed lhe noise impact level above residential art'81 -on declbjl . r•lina• of .alreraft, Ille numbtt' of dally niihti a.a'. the time of day when the v!OtaUon 'took place. It was estimated In the Parsons plan that tlr't 'million would be needed for acquli!!}<!i!.,ol ,land aoo llOU!ld proofing For "-•• ... ~1· of Newjlort·"°"*8 that would be affected '-Alu.i. ~i> es _ by ~aelt.~lse '"'"·,.l\ ~ilU•Jled "I've •-doi :::r:·· . ~ l~t 1~1 '!tmds milbt "" ,aval~lr. IJlll:ll;J:l nc • • , ... over rfor the'' ••nt . ' r· f' 30 years and in all kinds· . adv~tu-"~ ?"'iii>i~· rec<iinrn~a~ in '&tions, but never Hate 1· llf:D' _ a· i the Y~~ure ~cludi the ouitay wonderful group « people." or .. ,, ~1111 .to· ,.panel. the . f<l:ll\lnai : That was the c0oiment today ti Cari f"l'!'; II#', ~"'I: level ~f 173,000' : Schmuck, telephone 'company repair BU~ .~en to 3.7 n1J1Uon by 1990. : ervisor who work:Ed neiriy 12 hours to re- . : place cables bur1'ed out in a fire at 1730 ; E. Ocean Blvd. -; "I just thought it woulil be nice if there ' r} were some way Qf. saying 'thank you ' to t the people who live in that area1 We were_ all impr essed with their thoughtfulness," he 11aid. Schmuck said resident.s of the ·area pro. Vided he and his 12-man crew with cof. fee, cake and donuta as they warted to restore phone cables which gave 1ervice to the Peninsula and Laguna Beach. • "They were just wonderful. In spite ·of the fact their aervice was out.. none of lh<m got on us about It," he ioid . • •' DAILY PILOT I ... ~~~~~~~~~~-. ~ t l l l l ,, I ! I ~ i OltAHOf COAS1 l"UlllLt$MING C0M'A~V Jo\.1f't N. W114 J••" •. cw,1 • ., 11\o,,.tt A. Mw1pllint ~111111 lf!IV JJO Witt lty Str••• M1lltttot M4•1n: P.O, lo• 11.0, 12616 .._ ....... ...... ..... : .. , .......... ""'-Wrf i,.-'-II: m .,.,_,A- ' .._. ....... hldlt l1WS l9Cfl lw._,_ !M C.._..I al Mll1fl II t.mMI lt•I • ' ' DAIL V l'ILOT Stilt f'Mi.. Ready to Swi1n Mayor Bob Wilson ol Costa Mesa (left) and Mayor Ed Hirth ol New- port Beach (right} will lead s\vi mmers Saturday in fund-raising "swimathon" Cot new Olympic-size swimming pool planned at New- port Harbor High &chooi. The municipal leaders, urged on by fund drive Chairman Mike Ash (center), will plunge into the task prompt· Jy at noon at the Newport Beach Tennis Club in Eastbluff. Teams of swimmers will keep swimming until fund goal of $87,500 is reached. Local agencies already have pledged 75 percent of the needed fund- ing . 3rd Bovs' Oub in Area ... Step Nearer Realization A third Boys Club recrtaUon center for the Harbor Area moved a step nearer to reality Monday night when Newport Beach city councilmen approved a 35- year lease with the organiuUon. The'. new center wilt be located on the beach at the base of the Balboa Pier on tidelands controlled by the city. Two existing branches Ire located at 594 Center St. and JlSl TulUn Ave., I',..,.. .P .. e l • DUNES ••• signed and reminded _!ht auperv\sor that the concern had Jlllt M mllUon into an enterprise Hfrom which be could have walked aw~y Jong aao." . , Chaffee ioid there had been litUe or no woflt 1(1 runnint the llUn<a COllC<li· sion and the operators had spent SlSl ,ooO correclini the deficiencies u first point- ed out 1'by a bunch of nitpickers who submitted a ,list a mile long." C1,Jmnt · #le?is, Chaffee said. in-clu<IF the ,COMJ>fl!lY'• awalUng of the out-wme . of ,a . sonlna . decision by the City of 'NtwpOtt Beach. He predicted to the board that ·the ruling on July 28 will bt In the Dunes' favor. · "It disturbs me that we don't have a better' relationship," Chaffee t o I d the supefvi~~ .. CITY OF NEW'll~T IEACH both ln Costa Mesa. City attorney Tully Seymour said coun- cilmen are scheduled to take action al their next meeting to put the lease on the ballot for the November election. "When a lease, such as this one, runs over 25 years, it h{l;s to be put to a vote of the public," he explained. Lou Yantom, adminl!trator of the Harbor Area Boys Club said the 33 year Jeaie was necessary 1n order to secure funds for the organlzaUon from charitable foundations . Yantotn said no plans for the new center have been drawn yet. "Construc- tion will wait until voters 1prirove the leue," he 18id. Terms of the leaae are $1 per year. The agreement abo atltes that the facili· ty wDI be open to -.nlud church and youth groups. Councilman Howard Rogers p a laugh· from fellow councilmen when he noted the facility will provide a "badly needed assembly hall for Free Us." .Bellast Bo1nh Blast Damages Church Cl uh BELFAST, Northern Ireland IUPI) - A homemade bontb exploded early today on a windowsill of St. Mary's Central Catholic club near Belfast's cenll!r, police said. The bar was badly damaged but no one was in the club and there were no injuries, authorities said. A short lime earlier. police said three shol' were fired into the air in the Protestant Shankill Road area. ' I Press ,£'4n•P ' , .Gag Rule Called In 'Devil' Trial , . By ~RTHUR R. VINSEL Of tfle OIHY l"lltt $tiff A court-crdered gag rule which ls .almost a, carbon t.'Opy ot that. 1ropoaecl on the Sharon Tate-Manson , Fan1ily . murder case was clamped onto. Orange COUf'lty's alleged "devil cult" killings Tuesday. Judie .James F. Judge concluded pro-, ceedlnp for four amoag five ~ indlded by tbe Orange County i !}r•nd Jury by algnlng the lhlct document at hli Superior court bench. His order ls believed to be the first in Orange CO!mty history. The judicial order specUically forbids any and all principals -from pfl>o secution arid defense attorneys to Police and clerical aides -from discussing &he case outside court with the press. ., Gruesome disclosures about tile alleged sacrifice to Satan of part! of the mutilated corpse of Mission Viejo schoolteacher Mrs. Florence N. Brown. 31, were among patentlally damaging comment.s menUoned earlier. Stephen C. Hurd, 20, a. Jong·haired defendant named in connection wllh both Mrs. Brown's butcher murder and the beaUng of a Santa Ana &ervice station attendant, pleaded innocent by reason of lnaanlty. He has been indicted for his alleged role in the klll.inga on subeequent warm June nlghls. His attorney, William Gamble, had earlier portrayed him In rresa COl)o ferences as a self-styled Devi worahlper deranged by damaging doees o f barbiturate drugs. The three-day Grand Jury hearings led to Indictment of Hurd, plus Herman H. Taylor, 17, another transient, Christopher C. "Gypsy" Gibboney, t7, or Portland. Ore., and Arthur C, Hulse, 16, of 11461 Dolan St .. Garden Grove . All are held without bail for their alleged connection with the murder and mutilation of Mrs. Brown on June 3 and the fatal beating of Jerry W. Carlin, 21 . the night before. Hurd, Taylor and Gibboney have been linked by investigators to the slaying of Mrs. Brown, whose body was found in a shallow grave off the Ortega lligbway two weeks later, minus heart, lungs and left ann . Hurd, Taylor and Hulse are charged with Carlin's murder in a robbery - the victim's third within I. inOnth• - that brought them less than ttoo, ac- cording to initial police rtports. A chunky brunette waitress, Melanie "' M. Daniels. 30, of Santa An!. was ln· dieted by lhc Grand Jury as an acces'°ry to both murders and a $2.5,000 bail was stt. Authorities expect to have h e r available for a Ume, however, ainct she is serving a 90-day Orange County Jail.sentence for a narcoUcs violation. Hurd was ordered brought back before Judge Jrtdge Nov. 9 for a sanity bearing ai>t jury trtal, for his alleged role tn the Brown and Carlin killings. ProaecuUon and defense attorneys agreed to Aug. 7 aa the arral8l'l!lenl date for Hulse, Taylor ·and Mn. Daniels, allowing them to confer in days ahead. A bench warrant was issued for the arrest of Gibboney, who is fighting eJ• tradition from Po rt I a n d, where authorities have been urged by District Attorney Cecil Hicks to speed things up . . The gag rule prepared by Deput)I District Attorney Marlin J. lleneghan \Viii prevent reporting of any further info rmation which would <.'Ome from 1 any source other than courtroom proceduUs. The rules do not aUect what, up until Tuesday, has been published -or inserted into the public record. Deputy District Attorney Heneghan submitted the gag rule to Judge Judge after presenting facts of the case to the Grand Jury and reportedly calling about 15 witnesses.· The lengthy roster of principals, at· torneys and other autborlUes was sup- plemented by inclusion or Santa Ana police and Orange and Riverside county sheriff's deputies. Deputy Public Defender James Goff, \Vho represenW! Taylor, and Mrs. Brown, had objected 1o the fact they were left out, possibly indicating a loophole in the order. \Vording of tile gag warns anyone coming under its jurisdiction that statements made outside the court could sway the proper, eventual findioa: o[ guilty or innocence. Coo.tempt of court citations can be impased for any violation. 'Ille order itself states : "This court is aware of the necessity to assure the defendants of a fair trial and of the constitutional guarantee ol a free press and believe thet they are both compatible with reasonable restric- tions imposed on pretrial publicity." f1ro1n Page J, ' SCHOOL CHIEF. nlng art course and the driver educaUon course were ofiered on a pass-fall basis. The art class is elective but driver education is required by the state, she said. Board memers listened Tuesday night as half a dozen parents stood at the podium to express their displeasure with the system that has been used for two years at the school. , Robert Lindquist, one of the protesters, said he was not sure that "Lopes' reeom· mendations are going to be acceptable,·· but did not enlarge on his con1ment. \Vhen the final speaker, Mrs. Cloris Stack of Camarillo· began a discussion or a form of modular scheduling used in Ventur a, Franklin cut her short. "You're not talking about a school rr. m Omeg• watch. •• in our district," he said. "If you«rt interested in seeing how our modular system is set up, tha t's fine, but con· siderlng that you don 't live in this district or pay taxes here, there's not much purpose to this discussion ." Mrs. Tina Simakis, a regular critic of board policies, also drew fire from board members when she spoke of her disgust with what she described as their failure · to act on any complaints madt by parents . Franklin (Xlinted out that he and Loats had taken act ion on her complaints aboul the social studies packets which had been used at Costa Mesa. Board member Mrs. Marian Bergeson also noted that she was unable to find any eVidenc:e of Mr s. Simakis' written complaints. J A beautiful gold . bracelet Is a sinfully luxurious gift. But a watch is certainly practical. Particularly when it's an Omega. In the world of really fine watch· es, the n1n1e -a.nd reputation of Omega .stand out. \Vh en Omega arlfully conceals one of their superb timepieces in an ex· quisite bracelet, it becomes a sinfull y practical gift. See our complete Omega collection, from $65 . •-1•1C ••Ill •••••• ,.,.11c1 Wlolllt wlltll "" Annex Jtlove Cron-hatched area on map Indicates 11ontral oullint ol Collins Radio property sought by Newi>°rt Beach in annexation proposal flied Tuesday witll U!e county s Local Agency Formation Commission. Proposal lo annex 177-ocre industrial property was approved by clly COWICil Monday' CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. ..J/.umphriej Jewelerj PHONE 548-HOI l4 YEARS !Ill NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA IN SAME LOCATION ' \ • I SURF BOARD SHOP OWNER BATTENS DOWN HATCHES John Harper Ready for Becky-But Storm Dying Down Y outl1s Die; ainlining arty Told 11TSBURGH (UPI) Tfio youths were killed and ~ others hospitalized today bj an apparent overdose of dtugs wtiich they "mainlined" into their veins at a party, ~lice said . Policeman Places . Collins Near Victi1n ANN ARBOR, ltlich. {UPI) curly and the sideburns -A university policeman shorter?" Louisell asked, his voice risilJi. '·No, I don't believe I did, sir," Matthewson said. placed John Nonnan Collins near his alleged victim the day 9he disappeared b\11 con- tradicted a report he filed about Collins' description. Larry Matthewson , a policeman at E a s t e r n jPolice said one of th~'"Youths Michigan University, where WtlS f~nd dead in an Collins was a senior, Tuesday automobile and another was became the ·first person to pronounce~ dead ori arriv'al ' testify ·he s&WCO!!iiis -riding at a hosp1ta~ where he was a "very shiny motorcycle" - taken by fn_ends . who were near downtown Ypsilanti at unable to reV1ve hun. the time Karen Sue Beineman Louisell snatched a paper from the podium and brought it to Matthewson, who iden- tified it as a report he had filed. The report quoted ~trs. Goshe as saying that Collins, as shown in the photograph. "could possibly be the same man on the motprcycle if the hair was curly and the sideburns shorter." The two victims, both 18, was walking to a nearby wig were identified as Garry Reis shop. Britain ·Now and Joseph Vertullo of Mt. As the trial moved into its W&Wngton, a i;nickile income third day today, Washtenaw ledi.an of. Pittsburgh. County ProsecutGr William F. Feeling Strike 'Pinch listed in critical coodi.tion Delhey was expected to pro- at Mercy Hospital here was duce ottler w~tnesses who say Kettl\ Sherlock, 20. Police said they !:8w Collli.15 in the area. he had not regained eon-. Colhns, 1'· lS charged with llciousness. AllO hosP.italized first-degree murder. in the were''Jobtt .[)tx0n •. tlJ;, .id , to~re-sex alaying.,.+of ~Ss 'LONDON (U PI) -F,ood ~ Augustine, 19. Be1neman, , \!.'~ a.year-old prices climbed ·steeply in BH- IPblice said all of the yooths EMf:J fresn_man fiom ,.Grand ta.In today with the dock strike weft believed to b 1 v e Rapids, Mich., whole ,body entering its second week. nDpmlined" 8 drug known as was found July 26, 1969. She Orange, bananas and imported Dlliudid into their veins. ~as the seventh .and last apples began di sappearing . · . . 7oung woman slail). under from grocery shelvea and Qfficers S8.ld the tragedy un-. .similar circumstaoceS within newspapers started cutting f~ at 8 a.m. today. when two years around · Anh Arbor down on the number of pages. Reis was found dead in the and neighboring Ypsilanti. No With these and· other signs frQl'lt ~at of a parked ooe .ha,s been charged in the of shortages growing, there automobile., He was oOOerved Other deaths. was sUll no solution in sight abnped in a ·car by a Matthewson who said he for the slrlke that began last puserby~ knew Collins ~asually. loki the W e d n e s d a y when dock workers walked out in a de-.About three hours later jui-y o~ seven ~en a_nd mand for higher pay, shutting f~ds or Ve~ullo bro~ght seven men he passed Collins down the nation's seaports Jor him ~ Southside Hospital, on Lowell Street about 12:30 ,_ the"fil:st time in .44 yeQirs.' r~mg that t~y were p.m., July ~· 1~9. "He stop-A government-appointed unable to 1:waken him. ~ and a girl with long brown court of inquiry, which heard 'lbe office ol ~llegheny hai r came across ttie street preliminary statements Tues- CQ9nty Coroner Cyril Wecht and talked to him,'' M8t-ctay by representatives of said the £riends reported they thew90ll said. 47 ,000 striking Longshoremen had been using drugs at a Under cross-examination by and port employes, w a s Southside apartment and that Chief Defense Attorney Joseph meeting both sides privately VertuUo had passed out. Louisell, Matthewson said he today. The friends took the youth did not actually see the girl Union leade rs said they are by car to a nearby par~ hop---Linda Campbell -t.alk ready .for a showdown If the ing the freSh air Would rev~ve to Collins. "I auumed they employers want it. T h e him. When that failed ' he was were going to talk '" he said. employers said union demands broucht to the hotpital, the While the hand~e, dark-would increase their· wage coroner's office said . haired Collins alternately look· payments 50 percent or more ed In,tently at him and and mean ''very serious con- Loulsell, Matthewson said he sequen~s" for the economy. had shown a photograph of The biggest worry. of t~ Collins to Mrs. Diane Goshe , government and . the public Farmer ReportS Stock Missing MILAN, Tenn. (AP)-Some. one has malled 75 head of L. D. Holt's etock. Holt said he checked an ilOlat.ed area ol his farm rtOently and discovered 80Dle· Obi had run off with all the catfish he stocked In a pond two years ago. owner of the wig shop . w~s the steadily climbing food · prices as stocks dwlndled. tn Mr~. G~e, a key . pr1; addltlon to the .shortages or ~t1on witness, has 1den-, imported fruits and newsprint, tlf1ed Collins as the driver the meat supply was affec\e<I. of the motorcyc~· the ~foot-·rn London's Smithfield Cen- tall .girl·' hopped onto· when tral Meat \Market wholesale she left the Wtg shop. beef and lamb prices nm'ed "ls that the photograph that steadily upwards. Dealera said Mrs. Goshe said could possi bly the higher price& would affect be the same man on the the housewives' pocketbooks motorcycle U the hair was by the end of the week . Ca:lm Shattered. . .... .... """ 12'. 1•70 NJLY .... I .. ~ Torna.do ·Hits,.~one }Jome Rui_.ed ~ PANACEA, FIJ, <APl -A tornado spawnecl by troptcol storm l!e<ky el>urned aohore on Levy Bay lqday and destroyed one home Ind damaged at least five others before windine dowrf in a pine fores t a mile and a half Jn.. land. The 21-year-old fran\e eot· tage owned by L. E. Maxwell, an Albany, Ga., machine shop owner, was lifted from 113 foundation and shoved 75 feet inland before crashing to a stop against a pine tree. No injuries were reported. Maxwell and his fan1ily, who use the cottage on weekends, were at Albany at the time, . . ' . :·1i drawt\d,,..,. bit Of.wliMI, ~ In the -·-·tit· ciu{ of my boUM whto It camo tend by nytng d«irls by," uid Wakulla County ~·11. was a waters'pout to dopl!ly -John MetcaU, ..... ~ Ith " Id W J Red wp.u,... ~· • ·~" , •• . . • A. new bou1e belnc built Jlltl loi'd, who Aid he .. w It · th!'oulh the 6 a.m. darkness ymls lo the llOUlh woa P\!111· !!Om hJ! bome 400 yards lo meled by 1 large pine tree the north whk:h wl:' uprooted and tent> ·"I( picked up and became cn&b.lng into the alde of the 1 torn.ado and 1 heMd U when structure. .. ·u Hit.,. Metcalf said his home lost Mrs. c. A. Cohrin said she a few shingles as di~ several wis "aitting on a couch othera in the lowly1ng area holdinl hands with my hus- southeast of the center , of: band and shlking" when the Panacea. Mazwell hlpne. The porch cf a home across The demOllshcd c o t t a g e • the atreet from the MaxWell "It sounded llke 'boom! - house w"s unroofed and just like a freight train," .she screening in a half dozen said. '. .. ' . . 'lli• domolllbeCI co t ~· ~· rol>ulll lost ,.... 'a~ I of 13,\llltl, Ill• "'· land only two leet 1~e the aawcran-. lined. ~"· Ba1, 1,,procluctiVf giullet preserve for com- mercial fishermen . The window curtains .Jrom the k t.t ch en hung in tret'a 200 feet away. A bedroom closet opened onto the pave- ment of Levy Bay road, with a pair of trousers atlll henging intact. Wall insulation fiber "'8$ scauered like confetti through 'the 1rees inland. The tornado twtsted the tops ;1): off "-pines in a 200-fcot swath 91 and dissipltlng 1 short oC' cut before erossing Highway distance fartht.r on. 0:? GO.OD/YEA.II INTRDDU RY regularly •23~50::. • • New from Bead to Bead • 78 aeries • Low profile • 1 rib tread pattern • Range of 1izel e Looks great! Low pro!ile for atabilitf, new 1 a1i tread pattem for mileage and traction..Higb priced look in shoulder and 1idewall 1tyling. Available in blackwall and extra na rrow wh itewall deaign. nt .. llll ClllCI PIHUll a.-9f • 11111i1ttM """ ....... fer ...,,,.. ttm, wt 1111Y Feft owt tf -lint fwlill ll'tll .....,, lllt we 'llllH bt ..., ta offtf )'OUf lilt tl,. It tlll """'"'* ~ ........ ,. I ,. t~Kl hir MV11 d1ll¥1ry., lltt N rdlil!ICl!M. YOU SAVE *675 ... 65().13 E78-14 F78-14 G78-14 Hl&-14 J78-14 560-15 F78-15 G78-15 H78-15 9fJ0.15 == $21.40 $23.50 $2t90 $27.30' $29.90 $33.90 $22.00 $24.90 $35.90 • • ~ Hl-MllJlll" Nylon Cord Tils for PANELS, .PIC~·UPS, VANS and CAMPERS. :. • I Liberal Budget Tenna- Low Monthly Paymentt Or UeeYour . I • • • ,d I ·~-----.. ·--·~---·---------------------------------------------------J I • • • DMJ!Y PILoT EDrrOBiAL PAGE • • • j Annexation Showdown / . .. Ni!WPOrt Beoch City C4uncll, in a bold and rather Unipl actloa Monday night challenged the county, the Irrine C4m""ny, Costa Mesa and Santa Ana to an an- ntraUon showdown ln the indullitrial area adjacent to Qrl!lle <:qunty Airport. Jn an ·action that. considering the pace at which the council bas dealt with less ambJtious projects, wts a1 surprising for jts swiftness as for ita scope, the coun· di resolved to: -S..k annexation of the 177-acre C4llins Radio Industrial property. -Stake 1 claim to 1he Irvine industrial property between the al~rt and Jamboree Road, all the way out to the San Diego Freeway. And, for good measure, announced Intention to tty to 1nnex the Orange County Airport. All ~his is certain to activate the annexation map makers in other city halls and to start nerves jangling Ill C011DtY government offices, in the Irvine Company hMdquarters.'1'<f in some state offices. 1"" C4Uiils aonexatlon lllction could hardly be con· oiderid' surprliln&, since that comnan.v has olleo ident- ified itself with Newport Beach in civic activity, through its postal address and the. like. Whether Cbllins envisions any use other 1than indwtriaJ for its sub· stantial undeveloped land at some future time is un• known. But the rather ambitious action allo includes about a ,dozen of the prime indu1trjal sit~ "which the Irvine C4mpany long has eal'lll!'rked as important tax base for the new city of Irvine. The plan tor that city is duo fJlr county action in November. -· • How'far loss 'Qf,tlie iDdu&jrial situ woul~ go toward scutUing lhe economic baae of 'the l>Jl>POSiid city is a mat~r upon which the Irvine Climpany,' tbe .county and the University of Califomia can be <expected to have 11nlng fe.Jings. . Or'!"ge C<lunty goyemment can be e~ to look With considerable dialavor on the prospOCI its . . ' ~ . ll)ajo~ airport comlnc under mueb Nnport municipal control-or for that matter, the control of any city- ~ewport, Santa Ana, Tustin or Costa Mesa. Costa Mesa, meanwhile, is likely to take the cue to seek a way to annex the ·west aide of the airport. And Santa Ana can hardly be expected to stand by quleUy and watch supposedly "reserved" Irvine industrial lands go j nto •!Iler cities, without taking its bite at the Irvine industrial °land north of the airport. • The one iWeeping resolution oi the Newport city council 'has the prospect for a chain reaction that could change the ruture Of not merely its own city but those I of !our others. •. A New Fair Emerging Cbanging times require that the colorful old Calif- orniJJ .county !airs adapt and become something new or die out like the li!e style that spawned them. After 'a disappointing year in 1969, the 1970 Orang& County Fair. and Exposition made a strong comeback and drew a, recoi-d 112,000 fairgoers: · . . Rural 'o\-ange CQ,unty may be cbengmg, ti.it · the fafr'1 horse show drew '1,670 entries.and SllR,000 worth of livestock was auctioned off at breeder and grower profit. ,: All r~rds were broken, according to Secre~ri:- Manager Alfred. Lut1ep.n1, who runs the fa1rgrollnds for the 32nd District Agricultural Assoc;jation. Fair board members, (aced with budget cuts in Sacramento, have also. been pursuing a variety of year- round events and uses !or the fairgrounds as an added income producer. · Some of these -particularly the popular motor· cycle-races offered weekly through tbe summer -were incorporated into the 1970 !air, as one of the successful efforts,, to broaden tb-e even~ · .. ,_ • \' • • " . ··'\,. ~ ' , . ., ' c L "· E~gerated Vbien: 'fit tlae Future?: -.. ·· Politics , . .Orange County's .. . . ~ ; . °"Ne c.unty, California, is u •' f lcln deO:ent a.lei ~ .:.i bl"'*--~· A_. .. _.. berry )>le and blc·leque " • Orani• County, in mort, is r er Vacation: Do 1Things Never Dqne Before b•iHll and DimeJland and tbe U.S. i like \, inapified suburb -zom · hmilar to though vastly greater than Martnt ~' all of which it f»'llainl the aubwbs that have been ~omtjng (.":' i ' . • • -;, " • c. '.,_es+-. --'. ~ . , ' ~ •. • .~ :r .... . " . '. t=7il • •' '• .,. . rr. ~ Sir Ronald Faces • The Rat· Pack ....... .....,,.. 1n ~ manifest&Ucm~: Knott'• ·~1 • •• 1 around dtie:s acrota the ,cquntry. ItJi Berrj Fll'JD; the Calllomia ~. Ibo drl\1f!mllllons. ire !"'t limit~ to Knolt'a made. up ol p0ople.Whose Into...& C..ter -air ~ ·11 El Toro, llnd <I and'~-·'llloy ~ tmn Preli'. '"1/tbeir 'ho!nes and tbfir jobs; ·p.op1. couno ~laiid, Ille Olle'and oaly., .' "1eiit N-'• ~· _,to H •• 11' ' + )iU -6"i' ha~ worry ~ ~ """"''"'""' )'.le ·, . . ~ . ..r. Well, children, as you relnember, Sir Ronald of Holy Rood and his faithful squire, Sancho Reinecke, had plunged deep into Th~ Tangled Thicket in quest cl that frwninous creature who dwelt somewhere in the murky gloom -The i I' I • lijl< Or-. diimty, -al JM AqOlu, ' • r-: , PoJ1i1c fcir,J~ alid• ... holtlle to .mytliliig olao !< a home <I ultl.,.,tltleal _. •::... ~..,.. S: '!::i.... ~ they think might change it. -·1t GM1111111¥4 tbll.apla - tho -If 11t,11111 Dlllrl<t, -=-~:; ~ wllln ,,_;.. THE QUllllTJON we ask our..iv.., ,. !orlllr lf'a ~ Ill Or-. e..., • 'If .. -wlloO, -the 'CIO{y.,_, lor ,.q into .n this. -.-..-.~wliillnm!F--lqllw(•'-' iswliethet-,ull.,....eekonoesuggesttd, in -a el Ille Ja -.. ,; '1• • "Orange County may lUll pos~blf be ~ ~ ~ ~ lldldbr, -it ' ·Nll!I· II rtS POPl!LlTION old and tho. pMle'll ti: tile faMut future." Or, ::"..!'~~,a; I !Ii~-' '.:I :.~1.::J ... "!?,:: =-;=-:...~_,,,.-.i..,;:.:: • -• ' II lo liiiM" .... II II ........ l!itftl1, llJ1llll011• 11i11 c:antribilfes to ...,. -!' ~ C OUll•TY' 1. !Is ~ M tr.."'!al' -.lj .'!II.oat, · ..... lllye bebavior In~ Coonty IJi WI -~· ,....,,_ a Ill· --iwt I I { olill-. jl!o. It eomJna to be a pervasfva pollliealforce .,.,,.,_, ~··-" itl prin. ~ ~ .flir\I "'"'" u..;, }~ ntDilail In ---...... "There used ..... poper,lou Mid ".Ihm lln't aey ~ 1"111 i\l'.,t::rr.dfer 1111 Ibey lo be Wiiis in pn>miaing to m1ke thlnp IUel:I -M a tUll. or fair tu." For p:ior,,11)1 . r To 1 pat atent happen, I prominent New York politician ntarlf ~·*9' decades. until he died, Jt .._,, tn ftnillea: t:I. skilled 'qafl.llD.!n observed not long ago. 'Now there art kept ~ ta 0ancws 1 ma who and ~ and their fncwne i! v•s Jn promising to keep things from ,!ell Iha! the de Pciders In Wubincton -.1. .boll> . the nftiona!· and itate happening.' " wn depcaied .u well liS ~: averqe., 'l'b8J· are 'horueowDtJ'I. The The nation's suburbl are becoming t•n. fedlnJ ' panment ls lite the comty baa mile 'after' mile of bouilng an Increasingly powerful Pollt1cal force. child ~ wbo c&n c:andJ' before deveklipm«rt.s, doUed with ' abOpping perhaps more powerful than either cl his evil eel"' Sc:lnltl, tbt ma· who centen and a acare or mott « dUes the old antagoni!ls, the cities and the wu jult ·ell!t1ed. allo hes a 11Jlpicioo.s which hive names but rareJ;y have rural .areas. Jf it is true that Orqe eye. He ence Aid: "Ameriomimt is penonaJltle:s. The ~ eome from the County 1s tn any way a vision -albei. not tl:\1ltlae JOUr leaden." Mktwttt. the South, and SouthwMt -an eaagerated visi0rt -of the future, Y!'ifi Mould , Oranp ~ bt what and 1 great many come from Loi: what we now thint of as dangerous K · iJ ~·It lo not isolated, cul Ango!e1, fleeiog the city. 1boy are neerly JlOlarilation will ....m in retrospect to Gff frorn:tht' }Dlimttwn d American an whit.e "AngJos, .. about t3 percent. have been brotherly comradeship. ad.ivity. l4 tourist .attnictiom:, which with aome S percent Americms of Me:x--1.oullVflle Tlme1 . ' ; • The· Vietn·am Tiger Cages . ~- Are:.:#Ou, \l«ed with routine vacations? Doo 't ·you. 1et tired of sweating all day in • hot rowboat tryioi· to catch a ~ wary .. w~ed pike or ft.out, ~and ~·-.: .n nigbl in· • reoort hotel'I frillid COCktail lounge Jn hope, of sallinc ·an unwory glassy-eyed blbnd.? .. Man. 1'11"rt in a circular rut that ---Yau're wuting,.... -You IDfllll • well be bact in ~ ollloe lelllq 1loo around. the water cooler What you ·need U a •acaUon that will ~ap .You out of it. a vacation spent 1ll dorna lhlnga you.'ve never done before. Ulce whi.t? Well, the choice is endless. For example, you might- ~.OIJNT THE GOOsE bumps on 1 frightened wart hog. Crou.breed crabgrass with four-leaf clovers. ao ihllt when 1 patch of it )grows lD your llwn you'U feel downright ucky, Track down the guy who opens cans of wonn.s instud of closing them. ~ Organl%f: a marathon flagpolMittint contest for politicians who've bored you by their fence-!iWng tactics. Take Dean Martin to a marshmallow toasting orgy. Give Milton Berle a new old chestnut lo tell. Send your· boss a box ot a dozen assorted molehills and see how many mountains he can make of them. WASHINGTON -The lateat lbocker from South VJelnam, confinement of political )lri-.. In crowded "tig" cag ..... bu now been lameited at l..,,U. by war crttica ,who ,see it 1s ~. IUb- human evidence ol the inhumanHJ al o<r Soutb ViOtnamete Illy. with woven barbed wire so that a BUILD A LOVE nest in that unused priloner can do little but lie or crouch corner of your at.tic. Now that tbclll recriminations have predictably been ull«ed, it is time to HY IOme Vf!rf d1-t things. Without in any way 'OX1dont11g the U!e ol. the coges (or the acqui6'Cenco of U.S. of· fici1Js), tht matter shou1d bt put in • Vietnamese context. It should be understood, In the first . place, that animal-like cages and zoo.like enc~uru have been used on bolb sides in the pr-esent Indochina war and before it. 'The inhumanitj-ls not new or locallztd in the South. 'l'he Viel Cong and North Vietnamese 1tt known to, O!llline U.S. priloner1 d war hi a IOrt of bamboo "monkey C1Cf.." 'ltlMe are lltticea .UUcturea ·a little more thlll five feel lon1, ~bout --W- Wedneodq, Jaly IZ, 1171 TM cd!Jorial page of Ille Dal!g • Ptlot 1etb to inform and 1tlm-. olaU reotkn by pr<rentlng thir MIDSJMP'r'• opiniom and com.- llf!Atofy 'Oii topic• oJ inttrest mod rlll"lflcnct, by providing o fontm Jor •· Utt ezprc1aion of °"' reotkrs' oplnion1, and b~ pn""""d Ult dioer1t view-'°""' of. ilof-.d obu....,, ...i 1J10ka1!1<11 "" topi<r of th"?-dof, ~ N. Wood. l'nblllber in It. wl!heltered from the weather, Borrowi a new trouble and return an old tine. t - ~ VIETNAMESE ault>m'ities aaid See if you can find 1 bank that will tbi amall foz run'was used to discipline let you open a savtngs account without with ~11 ~ken in the POW compound. havJng to Jug home an electric toaster '; . II wu .-md empty at the time of or.pteee~ lugage. • ' the ~ Perot visitatioi1: Mike I coUeetion o1 prU. box tops Al .llf '111& '11GER eqes. ~-1 ~ reportod thal olllcialJi ol 'whleh yau can't.mall to the manufacturer are un&'ile lo lland in the '-11 ~ .. ~ Jnllet~ Red Cross had llnt Md pt lll)'thing bac\. · cages. Al 'In · ,tile 1 tiger caps, thfi q(itsttOD!Cl Ike \118 of the barbed wli;e create a telemton commercfal that prilOMl'I are Ulllly locked in leg.Irons eecbiure. However, The Red Cross in-will automatically eeif-destruct eeconds at night, artd only a thin thatched roor sj)ectors, wtJO monitored the South Viet· after it bu been shown once. offen protection from the weather. namese campe, made no f~al protesi, Tra in a couple of gartennakes to kttp Moreover, these bambo6 cq:es are camp authorities said. when they 'found y6ur socks up, not pUnlshment cells, used for unnily that similar disciplinary facilities had prisoners or to confine recalcitrants for been in general use in military prisons short periods. They are a way of POW in lndochina dating back to the da ys life and believed to be such for many of French occupation. ar the 1,500 1-mericans held by I.he All of the9e enclosures are offensive Vitt Cong and North Vietnamese. by our standards, even though ctinditions The Cominunlst.s are also reported to in many Jlisons here in the United States confine: POWs in unprotected opei pits ,~w come under sharp criticism. It -bear pits -where prilcmers are Is tmportant to understand, however, fOl't.'ed to live on short rations in their that our standardl are not alwlys useAll own ucmuent just as in the llger in making judgme11ts about Vietnam. c:aces. Tbm II, In short, ao ~tioo By """'" S. Alln for the -ezpresalonl ol outrago ud s• A. -from the Communist llde Of the P.uis ...... talb. ON·'IU O'IBER hand, U.&Mh Vi<t- NMele: 1llt I .art ol barbed wire "for nm" for diklptimry ptiijl06N in IOITle ol thdr POW compounds -and ap. pareoUy with semi-official International sanction. New1men who visited South Viet~ namese camps In April, with Ttxas mulUmllUonalre Ross Perot, questioned au~ml(les ·closely about a barbed wire enclosure in one of I.he compounds at the priton camp on Phu Quoc:. That Island,, lllr< Con Son, la otr lhe llOllthern COllt d Vietnam . lt Is the site or the largt.st Soulh Vietnamese POW c1mp. The enc1ci<uN! seen there Is •hout eight feel long, lout feet wide, and lour !eel bip. It 11. eallrely t.nc:ed 1n6 rooled Dear Gloomy Gus: ' I'm amused at lht frustrated women who are so Ignorant as to think the police helleopters are up lhere to watch them sunbathe. Wishful thinking maybe? -Mr&. R. N. -H.J. B • .... , .. , .............. , ..... ffllf Mt ""' " ......... D91tr ltlltl, ' CONSTRUCI' A private trough for government emp\oyes who art weary of eati ng out. of the public trough. . No one yet has thought up a sure fire way lo cook spaghetti backwards. Can you? Bake some free custard pit! for statesmen who say it is again.st their principles to throw mud. Inyent a wrap-around 1 I e e v e I e 11 necktie wi<le <OOUgh io be u80d abo asad....mr,..... I& there 111'7 land In the world whett the natives artn't restless? How about going there and building • ..st homt for tmoe Who want to get away from It Ill. PUT A BEAN UP a tetn·ager's M!le. Search the roos for an elephant with so much ielf-control he can stop after eating only ooe peanut. Launch 1 campaign to minimize the maxisldrt 1nd maximize the miniskirt. Get Amertcan Indian tribes to sign a new peace pact under ••hk:h they'll 1gree to qu.it sending UP. smoke signals. After all, If we are ever to lick the problem of alr pollution. we 'vt a:ot to malle 1 nrm ·start '4)fnewhere . Yts, why ahould Bll)'Olle be bored on his vlCltiOl'l1 Jmt look around you. Thert IN! a million worthwhll< thlnp Just wallin& for you .to do them. Dread Unruh. . Sir Ronald wa s keeping in fighting trim by haelti!ig away with 1tiJ fam· ed Swinging Sword at a nearty~xpi.red Welfare Budget. when suddenl1 he: paused. "Harle. Sfn- cho," he said, "what melodious sound is thal!" Through the thicket came . a ·golden Voice. "When I •·as 52," sang The Voice In the most beautiful of tones, "it was a very good year ... " THE BRANCHES parted and out step- ped The Voice, itself, a thin dark·haired, nervCIU.9-looking creature with ·a cigarette dangling from its lips. ''Beware, Sire!" whispered Sancho in a state of great alann. "'Tis that mo:st evil of beasts, 1'1e Voice. He is the leader of the sinful Rat Pack and the boon companim of all your mo.st dire enemies, including the Mafia -both Irish and Italian." "He fights. then for The Dread Unruh!" asked Sir Ronald. "Verily, he must, Sire," replied Sancho firmly. "For he has supporte<I: the causes of v.-ickedness for, lo, these three debatles past and more ." AT THIS, A thought ful eXlJresskin crossed Sir Ronald's ·noble mien. He sheathed his Swinging Sword and, nashing bis famed Grinning Grin, ap- proached The Voice. "Greetings, fair knight," he said, "pe:ace be with you." "Hi, there, Ronnie, baby," said The Voice, lighting another clgarette·witbout mudl ihterest. '"What gives, dad?" "I go. forth to do battle wJtlt Tho Dread Unruh. WUt thou support 1iM1 in my fight for Dectney, foe Purity and1for Just Plain Goodnell?" "Not exactly my bag, dad. I filure to opt for Tbe Unruh. l'v. alw&yl -. the life ol his party. Gotta thin): <I my fans. Mr/ reuoa I ahouldn"t?" "None," 1aid Sir Ronild guiJelellly. .. If you admire a creature that's only 47 and doesn't approve of dyed hair!" "Is that so?" said The Voict fnnmin1. "NEYER TRUST anyone under SO, I say. Particularly if he comes not from Holy Rood. Ah, these lnterioper1 who wish to take over our beloved Golden State." "There's that, too," conceded The Voice. "But look, dad, I been loy1I to my fans for 30 years. And they'd never dig me coming out for you. Tbett'1 nothing we got in common." "After 30 years, that's e:i:actly what we've got in common," said Sir Ronald with a smile. "Your fans." "Okay, dad, you win, I'm your boy." ~aid The Voice with a sigh. "But could you cool that dece"9 stuff a little? It curdles my Scotch.;, AT TIUS A roar of cutr11• reverberated through The 11ticket. .. 'Tis The: Unruh, Sire," cried Sancho gleeftdly, "You 're winning over The Voice: bu wounded him grievously." "I have captured the Italian vote,"' shouted Sir Ronald into 'nle Thicket. "Do you yield, Dread Unruh?'' Afer a moment's paute, the cry ClJM back: "Not while: I 1till ha•e Sammy Davis Jr.'' A Treac·oorous Phrase ._; Thoughts 1t Wee: One of the most treacherous phrases In the lexicon of argum~t is "the public" -ror there Is in fact no such thing. only a congeries of different publics, forever shifling afld refonning their c,on· stlh1ency. • • • It's strange how the people who regard It as an Infringe- ment of personal liberties if aoeiety abould decide to limit the number of children we might have:. don't at an ClC!nlider It a· loss of freedom .tbllt we are pennittod only one husband or wtre at • time; bul il the gtat.e has the acknowleged right to. en- force monogamy, why nol Ult. number o( progeny? (And please don 't quote tbe Bib.le at me1 in defense or "mulUply- ing'': all the Old Testament patriarchs had numerous wives, but thtl didn't slop ecclesiastical authorities rrom eventually banning polygamy.) • • • Speaking of children, any parent. al •11.Y time during an argument with ,. teen.ager, who remark$ "When I was your age • • . " deserves exactly the acorn be or sbe gets. • • • smoking is to avokl substituting something for it, like 11mugness. • • • Why is it ca lled a "sot'l" job whea it's the hardest or all to get! • • • For a shrewd understanding o f feminine psychology, it's• hard to beat J. B. PriesUey 's observation : "She wu not pntty, but 8be mig!it have bef2t hnn¢;ome il "'"'•body had kept tellln& her that ahe WU pretty," 1---B9 GMl'fe ----. Dear George: . I'm engaged to a columnist «11'1 my 10cal paper who writes a funny column . But everywhere 1 go peo. pie keep warning me against mar- rying a humorist -is it true that humortsts are easentially akiomy, grouchy and ill-tempered? Deir Ruth: RUTH That 's tht most stupid thing t ever heard of! Humorista have sweet disposiliont and never' lofl8 their tolnperl And don't you ror1e1 "· I I • t I I ( I I ( ' I ! I i I • I ' I 1 \ ' l I I I l I c I ' c ( I t I l • J ' .. --1 . ' . Saddleha~k " T•d•y'li" ........ ~- ·• '· ·EDITION .. • • ---' ~eVI n . ,.. ; ... er . , ., ~. .. r " . ~' • • Coast Vote py Machine Set · in Fall Weary Ni'.xon~ipected Discussion g~ With Press 1 President ·P.Zans Bwy_:CJ"Q~_s:;a;>untry Trip J IJy TOM BARLEY .~~ ' ....... 9!':~ ~ """ ._..., A odlarpiy divided Orange County Board or Supervisors today agreed lo use ·the· CUbic VotroniCI \fote counting system DI the ·Nov. 11 Gener&! Election. · · It ·wu lnaicated that cormnunitie, ~ the Orange eoOst may be voting joi tbe new niachiile, in 'J':lqvember. ?l'bO board vot<!d 3 to 2 .to • hire t~ C\jbic· Company on a one time trial beai8 for a $80,000 fee.' SiJpervis:on will ~ have to days in which to purchase of' reject the tl.7 million voting system. Sul>ervisors David Baker, Alton E. Allin' and William~ Hirstein backed the ~ subinltted by Cowity Clerk lfllllam. E. St John. Supervisors Robert Jllttln and William Phillips vol«! no. "St_.;John's ·recommendation was the one~-·· in· the majority report of an · ' e. eolnty Voting Systems1 Task Force w 'ch toot two years to examine a wide range: of voting equipment. · 1.ong-etandiµg, diVisioiis in' the board~ l J>P9totea Wk force became aRPartnt wbett . a · nuniber of its members drafted a !li!illflfY.r\oport calling for the county's ~ of equipment manufactured by the Automatic Voting Machine Company. It was evident from board ~!art \od•Y that ~'s ~ ,lo; provid~ ~ -"'.,..., ~~, ... . prime f~ in the· reje<tiiiil iJt 1llo company's offer. St John explained today tpt he will ,;... aie the CUlilc equipmeJll for about half of the OrMge County ""' In the November election. ·" ' ill Backing the 20-leased maobiim w be restored and renovated Coltman Elec4 tronic counting sy9tem.S whicb wtll take <1ver vcrte counUng chores in the central portl<1n of the county. Cubic ~lpment will be used to tall)' ·votes in 'outlying coonty areas, among them the s:oaital communities. Su)iervisor Balter led ~ move to ~pt the Cubic off'1' of a Nov. 3 trial run with the comment that the tlnn's ability to pro\ride an immediate recount wa's "tit.al in any Orange County 'election. . -"We are behind the times here 1n Orinae eounfy," he said. "We must ,. (See VOTE, Page 21 Getting Together By JOUN · VALT&llZA Of ..,_ o.11r ,.119t ft•ff President Ricilard Nix"''s arrival at the Western Wlµt·e. House ~licopter pad early Friday night· proinises to be a weary day f~ the Chief :Et:ecutive alter a day of whirlwind c<mferences and ap- pearances in the Plains ~ Rocky Moun-tain states. ~ The President, schedul~ to arrive at ·aOOut·a·p.m. at the~ House com-- pound' with liis wife, ~t, and elder 1 dalil:bter, Tricia, is "scheduled·· to confer with Jive governors, tbe head of tbe Mormon· Clfurch' and drop. in at a. rodeo th!oiJgbout the day. But as a respite after his arrival on the South Coast, White Hoose aides said today the Nlxons plan a jaunt up to · Angel Stadium Suhday to watch the Angels-Washington Senators baseball ' game. Laguna Teachers Win Salary Hike Teachers and administr@t•s .. iil the Lagima Beach Unified SchoOl district will 1begin this scbOol year .with a five ~ ,pai pi~~ •.. ~ly -ap- prov~ ·lit UW 'ICbool -d. Tuesday niabt. 'lbe board also aPSX"Oved a pay hike •od-~, -ion lat -· SUperiDl£ndtnt William Ullom. A pay mcreue wj, also ~ for Charles Hess, ~tant silperintendenl a n d business manager. Ullom will now receive '27,500 a year, up $1,000 over this· year. The $21,818 figure for Hess is up frorn...$17,666 which was paid to former business manager Ed Bind, wllo retired from the district earlier this year. Director of CUrriculum Robert L. Reeves will now receive $21,696. High School principal Don Haught will receive $20,134, wpile Thurston principal David Lloyd will earn $20,976. All elementary principels will receive $18,612. ' Wounded Vietnam veterans Robert Vaughn (left) and Gregory sthmiU, currenUy recuperating at Long Beach Vele~·· Hospital, • were among 100 servicemen who were g~~sts of Amenc~ Legto~ Veterans of Foreign Wan and VFW Auxiliary Monday rugbt at La- guna'• Pageant of the Masters. Their hosts included William Irvine (left) of VFW and Alf Lee, commender of Laguna Amencan Le11on Poet 222. Friday's zli-zag hOp ·~ the ,;~ ' From that conf""1Ce Nixon will join will awt with I conrerenoeo . in FlJ10, . bla family for a dtop-ln vlalt to the N.D., with the governors from five p111ns • Plpneer Day Stampede rodeo, but they states -North and South Qakota, )Qn-may not sta.Y for the ·entire affair,. nesota, Iowa and Nebraska. spokesmen said. . secretary of the Interior Walter J. . Once ~e party boards the Presidential Hickel has been added to the list of Jetliner I!" Utah, the ~xt st~ will be · t aides and cabinet members in the the Manne Corps A_ir S 1 tat1on . at El op ting with tht governors Toro ·where the Presidents helicopters m~•--the •• ,~ in F • N. ·u will be w,ailing for the last hop to ftl'loCI-• wu... ar~, lXOn WI San Cleme'nte. board Air Force One again for a hop On this latest visit to the seaside Span- tO Salt Lake City, Utah, where he will ish villa the President will focus on tali(s meet with Joseph F. Smith, the president with a newly created domestic council of the ~urch of Jesus Christ ol Lat~r beaded by Jahn D. Erllchman.' Council Day Saints'. 1'l:e Mormon. ~hurch will members will attempt to ·set federiil be C!lebratihg Jls amual Pioneer Day goals on a priority basis and will Jnvolve Friday. The arrival will' be at 6:45 several to~level advisers -Agriculture p.m. Utah time. Secrelary Clifford M. Hardin, Commerce The holiday is the -123rd anniversary Secretary Maurice Stans, George Rom4 of the discovery of the Salt Lake Valley ney, secretary of housing and urban de. by Brigham Yoong. It is a state velopment, and officials of the Office of observance. {See NIXON, P11e Z) Junk Gets .Junked W oodlnndCitizensOpen Cleanup Wi.th Ci.ty He.lp A major. comm.:\ljl' ~ject IAI, _,.. up the Woodlad nn,i., ._ ot. 1...., Beacb waa ltwi:bed by retldents this week, with PfOlllPed cooperation of the city, T Councilman tJ..ruoo Boyd, who had chided Woodiiild retldents Jast week fOl' "playing games'' and urged them to recogni%e the serious fire hazard Jn th" area and cooperate in an "honest effort" to solve their problems, said today U:ie effort is under way. Boyd, wiUt Joseph Sweany, director of public works, and Mrs. Thomasina Gunn of the ACLU who had supported Woodland residents in their complaints of palice harassment, visited the Canyon neighborhood Tuesday to discuss cleanup plans. "A 1pantaneous effort is under way * * * Lorr Blasts Quiz Of Woodland Tiff As 'Left-leaning' rn a Jetter addressed to Laguna Beach Police Chief Kenneth Huck a n d distributed to city officials and the press, city councilman Edward Lorr this week praised the police department for ilf role ·in the July 4 Woodland Drive riot. ~bing the American C i v i 1 Liberiles Union (ACLU), wbicb has charged police brutality during the in. cident, as "leftist,., Lorr writes, ''Since your department bas come under heavy attack from t!1< loftlat ACLU. I feel this Is the time to stand up and express suppart for the Laguna Beech Pollce Department. .. 'I tit ~ I 7 14\t;:• iBoyd :M J ··~ ,.._.Jbaft Jlllall..,.-an• elllli':•• eOl- lectlon at old"*-, porta of bulldings and other stuff and Joe Sweany ,.in send out a sklptoader Friday to belp get rid of it. Front then, on he wJll provide a weekly pickup so loog as they keep gathering up the trash." Sweany estim,.ted tblere would be three or four truckloads ready to move out by Friday. . Regular Saturday work parties organiz.. .ed by the residents will cootinue the project, removing, among other things, the remnants of a couple of burned out houses. Mrs. Gunn said persons from outside the commtmity had · volunteered to help the work party and the Woodlanders told her they would welcome such wlstance. Residents of the quaint Canyon neighborhood recently petitioned the city to ca.II off a projected buildlng*bullding housing inspection aimed at Jocath11 fire a~d ~alth hazards and building code v1olalions and forcing owners to correct them. The inspection plan has been the sub- ject ~f heated discussion at City Council meetings and further study is pending. Eventually, according to city manager James Wheaton, a "housing inventory" ~ust be ~mpleted throughout the city in connectian with tbe general plan study. Some weeks ago, tbe Woodland residenta: lnit:iated a cleanup drive and were provided with city trueks to haul tr~h away. Later they complaiQed that the city no longer was cooperating with their effort. Boyd sald that city truck! had been sent out, but had been asked to leave for various reasons. "I say you stop the gamesmanship and get your people to work," he told them at a meeting of the Laguna Beach Democratic Peace Club las~ Friday. "H (See CLEANUP, Pace ZI We Finally Rejoined The World Laguna Beach rejoiQed . the coastal commw1ity shortly before Mldnlght ru ... day after a 12-hour telephone blackout caused· by a house fire that destroyed the ,,;.., l.a(!un'cNewport pl!One cable. The Iire ·at .1730 Eut Ocean Front to llalboa burned completet, throu1b the teet.kll of ~le In that area, ao- cOrdtllf to ~·t ~·· ~ ~lld\i,Ma'" ~\l,~eldL> '·" r ,·~ ~ servic!t,t•. In~ 111 ll:ot ..... and .,,,. """"' .... nor rfstored . un111 n :3ti p.m., when a -*Ii'" pf cable had -~ 800 pairs of wlret opUcOd ancl an ctrcllita tested. A recording placed on outgoing lines from Laguna Beach r>oµfieq Would-be callers of ihe Interruption llld sugeated that emergency ·calls lie placed· throup an operator who could place them through a different route. 'Ille Laguna-Newport phone cable runs underground , out of Laguna Beach, Krohnfeldt satd,' and is carried on poles north from El Morro. Man Injured In SC Crash An elderly San Clemente man was injured this morning in a cblllsion of a car dri ven by his wife and another auto near the Magad'a,Jena ·Offramp of the San Diego Freeway. Philip Carl Goemmer, 7~, suffered un- disclosed injuries in the 8:05 a.m. mishap., He was taken for emerge~cy treatment and obtervalion to South Coa!t Community Hospital. His injuries were , not believed serious. Pohce said I.he drivers were A'11tha Mac Lafferty Goemmer, 75, of 811 cane 'Buena Vista, San Clemente, and Michael William Landgraf of lo& Calle Dom· lnguez~ allo of San Clemente. The crash, ·which caused major damage to both autos, was on El camino Real near· the Ma,gdalena ramps. ,Neither driver was injured, police said. The councilman states that he has become "fully acquainted" with detailed reports on the indicent, iJ in full accord with the city manager's report and asrees that 0 effectlve police action brought thi1 riot by lawless elements twiftly under control." o.nmtncling tile polite department for Its performance, Lorr concludes, "You have my full 9Upport and the support of the 'silent majority'' in the com4 mun.Hy:" We~pons Vanish.· Chief Huct now ls conduct.in& a fonnal Investigation of cbarPI of Police brutali- ty made ,In six depositions '-Woodland Drive residents· and pment«I to the city by Mrs. Thomasinii GuM, Laguna Beach chairman of the Orange Count:• ACLU Chapter. Five Laguna Beach police units were among the 23 units from thret other cities and county law enforcement agen cles called to WoodJa'nd Drive during the July 4 melee. 1lie city council also bas authorized 1 separate inquiry by a commiUee com- f)Oled of Mayor Ricbtrd"Goklberg, Vice Mayor Charlton Boyd and •City Manaier James Wheaton, with Huck and Clt)r At1arney Jack Rimel lfttlnt (n, .ao od- vlson. :;\ '' -' ~ilitary Posts Lose ~uns, Ammo WASHINGTON (UPI) -Calilornla Dffldala testified today that M astonishing amount o( weapons and explo.sives intended for use in Vietnam ha<f dllappeared lrom West Coaat ports. They reVealed in testimony before a senate Investigations iltbcommlttt.ee that even the huge Presidio compoUnd in San Francisco, hadquarters of the 6th Army, loot several hundred 1Uck1 olcoiirlscated dyljllmlte to,burglars 1811 weekend. ' ' .. ' · "J lhink It carne as .t areat shock just bow much 'they were losing,., aald Charlea A. O'Brien, Callfornia ,chtef deputy attorpoy general. "I 'fQUnd It • .. ·a~la,hing that weopona ·in I.hi•: amount could • diaa_, ·from a mll~ary . b » • f ' • m~~. a· vast array · of mjlltery Weapoqs apparenUy 1has been stole(i ,from • mttee, a vHt atriy ol 'mil ~i'y weapOu l ppannU yha1 been ltOltn rtom' . munitions dumps in CallComla sh"JCe the nm of the year. Jneluded were M one·pouncf<l>rlckl· of Cf pl..UC ell]lllillvea, Ill hancf l!iftadOI, 10 bomoflu and ' 177 pillola, machlnt CUJ11 •and' .rtfiea. The Uol al0> included IG,000 roanda ol ammurdUon. ' ' • ' ' ,) ' By ARTHUR R. VINSEL J Of .. 0.ltf' l"llM •tittt ! A court-ordered gag rule wltlcb 11 j almost a carbon copy of thlt bnPoaed 1 on the Sharon Tate-Manson famil1: murder case was cfamped onto Oranpf County'• alleged "devil cult" ·kJniap : Tuesday. : Judge James F. Judge concluded pro-• ceedings: for four among fl•e penons; indicted by the Orange County Grand! Jury by stgnq the thlct document at: his Superior Court bench. ! His order ls beUeved to be the fini · In Orange County history. The judicial Order specifically forbids· any and all principals _.. from pro-• secuUon and defense attorheys to police: an~ clerical aide• -from diacussln& the case.outside court with the press._, .. Giu"°me disolooure• abodt the alleged sacrifice to Satan . of pa.rtl of the~ muWal!'d corpse ol Mtsa19n Vle)!I_ schoolteacher Mrs. Florence N. Brown, 31, were amoqg potentially damqing comments Yrieritioned earlier. Stephen C. Hurd, 211, a loftl-haired defendant named in connection with botb Mrs, Brown's rblJ.tcber' murdeF and the heating ·o1 ·a 'Sacila Ana ·service olatioQ attendant, pleacled innocwt by reuon of inunlty. . ' He ' hN been il,ldictld !er 1111 au.,.,t niJe In. tile' klllinp oa IUboequenl wum June nights. · Jiii lllol'!l<Y, WJUiam Gamble, bad earllef portrayed him In prea -fereiqs u a 1eil..tyled Devll worobiper dC!rellli>d by .damaginf doees o f ba(bllilrale drup. , . .The three.day Grand Jury he!lringa led 'to indictment of Hurd, pJu.s Herman ·u . TayJor. J7, another transie nt, Chrlstopher C. "G~" Gibboney. 17, ol Portland, Ore., abd Arthur C. Hulse, 18, of 11481 Dolan St., G41'<fen Grove. All are held without ball for their atleged ·connectfoh with ,tbe murder and muWation of Mrs. Brown on June J and the fatal beating of Jerry W. Carlin. 21, the night before. Hurd, Taylor and Gibboney have been Jinked by investigators ' to the , 1l1ying of Mrs. Brown, whose body was founrl In a shallow grave off the ~ Highway two weeks later, minus beUf; lungs and left arm. · · Hurd, Taylor and Hulse are charpd with Carlin's murder in a robbery - the victim's third within a moqtll · - that brought them less than $100, '°" cording to Initial police reports. . A chunky brunette waitiess, Melanie M. Daniels, 30, of Santa Ana, was b dieted by'the Grand Jury as an accessory to both murders and a $25,000 bail wu set. Authorities expect to have h e .r availabfe for a time. bowe.ver, sinc;e sfle is serving a !Kkiay Orange County Jail sentence for a narcottc~rvio1atlon. Hurd was ordered brought back before Judge Judge NoV. 9 for a sanity ,bearing and jury trial, for 'his aUeged role ln the Brown and Carlin killinp. Prosecution and defense attorney• agreed to Aug. 7 as the ln'aignm~ date for Hulse, Taylor and Mr1~ Danie~ allowing them to confer in days ahead. i (See GAG RULE, Pqe II . ' Weatller ' Local fog and low cloud1 are expected aIQ.nC the Or1nga Coaat in the ell'ly morning .1 houri -with hazy auaablne fol· 'towing. But the 1emperature1 will remain in the 80L INSmE TODAY A talking chimp? Yt1 -but her trainer admit. ahe may be brighter ~n the a~eraUe chfm-~ pan:ee, NeVtrtheku, thia mon-- key ' do11 Ciiinm ... te. Sterr ( Page 14. 1 .... 11 Mitt'-ti ' ~~ ·'11 ::::., -. ,., Cl!Mt!i.t Ult ! J I W....=• .. ~ c.,... JJ·ft t1iytt • QiMln t H • '""' ' l1•M C~ MDf.IWllel'lllllJU ...... ,."' • .... .,.... 11 ."""... •tt ~ ,. . II'~ N ~ IWf . ........ " ,,...,, .. A1111 .. .....,. .)t ..._.. MIMI ,._,. • Miiii • """'" ,. w.. ..... .. ' ' • I I I \ SC Otl dae Track County to Vote . . ' .. . . •. ~; .. ~e., Rapid. Transit ~ ~ Count~ voters wiU have the board Tuesday that rejecUon at. that ·lut word on the proposed creaUon ol level seems highly ul'llikely, a t8pld transit district. If voters decide in November to en-.. qounty supervi10rs voted unanimously dorse. an Orqi: County Rapid Trault ·~ ·that effect Tuesday afl<r Jillening Distzicl It woyld be governed by flve 1 fat?..more than two houri to teltlmony dirttton reifttenting the coUDty, the 1:!11 --a lllU1lbir of wlbl,,_ ur1ed cities and the publk:. Iu boundaries tic.lusT!n of the 'mali tranaportaUon ~e would uactly coincide 11 I t h those or on the 1'{ov~ber billot. Orange Cowfty. That will only be po~lble if lbe Local The OCRTD would have authority to •Agency Formation Commission approved levy up to a five.cent tu on COW1ly ! creation of such an agency at its Aug . residents and place boltd issues on the ! 12 meeUng. But it was noted by the ballot. It would also have the ~· ht to eminent domain and be ab to coordinate its planning with ther .Frot11Pqfl1 ~IXON ... • ~~ Opportunity. Next MOrulay Defense Secretary Melvin Laird wlll fly' to S•n· Clemente for a day of --'with the President o n-Ille fllcal 1972 def-budget. Deputy DefeASe Secretary David Packard iii.so will participate. Secretary of Slate William Rogers will arrive later next week for a meelilg po unspecified subjects. ·~ ,Nizonl 'ltjll PJCk their •bags on Aug. s far the trip back lo Washlngton. The trip wW include a stopover in Denver. Colo. There, the 'l>resldenl will confer with offici~ C?f the "state planning ·a1encles which coatrol fUJIC1s for the federal.crime Control and Sale Slrttu Acl wblch· pro- 3!rides federal grJmta for local jurbdic· ..dJOnS io upgrade theJr law enfon:e.ment capablllUes. . .f'l'OIJI Pagfl 1 'c.Z. . GAG RULE ••• . ·• .ri A beocti warr*1t was bsued for the :!CJ'.t$t oC Gibboney, who is fighting U· i tradit.i9n fr om P o rt I and, wher'e flUthoritie.s have been urged by District '-;t.ttttney Cecil Hlcta lo opeed thinp ~--. 0'. '!lie gag '11ie prepared by Deputy lllstrict AUomey· Martin J. Hene(lwl ~ prevent "'l'Orting of any further rlJntonnaUon which would come from any _;lo.,.. oth.,. than courtroom procedures. ti:-·'l.be Niel 'Cid not iffect whlt1 ap until .:rue.day, hu been publiJhed or iDterted rmio llt\o public ....,d, Depuly Dbl~ Atiomey Henqban I submitted 1lle gag rule lo lodge' Judie • after pr.!elltll>g facts of the -lo , 1 the Grand ,Jury and ...,.,..... .... m •• I about 15 witnesaes. t rr .. "Tli"" IT .. '""llle lengthy "'8ler of principals, at- . :s ~ other aUlhorlUes wal su~ pUmeated by inclualon · of Santa Ana police and Orange and Riverside county sheriff's deputies. Deputy Public Defender James Golt, wbo represents Taylor, and Mrs. Brown, had objected to the faat they were left out, possibly iriclicaUng a lot&Jbole in the order. Wording of the ·elf . warns . anyone aiming uoder its juriadicllon that statemtnta made 1 eati,tde the court could sway the proper. nentual findine ol. guilty or inoocenciO. c Cont.empt of court citations can be imposed for any \isolation. The order ilself·states: "This court Is aware d the necessity ·to as5Ure the deftl'ldants d a fair trial and of the constltUUonal guaiantee of a free press and cbelleve that they are both compatible with reasonable r!iltric- tions imposed on yn:etrial publicity." "It further apPears to the oourt that ·the dissemination~ any mean~ d .publit: communication of any out-of ·Court stat.em~ relatJOg to this cue may lnter!,..e with the constltuUooai right of the de!eodant. lo a fair trial and disrupt Ille proper administration of justice." • i ' DAILY PILOT " ............ . h ...... ,..., s.c,..... OIUJtGa COA'T l"UllLlSHING COMl"Afft l•Mrt N. w.M l"~•llHnt ..... Jl'\llllbl'olor J•tli It. Cu1l1y .\11<9 ~!991 Miii o.Mr11 M...,.,. n.-·· ..... ;1 IEdllll' lho.,.11 A. Murphl11• 1•11~1111 EdllW l iek1rd P, Nill S.Ulh °''"" °""''' lllfllw °'"'"' C.N Mna: :m Well Slf 11'"9 regional systems in Southern Callforsia. Much of its planning has bee1 carried out by the Orange County Rapid Transit Committee which waa formed In 1968 to study implement.atlon of leglslaUon enacted that year. '11le commlUee'a aims have: been ex· pressed as the creation of a district which would coordlute the: existing fragments of a public transportatlo• system. Commlitee chairman Hubert C. Ferry told the board that the district would give the county a voice in development of regional transit programs and enable the gro1Jp lo aolldt funds from federal, state, local and private !Ources for development of transit Jr()grams. Backing creaUon of the di.strict at Tuesday's publlc beariag were: re:prese• tatlves Of several Orange County cities, the League: or Women Voters, the American Association of Univtrsity Women groups, a UCl·Project 21 atudy team and re~taUve:a of Hveral chambers of commerce. Supervisors were urged by represen· tatives 0( Orange County'• Stamp oat Smog committee to quJctly endorse r1pjd trlllilt proposalJ and immediately cut the number of s m o g producing auto- mobiles on county bJOiways. Supervisor lloberi Battin joined them with the comment that he considered mus transportation to be the county's greatest problem. "Half of Ola' residents do not drive becauae they .... loo young, loo old, too poor or too diaabltd," he aaid. "They desperately need 10me kind o I lransporlation syll<m." But Robert Jaffe, a Newport Beach city traffic e.giaeer, sugsested that the coonty wait for two years to ptber .data on whether the d1atr,ic1 wu the be1t answer to tr~t¥:m needs. "I fear the 1>eguilfhg 1hnpllclty of the tramlt dUtricl proposal," Jaffe aald. Orange County's Cost Hike Slows U you 'F? a budget. watcher in Orange or lArs Angeles . County, cheer up . Your dollars liOugiii:mor< in JIDle than during the previoui fi~e months. · 1 • . .'!be coot.of Uvlng in the tiro COWltie• ro3e only 0.1 percent jn .Jtme, · while ' . ' I living costs climbed o.I percent na- tionally, .00,nfu,g . lo u.s. ~· of tabor Niistka ietf:aaed 'I'Uelday. It was the lowest month1y increase this year for the counties. 'lbe sloWddwn was attributed by 1abor department economist.a to a drop in the prices for food, dawn 0.2 percent, and transportation, which dropped 0.7 percent because or ntlrilerous &uoli:ne wars and lower prices oo.-aome new cars. . . . However, the economlats said, l!ving costs in the area for the first al% month!: are still .47 percent above the 3 percmt figure of 1969. School Paddling Phase-out Set PITJ'SBURGH (AP) -'!be city Board of EducaUon hu ordered corporal punbhmen~ Including paddling, lo be pha!ed out in the city achools in the next thtte years. Paddllog in kindergarten through lour1h grade wm be abolllhed in 5<!>' tember. 'Ille ban will be extended in steps until tt includes all grades by September 1973. Supporters d the motion said they believed J)lddllne was ineffective as a means ol maintaining c I a a s r o o m di!cipiine. DAILY PILOT..., ....... WITH EXPECTATIONS SOARING, YOUNGSTER LAUNCHES GLIDER J•mie Newlon, 7~ Tustin T•kM to Air During Orange Coast Outing Police Warn Unicyclist Bikini Not for Bicycling Special to the DAILY PILOT SAN LUIS OBISPO -Sternly warned by police about the perils of pedaling in an orange bikini, lHlicyclist Jacquie Douglas, 21, conlinued her journey to Sao FrlDcilco toward lhia plctunoque volcanlc valley today. Mi" Douglas, of l58S Riverside Place, Costa Mesa, was stopped by lawmen Monday when she anived l• Santi Mari.a, wearing the sbock.ing·hued bathing ault. Sbe spent most ol Tuuday louring the Santa Barbara County Fair at the fairpoond1 in Santa Maria, where she camped ovl'flllgbt, !DimJ1 much of the 1eer with which abe 1tarted. The perky pedaler who plans a magazine article about' her experiences left most of a 25-powtd backpack with friends In ' Suta Barbara -including her thick diary. Sbe'• Jun llaibbiing m sorap! ol paper ,_, . Mlia C...&lu left Orange County eight •di)'• Jiigo1 planJilng: a six-week ride to San Francisco and must be back by Attg. 2& to return to work driviq: a ·delivery truck for a Newport Beach auto parta firm. Unlell ahe !pends her atra time sightseeag, however, the trip may take -.lea than her allotted time and travel rate of 20 t.o 25 miles per day. Som.I sections of Pacific C o a s t Highway -are ported as freeways -bar· ·ring 'pedeatrians and cyclists alike - .From Pagfl 1 CLEANUP •.. you want to play ll straight, clean it up, call Sweany's trucks and get some pe0ple out there.'' Following the Tuesday vi.ail when cleanup plans were set in motion, the councilman said, "l feel now that pro- . erus really is being made." Oversexed Baboons Sent to Denmark OSLO (AP) -'l1le Krutlansen Zoo in southern Norway found ~our baboons- one male and three female-too demon· sttatlve sexually and shipped them to Denmark, where the attitude in such matun is more relaxed, the newspaper Verdens Gang reported. so she has been forced to resort to some hilch·hiklng. She is aJso down to $.'ll in traveler's check.! and plans to eat only every other day, thus co111tributing to her goal of losing a few pounds. Slippery Thieves Loot Mom's Car While Kids Fish A San Clemente. wonum. who stopped near the be1ch after m.Jdnight this morn- ing to pick up her children after a grunion hunt fell victim to •uto burglars on a hWlt of their own. The children's fora)' yielded few fish. but the thief who broke into the car of Mrs. Margaret Mathis took a bag containing more than $3,000 in cash and checks. The money, le~ in the glove. com- partment of the woman 's car, was the total receipU from the Flagg service station at the San Diego Freeway and Avenlda Paliz.ada. Mr3. Mathis, who with her husband, Ralph, own the station, reported the theft at 1:19 a.m. She told officers she stopped at 2607 Via Cascadlta to pick up the grunion hunters, left the car for a few moments and then returned to discqyer the theft. The total stolen amount was $2,521 In cash and $515 in checks . Asllituify practical giffl N"""" .. Id!: :ltll W•I .... , "°"''""°' ~ a-11: m ,_, ,._ ........... S~: 11'7S lktdl ............ .a.it QlrMntt: ., """" ., ~-••• Apollo~s Menu Laguna Fed Serves Space Tidbits Vlsiion who .top by lo ... the ''Lunarlbllia" exhibit at L&eun• Federal ~vings ml&ht Uy mme aptiee food sticks, the wne type that were used b)' the first three astronauts wbo went lo 1lle nmn with Apollo IL aulographs, photograph•, m o d •I • , medallions. palche!, flap, a n d photocnphs ol the VfrloUI fllj!ll!. ...._.... Relefue• 1 .•• ' I I • ·Arab Guerr.illas ·-' •• Seize: Greek .Jet. -----.,-. ·--· .. ATHENS (UPI) -Sia Arab guerrillas today seized an ,Olymplc Ah'Waya jetll(ler with 58 peraons aboard •nd ihrefl<ned to blow it up U seven Alab guerrlllu were rnot ~ased from -,1.thena jallJ. School Tax Slips a Bit For faguna By FREPERICK SCllOEMEBL Taxpayers In the Laguna Beach Unified School Dll(r)qt ~keiy 'loiU hay~ their re- cmt asseMed valuation I n c re a s e somewhat softened by an II.cent reduc- tion in the 800001 tax rate. The school board Tuesday unanimously adopted a publication budget for the 197()..71 school year. It is up about five pen::ent over the prior year. 'Ille tax rate is down three per cent. -. . . . Total· e.rpe&!ilure.S ate $3,121,484, up from $3,010,ooio last year. Local income from property taxes due to the rise ill assessed valuation totals $2,472,035, up more than PlQ,000 when compered to 196&-70 • The ~ total tax rate for the coming year is $3.03 per $100 aMeaSed valuation, down from $3.14 per $100 last year. "Although. the budget is publi:iled at this rate, this does not limit the. board to raise or lower the tax rate before the final budget adoptioo Aug. 4.," Board President Larry Taylor explained. The budget will be published prior to a public hearing Aug. 4. State law requires that such a publica· tion budget be presented to the public during the last week of July. To accommodate the five per cent pay raise given to all teaching personnel, the publlcaUon budget revised allocation for principals' salaries to $135,570, up 11.600 from the original proposed budget. Teachers' salaries were raised to $1,f>.17,216, up $30,100 fr9JU the original proposal. The. new budget al.so reflects a total reserve ol $216,995, some M1 ,000 more than tbe original $150,000 the ~d mem-tier.i wapted. The addition.al reserve is to help carry over this budget to the next ooe for 1971·7'2, one )'ear from now. ' Newport Readies For Boat Parade •·0ur American Heritage•· will be the theme of the 1970 Character Boat Parade, which. is scheduled Aug. 29 in Newport Harbor. Jack Barnett, spokesman for the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce Commodores. sponsors of the event, said the loth running of the parade is open to anyone with any kind oI a boat. Entry blanks and route maps are available in the chamber oUlcu at 2156 E. Coa!t Highway. ' 11'11111 Omeg11 waldi. Houn later they began releasing tht passengers, some of their demands ap- parently met. Aristotle ·onassis, owner of Olympic Airways, offefed him.sell u a holtage for the passengen at -point but the guerrillas refused and demanded in- stead that a high official of the Grte.k government accompany them back to Beirut where the fllsht ori&lnated. Deputy Premier StyJia.nos Pattakos personally oegotlated with the guerrilla~ by radio from the Athens control tower and was rep<rted to have persuade.d them to reduce their demands. Shortly afterwards the guerrillas began releasins the passengers two by two. Onassis sped to the airport iri the morning shorUy after the bijacking .0d talked with the guerrillas over the airport control radio. He returned in the af- ternoon for a second conversation, shortly before the sltuitlon began ea.siha:. The guerrillas were armed with machineguns and hand grenades and threa\ened to blow up the plane wJth all on board unless Greece freed their comrades, jailed for terroristic acUvtue.a against Israel. They first demanded that Grtln re.lease ~WO • .\rabs scheduled to 10 pa trial Friday for a bomb explosion at the Israeli El Al airlines office l.Ut November. Then they demanded the release of two Arab commandos ~t to ,£~ in Mareh for an attack ;on an r.i.l Al plane in December, 1969. ~ Goverruyent sources aald the guerrillas agreed to reduce their demands but .did not say what concessions they bJd made. An official sajd the guerrilles finally agreed to return to Beirut with a Red Cross representative and the fiie· man crew aboard as hostages. The plane, a Boeing 727, was refuefed for the return to Beirut where officials began taking, security nteasures. Similar measures also were ordered f o r Damascus and Amman airports, and presumably Cairo. Airport Officials said the guerrillas would fly back to Beirut to await word on lbe Grtek govermnent's decision on the release of the seven lmprlsooed COD\· mandos. In the meantime t.ht 53 passengers were being released. Government sources said they later reduced their demands to immediate freedom for three commandos aod the release of the rest within 30 day1. ln the meantime they freed an traql woman. ~. who became ill, and hf:r husband. She W8! l'U!bed lo the airpczrl first aid sfation. .. From Pqfl 1 VOTE ..• Jet these people show us what they can do and then make our final decl&Son in the light of their performan«." But Battin branded the board decision as "sbocking and incomprehensible when you bear in mind that we have an offer to use competitive equipmeit absolutely free of charge." Bat.tin's referera was to the offer by the Shoup Voting Machine Comparfy to provide 200 machines for use in the November election at no expense "to the county. It brought the ~mmtnt from Baker: "It has been my long experience jn many years on this board that you never get anything free ." ' A bOautllul gold bratelet is a •lnfully luxurious gill But a watch u certainly practical. Particularly wban It'• an \ . Oineg•. In !be 'll'Ql'ld of really fine watch- es, the name and reputation of Omeg1 stand oul When Omega artfully conceals ·one of their superb timepieces in an e-x· qulalte brace!•~ lt becomes a sinfully ~cal glll. See our complete Omega ~ .. • i collectJon, from '85. • ' 'l1le hljJb energy food, cJevaloped by the PilllbOry Company, art belns pasll<d out It the eshiblt while the supply !alls. ' The Lunarablila ulliblt Is pari of a collection of artifacts from apace Olghta and mooo landings, compiled by Oustav JohAns.~n. who ia employed by McDon- nell Douglas. The e1hlb!t coincides with the flrat aMiveraary of the hiliori< flight lo the moon. It Is beln& ahown wl.lh a diaplay of the hlstoricaJ naas of Orange County. on loan fmn the Finl Anwrlcan Title Insurance Company. The flags cover Orange. County history tlnce 1769. CONVENIENT TERMS IANICAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. fiumphrieJ Jewefer:J l'HONE 541-!40 I 24 YEARS IN · '?be colletUon includes po 1 t e r 1, • 'n'le two uhlbit.s will be on view now through the end of August in the rotunda or Laguna federal Savlngs, 260 Ocean Ave., L.\iWll Beach. 182! NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA SAME LOCATION • .. ' Laguna Beaeb ED ITIOlil . JEN aN'JS, ,_ .... n er " . ' ' .. :· •. Coas t Vote ~j Ma;chi_ne Set· ·in· Fall . . W r ary Nixo~ ~xy~cted . .. Discussion -~ With P~~s · 1 ' f r <~' • < 11y;TOM BAIW!Y ,•' otfllllO.HY'"''lteff A:sharply divided Orance eountr Board' of Supervisors today · agreed to use the tublc· VotrOnics vote counting system -lb the 1Nov .. J General Election. .Jt was iOOicated that '<:0mmunfties ojo\I( the Orange Coast may be voting on tbe new machines in 'November. TM board voted ' to z to hire tf'!ie ~!He Company on •a . one tinie trial 1'Uis fur a M0,000 fee. Supervisors will thenr.have IO days in which to purchase or re;.c< the IL7;nilllon-.i& syolem. Supervi!on David Boker, 'Alton E. Allen arid William Hirsteih backed the proposal submlttod by County Clerk · William E. St John. Supervisors Robert Battin and William Phillips w:ited no. ' ~St "John's recommendation was the 'one adopted in the majority report of an Orange County Voting Systems T~k Foree which took two years to· eurrune a Mde range of voting equipment. ~ing divisi~ in ~the boartl· ?~ppointed 'task rorce bec8:ftte·· agparent When a number of its members drafted a minority report c8.lling for the ~nty's ado~ion of equipment manufactured by the Atitoinatic Voting Machine Company. YidOnt from 'booi'cl -on It was e .•. ~lo.......,. ""iay' ttat 'AMV'• f....,. re·-~ recount of ~ county\ . vote was a Pfime facW, •.Jn 'the rej<Cljoa. at the co1dPi!f1'1 ·~ . St JOho e1plained today "1at he win ,,.,, "" the cubic eq"""""' for aboul batf of the ·Ora11t1e ea.mlJ Vote In the November election. Backing the 20-leased machines will be restored and renovated CcMeman Elec~ tronic counUng ay9temt which will take Over vote counting chores in the central pprtion of the county. CUbic equipment will be used to tally v~e! in ouUylng county areas, UJ!Olll them the coastal communities. Supervisor Baker led the move to ,accept the Cubic offer of a ft!ov. 3 ttfal run with the comment ~t . the fltm•s ability to provide Ill tmrz:ied1ate recount was "vital to any Orange Col.lnty election. ,_ . -; "We are bebind the times lCJ1: Jn Orana• County," he said ... We must ' (See VOTE, Pap 21"· r ' ' ·Get ting T oge ther Pr~ident. Plans ~~Yi Cro$s:.country Tr}p By ,,;,HN. v ,u.~ Friday' a lif'UI bop ....,. the patloo From thal con1.r..c. Nil<on will join or .. ~ "• Nlfl~ • will atart· with conteftnca in Parso. his family for a ,drop-in visit to the President . Rkhard Nixc:il's arttvaJ , al N.D., wUfl the IOverDOn Ihm five~ 'Pk:Jneer Day·, Stampede rodeo, butalllief ,If. lhe Wel;tem"White House titlicopte:r.)Md states'-North and South DU<ita. Jilin-may not stay for the enU:re a r, early Ftiday night-prorribes .to •be a nesotl, Iowa and Nebrasb. • . : apokestnen said. weary' day fO( the iChlef;Es:ecuU.ve after Secretiry of the l'nterior Walte'r ""J'. ()l)ce the party boards the Prtl!idential a day of whlrlfiind conferences and ,ap-Hickel has been added to the list or jetliner in Utah, the next stop will be •-· ndll k M 1_ b" be · th the Marine Corps Air StaUon at El , iai~~~:~n ~ Pia~ a oc Y,,,. Qilll-~~~r::~~nd th4!8 g1;!r:: rs ,m ~ Toro where the President's helicopters .--will be waiting for the last bop to The President, scheduled 10 ,mivt at After the talks In Fargo, Nixon. will San Clemente. about a p.m. at the Wbite,..House com-board Air' Force One again for a hop On this latest visit to the seaside Span-~nd with 1iis wife, Pal, mid elder to Salt Lake City, Utah, where he will ish villa the President will focus on· talks d3ughter, Tricia.·is scbetluled 'to confer meet with Joseph F. Smith. the presi~ with a newly created domestic council with five governors, :the 'head Of the ol the Olurch_ o/. Jesus ChriJt ol Latter headed by John D. Erllchman. Council : Mofmon-Church ant' drop in ·at· a~ rodeo Day Saints. The Mormon ' church will members will attempt lo set federal throoghoUt the ·day.' be coelebrating its amual Pioneer Day goals on a priority basis and will involve But as a respite after his ·arrival Friday. The arrival will be at 1:45 several top-level advisers -Apiculture on the South Coast, ·White House,: aides p.m. Utah Umt. ~ Clilford M. Hardin, Commerce said today the Nlxons plan a jaunt The holiday Js the IDrd aMi~sary Secretary Maurice Stans, George Rom. up r.q Angel St.adiuin Sunday. to watch of the dflCO\"el'y of the Salt Lake Valley ney, secretary of housing and urban de-- the Angels-Washington Senators baseball by Brigham Young. It ls a state velopment. and officials Of the Office of observance. (See NIXON, Page Z) gaipe. Lag una Teachers Win Salary Hike Teachers and adminiStrators iil the Laguna Bead! Unilled ·Scllool districl will begin tblW scltool year. with a fiv• ' t i!><J.,.., """'1~ ap-~ -:1·D. . ..,;;i b0a'n1"1'ie.tay night. tftle.-Doard also aPPf'Ov~ a JIY hike ..id iiontrlcl e-.s.n !tr District SuperiDtendtnl Wllji""' Ullom. A pay infrease was abo Appl'OY61 for Ctiarles Hes,,, ass.Lstant ~tendent a n d business manager. Ullom will now receive $27,500 a year, up $1 ,000 over this year. The $21,llS figure for Hess is up from $17,618 which wu paid to former business manq:er F.d Hind; who retired from the district earlier this year. otrector of Omiculum Robert L. Reeves will now receive $31,&96. High ScbOot princlpal Don Haueht will receive 131,114. while niuntoo P'in<lpol David Lloyd lrill earn $20,1'16. All elementary pr;ndpals wt11 receive ne.eu. .Junk Gets .Junked W oodlandCitizensOpen Cletmup With ~ity ij'3lp_ ~ major """"'!llliilf' P'!lloct lo doan uP the Wooc1JaQlfl>rive area of La,Wa Beach was ~.by residents thill ""'"' wltll ptGmiHd -raUon of tho city. Couridlnwi Cbarl"'1 Boyd, who bid chided Woodland tesidents Jut week for "playing games" and urged them to recognize the: ae:rious In huard in the area and cooperate in an "honest effort" to 90Jve their problemt, aaid today the effort i! under way. Boyd, "ith Joseph Sweany, director or public worb, and Mrs. Thomasina Gunn of the ACLU who had supported Woodland realdenls in their Complaints of police harassment, visited the Canyon neighborhood TueSday to discuss cleanup plans. "A spontaneous effort is wder way * * * Lorr 'Blasts Quiz Of Woodland Tiff As 'Left-leaning' rn a letter addressed to Laguna Beach Polk:t Olief Kenneth Huck a n d distributed to city officfals and the press , city councilrDan F..dward Lorr this week praised the police: department for its role In the July I Woodland Drive rfol. Oelcribing the American ,,1 C I v i I Libertiea )Jnlon (ACLU), which has d!arpd'.l"'lice brulalfty during the ln- cident. u "ieftllt," Lorr. Writes, "Since ,... deportment bas oome _, beavy at;aet from ·tlM! klllll ACLU, I feel lbil la tlM!' time ID otaild' up and express support for the ~ !leach Polioe Department" • -y-- I , • In the coqi~ty," Boyd 111dl '°They already 'have pilea;, up an eaonnous eol- lection ol old Jm:es, parts ol bulldinp and other 1tuH · and Joe: Sweany will send out I 11dploader Friday lo belp get rid of it, From then on be will provide a weekly ptckup so Jang as they keep gatberina up the trash ." · Sweany estimated lhere woold be three or lour truckloads ready to move out by Friday. Regular Saturday work parties organiz-~ by lhe residents will continue the project, removing, among other things, the remnants or a couple of burned oul houses. Mrs. Gunn said persons from outside the: community had volunteered to belp the work party and the Woodlanders told her they would •lcimte such assistance. • Residents of the quaint Canyon neighborhood recenUy pelltlooed lhtf city to ca.II of.f a project~ buildlng~~butlding housing inspection aimed at locating fire . and heallh hazards and building code violations and forcilll owners to correct them. -.. . The inspection plan has been the sub- Ject ~f heated discus.rion at City Council meetings and further study is pending. Eventually, according to city manager James Wheaton , a "housing inventory" must be completed throughout the city in conneclioo with the general plan study. Some weeks ago, the: Woodland residents initiated a cleanup dri ve and were provided with city trucks to haul trash away. Later they· complained that tile city no longer was cooperating with their effort. Boyd said that city truck! had been sent out, but had been asked to leave for various reasons. "I say you stop the gamesmanship and get your people to work,'' he told them at a meeting of the Laguna Beach Democratic Peace Club last Friday. "If !See CLEANUP, Pap %) We Finally Rejoined The World Laguna Beach rejoined the coastal oommwtlty lhorUy before: midniaht Tue,s.. day arter a 12-ftour telephone blackout caused by a .houae fire that destroyed the main Laguna-Newport phone cable. The fire at 1730 East Ocean Front in . Balboa Pumed ' completely through 1he MCtioo of cabie in Ulit area. ·ac. ~ lo 'Gtnepl ~·· Wlaa Jle~ Manager llobeit ~eldt: , .'Direct dfallni 1erv,lco· •• ~ at ll:Ol a.m. and ~ serVice was not restored tmlil 11:30 p.m., when a --ol cable had Ileen illll•llld, IOI palri .I lrirea spliced and all c!rcWli tested. A recording placed on outgoinl lines from La.guna Beach notified would-be callers of the interruption. and suggested that emergency calls be ,Ptaoed throush an ' operator who could place: them through a differerit route. The Laguna-Newport phone cable runs underiround out of Laiuna ~ach, Jtiohnl!idf~ a.Id,. and ts carried on pole1 DOf1h !;om El Mom>. Man Injured In SC Crash · An elderly San Clemente man wa11 Injured this momln1 'in ,-· collbion of .a .car driven by his wife and another auto rear the MagadaJena offramp or the San ,Diego Freeway. Philip Carl Goemmer, 75, suffered un· disclosed injuries In tile 1:05 a.m. mish~p. He was taken for emergency treatment and obaervatlon to South Coa11t Community Hospital. Hl11 Injuries were not believed serioµs. Police said the drivers were Antha Mac Lafferty Goemfner, 75, of 811 Calle Buena Vwt:l, San. Cleinente, and Michael William Landgraf of 108 Calle Dom- inguez, alto of San Clemente. . The crash, which· caused ma)Or' damage to both autos, wa1 on El Camino Real near tlie Magdalena ramp.s. N1Hher driver was injured, police said. 1be councilman itattt that ht has become "fully ~1' with detailed reports on the: indicent, iJ ln full accord with the city manacer'• reran and qrees that "effective Police action brvuPI this riot by· law!.., elemenil< nlftly under control." Oommendlnf the pOllce departmenl for its perfonuanee, Lctr concludes, "You haft my lull -1 and Ille support of the 'dent majority" in the com- Weapons Vanish· inuntty." • Cblel Hack -lo oonducllnfl I formal ln•lp!loa "~ " Police brulali· ty made Jn me ~lions from Woodland Drive re-and presenled lo the clty by Mr1. 'n>omaslna GuM, Lag;una Beach chetrman of the Orange CoUnty ACLU Chapter. , , Five Lquna Be:ac.b poJice uhtta were amon1 the 23 units from thrtt other cities and county law enforcement •l*>- ciel cslled lo Woodland -Drtv. durtog Milita ry Posts Lose Guns, Am.mo • I . . WASHINGTON (UPI) -CalUornla officials lellUied lodsy ·Iha! an astonishing amount of weapons and expkjlives intended ror use ill Vietnam had disappeared from Weal Coasl porll<. • • 'Ibey revealed ilJ: testimony before: a aentte inv~UgaUons subcomrnltttee lhat even the huge Presidio compound In San Francaaco, hadquarters of the 6th Army, lost several h~ndred sticks o{.~ted dynan)it.e1to 1 bur1~·laA- 'feekend. · • · ' -.,.. -· Wounded V!el.nam veterans Robert Vaughn (left) and .Gregory Schmitt, curreTllly recuperating at Long Beoch Veteran'• HoepUal, were among 100 servicemen who were guest.!! of Amenc~ Legion, Veterans 6f Foreign Wan and VFW Auxiliary Monday Nglll at Lo- (UD&'I Pogeaat of the Masters. Their hosts. Included W'dUam lrvtne , (left) of VFW and Alf Lee, commander of LaiWUI America!' Legion , POii 222. the July·-· . 'I'be city council aJJo has authorized a oeparai. Inquiry by a comm!tlee com· -' at Mayor Rlclianl Ooldl>er1, Viet Ma1"f Charlton Bo,d .i City M._ J-Wbea"'1, wi1ll i!Uck and Clly Att«nq Jac:t lllmol alttlnl In u ·ad- vilor1. • •11 think Jt came as a greet shock just bow much they wtre Joalns, '' . aaid Charles A. O'Brien, California 'cldef deputy a£&orney,generat "]'found it 'aalonlllliing !hat ,..,"°"' in· thia amount ""1"11·' dlsappur from 1 a ml~llty . base.'' · ' miUee, a vast array of military we1P9M apparently hat been •t.olen 1~, ' mile<, a vut arrsy d mltilal'y '"'""°"' apporentl yhu' boon 11\0I'" 'from , tmmltlona dumpc In CllllGrnla 111nce the flnl d IJ>e.year. Included wn M ..,..pound bricb of C4 plutlc orplooives; Ill bind .....,..i.., 10 buookal and !Tl plot<>lt, -.... and rflla. Tllo Uat aloo Jocluded 1115,oot roondl " .ammunition. ' • \ • ForbUlden By ARTHUR It Vl!i!EL . OfllM IMMF 'ltlf ... A court-ordered 1ag rule wbJcb 1-! almost a carbon copy of that tmpoeect! • on the Sharon Tate-Man110n Faml)J~ murder case wa's clamped. onto Oran,., County's alleged "devil cult~' · kllliqf' Tuesday. .• • • Judge James f'. Jucfce concluded - ceedings for four among five pet11n1 lndlcted by the Orange County ~ Jury by signing lhe .thick document at his Superior c.owt bench. His order jg believed to be the fint In Orange County history. The judicial onler specifically forbids any and all principals -from JI'°" secution and defense attorneys ,io ~ and clerical aides -from discualint the case outside court with the preu. ' Gruesome disclosures about the .i.Ueged sacrifice lo Satan of parts of. Uta mutila\ed corpse ol Mi'5lon Vleld schoolteacher Mrs. Florence N. Brown, 31, were among potenUaHy dam.,tni comments mentioned earlier. St<phen c, Hurd, 20, a . lo11t1.Jialred defendant named Jn connection with botb Mr1. Brown'• butchei murder and tbJi beating ·of a Santa Ana servlc:e ·atation attendant, pleaded Innocent! by nuan at Insanity. He bas J>e<n lndlded fer hla .i"'911 role In the ldllinp .. ~ ..... June nights. " Bia attorney, Wllllam ~ •lla4 euUer portrayed~ hbn In Pl'9W ecm- ferences as a aell.styled Devil worshiper deranpd by damqing -. ot barbllurat. drup. . Tba lhnMsy Grand Jury bearlnp lell 'lo fndlclmenl ,ol Hurd, plus Herman H. Taylor, 17~ another trans I en t, Christopher. C. "Gypay" Gibboney, 17. or Portland, Ore., and Arthur C. Hulae, 16, of 11481 Dolan St., Garden Grove. AU are held without bail for theh' a Ueged · connection with the murder and mulilation of Mrs. Brown , on June I alid the fatal beaUng of Jerry W. Cartin, 21, the night before. · Hurd, Taylor and Glbt,Clney have; been linked by inve1Ugaton to the slay~ of Mr1. Brown, whose body · wu fOUna In a shallow grave off Ute Ortep. Highway two weeks later, minus butt, lungs and left arm. · Hurd, Taylor and Hulse art dlarsld with Carlin's murder in a· robbery · - the victim's third within a month ..... that brought them leu than $100, 16- cording lo initial police reporta. A chunky brunette. waitress, MeluU M. Danltls, 30, of Santa Ana, was m. dicted by the Grand Jury as an llCCellOl'1 to both murden and a $25,CXIO bail wu set. · Authorities expect .to have her available for a time, however, alnce she is serving a 90-day Orange County Jail sentence for a narcotk:s violation. Hurd was ordered brought bact before Judge Judge Nov. 9 for a sanity~ and jury trial, for his alleged ra1e ill the Brown and Carlin kUlina;s. Prosecution and defense atto~ agreed to Aug . 7 u the arraJgrmW date for Hulse, Taylor and Mrl. Dlnkll, allowing them to confer in day1 abt4td· !See GAG lWLE, hp II -• • 1 Oraage. c.ua Wea~ Local fog and' low clouds are expected • aloDI the • Orange Coast in the early mornln& houra -with. haq IUlllhJne fol· 'towing. But the temperatures 'fill relllllli In the sos; INSm E TOIJAY A Uilklno chimp? Yt1 -but' her trainer adm'tl she. may be brighter than tht averagi chim.- pa.n.ztt. Neu1rtht~11, «hil mono , ktU does "COmmvnicatt. SU 1 raoe -14. • ..... " C.'"9nl1• , .• <•'"' Ctrlltr U (lltc..... "' ' CllltlltM IHI ..... M ·-.. '""""' '= . a ••• ,..... ..,. ·-.. -. a. '--"'* M MIR Ill ..... ic. 11 '' ~ t~~MlY PiLo;. SC Wt4M""'1, hly U , lt70 .. . ~ to Vote · p dae Tnek _County l. . • -. --.. On Rapid Tr·ansit l>l< "SU if" ,Orange County volers will have the ~·last word on the proposed creation ol ,., rapid tramll dlslrid. m County supervisors voted unanimou!ly .,~~"' lhat effect Tuesday aft.r listening .J<r inore tllln tl'O houn to tut!mon,y idn wh1cb a number tJ. wiUteales urpd hlclusklo or the mass tramportaUon isslle ~ the November ballot. "• Tba! will only be possible if the Local i:nAgency Formation Commission approved !!'ettaUon of such an agency at its Aug. U meeting. But it wa.s noted by the ~1i ••1: F ro• Pqe I ~NIXON •.. l• brEconomic Opportunity. Next Monday Defense Secretary Melvin ,.1Laird will fly to San Clemente for a 'l1fi1ay of discussioons with the President t':lf>n' the 111cal 1172 deftnse budget. Deputy fttOefeue Secretary David Packard i.lso :'Jwill participate. C':> Secretary of State -William Rogers will ·.,8.ni.ve later next week for a meefulg ..... ' .. • ui mspeellled subJedl. The Nizo... will pack their bags on A111. S I~ the trip back to Waablngton. The trip yriU include a stopover in ~ver, Colo. 1 • ~.'!'Ii<*; ll'i. President· will confer will> official.! of the state planning agencies which COJtrol fwtds for the federal Crime O:totrol and Safe Streets Act which pro- (!kles· federal grants Cor local Jurl'9Jc-.. ::Jio91 ·to apgrlide thelf. law enforcment capabilities. From Page 1 ~AG RULE ••• 15· A' bench waZTant was issued for the <~ al Gibboney, "1lo ;, figbtlnc tz· i.1~dltl:<>n from Portland, where .Jtuthorities have been urged by District toltttlrnty Cecil Hieb to IP<td UU,,,. up. , •1r 1be pg rule prepved by Deputy ~.Dlstrld Attorney Manin J . Heneghan "'*11 prevent reporting of any further -.!Jnformatlon wbk:h would ~ from any "*'-other lhan courtroom procedures. lbe rules do not affect wba~ up UDlll •;l\lefday, )las bttn publjli>td qr lnaerltd ,.mto the public n:cord. , .• Dtpuly DUtrict Attorney HtO<lhan t.-lbmlllad Ille gag rule to Judge Judge 'l.1after pruentiog facts of the cae to tl!e Gr.,.. Jucy and reportedly Cllllni -about 15 witneuet. , ·'' , ,, , 'Ibo lenllh1 iwtar ~ prindpafJ, ·~ kinleYI and other authOritles waa su~ pltmented by inclusion of Santa Ana police and Orange and Riverside cotmty sheriff'• depUties. Deputy Public Oertllder Jamt1 Gorr, who represents Taylor. and Mrs.. Brown. had objected to ti\e ·Jaet they wm lert out, pooolbly indical!ng a loo!ihole in the order. '. . , , Wording or tbe · 1a; wama:· an;ybne coming under Ha JuriadkUon that at.atements made~ e\d:tlde the court could · sway the proper, eventual fmding of IUilty or inoocenct, Cootempl of •court citations can be imposed for any ·violation. The or<ler lt.oel! atatu: "This court J1 aware of the necessity to assure the deftndants o€ a faJr trial and or the comdtuUonal guarantee of a tree pttss and believe that they are both compatible with reasonable ~trk:- tlons impo!td on pr<trlll pubUclty;• "It further appean to the ooort that the dissemination by any means cf public communication of any out· of· court statemera relaUng ta this cue may interfere with "the coostltuUonal right or the defendant.a to • fatr trial and dim1pt tile proper admlnl!traUon of justice." . DAILY PILOT OllANOE COAST PUILISHIN(; COMPANY l•~rt H. WtM Jfrulltml enil l'llbtiW>er J•e• l. Cyrl•v \'let ~ .... Gtnlr1I Mtl\fttl' n.,, .. , ic •• .,;1 f:•Hw Tlu:i'"•' A. M1rplli11t M-e ... EClllW lliell1ril '· Ni ll *"' 0,...... C-ly &dllw -Qtll #NMl M Wu! kV Srr.t ~ lffdll !211 Wiit .... , ltw'"9rf ....,. lktitfl1 m ~'A.._.,....._,,,, ,,.,, .... ·~ ... 1tn c......,.i.: • Mtr1ll t:I (.tll'lliw 11•1 board Tuesday that rejection at lhat level seems highly uRlikely. Jr voters decide in November to en- dorse an Orangt County Rapid Tta11sit District lt would be governed by five directon represenUng the cowlly, the cities a.Del the public. Jts boundaries would euctly coincide w i t h those of Orange O:lunty. The OCRTD would have auttlority to levy up to a five-cent tax on cou nty resident! and place boJtd issues on the ballot. lt would a!JO have the right to eminent domain and be able to coordinate its planning with other regional systems in Southern canforllla. Much of Its planning has bee11 carried out by the Orange County Rapid Transit Committee which was formed in 1966 to study implementaUon of legislation enacted that year. The commlttee's aims have been ex· pressed as the creation of a district which would coordblate the existing fragmenta of a public transportation system. Comnllttee chairman Hubert C. Ferry told the board that the dl~ict would e!Ye the county a voice in development o( regional. transit programs and enable the group to aolicit funds from federal, state, local and pri vate sources for developmmt of trans.it programs. Backing creation of the district at Tuesdily's public hearb1g were represeit- tatives or several Orange County cities, the League of Women Voter•. the American Association of University Women grouPB, a UCI·J>ri>ject 21 •tudy team and repreaentatiVes of several chambers of commerce. Supervisors were urged by represen· tatives of Orange County's Stamp out Smog committee to quickly endorse rapid transit proposals and Immediately cut the number of s m o g produclng auto- mobiles on county highways. Supervisor Robert BatUn joined them with the comment that he considered mass tran1portation to be the county's greatest problem. "Half of our resident! do not drive because they are too young, too old, too poor or too disabled," he said. "They desperately need some kind or transportation system." But Robert Jaffe, a Newport Beach clty traffic eagilteer, suggested that the -caunty watt for two years to 1ather :data on whethttr the dlltrict wu lhe b<!at anawtr to ~tksl .-;a. .. , !tar the b<!gulllng llfmpllclty or the transit district propoaal," Jaffe said. ()range Co q,nty.'s Cost Hike Slows -. If ~, 8: Jru<ia:el Wittcher 1n Orange or Loi Ana:eki, County, cheer up . Your .<Iollars boaiht 1nore In J~ than during ·the .... ~i~:s five month;,_.'.' .. 1 ' r,"~~ · '~I '" • -!llle-C9!1,or 1Mng In the \Wo ·"!untlis roae ·on'& ·t .l percent in June,. vmue uvm& ,CON ~bed 4.4 ~~I no· tionaili. ~-to v.s. ~ -ol tabor statistics released Tuesd8.'y. lt .;as the lowest monthly increase this year for \M counties. 'I'be slowdown was attributed by'Jabor . ' department economists to a drop in . ' the prices ,!or food.. doWJ\. t.J ,~. and transportation, which dropped 0.7 percent because of numerous &&fl>Une wars and , loWer ·prices !I'\ ~me new cars. _ However, the economists said, living costs in the area for the first six month!: are still .47 perce11t above the 3 percent figure or 1969. School Paddling Phase-out Set PrrrsBURGH (AP) -The city Board of Education has order!d corporal punishment, including paddling, to be phased out In the city schools in the next three years. Paddling In kindergarten Ul1<lllgh fourth grade will Ii<! abolished In Sep- tember. The ban. will be esiended in~ steps unUI It Includes all gradeS by September 1973. Supporters of the motion aaid they believed peddling wu ineffective as a means of maintalninr c I a 1 1 r o om discipline. DAtLY •ILOT l ttn' ,. ..... WITH EXPECTATIONS SOARING, YOUNGSTER LAUNCHES GLIDER Jamie Ntwlon, 7, Tustin Tekn to Air During Orenge Coast Outing Police Warn Unicyclist Bikini Not for Bicycling Special to the DAILY PILOT SAN LUIS OBISPO -Sternly warned by police about the peril.a: of pedaliRg in an orange bikini, un icyclist Jacquie Douglas, 21 , continued her journey to San Francisco \oward tbls picturesque volcanic valley today. Mi1s Douglas, of 1588 Riverside Place, Costa Mesa, was stopped by lawmen Monday when she arrived ta Santa Marla, wtaflnl I.be lbpcklng-butd )lathing 1uit. She spenl moat of Tueaday touring the Santa Barbara County Fair at the fairgrounds In Santa Marla, where 1he .,mped overnlgbt, mlnUI much or the 1ear with which aht atarted. The perky pedaler who plans a magazine article about her experiences left moit" of a 25·pot1Jki backpack with frienda in ' SU ta Barbara -including her thick diary. . She's jW:t acribbling on scraps of paper •DOW• . Mias ·Dcuglaa ltft.Orange County tight day1 iago, plllum& a si'l·'Weti ride kl San Francisco and must be back by . Aug. ,21 to return to work drlvlq a ,dellvt:J'Y. truck for a Newport Beach IUIO paN ,firm. Urat.· '"ibe spends her extra Ume 1i1htseeilllg, however, the trip may take 1Jtm than her allotted Ume and travel ·Tlteiof 20 to 25 miles per day. Some aedions of PacUic C o a s l i HI&bWay are po«ted as freeways -bar· · t1ft1 ·peidestrlans ·and cyclists allke - ·From Page 1 .. CLEANUP ••• you want to play it straight, clean it up, call Swany's trucks and get some people out there." Following the Tuesday visit when cleanup plans were set in motion, the councilman 'said, ~·1 feel now that pro.- 1ress really ls being made." Oversexed Baboons Sent to Denmark OSLO (AP) -The Kr!Jtianstn Zoo in southern Norway found four baboons-- one ~ale and three female-too demon- strative sexually and shipped them to Denmark. where the attitude in such matters ls more relextd, the newspaper Verdens Gana reported. so she ,has been forced lo resort to some hhch-hik.ing. She js also down to S30 in traveler's checks and plaru to eat only every other day, thus contributing lo her goal of losing a few poWlds. Slipper y Thieves Loot Mom's Car ' While Kids Fish A San Clemente woman who stopped near the beach after midnight thi:t morn-- Jng to pick up her children flifler a grunion hunt fell vlcUm to auto burglars on a hunt of their own. The children's foray yielded few fish, but the thief who broke into the car of Mrs. Margaret Mathis took a bag containing more than $.1,000 in cash and checks. The money, left in the glo\'! com- partment ' of the woman's car, was the total receipts from the Flagg senice station at the san Diego Freeway and Avt!nida Palizada. Mrs. Mathls, who with her husband, Ralph, own the station, reported the theft at I: 19 a.m. She told officers sbe stopped at 'lJl!l Vla Ca.scadita to pick up the gnlniOn hunters, left the car for a few moments and then returned to discover the theft. The total stolen amount was '2,521 in cash and $515 in checks. A sliitulfy practical gift llpollo~s Me nit Laguna Fed Se rves Space Tidbits Visitors who slOp by to ,.. the "Lunarabllla" exhibit at Laguna Federal Savln1s might try some spoco food sUckl, the aame type that 'Were tised by Uw first three astronauts who went to Ula moon with Apollo 11. Autographs, photographs, m 0 d e I I • medallions, patches, flqs, a n d pholotlraphs or the various lll&htl. ---. I .~•"!•II ·~~es ' '· ·Arab ·. Guerrillas.: , • Seize .G~eek -:let:· ' ATHENS (UPI) -, Six Aral> .guerrillas today stl!ed an.011ml!lc ~'jOtlioer with 58 pel'!Olll aboard mi -- . to blow U up if sevt't•Af"!' ~ wee · aot released !nilli Atht111 Jail!. School Tax • '! . Slips a -Bi t For Lagund~ • By FREDERICK SCHOEMEPL Tupayers in the Laguna Beach Unified Scboal. Diltdct liltely wilt')1a.ve. ~ir re- cent . aueued _valuaUoi IR1cre.a s e somewhat softened by 8IJ 11-<ent reduc· Uon in Uie"ichi:iol tU'rlte:· ~~ !Joaril Tuei<i'!(~sly adopted . a pubu .. uon lloidget, !or the 1970.71 school year. It is up about five percent over the prior year. The tax rate is down three per cent. Total expenditures are $3,128,484, up from $3,010,000 last year. Local income from .Proper\1: taxes due to the rise it\-asses9ed valuation totals $2,472,035, up more than $200,000 when compared to 1969-70 . The proposed total tu rale for the coming year Is $.1.03 per $100 assessed valuation, down from ~-14 per $100 last year. "Aliboogh the budget Is publi!htd al this rate, this does not limit the board to raise or lower the tax rate before the final budget adoption Aug. 4," Board President Larry Taylor explained. The budget will be published prior to a public hearing Aug . 4. State law requires that such a publica· tion budget be presented to the public during the last week of July, To accommodate the five per cent pay raise given to all teaching personnel, the publicaUon budget revised allocation for principals~ salarle!: to $135,570, up $1,&00 from the original proposed budget. Teachers' salaries were raised to 11,537~16, up $3a,100 from the orlfllnaf ~I. ' ~ , The new budget also reflects 1 total reserve · cl $216,995, aorne $87 ,orMt mQrt. than the original $1SO,OOO tbe board mem- bers wanted. The additional reserve is to help carry over this budget to the nel't one for 1971·72, one year from now. Newport Readies For Boat Parade "Our American Heritage" will be the theme of the 1970 Character Boat Parade; which is· scheduled Aug. 21 in Newport Harbor. >' • ' Jack Barnett, spokesman for the Newport Harbor Chamber of Conunerce Commodores, sponaors of the event, said the 10th running of the parade is open to anyone with any'kind of a boat. Entry blanks and route maps are available In the: chamber offices at 2166 E. Coast Highway. 11'1 ID' Omag• Walch. Hours later they began releasing the pusengers, some of their demands ap. parently mel. ~} Aristotle Onassis, owner ·or o!yinpic Airways, offered himself •• a boet&ge • • !or Ibo .,.....ngen. at Ono point lut the guerrtllas refusect and demanded in· ste·ad that a hlgh '0Uicial of "the G~k government accompany them back to Beirut where the flight originated. • Deputy Premier Stylianos Pattakos personally negotiated with the guerrillas by radio from the Athens control toY{er and waa reported to have persua<fed them to .. reduce their demands. Shorllv afterwards the guerrillas began releashl& the p~engers two ,by two. . 1 Onassis aped to the airpqrt In the mo'1'1ng sbOrtJy after the hijacldnc '-"d talked with the guerrilias over the atri>ort control radio. He returned in tbe . 'af· . ' . ternoon for a second convenation • • shorUy belo.re the situaUon began eubig. Tlle guerrillas wfil armed with machineguns and hand grenades and threatened to blow up the plane w:lth all on board unless Greece freed their comrades, jailed for terroristic actlviUes against Israel. They first demanded that Greece release two Arab.! scheduled to go 'Ofl trial Friday for a bomb explosion ~at the Jsraell El Al alrllnea office 1ast November. Then they demanded the release of two Arab commandos sent to prison in March for an attack .on an El Al plane in December, 1969. Government sources said the 1Uerrillas agreed to reduce their demands but did not say what concesskln.s they ba.d made. An official said the guerrillas finally agreed lo return to Beirut with a Red Cross representative and tJie fl9e· man crew aboard u hostages. : The plane, a Boeing 727, wu refueled for the return to Beirut where officiall began taking security measures. Similar measures also were ordered f o r Damascus and Amman airports, and presumably C&iro. Airport . officials said the guerrilla• would fly back to Beirut to await word on the Greek government'• decision on the release of the seven imprisoned com- mandos. ln the meantime the : U passengers were being released. Government sourcea 1aid they later reduced their demand.a to immedlite frtedom for three commandos and the release of the rest within 3Q. day&. In ·the meantime, they freed an lraqi woman, 22, who became ill, and her .hlJ1band . She was ru1bed to the airpOrt !lnrt ald station. From Page 1 VOTE ... let these people show us _ what they can do and then make our final decision in the light of their performance." • Bart Battin branded the board decitLon as "sl)ocklng and incomprehemible when you bear in mind that we have an Ofter to use competitive equipment absolutely free of charge." Battin's reference was to the offer by the Shoup Voling Machine Comparty to provide 200 machines for use in the November election at' no expense to the county. It brought the comment from Bak•r: "It haa been my long experience in many years on this board that you never get anything fret." · J A beautiful aold bracelet Is a sinfully huurloua Rill But a watch is certainly pracUcll. Particularly when it's an Omega. In the world of really fin• witch· es, the name and reputation of Omega stand oul When Omega artfully conceals one of their IJ\lperb \imepieces in an ex· qulllte hncel•~ II becomta a sinfully pnctlcll atft. Set our complete Omega collecllon, from fell. The high """IY food , developed by the Pillsbury Compnny, are belnc passed out at the exhibit while the IUJll>b' laatl. Tbe Lunarablli a exhibit Is part of a collecUon or arittacts !tom space flights and moon landings, compiled by Gustav JohanS90n, who ta tmployed by McOoO. n<ll Douglu. 'l1>e exhibit colncld., wilh the first aMlversary of the historic fli&ht to the moon. It is being shown wtth a dlsp11y of the historical flags of Orange County, on loan from the Flnt American Tltlfl lnBUrance Company, 1be nags cover Orange County history since 1769. CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. .J./.umphrieJ J eweferJ PHONE 541-3401 24 YEARS IN The collectloa Include! po 1 le r s , The two exhibits wUI be on view now through the end of Augu.'it In the rotunda or Laguna Federal Savings, 280 Octan Ave., Laguna Beach. 1821 NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA SAME LOCAT ION I I ( Planners Set Wheel s For ·Paiking By BARBARA DUARTE ot tM .,..,, , ......... • ·t Laguna Beach planning eorrimlssloners aet wheels in motion Monday aitht for a , )ong.-sought parking district adjacent to · the Art CeJ11ter. ~:.. Commissioner James Sclunitz said he • had been talking with businessmea In the ,.area including Merrill Johnson of the Surf ud Sand and Harry Lawrence of Warren Imports. ' The only oppositJon he has eaeountered, tie added. is from Laguna Nursery which · owas a parcel in the block proposed for .a parking lot. • ' Schmitz' proposed di.strict rum from the ocean adjacent to the Surf and Sand "to South Coast Highway, up Calliope to the alley between Glenneyre ud Catalina , street, across to Brooks Street and dow• Brooks to Gaviota Drive, ucluding resl· denUal ocean lots. 1 ' The parking lot, either o.ae to two levels '·as ouUined by City Planner Al Autry on ·~June 15, could accommodate from 160 to 200 cars on a lot betwee11 Cress Street and Mounlain Road fro11ting on Glenneyre. . ' "Just as a conversational pee~. 1 ·.think we should look further than the Art , ·Center,'' noted Commission Chairman "William Lambounie. "I think we ~ould , consider a two or three-deck structure : ·in the gully behb1d Calliope with a com· to• " mercial center on the p. Iintial study on a parking district was begun i11 1960. In order to formulate a district, property owners must i;>repatt: a petition requesting the move which can be knocked down should owner! of 50 per· . cent of the assessed valuation oppose the . district. The commission will send a letter lo ; businessmen in the parking district out· linblg the proposal action and listing the "manner of procedw'e ror formulating the . district. •. As described by i:leputy city attorney George Lcga•. buslnesmien shoul~ fonn a steering ecmmlttee, set boundanes ~d :"t>roperty acquisition, make an appraisal ··and cost study and set up bond fiaanclng. • , After notificatJon of property owners . and a general meeting, 111 assessment spread must be determinel. followed by another general meeting and decision. After Utis, the petitiott can be prepared, · Logan concluded. . . -. In other business. the commission ap. proved· a rezone of The Seas i11 Sleepy Hollow to enable owner Loren Haneline to add eight units: extended a dance perm.it at the Sandpiper, 1183 S. Coast 1 Highway, conditional on a o~year re. ·. ·'\Piew; gave a flG.day extension to Frances Crou i11. order to allow her time to ex· c::avate for two parking slots for a pro- . posed health food store at 703 S. Coast .Highway, _and approv~ a. sign area cal· c:ulation diagram for c::1ty mclusion in the Administration manual. Revival Club . Sponsors Dance In Laguna Beach Th< Laguna Beach Beys' Club gym. naaium will rock again when the Revival Teen Club sponsors its second summer dance this Saturday night beginning at 7:30 o'clock. ''Fable," an exciting band from the Huntington Beach area will highlight the program. The band played earlier this year at the Revival, and since • then bas added an organ player to the group. Two local groups wi11 also add to the hard rock sou.Olis. 0 Dow" will turn young dancers on to some of their new original sounds, while Wayne Organ and ~ his group will offer :iiome new 90fter .,. rock music. , Two Laurel and Hardy movies will l flavor the evening's act i~ities . of Refreshments will be available. ~ Admission is $1 ror Revival members. 1i $1.25 for students and $2 for the general .\public. " The recreation department reports that ~ <!haperones are needed. Those who wish J to help out should contact the department . ·~1124, Ell ti. • Art Films Set : At Laguna High 1 'I11e Laguna Beach High Sddl auditorium now quiet while school kl out, will ~e the setting for a wide ! variety d avant-garde, art fllm!:, r!l/err : &mday night, beginning July 26 and ' ronnlng Uuwgh Aug. 30. Spo...red by the Laguna -Frte Clinic, the weekly twe>-hour film1 are taken from Universal Studio's "KineUc Art" and "Take One" series. Funds raised from tile showlngs will go towards the operation of the Free Clinic, 421 Glemieyre Street. Admission will be 12 for adults, 11.50 for students. Series tickets for the lit· week fest Iv a J 1 are $9. Ticket& are available from the S.Und Spednun, Jn Laguna and the Licorice Piw In ()ollo Afesa. ibey will alao bt available at ~ Ille door. • . Baby Bull Bison Born PlTl'SBURGH (AP)-'l'M S.Uth Park game reserve now has a four.member b I a on herd. A to-pound bull, u yet unnamed, was bom July 9, gamekeeper '_Thomas Turner said Tuesday. I DAILY "llOT l'tlets l!r ..... Sdllltlclff' Wednfldll', .M)' n , !'7D L Freeway Fight Mapped B<idha rlt Bill Foes Join Forces With Laguna By BAllBARA KREIBICH Of .. Dlltr '*' ..... UnUled opposition to Assemblyman Robert Bad.ham's bill lo remove the Newport Beacb segment or the P1clflc Cout Freeway adopted route was plan~ bed Tllesday at ta meeting called bf Llguna Bead> Mayor Rkhard Goldberg. J\epreleotative1 or coastal commwUtles and chambers of commerce and county o!fk:iab. accepted Goldberg's invitation to meet in lbe Ar1 Colony and agreed to CQOPerate lo presentatk>n of their PoS!Uons: when the bill comes up for a hearing be/ore Senator Randolph Colliers TramPortatlon Committee at z, p.m. Monday in Sacramento. Having leorned or the scheduled hear- ing ooly I.hat morning, the officials decid· ed to seek a Postponement of the hearing to pennlt better preparation of their c::ase. Mayor Robert Wilson of Costa Mesa phoned Badhain Crom the meeting to make this request, but reported blick, "He said •no way' -the hearing is ne1t Monday at 2 o'clock." On recommendation or Huntington Beach Director of Public Works James Wheeler, just back from a 9.'eek in Sacramento with Orange County Road CommJssiORer Al Koch, the group agreed to solicit the services of Ted C r a I g , legislative advocate for the county in Sacramento, to prepare and present their In construction ol the coostal fre<J'ay in the 5hortest PoSSlble tlmfl and feet that the entire route ii placed In jeopardy by lhe position of Newport Beach and the Badham blll, AB 1701. "It should be obvlOW1,'' said Goldberg, 1'that deletion of any segment could severely damage the lntegrtty of the entire route and could bring about a complete re-atudy, with pauible .restora· tlon of the original route along the coast, blsectlng all communities." Goldberg asked for suggestions as to the best method of presenting the Jn. terested entities' positions in Sacramento. "Time is of the essence," he said. "In the absence of protest the Highway Commission could m i s t a k e n I y misconstrue our silence f or ac· quiescence." Noting that he is expected to host many important visitors for Costa Mesa's anniversary celebratlon on the date set for the hearing, and that time would be required to prepare a solid case, Ptfayor Wilson made lhe unsuccessful attempt to have the hearing postponed. Storm said, the County Road Depart4 ment and Board of Supervisors are on record as opposed to the bill and said the Road Department is ready to "take any action necessary to defeat the bill." Wheeler, who regularly attends Sacramento hearings, said he and Koch had talked to nine members of lhe Transportation Committee last week and fell they had •nve we.. aod three problblff." "II appears our pooltlon wlll be &iv•• favorable conllderatwnt'' Wheeler told the aroup, "aod lhat they will I!> oor way, but the other aJde is v~ well organlzed and we can't be too confklent." Rather lhao sending a Jarae delepllon to Sacramento, Wheeler recommended "not more than six or eight people" to sit In on the hearing, with the pre.en. talion being made by one or two 'of these. To Syfan's suggestion that a Iarce group "just sitting in the •udfence" might be effective, he noted that there ls almost no apace for an audience in the committee's hearing room. Wheeler said that Iegi.slaUve advocate Craig who "has the respect _ and con. fidence of the members of t h e legislature" would better be able to reach the ean of the commiUee members than an tlectlve official and a1so would be quaWied to pursue the matter ii the .bill should clear the committee &Dd reach the Senate floor. Wheeler was designated to coordinate the effort lo assemble material (or Craig's presentation and thoae pruut agreed to provide him with coplea ·of resolutions and other :iitatemeots ~ posing the bill that have been lslucd by city councils, chambers of commen:e, major landholders and other bUrelted entities. LION COUNTRY CUB SNOOZES THROUGH RUSSrAN VISIT Vi1ltor1 From Soviet Union Not Exectly Lionited case. Others attending the Laguna parley, in addition to \he two mayors, were Huntington Beacll City Admini strator Doyle Miller, County Road Department Division Engineer Murray Storm, Costa Mesa City Councilman WIUiam St. Clair, William Beck of the Laguna Niguel CorporaUon, Darrel Truby, director of the San Juan Capistrano Chamber of Commerce, Laguna Chamber of Com· .5addleback Board Meets Russ on Safari ' Red Sea1nen Tour Lio1i Cou1itr:y ilfonday on Hair Dispitfl: By RICHARD P. NALL Of 1M Dtlt.-PllH Slaff Visiting Russian seamen and scientists had an eyebaU·to-eyebal! confrontation .Tuesday at Lion Country Fafari. But it wasn't a crisis. 'Ille touring Rus- sians laughed excitedly as lions pounced on their station wagon. One p e e r e ~ through the windshield at Capt. M1kha1l \'olik, Volik peered back. Observers didn't notice if either side blinked. Volik. commander of the 265-(oot ocean. ographic exploration ship "Raduga" (rainbow) docked at Long Beach, and his shipmates are en route to their home port Vladivostok after five months at sea. They asked to see some fun things while ashore, specifying Hollywood and wild animals. 1 Officials at Llon Country, a 500-acre "lt of trinsplanted .,African veld, said later the RUS!lans had in mind animals indigenous to America. After the eigflt·mile tour among lions and other African animals, Capt. Volik told Harry Shuster, president of the pre- aerve. •11 never thought that In my first day in America I would see lions ln the afl"eets." The Russians took pictures and chat· tered in glee as officials at the preserve attra~ the Jiona onto the tour vehicle with bits of meat. Jet planes from nearby El Toro Marine Corps Air Station buzzed overhead in meree president Bernard Syfan, Rod landings and take offs as the Russians Lewis of the Costa Mesa Business Men's Trustees of Saddleback College will took in the sights including the Zambezi Association, Chester Brines and Albert stage their own version of "Hair" Mon· Ri ver boat ride. Blals of the Saddleback Valley Chamber day. Capt. VoUk, sun tanned, about five-foot· of Commerce. Gwyn• Kirkpatrick of the The college board, which is on· the fi ve and solid u 8 fire plug, posed good Citize n's Town Plannlng Association, short end of the latest court decision naUJredly with a lion cub at the request Laguna Beach Director of Public Works In a long simmering hair-!ength con· of photographers. Joseph Sweany and former Laguna troversy, is expected to decide Monday The Russians seemed Intrigued by Beach Mayor Glenn Vedder. night if they will take the matter on Polaroid <'ameras. They were apparent· The conferees unanimously agreed that up the judicial laddtr. ly unfamiliar with them and asked the lhe entitles they represent are interested U.S. Dist. Judge Harry Pregtrson held rost of the cameras as they were pre· Monday that the colltge .drt;ss code ban· sented pictures or themselves. Sen. Margaret Sn1ith ning long hair ls unconstltuuonaL lnt.repreter Joseph Ctvrtlik of Lon g John Powell, deputy county consel who Beacll Slate College said the group had T Le H • l l represented the district, said after the been searching for fi sh and doing other 0 a ve osp1 a decision "there's a good chance-trustees oceanographic research. Under an agree. will want to appeal." ment with the U.S .. he said, the informa· WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. Margarel Spokesmen for the college said the tion will be shared, Chase Smith (R-Malne), who underwent board of trustees will be 'Civen Judge The Raduga had spent time off Peru surgery for a total hip replattment two Pregeraon'• eight-page opl:nion for study but had not come closer than 200 miles, weeks ago, is reported up and walking and discussion. The board is expected one official said. Ctvrtltk aald the group and may leave her New York hospital to decide then if they wlsh to exercl!e Jiad reparted fish schols: somewtat scarce next week. their perogaUve of taking the matter in their exploration. The Russians took on An alde said the senator would return to the next court .level in hopes of provisions at Long Beach and will leave to Washington after her release to OJm· a,favorJble,vmUcL • ~ they will abide by the decision of tho courl. Pregerson's ruling was in favor of four Saddleback .students "'.ho put t k e dress code to a legal test with the help of U:!e American Civil Llbertlel Union. 'lbe court held that the code sectkln banning long hair is arbitrary. 1be Constitution forbida elected reprtsen- tatives of the slate from sucll arbitrary regulatiorui, he held. The result Is that the college now Is permanently enjoined from refuting to admit loog-halred students because the district has not proven that hair length interferes with the eduutlauJ procw. Thursday. They put to sea on this voy-plete her recuptraUon. Meanwhlle, c::ollege officlall bave Id age "°!arch 13. , ~~i;iii~~~~iiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;io;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiii ... The Russian visitors are to be taken Ill to KnotUs Berry Farm today. They .lunch. ed in HoUywood Tuesday before the lion Th< legal ha"le began In Decembier when the first complaint waa flied by a student Preger.son issued prellmtnary injunctions. An appellate court reversed U... bul ref«rred the mailer back to him for filrlber proceedlngJ. tour. Observers noted that three baby ele-- phants, perhaps the animals most sym • bolic of comervatlve Orange Coonty, didn't euctly lionii.e the visitors. They turned their backs on them. Laguna Board to Study Club Pool Fund Proposal Laguna Beach Unified School District trustees dldn't go off the deep end Tues- day night for a $3,000 request from the Boys' Club to defray the maintenance cost of a pool to be built at the club's facility in Laguna Canyon. Instead, board members decided it would be best to hold a study session to gather more information on the pool with Boys' Club and city officials. The board received a letter from Albert Eccles, president of the Boys ' Club, asking the school district to chip in $3,000 for the maintenance of the pool -it Is built. The city of Laguna Beach also l't!Ceived sudi a request, and councilmen decided they would give the 13,000, il lhe ICbool board would do likewise. Bernard Syfan, director of the Boys' Club, told the board that "we are woefully lhort ol swlmminl Instruction Jn a city ll1ICb H Laguna Beach. "I c:an build this pool at the Boys' Club rea90llably for f1,000; plus many, material doDl.Uons." Nixon W atcli Makes Debu t LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Now there's the "Di<!k Nixon Watch!' Plana to market the tlmeplect by mall order were announced Monday by Frederick L. Saxt, who readily admits the venlure ia 0 an attempt to ride tbe banctwa1on surte<i by lhe splro Arne• wa~ cM!.'' The face of lhe Mlckey-M-. type watdl carr!tt a caricature of the President •earing a red and white striped suit a n d blue shoer. Kia arms tell lhe time. ''I just fett that 80mtOM was bound to bring out a Nlxon watch, so why not. me?" Saxe asked .. But. Syfan noted, after the poo1 Is built it will cost $12,000 a year to main- tain it The Boys' Club is willing to pay $6,000 a year for the main tenance, hoping the city and the scilool district will split the remainder or the cost and, in return, be granted use of the pool "'We wou ld like to set the school use the pool," Syfan said. "Especially in the winter time during school hours." Board President Larry Taylor ques- tioned the need of such a pool, since &he high school has one. District SuperiotenGent William Ullom told the board tbat at a principals' meeting earlier this year, the prirticpals felt that putilng mooey towards the pool "was a pretty low prioJ'.lty!' Rather, the principals felt that the district needed more staff for water instruction, iDStead of the facilities. Ullom d1d say he would again talk to the principals at a meeting this morning about the pool subject. Sy(an told the board thaL he felt It was urgent that a decbion on the $3,000 request be given quietly. "In a short time, the city will complete Its budget. and if there is no response here we won't have the $3,000 they've suggested.' "l would llke to get W1 answer, either positive or negative," Syfan said. The board, following a suggestion by Taylor, decided to hold a study meeUng on the pool subject. and give a decision to the Boys' Club on the request at a special meeting for the budget July 28. The study session wlll be attended by Taylor, Syfan, Dr. Charles Hea, district business manager, Bill Cook from the Boys' Club, Mayor Richard Goldberf, and George Fowler, City Recreation Director. Isr ael Plans Project TO FURTHER REDUCE · OUR SALE SHOES LIFE STRIDE ............. ' ........... ' .. REG. TO $20.00 LADY FLORSHEIM .................... REG. TO $25.00 NOW $9.90 NOW $11.90 FLA TS and CASUALS ; ................. REG. TO $16.00 NOW $), 90 TO $7. 90 ALSO: GREAT SELECTION OF MINS' SALE SHOES ''Where Shopping iJ a /ea/ Pfea~ure '' Pl•••• , • , 'All Si les Flnal. No Exchan9•1 or Refunda.. QJ ts/(!/itfsHoEB YY! 11111wnno/ J.6..1LT Shop t arly Good Si1•• • Stylo• Still Av1i11bl1 TEL AVIV (AP) -Th< l1raeU enc· lneerlnf company Taha! announced It 1052 IRV INI e WESTCL ll'I' PLAZA wlll carry ool a m-milllon development NEWPORT BEACH e 5411614 p'roject In Sou~ Ko~a. includi.n& two UL..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.,. tarae ·irrigation programs. -- f DAILY l'ILOT Wtd11tsday, J\lly 22, 1970 Nixon Vows 5,000 S. Vi.ets ,Anive . . I Welfare . Reds Cut Roa<l to Phn<)m~Pehnr • .. • ...... ..., ... 11111) ·ue · Perm•DI publlshlng house of ll'llan Italy sent a blurb for the bobt .. i.;,...e in the sexual Life" to ,.,_ Novollo. Novello. the local public prosecutor, found_!!'.• book obscene and ordered 11 co•- cated nationwide. • A youn4 Salmon, Idaho woman liked .. ~g iii the Navy so much that abe has enlisted for a second hit.ch -In the Army. M••'-A. Bowen 22. served three years as Na')' WAVE and bas just complet· ed lier basic tralolng with the Women's Army Corps al Ft. Mc- Cletl8n, Ala. Miss Bowen swd &be . wanted to try the Army because she enjoyed serving in the Navy to mucl:i: Woman's illogic? Not really, said Miss Bowen. Two of her brothers · are serving in the Ar!TIY ,. and besld.,, she wanted a little chanle of scene. she sa1d. -. Would 71ou b'ellew that this is a 1cene of summer fun. Snowball fighU on tile 1~1 of Mt. Rainier, Wash., providt a ortat mt'a"' of e1eape fTom city Mat /OT Mav Annt Knieat of Ed- mmub and Jim Ro1ellini of Statue. This battle tro1 fought ot 7,000 feet. • A pranbter with a macabre Support WASHING TON (Al') -President Nix· on hu told Republican congruakmal leaders he lntendJ lo stand behind hlx revised welfare program despite op- posttlon !run memberl of hlx own party. "It b part of hlx program and he wants to aee It passed/' Sen. Gordon Alloll ol Colorado, chalnna• ol the Senate Republican Polley Committee, told newsmen Tuaday. Nlxon's comments to GOP con- gressiona] leaden came as a atlll-bostile St:nate Finance Committee resumed hearings into sweeping reforms to rtplace current wellare programs with 8 minimum guaranteed 'income. The hearings were bro~ off almost tlfte .months~ ago wflen the F~e Commlu.e iqld former Secni!Dy ol Health, F.ducatim and Wellalll Robert H. Finch to rework the program. But F'inance Chairman RuSIOU B, Long (D-La.), told new HEW secmary l!:lllot L. Rlchardaon Tuesday that "In slgnlfi· cant respect., the · new plan Is a worse bill -and· a mort cost]y bill which pused. the House." "In tams of money,'' said L<ina, "lhe revised family assiitance plan'• cost to tho ledml government b a stsagerlng $9.1 bltlion -$IOO million mort than the administration's estimates or the cost of the bill as passed by the HOUie and more than ff billion over the federal cost ol the exl9llng -·. The administration plan calls ror a guaranteed annual income of $1,600 for a family of four, plus food stamp, housing and medical care benefits. . '!be 11,!00 PoYmmt "°"Id be grodua!IJ reduced for working recipients until earn- hlgs reached $3,920 a year. Long aatd the revtaed program cut! payments to aome 450,000 JJ!l'SOnl In families where the father ls unemployed. In 22· other states, he added, welfare reclplt!U """Id get less. Besides, the senator said, the welfare proposals leave too much discretion lo the HEW tecmpy lo set policy. Long said, however, he hopes and expects the Senate to vote this year on welfare reform. Brea 'Man Killed In Vietnam Combat senu of humor bu erected a neat· ly lettered lillJl .in an area of War· ,..,, .County, Ky,, where the !><>dies A -GI bu Ileen killed i., Vleliwn ol three ·1_,ite llaying victims· aombol, Ille IT.S. Ile!.,,. Deporim<nt have been found In rec.enl months. aJlllOllllCed Tueaday with publlcotion of II .....io: "Poeitively No Dumping • !iat or a c&IUalttes, only two l111m Bodies In 'nils Area -By Order callforniL of Ille ·ENll!is!Uni .l}•:&r Be WU ~y'SpeC/I !.lichlel P. Vullo . •18¥.t'.l' !eet ·aam ~l"'l ...... ..,. -nvei • .,_....,.. the bodY of Albert Hetid,,-, A'l'i., ....,.,.... lo tile 11it .,,. ... In 50, of Bawlln~ Grear,. wa1 """"' ~wlllllinp>n. •• last Friday. Henderson had been PHNOM PENH (UPI) -Conunullal troops cut Pbom Penb'1 Ureline to tho sea lhlx monlini and ....... ~ their drive against an army tralnlng center. The government got new help fro,m Sputb Vietnam in the fomi of 5,000 10ldter1. Military 11JOkestne11 in Saip said two Wk forces of Sooth Vietnameoe troops and lanl<s pushed Into Cambodia eaal of Pbnom Penh. lhlx morning lo clear Hlgbwsy I between the two copllala and to wipe· out guerrilla &Ions In the l'arrol'1 Beat .. g1on. 11 bnJughl lo 17,500 the number or Saigon troops In Cambodia. Cambodian units meantime were r<porled batillng lo cl<ar Phnom Penh 's on\y road 1in1t to the port al KomPDllll Som and were said to have regained control of the tra1nlng center at Romeu, oorthwest Of the capital. Official reports on the lighting came from Cambodian spokesmen 11 the na-- Uon'1 premier, Gen. Lon Nol, flew . Ban11lok lo ask the Thai goveriunenl GI Tries Hijack Of Viet Plane; Gives Up to MPs SAIGON (UPI) -An American GI tonight attempted al knliepolnl lo hijack a,n Air Vietnam plane at Tan Son Nhut Airport and ,.... the pilol to fly lo Hong Kong, authorities said. He later sumnder<d lo U.S. Military Police. Airport RCUrity police said'the unideft. tilled American, 1 Negro irr civilian clothes, attempted the hijacking after the propeller-driven OC4 aircraft landed at Saigon on a flight from Pltlku in the central highlands about 5:40 p.m. The police sakl the American, whom military iiources identified u a U.S. .servk:eman, waited until the plane reach- ed the tarmac outside the terminal, then walked up and placed a knife at the back of the pilot. Authorities said the other passengers waited In their seats while the GI told the pilot he wanted to be flown to Hong Kong. Vietnamese atuthorlUes said the man wa.!I talked out of the hijacking by "another American," preswnably a companion on Ille 23G-mile flight from Pleiku. Police 10urces said the would-be ht. jacker was aboard the plane on jhe ground fw more than two hours. Officers made no attempt to enter the airtraft. Finally, police said, the GI wa1ked orr the airliner with hlx hands In lhe air and gave hbmeH up to Vietnamese and American Military Po11ce. U.S. Military Police declined to Identify the man or tftft say wbetblr' he wu lftt American len'icenw1. ., "' i ~1He Jll irfr our Cllltody,'' an MP .... _ .. Nld. falally shot. when two Uniutr.tit11 of Ar-~..... 1tudents pl<ad<d guiltv to ttnl.owful posst1riot& of drug1 Monday, a circuit court judilt unttnced them both to 1troe o one-da11 tenn oi thf! Cummhu Prison Farm. The judge gave the 11outha t\o<>-Vfar probated sentences, but toithhfld official pronouncemnt until they got a britf taste of prilcm life. Tighter Secrecy Imposed In U.S. Hearings on Laos ' WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Stale Decwtment Tuesday i m p o s e d u~ • precedented atandarm of secrecy on the oo trlDICript would be made. Fulbrftbt said the administration dllpltyed "A determination to put us in our place so to speak." Dumpy the kitten of Fairbanks, Alaska, lost some of bis nine lives Tuesday. First he was threatened by lire at the city dump. Firemen used 411000 gallons of water to quench the blaze. Then, the box In which Dumpy was caged was al· most crus)led by a bulldozer before the operator beard the kitten'• cries and rescued him. Apparent· Jy someone wanted to get rid of Dumpy by dumping him, but he's &afe now at the home of fireman Chuck Price. lestlmony of the U.S. Ambusador to Laos before a Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee. Cba!nnan J. W111Wn Fulbr1Jht (D- Ark.), accmed the Nixon Admlnflltration of attempting to undercut the com- mittee's effectiftMll by bottling up the witneaa. Prior to permitting the appearance of Ambassador G. McMurthrie Godley before the Subcommittee Oi1 lnterna· tional Commitments, the State Depart· ment tnsilted on aole pouesalon of the transcript of the hearing. Committee members balked, finally decldln( that Godley'1 te.stimony was a follow-up lo hearings conducted by the suJ>. commJttee last year. A c e n so r e d trarwcript of those bearings produced evidence that the U.S. Embassy in Vien- tiane, under Godley's direction, ~ad been turned into a virtual militar"y head-- quarters, with Godley directing U.S. Air strikes against conununist positions in Laoo. Sen. Stuart f · n1i ngtoo (D-Mo.), who heads the sul 1nittet, told newsmen fOllowlng Tuest ·s session that "There has been no change" M the situation since the earlier hearings. Heavy Rains on Gulf Coast Hurricane Becky Demoted · to Tropical Swrm Rating rllYltw OF USA wt.lTHlll MlAUf'OMWT TO J:IOA .M. tST 1 • Jt•'O ,1,,,L';'tr-cooL .. Ht'1 ...wNnt .....,. lltM "'""""' .... """' ..... ~ twr'I ---~, ......... U llMft Ill ,,,.,....,_ IOClet IN ,......,., Hll!I _,,, ,_ ·-~--·"'•lw-.. ,..,,.. .,_ q .. 1'. ...... ""'""-""'" ,.,,.. """ '4 • M. W.flr '-9IWI 't. S••• M-. 1'14ea Wlllilll'°"Y l«tfld llllJI .......... 1115<4 .. M. ... IKll'ld 1M ............ 11eo,.1n, I., T"ValDo\l' ,IAI 111111 .... , ......... 1!00 •• flll, I.I 'Int lfW .............. 7:1t 1.m, •.J 1«11111 •-............ l;ll ... 111. I.I 1v!1 •1-11'1 1.m. .... •:II•""· Mom! .,_ N;41 ll.M. .... l11M 1.m. ...... '· MILD V.S. Sum••rv KMvr r11M .....,.,. 1 wide tr-1 frwli T•11 11:1 Int c.r.llnl1 tod1y '' tfWktl '""" l«llr Clrtl'IM tlr'llltrd II. GvN C-1 ..,.. 1 c.W ll'Wlt crwt .. "'"' ,... llll'tll. TIM Wtil!Mr luf"HW 1tlrl111Jttc1 1!1t """""" to • ""'Ill"'•'"" of ltM '-'~ -1N -'°"'' lftMll ,,_1c11 llol'm IM I Ceel 1lr 111411• 11\il i'lld d.._.. llm-llUtn .. l'ftO•d Jyly """ lt'I flll mkklttll""". 'fWe.!ftcA tllM -· commoll 11'1 MC· lloil1 of Tt>tl.. MIUIHl!lftl Incl 11\t C1toll1111. l ldl' IMll'M Ifft '"°"nltecl durlne tftt nl111t llld .,, dllw"'lr1dtcl ltOl!I 1 IWrric.nt to 1 l1'Wlc1I 1!orm 11r1' '""'· Tiit ''°""'' 111.ffflllld cenl1r ... ''*" a 1n1111 MUll'I " r1111m1 A1bveutn1119 Ancl'IDr1" All•nl1 h~llwld 8l•1111n::k 80111 80&11111 "'-ClflClnn.11 ci.v111nc1 ...,_ Detrt1ll !wl"tke "°'' Worlfl ·~~ Htlt111 ...... li:1-C11Y l11 ""'' l • """'" Ml1ml 8Mdl Mllwavll;t1 MIMt100U1 Ntwart.- N""' YOflt °"''"" ....... PIM Jleblit Phlt.Mtlp1tl1 ·-· Pllllbl,lr•lt Port19N Rid lh,ift ·-s1er1me11111 ''· llUll $111 LH.1 CllY Sin QI"° Sin Fr111Cl1co S1nt1 8111Mlfl Sfftll1 ,_,,,. '"''""' W•llllMIOtl N .. " .. " .. "' n .... .... '' 71 '' J7 " " n " n " " " .. " .... 101 70 " " .. ~ " .. lot 11 N " " " " .. " .. .. " .... .. " " .. .... " .. " " n " 71 SI " .. .. " " " " .. It •S " .. " " n " .... ~ " 101 .. ..... for mllll"1 •dtt u llPlml w'1ll, .. -.. .,. __ .......... " Iba Coe1mmilU Gen. -c. w-. Iba U,S, lnny ddal ol alaU, nluraecl_:r- day lo w-.. !Jam • lour ol Soulheut Atta md ulllC.mbodlo oould lllll'Vlve wllb DllJl'al ad materjal ~ from "' alllta. ... w,Ilw•r 4. llnk -c.mbodl1•1 oo17 deepw•ler port, K--. -cut before dawn. nUlltarJ ll)OkzTP'D. Aid. Guarrllla troops -• ..,.,...,.1 ~ .. the ....,,.., 111 IW Khlooa. 44 mllea llbove tile cllllllf -lllJbway .• to Klrtr<lln, the lllOUlllaln -m:ap- -bJ pOl'lllMM troops .itor alx do7I ol eoiiunun1at occupatloo 1u! -k. '!be Cambodlu eommud lald ...... ·rilla .......... bad -up -brld&ea alon( the Klrtrom -. MOii f.o tnvat fOVfl'Dlnellt reinf«Ctmmts lhert from rucln( Sre Kbloac,. The eatllnr o1 lll(lnr•r •, Iba only • ' rOute over which oil and other vita~ supplies can reach Pbaoat Penh from' uie tea, colnclded Wllh naewOcl, fllllllinl at the army trathlng center at Romeas, J 40 iniles ·oorthwcgt of the capltaJ. Viet Ccq and llorlh Vietnamese unll s ' lint attacked tile hue Tuesday and," the defeodlr1 were reported to have." held them off. Tbe government <:om- munlque lhlx morning said cambodlan lroopj3·agaia had "re-estabUsbed cxmtrol'' in the lalal allack. De~th Calise Secret in Kidnap Case ' ' put lo(-• 111,500 reward fund for LANSING,lllclo,JUPl)-r.uo:.-lqth <ii time" md Mid - ed 'l'lleedoy lo di-lhe -ol W8I bJ -.1 X.byo. lier wlllte .,_, death and _.,,.,;,, -for ,,........ .. bell ud blllo aldrt ..... found -. Laurie'• safe return.. : ......... , -w from bor body' MUJ'lllNban. Thef lald Ille ~ A ~ iJ.m.. lnveallpting teom iiliOUlif be -ClllT to lhe ldDar ud ' -formed to loot la1n her dalh lhllllng . police, , epilJbuLI from the malaive oearcli Iba! -!!............. tile do•llh"{ "' lolJowed her.._. uj bnagioe that i,o,ooe DOW is ell&lble (fOr the r_eward,)," Frankel said "Mu WU V~ emphtllj: In iJrovldi'!I lhal it llhou1d be paid'~, for the rfltum of Laurie alive."· fonner ~ Moyor Mu E. M,.... A det17man sold the Muminghan lngban, .... ~ JulJ. by·-. tarmly, ollhouch grlevlng, .... •!most wbo beld up Gi~1 Gill Shop hero, nlleved tile ordeol wu <Net. piolol.Wblpped the ~ md look llO. "I -lo ooy 11, but wben I vlaiied Laurie'• deoampoeed tiocb' wu foaDd them then w11 a -. of reUef lb.at in a 1nmpy, rural MU aoueh d.. bere at least the tenllon IDd watf.lnl ll over Services were scheduled for I p.m. 1bursday at the Centr!ll Melhodtst Cllurch. Frankel said Mumlnghan told him he woold ask the officiating · ~ clergyman, the Rev. Howard Lyman. Monday. She will be buried Thuradly. • •• the torturiNI doubte ol whether Lau- Pollce Chlal Derold llulby Rid her rie wu belnc bumed," lald lialJbl l'lllU p body bad bem U.. • "considerable Frankel, one ol thne cleram<n who to quote during the eulogy from the. Simon aod Garfunkel song, "Bridge Over ~ Water." It was a favprita ol aaaorled handbag• 503 off and more VALUES TO $21 .n o~ 0 LADIES'· Laurie's, the.R.abhi said. 0 D o FURTHER REDUCTIONS STARTING WEDNESDAY, JULY 22nd We're continuing our sale and cutting prices even more .•• 10 a fraction of what theae famous brand shoes 1hould sell tor ••. you just can't afford to mi• ill casual shoes me •• m3 •• m4 VALUES FROM $9.911 TO $14 .99 LADIES' dress shoes m4 •• me •• me VAl.UU FROM $1S.n TO $22.lt me.n's slices •4~.me ••• me. VALUU l'JIOM $14.11 to P2.n ' Men'• salt shoes al all 1toru txcept 180 s :La Brta Los Angeles OPEN DAILY 9:30 TO 9:00-SUNDAV 10 TO 5 ORANGE · 464 S. MAIN ST. COSTA MESA 333 E. 17th ST. e NO. HOl.1TWOOO e SHOMAN OAltS e CANO.A PAl!t e U.NC.+.STll e LOS AN...U e llVlllLY HILLS e CIENSHA W e WISTCHESTIR e SANTA MONICA e .YINICE e YINTUIA e WHITTIER \ -' • ,, ~ I - • .. • l •, ol c u ' Ii OJ c ti f .. .,. p • B OJ ol If • ~ b b 0 p v ~ ~ r • ' ( • •• ( ,;Saa Cleqaenie €apis~•o EDITION. " • . i . ' .. • .. • 1 CtJaSt· Vote !Jy Machine Set ·in Fall By TOM BARLEY ., .. .,. ... ,.., .... A sllorJiy divided Bra111e ~ !IGonl of Suporvllorl today qreed to 111e the Cullie ' Volrollitt vole coonting syllem iJl,.tbe Nov • .S General ElectiOn. tl wu. indJcated mat communttiet llon( the Orange Coul may be Volin( on the new machines in NOvember. '!'he board -3 ·to· z. JO' hire the Cµbk: COnipanY on a one1 .tihte trial -lo< I MO.GOO fee. Su]ler!ison will thl!n ba10 IO days in whicll-to purchase «n)ect Ille fl.7 mlllien volin( system. ' SUpervison Dovidf!.i:er; Alton E. Allen and William' in backed 1he pro!JO!'al sublnitted by towity Clerk William E. Sl Jolin. SujlerYiBors -t Battin and: W-tlllam PhilUP1•voted1no. StJtbtt-Wuthe -· ......... In· 1lle majciily report• ol u ~ 0lalll7 Votllll l;llems Tm F0r<tftlili-•:runtonamlno .-.._.--equ1_.i. ~ divillcn in' the board- ~ted WI: force became •RParenl When a iilmber of • memben drafMlil I niJDority reporl ~ for the counly'1 adoption ol eqodj ~ by tho -~·--in<Comp0ny. .......... -.lliiinl·-~~ .. rr··-.::::~011Uft! IO· 'prOVide ~ '11 \i~wu • .:. ll,"'1!~"11(.0tllO ~··-.. ·.-Me ..,W .... =lli4t be wiD ,.,.,.., Ille ~ for abaoll hOll "' 1be 'el -.... In Ille November eltdian. BDtng the • l!11it marb"'" Will be restored and reaovated ~ Elec- tronic COWlllng »--wlllcb ·wiD lake · over vote counting chores in tht eentnl pc>di.OD of the county. Cubie .~t "1il be used to tally Voles IQ out}ylJ\C =-=· ...... tbeJn tbe coastal SUpervl8or Baker led the mov< to •c<el." Ille Cubic •ofr.r Of a Jfov. I mm run with tbe COIJllMll that the t11m'1 abDity to pnnide an 'oimmediltt nt9Uf1t wU "vital in 9111 ~ County eledion. • "We .,. bebind the times her< in nr.nD't ~;"' he said. uwe must -.~ lSee VOTE, Pop I) Getting Together -•• j ·---• ' .. •. , • .. ' . ; Weary NixollEaj>ected PJi~sident Pl:ans 1'usx ... <f~oa~untry TriP,· By JORN ·VALTERZA ll'rldlJ't 11a-ua'11ap............. 1'rdo thll cooflftDC< Nixon. wtll Join ot ... 11111fr , ... swr will Am1 witb O:dvJ z1 ' -., .....,, JUI family for a ~in viait to the Presiilenl Ricllard. Nixon's arrival •I N.D .. witll tho ........... fian lift plolm. U-Day SWl>pede rOdeo, bul tboy the We~ Wh.ite House beUOopter pad states -Herth and Seutb DUe&a. lliaJ ~ 1n1y not Ray for the eny.re affair, early Friday rilg!K . promlaes to bt ·a nesota, Iowa and Ntbruta. ~ Mid. . weery day for· the Chief Executive altor Socrotary ol llie -Willer J. i.:i:: ~ ~ 1::'~ .\'oi,~:! a day ol whirlwind ®l"ertnees·,and ap-Hicl<ei bas been •added to the Hit ol the Marine ''1orps Air Slallon at El ~anc,. in the Piaino Iii! Roc!if McMin-lop aides and.cab~ ipembers In the · Teroiwbore 'the l'relld.nl's beutoplori wn states. meotinC with the JOffmOn. will' be aili4 for the last lloP I& 'Ibe ~ent. sChedul~~to arriYe '.t After the '1albJ ift. Farao, N!son wilt San 'cier:i:me. 1 about I• p.m. at, lhe ·White• HOUie com;-board Air Force Ont again for a hop On this latest visjt to the seaside Span- ,l!OOnd with 'bis-wile, Pat, and ·elder to Salt Lake City, Utah, where he will ilh villa the President wtll rocua on tali:• (:laughter~ Tricia, is '~ed -to 'confq meet with Joseph F; Smith, the preaident. with 8 ~ly Cl'Uted dome.UC coancU with fivt governors,_ the· .head· 'of t1"i ol the Cburdf ol'J~~ ol I:aller beaded by Joiln D. Erllcbmu. ~I Mannon <Cbwi:h alid drop m»at <a ·J:Odeo, Day Stlnta. -Tho--church wt11 members wiD atttmpt to tel federal througbbdl tlie' day. be ceiebralin( ti. amual• Pkmeer Doy goait on a priority basis alid wiD lnvol•• ·But a5·· a :respite after his arrival "Friday. 1be arriftl will be at 1:45 several top.level Jdyilerl ...! A&riculture on -the South Coast, White House aides p.m. Utah, Ume. · ~Clifford M.~Hanlln. ODmmerce said today_. the Nixons plan a jaunt 'lbe boijdly ls the l23td annlv~sary• Seattary Maurice Stans. -Georle Rom. up lo ·Anger Stadium SUndliy .to watch of the dilcOYery ot: the Salt Lake Valley ney,· secretary of·houMng and urban cfe.. the An~Wuhington.Se!lators baseball by Brigham Young. It ls I state velopment, and offlclala Of the Office ol game. observance. (See NIXON, Pqe I) Laguna 'f eacher& Win S'alary Hike . ,..Teachers ~nd administntors in the Laguna -llnified ·Scba<>I clittrtct will begin 4bis achool~, wfth. a fiV• -ol pay ~~ ap- .p,.ved ii,.'~·~ i./O!ii • l!)i'9C1ay " ni~· · '~~.(-1 I\'. 4~~ '1"..;, ~ \'"' ' '· ,'Jbe -'Olio 1-ed I 'pay bikt ' ..i emliotl· 61_._ lot District Suporintmilenl William Ullom.' A paf ~ wu also approved fOI' Omles --~-~!and buslDe.. .,,.nq,... ubom .,,ut.dow receive $27,500 a year, Up• •t,olie '<IVtr. th;. year, The !,'11,116 figure for Hess ls up rrom $17,1161 which wut paid to former businOu manapr F.d-llind, -r<tired !rom tilt. cliltrict earll"f W. year. o;r~r· of CU~lwn ROtiert _'L. Reeves · will now receive 0 $21,196. Hip Sc~ principal Don Haught wlli ·receive $21J,13!> wbile 'lburston ·principal David Lloyd will eaim $20,976. All 'elemlntary principolll .wlll ·receive $11,11.'I. ~ w 9odlandCitizensOpen . ' . C~aa·iip With.rCity.H~lp ., .:r • ·,, · ~"'""!;. · !l(i ~".1;•1•!. A tnljor • -.. ...-tui ...... fip the Woodland area ol LqUna ~·hell l'i*"" • 1~ · Beach Wal l•M+t ·bJ rtnd«g1 this Ject1ori of * ~ partr tiif INUdiarp week, with promiled -•!Ion ol tbe ond . Giber stuff alid Joe s._ will city. ....i Olli • RlplQOdif Frldiy I& )leip Cooncilmu Cbarllon '!Ind. who bad pt rid Ill ft. J'.r°"! then ot1 he wiD chided Wi>odland ...-lall wee!: I« •provide a -idy Jiiciup' ao lq a. "playing , • .,... ... and' argad u.,iri to thef bop l•tbelinr up lbe 'trash." recognize tht ter1oua fire haard in the Sweany estimated there'WOUkf be three arm and cooperate 1in, an "honest effOl1" or four truckloads ready to move out to .aoive their probiems, Aid today tbe by Friday. effort is under way. Replar Saturday w'oit parties organiz- Boyd, wllh JoH,:ib Sweany, director ed by the residtnU will continue:. the of public workl, and Mrs. 1bomuina project, removing, among other things, Gum ol tile ACLU whO bad l\ll>P'"ied the. remnants of a couple ol burned Woodland rosidenlt In tbeir cob>pltiD!t out ilouaes. of jJOllce bar""""1ol, visited the Canyon ltlrt.J)w\n said -from outaiClt neiclJbori>ood Tueoday to discuao cieaoup the commwity bad V<llunteeted to help piBns. the WOl'k party and the Woodiandeni "A spoolt,_,, ellon It l&ld<r way told ber they would welcome tueh * * * Lorr Blasts Quiz Of Woodland Tiff As 'Left·leaniitg' In a leUer lddreued to Laguna Beach Police Olitl K.-it Huclc I n d dislributed lo rily officials and the press, ctty councilman Edward Lorr this week praised the police department for its role in the" July 4 W,ood]and Drive riot. Describing the Amerkan C 1 v i I Ljbertlea Union (ACLU), which bu cbarpd pollct bruWity dutin( the in· cident., u •1Jeftlst," Lorr writes, .. Since your department bas ...... -r hel,ly atladl from the ltftltl ~. I feel this It lie lime lo lland'up mid orpms oupport f« the Lq1me Beech Police Depertment.., . The CGm1Ciiman tlatn that be ·has become "fllity -tntOd" with detailed repnrlt .. the -..1. ii In full accord uslstance. Reaidtots of the quaint Canyon neiahborilood •-Uy pelitfon<d,the city . to call off a projected builcling.fb.bullding i1ouaiJw inspection aimed at localing fire and heaitll hazards and building code violations and forcing owners to correct them. 1be lnapectioo plan bu been the sub- ject of heated discussion at City Council meetings and further study is pending. Eventually, accordlng lo city manager James Wheaton, a "housing lnventory" must be -pleted throughoul the city m connection with the 1eneral plan study. Some weeu ago, the Woodland rest~ents ~Uated a cl!anup drive and w.re provided with city trucu to haul trash away. Wier' they oomplalned that the city no ·longer waa cooperaUng with their effort. Boyd Aid that city trucu had been sent out, but had been asked to leave for V~OIJl'reama. "I aay You stop the· gamesmanship and get Your people to work," he told them at .a meetJ:n1 ot the LaBUna Beach Democr1Uc Peace-Club last Friday. "If f!ee CLEANVP, Pap I) . . .a \. we ·Finally Rejoined The World - . . -TEN CENTS· · . • ·i DiScussion '· ..· WithPress .. \ . ! ·. ~ • ~ ~ •l • ' By ARTllUJl ·11. V1N11EL : °' ... °"' ..... ... • . . . A court.«dered Pl rule which' .W,. a1moo1 a·-copy of that ~ .. the -To!Hl&nlOJt ramni: murder eaaie Wu clatnped ontO OrancW, Coun\l''t allepd "devil Cult" )illqoc Tueaday, . ' Judge James F. Judp .....--· ceedlnp f°" lour amorig fJW. pe..-ln<ilc\ed by the 0r..,. County Grand Jury by tltninc'. the lblcl< doeumlol a& hla Superior Court bench. , His order ii believed to be the fin&'. In 0r..,. County blaloly. Tho judlcJOI onfer opeclltcllly ,..-; any am all 1 prlncipala ~ frqm, pro- secution and ilelenae ettomeyl lo po&.: alid aeticil a1c1ea -fl'om cllacuMI.,.: the cue outside ..... m. with the pn11. • ; en-~ aboui !lie alltp& aoorlflce to 'Satan . ol pmta-!ef tW ~ Beach reJollled tile . coastal ...,Illa~ -ol r-VleJo! conununlty ~ before mi<lnlgbl Tues-ICboolteacber Mn. l'lomce N. -,., day ifler a JS.bouo ,_....,,_ blackout 31, ftr.e 'llDCllll' .potultatty .,..,..,.. ._.,,....,... comments mentioned earlier. .. "!ueed · by a houae ·ft re> !Ila\. destroyed Stopbon .C .. Hunl, . JO . a looc-l!olM the main LaiiJna,N"'porl phone cable. ' defendant named In -.. wtJh bolla The· fire II 1730 .Eaat Ocean Fninl Mra. Bron's-·-m tbt In --·"'°''"1•11 lllnluih -.. ., • -Am --' •ttint' it, ,...... ...... liJ w the-lilcdm tl alt)e1 ilf that. ..... aDo ., ''mp "'· ' j ~ ""tJ-!iroift1 Te~1 fli .... ol t llt •liao -.. 1tal'lw•· .... ·-ll!"lfJ-!i.NMt:ii'~'!ti;' ~t:~• lolo.il lllle IJllllnllw•f:•' • i::.., • .-.~•W<~f\J ..1unt nighU. . • oi., i t · ' . . . ' Hit allorney, Wllllam -, baC al U:Oll e.m. ¥llf ~!alt~~-· ~I """l,Jl!ll him Jo pNa -not restored lD!I ll:IO p.m,. .wlieo a lerenlitl •a )all...,ied thll wnblpot ..... -ol aiila bail -lnalti~ derupd ; b,y damarlnl . -• f !100 pak'a ti wtr" tplfce(f IDd ~ circUJlt ~lur=. Grind Jury ·-~ 1 ' r • , .-• Jed to i(KHctmem ·of Hurd,, plus Henmo A recording ptaCed on...outP.in& lines H. Tayb-• 1'1, another-tr·an1je1t. from .Larune Beacil notllied would-be Chrltlj>pbel: C. "Gypoy" Gibboney, 17, all of the 1n1 _..,.._ alid au,..md or P<rriland, Ore., aOd Arthur c. llulae, c ers . , e ••.. r...... . . 18, ol 11t8i DoJan St:., Garden Grove. that einerpncy calls be placed ,through Ali are liekl without boil f.or. their an operator who eoukl place them alleged Conntctiod with tile mUrder and through a dHfetent .route. mutUa~' of ~ ~rown on June I _ 'La! N' rt """'ne cable runs and the fatal beating of·Jerry W. Catlin, 'ue l\lDI'; ewpo t""' • 21, the, nllht ~fore. . · ""l'errround out . o1 LaCU11a . Beach, Hurd, Ta~ior alid Pibb!>nei' )'ave been Krohnfeldt Said, and Is carried on poles linked by mvesUeatorr to the 1laylnc north rrom. El Morn>. or Mn. Brown, wiM>lo body wu found Man Injured In SC Crash An elderly . San Clemente man was Injured thia morning Jn a collision of a car dtlven _by hi.a wife aid another auto near the Magadalena ott,ramp of the San Diego Freeway. Philip Cart Goemmer1 75, llJffered un-- disckleed injuries in the 1:05 a.m. mishap. .Qe-was taken for emerae1'CY lreatmiol alid observaUon to South Col'\ Community Hospital. His Injuries wer• not believtd serious. Police said the driven were Ant.ha Mac Lafferty Goemmer, 75, ol 111 Calle euena \1lJta San ·Clemente, and Michael Wliitam LUdgral ol !Oii Calle Dolf>. .1nguez1 alao of San Clemenle. The crub,, whi:cil caused major dama1e to both autos, was on El Camino Real near the Migdal;,,• rampo. Neither drtYer WU lnjurod, polict Hid. In 1 shallow grave-off the Ortega Hi1hway two weelra ·latft', minus heart, lungi and left ann. Hurd, Taylor and Hulae are charp4 with Carlin's murder in a robbery - the victim'• third within a month - that brought them lou than $100, ., cording to lnlUai police reporll. A chunky brunelle waitress, Meiaru. M. Daniels, 30, ol Santa Ana, wu in. dlctea.by the Grand Jury as an acce1sory to beth murdtrs , and a $15;00'.I bail wu sel. Authorities expect to have h e f available for a Urpe, however, 1lnce she is serving a tlMlay Orange C-ount1 Jail sentence for a nan:otlca•violation. , Hunl was ordered bnJu1!!11 back before Judge Judge Nov. I for a 'oamly he~ and jury trial, for his alleged role ~ .the BO>Wn and Ca<lln ldllinp. Proisecutlon and defense attomeya agreed to Au1. 7 u the malpneill date for Huitt, Taylor one! Mrs. Daniela, allowtng them to confer in dl,ya ahelcL (See GAG RULE, P1lp I) ' I ... ..... · with the city ....,.,..., r<port and ..,.... that "ellective police action lln>ucht 11"• riot by .lawi<tt eiemt1118 swiftly under control ... ~ the pollce depertmenl for its ~nee. LOrr concludel, "You have my lull aupport and the aupport of the 'tllenl majority" in the com· monJty." W .eapons Vanish , We•Clift Local tog. and low.clouds are t>pected ,a!Oni tile , Oranp Coast in the early mornJnc houn -with iluy -bin• fo~ • lo.Ying. But the temperatgru I Olter Huck now b conducting 1 formal -~ "' cbarret ol poUce brulali· ty made in ti• .._!Ilona from Woodland Drive reotclenta tDd preteftted to the city by Mn.'1'iomuina Gunn, Laguna Beach cbairmao of the Orona• County ACLU Chapl<r. Military Pofts Lose . un1,.A~~o , . WASIDNGTON (UPI) -Calttornla olficiala lesllfied . tOday thit"an• astonishing amount of weapoqs and expbives intended. for uae in V1etnJm had cliaa_.oo from Wet! c6ott portt. . ' They rtvtaloil In lesiimoily before • aenale inv..U,alloh! tubcommittlee that even the huge Prtakllo compom.d in San Francilco, hadquarters of the 1111· Army, 1ot1 aov<Zal·hundnd lil<u al ·confileated ·d)'Olllllta to buraiars 1aa1, weekend. t-aj •• W)JJ remain Jn Ille 80e. ' INSIDE TODAY A talking clli!tlpf Y<1 -b.t her trainer ad""1J the .ma1 be brighter .thQft tht ~t cl&im- ·panut. ~tHT1Mleu, um "'°"" ;k•Y doea ~. Storu Poge 14, I, Wounded Vietnam veterans Robert Vaughn (left) and Gregory · Schmitt, currently recuperating at Long Beech Veteran's· Hospual, ,, were among 100 servicemen who were1 gu~stl', of Amen~ Legion. Veteran1 of Foreign Wars and VF;W, Avxlliary Monday .night al IA- guna's Pageant ol the Masters. Their hosts included Wil)1am lrv~ne (lell) of VFW and Ail Lee, commander of Lacuna AmenCJUI Legion Poet m · Five Laguna Beach police unita were among the ZS units from three other cllies and county Jaw enforcement agen. cies called to Woodland Drive during the July 4 melee. The city council aho hat authorized a eeparate inquiry by a copunlltee conv ~ ol Mayor Rlcbanl Goiclber(, Viet Mayor Charlton Boyd and City Manl(er Jam.. Whea!A>n, with Huck alid Ci ty Attorney Jaclr Rimel tlltlnt In aa ad- "I think. it came u a gr!lt lhock just how much they were n,Q nc, aid Charles A. O'Brien, CllU..-nia chit! deputy altorney .1enerar. "I found ii astonlUlng that weapoial In tbia amount could dillppear from a mllitary bate .. mJ~, a vmt array of military weapons apparently bas been •toMn ltorri m11ee; a vut ll'Tay ol mllitaty -pona appertnil )'ha• been tio1en from munlliom dumpa in Calttomla llnce tbe lint ol, Jbe yaar. 1-...,. M one.pouo11 brick• or C4 plutle np1,.1vea; 11 b&tlif .,.-., 10· bemoh• vi8on. • 177 pistols, machine runs and rtfles. The Utt ;1 .. Included •.llllO ....,,, . ammunition~ • ' ir. . ,{ '1 I •. :.. • ~ .. .. -·--· -. -· ' .. ·I ' County to Vote. . . • L ' ~ • ' I ~ ' ' I :~ :Qµ· Rapid' Tran..~it · ... oranae County voters will have the Jut word oo lhe proposed creation of rapid tr&llllt district. . ~County 1Uporvl""8 voted llllllli.-ly •Ii> t11o1 elftc:t Tueaday alter )IJtenln& If' _,, tbln two houri to leltimooy !ft wllldt·o1 ~bot of wl-urpd liiduMa or tbie mus trl.DIPortltion iuue on the NoVember b11Uot. Th.at wW only be possible if the Local .. Agency Formation C.onunission approved creation of such an agency 1t Us Aug. • 12 meeling. But It was noted by the .: F ro,. POlfle 1 ~IXON ... Uic Opportunity. Next Monday Defense Secretary Melvin Laird win fly · to San Clemente for a <lay of dlacuulooa1 wllh lhe Pr<sldent on lhe'flacal !In def .... budget. Deputy Defease Secretary David Packard aJao will participate. Secretary of State William Rogers will arrive later ne:rt week for a meetiag 1o llllJpeCtfted sybject.9. The Ntxons will pack their baa• on :.lug, I for lhe trip back to W,uhlnrton. Tbe · trip wlD Include a stopover In Denver, Colo. Then, the President wm confer with olnctala of tile state planning qendea whicl:i coatrol fU8d.I for the federal Crime ,.9><>trol llld Safe Streel< Act whlch pn>o ~e 1eden1 grani. 1or 1qca1 Jurladlo-to Ulllfade their law enforcement . eipobllilie1. r . FroM P .. e J GAG RULE ••• "' . ~ A bendl WllTant WU 1uued for the ~ ti Gibboney. who is flgbtlnC ex· tradition from Portland, where ~aulhoriUes have been urged by D1'trl.ct > ~torney Cecil lllcU lo speed tbillp •tp. . "'"Ille 181 . rul.e prepared by Del'llJ D!atrlcl Atlorney Martin J, Heuepan "\\ill prevent reporting of aqy lur1her ~JD!ormation wbldi would come from Ofl1 !:iource· other than courtroom j>rocedllres. The rul., do mt al!ect wba~ up lllltil ;.l'uesclay, hAI been publ!Jbed or inaertod : into the public record. . • Deputy District Attorney Henqhan ·1 aulxnllted the gq rule to Judp ·"9d1e ·~ alter p'elenUng !•eta of the cue lo .. !he, Gnad Juey ln4 ~y caJllna !:about 15 witnesses. "Ibe lenathY roaler of principals, at- tonleYI and other authorities wu sup- plemented b7 ioclualon of Santa 'Ana police and Orange and RJveriide county . lherift's deputies. . Deputy Public Defender James Goff, who represents Taylor, and Mr1. Brown, bad objected lo tho fact Ibey were left out, posalbly lndkatin& a loc!Pbole In the crder. ·. . ... Wordin& of lhe . aag .wama ~one coming under !Is jurUdlctlon • lhat , 1tatements made' .oullllde the court could · away the proper, eventual findl.nc of guilty or lnnocenoe •. Cootempt of court cltaUon.s can be Imposed for any violiUon. The order itself state.I: "This court is aware of the necessity · to assure the defendants of. a fair trial and of the coostltuttonal auarantee of a free press and beUeve that they are both compatible with reaamabltl reatr1c• lions imposed on pretrial publicity." "It further appean to the court that the dissemination by any means of public communleaUon of any ou t-o·f:.c ourt statements relating to ·this case may interfere with the COMUtuUonal right of the defendant,, to a fair trial and dlsrupt tile proper admlnl!lration of ·justice." · DAllY PILOT I N...,Mt leudl .......... " CMN Met• " ...... , ....... ....... ,....,. s. c ....... OltAJKiE C<M.Sl l>UILISMING COM,ANY Ro'iltrt N, w,,; i • I l'-.11MM W PublllMr J1tk It Curr,, Vkt l"r#!oeftt tlld Gt!ltrtl Mtl\f:ftl' Th•111tt Ktt'l'il l-ltor Tho"''' A. Murphlftt M ..... lnt ldlltl k1&h,,; P. Nell ""'" Or-CO!lrlt'( lll'flfr Offl ... (lti. MDll ut Wu ! .. , II""' N..,.,1 ... ICll: 2211 Wtsl ., .. , le\llt'W'trf Utune a--tr11 m ,_, ,.,_ Hlll'ltlnttM a..dl: UUJ StKll llllllt ... rf IM Cl9!fMltf91 al Htf1fl •I CeMIM lteel board Tuesday that re:jecUon at that level seems highly willkely, ... U voters decide in November to· en- dorse an Oran&• County Rapid Tr...tt District it would be governed by five dlrecton repmentJna tho county, lhe cities and tbt' public. lta boundariu would exactly ooioclde w I t h thoae of Orange County. T1le OCRTD would have authority to levy up to • five-cent lax on COUllly resldent.1 and place boRd issues on the ballot. It would al.90 have the right to em1nent. domain and be able to coordinate its planning wtth olher regional systems in Southern cauronUa. Much of its planning hu bee.• carried out by lhe Oraoae County Rapid Transit Committee which WU formed In 1966 to 'study implementation of leeJslation eoacWd lhat year. 1be committee's aiinl have been ex- preaaed u tbe creaUon of a dlatrict whlcb would coordlaate !be ul<Ung fragments of a public tranaportatioa system. Committee cltalrman Hubert C. Ferry told tho board 'that tile dletrict would give the county a voice in development of regional. transit programs and enable lhe -lo aolicit fuoda from federal, ltale, local and private sowtts for developmenl of traoslt programs. Becttnc creatlm , of the dt.mict at TUesdly'1 pa.bllc'Mlriq were represe1t- tatives of several Orqe County cltle.s, the Le1gue Of Women Voters, the American ~Uon or University Women groups( a UCI·Project 21 1tudy team anCI rejire1tntat.im of .several chambers of counnerce. supervisors were urged by represen· tatives of Orange County'• Stamp Out Smog committee ta quickly eodorte rapid transit proposals and immediately cut the number of s m o g prndudng auto- mobiles on c:ourity higbwayl. Supervlaor Robert Battin joined !hem wllh lhe <omment lhat he conaldered mass tramPortatiCll to be the county's .,..test problem. "'Half of Olr rnldentl do not drive l)ecmew they . are too youn1, too old, loo poor or too dlsabled," he said. "Tbey desperately need aome kind of transponallon system." But Robert Jaffe, a Newport Beach dty traffic eqlJieer, auggeated lhat lhe CCUJty wait for two yeara ta 1alht:r data on whether the dlltrict wu the best anawer lo transponaUon needo. "I fear lhe begulllnJ 1impllclty of tile lranlll dl•trlct propOea!," Jaffe aald. • ,r. •• Orarige County's • Cost Hike Swws II you're a bud&et watcher In Oranie or Loi Angeles County, cheer up. Your dollan)>oucht !"°"' Jn June. lhan d~ the p-eviou' five months, . , . The, "'"I of living In the two ' o0unt1es ?oae only 0.1 percent In June, while livlnc tGlto clhnbed O.l pen:enr na- liaollly, acc0rdlng to U.S. Deportment of Labor JtaU.!IUcs released TUHday. I( was the lowest mooth1y increase this yW for the counties. The slowdown was attributed by labor department economilll tot a drop in the prices for food, down O.t percent, and transportation, which tiropj,ed 0.7 percent became of numerous ruoline wars and IO'?fer .,rk:es '!O ~e new can. · · . . However, the ecOriOmlMI a:ild; Jiving cost! In the area for the first 1li months are still .47 percent above the 3 percent flgur< of 1969. School Paddling Phase-out Set Pl'I'l'SBURGH (AP) -The city Board of EducaUon has ordered corporal punlshmen~ iocludtng podd!Jn&, lo be phased out Jn lhe city ldtoola Jn lhe next three yeara. Paddling In kindergarten lhr<ugh fourth grade wlll be abollohed Jn Sep- tember. The ban will be ext.ended in steps unUI It includes all gradea by September 1973. Suppcrters ol the motion said they belleved paddl~I was 11.oeffectlve as a means of malntainlna c I a a a room disclpllne. ' WITH EXPECTA'l'IONS SOARING, YOUNGSTER LAUNCHES GL IDER J•mfe Newlon, 7, Tustin T1kM to Air Du ring Orange C011t Outing Police Warn Unicyclist Bikini Not for Bicycling Special lo tile DAILY PILOT SAN LUIS OBISPO -Sternly warned by police about the perils of pedaling in an orange bikiru, unicyclist Jacquie Douglas, 21, continued her journey to San Francllco tow~ tbll plctur<oque volcanic valley today. 1-ifisa Douglas, of 1588 Riverside Place, Costa Meu, was stopped by lawmen Monday wberi she arrived la Santo Maria, wearing' the shocking-hued bathing suit. She spent moat of Tuuday tOUrln& lhe Santa Barbara County Fm at lhe fairgromldl in Santa Marla, where she camped overnight, minus mucb of tile 1ear wllh which the &tarted. The perky pedaler who plans a, magazine-article about bet nperlencti1 left most of a 25·powid backpack with friend• tn Santa Barbara -including her thick diary. She'• Juat ocribbling on ocrapo of paper now.· , . Miis Douglas left Orange County eiaht days •&<>1 planning a six.week ride lo San Francisco and must be back by Aug. JS to · return to wort drivlq a dellyery truck for a Newport Beach auto porM !Inn. Uni.. she 1penda her extra Ume sigbiseelq, however, the trip may take I• thin her allotted Ume and travel rate of 20 to 25 miles per day. Some ·sectlont of Paclflc Co• st Highway ·are posted u freeways -bar· rlni• pedeatri.na and cycllsl< alike - ham · Page J ' . CLEANUP •.. you want to play it •tralght, cle1n It up, call Sweany's trucks and get tome people out there." Following the Tuesday via:it when cleanup plans were set In modon, the councilman aak!, "I feel now that pro- gress reolly Is being made." Oversexed Baboons Sent to Denmark OSLO (AP) -The KrlaU-n Zoo In southern Norway found four ~boons one 'male and ... three femal&-too..demon- stratlve S~X\lally and shipped them to Derujiark, where the attitude in 1ucb matters ls more tela•ed, \he newspaper Verdens Gana reported. so she has been forced to resort to some hitch-hiking. She it allO down to po in traveler's checks ~ plans to eat only every other day, thus co11trlbuting to her goal of losing a few pounds. Slipper y Thieves LOot MOm.'s Car While Kids Fish A San Clemente woman who stopped near the beach after mldnight this mor~ ing to pick up her children after a grunion hunt fell vlcUm to auto burglar' on a hunt Of their o~n. The children's foray yielded few fish, but !he lhler who broke into the car of Mrs. Margaret Mathis took a bag containing more than $3,000 in cash and check.I. The money, left In the glow com- partment of the noman's car, wu the total receipts from the Flagg service station at the San Diego Freeway and Avenlda Palhada. Ml'!. Mathis, who wtth her husband, Ralph, own the station, reported the theft at 1:19 a.m. She told officers she stopped at 2607 Via Cascadlta to pick up . the grunion hunters, left the car for a few moments and then returned to discover the Uleft. The total rtolen amount was $2,521 In cash and $515 In checks. A slDtuJTy practical gift. Apollo's Menu Laguna Fed Serves Space Tidbi ts Vl•ltorl who slo!> by lo -lhe "LunarabWa" exhibit at t.aauna 'tdtral Savings might try IOll!O opoce food slicks, the u.me tyPe that wtn ulfld by the flrst three astronaut• who went to the moon with Apollo Jl. ' autozraphl, ~phi. m o d e l 1 , medallions, paldlts, flap, a n d photogr1pha ol lhe various flights. ' • • Arab Guerrillas S~iz e_.~Greek Jet \, .... ' ' l... I ~, .. -----~ ATHENS (UPI) -Six Anb . .,.o;rUJas today selled an-Olyml'I\: Aliw1y1 jeU!ner wilh 51 peraooa aboard and ~atened to blo k up k aeven' 'Mal> ~ were , Dft JJlwed frolD Alhenl jalla. ' ~ Sc hool Ta x Slips a Bit For Laguna Bj FREDERICK llCHOEMllllL I 01 tfle OlllY , .... Sllff Taxpayers in the Lq\ma Beach Unified Scbool Dlatr!ct ~ w!ll bave tlitir , .. cent asi!dStd valuatiOD I n c re a s e somewhat softened by an 11-a:nt reduc· lion in the .!ldlool tax rate. The school board Tuesday tD'lanimoosl y adopted a pubUcation budget for the 1970-71 ICbool year. Jt is up about five percent over the prior yw. The tu rate ls down three per cent. Total expenditures 1re $3,W,484, up from $3,010,000 last year. Local income from property taxes d~ to the rise in assested valuaUon t.otala S2,472,03S, up more than fJOQ ,000 when compared to 196-70. The proposed total r1.u rate for the coming year is $3.03 per flOO ISleSSed valuation, down from $3.14 per $100 last year. "Although lhe budgot is published at this rate, thl1 does not limit the board to raise or lower the tax rate before the final budget adoption Aug. 4," Board President Larry Taylor e1plained. 'Ille budget will be publ~ed prior to a public bearing Aug. 4. State law requtree that such a publlca· tion budget be presented to the public during the last week ol July . To accommodate the five per ctnl pay raise given to all teaching personnel, the publication budget revised allocation for princlpala' salaries to $135,570, up fl,600 from the original proposed budget. Teachers' salaries were ralaed to $1,~7,216, up $30,100 from the orl!Jinal proposal . The new budget also reflects a total reserve of $218,995, !Kme M7 ,cm more than ttie original $150,000 the board mem- bers wanted. · The additional rtaerVe is to help carry over this budget to the nut one for 1971·73, one year from now. Newport Readies For Boat Parade "Our American Heritage'' will be the theme of the 1970 Char1eter Boat Parade, which is scheduled Aug. 29 in Newport Harbor. Jack Barnett, spokesman for the Newport Harbor Chamber of Conunerce Commodores, spormor! of the event, said the 10th running of the parade is open to anyone with any kind of a boat. Entry blanks and route mape are available ln . the chamber Offices at 2166 E. Cout llllhway. • - Jt'am ~tl· Hours later they begal'I releasing tht ~ngers, some of ·their demands a~ parenUy met, AI:isl9(1e Onassi;. ow~ of Olyl,Jlpic Airways, ,ollere<I hlmaeU u a boalage I« lhe Pll""n(en 11 .lXlt potnl but lbe guerrillaa rdused and demanded 'in- stead that a higb official oC the d'rffk government accompany them back to Beirut where the fiigbt originated. Deputy Premier Styliaoos Pattakos personally negotiated with the guerrilla!. by radio from the Athens control towe r and WU reported to have' peisuaded them to reduce their demands: Shortly afterwards the guerrillas began releuing the passengers lwo by two. Oiiasall .aped to the airport In lhe morning shorUy after the llljacking and talked with the guerrillas over the airport control radio. He returned in the af- ternooD tor a second conversation, shortly before the situatlqn began easing. The guerrillas wett armed with rnacbineguns and hand grenades and threatened to blow up the plane .,-ith all on board unless Greece freed their comrades, jailed tor terrmiatic acU•Wes againlt Israel. They first demanded tllat Greece release two Arabi scheduled to io on trial Friday for a bomb exploelon I t the Israeli El Al airlines office la.!lt November. Then they demanded the releaae of two Arab commandos Rht to prison in Marcb tor an attack OD an El Al plane In December, 1168 • GoveQUnent sources 1aJd tbe.1uerrlllas a~. to red.uce their dell\Bndl but d,id not ~ay what concessions they had made. An offic:tal said the gu~rrlllu f·iµa lly agreed ,to ·return to Be.lrUt with a Red Cross representative and the five. man crew aboard as ho8tag'8. The plane, a Boeing 727, wu ~fµeled for the return to Beirut where offlclals began taking security meaaures. Slmilfr · measures also were ordered f a. r Damascus and Amman airports. lljd presumably Cairo. Airport officials said the guerr~ would fly back to Beirut to await wOQ! on the Greek government's decislori on the release of 1he aeven imprisoned COqli· mandos. In the meanUme the S,, passeogers were being released. • Government aourcea II.id ~ later reduced their demands to inimed.la\e freedom for three commandoa: and t6e release of the rest within 30 daya... In the meantime they freed ~ lr1ql wo.man, %2, who became Ill, and her husband. She WU ruslied to ihe llrport first aid station. f'f'OltJ Page 1 VOTE ••• let these people show us what lhiY can do and then make our final decision In lhe llgbt of their performance." But BattiD branded the board declsiOn u "shocking and incomprehensible when you bear in mind that we have ~n offer to use competltlve equlpmez:it absolutely free of charge." BatUn's reference was to the offer by the Shoup Voting Machine Comparfy to provide 200 machines for use in the November election at ·no expense to the county. · It brought the comment from Baker: "It hu been my long experience In many years on this board that you never get anything free ." A boauU!ul gold bracelet ls a sln!ully luxurious gill But a watch is certainly .• pntcUcal. ParUcu!arly when It's an Pmeca. In the world of.re~y fine watch· es, the name and reputaUon of Omega stand out When Omega artfully conceals · pal Of thei? superb timepieces in an ex· qullite l>race!e~ It becomes a sinfully practical gift. ·s.e our complete 0"l'i• colledlon, !rOdi •M. ·, The high enera food, developed by lhe Pillsbury Company, arc being Piiied out at tile exhibit while lhe aupplf lull. The Lunarabllla txhlblt Is part ol a collection of arilfaci. rrom apace nllfllo and moon l&ndings, compiled by Gustav JolulnMOn, who b empl6yed by McDon- nttl Douglas. The exhibit coincides with the Urst anniversary of the historic flight to tht moon. It 11 being shown wllh a display of the historical nags of Orana:• County, on Joan from ·tile Flnt American TIU~ ln1ur•nce Company. The flags covet Orange Coonty history aince 1789. CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE J . C. fiump~rieJ J ewefel'6 PHONE 541-HOI 24 YEARS The collecUon ~tude.a p o 1 t e r 1 1 The two exhibits will be on view now through the end of Augw:t In the rotunda of Laguna Federal Savlngs, HO Ocean Ave., Laguna Jltich. I 182! NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA IN SAME LOCATION , • \ • WtdrMsdaY, July 22, 1970 DAIL v PILO;T s Tie-d ye ing l! obb y -~~A1:; .,;.,..1 For Butterfinge r.s, ID · . . CJuthur sts t orild Spe ll Disaster-! • • .. . ' ~ • I ' By DR. PJ .. ST&INCROHN He dares the law of either. 'temper outbursts ·can ~!y husband goes l.nto the averages to slog le h1m out lead to 9.ldden tragedy. n11>14 terrible rages lhat leuve Man's his own worst enemy. fbr a ~Ii attack or an In-him almost gasping for . \ or a reriowned Enill!h heart 1pt.>eiali.!lt whet also tu\d b4f1ts of rage . He cprrectly predicted his own ,demiH: Deir Joyct: ~ly teea11e dauJbter and I 1aw u art ulled UMyei.ag oe 1 lelevltloo allow .n U.O.pt 'tfe ~Jpt try ll. C1n you tell us bow to ge& started and. llow &o sell what we makt? -MRS. L .R ., TUCSON, ARIZ. This 1,500-year~ F a r Eastern art i.!I a fairly simple. techmque wtllch allows even people with congenital but- tulingers to be h i g h I Y creative. Of course, it does take practice and imagination to do it well enough to be paid for iL COLOSSAL COLORS. . A piece of fabric is knotted, twilited, bunched. gathered or pleated, and lied at random intervals,1 with rubber bands or string o( some 'sort. Then the fabric iB dipped In dye- whlch doesn 't penetrate the areas that are tied -to pro-. duce seen-for-miles bur~ of coloi'. You C8Jl:'also tie-Undye by removing existini color from materlaJ •ith bleach but it isn't the same thing. WHOIW! AND S WIRLS FOREVER. Jh addition to lengths of £abric, jeans, T- shirts ard dresses, you can tie-dye lingerie, semi-opaque tight!, cotton bathing suits. ldasora scarves, floppy felt hats, duck pants and skirts. bedspreads, draperies, table covers, wall fabrics, and wall hangings -some of these ''pictures" are burlap. · Applications of tie-dye go on and on . . . one man is covering his homemade glider, skydivers have tie-dyed parachutes, and a woman has Ue-dye sails on her boat. Many tie-dyers have obfained free empty cartons from ice cream mops and covered them with shrieky, shocking jolts of color. to make boutique wastebaskets. HIGH• FASHION. L 0 W COST. Although this art's popularity has caused the market to be flooded with m a c h ine-made imitations. some buyers will always want handmade one-of-a-kind items. Unlike many arts and crafts, tie-<lyeing is ¢eap. You can try It for the C09t of in· expensive packets of home-use dye, rubber bands, rubber gloves, pots, a stove or. hot plate, and scrap' material. You can develop your prices to customers as you gain ex· perlence. 1 .. flow often have you heard operable "lump" in his Jung. Dear Dr. Steincrohn: My breath. His ' face tu r n s aeamstress to open a litUe ~t :.. and how true It is. Even Likewise, .the chronk alcohoJIC ·husband, who i9 only 42, h3s · purpll~.red, lixJ . \he veins ..Mnte 3hop, giVin&.Jt a fttppy though fOre"'arnec:t; he kills '4dares" cirtfiosls of the liver; already had a severe he~rl bulge in his neck.. Al times name. •A few I've beard of: himself in one of many wajs. and the reckless, speeding attack. His ~lopd pressure ~e.. • he cleochn hlt f~ v.nd tries Up Tied, Distractions. and The l,!;lJ'1'1'1 Threats agfinst hls very ex-driver "dares" s e Ir· an-mains over 200 and~ kidneys to punc~ ' hole lfl the wall. Crazy ·old 'Sew-and&:w. istence 'arise jn h1Tn¥!1(. • • , nl!Ulatlon 1n an auto crash. are bad. too.· He gets attacks ; lle's on t,ranqu.il~ers. H~'s Warned ·against excessive suqi are but a few of the of angill.'.l . -been warned. Btlt nothing FREE BOOKLETS FOR smolcing ·.,... and heart atlack common (and well-rtt0gnized ) Our doctor strongly advises seems to help. Will you com- u:ARNING ART. Best Foods, or tancer -he keepii on. Wke methods of self-destruction. him agailvJt getllng excited ment? -~1rs. A. makers of RJt Dye, wRI semi the man who !!lands in 'an Others are not so evident. 99 much. He says his arteries COMMENT: As you and his , O()ell field ,during a storm, For e~ample, consider the are too weak lo wlthsland doctor predict, he's likely to you• kit of three pabUcaUoni: '-----,.--.,=== •he shakes Ms fist at the danger of outbursts of temper. such extra pressure on bis kill himself In a tantrum ''jtlDJ and T-shittl," • bred heavem and dares lightning Although ''keeping resentment circulation. Do you go along someday. Ourlng the past year "My arteries are at the rnercf of my bad temper. One d11 I shall die in an angina attack brooghJ aboul by iey>elf ... Somt; time lat.er, at a medical meetll,li, While In a vtolenl disasre"'1ep( o:ith a colltague -he dropped dead. \Vhat'.s more Important than tranquilizers for yoo'r ' hus- band, Mrs. A., iB learning to develop a phi!Q90Plly o r equanimity. new Z:O.pige l:\Ow-To booklet to strike him dOwn. in" is certainly not good with that? I mentioned \,he ~hi.story , , , "Fancy Fabrics." I' two-j --p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ____ _ ~~~~~~:~'.~~~~~~~.: SALE SPECIALS FOR TODAY THRU SATURDAY ONLY! SehobloEsponol Wagon," 1' pag .. 01 wild, WESTMINSTER SANTA ANA FULLERTON ::°:~~~d. ::~;"~ v: 15221 BUCH BIJD. • P• 893-8544 120 E. FIRST ST. AT CYPIEss • PHOllE 547.7417 1530 S. HAllBOll BLVD.• PHONE B70-07llO this <Gmpllmeotary kit 1ly MONDAY THR\J FRIDAY •• 9:00 A.M.• 9 P.M, MONDAY THR\J FRIDAY •• 8'DO A.II.-9 P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY •. 8:00 A.II.-9 P.11. 'SATURDAY ••••••••.••• 8:JOA.ll .. 6 P.ll. SATU~DAY ............ 9,00 A.ll.-6 P.M. SATURDAY ............ 8:DO A.M.·6P.ll. wriUng to me at tbls SUNDAY •••••••••••••• 9:00A.M.•2 P.M, SUNDAY ••••••••••••.• 9:00A.M.·4P.M. SUN DAY •.•••••••••••• 9:00 A.M.-2P.M. newspaper. Enclose .. return malling label and write "Tie• D)re KU," en )'OW' outside envelope. FREE BOOKLET F 0 R BUSINESS SIDE. "Han· 1 dicrafls .and Home Businesses" is a 1.0-page publitation of I.be , U.S. Small Business Administration, It contains a list of resources that should assist proepecti.ve and current owner, o/. han- dicrafts and home businesses to plan, organize, direct, coordinate and control their businesses. For a free copy, send me a SEPARATE re- quest at this newspaper, enclosing a long w h i t e stamped. self-addressed envelope. Write "Handicrafts" on your outside envelope. • • • Send your career topic sug· gesUons to Joyce Lain at this newspaper~ Sorry, bat the volume o( mail m a k e s personal replies impossible. Oi:an g~ Coast Sched ul es Flight Oinic School supplies can be ex- pensive, but the cost cf equip- ment for a course being cf- fered al Orange. Coast College in September <will 'keep fn8JIY people from enrolling. • Each student is required to furnish his own airplane. The course is a flight in- structor clinic being sponsored by .the Aircraft OW,ners and Pilots Assn. f o r stan· dardization and revalidation of instructor's certificates. It will meet Sept. 1·3 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the science all ~t OCC. Registration fee Is $25 and can be mailed to the college in advance or paid at the door. If the student's flight in- stru~tor certificate has Ml ex· pired, a flight check wiU not be required. 29 C,- "' 12'' AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID SPIN-ON OIL FILTER CARTRIDGES Chev. 6 1943·~ c-. "'' 1961·70 C-.o;, I 960·6' , .. _ 196G-70 1.,;.1,. 19Sl·.a "' .. Cll!l' 1941·10 ro .. 1 19,1.10 l'o<nla• 1951·70 r 1, ...... 1+. 1J63.10 ··-rl>cot ... l;h.r ~Ul!Tld~ "ow ~ti{OR98' CAIS M , CRANKCASE CLEANER THIS WEEK Bl,IY CORNELL 7.35x14 7.75x15 8 55x15 9.00xlS . • 17_.,111.~ ....... tJ.,. 1...i. t-• 01 $1.0' ._ P ;._.1101...i 111 .,u,..,. loo• ,h ... ,1 ... ··-'"'"" .. TIRES 4 PLY NYLON CORD 15 MONTH GUARANTEE* One two-woman venture in California, the Water Baby Dye Works, charges a flat $7 .50 per item when the customer furnishes the fabric r==========,I MASTER BRAKE TIRES FORVW DATSUN, TOYOTA or garment. You might sell your work through established shops or at school and organization s po n s o r e d bazaars. A young colorist aiuld team up with a mature Who Cares? No otl-1•• 11ow1p•P•r i11 th• world c•rei 1bout yoo.1r COll'llTllJ• nit'y l;\o yoo.1r community d•ily n1w1p1por do•1. It's the DAILY. PILOT. Two ring s for two lovers . . . both ring s . $88 .00 FlnMt ~Hfity 41•..-d hi 14k tel4 -MHe4 •• , , .. l1mffl fas~ cred it terms• studenl auo1.1n1• avoiloble • up ta 12 l'l'IOnlhs to pay } I BankAmericard • Master Charge • STORES CONFIDENCE BUILT" E1t1bll1htd 43 Y11r1I • MUflTIHeTOM C•HT•JI: •Mell a.,...,... ttAJl:eDJI: IHOPPIMO t•MTIJI: ~-H•l'W l lvtl, t .. tt Mn. """'~·-" ........ ....... ~PlN MOPI .. THUlS. & FRI. 'TIL t P.M. . . ,,.,OC:I lflo "·-· ,,,. Mr lntllllod •111whoro, ............. ....... CYLINDER AND MANY OTHER FOREIGN CARS "4.f'l. Y NY10N COlD TUllllSS llACKWALLS 6.00x1 3 'l'OUJI: 01.tl TIJl:I AC'CE,UD •WAJIOlfSS OI' CONOtT10M 98 • 7 l J•7,00o14 IOl Y..,.,5 17 ~.! .... ........ 11 pr.,, fo</, I~<· tao •I'' Jf"' 17.U -i. ,,. ...... ,,., ..... ".;,. /, 4PLY c '::~L:0N ornell Futura TUBELESS WHITEWALLS GUARANTEED 36 MONTHS* 4™ TIRE WHEN YOU BUY 3 TIRE$ AT OUR l,Dw'SINCLE TIRE i>Rlc£. SIZE ,,to/1.50 • . 7,IJ. ,, ;.11 1.oa .. u '"°'"'' 1.10/IAS '·*•ls •.2'll s1J 1111 1Ata14 al-4 IAJ11IJ f.IO .oilf All l'llCfl "U5 ffO. fllC, f.U t. OLD flftl BUYON ey,;~ CREDIT ., · \ • • • I , SC Tutld'1, July 21. 1'!70 " oollnsurance Up OVF;R 'l'HE ·COUNTER witti ~-Z TRIM .•• ..... -... ........................... ...... i.-......... _ .................... _ ................ ,.. ............. _ ......... _ .... ., ....... _..it. " " .. • • I ) Wtd'ltHI~. July 2'2, 1t70 SC DAIL¥ Pllllf American .Stock Exchan ge List 11... Met t..._l Ml ... L-C._ Cll.t. sm, Net (IWI,) Wltk L.tW CllM Cfll. Salls Net Ck*-) Hlltll LIW CltM Ckl• NEW YORK (UPI) - American Telephone & Telegraph Co. bas asked the F e d e r a I Communications Commission to rttoosider it.s decision requiring unlimited sharing of Telpak and to stay the effective date oC the order. The company said the order, in 11.S present fonn,. rould destroy Telpak and result in a total return lo i1xfivldual prlvale line .servk:e tariff. Telpak provides s e r v I c e roughly equivalent lo pri vate line service in bundles equivalent to 6 or 24 voice grade channels. DALLAS (UPI) LTV Electrosystems, lnc., has olr tained an $8.7 million air force contract lo modify C-130 aircraft. WASHINGTON (UPI) Northampton Corp. haa agreed to join Carl M. Freeman, Jnc. in building 28 condomi01um townhouses on a 2,77~acre tract east or the District o( Co lumbia. Northampton also will build 400 g a r d e n apartments of Its own on the tract. · NEW YORK (UPI) American Airlines, Inc., sais:I Tuesday it will sperid $.1i million over the next five, years to develop its new routes to Hawall and the South Pacific on whkh it will 1tart service Aug. 2. ..,. This will be American's first foreign operatioo since It told its interest in Amerlca1;t Overseas Airlil)..es, a Transatlantic operator, lo Pan American World Airways :it years ago. PEORI~ (UPI ) -W. It. Franklin, President of CiltrpUlar nW:tor Co., h., urged Congre11 lo support Preaklent Nt:ron and vote down any lmpoeltioo of quotas "" lln)ortt. ' He said Impart Q""'8• ,.,. tainly would result in wide foreign retallaU011 that would be dis""'"' \0 U.S. exporti. ' '. ~~ercUr,y · ilank SCrs Records Mercwy Savl"gs and Loan A•ociatlon's seml..,nnual ,,,.. terim statement of coifd.IUCI as of June 3(1, 1970, shows a six-month rec.'Cl"d pin 1n growl!I and proflljlijUiy. The Hunu...,. Betdi·flnln. clal inotlllltloo r.pcirlo .vtn1• gaJD1 dllrlng tho ...._ period equlvalont lo ti ptrCent of Ille A""ll~Ollf U>tal SIV• lnJs at )'OINl>d ltet. I --·-- Whites Face Bus Pfob"lem JOHANNESBURG, South under thls country's aparthtld Africa (AP) -Scores ol buses rules. labeled "Net Blankes," mean-ro ease a shortage of man. ing whit.es only, are canceled ,power, higher pay, female~ daily because the driven and ductors and other remedies success. The use ol nonwhite help is &f>P'lrenUy not coo- sJdered. . -' , Ex< usi•e (Jr11ngt Counly Engagement NO alSlaYID SIATS ClllfiMous Ptrfo-.1-Start1 Today MOllDAY ~II FllDAY AT 6:00, llOO & 10•00 ,,. . SATUIDAY 11>0, SM,S1SG, l:OI & 10:00 ,M IUIDAY 1 .... 1111, So20,.7ol0 & t o30 , .. o CM.,..... Wfllllila: (l conductors also must be white have been tried with little (90) Fttddit Bltni1 Jnttts tr I~;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Even il the color bar were dropped on the buses, some speedier 90l1 · ol p u-b I i c trll!'i>ori aystem cls needed to ease the li-affic ·jam in thia city ol 1 ~ mUliOn. Sqbways "I DNESDAY JULY Z2 •• 1111 -(Cl (IOI""' ... ..,. 8. Wu I J ll'Wllf CC) (30) ·--(<)-· ... " tM ..... YI, loltoll ... s. .... t... fMWIJ hit: • --1 .......... -(C) .... Roberta dtftlldlnr hi• "le•t th11: Chimp .. till .. U !Ill CI1 111-m ttl iJO: (II) ''flit Whole Wo.r14 Cl• HNI You.• Counltlor LI! Mclnlyft ~ witti a student's p«1111ts who wtnl htr " prep1r1 tor colltp, altholllh 1111 Wlntl to btcoMf I Mallt) """"· m DiMI ''"' ... (C) (to> 1w • thur liodlrtJ" ttktl °"" fof DMrl tlllliPl Guests 1r1 Sttpl\HM; Mills, GlrrJ Souci. Ethel Ennis, Rical~ Hty11 Ind Eubil Bl1U. 111 .... 1. -(Cl (OJ) fD EM111 at "" (C) (60) "'tfl· '°" 'Kdliallll.'' l1ill a. ,_.. (Wllt•ml '58-ooii lllumy, Diu1 Y1nl, Chill '#Illa, o..i. HopjMf. The Italy If • )llalll: llUCHM11 ... WlloM ..,. _, .n.n.t t. l'fOld Ylolenu II llt1NI ., t11t n1t111m .rtorta flf 1 IE s-1111 lt)i JO) ....... cnn4 ctttl• btt1111. • F t :Cl 11 Qll l)J """" c.i. t<I (OJI T"" (30) DoetoJ Gannon bqins to trut lllit en.,..._ fC) (30) boyf'lood f0otb18 idol (Forrut TuQ· • •r) 111d b startled to dba#« tb1t .. net (C) (60) t11t 1~Jn1 1111n doesn't rulty tiff 1!11 (J) AK bellle: ._ (C) (!I>) if h COftditloll 11sponsibl1 tor tht fll WW'a .,. (30) "StlM 0 fof poo1 drwlllion i11 bis ltp is curld. <iiio..., #•·· ' 111111m m1n11 .... "" tt1 -l)J C1S {10) 0. O'cOfanor wtk:omn Georp \a ,._ (C) (30) Kil&)', Raphael, •nd Alt• John10n. e,... Iii ~ (JO) Clod.Iii Rod11r1 also 1uests. ll!IT-••-<301 u 1111mm"''""'""""' fig....... (C) CIOflie1rDi1~. [Yit Sindt, "'"-Kt ...,_. (C} (!CJ) Tiit St1tltr Brothtrs incl comtdiln rr. Frid Smoot tuest witti tilt Everty ~ l:Jl8W l•111rlM:t (C) (60) IJ Tiii ....... (C) (30) Silly M1 Howls, Rkh1rd D1wto11 111d lklllJ Grillr lllUl. ·-·--(!O) !mill...,_<.., QI (I) 11111•1 • LAllll' fC) (llij ., ... " .. .,., (Cl (JO) 111 IJJ,., -(30) ·-3'(C)(Ol) ·---(C) (JO) lil ............. (30) OJ_ (Cl (30) , •• Cll EMil1 .... (C) (30) W-tltw Cronkite. • c.. , .. lflll TWa! (C) (30) tmt.I: lo11fti111, Stu 'illla111 llld ltictltnl DIWIOll aunt. • ..... MJ U.f (C) (30) QI I lM "" (JO) m""•""*1t1 1•~ !!ri.~ (C) (30) "Some Slim· IHI()),,.... ., C11• ... t11 CC) iliil •• 1 +rt fC) (¥)) fE)tl JI 1111 llllfil (~l 111 llol ... (<)(JO) ....... ., ... Mtlicl (60) m-<OJI ~lDDQI-t<1 iJOI mn. .__,a&. (C) (30) ~bl..,.,·MUsicll satirist l11 Cfllnlll• joiM ptDduCff.almmtntl• tor LIW Irwin 111 1 11111Siu1 look 11 lM lludlinu. IO:llOR9(i)IMli fM-0 (C) (SO) {lj SIM llld 0.1111)' irwedlllte I ',riml i11 which tht wid:il'I tums Ollf to bt UM wife: at Dlnnr's old xhoollllll• tnd flllow police ofli· ter, Ln Mor1111 (TOl'l'I SUnitt). l!IQJ(!)tr,)-........ (?j (60) (R)" "Thtr SpitMU Kid.• 8ron1011 lltlps 1 COl'IClitld but In· HC1111 }'Ollf!I butlt•ll pltcllfr (Kwrt RUQlll) 111 rudf kif I tl'Jl'.lut bf. fort 1 m•Jot ... 1u1 xout (Don DfYICSllt) • am-<CJ 10J1 u ~mm"' -fi• "''~ .,. (t') 100) f'llul• C111k ind 1'11 P1ulN1t •rt llftW1d. 111 ... (C) (OJ) m ...... ta.<601 m ntt.I Aplut Fifi (60) ''Thi WiOowtr." J:• m1 .. w-. ....... (JO) •NEW WHERE'S HUDDUS tlil I-= -<2 h•I * FAMILY FUN COMEDY l~lD Ill Mi -1301 !,tip.~,::":,.':' .J::n;t0UQllllltll-t<1 1r1 Id llto lhow bulinuL B ID{!) m M1n (CJ ltilll lJJID1"K ._ t<I ....... ..,.., (10) CR) "Wat• Tr1111,.., hil -'""' '" 11w "' ""' U !DI CII &I -!ti " ... frilNI Wlbl (StM Codi· 0 w f/f ..... (C) IMI), .... Ill Olltln ....... W'-11 1,..,., Diii*. lllllll' (QIYdt _, ... """' u-..... , llllldl tM,... lllrrllly f/f Shir· iPr Blldl (Alllll C...), tfltJ ... ti .. DOfl'fillCld 111111 !tit .,.. If tDllMr..,.. ,.,._ v.r (i111111i) '.f6 -Jllllll M1tor1, AnR Todd. m He SM, Sh Stll (C) tht •·IUA• M IDnpr' llffdRL • fl c:mmD Ctrt ....... It• 8 ft1 llMlle ._ (C) (JO) Jin) .....,., (60) A lil111 triblltl tD tfle LIWil, JOni Hulllll' 1nd 1k11Mrrt Cum-l1tt pott lndudilll llOttiOM rl tM 11111111 ..,.ti 111ilul LM1t1 ftJ-1968 MIMOri1I •Mel 11"41 11 tM tof·YML RJan O'Nlfl Ille! LllJ Lincoln llltrnorill In Wlthiqtrm. Tolltlln. D.C., Md tulotits by L)'lldDll B. a O CE Erl lhMJ _. t11r1 rn. 1o11-;, ~iblld llllCllilll Ml ,_ ~ (30°) CR) "All el11111!1t of M1ri. in rtR, Ril*." N1t1111 u. t IVllllt 11 DYi 11:15 ft(]) Ci1M11 '-'-: "TH P'Ndtftel tnd !tit profmor • ill· Btacll~ ... Ptttr V.n [Jtk. Ml •bout tUlnJ I cfllllCI. IJ-$ llWI: (C) wn. 'il:ll~DB(l)M'" Criffill (Cl 1""". <-" -,_ ••-D ID m IEI-..._ t<1 1111, din ........ Anthon 'P'lrki IDTrdl • C11114 r 1 (Q (30) 1 111 1Ulllb. m""' -(60) D ....,..: "'Dtlll f ... A Mtli4tJ" m n. ftnltl ftp (~ (R) (dt11111) '34 -frtd1ic M1rttt. -Emf Ev"7fl Vtr11blu, lltnt Taylor • ., • • ._. <301 um* c.a. <t1 ,...,. Dick· 7:SI l!m C.U. .. ........ ~ •nd Mil• Dt¥is fllUl l. .. D <llll)J-"" !ti (JOI ("R) Duh Slater (Ronni• &:11111). ont of Gomtf'1 buddlts. tries hb Miid " 1 ni1htc1ub comic. • --(t) (!O) D ~lll llll" -· " aiNi'i" ,. (C) (30) (R) "Don1 Look Kow. Your Scofplo'1 Ri1in1." Tom 1equlrt1 1 new NC1et•1J-1nd ttl• hk:cups-after Tln1 11uib bf. caust lier 1ttro1oo lirn II ll!COlll· 111tible witll his. • To Ttl .. Tnt:ll (C) (30) ll)La CrilN .,_ CIW. (JO) l:m G!) II Tlrlillt (5SJ B n.trl 9: CC) .,, ...... , flf 151.-.r(" (clra111a) '6' -Nino C.stelnuow, CttlllriM DtlllW•. m-' ~-<.,..,, .,. -Arthur llt11'"1c!J, CoMttntt Smith. 1:00 II MoM: ,..._ 1trv1ar• (00111· tdy) '38 -Llldl!1 8111, Tht M111 Brolflen. DU-ICI m MIN: "S'-' h lw11" (mya. lel)') '-48 -Jarlt VinClfll, Wal1te1 Ford, fr1nk Nbertsoll. m "llrw." (Jci.111 '!t7 -Jin I No1row, Barbara L1Wttnc1. 1:00 e "lmt1tlt11 " lflHlnm" {dr•· m1) '39 -frtd M1cMurra1, lrtnt D1111111. ft•mME MOVIES m (C) "fKt If• fufitiwt" (lft5t· Wft em) '59 -frtd M1cMun11. Lin McClflflJ. lcM 8 fCI ..,...,. MJ LM• Pirt I Z:OO 0 "Oii tat1t1t1 All1i,-(comldJ) (4JMM) ·az -Rom1 Sc.hn1idtr, ·~-81111 Ol'lis. Ernest Bor1nint. Katt. htltftl. GJ "Cllrae ti t111 f1t11i.u M111" ........ 11sfll Jwl" (COll!ldy) •49 ul"°"" .. ) .. ~ 6-RiCNrd Andfrl10fl, -.. ...... l.JICill lall. I unNf L · . 4:• II (C) "bw W'IMI iii £M• (drt· .... 8 ..,_ M ........ (llJSttfY) 1n1) '51 -Esther WilMalM. .kif ••1 -rall IWIJ, -Dorin. Cfl11Mfltf. For Top Sports Coverage Read the DAILY PILOT EXCLUSIVE AR~A . SHOWING ·CALL 673'6260 ' " FOR SHOW TIMES The Deadliest Man AliV.. ... Takes on a Whole An"nyl • ' CUNI' EASTWOOD SlllRLEYMACIAINE ·-•....c. .. __ "TWO MULES FOR SIS'l'ER SARA' 00 A UNIYE~ PK;T\JRE • lECHNICOl~ · PAHA\ll510N• ~. SIDLLDUGGERY 11111 RUDIS · lllllffiw · llllill ~ l'.IRMll tl1e-rnesa ' .. , · F · -' -A · , ,,,,_ "-""\.'-' Pr~::-1"1 ~,. ., . .,. 'Jt.>'.P1')RT ANO !-!ARBOR IN-CO'lTA ""ESA 3 BIG ATTRACTIONS ·--If lll"M . ' -rasE Pl7NERS SllYERS TECHHKXX.00-~Gii HELO OVER• ''SWISS FAMILY ROllNSON" -Co1ti111orn DG1iy .. ffo111 2·;.M;· and A monorail ·~em are 1 belrM! discusaeA. · · ·' Jo'burg, as· the, l«ills call it, was iounded 84Jyears ago · 'as an 1overgrown gold• mining camp. ·Downtown:streets are I moeitlf laid-oot on a gridiron I pattern '!hlch could ·llelp 1n I digging a subway, but aban- doned mine tuntiels.may pose J problems .. Buildings regul>rly I ~mble from the. rumbling collapse of old mine workings. BALBOA 673~8 OPIN 1:411 7tt I . l•lltM a.tka Pflllntul• ! ' l" ' ! FUN·FlllfD CO-Fl.A.TURI DAVID NIVEN LOLA ALlltlG-HT "IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" e IOTH IN COLOI e PLAYINC Only. on Cablevision Charlie Chaplin in "The G~ld Rush." NEWPORT: Through Fri. at 9 PM; also Sat, Sun. at 6 PM. MISSION VIEJO: Mon, Wed, Fri. at 9 PM. Never before on West Coast TV: the original, uncut classic. Stdlttng ivWy: .. Son of the Sheik'' with Ruddi:ii Vkntoo 5.inw; scfdule as dbove tn1t1 ll1tion. $14.95 Monthly Service Ch1rg1 • $6.SO Enjoy 20 Ch1nn1I TV For Only 221/Jc Per Day. "THERE'S MORE TO SEE ON CABLE TVI" ' ,,,_,rtTllJ ... lumrml'MllFUm.llC.PDln A MIKE NICHOLS ALM AIANARKIN • ~\-~\-ii \~~ ,,..! • .,.,n _, JOSEPH HULIR M!llTIN Bil.SAM, RICllARll 818JlllN: !!THUR C!RfUNKEl J!CI QUORO, BUCK HENllY: 868 JiWIWll: ·-;;•, ;;·~ INlllllNYPBIKINS: PAllUP!lllTISS: M!llTINSHEIN: JON WICllT' ORSON WELIES IS ORl!Dlf. :' .... : CRllM'lAYBY BllCllKOOY PROOOCEDBY JllllN ClllEY & MAllTINRANSOHOFF OIRECTEDBYMllUICllllll ~r/ ~.i 11sa1 ll':lllllmlOT J!tlrll.Jl•M.\m•INMMDIPl:JRT tal11IQIUNmlUll~ .-_-. Exclusive Ora11ge Cou11ly Engage"1e1it SPECIAL NEW POPULAR PRICES!! 110 RESIRYID SEATS! Juniors Only $2.50 Children Only $1.00 New ''Dolly'' Showtimes! Monday thru Friday 7 PM & 10 PM Saturday and Sunday 1, 4, 7 & 1 O PM .... ·~ ... ,. JUW STIEISUll ium111111111t1i111KT1t!l l llEIJ.O,DOLLYI ~·A:S·ll I .. , • .,,. u ... .,, f'•••I• ,-~, v,_ Al 1/0fl .. )''"' ~"'"J Ai O..•• Plus Peter Sellet1 "Alice B. Toklos" WILTll llll'IUV MICllAll. CUWIOJD o, .. ,t7IOIPM Sllow Sttirts •t h&k "leyolltln.. V ... y DI TIM Dolls" -cilto - "Tht Only &omt I" Ttwn" ' • .. .. ' '· ' " ... " ,. • • • l l • ! I i Presid ents All Sought ,Day in Sun ~ . By EUGENE V. !USHER U11lttc l'rftl 1"'9rlllt ..... Writ# Backstairs at the White HOWie: AU presidents have suffered Wldtr the constrictions of the White House. John 1 . F. Kennedy often lied to the bracing _,;,. sea breezes of Hyannl! Port and Palm Beach, and Lyndon Johnson frequently sought solace at his ranch on lhe banks ... , ' of the Pedernales. , President Nixon has 'spoken often and . . affectionately of the White House, the , grace of its rooms and the history in • ' its corridors. He delight,, in taking vislUng dignitaries on personal tours of b· Its public and private rooms. But be Is no exception when it comes . . , to feeling confined by the venerable house, and it is a rare weekend when he remains in it. .. ~ During the winter, he goes to his home on Key Biscayne, Fla., about once . . every three weeks. In the spring and summer his favorite ,, retreat is at San Clemente, CaW., where his Spanish-style vllla overlooking the Pacific Is the centerpiece in a complex that has officially been named the Western White House. This now is his residence or record and probably will be his home when he leaves U>e White House. Other weekends he goes to Camp David, the alpine·sly}e retreat in the Catoctin Mountairu of Maryland, a half· ·'.hour helicopter ride from the south la\vn of the White House. "~ Even in Washington, Nixon has a .. , private hide-away suite of offices !n , the Executive Office Building adjacent ' to the White House. He goes there when · be wants to be alone and think. A president, of course. can have as ·' much privacy in the White House as ,' he wants. But a more diplomatic way • of getting away from the various people ··' seeking an audience, and the continuing . demands on his time, Is simply not to be there. · . Inevitably presidents come under ,, .. criticism for maintaillillg out-of-town · retreats. Detractors mumble about the :. enormous expenses involved and wonder . • .. ' who's at home minding the store. ·~ . ln fact, presidents never get a day . off. Even on vacations there are stacks • 5 Dr baCkground papers to read , daily ,,. .intelligence briefings and :sessions with , '.staff assistants. . When Nixon goes to Camp David or Key Biscayne for weekends be takes ' folder• ol backll'"'Jlld !MleriaJ thal his ::• .. asmtants on the national security and _ domestic staffs have compiled. · . . , In Califomla, its business as normal .,.~:for Nixon with, perhaps, ax occa*8al .~ afternoon off. ' .., ;· But it is an expenS1ve proposition. ... Special airplanes transport the President !-1' and his staff. Courier flights· run back and forth to· Washington, Sophisticated vj and expensive communications equJp- '· .ment follow them everyw he r e · · Hellcopters and sedans frequenUy are 1:, '.flown thousands of miles simply to move •''.\' the president a couple or miles. ~ The President actually has little control of the massive arrangements involved every time he decides lo go 80rntwhere. ·The Secret Service and t b e Defense • Department have statutory obligations ' to the office of the presidency over ·:\ which he has no say. The military, which fun\ishes his · transportation, is required by law to · keep a communications link to him at .. all times and to be able to evacuate .. him speedily to an adequate command ' post in case of emergency. And the Secret Service is charged · with prolecting him. They arrange the ' 'ground transportatloa and insist 01 bav. ing specially built limousines for virtually • · "all his ground movements. : About the only thing the President ; can do -unless he wants to-remain ' a virtual prisoner in the White House -is to give his staff sufficient advance notice ror PfeparatloJl.S to be made. Pot Boiling Over For Noodle P eople LAKE Pl.Aero. N.Y. IAP) -Wilh nne of the nation's economy hanging limp as a wet noodle , the National Macaroni Manufacturers Association an- nounced recently that its pot was boiling over. Production of spaghetti, macaroni and egg noodles in all shapes and sizes spiraled up 10 percent in the first hall or 1970 to set an industry record, the t ~latlon said. DAIL T .. !LOT lllff .. ,..,. ED MARSH AND FRIEND : A 'PIGEON ' FOR ANIMALS Lif99u•rd •nd Veterinarian Nurse Sick S.111 Toughies Go Soft Baby Seal Melts Some Hearts San Clemente's lifeguard headquarters have become a minor version of Sea World this week as doting guards assisted by a local veterinarian nurse a wayward and coughing baby seal back to recovery. The young seal, round sitting on the Linda Lane beach north of the main lifeguard building Monday night, proved "in'esistlble" to lifeguard Ed Marsh, who biought the ailing Anima l to warm quarters. Marsh, described by fellow guards as "a softie for animals,'' called San Clemente Veterinarian Dr. C. C. Boyle for counsel about the sick seal pup wtiich is suffering from ~ touch or pneumonia. "I offered to pay him oot of my pocket for helping the seal," Walsh said Tuesday, "but he offered to do it for nothing.'' So under the watchful eye of Marsh arid ' 'fello1f gliards,' Dr. Boyle ad· miJijatered antibiotics. Dr, Boyle, who said ~ pup seems to have a good chance lo survive a definite case of pneumonia. administered the medication and said the pup &eems lo be recovering. "It's a very common problem with the small seals; they seem to develop a pnewnonic condition then come up on the beach," he added. The medication coupled with bags of fresh anchovies and an occaalonal mackerel filet seem to be helping, but the guards have a new built-in problem now. .. We couldn't resist bringing this one In because we felt it had a chance to survive. We hope people don't think we're taking over for the county animal control officers," said Lifeguard Capt. Phil Stubbs . Stubbs said the guards fear a rash or similar calls on other ailing animals on the city's beaches. But the convalescing guest lucky cmough to get this: much attenlion won't stay long al Iha beadqulftera. _!bfcr~ he has a garage, blankets and an biburfy washdown all hil own. As soon u be recovers he'll be released. Nixon Driftwood Company Drifting Into New Cycle The ill"!ated Nixon's 'Point Drlltwood Company of San Clemente will become a motorcycle repair shop if a young South Coast man wins a conditional use permit from planning commlssiooers tonight. Steven KeMedy is seeking permission for the shop at 1645 N. El Camino Real in a renovated service station where driftwood was sold earlier this year. The station is on land wned for com- mercial use, but a permit must be granted by commissioners for the motorcycle business. Nixon W atcli Makes Debut UlS ANGELES (UPI) -Now there's the "Dk:k Nixon Watch." Plans to market the timepiece · by mall order were announced Monday by Frederick L. Saxe, who readily admits the venture Is "an attempt to ride the bandwagon started by the Spiro Agnew wat.. ches." The face of the Mickey-Mouse- type watch carries a caricature of the J>resident wearing a red and white striped !Ult a n d blue shoes. His anns tell the time. "I just felt that someone was bound to bring out a Nltoo watch, 80 why not me?" Saxe asked. No 1 special permiaBion wu needed to. sell the driftwood . In other items at tonight's 7:30 meetin1 Ir; council chambers commlsslooers will consider : -A sign exception propo!al by Alpha Beta Acme Markets which wants to erect a temporary sign for nine months -instead of the allowable 90 days -heralding construction of a new shop- ping «nter at 400 Camino de Estrella near the Shorecliffs area. - A variance sought by W. A· Hall for permission to use a parcel without a building for starting a manufacturing concern lo bu ild portable storage tanks. The property is at IM and 152 Avenlda Navarro. - A report on letters sent to downtown property owners near Avenida Del Mar on proposals to desipate certaill areas as mned for parkiQg (7.oned P). The proposal has been Under consideration for several months. Viejo Studemf8 Honor Musician Donna Fer Mission Viejo High School music s dent! have bestowed an honor on one o their classmates. Dorwt Ferris was selected to receive the Outstanding Musician's Award which is presented by the Saddleback Valley Jayceeai. She plans to enroll as 1 m111ic major at San Fernando Valley State Colle1e this faU. \ ! Dairy Battle Rages On Saddleback Trustees May Appeal New Court Ruling· . I Trusteel ol Sacldleback College will • stage thelt own version of "Hair" Mo~ day. The college board, which Is on the !hor't tnd or the lattsl coort. decl.mn ! In a long simmering halr·length eo:n-f troversy, Is e1pected to decide Monday night if they will take the matter oo f: wp the judicial laddeT. U.S. Dist. Judge Harry Pregerson held Monday that the college dress code ban- i : nlng long halr Is unconsUtutlonal. John Powell, deputy county coostl who represented the dlstr1ct, said after U\t Spokesmen for the college aakl the board or trume• will be given Judge Ptegerton'• eight-page oplnk>n for study and discussion. The board ls expected to decide then if they bh to nercile thelr perogatlve of taking the mattu to the next court 1evel in hopes of a favorable verdict. Meanwhile. college ofOclals have said Ibey will abide by the dec!Jlon af the court. The court held that Ille code s«:t1oo banning long hair ia arbitrary. '!be Constitution forbMis elected repr~ taUves of tht state from lllCh arbitrary regulations, he held. The mull IA that the collqe now Is permanenUy enjoined from rerustnr t<> admll Joni-haired student. becauoe tile diJJrlct bas not proven that hair length lnterfere11 with the educational proctM. The legal hassle began In llecemljer when the rtfll complaint was filed b7 a student. Pregeraon Issued prellmtnary Jnjunotlon1. An eppellate court revened these but reterred the matter back to • DAILY PILOT 3 Cof C Chief Picked Former Newsman Wins San Cl.emente Post Former newsman Robert W. Evans Of Glendor1 will become the execuUve manager of tile San Clemeote <;liamber ol Comm..-ce starting Sept. I, chamber officials revealed today, Ev am, whose latest po 1 it Ion was manager of business development for the Pasadena Otamber of Commerce, will asswne the reins of the local chamber from Walt Hunter , an area tax consultant·who has served as interim manager since the firing this past spring of Gilbert EseU. Evans, whose new saJary was not disclosed, preceded his career in chamber work with a stint on newspapers In Plt1$bu(gh, Po .. then went Into pub!Jc relaUon.s management J)OSitlons wUh 'the U.S. Steel Corporallon In PllL!bolrgh, tben in San Francisco. ... " After work as manager of public rel&· lions for Aerojet General in Covina, Evans joined the Pasadena chamber • Richard W. John, president of the Pasadena Chamber, praised h Is departing employe commending him lor Crash Is Quick But Not Repairs Marines Vouch It takes only moments for a disabled helicopter to bump solidly to earth, but taking it off a crash-landing :site for repairs can take more than two week's work. The Marines at Camp Pendleton will testify to that. The chopper in question -a huge CH-53 trans:port which ditched in a fie ld north of the Talega area July 6 bas spent days undergoing dismantling. Fin ally crews from Camp Pendleton got it ready for a crane and huge tractor· trailer rig. The hel kopter wa1 ditched during. a training miutoo inflicting only mioor ln- jurles to two El Toro crewmen. Another was unburL Since then, the maintenance crews have stripped the bulky machine of rotors, landing gear and other ap- pendages, then doubled up Its tail. After that the fuselage was loaded onto the trailer. then wailiog crews at the Del Mar boat basin sent it on a sea cruise to San Diego. There U will underao refiWo1, then bl-put boCk Into service. itiie original fa}lure on . a training mls.Sloa. affected the aircraft's guidance and rot<>r 1)'11ems at 5,000 feet . It glided orn w,-rti and Ulwnptd, Int<> an open fle kf. · ' "outstanding work In the City of PUadena,\where he ls highly regarded by the chamber staff, the city council ••d the clly staft" Evam and his wife , Lauretta, plan t.o move to San Clemente In coming months. The couple has two •crown children, Mra. Carol Near, wlfe of a San Francl.!co television director, and Robert W. Evans ll, a teacher of high school English in Ortgon. .., The new manager succ~ed'in landing the San Clemente ~-from a field of several dozen applicants, said chamber Presklent Freeman "Bud" Fowler. Chamber dlrtctors had predicted a decision on a new permanent manager by mid.July and the announcement came on schedule. Applicants from throughout the state sought the job here . Esell left·hls $8(11}.a-month position with the chamber after a sudden special meeting or ~!rectors. Huo.ter had assumed the helm of the group Immediately afterwards at lhe same salary as his predeces:s<1r. ...._. WINS CHAMBER POST Pa1ad•n•'• Robert lvani Financing Probed Clemente Medic Center Held for More Studies A decision to endorse or opPolf! the proposed San Clemente MedicaJ Center hu beea del1yed f« to days by the Health Facilities aftd· Sen ices Committee of the Orange County Comprehensive Health Planning Association. The decision was delayed, according to committee Chairman John Rau, in order that more complete inlormatlon- regardlng the proposed 114·bed general hospital may ht studied and presented at a public peariJlg. Under state law, the association must approve all medical facilities before the state will issue a license ror the facility to operate. The committee requested elaboration frum the applicant on the method of financing construction, clarlficaUon of ownership anii operaUng 1tructure, a complete land map 8lld site plan for the locatloa at 20f Avenida Esperanze and i!'lal lnleljlretatlon af I propooal for the hospllal I<> be built by pmata interests and later IOkf to the com- munity. In other action, the committee recom- mended endorsement of tbrte other Orange Coast facilities for a ai:J: month period, at ~hlch time another progress review will be held. They Include : -Plans by Huntlngtol Intercom· mwtity Hospital in Huntington Beach, for the addition of 79 medical.flqlcal beds, an isolation lllit and supportln.s racilities. -Plaas for Saddleback Communtt7 Hospital, a ttew 25fi-bed general f1<:Ulty in Laguna Hills to be operated ~ the Lutheran Hospital Society of Southern California. 1 -E1pansion of South Coait., Com- munity Hospital's facilitY in South Laguna to the 297 beds called for In JI$ ·master plan. . I Somebody Fights Beek . Who fltht1 cllJ hall? The DAILY PILOT dots. fhlt's who. And whtft -tlte can 70U flM cogent commentary on '°"" com~unlty? CllKk iht tdlt'lf'laJ Plft•lf YOUR commu I(' 1 dlllr'ncwsp-. tfio DAILY ~ILQfJ~rsL I , < 1 \ • • ~ ' TO FURTHER REDUCE OUR SALE . SHOES ' LIFE STRIDE ................. ' .......... REG. TO $20.00 NOW $9.90 LADY FLORSHEIM .......... . ..... REG. TO $15.00 NOW $) ).90 FLA JS and CASUALS .................. REG. TO $16.00 NOW $),90 TO $7,90 ALSO: GREAT SELECTION OF MENS' SALE SHOES Pitt •• • , • All St lt s Final. No Exchtnges or Refunds. 1052 IRVINE e WESTCLIFF PLAZA NEWPORT BEACH e 5111114 r Shop Early Good Slze1 & StylH Still Avall1ble I I dt-cislon ~'there's a §ood chance t.rustees will want to 1ppeal.' Pregerson's ruling wu in favor of four Saddleback student. who pul t h e dress codt I<> a legal let! with the help of the American Civil LlberUe1 Union. blmrorlur~uproceedinga. II.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..., ' ' 1... • ' I ( • • I I • f .,. y I'll.OT WtdntSday, July 21, 1970 Nixon Vows 5,000 s. Vi£ts Arrit?e Welfare Reds Cut Road to Phnom -Pehn1 --·----• Porm1111 publllhln& bouH ol -•n Italy Hnt 1 blarll for th• l>ool...,.....Love In lbe"Saual IJfe" to Pr•1111i1 ...,...... Novello, tbe local l"'llllc prooecutor. found the llOOll ob..,_ and onlered It confl .. caled naUoawlcle. ' . A JOWll Salmon, Idaho woman liked Mrvlll& 1n the Navy oo much tbal tbe bu enlllled for I aocond liltdi -In the Anny. Mor-A. .. ..n ZI nrv91l lbree yttlfl M NJ.r~wAVE and b11 Jun complot- al .., blllc lrainlnl wttb the Wamim'a AnnY. Corp1 at J'I. Mc- CWlm, Ala. Ml11 Bowen Hid 1be winle4 to try the Anny becau1t she lllloYlll 1el'\'lng In the Navy so mucll. "Woman'• Wolle? Not really, s:aid Miss BOwen. Two of her brothers are serving in the Army, and besides she wanted a htt1e change of sCene. she said. • Woulf wu bell.,,. that thl1 l1 • '""' +•f ttnmntr fun. Snowball fioht.i on the 11apt1 of Mt. Rmnt.., W01h., provick a'grtat nutini of tlCCf'e from cltr "*'t for Mou Ann• .Kpi•ll of Ed- lllO!ldlJ Olld Jim l!01<11inf of ''"'"'· Thll !Jlittk IDOi f""9M at, 7,000 f"'· • A pfankster with a macabre aen=bumor baa erected 1 neat· Jy I ered 'lllD Ip in·area of War· ren , Ky., where the bodle1 ol tiu,e 1eparate slaying· victim• ha"' Jleen foal!d· In recent month•. It ·reac11·: "P<>1iUvely No Dwnpln&· Bocllol" 1n 'l1lil Area -11y or11~· of the ·E1iabUllimen\." '11te lip· 'otanda I fiet from the 1pot where the body of Albert E. Henderaon,. SO, oC -Ung Green1 w11 found last Friday. Hendenon bad been fatally shot. Whtn two UnivtriJt11 of Ar· kaftl0$ snuttnu pUoded uuilt11 to vn!awfvl poa1tllioli of d"'CJ• Mcinday, • clrcuil court judgt 1enttneed them both to 1erve a ont-dat1 term at t.ht Cummi111 Priion Farm. Tht judge QaH thi t1ouths two.rear probated 1rnttnce1, but tolthheld official pronounctmettt until th.et1 got a bmf taste of ...... .,,. life. Dumpy the k1tten of F~lrbanks, Alaska. lost soih.e of bis rilne lives Tuesday. First he wa• threatened by fire at the city dump , Firemen used 41,000 gallons of water to queneb the blaze. 'lben, the bo• In which Dumpy 1\'U cagad WAI al· most crushed by a bulldozer before the operator heanl the ~lien'• cries and resc ued him. Apparent· ly someone wanted to get rid ol Dumpy by dumping him. but he's 1afe now at \ht. home of fireman Chuck Prlct. Support WASHINGTON (AP) -President NIJ· on has told Republican ...,-t leaden hi illltndl to ltal1d behind bis reviled welfare program deipHe ~ ~ fmn memberl of hit own plrly. "It II port of hit JlfOll'&m and be wants lo ,.. It pwed," Sen. Gordon Allotl of Colorado, chalrmu ol the IJ<uata &publican Polley Committee, told nrw1men Tuuday. NIJGn'1 conunen11 to GOP con- areulonal leaden came u a tttll-boltJ.le Stnale Finance Commlttoe JllUllled hwlnp Into neeplni refonnl lo replace current welfare programs with a minlmum guaranteed income. The hearings wtre . brl>bn oil al-I --1ho ·qo -the flnlnce Committee told former Semlal')' of Health, EducaUon and Welfare Robert H. Fine~ to rework the program. But Fl...,.. Cbalnnan a-JIB. Lona (D·!Ai.), told oew HEW oecrettr7iElllot L. Richardson Tu~ay that "fu ijlnifi· cant respectl the new plan ii a worse blll -and I mot'< CO&tly bill wlllcb puMd the Houle." "In temu· of money," aald Lena, "tM reviled family asalltance plan'a coet to the federal IOffrnnient 11 a IUlqerlng f9.1 bUBoa -"°° million more than the admlnlstratlon's estimates of the cost of the blll as pasaed by the Home and more' than" biWon over tbe federal eo.t of tJae,uiltlnl s,ltem." Tbe .admlnlllratloo plu calls for a guaranteed aMUal Income of $1,800 for a family of four, plus food stamp, housing and nacHca1 care benefit•. · The ••.•payment ...,Id be arlldual!J ~ r.. workln1 l'tclplenu unlll eam-1111' ltacbecl ti.no a year. Loq oald the · rtVllod progra111 cull poymenll to ..,.. taq,000 Pl"'"11 in famlllM ,... the father II unemployed. Jn 21 other ltatll, be added, welfare recipients would let lHL Buides, tht 1en1tor aald, tht welfare propoeal.I leave too much diJcreUon to the HEW 1ecretary to aet policy, Loll( Aid, bowmr, be hopes and expects the senate to vote thb: year on weltare reform. Brea Man Killed In Vietnam Combat A -GI 1111 -killad In, Vlefnfm ciombel, the U.S. ~ Dej>orlmtnl ..........i 'l'Uwdl!' wftll pubUcallon of • Ult ,of U cuualUet, only two from ~ ,~ ·. lie WU Anny ~peel( Michael P. Vullo. -wife~ Hvt1 at QI Stquola ·A,.., _, to the 11111 nit-In ll'llilJnlton. PHNOM PENH (t1PI) -COmmualst troops cut Phom Ptnh's lifeline to the 1ea this morning and renewed ~It drive against an .army training center. The government got new help from South Vietnam tn the form of 1,000 0>ldtera . Mllltary 1poketmeo In Salp aid two task forces of south Vietnameae troops and latW puthed Into Cambodia east of Phnom Penh thlt momtni to clear Highway 1 between the two capitals and to wtpe out guerrilla 1tort1 in tbe Parrot'• Beak region. It brought to 17,500 the number of SaJgon trQOP1 in Cambodia. Cambodian units meanUme w er e reported battling to clear Phnom Penh's only road link to the Port at Kompong Som and were aald to have regained control of the training center at Romeas, nodhw .. t ol the cap!taf Ofllclal r<!>"'ll on the flghllng came from Cambodlu 1pokesmen as the na- tion's premier, Gen. Loa Nol, flew to Baqkok to ask the •• T!)ai &overnment Tighter Secrecy hnposed In U.S •. IIearings on Laos WA8111NGTON' (UPI). -The State Deplrtmtnt Tuesday I m po s e d un- ~ 1tandards of secrecy on the tetttmony of the U.S. Ambassador to Laol before I Senate Foreign RelaUoaa Suboommlttee. Chairman J. Wllliam Fulbrl<t (0. Ark.), ICCUled the .Nlmn .Admlnlllb'allon of attempting to undercut the com- mittee'• el!tctl-b7 bottllq up the wJtne11. ' Prior to pennltuna the 1ppearance of Ambassador G. McMurthrle Godley before the Subcommittee On Interna- tional Commitments, the State Depart- ment insisted on sole possession of the transcript ol the bearlOf.~ Commlllff members balked, finally decidlq that no trllllCrlpt would be made. Fulbrtlht taid the administration displayed 0 A determination to put us in our· place IO to speak." Godley'• tetUmony was a follow-up to hearlnp conducted by the sub- committee Jut year. A c e nsored tran1Crlpt of those hearings produced evidence that the U.S. Embass y in Vien- Uane, under Godley'• direction, had been turned into a virtual mHitary head- quarters, with Godley directing U.S. Air strikes again.It communist poSitlons in Laoo. Sen. Stuart F"·mington (D-Mo.), who heada the sut ·mlttee, told newsmen fol19wing Tuest., 1's session that "There hu been no change" 1\1 the situation since the earlier hearings, Heavy Rains on Gull Coast Hurricane Becky Demoted to Tropical Storm Rating " PUYllW ClflSSAWIATMlll MlMtfOllWT TO J:tOA .M. llT T ·J1·~ 11,,,li:--rf""cool ·•MT•••l ., ., ..... ntl. "'""'I> HtN -lllflt ~r. Llt!lt v11l1blt 'fl'll'ldt nlll'lt 1M1 lllOl'ftlnl tiovr1 *- 1111 ~I '9 -I I It tJ .,,.,. In •I~ fodl't' IM T~-,. ". ,_,.., n. . Cotlhll ~tu,.. flntl fNM " ,. 76. 111111111 !~NIM '""" Jl>tm ....... w ..... iemNNtwl ... WIONISDA'I" ~ Miii .......... lhMIJ.fl'I, S,I .hcflllil llW .. .. .. .. .. .. I t• Jl,f!'I. I.I THUltlDA'I" tllrtt "'"' .............. t:to1.111, t.t • ,,., low .............. 7:Mtl"'o 4,1 1«111111 llw ........... , l ;llJ,m, I.I S1111 .... S:P t.111. let, t ill 1.m. ~ ...... tt1 ... un. ... •1M1~ • *''" \. .,,. tl.S. S11111111•rv HMYY r•l111 drfiKl'ltd • wklt 1r11 from Tt11•1 .. ""-C1r0Ut111 IOd•'f II "-kel tlorm I to.It •m..t to\f!1r• h <Kilt (Ollf 'llill I N hl f!'Olll f,_Pf Ill from t1lt Mrfll, 'TM w .. 111tr l11t•t.t 1ttr lbuMc1 thl ~r1 .. 1 etrnblntllM of tM t._. ft~ ..... -!tit -Mfl'I 1.ClfWI l"Oltlc1I tltorm 11111 I <Ml 1lr mtt1 ltllll hid f!'WHd lttnll>tflht••• to record Jt.tl., lowt If! l'flt mld<:tr1t!nt11I, T-lncll r1lnt WKt CWllMOtl lfl NC• ti-. tf Tat .. MIMlullllll 11111 1111 C1rollt111. I Kkr llt<lmt 1111 .,.111lrtd fllrl~t ""-tlltlll 11111 ••• .......,,..nd ...... 1 llurrktne .. 1 ""'"'' norm "''' llfll'. Tiit 11trm'a 111 .... tllltlf etr11tr W .. 14*11 # Ml .. -Ill .. r11111T11 • Al!Chol'- At11nl• S.kwsfltl• l llllllrdl: &olit 80&!1111 Clllc"o CllKINY!I' CltYt lllld Deo\Yt r 0.troll !:u••-• Forl Wortll ""'"' Ht ltllt HOU1I011 Ktl\IQ Clf'f L11v..,.. \.osAn11ln Mltm! IJICll MU••~tt MIPlt\llPOlll Nt'W Orl11n1 New Yori!; Olkllt\d °"""' Pt M Aoblt1 r nn•••hlhl• ·-· Pl"~t111 Por!l•tld lltd '"'" ·-kc•-• $1, Lt11,1l1 ~II L•kt Cll'I Stl'> Ditto S1n FrtntllCO St"!I l fl"befl Sea Ult ....... l tlt<""'•• W111'1llll!M • 5, •7 n " '" n .. " . " u " ... " " " .. n " " " .. " " " 111 1(1 ... . ~ .... lot II .. .. 15 77 " .. ... •• 71 12 '' .. " " .. " " 71 6$ " n 11 st " . " .. .. " " .. n " .... " .. Jt St " .. .. " . .. ., .. ..... 10< mllltary Ullllance qUet wlllt i. GuerrWI "-lllocl:ed a ,...mMllt roule over wblch oil ao,d olher vjlal · termed "berbuvu .,.,...m" bf Iba • prrllon .., tho ~II' al In KbloQ&, supplies can reach Pboom Penh fr<ln COmmunlllo. 44 m11el aboft Iba cut.If Ira lll(lnray Ibo ..., ~ wltll renewed llP!Jac j Gen. WllUam C. w--, Iba c to ll1rl.-. Iba -lala ,,_ neap. at the mny training center at' Romeas, U.S. &1'1111 dlllf ,i llall,......,,. ,_ -llf-fO,., tol "-alllr' lilt co mlle1 northweot of Ibo capital. ' day to WllbltJcllln fnMn a lllr of 111711 ol °""'"'-_ .... 11111 WMk. Viet C.., and Norih Vie-unlit ~ Soulheut Aala and ulll Cambodia Cllllld ,,,. ~ --llld -· · r~111 attactod the ~ 'l'ueadJy and ~ survive wltll moral and material -1 r111a -bod -.. up tine Ibo defenders were reported to have fl'lllll Ila alllll. llrklaol aloac Iba ntr.m cut.If road held them oil. The governmeol con» l!IPway 4, llDI< wllb Clmbodla'a'·..., to ....----. munJque this morning ald Cambodian deepwater port. ~ Som, wu·cut U--nodnc Sn Khlooc. . troops qala had "r«otabiished control" befon da.., mllitary ~ utd. Tbe cullloi of HJcbwll' C, Ibo Only to the tales! attack. ' Deat~_ Cawe S~cret in Kidnap Case •••ol1ed handbag• 503 off and more VALUES TO $Z1.• 0 0 0 LADIES' FURTHER REDUCTIONS STARTING WEDNESDAY, JIR.Y 22nd We're continuing our sale and cutting prices even more ••• to a fraction 'Of what these famo us brand shoes should sell for .•• you )uat can 't afford to miss it! casual shoes .. ' s2 .. s3 .. s4 VALUES FROM $9.91 TO $14.99 LADIES' dress shoes s4 .. ss .. se VALUES FROM $13.98 TO $32.H men's shoes s4 .. se .se ••• VALUH FROM 914.lt TO Na.It M1n'1 sale shoes at all slores except 190 s: la Brea lot Angeles OPEN DAILY 9:30 TO 9:00-SUNDAY 10 TO !5 ORANGE 464 S. MAIN ST. COSTA MESA 333 E. 17th ST. e NO. HOUTWOOD e SHllMAN OAKS e CANOGA PAIK e LANCASTlt e LOS ANelLIS e llVltLY HILU e CllNSHAW e WUTCHUTlt e SANTA MONICA e YINlCI e YINTUU. e WHm11t I •• " .. ' .. " ,. I I \. Tornado Hits, One ·uome·.Ruined .. fANACU., Jl'1a. (AP) 7 A tornado 'P"wned bl' tropical •torm Becky chimed """"" on Levy Bay tloday lod destroyed one borne amt dainaged at least fivo other• before winding down in a pine fotest a mile and a half Ut- land: The 21-year-old frame cot· tage owned by L. E. Maxwell, an Albany, Ga., machine shop owner', was lifted !tom Us foundation and shoved 75 feet inland before crashing to a •stop against a pine tree. "l\lrawed eYtl')' bit ot wind out ol my boost wheD' It c~ by," said Wakulla County deputy llberlll John Metoail, who lives nearby. A new boose being built 100 yards to the .,uth was p.un· meled by a large pine ~ w\lkb WM uprooted and sent crashing Into the :side of the structure, Metcalf aaid h1s home lost. a few shlngles al did several Oothen in the lowlylng area sootheast of the cent.er of Panacea. boipw iD I.be I.rt&. WU lat• t~ by flying debm. "ft was a waterspout to ~ with.'' said W. ~· Red- ford, who said he saw tt through the 6 a.m. darknesi from his ~me 400 yards tO the north. "It picked up and became a tornado and I heard it when it hit.." Mn. C. A. Cohrin said she was "sitUng on a couch OOlding hands with my hus- band and shaking" when the Maxwell home. '""' demoliabftl .b t t • 8 ' • rebu1lt 11Ut y/J at a ooSt ol $3,0llO, sUs on land only two feet. above the saw lined, Levy Bay, a productiv '. rtl.ulJtt preservi;, Jor com· mercial f1.1b!!rmen . The window .curt:aiN ff9m.; the _kJtchen bung ia ~ 200 feet away . A bedroom: closet. opened onto the· pave- men t ol Levy Bay road, with a pair ot trousers still hanging Intact. WaU Insulation fiber was scattered like confetti through Lhe trees Inland. No injuries were reported. MaxweU and bis family, who use the cottage on weekends, were at Albany at the t.imf. The porch of 1 home across the street from the a.1axwell hOuse was unroofed and screening ln a ha1! dozen The demolished cottage , "It 90Unded like 'boom! - ju!l like a freight train," sbe said. The tornado twisted the tops of! ol pines ia a 200-foot swath cut before crossing Highway M and dissipating a short :\J distance farther on. 11 Ul"IT ......... SURF BOARD SHOP OWNER BATTENS DOWN HATCHES John Harper R••dy for Becky -But Storm Dying Down Youths Die; Main\i~ng Policeman Places I • Collins Near Victi1n \ Party Told PlTISBURGH (UPI) - Two youths were killed and tine other• hoopttalized today by .. an apparenl OYerdose o! drugs v.'bich they "mainlined" into their veins at a party, police said. ANN ARBOR, P.lich. (UPI) curly and the sideburn s -A university policeman shorter?" Looisell a~ed. his placed John Nonnan Collins voice risin&. near his alleged victim the "No, 1 don't believe 1 did, day she disappeared but con-sir," MattbeWU!. said. tradi(.'(ed a ~ he filed Louistll .. snatched a paper about Collins' description. . from the podium and brought Police said one ol the youths was found dead in a n automobile and another was pronounced dead on a1Tival at a hospltal wtw!re he was taken by friends who were unable to revive him. ' Larry ~1 a t t h e w s 0 n , a il to Matthewson, who klen- policeman at E a s t e r n Ufied it as a report he had ~1ichigan University, where filed. Th& report quoted Mrs. Collin& was a senibr, Tue9day Goshe as saying that Collins, became the first person to as shown in the photograph, testify he :saw Collins -riding "could possibly be the same a •'very shipy motorcycle1• _ man on the motorcycle U the near down{own Ypsilanti at ha•r· was. curly ,and the . the time Karen Sue Beineman sideburm ~ter.''. The two victims, both 18, were identified as Garry Reis and Joseph Vertullo of Mt. Washington, a middle income' oecuon al Pittsburgh. was walking to a nearby wig ~B , shop. . • • , N As the trial moved into its ' · fltalD ' -OW third day today, Washtenaw · · Listed in critical condiUon at Mercy Hospital here was Keith Sherloci., 20. Police said he had not regained COi). iclousness. Also bospitaJized were John Dixon, 20, and Cathy AUl!l!l(lne, u . Coonty Prosecutor William F ,, F fui'g Delhey was expected to ~ : ee dUCi! other witnesses wbo.'Say .-~".!· they saw Collins in the ma. S ik p • ch Collins, 23, is chara<>d with tr e ID Police said all of the x.outhJ Wl(e believed to h a v e .. mainlined" a drug known as Dilaudid into their veins. 1 fint-<iegree murder in the torture-sex a.laying al Miss Beine-., t b.e 1a.yeu<>ld EMU freshman from Grand Rapids~ Mich., whole txMiy was found July 21, 1'69. ~ was the seventh and last young woman slain under Officers said the tragedy un-similar circumstances within folded at 8 a.m. today when two years around Ann Arbor Ms was found dead in the i nd tieighboring Ypsil8nU. No frOOt 9e!it of a parked. one has been charged ·in · the automobile. He was observed other deaths. slurt)Ped in a car by a Mat~wson, who said lM! p11~rby. knew Collins casually, told the About three hours later jury of seven women and friends of Vertullo brought seven men he passed Collin! him to Southside Hospital, on Lowelt Street aboUt 12 : 30 reporting that they we~ p.m., July 23, 1969. "He stop- unable to awaken hlm. ped and a girl with long brown The office of Allegheny hair came acrou the street County Coroner Cyril Wecht and talked to him," Mat. said the friend5 reported they thewson said. been using drugs at a Under cross-examinatloo by de apart111ent and that Chief Defense Attorney Joseph )o had passed out. Louisell, MaUhew900 said he The friends took the youth did not actually see the girl by, tar to a near~ park hop--Unda Campbell -talk ing the fresh air would revive to CoJlins. "I assumed they Nm. When that felled he was were going to talk," he said. brought to the hospital, the While the handsome, dark- coroner's office said. haired Collins alternately look· ! ' ed intently at him and Farmer Reports Loulsen, Matlllewson said he h~ shown a photogr8')h of S k M. . Collins tq Mrs. Diane Goshe, . toe 1ss1ng owifer of the wig shop. . . MILAN, Tenn. (AP)-Some- one has rustled 75 head oI L. D. Holt'1:1lock. . .. Holt Rid he. checked an; iJolated area of his farm reoenUy and discovered some- oaft had run off with all the catfish he stocked ln a pond two years ago. Mrs. Goshe , a key pro- secution witness, has iden- tified Collins as the driver oI the motorcfcle the >foot. tall gir.l hQJllled onta wtten she lel( the wig shop. "Is thal the photograph that ~1n. Goshe said could possibly be the same man on the motorcycle U the haJr was • LONDOll (UPI) ~ Food {II' ices• d1mbed steeply in Brl· ta.in today wfth the dock strike· entering its seoonct week. Orange, bananaa and imported apples began disappearing from grocery shelves and newspapers · started cutUng down on the number of pages. Wjtb these · and other slim ol shortages grov.·ing, t~ was still no solution in sight .for lhe strike that began,~ We4 nesday whed rtock workers walked out in a de-. rnand for higher pay. shutting ~own lht nation's Seaporls for the first time in ~4 years. A g o v ernment-ap~ted court' of Inquiry, which heard preliminary statements Tues- d9y by representatives ot 47 ,000 striking Longshoremen and port employes, w a s meetln& both sides privately today. Union leaders said they are ready for a showdown if the employers want ii. The employers said union dem11nds would increase their wage payments 50 percent or more and mean "very 1erious con- sequences" {or the economy. The biggeat worry or the government and the . p).lblic . w~ the steadily .ctimblng food price1 as stocks dwlnPted. In addition to the shortages of import~ fruits and newsprint, Uae meat supply was ~fleeted. In London's Smithfield Cen- tral Meat Market, whoJrsale beef and lamb prices lllO\'ed steadily upwards. Dealers 18id the higher price.!! would affect the housewives' pocketbooks by the end of the week. Calm Shattered Blast Rips . Kanas U <;onfrontation Aren t;AWRENCE, Kan. (AP) -The incident marred a "let's The confrontaUon marked the fourth straight night . Jn . GOOD/YEAR INTRODU . regularly *23.50::. [,J&.1' Tubol~ __ _ Bl•ckwa./I Pkis'~ · , Feel. Ex. lax. No trade" -'• ... RY ElS.14 $2150 t.11 $26.85 •• • • New from Bead to Bead • 78 1erie1 • Low profile • 7 rib tread pattern • Range or 1lza • Looks great! Low profile for stabilitf, new 7 rib tread pattern fo r mileage and traction. High priced look in shoulder and sidewall styling. Available in black.wall and extra narrow whitewall de1lgn. •IM UM CllCl l'lllUll ._... .. • ......... .._,. ._.. lw ~ tirtl. ... ..., ""' wt .. -.... Hrilll ......... "" .. wlll N !Ni"" to ordtr your 11.n tl"I .i: ltM H.,.rtl.,.. ,.io. ... -. ,. a rM cl>lcl tw hllwe ••llwtl}' of tM -ctlMlll,._ YOU SAVE *675 ' Nylon Cord Tim ' ,. for PANELS, PICK·UPS,.VANS .~nd CAMPERS. ' FlS.14 $24.90 $22.41 $28.25 G7S.14 $27.30 $24.17 IJ0.65 H/S.14 $29.90 $21.11 $33.2S J/S.14 13190 $30.lt 137.25 560-15 $22.00 $ti.ID $25.35 FJS.15 $24.90 Ut $28.25 . ' , .. • 15 1\llle """' '""'"'-tl.D r-.LL Tu WAS •3970 Liberal Bu~get Terme- Low Monthly Payments o ·r UeeYQur r--==-~== r.=============- '·"·"-'"''" """'"11.•1• h. -*2595 ---··· ' ' • ' ' A l>rief calm In this univers.ily cool It" under star\ qi n g ..w.. f t nr· between Kanau H t I ~ w ay '"' -S<"ene 0 "° gu"" Pa.trol -Supt. W"illlam.Albutt ; deaths in less than 8 week George Kimball, leader of a -was shaUered early today group living at the edge of bJ-an eiplosion near an area the University of Kan.sas ~ where there have bee n pus who refer to themaelve1 re.pealed confrontations as "the street people," a~ betyeen police and a croup oa nu.mber of campus minilten, ol youths. Tuesday ni&hl that poUoe which some studenls from tjle . • ....... ,._ ,, == university, some for mer , ,.,,,.,,.ltit#.,,tM#fl,,,_.,Jl,MI •TheM&,a111lwDoNot"'"'9 ... CNlltc.rds. l ;~;:.?iS~: ...... ~~.'?~~~~!!::!!!~ .. '?~~!.':4!~¥~~.~~.!~~~~~~!·.r.1.'!!! .... :!i The blut tnoc.ted a two-loot would stay out of lbe area hole in a wall of the Credit U alt remained quiet. · lureau buildl111 and ahaltered T!ie are• at tho nonh •d&• windows in residences more of the campus wu the scene than 100 yards away. 11iere of a confrontation Monday were no injuries. ni&'ht in wlllch Harry Nicholas Robert Wolfe of the Kansas Rfce, 18, was struck and killed· llre manhal'• o!Hoe uld, by a bullet while l'llMb1I with "We've found fragments of a group of the '11treet people" a IOIP detergent box. We feel from police. certain tt wu packed with There was no official In- block l"'wder though the stuff dlcatlon where the ll\OI """" wm be analyzed." !tom. 1 ' l"'liCO and firemen by oetlloa . , ::::,~~~ c·reatia'• 111 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • ~ • • • • • • • • • ••a 'J ~ • • • • • 8 9· .i • • • !' • ... f'll l ~u£~~~: YO.UNG & LANE TIRE :-.co. :·INC. ~i NOIJ'O, last Thul"lday nilht 1n • " •' t11o black community. Police • ' ' COSTA MESA µGUN+ IEACH ~.:-:.~ = ~ • U96 NIWl'ORT, ILVD. e Phone 541·9313 412 OCEAN AV&,, e Phone 494-6666 :: :t':pp..j filim • car with a • • J 1118: ~~0ock1na made : ALSO THEODORE ROBINS FORD-2060 Harbor Blvd., ·Costa Mesa ~2-0010 •. :r:r~~~' to the trou'b~ ti'•.• ~ • • -• " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 • • • .. • • • • • 8 • • • •• • •• • • • ii •· e' • • • •; I • • r--=-------------------~-.....--....-..----·· " ~ ' I I DAD.Y PILOT EDITOB.lil PAGE l • " ... • Fact-fi~diq.g Needed " Tiie Llpna lleecll City COUncU acted wlaely in nlllorlzlDc a tlloroqjl lnv..Uptlon of the Fourth of Jal7 b:9eal tllal erupted on Woodllllld Drive. wblch have heml drafted, tben -rly fori9Uen for .as Jong u five years. . . "' "' "'· F'ortuDatelJ there were no aerlolll injuries in the IDellle lavolvlq some 200 Caayon dwellers and police fl'Cllll MYeral agencies. But the unlortuna14.alf&lr bas ~ anger, fear, bitterness lllld a bumper crop d cMrpo lllld counle<'-charJeo. Tbe dly hardly needs another lesson on the value of adequate fire protection. The Jes.on eslsts -the city's clubhouse which now • II • cha~ monument awaltlnc the wrecker'• bar. These days, much time, effort aild money are btlnf •pent on rebuilding that blstol1c clubhou1e. -~ fll. ~ ~. '1111re'1 never bee mlicb love !oat between the Woodland residents lllld pOllce who fl'equent the area in -of narcotics 'llk>lators, bul tho relationship baa bee kepi on a more or Jess tolerant, or at least non- violent level. The committee, made up of Mayor Richard Gold· ' ber1, Vice Mayor Charlton Boyd and City Manager James Wheaton, with Police Chief Kenneth Huck and City Attorney Jack Rimel as advisers, has an impor· tent and obviously sensitive tesk. 1be Important thing now a to give everyone lnvolv· ocl a chonce to be beard, not just to dear the air, but if 'PoUible to diJcover jusl what sparked the riot, what kept It going for so Jong, and what can be done to pre- vll!I a repetitioo. A careful inquiry in tblJ cue can conlribute greatly to future communil)' harmony. San Clemente's Fire Needs San Clemente's counctlmeft ma I IOWld 4ecllil>a ia -days wh• they voted tO -more than '4·200 ~ a drained budget for badly·aoeded firellJht-1111 eq1npment. It Is unfortunate that some of that commitment could not be clwmeled toward the men who trled to 1ave it in the f111t place. Planning a Police Force Controverty over the beat method of policing San Juan Cspistrano seem. lo be bogging down in lnd&- cision. Public opinion and the views of the City Council are 1harply spill. 'nle city now Is served under a contract agreement wi~ the Orange County Sberifrs Department, which has a lot of territory to cover. Those who favor the for- mation of a city police dep,a-eilt believe it wouJcl pro- vide more elficient. prompt aervice. Argument.I agaimt a city force center on the coil of setting up and maintaining such an agency . · But even those who oppose the idea at this time air~ that continued city growth probably will make •uch a move necessary within the nest three ~· With this in JPind, llld pointing O!ll that a' poHce force cannot be formed ovemigbt, councilman Jim Thorpe bas suggested that funds be budgeted so that plana for ... a future city department can be made, start- It a unfortunate !bet It required • near confronla· lion between the counctJ lllld ljDlr!lng volunteers to l>rln& beck the relatlvely,unall .am. Despite the restoration the COUDctl still faces the neocl to move decisively to upgrade the city's uisfinJ filelllbt1n1 capability. Wliat is needed soon is city actioo on stacks of sug· ceeti-for a full.time fire depa-ent-documents int now. ' , 'lbil·appears to be a wise ·~:on. It might ailo be helpful to Invite area poUce to visit the 'city and give their advice on probable COii.i and preliminary action that could be !Hen to prepare for the otep wllell Jt becomes necesaary. t-· 4 , -s E~aggeNted l'kion ot tlte Ft1tt1re"I I f . • . Vacation: Do I • I ) O.:ange Co~nty's Politics i'l~hings Never Don~-8ef ore ~ COUnty, California, fa; as ~ .. birry pie and bi1-Jeacue butjtsl and D~rlfnd and the u.s. ~ Carpi, all of which ii ~ns. In 1P'9'ecnlar manifestations: Knott'• BllTJ Fll'Dl, the California Ancels, the Marine air base at El Toro, and of coune IJUncyland, the one and only. 0nop Couol!I, ...th of Los Aogeles, al,o ia a home of ultrapolitical con- vervaUIJD. It confirmed that again when the .... ,.. ol tile J5tb DlaUict, made up larply " • part " Or-County -• piece " ........ Oaomly tbro!vn In, -• --"tile Jolm Blrdl Sod<ly, Slate Sen. Jolin SdlJnitl, tO the U.S. HOOse " RepramlaUv0. - to tile ""1"'ite " ...... NOil II ORANGE ,COUNTY 'S --ordinacy, rw><IAhtinill -· Tho p.milollOI' " Ill prin-cipol -bu said "there ilo't My IUdl .., u • just or fair tu!' For ...,.,. two decades, umil be died, it kept -DC. to eoncre. a msn who lelt tbal the clopJders hi Wubington were dapraved u ftlI 11 dangerous: "1be fedlnl IOVa"nment is lite the child ..-.r who olfers <aot/Y before hi• evil act." Schmitz, the man who ... jult eleded, allo bu • suspici<>Us eye. He once said: "Arnerialnkm is not tnlllillc YoUf .leaden.• Why lhould Orange County be what ft ii poOOCslly! It lo not llollted, cut off from the mainstream. of American aclivlty. Ill toorist .u..ctm. whicb draw millioar, lh not Hmlted to Knott'a and Disln!and. They r--Proli. dent Nkcio'a IUIJUDer White HCK.M .C Sao c-to San Juali Capltlnno Milolon to whidl the IWsffowS feWm and LallUJIA ne.th. --ln-cludiJll tI-' " the movie varlely, have beealmowntallourllb. lcao detcent and tbe -black. Or-c.unty, in llhort. is r- ' )Ike I n>I~ aibarb -.... -. similar ta fbou8I! v~y ll'Olter than the "*""1>t !bat bave .,_ fonnlnc around dties -the counlry. II ii .-up"---~ <enter on their homet and their jflls, ptaple · . , . who tike what they have, worry about A(e YIN -wltll 11J1111ne vac;1thw? paYinc for it, and a.re hottlle to snythiJt( Doe\ Y'"' l't -· ·ol -•tinl' ~I they think might change 11. day in a bot rowboat try"-, to catch THE QUESTION we ask ou.rselvea, a wary wa!Hyed pike or tr.rt,. aM the only reuon for eoinl !mo all this, thnt &tflin1 all nljht ·1n ja" reaort 11 whether, u Newsweek once suggested, hotel'• 1P1..;..1 L4-•1 ,...,_ " "Or-County lllllY just pouiblf be ·-coca-........ e in hopo11 of NOii II ITI POPIJL,\'IJON' of!! and tha ~ d ... -future." Or, ..... u ,umrary &fusy-tyod -~-- staid 1114 •-·nt, the,_...._"" Ultle. asa"""-ln-nmrbda·--·~~"'In•,;_,._ ,,g , at --..-... -,. ,_.. -..,,. . y..,•,.·.;;.u;rr;.o.a: um.. ;i:411m;!,,~ ..:'.ru ~=-.=: : .. ~i:, •ti_"·~"":"".!': DI tilflhl _,'well be ~k bl · lilt It. Ital popuialioa Wat baftly 700 ... , ,_..-behavior la" ~y Is .on;:.~ u:..i-the •ff '1:· I ~ percent mcrease over IM, It ' cmnlnl lo be I pervitslve )IOlltlcaJ -' wtll' ~·--·· aut" ~· .;v~ ,,,_.t ls utimated that more than 1.S mJltlon in mMJ .nirban li'ea1. ••1berf: Wiid ... .....,.. J-• ut. •'"• •• VICl1J0n n6w liYe .In the -y. Nor are they to be -lo praniaios lo maa lhlnis • f;;'.~ doing 1hlngs 100l've never ;>no -IOd Bl-educoled. To 1 great estent hawen, a prominent New Yorli politidn ~j.fa -· W D the cftoice Is · · Ulw are families ol skilled craftsmen observed not Jeng 110. 'NoW there are Pi.. au~ e • '-"' endleu . and t.ec:bniciw, and tllelr income is votes in promising W ~ things from .' you nu .. -i above bodt the national a!')d state • happenin&.' " • o0vHT Tim GOOSE bum . ~. average. They are homeowners. The 'Ille nation's suburbl are becominc frlghteqld nrt hot i-°'J 1 county hu mile after mile of housing an Increasingly powerful political force , CrOll-breect crabirus with fdbr:.Je f developments, dotted with s~ng perllaps more powerful thin either of clovers 80 that when a patch fl. ~ ce~lert and a score1 or more of c1hes: the old antagonists! the cities and the 1Jl'O'tt• in your lawn you'll feel downri ht ~il.ich .i-have names but rarely have rural area&. If it 11 true th@t Orance • luttJ, 1 peraonalitle.s. The people come from the County is in any way a vision -atbett ~ down the IUY who opens cans Midwest, the South, and Southwest -an exaggerated vision -of the future, of .,..,.. iDlteld of catni them and a gre~t many. come from Los what w~ no~ think f>! M dangerous Ofaulle a marathon flqpo~iUin Angeles, fleeing the city. They are nearly polarizahon will seem 1n retrospect to jXlfltest for politlcl1111 who've bored ye! all white "Milos," about 13 percent, have been brotherly comrade.ship. by their fence-silting tactics. with some S percent Americana ol Mu--IAl.la\'Ule Till• Take Dun Martin io a marshmallow toasun, orgy. The Vietnam Tiger Cages Give Milton Berle a new old chestnut to tell. Send your boss a bo:r of a dozen uaorted molehills and see how many mountains he can make of them . WASfllNGTON -The latest ahocl<er from Soutli Vjetnlm, confinement of p:MUcal prisoner• In crowded ''tiger cqes," hu now been lamented at length lty war crttiCI who see it 11 new, sub- bwn.m eyfdence ol the Inhumanity ol ..-Soutll Vletnamea ally. Now that thoee recrimination& have predlctably been utleed, It Is time to "'1 -V«f different thinp. Without In any way -., the -Of the •Ales (or the acqut......, of U.S. of· lldals), the mailer lbould be put in a Vietnamese cont.erL • It s!JCMJld be undentood, In the first place, that animal-like cages and wo-like endelura have been used on both sides In the preteni Indochina w1r and before IL Tho jmumanity ii not new or Jocallad la Ille 8outb. '!be Vl<t Coq and North Vletname.. are llmwn to COl'flne U.S. prfloneri , of war In a IOrt cf' bamboo "menluty cap." fteee are Jatli<.'ed atructum a little more than five feet lone, about l tl!ree feet wide, with heedroom of pemll()I four feet. AS IN THE ,,GER cages, prlsonm are unable lo stand in the lmlll bamboo cages. As ln the tifer capa:, the priaonen are U1Ually locked in leg..lronl at night, and only a thin thatched roof otm-, protection from the weather. Moreover, these bamboo caces are not punilhment cella, uaed for unruly priaonen or to confme recalcitrants for short periods. 'Ibey are a way of POW life and believed to be such for many of ~e l.SOO Americana held by the Viet Coq and NGr11t Vietnam.,., 1be Communitts are also reported tG conftne l'OWI in unprotected Ope'n . pit s -beet pits -where prisoners are forced to Jive on short rations In their own excrement just as in the liger caees. on.ere 111 in short 1 no justUicallon for the recent expreasian1 of outrage frurn Ute Communilt side of the Paris pMcetalb. ON 'NI OTHER hand, I.he South Viet. ftlnMH: UH a sort of barbed wire "fox run" for disciplinary purpoee1 in tome of their POW compound• -and ap- parently with semi-official International 11ncUon. Newsmen who vtsited South Viet- namese campi In April, with Tuu DMlltlmfDionalra -Porul, questfooed llllhorlUes claeely about 1 barbed wire enclooure In one of the compounds at the prlton camp on Phu ~oc. Thot illand, like Con Son, is ott the southern cotlt of Vietnam. It 11 the site ol the laraea:t South Vietnalllelle POW camp. The enclooure ...,, there It about eight feet lone. four Ifft wide, •nd four !Ml b"'1-II is aau..J, """*l and n>Ofed with woven barbed wire so that a prisoner can do little but lie or crouch in ii, unsheltered from the weather. SOUTH VIETNAMESE authorities 1aid the small fOJ run was used to discipline troubl...Uers in the POW compound. It was clean and empty at the time of the weJJ.publiclied Perot visitation. Authorities reported that official8 of the lntemaUonal Red Cross had first · questioned the use of the barbed WU. enclosure. However, 'lbe Red Cr'OIS in- spectors, who monitored the South Viet~ namese camps, made no formal protest, camp authoriUes said, when they found that similar dlaclplinary facilities had been in general use in military pri&0ns in Tndochina dating back to the days ot French occupation. All of th• enclosures are o{fenslve . by our atlndardl, even t.houg'h conditions in many priaons here in the United. States haw come und• sharp criticism. tt is Important to understand, however, that our standards are not always uaerul in making judgments about Vietnam. By Robtt1 S. AO.. Ind Job A. Golda•la Dear Gloomv • Gus: Ev«fbody aquawlcl about tho far right Birchen, but how many banks have they burned down lately! -H. J, B. "'" tMfllio. ,...... ,.....,. ....... --.wt ................... .... .................. , ....... ..... I BUILD A LOVE nest in that unUJed comer of your attic. B<now a new trouble llld return an old one. Seo if yoo can find 1 bank !hit wm let you open a aavtnp accomat ,,:tlhout having to lua home an electric toUter or piece al luaap. · Ma~e I collectloo of priJe bo• Iopa whieh yoo can\ mall lo the manulllClurfr and l't anythlq back. · ~ I lelevflioa c:ommarc)ll ,that will 1"""'1a1ica117 toW..iestruct -after h hits been rhown once. Train I couple " gartannake1 to keep your IOCks up. CONSTRucr A private w111h for government employu who are weary of •Ming out " the public lloutlh. No one yet bu ~ up a sure fire way to ceok spqbeltl -ml•. Can you? Bake 10me free alltanf pies for llaletmen who llY It is. aplnll their prtndples lo throw mud. Invent a wrap-1rotmd s 1 e e v e 1 e a 1 necktie wfcle ~ lo be used also ., 1 drelltng 1own. , 11 there any laind In the world where the naUvoi ~iii -! How about ...., there and building • ntl home far U-who want ta l'I 1w11 from It aJL PUT A BEAN UP a teen-ager'• nose. Search the Z008 for an eleptuint wi~ '° much self-control he can atop after eat.Ina: only one peanut Launch I Cllllpalgn• lo mfnlmlre the mallisldrt and maa!mile the miniskirt. Gel American I-Uibol to alp a ..., peace pact under which lhey'U .,,.. to quit sending up -. sisnala. Arter all, If we are ever io lick lht tnbllm of lir pollutioe, '"'"" IOI lo make a Jlrm start 110111ewhere. Yes, why lhould anyone be bottd on hiJ VICIU\Jn I J 1111 look l!"Undt'~ TJiere are 1 mllllon wor1hwhllo 1 ·ju& waiting r.r )'OU lo do lbem. Ii ,. • ' .. rr: " Sir Ro.nald Faces . The Rat Pack • -Wen, ichlllfren, ai you remember, Sir Rooald of Holy llood ·and hia lalthful aquiro, Sancho ~necl<e, had plunged deep into T!>e T~ Thicke! in quut ~ • tbat frum.IDOUl':-,c:r.eature. w)lo .dw(lt someWhere in Uw:.imurky· gloom -The ' . Dr.ead Unruh. ' ,. . . ; • "Hi, thei'e, ·Ronnie, baby," said 11M Voice, tighting another cigarette w1thout much interest. "What gives, dad !" "I go tOrui to do battle with The Dread UnruH. WUt thou 1upPQrt me in my fight for Decency, for Purity and for Just Plain Goodness!" "Not exactly my bq, dad. I figure lo opt f0< 'l1te Ull\"Uh. I'll• always tioen th< die of his party: llOtt.t' thiJlt d my fans. Any reason I ahoufdn't!" Sir Ronald was keeping in fighting ·· lrim by ' hackillJ away with hil fun· o<1 Swingln1 s~ at a nearly~ WeUll't . e.udge~, whtn sudclenly Ile paused. "Hark, -cho," he a.id, "w)'if.t melodious sound Its that?" 1 1 "None," said Sir Ronald gulleleuly. ·.., . "If you ,imire I cr11t\ll"e tart only 47 and doesn't approve Of dyed hail." ThrotJ&b the thicket Clµle a .19Jden Voice. "When I ._ ~." '•Ill Ttie Voice In the most beautiful ·Of 1ooes, "It Wlll I Vt!ry toOd y•r •. , !' ' r ., . THE BAANCHl!'.f partod and out s(<p. pod The Voice, itself.'-" thin dark-Ila ired, nervoua-kloklng creet\P.'~.with, a ciJ:a~ette dangling , from ita liiJSt "Beware, Sire!" whispered Sancho in · I state of great aJann. "'Tia thal moat evil of beutl, ~ iVoicc. He ia the le!!cler ol the slnfUI Rat Pack and the boon companion of all your most ,dire enemiea, includinl the Mafia -both Irish and ·Italian." · "He flgPta, then for The Dread Unruh?" asked Sir Ronald. "Verily, he mu&t, Sire," repl~ Sancl)o firmly. "For be has supported the causea o( wickedness for, )o,·thue three dtclll!Ms pasl and more." ' AT TIUS, A thoughtful 'expression cro&led Sir Ronald 's l)oble miert. He sheathed his s,in&ini &wprd and, ffashinc hls fimed GriMinl Grin, a~ proached The Volcle. "Greetitlas. fair kni&ht,',. 1he said. ''peace be with you." · "11 that JO!" said The Voice frownin1- "NEVER TRUl!T -...-. IO, I, aay. Particularly if he comes not from Holy ·-· Ab, u-ilUrtoplrs who filsh to take OYer our beloved Golden State." '"liere's that, too," ronceded The Voice. "But look, dad, I beeh loyal to my farui for 30 years. And they'd never dig me coming out for you. There'• nothing we got in common." . "Alter XI years, that's exacUy what we've got in common,'' said Sir Ronald with a smile. "fow fans ." "Okay, dad, you win, I'm your boy," 1aid Tbe Voice with a sigh. "But couW you cool that decency stuff a little? It ~urdles my Scotch." AT THIS A roar of outra11 reverberated through The: Thicket. " 'Tis The Unruh, Sire," cried Sancho glee(ully. "You're winnipg over The Voice har wounded him grievqw;ly.". "I have captured the Italian vote,,. thotited Sir Ronald into The Thicket. "Do you yield, Dread Unruh?" Aler a moment's pause, the cry cain• back: "Not while I still have Sammy Davia Jr." A 'lremherous Phrase ' . ,. ~ Tlloqltt1-1t. Lorae: One ..t tilt mOlt truchorous phrlBtS in the 1~ ot argumert ts "the-public" -hr there is in fact no such thing, only a oongeries or different publics, lottver ahiltina and. ntpina their - ltitu""IYI • . ~ fl I • • • . It's lilrlnp how'lht people wbo rqanl It 11· · If\ lnlrinlf"" ment ol peraonal . · llbeft.iea • if society should ·decide to I limit the number of chJklren we nii&bt ·• hive, don't at all COD1ider it a loa of freedom tbat we are permitted only '°"' hUJband or wife •at a time: but If the state bas the aciMwleged r!Pt to en- force monopm.y, w.,. not. the number " progeny? (And' please don't quote the Bible· at me, tn defen11e ' of "hlultlply· lni": ill ~!lie Old --t palrtarchl had ~ wiY81, but tbat. diClnlt ttop ecc~sl s~ flOm .-tuaUy bannlnC PllYllJOY·) ' ,fl ' • fl • ' I smokl~ 11 to avoid 1u b1tltuttnc sometrling.tor it,. ljke IQl,UiDfS•· ' fl • fl Why ii It called I "oolt" job Wh<n it's the hardest of all to cet.? • • ·• For a shrewd understandina o f feminine P'l'Chology, it'• hard ta !>'al J, B. Priestley's observation :'1'She was not pretty, but &be miPt have been bandaonte u JOmebody Nill kept tOulng ber that Jht WU p<elty," •---B1 Gee,..e --~ Dear G«<&e : I'm engaged to a oolumnlst on my local paper who writes a funny column. But e.verywhere I go peo- ~& keep •arnh11 me qainrt mar• eying a hwnoriat -ia it true that hllmorlstl are eaenlillly 11oom1, arouchy and Ukemper-d? . RUTH Dear llllth: 'ltlat's the most stupid Lhln1 1 ever -~ oil llumoristJ liav, aweet ditpQJIUons and payer kiae their ~! And don't yoo l<iraet IL . 'fl , I ' -··--.. .. .. ' ---· -~--· -·· ·-· ·-·-·-·.>·- ' ) Wedntldq, Jutt 22, 1•70 'I • • f .. ' .. ' DAllY PllOT t • ,------,'""' 'B•••aed lrrespmulble Government' C~EB,~~.;. ri~~oCrat Leader Rap~ lle•g~P Tax· Plan I . . , I '---;,;,;.--...;;;~--~ ~ (AP) -i.111o·mtlti liolr'a-, bo ...._..... . ' wltlt -.• aald BacJey, » .-...... lib budlll .,.: '~ .. IOJd Iha - I I '-Clor. Raopa'a ti llWloa lq -.. blelt lo bis dlltrlcl" li<ac .. '1 ... ~ _.. .... --the Democrats ·--splllll lbla ... · --al' -In h 150 D • · • ~ -.. -.i u :::...wm1·a -· aplnll 1be: delllidad, bow i •a r, by -·· propoga1 coota1nl K"ara." Bui bo aid he ,... ta 111111 • ID Ila budiel . esertions 9f!£!L:::!;:~~~.lb~,: !llZ)'Dewalblcked.lnbls Assemblyman WlWam: T. I f \ature !)robably an-optimi1Uc ltwouklp111. blttlt. Doi•a. ... i I l:rJtldsiu by Seaators Sltpheo Ba1~ (fl.Sall Anlelmo), "To -Hutkml" aa a gift of "I Juot, find \II bani to ·.,.1 -.,. ..W, "II I loll my I .... Gairl!tll111111,ofllle -. and.Morvyn Dy,..Uy -these bills 11 ,10 lli1I ~ llmds, tbe l70 realer ·-bow. -..... --talll aD,, _ , '· lllal to -r.. Illa _.... M!l1er and Geor&• Z.,.,OVlcb, "~ Senate Democrall Moocor>e Aid be ._.i ly -who .. up for •Ito--• ,._ aalla tu '. On Dock. et' · .. ~oda' y DmdlOO said ID• -""1 by Aootmblyman Jobn re!<>nn," oald Bagley. relld feature. bacl: Iii lib-. pu1lculal' art -..... ~ ""1 a "" ,,.,.. 11 -up -y who said th8 1overnor'1 tu who ..,.,... tu rt!orm are emogh Democratic ..,.-k.o lion, and~ to !holr ...,_ ln,onllrto ~ --. -.Id bl vlroYI polilkal shin J>i'Ol?&m would assure pursuing the art of polllics lo bloclt tbe plan In the Senato. ...is bilw llley volOd lloG -....... !or thla . · IUidde r.. him. a 113! million bud&el delicit in lemming-like la!hlon, will-Gov. Reagan aald he 111> apbiot lbil tu TtUtl r.. the ,...._, 111111,'C • nil tell , 111 WI. BOYD Ihm'• "° la..-!or Its Re-llld bli 'ilew• con-by 1m-n, '1l>ey said U was Ing to ID over the cllif but clenlood 1bat Ille oame i""'P bomeowner llld 1-them • ' tlMm to -1 ml -~ -~ -"-~-• odor, Seaweed II ,_. ud f-"'-'•• •• •""" It "lm-Uve" ~ Re~acplari ta"-the ~. lupoyer of 'Democratic .... ton who tlliL •• " of 1tJ1 Joll." I ~ "~ -·~ ~ blJ lo. l>r$l!lll, llUI bow lilltJI·· ~=·..;·~-=·...;:•·.:..-;;;;...::._...:::~=-=-=-=::.:-==;__--...:..'"_:..,....:...~..:.''-:..:..-----------------_;..'------, llJlfl <'11 farely lit la~ H'1 ....u 11ay1 na m\ale11, ; aald. • JN FLOlllDA, H a ~ ~ ... ~-~ : lady bJrts away allOdw -.. ~ ~ -ur : wom&a'• toDt, ahe can be ~ .bd ~'f· · lap, Ujlball· •and '-; P'O'«Uted omclor Iha law , • , iMtdlll, loO. i i•ON Tlllll VERY D~Y ... Clll'llJIWtSD'llZ-Q. -,.. ... !lpn -"liOlf -.. ..r.r 10 loot! ! .. -· will -!holr u -!".,. _ troopl . -· ., ·-tbi\ ·--the : IWll -lfan7 • wlft .... p b 111 pp'... • ..,. OW' 'tum lo cuWnr IMr -·· ~ -Ahoul 'IO )'WI 'hair of late.· U-ble. .... Ht -Ii come from , Bui abe II ran who llRa a ~ dllh eallad cldao 1 the chore. Jt'i Dot the elitttng • , • Q. "Doelll't lowa have a l 11'1 h cleuup job a1'. radio otatloa lrlib tbt call lel-j tonrarU. Tbot'1 ._, So ton '&OllN1" A. J:ORN la u a public Nnlce, this lo l!Gulh Dakota. Iowa has I "-""'11 r--* .tile a DOI, however. , .Q, "Glrll I andorlalre lllCb balniull al a wllo II' to a -.itonal i dllferlllt IPOt ellCb time on IC!bfd are more •Ill to 1et · her lawn. Not only will this married. ri(ht!" A:'Ntt ooly : procedure ellmlnale t h e the~ but they marry earl!• ) ~ OI ...ep.g up, but aod liave blgor families. ! It will keep, the moles IMll . "" AND 111111 ..:. AD men , of hlr yard. Mole1 cao'I stand ha~ a 11t11e <I Illa fem1NM '. !twnan hair cllpplngs, 'Ibey about them ud all . ......,. '\ -·~'~·· A'ir conditioners w:it.h COOL prices . ' &a' away· are 1 o m e w h a t mucUnne. --QCENI' RIBE lo IUlcldes 'l'hal'1 a widoly acctplecl no- llllOll( co!Ier• l>oYI la ffttly Uoa. Now the .-i ftCetll ·~.-~ It tuatit not hMll'Ci. cm dte 11a t t • r l>o ,.... lhll noo:ueu al ,.. .... ts lo_,.... "' ....... all t1ie mea who do awa7 won>an II Dal remtnine at wltb tbemlelvea are over cs qe 11, mM: mueullne at yurt al_ qe , . ,WR E II E age 21. Tiie a-man, 11'1 'ftlUNDDISWllMI an -clabned, la, -....cullne tnquent. the lfOU 11 -re.-at ap If, but -..,,ard Ult. No WaterY why, Ll&hl-leW m«• fdine. Furtbt<, aiDC llubeo ml1 nltnigm and 11'1 -..cJed, the blp..r a Gl)'8'n to make ammonla in woman's l.Q., the more Illa ~ ud thet ammonia rnuculli)' the be, tho higher cDt ll a man 1 I.Q., tbt ·mote , P!!RIONAL NOTE - i RecilJ -Ille -bouts llDelled llke when yoo were .. a JIOUDllf.a'? FelJ Naphtha? '· W.:.? Hot tar? likewise. It'a hard to talk -~ tbouP· , I mMD -tbe fragrance or ,. alflla la u diatinct as . ....... Ud ..... but feminine be be, Your quutioni md com- mtn~ are toe~ and ..iu k .,.d ill Checking Up, 10herewr pouibre. Pl<alt addrm ,.., !<tt<n to L. M. BoV<J, ,,0, Bo: JB75, NC1DpO!'I B. Cali/, t:IMO. . ~. 7 Officers Charge.fl , A_fter Raid Slayings LOS A!iGICLF.8 (UPI) -:5-,.,....,_ .... to be !· ........ today• ...... .. ' ., -•&bur ...,...., ,,-........ .__ wllll'I two unarmed M- '··· ......... shot to dootb i.t :<'week. ~ Tho dlJtrtcl attorney's of. •.. ft .. llouedcrlmlnalc:om, pllbltl 'lllllday aplnll the " --u .. from the Loo .· ·~ Ptllat Doportmenl and two frml neorby !Ian ~ -who flJ'Od Into on ,. ;r:::m. ~ by Ill -. •tmall. Dane .. -IPQbEnC!ilh. ne otfleerl were ll!!tklnl • " imurdw IUlpect want14 In .,, San 1-ldro, ;;i., ........... · '"!ldored. Tiie llUl(leCI WU ' ' aol .. tbi >ldnlb' of 1be -, ment al tho Ume ol the rtld olllloqh tho o!fkers thoulbt they .. .,, llXl*Xle who an- swnd his description. ·' . Tbe FBI and a federal srand · ' jury liave started 1nv .. t11a· Uons to cletmnlne whether dvU rl&hts _.. vlalated In 11ie rtld. AD the olllcen, In addition to the 1111111lall&1rter ....u; are ..,......i .r .ir counts of •ault. Tbe olllcm said Ibey about,. , al "pollcel Ifft up!" before r and cM1n( tho aboodng. 0ne . "Ila oflloin ld<kal ..... llie : .... bnenl dmr, lnvastt1ators aid, and fired one shot 1rom Tug Mutiny ' To Get Study " On Arrival : . UN i'l!ANCISCO (AP) -• ~c:io.it Quan! said Tlleiday Ii ha ,_ .... a """" allo&· bc lbal the crow of tho ocean- !~ ...... 1111 -· Ill ,.. .. to Sin J'rancilCo from Naw I -tootonr-...nd "tho -lrom Ibo -al- 'l'be °'""' a...i said Iba Incident -•nad -hl1 11 or H bet-'-aod Acapulco. A rew days lal<r the 1-, IO-foot vessel docUd a t Acapulco and the maatu 1't!ftl -'"· tho Coal! do.,o aald. A new muter, nown to Acapulco by tho lhlp ownera, River UM• of San Francllco, went aboard and took com· •• -llland. his rmlvtr -he said "a man cmne at me. 0 I!• -up and trlppod .... --and tho -poUeemm tllollihl tbe nm bad ~ hll by --mr -tbe ~ and he -'"" up with his lhollWl 1be two .... klJled ..... ll<llrang Sandia, 13, and GulUonno lllnc:bel, II. A tblnl . man, Ramon -., IUI· Ind a l]ftiDed -wt.. ... loll trylnl .. dlmb oat • -· . Tiie "'"Jllalal -Iha al. lqed aMIUlts ..... -~ led 'without lawfld .....tty," l'«lalty for manolau&hlet' It .,. lo 15 yeara 1n (lrlaon and each ..WI count carrleo a mulmum peaalty of I!• a ,,..,. In priMD and a 1$,111111 llile. . BART Tube Threatened By Anchors SAN FIUNCIJCO (UPI) - Shlpo tbal ...... lbelr - wblle l&lllng lhroolP a.. FranclJoo Bay .... -. the Bay Area Rapid Truitt dlltrklalo>loltrouble- and ndey. BART'• ., ••••• , un- dorwater lube 11 !IWC1e<f from COITOliaD by a system al •-....., that -al!le clllrlea 10 produce an ... 1nx-!o wblch the outer •bell of Iha lube will nolrut. ' Tbe l ,i.nll,a _. ~~ 11 ••. from ....... ·tu u. draalnl ....... --' inC tbe ·--. lla•ld G. ffammcwd, BART'1 ~, •• dlncklr, .... TUladay. Aa 1 -it.· BART'I ... ~-:Ill -... ..,,.,.. ., ...... ,,., 18,Utle ... Iba Im IP _..,., .......... -.. "" iii diikllod'1 --1b1Jpla1 WmlML ' 111119:"~ :6 al':t = bu been warklnl -'tM port and the eoaA Guard lo enforce n11.1llUoD1 11alnll ahlpl ctropp1111 l!IChor~ aJoor Ille rou1e al Illa lube. . ·.- PENNCREST" STYLE-AIR 6,000 ITU ciir canditiow. Easy lo instaD, lightweight. Features include 149 •. 95 PINNCarsr STYU.AIR 5,000 ITU • 3-IF n cl ·fan and , 3-speed cooling, 11 position ~ustable thomcmat,' CIQllC901ed controls. Prepainted alu!ninuni Mt- isoof cabinet available in beige. avocado or Mai-. U.L ~ air C:ionditicx. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 M.tl I ' Ull Pllllll'll 1WI PAYMlln PLAN PINNCRES'r CUSTOM 11,500 ITU PENNCRESr CUSTOM 8,000 ITU ar co11clltlai•. hatures inc:lude1 2-speed fan, 2-spncl cooAiw. r--.t Scatt foam filter, 10 position thermostat c:anhol, ad- jullable horiwtoJand-iic:iil lauven. UL liat.d,AHAMcalllied. Ealy lo ntall wltb Quick-Mount ldt. 169-9 5 ' r•icNat" Custom 5,000 BTU olr concli~, •• , •• , , 129.95 Pt11~ Qlltanl 6,000 BTU air conditioner •••••••• 144.95 ar conditiaw. ~ lnduclet P...-it Scott foam filler, I ' 2-tp 11 cl• bi;, 21tp 11d caallne, 10 potltiqi ""'1nosfQt -.troi, lllkiut fllter,. olr exchanger,· cidlustable air direcion, flointwd gahtanlaed llilel cabinet, llid1 out c1aa1a. U.L llsNcl, AHAM wlllled. , 219.95 • Pawqmf 18,000 BTU air conc:Dtiorwr ••••••••••••• .249.ts ' .. . . ' • : ~ • IUINA, PAil IUIMNIC CAHOOAPAIX CAil.SiAD CULVl•crrt DOWNEY ,fUUUTON . GRANADA HIUS HUNTINGTON IEACH HUNTINGTON PARK IAKEWOOO LONG IEACH lOSALTOS MOMTClAIR NEWl'OIT BEACH NOITH HOLLYWOOD OAANGE 'THE CITt" SAN PElNANDO TORRANCE VANNUYS VEHTUll.\ WHTCHEsTIR WESTC<MHA • ... . \ ' . 11 ... j .~ ) .. ' ' ' • ,, • • ' .. ~ " ' ' •• ,, ' " ' ' :• • • ' ' '\ , ,j ~ 0 l . '• ' t • " \ ,, • > • • • ' a DMl.V I'll.OT I • ' • ' I ~Wtdntsday, J\Ay U.' 1970 ·aumm • By PhU lnterlancll . . ' .. \I ; 7-21 K1ocF_......._ ... n11.w..w,.....:_~..;J?..~· "One tlllng' about being back from -..cation-I get to talt to other women 1tealdel my wife.• • r Millionaire Slain • By 2 ~asked Men CA.NOGA PARK, callf. way into the elder Weit.ima.1111 (UPl)-Vendi.ng machine mil-home, a $100,000 residence in liooalre Norman Weitzman the Hidden run. area with was beatal and ohot to death swinunilli w>I and riclntl Tueeday by two masked men stables. who wound9d bl.I father and Detective said the men ap. aavqely bell hll molher. , ponnt!y were infurialed wjien 'Ibo ......... forced their they could not open • family ufe in the borne. Tlwrensen Kin Death Study Starts CHICAGO (AP) -An ln- veati&aUon hu lJeCwl bere atrer a lawyer uJd slain Fresno, Calif., mllllonaltt Wllllam Tboreseo JUY have hired a gwlllUID to kill hi! younger -in 1915. The unsolved fatal shooting ·cl Ricbard E, 'l'hQres<n, 21, was ordered probed Tuesday by lbe llfivols Deputmenl of Law Enforcement ' a ft e r F'l<IDO police noll!led the department of their interview with attorney W J 111 a m McllermoU. McDermott, police said, 1Dld ·them '('boreaen, 35, confided to. bil wife, Loolse, Uiat-~e had manged his brothP.r s death then shot and killed the ~an. McDermott did not reveal a motive \n the alleged slaying, nor the !den- tlty of the gunman, officers .. 1d. All tbh!e family memhen w.... bound hand and foot. Mn. Wl(itzmll> ~ to lllp out al her bond11illl run l,000 .,._ to the - nel~ . to -bolp. The telephone& had been tip- ped from lbe walls and the house ·ransacked. U.S. Oil-free Sanctuaries Get Backing WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. Alan pranston (D-Oallf.), 'pro. posed-y-ol sevea ' federal o ll·free s a tic t:U a tie 1 8:1ag•t-4he California coalt. I. In leslimony PfA*ed for a · Senate -lnterior 1t11>" committee, Cranstoo uriecJ support for his bill to ban drilllhg in ill federal oil reserves seaward fr om sancWaries already establish- ed ~by the state government. The subcommit.t.ee bearini was on six bills to caooef or restrict federal otl ,ieue1 in the Sanla Barbara chlnnel, The Fresno lawyer is deren- ding Mrs. 'Iboresen, M, who bas been charged with her husband'• June 10 .-Ing death. She has pleaded in- nocent. · wbor~ spills .occurred lasl year. IDLE Director Bern a rd Carey said he has ordered his at.ate investigator'i to review police and coroner's records in the c:;se and fly to callfornla to q u e s t l o n McDermott and Mrs. Thoresen. Air Pollution Fµnds Get OK Cranston said tie was in- voking President Nixon's doc- trine of: new federalism because it is "germane to ·our .~•I', ~ jo ~ their environment." "If the people of a st.ate or region have pused strici regu)ations or prohibitions, for the federal government to oome in and violate the regulations or ignore the ~ hibitions would be a flagrant example of the federal govern- ment riding rou'1-shod over the wishes and desire.a of our dtlze~,'' be said. SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Aaaembly approved a $2 .S millloo air polluUon research program Tuesday aimed at ionibtUog poiluli'!fl from cars Hunt Bill OK, d ud non-movin& sourcts. The bill by Assemblyman . , j . • ! John Foran (fl.San Fran· SA~ CAP ) -A cilCO), 1-.q~ lhal 50 per-bill nqujring' a ·U<ense fot cent of the research funds persons who want to sel up ~ made available to the liunting areas . .for Untwrsity ol C a I i f o r n i a ®masticated migra:tory game because of lta "unique and birds woo u D an i mo u I prOYal research capabilities." ' 'AMembly approval TuesCiay. Gl1 to Continue .¥.~y Trek of "bllalar• 00 hi• feel but he11 ~~Re's not livln& up.", DIATll VALLEY, Calif. (UPI) -A U-year-<ld Vlel- pam war· veteran who started a lJl-mlle hike acrou Death Vallay qowred only one mile . Tue>day in m.clqre< heal )lul deniod be quit lbo lttk. S.Sgl. Jack Nelaon al Cleveland, Oliio, w11 picked up 111 a frtend, lion COiier. lollowinl bim In • jeep and takeo to lbo Uny town of Sbolbone to mt for the night and reJit:ubf1 hit water sup- ply ' Ne11on•1 brother, Arlen, met him !bore and will drive him Ullo lbo v,.U.y agalo We<!· ~ to resume !be bike, ......... ,. "Ho llllJ)udged hl1 wale<. uW Arlia. "U'a &ood Ron ..,.. u.i, b<cau .. he might Joave boeo In bad trouble Glhenrlle. Ho ha1 a couple 'fttt-.ergeant made 28 miles Monday, hi.I lint day hlklni over the &immering desert terrain in lbe -he thoqhl up in honor of b~ buddl .. killed in Soulheasl Alla. . ' Ranpra in Dealh Valley Monument were unable tO locate him Tuesday a n ii IUpervlsor Bob Murphy said It •Pll<attd Nebon had glveo up. . Murphy said t h e tem- perat.urt rose to 12S dearees ia the saade Tuesday and even durtng Monday night il droi> ped only to 100. Under tilt 11.1n on the ground, P.turph) &aid, the &.emptrature waa 11 the neighborhood of ISO·lf degree11 making it alrnost 101 posalble to hike any distance. \ .. \i• , ... ' '' •• • • ·" ·, • . I. f. •<&-',' .... ~'-·t .. ,.. ... :. ~ ,.,. -· .. • ··~ • • t ' .. i.: : 'i . i I J i ·,; J •+:D::11 '-~~L-"'·.. . ., .......... ' l:. ')" '· ' ... ~71 .. • , ... ~./ ~~ t('r ·.·~ : ' • • AN .KE .Ir~·;_ .. _ ·~·1 . • ac .. I._ • ..,. ••. f " "'1 1 ''·"' ·r..._.,:1,, ... .. • f • " .rt1 • .._.. ..... ,RANCE ... . .. . ·-.. . ..... uNcovE••D1 ou• FASHION MANoir.·•~N1n •N•~u•LT cLos1ouT1. Don't mlu ovt on thlt greot chanc. to IG'tt on our ~ .._. tpdlty W9"•t. · an4 qut!fs. qo... fnNR our com- fort.fitted acrylic blanket, II~ thennal Wanlrilt, two-tone ,...,ibfe blorJc.,, ':D,olty' rwatliJiil• qvllt or our polynter ~llK comforters. 'Chorge It' or UM our cow~ layawn Plan. • 1 : ., ,· • • ; .• ":'i '' . . " : .. , ' .. •lo-•' •• ' .. •' r . • ' . , . '• ' ' '' ' ' . . ' . ' . . . . . l: :1.'. ' . ~ ,., ' J •• ... ... "'. ..... .._,~ .. •.1.· .. ~ ··~··· ...... ,,. -.-... • ·~··· . ·~··· ··~-~. 1¥'i ·~ ..... ... . ') ' . .. . ' ' .. " ' .. ' ' .. , . ' ' ., . ' PINN P~ •WHITI MUlllN 50% cotton/50% polyester t . lWIN 72" x 104• flit ot ElHl•·flt bottom 1.., i.at . . . NOW 1.n FULL 81" x 104" flat or El11ta-flt bottam, Rag, 2.to . NOW 2.t7 PILLOW CASES.42~x 36", Rog. 2 for 1.5t ' : . NOW 2 t.r IAJ plNN MES1' !ilYSUN f~ON C~OllS '. 50% cottgn/50% polyes.ter · lWIN 12• x I04"~1t 'I' E111t1·fit bottom, .... 2." NOW 2 t.r' $5 FULL 81" x 104" flit or Ef11ta-fi1 botlom, ht· 3 .... , , . NCl)'f2 lwP, PILLOW CASES 42" x 34'", Rog. 2 for 2.39 , · • ;' . • NOW2,.,_,. , , ' ' • -• • "r. ''''' ' ,-... , • , I ! CHARGE THESE VALUES AT YOUR b.OQ~L P.ENNEY-$TOREI . . ~ I ' ' • \ .. I - • ' . . ; .. ' ,. MAnlllSS ·PAPS ., . I • ' I . ' ·:-,:·· • I . , • 'I I --·- ··~ 1, ~· .. '!• 1 .-j .. • I •• • ' . ' • ' • ' I ,. .. ---. -~ .. • T ' ' '. ~.- ' " ' ' • ' I • . ' ''fEISONAL TOUCH 'PILLOWS Availal\I• in soft, M•dlu111 o.r fir m d•n1ity._ ~ ptlytlllr ..... ......i a polyur .. thani'ft-.-far ........ buoy_,-that ..... . Slandmd •6 •• \ 'Ii !\ • I • .. DACIOJP ~LYDTll Fln.d !llllaw If*._.... ll11p .. aulo.t - sla)'i """· lflllngy anol_ lolty. Slaitdar4 '4 •, Ii ' ' . ,.:..~. ua.8ie. · Residents Work· r On .t;Jityhbod Pla n II)'. JOANNE ll£YllOLD6 related malt•!'' •such as the , ...J. __ °"'-._ llill D1117~ "!Jiit tf•H S~ and • tifllio1 of I in• Whil~"' llll:Ji lljios as U.:. corporllioA., ll'Jl!o· of. KOVtm· Rtauli ~ lllie'. 'Uoiverslly of · melll, ~ -~ ~ bo Qallfonoll.: dio 'lt'J,lne Com-' leoderl\I, .... ""°' ot pro- -.. tht· CIW• ol Newport J!ftV we. and ....,, mallet's Bekh;~ a iiie coGriy o( ol concer:n.i• . ,, Otlo(i ~.;,,,..-plans for ""' ~~~·CA-' a ~'ot>Jnoine ~la ol ·.~ ,_,.,., '~ . ' tho' ~uni~ 'likely to , 'Ibo b!:laws alao _said. I the mike ... tbe ·~ city • graup will · ~municate the are' qulelly and c el!lcl<nUy reoulls ol the.--es to ~· woi'lhlt . ' ·on . iricorpofating t.OOO;-member con,unwiity to ·themselves,. prov1~ them with ~ ~ John Burton, Presiilent ·o1 ·~tw>ily to express ih<ir opl· a . fledgling 'gmjp called the :~ and. d~ relative to · ~ of the CommunlUes mcorpora<ion. oicJrviiie ...i ·~ ..Ovement · 1t1J1oo ...._ .. that )he &~ llll!le.:W.Y ill,~·wheo council, wbil~ • u~ng. Irvine area residents .Qiw Wbp.t could . C(!mpany, Malf m e m b er happen to ' iheil. plans · if an-Ashley ' in an adv'isory capaci~ ..nrxations . ..su.cll... ~ .. {lr.oposecl . t.Y, -~!«!eel !_ll~ '?l°ve~ent by Azimuth Equities were lS in ~y way 11e'd ,to the allowed to happen. deve_t~ment company. 1 "The Irvi{le. · Com1>41'yr has 'lll!OU·IUGllT', . -.. \£ •• _ • ~petty hazy, as to \vhat "Wben~tbe ~question ·exactly 1bey :WanlJ.US tg. do, came up, it became apparent so we are taking our own that reports made to ttle inil.iative. We appre:ciate· the Regents in the early 'IO's tbal help · tb~y've · oCfered , If in "'Id .~~aUoo.i8"oo\<I ta.II.• doing !Ollle of ~ ""'""· place · Wtfen there• was a because,· after all, we're population cl 1,000, were novices at city plaming and .riP-t,,". he said. . they're p~fessi~b." he ex-• 'Hie ~11 ~lf came into plained. . ; being about tbrftl weeks ago Burton' noted that '1 he whm presidents of f i v e Ranch, a bouaing ~~nt hoineowners associations and ,loca!tl(i ~in the Irvine pro- representaUves of the lrvine perty boundaries, is ow on •industr~ compl'ex, the Irvine land.·~ entr{iqto University and two of the the ~ii just under&Pores t!Crnn'lercial cente1"1 met for the fa·ct 1hat ·ttre J:rvine ·Com· a cable television P a n e I pany is not guiding us in this di9CUSSion. venture.'' The· pime&U realized they all· were d)inlr!ne about in- c«poratioo and («med a steering, ·committee ti a prelude to formatioo. tf the council. '"l'ile whole idea ol the coun- cil is based on the concept of the Conununity associations aa a grassroots political unit, "!Uil>l' ~ ..... tow-... Burton lold. "The council is Mile the tip of the Iceberg, se~ei><ialilhs of our 1 manpower iii below the surface. And without strong, ~rg~ homeowners aksoclalloM, •tle councu is nothlllg," be noted. 3-PH.wi sTVpY:· Tbe council aod volunteers rrom the various aROCiitions will lie niaJdl!i a-ltir~ase study of the incorporation i.ss~e. : · Tbe first phase. will · deal wifu the jpunediate problems sut:h u costs, wbat sety;~s will tie needed, length of Ume inyolv<d and all 1he. k&al ramifioatloos, Burton said.. • · lbe second phase will ~.ver the necessary 1steps for ttansi· tion from a city I.pet contracts with county· agencies for its services to ooe that is. self sufficient. . ~E~ b Th~ third ph':i; as o~d ., lnclud!nl Burton, who is cultury """'a1 • dw h 1 n v_o ~Ye president ol· lhe VUlage Park . a n WilanltatlOll ill_..,. All'\)d."'ioo, the upecb of incorpo<atloo. '-"Ibis e:Nmcll members u.:e w. Fred ~. wi:ll diSCUSI Usues Ute Fey,~ ol Turtle Rock h(lspllals, muswrns, all the . Hills Aslociatioo; ... Jt,e n-r...J -~-tenn tbin&s-that m.ak~ -Quigley, president of The ~ CJt~ a better plaC!! '° v~e, Ranch. Homeowners ; J,sadore tie said . Scl\neider, pr•~ id e i;t t of NOT LEGISLATIVE ·r University ~ o m m u D i l Y Burton stressed that"-"·the A•a.ocia.t!oo; G. Alan counCil is not ' a legistYtive Sooctp-ail, ~of.Turtle body, bu! an investi~iive o Rock B(Olidlnpor. ~atlon; body. "Without ~ ..s&i .. Dr. 'lboma.s Alhley,_ rep~esen-lion!, the council w o.]fe 1 d , tJae 1he Ir.YU... Co;nP.MYi ~ay disiqtegrate -lhe~e'd ~-no .. ~eyne. r~ UC Irvme one to do the studies." students( Gene .u e mat 5 u • Bul'too, who . is a . &elf· i-ePresefiUne the UCI staff; employed marketirig m~er, Jolin Hoy, ·representing the uid the group-expects t'O 'have U"cl faculty; Tom Allen, 20Q to 300 volunteers working ·rep~ent.ing tbe Irvine Town oo the studies. "Our appr~ Center; Keith K e e I e Y • is a management one. of represent.I.. Unive.riity Park defining the pfoblem, .dtfiifiing c.mer:· llol>ald Wells. "'1'1· lhe ·melhod of atlaek, gal!:ier· fidally. _....Ung ll>e'lrvine irig ""°"'ces and beginning Industrial Complex; R a Y work ," he ~id. Quialey (oo relation to . . HeniY), a • ~ of the READYING FOR VOTE Irvine · Waler Dii\rfct board Using this approoch, BurlOn 9f' ®'f!Clot'a , and Rev. James predicted, the studies would · SJ_ey,:ad, o( the Univ.er-<y be ready for a vote at least Methodi&t .. Cburch. by the end ol the fiscal year, In .. their-bylav.;a, council probably 30000r. members state' their pllrpose "We eipect to have a large is io '1•study Ute feasibility body of well-infonned pebple of incorpcwating 'as l cit)' and lot the November hearing that the c.ounty will have on ·the lrv~e 'pi.aStef plan,'"he said. We.Ils, the unofficial erWssart of . the indus\rial cOmplet, said m~' of the. in- dustrial community is waiting 'for the outcoi:¥ o! '~ studies before t~y throw their back~ Jng to the incprporation move- ment. "The attitude seems to· be a wait and look see on the facts before committipg the ' pliuii of \lit pudding/' he said . IH'l l't ...... 1 fi~~Meeil · Miss' M6htana, Kallly Huppe, . 18, of Helena, has r~s.igned her 'title 1 b e c a Ifs e of political : Convictions. Miss Hop- i pa said she could aot fill along with Ille mid· i 1 dlHf.th•road allil1Jd• ' rogoested ~y Ille Miss ( America offici•ls. The •officials, claims Mias Huppe, knew of ber be- liefs before slie wa1 s~ l~te<!-1he wrote them OJl .~er a,PPli~a\iQQ,, • 'the· importande of the in· dustrial area is still para· Mount in the minds of lrVine area·~esidenls, in ipite of the fact that the Azimuth deal has fallen through. "We don't waqt to be pushed Into incorporaUng just to prGo tect something. We want to act. raltler than react," Burton said. · County Relief Funds Given ' Ora111• County has rcceivefl. Jts additional Property Tax l!elief Fund allocation, ac· cor~lll( to State Controller HouslOll Flournoy. 1 11\e county's lharfi or the m~ey ia '3111.~ and is com· pensatloo for property tax revenues Jost through the partial tax exemption granted to business in~ntotjes. • I I , I . -· --•"-----~---" ' Jf llM.Y Pll.OT WolMld&t, .... ~ 22, ltit · Te Covn C•••t Health Resources St0dy Gets Funds BAllTA ANA -Fut""' --for tlle omtral .,. om1k Oron&• Cout will be plolled -• 110,llll - -· ·.....ied to a printe _.., llnn by ... Orange c:::!t. Ooa!pr<h<nsive a..tth p . Moocletloo. Tiie -th lludy by Ec9Demlc Research Alaodola el Lot Angelle wiU be •lbe ftnt 1n a ltrles or : IMiolllt Ovaluatlom t11J'outb9Ut Orup Coonty. It wiU ..... 1 1"IDe, Newport Beach, Colla -. ~Beach , ' Jl'ouotain' Valley, Westmillll« and Seal Beach. '!be .........,en! of lbe lint study <00ti1Ct was made by Jdln Rau, a Newport --""°"'"' 81 dlalrman of the bealth pl111>- nlng assoelatioo's Facllllies and services C'.ommlttet. '!be -ol the -Y. Rau said, la covered by a federal grant and local lllnds under wbich the 1s1ociation oper:ates. Tbe CCM1tywide uaociation, atabli&hed by atate law, is required to eva1uate all pr~ ...,.i. for n,w 0< expended health facilities within its jurisdiction. Its membership is made up of representatives (If the healtll prolessjotls and the lay public. Rau eiplailled that tt>e orgallir.atloo hopes to provide • more accurate puge of Mure health • In the Barry Receives Vietnam Medal Oraqe CMS lt!ldl' area by goln& btyoad !he atandard formull I« IOCh evaluallolll • Instead (If MlcJdnc I o populotloa projtetloos ••d Ievell of ... It CWTelll holpltals ... said the -study ;;jf1 lndude ?ata oa IJ>. .. .,. levels, qe dlllrtbullon and birth rala lltd wtu al- tanpl to ldenlllJ' poclml of poYefly. "Wllh thll study el.,... Pill" lloo of tho county, the.- ttoo hopes to ettlbl!ab I guMl<llne for cletennlnlng the best uae of health resOuft'el hlaed on a ftalllt1e apPl'l!aal of needl," be &aid. Grand Jury Urges County Training SANTA ANA -C«llly auporviocn hive been uf10Cf by the <>rue• c..mty Grand Jury to ptovlde dvil def .... training for COUDty -I and wlumeer1 In lbe even! ol a major d.i.IMter. • 1be nammendatiml1 CMD.e in a Grml Jury ~nn report wilich -. lb.a I Onnce County'• I • c l v i I Deleooe Plan ii ...U defined Oil paper, but it is doubtful that the pr-ltllf. (If • State Board Nixes CJaim I Of<:SCFProf ' SACRAMENTO (UPI) - '!be state Board « Control Tu....iay rejected a P IJlllllooj claim filed bJ a 'flred Cd State FuUerton proftoAor for injuries allegedly a u f I e r e d when he was arrested in a campus disturbance. Stuart Silvers, a former associate profe as or of philosophy, was arrested lul March 3 •in a confrontation between J?Olice and militant& who bad forcibly entered a disciplinary bearing against three students accused ol misconduct. 'Ille three students faced charges stemming f r om disturbances on the campwi at the time of an appearance by Governor Ronald Reagan. Rejection of Silvers' claim clears the way for him to rue suit in court. Silvers was fired last May 1 for failing to report for work on five consecutiYe days, <llredor and two oecnlarieo .. ·================:; ;:.,:i:~.r,actlcalr Who Cares? Funds lhouJd be available N• •th•' ••w•p•''' lit th, to hire minimlJ. ltaff wbkb. w•rld c•r•1 ebo1,1t your comm1,1• CCIUld --i.ie the needed flity lilt• your comfl'l~itlty .. i ll y ,,....... 11•w•,•P., .. ,,,, It'• th• DAILY Break Auetlon Reeord Stock Breeders Do Well at OC Fair Future Fenn'" el America Jum Ca-ano for $Ut por Put AmllOI f:B Club _,,. Tledmu ti. Iba Or .... PFA, llld "8 Club Y"!D'CI ... broke ,POUlld • .__.. Grand Olom-ed p por pcllllOI for her 111: JIU"± 11 I bJ IL A. MeCIJD. au !Oft•ua -_..i, at f!':'!. "M .. ~olwtheaa -"'!L'! '°""' ClnDd ch amp Io a .... ti.--.... the J-LI-AuctlOll -· ~ ''"""""' __ ..,. at ... lllt Or-. Count7 .. ~ B re e de r I ... lll(bt 1-b, whleh WU ... -.. Qiam!iGn Hoc. Plllr. Seedera to John DeCoultey purdlaM by A1ax Br«IJe ol nlaod bJ Letley a..rr of UDlllr lie glvtl· of YOterlD ' el Dr-I« II per poulld. Orange. '11lo )laMrve· Cham-lilt Couatry Collllno f.H, fair allClloi-C 11J r I u /fo the marbt hot dlvllliia, pion o1 -Markel Lamb, puM'"orl by Mr. acid Mrw. -ol Sanla )'-. 411 Ille JOO-pound Grand a.am. ralead bJ 41 ,Jllmmal el tho Jo1a Do ~ ti. Onrtge ·-11 we,. aucjlQllecl to pion J!Gc • raliad by Terry 'La Hain PFA. -putcllued b7,. por ,....i. .,.. buyen f0< a total ot 'Slewart el lhe Couotrr bJ a..,... B11 Market of WAR111r¥eChamplon 1104.000 -114,000 above last Cousins 4'H Club wos purd\u-Vllla Put I« 12 per pound. Lamb. falrl by Dan !!_..i year's former record of ed by Bellflower Food Locker Other champion wtnntn and ol .. ~ p, A , !90,000, for 15 per pound. Reserve their buyera were: purehuad by w-Plywood The Grand ch am pl on Grand Champion ~ Show, 4-H Reserve Ch amp lo n of Santa Ana;· 4-H Reserve Market steer raised, by Sue raised by J.ol_m Gracia <I the Steer, raised .,y Terry t;hamplon Lamb, raised by All>lJurn (If the Mission Viejo Mlaioo VieJO FFA, WI I Purldao, -Park•Amlp, Weaill Wea-1 of Buena FFA, weighed 1,140 pounds purchased by Weller Plywood purcbooed by Dean Myers (If Park Amlp f.H CI u b, and was purchased by the of Santa Ana for •t per pound, Irvine; FFA 1\ele.rve Qwn. purdl11ed by Cat l for n la Mission Viejo Company of San Llz Wee-• of the Buena ploo Steer, raiaed by Jim Federal Savlnp ol Orlllfle, 'Wflve CompGrecl . ' ,. THINK SALE Yz PRICE! W11tcllff Pl•IU' Only . ' T 're definitely cheaper at. Al Beta!' Mr. &Mn. Jlan11 R. McCall, (Ida Vllfa SANTA ANA-Dave Barry, adminiatratlve assistant to Orange Co u n t y Supervisor Robert W, Ballin, bas been ~ the Navy Achieve- ment Med a I for hil acblevem..U llurlni b!a r .. -15-monlh tDUr of Viet- llllll. tralniae, tho report oddl and PILOT, opre111m the invefitipUve.1"=.===:;::====::!...-------------------------------------;----------s pa0el'• ecmcer'D that the ~ posed COllllly badpt for 1170- 71 doel not lnelude an lnereue in Civil Del-ltllf, Blpy, MO Irvile Av. .• N-'1<ach, wu dted for pr• f e 8llcml . achievemeet while aervillll u legal olftcer and defeoae Cl3ll)lel In tt>e oll!ee ol tt>e atall jud&• ad- yocate, D&Nq, Vietnam. "1be Jury -thll - I« ll1Y ~ --pete .. • priority ball, bow .... the Jury helie¥t1 lllol pr-..-., In ..... ol • major -lbould bt given tmgh priority/' tbe report-. . Burroughs to Lead 'Friends of Irvine' IRVINE -Newpnrt Beach management conaultant Walla' Burrougbt wiU lead the Frioada el UC! during the ,CGllltng year, I u cc e ea ID I Fullerton t:M•siDellriWn Ketlb ~ey. llurTouaht, a lo•1·t1me Newport resident was elected during a board of director• meeting lleld recently al UCI. Servlllg with him wiU Ile memlHr or11ni11tlon lljlOlllOred • ~ of publle moellnp thll . oprtni to ... qualnl lbe eoomiunlly wilh lho unlventb'• ltudmll, foculty 'llld otafl, . In addition, the poup will 'award m ISllO aeholanllipa to lncomlng lr'8hmen In September u P!ll'I ol their suppnrt p!'OfP'llD· G«lr&e Sherrill, Newport ••••••••-! Beach, prelident-eleet; Robert Weed, Newpoct Be1ch, vice president; .Mrs. E v e I y D Broyl•, Newiiort B e a ch , secretary, and Oiarles Bond, Santa Ana, treuurer, Outgoing pnoldent Cordrey, a Newport Beach reaidenl, aald the 0<pnlzaUon functions For The Record "to cemmt good relations ••••••••-I between Ille unlverslly and the community." Aa pert el their eommunlly relations w..-k, the 21 o • AllBIJCILlli a SON w..-McWlf1 ,,, B. 17111 81., c.a -..... • BALTZ MORTUAlllEB O...dolllar OllMlll COiia -Ml NIH • UU. BROADWAY llORTUAllY 11•-·.,·---UMQI • M<ICORMICK LAGUNA BEACll MORTUARY 1'115 Lapaa Caoy• BL -II • PAal'IC Vl1IW MDIOlllAL PAU eo.ec., • .._,, 1$11 P~S... lll1ff N..,art Beed, Calli .... -• Pl!DPAllJLY OOl.ONlAL Jl'lllWW. BOMI 'lltllelaaA ... ... I llw --• •W..,"i'"IR• MOR'ftJARY ... FJ-•1m ii.. a<••• .-.w • MmillllW• llOmJARY tlJUoll: . 7 1¥:-..... • Meetings itm!t'l1 Sleep insurance ~ale!· HOWi THESE VAWES AT ANY ONE OF THESE PEHHEY STOllESI CH~ THI MAmESS AND IOXIPllNG .IUIT llOtlT POlt YOU ••• AHD'Hftl All THI SAVINGS TO GO WITH ntlM. (Pllal URCnVI TlltOUGH IA1VIDAYI) CANOGA PARK LAKEWOOD \ . Penney> 111<1ttreas pric .. tnclude doU..ry wltltlo loc..1-. Del••• qullted, extra fll'lllo "-JOll --1~-- -612 ...... 12 aide Wpporll (16 lo king). C-rCl"lltiol "'v..• polyuNlhane foato pad. 8-prl111 1-• lhlclc 1-1att .. fer 11,.t -•-- "''"°"'Don't mlot Iha ....tngol Ywl• • f•ll MaoltNll er I 1a11'4 ... ...... IOI Qe••• aet, leg. $199, NOW•••••• $111 •-'401 Kiog aet, bg. $269, NOW••••,.• t219 laft'401 Q.f&rt Ml't .... $249 NOW • • , •• • , •10t ._tSOI lliii Ml. .... S3ff, NOW,,, , , , .taot UM PltttHrl TIMI PATllllNr PlANI CARLSBAD DOWNEY fUUEITOH HUNTINGTON IEACH SHOPSUHDAT, TOO 12 to5 P.M.I MONTCLAIR NEWPORT IEACH OIANGl "11tE Cl1l" VEHTUIA -" 1 . ' ' 1 -oPEN SAVE 'MOBE ·at ·GRANT~s 7-DAYS·A·WEEK1 . ·DAILY 9.9 SATRDAY 9 'tll· 6 QUAY , 9 'Ill 5 • Levi's II $TOCll OVER· 5,000 IN STOCK!. ., .. Leatherl . · I I , Learh-er! • Leather! J~CKETS · ' ' e 3S !l!f*~ 'sbi. ' ' ·e· 1.0ng Frin~t e Short Fringe ,, Smartty ityled l"'thtr jackets for men •and 91lsl 25 str, .. a~d types to 'choose , e. ftom In 1,.thtr ~ s\.Mt<° · ' . J• • . s3a95 ~o ' ., $11JOOO LEATHER BROWNING: GENUINE •ODY SHIRT MtMtt.ciwM ., kwll, H4 M fullr .... .wt• lfitt.IUt, !:~ .. ·s74ts DEER Siii· ~1 i sHIRTS ------------...:..-----MOTORCYCLE JACK~TS. An 11cellent solectloo •4995 In 111 tt.1 11111. Ste • Grant!'• NOW! _ • Motorcycle Gloves-lush Jack•ts • ShHpherder1 Jackets- lverytfdn9 In '-eoth•rl -"Tame the p 111111· •. l.Qrgest PERFECT PAIR .. • V!'fierr' This G1rci1-Mltchtll ~ombin1tion mikes fishing nsy, and 1t thl1 SPKl.ftl. price..yeu ••11't want to mt11 ft. l Salt Water 302 Reel anti 9 Foot Rod SPICIALI Reg . $·36'' $45.00 • '64'0 "THI VAOAaO,D" ltF• Cel-nl . ALWAYS ,.1u1l1r, 1lw1y1 w1nt14, 1MI w11w 1ot tltl'i.r'ftlt it.ct Greatest Savings! ' "1 .. L.._,1 Stedr 9' ...... , ...... *.All Styles * All Colors *All Sizes . . . ''l'.f •n!J Ten' SHIRTS" The most l1moo1 shirt of all is "Golden Feet'' in a gallery of Co tors and Grant's hos '•111 111 in• 'very. si~• ape! "ll•l : ::s~ \·6· . l1txurlous" AND . UP • ' l •• Complete Lin• of HAl!'G TEN for Women ' . . ' Monufoctured by""Ch'arle}r'1 Girls" So. Ca.lifornia's LARGEST Selection 3-L&. DA~ BOAT BAq • Rllt SIZE . •· MIL!ltil LINED•' • Reg. $~9i 51711 .See Every Style at.Grant'•' in 111 tf Or11'191 County! • . 101x 11 (1leep1 4) •••••• , ••••••.•. $ 19.95 12'x 91 (1leep1 5) •••••• , , , •• , ••. $ 99.95 13'x10' (•I"" 6) ••• , ••• , ...... , .$1f9.9~ *SPECIAL* CAMP STOOLS 2·MAN TUBl llNIS *SPECIAL* WOQ' .. IU':li '•(-:f.!i.. '°" -... ·OLYMPIC "FLEX·ACTIQN" TENT /:!"""""""""= ::lfllt--COOLER I COllMAN "OLYMPICS" h1vt th• lll·MW ·~· Wt ,.., lltlitR ••• ... .,,i. .. 1 , • ..,,. ,. Miki.:. s.. .u "' ... • ..,... lluri.. """'' 15'..tic , ....... -· ilf It t•IM• 11t""t•I ....---0 . .RYE!IJ ---ROOMIER! -· ' TRONGER! R~gular $66.95 Sturcty, h11•y dufy foldiftl 1tHl1 -A murt fir 1•1ry l1m,.r. Sits up W.. • mi•ut1. All JfU 41 Is tit th1 r1pt. W1•• ••IY 1 1111. REG . $1.96 •166 RUBBER LIFE uns l·MAN ..... ,.$14.95 2·1ilAN , ••• , , • $J:.t.9S 4·MAN ••• , , , , $-49.95 6·MAN ••••••• $59.95 , ............... f'41W'IMI' _,...,........... t . '. llG •• ,. 98 $6.... . ~CAMP ~TOILET COWi.ili w1drl f r 1 m 1, M1t "'' 1hr 4i1Jt•MI• · ~I• ·f9r "lttnttV c.mf.tt,, · ~fO. $3.69 I) 912 to '14 . , .. . . 0.... 30,000 Pair L1vi's" ii St9ckl *FLARES *CORDS ' * CASUALS * JI.ANS 1.1Yl'S9 .IACKiTs 11 ... M te so > ...,, •••• xx Dll(Qla.f~ WH•TMIJe..., ...... , ...... ...................... n.. ................. ., .... _,.., hlfflM, , .. w..a lltnktt liMs ....... $13 IOY'S xx. SiJ:u .. 12 .... JS.SO *All Sizes *All Styles "IC W. .,.nln9ton" ,~Cl ' llllY "----r SHl11S . " -.... """' .... Cl'•ltff ~.'~ .... .... ...., • ..i.ct1o .. Nt4 ·-.,,.... :::.. ._,, •r 1o,.. II ot Gr•f'd ..... , .... "I :. IATIST srr1: of ODY SH11rs ........ "'°!' """'°' K,.. Plo1's f"Y Shirt1 • • ., '*'~1:''!'· .. , ,.; • . 0 lodftc •••••••• ,,.,. ,.:"""· .... ,..,, It of 11111 to.I · , . ro $14 WISTIRN H~u ..... w............ ,. •oo-· .. -~..,.. ....... -.. ~-. . .. . ........... • 6 l11ir Cut Strfts. llW. S.. ""' • ls•--w __ , "'•ttrn St..fN •6Stt ., ,. ri,. w.,,.,. 'trio• . ; . ~ST~RN SHIRTS WfSfQN y Miiier • ISi '°" camn, It SfYllO fo ' •• ' 1• • • 1...i ,1,_,r W1tl1r11• t Cl toii"! • "' 111111 ,, :~d c1J.r1 ;. !M'~,.:'•id• :; ,6 91 ·-...... .. '°"'"" •• IUIT'SI *""~ *MlstvO..,. *"anrs CllMto -...... -...... " ... -.... ~- Wtdntsd11, Ju~ 22. 1970 Ganja ·Is Trouble Jamaican Jails Await Caught Pot Users ' U"I T...,._.. Credit Cat Ralpbine, fl.year-old cat belonging tn the Lloyd Nelson family o! Tacoma, Walb., poses with credit card issued to her by Texaco. One of the family filled in the application for her thusly: Name: Feline Ralphine Nelson: Sex -spay· ed female; Age -8 )'Nl"S; Eyes:.... green ; Hair -calico; Occupation -chas- ing mice. · TAX PAYERS , ATTENTION: L••t chine• to make your protest to the Orange County Budget officials. YOU ARE URGED TO ATTEND A BUDGET 11EARING 9:30 A.M. THURSDAY, JULY 23rd, AT SIS N. SYCAMORE AVE., 5th FLOOR, 16th & SYCAMORE) SANTA ANA, AND JOIN OTHERS AND H E L p GET e Reductions in buclo-t spending I • A Nduced cou~nty t1x rite I e More .conomy In spending I • Reduced t1x I01d1 on property I look over your ''Notic• of Property V1lu.ttlon", just sent to you by your Assessor. Check on what it means to you! Urge R.clucff 1970.71 T•x Rite Thru A Reduced Budget - TOMORROW, 9:30 A.M. 515 N. SYCAMORE, SANTA AN~ . . BALBOA ISLAND IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 64, Balboo Island, Cal if. 92667 Phone 67S-ln3 ~~~~~~~- Speedster Beats Rap With Race MIAMI (UPI) -Frankie Lee Glenn did a 9.f second 100.yanl. dash to win an in- nocent verdict on a gambling charge Monday in a court tieSSion on a city playground. · Glenn, a one-time high sdlool football star, was ar- rested by Sherifrs Deputy Vernon James, 23, at a South Dadt! County bar on gambling charges several months as:o. At his trlal Monday, Glenn. 30, told Judge Everett Dudley he .... "just ~1111 llrougll" the bar at the Ume of the police ni<l. "ll l 'd been 1ambU111," GleM a.Id, "[ would have run like the re!t of them col the cJp would never have ............ . .. .._,.me . .. Let'• see •bout that," Judie Dudley ea1d, and ad· joorned the CIXD1 to a nearby park wher< be octecf as tJ,ie :eaft«~Y a:':~: goal pool to goal po8!. . Glenn beat the youncer deplly by 12 yanls and Mid "jt was eaey." Judge ~ley ruled Glenn "not guilty" on lbe opot. KINGSTON, Jtmllca (AP) -Tile Ras Talarions, an UllUIUll ~ cull, braid their balr, wear beards, and believe Emperor H a I I e Seluoie ol Elllo!ia ls God. They Ille> smol<e marljuana -Jots «it. '11lat is why many Americans are now comtnc to this Caribbeen island, wbtre Jmpaican marijum\a b cheep, pleo<ilul and suppoeed to be of a mudJ higher quality than that obtainable in ~ex- ko. ' The American Emba.ssy is worried that Jamaica aeema: to be tM new in-spot for mari- juana eraw.tests from the Slates. But il yoo pWi lo come here to buy IO!De, tbe message from Jamaican and U.S. ol· fldals Is plain lllld d•. "Don't )'GU dare do Jtl" Girl Gets Nixon Pen .. W ASIDNGTON (AP) -Ten· year-<>ld J ea n n e Loulsiana Duhe, of New Iberia. La., has met President Nixon and channed him out m his pen, Jeannie is the granddaughter of Rep. F. Edward Hebert UH.a.), Hebert had promiled Jeanne he would see that she met the President. Sen. Allen J. Ellender (D- La.), ga ve one of hia fancy shrimp gumbo luncheons this week and invited Nixon as a guest. Hebert took Jeanne to Ellen- deor's Capitol hideaway where the I-WIS to be held and waited oullide In the ball. \\1lell the Pmldelll arrived, H~ Introduced him to Jeame. "Well." Hebert re I a ted, "they lllked about Irilb i..... rien and lhla and that f« SOOle time -while everyone elle waited. "Then he ti;>ok his pm out or hi.I pocket. 1ave it to her and &aid,. 'Here, utt Uds and make good f?adts.' " Jeanne'• comment about the President : "He's really l'fttt'. 1 like him." · R0n99cow~o1g·a:.i.1i-MMi11. He's a tough customer.) So you'll be~ happy one. 'It's nol thol a Gos Co mpany Servlce Don'I be surprised ii, a day or fl usually Is. Our Servicemen Inspector is all that ha rd to get along two alter a Servicemon hos been to know their job. And they know ii they with. h's just that his iob is to check up your house to od iusl your oven or can sottsfy the Inspector, they can on the qualtty o f our Servicemen's your water heater or any gos oppli~ satisfy you. workr ihoroL::hly. once, the Service Inspector pays a . ..6 cc:J. His experienced eye will tell him if 1: 1C work was done perfectly. 1 • Stlllon c.n. lill c..., gsm . ._ ........... ~ ~=== Wt'rt 1~"9 m-.., I wenis a Jll'nllc&a. per. ment 1JlGb9u1.1n, "You are aoq to tpeDd It -lo jail, tt'• u lbnple .. thll" '1'hlriMa -111111, ... 21 to u. .. lo Jamtlcatl priJool r.r bavtoc mu1juna -called 1111DJa" in the ---·-have been arreied UU yetr oae, hire blm and IOOd luck.• .. JlariJUllla .... brou&llt to Jomolol IOllJ ... "' the Ell! -.... mlcrated ...... :=:'r.r~ ·.:·= lllout 40,000. Whlle,aniliq their ........... to what they --true-· Ethiopia, mid lo their God, ~ Sel•le. whom they call "'1tio JX"OC»i-.... on mari)lmna cllarges. Scene are awaiting CIOUrl acllm, a r ... have been acqulltod mid· <ihers, lucky enough to set ball, have taken the first plane out ol the countly to evade court action. ,of Rao Toflr!, many spenctl-=-----~-------'--- mudl ol lhelr time getting high Oii morljUHa. "We're terTibly concerned about ~," says Nancy Olbander, U.S. OOlllEI. "In 199, there. were on1y 20 pe.-cl!qecf .will! mari· joana vlolatiom for the whole year. Only two were arrested in the flrll tiI ~. the rest later, And before 1969, there WISD't any of this. "I jml don't 1hiDlt (J<Ollle in the Slalts have any idea of the fact that they face •. niitlal«)i a.month - Ienco in prloGn ]Obetlwr they are CMJgbt with one &1'1111 or 300 pounct; 'lbet's only a minimum .mence .. And our jalk In the U.S. are luxury hotell ccmpared to the ooes Jn JIDl8..lca, "'lbere's not much we can do to help Americanll once tJ)f)' are MTeSted. All we can do it -they set the same treatmtot as Jamaicam: under the low, We alllo ~ a lilt ol lawyers -wen 00! allowod to recommend "" -and we tell the penori: 'Pfck J llmlicln officials claim 'they ...... l8land ~ .. quickly u visitors tc they are •poCled wllh marijtlOllL But they -lecfs· that •illl the Ras ~ puffinc away all over Jamaicl they have cifficu!Ues. "We will never have enDU&b police to loolt alter all ol them," says the coverim.eat spokesmm. "And we would have to rent hotels to put them all up U they """' llbn in." The Jmnalcan BOVermnenl anon oo ioterviews With prisooen. But tbere have beeo repmil that. almost every American amoted hM cJalm. ecf to hive beeo framed by mal"'ijmna sellen who abo happened to be police In-. formers. "I doo'l know anyUiing about that," sa.ys the govern- ment spokesman. "But lf someone fmn your country bu)'I from 10meone who then goes and telb the police, well, that's his bad luck, isn't it? And it'• II months ln jail." unt WISTEIN STATE UNMISITY COLLEGE OF LAW in Onmtl• c-ty ....... ,..,.. ................. ---•-11 .... 2,_.,,; * ....... ..... , .. ,,. ,. ._,, ....................... .... ......... ....,. .. '!"''I .. ..... ......... I • .,. ... li.U.l,..,__ .. __. .. _._el,...._~ J ................... ,., .... Apply N-for S.ptemtier 10th DAY OR EVINING CLASSIS • 100 .. '•••khunt ~ Phone 635-3454 JN .,_ el ll.L ., J.O. wlU M _....... •-...... Motl• !<.. IM 4 -~-.f ... C.U-" 1--9"'9 .... c-t.. ., ... s.. ., Cellh"11Je. Gtoof. --trlltlW. .. .... ... c.11,.,.lol a-.. ru. .. r,..n.._ MNOWIS l'Oe mDAMI Q. What should a person do who is worried about inflation, l the stock market, the future? A. Cut bac}<: on unnecessary spending. Protect your family's future by placing your savings and investment funds in an insured savings account. J I Q . Does it make any difference where I put my savings? A.Yes. An insured account with a savings and loan association will pay you more interest than banks ll!ld will be more certain than stocks. -Q. Do au savings and loan associations in Southern California pay the same interest? A.Yes. • Q. Then why should I put my savi ngs with Mutual Savings · and Loan Association? A. We asked our own account holders for the answer to this . one. They have confidence in the knowledge of our employees. They can depend upon receiving accurate information, and are pleased with the efficient and courteous service. Q.How big is Mutual Savings? A. We're called "The Big M" because we have over 440 million dollars in assets . Q. Where are your offices? A.Mutual Savings.has offices in Pasadena (head office), Glendale, West Arcadia, Covina and Corona del Mar. MVnlALIAVDml PAIA.DIMA • JIS BlltOall .... I 'rnrd \ 2 PILOT·AOVERTISER w.i...,.,., Jul1 22, 1'70 Wtd..W1y, July 22, 1970 Vital Statisties for the · Orange .. Coast Area Marriage Licenses "Flexible" m~1111 MEWS WATOllAlllS •rTOPPS Wbite • yellow. Wiiy IOt Mu •P yo~r tlm1plece .. ~ I -·· s-Bl ...... of tllese lttrlC· ·-· -a t live, fasllionable -.,llcatK -The 1eRtle i•G.••-. ~ l tr.wls? hair lig~ kit. ·hlr• • ., ... II(.,.. I sj)!O) .,... • Med. Q . <> ,,._, ~ "l'::J 1 • I-Ulk 1 29 . t 39 II First-Alf S1ra1 . ·~ ~ f'romD!es beating. • O l•I i.11 o llL age <;/ ,.!H!ll"~... .. •• . .., HllSlllY'S Chocalate Syrup Ciel'Hline IN for JOlll' 23 s~111rner ple~re. C II(. ?le 11~ C.o l f;J. 11•• Ironing Pad & Cover Set ~WllMAID "Telle... C'Nlel ~ ... ~dfiN cover W/3 I.ayer pad. •r llt l1y -Royal PiltDle bo'lll and wuld band. Ad111~table trlU. 3 Cltfonie plated ske•ers. fold up leas. 15"x15" Hibachi ~'U~~ w;th ldjuslabl• arHL CGolio1 •n 8 98 laree enooth lor tilt wbolt family. • •~' ~~ ~~~1!., j Sal,lll Molds. Tellol in· 2 88 tenor. Assarted cobs. ~~ Easrcleainc. bcti • • ~ 9" Pi(llr Plates roLotNG Beach Cllair \. • 1i ,.,.. .. ,. •••. 2.st 1.69 • Vacuum Bottle ~TNllMO$ Pint size wiUi wide imutll IOI" hot stews. soups, rte. C., W/ral Nol~. uliJ 1 69 tougti Stroqglas fillers. l 111-Ul #UU • COl.5ATE Instant Shave For the smootll look and fetl. Rraui., Meatbol or Lime, 11 IL FnH !lo,.,.. 2 29 ity. 1 lt1U11 el M Eac• • "Di-Ette" •:::i%G Lose ~iatll! feel Vt»t! 1oiiiiiiio141,3.00 11rt5.00 • 'llorfanns', Fiii• 111mnD1111 :t=12g lq. 1.lt lta • AHISTOS BBQ Mitts ~WllMAID flameproof palms. QIJilted print ~I· tern. Gawnllet b.~:ni '"&"'· Bt;A, LaulNlronet ~WllMAID Wastiing MP ne Bag of 11ylo1t mesh W/zipper. egc I "NP-27" AEROSOL FOR ATHUTl'S FOOT Kills fvllgus Oii Ind beneath Slll'bce· of skin •• , relitm 119 itch fast! .... 1JI. ''· • "Quinsana" A1ti0 Penpir1nt 'Y *--New aerosol AnH· l'lnfi""' Ml~ loe1> 119 '"' "'· I IL • Stat l bid or ' Water Ind oU Anc ;~,:~~ _I':;: ... ""' ~··~1 ... ,1151;, · · ·, C.I~ C11ps 12'''.~.lf #71 ~ A"J< COJ_lld 4t 11(.17141'1 . 88 7 Gl. Silt. lb="""'"" • POITUU "Cooler" 10" Oscillati11 FAN ~ 1~11111 Heavy duly .i,tor. • bb'i large spot Quiet ~per1t1n1. cooling capac11y. With Switch. liaht alld compact. ::I. 9.49 ... MJI 24.88 I~'""'#: tclrkJ ;m ii f l "'.1 For Conenieace In The Kitchen I • ~ ~~l. ~.!!! ~ !~~~~~t 3 QL I B11ghl Colors. • Pact Wlllte i. Vibrat1t Cotors.. I· • Cltlery Tray • 12 Qt. Pail - 5 Sections, ldeil '°awu lblldy pour spout. Metal bf&anllei. h~llllJ,, • Wasll Basket sink 15 Oum Site. lloilnd DMitn. • Waste Baskat AD PllCIS PllVAlli TUrsuy, July 23rC 11r1 s11, J1l12ltl r ' DRUG STORES OPEN 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. -7 DAYS A WEEK NIWPOUUACH tnf lllVlfill • WtlllcMlf 1'11• HUNTIM•fON llACH AMMI Afll• lltOOIUtUltlf HUfrlTIM•TOtt MACH ....... ,,,. ....... . 11 11 PAMPERS" DISl'OSAIU 1""'nfant,.....rs' Diapers With a "stay dry" llnina l~r a .-, baby. They ... COIJI· l...wi .. 1>111 ~-ion· "Bml LI&" JEANS PHOTO VACATION :!/di. We ster• style. Farm Fittiq, fiv1 """"'' . Sins 1-12 2.99 "'' NIW Breck "Satin" IUU11f11l 1Wl Creme Of LD!ioft Foundation Colld1liorier. Reg. 1.98 • lll.1 66 Cieme or 6 w. lDtion. · Y• Clllitt • "Pr' t " 1s een ,.,.,,,,. 11H1HtDll .. N•t lhe tet111e spr1y ••• tor that trnh 11111 confideftt 1111..,g. lo1. 1.11 IJ ... age Cashmere Boiiuet · IODT POWDH i1 Plalic "ttle • ., ., UOOie fl'9 I =IQ)~~ & 2 :1 DO le1.IJc U1z. • • byper-pllaze FOAMING SKIN CLEANSH Gives skit a ~gh cltwin& -betttt th• soap. ~lores 111t11ral PH ol the skin. With cun11la· 1 7g t~ anti·bacteria! actkin . .... 2.41 11 ti. • HELINA RUllNSTllN "Go Togethers" 1 11 ..,,_A Gift to Try! j MAX FACTOR GREAT SUMMH Treatment SAYINGS Moisturi Essence 111111 Cr1111 U&ht textll!'ed l non·areMy , •• rlc-1n oils. 3 00 11(.1.11 IJtL . • fir A LIMlt1I Tl•• .. IJ Skin Fresheaer lones and clarifies skin, removes last traces of make·up, A11. I.II 2 00 12 It • M1istarl1i111 Liquid Cleanser [lt&e!ive deep tleanslna IO· 11011 that romoves maM·~P • trimt "1'111• moi!ttrill111. 11(.111 11 IL 2.00 .. is111!1 Esslilce UMll M1kt·UP LotlDn Primes ski• for 3 00 -~ ....... ltt.fMltL • IUY: SkWI Dew Moisllrizin& [1111l1ion YOUI Gin ISi Skill Olw Moisturizinr Cletnser r.~ 4.00 IUY1 Nud1t Crtam lb1r Rem:iver FM The face YDVl °'" 1S1 Silo Dow Moistvrlrinr CluRser r.~ 2.00 IUYt HtMll Setlt Ca De Parlum YOUI Gin tS1 -Sort Ftamin& Bath Oil :~· 2. 75 r:.n 2.75 ' I I I • . I I I I • i • --~ ----·· -. - .LEGAL NOl'ICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE N7Jll N1la ,..mtt C••Tl,.ICAT• 01' •UllM•SI CllTl•ICAT• °' IUStMllS Cl•T1,ICATI O' COll,OllATIOM JllCTITIOUS Ml.Ml ,ICTITIOUI MAMI FOii: TllANU.CTIOH 011' IUSUflU Thf 11ndtt1ltMC1 dclll certify ht I• n.. lill\Otf1,lelltd do c.rlllY IM'I' etl UNOllt •ICTITIOUI NAMI CON!Udltle I 'MIMM • 2211 Ntwclort COll'illldlne I ~~itl•l*'l l>1tr1 ... 11 THI!! UNDt;lllSIGNIO COltPOltATtON lou""'•rd. C:•f•,,,...,, c.ui..ni.. 111111w er., F-11~ V•!,.../ c.111or~. under-.""""'~ ctrllfY "''' tt 11 C(ll'lduetl"t t11to tk:tlllou• 11"" -of "CLOCI( IM fktll'-•llmi -crt OIV!.llSIFIED t bll&IMN lialto ti 111'2 lffdll WOltK'1 U.l.A." 11111 that wlll firm O..il'OltTUNITlll Md 1t\,tl 6&ld firm lloultv¥d. lltnton, O.llfclrnlt ~r "- I• c:omllOMll Ill ll'lt folio.1119 ...,._, It ~ of ff..t: foliowl,.. otnOflt. llc"lloll1 1 1 r rn ntrnt ot STANTON .._, -In NII Mt 11i.c. fif , .. ~. Wi'loM """" hi 11111 ~ Jltc.. ol OISM>SAL tl'ICI ttMI 111d firm I• ~ It •• followtl rwlotnte are u fllllllw.: ot flll fallOllflrl9 ~•!loo\. wflDlt ..,.,.,. Jim C. SIMtof\I, ttS6\'i N-1 """ I . k•lio. 1•14 W. lkilM Fl'Wtt, c!NI 11llu Ill llu1l111U Ill ... follow•: kulwtrd. Coslt ,..._, Ct lllllnllt. .._. lffdl. C.lll, C It C. •• INC., 111'2 lktdl Dt+.d "-2f, lt1t. 1.-. H. Gtlle, 11111.C LMlll$Ol'I. louln1rll, Cit¥ 111 Sltntofl. CM!tY Jlrn C. Sltlll_,. GttGlft GroYt, Ctl"'°'ni... Ill Ort,_t, Sltft ti Ctlllorlllt, lltle Ill C.tllornl1, Ort-C_..,; Dllld JulY 1, IJJI. WITNESS th MM "''' 1'111 N• fJ On JUne If, l•Jlll. llidort rne, t Nof•IY Frtel I , S.C.110 Jllftt. 1t7' i'~c Ill tncl for Mid Sttff, Hl'1'0lllllr ~ M, Gtlte., ICoolortlf S..11 .,....,.. Jim C. Sltnlord k-to Sitto of C.IHorftlt, Or.._ (:oyo\l)li c It & •· Inc. rne l'O bt 1'he ..,_ w1'1c1M -Oii Jwlr J, lt"' .,.._ m .. 1 Not1ry Clllfal"d •· ltOllM'l\blrt If tuGK.rlbfd to "" wf!hln 1"11Nm9111 PuOllc 111 tnd for Mkl Sttle, ""~1111r PrulclMI tncl anow1tctetct ht t•llCUftd 1'111 .....,,., •-rtd Frtd I , lallO t ncl Lton STATE OF CALIFOltHIA, (Of'f'l(IAL SEALI H, G1i11 know11 tel ,,.. to bf Int COUNTY OF OJI.ANGE, 11. J-Ph (. O.wl1 Jl'WIOll• Wfloq 111m" .,. IU'*'rlbtd On th11 !tth dtr "' Junt . A,D. lf1'11. Not1rv Plllllk, C1Ulornla fa "" Wllfllll lnttrwrnent Ind atk.-ltOI--bekwe ~ • NCllllY Publk Ill tncl Prhw;IPtl Offltl In tel 111ay n.91:ul9d Ille Mmt. tor Mid caunlY tn!I 5 t, 1 ,, reskll1>11 Or• ..... CounlY !OFFICIAL SEAL) fhtrtl11, 111,11'1 c:ornm luloMd tllll 1-llt ""' Camm!Qkwl hf'ltt1 JM11 L. Jobtt PerlOl\lll'I •--.cl Clltfonl It. R-' JUN 21, 1'74 Nol.,., Publie-c..llfornl• """'*°' known ,, IM IO "' IN l'rnlffnl Publl'lhtocl Ol"•llf' Coat! OtHJ" Piiot, Pr1ftc!NI Offkt In of tht cor-llloll ltltl IXllC\lttcl the 1u1'i 1, I. 15, 22. lt10 UM.JO Or111N COl.Hll• wllhln 11111ru""'"t °" lltlltll' ol IN cw- Mr Comml•ltll Eltfl1'ft -••Ion INrefn ...,,,td, tnol tdl. _ _. LEGAL NOTICE Mtrdl 2. 1•n .. 111 '"' tlwt -Midi (Q("llOf•llon aic91:urtd Put11lst1e11 0r._ c-1 o.nr Piiat,, 111, ....,. P·JMlfl July I, IS. tt. Jt, 1t1' U•10 111 Wit-Wl\trtol, I h:1¥1 l'lertllflM c•1tTH•KAT• o" •us1N•ss LEGAL NOTICE Mr '"' 111no1 •nil 1ttl•te1 "" offki.t "ICTITIOUI NAM• SHI the clt'I" arw:t ••tr I" lhl1 ctrtlfklll The ull!lerslt!Md do Uf'lllY th"f tre 11••1 •bow wrttt111. conclllctll\I • bu1lnen ti ND W. lttft NOTtC• OP .IAL• 0, RUL PltO. (OFFICIAL St.ALI 51 .• CNll MtM. Ct llfamla. uncle• 1111 r•Rtv AT rRIVATI UL• J11n11 c . 800111 tlctltlou1 tlmi "''"' OI MR. FAT ' • 18. A~ Note..,. rublk<1llfornl1 FINGERS tncl thll •Id tlrm 11 com-Id IN THI! IUPllllott COURT Or1nv1 COUf>IY ol the lollow'llltl per1911$, wi...t n11'!1ff Of TM• STATl.0" CALll'ORNIA My Commlttl°" fll'frn In l~tt Ind plKff ti r111dtnct tre FOil TMI COUNTY O" ORAJllOI: Jyne 25, 1'11 •1 toCloWI: In n.. Miit.ir ol 111t 11!:1t11t .,, Mtrlor1 Ja""' C. loorlh Ltwt'11<f H. kllMlltlt, 2404 E. 81,11-K. St.ub, 0.C:Nt9d. A"-M'f •I Ltw ftlo, 5tlllt Ana. C1llf. N.ot1c1 It htrtbr t!VM tlltl ffle un-1Mf At11"'1 Efflel A. Sdlnetlfll, 2«M E. 8 ulftlo, c»rtl9Md wlll tttl at Pr ... 11t Mlt, Ctll• M .... Ctll,.,nia tuH s.rtl• AIWI, C•~·-10 JM hlthnl Incl belt bhkW, .IUb!tcl Pubnshtd o...,... Cot1! 01/ly Piiat, 0.ltd Julr 1.C. ltl'O to COllflrrntll°" ol Miii 5-ltr Court, J utw 1. I, If, n, lt1' llff..l'O Law~nc• H. SChnetlelt °"' or tfttr "" 27th dtY tf Julv,1----,-~--------- EllMI A. Sd!ne«>.11 1'71, at lht olllu of ••nil •of Arnffl(•, LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. N1tlclntl Trust and ltvinn Alsoc:l1ll011,, -------------OltANGE COUNTY: Trv1t DtNttmtnt, •1 Nor"lh. Ma.In Slreet.1· On Jlll'f U, 1t71. before rnt, • Notary S.ntt. ""'· C1lllDl'lll1, Cou111V of Or•ntt. P.i1'ff • Publk: In anlll tor Wild 5t1ft. Peri«Mltr by Gardon F. 8rNI, Alll1ltnl Truol CERTll'tCATI! 01' IUlllCISS. •-•red Lt~nce H. kllntbett tnd Off1c:e Ttl: In•) ~. S~tle ol l'ICTITtOUS NAMI! Elllll A. k ll11tbtl! koown to ~ lo c111tar11i., an tnt rlttht. 1111• Ind lnl~rttl The tlft<ltr•ltnld -. ct•ll" he II be thf "''°"' W11o$e 111mn 1r1 wbt.erlb-of --1!1 llKNltCI •I "" time ol detl!I QDn<ludl119 1 bulln11o1 11 1"72 Plcctdlllr eel to !he wlltlln l!'lltrumlnl •nd tnd 111 lht rltllf !lllt Incl l11krtsl Line. Huntlnf1011 8N;ll, C•llfllrnf1, undtr tcknowledllect !her IXKUled !ht Mmt. llMll '. "IN 1i11te ot' w141 dtctt1ect 1111 !he lldltlau1 l!•m name ol 8 & 8 (OFFICIAL SEAL) tC<IUirtd bY -•llon tf ttw ~ flltl-lsa, Qulk IU1e11 Incl !lltl 1el!I !!rm 11 mm- .JosePll E. Dlvl• olher ltll~ er In tddlJllDll to lhll l o( pased ol 11'1 lolk>wlna person. wh<Kt Notary Publlc, Ctlllornl• w141 "'="&Id' 11 ffll tlm• ol !lealh. -In tun tnd •lee• ol m~ Prlnclpal Olflc• 111 In tnd Jo •II tM cert11l11 properlr II IS lolk>w1: Orartue CounlY slt111tect \11 1111 CllY ff Pk"'°'1 B.eadl. JOlln E. BfllMrt, 1"22 Pl«tdln't MY ·cornmlulo!! E•l'lr• c"""" Jll. Oran111, Sltle tf c.111or1111, Ln.. Hunllnorto.1 Buch. CtJll. JUN 11. 1t14 PVlkuferb' ~lbMI •• ltllowl. to-wit: Dt!ed July 20. n10 Publlshed °''"'' Coast D•llY Pllol, ""' lll!dl\'Wtcl l~G ln••ttt "In I John E ....... Jul'/' is. n 7' •nd Autull s. lt11 l:lff.-1' lenehol!I at•" crt.i.i br ltlll c1rt1l11 Slt k of Ctnlaml1, Or1nee (ounlV: .. IMst' tlld nsitntd ttltrtof, ' """ On Juhf :Ill, lt70. btlort me, a Not1"' • •,· UPI T...,..... LEGAL NOTICE Mrt~rfY dtscflb9d '" A i.-dtltcl Publft I" tncl klr w ht .Sl•lt, Pl~llv I , A D L ., OdClf:ltr 12. 1"9, •llKVled br Ron"( IPPPred Jal\fl E. 8ooHrt k-to > t .. Aft• 1 e • ·-· -C:"'-Inc.~ t ~tlloll, ti leltor. '"" fa ~ the MflOI\ ""'-IWlmt Ill • -uo ' ...,,, •n4 V11I•, Dtl lido, t eol"llOt"•llol'I, II t.ubsalbld lo !he wl!tlfn ln•t"t,..nl I " Cl!•T1J"ICATI 01' 8USINISI .. ll!UH far the ftnn tf tt rftrs tnd tdlnowledl!ect he executed tne llrM. ~ Th Id . bo I d o 1;/ • d ' h • ed tJi b. I b ·11 ( th h d Ti d J d t k l'ICTITIDUI l'IAMI . aofT\mtnc.11'111 October 15, 1t$9 tn!I IOFFICl~l. SEAL) ; e o saym~ a u a og s tte JUSl oesn t mean w at it us to es a icyc e-w -or-ree as s e an pups na an u e a e T111 un0er1111nec1 does cerutr 11, 11 mrn1n111.,. on Oclobtr 14, ma uPOn JE.AN 1... JoesT • German °h erd (n·ght • t ) l1I th t ·d · H t in· the sunsh1°ne on a bn·ght summer day. These two-wheeled mas-conc1uc111'19 • bViln•u •1 uoo Adtll'li the ,.,.m,, conc1i11°"' •nd co.ven•n1s No11..,. Public -c1111orn11 ington, N.Y., from his own side car. Malibu resident 'Leeana Buck lers seem ·lo have provided well for their four-legged friends. lflll llcllfloul llrm n1rne ol Sta11d1 195' In . book .ttl7 "''' 191, Off1c!~I Or1ng1 Counhf t "f , ' puO 0 ·pe seS e COUD fXSl e JD UD • Sulll 31).1, COslt Mu•. C•lllornl1, ulldlr lh<!rt!n provided, recorllect October ll. Prlnc:l11tl Oftlct in .--''--'---'------'-----'----'--------------------------'----------------"-"---------! Fln1ncl11 Strvk:M alld !hit · 11ld Recorc1s, •1 "'~ndod by an Instrument MY comml11ton E•Plres tlrm 11 composed af the tollDw!"' "'"°"' dated October II, lKO 1nd recoroed ""'ch 2, 1m whoH fllml In lull 1nd place ol ruklenct Nowmber U, lNO 111 book SlZJ •Ht l'util!lhed Or11191 eci.11 o.Ur Pllol, I: b ts follows· 261. otncltl Records. J uly n, 2t •nd Aue111I S. 12, !t11l llll-10 'tl Chimp Uses Symbols, for Communication .. :~~°?f~:i~~J.~ E~:·~:~:i%~~::=======:LE::GAL:=.:~=...,=NOTl====CE======== On June 11. lt10, btklr• ml, • NotlrY 5621 P"• " Ill Otflcltl tllecorots. CIRTll'K:ATI °" •uSINISS. f Pllbllc lft •nd for 11141 Sit~. "''°""llY wllldl dCICunWll rKltn tlwl """ l'ICTITIOUS NAMI! • .., ~ld>ffl ltot.rt Hol'llM k-11 ,,,,,~ !Mrt1#'1def" h•• lht eiod1111"" The unfftllllnt!d does certify" llt II SANTA BARBARA (AP) -)l's done with plastic chips, "More importantly." he A chimp's lhroa.t. vocal nips,'' the 44-year-old ~ :O"":. fa .... "' JM ""°" -ntml rltht'k. UH Ind OC:CllP'f • Cft!lln CO"®Ctl"' • bullneu II ?Otll Horl1an ' S •• 7 Jd h" bK lbfd ta lh 11111 ln1trum1nl tPBrt~nt !lesltntttd t s No. SA In ln., '"IU<lll"'k>ll 8Ndl, C1Ufarnl1, Unde~ ar, .... , • -year-o C lltt· each representing a different said, "this m1ghl tell us cords, tongue and lips aren't fessor said, "because of the :no1':C...~led!lect 11e't11~~ me"""· the communllV •1>1r1rnen1 bu11d11111 1111 nc1111ovs firm n1me o1 HANNA'S panzee:, communicates with ord eth. bout OU theor es h bee emphas1·s on vocal ---~. " (OFFICIAL SEAL) kMIWll I I ''VI"• Del Liiio" 1ltu11t!d MAINTE,.,ANCE Ind .~., MIO llrm 11 { h b . bo'· 1 w • som 1ng a r 1 them language ave n ~"" . '-'""' K Vlei•• °"' wkl 11no1 1nc1 • c•rt•ln •11tomo1>ne comPDlt<I of the 1a11ow11>11 P••IOfl, Who$e umans Y usmg sym ~ or , Doub 1 sh • ol 'language." f h th Al"'-·gh he belie· ves Sar~·, Not•ry Pubtlo-Clllloml• •••kl"' SP•c• cltlhi* 11 No. 5A/batn n•~ In 11111 1nt1 Pl•c• ot rnldenc1 Wor.L.. ' t ess, es an ex-made or muc more an u1UU in• Prtncll>•• oo1ot In •• deu11woiC on 1t1e •l•I• •ll•elle<I 11 •• fo1 1ow1: ' "' ~-o c 1 to stld cla(umtnl1, fll9tther wl!tl n.e Dile Tllom•1 H1nn1, 211'$1 HcrllOll t.remely bright chimp, '' Sarah has a "vocabulary" grunts and hisses, so Sarah accomplishments are unique, ,::~!rnm°l'~~ EllJll"" ,1111t at ll\lreu illd wru1 i., '"" l.n .• Hun11nt1°" lleteti.. J Serah, the star pupil ol Dr. 73 from Mkl 1111rtmsnl 111<1 1utsimablle 0 1led" July 70. 1'10 ' \ David Premack of t Ii e Premack said Monday. He of 130 words -ranging from communicates by mo Vin g ptemack said a man and a Publ~ 1A',~e Coast Dall'r Pnat, ,11111111 &P•c• •"" "" r111111 In aofT\mon 0.1, Triamas H1nn1 I 15 22 1t79 llOJ.10 with Ille owners cf tM other undivided S!tll ot C1Ulornl1, Orlntt (Oun!y: t University of California, uses said he believe; the possibility banana and chocolate to such s~ls around on a wife team in Reno, Nev., are Jul'I' 1• • • • lnttreit• In 1ald 1e1H ro use 111e on Jul'I' 20. it70, beior• rne, 1 Not'" ""'antmal' in a way 1~· of tea~'ng ~ .. , ... , __ ""as a'"tract Ideas as tai:e a!ld magnetized board. also teaching chimruin7-11. to LEGAL NOTICE ••U11ew1v. drlvaw•r. Pllbllc partlDl\S Public 111 •net far uld s1111, HrSonat1' ! I l I ! I ! • : l I l 1, J l • ' !. • . ' I ! 1 • 1 • t· • ! • D" lllM. uu ~ "-"1Wu,... II.. Ull r----tnd orher common fKllltles Miii r<IUll" ._...,, Otle Tllorn11 ........ "-" 80l11etimes bewilders childn!fl. "no limit." put. "Previous at.tempts to teaeh use s.ign language. 1------::-::::::------1 rnent o1 111d 111rtrl"llnt bulkll.,., bllt ro me fa be ""' i>el'"IOl'I w11ov ...,,.., THE ORANGE COAST'S BfST·~~E~ER ..• RATED ., .. '. <FOR . EXCELLENT> It's the DAILY PILOT that moves the ' merchandise!. You coulCI put this "best seller" on your sales staff. l'.J7M4 wtlldl dol;""''"' f )l(e!>ll IN ~ ot 11 subscrlMd to tti. wltllln lnitrU<N1\t CIRTll'1CATI 01' aUlll'IESS •II t l'trlmt'r>ls tncl 1utomoblle P1rllln9 Ind ldtnowledaed ~ t llKUltd ltlt Wrnt. " l'ICTITIOUS NAME ~ces e:rcei>I aP1rtment NO. SA 111d !OFFICIAL SEAL, lht underslvllld dD Ct rtltv llltr ••• 1utornobl11 Nrlr.1119 -· Na. SA. JEAN L. JOB!T l"On!lucill'lll I buslMll ti P.O !loll 423', Tiii lnttrnl ot the les$H uncltr said Nc!t rr l'ublk: • Clllfarnla NeWPClrl 8Ndl, C1Ul1lrnl•. un!ler tlll ie .. t his ilnce '"'"ed to M1rlon IC. Prl"Cla1t Offlte lll fk;tl!IGUI tlrm ntrm ot INTERNATIONAL SllVb 1 mtrrled Wcn'lln 11 her ~le OrtnM County SAILS ttlll llwl 1tld lfrm II COlllPDlld Incl .,',p1rftte llfoPtflY bY an 1ulgnmen1 Mr C""mlt<lon Exalre1 of Ille totlowl119 1>ersan1, whatt n•~• d kd Ju!Y 2s 196' 1nd recorded SeP· ""-n:ll l, lfn 111 full 1no" Pl•c• ol r1t ldlfl(1 •• u i:mber n. 1Ki. tnd br otfltr 111!onment1 Publ!1hed Or11>11e Coal! 01111 Piiot, lottow&: cf record. Julr n, :It •nO Au•111t S. 12, 1'70 1l39·7• L••ltf F. •1111 Marllvn M. Grant, "'°'• co"'ll"IOnlr known t 1: 11'°5 A11llodl Dr., lrvl.,., C1rlt t26'-I Apartment S-A. ill Lida Par~ Orlve, LEGAL NOTICE O.Nd Julr 7, 1910. Newl'Ort e11ch, C•lllor11l1 Llllll" F. Gr1'1t lernw of 1111 c.tlfl In lawful montY P·:MNt MtrllYll M.. Grt<rt of Ille United Sltlft on contlrt'Yltllon CEllTll'ICATE 01' CORl'OltATIOH SJlle of Ctllfoml•, °''"'' Ceunhf: of Slit, or Plrt ush tl!ll blltnc:e l'Oll TRANSACTION O" 8USINliU On Ju!v 1. HJlll. llm>r• '"'· I Nat1ry evlffnced Irv ""' wcund br .Marf9He UHOt:R "M:TITIOUI NAME f'UOll< In Ind for Mid 51111, PIOOlllllY or Trust Dted on lht p,_.rtv so THE UNOElll:SIGNED CORPOltATtON -!'Id Lest ... F. Gf'lftl tnd Mtrll'lll sold. T~ 1>1rCetll of •rnounl bid l<I cklel llertbv certlty ltlt! II 11 cOndudlne M. Grtnl k.-fa rM lo be 1111 be ~lted with bid. 1 1 1 bu1lnes1 touted 1t·ID) Adtms AwnH Mnons "1loll 11tmt1 1r1 •ubtcrlb9d Tiie Exec:ulor r111rvft 1111 rlt h o CO$lt M11st, Ctllfllfl'llt, utllltf !he fie: lo tM wflltln ln1tr-t tnd tcknowledl-relect 1nr or 111 bldl tnd Ille p.--rtY li!lous firm IWlrnt ol' CONCEPT MEDIA tel !ht~ t•llC\lltcl tht wm•. Is bt!n11 Miki 11 It tubltcl "' cov-nis, tnd th•t wld !lrm 11 comPC>ffd ol (OFFICIAL SEAL) condlllom, re1trlctJon1, ~e1ervillons, Ille tollowl"' corpor1rlon, wllose IH"lnd Pll JGStah E. Dnlt ei11tnt11h. rlthh. and rlthl• ol w1r pltc• cf bu1lnen 11 •t tollowl: Not1ry Public, C1llfornlt of record 11 '"y· CONCEPT MEOIA INCORPOR,t..TEO, Prlnd••I OHie• In llkh or offers lo bt' 111 writ!"' •no" 1.tOO Adtnu Av1nut, C01lt MtJt. Ortn!lt Counhf wlll be rKl!Yed 11 the 1foret1IO otllce Ctlllarnlt. Mr Commb1lon Explr11 al inr tlmt 1tter Ille tlral publltt!lon WITNESS 111 hind lflb 31'# dl't aF J1111t 21 , 1'74 hereat 9nd before d1t1 ol 11te. July, 1970. Publllftld Or111111 C0tst Dtlly r 11o1, Oiled lhl• Ultl !ltr ol Julr, 1t10 (CorPOr•Je SttO July I, IS, Z2. :it, 1'70 1231-10 Gor!ll>n F. BtHll• CONCEPT MEO!A A1111ltnl Trust Olllct• INCORPDRATEO LEGAL NOTICE Exec.vtor of tilt E1!1le Rurh M. W"lllfl•I i;t Hid OKld~I. YVWlne Mlfldor ll ·--~==c-.o=-====---1s1r1'1". GIUlll a a.-n. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. NOTICI' TO Cltl:OITO•I HJ$ Wlldolrt •oa11Y1rll. COUNTY OF ORANGE, 11. IUPt!llOR COUltT O" THI. Ltt Alttlitl· C1Uternl1, ~ On lhls lr!I dty ot Jul'/', A.O. !"9, STATI! o" CAL"'OANIA l'Olt AttorP11r1 • ., lf X9(11191" I before flMI E. G-Crtlll I Na!t•r TME COUNTT 01' OIAMGI Publllhed Or111<M Cotti Dtllr Pitt · Publk In tllll !Cit' 1110 Countr tnd NL A ... m Jul'I' 1•, 17. n. ltl'll ll\S-10 Stele. resldlr19 !lllrtln, Oulr c"""'lulaned Etlllt o1 LETTIE A. 8Jl.INOERSON, --•nd 1wom, ptnon11t• IPPHred Rull'I Deceased. LEGAL NOTICE M. Wts!l'hll •nd YVDnne MelClor tr.now11 NOTICE IS HEREl,Y GIVEN ta ~ lo '"' fa be !tit Prtsl!lenl tnd SKrtl•rv crtdltori of ft1t 1~ n1mld dtcld•nl of fh1 corpareU011 the! IXKllltd "'9 that 111 peoon1 h1vl111 cl1tm1 111lnsl P·ntil wllh!ll lnslfutnenl Oii belltlf ol the ear- th• 11kl dtced"1nl 1rt r1<1ulrtel lo 1111 CfltTll'ICATI: OI' IUSINISI perallon lhe,.ln 111med. tnO kknawlldt-ttiem, wlth Ille Mtelllln' voutherl, In OUS NAMf eel le me lh•I such corPD!'ttlon ••ecu!H' 1111 office of lht cltrlr. of tlll tbovt "1CTITI 1 "' r i re Ille wme. enlllled awrl, or 111 pre1tnl !1111m, wltll The Yn<lenl111\ed do al111Y ?IS t Sovrh IH WITNESS Wl!EltEOF, I h1v1 h1r .. the f*nllrY vaucllff1, ta ~ u<>--canovct!nt • DUtlneu 1 1 umltr un•o ott my hind 1nd 1n1xec1 rnr flll!clal denlvned 1t Ltw Olt1ct9 ot Sellrn s. M1ln S1rnt. 511111 ...,,., Cattlinc~ASTAL ~•I lhe O•r •!Id rear In lhl1 certfllcttl FraMlln, 107 Eat1 lllh SlrHI. Cast1 1111 l!cllll<llll llrm n•rM 0nd 111 ! tld lint _1bove wrlrttn.. Mitt. C1lllornl1. whkh 11 Ille Pltee ACCEPTANCE COMl'ANY '1 I $ (OFFICIAL SEAL) ot bu1lllftl Of !I'll UlldH'llllM'll tn 111 llrm 11 comPOled of !Ill follow"' pen~ E. G1"' Crtln m•'tforl perlllnl"' hi !ht r:llle OI wtloH n1rnes In full. tnd plecn Hotarr l'ubtlc-C1Ulornl1 iild d«:edtnl, wl!tlln lour months tflet resklente ire IS laliow:li• Mttrll" LtM. Ptl"C;lpat Olllce Jn lhe flm t>ubtk.ellori of 1t111 nolltf. Eueene E. Sled, Or•"IHI CounlV Ol1td Junt 29 1'70 Fullerton, Ctlll. T Stn Mr Camrnlulon Expires TN!lml A_ Frftd Ror Scott, 506 Ave. er11.11. .111,;1 11. 1'71 Exl!'CvtrlX of "" ati!e Clo:menTt, Ct111. Pl 11 Or l'ubllllltel Orl"9* Coal! DIJlr Pnnt. of the •bo"' 111med d91:edent Robert ..-.Iller. '°fl: tcefl ' "' July I , 15, 7', :rt, IJ70 12)f·111 S.11111 I. fr1nkll11 H1cl~• Heloht1, Ct · 117 • 1•11 SI D11ed J ulr l•, 1t70 LEGAL NOTICE • · E~ E.Sled ~=~ r,,~· :.~f Robfrt M111tr r -mlt Attwner .... l!•Kutrl• RoY L. Scalf NOTICE OF OIS$0LUTION O I' PUblflhed Or•ntt CCIII! Otl1Y f'llct STATE OF CALIFORNIA, PAITNl!ltSHIP AND 0" OISCOH• • • •> -1,-lltj.l'li ORANGE COUNTY: TINUANCE 01'" USI! 011 l'IRM NAME Ju 1. ' • ... "' On Julr IJ. \tro. belort me •• Noflty NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that LEG .,::-CNOO:O:TI:::CE=---IPubflc Jn •nd '°' tlkl Stale. 11ncna1!Y tile 1>1orlMrtMo ComPDHd cf lht lol-!ni ft4' IPl>elt"!d Euttne I!. $ltd, Robert Miiier 1>er1ons, ano lllrttolort tl'llltltd 111 •--;:::::::::-;::::::-;-;::;-c;;;c;--1•1111 Ror L. koll knDWll to me lo t>uslnll$s uncltr lhe tlrm 111rne ct SUPIERIOlt COUil 01' TNI: ~ ft>I Plrs.onl '""'1t 1W1mt1 lrt .ubscrlb-l'ARIOlURST. II "74 Yl1t1 Flor•, STATE 01' (ALIFOltHIA 1'01 .o to !ti. within lnslrume11! tnd NewP<>rl Belch, Ctlllor11l1, W•I dlnolved THI: COUNTY OF Olll:ANGI: icknawleclted llleY uecUled 11'11 sarnt. 11 ol mhtnlgllt, M•Y 27. ltto: Iha! Ne. A""'61!1 (OFFICIAL SEALJ tt.eruner tlld l!rm dl1eon!lnU'ed !ht NOTICE 011 HIA1t1NG OP Pl:TITION H. J. C-1'1" ust of uld l'ltl'!lt': 11111 llltl llfler l'Olt l'ltOIATE 01' WILL AND f"O• !>!oltrr P\lllllt llld !llnolullon no i>er...., htel tutharlh• Lt:TTE•S TliSTAMliNTARY I HO Mr Cornmlulon Ex•lrt1 fa lntur obll•1llon1 lor said former aOHO ltl!OUIRIOJ FelJ!"\tt" lt, lt11 llrm1 Ille 111mt1 ol ft>I Pll'lrlft'1I Intl Es1•1• ot Vtoll I . Nlelttn, Dttt11ed. Publiihed Or11>11e Coa1t D1l1r l'llot, their resHCtlve tddresH'I •~: NOTICE 15 HERESY GIVEN !hi! Julr 15, n. 7' •nd Ay1u11 J, lt70 l:ltS-70 Gener1t P1rln1r LAWRENCE E. Stcurlhf Ptcllk Htllonal Bink 1111 tiled G"TES. "2~ Vl1t1 Flor11, H...,iort hert!11 • 1tttlllon for flroblte ol wm LEGAL NOTICE Beac;h, C1lll1lrnl1 t166G1 tnd far !Ulllnte ol Ltllera Tnl•mtnt1.... """ Llrnlltd P•rtner, l..\URENCE la l'tl"lontf' (ND 8on!I Rr<iulr.0). BOOTHE, II Trustet llndlr • Dec- rele•ence fa which It ll'llde hie lurllltr LIOAL l'IOTIC• l1rttlon ol Tr1111 d•led" March 1, IH!, •1rllcv!1t1, •nd 11111 lhf time •NI pl•« NliWPO•T·MISA U'HIPll!O 'S2$ Oct1n Baulevtrd, COffll\I de! ot hl1rlnt the Mme h•I bffll Kl 1CHOOL DISTltlCT Mar. CiHfornla t262S, tar Autusl 7, 1'70. ti •:lit t .m., In NOTICI INVITOIO llDS Otted lhls 2nc1 dlr of Juty lt111 lht mun,._,, "' De111rtment Ho. 3 NOllCE 15 Hl!llE•Y GIVE N 11111 LIWl"tne:I E G. ol 11ld eou<I. ti 100 Civic Ctnl1r Drfw lllt ll0tnl ol Ed\ICl!lon ot ft>I H-rt· L•u•ence a.Ott>e Its Wes!. In !he CllV of S.nll AM, C1lllor· Mel.II Unl!W $dlOOI Dl1trlcl ol Ora"i: ~• Tru1!• ulld~ • nli CounlY C1llfarnl1, wllt r.celYt If• Dttl 11 D1ted Julr :1(1, ,,,. bldl ~. to ll:OCI A.Ml ..... ~ "'~ dll~· M"°:.c~ ir~~l w e ST JOHN II.Ir ol July, U70. I JAMIS ' ,.. • ' • c 0untv Clerk ' said Sdlool Dlstrld, !«tied ti 1117 -.. 1 L, JR. Clllttn, Olltr ,,,. Mint... PlllCtfllll Avt11u., C111t1 ~. Ctlffar11l1, Attwv:r 11 Law 4., W•I Ttfllfl Str•I, •I wtilch llrnt uld bids wllt be pUbUclr ~!!...J = c 1,,_. 1 5tftll Alll, C1Hlw11l1 ~ tlld rttd tor: TJoy OF DATA 4n-.1n • I ft. ,,... Teli 1n:1 5";'441 P:N:~5~~~ ~$~:Ml DF CITY OF Published Orann Coat! 01111 Pllal A~o::i:heot.r Or~n~""CDl~I D111r Piiat, COSTA MESA, CIT~ OF NEWPORT JuW 15, 12, 1' Incl AulYll J, lt70 l"'-,,0 Juty "· n. 71, UMI 1335-70 &EACH ANO THE NEWPORT·MESA IJNIFtEO SCHOOL DISTRICT LEGAL NOTICE AH bids ,,.. fa bt' 111 1cm"'111Ce LEGAL NOTICE· wllh Condlllon1, Instructions, •" O•J------;:;;;;:------. 5Nelllc.tlloftl whkh '"' ,_ Ill IHej l'~Jt• In IM oftlce ol the Pwellt•lf\'J Apenl (.fltTll'ICA7"1! OP: •UllNE$S SUP••IOlt COURT 0, TH• of .... SdlOol Dlllrld, 1m l"ltcentla l'ICTITIOUJ NAME STATa 01' CALlf"OINIA llott A~, Costa Meu, Cahfornl•. The IH'llfr11tllfd Clo Ctrtltr they 7"14E COUNTY Oft OltA ... I EiCll lll4dtf """' Wbmn I bld o..osn condlldllll! I llvillllK II I.. 1"' ..... A-uNI in "" tonn ef I Cfrttfltd or cnlll«'I llvd 51 c ( N""-1 MOTICf °" H•AllN• o" r•·TITIOM ch«lr. flt I .... ...,, -·· Jo five ~ n:e ffc.11::! ~· Cantom11. POR P•MATI OP WILL AND "OR PWC1nl 1~1 ot 1111 •moulll el 1111 NEWPOltT PllOOUCTIONS lllfn;:: f: !SSUAMCI' OF LaTTEIS TUTAM•M-bid, 1'11de N~tble I'll IN °"""" of !Inn Is~ o1 flll l'Otlowl M TAaY TO P9TITI01ftl ftM N-t-MIM U11111M ld'IOel Olltrld. w110H ftl'IMI 111 tun atld ":iMf'lorlt.. 1!:1t11t of WILSON IUGENE LUTHElt, A Pertannlnct knd INlr be -Ired 1111klenct ••I II '1111oM· -ti tlto -""""" .. GENE LUTHI!•, DKM• 1t Ille d!Kf'lllofl ol 1111 Dlstrtcf. '" Gtry l>trn;IOf'd, 117' Mtalf St ""' fd. the _, ol llliUN "' tnftr '""' l\Kh x. Cod• Mt•, C1UI .. • NOTICE. 15 HEll:E8V GIVfN TN! conlf'l<I, fM _ _. llf 1111 ~ Miiie Robw!Mll, 1iof\'i 8•1tlOI I I¥ R-ld s. BlfCVIM h•• flltd hlrtl" wm be i.rftltod. "' In ct• ot • H"""°" •uc:11 C1llf d .. • Dtllllo11 '°' l'robile o1 Wiii 1/id bond, 1111 lull '""" tt..reat w111 be Dated Julr u , 'n 70 • IOI' tuu.nct ol Ltlrt" Tnltmenll"' for'-'!ed fa Mid School Ol1trld ol Or11>11t G1rv Dent!"" ro l't'llllOl\el", ttl'ettnct ta whlc11 11 Coul'llY. Mlllt llt!lbfrt"" mldt 1w turthtr ,..rlkultn, tnol lhll Ho blddtl' rnar w111'1draw 1111 bid for STATE OF CALIFOltNIA 1tr11 tlrne •ncl •llet of lletrl111 lhl , -loll a* ti,.,., 00) dl'l"I ttltr "'°' ORANGE COUNTY; ' Call today for rates and Information f J DAILY PILOT Mmt Ill• blfft •I tor JuW 31, 1f10, !lite J11 i.r !flt -1111 llllrtOI. On Jwty U, 1'10, llefort mt, , Noti It ttllt •.m~ Ir> 1111 courtroom of Tiit IMf'll of l!dllc.tllo!! ol !he N-1-Putlllor; In t llll 10r Mkt Sltlt .,.,_,1fi: °""'"'"""" Ht, J ti Mkt Court, II ~ U111fltd khOIM Oltlrlet rn1noes """''" Gary Oenstortl 'tncl 1'\lk 109 (IYlor; Clnlll'" lkl"f W111, In the flll rleht to ffltet ll'IY Of" tll lllds, It~ ~ la mt to bf th: t lf'f el Stnla Ant. C1llfonll• tNI NI l'!Ot'HSMllY ftc.T ,,. lewrftt l*Mlll Whetl -'"' s.ubte;rttiH I ' '· I DISPLAY ADVERTISING DEPT. 642-4321 or s40.1220 Otttd Jul¥ II. llN llld, Mid lot "91.... ll'l't" ........,,,.llt¥ or IO. lht. w1t11l11 ll'lllr""'ffll encl ldulow"°"' W. I!. IT JOHN, /~i.r11Y In ll'IY bid f«'.lllYtd. .. """' t1'KWIR IN wmt. C-IY C"'1! OllMI Jul't U. "11.. (OFFICIAi. S!ALI J•,l'llY •· llMf•, ttEWPOltT.Ml'SA UNll'"IEO JaHfl I!:. Otvll JM JMwMrt (ll!Mr Dftw, SCHODl.. DISTltl('r Htllr? Pullllc, (tlllon'lto lllltt ... fl!litl'" _,, of Or-Count'" C.llfOmlt Prlnclcl•I Oltlct I" """""' ltlldl, Ctlll'Onlll •• Ocrolh'I" H......,. Flllltr Or1.,.. COlmtrf Ttl! {714) ....-SI Purc:h11t,. All'l\I MY Comml11lon El(JllrN Alltnllt fllr Ptllt~ .. s.uoe . JuPt 21, 1'7• Plllltl.t>ed or ..... CC!ftl D1Ur l'llol, l'ubll~lltd Or•ntt co.ut ·o.rtv l'llal, l>ublllhtd Ortnvt C111" O•llY Piiot Jlllr Jl, n, 21, 1'70 IU7•1t Julr U, 197' t nd Julr tt. ltl'O 1300-N July IJ, :ti. :It 1'111 A11tull J, ltJt 1m.1'i THE NEEDLE IS MIGHTIER THAN THE PEN And the m c n who knows jUlt how to turn tht phnue io grt tht mott ouc 0/ tht barb u Dl\/LY PILOT colvm,.. irl Sl!<lncr Homs. H• h4I bctn ca1ttd the modem -dau ff t n r 11 Menoktn. lf you're ttadJI for hil we of tll'- acid adjfcttue crnd thouoh• -provoking pro&t to give rou the needle ... if you want io find 1011Wthing to think a.bota in wha.C yo1i1 rtad • , , if 1/0U have n tnul fJ/ humor. vou b c l o n g wfth ttaders who deUght in ttlling other• wh4t "Svd 1aid" in one of the nation's moss • Quoted columns. II I "• ' Some Sample Barbs Retent/y Thrown By Sydney Hartis; "One ef tht hltlw•t paid jobs in America con1i1h of 1tancllnt1 up in front of• mlc. rophone, Mpar1tlng the good rtc:ortls from the bid 1n11 -and pl1yln1 the b14I onM." 11Jt's sad but true that while alcoholics are the be.st argument for abstiDence, so many abltainers are equally effective ar- eument for a little drink now and then." "Most ef the ...c•llM 'incompatibility' in m•rri• .. 1prln11 frem tM f•ct th•t te most men, 11x it In •ct; while to all women, It 11 1n emotion. And ~hit diff•r- ence In •ttltutf• can be bridged only by love." ••The sole difference between a "dedica- ted crusader' and a 'nosy reformer' con.. slsts in our agreement or disagreement with his objectives.'' "Thi mest expl•ive combination In th• world con1l1t1 of sincerity 1ddtd t• i9noranc1.'' ••\Vhenevcr I an1 the recipient of an ex· cessively hea1ty handshake, 1 suspect Pifr. ~tu1cle11 is trying to sell something, hide 1om1thing, or prove somethin1." , Page LEGAL Nal'ICE LEGAL N011CE ",.,. ........ Gel"f N•tl"e Kim Agnew, 14-year- old ,daughter of the vice presidMt, will re-- present Preshlelft : NiX- on Saturday It' a · New l'-»11t Atexico Indian cere- c11.T1l'1tATt 01' IUllfrtlSS. l'1cT1t1ous MAM• mQny. Miss Al.new will TM unarsr,ned dou ctl'flf'f llt Is "°"'1.1<t1111 • twtinm ,, m w. 1t111 present a cl!remonial SltMI, Cotta Mft1, Ct!lftrnlt, U!ICler th• 11c1111tu1 11rm n•rne °' THE COPY cane, inscJihed with the HOUSE tnd ltltl MOid llmi Is COll'oPOMd 1' J of flit 1o11ew1 .. , "'""'· wl!OM """' the President's name, :i~, •nd •1ta ., '*'""-11 .. to T.ios Pueblo. tribal · ltobtt1 L. S.nfwd, fMil ,..,., Clrtle. Fwnt.tn v111ey go've~r,· Querino Ro.. D11td July '°• 1\ll'O "°"rt L. S.11,.fol'.s Mero. Sl91t of C1llfon1Jt, Or1111• C11111ty: .1------------0.. July 20, 1t10, btffff mt, t N11+1rv Pvllllc Ill l l'IOj '°'" Mid statt, te•SMtllY til'kerllll llo&trt L. Stnfttd Ww11 lo me le bf: tlll ~ wllOte 111m1 11 ..ubscrlllld lo 11'!1 wltfll11 l11ttrvmtn1 tlld Klinowtflflild l\e IKKVltd l'fl4I Mme. (OFFICIAi,. SEALl STANLl!Y T, EDDS Noltl"t' l'ubllt C1lllor11!1 Prlnclptl Ofllc1 In Ortnot Ctu,,.., My Commission El!l'ltet , Mll"dl 13, lm l'lltlllsMd °'"'" CDllt Dlll'f l'i~. I July 22, 2f llld Aututl J, 11, lti'O 130-70 1.EGAL NOTICE L••AL NOtlC• NtTICE 01" l'UILlt MIAllN• NOTICE 15 Hl!llEIY OIVl!.N fflal Ille City Counc:H Ill tht City of Cosll MHI w1h l!Old • publlc lliltrf119 on it.119u'I J, ltlt, 11 tht hour el 7:30 11.m.. OI' •s soon ll'llrelflff 1s tllt m1~ mty be l'lllrd, 111 !tit CouroCll Cll1mber ti the City Htll, 71 F1tr Drive, CMlt M1111, Ctllfornlt, Ir\ llt J11~Hon to Vt(tlt llltt tlrttl11 ,ltl\I tf Wl'f dfKtlbtd 41 fol .... t '•tcft!I • ..,. .., • "'"" ......, loclltd ~ F~ I nd o,..,. AYt_, Ind tl4twMft t:l'I ?Offl 9tfttl 1nd llY Streel, be 1 ~ n r n t ti• .,..,,.1,.,1tt1IY aoo ftll 116rthtrly al Ille centtrltn• el E11t 20tfl Streel, 16• '''"' PIH'MW only, In lllt Cltv ... CDlll Mftl, IJ mt... Nrt1Cllll tl\' dttt,lbM 111 I m1p tn 1111 111 the 1fflc.1 ol 11'11 City Cllnl tlld Wlllch 11 rttlt'fM 111 l tok 1lt, ••tt °' of 1'111 ~u.tr'1 MiM Ill Ortntt Counf'f. NOTICE IS FVlllT11Elt GIVEN 11\1t 11 the tfrM 1nl' •1•c• •llovt mt~llor.ed t nv 111d 111 11e•son1 ,.,.'f ''"''' •nd bl hfll'll iY the Cltv CouM.il bl lhe CllV ol Colli Mest on i 11a ln!enlklM to Vtqlt. , , lr1Llli•N •: l"~INMEY. c,.,. .c11,1t ' l'llltttlolltl' Dr•,..• CHtl 0111.,. ~net, 1 JulY 22, 1'1'11 1sn.11 LEGAL NOTICE L•tAL Nt?ICI NOTICI! 0, l'UlLIC NIARIHt NOTICE IS HERElY GIVE!i, "'-I lllt, Cit'f (Ountll el IM Cllv" ol Co:~ MtM wl!I held • ,..,..nt l'ltttlnt 1:111 A!lf111I 3. 1'10, ti '"'-lltur of 71lll t'clll(k ''"'" OI' ti nan thfr&1tltr •1 IM rnett... ,,...,. bt he-trl'. 111 !!It Council Cflllmbet 11 !hi Cltv Httl. rt F1lr Drlw, tostt Mftll, c1nt11rnl1. on lltlOlll l'rfltlllll ..... 10, btt119 !tit ptlllloll ol Ill/SS Ford, .tS00 CamPlll Qrl\lt, lllllOl'll 200. ,,,_,., 111dl. ca11tornt1, tor l>trn'llUIOl'I " 't~ 11r-rty, 1111m M1 to C1<,, llltscrlllilill 11 H1U1w1: Tht well -~'' ol !ht :'l(IU1~ 1rv1 1cr11 of Ltf J, alotk E. lterrv Tr•tt, In 106lc 30, lllt 74 ol Mlscili.ntous lltcon:ls el LM Antele, c ... ri!Y, IXCIPI Ille .outl\lflY ue IMt ..... Mlrl"' ft-~""""' of ltktl' St ... !. S.IC ,,...,....,. 11 ltc1!M 11 ... ' l1ktr Slrttt, CDll9 Mt I I , Ctllftl"l!lt. HOTICI! 1$ l'VllTHEI! GI VEN tht~ II tht time Ind •l•CI tMri m•ntlOl'ltd tl""f lo11d ttt perttns m•V '"'etr •nd bf' httrl' W ftte C:llY Ceul!Cll ef "'' City tf CM!• MU. .,. 5tll' 1111,_ l'tl'lllon 111 ... 10. . llL•f:N I'. l'Hl/<fNt:'I', Cl"' Cltrk l'llblltllff or'"'' c11a,1 D1Hy l'iltl, Ju1r n, 1t7t 1....,,.. LEGAL NOTICE • l'..J'Ttll . <llTl,ICATI 01' COJtJIOIATl•N '11 TllAltSACTION o• l\ISINllS U'MOllt l'ICTITIOUS NAMt THI! UNOlllllGNID CCll~OltATIOl-J ... I flel't..,. C*t11fr l!ltl " fJ eontl~ctln!I I Du1IM1t lktted ti 111'2 t11ell ..,ltvttl', Slt11IOl'I, C•N'°'nlt ullder 11\t Hayakawa Advocates 'School Gap' BOULDER, Colo. (AP) - Dr. S. I. Hayakawa, the con. trovenial president of San "'"""'°" ~ ~ ...... y. a bUlC 'factor .Jn , campus unrelt is tht p~sence of many YOUfll me11 and women at col- l lege ~ do'oet beloog there. ' "ParenlJ push many middle class and upper middle class children lnto coueae even lhOlls)l they don't know what they want to atu 'dy,'' Hay1;waka told about SO pel'SOns attendhtg a semJnir on i>oliUcs and political ideoloiY tb\J W<tk. Unlike •· v!llt be,.. lal\.Ylar, the college president's ap- pearance drew no protest demonstrations. It was not widely pubJJciled, ' . . He said engineerin1 students, nul'ling students, youn1 scienU.str, artiJls and muticiaos rM'ely are leaders of campus revolts. "'nK>se in collefe to pursue careers ap- preciate their educatioo," he said. But student.a who don't know what to do with their llvea find the university a mean- ingless place, the educator said. He sufgested a b r e a k between h!.ch dool aod col- le,e to provide young people with an opportunity for wort experience or participation in national service, such as1 military or civilians. He also proposed that universities re-1 quirt student.a t.o 5))111 out their ,..1, befo« beh11 ad- mltte(I. flcrtrtWt lltm lllm.tl "' HAVL·A.WAV c:oNtA1N1J11 •!Id tr11t ... 14 11rm 11 Si'gma Chi Set• ~,....., of "" letltwl111 C9'Mt•llt11, " wftoa9 1r1ntl•1I Plitt tf ....,.IMSJ It II felllwl: c • .. JI, IMC.. 111'2 •••ell M t' D t l 1111tv1t1', Cltv tf 1!1nton, CtunlW ee , Ing 8 C ef Oftntt, Sith! of Ctlllorftk. WITNEU lts ht!'ll' 11111 ttih dlY o1 Ju .... '''°· 'Ille recently lonne<I Orange ic(l!'..,C'111: se, •. 11,., inc. County chapter or the Sig:ma ' CUrflnl JI. •onNnMra Chi Alumni As9oclation wtll l'rtt141nl I STATE Of< CALIFOltNIA. meet Wtdntaday at 7:30 p,m. COUNTY Cll OltANOE, Jt. ,.., ~ tli!t 2'ltl ,_, 11 Ju11t. ,.,0, 1,~ 1ue meet.int will be held al :'1':.1c1mtcO:nty'-':: ~~::~ ~.C:in; IHI Fairweather Road in San·; 1111rf111, l'uly Clffllmlltlontd I nd .wer11. l3 Ana. =::;·~:;:~ ~u~IM :;"1:: N e w I y-t\ected pruldent "' lhll ,.,.,.,.""" 'lltt tK.c:-.tM thll "'-ve .....,, ....111 -1..i... al ' wltr\ln )Mttllftltfll Ill 11t1'111f tf fflt . Clff' ~ 4 "I'-"1'f ,..-IU'C , ..m1on 1t1-111 111111td. '"' ae11_...... the mttt.Joc IOd all Orange ;:. ':.;;:. 11111 wcfl ctl'Wlllon _... County SJima• 011'1 lrt ill- 111 w11Mn wllilrto1. t "'"' tiartu11Hi vltid to itttnd or to cuntact st! mY htnd 111d 11!!•1(1 l!l'f e111t11\ w.....,, Ja~ n. 1970 Lone Prairie Preserves I Last· W eatlwred CowOO.y . BLUEW~'.J'ER, N.M. (AP) or, snoolln& In 1 bedroll 11 "You~ to hive trporll"" -The lone pr1irle keeps night. and you ¥111 I°' to 1be bolS, '' shrinking with tbe concrete He has ' Utls thing about he says. "You hlvf: it iet ribbon& of superhiehways and horses -about showing who's fear into him, V i-11 mean, the lnjnloloo 'of motGrlieCI : ..... lie rectons II co-, bolort bl, 1• I..; I'°"!',.., cowboy1. Llk' ,the •ubhtnf . '"'" lhlt time ol ,lr.;,.lf , You Ill , ~ !OIPf ta,_ fln!I ; Indian, there is the vanishing In his boyhood wtien b1i hoociOO btrn. 'Still i1f'it 'tn' Ute CO\Yboy. brother was killed by a horse. stirrup and' jump on before Here and there ooe finds "1 guesa I subconsc~ he 111t.s bugfed ac he'll wheel DMLY ·PILOT JS GOODWILL Industries ~ • a holdout , a sort of relic that wanted to kill all horses," and kick you." ~ef1J$es to be kmed to the he saya of bis skill at breaking Doinl uu., Joe 11y8, has GOOD WIJ..L Y Sil: durilp helip, cru&hed, · paved lbliclQrcjand Wild horses. taught him a lot. AboUt wflat? "Htw pv ever made a over, killecj . He won't eye. Not 'l'bert was a tlme, at aa~ ''The way bum.ans"bthave." GootlwfU tour?TMuwnd1 now. Not so long as thett ,11, •1tbere was a hone alll'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~ de Mch ye,9r, end are 11 jmt one more sunset, iuat. the ,Uys ftggered 1 couldn't~ Mt#llthlcf at the Mope ,..,. more •chow line. just OM · •ride' lle<:ause Of that, I boulbt of o.Mwlll l.....,trlos op. more horse to be broken. blm and rtgured I could 'spur THINK SALE orollolo. c-ony -k· 11lere nevar was a horse .h1Jn Out.' He bucked at leaet _._ ~---1ulHd tour of that couldn't be rode . . . Ii times and tbe more be _, -• never was a cowboy cOuldn't bucked the scared-..r I iot. _ 1 =~~:~·~:.;~;, Cen· be throw~. Such a cowboy In fact, he bucked so bard is Joe Tietjen. At 38, his whole he got stiff. I finaily soldl Jto W. 19th St. ure has been the range and him ror a bucking horse." Cott• ._, horses. Out of that, Tietjen learned ~· . "I 'Ya.a 4 ,yejll'S o)d. the. fJrsl lils cardinal rule abbut dealina 0ptn Mon. thru Fri. 9.9 ·time I· wos on a trail'drlve." w~h horses. kt. f 1111 5:'° '46·2479 he stiya .. 1'1 never dld do ;;:ob========;;;il .anything. ml!Ch else.'' Cowhand Tietjen draws his pay from the Great Western Land and Cattle Co., which ni3e; bed.' "CIIIl.bREN LIKE Yt PRICE! Tbtten, , however. is a ' eOwbaOO In the legendary U'"' "LE LE'"' fashion : in the saddle all the 1 .. '-' 1 .. day, or out breaking broncos, We1tcllff Pl11a Only ' ·until Sony· Color Tv. .. ·. ~tt,.f Co~, was )ust1 a promise. Sony simplified its TV system and got better color. They call ltTrinltron.• Sony Invented Its color TV as it was meant to be: all colors are shot th111u1h one big color gun. The Trlnltrone system has a bigger lens, too. Twice as-large as other TV's . With the larger lens you get a sharper, brl,hter picture. ·· here ere many other features too: Automatic color control: irQ&rattd contrast-color control; pictures stay crisp and brilllant 1t 111 points on thi screen; 1/1 solid state circuitry tor greater reliability.contemporary wood cabinet stylin1. Come In and watch the Trinltron System with 12" d1.,;a1 scraen ~· liver a sharper, bri1httr, 4rtd a bitter color plclure. SONY• 'i , '\-- ' Stop walttnc for better Color T\r. lt'i here! Choosey-Viewer TV from . Sony Th• S1ny TVC· t 1_1 U lu'"' 11111f on -tftd ,,n, y•u I• comt w1tcli. And you "'"'' 111i11 v•ur ftYtritt pro9rtm. II •11• 1huh ihtlf oH -•I 1 limt ·v•u'~• teltcl1t1. In lhe m1rni"9 y11ur Timt·S1v1r TV 9th you up to !ht 111w1. lhi1 1olid· 11111 111 h11 1 w1lnul c1bin1! 1 f11lurtl 111 11" di19on•I p iclur1. Thert 1rt lt r91 tt1y +1 rf1d t1i91mflic .click nul'lltrtl' which ll1ow t+it fi1111 lfli11ut1 by 111!11wlt. S11 !ht Sony Tllllt ·S•Y· 1r 'I\' t•t111I , Your Dollar lays More At 11le GOODWILL ·STORE SPECIALS THIS WEEK! BOX SPRINGS & MAnRESS 533'° ........... , 1 1 BOX SPRINGS & MATIRESS 53990 New IJrtra Firm BOX SPRINGS & MAnRl!SS 569'5 WOME.N'S DRESSES 77'·· BAIY MAnRESS ,95 MIN'S PANTS 55e.77c All• ., MIN'S SHOIS $1.55 UP Cheok The Editorial For This Signature ..-1 n. HY 11111 Y••r 111 ni1, ttf1111tttt Fryer at 144-2999. llNf tbovl wtltl9". •------------11 fO,FICtAL SEALI 1· The Sony AM.~M, AM.;PM . BOYS SHIRTS 33c..55c UP J•111o111C • ......, Notll"t' l'ubl*Ctll"'~ll Or11111t c°"11ty MY Comml"I'" 1!'•111••• Ju111 JS, ttn ,,_ c. ••tit Al'l9rfiltY 11 Lt• ,. """•" C•I• M•. C:lllftnil• mu 'ijbllsl'ltd °"'""" c .. 11 D1J.IY 1'1111, Jvl'o' 1 ... u. 22. 1t1' 11tNf It'll Help You Find T~e 11 __ Ltc_AL_N_OT1_CE~1 L1te1t Quotablea Created By I 'The Needler' Fo~ His Col- umn, A Re1~lar Feature of the DAILY PILOT Your Hemetown Dally New1p1p1r ' " II r , • I I GIRLS DRISSIS 17c .. .. ~ .. , .. Mn \_!It '91~ I hr,,_ • \, I ••• I ,; '" • , . • " I .. ' ' • ~ • I . " I • .. • . -• •• r ~ ·~~~~~··~R-J~~: IS A REASON . ' . ' WiiY THE· REAL . ESTATERS ARE NUMBER I ' ' " .. -. . . A1i Excerpt From Our Follow.ap ·sunvey . . __ , M~cUe: •'Why> did you choos• our Comp•ny to sell your hom•?''" ,. ·~ ., . Mt. Porter:• . ! ,· lot~•: '~·. McC-4i.; ; I ~ ,,.,..,, " .Mcc.Hle: Porter: Mc Cardle: ''Tii1.,R91I Esteters ·was recommended by our ettorne.y." ''Did '.he teU you we were the busiest, biggest ind best ?" ''No." '\Ofil Wh•t•did your •ttorney-tell you ?" 1'He-s1id we. could believe whet we ~•re fold by The Real E1t1ter1 •• .. ~hit we could rely·on you." "·Did' you Jind this to be true?'" ''Ye~, we li ked the wey your compeny took care of ell the details." "Th i nk You.'' iflLUt5 .You• HOME? ' ' ' -... ·-------··· - '· .. ' • . .. LET US TA~K TO .. YOU •. We·kffW ·W•·""9·do • •~ lob ef -.111119 for you. We always have speclalf1tcl 111 the sale of rnidenttal -. .. propertlot. O.i • .,..,..,.._.,_ .11 'HI~ .... ,.,hlled'utlomon -OB ~uaffty 1elll119 llablts and on prlu wlnnl•9 ad· ..,.,tW...j. We . .....,.,. 1Mst flHnd'"J owrl..We. Y,our ,,.,.,ty ...ce1w111 aw penanaf atte'!tion. Our 011ly businHs is Real .•• .., •. Surelr .. ~~ e'ffiirt,·,.; __ , .. -•·ood .... •~Ill te expect. .. . ...,_ ~ .. RIALIOll ll•VICI YOU 'WILL APPRICIATI VIEW HOME-JUST. REDUCED Beautifully . kept view home with "Califorilie Privacy" th.tt shows like a model home. -4 bed· rooms & dining room with a. dr.am kitchen that opens on· to· a privat• patio. Room for ·a pool table. Only $'47,500. Phone 673-1550· _ •.... _ F.Q.R THE fAMIL Y .. , .:.-:.'-;' 0.l'i ITS °'!'A Y UI' _ A 1ar.g•· 2'400 ~q. ft.1family hom~ with 4 "bed· rooms, 3 bath's, family room, formal d ining, three car 9we9e, large patio. Only steps to communi ty pool, ten~is couris and perk. Only ·$42;950. Call 1>73-8550 ' ~ameo Hi9hlands POOL · HOME Inquire •bout this outst•ndin9 3 bedroom fa m· ily room home with well l•ndsc•pecf:..fPOnt:Y•rd: lovely, l•rge perfect-for entertaining-,•sid'e ·Y•rd. An exceptionally large completely fenced re•r pool yard. An exception•l ·offerin9 ·at $58,500. c.11 67.3-8550 . WANT A WORKSHOP? Plus • d•ndy hom e, on Costa Mesa's Eastside. -3 Bdrms., 2 b•ths anc:J den on an exth' l1r9e lot. -Kitchen with built-ins •nd dishwasher only·$2s·,so0-Phone 646-7 171 MESA VERDE Va cant, re•dy to move in. On an extra wide lot with room for boat or trailer. 4 Bedrooms - I story with heavy shake roof in excellent lo- c1tion ne ar 2 golf courses. $35,950. To inspect -646-717t ASSUME Sl/4 °/o LOAN . ·Neat 8 yr. old Urp•r Eastside home -i nd your peyments wil be only $152 per mon th in •. elud ing texe1 . - 3 Bdrms, 2 beths, fii"e placa - Fo rced a ir heat. - quiet cul de sec street! F~ P. $27 ,500. To inspect-b46-7 I 7 f / . ·.~ Serving Newport Beach·• Costa Mesa • Coro·na del Mar •· Huntington · Beach ·-' ~ • -- 4 Convenient Locations Near You ' NEWPORT BEil.CH 17.Q{).. Newport BIYd. 646-7171 ' ~ " ... • I ' .COSTA MESA 2790 H .. bor . Blvd. 5~2313 CORONA DEl MAR 332 M"•r9uerit1 ·673-1550 INVESTMENTS 2714 H.rl> .. llvd., Suite 20 I Cost• Mo•• 546-2316 -~XPE:l~lifN'Ct-ELIMINATES .EXPERIME'N·r .. ' • • • • - ·.• ' ~ \ . _1 ... lleal Estate Investments ONE SALESMAN NEEDED * Our R.el E1ftl• l""•1hnenl • Dept. 01111di;. o!' .inw1strn1nf '' . 111"!1"'~11 ..,,., ""1•ncirify & !· . ~ , ... ., .. -.. \.. -.· * For i11l1t•i1w e1ll'R1ndv Mc· C1rd11. ~<46-'2116. 2790 H.rbor 11¥d., Sui I• 20 t. ' 7 ' _, I ' c a f f> h p i< h h E a p u c a Y• ac ti II st fr ol ti t< d· ,, fl b• a c T cl A 1· °' ti d: v ti II •• f< ,, 0 th A ol St I ' I Tl • Ir st :;.: m °' "' .. th M Of w " "' k 7 I • ' Wednwtay, July zz, 1970 .. DAILV PILDT lT Terrible Te1npered To1111·11y NEW YORK (AP) -Tommy Boll Today, at 12, Bot Is the best 50-and- came to town loday to shill for a over go.Ker in the world, WiMer of new hand harness intended to refine the National Senior Open the last- the golf swing and apologized that two years and PGA Seniors' champion, he didn't have a similar gadget to In 19119. con trol the temper. . Tommy doesn't regret his more . "I'~~ busted a few clubs in my tempestuou.s youth when he was a hme, the pug·nosed old links warr ior regula~ winner on the tour, National said with iond nostalgia, "But l'JJl..i\ .. in 1958 and the most prolific converted. I'm sweet as pie no~.C ~ · club . ~· ~ business. The swee~ne.t5 better descrJtie~ ~ ·l b 1 ~ . • im Terrible-Tempered Tommy's swing. Golfers contenif. tho: , .. TO -~d under Bolt. He had game has never seen a more ~flqirj~ _ ~ s-~Ski a special fund from one -not even for Sam Snead. 1 ; f"\l\!r, .• , wt fugs to pay ,the cons tant fines for hll e1ploa.lom 1nd -vocal outbUrsta. "It was exauer,ted,'' Tommy ex· plain" "Why. Bob6y Jonea threw more clubs than I ever aaw. But I got a reputaUon for 1:-!lng vlle- tempcred and It atuek. "They had my golf company work· ing extra shifts to keep me in dubs." Although Bolt bas mellowed and found that restraint Is the better part of valor on a golf course, he insists tha\ golf Js hurting itself by restrictlng the player\s freedoms. ' -· Pressure . 1r.:· ' I : • ·_,; . I - · ,.1\Il-star· Game, Getting To Coach A highl y successful bigtime U.S. track and field coach has confided to this column that threat of racial upheaval and general student anti-establishment feeling has transformed his profession from a once-enjoyable field to a colossal headache. It has gotten to be such a constant pressure. in fact , that the man (whose identity must remain anonymous) says he doesn't know how many more years he can put up with it. "Coaching track used to be great run. But the kids, by and large, have changed a lot lately and now it's a · continual struggle to keep up with t h e m psychologically. "You try to spot the trouble makers -the guys with a history of stirring lhings up -when recruiting. But you eLENN WHITE --~ WHITE WASH ·-------- can't always be right. Or once in awhile -' NEW YORK (AP ) -The College >All- Star game, the preseason schedule and possibly the entire season remained up in the air today as pro foo tball owners continued their maralhon meeting after fa iling to come up with any answers Tuesday in their dispute with the players. The 26 club owners ''touched on every aspect of the negotiations and no firm decision was made ," said Lamar Hunt, owner of the Super Bowl Champion Kansas City Chiefs in a joint press a young man will suddenly cflangftetf ~ you, take up the long hair, break trafilnl' . #'\.! and rebel. "I still ma intain discipline -kick the bad apples off t h e team. But it &•ts to be tough er every year. I'll be surprised if I1m still coaching 10 years from now . "By then I'll have had It." And you can bet there are plenty of others who share his woes and sen- timents these hectic days. Dean Harwood, a man wbo is believed to have played in each of the %0 Corona del Mar Invit.atlonal v o 11 e y b a 11 tournaments, died earlier this year after it was learned ~It he bad a malignant brain tumor. ~ ' conference . Wttb George· Hala11 or the Chicago .Bears. He did say some decisions were ex· peeled tod ay wpen the owners resumed their talks in ·a midtown hotel at 10 a.m., EDT. , Certain to be discussed were: , -The pension plJlil, for the players, which is the crux of the dispute with the National F09tball League Players Associalion. -Whether to send a representaU.ve "I tl)iok lt'• all n&ht lot a man ''Who want.s to 1ee a bWICh ol to break hll Soll ClUbs, every one nine-to.five bank ~l~iks on the in tbe bag tr tie ,a.ma to,'' Tommy coo.rae?" ht asked ... People want to says. '"rbe\'•re hlii clubs. He's the one to suffer. see indivklual§. They like to Jdenllfy "As for throwin1 c I u b s , that's , with them. Players should be able something else', With a tot of people to react and say what they pleaae T0mmy will play next week In the #50,000 Westchester Clas.sic, whk:b he lest in the first round a year ago with a ee. Another old-tlmer, Ben Hogan, also will be ln the field. "When you get past 50, like Ben d:~~-~J\~~ ed, ,said if restraints are too strict about the U.S. Open course at Chaska, - 1.§lim Snead," he uid, Ille your nerves.. You tlauon . You can still hit the ball. You just can't matntalft they will tum tOurnament players Minn., in .June. "Dave only told the into a drab breed of unemotional truth. Why should a man be penalized machines. • for that?" ' ' that concentration. It's not atn'a nerves tbat•a bOthering him. It's his concentration." Pro Season Up in Air to Washington tonight lo join In a meeting between players' representatives and federal mediators. -The CoUege All-Slar game between the Chiefs and the All.Stars in Chicago July 31, which ~s been jeopardized with the Chiefs being unable tO prepare for the game. · -The pre.season schedule, which also has been threatened by the lockout by owners whlch has kept veteran players mm organiied practice11 which began for most teams this week. The regular season itseU. "There was some diM:ussion along those lines," replied Halu to a question concerning the possible ,canctUing of the entire pro football season. 1'A few owners did bring it up." However, he shrugged off such talk as having lltUe serk>us iptenUon, but admitted it might be brought up again. Angels RoU, 10·6 ' In another hotel acroa town, John Mackey, of Baltimore and the presldtnt of the. NFLP A, said he had never heard anyone talk on those lines. Hunt said he held out hope that hil Chiefs still coold play in the All.Star game, noting that Kanais City coach Hank Stram has said be could get the team ready if l\e was give!\ one week be- fore the contest. That would be Friday. Prediction Rings True: 'l>J ,(l\Jillpen Saves Victory U,I Tel1•11ti. " By HOW ARD I. HANDY 01 11 .. O.llY l'lllt Steff , BOSTON · -On the way to Fenway Park Tu€sday night, manager ·Lefty Phillips set the tempo for a four-game series with the Red Sox. He turned to relief pticher Ken Tatum B7ld said, "I hope you're ready. You are going to get a lot of work in this series." His prediction came true in the opener "I was uncertain when I went to the mound with the 5COJ'e 6-5 in our favor (nobody out and two men on base) ln this park. Too many things can happen." The relief specialist not only did an outstanding job on the mound but guided Jim Lonborg's first pitch, a high fastball over the screen in left field for his first home run of the year. . There were two teammates on base at the time giving him three RBI with ~.0 .,_~·~•tH.ft ifill.:.li'U*=-only two m the -Uf~tllaM'r !'! \~~e·°'tatn~ to the plate tn the as starter Clyde Wright worked himself into trouble 11n 'the · •txtll ionlllf and Tatum was brought on ia relief. "l went to the bullpen scared," Tatum revealed after the ginne in coey Fenway Park' with a menacing left f!eld · fence, a batters' love and an infield that gives infieklers the shakes. He had worked only l lh ilulings in the past 14 days. The Angels had another big nJght at the plate, this a IM victory over the Red SOx to run the current road trip reOOrd to 5-2. The wih . coupled wJth M.lnneaota'1 S.2 loss to Detroit put the Halos 3!h games behind the TWiM in the rugged American League West pen- nant chase. 111. savi11g Wright's 14th victory, Tatum posted his 15th save of th e year. . . "Personally, I hope Clyde wln9 2$ games this year and that I can help him often," Tatum says. seventh .Inning, he waited for Lonborg to wann up. "I told Sandy (Aloniar) 1· hope he throws me a ft.st ball on the first pitch and I'm going tq swine. The way 1 was pitching I needed three runs aad couldn'.t afford to wait" CALlll'OflNIA IOSTON AkNMr, 2b 11:-.ior. rf fr'9(111, II A.Jollnlon, II J .T•lum, If Sperw:ff, lt M(Mulltn, 30 VOit, rf Epn, c C.Wrlgllt, 11 l(.T .. um. O TDll ll • C•HfOrnl• IOllOll 8'rlll'M ••rll..-i s 0 2 1 $cl>llt;.ld, lb • 0 0 • 4000R,5mllll,d 5120 5 I 2 0 Y411tn11T0$1!~rl J l l t $ I I t T.COnf;llaro, ff 4 I 2 0 0 0 D 0 Pl'lroc1JU, ts $ 0 I 2 J 11 0 P1vt.rld1,lb $01 0 5 3 4 2 Andrews, 111 J o 1 o 4110MottJ.C •Ole •2llN.,y,p 2G l l lOOOFlore,ph llOt 1 1 1aweoner,p teoo L0t1bor;, p O 0 0 0 F•nrOne, !Ill I 0 O O l'MlllPJ, p 0 I 0 e 4 ) 10 15 10 Totel1 • f 1l f OolO 001 .fOO -IO 1'!00:20 101 -' C.Wrlflll !W,lof.4 ) K.T1h1m ''""'"••Sfl j ' • l • 2 •l2l12 N•!h' !L.l-2) W•O~tr tOllbotl PMlllps 'f5 .S2• 111••••• J.J/) 1 1 1 D 0 1 1 0 0 0 • However, the man who never won a trophy in two decades of p I a y at Corona dcl Mar, is to be remembered . Tbe name of the toumamenl has been cbaqged to the Dean Harwood Memorial. And the late Fred c. Nelles School (Whittler) princlpal's name is engraved on the perpetual trophy. MONTREAL'S JIM FAIREY SLIDES IN SAFELY IN BATTLE WITH DODGERS. This year's classic will be contested this weekend at slate beach with defen- ding champions John Vallely and Ron Von Hagen returning for a shot at the title. Sixty-four teams will make up the field and a few openlqs are &till available. Call Jim Keane, 644-1814 for further Info , Pepitone Wants to . Quit; l(eino Shztns Threats What collegiate tougher first four Oregon State? football team has a games for 1970 than The Beavers host UCLA then journey to Oklahoma A regular cakewalk. and Iowa, and use. SC might match it with its age nda of Alabaina. Nebraska, Iowa and Oregon State. HOUSTON -Joe Pepito ne left his Houslon unilorm hang ing in the locker- ro:im Tuesday night as the Asl ros plaved the Pitt sbu rgh Pirates, sayi ng he was going on the voluntary retired list. Pep itone. who was rumored tn be heading .for New York, has been fe uding with general manager Spec Richardson and has asked to be put on waivers. Richardson's only comment at game tiinc was "l hope he is in St. Louis Battered McLain with the 1eam wec1nesd•y night." • Won't Miss Tu~~----~~1NBU~G ~~-!1and -Kip Keino nf Kenya ignored Lhreats lo his life today to win the 1$:io mclers in the Despl• te lnj' Ul'Y ' C:immonwealth G"amcis and received the gold medal from Qheen Elizabeth II . before a cheering cro~d of 30,000. MINNEAPOLIS -ST. PAUL <AP ) Before the race an a n o n y m o us -Denny McLain shat~ed a b?rrief' telephone call and !'fO un~igned letters Tuesday ni~ht, and vowed th at no~ even were received at the athlete's village a shattered shin bone will keei) him in Edinburgh. ' from his next start tor the Detroit Tigers. They said Keino would be killed if McLain, alter failing in five previou9 he competed. starts handcpffed the Minnesota Twin:( Keino won in 3:36.6\ outstripping ·Dick ~2 fo~ his first victory since a '.three-Qu ax of New Zealand in a th rilling mon th suspenslori was lifted July L:.. ____ Jiniro t_pJ.ll!ulJ..l!.¥ •. \'..irtually a Lwo man But McLain wasn't around at the race. Quax clcicked 3:38.L fini sh. A line drive off Cesar Tova r's Brendon Foster of England won the bat In the eighth inning slammed McLain bronze in 3:~.6. . to the mound and forted him from Don Quarr1e of Jama1c11, 8 eludent the game. at the University of Nebraska, won ~he Tiger Manager Mayo Smith Sflid gold medal in the 200 meters, equalling McLain suffered a badly bruised shinbone the Gam es rcaird of 20.$ seeonds. ' on his·left leg . • "Knowing Denn y," Smith said, "he SAN DIEGO -Lance Alworth says won't let me ta ke him out of the starting the San Diego Charger11 will have to rota tion." do without hlm th is fa ll If lh ey don't ~1cLain phrased It this way, "I'm ante up more money. not going to let something like this Alworth, the Chargers' star paM keep me oul an)' more." receiver, said Tuesdi'y he hasd't been ' working out althougtl other veteran Charger players have . .t!>een practicing on their own dlirirlg the National Football League Playe rs' Association dispute with club owners. > The 6-0, 180 wide receiver S@.Ys he won't change a demand to renegotiate a long-term contract signed in tbt ,mid 1950s. • CINCINNATI -Cliff Richey and his sister. Nancy, scored first-round vic- torieli Tuesday in th e Western Tennia Chan1pionships while fifth-seeded Zeljko Franulovic was upset . Richey, second seeded in the men's division and from San Angelo. Tex., l<nocl:crl nrr Milan Holocek o f Czechoslovakia, 6·2, 6-2. Top-~eeded Nancv Richev defeated Lulu Go ngora of Mexico City 6-3, 6-1. Miss Richey, the top-t<\nked wo~an player in the United States, won nine of the last 10· games to ta:k,e-the match. Miss Richey is also from San A11gelo. Franulnvic, fifth-seeded and from Yugoslavia, wa s ousted by unseeded Turner Howard, 6-1. 3-6, 6-4. • MILWAUKEE, Wis, -Jerry Tilus, Tarzana race driver injured during a practice run for the Trans-American · Race at Elkhart bake Jut weekend, was listed ln criti cal but allghtly im· proved condition a.t St. Joseph 's Hospital Tuesday. Titus underwent exploratory siomacq surgery Monday 1tnd remained in lbe intensive c11re unit. He received a skull fracture and other Injuries when his Pontiac Fireblrd struck a bridge abutment in practice runs Satur· day. Lowly Expos Sink Dodgers 12 Off Pace LQS ANGEµ;& (AP) -The feeling in the Los Angel~ clubhouse Monday night after Bili Singer had pitched his no-hitter was that the pitching gem might generate new life in tire DOdgers'· drive to catch Cincinnati in the National League· West. ~~ ' ' ' But after Tuetday night's "frustrating loss to MOntreal -the Dodgers ' fourth setback in the last five games -Los Angeles is agaig without a spark. Montreal dumped the Dodgers, 5-2. on three home runs off losing pitcher Don Sutton and Los Angeles now traill the runaway J\ed,s by 12 games. The Ex(X)S, who won their tOt.h game a month earlier than they did last year. are lllh 4ames out of first in ·the East divlsio'n and are In last place . They're onty l lfl games ·behlod fifth place St. tGuis. · · • ' lo tJie fin~ game of tile 'se11e. tonight Claude Osteen, 1,1·1, pitcl!ea ·for Los Ar!geles aga!nst Montreal's Dan McGinn, r.-s. MONTal.f.l LOS ANGIELIS 1"1lrey, 11 H•hn, II Fairly, It s11.n, rf Gosoer, ti l11tm1n, e !'>l•fhlt,, tt L•brf, lb Wltl1, ... ' MOl'ton, p 1 •rll,_I Mrlll'tll J111WllN,H •tll IOOlll:1111tJl,rf SOIO l 1 I I W.Devlll, cf $ O O 0 1 2 I W.P•rker, lb S O I 0 •011Lefetivr•.2tl lllt •IOIH1lt.r,c 4120 : ~-{: ~~Ptt~lf .: ~ ~ ~ )IOlt111ton,p ~ 2111 4 1 12'"'''' •••• Jttll!A, 1111 I t O O NOl'l'Nt~, p t 0 t I Gebl'Jeltofl, Oil I 0 I I l.9!1$1 O 0 I 0 t To11ll U $ I J Tol4il1 u 2 t 2 MOfltr .. I 120 MO 000 -J l ot Anwe!K 011) 100 000 -! I! -l•!•bv••. 01' -Montrt41 '· LOI -MOl'llr .. I 7, LOI 1'/IOllll 10. 21 -$\ol!Oll, Geater. Hll -Morton !ll, G1rvey Ill, F411rly !ti, Sli\111 n•I. $11 -11:""411. $ -w111~, ~"Ir!" MOf10rl IW,124) l llllOll IL,11·1) ·-"""" i..mo ''"······ ',,,,, •·l/37S J11 1·2/)0tOIO 2 0 I II 1 I I I I I t 1 • ' ' • UPI Te ....... PRESTON GOMEZ CLAY KIRBY Manager Ruins No-hitter ff . I Gomez Ya urler in 9th ' \ ; SAN DIEGO . (AP ) --, of the San Diego Padres, the . man who• busl«I up Clay Kir ' · ght, said he never hesitated ln pulling. bis pitcher because "we 1 me." 'Gomez yanked Kirby wit.ti tom iof the eighth inning and San Dieto trailing the New Yprk • aston, Ute pinch hitter, struck out. "I knew . he had a no-hi i said in his English-Spanish acceot. j•BUt t knew he was coming out I play to win . We got to score' some runs even though he had a n~llitter a:oir'ig. "This guy McAodrews was pitching a•heck of a game against me so we have to try something." ' . 'The action by Gomez m.ay have been a first Jn the major leagues but it wu nothing new to Gomez. ' · "I ,did the same thina Jn. SPQkAM a couple years ago. Phi.I Ortega was pik:b. mg ~ ... hitter lot eigl)l, l batted'lor him io tile bottom or the eighth, the pinch 1* ter Tony Roig doubled and we won 2.-1." Kirby, $-12, said he got" off wobblly "because the mound was muddy and 1 was throwing a lot of high stuff and I Jost Tommie Agee." McAndrew, s.8, .pJkhed a Qiree-hitter and won 3-0. . Kirby, a 23-ye&Mld rt&ht·tiliOOer, said he was Ha little mad aOO a lfWe 1u_r.. prised," but added "he'a the manager~ lf we had been tied, there's no question that I would ,hive stayed In. I don't ever like comint out of a game even It l"m 100 l'Wll behind. For Kirby's performance, Buuie Bavasi, Padres' genetal manager, aa.kl ht would a:ive Kirby a~ booua '1for alm01t pitcbina a no-hitter." ' OAILV PILOT Marina To Win Cage , DAILY l"ILOT ....... t-J' P•trkll O'Polllltll ROUGH BATTLE -Huntington Beach's Gregg Mills (left) and Bill McGuire of Marina fight for po!sesslon of ball durin~ action Tues-- day night in Huntington Beach Recreation Dept. summer basketball action. Believe it or not, McGuire was charged with a foul on the play. Marina posted a 7Pr69 win. Costa Mesa Upended Estancia. Trips Newport With 3rd Quarter Spurt Estancia High logged 30 points In the third quarter and received some hot- ahooling perlormances fron1 J e ff 7.elsdorf, Gary Orgill and Lee · Friedersdorf in racing lo an 82·75 victory over Newport Harbor In Mesa -N ewport Recreation Dept. summer basketball play Tuesday night at Estancia. Down 39'-38 1t the half, Estanci a outscored Newport, Jt>.18, in the third ltllft(ll (11) ''""'' Jrltw.ort Htrlllr ti!) It II ,, t' J l 1 Ii l•!!odort 0!'1111 l'rltidtridelrt Ktl1tr M .. ,, .... HIYI Tott la ' I J 2CI K11mt• • 1 J ll Sctlntldtr 62J JJY1111n; J OJIClinl ' 2 S I• G..,to1! I O I 2 T•,~m.on 1 l I l Swk.11 l 1 20 :12 11 TOH !\ k-t1 Gw•ri•n ll :20 JC ll ,, ll • J • 11 • J s 21 t , 2 • • 0 l • 1 ' ' l t ' l tl Ufl 11 IJ 1• -12 11 -IJ C..tt Miit l&U lift""' ' 0 , • • 1 t ,, -· arNtO• 1'1<illtf 171} 'l" ,,,, lt11ntll O O • Gun 2004 ....... ""' ........ M•<-'-"" ....... ' • t t J 0 I 10 J • 2 10 6 I I 12 I t I I flort1rt1 1 o o 1 Ml•fl U ! 1 J I llf•1"" J I DlO Ad•m• ll2 • Sth"t'drr ' 1 J 1' Chlrle 101 1 II J II " Te1~1\ Jl 11 6 i i lc1r1 by Ou•ritr1 quarter to put the came out of reach. Orgill and Friedersdor! shared scoring honors for the night l\'ith 23 while Zelsdorf backed them up with a 2G-point performance. Taras Youn& again paced Newport with 21. In a companiOll 1ame, P1clfica oul!Cored Costa lttesa by lJ point& Jn the final quarter to post a 7US win. Paciflca had held a SS.SS lead at the end of three periods. Chuck Bridges led the Mesans ln the scoring department with 19 polnta. The regular league slate will conclude ton ight with Costa Mesa facing E1l.ancia at 7: 15 and Mater Del meetin1 Los Amigo! at 8:30. A tournament involving the alx turns in the leacue will begtn Monday and conclude on Wednesday, Aug. 5. /Jfesa Opeia Loop Oilers • Crown Vikings Outscore Huntington, 9-0, In Overtime Marina Hlgb wrapped up tba Hun- tington Beach Recrtation Dept. summer basketball league ctiunplonshlp Tubd11 night w1th1 1 7U9 overtime victory GVU Huntington Beach on the losers' court. The victory ran the Vikings' record to In.& with just a Thur!day night gamt with Rancho AlamltO! remaining on the loop achedule. Huntington (8-3) flnlshf!d In a second place tie with Fountain Valley. In other game!, Garden Grove dropped Westminster, 7U5: Fountain Valley outscored Edison. 87·74: VUla -Park trl~ ped Corona del Mar, 63-32 ; and Rancho Alamitos polished off Buena Park, 63-57. The two team! ran hot and cold ln the title decider. Marina outscored tht Olle!'!, M. in the overUme session wherr Huntintton found a lid over the basket. The Oilers forged ahead to a nine-point lead with six minutes remaining, then ran cold. Marina caught HunUngtcn and then went ahead, IMI with 11 ~nda remalnln1 In regulation play. Darrell Walker th~n hit 1 free throw to Ue the acore with just one ucond remaining. Kipp Bain! led Mll'ln1 with II. Polnll, Including nil1e field goals, Steve Miiier had 17. For Huntlnaton, Steve Brook• was tbe leadJng polnt-1etter with 11. Gregg Miils and Walker hlt 11 witlt Tom Crunk: 1ettln1 10. Tn tht Westminster and Corona del Mar 1ames, IOll'lt thlnl quarter blua re!ulted In tbe losse!. Terry Meisenheimer ltd Wt1tmln1ter with It points. In the Oorona dll Mar 1ame, VU11 Paric outacortd the Sea Kings, lS-1. in the third quarter, after hotdinc only a 21 ·11halftime1dvan1.a1e. The wlnne:ra put the 1ame out of rNCh with a 19-point fourth quarter. Mark Grlaaby hit 1' for tht Set KlnJs, who were playln1 without 10p IC'Orll' Don Klll lan. Hot-shooting Dave Lynch, lllttln1 from the outllde, poured in J4 polnll, 1ettlna 16 field ~111. Rick Powet had 11, Ken Shibata hit 14 and Peta Gerber II fer . the Baroni. EdllOn WU paced by John fllhtr'I 17 Points. Bob Wriat>t lilt II and lllllt Ania I~ wllb II. .._Mltllft CHI MflrlM 171) """'' • ' '14 Wl•t ,_ Wlllttlli.I ., ... W11kfl' CrdW.t '""' MHlll H1i111trntl.,, Mtrln1 tttt ""' JJ,t111..- I J I I l 11tt I • • • Mlllff ' • • 1• l lluttrt J I J I McGw!•• llJla.llllltrl ••111 ...... 11 •JJll ... ,y W-w M 21 11 H Tt1•l1 ktrt ty Wrttn UI01111 M II I n ' J • 1 ' • t 11 J • J 11 t I J I J • t • 2 • • • I I t t 1 t I _. • 1• ·~ ,_., t "":"",. (ttMt.., #ohr C>ll ¥1111 ,.,. .... .. u ,, " GtioOJb"f t J 4 16 L1110.0•t I t I ' ..... McNtlly t I I 11 TMll t t I IJ L111trleO I I I I Ttl'IVllvt 2 I I I Mt,1rl1nll I I I I Ltclwr l ilt ,.,,, ... y 1111 Jont1 Jll1 (•-I I • I w1"' 1111 IC-Mr 1111 W•lflll I •• I HI.,.. J J, t .. tltrl"' I 1 t I vouno 121• 1C 1rrov 1 I f t To111t lJ '11 H Te1111 ti \J ,., tc1r1 •r f11111l'l.n Corent d•I Mir U 4 1 1J -!I V•lt~ 1"1t~ 14 1 IJ tt -N ••1-!10 P-ltlfl VIUey 1171 .. ,,,,., 14 I IM t • • • • t , 'I t I I I ' • J li 1 I I t I 1 1 I #lllf'1 Wrl~M Fi!lltr ArY• lt~vme"' T1111t t! dl•t<i 11 II pf 1, . ' . " II J •t7 6 I 2 IJ I J I 1 • 1 • ' I t I I Fou,.!&Tn V1llty ,. -,, " -,, W111,,,111111r IUI .,,.._ •r. ... 1111 '!It".. .. ",.,, Sau111w1ck I J ' v1 .. D1-• 1 I , Pttr1on 2 I I I t lll •t<i J> ! ',' 111k1111 1 a 1 \ Flkk J""'"'"" 4 I I Wlls... t I •II Miit•~ 111115511-t1JI Hilt itJ•lltll !•Ill Olfli~~ I 4 I 4 it'llll&fl'll I t I J YDWl'll lt41S,!• ttl< Mt11111~11m1r I ' J 1t Mt nkll I I I Mencto:t I I I I Ollllftt1 I I I I $111111111 t t 4 I 0 •..-.11 I I J 1 #.1"'1tlll t • J • Tel11t :It It !7 U ltltll U :ti 7J Mtri lllT ... ,..,. W"tm!n1t.,. U 11 11 ft -U C)t ... tf\ !),.... I• lJ P 11 -7J 1• ti 11 10 -t~ 14221022 -71 Pirate Cagers Fall ToCypress, 77-68 Woody's, Gauchos Win Or1nge C.Oast C.Ollege dropped lta fifth slraiaht came in the Long Beach Clly CAUe,e 1t1tnmer btl'lketb11ll league Tue!· day nllfll, falling to Cypress, 77-68, at LB<X:. Paul Holmr.s pactrl the Plralcs w1th 21 polnLS, including 11ine field goal!, most or which came from long range. Steve McLendon had 20. OCC sulted up only .seven play<'rs a111t wu hurt considerably when Steve Shelby apraioed an ankle early in tht first llaU. Cypress l\cld a t4-2B h11lftin1r lrad. OCC race& LA Harbor next Tuesday •l •. 0fllltf (Wll """'' '"'-., t , t fl c·•• 9it 1111c..,.v (•11111 IJ1 JW11t.t1 Mc~ I 4 IM l&!f l~ Mtlhlmt k#tl ("JPtQI ... 0(( •• ,,11 ,it~ I I t I I I 1 I 1 I ; I "11 u .. Woody'• Wharf got back on the winning track Monday night in the Costa Mesa open summer basketball league with an 82-68 decision over Harbor Merchantl. And, Saddlcback: came up with Jta see- ond victory of the campaign with a 17-59 verdict over Progres!lve Produce in the companion feature at Southern Callforni1 College. Woody's ran up 1 17·point lead at the h11l f against Harbor Merclu1nts (OranJt <'oast College) and coasttd In behind 1 b11 tanccd ~coring attack. Dove \\'axman led Woody 's with n 11nd r at Granl WIS right behind with 21 reints ~·hllr Bob Bedell was also In dou b e fig. Uri', \\"Ith 13. Sll'\'!' :\fcl...endon. formerly of \\!psi· n11n•tcr High. wit~ ht11h point m11n for lh"' Jntrri with 17 ..-·h!le mattJ l.arry 1:;i.•~willer tl4l 11nd Paul.Hol me111 10) also ~r11rk l:.-d for tht f\t r rchAn'~. FrirmPr ~tl$ir;ion Viejo High ace Tom (:11 rctn~r lrd S1:1dclleb11rk to 11s ~cron1t \'IClory with 19 po1n ls followed by Eric ChrilleMtn-Od ..., Mallar with II apiece, Pro1resalve Product Udtd It lta 6otrft. ftU with 2S peraonel feu.la -aM tM wlnner1 took advantaat by canntnc 11 1hot1 lrom Ult fret U.row lint, ,.,..,....,.,. ~ff ,.., ...._... itn .. It" .. .."""' wrnt11n1 ' ' ~ . ,_ ... 1 I l I ·-· ••• fl "'"""-1 l I J C11Ml~tflt"' I • Ii ~lnl T 1 I 1 lt:fll'J' I I 4 t Cll•lrtt~Mll I I II Mt<nt .... r .. ' . o., ... , I ' I 1' J~H ' . ' ' Lllltr 1 • , t o ... 1\1., t • t • 01~111•11 ... " -" i • t • Mll'I..-t t 1 II l•t•lt tSUtlJt fetl lt t4tl 11 •, H~1Hln"14 KO!'I! ...... ltNllr JI, l'fff•lsll ... ,,. •uct H. tlt•Nr Mwdl•~lt !Ill "''""" Wll•l'I !ltl I• II •t tto """' .. f'" .. 11 ... 1~., .s 4 f 14 Wl•mtll , ' • fl Ht'""' J I 4 10 ,,..~ I J t S 7etwJt , I ' ' flMtn • 1 • u •utl•n ' ' . (;rt Al . ' . ,, Mct.r"Olll ' • . " "'" t ' 1 I c.~ ... ~ ' • ' . Muttl'ltnl t 1 t \ l~tWY • • • D•lt • I 1 I k~•rMfrl!Of" • • ' . ltlt ~ • It tu A~loi.., • ' . ' W•I' •• 0 I 1 I ret.i• :I Ufl ll H11n1ru1 o<or1i W..,Y't 11, MttCtla"ll M, I Smith YeU Squad DriUs With Orange County'• !Ith annual prep foolball jl'.ame leis than a month away, the South ye11 squad has begun preparation for this 1eason's encounter. In the bottom row, from left to rist:ht, a re Karen Evan• (Or1n1e) and Terry Raglan (Los Alamitos). In the 1econd row are Corky Corcoran (Mater .Oei), Tina Summerl (Foothill) and Barbara Rice (Foun· ta.in Valley). At top ls head yell leader Nancy Shanahan (Foothill). The game is set for Aug. 20 at Orange Coast College. Sunamer Baseball Rotary Def eats IGwanis; Exchange Still Winning Newport Center Klwan.11 (Corona de1 Mar) moved into a MCODd place tie with North HunUftllOD Rotary (FCIUlltaln Val. Icy) Monday tn Hunu..,,,. Beaeh IWD- mer bueball octlon by bopplnc the Ro. tar)' nine, 11-5, at Hwrttnaton llffeh Hip, The two 1quadl now bout idenUcl.17-$-2 ncorda and tit '"' 11m11 behind league leadl111 Newport EJ:chanp Club (11-1-1). CGacb Andy Smttb'a Elchante (New- port Harbor) tom kept up lta: steady pace with 1 $4 dtcls!on over Winn'• Tow Ser. vie• (Edlaon) on tbe ben' diamond while Himt!DllOn Harbour (Huntington Beach) wu the redpJent of 1 forfeJt at th• hands of Kaufman 1nd Broad <M• rlna). Tiii KlwW.Ratary d•lflll uw the two 11du combine for 20 btta In the 1ix· tnnln1 aUdr. Wlth the count bolted 1t 5-6 1oln1 into lbe bottom cl the fGurtll, coaeh Tom Tra1- tr~ Klwanlt IJ'OllP ta<ked up a pelr of nms ln tblt &ame and added t1'0 more In the ftfth to band Rotary ltJ third 1tra!lht ltlback. 4 County Players In Shrine Contest Only a bandfUI of Oran1e County prop foothill playera will be an hand Thursday nl(ht Wbln tl\e lllb IMUal Notti>3outh Shrine football it.mt ltll Wider way at Loa Al,elu Memorit1 Col.lltwn. Included Jn the Rebtl fold are Ana~ heim'1 George Fraser, Rancho Alamlto1' Gary Jtmt:I, Lou1'1 Mlk:e Hanna and Foo1hlll11 Cnl1 Grimm. Grimm, who't headed for UCLA In the fail, w11 the Crestview League'• lineman or tM year wl\lle Hanl\a earned 1lmilar bonm in th• trvtne Leaeue. Pram WU named to the CIJI' AAAA flr1t team twlet and lJ headed for UC Berkeley, The South lea<b in the series, with IO Wins 111il\lt five loaae1 and three tie!. Dave Vilas got the win for the Kl· wanis, fettln& relief help from Reed Johoaon In the lalt two lnnin1a. Newport Elcban1e Club 1ot another complete came victory out of flame. throwinc rlghthander Alvin White, who finned 10, walked only three and allowed juJt five hita. Mike Easterling'• fifth.Inning triple with Stu Weed.n and Steve Hedrick aboard w11 the hl1 blow al the eontell CraJg Renlab of WiM's absorbed the ION, pltcblfll t complete 1une and al· lowln1 just three hits and four walks while whlfllnr tl&ht. N\llfTIN•TON llACM IAll!IALl. 1.IAOUI W L T •a l'INl*I l1d'llnof Clutl 11 1 2 HNI*! Ctfl9tl' ICIMnl• 1 J t 41'1 HttWt Mllll!lnt)on lttffry 1 I I 'l'i Hllfll ....... H1r11ot.tr ' I I •Yo IClllhnl" '"' lretd $ 11 • I WW>'t TIW St<'vkl I 11 I t \11 ~·--ltl N...,, I~ 6, Wlnfl'I I HfWOll"t IClwlllla .1, North Hllllllnlltorl S HWl'lllnttM N"""'1r 7, l<l\llfMll I (IOrllll) Wllflf't TOW SlltVIC• Ill 1lll rllrtl McN1.,, • • I t I WIM.C 2121 Slll,H 4000 ll111f,tr Jiii Nle!M!l. lb I I 0 I L, Wllt\b9,...,., lb I t o I 0111,r! 1 ·101 Hlnion, d 2 a t I lakll, ti l I 1 0 lttn!lll. • 2 I 1 0 I . Wllllllltrttr, ft 2 0 1 0 1 I 0 • 2t 1 I I NIW,OllT I XCHANOI c1-v• 111 ... , ....... Heclrlclt, d I 2 O o w..-,Jt> 2200 E•111rll111, 11 I l 1 2 A, Wlllfe, I 1 I 0 1 ""''"'"' 1010 ""ltl'I, ,~ ) •• 0 A1tr•m1· rt 3 I IT H. Wllllt, 'lb 3 I 0 0 WtlW•, c 2 1 1 0 H•ld'"""'n' _, 1 0 O 0 Tlllllt fl•ll '"'' .., '"111119' Winn'• 111 OOll ....... ..... , 2 NIWPOff ••cMr'll9 0DJ °" MOJl.TN H\INTINOTON M•Wl"OltT CllfTIJI. ltOTAAY '" KIWANIS l'I .. ' "" .. ' . "' .,,lm.o )l, " • ' ' • "'"""'· d ' • ' • DIM•rl1, u • ' ' ' N!llsen, 2b • ' ' ' M1rtn , d • • • ' o"'"""· u • ' ' ' ,, ... " • • • • Erlc~.on, c • ' ' • llObtt11, II ' • • • l!I•~··· lb , ' • • V1r111y. lb ' ' ' ' JohnJOn, .... • • ' • Kalflt'd. " • • ' • •IUIO•, II • ' ' ' Ml•rvmen, lb , ' ' • C•rns. 11 • • • • Au1!ln, c • ' ' • a.MUii, " , ' ' ' Htdo!ew, • ' • • • S.tra, " • ' • • Mttllnl, • ' ' ' • V!l11, • ' ' ' ' Luad~nbld. • o • • ' (ll~ltf, rf ' • ' • Tot•ll M ' • ' Tt!l!I ~ . " ' k.,.. lllW l11"1ftt1 Norin H<Mllntt.., "' ....... • ' N•~rl (11111• tt• ......... ' Major League Standings IUTIONAL LEAGUE l!:ltl Dtruloa W L Pct. GB Plttihw'&h 62 43 .147 New Ywk so u .538 1 Ollc... 41 41 ,500 4\; Phlladelph!a 42 SO .457 I \; St. Lou.is 41 52 .441 IO Montttal 40 M .ua 111; C1nelM1tl Dodpn Atlanta Wht Dtvlala1 17 21 H !t * 47 41 47 It II Stl'I Francll!CO MOUiton San Dlqo 31 l!I ""'"*""-··-( lol(lfwltll 11 c111oc•11 Afttllll at ,llttbl.l.-.11. "lot~! Nllrt*'! ,, ''· 1.,9111, """' °""' t•lftll ............. .705 .Sil .495 .414 ,431 .Ill 12 20 21 JSi; lei AMERICAN LEAGUE Et1& Dlvlltna W L Pc&. OB Ba!Umott 58 38 .117 Delrolt 53 39 .571 4 Ne&. York II U .141 I\; Bolton 47 41 .Ill ii; WHhlnatoo 43 SI .457 15 Cleveland 1 U 50 .457 15 Welt Dlvillon "11nnetota. 57 31 .841 A1gela M 37 .802 3~ Oakland 50 44 .532 10 Kanu.1 Qty U 58 .S70 25 Milwaukee 31 n .34T 27" Chl08fO 33 13 .!41 28 .,......, ... lll_lh l1lllmtA I, l<tf!M• CltJ' 1 Dlt,.11 1. Mlflllltttt I .. ,... .. lt. ...... ClllctN S. C1Wt!1fl4l J 01J11• ... J, W1lhl .... fen I Ntw Yllflt' <1, f.lltWtllktt t I , ...... _ l1lltw!ln MtMlll'I' 11''1 tf tr:M11.11 CllY !l utl•• ~"· 111tht Dtlrtlt llllld> f-101 tf Mll'U'>tllll ("I ll J.U, 111111t Cllt.c-CMllllr 1-J) t t ClwtltM IMl:Dtwtll 1'"411. """' o.ltltfld !HUll!W lMI 11 W1llolrlfltn (Cn S,1), nlthl MllwMft , ... ,,. J .. er ltt blnd1r J.111 ti Ntw YM !l hlfllfl'llYf't M l ......... ,.,."f'I' f.t l'1d tlltlfl 1•11 •• .....,, !Slltltrt "' tflf l'tltra P.tl, I. flW>flltM _,.._ l!l•llhlllrt ti 1<111t~ CllY, "i.t'it Oell'tll tt Ml"llMtl&, rti.111 Clllcffe ti CleWI .... "ltllt .,,.. ... , ..,_ DEAN LEWIS 1966 HARIOR ILVD., COSTA MESA Service ti1d P1rt1 for All Imported Cars Medern lody Shop fer All Carl 646·9~0~ Oranae County's largest and"Most 1i1odern Toynt• and Volvo Dealer ,, Mission Viejo Speeds Past Foe, 69-36 With four players in double figures, Mission Viejo raced to an easy 69·36 victory over Los Amigos in Santa Ana Recreation Dept. !ummer basketball play at Santa Ana College Tuesday night. In another contest, host Santa Ana Valley rolled to its 10th straight win in the league downing P.1ater Dei , 58-45. In the Mis!ion Viejo victory, the Diablos were led by Rich Price's 20 points. Jeff Masterson hit 16 and Joe Evans and Rob Ferguson added II each. Masterson, Steve Ashcraft and Evans dominated the boards for the Diablos. Mission Viejo hit at a 53 percent clip from the field. The Diablos held a 32-19 halftime lead. In the Mater Dei game, the Monarchs jumped out to a lD-7 lead, but Valley came back to tie the contest at 21-11 al lhe halfUme break. A· Cilld-sbooting third quarter and some costly turnovers by Mater Dei helped Valley lo take a IO.point lead and they never looked back. Steve Fritz took scoring honors for the Monarchs wilh 16 points. He also had 10 rebounds. Play continues Thursday night with Mater Oei facing Santa Ana at Santa Ana College at 7 and Mission Viejo meeting El Modena at Saddleback at 8. Mlt11tt! Vl1lt UI) l,f!pl'" I 0 2 1• 2 0 1 • J I 2 11 1 ' 2 10 ' , 1 11 2 ' 1 • 0 J I l L11 Aml901 UO M~tt1non A1hc r•ll E~~n1 Pr let F•rou..,. Cl•m Morr Knl•r Clr•m l!lr1st rl1 !otower1 K•l•!I ft fl tll to ' 2 1 10 • 0 4 • 1 1 ] ' ! 1 o n 0 0 J 0 T1l~l1 211 13 10 •• l~ .. 11 k-or1 ~y Gw•rf•rl Minion Vlelo 11 u 15'U36 1'11 -it LOI Aml11os 12 1 10 7-36 M•ltt .. , (4,\ 1'4"'' A"I VllllY !Sil t1t11ltp fl ti ,1 ,, l'rl!r ' • . .. Lo<>el ' ' ... K"!IU" ' • ' ' K1V« ' ' "' KfMO•r ' ' • ' Oi1Dn ' ' ' • Jlo~rh ' ' ' ' Fl•ld1 ' " ' ' KlllY ' • ' • F•lll!n ' ' ' ' KtPICh ' ' • ' H1ll ' ' ' ' N•nrv ' • • ' Tonr: ' • ' ' Tot1l1 1!1JllU To!tl~ 20 \l llSI M1!1r .. , le•" by 0111 "'" " " • ,,_., S8MI '"' V1!11y ' " " 72-.Y DIFAN LEWIS ' l ANNIYnSAIY SAL£ SPECIAL 1970 TOYOTA WAGON ~!':. $1817 .a.n OtMr MMelt 11 lt.c• Mark ll-Hi11s Plc.k1p- '-d Cnrhert-Cet0ll9 VOLVO 1970 DEMO $2690 142 2 dr., r1dl•, h•tf1f, 4-1p11d. IStr. •41401 • I • • • ' Wedntsd.ay, J uly 22, 1970 DAILY PILOT 1 f) Start Your • Chec.l{ing Out Anea Gi:eens Deep Sea Fish Report Engines! I . by Deke Hou/gate ~ \ Ray Stoddard swept to 1 • Jow pess score of 17 over ttie weekend to cop that cla,ssiflcation's . honors In ... men's dub ICt1oo at Costa -tMesa Gott al)d Country Club's Lake course. • Jn low net acUon, Frank Sheldon whipped bl! nearest i •··ts •'-1• week · competitor by two strokes, to Unless someone goes faster during l re ~ .. ..., . • N Ith the unofficial record for one lap around the new Ontar19 _earn the o. I post w a Motor Speedway wlll remain in the ~ds 0~ Joe,. Jte:onard, \-64Jack Towle finisJ:>ed second who also hol$is the olflcial s~ mai'k a_l ~ianapolis. with . 8 66 followed by' Dick Leonard established hiDiseff as the man to beat IC!f the , MUler (67) and· Vic Slmanc,lli pole position in the $500,000 California 500· when he lh'!OOered and Johll Pacheeo (both with a.round' the 2.5--mile track at 112.a rn.P ... h. !JOlY ~ !tW l;ps after 69s). he had wanned up his Johnny Lightning Colt tllf.bl> °'31· • The blind bogey ~Inner w11.· He was_!aaf.er even than the Indy pole and race WIJlnef'\ John Lancaster,'whoJashioned hia own teamrnale., Al Unser. And Leonard did It with ·ease. a 77. How come? . . . H~I W~bster wu th~ f1'sl "I've always Bked to go fast, and I ,spectally like high A winner 1n the wynen s clul). speed places," Leonard said. "You know, when rou are wor'k· tin whistle event ~.!,1~15-71 Ing up to speed you have to fight the car. You~ tense, and (36). Second pliH:e went 40 you work hard. \\'hen you reach speed, you px and do .... Marttia Ciampa, rouf .s:tz:ok~ things naturally. _ . · back at 90-14-76 (33 ). "The only thing I can rel~te 1t to is ~ck . to the days Sybl F~ter took B flight V.'hen ·1 raced motorcycles. I would be leading a race, and ha,1ors with a 98-26-72 (35) my crew would hold up the EZ sign. I would relax and not ahead or Wanda Adams' 112- try so hard and my lap speeds would stay the same. 34-78 (30). r ' •tead starter Skip Skillion Wind Socks fteq11ested has returned to the Mesa plant It wu Ltonard wbo requested the speedway manage-following an extensive tour of meat put up wind socks in two of .1be corners, to abow the Ireland. Morocco, Scotland drivers the dlrecdon and speed of tbe wind. PR director and England. Roier Ward snorted : A ,scramble. tourney for the °For years at Indianapolis there was no wind 1ock, and men.s club 1.s on tap. Aug. finally they put one up. No"' these guys want a whole bunch 8 with deadlrne for s1gn~ps of them at Ontario." Aug, 2. Interested parties But Leonard presents a good argument for wind socks. should cali 540--7200. The He uses the wind to bis advantage. tournament Is ope~ to all "Thia year at Indy," he said, "the wlnd changed in•the mem~rsof the men s clu~. middle of the race. For aw•ne oa the back siratp.tway we ll11ntln9ton Beticla laad a tailwind, and later la the race we got 8 _crosnrind. A partners Dest ball tourney "It tickJed me lo wakh the ~er can JVlllP aU over is scheduled ,Aug. I at Huo- tbe traek. Tbe guys were figlllbig it, ud Ute_y ~Ida.JC ~ tington Beach Country· Club. what was happening to them. I Dew sometlllnc wu going The men 's club event will on. So I looked at the wind sock." featu ce full handicaps and Leonard also knew somet.bl.ng was going on when be begins at 8:30 a.m. scorehed around Ontario faster than bis qualifying rtcord at Indy. . Sn11tu Ann "The car would push (underateer, or not turn as easily George Woods came back as Leonard wanted It to) in Turn I. When I got around to from a two-hole deficit with Turn 3 It woukl oversteer {turn too qllickly), and I n·ould only a pair or holes remaining find myself sliding. • • in h i s quarterfinals con- "Tbla told mt tbe wind was coming from a north"·est frontation with Hoagy Evans, direction, 11.nd It w,as pretty stiff. Drl~lng those corners was Tuesday. tied the match at like trying to land a plane In a crosswind." the erid of regulatiGn and went on to post a victory on the Ot,her Wi11d P1•ess11re Elferi.s 25th hole in the Santa Ana· There Were. other peculiar wind pressure effects work· Ing on Leonard's car that d~y, like tile turbule~e he creatl'd by running next to the outside wall on ~he straightway. "I thought I was going slower down the straightwa y when I ran close to the wall," he said. "So I looked at the tach and saw I was goiilg 100 r.p.m. slower than when I ran farther away from the wall. ''But when I.came in and cheeked lap times, 1 had gone just as fast running next to the wall. It had to be because J was out farthe r and had a better angle going into the turns. J must have been faster in the corners as a result. .. Ellert of Wind 011 Drl.,e1" Whea auto racing people talk about aerodynamics they asaally refer lo pusllln1 a mu1 of metal tltrouch tbe air. Tltey talk about slipperiness and frontaJ area -the full-face view of the car. Leonard 1pe8k1 also in terms of what tbe wind doea to him, sltUng tn tbe cockpit. "When you average t?t m.Ues an hour, you are traveling at tbt rate of 400. feel per secoad, '(Leonard explained. "If the wind 11 shaking your head you get distortion when you look ahead and try to see the corner coming up. "You have to design the ear so you don't get that buffet- ing. I attach a JIUle gad1et on my cockpit that cuts. down ihe wind in my face. It Is a regular bug defltctor that's sold in stores." Leonerd lttls another sensation when be Is shaving th~ wall at ZIO m.p.h. at Ontario, a gentle nudge at t.he nape of the neck from turbulence bis car creates behind him al high •peed. ''The air curia around behind the car and sort er pushes you la the back or the head , .. he said. Rudy f,lkew II llot Some like it hot. Lloyd Ruby does. Asked about the hea t expected for the California 500 on Sept. 6 at Ontario Speed· way, the veteran Texas driver (if 25 years of racing and 11 years at lndianapolls make you a veteran) replied : "Shucks, I don't mind how hot it gets. l'm used to the heat down home !Wichita Falls, Tux .) I spend a lot of time outdoors in the heat... . Leonard, on the other hand, has. a healthy respect for hot weather in a loog race. He won the Milwilukee 150 in humid 92 deg . heat. . "Alter the race was over I must have drunk a gallon of water, but when 1 got back to the m~tel I found out I had (Continued on Page ZOJ Exclusives. The win propelled Woods in. to the semifinals. \Vendell Finley also made it into the semis with a one-up victory over Ev Lutz. Others still competing for semifinal berths are Fred Black and Warren Sikora B"11d Bill Livingstone and Harold Harrison-. Ranrho SI ~1r. a"nd Mrs. Gil Ide and 1'1r. and Mrs. Gordon Imlu teamed for a net S7 \o capture lilt mlxeil 'couples event over tl)e 'ft'eekend at Rancho Slrl1 Joaquin Country Club. Second place wenl to Mr. and Mrs. Al Haig with a 59 v.•hile Mr. and Mrs. Orin Wright and Mr . .ii nd Mrs. Marvin Johnson finished third with a net 60. A four-pars tournament In women's club play was cap- tured by Trudy Bone y;ith a 38, followed by Marilyn Jones 1381h) in flight A com- petition. Flight B was titd three ways between Margaret Egbert, Yvonne Haig and Fern Sprould. Each fired 36'h scores. Helen Schwella topped the field m c flight. play with a 35, one stroke better thiin Lorraine Peterso n. , Natalie Beckman took , D fligh1t wilh a 40 'h with Betty Blakeniore second at 44. Sunday's low net tourney in men's club ,competition was captured, by Jack Wilcox (63) followed by Gary Hanson and Jim O'Connell with 68s:. ' . Harbor Are• Otympia Pool Foundation, Box 800, Cost1 Men • • • A 50 METER OLYMPIC 5IZI POOL IN TOUR HARIOI ARIA Tllo Harbor Ar.., Olympia Pool Fouocl9thlo Prn111ts THE Mll~ION YARD SWIMATHON PLACE: . Newport Beach Tennis Club TIME: Start July 25th, 12 Noon C:ootlo .... 24 Houn A Doy Uotll 11oe -Is •IMC1to4 GOAL: Swim l Million Yards-Raise $87,500 s.-4 Yo"' Dfftrri ... , 5,.-0,,. ef 0• fl• S.....,_ f9 S.,-. t.t Ye•I DO YOU WANT TO PARnCIPATE AS A SWlMMER? CALL 644·0050 • TWo strokes back jn third place were:RolSert Bradshaw . Al Elchleberg and S t a n Radow. • Sattirday'a men's club event will be an 18-hole low net select partners tourney. It begins at 7·a.in .• "'¥•i!>" Viejo A)>ollCatiOns are still being accepted ·k>~·the third ann ual h1U;slO'tl VieJo Amateur Invita- tion~ r tQurnament. The !JG-hole event Is . slated ..... I and' 2 with two flight.s · .... '111~ndll .. .OV~l 200 • golfers are expected for the club event. lrt1ft1 e Consl two-flight tourney. The !lights Knotted in second were Preparation continues for arf broken down_ to an even-to-Gene Kinsel and Chuck lhe 15th annual member-guest siia.; handJcap and seven-to-12 Osborne, Bob Marvin and Ray tournament at Jr vlne Coast han<Ueaps. Henderson, Marvioe a n d Country Club. The entry fee is $3S. Kinsel, and Kinsel and 19th llole El NI l Henderson. Three Orange coast area gue A mixed best ball event was golrers have recently qualified Dr. Al Cole and Tom Pierce for the annual Rusty Nail combined forJa net 63 to cai; captu red. by Bill Young and tiole-ln·One Sweepstakes. ture the recent partners best Mrs. Orvllle Hastings with a Mrs. Burton Stansbury of ball tournament at El Niguel net 63. Second place was split NewpQrl Beach and Costa Couiitry €1ub in L aguna . between Mr, and Mrs. Calvm Mesa r~ldents Murr a y Niguel. Whitington , Mr . and ~1rs. John McKer~ie and Ray Tate have Their tall~ nicked four duos Swartley ant: Mr. and Mrs. , qu'Bllfled with recent hole-in- bunched at 64 in the men's Arµaut Shaw, with 6S~. ones at area cou.rseJ. ------------~ • ,..-"I 1"' ""l· . OpOn D•ily 10 •.m. to 9:30 p.m. S.ttirday 9:30 1.m. to 6:00 p.m. MAIL ORDERS ' ,· . WELCOME Sl FOi POSTAGE P.O. IOX 1'4 NEW IERLIN, WIS. 51151 S._res leclfted II Ari .... , CMlf•ntle, C•lorodo, llll11ols, low•, MIHeMt9 .... -n'?.'-i:Pr ch3rge ; USE YOUR MAUI• CHARGI South Coas.t.: P.laza lri1tol • the So• DI-to frwy., Cotto ~-- 1 Lewer Lettt -Near tho Wttterfolll PHONE 540·010' ;~ Gl;·G ANT l .. C . . INVENTORY REDUCTION - -·· . ' This Merchandise Must Be Sold! PRICES SLASHED ~~!~T: ONE WEEK ONLY SAVINGS UP TO 50 AND MORE! ' WATER SKIS. NORTHROP ••• CYPRESS GARDIN$ 50%. Of, JACK NICKLAUS GOLf' CART LIST 54t.se • $1988 lert YoKy ., Lloyd MotllVfll ALUMINUM SHAFT I IRONS. l WOODS LIST S17t,50 . $6995 GOLF BALLS Spalcll .. K,o.Fllto 9 88 · · Ll1t 15.00 • . . . • . . • • ctn. Te-y Ar111011r 4 99 U1t 12.00 . . . . . .. . • dor. ~~$.~~ot .•..••.• 7.88 dor. ' SHAKESPEARE REELS FULL ZlPPll • l LI. DACRON SLEEPING BAGS "81" FULLSIZE #'2221 LIST szz.ts $1.188 . COLEMAN !Sll Cot. Hnter. 22.95 l00~-500 .....•••••.• 16.99 .. ~· ........... . 411 S,OYO ZZO Le11,er• 11.88 ................ #2052. Rog. 21 .95 ........................... ,. ............. . 17.79 17.79 SHAKEIPEARE REELS #2062. Rq. 21.t5 ............................... ~ ............ . 'r-41CKLE BIG .. SAVINGS NO Wt SHAKESPEARE REELS 6 49 #1771. Rq. 7.9$ ............................................. ~ ...... · • ' ~~~4~~=~~s'.~-~.~-~--..................................... 5.99 SHAKESPEAR! REELS #1766. Rq. 16.tS ................. ·-· ........... . 12.79 -.. 2.95 3.49 !:L~~.T=::~~.~~~.~~ .................................. 16.99 10• GRAPPLE Ret. 4.tS ..... TRUE TEM•ER RODS 2.99 15# GltAl"PLE ~106. Rot. 4.ts ................................................... . a ... 5.ts ......... _ ............................. .. ~';:~::.~ :fss!.~-~.~.~.~~ .................................... 2.99 UMCO TACKLE IOXES #1000 AS. Rot. lt.tS ........... . 14.99 ;TRUE TIMPIR SPINNING or S;INCAST with 7 99 Carb•l•y•Guld'1•· Rtf. 14.tS. ................................ • UMCO TACKLE BOXES •175 AS. Rog. I.ts ........ ._ ....... .. ············ 6.95 HEDDON RODS ............ 6.99 UMCO TACKLE BOEXS 24.95 !'PB2J..i0· 6'6". Rog. 9.95 . #2000 US. Rot. 21.95 ..................................... . ~~:~1C: 7~~'!;. 9.95 ............................................ 6. 99 #3001 DURA PAK s A11t. R/W 1poons. Rot. 1.00 .............................. . .59 .89 ; SOUTH llND REEL. Splnnin9. · a130. ••1: 6.t5 ···--··· ... -............................. . 4.95 ALL ARBOGAST LURES South .Bend Rods •2-1)0.006, 2-131-006, 2·230-006,. 2·2.Jl-oo6. All Reg. 6.95 ....... .. 4.9~ • • Dardevels · ::.'.·; .. ,. -. . ... ························· .69 ..... 69 ~'I;,'"' ...... , ...... ··-.......................... • 9 • ... ·" ......... : ................................................. 6 ::.~· •• 9 ............................. • .......... -...... :: .... ~.4f w ... , ... "" .... 49 .... ·"ff 1.0t • .. ............... . Johnson Silver ' Minnow .89 #10105, 1110, 1210 All R ... \..2t . South Bend Reels ... 1,99 Rog. 2.ff .................................................. .. .... . 499 Rtt. 6.ts .................. __ ,............................ 1• .... . 13 95 ~1;.''-". ..... . . ·'· ... 14. 95 Reg. It.ts .... ... . .... . . . • Shakespeare •1100 .... t .ts .. -......... . Johnson Reels •710 R-.. ts.ts ... ,. ................. -..... -·-·~· .... < •150 • R09. 17.tS .. -· ....... , ., ... • 'T.95 . 12.95 14.95 Rtt. 1.3t ........................................ . SOME SEASONAL I SOME OVERSTOCKED I SOME D'ISCONTINUED ITEMS I PRICED TO MOVE! To.w Rope• Hamess All A« .............................................. .. • ' I 25°/o OFF 1'1.81 1 I 0 lb. Ba,bell Sets '"''"d" "'"d D•mbolll. '"'''"'"'"' ........ .. Air Maffreaaes 'ull 5110. Piiiowed H11vy Vinyl. Rtg. 1.H ............. .. . .. lie Aki Life V~d •1210 ,,., ,,..,, ................................................ '. _ 2.19 · .. ,. Base Ball Gloves _ ...................... ... .................................... 25°/o OFF Swim Fins and Masks .... .... .... . . ... .. . 25% OFF No. 26 ·Dining Fly w•11• ••••· .... "·" ......................................... 19.95 All Golf 59ta, Bags, Shoes Spaldl"I -Wilton -Ram -lurkt -Worttall'lgt~ -Milton -Doxtor ......... . Tennis Rackets by· Regent .. -........ mm ............ . 25°/e OFF 40~ OFF No. 1210 Red Head Boat Cushions .... "" ....... 2.19 Zebco Combo Zebco Combo a2490, •'I· lo.tS .............................................................................. . 11.J4tS. Rot. 15.tt . ..................... . 14.11 " \ I , I U DAil Y PILOT Alalilitos Racing Results >•:a.•,,. •.c4,61 ••• u. ).Oji t ... , .. , .. ... . PIFTM ltAC•~ ~ Vll'ds, Two 'r"ff•- old1 .,,.. (!ft C•lifoml1. Cl1lm!,,,, ~r .. $1.-. Cl1lmlfl9 price l)AIQO, Cr.111 N J-'t IAd1trl •.20 J,20 JJlll Del T•"" (C1rclol:1) I.Cl •.60 IH llhlft f!".,•l 7,14 Tim.: 11-l/IO. Al .. '"' -Ootdl T•b. PrlMlll St1r- 1Nr. SD-. S.lnt, Lookln' ll•tk, Dllllt.r awl-119 .JllM Wlv,... Vtlll'f' Ml .. ''*''" . krlldlld -ltNr~ JlocMt, c-tlfc. Tt'llly A Genito Ind Clllef l1r lld, 1.GO •.IO S.• 4.IO l .20 ' ... J Albacore Closer • To Area The long-a.waited albacore are getting closer. The large, tuna·like fish are reported schooling in an area about 40 miles south-aoutheasl of Point Loma in San Diego County. Last week's report had them out over 60 miles off Point Loma and the Orange Coast ar ea's three major 1portfishing landings see no reason why the loogfins should not migrate into area waters within the next ccuple of weeks. Davey's Locker a 11 • d a Y boats recorded the b e s t weekend albacore hits with anglers pulling in a total of 63 albec:ore on one charter and me open boat. The all-day veml1 leave the Locker at 11 p.m. nightly. . Steady bites are being chalked up by Davey 's customers in the kelp beds near Dana Point Bass. bontto and calico are the chief at- tractions. Art's l..clnding had a good weekend , with 51 longfins pull· ed in by 19 people. The average wt\ght was between 16 and 20 pounds. Art's all~ay albacore ven- tures leave the landing nightly at JO, WtdntSda,y, Juty 22, 19?0 START· YOUR ENGINES •• (Conllnued 1ni1n Page It) losl 6 ~i pounds. The morn1ng of the race I weighed 186, and arter Ote race 17i~. J w.ss simply dehydrated." As most of the drivers in the Ontario race, Leonard will have a cooling system for himself that is as important lo the performance ol his car a.s the systems for the oil and water reservoirs and lhe turbo-charger. "Parnelli (Jones, Leon ard's car owner) has developed an air system that circulates cool air around hls feet. I'm planning to use that or 50mething like it. \\1e'll put an air hose in and hope that will take care of it. Our cars are ven- tilated as well as we can do already." Good Record in S hort Time Leonard W an amatlo1ly good record for the llttle rac- ing be bar done this year. lie wa1 ruonlng second to Al Unser when be dropped out ol tbe sot on Jlitemorlal Day, and he won the l\tJJwaukee race etght days later, 1'11 ollly other USAC championship ride of tbe yeflr. Early tlW month be climbed into Jim llall's Camaro te drive la hli; first Trau-Am.race. Leonard was foretd to make five pit stops, at least two unscheduled, and still wound up foartll ~•t Dotmybroole Speedway, Minn. He may have earned i permanent rl!le 'fltb tk: Hall organization. •' "I've •• '" Flreitllier and to Parnell!," Leonard Ul4: "[ bve to rartve more otten. There's no way you can 11& •"*"' all year aftel?.tllen ~et In a car and run wllh the &op driven. nerr,:i~·tood· Next year is going to have to be dlff.-t." , . Racing. Entries ·. The-big:hits in stereo·1apes are at Penneys I Auto Sound Center all atlow,lowprices Special Sale 4.44 "' "' "' "I " '" "' '" "' "' "' "' '" "' "' lrt "' ... "' "' '" Action is slowing down in B1lb91 Bay with some bass and hllibtU, while Art's three-THREE DOG NIGHT-CAPnJREO LIVE AT THE FORUM -.....-i-.nd 1. .. 1'-d boi $TEPPEHWOLF-UVf qu......, =-ay Is are THE BEST OF,_.,. JAMES & TltE SHONDELLS rOponbic fdTlll< baS$·bites. ,_,-RO£-TWELVEIHAROW •lool' wffll a spriJJkllng ol 11111UDOGHiGKT-WITAaLl!FORF!WtlNG Jeaal bomeuda.abel bmllto. The ....... b baek up on tuEHA PARK' HUNTINGTON BEACH baollo, ... and barracudl CANOGA PMIC MONTCIAIR at SC ~ Sporiflihtna. CAii SIAD NEWPORT BEACH s..i·Ylll(• Wayne Franco CHULA VISTA ORANGE "The Ort' hoolced ll1t ltlmn>fl''I first DOWNEY VENTURA blllflin Wna off San C1tme:ntt fUU.mON •o..npih"" et v.li., w.w Frfc!IJ>, bo&&ing I 17-pounder. '--"'-"==""'-----'==="--=-'-'----' Area Sports in Brief ARE YOU TH~ MAN FOR US? ' Windsurfi.~g Reg~tta Set o.,,. ctll'lllMllY It r•l'l'lr •· fltlNillfll ....... .,. ltllllllt .... • liKll IMll 'lillllf It tll'tll tf .... .._. .. """ ,.....,, .,,..11a"1Mflllul ~ Bored surfers arise! A natural pasttime has invaded the Orange Coast area to capture your fancy. Sunday in Balboa Bay windsurfing takes the spoWght with competition '"'Open to anyone game enough to try it. A windsurfing regatta will get under way at 11 a.m. Sunday on the bay side of 15th Street on the Balboa Peninsula . Instruction for newco mers to windsurf- ing will be offered all morning prior to the regatta. Windsurfing has been popular for the ., , ...... .,._, ·---.1.c .. last year or.._ao in Ole Santa Morilc1-Pa. birth ~te, report card, parenb and : =•N':';~":f, ;.• ... ..= clfic Palisades arta and is just brt.akini a '5 fee for the mldicil examination. ..llllH,. into UUs area. Slgnupa are. tl1Ced from 10 a.m. to 2 .,i!;~ :,~~ ":;,Tj"~,:;;; It · is aceomplished on a !Uoot-long p.m. The prOgram Is for boys age al:~w~~~··~-~~.,~··~°'~'~"~'~'"'~· ~~ board with a 56-square toot sail and an _ adjUS!able steg sy•lem. Wllldsurlb>g ls through 1$. = popular in ell.her salt water or fre&h • water surroundlnss. Jtuntington Beach's Dan Carlton 11 one • of lhe favorites In the combioed TI' and Slgnups for Junior All-American foot-flat motorcycle racloc: p.roaram Thursd1y ball in the Huntingto.n Beach area art at South Gate's Trojan Speedway. scheduled for Saturday morning at Hwit· The 30-event card at lhe speedway nex( ington Beach High School. • lo the Long Beach Fm way &et.s ·under Inte'i'es_ted youngst«s should bring their wa,y at 7:30 p.m. ' • LOCAL No olh•t n•w•p•p•r t•llt ve• mo ... ,' ••••'I' ••v. 1li111t wh•l'1 9oint 011 i11 th• &r1of1r Or•itt• Co11f th111 th• DAILY PILOT. FIBERGLASS BELTED TIRE SALE ! \ PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY 4 Track Tape Specials Choose From A Great Variety Iron B Ul ferfly/Bal / -- Choose from the popu~:ir folk rock group Crosby, Stills & Nosh or tli~ senlational hard rock group Iron Butterfly. YOUR CHOICE 1.98 FOREMOST" 'EL TIGRE 2 + 2' with 2 belts of fiber glass on a 2 ply polyester cord body! Dual whitewall design tao! Now2 6 .44 ,t.11fol.111 •ft' 11 .. ti•• Whitewall tubeless Sire RepJaces Reg. Fed. tax 700-13 •••.•••• ---••.•..•• 30.95 •••••••• 1.90 C78-14 ,,,,,,,, 695.14 ••••..•• 30.95 ,,,,,, •• 2.15 .soo.1s •.....•. ---....•.•• 29.9.s •••••••• 1.ss NOW 30.44 NOW 33.44 l'l•• '•"-M• eft .. oli ,:,. l'I•• fff, M• •~i' .... llre Whiltw•H ttoHIHt , .... Whii.w.u '"""" '"· Si1• ''"'°''" •••• ... Si1• •• ,i., •• • ••• ... 111·1' Jl.5·1A 31.?.5 7.3S G7J.1( 11.5-14 l 6.?S :2,,, ,, .. ], ,,,.,, Jl .9.5 '2,.5.5 tfll.14 ,,,.1, Jl.?.5 2 .?3 f71·!.5 77S.1 .5 Jl.9.5 J.6\ G11·1.5 36.P.5 2.71 H71·1.5 l l.5.)$ J l .9l 2 .,1 NOW 36.44 ,1 ....... '-•·~"el• ti•• Whilt w•U hrHltu ft ... Sirt •• , ... ,, l•'I-tee J71·14 ISS·l4 •0.?S 2.11 900.15 •0.9.5 2.IO t11.1s ,,s.1s .i2.?s 3.22 36 MONTHS GUARANTEE WITH 14 MONTHS 1(10% ALLOWANCE For1mo1t Protection Gu1r1nt11. Your Foremost tire protec- lion guarantee covers alt Foremost passenger tires (except our special high.performance tires) against all road hatard or defect failures. You are protected for the entire stated nionths of guarantee. If your lire fai ls during the guarantee period, returri it to us and we will, at our option, repair your lire, or make an allowance based on the oriainal purchase price, excluding applicable Fedetal Excise Tax, toward the purchase of a new tire. We will allow 100% of the oriainal purchase price, excluding applicable Federal Excise Tax. during the 100~'-allowance period, Thereafter, we will allow 50% or 25% of the optional purchase pnce, exclud· 11111 applicable Federal Excise Tax, toward the purchase of a new tire. {See cl1art below). Federal Excise Tax adjustment allowance wil l be made on the basis of the pe1cent ol lhe or1g1nal tread re ma1nin&. FOREMOST PROTECTION GUARANTEE CHART HERE'S HOW YOUR GUARANTEE WORKS: Entire 1uarant1e period ............. -................. 36 month1 lQQ•k allowance period .............. -... -........... 1-14 months 50% allowance p1riod .......................... _,,. __ 15·24 monlhs 25% a:llowa:nce p1riod ....................... -......... 25·28 months Tread life Protection. Vie build into every Foremost t i1e safe traction indicators. They signal when your l11e should be rep laced. If your tire wears out (except for incorrect alignment) we will make an allowance based on the ori&inal purchase price, excluding applicable Federal Exc1sl! loX', toward the. purchase of a new tire, We wi ll allow }1 dunnR the first half or }~ during the second half of the staled 1nonths ol guarantee. Fede ral Excise Tax. adjustment allow· .ince will be m<1de on the basis of the percent of the 011ginal tread remaining. Jhis guarantee is not t1ansferab!e. It is onl y for Pflva te passeneer cars or passenaer station wagons. Choose your power ••• choose your price! . ' FOREMOST"' RELIANT 12 VOLT BATTERY * -Pro•idei. i.ure·fire Jlarting powec ot low cos!. 15.95* FOREMOST8 HIGH VOLT 12 VOLT BATTERY ' -Yoo• '1ound power for inlermediate and lull size co,i. with acce1sories, 19.95* FOREMOST" SUPER HIGH 12 VOLT BATTERY' -R0<om- mended for f1,1ll i.ize cars witli o heary occessary lood.• 25·.95* ' fOR MOlt .lMfflCAN C"IS. AVA tlAllf At ANY Otolf Of-THfS[ ,ENNET AUTO CfNJllSt BUENA PARK ' CANOGA PARK CARLSBAD CHULA VISTA DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH ORANqE "THE CITY" VENTURA •0ro"S•thorp1 ol VoHt• Vl1w (Cl0$f0 $UNOAYS) SHO, SUNDAY, TOO ll toS ,,M.I • • OCEAN RACING BREAKTHROUGH? -Workmen lower prototype hull of radical 32-foot offshore pawerboat into water prior to sea tests. The "pickle· fork nose" tunnel hull \Vas designed by Ron Jones of Cos ta Mesa and will debut in Hennessy Cup race at Long Beach Aug. 15. • • • DAILY PILOT l l Powerboat 'R olt' Near? Mesan's 'Pickelfork Nose' ign to Get Fir st Test A "breakthrough'' tn the mcnt hulls -of which Or County shop and will design of offshore racing Aronow's 32-foot Cary Craft be first prepared for rac- powerboats may be In the are considered the most ad-hi offing for Ron Jones of Costa vanced versions -are design-first was a heavier ?i.1esa when his new ed to slash through the ocean v commissioned for ex- ''picklcfork nose" tunnel hull chop, the Jones boat was enlal purposes by Rohr goes Into action In the Long designed lo glide over the aft and driven by Ted Beach Hennessy Cup race ""aves, supported by a column s for e1tended periods at Aug. 15. of air compressed bctwel!'rl mph in t1ehst runs earlier The revolutionary new craft t \Vin . non. s }'m1netrical ' year wt as many as will be commissioned by SPonsons. el~~rhsonths aboaJ rd. h Italian sportsman Francesco The recessed "plcklefork tuuug e oneses ave Consentino and wil: be driven nose" moves forward the lmniediale plarui for mas s In the Se11 Festival race by cent:r. of aerodynamic lift, od~tlon or the ''p1ihcklefork Don Pruett or Hialeah. r1a.. providing a greater stability ocean racers, ey are a boat building nrm executive and speed, Jones explains. warelolberf theldeslgn's patenl tiall d · t ti 11 k w·th h' 1 th or g ass recreat ona an n1 erna ana y n a "'' n I lS a er Ted, Ls powered racer-mechanic. Jones has designed a-,1d ~uJI or inboards. Some experts are already w or Id record sett 1 n ~~~~ .. iijiijijiiijii19iiijiiiijiiipijiipt""iipp. predicting that the radically hydroplanes and marat I designed boat will rcvolu-boats for close to two decad lionize offshore powerboat "\Vhat we're trying lo racing and may be seen later says Jones. "is make a in recreational boating. go like an airplane. A'1er The new speedster measures water is 800 limes denser t 33 feet from sponson tip to air .. , YOU CAN'T SPEND MORE Kathy Loew y Satin Doll Finishes Malahini Wins 1.<"'ifth BYCFeature stern , has a 13'h: foot bea1n Correctly balanced, th~! and weighs 7,100 pounds un-~·ill have ooly its pro s fueled. It is a modified, in the water, providh1g • enlarged version or Jones' tS. imum thrust with min m fooi. "picklefork nose" tunnel drag. THAN '25 'Got Guts' Ah d f M p k ea o aui ac hulls that have been cam-The new boat will be ~ed paigned wllh enormous sue-NavaJcat. It is built ~ood cess In outboard marathon and covered with al um circuits during th'! past 14 sheath. It is the seco~can-,,.rrutnrs Race Victor Kathy Loewy 1 of California Yacht Club sailed the Coronado-25 sloop Kalani to a Class A victory Saturday in Del Rey Yacht Club's Got Guts Women 's race from r.tarina del Rey to Ship Rock, Catalina Island. The race is for yachts rated under the Pacific llandicap Racing Fleet handicap rule. \Vinner in Class B was Mag- ic lsbach of Pacific Mariners Yacht Club in tbe Santana-22 sloop Carina. Top finisher with an all- fcmale crew was Estelle Howard of ·DRYC in the Islander-32 Mennaid. The race is for wOmen skip- pers but the crew may be either male or female. Skii>- pers must start and finish the race and be at the helm for at least 50 percent of the course. THE BEST 11. •• d.rship potl1 prOYI "P••- "uh" i1 on• of tlie world's mo1t popul•r ,omic: 1trip1. R1td it dilly in th• DAILY PILOT, VICTORIA, B.C. !AP) - Five days after greybeard crossed the finish line of !.he 2.300 -mile Victoria -to -Maul yadlt race after being alone at the front mosl of the race, a closely bunched group af six boats is finishin g within hours of each other. Satin Doll. a 37-foot sloop skippered by Tom Bush of Se- attle, crossed the finish line at the Lahaina Yacht Club on Maui at 8 p.m., PDT, Tues: day night, closely followed by Cubara, an identical sloop captained by D. J . Lawson of Victoria. Gabrielle JI of Victoria was expected to place fourtb. M. E. Agathcr's boat. the 43-fool yawl Aukele out of Seattle, was estimated to cross the line around 3 a.m. today followed by Hasty al 7 a.m. and Celeste at 8:30 a.m. Sa.tin Doll came from 14\h five days ago to the lead position of the fleet. She had an elapsed time of 20 days, 22 hours, 31 minutes and 20 seconds. She turned south from the Ready for Action Crew members or the French 12-meter France gather on the foredeck to plan strategy \\'hen she meets the Australian con tender. Gretel II starting Aug. 18. The tVi'O yachts will duel to determine who \viii challenge for the America's Cup against the winner or an American sailoff between three yachts. 141L17th IT,.. COITA MDA pack JO days aga to catch the trade winds, along with Cubara, and both steadily passed the slower boats to the north. months. Alonit with Renato going boat of its typ be PH. 642·5250 ~1olh1arl-type hulls. they ha\·e ~h~an~d~-<:~r~af~ted~iii~n~t~he~o~ne~s~· ~==~ .. ~,.~·~>~"'~..,...~~·~::::::::::~~~-~r~ot~aw~O.~~~= ....... ,.,, .,._, ,,_ ..... "•.., Jack Bostwick's Malahini was the winner Saturday of Balboa Yacht Club's Laguna race, the flftb feature ol the Eli Series. electrified the sport. r --- Powered by twin 482-cubic-I inch MerCruiser sterndrives, They avoided a larg e Pacific high pressure Cf.:nter which brought calm to the rest of lhe fleet. \Vinds picked up Tuesday, with the boats averaging 110 miles. Best performance was by Porpoise II, winner of the last race, and Aukcle, both with 150 miles. Bringing up the rear was the same group. African Star, Potlatch II and Puffin II, who were about 400 miles from the finish. They Jogged 105 miles Tues- day afler a daily run of about 60 miles the past few days and were expected to finish Friday or Saturday. U.S. Tri.ru a r a u Still in Race LO\VESTOFT, E n g I and (AP) -The trimaran Trumpe\er. only American en- try iD the 2,000-mile round Britain yacht race, fought back to fourth place Tuesday after being written off as a challenger. Co-skipper Philip We J d , from Gloucester. Mass., said following a fourth leg dash dawn the North Sea from Lerwick, Scotland, t h a t Trumpeter had a greal chance of finishing second overall and first in the class for multi- hulled craft. A brisk southerly at the start of the race died as the fleet neared the mark off Laguna Beach and scrambl~ the neet. H.it particula;ly hard were the boats that sailed near the shore. Final results: OVERALL -(I) Malahini, Jack Bostwick, BCYC; (2) Dorothy 0, Bob Beaucha1np, NHYC; {3) Arriba, Smiley & Thorne, BYC. CLASS A -(f) Dorothy 0 ; (2) Encore, Dick Blatter. man, BYC ; (3) Newsboy, Jack Baillie, BYC. CLASS B -(I) Firebrand, George West, NHYC; (2) r.ielee. Don Ayres, NHYC; (3) Destiny II, John Hooten, BCYC. CLASS C -(1) Arriba, Smiley & Thome. BYC; (2) Sanderlin, Kirk & Poole, BYC & BCYC: (3) Impetuous, Charles Glasgow, B YC. CLASS D -(I) Malahini ; (2) Swiss Navy, Dick Deaver, BYC; (J) Volante JI, Mike Hirsh, BYC. MORF -(l) Serena, Phil Doane, NHYC: (2) Loki, Saville & Hayden. LIYC & NHYC; (3) Dolphin, Milt Allione, Liyc. the new ocean racer is con-! sidered the mos\ important d eve lopmen\ in ocean powerboatin,e: since the in- troduction of the deei>-V hull over a decade ago. Depending on sea conditions, .Jones cautiously pre di c Is Pruett wili average more than 80 miles an hour around the 185-mile Hennessy Cuo course. This is over 6 mph faste r than the recognized world offshore reC<lrd or 74.3 mph established by-World chamnion non Aronow of Coral Gables, Fla. last summer in Italy. Jones feels the potential of his new design is JOO mph, although h'! admits further engine refinements may be n~ed. \Vhere the dcep-V displace- Wife Divo r ces Sta llwo1·th LOS ANGELES !AP) -Tho seven-year marriage ol pro- fessional basketball player Dave Stallworth, 28, and his wife, Judith . has ended in divorce. Superior Court granted Mrs. Stallworlh a n uncontested decree Tue!Jday, awarded her custody of the couple's daughter, Dana, 6, ordered payment of $300 a month to lhe daughter until she mar- ries, dies or reaches 21, and gave her mother $500 a month alimony. Skippers! Why Pay / ; Retail Prices??? : MARINE & BATTERY SHOP~ ' SELLS ALL MA.RINE EQUIPMENT FOR POWER; & SAIL AT THE ; LARGEST DISCOUNTS KNOW WE llFUSE TO II UNDIRSO ALL MAJOR BRAND 2410 West COGSt Hltllt1 N•wl'Oft IHcll, Calif. 0 T•l•pll ... 17141 '42·9 1 • SAVE THIS AD! IT IS WORTH $1.00 ON ANY $10.00 PURCHASE OR MORE OPEN DAILY 9 ,t,M to 7 PM-!u11wl•y1 4 PM IANKAMEl!ICARD MASTE HARG>E I. F,.onl End Allgnmenl 2. F,.onl Wheels: llala~ed 3. 11,.aies: Arfj'us:led Disc brakes excluded 4. Repaci Oule,. F,.onl Wheels: llea,.lngs: Only Ma.t American c•rt. Pi ns extra, If nteded Extr11charge for cars with air con,d. or torsion bars ' Costa Mesa Firestone Store-475 E. 17th St.-646·2444 HOURS : Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat., 8 a .m. to S p.m. Huntington Beach Firestone Store-16171 Beach Blvd.-847-6081 HOU RS: Mon.-Fri .• 8 a.m, to 8 p.m. Sat., 8 a.m. to's p.m. Costa Mesa-Jerry Hall-1762 Newport Blvd.-646-5019 HOURS: 1-5:30-S•t,, 1-5 . stereol03FM the sounds of the arbor • free ~· DAILY PILOT Alamitos Racing Results leCOMO RACI. .00 '/l r'lll, TllrK YMr-oiOS. (lllml119, P1,1r" tl,IOCI. Cl•ll!\IM otl« SMIOI. o ...,...-..11m1t111 ~~~:.: (~~:: TllN: '°"'"' J.• l.«I '·'° •.• •.60 "' Al .. rtft -Portft lltKket, TrliClr.le 1 .. 1. ,,,_ to Win, PtuUM Otdl;, Mist A~. """lnll11' MJu, Gretwl11. ~ • -Wotr/ Sc.I, 11:""4 Cllt!lle. Tltfr HN '""' I I.ck 1111_., ' . --.. ITR.Y MUIUI tr' S.TrM "-'lt .......... ......... till. .. .U. U0 f,MI '·· '·· ••• ,;. t.• 1.tll t .411 4.70 ••• Pll'TM UC•. W Ylrdt. Twci Yff•· olds lwlll 1 !ft C1llfot11l1. Cl1lm!,,., ~rse tl•. Cleln>I"' JN'lcl U.000. c"'"' N ,_., C.tid•lrl •.:Ill J,to 1.00 Del T• Olrl IC1rlll>nl ,_.•.Ml , ... lltUll '"-' 7.60 Tim.~ 1W/11. A ... rtfl -Dtdt Tab, PrllKIU Stir• Mr. Scdm'* S.1111, LDOll.ln' l•ck, Dus!tt lll'i.n., Ii. "°"" w,,,,., V11ley Mis. -·-krltdled -llt~rll'\I ftocbt. ec.mJc. TrvlY A Genie Ind Cllltf l1r l ld. Wtdntsd.w, July 22, 1 ~70 START· YOUR ENGINES •• fConllnutd 1rom rage 19) lost 61,rf poonds. The morni ng of the race I weighed 186, and after the race 179~. I was simply dehydrated." As most of the drivers in lhe Ontario race, Loonard will have a cooling system for himself that is as important lo the per!ormance Of lli.s car as the systems for the oil and water reservoirs and lhe: turlx><:harger. "Pamelli (Jones, Leonard's car owner) has developed an air system that circulates cool air around his feet. I'm planning to use that or ao melhlng like it. We'll put an air hose In and hope that will ta ke care of it. Our cars are ven- tilated as we.JI as we can do already.'' Good Record in Short Time Uonard Us an amazJ.a1ly .&ood. record for the little rac- log be bas done this yt.ar. Re was running eecond to Al Unser when he dropped out of Ute SOI oo ~1emorlaJ Day, and be won the l\tllwaukee race eight day1 later. bJs only other USAC cbamplon$hlp ride of the yur. brly Uli.s mtnth be cUmbtd Into Jlm Hall's Camaro te drive la. his first Trant-Am .race. Leoaard wa1 forced to make Ove pit stops, at leut two unscheduled, and 1tlll wound •P ftGf1ll at Donnytweob S,.echvay, M.laa. He may have eanttd i permanent ride wltli tM .Ha.I.I or1anlutfo11. ~ 11J've iplb:a 1o Flred.61 and to Pame.UI," Uonard iahL UJ bve to artve more etten. Tltere's no way you can sit ~ all year aJICL. tlliea _Jet In a car and run with the top driven.. 1'1teY'1' too~t• Next year 11 101111 to havt: 10 be dlffuelil JI '. , ' •• . .. Racing Entries LOS Al.MllTOI lllTIUEI •O• THU•SDAY, J\ILY n, 1'11 -UIJI DAY c1 .. r • '""'· 'Int ~I 7:4S l".M. DAILY DOUILI ON 15T -JHD U.CIEI RltACTA DH tTH •ACE l<l•IT •ACl.-UO Y4rch. 2 rm old mtkll!ll. Cl41n'llll'I. P!.lrw I 100. Clelml1tt. prlq UIOll. Sl4tPln Clllbber j P41",..I· 1'10 r:~a;:n1Ha1Jr1"'1 gg Hllhllell H•'* Ktlll1l 170 ll: "' "I " '" '" '" "' "' "' "' "' '" Paltey ..... KtY (1• I II 1 CUI For Ac.n ~H IMI 1:111 Clloper Vl!'Cll>' I) 120 814 Vt" Mtll c I I" 51JITi, RACI!. t70 Y••dl. l Yftt l-'I Mtrll I .Jlltl.lm • 1J r:i.J:: .:e:. ~lno. PurM $2000. Bold Nip lP•r~ f:ll91'>M 117 H411'f Lee !Rkt>1r11111 "' ~-~lktl'J Afttlr o(Rldltrd1) 120 111111111 H4rrv (Ad1lr 112 •-""'<' {~rl ',!! Wt!di ,.,_. Tr4WI Ct.nkll 111 ll"'th Hart) •v Ttco Dtndw (Ct~4) 117 Sold 5_. fClll'doltf t:!O 8lHldy MtCKtY ILIC>IWm) tit -Uncle Shitty IAPOdKt l 111 5t:CDN D UC• • ..,., Ytfd,. 3 YM• Bold ~ 1wuaon1 113 ,., ft'ld up. c1a1m1111. P1.1r1t 1!"111. Cr4t11 ltr. Kr.nr11 1n Cl1lm "' •ICt ll60ll. A• ••1•" f'lltl Of ..,.. IPIOltr"l 117 SPOllllll lDClcel !Mia r) 116 ~'& AW4Y (Morrison) 117 ,."'" Fvr AIJ \~~!!""' ns SIX'" •ACI!. «Ml ., • .., •• Tllrft WM•· °""' ~ 1•=1 l~· ?.~. 'ti~W:r~lr"' llf 01* tlld Up. Cl1lm1t19, PurM U.000. F'lttl Rcdcet {Sm!ll'I) 176 --·("Om"' prJc4 U ,SOO. 1!119 GrtndMlclY (Slr4...U} 111 51:Vf:NTH ltACI. 3K y1rcts. 3.Ye4r Tllo D.J..~,,~L.OnllOl"ftJ 111 oldl tnd \If>, AllOW411Cet. P11r1t ~-Trvdtllrl Min fS111ttlll 1.00 •.ID 3.111 £191'11 · {WellaJ 113 Ctr1111lmo M~!Htrdl"'l 1211 •4dlft Mlclt {,.,..,..rl 4.IO J.'° Too Bruce ( 4rT) 116 Prl•'r L.ul• l 1111 1 111 ~Cleft (Htrl} l.20j 'Ton M*I IP'f~ •ll9lltlt 111 LKv Bimini ~ 4lrl 11j JllN: IW/11. Lllll•:!r.l• IW1lld 117 ~:;,.8'!~" bo.~~dr1' '1 :. ' AIM"" -Mldltrrf Mll!!t . Flu-. Bir w.:"""•'W ,_!_oit1f=J Ill ~i4~'cJ, CLlpl\1~ U ·~· (.,Jw4h;w, Aprlf 0111. At14nlt ,,..., It '"" •• s .... 11 Ple1111rw IW1ll1) 117 Jll, A\11'1114 Lulu. tmP\ltn IPernet) 111 arid Lrn IP•''*"\ '" knk'lllll ._ l"tricr M1rcw, Cocky '"''" ,._,-tkdktled (CrOlb'I' 116 -• l50 Y4•d~I 2 veer Yonder Go IW41atll\ "' Kid. lent "'°'"' 011lell Moo Ith 4nd •11oo m11lh.,. br"td In Ctl I. Purn AIM 4 ~ii tllf'h'• l"Jii.i. l:.Ur·cr1w 11•-rl · 120 'flllnk ll;kh (P411lol 111 •VINTtf' .,.c;:-170 r•rdi. Tlll"ff Dr4W P14f f:i.rtilml 1~ Fo.\' OO!I (Adtlrl I~ ~ .,.. u... AlloW41K4. PurM FIHI Kini Horn IAd•l•l 170 EICJMTH •ACIE. G) \'4f(ll. 3 l"' Vtln Jl"4nb (Y111U) 170 old1 Ind UP. Al'°'"'ft(."11. l"Uttl ' ... n.91. fDrwcr> UO The L1111t had! l<lw4nl• Club. 1..,...19t ~ff Sttml lltt1 (Drtverl Oo Slltdow M•n IK1nlil 11 1 CC•,...) 1J.'8 I.Ml •.oo DvlMt" e.,,,_ ca1'*d 111 flt,111om 2 IP•rn«J 111 , ... Trfai "'""'"' JJO GMlerlno (LJllNlml1• IC•-"' ·~Too J.~UFIJ IU TlllnO: tU/lt. . l'OUOT• OACI "' -> -','°, , ~" .,'"1 ' ',U - .. II .a... Altr\lllllc, '--'1 811t • y1 • .,1. "11 .. r Solld O!;ll'I rot " m Cl41mll'l9. PIJl'H •1100. c1o1rn1... Y..-.kM •oo '''°" 111 J.,-, ""'"" L'u. Gtllfill"fll1 S.ncll. Hom-UOll). _,,. .-......t ''-"I ntr"ll !Dreyer) 117 NINTH •ACI!, .._.,. ¥troll. J ""' krtlcr.f _ ......., elite~ t nd N_. .,.,ernblir 'fonlo l5ml"') 111 olcl1 1nd ~ Cltlmlno. l".u•M 114'00. ' Clko Moon (WtlloOfl l 117 <•'-'"' !'"°' ftllt. TM 5con1tT1111 ~tnlol1) 111 "'' ., 1r4ol •lHTH u(E. a y1nh. Tllrff t~ ~:: 1\~~l Mr) g~ ~~i'l~!i.~ •J . :~ ,._..ici1 .,,. 111. Allowtl'IC:I. TM Moon Clttltltr (Htrtl 117 lltTJmtllt {AllOCltctl 11] <""""11M. hr• U.Jm. Mr. &all Dot (Hlfllfno) 1?0 '" A""'4mtw"4nct (Ailll~) Ill ' ........ J :IO M4t#lclll0 II• (P•t) no Mr. IMl"I CSmlltll Ill 'T-. TMd (c.Naul -· G.r Q-.i (Adtlr 111 Noll,. l'or4 LldY ($1rwu) Ill DIOlflOlld SUnJoe oun11 ... 1 1 . .0 J.• AIM li1i~ll Pi11<1r a,, 111.111111111 ,'" IJ!IMn!N RldN 1Htt11 1.llO :t;r,,~uew~'' 1,~!..~,1 1711 a111•1 11_...1 1a1n1111 :IO Tlf-. •VII. Kl11 And If.:,. 2 ii...'ii.l!,.,ri) l;~ M1¥bl U lff' ~=:ifi,llMt lll SC:.:. fO"~ Gold~. Lw~,::: P>l!Hns' 11r (PIM) 117 ·~[i··,.~~c~'i•s 113 °"""' ..... S.-llo air MIM. FIFTH •ACl!:-iSO Ytrds. ' ~·r All M4 IC4r114t1/ "' ~ _ ic.nN• Jet, COllnt olQ tnd uP. Cl11t11!"', Pvrtt S1'00. Slrot . Chtr"ft (W4 -l 116 CltNf\t a1111 FerM 4nd Miu P4rr lltr.o------------------~-------1 fOHTM RAC•. Bl;.,,....;.. Thr4e w .. r- olb tl'ICI 111. Cltlmln•. 11,«111. ci.mu,.. orkt SlAQO.. 11.liO 6,00 .... 3.IO •.00 ••• ·-•fl'l 1"41\CY ltlrill Hid/I• Mill;! ~er.y4rl fllor'I' .. {~'$'.~lwOlll Tlinf: lH/11. • AIM f4" -Cl'lanw •I ti!• flll. Trlo!t Gln..-,1 Si.l'dl if-· No Ml11. Lallt· "'°"'' UID!llt Mn. Et•llr Mal4, SCrllkM<I ._. H\1111 Htll1t. Hr RI· QI/ti!, $Cink: ,,,_ and G414WIY John. ti ..,.C'TA -t•lltlllllll'I ,.lftttl Ind ,........ ... Mir, ,..11111 tll7.$41. 'Aihacore The,bi9.hits in stereo·tapes are at Penneys I L Closer To Area The Joni.a.walled albacore are getting cloler. The large, tuna-like fish ere reported schooling in an area about 40 miles south-aoutheast or Point Loma in San Diego Coonly. Auto Sound Center all at low, low prices Last week's report had them out over 60 miles off Point Loma and the Orange Coast ar ea's three maj or sportlishing landings see no reason why the loogflns should not migrate into area waters within the next couple of weeks. Davey's Locker a 11 • d a y boats recorded the b e s l weekend albacore hlts with anglers pulling in a total of 63 albacore on one charte r and one open boat. The all-day vessels leave the Locker al 11 p.m. nlghlly. Steady bites are being chalked up by Davey 's customers in the kelp beds near Dana Point Bass, bonito and calico are the chief at· tractions. Art's Landing ha d a good weekend, with St longftns pull· eel in by 19 people. The average weight was belwt:en JI and 20 pounds. An's all-day albacore ven- tures leave the landing nightly at JO. Act.ion Is slowing down in Balbol. Bay with some bass and halibut. while Art ·s three· quamr~ hoU-day boats arc reJ)Ol"Unc terrific baa R bitet, alonl' witb • sprinkling of legal btrrtcudaAnd bonito. The ~ ls back up Oii bonHo, •'* and barracuda at Slit o.Mn'i. Sp0r\flshlng. &m'"YllleT.s Wayne Franco hooked the summer's firs! bluefln tuna off San Clementt P'rlday, bagging a 17·pounder. • Special Sale 4.44 'THREE DOG HIGHT -CAPnJREO LIVE AT THE FORUM STEPPENWOLF -LIVE 1'liE WT OF TOIMIY JAMES & 1'liE SHOHDELU ~ROE-Ttll!LVE IHA ROW 1lltfl! DOil HlGKT -SUITAllLE fCR FRAMING llUINA PARK• HUNTINGTON BEACH CANOGA. PARK MONTCIAIR CAIUSIAD NEWPORT BEACH CHUlA VISTA ORANGE "Tho Clly" DOWNEY VENTURA FUUmo~ 4 0Nnftiheri-.,. v.-irlf'f VJw \ Area Sports in Brief . ' Windsurfing Regatta Set ARE YOU TH• MAN FOR U57 Bored surfers arise! A natural pasttime has inva ded the Orange Coast area to capture your rancy. last year or .._ao in the santa Monica.Pa-birth ~1c1te1 report card, parents and cific Palisades area and ls just breaking 1 ~ ffe for the medical examinatlon. Into Ws area. Slgnups are slated from 10 a.m. to 2 Sunday in Balboa Bay windsurfing lakes the spotlight with competition open to anyone game enough to try it. A windsurfing regatta will get under way at II a.m. Sunday on the bay s.lde of 15th Street on the Balboa Peninsul a. lnstruclion for newcomers to windsurf. ing will be offered all morning prior to the regatta. It · is atcompUshed on a 12-foot-long p.m. The program ls for boys age a board with a 56--square foot sail and an 1:~~~~~~~~~~ adjustable skeg system. Windsurfing js through 1). • popular in either salt water or fresh water surroundings. l-lunt1ngton Beacp•s Dan Carlton is one e or the favorites In Ule combined 1T and LOCAL Slgnups for Junior All·American root· flat motorcycle racing program Thursday ball in tbe Huntington Beach area are at Sou.ill Gate's Trojan Speedway. scheduled for Saturday morning at Hunt-_The 31H!vcnt card at the speedway next ington Beach High School. to the Long Beach Freeway gets under No othtr n1w1p1ptt f4ll1 v•11 11'10t4, 4Wt'V ,,.,, tloOlit Whtfl 9oin4 01 i11 th4 6rt4f4r Ottnt• Co11t th4n fflo DAILY PILOT. Windsui:fing has been popular for the lnttrea.ted you:.ngsters·.sbould bring their way at 7:30 p.m. • F,IBER GLASS BELTED TIRE SALE! PRICES EfffCTIVf THRU SATURDAY 4 Track Tape Specials Choose From A Great Variety lrori Butferf/y/Ba// - Choose from the popu,.::>r f01~ rock group Cro5by, Stills & Nash or the se nsational hard rock group Iron Butte rfl y. YOUR CHOICE 1.98 FOREMOST8 'EL TIGRE 2 +2' with 2 belts of fiber glass on a 2 ply polyester cord body! Dual whitewall design too! Now 26.44 Whitewall tubele11 Rep)ace5 700-13 ••..•••• C78·1' •••••••• ---....... . Reg . fed. tax 30.95 ••.••••• 1.90 695.1' 560·15 •.•••.•• ---....... . 30.95 •••••••• 7.15 2Q.95 •••••••• 1.58 . NOW 30.44 NOW 33.44 ,1.,, I•' I•• •"" o!4 ,;,. ,.1~, I•'· Mo••~' ol<I ti•4 Whit•••ll 1.,IM!.•1 '•"· Whi14w4tl tulMJ.n .... Sit• •• ,i.e •• 11.,, , .. 5i1e ..,14<•• •••• ... 111.1• 7JJ,\l J 2.•l "2.Jl G1t.t ' 12.s.1• 36.tS 2.67 ,,s.1• 775.1, J •.•l "2.ll H7 .. 14 ll.S.1• 31.9J 2.9l f71·1S 77l ·l l l •.9l 7.61 G71-IS 11.S.ll 36.95 2.77 H71·1l l •l .JJ J l .95 2.91 NOW 36.44 ,.1 •• ''"· ........ ol4 .;,, Whit1w1ll 1iolM1'1i fttl. 5;,. l.tplac•• •••. • .... J71-1 l 11.S.1 4 •0.9.S 2.11 900.15 ol0.9.S 2.90 111-lS 'IS-1!1 .t2.9.S 3.2? 36 MONTHS GUARANTEE WITH 14 MONTHS 100% ALLOWANCE foremost Protection Gu1rantet. Your Foremost tire J)rolec.- l1on 1uarantee covers all foremost passenger tires (t:xcept our special high.performance tires) against all road hazard or defect failures. You are protected for the ent1r1: stated months of guarantee. If your tirt: fails during the guarantee period, returO it to us aod we will, at our option, repair you r 11re, or make an allowance based on the original purchase price, excluding applicable Fedetal Excise Tax, toward the pu1chase: of a new tire. We will allow 100% of the origina l purchase: price, excluding applicable federal Excise: Tax. during the 100'::0 allowance period. Therealter, we will allow so~:. or 25% of the optional purchase price, exclud· 1111 appl icablt: Federal Exc ise Tax, toward lht: purchase: of a new tire. !See chart below). federal Excise Tax adjustment allowance will be made on the basis of the percent of the 011i:inal t11:ad remaining. FOREMOST PROTECT ION GUARANTEE CHART HERE'S HOW YOUR GUARANTEE WORKS: Entire a:uarantee period ............. -................. 36 months 100% allowance period .............. -.. -··········· 1·1' month• 50% allowance ptriod •..............•.......... _ ... _.15-24 monlhs 25% allowance peri1d .................................. 25-26 months Tread Life Proteclion. We build into every foremos t tire salt: traction indica tors, They signa l when your tire should be replaced. H your l1te wears out {except for incorrect aWgnmenl) we will make ari allowance based on the ori11ina l purchase price, excluding applicable federa l Excise Tar, towa1d the purchase ol a new tire. Vie will allow ~1 during the lirst hal f or ~; during the second half of the staled inonth s of 11uarantee. Federa l Excise TaJt adjustment allow- Jnce will be made on the basis of the percent of the ongin;i l !lead remaining. This guarantee Is not tra nsferable. It is only lor private passenrer cars or passenger station wagons. C~oose your power ••• choose your price! FOREMOST" RELIANT 12 VOLT BATTERY * -Pro•ideli su re-fire slarling powe( at low cost, 15 .95* FOREMOSJS HIGH VOLT 12 VOLT BAnERY ' -y,0 , 'round power for iritermediate ond lull lii2e cors with occe1sorits, 19 .9 5* FOREMOST" SUPER HIGH 12 VOLT BATTERY '-R0<om. mended for full site cor1 will, o ' heavy occeisory lood.· 25.95* . '0 • M05T AMfflCAH CAIS. ' AVAll.Allt: Al AKt Of'IE Of THESE ,f NNf Y AUTOCfNtftSI BUEN A PARK' CANOG A PARK CARLS BAD CHULA VISTA DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE "TH E CITY" VENTURA •0ro"9•llloff)4 ,.. Veolftt v; .. (C.l0$EO $UNOAY$) 5HOP' SUNDAY, TOO 12 to 3 l',M.I • OCEAN RACING BREAKTHROUGH? -Workmen lower prototype hull of radical 32-foot offshore powerboat into water prior to sea tests. The "pickle- fork nose'' tunnel hull was designed by Ron Jones of Costa Mesa and \\"ill debut in Hennessy Cup race at Long Beach Aug. 15. Wednesday, July ~2. 1970 DAILY PILOT i l Powerboat 'Revolt' Near? Mesan's 'Pickelfork Nose' Design io Get First Test A "breakthrough" tn the ment hulls -of which orange County shop and will design of offshore racing Arooow's 32.foot Cary Craft be the first prepared for rac- powerboat.s may be in the are considered the most ad· Mfl. offing for Ron Jones of Costa vanced versions -are design· 1J'he first was a heavier Pi1esa w h e n his new ed to slash throogh the ocean W!J'lion commissioned for ex· "plcklefork nose" tunnel hull chop, the Jones boat was ft>rlmental purposes by Rohr f{oes into action tn the Long designed tn glide over the Aircraft and driven by Ted Beach He.1nessy Cup race ~'aves, supported by a column tl ones for extended periods at Aug. 15. or air comp ressed between , 80 mph in test runs earlier Th I l w i n , n o n • s ymmetrical tills year with as many as e revo utionary new craft will be commissioned by sponsans. seven persons aboard. Italian sportsrnan Francesco The recessed "plckleforik Although the JoneseS have Consentino and wil: be driven nose" moves forward the no immediate plans !or mass in the Sea Festival racf' by center of aerodynamic Jift, J producUon or the ""picklefork Don Pruett of Hialeah, Fla.. providing a greater stabilU Y nose" ocean ractrs, they are a boat building firm executive and speed, Jones explains. 1aware of the design 's pote1nlial1 and h1ternationally k now n With his fatl1er Ted, Ron or fiberglass recreat ondsa racer-mechanic. Jones has designed a·,1d bull! boats powered by outboar or inboards. Some experts are already w or Id record s et tin g: jjijiiiijiiiiiipiiiijjiijiiiijliiiijiiiipiiiijiipjiiijiiiiiiiii!iii~i predicting that the radically hydroplanes and marathon! designed boat will rcvohi-boalS for close to two decadls. lionize o l f sh o re J)O't\'erboat "What we're trying to do,"' racing and may be seen later says Jones, "ls make a boat in recreational boating. go like an airplane. After "ll, The new speedster measures water is 800 times denser than air." 33 feet from sponson lip In YOU CAN'T SPEND MORE Kathy Loe,v y 'Got Guts' Race Victor Satin Doll Finishes Ahead of Maui Pa.ck Malahini Wins J<~iftl1 BYC Feature stern, has a 13\! foot bearn _Cor reclly balanced, the boat and weighs 7,100 pounds un-\\'Ill have only its propellers fueled. It Is a modified, ~n the water, providing 'max· enlarged version or Jones' 18-1mum thrust with minimum roo1• "pick!efork nose" tunn el drag. .• " hulls that have been can1-The ne\v boat \\111 be named paigned with enormous sue-Navalcat. It Is built of wood cess in outboard marathon and covered with aluminum THAN '25 circuits during the past 14 sheath. It is the second ocean-145 L 17th IT~ COSTA MUA Kathy Loewy 1 of California Yacht Club sailed the Coronado-25 sloop Kalani to a Class A victory Saturday in Del Rey Yacht Club's Got Guts Women's race from Marina del Rey to Ship Rock, Catalina Island. The race is for yachts rated under the Pacific Handicap Racing Fleet handicap rule. Winner in Class B was Ma g- ie lsbach of Pacific Mariners Yacht Club in the Santana-22 sloop Carina. Top finisher with an all- female crew was Estelle Howard of ·DRYC in the lslander-32 Mermaid. The race is for women skip- pers but the crew may be either male or female. Skip- pers must slart and finish the race and be at the helm for at least 50 percent of the course. THE BEST Rt.ad•nhip poll1 prove "Pt•- nuh" i1 ont of th• world'1 mo1t popultr comic 1trip1. Rt.ad it dtily in the DAILY PILOT, VICTORIA, B.C. (AP) - Five days after Greybeard crossed the finish lifie of the 2.300 -mile Victocia -to -Maul yadlt race after being alone at the front most of the race, a closely bunched group of six boats is finishing within hours of each other. Satin Doll, a 37-foot sloop skippered by Tom Bush of Se- attle, crossed the finish line at the Lahaina Yacht Club on ~1aui at 8 p.m .. PDT, Tue.S:. day night, closely followed by Cubara, an identical sloop captained by D. J. Lawsoo of Victoria. Gabrielle II of Victoria was expected lo place fourth. M. E. Agalher's boat. the 43-foot yawl Aukele out of Seattle, was estimated to cross the line around 3 a.m. today followed by Hasty at 7 a.m. and Celeste at 8:30 a.m. Satin Doll can1e from 14th five days ago to the lead position of the fleet. She had an elapsed time of 20 days. 22 hours, 31 minutes and 20 seconds. She turned south from the Ready for Action Crew members of the French lZ..meter France gather on the foredeck to plan strategy \\'hen she meets the Australian contender, Gretel II starting Aug. 18. The two yachts will duel to determine who 'viii challenge for the America's Cup against the winner of an American sailoff between three yachts. • pack 10 days ago to catch the trade ~winds, along with Cubara, and both steadily passed the slower boats to the north. months. Alonii: with Renato going boat of its type to be PH. 64 -S250 ..,,...,. • .,,_,,_ '"'• ..,.,, ?ifoli-.iari-type hulls, they have ~h~a~n~ck:~r~a~fl~ed~~in;_g1h~e~J~on~es~·~~~~~"~o1t~•~·-~·"""~~·=~~====~-~n~t~a~...,~~iil~~~= They avoided a lari,:e Pacific high pressure renter which brought calm to the rest of the fleet. Winds picked up Tuesday, with the boats averaging 110 miles. Best performance was by Porpoise II, winner of the last race, and Aukele. both with 150 miles. Bringing up the rear was the ~me group, African Star, Potlatch II and Puffin II, \\'ho were about 400 n1iles from tbe finish. They logged 105 miles Tues- day after a daily run of about 60 miles the past few days and were expected to finish Friday or Saturday. U.S. Trirua1·a11 Still in Race LOWESTOFT, Eng I and (AP) -The trimaran Trumpeter. only American ell-- try in the 2,000-mile round Britain yacht race. fought back to fourth place Tuesday after being written off as a challenger. Co-skipper Philip W e I d . from Gloucester, Mass., said following a fourLh leg dash dawn the North Sea from Lerwick, Scotland, t h at Trumpeter had a great chance of finishing second overall and first in the class for multi· hulled craft. Jack Bostwick 's Malahini was the winner Saturday of Ba1110a Yacht Club's Laguna race, the fifth feature of the 66 Series. A brisk southerly at the sl.art of the race dit.>d as the fleet neared the mark off Laguna Beach and scrambled the fleet. Hit particularly hard were the boats that sailed near the shore. Final results: OVERALL -(IJ Malahini, Jack Bostwick, BCYC: 12) Dorothy 0, Bob Beauchan1p, NHYC; (3) Arriba, Smiley & Thorne, BYC. CLASS A -(I) Dorothy 0 : (2) Encore, Dick Blatler- man, BYC ; (3) Newsboy, Jack Baillie, BYC. CLASS B -(I) Firebrand, George West, NHYC ; (2 ) l\1elee, Don Ayres, NHYC; (3) Destiny II, John Hooten, BCYC. CLASS C -(I) Arriba , Smiley & Thome. BYC ; (2) Sanderlin, Kirk & Poole, BYC & BCYC; (3) Impetu ous, Charles Glasgow, BYC. CLASS D -(I) Malahini ; (2) Swiss Navy, Dick Deaver, BYC; (3) Volante II, Mike Hirsh, BYC. MORF -(I) Serena, Phil Doane, NHYC: (21 Loki, Saville & Hayden. LIYC & NHYC; (3) Dolphin , ~tilt Alliom, LIYC. electrified the sport. ii Powered bv twin 482-cubic· I inch MerCrlliser sterndrives, the 11.ew ocean racer is con-! sidered the most iinportant development in oeean po\~erboatiniz si nce the in- trodu clion of the deep·V hull over a decade ago. Dependh1g on sea conditions, .Jones cautiously pre d I c t s Pn1ett will average more than 80 miles an hour around the !BS-mile Hennessy Cuo course. This is over 6 mph faster than the recognized world offshore record of 74.3 mph established by'World chamoion non Aronow of Coral Gables, Fla . last summer In Italy. Jones feels the potential of his new design is 100 mph, although h'!: admits further engine refinements may be needed. \Vhere the deep-V displace- Wife Divorces StaJI wo1·th LOS ANGELES (AP) -Tho seven-year marriage of pro- fessional basketbalJ player Dave Stallworth, 28, and his wife, Judith, has ended in divorce. Superior Court granted Mrs . Stallworth a n uncontested decree Tuesday, awarded her custody of the couple 's daughter, Dana, 6, ord ered payment of $300 a month to the daughter until she mar- ries, dies or reaches 21 , and gave he r mother $500 a mofJlh alimony. Skippers! 1 Why Pay ;:'I Reta ii Prices??? I MARINE & BATTERY SHOPP,;: SELLS All M.\RINE EQUIPMENT FOR ' POWER I SAIL AT THE / LARGEST DISCOUNTS KNOWfl WE IEFUSE TO IE UNDEll.SOlD ALL MAJOR BRANDS· 1410 Wnt Coftt Hltllw.., H1wport Inch, Colll. t2660 T1l1phoH 17141 4429'20;1 I I f SAVE THIS AD! OPEN DAILY IT IS WORTH $1.00 Of\! ANY $10.00 PURCHASE OR MORE 9 AM to 7 PM-S11M!1v• 1p.4 PM IANKAMERICARO MASTE l,CHAll.G>E free ~usic I. Fl'onf End Ali'g11me11f 2. Fl'onf Wheels: 8al11~el/ 3. 8l'11ies: Atfj'us:fel/ Disc brakes excluded 4. Rep11ti Ot1fel' Fl'onf Wheels: Be11,.1ngs: MMt Americ•n cere. P1rt1 extr1. if needed Costa Mesa Firestone Store-475 E. 17th St.-646·2444 HOURS : Mon.·Fri., I a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Huntington Beach Firestone Store-16171 Beach Blvd.-847-6081 HOURS : Mon.~Fr i., 8 a.m. to I p.m. Sat •• 8 §.m. to's p.m. Costa' Mesa-Jerry Hall-1762 Newport Blvd.-646·5019 HOURS: a.5 :-S•t., a.5 • . , DAILY l'ILOT W«lnt!c1&1, Jul1 22, 1970 Sun Tan Isn't Always Healthy ., P4nl!;:I: BOYi,! ........ ,.. .... A pd la ""l' p<olecl YC\" -....... IUllbum, bUt i...-. -f:lpGIAIN 8C• ·-Ille ailnt -.. .,. .... -·to Dr. J am e• GrahatQ, a cltmatoloflll al UC lrvlne Sdlool o1 Me41<1nt. Dr. Gram deacrllled the pd .... bid olfecta of ... -to 111' 1\111 wtllch b IO -Ille Calllornli way al Ille. "Sunlialll -1...--the iadivklual'i ~c rate .... --\he ~.,,_ dDd6on "vttam1n D, II be siid. • .,_ ... pd l'OS\l!ts. ~ _. are never ex· poioil lo IUlll!lht. !or tnstailce, -develop • -al the a:• ...... rlcnts." On a.a Oiiier hand, the doc- tor empli•llld that light ... ~ OYlf a perJod o( time op Ille .tin and may cause llim capcer. """'""°"COii detmnln< the -r. hlmHlf by ~ Ille areas DI his boilf·lhot are """""' 1'9vered -· --d to light. ne c::orertd l l"Hll an IOft, aupple and not blotchy, Ex- PolM skin ma:Y lte scaly, have vilib)y dilated blood vessels and atxiw a lo"'5 of elasticity," be nplalned 11lole most suscemtble tll the am'• harmful efftds are tht JllliWkinoed, Ughr..yed In- dividuals whole skin bas less ptcment . To prevent premlMe qing ol the ·~· Dr. Gnollam ~that such 'pOnona use I llO'ffll!J!g -thot nol only prrvenls lie 1Un'• rays fro m . ~alh!i Ille ctermta -th• ' ,_...,._ TANNING SENSll . Laguna'• Karen Cutkernp under layer of skin -but allO screens the longer ray1 lllal tan the &kin. "The shorter rays that reach lhe dermis are the ones that cause redness and pain," the UC! dennatologist con- tinued . "Moel cammercially available tanning lotions will sqttn out these rays, and once the akin tans, the dtnnis has more protection from the harmful effects of light." · >.. with most things, the key wcrd is "rnod«ation" - unless you don't care about havin& scaly, blotchy. wrinkl- ed skin. Men in Service Mailile Sor ... nl Ke ... 111 H. Ea•Cflt Jr., husband of the former Mjaa Jao v. >..ttt DI 171 Darrell SI., C..ta Mesi, Wll prolfloted to h~ praent rank while ...-vlng with the J'lnt Marine Ain:raft Wing iii Vietnam. llldll>lpll\an Secood Clan Jfllnr B. IJU, grandlon of Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Ludwick o1 eoa Royallit DH.ve, Hunttn1i9n l each, is at~ three weeks of avla- Uoo ~atlon at the Naval Air StaUon, Corpus Cbr1111, Tax. Mlclllllpman Secopd C!a11 Qnkl G. W&e, 80l'I of Mr. and Mn. Frank Whit• of 2115 Villa Loredo, Newport Beach, b atteod.loi three wetks of avlatltn indoctrination at the Naval Air Slation, Corpw O>rtaU. Tu. Army Specialist Five James B. OVery, aon of Mr. and Mn. Jama W. Overy, 28M Corvo Pl.. Costa M e 1 a • recently received bla second award of the Anny Cotn- mendaUon Medal while serv· ing with the 222nd l\vlatlon Battalion in Vietnam. Spec. 5 Overy earned the award for meritorious !efVI~' as an inlormation specialist with the battalion's Head· quarters Company. Navy Lieutenant ( j u n i o r grade) Rtd1er C. H11ge, husband of the forme r Mils Muriel J . Hoover of Hun· tinaton Beach. Is training in the T-21 Trojan ~rcrall as a student naval aviator with Training Squadron 11\ree at Naval Air Statkln, Whiting Field, Miiton, Fla. PFC Wiiliam lt. Moody, son o( Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moody of Sunset Beach, after graduating from C h a p 11 n School at Fort Hamilton, has been assigned to t h e Chaplain's stall at the Uplled States Military Academy at West Point. New York. of the AFROTC unit at Mon- tana State Univenlty. Coast Guard Seeman Ap- prentice Ward A. Tice, son ol /fir. and Mn. AKoo Tice of t12 Sandcastle, ColOoa del Mar, was graduated from recruit training at the Cqast Guard Tra.Wng Center in Alameda. Marine Corporal Michael J . Beat,ley, am of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Bentley or ~ Avocado, Costa Mesa, bas been authorized to wear the V,ietn1tmese Armed Forces Metjtorious Unit Citation oC the Gallantry Croes With Palm while serving wilh the First MaritJt Divbion in Vietnam. Th'e Thir d Mar ine Amphibious Force was cited by the South Vietnamese government for tts actions duttng that Wiocf when ii conducted 185 large-scale com- bat operations in Vietnam. Scott A. SC!bopen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Sdlopen, 1672 Louise St., Laguna Beach, has been pro. mated to airman first class In the U.S. Air Foree. Airman Schopen, an anteMa maintenance specialist a t Carsw~ll AFB, Tex., is serving w~ a unit of the Air Force CommunicaUoos S e r v i c e whidt provides global com· rnunications and air traffic control for the USAF. TPt airman is a 1968 graduate of Laguna Beach High School. Navy Lieutenanl Com- mander Job R. Cbrtstof. fenot, husband of the former Miss Marilyn L. Horn of 221 Beverlf St., Laguna llettch, completed Re s e r v e Orien- tation Course al the Armed F<rCes Staff CoJlege at Nor- . folk, Va. U.S. Air Force Fir s t Lieutenant MJtbael J. Rog· 1er., son of Mrs. James Rog. gero of 1463 P Street, Firebaugh, has arrived for du- ty at Vandenberg AFB, CalU. Lieutenant Roggero is· a Bnice J. Ba11, son of Mr. deputy missile combat crew and Mrs. L. F. Bass of 6431 commander with the 90th Task Rutgers Circle, HLl'lltlngton Force, a part of the Strategic Beach, recently completed a Air Command, Americ a's U.S. Air Force Re.serve Of. nuclear deterrent forci! of Ions ficei'I: T r a i n i n g Corps range bombers a n d in- (AFROTC) field training en-terconlinental b a 11 i st i c campment at March AFB. missiles. He previously served During the encampment, at Vance AFB, Okla. eedeta become familiar with His wife, Lorna, is the the tile and ac:UviUes on Air daugtiter of P..1r. and Mra. John Force -and ..., ewnlne w. l\ltl1lm DI Ultll can,on -_..,ltlea In "'1lch Lane, HllJl!incion 8-b. lhQ' m"" -le •rva aa ;:;:;:====='::;:=-===;;;·I --Ql!let-NfhllChts of tba ..-lnchlde 1urvtv1l traltllttl. alrerall at\d alrcr.W lndoctrina!toii, omall arm• 1ra1n1ns and vtalu lo other AltFGl'C<!bael. ON THE TUBE ,.., ....... , ••14e t.~h•t'• ... p,.11l11t "'" TV, ,..,_, fV WEEk -4i,ttlbuttcl' with lht Stt11rlty editio11 of tht DAILY rlLOT, Ctdtt Baas la a member ~========:I ' I I I I RECORD BONANZA Orlctaallr l1d1 to Sell at S2.18 11 U.18 Maior Label Record Albums Wtdntsdi)', July 22, 1'170 I ' PILOT-AOVERTISER Jll J. - • °'911 7 Dir,. A WHk For Y'our Shopplfti C..s41t Fon'l'llr belt •llm ot a fraction of their ,._.1g, pric:el! Dot, Llbtrtv1 RCA, Copltol, ott.r nome klbela. All 1 u quollty. 12 of tht Top Selling ..Stereo Albums almost half price ! ................... $266 • ::::-•-T_,,.. llmr ............ _ ·--• M~ I Mn \ Dunhlll, Motown, Republlc1 .Womer flm., Col~Ja, ~. AbM, Metro, Acc•ntl Stereo Albums ltc Cannon Wash Cloths '3'' 30''x54'' Throw Rugs • 11111 fl1ra•ll• • DI Twtln • IJIM ......... 'hi Ill .... • ~ frllc1s • ttftllls . ...., ,..., . ....,, ....,. ... , $)59 All rncJor lobll-not discont'd. but kit •llf"Q am pmsed nwnbers . '5" Val. Maf. Lab. $5.91 Mf(1, ll1t Prical Just Released! Stereo Albums ........ _ ..... $34' 4-Track Sttreo Tape• $149 Year Q 1ic1 • "' ........ ," It LHel •Tt111i--T.. . Top performers on famous nom1 records at $2.49 IO'Yings. First quolity cotton terrils in pastel crnd deep toN IOI~ 1- or-2-tont stri~ & c:hecks on whit• g~, multic.o1or prints. Big 1~12" siu at big 50Yings. lie Vlaccee ""°"' cut ond kiop pl1e JCOtttr NO' In .,.., .. oy.briQht ... orator colon. Ron-tkid backing for extro Sctt.- ty. 30x54 Inch tlzt, •2'' Dionne Warwick-I•--------• The Mogle of hllt'Yino Jimmie Rodgen- Chlld of Cloy W• Montgonwrv -Down Htre on tho G.ound _ ..... Mfr'a. u.t Price $4.tl-$1.tl Major Label Record Albums • 19• Adhesive Vinyl Shelf Lining • .,... l tln ... """"'' ....... 87c 91 ' ... TN1k 'li"' ........ $1.H Billy Voughn, lowr•nce' Wille., Ventum, Gory Lewis, others. Choice of 6 best se11ing dt- 1lg1U In popukir colon tn mul!M:ave( 1 h •If llnlng, id9ol for corir1ng unpaint- ed fumlture, too. Box of !1:00 2-Ply ~""'lt'4 •*~ ~rench Pastel ::.·:·:·}::: Tablets & Envelopes •••• t t • · ....... . • t ··: ••• ··~· .... •• • : .--· t i.'l,~g 2 , 5 7 26en· O C "'"""' ' In deli-R cote pa~tel:.. • 139 60·MlnUte Cassette Tape. Cartrfdse ..... ~ .. ~ 64 stont loed C lngcaue s. lit quollty, spllce-fNe.1 • ' . . I A 43' ea. Ghlradelll V Milk Chocqlate Bars Half tound Bara ~ ~-~ 69' 100% Fiiied Foll Fruit Ca ndies Reg. 7 9c ~¢%B-">¥.a1ic .., lutane1 Fuel 'l;l' • For rafllloblt •.-..-butane lighters, ,0. ton:lltt, to rche" '* atOYes. -4.7 oz.. - 5 and 6 for•100 Pisa 'esign Glassware • .! .. ~~!: • 11111J 1111, -... •M•lyl-llieJ HondaiorM, riCh look. Ing tumblers t'I unart dlllgn, Go~ or Olive. • 10 0.. ·~. $1.0t • .. ttca•1 1• •I··· M --:.8V attre11 Covers l:;:·,;;. rr HtoYV duty vlnyt - saves ond Dl'Ctects your mattress.. ''Musts" tor '1omtmokers . tic C•nnon "Go•nnet" Kltchon Torrlo~ .. """' 7ftf htced 7 • . · prlnttd ahtotecl' hrry ., -· Hecr.y' .duty colorfully . '~·· .,. .,.:.. •. ..,, · towtls. Angelette Celanese• Polyester Fifi Bed Pillows Machi" WO>hoblo b 4 98 dryoble without matting, $ !umping. Buoyant. l'IOfl· olltrgtnlc, DtluJCe. dur-able pmt cover. 94c Reg.•3•• ·5·Plece M•gSet '244 304 ea. lndlvlllual C erole Dish . 12 ft. lln. Cop.. per-tent color, 1C1 good looking It con go fr •m own to tob1•. $2•• Y•I. Pk. of S btoR1loeConll1 ~ '1~ v""........i....,., lvorr Clf Br awn -3 tlzn 6, 9 and 12 foot. RMMY•ltlo Mitt Styio •2'9DulfMop $1'' Flexlble connector for under furniture, corners. Woahablt. Hand duster. $J'' GLORY RUI SllllPOO e t.~$1., •2•9 Wesctlox ~ Alarm Clock ~ $,~~ K'Mokevwind. 40 hcaolo"" c!Oc:k wfth spring wiP'ld, llCS'f to reod dial. Ivory color caw . •329 Lampll9ht lndeor Automllft.: Light Contro1 •si~ • Turns Indoor light .. ot dusk. off ot .... 300 wott capoclty .... 2 .. nd·S•lllltlo PeckotKnii, Yw• c""'' I . ""' quoltty _,__;.. In U.SA Raaot ...... ~ lorvt bloc*. • 89' ADDIT . S1111r Wnhln1 CD!Ct!tnll a ,. ..... 73c v S.Je Price ' • ·' • . . '& .. •I• ~ti pie "' •I• " -~ •' • • Im ··~ ... to~ ·.col • 1 Ii ... f: I .. ., . ti • .. ~· .-. l .. , \ 11 ll!LOT ·AOVUTISER • • . -·-• Wedntl6ay, .My 22, 1970 ' HAVE YOU VISITED OUlt NEW STORE ilT: WtdntSd,iy, July 22, 1970 ' "O\INTAIN ¥ALl.•T-1"'4 ~ N .. TllMl't WllTMINITS•-...V W ... MIMkir •t .. !Mn Wtll ~AILY !ltlT 13 a I l 5111 WARNER AT SPRINGDALE IN HUNTINGTON BEACH ,OUNTAIN YALL.ST-lt141 Mantf ...... • ....,., • (OITA MSl,t,.....Ult ... ,..., S"'f. •t ....... SI, SL TOllo-11 T-II lltWli* ._.. C:On'o\ M~ Ill 1tl'I M, NUNTIN•TOH llAClll-41U1 ...... I~ •I Al'-"tl MUNTIQTOH llAC~I ...._&I ........... iAMTA ANA-14M W ......... lilt 1"""91 It, L ' SPlCTACULAR • • DISCOUNTS -,.----~ 2 for'~ Mallory ucn anti 1D" Bal!c~!ies . • ' •• ,.•1•• W•stlngho• Fla•h Cube• ........ TODAY THRU TUESDAY 2 :·27c Ptlck of3 69c • lale of 1 • '2'' Shirts ''Good IOok.,. "~'"' fn ,1 no Iron fabrics with short 99· slHYn fur tool corhfort. ~tril* 6 aolldll Coubl• pie & o:int"'stlng doubt. . stitch! Plipular colort, alzft.. Shop torty, Key of Kentucky Blenclecl Wh.skey ' . JI: '2'' An outstandlno· bar'DGln at our •v1ryday low. price, now pric- ed for 1v1n greeter 50vin\js. . Pr«nlurtl ro r• i1encl from the htortof the blut tfOSS cflUl'\try. •7•0 ln•t•int Loed •13" 5 U.. Acryllc ....... ~ ••••. . \\ ,11 ' 12 • Camera " 1'"99ricll 9 0 0 cartrldtt .:::'i~bt~~J=~~ s39t . color prints or 20 coldr _ • a Ii des . f iJ1ed focus, no : setting, toSy to use. ~a:~ 2·.''16" d-strings for ''°'°"· ". •13~· YC\lue! ~ Lady Schick :~ Elec. Shaver ,,......,., Schick. with Hlf. ~.ttarp.n1ng sto!"lw "''' hiods, Mod pop.off for 901'( citQ'1lf'\ll. I" COM.· •711 With t.uilt-ln lhorptnef". 64 ml· ort with toW. ail· vet, coppw. ,,. G·I .. tNtrlc tr AM/PM Clerk h'I~ • . '25" , Solid itett inltoot • ploy. Automatic "' woke to music. •.iJl)i•r ·~ C'OH. ,•, ~ •1•¥1lilfl , ...... . s4" • •1a• Peffi llants •r Mini Pllp illp1 nylon.., Whihl Pi"k, C Su..-unde{-f""'<no in 99 Blue, Maize, Mint, M.!ori! Lace trimmed. S-M-L. ' Latilea' $u1111Mr • llou .. . .~ Dhuwllt ...... , ~ , · , SIH ~. .-. 65" polydtr, 35% canon In rofl·up 'end short 1leev• •tyl ... Sirn J!l:-31. • 29' ............ Jewelry 9Jc With Foldlng Stond. , "'°"" duty "'"' '" ~'P" 99c 12J110~" family 111• tpr . J1iC:11lclcJng, trov1l Folds ' flot fOf" ''°'°111· 19" Round 1111• , ..... $117 Cobful totl. All os· umbled. Legs fold for stof'Og9. 4~ Y•luel 1.11..,. 13•• PlllJlfc liull• llil• ... 4i87' ,,,.. Y•I. 8ulck Pre1ltWtder Red&Reel ~1399 101 r••I wJ!h 1moothmultip 1• dlK dfOo ond 6' ' t.pc. tubular ;las1 r!)d plUI 1 50 yds. 1 o• ttst m:lnO '""· Support Panty Hose '1'' •9•i Value! A Rybutol V1ron Plus T11r'1 Sapply •2•• 81Hl1 ti 3H Repeot of o fomwr 1o1ll04t! Apotht- cory jar of rn1.1ltlplt dollv vltomi"s 'll'fth iron ol"ICI calcium oddtcl -ot sovif'IOs of ovtr $7 .00. Get yours. •1•• 30·Quart. Poly le• Che~f Voco!IM Jptelol bV Trylon. 76 l lght-ight, mold & rot·l'I· ' C •lstont, K .. ps coril•"'' cold· er or hott1r for hours. •1 •• G•llon Colema 11' ;.,.1 9 ·'tt Tr Ip I e fJltw.d for cleon.r .bumlng, High "rformOnce stow ond lonttm ~l•ld. ' ....... ......... :::..:... '1 •• iilDW ceMour mask. wtth OdJYJtetili sf'°J:I, toftly plos ic ..,_, ~ fitting! ION ... PHOTO FILM PROC•lllNG OIT AN IJiTtA WAUET PRINT WITlf EVllY UOULil' PRINT OP KOOA· ccilo• Pllfll 116 • 121 • 120 • •to SQUARE lliM. 1. F. Goodrich , Tra v e l · , Syrint• /c, ~ \ .~!·,!~,$223 • Fir5t QuolitV • 6-Yr. Guon)rlt11 •!I: Qt. Copocity •With A1tochm1ntt . 1., •371 Tu11y Mol1turo Creani • '"" $275 • l.eovtt•k l n soft, amooth, rounger ooki"Q· 'f "°"''IOli. Choic• o ta1hlon 1hod11. Oval or Rectai19ular hdltr '2'' Mirror Treys . '1"' •2 V•lue Cl•irol Borh Blonde ' LOTION TONER ' Fci1t1r, o-ntler ,,~,.,. .... ""J' Cto1ro1 ·•oy. • , .. 9., ..... , ... •l•••·• ~,,.-. ·'117 ...... • -~-----~-~-----~-----------------~~,~..,. . ._.,,_.,.,...,.'"",'""',.,.'<"·~"'"' t;-"f"l'qe;>;J C"¥<.-"""'!'! 5Q!!QPQL5$4. m4¢ ~• ;s e a o z :a;c o -s o .a == = • DICK TRACY TUMBLEWEEDS 1\lf; CHAR&!: IS CH i:AilN6' Ai CARDS! I F0UW ~ ACl!S SiASHIW UP HIS SL.W'ES! Mun AND JEFF 0 - JUDGE PARKER PLAIN JANE HELLO! By Chester Gould lly Tom K. Ryan I ONL.Y LISE 'EM UNDE~ CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES! f!y Al Smith Tl.\ERE 15 NOBODY !.\ERE, SIR.THIS IS AN E;MP1Y HOUSEi WELL.WHO IN BLAZES ARE You - ~"'--A GHOST?_ .- PERKINS By Harald Le Doux I'M NOT WOlG TO 6ET A DtVOl!:(E! I LOVE JASON'.! TOlP YOU BEFORE .• ME'!. A FINE PERSON .. 8UT Tl-IE DRUGS DIP SOMETH ING TO HIM ! ,\IJO' ME POE5N'f RESENT ME FOR l-IA.VJNG Tllli:tJED H11rr\ IN TO Tl-IE POLICE! Dy Frank Baginski 1~ ' . I r; ' .., UD '~ I DAILY CROSSWORD I It>~. T•• W•~ "f J ff).&,, 1·1 t, • • • by R. A. POWER '" ''''"" •"·""" ACROSS l "What's ln ----?"· 2 words b Strike violent ly 10 S0tithe1n state : Nickname 14 Shut out lS Comedian Johnson lb Cheese 17 Banishment · 18 Distinctive appearance 19 Suitable lor festivity 20 Hot and hum id 22 "The ··--·-ol Chail1ot" 24 Of two or mo.re colo1s 2& Machine tools 27 Sets in motl1>11 : 2 words 31 Com111on contraction 32 Sutlden spasm 3) State )5 Gvment pai l 38 Quantity of sugar )' B1tak down a sentence 40 Kind of bean 41 Cloilk·and· da gger group! Abbr . 42 Chores 43 Dru99ed 44 Decline In ¥l9or 45 Otptndable 47 Basic commodities 51 Dilectlo11 52 Peev ish 54 Fragments SB -· -about. 2 wcr ds 5't T lme of da~ 01 G1lnd together fi2 Neg ative tont1act1on Ii) Fish fi4 Proftsslona1 man's as· slstant fi5 Ptggy and Pinky fifi Rt1ng o! a ladder ~7 Huriy OOWN 'News paper ltature 10 "Out I" 11 "Their Is Nothin9" Li kt " . 2 words 12 Of the cheek 13 "It's· ··-world'" l Swert 2 words drinks 21 "Okay" z Barber 23 Kind of shop word 9reeting 3 Boy's 25 French nic•namt novellst 4 Mrs .--·-···. 27 Fr ench city: Character in 2 T1ords "The Riva1s"28 Because 5 Ont ln of this solitary 2' .t.t ·-· confinement length & Farm sound 30 Zion and 1 Sagollte Jasptr starch 34 P109 eny 8 Piece or 35 Indian bindln11 )ft Obs~rver matertal J7 Crealtd I 1l 1/2Z/J0 l' Spec laclC's 40 Make less har~ · 2 wads 42 Elevatrd above the 91ound 43 Pre liminary sketches 44 Gushes sudde nly 4& Knock 47 Mar , 48 Past 01 presen t, for two 49 In a sta;e or unity· 2 wads 50 Fac ial ltalu1e 53 Voice Inflection 55 SOffOW 5fi Actual be ing 57 Lean-to -60 Siesta MISS PEACH ' I ~I 11' " I ,i..NO IF YOU .STUDY HARO ARTHLJR,APPLY YOURSELF TO 1'He ACAD!!/\llC. PURSUITS, ANO secoME A GFICEAT 1\1AN OF 1..erre~s, SOMEC!i\Y YOU MAY EVEN St: ASKED TO I 61Ve YOU~ PAPE~S TO A UNIVeRS!iY- .._\/ \. ' .~. " STEVE ROPER YOU'RE OKAY. Mi;i'. t.IOMAD.1 )'.-RAYS SHOW SOllD MEt.!Dlt.!G OF THE BOt.iE / "'YOU MAY NEE • - A CANE ·• FOR A WHILE, BUT··· PEANUTS UH .. ·DOC···/· .. rve GOT A PERSONAL QUESTION -.·/ I \VHAT DtD l(OJ SA'1? Ll'L ABNER D-DO'>OlJ ITili- GlVE. ~I~ SILVER DQ..LAR lO E..ACH KIO, FOR A START UJ LI~? SALLY BANANAS GORDO MOON MULLINS C> -~·-·-.. ~ ••• _, ..... _ .. ANIMAL CRACKERS • ' " ' • " Cl<ICKl..E ' ce1cKLE ' ' j I~ 1(6) ~ _,.·.- __ ..,.....,... . . LEFT A IACIC. 11Uu. OF'EM- AJ.JD THEFt.E'S -LEFT·- Cl?!CKl-"E. Cl?ICKl..E ce1CKl..E r(@)! 'i By John Miles By Mell FOR,TUNAT81..V t STIU.. HAVI! IA5T SUNCIA.Y'.5 ..• - ~··;, .. ,~ I \I i By Saunders and Over9«1rd ' . By Charles M. Schub By Al Capp By Charles Barsotti By Gus Arriola By Ferd Johnson By Roger Bollen 1 W/>.'<o l?ice>HT. .. Tr'El<E'5 MO~E ! • DEN.MIS THE MENACE , .... 'LEG o' LAM6 ~ Is llliS F~ .#4RYs WHO SC ,flEEC!; WAS WUITEASSNOW ?.,: • A ' c ' " 1.;l! ; ii • • T E II p I I h c. " ,, p p 11 p ii o. ti • a d 0 b (1 ii F " ~ ti ti " h b .. b " Ill i! ·g p ti ti •• d st " w c Pl rn m 'I hi .u tt: " " ' d: ' gJ .. pl Cl Cl Pl () D 11 Cl 01 YI sl °' b< IX I ' I ~,\ILV Pll,DT !!J ·o ·uthursts· Co uld Spell ' . . Disa·ster ; T,ie-dyeing· ff obby' ~~,;.,~~l For Butterfingers l/oJ By DR. P.J. STEl.NCROHN Ht dares the low o ( either, temper outburtts can ti.1.:y husband goe,. Into the or a ·reoowocd Ena;llab heart nverages to single hi1n out lead w suddeo.tragedy. most terrible rages lhat leave spec_ialisl who also fl.ad Qursts ~Ian's his own worst enemy. for a heart attack or an in-1 -him allllO!!lt gasping for or rage. He ~o r r ~ct l Y Dtar Joyce: fi1y teenage · daucllttr ud I 1u1w an art caUed tie.dytlag oo a '*"lslotl ..... and .... ,~.• 1,>ft.•!mlgbl ti')" it. Ctn )'OU f tell 1 us bow lo get starled and bow to sell what we lfow onen have you heard operable .. lump'' in his lung. Dear . Dr. Steincrohn: '-1y br,ath. His race turns predicted his own demise: seamstress to open • little it -and bow true it is. Even Likewise. tht chronic alcoholic husband, who is only 42, has purplish-red ,1od -the veins 11 My arteries are at the mercy home shop, giving it a llippy though rorewarned, he kills "dares" cirrhosis of lhe liver; already had a severe heart bulge in his neck. Al timt! or my bad temper. One day narqeJ. few I've heard of: himself in one ol many way1. and the rtckless. speeding attack. His blood pressure re-~ clenchea ~ f9't and tries I shall die in <II' 8nklna attack Up Ti , Distractions, and The Threats against his very ex· driver "dares" $ e Ir · an· mains over 200 and his kidneys t'O'PUnch a'_.hof~r In the wall. brought abotJt by myself." craiY. Okt Sew:and-Sew. istence arise in himself, nittilation in an auto crash. are bad, too.· He gets attackS H.e's oa l~itl.Uzers. tie's Some, IJ.me ,f~er, at a medic::al make? -MRS. L. R ., TUCSON, ARIZ. Warned against excessive Such are but a few or the of angina. been wafn'td •• Bbt ' nothing meeting, 'it'l!lle in a violent FREE -BOOKLETS FOR smoking - and heart attack cornmon {and well·rerognizedl Our doctol' strongly advises seems to htlp. Wiii you com-disag'reehient with a colleague LEARNING ART. Beil Food1, or cancer-he keeps on. Like methods of self-destrucllon. him against getting excited ment? -Mrs. A. -he qropped dead. This l,500-year-old Far maken of rut Dye, will send the man who stands in an Others are not so evident. so much, He says his arteries COM~1ENT: As you and his What's more important than you• kll of lhrte publicatioM: cpen field during a storm, For example. consider the are too weak to withstand doctor predict, he's likely to tranquilizers ror your hus-EMtem art is a fair!)' simple technique which allows even people wilh congenital but- he shakes his fist at the danger of outbw:sts or ternper . such extra pres.sure oo his kill himself in a tantrum band. Mes. A., Is learning to "jeans and T-shirts,"• braid heavens and dares lightning Although .. keeping resentment l'ir<.'Ulation. Do you go along someday . During the past )'ear develop a phll090phy or new 21.pag:e How-Te booklet to strike him down. in '' is certainly not good with that? I mentioned the case-history equanimity . • .'. "Fa.ncy Fabrics." a two--p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.-;;-;;;;-;-.;;;;;--;1 ~:.~.~~~~~'.~~;!~.~~~~: SALE SPECIALS 'FOR TODAY THRU SATURDAY ONL,Y!. Se hablaE1panol Wagon," 15 pages or wUd, WESTMINSTER SANTA ANA 1 ' FULLERTON ' , one-o£·a-kind fashions. You , can order • single •!'PY ol 15221 BEACH BIW.• PHllllE 893-8544 120 E. FIRST ST. AT CYPRESS. PHONE 547.7477 1530 'S. HARBOR BLVD •• PffONE 870.0700 this complimentary kJt by MON DAY THRU FRIDAY , • 9:00A.M. -'9 P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY •• 8:00 A.M. -9 P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY .. l:Oo A.~. -9 P·=· terfingers to be h i g h 1 Y creative. Of course, it does lake practicf! and imagination to do it well enough to be paid for it. SATURDAY ••••••••.••• 8'30 A.M.-6 P.M. SATl!J•DAY •.••••••••.• 8:00 A.M. • 6 P.M. SATURDAY ............ 8:00 A.M. • 6 P. • writing lo me at thi s SUNDAY •••••••••••••• 9:odA.M.-2P.M, SUNuAY .....•.•.•••.. 9:00 A.M.·4P.M. SUNDAY ••••••••.••••• 9:00A.M.-2P.M. newspaper , Enclose return malling label and write "Tie. Dye Kil," on your outside envelope. COLOSSAL COLORS. . A piece of fabric is knotted, , twisted, bunch~. gathered or pJeated~ and tied at random intervals with .rubber bands or string of some, sort. Then the fabric is dipped in dye-- which doesn't penetrate the areas that are lied -to pro- duce seen-for.mi~ bursts or color. You can' also ·ue-undye by removiog1 existing color from material with. bleach but Jt Isn't the sanle thinj . WHORi.'! AND SW IR LS FOREVER. In addition to lengths of fabric, jeans, T · shirts and dresses. you ca n tie-dye lingerie, semi-opaque tights, cotton bathing suits. Jdasora scarves. floppy fell bl,M. duck pants and skirts. bedspreads, draperies, table mvers, Wall fabrics, and wall hangings -some of these "pictures" are burlap. Applicalions of tie..<fye go on and on • one man is covering his homemade glider, skydivers have tie-dyed parachutes, and a woman has lie-dye nils on her boat. Many tie-dyers have obta;ned free empty cartons from ice cream shops and covered them with shrieky. shocking jolU or color to mak e boutiqu e wastebaskets. FREE BOOKLET F 0 R BUSINESS SI ~ E . "Han· di c rafts and Hom,e Businesses" is a 20-page publication of the U.S. Small Business Administration. It cootains a H:tt of resourct5 that sOOuld assist prospective and current owners of han- dicrafts and home businesses to plan. organize. dirett, coordinate and control their businesses. For a free copy , send me a SEPARATE re- quest at this newspaper, enclosing a long w hi t e st a mp e d , self-addressed envelope. Wr ite .. Handicrafts" on your outside envelope. • • • Send your career topic sug- gestions t'O Joyce Lain at this newspaper. Sorry, but the volume ol mail m a k es personal replies impossible. · Orange Coa st Schedules Flight Clinic School supplies can be ex- pensive. bul the cost of equip· ment for a course being of· HIGH FASHION. L 0 W fered at Orarige .Coast College COST. Although this art's in September wilt )ceep many popularity has caused the people from enroOinJ, market to be flooded with Each student is required to mac b ine-made 'imitations, furnish his own airplane. some buyers will always want Tb e course is a flight in- handmade or.e-cf-a·kind items. structor clinic being span.sored U,nlike many arts and crafts. by the Aircraft Owners and fie-dyeing is cheap. You can Pilots Assn. for stan- try It for the cost of in· dardization and revalidation of expensiv e packets of homi?·Use instructor's certificates. .• , dy'e, rubber bands, rubber It will meet Sept. 1·3 from ., gJoves, pots, a stove or hot 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the science ·~ plate, and scrap material. You all at OCC. ' can develop your prices to Registration ltt . is $25 and customers as you gain ex-can be mailed to the college perience. , in advance or paid at the door. One two-woman venture in If the studen t's flight in- CaUfomia, the Water Baby structor certificate has not ex- Dye Works, cha rges a fla l pired, a. flight check will not $7 .50 J>C)C item when the -=be='=eq="="='·=·=====::.,I customer furnishes the fabric ,. or garment. You might sell your work through established shops or at school and organization spon sored bazaars. A young colorist could team up with a mature Who Coces? No other new1peper in the world cerr.1 eboul 'IOI.It eommu· nity like your community deilv new1pep1r doe1. lf1 t~1 DAILY PILOT. Two rirgs for two· lovers. both rings $88.00 Fh1Mt ciuolity dlolft011d hll 141{ IJOld-bolliftd •hd ,.,,.,., .. , Easy credit terms • student occounl5. ovoiloble.• up to 12 months to pay BonkArnericard •Master Charge "THE STORES CONFIDENCE BUILT" Elt•bli1Md 43 Ye1rsl MUPfTINOTON ClNTllt ._,. & '"'"'" ...... '"""" '""' m.J•' H•••o• '"°'"'NCI CuTtl.J 2Jlf H•rW &I .... tltll MHI 141.f.U orrN lllON .• THURS. & FRI. 'TIL 'r.M. fAS'f TO USE CART•lli>OI 11li1 hi I h 11•acl• lub,;uonl 11 idtol , ..... b .... 1..., ..... join11, •I~. l ub. It r-n•ll ""d ..,, •. 29,_. '•1" 'ower•d b' h.O"Y dwty eMl<O qul•I "'otor. ~ crM. fold awo1 hDMll•. I oked --• f;..n11." b .... 1 ... in .-J. int .-f0tl f o r ho' doJ• and nigk11. 1288 FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES FRESH NEW STOCK AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID COLLAPSIBLE ~~~ SPIN-ON OIL FILTER CARTRIDGES ~ CRANKCASE CLEANER A.Id i. .n befao• ch...,1in1 IO •-o~t •ludQt .....:1 ;..,. p<nilit1. flu1ho1 ""lliM ....... 111 i• <honotd. 39< 19< CAR TOP CARRIER BURGLAR r. FIRE REMOTE STARTER ' 1("1"' " ~.)! ..... ••••lit~ wllll t l•tcl~ ..... ALARM SWITCH THIS WEEK BUY TIRES CORNELL 6.70 xlS 4 PLY· NYLON CORD 15 MONTI( GUARANTEE• 7.3sx14 7.7Sx15 8 55 x15 9.00x15 • .., .... 11<9 ............... , .. Pluo f .... ..,~•1 '1·~ .. !2-1-, \bM4110 ........,., Na ~-;·;·;~ ~w s11u SUIJtCT 10 U QCK ON M•MO DATSUN, TOYOTA AND MANY OTHER FOREIGN CARS 6.00~:: ,NYLON CORD lUB9~8' .... ,, 12ss Jll/llO ,~,~· 13ss •.oo .. is ··'°'''· voU• OlO Tl~f; AC(.lft(O ~!GAMlllSS OI' COMOlf10M, '10,1s 16 ~~ 1. 8~~ . "~ 7 OOolJ 19 ~ Pl~• Poil, ~"'-lo• <ol ll l ' lo 5t•J -h 1;,. do,..ndl~g gn ouo 4PLY c ~-r,LJ>0N ornell Futura TUBELESS WHITEWALLS GUARANTEED 36 MONTHS* 4rH TIRE ' WHEN YOU BUY 3 TIRES AT OUR LOW SINGLE TIIE PRICE SIZE ,.ooi. "' 7 '' >< .. 1J""' 7.00.-11 '-P.J I.JO/I.» 1.00 • IJ I.JO• IJ 1.00.14 .-14 t.&JaJJ •oo•IJ •.u~1.t '" 24 ~~ 25 ~ 26~0 33~ 33 ~5 3385 .. ~'~:r~: ... ~~~ f REE FREE f Rff f REE f Rff '"-11,... •••ll•Me N~ '4to-U.ff-all Mell llr'e ..,..,..,Int "' 1r11 1111 ... 111 ...,_.. Mi. llZIS $UIJICT TO All l't:tctS 'I. S fEO . fK. T a. OU> Ill STOat ON MANI BUYON ta CREDIT . , · , . I • • DAILY ~llOr s ......... Ju!J 21, 1970 NOW 69' "" ..... "' o• ' • I~ .. • I • I ... ~ -,I .... . ~. , Jurr 1970 • • - • ' I <1 0 == . .. Wfdntsday, July 22, 1970 z e t; c s ¥ 4 e O :. I 4 ,•\ 4 iJIMljllf () .. . . .. .. . . . . . ~ .. . . • Whites Face Bus Problem JOHANNESBURG, South Arrica {AP) -Scores of buses labeled "Net BlankeJ," mean- ing whites only, are canceled dally beeause lhe dri\lers and conductors also must be white under this country's apad.hcld rules. 'l'o ease a shortage of man- power, higher pay, female con- ductors and other reD)edies have been tried with little suceesa. The use Of nonwhite help Is apparently not con. sider ed. WEDNESDAY D C..-"llll!lfi Wrutllq (I (90) Frtddll Blmlt motlt Li !:::::::::::::::;:::::::;;;;;;:::::::::;::::::, Robut1 d4hndtn1 hl1 "Bt•t lh I· Even if the color bar were dropped on the buses, some specdlcr sort or p u b I i c transport system Is needed to ease the traffic jam in this city of I YJ million. Subways .<IULY 22 I. t '. ~ ~ I , ... lie -(Cl (60) "'" ""'"'· ··-·-tel (30) .......... 11111 (C) ContillUI· IJOll ·.r lhl An1tls vs. Bodon Rtd Sok 11m1 from Ftnway P1fil ill ........... ClllmpN tltte. D (HJ()) Ill "'• "' (CJ 130 (R) "T~ Whole Worlll C1n Hu You." Co11nMlor Ur tAclnly11 sldr. with t sllldtnt'• Fc•ttnts who 11111n: htf hi Jlfltl't• for col1e11. 11tlloltldl tilt w1nb lo becorn1 • be1111)' OptlltOf. a sa. O"atdl Mtwit: CC) ..,,.. tliill ti JIUf" (WtsttUI) '58-Don Murri}', Dit M Vtfsl, Chill Wiiis, 0.111111 Hasipe1. Tht slOIJ of I )'ftlll Jttea·lovl111 man whose tw· ttY ltttmpt to Mid violtnct b . lltrl'lll by tht ruthlm efforts of 1 fMllJ'lloQ'IUM cettl1 baron. m Dmd Frtlt Sitw (C) (90) Al· tliUr Godfrey likes ovtr for David 1011l1ht. Cullb 111 St1ph1n1t Miiis, G1rry Soucl, Elhel £nni1. Richud Hl)'e• Ind Eubit Bl•U. m RMI T1• Ke11ntd1 (C) (&0) m Ewt11ln1 11 hPt (C) (60) "IAI· Miii Willi1m1." Bl Sltlrllu (CJ (301 9:00 II 3 Cf) MtdiCll Cenlff (C) (60) I Doctor Gtrinon b11ln1 to lfeat hil borhood loot ball Idol (forrtsl Tuell-' er) ind Is sltrtltd to dilCO'ftf lhtl I lht 1illn.1 1111n doeMi'I rully cue I if Ille condition responsible 101 lht poor cl1culation In his lt,I 11 cured. • , fftlll (:Ml) a 11111 FlilltM ... IC) (30) ... , ... (C) (Oil t!2)(1JAIC ........ .., (Cl (30) ID Wlatt't .... ,30) "Stand Up 101 c.Mint101 #3." tit (I) CIS -<Cl <301 ID r.w. • &,eraall 1301 It Tllh M lat £.a111Uu (JD) Cl...... ..., .. , (C) (30) tinhaiw Ken. ,, ..... _(Ci t601 8 TM le .. llMt (C) (30) Silly Anft ttow., Rklll1d Dtwson Ind Rosey Gflfl 111tsl ID 1111' ,_,. 111tr1111 (301 {jJ) (]),.,, ...... (60) ~ (j) H1111!1r·l1IM11tr (C) (30) Ill i-~ "'" '70o (C) t30) SCIJT>t •-. <301 e 111t1cttr1 34 CCI (601 f£I Ulll DtMrt ~ (Cl (30) .......... u.. (30) Gl-....tCl {30) l!fl B CIS (w•il11 ""' (C) (30) Wilt« C1onkita. J:JO • C.. T11 T., Tllllf (C} (301 lm1st '°'l!liftt, Stu GilUIM Ind 1Ucti1r• Drnon 1uut. llJ ....... ""'' (C) {30) GI I Len L11q (30) ID lell .. Otd CCI 130) f.l:l lltiwflCil (C) (3 0) "Somt Slim· Ulitof1.'" Iii Cl) Tn11! tt CH1e4i11..;ct1 (Cl tlill IDW-(C) llOI 11!1 si.,i.n 111ri1 1ss1 m rw 11n cc1 (30) 8 NEW WHERE'S HUDDLES B !ft (II m Kraft MJllc Hill (C)I ('1}) Dt1 O'ConllOI' wtlcornu Geo1~ lllrb)', Rtpl!NI, and Art• Johnsoi.. Clodtlll Rod1er1 1l10 111t1ls.. 0 @ (!) tlJ The EvtrlJ l rotllt11 (?} (60)NellDlamond, Evie Sindt.• Tht Statler Broth1rs ind comtdi1n F1td Smoot &ijesf with lht Evuly Brolhm el In dt M11kt (60) (ID N1t1cha (60) 9:30 fJ OJ Nen (Cl (30) I fD Tiit NewalCll MIM {C) (30) 1 Folksin111-muslc11 11Hrl1t len1 Ch1ndltr joins produce1·tomms11t1- lor Lew lrwln Jn 1 muslcal look at tht ht1dhnes. I 10:00 II s. (j) H1Wai1 ftwt.O (C) (60): tli Slr11 i nd Dannr invtsli1ate 1 c1lm1 In which tht ~lctlm turns out ' to be lht wilt ol Dannr's o!d" scll0olm1t1 Ind fellow poUu olfi-1 ctr, ltw Mof1111 (lom Skerritt). D OS [{) !!J "'" ""' l••••1 (?) °(00) (R) "Tht Spllball Kid." Broll>Oll help! 1 canc1il1d but In· stcLlft youn1 baseblll pttchu (Kurt Rusull) 1et retdy lo1 1 tryolll be· IMI I m1jor lllfUI scout (Don Drysd1lt), e m N•w• 1c1 (601 0 llti (}) fD Tk SJ11tlh111 111111· m (C) (60) Petu la Cluk ind Pat P1uls.en 11• lt1tured. D I "' (C) (60) Cit lllltl•'• ltw (60) f1!l Tllb1'11 AJ1i1d fltt (60) '1ht 1 WidOWtf.~ IE Tn1 Yida1 Distinl11 (30) * FAMILY FUN COMEDY "''°!Ii"'"""'" llDI II H (j)Mfr1'1 tlltMl11 (C) G (j] ilO)?d huddles and l ubb1 McCoy 11:00 II UJ Im N"" (C) 1n lurtd into show buslnw. 0 @ (jJ m Nen iC) D Iii' (I) m Th Ylr&11M (t) QOM St.If 11,..d (Ji)) (I ) ~ut." lfllllPIS. hil lml&illltlon firM 1rJ the 11n talu D ~ Cil ED Nin (Cl " hi1 lrknfl Dobb1 (Stn• Coch· ran), ton 011 111 ouU1w hunt. When Tr•m,as, Dobbs, lump (Claude Akins) •~ lucky (Jl111es lrown) itrndl Ille rt!ROl1 lt1rilory of Slttf· itf l ltllle (Alle11 C.11), llt11 ll1vt to be c.onvinctd tllat tht "law of 0 Clll t1 tM Wiii: I~) m Kt Sllcl, Slit S1i4 (t) !hi tb·1u11~ no lonttr prwtlls. fli) r:mmt:] Clrf S1ndb11r1 flt· U "Bl Ml'lle .... (C) (30) Juf)' m .. ~) A film lfibule lo the ltwi\. Kim Hunttf' 1114'1 Robel1 Cum-l<1l1 potl lnclllditll pGl11ons ot Ill! minp compel• 111inst llifll T•r· 1908 memorial setvict htlll 11 !ht lol-Yt11nL ltytn O'Ntll Ind lily Lincoln Mell'ICll'ill in Wasllinrton, To1111in. D c ' ind tulOl!U bJ Lyndon B. D ~ rn m "'""' and HI• "•·\ Joh~son, Areh1b1ld M1cl1l1h •nd '-(Cf(~) (R) ''An lltment ot M1rk Van Doren. I Rill" Nlllf'IJ' uses I lllnHI to lll'•11l:IS ({i (j)Ch11111 Strt11fHn: '1ht PrUOtllCI •1111 !ht proluso1 I lu· Blac.i Ch1pri " Peter Yan lrtk. I 11n •bout t1kln1 1 thanct. Je,;.111i9n ' M!"': (C) "'Tiii l lt Jl;JO US(j) Mtrt G1illi11 (C) I (dr1m1) i i -Esthu Wll· O '" r,1 n'\,.L ... tci ' 1111111. Cliff RClbtrUon · -· l}e aoi -n~y -11111 m lrd • C..~s (C) (30) Ant11on1 ei~tns 1u1~1t. m P•rr ..... (60) D Mtwit: .. De•tll T1k11 A H•llUr" -n. r-· So {60) tRI (d1am1) '34 -rredric March, a;i .. ..,... II Evtl1n Ven1btes, Ktnt T1ylo1. I IE bU!a ff A1H1 (30) O GD Did C1vett (CJ J1m11 Dick· 7:.51 IB c..titl .. .......... f'f ind Ml!u DIY!I 111111. I 1:00 R 3 Ci) h .. r Pylt (Cl (30) (lj Dukt Slattr (Ronnie Schtlt), on1 of Gamer's buddies, lfiu his hind at 1 nllflldub comic. Q DMree ~ (C) (30) D @ill CDT>t """"" M ~lt'a Fillllf (C) (30) (R) "Don't Loa Now, Your Scorpio's Risln1." Tom tcqulfll I new MtHltl}'-lnd th• hltalps-efter fin• quits be· UUSI lllf Ulrolol1 aitn is ineorn· Ptllblt with hi1. m T• Ttll tllt Tnttll (C) (30) II) LI C.ltdl l len CrlH; (30) l;OS(li)D TOfnilll r ·1 l ;ll II a (lJ l ei· Hilllllillits (C) t3D) (R) Drys;i.,, lhrows SIMlrlJ (Shur Flslltr) 1 pre·marlt1I blcht· lor p1rt,, lul1Jrl111 pretty bank tr.r.1100 1:1 '"Jim &irb." TH U R~DAY DAYTIME MOVIES I'll 8 (Cl .,-• ...._ My l1vt" Ptrt I (dr11111) ''2 -Romy Scllntider, "" loehJll. ... ~ ..... (COlfltff) ''9 -M "°"'· LllCillt aan. .... G "f• hi .. Jtlallt" (mrat•r'J'l ••1 -Palll "'llJ, An• Dora'I. 0 T1111tr1 9: (Cl "Un1brtll11 ti Clltrbeu r1" (dr1m1) '64 -Nino Ctsttlnuovo, C1therin1 DtMll'lt. m MMit: "IMPlllM" (mysttry) '58 -Arthur lttnnedy. Con1t1111;1 Smllll: 1:00 B 1ihwi1: "ltoo• S.Mu" (cam· edy) '38 -Lutitlt 8111, The Marx Brothers. 0 ONIWI (C) m Mtrit: "Slltd Mt Jurs" tm1t-I tuy) '48 -J1111 Vinotnl, Wtllat1 ! Fo1d, F1111k Alblrlson. I ' 1:15 0 c ... 11~ity l lllltU1 IN1d jC) 1:00 m All·Nitlll S111w: (C) "fi1Me1 Att1ck." "Slal't of tile liwl1illl1 Mon· 1t1r'' 1nd "Cun1 Don't A11ut." Z:JO 8 J111n/Ciw Ut Tlll1 DI~ (CJ m "K,.m" (ICl-li) '57 -JeU ~tor1ow, larb111 L1w1enct. 1:00 0 "l1Vil1tlt1 t. Mepplfltlli" (dfl· m1) "39 -Fred M1cMurr1y, lrtne Dunnt. I (D (C) .,fKI ti I F111itiwt" (Wttl· tn1) '59 -F1td M1 tMuir1y, Un I McC.lrthy I Z:OD B '1111 Cat111d Affair" (com1dy) 1 '56 -81111 D1wl1, Ern11t 80ftnlne. m "Cur .. tf Ill• ftctllll llb1• (liOrfOl) 'SI -Ricti11d Anderson, Efaint [dwuds. I 4:30 I) (C) "I•• Wind in £dt11" (drl· I n'll) '51 -[1thfi1 W1lij1m1, .ftff C~1ndl1r. • For Top Spo1·ts Cove1·age Read the DAILY PILO'l' ' "~•"'f EXCLUSl.VE AREA SHOWING THUTEI CALL 673-6160 . FOR SHOW TIMES ~ The Deadliest Man Afi ve ~ f ... Takesona Whole Armyl : .Ji Sli~~g&~ 'TWO MULES FOR SISTER SARS . ~ A UNIVERSAL PICTURE · TECHNICOLOR•· PANAVISION• ~ SKIJLLDUGGBRY BURT REYllOLO! · SllSAN.CllRK ·ROGER ~Cl!MEL t»e-rneso T:-?;]t rc of Fu1e Ne w Ap p o1nt n1c nts NEWPORT ANO HARBOR If¢' COSTA MESA 3 BIG ATTRACTIONS -, ... HHJI l!lfU ll flll MORSE POWERS SllYERS TECHNICOLOR' igj~ HELO OVER WALT DISNEY IT'S TOCIGN """'"'""' ,_,BE A BIRD? e ·~.:.~·:.:;.'"·' - ' and a monor9il sysl!!m are t being discussed. , Jo'burg, as the locals call il, was founded 84. years ago as an overgrown gold mining camp. Downtown streets are mostly laid out on a gridiron pattern which eould help Jn digging a subway, but a ban· doned mlne tunnels 1nay pose problems. Buildlngs regularly tremble from the rumbling Collapse of ol~ mine workings. BALBOA 673-4048 OPlN •:41 1H I. l•lltM hlMri "'nlnevl• NOW -EXCLUSl.VE HAllOR AR!A SHOWING An epic drama of adventure '"d explor;tionl •< ~~.j ~//....-~~">~ FUN·fl lLLEO CO-FU.TURI DAYIO NIVEN LOLA AllltlGHT "IMPOSSIBLE ' YEARS" e IOTH IN COLOR e e ·RATED "G" e NOW PLAYING Only on Cablevision ' NEWPORT: Through Fri. at 9 PM; also Sat., Sun. at 6 PM. MISSION VIEJO: Mon, Wed., Fri. at 9 PM. Never before on We st Coast TV: the origiMI, uncut classic. Sta1t1ng N\cndiy :"Son of tf-.: She1l"w1th Rudolph Vkntro. Same .,_hecJul0-o cibove C , . .,, Chenffl l C11b1 ... 1il111 Coll 64?-J26t Installation · $14.95 Montlily Service Ch•rge · $6.50 Enjoy '20 Cliannel TV Fo r On ly 221/'J c Per Day. "THERE'S MORE TO SEE ON CABLE TVI " I J1 ___ _ ....... ' • ' ...... ' " ... " Excli1sitJt Or1111gt! Co1J11ty B11gage111e11t NO REIERYID SEATS Continuous Perfonnances-Starts Today MONDAY THIU FRIDAY AT 6100, 1:00 & 10:00 PM SATUIDAY l i:Sq, 3140, 5150, 1:00 & 10:00 PM SUNDAY liOO, 3110, 5:20, 7:30 & 9130 PM < • • • .. " . ' PWM(tllll PIClll!S tKl'IU!\lllli!j.Uspllll~mllllN!~ lM: "4st~ii A MIKE NICHOLS FILM Al.ANARKIN • .. ~l~,, .. ·z.2. • -·- . • .. (,~ ll!ilMl• .. .llU ""'" JllS[PHHHUR I~ BAlS!M,~ICllARD BINJAMIN, A!IHUB GA!fllNKH, JACK GtlFORO. BUCK HENRY. BDB NEWHAii, · •• • • • • ;;- INIHDNY PERKINS)'AULA PllENTISS, MARllNSKEE~, JONVD~Hli ORSON WEUES IS DlllEDLE :· ! . n· $GRIENP!AY BY BUCll H[NRY PRODUCED BY JOHN CAI.HJ & MARllN RINSOHOIF DIR£CIED 81 MIKE MCllDlS '· rl \~ .: "!RflQ,~lStllU mll-WI S!t&U! n1:11m11 • PJ-ll'IS~· APWWIU\I flll:lll! ·r Ul/(M]l/mKliN"S PW~I gg AQM!(;Ulm:~ ..... _. :·-. SPECIAL NEW POPULAR PRICES!! NO RISIRYED SEATS! Juniors Only $2.50 Children Only $1.00 New ''Dolly'' Showtimes! Monday thru Friday 7 PM & 1 O PM Saturday and Sunday 1, 4, 7 & 1 O PM IWRA STUISA!ID 'I'[.' .lt•ll .ti!: .. ~\~ HEUO,DOUT! WALmMAmL\0 MICILID. ClAWfOID ExcluJi r:t Ora11ge Co1111ty Engagtmt,1t OPEN AT 7:00 PM. SHOW STARTS AT DUSK ()rol.ll 7.00 P.M, SHOWST.U:TS AT lll.IU'. 'TWO MULES FOR SISTER SAM PIMS "TOPAZ" with Po ul Newmon :--fii"i"~f,I cr t . .-lo "' o ....... < ·~·1 I~,~,.••~• Uf'<• It 1:1JQ ~'" ~4-. '""'lo I• U.. o Plv1 Pe1e r Se!ler1 "Alica I. Toklas" OpN 1t 1:DO,M Sh1w,Jt•rt• ,, D••k "ltyond Tho Valley Of Tho Dolli " -0110 - "The Only Game In Town" 'j J • • ' l • ( ' ( I I . I I, -~-----r -~~~~~..-,~~~...,.~.,......, ... ~...,...,..,.~,..,., .... ~ .................................. .., ............................................. "" ........ .,.,,. ... OIJO .... :jllllll'l ... S';,.~:;:l Indus try S~eks Censor Plan W,..SillNGTON (AP) -SUpreme Court to guaraot .. E'(litently !earlng a new wave Uiem lht same frtedom from of control, the movie Industry censorship tnjoyed by boo~ and the nation's the ate t 4nd maga lues.pn:d h.sbr el owners are aJ>&?taling to the .and magazine pubUshers. LAST 4 P"ltPO-MANC IS SPOON RIVER ANTHOLOGY I Y IDGAlt Li i MASTlltl "l ,.llllk!lly l"Mtk - -4 Sitt ••llllf'' ---L ... I *"> ll"T , • 1'011 RISl,l.VATIOMSt CALL ..... UU lH7 Ntwfl'rt llY'-, CMlil Mtu lllJlOjjll SOUTH COAST F--- QNtRll o:x PLAZA THEAT"E CO!IPOM.!IOij Sa" Di•a Frt tw1y at lrislot • 54«5•2711 EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT CONTINUOUS DAILY AT I :J O P.M. IOX OFFICE OPENS I P.M. ~· NO ONE UNDElt 11 ADMlnlD WITHOUT PROOf OF A.el SHOWN AT: PRIMll!RE ENOAGtMl!NT l ur1 L1nc1ster 0-•n M•rlln "AlllPOllT" (0) C•ltr 1• PAMOUS STAIS 1 :J O -l 120 -5:10 7:00 -1:50 -10:40 ' 527·222J e UlttlllJf. llJltfUlll PllMll'.11 l!NOAOl!MINT "WOODSTOCK" flJ C1l9r ThrM O.y1 11 PM<t .... M111k Under U Mull It W'ttl P•r.nl -------------·~" Wf~YMINSfl~ Hl·WAY39 DRIVE 1111 s...o...or...., -·----•ti·4$4S ·--1r .. ..., ··-SH·lSH .... ~ ..... ~ ... ~ .... ~ .. _., 5l4·l212 -.... ........ ··--5"7·6011 ..... "°'' ,,., . ., ....... M5-llll All C•lar Sh•w ''2001: A Sl"ACE OOYSS&Y" COJ llolMrr l y•ll-Chutt Connon "CAPTAIN NEMO AND TNI UHl)l!IWATEI CITY" 101 l"l.l!Mllll! ENOAOEMIHTl Jim 1 .. wn--L" v .... C!MI "l!L CONDOR" Il l Ctlar "THI! LAST ESCAPE" (0 ) Under 17 M11$1 le Wttll 1"1r111t liXCLUJIVE SHOWINOI Cllnl E11l~L11 Mervin "PAINT YOUR WAOON" (el') cei.r loo.t-1 1.MltrG "DOWNHILL RACERS" !OP) Colar EXCLUSIVE 5HOWIN0t Cllnl EilllWlld-LM Ml ,.,111 ""AlHT YOUR WAGON" (01") Colar Iffert 11111ro,.. "DOWkHILL RACEllS" !01") C.IOr EXCL USIVE SHOWING! Wall DIMllY'I All C•l•t snew "hll SUv1r1--Roller1 Mont "THI IOATNll(S" (0 ) "SWISS FAMILY ROllHSON" (0) l"ltl!MIEIE INGAOl!MIHTI Chtrtlln HHtlll "THE HAWAIIANS" IG"l Colet Thi l 11tla "LET IT II" CGJ Coler PRl!MllRI! tNOAGl!Ml!HTt Jack L1mmon--S1ndy o.toni. ''THE OUT 01' T0WNERS" (OJ COier J.iin W1yn1 ''TRUE GRIT" CO) C•llr EXCLUSIVE SHOWINGI (G) Color J1rry Lewu "WHICH WAY TO THE f'RONT?" Okk V•A Ort• "CHITTY CHITTY l.4NG IANG" (01 C110r All Ctllr lhDW Willia m Hold1,.._ln1Ht Sl l'IAIM ''THE WILO •UNCH" CR) ''THI! LOSERI" !Rl u~d•r 11 M1111 11 w un l"•r•ftl i~=;~~~~~~~~~~·" ~,.~,, ... ~ ... ~ ......... of! fl lc~J... 1un.-G1~1Yl1YI llflld "i.NHl Of' THE THOUSAN D OAYS" 101') ''THOROUGHLY MOOERH Mt\.llli" ,., They want to block tile ltates from banning films cleared for national distribtto tioo and they want movies; boo)ts and magazines all judg. ed by the court's. current, liberal obscenity stand:irds. The MoUoo Picture Assocla. tion of America and the Na- tio.na.1 ~iation of Ttteater Owners re,gistered their vle_rs thl!F '"eek in frlend-of~urt briel~'for the forthcondng batM tie over the popular Swedish impart, "I Ain ~urious, Yellow." One of the big is!ues facing the justices next ter:m , ts whether the film is legally obscene and whether states ca n require distributors to submit movies for approval befure public showing. "CUrlous" survived sf.izure by federal customs officials in 1961 and was ordered released for distribution by the fed eral appeals court in New York City a year later. Ii As a result, It has been seen ' < .... ·1 ii> l' ~ :.It "' by millions of ·Americans. ..i Gaito r s At the same time, additional millions have been unable to Mama Jolie Gabor and view it because of court rul-in gs in individual cities and dau,i:?:hters Eva (center) states. In Maryland, the ban and Zsa Zsa got to- was impo9ed initially by a gether for a celebra- 81ate board of censors, the lion backstage at the only surviving formal state Morosco Theater in board to which all films must New York TueSday. · be submitted in advance. Occasion for the clan I . • l ' < ~· ~ -· --ntl OUT OF TOWNW" IS SOll!IKTINe TO Sit. WI P.O. DICT THllll WON'T II IOOM IN THI AISLIS llOI All TH Q>SJ WHO WILL PALL OFF THiii SU.TS 1.AU$HIN.!" -RONA IA.Rim When tlre,,tair. ,.,_for e:.:, ...i.ot ,.._.., ' thq "41113',....,.... ' . Out of the Supreme Court's tneeting was Zsa Zsa's review could come a coo-opening in "F o r t y stitutional right of adults to Carats.'! It was her see any movie in a public •iBiroiaidiwiamyiiidieiibiulit.iiimii;ll theater no ma tter how raw. I~ llowever, with the court's composition growing 1nore conservative, a new ~finition of obscenity, one more restric- tive than the current test, is more likely. Currently, the court permits publication for adult consumption of any book or mag;:izine that is not com- "A Big Musical Hit - In The Winner's Corner.I" -,C,ltCl<l~ W(HSTOH, No..-Wo10 ,_,,, ' { LOOK TO EDWARDS LUXURIOUS CINEMAS FOR THE BE ST SHOWS TONIGHT ple tely without social value11 ·---------and does not affend con- temporary standards. Up to now, in key decisions In 1952, 1961 and 1965, the court authorized separate and more restrictive treatment of movies. "Films differ from other forms of expression," the court sa id in 11165. The !\lotion Picture Associa- tion contends the distinction is no longer sensible or justified. Association attorney "· .. . . ... . . •. • cv~n ""'"· •I •AtARl>lij• • • ~ IUll'Qlf ~ o M4-01ft Ends Today-"Airport" STA RT~ THUllS. ~ "PAINT YOUlt WAGON" Louis Nizer told the court =~~~°!!!=:-=.=~ movitts enjoy a s t a t u s equivalent to literature and may have become "the art form of our limes." ~ National Association of Theater Owners contended the industry's own rating and code system is a sufficient sa(eguard against problems of obscenity. I For an e eg9nt evening Goach& 'llorses Superb Dining and Dancing SEVEN NIGHTS 6 P.M. to 2A.M. NOW EXCLUSIYILY "PAnON" George c. Sc.ott JACK LEMMON e SANDY DI NN IS ''The Out Of Towner1" PLUS ANTHONY 9UINN IN ''A WALi iN THI $Pl lN• IA.IN" -......... "" _,, ·-........ --·-•U•llH fMOUI 8-• .... •llllO ,.~ .. • Grand Opening • CJ.10 11G1 c. scon • KA.RL MA\.Dl!N ' "Hilarious And Entertaini ng. In The Stream Of 'Sound Of Music'!" "A Big Bawdy Ri p-Roarin g Musical' Howlingly Funny! See It!" -WAl<l),C, .. ~((,No" 10•• No"' ' S'D'ARTS TOMORROW M~~~~ES FASHION ISLAND * NEWPORT CENTER •••• • •••••••••••••• ... ~. • • • • • • c ... 11-. D•llV 1 p.m. ~:>011 S"ACE ODYSSliY" Pl11• it A Dl•n•v Shor! '"IT'S TOUGH TO •E A 11111)" SORRY, EVERYBODY! "AIRPORT" HAS TO GO - IT WILL BE SHOWN FOR THE LAST TIME TONIGHT! AF TER 8 SUPER, GLORIOUS ENTERTAINMENT WEEKS, "AIRPORT"" HAS TO MAKE WAY FOR : ' .. "PAINT YOUR WAGON" STARTING THURSDAY JULY 23rd l:IP~I LAST TIMES WEDNISDAY, JULY 2f , --MATINEES DAILY --~ Nearly Ever yone Listens to Landers WM., Thll,._, l'rl. I. s;.it. A~lllll , •• . . . . . .. . . • . .. . .. .. .. . . • 1.JS J11ni,n . . . . .. 1.25 Direct from Its Sensational Reserved Seat Engagement CllUCl•911 .ti ••••••• •• ••••••••••••••••••• • ••••• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====~!lil!l!lil!l!lil!l~!l!il~~!lil!l!lil!l!lil!l~lllllllllllllllllllll"~P!A!T~T!O!N!'!'lllllll!"!!l~I ~' ' ,/ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT! ' {~ '• .. :~~~"'-~){/.A, "THE MIND BLOWER OF ALL llME!" ~""'"'''""' woodltock SHOWING NOW! ,{ICHA{U) BURTON GENEVIEVE BUJOLD THI TRDPL. HUMAN? AN1MAl.1 01 M1$SING LINK? PUT CASH IN YOUR POCKET S!!ll un"•anttd Item• \vllh a DAILY Pll.OT Cla1111lf1Nl Ad. PHONE 642·567 8 NOW! AT BOTH EDWARDS CINEMAS At Popular Pri ces "" .... o.. ....... "The Oi!c American war ...,;, lhal Hol!.r1~ ~.al~• w ... ,ed to · ~ -ikrtinever heq ' • !Uls to do btfo1 . .......... _ EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT CALL 546-3102 GRAND OPE~ING OF THI ALL NIW- ILIGANT & llAUTIFUL CINEMA: WEST #2 #2 • I ., I I . . . ' ... ;-""' "ii ~"I" .... ~,~ .. ~ >"' ' • •,11" r 4,n ' • 11" ,.,,-;,1 ( I ;'.' ., ~ • l ,., t !\~···· ..... ' . . ' . . ' ' , '· • ·· Beautiful.a':. · '.spariis1f odt1· ' Ouilted S~fcis : '·· lo~e5"bts .!.lO.O . :.· 1 73~ J Rever1ible Foom Cushions , ~, .' • -Many to' ~oOse From· RE~. ~199;iJ5 TO $249.95,, .. Quilted_:'Vefvets Some with Woo.d Trim , . , REG. $199.95 . Mtin 'Sized ' i( • • lounge Chairs Lush, plush·vel'lfll choirs , with ·R•v11rsible foam ~ushipn1 REG. $129.95 i <> $.149.9$ " . KingSiie ·:Ree•ine~s . . . . . ': • VinP.-Tufted J Position V.ALUES TO $1 29. 9 5 . . -..·-·• ·. · ' · Fuff'Size , · Sleep .SofQ$-. ':. ~991 . l - dpens to Sleep ! D~ _ . _ o Separate Innerspring f Mattress ·vAlUES TO $239.95 .............. _____ __.. •, ' ·. . -. . ~~ '. . • · 9·Pc .. Doubl-t Duty ' ' ' ; :.Ster,eo Cornet Group :,.;t'{ ,., ..• \ . Includes 2 Mattresses , ~' ·, ,, 2Co~o::::~;'~sten $· 1~· 1 Walnut Corner .Jobie With AM lfM St•reo . ! . 1 ' •REG. $399.95 . • •• < • - Occasional Bbssett 3 P~. ! , 1Bedroom ' . ••· r:ci&fe5 ·, • • l •• • ''2'1 .. , '' ~100 Dres1•r...:..Mirror-Bed I Woln.ut Finis~ , 12 Sets to Sell ' REG. $249.95 ,. • • TODAY ... TOMORROW 10 AM to 10 PM SINCE FSIO COAST ro COASr . ' f ;. ' ' LOA·D·ING DOCK . WAREHOUSE ·~·s1v1 · 3·40/o to 670/o \ EVEN MORE This Is ltl The big onel Th• multl·mllll"-dollar sale of salesl You must see It to lbeJleve ltl We're larrirried In the al1le1I We're stacked to the roofl Our Showroom Is overflowing with the hottest furniture bargains everl ' Leave, the dishes In the sink and rush ,to Levlta. We guarantee you've never seen anything like It beforel Here are'but a few of the hundreds of exceptional values. Included are floor samples , , , some ''as Is" Items • .. some one-of-a-kind. All subject to prior salel Hurry for the cream of th.e crop. Don't miss this exciting sale I . ,- • PARTIAL LISTING ONLY! HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS MORE NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS! ALL SUBJE(T TO PRIOR SALE! Odd Chests-Odd Dining Rpom Chairs King Size 3-Pc. Of-Drawers ~15 Mattress Set 5 43 . Tufted In nerspring i .. SoO\_e Pne-of-o-Kind ... Mattress ohd 2 Box Springs Most ''As Is ." Hurry for These! FROM $149.95 VALUES TO $99.95 Save Your Cash • • • COASTTOCOAsr Warehouse And Showroom ·Selling Direct to The Public At Levitz a11 th• "retail frills" ore token out of th• Worehous• Sole Pric~. To ke it hom• yourself or hove it delivered by Levilz ... Ther• will b• a small delivery charge due to thes• incredibly low Wore- hou1• Sole Pric•sl $66 left Out of famous Brand Bedrooms Many Uses • VALUES TO $119.95 . Use Your Goat/ Credit! TODAY ••• TOMORROW 10 AM TO 10 PM San Diego Freeway at Beach Boulevard ------~~~_. ... ...,..,.. ........... ---. . "* • • • Name Brand Dining Rooms '97 ' 5 Pcs. Walnut Som~ with Formica Topi FROM $219.95 ~o $299.95 . ' 5 Pc. Douglas Dinette Set '35 Waln ut Top .4 Vinyl Cho irs REG. $89.95 Spanish Sof.a and Loveseat Sets Outline Quilted Mani Colors to Choo1e VALUES TO $429.95 Odd Bar Stools s3 Walnut f inish Vinyl Swivel Seat IJEG. $19.95 36'( five Shelf Bookcase 1 22 Walnut fini1h Only 57 L•ft REG. $89.95 Mediterr·anean Pedestal Table Spanish Wro ught 1ron filigre• Bose REG. $29.95 Odd Dinette Chairs s.5 Vinyl Seoh VALUES TO $1 9.95 ' Tufted Vinyl Swivel Chairs 525 Choic• of Color• REG. $59.95 " , t t " • ·~Ba b s ' ''M eat' •' '• • ' ' . Selection . Lim it less . I ~ .·~ \ .,.;,..\,ftnt ")abob" waan't • ln vCrr•bQi.11 wbmt p~Vt man firat at.lttecl cOoking chunks:1~o( meal ·and vqetables on lllcks. • 'fbday, .aook.lng on sk~ers over a fite is still one of the rr.ost popular approaches to outdoor cooking. Ultle wonder,. either. Kabobs -the oom- \btDIUon of meat, vegetables a 'h { sometimes even fruit, on metal sltewen -are an exceptk>nally colorful a'l\d Oavorlul way of serving food fit for a a:ounn et. Kabobs also are easy 1 to prepare, and they are kind to the budget because a mlnimuni of meat Is used. , Lamb is the traditional meat for Kabobs, but there are other delicious ' fhbices· Seafood, such as sh rimp and 'tlflllePSJ becomes real party fare when fdUed on a skewer. Steak of course, is eve..,.one'1 outdoor favoriti (Tip to ~ budget-<:0nscious: use beff chuck and add ~ teaspoon of~t tenderizer to the marinade for ea pcl:Und of meat. Omit the satt ln the. initrinade reciP.t.) Hefe1s a recipe for skewered scalklps, ed with a zi~py sauce ' of llh and musti. Serve · ~e BC~ bobs with au aitin potatoes, tonedgreeo salad and garnc bread. Or, 4t oriental wit~ \erlyakJ steak. nR rrft!it is cut in strips and lac«I on the skewers with colorful vegetables lo make an entree loaded with eye appeal. · SKEWERED SCAIU)PS WITH TANGY SAUCE 6 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 tablespooos horseradish ~ tea~n dry mu stard t pound fresh or frozen scallGpS 4 tablespoons prepared mustard 4 tablespoons heavy cream Saucy A· nibble of this, a nibble of that ..• the . smorgasbord and th e Chinese di~r both use this pleasant food _.,ad\ In America,• we· have a meat version of this kim of varialloo on a theme. Most fine chop houses offer a mixed 1rW ~ of 1ev,,.a! companj.onable meat.!I: -t '· . · Your own backyard cookery can adapt the same principle with Mind Barbecue Grill. Burgers aod1 franks, the staples of outdoor cookery, take beautifully lo mix· log and matciing and you can add, ii you choose, ribs, chicken or steaks. Molasses Is the base for fine barbecue sauces. Because it is a form of sugar. molasses lends tbe meat a wonderfully appetiiing, crusty brownness as well as fine fiavor. The sauces are easy to make, too. Western BarbeCue Sauce combines molasses wiLh mu stard, vinegar, toma te sauce and nippy ingredients. By all means use some celery seed for added flavor and lntereS'ting textlU'e. There's a far Eastern vers ion of the West.em Barbecue Sauce, too, this with an inscrutable Oriental combination of spices· and peach t<uP· . Botn sauces are delicious. add real nai r LO your simPlest barbecues. Use burgers and franks or make up yoor own meat mixtures ... just about .anything takes beautifully to these fine molasses barbecue sauces. MIXED BARBECUED GRILL Place hamburgers ,and frankfurters on outdoor grill. Br~ with choice of barbecue sauce. Grill lo desired degree of doneness. Place drained cling peach h'alves on grill last 5 minutes of cooking tim·e; brush lightly with barbecue sauce. WESTERN BARBECUE SAUCE 1/.4 cup Molasses V.. cup prepared mustard v, cup vinegar 2 tablespoons Worcestershire uuce l can (8 ounces) tomato sauce t tablespoon instant mlnced onion 2 teaspoons celery seed, optional Blend totetner molasses and mustard unUl amooth. Stir ln remaining In- gredients: mix well. Yield: 2 cups -eriough for 2 dozen hamburgers, %\i dozen frankfurters, and 14 to 16 cling peich halves. . FAR EASTERN BARBECUE SAUCE 2 cam (11 ounces each) cUna peach bl.Ives ~ ~alp Molagees "1 cup vinegar 11~-poon .. it \\ teaspoon ground ginger t I-.,,Y sauce t teMpoons corMtarcll 1 t.a6~ co:ld water or peach syrup Drain peadl halves; reaerve 'iS cup of the syrup. (Reserve remaining syrup for use in fruit drinks, punches, etc.). Combine syrup with mo~ and vinegar In saucepan. Stir in salt, ginger and soy sauce. Blend cornstarch and cold water unUI smoolh; stJr Into molasses mixture. Bring to a boil : reduce heat and simmer & minutes. Remove from heat. Yield : l•i cups -enough for 1 'ii: dozen ham- burgers, 1 doun fr11nkfurters, and 14 to II tlillj peach halves. ' • ' Fine, dry bre.a.d crumbs Cherry tomatoes Green pepper, squares Salt, pepper, paprika Salad oil Prepare T4?Jgy Sauce by combining mayonnaise, horseradish and d r y mustard : refrigerate. If fresh sCallops are used, wash In cold' water and cut. if necessary, into :!i4·inch pieces. Combine . . ' COOKING ON SKEWERS MOST POPULAR APPROACH mustard and heavy cream. Dip scallops in mustaf(:I mixtUfe. then in bread crumbs, Coaling ocmpletel1 Alternate scallops, tomatoes and green peppers on skewers. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and paprika. Brush scallops and veget<?bles with salad oil . Broil over medium fire for 10-15 minutes . or until scallops are mediwn brown. Serve wilh cold Tangy Sauce. TERIYAKI STEAK U cube steaks, cut in I " -wide striJ¥, or 2 pOUnd sirloin, cut 1i!i:" thick i,s. cup soy ·sauce 14 cup grated onion y, cup water 2 teaspoons sugar 2 teaspoons fresh chopped ginger root, or I teaspoon ground ginger 1 clove ga~lic. crushed % large· green pepPers Place steak strips in shallow. dlBh. .. Pre~ marinade of remainine ln- ~ .. Pour over me•l and marinate for at least lWi> houn,, tnrnirl.g oc-- casionaHy. Drain steak strips; set uide martnadt. Lace strips of meat -on skeweri. alternating wilh chunks of Jreenrpepper. Grijl over medium fire; tumlD&,tcr brown evf!itly. Bru.!h ~y w It ll marinldf!. Grill to desired donenels (I to 211 mlnutes). Mam 4'4 .. rVinil.' Smorgasbord · Mixes, Matches • • .... , ... • Home News · . . ... ... . ~., 1~.,t . " ... Di eti ng · Fo rm ula ·· "' , No t Magi c ' By DOl\OT!Jv wENcK or_.CiMllY,._.__. •• . ' ' Did you ever bear of roPST Tti1s la aa·•1anbltion of -with weiJ,t. problems --i toplller weekly In nol;hbor!Jood clubo to belp nch other ''Take Off P..,;.i. s,mlbiy." ' ' ', Part of ·Ule .-kl)' ritual !ncludu ,..1ghi111.Jn .to aee who has IOot weiiJ>t, who has IBlnect welPI (lhet" are callad 11plgs1~) and•who has niade no progriu. Once 1 TOPS member reaches her P.l for weight b!s she Is eligible to ~ 1 KOPS· (Keep Off' Pounds Se.nsiblf) if she maintains her new wejJht. There are many muy Ti:>PS clubs In Orange County and I have had die pleasure of speaking to many of them on Food and Your W.etlhl. Their membership dues are sman and the club members -111 8harln1 a commen problem -offer friendship and mor~ aupport to -al\(Jlller. GOOD 'PlllLOl!OPBY . '!'OPS. philosophy • ii cOOd· 'lli'Y ohun laddy, kooklo diets and ad-that the healthy way· to lose we~ is by following 1 well balanced, i.;nr-calorle diet. They re<oplze tilar lbla wW 1"i a king lhow" pl"Oeea. A loll of one to two pounds a -la conaidertil a reasonabk jOa]. • • • . Facing up to the ~ abool weisllt coiltnlt ii -dllllcull, ond ... tey to help TOPS. member• uildentand thele facts. ' '" ~ The number ane fact is that dietin1 la .. 1 euy. EatJni ii run. Eftr)'- en joys it. And'when you're dieting and have to waf#l'everyone else enjoy eatinc:. this ii not liin. · There are ·many dim published ud · 10ld on the buia of Deing "easy" 1nit even ''fun." Bui thl.!.Juat J.ai't so. And the sooner 1 the dieter comes to grip1 with the fact ' dull lie mll!t employ massive wHI ·power to eat leas of ,the foods he enjoy• moot, the better olf he will bt. , ~ c..· f' The next biller feel• for diettrt ta race ii that weirtit w1tchlnc ls forever~ Very few, if any, people· c111 IO or\: a diet, 1-the dislred pounds, an<I bep a.em att· 1111le11 they comlnue II! ear carefully. i If only, peopJe would realize this! Scl much ltllferintJ and anauiah. could W ayoided if the overwel&ht penon w~. understand t4at It dbes him no lio4 to diet britOY, lboe ... 1pt brlefty ·~ then become fat again. This "yo-yo'ing'~ ls actually more hll'mful than mailti tllning a steady too-high wei&ht. i, DECISION FOR IJFE So my advice to would-be dieten Is to consider the decision to. e1t leu and eiercbe more 1 ·•et.._ fer Hie-• Otherwise wfly 'fatte )'OUt time? Wh1 aiffer needlessly! And why waste your money on yet another fad diet? PEACHY ACCOMPANIMENT TO A BARBECUE MIXED GRILL ... . ...... / A,third •fact •bout our wtlght Is that ,.. ........................................................... ~----~ ......... _. ... ';.....;.; ........ ;...,;,.. .. __, .!ht older we 1et, 11>1 llarder II It In ~ --~~~-~ metaboli9m aJows d9Wn md we slow Cookout Chef Fires itµp Haza ·rds L J"o • By PATRICIA McCORMACK NEW YORK (UPI) -The cookout chef this day wiggles .the. toes of his bare £eel as he strolls over to the gri ll t~ start the fir~. He's going to start it with gasoline. On the gnll sh~lf are six botUes of unbpened soda pop. He, pushes these ov~r a ~tt to make room for insect spray in an aerosol can. , . . , The major domo of the cookout doesn t realize 1l, but h.e s got the ingredients for several accidents -any 1>ne of which can send hifn to the hospital, Marjorie May:for 24 years director _o~ t.he G~eater New Xork Safety Council's education and home d1vis1on . hsled them tn an interview on picnic. cookout and sw immin,I? accident trap~. The chef this day can stub a toe and br~ak it, cut hi s bare feet on rocks and sharp objects, suffer a burn on them from the fire's embers. The heat Crom the lire can cause the pop pressure to build up, exploding glass bottle .. The heat can also cause the aerosol insecticide to blO\V up. And startinp: the fire with gasoline is asking for another exploson, according to Mrs. May. Si nce heat can explode the ae rosol cont~Jners, Mrs. Mav cautioned also agajnst ever storing the containers on the back window shelf of a car. "I saw the results of one such accident." she said. '.'The can blew right through the metal roof.of the car." Other of her summer fun safety tips : -Put pop bottles in an ice chest. Never tote them in the trunk of a car unprotected. The heat will make them explode. If you don't ha ve an lee chest, wra p bottles in newspaper and put In Passenp:er compartment. • -I-lave children seated and quiet when eating or drinkinli{. Eating a cookie while runninl( about they can cho~~ on a crumb. Falllnl! when hold ing a pop bottle or ,R:l8,11s they can be cut. -To avoid food poisoning, pack in the picnic basket foods \' . not easily ap0Ued. This m""n' no cream,or seafood. Smoked and boil~ ine,t ore llood · Keep food cold, II called for, or hot, II· that s th~ •kind of food you're Hrving. Cold means wider 45 d ... gre~s; hot, over l" degrees. Keep cold.food in lhe r,efrigerator until the last moment, and, ai the picnic site eat ·Jt as soon u possible:·· • ' ' .. · t -A1.,,,_ys w~'1a or pet!. fruit, whether store--bougbt'!of snittb- ed from' '1:' orc6Ud.1 near 'Ule picnic grounds. -~ea.r.shoes .. JM}e leet are open to all thi injuries ollr cook· out cheL1111Rht have; on hikes add socks to tjte 'shoes, prefer· a blf knee ;tocks to protect legs fro!" Ucks, sn.akes tnd Yt'ne cuts. -Don t use kerosene, gasoline or lighter fJu.id to start .bar-becu~ or camp ftre. Either start the fil'1' ~ith chips, a I~ w~ man s style, or use commercial •tarter llilld.-alter llbt. read- ing dlfections on the com.at.cMr. , -Don'! drink water that 1111'1 certillOd sale. YO. .'can 't tell by. smell or taste whether wateria,coni,mlnated. When fn doubt, boil water 15 rrunutes, let ii cool•Ud then drink II. Another way with water: purify I~ with a halogen tliblet or other disinfeclllll~{ available at the drug •&tore. • • -Don:t drink froah: unprocessed mill<.' Fresh mUk makei some persens ill, according ,to Mrs. May. • -When swimming, u~ the buddy ayslein. It'• old·fasbioned bu~ It ~till pays 1 to .ha\!e .torneone" to keep an eye on you when . sw1mm1ng. Don t dive Jntii"ltrange swimming holes. Keep a life jacket on sm.U child~· ple)'lng near water -poOlstde, docl< or beaczh. • •. · ' . -Heed the ~,Id rule: wait 1n hour alter eating before going into water. rt lllll applies. "Wheo people don't P"l' attention to what they 're doing , ·accidents happen," Mrs. May said. ''Most are preventable." down too. Thil rDeani ll'e U!f. less energy Ind we need, to set flW'er CAlorles from our fbodl. · If we. fall to ll'adually cut down on our fo6d consumption u we 1et older, our weipt ·11 lolnc fD !l'adually .criep up.on us . AnotMr flct to face hi that ttwrtt la no IUtb thing u a no c.1iorlo lied. All foods coutain tome protein, fat, or carbohydr1te, and each of. thete nutrient• provides caloriei ·-U5, -per ounce for .. ~.... ·ud proteint, 240 w ounce fOr fstl. The lowest calorie foocf1 are qilp, watery yoaetablll tike ceJ.,Y, cucilmber, lettucr-and· u'bbage which have 1eU than 10 calories per aervln1. I' ' There alto is: rio food which "burM ca Joliet." Grapefruit Is often atbibuted wtth thla magic power, but there is Do --evideoct to IUppoM thho ftOilon. A FOd rule to follow in we(iJi! ; ""\tnll dieta ii that U II' 1011nd1 'toe llJtid to be true (like "1npe[ruit trlu•fi the lll·illlmlnc procest"), It probdlv lln't! , ' A QIJlllTION ~D Q. We bvt u kt ~1111 fnt1tr "' te.._ ..... w ... a c:rua -ill! ell llle nclpet I llavt caU lffr cm. "' llaff ... 11111 U41 I - tllli ~ -wllll' -Aay ""' ··----..... 1 A. One auuOl!lon ta to subotii~' evaporated milt, undlluted, for cte1m In Y')UI' k:e cnam nc:ll't. 1'1is w!D cut down on Ult fat CCMJteot conakle.r1bJy. You 1bo can make ict mUk usiftl nonfal milk. The recipe "'°"Id lncluolo IORlt thickeners suc.h aa comstarcb and eggs, otherwlle the k:e cre1111 will N sratny. · ' • • ' ' -----~------- I ) ----..._.....~-:"'-~-..,-....,,.--~~---~~~ ............... ~~~-~--..,-.,--~---:-:---------••••• == ·····························--·· lee ••• ••••r• ' . .. ••• I . . ... .... .., .-n.O" ••• Wolntsd'1, Ju~ 22, 1970 • . ' -. DETAILED STITCHERY CONTRASTS WITH PAPl!R MACHE ANN ~DANDY Ways Flourish ,.-041LY,,ILOT,,.... Q 'ld:ll CMIM CONCENTRAT ION PLUS -Donna Friebertshauser employs creativity and concentration to p~uce delight!Ul peasant dolls ·from com husks. il,.t :....,. . . ' .. )~. ~..... .. ,_ .. " . ~ By JACKIE COMBS Of tits Dellr ,.lltt S .. ff Donna Friebertshauser is a designing woman. Her designing interests have evolved during a slow process from civil engineer, kin· dergarten teacher, homemaker, PI'A president, county fair organizer and community Worker. Although Doma in.si,,ts that many of her fonner interests have relued as her art has expanded, the remains com- munlty-crlented. Starting fD. day llhe lel!ls a group . ol children lllro9JI! the myatenea o1,.... glueaod pa""' duriil1 clusei for the Costa Mesa Recrettion Department. The &eSllon ends Au,. 19. •1.so many of the crilti of, fmd \illklren are · just busy work. 'Ibey slloold be doing . someiblng they can be proud of Ind uteful," slle believes. "Chldlren are very creative. '1'ley're not as inhibited as adulta." Donna is ·one adult who has not let her chUdhood creativity slip away from her. A view ol her batik, stitchery, brtad sculpture, pap te r mache, macrame and applique offers testimony. "My mind stretchei u I work ," noted the wife of Paul J. Frlebertshauser, a senior engineer foc McDonnell Doua:las Corp. "The more you do, the more you find possi- ble." Donna's interest in 'crafts began a number of ynra ago when !he started a h811glng lamp out of plastic resin. But she credits tile ej&ht years spent as a Camp ~· Girl . • 1 • TEXTURES LEND TACTILE APPEAL TO TRADITIONAL CRECHE r leader as influential. "M. a leader and a teacher, I was always searching for new crafts project! until I became sincerely interested myself." With the lamp completed, Donni moved into papier mache and bu bttn exploring various media ever since. "There. was a family joke . . . if you sat sUll for tit minutes, I'd papier mache you." Her pepitr ~ache ranges from delicate dolls and figurines to grandfather ck>clu, >feet tall. "My art 1et11 the same treatment aa my fruit trees -if tt doesn't produce or l!n't lunctlonol, I illn1w tt out." Doma strives for dimension and texture in her work and theoril.es that the need to "build up, layer upon layer comes from my experience with papler mache." I n sUt.chery, macrame, bread dough, Donna finds hersell 1tarUrc out flat but eventually "coming up off the !IUTface." EXPERIMENTING · San Blaa, a stitchery tecb- nlque which originates from Panama Indians, ls her "only redeemer." It LI a process of layering five « ail. pieces of material and tfle7l cutting through to form a dellgn, she explained. She finds It 11.JmullLlni to keep growing and experiment- ing. M. for marketing her war- es, she has pleces In area shops but said, "I don't want to maa1 produce. It takes away that hand~afted look." Matta.me wall hangings can be woven from rug yam, wool, string -anything with a tight twist. "Macrame offers me a good excuse to 'go out shop- ping.' I spend the day at the beach or in tbe desert looking for lovely piece• of wood to u~ as rods." TIMING ESSENTIAL Donna says that utilizing her time is the tsSen« ol such productivity while maintaining a busy family and ccmmunity life. "If you really want to do something, )'<JU !JOO the time." While the bacon'& frying, she darts out to her work table and &Ivts a project another coat of paint or frames a bread d o u g h sculpture. "Having alway1 worked In the warm yellows and oranges, I am finding it a challenge to work In blues and greens," she commented as she displayed a tapestry of sea greens and blues made from unraveled draperles. A personal project Donna hopes to promote la an annual arts and crafts exhibit in Costa Mesa similar to the current Laguna Art Festh•al. "I believe that our craftsmen deserve more prestige and need to be recognl.zed." With the combination of new media for insptraaon, com- mitments to community proj. ect.s and an understanding family, the evolyUon or Frieberbbauser will continue •~ ·her art and Interests Oourlsh. Party Plans 'Beachy'. Accenting family fun will be the aMual Balboa Bay Club Beach P~rty planned for tomorrow. Food for everyone, games for youngsters and dancing are part of the evening's agenda planned by host couples the Don Pettys, Nea1 John· sons, Robert Wenricks and Don Gails. Already in a party mood are (left to right) the Pettys and Johnsons. Horoscope Aries: Plans Change, Travel Light Advised THURSDAY JULY 23 By SYDNEY OMAIU\ Tbe late, sreat Gene Fo-ttltr once paid me the prtvUeae of vi1ltin& and lnformln1 me that hit pal, John Blrrymore, bad been a teen student of altrolou.11 re1arded that •• a grand 1estare on the part of Fowler. Bat, tkn, my e:1· perteace la utrolol)' hu taq:bt me that the creater the penon, Ute more ope. mlJlded, recepllve ud charm· i.1 be or the b apt to be. ARIES (March 21-Aprtl 10): Ezpect Ole unexpected. That ls, you are in for sudden chan~ of plans. Accent on marriage, partnership, public relatio111. Quick move in- dicated. Travel light. TAURUS (April 26-May 20): You break through restric. Uons. Aid comes fr o m unorthodox source, Be aware of goals, rules and regulations . Have facts at hand . You will be offered an interesting pro- position . GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Gain indicated if you take daring route. Means leave the tried-and-true to others. Your role is to get otf the beaten track. Take a chance. Welco me change and challenge. CANCER (June 21.July 22): Battle for security could reach point ol intensity. Relief of prusure comes t h r o u g h humor. Toss aside petty wor- ries. Take family member out for evening on town. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Some calls and letters indicate one thing. but mean another. Realile this and avoid hasty conchlslons. Take time to perceive, understand.. Deal with ideas. Give full reign to imaa:lnat.lon. · vmoo (Aug. 23-Sept. 221: News Told Of Troth Mr. and Mn. Russell Bellew ol HW111ngt<m Beach have an- nounced !he engagement of her doughier, lJnda Pulley to Garry Potter, son ol "Mr. and Mrs. Galen Potter of Downey. Both Miss Pulley and her fiantf: are graduates o f Downey High Sdlool and wtll be graduated from Woodbury College tn November. They will exchange wedding pledges in lilt sprinf. Em.pbaais on m o n e y , in- vestments, how you relate to one who advises, inslstls or pleads, Guard y our posses1ion s. Accept responsibility. Give but also demand something in return. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Ue low ; play waiting game, Temptation ls to speak without first analyzing consequences. Constructive key is to ellmlnate sharp edges. Deal kindly with mate, partner. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): Ntw outlook can shake olf lethargy. Use material at hand. But refuse to be a carbon copy. Means develop your own style. W o r k associates will appreciate dlf- fererice . SAGmARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21 ): New ~es may prove dazzling. Trust in- ner feelings. Young person wh o insists on making a show will adjust. Don't attempt to solve world problems overnight. Take one step at a time. . .. ., CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19): What appeared se«Jed may be the opposite. Reilize this and don't r gel c~ught off guard. Involves p r o p e r t y , family. Key ' is to have alternative plans at hand. AQUARIUS (Jan. 2~Feb. 18): Some contacts are superficial. Not wise to believe everything roJd you. Look beyond immediate indications. Ask questions; an a I y z e answers. Much to gain if will· ing to learn. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Financial picture subject to change. Protect assets. Obtain additional info r mat i on. Gathering of facts could make difference betw~n profit and loss. Cancer-bol"tl individual can aid. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you have in- quiring mind, would make ex- cellent reporter. investigator. By October, you will have chance to prove abilities. Now is time to gain second wind. ' ;· • If , Golden Reception Mr. and Mrs. R. J . Tanke rsley of Mission Viejo were honored at a recent 50th wedding reception in Fullerton. Joini ng 50 guests were the couple's sons, Jack, James and John Tankersley, and daugh-o- ter Mrs. William Re iniets who arranged th e cham- pagne affair. "1 1 l -':...' .............. •;.... _____ ._ ______ ....... ______________ t ft • I • I ( ( I c ti ri MF Prospective Members Tempted With Ba rbecue The smell of charcoal and sizzling steaks will en- tice prospective members of Beta Gamma Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha, International when the chapter hosts a barbecue Saturday, July 25, at the Santa Ana home of Mrs. Larry Evans, social chair- Hawa iian Home Pair Exchange Vows St. Wilfred's Episcopal Church. Huntington Beach was the setting for the evening rites linking in marriage Gail Jeanne Coombs and David F. Snedeker. The Rev. James C. Caley read the pledges for the daughter and son, o( Mr, and Mrs. Stanley. E. Coombs of Huntington Beach and Mr. and Mrs. James C. Snedeker of Canton, Ohio. Mrs. Richard Cox attended her sister as matron of honor and bridesmaids were Miss Carol Cone and Miss Jeanne Leslie. Mike Pearlman ol Canton served as best man and ushers were Richard Jenks of Pittsburg and T h o m a s Spencer. Following a wedding. trip to Connecticut. the newlyweds will reside in Hawaii. man. First to be se rved is Mrs. Robert Cardinal {center), a prospective member, while Mrs. George Wier (left) and Mrs. Evans perform chef duties. Husbands also are invited to the swnmer get-to- gether. To avoid disappointment, prospe<:tive brides are reminded to have their wedding stories with black and white glossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Women's D .. partment one week before the wedding. Pictures received following the wedding will not be used. For engagement announcements it is imperative that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be sulr mitted six weeks or more before the wedding da~. If dea~ne is not met, only a story will be used. To help fill requirements on both wed·· ding and engagement stories, 1orms are available in all of I.be DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Women's Section staff members at 642-4321 or 494-9466. The new Mrs. Snedeker is ""'--------------------! MRS. DAVID SNEDE KER Ev.ning W.dding a gradu<ite « Buena High School, Ventura, and attended San Diego State College. Her huSt>and, a graduate of Glenwood High School, Can· ton, attended Miami Universi~ ty, Oxford, Ohio. Kathleen Em ch Engaged Friends Hear News More than 30 guests at- tended the engagement an· nooncement party hosted by Mr. aod Mn. Donald Piccard of Newport Beach f o r Kathleen Emch ol Balboa and OavKI L. Caffrey of Costa Mesa. The bridMlect is the daughter ol Mrs. Joen Emch or Trabuco Canyon and the late Mr. Jame! ·Robert Emch. She is a graduate of. Costa Mesa High School, Orange Coan College and a btf!ness r college. She received a 1969 YMCA Outstanding-service-to. youth award .. Her fiance is the son of the Howard C. Caffreys of Costa Mesa. Also -a graduate of CMHS and OCC, he receiv- ed a BA degree from California State College at Long Beach. He plans to con- tinue his studies at the Episcopal Theological Seminary in Cambridge , Mass. in September. They wiU be married on Sept. 9 in Balboa Pier Park. ••-'Y·<•r• •<:tiv• weir for m•" t nd lioys 1n interesting f•c:f 1bout us ••....• we clon't e'rgue ebout returns! o,.·,,. SuMov• . , . for the S""""'' 11 to i · "•11k1111tric1rJ • "'"'''' c.hMt• "-7 fothloit 111•111', 11..,,,.rt Midi "44-1070 ~ Tustin Home Chosen By Donald G. Clems Exchanging wedding vows and rings before the Rev. Daniel Jordon in Capistrano Beach United Methodist Church were Lynne Bennetl and Donald G. Clem. Parents of the couple are the Nei l S. Bennetts of Capistrano Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Clem Sr. of Porterville. Escorted to the altar by her Cather, the bride chose Mrs. Wallace Johnson as matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Cynthia Coots, the bride's cousin, and M r s . Richard Raff. Flower girls were Stacy Clem, the bride's niece, aod Lynn Sheets. Harold T. Clem Jr. was his So that you won 'l return brother's best man. Three from your vacaUon lo find other brother.i, Ronald, Larry and Lonnie Clem served as thawed food in your freezer, ushers. Freezer Protected ask' someone to check the power source to the freezer The bride was graduated every few days lo be sure from San Clemente High it's still on. School, Mira Costa College Then give instructions as and a business school. Her to what Sxluld be done in husband is a Huntington the event something happens: Beach High School graduate for example, ruses lo be who completed a tour of duty . with the U.S. Anny. checked, the electrician to The newlyweds are at home call, or an emergency piece in Tustin. lo keep yoor frozen f()(Jd_· __ 1 .. _______ ;;;;;I t.INOIRla RO•ll Mako • Sharp Trade: Use Dime-A-lines . ,. THINK SALE Y2 PRICE! I JEAn lnM I Westcliff Pla11 Only Wedntsdq, JulJ 22, 1970 Alumna Recalls Trip Arnone tbt 35 members ol President Nixon's graduating clua at Whittler Collese who atttnd;_ed a recent White House reun1c>n ,... Mrs. K. E. (Virginia Knott) Reafsnyder Ii Newport Beach. The daughter of Walter Knott, founder of Knott'a Ber- ry Farm, saki, "We were lucky. The Nlxon.s were able \o llpOfld almost lhr,. hours wUh us at the White House recepUon. '' The members of the class of '34 at WlUttier College were served iced tea, coffee and pastry 1n the state Dlnlns Room. Said Mn. Realsnyder or the president, "He hasn't dwlfled muc:h. He looks very good and Mrs. Nixon looked radiant." For the afternoon reception, each visitor was ptl'90naUy greeted by the president and photographed with him by a White House photographer. Beskles attending the recep.- tion, the Whittler alumni toured W a.shington d u r I n a thelr six-day vitit. Mrs . Reaf.spydet commented, "The highlight of our trip was our visit With the Nilons, of course, but wt also toured St. Andrew's Church Chosen for Ceremony An early afternoon ceremony in St. Andrew's Pr<lbyterian Church linked in marriage Toni L a y n e Frank:ovic· d. Newport Beach and David Ray Rimer ol Tustin. Dr. Raymond J. Brahams officiated during the double ring rile. Parents ol the newlyweds are Marine Col. and Mrs. B. J . Frankovic of Newport Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mmd F. RUner ol San Jose. Mis.s Pamela Gmeiner of Costa Mesa was miUd or honor. BridesmaJds were the Miws Sally Leooard, Kerri an(!: Kim Harris, cousins of lhe bride and the MIMs. Richard P. Wynne and Sherry Addis. Amy Addis was flower girl. The benediC\ asked John Webb lo be best man. Msum- ing usher dutles were Ray- mond Rimer, the bridegroom's brother, Wynne, Keith Harvey, Scott Hanis and B r i a n Frankovlc, the bride's brothe r. The bride attended Stephens College, Columbia, Mo. Her husband attended San Jose New York MRS. 0 . R. RIMER S.nta Ana Home Junior College and ls a grad- uate ol the California Highway Patrol1 Acade·my. He is affil· lated with Lambda Alpha Ep. silon. Following a Ha wai ia n honeymoon, the couple will reside in Santa Ana pending a transfer to San Diego. Setting BlaJr House, the Pentacon and othtr hlstodcal sllel." She added "We alto _.. dakt0 throo,i. Air Force One. the Pmident'a alrpl.... II seemed enormouJ and ._. decorated In 1hadu ol pale blue and gold." On • tour of the White Houae. Ult Whittier classmate• were treated to a vlalt in tile President'• Oval Office, a place most tourists never see. Mn. Realsnyder ,...ailed, "President Nixon's office was done In ~ and bluet. It was dignified' yet very warm." The Newport Beach vi.sitar was especially impressed with the penonal !ouches Mrs. Nix· on 11ve ~ the White Howie. . ...,,.,. ,,.. r.-y cut no.ma everywhere, 11 ahe. said. "Mrs. Nlx90 peroonally ,... that every room has frtlb flowers dally." Prelident Nixon presented each former claumate with 1 memento of the visit. The men received a key chain with lhe presidential seal, a golf ball and a pen with the presklenl'• sfgntture on it. The women were given a 1old pin ornamented by t h e presidential seal. Mn. Reaf8nyder said that the preaklent seemed very relaxed. "He smiled when we were given our pirui and said, "It looks like gold, but it Isn't." She added, "I think he had as good a time u we did." El Camino Still Busy El Camino Real Woman's Club members have been busy with plans for ways and means projects for t h e summer months. They hosted a booth at San Clemente's Christianita fes- tival and staged a Card party and luncheon in Dana Point Community House, with Mrs. Ray Miller as chainnan. A workshop will be conduct- ed on Tuesday, and Aug. II to ~for the annual NovMnber ba,zaar. The Naval Chapel, Kingston , for Eastern Airlines. Her hus-~==========:;II N.Y. was the selling for the band is a pilot for EAL. FAIR vow exchange of Colleen They will honeymoon in h1arie Casey and Frederick J. Adams. ()(ficianl was the S w i ~ z ~ r I an~ before Rev. Edward E. Obersladt. establishing lhe1r home in Parents' of the bridal couple ~ew Yor~-__ _ f•ll, 1.;,, f•clu•I. n •• ,. throo wor91 '""' up f1cto" iit op1r•lio111 '"' th1 DAILY l'll01 1dif•ri1J p191 0¥1ty 1'•y. LITTLE GUYS 'N DOLLS a.re t.1r . and Mrs. Lloyd A. Casey ol Huntington Beach and t.1r . and Mrs. F. G. Adams o( Hamburg and New York City. CHILDREN'S HAIR STYLING The bride attended Santa Ana and Newport Beach schools and is a stewardess • ,.,..,"1101111 lcl110f" Styll1111 --DiffY-J""i9J-CllMI' -...iya 130 E. 17th St. ~=~·:~~I Potl: "'°"°INTMaNT '41·J6ff Cost• Mos• " \JC/ 0U.LE I, sALI ~ TIM urtl"" TA,.EREO HECl(LINE ... " Tiit! flowfflCI $HOUL0£R LENGTH rn '· Ttt1 n.111ur11 llQe "AlllT "' .. . TIW-!llW SHAG cwt •• " Tiie 1!1t~ "A" LIN E •• ..• to Sl.irt your spring with 1 fabulous fling! Fun, fashion end flaJr •r• )'OUtl \llhen )'CM.I fake It with one of our five fentastlc new synthetic wigs that slmply refuse to look synthetic. They prldlctll)' care for them· selves wtttt perlnanent cum ll\at never need.seltina. But at The Dernonlll"ltfOn you don't Just ptop one on yow held ..:I MW ltN. CreetiW ttytlsts helP )'OU select Just the rtaht stylt 8"d eolllr, thwl nM o.teln it fits pn» erly, teelt comforDbte end lodes .,.... And tt., t..d'I )'OU how to care far tt. too. O)oose: froni doi..s Of saucy Shldts in all fi¥'1 ,NW st)1ts ltld ••• FAKE fTI r.a -,our 11rtt "'" fOww ,,...,. •fMlf1· JMt .. ...,... ,. ,.,..,. "' .. ,.,.,.,.. '°lll!Ce R1!DUCTfOW l "f'ICTl¥1 TMRU JULT H"' FASHION l§LAND, Newport Beach 644-2682 DAILY PILOT INTERNATIONAL flQU(SSORI SCHOOLS START YOUlt CHILO OFF RIGHT WITH A MONTESSORI EDl:ICATION AGES 21/J TO 9 ....... _ ..... _ Your Child Needs A Montessori Education To EstabDsh The Joy Of Learning DON'T WASTE THE IMPORTANT FORMATIVE YEARS ... e A Mont111•ri •1'uc1ti•111 will p•••id1 • 1•ul!d M 11cotion1I f•11ll1'1tio111 r., ....... , ,,, •. 1ch•ol ehllJ. INTERNATIONAL MONTESSORI SCHOOL CONCEPTS e Eich thil4 tou9hl ln91¥i9u•llv •f hi1 1w111 l"•c•. e Chi19ro1t •••tht 1olf-r•li•H • 1M 111f J itc.ipli1110. e Untr191J 11•11•1. e Ap,,lic1t;•"' 1f th1 hitho1t 1fanJar91 •f ffi• M•nt111•rl 1'1'11tho.i. e Sch•ol AccrtJitt fion lioy A•1•ci1ti1n Moltf11,ori l111t1r1nati11111I•. Ages 21-2 to 9 Fan Enrollments CALL COST A MESA ••• 645·2'22 NEWPORT BEACH 541·2516 ••• ... _...,., •••.•••••• IJJ..JMJ s-tw MeMu •• J1J•IJMtJ7 '-99 ....,_ , • H .. t6Wl71 IN TERNA TKINAL MONTESSORI SCHOOLS, INC. PRIVATE SCHOOLS OEDICATI O TO QUALITY EDUCATION I /' I I (, .. ·-. -·-. ---·---...-·-------------------~----------~---------------·----~--------- Wtdnt!day, JUiy ~2, 1970 '' --_, .. ~plittin~ Infinitives Ruled Better Than Splitti'ng Hair~ · tobQther. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I w 11 fUcinated by the letter from the former teacher who e:rprtssed COfl(.'tm over the dilly slaughter or the English language. Her kind turns kids oer and 'mtlke:S them bl!< En(li!h. I'm glad she's not teodllng anymore . ANN LANDERS ~ tiooar~_. She ohould have asked, "Do they no longer teach grammar?" - R. L. OF HOLL '(WOOD DEAR R. L.: Please look Oii PIP 17 or Webs&u'• Tbltd New la.ten•tltu.I DleUoury. Yoa will fild Ute wtnl 11,anymore." (Dt Otey no loager cbeck eurreat references to detennJl.e '!Ut words lrt part of the language!) ' I became so upset I called his rta:P- tloWI and asked her to Inform l>ll wife. AJ>ll'l'<l1Uy lhe strl didn't ~le my advice because the doctor I• it.Ill carrying on with the wcxnan. She soa to tqs offtce four Umes a week ror • "checkup" and alls light paet aici ,people wbo muot wilt for boura to be ..... Please think of 10tnelhirlg ebe I ·~ do. I am 1lck over this. -SOS DEAR SOS: (let a pert.time ftll ... -off ..... ol that e--· If the doctor Is belul\'illl Uk• I Jackus, be'U prtbably pay fO< lilt footlsUeu, but It ls none of your buDne11. De AMA and the Coualy. Medical Saclet7 do oot become iavolYed la such matten. Of course grammar ls important, but ft's not U'le bHU and end..all. Any ex. 1 c!Un{:, original cornposilloo wlUJ gram- matical erron will get a better grade from me than a dull, unimaginative, mecbanic1lly perfect co m p o s I t I o n . Teachers who are hipped on grammar atifle creative eJ:clternent. Give me a bright, imaginafJVe ·stUdent and t catl leach him grammar. Spare me the stu- dent who can tum out an errorless es- say but doesn't have an original idea Jn ))Is bead. I can l<ach .him notbi.,.. -the letter from Ule former Engllsh teadler who offered a free. lesson on the correct usage ol iUd1 words as "bad" and "badly." She asked, ~·where are today's English teachers? Don't they teach srammar anymore?" I wrote a letter to tbe Ameri01n Medkal Alloclation but to dale have received no answer. nQ momlns I telephoned tlJ< Cow<)' Medle1l Society and spoke with a very rude wunan who said she WU "too busy" to bother with such lhllll!1. "TOO BUSY" -can you imagine! A doctor'• reputation and family is at stake and she b too busy DETROIT TEACHER I DEAR TEACHER! At one wbo 6a1 1plU counUeu Infinitive• and dangled many 1 pArdelple, I applaud your point of view. ·A person wbo bas nothing lO aay, ud toevey1 It In fl1wle11 En&llsb, sun 11y1 noWnc. DEAR ANN LANDERS : I just read As an English teacher who is still teachinng grammar I ~·outd like to in- form the writer that there is no such word as "anymore" in Webster'• die· DEAR ANN LANDERS: Ouc family doctor, who has a lovely wife and four children, 11 havlns an affair with, a woman who pretenm to be a patient althoug!:i she U healthy as a bor'\e. It hurts me to see this wonderful man ruin his reputation and datl'Oy his family with such foolishness. A few weeks aso "The Bride's Guide," Ann Landers' booklet, answers some of the m05t fre- quently asked queotions al>ool w<ddlni•· To receive your copy of this com~ pre.heruive guide, write to Ann Landers, in care or the DAlLY PILOT, encioiing a Ions, &elf-addressed, st.amped envelape and 35 cents in coin. Ebel I Fu If i I ls Wedding Planned Civic Function Mrs. Lincoln · Grindle will . lead members of the Ebell Club of Lasuna Beach for the 1970-71 cltib year. Serving with her in Sep- tember will be new members of the board, the Mmes. Gordon Forbes, vice presl· dent; Edward Nell, treasurer; and Richard Raclch ind Lewis Gillette, secretaries. Dirtcton will be the Mmes. Douglas Kenaston, Louis Zit· nik, James Agnew, William Hlnwood and Richard Boswell. Under leadership of Im- mediate past president Mrs. Hinwood, Ebell fullilled many worthy· causes. Again $3,000 in scholarships was given to siJ: graduating high school seniors. Financial support in various amounts went to American Field Service, Boys Club, YM- CA, Laguna Moulton Playhouse, Girl Scouts, Lyric Opera Associatioo, Saddleback College, Civic Ballet, Laguna Beach School of Art and Design and South Coast Com- munity Hospital. 1brougb the years, more than $15,000 has been donated to the hospital in the form of funds and equipment. Since 1959, members have given EBELL LEADER Mr1. Lincoln Grindle four parties a year at the adopted ward Lo Fairview . Slate Hospital. Funds ror these projects are raised through two main func- tions. A January rummage sale will be under the direction of Mrs. Maca uley Ropp and Mrs. liinwood. An annual benefit ball will be guided by Mrs. Agnew with Mrs. Aldon Clark as CO<bairman. In Utica Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mat.son of Costa·Mesa have announced the engagement of t he l r daughter Claire Matson to David Blackwell of Utica, N.Y. The pair will be married Aug. 29 in Utica, where both are ·employed. U ti c a ' s Lutheran Church will be the setting for the ceremony. The future bridegroom, a graduat~ of Iowa St a t e College, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blackwell of Keokuk, Iowa. The bride -elect was graduated from area school! including Co5ta Mesa High School and Orange Coas t College and received her BS desree from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minn. Silve r Sands The first Tuesday of each month at 8 p.m. members of Silver Sands 286, Native Daughters of the Golden West gather for meetings. Lake Park Clubhouse in Huntington Beach is the meeting place. CHOCettes Stir Success Into Flapiack Bat fer Former Teach er J & J UPHOLSTERY Mf:ANSI QUALITY, INTl:GIUTY, SlllYICI, CllAPTSMANSHIP. Cbocettes of the Little Mermaid Gu.ild will be flipping flapjacks again for Children's Hospital of Orange County from 8 to 11 :30 a.m. on Saturday, July 25, at the Boardwalk in Huntington llar- bour. '.Nckets t'or the breakfast, at 50 cents, will be available at the breakfast or by calling Miss Kath.Y Phipps, 840-4384, or Miss Adele Moody, 592-1883. Stirring up the first batch of flapjacks for early risers a re {left to right) the Misses Caroline James Janet Beck and Vicky Ridenour. ' Suzanne Belsey Wed WI LIKI •11.UT/l'UL l'UINITUll WI ACCil'T CHALLINGES 642-5876 646-IOSI Newport Setting For Rite Our Lady QUeen or Angels Catholic Church, N e w p o r t Beach was the setting for the nuptrals linking Susan Lynn Thompson and Ge 'ta Id Leonard Gleeson. Performing the double ring cerernohy were the Rt. Rev. James E. Cain of Stockton and the Rev. John P. Ashey II. -- Parents of the newlyweds are Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Thompson of Corona del Mar and Ml"!'l. Helen G~son of Lodi and the late Mr. James Glee:;on. • Attending her sister as maid of honor was Miss Judith Thompson, while serving as best man was Mid"lael H. Kurtz of Stockton. Ushers were Robert Wilsey a n d Gordon Mcindoe of·San ·Jose. STARS Svcl"•-1 Omll'f It on• of th• world't 9reel ett.olo9er1, Mi1 eol11mn i1 one of the DAILY PILOT'S tr••f fe1t11r11. ''I ' I ' MRS. G. L. GLEESON Sen Jose Home The bride is a graduate of Corona de! Mar Hlgh School and atte'nded Orange Coast College and the University of the Pacific. Her husband is a sraduate of BeUarm ine College PreParatory SchoOl and the University of San Francisco where he affiliated with Sigma Alpha Epsilon . The new Mr. and Mrs . Gleeson will re.side in San Jose. Coco Speaks Street ~ad lnfl uence Suzanne Martin Be Is e y Attendants were the bride's became the bride of Maj. Jack sister, Mrs. John Evans, Terril Sdlultz in a military matroo of honor, and Marine ceremony in Brentwood Maj. (ret.) Harry R. Shortt. Presbyterian Olurch. The John Evans and John Schultz afternoon rites were coo-th b ·d ' e r1 egroom's son, served ducted by the Rev. Robert as ushers. INVITATION TO ALL SMOKERS By LUCIE NOEL Believe me. at my age I'm "As you know, I ha ve never Ryland. The new Mrs. Schultz is PARIS (AP) _ lnd estru c· not looklng for a Jover. But changed my hemlines. It has The bride, daughter of Mr. a graduate or the University You ere cordielly i11vilecl fo 1Hencl 1 FREE pr11111t1tio11 011 th1 Smo~in9 Pro bl1m i nd ltow you c111 rid youn1lf of the h1· bit. Time I P.M., July 2l, 1970. tible Gabrfelle "Coco" Cha~\ if a long-haired hippie would caused a lot of talk. But the and Mrs. Robert Decker or California, Santa Barbara, I ea n e d forward, eyes approach me to make love olher night I wen t to a Belsey of Los Angeles, has where she was affiliated with ! !lashing : "fashion shou ld go I would send him packing. restaurant with a fr iend. He been a teacher at El Morro d · th b I I ' • W h i I e t h Pi Beta Phi. Maj. Schultz has l Tlti1 pr11enl1tio" i1 1pon· 101..I by th1 N1tion1I A"fi· own tnlo e street, u e Y we re said. 'Quite a few people are school in Laguna Beach for don't want it coming up from rederorating my apartment , SttVed in the Marlne Corps Smo~in9 Cou11til. there." I had to sit in the lobby greeting you.' I pul on my the past 8i.J: years. for 20 years with two tours The: designer was talking of the Ritz watching people glasses and imagine m y The benedict is the son of in Vietmm. LHn1 lltw \1911 c111 QUIT S,.c1 It Llmllld • CIH Nlw F., Y..,,r IHtntllletl about Ule way women look stroll by. I have seen every su rprise. People were playing Mrs. James T. Brown of 'lllt ct1t1ple will make its '"'• M1t11 H1111,1,..,.,. tMtll _ and men too. skirt length, from Instep 10 a ga me of make·believe. 1lley Missouri and tm late Howard home In Quantico, Va. where ..,,.,., HJ:-11211 Playful, provocalive, willy, midcalf -I am against mid-y,·ere applaudl ns silently in a:l llFSdl~u;;ltz~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""'~ib~ri;;degr~~001~11;is~sta~tio~ned~.6;~~;;:;;;~:;;:;';:;;:;:;~~ calf because it cuts the leg silent "·mage I was "~ intense, her monologue wenl in two. touched'.':: · ·~·J like this : i:~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l ll .. , do not scandalize the world. I am the enemy of eccentricity, and I am most depressed at the way people look. .. Don't the women rea lize their first duty is to remain feminine and please men? And not try to look 20 when they're 60? Or like a long-haired kid ? Why do they do It? "The men are just as bad. THE BEST R1•clerahip poll1 prov1 "P••· "uh" i1 0111 of the wo1lcl'1 moil pop11l1r eomic 1trip1. R1•d if d•ilw i11 th1 DAILY PILOT. around shopping Beta!' HUMAN HAIR WIGS s191s ALL SHADES Pltl-STYLID ............... , $24.tJ SYNTHET IC WIGS s191s ALL SHADES CUT & STYLID ............. , $2t,J fl"""'""""""''°'""'"".,:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:-;;:~xw-''P':t:;£::.::;:,,,...,~ DISPLAY WIG CLEARANCE! SAVE 50°/o to 60°/o THESE Pltl-STYLID IUltOl"EAN HAND MADI AND MACHINI MADI w1•s WILL lnAIL AT AS MUCH AS SZ20.00! OUlt CLIAltANCI Plt.ICIS STAltT AT 519.tSI THISI All DISPLAY WUiS FltOM OUlt SHOWCASIS AND SHILYES -IN A WIDI SI LICTION TO SUIT YOUlt. IUDG£T . ......._~t:!c~~,,,."".--,..,...,,,.,.,,,,. .. m::::.., .. ll CASCADES .... $17.91 JVJ eL .... SZl .tJ 10 WIG' MAIR STYLISTS READY TO SERVE YOUR EVllt.Y N(~D! VIVIANI WOODAllD COS Mmes Plus: ALL THE LA TEST STYLES IN ZODIAC EYE LASHES UPP!R & LOWER LASHES ALL HUMAN HAIR & HAND TllD .... ,..,, NOW '1.49 Mrs. Don Wolf, Santa Ana 250 E. 17th STREET DAILY TILL S:30 WIG & BEAUTY SALON COSTA MESA THURS. & FRI. TILL 8:00 548-3446 ' • I I ----------------------------------------~·~ I t c I j I I c c ' c t • ( • ' i I t I I I " I .; f I ( ( l f ' I l I I I -, DAll.Y Pit.Or H · NEW 'STEW' Rox1nnt. Riggins IN THE SKY Ka ren Lockwood TA ' MONDAY THRU FRID AY 9:30-9:3 0 SATURDAY 9:30-5:30 SPECIAL SALE OPENING-9 AM THURSDAY Grads Fly High Bullock's carousel leaves today for an adventure full of bargains. The August Sale is Bullock's Biggest. A California tradition. - Duty Roster Posted ' ' I ,2 .--~~:-:-"'"'""'='""="""'=~~--:·· I FASHION I I· . C01LEG~ENNE I I :============~ Two Orange coast women have just completed ln·flight training with Trans World AlrlineS. ' Miss Roxanna Rige1ns, daughter of Mr. and Mrj. Earl F. Riggins of Corona del. Mar joins her stewardess Sister, Miss Karen Lockwood in serv- ing out ol Kennedy Airport. Mlss Riggins is a graduate of Los Altos High School, Ha- cienda Heights and Mount San Antonio College. Committee Planning Fall Goals With University High School opening its doors for the first time in the fall, plans for a parent-teacher organization continue. ' The steering committee will meet. at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 28, in the Village 111 Clubhouse Uitlversity Park. Although ;., formal decisions c8n be • 11eached until the permanent organization meets in the fall, the committee of interested p a r en ls and teachers are · discussing tem- porary bylaws, provisions and goals. ,A possible name for the ~,is P~t.s, Faculty af!d I Friends Organization. Agendas of the forthcoming meeting are available by ca11- , i.ng Mrs. Deane Mallicoat at 833--1370 or Arnold Krenek at 833-1322. San Diego Classmates Say Vows Sandra Sue Bado, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Charles Bado of Costa Mesa. became the bride of Robert McNeil White of Calgary Alberta, Canada, in Christ Lutheran ChlJTCh. Parents of the bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. William McNeil White, traveled from Calgary for the ceremony and Barry Sullivan, who served as best man arrived from Vancouver. ~ bride's sisters, M~s. Marilyn Fisher and Miss Barbara Bado served as matron and maid of honor. Other attendants were the Misses Linda Seaton ind Patte Leonheart, cousin of the bride. Ushers were Stephen Tom from San Diego and the bride's brothers, Donald and Ronald Bado. Janette Johnson and Donald Lee Fi.sher were l\ower girl and ring bearer. The bride was graduated from Estancia High School Miss Lockw09d, daughter of Mrs. Daniel Walton of Dana Point, is a graduate of Santa Barbara High School -and at. tend~ Orange Coast College. CalMt MwR ""''-' JACQUELIN PARSONS Engaged August Wedding Planned Planning a late summer wedding are J aq u e Ii n Parsons and Michael D . Fenchak of Costa Mesa. The couple is to be mar· ried Aug. 22 in St. Joachim's Catholic Church. Parents of the betrothed pair are Jack Parsons of San- ta Ana and Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Fenchak of Costa Mesa. The future bride attended Santa Ana High School and was graduated from Prichard High School in Kentucky. The bridegroom, Say elect was graduated from Newport Harbor High School and at· tended Orange Coast College. Spread· Starch On long Cuffs When washing chlldr_en's overalls or jeans, dip the bot· tom part of the legs in JeftoVer starch. Starch helps to keep the cuffs firm when they're turned up. Starch makeSl the.jeaus stay clean longer and kteps the bottom of the cuffs from becoming ragged or worn from dragging. Mothers-to-be Ga in Support GAUERY DRESSES, F;rst Floot Venetian R:oom Better Dre1.se1 ~ • .... CM \!! Hil lilt " . '~ MISS BUUOCK, " ·lirst Floor Oe1igner Dfesses ..• , , , • , , r etlucttl 1t1 1fttl m9'9 The Gallery Suits & Coats, F;rst Floor Suits, Panlsuits, and Coslumesnd•ced }1 and more . ' GALLERY FURS, First Floor Greot Group of Furs ot o 11ery ipeciol valu e Full-length Mink Coats , . , •• , , ...••••• ,, 10h. female Mink Strollers , . , • , , , , • , , •••.••• , 995. Mink Jockets ..........• , . . . . . • • . • . . . . . 595. Circle Room.Casual Dresses, First Floor Alison Ayers Dresses, Sea~n·s Be st Seller 26.·28. Your opportunity to buy several ot this price from Assorted Styles ond Colors, Sizes 8-16. . •.• , •• , 16. Circle Room Coats & Suits, First Floor $40.$70. Two & 3 Piece Suits, Skirt Suits & Pon1suits in o selection of Potyesters, RoyOn & Silk, and Imported Wool Knits ........•• , . , • , . , ...... , reduced 1h TOWN & TRAVEL KNITS, fast Floor Famous Nome Knit Dresses' $60.-$80. You 'll ~ot the well-known designer by the smart styling and fine hond·crochet on these dresses! Ai:rylic ond rw1on in sizes6-16 .•....•••••..........•. 32.90-61.90 TOWN & TRAVEL DRESSES, First Floor A Group of McMullen cotton print dresses · , , • 19,99 Town & Travi l'Suits & Coats, first Floor Mode Exclusively for Thlt Bullock Customer, Kohn AH· Wool Coots, 'Tweeds Ond Solids in the New Length 63.90 Town, Travel Active Sportswear Firsl floor $40. to $60. Wide selection of Pontsuils, Fashion Col. ors and Styles •... , ••• , . , : , •. , ..•.....• 27.99 SOCIAL OCCASION DRESSES, Second Floor $33. to $46. Dre,sei. • , .... , , , • 19.99 to27.99 LADY BULLOCK SHOP, fast Floor Custom Size Dresses, Famous Maker Costumes ond One Piece Styles •.•.. : •.•. ;-•..• , .••. reduced Y2 FASHION BOUTIQUE, firs! floor $33. Mohoir sweater iockett, While &. frothy ColOtl; , SizesS,Xl , ............•..•.••.•...... 19.99 MAJERNITY, first Floor Summer Maternity Weor.5peciolly Priced Dresses, Tops and swimwear : .. , , . , , . , , reduced Y, to Y1 " and is studying for a degree A maternity support pan-I INTIMAT·E APPAR"L In secondary educaUon from tyftose has an open front panel ~ San Diego State College, for ultimate comfort during '=======s============~ where the bridegroom has pregnancy, says the manufac· r ' · received a bachelor's degree lurer. Sizes include short, 1D telecommunications. average, average-tall and tall . VIRGINIA'S SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOPP E lll4 E11+ Co11+ Hwy. • Coron• del Mir Phono 673-1050 H you'r1 1 n1w r11i01f!I h1 Or•"t' Cou"ty, or jiu! tp1"di"9 your ••t1!io" 1t th1 b11cll, w1 1•- l1"d 1 eordl1I f"Yit1tio11 to •i1il 0"1 af th1 f1w "ol4 f1thion14" f1btit 1tor11. Afl1r 22 v11r of 11r•i119 th1 b11 ch ••••· w1 tlitl f111 th•••• no 111bttit11t1 for q111litv n1m1 br1nd fibtit • phll 11l11l1di11 with 11wing "know how" to gi•• yo11 p111on1li114 t1rYic1. Tim i i1 1 pr1tlo111 co111moditf, 10 whv w11t1 it 11.,.lnt 011 '' promotion1I 111• f1bric1." Hopi lo S11 Yo11 Soonl VIRGINIA ,.S. For our btck lo 1ehoo1 11w1r1, 9ood "1w1I Wld1 w1!1 coriluroy 1tfi,.1d •• dl4 p11ld1 11Mf tolidt In lh1 popvl1r St•"'" H 1 o "''chin• w•1l1· ,bl1 wool1. • ROBES & LOUNGEWEAR, F;rst Floor S28. Famous fleecy Monk's R:obe, Ta sseled & Belted in Gold Cord, Woshoble, Blue, Red, or Green, fl.S.M· l. '. """ """ ....... """ ...... " 17.99 FOUNDATIONS, First Floor Hollywood Vossorette Under-wire Bro11iere, Locy Cups, Stretch Bock. While ond Pastels, 32·38B ond C $7. • """" """"""" .• """"" 3.49 32-38D Cups SS. . . . . . • • . . . . . • • . . . . . . . • . 3.99 NIGHTTIME LINilJl1£, F;rst Floor S7. and $8. Fomou1 Bl€nd Nome Pojomos, Size• 32· 40 .•......•..................... : ...• 3.t t DAYTIME LINGERIE, F;rst Floor $7. Famous Nome Half.Slips in Oi,cantlnued Colors 3.50 '1 \ I , ,. I I ' . '\ • ' COLLEGIENNE SPORTSWEAR, Second floor Stodiu{TI leng1h Wool Coot, Comet & Novy Reg. $28.00 ! ....... ,· .............. : .. now 15.99 ... . COLLEGIENNE DRESSES, Second Floor Three Styles. Cotton Pant Oret•es, Assorted Prints I. COLLEGIENNE SHOES, Second Floor Famous Brand Dre ss and Cosuol Shoeis·Regulor Pric e Ronge From $11.00 to $27.00 • , . , , r educed 50% " CHILDREN'S & JUNIORS YOUNG JUNIORS, Second Floor Sport1weor; Panis, Skirts, Blouses, Dresses r Huctll Yi PRE-TEEN, second Floor Blouses-Assorted Styles, Colors Sizes 6-14 2.79 or 21$5.00 ' GIRL'S SHOP, Second Floor School Dresses, Pern1onen1 Press, Good Assortment of Pla ids Sizes 7-14 • , , ....• , , •. , , . , . , . • 5.99 BABY & TODDLER SHOP, Second Aoor $12.CircleWolker . , ..• , , , ••.•.. , , , • , • , $7.,,. $18. Baby Aulomotic Swing • , ••• , , • , , •. $14.99 YOUNG SHOES, Se<ond Floor Sl I !o$17.Girlssi.zes 81/2 to 3 , , , ......•••• 5.99 Boy• and teen shoes • , ... , • , •.•..•.• , , , , . 6.99 HOME STORE BEDROOM ACCESSORIES, Th;rd Floor Closeout Of first Quolily ond Irregular No-Iron Per· cole Sheets;$6.50-7.50 Twin ond Double • . • . 2.99 $10.00-$13.50 Queen and King , , .. , ...• , , • 3.99 $4~60.$5.20 Pillowcases ..... , , , , , , • 1.75 SUN SHOP, Th;rd Floor Nb Core Outdoor Furnilure, California Living ot i11 Eo1y.Poce $150. Choise wirh Heovy Pod •. , , . 99. $52. Spring Bose Choir .......... , , , .. , , , . 39. . ' FURNITUR r, Th;rd Floor $219. Lo·Z·Boy R:ectiner. Choice of 3 styles, Limired Selection of Fobrifs & ~ougohyde , , , .... , 149. > SLEEP SHOP, rh;rd F~or Sove $30. to,S50. on yo ur Choice of 1ht"se Twin Sets Quilled Nimbos Foam Mattress, Odor Free, Cool 44. Firm, Tufled Inner-Spring Mouress, 3 I 2 Coil Count • .... ' •.•••.••.. '. ' ......•.......• 44. Quilted Firm Mottress, Primier Spring S!eel Coil 44. Matching Box Spring ........ , .. , . , . , , , • • 44. DINING ACCESSORIES, Third Floor Closeout on Fine Toblec1orhs from Colifornio Hand· Prints, Plains & Prints, All Sizes • , • , , , • reduced V2 MENS STORE MEN 'S FURNISHINGS, F;rsrnoor S 11 .-S 18. Famous Maker Long Sleeve Dress Shirts in the Latest Fashion Colors and Potterns7.29 o r 2/13.50 Coordinate Neckweor ....••.••••.. , • 2,79.4$,79 WYNBRI ER, F;rs1 Aoor S 13. Men1 Fashion Designer Orton Shirt• New longer Collor and Four Button Placket Atst. Solld Colort 5. 99 ., 3/15.00 MEN'S CLOTHING, F;rst Floor Ou11tonding Sov~ngs on R:egulor Stoc~, Name Brand. Sui11 ond Sportcoats ....•. rtd"cttl 1/3 111d more I I ACCESSORIES • FINE JEWELRY, first floot loose Diamonds ond Diamond R:ihgs •• ~ ..... 20% • ' , FASHION JEWELRY, First floor Gold.filled As11. Jewelry, ve,Y Beautiful '""'" l> FASHIQN ACCESSORIES, F<st Floor Sl 1 •. Famous Mok.er Sleeveless Shells, Screen.dyed 7.H Prints, Machine Washabht ................ . GLOVES, First Floor $7 ... $20. Famous Maker Washable Kid Gloves 5,H HANDBAGS, First Floor Shouldett. Pouches, ond Totes cosuol hondbogs in a great 1election of colors , • , , , , , • , • , , , , , • , 12.99~ " HOSIERY, First Floor S5 & $6. Famous Maker S1ippe ri. """ "" $2.'9 BLOUSES PLUS, Firs! Floor Famous Nome Bonlon Knit~ lops Short Sleeve 4.99 Sleeveless ••• , .. , , ..•• , •••• • · • • • · • • • • • • • 3.tt long Sleeve . ............. ' ....... '' ... 5.99 Co·ordinote Ponls .. -................... 1.99 MILLINERY/WIGS, First Floor AGiftForYou-1 $2S.strelchwig, I S2.50 conwig spray with the purchase of Jerome Alexanders' Moli~ bu stretch wig . , ..•...... , • , , , . , , •• , .••• 30. ' WOMEN'S SHOES, first Floor S25. Staccatos Fashion Shoe~ . "" "" ". 19.99 MISCELLANEOUS COSMETICS, Firs! Floor TOVAR WIG SALE $26. Oliver and Juliette •• , 19.99 $30. Streight Swinger •.•• , ••• , • , , .•• , ••• 19.ff $29.95 Human Hair Wiglet ............... '·" Stationery & Social Engrav ing, First Floor S4. King of Clubs or Queen of Heort1 Playing Cord Jig Sow Puzzle, 416 Pieces ....... ' ....... 1.99 NOTIONS, Second Floor Set of 4 Satin Hong,rs, Gold, Green, Cerise '4/1.99 - TOYS,, -Second Floor New Talking View Mosler. l ook, listen, Lough and Learn Now The Comblnotion of J D full Color Pictures Wit'1 Sound, Offers Greater Appeal to Everyone 11.99 l'lddi!......,l ..... 1. '' •• , ' FABRICS & YARNS , Second Floor Wid•Assortment of Polyester Double Knit,. Print, Stripes & Solicj Colors 60" Wide ........... $4ll9 , Stationery & Social Engraving first Floor S6. Cool Look Recipe Flip Album, Acetate Pocket$, 3 Poges occommodates 60 Recipes. ......... 2.H • - ' I . - ' ' ' • ' • . ~ .. .. ' ,• ' • ' ' ~ ' • ' 'I { ~ ............... ~~~~~~~~.~,-,-,.·-r~"~~-,..~~~~~~~~~~,-,.-,~~ ... ~·~·~·~·-·~·,·~·..-. • ..,.-...... ·~-~~~·-·"""·-·~·~·-·~·-·..,·-·..,·~-~---·~-·~-·~~·~~~~~~~ / ' ·~ . , ..... WtdntidiJ, Jutr .22, l97Q • i Tangy Summer Salads 'B I erry Tasty ~ Q'anberries add a special piquancy tO salads of summer lb.at are yununy -and dlf· ferent! Tb e J r refre!hing, tangy taste stimulates lagging appetlties ... their pretty color satisfies the aesthetic. The ruby red berry adds beauty to gelatin salads • . , combines deliciously w i t h fish, fowl , cheese or fruit in a variety of appealing salads for muggy weather meal.5. Why not try your favorite seafood in a shimmering cran- berry aspic ... or give your next chick.en "salad a new twist by adding f!JrfY poi.vder and cool cubes Of cranberry sauce. Mmm -yummy! And dif- ferent! CRANBERRY SEAFOOD ASPIC 6 sole filets l/t cup pickie relish 1 3envelope5u nf la vo re gelatin J cup dry white wine Juice of 1 lemon 3 Cups cranberry juice cocktail 1/3,i:uj> chopped c<lery .J/3 c~p choRJ>ed green pepper 2 tablespoons frozen chopped chives J cup chopped cooked shell- ed and deveined shrimp Bite-Sze greens Horseradisti Ores.sing Spread sole filets with pickle relish. Roll up and fasten with a toothpick. Ptace roUs in a mediwn skillet and add J cup water. Cover tightly and sim~ mer gently 1mtil fish becomes wrote and flakes easily. Drain and cool. Add anotller layer ol gelatin and chill until firm, Chill remaining gelatin until sllghtly thickened, Fold In celery, green pepper, chives and shrimp. Pour mb:tin over fiSl. rolls. <JtUl until film. To wmoJd, dip mold into lukewarm water for a few seconds, tap lo loosen and invert on a pl~, Surround with bite-size greens and serve with Horseradish Dressing. To prepare dressing: com· bine lf.i cup mayonnaise, lf.i cup sour cream, 2 tablespoon.$ horseradisti and 2 tablespoons chopped parsley. Makes I 9 x 5 x 3-inch loaf. CURRIED CRAN 8 ERR Y CHICKEN SALAD 4 cups diced eooked chicken 3 bananas, sliced diagonally 2 navel oranges, peeled and sectioned ~ ,cup · golden s~ess raisins 'h cup; salted peanuts Bite:Qze greem · 1 can (8 ounces) jellied cranberTy sauce, cut Uta 1..i-inch cubes \\ cup chutney, cfJoA>ed 1 tea.spoon curry powder 1 cup mayonnaise AlTange chicken, banana, oranges, raisins and pttnuts in a bowl lined with salad greens. Place cubes of cranberry sauce around the outer edge of the salad bowl . Olill until ready to serve. Ccmbine chutney, c u r r y powder and mayonoaiSe. Oil.II . Toes with salad vr'ben rea<ly to sei:ye. Serves 8. I Toast Delight Raisin bread makes superb French toast for entertaining : CRANBERRY W!NE ASPIC WITH FILET OF SOLE Stir gelatin into wine and let stand S minutes : then stir over low heat until gelatin is dissolved. Stir in lemon and <ranberry juices. S p o o n cranberry mixtw-e into loef pan, making a layer lf.i inch deep. O\iH until finn. Place ruti rol ls on gelatin. Simply dip slices of raisin bread into your favorite French toast batter and saute to a beautiful golden brown. Powdered sugar or warm fruit makes the perfect topping. • , Good Neighbor Pol icy 1-' I f-Newcomers ~ Welcomed • • With Tempting . · i: ' .; Come summer. hundreds of ~~families will pull up stakes ~nd move to a new ·1ocauon. ::With our mobile population, .. "; ,, ' • ' new ~~bors are no longer a rarity in a communHy. 1 r you have !'oe:W'neighbor . v"hY not t.a'ke the Jirst steps HOSPITALITY UNDERLINED ) Menu towards a new friendship~ Welcome her to the neighborhood wilh a special luncheon. Invite a few friend s and plan a relaxed afternoon ... ;;:: of good conversation and good l00<L Plan your meal for the sum- mer season .•. cool _and la!ty. A tempting salad is the perfect answer. Chicken Waldorf Salad, for example, is a refreshing main dish salad that can be made ahead and stored in the refrigerator until s e r v i n g time. Il's a colorful blend of crunchy red apples, celery. -..__.--, sour cream and the key to its good taste .•. canned boned chicken. Crust y Cheese Logs make an exce ll ent hot ac- companiment to the crisp and r cool salad. Just insert strips or sharp processed cheese into brown and serve club rolls. They bake in le ss than 15 minutes, so serve them piping hot Cl-llCKEN WAL DORF SALAD I can (S ounces) boned chicken 1 ~ cup sour cream ''l cup chopped apple i,, cup chopped celery 2 lettuce leaves Chopped peanuts Combine chicken, sou r cream, apple and celery. Serve on lettuce. Sprinkle with nuts. Makes 2 servings. CURRIED CHICKEN CAN BE SERVED COLD ''I have 7 children. I shop \Yhere prices are lo\Yest-Alpha Beta!' \ I • Mrs. Patricia Jensen, Torrance 1 ---------------------------~-------~ t WITH SALLIE GOING LIKE CRAZY ,., MARUKAN ·~· a hauntingly seasoned gourmet rice vinegar •. _ What do you do with it? Spriilkle on fish, abalone, shrimp and oysters. Does wondrous things wlUle they are cooking or afterwafds. The main craze Is to d~p like a salad dressing in place of the traditional Roquefort or 'Mlousand Is- land. No oil, al)d tres del- icio. Our good buddy l>ick Wandrocke, the congenial restauranteer who packs 'em in at the Ancient Mariner put! a bottle of ~1arukan on each table. When Dick's devotees of charcoal broUed fish ptat- ters ask him where Uiey can rind Marokan, he tells them Richard 's has It. Dick is one of our special people round town. Before Ancient 1'fariner fame, Dick sptnt a few years with us, doing all the things a super groecry man docs. You know, in the very old days, drinking vinegar was .. id to make yru thin. Marukan Rief: Vinegar allSO comes unseasoned to use witb oil, marinades or where the Wt of vinegar is needed. B"IG SUPRISE! The stopper on top even seals back on be- cause or the plastic cap inside. YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS Buko's new Dant.sh cheese spreads . . . little 3 ounce plastic jars, tm right size for one tim e around . _ • Wondrously soft and so easy lo spread, in 5 delicious flavors ... shrimp, lobster, salmon, ham, or mushroom A new cheese from Manitowoc, Wisconsin, said t9 be the only double grade A Cheese anywhere •.• ca11ed Lake to Lake, a very sharp cheddar with a world champion award. U you like your cheese without a&ied salt, try on Schreiber's for low sodium size. FLAVORED SARD INES Reese BrilJling cocktail sa rdines from Denmark , • , Would you believe •.• mustard or Sherry wine or Chili Sauce, or Curry Sauce or Garlic flavored. When you see "brisling" you kmw the sard ine will be especially lender fleshed, without bones or scales. They are dried or smoked over special wood fi res, the true Scandinavia way, to 11).ake lllem soft , juley and an extra savory tidbit. Ice cream with a sweetheart on It,, package that says. "For Heart's Sake." Brand.new, All S.ff, pure Safflower Imitation ice cream . . . peach, Caracas Chocolate, Cherr'y Jubilee, and Viva Vanilla. Right across the freezer ais1e , • , Ptfary Holstrom 's tart shells In 3 and 5 inch sizes. What swnmer fun to have fro1en tart shells ready to bake, to fill with happiness freab fruits and ice cream ••• KA-BOB-A SALAD You begin with bamt>s>o skewers and string madly . .. Chunks of raw zucdltnl, pi~cs of Cf:iery root, olives, artichoke hearts, cherry t o m a t o e s , mushroon>s, avocado, hearts of palm ••• You could even weave 'tn some of the usuals too ; , • tiny green onions, radishes, raw caulinower . . • Have bowls of dressing arourid, and Jet your fun people dunk their salad along With their steaks. Don't pass by lhe deli 's wondorous Roqlie- fort dressing. It is made with tender loYUl:g care and plenty of big ci~nk! of Roquefort oozing through. You'll rind It keeping com- pany wiUi the egg aod potato salad, cole slaw, and chorus of g-ellatin dellg bta shimmying f r o m the Hawaiian Delight to Chtr~ ries Jubilee with 9 more tantalizing sparklers ii between. Richard's the P e o p 1 e S tore, where tb e Delicatessen Home itadt kitchen swings wll.b a trlPlt beat in t.he summer • .. . I I I , -.-~~~~~~~~~ ..... ~ ....................................... _... .................... _. ......................... _. ........................................................... 'l'!l!!i 'BIKEKY A NEW TWIST TO AN OLD FAVORIT E ORANGE MERINGUE PIE DELICIOUS TOASTED Raisin Bread 45¢ • WONOERFULL Y LIGHT ANO FLAKY Butterflcike Rolls 6 FOR 31¢ FOR BRUNCH OR SNACKS Blueberry Danish EA. 15¢ HAVE YOU GOT A FAVORITE DESIGN, PHOTO, CARO -WE CAN PUT IT ON A CAKE - ASK ABOUT IT! . SllDEEKY - Hills Bros , Coffee 1 LB. 85¢ HILLS BROS. COFFEE 2 LI. 1.69 FOR PIE CRUSTS, PUDDINGS, NABISCO NILLA VANILLA WAFERS 12 01. 37c ARDEN AA BUTTER 1 LI. 83c GIRARO'S SALAD DRESSING, It OZ. Original French 39¢ BEL-AIR CROUTONS 6 FLAVOIS 3 '" '1 TRY THESE IN A TOSSED SALAD! REESE IMPORTED Artichoke Hearts 14 oz. 49¢ SNJO.P-E-TOM ·-· TOMATO COCKTAIL 10 oz. 6 ... ~1 PLANTERS MIXED NUTS fl oz. 79c SPRECKLES POWDERED OR BROWN SUGAR I LI. PKG. 2 '" 29c OEMINGS KING CRAB MEAT 71/.J oz. 1.59 SONA WATER CHESTNUTS l 'h OI. 4 for $1 HUNTS TOMATO CATSUP 2, oz. 3 for '1 SMUCKERS 12 OZ. Ice Cream Toppings 29¢ KLEENEX BOUTIQUE FACIAL TISSUE 125 CT. 4 '" '1 KIN~SFORO CHARCOAL BRIQUETS 10 LB. BAG 89¢ Ser.,e TROPICAL DRINKS, (there ore meny good mixes!) MACADAMIA NUTS COCONUT CHIPS BEEF CURRY FLUFFY RICE STEAK STRI PS TERIYAKI with CHINESE BARBECUE SAUCE CURRY ACCOMPANIMENTS ! Crumbled Becen, Raisins, Chutney, Coconut end Chopped Green Onions) FRESH FRUIT SALAD KONA COFFEE Th is is • menu +hot could e•sily be exp•nded Into a large Lueu p•rty, yet simple enough for • fam ily dinner. PHONE 673-6360 FOR . HOME OELIVERY IN OUR DELIVERY AREA PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 23, 24, 25 -~-... ; ~ ... . . . Organ 5erenade ,· } . . ~ ' ' . . , ·~., ~- For Your LIDO MARKET CENTER Pleasure NEWPORT BLVD. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE by Bernice Fay ONCE YOU 'RE ACCUSTOMED TO OUR COURTEOUS INDMDUAL SERVICE, AND FANTASTIC VARIETY, YOU'LL FIND IT DIFFICULT TO SETILE FOR LESS ! WE PAMPER OUR CUSTOMERS! ·KBIT · RICHARD'S HAS THE FINEST, AGED U.S.O.A. CHOICE BONELESS, STROGANOFF TENDER ROUND STEAK ~.tj~:~b:;ue"."'iy•kl CHINESE BARBECUE SAUCE: Mix 6 tsp. dry mustard with enough white wine to make • paste. Add 6 preser.,ecl lcum· quoti, Yery finely chopped •ncl I T. kumquat iuico. Blend thoroughly with 2/3 T. soy s•uce. Ser¥• wit~ b•rbecued meets. SWISS STEAK THICK BONELESS CUTS RUMP ROAST Boneleu for barbecue RUMP ROAST BONE -IN BEEF STEW Tender cube• of 19ed beef, perfect for Shish Kebab. Marinated Long Island Ducklings In • delightful orange wino souce: Chicken a la Kiev w111i i.11"•' ." .. chi'" Stuffed Roasting Chickens ..,.....,, _..,, Marinated Chicken Wings ,,., ., ., .. U.S.0.A. PRIM E BEEF, TOO WITH FLUFFY RICE ANO FRUIT SALAO-A SUMMERY DINNER Combine I T. llour, I '11 tsp. salt, 1/1 tsp. pepper, roll I lb. stew meat in flo1.1r mixture. Brown meet in 2 T. oil, in Skillet. Add 2 T. more oil, 2 C. sliced onions, 1/1 c/oyo gerlic minced. S•ute till brown. Sprinkle with I tsp. lor morel curry pow· d.r. Adel 1 C. bouillon. Simmer I V. hr'. At s•r.,ing time odJ 1/1 C. tom•to fuico, reheat •nd serv• OY•r rice. Sor'lel 4 98¢LB. lo 19LB. 89¢LB. 98¢LB. 1.09 LI. 1.39 ••. 59C LI. 49c LI, WtdntSdil)', July 22, 1970 DAILY mor . PRODUCE GARDEN FRESH, TENDER, LEAFY BOSTON or RED LEAF LETTUCE -2 FOR 29¢ SWEET, RIPE, LOCALLY GROWN Watermelon ~::~;e LB. 4¥2¢ BELIEITEllBH HORMEL CANNED HAM 5 LB. TIN 4~ 98 KRAFT MONTEREY JACK o• CARAWAY CHEESE STICKS 10 oz. 69¢ PILLSBURY BUTTERMILK o• REGULAR Flaky Biscuits 4 0 •• 2 FOR 25¢ This one hes pistachio nuts in itl REQ.E.SERVE BAVARIAN Braunschweiger • oz. 69¢ REO-E-SERVE, OLD WORLD RECIPE Polish Sausage , oz. 69¢ REESE CH,.MPAGNE CURED Sauerkraut 20 oz. 45.¢ . PKDZEll PDDD! RICHARD 'S FAMILY-PACK ICE CREAM BRIDGEFORD '10 oz. BUTTERMILK BISCUITS STOUFFER 'S BEEF STEW STOUFFER'S Chicken & Noodles STOUF FER'S TURKEY TETRAZZINI STOUFFER 'S 112 GAL. 69¢ 2 ,.,49c 10 oz. 11 1/J OI. 12 oz. 79c 79c 79c Creamed Chipped Beef 11 oz. 89c TREESWEET Orange Juice 6 oz. s FOR $1 BIROS EYE BROCCOLI SPEARS 10 oz. 5 '1. '" BI ROS EYE Peas & Mushrooms 10 oz. 3 ... '1 BIROS EYE BROCCOLI ., .. H.11 ............ "OL 3 .... '1 BIROS EYE GLAZED BEETS 10 oz. 3 ... '1 FLOWEKIHDP VIVID SHADES OF PINK AND · PURPLE ASTERS R•inbow or C rown typ• Special 98¢ BUNCH ?&# r r: n a· ·a A r r '& a ,Cl as ••a a r na r r · -· · a u auuo;u rs au nu tassa e Ac&Felt? •• nurzuu n asr:was PF ? 7 , -s-,_ •• ---LZWUW& raws so "£K.t.,....J!.-MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY 'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS OPEN DAILY 9-7, SUN. 9-6 OPEN DAILY 9-6 OPEN DAILY, 9·6, SUN. 10.1 DAILY 9-5:30, SAl. •·S OPEN DAILY 9-6 DAILY l :l0-6. SAT. l :lO·S I I I , . I I I •'i .,; ., .. . . M.. DAil~ ~l~o.T, ' • • .~-.,, J.u~ 22, 1970 Wtd ... d,ay, July 22, 1970 • N 6 PILOT-ADVERTISER · Slumgullion Reci·pe Reqyest Raises 'Hare~ on · Star Repo jrter DEAR NAN, Your' column for 111y 1..,.U. of time wbile . • rlOI 111)' IM(ll ~ Arth;jr """" are In the liv!na room. '. ~ -·---'"""· il die sauee ~ mad< ' -II ......... I -1 In -It -ratet or , ,... to ,._ 1111 pride tho!· ...,~ 1111 hat enouah. - ·, I -ant II tile few po... C0NNm G0&T; MINNtAPo- " In Ille w.ld wt.o -lo LIS · Jt CH be 1moo_. Mil, la mt11 lu&uea, lf )'Ill MIC lli a &1ltl11f11a tf """"' water w a "-ti htii and it ahould never be :J:llnc· Now, tblre ia a ender Roi-lhot m1e lull you, doml1 tel« I to in the container. Add the ea cream cheue soften to J'CK11\ dress up •"8"\ilble d!Jhes, dressing • (oot moyonnalae), yolkl, switch on the blender. temperatllre, UM!fl place in the crisP your lllldl, add color Heat ovtt hot water but dbn't Pour In the melted butler in double boiler. Crtam It with ajid chorld« to a party overdo It. It woa't CIJ!llle II a steacly stream. (About 5 a spoon, add I egg yolk> (one lunci-, lllOd for Ille boolllet, you teop ottrrlnc It durloc at a time) blending well after "!:t Nilly Kl-11po." the short procees. )Ilea, lfiMot drtp by ...,, malt. Put I ~ in secooda). Add II teaspoon Uae a.....,, lleater. one dilh, II\ ti alt, a daoh ol cayenne, I each. Now slowly add J table--lnc ude 25 cents and a - st amped , 5'K~esied. Nan Wiley ....... IJ 11111 sf,. -· an expert In that field. I ... 1 ........... "" cu In lour ..i a ilalf ~ pl anlllil !Mt -.... " ' darl World War II, I ate' ...,_., -' to loll ;.,, 11111 ,llolWldlllae aJ•l)'l leelN lo do tlllter If you make if in a <1-.Y bowl tliat jult 6ts Into Iii< bpiiiOn dotible boiler = juice ID aootllor. Let at room temjlohturt for at leut two hol1n before uiltic· Thea mett * cup of , .. _ prepared mustard spoons of lemon julce and a and finally the *1Mll juice. dash of salt. Place over hot LONG envelope and mail your cannot provide per 1ona1 S~ the Wender ard eerve witer and sUr till htlted r~est to Nan~ In cart .,...en to YQl!r "*inf quea• at ~. 'lbls makes two cups of DAILY P . tions, but questions of ...,.rat r t • -It, ehoppeli enoual! will 'N_,Mtl tepar9t.tl - . .,..... II 1!11 • U It ttudJ \hroush. It is delicious OTer pen. 11 •atm11 antt cooks more butter. ol uuce. coOl<ed ..,,.._, broccoli or Now and then I make a interest will be anrw.,.t in gradlially lll,t way. There Run hot water tllroUgh . the 111ere abo IJ a mock Holl'lll-caullflowet. quick liJUe ••table sauce her column. A\ltlms · your '"' LET'S ASK . * ""'· ·1• -... •1 ... · ~-wrar1oo1oa1- 9bOuld never be more than blender to wmn it thc;lroughly. daloe Y°" mlibt like to try. by blend!~, 11111a lemon :r:ons t.o Nan Wiley in care an inch «. waler In the pan Leave 1 tablespoon hot water Let •• ...,_ packi«e of For some quick tJ'lckl to Julee 1n1p ppa11 t)'foe IOlod lblsneWlpopet. ,, THE COOK lly " Nill Wit; .,,. -.,,...,._,,..;.... __ stuff or I~ 1u111>ed ~ -out ol poll ml pans to . lhclrooatill' 4etest !he Idea ol it;. but, like Art, yean bad .• J)Uled. Ind slum didn't Eeem , ~ bad IU I had remembertd f'. it. ·: Idon't10bocliufar10 , . World War I, but I troc1*1 ; down -of c;aiii •. jlaj'Tf Truman'1 ov .... u ceoa ot ·' tliat time, .bo!clod -fir • the "8Y lhejl did il 'Im ' Mid the wood -. d r1olil klich<lll -~ fire .. : a hliJftly JIOIW>it 111111 hid · to be riiadi out d • ....,. "' • tl1e ..... Wilen.' t h ~ y roqulalllai>jil grub, they uaually IOI Olft<lil, • • turnips, beet.st o n i o n s , " scallions and IOIM Premature. ly dur JIO"loes. Requlslltone for meet wwe teldom filled uni.,. U _ ..,. tins d Brltii!li beef or bull)' beef, ID CllOb sometimeo n>bl>ed a fimlor of a chicken « two. Mole 1 often, bdWtver, they aettled. for plclled Jiu.•. · ' Upon pr'llilq, I lo!amed that in nrtiJri6 !boriaael, the ~ -to kll'~ raJ>. bits and plckllna them JJt w~ tll8I had turned. "'1<li ..,. -· that made the lliot slum. To brlnc slum up tll dale . most Anny cooks noW havi · a ntw view or it. Rather • .-pieces of beef ire not browned but .... ked ill a stock made from 1he con- tents of a paCket includln1 bouillon and oplces. It ia described as a rather pltasant coqipromlse between chill ml ltall111 O.voringt. ~ the meat is teMer, variOU!I vegetables, ex~ potatoes, are added and cook· ed ·teoder. Oopendlnt 00 the cooll ll"" may be thlckenecl or hot. Potatoes are cooked sepan\tly, !he slumgulllon Is a 80rt of gravy -kif them. I am informed that bl ~ milltir y iD-atal-, chill pow4or is Iha • main lllWrinl. -TOM H. TiloMPSON, ICANSAS CITY, MO. Tom, I staff IDtlliilllr tf • .. (be Xailsu Ott llM"' a.cl a 1...i cook la ... -rlsM, e1eiolld IO inally ftie reclptt for vartto1 ltews 'a a • •"'~ -daat'l wt.at Umi. r*llll)' la -I cu't •lleJbl to p t • Ill lllem la ler!. TtiM wUI 1Mve to cDIDe ii tlte ••Jt ""'""'""al DEAR NAN ' I'd lov> lo Ml'Vt Hollandaise sauce at a Upr party but, for two rM:IOl\s, I havm't. First, t .d!Jlike beinl in the kltcben . · Loaf Cake Comes Out ·r ·wo Toned Spread spice or applesauce loaf cakes with ivory-toned brown sugar frolting. COmbihe in· top of double boUer l unbeaten ea yolk, • 1iS teaspoon of salt. S table- 1poohs: of Water, and 1 cup ---d lll)lt -.i sugar, packed. P'ot deeper ftavar and color, dark brbwn. qar C•n be used. Cbot over boiling w,ter, beatini rib rotary be1lor 5 to 1 minutes, or unUI mixture holds its shape. Remove fl'om beat ; add \~ teaspoon ol vanilla emect; cootinue beaUng until frosting ia 1Uahtl)' cooled, I lo ·2 minut.ts. . Torti llc;is • Spread Dour ti r 1111 11 generously With cllirdemotn b<rtl<f (I teupooo oonflmonl piwder for each II CUI> IMI\, t«). Si.de several tortilib Oft a large aheet d loll. Cut them in quarters. SO.I loll alid heat at lie deiv-for II mlnuiet. 'nlen, quickly roll each piece upu, ~ lrcim. lbil w\jk fllOI. FIU a naplla lined bo.sket 11111 aerve -lately wllll • your favor!,. cuny dtah . .. Golden Touch ~ When mokln( meat loaf dur· tna the """"''" .. 11en fresh nectirlnn art In 1t:a1on, add -,,, lbe ...... lnlit, dic- ed, •nd -oaion In the 111111 mi1ture. ) .. Rath Wieners · ALL-MEAT ~.r.: :=".I"" uc.490 "'' ·Sliced Bacon • luers !owl flfllls . ·Y.., • Dubuque Miss loWa clooica 73° USDA Choict IHf Bon1°ln Full Center Cut Round Sttilb LOW DISCOUNT PRICES! • U.S.D.A. Choice Beef .Blan Cits. Perfect For lhrlltculn9. I•. LOW DISCOUNT PRICES! c :1~11 lliflt ..... ::: it OlllrlllJlrlHlti~~ fl' .• , •• ,~ ..... ~.i:: ... ' .....,,, Fr~1kl '~.:"."' l: 18• ··~ ,... ='i::~ ~ ... Okar llJlt ~Mi.:l ~ 111 stti1111 Frukl ~'::-l: II' . 01e1r il111r .~: ':0:-~I' • ., .... Sall11tl Olttl• ':0:-11' 11111 SllUd s.11.. l:: 41' hilt SllMtl Salute ';:: ... 111111~111 ..... \':: •· 1111 ..., Ullilll .'I.I =· :;; 31' Luer'• Ultk Sallllp.!:~il• F1l'!lllr Jobi 'lr:r ~ I I' ll1fh'I Perk Slit• :t ii• lhll Sauug1 r.:. 'C:: ::: , .. 1111 P1Hltt 111111e~ ~" 1:.:-lr Yul Plllll st•k1.... ,. IP Yul P1tll1 S!Mks •"'r II' Perch Fllllt ""..:::"' •. 11' Cr1• ll•I ".:::r:-....,,,. 1211 ll'lldld ShrlntJ = '::' 12" ' ' ' 8onele1s Roast R~:~:~.:-,. 891 Lamb Shoulder Chopsait: D. Center 7-Bone Roast : ,. 691 Lamb Rib Chops r .. i.,;:.~~Lamb ,.$1" ..... .:: .. 1;.:-13' 0-lofte R•ast u~TC::!..~dc:, Comtd Brisket :.\~:r:.~1 1• 69' Leg of Lamb r .. lh=~-1• 9f lmall Loin Lamb Chops 1• s1" COLlllOOK MARGARINE BUIGET PANTYHOSE 8El·All CIUI PIES ILEEIEX BROWI DERBY TISSUES BEER ' So Flavortul! Creamy.smooth In Assortld Shldes and Sires l'r1111i1111 t.lallt)oln Alsar!id Flaw" Boutique Facial. Assortld Stoel Up f« Thooo Warm Doys Niadl . •,~. -a I e •Ii. '"' . . ·~ DISCOUNT FRUIT & JUICES ' ·.·"'""'"ta' ·11 a Bli"""' ...... 41;-.. ""81\ V11tbb11 Jukts ••• W.h ... .le Rich And Rt1111ho1 401· 1 10L 33; H In R~1l Gripe FlaYOI' Hiihw-.y Ptar Halves •:;:L 37; Cllll P .. ll h TllWll HouH~lktd ll•IL 21i I MC '8 Or In H1tvJ1 Too! ••• • . . DISCOUNT VEGETABLES Qanluside Tomatoes .. ~ •. 19; ... l 'Ll..&a "•l'I G!e" ~"t Bnnd lf•aL 231 1•11 W V1euum Peck Golden ••• ft-•~n TOWl1 HolOe R11ulal1 ll~L 23i ••-... or french Style Cuts ••• It. .... •11i· h Town kc\lsi 8'amlT .. L 191 \Ill OlpllllC Nu•ltloUS-llOl>Rlch 111 DI SCOUNT PREPARED FOODS CLin •/Bee Town Ho"' 1a.... 32; 11111 IS Ri"1 In Aovor 111 Ci••• Sp11hetti ~:;~:n ''.'::L 11; Ct ..... Beef Hnh l::r: ''~::-45' H' I Qerters Slr1i1ed Si•illc Fot•ila I I Fniits or \le1etlbles •••• 9c Neurishin1 I l·tr. 28' I Sltlstyill( 111 .. BANK ON THE SAVINGS Ar DISCOUNT PRICES! New Potatoes Hl1•w1r ''''' So Quick An! So Eny To Use. Ready In Minutes! fl·i•· 14' ... Hunt's Tomatoes ric~t~:T::~rn~ a::L29c Silk'n Satin Lotion Price Includes IOc Off label IO'h·OL Siu 76c Table S rup Quick· ick Toaster Pastries FllHP Kiit Just Pop 'Em Into Your lo;ster For A Real Treat! t:i.2t DISCOUNT SALAD DRESSING II. 1· D-2 Wbhbone 1 .... 18; I Ill n1~1n& 0 .. 11~ '" 11 Made M1yo111iaet:r; 1~~ 49' lraft Mirnle Wbip ,~~~ ~~ &1' 1a1dwieli Spna• A ~:l: ... ~~ 35' I ) DISCOUNT BAK ERY BUYS! Fresh Do11ts ~~°:'~" .l1!i 39' Fr•h Jeffy Rolls =~ ,.,. 33' Skylark Fr•h Bread 11:;~L 33' Fresh Coffee Cake .=. -391 (, . & 11 .. z. "" .~ DISCOUNT FROZEN FOODS 0.1.. ... J1:.... 1'1-iir Conc1ntr1t1 fUev lft Rich In Vitlmln C .. I . F. it Pies ~I Except . ·llf rll Blueber~ l·il. 21' ... a.1 •• 3J' ,~ B~occo· 11• S11a•rs a.1.1r 0u11ity II·•• 28, I' .... Tellder In Taste! 11t1o lae Cream ~·~:d• v~~'.1· 79' Enc••1a·d·11v1n dt 1<lm9'1 Riii M"ic.i7· ... AM nf South Df Thi Border T1,t1l ptt W..- DISCOUNT DELICATESS EN L•oene Cre1m ChMH ~:: 37' Dairy F l'llh Cheese s1~~ 2~~ 93' l1itatlo1 . Stir Cream :. S'I' Brae IA a1tter = !;~ 71' La111 u Ens fl.:""C.: '~~· 45' Cil1amo1 11111 ,~ 'l:t':. :: 17' ---------_L • • fi s b 0 • ,, a u • - } fr A1 "[! P: .t l~lou1 ,•.-art r~an 1.. ·~tra Whii ·Wini j In L foil . ' &-11 · · Pol ~ aW "Who r -... N -· ...... 7 PILOT-ADVERTISER N Wtdnesday, .Ally 22, 1970 Wednesday, July 22, 1970 ; ,DAIL V PILOT :JQ Taste Tip Poached brussel sprouts are fiavorflll Bring to boil in · saucepan: 1 cup of ohickoo broth or b0uillon1 1 tablespoon of dry vennouth, and a dash ol white pepper. Consumer Will Contin·ue to Shell o ·ut for Crabmeat · . Add 2 llk>w>ce packages o1 frozen brussels sprouts. Cover and cook about 8 minul.$, until just tender. Makes 6 servings. NEW YORK (UPI) ,... Once upon' a time, a record catch of fish rir shellfish brought a corresponding drop in retail prices. . It doe.m't necessarily work that way any more. Fishery experts say the &&me Ja9tors that are eipectea to wevent lower prices on a record catch this year of an estimated 100· million pounds of blue crab also contributed to a gloomy } fresh Ground Lean And Flavorful Beef . < ' ', I 2-lb. Chub ••••••• s1 11 I I•. outlook for the Unit~ Slates fishing industry' in the ne1t JO to 15 years. The nation's commercial fishermen currenUy supply about 42 percent of the food fish and shellfish eaten in th.is country. But i! the present major trends continue, that figure is expected to drop to 20 percent by 1985, says William F. Gordon, associate regional director for fishe ry eeonomic$ and services, U.S. Bur-.au of Commercial Fisheries. Gordon, who ls based in Gloocester, Mass., was here with several North Atlantic slates' n1arketing e1perts to promote the sale o! the crab catch and a reasonably good oyster catch, for which prices also are expected to remain stable. Gordon P. Hallock, sealood • U.s:D.A. Grade A Whole Plu\ftp And Meaty [ Cut·Up Fryers . lb. 35' 11•. marketing chief for Maryland's Department Of Chesapeake Bay A f f a I r s , blamed the present price situation on several fa ctors, including the high cost of catching, p a c k i n g and transPortation, and a shortage of labor to catch and process the shellfish. But America's growing ap.. petite for shellfish also is a factor, said Gordon. He added that per capita consumpUon of fish and shellfish has been about 11 pounds for n1any years, but the composition of that total has ' changed dramallcally in the past decade, As we became more affluent, We've begun to eat more shelllish and less of the less expensive fin fish. In 1967 (the most recent year for which figures are available), shellfish accounted USDA Choice Beef Boneless Cuts. For roilin or BBQ. lb. for 39.7 percent ol the per capita figure, an increase· of S& percent over 1957. Gordon said the fl~es cover import· ed as well as domestic shrimp, lobsters, scaJlops, clams, oys. ters and crabs. Most tin fish from east coast fleets are in fairly short sup-. ply, Gordon said, part I y because o( competition In the fishing grounds lrooi llO dU • ferent countries. LOW DISCOUNT PRICES! LOW DISCOUNT PRICES! ~esh Pork Steaks 79' Fresh Fryer Breast ~,11.~ ' lean "· 69' Center 7-Bone Steak ~.:. 69' Butt Cuts '" I" • Farmer Style-fr&n 79' Fresh Fryer legs °''msti'"' Thighs ·63' Swiss Steaks Thie• Alm Slloold" c.1s 79' ork Spareribs Tooder v,,ng POlkllS "' . Fresh C.111omla Grown "· USDA Choice Graded Beef '" c ~ealChops Blade ot 7·Bone Cuts 79' Fresh Fryer Wings E=r;0~.1~:r 29' Sirloin Tip Steaks u:~ ~1~~:1 $12' To Pan.fry or For Broiling "' '" I" : ~ eal Steaks Full Cirt Sirloin Bone-99' Backs & Necks ~ Es:r,~~ls'::~ 10' Beef Cross Ribs So lean And Me~ I" 69' Ill-Ideal For Broilinc I" "' USDA Choice Bff .POTATO ;swiiso1 POOCH BRAND POPULAR COTTAGE ' CHIPS TV 1DINNERS DOG FOOD CIGARETTES CHEESE Party Pride-Regular Or for Dip• Chicken, Turkey, Chopped Sirloin or Mexican Chicken, liver or Regular Flavored Regular• or King• (100-MM's $3.25) Lucerne-Farmer, Large Curd or Chive •• I ' I llYl·ei. l f•IL Jl•IL ~ ~ ~ • ,, ' . ~ 1! ~1{111)1 i I.! [11111) :I ij ;I ta tj ~ Prices Effectlv• In llcensad Sll1nys. DISCOUNT NON-FOODS ~.-OU rLOn Bowling Gr"n SS.Proof s399 Ill U S.yrs. Old-So mellow tool lift• Gillette Supe~ Stainless I 74; ll&dll "i artan Royal Scotch ~o!1 fl•1• s419 •~anion's Gi"n msu11e11-oo.Proo1 s339 Colgate Dental Cream ,, •ff 64; 5•GL ~l Fer "Perfect Flavor" fltU1 "-t traight Bourbon w~~~;~~p fl•• s319 VWhiskey, Blend wi;::~:.\'P tiff• s329 ~Winner's Cup Gi~ ~~~t' "'" 1299 Efferdent Ta•lets oe:.::. .. Alka-Seltzer Tablets Cover Girl Make-Up Sea & Ski lotion o:.~ f .. ··~ ,, 40 ,.,. ,, 25 1ac• 2-11, ,.~. SAFEWAY DISCOUNT GARDEN FEATURES GARDEN HOSE Liquid F1rtlllzer Bio-Humus 91 ' 53' spa 93; ~· MUMS Non.Rtinforced s181 S.IMI)' Brll!d 'as ~ ., 0 ''""' 50 '1 15 SO.foot IA:" 011. AU Purpos1 food In lovely Assorted Colors 811.)' An £.rtrt Ont ... , P llt1 J1c Cw den ... Foil Wrapped-Gift Quality UM. •a& t &-Inc h $199 ~ason's Mulch Wead And Feed Plant Food • · Pols • • ~~en J~. 7g ... ~1·· LDW /11 l'rlce. Ml =IY Brnf ror $599 lllkt--Covtrt 2,500 $Qllu1 FHt a WATCH FOR OUR SUPER SAVERS \ -when 10" '" ol'I lttm morlled 'Svpw ScMt,' It JMOl'lt • .-cial tlmporary MMnos. ~ b.low ovr 1..-.ry day diJO:M.1t1t price, Af.o, whetl w1 mok• Oii 1xc.ptionol purchase ' er Nffi'9 pl'Omolfon a1Jowan'9 frot'll Mmifacturen, W• ho¥• on OpPC>lfllflity to poM avr IO\'lngt along to you. lecatJM, thete cn temporOrJ •M'O tcivitt;s. we marl( thlm '$vper Sav.,,' Siad: 11p whll• 1n.. eno •1'19• ON In ilfflCf.'' LOOK FOR THIS MARK Mulli·l'ltrpost Covt11 ~000 SQll•• ttl Prices Eflective In Yoor Safeway Discount Store-Thurs., thru Wed., July 23-29 _l ... •1•• ' JUMBO SIZE Vln•Rlp1ned Full Of Flavor- ts ti~ ~ • Phil ~" ~ TIX ' " Finey Qu1lllJ Finn ind Golden So Sweet And Juicy- . Low in Calories, • Top Quality Banan" from Central America. Grear Sliced on Cereal. lb • • I Juice Oranges Cllll1r11l1 Y1l111l1s Juicy, fresh Aavor. Rich. In Vitamin C & other Miner1ls! 8~~98'' Ii, 19' GreenBe.-ns l1tr1 r1111y k111111tJ W11,1rt Frest1 & Younr-SO Tender And Crisp. Good With Many Me~us. for A Variety Of Dishes. Honeydew Melons R1~,;:;j~J0t:fJi!:1•• 1•.15' Pineapples '• Plums s.m lltn Yrrittr • Pachet Y11iow Of Wltlt• • hct1rt11n .::=. Ure• Pl11tet1111 1u,. From Sunny H1we!~1Ve Chilled Slices for Dnsert. Whtl149c •••h S fl Seed -'"' .... 45; un ower s or""'"'' ••• Y II 0 • ""'"' 3· .. 2ne e OW · nrons nm.'""'" '" ;,· Ca ts "'""' rr .. Oollr-3 .... 29• 1 rro 111cri 111 Vltllft!ft A •• '• .., .. But cblf1lfl!I eovitmnenl also llmlll the olae ol c~s, Gordon said that even a very sana11 w a t e r temperature change may reduce f1lh food suppUes and send them to new areas. A heavy &hore l'UlHlf lhat Increases water llllnlty dur· Ing spawnlng perioda also can klll young fiJh In etluaries lhat. oerve IS the fishes' "nursfrles.'' WhUe the n&Uon's per capita Cl/ll5Wiiptloo of flJh a n d thellfiBh has remaind:t ttable, total coosumplloo has . ln- ettased with the population growth. In . 19119, we ate S.4 b!Wnn J>l)W1d.s ol lilh ard shellfish -only 1.3 bWloo pounds or il caught by domestic fleets . While imports will remain available, at least one foreign nation that has been a big exporter for years now ls look- lni for imports. Gorckln said Japan seeks new sources of supply for the same reasoM we do -to satisfy a growing population and an increasingly alrluent one. "In addition, their fi.sbennen are like ours, they wSJt less demanding jobs and higher pay," Gordon said. The fishery expert said he expects a significant Increase in prices by 1990-65 as a result of increasing demand and in· creased oommercial flBhing by many 11ation!. i Continued urban and in· dust r i a I development, ac· companied by water pollution and other changes in water environment, also are ex· pected to take their toll, alter· ing or destroying coarta1 zone areas that are important to fisheries . There's one optimistic note tor the immediate future. Gordon said a record return is expected tn Alaskan salmon this year. This should lower prices, beginning in the sum· mer when new packing start11. Groovy Pleats 9~8 T!!N 10.16 ,,,, 1ff ,..; ... 1(f...,,,-... THE PLEAT BEAT pro. vides ;the liveliest sound un- der .the summer sun! Sew this swinger with or without pock· eta and belt to :wear now-ahd back to school. It's easy! Printed Patern 9168: NEW Teen Sizes 10,12,14,16. S~ 12 (bust 32) takes 2~ yds. 39-in. SEVENTY-FIVE CENTB for each pattern -add 2S cents for each pattern for Alt Mail and Special . Handling other· wise third~laas delivery.will take three weeks or DJOtt. Send to Marian Martin, 1be DAILY PIWI', 142. Cold Corn Fills Bill Frozen corn is delicioUI used in a salad. CORN SALAD 2 packaa;es (each 10 ounces) rroun white corn 2 canned pimientos, drained and mlnctd v .. cup minced onion y, cup ritlnced gr<en pepper It cup diced celery 213 cup oil-and-vinegar dresalng Cook com according to package directions; dralrt and chlll . Mix corn '!lib remalnlna Ingredients, Let marinate, covered, In refrigerator ror at least 1 hour. Drain and serve on lel· tuct. Makes 6 servlnas. • ............. 1 ~t I • : .J { ?°t'f r-,. r' , .. _, ,·,·~ : 'r C' I I,. f 1' ,. ,. t ( f 'f I' i' r i'''1"'f,,,,77~i'7? .. T~N~ .._,.,,,,..,. +n#+w:,;w .. =77,.,,t't 1 ¥"¥7 11 j"'"';:""J~ ....... 'f' ••• ~~--.·~..,.-#'". . --..----------1-tf " V\ 401bAILV PILOT Wtdnesda.Y, July 22, 1970 . BREAKFAST SPECIALS SKlllLESS LlllK SAUSAGE o-0z. P<G .............. -............ -................ -33' WILSOll SLICED BACON CRISPRITE ................... __ ................. ,_ .. "· 69' ,,---HEAT ti EAT BREADED FISH---... FOR QUICK TASTY MEALS PERCH .............. 1b. 79c OYSTERS •••••••• lb. '1.39 COD .................. 1b.89c SCALLOPS •••• ".n..'1.69 SOLE " •••••••••••••• 1b. 98c SHRIMP •••••••••• n.. 'I. 79 DUNGENESS CRABS WHOlE. Cl[ANEO-._ • . • .. II. 79' . OCEAN PERCH OR ROCK COD """ .............. "· 79' I ,.----oEL MONTE MIX oR·----.., MATCH 'EM SP.ECIALS ·VEGETABLES CUT GREEN BEANS, PEAS, WHOLE KERNEL CORN OR CREAM STYLE CORN NO. 303 CAN ICE CREAM ARDEN HIQUALIT\ HALF GAL. 65c . SWEET RED RIPE WHOLE ·MELONS • MEDIUM SIZE EASTERN CORN FED PORKERS LEAN BEEF SHORT RIBS U.S.D.A. OtOtaOI MA YFAll 11.UE llllON UAN TASTY WELl TRIMMED DEL MONTE CATSUP 1"4·0Z. BOTTLE·---... -....................................... . CALO CHIC.,CHIC.&FISH CHIC. & KIDNEY, CH IC, & LIVER OR SARDINES CAT FO.OD 49~ $ JUMBO TOWELS FESTIVAL PRESERVES 32-0Z.J.AR YOURCHOICE 59c \ PINEAPPLE-APRICOT. APllCOT -STRAWBERRY AND HACH SUNFRESH CHIFFON -a \ DOLE PINEAPPLE N0.211 CAN I ,! TOP SIRLOIN ' I RO• STEAKS ~::, I U.S.D.A.OtOIC£0RMAYFAIRBLUERIBBO~l I BONELESS TENDER WASTE FREE ·1~9 ~ ~~ FOLGER'S COFFEE /~: .· ... IT'SMOUNTAINGROWN ' ·I ·' .. ~ f.l •. 37c ,.u. s11aH•.s2s2 ,~ .... :~ CAN CIN CIN ·~~,_! ;~\!~ ~. . zr;:;-.l'iW LIQUID DOVE 22-0Z.SllE 4ftt DEAL PACK .,- CANTALOUPE LARGE $ SWEET for - ' I .~-------·~ _______ '_, __ ._, ____ _j ________ ---\ -------·--------.-.-----~ l • ROCK CORNISH U.S.D.A. GRADE A 1 a.oz. MIN. NET WT. FRYER PARTS CALIF. GROWN FROM FOSTER FARMS WHOLE59c LEGS ... ' lb. BREASTS,,( SPLIT OR WHOLE II. APPLE JUICE TREETOP-HALF GAL 65C CORNBHF HASH WILSON 15-0L CAN c MORE MEAT FOR YOUR MONEY AT MAYFAIR ENJOY Yi.~UI FAVORITE STEAKS OR 0!01") WHILE WE HAYE THIS FANTASTIC BEEF AND PORK SALE U.S.D.A. CHOIQ Oii MAYFAIR BLUE llUOll STEER llEF BONIUll ROU• ITEAK fUlL CUT ................... ,,,,, ___ "·' 1.19 BONIUIS ROUND STEAK TOP OR BOTTOM .......... -............ lO. 11.29 WATERMllON RUMP ROAST .. ,,. __ ,,,,_,_. ___ ,,,, ___ LL 11.19 ....OIM 1'1P STEAD ---.. ·····-·-.. --.......... -......... -to, 11.49 BllF 11100 CENTER CUT __ .. ,,,, .... ,, ... _ .. _,,, __ ,_,,,_,,,.,_, ••• ll. 59' BONIUU ROUND ROAIT TOI'"' IOTTOM ........ -.... ·--LI.' 1.19 llOlllllll B. STEW ........ ,,,,,_,,,,_ •. __ .... , .. __ LI. 98• COUNTRY ITYLl IPARIRIBS .......... -....... -... --.. • .. -·-LI. 79' PORK lOIM ROAITI LOIN ENO _,,_ .................... ----·· L• 79' loal PORK CHOPS ClNTER CUT_,,___ ---"· 98• mnlUr Dtliealusfll. LUNCHEON MEATS RATH 12-0Z. PACKAGE .ALL MEAT OR .ALL BEEF BOLOGN.AOR c ' cono SAL.AMI ea. \ . \ !f!;t~~-53! ~~!~,~~.~.~~ ............. l ·LB.CAN $]98 ~':!~~!sc~!~~~'..~~.~.~~~2-0Z PKG. 89' ADVlllTISED PllCES EffECTIVE 7-FULLDAYS THUllSDAY,JULY 23 TllRUWIDNISDAY,JULY 29 IOY·AR·DEE PIZZA .................................... 14 ... FiOZEN Vl&ETAILES WEST PAK ....................... Poly log 69' 29' NESCAFE _......... .... . ....... , o ... s 1 • 19 mruJfair Liquors--1 --..... IMPORTED SCOICH DISTILLED AND BLENDED IN SCOTLAND · IOYAL s OCCASION 16-PROOf FIFTH .3'9 !,!~ ~2~!. A OLEND 80 PROOf --Sth $ 319 TREVOR HADOI IOURIOI r,·:.'..';s"6/'8~ rm 13.79 ROYAL OCCASIOI VODllA....,OOl' _1""'13.39 ROYAL OCCASIOI RUM ~"\"~~..".'.:'"._"_"""13.39 MAI TAI MIX DON'" lfACHCOMOfR ,,,,; __ ,_, ____ , """ 99 COLD DUCK or C"AMPACiME -·'"'"$1.79 MAYFAIR MARKO 175 E. 17th STREET, COSTA MESA \ , . Wtdntsday, July 22, 1970 DAILY PILOT 4J . I • • .A !' ' I • ) . . . , ~ ... ~ ... ~ -::--·~ .! DAILY PILOT '.. . -· ---· -·--- Wedn!sday, July 22, 1970 Remove the Middlerrfen and Food Prices Will Go Higher 1'"ood wodd COit leag If there elated, for shipping makes load! of prgduct.i lo thousands isn't just a funny notion. ll's F~ lo this codn.try takts cent; ln RlWia, 50 percent. food from anu where it mAy ~ llnds himself wilh lit· were no mkkUemen ·between marketing even more ef. of consumer• while, mean·· a tact and there Is plenty leSI of consume i's' dlspGSable And it you read anything be abundant to those where tle or no bU!iness. ~· 1.n d' C0MUJ11ers. flcle}!t. time, Ul:e farmer tries to find of evidence to support it. incomes than It does In most at all about the rood situation there Is Uttle. competJUon determines the Surety, yOO've heard someone Think of all the time and your freeway edt .. In other One good 'piece of evidenre in oilier countries, you've Ttie lmpre91ion lbsit the price ... even for services . express that opinion. Whoever expense it would take for a words it takes a "mar~eting (even if you get tired of hear-other countries. You need 8 discovered this: In many number of middlemen is And this Is how the number said It understands JIUle about farmer or trucker to deliver specialist" to get food to you ing about it) is the comparison little less than 18 percent of areas, food shortages are not limllle,ss and ti:iat lhey can of middlemen Is controlled. efficiency in agriculture and produce from house to hollR .at reasonable cost. of costs in this country wi01 your lake home pay to buy due just to lack of production, charge whet they ple!Uie for A middleman who cannot Pl'06 mass food marketing. in t;allfornia . metropolitan Tbe .ldee _ol'lhe "roa.tketlng those i!l le~. !lf!Y.a.nced col}n· food ; consumers· in Israel but Jack of a workable serviC\?! ls i1so in error. Any duce services or compete at Suppose there were no mid· areas. it would be tmpoasil!le! s p e cj ali!ltJI!' (nlidCtlcmen) tries .. ·. whert· s~cializalion ·need 29 percenlf in FranCe, . distfibUUon system . : • 'there · m.ICldlemaii ,. who tries to the market price soon disap- dlemen. Farmers would sell One retailer can sell train helping lo hold costs down Is lacking. 42 percent; in Japan, 51 per· is no effective way of getting charge more than his com· pean. directly to consumers. Each ----='----------'--------'--=..::..:.:::.=:..:.:.~_::..:::..:=::::.:=...:::::...:::....'.'.=:'.'....--.:'.---------.'..-------- Canner would do all the marketing jobs . . . grading, packaging, transporting and selling. , Food costs would be high because farming operatiOl\S would have to be sffiaH and each farmer would duplicate work of other fanners. Now add some middlemen. One trucker hauls several farmers' products, saving h:>urs of labor and lots of trucking expenses. A central operation where products are sorted, graded, packaged and Muffins Sweetened Frost those muflins! FROSTED CORN MUFFINS • I Y" cups sifted nour :y, cup enriched cornmeal v, cup sugar 4 teaspoons baking pcwder in teaspoon salt v, cup chopped (medium fine) walnuts 2 tablespoons finely chopped candied orange peel ~:. cup milk 1 egg 1/, cup vegetable oil Frosting, see below lnto a medium mixing bowl sift together the flour, corn:- meal, sugar, 'baking powder and salt. Stir in walnuts and orange peel. Beat together milk, egg and oil; add to dry ingredients and stir only until moistened. Fill greased medium -size muffin cups 2/3 full. Bake in preheated 425-degree oven un· ti! golden brown -15 to 20 minutes. Remove from pan and drizzle w:ilh Frosting. Serve warm with butter. 1t1akes 12. FrosU.g Mix together until smooth 1 teaspoon soft butter, I.}.,: cup sifted confectioners' sugar and 4 teaspoons milk. Yo.unger Set GAME HENS r~~ 69' 20.0L MIN. .... BONELE$S TAVERN ,,HAMS RoN1stcilt Triey ::<.:. ........ '1" f'-RJhfl .IOH~, '•. 'l-$135 ' wwou: , 1b .... "" ..... 9 Cho,ice Beef Roast '~~~· 59f. •·Boneless Chuck ~:.:""...:' 89~ I Rolled Beef Roast ~:o.:::~ s1°.! APPLE SAUCE APPLE CITY DO NUT SUGAR /V/O/N/S/ s Li PURE BAG GRAN ULA TED f .............. ,_ ............. __ ,____..., Secfoocl Sea-ledions FRESH OCEAN PERCH . • •••••• a .. 89' C ...... Slulllp COCCI ... 00 ........ ~ .. ., M111HtSl1W -.._,.. • .,. r..'I" Chuck SIHks :::: ::. 59; I 1-1111 Round "..:::" •1:: Fresh Grolllld Chuck ::::: 77; Peppered StHks -=..~ •1:: Sl·1ced Bacon -·~-: ............ 79• Wil E HA~•~:·s SNACK : :~g~~~s PACKS : With this Coupon Only ••. W-5LJQll ........... U< Ill - link Sausage ....:".'.'.'.'~.. 33' I Oscar Mayer Bacon • .\1\"'"'m. .. i:'~ 89' • c..op.. lffo<1h• ""'"· -(~-0;:, I = n. •• w..i. hi,.,.,~ V. 0 _S ...,.,kc ... _. 4·Pack : ........... ----.-' .......... . A SNACKTIME FAVORITE •YELLOW ••• • RED ••••••• •GREEN •••• •PURPLE •••• HONEYDEWS Fresh Celery c~: ~~AT "'" 19' Seedless Limes 't~\,~' Ii.CM 5c Artichokes .":.":::;~ 19' ALL VJNE -RIPENED, FANCY, SWEET lb. S&W Golden Corn ~~:. ~22' I Jerseymaid Butt~°"~l~~~c:..~ 81: I Hersheys Syrup Jo<>LCAN ...... .25 I Dole F~uit Juice ~=~:~'.·~ ..... 3:$~ I Dole Pineapple ""'"-"' "" 25 · ALL·MEAT 1't.'°rf YONS llOT OI m. BBQ Sauce·:~ 331 .- 181 BUNS ., H1mbrrg1r .,. 29' FRESH FROM .., VONS &AKERY Bayer Aspirin ~ ............ 76' Ban Lotion =._.,°", .. 68' Sego Liquid :.'..~':..1M)t. 23' Exc:•IJ.d GriOtcl OufooorJ ••. Oscar Mayer Smokies ..... "' 79' Vons Cheese Spread ,,!::.;.":'d"~451 VONS GELATIN SALADS 13 ,l~1tf1!\;'-l7 ~o 14oz c1.. 35• FRU IT FROLtC . • 45t Fomily s.Oi. Ind. 1 lc Off . -------I [v/o/M/sljt·\11.lifli'·''''i''ll Uflv~\ VODKA ' ':g;,~~;CTJ849 Neutral Spirits Y2 &AL Slfl SDI 1 ~t"ii ' LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE ~ Rich in Vitamins (ft"' Minerals & Flavor 51>-oz. Con lend Cll -of.......,."'....., ....... wilt! ""~~-The hearty ooldtn ... ond bold block dftio" ~ d'°"'°" <-O&I, Tho """"' tDl\tt olld ihadtod -·di.pl"' , ... indloklwl choto<fff of !his hDtMI oott.cl -•· M(j~well HovieCoffee :,: ::: :.~. 87c D1I M11t1 Diii K1tr• n«. ........................ 13• D1l M11!1 ft•• hlllllft #lo CAN ....................... lS• Pl111,.11 .. ar1,.1r111 Drl1k11t1. -46-0L 3!• Sl1r 011¥t OR u.ot. tell. . ................ , ••• 1 .. 'THRIU · " ... • ••11 i , 59c BOLD ......... ,,, .83c DAll.Y I'll.OT A . ever ear. ., .e . save you. I : I • ' ' . First of all, FAD saves you money. That's pecause we discount every-item. You·pay-moredse:where; f . ' • . .' •• you pay less here. It's that simpie. · · · · · · ' " I • ' • . . . . ;:,,. .. We ·save you other things, too. Like .time and trouble. No-more· "hop-shopping" -buying, dlffer.cii.tfru.ngs . . .. . . . . ' ' in different storeS'. Iristead, you can colint on .getting·everything right .here. FAD,.you ·see;dlscOunts..prices, .. • ' ' ' • ' I• I T '(' not quality. So· the good thingsiyou're in the m.arket for -quality meats,.fine fresh.prOd~C:e, . -' · · ~ ' ' . • • • ' ' r your favorite brand names -·you'll fin~· at FAD. · · ·· .. ~ .:· .. No ·need to" panic about today's high prices. Melp-is more than. on the way. Ifs here'. • 1 • • ,,. . '., . . .. ' . l -- --r· r • I • . . ', ' . . . ; ' . ' ' . SANTAANA 2120 SO. UISTOl lT.WlRNER COSTl·MESl 2200 NUIOl ILVD. AT WILSON I I 4f DAllY PILOT Lives and Cooks Without Frills Organic Beauty Shuns Sauces By JOHNA BUNN Soot.la and for Ultee1 years myself, develop my character. all U!e reinaUUnc lngredlenls NEW YORK -In a nearly lived with her grandmother, I mean I want to be able e1cept the shrimp and J h I II parsley, simmer 20-25 minutes deserted bar en an whom she recalls was a great to pro e« " at rea Y am over medium heat until mix- unseasonably hot s u m me r cook. ''There was always to other people. Basically· I'm ture thickens and reduces one- , afternoon, a long-limbed, turkey on holidays or course, 8 very organic penon really." third. Stir often. ed · I ed I h Joanna, who was on her gBreenlood.,YM girndloly wl t .J-a with stuffing. way back to her home Jn Add shrimp and parsley, y ary a it a s enucr "She makes a chestnut Pitris, shared her favorite cook U minutes (or until cigar. dressing which is fantastic. reeipe for Shrimp Creole. shrimp are barely cooked). The girl, CMadlan actress-Serve at once over mounds model, Joanna Shimkus, who I'd just eat that because I JOANNA SHIMKUS' ot fluffy cooked rice. Serve loathes g Iv in g interviews. didn't care about anything else SIJRlMP CREOLE with crusty French bread and however, covered a slew of _ that and cranberry sauce. Large yellow onion, chopped a salad. Serves 6. subject$ from gypsy stews to She gets the ltelb ctanberries Large green pepper, diced Joenna's fa vorite fish crea- pi.gs and culinary arts (she's and 9e1uashes them in some 1 clove garlic, pressed tlon can be changed to pleai;e a card-carrying cook). way. And 1 remember eating 2 large stalks celery, ~ the palate: Substitute fresh Most slarUing "''ere her can-all kinds ol haddock." ped, optional crab meat for shrimp (or use did reasons for wanting to 1/3 cup butter half crab meat, half shrimp); ~op some of her "inner COOKING IMPORTANT 1 (I pound 3 ounce) can season the sauce by adding . resources" rather Ulan wan-Joanna thinks it's important tomatoes a pinch or thyme or a smidgin ting to climb on the star band for a woman to know how 2 teaspoons salt ol grated lemon pee I , wagon. to cook. "J like to, but ( Freshly ground pepper to substitute fresh garden-ripe Joanna's only interest in the don't cook things with sauces, taste tomatoes for Ute canned varie- acquisiLion of wealth is 50 just very simple things. And 1 small bay leaf crushed ty. Add a ·hint of saffron to she can achieve a life-long if I can. ( buy my fruits Dash Tabasco season the rice. ambition to own a farm, raise and vegetabJes organically." l teaspoon paprika To create Joanna's favorite 8 family and adopt children She caught 00 to that during l lil pounds raw fresh peeled, salad mix crisp greens -Ro- ot all colors and creeds. a recent trip to California. deveined shlnnp malne, Boston lettuce -wllii bod ~ t .1-A llandful minced Ire s h endive, scallions, toiriatoes, Admittedly an'' organic "Every y UUQ oo w~re, JI bell parsley avocado, carrots. slivers or person," she knocked me over but it rea Y tastes er. Saute onion, pepper, garlic cheese and dress with an oil· by her incredible beauty. Her With Joanna, beauty is an sun-bronzed face, entire I y attitude. "I have a very and celery in butter ul)1H and.vinegar dressing k vegetables begin to soften. Stir (available at health food devoidofmakeup,wasframed special k1nd of beauty I Ii e. frequently. Add tomatoes and stores). JOANNA SHIMKUS SHARES GYPSY WAY OF LIFE by long chestnut hair, calicoed 1 don 't like "'1'ect people .• --;:;::;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~=;;:::::;;;;::;::;:;;::::::;::::::::::::::;:;:;;::;;::;::;;;;;::::;:;::::;=::::::,:::=:;;::::~:::;:;;;;:~=~===::::===:::;,::::-C=-~c==:'"i by long exposure to a tropical I like natural beauty and, not1 SW1, pulled severely back off Iota of makeup. There's her face and bound with a aomethlng about•beautiful peo. rubber band. Her o n I y pie ..... they're beautiful to loot adornment: a slender piir of . at but when you aet to know golden gypsy hoop emings. them, there's something that detracts.'' ORIGINAL HIPPIES Joanna ,keeps her wonderful Joanna'~ alway~ ~? in-oul.door g~ looks with a teresled in gypsies. 1'1ey body-rubdown f o 11 o W i n I mighl .have been the original shower or bath with sesame tJppies because that's what oil. '!bat's a trick she picbd the hippies are today: They up in a book -.an homemade wander and don't st.'.ly in one cosme(ics she .found in a place very long. You find them health food stOre. "The oil's in America ~nd Paris. They light, penetrate! the skin m:t forage and hv~ off the land. won 't stain your clothing," she It's very orgaruc the way they said. live." Her reasons for bypassing Her interest !n these ancient movie stardom are again nomads was piqued when she unusual. "I reel my life is made the movie ''.The Virgin going to be Jong and healthy and the yypsy" 1n England 1 ho~e. J think it's going to last summer. be n1uch more important than Joanna ~as a t.remendous lhe two or three years that love for httte children and t have as a so-ealJed 'movie pigs. "If I could afford it. star • I'd like to .have a fann. some "And if J get into that bag, day and raase a I« of d11ldren. 1 might change and become ~I don't know why I love a different kind of person. children :so much. Maybe I For if 1 can't be that movie g1lt the idea from m Y star, it might affect my matemal grandmother. She penone.1 life lives iD Halifax, Nova Scotia. ' 9'e always had 11 or 12 SELF.CENTERED cbildreo around. I don't know "When yoo get into actin g, if they were all her own or even modeling, yoo get very if she really adopted them. self-centered and egotistical - but she always had a lot ol not everyone of coorse -but children who didn't have U1e majority of people do and homes living with her." you get spoiled. Joanna was born in Nova ''J want to be able to know Newest Cut 9 ··~ J . q \, ;I • 9347 8-~8 FAU. FLASH? Newest cut of all is the cardigan couldre55 to wear with or without the slide-in vestee. Choose trans- season blends, knits. Printed Pattern 9347· NEW Mis.ses' Sizes 8, 10. 12, 14, 11, ta. Size 12 (bust 34 ! roat- dm;s %~4 yards JS-inch. -SEVENTY -FIVE CENTS for each pattern -add 25 ctnls ff.I" ead1 pattern for Air ~1ail and Special Handling : othe:rwi.se third-class delivery will take three weeks or more. Stnd to Marian Martln, the Dally Pilot, 442, Pallml Depl., 212 Welt 18th St., New York ., N.Y. 1111111. Print NAME, AJ>. ORl8S ind ZIP, SIZE and STYLI NUMBER. High Cost Of Eating Spurs Buyer NEW YORK !UPI) -One of the best read items in the newspaper these days is the ad devoted to cooking - low cost style. Seven out of 10 women have changed their shopping habits as a result of higher food pricell, reports a study by the Bi.nau fl Advertising of the A.mer l can Newspaper Publlsh<n' Association (AN· PA). It found that those who have d>aiiged their buying patterns are more likely to see and recall an id devoted to low cost cookery than l hose women who lollow the same old patterns. The, bureau study measured the 1111*'1 ol a oeties ol ads on low coet food p-eparaUon run by Hunt-Wesson Foods, Inc. Interviews were con.. dueled wtlll :IJ1 women, ell homemakers, tn A t I a,n \ a , Pltl>t>urgll and Sm Diego. The study also folmd that: -Three out ol four WOOlCO usually look at supennaket ads in ~ before a majOI' oboppq trip. But the proportioo b higher a1nong those who have cha~ ed their shopping b a bi t s bceause of high prices. -Among women who recall· ed or recognized the ad with the low cost cookery theme, 77 percent had changed their habits because of price i.n- crcase:5. This compared with 63 percent among those who had not seen the ad, -Readership of the ads tended to build as the series progressed. The "crtaUve 1 ow • co s t cookery'' ad campaign began last. Oct.OOer. 1be In it i a I schedule which ended ln February i n c I u d e d 129 newspapers in 111 cit.ies with circulation totaling 33 million Addilional ads ~th the san1( theme slDce have appe1red. • ... • '\ ' #-' ... . JQU KNOW THE PRICE IS ·RIGHT ~· •• -~~ - UN1PR1CE UN1PR1CE VAN de KAMP'S MIXED 1ENCHILADAS VEGETABLES BEEF,CHICKEN, CHEESE, FROZEN, 7'.wlZ. FRESH PACT, GRADE A, FROZEN, 10·0Z. ~ ~ MORE FROZEN FAVORITES SLICED STRAWBERRIES ~~J~ 27' TIPTOP FRUIT DRINKs .~~~.10' MEAT PIES VANdellAMP'S 39c _ efE,, CHICKEN OR TURKEY, t-OZ. PKG. SNACK TRAY PIZZA ~~0~~ 89' COOKIN' BACi ENTREES !~~t~27' I V MARTHA RANDALL IDEAS! CD "'"" E,ll!lllllist DO YOU EYER HAVE TO PRE· PARE LUNCH OR DINNER IN A HURRY? tt Vot1 •t lik1 MOtt ti 11, yo11r 1thld11i. is ''f.il·to- tllf.biim." Y1111 1~11 co•, 'ftnitnce food1 lllllidl ttk1 littlt: tlmt tnd lflo1t to """1"-RAtPHS FROZEN GROUND IEEF PATTIES CAN ALWAYS IE FOUND IN MY FRE EZER. Tiiiy ltllfl -Jtlll'fl •r1111t1nt" llnclln _. _ _.,. Iii• In Miit Mlltw Mitt is .. "' 11rllti111 n .. i.,. 11..t ,.ro.. n.v .. fNlde fr•• 1ll0%"" witll Ill ldtlidM Dr .. u.tt"'- lrl 1411td. T"""Y (lltttitl 1n HIJ•Uly fTonn" ill 1 4 lb. M11. Thi ,.ck111 fits llliy Rrtt yoi11 !!MN tntf udi,.. i111ptrll· 14 •v ,.,.. • Y• cm,....... o~" m1_ny n yn llltd. TM. Mhciciu1 .,., plttiel colt leSi dNrn llc 1..:11, lortti .. yot1 ft\ llleft !Of yourftM fflltr. PATTIES Mo\Y IEPREP'ARED WHILE STILL FROZEN. Uf d .. tind. llHIW first.) 011ickly JJlll" fry, •10M or •II i. Mr• U- P ti II......_ Thi rmlt ii• .. Id .... 111Htll"M11rin1 ,ntit 1113.Smii.I& FILLINGS A TDPf'INGS ARE A WAY TD DRESS.UP' TIIESE READY Mf.DE MEALS. Y• c1tH•1en wilt 111¥11 fun prlllrill some ,, 1111 ..... tioM." FDA FILLINGS: Thlw P1ttil1. ,,,_ Ill'( Ollt tf thetl fillinp 01 top 11,ntil: lllhlly slktd 1Hll1ots.. cnllld l1t!ldl.frit4 , .. • pic,klt llicits. llklll 11' ...... t"'-II' cnlllbltll crilp UcilL lo•widrlftldllll' .. ttit.T1..i, ........ ,'lfthtr.Cffk••t-...... "FDR TOl'PINGS: T .. cMklf ~ wfltl Ill'( tllt 9f dle9' trtrU: IMUllt NShttl ,.,. ltllll, I •1lloJ1 tf tllllr ct•M, .tt... ...11.. W.ndltl will Ml• d!MM1 chill .... 1 1111011 1iflll. Mk• Mins tr cnlll c11 .... ~ r"tmlll di •. A IONU FEATURE IN YOUR FREEZER! Thest m111 11111ttf ,.ound ~ttf Plttfn un IHI tn· 1ov•' 111111 111n11M 11 a111Mt. Tllty oltlf 1 24·110111 ._11111 tn1- 11t ... mt1 •• "'~•lllthl llllCk. E3§a GOLDEN PREMIUM ICE CREAM J94 ,t.SSOllTID FU.YOllS. FLAVOf!Dl'THllrolONTH: r;;;;i ·l'RWIPIACH.1o·OAt10N l!:.l BUFFER IN TABLETS BOTTLE 0, 7 7 C 60TABLfTS BAN DRY ANTl-PERSPIRANT :;iu,.~ciN 8 9 ( COLGATE SHIVE CREAM •••""''"''*'-"~"''' 69• . CHICK KRONA-CHROME INJECTOR NOW SMOOTMER, EASIER SHAVING 724 WlTH SCHICK KRONA-CHROME IN- .IE CT OR BlADES..fKG. Of 4-ILAOES. STOCIC.tlP' NOW ANO SAVE 1--- BRECK sanw LOTION HAIR CONDITIONER IOl. 11.89 .• , WE WEI COME FOOD STAMP SHOPPERS MEAT MASTER .'.MEATS · All STAR BARWlRE •ICE '•Cit• IA" Sl'OOft • ICI Cll\ISHlll •!Cl tOHGS I tOTTl£ AND CAif Ol'INlll t OOlltlll JllJOlll • ll!IA!N(,. • IXIAlt IClllW PRICES ARE EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, JUL J 23 • WEDNESDAY, JUL J 29 AGO TAX 10 All !Al(llillC tT£11G UN1PR1CE UN1PR1CE ROYAL 'FRUIT GELATIN DRINKS ASSORTED FRUIT FLAVORS, 3-0Z. BOX Alt STAR. ASSTD. FLAVORS, 46-0Z. CANS \\o'la\. ~ .,..---·" SAVE WITH THESE EXTRA SPECIALS KERN'S TOMATO PASTE •·"·10' CAN HEINZ KETCHUP TOMATO JUICE TOMATO 26·0Z. BOTTLE IACRANIE:NTO. 5i<·DZ. CAN SIX PACK PUREX BLEACH FABRIC SOFTENER N~;~~FT All-PURPOSE S.OUART PLASTIC JUG 37' 39' 69' 69' SEGO LIQUID LAWRY'S DRESSING SPARKLEJT'S WATER DIET FOOD SUPPLEMENT RED WINE VINEGAR AND FRESH SPRING WATER OIL SAL.AO Ol'IESSING CHOOSE FROM 2 5 ( I OUNCE 35' 1·GAtLON 45' 11 ASSORTEO BOTTLE FLAVORS, 1G-OZ. BOTTLE tll: 11~iilR1:111~1~:tnn1tijj~:lt8til1U'I ~:-1ATERIELONS ·----. L RED !'J'/' RIPE V WHOLE MELONS .... QUEEN ANN PLUMs ~~\i:N~.19c CARROTS ORANGE JUICE FRESH PUR£ 99c ~·GAL OE.CANT ER """ 10' TOPS RtMOV[O 1·L8. CflLO BAG E-'. ~-----' GERBER BABY FOOD STRAINfO ~RUil <; 9 t ANOVEGETllfLE:; 4'.0Z.JA fi ' 89 c HIAllY D\JTY YINYL,1'110. OF JPAlll- GERBER IAIJ PANTS 45 ( GARBAGE BAGS HfnY, 1'1{G. O'I' .Jll---- SCHILLING LOMA LINDA BLACK PEPPER 43c I OZ. · CA,. I GRAVY OUIK ASSORTED FOtt l'kG. t9c J ___ ------- ~.~!~~.~!.~~!ti~~~ ~~~!s 5 9' TRASH CA N LIHERS H£,TV. Pll;(i. Of 6 FGLGER'S COFFEE MOUNTAIN GROl'i~ HB. 87 t CAN 2l8. 1173 "'· CAN CA"I ,I I ' " I • • ' • • v c • (' il u .~ p • • h • 0 It a p .- I I I I I j - 9 l'ILOt.~QVE~TISU S • Wed,.sd11, Jul1 2'1, 1970 Fruits Mix Wi th Rice ·Stuffed Cor.nish Hens Ff avored W ith Sherry ' ' NO J1Mitt« where you ·Wrn. ' brieny In the oven and then ric;e ....... 'to ftprt I!> tbe aerv~ as a bed • ..,.i ~anUO l(ociooal qr loool c:Wine. !l's for the hens. tb8t unIVeriall ll~dil Even, ll you haven't a · 1 ' · Y penchant for !NII havon with availllbJe, eur • · , · t.ii ,. lll80!, )'Ou'~sure to lol!• this venaUle aed 4'<1 · delicate ol>iC9 ilnd raisin BPI~· Hert, in a ~ for ed rice. Try it too With a cofnitb bent," rice ' 1a tO!ll\ed curry d. chicken or with lamb. wito w11sey· flMl<d rablN It adcil a noie of Sophisticalloo (-in ~ wine qr and It'• a "* main disb llavarina). A -of tbe tradl-extehde!\ too. timll drealing lellQllibc ii .adetld wUh celery, omm,, po!'!ley, thyme and a bile !#. .... peel. . The recipe makes llklre tbllll en<luF dreoolng to nu the h<ba, · ID our Tedpe prvvldea ll>at tbe remUitler be baked . ' Fld.vor Bonu s U you have two or tfu"e~ cooked siUSlge links ·leftover froril breakfast, slice lhem and a.dd to spaghetti sauce for ....,eo1 l1avilr, CORNISH HENS W f T H FRUITED RICE DBEsslNG ~ cup raisins 3 tabl-dry sherry 2 tableopooos butler 1 cticken bouil1oo cubes or 1 tablespoon chicken bale 1 oop sliced celery I cup chopped onions 1 tablespoons c h o p p e d parsley 3 cups oooJted rice 1 ta.bl~ grated orange peel ' I> teaspoon salt V. .teospooo thyme 3 cornllh game hens (1 pound eoch) 3 labl-melted butter Salt .and P'l>P"r (aa desired) Marinlle raiains In sherry !Of" 1& mio..... Melt buUer In skillet. Add and dlloolve bolillon cubes. Add Celery, -and pmley. Cool< uatil tender. Add rice, otaQlt! peel, salt, thyme and - -· ,...., lightly. SprXikle 1-Inside and out with ah and pepper, as desired. Rub with melled but- ter. Fill cavity of each hen with Ii cup stuffing. Tnm and Ue. Place in bakinc pon. Bake in 350 degree F. oven 114·1~ hours, or unW golden browh and tender, brushing occasionally with pan drip- piiip. Spoon l't!fnaiOOlg dress- ine into greased baking pan. Cover and place in oven dur- ing last 30 minute. of baking Ume. To serve, arranre dress- ing Oh plotter with hens. Makes I aervtngs. ~~ MEAT MASTER MEATS IT'S BARBECUE TIME I 49 MEATIUSTallEF GIUCK - KS M-OWltit ~llAlllHAOI POllSIEllS 79~ DISH TRY itfliel IAR<MlUEo ' BUTTS 59! ROU.E~ S!RVE IAR.a.ouED ' 49 MUT MASTER BEEF _ 7·BONE ROASTS LET'S IAA8ECUI! I stlOULIElt £ASTERN GRAIN·P£D ~ IOIELISS ROASTS CEMTUCllUCI 98! . . ROLUD 5111.0111 TIP ROTISSERIE ROASTS 7·BOIE STEAKS CREITTO•AR•l •Q .,,,~ 65! F"ESH PJ!! SAUSAGE ,..., 55 ~ l.UJf Nen-..tt•t•• CUBE STEAKS OICIO Oii ""°"I BEEF KIDNEYS. . \O·l\o~·•I. T;I DE .~!!.~~,~.~~'°~ . $199 •WITH THIS COUPON, LIMIT 1 IOX nRCUSTOM£R,VALIONLY 23·ZI 23 . UN1PR1CE COUPON 4'J+BAKERY BREAD WHITE ORWHEAT 11~ MNDWICH OR ,. SPLIT TOP.--.... 11,'-LB. LOAF w11m01w11uTSPL1T·TOP11UD H•.LO•• zs• LEllOll PllWHEIL COnEE CAKE SERVE WAAM ••• UN iPR .CE IN THE DELI SALADS POTATO, MACARONI or co~ SLAW, 15-0Z. CAllTON asc ~~!PJ~~~ .. ~ll~~! .. !~J~ .. :~ 16C FAMILY SIZE BEEF, 5%-0Z. PKO---------................ •s D.A.K. llPDRTED CAMMED HAM WILSOK'S PDLISI SAUSAGE IOIALl'OllCOUtlNAOCI $1 89 AND U.MDWICH!I, 1¥-U .c,tJt 1' l.fllVI WITM IGQI 98· ATlltlAIC,....,.,t·U.NO. . ~ VODKA.,.GIN SIUll YllU,@J •a•• U!ISNllE Ill ,;:::, II PllOF .. "0: ll:Mw;I ROYAL RE&llEU SCITCR ~~ $4.71 · ........ BEER IMZ.~ SIX PACK 89' THRILL LIQUID onenaeNT ..... IOTilf 591 TREESWEET FROZlN JUICE OflAPIFllUlT.f.OZ. 2'c ORAftOl.1-0Z--fie 1aoz..__11. HEAD & SHOULDERS lliAMPOD (.14~ ...... $l 3' Ill! TUii I CRISCO SH()fl;TENINO, I-LI. CAN .. , llAOS 'O"ILEAClf. INCU.. toe OFF, 26*DZ ---lk FINISH DISHWASHER DETERGENT, INCLs. 1k bFF, U.OZ -.. ---"' MAGIC lf'flAV ~/ZING, REG. 20-0Z.--. 17• ExTRA CfUIP, 20-0Z 17c ClRTl·FRESH PERCH fllLET8, FMQZEff. 11-0Z-....... M l'llH n1CKS. FJliOl'., 14-0Z. lie JI.OZ. 19c IREADlO lliRIMP, UOZ., F~OfEN -.... $1M ,, I \ I 'Meany' Takes New Role Actor Vincent Price prepares for neW role as host of his own TV cooliing series, "Cooking Pric•wise." An amateur chef and gounnet, Price also will puf>. lish a serJes of recipe booklets. Japanese Get Win 11~r By Dialing-a-dinner TOKYO (UPI) -Dial 571- 9141 for dinner. That's the telephone nwnber for the menu ol the day, ir you ca n get It. Tokyo Gu Company, Japan'I Iar,est public utmry, gives cooking lessons by telephone. "So many young hol.llewlves tonay know very little about preparing meab and. they are ttmpled to !Oly on p1ckaged, Summ er Dessert Spongy A really tender spqn&:e cake! SPONGE CAKE I Ii cups silted cake floor I> leaspoob baklnc powder '14 teaspoon satt ' 5 larse eggs, teparated 1 ~ cups sugar %i cup cdld water 1 tea1poon vanilla '4; tea1poon cream of tartar On wax paper •lft tog~r the cake flour, baking powder and salt. In a Jara:e bowl beat egg yolk• until Ibey belfn to thicken and are ltmon color; graduJlly but In sugar -mlxturo w!ll be v..-, thick and Ivory Cfllor ; lldd water and vanilla ud bMt lo blend. Gradually toid in llour ml•· ture . WKh clean belter in medium boWI but en whltts and cream of llrlar until they hold oil!! otralglll f>blla when beater 11 slowly wJthdriwn :- gradu1Uy !old into eg-yolk mlltule. Tutn inlo Ill ..... -10-lnch !Ube pan. lake In a )ln!he1ted 315<1esree oven un- tll outface sprints back when lightly touched with finger - 1 hour. • lnvfrl pan ; Jet hang unUl cool. Wlth a amall spatula loosen edge.11; ew out of pan with fin&lrt. Frolt 11 dtlirod. instant food& inslead of Im- aginative, b om e. coot e d diahes1•• a Tokyo Gt s •pokesman lold UPI. 11We decided to do something. We set up a tele}tlone service w h I c h anyone can call and receive free advice on the most wholesome and suitable meal tor a.p~cular day." Each day, 571-9141 provides a new menu for dinner prepared by Mn. Hlsako Yoshizawa, noted Japanese constultant In home economiCl!I. Dial that number and if you are lucky -the number usually ts busy -you will hear the cheerful voice of a young woman with tips for diniler. "This Is Tokyo Ga s telephone cooking service,'" the voice BMWerl. ••Greens are excellent on the matket today. How 1bout gyota for dinner? "It's a ~ Cl.lib, a fried ball ol wbeat fiom' douib filled with cabbqe and ground pork. llusband and children find It delicious." Toiyo Gas, which serves 80 per cent of tbe households Jn Tokyo, the world's most populous clcy (11.5 mlWon r"ldePla), started !Is cllruier dial oervlce in April. Telephone number 57J.9\4l Is fed Into IO phone lines '° that 10 callers can hear the day 's tape recorded mtnll llmullaneously. Tbe aervice has provocl so popular that the 10 lines uauaDy are bUly even lhougo they operate H houri every d1y of the -k. Tokyo Gas Is planning to eapand to 40 lines. "We estimole that wo ftl about 3,000 calla each day on our diMer. llne," 1 comPIDY, spoke1m1n aid. The present aervlce offers dltectlons In pr.parlnc one .nlaln coune 1 day. Tbe menu changes each dly and 11 rotated among J 1 p 1 n e a • , ~ and Welfarn dlohea. ' / I I ) lfl _DAIL V •n.OT Vegetable Refre~hes Dull ·Dish Jllll riatil !or luncheool or Bahl -"· these ch~ken recipes cen·offer a refreshing charlg<. ' Braised Chicken w l t h Vegetables combines tender broiler..fryen \\'ith green pep- pers, carrot!, celery, and wine. Baked Chicken Salad is a tangy caaerole that everyone in your britlge dub Will want lo copy. BRAISED CHICKEN wm1 VEGETABLES 'A cup flour I teaspoon salt If• teaspoon pepper 3 pound broiler-fryer, cul up ·1 , tab!"""""' "' ~ cUp white wine OR water v.-sail 1 'A cups sliced carTots s cup! dl<:ed celery ,.4 cup finely chopped onion 'H cup diced green pepper Cook!ld ri<e Combine Dour, salt and pep- per; coat chicken ,pieces with mixture. Brown ~cken in hot oil. Drain excess od from pan. Add waler or wine and salt. C.Over ligbt)y and cook 1k hoor. Add vegetabl.es; cover and cook 20-30 minutes or untU vegetables are tender. Serve with cooked rice. Makes U aen'ingS. BAKllD aDCKEN SALAD 2 ~ coated, diced chicken 1 'A cui:-; thinly sliced celery 112 cup dqiped, peanuts or abnoods 2 le-mlooed ooloo I le"'I""" sail V. I-pepper I cup mayc:mal.se 2 tab'-1' lemon juice v. cup grated cheese 1 cup crushed potato chips P8'"1ey garnish Combine all lllgredients ... cepl cheer< and polalo chips; mlI well. Pll< ltghdy In a caSaerole or f individual bak- lng diliiel. Spflnkle wltll ifated cheese and pobto chlpo. Bake al 375 degrees for 25 minutes. Serve hot topped wltll p a rs I e y 1aroilh. Se<Ws .. Two Ways 9270 $1ZES 3'-411 . r.., 11f ... i .... llf.::--... -1! ..... _~ TW~WAY QUICKIE~ But- ton the crisp collar on or off depending on the dep:ree of coverage you want! Few .ealll!, few hours lo whip up! Printed Pattern 9270: NEW Women's Sizes S4 , le, 38, 40, '42, 44, 46. Size 36 (bust 40) takes 3 yds. 3S·ln. ~ :i,4 con tr. SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS for each pattern -add 25 cents for each pattern for Air t.1ail and Special. Ha ndling : otherwise 'third-class delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to Marian Martin, the DAILY P1L0T, '442 Pattem Depl, Z31 Welt lath St.. New York. N.V. 1001 L. Print NAME, A.DOR~ "'ith ZIP. SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. BIG, NE.W SPRING.SUM· MER PATTERN CATALOG. 111 sty)Q',. -Crtt pattern coupon. 5(1 ttnts. INSTANT SEWING BOOK sew today, we1r'tomorrow. IL INSTANT FASHION BOOK -'WbaWo-wnr answers, ac-- ceuorJ, flpre lipi! Only SI. TURN ON TV WEEIC Ire•,. yo11 t11rto4 .. wflet'1 hep,..Siltf \•hlH tho hlk -... .,., s • .-.i •• h1 tho OAll T '1l0f. ' U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF .·plus . ROUND or CHUCK BONELESS STEAK U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF N PIOLT-ADVERTISER , 9 POii DOUBLE ·•LUI CHIP STAMPS .WITll AllY POOD PUaCllASI - fal..di"lil fl11lcil Miik, lobcKui, Uq..o• LEANO.•ONE SWISS STEAK U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF BEEF SHORT RIBS LEAN ANO TENDER 391~. 98:. 79.=. RIB STEAK U.S,D.A. CllOICl9 5c •••• 880 fAYOalTI llt. FROZEN FOODS ' ' SIMPLE SIMON APPLE PIE 9·1NCH 59c SIZE DELI CA JESSEN ALL . 111AT 1 • Z. PKG. ROCKINGHAM BLENDED KENTUCKY WHISKEY . GiiiiiET 'sHRIMP CREOLi 69• \J,S. INSPfCl'fO MEATY TURKEY DRUMSTICKS i'oaiMn SHRIMP :·~:: $1 79 Cflll-flfSH 69 FISH & CHEESE STICKS ·~;: c fi'si"s'iicKs ·;:~" 99· ' . SWlft'S-1-0I. PKO. DOWN & SERVE LINKS fUllY COOKED CENTER HAM STEAKS ASSORTED fOOD GIAllT ORCHID PAPER NAPKINS LIQUID IMITATION BACON BITS-INCL lOc Off DETERGENT BETTY CROCKER BACOS -• Pink • Aqua • Green WHOLE PEELED GLORIEnA APRICOTS 32·01. 49' PLASTIC FOOD GIANT PLASTIC WRAP 39~ 69• ORMELBACO alD LA81L 75c 11•L8. PKG. . MOllEU PAI.A.Cf 69 SLICED BACON !'i~: c "'' 29c SACRAMlllTO of 1!50 TO.ATO,· 3y,.,_ 69c JUICE ,., "'303 29c 25c con ' 46·0Z. I CAN IOO·h. 25C roll 1·:;E1 '3'' RIG. '4,29 QUART SONATA CALIFORNIA . v~l,~~E,'!.JtNES • PINK CHABLIS • CHIANTI $159 • SAUTERNE • BURGUNDY • ZINFANOEL GAL. HEAD & SHOULDERS DANDRUFF ~il SHAMPOO CANTALOUPE LARGE VINE RIPENED 5:•1 BLUEBERRIES SWIET FRllH PICKED \t-01· aASKl1 39c ; • \ I l 2.•·:·; ,., sac ROMAINE LETIUCE SLICING CUCUMBERS BELL PEPPERS JUICY I StEAK · " NECTARINES ! MUSHROOMS 2.7-or. tube SMAYE CH AM Menthol, lime or Regulor -·-..... 57c ,., SOLAICAINE -SPIAY -.... ..... ----- Sunburn ., Firll Aid ..... $149 ,., FRESH, All GREEN LONG GREEN THICK ,WALLED SWEET.-YELLOW MEAT I LARGE. BROWN '"'•· 10c lurte:h 4:•1 291~. I ' ! y,.i ... 39' 10: .. Allsweel Margarine Cit"ICI. 2c off), l·lb ....................... 29c Thoro Fed Chunk Beef Dog Food, no. 1 con ................. 27c Bordtn's Cremoro Coffee Creomer, 16-oz. jor ............. 79c Fleischmonn's Scif1 Morgorine, l·lb .......................... 4Jc Kovo Instant Coffee, 2-oz. jor ................................ 57c Johnson's Wox Gia Coot, 16-oz. ............................. 59c Minute Maid Frozen Orange Juice, 16·0l. ton ............. 65c Kingsford Bnque11es. IO·lb bog ............................. 99c Wesson 011, 38·01 . bollle ............................... 85c Bold laundry Detergent (incl. 25c olf).'84-oz ........ .$1 .1 4 Salvo loundry Oelergent Table1 s. 46·oz .................. 79c Biz laundry Prt-Sook (incl. 10c off), 25·oz ................ 59c 2300 Barbor Blv d. at \l'llson St.. llnrbor Sb~pplug Cen ter, Custa ~lesn I, I I I I I l -' • • ---* __ ).__.\.. --c ·at ;;i ·::&:i:· r a ""= -#"J . ~.::. · ,,l..:.L -.':..'" ... ·• -·.: s"' :-•"= -,•.r_ -t ... ..,;. -' ., ' Bul Alt l u. k Fl Ueel Let if p Sode Mf1 Favot Cal The v Cri. Bia-~ Me Vane Chi Bi&' n Sol White Hill Two.I • • •• •+••••••••••r r••••••+•=••s ea ssecso est a a a czezsos • Red Snapper ......... 79~ . ' flDH 11.lm I ••• aad frelbneu mabl th• dlfferea.. in qualitf and n.iyor I It the?11 is a favorite !Wl, this la It t, .. tha mild flivor pleHet •I-' evtr1* I . Halibut .... ~~.~~ .... 89~ Dungeness . (rahs 79! Alwa1a a welCOllle favorite on tha lllOllU, or choose center cut ste&ka at this low price. Crabs that otter so much meaty fDQdaMI. becaw Md! weiibl upwards o! 2 poiin4fl ; . • •. Shrimp ...... ~!'!~~~ ...... $1-29 ,b Fresh Clams.~79~ Devein, dip in your favorite batter, and deep fry at 375 d.,.....I You'll love them ! ~·or a hearty chowder, or on the lialt.WU I Fran New Enrland I amsTmlS. ·• a. • FRESH mAKS! CENTER am ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I. Flnt tmh aword!Wl ot the seaion ••. rushed to El Rancho jmt tor th is sales event ! Broil them ••• and enjoy the wild tlavor o! really fftlh sword!'!Sh ! . ' ' mEORHALF! . . I. ·····~···················· Rich red meat from the Columbia River-••• !inn, tlavorful! Serve baJ<ed salmon for a family affair ! . . • UllER Cll SlllllS ............ ; ••••••••••••••• Sl.AI .. Fresh Catfish .......................... 98t. Sea Bass Fiiiets ...................... 89t. From the bayou country ..• rushed to you! Freah ••• from the icy waters ot the northweatl Monterey Squid ..................... 391. A treat for the adventourom iiourmet I Westem Oysters .................... ·W. S-them tried •• , or in a stew! 12 oz. jar. Sand Dabs ......... ~~ .......... ~1.29 .. Mah~Mahi ............................... 89r. Finnan Haddie ........................ 98~ King Ci'ab Meat ................. '2.91 a. Season, roll in flour and brown quickly in butter I Brinr back memories.of luaus at sun.set! Smoked for flavor in the Scottish, tradition I Rich delicate mea' from Al•sk•• Klnr Cillis! · \ Butterflsh Fillets ... ~'. .... ~1.09 lb. Cooked Shrimp ................... '2.98 t. Abalone Pattfes ..... ~.~ .. : .. :'1.39 • River Smelts .............. -.......... 59t. As tender i.nd tut;y u the name implies I Hurried here from the waters ot the Columbia ! Medium &ize ••• tender ••• hm's &Pl'Otite appeal! Brudecl, tralen, rud.Y to·cpok 14por12 GI. pq. Wmt•'• C,.ey Riuliftg Win• ......... fi/t1' ... 11.11 CMI. Kruq'1 Vin RoH ........• fi/U. ... $1.69 A""""4 R<>u Pinal Cll4'*""4y ....... , .fiftJ.,..U.IB . Whole Beef Tenderloin Heart of Sirloin ·Roast Center Cut Chuck Steak , U.S.D.A. Choice ••. &red! Broil it and eervejulcy alices !Wholeorhal!. $259 For the oven or the rotisserie ••• hearty !Javor of U.S.D.A. 'Choice beet ••• $J4? , •. ComPA?11 ••• and see that there really is a dif!8"'Uce in center cut quality I · ,59! Fl.ET Ml6tQf •••••• ,.79 lb. Ot. llOOND ROUND •••• ; •• at• lb. aarm51111.0IN STm. ,, ... Super Shopper Groceries • Cn.sco Shortening ...... ~~·-~ ...... 6t ' Use it for, deep flylnr, a• well &I In bakinr •.• and be rJad you saved 20c at El Rancho this weekend! ' Sara Lee Pound Cake .. ~!E. ~~c •• 6t Let It i.baw ••• then serve renerom alices, piled h.irh with aliced peaches or ripe berries and ice cream! Pudding Cups .... ~.~ ....... ~.'!.~ ... St So_dellclo111, so convenisntl Tate your favorite tlavora alonr on·a picnic, or for a midday anack at home I MiracJe · WhiP ................. 79-Orange Juice SUMlll 5 ~ '1 Favored <Jreuinr from Kr&!~ ••• 88-<>z. jar. Calif. juice ••• f?OJell concentrate! 12-oz. 39c Cake Mfx .... DUllCMHllS .... 3 lot '1 Mother's Cookies ........ 39; The versatile one ••• choice of 89c varieties. Enrllsh Tea, Oatmeal or Tatty Creme I Rer. 6Sc. Crisco Oil ......................... 79• Bir 88 oa. ••• lilbl-no oily after tute l Cinnamon Loaf ............ 4911 Downytlake , •• fro.en ••• serve hot with butter I Hot Slices ....................... 3911 ' Enjoy hot b?11&d from Downyflake. Frozen, 15-o:. Mexican . Dinners ......... 49• Van de K&mp'a ••• choice ot ""· 59c v&r!etiea! Chiffon Towels .............. 29; Bir rolls . , • colora or decorated ••• so abaorbent. . . . -Glade Deodorizers ...... 49; Let Glade clear the air ot unwanted acents ! Softweve .......................... 23; White or colors ••. toilet tlltue ln 2 roll. pacb. Condensed All .......... ~1.89 Jumbo ••• 9\li lbe. ••• low audl, low phosphate I Hills Bros~ Coffee ...... 83~ Two-lb. can .... !.61 Three-lb. can .... 2.3f Dove Liquid .................... 43- ~terr•nt that thlnkl it'a hand cream ! 22-oz. • . ·' ' ·", Super Shopper Produce/ Tomatoes ... ~ ~. .. 19~ Serve plctU?11 P?11tt)' lilcel or colorful tlavorful wedau aad enJQf :(l.uali~ Italian Squash ............. CAIDlll lllllR ............. 1' Favorite veretable that'• so well received with &DJ' sntret you mar Hrvl l Delica teBSen Specials. Bar f.tfranks ................ 59~ Ali meat I .•• and you save 20c per pound I Seafood Sauce ·.~ .. 3 lot '1 Van de Kamp'• ••• Tartar sauce too at thiJ price! P.rices ;,. •/fact Thun. !Moiloll s .... Julr u, 1<, u, 11 ••• No .z.o lo .,_,,,,, Ope11 dail11 9 to 9 • , • S""'411 1:80 lo 1:10. Bl Iltincho· Liquor ' Haney's . Scotch ~1199 Save 1.50 on the half·p]lon Ille thll welk I El Rancho Gin ....... :: .... U Savo 10% when JOI! buy the cue. -• , ,4.IS Ask the manager-about our oomenlent Charge A.ccount StlYloe HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Wa rner Ave. & Algonquin St. NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Cents) I • Also conveniently located stores ~n Arcadia, Pasadena and South Patdtne ------~-~-~---· .~~'---~------·-~-·-· ---~~-----~--------\ -.t.. 2 2 a AL~ • / I I I c ------------;;--------~.,.....,...,.-·--~--....,---------------------------- 9 DAILY PILOT WtdnHdoY, Ju!t 22, 1910 Weekly Specials Help • f.ood ' Budget With · Practice • ~u yi ng Eased • I' If you knew you could aave they represelLd a cross-sec-food budget even If you shop save? About six percent on dollars a week for food. The You need Ml stop wllh sav· grocery bill. you can save creen beans taste the same one hundred dollars on the lion ol food marketa, large only one tCore in one area. the weekly food bill. six percent savings amount! Ing a hundred dollars a year. more than 150 dollars. True, as those ot uniform size: and food bUl this year, would you? and small .,. across tht·coun· You can do pretty well, that If you like dollars and cents to a dollar and eighty cents. If you concentrate on buying the lowest priced items may only you and the spag¥ttl Jt rn1:y ,be easier lhan you try. is, ii you. take advantage ot better than percentages, here It doesn't eeem l ike the lowest priced items in not be the same quality as sauce know the c'nne d think.' .. . When the da_ta were analyt-, wtt~end special sales and is whal Ute six per~nt savings much .•. but in a y~ar's lhe store, you can have not the higher pHced ones. But tomatoes you used were not Each •eej, neai'ly every ed, researchers rouftd ~you practice generally th r'l ft y means. time ..• It's between 90 and &ix but ten percent. it may not matter. . whole tomatoes, but ' broken food'matketfeaturesavarietyl"_<_•n=:do;jpretliiyiliiweillilibyiiy~iur·buy~iµ~g~.~H~ow;;m;;u:c:h ;c;an;:you~'.::"Sa:y;:y:ou;;;s:pe:nd~~=bo:u:l ~so==IOO=d•:ll~ar;;;'·~==~::::°"::•:JO~do;;;lla;;"':•;wee::k;;;;;For:w:lt:ance,~;ir~re=gu=l=ar:iy:c~ut-:p:iece:•·:~::::-of !term priced below' the regular price. And some are offered :atr or below~ lbe retailer's purcha~ price. At first ~t. it may ..,ma U~ cmy. Why would I any retailer dCIJberalely oeJl , thin&• for ·1e11 tho ~ Paid ··: for them! Tbere 'are at ,Jeast ;1 three good reasons why, Food ••s2eciats:' are ~ merchandi.Sing tools • , . a method of competing with olber , stores .. in the area (everyone wanta our food dollar). Specials are also ·a v.·a1 of increasing trafRc now into the More ... more traffic, more food buyers. Perhaps the most imPortant reason or a!I · ls that the retailer hopes that once illslde the atore,. y'bu will do all your !ood shopping tliere. This retailer attitude of VY· ing for your food dollar can add up to 'real savings. E n u merators (professional price checkers) checked prices of more than 250 food items, twtce a week for a yur .. They checked in 30 retail food stores , , . picked because Fall Fashion 9276 *-" 12~·22~ t., 1'f Mi .... 1lf Mr' ... PresenUng our Fall Fashion creat -a yoked skimmer to sew In eight versions for now and seasons to come. Sew-Ea,Y! Send now ! Printed Pattern 9'llfi: New Half Sizes 12111, 14'h, 1&1h, 1111, 2011, 2211. NEW Misses' Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16. SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS for each paUern -add 25 cents for each paUern for Air Mail and Special Handling ; otherwiae third-cla ss delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to Mar:l8i1 Martin, the DAILY PILOT, 442 Paltern Dept., 232 West 18th St., New Yort1. N.Y: 10011. Rripl NAME, ADDRF.SS with ,ZIP, ~ · SIZI: and STYLE NUMBER. BIG, NEW SPRING-SUM· MER PA'ITERN CATALOG. 111 alyles, free pa It er n co,aport 50 cen ts. INSTANT SEWING BOOK sew today, wur tomorrow. $1. INSTANT FASHION BOOK -What-to-wear answers, ac-crsadry, figure lip1! Oply 11. ' Dieters' Selection Souped Up Calorie-watchers will ' • " preciate lb1I ~p. '< '; JACKIE'I 1uMATO SOUi' 1 can (10"' ouncea) con-· den.Md tomato IOMll t 1 1 oaupCOA\ioler ' llO·to~tOl!Ullo c-., . " .. \4 ... ._ !ll'OUnd _ ..... ...., . I pinch <( paprika ) amalJ lloy lea! Peppet'lo ...... In a IMIOtPM mix tecetber all Ole inpodJenta ; heat •low- ly, tllrrlnl often, to serving .. CANNED HAM -~, U.S. CHOICE-· BLADE U.S. CHOICE· BLADE U.S.D.A. CHOICE STEAK POT STEAK . • I; ' .. :~:;~ -~~··· ." SALE GHU.CK 'ROAST ' ·~"'" 89 48:B. 43:B. CH~CK c LARGE R!B FAM IL; ~TEAK LB. 459 . .... s. .. ~·~'.----"':"; ---·-----'"'' 311. TIN u1:s 339 PULLMAN HAM ............ . W. ···-""· 65 < 1eners 1.1 ...... 01 .................. 11:1. Ch ....... ,, 98 < eese lc"11hot~. ll;ondom w.,gi. ••••• ,,tt.. GROUND BEEF F,.,hFomavP0<k 49i 3 lbs. a nd Over ••••• ,.,,.,,,, lb, Chipped Meals :•:::;;:;:· ..... 3/1. BEEF ROASTS c_hok•Bo;..1,.c.,.. 98i Rib or Primo Rib-. ••••••• ,,,, ... lb. ' ' SPENCER. STE~K Ch•':""""'."'""'""!b. ~1 ' RIB STEAK ·Cho;,.,,d . ' • 1 39 8onole1\,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,lb. GA. ME HE. NS "'""'"' 69~ Corriish •••••••••••• , •• ,,,,,,,22oi. BREADED SHRIMP ~:.~~~:~,,., ...... !b 169 s PANTYHOSE ·· lnk••hffr With Thi• CMipon ··Llmlt4 Off..,. l.:piros 7 /21 . 77~~· LISTERINE :.~.·;:.:~~ 76 c Limit t . onerlx,We17/21 ~ -. BEEF STEAKS ' . I ' I I ' I 1111' Tiii' 11111'11\ . POPSICLE Swift'& 6 Pack \ Wlt_h Thia Coupon' · l imit 4 Off.,. l.:pires7 /21 24~. . TOOTHPASTE aot•U•Lt•; With This Coupon Limit 2 Ottor la,V•• 7/21 48~ KoldKlllhttorod 69,. t 2 oz. With This Coupon ~ Limit 1 Off., la:pW01 7 /21 " ... ' ' ' I 10 . •'"° •... ... . .01 •. --------~------___ I ' CORN DOGS "'""''!•• ... , ........ .-..... lb. 79~ RED SNAPPER ~ •• , ,;~,.;;u ............... 1b. 79~ FILET Of SOLE "'.,;,,.,f.\,; ..... ~ ........ 1b. t0•· . . KIPPERED SALMON TIPS ... : ..... !b 98~ FOOT LONG HOTDOGS ............ •b.69 i ARM CUT POT ROAST.; ............ ib.73~ . . I I.II' 1111' ! 1111'11\ NAPKINS Zoo Tr etpK ton•• With This Coupon . _&Jmft 3 Offer l•Jtir•• 7/2~ 10~. 1111' Tiii' 1111 I'll\ 6PACK7UP 12 oz. l•htrnobl• With this Coupon Limit 2 Offorlaplrol 7/21 59:~. \Al I 11111 11111'0\ SUCEDBACON PEACHES GURY HOl'lllelledlabol Witt, This Coupon Limit 1 Otfer l.:pires 7 /21 59~. SUCEDHAM lrld9eford 4 • 7 55 lo With thi1 Coupon '9 Limit 1 Olfo• bpi•H 7/21 4 OL SWEE T JUICY FREESTONES FRESH LARGE SIZE -SWEET WITH THIS COUPON 10 c Offll·D• ... 15. 7/21 EA. CLEA115ER AJAX t 4 oi. WITH lHISCOUPON ••• LIMll J .. Offll EXPfllS 7 /21 10~. BRIQUETS ·"_ Kingsford 1 Of with thi1 c0Yp9n lkftlt 1 Offor,l•Pir" 7 /21 69~ Pork &. Beans . JanolLH2·1 /2Tin ··22· C Wit Thl1 Coupon Lkmt4 Otterlxpiro17/21 . ' ... .l'~PER PLATES Alb•rt1on·1100'1 561< Wit h this Coupon '9 Llmlt1 - Offer lxpwo• 7 /21 -· . ORANGE JUICE Jan•tl••6az, 161< With lhll COlolpOn ,_. Limit 5 Offer hp;roo 7 /21 ea. I I Ir Tiii\ ( 1111'0\ DOG FOOD Daily Di•t,.,... Wlt!J Thll CCHlpon -Lhnlt6 ottor llf'"''' 7 /21 7.~: PRESERVES K••n:1Strow••"Y 58_. 21 With Thia Cevpon ~ Limlt2 Offorlxpiros7/21 ... \\I 1"11111 I fll 1'11\ C FANCY FR0ST FREE 21. i . ARTICHOKES 129 PRICESGO'ODJULY22THRUJULY'21 _MANGOS · 01 PAPAYAS SUCED CHEESE I \ ~~~-c~. 65c '""" I Off• ...... 7/21 11 ••· SUNSHINE ' 49 (OOlf:lt ~ COOKlf:S lOor, te;::r"'_., leaf. Makes 4 mill m'ftap ~ to 1erve ........ Huntington hoch-15511 So. Edwards Huntl~on Beach-8911 Adams Fountain Valley-16042 Ma9nalla Laguna Beach-700 So. Coast Hwy. . Corona del Mar -3049 Coast Hwy • . • r • • . . ' I J I ' , I I .. ·~1 .. I ... I:: ·~ ,) .~ ~ r '1· ' \' - I .. I ~· ;': .Wt f ' • . E -· ---- .... . ' ' ' ... . '1 ' \• • • ,. ,. ,f' ' · U.S.D.A. CHOICE . IONELESS , SPENCER.· STEAKS U.S.D.A. CHOICE BAR M WESTERN STYLE HICKORY SMOKED BONELESS . )YHOLE or HALF TAVERN ; ' ~ $1~9 HAMS ,. " ' FRESH DRESSED . rying RABBITS· c -1 ~1 WHOLE OR 79c 1} CUT UP I~ lb ., •• 1------ -"" --, '--~~ ·"·~·,,r~1 ---~ ' ;_'° "' ''I"'" -~------- SLUE IONNn SOl'T-WH!!'PED MARGARINE REG. 43c 11 Pound) LINTON 9 VOLT FOR TRANSISTOR llADIOS ' BATTERIES ENKASHEER PANTHIOSE WITH COUPON ·~~· 69' LIMIT OI' TWO ' I I ' • + -• • ................. ;: 0 ,,,._.,. ______ a ••• scssccsc :::~-~--~-'#,-~--r.;:-::;' 2 ::;; 2 :;;;' ;;' .;;.a~~-a : r, USDA GRADE 21A 21 WHOLE BODIED . FRYING CUT ·UP FRYERS • • • • 33clb. RATH ~ All MEAT WIENERS BAR M WESTERN STYL.E ALL BEEF KNACKWURST CORN KING SLICED BACON JENNIO· SELF • BASTED CiRA~E "A" HEN TURKEYS a.10 49c us. lb • 12 oz. 79~ 79~ Reel-Ii~ Nollllenz Watennelcin 4¢ IJ • ' . . . ' .. 'YOUR CHOICE : .. LanJe sm. men-.. PEACHES : Extra Fancy LaCirand~' , Nectarin:es · ". -... ~ or ~ . • Sweet LanMla : • PLUMS ~···· '. 19~ . . ~ ~: • • SNOW CONES lOC IPllNGPllLD POTATOES , oz. .:. "0' PltlNCH PlllD 01 CllNKLI CUT " • ) I ~ 4 ~ 51 SPltlNGFllLD F1sHsT1cKs· 'I> ... IOX PIHlllMI FA.IMS n•. 6r , at; I , , ' \ ~ ~ i . ' LAYER CAKES VANILLA. ~LDIN Dl¥1L 'S FOOD. CHOC. PUHi DUNCAN HINES CAKE]~$1· MIX . R ; ' ALL 39c VARIETIES GORDON'S BREAD • ROYAL YAMI P.•J YOGUdT 1 LS. LpA YES :#303 CANS SPRINGFIELD WHOLE KERNEL CORN CREME STYLE CORN CUT GREEN HANS PEAS A!'PUSAUCE PlRSONAL S!ZE IVORY BAR SOAP 4 for 25c FLEISHMAN'S 1 lb. MARGARINE 37c ICHILLING ILACK PEPPER 'AULTLlll SPRAY STARCH .:;. 5°' CAN 1 llG ROLLS SPRINGFlELD ' DECORATED TOWELS l/2 Cial. IMITATION . ICE MILK I • . 8 OZ. CUPS 5 : $1 JOY LIQUID · Detergent FULL QT. 69. REG 89c · C SCOTI Disposable DIAPERS 30 DIAPERS 99' REG. $1.29 . Jd PllCIS EFNCTIVI · · I ) THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. SUNDAY July 23, 24, 25r 26 PllCIS IUIJICT TO STOCK ON HAND • WE ACCEPT U.S.D.A. FOOD COUPONS WI GJVE ILUZ CHll' STAMPS COSTA MESA PLACENTIA WI GIV! •LUI CHIP STAMPS 19th Ind Pl1centl1 710 W. Chlti!Mn / j I -=-------~----------------------~-------.. --·~~.......-.,.._., ........ ~~ ....... ~--,~~ ..... ---------------...... ~ DAILY PILOT WedntldOl', Jo~ 22, 1970 11 a ••••· ~ az, 1910 N PILOT·AOVERTISU !IJ DOUBLE BLUE .CHIP STAMPS -,.o~~S~iMiiii11r;~· I Honeydew Green Fle11h · · IJelicat~1111en ·T1•eat• · ~"ICY RIPE ' EL S CALIFORNI A-HAAS 49' AVOCADOS ................ .. TOMATOES 25~ WILSON'S CORN KIN~ 12.01. m!R PIG .... •• STUFFING SIZE ·BELL 1oc TROPICAL ~RUIT MANGOS BORDEN'S 4 FLAVORS 19 C FROSTED SHAKES ................. ~:~i~'s .. PEPPERS... ea 4 for s100 CHEF'S DELIGHT AMERICAN 89C CHEESE SPREAD ....................... ~ic~: YELLOW MEAT-FREESTONE PEACHES SUNSHINE STATE FRODN · ORANGE .IUICE VAN DE KAMP-BEEF, CHICKEN, CHEESE ENCHl~DA DINNERS 13 1/,-0Z. PKG . 49~ c JERSEYMAID 4 COOLING FLA YORS SHERBET ~1~ 59! VALENCIA-JUICY ORANGES 8 ::-. 99c FRESH CUT ASST. BUNCHES CUT FLOWERS 89CBUNCH' llLUS TAX POTATO SALAD 15-oz. COLE SLAW • • 14-oz. MACARONI • • 14-oz. HEALTH SALAD 14-oz. Hl -C ALL DELICIOUS FLAVORS FOLGER'S ALL GRINDS ·FRUIT DRINKS COFFEE 4~i~f· 29~. ~~ 3-LB : s239 TIN · $ FOR 22-0Z. PLASTIC INCL. I Oo OFF IVORY LIQUID 2-0Z. JARS ea. ---=• Vlslne -· GA YTIME WHITE MARSHMALLOWS Discount Personal Needs 15cc-VISINE SMART CURL-ll•t· I FlltM HOLD EYE DROPS HAIR SPRAY .................. I •-OZ. PLASTIC PHISOHEX .................... OTHERS CHARGE $1.50 EVERYREADY ''D'' CELL BAnERY ..... c I OTHERS DIK0•11t CHARGE Prico 99¢ S4C '3" $249 LIBBY-FAMILY PITIED 25~ 2oc RIPE OLIVES s123 HINGED f'LASTIC SOAP BOX ..................... 19¢ 154 EASY TO USE HAMBURGER PRESS .... 69¢ SS• ~~~ 29c ·1 . 1 1-LB. 25C CELLO • ----- U.S.D.A. "CHOICE" BEEF CHUCK STEAKS 57~ MEATY SHORT RIBS ••• LEAN MEATY BEEF CROSS RIBS ••• 39~ LB. W-'fll THIN 99' PORK CHOPS .. . .. • CENTER CUT 99• LOIN or RIB CHOPS ........... ...... ~ LARGE LOIN -TRIMMED BUF .................. fb DRUMSTICKS .............. 55~ ~~~TY~HOPS .. C"ToENDRERNLEEED" LEBAENEF 89 THIGHS ... . ...... 49 •. SPARE Rias ........ . .,.... . ....... 85~ ....... . " ..... 79~ C 35• : FRESHLY MADE IUlk ROUNDS ......... ,t:. lb WINGS ......... ........ a: PORK SAUSAGE .... " .......... 55fb -. . . . . ·--' Prices Effeclivt Thursdey thru Sundoy, July 23, 24, 25, 26 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA e 13922 BROOKHURST, GARDEN GROVE e . 1308' W. EDINGER, SANTA ANA 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH e 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO ' !f f, I t • ' :, -' ' ' I t I\ 41 '7""' . I l l . l • • I • • . ' . " ! I • ' I l . ' ' ' ' I , I : ' I " " ' I • " . . ' I I I l I ' r ' • ... ·-------.---·---·-·-·-·-·-·---· ... ·-·-·-·-· .. ·-· .......... ,_, ............................. , .... ,_._.,.SIUISIUIJIUIS-IUIZIUIS$USSZS$US-! ;uz;uz;uz-c .. , '"' ;as •• -·••£ ., ., --£ •&---r-, II 4 P!LOT-AOVERTISER s Wtdnesday, July 22, 1970 t OICAIM.t.TIIALlMIAT 6"' WIElt&S . __ ,_u . '7-,,.,.llOS.suao . ! ''IQLOGJ11A~~!:Lm5 " SUCITTACON ..... :.t.6 7' I , SUMER. SAUSACiE ~i. 69' OWi-SMO•ID CINTll $129 , HAM SUCEScur ......... u. . SLICED SANDWICH MEAT SPECIAL! -·· mm-.. ~:,~;~~;, 3~~1 \~;~,::of z..., 89' ~~-~ $219 Dl~ar~k T~u,~k•_Y· _:::~'.:!.::C::hic::.:'':_" -·~-·-~-"-"__,.. CAMNl'S 1"0.U ~plcy Beel Jl•a.l•l·l'JU. ' ROUND t·J~TH RIB 11111. l~~lt BO=as.can,RED-C EROzs.C119TlflEDC IN LB LI. ao•n ·--·-.. ·--'~"' · lltT 1u111:111 -.. •.•1c I DCBIEI VUTAUS Taam •ai• •ss:cc lf. •2•• .... 771 PADCO BAGS ASIT. T'"l5'0• ... "' VACUUM CLLUlllll -"t;";J" , , GRAPES . EXTRA FANCY THOMPSON SEEDLESS LB. LAIGI FANCY YEUOW MIAT 19 C PEACHES : ........... LI. lticiiiiiNES .. Ll.19' Wtdnrsd.11, July 22, 1970 OA!LY '1LOT $J. {i.~o·•-•,, ·89c . . --••A.IT -.......... --L&' ,,.. :I •111••1TA,_-.,.. ' •. ftc ' \ ' ...... .. ................. Lt. .. ' -.. ,. a------; 'I" . 11:t•l111t ............... Lt. ..................... _. 'I" CUBllllAlll._ ............... -u. , . .......... OISTA___ .... CLUB 11'1AK1 -.......... u. ' .......... °' ..... --'I a' , ..... lllAlll --........... _ Lt. USDA-OlnA•--'141 POlllallOUll lllAK._ 1L£. .......... OllT••--• 1 •' TOP SmLO• ITIAK .......... u . ..... ..,.. ... ,""''°"""' .ftc GIOWIDHUt:m .. _ ........ -:.t. y· W LUM a: • ..._,. 55c GHWIDBDF --........... -.Ls. ---~ SAc IHJPl•..-n••--.............. -U , .. -. LB. ii'Oiiffo11a1na _u.79c C OFF WITHTHIS COUPON ON THI PUl!CHAH Of CHEERIOS 15-0Z. GREAL Piia WITH COi.SON ............... ... P1taW1TH01nCOWON -•• s2. REG. PKGS. PllCES EFFEIITIVE THUIS. thru WED. JULY D-21 4141 w :11,or A.,.11••· H1111+i111t.. htt'1 707 W•t Ni11ot.011th Str"f, C..t• MMe 1100 , ... c.111111 ".,.•11v1. o, • .,. t•JO f4i1111r Awew1111t, St11f1 A•• llJI W"hnl1111., 11"4., We1h11l111+.r 14171 R-4 Hiii Aw"••· T,..1111 • / ,...., __ .,... ____ -----~ ··----~----------------·-·----------~----------·-. ~~~~.-..~~~~~~~ ..... ~-----~-------.-------------.---.... .---. I i •' WtdnejdlJ, July 22, 1'70 DAILY PILOT 1 I • • -. Alpha Beta's Man in Blue ,. says: . JOE BANANDO STORE MANAGER 2720 CABRlllD TORRANCE save you 9. 8 2' . · ·, MOH.'=:~,·~~~~-·''" _ ' . •tqtal .Jtvinp il·o:iaiputed °" Jl.,lt1ftlt.~ The flrur• would be mucfl hl&fltPlf -& Jl_raduCi .. ,. _..., !JATL91W IUM.: It AM" .. 7 PM .. , - , , ALL VARIETIES PLUMS MIX OR,.MATCH 6 00 -~ '•" ' , I ' )' •• :::! ., ' CHECK THESE EVERYDAY LOW DISCOUNT PRICES! LARGE CELERY .;,, 19' RED ONIONS '""""" I Of• FRESH CARROT$ !-LI· I"· .~ · IO• SALAD or COLE SLAW !>"l'.1\ii • I IL• LETTUCE :lli.J':l'.;.'.")m,., '1.u, 111'.<u-ALENCIA ORANGES 10 l:o 97• B I h V el bl .,,, .. ,.,.,.,{f." 0 , u•c tg 1 es "'"'". owon .... I • MONS or LIMES "''" ''" 5• CUCUMBiRs ""' "" "'' Io• FRESH -PllfEAPPLE ""' ""' 411' LAllGE BELl. PEl'f8lf'; l4' Ill'; .:tROPICAL MANGOES "'if •""' 29•. SOLID CABBAGE ~u.:1 .:..,,f!l lt.1 ! HAWAIIAN PAPAYAS;: l.\~l31r.; . .1",11 LOOAL GRlll BEANS I If, STEAK ,SIZE MUSHROOMS ., u 31" EXOTIC uwi.FRUIT "" Io• -FRESH BLUEBERRIES ' ... .,.,.; 31• .. ·" ~ ' l • .). MIA'~ YOU'Li. II ,paouo YO SllVl • ALP!IA B&TA IV!Cllfl PllDI FRESH • DEPENDABLE QIJALITY. -GROUND ~ BEEF lb • DlSCOUMT "'-'ED • 'QUALITY • SATISFACT~ GUAilAHTElD • V.t. ;GVfRltMOO INSPCC°ltD • . ~· ..; '(· ~m , · , 'Du1ucaUi • • I-I.I. PACKAGE · -~-·10WA MAID -. aaco·•·· SWIFT'S l'R[Mll/M UCOK 71):0. SWEi:T SMOlllO fUUY cooKlO aun roanoN 64'• 1111 .... -. ,,,,,,,., ""' -RfC!Pf PORK GHpPS LAREDO ~ &~a.· AOMNIELLYE 5s5TEAK 98~· (8 ~iii~· .. ,~ "'"·91' i: \( 1 oo•• ' 'jiiiii SALAJON '' . I lb ' ' ·: @j SHOULDER CLOD ROAST 98• """ ...... "ojl<'"' '"'""' ,. . -@J BEEF RJ)AST " 7-BONE CUT 97• ··".::::. SMOllE LlllllS• . ~~-·: 7-9!1 ' CHUCK STEAK • -_. • . -'Sf' ''} 1 -LINl(1 AU$1GE }l~_,jf!: .814 t" r· Bl.ADE CUT• •· • 1 ' .. •• 'I"~· ·· f f ' CHU~K ROAST,--B~~e'cur , i-57• I sol.E"iii''•:.Eii~~:·sufrER -·~?;) . ;. ·@il~EF ~HO~T ·a•aS .! 39~_·;1 ~·~~,it~~~i~~·;•2\i 2•. • THESE MEAT PRJCts EFFECTIVE THURSDAY thtou&h WEDNESDAY, JULY 23 • 29 . ' , ·• -~ \ . ~ ' • 1 0T~l r I~' ,.~' t 'ff Ill ~j ' 101~1 OISCOU"IT ~ [V!RY OA T f IOMI All'llA •UA .:.. • • !T.~{!. DllCOUtn' ~ "=;'f':IC£ 1 ~ I 1UIAI 01SC01JhT ~ iVERY OAY IOME ~!'HA llTA ITORES OISCOUllT CllAl:GE PR!C[ TOT.Al LISSOU~1 S [~[RY flAY 1MIM£ All'tlA lrTA ITORES DISCotJllT CllMIC 'PRICt 3.oz. AEilosdL . F£tAINlNE HYGl?NE 1·u f.D.S. CWNSINt FDAll .I.It' l·OZ BTt.. L!OUIO • NO:fYCU.)tA.1,'.ES 'tll)f SUCHYL S'OIElllU: ; , .e 1N · . . ' · ltlPllA Btlll· • CHERRY ICED 86C Angil Food Cake Jlt fR[NCH AM ERICAN . R~D'SOUI\ 3ac French Bread lo,,;-.42c' ltl:GUUR • DRIP • f1N& !UCTJIJC Ptll. FDLGERS COFFEE Uli .m 8JI D......;; :J.L!. CAN • ltEGlJ1J.r. ~ OR ELECTRIC PERX ~ $2.'1 l ~~~rii ifrANT CDFFUMt1 41 1-Lll. CAN SINllJLAft ~~Jh l . BORN -m 8JI ALL VARIETIES • rROU:N BAHQUET PINNERS DtrrCH PRll:IE • V:liGAUON • rROZEN 391 IMITATION ICE ILK .Ml ~·COUNT POPSICLES DR IMITATION FUIKSICLES .'~MOfn'E i 41-0UNC? TOM_ATO JUICE J9C 37c ' . ©lillE'i'PiitE.iu1cE'.3k' 3cr s;;si.ii~T.~p.;G ~ 24c ~ TREESWEtT • 46-0UNCE CJ.I: ·42c ~ORANGE JUICE .A8C" ~i.Jlii!CAN -'1c ~'Gr._. Glint PEAS.2k ~ l·LB, CMTO!l J .,":,;:• BLUE IONNET. ' MARCAllNE 21 l'CAN •.CHUNX • TlOl lTS • CR\ISHtD2l1 DOU PINEAPPLE .3k ©NO. 2 CAN •SLICED CHUNK OR CRUSKtD ~ 31' DOU PINEAPPLE ,,... ' JOO CAN ~ 16' .OEL MONTE TOMATO SAUCE ,,.. g• .. OUNCE •BUrn:T·CAff .iof'E ilk @ DEJ::~)fTE • J03 CAN• IULV!:.S33' UNl\WD -APJICM~ Jll! . ,21/1,.CAN_ O U~Pt£iiW ...*: 41c .' wYu:R·s •;.1•t._lot1 E~Ft 1 lk HION SGUl',~IX '"i . · JlC" U' ~ ~Nt'X'80lltl~~t • 12:5 COUNT ~lfciA':fts'jtl INTEO ,29C 22' ......... A!fHA BETA •·INCH . 85c VAlUE75c -i "--Lemon Meringue Pit --1 ~1h-OUNCE..C\,4', 1.\d1 c~ n J ~1 ,_f; · .. f. . I PACK • RASPBlpj._ 't~ew· ' ' ~VAN DE U MP • R·OUHCE 81' ~FROZEN HALIBUT J9c" Alft,vARIETrts • rROZEN . llOSMITA DINNERS ~ !ORDEtl'S • WH!PPto • 16.02. 46' ~ IMSTAHT Pa!ITOES .llf g · ~ jtifA(yjQtVtt ·•o.oz.~74-.• ' . ~~ Dt~~!!:l_~_.:':'_. __ . . 11111111 lflll, Tarts -V~E 541 ~-INCH • AU VARJtl!ES • TRO'ZEN 361 PET RITZ PIES .llf ~PAGHrnvMEAtaALu ~ ''" . B£tr~RO'll ~ 7'c ~ DOL£.o14f>-OUNCE CAN 31' '~ MISS CLAIROL ---·-~ -=-·- • ! . -- IS SHADES"• 2-0UNCr ·sorru: CREME FORMULA HAIR CQLOl J.&5-1 :12 13 SHADES • 2.!0UNcr Borrt.E SHAMPOO FORMULA HAIR. COLOR .2.25" 1 '° ----------------12-0'JNCt At ROS.OL CAN RIGHT GUARD ANTl·PERSPIRAIT US 1 u -------------- CARNATlONS ' ., 8-INCK CUSTARD Pl!: ~ n.: @ TOM TH UM'I • l-1.8. • r11.02Elf l'JtEr STEW OR '' CHICKEN·•·DUMPLINGS J,t9" I 11 t.:a.:::\lllPHA BETR ·c EARS • I PltCts 471 ~FROZEN COB CORN .W , Pfl0C£SSED • 16.SUCE PACKAGE ALPHA BETA AMERICAN CHEESE -'l.OUHeE PACKAG C • 4·VMIETltS llJEtr . PASTRAMI. CORNED IEEr • DARK TlJflKEY 361 UD'S SLICED MEATS .HI .lll,HR IETI • 8-0lJNCE PACKAGE 381 ALL MEAT IDLDGNA "'v•wt tl~\!:~<AAICE !Aft 37i IMRIMl""!fCUAIL .a . , .•. ,RL,Kl.ltT-"• I-LB. '·b~ c!.-4 ·1"11 ,P£P!'EW1JNl1'1UA 141.Y>.L]t , " l•LI. l·OlJHCI: Q(EESE 1$c UJ n. ' · l: ·~~ .. ~ ~i~~9lrl~~EtLw" v u~4f' .~ 2·1.8. CONTAINER • 69c VALUE lh l".:C\ 1 f~;r:T1bW M1tk0'~~;.'.:iON 3JI ~zllllPilis'',.....5fc 45c z~~~~~•R1;£"" •• @ra'ciai."'TrUiir"'19t 29c • I OYSENllERRY • APRICOT 41 I • SMUCKER'S SYRUP .Ne' @ !>OUNCE"' @'K01unlllllouEI• OJ.COllAP0NTltll$ .29t 25' '.'j;;:;;=-/:&:::\ REGULM OR SUPER • 0.COUN1T_. 1 lt r • \'t['~rf&~· %~1M~ "-.29; ~ ltOTEX . • ...-' 98 "· -« ·_, -li1""Y{B&RRY ~ t«-"J "' -.. @ '0'1M1~"o"s1" ObAIY•TIMD&~• "1'Sl1 1'r 14' C ( ' I •~ , ' 1ml"uo·oli;)'tc ~ _..--. \• . ~~·I• :<, ~·~, i~.C UN'T OV£RNIG . ~ 'l'k BUNC ' .., --..,~, ... ,, u.Vllk scuootR "'13.CJi·cAN •J~ 30-couHT H£WIORK -'-" i.n \\i::lf---------1 ~~ YIR1il"IA -Pl.UIUTI .ftt u ' "'v:.rA MkltA-241 1. 17"' Sr. HUNTINGTON llACH-fMS 4l41ms HUNTINGTON IEACH-1 ... 1 N. M1fn It. FOUNTAIN ".tALLIY-ttH W1rner SOUTH LAOUNA-*22 I , CNlt HIWlly LAGUNA HlllS-22541 C•ll• de 11 lulN IJtVINE-11M1 Cul.,..., Unlvenlty P•rk ' ~ PINEAPPL! JUICE JI;' ' -' 7.0UllCf. C"-N !N BRl"E •CHUNK 42' Q[ISllA WHITE 11£AT TUN! .AOC ' fl{~~NTE FRUIT CDCUllL .2lf 21' ~ DEL MONTE • Jg-OIJ?.ict CA~/ 381 ~ TROPICAL FRUIT SALAD Jlc" 211. CAN DEL MONTE SPINICN OtL'MONTE • 303 CAN HEEN LIMA BEANS DEL MONTE • ,:pl t;:AN -WlllTE CIEAM CDRN JOO CAN• - DEL MONTE SWEET l'JAS Ott. MOl'l'TE • :!ID CAN CUT HEH 1£.UlS U·OUNCt: II DEL MD"TE°WsUP J!C"31' .m'2' ..He 241 ..a 221 .2fc 22~ • ..m 2CJI • KPIAF'T • l·L!I. CARTON" FJ>flT.ai .. PHll.\Y MHIUINE Mt ... ... ,,,,,;.:',· ..... . . . -· l I ' • • . ·--·---~---------..................... _____ _ PILOt·AOV.ERTISER WfdntsdaY, J11IJ 22, 1970 tWt-.tay, ,,.,,, 22~ 1970 .. •• l' ' ' . . .. '·1i • ' ' f. ·~ ~;-. , ' I .. ' . '-~---··--. CADI:LtA'C .. . ·. . . ~ . . . -. • • • • \ ' I ----:'T' -· --· • . ' u . .. ' ·~!JV~.TEEN :. SEVENTY OVER 80 QUALITY CADILLACS. AND OTHER . FINE CARS : TO SELECT FROM" ·LARGEST· SELECTION ·IN . • I . I ' ' I ' ' O:RANGE ·coUNTY! I ' · I : • OUR NEW 19'70 CADILLAC . SELECTl()N IS GREAT ' ' ALL MODELS EQUIPMENT & COLOR CHOICES ' I•. ' ' • ,:• · ~~)' FOR IMMEDIAij;·~El;!¥~RY. - .. " ... , . . . . . YOUR . FACTORY, AUTHORIZED . . ' . .. CADlL~C . DEALER ' . . , . . .. . . . ' . ~ :. : . 1'1 ' . . .. • I • I' .. ·NA.BE .RS 1966 ' PONTIAC Bonneville 4 Door. Vinyl interior, full power ~ulp ment plus factory air condltloninr, tilt steerln11: wheel, radio and heater, "'bite aide wall tires. (ROX7791 SALl$111 ·1 PRICE 1967 THUNDERBIRD Landau. Full po\1·er, factory air t.'OOditionini, .till· tt'le "'heel, push button radio, vinyl top It interior, local 1 OY"ller immaculate car. (ULG475) SALl$1777 Pl I Cl, 1966 'CADILLAC Sedan DeVille, !uJI power equipment plus factory air <:onditioning, 4.M -FM radio." {Tii.X.3$3) 1Ha OLDSMOB'ILE Lu.xurl,0us 98 Holiday Cou~. Factory ali-cond:, full powet, .vinyl padded top, plush vinyl interlOlj Ult .t: telescopic steering, A.?tf·f.M radio"?etc .. etc., e tc. (VFM03l1 . . · . ~ SALE$2555 Pl I Cl 1967 CADILLAC Sedan· DeVille. Vinyl top, clotli &: leaiher' Interior, full poWer, factory· air1 sterro AM..J'M multiplex, ti1t·lclescopic \vhet'I, power door loCks. CVGR244l SALl$2999 PRICE ' '. . 19&8 FORD TORINO Hardtop Coupe. This local 1 owner automobile ,has only 15,546 aciuat mile£ and is.just.stunning. Vinyl top, tapestry lnt{'rior,·V8 cnglile, alitomatlc. Power 11teerlng ,\ disc brakes, fact:oi'y 'air,. AM,f:p.f stereo · mtiltiplex, WSW tire1,. etc. Must see. (XTT976) ' . . . ' .SALE . PRICED 'T ' 'j .. ' t . ' . , _,' .. 2600 .·Harhor Blvd., Costa Mesa · • 540~9100 , SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN , . . . ' • Sedan De Ville. Full power, ractory•atr· conditioning, AM-Fl\( radlo, Ult at!ttln1 wheel; po">er door locks, electric vent \.\'indowa, automatic dimmers, etc. COLKm) . SAU $1 '22>2 · PllCI ' . . " ' ' ~. ' ' .. .. ... 1961 El .DORADO ntttwood. Lep.th~r Interior, full ,poWer. factory &Ir cond., ster!O i\~1-Fl\f, Ult telescopic· st.t>er. \vhrel, power door locks, cruise ·control~ t"'•Jllght 11ehtlneL (TEH741) ·' . SALi $2222 PRICE 19&7 RIVIERA Full po\l:er equipment plus t9.ctory air conditlonl~r, Al'lf-Fl'll radio, vinyl interior, white :iiide wall tires. (748) . . . ' i t sA,.r $22. 2· 2 . Pl IC I . . 1969 OLDS.BILE . : . ' . . Delta 88 2 Door hardtop. Vinyl top, vin,yl lriterlor, t $tomatlc, p:M·er 1teerin1, power brakes. radio, factory air condltfonina,. white walls e.tc. ' . . . , I 1 , . SAU$288·8 PRICE ' · . .. . ' . 1968 CADlllAC 4 Door hardtop. ·y1.ny1 top. cloth 1' leath"t lnteriQ?'., full J)owl'r, factpry a.Ir condlti~g,·AM-F1'1 radio· tilt,tclescoplC wheel, etc. CY~) ~LI $3333 PRICI · ' . . , 1970 EL DORADO ' . OEMONSTR,l.T.OR. Vinyl top, leather Interior, full powt!F, facto17. air. stereo AJ'if.F:\f multiplex, tllt-1ele. wheel, po\\·er trunk opener .1 door locks, tw:lllabt 11ntinel. {09'lOJ. ·Low mileage. ' . . , .. ... . ' ... ' . SUMMH UASI ~ Sl'ECIAU 1970 EL PO.-DO $TOCIC ' f.SOI ONLY s1·99: MO. ' 24 Moolll Opoo ,W i.e.. ALSO IMMIDIAli. DILIYHY ON ANY1 CAR J.N • .ST0c;K ' L-.... """"" .llitr..-11. itN '•ort A,l"ltOWO ,"C,!Ol'J . .. ' ' 8:30 M I to 9:00 PM Mon. thru Fri. e 9100. AM . to 6:00 PM Sat. and Sun . '. ' ~I '• -l · Service Department Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30--6:00 , . ALL CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR.SALE. ALL SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, JULY 21. "70 i?CGTU '1'6 idtatn J ere Ota · t t ta; n rs b 0 a . a Q ' ' • l • • ' . I .. ... . \ ,, " , ·" ' " ' .. / . . I *TAYLOR . ;·~ } ' ; ' > CORONA OEL MAR CONTEMPORARY For the young at heart and jUst two years new. One block to beach &i short walk to I shops. Custom built with fine qua!lly detail. ; 1 · i; Ocean view and deck oU huge rnaster bed· 1 room. By a~pt. Go Con temporary, Go ~~an· · ish, Go .See . • · · :!~. <-HOME FOR A YACHTSMAN ·1,_4 • Exclusive Li:nda Isle! NE\V 6 bdrm home '' -· on 1agoon. 5 baths, fam. rn1. + RR, 3 fire. ~~1 places. Spac. master ste. w/walk in closet.s. ' • $169,300. Open Daily 80 Lin~a. hie "Ou r 25th Year" . ' WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors 2111 San J01quin Hills RCNid NEWPORT CENTER 644-4910 ~'1=*~=*==~*==*~~*~'=*~=*==2*==*== ;;; j General 1000 .... . .4 BIG BEDROOMS . )\. .~-. $J>acioos comer homP with . tl.'lo family rm .• alt bltins incl : .\,. •. d ish\vasher, and It's SPARK. : ~:. 'LlNGLY IJ\'f¥AC1Jl..A.TE~! -.~. prt'at landscaping 11·it h __ tr>rinkler ryst"'1 and it's all .... \IOppcd off with a SHAKE • r: ROOF. Unlintited access for BOAT, TR A ILER, OR • CAMPER! lt'a au yours for : ,, • -.nly $30,950 on E-Z nt.A or VA terms, . ., • co:Ts • " WALLACE ..,. REALTORS ·. -'--546-4141- (0p~n EYenings) , . .. N•ar M•jor Shopping mable Jou. Ne&r So. ~ Coast Plaza. 4 & Fam/din nn., vdth 5~% F1iA loan ,· lo IAkt over. Shows like a model. 10 Mos. Lease lkginninr,:; 9-1, 3 Bil. c:ompl. -·1urn., dead end atreet. Only $325. monthly, .-' (Open £\oenincs1 ·1:;=~ • OCEANFRONT HOi:lES 4 Bedroom .21 8at.h $25,958 Loca,1ed Oil secluded cul-de· 1i3C Slrt'Ct IN N 0 R T 11 CQfl'A ~.'S16,000 loan at S~ ,-,, for aii)'one. Pay- ment$. $L11 rr:io. for every. . thillg1 (Open Eves. 'til 8:30) ' . Newport at f•irview 646-8811 ·c.nvtim•, OCEANFRONT LOT . ' 60 n-. r Rf!9_1tons • . ''0ur'19fh ¥Ar Jn the Harbo·r Area" 673-4400 e . !!ij... - '!.JP~R SHARP SidP-by-sid<-', delllrablr loca-~ fion, great beach, del•ohtful_ f.1csa Verde Highlands, 3 .. . ..._.. 2~ hfl.lhl water & sand activity, $54,-1'J)at'Kll.ls u=nns, . --ooo & $56.000. Buy one and , latJ~ ~Uy rm.. covered .:t• "enjoy )'OUr own cubby hole patio & deck, flaJ Yard I: -W take both i.nd ha\'r room $llrinldenr; ttreiplace. shag .._ ..__ · carpets Pti~ to sell at ·' fir[ uBARR£TT RLTY. 001' s:i0.500. c.u S<O-U5! .. 642•5200 ~Heritage :-.1:==:::::::::~:::::-::;--::::::: I ~~;:~:;';;;;"';;;t';,,.;;;";;;;;;~ I " ·UNIVERSITY PARK "" , • [)elightlul, bright, spanking $29, 950 0-r•I 1000 General 1000 Costa Me'• 1100 Newport a ... ch 1200 Santa Ana Hei9ht' erflnJa J:J/e COlta Meso Channer STARTER BARGAIN ONLY $17,900 3 BR.-2 BA-hf'avy shake-al· I BAL. Ptnln. 3 Br. Larae trac. corner loc. w/ boat patio. $45,950. Frank TRADE Ol' trlr area. \Viii 11ell below f.1anhall Realty 675-4fi00 Ch\•ner will IK'il FHA or VA, 3 BR, 2 bath. ~ liv. rm, lgr-dining, kllchen w/bltins . dble garnge, Or TR.ADE for large 4 BR hOme. PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES 3 bod.--2 bath ND DOWll VA FHA appraisal. Open house weekends. 545--8716 Newport Heights '1210 CUSTOM 4 TO 7 BEDROOM HOMES FROM $135,000 TO $500,000 Own '-""ur hon•n for less than ~D;;U"P'LEX=-~'"°0500;o-;;Oc;w:;;-r 3~ "' • ~"' • • BEAUTIFUL home in Nwpt Al this pri~ )'00 can•t i::n rent. Nice bedrooms. 16 foot lvng. 2 BR, c p I/ d r p, Hits _ 3 br, 2 ba, Ip PRIME· BUILDING LOTS FROM $60,000 TO $175,000 \\'tong. It has a double ga-living room. Washer dryer, stv/rcf, gar. S3000 dn . inc lanl rm w/big rrplc . J'ag(', terTitic covered patio, frld&:c, stove included. A S300 mo. 2244 State, 642-7472 66--8972 yards ue beautiful, 3 bed-real bu'lain and its ~. 3 BR, t%. ba, elec. b!tns J .i:=::::='=:====== I For information on All lob & homes, call: rooms, 2 ~ths. Best ye!, &II eau now 645--0.W. · ts terms availabl<'. VA-FHA. FOREST E OLSON trplc. fam . rm, pallO. C1ll ' drps. $71,500. 54>2316 ''OU CAN qualify to Oll'n • .. wv--- University Park 1237 EYE-CATCHING VA or FHA Buyer' Just li.stl'd _ this Spil' J, Span custom bit 'l BR , 1 BA homr-. Hrwd firs. frplc. nr fll'W crpls, drps, encl patio, dbl gar. \Valk 10 shops. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR !his howie. • $23.500. OON'r,.,....,,.miic". iiR•EAL"!'TO ... RS'"'"'""' I Mesa Del Mar 1105 \VAJT! 1· -----And liO livable! 11'1 warm l FHA LOAN BIG Beautiful Home • baa bie:ndly, infonnal &. home-133 Dover Dr., Suite 3, N.B. 641-4620 2 HOMES 4 BR + 2 BR Goner'•! 1000 General 1000 on one lot with garage!, Reali ;-;,-;;-;;;;:;;;;;:;:;;:;;:;;;;;; ''-"'------ 3 Bedrm hoIM, 1 % batM, everylhinr, nr everythin&. like, All lheSe qualities aft hrdwd firs. crpts, drps, Quick poss. Easy· terms. found in this 3 BR. 2~~ be. lrplc. forced air heal $37,000. Ai(. Pat O'Toole. plus fam . rn1. tovn1house. 2629 HARBOR BLVD: 126,500. Auwnable FHA S40--17Z> \Von't you let us show It to 5461640 loan $18,200, (~%~ int.) yoo today! Only $33,000 wilb OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 payable $157. per mo. incl 1110 ·central air-conditioning.· buy \v11h good fine . avail I• JUST LISTED Lachenmyer LEASE WITH OPTION Prine, int. taxes. ins Mesa Verde e Red Hill Realty Well1-McCardle, R)trs. -. __ B_Y_O_W __ Nc:E::R:--Univ. Park Center. Irvine 18'.LO Newport Blvd., C.P.f. Custom built, 4 bedrm. lam-Call Anytinle 833-0820 :KS-7729 Eves. 644-0684 ily room, 2 big fireplaces. ~~~~~":!t'~~!!PJ Realtor 1100 SCj). FT. 1860 Newport Blvd., C.M. CALL 646-3928 or ~ Open Evenings MESA Thia beautiful home over-REDUCED PRICE IMM~!.!·~~ION! CAMEO SHORES 4 BDRM ~ ---= . .,,,,.;;...-=----- ---r - EASTSIDE SPECIAL VERDE LI1TLE MONEY NEEDED Larae 3 BR. home ~1tuated TO !\10VE IN. Stunning -4 on _113 of an •er:• WJtb hid. huge brdrooms. Double fire-sw~ing pool, .in park-like place. Built in desk. f'OR. scttmg. Beaut. view of Jilllg, looks the: 17th !airway of Channing 2 bdrm. & den, 2 Mesa Verde Golf Coune. bath, separate home. Re- 6%. usumable loan. 3036 dUCfll $1500 to $31,950. New Java Rd, 5'0-4095. $62,900. Joan avaU. &. can be pur- GIOltGI ROllRTS Salnman ot The Month Walker It Lee congratu- MAL DINING. Family $72,500 room. C.OUrmet kitchen with ~~~!1,'111!11 built ins. f.tove in for option d' l't'f5h~..ri: to buy money and rt'ason. J.t1A'Lb"' .. ,d able rent. JUST LISTED. 644-2430 133-0700 Coll!'J!• Pork 1115 FOR sale by ownpr -4 Br, 2 Ba. Lndscpg, bltn BBQ, cov. patio. 5%. % • $28,000 . 54>8031 chased on xlnt terms. Don't miss seeing this one -lt's REAL VALUE! 808 PETTIT, Re•ltor "SINCE 1946" Days 833-0101 Nights Eastbluff Seldom homt>S available-In 3 Bedrm, 2 bath home with 1his area, located close to beam ce-ilings & modern ex-park, schools & library. 1erior. Huge play yard and Home has near new carpet, ov.1K'r will sell no down to huge maa:ter bedroom le Vrterans~ beautiful large Jiving room $26,850 -\Vhen you see the back yard, the ttte~ will make (Open Eves. 'til 1:30) you think you 're in the Red- lates G<'orge Roberts for Call &15-0303. being '1'01> Salesman'' ror FOREST E. OLSON STEPS TO OCEAN Newport Beach 1200 BLUFFS: Condo 3 bd. 21ii the month of June. Geo~e TNC. REAL TORS :!. BR. 2 baths. Absolutely -~-------achlcvl'd this honor hr sell· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiii"'I immaculate! Owner anx-· ba. Split level. choices1 ing over $300,000.00 1n the DR's HIDEAWAY iou."I. POOL greenbelt. S38,500. By month •f Juoo. Thl• mark.s .,.,., _.__ Split levtl 3 BR., 2 Ba. New "'' , .. •~ woods. Owner will heJp fin. Newport anct", only 10% down, Don't mias seeing thl."I home -It's Fairview probably yours at $34.950. v ON SECLUDED PRIVATE Try $25,500 With ,w-io uuwu .o~w:;::::.·.:.~:.:_.;:~:.:_. __ _ the third time. in the past , CAYWOOD REAL TY cpl.oi., drps. Bit-in kit, Clasg -•• 5 months George has DRIVE. Beaut. custom mod. """" IV Coa•I H N.B drs. to patio_ 3 GARAGE& Irvine Terr•ce 1245 earned this honor. George ranch home. 4 BRs fam rm, """" · wy., • Large hid. PCX)L & park . 6-46-8811 (anytime) Roberts jg no stranger to 2* baths on appx j u acres. • 541-1290 • Jit.-selling ... An individual OrangP County, ha\'lng ,. "":' graduated rrom Orange Comp, air condiUoned, love. l lOO own your own for on1y Coast College and Loni:: ly w/w carp &. draperiesl;C;;o;;s;;ta;;;;Me;;;;s;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. I "3.900. Beach Stale reCeivin.I':" hi s incl. 22 Avocado t:tts, 200 CASH BUYER WANTS .!-A.A degree fn 1965. I·fi s ar-& Nichols Real Estate chit.ectural background has ft corrals, 2 horse bam FHA Resale 3 Bdrm. home in Newport $700 mOV85 YOU enabled him to ASSist many tack rm. May trade, $69,500. Attractive 3 and family rm. Hei1hll -und'er $35.000 . families-in choosing thP P.fAJN REALTY, REAL-with boat entrance, good j,,..-. 3 bedroom right home for-their family TORS 54s.8977. 5'.4 % Fl!A loan to assume, I fa "I l'.'!~~!'!!'"~~!!'!O!!!!~~ I functions. Once again the walk to stores, school.5. Only pus ml y r_oom , W .. "E UP TO AN C"'ta Mosa offi ce of Wolk· SHAKE & PLASTER 25 f """' er & Lee exceeded its sales S ,950 or ol er. 1n Cosla f.tesn. This home · · Quality Bil. thr-bd--. two o ~-ru·n OCEAN VIEW I volume for the month of ~" ...... pen """"' gs won't last, with 3 bedrooms • June ovt'r last years rec· bath home 1vith parquet · lnwstors Attentioftl and a 1eparate profeuion-.•. a million twinkli~ lighta ord. Busilll'ss is good at flooni:, Din. area, Bil kit. ~ 546·5180 Here's a real sleal near the ally added f1mily room, by nirht. Adult. occupied 4. 1 iiwiiaii\kii';;.';;i&iiiiloeiiii .... iiiiiiiiiiii & large covered It t'ncloscd oi.L_ErellRE~~ Cannery in Old Newport. large Joi, grt>al neighbor-bedroom, immaculate and 15'x2t· patio. Large fenced •ISCX> ~-C-2 Lot w/good t-Br. plus hood for children. Owner sparkling as a gem -on a $750 DOWN lot with 10 as.'IClt1ed frui t olfitt. Priced at $24,000. asking $24,500 per govern-poot .. i.ie lot. Enjoy cool Trf'mendous 3 Bed.rm on nice !f'('('S. Only $25,000 wilhl!F!':O~R:l"lS~A~L~E~B~Y~O~W!\'!:N:l:E~R Owner needs ca.sh of $7,500, ment appraisal. At that ocean btte?.e and a F'OR. street in Costa Mesa. Own. trtA·VA TERMS! thus will sacrifice at a price Jritt, you'd betll'r hurry! EVER VIEW. J..CAR CAR-er transfen-ed and must ~II M i M . LA BORDE, Rltr. 3 Bedroom bouse. Very la~ which is al least $6,<0J un- AGE. \\Ion'! last at $56,500! homC'. Has good ealing area 646-0.»"r Eves: 646-4579 fenced yard, perfect for chd-der market value. Agt. C I th in kitchen and fully rrnced .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiol dren and pets. Paneled Uv. 67>4747: 673-9060. 0 eswor Y yard for children. At $22,:ilX> LIDO WATERFRONT ing room. House just fresh-"'°=:c--.:=c--;o,-;c-.- Fll I · -• 1v·u 11 VA EXEC'."! dream. Sale by any vetrran can buy A APTS •• -o LIOO NORD y pa1nt .. -u. 1 se or -. I . •.t. rnA $21500 O\.\'Rt'r. Being translrd. 4 2':rt HARBOR BLVD • --& Co. ,......, per mo., inc pric .. int ., NOW REDUCED TO · ' · BR. 3~f BA, lam rm. 40x:l9 taxes & ins. $160,000-Xlnt Terms CALL EVENINGS pool. One rm detached con- OPEN EVES TILL l:l!I REAL10R NPwport Beach Olli<'e 1028 Ba.ywide Drive ""'1930 PAlltoWMll CABNAHAll k .AJ.T)' co, ,11'*•" .,. 1 .......................... 1 $69 580 1093 Baker, C.M, OP;·ORTUNITY ! HARBOR VIEW 546-5440 Pl'rhaps you will nevl'r have Spectacular 2 story \\'11h 5 Bdrm. 3 bath Broodmoor Rnother chan~ to purchase ,,1lite water vif'w _ walk to homl', Corona del Mar a 4 Bedm1 Pace!letter in the undy beach 2 Massive fin'. Priced to sell a.I $67 ,500 MeSa V<'.rdc atta for $34,500 places and 0 2700 sq, ft. ol 67S..1662 Home hal\ expensive crpts, lmmatulatr IMnt area. Call water soflener, auto sprink· 54f>.M24. lers and a great location! * * * * Cali Jor llnancing inforn1a-We have t"°·o openings for lion. an experienced prolessKlnal ')llcsil\rroc'Rrnlt~ 546-5990 man or \\'Oman. Exceptional benefits!?! Call !>45-8424, "°'1.TOllll Cowa1N-MARTINi] ===m·QU,=="- $24,000 4 Bdrm. 2 ba. 6 Beautiful uniu. 6 Car ga· OR WEEKENDS tainifll:' ooo sq. ft. Beaut rages &: utilHy room. with 673-6561 brick \\'&Ji encl patio, \\'/w 80 _fl. fronting on ex~llPnt WHAT!! $29 000 crplg, drps, Ideal loc. swimming beach. Uruts lU'C . 1 $67.000. Open 10 Ai\f Daily, nrwly furnished. Nestled _J.1 homes ranging to 1724 Port SheUield Pl., NB . Bill Grundy, Realtor + • 4;i.OOO. See the ocean 644-&189 833 Dover Dr .. N.B. 642-4620 lrom you r front lawn ln a --o;B"A""'Y"F"'R""O'"N°'T;--secluded area of C.M. 3 BR. 2 ba, Din. Rm . Q\.\.·n Agent BUYERS ATTENTION BLUE PACIFIC VIEW Jl60 Glencagles Terrace, Vacant R·l lot 88 fl. front-c ta •1 C•1,·1 """1 •g<, over 130 It . deep. Un-Lgl'. 4 BR. 3 ba . home ha s OS "esa, .. . U'l.<•UUJ btolievably priced at only everything for tlw> "Good * VALUE * S25001ront foot. Life ". Priv. pool & patio: Lots of va1ue + good family JONES REALTY 673·6210 l:;t>. din. rm. & fam. rm. llving in lhis 3 BR. &: conv, Balbo . . 2001 W. a, N.B. Entertain nt home or pnv. den. Bltns. \Vslk to West . ..,--===='°"""7' beach. W,T:i() clirt Plaz.a shoppin& Ii * WANT TO BUY * schools Only S~.750. 5BR home, S75-$125,000. Buy, ~Qxfft~ 67=AN REt,~59 ~:is w~~~ :ro~ 2430 w /bonafide new lilting. Full 83:J..0700 644--rozy COM'AGE. Needs detail• lit letter, P.O. Box 1721 GALATEA OPEN DAILY 1 to 5 Barrett Realty 642-5D1 Corona del Mar 1250 ·"'--- 1/8 SOUTH OF HWY. Immac. 2 bdrn1. & din. rm. home. f'rpl Brkfst. nook with built-in booth_ $44, 'F.IO. fJll.l\ ,, nr: u ·11 Ill' II.I'\" 1:\1'. l~T•)\1 '.7Sl'"' DUPLEX Nice 2 l·BR apts. on corner lot. Good Joe., clOSe lo every. thing. N~s a little paint. Take a look! MORGAN REAL TY 673-6642 67S-6459 Lido Isle 1351 Spacious Lido Home Prime 3 Br. 2 ba. single story, :: Sunny patios. On str~t to street corner lo! & 1.-:. $89,500. Prime Lido Nord 5 Br. 4\:l ba. nr. new water. front home. Beaut. decor. Deck, pier & float . For ap. p't. Call: Bill Grundy, Realtor 833 Dover Dr., N.B. 642-4620 LARGE HOME 5 Bedrm., family rm .• xlnt street lo strcf:'t ota IL lot By app't. onl y. $97.000 ,-'cloan 3 bodroom "°"" ;, WUh 6V• Loan 5 BR & FAMILY Village lll. Separalc dining ho Q\.l'Ticr desperal<'! Primr area Dream all built·in kitchen, dining room. r-ntry hall. First time on market. >:J0.11'0 ""'lT~E:l'R~R"1l~F'l'1c~a~u~yO!!!!"'I = ~e~ ~ ~ :mi. Fullenon. ca1. 92632. $1500 below mkt. 3 BR, cusl. shake root and lat'Kl' lot. • BY OWNER e Owner n1ay IJ'adr. do"·n for 3 Bdrm. homr in Terraces, CM-1. \\•ith ocean vie,v. LIOO REAL TY INC. 3377 \'ia Lido 673-7300 --Macnab-Irvine Realty Compally f red Deautif\LI falnlb' me, entry Price Reduced ... ~m & atriwn. 1' irro hall, t "b:tnn&., huge family k 1 .: ti;. outdoor llghting, room, dining room, plush for quic sa e A MOST t]ectric garage opener: new -·~1; bu'll to $33 500 • · ..... '"""'""" ,_.,. ' . . . . We.!lher & dl')'er, Corner lol Ins. Park·ll.ke yard, sprink· Costa P.1Psa \\•ith all blt·lns Satirtylng family . home with expansive view lrom all 6., ~ " 1 1 1 cl d' 1 -~·i· Every comfort has been tooll\11. Fee land. $39.500. :m:bl~. a;:'17~a e oan ~ui~k 1~~su';;e ..... ~x::rg embodied in thi11 ot BR .. 3~ ''We sell • home FHA loan. Only $3,000 down. ba., lif. ~am. rm .• _maids p ER RON 642_ 1771 rm. or of lice, off patio. De- every 27 m inutes" l.ightf'Ul kitchen w/bltn. BBQ TARBELL 2955 Harbor MODEL HOME- bit kit, Dbl gar, Patio, Cor. A!lking $23.500 or submit. Upgraded bluff condo. 3 BR, ral for pony. 2 aheds Huge FHA -VA !erms available. 21A BA. Like new. $42,500. Jot -all fncd. Shade·/ fruit cau SG--8424 South Coast 644-1629. tree!. 892·91~2 or 78«1871. Realtors "B7ACKB="'•"Y,,-<'""B"R'""'h'°'"'""'p1"'us FOR SALE BY OWNER -~*~T~R~IP;::L~E~X""""*.,--' pool, wke "'°' oo <uidt 3 Bedrooni house. Vt'ry large Owner wUJ help finance custom bit. $48,950. 646-9528 fenoo! yard, perfect for chi!. Must Sell NO\V! Bkr dren and pets. Paneled liv. Price • $3?.950 4;-•Br=-,-=,..,=1.-,eay==,,..=,t"-llk;;;::• ing room. House just lrcsh. Call Patnck Wood ~2300 F · BAYFRONT TRIPLEX Lido Isle 3 Bdm1. 3 bdrm & l·bdrm. 3 car garage. Right on the beach. $115,000. Brochure on Requr-sl Howard Lawson Jr, Realtor 67S-4S62 ot5' lot·S:>2,JOO _, .. 642-8235 675-3210 TARBELL 2955 Harbor i'FO"'"'n"""s.";1"."$"482"."ooo""-"M"od"m1""'i 1or gourmet cooks. $63,SOO BUSIE;" ::e:eP In rii~;~:~~~~~?;: --~ Avail now _ tltla spaciou~ 4 Br, 3 Ba honie. Fani rm, lge din & llv atta w/vlew. Lge atrium, view kit, C'Olllpl cp!d. drpd, wallp.1pered, 111.nd."!Caped. $106,000. Roy J. Ward Realtor. 1430 Galaxy Dr. 646-1550 (Open Daily). I ACRE Car.m Ci 1 y wfranch style housr ;, yr.; old. 4 br, 2 ba. "'all to wall crpl ... Jn trr eo m throughout. Dbl s; a r ;1 ,: r w/elcctric garage door opener. Corral!!, stalls tool shed. $38,500. fHS-54 38 B'll H RI new, ee title. Fam, rm, ly painted. \ViU sen VA or e 1 aven, tr. gd loen, nr. schls, &hop FHA. $21,500. 2111 E. Coast, Cd~J 673-3211 54S-ll281. $7500 do1vn. 3 hr. 1~; ba. 67;).2643 or 497-1.265 BUYER "'ilh Ca~h \vants - \'i<o1v home in Corona de! il-tu.r. 3 Br. 1 story. 67~916 IT'S Beach house time. Big· gcst selection ever! See lhe DAILY PILOT Oassi!ied section 00\V! . ' ' DUPLEX CALL EVENINGS BREAD &: Butter Units: 2-~DOi;V;;EiRi;'--Shotts;;;:-:::-::-.-,a.=.,..-:'.,:-C; ' •! ~ Close to ocean. l..af'l:f' '.\ Br. 2 baths: frplca., di11h"'ash. ers. ~.500. lflwr.. The DAILY PILOT Properlif:os Po r t s i d e It 83U700 644-2430 CIJWilied ~tton. s a v e F.DJW&f'd ol City Hall. ANO WEEKENDS 2 BR homes. inconle $265. b .... Im 67'6l"* r, ~ vu, m. occ, !'@as, .r ~ mo. Priced 11.t SZ7.500. $2500 gd terms. 1712 AntiKUa Way. P_LA_N_N-JN"""G lo move~ You'll dn. 1993 Allllheim, C.M. 5'8-2063 Days : 83 0-3140/eves: ===~~-~=- " .. ' ' George Williamson Realtor 7J..4350 64S..15'4 eves. 111oney, lime & effort by DAILY PILOT DIME -A Ti.:rn !hose \Vhit<' Elephants s hop pi n c from your -LINES C'OSt you just pen-into ca~h thru a Daily Pilot armchair_ nies a day. Diml"-8-line ad ~! General 1000General 1000General 1000General lOOO General find 11n aniazing number of 496-3893 ELEGANT Honie, 2650 .sq homes in today's Classified --------::::-:-ft; in prestige area. 3 br, Ads. Check them now. Saturday v DIME-AvLlNES! by OWTll'r. $78,500. 6-t2-5.i83. lOOOGeneral 1000 General 1000 General 1000General ·1000 :;~: . l'Z£1 ! :i #t '011#4 •=t NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 646·7711 •C•O•S•TA-M•E-SA_O.FF.IC•E•-•54•5•.9•4•91-.54•5•.046-51f"ll'H•UN•T•l•NG•T•O•N-BE-ACH OFRCE:-M842-4455 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY " ' ' 2043 WestcJ;ff Dr. at Irvine Open Evenings 7682 Edlnttr .. ,..,,, 540•5140 2790 HAllOl ILVD. Opea £,enhtfs 'tU 'r.M. MUlfTIMeTOM CllllTe• MESA VERDE Open Evenings • Jlon;e ShOf'! F.:ll'\ra ~]"lrle1ou,.i with m11rble Pntry hall, !'LASTER "''alls. &'luxr .BVILT-Jfl,' kilch('n. 1kaut1rWly malnLalned in and out. Hrdurcd to S31,500 AND A FINE 110f.1E var.:inl and l'l'llody to bc't'njoyrd.1 011 lo<.'11.llon lnitide J.'ll'SI\ Vrrdr WW 11 will st.ill srll VA or FHA I , ·-:. " l VU'!>-NO DOWN NO COSTS! Sc>llt>r \\'ill J'llay ALL (']oslni.: cosu Rnd Impounds. 6 BED!l00i\1S. 3 li.ilh~ 1vi1h hu~I' hc-11mrd l'('l llni: famll)• rnorn, ah1.ke roof .. lllorth CMta r-.h-sa ror ~2;1,000! Bring SIOO dtf>05it, rrtundeble al clew of tK.row •. WONDERFUL WESTCLlff -Thr BIG 4 bedroom. 3 both plan un 1 }IUCE ll'"·ahitd<'d lot. \1/11.lk t!l l«'huol, ~ _ library. f'll'rk and shopping. Has EXIST'lNG 5~% unnulll f.lt't'~·11ta~e rat<' Ii'~· i14. SURANCE LOAN payable Sl84.00 per mo. SEE 1;TI .I· ·-"'WllAL STAIRCASE" ):, ;~ ·• • • \Vlnds maj£'8tic:ally to thr "'rOU1thl iron bftJcon)' nvrrlov ·1· ~·!-IOI')' rn. • try hall UNIQUE !ltudy ur nurtr T)' OJX'fl.'i (r(lfl'I !he l.1\Rc • :'1\11g1('r Sullr. t::Jlp.nt SHAC carptU.ni,:. CUSTO~i dr.pcs, rk-h l>Rrl"Ji 1,i1111"iwr 11dd to ~ luwrlous dl!'(flr. HUGE manlOJN'd yard \\i th conrn.·t• ,. ""''" PLUS roc>l'I" -for pool. Exttllent 6'1-11nnu1J pe1'«'nt11ac rate fHA V•an Jlllyablr S280/Mo. ~TOTAL. Jw;t Jial~ f!lnd "ju11.1 rlithl" for you! : VETERANS ACT NOW YOUR YA ELIGIBILITY EXPIRES .JULY 25th, 1970 CALL US FOR INFORMATION 545.9491 -545-0465 LIMPID POOL $125 PATS ALL \\'ill add tn ~'our daytime sun s.nd evening fun. HeRted and riltrrrd f1>r no-car,. rnjoymt'nl. BARGAIN for S23.&Mi. VA or FHA terms avallablr ur assume 1ubject to 5~ ,.;, annual percentage rate Joan. ONLY S125 per month pays all. TROPICAL POOL AND PATIO Surround<'.d by lush grten foliage. Super sharp 3 bedroom bungalu''' y,•ith Tif'\V ankle deep carpets, custom drRpes, fORi\tAL dining room. VA or FllA lerm• avallablr or usu.me 11ubject to 5% % a:ovetnm(lnt loan and S137 prr month P<IYS all--$26.950. ND GIMMICKS $2,500 TOTAL Puts you into lh\11 4 bedroom, 2 bl.th cottage and lel& )·ou as~umr 11ubjl!ct to a. 71t '1 GJ. l..oan. \'ou ca.n mo1·e In ln1mcd.lattly and Jl&Y LESS TJ.l1\N RENT! S2'1.900 FULL PRICE. GOLDEN WIST ESTATE r o11ula.r 'I bMh'QOm, ~ bath l<fonlrtty f.lodel \\·Uh custom ~rprts and dr&fK'I, push button kitchen, F'ORJ\IAL dining room, SEPARATE fan1lly room and SECLUDED master suite, Auumc subject to 6\t';'.:i iOVernml'nt loon, $37,900 fULL PRlCE. ~~ NOW IS TH:o:~ TO IUYI! 1~ I 1'1i;,,., .......................... ,,...,....,....fi...., ...................... jih...,.,.,...,..,......,....,.,..11iiJi.... ....... !!!!!!!I ............. ~~""" ..................... -.. ............................... ....,;*-~ ::=;~ - I l • ' .. 'l I ii' '·11 "' • > ' ,, '1 ·> '•'\ J 8 PILOT-ADVUTISER HOUSES FOR SAL E H~noton &e ach 1400 OVERLOOK THE CIT Y Try to imagine a quiet tul- dNSBC 1tttet. ~ 2 1tory, SpeniSh adobe wl1h 3 car ~arage. Ent<"r honic t.hru Spanish wrought il'OJ'.l gate & carpeted rourtyard, Bcautl- rut C Btdrn1 I.Omo with 2 flreplaeei;, formut U!n!ng rm, family rn1 & a blllCk lctt.ther den, a pe.rfcct ph1.ce to unwind after a long day, Assume an e)li1til1G' GI loon at 6% i11teres1 at $282. per mo. ., 11 1Jge ReJI EstJte '62""471 ( ::::. ) 546-11 Ol GI NO DOWN \V Alli TO BEACH, 4 Bedrm, I ~ BA, sep family rm. elce kiL, appl'DJC 2IXX) sq, ft. De- signed for funily entertain- irig, 847-85117 E\li?s: 96S-ll78 tn;1,§11t..W Walk to the Beach Neat &: clean 3 & Fan1 cor- ner home with shake roof, boat gate, outside showc>r, clc., in lovely Newport \V£>S I hon1e. Owner n1ovlng out of arta. Anxious. $32,500. Open Even.logs 546·58!0 (nt•cin!ITll thNIJ'I) LLEGE REALTY J.500Adams II tbrbof,CM. WE'RE SOLD OUT ! ListillCJS Needed \'1e \\•on't call you until you call US! • 25 Years Experience e \\'~ Buy Equities 847-8507 642-().127 eves. m ;>-§: '.&.W 3 UNITS 4 Blcks from OCf'an & lei your tenants make the pym11ts. Only S42.500. can 847-S;JJI REAL ESTATE MART l BU< to oc-ean. 3 Br, 2 .sly Condominium. Frplc, elec blttu!I. 2 car gar, 11 ~ Baths. Patio. Spac. grounds surrounding bid.Ks. 2 pools -rec. area. rn,300. By Owner. Call for a pp t. 494-55116 eves & wknds. PRICES SLASHED! Best buys in town! New Homes/3 to S BR Crph1, fncd, co1nn1 pool & clubhouse. GT/oo dn, FHA/ lo dn. HAFFDAL REAL TY 842-4405 Near New 4 Bedroom Built-in~. dishwWJhcr. <.'tll"· pet.'i, drapes, 2 baths, big -· ...... -...... -·---• -.. ,,. .. -~ # ... -.... ~ ~ ,.. # ,, <# 4 .,... • -.. -.. ~ ,,. ~ ----.. ·-.... -.. -, ........... .., .... WtdllfldaJ', July 22, 1970 W-, Jllll 2Z 1970 DAILY PILOT HOUSES FOR SALE RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS n.~N1 ALSI Aptt. Uoifuml..... Apls. Unfuml ..... Laguna Beech 1705 Houses Furnished Apts. FurntsMcl Aph. Furnlshecl AptL Fumlohod Aph. Unfuml....., LlnLE DOUGH SumrMr Rent1ls 2910 Newport leach 4200Newport leach 4200 l~C"'.°';;.;';:.• .;.;Mo::.•:.:•:_ __ 4:;:1.::00:i:C::°':;;'::•...:Me:=,.:_-_;:S=llO Hunt!!!!!!' IN<h 5410Hunt'!!!!' 8Mdt - ~OTS O' llOUS E ~ Lido Beyfront-2 Pools G.L -NO ON, PYMT. I ~llehenettte suites &r: rooma Channing rustic ranch-style l!r ~. week ot month. horn<", in finer CITY OF LA. LIDO SHORES HOTEL CUNA SEt'TION, Detailed 617 lJdo Parle Dr NB 673-8800 exterior of wood plank, CC• SUMMER Rental. 2 BR dar ihake roonines, ram~ Beach house. Sleeps 6. llng ronc.h·~ veranada. Furn. Available A11g. 111 FORMAL ENTRY FOYER thru Sept 12 $150 week. \V/l"LOOP.S OF POLISHED 540-0953 AGATE 'rJLEs. :c::...::::::... _____ _ Long liv. rnl. has SOLID 2 BR apt, furn, acro&s from llW:lin beach, J..aeuna. $150 \\'ALL OF BRICK, UNIQUE a \\'eek, 259 Lower Cliff LOG BURNING FIRE. Drive or eall 213; 349-100 PLACE, J''ROti.1 f-1..00R TO CEILING . Well det1igned 3 •BALBOA 2 Br, TV, nr BDRM. & F'AM-. RM. ~. bay & sho p'g. FLOOR PLAN, SERVICED ~~~ v.·kly. Avail mo. BY 2 BATHS, HAS W/\V carpeting Ir drapes thru-out. WEEKLY Rentals. 1·2 Br. Ranch mod~rn kitchen has, From $100. Near Beach I: ALL BILT-IN RANGE & Bay! llJ 68U247, wknd.s OVEN, DISHWSHR ., GARB. l)Th.8077. DISP, ETC. & opens lo spac. DIX rum Garden Cotta,ze, iou! ram. rm., WITH FIRE. 4 blks from heh. Pvt patio, PLACE. Sliding glass opens $100 wkly w/uW. 49S-4307 lO rear grounds, completely LIDO, LINDA Ille, Bayside decked, with covered ca-Dr. & Penln. waterfronts baM, This well groomed oU·water Lido homes home is immac. thru-out. Bill Grundy Rltr 642-4620 Offo"ERED AT THE V.A. APPRAISED PRICE OF LIDO lsle Apls • sips 6, $34,500 FULL PRICE JOO' tron\ bl'ac:h, 5200 wk. NO DOWN PYMT. 2 wk. min. 613-3948 to eUg. veteran, payable SUMllilER Rental apt, sleeps 4. On Baylront nr. Lido $~.29 per n10 ., for 360 mos., shop·g. 613 36th SI. 673-4296 \\'lfh an annual percentage l'llle of 8~'/~. The b<ost otler. I BALBOA ISLAND. Attr. ing in Laguna Beach. 1 Br apt. spls 4. July MISSION REAL TY Aug. avail. 673-1503 985 So. Coast H"'Y" Laguna RENTALS PHONE (714) 49~731 HousH Unfurnlohod ' * SUNNY * ACRES * * Motel·Aph. * Studio A l lodroom1 LOW RATES Day, \Vtek or Month e ColOL' TV • Pool & Phone Scrv incl • Maid Service avail 1 SjgnaJ So, of o.c. FAIRWAY VILLA APTS. 2 & 3 IR'1 Private patio, pool .. lndiv. laundry tac. Near Orange Co, Airport A UCI, Adults only; 20122 Santa Ana Ave. !I.I.gr, Mn. Joachim, Apt 3-A Fairarounds 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-9755 Gracious Adult LlvJ"I THE HIGHWllD "ScotUsb Treat" Ulfl Porkslde Ln, t.,\tr. 1142-lHf $an D1~10 Frw'¥ to Beach Blvd, f blkt So. to Holt, W. on Holt 1 blk. 115 BACH Apt. Moo only. 2 BR. w/w cp)a. """· blto LA QUINTA HERMOSA $90 le up. 1·2 BR trln. RIO, splr ab'CR, frplc, 145 132 \V. \Vil.son, OJ. 548-9577, E, 18th, 5S7-6682. $190. uModern Spanish" 6"2-126,j $169.50 NE'\V 2 Br Duplex. 16211 Parkside Ln. * SUS CASITAS Lq; patio, ltplc, beam cell-Mgr. 1147-5441 . - 0 k d FUrn. 1 BR. Apu. Adw1' Ing, """· • ..,.. bllno, P'· FURNISHED MODELS NOW OPEN a woo ~~· ~:ts*2ll~~wport ~ts s::~ ~::u.·A~~'. Lush landscaping, cabana, covered court-. • I I ·· · · · >18->112 o• 67>-0.lSo ya.rds, sunken swim'g pools, BBQ's & loun- li • • •\VKLY-Lovtly apt Bach , ti a new Way to Ve In or Cpl. Furn. Kitch. S35 2 B~ l~ Ba S160. CpUdrp, ams. wk """'all. 998 El Camino patio, pool, bl.,,. Seaclill "THE ULTIMATE IN APTS" Newport Beach. . De. 546--0451 ,,...,,.. Apto. 1525 Placeotla 1 BR's-From $150 2 BR's-From i 170-$175 2 BR '",.,.· 1 B '"";. Pool 548-2682. Ask about our di> All utll. incl. Furn & Unfum. • ......, r •~· · count Ad ults. Spac. Ideal fori-=~·-~----- lt's run, fine n~bors ind prestige livlng, Bach. 548-9633. 1993 ChW'Ch, •DELUXE 1 & 2 BR Garden E••t Bluff 5242 Huntington h~ch SM all in one J~urious package. That' a Oak-. C~t Apts. BU-Ins, prlv. patio, BEACHILUFF APTS 'vood Gard8n Apa'rtm•nts in Newport BeautifUlly furnished heated pool, irplc. Adulbl. PRESTIGE LOCATION New 2 Br. 2 Ba. Pool. "f bachelor w/util. Mature $145 mo. 546-5163 F I d l 1888 n ~hwhr •• ~ ~" Ell'· Beach, ju it minutes Jroni Balboa'J Bity ind adult. No pets. 5il8-l098 2 BR. among pines on cul~e-4or 8~~% e 8U:.,e apt. ri;uc: 842...Mri ;&:47:.£5?. ... beaches.· l.RG , clean 1 Br. Pool. \V-sac. Crpl5, clllis. GE kllch. drtpe1, crpta, "''el bat, pri ~2~B:;E;;D;,R==.OOF.iiMci-':C..-$o;lo.;;IO. There's a •/~ million dollar ClubhoUSI! 1\•ith 11kle. \\'ork'g cpl over as. encl . gar, nr · bua. $145. balconies, dbl aar off kitchen Gar., nr achl. 64&2547 party room,· billiards room, indoor golr <lri\'• $120-util pd. 548-2407 Adults ~1if. al 124 E. 20th Whwhr, dbl ovel!. Pool. Conv I=='=-======'° ing range, men's and Women'a,hcol\h clubs. 2 BR turn in fam ily section. 2 BR, uni. newf.y dee. Crpt, to 11hop'g schls & recreation. Santa Ana 5'20 saunas, tennis courts, resident tennis p ro Pool. Na.ssau Palms, 177 E. drps.• Encl patiol, Spac. From $325 mo/up 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~~1 ;ind pr~·sbop, and Olympic size pool 1\ll 22nd St. &t:z..36;G grnds. Adults only. $140 mo. 835 Amigo.ti Way, NB VILLA MARSEILLES this, aad much more. just steps from. your 2'l83 Fountain Way E. f.t1T. next door 865 Amiaos. W N rt 8 -h 4200 CHari>oc, turn w. °" Wtlaool M --~ b• BRAND NI! prof.es~ion ally decorated apa rtmen t. r.a1.ii.. 1 __ •_w.;.po_._-_•_• ____ 1 • a • ._ .... 1 SPACIOUS - l._•=cgu_•_• __ N.cig"-u-•_1 __ 1_7_07 Gener. -•::l ____ .=;3000 \\'ith private ·balcony/patios. Air L'ondll:or;,-BA YCLIFF MOT LGE 1 Bdrm apt, $120. 112 WIWAAl WALTERS CO. 1 & 2 Bdrm. Aptt.. ·-ing/fireplaces optional. El Shalimar, No. D, C.M. e NEW DELUXE e .a..1 It LI I $95 ~louse trailer. C~1 • LO\f\VEEKLYRATES *•c.61>-=.c2623=------3 BR, 2 BA Apt for lease. -u V ftl VI E\V HOME -Laguna Niguel, 3 BR, 2 BA. fenced . $32,850. Owner. cn4) 4954439 San Clemente 1710 HIGH. on a very high hill ov. crlooking the \Vestem White House & many miles or Pa. cilic Oeean, 2'.l90 sq. ft. of gracious living, 3 Br.-2'-h Ba., Jge fam . rm. ,11/im· n1rnse frplc & gas B-B·Q. Large cornt.'r Jot: secluded patio wl brick B·B-Q: cptd wood floors, For the dis. cl'in1inating hon1e • st'<'ker. $70.000.00. By appt, only. A. R. Scheele, Jr. Exclusive Broker (TI4l 492-5154. San Juan ~apistr~_n_• ___ 1_1_:is 2 Bedrm tolJJI P'ls OK $10.l •· Furn. & Unfum. Oakwood. Garden Apartments Kitchen, TV'1, maid service, 2 BR. upsta.ini. BltM. apts, fncl spac. muter suite, din _,_ 2 Bednn, Costa !\fesa $125 Onl6lhStreetbetWttnlrvineandDovPrUr. Heated Pool. drps, No pets. 568 W. Wilaon rm & dbl 1arage, auto door I>llbed ~-~~it-3 Bed.rm, Costa Mesa $150 646-3265 St. 5-45-0760 """'". -, avail. POOi A: Rec. ..._...ancts " P a& I (714J 64:!·8170 1---------.,.,....... carpet cbolce of 2 m1or 4 Bednn, tots Jl('ls QI{ $185 :! BR UPPER.-\\'ltlk to bch, SPAC 2 Br, l~ Ba Studio. area. ICb.eme; .. 2 bath.I ,, IUll 6 Bednn, all kidJ/pets $225 Sp1cio111 1trii0-, 1 .t:l ltdrao... suilef. Ful'fli•itff M $250 Incl util, Yrly avail 2 children OK. No pets. • FR0?\1 $265 • ahowers .. a:dmnd: weJd. STAR.LET 547-0063 11.afuralaUL ·$1tl l•.S:J1L.J.aunedi1t1 Occupet1c1 9/1 TI4-675-7CW5, 2 13. $150. 726 Joann st., 846-1584. 865 Amlcos \Vay, NB robe doorl , 1ndlrec:t Uiibt- IMl\1EDlATE OCCUPANCY 447-.9443 * SPAC. 2 & 3 BR's. Crpts, ?.1&.nqed by i!W la Jdtcben .. breaJrJut NE\V 3 br, 2 ba, home, ij;;;hii'&lc-----r==========IOCEANFRONT Apt. Yearly !>rps, Pool. 2214 Coll~ WILLIAM WALTERS co. bu .. huo prtvata feaced Tustin !\teadoWll. Firplc, RENTALS rental. 2 BR. Furn. TV, Ave., Apt 2, 646-0627 ---------patio .. plush l11M1telli,zs • din'g rm, bltin, hoat & General 4000 FM d' I I 64>-17 brlck o .. -a n • , __ trailer access. Kids OK. HousesUnfurnlshM ra10 nc. 56 •LRG2i:lBR,2Baths. Coronad•IMar 5250 ._..__..., .. -.. ... lleat. $295 mo 544.7,,, •ft 1,00 pm Uolverolly Pork 3237 Just For I OCEANFRONT 2 Br. !urn. Frplc, ., ............... '"" .. ,rots!. 'ii:l•1 St. $225 INC utl 2 Br 3 Ba upper. Garage. Year I Y gar., patio. 546-1034 (%ML N. ot So.°*" Plua) T\\·nhsr. CID. dl sh whr . 3 BR, & Atrium $300 lease. S250 mo. 64.2"344J 2 BR. Unfurn. $~.or part ~ Sant• AM Childr/pet ok. 3 BR. Choice location $325 Single Adults • \VINTER RENTALS • furn. No pclll. Wtr pd, Q. PHONE: 557..,noo Blue Beacon, Bkr. ~;}-011 1 3 BR. FI R&: DI R $335 Rent NOW for Sept.! 897~883 •t-•• $175 _ 2 BR. Cottage, frplc, 4 BR.. Fam. rm. & Din. South Bay Club iii a whole Abbey Realty 642-Jal 2 BR apts, bltn.s, cpts. drps, $150 .. LRG 2 BR. Studio crpts. drps, Eastside. Rm. Turtle Rock $360 new way or Hfe designed * 1 BR, $1L yrly, util pd. Cl.tan. Inquire 1552 "A" ON TEN AO\ES Apt. (Triplex), Famll¥ lize Blue Beacon, Bkr. 645-0lli 3 BR., FIR k DIR $350 just for single people, It'lf Adults. On p en insula. Cor\a.nder. 546-5268. 1 6 2 BR. Furn • Untun:I kitch.. w/bltftl, C'C"ptl, ctrps, $l40 • 2 BR. Jo11.-er. ch1drn J Bedroom & dining room b.Jn living with wann, dy. 6T'.>-4533 F!nplat:ft / pm. patioa / trplc.. t'l'ICl pr. 1 or 2 & pets ok. Gar. (Furn. or Unturn.) namic neighbors. l t'5 a Poala. Tcm'dl -Oontnt"l Bldat. chlldrtn ok. (Nr IChls) No Blue Beacon, Bkr. G4S.Olll \VE HAVE OTHERS! $750,000 Oubhousc 'vi th Newport Hgt&. 4210 Newport h•ch 52'0 900 Sea !Ane, QfM 6'4-2b'll pets.. 2230 S. Center St., BOB PE'l"I'IT, Realtor health club, saunas, swim.I--'---"----(MacArthur nr. Cmst Hwy) s .A. Nr Warner,• 557-4502 DOHENY Beach, Dana Har. ---------"Since 1946" ming pool, party room, bi!. CLEAN 1 or 2 BR. Adults PARK. NE\VPORT -care bor 1 ml. from unique Clll'ilm Costa Mesa. ____ 3:c100 Days 833-0101 Nights liards, indoor golf driving oo pets. Lrt: kit. $135--$150. free hv1 ovrlkg the \\'8.ter. NEW 2 Ii: 3 BR Apts unfum. k<. "h' 3 CBa trw/e.x~a guh est -.----2 Bclrms. l·bath $280 range, te~s courts, pro 2421 E, 16th St. NB 646-UOl 1 pools, 1 tennis els, $750,COl All bullt-ins. 2 bllca from 1tc n. en pal.Kl, uge 2 BR. Gar. Patio, crpts. shop and resident tennis pro Spit. From $115 to $450. Ocean Ave. Blk tr om g~•ge + aUev boal s......... ·'"''· stove, relrig. Bamboo 3 BR , 2 Baths $325 B h 1 2 B "--2 •• ~· Y arl I vail L•1uno Beoch 57D5 * NORTH END * ~ ,.....~ ... ,. R 21ti Ba hs $325 Single, l " 2 Bedroom lwi:· Huntington Beach 4400 ac . or r . .tUllU s.,, 11 .. .,., I · e y ease a • $36,900. EZ Down. 496-337'7 Village has privacy & quiet 3 8 · t ury apartments with all the • Townhouses. Elec. kit, pri 2 BR • $250 per mo. 3 One of th:>se rate lovt.\y RENTALS for mature adults only. 3 BR. 2 ba, fam. rm $3'15 modem conveniences avail. 1 BR, new shag carpeting, pat, or bal, Subtm prk&, BR ..$3j(I per mo. Owner-1 Bft apts, 1 Yock lhoppina, Dwntwn CM F'rom $150 .. 5 BR. 21,.f, be. $340 pool 'ldk .,.. .1..-.. t. 644-0266 beaclles private encloled Houses Furnished $l70 548-TIJ<i 5«-G45' e RED HlLL REALTY able. Furnished and unturn. swim . ~ to beaeh. opt miuu iier, cpts, drpa. c~""-.;::,.'.;,c:_,:.;,:.;._~---I tio tiTS • Gene ral 2000 $137.50 • UTIL pd. Bachelor apl. Nicely furn. Poot. Avail 8/20. Active, Bkr. 53~ $130 • l BR. apt. Fncd yard. Garage. Wshr/dry. Child ok. Ac:ti11e, B:kr. 534-6980 Rentals to Share 2005 · • · Univ. Park Center, Irvine '·bed Adul ts, nope-ts. $140 mo. Just N. oI Fashion li;J at MODERN 2 Br, bltn R/0, Pl · "' $179.50 NEW 2 BR, lrg patio, Call Anytime 833-0820 · Tradewinds Realty 847-8511 Jamboree & San Joaquin I'· disp, trpl, terraee, view. 8»4237 or 494-4483 frpl, bea1n ceilings, bltns, RENTS FROM Hills Rd. 6f4.l90(I for teU.. uUI $190 mo. '615-5752, $130 MO. -Bachelor Apt. c111ts. drps. AdulL& only, 00 Corona dei Mi1r 2150 $150 to $3SO Li111una Beach if705 lng_1"_10· _ _ _ ,... 5f0..2200. ..w ~CE75 r,!~: .. 2 Bedrooma pets, Refs. 2354 Santa Ana ·--·;_::.;::;__::::;:I • -_____._._. SPACIOUS l br, Adults SlSO r Lol'l .n..i.:..1'1.1.TY .fM.970f Ave. 54S.9472or67J.-0395 EXOC. 4 Br, 2~1 Ba dplx. NEWPORT BEACH ' · *OfiENDAilYt:S* 309 Femte.t 6 75·0692 2 BR. cot:an view, 1 blk If Studio apt, util. pd, Avail. 777 AMIGOS WAY 2 BR. Me. Crpt & drapes. 2:m sq tt. mtns, nwly pntd. 880 Irvine Ave, A 4 :;_g 2972 , 7. So, Laguna. $105. 2 BR. 2 ha. unlts, untum. 613-3127 ~--~ .. ·• shar crpta. f].85. Lg. fenced yrd. 2658 G. Gar. $425/mo ls. 540-7513 ~ .. _, Orange Ave. $1 75 mo. Irvine & 16th Out.skle 11\lini;: areu and 2 BR. NEWLY CARPETED 2 SLEEPING Rms. l!tll pd\ 1 double aarares. $250 to $300. Huntlntton le•ch 5400 San Cl_,,ente 5710 yard $29,950. Take over G.I. --------- ~~~ebl~-i!~· ~1!3t~i~Td:S .s200 CaJ":°2ri~7[i~aL (714) w.osso 1 wiJ~.1X:st ra:,Y. ~ J ;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;::-;;;;;;;;;:- 1"· Call 837 ... 17154"'330. ===''-'='==""=== SOUTH BAY CLUB 2 BR. !urn or uofurn, * 2 BR, 2 BA 12 •to~). ON BEACH I 2 Bdrm with patio $145 mo. 49Z-1971 or aft 5 Pt..f, TI4-396T Joan. $3000 dn. will hanclle. Courtesy Really 962-7151 3 BDRM hse for MIC, lea~ v.·/oplion or rent. Paci lie Sands. New shag rug, redecorating. Tremend's value at Sl!l,500. P h : 536-4331 or {213) T;,4-1761 BY OWNER: 3 br, 2 b:i.. crpt, drapes & landscapm.1. Assutnt" lo interest I o a n, $31.COl. ~511 Fountain Va lley 1410 LAST WEEK 3 BR, 21h ba, lg<> fam rm, Bottom dollar $30,900 5'.~ % assum. Joan. 71'11839-78.19 OWNER: Lg. 4 bd, 2 ba, 151: $22,000-$228 mo total, $29,850 Will take 2nd. 968-161 Santa Ana Hqts. 16lD POOL HOME 3 Bednn. hv.·d Ilool'l!, 16 x 34 Anthony pool, all on large 65' x 13.5' lot. Prlttd at the GI appraisal $25.500. Vets no dn; FHA lo dn. BRING $$ & SAVE $$ FULLER REALTY 546-081• $250 LJIL pd. 3 BR, RIO tirpl, w/w. Avail OO\\'. Broker SJ4.£9SO Laguna B,.ch 1705 SPACIOUS 4 Bedroom, 3 both + ran1\ly roon1 home In l\1ystlc Hills. ()..-er 2800 ICI. ft. La.rge detks for outdoor living " a 1f1in. imum of ya.rd m11.lntenahcfo. At the end of A quiet sltffl. it hns pr\vacy & an out· ~tanding ocean &: ell)' view. $64,150, .AV tan REAL ESTATE 1190 Glenneyrt Sl. 49~..S.173 5·1!J.0316 * OPEN HOUSE * 1~ o any Portaflna Laguna Jlomc!I & Building SitC5 Up N)'CI Pl, off ~I llW)'. Vlctorta Beac.h A~a PLACE R.EAL1i' 49-1-9104 2969 So. C.oa.sl l llway PLANNlNG to movt'! You'll flnd 11.n amuina numbPr of hOm"" In today's Oa.ulnc:d td1. Cht'ck them now. 1 MALE or female: to share 5 br. view home in Laguna Beach. 494-7Sj5 DUPLEX.: Wffi CM. 2 br. Huntl-ton Bei1ch 3400 ·~ • ··• Ocean view, Shae-cpl.I Bltns, priv. patio & balcony, WILL share my h om e "'/genlleman, All f a c i l. ~ btwn 7pm &; 9pm WANTED: 1 or 2 female roommates. $165 mo. La· gun.a Beach. 494-3901 aft 6:30 bltlm. pvt. yd & '""· $ISO LOVELY 4 bd 2 ba. formal APARTMENTS ' ~~$200~~*-*-'c."'c:-81:;;8&:__ Hoeg "°'P· .,.. •. $185 mo. mo. 540-0178 ' • • • •·RENT•LS Appt. 0~1... 4247 Hilaria din. rm. All modern eon-"" •iv e 2 BR 1% BA FROM S22S e 2 BR 2 BA FROM $260 e 3 BR 2 BA FR.OM $300 Carpets-drapt.diahwuber heated pool-sauna-tennis rec room-ocean view1 REAL ESTATE Gener•I UNn.JRNISHED 2 BR llouM'. veniencr's. Lg. fncd/yd, Live where the fun isl Apt1. Unfurnished Way, NB. 540--0993 Adults $135 mo. 252 w/patio. Walk to bee.ch & -LGE. 3 Br, l~ Ba. erpts, Rentolt Wontocl S Shen11ood, CM 646-83111 schools:. No pets! 2 Cbldrn. -,=======-I Gen.rat 5000 drps, d ishwas her, 4 BR, 2 BA, Bit•"· cp~. drp•. 0.K. $350 mo. 962-9700 RENT FURNITURE --dowmtain, "° ""· 2 child . --=1 WANTED • House to leue. Responsible family ~ 4-5 BR hornt, Corona dd Mar Sehl Dist. LI ke EutbluH or Harbor V\ew HW.. Pool ,PW'd, f'urn'd or untumiahed. Taki tt.t Jorw awaited cni!Je while we cart for :your homt, About $500. Call Jud<t, m•> Sl&-9501 dishwshr. Sehl, shopping, * QUICK PDSSESSION APARTI.1ENT FOR RENT ok, near schools. $160. frwy. S2!lO mo. 531-9563 -5 Br-pool..Jba·lease DffiECT TO YOU New One bdrm. apt. Lrg. S4f>-3215 potiowmple -· Security ....,i.. Newport Beach 2200 847-8553 Bkr. 847~ 24 Hr. Delivery living .Rm. '11ith fireplace.IALM·..:.::"o=sr=--.. -,-,-,-s.-d-nn-. -, 100% PURCHASE OPTION B/I kit. fully carpe~ed &: BA apt w/trplc. $185 mo. ruRN. mo Avait HUNTINGTON PACIFIC OCEAN front-AU new 2 hr. built·ins, bar, decora t or furnished 114/&16-1234. Da na Point 2740 TOOTHBRUSH ALL U NEED to enjoy my beautiful home. 2 br/2 ba + den, Finest coast vu from priv, patio & tlv. rm. Adults oo pcL~. l yr lse. S3151mo, 49f>.3234 -------- Newport_ B=•:::•.:;<h:;.__:32=00 **VACANT** E. BluU. $325. 3 BR. C\evidcnce Realtor, 67S-6044 Pool. 2 BR., + gar 1 car. 1 blk. to ocean & redec. Yr rnd lease, 1 child O.K. Day 531-9101, aft. 5:00. 642-8678 3 BR, fam. rm, bltin~. 2% ha. Lg. liv'ng nn. & fenced yd. Nice area. $300 per/mo. Lease. 546.-4421 Summer Rentals 2910 2 BOR.'\1, :i Ba. Townhouse. 2910 OCEAN Front, Newport. p 0 o I · Lease-Lease/opt. Dlx., comp. furn. 4 Br. 2 ($251).$200). Owner. 644-6488 Ba. 2 Car gar, Sundcck. HOUSE v.'8.llted to rent or Dshwhr .. wshr/dry~r. lease on Lido lslr b'om lat Linens furn . Avail. 8/29 to September. 6'7>0054 9/12. $375 Per Wt' e k. 4 BR. 2% Ba., blt1'18. Stepg 675-8658. After 7/lB call: to ocean. $350. Leuc 774-7377 Cay\\"OOd Really :>48-1290 General 3000 General 3 BR, 2 Ba, Condominium. Bltn.s, crpt'd. drp'd. $115 mo. 968-6412 or 968-6234 HUNTINGTON HARBOUR 4 BR, 3 BA lease • or opt 847-855.1 Bia. 893-4152 Laguni1 • B_!•::;•:::;h:..__::3:.:70:;5 LEASE or lease option: Top of \Vorld area. 4 Br., 2 Ba.. $295. 8Jl.-0792 3 BR. New home. View! $300 Month PLACE REALTY 494-9704 TIRED of that old furniturer It's really not that hard to replace. Just watch the . tumiturt a: miscellaneous columns In the O.usltied Section, Generi1I 3000 S©~~lV\-lt"B!fs• The Punle with thtt Buiff./n ChucHe Complete 1 BR Apt., draped. Garage, uti l l ly Adults only. No ptts. lm· Low as $22 per mo. room, separate fenced yd. mediate Jl089CUion. Azent near down town and C.M. 546-4141 30 Day Minimum l?ark. $169.50 ·mcmth. M. M.1..:~::;:,_==~=- WIDE VARIETY La.Borde 646-0555 NEWLY DECORATED Tll OCEAN A VE., H.B. (114) 536-1487 Custom Furniture NEW l , 2, 3 Bedrms. All 2 br & iar, w~ pd~ Rental bltns cpt/drp, gar. Nr So 2..176 Placentkl·D $12~ Ore. open 10 am-6 pm Dally Manag<dby \VIWAM WALTERS CO. 517 \V. 19th, CM. 548-3481 Coast plaza 54 0-1973 2566 Orange. D $ll;J 1568 W Linooln, Anhm 714-2800 54>-2321 ' 1 BR Cond. New carpets, REMARKABLY 2 BR I\' ba ...... ,A pool, washer & dryer $130. BEACH apt Ocean Vie\v. ·• ~ • 8'1.!UJU apt. A all 8116 "" '130 alt ' Su~-k N "-UNBELIEVABLY crpt, drapes &: bltlns, Closci .c-.vc....c....c·-~-----,.....,c: · ewer spac u.L& EXTRAORDINARILY to shp $135. 847-9508 2 BR. Crpts, drps, pool, Kids ~nd~'. N~':; .. ';""p:-,.~ BEAUl'IFUL ok, $140 + dep. 1998 Maplt, •z a.c: u:: ... ., A t I 548-....,.. yr round. Adults, baby ok I !;~~~~~~~~ Vi1I D'lure Garden Apb Costa Mesi1 5100 P • .. _ 536--2111 PUtttna: sreen. waterfall .. -2 SOR.VI. Crpts, drps. Pool. .:;;;~::;,-==-~,,..--UNFURN 2 BJL hou.lt I 5lttam, ftowen everywhere, Children ok. See at 1l6 NEAR Huntington Harbour w 45' ....... 1, rec. room, billiard• Monte Vista., 01. New Triplexes. Quiet arm. garage & enclsd rear )'I.rd, --"' Lrg 1 BR'1, Dishwasher. for sml dog. Prefer City BBQ'1, Sauna, fum.-untum, NR. New 2 Br, 1% Ba, crpts. $150. Pel ok. (213) 592-2623 "H"all~~""'~"-CM~-· -54Q.-0284~--·I 1 & 2 Br. al.to Sina:leii from N l l BR. 2 B/l, tu drps, sto\.'e, dthwhr. gar. or cn4) 846-3559 4-6 BR by Stpt l, ye.arty, $135. See ll! 2000 Panona o:wuniurn. ili-eond, ,!ii 766 W. Wll90n. 642-7958 nr schools, up to $450 mo. Rd., M2-86'10. Between Har· clean oven, beiun ttlllng, 1 BR Jg cloaets. new crpts, WANT Mana.etr for 6 units, Box M·l091 Daily Pilot bor&:Newport.2BlkN.19th dshwr, prlv gar, elevators, pool, util pd. $140. 1884 Hunttneton Beach. Will th + swim ls reduoe rent on 2 br apt. WANTED 3 BR, Co.ta Mesa PALM MESA APTS. l BR FURN Sl49.50 Ba.chelor & 2 BR avail. mo.Imo, OK e POOL e SAUNA e JACUZZJ u-BQ.f.Y 1aunaa, clu~use'. ~lonrovia, ~ from $120 to $70 mo. 213: HI dl!t, by Aug. L $250. Adults. From $140. Just CONDOMINIUM • 3 BR. 2% o'65=7='34'-'ll~-~~--mo. Respons.lble. 5*-51lt Eut of 2600 Harbor near BA. w/ pool priv. & trplc. 2 BR, ne"•ly painted, re.frie., e LANDLORDS e Nabers C8dlllac a t 4.25 S28S mo. 673-9183 ---• Merrimac Way. 545.6300 ::;;,,;:::.,..~.;_,:,...~-~I bltll'll, o:ui.:• 1ar. $160. mo. FREE RENTAL st'RVJCE BAY MEADOW API'S 3 BR, 3 ba. Frplc, pool. Incl ut.11, Adults, oo pets. Broker 53.f..6982 Ntw exdUng 1 BR, 140, =· ~ ~r, 2 bl., '.J'radewindt Re .. ty. MT~ SINGLE Doctor nffd.8;' bTi 2 BR, $165. Beam celllnga.1-"='.c::c.·..;_____ A1TRAC. 2 BR. SUS or $1d. aot at hee on heh by AUi. Wood pan'lg, •hag crptg,1---------All ~xtru. Pool. kkts/petf. ]$. WUI P\8Y to $3(19. '*'2925 prlv. patio, .some w/trplca IRVINE 5231 ok. 17~3L-C Keelton Ln. BLUFFS. Eut BluU·Nloe Pool. 11anc1 voUev ball crt I;;;:=:=:=:;:;:;:=;;;. c81=.'-cl;;:)>;;::·c.";.;;,'-.;'.:.446;:...,.,.-=,,, br. un1utni!hed • .. rec bldg., pooJ tabl", put'. NOW LEASING' NEW 1 Br-blk to,...,._ $US. houoe. 6444185 "From $38.50 Wk. """ .,... •. Adullo, "° ""· · Prtv potlo -QIJIETI G". 1 -El-Jl-ERL~~Y~lad~y-w------. From $165/mo, Luxury Sin. 38i W, Bay. Open House New, f.amlly and adult units SI~ adlts, <J>Uple. XJ2..A downtown H.B. Apt-Can gle Apts. Complete maid U.7 pm daily. &l6-0013. with total recreation club c1:.:4.::lh::,. ,:5.1&-:.:,:1319;;:;:.• ::.tm.=1.::781:.;.__ ~ f90 mo. max. $.'.J6...fT1l service, homewares, l~N, VILLA MESA APTS. and pre-school. l, 2 " 3 * 2 BR l~ b&. P""°* pool, SNGL rem ·needs tunky au uUI; htaled pool, 2 BR · Priv patio Htd poot bdrma b'om $150. Nr. shop-$165 mo. Mora KaJ Apts, turn lB hie Nwprt VILLAGE INN 2 ~ encl'd pi., Children plna, golf, l'ICbooli. Just :-~ Bl. % blk 1o $uf w~ up, .,_.. taauna Beach 49f.!M36 welcome, no pet& pleue! '°°°' or SM Piego Fwy, on pet. PERM. no aaentl. Nta. BALBOA INN $165 mo. 119 w. Wi1900. Culver Dr., trvtne. 83.1-3133. 2 BR Duplex· dole to.btach Evtt. 988-7824 Ball>ol 67'"740 816-1251. p •RK WEST " ciowotow•• C>l>ts. drp<, ==-=-,..-,==,.--=I "" stow. U45 mo, 5J6..3507 ROOM or Blchtlor ~ DELUXE I & 2 BT. Bib< APARTMENTS "'""'°" aftL Rnp. Haw HOU DAY PLAZA 1tv & dohwhr. pool. eocl Ovmed and Ma,,....i by *LOVELY Nl.W APTS ""· Write O&il> Pilot Box DELUXE, spacious l BdiTn. lranit~. all utll pd. From The trvtne Compall)' Near Ocet.n a park, l le 2 P·lOOS Furn apt. $135. Phu utll. $~170. Chlldm welcome.1.,....,,......,...,...,...,...,,. Bdrms:. 425 lSth St, 347-3957 --------Heated pool, ,\mple pork. •U1 IV WI! 5 " 6"I • IOn--no. . $145. 1 BR Pvt "'&r le patlo. Ing, No children • no pell. M&-7400 • Reom1 fer Rent l.96S Pomona. c.M. ---=~---TIME FOR All dlx featurH, 4-wrlt bldg. $170 !16Wl21 w M!--OOl!'I OLDER •'OOlan ""'1, r;.,,, Cosio MoH 4100 3 Br., l ll Ba, patio. bll·IM, "'UICK CASH BEA\J'l'IFUL I BR apl. All ..,. -lo -bdno """-------! ttpta, dl'pl, Ask about our T bl Fum'd -.... A M~rutIMAC WOODS otw d'llcount plan. 880 Center lN, Furn. opl:lonal, PaUo, M&-M17 •10 JIW. N,B. luxury 1.2 BR. a!N'Ooo. <:is si. 842-8340. THROUGH A '"" "''· 812-Sm M ni. W 54S-6300 1 ~--------1 I-2 BR. New. Frp\e. Neat •'15 PER WteJc - cl: .. ~oo ~. See HA BOR GREENS DAIL y PILOT °""""· Patio. Adwts. w/ldicheo. l3S .. , w;....., , CAftD~N A STUDIO Al"l'l! UNOBORC CO. 536-:157\l Apl" M~ 548-mil ~ ~ (<V~ ~ ~;~.,lh .. t a.ch. ~ 2. 3 BR'•. from mo. WANT ADS I BR. "'"' O<Ho. Patio. EMPLOYED lady Ill' .... qu c cu r "" • 2100 Petm10n \V~. C.ht. Adults. dent. room In lovely boail. Olll 642"671 A, .. , .. It. _M_tl-03_.._7'>4 _____ , _____ .._ __ , _L:;l::.;N.=;DllO=R::G:...::C0:;·_;536-::::;2'=7\l~.l.::A::;Vlll:::,:A::"'!..!1.~$85:::::_. ;::5'M7:'.!·~. • ,. • • .. • • •• • l • 1 • • • . . . . ..... "' ~ ... '" ~ ... ,.. " .......... " \ ~ ........ 'I' ... , ,, --· ••••• "" -. -.... , .. . .. \ --.... , . e q e a . ·.;; jjj ' • DM.Y~T :'lmllflTl-BUSINISS and 'It l'INANCIAL ANNOUllCEMINTS end NOTICIS SERVICE DIRECTOIY SlltVICI DlRICTORY -Gonorol Sorilc. 6612 Pi..ttwlne. Patch, ll-1· .... P!LOT·ADVERT!m 'fl JOIS i WLOYMI . Jolt• Men, Wem. 7100 p•~~~"!"';·;·;e~~~~!!! p..,....a. .. ~ -*!\ILLY UCENm>* DIECOJll.'l'IV& CllNCltZ1'E APr a.EANlljG • Palnllns t---------..... tant '1'1'&1- • CAN ,_ -more Rtnnwnod Hindu !l{>lri"'""'I DIUV!S,WALlll-PA'nO • llloa ... ..,... ... " W. * PATCH PLAS'l'ERING ** HELP ** J~·;·;-;·~ ... ~-;;;;;-;;;sl*, . ---,,,. . i all P"l. -· w(-kll ...... Mature WWUiC WI> --·-·---;Mliii W 'rt'd room. money! lllnnNota Co. n-Ad'rice on all matt:m. CALL DON, &0-8514 • =~~· REMA.RC AD lnea. l'NI Mtmli\M $S.SS '9' hr. pmdiJ!c-WD caw. c.u Roy LoN, M.arriap, Bm1Dw CUSTOM CONCRETE Hl... Call 5IMl2$ 11 men n11d1ll MW --llridlqil -7 .,_ , PATIOS-OiUV£s.E'?C. FENCING, npoln, ......... 1,..======= Pmn. 4 temp, -loyu>onl -9-tPlfZUN.EI J"no •1-a, ~ --pollllMint -Dell,.rydrlvero,crcl<rdop~ -· -Ill ca.iilno Dr .. 'c.x.5tMISI 1u-.. WI..... .. COmJno. Roal, Sin * CONCUTE -....... --.. -with .-TV Co ...... be aen.•, ~ ..,.._ 1rYwQa. etc. Lle•a sed, ROHE ~ 4 LI t• ~HR PUnOING nt1.t '= talftlllw, and ovtr I.GE --.. "" "°""· ldldleft priv. Nr. lbopplna c ..... 549-1061 Al ' M--llWld. I< REMOD-• ~G 19, Con\-will lnin. BUY or Leue tmoJI * 018 PhilUpo ceme ... 5IM3$I " "67--· Mr. Rutt $2111 bwo!Mu. Mold. mobil< • • MORE Cotl<nl1! polio for Call C:.0..,.. '1M198 An11tic tt1ng Pl.Ul<lllNG Rl:PAlll IANK TELLIR ~;~ ~ ~: Y~ :-~:O ::;~ -~ · Hauling 67IO No job im lml.ll WIEXper.. P::C ;:: llox No. Pllll, DtJll' Pilot . .,_ )Giii' lllo coll. , • sc.m! • SoiUy. JQnt • ""' Whacltlyo Wont? Whoddya Get? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SW'APP!RS Special Raio -5&1-9f C:Mtr.ctws 6620 T.N'T. Lawn Service , Applyinpe:non:i.tWfttem 6i2o Gu'qe c1taDoUpa. hlullnc Peol S.rvke "10 Ballll.16932 G.oldenwest I taP._rty 6000 s u .... -5 tllMI -s buck• ...... -M MUST .c:\.UM Mo-ti J,.-24 Hr. -A lilt>I mov11W. 54M1163, ,.:Dr:::., =H=.B.:.. ----- 1st TD Loan , ·=~T ~ CONTRACTORS 531-m> ACID -npoin, 10 ........ ,_...,............... ~ ............... ~YCMHl ... _,., ...... 4--'11 W.. " .._ ..... P.O.BoxUSICoataM.... OINIRAL CO. HAUL!Nc;JIOAUlAD yn. In Oranae Co. 'My **TELLER ar. INTEREST Addltkm-Remod!Jblg Clta.o OJI. Tl'ff S!rv. Gen. C\Lllomen ~ my friends, Mature ptrSM with batik· • ......,. ........ SAl.9 -TIUff1 OIU,Yt To Pi.a Y-Trodor's Pol'fflto Ad PHONE 642-5671 ~~ial Pruning~. 5f3.80U 64trlll6 keeplQc and/or c:uhitr bk. 21d TD Loan -""-1 ' "" • sn-• · TRASH ........ -· ..... Mu.• .............. mm;. -• 311 8th "· -Lioo.... Bonded Moo-Sun. $10 a lood, R-llnt & P ..... ctll 962,5551. 2.tnl+ "' of Magnif. Utah ,_, -.i oo ..,.ity. RESUMES ,,. &ript. ...., Eottmai.. 54a-5031 llopolr 6MO AU YOU Nrw Si*lllb l)gplex. ~ auliful quarter bone land. "'" Zion Na~ Pk., 642.1171 -n -· F.dlll>w • W>;Unr 'ADDITlONS A»d Alter&Hons MOVlNG ...,... dean.up --------- wtr, ,,..., rood, ar. lake. S<rYtnc Barbo< uu 11 yn. -Ro-Fut """"''' Ro•. • Comm. oontractor "lite,,;.,,,... -ROOM Mlltio.., ._.,, IEAU11FUL77 $350,000 f!CI. For tJwles: Sattler Mortpee C• Service. Reason&hle, lletmed,. tiondell • ~ Free tttlma~ ~1602 •. remodel. Lowut Price in bib to OcNa. Live 1111 S Ibid. 3 yrs. with tack. BR. Mtt 2 BR. $6,\500. tor ear, boat er ! LINDBORG <X>. ~25l9 ~ * NEW 6 UNIT * Fon _, a, Builder • .._, ooeaa, ~ C-fdaJ' irlboUd Dory Hall 8.B . .u.o, -. a Utlft • needs wen. Far cemem 4 U.C. '1t N'1...3l5'I mixer, ehainae.w, bulldtric Ii OCUNl'Rd!it * mai.r1a1 ~ 991 w. 5 JJaits. ,SJ25.lm. Xbrl trnm1.!0tb...;.;...:5..:1 ..:CM.""'----- BEAL TY' 49f...tm4 J bdMn Beach House $30,000 """"' • 1111• ...... .... lor Income producing property, "A 1&11.: a · aq. n. ~ a(llr:le. • .,. ft. stlft, .., Cowmy home % acre 3 ~ ...... • "'""' Br, 2 Ba, ....... ~ ...... rn · ok. WANI'·lneome propu. ..... ~ .-e.. .alcet. -:uo i;Y. boat .. ? Owner/~ JlfWl'St --.. a .sq. ft. 548-9417 or ~ I@'. 6• -er !WMl33 SAJUIOAT 30', .;.... 2. OM. -.. 1 6070 """-. $1llOO """"· Trade half interest or aD inc •••Bia Sfl-611& 338 E lTttl street 646-5446 tree eatlm&tel, {ftnancin&) y•nft I ,...&_ n-...... town, l.Jc. contractor. ., or . . . . • 5.16-2810 548-391'.6 An.LI ~. _.......... &0-2988 -·---~-• .... saw LOANS $50,CO> • up.· AltY Com-•ory Lots "II ~move trea.. Ivy, truh. --;;--;;=-==-::= •• ......., UAUUICO._. ru1 eetatt or bu:!ineas. Mr •• " 1t'IHE JtEMODELERS• ,..._~& be.cldloe 962-8745. MY WAY, qU&Jtty home tor cement mixer. l very · • _ ~ est. .. lOO% financlng .........,, • J'ltp&ir. Walh, ceilJnl, floors gentle pony trade Jor pkk. Dollum 3l3:92J..%f05 m col· 4 PACIFIC View JiiemorlaJ JCitchens prqt'S .. carports HAUlJNG * FREE EST etc. No job too am&ll. upt~~,,?-~ ~calla. Park cemetery lots• eoDlplete R.emodellng, AakforBu.tch 5U-149f ~·~ I E L ..:•.. each. 642--1323 or~ Quall\)' Contractors. 642--548-'D65 or 5'8-52«> FIBERGLASS ihowtn &: 7% A t Joi nder Rel lflte Nnl - c. ~taGe ..... ~-uHil,: -.. T I "IO 3660 Housecl••n.._ •735 puDH•rbmam, 536-8915 a1k 1ol' groundulil., av ...... , ...,DFSIRE lo borrow $7,000. utorng " REMODELED p aint int:, .. ,. nr. RiVfl"lide. Lake Matt. a:i a 2d mortgage. A secure, dcywall texture &: ac--------- hews View. ·'J'rade lor inc., ~ bulinea opportunity. [ '.NJU. tu~or elementary couatical spraylne ot all HouHCl••nfftl? trades, etc. Birr, 54'1'.&tm. Beaut reside~ w/ mkt. skills, readin&', arithmetic, types. Free e9timate, Lie. WE'RE THE Trade cl.ear Jot w/braut value ot $50,000. Loan ba1 SU-73» or 53&-1!25 Ir Bonded. 531-5149 EXPIRTSJ view in Lacuria f« small on ht $26.BOO. Bal on 2d SERVICE DIRICTORY ADDmONS. L. T. con-hOme-I lot CM or aubmil. $.1.IOO. Sab Qemente, .at _ atruction, Pnate or 2 story. GEN'L remodeling It maint. No job too small. Llc'd/inluttd. 61s.8133. Sow Int It'• all in tbe eye of tbt b6. hokier. Qeck the TV on. ml. you watch and U )'OU feel )OU'N U Jft«7 &I 9Clme ol lbole people, call ba. CALIF. CASTING CO. i. conttnume tr1 1eareh tar everyday people who hi.no a dealre to work on TV or mod'1ing jobs. $15' ID 1125 per day. No f"' tu yo11 ever. * FOR ON CAMERA. AUDmON * CALL (714) 835-8282 10 AM to 6 P~I W E ~nrnyer RUr. Sborecllff Country CIA> cm A countlnt 000 Plans, estimatb I: layouts . 646.39:is Call Eves: M2.22.17 Wrway. Owner. ( 11~) . c M1·1Sll Have deluxe Cc.ta Mn. &U-&UO · FtJLL Cbatp BookRepu Additions * Remodeling triplexes a, 4-Plexa' Want ANNOUNCEMENTS Needtl Pl'nme Work. Fttd H. Gerwick. Lie. M o[" more units. Ora. ind NOTICES ~2018 6'13-fl041 * 549-ll70 DtrrCH Maint Serv, crpt clng, fir waxing, - WUhing. Han')' van Heynen s:n-~ if ti0 ana call aft 3. RESIDENTIAL, com· mercial. garqe I-property QUALITY you've a 1 ways BARMAID, sharp pl, no wanted. Dressma.kin& -coatume. A&e 35-40, Day or <entionl.. Key Sa.y, 1163 nite ahilt, al.lo pt·tlme, no Orange Ave., C.M. ~l.292. exp nee, will train. The clean-up A·l ALERATIONS Place, :llOO W. IWboa Blvd, N.B. 615--51n CoonlY, Fo<lin ea .. 1m.c Found <F,.. Add 6400 ---- westd.itf. NB, MJ..5(0). -B1by1ittfnt '551 C1rplt CIMning 6625 '""M"'•",.,....,o"ean1nc==-•s.rv=..,=-BAIU4AlD -Nlahta. Apply Carpets windows. noon etc SEWrNG: Women's &: b!fote 6 p.m. Mavttick, t'"CiiFiiie:i""i!P;.C~ for Dune BuuY. S~tion 05 I ICE SPACE w,. .. or '" -· m HAVE: Antique buffet or Want home: bawe2dup1exLADIES chum "b racelet YOUNG SET ""'"'NO I ON • 'l'1gtr Oak. Vahaed umm m 13,500 811. fl kit w/chlldrm'• dates ot mth, PRE-SCHOOL HIJUlpUR t IGSO. WANT l'arnlture, '°""'AP: $2f.5ll)Eq.Plam ...._tta. noinft " tiny Ag.s 2-10 7-. 6,:u.7,30 n-•• ~---'L "~· .. ~ .... ' "'"".._•'• · W-·. 1728 Newport Blvd., C.M. ~ •. -~. ~ nc" ..........,,"' ~ ,..,00 ~ BEAUTICIAN, experienced, _..111061* •.111· .Jlm:rt· art objects er?!. foroltk'es avail. batJ)o shots. Moat have ten-hour, day 111' week. Full ~ '-<tr.' TROJAN MAI NT. CO. with 1o1J6winc P"'l'd but not CARPET Compl bouaecleanlrl&, ole. & l•llori"I "70 nee. Willing to .. wne STEAM CLEANED apta, Bo:nded .. <213> 197.s212. --~~----overio.d of clientele due to REASONABLE RATES JOE'S CLEAN SERV. ALTERATIONS wantod • vacati°"' •le. Call bot. --~'".~di!a,lk 61J..®l Boyd Realty 6TS.sB..1J thnfontal whit. Found & pt/time. 50c per hr. 1 -... -'-' • Dolaney'• ... Shanty ..... ~ .. -... ~~ .... -Rn.kJt.YtteeaValley,un. lfl acres Lake Co., Ore., kW lot. OWner may bave child. 75c !or 2. $1.00 for =:._ OaJ Jr~ dtrgmd util, appto:x % ac. S8tXXJ free & clear • l!X· with definite deteription. 3 in the eame famll,y. ~~\r..J...' &ke qui. ~ntal nip ol ~ 1Dr So. Calif. Ray J. 675--0612 Special SU.mmtr Pro&ram Alto carpet lnatall&tioa We do Evtrythlna:·Res & 2.> yrs experience. Ladies 10:30 am-6 pm. M7-916f """5f71 C.Omm, Free Est. 642-1403 or mens clothi~. \~ork BEAtrrY operator, full or ~t'f eq_ v&We.$34llO, ds to achls. Arntson, 1000 N. O>att, Lacl,ro=UN=D,...on,--A"""'°'=,...,s"'i-.-.,-incl. field trips. •wlmming Gil ·W.. A;w., II.I. Prime loeation. 49t-0052. Bch. 497.TJliD. bairtd ~ed terrie; type for 6-10 year olds. All OWNERS SPEnAL BAY & Beach Janitorial Carpeta, wtOOows, floon, etc. Res & Commc'l. 646-1401 gUal'aflteed. Call anytime. part time, Claasic Coitture, S&S-1947 C.M." 540-0550 J)il[Jlae 1Wba. atfiee Mt. Chalet, O'ett1ine .. St. GIFT A COUNTRY STORE do(. Dk. brown, white on qualifiedAteac~nM. ~ !'!,n. SOD sq. ft. $31. Diamond Nr. CJnlwa 0....,. Airport ft.forilz. Fabuloa vw Lake TERRIFJ:C LOCATION!. face'. Leather collar • flea ~;; ve, \,;. ' ..._...,o. Carpet ~anera.. 181 2J.at "74 le inn-Iadaatrlal creaory. $35.000. Trd eq. $4,000equityfor collar. Takrn to anim&l ===~.,.---,,-.,.,...-St.,ColtaMesa,6f5..1311. C Q • •.. Cupid. drapes. S3JM Jor prop K.B. CdM. comparable or what have 8helter M0111ER ~ teen da.uabters REMARC Services. 3 rooms * Verne, The nl.e Man * ...ic. alHoo.titianing A tn4J 642-3339 • 52&8886 :YOU! 646-S383 KEYS Found 00 bucb vie. :e~~t ~ ~111 ~ $21.50. Full>· suaranteed. Cusl worti:. 111.!Wl &: repairs. J1nltori•I Service Res, &: Commc:'l £42..6824 JiaAwW ...xe. $125 1lo. 2 traMporta:m ears .• 57 3 UNITS ~ plus &land 6 Balboa. Inquire )eta of Pla:r eqUip &: en-Qedit cards OK M7~. lronint •755 No job too sm]. Pluttt pa. 'BOB:=. :alter Mere wagon., '81 Men:: Ae• clea.r commerc. UICOIDe, tor ·at fltmt counter, Daib' t< rtaln. fl!i/wk or STEAM jet carpet cl~. Oo. Le~7~ftpair. du, Good COlld. Trade 1 or land. howle or beach prop. Pilot. Zll1 Balboa, N.B. $3.50/day. ~ "Lou By <larK&re. na=de m.oNINGS done ln my home ======== DESK SPACE both tor swvi. boats ar ? erfy. Equity $103.mo. BIG dof, male, about 3 )"I'S. Ann'' l!UVice. Free est ,n ickhr. uEx.p ce::int d~·v;~ Topt0il ff77 3-No. ·El C.mi• Retl 541"'639: ews &16-4M3, Owner m-6259 brown, white &: bJ&ck. v~: ~y'°'oUN=G~-m.m.d-.,-. .,.....,,..,.,-""'"7. -, _ 4 BR. 3 be Dover Shor· Riverside" .i: Coast Hwy, . ' C1rpd L1ylnf & Newport. Costa Mesa area. TO--------S.n Cl.,.,..ttrt• Prime 3 Sb:lft. consmerda1. .....,,.. babyart in own home I.of R I 662' 642-3581 PSOIL, Nltrosen fort:IAed .,...... CM. Owner Oregon boand .. es home, ia.soo: Trade N.B. SSf.9813 1 or 2 children, any ~. ---~-'------Ironing $l.OO hr ~added, 831-'lWJ ar DESK SPACE :;~~~:~~· ::t:.ci:r~'::or'v~~~6;·~ :ro~~~~~nt I~~~·== Mybome. 6iG-56C.1 =-==·====== BOOKKIEPEll· SECT'Y. Girl Friday for Real Estate Ma.nsgem@nt. Local, fU1J charp, with Home Office assistance. Reports, AIR • A/P. postjn&, ttnl&l incort1e &: expenaes. No payroll. ShOrthand or Speedwrttins. Full time. Salary~ advance. .,... ...... -baltb ..... Coldwell, 81nk1r & C.. Newport Beach m-0700 ft 7875 Beach ~d. South Coast Real Estate * 540-29!11 * CM. 54&-t&IO Zs-;k,Jrvtne • 11th, Oi. _?'ile~. Paee. 642-2070 * IRONING* TrM Service 6tl0 Hu•f'1ngton B-·h ' $40M equit;y 3 br, ' ba -Trade $12,IXXI equity ln lgl! ---"RAB=err=---My Home, 51 Hr. BOB'S TREE SURGEllY BOOKKEEPER t ... ~ .. -·. ·1 ,._... · bcb So Laguna 4 er 2 Ba home for small V\c Willlon I: ltarbor LICENSED Child care, my Electrlc.11 6MO P ick Up I: De~iv. 545--7641 _.,...,...,,, tl!M"»~ ..,._. -' m pvt are&, • ....__: I t C .. Submit •M .... ~--"-n thru ~ 2 to ---·-----ill ba.ek offering the aame Sh. 100, Rood typfn&:. 1bru , -· ..,_.. ·"" /. %i blk to bcb. ntde for 12 , .... _ or o · ·'"· · .._..,.,..., ............,, ...... "",.. · J.1nitorl1I 6790 Fine Qua.Illy Tree Service. Trill Batanee. Call Loraine, ftl!C!V SPA"" . "'"""' unlll In Orang, Co. W. E. Lachen..,,..r Rltr l 'MO. Black mtlo. V..: mi 4 yn. F•nced yll'I & ELECl'IUClAN. Small jobs. * .....,.. * 61>7170 W"""lfl hlw>nn.t ~ ye; ~-1282 aft s. 646-3928 callevn: 6C2.:zl31 Blk Sm* Am. Ave, C.M, playroom. So. Coast Plua maintenance" repl.ir s. --------~ ;___..·A. :veAu.~ .....,.. ' •• bome ~ art&. 549-4038. 548-62X1 WORKERS Available: .1.. .... DON'S TREE SERVICE All Agency, Zi.1 Wettditt Dr. "' ~~l .f7' Twin diesel houleboat. 8 Room, 2700 11<1, "-''' "'""'=-,..-..,.,,-..,.--.,,--========I -~ -. Lise le Ins. Frff _N~·~B·-==----,., g h Back -n.... 4 Br 31$ Ba 1BLACK & whit mix collie FANTA.S'M.C 1-exp"d mother -kind of work, anytime. ...,.)"'>D .,.. Lil9unt1 &DC c!Mr, $36,000 vaJue. FOR JP<AI, • " e ' oHtn babysitting se?Vlee. Floor• '665 CJeanfni, lawn work, etc. Estimates. 6C-6584. AT'IT.AC'l1VE llli to model _... houe, wVta ~ T No out pt apt., pool, Want dUple:x femal~ lthr collar, rw:> tags. ----..... ..... ~ -""--'· TREES " ·•-·bt·. • ... ,.,_., bikinis, etc. Great pay fDr of la CdM _ .. --·11er ....___ Vic CdM 615-41181 """"'11,;al ,,_ .. , nr • .,.;::1.....,... CARPET V1NYL TILE EU.iclent, reliable. $2.M hr. ..,.,.. • ...... .., • --=~-~~~~ I lo property. .,. aouau ..,. • ..,.. • N .-u-·-·-· •ha~, ____ -...1ant 1 aflemoon a week. Strictly •· ~ ll b 900 ·~ ru 54" "'""' e .. ...,. ............ ~ FREE .,,....,. Ask for John or Nicholas pcu .............. --.. UPSTAIRS uvoM· It. lq' Call nt: 61J.3).1.f Leon V....,.10 tr, .....,.... MALE,l>eqle l'i:S y~·oZd. UC CONTR. .....,.... 25 )'J'l loc 338-2528 aft 6 fo[" fun, m exp but mu1t ~2:,t ~·~::: ~ ac. 5 yr old Riverside, Wlll track Gal 1BraJ1ien lleU & ~~are& H.B. ~~:~,~:~~~~ * 541).1262 * ~"';6-0075==· ===== TREES. Hedgft trim ~t. have beautitu.I figure I:, ....._......___......, ~·-,...__ Grove: manage.. spinet piano .f'Orl'older car. 847-5990 . eveni,._ or We~Ji~d's, I' I R I L•nd•c•pi"I 6110 'dutn _ ___.• ..... :.. 30 prefer. over 13. Write, c-.VlUDCo••~ ..,,_,.., -1 · nd FOUND ...,,.. • umture estornt P:8 n!""'"cu• wcu. descnhe youne:ll, send DESK --=: 474 E. 17th ment 1rtt: $5,SSO'ae •. $11,000 ?-.tu.st be in 5u runrung co · ' power saW', &t2-023S &. Reffnlshf"I 6675 --------yn. exp, Fully ins, 642-4030 ..i..-to it -Ible to Box ~ -,. For: hornr 1-a, have gd titts. Ne"'J)Ol'f atta. )""" St.0 CK sui~ 2JZB, FM ' . ' ·---. Call 646-5381 11J9,.3fi311 BABYSITTING -my home, --MOBILE HOME OWNERS 1047, Daily Pilot. mmic. air CDlld. 60..JIU land. .. 2936. pre-«:hooler. NW" Bay FURNITURE Strlpp~ It Bond·Roclc 1rill mold your. Upholstery 6990 **BUS DRIVERS * * GRAY striped kitten about \'iew &: Orch&rd. 549--01911 refinlahing. vd 11..&.o F DELUXE soi~• music, air, 1', * * * g wk:s near Kent and Sussex 1t 6G!675 * gn. . '"'6'""' 0 r in-FABRIC SALE 10 Mo's. Nm. Only $75 on a wDqoe Ln. in N.B. 646-18(9 BABYSITI'ING My home tonnatiOn 543-7265 or 2500 Blue Orlp st am pa positions at $3.lO pe[" hr. ti.me at.re. 6C-3S1.1 aus1Ma$S •nd BUSINESS ind Costa ?.-ttta area. na,y or 0.-,,.i;.1.,. "80 5@...5J40 As1r: for Butch FREE. 2.-pc divan • chair Apply Mon-Fri. trom 7 am. $M11 MO!ml. oo Cout Hwy., F1u•uCIAL FINANCIAL Lott '401 -· F"""' yd. """299. p I I $69, !ncl•d" fabric~ labor. 4 pm at bu, P,.,., 600 Jr. 1-lkach. ...:..:=~::::;.,~~'-------------------------0ULD Cue da,y1, cws &: AL'S GARDENING • nt "11 All wor1c: done in 5 days. ~ Ave., N.B. 642.-7007 Utilities hrl11"ed. fi&.9727 Bui1nnt Business srAMESE cat (cross blue-wlmds. ~aul&rino & for Gerdenine 1i mW! land. P.1perh1ftll"I "50 Free estimate. 8%1-547i. CHAIR.SIDE dental &11iA- NEWPORT Beach delaXe of· o,,.rtunlf1H QOO , Opportunities 6* point &: eeal point) male. Bristol. r: scaping .ervi(:es call 5'£l.SlJ8 PROFESSIONAL Painting WIWAMS Furn &: Crpts tant, l.S-25, mottly chair fict:L A.ir-cond. Htd. l'riv. --------------U::Mt in the vie. near ~ ONE lo 4 yn:. Wkly $2U. Servin& Newport, CdM, Cos. Neat wot1c. Fine palnts: Recover • repajr • clean. with some desk I: Jab. be. 2400 w. Cout Hwy. AAA non & College C .M • ?.ly home. Fenced yard, hot , ta MH&, Dover Shores, Roller brush air .1es 1 &aut. work. 6i2--3164. Newport Beach, &H-092'l .... ,.C~~T~:PL y CANDYOUSUPPL y :.....:' D.,, 547-"507 '"' """""'· ..._,.,, W•atcliff. ..,,,.,.;.., acc'ooL ceilinr•. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Clerk Typi•t ~ (PART OR Fl.JU.TIME) ( O R TE LE..:....na -•· ~-~ 1 BABYSI'ITER-your home, WE AIM TO PLEASE Local. refs. Low prices! JobW • _ _. ForGen 'IInsuranceA.pncy. -c-merclol VERY HlGH INCOME N ~G INVOLVED) MA ..............,, blaui. s.oq cu has car. Complett l'IJ'(len RrV'ce. Roy 847-1358. -1n.--, Men 7000 U you have some ex.per. in -RT r-t-. 5 t:-.... ''FREE BONUS ROUTE Plan one •••••••• $975.00 answms to "Mr. Mizer." Call 67l-Slm ~llable .......-cleanup l HOUSE PainU v· & """'"c-v v:u"" '"'"'" Plan N liar whit t ....... ,...... DI· ex mt, CAPTAIN auto property etc. you can ~· 15"' Ret. Shelter&: PLAN'" two •••••••• $1625.00 ° co • ! IPO, on wtU. cart for l child my mlnor land icp. Call paper han1i.n1, at Lice-~_ n-•--_ •-·, start now, To •~. Call b,_ Plan three •••••• $3250.0D chellt. Vk Of Richards &: -· -·"· 1_ wo...i..i .. ~ "FearleM Fred" 962-491i ,...,.,. ne&u.q-.u.o • .,, .-.vv spend& "' Now available In Ora.nae Cash Required Excellent In. lhe Oiannel on Finely Ave. m tiler "Cai1 6.fi:.sn3 ''"'If'> NEW reasonable price. 2 Npr1 30 Yean exp. sail or power. Gerri White, 541).6()55, 3 Cl lots. Del Milt Ave. Sia Ormente, $41.000 -Corp. County and many beach come for a I~ hours week· Reward. 67 5-6812 or 0 • 1 Lawnsla • re..-eeeding. teachers, aummer bus, vut Professional Sport Fishing COASTAL AGENCY towns. AU locations are com~ ,IY work. (Daysi: Evenings), 613-.f383 Comp ele wn care. Oean exper. 6'JS..28!M Gukle Mexican &: Central 2790 Harbor Bl, cr.t mercial <lr fa"*-.. fumiJh. IMt M1Jnten.1nc• WS up by job or month. Free 1 STORY Stu,..... & ove"'"--g Am . Other fee/'--,.. ~ ail ... ,_~ RetiUlng and collecting from I.AB retriever, blk, answ to ntim&tei. For info call ........ ,,...,. enean waters -aiao .u~ av • ed by us. Qualified penion coin opera.tat diapensen in ''Tar,.. leather co liar YACHT DETAILER$ B97-2U? or 846-09:a. $99. j story at u cc o I: licensed multi-en.g. commer. COCKTAIL &: Steak House will become distributor for Ne......,... Beach and sur-/ .1 •--• d. --.-.1 overhang $li9. ACll. ceiling elal pilot, land &: sea. Ad· Waitresses Wanted lor New 5 Stotts $U1) IXlO 68&-6911 w --AA_, (N•-··· Plant. --·~ \If Ml i.::auA, mp~ ... ~ o---· ... minor _,_, LAWN • o-~--r--, Sl3 Ml 3 ' ' • • ....... ...,...,y •u • roundina area. w, Htab-7 ••70 Vic H I I I n .,..u 5~ "' Mvco• ......,..., • per nn. n. nns. minlstratlve experience. v111........ Inn ill r ,._, .. a °"""""""' -. 6'JS.6100 - st.BetbelToftnocr---Toots'• Rot•· '!il'--... ......,... · : un nc 0 ._ 1 ··•-· beautlllcalton, .... ~-l ·~~n'637~•• ----· "''" 1 ..,, " .. li!h _...,, (HandJet name .,. gut re_.. .. , minor .....,. .....,._, • .....,.u.oo. Bert ot references. Write Beach. Only ....,.,...,._ heal.H·-mr. 548-17811 Agt.. nu•· -) You m/Ult have ·-e. Harbor. Rwd, 846-49f2 .~--.. ~. All ~.,. cloanup by con.., ~~--... =~=~~~~-··-• •v l ::.O:i=:======I wt, eu:. • bra.00 candy and sna.cb. ... .. .., .......... 5' •·~· THE JOB You Want At The Box M 1060, Dally Pilot. looking gkis need apply. 2 to I hn. per week spare For penonal intttview In J BLK. &: WHT. ~ts. Ia won guaranteed tor life. Ras. 543-1363. CallM. 8r'o&. Price You 're Willing To E\"K from 6 'tiJ 8, 494-4986 time (days 111' eves.). Newport Beacb area .end male I: sm. female, adopted time of yacht. Eltimlte JAPANESE Gardener Mo. Pay. Special prkea on apts. .rob W.1nted, FOR i-: SDt aq fl ~rime CASRSWOREQto ~ name addreu and 'phone or lolt from pow:id. Reward $5. Rate, Gen'i Clean-Up. Ex· Steve, 5'8-4549 WotMn 7020 nrebou9e ~ or •---. 'te num~ to MUL'I1.sTATE 536-llU *Ask for Jan at 64M665 * per. R.eu. Free est. TWO UCLA. studenll need --------- part. lrvine Industrial. Call For more ln .... u .. uon wn : DISTRIBtrJ'ING INC 1881 wurt'E female w hippet, 642-2239. money. Exp'd house Two \romen will clean, Mr. Ballard 5t&-8051 ·~~.Di:~: ~ Anaheim ·Calli, IOokJ Jlkr amalt Greybocmi C•'P9;!'ferlng 6Jto LA.NOOCAPING. rardenizw, pa.inters Free est, Ken S13 & $20 mn <nci m:iO!ll.' ~le = m~ A'. J': CARPINTltY pruning. trimming and 5#-3074. IM468 • afS.-2260 li..to~·-------"-OO-l~if.:l"!i1 1':= ~ COIN LAUNDRIES MIN01C. RU4DlS. No JM n!novatlng.C.allafterSp.m. METICULOUS PAINT. EXP. housekeeper or at· M9plficent OCEAN ,_ ........ __ .______ F~~-~~l:.E ==n!wateb. So. Bay :. ~t~ ~ G54A~~~NING: Land B~ ~.~~in::t ~·~~2-~~ elderly. VIEW LAnd Francbi8e Costa Mesa cbokt IOe4lOOO Fr. btwn Contl le Amethytt 5454111, 1f no uner le&vt1 deanups, Sprnkr S)'ll, roto-~. Elrp. Dotb. 615-5812 RECEPT.-See-offlce exper., 102'llll0' Lquna Beach w/ SUNRISE per mo net. Minimum ~KttPNkr ~· me at Ml-2l'72. Ii. 0. cement v.'ork. Yancey No Wasting mature. "You name it"· street lm~ni. under FURN. MFG., INC. SJD,<OJ down J11111!tnt. AndenoD 646-5860 1( WALLPAPRR * i;;;;:rs, Box M-1065 Dai· war. AdJ. 25' lots Belli,.-Santa Ana, Alpha Beta major LOsr" vie: NB « G&rden CARPENTER: Rem 0 d e I, AL'S LandsCaplng. T re e \Vhen )'OU call "~11.e" allove $8,000. Asking $25.000.. $10,000 lnve1tmllnt shopping centtt, Bl& volurnt GIO\lf!, Blk b rt 11 I case. Patio work It Cement \\'Ork removal. Yard remodelina. 5'8-li4i l 646-4032 Jobe •bmit dn pymL Bkr, Secured by Inventory laundry. $39,000. Reatonablr P•pe:rw. Reward. 5J0.4960. It Painting. No job too Trash hauling, Jot cleanup. ~;;;;M;'"''.;;"·~W=o;m.;;;;;7~1~00! I eT.J.2J0,"9'1·102leva. Fln&nclfW Avalla.ble terms. GM-066leYH. small. Free eitlmat e , Repair sprnkln. 6'f3..1166 HOUSES, doeb, boats, iii * $5,500 '* 32 Wubcrs/3 DryePs, toad SM wht male poodle. Vic: 536-1944 Lawn maint. Lite b&al'a. a nythfnc-ev-erythlng View-Lewi Iota-ti tenns • Gmd fir oppt)r'tunity k»C&tion. SB,000 FIP. smaJl Bal 11111! nr Ferry land'r. QUALITY Woodcraft. sml Trees rernoVW!d. Comm'! ::::~~.For free abilifieS 'Pl~:& REALTY «M-9'104 • Unu:aualb' hi 'piotitHV1. doWn p&yml!nt. 1 Owner arudou1, R w d ! &: ttaklential. 541)..(1216 • 111-y 135111 .... mo, CO!N-0-MATIC 6""391 ...,•t """tr. " ...... ..,.. PAINTING -E>t,.U\I. U CJrllimite() 1-..--,.-,,.,"°=··Cout===;;:-;;-J e Comp~ Factory tratn. EQUIPMENT INC ,,......,. 11-••• f --• Fr.Calle"'~'!':ta~~ I: quote. JAPANESE GardClenlng yrs. e>epcr. Im. Lie. Free 0ge~C'?J e IAGUNA VIEW LOT • 1 • · """'.,' ,,.,, Du• e11 ... e run ....,_,..., 548-4235. Service. Neat .,'Ork. eanup est. Aet'OU!I. Ce 111 n 1 " '" - ,.._ .... _,_ •or-n Ill:" Pt'IJIR?'&ID. 525-783.1 ......_.._. "''"• 1 wks. l1i yd al t -· -· .__. *"""If _,_ e Co bada!d advtrtb;~ ~ .. r"T A·l Small job 1pecla.Ilst. · m n · ~ 543-532.'l. 49M748 . MATURE WOMEN W/OWN !l5UI St., N.B. C1S-897I Call ~ CLEAN-UP SPECIALIST ====.,..,.-::::-= 4 C?->r ~ ly CAR F""•" s11...,. s.-t M6-6S4S Mowing. "'""'· odd jobs. PROF'ESmONAL. 30 Yr• TRISH HOPKINS Avz111 '200 locationt •1m1 ~late You'll Bt SUrpNed Vic: Blade Khicht. CARPmrRY: Cab i net,, ~able. M8.ae ~· i:~. ~t. 481E.17th, at Irvine, Gi ::;;:;.,;.;;_ IVI ·-Your Spare Time ii S$ '° Reward! &15-M44 . .... ----,.,...,. '42·1470 Q1ECK 'J1ltS l'Olt. PR1CE CoI\a Meta. 0nuwt. Wett. Yoo Room Additions, Patios. EXPEJUENCED Jape:nese PAtNTING • carpeatry .t • Mll'M. ,....._ m ta. mlnlter. La Ham. • Whit. Join our stair ol Bab)'llltmi DOBERMAN • ~AA.• Att.Y •ire Job. Mike, 64&--2576 Gardener. Com pt et e all small repaj!"I, Free I "'""!A~<X:~:O!!!UNTS~!!/"~CLE~RK!!'!''"' ..... 1' 10 min b'bm tier. ht 25 -., /t1J/llllft thla Ad bUc., • ,.+I, amau .....,. REPAIRS * ALTERAnONS Service. Free est. 546-0'11i. estlmMet. 6t6-J645 Expertence R.equinod, Type ~ t3ft Pft' ac. 21.l: 921.f11&. n4: S2$.91IO WIUMtetler$emlnarJuly26 REWARD. Call~-* CABINE1'S. Any lize job GEN'L Clean Up, tree JtrY, TRADE, PalntlQa: by lictM-50 wpm,% Fee Paid (Alto SY.GOO lotaL Tmn&. Blcr. Otber k>cltions avail. bl Vea. Dellgbtful ol Profital>le .one: BLUE Boy's SChwioo . 10 2S ~ exper. 54&-ml v..-eed kill, rotMHI, aprinklrs ed contractor for tnaclc, Fee Jobi) Call Loraine. MMl'IO tura • Riwndde .. L. A.. ' 1petd. Vi(: H.B. High GEN. Repair, add, cab. repaiftd. &tG-.S848 tum. or ! 6f2...45M MS-.2770, Wesklltt Peniort-~ Al:. UDdl;eloped. I.Ab San Ben..nftno O:lwttlr.s, P•ttn1-8Ab)'llittlna-Attn<:f Sd'lool. Re\1.•ard. 962..1978 Fonnka, panelina marl.lie. EXPERT JaJ)lll'lele prden. YOU Supply The: Paint. 3 nel. Agency, 3U3 Wesldiff ...rel' 11f11ftC. Hant, tllh. J STORIS C.11 8.f2.5.\17 for reservallon 1.~ A,..,11,1..,.1 Dk:"' 6'73-4i59 tni. Fre.!. est. Corn~ Br, Uv n-4 l(l•a...... Dr. N.8 . ... CMr' Jo do $30 mo. &XXI' Hem of Lalicu:Mr. Lot .. DIVING SER.VICE • Penon••• ~ ·v··--..· I .... yard .!KTVlce. ~ Pa.ln(ed, $50-:''C..U so1.a6is..,..., ADMrrTING CLERK, PART .,.....,._ 18 x 118, 2 a'tor~roocm A Ne~ Harbor ahalk>w MEN! We take pride In our Cemtnt, Cenc:rtte '6GO GARDENER • SHRUBS INT. A: Ext. PatnUng_ Local TJME, 11-7 shift. Person. NOR1UEAST Antelope ll•a( -rtcet Sndodlnr wa.trr. Optrate.tull or part wart. we are here to'makt lofOW A EDGE lM ntl Dept, HOGi Hocpital, Valie,., ~ acres. St-. equipment, Coratr Avt. [A time. '4 yn in artL Dl\lll'll )'CU look hotter. We Ult CONCRETE. All typea. llee Frtt &tlmsles 839-tw ~S. c:~ ~rn: eit. N.B. ~ dowD. Aawat.. ..,_.., dlvlalon. ACl'WI born Fall» tua:bolt. eqq.., cut.oma Europee,n Razor Cu«ing f't"l. Stw1,.-, breakh:w, haul-Comploto Verd Corel At.rro mechanic. llibt, for ... -pouncb-. £xot0tnt lnvott.. fi~. Jllgh n\le or rttu.f'n. Jetaft or whr.t.evwr ii tns a lldplorid~. S«"'5oe R.ETlRED Painter. 25 yrs ifs a.di-.. tb:M, Bir mtnU n.!1n. tnvatment ltnder rw). ().Jr m1tln cori.-A quality,,..._ Bob. JI.At $404837 nper. Neat~ boMs:t. Non Z~;l'~.t~ -aMcUoa. nirt 811: the $SS,oot $.iOOO. ~.~nc out cem 11 your aood looks! CE.\m'fr WORK, no job too You'll find rrut barl&W Orlnker. Call 53M801. Sarv\ce, 1404 N. O>ut DAILY P11m a, __ . -~.IW<ot--'· or ~"--Sir Walt"'" :m:1 Na""°" 5mall. ....,nalllt. ,._ wbe• "'" "abop" Dall> * PAPERHANGING lllatm'l.Y. c,.. B ch, ....... now! T1.f.6C)..\\!.i Call W-5673 & chari:t II, Blvd., CM. Eltfm. 11. StulUdc 5'Mm Pilot cluined ad .ectklnl A PAINTING. <k 96t-2C25 ¥.M-.1000 ~ -' 1 • • • COFFEE SHOP WAITRESS. experienced. Owr 25. 4 to 12 shift. SHERATON BEACH INN, 2l1l2 Pacific Coatt Hwy, Hunt. Bch. The DAILi PILOT ORANGE COAST'S leading Marketplace I •• l ----~--------:__ _________ ____........;__ •r t)"~" .. ,. ~ .... '"'""" ~-. .. , . '• -., ' I .. , , , ... --·-t ........ -..... ., .•••••• ~···~... ~ •.•• .,. ................... , ••• ., c; •• PILOT-ADVERTISER WrdnHdQ, July 22, 1970 l~!!:l.~E~~~~~ "][!~~~!!BOii & IMPLOYMINT JOU I. IMPLOYMINT JOIS I. IMl'LOYMINT l!llllCHANDISI FOil r ::! · SALi AND TltADI • • <XIOK \Vanted tor re~ent hoOM", Lag. Beach. Fun ti me, 40 hrS, wk. Call ...... ,. Jo"' -· Wom. 7100 Jobe -· w-7100 Jobo Mon, Wom. 7100 Jobo MO<;;Wom. 7100 ll:~'~·;m~llU;re;;;;:;;:;;:;;~'°~~~·~,~·;m;it.....~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~IO~~~~~,~M~f~K~e~ll~·~·~·~~-~~~;;~161~0l;~M;,1~ ... ~·~· .. ~·~·~M~Jl:-~~~1 GENERAL OFFICE NEWSBOYS RECEPr!OtllST for boauty COURTESY IfHl"1 "1 geed C National INdtr In the'"'"' !or talon. MUST b• "'' plo<o ID wud< uJc Bob * AUCTION * • tainment lnduatl')', Jocatfil ln DAILY PILOT • peritnced~ 6S5-Cl08 Eawardl. ~7T5l $pecl&llz-ATTENTION' l . ... Irvin< Industrial Com. Ne<d l'l•w c.m.n... llECl!PTIONIST ""in H.B., r.v. .... • .r' . f:.:~'".::;~ bu 2 1'0Ut:i~N1~~LLIY $463.-$543. Me. S.lory SPRAY PAINTER.... Prld•y 7130 p.m. COOK -SffORT ORDER PART TIM E .CM! bn. SAN CLEA-1ENTI: •2005 * * COOK • Grsveyan! lhlft.. '.lpply in persoo, OOIES RFS'J'AURANT. 1400 W. Coast Hwy, N.B. Mtt•hondill•t Clerk -OCEAN VIEW -· llMltw ·-· lldraam and Uvint Roam Clarance sale July 24 < 2 yn ol!l<o -IYll * NUIW:ll·rcllel.abUI· S(HDOL DISTRICT ·-'""' ,.. _,,tlal, 50 ...,. ,iu-u ,,._ • * JIN'• w do.Y• Sr .... no burier. iuo '"OUR LOSS YOUR GAIN" Uncltimed Storage •l>l• ....... with llt1le .... * LVll'•· ... "nJchls -..... PABJ< ... ~..'!;_ llElllWCOOD, DTT Estates Ir Repos trvllkm. · AP"'' in perwon r f r~ Ave. .M. W th I '· •-th ti ' I • • • i COOK * Experienced, full 'time . Park LI do Con- 'taJescenl 1-lospital. 642-S044 CON STRU CTION aC°'" Clountant, exper. Comm'I fnedical. Salary, age open. N.B. * 557.7300 * COVER THE \VATERFRONT 2 Experienced Advertising Salesmen needed a.<1 penna· nent Orange County Repre. sentatives for Boating Indus- try Publication. Stt Mr. Thompson Thurs. July 23, 2 PM-6 PM. Roo1n 112, Edg<'\\'ater Inn, 6400 E. Pa. cific Coast H\vy, Long Beach 'l"J Je . Routine clerical wort:. * SUm.mtr $a)es 8 are e U ea out,.t nr e M on I .tr .. S•cretary-~ectptioni1t Lacuna Brach N11r1:f:nr Type 40 \VPM, 1 yr re1pon. 119 ,w.. with AVON eat fumlture rental comptiny. 3 yrs office aper, .. lype 8) Htme, Ph: (ll4) -.ao75 alhl. dnical ap, H.S .,.a. , .... · wpm _plulodictlJbOne traJll. NURSE AlDES T-3:SO ahUt. or tqUlv.lent AppliQtfonl Uat )'GUr ~ time aellln( Complete Bedroom set in rubbed walnut fin .. scrlption eqier. u a m\llt. Experlence4. S.11:30, ex· filed Pe~ CommJuloea AVON"S Sum.mer line of ish, con.sistl of: dresser w/mirror, 1 double ~blt to take on raponaibB. perleno9d. Pa.rt 1Jdo Con-Ok 1912 warner mmt: coeuMtkt and loilelrie1, headboard, 2 nite stands, double box springs 1ty A: work with minbnum ·-'a 1 ...,_ ,_ a••-... Bcb by .C o'clock J~ 30tL Eam Jots o1 S$S.. & m8ttre1s W/ frames, 2 Bdrm lamps, bed· Instruction. v ...... IOtn ....,n,_, llV"'VJ'TI ., CALL NOW; d " bedroo ch · $17f AJD•• All hi-RESUME oni,, Production 540-?0ll ~ sprea ~ m air . .. .. . .. .. .. .. • U qualified, please call Mr. NURSE ~ ~ 1 ·-Sij.._."tenden• mobile.1---------Adana tor an appointment most areaa. Experienced. ~~ i.ome';, Exper onlv, STENOO..ERK haU ttme, 5 piece Spanish Bedroom set, finished ln an.. 714/546-7946. Personnel 8 Jlept., Hoai minimum 5 yra in full time cJetk.typiit, oUset tique green, conilsts ot: 9 drawer dresser ,. l I' j French provincial bdrm set, Splnnet piano, CoJor TV'•, Stereos, Chests. Bunk Beds, Jiutches,_D~vans, Klng-sz mattresses, Coffee tablH. 1J01iu. Distressed maple tables & chain, M•ple rocker, Babf bed. New 3-door retrlg & like new sid&-by-srde refrig: combo. St~ve, wuher, Dryers. Office desks, New · 1 furn Ir: Much More ,! Credit Clerk Exper. $2.Zl hr. Independent Personn•I Agency '716 Orange Ave., Suite C q.M. 642-®6. 545-0979 DENTAL receptionist. exper necessary, start Sept 8, Cdm, 673--0-100 ENTAL Asst. & Secty, Exp .• HB. &IS.2728. 962·2'136 .£8-5782 • DIVERS * Men or Women, to learn 1ba.lone diving. 6 wks instruction, ho salary Isl 4 wk.!I. J\\'cragc earnings SUD a day. Start \\'Ork immed. pfler completion ol training, P ROFESSION AL DIVERS, INC. lntervie w11 Tuea..fri JOan1-7pm. Sat 10am-5p.m. tloliday Inn 1.-lotel. 2640 J..akev.~ Blvd. L o na: Scach, Cali!. l This is no school t DENTAL ASS1STM'T * r,nint desk only. Good hrs, 68.l open. Dental exper. nee. ~ach area. Call bet 8 am & r pm. 840-3540. . DESMOND'S F.1shion Isl. -NEEDS - ladies Ready-to-Wear : Saleswoman (~UST BE EXPERIENCED) Girl Friday HoRpltal, N. · iupervlilon au phases. Ma-ma.chlne cpen.tor, .c cua«>-w/mirror, 1 double headboard, (2) 2--drawtr Do you want a clamorous OCEAN 't'IEW jestic HorM1, 18060 Euclid d6&ns, 4 ~. l commodes ·. · · · ......... ·. ·. · · ·. · ..•.. $12'. career! Gd skills+ bkkpng SCHOOL DISTRICT St, F.V. maintenance ~en, I~--------carpenter. Apply r--c1.,...nnel exJ>tr. wW start you ~t SSOO. RN for ICU, all shltl:A. JO.nt Dept., Capistrano Unified Call Gloria Kay, ~1. BOOKK!EPER ~'Orkin& cond '• 1 bme!lta. School District, 2SllS Vic- COASTAL AGENCY Computer Input Contact Dlrtttor of NUJ\S. torta Blvd., Capo Bob. mo Harbor Bl, CM ING, C.M. Memorial Hosp, SUPERVlSOR. LVN' or RN, Other fee/free job8 avail. SALARY $576. • S706, l\10. • 642-2734 * 3 kl ll:30 shift. Plrk LiOo GIRLS -LADIES SALESLADY for dress shop, Convalescent Center. Ph: To \\'Ork in phone order dept. Ten months po1ilion. Operate part time. ~tature. Apply 6U-8044 Newpt Sch. office, 4 hn keypunch, rltx-0-writer .\ to 11111'· at 221 Marine Ave., ._.,'""PHONE OPERATOR ~-5 d " N other computer input ~i~ n_,......._ I" ·~ a .... ....,, ays a w... o c-==""":..· -~---typi""· Must have good •mt. Genen.I clerical il ao. -S 1_ 3-11 pm Sat il SUn ·~ Un • cl--'-' a .. 1 Rep. telepbont 'Wice. 642-2175 ooun c. ~ yrs .,, .. !,;&I ex. 228 Feftlt, Lquna Beach 2 Gl'fft oppor, :1tr advance. GRAVEYARD il other shift.I per., indudinl 1 ,...,...,nt menl -·---•·an .. TEL AntiMrtng Sttv. Exp. exper in operat on o mm· • ,,. """ •-.a · -Tele~: ~'n\or pUter inpUt equip, Appllca-reu.lve Ale:• pel'IOn, eom. ~f!:erw: ::~ualified tions f!led Personnel Com-PA1lY ~ ftt. St.art $800. ~::..:=-=-"':.:;:=-- HOMEWORKERS WANTED ml•lon Otc, 7972 Warner, Call SaJly Hart, S4C).Q)55. Telephone SOhciton. (Envelope Addttmen). Hunt. lkh., by ' o'clock COASTAL AOINCY a.rit;y appeal. Paid weekly. Rd~he 1:':1:ped~n~~111;;:: "';,,"".,;,,~29th=.~.,-.,.----~ = 1;b ~I ~~0.~1n:·~~· LANGDON WORLD OFFERING xlnt accotrun0-Sales TreinM SK•y TRADERS, P.O. !klx 112'1'· 4atlone 4 am.all aaJary to in ~....... SH • apdwriU,. 80 w.p.m. An. Redondo Beach, Callt. collll!l&e student exc.-.. ~ 0027• '°' "'"' """'•bol• d•""· Dead End? 'l'lfN't,~is•NDINT HOTEL CASHIER. female. ~'7::::>-03:;:1::;'.:°':..;,54!-::_:,71!1'7=--I Pl!RIONNIL NCR """ .,.,., .,...lial. Order Desk '$400 Maney Toa Law? AGENCY THE NEWPORTER INN. Exp. Ficlltt Aptitude, type so 1ns <>ranrto Ave., ~ite c PH' ln41 ..._1100. I Bored?, C.M. ..,,_, 5'>4819 * HOSTESS * 0uai~: ;;:..ment w•~~ .., .•. App!y, Eves., full or pt time. ~ atep up ID the growth 1JS2 P~ Rd .. S.A. 5 piece Contemporary Bedroom sel, walnut finish , consists of: 6 drawer dresser w/mlr- ror, 1 double headboard, 2 nlte stands .. $6f. Twin & double box springs & matlresns ••••••••• ' ..............•.•...•.••• $29 ••••• 8' Spanish sofa & 2 chairs In red/gold finish .................................. $19'. Massive 9' sofa & love seat, ereen/ a:otd floral pattern, complete , ... , .......... $145. 8' Spanish sofa & love seat, blue /green ma· rine floral pattern ................. , •. $119. 1 8' sofa & chair, noral blue/green marine pattern ................................. $6'. 1 8' sofa & chair, on gold tweed pattern $S9. 3 beautiful high back matching' overstuUed chairs in gold velvet .............. $59 each. I 36" white stove w/ griddle top, clock & storage space ....... , ..........•...•... $49. 130" yellow stove, almost new .......... $69. 1 new Wedeewood built-in oven & broiler, super delux~ , ... , ............ , ......... $91. THE USED FURNITURE FACTORY Age 25-35. Apply bet. Newport country whet'I!' the money * mE DERBY • 2:30-5 P.M. l'ersonnel'A.-ncy road and excitement nrver EXPER'D. Lunch WalttHI, 1115 H.1rltor &owltvard, c .. te Me1.1 Reuben's Coe.o's 4570 C•mpus br, NB encl. You !let yoor own p&ee 1().3pm. 5 dllY'J a Y:k. Pb: •MS7 WINDY'S AUCTION COME BROWSE AROUND 20751/i Newport Blvd. Bahind Tony's Bldg Mol'ls Cosio Mos• * 640-8686 OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 Pl1no1 I. Or-• 1130 ~rlaneou1 Mid PIANOS a ORGANll --*-Mo;OV~cl.;cN_G_*_;=I NEW A USED to 270 E. 17th St. •Yamaha Planol 0rp.m Hlllgren Ctr., July 20th • ThOtnts Organs • Kimball PiallOlll Larger facU, for cimom d~. • Kohler I: Campbell ai11n jewelry, jewelry sup. piles Ir: roclchound equip, COAST MUSIC Con1plete line ot cuUnc NrNPORT il HARBOR 1upplic1. Costa lb• * 6'2-2851 * SPECIAL * Open lG-6 Fri 10-9 sun w All stock rinp reduced 2070 Tel•vl1ion 120S --=1 '67 ZENITH Color 21" TV COfllOl,, Xlnt cond. $200. 1965 Pomona. Apt. 23. ~8-5896 eYel. NEW lr. USED TVa For salt/rent. Dtlnlap's, 1815 Newport, CM. 548-7788 21" RCA Color TV, Large cherry wood cabinet. $1.50. 548-4323 Open Tues thru Sun Cklled Mon. SM GEMS Present addreu: 2750 Harbor Blvd.,~ Cmta J.fe11& • 54 Rear of College Cen er SHOP CLOSED JULY 19th/ 23rd • CASH • i l,' ;,·NI T 1_, :~ E SSJ-6621 -your own goals. This .,... ~ bet W am. 0,.. W_..,. 941.., ..,111.,_ f•I, Cl-.H ~ Cotta Mesa spected land corporation WARD SECRETARY ~ • i'!!!"!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!"!~J Hl·Fi & -S::l•:;.r.:•::..._.::;; 1$:> W. Adams, PBX Operator for amwering will a how how you may Rtteptionilt in nu r 1 I a g -~ --* HOS"rESS • Age 30-45. service. Full time. Costa reach them with as little area. Lite typlnl:. ).;11 ahttt. • 1 .. _ _ ~ ._. 2 AM/FM Kenwood stereo Attractive, penonable, to aM~e~oa:;.;are:;ii•~· ~.....OOO:iii;;iii;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I etrort •• poalble. Penonnel Dept, Ho& g rUrft ,..-,. "WUUV G1r•1• Sele -..!! receivers. Brand new. 170 meet public. Marine~~ Tostart,you\vill~~IYerx. Hospital,N.B. 21..C.''MAOlllD'' * QUICK SALE * watt..u75.J.llwatt-$225. Re s taurant. THE Mu.t havt 5 yn tteent e.."· tens.Ive Ales tnurung. And WANTED: Part tin1e, liotn. J RooM GROUP , Diii.int room taflle lc 6 Prv. party, ~1568 N~WPORTER JNN, llO'I' per. on lathes, mills le drill you U be bee~ by & ~r-ed. R.E. sales people. Evtt FROM MOD£L HOMES• chalrt. Chine. cabine t I: Jamboree &.d N.B. Apply press. Ability lo do own !uI lead producing advertis-il wkrols. La.chemnyer Rltr. lncludet: Qmlted •la la many cheat-of-dta:wen1, TV C•mer11 I in person only 11 AM to setups, read & Jl'1terpr'ft 1111 prc:wram -plUI: ~. e~: 673-4371' chair 2 end table! le coflee .et lc free:W', Many more E11ulpment _2_P_M----~---I blµeprints 1: draw in 11 . .+ Draw Plan Ava.ilablt WELDERS (2) expel' In table: 2 lamPI, dreaaer, mlr. itetn1! See to appreciate. BOLEX ! HOUSECLEANING It Child Salary from $3.75 per hr + Work Close to Home plant layout, must be e,:per ror headbom:I quilted box 54s.-4082. mm., $ 6 5 · care. $50 wk plus nn. & kl $4.00 per hr. Call Altaai + Car Plan Available only in mobile homes. Ap.. sprinp & ma'ttreu 5 pc :;;:========I Enlarger lens SUI. Miltc. uoo • 1>38·5000 • 894-2312 Baby crib and mattress 15· hi chair, SlD; stroller,' no; car !lf!at, S7.50: Infant seat, $3; dinette with hi-"O exten- 1ions lr. 6 chairs, $85; bar I: ·I • •: . .. #J Fashion Island Newport Beach board. 5V. days. Ref'1. PH: Industries cn4J 835-6724, or .+ Bl' an associate of H. W, plication to M aJ est le dlnine room· table 4 4 ru. Appliani:el 1100 tlaih equp. ~ &7>7460 H~~;:KEEPER • live in, ~~r::: J.to: .v!: ~~~h~~~;t~ Ca1il. ~~ea, 18060 Euc\ld St. ba~:i~;, AT $749.95 ::;FRu;IG;:lD:;:AIRE=:.._-w_u_l"-'~::.ll·--""':::614-2339::::::::::::= ***ENGINEER Lag. Bch. Widower, Callf. 9211» _.....,I + G";"'J~eal~ Ins~~~ W0!\.1EN for ahipping lr. $39' Pt.nncr'Ht. dee dryer, Both Sportlnt GMd1 UOO ' children l & 5. fi day v.-etk. ~~~ -: · m. t m i....., assembly Age 25 or over, No down Pml!I, Only S16 mo hi.le modela, Xlnt cond $90, -·==;_.....:::;: ()range County Div ision or 5250 549.uot days 4~ Prr graveyard· 11:00 pm· hie~~ acciderit.. .. Sm mfg Co. full or pl-time. WELK'S WAREHOUSE \Ve deliver. 1 47-BllS . SHOTCUNS ·Mod. 12 win. J'IYSE firm has an imn~ed-\vlmds. ' 6:00 am. Lorim Arco, + U11_hm1ted Company i' in.. Sl.6!'> hr 10 ittrt. · Apply r.cxi \\' • .fth St., Santa. Ana 546-8612 12 puge. P.1od 97 \Vin. 12 2 gtools, $26: bowling ball, $10: wi1 &: case, $15; porta. , blr heater, $5; strobe li£ht, ~, $3.S. And other Items. 905 Park Ave., Laguna Beach. ~M-~. )nte need for a mechanical l:ISKPRS E 1 f Rlll'bor M San Dlqo Frwy, anc1ng on All. Salee. niorninlill 9-ll. G 0 I <le n • 5 6 ~10 old r ,.;aidaire CWLlom &•Uf!:e, Rllle11 • 3o..oo Spring· engineer with experience tn mp yr pays tt 557-~ !+ Bonu11 l~cenh~e Plan Mqie \Vand. 946 1 w. 17th OVER STOCKED deluxe rari: l dbl own. field, Steven11 36-30, 2'l. ~embly and fabricating George\~ A18lonEBy~~ndth M:e5 ~ .........,-.-7t.-UcT\L';l~ Step up . now-Call: St CM . MUST SELL .,11•1,00• -·"• l""' ••= Ph. 897-1.064 alter G pm. techniques. Should have ~7...oo95 · ' .n. "' '"'' TY MR. CHURCHILL YO~G rt r rw· $41 95. F lb $59!li Wll.l .... aell fo;SUQ. 55T..&4o"" ARNOLD Paimrr complete 'background in lim" study ~~=·==----PLA5~~~!!'T (714) IJ5.lU3 I« -~r pa desk 11~~ ..... ~Ill! ss9.!6 ..... ;':..., 111' 9:$,· WHIR' ~L wa•-, r•• set, J •1ooda, JO irons, puftt!r and be well versed In tool· HOUSEKEEPER. compan-un...: ......, """""' ,,....,.,. IA'vv ,..,, • ...,n · · Ex h I SAI..ESLADY wanted, Exper new S.C, office, S2 hr. uJ. Twin Size Headboards $1'.95, .1 & bag, used 1"°"'. Ctll ini::. Dl'.'i;ree pref'd .• Nol 1on, !;Omt' nursing. c re . nl LUii . So r ---t _ ,212 -·ndl •-. •~ 95, dt)'l"r. Xlnt cond. $90, w1 I ~264 . '"'UI 1. · -0,1 <"' .,7, p I o y, an 1, . ............ '"'......, ,,., e .,.,fa .,..,, Sleep. I • w .. 12 o ,::~~'-,.~-,-~~ nutndatory. Exc-ell. benefits. "' ive in ,,. . _.,.. a Newport •rsenne Plaza, C...M. 4 YOUNG' MEN 2'l-30 er So!Aa ,179.95 Ir: 'up, Studio deJlver. 84 -c1115, .,.,........, ri..ANG E skf boots, sitt -t% flea.>;c send f('sun1c to Bax Insurance Casualty A~ncy. A9ency Co -•--95 Co FRIOIDA!RE ~1 L -~ 100 I d ·1 "I NB 133 Dover Dr u2.••70 SARAH Q>w.d-· n ce d s •·-1100 wk and up. Car u~ ...... , mer reu 1, Ke s....... SL l ca skis $60. M·1064 The Da1 y ,.-lot, . . Corona del Mar, part time, .,.. ,,.. '"'3 ,, .. , 1-1r Dbl •-- 21 women for part-time WGrk, nee. Call after 5 pm, Group, $169.95. ~w~ ... ~~"~"~r. ~~~~:..::-··, :'::'.'.::-:''::"::===== .EXPERIENCED wire &: EXPERIENCED all line11. ~~ Jenny; 547~ 557~ SIESTA SLIEP SHOP Good cond. $60 527-1579 11).!dering girls. Reaume, P.O. Box No. 8, _ _ - - - -USED -11ancH le TV ' a4().$249 c.dM. REAL ESTATE SECRETARY for Fastuon 181 1927 Harbor Blvd., CM •w< s Mis II -~,-,.=====,-I Stock Brokentt. Gd sR.illt Schoiolt-IMtntcti•n 7600 S«i-7760 All ruarantred. Dunlap'•, ce •neeu• EXP'D '°"P'• _ oha<llfer/ ***KEYPUNCH SAl!S PIOPLE ••JS5 ~1 H ~-ll15 Ne-. Of SG-71811 ~ Wanted to sell Ir: lbrl proper-for fast.paced Dttice. Sal DI a t N "" ... _. W)', .. .__ Pt. . MOVING SALE hOuS<'man. cook/housekeeper Moha.Y"k operator. Expe••· ty in Fountain van.y 4 s ~oo+ mo. &«--Ut2 .-Ver• 1'M IW 4!1&-4552 KENM~R!: gu 1tove, Xlnt EYt'rythin( Pl. :; "· couch 1refl'rt'l1Ct'S. Salary open. enced on machine 1101 pre. Sec'y/Girl •rlcl. CarMr With The coad, rotn, broikr. IJ'lddle and matchlt11 kw'e sl'at • Sl3-7649 ferred. TemwruY or full Huntington Beach. r ANTIQ'"' •• ,. ~1 1 Incl d--' ..,, ,..,, --HAFFDAL REAL TY Able to 'llr'Ork on her own. Gd AIRLINES .. 4tl iw 1• co~• u ""· _,. _...,_ crushed gold · velvet chair, FAT & UGLY??? tim~VERY PRODUCTS 142..4405 all around skilla. Fmt ofc. mahosa.ny painted French. WA!HER -dryer combo 'h'9 coffee table and 2 matchina babl ·1 A•k lor ~-·I or Bob ~-. 0 -a,ti•" 0•-. "·a•h Console walnut Fr. Prov. Kenmore. wortti. •.Hiii, Mk• end tables • dinette set 11.nd ·u YoU are, we pl'o y can Consumer Divixion ., .-o::.... ~1~ °"' "" "' °"' ... A •·-• ~ -~-1V N •·-• -~ ~-1--"::::.=_c_,;...~-,= area. To $400, Call Gerri na ...... w.-)'OUtl& e .. vwr · a....... """"" Ing $275. Call 646-8ii28 iilx chalni • wuher, dJ'Y.er, Lse you. 2620 So. Susan, Santa Ana RESUME only Production who W&Jlt a:dttment phul! bunk bdrm aet fro m trl tot TV 2 be ti CALIF. CASTING CO. Contact Ptt!Klnnel: 5404020 bil -~., ... White, 540-6056. •-1 I ht' Finland 9• tom la G.E. built-in electric oven re gera i;, • au · Fomnan, mo e-n ...... 1.1.... COASTAL AGENCY Ticket agent? A"" re 1 · · CUB so • tul tall taD1e lamJM>. Lots t1 continuing 1ts search in LVN. relief week enda. 7 home 1, Exper only, Station a1e n l! Relfn'ao natural linen lie wire c."8.ir, and ranre lop. $50. of miscellaneous household - REFRJGERATOR, Coldspot crnss top freezer, door srorqe, runs good $JO. Dinette set 35" round l&bltt, one-Jear extends to 47". 4 Vinyl uphol, pedestal chah Cbeiee/goldl. $75. 557-7781 MOVING: 2 yr old rerr, 16 c.t .. Kirby Swffper, maple end, cof~ table!, caplain'1 chain .. din table, divan, men's elothi'€, 36, t:ood, cond, Luggage rack, lite l'telcht Jugg, air COnd 11 -· . ' Orange Co. for a variety of to 3: 30 11hift. Park Lido Con. m inimum 5 yrs in mobile 2790 Harbor Bl, CM tlonl! Ramp OI' trawt aaentT 644-2491 S4().(D20 items. 540-7772. types, for \\'Ork in mag. mo. v11Je~nt Center P h : hOme field. all phitsts. M•· Othtt fet/f'rte jobl avtil. We'll train you for the9e HA VE ex p e n 1 t v e con-.::;:;:::.c,::::.c.~..,..-=~-M E D I TERRANEAN. alyle 'del!ng, TV comnll's. & ind. 642-8044 jelllic Homes, 18060 Euclid SECT'Y, Br.lfht, sm + and Jnett, dl,y or nite. \Ve temporary dining rm table Sewing M1chlne1 1120 Moving, Mike Offer EDISON crib. Dark films. Great pay, pt, time. LUZIER Coemetics Cohirul· st, r .V. Xlnt typtna: 1klll1. Salary include placement aaalit-+ 6 matching uphol.itered -··-Map·Je dine!~ set, 6 chi's.: J.~ruitl\'OOd with KANTWET 1 \Ve are client pald, no tee. tant, full/pt time, we tn.in. RESTAURANT_ Now taking open. Call AMER l c AN chaini _ will trade for or 1970 Singer touch-o-matic, Kenmore 2-spd, ironer & l~-o-limer mattress, hardly Not a school. 894-4097 or 897_7957 waltre LEARNING CORP. 3fs..oao6 2.n<:e, buy Duncan-Phyfe or Vic-ziJ·ia.r, beaut, walnut con-chr.: Ro-Rider exercycle: 15 used. Coe! $125 complete. FREE ;::..;c:.;,:;:,,:;-;;T..,.,,:-;;-;;-;: appUcatioOI for ues, .::::=.:c::;,:~=..:..:.:;..= Ell 21 --. Ap--' ftlr 1-,.· " ••L 64::;._...,,.,. .ale, makes button holes, Wall RCA amplifier; BBQ & A real h"""ain al •1s. ,, EL · Es K Jwwtcw11, &: dishwuherl. • --'v.Per-1 ,,._ ., ... ~-"' ""' ,,..-.u. b 1 · d -• • TV SCREEN TEST lot a I e ·HOT D -' Veteram Ellcibl~ IDltituHon owrcu:t11 !N!am1, 1 n misc. 3119 Coolid&"t, CM. 549-0674 PH: 1714) 835-8282 CLERK w/heavy ~per. re-~:.~ ~~. ig:::~:. ':'tio:~~:. eynl:r: ~nt~-~ederally 1nmttd {~KIN~!!~ ~~t~:/~ hel'~8;8de,h1lgnsor .~~.~c,pyGm""'i.·. 540-8812. <N"-1c°"E;:---::..,:;lcori0.:,·7lre:.:e.:,•_er-~s =7 5, 1 10 AM to G PM quired. THE NEWPORTER '"""" _., ~ '" " ,....., RUMMAGE SALE St 520 8' JNN, Ph: (7141 641-1700. Recept. "°° tice11, top bentfit1. Call Miii _··~\ · stuU~-blue noral chain, i 5'5-8233. 0 1ve • grn & gl<l FINISHED Carpenter. exp In U te fillns & typlnr. Betty, 557-6122, Abigail Ab-AlrllM SchMll Pacific pc. living rm. curved sec-:::,;;:::==:::::====I Bargains Galore-July 23-24-25 so a S7S. Misc. Aft S:OO 1 display work helpful , Zap l\.tAID. part ,,~me. Apply! bot Personnel Agency, 230 1111 E. 17th, S1nt1 Ana tional; lx>ne ln color 6: 12' Mu1lc1I 171( Newport Blvd., C.M. 646-2752 • E··"rorunenlal l nt•r l or Huntington <><~res Mote WW S ·1 211, .,........ ,A,_ """..Q)J2 W"-n Magna"°" Cont r WASHER • .... 21002 ~-H B. Quality Pl•cemtnt . uner, ui e -...... J4S.659' ....,,..,. ""'' Instrument• 112.5 ....... e °' dryer, stereo , Dcslgi., 8J0.5282, 496-4226 .......... n. · Since 1ff4 Ana. KING SJ:. B«f Complete. $60. U11e aide enrrance parking lo l cocktail table &: other misc. Frnt. Ofc. MedicAI MAIDS. Penn. full time, 25 l•iioii;;;iii..,iii;o;i& .... MilCkANDISI -Ok :Jr" Kenmcft pa stove, $30. SLINGERLAND 5-p lee e 9:30 to 5:3tl. hou!N!hold items. Muse Be busy Doctors ri&ht ann. ~~°:'biec:'~az~ Newport See Bett7 Brlklt al SALi AND TU.DE Twin boXsprne &: matt. $5. dnnn ~et complete w/ac· LADIES diamond dinner sacrifice! 9&8-3787 aft 5 . . Accur. typin~ & exper. will lvd Persenfttl Agency m lx Furniture 8000 962-20i4. l~l Cutty Sark tt~t·ot'lt·.~ lr. 5 Zildjian cym-ring, set with 1%. ·karat DIAMOND WEDDING SET. land you thi s, Plush ofc., ,J151 Harbor 8 ' C.M. 4570 Campus br, NI __ Dr, H.B. hril~ f.· zip.lock case~. Xlnl center diamond, 2 diamonds BEAUTIFUL! ..$300. 548-8947 I nice people, Start $350, can ~App~:!e u:l~~:!t ~.. 557"'621 i.66 f!C I' SOFA, never Vied, quilted BEAUTIFUL 8' Karpen sofa i·nnd. i\lake oiler. 642-1728 -%: karat on e!:~ side. alt 6PM. Gloria Ka)', 54(}.6(155. 11cnl. 9QOt:chguU'dtd $125; with 8 fluffy piUoWll. 2 mo 1-:rf..IDER BASS AMPLtFIEJt Brilliant cut Sacrl1A'l:! Re~ FOTRON camera & -•bl• STAl AGENCY peitrance. 49&-2383 i\t r . * Receptl.n1•t * A .. -"" C.-Girl I 75 • •-1•~ ly to""" -Dally PlloL ~' 1 COA Wright g..10 am only. .._ • Mittchlnr krv@fleal • old. Paid S47;i,,... ......, takes DELUXE RICKENBAOIER °""" r"l'N, air condiltoner. Btw. 4·7:00 2790 !!arbor Bl, CM 410 W. Cout Hwy• N.B. 5.13-lll7 it, 646-5396 BASS GUITAR Ladies pool loumt1.ment p.m. 5'8--8289 0tncr tee/fret' jobs avail. Mgr Tr11nM 'FUil time. 25.J5 8y appoint, 6.f5.393t 17 PC. KING SIZE MODERN dlnlnc table I 6 * 675-MOC * r!very Wed nlte 9:00 KING-SIZE BED ""FLEXOWRITER OPR E:.::~~.~~t~~ h~~ ~~c::;: =fio ";_~ SERVICE station AUndnt. BEDROOM chain. Antique grHn. $40. ·--Every l'hur Trite men'111 9:00 Complete. Good condition Interim i;on. R.apid advancement. SH not l'lt'C. Beaut. Exte11!i~ loca'l c:ocip, eve. Ll.rp 9 drawer dreallel', mlr· Eve«. 549--029.'\ !.!.!!!• & Or9•n1 1130 ~ Place, 2000 W. B&lboa • 642-6TI6 e Personnel Service s tart 111 54so. Call Sally Bay front ofc. 642-5735 ahllt. Tup pay, tirm & a ror, 2 ~~~ ~~~· K11r;r SOFA I: chr. 1 e cf' I, SAVE NOW MAPLE TV •>Y.. Di•hwu•·r 1-IAVE 4 Lickets Ft'st:ivaf of 445 E. 17th St., CM l'ort, O•• 0000_ half. A"". 11-3 pm de.ilv, slae hffduu-.nr, .... ,..,. qu • reupholt;trd. brn tweed 175. ~ ,..., Arts 7/24 ~-~-• ., tor ~ ~ Retail ..,. "' _.. ,...,. bl·-"' ·-"'A"• DURING SUMMER 120. Sewi,_ mnchine •"". . -"~ 642·7523 COASTAL AGENCY le SHELL srATION 191.h 4 ~ mattress, ' ..,,... St~reo consl Su;}. ,,...,....,317 CLEARANCE SALE c-· .. • 1z5:'° ~r mo•"::. same 8/4-8114. &ts--0749 T Tl E SI S Placentia, C.M. eta, etc, ---""""' ·-c• ANSA FULL or PAR l'it · 1190 Harbor Bl, Of Rttlll ~VICE -~-Atlndnt, Chotce of Spanish Offfce l'umlture 1010 We havt trade·in11, repos, sat. Rup S5 • $25. ll7 E. FONE, Best &: latest EARN UP TO $5 PER UR. Other fee/free jobs avail. ..-.. ....,..._, ..... or Modet12; St)it l"l!:nt ret11n11 A floor models 18th St. C.M. non-remote model, T 1 x FULLER BRUSlf CO. MECHANICAL Experlerdd for -time. ALL P::OR .._ R.eftn'd '3ib:60 ~ deft.I. ot every mock!I Hammond * FOR Rent • cabin-M·--deduct1ble. Offer. 4!M-7182 SA &-51<5 s Top pay lkr pd -· 990 •-• -" ' ' Eq>erirenced with bl.nd A 'MEii' E Cout H-N B. -.....1 No down pmt11. only '9 mo. M.50 e fti'Oll'd wood lnYl Organ. 8lQ' now &: receive moth L&ktl!. lips 7, turn., GENERAL HELP** ..-tOOlL C.peb!e of si., -~· . ' -WILK'S WARIHOUll -.Y cbelra, flll.50 • W• .xtra ~""t. Alao, Bald-lrlpc. 5 nit" tr~ 53W374 t~ll or part tin1c, age 19 to accun..te wort. 50-11'7'1, fOO w 4th St Santa .Am have the: larpJI ~ll:!CUon win ~ Orlan, almoll or 50-007 ewa. 31. Li: expanding chain. TOPATRON~ INC. CLOTHING SERVICE 3tt. Attendant, Daily 05-9 Sa.t '9.a Sun u.e of bled office fum in thll new, UYe over .,~. SURFBOARD· 7'x3" Soul $3.85 pt'r hr, 6 MO"s resi-part time, ptt:f. wk. end1. att:a . HAMMOND f catif be bre , FREE TO YOU dency req'd. Medical. Secy!Re<.~pl. Re. SALES 3531 Newport Blvd., N.B. FURNITURE ntumed fn)m fife Maha.n r><-11k In CORONA DEL MAR :'lnt or • ach ale, MR CLARK ~ _0 -'ble girl for .,.,...., bully si-1-,.__ .. ......._,,_., d1-1a .. 1tudle1, modtl horn. .... -.. Gd . Cond. $&;) or bst otr =rr""' .,...,...,. ·-3 ~ ..... _,,.., ..,_T''"'' "'l''-J 1JX1 Newporl lllvd. 2!S4 E, Qie.lt Hwy, 6·-~ 842-t023 ' front oHlce. Age 2540. Must l"s"tjllloiiVo;IC"'1-c"'1•NT•E•ll""' es, deoonP'I canctnatlon. M2-81~i0 . Open Mon il Fri ew1, MATURE Burmese cat fem. Muiit ha~:n~11~ccxper. on ::n:P& w:;:k~~ ~· ~ ~~a~rrf~n:i==~o!.os~::-: Ernpl1ym1nt Aftncy ro tu~':1'ruii" 2 WALNUT 00" dell~; Sunday 12-4 4ta~le8 coRm1;?~!~~': Wonderful dispos. lo rood 3 FEMALE kittem (l mo. J & nM>fher. Biie w/wl'lt marlcirws. Despt>ratt>! Good w/1m children. ~7672 7123 phones. This is no11cltphonc PM dal1y, Wed 9-1. Sa.t 9.1. •port coata Ir: i laeks. 1144 New,.rt II., C.M. 1wtvel, alrle ch1tll'll il pacM. cenorlea. Xlnt oond. '35(1. home. Ml>-039.l 7123 soliciling, ~.10 hr. Salary Otxlble and allowan. }'rte &: r"' ~itiont evtry nlte •111 9 tii>t.¥.12: I!~ HAMMOND, Slein...,o.y, Yam· 646-3629 tittore 4 PM 4 CUTE kittens berore 10 lnd•nAndent -•will .. made•·-an.. 11 t *S /Cl k ._.,. w·• •·t • .... •tn • -aha. New 6 uaM pla.noa of · a.m. & an. S p .m. I• ,..-.... ~ ~ We have an c'ICCf! en ~ tlftO r ..-=·• .,. ""' ""' · v most malte• Best bu,ys in STENOTYPE Mac b I n e : 6'Th-l55ll Personnel Age:ncy cepllonally skilled person. sram of employee benefit• T)'Pe mtsd w/fltuz'ts, ~Of &: Jovettat.blue Offlct Et1ulpm1nt •11 So, C&IU, at.Schmidt Muilc Court Reporter Modtl. N'""· 1123 \! 1716 Orange Ave, SUhe C Rera reqd. Ph: 646-3962 .Jncludina: pen1k>n Ir: major *Sec'y $6M velvel-tll'wr used &: Statue ELFCTR1C IBM Exeeut:lvt 00 1907 N v .. 1 .. santa Ju Other ~ g.u...u: Art. 1 Coc·poo, fem.a]., and l Wa,t. C.M, 6(2..-0026, 545-0979 MOTEL MAIDS medal inluranCe etc, Erp. R, Elltate Law, top lamp. $450 c:Mh. 96&-S31S il Unden.iood forum, ..,a , ' '-.. ,S;,;';.:ll=~~---~ •It, J.fale, want tood homc1 • I 'f'f"' r.: Ph: "9f..9868 1/24 , ' **Gtner•I Open ngs \\'&Jlted 1or new 133 unit llldlll, SH A typlrw. MOBJLE HOME l>etb1 2 il f drlwr ti*. n:m>m 81111 ampaUlftt n;=-o==,-,......,.-, **S1tur., Interviews motel in ea.ta ?>.teea. ApplJ We lrMte )'Oii to drop In and *KeyjtUnch 0,,. $521 MODEL ,UlllNITUlltE 1912 Wblttl«, Unit V~ bf. ORGANS delun Rkkenbacher bass PART Siamtac, lertiale. S 1n1t rvl(l\vlng $alur. 9 10 12 In wrlllng s latt n1 tx• dllcusl this plt1 Job w1tb EXp, on Molla.wk or Hont:)'· ilohii lOvelettl dlnlna:11tta 642-..1!09 • If pl.tar mo1 . 839-2261 tit ror t~ following potdlions, perlenct!, phone nurnbe'r &: out store manqer. MU. bectl' etc. ' ' NO ffELCO modi! 12 cartrille , DllMUfttl * C'1Mt04 * 541)....1~7 1121 1 both free Ir: ftt. ~re~ !:,. .. wWJ: DES-DS *Sec'y $JOI 'MU~IT SILL dictation l)'llttm, o:mpktt. 'W;\R.D'S 8AUJWtN STUDIO KI.miN;r.c:..stn:;:;;;ni'';;m;;a-.;t .. ;;;•~A-;bo;;;;;x I ;P;;cA.iR;;;T~C00;"-11;:1,-. t"'>r"'•°'ld::-.-m,:al::;,=,I •, • A0",'L,,,•. 'oro'"',· ~ .. o JO. ApplQnts will be.,.,.. """' tYPt eo-10, SH•. Frnt otc. JOM.JCRA INC.19'JSI Beach· Ncw cond. SUS. m..-lilt Ne 'POl1,. c.M. &U.ac84 apri,... Cood condition~. bu had tlbots. Cd wtlh ~ .,,.., ""' pol1e, Good w/dttail. Blvd., H.B. !3MM1 " 549-0ST4 chllcb't.n. ~ 7-. • Gent Ofc • PaymtJ vised 'tl/hoerc to (.IOfne for Cff +Sec' /R pt $451 ~~o::::=::-;==='I'~~:,;;:,:;::::..__.:;•~~ • irt'lpe<:IO'l'I • Sccy1 inlrrvk:w. Work '11111 belln LONG BEA Gd typl.v.:: knowled&t &rAPLE mp.table ... oocktai1 Gar•r s.1. 1122: BALDWIN orgtlft model 47. GOOD SUn~ IS" t ltttr\c BEAt.TT'lFUL kitlenl io tood ,1 • UNKEL "--encie• e about Au,, .c. Write Box 1 ~-1 table lo match. X1nt cond. GARAGE SAll ITC llke ne,., Fr. Pnwtnc~ ~'ft' Q)W'l' SfJO, homel. Mlh3475 7/)t "" '11"'2 Dally Pilot e t r.;uvn CS. M&-J!ril ' • .L--. wood, SJ.995. 644--411~ &l2.J2'l8 l lJ21 N Broe.d\\'AY SA 542.))02 _,, "' lroadw.y et Locust 2$2.A 16th PI. c M ~ WltlTE Roo9ten, 21lU Ma. WHATEVER. )'O\i n eti: Ct ForFutl'ffil!Ll •. CaD"The '' • PRIVATfPART'f GOOD .tmall z,_nilh Dr.,UpperUaxL 1124 .. l you'll llnd, U yoo read -~10NEY I N YOUR. OOO New;ort ntcr Dr, NB Ho~ 1.Jne'"-l>t.Dy PllOt "QUlCXER l't>O ~ wanl:S fo bu,y Plano e)'fllaMeS ~a.id~. Buslnen ()pportunll~ In Tude.)''• \Vant Adi. Daily PUot ClauU.ied Ms POCKET! Suitt 200• By Appt, &«-4'*l Cau:llltd THE QUtcialR YOU SEIL tor C81h 213: 461~1'23 ~-;.;,,;=------ • r, • PILOT WANT ADS! 6Q..erTI f ~:.,;:.;.-::;;;; .. . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. ,, . . , . .. . . . . -. . . . . • • I I ' . . . ... • • : I ' l . . . • ' ' . ' . • • • . . - SO .·" YOUR .. ·LITTLE FlED · WA~ON_ .. • • . ,1·s REALLY DRAGGIN' I . , I . . BILL , ........... -+--~.-l - -l-~l\~LL:---1 Ill.I.. SILL I . ,.,· ' ' . ' "' :1-.4 . •' . -,• . . ' •, .. i ' •' ,. . ' ' ; & : --' •.:.. ' .. ;t! h : ,..,: : , .... . . "' . " ... . ' . " : I . . :-l . ' -·=·1 .. . . . ' "'•-' .. : . ' .. ' ... i I ' ' . ' . ' . ' .~ 'i .. . '' }'~ . ! 1··1 '. : I ~:'.;,,i c • : ' ~ . ; . ' ... ~. r, _, i ··'I . ' "' .~~ ' _,. ' ' , .. (. I ~~: :_ ". ,, i• .; ' "•.: ~ . ~ .; :: •• k . ' " .:,- . "' •• :r,.n1 . , ! . ~-1~ ADD HO ·RSEP-0 -WER TO · THE FAMILY BUDGET. r ~ : . ; ~ .. '\, "J . . . . You can handle those bills. 1'11 you need are the dol· ' ' ,., _,. : .;-.,.: . ; ' . ' ·... . lars you'll gel ·for all the still-good, but· nobody· uses. them items you'll find all over the house. Make a list ~-_:j ;-.;• of them today and decide lo turn those unwanted ar· > ·; :.. -;1 ticles into extra cash. It won't cost you • • • it'll pay ;,.~~i you. And you'll be surprised at how fast you can sell :'.Aj iust about anything with a DAILY PILC>f classified ad. '.~·'.! ..... _ . : Try ii today. Every day is a good day lo use ~·; -~-.. ' ·-': .• :.::1; • .... . .. . . ' .' \, DA:IL·V PILOT WANT , ADS •.i' •. : .. (And You. Can Charge Them) I • E 642-5 . . i .' ' -"·-1 t -:.::..:=:::.:..:...;· ·:...:...;.:.~:. :-.. .. ---· _,;;..... ..... ·-· ;....:... _ __._;.. .. ::.~--~ ~ ~~ '--'-• ........... -------~ .. ------= ----- ----- • • 2 1 = -Yt .. h ~ b " 11 • .. a l .. • 11 .. II ii .. a " .. Jfc .. .. 51 Kl .. .. " ii ri " II. r t!; 1 61 ' c .. c. if: ' • 6J • ftl .. fit IP b< .. fii ldl "' WU au Ml 2 : • J Nt n .... "' Siij ... all !iii ... ... nu ... ""' Piii llhl Al Ion 1511 Ai 1-bl IG iiiC tn s~ .... ... Cli -551· Ii .... ... Pii ""' .... iA ft .. ... I' s 5G iiOS old. PIJF In iii ""' iiiii ~ iYi SW 1-. CoC 600 -AiiO ... = - . ~ ... . .. ._ ,,. • . .. ... ... -·--~ ~ .. .,. . --. ' ..... , ~ ..... _.., ... -·-~ -..... ---............ .,..~ ....... . ,,._ ........... ~~ .... . ~2~J..;.PIUT=-40YtllTISU=cm=r==~·:::W~-~~·~""'1~22.f!!i~~~-,.~·~~: . -· _ . --· ·-~-· ~-.l'I~~ ?2, 1'10 . pA!LY PILOT ,, -Sl'ORTATION -TRANIPOltTATION -'TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TllANSl'ORTATIOtf ftlHljl(litTlflON fUNlllOltTATION FREE TO ;you -FREE TO :YOU -------I -& Yochte tlM ·..01 SRp -Int *' ~leo tat Truckt ,,.. '""''rt.ti......, HOO lmporlell-'-,.. BEAUTIFl1L blk llvlly SCRAM LETS :w BOAT S1JP ruvu'U'.'I 'If FORD Pk:lmp % Ion. ·--llT JA&UAI YOUNO adult DNW catJ. tulo' mix. ..... • tnOI., • • •• FOR LEASE ,.... ¥ r 1'1eet1Sde, .,Ut rtms. vt. ........ o11 _. oil -., loa( -=\d.-' Id IN HUN'l'INGTON O.D., JIAH, mw --ta ~· ~ ~:...!...'!...~ ::"'°liw!it . ~ ANSWERS WILL ~ATE llP HONDA " ...,. ... --· s p E c I AL s .1•-•~ -...-··--·· mm -'Mui•. #fl or alfln. Call ••m •. ns-ou. '.,.,.,_•""old Id~ ,,._ -~ -Plall-TO -Brown.-. $1995 -...u ,,,. .. mast .. eone ln 2 Toward -TAXPAYEJl A 30" BOAT. ....... ... m-1 --oo vacation. CALL ......., rWWM\ ' , i.·T. ''6 FORD · $1!0. 11 ... 1 al! nAT UC. -Cpe LOVABLE very prett) 2201-A State Ave ~ llnUtd stata ill tht _...,._.. •• , irtll,-·beadl\lht. ri1bt RH4Speed.XDA538 ::::-' ~·kii:::•= ~ TJ2i ~:!ow~~~ 8Mt S.rvfa1 9027 lllW ....... Y.' ftnder, 11Ml" CdM -Id h>me Q'l-!382 KiTfENs • -bob-tall P .. YER. · ;;;;;.... " -t ·I n " ft n I DATSUN -...... U83, $3H5 !mt UACH lllwy. HI lMIJ-rUS Sedan. A frvwmleeJon. powmo ·--........ ~. AM FM ndlo, --""""·--·-...... Lie. ZX111"1. '"" . CHICK IVEISON -1123 ........ __ .._. V<r'/ 1914 :12" LYMAN. 1'11 HP ··-·· • ----~1 $llO. -.. ';" ~.:.. ""'~ .......rv...lllW·V-•Y. YDWIG. -IJod """" =~ -........ ~ ~ Gnty,' SIS -bait Frw Fatima... w..1m 'G OIEVY % T - -s.. •987• '61031 Ext ... rr ,_. ... 10 mo. old do(. tant. "'"4. navy (Op, IUll ---Fiiiiiitii 1910 lWUlt'.Jft BLVD. vw % OllH<. -all OLD -,.,... doc. 8 """"· -Condition. -Ch.rter tPt Pvt ply. Best oltu. $12'5 . COl!l'A MDA ltlots. HM doc kou 1e. yn ... llpl.Ytd fem. fret to ~.... 5'1-6139; nn9D-081 .::::=====:::s=I IS$4IS 'Tfll good home ONLY. 615-6882ews.f0-0010~ P'OR C1mttr 110 qualWed e '59FORD10-wb1DtJiiP. tra VW Squire bt.ck Wac m i"OilND: Grty wttb )'tilOw 6'7>19M 1/%1 Priced R.euonabb'. 1kipper. Bu~ 35-ft. diatl ••' $1100 ** · RH f Speed Priold to $!11 -blrd. v~ ..... . TO GOOD ....... M ... collie S.llboate 9010 ..... $3'15 = . $111) 137·1153 .. -TIT m . ~ ........ , pet, "Iuak"' l Y' old. SUJ>e<' fw' -1a. m.<W9 '63 OIEVY 'If. T. !leet Pde $1695 · »•~ Vic on PU'8Qlll tn C.M. rntndl)t. 302 ~ CL * New Catalina 22' trai.IM. 27' TROJAN fly bridp LIKE .. Hodak& Ace auto. Pvt prty, ~t ofr. • ' .... •port ...- M5-01M 1/Sf Aalt Jar Vldd. 1~ able w/ntractable keel ~kie.ded-llpa I $15 dq 100 A--:.wuU:l 90. Both 541..Q: e'WI 962--4911 1#1 VOLVO 14';-8*l ;fut 91125 Qadla Gmfe Blvd. KOW: about adoptiflC an Part Sc:bnamer, part temer from $2595. "'50. * 6t&-tOOO .treet A-dtrt • q u 1 p • d . '60 FORl> 'n.T pkk up. Pvt Automatic ~ to -a 611: 5S1'·Tm '· .,_1581 ~ kinen! 1'be)' nMd I: put ! ! Male dOI: abt 4 * New Koralle Jr family HodlJta $400 KawuUi pio party. Bfft ofter. Sil.e&39, week 314 .wt · 1 ....... .,.. w/lota ol ..... mo'• old. Vory _,,..... -........... ~ ~b. Mobile -t2Gt c.u m.si .... -$2095. ' . 1 4 w· N -1/23 ....... -5!().1536 Sall away -oal> 1514 .. I A ·r K?ITENs al• colOn ... AN ,\flectlona .. • " "" . """"""· THE 1111:11111ws -s.mc. J!"P' n10 19119 TOYOTA Mllic ·n s..i Rail1o .... ,.. A1' ...... '"" """"" Joos baked and i.m. O>c-w I u d * Balboa 2>, X , Aquar!ua 23 lllUlllU & '""' MOO RH 4 SPttd extra clean ..... pck <\twwMJJ ' '' 'OS ES dMI Jddt haired. 1 wka to 21 muatacbe. All 1 hot•. *Hobie cats colon. Jmm. (Irvine) J!~~O: :!i.~llOOP:; f.FB 516 ' ·• $12'9 grey/red. Jtbr. -Good ooa41 ...._ l3M493, S48<lll3 1114 642-45119 1123 Doi. e vw ..,.. ...,. uJeo. ., New $5100. s... $<500. $1795 BILL JONIS , oxtpa. SUICi), 115<>m AMmUCAN Ptt !lull T..-PITS tnd LIVISTOCK m> w ~:wyE: ~ Retervatiom u. "'" belog body pu<a. 6U-Ot43 m.:im II& TOYOrA ~ HT ~·tr g:: C.~ MERCEDES Bem JI) SL. ::;:r:.~~":: Ptll, 0.-•1 ... 'MOVINOI-=:,i:,.1n.=,..~ UG> roRSCBE tsoo.s ~ .:r, :0.~; ~: Autom•'!° !llarp '1112' Sport Coupe ~:""· """ -1op. c. · 1123 (5} DUCKS (IS) 14......_ SACRIFICE I at 1'151 Jelluy Rood<-e-. ""' -· 1>"15. $2ll0 . .._.,,,. 4 .-, dbc bralm, ndial 1962 190 SL C&upo 4 •-·a. abort haired "(5) -kin.,-. :J6U SALE BY OWNER roundec!by0......""'"'l * 5.1>-mt $1595 -(ZXXOl8>. $1!00 61'>2'13 ""'·--~ and ~ • ~ LUOERS 16 In I:vlne For lnlmnatioa, STOii all ......,. aide Roc-~n Vehlclft 9515 ' $21" . or w•~ -1111"1ped kin... Me11 °''Upper Bay . CU ' '58 ~· 1919 TOYOTA Comla Sod BILL JONES 1 -· boz trained. 2l BANT~ au $L50 _. NI ...,p1..,.nt tail. SIHpa ea1J ~!30, mom • . -...,1s "" '5'1, GO.KART RH A...,,.tk: -"'" B.J. -· ~-•·-te· 615'.IT.m 11" 4 ._:... _ ••-...... • 2. 5 hp Men::. motor. Dan. 5!1-3105. ewvette. $25. 6C5-0t66 ... ...., .... '-CU" ....,.-, • ~ ~ --,...... -~Knot -zwz'°' -""~.·c.". ,~ .. M • WO am.all Terrier 2i12Melii.b-. Upper Bay full :-·;m $1915 ~ COSTA MIS.A /McCulloulh -.._...,,. '" ~• -~,,..,,.:; "';\" GEESE (51 Goal""' (51 HOBEi ~ • N MODEL CLOSE.OUT Troller, Tr&Y•I 9425 ~r. e"I. 6 •tart. $1895 . '69 124 SPYDER __ ~ 910 f2.i white Ol' Gray ts eed:L ::1612 ···:.······· ._.. 9 new model mabllc: bomel ,68 ........ """D Deluxe, a1pe Make Otttr 1989 'OOYOTA Corona .$!d 5 speed, 4 wheel diac brakes. •. '" • 'l Me.. Dr. u-1:11.... $995. be'--••--..1 ~~ Aft 6:00 139-6513 RH Automl.tlc F-.. Air ,.._ .. ,_, ••~. 189< BHU) · , "M6'' --• _... -v U S. Finn No.DI are ..,... uue.r.wu at redue. 6, stv ieet1ox. din tbl. $600. -==;;;=::;:;;,;:::;;.,= -·-, -~~ rrANDARD poodle ali-_...., . • ••••••••. ,,.. ed prices. All are .et_ up tn 548-415& · .:: Corid Bal ol Fac1Dl'J' Wu-. $1599 4 ,,,. old, slnt """" doc -~· be1Ulllul G""n!eal P•• l '510 ranty XXE Tll BILL JONES .. I: Hvely companion Del• 1125 ~15-0629 --. m.-ro 1123 BALBOA 2l It., """' ml; ~,'.'_e Ntro~:e-Har Truck• $1695 ...! HJ:~tsccarM "'.'.'.!':.91 "fRIBIUJIEI" L.;;.;<,.=..-==-=:;;lhU=:;;;t WANT an adonb1e pet! How outboard. 1 year old. $3100. ..._. e .. .,.,.. ""7 or ~ _... iu-uw-, • • ....._.,, ! -uti!Ul ~ ca _,1 AKC ~-~. ~•· ••• -·· 9 ~ • "°' mvd ao. to llHh. tllen 19119 TOYOl'A ~ )rr ,69 ,850 $ ...1-NEW MIDOIT $1''5 .. ' -l wk cild. Must . • I ":'.: _,2 ';;;;H; ~ a.m. w • p.m. ..... to mo Wb!-Av.. TRUCK Cpe RH • -MJcbeJln . Pr-~· .... bxne NOW or ,puppies. -.v• or aftft 5 p.m, ~.-.· Be utifuJ lime Rad. ._ IUQI ...,., ., ~to ---~2135 1124 1erna1n: 1: 2 .tm1t.. tNcu.p1, ea.ta Mea .,_1350 tlrel 1ow Ide• • ~ a creen. 10, NIW..VUD-18Y. ~ ......-l ....... I cl•••-· 333 HOBIE Cit ........ l Y', s,.....s_..s_ s p E c I A L s ... •om " ........ Hanllop. (YPS :119). ---.-........- .....,.. Ca1lco Jons ba!Nd 11=.17thst..CM.6'&"'114' ~ New 5 ""'Adult Park '· Of'IN ROAO $l6'9 ~ _.t '""'""cat., good ' WVABLE male Tay Centnlly located In 'qulet $1695 Manuladuren o1 Amar!ca's ~95 BILL JONES am home, had 1ho'l~~ pocdoel, ARC. I wla. pup Kite 6U wltlttrailer. neilhborbood of w .. tm1n1-......., FORD 1~ Ton PU ftneat lAlxury R.ecftiUDnlsm OPEl.;'St Wq RH 4 B.J. Sports Car Ceoter a.a.. llr'llc4Plltl 5a Ol'l ah:>tl, need pod bome. XJn~4s $190 ter. Qo.e to abopplnc area lLWB S~le Side RH 4 Vehicles. .Speed~ Rack PIK 313 2!33 Harbor, C.M. 540-4491 lftmwdlate DlllMJ, FRJ!E·-._,_°'""1' 546-81124..... •-.Abwrtllulnew ~ ~"'t •• ...,., • , ·•· • · $11~ '69 124 Sedan Al-ldttem Ii cats to cboote Fibersla.ss I: Gelco&t ctubhome, (49 9Wimmi11a ~.. new "'""" N campen f.ralil,. Gd homel' wanted. GREAT DaM, !Mle, 6 mo'1, * * Repaln: * * pool, Jacu=I I: all other fa. Enc Sb8l1> V6213.l • ew • \ ·11161 SAAB 96.t-4 Sed RH AM/FM, air cond. 4 wbtel wm.:e ~ 1123 =." .=°" .:'~ ~;· C:0....:1; clllllff. 53l>m1. sn.asn. $1895 . ~ · · • Sf>Hd )1'....., vzu 0 :' !':'~'ru'f" than MOO j 'I 1 i I I I) 1 ' ' mniPIES'"" '",.., 5 lelt. alt 5. Xlnt '°""· l1'fl . sn":v HARBOit 1961 FON> "' Toa PU VI • x...:p If.Odee·°' •• A N $1Stt °'"' .. l't •em! AKCGERMANSllEPllERDS mJTI2 u~i1eu--S.IH RM!A ..... tlc:,LWB~~ N ... ...s, :icampeno •. , llLLJONES -W.CautU.,,11.L eG;ut6 11" g wbdwnploo -· Eaat. LIDO 14 • No. 692, w/hwy AUNEW7t'MODELS Side, _1100> ..... real ~· . .• B.J. Sports car Ceottt -·a.1 • -'· Blk doll· -ernblll:h,aboU.1'15.615-3237 ....... Mm Oller! NOW ON OISPLAY v:rnsi;" is.:":~.:.~:.VD. ~IWIS >133-,c.M. 5!0-MSI AutliOdlldMG1*11r 'I 11 ' I· I" . ii' .. Temer • Poodle. "'· B<mud Puppies -AKC '1Mm"' m.lll2 ,.. W!dea u..,. u -$195 l!AllTA .,.A. IJAUI'. ,,..\tt,uooa nvo. '62 MG Roadster N ~dttn. S4&5!Kl 1123 $125. A!ao. mal• at stud. SABOT* $IO com lete 12' W!dea to 3'' Wldea C5 mu.a"· ol bi...,.w.JJ COST-'""llA '" t:llS JAGUAR Neu N"". Radio Keator. wht part -431 M-C.M. w-t5116. L!ilo Pk fumont 31.pNB Putt 5pacm Al>&llable. 1963 CHEV % Ton PU LWB (ill) Ul-e DI-"" ' (l'WL 635> ~ l Y' old~ o,:;: ~~=N~ KITE ''47 ~~~s:;.:,~::_ ~:~t~•ttc New '70 DallUll AUSTlil'HlALEY H.;::uU::tiu BIL~NIS ' SHAbGY coc • poo te m. fl50, pold $400. 615-m< Best ou.r. 6'1"9U eo.ta ,._ (114> 540-9''11 $1195 1: o:; i:: ":'. '""'.,&: .-.UST!N. ,f.il!ERICA "rbe on17.Ua..Jaod JAGUAil B.J. s°""' car C.nter _. 10 mo Mull movo. FOR -or -, -.. CAL·lO $2195 HESPERIA MOBILE HOME 19&1 CHEV % Too PU LWB (e 611!18) WW take cv In SoJn,,'·llOnJii, Pu1s -ta the -Harbor ll33 Horix>I', C.M. ........ ~aO ~ 7/24 Treeing Wallett puJM. Best * 644-2038 * ESTATES. Low down -Res. Automatio VI style Side trade Will f1nuce pri r m6 DIUttrr Area. •59 MGA §iiiEGY dol me to ad hm. ot lifted. sa-JS87 mo. pymts. Min. • i z e RH llUtY: Call stM:m va!mAn::O.W. ·.. O:aupldb: ...a. ....,... ,..i. w..a MIN. -AKC, black Power CnolHrs "20 60'Xll0" 10 ml tn>m new Body Rl5156 ...om • SALIS Convmlbie, 3 .,...._ dlr, ~ 11'1-1356 7/24 ~· .-..... bl!;_ 543 .. ~· 1967 L1JHRS 28' c.c. Fly ~.~.~ "-lSH=ria Sa •• • DE AN '69 ci...... 'V· Ton SERV,CE clean car. (0XYl19) WDJ iiiifE.' dariJrc Calico kit. ~-mp • -· ~ .-..,, radio, bait ti.Ok. ~'~-w -· J •" PARTS . tab car In trade or l!nanco a,6 Mekl. trained to SKYE Tari.er pu.111 AlfC, Sailinc ~. Lo boura, nmp, 1 ml Eut. S!« or L . w I I With camper, low mileage. BAUER ·~ ·private party. Call 54Mf'2 540-1lm 'U2' ftullY blk tipped, .....,. " '""'· lll!OO. 213 ~ 6118-'1911; ~'!..: -p O ·-~~ Au-, ..,..... -· IUICK --1·· ... ;;:,,:~;:,:..:;;,::.=-==~I creams. 58-2541 2131M4-3366 .....-.r .. _.., -• .._ air cond. DJr. Wm take I wtdte female kitten. evu . HESPERIA.Callf.92315 1MI HAR80RtLVD. cartntradtor~pri.. 319W.a..t8'w7 .. N.& IN JJeiO MG TC a.ASSIC ~ ~ -~ HtrlH -= .. ;:.t14S:. li::::. f:::: COSTA MllA -~""'."·Call -... .a:.111c1 JIG ri:;.. c_C?SE.Tl~M _w * v::= ** ... -' male, 1 RtJEW) -12 se:si:· ........ "11 2 w/cabanu, • w/awnt-CAMPERS *" El ~ '62 Alllffn H-Jau -se'TTiiis . . ' ::,:-"""' ~ 'i:,,.. "' w.-.. Sal•';!: ~ ~ =• Priv • ..,,,,. ""'"" . • ""' -Cahov.n """'°· ............ '";'J, '67 J 420 r...i... MGI .ui.out .._ ba!Nd -· :n!:'. :,-~oo p.m. ...,. -boat~ ' '.!!;.~ ~ d:O:;: HI :;'_,, ~ X: c.:. ""' -~·: ARBJ. apar -• '65 MGI Roaclstet ,,_. 2 wl atriped ...,... TRANSPORTATlQN "'' FLYBIUDGE P""'"" '1462 Cnut H"l'. HB. Key . ~o .• Bl~r.,.l~S Factory air COlld., AM/FM/ Lib New! Owned by Uttll 5Gf929 . _,_, :::. Bo&to & Yoehlo -:=-~sXl.:~AU Bh~;,~:~·,..;. 1970 ; -~"'-~¥"10fi J~:.i'."&~ :::;•=.. ~"i:°:i .: .. ~•:.:,:n;:i.. tnlDed tu ""°".,.,..,Only Tl'ailer cab, • .,., din" TRUCKS 3 M~ tnillet '12S . 'It HEALEY JOO() JI!( m, -1 .. lhor -· Load. Interior. -· cowr, S Wt! ~1'134 7/fJ 'fl PACEMAKER-~ AJ.llu Sp11d Ski loet1 9030 moo. ~ ~ ---·.· BrWah -· -. elect ed! Excellent ' toDdldon. Mre wbeell. oeelltnt con. . -,..,.,. l ............. Xlnt ....... BEAUT ... FonnuJa xr TRAVELAUS ... vw ... ..._..N.,..., oD --~~~,..., (WAV 1'11) Take .,.., ., .... ru. amaJ1 - 'Yf ·Helm 5.T pupple•, !!!8'1Engeon~. ~ ~~· ~:!: 100 hp' Mere, Make ofter. Motor Hom• '215 tirn, bllttfty. Xlnt OJhd'. Gd' cood: ~. o.mer: trade or small down, wfU will fin. Pvt. Pf;)o. dlr, Call ~ m..w.o 1124 "bead .i: ~. n.F: = -Take 91!! ~ OI' bus, part SCHOOL bus ccnverted into SCOUTS =· 540-a92 Mr. D • ..!?!: IS0-3140/eves: !~ iovt~~~~~ Phil ~-10 AM 4M-"150.l ·ar Cii:iX)-cat and 2 pit cower w/f'ull head vi~. motor heme. Butlant refz, AVAILABLE NOW _...._ .. -=--M~G~"= ~~~~~1 '""'*'kl.tttn&.55'J~9115'J/23 _ v .. .:.. more XtlU' AVON lnftatlble red Cat ski I: lltOYe. Tbmno bes.ta', IMMEDt\TE.DELIVd~ 8--riJu. cab-over camper, 1956 AUSTIN HEALEY PRlVATE OWDl!r wi ll ~ ~T, B.R,G. SST..fllS 1123 ........... -·.J · boat w!Mm:ury 35 HP .mwer A 1oilet facllltlH. tact. disoonttnued model. pso aacrtfice 1970 Jquar 2+2 AM/FM, wire wbee.1.1. U.. 1 WK old cocktt-mix pU~ $9,000 or bst oUu. 613-1385 motDr, oal.7 $895. 133-2&93 Hot 4 cold nmn1ns watl!l'. Tat Drive ar. T~ At Complete. $896. 869 West S'1s.oG9 for quick .ale. Like r.w macul&te. $2900 « bnt: Cl(. ..... Sm " med ,;,., «6'4-1133 14' GLASSPAR aki boa~ 35 $12)0, -Kastom 110. St., c.ata.-. with,.,. -~000 mDa ""· 54!><354'alttt 7 pm, 541-1561 7/13 H' CABIN Cru~. New HP EvinnJdHlee .tarter, D I I ....,. DATSUN· :uto~~~· P ~ PORSCHE PLEASE . tree to .... -~ wa:oo ~~ "trallu, $Sl5. -!!11.•.!._lllk•• 9275 Motors """ ... " .. ~ r ...... -w•w AM·FM -------- -· -bl• ftufly ~ :_, u · ......... call U' Boot & "•lier s-nza 5 HP Min! bib !69 DIM l1199Y .. -radio, IUll leatbu, chrome '66 Porsche. 912 tma. sn-1631 aft 5. 7 ~ SXIO. 531.965'7 XInt cond, $125 Harbtw' Area's only aufhorii.. Roll bar floltaHoa tilft wire wti-. w/1/W r.:dial 3 A.pORABLE 6 ~ old llY FIBERGLASS DinsbY * 543-5819 * ed Jntitrnational Harvnter Compl ~y ro.d equipped. ... M _. tlrfl A-tn<ft, WW. take 3 TO CHOOSE l'ROM ~ ftullY b!k 6 wbt ki..,,._ Morine Equip. t03S Dealtt • , ,-, · (ZZB ;.., ' I> ,..,. trade u part p)'!ML C.U Priced ,.._ SJ4tt ' -T/23 $1'15. Smwblnl •• ..--145 Baio.r, C.M: -'sto-5915 ·,,,5 ''Leldtrln~£aadratle1" 644-1'94 WDUIX !~~"=-==<.-;;;:; -~ -. nne., ......,., LARGES!' c!laoounta 00 all ~cle• ,_ Uquon> ·-CHICK IVllSON 10 SJAMESE kl'""'· '~.,, ..n. n~ ...-,.2326 mar1ne equ1pment. ltadloc, <Next to 4-Moot BILL JONES ZIMMDMAN '67 XKE COUPE S45-f91I I'll ir GULF..-.. 1966, com-depth -. '70 ~= 115 BRlND NEWTON. . B.J. Sporta car c.ni.r 2145 HARIOR ILVD. '"""'·wire"""'"· Loaded. VW •. iQSjOO Bull tttrier. l >~ -· 150 hp, Muc. paints, etc:. e"'7lbllw Im $400 °' Ma1ce Olln 1970 G.M.C. * '833 Harbor, C.M. 5'Mt9I 54M411 (XDA 293) ~Ext. 66 °' 61 okL 541--1621 7 cru*r. tr>OtJtdrive. $3900 power and Mil. 54U29T * '89 MEYER'S Manx D\lne $2999 WO HARBOR BL\11>. PUPPIES ' -. old small new. Moke •""'· 84&-3231 Morine I< Batteey Shoppe, * CAlmER TRUCK l>laY. ...-built by DOT DATSUN BILL JONES COSTA MESA -· 5*-2!13t 1123 21' SURFING OUTRIGGER. 2<30 W. Cout H"l'., N. Bcb. '61 llAllLEY·Davldaon 1.. JIW' M.,...., ..-,, • not a kit OPEN DAILY B.I. Sporta car Center '68 POJ1SCHE f12 CIOUllO 4 Dlidq: JQttena Black, CUatom built by Phil BOAT owners. Gu Marine ~·-:: ~XLNT -LOADED.1Ul93 ftrm. Call AND 2133 Harbor, C.M, 54IM491 Ab.oiuttly tonCOUrW cond. ---Edwanll. PIO. Ntedl """'-~ KdW 2% KW. ·-·-· ' "' 350 ~.~.~ '!: -llOI -· SUNOAYS PLANNING to.,..., Yoo'll -. c.u all 5:00 .,.: • ll'Q, . wk& Call afttt 6:00 pm, 67S-OO> Top condition. uro. can tnde tor van. 5t6-.m8 lnf, "HD" u~b HD C6RVAJR powered d D n fl ta a.ca. Jlhtd. ftnd an amazirw number oC ~ MINI poodle pups. "I 1123 CATAMARAN, 12" C&l Cat, 8G-681& for demonstration. ''8 BSA. 441. Vdory. Xhlt er_. 'd· .... , _c__:_ ,;_: ,bUSIY itreet ltpl, ftl., HWtt:tztston Bel.ch bome1 in today's CluaWed N~EE:c';;°D~HELP=~,~Loo~k~lor~t~tl -, old, ~ -· ., .. , cond. -eyc:!e tl'h", like -~~ ~· pl.... chrome """ nU llf2.7111 ..,...... 1YJ\.oldbluepointapaytd ~ is00•'Cau aft 6pm -new. Drafted-Muat s ell! bumper' 150Xl6 •eUi rim '. $950 ' or · Ad•.Checkthlmnow. Phone64~ s1amo .. m-54IO 7123 ... :i!iss • · -Slip Maori"' -<15-30'71 ., .. eyp. ""'· •(6015. cona1rUcllon. • "6-l934 '&& 1r11n ROAD$ttn 1\i~~~~~~~~~~~ii.;~~ ----·-· $2499 uuu IUI Imparted ...... 96001mported Autot 1 YR . dd blk, female 14' MFG ~bout 40 HP NEW .up. avail for 32' to '47 KNUCKLE ~ IJ OocMpno. .....-7125 Evtl'INk. trtr, IU tank. 38' a: 70' JIOWT or sail. .tron, nu sen a:-trant. (with purchue of Truck I: lmportMI C•n MOI 90Ytt 1inl&b w/black vlny! DOOflS • 1hick. ... .,, ..., mtt. Liloo new, $9Zi!lllW2l5 * 61U606 * Molded•"=' ~i2S!Dck K!>wolRoad...,..,.Sel'lal AUSTIN -·-· Dl•., muc torilJitjon. 546-3473 1/24 14' FBRGLS Gla.pu boat BOAT alipl/tide tte.to ao-IPJ'fnct . . #5315). ---·-----1 151) wUl take trade or fin. AllOllABLE Cock .. .poo pupc wllB hp Johnaoo -· axnd. 31).3>" boot, Balboa l9&9XlnBOt NNnd~ UNIVEISrrY MUSI' ..U • Goq ...,_ :::.J:"~ call ........ 11" = 673-8Bl1 --Bia. :l"JJin-· O>mpact --· • . OLDSMOll&.l, .--.-.. ""''"· ING'i'O.u FORD '811 KAWASAKI, 350 Saamb. :Jll50 Harbor·m... • ioe&! -........ -·~ la ~ new, beat offer. Calta Meu ~ reUlblt tnU....,.latkt@ ~~.j,:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j t6im2 ''5 FORD \'i TON 1 S21Sar ·• &t• Jlt»' •. ·: AU. "*'ENGµSll 1968 HONDA 3iiOcc 2500 IDL 351 ·v.a. aufx>.tnnl, r 1.,,... la·)'itu Id ·tn · tbl' d..SW J'OJU)I NOW JN !TOCJC X1nt eond, $5t!O. aide, 1pllt riml 4 ~ SllC110Nt • .,._ t • DJU.!TICAU.Y * * 67s.mt tt, $1150 or bett o&r • ..._ watcbbC tnr St. Dial REDUCED '61 ;a; Honda Scrambler. MSaST. • ...,....,. =r ro a.EAJt Excelleilt -$400 -~-' , ·' '~"'f LARTO ~~~ &46-4629 c1mer11· --•" .,. '-. 'i\7_20 ~ -r• ROllNS FORD ---O>ota-- mll'ord- --~~IJIO. 1 .5;41-T-.. t ~: COSTA MESA HONDA ,SET.1 . 40 11111 ,._ ' ._ ..... )laclnlt11 • ,.. Corpol ... • . 71 Mrtl e 411""4 T.-. "" --........ ,.... ... UNIVERSITY OIDIMOUI tllO HAnat! llYll. -COITA Miil 540M41 I ~.t ........ .,.1'.. -·. --·---••• ,. WO '" .... _ r> • DAILY l'tlOT W-, JvlJ 22, 1970 ~. Ju~ 22, 1970 PtLOT·AOvtRTISER TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATIONE:~r!AN~S~P~O~R~T~AT!!l~ON~:fT!!RA~N~S~~~~=i Autos W•nted '700 UMCI C•r• ttOO Used C•rs 9900 ~~~·-----.,...I TKANSPOltTI. I T R ATI TRANSPORTATION TllANSl'Olt:TATION TRANSPORTATION l!'~~!!!•r!~..i,!!.!C~•:!:!"!...,...~-!!! lmport.,i A-HOO lmpor1od Autoo HOO ~HE TOYOTA TRIUMPH WE PAY TOP -lmpomtrA-HOO impomd -. VOLKSWAGEN VOLVO f '65 PORSCHE ... a.pt. New ~oatne. Must lee to ~te. PGX279. ~ ::,. ,. ~1 ~- CHICK IYERSON YW ·-· 5f9.30ll Ext. fi6 or 67 ": ~ , 1>70 l!ARBOR BLVD. :: ... · 'COSTA MESA ~% $4900 lor '69 Porsche 912. :--. .xlnl. cond., lo mL European :=-t ~ without deaJer. ~) Save tO :you! &'ll-2441 :l Porsche '64 (Cl ·:l XLNT CONDmON .j . .. 645-roQ :< '62 Pondle S .~ Coupe, Aboolal<ly """"""' •l ooodUloa, Lie, SBNll2l. -t; $26ft ' CHICK IYEISON YW SG.3031 Ext. 5G or 67 j"~ 1970 HARBOR BLVD. •"' COSTA MESA ::i 'li6 PORSCHE· 911, 5-sp, ' blk-blk, stereo, mag whls, !~ Qr t'O\.'er, M'ust eell this .~. "A'knd. ConcdUrse co n.di . -• 673-22411 . ,• ITIOJVIOf TIAJ ANNIVERSARY SALE 1970 .TOYOTA WAGON 6372 Domo $1117 Toyota Mark II $2149 Lie. ZPB516 ~ 1HIHI ~vo~o: "FRIEDLANDER"· '67 GT6 Coupe l.anje Selection Roclng .,..,. Wire wheela. Of YW Campen, :;:~'d' ~~'"· ' ,peec1. Vans, Kombls, $1999 IUHI, New & Used BILL JONES 1 --•1 11 B.J. Sports Car Center mm.u ate De very 2133 """"· c.>i, >I0-<<91 CHICK IYERSON TRIUMPH' '64 Hj!raJd mn-VW 2 dr. Demo.. wrt. Beaut cond. 28 mi'• ' 5$3031 Ext, ,a; or 6T it $2750 * DEAN LEWIS to pt. Owne• going Eut. 1>70 llAltllOR BLVD. ·-,,,_ .-• ., 1966 Rarl>or, C.H. -$595. 897J440 COSTA MESA lllW•USID-SllY. 1n:~~!!~. voLKsWAGEN '65 VW Sedan ~voLvo Sunrwf, (IVUfl88) CADILLAC * F .. lmmodloto CASH Solo* """""'..,. 4 '"""" lust 1959 CADILLAC PARTS call u1 tor free estimate. Air ~Uoner GROTH CHEVROLET Tra:;.;.."':"'" ""'"" Ask for Salee Manager l82ll Beach Blvd. Huntln&ton Beath 847-61l8T KI 9-3331 --YUP OOLlAR Radlalor . Frnnt and Real> Bumpen ' ' Radio , Dash~ &iulP.menl *MAKE, OFFER* 1212 South Rou St. ' Santa Aria for 542.312.0 Alter 5 p.m. CLEAN USED CARS 1---,,,lil;-;;Ca:::d;;;IUa"e:c· -- Excellent cond. !UU power. $299 lif!l lt•'-1is ~6i iw Sedan $989 ANN~~:ARY ~ liletlrs Rodio. <ZBS327'i . 1970 DEMO lOtll -"°' Bt""- Laguna a.~ $1688 Har·bour V W "142" ............ $2699 °'!'!!~10 Sec George Ray THEODORE ROBINS FORD --'63 C$dlllac Fub power, Air, '"'' NEWPORTER tOO So. Cst. H1ghw•y • • • q>eed, radio & heater. • """"'°'=,.~=,,..,=~::- 4f4.7503 * ~100 ll7ll BEACH BL. ~ 4740, 1800 E Cpe, for dellv. WEFO, RPATOYPTOUSEDP OOCARSLLAR HUNTINGTON °BEACH el)'. Overseas clel Speelallilt BILL MAXEY Harbour v.w. WANJED DEAN LEWIS ".::,:;." ..... clean, I IOI IOI IAI I'll pay top dolla-for "°"",,.. Harixn', C.M, 646-""'3 BAUER BUICK CAMARO T v T 18711HUNTBEAINGCHTO~L.BE84AU<.15CH VOLKSWAGEN today, Call -s c 96 0 "' E; 17th St. . • --=--,, and ask iot Ron Pinchol po rt •rs I Cosla Meaa 548-7765 '68 CAMARO 327 auto. Xl..NT 11111 BEACH llLVD. NEW YW BUG 54~ Exl 16<7, £73.0000, rond:-New ttre., b'"'· Hunt. Beach 147.f555 , JAGUAR Now Cars 9800 shoe"'. Make ott". 675-161)8 l.mN.o(o...t-.cmlldl $55.89 I'· month 61 YW Sunroaf 1----------~--'68 TOYOTA CORONA Lie NUF 315 SPORT CAR Attention G.1.'s CHEVROLET $147.71 down Includes $599 Thinking of ·buying an' aut1> -1-· MOTORS al36 Hatbor Blvd. 642-6156 DODGE '67 DODGE' Cba r gC'r la&lbt.ck.. Loaded. Afr-conoj., 440 mag, pwr. windows, 1tffr, dille brks. Lo. milC'. Xlnt cond. 549-.3985 Aft 1 · P~t MUSTANG '67 MUSTANG , ~ AutomatJc, a.Ir cond'., ~r $ttering. tVFU 29SJ Mu take CIU' In trade or fi~ private parly. 546-4052;Cll' :::-==E_D_S_E_L ___ .~";.~ANG! in """ -'· '59 EDSEL. fi:tr HT convt. Auto, tranl. 289 eng. Prhr. R/H, take best offer. ow~. Anyreasooable otfer * 333.~ * considered. Call 673-2.171 alt 6 pm. -·-FALCON OLDSMOBILE '65 FALCON Futura. good ---- """'· vx. RJH. •··· p.b.. '66 Cutlas{ auto trans. 846-4741 ========;:I Full poY•er plus alr ~ .• vinyl top, Dir. ('I'RF. :il&l Will take car in trade or fin. ance private party. 54&C2 or 494-9773. FORD ~~--~.,.--- ' 65 COUNTRY SQUIRE Station "'agon. Mu.st sacri· llce. {375 BEKI, $1099 BILL JONES B. J. Sports Car Center 2833 Harbor, C.M. 540-4491 '66 FORD BANCHERO '60 OLDS 88. Fina inteltl', good running c o 11 d . , everythlne works! $ Jao . 54&-4297 '67 442 OLDS. Low mlleaat'. Xlnt cond. Drafted • MOST SELL! Call 6Th-4683 1964 OLDS. Xlnt cond. aJr, PS, PB, xlnt cond. Make offer. SGS-1605 ;; RENAULT Sedan, ""· aotomatic low ···1-------'---I miles, iadio, heater. (WXT· ;: '63 ,RENAULT CaraveUe 2.. 087) Take older car for do\\11 · ~ top convt., w/new Corvalr v.ill tin pvt ply. Call Phil eng, Good tires. $400 or best alt 10 am 54().3100. ~"'i.tfs11NG CHICK IVERSON s p E c I A L s =.:;"~~·~;"'~~ 67 Malibu AT VW $895 Imports would like to extend Bucket seats automatic, Dir., CHICK IYERSON 5'1~?.031 EJct. fi6 or 67 l96.l ALFA Rod~ RH 4 our heartiest cong1'atulations ~".:'er steering, air cond. PLYMOUTH 6 cyl Automatic. (2 dr 268) . Will lake car in trade or finance pr J vale party. 546-1052 or 494·9773. ---------1 1965 PLYMOUTJ-1 Bar-'67 FORD LTD 2 dr HT, air cond & 390 eng. $l5'75. racuda, good cond, white 641).6274 eves & • , wk "'/red int. Bucket seats, ends/546-0744 other time. console, auto trara, V-8, . • offer by July 28. se.5986 VW 1970 HARBOR BLVD. for a job v.-elt done Let us '·"ie owner fTPF 681) will ,_0 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA Speed Shafll WTE 2 help select your ne~ car or take trade or finance prl- ,~ eves. '67 Corona ~· $ used automobile. Call for ap. vate party, Call 546-4052 or COSTA ME.SA '64 VW XLNT cond, some 2695 polntment, 54&4052 or 494-9T13. ronnula S. $925. 962-9897 '63 FORD GALA.XIE 500 Auto, a ir cond. Xlnt. cond. '65 VALIANT \Vag, 200 $29/mo·f inance. Pat series, V..fl, R/H, RWll ad . 5,j7-098l Gd rond. $Th0. Alt 3, SUNBEAM Red. Fully factoty eqUipped, '65 GHIA. M,000 miles. Good new eng. parts, rear chrome 1969 F1AT 174 Spyder Rodstr 4M·!ml. --•·<';1'"cn=EVY=;--- (VLK977) Will take car in condition. MAKE OFFER! wheels. Best oUer. Call for RH 5 Speed Jow miles Sharp ---· 4 dr., wagon. . ~ '67 SUNBEAM Sedan. Automatic, radio. cvn. 302) trade or finance private par. 67H747 or 54l-ll61 more info. 832.-5191 YXU ~ Auto le•sing 9810 SACRIFICE ~ • .'': .. ';l;intmen~ ~,68=-v=w=~s~e-d~a-n '63 YW Bug $2795 .... LEASE .... 11,;;_;73 .... '"" '" ,,oo. 545---0041 e '69 MACH I, pwr, air, 11.uto, 351 eng., Xlnt cond. ~63 BELVEDERE, 9 paaen. S2790. MS-2988 ger Station }Yagon. Xlnt. '69 TOYOTA C.Orolla Wag. MECHANIC SPECIAL 1969 J..1GC GT& RH 4 Spttd .'70 Chev, VB, Custom El Ca-'66 CHEVELLE SS . 427 hi- Jow ml .• great cond. $1400. Sun!'Ollf. (WH-l908) Lie. OKC-612 \Vire \Vhee:ls Priced to Sell mioo Pickup, Radio, turbo. performance eng. Headers, * 1967 FORD * cond. 2178 Avalon St., CM. Custom 4 d.1'. Make offer . $699 BILL JONES .· ., B.J, Sports Car Center ·~1 2833 Harbor, C.M, 540-4491 Please call ~1097 ail 5 $1475 $299 YYA 635 hydro, pwr steer, 3300 mi's. Hays clutch, magi. Best of. PM. CHICK IYERSON 189 pe• mo., P. d1'c brake•. "'· 673-4281 '69 Toyota eo ... u. Wago" YW $1395 SOUTH COAST l"""''-'cn=EV"'. "rm"pa"t"'a'ss-=v,;-•.-·· &12-1<>1 "' """"' PONTIAC '66 FORD 500-automalic, new 1---------. . TOYOTA :-1---~,;..;_- !Ugga,ge rack. l new tire.!, v w 1965 Jo.IGB Rdstr RH 4 Speed CAR LEASING spd, Fae. air, $1200 or best X1nl ('(.'ODOfl\Y car. a.tt 5. Harbour • • S49"303l Ext. 66 or 67 Wire Wheels real n t c e 300 w. Cst Hwy, NB. 645-2182 oUer. &12-4401 or 646-4180 675-8917 1970 ~~~o:~~VD. ULK o~o Ev~ & wknds 496-5695 alt 5. 187ll BEACH BL., 8424435 '62 CHEVY. Slick. Chrome ~· ~~~ ""''paint '67 Le Mans '66 Van-xlnt cond. Must sell Bucket seats automatic, pow. immediately. Will sacrifice er steering, air cond. Dlr. , • TOYOTA Corona Deluxe '69. • • 2 Dr. R/IL ll.000 miles. :.: ,Xi.Pt., $1795. 962.-2872 -'69 TOYOTA Crown 4 dr sed. Perl. economy car in xlnt cond. 646--2095 TRIUMPH '64 TRIUMPH; 1d cond, wire whls, roll bar, bckt"sts. $950. Lido Pk Fremont 31 NB. &12-8335 • HUNTINGTON BEACH '60 BUG • Custom int, nu $ 11 ?5 Used Cars 9900 rim!. s:oo or best offer . 1964 VW Squareback 1500S ~alnf/ brk!, rblt eng. Like 19&1 MGB Rodstr RH 4 ~ 1 ::::;::;:"°·';;';~:':":;:· -:· ;l,C~al~l~534".;',:-::"'.'.:"~~~~ Sunroof. Runs rood, $750 ex. 1~ :~:~~=:~. a stea1 at this price BFE 790 CREDIT PROBLEMS? ~10VING! ~lust 5Cll '62 haust l)'llem. 548-7441 Fm. $825. Inquire at 603 $S9S We Carry Contracts Chevy Biscayne ! tat Jo n '65 VW Bur sunroof. ~Iii Ave., CdM. C•rs From $99 Up wagon. $400. 548-8008 X1nt cond. $830, or -,_,=-7'~,-'~---11964 TRIUMPH ·SP 11 1 ire Blue Chip Auto Salel '6.1 L\lPALA, 4"dr auto, A/C. bst olr. 673..2798 68 VW Pickup Rodstr RH 4 Speed EVH 33'1 2145 Harbor Blvd., C.~I. clean. Asking $700. '69 vw Bug, Good colMI Hon! to tind mod•!! VUH J26 $ l S95 642-9700 * >iMm ,.,.. 7003 R/H, $IS25. $1899 '59 CHEVY for $1375. 5.'i7-6981 ( •2884791 will take lrad& or " TO finance private party c:all ' RIND GT convt. 390. .. .• L'. • CI. V.J!. PS/PB, Air. RadiaJ ·......,...052 or 494-9773. lin!s. $1700. &12-7938 '69 G.P. 18,000 ml. new belt UN COLN tires al t po"·er. air. $3.395. Ml?Sa l\'lotcl 4.1.) Npt Blvd. No. 9 '68 GTO. Clean. Air, ster@O, auto, R&H. gd. cond. Pvt pty. New ~·fich, tires. $1700 ,,,...,,,! ....... ,, .. 1967 TIUUMPll TR• Rod•t. CREDIT A 1969 SQUARE Bk. Au to. CHICK IYERSON RH < Spttd & a h""'top. PROBLEM? R~~~,.,$.ill ' Radio. Lug ....... "'' ..... YW TRV 400 ·-7 C'-s MERCURY '67 PONTIAC Le M.,,., air, ·114 CONTINENTAL. 1 011.'T'ler, moving east, x!nt cond, air, full p'A'l'. 497-1627 New tires. $1895. 645-:!>76 549-3031 Ext. 66 o• 67 NEED A CAR? a vs.'~a""uto '.'.'.,. W"'gn PS, PB, BS. auto, coneole, · $1595 u a A REAL BEAUTY stereo, flawless. n650 or '67 VW Sedan 1970 HARBOR BLvo. '"'TRIUMPH sp11 "" c.11 "•na•" l""'='""='=;nn=*=*=",,'"'=-"= PARKLANE "''' •""· 83f;.5m COSTA MESA Rodstr R&H 4 Speed \Vire ____ &1_5.0<'6____ CHRYSLER '64 Bonneville, p.s, p.b, p\Pr Radio, (VDK709) * '59 VW BUS * Wheeb Sharp ~ 45-1 1964 Marauder 2 dr H.T. \\'indows, nu ti.re!!, $i'25. $1195 ·~ eng Xlnt rond BUICK Black vinyl top, 390 engine, S.16-6765 $850. AH: 6:00 5J4.:z006 DE AN '6J CHRYSLER New Yorker. Black uphoLc;fery, power, "'&t"'C'°A°"TA-cL~IN=A-,~~=--'.~.~~· -•. 1 One own<!.r. No' reasonable air Cherry Clean' 1'1ust be " ..,, <J<:UaS• '66 vw Sedan 1962 BUICK Skylark con-oUer refused, 901 W, Bal~ 6ee.n to appreciale. Satur. Auto. Pis, P/b. Good ciod):. V W L .. W I 5 verttble. Xlnt cond. S425. Blvd. Apt No. 3 day, SurKlay & evening&: aft ol<Olloc.:r' '"'75""'"''°'"'=-5 =~-~ Harbour • • Sunroor: Radio, (TFZ075) E 962.:-0262 ========= 1 ·s PM, 644".ll!ll. '69 PONTIAC GTO oonwtt. ... ._.. Air, all pwr, new tires, like 1 ontclair bst o!r 847-4539 alt 6 • 18111 BEACH BL., 842.<"5 $1115 co's'r"A HMA•"•'-°" •.~Y•,·,,, '68 E'LE'°'CTR=7A-;'25;;..~._.=,•1=1r. CORVAIR 67 M < '""· n.ooo mL 12100' Dr HUNTING;roN B~CH . '68 ~ new. $2950. 675-3998 '62 CORVAlR Greenbriar Full po1,ver plus air cond., 1968 1''IREBIRD 400. Xlht .. '63 'YW IUG . CONCOURSE ~~NDITIO.N! '63 RIVIERA, 1.oaded Van. Recenlly rebll ('rtg. ·2· Dlr., vinyl lop clean as you cond. Prv. party $J)OO. R~ bea_u~·~oie~nt condl. Harbour v.w. ~~ to;:w mll. ~~us!e h~~ w/xtras, air cond, fl pwr, new liN'S, needs clutch. will find (V00049). Will take 644-4279 01'" 1:688-BOU tiOn. New valve job 1maU home 644-l53S 'or al work elc.$ll5ll. S4s--0816 $l00. 548-8082 car ln trade or finance pri. '67 FIREBIRD. 4 •pd, do\1r'll will fin. Pvt. Pt;y, dlr, l.871l BEACH BL, 842-4435 ~.Ask far "Pe!er the '&I BUICK Skylark z.dr 1-rr, '66 Colvair 500. vate party, 546-4052 or Al'1/~f. Pvt pty must ffll. Call Phil aft 10 .Uf 540-3100 HUNTINGTON BEACH Greek" VB, auto. $525 2 dr, 3 spd, 110 eng. ilM--9773. Sl.595. 37,000 mi. 5'18-636!1 .1 or 494-1029. '68 YW BUS --------SJ0..1014 842·'1M3 1968 COLONY Park Station '64 GTO. 1 owner, low m.1. '67 YW Squareback Sunroof A1tI/FM radio, ta~ deck, air cond. lD,000 miles on new factory ena:lne. Lie. UEP464 $1695. 9 other squ•r• b•ck1 to choose ftom. CHICK IYERSON YW 549-3031 Ext. 66 or 61 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA 1t1ESA '6S VW Sqbk 1500S..radio, 'lfW tires. clean, runs good. $995. ~186 art 5. Pµ.aI' WANT AD! 642--0078 I WEEK END SPECIALS I I I "St IL CAMINO $895 O.l11w, fr .. hl., p1iJ1t.d ••tra c.lt1t1 car. f427·ASll". '67 PLYMOUTH fUIT $795 A11torn•tic, n•w print. (VZV-116 ). . ''I CHIYY PIClt UP $1295 ~ To1t, 111tom•lic, rtdio, ht•ttr. IPQ1·6461 , '16 OLDS ti $1495 4 door, f111f power, b1111+iful 911ld. ISLC.J201. 067 CAP•ICI $1795 2 Joor, 1111111ow1r, 1p1c. . ..,.k1al1, li•1 111w. ITSN.)161 . 'I I YW WA60M $1295 ~tcli•, k••ttr, "•• tire1 t 11d ptint. INOL-22J )', 'U CHm PICKUP $1995 " +.11, idltt, c•Ml. l0,000 111llM, Ntw truck w1rr•11ty. 1605·16AI. ... 10.UI $1695 J..t lib N•, 27,000 rnilloa. IXST-2501. MANY, MANY MOii e WAM>Nl e PICl·UPS e TUNS. CAtl e 2100 HARBOR ILVD., COSTA MESA 645' 0466 OPIN J DATSI A.M-lt P.M. 645-0466 I ' 1 P«U. Jmt like brand newlA,_ul_ot_W_a_n_•_-,--97-00• 1 _______ '',,~,SD,R$200VAIR 4 spd, .stalion Wagon. 9 pass. Lo.w & Xlnt cond. $1150. Call •~-~ CADILLAC ..... ~ mileage. P/b, P/s, &ll'. aft. 5:00 646--0365 -. $2595. ---675-1338 $29511. """"'" CHICK IYERSON W£ PAY CASH ''5 CADILLAC C'"pe· G""n '64 CORVAIR MONZA i------- YW "'"' black vinyl lap. Cruise-Reasonable * 642.3826 MUSTANG T·BIRD '69, "429" VB, Fl("c. T·BIRD S.19.JOOI Ext. 66 or 61 FOR YOUR CAR control. Factory auto. air. CORVETTE -------tory Air. FuU p01~oer, Tilt· 1970 HARBOR BLVD. All pcl\\'er. Exceptionally '69 CUSTOf\f 1\1 us tan g, Away Steering \\'heel, Dual COSfA MESA CONNELL clean! Low mileage. Priced .-.,-V-ET'l'E---N 327 4 yellow w/blk hoOd, VS 3.11. Rear Seat Speakers, New V\V Bus 64' Camper interior CHEVROLET for quick s.ale! 842-1962 spd, Af\l/F~t e~iche;ins, 1''M/AM stereo, r a c 'g Fibl'rglass Tires. Owner new engine, sten-o tape &. '10 COUPE de VILLE maw;, 2 tops, $1500. 494"6863 gears, Like new, l5,00J ~~~~'793Sa.crifice. (636ASJ) radio, mag wheels, custom 2828 Harbor B!vd. mi's, S2700. 897-5781 .,..._ pa.int, xlnl cond. $1295 Costa l\1esa 54f.,12l)O Beaut, baybeM')', leather, '6'1. Convert entirely rebuiit I ;,,e7.==;;o-~=,-.,,"' 1 ,,.-~=-~-~-~ 67J....4496 vinyl top. air, stereo/radio. lmmac r-.l~sl sell CHEAP '66 MUSTANG, Power SIB. '57 T-Bird, good c ond . WE PAY l\1any Xtras. Pvt. pty, $6100. 6r,s77o au!o. 1rans., mag wheels Sl750/best oiler. 526-2514 or '67 VW Van Partial Camper 34,000 miles. Rebuilt engine still warranty. New ti!'es, $1800. Call 548-7949 TOP DOLLAR 541-5059 !""==·======: xlnt. cone! .. $12.'>0. 968-3493 546-2018. For clean used cars '68 COUPE de Ville, a h DODGE '6:i l\1USTANG Fas f back "67 T·BlRD Landau Fully JOHNSO'N & SON po~r. stereo, air cond. El Stick, radto + mag \\'heels. loo.ded, 20,000 mi, A·l corld. LINCOLN l\'ERCURY Dorado interior, low miles,l.·69--00-D_G_E,-. -C-ha-.... -,.-A-lr-$S50. Aft. 5:00644-{)236 $2500. Aft 5:30 847--0312 2626 Harbor Blvd., C.M. l owner. $3750 or best ofier. cond. Pwr. ~tl'<'r., brakes. '65 l\1ustang, 11tick shift, ra. 1956 T-BIRD '63 VW, front end damaaed. 499-4198 d. h 1 ~· 1 11200 •-u Make offer. U.1POR'fS WANTED ·==-=-~--,-==~c-1 Vinyl top. 642-5873 Aft. 5 10, ea er, ..-11vatc par y, or .,..,st o er. 962-l782 or 545:6Sl9 Orange Countie. '69 CAD Convt, 10,000 mi's,1~P:;:.M;:,·======:_:~$150"'=.='="'=·968.1======-'-'==5i=;.=""==al:;:;t•;';,',;:P:;:m::,, = TQP s BUYER Completely equipped. Beaut1• '63 VW. Xlnt cond. Tape BILL l\lAXEY TOYOTA cond, $4800. pvt. 67l-56:>5 Used Cars 9900U1.d Cars 9900 Us.d Cars 9900 dttk, Porsche ex h au 5 t • 18881 Beach Blvd. 19'".>!I CADILLAC Hearst!. Ex· ;;~~~--iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Good tires. $675· S49--0S44 R. Beach. Ph. 847..s555 ~llent condition. For in-• '64 YW formation call 546-46$ NO matter what It 1s, you Convertible can sen It w1th a DAILY * '61 Wht Cadillac Or&!W! •ith brand new pa.is-PU.Dr \VANT AD! 642-0078 $350 ** 962.2087 Jey top & brand new engine, UHCI C•r• 9900Used C•r• 9900 I.Jc. OYJ798. $1199 CHICK IYERSON YW 549-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA RARE '&t VW double cab pickup, Xlnt cond, Extras. 53&-2149 '68 V\V Sedan, lite blue. 23,000 mi, radio, surnoot. $1395. • 546-7005 1967 VW. Good cond. S:llOO or best oHer. -· 1967 VW Sedan. blu,. goOd cond. ""· 54.1-5168 1963 vw New pa.Int I: dean 1600. .. ~1614 61 VW. F.xet:llcnt t'Ondi6on, NEW PAINT. 646--4.156 alt 5:30, VOLVO '65 VOLVO 544 Sedan, 4 11peed. All orlgfnal (Rl'"W 637), T•ke am.all down. will tin, Pvt. Pty. dlr CaJI Phil alt 10 atn <f.H..1029 or S.fO.llOO, TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS • '65 MUSTANG CONVlll.TllLI $299 A1 11. 1212501. ~.,•,•v~A'll~A"N'T --------~$~499 Volk1. tl•tio11 ••11011. lWWZll11. ''4 VALIANT $599 4 Or. Nie• t•r. Auh1111ttie. llOZ0041. '6S IAllACUDA $799 4 1pttil, 1tron11 c•r· ISLY14tl . '60 JAGliAll. $699 4 Dr, Sedan. l1t1 th l1 niet earl. IJSltllil. '62 PONTIAC WAGON $499 ' pt1t111111r, I tl'IASWI. '60 POll.D J DOOi $299 Autt., VI, rtillo, k•t ltr. ITWG!4S). '62 CHIYIOLn 4 DOOll. $499 H.T. ltlH, a1,1to,, P.S .. ltlDltll. "'•~1•1~t~l 7A"to'l.-0DOAQAl0--~~---c$499 P.S., ltlH. ttrlo,, 1tron1 ctr, 112271tl. -------CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 546·1203 WE HAYE THE BEST SELECTION OF BMW's IN ORANGE COUNTY We havt a financing plan to flt your budgtt. Comt in and talk with one of our txperienced counselors . '62 PORSCHE $1995 ,,,;,, '"''" ..... spacial c•rt hat b1t11 t1k•n with lhi1 bt1uty. • Sia I drivt ft tppr1citlal !OSl'll. '69 vw A11to1111tic 1ficlr 1lilft. r1dio, li••l•r. 100•1 tncl Jriva1 like t f•ctory fr•1h car. ISER9911 . '65 PORSCHE $2995 lrt..d ntw t119i11t not t milt 011 ill ltatlio, ti•t ftr, • iMmacultf• fliro119hout. Whit .. btt11tyl 100211. t pttltllf., w•toll, fi¥t AVE r11a r 11ew rtdi1I tira1. '69 vw ·s T1'i1 111,. t1 fachiry •"' pricad 10 law yo~ wo11't hilt •• ill 141421 . • 1600'• • 2002 • 2500 • 2800 • 2800 cs e ALL COLORS e ALL MODELS e IMMEDIATE DELIVERY '66 vw $8 ll•dio, hetftr, tconornv cltp•11dahility. You eouldn't · 95 fi11il • httttr b•r111in. ISU7ll) '68 vw $ fattback, rtdio, ht•ltr rte\ 1595 1htrp little ctr. A·I 1htpa. IWTP06~l '62 FIAT Co11 vartihlt. P1rf•ct ttt11ip1rttfion ctr. Mecha11Jc1 lly ltp1! l&FN·l641. '65 SUN BEAM ..,,.,, .. 2•0 v.1, AM/FM. h1rcftop. all 1y11cro 4•tP••'· S11 tkli 01111 IJIG?-1 42 1. loe BurloUI'• T&M MOTORS ISALrs 0, ... IUNDAYl 1011 &ARDEN &ROVE ILYD, Yi Ilk. I . ef a.ch llW. H4-ll'4 n2.un -·~ .. • I -.... 1,, , . .. ' I :·: • • ! ,' • I . • • . l" ... ' !- • -' -. . . . . . . . . . . ... t•"',-~ r•':'•'-•r•"' . ... ·-· ..... IT'S A FAC'We Don't Care Where You've Been Or What You've Been Offered -You're . Sure To Go For Our Offer! Don't Sign Any Order With Any Dealer On Any New . Car Until You Have Been Quoted Dunton Ford Prices. BRAND NEW 1970 LTD STATION WAGOr,I AM/FM 1t1r10 r1dio, d11ux1 11199191 r1clt "429" CID 1119in1, S whit1 1id1 well tir11, crui11·0· m1tic: t r1n1mii1ion, f1ctorv 1 ir conditioning, conv1ni1nc1 group, power 1'd1 window, tint1d 91111, power 111h 6 w1y f1.1ll width, c1rp1f1d 1f1fio11 w19011 foor, Finger tip 1peecl control, de• I ~•• 1e1f belh, w•rning light, 1jrnul•led wheel C0¥1rt, he•vy duty 1u1pen1ion , OJ75Nl93924. DISCOUNT $1116.06 FROM FACTORY SUGGU TID LIST PllCE BRAND NEW 1970 MUSTANG SAVE HUNDREDS NEW 1970 TRUCK & CAMPER 6000 MILE 1970 DEMONSTRATOR SALE AU 1970 Demonstrators a re re· moved from .service a t approx. 6000 miles. 'l:hese I 9 7 0 Fords hove had ttieir 6000 mile check· • up and are ready for immediate delivery. ALL MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Most Co" FULLY EQU IPPED I ft c1b O'<lr, 1l11p1 6, 2 bur111 r 1tov1, w1!1t t1ri•, 'fO lb ic• boi , 1cr11ri door, full iri111l1tio11t qu1111 1i11 bid. Truck h11 h11ry duty 1pri111J1 I lir11, 'JUe<Jll I l1r91 l'lirron • .;:!129b'. 3314 +tn&li<. CAMPER & MOTOR HOME SALE '2499. e T-Birds e Torinos e Mustangs e Galaxies • Ford L TO's Special prices. Kamp King, Woodtine, CaVe. Man "Motor Home: Sundial, Red.i--Kamp, MajO"f~ · ac, many others. l USED CARS PHONE 546-7076 St1tiot1 W19on. v.a, 1uto"11tic h1n1rniu io11, r•clio, heifer. Uc. IPUT0211. '61 FORD Galaxie 4 dr. v.a, eufo. lr1n1., power 1t11 ri n9, r1 dio. l ie. • LGT 761, 4 Dr. 11d•t1. v.a. 1utom1tic tr•n1rnitiion, 11dio, h11t1r, et i1 lpfci1I. ISMM29J I. G1l111ie 4 door. v.a, 1utorn1tic tr1n1rni11ion, 1ir conditionin9, pow•r 1le•rin9, r1d io, ht1l1r. !OUH7141. l ow rnil1e91. ·'63 PLYMOUTH Wagon 6 Cyl .. 1ufo tr1n1 .. l ie. # IFV 666. '63 GALAXIE ~ Door, V-1, 1u+o,,.,1lic tr1n1mi11ion, power 1t1erin9, r1dio. he1l1r. I HCN24 I ), low rnil119e. '63 CHEVY Impala 4 dr. h•rdlop, v.1, 1ulo ......... pow1r 1lt1ri n9, r1dio, h11fer. whifew1 ll lir11 Lie. # ICIN 726. ' '64 FORD Galaxie 2 cir., v.1, t ufo ......... power ·•••ring, rtclio, !.eeltr, l ie .• ONZ 992. '64 VW Coupe Siic• 1hift, r1dio, l ie.# ONH Il l. 5298 5399 5493 5599 5599 5693 5693 5693 5797. SALE 5 DAYS ONLY '65 MUSTANG 5983 Co11p•. 6 cyl.. stick thift, reclio, he1f••• l NPUS901. '67 CHRYSLER 5999 Cont. V-1, pow1r 1feeril'lg, r•clio, he1 ter, wh11I c.over1. !UllMl7l l. '66 FALCON Wagon 6 cyl. •11fo. fre111 .• pow1r 1feeri1'19, r1dio, lie.• SVE 097. 51296 '66 PONTIAC 51387 c.t.ljn• 2 door .... dtop. v.1, •ulorn1fic. tr1111., f1cfory ••• conditioninfl, pow1r 1f11rin9, r1dio, he1+er, whil1 will tir11, +;nted 91111. IS8Z5321 , • USED TRUCKS ,•51 FORD F600 Flatbed 5687. Lie.# 64110. '66 CHEVY El Camino 51293 v.11lic.~ 1hift, r1dio, .... ,,,, l ie. .• 1122 6, '65 FORD F6oo Stake 51386 lie. # l 45l 5F. '68 INTERNATIONAL JEEP 52293 R•dio. 4 wheel clrivt, lie. IXDCl941. ' U ED CA·RI ; PHONE 54&-10il ' '- '67 FORD Fairlane · 51395 2 dr. h~udtop, v.a, 1uto. tr1n1 .. pow1r 1t11ri119, r1dio, Uc.# ULH 517. '67 MUST ANG Coupe 51599 6 Cyl.. eMlo. lr1n1. 1ir conclitioni119 r•dio he•fer, l ie.. # TWL 211. '67 LTD 51699 4 fir . 'J.ercllop, V-1, •ulo. fr•n1 .• f1c.torv eir cortditio11in9. pow1r 1f1erin9, ••clio, lie • UQll 546. '65 T0 BIRD 51789 2 Door H1rdtop, V-1, 1ufo. tr1n1., f1cfory 1ir conditioning , pow1r 1let rin9, r1d;o. he1ter, white ... a!I tires, ti n+•d 9l•u, whe•I coven . I PEZ618 ). '69 PLYMOUTH Fury II 52045 2 ilr. h1rdtop, V-1. auto. tr1n1., factory •i• conditioning. power 1l11ri119, radio, low down p1ymtnl. lie. * XME 7)7. . '67 T·BIRD Coupe 52193 V-8, f1clory air c.ondJtio"i119. full pow1•. r1dio, ,,;nyl roof, Uc. a TGY 199. !68 TORINO 52293 2 6c;or H1rdtop. v.1. 111+0. lr1111., f1 clory 1ir condition- il'lf, power lletrinq, pow1r fdi1cl br1•11, reclie. ht1l1r, "In roof, tinted I.in , whe1I c.ov1r1. OCNK 151 1. , '69 MUST ANG Mach I 52685 Y .... 4 1p1..d, power 1!11rinf1, power fd i1c) br1•11, r1dio, 1lereo +•pa · m191 lie.• ZOY 141. :~!. ~~~~.~.~.;, ...... ;.,;.,, ..... ~ ,;, .. ,,;527.83 tlO'ni n9, poW1r 1l1tri119, r1dio, ht1fer,•whitt w1ll fi re1, ¥fnyl roof, f!nitd 91111, wheel co••"· We Believe Our Down Payment And Terms Are The Best Available. If You'Can Do Better, Show Us ! . ' . , 17111 $1. .• ! I ' l t j I I I ' j • i ·'" . (,, :Z:-, )ii ·~ ,,, . "' "' -t ~ '" z n -,.. -·z '" "' -t. ·-·- ? 2 . A . ,··. . .... ' .. .. . . , . • Deluxo 1olf conftintd c1111p1n tnd ll'lofor htlfttt fer f1mllY fun on t ftlftity k111d9ot. R•1•rv• d•f•• lod•y. Alt0 deily c•r r~nl•I• ., low '' $6 P•( d1y •nil 6c per mil •. . . 7 a rs a µ • ~ • ' .. > ' HARD TOPS FAST BACKS •.1 i:oNVERi'IBLES ' · MACH l's BOSS'S ••• -----,,~--- r ·I EVERY ' NEW 1•10 IN STOCK . ; I ,~,·~·~Ki . FACTORY $9 9·~0 o·v ER , ~-. • .' ._1N_il9rc1 , " EYER'( NEW f97Q IN STOCK G~~fl 500'.s SA11•el OVER :JiiJ~. '.~~~~t: ' ~ ' . '. • . NEW . ·CAMPERS···"' -. .. t . ' ·s9900 O:V.liRV t~ . FACTORY • IJ"VO.l ~IW ! , ~ " i I ·> l. ' • Ii: -. . ~ CLEAN UP i ~.~K;,OfF DA"S! TH.ESE SPECIAL PRICES EFF~S~~;'.'1~ff~ ··~ • '. .. •• . THUR.· Ff~ t;,l,~' ·SUN., JULY 22 .• 23~ 24, 2$,, 2~. ONLY.\ ~COft'E':'°it/ 1~::;;;;;~~!"1!1111!!';W~H;ILE~;M;~;D;EL;·~C:O~L~O:R~ .. ~A.~'N:D~O~TIO~ SELEC;rlONS ARE c:q~.Pl.:'1lt 800·Y~I· TIRE ' CENTER ~-~~~. ~'°NAimD .FfNAN°~l,NG': .. ·• AMERICAN EXPR&SS • CHEVRON 7 AM To 9 PM MON 7 AM To 6 PM TUE·FRI l•I our ~h•ll'Ct •1p1rt1 htlp you dri•t lht c'9fj, yo, wt.it1.-, lht ftr~• ,,611 "w,ftt io P•Y· Wt fintn~ -Mlf!i~1.i fi~ ~f --->.,.;i ric.1, Ftr,. Motor Crtliit Co., Niwport Nttion1I la11k, ' . .. MANY, MA~¥;"9N TO CHOQSI:' ~J'M i . ' PARTS DEPT. ONLY 8 AM to '6 PM SATURDAYS . • ----' 7 I ( s ~ Del dra .,. lo I L for m'1 '" yea dro per Ir Iola beh COIT 196! A fore t.his In that and r ed< .... Ill ma~ am L< this Is • 61ro clefe L< with cone mil~ Tt by I lo : half th< Jant Br Jnru off in M that doel resu, Th that •