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1970-07-30 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
' • ea ·e.ac ... • ' t " ' . . • ••• . 0 . . Nixon. ,• TV .:Tan·ight--' ' ' ' Ou.tloni .. AMpears Bosy ' . . • Solon Ur,ges PeQdleton. .. B,each Use ' By J'!.JIN VALTJµIZA . ... :"".'_ .,.,.., ''Ill .,,,. ·~"'" to p>mpO! u.~; /olirlno& ... open. up Mlf'lt five . mila· ·~ camp P~teton beach /or pol>llc use moved on two t•level froata '°"1· Jn Wathlngton, a ' CallfQrnia con- .111:".!""an appealed !ltrocUy to ~ -1'0partment of DefenJe for operunl tho beach and at Camp J:>etldte!on itaolf State Parks Director. William Penn Mott spu,tit cooperation from high-ranklna: ¥arines. . Mqtt waa meetMg through this mornln1 with commanders .at Camp Pendlet.on to try for a aoluUon lo l~erm and beach-size disagreement which has 8LalJ. ed the opening of the vir,in beach area for months, At about the ume t' Congrenm1n Alonso Be implored Secretary of e-Melvin Laird to press for the ope.ning of 4.5 mlles of Camp Pendleton :Beach near San Onofre under a long-term lease. 'Thus far, publicly B'flnounced facts tn the beach Issue have said that the Marine Corps will offer only l.5 miles of beach for seven years. But Mott , who has been working toward the beach openlng as a surfing park · all year, has said that such a ahort·term agreement would not be aul).able for the slate, because of the high costs for improvements -includin& 1 man-made reef .. The issue is 'flow apparently in a 1tate of flux with SM1e reports aired I.hit week mentioning that ·the M1tille Corps In the Pentagon is yielding to J:M!blic and White House pressure to ac- cede to the state reque1lt. T~e beach land in question lies downcoasl from the Edison nuclear com-JHez and is below towerin1 bluffs, wtilch would haYe to be gou1ed out for public Jccess. .. · ~ ' The Marine Corps has balked on the Jdea because, spckesmen 1ay, the beach land is \laluabte to them for mllitary tr•IAirig maneuveri. --' State officials have said that they woold be willing to close the beach on occasion U it is needed for milltiry purposes. Negotlallnns for the Camp P~ndle\.on beach arose after plaM for opening of 1 _prime surfing ~ach near the Western White House were thwart~d . The Trestles beach, which for years hll been a iou11ht-after apot by surfers willing lo Sneak in , had been scheduled ta be opened lo the public, but oecurity •• ' ' ' B~caut11 on .the, B.e.acla . ·: , . ' . .Be auty Is its own excuse, mused the photographer, as he PQnder~ this photograph. Her name is Debbie Dickman. She is 16 ind ,1he came all the way from -Whittier to• grace the shores of' the Or'ange \:bast. W.e're ·glad 1ho did. Grand Lady of Pageant, Marjorie William son, Die s offlcl1l1 guarding the PrcsldenL decjltred ' tile opening a derinile rlsk ·to Mr. Ni1nn. 1itarjorie WilliaDlfOCI., granO old lady for months before each Pageant-;,penJrW, ~ detailed plaM reflecting monlhl or ~guna'1 Pqeant o( I.ht Mas~a. lhen reporlld eac~ night lo help ''ll\llq of work by slate administrators and di~ early Wednfllday at South · CdalC.1 picture" ,Podels lrito their costumes and pla:nners were scrapped. 1 eo,nmuntty~Hd~pitaJ. 1 headpieces. It was then that negoliaLions be1an 'J\e ReV. Ell1Wor1h Rlchar10n will of-, Last .R)~nth ahe wat honored b,1. frietm for the beach dowocoaat, but they &QOn fic~te IL aervicel for the •YeJMlld and co.worker1 at a airprlae birthday haaed down. m~r or Pageant producer ~ party on the Featival reataurant terr1ce, Original elltimale1 Jet the openinr of Wilftamson at t p.m. Saturday In Pacific as &he obaerved her .th ~ritldaY and tbe lnitlal I.$ miles ol beach In a rough VttW Chapel, Newport BllCh. ;3'1.h annlvel'Nry wllh the pa1e1nt. (Ste BEACH, Pare 21 Af., RUrvivin1 are a ton, Or. Robert A ttof grlduate ol the Dillenbeck G. Willlamsqn of Ontarln, f.o u r Sc.hooJ of Or1m1 In KaM11' City, Mn. Bombs Rock Offi~e1 SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (UPI) - Homemade pipe bomba ei;ploded early today in the selective ll!:rvlce offices In five towns In Puerto Rico. Officer• ol the criminal ln\/estJaatlon division Mid the bomb,, were apparently thrown from cars but tll.at damaae w11 minor tn Iii CllQ.. g r a it d c h 11 dlr e n and four ' grtlt • Wlllllfhtbn was a Ulelon1 devotee ot lfaadchildrtn., • • .. the thlater. 1 11 Mn. Willlonuon collapled backatal• Molt .r her early marned Ille waa at lr\line Bo~! Sunday night. She w111 1pent fn t.jtxlco City, where her hus~nd, on duty, 111 usual, as a hlckata1e Rk:hard , was national iecret1ry of the volun&eer, the. only member of thls yt1r'1 YMCA and lhe headed the dr1m1 depart.- Pageant crew who had worked on tie ment of the American School FOQndation. firs( Pagea nt or the M11ter1 In 1135. In 193.1, the f1mUy mo•ed to Pa'.ladena A familiar and beloved figure at the where she became worklhop dlrectar bowl, ahe tolled 11 a \I o I u n t e e r at the Pauden1 Pl1yhou11 and, two .. am1tre11 In tho cootume depvtmenl (!lot WllLIAMION, Pa1• I) • . THURSDAY. AFTERNOQN, JULY· 30, .1970 ' -' • ' r ' · ·r V,O\.. A ,MO. ui, I llqllONI, 4f 'f-•11 Details of D~U:th .s ' . . ' ' ! } . l • Kas·abian Tells of LaBfunc« M11i rd~~s • ' , ' ~ .!_:._~ ..__:: .:J~ -' ' .-.-.' ' • . ' ~ • ' ,.. -_J :I " '\ 1 - . i.Qs,~'(tWJ,) -Li~~--·The ~~' ~.;.;,. .. ..;inl'ed ..;I; Mn. lCJflllii!ll, \unMd' al'ounil,"·lbd b'lin atldfd detJll 11fkr1 ~'-today to'. on1• .pbotograph •.ot ,a 1a11>llne •ataUon -' stared atrtbt .35-,.-old u:..eoevirt ae- her story of the 1layln11 of a wealthy washfoom the exact spot In which she cUJed of milstermlnding at\len slayings. grocer •Del hj1 wif~, 411 ~ P."OsecuUon ~Id ahe h~ hldden.•~wallelthat M'1110n "It's Mt ~ a. He: Charlie." ,1~ aaid altempi.ct I<> e1tablllh 1n IN>nclad CH• brau&l>rlllll·o! the LaBilloca home. Ip a ..it, <l•F. vojoo, "Yot. ~-"'I apinll tllo "Ill•~""!.~ ~ 111!1 •.. that 'M•lllQll to~ her lo At· tile eild of Ibo -. twO al 1"! l!M•'• . t"1' ~'~~~! pe~, ~ 111<· -...... '11ir1 ~-. ~: .•a. .., ' ,.,.,. .. _, ..... .,.jalill! "I II ~ •u J~ ·1-Ibo nlllt aOd Ne.-...w:t lilNntd tor U..: of ""11'1-aoe filr-tly Int•~ r--"'I, ,_ry! Clll t eloy!NI. J,ln.iJ<-eltldlheother fcrdirictlns IMY. '"" olalo In lbelr !lilme,. , Analbet llf\atograph 91 a tele 'l!ll9ldD Ill a~~ Seal Beach Firi~ .Pro~t {{~Pledge • If RUD~ NIEDZIELSKI . 1 -"19 Mir ,..., S..if Wleldinf a husky hatchet 11 a gavel, lhl,!: cilairmlfl of a quickly organized recall committee Wedneaday pledged the restoration ol 11j00d IO\lemment11·to Seal . Beach throuah the ouater ol. three coun- cilmen .. Sol Millstein, temporary leader or the recall ~harged the new city council power bloc of Morton Baum, 'Thomis Hogard and Conway Fuhrman will brine the "possible rejuvenation of a apoil• system." The hatchet, he said was "10mewhat apropo1" and Intentionally inscribed with Mayor 'B1Um11 name, miltptlltd to read •laBum." . Voth'I ·u 1 · bloc, M~r B111m and the two otlwa were raponeibte Mondly , for ll1e firlnC •ol City , M11111er Leo RI-nl • Cfty _..,, Jim ·Cornes. The \Iota wu S.2 with Councilmen H1mld ~ 1111 Llo)od "!IJ ~ di.-1. I ~~to ·ai: ~ .. ~ 11~ ~•ltd: In the M«llllllb'llQool;IUdltorlum 1'11t· nJpt, Ml\\llolft dlirpll \Mt Ille · JleW• ~QC iJ in affP ..... rel '11]lrlt Ind 1oodly aun1 of ~ llactlJll." He . choried thoY -1d "poy oil tho\ r pOlilJcal oblipUoM'" to UMMMd pertiea. • Millstein alao: l'lveiied namesi of 10 members of a recall 1loerln1 cammlttee , to the crowd. Tl1e)I wUI _! .. leadership fer the nCIJI JTWYl!IDlllt lni !bl formative 1l-. "8 lllld. , "The phone h•lll't11..,,... rl .... f ,In many of our homel," llld Ml'1-ain. "We in no'way have any.ptliMotll .... 1- lla!u. ~•·we hive no 11 to' ll'fM .... Mt rcoo- llnued, lli< ruaty.halchol at~ ...... . Present at the meetln1 wu M~a. Shen-I. ' BaUm, wife of . the ma,... SM Wil occasionally a1bjec!&M , W 1dlrtllve OOJll>ol mentl from the auclience. 1 She sat composed 11~1'1'. Ciuy Smith Implied lhe Baunil wet11 oonnected with 8111 Robertson, owner pf. t~e controversial Marina Pal1oe dance hall and a former adv~ate of legal gambling In the city.· , The m~)'OI'. meanwhile, baa reaffirmed hl1 stance on the flrlDc d. the two city officials and said, "I woukl do ll again. I have no re1fets a~t the acUon . I only rearet the turmoil a{ld thei bad publicity our city i1 receiving. People just want to make more of Ulla ttian I.here really la.'• • Hi1 wife added that lhey ha\le neither been aaked for nor granted poUtlcel · f1vors to Robertson. na:t to tbl residence el Golll °" with her eyewUMll ·.aC!C'*lllt ~ •u lllo _ ldemifled u . fl' 1¥ "'""' of 1lh0: allbll fli .lui. that Oiarle1 °Tex" Watson clirilbred to 1-t, Mn. MI'S. ~IM .told a spl)IQ cut the lines the night or the slayln1s story, ~ drivina for. bOl.r1 arilund Loa tpe~. 1 • 1 • • • , Ange1es ·af!d MaMOn; rejec:tiiw qse bou1e The stile was expecle<f to conclude alter· another unUl <beJ ci.me . \GI ~u.. Hi direct :eiamlnaUon of Mrs. Kuablan LaBianca resfi:tehce. today and ' Ule 'defeiiae to begin c'rosl ~IOfl went inside, ahe aa.Jd, and e1amihaUon. · then came oul ud told three members The 21-year-old blonde witness tt'ild· of his 'band that • he had .tJed ·up ·• the jury Wednetday ·that 1 MlllllOn aent man 1 and woman but "don't, let thtm three of his. followers into 1he La.Bianca· know.you're going to kill them!' , home w1th the lnslruptlons "don't let MalllOll ·and · l\is three re male coidefen-- lhem know you're going to kill them." , dants -Susano Atkin1. Pat r iJcl a , She Ja\le lM court ·a starUing account Krenwiniel iand WUe1 Van Houten - of M•?l909 personally l~ding a for:ay, signalled with their handa at the YOWi& to the LaBian~a home the night after wom'ari.;in'a 'maJ\ner reaeinbll.ng a hyp. the Aug. 8 slay1ngs at the Tale home. noUst,rbpt she Ignored them Ud went Foll.owing her a~tion there '!as sleadily along with her ltpry, a brief pause. with Mrs. Kasab1an . The rtight after the Tate 1tayingt waiting for ttie questions to · continue, 1 ahe said, Man.eon aent his followers out and the bearded MaMDfl called acroea a;aJn and accompaiiled Uiefn.to 11ahow to her in the courtroom, "You're lying." (See TATE, P11e Z) ' ' . . . ' ' ... Mesa Kidnap .$~.p~cts · ·.: · · ' J • ' ' ,'' I Really D.ebt : Col'lectors?· 1 • ' ' ' • , A, trio of· .11usPeeiied kidnapers who. allege(dly demaldtld ,1,500 for the releaSe of a young couple, only t& be ~pture<f! "l eoSta Mesa poliCe', t~rOUgh a ruse,. qow say. they w~i'e ·just' tr~lha:' to f~lle<:·t ardlbt., . l •. l I· , 'J'tje1 trio of : O>nnfctlCu b: meni ;were: liken. lo> ·j!arbol' JudlC\a\ ·D~tr\ct: Cootj' Wecfnel!day, bu't tt\!irl joint '1rrafJt:r1ment· procted\ng!I were ·coi\tlniied uf\UI inext: Wedneaday. ' ~ ' · · · ' · aJm's M. McS:hane ,23, and DoJ1ali:t E. Voo flemoortera, U, tioth of StraUord,. ,ilnd Ffank1 W. PaDcln, of Bridgeport, are held without ball. , · 1'1ey were captured Monday. night. nutalilelllie ipllr!m<rtt d Maik' and Staty Pey~, 'ol '*1 Wtllaeel A\le,, aiter1Mn.: Peyton'• mother ma·de r I n'al .ar- nincnenl1 forthem to get the nioney. Mrs. )'vonn& Parker; 40: of Phoenix,. <frfi;/e 1 over' with •t.&OO In , ttie : trunk cf ber1 Cl1' ~to 1ecure lhe rileaat of her dauchter ind IOl'l,J.n.Jiw, but went flnit to pollel. ' · She lhen entered the home wearing 11 microphone hidden ln her clothlna •. lhui 1IloWln1 detedlves to listen in 111d .et up'the eftlclent c1~e, wblcb catne' di wlU>oul Incident. , Pollet NY they cannpt reveal . the nature of Ibo alle&ed lr•l)lactlon whldl brought the Connecticut trio t.Q.the Weit Cout In ti. put two weeks buntln1 Peyton and h\1 wife. Peyton, a Phoenix coUe1e atu~t. was also arrested to climax lh• Monday night incident. when Police found a amall quanllty or what they believe tof be marijuana In the 1partmen~ ' No matter whether an 1etu1l debt was ln\lol\led, in\l..U,.OIY 1aJd, th9 Peytons were allegedly hekl ag._inst U\elr will 1 In demand fdr $t:soo.' wbJch COfto stitUtes ra~m Under the! law'. ' They sakl 1 they )V~rt\ 8~u1~ from ~ patty 1n i.,.~ -~~ch Jiit -k.eqd and given .41 hQl.1~ 1-~Ult I p. ~onday -to raiae1U]e "10r\ey. I . ' , '; Or •11•e ... ,' '«:out t ' I ' . w....... l l!•'l' ·~QI! •Ill l!"'lt' ~· goers getUng ~ head itait on the weekend Friday. Temperatures wtll be up Into the M's inlapct, but only near 7Q Ilona the coaat. • ' . I A\U.Y PILOI County Vows To Appeal Edison Case l!ipwloo ol a maJor Orange Cow>tr e1ec1r1c ge11erat1zc plant Is headed for the Callfom!a Supreme Court today. The fll!it ii ov..-a p1.. lo trtpla the capacity of Southern Callforula Edi-Company's ateam power plant lo Hiii>t!Agtoo Beodl. Tile power a>mpany aays two addi.ticual 1enerattnc uni.ts are needed to guarantee electrical service to its customers in 14 Southern California CXIWlties. The Public Utilities Commissioo agreed -the -Compaoy Ill June. Thia week the PUC deoied an appeal for Tt!lieorillg from the Orqe Vounty AJz Pollutiao Coolrol DIJtrld. The APCD, wbk:b alto cla!ml jurisdio- tlaml authority, bu deoled the expansioa request. Following the PUC'a de.al ol the polllltloo board'• a-i .. ')'ueaday, Deputy Orange County toonse1 James V. uroan ll1llOWlCOd he will appeal to tile ltala Supreme Court oo bebaU ol the OOfllll.Y APCI>. The Al'CD ,.y1 tile new IONl!-luel llumblg" facll!Uu wwld be add!llooll ......., o111r polluwu. 'lbt APCI> antoods it bu been civea ~ ...-P.,,er pWit Cllllllrui:tlon bf -Jeclllotive Id wl>lle tile PUC .,_ .. Iha Coll"'8la --.. the ...,. for Ila ..-tty over public utl!lllec · • -.,.... • .., a..,. bave pd <W fir .......... )llrildk!!oa ll4d lhe quullan fir the Supnme Court lo -ts which man bave the lut wu-d when the two have mado Ol'l!"'lte decilialu. Urban aaid he upecta to file hia brief with the Supreme Court well withlll the 30<!ay 1lmll. Antlclpatlnf! denial, he said the coomy counael'a office hu beeo working on it ever since it filed the rebeariqi petlllon on July t. The matter will go d~ec:t to the stale Supnme Court wi-.. lntommillg -1Jala cowt bearing. Urban explained. He Aid appeal.I from the PUC receive ,_Jlftferential treatment over ofber civil cues on the Supreme Cowt calendar. Photographer Won't T~tify Debate Slated .& Loa Angela Ttmu photographer'• nitual. to appear at the m1mldptl court trial ol p<n<111 allqedly Involved In -at Cal 5lale Fullorloa will be deboleil Aug. 11 In Orange Oouilty Superior Court. Judge Roller! L. Corfmu Wedlleed1y llliJlOd • writ ol maadate agalnlt the action of the dlatrict attorney'• olfice In subpoenalnf -•pher Villce Streano. It ii expeCtod 1hat his action will delay the trial aet for Aug. I in North Orange County Municipal Court Slreano's refusll to submit himseU or his pictures for court acrutiny waa clefelded Wedlleeday la a Superior Coor! action filed by the Times Mirror Co. That complaint 1eeb to bar the state from forcing Streano to appear or using b1a pictures at any 1ta1e of the court pruc>edlngs. Slr<ano stoles that he took pictures ol 1everal illdividulll occupying a room oo. the Fullertoa campus but assured the perlOOI involved that it wu not tile policy of U1e Loi Anliel.., TlmeJ lo 111bmit unpubliJhed photographs lo police" Streaao was lat.er subpaened by the district attorney's ofrice and ordered to appear and bring his pictures to one or more cases then pending Jn the Fullerton court. Several persons have been tried or face trial on charges sl'l!mming from di!:turbuces Jut March 3 at cat State Fullerton. DAILY PILOT --· --_ .. _ ''"''' N. Wo•~ Pf'-•~I W ,.,..Wier J1di: I. C11rley Viet h11lotnl W COIMrll lollfllt'lt lt.0.,11 KH•il ElflJO<' Tho••• A. 114111,ltiRt M-alllt lt:lfilw l id111' '· Nill lol/1h Ol'lfllll! Cillll'llr Edlttt ...... COi.ii Mut: )JD W11I la, ''"'' ' H""""I ltKl'I: ttll Wfll lllbol 111111,..,_,.. ~ ... di: J2t ,..,.II AWll\11 H1111llllfl011 IMdt: UllJ ltlcfl l:iulfvl,.. ... ~ti JIM Horii! II (tmlne fl•I U~I TtlfPIMle , FARM WORKEll.5' CHAVEZ (LEFT), GROWERS' GIUMARRA SR. APPLAUD "CONTRACT Whlte-holrod ClorlC11 Auxlllory Bishop JOHph F. o-l!y of U.S. Bi1hopo Committoo on Di1 puto Pact Ends Grape Strike DELANO (UPI) -The wm!s scrawled In dust on a ~ parked outside Cesar Olavez' union hall told the story: "We won!" Inside the ball Otavez and his staunchest t;>PPoRents signed a historic contract Wednesday ending ijle biUer strike and nationwide boycott against the growers of most of Callfomia's table grapes. 'Ibree hundred farm workers cheered as Chavu reaffirmed bis faith in non- violent reform. 'Ibey about.ad even louder as 26 Delm> area growers jotted their names on union contracts. "We are happy, perhaps overjoyed, that peace has cune to this valley," said John Giumarra Jr., of Glumarra VineyardJ, a loog-time 'l'!>OllOOt of (J)avei' union. He called the contracts a mutual victory beginning a 0 new erau in which growers and the union would work together for a better market price for their products. Otavez aaid the boycott would continue against the remaining non-union growers, who prucluce 25 percent of U1e slate's crop. California grows 90 percent of the nation's table grapes. George Sadoian, one of the Fresno area growers who bu not signed, said the boycott and market pres.M"es will probably force the holdouts to accept contratU too. 0 1 think we're all going: to have to join tbe boat in order to market our grapes," Sadoian said. •'l.JFWoc has got the chain llorea In tfle!r camp." * Delano Vineyard Workers -~ Hurt in Costa Mesa Cl-ash A 1954 sedan crammed with Delano grape picker5 celebrating the end of their strike roared off the Newport Freeway into Costa Mesa today and smasted a row of stopped cars. Six persons were sent to three different hospilal1 in the 12:28 a.m. multl-car crash at Newport Boulevard and Bristol Street. Traffic wu tied up for more than me hour u police cleared away the FroM Pflfle 1 TATE ••. us how to do it." They stopped in front of four homes, she said. Manson went up and looked in one but came back and said there were pictures ol children oo lhe wall and he could not go in. ''But he said that later we shouldn't let children stop us, for the sake of the children of the future," she said. Manson ordered her to stop in front of a church, she said, and told them he wu ''going in to find a minister or a preacher or a priest inside." She said he came back and reported lhe churdi doors were locked. While they were driving along Sunset Boulevard, she said, Manson ordered her to pull alongside a white sports car with a man inside and that Manson gut out at a stoplight., saying he was going to shoot the occupanl The light turned green and the car sped off and they did not see it again. They finally stopped on a slreet before the home of LaBianca. 'llley had brouaht two long swords with them, she said. She said Manson went Into the house for a few minutes, then returned to the car. "l heard him say there was a man and a woman up in the house and he had tied dlelr hands and told them not to be afraid that he wasn't 101n1 to hurt them," ahe related. She Aid Manson instructed M"lSa Van Houten, Miss Krenwinkel and Walson to go inside "but don't let them know you 're going to kW them." 'Ibe bodies of the LaBiancas were found a few how's lat.er. tangled wreckage cl the five vehicles involved and reconstructed what hap- pened. Modesto G. Escalera, 26, a vineyard worker, was arrested by Officer Dick DeFranclsco and booked oo suspicion of felony drunk driving. Police aaid Escalera, who gave his home address as Las Cruces, N.P.!., Wlf sligtJUy injured but refused treat- ment when Uken to Costa Mesa 'Memorial Hospital. Two of his passengers were taken to the same bolpilal and then transferred lo Orange County Medical Center, where they were in serious condition today wUh bead injuries. They were identified as Mrs. Margarita Rodrigues, 38, of Delano, and Monico D. Escalera, 21, of Cooachella. Jose L. Souzameda'., whose age wasn't established, was t a k e n to Costa ~fesa Memorial Hospital, where it w a s determined he was simply drunk and not injured. Mrs. Terry K. Jones, 22. of 145 E. Bay St., Costa Mesa, was taken to Hoag: ?ifemorial Hospital for treatment of head injuries and listed in good con-- dition there today. Her husband, Douglas S. Jones , 23, was treated and released. Traffic investigators said Escalera's 1954 Studebaker -which had no license plates -was southbound on Newport Boulevard when' It sailed into the usually· crowded intersection. The driver told Patrolman DeFrancisco he was unfamiliar with the area and didn 't see the red light untif lt was too late. Investigators said the Escalera aulG apparently glanced off one driven by Rev. Jeanne Smith, 48, of 160 W. WilSGn St., CGsta Mesa, who is minister of the Manosophy Church. Continuing on, it struck the Jones vehicle, injuring both occupants, Ulen hit a fourth vehicle driven by Maria L. Fay, 26, of J87 E. 21st St., COl5ta Mesa. , The fifth car involved was driven by Gary L. Suttoo , 28, of Sunlaocl. From Pflfle 1 WILLIAMS ON •• ll was the nationwide boycott -and its effect on the big: grocery chain• -which brought Chavez the victory he couldn'~ win by strikes. The boycott. launched two years ago after three years of ltrikes had brought only limited IUCCela, put pickets out.side stores in New York, Seattle, Boston and odles: cities. Many shoppers refused to buy grapes and several chains took Ulem off their shelves. The boycott a!JIO enlistod the SUWort of natjqnaUy known PoliUcal figures, bl· eluding New York Mayor John V. Lindsay, the late Sen. Robert F. Kerr nedy, and unsuccessful Democratic prestde!IUll cmdldato, Hubert H. Hump- lrey, Growers denounced the tactis as lllegaJ and ineffective. But federal laws prohibiting secondary boycotts did not apply to agriculture and the boycott'• effectivenw became appuent last summer when the pro- ducers filed a m mi.Dion antitrust suit apinll Chave1 ud the unloO. 'nle pcasure of the boycott finally bloke grower resistance this spring. The lint •ll'eements were signed 1n Southern California, where grapes rlpeq first By mkl1ummer, about 35 percent of the state'• grapes were under union contract. The signing of the Delano group pushed Ult figure to 75 percent. Oiavez promised that when the last noo-union grower signs, 1'We will tum our boycott machinery around and make grapes really sweet again." E.eonomy Rosy In.Nixon Speech? • President Nixoo Oew !Nm the Westom White HOUie in San Cteme11le to Loi Angeles WednMdoy nilbt le Ml the acene for 1 televlaed preu conference be will mike at 8 o'clock ~t. Whib Houae IOW'COI slld he hu 1pent the last three days tUtoc the pulae of the American economy and la expected to pronounce It hale ud beirty thia eveaing. The President selected the wl,y even- ing hour so the western United States could view the conference durlq prime television t l m e. Moet cmfertooes are scheduled for east.em viewers. Forecasta for an upeurge in the economy and new t.>pe for aegoUatk'1J to cool ten&lom in the middle eut have given the Presldeat some good news to convey to the American public. lt apparenUy e.ncounged him to lake the unusual atop or holding bil aecood news co.terence in 10 dly1. He will meet with newsmtn in a ballroom of the Century Plaza Hotel, where be spent WedAesday night lt will be bls first nationally televised news collference outside Washington and his 11th since taking office. But only 10 days ago he held a 30- miJlute wide-ranging meeting w I t h reporters in the oval ofrice of the White House during which he spoke with guard· ed optimism about the economy and urged Congress to hold the line on federal &pending. Nixoa echeduled a sertea: of meetings today in the penthoU&e aiite he is OC· cupying with Dr. Henry A. KIWn&er, his chief foreign affain adviser, H. R. Haldemaa, his chief of staff, and Patrick Buchanan, one of his speech writers. Shortly before a>ming to Los Angeles Nixon completed three days of sesaion1 wilh George P. Schult:, his top budget manager, and other White House ecoaomic experts, to have an -overall From Pflfle 1 BEACH ••• .slate by the start of lhls 1wnmer. But delays, then the announcement Jut May that the terms of the le1se were causing problems, meant that the beach would remain closed. Some state parks officl1ls even grumbled that It took two months just for them to gain pennl.ssion to set foot on the site in question. In the meantime public preuure bu mounted, accompanied by pledje1 frolJ1 White House aides that Prtsident Niz"on want& the clo&ed areas open to the public. Loa Angeles County supervison even joined the campaign earlier this summer by unanimously adopting a resolution calllilg for the opening of the beach. Another factor Ill the fluid steto ol the negotiations Is the chana:e in com~ mand this summer of the top brau at the base. Maj. Gen. Donn J. Robertson, base commander, will leave his post for a top-level job ln Marine Headquarters in Washington, D.C., to be replaced here by Maj. <;;en. George S. Bowman Jr. look at the economy and prepare the btoAll ooWnes of the 11'12 budget he will llDd to o:in,ress nes:t Juuary. Shults told newsmen Wedneiday lhe economy now wu poised for an upward 1Uf1e and the thrust of adminlatral.loo policlu would be aimed at centrollln( with upaDSion ao as to prevent aa lnnationary IW'ge. 'Ibe Prtsident was said to be somewh1t encouraged by acceptance of his Middle East peace plan by Jordan and the United Arab Republic and held out hope the JaraeUs also would accept IL * * * President Signs DC Crime Bill, Raps Democrats SAN CLEMENTE (AP) -Presldeol Nis:on signed into law Wednesday a bill which allows police to enter into homu unannounced and allows pretrial jailing ~ certain defendants. But he accused the Democrat controlled Congress «. inaction on bis anticrime legislation. Talking to newsmen as he affized his signature to the controversial District of Colwnbia Crime Control Bill, Nii· on observed it w a 11 the f i r s t ad-- ministraUon measure in the crime fiekl to reach his desk. The bill , aimed at lowering the crime rate in the nation's capital but hailed by the administration as a model for the states, was proposed more than a year ago along with 12 other anlicrime proposals. "It is time for the Congress to have better than a 1..for·13 batting averaae," he declared. * * * Nixon Planning Visit to Me xico President Niz"an will fly to "fe.zico for an Aug. 20 and %1 meeting with outgoing President Diu Ordaz in the popular Pacific Coast resort of Puerto Vallarta. Press secretary Ron Ziegler said in San Clemente that the President will fly to Ule Mexican seaside commllllity dl· ~ly ~rom Was.h.ington. D.C. Mra. Nixon will accampany him. Ziegler did not rule out the poWbility that Ni.s:on will a>ntinue . on from Puerto Vallarta to his Western White HOU6e at San Clemente. It will be the first foreign trip this year !or the President. He met Diaz Ordaz. once earlier on Sept. 8, 1969. Zieg· ler said the two heads of state will dis. cuss bilateral issues concerning the U.S. and Mexico. He did not amplify this. Ziegler had no information as yet on whether Luis Echeberria, Me1ican pres-- ident-elect, would also be present at tht meeUngs. , : ·. t_i, I ~ ~~~ .. ~~~.~ ~ , Slttiftll tlld Slo•pin9. '1 A wide 1oleclion of f•bric1 •11111 Colon t• ckoo10 from, ~~ Now$299 -..... ~ After givina directions to the others to hitchhike back to the ranch where the group lived. Minson drovt off with Mn. Kasabian, t.t:iss Atkins and Clem Tufts in the car, acc:orciln& to the testimony " years later. 5he i11Ded on as dlrector of Ole Laguna Beach Playhouse. Your ~auorir.c Interior duigner wiJl be hap~ to cwilt "°" ... She aald Manson stopped at a i•• stat.Jon where she hid Mrs. LaBlanca's waUet in Lhe ladles room, and Manson went to a restaurant °'zt door and bought strawberry milksh1kes to 10 for the whole aroup. Her aervlce as a Pageant volunteer began thit year and continued throughout !he years. A widow for some years. ~frs. Wlll111m1on made b(lr home at 400 Arroyo Chico St. In Laguna Beach. Following the Saturday aervtce, In· urnmcnt will be made at Pacific View Memorial Park. - PRO~S:l~:~A l\l\ETT fURNITLJ~E INTERIOR DESIGNERS OpH MH., Tllun. & l'rl. Iv ... - I. J I _, - ] bi lo sh at M hi h< di of M ] I th re " Bo cl re pc Ho ill •Y :I ... ' ~ Iii 'i:i B· kl, in •i bl ,, ct " m to le Ill in .. , tk ti• B< oc m In Bi M ., hi ci It at lh p, lh h< fa or V1 ~ m Cl , "' Al • r. ~ •I "' "" u, in o~ 11 11 I ' ; ' . Duntingto~ D~ae T•y'•n.l· • • • EDITIO voi:. ~3. NO. ·111. 5 SECTIONS, 66 PAGES • ,THUltSDA Y, ~IJL Y 30, ] 970 JEN' eENTS Linda: 'Char·l.ie Said Slit. His Thr·oat' . -. . ' LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Lind> Kasa- bian testified today that Charles Manson told her to slit the throat of a man 1he knew a few hours after the slaying at the home o(, grocer Leno LaBianca. , The state's key witness said she and Manson and two other members of the hippie cult drove along the Pacific Oceau bead!. i.nd Mansoo asked her if she did not know a man who lived in one of the apartmen\6:. She 'replied that she did and said Manson told her: "l want you to kill him." She uld Manson took out a small Seal Beach ' Powe1~ Bloc Recall Asked By RUDI NIEDZJE!.'IKI OI t111 D1l1Y ,lllt 11111 Wielding a husky hatchet as a gavel, the chairman of a quickly orgal'lized recall ~lttee Wedtlesday pledged the restoralkln of "good government" to Seal Beach through the oust.er ol three roun- cllmen. Sol M.illstelo, temporary leader of Ole recall irouP charged the new city council power bloc ol Mortm Baum, Thomas Hogard and Conway Fuhrman will bring the "'possible rejuvenation of a spoils system." The ba~et, he said was "so~what 4Pfopll" Ucl inttnliooally inscribed with Mayor Baum'• name, misspelled to read l'a.Bum." Voting as a bloc, Mayor ~auip and Uie 1wo ~ther1 were responsible )(onday fOr tft firinl of City Mapqer Lee Jlisnef and City Attorney Jim Carnes. '1ie vote was 3-2 with Councilmen Harold Bolden and Lloyd R. Gummire dissenL- ~Peaki.111 to an audience of ISO seattO in the McGaugh School auditorium last aight, Millstein charged that the new b10c .is in office because of'\!.'large and aood1Y sums of moneLary backing." He charged. they would ''pay off their poUtical obligations" lo unnamed parties. Millstein aJso revealed names of 10 members oI a recall steering committee pocket knile and pul il in her lpnds. ·"I said Charlie, J1m ·not you, J can't t ill anyone!" Tbe small blonde said Mll(lson ignored her protest aild. went on talking. ' '\He told me as &<M;U1 as you see the man slit his throat," Mr1. Kasabiao said . · She said MansOn also instructed €1em Tufts, who also was ·in the car, to shoot the man "but· not to do anythlna il ·something went wrong." ; "Who ·was this man, Linda," asied the prosecutloo. "He Was a nian· that Sandy (Sandra . . Good) ud I met one day when we 11ere hitobhikin{!. We went in bis apart,. J'Qelt and had something to eat and tl)Ok shower:: and l made love with him " . ' "Did be tell you wba( his ocaipation was?" ••Ys1 he said he was an aclor1" sald Mrs. KuabiAn. She sald Mamon drove olf and Ibo e~ t.Qe' apartment bulldioi. She said while Miss Atkins and Tufts hid · ar0W1d a rorner she intentionally knocked on the wrong door. When a man answered, she said "Oh! Seal Beaeh Hassle· . . . Mayor~s· 'Wife Den·le$ .. . . . EXcuse me wrq door" and tbe triO )aft the buildin{!. She was shown a photograph or a man. and abe sakl that was the one Ibo llod met previously. SJ>e said she d1d not Dow bis name that be was an 1'Jareeli type -a foreiper," "When you knodted oo tho door did you kDl)'w It WIS the wrong door?" asked Depuly DIJtrict Atl«ney Vincent BugliOll. "Yes.'' "Why did you knock on the wrong door?." "l didn't want to kill anybody," Mrs. si~ieitt:s~ »ream · Of · Pl~neiarluin · . . . Nbeed.. b.y .lJq~rd to the crowd. They will provide ludership for the recall movement in ....., it5 formaUve stages, be· said. Ties With Dance Hall Political ties with lhe owner or the Roberllon, who has been tied to .legal gambling interests during the 50'1 at the Airport Club, fa'ce.s a hearing AUi . 10 on eight 'fhaiges -.Uiat his operation of tbe hall violates the tity'Charter. Like Halley.'s· Comet, the dream · ol a planetarlu.m for high acbool itudents ip HWll!<icton Beach . has cn.,ppW.d -perhaps to re.i!PJ>t!&r again in the future. "The phone hasn't stopped ringing in many of our homes," said Millstein. "We ln no way ha Ye any political aspira- tions. . "We ha Ye no ax to grind," he con· Unued the rusty hatche t at his elbow. Pr~t at the meeting was Mrs. Sherri :a,um wire of the mayor. She was occa.si~ally subjected to derisiYe com- ments from the audience. She sat composed as Mrs. Cissy Smith tmplied the Baums were cOMected with Bill RObcrtson, owner o( the cootro\lersial M~lna Palace dance hall and a former adVOqile of legal gambling in 1he city. The mayo r, meanwhile, has· reaffirmed bis stance on the firing of the lwo city offi cials and said. "I \\'ould do U again . I have no regrets about the acUon. I only regret the tunnoll and the· ~ad publicity our city is receiYin,. People just want to make more of this than there really is." ml wife added that lhey haYe neither betn asked for nor aran\ed political favors to RobertllOO. much publiciz.ed Marina J?a1a.ce dance hall "'ere denied today by , ¥ra. ,A1orlon Baum, wife of the Seel Belich tnayar who · is ·co.rrently embroiled in political controversy. Interviewed at hq home, &he deni~ that she and dance hall owner Wiiliam (Bill) Roberl5;0n went to the S.Late Al~ tornet 'GtDerlJl's ~office to teek wpys in which to ciroumv.ent the cllt charter. "lt bad nothing to do with that al , lu~IY nothini:," she said, adding t s made the trip with the former Los An&eles police offiecr to Set!k a clar ication on municipal employe salary mat s. ;'My . · ba bad · asked the city ~t- lorney for attorney aeneral'1 ruliilg on the matter a~ he ,never got it. That's ~h)' he a9t me • there," she explained . P.1rs. Baum said ber car broke down, and Robertson, WiQi whom she had been acquainted earlier, olltrecf'har the rtde. ' .. He could I~ ~'\ t>pSi.n~ss 'license i! it were proYen that persons older than. 20 y!ars w'ere · alloWect in , tt\if building, that drunk , lewd and ·disorderly persons were not evicted,and that obscene con· duct went unpunilhed by the ·manaee- ment. ' Thi hearing was io have been con- duqed by former City Manager Lee Riane.r, who was fired from his pos!Uon by Mayor Baum and, Councilmen. Conway Fuhrman and Thomas Hogard, dYring a &:tormy session Monday. ' ll has been implied by aome Seal Beach residents that Risner was fired because he was about to· ronduct the hearing. . . ne mayQr, meanwhile, has pledged that the probe of \he dance hall would conUnue with temporary City Manaeer !See BAUM, P11e I) The planetiriu.qi pro#! was ·•ban·. . I ' . . ' . , doned· Tuesday night bx \n\'~• of! lhe HunUngton fuch · U•lon · Hllh · ~' Dislricl· when·th•y· lear~ ol ·lhe' f.e · to raise '25(1,000 to buUd the planetarium .. A planelarium project committee recoinmended · ih.!lt trustees forget the idea until economic condili~m impN>ve· jp ~uitUngton ~ach. · ' Peter · Hor:ton, chairm~ of the com- mittee, aald 150 lettet1 reque,stina: fi.Qan.• ~ial aid were &;ent .• to lndiYi~u.als. last Ma y. One '200 donation wa:s received, four reecUOns came back, and no reply was received from tbe other 145 letters. District officials bad hoped to build a planetarium With a 1eaUng capacity. of 60. It was to serYe all high school and elementary IChools in the district aa well u belni available to residen11 of lhe city. Cereal Standards Looming Plans called fOf construtcion du:ing the 1971-72 school year on a site nert l'O EdisOn High· School 1n 10Uthellt Hlli1· Ungton Beach. School officials wanLed to install p~ jecUon equipment capable of a i;tar density or 1,354 stars. The ·equipment wu designed to be lowered into the noor ' cOnvertlng the planetarium to aeneral purpose use. Best in Nutrition May Be Knocked Off Market ASHJNGTON (AP) -In t.he midst ' of a controversy over the nutritional value of breakfast cereal s. the go~ern ment is moYlna ahead with a proposed riplation which would knock off the mariet the cereals a nulritlon crusader ~led the best available. Tbe proposal, which has been under consid eration by the Food and Dru& Ad.ministration ror ei1ht yean, would l!lt standards for the amount of nutrients pmniUJ!.d to be added to several foods, locluding breakfast cereals. The erfect of lbe proposal would be IO "upgrade four vitamins and minerals ln cereals which c<mtaln little now, while at the same time setting ma1lmum levels Will below the content of Lhe u:tra· nutritious cereals lhe Industry la tn- lroducing. Within a few da)'s, the FDA will publish In lhe Federal Register a findlll{I by one of Its aUornc)11 that the proposal b 1upported by the evidence pruem.d. Thb wtll daar the wp for action by ( a hearing exall'\iner. If tht examfner appr.oves the proposal, It could ~ on the , FDA commislklqer11 desk for lil\al action by fall, allhoush court appeals coukl delay implemeotaUoD by up to five ycara. ,' The •proposal wOOld restrict to niacin, thiamine, riboflavin and iron l ~ e elemeall which could be added to ce~. ot.het aubstaocu, 1uch u pro- tein aad calcium, could not be added. Niacin wards off pelaara. A thiamine shortqe can result in a poor appetile and beriberi. Riboflavln ii necwary for .healthy skin. Iron short.age can lead to lrOn~de:ficiency anemia and a constant "''~ f1leJlnt. • . Noltitlon crusacltr Robert B. O.oala. whO dc1Cribt1d molt ceretlt u "calories and Uttle elie" at a recent Senate hi:ar- ing. was particularly crlUcal of the low protein content of cereals. An Agrfculhue Departmant aurvey has concludtd Uiat caklum and lron are the two DUlrieala nMlll oflaa bolow •• •' recommended amounts In the diets of teen-agers. The FDA proposal, &upporled by the America·n Diete1ic Associalion, woWd re. quire cereals to supply at least but no more than the following pe.rcentqts of adult daily minimum requirement.&: thiamine, 10 percent to 21 percent; rlbofiayin, 2 perctnt to 4 percent ; niacin, s percent to ·10 percent and iron 5 percent lo 10 percent. The food induslty argued f o r By day' It would haVe beer\ a clwrciom Ind' by night oPen · for public groQPS. 1'he ·planetarium · was designed by the archltec:Ia who planned• the high lchooL ¥embers ·of the P.lanetariqm com· mittee a&reed to, meet •&fin on Jan. U, 11JI• to reco"'\der 1lie'p'1>Jed.. . Three 'Bands Perfornt At Valley Rock F~te permluion to fortify cereals with a wider range of vitamins. mlnerala and prote.inl ind at leYel1 between 25 and 100 percent ol adu1t daily minimum requirements., Three bands with 350 y~ musicians ll was • supr.irlad bJ the ~ 1 from lhe F""'laln Valley School Dbt!1ct Medical jW<>i:ialion. wili perlpi:m l"j' t9< public a( 7:30 toni1ht C119ate, a diJldor of' Jul year"• Wblla ' ln Ille ·&Ym~'\'l'I"'. ol F.Un~ln Valley • 11ou,. Qinfereilcct J><1 •Nu~ition and I llfi.h School. · Htallh, told senator& this mocif!i be)rll\ka , 11'1 Mnl all\! •r~a mem\jets (JIOk only ~I~ ctrtals as n11 l r l·VI a~n a 11 y I pan 'th($ Rlrnm&i: '\n cliitric:t'I.· sum- mcrllorl0\11. Mosi con'lalned 100 perGlllt iner ""1o!lf , Qf mu• • 'I"~ q ! I h-\ '• of llle aduU r<quiremen!s ol al 11,.i ~ '!1dt lh lllJlUl1U mllll< ad.Ula lour •ill-. ,procram.,, .,. • • ' !t' ~ • • I Kallbi.ul replied wilh a slight llqh. S1>e said lhe three OI lhlm be1an hitclmiking alon1 the Pacific Coast Highway back to the Spahn Ranch and on th• way Tufts dlsJIOlied ol lhe IJlll in a sand pile on the beach. Mrs. Kaaablan said u they waited for a ride the three of' them amoied some marijuana dgareUes. It wu the lint time durini the trial when Mrs. Ka'sablan ukt she and tome of the members ol the family had &mei- ed pot. '111on Ibo admitted sh• had taken LSD more than 50 times during the past four years. PulJllc Aeee•• ·"Do you , know 'ff~l LSD ii, l:Jnda," ailid, Bu&1i05i. "Ye.s, 1 do." "Have you ever taken tt?" ' . "'Yes, I haV< •. approxlm&i.ij, 50 lime$, and the first time I tOok. It WJ!I .lo 1865,"· ~.said. When Mrs. Kasabian rei'umeid 1* tesuinony !Oday , slie addeci. ditaQ ·after detail to her story ol the alayin{!s o1 the wealthy groce'r and · fus. wife .u the, proaecuUon. ·attempted · to establlah an (See ·TATI!;, P11 .. 1J. Marines Feeling . . Beach Use Pinch By JOHN VALTE~ Of t11t n.11y 111111 Miff Pressure to compel U.S. Marines to open up nearly flYe miles ot Camp Pendleton beach for public \Ill moved on two lop-level fronts today. 'in · Wuhlnaton, a California con· 11essman appealed dir~Uy to the Department ol D<tenaa !'i' open!~ the beach · ana · at c..,p l'endletqo l\>elf- Slale Pulcf We~i« WU!Iam Penn Mott 1°"81)\ ~~tton ft~"! :ol4"-r~, "'~· ·~ ' . ·~oU JU \inl·lhn>uA lhb.mo(liloJ wtlh • COIDlll • ·~ Clllp !..aiaJoa• in try lor a aoJu! .. lo .__i '"tf.!~ ... -· ~ ~ ol Iha .~ala 1-la ' At Uoiit ', t1it lllM' lime Iii publican ~-~""'"Bell or caruomta Implored s.,,retacy ol Delena. ~vlo Lailcl. in pr.., lor. Uie opeQlni .of. 4.1 ~ ol. Camp Pendleton' Beach neu San Onolrt under a, Joni·femi lease.' · Thua far, publicly announced fact! 1n t)le ~.islµe.have sai,d ~t t,pe Marine Corp,s'\vili oiler only 1'.5 lnllel of beicil Cot sevtn ~yiais. ' · But Mott, , who hu been wortiog tow'1'd the ~acb. opening ,u : •· •urfinl park au yw. ha• aald . \hilt. such a &JJ.ort-term· aare:ement Would ' not be suitable !or the · state, because o1.· Uie bijh ·eos1s for lmprovemenla ...: IDcludlllll a man-made Tee(. · The ·issue is now apparenlty 1n a sta~ of flux wilh some reP9fl.a; · air~d ~ week ·~11ti0nfna that t&e · Marine CotPS in the Penta1on la yl<ldlng ·to public ~4 Whlte House presaure to ao-~de to tae state request.a. . The · ~ich lal\d in quesliOn ·liU do~t fro~ the Ed119n nuclear· COQJ.·- Fluo.tide Foes Run Into Snag On Water Fight Fluoride opponents In Hwitlngton Beach and Fountain Valley have ru n into a time snag fn their e.ffott. to bting the issue to a Vote by Nov. 3. The Citiwi1.Commlttee for P.ur• Water in FOUDtain. Valley baa . abandoned its earlier prediction of a Nov. 3 rtierendwn on water fluoridaUon, and decided to aim for a special elecUoo a iew montba fater. . . A newly formed anli-rluor1de .1roup in Huntina:ton Beach hopes to get·&,500 signatures on a peUUon before Set>L 3, bul a~li the tasl: is formidable. "There isn't enougli time to 'et a petit.lon and put the issue on the Nov. 3 billot. bl\l We are goil!i to lniist that it be put lo a vote,l• Gtor1e Lln- d,egren, leader of the Fountain Valley group; explained. · · • · · · William . Campbell of 16201 Win' dinmeie'r Lane, t!mPorll.f)': treisurer of the Buntiniton ~Beach c 6 ri1 m It t I e, e~timated . ao aUend_an~e ol abOut 3o. peopfe ' Monoay nfght wl!en · an • antJ. fluoride Cominlftee Was ·formed. 1 '· • "We expec~ to l•l the ~• C!C1' Ille ballOlin Himt\ll{lton ll<ac!t,"' he added .' Both cornmAtees 1row out of D,P!foi!U"ll. to lhe policy ol placink nuOride ·In. Cl\y w•l<r BUppU~•· Fountain V~\ley°became 1he first dl)' In Otall{le Coullly. in 11ree to it wilh a ~I vol& ol U!e dly eow>dl on June 2. Huntington Beach became U!e aecond city lq or11111 Cciunty lo aclopt a policy of pia<in1 nuoride in Ille water supply when lhe councjl 1ne u~qlm°"' ap- proval ~uly Ill. • , . Nd!Mr cliy has nt piac,d fiuori~e ftt the walaf, bu\ tioth lrt 11f•patih1 the ~adO\~ /pr 'll. ' . , F1wer ihin. JO ·~Oidi•~ lur"'d' .out (lot rttJOallll, 'P ... I) ' . . ' plex and Is below towering bluffs, which would have to be gouged out for pUblic access. Tbe Marine. Corps, has balked on the Idea because, spokesmen say, the beach land ls valuable to them for mllit.arY, trainina: maneyvers. State officials have said that they would he •illill{I ·to clooe-tho · baaeb qQeGCCalion-il it b. ntadect-lor lllliiWy ~-·· .. ~· NqQliatiOlll· for the Camp P- beach arose ~ plant for opoliu Gf a prim•~:-Mar 1M W...,, ~ilqulO---.. ' '.no 'l'hiUO. -11. ""i!:h : r )'Ula bu bafD a ~ ilia' ..;.r "111{.lilr{era w~ IO .::ttJ. fiOd 'il;n oc:helfuIOd to be' opoMd :(o tho public, bul IOCl&ilY oWciala, fl)l&tdina Ille PtUldeat dlc1ored tbi •oPt!ciJ• • dollnllo rllt. ltt Mr. Jib:ili>. so . detai!Od . piana 'rOnectbll .inoQtlil "' wort . by : .u.. adinlniatrll«s .... plaru>ets:were sctappl!d'.'. 1 • . u: w,i.I tbea t&at nel(OtitUOna bejan for the !leach dowoCoalt, but lhay ...., bOfied down. · .' · Original •ullmatea IO(,tl>e :opeoini .Gf tboJ iDitIAI I.I mil08 ob be:ach.111 a """'1 1tate by the start of thla 11immer. · !lut delays, then ·the armotam: ... last . !fly lhlt t!l• terms oE ~ ·ljilo .,.,.· ~ woblollljl,. meapt lbat the beaCh would remain cloaed. . Chaml>er Plal\S Spooial P.rog:ram For Max Forney • 'I1lo \'IW!lber of eompierce fs.P~ special aendoff ·for Of. Mu Forpey, au~in,Iandeol of the l!\Jl1lington Beach Union !ligh ~bopl Dist\i<t, who 11 re1fr. inl to.take-up a posj.tipp. In Guam. The ~hamber ~.. ~ted ~Ill· 10 1s "Max Foroey Day" and pl&.al tCJ hlioor · lhe achoo! chiol at the, lunChoon that day 'in The ·Fi.shennan Re.staurant at Pacllic Coast . Hl8liway an~ Malo Street. Dr. Forney, a chamber director, will bp lea.Ying his school post Aug. 111. and t!jie chamber luncheon invitation warns mysteriously tbat "special treatment" ~ been arranc!d for him at tho CIOOll celebration. Dr.' Forney lw bieD Iiilb lchool diJtrict supe,rinlendent for eight years. He has accePled a, PIJ!I\ u in as&ociate P,l>feaaor ol educaUoii. at ~ UnivenllY. "Guam. . ' .. 'Weailav , 'Haiy' stinSbine l\'/n -t W goers gelling a Mad at;rt. OCI the -:eekend ·Friday. ·Tempera~ wW be up Jnto the IO'a lnlud, bill only ..... 70 alon(J the cout. IN81Dli1 TOD~ Y 11111• nation'• lowta& worklNg ~lho mlgronl to.rm 100rlfo tr.t-ar-e jtnaU~ gcUtt&g tome all<inllon from lhc Miii oj Co•· greu. Pag,t 21. 1 c.~ ., ~ • Cllie,_ U.. 1• = ~ .. (........ -.a .... 11 -·-·· --.. ~~-' """' ~ 1•1• .,.,,.._ 1 ,.,.. ,... n ._.., ·-'l e:.:-I: I J:--'• ~-:J I.... ~ """*••• 1J !!!!!:..~ ~ ~~\;•q:....1. _,.lo. ' ' ' .r •• I-~y lllOT _ M P1•• P .. e J TATE ••• .- lroadod -..... tlle ·-111111· ,, ... Mtl. JC•uN•o weat lato more detall ..,. "Ml., 'bMHeo llld _. i..q the 1,aBllnct home anll putttnr the wallet tn the wilhroom, she and Manson •od two other members of the "family" drove to a belch on the Pacific Ocean and got GUt <If tile ear and went walking. ~''Charlie and I walked hand in hand on the beach end he· said lllee thlnp In me end made Jn< forget everything and made me !eel good," she said. "I told Charlie that I WU prepanL" • Deputy Dlatrlct Altanley Vincent BU(- lioeo . uked ber ti ohe told Mlll800 that me ,.,. prqna111 by hi.,_ "No," the rtplied. The defense objec- ted end the judge 1nsttuct<d the jury In disttaard that quelltlon and answu. Mrs, Kaab!an said u they were walk~ ing a police squad car pu]led up and the officers asked them what they were do1na: tbett. "Charlie told them we were ust 1oh11 for a walk," abe u.id. "He asked thtm U they didn't remem- ber bis name and they Wd no, It was a very friendly conversation and then they went away." Mn. Kaaablan ,.id they relumed lo the ar end joined the ~r two, Clem 'l'ufls and Sull!I ,\Wm, end dme a1<m1 •beech road . • UPITt ........ ) Economy Rosy . . - ln,Nixon Speech? PMJdent M1on riew from the WesleJ!l White House in San Qeme1te to Loi Angeles Wednesday night In ;et the sc;ene for a televjsed press c;onference he will make at 8 o'clock lnllllht. Whl~ House sources 111d he hu 1pent the last three days takln1 Iba putse ct the American eccnomy and 11 e1pected In pronotmee It hale' and bea.rty this eveaing. The Pnsident selected the early even- ing hour so the west.em United States coukl view the conference durlllg prime television t I me. MOil ccnferencu are &eheduled for eastern viewers. Forecasta for an upsurge ln the economy and new hope for MIQUaUons to cool tensions in the middle east have given the Presldeat some good news to convey to the American i:-ibllc. It apparently encouraged him to take the unusual step cf holding hts second news collference in 10 days. He will meet with newsmen in a ballroom cf the Century Plaza Hotel, where he spent WedJlesday night. !!l'led,C-0ngre6S to hOld tbe line on federal . apendlng. , ' Nilon ·.scheduled a series o( lJleeUncs today lR the penthouse suite he ls OC· cupylng with Dr. Henry A. KluJQler, his chief foreign affairs adviser, H. R. Haldeman, bll·chief o! staff, 81\d P,atrlck Buchanan, one of his speech writers. Shortly before comlnl In Loi Anl•lea Nl•on completed three days <t "'"km with G""ge P. Schultz, his top bold;et manager, and cfther White Hoose eco1M>mic experts, to have an overall look at the economy and prepare the broad nutlines of the 11n budget he will send to C.OOgress next Juuary. Shults told newsmen Wednesday the economy now was poiled for an upward surge and the thrust of adminlstraUon Policies would be aimed at controlling with expansion so as to prevent u i.n!lationary surge. nie President was said to be aomewhat encouraged by acceptance of his Middle East peace plan by Jordan and the United Arab Republic and beld out hope the Israelis also would accept iL * She said Mamon uked ber and Susan AUdns il. they dldn~ -tome people In that ma and they replied they did not. "Wun't then a man you knew around here, wun't he a pla1e" she quoted Mano6n«u a.skiJll. FARM WORKERS' CHAVEZ (ll!FT), GROWERS' GIUMARRA SR. APPLAUD CONTRACT Whl...,,alred Clarie 11 Auxlllary Bishop J01oph F. Donnelly of U.S. Bi1hop1 CommltlM on Dl1puta It will be his first naUonally televised news cotlference outside Washington and his 11th since taking cflice. But onJy Ht days ago he held a 30- miJlute wide-tanging meetlng w i t h reporters in the oval office of the White House during which be spoke with guard- ed optunlsm about the ecooomy and President Signs "Yll, be WIS an actor," &he Aid lhe replied. . Workef• Cheer DC Crime Bill, Tht l!odie ealled. -at tbat'polnt. Tilt,-Aid lo Ha=.. tlatmient !bat "'-lllt l!li!>t of tbea ldllloll Maniolt~ oome of hJo lollowm lo • -t with the lntmt.lm of ldllini Ila 0.C.,pania but that Mrs, Kaaa· •I.Un dellborately -on the wrotl( Pact E·nds Grape Strike l'reM P .. e J BAUM ••• Raps Democrats SAN CLEMENTE (AP) -Pr.,ideol Nixon signed into law Wednesday a bill which allows police to enter into homel unannounctd and allows prtlrial Jatllni o1· certain defendants. But he accused the Democrat controlled Congress of inaction on his anticrime legislation. door. I~ Followlor Mn. Kuablan'1 ..,..,,.tlooa apimt ManlOll W-ay in detailing the LaBlanca lliaylnp the bearded Man- IOD ealled acrois to her in the court-room "10U're Jyina'." PNtllPttpJ DELANO (UPI) -'!11i-. scrawled !n dust on a truck parkld outside Ctaar Chavez' union ball told the story: "We won!" Inside the hall Qlavez and his staunt'he6t opponents slgned a historic contract Wednesday ending the blUer strike and nationwide boycott •against tbe growers ol most of California'• table grapes. 'Iltree hundred farm workers cheered FLUORIDE ••• u °"vez .reaffirpled his faith In non- f<!f • public bea.rtnc 00 the fluorlda vto~ morp>, Tiley abouted .... louder laale In Fountain Valley, wb!le -.t' u S-Delaiio arta growers jotted tllelr 40 rtlldeata, on both aides ol the issue, names on unJon cootracts. attended the Huniln(ton Baadl public "We are il"lll'Y· perliaps overjoyed, bearu.,. thet peace has -e In this vaDey," Anll.fluorlcle .,.... la both c1t1f1 plan·: llald Jolin Giumarra Jr., of Ciumma to work together to ball ""' tbaJ Vlneyarcla,-• loo(-llme ' -t ol lerm the ''hlllllY org-"'°"""'t <llava' union. He called tbe contracts a mutual victory beginning a "new era" in which growers and the union would wort together for a better market price for their products. Chavez uJd the boycott would continue apinlt the nunalnlnl non.union irowers, wilo produce S5 .,.....t of the atate'• crop. Califomla growa to percent of lhe naUon'1 table grapes. Geor1e Sadolan, one of the li'relM area tJJOWln who bu not algned, said Ibo boycolt end -~ _..... will probably '""" the holdoule In aceepl contndl loo. "I 1lllnk we're all colnl to have In join Ibo boat In orqer to market our -." Sadolan Mid. ~oc bu rot Iba dialil ..,_lb lllelr camp." to throw th1s tlili:w OD m." ~:~~~!!\'t~ ::-.. ~~ · Delan~ V.ineyard Workers Undecren aaya the 1Nue 11 not the t pro& or com of Duortde, "We're not l ~:.=,.~:~~~~~ Hurt in Costa Mesa Crash d "retuming !lie comtltullonaJ rllbt ol · freedom of cholc;e to the people." Fountain Valley .anU.fluoride relldentl ere m-1 at B:iltl tonfpt In the com- munity center to dllcus1 proc:edura !or the petition drive. ff_,..,., lleacli anil-fluorlde com- mlU.. member• will mnet Friday ID a private bmne to dJ.ao.w their pn). cedures. Beach Toupee Business V p? Tbo 11&1 llOlnl around Huntlq1on Beach City Hall thl! mornhli WU tbal curly-haired Ray How, the city's purdw· int qent. la C<llllldll'lnc maklnl • block order for toupees. · · City Admlnlatratnr l;loyle Miller cau.oed many city employes to tab another look at themselve111 by donning a wig Tuetday end drswln1 odmlring glances from aecretarles. "There certainly ls the aeed for a bloct purchase," How uld blandly. "I'm askllg deparbnent heads for quotaUons oo the numbers and &lies." • • -I DAILY PILOT Olt.\NGli CCAIT PUILlitllfrlG COMPAM'f a.~el-t N. w.,, ""'"""' _. 1"1111·.W J1ck t. C111tlty Vice ~t Md ......... M-etr Tli111111 Kt1¥il .!.111111'" lh111111 /I., M11rphl~1 MtMlin9 Eo""'" Al111 Di1U11 'Will! 01 ... C9ur!IY Elll!tr . Allt1rt W, 11!11 AIMCleM ~llClr ................ Offke 17115 h1c.h l 1ul1¥1rtl M11llillf Atl.lr1,.1 r.o. 1111: 1to, t2••• --.,_...,.,. •titdl1 m .. .,.., ,._,., Wtii M9t• -w.r .. ., '" ... ~ '-Oii 2211 W.t .... , •e..i~ ... ~'' • _,. IJ C""*-ltul A JllM sedan crammed with llelano grape pickers celebrating the ead (If their atrike roared off the Newport Freeway into Costa Mesa today and smashed a raw of stopped can. Six persons were sent to three different hospitala-in the 11:28 a.m. multkar crash al Newport Boulevard and Bristol Street. Traffic was tied up for more than one hour as polict cleared away the tangled wreckqe <t the five veil)cl• involved and recoutruc:ted what hap- pened. Modesto G. Escalera, 26, a vineyard worker, was arr~sted by Officer Dick DeFrancisco and booked m suspicion of felony drunk driving. Police said Escalera, who gave his home address as Las cruces, N .M .• was slightly injured but refused treat· ment when taken to Costa Mesa blemorlal H06pltal. Two of his passengers were taken to the same hospital and then transferred to Orange C01.U1ly Medical Center, where they were in serious coodlUon today wHh bead injuries. . They were identified u Mrs. Marpnta Rodrigues, sa, of Delano, and Monk:o D. Escalera, 21, of Coachella. Joee L. Sow:ameda, whole age wasn't establishedt was taken to Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital. where it w a 1 determined he was simply drunk and no< Injured. Joggers Invited To Run in Beach Joggers. here's your chance lo fll•lch 1teps with the beat ol them . Huntinilnn Beach Is 1po.-lni • lonl· d~tance run alon1 th• lllKla Satllrday morning. The d~tance derby will future a 10. mile open handicap run with awardl fot the fint five handicap wlnner1 and . the first five fastest time runners. The run. will start from the municipal pier at 8:30 a.m. At 9:30 a.m. there will be a three-mile run f'Or youngsters in gradea I throogb ti wtlh awardl for wlMers of the first five places. At 10:30 youngsters In grades seven and eight, and six and under, are scheduled for a onw.nd-a-tralf mile evenl again with awards for the first five finishers. The runs have been arranctd by the city's Parks and Recreation Dtpahment. Gary Davis, a parks department of· ltcl•l. said thsl rq!Jtratlon !or th• JI). mile run Is fl. The shorter distances aist SO cents. Registration for. the nw: will be at a a.m. under the pJer . ~ Mrs . Terry K. Jones1 2%, of lts E. Bay st., COsta Meta. was taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital for treatment of head injuries and listed in good con- diticn there today. Her husband, Douglas S. Jones, 2.3, wu treated and released. Traffic investigators said Escalera'• 1954 Studebaker -which had no license plates -was southbound en Newport Boulevard when tt sailed into the usually· ct1l'Wded lntersecUoo. . 'lbe drivu told Patrolman DeFranciaco be was unfamiliar with the area and didn't see the red U,ht until it was tho !Ale. ' Investigators aald the Escalera auto apparenUy 1Janctd off on• drive~ by Rev. Jeanae Smit.b1 48, of 160 W. Wilson SL, Costa Mesa, who ts minister of the Manooophy ChUfch. Cootlnuing on, it struck the Jones vehicle, Injuring ooth occupants, then tiit a foorth vehicle driven by Marla L. Fay, 26, of 187 E. 111t St., Ccsta Mesa. The fifth car Involved was driven by Gary L. Sutten, 29, of &mland. ¥ owell Chosen Golden West Associate Dean Don A. Yowell, 4J, of Buena Park, will join the staff of Golden West Qillege Au1. :i, as the first associate dean or the evening college. Formerly director of the evening division and summer session at Compton Colle&e, Yowell said he came to the lfunUngton Beach campus because of its "opportunity ror innovation." . His chief duUes will deal with cur- riculum development.. worklng under Dr, Loren A. Moll, evenlng college dean. He Is particularly Interested ln Increasing the number of evening extension courses. "We want to take the college to the community," he said. "For example, if we were to have an uJitolstery class, what better place would there be to hold tt lhm In an upholstery &hop?" He also hopes to make use or Golden Welt'• newly aequlrtd college on wheels, ~ 30-foot trailer, to hold classes at dif- ferent loc1tlons. A graduate of Ct>mpton CoUege, Yowell earned his bachelor'• and master'• de1reu from Cal State Long Beach. He taught law enforcement parttlme at Rio }fondo College for foµr years, and nt Compton Junior College was ('()Ordinator of the law enforcement pro- gram In addiUon ~ his Olher dutlea. It wu the nationwide boycott -and Its effect oo the btg grocery chains -which brnugbl . <llaves the vlctory he couldn'L win by atrik.,, The boycott, launched two yeara ago after three years of strikes had brought only limited succeu, put pickets nulalde stores in New York, SeatUe, Boston and other cities. Many ahoppen refuaeq to buy araJl'S and several chains took them off their shelves. 'Ibe boycott alao enlisted the IJUPPOl't. ol na~lly known potlllcal figures, ln- cludlnl N~w Yori< Mayor John V. Llnduy, the !ale Sen. Robert F. Ken· nedy, and unauccu.dul Democratic ~'.denllal candldale, Hubert ff. Hump- <lroWen den9\111ced the tactla .. mega! end lneffeotlw. But leder1l law1 prohlbltlnl secondary boycotts did not apply to alJi<:ul!m'e and the boycoU'11 effectiveness became apparent last swnmer when the pro- ducen tiled a $71 million antitrust ruit against Chavez and the union. The pressure of the boycott finally broke grower resistance this spring. The first agreements were signed in Southern California, where grapes ripen fir st. By midsummer, about 35 percent of the state's grapes were under union contract. The signing of the Delano group pushed the figure to 75 percent. Chavez promised that when the last non-union grower signs, "We will tum our boycott machinery around and make grapes really sweet again." Dennis Colrtema.rdl.e as hearlnl officer. Mn .. Baum said the and Robertoon went In w Deputy. Atty. Gen. Robert H. O'Brien long before there was any talk about a hearing. "I never heard about It before my h~and waa presented with the notloe of the bearing," said Mrs. Baum. She added that she was unaware of any suspect activity at the Marina Palace and that she knew Robertson because he "was very lntereated in youth." "In all my dealings with him, we have neverJdllcuued poliUcs and city businels, though," she said. She said she believed Risner received such strong support from city employes because be has been gen'""" to them, especlallf bf v•• tllr1e week• vaca. tion aftet one jear of employment. "[ think he's been great to them . If he were my employer, I'd stick with hint thrnugh thick and thin.'' Mayor Baum, meanwhile, called a meeting with the city'• department heads to explain his action. "I told them no purge was implied and that all the fiery words had no bearing on the basic job to keep the city moving," he said. "The interim city manager has my vote of confidence. There were many city emplayes who signed a petition in support of Rimer, but I assured them they should have no fear of reprisals," Baum said. "I have no intent to carry out any purges or anything of that nature." Talking to newsmen as ~ a.Hixect his signature to the controversial_ District of Columbia CrUne Control Bill, Nl:P on observed it w a s the f I r s t ad- ministration measure in the crime field to reach his desk. 'Ille bill. aimed at lowering the crim~ rate in the nation's capital but hailed by the administration as a model for the states, was pr~ei:I mort. ~n a year ago along with 12 o~r anticnme proposals. "It is time for the Congress to have belier than a l·for.13 batting average," he declared. . blixon CQRtended that the conuesStonal record on crime bills represents Its "poorest batting average" in any field. "This is an area that is not plµ'tisan," he said. "It is one where the proble~ is national, where people of both partlei want action. I hope that this ls onlf the beginning." ' The President described the new Washington crime law as "an Wf- precedented measure, a very strong one". dealing with what he termed "an un~ precedented problem." When he took office, he said, the capital "was fast becoming t h e crime capital of the world." Nil:on described the new law as p~ viding "the tools absolutely essential for . us to stop the rise of crime in Washington and to reverse the trend." SOFA BED~ Tk•1• .,; wery <omfort1bl• 1of1 becl 1 for Sitting i ncl Sl1tping. A wiclt 1elt ct!on of F1bri<1 tncl Colon t1 =~~··Now $299 H.J. GAMEfr f U RNfJU RE "" "'~' "'' PROFESSIONAL o-Moo., 11oon. a l'rt. ..... COSTA MESA, CALIF. INTERIOR DESIGNERS ··-646·0275 • ei S< • w m th • qi at In tO. no m• IOI ph . be to -I ... of lb< Sa wil op mi .. I I bo• pl• th• d" pa! sut Ra f de< En fin fro I nis or s .. els vol ma ••• aai f Cot to ow Pa 811 nia I ::r we "UT dei I bll! He llK F , .. II~ be the c F DAil Y 1"11.0T IMtt ...... VISTA PROTESTE~S GATHER BESIDE THE ROAD NEAR WESTERN WHITE HOUSE The Secret S.rvlct Shooed Th_em Away From the G1t1, But Ace.Pt.cl 1 Copy of Griev1nct1 Nixon's Retreat Picketed VISTA Marches, But Protest Target Not There By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of 1M C.Uy l"lltl lt1Jt With San Clemente police keeping an eye on things, 27 members of lhe Soulbern California VISTA Alliance held a peaceful protest near the Western White House thinking their boss was meeting with the President Wednesday. : The protestors were all membeni of the Volunteers In Service for Atl)erica, '-program designed to help residents of poverty stricken areas. They were at the Western White House under lhe impression that Donald Runufeld, d4'ec- tor of the Offkt of Economic Opportunity iOEO) which heads the VISTA program, wu at tbt Nixon retreat. " However, a White House spokesman said Rums!ekl wu here last Saturday and had returned to Washington Tuesday after a tour of some western states. A written brochure describing the pro- test stated: ''The picket main I y representa a protest at Rumsfeld's presence in San Clemente while the policies and practices , of VISTA are being discussed by thcwe representative. of the naUon'a VISTA volunteers outside ~ore Stud1J Needed County Delays Progress ·· On Starr Ranch Project , Plans by RecreaUon Environments Inc. to transform the 10,000-acre Starr Ranch north of San Juan Capistrano into a major recreation facility were delayed for a week Wednesday by Orange County planning commissioners. The county commission felt It was being rushed and wanted more time to look at lhe proposal. -REI was seeking permission to begin epnstruction on the first J17 million phase of the recreation project, located off the Ortega Highway that heads out of San Juan toward Lake Elsinore. .. Additional approval of a zoning change will be needed before the company ca n open its doors and begin charging ad- mission to the 1.5 million visitors it expects in ih first year. Edwin 0. Ettinger, chairman of the board for REI, sought to assure county plaMing commissioners Wednesday that the company can bring the project oU de.spite the financial difficulties of its parent company, Great Southwest Corp., aubs.idiary to the bankrupt Penn Central Railroad. Ettinger said Great Southwest has decided to sell off Recreation Environments and the Newport Beach firm has received acquisition overtures from a number of maj-Or companies. Planning Commissiooer John T. Mcin- nis said he was worried that if conditions of approval are left too wide open the Starr Ranch might be sold off to someone else and developed differently. ''The conversations I have been ht- volved in focused just as much on ma"-'lement and planning as on dirt and &lie physical assets of REI ," Eltin1er s:aid. . recreat(~ hall, bandstand., carousel and general, atore. 'lbere will be a caroose1, fishing pond, swimming bole, miniature iOlf cours~. model airplane strip, animal rides. a petting zoo, and a farm where yOW1gsters can harvest com, melons and gath.er freshly-laid eggs. At the entrance to the ranch, IV1 miles up the Ortega Highway from the San Diego Freeway, REI plans an in- fQCmation center, country store, snack shop, service 1tation and fruit and vegetable stand. A. later devtlopment will be a 51)...acre fishing lake in Crow Canyon. Planning Commissioner Howard Smilh, ot HWltington Beach, criticized a cou.nty planning .Jtaff recommendation of fou'r billboards 800 square feet each on what is supposed to be a scenic highway. REI spokesmen said they hadn't re· quested the signs and a planning aide explained he had merely specified the same sign footage Lion Country Salari bad been given. Planning Commissioner Mcinnis noted there is an 800 suare foot sign oo a hill off the San Diego Freeway ad· vertising Lagwia Niguel and it is farther Off the road than would need · be on Ortega Highway. Ettinger said llis company isn 't in· terested in t.hat much sign space. Other conditions recommended by the planning department staff call for flood channelization of San · Juan Creek , precautioos because of the fire danger in tht &rea, and steps to satisfy the county Health Department on the horse stables. the Western White Houae." All of the volunteers represented Ute West.em region of the VISTA organiza. Hon. The vohmteers said lhey were upset by "the newly proposed concept that volunteers should be sent into a com· munity to do only one specific task (1.r. housing, economic development , etc .). Formerly \he volunteers were sent into the areas designation as poverty stricken and attempted to build "com· munity organiiations." Each volunteer became a "jack of all trades." Now the department wants to send it specializ. ed technical experts to tbe poverty areas, instead. Other recommendations contained in the petition included a p r o p o s e d guaranteed annual income of $5,500 for a family of four arw;l...recruilment of enough community poor that 50 percent of VISTA. would be represented by lhat ·group. Included in the latter recommendation was a proposal to pay the poor volunteen three times as much as non-indigent volunteers. t.tany or the youthful protestors carried sig~ that were critical of Rumsfeld and the OEO. "Rwnsfeld avoids takinl care business by hiding in the Western White House," declared a sign carried by a young woman. "Don't viscerate {sic) VISTA'' said another. Secret Service agents kept th e picketers on the sidewalk of an approach road about 200 yards from the entrance of the Presidential cumpound. The VISTA group wa.s joined by a sprinkling of olher supporters, moat of lhem from the Long Buch and Santa Monica areas. Ted Martinez, a Mexican-American (rom the Venice section of Santa Monica declared: "I am here protesting because the OEO has failed to see the needs of the Chicano community ... One woman , Bea Bohnenkamp, who- identified herself as a member of the executive board of the Long Beach Com· mission on Economic Opportunity said that she was "very disturbed, because not one solitary soul came out to talk to us ." , Nancy Freuden, who said she wa1 the leader of the pickets, noted that the volunteers plan to get together mort often in the future and •l;iat they will begin to contact Congressmen about their grievances. The group arrived at the main gale of the Western White House at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday but were told to leave the gale area as a security precaution. They gave copies of their grievances, lo a member of the Secret Service who asse.rtedly said he would pass it on lo administrative aidea in the resort corqpleI. They waited for a reply but none came. REI is the developer or the 5,000.acre Coto de cau saddJe and hunt club to the west of the Starr Ranch and owns the Japanese Deer ViUage in Buena Park plus other recreation projects in Santa Barbara County, northern Califor- nia, Michigan and Hawaii. REI plans call for conatruction to begjn in September and I~ facility to be opened by next July if all 1oe1 wen. The project is being billed as "lhe world's first major, privately. de~ped public park. County Election Mixup Prompt,s Office Split ~t.inger said it is the first time private business is going into public recreation. He compared it lo the county'• O'Neil and Irvine regional parks. First phase construction calls for 4,000 reserved picnic tiles, @ camper vehicle <ea and 300 lent si tes. There are to be 11 miles ol motorbike trails. A turn-of~ the-century village is planned with Court Awards Money For Drug Defor1nity LONDON I UPI) -A Londoo high court ltlday awarded SJ ,16.5,000 to the parent& or 28 children deformed by use of the drug thalidomide. "rtie damages were awarded agab1st the Distillers Company (biochemicals) 4f .. which manufactured and marketed the German-1>:1terited drug 11 Britain. Thalidomide, a lranqulllter drug, had been preacrlbtd to $0tlle Pf":8nanl wonlen who later 1av1 birth to detormed babies. --.. Orange County supervisors acted \\lednesday to split a separate elections department off from the. dutit! of the COO'O(y clerk's office. William E. St John , county clerk, said he will be glad to give up his second hat ol registrar of voters because the job is getting too big. Tht counly hu almo3t Io o, o o o registered voter1 -more voters than there are In 19 states -and exper~nced • monumental eleCtMHJ mlxup durtng the June 2 primary when final resulll v.·ere not. available for two days. · Board of Supervisor• Chairman Alton Allen offered the 1u1gestion Wednesday that lht office be split and s report on how to 10 about it was requested from Coonty Administrative Officer Robert Thomas next week. The move is expected to be made prior to the Nov. 3 general election. The upcoming election and the resigns· lion last week of Ed Arnold, chief or registration and eleclions, makes the tlmins of the div11lon propitious, Allen noted. iht split ot an elections dep.anmen& from the C.'Ounly clerk's office became possible for a general law county, such as Orange, by act of the state Legislature just last month. San Dieeo and Santa Clara counties already have made the division, Allen said. St John, woo says he couldn't be happi~r with the board'• deciaion, figure." he still ls stuck supervising one more election since there won't be lime to recruit and train a new man prior to Nov. 3. As county clerk. St John oversets pel'10nl who handle Superior and Juvenile Court matters, act as clerk to the Board of Supervisors and the county'a Aasesa- ment Appe&ls Board, issue marriage licenaea, and handle pusport applications and naturalliation proceedina:s for new citizens. St John predicts that the general elec- tion will go smoother th&n the primary. The Colema Electronic Yo1e Counting System will be almpler to program since there wUI be fewer offioe1, candldatei and issues on the ballot and 40 Cubic Votronlc vote counting mschlnes wllJ be used tn (M.lllyina areaa on • trial t11J~. ' • H OAJLY '!LOI # PollutlOlt Busie Edison Court Fight Brews E•pansioo ol a major Oranp County eleclrlc -ratJna pi..! la btaded for the c;alllomia ~ Court today. The fl&J>t u over a plan lo triple the copac~y . ol ~~ .Calllonila Edison Company's steam power plant in HunUnaton Beach. 1be power company says two addiUonal generatin& units are n,eeded to guarantee eJeclrical service to Its cu.stomers tn 14 Southern California OOWlllea. '!he Public uuuu.., Commi!sion ql'ted wllh the Ec!Uon Coll\PlllY In Jun<. This week lhe PUC denied an appeal lor relleorine kom the Oraoge County Air Pollullcm Conl<ol Distrld. '!he APCD. which also claim. jurlldic· tlooal aulhority, h11 denied /lie upamloo r<qlMll. rollowln& the PUC's denia l of ' the poUudon board'• appeal on TUtllda:y, Deputy · Orange County CounMI Jomes V. Urban announced he will. appeal to ttie stl~e Supreme Court on bf:ball of the coonty APCD. The APCD says the new foesll-fuel bornl111r facilities would be lddltlooal sources of air pollutants. The APCD contends it bas been alven 1,1.1thority over power plant comtrucUon by slate le&ilJotivt 1d wtlile lhe PUC t>Oinla lo lht Ca!Uomlo -tulloa 11 the bui.s for its authority over pttblic 1ttllities. • Both 11eocies say they hive good caaes for c-lng jurlldlcllon lllld lht question for lhe Supreme Court lo Mltlo is which shall hive Ille last wwd - Ille two bave made oppoolla d<cilionl. Uri>an said he ,.pocls lo 1111 lllo. brief wilh lhe Supreme Court well within Ille 30-day limit Anlicipallnc denial, ht said the county COUDsel'a office flu been. working oo it. ever since it aJed Ui. rehearing petition on July I. Magnificent planted hanging baskets·-·. ~ Luolt, growing, Ol'Wf fllltd boslct!s to hant llllide ar out ••• to enhance ""'! ..... C)IM ~ls a long name for an-sir-vine with gloooy loows on tw"'"'9 ...... ,.-......,. la an Hl}'.growing _,;,,. ..,.,_, aloo. 1 .,7 SPECIAL J ... TAM JUNIPER ••• low growing •vergrun for attrcictive landKop- ing that will give your garden a prol ... ional look. Collect them. 1 gallon container. 77c.,, nAUAN CYPIUS • , , stately and tall is a perfect ovorgreon for land. scoping al corners of buildings and fenc11 , , , for a proflllionally land- scaped look. ~ gal. 1ia. 3.55 llODING IUNTS ••• liar 1h1f1d Vlnca OI -.... llil!ll ,A~ , , , orow~::l: and ready 111,......,., IO'IWly colon. 8"y-l lnlyt. for colar •xctt.ment •. SPECIAL 44c .. PUIWINKL!S in 2 varieties , , • 'lfttht Eyes' and 'Caquttto' in one OOllon -. tolntrs aro aptly named , , • dahlly llttlo pink ar wlilte flowers with red ....,,, 77' ... UNPAINTED MEXICAN POnERY , , • strawberry planlor with 9 pochil la a picturnquo planltr , •• especially for Spanish typo patlot and archittcture that's so popular now. 3• 99 . Gl.OllA VASI ••• unpainted Moxican poll with authentic carved dt1ign1 for unusual planting tflteil. largo, 5.99 Mtdium,3.39 SNAP.ON FENCING ••• a protty and easy way ta one'-your oardtn area1.,. lnexpen1lvefy, tool 21"' x 1~ section, 29, NOWI THESE VALUES AT ANY ONE Of THESE PENNEY STORES! CARLSBAD • DOWNEY MONTCLAIR • NEWPORT BEACH SHOP SUNDAY, TOO 12to 5 P.M.1 .. f llAJl Y PILOT ~ w .. CMlllr .... '""' Wom)>ourne, England bousewl!e JNn Hurd says she has been l>an- ned from her village store becaus.e her policeman husband gave evi- dence against the sh~w~~r fo.r driving ofienses. "I think it ~ te1- ribly unjust that I. an ~rd1nary housewife should suifer J~St ~ cause my husband was doing his l. ob " she said. ' . A Salt Lake Citu group called "Citiuns fo r Dccencv" ha! vow. ed not to buu Sta &: Ski auntan lotion unleas tht firm put! big· ger btkinU on it& biUboard beautiti. The 500· membtr1 o/ the oroup said the biUboardl "mfriflgr °" prrtonal pr!VGC!I" 01 "tM pubic cannot void tnew. inQ tMm. H Tht companu prtri- ctcm laid rtiponlt to th.£ seem~ JJ clad btautiu in it.I odl hat g<11<roUp brrn faoorablr. . • Henry Lewis Norm•n . Jr. oC Cleveland felt he was being un- ju.Uy punished when be was fined $50 for dropping a beer bottle on &ome rocks along the shore of Lake Erie. "If the city can drop garbage in the lake, why can't l drop a beer boWe on the rocks?" Nonnan BSked a judge. • Jfidsummn' mud~s art for sail-• ing tou 'boat& and pl.a.!tic ducks as 1 d<mondrot<d htr< by Tammy Stou/• fer, 2, of Salina, Kamas. The puddla um left during recent thundershotoo era ~h drencMd the area. • The California Legislature has legalized saloons, bars and bar· roorns. Those were three of the ' wild west names which tat1erns ' and cocktail lou11ges were pro- hibiUd from ming by a stat1 law which 'IDIU repeated Tues· day. • Two couples seeking to be mar· ried this week by Cleveland Mu· niclpal Court Judge Lllll1n W. Burk• were refused because they were not properly dressed. Judge Burke said the men weren't wear· ing jackets and the women weren't wearing dresses. jjl always 'vear my robe when I'm conducting the ceremony," she said. "'The court ts a place of dignity and marriage IPi one o! the fundamental steps in life and should be taken serious- ly." t:la•ll Over (;anal . ;;:;..;;..:.:;:=-....;;....----~ • Israeli Jets Hit 4 Egyptian MIGs Ioreell jela lhol down four Sovlel-built Eopdon MIGit Jets In 1111 olr bottle over tbe S11e.i C&nal today, a mWWy apohsman llllllOUllC<d In Tel Aviv. Heavy artill"7 duels blued along th e CINI! an a 40-mlle front and Egypt reporftd heavy loss ol Isriellllle. 'l1>e spokmnan sald the a~ bottle occurred when Egyptian interceptors ~treaked aloft to challenge Israeli jet fighter-bombers carrying out strikes in the can a I zone's southern sector for the ?0th consecutive day. 1bere was no indication whether any Soviet pilots were involved in the con- frontation, but UPI corresponden t Nicholas Daniloff. quoting "sources," said Soviet and Israeli planes clashed over the canal on Saturday for the first time. No losses were reported. The sources said the potentially dangerous clash occurred during a raid by Israeli aircraft against missile sites operated by Egyptian crews with Soviet advi.!ers. In that clash MIG21s were aaid to have attacked American-built Styhawts which managed to escape the lulu aln:raft. llnell spokesmen said Wednesday they had no lnrormaUon on aucb a .clash. T001y'1 oerW dub erupted obout 2o30 p.m. while the Israeli government wu carrying an uraent C<l!llUltatlolll with th• bowldsh Gohol party to try to prevent its walkout from the a:overnmtnt. tsrael was "J)Olied moving cautloully toword acceptance ol a U.S. Mide:ut peace plan despite Gahal opposition. Israeli pilots reported seeing only three pilots parachute from their stricken planes. They said all four planes crashed in flames on Egyptian territory when the Israelis opened up with Ca.MOD fll'e and air.(o..air missiles. A military spokesman in Calro laid Egyptian artillery today c.......i "IJ'a1 Joossea In f~e Ind equlpmenl" Oii the !Meells and that t.. EaPtion ooldlers Wert wounded in Israeli air attacka. Egypt said 11$ big guns opened up at 6 a.m. today against Israeli positions along a 40-mile front betMlen Deversoir and Qantara and1 that the gunners scored "direct hits" on Israeli bunkers, "causing great IO&Ses in Ille and equipment." A 1poi:e:sman said several Israeli posi- tions caught fire and ammmllUon depots ezploded. Stalled Bus Thwarts Offensive in Cambodia 1 PHNOM PENH (UPI) -A civilian bus loaded with Cambodian soldiers bogged down today in a driving rain after a six-mile advanc.e toward the Kirirom Plateau, bloc.king the path of a 3,000.man government convoy and haltlng a· eovemment offensive almed at retakin& the plateau. A Cambodian military spokesman, quoting villagm In the area, said allied olr -bad killed 600 Communist IMOpo and -.nded 200 otheTI In allocks near the ruins of the 9lh century i.mples of Angkor Wat. The Commwlials scored a major suc· cess near the Klrirom Plateau today, cutting : Highway 4 leading from Phnom Penh to the ijiort of Kompong Son (Sihanoukville) and leaving more than 100 tructa:, mostly oil tankers, lining the road iJong a blown bricfse 50 miles beiow Phnom Penh. 'lbe Communists poured out of the rounlryslde and overwhelmed the defenders or a relnforctd concrete bridge in a five.hour firefight and then blew a alx-foot bole cm the northern approach to the bridge, nest to a JG.foot hole blown in a similar attack four days ago. Light vehicles could still pass. Jn Saigon the U.S. Command said B5ls flying 'some of the heaviest raids of the year in South Vietnam unloaded I,000 tons of bombs on Communist strongholds in t!le southern half of the country, concentrating on the U 1.tinh Forest. For the past week, the planes have concentrated on border areas. UPI correspondent Kenneth J .. Brad· dick with the Cambodians trying to recaPture the Kirirom Plateau, said five battalions of government t r o o p s spearheaded by Khmer mercenaries, bad helped to reach the plateau in a two.day march. But the bus stalled ln the driving rain which limited visibility to less than Post Office Lilts British E111hargo WASIUNGTON (UPI) -The Post Of- fice has lifted the embargo on surface: mail to Great Britain it imposed July 21. The embargo v.•as iniUated because of the recent strike by British dock workers. Air mall was not affected dur· Ina the perind. 100 yards and two of the lead battaliom of Khmen were blocked. 'Ibe: brigade commander, Maj. Un Kauv. said the brigade would leave Friday for a frontal assault on the 3,00G-foot plateau and the town of Kirirom, U miles to the north. . "We will never retreat once the attack Is launched," he aa.ld. "We will keep going until we kick the Viet Cong out." The Cambodians were anned with a hodge pod&e of rilla and depending on. such transportation ii tchool buses to reach tht flghUng area. They had no air support or artillery and were equipped only with 82 millimeter mortars made by RM Cbina. 'l1>e Viet Cong has 82 and 120 mm mortars brought in by elephant from the northern area. More Violence In East Cities New di!U'der• and violence have oc- cl.tl'red in Hartford, Conn., and New Bedford, Mass. Bands of black and Puerto Rican youths roamed Hartlonl a1reels WedneS· day for the second succes.!ive night, set- ting fires and throwing rocks and bottles at police. Policearrested 32 persons and used tear gas to disperse crowds of up to 200 persons. 'l1lree finbombl were hurled at one police car, setting a tire on fire:. Police arrested 32 persons and used fired and three penons were treated for minor buck.nit woonds. One claimed he had been shot by police, hut a spokesm1n denied police had used flroann•. The disorders apparenUy were a con- tinuallon of TUeeday's outbreak that stemmed 1n part from the city's ref~I to open BOme fire hydrants for children's play in the hot weather. In New Bedford there were reports of shots fired, stone throwing and arson by roving gangs in a slx4bloc.k area of the Soutb End . Police arrested 22 persons. At a midnight meeting, city councilmen criticized Mayor George Rogers for delaying imposition of a curfew from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. He sajd be moved the starting lbne back after receivin& "many complaints." Most of Nation Swelters Tropical Air Flows Into East artd South C•llfontl• Al~t All1nt1 1!1k1r1llt!d 1lam1rcl llo\11 ...... S~llt " ff " ~ ·~ " .. ., ., " 11 1• " " • 3 BOdies In Burned Car Found NEW YORK (UPI) -'l1>e cbarred bodft! ol three perlOlll who JJJ'1 hive boen lhot or bludpcmed to dooth wrre faunc! eorly todlJ In 1 ~ored Codl11oe -In f1oma 00 I quiet -11.-ln~. Pollet refused to opeculote oo wbdber the dud, who 1ppurtd to he white males, wm vlctlDll of 1•n&land ex· ecutlolls. A spokesman for the medical er- aminers oUice said the bodies 'W't1'1' "° badly burned that tt WIS impossible to definitely determine their 1ei: or race before autopsies were compleUd later today. But-he said that damage to the victims' beads could have been caused by gunshots or blows with· a blWlt in· stnnnent. The bodies we.re si tUng stiffly in the back seat of tbe burning car when firemen arrived. "We think they were already dead ," associate medical examiner Richard L. Beaghler said. '"fhere were no signs that they tried to escape." Dr. Guy Voordecker, a member ol the Brussels medical examiners' staff oo special as.signement htre, said he believed identification could be establish· ed . The car, rtgistered to a Giovinnia Costanzo ol staten Island, was found on a street in the South Dione Park secUon of Queens. A11 unidentified resident returning home from work at 2:30 a.m. noticed the parked car, polic.e said. Fifteen minutes later he heard a car door slam and, looking out the window of his home, saw the bWde of the car In names. • Kfu Rua Everwt•lllfl Thousands Cram'.: . ' Banned Concert i • MJDDIEFIELD. Coon. (AP} niouaando ol ,_ people dotted "" ·,kl slopes ol Powder Rldge today - even thou&h the rock festival jhat they had come to attead wu banned by C<lUrl onler. And the youths ...,. to have all hut taken over the area. There are no uniformed police on the grounds and the kids were running everytltlng -they paued out free ice cream, manned the medical station and acted as security guards. ''We almost bad a birth,'' said · a bearded worker wearing a r e d cross at the first aid office, "but it was false labor. She's upstairs waiting to Jet us know." Louis 1.emel, a co-owner of the resort, told the growing crowd Wednesday night that the festival was off and u r g e d everyone to go home. But moot of the yooths stayed throogb the nlght In sleeping bop and !Mis and youthful security guards said today new arrivals outnumbered the rock fans who bad left. Crowd estimates varied widely and polk:e weren't guessing, but most estimates indicated there were at least 7,000-15,000 In the crowd. State's Attorney Vincent J. Scamperino also urged the crowd to leave Wednesday and ordered all utilities at the facili ty shut oU by 8 a.m. today. But hours after that dealine the electricity was still on and the water was running. The rock fans already had arranged an emergency water supply from a clnsed-Over disinfected swimming pool. While: same of the yrutbs were work- ing, thousand• ol other! lounged around ' on the twin akl slopes, or nn ln 1 pond at the re•orl or tolbd _, the feotlvol. "I bolJCbt 32 Uckela 1t 17th street. In New York City, s al d a teenllef' wearing a bltd: hillbilly bat "U we don't get DUI' money boc1t Ibero will be trouble in New York." The tickets sold for ltO ,1 night and $20 for the weekend, and pnmoterr said there wa.s nO provision for refimds. Zemel told the crowd Wedn..ctoy nl,ibt however that he was trying to pt thelr money back. In the area where the younpttrs camped signs boldly advertised I.SD and marijuana for sale. Jackson Shooting · Said Justified JACKSON, Miss. (AP) -A county grand jury says police were justified in opening fire during a campus con- frontation in which two yowig Negroes were killed and nine wounded at Jackson State College May 15. Reporting on an investigation into the outbreak, a HinW County grand jury declared Wedne:sday that state highway patrolmen and city police discharged their fireanns only after being shot at by snipers. The grand jury report· said penonr who engage in "civil disorders and riota" must "expect to be injured or killed when Jaw enforcement officers are re- quired to re-establish order," •• •••• ••• • ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • • • • " .. " Clnt!Mtll ..,_ .. JI l u SALE ! 33 1/3 TO 40% OFF REG. lS .00-35.00 FAMOUS MAKIER SUITS YOU'VE ~D AND SIGHED FOR, NOW 11.97-21.97 Mlf¥ WNl'llfte IOM'r, I.~ \lttW.bll 1'11<Mlt ftltM """ """111nt Niu" lli!<Ofl'I· lrlt -ttpl'I • "' u tntl• 1ft 111 ......... >od•r 11'111 l'rlcl9r. Hi.ti tMw" Co.tit! '--•h.lr" ,. .... It.,,. 61 lo 11 lftllfld .......,.111,. ,._ ftOf'l'I 61 IO U. Wtlll' '-tl\ltl t4, Su", "Joon, Tides THU•SDAY v.s. s.-.,, '"'""""' ........ ..,.,.,.... c:l'llll< Pltltd • (Dllll~ flow el trololc:•t 1lr Int. _, "' !ht H•ltnl tM M>ll!Mtn IKlloftl of lllt Nfloll fodt'f. '"""''""... ~ "'. , "' th'-"""-'! '"' (Ollftl,.,. e.mt tor -,,..., OI 11\t PKJflc. H~. "'"' _.. -11¥ l1lr 1'11111 enlt' I K.111'ttr1M o I ft'll'fldtt.,._.lo Nrtlr.ultrl'I lft !flt -tll«n IKllOn• '-CtNI lllfh • . . 1 11 •• Ill. , 1 or tht vt0tr or .. 1 L••H 11111 trOl'll • •-wlr1111t 111 lilt Ct"'t11M1. An h(on.j !OW , , Hk ....... ,.ltlAY J 1 lftCll or M at ••In -kll'd l'lll!llllbu!ll, "'·• Mo!l11e 111,, tncl Cl'Nor'IOttnvl!lt, l'l,.t.,,,,.. l :il•"'· .(t i l'Jl'tt llft;I'> 10 If •J!I J I Startd 111911 , 1.5',.m, •.I ~low . 10•111. )J ..,,. .,_ • o:a '""· kh , ». "'· M011t •1Mt lU1.m. itli lllf•1t1 • '" l11ty IOIOf'lll'lt lto'll-•N'" rtl'ltftl Ir-'' 11 Art1!1, (.1111 , lo M 11 9""" .... H ... 111. C1lit.. ........ ..,. .. lfot, t¥t• "*' .. 1111 llellCltl ...... lft""'*· ... ....,.. ....... ,_,, Wllffll ...... ... _ Ktl'M1CIW i."v"'' ....... -.... Ml1ml M._111 """""°''""' HtwYott: Htrfll l'lt tff ........ Ok1•'-"t (!ty ....... Pt lm JHIMI ...... Ml .. -· l'llbllritttfl l'Wl!tlld 11:.,ld City ... l llttl ·-ll<rtlMl'lil kll l..fk• (l!'r ... _ l ift ,.,.ft(\tu INIU1 e .. ,, " " . ~ 14 ·'' .. " .., " n " R n • 104 ,, .10 104 • .... II II U '' ,K " " " n "' " " " R ·~ " " n 101 .. .. . '°' •• U '6 JI n SI .... " ., fl 41 .... .. ., " ., .. " .. " " .. "' .. fl ,, Jt SEE f-f'C, TUNtCS, TIERS, 2-PC. BIKINIS, PANEL.5.,. EVERY SHAPE, EVERY STYL.E, EVERY '70 SUIT FOR SAND AND SEA, NOW SPEC!AL.L.Y PRICED F OR THIS SPL.ASH OF A SAL.E, BE HERE EARL.Y F OR BEST SEL.ECTION, SORRY, NO MAf\.. OR PHONE ORDERS, BETTER SPORTSWEAR, ROBINSON'·S. STA RTS FRIDAY JULY 31 WITH SPECIAL OPENING AT 8:.30 A.M. IN BETTER SPORTSWEAR ONLY ! ROBINSON'S NEWFQRT • FASHION ISLAND • ] I - I l bia tol ~ It 1 Mt hlr beJ did of: ! M• I f I th• rec ref Be cm ! "' po• Ho th• syi 1 apt M1 ''al 1 th• far llli Th Ho In~ • In nlg blo g .. du pol I m1 to l'ea II! IDE "" tlo Un I Bo ""' m1 I Im Bil Mt ad hu cit It ae tho P• th' I he ,, . ol .. "' re, .. .. ' "" Al .. c: ' to In 1t "" .. Ir\ In or !1 11 I • ' . " ·. • • Fo1111iaii~ VaHey T .... y'a n..11 , . . . . . . . " . iDITIO VOL 63, NO. 'Iii', 5 SECTIONS, 66 PAGES • .. ORAN&E <X>UNTY; CALIFORNIA THURSD.Q', J!)LY 30, 'J.970 j f I' ' 'TEN CENTS . . . " Linda: 'Chatlle· Said Slit .His ThrO~f' LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Linda Kasa-pocket kriile and put It in her hands. bian tesUfied today that Charles Mansoo •;J. said Charlie, I'm. not )'OJ, I Cl.b't told her to slit the throal of a man kill anyone!" . '4ht knew a few hours after the slaying The 'small blonde said Mantan ipomt at the home ol grocer Leno La.Bianca. her protea and went. on ta)king: 'I'1e state's key witness said she and "He told me as IOOO as you 1see Manaon and two other members of the the man slit·his throat," Mr1;1 Kasa.bita hippie ·cult drove along the Pacific Ocea.iL--'-said. , beach and Manson asked her 11 she She said Manson also. instruct.I CWm did not; know a mao who ,lived in one Tuft.s, "'.ho also , was . in : the car, ,...to of.~ apartmenµ:. shoot. the:man "but not to do ,uytbfnl Sile ,,.i;-eplied that she did and said if something Wtl\l Wl'Ofl&." •. Manson told her: "Who was this man. Linda," asked "I want you to kill him." the prosecution. . ~.JJ!:i~ . Good) and I met one day when we were hitchhlklq. we went to bis apart- ment and hid IOIMtbi.ng to eat and took lhowen and 1. made love with him." "Did lie ltll·YOIHd.11 hiJ occupotion wu?" 1 •1Ye1, he uid•he was an ,actor," said Mra. KwbJ•o. ... She Slid MJn!!Oll dlilve ol.f and lhe entered-Ill< 1partment b\lildin(. Sha llkt while Miss Atkins and Tufts bid around a corner she intentionally knocked on the wrong ,door. ,When'8-;ll\ID answered,. she llld "Oh! Excuse me wrong door" a.nd the trio left the bulldlJll. She was shown a photoiraph of a IDID and lhe. said that WU lhe one &he had met prevM>u!ly. She said she did not know his name that be wu an "laraell type - a foreiper." i.When you knocked on the door did you know . Jt was the wrong door?" Hked Deputy Distrtct Alforney Vincent BugUosl. " "Yes." "Why did you knock on the wrong door?." "t didn't want to kill anybody," Mr1. She said ·Man50D took out a small "He' wu a man thal ~ 1(S.OOr1 ~~~~~·-·~~~~"~~~-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seal Beach Kuabiall replied with 1 &light laual>. She Mid tho thrte Ii t"-1 began hitdiliilitng 1!0011 tho P1ctnc Cout !l!pw.lf !>acl< to tbe' Spohn Raoch Ind oo tbe way Tufts dllpooed of tbe · J1U11 in • And pile .. tlle belcb. MrL l(aablan Slid U they Wilted for a ride the th1'0 of Ulem amoked some Wljuana cll~ttes. ft was tilt first time duri111 tho trlal when ·Mr1. Kasablan said she and' IOme of the mtmben ol tile fllnily hod amok- ed pot. Tben she admitted she had !Uen LSD mort thin llO times durinl the past four years , .. Publle Access "Do you know ~hat. LsD 11,.lJndl," ailed Bugll"1. "Yes, I do." t4"ffave you ever tMen ltf'' "Yes, I have~ approximatelf·SOJ~. and the • first tim• I took it w~ .m. 1965, ... abe &akl. 1 ~ Mrs. ~a~bian ~umflil • testtiiiony .'9<iay fshe idifed dflAI" after detail 'to her siory Ii the ~ ol the Wealthy grocer and his wife u the proi<CUtloll • at!emfKed IO Ntilillall ID (Soe TATE, Pip I>• ' .~ --... ,_ .. . Power Bloc Recall Asked . By R.UDI NIEDZIEI.'!KI OI tlll DlllJ Plltt tllfl Wielding a husky hatchet as 1 gavel, lhe chairman or a quickly organized recall committee Wednesday pledged lhe restoration of "good goyernment" to Seal Beach through the ouster ol three coun- cilmen. Sol Millstein, temporary leader of the mall group charged the new dty council power bloc ol Morton &um, Thomas Hog ant and, Conway F.uhnnan will bring the '"possibl° rejuven&lion of a spoils system." · Tht hatchet, h1 S4id was ••somewhat aprO!IO'" and inteilil"'"11Y inlCl'ibed with Mayor Baum'a name, misspelled to read "aBum." • Voting , the two others were responsible Monday for the firing ol ~lty Manager Lee Risner and City Attorney Jim €arnes. The vote was 3-2 with Councilmen Harold Holden and Lloyd R~ Gummere di.saen.t- !ng. Speaking to an audl'enct of 150 1eatPd 1n the McGaugh School auditorilJ!fl last night, Millstein charged that the new bloc is In office because of "large an~ goodly sums ol. monetary backing." He charged they would "pay o[f their political obllgaUons" to unnamed partits. Millstein also revealed names of 10 members of a recall steering committee to the crowd. They will provide teadership for the recall movement in its fonnative atqes, he said. "The phone hasn't stopped ringing in many of our homes," said Millst~n. "We in no way have any political asp1ra- tiorui. ,;We have no ax to grind ," he con- tinued, the rusty hatchet at his elbow. Presenl at the meeting was Mrs. Sherri Bawn, wife of the mayor. She was occuionally subjected to derisive com- ments from the audience. She sat composed as Mrs. Cissy Smith implied the Baurns were connected with Bill Robertson, oWner of the controversial Marina Palace dance hall and a former advocate or legal gambling In the city. The may<ir, meanwhile, has reaffirmed his atance on the firing ol the two city officials and said, "I would • do it again. I have no regrets about the act.ion . I only regret the turmoil and lbe bad publicily our city is receiving. People just want to make more of this than there really Is." -. His wile added that they have neither been asked for nor rrant.ed political favors to Robert.IOD. Ma:r~pes Fe~J.~~ '· -· . . • ri·' Beach Use Pinch By .JOHN1 VALTERZ,\ Of "" Dlll'I' ...... ltlff Pre511ure to compel U.S. Marines to open up nearly five miles ot Gamp Pel\dleton beach 1 for public• uw moVed on two top-level fronts today. ' -. . ln Washlnaton.. a Califorala con- -.,...,... appe~· dl~y' 'to tilt. _ ~part,pient of Def~ for , olllninl the. bu.ch and · 1t Camp Pe~tpn, .1taelll .; S~te p_,.u Ditector Willlarn Pe~n.Mntt aouglot """"IUoO ~ blib·r~DI· ~~~ ., uu..;;..·.11.i.1 ~ ~-~-F~· f.t..,_U')' tor a...ioluUon to lea»tenn ud. ~~-hul\IJI. ..... ;rJ!W'.ol tho vlqla ,--. ··rcrmo · ple:a: and is bel~w tOwUiq: bwff11 ~ would have to be gouged oot' for· public access . The Marine Corps has· balked on the Idea because, apok:esmen aay, the beach land ls valuable to them for lnllituJ traJ.nio& Vllile\JVetfi. State oUicials have said . that they wo<>ld· 'be• willing · to close ui.· .lieai:h CJa OCcasion ·if. it ii ·needed for ~ gurpoltS. . • ; • . ' ' .• · Neaoliatio111 for JliO C1mp 'Jo~ belch"'~· plw~~ ol • Pl1IM! --• ll. -a... ...!':.":llrjaC. .' : ,..,... . '!tio 'l'roetf.. beacl\ -~: ' l ' ha --:.......:.-: for ,..,.. wW..·t0.~i;'!'·-· Cr~ ' ;.,. • -;; ' • ' -Mill PILOT .; ... ..,.;,.. , ~NT 01' <CCINT•NTIDN: SOL ... ACH't-'THN DANl:I HALL, THE MARJNA PALACE ..i At about the same tlme iepub11Can \JOn~ssman Alonzo Bell of California Implored Secretarf of Delonoe Mellll4 · Lllrd to pre&s for the openlnc of 4~ mllM of Camp Pendleton Beach 'near San Onofre under • lon&·term leaae'. · · to bf-opene<i'io ·u;e ~. bdt ll!'llllfr' offtclals guardlog ·IM ~ ~ tbO'oPeftiiii i dolinllo ·rtfk Iii Mr. lti>ir. -; ·, l r , I ... ' ' Seat ~e(a.: Jili881e ' Mayor~s :Wife 'Denfus . . . . . . Ties Wit.h Dance Hall Pelitk:al ~ ·with the owner of the much publicized Marina Palace dance hall were denied today by · Mn. Morton Baum, wile of .tht .St.al Beach mayor who· is · currel'.IUY •embroiled in political controversy. Interviewed al, her borne. she denied that she and dance hall owner WilliaTn (8111) Robertson went to lhe State· At· torney General's office to , .eek ways in whiCh1to clrqnnvent~tl\I city chaljµ. "It had nothln1 to do "with that at all, abliOlujely oothin1.'' •he Slid, adding that !!he· r!uidO the trlp with tbe former Los Angelle police offiecr to seek a clarifica\ion on municipal employe salary matters. ' "My husband had askti;I the city at· torney for the altorney general's ruling on the matter and he never got it. That's why be .sent me 1here," 1he explained. : Mrs. Bauin laid her •car broke down, and Ro~: with whom &he hid' 1*n acquainted urlier, off.,.,. her Ille rldt. Robertloft, who bu betn•Ued to !<gal gambling lntettsts during the 5011 at the Airport Club, fices a hearing Aug. 10 on eight .charges ; that his operation o/. the ball violates tha Qty.charter. H~ copld lose' hi! buiiness • ncense Ji. ft we~ proveii that ·.perio(is :Older t.ban 20 y'ears · were allowed in 1the building, thal drunk~ tewd . am «lisori:fei'ly pertonS were not evicted and ·that obscene con- duct went unpunilhed by the manaae- ment. The hearing was to ·have been ·con- ducted by former City· Manager Lee rusfter, who was fired <from his positlo'n by Mayor Baum and Councilmen, Conway Fuhrman and Thomas Hoganl, durlng a "8rmy aeaslcin Monctay. it has been 1mpaec1 by spme SUI Beach !f'elklents ;tha Risner wa1 fired becauae he wu' a ut f.o conduct the hwinl· . "I The mayor, meanWhilt, ha~ pledged' lhlt 1!>e probe o! the dimce ball would continue wtth tempoi'ary ·city Mana1er (lol MUii, Pip I) ' ' . . I Students' Dream: Gf ·. i>iaiietariuln · r . • • . . Nixea .: h.y Bo~r.d · · ' . . . ' . ' .Like Hall~y· .. Comet, tht dream ol a planetarium for high ¢loo! ltuc;Jents ' . in H~ Beach h~ c\l'aPpe'ared '.""' perhapa to reappear again in the future. . ' The planetariurii project. · waa • aban- doned TuesC!a~ Dl&fit.· by trullteta: of' tbe HunUngtdn &ach · Uoibn' High ' SCfool Di~~ when· they .learned or l1le' failUre· to ·raise $250100Cl to bujld the planetarium. A planetarium. project commiUee recommended that trustees forget the. Jdea .until , economic cond[Uons impfove- in Hu·ntington ~aCh. . · · Peter . Horton, chairman of the com- mittee, .sa.ld .150 letters requ.E;sijng fin~· cial aid were sent to Individuals last May. one $200 ·donatloit Wils receive<f, four reections came back, and na· reply was received from the other ltS letters. District official! had hoped to bllild a planetarfum with a seating capicity or 60. It was to Aerve all high school and elementary scboOl! in the dilttict u weU as being ava11a61e to resident& of Lhe city. Thu! far, publicly announced facts in lhe boacb 1..,.. b1vo 1~d lb1t \h< .Marine O>rps will offer only' 1.5 'miles ol beatb fof le Ven: years. . I ! • ~ But Mott, who has been worklnl towp.rd the ~acb ~ 1as: • •urfiQ& park: !Ii year,. haa 1a1d . that web a l.hoi:t·tmn' alf~n~ • would not be lllilable for the slate, becluae of the hllh ·costs ror lmprovimonte -1nctuc11n1: a man-~1reef. . The Issue iJ now appartnUy in a state Of flul: wllh IODle reJl'.()rta aired this ' -· nltnt!Onlng that the' Marine Corps in llie Pentagon '11 · y1"lding · t~ public and White House pressure to 10- cede to the slate requests. The belch land In · questlOn Iles do~st f~ the ~dllOn nuclear COJP· Fluoride Foes ' . Run Into Snag On · W atet Fight Fluoride opponents · ln Huntington Beach and f'C*ntaln Valley have run into a time snag la ttieir effort to bring the issue to a vote by Nov. 3. The Citizens.Committee for. P.ure Water In Fountain Valley has . abandoned lta earlier prediction •of a Nov. 3 ri!:l'.erendum on water fluoridaUOn, an.ct decided to aim for a apedal election a .few months liter. · . · 50 'iletallid· -····' ~--''·' . ' 'ths • t'f"'Wt ~~ ,moa Iii work by • llllia' 1dcilnlJtfllori Uc! plaMets:,ere acTapped'.i.,,'. 1 i t" . . It. wa! tben that ~lions bopn !or the beach doir...,..., but ·1My - bOqt(l .cSown. ' ' . 'Orlt!ID•l 'esllmateo "'' tlio ,,;peiilh( '.~ the inltW 1.l<Dllles ol Ma,ch In ·a'"'""' Jtate by the start of thil'IUJDmll'.: t ·, But dtlays,1 'then the ·~ last ',Miy that the. terma of tbO '-we~ causing ptolW.em1, r meant· tblt the beach would remain doled. Chamber 'Plans . Special Program For Max Forney ~chamber.of cnmmerce.l.s.plannlnc special sendoff for Dr. Mu ·Forney. superlnt .. dent o! the Huntlnitoh Jluch lJoion High school Diatrlct, who ls rotJr.. Ing to ta~e up a. poaition In Guam. . .. Tllo . chamher has -dedicated' AUff. 11 as "Max Forney Day" and plans ·to honor · tho school chief at tbe hmcboon that d!lY in The Fiaberm,an Bataurant at Pacific Coaot Hlpw1y and Main Street. Dr. Forney, a chamber director, will be l<•Vinl-hi& school pool Aug. IO, and the chamber luncheon invltaUon wamt mysteriously~ Uiat "ipecial treatment" ha• been ur11111oif for 1>im at the noon celebration. . Cereal ·Stand~rds Looming Plana called for construtcton during the 1971·72 school year on a site next to Edison High School in 10Utheut Hun- tington Beach. School offlcl1l1 wanted f.o install ~ jection equlpmenl capable' of a star density' of 1,354 r;tar1. The equipment was designed to be lowered ,into the floor, converting the' Planetarium •to' 1eneral purpose use . , A newly formed anU·fiuoride group In Huntington Beach hopes to 1et 8,500 signaµires o'n a petJUon before Sept. 3, but admits the t.aak is formidable. "There Isn't enoogh time to get 1 petition and put the Issue: on the Nov. 3 ballot, but we are 1oing ·to · inllst that It be put to 1 vote," George Lin. degren, 'eader . of the ~oun~aln Vall.ey Dr.' Forney hu .!>Oen hl&h achoo( dl.rtrict su~tendent for ~ght yecs. He bas aocep~.a,past. u . an .utodlte professor o!·educati<xi.at the .Ullilrenlty of Guam. , , . Orufe Best in Nutrition May~ Be. Knocked Off Market WASHINGTON (AP)--In the midi! of a controveriy over lhe nutriUonal value or brtakfut cereals, the gover.,.. ment 11 movtna: ahead with 1 proposed regulation which would knock off the market the cereals a nutrition cruuder called the belt available. The. proposal, which has been under consideration by the Food and Drue Adminlstr1Uon for eight year1, would eet standards for the amount of nulrill!!nta p!rmlUed to be added to .everal foodl~ including brtakfut. cereals. The effect ol the propoMI would be to upgrade foor vitamins and minerals ln cereals which contain litUe now, whlle 1t lbe aame lime settin1 ma1:imum levtll well below the content or the eltr•· nutrltiou11 cereals the lndusLry Is 1.,.. troducing. Within a few days, the. FDA wlll pUblish In tlle Federal Rcgllller • finding by one of lls attorneys that the pru~sal 11 supportod by the evidence pr ... ntod . Tllla will d11r tbe woy !or Kilon by \ "' ' a hearing es:amlner. U lhe examiner approve, the propou.I, it could be on the, Fl/A COlllll1iulaner'1 desk for final action by fall, tllhouch oow1 appeil11 could delay bnplemerKallon by up to five yea.rs. (. The pl'OpOOI! -.Id r<Strict to niacin, thiamine, riboflavin and iron t h e elemenll which Could be added to cereals. Other suhltlncel, such u pro- tein and caldum, could DOt be added. NIJcin •"'* oll pe!llr1. A lhll\Dfne llloN&O en .....n In 1 poor 1ppeUte and beriberi. Ribollavln ii neceuary for healthy akin. Iron abortap can lead to iron deOcif:ncy anemi1 and a consllnt fdgu<d feeling. NutriUon crus1du Robert B. Ch01te, who ddcrlbed moct cerul1 11 "e1lor1's and little else'' at a recf:nt Sen1te tfur· lng, wu parUcular1y crlOcal of \he low pl'Qtein cot1ttnl of cereals. Atl Agriculture Deparlinent survey his conchtded that calcium and lron art tilt two laltrienU -oftao - rtCOOUnended amoonls in the dletJ of teen-aaen. The FDA propoa.al, aupported by the American DietetJc AasociaUon, would re. quire cereals to supply at least bot no mort than tJ¥: •following percentqu of adult1 dally .mlnlmwn requiremen\I: thiamine, ti (IOftelll to 21 perotnt: riboflavin, 2 _.t to 4 percent; nllcln. 5 perient to ' 10 percent and U... 5 - percent to 10 peccent. 1 ' By day' It would hav'e been a·clusrciom and bf nliht •open' for public groups. The pt1netariwn wu deligned by the· archltecll who p)anned tbeJiiill lcbool. Memben-·of lhe planetlrium com· mittee agreed to meet 11fin on Jan. 11,, lr71, to,reconaider th.e prQject. . . I I , • . : ' ' ' I ' Three Bands Perform I , ' I r l , At ·valley Rock, Fett? The food )ndu&!rl' ' arJIU<d Io r pa ndlolon t.!1liily oerea with 1 wider ranee of 'ritamlns. inliierals and proteins and at lev,11 between 25 and 100 permnt of lldult dally minimum requiremtOte., Tllrte bind& -.llh. 3!0 ')'OW1( mullclani It wu supported by the Americln fnnn th< Fountain V11loy Scl;IOi D1'trlct Medical AaoclaUon. • wUI perfp{m for tbe publh:,1t 7:!0 tonllht Choate, a ~or of last year's White In , I.he 'l)'mnnhlm of P'ountaln Valley Hou&e' Ooolertnct' -oo ·Nutrition· Ind HIQll Scho!>I. • ' Health. told~a\Orf U11s month he'rut, ! Tlle bf~ and ort~estra diembefi ,took only nine oo0il1 11 a~ l·r 111 a'~a_Ll! I Patt ,\hi• "111!nle\ ln,'th' distrltl' .1Um- morltor!Ou1,,11oot loillllnelllllO ,._1 t ,111'1: ·~, qt . llllJlc, . 'To 91 hl ' 4 o! the lldult requirements .c· at leaot )ltrfoimanc! •nde 'the avml!ler l\Ullc oae of Ille four -procram. • aroup, explained: , Williar:n . Campbell of ' llUOt Win-: denmeler Lane, temporary treasurer of ihe Huntlliaton ·Beach c 0 mm It.tie,' es\imated , ati atlend.ans:e ol 1boul 30: people' Monday hlg!lt Whep · an '••ti· Ouoridt Cominittee Wu formett . • • · "\ve erpeCt' to 1et ·the issue on tbe blllol In Huntington Beach," he 1dded. Bo\h com.ii\ltfees,,r.w oJt ol ®P.oi!Ua!I. to the JiOll'f o!1plocin1 nubrid9 ··bl. city waler !U~pli~ .• l'<Mln~in y~1<flioc!""~ the llrlll Olty in On111e Cjiu\ity to-airie to It .With 1 4-1 vote of tho dty "'°'1Aru on J1111e 2. HuoUngtoo Beach became the ioconol tlty in Oranae Cow!\Y to 1ilool ~ pollq of pliclng hubrld~ Ill the \rjtor,' sQj)pty when Jhe CC!!Jncll 11ve, una!llmout IP' provat JUlJ ,20. . . • · Nelther ~lty 1\1• yet p)lced J)~iJdi In' tbt1111ie,,,.but ·bQ.\li · "l'tPl'rPlrillr ~ ~" for. !\. , ·, ,. · ', . . . rewer 1 th al\ 10 ~e&ldin{s ; Mntd ,011 I~ FLUORIOE, ,l'l&O I)' . w-daer : · iiair .~ v.:ru ,;.~t 'bucil. goers. getUna 1 head at.art mi the weekend , 'Friday. T""'""°1tur,s. will be up .Into tbe lo•, lrllaad,. but only ..., 70 lllong the cout. INSmE TODAY . . >I, f [ •. llAh.Y "1-0T H ....... P .. el TATE ••• . I--.,.W the "l141>1oa lM>J. ly." Mn. lt>lablan ,...t• Into ,_e dei.tl ~ It-tfld -leo.tlll 1111 ~ home and puWJltl the wa!ltt !ft-the wuhnlom. slle and 111 • ..,. and two other members oI the "family• drOve td a beach on the Pacific Ocean and pt Cl\ll (l( the eor and went .. alklng. • •IQyrJie and I walked hand In hand on tlM belch and he said nice thlnp to me and made me forget everything and made JDe feel good,'' she said. · u1 tokl Charlie that I WIS pregnant." > Deput)' lllstrlct Al1clnley Vincent Bui· ti"" llll<ed her II she told MIMOD that ""' .... ...-by him. "No." she replied. The defenJe objec- ted and the judge instructed the jury to disregard that que!ti.on and answer. Mrs. Kasabian &aid as they were walk- ing a police squad car~pulled up and the officers asked them whit they were doing there. "Charlie lotd them we were uat going for a watt,'' she said. "He asked them II they dlitn 't remem- ber his name and they aa.id no. It was a very friendly conversation aod then they wmt away." Mn. Kasablan utd they returned lo the eor and jolD«I the other two, Clem Tulta and Suun AWllll, and drove alq • beech ftlld. She utd Mamon ulced her and SUAn Atltlns If they didn't ...... oome people In that area and they replied they did not "Wun"t there a man you knew around here,, wun't he a piggte" she quoted Mamon u ukinc. "Yet, he was a,n actor," &he Aid Ille repllid. I The Ju!!co c:aJlod 1 .....,, at that paint. ~-~ ... 111-ltatanent that ... tl1hipt·ol ~-1.alliaDca kl!llnp Maniiii~ iome ol his follower• to • beocll ·11P411ment with the tnlentloo of kJlJilll tta ~ .but 11111 Mn. KHa· biu ~t«r ~ 1111 the wrong cfoGr.. (~• I ll'allowiJc Mra. K1yMen'1 accuutiona aplmt MlnlCll1 Wadnnday In detailing the Lalllanca alaytnp the beorded Man- -ealJed -to her In the court-roam ")'ou'n! lying." FroM P .. e 1 FLUORIDE .•. for a publte bearing on the fluoride 1-In F«lnlain Valley, w1111e aboc1t fO ~ on both sides ol the taue, •-the Hllllllnl\Cll1 l!each pub11e --· . . Antl-lluorlde -111 boll> cttlel"plm to ..wt topther to bait wbll 11111 term the ''htahly orgaqlzed movemmt to throw th.I& t.blog ~ UL" "We mow fl will fib ·-And be hml wort." Campbell Aki. .. But ... .,. prepared to do ti.'' U.....,. 11ya the i...e Is not the Pl'OI or cons ol Oucride, "We're not qualtfled lo lall: obout that and neither are the dll!laUsts," tlut rather a matt.er o1 "~the ~ rilbl of freedom of c:holee to the j>eople." Foontaln Valley anti-Ouoride ,.sldenta are meetm; at 1:30 ·tonight in the <om· mumty center to dlsc:uu procedure for the petition drive. Huntinalon Bead> . anti-fluoride com- mitlee memben Will meet Fr1day In a prlvlll< bome to dl""3S their pro- eedurel. Beach Toupee Busines~ Up? 'Ibo gag going oroomd Huntington Beach City Hall tbla mornlag WU that curly-l>alttd Roy How, the city's pun:hu- lnl qenl, Is c:oosldtrtni n>Utng • bloek onkr f .. toupees. City Admlntstrator Doyle MWer caused many dty employes ·to take another look 1t themselves by donning a wig Tue9d1y and drawing admiring glances from aeaetarles. "There certainly ls the 1teed for a block purthase," How said blandly. "I'm uktq deportment head& for quotaUon1 oo. the numbers and sizes." DAILY PILOT ORAljG!. CO.UT f'Utlll~HINC COMf'AM'f RoNtt N. w,," PrnldMI olld f'uO!illlfl' Jeclt fl:, Cwrl•v V1ce '"'91lfflt otnd 11-fr'.tAI M-otr Tftamt1 Kiovil E•ilOr lhoMai A. Myrp),ino M-.elno Eo""' Ale" Dir ki" W•t 0.1,... eouri1y U llo• . .Alltart W. &11,, ~-C.11E•ll0r' H•ll ... • lw:" Office 17171i laoc.h lft0l1v1 r4 li(l1pin1 ~ddro111 P.O. I•• 7tO, !26'1 . °"'9r Offk• ~~mF-fA-. c.M ,...., -'#Of ..., '"-' ............. I lfll Weir 11..., toll~ ---~ -....,,. El <..in.a.I UPI T"-'""' ~con~my .. Rosy . . . • In.Nixon Spee h?. Prstdent"Nlxon n ... -lrom the Western White HOUJt In sa\i Clemeate to Loa Angeles Wedneoday nll!)it 1o:..i thO ic.ni lot a televiied press conference be will make at I o'clock toalght. Whit! House aourcea said he hu spent the last three day1 taking the pul!e of the AIMrtcan economy and Is expected to pn>nOUDCe tt ba!O and hearty this evelllng. The President selected the early even- ing hour so the western United States could view the conference durilg prime television t i m e. Most conferences are scheduled for eastern viewers. Forecasts far an upsurge In the ecooomy and new hope for negoUationa to cool tensions in the middle ea.st have given the President some good news to convey to the American public. It apparenlly encomaged him to take the uousual step of holding his second news conference in 10 days. He will meet with newsmen in a ballroom of the Century Plaza Hotel, where he spent WeU.esday night. ursed Coogre" to Jiold the line on federal j spending. ; • · Nbcon JCheduled"' ~ aeries of · meetings today ln the pen.00.U. sU!te he Is OC· c:upytng with Dr: Henry A. KJD!nger. his chief foreign affairs advtser1 H. R. Haldemaa,'bia chief of staff, and Patrick Buchanan, aoe ol his speech writers, Sbor1ly ~ coming to Loa Angeles Nixon completed three days ol· seWons with GeorJlt J>. Schull>, his lop !Rldpl manager, and other White House eco10m.ic experts, to have an overall took at the economy and prepare the broad ouUlnes of the 1m budget he wlll tend to Congress next Jariuary. Sllultz told newsmen Wednesday the economy now was poised for an upward surge and the thrust or admlnlstraUon pollcles would be aimed at controlling with expansion so as to prevent u inflaUonary surge. The President was said to be somewhat encouraged by acceptance of his MJcldle East peace plan by Jordan and the United Arab Republic and beld out bope the Israelis also would accept it. ,. FARM WORKERS' CHAVEZ (LEFT), GROWERS' GIUMARRA SR. APPLAUD CONTRA~T White-haired Citric 11 Auxiliary Bishop Joseph F. Donnelly of U.S. Bishops CommittM on Dispute It will be ·his first nationally televised news conference outside Washington and his 11th since taking office. But only 10 days ago he held a 3G- minute wide-ranging meeting w I t h reporters in ~ oval oflke of the White HOlllt during which he spote with guard- ed optlmlsm about , the economy and * * * President Signs DC Crime Bill, • Pact · Ends Grape Strike • ........ Pqel B!U~ ... Raps l)emocrats SAN CLEMENTE (AP) -President Nixon signed into law Wednesday a bill which alloWs police to enter into bomel uninnounced Ind allows pretrial jailing of certain defendant!. But he ~ the Democrat controlled Coogress of inaction on bis anticrime legislation. DELANO (UPI) -The;wanll ocrawled 1n dust on a truck ~ outside Cesar Qiavez' union hall told ihe slory: "We won !" Inside the hall Cllavez and his staunchest opponent! signed a historic contract Wednesday ending the bitter atrtte and ·nationwide boycott against the growers of most of California's table grapes. Three hundred farm workers cheered as ~vez rtaf!iQned his fallh in nmr v!oleni monq. They abotited even louder .. 21 Delano .... growen" jotted their names on union contract.,,. 11We are happy, perhaps overjOJed, that peace has cmne to this . valley,11 utd' John· Oimnarra Jr., ol Ghnnam Vlneyanls, • • bltl-llme --• of . Chavez' union. He called the contracts a mutual victory beginning a "new era" in wbl.ch growers and the union would work together for a beite!' market price for their producls. Qiavez aakl the boycott would continue against the mnaintng non-union growers, wl>o produce 25 }ierc<nt ol the state's crop. Calttomla .,.,.. llO per-of the nation's tabte grapes. George Sadoian, one of the Fresno .... -who bu not signed, utd the boycott and market p.......,.. will l'Obobly force the boldouls to accept contract! too. "I tl>lnk we'ro all gotni to have to loin. the boat In ordei' to market oor " Sadolan llld. 1"UFWOC bas ~1:' ctialnsmo hl their camp." Delan~ Vw~y~d Workers I ' t Hurt ·In Costa Mesa Crash ... A ml aedan crammed with ~ grape pickers celebrating the end cf their strike roared off the Newport Freeway into Costa Mesa today and SIIWhed a row of stopped cars. SU persons were sent to three different hospitals in the 12:28 1.m. multk:ar crash at Newport Boulevard and Bristol Street. Traffic was tied up, for more . than one hour as police cleared away tbe· tangled wreckage ol the five vdllcles involved and reconstructed · what hap- pened. . Modesto G. Escalera, 28, a vineyard worker, was arrested by Officer Dick DeFrancisco and ·booked on suspicion of felony dnmi 'driving. Police said Escalera, who gave his home address as Las Cruces, N. M., was slightly injured but refused treat· ment when taken to Costa Mesa itemorlal Hospital. Two of his passengers were taken to the same hospital and then transferred to Orange Comrty Medical Center, where they were in serious omditioo. today wWi bead injuries. They were Identified u Mn. Margarita Rodrigues, 38, of Delano, and Monico D. Escalera, 21 1 of Coachella. , Jose L. Souzameda, whose age wasn t f.Stablished, w ... taken to Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital. where It w a• determined he was simply drunk and not Injured. Joggers Invited To Run in Beach Joggers, here's your chance to match steps with the best of them. Hunlingfm> Boach Is sponsoring a long· d~tance .run along the sand• Saturday morning. 'Ille distance derby will feaU... a tD- mlle open handicap run with awards for the first five handicap winners and the first five .fastest time runners. The run wiU start from the munJcipal pier at 8:30 a.m. At 9:30 a.m. there will be a three-mile run for youngsters.· in grades 9 through 12 with awlrds for winners of the first five places. Al 10:30 youngsters In grades seve.n and eight, and six and under, art achtduled for a one-a.nd-a·!'ia1f mile event qaln with a"a.rds for the flrst five flntal>m. n>e runs have betn arranged by the city's Parks.and RecreaUon Department. Gary Davis, a park1 depanme.nt of· fldal, Ii.kl that registration for the 10- mlls run ii fl. 1be llborltt d!Jtancei C()St 50 cents. ReglstratJon for the runs will boat 8 Lm. Wider the pier. Mrs. Terry K. Jon.es1 22, of 1"5 E. Bay St., Costa Mesa, waa taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital for treatment of head injuries and 11.sted in good ~ dition .there today. Her husband, Douglas S. Jones, 23, was treated and released. Traffic invesUgaton said Escalera's 1954 Studebaker -which had M license plates -was southbound on Newport Boulevard when it sailed into the usually· crowded inleraection. The driver told PatrobUln DeFranclsco he was unfamiliar with the area and didn't ,.. the. red l\gbl until it was too ·late. Investigators said the Escalera auto apparently glanced off one drive~ by Jlev. Jeanne Smith, 48, of 180 W. Wilson Sl, Costa Mesa, who is minister of the Manooophy Church. Continuing oo, it struck the Jones vehlcle, Injuring both occupants, then hit a fourth vehicle driven by Marla L. Fay, 26, of 18'7 E. 21st St., Costa Mesa. The fifth car involved was driven by Gory L. Sutton, 29, of SUnland. Y oweU Clwsen Golden West Associ.ate Dean Don A. Yowell, 42, of Buena Park, wiU join the staff of Golden West College Aug. s, as the first usociate dean of the evening college. Formerly director of the evening division and summer session at Compton College, Yowell said he came to the Huntington Beach campus because of itS "opportunity for innovation.'' His chief duties will deal with cur· riclllum developmen~ working under llr. Loren A. Moll, evening college dean. He ls parllculerly Interested in iner<aslng the number of evening extension courses. 11we want to take lbe college to \he community.'' be said. "For example, if we were to have an upholstery class, what better place would there be to hold it than Jn an upholstery &hop?" m also hopes to make use of Golden west1c newly acquirtd college on wheels, a l()..f()Ot trailer, lo bold classes at dlf. ferent loclUons. A iraduate of Ccmpton C<lllege, Yowell eanled h1s bachelor's and master'• degr.,. from Cal State Loq Beach. He tau,ghl law en!orctment partUme at Rio Hondo Collefe for four year•, and at Compton Jillllor. Ccllqe was coord.ln1tor ot the law enfo~m~nt pro- il'•m In addlUM to his other duu ... •1 ".,. .. " It wu the nationwide b\JYCQll -and Dennis c-!emardle as hearing olflctr. it. effect on the bl1 ltO=Y chains Mn. Baum Bild she and Robertaon -which broogbl Olives ·the Victory • went to'oOe ~· Ally. Gen. Robert he couldn't win by strikes. . , H. O'QrWp Jong before there wu any The boycott, launched two, years ago talk ibOili'e beartn,. . after three years of strikel lild brought ' "I nl!nr heord about It before" my only limited succeas, pul.j>lc~ outal4e · buabuid. wu pr...ented with the notice stores in Ne\f York-, SlllltU(".Bdft.Orl of ~~hearing," sa.ld ~-Baum. • and other citltl. Many ~ n.tUed .s~ added that she Was· un&Jr4fe of to buy grapes and several cba,lDI took. any a:uspect.activity at the Marina Palace them off \heir abelves. 1 -" and ~tat ilhe knew Robertaon because The boycott alao eoliated ·u.. ~ be "w>i very Interested In youth." of nationllly known polltlC.al figur•, In-"In all .rny dealings with him, we eluding ·New York Mayor Jolla V. hive never dioculled Jlolitlcs and city Undsay, the late Sen. Rober\ F. Ken--· tbougtl," she Jald. nedy, and unsuccessful Democratic She Sf.id she believed Risner received pru!dmUal eandldate, Hubert H. Hump. such strong support from city employes Irey becauae be has been -· to them, c,;,,.... denoonced the tac11s ~ l!Jegal especi~ ,li>' Jllllllni ~ wpekl pc•· and ineffective. tion after one year of employment. Bui federal laws prohibiting secondary "I think he's been great lo them. boycotts dJd not apply to agriculture U he were my empjqyer, I'd 1Uci with and the boycott'• effectiveness became him througf\ thick al>d thin." 8pparent last !utnmer when the pro-Mayor Baum, meanwhile, called a ducers fUed a f75 million antitrust suit meeting with tbe citY's department heads against Chavez and the union. to explain his action. The pressure of. the boycott finally "l told them no purge was implied broke grower resistance this spring. The and that all the fiery words had no first agreements were signed in Southern bearing on the bisic job to keep the C&Ufomia, where grapes ripen first. By city moving," he said. midsummer, about 35 percent of the · "The lnlerim city manager has my state's grapes were under union contract. vote of confldence. '111ere were many The signing of the Delano group pushed city employes who signed a petition the figure to 75 percent. in support of rusner, but I assured Olavez promised that when the last them they should have no fear of non-union grower signs, ''We will tum reprisals," Baum said. our boycott machinery around and make "I have no intent to carry out any grapes really sweet again." purges or anything of that nature." Talking to newsmen as he affiJ:ed his signature to ihe controversial Distr!ct of Columbia Crime Control BUI, Nu:· on observed it was the fl rs t ad· ministration measure in the crime field to reach bis desk. , Tbe bill, aimed at lowering the crbne rate in the nation 's capital but hailed by the administration as a model for the states, was proposed more. ~ a year ago along with 12 other anticrime pnll>Oa&ls. "It ii time for the Congress to have better than a 1-for-13 batting average," he declared. I , ·Nixon con~ed ~at the ~greSllonal record on crime biUs represents its "poorest batting average" in any field. "This is an area thit Js not partisan,'' he said. "It ,is o~ where the prob~~ is national, where people of both partiq want aclion. I hope that this is only the beginnlng ... The President described the new Washington crime Jaw as "an un-- precedented measure, a very strong one'~ dealing with what he tenned "an un- precedented problem." When he took office, he said, the capital "was fast becoming t h e crime capital of the world," Ni.loo. described the new law as pro-' vidlng "the tools absolutely essential for us to stop the rise of crime in Washington and to reverse the trend." ' SOFA BED~ H.J • GAR~Efrf URNf]U RE,,,.~·~ •w PROFESSIONAL ..._ Moo. n.n. & Fri. lffo. COSTA MESA, CALIF. INTERIOR DESIGNERS _,..... 646·0275 ' I . " \ I I I ) I vc - I !J bill told •h• at t n Mar hlPI bea1 did of u St Mu "I ·51: A H " () An state r:: t.eres 1.tate· Re: tOok ol U trial 1tter veali1 lgttl Evan Pal by Iii the I Irv int of COi Pal of a · Comr eich1 earlil Th< torne vtsite IZ ti '""' perlit inter' ners ; Pal 1'thor public ol th that I ment Th• sd var pointf si der1 to be the S\ BoU coont: Comp super with lrVint 119,lf 116,1~ But he do praJSf of th• In full mend1 Pah for th boatln cloae ( -WAS of 1 value ment I reguJ11 m1rke: ell led Tht conald~ Admln' ~1ta pennlt lncludl The to upg In cm at the t Will b nutrlUc troducl With! In the one of 1 Ls aup,: This ~ • . - Ne rt Beaelt Today~a, Ft.al : . ·~·-- . . .._ . • VOL 63, NO. 181, 5 SECTIONS, 62 PAGES ORANGE' COUNTY, CAUF,ORNIA THURSDAY, JU~ Y 30, '1970 '.TEN CENTS . . ' Linda: 'Char lie ·Said Slit His Throat'; LOS ANGELES CUP!) -Linda Kasa- blan.testilied tocf.a.Y that Charles Manson told her to slit the throat of a man she knew a few hours after the slaying at the horn!.of 1roctr Len!>. LaBianca. The stak's key witne~ said she and Manson .and Jwo other mei:nbers of the hippie cult di:ove along the Pacific Ocean beaCh and Manson asked her if she dkl not know a man who lived ln one of the apartments. She replied that she did and said ManSon told her: "I want'you to kill hlm." .. She aa.id MAnson took out a small Appraiser Backs Trade Of Bay Land By TOM BARLEY Of fllt ClfllW' l"w.t Slaff An appraiser who was hired by the state of C8.lifornia to evaluate the pro- p08ed Upper Bay land swap today de- fended the trade as being in the best in- terest of Orange County and al.so in the 1.tatewlde public interest, Real estate broker Hardy E. Pahner took the witness box in the l91h day of the Or8Jlge County Superior Court trial to confirm that his conclusions after nearly 500 hours of active in- vetlig1Uon into the land trade broadly •rretd with those of appraiser Bernard Evans. Pahner testified that he was engaged by the Mate in January lflM to examine the prOp(,aed exchange <:i 450 acra ol. Irvine Company uplands for 157 acre1 of county-owned tidelands. Pahner said his findl'rlgs became part o( a report !Ubmitted to lhe st.ate Lands Commission at public hearings into the dchange and were compared with an tlrlier report prepared by Evans. The veteran appraiser told Deputy At- torney General Jay Shavelson that he v.isited the Upper ·Bay area at least 12 times during his research of the suggested land swap,-inspected all pro- perties involved in the •exchange and interviewed many county officials, plan- ners and area homeowners. Pahner testified that he made a "thorough research" into the status of public tidelands which are_ at the heart ot the current di te and indicated that he endorsed p ns for the develop- ment of the water rontage. The trade. he 'd, was or definite sdvantage to ge County. And he pointed out that m financial con- siderations alone Orange County stood to be nea rly $5 million better off if the swap went through. Both Pahner and Evans valued the county land transferred to the Irvin e Company by the county board of supervisors at Sll .453,500. He disagreed with Evans on the valuation of the lrVlne Company -Evana set it .as Sl9, •• ooo and Pahner pegged It at $11,428,000. But Pahner lestified that Evans, whom he described as "an appraiser's ap- praiser," made a competent assessment of the land exchange and that he was in full agreement with most of his recom- mendations. Pahner defended Irvine Comp8Tly plans for the creation of parks and expanded boating faci lities and confirmed under cloat questioning that all .he had seen (See UPPER BAY, Pa1e I) PoCk•t knife and J>Ul It In her bands. "I said Charlie,, I'm not you, J ·can't , kill anyone!" 1 The, small blonde said Manaon itnor-1 her prot~st and went on talking., . , . "He told me as 5POf1 aa you SH the man slit his throat," Mrs. Kasabiah said. She said Man.son also instructed 'elem ' Tufts, who al.so was in the car, to shoot the man "but not to do anything if something went wrong." "Who was this man,1 Linda," asked the prosecution . "He was a man that Sandy (Sandra . Good) ,fftd I met lll'le 'dl:Y W:-od'I we: were bltcbmkin&. We ""!Dt 'to hia apart~ ment-and hid aomethtaa to eat and toMr Ibo-. and I made love with hln." . ~'Did 1he tell you what his occupation w11?" '"(es, he said be wu~an, actor," said Mn: Kasablan. " . She said ,Ma11100. drove elf and she en,.r<d the aportmOiit buildlng. She said while Miss Atkins and Tufts hid arotind a corner she intenUcmally knocktd on the wrOng door. When a aiab answered. she said "Oht A 'Face in tlfe SJI••. A paper. naP,kin tind,er' tbe ~unglasses .makes ~e .. O'r~~ge poast, 1un· a little more tolerable qnd leti'you snooze while.tanninf!'Who knows?. lt mayl even ~help prevent wrinkl,es arqund the eyes. It. may also ~ult in some strange. aunt.a.a ,Patterns. The face ... belonp to Mrs. Alan Eillninster of Glendale. Seal Beach Group V 0ws Recall of 'Power Bloc' By RUDI NIEDZIEL'iKI Of flM o.!IY Pfftt llltf Wielding' a hualcy hatchet 11 a 1avel, the chairman of a qukkly organized recall committee Wednelday pled11ed the restoration ol. "good government" to Seal Beach through the ouster of three coun- cilmen. Sol Millstein, temporary leader of Ute recall group chaiged the new city council pcwer bloc of Morton B1um, Thomas Hogard and Conway Fuhrman will bring the "possible rejuvenation of a spoils system.·· The hatchet. he sald 1was "aomewhat apropos" llld intentionally inscribed with Mayor Baum'• name1 Jrilsspelled to read ''a.Bum." VoU.ng as a bloc, Mayor Baum and the two others were respoosible Mond~y for the firing of Qify· Man11er Lee Risner 'and' ,Qity ,AttOm(y Jiin, Carne•. The vote wu J..2 with·Cmme_iknen Harold Holden and Lloyd R. Gwll!ilere dlasent- lng. Spe'ak.ing to an audience of 150 seated in the McGaugh School auditorium last (See RECALL, Pa1e Ii Cereal Standards Looming Best in Nutrition May Be Knocked Off Market . -WASHrNGTON (AP) -In the midst of a controversy over the nutritional value of breakfast cereals, the covem· ment ls moving ahead wtth a proposed · -regulation which would knock off the market the cereals a nutriUon crusader c1lled the be.st available. The proposal, which has been under conaideralion by the Food and Drug Administration for eicht years, would Mt standards for the amount of nutrients permltted to be added tO sever.al foods~ including breakfast cereala. The effect of the proposal would be to upgrade four vitamins aod minerals In cereals which contain little now, whHe at the same time setting maximum Jevela well below the content of the extra- nutrlUous cereals the industry 11 in- troducing. Within a tew days, the FDA wUI publish In lbe Federal Regiater a finding by one of Its attorneys that the pro~l 11 supported by the evidence pretenttd. Thi! will clear tile way !or acUon by ' a hearing ezamlner. U the. examiner approves the propoul, it could be on the FDA commissioner'• desk for final acUon by (all, although court appeala could delay implementation by up to five years. The proposal would restrict to niacin, thiamine, riboOAvin and iron th e elements which could be ¥ded to cerelis. Other 1ubatance1, auCh as pr~ lein and calcium, could not be added. Nlactn w~ off PeJagra. ,\ thiamine shortage cap result In a poor appetite and beriberi. Riboflavin ii neceuary for healthy akln 1 Iron shortage <:an lead to Iron deficiency anemia and 1 coDJtant fall1111ed feeling. NutriUoti cruuder Robert B. Choate, who described most cereala as 11c:alories and llttle else" at a recent Senate bear- ing , WIS particularly critical of the low protein content of cereals. An Agriculture Department survey has concluded that C•lclum and lron are the two nutrienu lllOll o«u below I ! recommended amounts in the diets of teen-agers. The FDA proposal , aupported by the American Dietetic Association, would re.- quire cereal! to Supply at least but no more than the following ptrcenLa1u of adult daily minimum requirements : thiamine, 10 ~cent to 21 perUnt: riboflavin, 2 percent" to 4 percent; nl~. 5 percent to 10 percent. and iron i percent tll 10 perc~t. The-•f<fOd • 11111u.otrf, argued r o r permiuion to (ortlfy certtJs with I wider rana:e of vitamins, minerat.·and protelni and at level! between 25 and 100 percent of adult dally minimum: riqu!rem"9ts .. It w111 supported by 'tbe American MedJcal Al!!Odltion. • Choate, a director cl llit Ytar'o White Hooae Conference on NultWon 111(1 Health, tolcf. senators this tfti11btb: be nnb only nine cereals 11 nut r Ii.to na 11 t merltor.lous. Molt contained IOO· percent or lhe, lduJ~ ~ vi at leUI Mi vi lhl lour ·- Excuse me wroni door" and the trio left the bullclln&. Sbe wu abown a pbotorr1ph of a 1nUI ud lhe aakl that WIS the cme oho had -pftViousiy.-She said she did not know his name thJl he was air "Iaraell. type -a fofti,ner." "When YIJU knocked oo the door did you know it w1a .the Wrong door?" uted" Deputy · Diltrict Attorney Vincent Bugllosi. "Yea." "Why did you Jcnoclt on the wrong door?." ''I didn't wl.nt to kill anybody," Mrs. Kuablan repliod with 1 llipt l•"lh- She llld the three ~ them be&an hltcbhiklna: along the Pacific Coaat Hlpw1y back· to the Spahn RAnch and on the way Tufil dis!)OOed cl the 11111 in. 1.a40d pHe on the beach . Mrs. Kasablan sakl as they waited for a ride the three of them smoked aome marijuana clcarettes. It WIS the lint Ume during the trial when Mrs. Kasablan said she and 900le cl the membera of tbe 'family had amok~ ed pot. Then · !!he admitted she had taken LSD more than 50 times during tbe put four years. "Do. you ~ -LID ... J..IDia:• ask~d BuaUosl. "Ye!, I dO." -' "Have. you ever taken it!" "Yes, t '~ave; apprG:Jlmil8ly 60 ~tbnu, and Ille finl' tiJilo i .too1r:· ~ ..u· In in.cc. .. _.._ 'd ' _.. aon:.W . , •. . · '~n Mn.' 11y..i.i.r rellllliod' her ~Umon1Hoda1 she N<led ~tall ·after detail to her ~\ory cl the. ~lnp ol tite wealth)'' ll:OCtr ini.I IUa wife al the J!l'OS<l'utton •ttempted P> 'tllftlilh" an ' (lloe TATE; l'll< I) Be 'ach Use Pushe.d: . ' .. Pendleto_n Fac~ng Top-level Action By JORN 'V Ai.TERZA 0t•Dt1tr~ltttf Pressure to compel U.S. Marinea to open up 'nearly five miles ol Camp Pendleton beach . for public u11e moved oft· two top.leV'el fronts tOday.' In Waahlngt.Oz:i, 1 California con.. greS1J1tan appealed jlirectlf to the lleparUiieot o1· Deleme for ·opening the beach and at C1~p Pendleton itself Slate P~rks Director William Penn Mott aqught coqperation from . high-ranking Mari"'s. . :M<itt.wu medinl'tllroqh thlJ ~ with. c:Ommandei-a at Cl.1111> ~. to .M'Y'.for -:.=.to -...-_. ........., 1~-.;~ Id ~al !hi vlfp -""" ~t .._.the ~ til1!4 mptlbllc.,; ' Co~m1n Alonao Bell ol Callforola Implored Secret~ 11 oer-.Mat~ Laird to press for !he _opeotpi of li miles ol Camp l'encltetoii Blach -near SAii ~e under a-lonj-larm 'lea... · n.us far, publicly announced facts in the beach issue have u.ld that the Marine cOrpa will offer 1oilly 1.s 'mlles' of b~lch for llVen years. .But Mott, who has been working tqward the beach opening as a aurfing park all year, bu aaid 'that auch a s~rt·term agreernent would not' be lllit1ble for the 1llte, because. oC the hiflh cosil for impn>vtmecil -includln& a,maft.made retf. .The issue ls now' apparent1y . in a stale o! flux with aor11e re·parta aired this week mentioning that the Marine corps in · the' Pentaton-Is · yielding to J*bllc and White .Houae prelaure to 1c- cede to the state. requests~ The beach land in ·question liu downcoast from the Edison nuclear com-' plex and ia below towering bluffa, which would have to be gouged .out for public access. The Marine Corps ba1 balked on the ldea because, spokesmen say, the beach Land b valuable to them for military train1n1 maneuvers. State officials have said that they woold be willlnr to close the beach on occasion if i t is ~eded for mllltary purposes. Nea:ottaUona for the .Camp Pendleton beach ~ after pl•ll! for opening or a prime 1urfiitg beach near the Weatern White House were thwarted. The Trestles beach', which (or yea.ts has been a sou1ht.alter 1pot. by 1urferi willing to sneak In, had 'betn 1eheduled to be opened . to the public, but oecurlty olflclala 1Uardin1 the Pre1ldent declared tbe openin( 1 clellni,. rilk td Mr. Nixon. Pool Swirnathon Still Swimming; Money Flqws In The 1Wimathon otllI lw Its bead abcive water at the Newport Beach Swim Club, and the money keeps crawling into the till. I The 24-hour-a-<lay event is btlng held lo raise S87,500, one fourth of ' the cost or an Olymp)c-1ize J>001 . at Newport Harbor High School. 'l'be Newport.Mm ~opl .DJ1tr!Ct and the City, ol·Newpo~ · Beach are· funding · the reqialnlnJ «>1t o~'the t3$0,000 prqj~ , ' , Sd f1r,1ht volunteers trom Coilta Meaa and Newpl!rt Be.ct\ have otrokod ~ 131 miles, Qd earned IS,llO for'-the pool fUnd. Tll<y have been awjmmlng since noon Saturday and have averipd about two mllea and llCil>tl' 1-. II they keep up the poce. •they w!U hf•• tll!ir If! ,IOO by OcL 5, after "'im- !')lnJ !,211 mJtei --abnoll the dlotan<e !tom llol1oluhi to Tvkyo. , Tox-deduc;Uble .,.;1Uona can be ,.,,1 fO the Olympic Pool FOWld11lon, P.O. • lor·lllO, Coota Mua. So detailed piano reflecUnt months ol wort by state adminiJtraton an4 pl.inners were acrappe(I. ' lt WIS then that neeoUations began for the beach downcoaat, but they 100n bogged down. Orleinal e.Umatea. set the opening of the ln.itial 1.5 miles of beach ln a rouah 1blte by the .tart of lh1a summer. But delays, then the announcement lot May that the terms of the· leue were causing problema, meant that the beach would' remain clo~. ·Some sta,te ._ parp olficlals even )rumbled that It toOlt two JllOlllha just for them to gain perml8'ldn to Id loot on the site in question. In the meanUme,. public pce911ure bu mounted, accompanied by pledgea from White House aides that President Nixon wanta tpe c!Oled areaa open to the pubuc. · · Loi Angeles County supervisors even • joined ~ campaign earlier thi!I summer by unanirilously adoptfna, a , resolution callin& for the opening of the beach. • ~~t-t!• ·011.i~ie11 . . · S~tiate. SWdie~·-~f '.'P$4 :.· ': . ~ . . ,.. . ' , C~ate Feat, Sf\y E~~iits WASHINGTON CAP) -Three C:.IUot- nia researchers said Thuraday· that· fear of birth control pills e111endered Senate hffringa whld! might pre~ent scientist.a from pinning down a:mclus~vely whether the pills ~ ~use cancer. Researcher Elizabeth Stern and two Lo& Angeles coUeaguea , said the, deci&. ion,m1ting proceu among those women elect.Ing to use some torm of birth ·coo- trol "has recently been profoundly affec- ted by the -Sena,. he,arinp on th• 111ecoc1 hitnnf\tl ~utncea ol the~ pill... in- cluding , in, illesed rbk of cancer. Kidnap Suspects NQw Oaim to Be Debt Collectors A trio of su11pected kidnapers who allegedly demanded $1,500 for the release . of a )<!'J~ couple, only to be captured by Costi Mesa police througtl a ruse, now aay they were just trying to collect I debt. , 1be trio of CoMecticut men were taken to ·Harbor Judlcial District Court Wedneaday , but their joint arraignme!'t procetldlngs· were continued unUJ next Wednesday. aJmes M. McShane ,23,. and Donal~ E. Von Re.moortera, 23, both of Stratford, aod Frank W. Paocin, of Bridgeport, are held without bail.· They were captured Monday night nutaide the.apartment o! .Mark and Stacy Peyton, of 2020 WaUace Ave., after Mrs. Peyton's. mother made f In a 1 ar- rangemepts for them to get 'Ult money. Mrs. Yvonne P1rker, 40, of Phoenix, d(ove over with fl,500 in the trunk of her car to secure the releaie' oL het daughter and aon-in·law, but ' went · fli1t to police. • · She then tntered the home wearing · a microphone hidden In her clothing, thus allowing detec1'vea to lia:ten in a!'<f set up-the efficient capture, which came olf without Incident.- Police say .they cannot reVeal .the nature ol .the alleged transaction which brought the COnnecllcut ·trlo k> the1 :wfllt .. Coast in the J?l.•l t~o . w~ks .bun~g peyton· arid lils wife .· · • ' . : Peyton1 ai P;boenix coUe1e iltuetent, •WU 1 also arrested to climax the, ,MOnd1y ~ nlpt lnc:ldent when POllce fourid a am>Il - quanll(y of wbot t!>eY belle~ to • ,be. m1Hjuana In the 1)>111ment. No matter w}\ether an actual · debt· Was involved, lnveatl&Aton aaid, 'the Peyt.ons were allegedly held 111IMt their - wUI ln demand for $l1500, •which con- Jtltutes 'r1M01l'f unCJer the Jaw. I 1'1'1ey said they were 1bducltd from a' p.rty in Llsun• Beach l11t weekend. and &iven 48 Murs -unUI I p.m. Monday -to raise tilt mooiy. ' -. 1'Women .who would hav,e choien 11\e pill are now opUna far the JUD or dia- phragm," they Ald. Tbey 1dded this might prevent acier:IUats from 1ettin& a dellnite assessoient of 11rhelher the pUl can cause malignancy, · IUD I! the scientific name for "intra· uteripe device," ·a mechanical contra- cepUve. ·They rpeci!ically mentioned cancer ol. the c~ -the lip of. the womb. But they Implied aclentiits might alio be im· ~ed In assessing whether the pJU might ~ linked with certain other cancet1. Reeearcbera Stem and V,irginia A. Clark, bolh of UCLA's school ol public health; aod Corl F. Coffelt ol the Lo.! Angeles County Health Department maife the ataterrients in the technical journal "Science." . T~ey did so Jn reporting on the contra· ceptivea -choices among nearly 2,500 women -and the eztent to which prefer· ence for a particular contraceptive 'WU related to the pre-exl.rtence in some of tbe women, of ,an abnoirrial condition caUed "dyaplatla." The condition la Ire. quenUy a .pre-cunor of cervical caner. The atudy showed, the reearcbert said, that more women chose the: pill Jn preference to other contraceptives. and. that among the former there was a hJghe.r rate of the cancer precunor-but th1t ob. vk>usly, the biaber rate existed before any possible effect cl the pill Itself. One of the rules of the lltudy was that non~ of the women participaUng ta the prOJect had previously used the pill. The scientJata made clear their own study had no~ been under way long enrugh t<f c;leternune whether any of the women de-veloped cancer. · . Oruge 1fe•tlier " ., Hazy IUnlhino w!U greet beacll- 1oer1 l«Una • head, start on the w~kend Frid1y, Temper1~ wilJ be up into the IO'• inlandt but only near 70 alone the coait. _,,,_ l I . I I 1IAll. y PILOT N 1'1-P .. e J TATE ••• ' lroncla4 ..,. ipln8t the "Mlnsoft fam~ b." Mn. X-blan went Into more detail todq • • ""' ..... bl .. ¥14 llllr lotvlq tbe I.om_. liome Ud pu&lrif !be wllJel In tile waahn>om. rbe and Manson and two O!htr members ol the "family" drove to a beach on the Paci!ic Ocean and got out ol the car aw! went walking. : '4<lw'lle and 1 walked hand in hand on \be beoch and be sald nice thlnrs to me and made me forget everything and mad• me feel 1ond,'" she said. · •;1 told Charlie that I was pregnant." Depub' District Attorney Vincent Bug. U..O ubd her il she told MalllOn that abe was preput by him. "No/' the replied. '11\e defense objec- ted and the Ju<!.!• tmtructed the jury to disregard that question ·and answer. Mrs. Kasabian said -as they were walk· Ing a police squad car pulled up and I.he otncen uked them whit they were doing there. "Charlie told them we were just going f« a walk," she said. "He aa:ked them if they didn't remem- ber his name and they said no. It was a very friendly conversatJon and then they went away." Mn. Kasabian said they returned to the car and joined the other two, Clem 1'l.fts and Susan Atkins, and drove ·along a beach road. ' --- Thwr\iw. Joir lO, 1910 UP'IT .......... " • Eco~omy Rosy ' ' I . . ,.. ' In Nixon -~.~~cl!? President N~on flew fforn the Western ' :.With expansion ,o· ti lo prevent an .._ White House m Salt...Cltmente J9 ~ · lidlaUonary surce. f .,. Angeles Wednesday night t.o set the acene The President was said to be wmewhat for a televised preu conferen<e .he· wtll onc001i1"'1 by ··-bl Illa ?.\lddle make at 8 o'clock tonight. East peace plan by. Jorctin and the Whlt:l House source. said he haa'spent United Arab !l>public and beld out hope the last three days takl.l!g the pulse the Israelis also would accept It. or the American economy a.nd ls etpected . - to pronounce il bale · and heA1IY Ibis ..AC i:r i:r evealng. The President selected the e11rly even. Pr""I.dent S1"gns· lo& bour so the )'ea~ United Slates "" could view the conference durt.g prime television t i m e. Most conference! ara DC Crnn• •e Bill, scheduled,for eastern viewers. Forecasts for an upaw-ge 1n the economy and new hope for wegotiations to cool tensions in the middle east have given the President some good news lo convey to the American public. It apparently encouraged him to take the unusual step of holding hls second news coftference in 10 days. He will meet with newsmen in a ballroom or the Century Plaza Hotel, where he spent Wednesday night. It JV ill be his first nationally televised news conference outs1de Washington and his 11th since taking office. Raps Democrats SAN CLEMENTE (APJ -Pre<ldeot N!J:on signed· into law · Wednesday a bill which allows police to enter into homes unannounced and aDowi pretrial jailing ol certain defendants. But he accused the Democrat controlled Coogress of inaction on his antJcrime legillation. She aaJd· MUDOn asked her and Susan AWng ti they tfidn\ know l!Ollle poople in thlt m.. and Ibey .replied they did not. "Wasn't there a man you knew around here. wun't he a plgie'' abe quoted MafllOb as aslring. . . FARM WORKERS' CHAVEZ (LEFT), GROWERS' GIUMARRA SR. APPLAUD CONTRACT Whlt.h1ired Cl1rlc 11 Auxili1ry Bishop Jo11ph F. Donnelly of U.S. Bishopa CommlttM on Di1put1 But only 10 days ago he held a 31).. minute wid~ranging meeting w I t h reporters in the oval office of the Whlte House during which he spoke wiUl guard. ed optimism about the economy Md urged Coi!iress to bold the line on lederlf Talking to newsmen as he affixed his signature to the conlroversial District of Colwnbia Crime Control Bill, Nix· on observed it w a s the f i r s t ad· ministration measure in the crime field to reach his desk·. "Y-. be was an ad«," she said she '"'Uod." 'i\e lUJlle Cllled ....... al' that point. ' • apendlng. Tllo -·ealcl_Jn Ila -statement thil .a Ille nfllif " the teBlanca klllliigs M~ ctirecfed 90me of his followers to a belch ~t with the intention of kllllnl Ila occu~ts bul that Mn. Kasa· hian clelibV1teli bocked on the wrong door. r. ·Pact Ends Grape Strike Nli:on achedull'.d a seriea or meetings: today in the penthouse suite he ls oc~ cupyinc with Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, his chief foreign affairs adviser, H. R. Haldemu, his chld" or st.arr, and Patrick BuS?hanan, one of his speech writers. The bill, aimed at lowering the crime rate in the nation's capital but hailed by the administration as a model for the states, was proposed more than a year ago along with 12 other anUcrhne proposals. ~ "It is time for the Coogress to hav~ better than a l-for-13 batting average," he declared. FollO"lfitC Mrs. Kasabian's accuutions against Manson Wednesday Jn detailing the l•BllUICI sli9Y11>11 the b .. rded Man- ,.. Cllled 1crnas 'lo he< In the court- roxn ''you're lJ'inl." · l'rollt r.,e J UPPER BAY. • • In the c.ntr.venlal ll!ld uchqe pllna met slate I.ends CommlBSlon criterta of statewide public lnterut. · Today's teltlmony wu repeated1y halted by object.ions lrom attorneys Duf. fern Helsing and Philip Berry. DELANO (UPI) -The wonls scrawled in dust on a truck parked outside Cesar Olavez' union hall told the story: "We won!" Inside the hall Olavez Ind bis staunchest opponents signed 1 historic cuitract Wednesday ending the bitter strike and nationwide boy<:ott agalnlt the growers at most of California's table grapes. 'nlree hundred rann workers cheered as Oiavez reaffinned hls faltti tn non-- violent reform. 'Ibey shouted even louder as 26 Delano area. growers jotted their names on wiion contracts. "We are happy. perhaps overjoyed, that peace has come to this valley," Aki John Ghana!'l'I Jr., of Giumarra VmeyuW, • Ions-time opponenl <l Chavez' union. He called the contracts a mutual victory beginning a "new era" in which growers and the union would work togelher for a better market price for their products. Olavez said the boycott would continue against the remaining non..union growers, who produce 25 percent of the ltate's crop. California grows 90 percent of the nation's table grapes. George Sadoian, one or the Fresno area groweri who has not signed, said the boycott and market pressures will probably force the holdouts to accept contracts too. "I think we're all going to have to join the boat in order to market our gtapes," Sadolan said. ''UFWOC has got the chain llores In their camp.'" Judge Claude M. Owens made It clear today that the Upper Bay l!sue ls certain to 10 to appellate court level by ruli'1g after lenltbY debole ""-objections Jiy Helsing that Palmer's testimony 11 id~ 1 miss.Ible and must go Into tbe record. That rullnR. the judge Indicated. Is designed to allow the appellate court to !leclde on the consUtuUonallty <l ouch tettlmoay alllM>lgh oppoolng 1tlcmey1 in the current lrilJ wm debate the point at the cbe ef the trial llelano Vineyard Workers • Judge Owens will be asked to decide al the close <l what Is now upected to be a five-week ·trial if the land rwap between 1ht Irvine Campany Ind <lranp County b lawful and cxinstituUonaJ. Tile llWlll!t WU filed by Orange County and the Irvine company when they nam-. ed. county Auditor VJc Helm as defendant In a comp1alot which, by agreement with Heim, challenged hi! refusal to pey dredgln( bills subm!Ue<l to the coun· If by the :r.tne Company. That proposed lost cue became an ldvenmy action when a group or Newport Beach homeowners led by engineer Frank Roblnlon succtssluUy •J>o pealed to Jud&• Owens to be 1mntU.d bU the tawltl!t 11 intervtnors. Tiley are nprelellted by Berry. Helsing nprnents aUCUtor Helm In the trial Berry will 11k Judge Owens to declare the land nap t.o be invalid, Burma Kills 100 Reds RANGOON (UPI) -More thin 100 Communlst ln1ur1ents were kllled by government forces ln a series of clashes Jn the vicinity ol Kutkal near Bunni's nortbeutern border with Communist Olina, iovernment newspapers reported todly. DAILY PILOT OIUJC0$QAIT ,UIL1$ttllt0 (;OM,AltY l•Mrl N. Wtt~ ................ l"ubllthlir Jtc• I. C11tlty Yb ""*"' ... o.n.rtl IMMttt Tht11111 k1t•il ...... Tliom11 A. M11r~hitt M._...Eflttr n ..... , F.rt~,., .. ,....., lfldl City t:f!tw .. ..,... ..... OMu 2211 w ••• 1.ii-i 1.111 ••• ,., Mttll111 M4r"'' P.O. I•• 1115, tl,,J oow..- C..• ... ! .. W.t .. ., """" , u.w hfffl1 m """-' ... _ Hwi•-"""' t.elli "'" ..... ~ ... """"*I·--al C.mltit lllell Hurt in ·costa Mesa Crash A 1154 sedan crammed with Delino grape pickers celebrating the end of their strike roared off Ole Newport Freeway into Costa Mesa today and smashed a row of stopped cars. · Six persons were sent to three different hospi~ls in the 12:28 a.m. mulU.Car era.sh at Newport Boulevard and Bristol Street. Traffic. wu tJed up for mo~ than one hour as police cleared away the tangled wreckage fl" the five vehicles involved and recoimructed what hap- pened. Modesto G. Escalera, 2tl, a vineyard worker, was arrested by Officer Dick DeFranclsco and booked on suspicion of felony dnmk driving. Police said Escal&a, who gave his home addrt!s as Las Cruces. N.M., was slighUy JnJured b.lt refU!ed treat .. ment when taken to Costa Mesa ~temorial Hospital. Two of his passen,ers were taken to the same hospital and then transferred to Oran1e County Medical center, where Art Oass Loss Costly to Woman Night achoo! ls an Inexpensive type <lf education, but an Orange Coast Colle1e art class may cost a Newport Beach woman $1,500, accordina to eosta Meu police. Mn. June B. Peterson, ()f 1802 Clay St., Newport Be1ch, told offlcers she removed her nearly onHarat diamond ring either ln the Art Center or a rest.room . She tnade the report Wedne$d1y lfter hunting &ince Monday for the radlwn· finish ring, which is set with three mailer diamonds. Newport Resident Mrs. Jones Dies ~1rs. Elizabeth J. Jones, a naUve Californian Ind ioog·lime realdeol o( Newport Beach, died Tuesday at Hoag Memorial Hospital. She w11 73. Servk:es for Mrs. Jones wlll be con- ducted Friday at 11 a.m. at Paclllc View OlapeJ. Mrs. Jones, who lived 1t 1802 S. Bay Front, Balboa Jaland, Is survived by her dauahter, Barbara Beg. Mrs . Jones was born in Los Angeles In 1897 ind came to Newport Buch in 19'4. She was a Jib teehnlcian for Dr. Allen CotUe of Newport Beach until her retirement in 1967. they we~e In serious condition today with head lnju.ries. , They were ldenUflei:l as Mrs. Margarita Rodrigues, 38, of Delano, and Monico D. Escaler1, 21, of Coachella. Jose L. Souumeda, whoae age Yasn't established, was t 1 ken to c08tl/ Mesa Memorial Hospital, where lt · w a s determined he was s~ply drunk aod not Injured. Mrs. Terry K. Jones, 2Z, of 145 E. Bay st., Costa Mesa, w1s taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital for treatment of head injuries and listed in good corr diUon there today. Her husband, Douglas S. Jones, 23, was treated and released. Traffic investl11tors said Escalera's 1954 Studebaker -whlch had no license plates -was southbound on Newport Boulevard wheo it sailed into the usually· crowded intersection. The driver told Patrolman DeFranciscxi he wu unfamiliar with the area and didn't see the red light until it was too late. Invesllgators said the Escalera auto apparenUy clanced off one driven by Rev. Jeanne Smlth1 '8, of 180 W. Wilso n St, Costa Mesa, who is minister of the Manosophy Church. ConUnuing on, it struck the Jones vehicle, lnjurlna both occupants, then hit a fourth vehicle driven by Marla L. Fay, 28, of 187 E. 21st St., Costa Mesa. The fifth car involved was driven by Gary L. Sutton, 29, of Sunllnd. l'rom Page J RECALL ... night, Millstein charged th1l the new bloc is· in office because of "large and goodly sums of monetary backing." He charged they would "pay off the.Ir political obllgalk>ns" to unnamtd parllts. Millstein also revea led n1mes of 10 members of a recall steering committee to the crowd. They will provide leadership for the rec11l movement ln ill formative stages, he said. "jThe phone hasn't slopped rlnalng In many of our homes,'' said Millstein. "We In no way have any political uplra· Uons. "We have no .ai: to grind," he con- tinued, the rusty hatchet at his elbow. Present at the meetlng was Mrs. Sherri Baum, wife of the mayor. She w1s occasionally subjected to derisive com- ments from the audience. She sal composed as Mn. Cissy Smllh Implied the Bsums were COMected wlth BUI Robertson, owner of the controversl1l Marina Palace dance hall and a former advocate of legal g1111bUn1 In the d13. It wu the nationwide boycott -Ind its effect oo the big groceey chains -which broug~ Oiavez the victory he couldn't win by strikes. Tbe boycott, launched two years qo after three years of strlkfl had brou&f!t only limited succeas, P,tit p1ctets outside stores in New "(ork, Seattle, Boston and other dUes. Many aboppen refused to buy .,_ and eeveral chains took them off their shelve.s. The boyooll also enllaled the lllJlP01"I of natlona.lly known Political figures, in· eluding New York Mayor John V. Lindsay. the late Sen. Robert F. Ken- nedy, and unsuccessful Democratic presldeotlal candidate, Hubert H. HumJ>o hrey. Gm......, denoun<ed the lactis IS illegal arid ineffeotlve. . l!ut federal laws pnihlbWng llOCOoclary boycolla did nol 1pply to •!lrleulture and the boycott'• effectiveness becatn9 apparent last summer when the pro- ducen filed • f1S m1lliill lllltlrust lllit against Chavez and 'the union. The pressure of the boycott finally broke irower resistance this sprln,g. The first all'eements were algned in SoUthem Callfomia, where grapes ripen first. By midsummer, about 3.5 percent of the state's grapes were under union contract. The sllning of the De!lllO group pushed the figure to 75 percent. Oiavez promised that when the last non-union grower signs, "We will tum our boycott machinery around and make grapes really sweet again." Shortly before corning to Los Angeles Nl:s:on completed three d•ys of seaalons with George P. Schultz, his top budget man1ger, and other White HOUie ecoaomJc e:s:pert.s, to have an overall look at the economy and prepare the broad ouWnes of the 1172 bud(et he wtJI send to Congr<ss next Juuary. Shultz told newsmen Wednesday the economy now was poised for an upward wrge and the thrust of adminlatr1tion Policies would be aimed 1t controlling * * * Nixon Planning Visit to Mexico President Nixon will Oy to Mexico ror an. ~ug. 20 and 21 meetlng with outgoing Pres.ident Diaz Ordu in the .Popular Paclfic Coast resort bl Puerto Vallarta. ~ .... -., Ron. Ziegler oald In San Clemente Iba\ the Prelident wtll fly to . the Mexican seaside community di· rei:tJy ~ WashlJlllon. D.C. Mrs. Ni:s:on will accompany him. Ziegler did not rule out the JM>&Siblllty that Nls:on will continue on from Puerto Vallarta to his Western White House at San Clemente. Tt will be the first foreign trip this year for the President. He met Diaz Ordaz . once earlier on Sept. 8, 1919. Zieg. ler said I.he two heads of state will dig.. cuss bilateral issues concerning the U.S. and Mexico. He did not amplify this. Nixon cootended that the congressional recwd on crime bills represents its "poorest batting average" in any field. • "TIUs is an area that is not partisan,'/ he said. "It ls one where the probltnt. is national, wllere people of both parties want action. I hope that this 11: only the beginning." The President described the new Washington crime law as "an un- precedented measure, a very strong onen dealing with what he tenned "an un- precedented problem." When he took office, he said, the capital "was fast becoming t h e crime capital of the world." Nixon described the new law as pro- viding "the tools ab&cllutely essential for us to stop the ri&e of crime in Washington and to reverse the trend." Tbe legislation allows pretrial ]ailinC of 'persons adjudged likely to endanger community safety and authorizes pollce with certain search and arrest wl!Tlnts to enter homes without knocking. The ~knock feature, designed for u• when police reµ evidence could J:>e· destroyed as they wait at the door, requires that a judge approve tn each case before it is invoked . The bill alSCI expands police authority for wiTetapplne under court order; sets mandatory minimum sentences for se-. cond offenders convicted of anned violent crimes; allows .. adult trials for juvenUe1 charged with violent crimes; provldei m<ll"e judges, and creates a public defender system. ,. SOFA BED &tft The1• •r• ••ry comfori1ble 1of1 1!1ds for Sitti119 111d Sl1•pi119. A wld1 11t1clio11 of F1~ric1 i nd Colon It ch•••• from, ~~Now$299 .... ~ Your f®Orite Interior designer IDIU b1 Mm to csfbt ~ou ••• PR~S:~N:~AR~ElT fURNll11RE INTERIOR DESIGNERS Opt1 Moo. Tlol11o • "'· trn. • 2215 HARBOR BLVD, COSTA MESA , CALIF. 646-0275, I ] bl to ab at lit j I I ( , ala JJO< fer ter Ila ·I toe of tri all •Ill Ev I iy th• .1 ... of · I of· Co ex. .. , 1 tm Vis n IUj I: nei I "U pul of th1 mt 1 ed· poi •id to tbt I c .. Co •ut wli In Ill 111 I he pro of lo m< I lot bcl ck ' of ... m1 "I "" COi M ... i: lo In •t "' nu In ' In on b Tl ' --..... ...--~~·-· . ' . .... _ .... ..-.... • .-' ' .. ,-. YOC 63,NO. 18f, S SECTIONS, 62 ,PA6ES ~.l •.• ) ' OAAN6E cot!Jlriv, .CAl:IF,ORNI~ .. t • . ' .. , . Linda.:. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Linda Kasa. bi.an testified today that Charles Manson told her to slit the throat of a man &he knew a few hours after the slaying at the homi ()( gnl<,'er Leno LaBianca. , The state's key 'witness·said she and Man10n an_d two other membe.rs of ttie hijjpie cult drove along the Pacific Ocean beach and Manson asked her if she did not.. know a· man. who lived in one of, the apar1111~ts. She , replled that she did and 1aid M....., told her: . "I wantiyou to kill him." She said Manson took out a small Appraiser Backs Trade 1 OfBayland By TOM BAJU,EY Of t111 Daltr Pli.t Stiff . An appraiser who was hired by the state of California to evaluate the pro- poaed Upper Bay land · swap today de- fended the trade as being in the best in- terest of Orange County and also in the statewide public interest. . · Real estate broker Hardy E. Pahner ~ the witness box in the 19th day of the Orange County Superio.r Court trial to confirm that his conclusions after nearly 500 hours of active. in- vestigation in\P the 1and trade broadly •greed · with those or appraiser Bernard Evans. . Patiner ·testified that ,he was engaged ~y the Ila.le in January 1985 to examine the proposed exchange of 450 acres of . Irvine Company uplands· for 157 acres of county-owned tidelands. Pahrier said his findincs be:came part of··• ·ieport submitted tG the fltete Lands Commission at public hearings into the exchange and were rompared with an earlier report prepared by Evans. The veteran appraiser told Deputy At· (.Qmey General Jay Shavelson that he \ti'stted the Upper Bay area at least 12 times during his research of the suggested 1and swap, inspected ill pro- perties involved in the exchange and Interviewed many county officlalJ, plan- ners and area hGmeowners. Pahner testified that he made a ''thorough research" into the status of public tidelands which are at the heart of the cum:nt dispute and indicated that he endGl'sed plans for' the develop- ment of the water frontage. . 'J'he trade, he s11;id, was of definite advantage to Orange County . And he pointed out that in financial con- sideratiGns alone Orange County stood to be nearly $5 million better off iI the swap went through. Both Pahner and Evans valued the COUfl.tY land transferred to the Irvine Company by the county board of supervisors at $11 ,453,500. He disagreed with Evans on the valuation of the Irvine Company -Evans set it as Jl9;486,000 and Pitl.ner pegged it at fi&,426.00Q. But Pahner testified that Evans, whom he described as "an appraiser's ap- pra!W," made a competent assessment of. th! land exchange and that he was in fuU agreement with most of his recom- mendations. Pahner defended Irvine Company plans for ,the creation of parks and expanded boating facillUes and confirmed under c10se questioning that all he had seen lllee UPPER BAY, P.,. I) ' . . ' I' ·._. ' 1 ·t._,''2 • '. ! A :F~,fn :,ilae Sun •l t": I I ' ! '" , ' ' At paper napkin' untie" the · sunglasses .maJIM.•thei Orange ,coast sun a'litUe,moro'llllerable .and jetS yow snooze while'tanni11t.:Who knows? It may even ~help· prevent wrinkles around 'tht· eyes. It may·aJso reeult In somtf'>stranges suntan patterns. The;.1ace belongs· -to ·Mrs. Alan"Edn)i!l<ter•of'Glendale. • • • ' • . I ; ! ,' . . . , \..' . Seal··Be~ch Group ·l(ows Recall of ''Power Bloe' .~ . By RUDI Nllll>ZIEtsKl Of .... o.i" ""' .... ,, Wielding ·a husJci ha~et u ·a gavel, the chainna1t of a quickly or1anized recall conunittee Wednnday pledged .tJie re~ratJoo oC "good .government" to Seal Beach thl'Ouib the :oait<r al tl>roe """1· cilmen • ..... ; •1, s.1 Miu!leinH!E' • loin .fy-1,..,,.oi .uie recali l""'P· • · •tbe'!l'rctt~ ~ power bloc ol lawn, 1 "nQnlla Hogard .and COnw1y.Juhrtnan will 'bitng the "possjble NjuvenaUon ~ot 8 ipoils system." The hatchet. he said was 11.90mewhlt ...,.....,.,, and lntentioOlllly. in•cribed wllh Mayor Baum'1·nafne, mWpelled to read "aBum." Voting as· a bloc, Mayor Baum and the two' others were res!rJsible Monday for tlfe ffiiitg ol 'Cjty , Mariager Lee llliuier and C~y A11omey iJtm Carnes. The votp"Was S-2' WJth ~ouncilmeQ Harold ~Holda lnd,..L\oyd R. Gwiunere diuent- ~Pe:uing to an audience o~ 150 ~~ in iliO '.McG1J!ih•.Scboi>I audltoriwn !lit (lee .RJICAU., Pare I) T Elcu.se me Wl'OOf" door" and the trio left the bulldinc, . . She •WU lbownf a photograph of a ll)&n anct: the 11id that was: the one she had met l!"Vlou..ly. She sald she did not tooy ·bis name that he wu an "htaeU t)pe,.... a f«eianer.'• 11Whin you inocked Oft' the dOIK"· did you· know ll wu tl)e wrong door?" asked Deputy· .Diatrlct Attorney Vincent Bugliosl. "Yes." "Why did you knock oo the ·wrooa door?." "I didn't want to kill .1nybody,'1 Mra. Kual>!4n replled with 1 dllbt louah. She said. the t)>ree ' al them bar•• hit<hldkinl 1long tbe P.etllc Coast Hlpwoy back to the Spahn Ranch and on the woy. Tults dlspooed o\. ~.Jilli in a aand pile on .the belch. 'MrL !Wibian laid_ ... tlley waited for a ride the tbni ·of tbem 8Dohd aome marijuana .ciprlUes. It. wu . the flnHlme duriq..j!le' trial when Mra. Jtualttan. said abe lild 10me al the memben Of the flllllly had·11111•k· ed pot. '!lien llhe 1dmltled sh~ .baA taken LSD more llwl 50 times durin.a; the put four years. ' . - ~ ' ' "po 'YO\! know what up .11,1 Linda," asked_ ~ugli9sj. · "Yes, I do." "Have·you·cwer taken it?" "Y,.,.I bave, lpPl'OlilnatefY' IO·tlniei', 8Jl~1 tilt ·firit· time r · tooll:: ft, WU' in 1995 ·,; ahe ·a11·d ' . . Wlien · Mn. Kuabian •..r her le!limony today ·she added .detlll lltatl detail .to; her' otory al tho· 1l11Jnis .t Ute wealthy ·aroCer Ind hUi wife ~ the prosecu4on .at~~ to ~ -.o . , (See '1A~ hp-,lt : ':' .. ' Beach :Use · Ptt·sh'.ed · ' . . . ' .... \ -· -.~ ::..... ,, . "' Pendle~n, Facing : Top-l~el :~~t~~ .... . B .. ·1miN,0v.u.mw y ot ftlt Deir 'Hit 1!-f' Pressure to compel U.S .. Marines to open up ne¥1Y five miles of CaJnp Pendleton beach for public use mdved on· two top.lml fronts today . In Washington, a California con. eressmu appealed direcUy to the De~t al Delon~ for opening the be.di and 1t Camp Pendleton ilseU -state 'Parb' DlrectOr • Williamr Penn Mott aqught . c_.-4Uon fl'O!I! hJih.r..WO, ' .. ' So • de.Wied • Rlliia reflecting .months al w,.w-by •lift! •dmlhiltratori ind ~l&nnera we.re scrapped .. . It WU theft tbat ne&oti'ations beglll) tor the , .,,ach do~~. but they aoon bogged down. Original eltimates set . the ope,ning, of the tnltial u miles or beach tn a rough ilate by the !tart 0£ this 1Ummer: , But delays, then the announcement tut. May that the terms Ot ·.the. 1ea1e Were causina: problemt, 'meanl "that the beacl>would ·rtmatn Clolid. " .. ~ ' , '· · Some · atate· · iwk• . offltllM-• even grumbled' that It tOOk • tWI> 1·· just for them to pin j>ehnlllltoll'. .ioot on the site in quesUon. · ',, (; i In the meanUme public 'p · "hit m<iunted, 11CCOmi>oi>Md ·bY pledpr'lr6m White lloU!e aidel that Presidedt -wants. the c1088d mas · 11pe·n ·to "Uie public, . I ' Los Angeles County· superviloi'a even joined the campaip earlier tbll IUIDIDl!t by wianJmoualy ldoptlhg 'I tt1161utiao calling. for the opening of the bW:h. !>!~~~~~. m-'uftg uirpugh thls.in<i~ 8u~relt 06,u~ted .· with · ~~I ;•t Caf!1P ' p-t~ , 1 ,. ,.,r ; ~ ~ 04 , -, i , • '' •, •1 .. •, to . try lot I IO!UUen to ,lo~~ l!ld s· . ' . Q ' · ' · .. ~m-~,.t~ .. '". e~tt~i.tt~e~:.~f;~•'i,t!'_· .. At.-• . . . ii.' M,.bll&r · • .._ ~~i~~~~:~ :er~~~e.F.en,:S4y:~~~~~~· San.Onofre under a ·Iont-term -leaae.. . • · · · Thus far, publicly announced factJ In the beach issue have said that the Marine ~·will olferooilly u ·n!l1 .. al 1'elch fGr seven years. . , · But 'Mott, ·who bas been ·Wotkl.ng toward , the beach opening as a , IUl'finl park all year~ hu said· that such t ahort-term agreement would not be tultable ·for th~ atate, .bficause ol ~e )tigb co,il lot Improvement> -Jncludlllr a man-:m1de ~· . . The ~ue ia no'!" apparenUy in ~ at.ate of flux with some reports aired t.hls ·week m~ntlonlni that the ·Mirint Corps ln the Pen!>,lon J.,' yl~ldlng · to public and Whfte Hof,Jse P,reaflure to a~ Cede tO the sti~ ·rtque!l!.' ' The ' beach IAnd in queition. 1le5 downcoast from the Edison.nuclear oom- pla and ill below towering bluffs, whlcb would 'have to be gouged· oUt for public access. · The Marine Corj>s.has balked on the Idea because, 1pokesmen aaY, the beaCh land b v,Juable tO them for military training maneuvers. State olficials have said. that they would be willing to close the beach on occasion if il is needed for military purposes. · Negotiations for the Camp Pendleton beach arose after plans for opening of a Prime surfing beach near the Western White House were thwarted. The Tre1lleS beach, which for y~ has been a sought.after. •J>Ot by. flurfers willing to sneak in, had 1been scheduled to be opeiied to the public, but ·aecurity officials guuding the rr..ldent. declared the opening a dellnJle risk to Mr. Nlxon. · WASHINGTON (AP) -Throe Cllil°" nla .r•w•d)ers wd Tllursd,ly Jill! 1 .. r "T'J , f{ (If blr\h ,controh plU.. .e\l(~dired senai- heariAp. wbjch mllbt oi\revent sc1e.tt.t, from '.pinnln( doWll1 conchaiveb' Wllethtr the pUJs can CIUlt ca0cer. ' ~archer· Ellzatieth Stern · and two 'Los Antelet coneasul!i laid .the decli. lon-making-proce.u among ·thflle'WCITl!h electing to me 10me form of birth con- trol' "has ic<ently be<. 'pro!oWM!iy a/fee. led .liy the Senate httrtnrs on tbt alleged htrmflll ·consequence. al · the . pill;:· tn. cludJni 1n alleged rtU Ol canw • . Kidnap Suspects . ' . . . Now Claim to Be Debt Collectors A trio of suspected kldnapers Who allegedly demanded $1;500 for the release of a young couple, only tG be captured by Costa Mesa police through a ruse, now say they were just trying to collect a debt. 'Ibe trio of CoMectlcut meh 'were· taken to HarOOr Judicial • Diatrict Goqrt Wednesday, but the ir joint arraignmlnt proceedings were continued' until next Wedlleid•y.. . ' . aJmes M. McShane ,23, and Donald E_-V .. )lemriomra,.:13, tioth (If Strllford, 111d Frank W. Paocin, of Brldieport, are held without ball. "Women who, would havt cltolen the pill ~ now optlnl. for the .IUD •or di•· phragm," they ·..ia. Thty added this might prevent ldenU1ts ·from: aeltini a defloli, aas~-1 of wile~. tha .pill can cause malignancy. IU:D is the sc!ientitic name · fOfl !jbtra- ·uterine device," a mechanical , toatra-ceptlve. . · , They ~pecific-.lly: me~.~. of the cervix -the lip ~~··But they :implied scientla'ta -1al19 ,tit bn· peded In .,...,ing·wheth , (li!;fiill lBilbt .be 1~td wit}\ cutaUr ~ ~~·· , . ~rchcra . Stern and Vlr&li!la A Clark, both of uci:+'; ichool .i ~blic h~alth:1 an.d. Carl F. 1Coffelt' Of' tht i.or ·Angeles County" Health De.Ji:lrtinent 'made .the ·statements in the teclmlcaJ joumaJ "Science.'' , · 'r~ey did so·in reJ,orting·on ~.contra.. ceptives -cbolcea among · nearly 2,500 women -and the extent tO whiCh prefer~ enc_e for a paiticular ·contraCeptivf.,.wu rela_ted to the pre.existence. in some. of the .women, of . an abnorm&l cond!Uon called "dyaplasia." The condition is fre.L q~enUy a pre-cursor of cervical ciner. The study showed, the rhtareheri said, that more women chose 'tile pill in preference to other cohtrace"ptjVea, and that among the former there w11 .i higher rate of the cancer precursor-but that ob-viously, the higher rate existed befO{'e any possible· effect of the pill Jtselt. Cereal Stand~rds: L.ooming . . Pool Swimathon Still Swimming;· Money Flows In ~ · were captured Mon48Y night oui81de thf: apartment ti Mart •hd Stac)t Peyton, (If 2020 Wallace Ave., alter Mn. Peyton's. mother ma~ ,lna1 -,ar- rangements for them to get the money .. One of the rules of the study was that nOJ!e of the womtn J>Jrticlpa.tln, ,In (be project had :pre~lo,us!J'·o~ ·the pUI. Tiit acien~ .made clear their owi:I ttudY had nGt been under way long enotii:h td determine whether .any Of the women ~ veloped cancer. Oruge Cout Best in Nutrition May 1'e Knocked Off Market . WASHIN~TON (AP) -In the mid•t of 1 controversy over the nutritional value of bileakfast cereals, the govern- n'litnt is moving ahead with a proposed rqulation which would knock oft the market the cereals a nulrition cruuder called the best avallabLe. The proposal, which has been under consideraUon· by the Food and Dru& Administration for eight years, woullf ' aet standards for tl'te amount of nutrient.. permitted to be added to aeveral f., Including breakfast cereals. The effect of I.ht proposal would be to upgrade foUr vitamins and minerals In cereals which contain little now, while at the same time setting maximum levels well below the content of the eitra· nutrilious cereals the industry is in- lrOdUcing. Within a few days. the FDA will publish in the Federal Register a finding by one or Its attGmeys that the proposttil Is supported by the evlde""' presented . Tllil wtll clear the woy for IOtloo by a hearil)g examiner. U the examiner approves the ~I. it could be on the 1 FDA commlSitoner't 'desk for fi.MI actioo by · fall, allhougft ' court appeals coµld deloy lmplementaUOn by up · to five years. 1 The proposal would restrict to. niacln, thWnine, riboflaVin and iron th' e elemenU 'which could be added to · cereals. 'Other aublt.ances, IUCb U pr~ ' tein and calcium, cotdd not be added. Niacin wardo off pelqra. A thiamine ' shortage cin reiult in a poor appetite and beriberi. Riboflavin ill nectssa.ry for healthy akin. Iron shortage can lead to iron de.fJ.ciency anemia and a confltarlt f1U,Ued feelln1. Nutrition cru.tader Robert S. Choile, who described mott cereals as "calories and little else" at 1 recent Sen1te hear· Ing. was particularly crtUca.l. of the l~w protein content of cereals. An Agriculture Depart.n;ient rurvey h111 Concluded lbat calcium ltlcl iron are tbt two nubieuta motll often below recommended amount!· In the diet.a of ~ ~wimalbon. still hu 11.S head above •teen-agers. water at , the Newport Beach Swini Club, The FDA proposal , supported by the and the money k~ps crawling into tht American Dietetic A.ssociatJon, would re. • · quire cereals to ·supply at leas! but tll~e 2441our-1-day event ls being held no more•than the roµowing percentages to raise '8?i500, one rourth or the c0st of adult daily minimum requirement&: oC an Ol)'mpic-a.tze ·,poo1 at' Newport thiamine, 10 perce.nt . to 21 petcent: Har~r Hilh SChool.'Th9 'NeWJ>Ot'\ Meaa rlbolla.in. 2 per"'n!'lq I percent; ~. ' Scllool llblolct-aad itht.City of Newport 5 percent to 10 ~t ·•nd iron i S: Beach are f.Undint the .rtmamm1 cost pe~t ,lo JO percent, 1 I , 'of 'tbf ll!f,llllD f>tojectJ • ..; • . .' .. , ;n., . f"!'!l ,\J!dllltrY • or,....i I,. ro . 1 permlssliln to roitlly eereali with a wider So'flT 1Mwlunteera,fr6m,Cdola M,.. range of vi lamina, mineral! and protein• and' N..rj>ort Buctt hav6 ·-:olnlor!I and at·ievels bet~iin ll 1nd IDO ptt<ent ·~ miles, IJld famed 11,1111 tor the or adult dally mliilmu11 ttqulremenll.. JIOlll fund. Thtf hive -'..imminl lt wa1 suppc1~ bi; the Amoricln •il!l<t ,_ Salomlay 1114 have l\'OrlCed Medical A....tail!>t;( ' ' "'°"t t110 mllu Ind llO I':! hour, · 'Choate, a d~ofjlut year'1,Y)llt< •;lt they' koep •up the J!OC:O, tbey will House Conference .-.,, • Nulri\!Oli~lil J-tllctr;¥/il00 by~00.-1, •fler ,..1m. Heoltb, told ..notott'tiil 1¥. liili mltlf J,al .lllilof l.;1ljinool tbl diltsn<!o only nlne Ceteall lllll(!ln;f!~~' . tt!l!'.ll\IO<Cllln IO.'l)lkyo.: ' ' • meritorious. Most COlltablec! 1411 ,....ii i:..11mi1idfdr1ctll1tei,do\iitlons ·un-. be ,.,,t of the adult reqliJrtmeotl al 1t lcut. •to the Ol)'mplc Pool F""'"11tloo', P.O. ont of the fwr tllmliita. Bo1 800, Cotti Mell. Mrs. YvOMe Parker,~ 40, of Pb~JliX. drO~f over with St,OOI) in the ~k of lier" far to secure the releas.t or her daughter and son-in-law, but went fir1t .to.,..J1G1ice. . . · · She, then en~ered~ the horn~ .wearing a 11)icroPttone ~idden in ~r c!o.fhing, thus allowing detectives ~ Jisteu tn ·~ ,set up·the ·eUicient-capture, whltjl came off without incidlflt. ' · Police say tmiy .cannot reveal · ~ nature ot the alleged tranaacUon w.bkh 'brought .. tbi c:..mecticrll Vio1tn· tbe',Ylest . Coul In . I& pU\ .two ; w!elts . :hunting Peyton and his wife. . · · : . '. · Pe)oton, a· Pboehit colleae· atU<tent; was also .arrested to cllma.x ~ MO~ay ·nlgbl Incident Whoo Polle• '[riund I 111)111 quantity o( · whit they belle\r,. 'to be m1r!Juan~ 111 tbe 1portment. -' , No matter wt.ether an act\ia1 debt was lnvolv.'ed,' tnVestigaton 1nld. the : Peyton• r::t. alluadly,beld 1Ptnat,lhelr ·wm in and !or ·fi-,soo. wldch .t on· • atltutf.I r1nsom·uncleP.tbe Law. .: 1 ~ They Nid they rwerti abducted from : a peity In Llgun1 l!each last weeker¥! . 1nd, given, 48 hoJJni. -1111µJ !, p.m. Monoty -to ra!M tha ~Y· ,' Welidtet'' Huy sunshine ·Will grtet beach- •Der1 getting a head at'art 100, the ~eekeml1 Friaay.' T~at'ures will be up 1n1o the 80'1 in]~' bat· only nor 70 ilona the cout.' c • ....,.. t Cllltlllllt U• -'' Cit ........ -..t Oii!tltt • ....., ' .~ ... , .,... lJ D.....,_ 1,1 941"'111 ..... ' • .,.,. •• _. JI-»: =.:.... n.n ' " """ l.IMlf1 ir ' ..,,... """"'9· l.J I '' Mesa Space ' .. . - Lack Told . '.~Y 'Wilson "'· c ' • ~ ~Get&Jnc lhe amount of people and •devolopment lnlo Colla Mesa that will want Jn during the years ahead will "tie like putting a gallon of water into ,a qllllt bolUe -It can't be done. . -Coota MOil Mayor Robert M. Wlllon ·~ today tber< Is not .....,,., land to meet the market_ demand for auch -things u housing, employment and com- mercial development He made the remarks in a talk to the Newport Harbor~ Mesa Board of Rtaltors. Mayor Wilson based hlJ prediction on data be1ng compiled in an overall general plan for downtown redevelopment with alate assiJtance, a program spanning more than a decade ahead. He llld the Jl"limlnary work Is based on COila Mesa't curreot 9,895 ~es of land ...... ·-poftd to l!Wket demands, l:jedaj by E c on om l c Re9earcb ~iil:es "W~ Are not eoinf:· to have en0ugh land for. the people who want to n ... work and invest in Costa Mesa,'" he told the ...itors. Tbll means -for those whG live, won and In-In Coota Mesa -that tho d\J~ 11-..... :Joi tdJClitr .. olandiJ\li ol qUllflY In ....... . ·w,, ..a. <>I ~. becon\O 11!!""1 mon! aitlcal of each development pro- J>Oie!;t. -i ... be Mid. M11!f .wnaoo referred to hl• newly lnl-. tiHnonllily bull sessions with city ·-"t.oondo<ied bf~ u • mlliboil .'of shifting ·rears uP to meet the IDllg haul abead. ••we were hlformed incldentally by the engineerlpg, ar·pabllc works depart~ ment." be aid, "that we will have to llpond fU to Ill million In the nut 10 to 15 yem for atreet ccmtructlon and bridges." "Next oo lbe liJI Is our plannlng department and we will. I'm llite, aet another jolt 11 to w~ must be done, .. Mayor Wilmn added. Belldea his dlsclooures about growth· ......,..._ avallable, Mayor Wllsoo l<oood some ol Coota Mesa's blslnry fir the board ri rultors. He also said COsta Mesa and Newport Beach are not eJaCt)y two separate cities, but more like one city with two 1overnments. The inland mayor said he cannot Im- agine any ...,.mg if the two city governmeata Jn the forueeaDle t•re. but ttrelled eadi m u.n I c J pal aO. minfstrMlon must work with the other to attain common goals. He allo noted much of what Costa M-bu bealme It owu to Newport Beadt naiton and llnsnciers who In· vetted over tbe years in the lelg.wealtby mesa tOwlt..: : . :: . ,,...... p .. ., l UPPER BAY. •• In the c:oottovenW land exchanae plans met state Lands Commission criteria of statewide p.ibllc Interest. . Tod.Y's · teJtimony was repeatedly balled by objectloos from atloroeys Dul· fern Helslna and Philip Berry. Judse Claude M. Owens' made it clear today that the Upper Bay Jss11e Is cerlaia to Co to appeillle cwrl level by ruling .nu lenathY debile on objections by Helslna that Plhoer's testlmony Is Id· miuible and must go Into the record. '!llat rullntr, the Judge lndlcaled, b designed to allow the appellate court to decide on tbe tonsUtuUonality of such teJt1mony although opposing attorneys in the current trial will debate the point at the close of the tnal. Judge Owens will be al!lked to decide at the cloee of what is now expected 1o be a five-week trial U tbe land swap between the lrvioe Company and Orange County II lawful .. d constitutional. DAILY PILOT CUNG!: COAST P'U•LISHIMG (C)Ml"AM'f loliort N. Wooi Joe• I. C~rl•v Vk• l"rnldtnl •"" ~•I Mt,..o..- Tho,;•• Ko••il .... ThtiOlel A. Mvr,hin• M-.1"9 EfilOI' c ... M ... OHie• JJO W•d lty Strttt M•llin1 Ai,1t•1: P.O. la• 1160, •161,6 .,,... ........ """"""' lhldi1 mt Wiit .... , ...,...,.,, ...._,. llilpdl1 m '"-' ..,_ .,...Ill•• s.cf\I 11WS IMCll •>t.1a.H,. .. (..._,., -...... " CeimlM ... , U~ITe......_ Econp1'f ;tlosy . . . . ! ., In Nix9n ~p~ech? Preoldent Nixon fltw._!Tom the Western White H~se In Sin .._,,emen.. lo Loi · Angeles Wedneod.ty night to set the sqeqe for a televised prtes COO!ennce he will • make al 8 o'clock toaiahL : , Whi~ House 10urcta s~ he has spent the last three doy1 , lalling tho pul>e of the American tQOllOp\y end ls npecled to. prooounce It l>ale and burly this eveatna. Tbe Prtlldent lelect.ed the early even- ing hour ao the ....-Unlled Stales could vlew the conference durilg prime television t i m e. Most conferencea are scheduled for eutem viewers. Forecasts for an upsurge in the economy and new hope for-negoU.Uons to cool · tensions in the lJl!ddle ~t have given the Pnaidot IOine good news to convey to the AmUican publk:. It appa.reaUy encouraged hlm to take the UllUIUal step of holding his second news coaference in 10 days. He will meet with newsmen. in a ballroom of the Ctntury Plaza Hotel, where he spent Wechiesday nlghl It will be his first nationally televised news conference-outside Wuhlngton and his 11th since taking office. with expansion ., u to prevent •• lnllationary surge. • • 1'be President wal!I ia14 to be ,someJ!bat en&ouoged by ·aooeplallce of JIIa Ml&lle East peace plan by Jordan and the Uniled Arab Rep.ibllc and held oµt hope the Israelis also would accept ll * * * President Signs DC Crime Bill, Raps Democrats SAN CLEMENTE (AP) :.: P!•sldent NiJ:on signed into law Wednesday a bill which allows police to enter into homes unannounced and allows pretrial jailing of certain defendants. Buf he accused the Democrat controlled Congress of inaction on his .Jnlicrirne le~lation. FARM WORKERS' CHAVEZ (LEFT), GROWERS' GIUMARRA SR. APPLAUD CONTRACT Wh lto-h•lred Cltrie 11 Auxlllory Bishop Joseph F •. Donnolly of U.S. Bishops CommlttH on Dispute But only 10 days ago he held a 30- mlnute wide-ranging meeUng w I t h reporters in the oval office of the White House durlnc which he spoke wilh cuU<I· ed optimimn about the economy and urged Congress to bold the line on federal spending. Talking to newsmen as l1e affixed his signature to the controversial Diatrict or Columbia Crime Control Bill, Nix· on observed it w a s the f i r s t ad· ministration measure in the crime field to reach his desk. Worfeers Cheer :Pact Ends 'Grape Str~ke Ni1.oa scheduled a series of meeilngs today In the penthouse suite he Js oc· cupylng with Dr. Henry Ji.. Kisaina;er, his chief foreign affairs adviser, H. R. Haldemu, his chief of staff, and Patrick Buchanan, one of his speech Writers. The biil. aimed at lowering the crime rate in the nation's capital but hailed by the administration as a model for 'the states, was proposed more than a year ago along with 12 other anU~ime proposals. · - "It is time for the Congress to h4ve better than a l·for-13 batting average." he declared. DELANO (UPJ) -The words acrawled in dust on a truck parked outside Cesar Cliavez' union ball told the slory: "We won!" Inside the ball Qlavez and his staunchest opponents ligned a hlstoric contract Wednesday ending tbe bitter strike and nationwide bo~tt against the growers of most of Callfomia's table grapes. 'Ihree hundred fann workers cheered as Oi.avez reafflnned his !alth in non- vio!Onl reform. 'l11ey sbouled even looder as 2f Delano area growers jotted their names on union contracts. "We are happy, perhaps overjoyed, that peac;e bas come to this valley," aid· John GiumarTa Jr., of -Gimnura VJneyards; a · lo~-tJme opponent of ~ "t '" ... Chavez' union. He called the contracts a mutual vk:tory beginning a "new era" in which growers and the union would work together for a better market price ror their products. Cl\avez sakl the boycott would conUnue against the remaining non-union growers, who produce 2S percent ri the 1tate's crop. Calilon:Ua grows ·90 percent of the nation's table grapes. George Sadolan, one of the Fresno aru growers who bas not signed, said the boycott and market pressures will probably 'foru the holdouta to accept contracts too. "I think we're all going to have to join the boat in order to .market our grapes," Sadolan ·said. "l]FWOC bas got the challl ttores bi their camp." ·Delano Vineyard Workers . ~ Hurt in C9sta Mesa €rash . A 1954 sedan crammed with DelanO gritpe pickers celebrating tht end of their strike roared off the Newport Freeway Into Costa Mesa today and smashed a row Of l!Jtapped cars. Si.I persons were sent to three different hospitals in the 12:28 1.m. multH:ar cruh.al Nel']>Or! BouleVll{d aP4 BrlJtol Street. Traffic wu tied up for more than one hour as police cleared awar the tangled wreckage ri the five vebicleo From Page I TATE ••. Ironclad c>!e aplnll the "Manson faml· Jy." Mrs. Kasabian went into more de\l.il today. Mrs. Kasabian said after leaving the LaBianca home and putting the wallet in the washroom, she and Manson and two other members of the "family" drove to a beach on the Pacific Ocean and got oot of the car and went walkihg. "Charlie and I walked hand ~ on the beach and he said nice things to me and made me forgtt everything and made me feel good," she aald. .. I told Ch8.rUe th1t I WIS prqnant. .. Dep.ity District Attorney Vincent Bui- lioso asked her U she told MlnlOn that l!lhe was pregnant by him. . "No," she replied. 'The defense objec- 1"'1 and the judge lllllnlcled the Jury to disregard that question and answer. Mrs. Kasabli.n said 11 they were walk· ing a police squad car pulled up and the officers asked them what they were doing' there. "Charlie told them we y,.we just going for a walk," she saJd. . "He asked them if they dldn't remem- ber his name and they said no. It was a very friendly conversaUon and then they went away." Mrs. Kasabian said they returned to the car and joined the other two, Clem Tufts and Susan Atkins, and drove 1long a beach road. She said Manson uked her and Suun Alkins if they didn 't know some people Jn that area and they replied they did l\OI. "Wasn't there a man you tnew around here. wasn't he a plggie" she quoted Manson as asking. "Yes, he was an acror," &he SI.Id she replied. The jud£e called a recess at that point. The alate said ln its openlq statement that on the ni&ht of the LaBlanca killJ.na;s Manson directed 10me of his followera to a beach apartment with the lntentJon or killing Ill occupant.! but thst Mrs. Kw· bian deUbentely knocked on the wrong door. Followtna Mrs. Kls1bl1n'1 accusaUons agali)st Manson Wednesdoy In detailing the LaBi1nca slayings the bearded Man- son called across to her in the court- room "you're Jyln1." • ' . Involved .. d reoonstructed what hlp- pen<d. Modesto' G. · Eacalen, 26, a vineyard worker, was arrested by Officer Dick DeFrancllCO and booted on suspicion of felony clnmk driving. Police said Escalera, who gave his home address as Lu Cruces. N.M .• was slightly injured but refused treat· ment when taken to Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital. Two ol his pasaeogers were taken 'to the same hOfPl1al and then. transferred 'to Orange County Medic:al Center, where they .were in serious condition today with head lnjwies . They were Identified u Mrs:. Margarita RodrlgUe1, 38, ot Delano, and Monico D. Escalera, 21", of Coachella. Jose L. Souzameda, whose age wasn't established, was t a k: en to Cost.a Mesa Memorial Hospital, where It w a s detennined he was simply drunk and not injured. Mrs. Terry K. Jones, 22, of 145 E. Bay St., Costa Mesa, was taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital for treatment of head injuries and listed in good con. clitlon there today. Her hu!lband, Douglas S. Jones, 23, was treated and releued. Traffic invest1£1tors sald Escalera's 1954 Studebaker -which had DO license plates -1 wu ICllthbol.md on Newport Boulevard wben It llliled lnlo the usually· crowded lnlel'l«:llon. The driver told Patrolman DeFranclsco he was: unfamlllar wtth ·the area and didn't see the red light until It was too late. InvesUgators said the Escalera auto apparently glanM off orie driven by Rev. Jeanne Smith, 48, of 160 W. Wilson St.. Cost.a. Mesa, who ls minister o! the Manosophy Church. Continuing on, it struck the Jones vehicle, injuring both occupants, then hit a fourth vehicle driven by Maria L. Fay, 26, o( 187 E, 21st St., Co.!ita Meu.. The fifth ctr Involved was driven by Gary L. Sutton, 111, of SUnland . Fro• P .. e 1 RECALL .•• night, Millstein charged that the new bloc iJ Jn office because of "lar1e and 1oodly a1ms of monetary backtni." He charged Ibey would "pay off their pollUc1l obll1ations" to unnamed parU.,. MUlsteln alJo revealed namts of 10 members of a recall steering committee to th• crowd. They will provide leadership for the retail movement in Ill formative otages. he said. "The phone hosn't stopped ringing In many 0( olir homes," said Mlllsteln. t•we in no way have any poUUcil aspirl6 tlons. It wu the nationwide boycott -and ils effect on the blc sroct'Y. chains -wbicb brougbt Cllaves the Vidory he couldn't win by strikes. The boycoU, laundled two years qo after three years of strikes hid brought only limited succeas, put pickets outside stores in New York, Seattle, Boston and other cttles. Many lboppen refused lo buy er-and several chains took them off th<lr lhelva. The boycott also enllsled the support ol natlooally known ]IOUUcal flguret, In- cluding New York Mayor John v. Undsoy, the late 5"1. Robert F. Ken- nedy, and Ul1IUCOeUful Democratic iresidstlll candidate, Hubert H. Hump. Irey. . Growen denounced the actis 11 Illegal and lneffedl ... But federal law1 ~bl\lna ~ry boya>tu did not apply lo agriculture and the boycoU'•. e!fect!vene.sa became apparent Jut mmmer when the ~ d\lcerS flled a f1$ milllon antitrust lllit ega)Mt Cbavez and the union. The pnmuno ol the boycott finally broke grower reslatlnce this aprln£. 'lbe first agreements were atgned 1n Southern California, where grapes ripen first. By midsummer, about SS percent of the state's grapes Wert under union contract. 'Mle signin1 of the Delano group pushed the !Jgure to '15 percent. Clhavez promised that when the last non-union grower signs, "We will tum our boycott machinery around and make grapes ..any sweet qlln." Shortly befon> coming to Los Angeles Nixon completed three dayl!I of aession s with George P. Schull%, his top budget manager, and other White House eco10mic .uperta, to have ~ overall look at ~ economy and ptepare the brood ouUlnes of the 19?2 budget he will send lo Coogreu nut Jaauary. Shultz told newmnen Wedneaday the economy now wu poised for an upward surge and the thrust of adml(1lstraUoo Policies would be aimed at oontrolUng * * * Nixon Planning Visit to Mexico President NlJ:on will Oy to Mexico for an Aug. 20 and 21 meeting with out.going Prelident Diu Otdu in the popular Pacific Coast resort of Puerto Vallarta. Preas secretary lion Ziqlor said in Sin Clemen .. that the President wm fly to the Mulcu seuide community di· rectly from' Wubington. D.C. Mrs. Nls:on wW accompany him. Ziegler did not rule out the JIOISibWty that Ni.z:on will conUnue on from Puerto V.Uara to his Western White House at San Clemente. It will be the first foreign trip this year for the President. He met Diaz Ordaz once earlier on Sept. a, 1969. Zieg· ler said the two heads of state will dis- cuss bilateral issues concerning the U.S. and Mexico. He did not amplify this. Nixon contended that the congrftaional record on crtme bills represents its "poorest batting average" in any field, "This is an area that Is not partisan{' he said. "It ts one where the problem is national, where people of both parties want action. I hope that this ls only the beginning." The President described the new Washington crime law as "an un- precedented measure, a very strong one" dealing with what he termed "an un- pr<>cedented problem ." • When he took. <lffice, be said, the capit81 ''was fast becoming t h e crime capital of the world." NiJ:on described the new law as pro- viding "the tools ab.solutely essential for us to stop the rise of crime in Washington and to reverse the trend." The legl.slaUon allows pretrial iailin C or persons adjudged likely to endanger commtmity safety and aulhortr.es p6llce with certain search and arrest wam.nt.s to enter homes without knocking. The ~knock feature, designed for use when police fear evidence could be destroyed as they wait at the door. requires that a judge approve in> each case before it is invoked. The bill also expands police authority for wiretapping under court order; sets mandatory minimum sentences for se- cond offenders convicted of armed violent crimes ; allows adult trials for juveniles charged with violent crimes; provides more judges, and creates a public ciefender system. SOFA BED~ • T~•i• •r• "'"' col'llfortabl• ,,f, b1cl1 for $iHi119 1rHI Sl11pin9. " wii• ••l•c+ion of F1bric1 eni Colon l• dlo ... fr1111. ~io 'No~$299 ~ Yovr faVorit< Interior il<llfl"er will I>< MPJ>11 to oul.tt uo• , , , H.J.GARRtff fURNllURE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS 0,.. Moo.. l1im. r. fr!, ha 221! HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646-0275 • - ( ' I I 1 ' I I I , t c t I t f t t t t a • a ~ a c h ~ c 0 ~ • • ' c y a d L ~ ft a fl ~ q ~ II b N Ii. I< .ti u • • h u c • -- • • Sadatehaek ·TOday'• Phud " YOL 63, NO. 181, 5 SECTIONS, 66' PAGES ()AAN&E COU!"f'Y, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, JULY-30, ·1970 \ ' ' . · ·TtN CENTS . . ,. ar1nes By JORN VALTERZA Of ""' 0.ll'f .. llM ""' Pressure to compel U.S. Marines to open up nearly five m'lles of Ca.mp . Pendleton beach foi public use nloved on two to~level fronts today. In WashinR:ton, a California con- gressman appealed directly to the Department of Defense for opening the beach and at Camp Pendleton itself State Parts Director William Penn Mott Linda Tells Of Man son's Involvement LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Linda Kasa· bian added detail after detail today to her stury of the slayings oI a wealthy grocer and his wife as the prosecution aUempted to establish an ironclad case against the "Manson family.'' The state's key witness identified leather thongs willi which Charles Manson allegedly. bound Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary, on the night they were slain in their home. The young woman also pointed out on a photograph of a gasoline station washroom the exact spot in which she aaid Shihad hladen a wallet th~t Manson brought out or the LaBianca home. She aaid thJt -MaMOO told her to hide it so that perhaps a black woman would find it and use the credit cards and Negroes would be blamed for the llayjog, ' . oooght cooperation from hlgb'ranklnf Marines.,. '· r '• Mott•was meeting through t.hl.i morning with commanders at ~amp· Peridletqn to· tty for a '801uUon to lease.term. ahd beacb<sD:e dis.agreement which ·has stalJ. ed the opening ol the virgin beach area for months. At ·about the . same time .Republican CongreSsman Alohzo Bell ol California Implored Seccetary of Defense Melvin Laird to press for the openifll of 4.5 • eac • m1Je1 ,CJl Camp PendleUln Beach near San Onofre under" a 1001-tenn lease. Ti)us far, pUbllclY. announced fatta· in the beaclrlsaue hsve uld that the Marine CorPs will offer·aoly I.I miles of beach for .even XUfl· But Mott. who bas been working toward the: beach opening u a surfing · park all year, has saJd that such a short-term agreement would not be suitable for the stall!, because of the high costs. for improvements -including I mart.ma~ reef •. The issue 11. 110w apparenUy · in a atilt of fiur with some repor;, aired tbiJ ,. .. k metl\IOnlng that tile Mmoine Corps In tbe , Pentagoa II yt.Jdlng-to public and Wblte House pressure to ac- cede to ·u.e stal.e r~est.s. 'Ibe beach land in question Hes downcoast from the Edison nuclear .. corn- plex and is below towering bluffs, wbJch would 'have to be gouged out for public accoss. Another photograph of a telephone pole, next to the residence of actress Sharon Tate was also identified as the one that Oiarles "Tex" Watson climbed to cut the lines the night of the slayings there. .~ •• --f -1 ... 'i • 1 • • • • , • , .' I • ' ' · ' 1 • • ' fOAILV.,n.OT .... 1 The state was expected tD conclude Its direct examination of Mrs. Kasabian today and the defense to begin cross examination. M\)RRIS WHIYA.l(ER,foRIGH.t ), STOP.SJ TO•CHAT ;WLTH· BUD K·EYSER AND 'PO HO' THE PARROT · · Colorful Forfft Av-·R.,..lar ·Ii~· c.,,..raati.. Pleca That Talks Back The 21-year-old blonde witness told the jury Wednesday that Manson sent three of his followers into the LaDianca home with the inst.rudions "don't let them know you're going to k~ them.:• She gave the court a startling account of Manson person1Jly leading a foray to the La.Bianca ·ltbme the night after the Aug. 8 slayings at the Tate home. Grand; Lady ' of' P~g~ant, Marjorie-Williarits()n,·Die.s Following her accusation there was a brief pause, with Mrs. Kasabian waiting for the questions to continue, and the bearded Manson called across to her in the courtroom, "You 're lyi ng. •1 Mrs. Kasa bian turned around and tlattd at the 35-year-old ex~vict ac- cused of mastenninding seven slayings. "It's not a lie, Charlie," 11he said In a soft, clear voice. "You know." At the end of the session, two of the defense attorneys were taken into custody and sent to jail for contempt of court -one for constantly interrupting ~rs. Kasabian and the other for direcUng • vulgarism at a deputy district attorney. Going on wilh her eyewitness account ol the events of the nigh.ts of Aug. (See TATE, Page Z) Marjorie 'Williamson, grand old lady of Lagt\na's Pageant ·of the Masters, died early Wednesday at South Coast · CommUnity Hospital. The Rev. Ellsworth Richardson will of. ficiate at services for the S>year<()!d mother of Pageant producer Don Williamson at 1 p.m. Saturday in Pacific View Chapel, Newport Beach. Also surviving are a so n, Dr. Robert G. William.Ion of Ontario, four grandchildren and four sreat grandchildren. Mrs. Williamson collapsed backstage at Irvine Bowl Sunday night. She was on duty, as usual, as a backstage volunteer,.the only member of this )'tar'• Pageant crew who had worHd on the Chamber .4ll-Stars Set • For White House Game Warming to his utra-currlcular task, 4 p.m. at the Laguna Beach High School Cleve Ryan , manager 0£ the challenging diamond . White House staff' and press corps The flrst.,trlng lineup for the White IOftball leain, has announced a star-stud-House, all announced by Ryan, includes : Herb Kapklw, NBC correspondent, ded lineup for Saturday's tilt with the third base; Frank <:ormier, Maoclated taguna Beach Chamber or Commerce Press, center fleJd ; Ron z i e g I e r • team. presidential press secretary, 11hort st'?P Ryan, who serves as lighling technicJ(ln and ca{>taln; Dan Rather, CBS, right tor the networks when President Nixon field : Bob Manning, White Hou!e staffer appears on television, said he will be in charge of transportation , fitst baae ; fielding about zo players from the eo John Magee, A&t, second base; Tom White House staffers and newsmen bead-Jarriel, ABC, le.ft field; Ted Clark, UPI, quartered at Laguna's Surf and Sand catcher,; Wally McNamee. Newsweek, during the President's current ·sojourn PKCber~ and Ollie Snyder, ·weitero at the Western White House. Union, shol'l field. ' ' The lineup of the Laguna Beach team The softball tilt w11 propoted 1fy the bu not yet been announced by Dr. visit.on who uld they would like to first Pageant of the Masters Jn 19.15. A (amillar ·and beiov'ed ,figure at the 1 boWI, ·she. tolled · as ' a v o I u n t e.e r seamstress ,jn the co&tunie department for riionlhs -btfore each Pageant opening, then reported each night to help "living picture" models' into their coab.lmes and bead pieces. Last month .she w~s ,honOred by friends and co-workeni -at , a surprise birthday party on· the Fe!Jtival relitaurant terrace, as she observed her. 15th birthday and 35th annl.versary with the pageant. A UI04 graduate • ol, the Dillenbeck School of Drama in Kaosa's City, Mrs. · •William90n wu 1 lifelong' devotee of ~ Oi,iter. !, . • Molt of , 1-er early married life w1s spent in Mex.icO City1 where her husband, Richard, was national secretary of the YMCA and 11he headed the drama depart~ ment of the American School FoundaUon. In 1933, the family moved to Pasadena when ahe becam·e workshop director at the Paqde·na Playhouse and, two years later, lhe liped on as diretklr of the LalUJla Beach Playbou..e. Her ltl'Vict as a Pageant volunteer began that year and continued throughout the years. A widow for aome years. Mrs. WUlia:maon made her home at a Arroyo Oilco St. In Laguna Beach. Fqllbwln1 the Saturday 1ervlce, in· urnment will be made at PacUlc View Mtmorill Pll'k. Mitchell Listed 'Satisfa c~ory' Martin Kruger, local dentist appointed • do "something .memorable" for Laguna by Chamber President Beniard Syfan in return for' the (lne.·W"e1tbtt tna1w1hn · to organize Art Colony derense against hospitality they have tnjoyeil bert while Clay Mitchell o{ South Laguna1 recently appointed to the &.ta.~ Board of \Educa- Uon, remaln11 In tht Jntensive can. unit al Soulh CoHl Comlnunlly HOIP)tai.' following a .aevere heart attadt, bot Ls in "11Usf1ctory" coaditlon, a pospttal spokesman uid today. M.lt<htll. SI. of 11 S. Alta Mir* .Road. coll1paed Monday aher-picking , up1 hJs d1ugl\ter.-Jennifer. from her work in LaJUM Bead\ and ,... taken by htr to tho boopilal. ..the While House challenge. · Apparently tricking the President. there is no shortage of volun leers. After the Saturday tilt, victors· a.nd Spurning a suggeslion that he serve vanqulthed will repair to the Surf and 111 umpire, Mayor Richard Goldberg, Sand for light refreshments ind post e:x~fficio Chamber board member, 1ald mortem dl9CUnion. At this ttme it 11 he wants lo play. expected the Chimber• will propofJe 1 Fonner Mayor Bill Martin will handle cross-<:balJenge for the next trip - the umpire duties, 1ccordln1 to the basketblll or touch football, dtpeod1na Chamber. Play will i.t under w~ •;. on ti:! ......,. I • Mitchtll ae.rved on the Oranie County 1 school board 'for seve.n• Ye1n btfore.1 hi• appointment to Ille state board tall February. Hia aPPoinlmenl by GoW!mor Rtagsn WU confirmod by the ~~ lo J ..... ' :ii. ' ' 'P¢it hQ'· '.fells . It . Like it ·is- ln 60 · WordS ."' :, · ·. , , 1 r • " 1 : , t c ·. 0ne or t1Je-n1oi1 1n1r1em0i· o1 ·1ir the !UIJ\P • biids . w!io Jnhablt ·Uqµno , ii 1 ·parrot named "Pon9ho"\ whO '-hangs out on .FOr~'st .Aven,ue ... · · · He 'is owned ·by· Bud Kt!ysir; wbo freq~tly walks trom'.his; 'home al 374 Cypre&s Drive to. the dpwhtown . area, paUsfug, with Poncho 'per~ed, ne~r.by, for a cup of coffee at Trotter's Bakery. Children walking along are intrigued by the multicolored 'bird, Ulat boasts of a ~word vocabulary,1 He wiH .say "hello" and ''goodbye" and has been known on ooe ~sion to .tell a ,barJirii dOI tO "!h~t up.'" . 1 • • . And.. it'1 not Uf!.UBUal for Poncho ,·19 say ~'hl,.baby"·lo tute11all ooLquba ,sands •. Keyser reP,'.lrts. · • Ttiough Keyser, a retired : fuinitut'e ! , •• manufacturer, was given' Uie' parrot by ' friends four years ago •. it's: ~rd· to get him to 1dmll it. "I ·like to tell ·pe0pie -.,poclaily 'the ' klda -"that I ·got 'Poncho from 'a ~etired. pirate in Panama." , Many of the ~l merchi.nts kno" Poncho and his owner .. Durtni ·the rum-- ·mer, the parrot .rates as a aood 'beach 1ldesho!f •. · . . .. Many people .like to oiler Poocho things to eat. but Keyser tul'DI them dOwn, as his 'friend Is partial on.ly·to 'llUnbowa 11eeds. and fresh -fruits. odcasio'naJlj, as 1. trtat, Poncho Will get aonie pine null. . . . . , · .. one of Poncho's. favorite' rpota arolm.d to>in ·it tbe P.1 sbol>. 6e<:a..,. there he can • see ,soll)e . of lit ~ ~d, ~ vi&H.,(~ a (e~ mina~. • · · ' . . . 1 Pondio's Wtl'att ts 'on~·di!P.laY ·at thls year't .Art-A-Falr fUd\lal100,.,N. ~oa1t Hlghiljay. Iri a·l>Ootb •owne<f ~y-c,u.ne .carr,·a 1.ea1 ~' · • ' '' ·Man Dies at 'WlJeel A G1rden Grove man who wu found dead at ·the 1'1ieti of )I~ ctr ,., , the ,victim of a Jteart attack', corooet:• oJ. ncer1 ,riJled today, They rt!Urned that verdicl on E. Rtnil•flon Pace, 41, who w11 . found dead Wedne$day~ by pollce ln•uti1atin1 a trifflc bol~p In Garden Grove, ' -. ~· · . · ' 'lbe Marine Corpg bu balked on the idea becaUse, sr.kesmen say, the beach lal)\I ls valuab e to ·them for military training maneuvers. St.ate officials have said that the:Y would be williDJ to close the beach on occasion if It is needed for mlJitary purposes. NegotiaUonJ for. the ·Camp Pendleton beach aroae after plans for opening ,of a prime surfing beach near the Western White House were thwarted. '. ' -·e , The · Trestles beach, ·which !of ye... ha! been a ll'Jllght.after 1pott by 11.irlen willing to. sneak inJ had ~111 acbeduli!d to be opened to the public,· but aecurlty oHiclal.a. guardirig the Pres~ent declared the opening a definlte risk'to Mr. Nm>n. So detailed plans reflecting -lllOllths of work by state adminittrators and planners were scrapped. · It wets ~n that n'egoUaUons bepn !or ~ beach ~owncout, bul"~y '!"'II CSee BEACH, Pip I). . Economy Rosy:-~ • ' . ' I ' ln·Nixon Speech?' President Nlxon flew frQm the Western' White House 1n San Clemente to Los Angeles WednMday ~gh~ to 1et the ace~e for a t.ele.viied. press conference he will make at 8 o'cloc~ toalght. ~ Whib House sottrc'es said he has spent the la11t three days taking the 'J)Ulse of the American economy and Is es:pected to pr@.ounce It hale ~ he!lfty 1hia evePling~ · · The President selected the· early eveb- fng hOur so the western ·United States could view .the conference durb1g prime television t Im e. Moet ~con!ehlnces l!'e .,heduled '!of eo,.tem "1ewei:1i • ForecUi-• 10.. ·an 'upour~· in ·tho · and n ..... ~,for ' Ua ~ ~ .... r' .. · 1n llle-liilldte · ~'" ..... u.. Prt1!de•t -..... .. _ ...... -publlc. It~~llila to .. tile UriUiiiiJ iliP 0 hOidlng ~ - -· """'"'"" In 10 da~·-· .. ~-~1riil -t . with . ne\osmen Iii • DllJr<JOl1l of the Cenlury Plaza Hotel, wbere be opent Wed....taynighl. It will )>e bJs first ut.ionally televlled news'COllference outside· Wubington and hJs tlth·since taking office. But only 10 days ago he held 1 30- mi.Jlul.e wide-ranging meeting w l t b repcirters' fn •tfie oval office' of· the .Wlfite Hoo,,e during whlcb be spoke wit.b 11Jard- ed opt.imlam about the economy · and urged .Collireu to bold the .un. on federal 1pendlng.. · . · • · NlioR .Cheduled • aeries. of meetings today in tbt pentboW suite ~ ~ oc• cupyingi with Dr. Henry A. Kiasmger, his chief fortlgn affairs adviser, .H .. :R. Haldemo,1 his ·chief Of itaff, and Patrick Buch'anan, One of his speech wrH.ers, · . sl'iortJy 'befoce colning to Loi Angeles Niten . completed three day:s of .aesaions with George P. Schultz, his top J>udge~ inanaget, ,. anti other · White· H~se economic experts, to have an , overaU look at the economy and prepare the brpad outlines of the 1972 b\Ki1et he Wn1 tend to Coniresa rlext. Ja11uary. · ·Shultz 'told newsmen Wednesday the economy Jnow was poised for an ~pward * * * Nixon Planning Visit t:O Me~ico President Nixon wiil 'ny to Mexico for an Aug. 20 and 2J ,me~g with 9\1lgoini President Diaz Otdaz in the popular Pacific Coast resort of Puerto Vallarta. Press ~etary ' Ro'n Ziegler 1 did in San Clemente that the' President will fly to the Mes:ican ieaside community di· rectly from Washinjton.. D.C. Mrs. Nixon will· accompany him . ' Z1¢gler d{d not rule .out the po!slblllty that Nlion Will continue on from Puerto .Vallarta to bis Wulem White Hoese at San Clemente. · It will be 1 the flnt foreip trip th1s year for . the Preaident. He met Diaz Otdu. once eullec on Sept. a, 1969. Zieg· ler:said the• two be:tdl:of ltlle Will ~ cus1 ,bllateral Jpu~s cpncemlng the U.S. and Mexico. He did not amplify thfs. Freeway Runner Killed · hy Auto ·· · . . , . ') . . . . . . ,A·cOm~lon -waa·klU;d. by 1 car ·early today on the San Dltgo Fretwa,Y near 'El '1'oro' Road when ht otopped hllr ·carand nn odtO the 'keeway lo Atiiova 1 piece of poper !hft' bad ~lo!'• from hll vehicle. . , . eamorn1a· Hlgbw~ r.1ro1men . iden- tffiid· the victim Is ony ' S. Akita • ·:11. ol 1475 W. 116111 SL H<' waj .lilted u dead on arrlvll 1t South·~ Com· mun!!)' Hoopflll. , · · ; wu .. .,.; told oUicers Alcat1 pulled his car to the •Ide ol tbe freeway In 1n appartnt attempt .to retrieve 1 documen~ that bid blown · throu&h an open window. .. I llW'ge :and the ·thrust of. adminittrat,lca policJea would be limed •t controllln& With erpansion 90 , as to prevent u inQationary .surge. . · r · The President was sajQ to b!e·some,vhat encouraged by, a=ptan<:e of hll M.iddle East: ~ce plan· by Jonfao , ~ the United Arab Ropublic• and. beld ool hope the 'Israelis also would accept It. * ·* *· Presid.en~ ~ig~ DC Crime Bi\l, 1 ' ' .4 Raps D~~tat8: ' SAJ1 a,E1'(EllT~ (AP•) '": ~ NlllOJl ~ lnlQ law Wi<f'!"'1•r a. bill which alto.., pollce .to enter lnln bomet unannounced ancl allaws · pn!ti:lal J"1ing cir certafu • defeiidinlS. Bill He IC<UKd the ! Democrat controUed Ccrl.greSI' ,al. inacUoh .on his anticrlme Jetlelaticm. · Talking .lo newsmen as he aHtxed bis slin8t11re to the contr,o""'yersial Dl!tr!d of Columbia Crime Control Bill, ·Ntxa on obsttved It was the flr1t ad.. rnlnistraUon nieuure' in: the ~ field to reach his desk. . ·The-bill,. aimed:. at lowering the crime rate' in the natiori'r capital but liailf.d by ~ ·admlrils:iratlon as a 1 model for the states, · WIS proposed niore the a year ajo along with 12 other antic:rime propooal.<. "lt it: time· for the Congress to have ~tter }han ,a~l·for-i3 batting averace,'' ht declared. · ~~on coiltel)ded· th:tt ~e coogr~ssional r~rd on crhne . bills repre~~ ii.I "pobrest'batting 1ver1ge" in any field. "This is an area that ls not partisan , .. he said. "It is one w~ere the problem is national, where people of both partie1 want actio,n .. t hope tba.t th1I is only the beP:uUng." . · . The ' PresJdent described tM new , Wa~h!ngton cn,ne ·1aW as ''an, un· precedenl'd meas:urt1 , a very strona one" d!!lling with what ·he tenned "an ,Ul)- p~edented problem." . When he took dt'fice .. he aald1 ~ capital ."w•s fast ~ t h e crftne capital cf the world." · ' Nixon described the new law' as pro. vi.ding "the tools ablolutely essential for us to !lop the rllt Of crime in Wl8blngtoo and to rever• the trend.'' The legja11tion allows pretrial Jallinc of per.sons adjudpd likely to endanger comnumity safety and:authorizes police with certain search and attest warnnt.1 to enter homes without knocldnc. · Ttie •llO-knock fe1ture, dealped for use when police ftar evidence could be CS.. CRIMt, Paje 11 ' . ·' . ·lfeadler . • , Hazy sunshine will greet beacf>. goers get Ung a ·held starr On the weekend Friday. Temperatlll'tl wlU be up Into the 80'11 inland, but only near 70 alour the cout. . .. · .' INSmE TODAY • I ' . ' . . ne .. u;,,;·, re,.,.,, ...,)d.~ . · tlas1-the migrant farm worlt-. . <f&-<Ji! , l!MllV 'P<llf~ IOflll attention from th.r haUI of 1Con- Q~tU. Pagil 21. I • ' -" -... ,.._,._.. D --.. Or-.otll •c..tJ •11 ,.,.... ,..... . -.... ·---,_ .. -. r.-,~.: ........ , .. I I ,I DAILY 11\.0T SC Co11nty Vows To ~ppeal .. Edison Case Zlplmlon ct a major Orange County elecltlc ltl>Uatio( plant Is beaded ror lhe Calllomia Supmne Coort today. The flgbt ii over a plan to triple the capacity or Soul.hem California Edison Compu:y'g steam power plant In Hunlingtoo Beadl. '11le power Olmpany uys two adcjiUooal 1ener1Ung unltl are needed to guarantee electrical aervice to tis customen In l4 Southern Callfomla counties. The Public UtiliUes Commission agreed with tile EdlBon Company In June. ThiJ week lhe PUC denied an appeal for nlltarlnc from lhe OrlllC• County Air PollullQn COolrol District. Tbe APCI>, which allo clalma Jurlsdl<> tlona1authority,has deoled1be upanslon ioquat. Fcllowioc lhe PUC'a d"1ial ol the pollution bl>ml'a appeal on 'fuesday, Deputy 'Orqe ~lllY Counael Jamea V. Urbon -he will appeal to the stale Supreme Oourl .., behalf or lhe county APCD. The APCD U)'I the new ~fuel bu"'" facWllH •ou/4 l>e oddlllonal . IOUrCei ol, air palhdanta, 'n!e APCD cmlendl It lw been given ~ over power plant coostrucUon by llilfe feclslatfve act while the PUC point. to,lhe·Callfomla caostitutlon u the bali I« Ila ..--tfy over pul>Uo utlUUeS. Both agencies 11y they have 1ood cues for claiming jurisdicUon and the question for Ille ~ Court to settle ts which -lint lbtllut·Wmf -Ille two bave macle'-"O cleclst-. Urbon aald he especta to file hlJ brW with the Supmne CCUrt well within Ille llklll' limit AutldptlDI cleDlll, he Nld tile OOllllly coumel'• clllce bal. been wartmc on It ever lloOt It filed lhe .......... peClllon Oii JlllJ t. . Tbe matter wtll 10 dlred to the stale Supreme Court without an intervening appellate oourt htartog, Urbon Hplained. He said 11pp91l1 from the PUC receive preferential treatment ewer other dvll cues oo 1he SUpreme Court calendar. F,....P .. f l , CRIME ••• -.,Yed u they wait ti the 'door, nqulm tllal a Judi• _... In eodl ... blfaro It II Invoked. Tbe bill olao exponds police outbarify for wiretlJllllnl under court order; aetl mandatory minknuna Hntmcea for • coad ol!endera comfc:led of armed vlnlent cmi .. ; ~ ~ldolt 1rlala for ju...Ues dm'ged with violent aimes; provides maro Judles, and aula a public defmder ayatem. '!be .,...,,.. ,.., hotly ·~ In Ccmcraa. eipedllly Its n<>knock and preventive detentloo oecllcms. Sftl, Sam J. Ervin (o.N.C.), called the bill 0 a victory for repressive criminal procedures.•• Sen. Howard E. Hughes (0.lowa), llld he fears a trend "that places simplistic fajth. In the mistaken noUon that f o r c e and repression are the only route& to llCh!evlng law and order." Sen. J""!>h Tydlhp CO.Md.), who managed the hl1!. argued lllat the nl!nher ol felooie. In the District. of Columbia .... by l2Z perceot during the pasl five years while the pen:entage of con- vldlona declined steadily. '!be President's other propooala still pendlntl In Congress Include measures to i:rovlde inventive detention in all federal jurisdictions, renew federal aid to locll police agencies, combat organiz.. ed crime and ,.vise peoalu .. fOT crimes relltod to narcoUcs. DAILY PILOT ............ " ............ ................... ,..,. c ... ,... S. Cle:aewlw ORANOI COAST "UILllHINO COMPANY ••'Mrt N, 'W•M ""'"IHl!t ........... lllllr J•ck l. <:.rl•! Vic* ,,......... ..... o.rw. "'..._... T1ri•111 •t K•••il EfllOr ThttM•t A. Mv1,.hiu ,._..ll'llEfllw 1Uch•'4 P, N•ll 1M11 OrwM C-11 Edltw .,,..,. c.. ,,,,.., ,. \flf'at ...., '""" ....,., ~: 1111 Wtlf .... , ............ . .....,... -..cti: m ,_, .., ........ ='k::~~=~~ UPIT ....... FARM WORKERS' CHAVEZ. !LEFT), GROWERS' GIUMARRA SR. APPLAUD CONTRACT Whlt•htlrod Cleric is Auxiliary Bishop JOllph F. Donnelly of U.S. Bishops CommltlH on Di1pul1 Pact Ends Grape Strike DELANO (UPI) -The words scrawled 1n dust on a truck parked outside Cesar Qi.avez' m1ion ball told the story: "We won!" Inside the ball Cbav., and hlJ staunchest oppooentl signed a historic c:ontracl Wednetdly ending the bitter atriie and nationwide boycott against the growers of m<>1t of California's table grapes. Three hundred farm workers cheered .. Cbavtz . rulflrmed hlJ failb In - violent moan. 'l1ley ahoutod even louder· as 26 Delano area growers jotted their nam• on union contracts. "We are happy. perhaps overjoyed, *1Jat peace' bu ,come to this valley.'' Aid John Ghnnarra Jr., of. Glumarra Vlntyanll; ' a lcq.time ' opponenl of Oiavei' union. He called the contracts a mutual victory beginning a "new era" bf wb1ch growers and the union would wart together for a better market price for their products. Olavez Wei the boycott would continue ag&Jnst the remalnlnc non·unkln growen. wllo produce 25 p«cent ol the atate'• cn>p: Callfomla grows IO percent or tbe natlon's tab1e grapes. George Sadoian, one of the Fresno area growm who has not signed, aaid the boycott and market prealllW'es will prohehly fOl'C< lhe holdout. to accept contracta too. "I think we're all 1oing to have to join the boa! In O(der to marl<et our 1fape1 " Sldo1m Nkt. "UP'WOC bas lot t11e'dlaln atora In tllelr comp." ! ,. . • ~.. -Del~o Vrineyard Workers Hurt in Costa Mesa Crash A 1954 sedan crammed With Delano grape pickers celebrating the end of their strike roared off the Newport Freeway into Costa Mesa today and smastied a row or stopped cars. ' Six persons were sent to three different hospllab in the 12:28 a.m. multkar crash at Newport Boulevard and Bristol Street. Traffic was tled up for more thal\ one hour as police cleared away the tangled wreckage ci the five Vflblcles involved and reoomtntcted what baJ)' pened. Modesto G. E9Calera, 26, a vineyard worker, was 1.JTested by Officer Dick Laguna's Annual Volleyball Game Tourney Nearing Laguna's 16th Annual Open Doubles Volleyball Tournament will be played this weekend on the Main Beach volleyball courU. Play will begin al 9 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Top cootestants In lhe tournament, sponsored hy the cify RecreaLioo Depart· ment, include former Olympian Gent Selmlck, one of the foremost volley~ll players of all time, and Keith Ericbon, fonner UCLA basketball star now playing for lhe Los Angeles Laken. Erlek.son won this tournament in 1967. other top teams entered in the weektnd play include Ron Von Hage~ playing with Henry Bergman, and Ron Leng playing with Ron Snyder. Von Hagen, playing with Johrt Vallely. won last year's Main lleadl tournameot. Beach Sleeper All Boxed In DeFranclsco and booked on suspicion of felony drunk driving. Ponce iaJa Escalera. who aave his home address as Lu Cruces, N.M., was slightly injured but refused treat- ment when taketi to Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital. Two of his passengers were taken to the same hospital and then transferred to Orange County Medli:B.J Center, where ibey were in serious 0>ndiUon today )YIU) head fnjurl ... They were Identified, as Mrs. Margarita :RodrJgue.s, 38, of Delano, and Monico D. Escalera, 21, or Coacb9lla. 1 Jose L. Souzameda,,wbose age wasn't established, was taken to Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital, where it w a s detennined be was simply drunk and oot Injured. From Page 1 TATE ••• 8 • 9, Mrs. Kasablan, told a spooky story or driving for hours around Los Angeles and Manson rejecting one hou se after another , tmUl be came to the LaBianca residence. Manson went ~de, she. said, and then came out and told three members or his band that he had tied up a man and woman but ''doh't let them know yoo're going to till them." Manson and .his three female codefen- dants -Susan Atkins, P a t r i c i a Krenwi.nkel and Leslie Van Houten - signalled with their haods al fthe young woman in a manner resembllitg a hyp- notist, but she Ignored them and went steadily along wilh her story. The night alter the Tate slayings, she said, Manson sent bis followers out again and accompanied them to "show us how to do it." They stopped in front of four homes. she said. Manson went up and looked in one but came back and said there were pictures of children on 'the wall and he could not 10 in. "But he said that later we shouldn't let children stop us, for the sake of the chlklren of the future," she said. It was the natiobwide boycott -and Its effect on the big grocory chains -whldl hroulht <llavtz the victory he coukln't win by strikes. 'l1le boycott, laundled two years ago after three years of striker bad brought only' limited IUC'Ctll, put pickets outside stores in New York, Seattle, Boston and other cities. Many 8'-" refuaed to buy grapes and aeveral chains took them off their shelves . 'l1le boycott also enlistod lhe support of nationally known PollUcal figures, In- cluding New York Mayor John V. Linduy, the late Sen. Robert F. Ken· nedy, and UMUCCe.SSful Democratic pruidontial candidate, Hubert H. Hump. Irey, • ,Gn>wm denounced tlle tactis u fllesal and lneffedlve. But foderal laws prohibiting secondary boycotts dfd not apply to agr!cullure and the boycott'& effectfvfJ!;esa: became appattnt last summer when the pro. c1ucen med a m mll1lon ant1trust au11 against Chavez and the union. '11le pressure ct the boycott finally broke grower rWstance this spring. The first agreements were signed in Southern California, where grapes ripen first. By midsummer, about 35 percent of the state's grapes were under union contract. The signing of the Delano group pushed the figure to 75 percent. Chavez promised that when the last non-union grower sigm, "We will tum our boycott machinery around and make grapes really sweet again." More Tinae bleed County 'Delays Plans for ·Rane Ii • Plans by Recreation Environments Inc. to trlll18fonn the 10,otfO.acre Starr Ranch north of San Jum Capistrano into a major recreation facility were dellyed for a week Wednesday by Orange County plannlnl ~rs. 'Ibe county commbslon felt it was being tushed lftd wanted more time to look at the proposll. ~ REI was ·~ *permlaslon to begin · constructloo on lhe first 117 m!1llon phue of the recreation project, located. off the Ortega lfighway that heads out of San Juan toward Late Elsinore. Additional approval of a zoning change will be needed before the company can open Its doors and begin charginf ad- mission to the 1.5 million vlsltors it expects ln its first year. · Edwin D. Ettinger, chairman. ol the hoard for RE~ sought to assure county planning commlsslooers Wednesday that the company can bring the project off despite the financial difficulties of its parent company, Great Southwest Corp., subsidiary to the bankrupt Pem Central Railroad. Ettinger said Great Southwest hu. decided to sell oH R ecreatio n Environments and the Newport Beach firm has received acqulsitlon overtures fr_om a number of major companies. Planning Commisaione!' John T. Mcin- nis said he wu worried that if condltloos of approval are left too wide open the Starr Ranch might be aold off to someone else and developed dillerenUy. "The conversations I have been in· volved in focused just as much on management and planning as on dirt and the physical assets of REI," Ettinger aaid. REI Is the developer ol the S,otfO.acr• l'rolll P .. e J BEACH ••• bogged down. Orlsinal estimates set lhe openiog or the inJtial 1.5 miles of beach in a rough !late by the start of this summer. But delays, then the announcement last May that the terms of the lease were causing problems, meant that the beach would remain closed. Some slate parts officials even gnunbled that It took two months just '"' them to gain pmnluloo to Rt foot on the s11e In question. In the mtantlme public _, bu mou,nted .• •~panted hy pledca Imm White Houae aides that Pro~ Nixon wants the ~losed 11tas open to the public. Los Angeles County supervlsors even joined the campaign-earlier this summer by unanimously adopting a resolution calling for the opening of the beach. Another factor in the fluid st.ate of the negotiations Is the change in com. mand this summer of the top bras& at the base. Maj. Gen. Donn J. Robertson, base commander, will leave his post for a to~level job in Marine Headquarters in._Jashlngton, D.C., to be replaced here by Maj. Gen. George S. Bowman Jr. Coto de c..a 11ddle and hunt club to the west of• the Starr Raoch and owns the Japanese Deer Village in Buena Park plua other ncreation projectl tn Santa. Barbara County, northern C.llfor~ Dia, Michigan and Bawa!!. REI plans call for construction to begin in September and the fadlity 1to be opened by ne1t July if all goeS well. '!be project Is being hilled as "the world's first m-.jor, privately· developed public park. Ettinger said jt is the first time private business is going into public recreaUCWI. He compared it to the county's O'Neil and Irvine regiooal parka. Finl. Jiiase construdion calls for 4,000 reserved picnic sites, 450 camper vebicle site& and ·300 tent sites. There are to be 12 m11.es of m~ trails. A tumo(. the<entury village ls planned with recreation hall, bandstand, carousel and general store. Special Session Set to Study City Plan Draft The Laguna Beach Planning Com· mission bas scheduled a special study sesaion at ,7:30 p.m. today in city ball council chambers to Conclude it.s ex· amination of a general plan draft prepared by Daniel, Mann , Johnson 4e Mendenhall. The commissioners will prepare a recommendation on the plan f o r forwarding to the city council. '!'. 'l1le planning !elm, whicll bu hetn : studying Laguna for the past two years.~· will prepare a final general p-opoul:: on the basis of commerit.s from the• commission and council. ; · The study session tonight is open to; the public. Clamber of Commerce presl~. dent Bernard Syfan this week ilr&ed· members of the business community: to attend. '. • . Two Girls Jailed~ For Skinnydips Two teenage girll who took a nude, ahriek:ing a~dJp on the beach at Su: Clemente Wednesday afternoon 'wotml up i • jail a short time later Oil dru1 intoxication charges, lifeguards said to- day. Police arrested the girls, 15 and 17, at 2:45 p.m. as the pair doffed their bathing suits and started their romp along La Rambla beach. The noise began, police said, when the girls were taken into custody at· lileguard headquarters by f o u r patrolmen. By then the girls had been coverec(. with towels. They were given clothe§ before their booking 01 charges al the police departmeJ1t. SOFA BED $4t.1t Th••• •r• ••rv ce,.,fort•bl• 1•f• b•d1 for Sittin9 •n~ Sl1•pift9. A wide 1•l•cllo11 •f f•briu •11d Col•n t• cho••• fr•rn. -... ~ Ellf«clng local ordinanc.s baruting 1leepin1 oa the beach or in vehicles, LaiUDA Beacll police potrols 1jghtiy lmle cltaUoos to )'l>Ulhful visitors napplag In the great outdoors. Wednemy tbere was a new twist. Al•Jandro Em«to Romm, 24 , Chi· cago, was cited, notes the Police log, for "sleeping In a large ~ardboard bo1 behind the Del Camino Hotel." Maruon ordered her to stop in front of a church, sheJ'aald, and told them he was ''goingAn to find a minlster or a preacher or a priest inside." She said he came back and reported lhe church doors were locked. Your fcvoritc lntmor d~rignrr wilt be happy to Clriat you ••• ~ illegal sleeper wu •llt 1potted unUI 8:43 e.m., by which Ume, pttsumahly, Ile had enjoyed 1 good ntaht'a '"'in hb unorthodo1 cootaiau. While they were drlvlng along Sunset Boulevard, she said, Manson ordered her to pull alongside a white sports car with a man Inside and that Manson got out at a stoplight. saying he w1s going to shoot the occupant. The Ught turned -· and lhe car sped on and they did not see It again . t PR~S:~N:~ARRETT fURNll1JRE 2215 HARBOR BLVD. INTERIOR DESIGNERS o,_ M• .. ,.._ a. l'rl. IYla. COST"~~~tis CALIF. • YC Pt op<l Pen• on t In are! Dep hea< ~at 1 c L u biar her gro< atte aga T lea I MlU and Ille) 'T! on Wa! saic bro s h!d1 ""' and sl~ nu Tit th• cut the . :1 Ill tod ... 1 the thr h<X th< or to lh• I a ... •• to I sis "" ' In . 11' cu of M •• or l c II .. d L u ~ I b I t 1 I • I -.. f'. Lagu•·~~ B.eaeh · " , EDITION • ,VOL. 63, NO. 181, 5 SECTIONS, 66·P~~~ " .. ORAN6E cpuNT'(, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, JULY 30, :1970 ·:TEN CENTS . , ... ' ' ••• ' . ' . ' \ ' • . ' .. ' ' I'• ar1ne:~s .· eac se us ·e ' . .. . . By JORN VALTERZA Of .... DIMr ""' llatt Presa:tire to compel U.S. MariM:11 to oPeft up nearly five miles of Camp Pendleton beach for public usf! moved on two 1.oJ>level fron ts today .. h'l Washington. a California COD· iJ'e~man appealed direct.ly to the Department ol Defe.nse for opening the beach and at Camp Pendleton JI.sell ~tale Parks Director William PeM Mott • Linda Tells Of Manson's Involvement LOS AN.GE LES (UPI) -Linda Kasa- bia.n added detail after detail today to her story of the slaylngs of a wealthy grocer and his wife as the prosecution attempted to establish an ironclad case against the "Manson family." The state's key witness Identified leather thongs with which Charles Manson allegedly bound Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary, on the night· lhey were slain in their home. ·The young woman also poioled out on a photograph of a gasoline staUon washroom the exact spot in which she said she had hidden a wa,llet that Manson brought out of the LaBiarlca home. • She. said that Manson told h~ to hide il so that perp,ps. a black w_oman . would Jii>d It an<! ·ule the ·"5,idit~, • and Negroes wouli:I lie, blmMd for ~ ala)'..ip_g. - ~AnOther pholograpt'l of a1 telephone pole nert to the residence of aotreu Shalon Ti!te was also identified aa the ont tJ1at Oiarles "Ter" Walson climbed ta cut the lines the night of the slayin£s there. · .':nie state was expected to conclude lli direct examination Q( Ml'I. Kasablan today and the <kfen11e to begin cn>ss e1antln~tion. · '' SOlllht ""°""roUpn .Jrom high;nnldng, M~ne ;rt' , • , . , , , Mcoit 118' 1\*linl through ,&hi> mornln(. with commande~ at Camp· Pendleton, to •try) f~ a1ao1Qti9n ·to lee.~erm and be.aclHU,: di.s_11reemept1 "!'flicb 1}1.1 ata11-· eel the o~c .o~ the virgin beiach •atta for, months. . , . .~t; a~t the 41me lii;ne 'Republican1 Gongrtmnan AlpftlO ~II ol ·Califomla, iino,tor><I, ~etary ·o[ ~IMS< Melvin, Lali'd io preu for the openinJ 0( -4.5. . '*1Ja al Cami> Pendl<l<ln BelCh n"r San Oaoflo,under 1·lool-tenn lelse. 'lhli•Jlr, publicly -!ICU In the: bieach-isilue have saJd that the Marine .. qo,,. will of~er only l.S"'miles of beach for ae.ven y,ea.rs. Bui • MQit,' .,.ho ha• been working tq"ard lbe beach '<oPening as a surfing JJll'.k all year, haa uia that such -a aboct-tenn •agreement would not be suitable for the 1:..te, because oC the bllb~.Jor improvtments -including .. 1rm.-m1de reef. 'lbe luue ii now aP.I)atentl y· in • at.ate of Dux vWilh IOlne l'!lpotta aired thia t w"k mentioning that the ~ Marine Corps In the Pentagon la yi<lding to ,_ibllc and White House p.i:e'saure to ac- cede to Ule state requests . The beach land in question 'lies downcoasl from the Edison nuclear com-. pier and ts below towering bluffs, which would have to be gouged out for public acces.s . ~Poncho', TellS , 't ' . . Tbe 21-year-old blonde witness told the jury , Wednesday that Manson sent three or his followers Into the La.Bianca home with the instructions "don't let them know you're going to kill them." G~and'.~a~. iof ' Pag~t;. Marjo~ie:Wtltiams~iJ;·Die~ ·Like it .is-· . She gave the court a startling account of Manson personally leading a foray to the LaBianca home the night after the ·~ug. I slayings at the Tate home. · Iti ' 60 Words ·' Following her accusation there was a .brief pause, with Mrs. Kasabian waiting for the questions to continue, and the bearded Manson called across to her in the courtroom, "You're lyina." Mrs. Ka sabian tumed around and stared at the 35-year-old ex-convict ac· cused of masterminding seven slayings. "It's not a lie, Charlie," she said In a soft. clear voice. "You know." At the end or the seas.ion, two or the defense attorneys were taken Into custod y and sent lo jail for contempt of court -one fur constantly Interrupting Mrs. Kasabian and the other for "directing 1 vulgarism at a deputy district attorney. Going on with her eyewitness account of the evenUi of the nights ol Au,. (See TATE, Paget) . ·' Marjorie 1Williamson, grl!\d 'Gld,,.lady of' 4guna'1 Page~t of ~·Mailers. died early 1W-y 1t1So1ltJ! Cpast Commuhity Hospilal-1 , ~ ' , The• Rev. EllSworth' R!ctiardsen· Will !-cf flciate at serv'ices· (or,t thf: "15-year-old mother ot. P8geant producer / Doll Williamson ~l l p.mcSalurdoy In Pacific Vie:w Chapel, Newport Beach. Al&o S\U'viYinl are ..a eon, Dr, Robert G. Wllli1:mson of OntarlO, f o u r grand'chlld·ren and foilr sreat grandchilh. • Mn. Williamson coliapled boclaltage at Irvine 1~1 Sunday nilht ... She was on duty, u UBUal, ••· a 'backstage volunteer, tbe only member•of·thiJ year 's Pageant crew who had worked· oa tbe !init-Pageiot of Ult. Master1 in 19.'§. A familiar aild' belo~ figure at the · boWl. '-she tolled iis 1ai volun•teer se.m1tresi in' the ...st~· F dc~t for rooilUiS'before etclJ\ ageant oP,EniCi. then reported'eacJ>.)lii!J lei help "living picibr.e" modela iatO their costumes. and headpieces. ~ Lut month she wu hono,..r -by (rieods and--co-workers att a' 1W'prlse birthday . party on the Festival,'~1taurant ~. as she 'obletved her 8ith 'birthday and 3SthtanniV'tfsary with~~,p.qeant. A 19ot graduatei ot ute Dillenbeck School of'Qrama i' Kansas City! Mrs. Willlim1011 1 waa a lif~lonk'1 devotee 10£ the theater., . \ , ! I 1 Chnmber ~4ll-Stars Set Molt of .Mr-, early. 1'afried Ufe was spent'tn M<JfcdGilf .. wbett her.husband, Ridwd, was natiooal aecretary of the YMCA and ~e headed-the ~rama depart. ment.ol the American School Foundltlon. .In 1133,.tbe tamily moved 'to Pa.i-tena where she beClme ·workahop diftctor at the Pasadena ~houae ancf, two year1 later, lbe ltgnect m as ·director al the Lalll"O 8-h ·Pllyhousc. I ' For White House Game Her service 11 1 ~ voimteer bepn that yilr 100 «il!llnuod th'°""""'t the yem. A ·Widc\W: .for "IOme ·years, . • Warming to his erlra-curricular talk, 'Cleve Ryan. manager of the challenging White House 'st.arr and press corps 90ftball team, has announced a star-stud- ded lineup for Saturday'1 lilt with the Laguna Beach Chamber or Commerce team. Ryan , who serves as lighting technician for the networks when President NiJ:on appears on televlaion, uid he wUI be 'fielding about 20 players from the 90 White House staffers and newsmen head- quartered at Laguna's Surf and Sand during the Pruldenl's current sojourn at the Western White House. The lineup of the Laiuna ·Beach team hu not yet been announced by Dr. Martin Kruger, local dentist appointed . by Chamber President Bernard, Syfan to organii.e Art Colony defense ag,inst lhe White House challenge. Apparently there ia no shortage of volunteut. Spurning a suggestion that he serve is umpire, Mayor Richard Goldberg, u-officio Chamber board membtt, uid be wants to play. Former.Mayor Bill MllJ'tln will handle the umpire duties. according to the Cbam b<r. Pljj' wUI le! Wldtr way It 4 p,m. al the Lquno Beach Hilh sdioo! diammd. The . flnl«rl~ lineup for the ,Wiii!. . Hoose, ~a,.,....,..r by Ry1n, lncludll: ~=·ir~~:i.~ 400 F'ollowini Uit sllorclly ..rnce. In· um• wUI be ,.: at -PacWC View 1 Memori1I Park. • r t •• Herb Klplow, NBC com9f)OOdent, third 'bate:· Fr•fik CorrnJer," Asaociated Prdi. !conttr field ; Ron z I e g·I e" M1'tchell Liste:r' preaideRilal~ prea tecretary, short stop U ai>d captain: Don Rother, CBS, ri1!11f ' field ; BOb Ma~. Whl~ !fou .. •laffer ''Sa.O:af11 ... to· ry~ in char .. of• traniportalion, rrnt ... , """ ,...., JoM Matet. AB"C,, .econd baa; Jom' , 1 Jar:ritl,;ABC, lolt· field;.Ted Cllrk UPI, ' Clay'Milcbell of South LIJlllflO, r<cenlly catcher; Willy McN1m .. , NOWIWe<k, appoint..r to the.stale Board or Educa· -pitcher; and OUie Snyder, Wetihn tion, remains in the111\lenaivt caioe µnit Union, abort field . r at South Coast COmmunity HospilaJ, The aoftball tilt was proposed· bJ 1 the roUowiM a .tevert heart attack, but vilitors •ho Aid they wOUld lib-to is ln "satisfactory" condition, a tiolpital do ".1JOmethin1 memorable" for Laguna spokesman said today. l • I in .rtturn I• <llelll°' wcaU.,0ood, l!lrbt·. Mitchel~ 59, -of II S. Alta Mira ff<lod, ho!J>llality ll)<y hay ~ bere,.w.llile co1i.,poe<1 Moi><l9 after plddng !'P bis lrocldng the Pra....,L , dau&hl<r.•Jill!lifer.:~ hor wotk In 1 After the s.turilay Ult, victon ·aid Lacuna 1 Beach and WU taken by her 1 vanquiabed .wm "1>iJr lei the Surf .-t to the holpilaf-1 . . Sai>d for IJtlit ffiriahmtnia ll1d poot Mitchell "rved on the Orange County , ""'""" dilcullion, At this time-k 11 1Chool bolrd · for -yura, belore expected the .et.ember •will J-1 hia a~ lei the 1ft1te bNnf lilt troll<haUence rot the next. trip -Febnia.ry: · ' hulrttblll or touc11 footbal~ "clojilodto& Hil .=•nl by GoYOrw 11ta1u oo Iha -•. •u by u.. ...... fo.June, ' '.One of the mo!I intriguJn'g ·al all · the strange birds who inha"bit L&guria ls . ' . , ' ' ' a parrot. named "P,oncho". who hangs. Out on FOre5t 'Avenue .. ,' : ·. · , , . He is oWned by ·Bud Key~t W6o frequenUy walks fr.om .1his 0 hQtne' at .. 374. Cypi-i!~s · Drive t6 the downtown area,. pau!Sing. with-Po1icho pe'rdi~d nearby; for a cup of coffee at Trotter'! Ba~fy". Children walking along ·are intMgu_ed by the nl.ulticolOt-ed bltd, ihBt boasts of 1 6G-word vocabulary. 1He. "(ill ?Y, "hello" and "goodbx_e",, and has . b;e~ known on one occasion to tell a barking doil;. to!"Shut' uP.".' . · · . · • , ¥d ,it's not unuiqal: for PooCDO·'.t.o aa~ ·:~ .. babyi'' .to cute gall on Laguna sands. Keyser report.a. , , : ThoUg'h : Kefser,· a retired ifumiture manu.fictui'er;, -v/~ lJiyeh ·the 'J¥i~ J;iy friends .' four· yeat•' ·•co! lt ',1 ,ba:rd .to iet hlin ··fu .1dmJt ,Jt: "I like t'o.1 te11 pe<>ple -~ally; the rltl4',...: 'll>at I . got-: P-oneho from a retired· pirate in· Panami.." ' r • • • · : Mafly 'of ' tile Ideal -:riierchinla :know Pc:il(;ho an'd '1t1.a -owner .. Dwin,f the sum~ mer; the·p'arrot .ratt1 l.s· aia:Oof btich aid~!"'·· · · ·,. '·. . . · Mlllfy P<ople ' like lei 'offer Pl>""ho thin'gs to ieat, bi.it •Keyser .turns· them ' down, as' his' friend is ParUal only' to llUllflOwer seeds and fresh fruits.. OcWionally. as a ireat,'. Poncho will get tome pine ml ls. I , ' One Of Pc:incho's favotil.e iapota: around lowll II ·the• pet &hop, becllUIO thet~ he can see 10me ot hi.s ·own kind,· ud visit for a1ftw mlDutea .i . r • • JPbncho's portrait 111 on..dlsrplay at1 llils year'-s AJt.A-Falr fettivaJ on N. COall Uigbway, in 1 booth owned by Cylleoe Carr, a local artisL • 1 ,, • ' .. ' ' '. I ' ' . • ' • ! ... ' 'Man Dies at Wheel ' ... ' J A 'G'arden Grove man wht w'aa found dead at the wheel of hla c;ar wal the victim Of..:a 'beart ~ttack; oorooet't of· ficdi ruled-today. '!'bey rellirned tl11t vtri\Jtt on E. lteinfn1ton Pace\ 46, who wa, .found · dead We<lnesday 'by police lnlitlllgatlq a tlaUli holilllp bi <lordtn Grove. . , , • , . • I ' J The Marine Corps hu b1)ked on the Idea becal,l&e, 'sJ:'kesmen aay, the hue". land is valuab e to·: them for· mllllary training maneuvers. State officials have said that they would be willing to close the beach on oceaslbn U it l! needed for -military purpo•e'-. Negotlationa f• the Camp Pendleton beach art11e &!tel' plus for openinf of - a prime 111rfln1 belch near the Western White· Houae were thwarted. ' ' . .. - The. Treltles beodt. ·wlllch 1or ,..,.. hu. Ileen ' l!IOllJl.after spot by !W'.fera wlllina: to speak in, had been, scheduled to be ·opened to the pubUC, but SleCUl'ity officials guarding the P.raldent declared the oi>e.ting i definite riak to.Mr. Ni~: So detailed plana ref\ecllal . moothl ol work by. state admfuiJtraton and plaoners were scrapped . . . · It was. ~'1' ,that negotlaU(\M be_pn for the 'be~ch .o~llt, but~·""!" • {l!ee BEACH, Pli .. I) ' • r Econo~y . R~~'Y .. ·. · 11l -Nixon Spee.eh~?.· • ' . ! , ' • • • • • t Pr.eaident Ntion new· from Ule Western· White Hpuse ·ln San: Clemente, <to .Los Angeles Wednesday night to 'Set~ scene for' a televi9ed press iconferen.ce .he will make at 8•o'cloc:k t.o.Ught. Whit:!· Hou~ IOW'Ces said he .'has .,pent the . last . three days takln& the ppl~ of the American ewnomy and :Is ~itpecled to pronounce it hale and heart.)' th~. e·veJling.. -· · Tbe Preaidem. ielected the ·early even-· Ing hour to the wesjem .UnlJed' Sta\u cou1d view .the conference dur:bl11 pr.lme television t I m.e. Moe:t •oonferencea ara. aChechiled for eastern .,iewers. ' Forecasts for an .upgui'ge In. the eeonomy and1 MW· hope for ile1t1ti1tlbns to cool Wtakins .in thJ .tiiiddle east bave 1lven the Preside11t some good news to convey to the American public. -,}t~il>'!~''"" ~ ._ . ......i. lllilp of holdlilg !#" · _,.,cool. In .JO .days. ,Ho. W\11 • ... ..,.. In • hlllfOom of 1'ino llotel, wliere be apant y nll!ht-11 wUI be hil firat noUonaUy televised. ---IMllllcfe Wuhlniton llid hll !Jiii llnce ~ of.Ike. . ' ' . But onJy 10 days qo he held a 30- mlnute wlde-rangini meeting ... j t h reporter~ Jn .the oval office ·of. the Ylt?'te H,..e during which be apo~t with l)W1!· ed optimism about. the economy .and url'Cf ·ConfP'eas lei hold the line•• fodeiof apendiiig. . . , · '. r: : . Ni.J.oa acheduled 1 seriea 1of meetiJl81 today in rtJ\e p,entbouae .IUl~·he 11 OC• oupyin& w(th. Ill:. He"!Y A. ~er, his chief foreign affalrs aCivlser, H. R. l;laJ~fll, ·his ch•et of ~r~r~ P'atrick Buchanan, ~of hiJ .speech writers, , Shortly before coll\lng lei Los. Angele> Nixon ,compl~ted three days o!-!"~s with George P. Schultz, 'his lc!P budget manager, .. tind other ·~le H~e· economlc esper\s, to have an overall Joot at the ecoOomy and prepare ·the broad outline• of the t9n budget he will send to Congre~ next January. · .Shulb: told newsmen. Wed~lday the. economy now was poised for an upward * * * Nixon Planning· Vi.sit to .Mexico ' President Nixon will fly to Mexico 'for an Aug. 20 and 21 meeting ."'.I~ outtoD:ti President Diaz Ordaz 1 in the 1>0pular Pacific Coast resort of Puer.to 'Vallaita; 'Press aeCretary ·tton Ziegler ·said in San Clemente that the Presitltnt will fly to Ure ·Mexican• seaside c<immuhity di· redly from Walhtngton; D.G.' Mr1. Ni1cm will !accompany him .' , . • Zieiler did not rule out the po&lbillty Ulat · Nlxt>n' wiJI ~ conUn1,1e · on · from Pue.rto • V.ai.tarta to-· tils W~sterJI · 'i:Vfille House-at San Cle~nte. · , · , It -wlit. be .the fJ.nt foreign , trip. this year for ibe' Preaident. He niet ·Dln Ordai ooce earlier-on Se_P.t~ 8,. 1919. Zle,- ler ·,.1d the <w~ 11<,ds Of. stale wlll dio- Cwis l)iJatiril lsaufs corlcerning ~.U.S. ai>d Mellco. He 'dld not. llnpllfy 'Ud1. · -' Freeway :Ruliner : '' I . ! . ~ Kill--'.J L' .t." t ' ' , eu uy n:U ~ ··· A ~rlton man \.iu 'klii.d1br ~ cir early toda'y· On' the sin · ~e;o1 Rreewty: near El Tciro Road whinJi< ltopped ilia ~"'. and !'l':onlei tJie: 1r.,.,.1y tfl> ,rtlrjl~& a piece of paper that ba~'bJown f(orn. hi! v~hic1~. · -·~ '. · . ' Calilorlill· Hiitiwoy · patrOlmen kftn· Ulleii , 1.&e 1 vld.im. D ·Ton)r i8.: ·• Alci\a, lll, al ms w. tl5lh SI·:"''""' Ua1eO U dead OP arrival It S0Uth Coot Com .. muhlt}r HOflplla • ' " ' ! . . .. Wilneasea· told olltcen Alcita' 'pulled ltla cor to the ' ~de al 0.. lrtt,.ly , In -au appann_t lttem~t to nttiM 11 document that baa <blown .t1rrou9h lft' Ope.JI window. ~ .1 I 1 lfW'I&. ~ .the ·thrust. ol · ~tl• poU_c!oi . woqld bO limed' at. c0ntrolllni with .e~l'?n so ,Al to .. p:evebt .u lnflationary surge. · :. . The'Pr~dent was.said to be' ~~at enc<iµraged 'by ace<ptanee of' his ,Miildlo East peace plan . by Jordan 'and tbe united Ai-ali Re!"'blic ,and held ' olit hot>< the lstaclis 11.oo wiiuld acqopl IL. 'ti * *' President Signs . . .. ~ DC Crime Bill, . -· _, . . . ~. f" __, • • • ' Raps Q~~~Jrts ~r:i ~~:\:~;'..\a~ "1iich allows poU\:e •to epter ibto' - \llWIDllUnC<d ll1d alliJws iirelti1!' JOU1nc d. ceilobl :def,_ta. Biii he !-.IOd tbe ,Qemocret cs>•.~ Canar:eu1 cl , ......... hll. ··""".'-' ........... . "'f.ikiPc to .. ~""'"'.. ~om...i bil;•IPIJuro lei ihe riolit!Wtrslal Dfitrtol' or Columiiia en;.:.: 'Coiltro1 'Bui. "llli•» en obetrved it 1¥.:as·10ie1 fi•r W{t .M-i tplnilt.ra~:.rneuure: in~ ~·crime field. to rOICh his d.,Jt. . ' • Tho bjll, almed .at loWerlng 1be ~ Tate in the' ri1tion'1 clpital but1 bailed tfy 'the adiitiniatritibn aa' a i tni0cii1_ fO;r • the states, . wai p:QPOSed' morti than. a yeati &JO along wjtb 12 • an!lc:rb¥ proposal!. ' ' . . . . ' .• ''It.is time for lbe ~grt!as·-~.have better tflan a J-for-13 blWna ·averace," he cieCllred . ' • ' Ni.on contended 'that Iha conl™lfiNI record on crime bllla repreeehts ·Ill "poerest batting averagie" In any field •. '.'This, l.s an area that ls not partisan,'' be iaid. "It ~ one wheie the problem n naUonil, wbel-e 'Jl!!!Ople of both pUtSea want ac~on .. 1 hope thlt this la' otlly the bejirmibg." ' · ' · ·n.e . •Preaktent described " the ·~ew Wash~ crime law' as "in un. Pt:,eCedented•meaiure, a very strpng boe." dealing ·Wi.th what he tenn1ed ·'.'An Un- Pl'9C!e,<lertt~<f problein." . · . - . When be· took office, he sai\f, the capital ''Was fast becomtii&. t h-e· crime capitaJ ic:lf the world." · : ' Nixon described the new Jaw. as pro. vlding "the tools absolutely essential for ua lei atop the ,;,. al crime In Waallfllgton and to l'!lVtrH the trend," - The_ leJll,llatioo ' ailowa .prllrial i•Ulll( of persons adjudged likely to ei>d1npr ~qunWli~ sarety. and ,au~ P9lit;le w11Ji «Nm aeorch and 1rn11 w~ to '"ter' 11o/1l•~ without ~-, The nO-k.iJcick !~«i01!1ned for "'!' when police !!!'!:~vidonco could Iii ', (See \;Alllf;, ... ~ I) I . ~ . ' er .. ge . We•fllv .. · .J{azy aunahlne w111 · -t ~ goers 1etting ·• haad. Urt.on .the weekend Friday, Temperatures wJU be up lnt.o•the 80'• inlaod, but only .... '111 aloni the cout. ' ' .. INSIDE· 0 'J:OD~Y J ' • ' i . Tht ndtloft'1 W...11 w0rkltig I cfaaa-the miflT<•rt l•'l" wori<-,.,.....,., tirioUw gcttit\11 s .... t atttlttlmi ,,.,,. th• ll<ilti ot:<;on. orcra. P,o~2J ., 1 • • , r ~~·,,~ ,,,.• c......,,. ,, ........ ,, ,., .. . Cletllftlf ..., ........... . c:..-. """"" • ....... ..... .. 1Crcae:J _... • Or-. ~ "'ts .D1M9 ....... U • ltftfle I"""" ii ,.._.. 11 .._... r ..., ·~ ~ ' f =..·..e-a.ft la•toM• .JWI! I • ,,..._ 1""" --• ...... • ti .......... " • ·~-u I =r""'-*' lJ-~ ' . ' . . .. I I 2 : DAILY PILOT SC Co11nty Vows , . To Appeal Edison Case Espualon ol a major Orange County e1edric pnera~ plant ii headed for the Callfonpa Supreme Court today. The fight ii over a plan to triple the capicltJ of Southern California EdiBOO Oompany'1 stum power plant In Hwtinstai Beadi. 'Ille power company aay• two addlticmal pnerotlng unit& are needed to paranta electrical !lefVlce to lt.s customers in 14 Soulhern California counUes. 'I'be Public Utilities Commission agreed wUh the Edllon Company in June. 'lb1a wed: the PUC den.led an appeal for 1'llearini from the Ora~e County Alt Pollution Codrol lfutrlct. 'Ille APCii, which alJO clahru jurisdlo- t.lonal authority, has deoled the upansJon request. ' Foll~· the PUC'1 d..Ual al the Pollution hoard'1 oppeal oo Tu.,.lay,, Deputy Orqe County Couqsel James V. Urban alll10W1Ced he will appeal to the state Supreme Court' on behalf of the county APCii. The APCD uy1 the new folall.luel burning facWliff woold he addlllollal IOUf"Cel ol alr pnlh>t•nta. 'Ille J,!'CD cooleocil it bu beeli given authority ...,. powtt plant c:oostructlon by atate le&lalative act while the PUC point& to 'the C'allfomla conatitutioo as the hlllli for Ila -ty °''' public uUlitiM. . llolh lpidea say they have g!)OCI ..,,.. for dalmlng jun.diction and the questloa for the &It>"""! Court 1o .. we ts which ahall have the lut word when the two have made cppollte declaloos. Urban aa1d he elpeds to file bla brief with the Supreme Court well within Ibo 31k!ay llmll Anticipating denial, be l&id tbe county counaet'1 office has been working on It ever alnce it flied the rebearlnfl petition "' July t. 'Ille mett.r wW go direct 1o the state Supreme Court without an intervening appellate COUit bearillg, Urban explained. He said i!pptals frtm the PUC receive pnoferential treatment over olber dru cues ""the Supnome Court calendar. From Peflel CRIME ••• de:ltroyed u they wait at the door, requlm that • Judi• _..e In each cue before H la invoked. 'Ille bID alao expand& police authority for wlrotaJlPb!l l!!>llel" court order: ..ia mandaloty mimmUm ... tenc:ei for ;e.: c:ond ollendmcoavlcted al armad violent crimee; allowl adult trials for juveniles charged with violent crlm"; providea more judges, and creates a public defender system. . 'lbe measure was hotly debated in eoocr-. etpedally !ta J1l).knock and preveoth'e detention lecllons. Sen. Sam J, Ervin (W!.C.), called the bill "a victory for repressive crtmmal proced11USfi' Sen. Haward E. Hughes (0-lawa), said be f.tars a trend "that pi_. almpllstic foltlo In the mlstal<en notion that f o r c e and represekln are the only route.! to ad:ateving law and Cl"der." Sen. J""1>h Tydlnp (0.Md.), who manqed the bill, argued that the mm1ber Ii feloole1 tn the Dlatrict of Columbia rose by 122 percent durbig the past five years while the percentage of con· vlctiona declined steadl\y. '!be Prtaident's other propo181s still pending in ~gresa include measures to provide prevenUve detention In all federal jurbdicUons, renew federal aid to local police agencies, ccrnbat organiz. ed crime and revise penalUes for crimes related 1o nan:otla. DAILY PILOT ....,.., .... H.-1 .... IHdi .................. ,~ c:.... .._ s. era •••• C)IUMG• COAST l"UILtsHING COMPANY A•'o•rt N. w,,4 Prui.tw .... Jl\lllli.t. J1c.1r: L Curley Vice ,rwMnl Ind 0.-tl MeM9t'" n.,..., K,,.,.;i .Edllor Tho .. " A. M111rphlRe ,,.,.._ .... E•HIN" •tdr1r4 P, Hill ....._Or...-c-tr £111iw .,,._ C.11 MN1 »t Wtsr l1y Slrwt ~ ,._,.,, .. "": au w .. 1 ''""' 1o111rnn1 ·~. o.uM 11e«111 m ,._,A- MlllM"""" ...-: 011, ••Kii la!lwl,.. 1111 c ..... 1 •...,..II C-IN It~ UfllT ....... County DeI·ays . Plans fnr Ra.ncn Plano brRecreation Envlronmfnlo Jnc: to transfonn the 10,000-acre Starr 'Jlancb mrth ol San Juan-eaptstr&no tnto a major recreaUon facility were delayed fer a week Wednesday by Orange County ptannlD1 conunissloner1. '111e cqit1tity commW.l.on felt it '°as being rushed and nnted more time to l<lok at the propooal. REI was ,..king permllllon to belfn coostructioo on the first $17 inWloo plwe of the recreaUon project, Jocated olf the Ortega Highway that beada out of San Juan toward Lake Elsinore. Additional approvaJ of a ion.Ing change will be needed before the company can open its doors and begin cbarcing ad- miuion to the 1.5 million visitors it ,.peels In 113 flm year. Edwin D. Ettinger, chairman of the · board for REI, sought to 1ssure county planning commissioners Wednesday th1t the company can bring the project off despite the financial difficulties of its parent company, Great Southwest Corp., subsidiary to the bankrupt Penn Central Railroad. ' \ Coto' de Caza saddle and hont club + to t6e ~ west of ' the Slarr Ranch and owns die Japanese Deer Village In Buena Par~ plus other reereation projecb In Santa Barbara County, northern CaWor· nll, Micbl.gan and Hawaii. REI plans call for construction to begia In september and the facility to be opened by nert July if all goes well. 1be project ii being billed as "the world's first major, prlvately- developed public park. Ettinger said it is the first time private business is going into public recreation. He compared it to the county's O'Neil and Irvine f'liooal parb. First ~ase constructton calls for 4,Q90 reserved picnic sites, 450 camper vehicle sites and 300 tent sites. There are to be 1% miles of motorbike trails. A tur~r the-century village is planned with recreation hall, bandstand, carousel and general store. . FARM WORKERS' CHAVEZ (LEFT). GROWERS' GIUMARRA SR. APPLAUD CONTRACT Whlt•haired Cleric 11 Auxlllary Blahop Joseph F. Donnelly of U.S. Biahop1 Commit!" on Dispute Ettinger said Great Southwest bas decided to sell off Recreation Environments and the Newport Beach film has received acquislUon overtures from a number of major companies. Special Session Set to Study City Plan Draft Worker• Cheer Pact Ends Grape Strike Planning Q:mmlssioner John T. Mcln- nis said be was worried that if conditicms of approval are left too wide open the Starr Ranch mi&ht be sold off to 10rneone else and developed dltferenUy. "The conversations I have been in- volved in focused just as much on management and planning as 1 on dirt and the physical wel3 ol REI," Ettinger said. The Laguna Beach Planning Com- mission has scheduled a special study session at 7:30 p.m. today in city ball council chambers to conclude its eJV amination of a general plan draft prepared by Daniel, Man11, Johnso11 Cr; Mendenhall. DELANO (UPI) -The words 11C?awled in dust on a truck parked outside Cesar Oiavez' union hall told the story: "We won!" Inside the hall Otavez and his staunch~t oppcments signed a historic contract Wednesday ending the bitter strike and: nationwtde boycott againat the growen of most of California'• table grapes. 'lbree hundred farm workers cheered as Chavez reaffirmed h1I f~tb in non- violent reform. They ahouted even louder as 21 Delano ma growers jotlod their names on union contracts. "We are happy, perhaps overjoyed, that peace baa came to thls valley," said John Gtuma:n Jr., d Glumma Vlneyardl, a Iooc-Wne oppmenl of Chavez' mllon. He called the contracts a mutual victory beginning a ''new era" in wtlich growera and the mllon would work together for a better market price for their products. Chavez aaki the boycott would continue against the remaining non-union growers, who produce 25 percent ol the state's crop. California grows 90 percent of the nation's table grapes. George Sadoian, one of the Fresno area growers who ?!as not signed, said the boycott and mMket pruoum will probebly force the boldoul3 to accept cont:racta: too. "I think we're all going to have to Join the boat in qrder to market our grapes," Sadolml said. "UFWOC bas &<JI the clla1n stores in their camp." It wu the natio!lwlde boyco~ -and 113 effeot on the big grocery chaina -which broogi>t O>avez the victory he couldn't win by strikes. REI b the developer of the 5,000-acre From Page I BEACH ••• Tbe boycott, llunchtd two years ago after three years of strikes had brought only limited succeu, put pickets outside atorea in New York, Seattle, Boston and other cities. Many aboppm refu!ad to buy 11'""'8 and 1<Veral chaina took bogged down. them off their shelves. Original estimates aet the opening of '111e boycott abo enlisted the support the irlltial 1.5 miles of beach in a rough ' 3tate by the start of this swnmer. of nationally known Political figures, in-But delaya, then the announcement Tbe commissioners will prepare a recommendation on the plan f o r forwarding to the city council. The planning team, which has been studying Laguna for the past two years. will prepare a final general proposal on the basis of comments from the commission and council. The study session tonight is open to the public. Chamber of Commerce pre&i'" dent Bernard Syfan this week urged members of the business community to attend. eluding New York Mayor John V. last May that the terms of the le:ase Linduy, the late Sen. Robert F. Ken-we .. caU8ing problem!, meant that the Two c:rls Jailed D8d)', and UDIUCCessful Democratic beach would remain closed. " J:;,~dential candidate. Hubert H. Hump-Some: state parks officlal1 even Gro ..... denounced the tacti> .. Wegal grumbled that It took two mooths juat For Skinn ydips and Ineffective. f0< them to gain penn!.'8ioa to IOI fool But federal laws ~iting secondary OD the site in question. Two teenage girls who took a nude, "· did not ~ to .....,,,._ In Ibo meantime public -bu shri. 'e'"•• skllmydip oo the beach at San ~ • • .. ·-~• mounted, accompanied by J>lodl" from -.. tbe boycoU'1 ectiveneu became Wbtte Houae aides that President Nixon Clemente Wednesday afternoon wound apparent last summer when the pro-wants the cloeed areu open to the up ill jail a short time lat.er OI. drug m-fllfld. a f7I mllllon lnt1tnlst suit bllc intoxication charges, lifeguards said to. r::--:-: pu . d against Chlvez and the union. Los Angeles County supervbon evtJn ay. The preuure cl the boycott finally joined the campaign earlier this summer Police arrested the girls, 15, and 17 ,' Delano Vineyard Workers . I broke grower r~slstance this spring. The by unanimoualy adopting a reBOluUon at 2:45 p.m . .as the pair doffed tqelr first agreements we:re signed in Southern calling for the openint of the beach. bathing suits and started their romp California, where grapes ripen first By Another factor in 1he fluid atate of along La Rambla beach. mldswnmer, about 35 percent of the the negotlaUons }& the change in com-The noise. began, pojice ~id, when Hurt in Costa Mesa ' crash A 1954 sedan crammed with Delano grape pickers celebrating the: end of their strike roared off the Newport Freeway into Costa Mesa today and mamed a row of stopped cars. Six persons were sent to three different hospitals in the 12:28 a.m. mulU-car crash at Newport Boulevard and Bristol Street. Traffic was tied up for more than one hour as police cleared ~way the tangled wreckage cl the five vehicles involved and rec:Onstrueted what hap-· pened. Modesto G. Escile:ta, 21, a vineyard worker, was arz:ested by Officer Dick Laguna's Annual Volleyball Game Tourney Nearing Laguna's 18th Annua1 Open Doubles VoIJeyball Tournament will be played this weekend on the Main Beach volleyball courts. Play will begin at 9 a.m. on Saturday and Stlllday. Top contestanl3 In the tournament, spons=d by the city llAocn!ation Depart· ment, include fOnner Olympian Gene Selznlck, one of the foremost volleyball players of all time, and Keith Eric.boo, former '" UCLA buketbell star now playing for the Los Angeles Lakers. Erickson won this tournament in 1967. Other top tea.ms entered in the weekend play Include Ron Von Hagen playing with Henry Bergman, and Ron Lang playing with Ron Snyder. Von Hagen, playing with John Vallely, won lav year's ~ain neach tournament. Beach Sleeper All Boxed In Ealorcing local ordinances banning sleeping on the beach or in vehicles, Laguna Beach police patrola 1.lglltiy 111ue citations to youthful visitors napplag in the great outdoors. Wednesday there was 1 new twist. Alejandro Ernesto Romero, 21, Chi· cago, was cited, notes the: pcllce log, ror "sleeping in a large cardboard box behind the Del ~no Hotel." The illegal ~e<per waa oot 1potted unW 6:48 a.m., by wblch tbne, presumably, he had enjoyed • 1 o o d ni&Jlt's rest in his unorthodo1 coota!Mr. state's grapes were under union contract. mand thls summe:r of the top brasa the girls were taken Into custody at DeFrancisco and booked oo suspicion The signing of tile Delano group pushed at the base. lifeguard headqUarters .by four of felony dnmk driving. the figure to 75 percent. Maj. Gen. Donn J. Robertson, base patrolmen. Cliavez promised that when the last commander, will leave his post for a By then the girls .had been covered Police uld Escalera, wbo gave his non-union grower signs, "We will tum top-level job Ja Marine Headqaarte:rs with towels. They were given clothes home address as Las Cruces, N.M., our boycott machinery around and make in Waabington, D.C., to bl replaced here before their booking oJt charges at tbe was slightly injllI'ed but refused treat. grapes really sweet again.'' by Mej. Gen. George S. Bowman Jr. police departme.rit. ment when taken to Costa Mesa 1-----'-----'---------'--''-----"--------'----'----------- Memorlal Hospital. Two of his passengers were taken to the same hospital and then transferred to Orange County Medical Center, where they were in serious condition today wltli head Injuries. . They were identified.as Mrs. Margarita Rodrigues, 38, of Delano, and Monico D. Escalera, 21, of Coachella. Jdse-L. Souzameda, who.!e age wasn't eatab1lsbed, was ta k en to Corita Mesa MemorlaJ Hospital, where it w a s determined be was: simply drunk and not Injured. From Pagel TATE .•• 8 • t, Mrs. Kasabian told a spooky story of driving for hours a.round Los Angeles and Manson rejecting one house alter another until he came to the LaBlanca residence. Manson went inside, she said, and then came out and told three: membe~ of his band that be had tied up a man and woman but "don't let them know yw're going to kill them." Manson and hls three female codefen- dants -Susan Atkins, P a l r i c i a Kre:nwinkel and Leslie Van Houten - signalled with their hands at the young woman in a manner resembling a hyp- notist, but she Ignored them and went steadily along with her story. The night after the Tate slayings, she said, ManJOn sent his followers out again and accompanied them to "sho1• us how to do II ." They stopped in front of four homes. she said. Manson went up and looked in one but came back and said there were pictures ol children on the wall and he could not go lo. "But he said that later we shouldn't let children stop us, for the sake of the: chlldren of the fUture," she said. Manson ordered her to stop in front of a church, she said, and told them he was •'going in to find a minl5ter or a preacher or a ptlest Inside." She said he came back and reported lbe church doors were locked. While they we:re driving 1lon1 Sunset Boulevard, she said, Manson ordered her to pill alongside • white spart.s car with 1 man lnstde and that Manson got out at 1 stopllgtlt, Siying he was going to shoot the occnpanl Tile ll&ht turned green and the car aped oH and they did not .. e it again. R"'. 'N $299 $400.00 ow 2215 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646·0275 -- ·- I •Y• Sot • wt me , the • of at iln' toi ((! wa . • I • -. . • . • . Qi t I .. it •1 ' . fl rt • ------~--~---~ --------·--------- OAIL 'f PILOT ll•ff PIMN VISTA PROTESTERS GATHER BESIDE THE ROAD NEAR WESTERN WHITE HOUSE The Secret Service Shooed Them Away From the Gett, But Accepted • Cop'{ of Gritvancea. Nixon's Retreat Picketed VISTA Marches, But Protest Target Not Ther e By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of t111 D1ll1 l"li.t S!rif With San Clemente police keeping an eye on things, 27 members of the Southern California VISTA Alliance held a peaceful protest near the Western White House thinking tlleir boss was meeting with the President Wednesday. The protestors were all members or the Volunteers In Service for America, a program designed to help residents of poverty stricken areas. They were at the Western White House under the impression that Donald Rumsfeld, direc- tor of the OffK:e of Economic Opportunity (OEO) which heads lhe VISTA progrlll!, 'Was at the Nixon retreat. - However, a White House spokesman said Rumsfeld was here last Saturday and had returned to Washington Tuesday after a tour of some western states. A written brochure describing the pr~ test stated: "Tbe picket main I y represents a protest at Rumsfeld's presence in San Clemente while the policies and practices of VISTA are being discussed by those representatives of the nation's VISTA volunteers outside the Western White House." All of the volunteers represented lbe Western region or the VISTA organiza· tion . 1be volunteers said they were upset by "the newly proposed concept that tl41L Y PILOT Slit! l"htlt • HOTEL DE LA COSTA SITS BESIDE LAGUNA BOARDWALK Tht landlord Can 81 Found at City Hall . Manager of Laguna Hotel ~ists Complaints With City, • • • . By BARBARA KREIBICH Of tt1t OllllJ PIM' Slaff .. '{be role of the landlord has ils .-...t;acks. Laguna Beach City Manager Mes Wheaton has discovered in recent inonths, and, if he should momentarlly forget it, his tenant, Mr. T. E. Cun· Qingham, manager of the Hotel de la 'eotia, 185 Boardwalk, probably will soon ~·I.round to remind hiin . :· 1be elderly boardwalk hostelry and h&tbhouse was among the properties ac-«luired by the city of Laguna Beach in il.s" $3 million Main Beach purchase. Along with other oceanfront businesses, tt. bas continued in operation, on lease trom lhe city, pending development of ttie Main Beach park. .. Ttlis week, CUnningham directed a 21 jqe letter to Wheaton, ehumeraling his t roblems as a tenant on city property. Aioong other things, he noted: 4 -Removal ol bis roof sign {non· Conforming under the sign ordinance) has 6Jlt him 80 percent of his transient buliness. : -'-The awning on the oceanward facade ti the hotel, described as "an eyesore and a haz.ard to public safety" in a ~ from the building department. was riJiped '' down by a city crew and ha11 Bot been replaced (as promised), Tesalting in daytime lobby temperatures ip to 120 degrees. t -A request for help during the 1969 ftoOds produced a patching job on the roof, but four or live leaks sUU remain, • -Last summer the city closed the hotel for a week .due to a stench throughout the buildini, finally traced -·· ... to a sewer break under a building 100 feet away. (The break wa s repaired more Ulan a year ago,.aays Wheaton). -Noise, destrucUon and harassment resulting from the establiSbQlent of a teen center an the baardwalk caused loss of business and near bankruptcy. -The city ordered repair, with threats, of a •leak in the hotel's ladies shower which, in fact,. was the citf's responsibility as owner of the building, since the leak was an eight-year-old problem which the city inherited. -After the city sent a marshal to foreclose on overdue rent, Cunningham met with the city manager and asked for restoration of his sign and painting or ,the building and was promised a new sign conf(>l"ming with the city ordinance. The sign bas not been pro- vided. Cunningham, who made a tongue.-in- cheek application .ror ·the Laguna city manager position recently, on learning of Wheaton's impeOOiilg ' departure. now asks that the city council disreg1~d the application. "With my luck and the 'help' of lhe city or Laguna;• ht quips, ''I could be Nixon's next Supreme Court nominee. Or il NASA overlooks my hernia, I could be sent on the upcoming Apollo XlV moon shot, one way." Arter all the negotiations, he concludes, he was asked ii he would like la relln· quish his lease on the hotel to someone else. (The lease is '2.400 a year, Wheaton says). "Are you kiddlnJ?" be aslts. volunteers should be sent into a com· munity to do only one specific task (J.e. housing, economic development, etc.). Formerly the volunteers were sent into the areas designation as poverty stricken and attempted lo build "com· munity organizations." Eidt volunteer became a "jack of all trades." Now the department wants to send it specializ.. ed technical experts to the poverty areas, instead. other recommendations contained in the petition included a pro po se d guaranteed annual income of $5,500 for a family of four and recruitment of enough community poor that 50 percent or VISTA would be represented by that group. Included in the lalter recommendation was a proposal to pay the poor volunteers three times as much 8.5 non·indigent volunteers. Many or the youthful protestors carried signs that were critical of Rumsfeld and the OEO. "Rumsfeld avoids taJdnc care business by hiding in the Western White House," declared a sign carried by a young woman. "Don't viscerate (sic) VISTA" said another. Secret Service agents kept t h e picketers on the sidewalk of an approach road about 200 yards from the entrance of the Presidential cumpound. The VISTA group was joined by a sprinkling of other supporters, most of them from the Long Bea ch and Santa Monica areas. 1 Ted Martinez, a Mexican-American from the Venice section of Santa Monica declared: "I am here protesting because the OEO h8.5 failed to see the needs of the Chicano community." One woman, Bea Bohnenkamp, who identified herself as a member of the executive board of the Long Beach Com· mission on Economi c Opportunity said that she was "very disturbed, because not one solitary soul came out to talk to us." Nancy Freuden, who said she was the leader of the pickets, noted that the voluntee rs plan to get together more often in the future and that they will begin to contact Congressmen about their grievances. The group arrived at the main gate of the Western White House at 10:30 a .m. Wednesday b'Jt were told to leave the gate area as a security precaution. They gave copies of their grievances to a member of the Secret Service who assertedly said be would pass it on to administrative aides in the resort complex. They waited for a reply but none came. Laguna Chamber Backs Petition On Drug Pushers Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce directors have voted to support a plan which would petition judges to inipose maximum senlenCfS on persons con· victed of narcotics sales , Frank Meyers, M. O., retired Laguna Beach physician, told the Chamber board he has undertaken along with other con- cerned Orange CounUans, the task of obtaining signatures Of prominent loca1 citizens on the peUUOM. In addition to seeking stiff sentences for drug pushers, the petitioners a&k that persoos arrested on drug selling charges be bound over directly to Superior Court, instead or going through the municipal courts. Meyers said Kiwanis 1nternational 1.; taking up the petition pto}ed and may obtain as many as 350.000 signatures across the nation on petitions that will be sent to President Nixon. Noting that the Chamber Is not klgally entitled to sign petltlons. President Bernard Syfan asked and received a~ proval permission o( the directors to prepare a letter si mply endorsing the project. Th•n<l•1, .11111 lO, 1970 L DAILY ~ILO'I :J Partly Ps yc1iological P:~.rking No ~rohlem? Laguna's patkbft piphfln\l are at lea•I partly psychoiotl!cal, '!'llamber of --merce dlricton Wert toai:l this weeiJ Board member ... Cy Ntigtnt Offered to bet anyone $20 that he could find a parking place, set out on foot in the. dpwntown area and get· "e\.erything on · a ~pplng list with less walking Uian it wo¢d tan in a•big !happing center/' "People think ~Y can't find a parking · space jtist' J>ec8use there doesn't happen to be one in front of the book ltore 1 , or ahoe store or wherever they w1nt to go first/' said Nugent. ·~Actually. t.t>e , atorta Jte 110 CIO$e ~ge~r . tiere, you call park in a lot and visit half a dozen or them in less time than it t&W Jn a shopping cenlu. There You may find a parking apace with no trouble, but look af the 'distances yOu have to cover to get to . .all the different atbres." ' 'The difference, said · Nugent, is that shoppon Cln01f lbw' -pork -I any trouble Jn a allopPiOJ center, but "think." q,iey can't ln downtown Laguna. The p,....,.. of •· parkJni llruclurt, he added, wouJd remove t b l 1 psycholqgical block and make ahopplnc in Laguna even faster than It ill now, Inrural\C6 'broker Roy Maroom IUp- ported the theory, rudlng a k11l!lhY Uat of Various ~As ,and services aVa{J.able in, a 200-y~ radtua in the downtown area. Magnificent planted , . hanging baskets ••• Lush, growing, grttliery filled baslctts to hang inside or out ••• lo ""-any lllllng. Ciolul _Rhombifolla ls a long name for an ._gr-.Jno wffh gloay lo.... on twfnlllg -. PiectiC11"""' lo an easy-growing attractive rtorgr-, a;~ECIAL 1•77 ... TAM JUNIPER •• , low growing evergreen for ottrcidive landscap- ing that will give your garden a professional look, C.allect them. 1 gallon conta iner. 77' ... ITAUAN CYPRESS • , • stalely and tall ls a porfact·evergreen for land· scaplng at corners al buildings and fences , , • for a professionally land- scaped look-5 gal. size. 3.55 W Pl.ANTS ••• 11at ... V...,. OI --'ffng ~ • • • growing in trays and react, lo plant ., lovely a-..1 colon. luy-"if trays. for color oxc:itement. SPECIAL 44' ... . . PERlWINIWS In 2.varllll• ." •• 'Bright Ey"' and 'Coq-.''fn on• gallon - tainers are aptly named ••• dalnly little pink or white flowers wffh red _..,., 77' ... UNPAINTED MEXICAN POTTERY , , • strawberry plantor wllh 9 pocktts Is a plc1ur11q11e planler , , , especially for Spanish typo potios ond architecture that's so popular now. 3. 99 . GLORIA VASE •• , unpainted Mexican pots with authentic carved doslgns for unu111al planting effects, · • large, 5.99 Medium,3.39 SNAP.ON FENCING •• , a prllly and easy way to enclOll your garden areas.,. ln1xpemlv1iy, foal 21" x 12" section, 29 , NOW! THESE VALUES AT AN Y ONE OF THESE PENNEY STORES! CARLSBAD • DOWNEY MONTCLAIR • NEWPORT BEACH SHOP SUNDAY, TOO 12 to 5 P.M.! • . . ' ' • DAILY PILOT CO.rl••"" ........... ....., Wombourne, England housewife Joon Hunt says she bas been ban- ned from her village store because her policeman husband gave evl· dence against the shopowner fOr driving offenses. "I think it's tor· ribly unjust that I, an ordmary housewife should suffer iust be- cause my husband was doing bis job," she said. • • Henry Lewis Norm•n Jr. of T-. Ju~ :!O, 1970 Israeli Jets Hit 4 Egyptian MIGs Itraell Jelt lhot down fO\lt Sovlelobuill 11cYPt!ID l\UGll jell in 80 air ballle over the Suu Canal today, a military 1~an ani>oonoed in Tel Aviv. He1vy &rtfller1 dllels blazed along I he canal on a *'1lllo front and Egypt reporled heavy 1oa ol lsraell ltle. The spokesman said the alt battle occurred when Egyptian interceptors streaked aloft to challenge Israeli jet figtdu·bombers carrying out strikes in the can a 1 zone's southern sector for the 7oth consecutive day. 'lbere was no indication whether any Soviet pilots were involved in the coo- Irontailon, but UPI cor respond en l Nicholas Daniloff, quoting "sources," said Soviet and Israeli planes clashed over the canal on Saturday for the first time. No losses were reported. The sources said the potentially dangerous clash occurred during a raid by Israeli aircraft against missile sites operated by Egyptian crews with Soviet advilen. Jn that clash MIG2ls were aaJd to have attacked American-built Skybawka which managed to eacape the fulB ab'Cralt. ilraelt 1pokesmen said Wednesdly Ibey had no information on lucil a eluh. Today'• oerial club eruplod about J:IO p.m. wbUe the Jlraeli &QVernmeot Wll carryina OD U1'1ent coiisubatlool with the hawtlab Glhal party lo Jry lo prevent its wa1koUt from the government. Israel wu reportod moving cautiously toward acceptance of a U.S. Mideast peace plan despile Gaba! opposition. Israeli pilot! reported seeing only three pilots parachute from their stricken planes. They nid all four planes crashed in flames on Egyptian territory when the Israelis opened up with cannon fire and alt-to-air missiles. A military spokesman in Cairo uid Egyptian artUlery today cauaed "artat 1-. in ltle and equipment" on the Israelis and that two Egyptian soldiers were wounded in l!raell alt attacks. Eq-Pt said its big ~ opened up at 6 a.m. today against. Israeli posili~s along a 40..mile front between Dtversotr and Qanwa and that the gunners sccrtd ''direct hits" on Israeli bunkers, "causing great Joase1 in life and equipment." A spokesman said several Israeli posi· tions caught fire and ammunition depots exploded. Stalled Bus Thwarts • Offensive in Cambodia 3 Bodres Kfu Run Eve1·ftltl!!f In Burned Thousands Cram Car Found Banned Concert NEW ·YORK (UPI) -The charred M!DD!DIELD, COnn. (/.P) - bodt11 ol three pmom wbo m1y have 'lboounda ot ,....,. ~ dolled ' 111t been abol « bludpj>Qed lo death were Ilk! 11ope. of Powder JUdge today - found early loday In a 1olckolored even tlloual> UJe rocl< featlval tllal Ibey cadlllac """""""4 In flames oo a qulel had come to atlend wu bamMJd by rHi-al 1treet in Queens. court order. · Police reNud to opecuiale on ·wbether And !he y<Mbs aeem lo have all but the dead, who appeared t.o be white taktn over the area. maJu, were victims ol 1aogland es.. 'lberrare 00 wUfonned police on the eoutl<lls. grounds and the kids were running A spotesman for the medical a -everytblng -they passed out free ice aminers olllee said the bodies were ,. cream, manned the medlcel llatioo and badly burned that tt was lmpoulblo acted as security guards. to definitely determJne their aez or race "We ~, bad a birth," said a before autopaies were completed Jater bearded worker wearing a r e d cross today. at the first aid office, "but it was But be said that damage to the victims' false labor. She's upstairs waiting to heads could have been caused by Jet us know." gunshots or blow1 with a blunt in· Lfuls Zemel, a co-owner of the rem, strument. told the growing crowd Wednesday night The bodies were sitting sUffly in !he that the festival was off and u r g e d back seat of the burning ear when everyone to go home. firemen arrived. But most of tht youths stayed through on t6a iwtn lkJ llopu, or awn in a llOl!d at the ftlMt « talked obout the flillval. "l 1bouflhl :JJ llckels at 51th Streel. In N'~w Ycrlo CIJy, s 1 Id L leelllfer waring a black hillbilly bit. "If WI doo~ get our money baclt there will be trouble in New York.'' The tickets sold for Sit a night Ind '20 for the weekend, apt p.-.rs said there was no provis.On for refunds. 1.emel lold the crowd Wedneoday nilbl however that he was trryin& to set. their mooey back. In the area where the' )'Ounpters camped signs boldly advertised LSD and marijuana for sale . Jackson Shooting Said Justified "We think they were already dead." the night In sleeping bags and tents associate medical examiner Richard L. and youthful security guards said today JACKSON, Miss. (AP) -A county Beaghler said. "There were no signs new arrivals outnwnbered the rock rans grand jury says police were justified that they tried to escape." who had left. in opening fire during a campus con· Dr .. Guy Voordecker, a member of Crowd estimates varied wKiely and frontaUon in which two young Ne-oes the Brussels medical examiners' stall police weren't guessing, but most 0 • on special assignement here, said he esumates indicated there were at least were killed and nine wounded at Jackson believed identification could be establish· 7,000-15,000 in the crowd . State College May 15. ed. State's Attorney Vincent J. Scamperino Reporting on an investigation into the The car, registered to a Giovinnia also urged the crowd to leave Wednesday outbreak, a Hinds C.ounty grand jury Costamo of St.a.ten Jiland, was found . and ordered all utilities at the facility declared Wednesday that state highway on a street in the South Ozone Park shut off by 8 a.m. today. But hours patrolmen and city police discharged section of Queens. alter that dealine the electricity was their firearms only after belng shot Cleveland felt he wu being un- justly puitlabed when be was fined $50 for dropping a beer botUe on some rocks alone the shore of Lake Erie. "ll the city can drop garbage in the lake, wily can't I drop a beer botUe on the rocks!" Norman asked a judge. 1 PHNOM PENH (UPI) - A civilian bus loaded with Cambodian soldlen \ bogged down today in a driving rain after a six-mile advance toward the Kirirom Plateau, blocking the path of a S,C..man government convoy and An wlldentlfled resident returning still on and the water was running. at by snipers. ~ home from work at 2:30 a.m. noticed 'nte rock fans already had arranged The grand jury report said perl00.1 100 yarda and two of the lead battalions the parted car, police said. Fifteen an emergency water supply from a who engage in "civil disorder• and riots" of Khmen were blocked. The brigade minutes later be heard a car door slam clo.!ed-over disinfected swimming pool. must "expect to be injured or killed commander, Maj. Un . Kauv, said the and, lookinc out the window of his home, While some of the youths were work· when law enforcement offJCel'S are re-- brigade would leave Friday for a frontal saw the inside of the car in flames. lng, thowands of others lounged around quired to re.establish order." assault en the 3,(1(11).foot plateau and 1..:::.::...:::::.::::.:::::.:::::::.:..::::.::::.::::.::::.:__ __ _.::c_ _______ c:_ ___ _: ___________ _ • Mid1um,.... mudptlddl., "'' fol«UiJ, ing tov boall mad plutlc dueler "' dtnwnst;attd htre by Tammt1 Stouf· fer, 2, of Salina, Ka.nsa.s. The puddle tDCJ left during ncent thundershow- «r& which drenched the area. • Th.t California Legislature ha..s legalized saloo11J1, bars and bar· rooms. Those were three of the wild west naTMs which taverna and cocktail lovngea were pro- hibited from using bt1 a it.ate law which WGJ repealtd Tues· day. • Two couples aeeking to be mar- ried this week by Cleveland Mu· nicipal Court Judge Lllllon W. Burke were refUsed becauae they 'vere not properly dressed. Judge Burke said the men weren't wear .. ing jackets and the women weren't wearing dresses. 111 a1ways wear my robe when I'm conducting the ceremony," she said ... The court ls a place of dignity and marriage is one of the fundamental steps in life and should be taken serious- ly :• • halting: a pernment offensive abned at rttaklng the plateau. A Cambodian military spokesman, quoting villalen ln the area, said allied air atrib• had killed 800 Communist ln>opl and wounded :JOO otben in attaclc.s near the rulM of the 9th century temples of Angkor Wat. Tbe Communists 1cortd a major suc· ceaa near the Kirirom Plateau today, cutting lllll>"'Y 4 loading from Phnom Penh to the port of Kompong Son (Sibanoukville) and leaving more .~an 100 trucks, mostly oil tankers, hruni the road along a blown bridge SO mllea below Phnom Penh. The Communtsll poured oul of lbe countryside and overwhelmed t b • defenden of a reinforced concrete brid&e In a five.hour llftfl&lli and -blew a tix·faot. hole on the n«tben approach lo the bridge, next to a IO-fool hole blown in a similar attack four days ago. Light vehicles could still pass. Jn Saigon the U .s. Command e1td B52s: flying 'some of the heaviest raids of the year in South Vietnam unload~ J ooo tons cf bombs on Communist slrongholds in the southern half' of the country, concentrating on the U Minh Fore1t. For the put week, the planes have concentrated on border areas. UPI correspondent Kenneth J. Brad· dick, with the Cambod\aM try~ng to recapture the Kirirom Plateau, 111d five battalions of government tr o o P • spearheaded by Khmer mercenaries, had hoped to reach the plateau in a two-day march. . But the bus atalled in the driving rain which Umited viltbUlty to leas than Post Office Lifts British E1nhargo WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Post 01· fice has lifted the embargo on surfa~ mail t.o Grtat Britain it imposed July 21. The emblJ'IO wu lnlUated because ot the recen\ strike by Britilh dock workers. Air mail was not affected dur~ ing the period. the town of Kirirom, 12 miles to the north. "We will never retreat once the attack is launched," he said. "We will keep going until we kick the V~t Cong out." The Cambodians were ·armed with a hodge podge of rifles and depending on s;ucb transportation as school bur;es; to reach the fighting area. They had no air support or artillery and were equipped only with n millimeter mortars made by Red China. nt Viet Cong has a and 120 mm mortars brought in by elephant from the northern area. More Violence In East Cities New ditorder• and violence have oc- curred in llarllord, COnn., and New Bedford, Mau. Bands of block and Puerto Rican youtlll niamed Hartford atreeU Wedne!- day for the aecond auccesslve night, eet· ting f1re1 and throwing rocks and botUe:s at police. Pollcearl'tflted 32 persons and used tear gas to dispene crowds of up to 200 persons. 'Mlree firebo"'.'bs were .hurled at one police car, settmg a tire on fire. Police arrested 32 persons and used fired and three penons were treated for minor buckshot wounds. One claimed he had been 1hot by police, but a &p0kearnan denied police had used flreanns. 'n\e diacrden apparently were a con· tinuaUon of 'I'Uesday'1 outbreak that stemmed In part from the city's refusal to open some tire hydrants for children's play in the bot weather. In New Bedford there were reports of shots fired, stone tbrowlnl and arson by roving canes in • slJ:-hlock area of the South End. Pollce arrested 22 persons. Al a midnight meeting, city councilmen criticized Mayer Gtiorge Rogers for delaying impcalUon of a curfew from t p.m. to 11 J>.m. He aa1ct be m.o~ed the starting time back after rece1vmg "many complaints." Most of Nation Swelters Tropical Air Flows Into East and South Calllemla c. .. ta& v~. S11•••ru Atl1nt1 S1ktnll•ld •1-rd; .. , .. ..... CMe111 (lll(lflflllll o.n~., ..... _ ....... l"ort WorTll ·-··-t<..,..,c.,.., Lft\l"Mtl Lo. ""9'1•• • Hltll L-P'..-. .... " n om ~ .... '' ·'·' ., '' " " .. 10 1,U ., ,, " " "' ,. .n .. 70 ,q " n .. ~ ,, ~ If' 11 ,10 10, '° .... ., .. U .. .N .. " 1-illV WMl'llM ledtf, t.1tl!I v•r .. tl• Wli'>GI .. It!\! l'ld INnll!it PIO\lrt ~· ............. 1, ... ,, llowtt In •fttr-• lOll1' Ind l'rl011, Hit!\'°"" ... (N~lll ..,,.,_._ ... ,,.. frot!I " ,,,,...,."' _,,_ .... ...,.. ™"" "•'" • Cl!W'lllllVll'lt n.w .. lfWl(.11 1lr Into '"°'' of ftlf M1fwrn •IMI' MllllW"fl 1ttli-flf lM Miion t.:id•Y· T-•turu ,_.lnN w • r"' 11t"°"'l\out tl'lf ~ntrv ••ctot ror -1rH.5 flf 111t ,IK.lllc Hort!IWftl. M l .... ! M iii"""'"' 111-0rlMM N-Y" Nwtfl Plll!t O.kl.iid Otlt"O!M CllY °"''"' ,.,,,.. .. '"''' 'II ,, .JI " .. .. ~ ·~ " .. ,, 101 ., .. n. 1111M111 '""'1Pll"•h•,... ''"'' ''°"' 11 lo It.. W1trr f9!'nNrtlurt U. Sut1, 191-TWes THUJISOAY S9t9Ntllltoli ,,, 1'U''"· 1 1 l~ ro... '·°''"" 11 l'lr1t i.w 1.M '·'"· ,. • 1'1 ... , I'll•~ "'" '·"'· J' S«O!Od """" e .. h '·"'· •) S--.ct low '-'1'"' 1S 111"" .,.,.. •. 02 ..... ''"'~''"· M-J11e l :lta.m, htt l .)f '·'"· lltlft wtf't !!*llY tel• Wltfl """" • '''""'!"" 0 f ftWIW«l"°""t ... Htllclii.rl'lf In IM *''*"' tedlont d ll'MI -GrMI Uk• Inf ffM'I Pei11111lv111.. M tflt (lrollnll. Alt ~ ,,, 90 (ff nlfl -llH ,Ml1"tlll .. , "'·· Moll,.. 111., 11111 c.Mrlo"•~llll, Vo, f;trl1 lnO'"fl1M ._MVllllfM r1!'lffd from $2 11 Atc1111. C•U!1~ t. M 11 •1¥1M 1tld Need.... (tiff., w111i. r .. 1191 .... t IV!• IMll flf tlll flttlO!I wtr1 In !ht JGt, '"''° Jtoblft PllMl'lhf """bi.Im Per1lt flf ~ .. Id CKY fltd l lllfl ·-Sic,,_,, Utt Wilt Cl'Y S1<11DlH& Stfl l'rtflCIKI SNfflt '*'"" '"-'""'' Wt$Pl~lolt " .. "' . ll " .11 " .. .... ., ~ .. " .. " .... n •' .. » " " " . l&S .. ti J• .1'0 • ••• •• l'l:eh'lrr.e:':e:i:eiet• • •• •••• ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • • • • SALE ! 33 1/3 TO 40% 0 f'F REG.15 .00-35.00 FAMOUS MAKER SUITS YOU'VE EYED AND SIGHED FOR, NOW 9.97-21.97 SEE I-PC, TUNICS, T IERS, 2-PC, BIKINIS, PANEL.S,. ,EVERY SHAPE, EVERY STYL.E, EVERY '70 SUIT FOR SANO AND SEA, NOW SPECIAL.LY PRICED F DR THI S SPL.ASH OF A SAL.E. BE HERE EARL.Y FOR BEST SEL.ECTtON, SORRY, NO MAIL. OR PHONE ORDERS, BET TER SPORTSWEAR. ROBINSON'·S STA RTS FRIDAY JULY 31 WITH SPECIAL OPENING AT 8:30 A.M. IN BEITER SPORTSWEAR ONLY! ROBINSONS NEVV1DRT • FASH ION ISLAND 644-2800 • I - - •I p •• ] ] b " I I ' a ,, ,, II. a tt .. w ~ b' h " ,, 11 n T u ., tt It tc e u u h u • l• u a • • t • • I t ( ( I • < • I I I l t l • San f;leme:Die Capistrano .. ~D ITl·O N YOL 4l, NO. 18 I, 5 SECTIONS, ~ PAGE S '· ORANGt COUNTY •. CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, JULY 30, '1970 TEN CENTS arinCs' se us By JORN VAi.TERZA Of "-o.JIY Plllol lllH Pres.sure Lo compel U.S. Marines to epen up nearly fi ve miles ol Camp Pendleton beach for public use · moved on two top-level froota today. In W11hington, a California con· gressman appealed directly to the Department of Defense for opening the beach and at Camp Pendleton itself State Paris Director Willlam Peno Mott Linda Tells Of Manson 's ' Involvement LOS ANGELES (UPI ) -Linda Kasa· bian added detail after detail today to her story of lhe slaylngs of a wealthy 1rocer and his wife as the prosecution aUempted to establish an lr.onclad case aaainst the "Manson family." ·Vhe slate's key witness ldenlified leather thongs with which Charles ManSOn allegedly bound ,Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary, on the nigh~ they were slain in their home. Tbt .young woman .also pointed out on a photograph or a gasoline slation washroom the ex11ct spot in wh ich she said she had hidden a wallet,_thal Manson broughl out or the LaBianca home. She said that Manson told her to hide -it· so that perhaps• a bl.xk woman wou1d1 find it and. u• the credit canl5 and Negmes woold be blamed for the &laying. Another photogralJPI Of • telfPhone:1x1le ne:rt lo the re_sidence or actress Shal'Ofl Tate was also identified as the one that Qwoles "Te:r" Watson climbed to cut the lines the night of the alayin,S the ... The state wu expected to conclude Its direct examination of Mrs. Kasabian today and the defense to begin cross examination. 'I'he 2t-year-0ld blonde witness told the jury Wt!dne!d1y that Manson sent three of his fo.Uower1 into the LaBianca home with the iniitructions "don't let them know you're going to kill them ." She gave the court a startling account cf Manson personally leading I foray tn the LaBianca home the night after the Au5. II slaylngs at the Tale home. Following her accusation there wa!I 1 brief pause, with Mrs. Kasabian w1iting for the quemions to continue, and the bearded Manson ca11ed across to her in the courtroom. "You're lying." Mrs . Kasabian tumed around and stared al the 35-year-ald ex~vict ac- cused of masterminding seven slayings. •·1rs not a lie, Charlie," she said In a soft, clear voice. "You know." At the end of the session , two or the defense altorneys were taken into custody and sent to jail for contempt of court -one for constantly interrupting Mni. Ka!lab ian and the other for directing a vulgarism at ll deputy district attorney. Going on with her eyewitness account ol the events of the nights ol Aug. (Set TATE, Pa1e t) sought cooptration from bl;h-rankinc Marine!!. ' Mott was meetma through thls mornlr:ia: with commanders at Camp .Peridleton to try for a solution to leue-ierm and beacMiie disagreement which has stall-. eel the opening ot the virgin be·ach area. for months. • ' At about the same time Republican C.Ongressman Alonzo Bell of CalifOrnia' implored Secretary of Defense-Melvin Laird to press for the opeftinl 9f 4.S ' nlllel el Camp Peodl<lon Budl _,. San Onofre-Under a lona·tenn le1ae. Thu1 far. oublk:I' announced .llcla ln the belch issue hive said that the Marine eo.,,. will offu aoly 1.5 mu .. ol,buch for aven years. 1'Qut Mott. who· 1hli4 been working loWard the beach •openil\f " a surfing park all year. bis, said that such a short-term agreement would not be suitab~ for the state. because of the high cost.s for improvement.s -including ' ' ' 1 man.made reef. .'"" issue is now apparenUy in a state of flux '"th some rt]>Otts aired tbb week mentioning th1t the Marine Cor'DS in the Penl15on ls yielding to public ind White House pressure ·to ac- cede. to the state requesls. • ' The beach land in question lies downcoast from the Edison nuclear com· pjh and is below towering bluffs, which w6uld have to be gouged out for public access .. ' . . > ~ , I• • _ , D.\IL Y ,H.OT Stiff ........ MORR.IS•WHITAKIR' (RIGHT) STOPS TO CHAT WITH IUD ~EYSI R ANO 'PONCHO' THi! PARROT C9hwful' frONtt AvlftUie '.Retul1r~1 , • Cenwr11tlon Plate Tht t T1lk1 Bick . . . . . Clemente Eeaders : Ponder. 'Poncho' TellS It ' " ' · tike it l s- Plans for.New Cluhliouse ~ In 60 words . Eipanded concepts for San Clemente's new community clubhouse were aired WedAesday during an aMual joint meeting between city councilmen and · members <I three: advisory commls.siona. Discussion on ttie blending ol a makl auditorium with multiple uses dominated the hall-hour discu.uion on the new clubhouse, -which presently la beln1 plan· ned by two Capi.strano Bay area designerii. While no definite reconnnendalions to Bouchtr a~ Drielama Aaaoclates came forth, counCilmen and commluiontrs alike thrashed over these sugaestinns: -That the estimated $ZOO.OOO f1clllty be designed as I.he first lncn:ment of a coinpJu: which could be • upanded to ~ater cai>zcity. ' -That the clUbHOU. · be a two-story structure incorporating in i't.s design .an auditorium seating pehaps $00 people. which coull! be convertible for use 1 as a dance Roor, or partitioned-Off to ac· C001rhodate aew:ral .small groups at one time. -Elimination of ttle tennis courts near the existing butned-Ol.lt c I u b ho u s e : relocation nf the courts to another site wqukl 1llow room for' badly needed 'park· Ing. Q!}t-of the m,ost lntriiulng of a)J the sW"nge birds who inhabit Laguna ls a parrot named "Poilcho" who ·bang.! f!,Jl on FOrert Avenue. He ia owned by Bud Keyser, who frequeOtly walks 'from his horn!! at 374 Cypress Drive lo the downtown area, pausin·g, with Poncho perched nearby, for a cup of coffee at Trotter'• BakJ;:ry. Children walking along are intrigued by the multicolored bird, that boasts of a 60-word vocabulary. He will 5ay "hello" and "goodbye" and has been known on one occasion tb tell a barking dog to "shut up." Chamber ,4ll-Stars Set -Plannlnr the new clubhouse with adult recreation an~ meeting need.! with an eyfl t\oward developing a yooth- orletu.ed structure in coming years on another l!llte. <Moat agreed th A t aimukateous adult and youth ·activities wnuld be incompatible under the Wne roof.) After the ootpouring of sugeltion!!. City Man.agtr Ken Carr said ~ ideas would be 'J)l'esented in a conference between Pirkl •nd .Recreation Dl:rt<!tor Arlie W1terman, . Other city 1t1 ff membefs and the 1rchltecla. And it's not. unusual for-Poncho lo -uy "hi, baby" to cute 1als on Lacuna sands, Keyser-reporls. Though Keyser~ 1 retired furnltUre- manufactUrer, was g;ven t.he parrot _by friends lour years ago, Ji's hard to gel him to adr?Ut it. "I Hke to · tell people -especially the kids ...!. that f got Poncho from a re:UrCd pirate For White House Game Warming to his extra-curricular task, Cleve Ryan. manager of the challenging White House staff and press cnrps 10ftball learn. has announced a star.stud· ded lineup for Saturday 's tilt wllh the Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce team. Ryan, who serves all lighting technician for the networka when President Nixon appears on television , .!&Id he will be (lelding about 20 players from the 60 White House stalfeni and newsmen hea~ quartered 1t Laguna '1 Surf and Sand during the Presktent'1 cur~nt sojourn at the We1tern Whitt House. The lineup of the Laguna Be.ach team has not yet been announced by Ot. Martin Kruger. local denti!lt appointed by Chamber Presktent Bernard Syfan to organize Art Colony defeue against the White House challenge. ApJ)lle.ntl)' thtre i.t oo shortage of volunteers. Spurning a sug1ealion th1t he serve as umpire . Mayor Richard Goldber1. e.x-offlein Chamber board member, said he wants to pl-.v . Jo'ormer Mayor Biii Martin will handle the umpire duties. according to the Chamber. Pl'¥ will set under •'¥ at 4 p.m. al the Laguna B .. ch Hlsl> School • diimond . ~· The first·atrllll lineu p for the While House. a.! 'nnounced by Ryan, includes: Herb . K~plow, NBC eorreapondlnt, Ulird-.base: Frank Cormier, A!llOC:i1ted Preu. ceoter field ; Ren Z I e 1 I e r , presidential preu Jeetttary, short , 'QI> and caplain; Din if\ather, CBS, right field; Bob Manning, WhUe Hou1e atafftr In charae of trans:1x:1rlltion, first. balle : John Magee, ABC, second btse; Tom Jarriel, ABC, left Held ~ Ted Clark , UPI, catcher; Wally-McN•mee. Newsweek, p{fchel'ij and OtUe Snyder, Western Unkln, short fieki. , • The softball till .... propooed by the visitors who 11'6 ~ would Ille to do "IOmethinc mtmorable.'' 'for Llguna in return for the tine weather ind warm hospit>lily "hey hive enjoyed' here wblle tradlac ,tile Pmldent. , ACler1 )hf, Salul'dll)I Ull, vletars a v11nq4.1ilhed 1 wlll repelr to the Surf tnd S1nd for llght rtfre1h.men1.J and po1l mortem dl~.ssion. At thl~ time h. 11 exptMM the Chambe.r will propoa 1 cross-challenge for UWl ne1t trlp - buke!ball or loucl> football, clependin& OD tbt aeuon. A JO.day time ilmlt for compJeUon of the drawlnfC!l fol' a AQ0,000 clubhou1e ls 1botrt halfw1y throotft. Carr aald, but thete is still ample time for con· ftrOllCel Ind drlftln1 ol the de~an ·by 1he ll'diiteetl: Mitchell . Listed 'Satisf act~ry' Clay Mitchell ol South Laguna, -nll,v 1ppointed to 1he State Board of r.duca· lion, rem1lns in lhe intenaive Car! unit at South Coa1t Community Kospitil. followin& a aevert helrt att.ldl;. but is in "'11U!lf1c+.ory" condition, a bolpltal spokennan said today. Mitchell, 5rt, nf 11 S. Alla Mira Road, c:ollapaod ,Monday alltr plckln& up hi! dauabtu,, Jennifer, from ber work in LlllUll Beach and wu Ilion by ber lo the holpilll. Mitchell .el"\ll'td on the orange County school bolrd for seven years before his a P!>Oinlml!nl lo tho lfall board IMI February. • • Hla 1ppolnlmenl by Governor Rea1an • WU ...nrtnod by ~Senate in June, -~-• in Pan.ams ." • Many of the local merchants kiil>w Poncho Md his owner. During the sum· mer. the pa.mt rates as a gocx:f befch sideshow. · Many people like to offer-Poncho thin.gs to eat. bot Keyser turns them . down .. as hit friend ls partial only to sunflower st.eds _and fresh frultf. Occasionally, as 1 1treat, Poncho will get some pine nu ta. ~ of Poncho's favorite spol.5 around town is the pft ahop, because there he can 11ee ldme of his own kind and visit for a few mlnutta. ' Poncho'!! portrait Is on display at thi.t ytar's Art·A·Falr festJ val nn N, toast Highway, In a booth owned by CyUene Carr, a local artist. · Man Dies a t WJteel · A G1rdtn Grove man whn was found dead at the wheel of his cJT waa the victim 10( •.heart · atllcll:, cotoncr'1 of· fietr1 n.iled today. They returntd that verdict on !:. Remlnrton Pace, 4S. who w11 found d"d Weilnesdoy br police lny~1ll111ing a traffic hold\Jp In Garden Gi'Ove. The Marine COrps hu balked on Ibo . Idea becluse, 11pokesmen say, the beach land ls valuable to them for military training maneuvers. State alficlll.s have 11ld that they "'.OUld be willini to close the beach on occuion U It ls needed for military purposes. Negotiations fer the Camp Pendleton beach arose 1fter plaM for opening or a prime surfing beach near the Western White House were thwarted. The Trt!tles . beach. which tor years has bc!en a sought-after Q>Ot by JUkers Willing to sneai in, had been sCh!duled to be· opened to the public, but securh.y official! guarding the President declared ttie opening a definite risk to Mr. Ntmn. So detalled plans reIIecUng nionth.! of work by state admiruatrators and planners were .scrapped. It was then that negotiationJ began ~ the beach dow~st. but they IOOD (Sec BEACH, iap I) ·Economy Rosy In: Nixon Speech? President Nixon new from the Weatem White House ln San Clemeftle to Lo.s Angeles Wednesday night to ~t the scene for a televised press (Ol'lfertnce he will make at I o'clock tottlght. WhJ.Q House sources said he bu spent the last three days taking the poise of the American economy and Is expected to pronounce it hale and hearty this eveJting.. . The Pn!sldent selected the early even- ing hour so the wes~m United States could view the conference durbl.g prime televiSion l I m e. Moet conferences are scheduled for easlern vieWers. Forecul!I for an ·upsurge In the economy and new hope ' for ftf!gotiatlons to vool tensions 'in the middle eaat l'lave giVen ·the Preside•t ·some "good neW• to convey to the American public. l\ apparantly enco~1td. him to take t11o -... *P o1 hOldittil ·IR toe.tit news coaf.-ence ln 10 diY~-rt ,\fnj · t'Offt .with newm.en in a· ,,of the ~P\11.1 H*\, ..._, '1'91t Wedoellday night. lt wW be hia first nationally televlsed news coaferenct out.tide Waahingtorrand hl• lllh since taklng olflc<. But ·only 1G daya •IO ·he held 1 »- mh1ute wlde·ranglnr meeUng w I t h reporters in the oval ()ffice of the White House during'whJch he spok:t witli iuarif.. ed ' optimism about the• economy and urged Congre., lo hold the line on federal IP'ndiilg. . Nilo11 aaheduled~ • aeriel of . meetings today in the pe:nlhouae tulle he is OC• c'upylng wilh Dr. Henry A. Kis!!lnger. his chief fonlgn affair• advlw. H. R. Haldemu, his chief of staff, and Patrick Buchanan, one of his speeCh writers. ShQitly befort coming to Los· Angeles Ni1on completed three days of sessions with Georle .P. Schultz, his top . budget manager, and other White House. ecoJK1mic i!1pertJ, to have an overall look at the economy and prep~ the broad outlines of the tm budget he will send to Congress next January. Shultz told newsmen Wedne!day tile· economy now w1s poised for an upward * * * Nixon Planning Visit to Mexico President Nixon will fly to Mexicb !or an Aug. 2G and 21 mttting with outao.ing Preaident Dias Ordas ·in the popular PacUlc Coast resort of Puerto Vallarta. Prep secretary Bon Ziegler said In San Clemente that the Pn:sldent wll\ fly to the Mexican seaside communJty di· rectly from Washington, D.C. ·Mrs. Nixon will accompany him. . Zie1ler did not rule out the possibility that NIIon will conllnue on from Puerto Vallarta to his' Western White House at San Clemente. It will be the first foreign trip this year for the President. He meL Diaz Ordaz OllCfl earlier on Sept. I, 191ill. Zieg. ler sa~d the twn heads qf state will dis· cuss t,ilateral luu~s concerning the U.S. and Mulco, H! did not' amplify this: Freewa y Jl.unner Killed by Auto A Compt.on tn1n }'U killed hy a car early today. on the San Diero Freeway near El Toro Road when be sioppeci' hilr car 1ftd ran onto the freeway to retrteve- • pi<ce of peper tltll hld ·l>lo1"""°"' his vehicle, 1 • Cllllornla lll&hwoy' patrolmen Iden-° tified ' \be vlcUm 11 TO<)Y · S. Al<•la, 31, o/0 1l7S W. Ul6th SI. He l\,as listed 11 deld -ort arrival 1t South c:oast Com .. munlly ll01pllaJ. Witneut1 . tqld oHlcers Alea fa pulled hb ear to the side or thi trcew,y in an apparent attempt to retrieve a document th•t. hid blowl\ throuih 1n' open WlndOw. surre and · the 'thrust of ldmlniltradaa Policies wciuld be aimed. at controlling with expansion ao 11 to prevent aa mnaUonary surge. The President waa said lo be somewhat encouraged by 1cteptancf: of his ~ East peace plan by Jordan and the United Arab Repobllc and hekt ,out hope the Israelis also woQld >acceptiL · . * * * Preside,Jt Signs DC Crime Bill, . Raps Dein0ci ats . • a ,. , SAN .CLEMENTE (AP) -Pruldenl Nlion''liped illld'ld Wl!ilneoUt I bill which allows polict lb ~ ln\o ~ unannounced aOd allow&' pretrial iaillti& o( certain. defendinlll. ·But he accused • Ult Democrat controlled Congress' <i. biactloit on hls .anderime leglalallon. · Talking: to hewsmen 'at he attiJed his lig:oature lo the ,coqitovvaial Diltrlct ol Columbia Crime Control Bill, Nix· an observed It w 1 s the r I r a t .ad- mlnbtration measure in the crime field tO reach his desic'. The bill, aimed at lowertna: the ctlrne rate ·m the nation 's caplt.al buL .hailed by the administration l!I a model for the st'.ates, waa proposed more than a. year a10 a·Jong with 12 olher anUcrlme proposaJ1, I ''It la time for the Coo&reu ta have better tha.n 1 l·for-13 ~Uinl averqe.'• be declared. Ntxoo contended that the conaresslon1l record on criffie. billa represents lts "poorest batting average" in any flekf. "This i.s an area that Is not. partisan,'' be said. "It is one where the ~lem is naUOnal, where people of both pirtles want action. I hope ·that this ls only the beginning/' , . . The Pruident described the new Washlngti>n crime law as "an u,.. precedented melisure, a vtty atro111 one•• dealing with what he termed "In un. precedenl;.t problem." When he took office, he sa1d, the c;apital '1was 18'1 becomlne t h e ·crime capital or the world." Nixon described the new law as pro- viding "the tools absOlutely essenbll for us lO atop the rise of crime in W a.thington and to reverse the tn:nd ." The legillalion alto.a preb'lal JlillnC °' persons 1djud1ed likely to endanger community safety and authorizu poUce with certain aearch and arrtsl warranu: ta enter homes without knockinf. The no-knock feature, designed for use when Police fear evidence could be !See CRIME, Pqe ll . ' ' Oru1e \veadler · . ' . Haey sunshine Will rreet beach. goers getting a head atan on ·the weekend JFriday: ·Temperatures will be up into the 80's Inland, but only near 70 aJ001 the coast. INSIDE TODAY 1 • • ' The nat10.n11 lowere 100rkfn11 clar1--th1 migrant farm ·work- sra-are finaU11 g1tti11g 1ome a.itention frbrtt the halta of Con- greu. Poge :ll. • , . \ ; I Ct~ f ,,..._. 11 Clltc:~"" II• I II .. 11.Jt c......, aa.,1 .._., ... n C9'11k• Wttfl!"" ' ~ -.. W c----.,,..... ' ....... c..,., lt-11 '~-~.. ',', ''"'It ""'* • ~ .,.,,. . ..,, '==~:= l1·J i:.....~ •:: · ,._, n.is w......, • ~ 11 ............ u '""" u..... u =:-·· ...... ,, .. Mll'rittt ...._ 11 ,.... ... i 1 I SC _Gounty Vows ·'r-0 Appeal Edison Case E1panaioo rJ a major Orange County electrlc etnuaUnc plant is headed for the CllUomia Supreme Court today. The filbt ll over a plan to triple tba capacity of Southern California Edison Compmy's steam power plant lo Huntington Bead'!. The power company UYI-two addiUooal 1enerating unlta are needed to guarantee electrical service to its customers In 14 Southern California counties. The Public Utilities Commission agreed with the Edison Company in June. This week the PUC denied an appeal for rebearlni from the Orange County Air Pollution CorKrol District. The APCD, which abo claims jurlsdio- Uona.1 authority 1 has denied the expansion request. FoUowlnc the PUC's denial of the polhiUoD board'• appeal CM'I TuesdayJ- Deputy Orange County Q>unael James V. Urban announced he will appeal to the state Supreme Court on behaU of the county APCD. The .APCO fl.YI tile new fossil-fuel b1m!ll>1 laciUU.. would be addlllooal '°'1l'C9I ot: air pollutant& '!be APCI> cooteods it has been given tutbority OVflt power plant construction by ._ legtaWlve act whlle the PUC points lo tbe Calilomla COlllllluUon u th• bHll for Its authority over public uUliUes. Both agencies say they have cood eases for claimjng jurisdiction and the quetllloo for the Supreme C.Urt In .. uie Is which lblJl have the Jatt word when the two hive made opposite decilioos. Urban u1d he expects to file hi& brW with the Supreme Court well within tho »<lay llmll AnllclpaUng denl1l, be aald the county counael'• ollioe hu been workl111 cm it ever 1lnce lt flied the rehearing peUtk>n on July I. 'The matter will go direct to the st.ate Supreme Court without an intervening appellate court hearing, Urban explained, He said -ala Imm tho PUC receive preferential treatment over other dvil cuea cm the Supreme Coort calendar. Front P .. e l CRIME •.• dettroyed aa they wall at the door, requlret t!ull • Judi• appnive In eoch cue before It II Invoked. 'l1M> bill alac upanda police auttmty !or wlrtla,,..., "'"1et court •¥; Mii mandatory mtnhnmn tentences for ae- cond offenders convicted of anned violent crimee: allows adult trials for juveniles cbarled with violent crlme1; provides more judgea, and create. a public defll!lder 1ystem. 'nle melsure was hotly debated 1n ~!!'· espedally Jts no-knock and pN.~entlve detention sections. Sen. Sam J. Ervin (0.N.C.), called the blll 111 vktory for repressive criminal procedures." Sen. Howard E. Hughes (~Iowa), nid be fears a lrtnd "that places 11mpliat1c faith tn the mt.staken notion that f o r c e and reprealon are the only routes to 11dl.levlng law and order." Sen. Joseph Tydlnp (0.lru!.), who mana&ed the bill, anued that the n1.anber of felonies In the District of Columbia roae by 122 percent during the past five yean while the percentage of con- vlctlona declined steadily. 1be President's other propoeal& still pending in Congress Include measures to provide preventive detention in all federal JuriJdlction1, renew federal aid to local police agenclea, combet organlz.. ed crime and revise penalUes for crimes related to narcotics. DAILY PILOT """" ..... .__ -·-OMHGI COAST ,.UllllHIHG COMPANY l• .. •rt H. W114 Pruilllrll 11111 ,.lltllltMt J.~~ It. c .. ,,,,. Viet ,.,,.:..tll 111111 C0-11 M11\M., lh•"''' K11•il EclllOr 1\011111 A. M vrphi~1 MMttll'll ll!!or IU1h1'4 P. Ni ll '-111 a,.,,... C:-t1 Ed119f """" Clil .. ""-' 110 W(~I Bey •rrwt ~ ... du 1111 w.tt ., .. , ltulWfo•I , ~ MK111 m ,_, -'- t1i1111Mi"" 8-111 1111• .. "" 8)111""11'1 1M C*"-' .. 1 »S ...,... II Ct"'llll 11111 T""1dlf, J'll JO, 1970 • \ UPI TlllJIMll Mere 'n.ae Asked \ County Delays Plans for Rancli Plans by Recreation Envlronmtnta Inc. 1, to tranafonn the 10,ooo.acn Starr Ranch north of San Juan Caplatrano lnto a major recreaUon facillty we.re dela)led for a week Wednesdl)' by Orange County plannitll commJssloners. The county oommlal6on fell It wu being rushed and wanted more Ume to look at the propoaal. REI was aeeldng permi.Sslon to beain construction on the flnt f17 million phase or the recreation project, located off the Ortega Highway that heads out of San Juan toward Lake El.s.lnore. Addition1l approval ol a zoning change will be needed before the company can open its doors and begin charging ad- mis.sion to the 1.5 million visitors it expects in it.s fint year. Edwin D. Ettinger, chairman of the board for REI, sought to assure county planning commissioners Wednesday that the company can bring I.he project ()Ff desp\te the financial dlfUcult!es of Its parent company, Great Southwest Corp., subsidiary to the bankrupt Penn Central Railroad. I Coto de Cua oddle and hunt club to the west of Ute Starr Ranch and owns the Japanese Deer Village In Buena Park plua other recreation projects Jn ,Santa Barbara County, northern Cl.llfor. nla, Michigan and Hawaii. REL. plan$ call for cc111trucllon tn bt&in in September and the fadllty to be opened by next July if all goes weli. The project la being bUled as "the world's first, major, private1y- developed public park. Ettinger said it Is the Cirst time private business is going into public recreation. He COOlpared it ·to the county's O'Neil and Irvine regional parks. First phase coostructlon calls for 4,000 reserved pi.mlc sites, 450 camper vehicle lites and 300 tent sites. There are to be 12 miles of motorbike trails. A tum.cf. the-century village is planned with recreation hall, bandstand, carousel and general store. FARM WORKERS' CHAVEZ ILEFTl, GROWERS' GJUMARRA SR. APPLAUD CONTRAC T Whit•h•ired Cl eric is Auxiliary Bishop Joteph F. Donnelly of U.S. Bl1hop1 CommittM on Dl1 pute Ettinger said Great Southwest hu decided to sell off Recreation Environmentl and the Newport Beach firm has received acquialtlon overtures from a numbu of major companies. Special Session Set to Study City Plan Draft Workers Cheer Pact Ends Grape Strike Planning Commil.!ioner John T. Mcin- nis saJd he was worried that if condltiMS of approval are left too wide open the Starr Ranch might be sold off to 10meone else and developed dillerentiy. "The conversations I have been in- volved Jn focused just as much on maoigement and planning u on dirt JM the physical asseta ot REI," Etunaer a&ld. The Laguna Beach Planning Com· rnl.ssloo bu scheduled a special study session at 7:30 p.m. today in city hall cooncll chambers to conclude Its ex- amination of a general plan draft prepared by Daniel, Mann, John10ft &: DELANO (UPI} -'Ibe words scrawled in dust on a truck parked outside Cesar Olavez.' union hall told the story ; · "We won!" Inside the hall Olavez and his staunchest opponents signed a historic contract Wednesday ending the bitter strike and nationwide boycott against the vawers of most or California's table grapes. 'Jbree hundred farm workers cheered as <llavez. reafflnned bis faith in non- violent refonn. 'Ibey shouted even louder 81 26 Delano area growers jotted their names on union contracts. "We are happy, perhaps overjoyed, that peace has come to this valley," said John Gi1lmBJTa Jr., of Glumarra Vmeyards1 a Jong-time opponent of O\avei' union. He called the contracts a mutual victory beginning a "new era" in which growers and the union would wor~ together for a better market price for their products .. Chavez. aald the boycott would continue against the remaining non-union growers, who produce 25 percent cf the state's crop. California grows 90 percent of the nation's table grapes. George Sadoian, one of the Fresno area growers who has not signed, said the boycott and market pressures will probably foree the holdouts to accept contrada too. "I think we're all going to have to join the boat in order to market our grapes," Sadoian aald. "UFWOC: bu IOI the cba1n 11otes in lhelr camp." • lt was the nationwkie boycott -and lta effect on the big grocery chains -whlch bl'Ol.I~ Olavez. the victory he couldn't win by strikes. REI la the developer of the 5,000.acre From Pagel BEACH ••• The boycolt, laundled two years ago alter three years of strikes had brought only limited success, put pickets cutslde store1 In New York, Seattle, Boston and other cities. Many shoppers refuaed to buy grapes and several chains took bogged down. them off their shelves. Original estimates set the openinJ: of 'I1te boycott allO enlisted the support the initial 1.5 miles of beach In a rough In state by the start of this summer. of nationally known poliUcal flgures, • But del1;y1, then the announcement Mendenhall. The commissioners will prepare a recommendation on the plan for forwarding to the city council. The planning team , which has been studying Laguna for the past two :years, will prepare a fillal general proposal on the basis of comments from the commission and council. The study session tonight ls open •to the public. Chamber of Commerce prt.11· dent Bernard Syfan this week urged members of the business community to attend. eluding New York Mayor John V. last May that the terma of the lease IJnd!aY"; the late Sen. Robert F. Ken-T G' ls J 'led nedy, and unsuccessru1 Democrauc were causing problems, meant that the WO ir Uf, beach would remain closed. presidential candidate, Hubert H. Hump-Some state park1 orficlalJ even hr6,;.w•rs denounced th• Iseli• .. m.,a1 f!'Ulrlbled •h•• n look two moolhs Ju•• For Skinn y dips and ineffective. for tl;!em to gain permission to let foot But federal laws prohibiting secondary on the lite in question. Two teenage girls who took a nude, bo di I 'cull In the meantime public preuure has shriei.; .... skinnydlp on the beach at San yrotts d not app Y to agn ure mounted, accomparlled by pledge1 from ~ and the boycotl's effectiveness became White· House aides that President Nixon Clemente Wednesday afternoon wound •~-nt last ""--er when the -up il'I jail a short time later oa dru1 ........ ~ ........... r -wan ta the closed areas open to the ducera filed a 1$75 mUUon antltruat IUlt public. intoxication charges, lifeguards said to. against Chavez and the \Inion. , Los Angeles County supervlaon even day. The pressure of the boycott finally joined the campalp earlier uu. aummer Police arrested the girls, 15 and 17, Delano Vineyard Workers I broke grower resistance this spring. The by unanimously adopting a reaolution at 2:45 p.m. as the pair doffed the.ir flrst agreements were signed in Southern calling for the opening of the beach. bathing suits and started their romp California, where grapes ripen first. By Another factor in the fluid state ot along La Rambla beach. midswnmer, about 35 percent of the the negotiaUons ls the change in com-The noi1e began, police said, when Hurt in ·Costa Mesa Crash A 1954 sedan crammed with Delano grape pickers celebrating the end of their strike roared off the Newport Freeway into C05ta Mesa today and smashed a row of stopped cars. Six persona were sent to three different hospitals in the 12:28 a.m. mulU-car crash at Newport. Boulevard and Bristol Street. Traffic was tied up for more than one hour as police cleared away the tangled wreckage ol the five vehlclu involved and reponstructed wha'L hap- pened. Modesto G, Escalera, 28, a vineyard worker, was arrested by Officer Dick Laguna's ·Annual Volleyball Game Tourney Nearing Laguna's 18th Annual Open Doubles Volleyball Tournament will be played this weekend on the Maln Beach volleyball courts. Play will begin at 9 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday. ' Top contestants 1n the tournament, &ponsored by the city Recreation Depart- ment, include fonner Olympian Gelle Selznick, one of the foremost volleyball players of all time, and Keith Erickson, fonner UCLA basketball star now playing for the Los Angeles Lakers. Erickwn won this tournament in 1967. Other top teams entered in the weekend play Include Ron Von Hagen playing with Henry Bergman, and Rm Lang playing with &n Snyder. Von Hagen. playing with John Vallely, won last :year'1 Main &each tournament. Beach Sleeper All Boxed In E.Uorcing local ordinances baMlng sleeping on the beach or ln vehicles. Laguna S..cb police patrol• 1 Ji!Jtly lslue citatioru to youthful Yisltors 111ppl.q in the great outdoors. Wednesday there w11s a new twtst. Alejandro Em011o R<*noro, 24, Clil· cago, was cited, notes the police log, for ''sleeping in a large cardboard box behind the Del Camlno llolel." The Illegal sleeper wa.s 11ot spotted until 6:48 a.m.. by v.'hlch time, presumably, he had enjoyed a a: o o d nlghl's rest in his unorlhodo1 container. iitate's grapes were under union contract. mand this summer of the top brau the girls were taken into eu5tody at DeFrancisco and booked on suspicion Tiie signing or the Delano group pushed at the base. lifeguard headquarters by Io u r of felony drunk driving. the figure to 75 percent. Maj. Gen. Donn J. Robertson, base patrolmen. Oiavea; promised that when the last commander, will leave his poat for a By then the girls had been covered Police said Escalera, wto 1ave his non-unio n grower 1ign1, "We will tum top-level job in Marine Headquarters with towels. They were given clothes home address as Las Cruces, N.M., our boycott machine ry around and make in Washington. D.C., to be replaced here before their booking 011 charges at the wa s slightly lnjiJ_red bJt refused treat. grapes really sweet again." by Maj. Gen. George S. Bowman Jr. police department. ment when taken to Costa Mesa !-~~~~~~--'~~~~~~~--'~-'-~~~...::.~~~~~~~~'--~--''--~~~~~~~~~ Alemorlal Hospital. Two of his passengers were taken to the same hospital and then transferred to Orange Cotmty Medical Center, where they were ln serious condition today with head Injuries. They were identlfi~ as Mrs. Margarita Rodrigues, 38, of Delano, and Monico D. Escalera, 21, of Coachella. Jose' L. Souiameda, whose age wasn't established, was t a k e n to Costa ~fesa Memorial Hospital, where it was determined he was simply drunk and not injured. From Pagel TATE •.• • 8 • 9, "1rs. Kasabian told a spooky story of driving for hours around Ul!1 Angeles and Man.son rejecting one house after another until he came to the LaBlanca residence. Manson wen~ inside, she said, and then came out and told three members of his band that he had tied up a man and woman but ''don't Jet them know you're going to kill them.'' Manson and his three female codefen· dants -Susan Atkins , Patric 1 a Krenwink.el and Leslie Van Houten - si1nalled with their hands at the young woman in a manner resembling a by~ nollst, but she ignored them and went steadily along with her story. The night after the Tate slaylngs, she said, Man!On sent his followers Ollt again and accompanied them to "sho\V ua how to do it." They stopped in front or lour homes. &he said. Manson went up and looked in one but came back and said there were pictures of children on the wall and he could not go in. "But. he said that later we shouldn't let ' children stop us, for the sake of the children of the future," she said. Manson ordered her to &top In front of a church, she said, and told them he was "going in to find a minister or a preacher or a priest inside." She said he came back and reported the church doorli were locked. Whlle they were driving along Sumet Boulevard, ahe said, Manson ordered her to pull alongside a white sports car with a man lnslde and that ~1 anson got out at a stoplight, aaylng he was golna to shoot the occup11nt. 'nte light turned green and the car sped nff and they did not see it again. ..... _ SOFA BED~ Th•1 1 t r• "''Y cornfort•bl1 1of1 bM1 for Sitti111 •11d Sl11pi11g. A will1 11l1ctlo~ 1f f1btic1 •11d Col•r1 *• ch1111 from. Your /®Oritc tftttrfor detf_gner 1DiU b• ham to utilt .,cu ••• PRO~S:~N:~A RREIT fURNrfURE INTERIOR DESIGNERS OpH M .. ., 1'11111'1. I l'rl. 1- 2215 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CA°LIF. 646.0275 I -_, ;..~~ --i• ty, r: -- Oor -····-~··------ Freedom. for irPoJRT, kL (AP ) - pmldentlal ya ch I I P*lcla llld Jlllll wt11t on tl1i oucllan bloct Tuelday ll'Jt ~ were nO bidden. '"!! !I ·--that ~-.: .. Mesan Wins Science PhD DAILY l'llOT SJ .. ·~. ·.:.-~ ... ·~ > II DAILY PILOT SC Tb~, Ju~ 30, l 970 1:' ... r Moaev's Worth Bond MarketAppealing :::!'v~ .. ~~·~":.::'~:.-"'.'""" :: .......... :::. : ........... :: NASO Ll1tlng1 for Wedneid•y, J uly 29, 1t70 •,:, """ L.N CMt c'::! r~.l"ll IA I r !ffi ;; + u, Ttl El 1.$2 11• n ,14141 11!; + '' • Complete-;New York Stock List OVER TIIE COUNTER • To Every Income Bracket -=::.-==:--..::.:..~-=~ .. :.·:.-_..... ~!!!~"'I ... ~·l~ 'll'-:.1: tt~~ j,iE ,m·!!i!:~ r.:y,j 4 ~: ~;:: m ··1nc1 ,·'° , "" _. ,, ..... ~·r,,.."' a ., ~ ~ ~ i ~ "t' ,1 ,, j~ + \' . · ....... ~ ....... "l: ~:~~·i ~ il~ rm iii ~·: ::::•·./~ • l!l! m: ~ i~ .. e,c.71' "!i ~ ... : !'.l vestors Will Want to freeze HEW YO#;K iA.Pl Ft C-<t 1~ 2\Ci PMl:'l • 5' r. l'frif Sii" t f\,j, ~ l,-0 U 21~ ~ 2m .:.::-.. lotvlU'ii' J;1• r: if,. f!°" . -~ re= 1.!l:_ t.17 41._ mt -\1 " .. t I· I .. By SYLVIA PORTER lt W'tllld be· ridiculous for me to claim that bonds are •n appropriate investment for aJI of you : there are so many different b'Pf:$ of fixed-Income securiUes, 90 many different mat.urlt.lts, so many different grades that even the single word "bonds" beoomei a mWe.adln& generality. ll y.:ould be an ut~rly out-of<haracter folly for me to m a ke :so superf)Cl.al a recommendation; I hl.ve avoided lhi1 sort ol. trap all my life and I'm not golng to Slep into it now. Neverthelt!lll, the money and bond market.5 at today11 levt.!1 are •ppealing to an ex- traordinary cross-sectlort of lnccme and .age group,. Thus, Ibis ltlies whkh you can use for basic guldanct as ~ find out the details you want lln your own. Q. WHAT ABOUT THE ~~. OOME TAX FACTOR! A. 'lbl.s !s vitally imPortant, for )10'.I must pay income la:tces on the Interest, you earn. Of coursre, this tuts into your net reWnt and the Ngbtt your lnccme bfacket, the more the cut -except on tu.ex.empt municipal obligations. Q. WHAT ABOUT IN- n.ATION! A. In judging what your ttal net rate ol return is on •~ fu:ed--lncome aeCt1rlty, you rmJlt abo consider the eroakm lrom the probably an· nuat rate of rise in llvine costa in coming years. But that's just the point. A t these Interest rate levels, .it is probable that the pr ice eroelon Ind lhe tu bite will be more than adequately A SICK PET HAS A WORRIED FRIEND .... I talf •UNT1 IA A pet ls very 1lmllar to an infant f or It t:annot tell any· one wben It feel!'I sick or h•• a pa.lo. F or this reuon a Veterlnarlan must be con· suited if there a re dennHe symptDrns of an lllnHs. Chances are your veterlnar Ian will be able to find the cau~'Ot tht! trouble and take the proper 1tep11 to speed the Pf!t'• recovery. Often, he will prescribe one of the many medlclnt11 that arf" e1pecielly formulated for animals. We know that an enimal con- siders his pet a!'I • membe.r of the family and we feel the um.way. YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a delivery. We wlll de-liver promptly without ex· tra charge. A streat many people rely on us for their health need!. \Ve weleome requests for de.livery service and charge acoounts. PAii LIDO PHAIMACY JS1 ""''' .. IMll N..,.rt 1Hc• 641·1111 "" Dellnry fovered. At a percent, remem- ber, your nQt,egg·is doubling Jn 12 years; at 9 percent, doubling in lt Q. WHAT ABOUT YOUR ACE? A. Again, this is a vital tonsideration, for if you are young and can look forward to many years in which you can recoup losses in in- vestments, you can properly assume more risks. in the stock market and speculate for big loog·term capital gains. But il you are in Uie older age brackeb, bonds at these highest returns in more Ulan 100 years have in- disputable appeal. Old or young, though, if y11U buy bonds for capital gains at these levels, you are speculating that. interest rates will decline. If you buy them just for the annual returns, you presumab ly don't care w hat happens to their price~. Q. WHAT Wn.L HAPPEN TO BONDS IF ST OCKS SURGE UP AGAIN? A. No one can be sure but many shrewd ex.perts think that the holders will stay .. JOld ." 'Ibey reason that in- THIS IS THE Ol'l"OlTUNITY YOU HAVE IHN WAITING FOR OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS Investigate the profit potential ot the .all new hot do~ vendlni.-: machlnl' by VEN·OOG Interna· tiOnal. f or eddltlonal lnforma· ti on PHONE 870-4084 ~··················· • DON'T MISS THE ANTELOPE VALLEY OPPORTUNITY! • • ' . ' . • UNIVERSAL LAND INVESTMENT & MANAGEMENT CO. INVESTMENT SEMINAR ••• • • • • • • Loc1tion: Surf & Sand Hotel, Conference Room, • • • ... • • \ .. " 9th Floor, 1555 $. Coett Hwy., L1gun1 Tim.: 7:30 p.m. -01te: August 4, 1970 hHrv1tiont 1r1 requ11t~. Pl••M contact Ch1rlo1 A. Smith, 714-497· I 4SO • • ····················~ •••)'·c•rc •ctlvt ~·•r '°' ln•n and boy1 W I 1till htve e 9r••t swimwe•r seledionl sizes .CO •ntl .C2 •lso Ct~ S11M1'f1 , •• for Hit $111111J11r 12 It J hi ori ill !:! " 11Tft I •V. '*''( •Ill 11 "" tr-Cl ;ti...,. ).jJ,S .... 'loll.If '·"° IO ~· '4il, r.--"" 1:V1~,.: ... , rl r~ ft...m "'= ~ .•:-,~ c 1tt:ta ~ today's sl c coupona, w -fN 11>11ow1,. F•lr 1c1 r 1\'o 1~ ~11111 1111 1'6 t"' '' j ;Ui Ai:u•n• co » 1~ " JITT~ ,,. ,, '"' + ·• " , , !W: •Jt:td QUO I• ' 1,. , .. 31• " 1\• l\S Utdll F ~ I" • -· I•• l•• ii: • I ~ O 1••• JO I• _ ~ 0•,..,•K, ...... 1: ii~ \t simply hold their 1.0 .U.'s td ,..,ro::11~ br. F··~i,., ~ "' "' ~ ,, .. -· .... ,, ····· .. ·1, .. .. l . ,~ ,· •• m aturity or can date and wn1 ~or.notn;~"~r. ~Wi::;., ~l'I k·" ~:~~~ i;i.; ~l'I t~= • .. ,, 1,11'1 ;f_~~.1i1b 1t1 13U 1m l tt t1: ,,jq, 1J~i 1& !J~ lf~ !m = ~ i!o11~1.£ u r :~ :: ~ put only new money into "°' :l(;u.I l~lnlfC• folG 'rn ttt h~ ~,,;:! ~~ :v. r" ~=r.~t::' w u~ nl~ ~t:!:llo<'G•i n4r! 10,' !P' H~ ll..I'" •· :..;~ K~~~·~ I~ t'i! ~ l. +Joi. I"' ft:ffl 10 ,... m •··Ju llOrtt I ... ''"" ",•,,,,~" •• •• b Nn 14 , • .,.. T1td1I S • i.. •1 M " • o' •• ••I' ,',· -.tt _+" G/:l!.,.''P~~U J "" •~ l +·1' Swo.; • ~nl•t vr. lnlar· f!Xld fP ~ ,.. P\lb NM I' I'"' TV Can\ 6"" .:W, A1btthm ·.s. J 0 JO 10 -"' • n1 i; SJ WU. 7illi ml + \ ~ I ",1. " ~m :r ;; I~ IN tr Dr'"' 6* of ~IN'•I 011 'll? 11 Pubs l'IC i' 1 Te<1;:n1 n I AlcanAlu 1.20 lOf llD \~ JO + ~~ .-.111 'JOI .c 11 · 11111 11~ .. Mt ) u 'O + u. Q. HOW ARE B D N D s ~ii:.~·~mi'l11 I= F:~\!rnl '•'\lo ~l? :~~~· ..... n'::t 1:11 vl, 'r IJ"' :~coSl•r':' .~ n ·~ j~ u~ + .. l~::J ,... ~ fl\\ f>t 11 ~ ~ :Y.~~.ft r i~, 'll riv. ~~ -v. QUOTED' NCWlll-. cou FolO!ll 4l4i , ''""'' ~iv. ... +hfrn'I A '"' J\4 N C• ro; 1tt 1 .... 1 ,"' 1~ ... !.'Mo I~ Pl'•.H , Ii:: ~ ml + ~ ~ • '' ·m· ...... . . ,".,ww,.. -~ ")DI!; Frnkl CD Jl'i I 'urll't' Sr I Tln~v Cf I(' 10 Al uo i .40 13 JI »It »l4 \t ~.. cl 1li A " .,.. .,. fi ll! ... F"*ln E ', .... ~ 'Dlla Co 41~ ~ jlffn't' h1 t \'J 71/o Ati.tlucl If J , ~ ,.._ :w:io -J ,.. , -gfl I.Ml 10 711-\ 2 ... of th Ir i.olcl (b I. n~r· F1,1l~ew ,... 2 ~tr 6'• Ji. l11n GP 3'\ )\'t Al!w l.32 51 l~ ltW. Ill\+" tllt 11 1.6& JI I ~ +·~ nic 0 h59 r-Jli." ,i'~ ;Rr.~ A. AS a percent.age e ft:1:. ~ f1111111 1J ~t: itt rt•': CM f l'I 1: Tr1e; C"1. }'·• ~ A,! r,:~ 115 ll:w. 111/o 11'41 .i. o ' t .4St 10= l~ q gr ..o 1. 111 olt 11 N~ 1',. \Ii lac. value -the usua l fa~ 9111 IN dlY. PrG &r!IMI~,.!! '"' Jiii 11:" 5~n , .... m f~~"';:/ () 11~ 1a~ ~: p .'9 .. ' r,• ""1>• ""• · ,:.,, 1j1~1 ~ M lm:: ~ G~:.i11~ $11 IS 2 H~ '-' i-Ii " "" lncJuH "-11• • , .. , ·" 'I IMO ,. n -""'"' •1 • Gr1nl1wno 1 5 I~ " • " H rtltl1 !'l'llr\llP ~_rt I 11\lo 11:111•11 t 51• 6 r " '' _..A $•~ .\·,,Ml 2( ~ Jm 7J\li + ~ I I 3116 , i \., (\finlW I~ ~l'o J& value being $1 ,000. owevl"r, ,.,.:J:::doWll IN' com: ..... 1~~ 1; .... ·~ :1,~~ !! ~~,. uv. +:::-;,:•Pd ,... ::?111 ~11~ 01 •• ,..1"" •1 s o' -·,.., ... 1• 1~ u,_ ·~ c;,,.,.Df"i !:l: 'f 11~~ 'ill -~ th-• ,., a d-• trend towa•d •"• .... ,,.. ' 1~ " 11~ -i .t.tt 7 i~ \.I l• l'i 8' •• " l!ll ' f ,., ,.., ~"'""'6 ICir.tlc l"' ll'o 11:1 ...... Ce t•'~ l!VJ /'OP I ...-• "'AlpN .lOt 1 (Vj I( 1( -Ol't'I d f-» 2" JM!o ,,,_ 1\" • -, . "· ln ... •• ! 21/o Lli•11r ' o, lttcH Ell ••\'I , ... vson I'd •U 101\ Alco. I.Iii .......... "" ... mw Ill .d IO Si 11 IN .. r l.U. , T ' ,, minimum denomma .... ns A•• cor.. " •Iii 1111 Etr 1•1 !'.:. "'' c1tc1 11 ~..., unnoc ,,... ~ AllVJS\11' 1 . .., , , M ,. t ... U. ~·.,,°''ktH 'ill l" fill...,··· 1HoHa 1.«1 11•, ~ Jm ;· ~ •r~Pr s Ul'r u~ !f.1t 1 11;i r. ''"" o, , ... _ u .. 11111"" 1n. 2H• " .. ,., -• ,.. " ,, -+ ~ '•'•~ '•'l'..,·'° •v , U.S. r ... ,m-·~ and Federal• s 1-.. , ~r,· f' '" 0 1 , .. , ,... .. """' 21 t\41 .. , ,~, 1 , vvv un;..i n. . .., ~"" ~ Riie¥ S'1:o I• 00 Un Mc I ~ -,,~ -""'er EJ 1-20 12 11 ,,_,. 17\0i -I\ OlllU I \1 19 )ti.ii r.• -•go Wnl. F~I u >O"\o 1~· -. -:._ •, 1 I ol "000 ,,. AVM CP U.. 11\to I 111 1 '2VI 11:11111 Ex JtV, """US &knot " Aln E1 IMJ • .., 3 s.tfo '4\oi Ut\ + t1i -Milli 1 ~ ~ 5foto ~ m -•-Agency asues ..,, a1tu Ati.•lt 111 ~ flll 111111 w 21 21:14 11:o11rn ,v. 1• '° 1.1s Env11 1 ., tt ""'Heu .1.1r "3 ,. ttili Ht~ _,w; ] ,.,. , ~"' 1'1% 21111 -1-. :t."n1.1"f.f.11 "' It ~:u 1 :rz ' :!:. ~. 'lo 000 .AC'l'W! E• tl't 1\lo k>I) ll:llO j jlill ll:OHlofl J''I ' us Sult' :M\• 31 A"*1 IJf.l.!O m 1""" !rn ,.. _,.., Mr ' "" ' 12\l. ~ ·~ G .. ., -~ ~ , '' ... 1 • All Sil: ~ ~ ~lcl Cvc l,/i ~ lllor flll , .... J US Tr ,)s rll\ 11"' AAlrFlltr -,Ml lS ~ il\: 4411 -l'o M d 1 1.ID 'ff u:; :4 ~ ~ ~,.;' :a 4 " ···" A price of 98 for a bond ~I~~" ,,,.. itt wvl~S f~ ~. =~:. ~= ~~ J: 8r.rtfl, ~. :::: ~A~~~~·'° 12 J:~ l~ J:v. t 1n °" Ol!JJ_J 11• .M 001 .Ji{t =n• 0G~"' 1.201 ,tl b,:t? R,' .. ~ '=.,:,:, I th ol Albft H 'N oM 11111! ft "1o • .., $t(lj).,. I 1 4\4 UHi ll"ld 72'"1 '1 .A!lr11'K11 t.10 flt :Jlh ,,,.., 31441 °" .ed''l..IO jO llV. ~ 'rt ... means that $980 S e qu a-Alii.m S'4I i \li ''1111 12 .... IJ>il; klnln E ·;, '"°Vil LO .ru 6 .... Amidei !.~ "'I t4V. fWi n .:.:;~ Olll'd pU:SO • 1J It I) :t."1 &G~_!.trm.C'~o I U 11\4 ,1 fl l -Ii . ,, 000 I -al 1 Alcott< ""' "' '" Mtv " lO Sct>ott In 1 I • VIMI $1 I,.,, 'lli "'"(In 2.20 J7 (O)t~ -«!\• «I'll -\\ onl'"r-19111 1 17 """ "U'A :U\11 +\lo """ " lAt 14 18 + '• tJon on ii ' a ... ., y le Allee> ll!d 14 10\ Gr9t11 Ml :m l~v. Sci .~'!'' .:.:. ',:1' ~~~onRll ,f~ 11(,t ~'.'",,'.' ".~! 1 ,,.,,, U V. :UI'> + v. ~ .. L,••,.~·.~.. ~ JI\ !!'!i •• ~ -"GU~ldi::: n 1Jt! an , .. i .. ii~ •--·•. or a pr~e of 105 means ":•"• ,."'• '.~. l1,, ",,"!!.. 11:,e, Sci "" ·-.. -, .. .... u 1'111 lll •i. ¥i ~"· 1.1. •• 111' .. , ,, i'' 1 -•• ,,,, ...... ·~ , \IVtN """ 11< ' E .. Gr •• l',i "' kol .\om 1'\0 11\11 WldJ• • I' 1 VI A Ch1!n 1."' J ~ 7 7ll.'t -°"'~-· I ~ .. " ""•• ,.v. Jiil'\ .::,·• &',,, ",.-:-, • ..... "' • th~ II,= ,·, the quolalioo ,!!"-,'" •,• •,1, G!,'!1~ c'"• 1~ •t~ Serl""" ..i 11 11 w111 1111 '•, i~ Acrvsuo '·'° , 1~. 11 1~ :..:·;..; °"I" r '"' ~ l •• "• , ... , 1!~ ! i'••' ... -,,._ ""G~,.. ,,,. '"" 1c1 PIO "' "'' s w ••1C11 ~ """ Amt¥1ft '-'5 "' :Kli~ 30 ~ + 1\ on.,. '" ,.. ~. iri''l'lr ..... ~m ~ •"••'•"··".r:"•·"" '' ,, .• ll"" ·-thal same 11,000 lace value •.•,1•w ... ', •,lt 1 0'.lo, o,'',',.,1n1 1,. 71!. •••fl •• 1~ 161'> w1rv.w 1\0 ;Vi AOltlTel .:JOe ,, ''" ,.., , ,. _.~ • .., &. Mio .. .. ~· " G ,,' .•,• ",",,,c,mP • 'I'> WIVI ~G IJ>.\ )lit. Am OW.IVe11 • 71'> n.; :~ .~ ont C• ~ n ~ M .... GullSll I .'6 ,., 22'11. }1 .•. bond Am £~pr Miii 11 H•llOVf S •• S. 10'4 IG~ W1r RE 3h II\ '-Pull pl'.16I 12 ll~ 11, Ill\... I~• ~AJ.f i1 7 ~"' ~S .. t V. GullSU Pll.11 :dO Sl'A Sl\Oi n..--1~ • tmG~~n ,f,': J:.i_ ~:~1r'c1," i'll 1~ ~v.~,,c1.~, .!'•' ,t;:.i ~.·Ill! T~1 r! ~Ito "'.•.',",•,, ",~, ",', •,~ 2, .. , 1•~ -11o ~1M0 1 .,:,. 1»1, ~'"'•· ~.•, n"",... '' &~~1":nf, 20~ 1:4• ii.,. ;& ~ .. ~ Since interest Is paid on "''" 1nsd 15'i lfu Hr11oc 1111 \ ~ s v """ 1c1, ... 1.11. '"' + ""' -· ,, 1 .. • a 1rw 1s 1s , » 5J ,, "' 'he fa-value o( the bood,•.•,,","".,11 it,.11,""""~'·"•'m'"•• s~' sl;.~~M i~ !~~:,l'.:lrn'-1 ''l'J l:\4 ~t;.i1~~ i;g I~ 1~ i~lt \~~.!~\' 1111lo1l1,' ,,'! ,,• '11.,, ... ff i~c~t1011~nd 34 •1·, ~ ~~-'. "~ '""' )1 40 Solld \I S 2 21 ... W•1c1 P ' '~ •G•• ''' •• 1, ,,. ''" >•• + on! 11 .IO .. l• •• -H·I -, your actual return may be~~ 'fer! I~~ 1~°'1 H~oe; II.a f \• SC1I Wat J?:i 1~1; Wlln NA S SVt Am n . ..-\4 I I °t' 61 ~\\ n~ ~ .j \ more or it may be less than ~~~· t~ ]~~ 'itt ~o::i·.·0 J,1 Jl~: 3 J,j: ~~; !~' ~r ~l~ ~l~ ~:? ~~~ ~~ ~ ~= ~~, ui ; ~~ H~ ~:~ :::::r.Oflmr.." ,:.~ iJ, l"' ·~1... Y"~ + ~ Eif1E:1.~ J ~nJ r ~ ~:'.~ • I ~' •"'1 s Sw G•C11 UI.~ l6'1t Wlr>0 w~ ''1'1 ,,,l •m "•• ·'' ., ,, •• ' ., ,. 1'.i ... ,.,. + .. ~ w I .. ' ••• , .. 2· .. the l'nlereSt rate -1-fled 00 .~~ ... ~ ', -~ .. P0P,, ti lt'A Sw EIS~c 1'' 15 Wlnl>ICI 16 U:i. " ... 1 31\• t V. !!!":I!'" ,'['ii" I ·~ \Ii \'\ -I"" I .... 1 • ,. .. ,..... """ ..... " n-. l:W. jPIC..... '~ s WIK Pl 7111\ 10 ... Amlnve11 .so 11 • ._ IV. I~ ~ ~R "' ,. ll l:l•• :.:.iii •mm""' I 2 ''"' 1ti. -·~ he b .._ ·s Of AtHn tt\'t Jl\o'i Hvr•I I' I'll. fl't !lnd~n II"-. 19.14 Wrd!W E ;1, ti} ~!tctw 1.«I 61 >Ii 311,4, Sol 1 S ! U UV. lS'lt + \lo H1mmrw:t ,Jfl 11 ~~ II'> . t Coupon Y Ult! 1 SUer Ark MOP lJ tN t+v111 CP IS"' U\lo !'cl '1:-'lt )I )lloll W'ltM W 11'< It .,,.,.l(Jx pl'' I flU ti~ '1~ -~ Dtl.11 hi .221 1 2) ~ )lllo -:it Hl,..,lmn ... 1't 101-\ 1'4 -·~ th I 0 U Arrow H 27>4 211'1 HV•ll Int ,,, j\'o I hPJ 22 ,. Y•ClflY E , .... HI ... .., Motor• 71 I"" '"' '"' -\'o G' t.JOI "lM! !S1 159 +N H•NI H•r .n 1' 1t JI\~ ~ -1'• t! · • • • Arv!lll l'lio 61'1 H't'dl Am J\;o 6Vio in AJ111IG11 2. Ut t7 J1 )6" JM> _ y, -'1!! ,n ll 20 )f\'o ltyt -\lo Hll'l<l!I CP .• <II l:t\4 , I~ + 1'> To l'llustrate, say you huy •,•,<1,c !'!", ",\~ 11,0 ,••,.""••'•' •1" s ..,,.. Phola .n ,. 1~ 1 l \'o _Vt let c°"' N ;11., P.i .. H•nrllM 1.JO ' """ •114 • -\• .... ,. .. ts•A.tJllo1--~· -"ll:f1Dv .l)f 113 4lut «I ~-1 1111&11c1t .)O 2 l6l1lJl\I -'>'I H1r~1 "1,\r:D~ +IV. • bond Wl'th 1 9 pemm11•,',•.!. Al 1•2•1, 1t• IM,,,,•,,uc1 i1 1 JI"" .._,., S..lfl"ll 1 2 !Sh 1511o 1 ~0 (c 1n11 1.10 s1 »W » :Kl ••••• totu•I• t~• 1 t •• ,. . coupon at a price of exactly e:~!:1"' :v. * 1~1.~°'\~ ;~ ~ MUTUAL f:tiEr~: ni ~~ ~ :: .~. ~ ~=:;~.J I r~ rm tt =·~ e:~?~~ 1: lm :m ~, · t :t Tha I flM"l 1 .. 1n P J no ln1 llW1h ~ s:wo Am S!d 1 ~ :~ ~ " -\Ii ,..,,,Hind l • ~ ,, .. 22~ + ~ Hewn El 1.:1'2 ' ttia m:. 1' :.:.· '~ JOO. t g Vt! YOO •--I a..uMl1 1S'h lil'r I 1 Munil ,','" ,'f" •,•m's"•-'oo''.·!J 17 f'l~ 112~ .Miii -'41 OWCol ~I u "' tVi '"' + Hirn A!b 1 J 1/14 II IS -'• Year interest on a $1,000 in-•.1vin1 1~ l3f~ Int l'' .. .. _ 7, 11v. 11 U"'-~ row11 i 11 1~ 1J 1111o -\ ~1.i11111 ,. \• t •. v~ment, or an actual return l~h?:~ n~ fi:Z 1~1 •• , ... ot 1•~ 11i:: ~~S':' p]·~.. 1! 2:f! 2~ 2~""~ tt [~11 j• 1 ~ fldi ~~ :..:-;:.u.i.~ ·Yfr !. fi''ll nt --i~ ol I B I OU W;' ~I J J !"'1i:u111 ~''II J:,,,., FUNDS ~ln .. i .. r :!o ~~ .!.~ ' .!.I~:~ II~ ... •"p;2S r ,:~ u\; ,m +·ti ~~~ Hturi" ?~ 31~ ~ + u 9 percen · U say Y eett L6to 7"la 11 J~c-F ~ ,"'._ ••WWk• -• ,, -,· "",.. -,,•, + ~~-uflla'" . ' 1M-O IO'U ~ ..•• Hlillr 1ni ·'° u 1..,. 1•1'1 1 t ·•,.• huy lb. bood .I 95, or ~ •111~.,. W 1~ 1l'o JIQll!n C ,,_ "' W!ll!fll~ 11 l'" l!i' 21 + 14 1111~ Pd1 1 I 1"" IJ 1 · ........... Soll 30 :r:z J•m W•I !o"-S'• ::•;.1f':c 1·4 Jdl 1"' 1 ,.~ !1141 + ur11 .. '1..trt " 1~ 1 ""' llV. ·····".im;11p ·'° lt IS 1"'4 Thal means you actual return a1r1(!ir 1,,,; • J1,,,.. F ''"' 1$•1o .a 1111 f 1L., 1~ 1J.,. :t :l 11tt,_ H 1;r 10 il°"' 1 11_1.11 + \4 Htn'lltllll C111 JJ m !': "' th the 9 I lllldl HI '!, J9 Jim.DY 1"1 I ~ "= ··'°" 30 10 '"' ,,_ Yo .... ~---·· 1, ... !! 1 !t 2•\0 ... ~~ -.... H1m11nc .lOe N3 s. '. + · .. ,· •. · is more an percen tl'iue El .... Jl4 J111Y Fdt ,:" 1;~? --• .AMF '"" .tO 315 11~ ,,..... )W + "" ......... ·--"' St •.... H.,.c nc .so. 1u Ulio ,. +-.. 'fled . ter~ rate Or say :::i..:·c :: ~ tll(lin p.~ SI~ ... ,~ INVESTING lllVH BH t,91 IO,fll ...... ',",~~.. , "·· Jlllo :it1' -·.~ -D-H ... ~':fi· l~Q lt ~~ Wt -w Spec.I In <:on " !looJ Ali 1~ Ul"t 'i(:~r. o1 11 f." COMPAN~El lnvnlOrl Grou': AmPI~ (,yD ,,~ ~'Ill 1in, ~ :!:_ ~ ~lllvr .Uo 2~ IYI 1 1 . -1111 ""ptn . .JO '6 -;;t; + \ .. • you buy the bood at 105 orl ~•d't:, ~v. ,~"" ~:\~1rGrn 1;~ i~~ .!,~ fl;l~~!l'r.o i~ •os .... 1 J.• I.ff ~~~~.k"'° i~ ~ ~ "::. ::.:~ ~rl'S ~.;!!, ' llllj~ ;t ~ !i ~ ~ff::,.,,z, ~~.-,,' ' l ,lE._ ,r: •• : •• ~ $1,050. That means your actua I'll• S<• 11v. 11:w. IC•Y•m l t'o Jll> 1111on1. t11Dl!lled ~ Mut 1.n '·" ..,,..concr 1 t0 '° t"" 2~ 'l1\ rt Pr •'Ill p l'I "'HObll :r:l'lil nM :-: . I th ~ • per .... " Ar 11\o "'KN• T l lo 7"11 1111 Nlll-r "'i~ .... J.11 l.*I AMtl HO(k. I I li:it ~·"" ·,4 = ~ ,",,ti~,".1l H I. 1!" •'". •''~"w,.,c,,~,-'•" .... , 1' .. ·~·_ .. return IS ess an 1-ut! • rlltll 1111 I• """ Kellett 1~. J.,., •tl~n 011 Stc11r tin j•oc~ 1 .10 16.11 AllCorpNS~ 1 1 l•li• 11~ 1~. _ ~ .,tnH!ld .JO 1021 ~"" ~J'' ~i .. + ~"•"·~·, •• -... 11, -• -·· r,'" ~ • t I le llCt•Y 6-11 "" IC1ilw11 '""' 11 D!'tllers. 11'1C. 1r1 •ltcr 1.11 f.:16 Arid Cit¥ 1.m 1, :Ill"-......... ,, _ ,~ _ n ''" 1 •• , ••. -.. cenl in eres ra • avrnu11 s lt 11111 K1tUtt E '" 1v. 1n. or1c., 11 w111c11 v1r P¥ J.ls •.u APich.Cp .1s 10 n~ iii: ::',.. + ~ ~rn 111 ~::t 211• · 1 'l't -v. ot 1.10ti 2 .o «i • -~IC Leot l'N !Vt K•v• Fib 104t 11" lh11St 'Kllrllln I v ll:Hll '·°' •.46 APCoQI( 1.311 21 ~7 ... ,~ .... ,.,., -•• o:r;· ' 110 t1 •,1 ti ..... t!OllyS~ l.:to I lO't 141'0 ~ -~ WH T Is 11 W Sv '''"' 1.W. k"ev1 Cu• I Iii co>uld 111vt t11ttn ltltl u .11 u.22 A.Pt Ccro ,, '' JI~ ' Jl\11 · · Homei! ' «I 12 71"' 22 + \'I Q, IS THIS A l ftl(O 11'<'1 131/o K€v11 PC •·~ 1'~ ~Id (bid\ "' bou!lhl 1....., J .95 5.95 AP Pl ll . .Sll ' 1 • llV, 1l!·• · r: m1• 1.l t " UV. IHt. 1~ -"-Honevw 1 ·JO 210 7fl(o 7"'4 1 , -•• Lo tnon M •3 U I( no In! 2l0 J\> (•~ktdl WtdnMIY, k J Hnt;ock •. «I 1.9, All:A ·~ ·'' 1 1010 1~' lOtl -I~ ti Mnlf 1, 0 5' 22\.'o 21\li t:tV. +IVi tloov !11 1:10 1J 2 l'i 20\llo ,~ -lo MEANT BY YIE ? llnM\ I 01 •s ~ El ' 5 1111 111 Joll111ln 11.1117.11 Arc•ta~ .lOe 1!~ g1:. ',',~ ',',~ + \Oi •II• Ar .SO 4il 27 7611 76'1 + \~Most lnll .:16 s 2R'o 17'• 2 'Ii, •••• anrld ?Vo 31.t. 1:.J1'• Cp J ( AOmlra!h Ful"ld1: IC1v1tl"' FuMt: A•Cll•fll pl 7 •• .,., -\,I, Ille Int ll 4lt '~" ~Vo ·•· 1101.ld Ind .tD tt ~ ,,,_ iiS + ~ A Y YI Id I lh ate IPMlllt l s>,t.l!!'o n..r.Vot 11''•19\lo Gwrtll S.01 S.Y A!KllC 1.60 l.),i,t,rcll 0..,, 1 ~t ?'"" ~ f,111 .+1\lo ,•,•,,1'1.6' »" >01Yt 171.:.. 1.?,,,=:~:r.::"""~F"",.·,•o ,!? Ul;'f, .IJ'9.-••• ~ •• • ea. C S e T IP Sow 1 1\t r11lr 2"1 l'h. tncom l ,6' J.1' Cu1 !11 11.03 11.12 Arl1P$vc 1.0 1o 10•• ''" IO"-,,_ ... '""' " ...,, .., ~ - •P 1n1A l\lo 3 .... LMC Ott 1\•1 ''• ,,,,.,r ~.n "' C\11 Bl 11.10 lt.31 "rlan1 0$ .10 .. ... .,. -... nt111t..-1n I I 23'1't 21"" "" -" -F 1111.60 , I~ '!!. 't ··--· of return you receive each •PT<Be '~ ho L1nce In 2 .... 'J"' Ad~l1r1 ..,, •.IO tu1 B' 1.1• ,.s1 Armcost , 60 1: t~~ ~ ti'"'-:-~~ .,.11,~:1 .. ~ ~. 1 » J v. » +1 ttoutf o12.J1 1 Yt . + ~ •',',', Olv :...,_ > l•"° ll:H l\'o JI AHll1tllt l .,l l ,16 CUI IC\ •.II .Sl Armco p11"111 21 26"" "¥ ""'\\ _ ol ~,, .. , \!" ' 16 15\li u:o,,; . ·-·· HOllllLI" 1.20 '1 I'> Ml ., -I te st d.I. On the "mount .---Ll"I! W• I\) I'• Alutrt S,60 S.IO C111 IC? •.OS 6.(J •• ~ .. 1.•-I -·L .• 411 71 1"'-1ra 17.0 ····· HOllltNGt .to 6J " ~ •..•. 0 re " 1r1f Gt 1~ 1~ llrMHI 1 21.'t All Am F .Sl .~ (Ill SI U.Jll l •. 11 A '"'ic1c. iii ~ ;~ ~ u~ + ,~ ti d •Ii .SO 2 71 -70'0 11 + '• HOllGs 1111.SO 2 '6\'I --tr. Of money II cost You to buy I K NG J\~ Lprw" M 1•~ IS\ .. "'1•11tt l .IO '·" CUI 52 .... t.61 A~~c'1c. Pll.10 , •• n" .......... ! _, ... ~L·'"',. • 1J1'o Ulo llf'o -I\' ...... ~o11n ,. 1' IJ ll" I"' 1111 CID ,,_ 1 lMClv Ld 11\lt lt'h A pi.. fd I.ti '·j• CUI Sl I.ti.I '·'° Armll:ub 1.60 ~ 1 ~ .. ..... .. ... , r u II 11'·• 11 + v. Kowmtt .10 fl 1119 12'i I + \1 the ecun'ly JI yoo •el itM. "'t•• »V. """ t'"" c.-1 ll• 1~, Ammo •.12 5. 1 cg: s' J.61 1.11 ''''" ,,. 1 6 5 1JV. ts11i -'• l1tFlnin • u t 1i.-. t + ~ Hullbrcl 1.0.. 111 10v. 1ti. 1 ft ... , ll . e "'"" '" vos 11• '"' ,, ... , 0 1 ''' 0 ,... ' '° 2!1 1o +Vt g' 1' 1.00' '' -·· ''" ,,.. ~"' 1 -• -n i -lt\19 I} Am 8111 . J ' er .•• J.2J AJhld .,II l l'C 70J 1•·~ 1'•• ,...~ -•: •m n ~,... • ., -{, II'. .• w ... • ' ·nterest annually on a ~ hlrnt• 2 ~ L-11 llF n 11 Am 0v1n 1.11 t.SI Knlctt s.n 6.5• •·-· ,,,.· , ,,. -. ,,,' + .. 11m """' 1 .u u•.'o l)h J(\.. •. ""' •t ·'° I• ti.lo tl'o 1 • "'"""' r..rt 0 5'11i 6'Ao LlllC MID t "o llil Amf!r E•Ofll1i~ Knie• GI 1 . .., 7.21 ,1,1;d OG l_l'C l • ll~ ~~ ll•~ + ~ l1S1< ,1(2 11 tS 2•1.0 2S + ·~ H11n!Cllm .n I 11\lr I~ lo inv~ment, your ylekl Is more V:: ~: ~~ ~ Lobl1w, Sl'o "'' c.1111 1·5' 1,u L•• Grii. 1.11 ,_,, ..,110 5111 i.10 12 ti UI'> 21 Ol•S P 01.l'O :u 1••~ U\\ ''l.!o ... \'o 1<11110Pw 1..0 n ,, 21vo 1 • -+ 1 t1 90 ........ U!ll I y, UV. Lot! Cdl' l '"' lncme .ti 1.10 Lt• Rich IJ.'1 U.'3 "'"'Tran .05• II 6'*' Mt ll:W. ~ V. Dlcllphot\ .fl •i "'" t \lo f'o .._ I .. jdffl lllt .Ml .. , 11\lo ~ • than 9 percent; U you get$ 'hi"nrt': J i.. St\\ ~~ .... Etr11 1114 11•.. lnvnt 7.J• l.J• Llllf!rt't' •.IO J.25 ,1,11c1ve1 1.1• '' '"-10w. "O'~ _ 10 g1•1c1 .•b u M !7 5n; q '' •llfflB 1>11.11 1 tOh ..,.., •. In Im t 10 L.,...,, C 1S 1111> Soecl I.QI Liit Sit< (.Sl •.i4 AllCEt l>IS.11 ll U\' 1' 11'>'1 _.... IGlor<alo .Ill t 11'' I~~ Ill' + l\ Ill CHlt I.\( 12 ~' 20'll ·· • year on a 11050 ves t!D • hrll• IOI ,.,,, Mid GEi 11·~ " St«t. '·" 1 .• , LlllC ,..~, 1.lS I.ti All Rlcr>!IO 1 ,,., •t·~ Mll'!r •1 -•{ g1111,..,..,, .«I •1 lt>Oio lD\o 10\'I -\-Ill Cf" PIJ.SO !' :u~ !l,l! ...... ' th 9 If hrl1t 111' '1 MIJ ''"' Jlo no Am fqlf 3.tl 4.lll l ino t.n J.OJ ••••~ ,,1,-100 ,1~ • Jll-11111 s ,.,L ~• •~ -~l~ 111 ,._,, ' 1 .Ml.II .... ~ your y ield Is less an • ltr!•i A ,~l'lr UV. -¥• itort 6S •I Am Grlh J.01 S.iS loom!• St..-t"': Alt R"i'U. p1 '] 1 1 Kt2\l ,t;~ l~'t -t~ o 1M't' ·*' 110 10.v; 11)'1 107 -)1; imp CP Am lot 10 ,i lt.: +" I 190 I 11000 ifi. Hll U 9 22'4 711/o M .... I _.,, I"' l\!o Am Inv 4.51 •.51 (1..,..cl l2.61 :12.'2 Atllllch Pl7.to :U fll'l.l (nl 41i.o • 1~ g~lkfl 1.:it I "'IV. '4~'r ""°' -+ t.. LNA C11 1.-411 lit 11\'o 16\o 'f!\ 'It YOU ge on 11'/'lfl Ml 1#4 I•~ Mlnf11 M J•, 3\. Am M~I l .«I l.OI CIPll 1.6'1 1.00 .ATiit Chtfn 1 11 2JIO 211'1 '3''o + ~ ,,,.,llnd .1' U t l h u .. -~ lllCamc (•Pit 1 th t>o ··· I · Id 1· i pe--• ,1 M.nor c ... , l!o AmN Glh 2.:it 7.'<t M111 u ... v111 Alli1 Coro 21 llo 7"t ""-'-+.. M"' 1.11-11 lG'• 1'~0 21111 .+ •.1neC11m .1• 10 Mio f/ "'-:• \'eStmen , your y1e S ,. ::~Ml "j~ l"llo Mer '-','' I 11) Arn Pac .. ..,...111 l11111 llro tO.OD 10.tl .t.11,Co p1.5e11t t60 l~'O U .... i]°l; _ i; e •N!r .JO 1, 11\~ 1•\' II'.',-'~ lllOlln Hd .Ill 11 Im no,. 1,,_ + 1 • I "I"' Mf!r 7111 ·~ Mlrm r I'• t lnc:rnt t .tl I.St :~."'"• In 1.tt l.W ATO 1"< o.. .ll 141 ._,.. 1 + ~ In .llO 10 sru. ~' ~~+IF> lfldol>Pl 1.50 '1 n »>(! r ..... + ·• cen • Cl nllN'I O i Silo M Browr 1•' • 11.... Fd l"v ll.tO 1·11 '°""'"'" •.n 4.,1 .Aurori P"rod 12 ~ '''r ··~ _ 1~ omfl>d .fie J I 7h p·0 _ ,0 lr19er.t11"1d I ll ~l\.'t J )\ , • Clow c, 1S'Ji 1'Y. Mtul LI!_ 10·, lllo V"'I 1.7' ·" Mtu Fii •.II 10.06 .Aull:lm!n Ind 1t1 '"-t'l '"' . . Dllfllllllt't' .44 I 11~ l~o I~+·~ ln<;1llO 1112.U 11 U ~H1 'm -+ (' (011>1' 0 SY, ' Ml~.,. u In. 11\o AllCll~ FO ."11 .51~111 Gti. f.5110.)f AV!O c11 .-161 I0\'1 I~ II•~_ YI~ OllY11• ,. t"'...1. ' t:\lo _ v, lnl•NI Sil 1 •:k 14~ 2• ~ • C:r.•r CD $4 S4 =1~G r..ttn~~mn1 ~:n ,J~~::. T 1!:lt 111:~ ~:ca i;,'~J0.20 I~~¥"~ 1'~-i. c.;:;.: :~ ~ ?r" l:v.-+~/~1 ·lf,: ~ l~r; I~ 1 ,:;·v. NJCo -,;,;~~ t"',l""-ch 4-111 ,;J ..,._,H_"''"" M•tllln t .Jll .11,,.::J,t\C::«I u .,,. .... ... ,. r1vo(pt" ltl 2~ 15\0 2J'4 .. :ithlllkP1A1.2s s 111) 111\ '..+'II mpany ;..;,-$tr lJ ?• '9\ed_ Mlll 11 n FUN! A '·Jt 4,"M.,.kl Fcl 11.GU.'9 Avnel of2.$0 ,\o '°"" -w "lr9'1l11C1 flO !~~•>lo~ ... '"4->tl!t$PllCCO 3t JO '1 . ~~ -~ -.:: ~ll l~ Im MICHrn ~.,:; !Fl~ I l:lf ::;: ~~~ 1::1:1~:f~ t::i .. clDfi'_lD "'rm l~~ 1~ =1~~:~ ~~ ~ii!? W° ~-~ l=°nc1.\~IO : m: fi ~ _,: -!Ir /f'' l004 5!j'~ t-: R II\ <I (p l .tl •.1i Maod't"1 ll·j"J·j' AllKOll .nt 51 11\':t tt r; -~ Ort't'flnC11 1 it tS:W. u u ·.:..:.··IBM •.tct iu ~ 11 ,,., Mi +1 tm II -:1111. Mdl~• )~ )V, lllboo" l .51 1.51 MIF Fd 7.' . l 8-lluk•Pw 1.'" 11 tt~ n\lio )2\\ _ \~ 1n1 (h Nuclr 30 ·~1 ... ( ' -1 A . om 1'\li 2! ~ Mdw Gr 11 11 B•ICOn 11.01 11.01 M!F Glh •.t5 '·" -Ou!IBrtd.121 11 ."" 4'.\11 •• ,. -1'. ln!Fl1Fr .so, 14 m:· 51.,. i•-•,, Cqmres = ,l't' 1 W, Mol1 ~I) lO :!011 ll•ro IC"! 1.ll l.3' M\IU$ Gv 10.13 11.:lf 91bc~ W .SO 111 11~ IPO II _ 'l flu~11n .em H '5't< 7qi, 1~V. _ :>\ Int H1rv 1.lu 1:11 1i . :, - omo A l'4 •'4 Mha /IG U ~ \JOA !11rk 0th I.II J.» Mu OmG 1.71 •.5f l1kr!llll .fJ 3J ,,. 11,·~, ,'J"• _ 1 d11Plflt f SO. IJ 17f*i l:ti" 11Jlo _ 14 in!Hald 1.>le J t \o 1!1• 1 ,.. i h mp Cm • J\'o Mo ltl(ll '" ll/, Biil• Fii S,IO S.tO Mu Omln 1.79 f .Ss I'll GE 1.l1 n + "'"""'Cll'lf 111.i.!O I 67\lo f1 11\'o + ,,., lnl lndu1t 1" 111• 1 \It i• mo IMf )'It )~Mod Sci , •• (\It Bc,.,11\ S.IJ '·"r~"'l \h" 11.9111.tt •!G cttU . .Sll 11t0 s• St 5• dul'onl lllJ SO • 50\~ 50'4 if" lnt lncl 1>11.10 22 22~ 21 ,, T l~ 4 Mol'IWll II. 14"• 1~'~ llGllO<! $1 l.U 7.22 I""~ rt! 1.11 1,71 !1-Pn! .UD 1! 714 1 1 .:.._ ,, ~ LI 1.6' 1' 211't 'II\ t -ii, + ·~ Int MIMI ~l ll~ 11~ 1 -. ~! Cabl S =,..."' 2\'r , Mon! co,1 » II.\ l est FOn 9,01 ,.11 NEA M~I 1·1• l.4S Bt ofC11 1 '4 11 10v. 10 'fill.+.. (iSPl'J.07 1«1 ,_.,,\ u;., l ,._ 1n1 M.n~ JOt Tl n 11... ,.. e. can •" ll:Kk 24 16 Monrn p 10\.0 I ""' llOtlO~ 1.lt 1 ... Nil ..... .20 1.2(1 B•nk tr 1... u, ...... ..,. ~ .... LI "" • tll"l'l '11 14 '~ ····: in• N!C~ 1.10 .1, ~· ..... . -t .,, ontrkl JI.Ii 7~ MOO!t p .... ' l r(>ad SI 11.«I U.6' "'~' lnvtl '~°-' •.SJ B•rb on I.Sil 311'! "~ JO -\II 'TIOlnd ·'" 20 f 'I,, ' ,,.. + \._ nl l"IP 1.JO II lS )4 • Dnlflft n. 1-\lo Maort s '1,. 11\'r Bullock C1lvln: NII St<cur ""': 81r11 CR ·'s IS «l'i 'D' .. 604' -\~ M Am ·'° ' • SU "" w. -\~ Int P•• pf ' 120 "Iii 1)\1 5 ·+··; .. -' • '''L 11"· Mlel f•A Uh 111~ §ull'k 11.ji U,11 1111"n t.11 10.01 j•tlt lr>e .11(1 J 11'~ 11'4 HV. + ~• E .. 1nll Rtelll $ 7h 1\1 .-. ~mae & s~•-Co-atiOft "'"'" S.. ifo ,14 Mlt r wt •'t '4" uldn U . ll.IO BOnd •.•3 S.06 •ff>s Miu n ti.; f t'\ + 'tO -.. ,...._ lnl Soll I.ft 9 l.I l5 ~$._ j .. I UV !Oi,,t.;J • r• y 10"" 11"" Mot('.11 M ''·~ i lvlO 3. 1 l.'1 Olvlcl J·Sl 3.16 61te1 Ml Of ' 10 U \l 17"o l!tlo -\\ E1ol1Pch .to 6 ~ :>Oti JOI~ -1~ Int Tl. T 1 OS 1212 31!i :ITTi )!!'di 11,\ ha ·-'·•• C ble-Sc Inc 01"' r I'll 12\li Mot Club ''-l~Vi N1tW S f.U 10.01 UrW'fh .'9 I.It Bllh Ind 18 11•0 ll>ll 11~ + ~ F1ico Cn ·f' 2~t 1~11'0 1111 11... tntT Li PIC • uoo l:U llS 125. • 4 _1 8.~~e~lm~. 11 'was .. ~~'.. ___ :; ~,~r.· .. ·~,·':' •1,1.~ a'•,·· ~.l',r'••"I',•,• 1 • NY vni n.,. u .d Pt S1k s.11 6.,1 1111h1n 1111.so , J1~ ,.,.. 11 -. .... l!:••t Air ln ira 1:1"1 t:iu .... intT &T .ra j ,600 121 115 127• 1 IN. IUltlU IKl\Ull."l;U ~ ,., .., ., .., l"o :;1. B\llM Fd 6.1. 6.71 lllC1)m '·t 4.11 Bau..:;hLb .BO 21 3'\o 36 3' +•I, ""II r.F tt1 t J•', ™i ,, .._·~, lnlll.T PIH . 1 1' 74 1A. 2 18'.a Uto CG Fd 7.jl '·!r .Stock •. 1 ... l",!!,LJlb• ._ •• o 11~ 16lo 2•\~ ,,..,, -.. 1!:111 t..1111 1.60 l 11\lo 11\lo 11'.0 .. ·~ ITT pll . 50 s ,, 7l"" 7A . " by Robert McK. 'Mlomas, J r ., ytch 11: ·~ '"" N 'Mc ) ... AV. C1111m• •. o 1. Ntl Grlll 1.21 7.to •. c1 H •~• "" t1, -•.'o "••ICod•k h 1"'I 4d;, 6•~ 4,,, + ,,. lntTl.T ~iJ , 1 12\\ 12 n1~ I\• pr .. (. 1,\ l \llo Nll"rll U 1' CaDll 1nv 2.•l j·M Ntirw (!I 3.50 J.I• lle6rlno1 1 1 ll'o :JU• JIU\ +-lil E110nY1 1!60 ll5' t1'IO; 27'.'o 17•.\ -l'o t"!Tl.T pjl(I 11 67 6' 67. i > president of Thomas & Bells Lbo I\!< t \4 NII ornr1 21\ 1vt 0011 Shr s JO .11 Nww Fcl u .s.i 16.JA lie•!""• 1 u •""• •,,1,\ ,,,.., -\lo F•"'" ritl. • "' 1111 11 v + \I; l~TlptN 2 ,s 1115 .,l'I ,7,.. ..,... "" ' ::rw M ··~ l \lo N!tc ... ~ t \Out Cent 51\r t .11 10.61 Ntw WIO 10.111 1.n lie•! Fob "'' ,,•, 1J •••. Echlin Ml .. SI ' """ ,,.. '"" -~\ l~I \Jiii I :.0 11 2J '"" lf. ... F unded I 1969 by ff.onaJd II Ga ... 1\1, N I'll• Cl' lloo l'o Cl'l.llMlllO Funds: Nf.wlltf'I lt.U IJ.60 !led<mtn .JO 12lo 711\ t~t .... •r~trd J .JO -, ..... ,11~ '1\i -.. Int Ulll 4" 21 ™-21 UW ~.lo 0 n II Gift lt,,, ""' NII Eowt U 11 Com St l.lt l.Jl ~ch Strei I.,. 1.2( llocl Diet. .JO 115 )II), 3Jl'r :S.\o'i + IA EfilOl'llros I 7J n 23 23 -\i lnltrl>llCI I I "ZN 22\\ 22'\-~o Sch.•, Ern-Schaer Jr. and t•t" p '~ 31.\ NII GAD u ... I•··· Grwlll ... '° 6.St NorNSI IJ.ll ll.11 .flHCMr .7Sb It 10\to f'llo 10 .... ",t..\G ,10 ., 1,,.\ 11\lt '"' + "" lnltrl>t• nt s I 1:io.. 12\~ 12~ -~ e ""'° e vii Fd ~ S" NII I.ob ~~l~ '5>. lncom I.II 7.'1 ?fi:nallll J.16 !.16 Btlca Pnl .JO " 11 !SU lJU IMllllC .!* 116 a #VI (\'.i ..•.• Int llrlM fll 1 ll!\ 1n·, lS._ + \~ • •• ~·-···· Cable-Scan has y Mii II " Nau """ •• • 1"-, S""'I 1.0 1.S4 I 5 • ., 5.5' Btklfl9H .IOb t U ''J U'lll U'Jt t ·~ "'""' ""°' 1. ~ At -~ 1111 ... ,1s1. .• ,, lJ 1~ u~ -~ .......,, ..,...r --~ '" ' •• N11 re• I'. 1~. Ch•ll GI Bm: 1(1(1 d 11 .• 11'.75 Sell How ·'° ll "'l 11\' ,.,k +1 EIMttll M .. " • '' . I , •• , ... '' ' roprl I _.,.., " .,_., {'' o•· ~'"' '·" 5.11 101 F• '"' l .M Ooll Inter<-~ • ·• 11•• • • •·· lntar1Pw I 24 ..,. -• developed p Ct"'"" e tC· Oelo;ll Ao 16":'1 27\'o "" ""' " I r. -• I ~· II ••o 1'• 1\fo +'"lo mMID It! 1 I llh 11'0 11\i .... IOWI 11,,el . 22 220\ 22 J2\,0j +\a _, . i Int •\Ii 1 Nit 5~CW •• 1 UNI lff · o._w,,,.. 1.IM1l.O• llHTll' Co 1 11 1~ U'> 1• +<• loJnNI! ll"ld l't W. 5 ~-h IOwtEIL \3ll S ll\'I Int l1"-\-' Ironic produ c tlqn tn-111• c" 41 .. JllM Silv• • •11 Frnt Jt.l'"'·'S!."Ntll 11.lSll.li ~n<ll• I.Ill "n·~ "" '1ll -'lto"IP11t1NO I "'It\, u 11 .. IOW•lllG , .• 1 20·~ ~\ "°"'··· CtnT !JU U Vt NE'n 0 ::0 1•1• \61o ~hrl>cl t U t.U ~-"~ 1.17 6.tl ll1n<1ii ,.1 l t •1 ... 11 \0 ti\I -t~ 111r1 CD l.l'O 10 21•.:0 '°'' 21l .. -•O lo..-IPLI 1·4'11 ?l n-., 22t\ tt1A -'• StnJmentJtJon for "in pTOC-I ~ll~ lf\4 1: ~fefl.~~I!; ~i~ ~\,, ChtCO:C'1 l~:~i 1~:r, oft ~~ l:~i 1:f. ::::.ic: .. \060 1:# ~:~ 41'~ 41\~ +1 I""'{. I!::.~ 71 ~ Jr' t)IO -\• lowoPS~ 1:16 I ltit lt .. 1"' + trio ce,5" identification and test· ~ E m """ Mc~i. " ·, .. .,. J~'" co1on111: P•ct Frid •.•1 '·" 11tne11 .. u :Kl i.~ "t? "'l "' .\I ·'° d iL SN 31 • · · · 1peo Hot11 .3ol l '' ,, ,. • -~· •"m'' C• !Ho I• N~ls II .1.1 !6 Eoutv l 12 l.•1 Ptul R!'t' f.IS "Jl A,.~el" SPll.50 id JI•• 6ol\ W + ti ;::~~':.t j iQ t '6<\ ill' "!lli' 1 .. ;~ ITE Imp .llO 31 7, U\'I 1( Ing ol mulllple conductor E inc Ji. .111 NA R••( 1., I'll F-t.tt •.•1 P..,n so 1.'6 '·" lltn<1ve1 1 ., ....,.., ,..~ ··· e · 21 • • ... 11.r. Cor• ,. 2~ H Ml4 . bl. ·-CM , •• 2U. NCtr NG 10 ID<1 Grw1 h • n !.17 "~ Mui 1,o1J 3.'3 Be""'"' r~ 11,• ~'· •"' .S'~ . e::l~' :011 l ,no, ~ . + !? !TT Sv Pf(,$1 • 19 " " +1'4 cable and harness asSe!ll 1es. 'Ut-.1 ,J1 1'4 l'IEur 011 1-'0 1•. 1ncom •D• t.u P11111 1!.•1 u.n 1100.:tv ,,..., '" ,,, ,,~ 1 EnalhM1n" .• \.II itv. ll '\ 19 +-;; -J-K- JM ~·n '4tl NPA G1• 11\o 1•'• Vtftt l.ll •.OI l'lti!rlm 7.U 1.IO A ... rnec C0t~ 1• ,,, ,,~ 1'\ +·..,:, Enn I I Ut .32 11 13\.'I 1J"1 U"1 -... ''"'"'" ,. • ... .,,., 11.6' + Vt 'Jbomas :said that Cable· Oo't'•• oe uv. u1-< NW fll••G 1t• •·· !o' Grlh '·" t.n Piiot s." •.ss ll•t" sn 1.11ct 111 ,,,, ?lh ,2,, + 1~ Ee1111G11 '·20 • :it" 29u, :it'.'< -i,a JiUAll 111 10 3 .H. ,._. ~ + 1, •• NL 1-. Siii NW ... uSv 11 II"' ommc 1.111 I.IS "I"' 51 t . .>4 t .'4 1111 T/!r" .60 11 •1'• fOlo ~l ~ !i.'" Inc 1.•~ S 11~ 11 .. 11'1o -t. Jitttr ,.,. l ) 1 M. ~ + Sca n will be operated as a In o 1oi.;, 1~ NU(I ll:ac ,,., Jl(o oms ad •.01 '·'J Pon En• s u s.93 Rltc'IOIC n.• 111 •~• u \\ .. ~. -+ ..._ t::t111lr• ..... s 9 ti• ll• -,.., nlto · 1 11._ 11 .._ 11 ._ rl~~ 15 15~ Ohio ''' '"' 1 !will! A!I 1.11 1.22 Plon Fnd t.6J 10.$2 lll~lrJlll!n .41 , l:l-'' 11,~ 1, ., tu11xlnl I )0 t l~\11 'l 2l I• J•n Ztn .60b ,, f'4 ·· wholly o wned subsidiary under z P11nt 10'h 11v. oro o w11 "'" •1.1 wllh co 1.J5 '-" Pl"" 1"~ 1.•1 ,_,, 1111,1 L•11• 1 • 1,,.., 1,1 1~; · · E111111 ..... :i:i1 u 1~1 1~0,,, 1u1. =,,.. ,'"~,,"', . ..,06t J! :;~ ,, 1 N:;! •···• h d HIC wl J\I& ~ 8P1 '>clft 17 II~ omp A.1 1.tl 1.61 Price Fllfll:f•: llrcck Hll :W JIM !• ~1 ,• ·· t:lh'I C• 1k ll l~lt l Jb It\.+ V. •P n, " H ·+· o Its pment manaoement ea • all Sh l\lo 7u. rmon• 1 .. , ... jomae! s.s1 6.IM Grw1n 1t.11 tt,11 111~ 8111 I.XI 13 lit~ :... l ~,1~ -·~ t:thv 112 :.O 11 12.,. :n 32 \t J1llnPuo1 to ll M\I 16\'t ch& (Oii Lib :ID 20:w. llar lP 16"!\ 11~ OmD lld I IS I l'l N Er1 I '1 I #I llt II r !4 , lot 1;1\ ""° -'4 turolfld .1.,. • U'llo 11''t ll\t -Jert,.n~ .SO l 11._ llh 1,. ... +··"I•, ed by Ronald S 8'. ··-·~ 1•c l" s~~r JllA ' t" omp Fd 1:u 1:J1 Jll Hor lf .. 611':,J ,_u .... e,, 'o •. JS •• ,,. >I> ·~.,, --',o ho•O> .... HO l"• ... , ,,._ +" '•'• J•Wtl Co 1.SO 1• 42\4 41'.4' • 1 •ptsEI uY: 1i: ~v<:61 It\~ 1~1.4 !""''" l.6' J.t6 Pro Ful"ld l.a1J 1.03 11:;i:.g ca' .:0 .,., • • \ ..., ..,, ...,.,, Jim w111 ..!~ :it .,,..., ff \\ -'• Elb.t s~1 1 Jolt PEC l<rf 11'" 1.lo't 1111tord '·!' ',",• Pro¥an1 J.' •.at11 ~0;1r: ••. 2511 ~i: l;;; H~' ~i~ = l~ t,F:~I~~ .IJ' ti r:,~ lm lJ~ t 11' J,0••,,w.,•,",','• .! ,•., , It' J3llo + ~ Eick• 11,. ~\4 6'~ P•btl ~r ••t'o 4~V. Ofl"CI !n ;· 5 . O Purll~n \lnlvl 11°"" Ind .61 7 930 ~. .,,, + ,~ lclOoA Miii 2~ .lf=tlo 3~t :U:V. •.•• John John "n i\i .ti, ., ltl), + El NII• l\a J~ P~c 1'•1\!' 2>0 ,•0 cM',"o M"I •·••• '• (', ··~·~•,, FoM, •" ••> "atd•n 1.XI $1 ,.,, :r>;~ tt•~ _ ,., F1lr(I!( .}II llSl 22\t 20'< 21\ .. -l ''""' >•< ... ,. 16 >•lo 1'. :j:"1~~ M l N El HlK S» t 'M "'" f'tc on · ·• DU • • llor;W~r L'S " '1~ !"' ,,.. _''Flor Hiii .l~ 10 ~~I ,.... )1,. -\~ J-' -oo ·--, .. 1, • EltlCP't' 11-• 11• l'akCC () J\. •I• ~ont Gift 6.H 1.0l "'"' 11.11 13.01 l\Cl"m&nt ·"' ,. " Fi i ' ' 10 IStt u 15~ "" ~'~~· •• -{\ + 1. a oney ew ,11~m I 6't4 Pancol l'o r• orD ~II 11.70 lJ.911 f,r1h l .'.11 t .16 llGI Ellis 2,2, ~ ~ l~''t i~ ! \~ F•I~~ 1..,. h '\'10 •'\ 6-11 :t l'o Jont'Lau ·~ 17 1~•1t j1 1 -\Oi •, c.f:' Jiii ~ ::~~~ ~'· 1~ ~:.Vw~i~ :::z 1g:~ .~~ tli t~~ "'cu•n1 inc • 1011 1o,1t 1am -~~i:1m11vrio, 1 11 12'h ,, n~+·.~~:~l~~"~ f, 'l-~~~'20,, 1 +•· O 31~ l,_ P I p ~·, ,.... rn WO•I S.66 J.19 Vl111 '·61 ).]II !r~nlfAlr ·~ 11, u , ••<r •\ I~ l'ln1t .. Int 1 ,;w tit t \oO -'"' JO't' M19" 1 «! 2( n~; •l'o ( • :..:·,, • •• ·.~o'•'• .. ~IOVJ p:~oir. I0\.1 11 Cl•Voh M.t.otSl.ot lloy~o '·j5 6.01 .. rl1q\I '"°" '·''1'1 ,,,, ~ 7 ..._FirWlll Fin • 11~ 11" 11"--'-ICtlter All 11 ,. .. ~~· +' A Cl • f -0 ,., ,. ,0,, •-o , , " 1 , , ~ II.rill Mv I XI ut ,,,. .<•·~ s, ... +1 F&ra11Mr .IOo ) ~It .fl tl . -•. '''' Sl~•.I> 1 ,1,. 1.• _,,~, Uto "C ~~y II:~ ~~ ·~ p::;1,,",t ~,.~ '' """0:~1'i'' ~:Xi0io.lt 11::e,..,:c 1.65'.l:t' llrl•tMy pl a I , .. ~ .)I~ )<I,;.--·~ FAS fnU .161 1 I!• ·~ 11. -t, K11•AI ';;, n l ;,;; !';.; 1111 ·~·• ll-l•I'>" E~n ,-,2"o0rf•~ 11 .6!!1.l~R!nfrfl llllll.llllrll P"'·»~ Jl11nv. •11t1nt~+.,,Fe0clffi.-,O 1•12'\o ,.\'l<'Ml"'o+1•1C1 •C•m "llC 1 11>~17'~ ~;".!.~ •• • • •Vi .. : c.&W , •• 10 Or•vt Fd '·IJ 10.lt Ro.tn1n 5 11 s.~ "', .. ,,.',"1.·,· .... • ' ',' ll"l\'I ]I J •.• =~~~!.!.. ',·1.!. ,., ,·,·~ '••" •"•r."• .. 1(1hC Pf1.i1 l !Jlo 11~ 'onCorD 114 1 .. ,, ... nP"" '· 1 Orevl LY I0.•11."'liffmFd ··"•.•I ,. :t' ~· .. , ••• -+·~ _,,,..,.,-., K•nCPwL12 I .-0\\ ?(II,, -I tment of 01Rtit! ·-·H 111 n. 7!9 P-1 WI 5'• 6\o E•tlfll.H-••d: hU<!r UNlvtll R~tvn!JG 1.72 ' 1~ 2"' t:1 Fto:1P1c llC rn f'rt 9 \ + \\ICC Pl p! t I.I(! ''>'~ SO\'t iue lppo n ol j!;jt 'l'K 51-o l\lo P1tr0Hl ~I 3'-llt!•n 1.6' t.111 Cllddff F11N111 ,erawn Co t ''1 ~._ ....... Ff'Cll'•PICI 1 • l°AI ""' 1n, -~ .. KC Soull"ld t 1 i~"r U J. Maloney .as P..1ana"Cr Citwtll , .. ,o.n int 1nv 11n1v•ll wnY.1rp .70 n t \, • ' .:..·i-1. f P1p Pfl.11 1.!111 J\141 21v. 21w ..... Klf<....,.L lJ• 11 2,1., ,,_ e ll'IC.Om 127 S.7' SDCI un•Y• ,11wn$floe l..'10 I '~ '''-'I t•l<t-'"" Fto:ISl1n~ . .O 16 II l• •.... ktlv Ind f l ... ~,Costa Mesa District Office s,!'.!!',' •'•."•i'•·"~ 011!!.. ,, -.•.11t ,~'...'",·,•f•,-.•,.n ., 11•. •••, '"II -•\ Fto:1.,.•1t tnc 1 JV. J\~ s•, ., k_111t !l•1t '° n ~\1, :11~ UI "" -·· ~ ,, 18'• ll'' Ill-Fto:10t111s1, ' Ju. l> ll\o " ...: h IC.wtclll ~b lt 11V. 16Yi ol lhe Automobile Club of Ebtrtl 10 >J 1Js s..r11rllv Ful>d5; llUCICI o 10 llJ 111o ,., N ·· l'wro t., .It u 11\io u + '1 K•vi..-110 ..o 1C! tt'o 111~ I J o !"'°' Ill.JO 11.l'O Eoulv 2.15• J.11 RUOo! 111.llO ! A\lt •I• •\\ Flbttllrd .Jfl ! 10,,. 1~ :IO'I -~. ICftl:ller \.20 J _,,,, 60\'I Soul.hem California we' In· E~" ett oms rnra Sc • JJ t.1, lnvn1 l.ll 1.15 lllU'k>•t llll .... ·~ l 4li ·~ -~ l'l•llKIM 1,(Q 11 ,.,, 1311 10" +l 1<11i.1 lftd .JO s II I~•\ -"'~' 101110.M Ultra J.J7 5.f7 Plutfl'OA 1.11 ,, )II" "''• :)fl•~ Fllrol I.Ml 10 ll'o 71 ll>lo + '14 Kella;o 110 •' U'\ •11' nounced recently by H. B. i;n1oro• J 11 5tlK "m I.Ill '·'' "'""~ 11:...... I~, ,,., ,.,, "" J ~ Fln Ftc!Wlln 2J ,,,,. 11\ot IH' -\\ l<lfloto w) •' ~11,, ',,,~ • 101111~ 7 W 1 . .17 I.ti StMCS U.3' U.'9 l'\11nkll: ofl.31 ., '''~ 7'''> '' + ""Plrn111" I.Ill H Ql'lr .Ql'I 4l'a + '' k•lw~ 1.lO • , ~ Murphy. Manager ol Region 0111 G•~ 1.•i •·D 1•ntt G•11 1.•1 '·" 011.ur1 •ftd 1.60 :ri ,':..~, ,..., "'\ _ \Ii "'I c11r1 l.2tf ~ :111 l'h :11 + it K...0111 .• 1 2n" ,",, SA Co EU•• 11lJll J n1m fd 1.t1 1.tl ur'"'"' '·'""" ··~ ,. ,, )11~ -1 l't Mllf 1.Y ... 22~ lJ "" -\i Ktnlll'ltl! .to 1 IV of the Club. mpan y E ... rll tn 10, . ,,.,. Ao M.00•1.n "'urlM« J>IU 1(1 ... Ml ..... l'"llHC IA tl Mloi. ... u -l'l IC"'11COll ''¥ 1211 ('11, '-.'\• Mai....._ -es lo Cost• f·D C10 4.3' ,.7• h OHn 1\.#1 17.'1 lllurnd'v .711 9'I l:t.,_ 1, HJ.o -·~ F11N-r~1 .15'1 I l0\41 )OU, 311'4 ,, ,. K~Ch Dll . ll\ "• ll 'o IVl "'J' .. VI.. F1lrl!I 1.IO ,.n kte .JO t.10 l'\ur<~~ .... ltl ...... ,. .......... ,,,_, FIKl\bUI .Ill 1) U\o'i lSV. fS\\ .• ' j(' UHi . • ;,.i,, ,, F~tm 111 1.22 .n fD!'l'll fllndt: llW.U~w .l'OI f 10'!4 I~~+ l'l1hrFd .U, 24 11 10\\ I ., .•. ICerrMt 1.JO 'I 0 "'" Mesa well qualified to serve . Luclll E 1 11 h . . 'g Gr1111ou1 .1J c11111 ,_,, 1.22 -C-ir11""'4:1 .11 1 '"" ,,., ,.,,, .•. !1r•M .t•.JO .,•, •\, the th 1'000 ber P..11ss t ge ns101n·i c~P t.1110.•2 '",.." •.1110.11 c F1toM1nt1 .SI 1 ~ti.. ~ •.•... ~11Con1n 1 1 " more an "'• mem • . futld 11n1v111 ,,1.1$, 1 ... 1.16 •bot c •• 111 ,. :111~ l:I'· " _"' "1lntllo1• 1 11 '"' 2,.1 ,,'° + "' kidfoe11 ,,~ u 1• 1t"• motori." ln the .r.. --ed the Santa Ana office of 111 Trnd 1t.o. 20 ... lmnn 11 1.11 1.11 ~·I Fln1n1 1 11.,. "1 '" ... '"''" E co.11 n :111. ~ ,1 +1 Kl«le '' ' 1 n .,. .... f ll"<>Cl•I Pr,: Wfl Inv 7.lD 1.n c' I•~~ M~• 15' 171• 11 \i ,, .. 1"11 G11 .!It 10: lt~ II ... II~ -.... ~rm~· 1.J M Jl 12 .. cording to Auto Club ofUtlals. Dtan Witter & Cu. as an ac-~~ i:n5 f:!l S:~"': 1~ 1tlJ 1!:1~ c!::::~L 1~~ ~. ~1._ W. ~1l + \~ ~~ .. =., 1;'° u1 ~ ~'4 tr"::.~~ 1\:~y~'s ·.1, J, !~"" ~,, H. Joined ... Club 00 a F'1'eld ti -rd~• to lncom 4. s . .,. $1Mt(I•• S.51 •. 11 COllrtw ·'°' R• "' "' .. " Fii S!ffl I ' 19·~ 11'11 11~ .. , lnnev J>fl.25 $1 ""' Ul1:l ...., COUnt eXecu Ve, .a ..... v Ille V!"1 3. 4.15 !If-rm 01 11n1v1ll Cdn PK l.l'O ' 511,~ 5'\~ .'l"J\'o -1 l'lwr(• 1.311 tt 211'1 21\\ 11i. _\lo lrte:h Cl I I ~-!"' R ~ntaUve In 1951 he W05 VI p I F11F v• l·" •.11 111r st u .JS J1.1s c1n111R• 1.10 t u u + 1• Ft~T1otr .111 11 u:i.. 1s ua + \II LM "' jj • •• er-~ ' W. Kelly Hagerty, ce res · ~111n 01, .31 •.tt ••••m•n FuMs: C•D c •~"1 t 74 '·'"' 2"11 -"l'MC CJO .is '"' 1'\t. 11 1m _ \• ... ni~M," ·,'" il ~· '•'•~ promoted. to the Long Bea~h ,,,, lnGfll 6.'6 7.311 Am lftd •.at,,, r:1rbru.t 1.61) n,. ~-n!~ ,. + 11 l'MC pft.75 I :Hilo !"' »r• ,,oehrne _,., "' dent and manager F-11 inst~ 1.u 1.u Flduc s:tt s.to C&r11111 ·'° 11 1., \4 HI.Ii -v. l'oodFtlr ·" , 11\~ ,._. 141 .. + ..., ireDD~'~ 1..0 ' .., 21 Offlc~ as Assistant Manag r • . • De. WI F11 Mum 1.0 1.s1 stft11.. '·" 2.r.t t:1.-o f'."°" s 1100 s5 1! " -,., l'ao•• c11 .10 10 1,_ '"" •~• ._.. ';1_ K-•rJ ~ ' l).10 s1 JO in 1967 and ttien as 1o1enager Prior to JOirung an tte-r' ~~\ ~1;:. 3i~~ i\.~T 5'81:, 11" 1f.10\1.10 ~:~;~ :;:& 1~ = f016 1~ -:? F00•• pl'J.lO 1 ~•v. ,.l'f 24\lt-{: ol ... Bcllnower D1s1r1·~ Of· Eglt:tt was e mployed as a Fief (1(1 ,_,. . C•P 111 6.!9 M '· C1rtlll'(p ·'° M )4n'r. ""1m ~. -t ~ ~::=~1, '.: 'fl ;t.. rE~ ~ = \; "~ " b f B II " Deno•t 1'!11 Fncl • 1' . 5!«k 111.1.\ 10,15 C1•rt>" I.tot: ) ,. , ,. " 1 -• N 0 olC I "' I>" ., uyer or u oc .. S .,.... • fll• 01~ ··~ • •• uo !nGt I·~ •.e1 C•rt•rw ..-,. '" ~• 1 .,, os .. ,, · ,_ >o " -... !let ln 1969. I Slo ~·l•ll holds a ,.,... 0111 J. '·i1 un1ns1 :n I.St C1M1 J1 "" 1"' 11~ 11t)-\{ ~'=!~,;~ 'i lf• 111t lf' -f l~ men re. "'6 FDllfll:ffl 6. 1.n wncr Gt 1•1 i.)I C•l11.Ck .llOtl 11: Yt: ~ m: = tt ,.,. 11 , .... " Uh li'' Is"'.!. •• B.S. dtgree tn ge neral science ~~~Tin 0~, •· 1 ':'.,~ .. 5° ~:~ 1j.~ ~~11°'l:n:·'° ,, .._ 4l, 4" ",. r, 1.10 ,_.,, 114 u --. trom Purdue University. She ~.Ji~ 1 1·.0\ I:H :~1 !~ t.U E~cl p":i: : IR-: tti: W:; t: "~ " ·'°' ~ "' t i.. +"' also •Uended. the Harvard ~ :U t. 7 II>,,:," MG' 1~·11, .. :: ~:::~l Uf tt\6 n l! .SlV. ~~~~ .... ~cc' 1:: ,,1 ,~ 1~: *t?; -. ~ Business School FrHdm 6.tt 1.6' 11n ~· •· 1 l·'s Ctnt0 int .lO 1u, ll,• •,•,• ~ + 'l "' ,r,:r'.• , 't:' ••• '''' +'• • F' lrMUI ' .. l ,'6 lrlY O 1.1, ... (11'<1 Fii¥ ~ • t11N1 "'"' .d 1·1• \ICIOf It 11.'2 11.fJ c ... Hiid \·• 'I ~ . + ""' "" t I.I' ' " 11'• "" -,. l§•wr 6.1' .U in Gi 0 j·ll Ct<! Ull1 .u I.I. l'lr Im flfl.1 J tih JJ1lro Uh -\1 SIC t U ,.Sl T lllC j·~ . !"'lllPI 1.11 ll ,.. .:.: \Ii •r=tf ·• • 2JU. Z2 H -~ The fl:lnowtflll II I •w tt ~ ..... NB F . B btell• i 11 .4' n 1 Mvl .'3 I .Al ""' L• El 1 1 " , " t '' tl n l.ll 2t ~ u·,. It" + " 111 .,. •** _,,__. ~ NEW YORK (UPI) -Con 1r111 ttys °"'°Ste:: ft id 7MI 1.11 ftlMJ>w I.I• ,.. ~ 14'11 1~ -•• I 1"11 I.it ,,.. .•. "*",..,...I,. WIOffki.I. ' Apa f '·H •. U fl Cllt{tl l.U .2J ..,, sw I.to 10. iftl 4''-1 ft llw,~ I,,. ' W. ~ "'\ -\\ t-Alt1 atre w .,,,,,., ~ ,_,. EdiMln haa borrowed a }ear !" '•d 'liJ'Y "r.llM Flll"dl1t" II' (tft~S.-,.1 .Ill ~r ,,. ... !$ii! + iE"''"rt.\:. 2: :~ II\: ?I: t ~: iltut IJlodt -'Ykflrld. ic-t.l.vl!Mtlflt ...... ard P bl. . ,,,'I!",,•' .· .·• = I ·. I I -• ~!:.,""...... I' -· ... •• , ...... ~·!• ..,... d-Offlar ... Nld Ill 111' •flll from the Geor1e Bern It icatio1i ,,;,' 11111 1•. , ·; s,c:1e11 '·U t .. r;rt.~.. 1 .;: , " \ffi•t;..: 11111mi:i51 i 11'-ittt , ' ..... ,"'* •l't'lcletld. ~11111 1.,, '"'· ...... Shaw Pl.y' "Pygmalion," to .~.~~ •'J 1 •• •,•"'I'll '•;• ·• i"' .r,:·"' ~ 1"~ 12 .. 1 -li §""'°'' . .-" ,, •l'I 0 .:..:. '• ,..,..,,. ... itoct d\lf"I"" ,,,.. •""""" •vu ,, CLli r .SI I .. \ lt\.i t V. -ATf1n I... :i M »'9 . -\,:, etsll 't'llw "" n•IYldeflCI et .... ITr~ .Slrtl)"'t.a.. • N'NPl"3m for Na"on•I Franch'·· R-rts "'"m,~IO#t! ' -• a 1~'!10,"f'rf '·"d! '·ff _·.,..,,M.... 1~ ... ... -"''" llf1.JO U\I; '°" " +1 Hon Ctfft. t-Off.lflrltl • Niii! ... hr ... ~, r ..... u 13'8 ... ,... -.00 U 2~... 14.., lollifl + " '" lllfllr. ,M 1 I"" JI I' --. !ltd ,._ fl.-Oe<lll"t<d IN' ,.111 • i ft!t" minority IJ'OllP tmployes. and lts .stster publication, 11~rt. 1s1r t: ~'?r11 t'.l, t Mii>!/ "' ~ *"' .:. + 11; ~1!!! ·• iJ1 •~ 1"4 ll'-+ \-•IOdl diwr...;;;t • .. " -t-o.c11,... Nf!W Yor ... '• big pow""°"' 1 I ha ....... ~1nw11 '' I·" V11C.S 1!ill ''!11 .,. .,,6 .. "j'tv,'11'"'+~u. ~.'A: '~ W,U f'"' ~ =1tt; w ""' 11111 .,...,, 1111«111t1Ui.1.,,,. fH\'t • Franch St AMUR \ Ve u=n ~~ •·:: ... VIMrW ·ii! · :: ,.. 12 ra J(' -11 ~"\ ' i.; ~1 JN ,..._ _ Vi wllll .i11ldtlldt tn •N'tlrt. ........... ia...., pany sencb girl!! In Ill clerical purchased and will be pubU.sh-l,n 'l:t: ~~~...... . .. .i.j """ '¥"Ji ~ ;,; ::i~ 1:.:: = :t On,.\.':: : ~ •"' 'ft '~ ···:: ~,.., ':: .:'~ :i;:-:i •=~~ tr11inin1 &J'OUP to I.be Ophtlla ed by Burton Publishing 1• :',,,. 11:,f 1 ·n i'::m1~ 1" 'z·.!\ 11· ~~Vi. 'i..o , tJ~ ,f.j ~t~ :+ tt " Ht 1:• llJll 1t rr,,_ m. -• ""'11,... r-0.:11n11 tr .,,, .. 1n 1;ir;;;;: De V C'..&.-J or Charm as Co . N r1 8 h lf ,.," h • M11 1 ,.... l • Oh! .n .ut-o ,. .. v. He11 11 ''\ ~ ~ -•• 1fl:ldl ~. ,_,.Id 111 '*'" ""'"' ore ..,..1rw rporauon, ewpo eac , n "'"' .» ~ 11"''" Ot'OllOi · itoei • • 4 ,.~ u ,..~ ~" '" hitt I] •s ~~ k~ M --. 1m. "''"""""' ""' "'"""" ... .,..... p.artol•H·weektralnlng pro-Callfomia . , I?..:: j.H i's ~={ \'1·\\\!:!l ~~~' ~'1 ri :~ f.; :~+"• \:iri:,.·ft 11j J ~, l} +":'°•!r'111:.!.~~.!:.~~':'-f~~ gram. David Shulma n, Execulive lmN~! ~ ,.. . MOfa u ... hlMll " ~ llVt lOlj II -"' ·1.JOt , " n I' .......... •114 ..... "' fllll, ...... l'(Ofl ---II ...... th ch Pr . 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IN'~ .1. · c111 Gt 11f • 1111i1 u +1 , 1 110Jt 1 *'~ u~ u..-..... 111twt11 ..... 1ia.11on ,., Con Edison Symbob Market Trains Gii·l s --------------------~----------------------- Ntko c • ~!t"'l'1~ NAWl1I ' Ntt ltlll . ' . N11C1l1 Nll Chl "''rb"" N!>' l•I fol l•t • Mlt Fd: g~~ E·' I,. tllnd I \";' 1 Pr• N1!$vch ll~" .... 1.1~Ei ..... EJ~ fl. ~ "' N".f1o:.J ~~·G MP N lllM I ~ 111 Sh• :tfi1k't' =qr n I (IN~ ... ' NAmCct NorAmP (11,1,mR• .... .... • " N~11n I ~N&'' No I N G • H llP.. .... .. . " • N~t Al1 ' .M NWll In IOIWl1ftd Nwtlncl ~ff~ •• F C. 1·~ . "' ••• ... • • O<c!dP • -otdl!IC• 8="' 0Eclt1 011 10 . 2:1. &r: ~· NI .. _ .... k:M,:: -M .. ~ ,.. .. , .. --·---··------~~-~---------------------~ I • 1 1 • I I ' 14 +'Yii I t;~ .. ' \ ~!· DAILY PILOT JI WASHINGTON (UPI) 'ntt St.ate Department uys lhe govtmment has approved • » million deal involving the sale to Red China o( 80 dump trucks made in ltely. but equipped with General 1'-1olor.!1 en1ines. The National Security Coun- cil approved the deal after an inillal objection from the Defense Department. The trucks are being asstmbled. in Italy and will be sent to China from there. Rails Dying, Official Says WASHINGTON (UPI ) lJ!rtd E. Perlman, former J>nlld"11 ol the bankrupt Pa Central Railroad , say11 t:'.r rail l<Nln backed by · ... · ''' would be only "a = i ~1ry pe.ill'aUve." -·.~~ told a congressional ; Wednesday l h e ~·w .rottrnment must act to cure ' 1 - ++" 'i "tht ba!ic Ills confrontlng the + lrnportaUon industry." He Aid railroads, under the : -:: ill"preoen--t•••Y•ste•m""o11f"'re-gu•Ja<Jti•on~, art not allowed to make com- 1 1 1 1 ON THE TUBE :!'ij ii ,., th: r...t ,.,,. •• wt.ar. i•rr.•I-. •11 TV, reatl TV W IC -4i1trl•u.rtM with Hrit Satil"•Y .4ltl•111 •f tit• DAILY PILOT. Patient Dies D!NVBR (UPI) -Rondell Wayne Bennett. tht tt0rld'1 Joacut ll&l'Vivlnf 11 u r tr111Spil~ palltn~ d , , d Wedneld1y ol Ul(M ,.jecUon Ind lnr.ctlon 11 tho C<ilorodo Gonerll Hoopltal. He wu 4\1. petltl.ve rates and are dying. Finance Briefs DALLAS (UPI) -President Angus Wynne Jr., said Thurs. day that the bankruptcy or Penn Centra l Transportation Co. has created a liquidity crisis for Great Southwel!t Corp., a PeM Central af. filiate . Wynne said the casti 1queeze princi pally affects Great Southwest 's California rtal estate development 1ublidh1ry, Macco Corp. 1-fn aald Macco needed fresh bank loam: and was having trouble ptung them. MIDLAND, Mich. !UPI) - Dow Otemical Co. has ob- tl!ntd a research control co,.. tract from the Federal Water Quality Administration I n 1tudy' controlled nitrification treatment or municipal waste watm. A pilot plant to treat tl,000 gallon! of waste water daUy will be installed in Mldland City and the eic- perlment.s conducted over 21 months. The purpose Is to decftase the amount of ox· ypn waste waten will require for biochemical purification. MILWAUKEE (l/Pll Bath Industries, Inc .. says the U.S. Circuit Court oC Appenl::t has upheld a lower court jn- junclfon during d i s s i d en t sbareholders from an at· ltmoted takeover bid be<:auMt of the pip's failurt to fila approprlat.e notice and data wllb the SecurlUes and Ell· change Commission. NEW YORK (UP!) Diners Club IMOUnced Thurs. day it will relocate its data proctulng operatloni, now in New York. t.o Denver early next year. HICKSVILLE. N.Y. (U Pll -Servo Corp. o( Amtrlca said it obtained lht'ff CCJn.o tractl re<:enUy tolalin1 '3.3 mJlllon c,. ellctroblc d1tectlng and communications devlcet from the Canadian N1llon•l lllllwey1. Ille U.S. Army s1sn11 Commond ind 1he 01111dl•• Deportmul o I Transport. ' on Now you can see a different film classic every week . And see each one when it suits your family best. Because we're repeating each feature. Cablevision brings you the complete originals. Uncut.and with just one intermission. Enjoy ttiem all, right at home·without ·. • _.-:...,: D .• .1-L.l. v.lenmca. '/~··':I~· -STARTING AUGUST 10 "INTOLERANCE; diiccted by D. W. Griffith. STARTING AUGUST 24 "SAU.Y OF THE SAWDUST," stirring W. C Fields. COMING • BRTH OF A NATION," diected by 0 W. Gffitl• •'THE GENERAL," st.mg Buster Katon. ·w DOVVN EAS"t" st.mg t.a.n Gsh. CHANNEL3 • • .ev1s1on. • . constant commercials. But of course you do have to bea Cablevision subscriber to get in.on the West C.oast pre- miere of these.great films. So get ready now: If you're not a subscriber, call us for a free demon stration on your own TV set. Our number: 642-3260. STARTING AUGUST 3 •JULES & JIM; starring Jemnc Moreau. STARTING AUGUST 17 "Tl-£ BLUE ANGEL; starring Marlene Dietrich. STARTING AUGUST 31 "AMERICA; stiirring Lionel S.IT)1nO<C. COMING "HU~CF NOTRE MME," st.mg Lon~ "MARK OF ZORRQ" st.mg Docigl. ~ 5' "EXTRA GIRL; dicded by M.dc Scmctl CABLEVISION . See these film classics and enjoy all of the other benefits of being a cablevision sub- scriber for only 22 cents per day. In Newport Bach, Mon. "-sh Fri., 9PM, Sit., Sin, 6PM In Minion Vllio; ~ 'l*cl, Fri. 9PM "There's Mo·re To See On Cable TVI" --· I ... ----~-----------------------------------· I i I I A H T I ""' o! Sci 1 ser va: • t . .• r :~:: I ' ;J :1 I ' :1 11 ,1 ii • ••• clu pr< the 1 DU .at Int J wh for • ~ lod ""' L<> I vlt lod ~" I "" Do Vit •• I H• th• in I vie In an ... I Be NI co: pit E 2 b> Cl P' ., 'de bo " p. )X Y• "' Thursday, July 30, 1970 S OAllY PllOi 3 W estern1White House Picl{eted A Face in the Sun A paper napkin under the sunglasses makes the Orange Coast sun a little more tolera·bte and lets you snooze while tanning. Who knows ? It may even help prevent wrinkles around the eyes. It may also resuJt in some strange suntan patterns. The. face belongs to Mrs. Alan Edminster of Glendale. By FREDERICK SCBOEMEBL Of .... o.ll't , .... Jntr With San Clemente police keeping an eye on things, 27 members of the Southern California VISTA Alliance held a peaceful protest near the Western White House thinking their boss wu meeting with the President.Wednesday. Tbe protestors were all members o{ the._ Volunteers In Se.rv~ce for America, a program designtd :o help reSide.nfs of poverty stricken areas. 'Ibey were at the Western White House under the impression that· Donald Rum.sftld, d1reo. tor of the bffi:::e of EConomic Opportunity · (OEO) which heads the VISTA program, was at the Nixon retreat. However, a White Ho~ spokesman said Rumsfeld was here last Saturday and had returned to Washington Tuesday after a tour of some western states. A written brochure describing the pro- test stated : "'lbe picket m a in I y represents a protest ~t Rumsfeld's presence in San Clemente while lbe policies and practices of VISTA are being discussed by tho!e representatives ol the nation 's VISTA volunteers outside the Western White House." Aii of the"volunteer11 represented the Western region of the VISTA organlza. tion. The volunteers 11aid they were upset by "the newly proposed concept that volunteers should be sent into a com· munity to do only one specific task (I.e. housing, economic development, etc.). Formerly the volunteers were sent into the areas designation as poverty stricken and attempted to build "com- munity organizations." Ear::h volunteer became a "jack of aU trades." No.w the department wants to send it specializ. ed technical experts to the poverty areas, instead. Other recommendations contained in the petition included a p r o po 1 e d guaranteed annual income of $5,500 for a family of four and recru.itmtnt of Down the Mission Trail Hirstein Questions Tax For Viejo Teen Center Briner Elected Trustees Chief MISSION VIEJO -Cheste!' Briner has been elected president of the Board of Trustees of tne Tustin Union High School District. The Mission Viejo resident, who also- serves as president of the Saddleback Valley Chamber of Commerce, has been a ~slee since 1967. He succeeds Robert Bartholomew. e AFS Plo11s Pro9rom ~ION VIEJO -A fund raising event for the American Field Service club at Mission Viejo High School will provide entertainment for families at the same time. The group is presenting a &eries of Disney cartoons and adventure films . at 1 p.m. on Thursd.ays at La Paz Intermediate School. Admission is 35 cents for the films which began last week and will continue for one month. e illmo11s Approved SADDLEBACK VALLEY -A masonic lodge for the Saddleback Valley ha,; been officiall y sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of California. All interes ted master masons are in· 'Vited to become members of the new lodge, according to Vincent Alianielkl, president. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. al Downey Savings and Loan in Mission Viejo. : e llolloho11 El ected LAGUNA NIGUEL -Robert E. Hallahan has been elected president or ·the Crown Valley Highlands Association in Laguna Niguel . ' Other new officers are Robert Hanns, vice presid~t ; Kenneth Kester , .treasurer ; Brian Prentice, secretary; and J. Jefferson Parks, assistant secretary. ottler directors elected include William , Beck, executive vice president of Laguna Niguel Corp, and KnOWlton Fernald Jr., C'Ol'pOration vice president in charge of planning and architecture. Boy, 10, Shot; 2 Youths Sought . T'wo young boy~ cruising on the same bicycle we.re being sought by San ~lemente police today a(ter they shot )t IO.year-old boy in the leg with a J>ellet pistol Tuesday. '·' Eric Theodore Lipp, 10, of 124 Pasto del Cristobal, told police he was shot below the right knee by a pellet pistol llS he stood near hill home at 2:30 p.m. The wound on the boy's leg was minor, police said, The boys were ridlns double on the yellow bicycle and •• they """"'· the Pl"'•llier all<&edl)' !kid the lir pistol. By THOMAS FORTUNE Of tM 0.111' '°lltt Sl•lf I Orange County Supervisor William Hirstein Wednesday renewed his ques. tioning of a plan to add 13 cents to a spec1al service district tax rate in the Mission Viejo area for a teenage recreation center. "I question how much recreation can be provided in a couple or house trailers," he said. Hiratein. who lives in Orange, said he ls sure that people who are working en the teen center plan are sincere, but there must be otbefs who live down there who are tax conscious. He said he would like to see a vote of the people in Special Service District Nine on the levy. Supervisor AJton Allen , who repres·ents the area, told Hirstein there will have to be a public hearing in front of the board before the money can be spent and in the meantime the tax money can be raised and made available. Supervisors last Thursday added $60,000 to the service district budget for the teen center -$40,000 tG be spent on the structure and $2{1,000 OR salaries and · operational cOsts -after Mike Shearer, president of 'Mission Viejo homeowners association, presented petl· lions with 94 signatures 1upporting the center. Special Service Districl. Nine, c:ovtring Mission Viejo and Aegean Hills, provldea fire protection, street sweeping and recreation. Its 196§.70 tax rate wa11 61 cents per $100 as.sessed valuatkln, which will drop to 56 cents this new fiscal year, but would have been 43 centa without the teen center, County Administrative Officer Robert Thomas sa1d mntein'i doubts ralle the more general quest.ton of how to provide representation for the more than 800.ool persons lhat now live in unincorporated area of the county. "They can't all call the sixth floor {where aupervitora have offices) and they don't au beJonc to homeowners groups," he said. Mission Viejo now has more than 10,000 residents, he pointed out. Thomas said Leisure World is different, "they have structured themselves 10 we're fairly certain we're talkliig to the people who care." Shearer laid the tof signatures wert gathered in a 8ingle weekend and that they represented It percent Of tile born., in Mission Viejo and 58 percent of the homes in Aegean Hills . Park Folds Tent Nixon Street Name Game Goes On By JOHN VAL TERZA 01 .,.. Del!'( ,.,,.. 11•11 \\Then San Clemente's City Council resumed alt.empts to rename Via de Frente to something more in keeping with the Western White House nearby, the state Parks Division Six Head· quarters was a problem. But now, the state parks division is moving to new quarters in San Diego -leaving one less hurdle in the name change proposal whlch would mean changes in stationery and letterheads. ln dozens ol mailed and hand-delivered questionnaries; the city has suggested Camino de la Casa Blanca, or Via de! Presldente as a new name, The queries went out last week. but only seven have returned. And results thus Car will be kept secret until the city council gets a total tally on the opinions of residents of Via de Frente on the name change. The regional headquarters office of the state parks department won't need to respond now, but rem aining on the streets are <llfler state parks offices. an elemenlary school, the San Clemente Inn and several pri vate homes and apart· ment houses . All would have lo change their address iI Che name change were adopted. The idea has been on and then olf again ever since President Nixon chose: I.he Cotton Estate as his seaside retreat. City planning commissioners aban· doned the latest tf!ort earlier lhis Sum· met' because, they said, the suggested names were either too ambiguous, or would not apply it Mr. Nixon did not remain President for a second term. Councilmen disagreed and o~red the questionnaires sent out to tap residents' opinion. Meanwhile, the slate Parks Divi.tjon Six staff packed book1>, records and furni ture and left for San Diego. where the division will hold forth in a room or the Stinc1ltllldlng. Via de Fretite translates into "front street." Some say It is too bland a name in view of the PrtsilientiaJ presence. But the state mul!lt like the name just the same. The new address in San Diego for lhe State Parks headquarters is 1350 Front St. Clemente Scouts Painting Curbs, Making Profits San Clemente's Sea Scouts and 1 group of central Orange County college students have joined forces in a curb number painting project that has yielded nearly 400 jobs in its flrst three days . '!be ""uts, wbo had planned the cam- paign for several months, collaboratid with the college students ttcently after the latter group was turned down by city councilmen on a plan to do the project themselves. Councihllen asked that the student! collaborate with the scouts. The result is a fresh idea in curb painting, which includes a blue symbol shoWing a boat nelt to each address at curbside. Phil Peter, advisor to the scouts, sakl that the fund·raising project is on 1 donation-only basis and about half the customers so far have paid ·the standard $2 for the 1ttvice. The scouts. representing Sea Explorer Ship no. wlll use the money from the project to pay for a pennanent berth ror their only ocean going craft -a rtfutbisbed cabin cruiser. The boat. leunched IMl monlh, b berthed In Newport Beach lhest daya bceausc of a mi.sfortune with It.a mooring off the Sin Clemente pier. The donated ..-In& booy 11nk. enough comm unlly poor that ·511 .,.....,1 or VISTA . would be rep...,.nt.d by that group. · Included in the latter reoommendation wu a propouJ.io pay the,poor volunteers three. urnes as mucb u non-indigent volunteers: Many of the youlhfUI proteston carried signs that were critical of Rumsfeld and the OEO. "Rumsfeld avoids takina: care buslneu by hiding in U'8 Western White House," declared , a sign carried by a .young woman. 1'Don't viscerate (Ile) VISTA" said anotber. Secret Service agents kept I h e picketei;-s on the sidewalk of an appfoach road about 200 yards from the entrance . enne••J AUNAY9 FIRST GlJAJJTV .... • of the Pruidential wmpound. 'Ille VfSTA gn>up was joined by a 'sprinkllDg of other suppo'rters, moat of them Crom the Long Beach and Santa Monica areas. Ted Martinez, a Mnlc11>Ame(ican from the Venice section of Santa Monica declartd: ''I am here proteatlng becauae the OEO has !aUed to see the need! of the Chicano community." One woman, Bea Bohnenkainp, who Identified herself u a member of the executive board of the Long•Beach Com· mission on Economic Opportunity said that she was "very dlsfurbed, because not one solitary soul came out to talk to WI." Nancy Freuden. wh& M1d she ... the leader of the picots, noted that the volunteers plan t.o aet to@ther more often in the future and lhai they will begin to contad.Co..-n about II* grievances. The group arrived at the main gate of the Western White House at 10 :30 a.m. Wednesday but were told to leave the aate area as a aecurJty precaution. They gave copies or their grievance• to a member of the S6cret SerVtce who assertedly said he would pua it on to adminislrattve aides in the re10rt complex. They waited for a reply but none came. Magnificent planted hanging baskets ••• •' lush, g-ing, ll'""""f filled baslcets to hang lnsldO or out , , , to enha-Olff 111t1rtoo O..U. m-bifolla is a long nomtforan-vr-YIN With P, lta.. an twining -Pltct101~hut is on 1my11rowlng attracti .. onrg,..,, also. 1 77 , SPECIAL e ... ' SPECIAL 44'-. TAM JUNIPER ••• low growing tvergru n for attractive landscap- ing that will give yovr garden a professional look. Collect them. 1 gallon container. 7 7 C ~. P~N~ lo .2.Wlrittttt ., • 'Bright Eyos' and 'Coquttt.' In ont gallon - toiners are aptly named •• , dalnly lltlfe pink or white flowers with red centon. ITAUAN CYPRUS ... -ly and toll is a perfect tvergreen for land· scoping ot corners of buildings ond . fen ces .•• for a prof1S1ionolly land- scaped look. ' gal. 1111. ' 3.55 UNPAINTED MIXICAN POmRY ••• atrawbtrry plonltr with 9 poclcets b a plctur11que plonter ••• ospeclally for Spanish type patios ond architecture that's so popular now. 3. 99 ·~ GLORIA VASE ••• unpainted Mexican pats with outhantlc aimd designs for unusual planting tfltc!L Large, 5. 99 Medium, 3.39 SNAP.ON FENCING , • , a pretty ond tasy wr:ry to encl-your gordtn or-.,. lnexpenslvely, tool 21 " x 12" ltdian, 29c NOW! THESE VALUES AT ANY ONE OF THESE PENNEY STORES! I CARLSBAD • DOWN£Y MOMTCl.AIR • NEWPORT BEACH 77• ... SH OP SUNDAY, TOO 12 to 5 P.M.I - . ' ; e-1IAll v mar " q s••D11W•11t ... eu Wombourne, England housewife .i-Hurd says she has been ban· ned from her village store becaus_e her policeman husband gave ev1· dence against the sbopowner tor driving offenses. ''I Utink it'~ ter· rihly unjust that I, an ordinary boU>eMle should suffer iust be- cause my husband was doing his job," she said. • • H..,ry Lewis Norm•n Jr. of TlinUy, July 30, 1970 Clash Over Canal Israeli Jets Hit 4 EgypJian ~IGs Israeli Jets &bot down four soviet-built bad no information on such a club. FcYPttu MIGJl jets In an alr battle Today's aerial club erupted about l :IO over thei Suez Canal today, a military p.m. while the Jaraell government wu apokesman announced in Tel Aviv. Heavy carrying on urgent. consultation1 with artit1uy cllJeb blued along t b e canal the hawlWb Gaba! party to try to puvent on a 40-mllt front and Egypt reported ita walkout from the govemmenl Israel heavy Joss oC lsraeli life. was reported moving cautiously toward The spokesman said the air battle acce~ of a U.S •. ~a.st peace occurred when Egyptian interceptors plan despite Gahal opposltlOn. streaked aloft to challenge Jsraeli jet Israeli pilots reported seeing ooly ~ee fighter-bombers carrying out strikes in pilots parachute from the.it stricken the c an a 1 :one's soUthern sector for planes. They said all four planes crashed the 10th consecutive day. in flames on EgypUan territory when There was DO indication whether any the Israeli!I opened up with canoon fire Soviet pilots were involved in the con· and air-to-air missiles. , . frontation but UPI co r re s po n d e n t A military spokesman in Cairo 111d Nicholas 'Danlloff, quoting "sources," Egyptian artillery today cauaed .. great said Soviet and Israeli planes clashed losses in life and equipment" on the over the canal on Saturday far the Israelis and that two Egyptian soldiers first time. No losses were reported. were wounded In Js:raell air auacu. The 50Ul'ce! said the potentially Egypt said it.s b~ guns ~Mne?. up dangerous clash occWTed during a raid at 6 a.m. today agamst Israeli pos1t1~ by Israeli aircraft against missile sites along a 40-mile front between Deversoir . operated by Egyptian aews with Soviet and Qantara and that the gunners scored adviaen. In that clash MIG2ls were ''direct ruts" on Israeli bunkers, :•causlll§ said to have attacked American-built great k>llea in life and equipment. SkybawU which managed to eacape the A spokesman said several J~aeli posi· ,_ alrcrafL tioos caught fire and ammurutlon depots imlell spol<-•o said Wednesday they exploded. Stal'led Bus Thwarts Offensive in Cambodia ---~----------------- - 3 Bodies Kfu R11a Everirtlalq In Burned Thousands Cram Car Found Banned Concert NEW YORK (UPI) -Tbe chmed MIDDIEFIELD, Oonn. (AP) bodies of three persons who may have 'J11olmnch: d. )'OWll people dotted tbe been &OOt or bllldgecoed to death were ski alopes ti Powder Rldi• today - found early today In a gol<kolor<d evm lboulll> tho roc:k feotlvat that they Cadilllc abandoned in ~ on a quiet had come to attend was banned by residentlal ltreet in Queens. court order. Police refused to speculate on whether And the youths seem to have all but the dead, who appeared to be white taken over the area. males, were victims of gangland ei:-There are DO unilonned police m the ecullons. grounds and the kkb were nmolng A spokesman for the medical ei:-everything -they paued out tree ice aminen cifice said the bodies were ao cream, manned the medical staUOn and badly horned that it was impossible acted as ~ guan1s. to definitely determine their .sei: or race "We almost bad a birth,'' said a before autopsies were completed later bearded worker wearing: a re d cross today, at the first aid office, 'jbut It was But be said that damage to the victims1 false labor. Sbe'• upstairs waiting to heads could have been caused by let us tncrw." gunshots or blows with a blunt in-Louis Zemel, a coowner o( the resort. strumenl told the growing crowd Wedoeaday night The bodies were silting stiffly in the l.bat the festival was off and u r g e d back seat of the burning car when everyone to go borne . firemen arrived. But most of the youths stayed through on tbe twin ski slopes, or swam in · a poad at the resort ,.. talked about the festival. "I bolrilh! :iz tickets at ~7th Street. in New Y«k City, said a teenager wearlDg 8 btack hillbilly bat. ''U we don't get our money back there will be trouble in New York." '!be tickels sold for 110 a night and $20 for the weekend, and promoters said there was no provision for refunds. Zemel told the c:niwd Wednesday oigllt however that he was trying to get their money back-, In the area where the youngster!' camped signs boldly advertised LSD and marijuana for sale. Jackson Shooting Said Justified "We think they were alrtady dead." the night in sleeping bags and tent.s associate medical examiner Richard L. and youllJluJ security guanls oaid today JACKSON, Miss. CAP) - A county Beaghler said. "There were no signs new arrivals outnumbered the rock fans grand jury says pollce were justified that they tried to escape." who had teft. in opening lire during a campus con· Dr. Guy Voordecker, a member of. Crowd estimates varied widely and the Brussels medical examiners' staff police weren 't guessing, but most . frontation in which two young Negroes on special assignement here, said be esUmales indicated there were at least were killed and nine wounded at Jackson believed identification could be establish-7,lm-15,00> in the crowd. State College May 15. ed. State's Attorney Vincent J. Scamperino Reporting on an invesligation into lhe The car, registered to a Giovinnia also urged the crowd to leave Wednesday outbreak, a Hinds County grand jury Costanzo of Staten lsJand, was found and ordered all utilities at the facility declared Wednesday that stale highway on a street in the South Ozone Park shut off by 8 a.m. today. But hours patrolmen and city police discharged section of Queens. after that dealine the electricity was their firearms only after being shot An unidentified resident retumlng st.ill on and the water was running. at by snipers. Cleveland felt be waJ being un· justly punished when he was fined $50 for dropping a beer botUe on some rocks along the shore of Lake Erie. ••If the city can drop garbage in the Jake, why can't I drop a beer bottle on the rocks?" Norman asked a"judge. 1 PHNOM PENH (UPI) -A civilian bus loaded With Camboclian soldiers bogged down today in a driving rain after a six.mile advance toward the Kirirom Plateau, blocking the path of a 3,CJOO.man government convoy and halting a government offensive aimed at retaking Iha plalA!IU. home from work at 2:30 a.m. noticed The rock fans already had arranged The grand jury report said persons 100 yards and two of the lead battalions the parked car, police said. Fifteen an emergency water supply from a who engage in "civil disorders and riots" of Khmen were blocked. The brigade minutes later he heard a car door slam closed~ver disinfected swimming pool. must "expect to be injured or killed commander, Maj. Un Kauv, said the and, looking out the window of his home, While some of the yooth!: were work· when law en!orcement officers are re. brigade would leave Friday for a frontal saw the inaide of the car in flames.. tng, thousands of others lounged around quired tG re-establish order." • assault on the 3,000.toot plateau and , .:::::__::_::=_.::__::_:::...:::_::=::__ __ ~:...::====--:::...:==----=-_:_-_:__:c::c::::_:::...:_:_ ___ ~---- the town of Kirirom, U miles to the north. Wummw mudpMcae1 on for acn.. ino tog booti Cl1ld 111&tic duckr or demonstrated hert btl Tammg Stout~ fer, 2. of Salina. Kansas. Tht ·puddle was left during f'tct1lt thunderahow- ers which drenched tht arta. • The California Legislature hat legalized saloons, baTs and bar· Tooms. Those were three of &ht wil.d west names which taverns and cocktoil loll'llges were pro- hibited from using b1' a rt.ate Jato which 1D6I repe:altd ·Tues· day. • Two couples seeking to be mar- ried this week by Cleveland Mu- mcipa) Court Judge Lllll1n W. Burle.• were refused because they wen not properly dressed. Judge Burke said tlle men weren't wear· ing jackets and tbe women weren't wearing dresses. "I always wear my robe when I'm condueting the ceremony," she said.' c•'lbe court ls a place of dignity end marriage is one of the fundamental .steps in life end &hould be taken serious- ly." A Cambodian military spokesman, quoting villagers in the area, said allied air llrikes had killed 600 Communbt ln10pt and wounded 3lO others In atlacU near the ruins of the 9th century temples of Angkor Wat. The Communists scored • major suc- cess near the Kirirom Plateau today, cuu1n1i ~way • leading from Phnom Penh ~ the port of Kompong Son (Sibanoukville) and leavislg more than 100 -mostly oil tankers, lining the road along a blown brid&e 50 miles below Phnom Penh. The Comm~ts poure(I out of. the countryside and overwhelmed t h • defenders of a reinforced coocret.e bridge lo a fivM>wr firdlglK and then blew a six·fool bole po tho oorth<n IPl"OO'h to the bridge, next to a IQ.foot bole blown in a similar attack four days ago. Light vehicles could still pass. In Saigon, the U.S. Command said ~ flying some of the heaviest raids of the year in South Vietnam unloaded l 000 tons o[ bombs on Communist sirongbotds in the southern half of the country, concentrating on the U Minh Forest. For the past week, the planes have concentrated on border are.as. UPI correspondent Kenneth J. Brad· dick. with the Cambodians trying to recapture the Kirirom Platean, said five battalions of governmeiit tr o o p • spearheaded by Khmer mercenaries, had hoped to reach the plateau in a twl>day march. But the bus staned in the driving rain which limited visibility to less than Post Office Lifts British E1nhargo WASlilNGTON (UPI) -The Post 01· fice has lifted the embargo on surface mail to Great Britain it imposed July 21. The embargo was initiated because of the recent 1bike by British dock wwtera. Air mall was not affected dur- ing the period. "We will never retreat once the attack is launched," he said. "We wiU keep goin& until we kick the Viet Cong out:" The CambodilDIS were aimed with a hodge podge of rifles and depending on ~uch transportation as school buses to reach the fighting area. They had no air support or artillery· and were equipped only with 82 millimeter mortars made by Red China. The Viet Cong has 82 ind 120 mm mortlrs brought in by elephant from the northern area. More Violence In East Cities New disorders aod violence have oc- curred in Hartford, <»no., and New Bedfonl, Mus. Bands of black and Pu.no Rican youths roamed HarUonl llree1s Wednes- day for the aecond successive night, set- ting fires and throwing rocks and bottles at police. Policearrested 32 persons and used tear gas to disperse crowds or up to 200 persons. 1bree firebombs were hurled at one poli~ car, seUing a Ure on fire. Police arre,,ted 32 persons and used fired and three persons were treated for minor bucksllot wounds. One claimed he had been shot by police, but a spokesman denied police had used firearms. The disorders apparently were a COi\• tlnuation of Tuesday's outbreak that stemmed in part from the city's refusal to open some fire hydr8l'Jb: for children's play in the hot weather. ' In New Bedford there were reports of shots fired, stone throwing and arson by roving gangs in a six-block area of the South End. Police arrested 22 persons. At a midnight meeting, city councilmen criticized Mayor George Rogers for delaying imposiUon of a curfew from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. He aald he moved the starting Ume bact after receiving "many complaints." Most of Nation Swelters Tropical Air Flows Into East a1td South Cslllorttl• co .. utl Mil¥ ........ hw lo6rt'. Llthl "'lrlA!>lt WI"°' nitllf ffld PMl'llifl9 llouti ~ .... _..,., • ,. It ktlOtt lft t fttr-f tolllf lfld FrltMIJ. Hltll ._.,, M. (Offl•I 1"'1Hnlh.I,... r-fr11m '' to 71, ll'ltMIO ""-iltvl'tl r111t1 1rwn " to U. W•W l'"-!'th1re U. SuK, M-. Tille• THUtllO'-Y ~ 111911 •••.• • ''" 1.m. '' $tc:i!Wld low • . 1.0. 11.m. 1.1 PRIOAT l'lrii low •.. 3·M•.m. ~.• Flr•fhlfl! •.• IO :l11.m. ,It *""' 1119'1 • , , .•. , , t.$.1 J.m. t.l ,,_,.. '°"' . 1.0 J.m. 's S...n Ill* •:ot•.11>. Slit 1:U•·""· MOD!! ., .. l :a.•.rl'I. It.ft. 6:••""• ~---"··-·· -------------- IJ.S. Summ•l"ll St1t1_,, wtfllhtl' SJS!tll'lt dlt,,. "'Itel I -!lllUlllt '"°" <II fl'O!llU! 1lr In" mot! ol ""' ff.-rn llld _,,,,,,,. fftflonl ol,..,. MllOll '°"''· l'rmi>ettlU!'ff rtmlliwd "I r"' 111rovollollt tti1 <Olilll,., tlcMll for IOtM l tM' ol !flt h<.Jlk ~I. Slc!n -• -ttv ftlr Wiii! onlY • .Ul'ltfl"' 0 f f!llNIO«~. N rll(yl•rllr Ill tllt IOUllwrll MC'loM OI fll.f upptr °""' 1.1•n •M lrem J'H1t>11<1v111l1 to fM Cll'OllMf. Al'I IPl(ll OI' H of 1111\ IOlkfd Pl!lllp~,_, P1.. Mollne Ill., ""' (flll t!Olletvlllt, , .. E1r1t1 """nlno ttmMrltvP'tl r*"ffd trom n ,... .vt.,.. c111t.. i. " 11 11¥1,_ Ind NHGIH. Ct11f., wtin, rMl!lntl on r rnMI flf fM ,,.!Ion •wt In tht 111t. Temper.turn .......... ... u1n11 " " Baker.,ltld •m " lllMNrck .. ., .... .. " ...... .. " ,.._,,.,111. " .. CM(lff u • C!11<l....,.rl " n O...ver .. " On MG!nt1 ~ " ...... .. " Fort Worlfl .. " ,._ .. ~ .. ,_ n ~ l<IO'IWI (fly '" " L .. VH11 ... ~ 1.11111 A119elu .. .. Mltml " .. Minnte9olh: " ff ""°"' .. "' " " HNYOl't • " HMllf'l•ll1 " .. 0..tltlld .. .. Olcl•""""' (11¥ •• .. ...... .. " P1lm S•ri11t• m " P•to llObtu .. .. f'l'Ooelll1 "' • P!!hbuf91'1 " .. l"otll•lld " .. R••kl c11., ~ ,. lttd l lvft " .. ··~ " .. '-trl.....,,M " .. hllUMtCll'V .. " ....... " " S111 llr11KlkO " .. $ .. !!It " .. $..oil:IM " .. Thie~! "' .. Wet.ltlllfllptl .. " 1.u .n ·" ·" .H •• .~ I ~~ ~ ~~ c, • ••• •• •••• •• • ~ \.· ~ ~~ •• •••• ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• SALE ! 33 I/3 TO 40% OF F REG . 15 .00-35.00 FAMOUS MAKER SUITS YOU'VE EYED AND SIGHED FOR, NOW 9.97·21.97 SEE I-PC. TUNICS, TIERS, 2-PC. BIKINIS, PANELS, •• EVERY SHAPE, EVERY STYLE, EVERY '70 SUIT FOR SAND AND 'SEA, NOW SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THIS SPLASH OF A SALE. BE HERE EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION. SORRY, NO MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS. BETTER SPORTSWEA R. ROBINSON'S • STARTS FR ID AY JULY JI. WITH SPECIAL OPENING AT8:3<fA.M. IN BETTER SPORTSWEAR ONLY! ROBINSON'S NEWFORT • FASHION ISLAND 644·2800 --____ :o.:...i....::;_ I I ~ ( 1 t t d t 0 • • r. • ti • 1 s s I b ~ r • ( • r • F ) ! t ii 0 B t b " d • f ... c • c ' ' c c I I ' l I • r -I I 1 1 I ' l At Ease Marine Pvt. Jim Gardner fainted Tuesday during change of commend cere- monies for the Pacific ~eet Amphibious Force in San Diego. But be ~ained at attention despite his prone position. Congress Nears Mail Reform WASHINGTON (AP) Despke a skirmish over who gels the Jast Word on the )rice of stamps, Congres., is close to sending a sweeping reform of the mail service to President Nll:on. House and Senate conferees tentatively ironed out thelr differences Wednesday ui the bill, which wwld turn the post office into an independent, self-supporting, corporate-like agency and rotroactively boost mailrqen'a pay eight percent. Formal conference approval wu expected qulckly, clearing the way for final passage by eadl house within a week. 'lbe measure has been the subject d a yeaNll<l<>ne-balf struggle between the White House and CongreSJ. The only apparent stumbling block was a cha11enge, ex- pected to develop on the House floor, on a CIOfiqlCOOlise pro. vi!ioD that eli minat es CJonsress' 181-year _.u .. to approve lncreues in mall rates. 1 The agreelll<"t broulhl no advante a!.dterance f r o m Pootmuter Genoral Winton M. Blom. I. He· Wei he wmtl to see lint bow mud> conlrol It stvea the new postal tervtces over its rmances, and the extent of "spectal benefits to selected groups at the ei:pense of the taxpayer." Under the bilT, rates would be set by an Independent com--{.( * * Ike Takes FDR's Place On Stamps WASlllNGTON (UPI)-'lbe famous grin of former Prest· dent Dwight D. Eisenhower will replace Frankli11 Delano Roosevelt next week on the ' .. work horse'' six cent first class stamp. The new regular postage stamp will be dedicated in ceremonies Aug. 6, pos&ibly at the White Hou~ with Presi- dent Nixon ofliciaUng. His daughter, Julie, is the wife of Eisenhower's grand!on, David. Billions of FDR stamps have been aold !lnce they first went on sale in sheel fonn Jan. 29, 1966, and then In all! and booklet lonn Dec. 28, 1967. The st&1J1P wUI """ be retired. The Eisenhower stamp may not have as long a run. Nixon ·bas asked Congress to raise postal rates for fU'St cWs mail from slJ to eight cents. Prospecta for approvaJ were slight this election year but Congi<ss was expected to ap- prove post.al reform whidl woold allow the new postal authority to aet ILi own rates. Show Cancelled NEW YORK (AP) -Dort Schary, the Cl t YI S ron\+ missioner oC cultural affairs, says be baa bod to cancel four achedulecl -o! the Harlem Cullul'lll Festival for ladt o( lunch. Nowevtt, he announced Sun- day, the New York Sblkespeare Festival, which .... had been in linaoc!al dlf. flcUky, had recetvod .... ' tribullonl lllffldenl to oupport It tlrolljb AIJI. 2. The -Included $100.000 from the Slate AIU Council. THE BE ST R.1d1r1hip poll1 ''"' "'••· 1111+." It 0119 of the world'• i.iotf popwl•r co111lc tfript. Rood It dolly ltt tho DAILY ,ILOT. mission named by the presi- dent. H()IJSe critics want to restore ,language that would allow Congress to veto the commission's de cisi ons, although they doubt they have the votes to succeed. Critics argue that veto power for Congress is the only direct public weapon against whopping increases voted by the five-mer.iber commission. 1Chevelle $147 less* thin OIB'qnMous lowestprlc:ed hmdllop. ¥~'s ~~popular mid-siz.c car is now the t>west pnced mid-size hardtop. That's a fact. No matter what others may claim. I And here's another fact. Right now your Chevy dealer is on Chevrolet Savings Time. Great clearance deals on the Chevelle of your choice. Top trade-in dollars on your p~ntcar. It'1 like saving money on the be.L And how can you beat that? Thundly, July 30, 1970 DAil Y Plllll 1J Rain Scatters Smog NEXT . WEEK But Situation Nears Cris is in N.Y. By Vatted !'.-laltrulfGul Scatterd showers washed some of the pollutanta out ot the air over the eastern United States Wednesday. But a stagnant weather pattern was expected to keep the smog hanging over tne area at least until the weekend. brtakdowna in two &ener•t1na: plants. It has been cutting its voltage output by op to five pereenl during the al- ternoon boun when air con-- ditloning use is at a peak and the danger or a power blackout ls greatest. The rahlS also lowered the temperature, rtduclng t he power drain caused by alr cooditloaen. Con Ed's problem baa prompted the subways to re- dllCe their lse of electridty by sk.willg their trains, a move that might have encouraged some commuters to 1wltch to cars and add to the pgllutiOn problem. In New York, where the problem was aggravated by a power shortage, the situa~ tion approached the crisis poinl Mayar John V. Lindsay called the lint stage ol an air pollution emergency alert. Restrictions were placed on incineration by the sanitatio0 deperlment and munidpal Missing Items Revealed In Coed Murder Trial hospitals. • The mayor had want~d that H the smog situation continued it might be necessary to ban all priva~e vehicles below Cen- tral Park in Manhattan - an area ebeompassing the shopping, theatrical and finan- cial districts. But after the smog eased because of the preventive measures and the afternoon rain and wind, the mayor ruled out the limit on auto traffic, at least for today. New York's Con9olldated Edison Co. has been hard- pre~ in supplying elec- tricity for the metropolitan area because or extended ANN ARBOR, Mich. (UPl) -An aunt of John Norman Colllns testified Wednesday that several items, includlng a botUe of ammonia, were missing or mlsplactd in ber basement while she was on vacation a year ago, The prosecullon contend.! Karen Sue Belneman, 18, was murdered In the basement and that her body was marked by bums that could have b«n caused by a ho u sehol d chemlcal Margery Barnes, a nelghbor of Mrs. Stndra Lellt, WIS to take the stand today as CoWns' murder trial eonUnued in Wasfltenaw County Circuit Court. Nova $159 less* nllldnaltthe loMlt prlc:ed Chevy. Several months ago we introduced Novas at a Mra. Leik, wife of. SI.Ile Police Sgt. David Leik, said the ammonia, an em p l y bleach bottle ,and an empty detergent box were missing when she checl«d her lllllldry room after an 11-day vac1Uon. In addition, a wet rag with "dust or debris and hair" on it was draped over tbe edge of Uie laundry tub, she aald. Her husband tesWied earlier that Collins, who was to take care of the family dog, had a key to the house during the vacation. U n de r cross-examinaUon, Mrs. Lelk admitted she hacln't mentioned any of the misplac- ed items when she gave pollct a report after Collins' arrest. new low price. And your Chevrolet dealer may still have some le[L But you better hurry, because he's now offering 'um.mer clearance deals on all new Novas in stock. On top o[ !hat great $159 price reduction and dealer clearance savings, you get all the things those am.all cars can't give you. Like room for five people. NovL Our top saver. Putting you tint, kteps m tint. on ·ngslime. • I WE CHANGE OUR SIGN L.T.D. Harbor Store Only i We 'll hove o • brand new name HARBOR CLOTHIERS and j' a brand new method of ·! operation. High v9lume and low profit will bring you the newest styles in fine clothin g ot t ruly amaiing prices, THIS WEEK YOU SAVE AGAIN! ' 1 2 Choose from a huge selection of latest styl es. Single and double breasted in all popula r shades . DRESS SLACKS· ~PRICE SPORTCOATS ~=s $29 TO $49 2300 HARBOR, Costa Mesa Harbor Center on t~e ma.II· PHONE: 540-1500 o..-D•llu &:30 eo & (S•t. •eu • .. , l I • •' -• " • ,1 ' ·• ' ~ , .. • t ·-• ' ' .. .. .. f , ~ t I ' . ' • t " ~ ' ., - DAD:Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE . ·. -Government , ~ the public's l>usln--frcln tiie pub UC ba Jon& been one ol 111• m .. t clllllClllt wrongs to eradi· cate In Jeglallitive procedures at all i.Yela -federal.· ltate:_ county and local. • , •• • Tbe dr1ve !or secrecy ts uncl~able, enouitll. Elacted.ollltlals .don't reliob public (voter) sc!'Ut!nY"ol eqme ol their discussions and decisions. B~I s11ch Mc:racy ls lnCompatible with tho di!mocratic process. 'Ille public hos a right to lmow;tho public's busi· -· It'& tl>at aimpla.Alld a Qlajor J11(1 of a tree pre11 ja t0 Jl'I! a !]IOtllg&f OD ~tor.: aetiQaJ a£ whatever 1 .. e1. .. And so It wu encooraglnf last Monday ~t the BOUJe of l!tP.resentaUve decided to end wbet amOllOt& to Hc:ret ¥o)l)ig on .amendmelits to bills. 'Tbat secrecy -i.kJt to the begloD!ni of a natioail-Concr .. s. · Jt'I eocoutaging. to John Q. Public that even if the anti-secrecy bill fails to become Jaw,_lt ljk'oly will ~ copie the pO'ljcy of the· B°"'e ol ~tatjves .any· · wa.y. • . ' • :· ' It'• to be fervently hoped that thla' action at the federal level will not 1>e lost on the California Legisla· ture. '~ · At home In the Golden State-we .have a Legislature . =properly finds II esse~Ual !liat mee<fogs ·of and local l14W'.ilive bodies be open. Buj our I.-gl · lure hypocritically cobddcts a I/lg. part. rlf •late· , 1>u1nM1 tn closed' commtUee m.,ttngs\ . ' ' We also have a Leglsllllilre which refus .. <to · stiff"1! tbe.eonflict <if Interest statut¥ -leaving the way. open to graft and corruption In lb~· •tele'& affairs. ·Republi· can Speaker. RobertrMonaAIJ, ·after many months di staff work, Introduced a bill, ·a constructive oqe. which be has DOW withdrawn for1ack ol '1upj>ort. 1 cutrence of •om• of the 'venBI blatory'better forgotten than relived. · •Selcrecy involvln& the · public's bwm .. 1 and con-• · tlnued stanlrig .on ·the· curb on: conntct ol illterest are dlsgracelul abtises of !>Ower by our elect!'d state and federal npreseniatives. Judge· Diet as a Whple ' Could It be that Jack Armstrong, tile All American boy, bas all along bad feet of clay and now the Idol has lallen! · This was a question raised when one. Robert ~· Choate testitled against dry cereal! before the' su1J<;orri· mlttee on the consumer of the U.S. senate' Comlnittee on Conimerct. · · · · · ' Choate ranked 60 cereals by brand neme, ratio~ only three as first-class food. A good many types and brands wlilcb have been botisebold staples for many decades he placed far down the list, class!fylng a .num· ber as "empty· calories." So, who is Choate? He is not a nutritionist. He is a civil engineer who bas studied the food stamp plan . Qualified nutritionists across lhe country expressed dismay that anyone could so misrepresent a legitimate food. Cereals are In the four basic food groups for the iron and B vitamins tb~y provide, one of them pointed out, and not as a source of protein. I I ' r ~ !~ The gue~Uon before Californians ia whether we have 1 Legislature devoted to the fund am entail• of =pfiovernment -freedom ol'lnlonnAtion lllid · ty ol JO-enl at llDY level -' Ot. a re- Nevertheless, an average serving of dry cereal and eight ounces of milk provide about a third of the daily protein needs of a small child, about a sixth of the adult quota. And . presweetened cereals actually reduce the amount of su~a-r ingested. What eveey nutritionist knows, and Choate obvious- ly does not, is that the diet should be judged as a whole, not by just one item • 'Look • .J'/l tell you the score' after the game. What could be fairer than that?' • • . . :A Fav\,r.it,e Snack Pfuce ~Goes t,o Pot ' ' ) . ' f" l ' 1 . " : , .... • '.' .I t . ~ i!>'" • • ' ~~II; • •' ,·· ~.,,. If.' .... l One al fuf lavorlle inack i>iacei for Jund>""".-IWn over b7 -meeprnent, Ad rm .traJd tue Jt'a ' .. . . . • .... ..... to be the -qaln. Wblch 1,::;:...to _., about i.w-. '·'Ille -~ f .... tllo ..... ~.lt was tlourilhtq, with • Jarp and 11&1- I. -dleotele. '!lie tbef l"'"*l•t.11 l ~tocbanp It for Ibo wone - I In belp, In food ...i,111~ : :niJ .... fOlng 'to ~~ -.,. "" ' ~( • l nn K 1n1o the """""-l Why wwld anyoae do this! Yet It 1 happens time aod apln, In many , businesl ventures. Jt'a like marrying ~a woman becau.e you like ~tbe way :• --ood theo ~ }"' to ; a plutrc Mge<G to china• liii whole • bone muctur.. • ; I BA VI'! SEEN the 1111110 thing happen, llnapllcahly, In my own t.wlneq of jntWIJ>lperlng. Certain papen will buy , my column, and then proceed to chop j.il to death, lf.lvin( out hnprtant lprqraphs, or aildng It from the bottom ~up,. Ullllt what ii lei\ Ill haroly worth ~. : Otherl will 11111! It only I couple ol ,:days a week, inltead d the five da;ys tit ii written, and , then wonder, wey 1tt geb to little reader klenUficaUon and ; loyalty. While lhe papen running It five tdeyt have found that It bullda a lleady .ood lloadfMI -. Dear I Gloomy Gus: No one seems to have noticed that the Tix Reform Act of 1969 has lncnued tax lncenUvea for hav· lq cblktren but decreued tu ln- cenUvea fer getting married. -l. R. s. ,,. """" """"' .,....,.. wtNt. .. liic1111rttr ... " .......... .... ~,.,~ . ....., ....... , .... I MENTION TBD not out o1 pique or even 11'"'1 (my relmbunemenl la ~ ame, no JD&Uer bow infrequently tl'"1 ... ll), llal' ... ol ,,_ pmlemen~ Wbat Is the point of buying IOlll<lhin& ))o. cauoe you admire Its ""ltt1, and then clio-fliiriiic ... ·dollnl ti Oil la -.te .... -.·. Tllll't -to be ~ In-~ ltl!.-.ating about IUCh opera- 'tiaal." Tbe .rwtaurant wants 'to attract a wider cfientele, · but tt· u actually loolat "lnoll ol its , old cuotomen by fiddllnc ,Around with a menu everyone lihd 11111 dipended upon. In trying to please more kinds ol people, 1~11 llmply tradinl' off the loyalty of 111 "J'tllllm" for a nebulous futw. popularity ii canm poulbly pin. ONE HUMAN tenlfency uplains this in pwl We-are never as satisfied with aomething after we have obtained it as we thought we would be while striving to get it; we tend to over-value what we don't have and to disvaJue what belongs to us. l think this is •I true in the marketplace a In the marrtage- bed, and explainl the hll:h rate of bankruptcies u much as the hi1b rate of divorce. [ have to. look for a new anack place for lunch, 1 n d the owner1 will never know why the line bu dwindled in the doorway. No doubt they will blame it on the "ehangl:n1 nelchborhood" - when all that bu <hilnged Ill our loyatty to a lost cbeetetmger. ' ' c Need: More Who Care Some p e o p 1 e crlticl1.e the """11 for ltbe crime problem. Others blame the pnm., police or pennlalve partnll. Somo just wrinl their -But 250 peoplo ID 11-iD CcomtJ, Minn. are , doing oomelhlq about the problem. I TbeJ .. lbe Dllputment of Court ,Service --from -to tJantlon tt Pi.OlllJWm.J men, D help • b:ftc I ' I I lo llecoml law~ •If.. •retpeclitW -· They -Ive no pay. i,,,., ma:r -ve no thinks. But they i.do pt reau!U. f TllElll APPllOACll 11 to relate to ftbe -· u lrtoodl -to encourap :,. JIMll!t·lo.....,. to tchool, lo aultt a jol 'tlmato lo find a job or pl1119 jlo ... wl>ai'he lo-. to belp \11 ~.la • ,_.,._. ... "'" I ... ,. :•'' 5 )1. Om \IOhmteer pwi ... --motbor al !!ft jtllD ·-cauct>t thopll!lll(. ...,. •• ....-nclin her n\d • new at.art on life. pw,._,, a f1tber tmap for ~.-'W . blm • ..., fnlm clelln- ~ boll ol Ille ..,hmteen develot> 1tbllli ..... ntrtWiMlps wltb Jin I , ..i wlll MullldpaI and lllllr!ct ,Coalt llllmt 1 I ,,,. -proY1de tern- ,,.,., - -and help out at ,1111 ~ -llcbool or the Juvenile 'D 1 ge Qtollr. 'l1ll.J come to the Jft , mi --•w. 'lbl•owner ---~-1 flf a ""'41hr r'tw l I 1114-pmon- to 12• ---• . ._'he con!idered. to be "confuaed" young peo- ple. A c o m p u t e r 11lesman1 whol& grandmother WU IA lodian, thought he could aid Indian offenclen. 811Cll A. PROGRAM olfen many beneflll beyond whatever errect il might haft la r<duclng crime. The county ii Aved additional expense. when a· volwi-'s efforts make it •poalble to terminOte Jail or pn>batkio time for an otr.nder. Tbe volunteen Upancl the seopa ol the prolesslonal atalf and roduce the need to blre mo"' penonnel. And the VolUflleorw COl1le lo realize that port for the county profrln\I.. Perhaps 1llOll Important ol all is that the voluateer1 come to reallM that Crilno•ClllllOI be solved by I lock·'tm.up •pproecb. that offtndera 1Ull ire human beinp with deep pe"°"al pioblemt, IOd . that it ll poalble to ... .,.... - problema lhroqh penonal coocem. The l>ep&rtmtnt of Court 5ervlces IOd the Amicu1 program, which pr 0 v Id 'I volunteers for state prllon inmates, are aeddnc mort cttiltnl who c1rt. Whit beu.r....., to really•do oomelhl"' about Cl'ftnelnd-10? Mh''.,.U.~ Seas Detectably Chataged for lfo1·se Pollution of Oceans Nearing Cris~s Fmn far out et .... Thor HeY'!'fahJ radioed from hil popyruo boat Ra It that the Atlantic 0cean· is polluted by floating lumps of lolidilled asphalt-like oil from hori:r.on to horizon. Closer to home, surruner vacationen are finding beadle! covered with debria and oil. Raw Je'W8ge and wane bob on tidal bays and inlets. Fish and binls are t!reateiied. World-wide pollution <i 1he Ras ls ttlChing near-crisis proportions. The remotest partlii ol the oceans -1 .. dirt, fnlm ciU.. and Industries, DDT ~ clown from farms, llld oil -paafqr abipa. Ind leaIWic ""\ii. ~ M11aW Wll'M" 'Even the --i1 not hie fllOllll> lo 1"111 all o1 man's oll..u to dl!qe It. Tb• -... ~ detectably~ dlallgod ·~ 1-1 for the wane --4 ·~ changes , .. mulflpljjng and ~ ·more obs •toua every yur." ' ' SUCH PUBIJC!ZED dltaoten as the siflld1111 <i the ouperiaoker Torrey Canyon in tlll7 and the "blow-out" of an oil well ·in the Santa Bari>ara Cllannel two years later allzacted 'fldesjx<ad at· tenU«i. Yet u damagii:w as these cataa&tophes were, they are only part of a larger problem. "It's the clay.(O.day Editorial Reeearch stuff that'• killing ua -the chronic oil polJuUon that nobody cares about in the headlines," 'says lA, Cmdr. Paul Sova, a Coast Guard Law enforcement officer in New .yon, The lilll al <lant<n ii lol1I! and growiog. Wl>le the flcl& tplmtl exlJllng marine pollufi<to lUbtrt!iY begun, new ~al -... bOlng produa.d .......... Gl tot1 to · ... ~. Tenken twice es l•l'ff as the TGmJ Canyen are wlder conttruction in West German and Japanae yard!. Dredging to ac- COllll110lllte . -. '""" ships ·--l\lrtat to nw1ne Ille. 'll\ermal pollub·by nuc1eer._.rec1 ....,..itng planll Is -be< ,..,,..,. of potential pollutlOn.' THE RESVLTS OF spreading pollution are readily visible. More than .one-tenth of the 1~.7 mtllilll IQUate mllel ot :itie!J.. fish pn>ducq waten bordering the United SCates hive be<ll .dec:lmd Uliil fOl'"'U&e because of pollution. Over-ex- ploitation of marine food resources have resulted in near extinction of certain species oC whales and seals, Pacific sardines and Atlantic salmon. Fin rot -a deadly bacterial disease linked to pollution -is attacking a wide variety of valuable fish between Fire Island, N.Y., and AUantic City, N.J . Marine life is decreasing at a time when the surge in world population dramatizes the need to tap the sea's resources. Accelerated cmcentration of people on the world's ooasts -45 percent of Americans m>w live in.. coastal com- mttri:lties -have agtavatcd the 'ipollution problem. An estimated 48 millioo tons of solid wastes were dumped .oU U.S. coasts in 1961. n.s will iocrease seven- fold within the decade. • OTHER COUNTRIE'i also are con- fronted by the Jfoblem ol overuse and misuse ol their coastlines. The year 1970 has been proclaimed "European Conservation Year'' by the Council of Europe -"and not a moment too soon," writes one observer. The Rhine has been pollUted for years and other European rivers hli.ve begun to suffer the same fate. The British Alooociation ol Public -"'e;,., e?: !/; ' ~,, t) • I Analy warned on June 29 that tbe seas areund Britain were in danger oi becomillg "biological deserts." Experts note that even if the natims or the world were to launch an all-Out errort against marine pollution, it sUll v;ould be difficult to control. Lead from gasoline exhaust entering the ocean toc!ay will be circulating or deposited on the sea floor centuries from now. More ·oil can only ll'OIJJ)e the workl's waters. 'Canadians Feel Threatened by U.S. JEr.,5EG, N. B., Canada -ll ls hard. In these rustic precincts of Canada's Maritime Provincts, to focus o n America'• role as a Gru.t Power. But once one begins to talk to Canadians, or to listen to their radio and te1evis1001 or to read the.it newspapers, it is no longer so hard. One realizes then that as our rhetoric has swelled and oUr performance dwln· died, that innate disbelief In our govern- ment that was Lyndon Johnson's legacy to his people has spread across the border. For example, the Canadian Radio and Television Commission bas just p~ mulgated tome new rules, quite clearly in response to what the government at least feels Is the national mood. 'l1lf:le provide for 1 "Ca nadian content" m both the e;ovemment and private TV networks ol up to 60 percent The rules thus sharply limit here the number of U.S. entertainment programs, either as a part of U.S. network programming or as reruns. THIS IS, TO BE SURE, a form ol' import quota: It will serve the same function as import quotas usually do. It will provide increased employment for Canadian performers and technJcians and incrtued investmtJ1t in plant and equlpmenl But It i$ also, as import quotas often are, a fonn of retaliation -en almost hostile tt:action to a feeling of being amotbertd by us and a barely su~ Cllllldous rejection of our claims to moral le&denblp oo the oonUoenl, Jet aJomlatheworld. c.udlanr feel threatened by the United Slates Ind are no looger willing to tab us for sranted. They ban steadi- ..---••· Gee.,,e ---, CONFIDENTIAL TO SATUR· DAY EVENING POST: U my m11uine ls late just one more w,.t, I'm going back to Collier'• -that11 why l quit them. In lhe first place! ly perceived the folly of Vietnam , and now they see its danger -lo us and to them. ENORMOUS EXPENDITURES in Viet· nam have brought about our inflation, and our t.ff0f1,I to fight inflation ·without substantially diminishing its cause - the War -have brought WI a recession: Naturally tn00gh, coosidering ou r ~t position lo the Canadian eco& omy, our war and our refusal to pay for it have led to a Canadian innation and to a Canadian recession. Unemployment here now stands at more than half a million jobless, a rate ol over 6 percent compared lo the U.S. rate of 4.7 percent. One Ganadian, high In his party's coun. cits, is ready to concede that much of Canada's calm and peace is purchased at tbe price of U.S. activity. He is ready to pay slightly more for manufac-. tured goods because he includes in the price the absence of the factory, the workers, the fumes and the strife that the goddess of development invariably carries in her luggage. BUT HE CONTENDS that it ~ galling to a Canadian to be told he cannot get money for a home mortgage becawe something called the Federal Reserve Board of lhe Uniled Slates has decreed that the price of borrowing Canadian money will be too high and the supply of money is too short. The government of liberal Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau is in many ways Canada's first "modern'' political entity -the first to ulllite the New Poiitics, to ma ster the teQI· inques o( public relations,· mass com- munication and sensitivity to -and , at times manipulation of -public oPin· "'"ion. So it is no accident that pervasive 1 distrust of the United Slates is refledtd 1 in official policy. - Sharing Driving Costs T~E G<IVER~MENT has. just ~bliM· ~d its new foreign policy White Paper- 1 "Foreign Policy for Canadiahs" -and even a cursory reading indJcated that Canad~ans look bleakly on ~ P.f'OSpecls <lf lheH' southern neighbor. "What are the i~plications of sharing the North !-mencan continent with a super stateJ" is one of the major questions asked. The-answer seems lo be "Not very promising.'' "As lone aa you are doing the driving, let me pay for the gasoline." Suppose that you, as the driver, accept this kind ol an off tr from your pa ssenger. Could such an arrangement knock out your liability Insurance in case of an accident? After all, liability policies often do say that the driver must not use his car to carry "pauengers for hire." NevertheleJs, In a number of cases, courts have held that the insurance coverage b still in effect. 'Ibey reuon that a casual payment by a pusenger, just to be sociable, does not really mean he ls "hlrlng" the car. But suppose the arran&ement ii tomewhat more formal. Take tbls aitua· Uoo ' A YOUNG MAN hf.ldlng for a Florida vacation took along three passengers -111 of them atrangera. Before they sllned oo the journey, he oollect<d from each J>Juencer a flat fee u payment for tr1nsportatlon. Here, 1fter an accident on the highway, the drlvtr w111s Informed by his insurance compony that his li•bil~y policy did oot protect him. Law in Action And , after litigation, the court agreed with the insurance company, The judge said that even though the driver was not a regular "carrier", he had indeed been carrying "passengers for hire" on this occasion. lN THE FINAL analysis, )'OOl' ln- suranct coverage will depend on the , exact language ol your own particular policy. Many modem policies do have a specific provision allowing yoo to carry -on a share-the-cost basis -such passengm as friends , nelgtibon, fellow workers, or school children . It is a wise precaution, before col· lecting any bot the mo!d lnform1J con· tribuUons from panengtrs, to check your insurance policy first. Otherwise, you may be caught wilhout an ln~rance um ·,rella when you need ti most. An Anicrica" Bar Associat ion public seri.i ict ftou,re blJ ivui Bernard. By Frank f.fanldewics and Tom Brade1 ------ Tbursday, July 30, 1970 The editorial PQO• oJ the DafJ11 Pilot seek& to inform and rtfm. ulott reader• btl prtimttno thts new,,,aper'1 opinion.t and com- 1Mntofll on tapics of intcrrat and lignificonce. b11 providhtg a forum for the erprtulon of our readtrs' opinion.a, and bu prestntina tht diver1t view- point.I of Informed ob1trvt,.1 and .spckesmen on topici of th"I dau. Robert N. Weed, Publisher I / , 1 ( p b • • e b ii h u Panther Leader Court Decision ) ' ' _To Free\Newton? I ' SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -1· refusal Wedne<day to ovl!ltum A California upper court a lower court dedslon whleb dedslon paved·the way today 1 reversed Newton's voluntary r.. tbe poalble. rel.,se on i manslaughter eoovldloa. ball of Block Panther luder 'l:he founder o1 the Black Huey Newton. \Panthers has spent nearly two "Frankly, I es:pect to &et yean ·in state prison for the blm ou\ earl)" next week," slaying of an O a k I and Olarlea Garry, the P-.rs• policeman. Ito faces retrjal etlmoey, sald after tbe courl'I oo -.OllQ' manslau1hter LA Slayings Suh~~s ' ' . With"dr-aWll . ' LOS , ~GELES' (UPi) ~ 1be kovernmen't bu Wltbdrawu subpoenas ordering fiV. Los Angeles pollce ol- flcera to appear before a fedsal graod j u r y ln- vastlgatlng lbe slOylng ol two Mexican nationals. U.S. Attomey ROOert L. Meyer sald Wednesday be ask- ed U.S. Dlolrict Court Judge A. -'-Hauk to quash lbe subpoenu because of a police department policy otaUng that olficers who refuse to testify are aibject to dism18sal. However, he said the of- ft.cers will be "invited" to teotlfy vohmtarily II Ibey feel able to. C~ble_Car Trip Pays SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Tho city Public UtlllUe1 Commission has vnted to pay Gloria Sykes 151,258 on bet' cJalm that a cable car accident made her oversex- ed The declJion Wednesday came after a court verdict In Milla Sykes' favor follow· ing a trolley crash in 1964. The settlement • < c 0 u 1 d have been wone.'' 6he of Ille . . laid. charpa. . Court observers said the Alameda County trlal court """Id probal>ly allow bond because the charge agam.( Newton. was no longer murder. Ro wu orig\nllly llied for llrst degl'ee munler in the shooll!of ol pollceJ!um ~ ..... Frey ht 1187. The jury found bhn guilty oi voluntary manslaughter and he was aeotenced to two to 1~ years. Tho Stala COurt ol Appeal overturned the convktlon in ~ on groonds lbe trial judge erred in his instructions to the jury. The appelliate court ordered a new trial. Judge Ends Housing Suit With Decree LOS ANGELES (UPI) - A Housing discrimination suit involving more than 8,000 apartments in the Los Angeles area has been settled, ac- cording to an announeement by the Justice Department. Attorney General J oh n Mitchell said Wednesday U.S. Di.strict Judge Olarles H. Carr approved a decree which in- cluded several u n I q u e guidelines designed to halt racial diacriminaUon ln hou .. ing. The decree was agreed to by the two firms which own and manage moet of the apartments involved - Consolidated Hotels of California, Inc., and Tragniew, Inc. '111.e suit filed March lZ charged that the firm s discriminated a g a in 1 t Ne- ( groes. 0 ' Tloondq, .lulr JO, 1970 'Power' Taetles . • ,., .. Tax Reform Opposers Pressured • • l..--·- SACRAMENTO (AP)-'llle GOP 1-.i.Jp decided -Aid, "Idlueollal by tbe avvemorbelGre Satllr- Reag an admlnlttratloa Wednudayavtalngnottortslt people In lbe -ol day or ella Iba lu _o.,n alrategy today wu "lei a low an\l!bOr Sonate roll call . vote '"""""•olloJ'aplnltlbeblll .._..,id !Gae mwe fllall '1 mor. boi(• sweat a Hille lllill....,. at the earnest. .an trytoc to aert....,. aoo(I 1ri1111a1 a day. more" In an effort to cet "--blymah William · T, old I-eel beat , .ll>eet • 'lllt -"!iii ·1111ra In llo lbe govenoor•1 ta....,,,,, pro-Bqtey (Man Anlehno), Ille powv.'' ' l!ate -lu. 'lllllld IO Into cram tl>rouglo the Senato. llilhl< . of tbO two-bill lu But loe 1114 there had -ellect ... llatsfiia'. brlollDc "Sheer-er" a ~at ·revt&lia protram, •aid no ..,.._,_ -Ibo In --..... -"'~a called il ~-• .,...._. '. ·--and ~ .. of ~;;;:far. ,..,.~.;; 'JI07~r;; :;--1 The blllloo mllar package G!>(lOaitloa ...-. are bcln& llapo,obU... .,.,_. that -fl -pro. remained stalled Jn I he aaked to ,..-ire lbem to-the p-am had to be lipld per\)' lu nllef. \ Senato, one vet. oby ril chan(e their -·· 1--;::-:--'-:::---==::::=:--:::::-~~-=----= pusage, followtng the maJoil "A lot ol 11D1tors are g~; elecllon year flgbt between ting a lot ol phone calla, · lla'publlcan Gov. llaagmo and Bagley .aalcl. legislalive Democrall. · , He sald loe Is coontlng on "pmsul'e from people wbo A dozen Democrala and one -be bellelilled . by lu Republican Clll)tinued lo bold · . ., . • out against the plan and relief. Reagan fortes admitted they Sen. George Molcone (J>.San couldn't budge the Republican Francisco), a leadln1 op- -Sen. Clark Bradley al San -~ sald Ibis la coming Joee, -iD the cae of some Ills--·' .... :r-·-,.w la GBOSTTOWN al ltNO'JT'SI .. ,_ MODOC CREWMEN TELL HIGH SEAS DRAMA Engineer Ha11el (left) and First Mate M.atrup "Let a few more bo1S IWUI -' -In the form of a Utile more," said Senate ~ tram potegtja) cam-- President "'° tern J • ck pallD coatrlbuton. Schrade (R-San Diego). He Oftoo, lloey an buainessmen made the ciomment after Ille 1'tlo are countJnc OI\ gettlng · a bruk by the permanent Skipper 'Flipped . Lid' Tugboat Crewmen Say Colorado Farm Group Joins Chavez SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - The crewmen of an ocean· going tug say they seir.ed con- trol of the vessel because the skipper "flipped his lid .. and pulled a pistol on them, but the captain says it was just plain "mutiny." Two versions of the events on a bliarre 6,300-mile voyage of the tug Modoc unfolded Wednesday on opposite sides of lbe country as the Coast Guard opened an investigation to find out what happened. The crew members told a San Francisco bearing they took command of the newly· built vessel off lbe coast of Mexico because she was "just wanderlog around" and con- fined the captain to his cabin. The skipper, Capt_ Harry J. Ramsey of San Francisco, told mariUme attorney W. E. EWers in Washington, D.c·., that be locked up lbe first mate and charged him with mutiny aft.er he found the vessel in only six fathoms of wat.er and far off course. 1be first mate, Christian "Ted" Ma.strop Jr. of Petaluma, Calli., said the cap-DENVER . (UPI) -StrWng lain threatened him with a lettliCe · workft. tn tbe SID gun on the morning of July Lull Valley Wednelday joined 13 while the Modoc was on the United Farm Worten its maiden voyage from NeW'--Organillng 'Committee, AFL- Orleans, where she was built. CIO, fl Delam, Calif., a [arm to San Francisco for delivery labor task force official aaid. to the owner, River Lines. The announcement w a a Mastrup said be was asleep made by a Father Doug 1n his bunk and when be open-<nmer, vice-chairman of the ed his eyes be found himaeH task force wbldo Is sponsol'lnc "staring into 'the muzzle Of a 100-mlle march from Pueblo, 1*tol." . COio., to the state capllol In Mastrup said he asked the Denver Aug. J-9. captain what was going on A news conference was and W"I! told he was being acheduled Thlll'lday by the placed under arrest for the Colorado labor council to ex· "safety of the ship.'' He said plain term! ol lbe afflllaUon the skipper then waved the agreement. gun in his lace and said: "'!'hi& Aboul llJO Cblcano farm baby is loaded." workers have been on at:r1ke Maslrup said the captain since early June agalnlt twn lmprlsooed him Jn a rope lettuce eompanlea in Center, locker which was very hot, Colo. They are pn>testini low reeked of paint fumes and wages and substandard houa- contained oaly enough air for Ing. four or five hours. The march ts be l n g "We figured the guy wu coordinated by the task force mad, so we got aome rope on behalf of the Dicho Y and tied blm up," Hassel sald. Hecho Fann Worbn Union .. We didn't trust him." of Center. cut in titie ~JSlr"•" in'l!!Dtor)' lu ooatalned In lbe Reagan pockage. -eonlanded. HILP US BUlLD THI NIW 50 Mmlt OL.,MlilC PooL . . ''SWIMATHON'' NIWPORT llACH 'TIMNIS 1i ·--CUllS·-· ----"· -' Swum to Datea 414,200 yartb. 1111 ~> . -. . ABIO!!fnl Jtlll .lo H ralsetl $11,170 . / .. Who Will Conie In Plrar • ·• • ·· ' The . SWllilniers Or The Com11111nlty 7 WE NEED YOUR DONATION OR PLEDGE-:.... NOW! Dotatch and Mall To: Olympia Pool -lox 100, Coata. Mou 92627 N1nte •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.• ' Address . : ••..•..•..••••••••• ;, ••••••.•••.•••.•••••••••••••••••• fl Amount lnclosed ................................... , •••.••••••• : . . SVJ,"P~RT YOVR YOVTR• •J, , ' . . . . ' ' . ' ,. '\ ·-. .. .. I ~ .. , • SAV .NGS· . 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The covers ert hardback, w1shable, durable, end in COLOR, And beautiful color illustrations on almost eech page make you anxious to try each delicious re· cipe. So liurry in-,durlng th"e GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION en·d pick up your two cookbooks. Each selection will be given eway on e first come, first serve basis. 2, Hova insured sofaty of yo" money, 3. Kaep your money doso to home. 4. Get the best •ncl friendtiest iorvice in town. , 5. Get moro FREE Sll'Vicos, •• a customer; .thon ony otMr ploce orouncl: · FREE Trovoler's Chech up to $2500 without sorvlce cha...,1 F R E E Notary Pubr.c service F R E E Chec:lt C.shin9 sorvlcf F RE E Trust D...I note colloclion with eoch $1000 acc.ount. F R E E , Poit•go pold anvelopos, incl nacouory forms, to moke deposits or withdrowls bt ...-il To tramfor an occount you hove alsowhere to DOWNEY SAV!N&S, slmply lif"'9 In your - book, Wo'I hondlo aD the details in tr1mferrin9 your account without cost, effort, er ...._..., enc• to you. GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR 2 .. emER<; HOMES AND GA~ENS. ·COO"BOPKS . . --·-- - - - --- ---.i--- - ----. • • ltl111 ti.le •.v,.• .. .,..,. MW,. Hltlikrh"', Oo•IM't $1vlf1f• .tfl11 1t 10111 A41fll1 A .. 111111 lfl, H11r1ti119t.fl h1th. It 111tfti11 y11t .. 2 ...... , H1m11 111tf S11'1r11. Coo•k••• tr-I Ji-,11lar 11l11fl111t. limit, inly 2 cook• !.Hh ,,, f•Uy, Offer 1"41• J11ly J l~t ••• GRAND OH~INe offer 11fyl ' o,.. '"' ''"""' .. DOWNIY iAV1N&S -4!1t1t VH "'' "'.,.... .... ff1k1. Yow wlll'11,. tM hltfi••t S1Ylllf1 1114 t..H t.t.r.d .r•fH.· ..... ...,.. wlll ....... MlllY FAll """''" .,..lltM• Mff n a DOWNIY SAvtH5S cv1t.Mr • .._ • .m ........ 11•"'· ' ' .j ·- .. ·- Thut$day, Ju~ JO, l 970 QUBNIE-~ lly Phil lnterlandl l .'.) • "'Don't panic, ~it's not 'ho-.ho time• agaiii-Jlm " . just taking it to the cleaners.: • • .Detnoct,at DoctoJ:, W omqn Fig~t1·o~ S~x WASHINGroN • Jl(!'.I> -parti~warly ~ in her Hubert H. H .11tm p ft r e y • 1 menopause years. personal phy!iclan lw; bec'ome Berinan, a emt friend of embroiled in the bot·fiP.t over the former vice president, women's rights with1 Rep. commented at the session: Patsy Mink, CD-Hawaii), .as · "All things being equal; I his.main antagonist. would slill rather have had 'Ibe rGW between · them a male John F. Kennedy make began at 14r April 30 meeting ihe Cu~ati: missile deci!tonS of the Democratic Committee than a female of isimilar., age on NaUOnai Briofi~ti)vhen who could posalbly J>e',sutijed ' ,_ Dr. Edgar F. Berman sug-to the curious mental aber- gested that a· woman president rations of that IP.: group." might ..,fail in a crisis, Mrs. ·Mink: wh~' had railed ' lh'e"Women's Hgtits toplC, has Flying Cars • Possible Say,$ .. f .irm .. been furious ever since. On June 23. she fired off a Jetter to Humphrey accusing Berman ·of demonstrating "the bas"esf sott 'of pi'l!!judiee against women." "As a physician, his use of the menstrual cycle and menopause 1o rid.icale' Wtm1 VAN NUYS {UPJ) -APoa· .a.n$1 fQ .c.ar{cPi!l.!~. 11!1. ?'.omen tiac Fireblrd may be winging · as neurotic and emotionally over the' San Fernanda Valley u"balaneed · · was · a.s · · Ur before the end of this year defensible and astonishing as while it's assembly I Jn e those who .sun believe, let brothers crawl aioog tbe ~lo8:· alone dare to state, that the aed freeways. Negro Is psycbolopcally in- Tbt Advanced Ve h Io 1 e ferior:," the ~ Engineers Co., based here, an· 'Wrol;e. , nounced Tuesday plaM fqr a Humphrey: wrote. back that "flying automobile" ~blcb ·he had not aplpointed hiJ doc- would utilize an airplape tor to' the ~· · tee and ·ad- frame and engine that ®ld ded that w e' he dillgreed be atlacbed to a . modjiled wllh Ilerma4. lie was "entlfled atandard automobile. tt> his. point Of view." It plans to make a test on July 14, Berman wrote ftJlbt wbh' the' P on t la e Mn. , Mink, remarking that P'.ireb'trd -'before the tind of her "feline plpy of equating the year. my dissent with racial pre- ffenry Smolinski, engineer· judice certainly does not president of the firm, said reflect even m a I e con· all Detroit would have to do gressional 8 t an d a r d s of is modify the dash board debate.,. slighUy to allow for air io-He said Iler letter wu "a itruftieri\s and' make some minor adjustments in the roof typical example of 1 n so the airframe could be at· ordinarily controlled woman tached. under the raging hormonal Im· The plan Is to make it possi· balance or the periodic lunar ble for anyone to convert his cycle thus p~ving the point automobile into a flying car against which you fail." by merely backing ,into the A3 a possible peac.e gesture, air frame and snap the pieces · beJI commented : "'I'tle ·same together. glaridular secr~Uons which you Wben the car is backed into say do not exist endow most the. airframe, according .to .-t,eal y.i~men with their most Smollm.ki; 'tfour-pim are in· endartrig and'. genteel charms serted to Ioc)< 1bft tw~ •nd • _,ch•'l":' which h'lp balance at the same time ·ednfel't the ~ind fertrain the aggressive car's .standard steering wheel ·male · 'With-his · / 11 n t y · tntO ·8n .. 1iircr'aft •Conti'o1.· RUd~· chaiacteristlcs so imPoSed by der pedals snap into position his hormones." beneath the driver-pilot side ;=========.! of the vehicle. FAIR ''The!:l, with the insertion of two. niore pins .holding ~.ut, f~!'· f•c tw•I!· lll•~• struts from the wing :to~eitber: ifltr•• '""""' §'I'll "" f•ctori '" ·d f th th · op•r•'ion 011 tht· DAILY Pll01 s1. e o e ear,, ,, e 81.l'CBf td.ltoriil .p•9~~·..,.rv. d·•r• will be ready to f).y. · ·, •· · · "'" · '· - '.I • budfet tour to SM irllldsco. mm $54.50 ' (plus. air I are). Disappear brieny on a thrifty PSA lour. Turn up ~!!!~ at the Top of the Mark, lri Ghlrardem Sfiuare. Asherman'• Wharf, or cruising lhl! Bay. Hotel a (two nights). famous reslauranis, nigh! Ill&, mini extt38. Want to know more about PSA'& San Francisco l!lng that atre!ches days and dollars'? C.N )«Jr travel agent CW' PSA. PSA st-you • llft. • ., . .. ' i~ • • ~NtE 1929 "WHIT~E FRO.NI .. . .... -- • ~ . . AllASTIC ·P11CE sl.AllM f · . 3DAYS.0NLYI---- ·, fftl~ *.Pl.* SUN. . HUllY JOI.Ill SAVllllS · lf._; ::ffl· ALL '100 DIPAl1Mlll'ISI P RICES Ef FlCJIVE THRU SUM ... ~UG. 2 --~Ke.:cJ.:/T·· -- ' ' • Nomial, gentle " ... . · & permanent press washing cycles • Choice of wash & rinse· water teriip-· eratures • Nine th orough rinses • Holds big loads. · • Adjustable thermpsiat acid oual van air flo ·· puts just the ·temperature · -· • • DILIYEIY & NQRMAL · INSlAllATION IWCLUDlD you want in any room • • 4 pushbutton ·con- trols for fan speeds ~ exh.1ust venting • , 1 1 • P[ex:o.Mount fits vii ndows 26" to 40112 1 • wide. WESTINGHOUSE 'AMIFMPORTABLE EnjGy long range re~ptkln arrd crystal clear tone. Vernier sliOO ru!e tuner and full ~died 4" speaker. Attractive cabinet with ooying handle and 30" , leles~~ng on· .. ·2 4· '9 7. tenna; · · • 'OUI llG. • PIKl19.t7 f ~ baby oil 1'=d ,.,_,._ . ... .. Si . . . ~ S . ·~ . .,a\tl '·· 1,.,. ... ~ •• · .. ·l"1 , .. tl\1,tf.'tl . ,.. :1 -r: :: 1 .~ ' ii " I I : i 1, l I ~I • Com~ • Solie e·uilt-in ing hai {meas.1 PHI 701 •·Solid $i stereo ph matic chc off • Pt. 111ced sou OUI lgG CASSI IAM Record and · directly frort mike. Snap. controls. Wi.~ ~at· teries and blank cas-- sette. . .. ;IAHA •W•llt •Nill (ltfHt ------. - -.,--. -~--~-•~ii ,_,---,,,_-;:>>o=_,,,.--., -,.--or"' < ,,..,,~ ·--· -----·· --~~=-----·---···~-----•......-...,........,..--------- ,· • Built-in antennas • All channel VHF /UHF reception • Slim line cabinet with car ryi ng handle. '· AfJIOllflA cosr WNlfl,PIONr·s 1 YEAR PARTS& lABOR Sfl V/Cl WAllANfY "GUARANTllb:TCJ BE O.NLY I J)f3BIAHOS LISTED r ·'°"'ILCO ~ , - • •~lid $tale ampllf1erand .Mt/fM-FM stereo radio• 4-speed1 ,di ,!,, stereo phono with auto-'t• • matic changer andshut-29997 .I ·-·~"" -. "' off • Acoust1ca!ly .bal-' ' I ' anced soond system. I OUl IJG. PIK.I 349.97 r. . I ' Dlll'IOT' ffOOK.IJP JNCltrm 4.99 97 .. ·;>.• SINCE 19l9 ·wHITE FRONT SAVE 840 TO .s5·c WE'VE CHECKED d AND FOUND THEY ~THER STORE$ 'SO FOR THIS WAR HARGE UP TO WHITE FRO llAHTy • • • AT LY HO . HT THERE IS ABs01un. COST OR H(DOEN CHAlfGES! &%. ~ RIYl'AN ;a~'g'&F11Y ~AN .of ~eavy lE CASSE11f ~.llB &AM-1Cll8 'ecord and play back a~ywh.ere-recttrd 1rectly from radio· or with,re~ote. COf'llrol 1ike. Snap--in cassette loading, 'si!Tljl!e ontrols. '" Ian~ cas-: ., .. ~lte. . 0~~~ I I I U -STATEMf/FM lllTAl Cl.ID RAlillt' ·. I L!!ng1 low modem style clock radio tells lf!e time · I of da~ at a glance. SolUI state,.lnstant play chas-1 . sis', AFC switch for drift-free FM. ff.eat gift idea. •,. . 299 ~· I .:.~~:::;. · ' . I N I PRIC£ :~ ~~ :.3·4·:97 . . ,,,,7.... ..... .......... ""'"""""" . . .. . ne extra ~o!dilfg power I ~ .. -_ .. hair spray !llall keeps. a :: ·.;~:5e\~s-set e'ien .1n the ram. .. -- · 13 oz. 1erosot ~n. oua1t:5.P1Ktt.11 3.3 oz. llllfOSOI can. Jr. .. clU<les price ofl label Otflt RIG, PllCltk • a ummum. Ha ~o~, poppy red or rves~ f1111slt; black b 1 1. avoeado 3 OT a e tte handle, . TL£ • llHfS ll/H' TEAK£r. · Wlt/t tfJgge Choice of .L r spout 11arvest gold • PY red O[ BVOcalfo. • P<lP· ••• 6 . . 92. j • •tej . . ' ,w:, y.,.; ' • • -----..... . ---GU/Lr£0 •·11·t· -, •. ---.--. , Olliited "" ,.. " ' --... 'Oiled :01"'· padded lid, l :;:ct SArrw orat<M"cofors· Choice of dee. I · 'rods.~~ ~ank ori tensiori I ,,,.,, doo ' •~•sand glic/e. M 9 "·Matching co•- •OW • 97 ' I ~ .. ONLY .,,..., I 9 .7 . f'ttc:111.,, I 3 •••• .. Pltlrc11s.tr T'tlllrsday, J\lty 30, 1~70 ' • DAILt P.ILOT 9 • Old Man H u n ted ' .. Scoffe d-at Story . Of W.ealth Pr oved McMINNVlLLE, T"e n n . (UPI) -several weeks ago a doddering old man wa_J¥1ered into McMlnnville, t e 1'1' n .& authorities he had. lOl.t his life savings · of more than $7 ,000 while searching for . relatives. · Tuesday, two young boys racing thelr mlnlblteS across a field on the west side of town ran over a , waterlogged paper l/&g. Money '"luirted in· to the air, Ooatlng over the field. Police .Chief Charles Ree~ . said . W~en the Money was counted,· there vras'16;9'4 ,plus ~a~ ~==er~~ra\:t .. ~IJ«n "Everyone was . pretty -'el· cited," said Reeves .. '('h'e boys, Mu H8.aten,.'12, abd ,Ti,m Win· t ton, ·a.. thought they had • discoYef,ed a baqk robber's cache.-.. · Then, one of •tl:ie '.det>uu~ . recalled· the old man who had lalk~ of selling his ~me in • Athens, . Tex. ~ wrapper on a thick stack of $100 bills bore the stamp of an Athens bank. So did a binder on a groUp of $10s. • "No one really took. the old man ~iously . He didn't have a penny in hi! pockets and we had to keep him hi jail for four. or five·days ," Reeves said: '.'He wasn't charged .-ith anything." . • Mari:µs Biles, a pOlice radio ~ disptacher , remembered the old man's name-J. B. Earls. Someone else recalled Eirl's futile' search few relatives In the McMiMVille area. "But," Reeves said, "we were never able to rmc1 any ot his kin· folk." "He ,came-. here on a bus and told' • ·1te·~ 1~· off O!lllide o( l<>wtl-Ht llld b• was afraid someone would take the money off him and so be hid it in' a. fi~ld," Reeves , recalled. l The officer who · ha~ taken ·Earls to jfil con4ucted a ·seartft of several fields aJong lhe city limits but loimd only ;.empty beer cans ~ ·diacard· ed lrash. Finally, the county ,welfare board purch.Ued ,\hf 1'old geptlem8'1" a train U_c;;l(et ba~t to Athens and McMinnville -.procoe~ed to forget blln. , "We'll try · ·to :1QC4te him now," Reeves said. He added the 1mooey would be .t'llt in - a Qt:e unut E,lrb can be found. I In· Texas, 'Atbeo1 Olief ol Police S. w, Harris said E'1'1s lived in ••shack QUtlkle the city Umlta, '1But we 're not going oot there . t o"o l &l! I because we don't want to get shot." . Harris said the man had one daughter but they >'lel'e not on·speaking terms . The ·. officer ·relate<I that Earls had recently visited the Henderson County courthollse showing, the money to anyone who would take the time to talk to birn. , '1We 1 never knew , anything about rutn having Jn)' mon~ before then," Harris aald ... He usually ju!t wain· around town trying· to get · oomeone to listen to him. Nobody ev~ took hbn serloosly. He's jllll an old hermit." ' FBI Gets Man-A·sks Others to Form Line LANSFORD, Pa., (UP,J) :__ sought in. four other ciUes. Accordlng to an ·FBI agent. They .were Boise, ta~. for Charles P. Blumenhelm is bad 'cb~Q and pafo,le viola· being "held for everybody. ll's lion, Lu --Vegf;S, N,v., ·for a question of who kf:ts M unlawful ntghf to · avoid C9rl- 11ne firSt ." fineinent, 'Norfo!l. vi.' fot" Hr ~ ·A u t ·~ c> r I t i • .' s identiried terst.ate t~Oh: ol a 1 Bluffien!}elm Tuesday night as atoleb. car, ahd Butte, Mont.~ 1 a man wanted in five atatel for unlawf\11 flight: to avoid 1 arid u!lni mote than a: dozen confiDemtnt after e.Cape from aliases. 1 • • • the Idaho State· Prlton in 19U. He was aO"eS~ tiere ·Mon-Th'e : FBI Said Blufnenhelni diiy· night 'aft!r , ~ pOliceman gave . his born~ a4'1reu as thought . h~ resembl.ed a ~kewood, N.J., and C}ticago.1 WUUam· Charles Ayers, 25, He was 'held 'in ·Carbon Jlsted in FBI' flyers as wanted County PrllOll neir · J I m · in Chicago on riot and· con-Thorpe and · the· FBI safd spiracy charges. autb«iUa I n, Wublngton Police said the susp!Ct then would probably atteq,t to ex· , identified himsell as Carl E"•-;;;tr;;;a;;;di;;;l<;;;tbe;;;;;;;;;"";;;pect.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, Ayers, 33, of Bellingham, J• Wash., and was wanted in that city on bad check TAa AMwtn 'l'tw ,.._ ._ YM 'chara:es. . (....._,. y .... .., """" ....... Lat<r, the FBI ldtntlfled the suspect as Blume'llhelm and . said that in addition to bein• wanted in Bellingham, he was T..., ..... Amlwerl"!i 1.,... 1 3 5 .77 7 7 LADIES' 01 . MEN'S COMIUTILY OYaHAULID ' . AT:::~::. $i·oo • C\'l:OllOiN<L ~~-tl,\~•tlfll ' I • :r~~~~ -fo:Moh•,, part. • ' , WI'l1I THIS All '. t l '• ] . ' KIOK cA;(;~·~, e' i.AST~-CHARG~ e I ANi<;;M'!RteAkD . ; MUNTlllf•TCMI ClllfT•Jl ,..,. ....... .. ............. _, <>p.n Mon., Thurs.., Fri. 10 •·~ 'tll f -.m. . , Today's Stocks Today . . ' r - . . ... • DAILY PD.OT Th\wsd'1, Juir JO, 1970 ·CHECKING •UP• _:l :in 5 Weddings 2nd Time Around NUMBER OF WIVES in Great Britain have takttl to ·' openlnc &eCftt savU. ac- <OOllOI, I'm t.ld. They don't -m e n .t 1.o n same to their .._ids., 11>is ii beoaule It'• still the Jaw ther• that a hul- bud ls eatttlecl<to any """'Y his wife manaees to save out "' .... bousek..,,tng budpt. . . . STRoNGE!rr TllJNG I n niluno !or its si2e 'and we!~ Is the feathOr of a '1iinl, • , ONE MARRIAGE in ... -"ve now ls a remarriage, • repori3 OW' Love and W1r "man .,. IN ARIZONA you'll 'gel o bounty If )'all· I b o et a cougar. U you · lfklOt one 'la· Flmida, you'll g et ~ aJ I e d ... NO PRESIDENT -., Jolin F. Kennedy had 8el'Ved in the Navy, but every " ~t since bU done ' eo ••• WERE. YOU AWARE •• lbe least ioledious - •' ....,. ,.... Is ieproly! . • .. • PERSONAL Ntn'E -Got ~ into • little di9CUlllkm She ~ -day -favorite f-. and I named mine: Com m tbe cob, cracked c r a b , ~ .uchokes. steamed clams, ..... celery, opare ribl and • fried dlicken. The ladyfrlend """1'l'IJy pointed out all of t b e 1 e are tinier foods or ~ mostly IO. And k's her con. tentioo that foliar who prefer finger foods just never get the hang of knives and forks. 'lbat'• iiot ripit. sun, lt's odd these a e I e ct e d preferences r turn out' to have that 'thing '·in~. r: • • ' CUDI' • :Md IF any ·~ luman ever survived that ail- ,. ment korlwlt' -~iL HanDr any, Couple of yesn , ... • :ZS.yar.fid sir! in Rio • Janelh r<COVered. But she . Is ·-lo be .... •tint in al ol hil1o!Y lo do ., , •• IF ;YOU'llE GOING CIJll)ling, be ; ~ on Ute fiflb day out. :. 'l'blt11 ~ ~ tf1',,etoos 14 : !mun ol, • vaca\lon, the ~ records llhJw. .Why? No • -evideotly, Jolt Is. • ; ClllTOMl!R SliltYJC!C-Q. • :1 •'!br kq does lt late lo cin a Smitl6tld. bam?~' A. ;, · One ,..... 'l1me llanls CQme !rum bop fattened on pe1111uts, did :IOU" m..r btt ••• Q. • • • . •, Special ~ Announcement ' ~ Tbe N&Uonal AnU·Smokin& Council will conduct lntro- *actol')' 8KSions with the : &mazing new altdio-vil!Jal wrtex and helP' Yot.\ stop omoklng 1n Just ... ,. ""' .. ,. These sessions will be 'held fleginnlng each hour from 9 ~ to .Jl AM &nd from 1 PM to 5 PM Monday through Friday at 1M82 Beach Boulevard, Suite 208, ,,.. Huntington Beach and at :': 1770 <>ranee Avenue, Suite D, Coeta J.leu.. There ts no "' oost or obligation for the fn. '• troductory lel&lon. Come in now or can (n4> 962-1828 = or (714) GC-4163 for a per- 10nal appotntmenL Th~ ~ sram (l('fen; • com ete ~ money bKk guarantee you tlon't stop srnokin&' in seven ...,.., • • • • • • SEAFOOD "-~ does It take a fingemail to grow from cuticle lo cuWng length!" A. Mlybe four rncfths, Illuminating! You oould fl""' a fing<rnall ttree \imes u long aa It ought to be wbile curlJlg a Smithfield ham. OPEN Qi.JES'nON -Haw did " come about that blue Is for bOy' babies' aod pink )I for girls! -OON'T ·KNOW' tr tt'1 en- /ar«d anymore, bUt t!M1 Jaw ill the city of Boston says no citizen there can own a dog more than ID iDches high ~t-LIE DETECTOR EX· PER1ll i1t tlie Univ<nlty' ol California say their studies "'°"' cOnclusively tbal women prevaricate more than do mtll, m~ more ••• MEN WHO SMOKE dgars do '° mostly -they a-the odor is objectiOoable to ........ Such ls the claim of • ~ psyd>olopl. RAPID llBPLY -Sir, you say you'd like to own a baby elephant. All right. just come up with $700. That's for a femot.. "A male ooly costs •• . Your q1l<lliom aTld com- mntl an welcomt"d and toUI bt wed m CHECK· ING VP wherever possible. Pte'"e address your letters to L. M. Boyd, P.O. Box 1875, Newport Beach, Cali}. 92663. 01,d; Guitar ·Elvis Used Uncovered MEMPHIS, Tello. (UPI) - Robert R. Coot, • ....niy guard It lntematlooll /l.irpor\, WU rumn>agioC tllroop hil atUe recenUy when be came C'OSI an old guitar, its IW'face ac:ralcbed and lta neck broken. In many bouHboids such 1 find .. would be automaUcally conslined to the trash lleap. Not this otd instrument. It holds special stgnificance for Cook. He erplains that it was the same battered guitar that Elvis Presley borrowed in the middle 1950s to ~ his tint hits, '"nult's All Right. Mama" and "Blue Moon of Kentucky.'' Cook said be worked with Pre1ley'1 fatbe:r, Vernon, at a local paint factory and the families were neighbors. "Vernon md I became good frlmls then. and later our famllles began to socialize wben we all lived oo Alabama street," be Aid. "Every once in a wblle, we would get tocethtt md Elvis would play the guitar. He said he recalled' lending the lllllC(r lo Elvis and the younc....., laler ~the ,_ _, to 4l>a Cook home 8Dll played them. "It w&1 completely different !nlm anytliinc I had ever beard befcft," Coot nmlnisc-- ed, "but I really liked il" Solt llfedtrt Tflon4oy, J11J JO ; • • SPICIALS "''"'~ ,._. 15 ~ • • • • ' • I DILANEY BROS. SIAPOOD I J ... St. -0. '11it loy -HIWPORT llEACH Plloot: 6 73.3450 Plioot: 549· 1 HJ ANNUAL SUMM·ER SHRIMP SALE $1 ~~ (3 Lb. lat> MADI A rANCY PllLID & DIVllNIO GUL' IHltlMP GPU DAILY I A,M...11• P..M.-4'11. & SAT. I AM.-t P.M. 8'*. I A.M,,.S P.M. . . . .. ·-- Maltr-and 2 !lox Springs ortho'a loweat price IUng with the famous Ortho qUJllity built In. Quality ln a sturdy tempefed steel Innerspring unit with durable sisal Insulator. YO!J get a rich,acroll quitted cover with ventilated, reinforced border tor coofness. lndudolOllM>hkand-- The QUEEN $] ]3 ::;.::: o_ ... __ Twin or Full Mallrffl and $56 lloxSprlng When Ortho gives you a sJeep set you get tha · entire ateep set; like this twin or tun value which lncludea lta own headboard and metal bed frame on easy.rolling ~rs. attress and 2 Box Springs Absolutely marvelous Sleep comfort, real s!retch-out·and-enjoy room! You 'll rest like you've never rested before on this , tempered steel innerspring unit with "'°'"'f"'"""!fi"'l'; Orlho's Crown flex center support. ,; ' cotton felt, sisal insulator. lncludn Ortho--Pak and Doubl1 Bonus. The QUEEN ft 06 MtlHrMs and ,... ..li7 Box Spring Ortho-Pak •!"Cl Doub!• Bonu. Twin or Full M1ttrtn and $86 Box Sprlng This long la1!11lng Orthovalue . Includes the famous Twin or Full Double Bonus. You get, 8.t no extra cost. a plastic headboard and metal frame on gsters • And, with every King and Queen-size set Famous Ortho-Pak ~Double Bonus • Fleldcrest no.Iron King or Queen size top sheet •·Fieldcrest no.Iron King or Queen size titted bottom sheet • 2 King or Queen size bolster pillows• 2 pillow cues • Klno. or Queen size mattress pad • King or Queen size metal frame on ,.,~,_., • ..,....,. easy-rolling casters. '10:: """, ,.. Kina or Outen: h&adboard (not as . , : " 1 lllustraled) plus quilted bedspread. E "· •= ~ Twin or F\111: plastic beadboard (not as r'' lllustrated)and metal frame on easy-~ ! rolling caters. Round 8..:1: full fashlone - top 'sheef and fitted bottom sheet with purchue. Sof1 Bod: genuine ~ Sl!ophenl" ....... and fitted ann capt. -. The QUEEN s157 •-... aox.aprln1 ora. hklftdDoullltllOMll A full six bY seven feet of Kln04ized elegance and luxury. It's Ortho's quallfy lnne1"1pring unit wtth lavish, scroll quilted cover and.ventilated, reinforced borders for a truly fabulous, relaxing comfort. lnctudM Ortho-Pak and Double BonUL Twin or Full $77 ==~::vnd One of the best buys In the great Oft:ho llne C!f better buyal Only $77 br(ngs you a full or twin bed with a coordinated headboard and sturdy, luttng metal bed frame. ! ... Across the board, the 81ltire fine o fabulous sofa.beds now priced to really ~ve yotl money: EarJy American, contemporary, Mediterranean, Tra~itional end.Spanish styles In a wide color range, a vast select Ion of fabrJCs and vfnyls. All great buy1I ln~ludet Double Bonue $'1,6. 4 Elegant Mttlng lor ~ true, nice, and . firm tleeplng. A giant 7-feet In dllmeter, Ortho'• round bed ~·ta th• finest in con1truotlon and flnlihlng. Matfrftl 9ftd Foundation pfus Round llecl Doubt• llonuo. l'ttOH£ Ofl MAIL OAOOIS -· TWO Complete TWINS ' 2 Twtn llzo M11treue1 •"'2Twlnllzo BO/' Spring1 and 2 , ...... Double aor- ol 2 H-rdl Ind MotoJFramn " . ' FOUNTAIN VALLEY 16131 Harbor Blvd. ~NAHEIM ~AKEWOOD [Nerl to Zody'•) Phone: 13M570 1811 W. Lincoln Ave. (Just E11t of FodMartj Phone: 776-2590 4433 Candlewood Dr. In C.ndlewoocl Shops (Acron from Lakewood Center) Phone: 634-4134 --- uPEN DAILY 10 9•SAT. 10 ·6•SUN . 12-G•IMMEOIATE DELIVERY•CREDIT TERM S AVAILABLE•BANKAM ERICARD•MASTER CHARG E • Th"' p j B. Jf 1 1os l>a• all Pn th< ly. • ! : A: I ye. Ii• ~ 1o. I to ret da wt in po Ir! be I :l: of : "' 10 an "' tir pe re nc ar "' th <k te ., st tir ly Cl .. h: ., d el ol " n ,, [ ---------------;----------;--.,-"'"":"""-.-i-- Thund1y, Ju])' 30, 1~70 DAILY PILOT Jl SmogsAPro,hlemFromAppianWayto~owloqn: ... • ,,t • J '' u11w.. ,,_ ,.""""._. breathing in the narrow co. a fine ,of. flf.11 and · u.e\.e year. cities. Doftmund, In Q>e Ruhr, Gennany. Olancellor Willy vebi les In the clty powtrfd The pines aloog the ancient a:est,d streetl of downtoWn are 172,000 motor vehicles on GERMANY: Nobe and alt ii the ~ter in reduc:in1 B r a n d t , ~ Social . by, small intffldent ~. Appian Way of Rom.e are Buena1 Aires b: more"difflcylt tbe· small island. SineaPore pollution are being' atttcftd noite and air harnmen;must DemocraUc Party ran on 'a Owners are told a. tun ot! dying of chemical fumes. The daily as more cars are has ~ to tackle air poJluuOn headon by west German use noiJe.dampening Jackets. ~ a11.o saPfs iniq,,, lo l<tit~ll their engines in thmc Jams. !~ls so bad in T!!kto~t brought In. The Argentiflle way created by its growillg ·in-Frankf.Nt: ds studying air Ruhr". is pressing <It central ~eavy fines are impotfell on ~-persone: were ~,.a'"" m ~ • ln ls . · ~ A U polluUoo as part cl a major aulhor)ty. . . ~p.qts1Hlllltr bu.ildinp .Jltd fac-hospitall for throat, lung and ol living -Ht ,I ·-dustries becau!e _ ol · a lack Uendance p .NATO sll!!IY-Pollution of -MADRID• The mo~or ol torie; tbat pollute tl>o air. The ye.....,Uments ..in a . perk>d of ' 1a~~lem: ·w CU k er s _ of leg~e,c~~-CA!. ~·. waler, bf uidu-tri•l waste and Madrid saYs alr .. pollt\t!On has -aov~Dlt8t 'JI ~ alJO. ltu4Ylnc ten days. Visibility in 'Mexisf .ta~ ·two . bout . haocll tiiUb COPENHAGEN:• Air pollu. LOGANDALE, Nev. (AP) -seW&Je ls a problem ·beta'USfl reached •' 8'l 1r m I rig pro-the1· .use 1of deter-.. ·and City in the 'morning is less .~nd cqnstruction wor~etl use tlon is nbt a ·.~ problem 1be mlnutts of the July ·teial 'l'espOnsiblllty J11divided portions for public health'' mot.orboatlt which have ki.Ued than a block Jt to build huge .pita over yet in COpeMagen whert uch meeUng ot the Logandale ·•l'JlOfll the 11 ~,of West wlth. most of the 90(),000 thou.Sands .of fish.' Almost e~ery ,major in-which. tliey bfe>U thick 8!.ea,ks c~ of factory violation ls Town Board <.'ODtain th e:l~~~~~~~~~,g·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ du.stria\ city of the world is on quebrach<i wood flres., A cracked down on. ,\Jut following '.ltem: ~ ..faced with a arowing problem · Jdentl,fit! 'meetln~ s•t a r .t·e d 'authorities art' getti.na , in-"Roorganliatioo of t h e , 1 H air po)luUon and In many Monday· at Buenos Aires creaslngly W.rrlO!d over the Logandale Fire Department. , TOTS LEARN TO SWIM cases nothing is being done Universll>: · to .conslde~ ways pollution Of the .90Und between Bry• Roblnsen reported that about it. London, once the of t'Ombat1ng alt pollution. nenm·ark1and Swede"n and the they have good turn' out a setting for dieadly t i 11 e r SINGAPORE has cracked freshwa'ler streams ol the fires, poor attendance at smogs, bas done something down On · !ts aii.U air-pOllation · coUntry.' 'lbe health depart-meeUngs. Decided to have a . AT TOUR about it. ch1~ agai.nlt motor v.eblcles ment expedS ' to announced big party and d i 1 c u s 1 , ·-•ttin ........ ---•ve 1--~ ~th •·muter plan within the next reorganizatiOn." ORANGE COASl-YMCA 642-9990 Pollution· The industrial citie.s of ,---··_---0•_-_, ____ .. -• ~· Eur~ art the worst of· fenders but the citie.s of the Ruhr in West Germany are doing something about It. Northern Italy is one of the worst and the rapid succession of fallen government makes it appear little will be-done 1 lemin.ds . . . fapanofWar TOKYO ~P) -Student> loise their appetite, l~s have to be suspended and although the weather seems line,· teachers hesitate to ask theii" chara:es to breathe deeP" ly. . Trees suddenly die, plants Wither, and f~ disappear from lakes. soon. In the Kowloon area of Hong Kong where industry is boom· ing so is air pollution nd the air there might be the worst in the world. This is disp(ited by the Italian city of Milan which says more dirt falls from the skies there than any place in the world. UPI bureaus around the world reported that ln the big cilies, dirty automobiles, buses and trucks YtnoWisb-gray clouds hover in are the worst offenders in the dl.slance ; by ntldafternoon the cramped parts of the cities they turn day almost to nighL . and there are moves un- TGllring trucks blare warnings derway to ban cars from cer· to -,tbe citizens to stay indoors. lain areas. Tokyo and other , It is not war but somehow, Japanese industrial cities are to many Japanese, it is considering such a ban. r-eminiscent of the air raid Hert is a report from. day! of World War U. various areas arotmd the The problem is pollution, world : wtikh has beecome so serious LONDON: Smokeless fuel in Japan that some Influential wu made compulsory a few peeple are saying the, coun· years back along with other t.ry's economic boom should laws on harmful t!mission of be slowed temporarily. industrial waste into the, at- Prime Minister Eisaku Sato mosphere and the famous pea took nqte or these outcries soup Cogs of London are far today a-ta meeting of speakers Jw soupier. The government I has under study other pro-of · the · nation's prefectura grams ol. Clealing With sewage ~b~ ~ .Kyoto. · 8~ he disposal, water supply and added:, '-f we are a little river and sea pollution. The more 'intelligent, we will be program would impose air al)le to .mnove p.iblic har.ards pollution tas:es on industry, and mainf.ain the pace of order smoky diesel trucks Off economic growth at the same the road and end the use tim " e. of leaded gasoline. · Sato. thrtt-tmn leader of ITALY : Pollution is a major the nation arid a probably can-problem io ·Milan, Rome: . didate for a fourth 1erm this Turin and Venice and in autumn, re!pQDded to the w1ters washing ..the ltaliao pollution cba~~ay by coast -from the Riviera to Sicl-~inf.be;•dil( ~ nal~I ly. The 'inciei< Ajiplon ·W•j E n v I rOnmenbl Di.sruptioo pines art dying: the famc:RI Control Headquarters. bronze horses above lie miha Hr; also called the three op--d09f'! of Venice '~lhedral ate' , position parties to a con~ corroding. 'Ibe Tiber is a ference. sewer and swimming 11 The Transport Ministry an-forbidden. Rome and Naples suffer from auto exhault but riounccd that it will set up the Turin-Milan~ golden an air pollution Observation triangle is smothered in in- center to collect ~ata.. But dustrial wastes and amoie. tho~saods of Tokyo ':5!<J~nts But litlle can be done until don t need more statistics to Italy solves more pressing tell them how badly ofl they · problems like h o u sin g , are. . traMpOrt and tiealdl services. Eyes. smarting and te3:f'S SOVIET UNION: The Soviet s~eammg, they have~ v1c-people and authorities are in-tun~ ~ a w~k of a .particul~r-creasingly conscious of the Jy vK:rous kind ~ alt pollution seriousness of the problem -pho(ochem1cal . s f!1 o g , although it has not reached created by a comb1na~ oC American proportions since m- hot sun and automobile ez. du.sUial centers are less con- haust fumes. ceatrated. There are fewer Officials in Osaka started cars and Jess use o( such an investigation after SO pesticides as DDT. 'Ibere art children in the Nalcatoshima frequent books and articles elementary school complained on the danger including one of di~iness and naus~. The celled "Lake,'' an eloquent schools 16 pet rabbits and treatment of the dangers fac- mice died. ing Lake Baikal. No new fac- A survey in Tokyo showed tories are being built in urban that 20 percent of the capital's communities old Ones are 6Cbools -138 in 23 wards being mov~. Factory -were seriously affected by managers face prison terms fool air. for pollution of rivers. Make a Sharp Trade; Uso Di,,,..A-Lines 4 IN1=H POLY PAINT BRUSH 49' LltoltH ~ KEM-~LO A:•tc~. BUENOS AIRES: Light <ol· o~ overcoats are just not wom and the walls of most apartments are painted gray. Thick columns d. black SrDQke come from the city's buses 9X12 COTION DROP CLOTH Jint '7.25 lJ OZ. CAN SPRAY ENAMEL 89' 14 FOOT 'ALUMINUM STEP LADDER ""='°' ' I 03 so WALKER PAINT WORKS 116 W. 16th St .. CGtt• Mou 2666 HARBOR BLVD. 546·7080 COSTA MESA ' WUkDAYS 9to9 SATURDAY & SUNDAY 9 TO 5 ' . OA , I • • t 1 ' ~Ll~DEN. GLIDE·ON St11cco, rnnonry, bl•clr:, or brick .It ctY~rl compl•t•ly, Son'lf pr•lt., t r•tt colors H!i1 y11r, fit's n•J1I Y••r th11f 1c•r•1 u1.) 5'7 GAL. If cl1•ni119 11p h•1 9•! you nutty. pick up tlii1 roU•r, troy, •ftd h1ndl1. U1• •rtd to11, or r•111t ov•r •nd fl'O'tr. Fit ntppy ;olltr htld1 • lot of p1i11t tncl .ttf• i11t• r•u9h ··""''''" If Y•ll tle111t chock th• 111rftct with thi1, tll ..... 1htff Y•ll btuthf ml9ht N w11tt4. Ht,tlwoed h1Mll,, tnd liltt t Y•rythin9 tl1t •rowlltll htrt, it'1 fOf t hel• in ih hJ1tll. MARVIN DRIYIWAY ' COATING 0 Abo11I fo.,.r t •llO"' will t iv• ''"' tllriv•w•y • n•w loo• tllif 1tll'I• prtf•cfitllo 0 For ftrir•• dolltr1 1ntll ch•,..• you ditll11't t •,t•t c•ncr•l• 7 • 'TA,ILE ·R D 0 L DIAMOND GRILL _., SCREEN DOOR • • All Wt ctn t•Y i1 vou'll 1M thi1191 v•u'd "'"tr t•p•cf to fi11d for 11Pldt r t buck. 0 Unl•u·v•11'v• 9ot 1olft• i111itl• i11for111•ti•11 tt..t tll• flio1 h•v• finally 111rr.Mlorff if would kia lflO•• cor!lfort•hla lo fac• tho 1u,,.1111r with on• of tt.t1•. 0 Tht door 11 C•'"Pl1!1, all you 11t•tll i1 • doorw•y·t• h•nt lt i11. 0 Compl••• with 1111•111n1lit •ir clo1•r, hln911, , 1dfu1fh11 ch1nnel1, tulip l•tch •IMI knoh, •nd th• tlliimo..41 9rill. 99:~· 88 30"'32" 3f" DELUXE SCROLL j SCREEN DOOR 0 y,, ttitfil'f fllink Wt j111t·1ftckt4 •11t 't•r ,, .. y0.1 D H~r•'• •noth•r tf tfl• '"a~ w• li•ndl•, inti this·i1 t rittt.d b.1i t. . 2~95 __ lllilli ....... , ..... - Mcl:.ANE' POWER EDGER 0 ' w, "'••P 1•llin9 tt.e111 h•Cllll• W• tl•ll'l t •f·t '"•11 of co111p11i11h or br•1kdown1. . ' 0 lli•r• ''' bUll'lll'l•PI .~ th• '"''kit we could 1t lt fo r 1111, hut why7 ' 7 ,495 .... -.... PINcOR 20," LAWttMOMR I . 0 A lot tf .,_., f.,... th• mo"•Y with • 4 cyClt •llfl"'. 0 Ct11't you ju1t 1•• If 11111w. Tio• kt.11 fithli111 lo 1•t who 111ow1 tho l•wn. !W1l• 11p. Y•u'to dr••mi11t •t•i11I. •95 NON MARRING CASTERS ~~~;~~~~~ 0 Wol1f,lt ••P••h thi1 btc•u1t last W•t• yo11 lr:nock•d tho door down wh•n w• r•n ii. Q The 'truth i1, IOIU kid gt! loclr:M in ftl,t 'John •nd hit pop "11o~•td th• dfl'Or down to 90! hi111 out. 7 .7c Wt .tw1yi t•Y, "G;.,, your hu1b•IMI • 'O'ice", D11t 110 m•rt. L•1t Wttlr W• ·m•t him; H•'• tel 011011th vict1 •lr1•dr. Swl ... tl ~'''· h•lftllltrl119"' tllwil, pip• i•w1,• 5 QT. PAINT IUCKn D •••• C•upl•, I , .... f,y1!4 61/f Wt ftf illlPtf Ot1•• Wt 1111 for "''''' 0 Outwit th• hwv•r trtd thew lllilft th• """" tf 1111 Wtys. D 111 ,,,,,.. t••· • • Ntil •w1y if you Ii••, but thi1 i1·oa1it r. J111t'l1y I b .... t nd · 11•p1it1 in pt.•c•, And 'tht11 11l y•un11f why 'th• ctrptnl .. r put th1t wind~iw bthln1' th• p•111I. PRl•PINISHID SHANNON HIATHIR PANIUNG 0 With I lltll'll U•t ..... II •ltht IM wtrth 1 lto•. 0 Afltr 111, fifty 111Hli•11 lri1hlftt• c1n't Ito wr.111. I tf fht1 P•lltl Wll 1111.lt 111 htltnd th.11 Chlt"t k•i Sh•• i1 • ltpr•ch1u11. I 1s7 ... POOT I • JI Datl V PILOT Thursdar, Jvlf :JO, 1970 $260,000 Headache .Fa.irgrounds Electrical ~ystem Outdated I B•Ut lemporarlly by Gls tn Ille earey ~· ol World War 11, the electrical system al t b e--O·r·a n-f-e-C..O·U n t ·Y~ Fairgrounds · in C.:>&'ta Mesa is falling apart nearly 30 years laler .. day that replacement or the expectancy or 10 years and ulliting system could cost that was 20 years ago. more than $ZOO,OOO and much. Allen charged also that if more....Jf...:Jt_were__placed_un.-.a-truck.... had backed into a derground . pole oo Friday night during The disrepair woold be a joke if it waso't sudt a liabili- ty, authorities assert. · Directors of the 3 2 n d District Agricultural Aasocia· tion are studying the problem. following a report. by an elec- trical expert for the St.ate Division of Faira and Ex· Dry rot riddles the poles the recent Or8.f!g~ County Fair and safety violatJ<l'lS are ram-and Exposition, power pro. pant, Allen said, adding the blems would have shut it down lairgroonds Is lucq to have through Sunday. had no serioos accidents or Director Tom Rogers sug-Elisnore Man power failures. gested considering a combined "Some of the problems are underground sewage and so bad 1 can't begin to power system. since the plum· Sentenced describe them," ,.id Allen. bing is in bad shape too. positions. Engineer &b AUen told Fair Board members 'lburs-- "Tbe system i.s simply fOing 'l1le combined systems were tohavetohereplaced." referred to the board's Jn Bu ... g}Al"V He llid Almy "l"'kera pro-Bnllding and G~ .eom-. ' -ir. -re J bably imtallecl~ the un· JDJttee ·for a study,, with a ... ' .., creooo1oc1 pales WJlh a life . potential cost o! !280.~'!S-.:_''SANTN Ali'· -An ~ lnan• who .-tied brWnt in and • . !fking furnishln&I valued .at• .ly $4,000 lrom a Ne!'P<ri ~ home hll been oenJeiced to one to 10 yearo In state prison. . 1/2 Block South of Post Office The 'Spanish have a word for it, Thomasville. And we have a special price for it, Olarles Floyd Yandell, ~ who was said in court to be waDtecl in New Orleans fer jumping *'5,000 bail in • murder case, pleaded guilty to reduced charges ol second degree burglary b e f ore Superior Ooort Judge Jamto F. Judge. Yandell was arrested laat May 22 by Newport Beaal> police who saw him leavins the home of Sam Gurley Jr., 1362 Galaxy, with furniturt and fitting•. lnvestigaton llid Yandell ls accused by Louisiana officen: of being ooe of four men wbo attaclled and robbed a grOIJll of gypsies and beat one 9f their victims to death. He h1s prior convictions for llurglarles in Beverly Bilis and Oklahoma. Huntington Man Placed On Probation SANTA ANA -A Hun. tington Beach man who ad- mitted receiving stolen office ~ent from a series of burglaries in Costa Me'.la, Anaheim and Garden Gr<>ve bas been placed on five years probation. Supetior Court Jlldge Jama F. Judge set that term for Robert W4ype English, 25, of 15882 Feola Ave., a! t er English pleaded gWJty to charges of receiving stolen property. English was arrested it !Us home last Nov. 25 . Investigators found several of~ fice machines listed as miss- ing by burgled ·commercial firms in the three com- mwl:!Ues. • during our Store • Wide Annivenary Sale CASA GRAND(, • "'w lhom11ville i"let,ret•tio" of h•dit;on•I Sp•nhk 1tylin9: Wkile th;, 1peci1I oH•r l11h, )'OU c•" docot•f• your bedroolft with Thom•1viUo'1 "•W CASA. GltA.NDE furniture •11111 •II ih Sp•ni1h gr•ndeur. lnclu d1d for thi1 unu1u•I price ••• • ltrt• 7i'' tripl1 dro111r with l•r91 m•tchint mirror, •'"' kin9•1i1e ch•ir• b•clr h91dbo•rd plu1 two l1•1J• "ilJhf 1l•nd1 , • , • doli9htful cornbin"9tro" of be1ui)' •nd p•1ciou1 1tor19e foe'". A1 tlw•v• .... ah lhom11vill• fu r"ifuro, d11i9" •nd cr•ft11"•n1hip ore fin• qu1tity, Thick, •n9ul•r mouldin1J1 •ndow c•1e front. with • d •1ply ltulptur•d, •rchileclur1I to ok. Rec+•n911l•rly tur"td 1pi"dl•1 1tr1n91d v1rtic1lly 011 door p1n1l1 •nd dr•wer fronh ond h11vy, o•n•fe drtwor pull1 e•P••11 • m19nificent b1roq111 ft11i"9· I" ke1pin9 with riclt Sp1ni1h htril•90, pre1"i11111 otk v•"een .nd 1olid1 •re fini1hed in c.1+ilt , • 9lowl"' fruitwood tor.1. Don't lfti11t hi1 11nu111•I Thom11¥ille v1l~e. Como 11e CA.SA GRANDE tod•v· f "lien -A1111Jv1r· Mry kilt Prlc1, s595 Williams Mayor, Merchant To Head 'Alliance' To Serve on Panel SANTA ANA -Fonner ly served on the county Grand ANAHEIM -Donn L. Newport Bead> mayor Doreen Jury, and Vlncont Keyes, _Uliams; president of N«th Mailball and Hun t·i n gt on Oranae-homeowners' group - A m,e r i c a n Ro c k well's Beach businessman WUllam T. president. Autonetica Division bas been appointed by Praidet& NiJ:on Bruney have been appointed Mrs. Marshall, 367 Via Soud, to the Orange C o u n t y to a citizem advlsory com-Lido Isle, wu mayor of dlainnanoblp for the Notiooal mlltee on Orange County Newport Beach !or two year. Alliance of Businesflntn. governmed's general plan aDd served eight years on the Will1ams IUCCttda Jotn P. (muter plan for county dty councll. She is an ac- Cmdon, ..,iotant to the pr<Si-development.) dent ol Autonetks, who bu 'Ibe appointments we r e countant by training. served as acting chairman made TueMay by the Orange Brazney, 1121 Ozford Drive, since the !Int ol lhe year. County Board o1 Supervbe" HW>lington Beach, OWllll and l\' ew Director Created by President on recommendatim of. the managesBlll'sSportingGoods Johnson in ltu and continued county division of the League store. He ·la a director of Dr. C. R. Brooks has by -Nbioo, \bl· N• ol Calilomla. the H u o t I n g ton Beach been named to fill the Ucxial AIU.00..of S.tdr r DM Ftvt members Ill. an ftre Cllamber of Commerce and recently created post of ii' I ' velartary-_,oatkin of named to llt ctU&em D1ftc. a former president of Golden associate medical di· bminellrnen working' t n tlon Finding ComJ'l'llliltn. In West Homeowners Associa-rector at Career Aca· -~on Wi!b government addition to Mn. ManlWl1 and Uon. demy in Los Angeles. and labor to locate jobs and Bruney they are Nal Neff,!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ joblralninglorthedlronic:ally,. Santa Ana tnjlineer1 Mn.j: ·unemployed ..t un-D«man Commont , a d-.ployed. NAB is under~ Fuller!"' wmian who f•mier- lbe national cllainnansl>p o( I,ynn-A. Townsend, prosideal ' ., Chrysler £orporat1on._ ---· .. 'nendl-eton Jn its f"trst year of operation • C in Orange County, NAB ~ as of June 30 -exceeded Chi f w· ;u goal ., ,,..,,, perm111enuy · e ms Promotion LEARN INCOME TAX ! Thousands .e eamlni ICJOd money in the fast-gniwing ftefd ot _ professional Income .tax service. The \lllOl'k is interesting and • Sillislying. And the~ for tfaine<I consultants is incr~sing -=tt;tw. g No., H • R mocti:-Arnerica's Largest Income Tn 5en'ice-wil 0 tuch you their udu5iw method of preparilig income W retums. _ "'a special 12 .-UUon course.Supenoi~ by experienced on the job with 1,7111 Mred. Of these, 1,419 are !till on the job -a ,....._ rile ol 'It pereenl More -2IO companies art curren t I y participating in Cbe program in Orange county. . """'""""""" CAMP PENDLETO?i -The eoune CO¥en ~ tax laws, 1tieory, and application as new commanding g~ral of S? prKtici:d in H & R BloeX offices from cOilst to coasL Fetrtures the Camp Pendleton-b_,ed. 4th g include: Marine Division has won a -~--,-.-4-..._..-----.-...,-.-,2-.. -,-.-w-eek--l----i promolion less than seven • • choic-• or days and class times Jail Theft days after assuming eofitmand • Diplom• •w•;ded upon a raduatlon here. for qualified araduates ~ •Employment (full or part time) President Nixon aulliorized ,_ __ ....;. __ _;, _______ __. ENROLL NOW! ... _ details., uU - -8 • -a ·• -s • -N ts 30 D the promotion to Ill: 1 j o·r -' e ays general !or Leo J. l)ulackt • who assumed command ol. the g For Trusty di~~i::~:::r=n ~ •« L.:.:.A..:::i....:•'J~'"-....c 8 from brigadier to major ________ ..., ________ _ SANTA ANA -A trusty general ' now awaits routine w11o quickly proved he wun't cooltrmation by 1111 U.S. I Senate. by taldng f/IO rom lbe 'lbe comrruind of t h e Newport Beodi city jail bas dlvlalon was pessed on by been senteneed to 30 ~Y• in Maj. Gen. Donn J. Rol!ertson. Orange Cotmty Jail. who will leave Camp Pendleton for a new atiian- Costa Mesa 1171 HerMr 11¥4. '41·6941 Huntington 81ach- Fountain Valley 5 Pol•ts DH. en-., 147·1907 Ntm1 •••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • · • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •· •· ·• • • ·• •• Adllr111 ••• , •••••••• , ••••••••••••••••• Zip ••••• , • •• •• •• Phone No .•••••••••••••.•••••• , • , • , , •••• DP 7-30°70 • 1040.1040• 1040• 1040 • 1040 •. SupeHor Court.Judge James ment at Marine Corpe· Heid- F. Judp: switched cells for quarters at Washingtoa, D.C., Kellh Jobn Murray, 21, ol slarllng Sept. I. J·o 11 et, Ill. afttt Murr a y' __ _::...:_:::.;.:.:::_ _______________________ _ pleaded. ,.my to cbarat• 01 Avocado Table Appliances grand_thtllt. Murray alsO drew three yean probation wilh the at Sears Low, Low Prices proviJo that he make full restitution to tbe ' Newport poUee department. Mlftq linll Viet« Leroy Staub, '¥1, ol Concord, Calif. were linked to f:be theft tut March l after botb men were released from the city jail. l!otl! were accused ol taking the money -evidence 1n a theft case ~ from a k>cked drawer. S<aub failed to si-up In court. Judge Judge revoked his $2,SOO bail and Issued a $5,000 bench ~ant for hi3 arrest. 3-Speed Mixer, Coffeemaker or 2-Slice ioaster \ 9ss •Hand Mixer willi l'O•h batton be1ter ejector. Attractive in ••ocado color e 111.95 Coll'..,..ker with flaror aelector. Signal light. E11)"11ip Bakelite h-ttdles. in IVOC•do e 2.slleo T-with •bade ,.Jeet· .or. Autonutie tbennoatat. Chrome finish, nocado trim Sears Vel'!latile 7°Speed Blender G.t Yo un Today! 1988 • Easy-to-eleahglassjar • J1r bottom remove• fordeaniq • Effieient 10lid•tate circuitry • Neat in-base cord irtorage • 8 puahbutton controls, 7 speeds •In fai;hionable avocado color • So 11;1any things you can do with • blender-at this amazing low price! Use Sears Revolving Charge Coit• /tine'• Ofclest lle11te ·O-ell Furniture Store/ Pl1•11• 548·1I3 I I 865 Harbor alvtl~ · Downtown CostoM .. • SatVfaaticrr. Guaranteed rc::=i orYoar Money Back ~ Shop Moaday t&ra Salna1 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P ... uuy1l2 N_ .. SP.I. • SU.U.WWWAKDCO. , J 1 WOLi w. M .. •• JONE ~· "' "" (.OLii m " Mff REEC "' ... ·~· W!LS• "" MU HE1~ ... .... o~~~ " ... c.6tfE ·~ ICrl! Nf~~ '"' " VALL " . '. " ' McC.A "'' •e ORTI- "" WH fRAi. "" ~ ... GILLI " MO S•n· WE IN M" wf~l; "' ·~ $TIT( " . .. c~i:91 ... "' "'"" M" '"' PICAI " "" ot"1"i/1 ,~, "" ... ..... "' '·· "'' ()'~~ '"' ~11·' Fii~~ !:: VL'oC w';;{, ,.,, II E1!?1bt!1 Fron!, J uly 21. 8pgg. s View • MM>otll \f!rw Mc Thonl11 CDsll A M.n F • "'• hD G'°' "' Mortver Grice /- Cosll 6rOldW• Wllll1m lormeril' Beach. I by 5011, Ooro!~V lnlerm.1 cjel Mar Ed91r .-.regon, July , •• ~•ld1V, ln!etmll'I Corn Plot Motluer Marlotle OrlV1!, July 29 G., On 8eecn; Drlnddi Pacific \flrw M '•ml!y Mtmotil COll!lreg DI redid ll7 I B1 Coro: Cosb 110 M E 171 Cl w SH Lap Sao SI - TIMll'Jday, July JO, 1970' DAILY PILDT J:i Vital Statisti~s for the Orange Coast f\rea •***************~*· MERCURY SAVINGS l Ind loan 1ssilcilti011 : Meetings ' TMUUDAT Hvfllll'lllO!t ?it Lions Club1 H~!'-H S.acll OUflln• CiuD. :llOO .p~ -'~ ~lllton &-..d'I, ••• ~~le: Lm.. JOOF H•ll. Wntmlnal1r ..,........,., w"'"'i~"'<.:';30 a.m NF,f:I HtrbQJ I lkl lub, [IQ {od91, Viti o..lo. •-' t .. dl, 1: ....... U j• N1vtl S.. Cadet COf'PI, 2$45 · trr..U RNd, S&nlt AIWl.o 1 p,m. Marriage Licenses MA.allllAltl llCIMSIS ISIUIED IN OU.~:: fOUNTT WOLl'E~HAltP, ~lcolm G,. al 1111 w. 2'tlh St.., TorrMIU end K•r.., M ... a, of 7711 Fir Ott\lt. H\lnlll'IOlClll ·-· JONf.$.POWELL. Thomel A •• 11, ol JOI OfWld C.11111. ll&lbo9 blaftd Ind 1C1tnfrl"" E .. 20, ol JU N. SMfMr, .,.,_ COLIAOH~RTIN, Johll (,. JI, ef sn H•mllton. Ind M.,.., L.. u . of 11t CKll PIKt. bolh of Collt Ml ... REED-YOUNG. Wllllt m H .• 6'. ef 1'5 st. Alrtl'a Dr!VL Chlllll;Dtt9, Ohio end t¥t It .. $7, of llWI Ttm11l1 Tlfl'Kt. lffull& BMdl. WILSON·llARAETT, Lvle H., d . •l'ld Rt n• M_, 61 , bo!ll of uo111 .. 1 M••111olf1, Wt1tm!111t1r. HETHERINGTON-OLSON, Thamn G., ~'rid ~1..r~l' c..111~ J'&Jlft.!,u= "Intl~ 9N<ll. OV RALl..+IARDING, Neellti L .. 23. of 100. I Minni• S.T, S.nt1 A,.. ind V1l•rl1 D., 21, (If 2mOI lmperlll CO\lt L•nt Huntlnaklrl BudL CONE-WECiil:L. Larrv D., 7', of 1'11' ~ L1n1, Hull!lnalon BMCh Ind l(rb !a 0 .• 22. llf Ml7 Llwl Ave .. Nttf~~':'(:'oLLIN5, ltobert W .. ..._ ol 1ilf" Rovrnorwl, Coll• Mno 'nd T!'ll!m1 E,_, ,,, of 27'5 2nd SI., L• Vt rne. 1,.olor.oti. VALLES.SAWATZKE, O.vld A . ._ 20. of 112'2 S~roo Av1., •nd l'tio. L •• 11. of 1Sfft Looan Cowl, botl! M~I~W~~·~::n..un M .. 41. •nd tMI Ylno M., 30. bol!'I of 11X:O 0:~1.'t!"u.'i:!f.' ~v;~~lcini.!•~~· and Lindo I(,. 2'. bolt. of 1422 WH•~• ... ,.~11 Mt141. FRANK OHN • Mel<lln "" n. ot M&2 all SI.. 11lml111Ter •l'ld Nl llCY c .• n. o1 n1 S.n F.i110, lutn1 Ptrk. GILLIAM-GORDON, Clrtton M .. "'-of 7Sl Center St.. Co.II Mna Md C1rolrn M .• ». ol '11 Hltllllnd, S1nr1 Mt. July I w~i.~;i::,..c~~"~Wi :r'·n1•ErJ.~1~ Illy, Ltoun• llHCh WILION.CHAPIN~ Mlnor P., U. i nd FralKH M •• ,.., both of '901 Hiii AW .. Apt. II C, Hunll~on l tldl. STITCHER·R091HSON, Don1Jd L..-211, ol 12'31 Su111.,...,1, G1rdln "'°"~ '"'="" M. 17 ol 1"61 Rot t. ~~;;.!at!! lialltv CLEAR ·SANDI E:~ 11rf1n G.. 7l, and Moreta •• -s1, bolh "' mo Poc:lfl~"~Cotll M .... ROMAN I EJI, Tlle!Tl1 .. JJi •!Id M•rciu t• .• n ... bolll ot 1~ 'Ion P1~:~L'ra~:lz~tl';..;...,., J "· of 12032 H.,a ii~ rdln ~...;;. •nd E1lr1be111. 1•r 117ff ""l'Ul1P Court FJ!11111 \11 11'1' OLIPH:.i.H· -•EINIHG, Don W., 2J, of 7607 So 1na W1y, L11111111 BtKll •net Judllll E., 2J, al Slit Condon ""'" Los """""· BROWN.MUMPEJI, ltoberl L., 1S. ol 111 w. Biilbol 91vd. •nd N1....:v J., 14, ot JU> W. 9alboil Br..!., bOth of N~ 9e1Ch O'GRADY·EHM!llLE, P11r(ck J .. jl• .. 1lon B•r Cln... H\llltlnirton Btocll and trl"O~ L. )0, ot Jll·ll e....._i Clrctt, Anahottm. f IGGINS.-DUPIE~, llQ E., 'ili 14171 Su~ u.... "Hilrrtllll IM(h Ind J A , r• .. CPovln Cln:.. nl1ncm.rt tleh Vl.ACH-'>ANlfL. 111m1n1 , ti, •nd Mfn'll M., 21, bPlt>. lllO ll"ONwtY, .~. ''·~~.f.''l'.i. '1 ..... Jud'i'ir'A.. tL boih Of JI Grll'l9da. Death l\'otiee• '°"" 1!:1l11btlh J. Jones. 1"'2 loltl1t • .., F""'I, 9albol 1111116, Dltl d Offll\, July 21. Survived bv d11111htf!r, B1r1Nr1 81!9~. Servla-5 Frtdly, II N4 PKlllc: \lltw Ch1Pl!I. lnler,...nt, Hottvwood MemOl'ltl Part, Olrected bv "•elllc: Vltw Mor1uerv. ttRATIHO Tllomas Ktotl,., 3201 Co1cra~ Plac•. Cos!• Meaa. Dal• ol dt1lll, JulY ?t. ~ Frld1y, J ul r 31. 10 AM. St. Jolln tnt 8oP11•1 C1!hotlt Olurcll. llltt......,,, Good Shephtrd Ctmetery. Bt ll lrotd'fltY Mortu1rY, Olr1etors. MILLER C>r1ct Ann Miiier, 6'6 Wnl ltrll $trffl, Costa MtSI. ~let• pendln,, ltll BrotdWIY Mor1u1ry, RICHAtlDSON Wlllllm •1~1 Jlldl1rd.on. IM 7,, •orme1'IY ol um Pr1Klll• Lint. N-1 Bt1cll. 01'9 ol dt1lfl, J;ilY 2'. Survlvt'd br !oQn, WllUt m A. Rlch1rdMll'I: dautht.,., Dorotlly C11111llettl, ~"-Strvkn end l11ternw11t prlv•"'· BllU Mor't\ltno Cor11o111 d•I M1r. dlrecton. SEAMAN F.d111r Cht rlt• Se1m1~, ll-G C11!1 _..,,11011, L111una HUil. D1t. of dHlll, July 11. Survived by Witt, ROii. SlrYICH f rlllay, 1 PM. P1tfflt VltW Cti.Pl!I. lnll!1'm..,1, AnteTH Abbl'r M1inoleum. Compton. Olrecltd bv Ptc:lllc Vl- Morruarv. WILLIAMS Mtrlorle R. Wll!l1m1 • .m Arrovo CMt11 O•lve, L1-aun1 Beatll. 01!1 of de1111, July ?t. Survived bV ~•: Or, Jloblrt G., Ool1rlo, and Donlld M.. L11un1 tl~c.h; • vr11'1<kMldrtn; • er1t1-11r1...o:tdl!Jdren. Servlct1 S1lurd1v, l ,.M, Patlrlc View CllaPf1. lr111mm111t. P1c!llc: \11.w M1morl1I P••-· In Utu ot fl-.. tamllv re<1U'Hts. contribution$ to tho M""'orla1 BulJdl119 Fund ot It'll N1 .. llbors Con11rev1llontt Cllurdl of LIDUllll •••ch, Otredld by Poc:ll!c: View Mort..-rv. ARBUCKLE • SON WestcUU Mortuary 4%7 E. 17&h St., Costa Me11 i4MISI • BALTZ MORTUARIEI Corona de.I ~tar OR 1-Nst Cotta Mesa Ml 1-UiC • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa Mell uwm • McCOl\MICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1795 Laga11a Canyon Rd. IH-9115 • PACIFIC VIEW AIEMORIAL PAR& c. ... ~...., --~Drift Newport Bea, Collltnll -• PEElt FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 'llll llGIA A.._ w--• S011Ef='F~ER" MORTUARY Lapn1 &1<h lK-llJI San ClemeJ1te 41Ulll • SMmlS' MORTUARY IZ7 r.1111 Sl Ru1Un1ton Buell - ADI. IS. 1tn °""*"'· Mofton' \'trtlt la! llMI l..we 0.11tn ClllC>m1n. K11t\N11 and B1t1i.tnln I. l(L.YM-MAWICING, Gllbett G., lf. ti .... MllY M Wli.rt. F1,.,_ll A.""" E1dlll M. tll fil1 •• ~•·, f\l!IOl'ta"""' !::!'; zttta. ~ and Front owi.. Hedlll, Julltt AMI ano Karlan e.r......;;: ....... l..:Z aartllr, Marcin ShtlOr, Jr • ...,. Slllr..,. L-. LYllll!t. It. and Poul •· !if>lit'iC:1"' """"""" J._,, K~rl.u, ilrMrY LYllll Ind Vtme 'f. f D ICtf.l'llHER, M J _, JJ, NINN'I. Lindo lllM •nd PrtM """"°"" ~l)~r~ J'lm~ GA':':: 111r-. _,..,. Jl,1,111111 .... lrlelll• INT•llL::!.Olt!1r ~Cllll!'.I ··fl~tilc:ov1c. °"'-~-= u. -Ga~Si.11 Elllll iliilll ltMll ttlvtl'I. IOI lilt. Ind 11:11.ibln ,,_, "'°° H--1 A .... .:r __ J n •M Llholl. Vlcfofll l<tllfl 1.,.:i G1!'11d Goldrlnv. lwn1rd A. Ind Mllllrtd Con L~. 21, tf lo.t "" IQh ~rd L, lrcl& .. -'*L~"-Hut11, Mil• •nd JIJllMI• Woo&. UI ........ ll. ~ PHret w. CHAtltONNEAU~Hi:R, Ha,_ M,, t.~ 9tll'f Jo and Alen Morion Mcl•lt'I, A0/111 E. ind Albtrt L. !2, of 1'1'2 AlnJ19r St .. W•lmlNltf' llaltY. llOlll'lff LYM I nd o-.. C-•· ltoberl J. and l"eHY Ht!-. Lth Ellen .... s ........ Andr- L""'"· ilrMrllvn Ind l!ldClf' T. em. W1H1C11 A. end C,..rloll• M. Ad1v, C. C ... rt1t111 1nd Llltnd EllMI' Frewrl, RldltrO O..n and 'VVOlll!I --. Sl,._n. Fronc11 Cltfr •Ml J.,:I( "''" OUnlll/T\. JohlWlll M. Inf ltablrt J , Ebtrlv, J11n M1ri. 1nd Jot\11 Htnrv Ml11v1r6, Shlrlt'f L. tnd "lo~d E. Births •~ndr• M .• 21, ot mi s. l(llltf', Marv Allot 1roc1 P'ort1I Don M!Jd9111tla~r. lllM Rlr• 1nd Norbert\/, ~ tr: St~ll An•. Brand, Chrl1 J1y tnd St!-Sllitf', Tlllll Kirlin and Way"' Rova T Kl 1116,Y"'MANI-., ,_ C., U. klfr, Ja!Mt ErMd ...... Mawun A. turtd'lart,-'-' A. and Frtnd1 J. IOUTN COAST co MM UH I T y r .:.nd J'oYI;:,_ S.;, 'ffit :':!" aorfltlt, o.ott!Y Jonn •nd Ptwl GrlU, Lftlki E~;.1 Ind LOUii MkllHl HOlf>••AL SI., Huntlflllfoll "li'..di. n WUIOll ~r, Clndr1 Lei end John H. Jul'f l\ of CCIII ·_,. $1oUYOlllOI, Ann Ell ... belll ll'ld WllU1m Gkllfllt'f, AM llld Edwin! 1¥ fllvmont L11u111 BM<ll, bQ'f, • Open Mon.-Thun. 9 un . .C p.m., r~. 9 1.m.-6 p.m. IUINA PARK ~' HUNTINDTDN llACH MtrcU!J Savlnp Btdr. • Mercury Savini' e:J; Valley View at llncoln ' Edlnaer It I ********* ******* DE ~O~E Adf'li n f \, :M, ~. TIWlnlli Cl\lrl-Ind JoMlfl1n W. 11\tllar, ,ltrlcla A. ol'ld JoMRDolllllcl ~. ind M,., Jtoetr O. Dennli, oo E"' r,••";,, 1,,l•Yutroe Adria" Nieva, Mery alld E.,..,ln Mr. Ind Mra. l!mmtll M. Fish. ~ JylY u itlvt, HUM htdl Hoffmlt1, "'"'°" F. i nd J-lllnt De; Owrcll. Vl10 G. and ,..,_rlln111 T. Crv1l11 L1n1trn, 011111 PGlnl, bo,, ~. Ind Mr1. Wiiii-J. A.llllOll,li;;;~;;;;;;:;::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; M RRITT~ICRU~~ Ch::lull11 9., 21, el Jlnll.. Jlld'r' L. 1nd Jtenny O. WHUonn, MOrl'h 11:. and AllQ F, Jut, II 1'772 EllC:lkl A\llnut, NI. F~ F01111l1ln ---1 N. W Jl'11 st .. Bounton telCl'I S .... Mr. •rid M•1. eurr B. Mckffhln, Flt ~. Undo 'b n, ,,, '""' ~-CIYrlo41• and "'"'U• :wnutl H.,.,t, H•roio . Ind M. n•1 VII!• Plal1 Of1Y1. LllUnl ...... 1n. 11r1. S1ii A""'" Lant Miislon Vlelo lrvHw, GeMv1 J. Ind Allie E. Ghlloftl. Gll'11d1N K. 11111 Harold "'· Nlt uel, 1lrl. Mr. end Mr1, T~ H. H1r111\111, HUFF-YOUNGILObo, Andrew M., », Mldlldo, IC1r.n L. I nd EdW1rd Gordon Robb-, Clifford OWtn$ 11111 ld1 Mr. •net Mrt. E!ll_.ffl R, Wl'lrt111v, IU12 lfl(1llt L-. Hunt1111r1111 llNCh, ol 1'190 Jffwport Aw.. T1r1ttn ona fl'-"•IG. \'Intent J, 1nd l(tthlttn L-..IM 51n ci.m..i1 .. 1!r1. t lrl. BEST ~1""• I( .. t1, C....JOSJ:2 P-Dll Luc:IUt TY,.., Jfffl H, •nd .. _,_ J. J~ Mr. 11'111 Mn. llt"'-rd Ml.1111«, 2ll Thi DAILY ,llOT 1ff1rt """"' 11f th1 lt111I f1alur11, lty 1c:lual L~'ON'"' •• ~ ~ ~-.... .,, ... -DIM, Lindi G. Otld WI..,... C, KIE~ lar1161a Elll.. .... ll:obtrl ""u.:i.nd ~.ii ""&TJ, Ji:>i~,,.~~:·, 'Ill ......... S.... C*'-ho• bov. lO-W(JD.,. -Tf'lll(, L~nl'tlol.,,. John M. .....,_ elrl. Ml Mii Mn. O.fllll o "•" 00dor1 1urv1y tf lt•dtn, a v1i11bl1 111 111y 11•w1p1p1r I• tho 111atia11. ctlr~,.,~~ ~ 1 L-w __ ~::::::::~•:-=:..:'·~-=~-=::.':·:.__ __ ...:""::-:::.:"'::.":..:"-:.:""::.:•:"'::"~"-::. ___ :"':'.:.·..!''":!..~"':'.''c·...!'~'~:::"~·~-:...:'~~~"~-=:· _ _:~:·~m:'...:-::":::""'~:--~::·~v~•~•·::c•~"~'~· _·.:!:=========================== ltE'VHOlt»-MOllGAN, JI--JI., .. of J60f Stfilf'lorl OrWt, N....,... ·-'"';-M .. 40. ol 6Jllt Toluc1 "'" IW 911rt.lnk HAtlT.0-lJllE~':.' W'vott T •• ll. end ~ .. n l(S.~"7u,:i~of:tr!!:17 C1tlt sco~E~ 11r1111 A .. 2'. o1 1J211 . "Sti~ Ave.. G•rdftl Gr11V• Ind S1Mon1111 s.. a. o1 13'1 um st .. WH!mllllltl" JllllY I OWEN~5VOGS1 Midla~ J., n. ol If.II PlmPI• uo..,.. Apt. n, A,,.IM!lm '"' itndl 0., 21, ot 152.S Pl1C011!11, Apt. H9W!!Ort Buell WATSO -$CHLEG£Jt, I Yl'Oll C., !_I, Ind k\1111'11< J ., If, boll\ ol :Urr.i Robltt Drive. Dina Point TRUllO..COLE, H.,berl A., 21. ol 41Dl·B JI!,,..,. Ave.1 H-POrt BaaCll, 1nd 1'001 e.. 13( o1 llJ H . Badtonl Drlw, e.v .. y Hiii• AINCkAM•LAIJISOH, Alen C .. Joi, of 2'N1 Mltlorc1 Orlv1, Minion Vlllo •nd JOllMI M., lt, ol S.Q S. 8r10 cc8x~l1ffM1lil. Ge«9I w .• 21, o1 !:. ~,l: ~~h, N:;~ C= Hiii, St. P111I, M111n. LOBO.l(NOnt Anlllonv J ,, 33, •I'd Rlll'lllMI ., it, bolll Gf 6!22 MM!h Clrcle, Hunll"910n llHCh RUSS-Fll:ASER, Robert ~. 2l..,Gf lll'lll c,.,.1111 Sli'ICll ~I~ South LlllUNI ;f? N~Aie~· o1 m or.,_ MSRfo~g"'"~~ .. J.rv~1nd""'l1u1r~ R.. IL d 172'1 Gollltrd. bolh of Hunllngton BeKll JOHNSON..SANOERS. Jahn E .. 21, of •U S. N-, Apl. A. 511111 Ana Ind Tll'Ka L , 21, of 16Jd Rou Line Hunllnrton Beten URQIJIU.ESCoeEOO. Rlll'lln. 2L of 75' Sh1llm1r, Cotto MeM incl Oita, ''· of 211' W, lotlt SI., S.U• ..t~ll·PILLSBURY, Fral!Cl1 A., to, e1n'f:.:I: G1l111Y St., G1rden Grove Ind P11fld1 A.. :to. of 1#31 IO'#ln. Wtttml111ter BAROl!N..u.L~. David C.., 29.J of "25 Merrlm~ Wrt, AP1. F101 <.Oii• Mesi' Ind Ullltn J ., 2$, ol 6'0 Brl1rwood Odve, llrtl THOMAS·0099ERTIH, Gtr11d w . ._ 26, of 16tl0 Eudor• Ave., 8-11 f'ork •nd N11'1CY J.1. 2', o1 161m C1r1tton St., f'-..n11ln v•lllPY ' Jul'f ' 9 AJITON·MOJIRtS. Bruce J .. n, of 71, .... M1ln St., NI. A Ind Mory F .. 111, ol 1103 Hvnllnv!on SI., bol!'I ol Hunl!ntlon llt!!Cll GALV.l.N·ESCAl.ANTE, JOff 'I,. 23, of lztllo E. 8Qrclltn11 SOl'll1 A1111 I nd Gkll'll J.. :U, OT 1CM02. Cinco dt Moyo, Founto!n V1lll'I' APANA-HIGGINSON, Mtlvln !(., 'JO, ol lllOt Sin!• Ano Ave .• COit• Mesi end TIM M.. \,, of 1141 Tu•lln Aw., Colf1 Mn• SUDOUTH·TOLLEFSON, E1Ue ~35, !'nd ':!'r-wc .. t .11o1 ~~· E~lll'et~ <Ire.la, A~t. A Hun!lll!l'!<ll' t Ndl TR.IPOOl-KllUMWIEO. Anlllonv Y., l'O, ot 2'12 Mtlnwav Orlv1, Los olol~mitos 1nd PMllla R .. lf, el llOIQ e~ serve.n:1~. ~ "!.. lt. ot 1'°'2 Goldtnwat end Lindi A., 17, ot 12» ?ht SI bolll el Wnlmlnsttt SEPEOA-TOJIR~Y. J.,.,-., II., 16, ot nt2 Mlln SI., and Lindi <;., 16, ot ll2tl ~!1 Clrc.ia. bom ol WllfmlMltf' OICIUON...oFFMANL 01vld G .. !I, el a Oa11U1. l.1111'°"' del Mir •nd 5anclno K.L 11. o1 11• E. c-~1n.. i-ullf'•ton tc.LEPPEJl-+ll!NSON, Dlnnll IL. JI, el •11 Coa1I Hllri!> La911fll IBMdll 5fld Dtwn E.. "' "31 PhMUn Jn: .. 8-Pl M RPH'Y-GAHMON Thonlal M., 2t. ol '" Slwr• v(111 Drt.11. TUC'IOn. Ar1L end Chl1Jllllll 25. or )1941 Atoll , Sin J uen Ca_p ltrtno TU 0LO-BRU8AkER, CNrllS J.f '" •1 Lindi ~:( 21, tlOIFI ol O)f NMond SI. MllfWIY (.!Iv MITCHELL.-MltERS. o;:..,~nt E., 12, '::I '!111111 M.1• If, bllfh ot 10d vo enc 1 cod,_ Mew MULLER:0UFJIESNE, J•ff•rY P., 23, ot JW7 w VolltY 1111"11,, Pamon1. Calif. Ind 0Chrl1lhie L .. 19, ,,, 29" l!ll"Ol O~lv eosll Me.a fEltDIG-ULLOUGH1 ~tlYlfl ft _, 31, ol lll(W.S HO Llncll ........ o . Gardin GrOVI •nd Vidor!•, a. ,,, 6.5'5 w11t st., Apt. e, weslmtr>ster .. _... NOAH.0\~0N, John T., 3', ,.. ...,.., N. tr 1tol, S111l1 ,..1111 ar>d C1rol1 L., 29, of $952 Fronl181' Clrclt, H11ntl1111ton Blach CO X-ILISS. w n111m e.I S2. and Belle J .. tS, bom ot I~ H lk;rei!, L19Ulll 8HCll JllY II STOJIKAN.SIM. Jlu11trl A.. •1, of 700\'J Pol1111!1J1, Coron• d~ Mir ind Ma,-.,.Jone. n. ot 1n' Cornoltll1. 5A~~ARGAS, ltkfltrd O .. If, of ••• ~ PIL H..,n1111111on s~ld'I •nd Ml• J.. 171 __ ol NII Ult! SI., API I Wll1'!n1n1ltr 11cotT 4iANCHEZ, Ortl:w:;d u.,•,, m w. QllMn Sf., 11111 1 ·c. · ...ci e 1r11on1 J .. 11, o1 11111 llofu Clll(.ll, H"'11111910n Qffd>. Dissolutions Of Marriage ONG MARKC. ·BLOOME * Isl QualifJ Al&WU'llldaJUtlS * HURRYWHIU fHlfYLAS1' 1 a· f IT Your Pocke-tboolc COMPAm to CADILLACS • • • • • • • • • • II • • 9 95 UldJ 1295~::::115951.551:141 1795 Uld4 Ull14 (Mll/14) !.1111115 lfllll4) (Cl1/141 UJX15 ILJl/15) JJ5rl5 l.25r15 111711151 1.15115 CHARGE IT! 1f711151 1c111151 . 1mn51 an a.. ra +St.1111 szbMa.111fld ••• • 111 sus ldrl ARMSTRONG WILDEST l:. WIDE '70'' sdJEs fATSO TIRES laiims PRO Ra AGAINST FREEWAT ACCIDENTS TIRESi RAIN $ 95 14'5 1S5 6.'5d4ID71/ICI 7.35114~4) ....... 7.75.1114 4) 1171/131 7,75J115 (f71/1S) 21'5 LSJo14 2495 ••• 5114 1•1111•1 (J71/14) LSJ.115 l .Ux15 IH11/1Sl (J7t/15) DATSUN TOYOTA OPEL 5.60115 I 1'..95 .. , .. ,. (571/14) 7.001lS l.2Ja1S (c11n JJ 111111s1 2695 MOS! CREDIT CAR OS HONORED ARMSTRONG WILD GLASS BELTED for most FORD-CHEVYS-PL Y G1rdtn Grove ((_._ti""'*'"'"'" Wtttllllllltltt, COSTA MESA•NEWPORT BEACH ARIA 14040 BROOKHURST 5304200 Anaheim ~ Buena Park cc-ti Uttollll ..... 11:111'111 6962 LINCOLN BLVD. 826-5550 3005 HARBOR BLVD. CORNER OF BAKER & HARBOR 117·1000 i I ·------------ J4 OAILY PILOT T1t11rMlay, July 30, 1970 Brazilians Fight ' The Coffee Blight RIO DE JANEIRO (UPI) Pe•teado De Faria E. Sliva. -Braziliaol are battling How "Hemileia Vastatrii:" against a liWe known enemy came to Brazil is not known. which could dlange· the song It could have been canied that says 1"Ibey'v·e got an by man or insects or even awful k>l of cctf.ee in Bruil." the wind from Africa. So far, Now tbru SUNDAY AUGUST 2nd Peace on You Too Ceyloa, cmce the world's the co£fee rust baa only been largest coffee producer, is now found in plants in the central known mainly for tea, and regioo ol Brazil, the states the. reason for the "change ol of Minas Gerai, Espirito 'San- pace" was a blight of coffee tos and Bahia.. 'I1le danger, "n181." 'Ibis f known the nightmare of coffee con- to scientists ~Hemileia cems, is that the lungus Vaslatrix," appears as yellow. disease will spread south, to bro~ spots which destroy the tbe state of Sao Pauk! and leaves . and consequently the Parana whett 90 perceot of crop of lht coUee plant. . Bra:ciJ's coffee is erow11t. the Jackie Habeck.er. Governor Reagan's .receptionist, shakes bands wilh Chris Harris after a group of people "jogged up" from Isla Vista to present1a peace flag to Reagan. The govemor was in confennce· so the group was content to spread peace and love around hl1 office. Last January, Ar a 1 J d 0 sd1rce of 40 percent of Gomez MedBros, 1 young Brazil's export revewe. Brazilian scientist ol Jtabuna, "nle Brazilian col.Jee in-- Bahia, was doing ftSearCh 00 stitute is organizing i t s diseues which affect the defense. Teams ccrnb the choooM:le1>foducing C 1 c au 8USped. areas fer outbreakJ plant. He,.taaweaed to not.ice of the disease and alert fann· ~ tusf..coiOred spota on a ers to the danger. Research rew ·nexby Cogyer D5 which centers have been set up with also gl'OW in &hat eaeitern international exchanges of region. Medein:ia· remembftd scieriti!ta and information. having seen sud>. spot& oo The first line ol defemie diseased coffee plaots ck1ring ls a quarantine of the northern his student days in West area where the rust has ap-. Alri<:'l. He immediately 1ent peared. To do this, a planned speatnen.1 to coll~ resean:h ''sanitary corridor,'' 250 miles c£lllers in Brazil and PonugaJ loog and JO miles wide, will where his fears were con-be cleared ol any coffee growUl firmed. and no coffee plant5 will be Youth s Might Be 'Smarter' But Adults Still Sharper Since that time, the national allowed acr08S it. DENVER (UPI) -School age youngsters may surpass tbW-elders in textbook knowledge, buL adults are UJUally ahead wheo it comes I<> g-al knowledge. Teen-agers also a p p e a r more willing to a c c e p t members of another race than are adults Jn the 26 to SS age group bracket. an~ international forces of Brazilian authorities eee the Ucalilies.'' study said. sc.enoe and agricultlft have rust u a threat to devloprnent The scienct section showed The adults also sa id they been mobUized to fight the and economic and poitical that youths oC 17 might be rarely comrnunK:ated the ir blight , which switched the stability. own ......i .. u..... with a view to Ceylonese from ooffee to tea . llowever, coffee was ..... sharper than their elders in uyu .. .,.... The t .__ i.:. 'I" '""' influencing government. Onty rus ._, •• Ml coudries always the ki~ of Brazil's textbook knowledge, b u t 27 percent said they had writ· around the workl aod only eiports. "'Adults have more general ten to a government .olficial, two (Puerto Rico and In tht 161.h century Brazil's knowledge in areas related to 12 percent had ever com-Au.stralia) have managed to dlief crop was sugar. With common eiperience." municated wit.h a newspaper covtrol It without the detttue· a wide opeo European market Officials said no effort was editor and only 31 percent. tion ol the entire crap, ac-and the backing of Portuguese made in the initial survey to said they had spoken out· at c<rding to • study made by aod Dutch banks, Brazil rank individuals against other public meetings. the preSident ol. tht Brazilian became the largest sugar pro-- individuals or to compare In questims designed to _co::_r_ree..:.__::_i .:." ::_' .:.t 1.:.1.:.•.:.1:.:•:.:·:....::M::an:::·:•_:ducer:::'.:..'.in'.'..:th:e_:w:•~rl":d. ___ _ JOHNNY CASH ~ti:\':."' CollKtOf'• The Legend Includes: Folsom PriAon Blues, Hey Porter. So Qoggone Lonesome, There YOu Go. Next In Line, Cry. Cry, Cry, Ballad of A Teen--age Queen, Come In Strani:er, The Ways Of A Woman 1n Love, You're The Nearest Thing To Heaven, I Just Thought You'd Uke To Know, Give My Love To Rose, I Walk The Line, Don't Make Me Go, Train Of Love, Home Of The BJue1, Get Rhythm, Guess Th.lnp Happen That Way. J ust About Time, Luther's Booii"· Tbank's A Lot, Bli: River. List $7.9' PETULA CLARK Memphis Includes: I Wanna See Momina: With Him, Nothing'1 Al Good & It Used To Be, Goodnight Sweet JA-eams, Right On, Neon Rainbow, Jt Doesn't ?.'latter To Me, How We Gonna Uve To Be A Hundred Years Old To.- gether, When n , World Was Round, "nlat Old Time Feding, That's What Life ls All About, People Get Ready List $4.H $ $ SPECIALLY PRICED 88 88 Tht findings were contained in an initial report released today to 500 political snd education leaders at the an· nual meeting of t,hU:ducation Commission of the ftes. The report was part of a near $7 million national assessment ol. educational pro- gress study that was first con· C1!ived in 1963 by then U.S. educaton commissioner Fran- cis Keppel. schools, school districb or reveal willingnf$ o f In·• 1o1ates. dividuals to associated with Future reports wiU not· only persons of other races, only give much mor~ data about 67 permit ol the adults said the knowledge and skill o£ they woold be willing for a Americans, but will permit ·person of another race to live comparisons which are not next door. Seventy.seven per· possible in the first or cent of the 17-year~lds said "benchmark" r e p o r t 1 , a they could be wllHng to accept spokesman said. it and 83 percent of the 1~ • s H 0 ·5 RAY. CONNIFF $288 lrlclt• Over Troubled Waters BLODWYN PIG LIST Gettlo9 To This 4.H The first repOCt, covering 1eienceand cit l z en a h Ip, described thek now I edg e , skills, attitudes • n d un-- derstanding or about 100.000 perton11 in foor age groups. The assessment. which will continue over the aext few years, is designed to learn the effectJveness or the na· tion's educal.ional system. The citizenship study reveal· ed that "knowlfld&e of govern· ment increases 1 h a r p J y through the sdloot years and that J7·year-olds are often more knowing than adults about the structures o f goYemment H not about ita office holders and itJ prac· 1'he fioctings In th e year~ldll, the fourth age citi1.enship study revealed that group, Dine-year..olds, waa not. while knowledge oC the stnJc.. listed. tures o1 eovemment increased ln five 1iluaUons posted to wilh s::hool age and tn some those takine part in the instances exceeded that of as1eternft!t.s.. the teen.agers adults, the latter olteo knew showed in ·general they were boul - •-•d offi more wllling to accept persms more 1 im ets of otbet l"ICel than were and TDOte abotrt local govern· adUlt5. ment. ;=;=========.! NOW OPEN 54 - FASmON ISLAND e featuring FLORSHEIM for Men and Women s 110ne or the most .61r1ou! aspect• of a11uu findings was FAIR e e COMPLETE CHILDREN'S DEPT. featuring STRIDE RITE reflected in responses that in· f•1t, f•ir, f•.,•~•I. Tko•• SHf)ES dicated that while 86 percent thr•• wonh "'"' ~P f1ctor1 i11 t.'OUld give at least one way •P•r••ion 011 tl.e DAILY PILOl they could lnfluenct the action •clitori•I P•9• •11ery ll•y. -;====~==~~~~~~~~~~~~ of the federal govemment. ttle'.F:=;;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;:::: :; percartage of adults who thought they could actually innuence their state govern· ment '1as 61 percent." the SAVOY BROWN EA. 1 .. sr .... * COMPLETE SELECTION OF TOP 45's * GRANT CITY ANAHEIM LIK•l1 •I 5Nf9 C-11 ..... l•t A••"-1• Ctr. H•rs 10 A.M. tot P.M. hlly s.Hoy 11 A.M. to I P.M. GRANT PLAZA HUNTINGTON BEACH ,,..."-"' et ·--H••,. t :JO A.M ... t cJO P.M. D•llr Suder 10 A.M. to ' P.M. Schedule Your Vacation For Horseshoe Tourney 1 Gmiseto Galifomia eral's n office bank. SOUTH GATE IAP) - "Who says horseshoes are dying?" as ked Bob Pence:. Certainly nobody It the 1970 W or Id Horseshoe Tourna. ment. "We'll ha ve 300 lo 400 people coming here from all over the United States and Canad(" to compete," said Pence. a fiO.year~ld factory worker from Gary, lnd .. who is the toomament director. "The days of the casual picnic pitcher are over. It's like an old-fashioned family raution. We've got every oc· cupaUon represented from f811Jl«s to ministers. But most of them . I '~•ould guess. are farmers or industrial workers. And w' have a high percentage fl postal workers. ''Alrnosl all of lbem are in vacation. They have to be. That's the only way they could gel away, i;o they pla'n lheir vacations that wa y." The tournament . wh i ch began over ihe weekend, con· tinues through Aug. 4. The average age or those com· peling for the cash prizes is about 40. The oldest participant is Joe Dubie, a,, of Toctoa, Ga., who tells how he started playing horseshoes when he was a l>year-old farm boy in M~ tana. ••Jt was called barnyard golf in those days," he recalled. "You just got a pair of horsesboes end start«!. There weren't any toumaments." • • fora Jree een Mary 3 Get your pocket change ready to eai1 in one of thcoe realistic, colorful replicas of Britain' a famed ocean liner, lt'a obooiuteqfree. When Y"" pick ap your free bank from our :aew llCCOunb dealc, why not start oue ot Ca]jfo,,,ia Feden1'1 lll&h in- tueot wrlap Mmllllts for7-famil;y, too? :ReJIU]ar po~book account• cam a 5 ~1a current annual rate. lrigh interest certificate accounts pay from S.25 ~~ all the way up to 7.5%. We're featurina:thi.a beautilul aavinas bank io remind you that when the Mu· aewn of the Sea open1 aboard the Queen Macy ln Lont: Beach, it will include an Nation's Largest Federal • ucitilli ubibit 1ponsorcd by California Federal Slivlnp 11 a community service. So C9D>C to any California Federal office now for your free Queen Mary aavinp bank. It'• 6nt come, lintaervcd, , and one per family. Now'• the time to aet JOlD' course for future linenc:ial security. Anaheim Office: 600 N. Euclid Ave.· 776·2222 Orange Office: 4050 Me1ropoli1on Dr .• 639-3033 ·Costa Mesa Office: 2100 Harbor s1vc1. • 546-2300 AMII Blc, SC£ Loi LON grave! diS!l1<1 -tlle of Bt magic The year-<> Anglic don, d cttapte story , rrom Cernet "Th< the SU cettm of ttii! place . closed "Aft said, 1 and It it nee( tection 11te a soci of lbe This a seri up wi magic. Midt old ba jn his convir> cur,. , a core ~ ,that a tlie WO ed of a """' put. ringt.or: Jn N. was n mansb the gr:o of Jet blood<1 "Hail : the L backwt Cam vice I Cathed evil cu grcrwin was • ri~ ample Vica J11D118l been pillage striPP' upside Cemeti .. , 8·i Wash why concE to tic U.S. J Quin< Black Magi c Scare Swee ps • London, Area, LONDON (AP) -PiUaged graves, suicide by curse, di.stntmt.ered corpses, murder -these were the Ingredients o! Britain's euttent black magic scare. The ReY. Percy Gray, 38- year-old vicar <i. st. Crispin's Anglican dlurch in South Lon- don, disclosed today the-latest dlapter Is the llCalldal, tile story <i. a t'hild's body taken from its coffin in NuMead Cemetery. "'Nle bodx may have been the subject of a blaU magic ceremooy," he sakl. "A lot of this evil has been taking place since the cemetery was closed in January last year. "After prayers had been said, the body was reintered and It was then that I felt it necessary to find some pro.- tection for the dead." 'I1le vicar said he planned a society fOC' the protection <i the dead. This is only ""' latest ol a series of tragedies bound up with the cult of black magic. Michael Hanington, 35-year~ old bachelor, hanged himself in his room because he was oonvinced a girl had put a curse on him. Witnestts at , a. coroner 's inquest testified ! ;f11a1 a girl bod.led him into tile world <i black macJc, talk· ed of killing three men with a ·curse and claimed the could put a similar cune on Har- ringtoo. In May, Joseph Bui.., 19, was mailed on a dlarge of manslaughter in the deeth ol the gr.andson <i tbe first Earl of Jellicoe. Police found a blood .. tained letter beginning "Hail Satan'' and ending with the Lord'11 Prayer written backwar<ls. Ca.ooa John Pearce-lllggins, vice provost of Southwark Cathedral, said : '"Ibis is an evil cult whldt is growing and growing. It is high time it was stamped out. The Har- rircton case is a typical ex- ample of ·what can happen.'' Vicar Gray said that since January scores oi graves have been violated, the chapel pillaged, the' war ~morial stripped and crosses turned upside down at Nunhead Cemetery. -. -· ·-·------- Berkeley Cracks Down on Hippies BERltELEY, Calli. (UPO ' A Jlate law whlcb r<qulttt -The "crash pads'' m being that' fchll~n under 18 be padlocked and hundreds o( under adult supervision at all wandering youths from all titQes ls being used to clear over the country are being the YOtlll.I drifters oft the plckeif up and shipped home itreets. Some are picked up from Berkeley. wiUUn an hour after they hit Police are trying desperate.. town. suppooed to be UV!n& that are I IOI a rldi to Calllomla and belng used u crub pad!,'• j\iS\ couldn't pass It up. I the officer said. M many as live in Berkeley and have a 25 persons are found in one beautiful house with five other place. They are 'now being kids. We are living rent-free arrested for trespassing. until we get enough money ... Glenn told about one of the "My friends are great and ftere is 80 much to do bert. Seeing \ht eountry was ·great but I am finally ready to settle down in one place ... Eveo1bJnl is free here. It is quite easy to survive without money. I can't give you our address until we pay the rent." rilids. The owner of a vacant I have a really nice boyfriend. building had called on police l am healthy and happy. to clear out the crashers. A ,;======================;II Mvtf'fl-t LOSE WEIGHT THIS WE•K Thursday, J11ly JO, 1970 COSTA MESA GOLF , COUNTRY CLUB Proudly Preients George ·Tipton lknMrtr., t11e L• c ... c.c.J WED. & SUN. AFTERNOONS THURS., FRI., SAT. NITES . ' DAJLY PILOT JIS Specl•lfti119 ,, IA~Q~ ANO WIDDJ .. •tclPTIONI ---..J ; ---!"""!""- Iy to end the summertiro; Berkeley's large population influx of teen-agers wbG have of resident radicals and hip. hitch-hiked across the con-pies oppose the crackdown. tinent and even across the They welcome the young octan to be "where it's at.'' recruits. "Teach them the In the past 20 dayg· police facts of hippie life, where to have arrested 327 yoongsters get food, lodging, and where under 18 -for no special tbe act.ion is," said Glenn. crime other than b e in g "'lbere are a lot of vacant unmipervised juveniles. This buildings where people are not week, night patrols began man wanted for a felony was among those arrested . Among the bedrolls police found a letter. obviously written by a t.etn-age girl to her parents. "Dear Mom," It said. ''I'm sorry I never wrote to let you know what I was doing. Onl11M11 c•• '*• yw Meeme tll• !rim •llm ~ yw .. ,, te IM. Onl!Mlf b I llflr llllle! 11111 .... IJ IWll .. ..i. CMll ll'I "' -..,..,,_ •rvt1. H• •llnilftt, N• ._ .. , ••erclM, ... rill " MC"' fll " .,.., ......... OnllM.ic II•• ......... WCCMthlltr "' IMllHlllll Ill ..,... .... c-try ... •ver 11 JMf'S. OnllM• -h u.2S ... 1119 l>il'll ~'I' 111• tJ,.21. Y ........ , ... lllllY 111 1r .,...,r _., will IM "'""""' lly ~ lfrvnltt. Nt -..r11111 &llltllll. Sell! wllll 11111 IHf'llllM llJ1 H.,pf "h!W. loftr" H..,, .. ....., tin MMy, 4 te 6 ALL FACILITIES OPEN TO PUBLIC -~OOD 1701 Golf Course Or., Costa Meu S4().7200 raiding the vacant stores and illegal a-partments ~where 1be wandering yooth unroll their sleeping bags. "Every young!lter packing a bedroll is stopped," said Sgt. C. D. Glenn who is supervising the roundup. uu they are under 18 we put them on a plane and ship them home. If they are 18 or over we show them the city limits." A tolerant attitude towards the long-haired young tourists was broken by skyrocketing reports of rapes and theft in- volving juveniles. On July 8 a 13-year~ld runaway girl arrived i n Berkeley. In a routine check that night police found her "stoned" an methadrine and being "passed around" by a half dozen men in their 20's. On July 9 the big roundup began. Of those picked up so far, 192 are from outside af California, including 34 from New Yark, 16 from Michigan, 11 from Pennsylvania and 10 from Connecticut. One was from Marseilles, France, and several from Canada. "Every teen-ager has a story," said Glenn. "We even had two IS-year.olds fram Back East who car r ied Mtarized perm.issjoo s 1 i p s from their parents." Although the Berkeley police have a flie two inches thick ()f missing y o ungster s reported to be in Berkeley, few of those picked up have been reported u runaways. When the parents are called and asked if the boy or girl has permission, the usual answer is "yes and no," ac- cording to Glenn. "The parents usually say 'He asked ~ if he could go. We didn't want him to. But. we knew he V(OU!d g o anyway,'•• said GleDn. Most of the juveniles being picked up are from middle and upper income families. Some are only 11 or U years old. Only two were non-wblle. Bank Acquires Japanese Firm SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - The Bank of America an- nounced Monday it will ac- quire 20 percent cf a Japanese leasing company. Through an agreement with the Sumitomo Bank group or Osaka, Bank of America will acquire 20 percent or the stock er General Lease Qi. Lt.cl., a subsidiary of the Sumitomo Group. Bank of America has been engaged in equipment leasing in the United States for the past seven years. .,,,., ..... Pu~h the liutton ind lock in sharpest picture -automatir.ally an<l tlttlronica\Jy! Walnut l(rain·erl ('1binet, 102 aq. inch acreen. Solid sl.lte ch•uis with 26 lon1-life transistors. Stand for above televiJion •.. S 12. 9 5 OPEN SUNDAYS • CONVENIENCE, QUlllTY 15.12 CU. FT. REFRIGRATOR·FREEZER 'ftte .......... Relria:erator aectian hat two erl1pers, deep door 1helvt1, adjustable cold C011bvl i'reezer at.ores 140 lbl. Enjoy frost.fr.. camenience fOft'Yer! Whit• or Cop,..r1on•· 15 CU. FT. FREEZER STORES 541 POUNDS Find C\erythinp: ti a glance! llu~ upri111:h1 &lores casy•IO.§Ce food r-cks or c1n1, h11 3 ftsl free11e 1helves; ""'I re· 11intt fMnl . Sale s1ss ALL DIU6 STOllS--MAIL OIDDS FILUD 5-PC. 'CASTILLIAN' SET IN DARK OAK FINISH •' .. w•r triple clre11er • 26'' x 40'' mirror • Queea•slae p.,..I hellAoarcl • 2 commodes $16 8 Romantic in JnOOfJ ••• !ht rich Wk oak finish and t1.QUii.i1e lints :.it• u.11T1pkmcn1 1u •nY home! High prciiurc lam inttcd pla"ic: 1ops •u easy to keep bt~u1iful. (ummo<lfJtw.:h ha Ye~ apaciou1 Sal .Jra11·crs. e 12 CUllC FOOT DOUBLE DOOi IEFllfEIATOR Sale full wid1h rrisprr, spacious door &helve!\ and lar~ 'AA rack. No def roslinJ?. ever in refrigerator comparlmtnt. free zer hol1ls o\·er 102 pound~. 27 Ulche• wirle. Super cleaning power 'space age' efficiency SOFA AND LOVE SEAT in beautiful quilted fabric llcrc ~·ou ~t a huf!,c 8-foot, 3-cushi8'ns aofa tnd m11chin,I! 2-cushion love teal ••• a com· mandir.,e: pair. indeed •• , m1gnifictnt ind m&Mivr!y proportioned. lntric•lely qu ilted rayon d1mask coverin~ plu• polished 'hr•~•' hall caster~. Stneationelly priced il11rin~ this e~cnt. Sale s\Sl Sale $268 Space age eUi cienc!' in design, with mo~ power lhan ever befon:! Tip-$ 33aa P"'"r ""'"" wi1h '"Y •np Sole 1round storap: for the hose. 8 •l· lath men11; tel f-windins cord. Extra capacity, extra cycles for larger family use 6-sided Octagon? BETTER LIVING WITH GRANTS CREDIT Otreri you SOAK-REGULAR-DELICATE-cycles for tvery type of fabric. Five \VASH and RINSE water tempertlur11! Family 1iie capacity mike. fa1t work of• hie w1ahin1l Acitl· tion and spin •P"d setlin1 richt for most f•brica. Washington's Octagon House has only six sides but why Jet trivialities get in the way when history is concerned. The house is a registered National His- toric Landmark. Among Its early visitors were five U.S. presidents -Jefferson, Monroe, Madison, John Quincy Adams and Jackson. GRANT PLAZA e Brookhurst & Adams e Huntington Beach l . ' • I Mil V ·PILOT Gifted Students' School shut Down ALL SWIM SHOPS OPEN TOMORROW, FRIDAY, 8 A.M. FOR Y9UR '.SHOPPING CONVENIENCE By GLEN CARPENTER FRANKFORT, Ky. (UPI) - Uncoln' School was an ex· puJme.t born out ol failure. Jts 'ltudentl were gifted youths from poor famllics and ln&dequate high schools !ls bOllding, once a segreg;Hcd schoOI for Negroes, had been abandoned. Bo.a.slip& 115 first success - a graduating class of 41 coJ- legtH>ound youth -Uncoln School will cl09e its doors Fri· day. The experiment has end- ed. Dr. Marvin J. Gold, 4S, director of the school in the tobacco rea:ion near Simpsoo- \1ille, Ky.1 claims it did not have a chance. "We hardly got tooled up before we got shut down, ·1 he said. The .school, established Jn 1966· by the 1Wlte legislature. closes becaUat or a cutback in state expenditures, A Sl .7 million provision ror t.incoln School in Republican Gov. Louie Nunn's proposed budget was reallocated by the Democ ratic-controlled legislature. , "The people COl.!ldn1t see beyond their pocket . boQk.'" Gold said, but insisl~"there were other factors inVolved in the shutdown. "I am sure there were overtone s of anti-in· teJlect.ualism ," he said. "Any time you get a school with gifted children you have got ·io count oo that ·as a·factor." He also blamed •'plain old fuhioned racism, fears of the unknown.0 "Use the word experimental in conjunction with people nnd it conjures up all sorts of fancy pic,tures in the minds -or mad scientists pl aying with helpless little kids," Gold uld. Lincoln School provided its students, grades 9 through 12, with many advantages. 11lere was one teacher for everv six students, a full·t i me psychiatrist, a psychiatric social worker, g u id an c e counselors and a t h..1 e t I c coaches. "There wa s nothing like it around," Gold said. '"l'he pro- gram had g i ( t e d disad- vantaged young!U:rs In a residet'IUal aeUing where we removed them from the.Ir disadYantaged background so that we wouldn't have lo wonder what efiect tbe home situation would havt oo what W'I' lllppenlnc in Ille IChoo! rocwn." Gold said he was mod!it C0'1- cerned about the 79 students who did not get to finish the.Ir high school education at Uq- coln r Some wtll be 1placed ln private prep schools and academies, he said. MOst 'of tbem will return to • ~ir homes- Libya Grabs PrQperty Of Aliens CAIRO IU~l) -Libya has announced it 11 confiscating the property of all ·Italians , and "lsraelites'1 in the oounty1 giv· Ing the Italians no com- pensation but promising the "Israelites" government bonds redeemable in 15 years. The Libyan head or state, Col. Moammar . Al-Khadafy, broadcast a series ol. decrees Tuesday night· on Tripoli radio. They not only dealt with property but · also banned Italians from holding jObs in Libya. "'Mle people of Libya are receiving back the property usurped by the fascists who came over the seas to impose their tyraMy," AJ..Khadafy said. lt.aly cok>nialized Lbya during World War JI, but gave it up in its surredner to the allies. Thre are an estimated 25,000 Italians in the country. Exactly what the decrees meant by "Israelites" was not clear. Political sources said it probably did not mean all Jews but rather only the ones who bad left Libya to live in Israel. The Libyan News Agency said crowds of Libyans hud- dled around transistor radios to hear Al·Khadafy, who led the coup that overthrew King Idris last Sepl. 1 and who has warned he would ei:pel Italians who maintain a "colonialist, fascist attitude." Make a Sharp Trade; Use Dim•·~·Lines UNIFORMS AIN'T WHAT THEY USED TO BE! ' An Ori9in•I Coll•ction of Desi gns For Profe,1ions Th at Require An Identify ing Costume PANT SUITS-DRESSES-SEPARATES e Fentastically Cera-free Fabrics • 1'11 w .. , & w.~ e Traditional Wh ite or Choose From A Veritable Sunburst of C~lors e Siias 8-11 Ctllfornl• C1r"r Co•tum• ., C/.arf~ Stepan , .!Jnc. II 1621 Al111>1m1 St. BE H""91...,..n 1 .. ch SS•·Sl66 ll'IN TUU. thnt IAT. t :SO·S:H -· ' ANNUAL SWIMSU .. IT· SALE • i • . • Save 331/J-400/o ·on our entire stock . of suits. they're ·all from nationally famous makers. Don't wai< another minu<e! Be at any one of our swim shops bright and early tomorrow morning. There you'll find every swimsuit from your favorite famous makers at 33 1/3 % <o 40% savings. In the fabrics you love .•. cotton, nylon or ace<ate. Soft tunics, one and two·piece styles, bikinis too. Choose from sunburst prints, muted patterns, stripes, dots and solids, of course. Sizes 8·1 8. 8. 9 9 to 2 1 . 9 9 were 15 .00-38.00 may co active sportswear 76 " • ., -~···· -~ \< -· .. , . ... ... . - mey co · south coast plaza , san diego fwy at b'risto l, costa mesa, 541>·932 1 shop monday thru salurday I 0 am to 9:3 0 pm. sunday noon 'til 5 pm 1 • .\ " J.j r I '• ( § I ,MAY CO f Reo for eur1 (lei Dor Lim ees· whil •PP at I DE• Is lh< lune!> bl'Oug Into I ques~ can p was 1 law 1 ui- Hei A. "' ~ ""'"ii him'..! blki" deal Ille ---·· - Rea and waiting for n 8:30 p.m. curt' in call are ( lef to right) Don l;)oug and Greg Lim . D~ug is cas in "Checkmate" while his brothers l.ppear in ''Dance at Bougival." ----·----..... -------------·------------~----·---·------ ILY'S • . . P IN LIGHTS Still Life Framed By BARBAllA l>UARTE Of .... DlllY "" ..... They smile when asked if any funny things have hapt>ened in the past five years. Then the Costa Mesa family interrupts one another as a flood of funny st«ies pours out. A peUte, lpce11y blonde ·natural for her role in Degas' "Dancers Adjusting Their Slippers" in Laguna Beach's Pageaat of the Mamh, Fay Lima describes her brood (self included) as just a litUe nuts. "After all," she said·, "it takes_ quite a bit of insanity to get involved as a family cast ia dozens of roles for five years in a row. "But, once you do it, it's addictive. You're hooked!" ' 1be Lima household, come lesUval time is pandemooiwn. Four sons are engaged in daytime activity. Yet they and her husband scurry to round up clothes, line up for dinner (on paper plates, of course) and try to remelnbet to put out Pierre, the poodle, before leaviJg. BAY STREET STATION Or, debarking might be a better word . For their home on Bay Street looks more like Grand Central StaUon in the eveiilng thaa a modest home on a quiet street Doug, youngest of the family and tNs year's Black Bishop in "Checkmate," recenlly completed a sUnt as a teaching asslslut In a opace (ll'O(lnlll deft)aped for llfxlh graden at Coata Mesa's Heim Kaber Jllllior llilh Schoel. On clear days, Doug and his students , launched balloons and nicUls to hefCbli of 400 feet and speeda,up to IJOO mllil per hour. Teenagm Doo and Greg work ill I nearby restaurant where big brother· Ken, 11, ls bead cook. Ke11 a scholarship participant In Cbapman'1 World Catn(lUI Afloat, Ii enrolled 11 California Slate College at Fullerton, ud UC!, majoring in education. Greg, who earned a acholarshl.p to UCI, hopea to go into pediatrics, and Don, a senior at Coro1a del· Mar Hlgb Scllool, also bas IU llll>ta let on medicine. Doug basn't announced any delinlte plans. but a good bet ii ii wW be sometblng relative to space, BOYS GQOW Wim FJ!31'IV AL Five ye:ars ago. Fay Lima saw a call for pageant volunt.ers in ,the newspaper. eauatit up In tbe Idea, she hustled her family to I Casting part)', and that's where ·the stc.y began. Now, they literally Uve· with their festival activities. Off and on for sewral months * they carry around traces of their tbeatrlcaJ.. like endeavor -gray and green hair, oolored Ungemalls and mu!Ucolored ring& around the hairline. "Jn fact ," added Ken (his t foot, 2 inch frame much in demand for Get· tysburg), "I've been called a mokly man, not to mentioo having to get uaed to having chlldren staring at me.11 But, the boys can bout they've grown with their roles. And, someUmes they've grown out of them. A special set of sheets bearing makeup from dozens of roles come out of storlge each sinnmer and family cooperatkm becomes a must. "It was a little rough when I worked all day," Mrs. Llma recalls, "but, John had an early shift and managed to get dinner started." This year the first call il!I a: lS p.m .. allowing them a more leisurely departure time. But even with earlier calla they've never been late and missed a night only once when illness prevented. Fay Lima's appearance. PIGEON UPSTAGES STATUE Funny iocidf.llt.s? 'Ibey remember lots of them. Don recalls the time a pigeon landed - on Galatea (but not the night he was port.raylng Pygmalion). Galatea was gallant and moved nary a muscle, tam- ing her a special backstage award. Doug bolds a trophy for having had his eyes taped shut for Oree hours each night while appearing in an abstract Picasso pa inting. Greg tells or the night a tapestry rolled up and volunteers rolled out. On a more per80ll81 level, John Lima 1 (who doesn't share hia youngest son's love for space) admits he was scared to dea th (or at )east motionle11a) (See LIMAS, Pqe Iii Evenings are • flurry of actlv· ity for the Lima family•• they get ready to join 130 ca1t mefn. bars In the Pat••nt of the Matters. Fo1y Lima Mrv11 a picnic-style chlck.n dinner to l•I left, left to right) Kon, Greg, Don, John and Doug - and th-., it'1 off and running with Greg In the lead Cat right). ' WAIT A MINUTE! DAD ISN'T IN Dilly Pilot 'PhOtot By Richard 'Koohllr I •• Cold Lemonade Served in Nick of Time When Heat's On DEAR ANN LANDERS: Yoot column is the main topic m conversation over Juneheon tables. Recently three people brought the same column and we got into a heated argument. I refer to the question or whether or not a female can J!(lrpetuate a sex crime. Your answer was pat, and legaJ, bul 1 believe the law ought to be changed, and one of ~ daJ/S it will be. Here is an example d ..mat I mean. A. ~lable leml!y man was · lying in own backyard, sunning. He was · re • pail' of bathing trunks. The nex ' ghbor girt -an ovetblown, vd• uous sex,kiUen of 13 -spotled him. She also wa s ·sunbathing -In a blkl . A moth would have starved to deal on il. l saw tile girl go into \he t1 yard aod lie down to close ' ANN LANDERS ~ to him you couldn't have Put a blade or grass between them. I stood ~ my kitchen window and watched her \orment that guy for alx>ut 10 mimtos. ·I was greatly relieved when t11e mll'l's 1Vife came out with a pitchel' of lemonade. The girl returned to her own yard two seconds later. JI something ouk>f-the-Wlly had happened tile law could have found the man guilty of rape, t say this is rubbish. In lact1 several good lawyer1 believe the vAAt major!t,y or rape -ate lromeup<. WUI you corn1nent, please? -SEEING IS BELIEVING DEAR SEEING: I a1ree. -IOme afrl1 lavlle t-. Bot a 11-yelf'oO!d fl ooly a tben 7e.,.1 eat ol •pen. Wlte1 LoUta tltowed IP he llHlllN Uve given her a t11berly grettlng ud 1oae into the houte, DEAR ANN LANDERS: Is my anger justified? Jf you eay t am wrong, 1 will accept your verdk:l Her. is the altuatloo. I have two children under lhree years ol age and a third beby on the way. The problem ii my h111band. He won't do a thing ammd h •house. He refuses to wash a dish, tcrUb 1 floor or even take out the garbqe. I doo'I know how hard to (>Ull1 him because in my famHy Jt w11 too much the other way. Ma WM a terrible naaer. She henpecked Papa lllU!len:lful\Y. He did more housework than she did. I always felt so 80ny for him -and so did everyone elae. My husband's family Is the -11•. My mother-Jn-law raised five children whtle my father·ln-law sat around and watd>ed. The boyl all take after their raUter. f ahoold toll you my hwlbend ls working a llOCOlld Job becauae we can't make It on !Iii praeot lllary. He puts in about 12 hours a day, five de.ya a week. 1hi9 makes me wonder it I have the right to ~P.ect him to help me at home. I'd like your opinion. -COLORADO CALLOUSES DEAR CALt A lla1baDd wbo warb two jobo -Id 1IGI ho expecled to scrab noor1, bu.t !le coold dry 1 dlM or llelp ld1 prepant wife talle t1t U.. 11....... AIM! It .... 1a~ •Uri H lle'd -~· a .. per, .. llefp pat Ille fddo to bed on Ute weekend -'°' u 1 work·aavl•& device bat 11 a me111 ol -I a rel1U..lllp wlllo llfl elllfdm. DEAR ANN LANDERS: 'l'hl1 11 sorl or . an eilquette question. What obould 1 17°year-<>ld niece aay lo bet U.Cie when she liods herself sitting next to him in a d•k thealer whleb•la featurlna a vory BelQ' fllm and the woman wllll fim Is not het aunt? Should· Ille mentloe It to her mother? -EYEFUL IN E111E DEAll EYP'IJL: De -Id '"1 "Hello" IO Mr ucle and at\WM tt uyoae else. ' Give In or lolle him ••• when a 111 atves you this line, Jook out! For Upe Oil how to bindle the super 1e1 aalelmln, check Ann Landers, Read her booltlet, ,;Necking alld Pe!llng. -' W¥ Ato· tho Llmlil!" Send yo11r r.quut lo Ana tinders in care or 'your .news~, enclosing 50 cents In coin ' atMt a loo&, ttamped, lelf·addreoaed envtio\10 ID ,._ ol the D"""Y PILOT. . ' " ,,,.'1day, July )II, 1'711 <;ifi.ed Students' SchOol Shut Down '9,.· GL£N. CA&PENTER FRAN)<Jl'ORT, Ky, (UPI) - Llncohf• Sctleo'. was an t>l· perlrnlllt born out of failure. Jts. «udents were gifted y<Mdbs rrom poor famili es and lnadequale hilf)l schools Its btJilding,, once a segreg;ited schOOI for' Negroes, had been abandOned. Boas~ipg<'.ils first wcc:ess - a graduating class of 41 col- lege-bound youth -Lincoln School will close its doors Fri· day. The exj>eriment has erJd. ed. Dr. Marvin. J. Golt4 43, director of the school in the tobaceG ·reeion near Simpson· ville§ Xy., ·claims it did not have a.dtance. l•we hardly got tooled up before ·We got shut down,'' he said. The school, established in 1961 by the atlt.e legislature, closes becauae of a cutback in state expenditures, A $1 .7 million provisjon for Lincoln School in Republican Gov. Louie Nunn's proposed budget was reallocated by th e D emo c ratlc-J:onlrolled legislature. . , ''The people c04ldn!f. ,see beyond their pocket·. boQk," Gold said, but · insisl~"there were other factors inVoJYed in the sl'lutdown. "C am sure there .Were overtones .Of anti-in- tellectualism," he said. "Any time you get a school with gifted .children you •have· got to eount.oo that·as a•factor." He also •blamed "plain old falhioned racism, fears of the unknown." "Use the word experimental in 'conjunction with. people and it conjures up all sorts of fancy pictures in the minds -oC mad scientists playing with helpless little kids," Gold &aid. Lincoln School provided its students, grades 9 tbrough 12, with many advantage!. There was one teacher for every six students, a ful l-ti me psychiatrist, a psychiatric social worker, g 111 dan c e counselors and athletic coaches. "There was nothing like it around,'' Gold said. "The pro-· gram had g I ft e d disad- vantaged youngsters in a residential setting where we rem~ed them from. their disadvan(!lged background .so that We wouldn't have to w()l)der what effect the borne situation would have on what WClS happening in the school room ." Gold said he was most con- cerned about the 79 students who did.not get to finish their high schoo l education at Lin· co)n: Some Will be 1placed in private prep schools and academles, he said. M'ost ·of , them will return "to-' their homes. Libya -Grabs Pr0,perty Of Aliens CAIRO (UPI) -Libya has announced it Is conf~tln& the property ,of all Jta1Jans. and i•Jsraelites'' in 1he coonty, giv- ing the Italians no cem- pensat.ion but proqiising· the "Israelites" government bonds redeemable in 15 years. The Libyan head of state, Col. Moammar . Al-Khadaiy, broadcast a series ol decrees Tuesday night· on Tripoli radio. 'Itiey not' only dealt with. property but · also banned Italians frOm holding jObs in Libya. "The people or Libya are ;recei~ing back the properly usurped by the fascists who came over the seas to impose their tyraMy,'' Al-Khadafy said. Italy colonlalized · LJ>ya during World War II, but gave it up in its surredner to the allies. Thre are an estimated 25,000 11.alians in the country. <Exactly what the decrees meant by ''Israelites" was not clear. Polilical sources said it probably did not mean all Jews but rather only the ones who had left Liby a to live in Israel. The Libyan News Ag ency said crowds of Libyans hud- dled around transistor radios to hear Al-Khadafy, who Jed tbe coup that overthrew King Idris last Sept. 1 and who has warned he would expel llalians who maintain a ''colonialist, fascist attitude." Make a Sharp •Tredo; Use Dime·:A.·Lines. UNIFORMS AIN'T WHA·T THEY , USED TO BE/ An Origin al Collection of Designs For Prof1usions That Requ ir e An Identifying Costume PANT SUITS-DRESSES-SEPARA TES e fe~ft1t ic 1lly Cere.fre• F1bric1 e All With & Weir e Treditionel Whit• or Choose From A Veritable Sunburst of Colors e Si1e1 8-18 Ctllfornlt C1r"r Cest11m• by C/.arfed Stepan, !Jnc. • 1•21 Al1i.am1 It. BE "'""'"""" IMch ss•-s1'' )PIN TUU. thrv IAT. l :S0-5:30 . .. .. .. -· . -.. . -· --....... ... ;.----;--;-.-; -;---------;-~-.. --.--,-. -;-·--;·..-,,-,~-.-.~. ~-~ .,. : ' • 'Atl SWIM SHOPS OPEN TOMORROW,. FRIDAY, 8 A.M. F<DR YOUR ·.SHOPPING CONVEN.IE·NCE • ' • • j i.. • ·~ ,. • ANNUAL SWIMSU ·IT SALE • ' ' Save 331/3·400/o ·on our entire stock of suits. they're all from nationall.y famous makers. Don't wait another minute! Be at any one of our swim shops bright and early tomorrow morn ing. There you'll find every swimsuit from your favorite famous makers at 33 1/3% to 40% savings. In the fabrics you love .. , cotton, nylon or acetate. Soft tunics, one and two-piece styles, bikinis too. Choose from sunburst prints, muted patterns, stripes, dots and solids, of course, Sizes 8-18. 8. 9 9 to 2 1 . 9 9 were 15.00-38.00 may co acti ve sportswear 76 \ t may co · south coast plaza, son diego fwy at bristol, eoste mesa, 546 -9321 shop monday thru saturday I 0 em to 9:30 pm. sunday noon 'til 5 pm ------------------ ' . '. ' . . ' ' 1 : ~ I \\ I ' ,MAY CO ·-.. I 'I\ R• fo CL (I D· Li ~~ wl ~F et DE ls Ill· lurx:h brouf into . quest can p Wis law · 'I\<'< Hee A, rt in hi! ::,'.J volu] him. blki drat lhe -· .. . . . . . _, . -. . .. •• • • ... •• •· • .. • t ~ ~ ...... FAJMILY'S WP IN LIGHTS Ready and waiting for an 8: 30 p.m. curtain call are (left to right I Don, D°;ug and Greg Li'ma. Qoug is · cast in "Checkmate" while his brothe rs appear in "Dance at Bougival." I 1 . ' Still Life Framed By BARBARA l>UARTE Of .... Ml'1 ..... Stitt 1bey smile when asked if any funny things have happened Jn the past five years, Then the Costa Mesa family internipts ooe another as a flood ol funny stories pours ouL A peUle, pretty blonde natural for her role in Degas' 0 Dancers Adjusting 1lleir Slippers" in LagWJa Beach's Pageut of the Madi, Fa.Y lJma describel her brood (sell ;;;duded) as just a. Utile nuls. "After all," she said, "it takes quite 1 bit of insanity to get involved as a family cast ia dozens of roles for five years in a row. "But, once you do it, it's addictive. You're hooked!" ' "nle Lima houseboki, ccme festival Ume is pandemonium. Four sons are engaged in daytime activity. Yet they and her huaband .curry to round up clothes, line up for dinner (on paper plates, of course) and try to remember 4 to put out Pierre, the poodle, before leavlag. BAY STREET STATION Or, debarking might be r. better word. For their home on Bay Street looks more like Grand Central Station in the eveiling thaa a mode!lt home on a quiet street. Doug, youngest ol Ille family and this year's Black Bishop in "Checkmate," recently completed a stint as a teaching ,...,..,, <{!!Ir ., 1m ... '' awlafat in a eplCe: pftCltlb deftloped for· liitb sraden at a.t.a Mesa's Heinl Kaber Jw>or High School. On clear days, Doug and his students • launched balloons and rocteb to heiCbta of 400 feet and _.ta. up to eoo mU;o per hour. • Teenagen Don and G"fl wwk In a nearby rutaurant wheh btg brolber Kai., 21, ii bead coot, Kea, a ICbolRl'lblp parl!clponl In Chopman's World Campus Afloat. ta enrolled al Calilom!a State College at Fullerton, ud UC!, majoring in education. Greg, who earned a 1eholanhtp to UC!, hopes lo go into pedlalri<s, and !loo, a senior at Coroaa de! Mir Hip School, o1so has bis ojpta IOI on medicine. Doug hasn' announced any definite plans. but • good bet ta k wW be something relative to space. BOYS GllOW WITH FESTIVAL Five years qo, Fay Lima uw a call for pageant vol~ In the newspaper. CaqM up tn thie idea, she hustled her flDllly lo • casting porty,_ and that's where the stcry bepn. Now. they literally live ' wtth their festival ac:tivities. Off and on for seYtral months .. they carry aroond traces of their theatrlca~ like endeavor -gray and green hair, ailored fingemalls and multlcolored ring& around Ille balrllne. "ln fact," added Ken (his I foot, 2 inch frame much in demand for Get- tysburg), "I've been called a moldy man, not to mention having to get uaed to having chUdren staring at me." But, tile boys can bout they've grown with their roles. And , someUmes they've grown out of them. A special set ol -ta hearing makeup from dozens ol roles ccme out of storage each summer and family cooperation becomes a must. 111t wu a little rough when I worked all day," Mrs. Lima recalls, "but, John had an early shift and managtd to get dinner started." This year the first call Is I : 15 fl.Pl-• allowing them a more leisurely departure time. But even wltll earlier calls they've never been late and missed a night only once when illneu prevented Fay Lhna 's appearance. PIGEON UPSTAGES STATUE Funny incidents? They remembtr lots of them. Don recalls the time a pigeon landed on Galatea (but not the ntght he was portraying Pygmalion). Galatea was gallant and moved TIIJ'1 a mu'.9cle1 earn- ing her a special backstage award. Doug holds a trophy fur having had his eyee taped shut for ttree hours each night while appearing in an abstract Picasso painting. Greg te'lls o( the night a tapeslry rolled up and volunteers rolled out. On a more peraonal level, John Llma 1 (who doesn't share his youngest 90n'1 love for space) admits he was acared to death {or at leut motlonlelll) (Set LIMAS, Pqe IS) Evenings are a flurry of actlv· ity for the Lima family 11 they get ready to join 130 cast mem· bers In the Pageant of the Ma1tar1. Fay Lima Hrv11 a picnic-style chlckM dinner to (11 left, left to right) Kon, Greg, Don, John and Doug - and then it'1 off and rvnnlng with Gr19 In the lud (11 right), WAIT A MINUTE! DAD ISN'T IN Dilly Pilot 'PhOtos By Rlch1rd 'Koehler ...... Cold Lemonade Served in . Nick of Time When Heat's On DEAR ANN LANDERS: Yoor column tt \he main topic ol conversation over 1'"""'°'1 tableo. Recently three people brought the same a>lwnn and we got into a heated argument. I refer to the question of whether or not a female can perpetuate a sex crime. Your answer was pat, end legal, but I believe the law oulht to be cha~ed. and one of ~ days it wiU be. Hefe is an example d what I mean. A. ~ble family man was lying in hi own backyard, suming. He was · pair' ol bathing trunks. The ne ibbm-gin -an ovetblown , v sex.k.iUen of 13 -spotted him."Jsne also was ·sunbathing -in a blkl'3-A moth would have st.arved to l'll'A ~ it. I saw the gtrf go into the · '• yanf aod lie down '°·close ' ANN LANDERS ~ . to him yoo cculdn't have put a blade or grass betwten them. I stood at my kitchen WindoW Mid watd>ed her lorment that guy lor about 10 mlmtes. I was greatly relieved when Ufe man's wife came out with a pitcher ol lemoruide. The girt returned to her own yard two seconds later. U 30meU\ing out..c-the-way had happened the taw '°"Id have fotrod Ille man guilty of rape, I say this ls rubblsh. ln fact, aeveral good lawyers believe the va5t majorll)I ol rape C1M01 are fl'- Will yoo comment1 please? -SEEING IS BELIEVING DEAR SESING: I qree -Mall &lrlt lnvlle U..ble. Bat a 1,.,....-old 11 ooty • dolea ,e.,.1 ... , ot ••pen. W.1 Lollta showed up he ahMd bave live• ber 1 fa*M:rl)o IJ'fftl•s and , .. lato the .... DEAR ANN LANDERS: Is ;ny anger justilied? 1f you aay t s.m wrong, t will -your venllct. H.,. Is the lituaUoo. I have two c:hiJdren under lbr<o years ol oge Mid a lhint boby on the way, The problem 11.my-buaband. He won' do • Jlling aroond tho houH. He re!mes to wl!ltl a. di9h, ICl'Ub a. t1oor or even take out the garbage. I don't know how hard lo pwh him because in my family it w11 tao· mudl the other way. Ma WM a terrible Maer. She henpecked Papa urunen:lfulll'. He did more housework t h • n abt dkl. I always felt ., BOrr/ for him -and 80 did everyone elte. My huoband's family Is Ille -1le. My mot.her.Jn-Jaw raised five chUdren while my father·IP.law sat around and watched. The boys all take all« their falber. I "'°"Id toll )'OU my huobond Is -king • -Job bee•-... can't make It "' bis -I lllary. He puts In about 12 hours a day, five days a week. 1bis makes me wonder K I have Ille right lo expect him to help me at b>me. I'd like your oplnton. -COLORADO CALLOUSES DEAR CAL: A lla1baad wM workl two )obi -llOI be upected lo tcntb flton, kt M COllkl di')' a di• or lltlp Ma prepiaa& wife &Ike lllt lie 1ortoop. AM It _, lllon I lle'd CbuP, l dlapof,ud llelp pol Ille Udo to bed OD dMI wec!kf!lld -aot 11 I work•llYlal device btlt II I IDelDI ot ttllblbt' I 1 rtlldoelWp wttlri "' -· DEAR ANN LANDERS: Tiils Is sort or ••• ellq-question. Whal should • 17-year-old niece oay lo lier wicle when she finds heraeK silt.Ing next lo him In a dark theater wMch ii futuq 1 very auy fllm and the W<lllllll with him is not her aunt? Should lhe mentkm It lo her mother? -EYEFUL IN ERIE DEAR EYEFUL: lllle ohald 101 11UeUo" to kr UKle and 111Mas tit U)'Glle else. Give in er 1oee hlm , .. whtn a lf1 alves you this Jlne, look out! For Upt on how to handle Ille super -111esmon, check AM Landers, Read her book"1. "Necklnl Ud Pe(tlng -What Art Ibo LlmlJsl" Send your req-lo Ana Landen ln tare of )'OUr DeWsplpll', encloolng 50 cents in coin and a Iona, lllamt>Cd. oe!f.addreooecl -.......... ol lhe DAILY PILOT. ' 1 I ., ..... _ ····-··--· -------. . -.. -- . Interest Never Fades \ By JEAN WILLIAJllS · . some· of the \ llbtla lead, the war, Mn. Seaver 1athered "wh.. her second dalllhtet Of ni. o.tlJ rntt ,,.,. "Phlllipi.nes, ~' Mulco. together ICIJDe early American was born, berl olds dau.cbter Ccmblne a flair for tbe American ~.' _ Ear 1 y aod tntemaUonal character was eilbt years old. Sbe pve dram•Jc with a collectloo of 'American, N'"'JOrleana. • ·" dolls and cl,!lpleyed tliern lo the older a,.l!ol>r doll I 000 dolls and -t do YIJll• Mrs. Seaver/CU -ft\ raise "'°"'1 fO< !he lied to dms and tUe ~ of, ~ve? !;':\ up, the collection iD ap-Cross. callirC the grouping she~· and ere w11 M\ler In the case of Mrs. RuU, grodtna~ an bout for leo-. "Dolls for ~eme." •!1Y Jealousy the new baby Se K-""""· of 1rvtne yn1• ture appearances on the sister. aveT -·-', 'i,.i;: . bJst<iry of dolls, aJ10lber wort-SCHOOL USE Over the y she baa col• :;~~ • llfelmg 'worting , ·ingJ. use she makes of the ~ her two daughlers lected dolls in ,antique stores "An collect dolls'' bobby, Wtn£lwlng up -they are m:I in her own world travels YM< ""' , • lier bi5torlcal -ledge Is now . Edwin M. Slmpooo -and friends who know ol she ..,,. °""" told, 'but you , aolid. \•no11s wmo important ol F · d&• and M r s • her hobby also bring her dolls ~ ~que because you use as far 'baCk p ancient Egypt," Fenwick English of Mesa, from abroad. em. slle commented. 'Ille Egyp-Ariz. -Mrs. Seaver allowed A friend just presented her ln the 31 yeon llhe has . Uans, site -· "believed that diem lo take dolls lo school wlth nine dolls from Afrlc:a collected dolls from aroond a child's OPlrlt went llllo a lo illustrate the countries they and a benelf brou&ht .; the world. Mrs. Seaver has doll" and, therefore, a doll were studying. When they 25 dolls from Spain oa her used them lo educate, lo ad-was always placed beside a joined the Gtrl ~ts she last Europeon trip, vance internatkmal relations, body tn a tomb. became a scout 1eader and "When the ~ tn.. to enttrtaJn and to decorate. med American a n d iIJ.. spector saw all those dolls " Her dolls range Jn size from FOREIGN MAKE tematlonal dolls Jn scouting she sald. "be asked -t' t some tiny enough to put m Dolls of the past century dilplay11. w a s doing w ft h them. a nutshell to one as large largely.were made by German Now the yoothful-look'iog I told him that I sUil played as a three·year~ child. and French manufacturers, grandmother o£ five, Mn. with dolls -and he gave Her University Park hmne sbe said. Tbe9e dolls had Seaver feels that dolls can me a !hocked loot. shut my fcnis a bactground fO< a por-pon:elaln heads, with hand play an lmport.ant part Jn d>lld sultcase, and dl<ll't checl: tian of her collectlan. Uno!> painted features and eyes that psyd>oJocy. another lllirll!" • truslve and tasteful are the opened and clooecl -but they_ groupings of dolls here and had no eyelashes. During there -on an ornamental World War I, Allied shelling table beneath the stairway. destroyed many ot. the Euro- in an antique cradle beside pean porcelain flClories and a bed, on the top of a chest 0011 makers tumed to mating of drawers. more lifrrlike models with un- breakable heads. Moot popular IN DEMAND was the "By-Lo'" baby doll, Fremonf ·-~smates Seek Alumni 'ci"l940 Wider decorative use is made tn America in the early made ol. the full doll collection Do you happen to know moot alumnus or who knows hich · t Uy bo ed t 920s. anyone from the winter 40 how to reach other classmates w 11 ept Dea 1 A I--drama maim-at h · h Many a ea .... un.• ,¥. cl of Joh c Fr l HI h is asked to get in touc with 1n er garage. r the uru·v-i·ty of s.u·~--ass n . emon g ml th cluba !luch as the Otamber ...... "fg11 School? com ttee members in e o£ C.Ommerct call upon Mn. Calif<X'Oia, Mrs. Seaver ac-area who are taking reserva4 Seaver to decorate for special tually began the doll collecUon All graduates 0£ that year tions. luncheons or dinners. She uses just prior to World War 11 are being sought for a 30 In Westminste r Mrs. 1'tabel dolls of all natiom or dolls when motion picture actress year class reunion and dinner (More) Schargitz may be from one particular country Louise Dresser -a fellow dance this fall. phoned at 897-8763, and iD -her Italian collectlon, for member of Zeta Phi Eta, na-The Long Beach Elks Club Himtington Beach Mr s • l 1 ed to Uonal dramatic honorary -will be the scene of the reu-Florence (Wood) Walsh will BIG ARMFUL -Shown Wltb but a few oi,ller i,ooo dolls Is Mn. Rullt Seaver Kennedy who put her hobby to work in' educ;a\j'on, entertainment and decoration. Boy dolf· in left foreground is one made in Germany circa 1900; others from many lands in- cluding America have been gathered. in the Irvine collector's world travels. examp e, was emp oy gave her daughter a doll. ail give atmosphere for the TUes-nion on Saturday, Oct. 24. receive information by m · day Club of Newport Harbor's .... AiiftiierjjiAmerliijiiii'ciiiaii's jjjeniiijtryjjilnjjjtoiiijjjiAjjjnyjjioiineiijwiihojjiijjis iiaiiii<OiiiiiFiire-iiiiiialiiiPii.iiOiii. Boiiiiiziiilii743iii.iiiiiiiii~j ''Night in Rome." Storage box Jabe.ls give some indication . of the vast 5Cope: of her c o 11 e c ti () n : ''Tangiers, Israel, Turkey," Your Horoscope Tomorrow . • . . . 5(:orpio: Influence Spreads From Page 17 . .. Limas while standlng m a lotly pla~ form in a Gettylburg role. "Besides that," he added, "tbe gener .als up above us rolled rocks down the bill." FRIDAY JULY 31 By SYDNEY OMARR j Restaurant ownrn ltDerally ~ fled that CUJtomers born under Ute IOdl•cal alp of l ea---likely lo ... • , -Mll!'llopotlllelllbll : olarepu&. 'I . ARll!S (Mardi 11-Aprtl 19): ~ Accent on home, family ~f· ~ fairs. Best to EIJWtain 1n • lamlllor IUmJUlldlnis. Avoid : those who urge rectlea at> ; Hon. Key Is to know ywr -- limitations -and to live up to Potential. : TAURUS (April 20-May 20): : Accent on willlngnm lo chqe, lo take neeeswy ~ journey, t o communicate l-needl.-Display ... 0 f humor. Have alternative i methods at baud. Modernize l concepts. i GEMINI (May 21.June 20): ~ Spotlight oa money, personal ~ JlOl!MWk.IDS. Genuine bargain ~ is available. Avoid committing ~ youne]f to long-range con- ; tract. Keep positi'*> llexlbJe; : Study fine prinL ! CANCER (June 21.July 22): ~ Lunar cycle coincides with ' time for you to take inlUaUve. Ld otben know ywr desires, needs. Have coofidence. Put : yourielf '"'°"'· stress in-~ ~ ori&inality. • ; LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): : Surprlle due. One ""' aided • ,....,. favor. Be gradous In ~ acceptlnc:compllments. ~ EmPbuls is on what occun l beblDd """"°"· You galn ac-{ ~ to valuable material. VIRGO (Aug, 23-SepL 22): Frie! who makes specllic clalma may not be fully in- formed. K<>y Is to 111e your nalural ability to perceive Harbor Center VICTORIA'S 'lf:2· ......... •ms . a DRESSES fj SEPARATES a SHIFTS »00-Hrior trends, cycles. U analytical, you arrive at truth. Strive for improvements. IJBRA (Sepl 23-0ct. 22): Definite gain shown. But there is also added pressure for you to "perform" at your best. Mains DOlhing balfway will fill blll. l'ivmotlao, llllded prestlge ... -. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 11): Your lnfJuence ipl'eada. More -lll more places are ant:l.ou.s to know your views. Realize this; write and ad- vertise. On personal level, be attentive to me who confides problem. SAGmARrus (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Acctnt on money connected 1'Wl mate, partner. Estates, hidden assets are apotlighted. New approach is favored '1Vtt the old. Be bol.d. Display aeH-. . CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. To avoid clluppollitment. prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding stories with black and white ~lossy r.boto- grapbs to the DAILY PILOT Women s De- partment one week before the wedding. Pictures received following the weddin g will not be used. For engagement announcements it . is imperative that the stocy, als o accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be sub- mitted si:r. weeks or more before the wedding date. If deadline is not met. only a story will be used. To help fill requirements on both wed- dinR and engagement atories, fonn.s are avtillable in all Of th• DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Women's Section staff members at 64.M321 or 494-9466. ASTS UNTIL ND OF MONTH THE HOUSE OP SOUTH COAST PLAZA lthttf It. llfi 11 llfWOll J .......... U.S. N•1. 11 IL 14A 2066 19): Lie low. Let others show their hands. You gain by making patience your ally. Be discreet. Cement rela- tionships with mate, partner. Get rid ot self-doubt. Time ls oo your side. AQUARRJS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Slop trying lo prove what everyone alre.ady knows you can do. Ughteii grip on reins. Be DKlf'fi t!asj-going. You are gaining objecUve. Know this and enjoy frults'of your labor. PISCES (Feb. ! .. March 20): Good . lunar aspect coincides with chance to express f~I· lngs in meaningful manner. Gtnerat.i>n gap is bridged. One you love responds. You have.reason to celebrate. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you are capable ol..-~...ot.bers with an abllify to grasp essentials. Your demeanor gives im- pression of "I couldn't care less." But, in reality, you not only care: you do something about it. New task, challenge, cycle is working in your favor. You will know this for a fact by fall. To 1111<1 GUI mor• •boul vour•111 •nd 11trolollr, ~ SvdMY Om1'1''t :SQ. Hit tNM*lel, Tl\9 Trull! About Al- lrolotv. $tnd blrtl1i!tlt tnd JO C91111 lo Omtrr 8ookle1, !tit DAILY PILOT, Bo. l2CI, Grt'ld Cerllr.I Sl1tloft, H- YOl'll', H.Y. 10011. ~ Back-breaking poses, eyes cast down to prevent reflec- tion from stage lig'bts, stifling beat inside an astronaut's helmet ••• they're all part of the mow for the Limas • Each year they ww to take a breather the following sum- mer. But ~ the volunteer call is sounded -they res- J>Olld. It's 1n their blood, oo their sheels, Jn their balr and under their flngemaill. And It doesn't figure lo dwl!le aey in the immediate futl.n. Success Told The succeas story of Mn. Ronald Heinze of Garden Grove, TOPS member who has lost man than 100 pounds and ls a Century C I u b Medallion wirlrEr, will be re- counted for members of Let· Wce-B-TOPS Tuesday, Aug. lL Mrs. Helnu will speak at 7,30 p.m. lll Fountain Valley, Elementary School. Guesta are welcome and infonnation may be obtained by calllni Mrs. Gene Durst, 96M703. t GIVI AWAY DOLLAR DAYS Values to $35.95-$15.00 ea. or Two fOf' $25.00 Values to $69.95-$25.00 ea. or Two for $45.00 Values to $115.95-$35.00 ea. or Two for $65.00 Al Wltli LelNll of Dhtloctloo AJIW..Pf ... ........ H• LAir•••r• '"..,_ Ascc ... WetccM 011r Alltr.ttlo11 dept. wlll tlttr lllY clr111 i11 yo11r wtulrei,. 2515 L C:-1 Hwy. et MocArtlltlr C:..-dol Mor '73-.ZHO SEMI-ANNUAL S.A L.E STARTS FRIDAY, JULY 31 ,; e.111 • This is the 81 G One •.. REDUCTIONS UP TO 75%! All Summer Merchandise Goes ! No· Gimmicks ! JUST TREMENDOUS VALUES FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SWIM SUITS· Regularly to $35.00 $8 1-TO $18 WET SEAL CHARGE -HUNDREDS-OF COTTON SHIFTS and PANT DRESSES Rtgulerly to $25.00 seoo ·to s1300 MASTER CHARGE ENTIRE STOCK OF SUMMER SHOR·TS and TEE SHIRTS Regul1rly to $13.00 Rotulerly to $50.00 Regul1rly to $17.00 ~· .. ~ s300 to seoo BANKAMERICARD ONE AND TWO.PIECE DRESSES ssoo to ALL SALES ANAL POL YE5TER, COTTON AND BLEND PANTS s500 '° ssoo smN SOUTHLAND LOCATIONS 204M.ri•AYff•····Wk91 ..... DOORS OPIN AT All STOIU t A.M. 'TIL t :JO P.M. ,ti. JULY Jltt ALL STORES OPEN SUNDAY, AUCi , 2~d, Noon 'tll 5 p.m. ' GOL·OEN YEARS REVIEWED Mr. •nd Mri. Leslie A. Trecy Thursda1, July 30, llJ70 DAILY PILOT JI Seat-belt Complaints Unbuckled By PATRICIA McCORMACK Dr. Braunsleln'sald being ~Id t ' r ' .-anilyzed at the. Uoivenlly ol Mie~an it was estimated that 40 percent of 177 fatalttles C'OUk1 have betn prevemed by the use ul lap seat belts ond 113 percent by ""' o( the -point belt: diagonal upper tono belt and lap belt ' -Tilt dl.,...t lorlo bell never lhoold be _.. aicno but alwayi in mnll4Mfkll witll lhe lap belt. NEW YORK (UPI) -"I wouldn't want to be trapped 1n a belt if my car caught fire or was submerged under Inside· is prelerable lO' befug ejected and striking an out.side object. Such ejection fre- quently is related to a fatal "Don't be delerred by the result. . r----------------------------. I occasional, and u s u a I J y Others turning thumbs down survivable stiat-belt 1 n j u r y L f on the iiel!SlilllliO:ifali'rena-1ronrp1iijlng Heoverwll<lffic-i. 1------~--:;~n~O~· ~w~·-:o~-~'-C~-~o!!n~c~e~f:!·!;-----~..:._--1---_ •-water," says a JW>l,orlst pooh-· poohing seat--belts. whose back or abdomen wa.s ing odds in favor of ~ts injured by a seat belt when -use of the lap ~It and U1e friend was in a collision. diagooal chest testraint," Dr. Dr. Peter Fisher ~ars these Fisher sal~. and other excuses for not · "The fact is that all the belting up when he's crusading evidence indicates the lap belt for greater we of seat belts. used alone already is an "But after ha;ving talked to ob90Jete system." thousands oC drivers, students, The experts said the best teachers, nurses, physicians, protection ls the Oree-point civic groups, PTAs and others, belt -combination of lap belt exposing them to spectacular and. diagonal chest restraint. pictures showing design defi· Other arguments from the ciencies of automobiles and authorities in faVor of seat survival of properly.packaged belts: ~upaots in high speed col-.-The aim is to prevent lwons, attitudes c h a n g e d eJecUon. The fatality rate is qu.ickly," he said in a "modem five times as high among medicine" forum on seat-belt those ejected compared with injuries. those who are not . Dr. Fisher ot Seattle is past -Abdominal in ju r le s president or the A.rnernan among lap belt wearers prob- Associatioo for Automotive ably cou1d have b e e n Medicine. prevented if Ule rider l\ad His wife fractured her belted properly. It doesn't sternum and his mother r~ go across the tummy. "You tured her spleen when wearing must 'Var 'em low .•• just a three-point auto harness like a bikini and you must Peruvian Aid Styled Evidencing their concern/ for the children of Peru, orphaned by the thous·ands in the June earthquake, a planning committee headed by Mrs. John Wayne has arranged a benefit fashion &how fea turing top California designers on Friday, Aug. 7. Swift to join in the endeavor, Harbor Area women already have pur· chased all 400 Uckets for the showing, which will he staged in the Balboa Bay Club. · All pr~eeds will be sent immediately to Peru through the Peruvian consulate, said Mrs .. Wayne, a U.S. citizen born in Peru. Sel'Vin~ on .the planning committee are the Mmes. Jay Hilgren, Roy Hulse, Phyllis King, Jack LinkleUer, William H: Mead Randall Presley and Harry Rinker. · ' 1?1e presentati~n of fall fashi~ns, particularly fascinating in this coo- troverstal season .. wlil feature designs of Mr. Blackwell, Cardinali, Luis Estevez, Bert Geiger, Helga, Jean Louis, Ric McCllntock, Alice Porter Elizabeth Stewart, Richard Tam and Rebecca Welles with furs by Abt Lipsey. Those unable to see the showing may still join in the worthy en- deavor by mailing a check in any amount to Orphans of the Peruvian Earthquake in care of Mrs. John Wayne, P.O. Box 1764 Newport Beach 92663, I ' during a collision. keep pushing them down." "~ey both are well today,",,,,=~I~n=a;:::se~ri;:es~of;:::cr;::::•she;;;•~::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;;;::;::::;::::;~ he said. "My father also might Jr· have survived his terrible col- lision had it not occurred before the seat·belt era." SANTAANA Peering K~[~~~T1VES~ Buff et Fetes T racys On SOth Anniversary Also participating in the seat-belt forum in p r i n t , sponsored by the Medical Journal, were Or. Horace E. Campbell, consultant to the automotive and aviation com· mittee of the Colorado Medical Society; Dr. Paul W. Gikas ol the Universlty of Michigan in Ann Arbor and Dr. Paut W. Braunstein of Corne 11 UniversJty Me&cal College in New York. Georgetown Manor fashion t especially those wflo clai~ Coffey County as home, may attend the 47th annual Coffey County picWc on Sunday, Aug. 2, at Houghton Park North Long Beat"n. ' The park is located on Atlantic Boulevard n ea r , Artesia Avenue. Interested persons may call Mrs. Wilma Thompson at 546-4137. HAIR STYLIST HAIRPIECES and BOYPRIENDS Cjh1ntl•: Do•• w•1ri119 • c11c1d• 111 ttl1 timt c1u11 h1ir to fill off? (Mu . R. Z., S1nt1 An1l A-: W11rin9 1 c11c1d1 l1tp1ci1lly • bi9 01111 1IJ the tin.1 c111 bt h1rmful to the h1ir b1c1u11 It COVl<1 the 1c1lp 10 111uch th1t it do11n't 9iv1 ih1 1c1lp I ck1nc:1 to b1 •kpo1ed to f111k 1ir. Ek: M1 11y wo1T>1n 4'on't bru1h their k1ir d1ily b•· c•u11 th1y don't w1nl to t••• out the cu1hionin9 l r1tlin9 ) #lit tli1y r11.0 to hold th1 c11- c1d1. Q11•tlo11: Are th1r1 diff1r1nt qu1liti11 in h1i1pi1c11 +hit w1 1hould cot11id1r wh1n purck11in9 I Mr1. R. S. N1wport l11ch) 11111 A111wirr: Wk1n purch11i119 I h1 irpi•c•. you 1hould put •• muclt 1ffort into it •• you do wh111 you ••• 11!1ctin9 • boy- fri•nd or hu1b1nd. I p1tton1lly would k1v1 to con1id1r your !m· ll'l•di1t1 n•1d frol!I • pr1ctic1I, f11hion1bl1 1nd fin•nei1I wi1w Hfore r•comm1ndin9 1ny p•,. ticul1r h1irpi•c1, 9.-tl": 0 011 1nyon• r1nl h1irpi•c11? I Milt E. 0., Hunti119lon 811e~l A111w«: lh• 11nt1I of. h1ir· pi•c•1 would l:tt i11 viol1tion of, I b.n ..... th1 H•1h h tnd S1f•tv Coe!•. ...._. .. .i1..-c .. 1 ljh•••t-lo: 71 fASHION ISLAND NIWPOIT CINnl ..... 21~1 DM't _,_ ""' clrtll• crftiull f1r1Htl•• ,..,. • • • .._ ........ Mo1,,_.n,.-~ AGIS ZVI TO f , fAU INlOUMINTS NOW --CALL-~ c .... M.. 641-2122 Ne.-,.rt IMclit 141o2St6 Costa Mesa residenls Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Tracy, formerly of Pasadena, were guests or honor far a buffet dinner party celebrating their golden wedding an· niversary. Ho5ling. tile gatherin~ of more than 30 lTlends and Daisy-fresh 10Yz-18 Yl ""11f ...,; .... 11fe..'1'- From your morning cup of coffee right thru the day, look daisy -fresh in this pretty dress. No fitting problems - wrap and button to fit! Printed Pattern 9004: NEW Half Sizes 101h, 121h. I4 lh, 161,A,, 18'k. Size 14\f.i (bust 37) takes 3 yards 35·inch. SEVENTY -FIVE CENTS for eadl pattern -add 25 cents for eadl pattern for Air Mail I and Special Handling ; otherwise third-elass delivery Will take three weeks or more. Send to Marian Martin. the DAILY PILOT. 442 Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St., New York, N.Y. 10011. Print NAri-fE, ADDRESS with ZIP. SIZE and STYLE NUMBER INST ANT SEWING BOOK What-to-wear answers, ac- cessory, fi~ Lips! Only $1. --==== relatives in their Pasadena home were Mr. and .Mrs. Lauren C. Holland Jr., ·the Tracys' daughter and sOO.in- law. Their son and his Wire, Navy Lt. Omdr. and Mrs: L. R. Tracy traveled · ·from Hawaii for the occasion, bringing red ginger Qowers to combine with ant>hurium and birds of paradise iii a table centerpiece. The Tracys both were born in Connecticut and. met in Hartford. They were married 50 years ago in New York City's LltUe Oburcb Around the Corner. ·Tracy attended Y a I e University, 3ef'Vtd in World \Var I and completed his education at the University of Southern California. He has been an active member in numerous Masonic qrganiza- Lions. Mrs. Tracy studied at tile Hart.ford Conservatorjt o f Music and appeared i n musical productions on the Broadway stage. She has been an active member of Eastern Star. Among the coople's many well-wishers were Mr. and ~frs. Stephen A. Onder from Bridgeport, Conn. ~·nie occurrence of Injuries related t.o seat belts should not be used to discourage their use," was Dr. Gikas' advice. Autumn Hues Toned Dawn Fall will usher in a somber looking color season for day. Colors, even in patterned fabrics, are toned down, sub- dued. But for evening, the splashy, clear tones take over. In the toned.down category are such as Bill Blass's dulled greens. r eprese nt e d handsomely and expensively in a midi coat with sable collar and cuffs. Harbor TOPS Harper School in Costa Mesa is the location where members of TOPS Harbor Lighters gather each Monday evening at 7:30. Just Once in ?'our llife ... F~Xe-IT! Wit~ • '.leek new OUTCH BOY style, "A" line syn- th•!1c w19. Normelly • cool bergein et $30. Now during 011r .. ; .. SUMMER SALE . .. ONLY $22 Thia fobuloua fak• ~~acti<ony core• for ltselr. But ot THE OEMONSTR'A.TION1 you don't ju11 plop one on your head and wea r It o ut. Our cr1otive stylists help you select iu•t th•-right colC:r, then make certain it fit• properly, feels comfortoble ond look• great. And we teoch you . how to. 1ryle and core for it, too. Choo1• from do_ienl Of1 KIU<y t hOdlt, at thl& lowett price evir summer synthetic sel•, end ••• FAKE Ill __ , ..... -.... ~·-·- .... ,,.,., ,.., IWfl ..... """""" '"'* 1.-4 .... lfflclfM ........... lrl P.ASHION ISLAND. Mewpert lelleti -'44-2612 Here are listed merely a few of the apecial value:t you. will find throughout oar apacioua Home r·umiabing Center, Nvings in room after room of favorite Ameri· can Traditional furniture. And our beautiful 1ettings are planned ao that you can aelect authentic furniture with the authentic acce!&Ories, and t!njoy our uaoal profeuional complimentary Home Planning Service. Allen superb savings up to 20% off ,regular prices of selected items R.gulor Sale Prtce Price Heirloom Cutt-om Room Plan-- Wood Top 30" 3 Dr. Che1t 30" 2 Door Cab. ..,._~ AO" Dr, Dresser .. A8H Dbl. Dreiser Corner Study Desk 30" UpPft &ookcose 40" Upper Bookcase . 3A'~ Cont. Ext. Tobie 30" Upper Cobine! Capt. Trundle P\ost.ic slighffy higher 119.SO 99.95 119 . .50 99.95 152.SO 129.95 19A . .50 161.95 1 lA.50 92.95 79,50 64.95 99.50 12.95 13A . .50 107.95 1'6A.50 134.95 239.50 199.95 Dec-orotecl Cu1hHft RetCIM Plttn ~odll, whtt., willow green and blue 30 .. 3 Dr. Chelf 1A3.50 114.95 Retular Price Cl•1lc Manor Dln'"9 lOOM 56" Buffet 339.50 274.SO 56 .. China 297.50 239.IO Oct. PIHi. Tobie 307 .50 244.50 Cone Bock Choir 17.50 72.50 Cab. Server 317 . .50 294.50 Con• lock Arm Cho;, 107.50 16.tl Sheffleld C1'erry led'""' .SI" Dbt Drn••r 327 • .SO 259.SO QVffn Anne Mirror 107.SO 19.SO Panel Hd. Id. A/6-5/0 13A . .SO 114.50 5 Dr. Chest/Che•t 359.50 2H.IO Night Tabla 134.50 109.SO Pan.i Hd. 8d. 16A.50 129..IO 30" 2 Dr. Cabinet 1A3 . .50 114.95 AO'' 3 Or.Crfl1er 182 . .SO -1·54.95· SMfll~•l.d 0..,.~ Dln!!!t~•~-~"'~---l F.than'tf Allen _._....,.,. ..... ,,._ .. '"""'""" SAllNOUU1 Monday th,.. Friday ,., 10 OM to 9 p19 Solwdoyt to 5130 pl'll S11ndcry t.uing .I to .5 PM --t-.-- 30" Upper Bookcase 89 . .SO 74.95 40" Upper lookcote 11 A • .SO 94.95 Sp11dl. Hd. Id. 3/3~/6 59 . .50 49.95 Mirror 57.50 47.95 Vanity 127.50 104.95 Night Tobie 6A .50 94.95 Comer Deak 152 . .50 127.95 Heirloom Dining Room SA" Buffet 31A .50 5A" Chino 22A . .50 Ota!. Table 1 BA . .50 Duxbury Choir AA.50 Oval Table 17A.50 Duxb\try Al'M Choir 5A.50 Teo Carts 179 • .50 Heirloom Dining Room 262.50 192.50 154.50 37.50 144.50 44.95 149.50 56" Buffet 3.59 . .50 219.50 56H China 261.50 22.C.SO Oval Table 349.50 in.so Queen Ann• Chair 106.50 14.50 Outen Anne ArM Chalt 'l.27 ,50 109.5~ Pine CU.tom I""' Pion 32" 3 Or. Che1t 139.50 114.t'S 32" 2 Dr. Cabinet 139 • .50 114.95 AO" 3 Dr. OresMr 164.50 134.tl 32" Upper lookcose 104.50 U .91 AO" Upper BooltcaM 12A • .50 104.f5 Corner Detk 117.50 M.91 · Upp1r Corner looltcase 207.50 169.95 Hi·fi Cabinet 287,.50 229.91 T.V. Upper UM 207.50 169.95 34" 1 Dr. Server 179.50 152.50 Cla1d c Manor ledroom -33" Hutch Top 62 • .50 49.50 66" Trip'9 Ore•Mr 339 . .SO 274,.50 42" Rd. Eld. Table 117,50 99.50 Mirror 102.50 1U.50 Matn Chair 37.50 31.50 TaM Hd. Id. 5/0 112.50 M.50 '\ Horve1t Table ,134 . .50 114.50 Chest/Chell 339 • .50 279.10 Squire Chair 32,50 27.00 Night Tobfe 107.50 17.IO Dry Sink 184 . .SO 149.50 TallHd.ld.6/6 139.50 109.SO Lary Sut°" 29 . .50 24.95 l~l• Chest 214.~0 174.10 , • • • llfMI suptrit ........ "' opliolmry, oc ... iorito, color TV, i.np., ._,. .... ....... l Georg~tg_w __ Manor 2101 N. TUS11N AVB. NonlooC 17do s..·• SANTA ANA• 71+. 83$.3444 • TO SANTA ANA: S-..... Pwy ... .....,_ Jlwf, ,_ 17" Street ......... C .... A.99) ..... ' . ' • • • • ~ .. ' i . • I, Wt..,..,.._ 17 .. Sf'"9 .. T..tlli A•. -at• r11tit ._. -1 ... WMfl ..... ,........ " ' ------ ' . I Th"1da1. luly lO, 1970 ' Year-round Casuals a Favori"te r . • > ' • • • i • 1 • • t ' ~ ; • . . Ne>: Brows to Arch Jane Forth, co-star of two Andy Warhol movies, has a fashion style all ol her own. Most noticeably, i she has shaved most of her eyebrows off -a style ; which made a picture spread in Life magazine. r . . M.ATERNITY S-'"ll-uaJ PANTYHOSE SALE 25%~·~! SALE PRICE $2.99 1 WOK ONLY MATIRNITY'SHOPS w • -. ... II IF• .. Cl#fR e t'AtMIOfrt ISLAND rm.t::-_, . HfWP"'I ltldl ................ --~ ·~IT'I' Knltmate ensembles have been design- ed by James Kenrob. His offerings act- ually are part of his summer collection, but Orange Coast women know the~e smart wrinkle-free outfits will go well into the winter season as well. The nau~· tical blue stripe cardigan (left) teams with a white pleated skirt, the same color combination used in the pantsuit. VrlTt ... 1" ) ; . ' Grandmas Gathering GrandmoUlers will gather on Thursday, Aug. 13, at the Qr. ange County· Fairgrounds for the annual picnic and a busi- ness meeting of the-.Newport Harixr Grandmothers' Club. Among events to be' discuss- -ed at the meeting ~ a fmtd- raising party at the Lido Trailer park and a veterans party in Sep~. . Delegates attending the na- tional coovention in Denver in October will be given ln- ·stru&ons. Bold Look Jewelry this fall will em- . pbasize the neck via dog col- .lars, chokers and strong, bold necklaces. Beading will be everywhere. 'Intricately beaded chokers alfd long necklaces or bold, bright beads will repla<:e last .. Y.ear's ropes and dlains. Free Pony Rides daily tllru Sun 12 to 5 Join the fun In the Huntington Center air conditioned mall during Silverado Days Sale. A rip roarin' celebration including trick roping, knife throwing, 14Serrano" the educated horse, square dancing, Sweet Adelines, plus a chance to win $369 bar of solid silver. All free! .. . ' . •faslL1ortS With "the-loo!<." .Friday, Saturday 9:30 a.m. • 9:30 p.m. Sunday 12 Noon to 5 p.m. FINAL CLEARANCE ENTIRE STOCK OF SPRING & SUMMER FASHIONS 40 TO 60% OFF CHOOSE FROM BRAND NEW • DRESSES •SWIMWEAR .. •PANT SUITS •BLOUSES • PLAYWEAR • KNIT ·TOPS · • SPORTSWEAR • LOUNGEWEAR All Sales Final-Fantastic: Savings BankA"!frlcard • Master Ch1r90 • Chris Cha,.. • fasflio11S With •t11,e loot<.• R"-;....J the s, w· h 0 Be~c~andEdinger eua WI . it . . marr at the San Diego Frwy. SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MESA ~~~~~~~~- Alpha Phi Alumnae Pl~nning Luncheon ,/ Gemma ~ .diolller It Calllomia State ~ II Long Beach IOd -advisor, Mn. Jack Edprlul <JI Hun- tin&too BMcb. <lniltmu card)~ will be ... dilpls,y, -lftl. --<II 1'ultln tak-ing orders. All proceeds from the lundleon IOd from the card tale will be given to the 1--Gemma Kap-pa chapter. Re9<rv-will be takeo before Aug. S by M r1, Matodlke al 131-IJll. The Tee Tattler Cldlllr'I Noh1 A columfl « WOl'Ml'I"• b 901f _... Wiii ·-Heh -.It 111 tt19 OAILV PILOT. T• r-1 -iw -. ..., 111MM !Nin .11Mm to '· o. ICIOt 15'0, co.t• ,,..... TMr mvst M rtet!Wd bV Mond!IY.I MIU. Y••D• -Members Adjourn To Pdrk Le Bard Park wW be 1118 ..ubJc fer action Oil ,.,_.,, Aug. 4, wbe1u11emben <JI Ille mu Top Nunery s~~••I spon90r a Park Dil • From IO:SO un. to 11:111 p.m. mothers and c:tiUdren !ft. terested in the ocbool are ln- Vited to meet ret11r-nla1 mothers. A coffee hour has been·plan- ned for Aug. rr in the - of Mn. Clifford Hanan to give memben a further op- portunity to b e c o m e ac· qualnted. Plana will be made at· that time • for the babHflling trodes aod car pools, aod queotJons wW be ...,,ered pertaining to the achoo!. , A nooproflt, no....uriao parent participation tw:hiiot, It is . llcensed by the State Departmeol of social weltaie. DIAMONDS AND ESTATE JEWELRY PURCHASED Crib Designed For Traveling CAI.ANDO ANTIOUI SHOW Pll11NTS AN OIANGI COUNTY FllST "UNDER THE BIG TOP" ...... , .. A new travel crib f'or car, airplane aod home bas a safe-- ty ayWm design. ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE 11 ls molded of Impact· .-1 foam, certified non- toxic and covered wtth a resilient, SUD3hlne gold cover . AT THI SAN CUMINTI INN JULY 31 & AUGUST 1 & 2 HOURS: I to 10 P.M. SUNDAY 12 to 6 HWY, 101 te CALAF IA OFF IAMP IN SAN CUM INTI Tiiis Ai A41111fl Yo1 I FrleMk hr S1 ._. Sturdy openings for safety belts facilitate fastening in car or aircraft HUMAN HAIR . WIG·S .. s1 .91s . • ALL SHADES July 30th thru August 8th. ' SYNTHETIC WIGS s191s ALL SHADES ""9:'""-ID •••·····••··•·•• ·U4.tl CUT & STYLED ...... , •• ,. ... 124.fl ALL . THE LATEST ~. STYLES IN ZODIAC EYE LASHES I 00°/o KANEKALON WIGS The INSTANT HAIR-DO! ·. • UPPER I. LOWER LASHES ALL HUMAN HAIR & HAND TIED . Reg. $2.95 NOW $1.49 FALLS f1ll1 ad~ th• crowning touch to yo11r crownlnt 9lory! 51¥1 now oil our 011ttt1ndin9 11l1clion. Demi Falls .... ,, ....... : .. H~w$22.95 18" to 20" Falls ..: • ., .. How $32. 95 Wig Falls ,.... su .......... HowS42.95 Long Falls .... s11 ........ NowS52.95 10 WIG & HAIR STYLISTS READY TO SERVE YOUR EVERY NEED • , , for v1c1tionl119 91d• abouh, Just to11 if i11 your b19 l t1k1 It along! lrutlt.1 into vour own 1tyl1 i11 1 FLASH! lt'1 10 111y to wash and 1tyl1 your11lf. THE VOYAGER Wit!. or witho11t p1rt, for th1 lo1191r look, Sava $7, ~2.95 THE DUTCH BOY Long 1h199y neck. 27.95 . Tt-IE "G>,.RBO" . H1nd1111d1 . for tfie latnt f11hion 1tyl11. 51¥1 $ l O. 29.95 CASCADES Rog. $17.95 3\12 OL Sl2.9$ Rog. $21.'5 Ultr• L1r .. $17.95 ----YmANI WOODA.ID COSMm«;S ' . ·---~ m ,/}/). , WIG & BEAUTY allie ~ SALON iso E., 17th STREET coS'rA.MESA DAILY TILL 5:30 548 3446 THURS. &· FRI. TILL 1:00 • • . . . • ' • I -, ,.. • 1 • - I \ " • ·1. Tl!ur1dif, Jilly 30, 1970 DAILY PILO? 20-;f NEW PODIATRY PRACTICE Straight Students at Laguna Cited IN LAGUNA NU'J~t.tF The n1:1mes of the cream or the crop -all 25 straight '"A"•atudents from the 9th, loth, and 11th grades ., Laguna Beach Hltlh Scbool- have been pre!ellled lo the trustees of lhe Llgona Beach Unlfied School Diltrict. , The names 'Clf many other lot> ~ 'l'!ib came out with a mIJ of "A's" and "B's" were also presented to tbe board. Taking top honors in the ,. .,.., ,,..i..w, .... " .. ..i, ........ ,. Tony Tovatt Sez . lA(UJ~A t.IU~IC Co. tloft:llMT NL ~twc.M 1'k·1'K·Tw , 11w'M "' • r-. lllfl tM l'Mllftllkerll M-..W0"'3% lillY'lll -lertl"'INlll t.lftl.,l ill 'TOVA 1''1. Calo< TV pl1>1 1o0lid lhlt ,._,_ AMI FM iltldki pl!n MkratNtk 11:-11 Pll'f1',, wltn or wlllloul r-i. TV control. 5o niuch tun tor lht t11tll'il !111'1!1y lllilt #ltY'H !el 'fOll lllve t111 c;1r on S1tvrd1y n111n1 t • Who Cares? N• oth., 111w1p•p•r 111 th1 world c•r11 1bout yo11r commu. 11ity lilr1 y1ur commu11ity d1ily MWl plp•r do11. It'• th1 DAILY PI LOT. TOVATI'S APPLIANCES 401 Moio St,. HootlltlfH v.-., SJ ... 7161 lrook1Hlr1t•w..., h•llhll• , ... ,., 962·2456 We Have A New Name . appliances Je ~ FOIMA~Y 5'IARS flDMAN ... LIANCI _ 888 GLENNEYRE LAGUNA BEACH . 494-0582 WASHING -TV--REFRIGERATORS MACHINES • Gener1I • Gener1I Electric ,.· e Gt:nei:1I Electric tW .. llnthouw, Electric •Zenith e L1iih e M1yt1g fAINl"-1 11111 e We1tinghou e RCA e Gibson DISHWASHERS ' ., BUY "WE SERVICE LOCALLY •General MOST MAJOR & Electric APP~IANCES'' SAVE • KitchenAid H YHrt IJ11;.rllpc1 • Moytog See Us Before You Buy! . ' ''Artistry in Moving" ninth srade are Ned Blurock, Michael Byron, Tom Houts, Brent.. LUjestrom , Deborah Marple, Dominclue Sheldon, and Beth Wormald. 11Jole with all "A's" tn the 10th grade are BW Bir.d, Paula Diamond, Bob Fee, Linda Johnson, Jeremy-Kuhn, ·amt Kim Locllll. Junlon takiO( the top or the class are Beth Almon, Bron Eschell, Cathy Kaminski , Cathleen Marple, Michael Newcomb, and John Winieski. Listed with "A's" and "'B's" in the 9th grade are : Sheri Andrews,. P at t y Armstrong, Debbie ·Beck, Lisa Cannon, Damy Cofilil; tllUcl: Coonell, Robyn Coonrad, Kate Crocker, Dana Cn:iwiey,, Eric Crumley, Olga De Witte, tort Dodge, Anna Doi.by, M~ Dvorak, Sue Eckart, IArTY Fisette, Mary GilfUlan. Jan Jan Halla, WaJTen Hmis, Andrew Hubble, Mark Jay, Gwen Joilrv;on. I)' 1.AWlltlMCI. l l TlltAD1t1 .... ilr I llW tl'lcU .,.U 'Cl~ 1151 to enfflne1 ..,. lll•uty Mil ljlCllll. Fw a.ep.w1 •Y•· us. ~le mM:• tlP Gn !fie IYtlld IOo,,. !'Ill • .,.. ahildow, fOllowlnO with lllrker blH on the ••11 11111 llllDw 1111 brlw., Blend Cl,..,uMy. II you, flel yow< IYti .... Ill 100 lloll, llSI \Ofllll rnak1 ·UP bllWll!I -ilnd e'f'I, 81111111 -ti/I 1111 wlllll ll'llkM19 I lhorf WIY illon!I 1111 _,. lld, fflln I 1pply ..,.. llllidoW, treflMr ilnd ,,.... c;1ra • lr.ctlon of ~ lndl from Ille INllf c.or111r If ywr II-' •r• ••• Mllkl VOllr e't'll 11lr11Cli... bl.II INl!t tMm Nippy, tOOI Tlll'f'll la\tt Wiiii they 111 In YOU• mir ror •Itel' 'f'Ololl' ll1lr-c1r1 1pp11lnlmtnl 11 House of Estrada 17411 OMdl ._llvl nl tt..lint'911 011ell • W -tl ... HANDY HIN't 11'1101111 THI" HO U51"1 Clnc!IH on 1111 blrtt.Hy aike wm burn 1lowly ind lh'MIY If SIO<'ld '" lhil r1frlglt11W for, 1 ll•y 111tor1 tlll!y •rt UMO. ----1 for the BEST MOVE of YOUR LIFE Call: 494-1025 580 Broadway • • • • Karen Kuwalsky, Jeff Loce. John Merrlfteld, Sherry Mor· rls, Lisa Nunla, Judith Paar, BUI Patrick, Lindi. Penney, Candy Powers, N a n c y PrictMt, Tom Redwllz, Randy Riley. DebbJe Simmons, S t e v e Smllh, ~ St<lflen, TerTJI Symmcn:ls, Kate Tamarkin, Bonnie 'lbompeon. Laura Towneend, C h r I s Ullom, Jon Upham, Debbie Vanlleuoen, Join Wellsfry, Sandra Wlnieski. Lilted wjth "A's" and uB's" In tile !Otll grade ore: Glenda Acord, M e l ls a a. ~ Mendee Ams den, Gary Andenon, A 111 s o n A-. Jolie B tr n 1 t e I n , Tom Wendy PeecMk, Barbara Per· Brotherton, Jaime Browoe, rlne, Joe Prickett. Unda C.lamaro, Lee art. John Prickett. M a r c l a tia DI Coll' RMt1n, Tad Ridder, Lisa nstn, anne lllL Robstlon, steYe RodrJguei, K. c. (looper, c bu c k Sbeny -leld. ~. Karen. Cu t k o m p , DaYid SCbick, Angelita Ser· Gary Fisette, Bill Fish, "Ellen-rano, -Jimn Sequeira, Cindy Foote. Smith, Alll &.Mer, John Louise Frazer, Pa u I a Tomdlak. French,' Cbri< Froot, Elaine Woddy Wblle, Vince Whit· Goble, Jolm Harilold. nab, Marie• WieiQ>wslrl, Vi<> Rob Hedden, Susan J ackson, tori& Winter, Becky Wood, V~erie Jacobson, Cyn t hia Mitz.l Zlegler, Janet Zitnik. Johnaon, Jfm Kanne. Listed with 60A's" and "B's''· Linda Kawaratani, Leslie in the 11th grade are: Koowlton, Marsha Lindsey, Robin Andrews, W e·n d y Vince M c C a 11 a , Scott · Barnet:, Michael Barrios, Lyn· McCarter, Patrkia McKeon. da Bauer, Carole Bennett. MlcheJe McRae. Michele Damara Bennett. Sheldon Montell, Mkbael Moonnan, Berman, Lucy Boyd, Linda Burrell, Janel C-ly, Steve J7J ,_ -..... w1 tt• .. ,,. , ..,. Chmnben, .,.__ _,.. Nin& c.rne1i...i, D avi d '~ --Croelt, M•I Donovan, SUND (QJ. 4f7..l• Dorris. Jacquie Garr ls on, ....a Mart Gatewood, Bob -&-•111'" Guinther. Eric Hilla, Kalle W£ ·sr.:.--s .. Heely. Katl1y Kohn, Michoel -Nu a Laclmer.Debbiel..und, ... .--RoMy McElhlnY, Bryon Wl- Menne, I.es Mlklooy, Jill fon<Y pried fnlltO Milette, Lorry Miller, Kiiby i.::::::..;; .. :=::::~ Mroczek, r B-a Nicholl, MI k e ll~<~lfT~~~~lelj~QES~~~~ Purc:llly, Moaka Rk:hards, WI MAIL E&I w Kim Seeman, Cindi Smith, Ken~er. Lisa Syfan, Bart Tabor, Joi>l Tracy, Mlcl>ey Tyler, Chuck V!Yllnl, Janice Waugh, Tim White, Beverly Zeller. Britain. S. Africa to Burv Hatchet? / v LONOON (UPI) -Britain's new coneervalJ.ve government appears set to resume anns sales to South Aff'ica. rt has promised a n announcement. "very soon." 'lbe decision, ii and when it comes. is likely to touch . off angry protests in the United Nations, among nonwhite cornmonwealtti coon-- tries and from the United States and CBnada. But the government has made lt clear that it considers that Britain's vitaJ security inten!:St.s are at stake. For this reason, it is ready to ride out the storm. High in the new goverir ment's eyes, is the future of lhe Simonstown Naval Base in South Africa. In July 1955, when Siuuth Africa still was a com. monweattb member, the two <."Omltries signed an agreement qndi!r which Britain 90ld warships and other anns to Sooth Africa in return !or the rigk to use the naval base. US FACWTIES The agreement provided Britain could use t h e Simomtown facilities i n peacetime and was guaran· teed their use in any war in vthich the United Kingdom m~l be involved. In 1961, after South Africa left the commonwealth, the agreement was modified lo allow British ships to use the dockyard for repairs and refit- ting although it passed to Sooth African ownership. In 1963, the U.N. Security Courlcil passed a reoolutuioo banning arms sale! to South Africa because <i l t s EYES RI GHT "' DL LOUii J. HASILHLD o.tMMtrllf pro¥id1d UI with •VI I I prlm1rily •I • m11"' for d1t1et. i"f food •nd ••oidi119 111h1r1I e11emi11 •!Id ofh1r d11191r1. Ci•ili1•tio11 h•1 p~•e1d n1w d1· m1nd1 011 our •Y•• • • • d1° m1nd1 which n•t11r• n1•1r i nti· cip1t1d. Tocl •v our •v•• ••• c1lled upo11 to h•IHlll• th1 "111'!· 111tur1I" d1m1mlt •11oei1t1d w it h 1ehool·room •d11e1lion, t••dinq, writinq, op•r•tin9 rn•· f • ehi111t, w•tehing . TV •"' mowiti, •nd d ri.,.Jn 9 eutomobil11 •' 0hi9h 1p11dt ill -.l h 1 • ., y tr11fie. ,, w. h•·· t.k111 much of th1 burden •f lif1 off our b1Clr1 i nd pl1e1d It 011 011r Th• wo!!d1r h !lot +ll•t rn od1rn m111 11'11111 r11ort to corr•etiY• 91111•1 but r•th1r the h, c1n 111 •' .11. To 9iYo your ey11 Ill• ll1lp they n1ff, c11I l -47-1271 for t n •ppointll'l•llf for your11H 1r for otll1r ll'lomben ,1f your f1mily. Our elfie1 i1 •t 1161 1 M•in St. in the Fl¥• Points Shoppi"f C1t1f1r, Phorto 147·127 1 "epariheid" racial segregation tiat ls· to have the continued policies. ll.W oC a naval base for pro- Wben former prime minister tection of the South Atlantic Harold Wilson's labor govern. ·and the Indian Ocean against ment took power in October Soviet submarine packs in 1964, it baked arms sales and wartlme. overriding straleglc lntBeota. &uh African f o r e I I n minister Wlptnl M u 11 e r visited London .....tly and discussed the, whole qutmioo will> Douglas.Hmno. refused to resume them. The new aoverrunent ap-J;:::=========~ll But the comervative party pears ready to risk censure took a dtfferent Dad. In the in 1he U .N. and an open rift months belore the J1.me 18 with some blact African corn- geoeral electioo it amounced ' :mcnwmMb" OJUntries because it wouid end the arms em-of wtia it cc:irmiders a re these ~ if It Wan ~fXJWer. • ~ " Anthony B a r b e r , con-•••••••11111~ servet.ive party .dwirman and now European a f f at r s minl5ter, visited South Africa in March and assured the government it wouJd resume arms sales providing-Sollth Africa made no major deferwe pacts with other comtries befor~ the election. WILL RESUME Aithough the new con- servative government has not. stated flaUy it will resume arms sales, it bas strongly kldicated iL will in fact do so. Foreign secretary Sir Alec Doua:•Home tokl Parlia· mart July I !hat defense ol the South Atlantic 1ea routes is Vital ,to Britain's national ~ty and that if they are cut, Britain could be brought to its knees. What th e <..'00sel"V8live government considers essen-- to~meli c5 Ca.rtd ie5 Gi~ls No olh1r n1w1p•Plf In world c•r•• •bout yo11t e1mmu· t1ity Ii•• your eoll'lmunity d•ily 11tw1p1,p1r cloet. lt'1 th1 DAILY 11 111••••11 PI LOT. If WC Ao~l ""'' jj: •• WC. ulo\\ C<Mlt ol:.} # ' ,,' KRAZY-KIT ~, 1' CARD and GIFT SHOP \• N-o,.. 10 I• I Tun • Sst, e CARDS e GIFTS e STITCHERY KITS PU.TUllN• Joann Sho"t Originals Stitchery Cl1sse1 Av1ilabl1 e Adldt Cl--e .1..w.r c1 .... 34179 nlllli'T 0" TMI 004.0 IN \.Ml'TllltN ·- DANA POINT 496-9790 --- " ITIYI. DAN • l'tlON NNLIY Wt'w illllrlilVI bllll-ltd 11111 Yoll un'f kMP ii OOOd ll'lln d0wll1 Ind ii 1Mr11Cf p;•mpl1 ef fllll bltllf It • -bit Clll'ltof'fdllll I PKlfk CNJt, ton1lrutllon WOl'Qr. It ~ tt-tt ti. lllnl·kdl -.lier IOpoltd ,_ • WlrlHflH'I' ltQftllld lnlli Ktl mblld It h!I IHI, ... rantty unhurt, anly to bl tjunkld In 1111 llHd by 1 1111111111 1-b•·follr. lhb Mlftll lik• ll'IOIJVh ml5lortU111 tor -p1non. bl.It •ltlr rlll --..~ -• doi>bl<ld by Thi •lrnbw, hi lllQ!llf'o • Into Ille 1tr"t •!'Id .. , Htll lflO'ilWllng bY 4 CV'ttisl, 'Tnt ~n mlnoved to 111y Olll ill hilrm't w1y 1111111 •ft 1mt11111inc1 ,.,,.,..,, bllt 1n1s Nippy 1111• llf •lr•lrt t11ltd onty until thl lptldlnO ilmb\ll•nct Wll lll>-4ndld by • motor b\11. Al •nil pol~I 111.i -htl'o ,,,.. "'°' Mo 1id HI ell-rd out ol' lllt wr«kl9' lr\11 __.,,, rHi!l~.Sty. I -wppow. m.ldotd ,.... Dlocu 11 ''"' ho$pil~•. O::wtr 11av't 1 dey 1111;• 111•1' We hoPI nut •'Id -llOpl Yll\l'H let 111 itdwluo ~ on •II y1111r ln111r•nc1 llllCl1. OYllOH FENLEY IMSUll:AMCE, t112 Main In Joluntlnotan OIKll. Pllanl ,S».7525. .. -........... _ .. __ , ... _ ' GET CONTROLLED HOME COMFORT • ~f ~ . ~ ~ :Vour 1h i 1.,1 , 1 n 1lo•t1 li1tt.r In ·eoof c.omf11rf1Dle roomt, !•111. m1k1, your ho m1 cool •114 eornfotl•b!1 with Air Co11d1tio11in9 th•t lnelud11 th1 HONEYWELL ELECTRONIC AIR CLEANER, Th• Hon•yw11l 1limln1t11 up to tSY. of ttl• •lfborn1 duff •'"' ft~' of th1 poll1., p111i11f throu9h yo111r •ir eortditio11in9 1v1t1M •""' Into your hou11. C1JI tod1y, 1l11p ilt fft1I eemfort this tllft!Menr ~ PACIFIC HEATING CO. INC. All CONDITIONING SPECIALISTS FREE ESTIMATES La9una HIU .. Y .. J• 837·2000 6 L494.s745h gos•-... • • • • • • ~ '· • • • ' ~ • .. I ~ ·l - • • •• ~,..,, .... ' .. .. .. ... OlllV PILOT . ...... .. " SPA!IKLINO BEER COMPLIMENTS Campsites Do Too Beer Can Offer Change of Pace Forty million peoplt will teke to the mountai111, forest. Ind parks on campl111 !rips U1il year. If you're one of these r o u I h-1 t enthuslasta, you 'll be lookJni for new cooklng ldeaa, aomethlna: to oCfer a chana:e-of-pace from the U!Ual preserved foods. Chancea are you have 1t least one flaherman In the family and 1lmolt before your campsite l! set. up he'll be off for the nearest. stream with fishing gear In tow. You'll want to be ready for the big catch, ready to make batter fried flab 1nd hugh puppies, Southern style. Nothing stimulates the ap- petite more than fresh fl!h, Favorite Flavored Onion and 1reen pepper add zest to a macaroni dish 'l'WO.CREE8E MACARONI 3 tabJP.spoons butter or mar11rine t medJum onion, finely diced 1 medium green pepper, finely diced 3 tablespoons nour \1 teaspoon salt \~ cup white pepper 2 cups milk v, pound gr1ted (mcdium- fine) cheddar cheese % cup finely grated Parmesan cheese 1 p1ckage (I ouncts) elbow or cut macaroni Jn a medium saucepan over low beat melt the butter: add onlon and imn pepper : cook until tender, &tlrrlng often - about JO minutes. SUr In Oour, 1alt and pep- per; add milk; coolt over moderately low heat, stirring const.anUy, unUJ thickened and bolling. Remm'e from heat : stir In cheddar cheese and 2 tables- poons of the Parmesan unUI cheddar melts. Meanwtule cook m1caroni according lo pockoge dlrec· Uone using the amount of water and salt called for; drain; miJ with hot chce&e IAuot. Tum Imo a I ~uatl ob!on1 ".. balc1"1 dlob (10 by • by I'll lnclies) at 1lmlllr ulellrll: 1prl11lde with ,. malnlnc Parmeaan chit•. Broll rapidly, clooe lo h!ch hu~ until !lgh!ly browned. M;ea 4 to I 1trvln1s. ' just. reeled in from the moun- tain Ill.ream or lake, 1lllllr11 in the skillet Qutckly fried in a puffy beer batter, ti. delicate fish stays moist, Juicy and tender on the inside whlle the outelde eel.I richly brown, crisp and crackly. Instead of bread, huah pup- pies are Juat the thlna. They're easy to make and, as any Southerner Will tell you, a "must" with fish. Ba1lcally a slmple cornbread batter. these little puffed-up moraeh; are simply fried in deep fat until crisp and golden brown. The batters for both lhe fish and the hush puppies have a special lngffllient that make3 them unique -beer. This light and tangy beverage not only add1 a buoyancy tn texture, but it also gives a subtle )'!;t distinctive flavor. The Ideal beverag e 11c· companlment for this c11m· per's meal: mugs of cold refreshing beer. BEER·BATTER FRIED FISH 6 brook trout or oµier frtsh water fl!h (about~ pound each) Flour 2 cups unsifted flour 2 teaspoona bakifli powder 1 teaspoon ult 2 egga, 11lghtly beaten 2 CUpll beer 1,~ cup sah1d oil Oil for deep £rying Coat fish with flour : Mt aside . In a large bowl, com· blne 2 cups nour, baking powder, salt, eggs, bter and ~1 cup oil: heal with rotary beater until smooth. Dip fish into batter allowini excess to drop into bowl. Fry in deep hot. oil (375 dearees r .) until g<ilden brown on both sides. Drain on paper 1owcls. Serve with wedg~a of 1etnon. Makes a servings. ZIPPY HUSH PUPPIES I\.; cups com meal 1~ cup un sifted Oour 2 leaspoons baking powder 1,~ teaspoon sail 1 egg, well bealcn •'6 cup bef!r I small onion. grated 2 tablespoons minced rreen pepper Oil for deep frying Sift tocether corn meal, floor, baking powder and salt. Combine egg, beer, onton and green poppor. Add to dl)I In· 11edl•nll and bltnd Just WIUI molotened. Drop by tableopoon1 Into deep hot o!! (!1S dOl"ffl F.) and fry until crisp 1nd 1olden on both 1kie1. Drain on JN.ptl' towtl!I. Scr,·e hot. f.lakes •boul IQ. .. " ..... ·• .. -· ... '" --. -·-··-..... . .. ____ ...... -................ __ . __ ..,, ..... , ----··-~ ........... "" . ' .. ••• _ .... ..-1 . -. . -· .. ' . .. . . . . . .. .. Prices are Discount•~ Exce pt on Fair·Tracl" ancl Sovern• mant Controlled Items. 21 .. tt. vt,.YI garden ho•• 119. 1..a.t1..-100-.i.w.t ,.._, .... ..., .... .... . ......, ................. . -hot• repair kits ::: ............ ..... -.. ........... ...... ........ . .. ,.. ... ••••lcll•wtit.tMll ....... ................. _ ... ..... llll llWlef ....... 1how•hMll sprink.ler .,":-83~ .i .... .......... hibachi 396 • ...., &Ntflll .......... WY ,,,....,.....,_....._., .... . .... ,.. ..... ,.,-' ...... · 111,a..y portable barbecue "lr1:1'!1"1l" 3" MODU 1·1• ,._._...erthlel4-•• .................. .,.... . ....... ..,. "" ........ 1t••nthumlt garden tools ·-794 ...... a.. .............. . ............... '" ... . Mll•I•.., •••· All -· ,,,..,,...9fttil ....... er fcr,bu/ous offer! miracle stretch pantyhose 2 ....... .,_. 77~ assorted blouses ~ .. T.t•,_"4,fr•tfl• · 1-•fl'I flMtt _.., •f , .... ,. """' .. ., ...... _ ... .................. "4ftty ... ........ ""'"···"'· .......... ,,....,,....... . ................... -12 .. ia.w ....... ,. ..... ._ ,rlMll. auorted pants '"""'"' .,_ .......+f• ...,... ....... .,~ s1rt!lfht ...... lft •• ctt1.., .... ,.... ....... w ........ ""-"--' .. •wt•tl ....._,W•l"'91191'r'ce4. -baby shirts ,....., ........ "' .... ........ ....... , .................. ... -.11•11. ll•nl-1, l•Y•., 1.112..,,. .. 2.,,.. 9IMI ,...,.., t11en'1whlt.tll"HI 34t uewsoclu ......... .. • .tkl•t• _.,. basket 296 9-y-t-i..,..,. ,._.le ..... .m11....-... .w.e ..,, ..... , ........... .. ................. ,.. .. . .w1 .. .., 2" Wll&t•Mlk•t ......... . A YAK.AILI AT MOIT LUUT DIKOUNT QNfllS , ... ,, pre1tone anti· freeze 199 ....... .,.. ............ ~ ........ ~ ...... ...... ... ...., __ .................. ,_ _.._.,.,...,,,...,If ., .. "--' .... s 1/2•ft. round 9 77 area rug ~.::r=-;;.r=..-:" ................ ••1wtM hardwore Items ..... ... -_ ... .... 87~ 894 ... _,,, ...... _ tawel ensemble ...M 1-illllwll Ww..1 ........... .,.,, ..... -.. ..... ......................... wttti ""--'"· ....__,..,_ ..... ,..ltk ._.. ••• , ...... lacquard beach towel 391 ............... ...,.. ....... ................ ..,.,. .. ,,..... ...... ,., •.. ... _ ...... 11 ..... ~ ..... ..,,....5111e.,, ....... .. \ GROUND BEEF lUCIT IOMDID fQlt fl.IYOI LEAN GROUND BEEF CHUCK Cj)UAllTY 77~ LUCKY UONDIO, NISH ....... -··-·-······ EXTRA LEAK liROUHD I.SJ.I. 6Wf A FRESH FRYERS 1110!! IOI! C!IClru " Luoky Tep .... "8olll . ' ca11a . . R~ 27~: S1 LUCCJ ' IOJI CUT-UP FRYERs :=tY~l:~ PORTERHOUSE ~·r:.•; ~ CHUCK ROAS'i'::~~l;r CROSS RIB ROJSl';~ RIB ROAST STANDIHG :-s~L TOP ljlUAtlY ~lllN llNK SAUSAGE ::':~ ~E!,-!~t9!~~~-·-8~:Mliv1:Jr~ -'BRO· .. ' HARVEST DAT 45 ·: WJf -' .. SCOOTER PIES am (I VAllETIDl 43' COIArl JILLY 01 C '. Orl t.{AI '"''· '" -··---l'l.UM JAM. u 0z. Jar . ·UPTON < ~ ""· ,, ' .. CHEEZ·IT i:"'::. ~'"'' 43' : BREAD "'"" Hf IPlIT "' 35' ' '.; JREAKf, ,..,, lDIL-........... ------••• the few Items li1te4 Oii this 1"'9f'. !Cf:~ BREAD ,'t:~oru~~ "~.".'~·~~---35• con1titute just a small somplR9 ~( 1HDtiil 40% BRAH FLAKES ~:'::."~, ---42' ::::~:·=~~..:' !~.~~.ount pricn~ Discount Prices on Fresh Produce /fems! 100o/o <;HICj)UITA BRAND • Our Buyer1 select only the b•1t prod uce to a1sur1 lucky custom- ers th e qu•lity to whic h th ey •r• •ceu stomed, .. Summer fruit1 •r• •t their peak i nd th1y •re clis- count pric ed 1t Lucky .• , Shop •nd comp1r1. -~~~--------....i)lfflfttO LUW DISCOUNT PRICES ON HOUSEWARES E: BE AUTY AIDS . :£REAM .: ·J911HSl - BRECK CREME RINSE I Uplll It Ille llttl rblM ~ llllr ltlt. ,,. tJ'pll; •• "' ...... llf}; s139 WI• II hi 11-tlltl lln. OUA LOW MIYDAT l'llCI ' ·cOLCiATE INSTANT SHAVE 3°1'IECE I DISH DRAINER SET Plutfc41!M •k• net, •1!1Mtt lfftnln Sl 68 1111111 .. IM frllllftl 1at. Ali'i tthn. I· ~ ..... 12°Cj)UART CORN POT 1m1 ,., Mii• .. ., ..... • ...... S2'9 ... -...... -,_· . .... ., Aly .. , Sen Eniruy . ..,.. ,.., . "' ..... ll"'*' HALO SHAMPOO <BllAD ....... •"1 II n II: ....... flrt" 911; •km& h lr liltlt llllWd, llltf"dtM, •Ullt- c•o. s129 , .BIEEH 7·0UNCI IOTTl.I .....-., .. · i.: BREAlil ·--ALLEREST ::FISHSll hcer1ttt"'· 1111111n,... ......,.:1i1J. ru ·I 011 Ill' t111i IJllM•itl' rtllll .. ·IUWfl :~,~;: :' :: Slot.:P!Rat. JERGENS :~ HAND .. IODY LOTION '1 L' I SlotllltL ..n.lq lfllll fW .._ _. ..., • -· .... II' ...., ... ,....., ~LUDU 1k O'I' 95c . • ··: , 7°0UNCI SID ., >nNCA TASSAWAYS S's <·JOASTJ I ......... ,. .. -• ic!'WAfA ,i1c. 111:..11 '""""' 11 ........ ,.. ~ '"....... : :.atUN 1 OH LOW $124 --iiJ '"'"" '"(( :1 :OMIOH ,ACKA(if OF SIX :.::BREAK CORN SKEWER ·s :EF.~ =:: SfARK , ..... "' ..... "'. ·-· ... 27* -e··· II •N """ ......_ ··tnl •. I .., -.-~=~,,,...,,,,_,,_ ~'"''*"''"'·' "f )t j \ "8tlll1l'.lula Art~ ... Elcli Out C1rrles hr ._,.aaok 8111'11111 If O. ...... Slllafltlltl..:E111'JThM! cana CIT ROUND STEAK LUCO TOP Qlllllll IO!llllflf llUMJ, 1'.INDll AND 31 ' IUICY',CHICKINS ............... ,........ lb TU.KS .::. T AllS llMOYID s 1 u UCIY TOP QUALITY *ONDID IHF lb. . C£NTll .CUT -LUCKY TOP 57' li\llAL@T J ONDID IHF .............. lb St ·-ILISS-1.UCIY TOP 88' · .; Q\IALITY IONDID lllF lb r ~'r~ ':f: .. L_U:~~ ... -....... S 1 ~ -U.JONN.SKINLISS LINKS ;o!IN~ iri!•· -·-.. ·--·--·-.. 11111 CUI CHUCK ROAST llCll TOP Qllllll IOllll ll!f 49~ Ula Ill LICIT TOP Qlllln ·-1111 aa~ GAME HENS i~t":rifiHT 21M1s. .... BREADED PORKE 11 E ~~~ .. '.~~~ ....... : .... 89fb PORK LOIN ROAST !~M·:~. fOUI STAI .... 68• LOIN END ROAST :.:g~: fOUI STAI... 78:b T BONE STEAK TAILS llMOYID-l.UCKY TOP s1n • QUALITY IONDID IRf .. -........... •· ... kA-t&tj!.-....., LOOK fOI THI LUCKY IOND ON IACH PACIA61 OF MIAT. -----.i FULLY COOKED FARMER JOHN HAM Ml S1W1 1111 Ill llOCI ~ llMOVll II LICIT ss~ LUCKY BACON a1a:1 1-t1. 111. 69' FARMER JOHN BACON 79' 1.1'8 1'"91 ~MUI£ ·-·-·-·-·--"--· RATH SLICED BACON 79' I· .... PKUIE -···-·-----·-... OSCAR MA YER BACON 88' IU. al.ICU l_,.I PICUCf -----·-.. -- THIN SI.ICED BACON 89' llCAI llfO 12-tl. PICUIE -·-·--··-..... IR6z· RICE .~~~:.. .. ......... ___ 20' .... CARONI IOlJD "'" """ 19' , a.111 A1110-11;0L rt. .1PTON TEA BAGS ,,." "'·---'1.17 SAUD DRESSING l!IMSll"S.'lllLllM, Oil I 39' lllllW. tllOllSlll 1~11-0L llL DISCOUNT PRICES ON FR ESH DELICATESSEN ITEMS! MORRELL DINNER FRANKS 68' AL1 II• -I POUND PACIAN ................ w·································-·····················-······-·-- IR£AKf4ST :1\~i i::1~..'., _______ 55• . . .. ,.. .. ~ . . . ~ • • ~..i~ ... J --"""' l'l:.·Ta MIX "'"""" 9' ~~~·uo'w~"st ,;~,;-;;m;--29' DUPONT SPoNGES , •. ~. 35' ~ . ll·IZ. UI .,... FABRIC FINISH ;~;u::. ----4 9' DREFT DETERGENT .... , ., _____ 82' !Al ~ CAT FOOD .~~~0 .. ~. "': 16' BOLD DmRGENT ,..,, "" __ .. 82' ... :;. l>OG FOOD ::::~." .. ~':'~ .. 13' DASH DETERGENT Wl<ZIOI ----'2.24 :amt FRISKIES "" "1 "" 27' n ....... 11-01. '"--·--·-------... 4lii:ut!----"""" IOG fOOD ~~" .. ~~-------'1.45 . U'(IQUE FACIAL ~ .. ·kA-t~!. nu~::ai 23' ~· f 10iE PINEAPPLE c......-..;''° .... 1 __ ..,,__...., ~..!.~ ~~l~Pl' 73« ,_.OurLOWE..er;dayPrice!- lllCOnA CHE!SE 63« LUNCH MEATS ~Hr~N-·CHE'~;;-,.,. 6a. t1.~::''r1:-.t't'& ~~~c. 36' Ir.ft>, SHeM, Pr~~ 1 Z-0.. f'llt-7• & ClltESf-1.fl. r11. ~~!4 .. CHEE5.~ ,...._ "•· 4()c SLIC!D CHICKEN '""'" 45 LEO'S MEATS ':::;:;'.~ 35« ....... __ ............. :: :'.';'. . C CMIH IHf, ,_,_I, IRf N11. .. ~~.E~~!"wll~~~~~·~· 4CJc · ~~~~!~~~~ 96« GREEN GIANT CORN 11:' .::':'~--23' Dill CHIPS ::'.or~..'.'~~~m.1-" ..... 54' V ·8 JUICE ':'.'~~..'.':'.... ...... -·-·--··· 54' ; ~·m:'!11\r~111 24' .-. SPRAY STARCH :,·~~: ____ 49' BABY FOOD ~~~0 ______ 9' : UY • .OLCIM IVORY SNOW ::,::.·~·-----82' ~ ... ~&tjt.--... MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE '"''· ... __ 87 ' ,,.,, ... _____ Sl.73 CASCADE :~!.':::· ... ~~~·~----68' LYSOL SPRAY tllTTl:DUILK · Lii! lit 20' GAIN DEJEllGENT .... ,: IOL~-'1.36 Dl~!:,~~~~NT 79' llUI 11.111'1 11•t m. ---·--IVORY SOAP 1U1D111 " •ll 30' CAN OODt< IMO CIUllD ""'"' 37' IQ. UI -·------· ----------.....> ' .i ,..,t m. -·--SPIC & SPAN 31' ~Ki· tlP ICE MILK y,m m. -59' . '"'" '" ------ rlf\V: LEE BUTTER nm 1"''" 79' ... 4&tj!.--..., 1.11u 1~ : 11•1· "'· ----WNIE MIX ) -. .. .. ...,. -·' ' -·r.i\t·x" ~-' .··~-'. ' jpiio'-'~ -. MORTON MACARONI ~.::~~:. _ 4~' tllEAM CHEESE CAKE .~~~.ui ..... 89' l'ILLSIU~Y 21'/J-OUNCI IOX 43' :1911HSTON PIES "" "' _____ . 69' :;;:0·-;,,r.G""H"-;;;,~;;~~;-;;·.,, 66• ELBERTA PEACHES .~::'m~-38' llllUI ' vw 11-01. ,.. ____ ,, _________ .. ___ . FRUIT COCKTAii ""mm 24' 5REEN GIANT mamu 33• . .. ll·OL "'-· --....... ••01· m. -.......... -.... CRAN APPLE 1·•iCE ..... ""' 68' ....... ..,"""' ..... ~ S.IMdl • '" 41-Gl ........ -- BREADED SHRIMP ::!it':~~ .. :~_'1.70 FRUIT DRINKS ::~:.:·~--------26' FISHSTICKS \~::·~~: ---·-------69' GREEN BEANS :~.or.-::·~~---28' llASll ••owNS .. ,.. 35' "Ret1.""FILLET .:~.~;:: ;o~;, ;;ii;· 57' LE SUEUR PEAS ""'· .., ___ 34' ,pt -, .. t "" -----.... REFRIED BEANS '=" ... __ 29' ~ ... ~g,,,1._......., ~. -TAMALES 611HAIDT5 11.0UNCI ~ CAN 25' JUNIOR FOOD ~~~----12' CHUNK TUNA ~~:': :l.~----·-34' RIPE OLIVES ::• .:'.".:..'~~-~-38' MANZ OLIVES ~~~'~: ... ~'.~'--~ 52' HEINZ PICKLES :W ... "z'. ~.OI.' .................. 58' u•t "' .... -----$2.52 YUBAN ,':W "'·--········-91 ' YUBAN :'..~' ... _____ '1" YUBAN COFFEE ...,, "'-·--$2.64 INSTANT YUBAN ":::.'"'---_ 95' ... ~&tjt.- G ROOT BEER lnlaA61 M'ACI 11-oz. ins. 63' 11.1.D.I. flllll IT ... COUPONS Gladly Accepted "In Im" .. .. • '. .... ...... ., • , , a/ ......,. pea• •JI .i. ....._,.. "'llT ... ._ 1111111111 .. ,.. .... " .. ., ......... .... ......... _,. __ _ "ll'I .... -... --... """ Wm mlTIAY SAVINlll ........ v DAILV PILOT COMPLIMENTS BAITED Dishes Angle For Unusual "The sea tw.lh fish for every man.'' It hu been said ror ctn· turles and according to the most recent report of the Food and Agriculture Organlr.ation o{ the United Natio111, the oce1111 are still a great source of food for man, with the world'• total haul of fish 141,058,000,000 pound• (or 11168. Even more impressive than the st.atlillca ls the ingenuity with which the-world's fishing countries prepare t h e l r catches. Every country has ita seer«!. particularly in the way of seasonih&. Peruvians love pickled fish, ttvlclte spiced with red and green chill peppers, onion, black pepper and parsley, Japan's world-famous raw fish, 111blmJ conslst.s of paper- lhln slices or fish marinated in a gingered sauce. China loves to combine soy. sherty, garUc and clnger in filh as well 11 meat cookery. The flavor of Norwegian flsh soup would be more familiar lO American palates alnce It 11 spiced with bay leaf, pep- percorns, celery and parsley. Depending on country and re1lon, filh and seafood will be seasoned to taste with a battery of other s p I c e s : thyme, tarragon, o r e g a n o , mlnl, parsley, coriander, cumin, turmeric, saffron, nut- meg. mace, mustard and blend• auch as chili and curry powder. To show you how delicious fllh can be do try these nclpes for C11.&lanlan Su· quette and Cambodian Michha Trone Kroeung. SUQUETTE (Catalonl•n Fl1b In Almond Sauce) ~z cup Instant minced onion ~~ t.e1spoon Instant minced garlic \Vater 114 cup olive or salad oil l can (15 ounce) tomato 1auce 1,1 cup dry white wine 2 bay leaves I ~l teaapoons basil leaves, crumbled ~4 teupoon sail \1 tea.spoon sugar ~'• teaspoon ground black pepper ~• cup toasted, slivered, blanched almoAds , divided 2 po:mdl fillet of 1ale or flounder Combine minced onion and 111llc In ~ cup water; let st.and 10 minute• to rehydrate. In a Jar1e 1killet heat oil. Add rehydrated onion and 1arllc; aaute until very ll&htly browned. stlrrln1 occasionally. Add tomato sauce. la cup water, wine (or an additional 1~ cup water If wine ii not ulld), bay leave1, b a 1 l I leaves, salt. su1ar and black pepper. Cover ind almmer 4S mlnutet, atlrrin1 occasionally, Grind ln blender or finely chop 1,111 Cup o{ ~ 1lmond1. Add around nut.s to sauce: mii well. Roll fish flllet..s ind ar- range in skillet over sauce. Cover and simmer 15 lo 20 minutes or until fllh flakes wbtn tetted with a fork. Oarnllh with remaining 1/4 cup attnonds. Serve with cookl!d rice, if deslrtd. Serves six. MICHH~ TRONG KROEUNO (Cambodian Fl1h In Sauce) 2 pounds nsh nnet~ I tablespoons flour I tablt11poon11 sa\1d nil 2 cups water 2 tablespoons .1emon juice z tablespoo111 paprika 4 teaspoona onlon powder 4 teaapoons sugar 11,, t.eupoons fennel seed, crushed 1 1,~ teaspoons aalt •,:. teaepoon garlic powder '4 teaspoon ground nd pep- per Cut fish into 2 lnc.b pieces: dredge with flour . In ·a tar1• skiUet ht.al· oil. Add fll:h and fry until browned on both sides. Drain on p1per towel· ing: set aside. Add rem1inlng ingredienta to sklllet. Cover and simmer aauce 20 minutes , stirring occasionally. (Add more W•t.er If neeeasary). Add reserved fried fish. Heat only unUI hot. Gantlshed with pars· Jey Oakes, If desired. Serve as a main dish or appetizer. Serves 1il to eight. Cool Quickies Pop on bow-trimmed pret· ties for play, patio, pool1ldel Dad 'a g\rll look great in quickie .sun skims, ken:hief1 with gay stitchery. Trantfer, printed pattern. Pit. 'Im: mllses' sizes 10.11. Pat. 7131: chlld'a U . State 1be1. nnv CENTS for each p1f... tern -1dd 25 cents for each pattern for Air Mall ind Special Handlin&: otherwise thlrd-class delivery will take three weeks or mort. send to Alice Brooka the DAILY PILOT, 105 Needlecraft Dept., Box 183, Old Ohel1ea StaUon, New York, N.Y. 10011. Print Name, Addreu, Zip, Patten Numbe:r. . BIG 1171 Needleeraft Cltalo1 -40 Piii"· 200 deslgru, 3 frtt pattema Knit, crochet faahlons . Qullt, em- broider, weave. Toys, &If~ Send 50 cent.I. NEW! Complete ~ 11 • 1 o look -marvei.u1 af1Mna, fashions. pillows , baby &lft.t, more! SI. 0 50 Instant 01111" ..noo11:. ~ cents. "tf Jiffy ftu11" to ~nit crochet, weave, saw, hook. SO crnts. Book of tZ Prlie Afghans. :'JO cc.1L~. I • ·- .. -. ··-~ "· All 1,000 · of Us , Had Busy Day Today We created and delivered "another fresh edition of The' DAILY PILOT , . ~ . • -~ " TEAMWORK produces ea.Ch day's all·new DAILY PILOT. Often staffers, like Thomas Fortune (left), .Newport Beach city editors, work with a stall plloloRrapber like Patrick O'lloonell to get the ·stor:y botlt in words and pictures. The staff shot 70,000 pictures last year to illdrate the varied story of Orange Coast life. Nobody knows how many local stories we wrote. Not even us, CREATIVITY helps adv~ tell their stories and sell their goods in the affluent market servEd by the DAILY PILOT. Maury Gardner of dis- play advertising department looks over layout with DAILY PILOT staf! artists Anne Hamblin (left) aod Charlotte Andresen. The ad they're dis-- cussing will be ready to· appear 1n the newspaper only hoUI'! after artists put final touches on the layout and it is approved. by the advertiser, a I~ cal fetail merchant. QUICK HANDS place lines of type, ads ·and cuts (the metal plates used to reproduce pictures) into page forms as the day's product begins to take shape. Compositor Arden MalBbury is only one of a platoon or printers who "build" the news pages under pressure of deadlines, work- ing against the clock to bring readers the latest available information in each edition durin& the day. DELIVERY of the newspaper Is a speed event. too. Conveyor belts carry the papen through the mailroom where they are automaLieally tied in bundles of 50 and tOSM!d to waiting circulation district managers (like Blaine Roberti. shown here, (right) who speed them via' a 40-vehicle neet to carriers for deJivery. Mailroom fOreman George Arauz (left) and his crew can move I0,000 newspapers an hour, • VOLUME is the word at the Copy Desk. DAILY PILOT Copy Desk Chief Norman Anderson (right) aided by Tom Titus (background) and other copfreaders every day silts, checks and edits more wire reports from worldwide ntwS services than the average weekly newt magazine pub- lishes. F.diton scan . enough telephotos to wallpaper a. living room every 24 bouiw. Speed, born •of experience, helps them. keep It all fresh, too. THE WORDS are ready. Marjorie Jackson feeds the,m into a $25,000 computer, a DAILY PILOT inv.estment in ·s~ and accuracy, which U11eS • a logic system to hyphenate words as it reads characters at the rate of J ,000 a second and punches a new tape whith will activate another machine for automatically setting type at high speed. Ttie machines can set type at the rate·ol 6,000 lines per hour. PRESSURE here is both physical and mental. Charles Haubrick, stereo- type foreman, checks impression made by page fuU of type on a mat squeezed by 1,800 poonds of pressure per square inch in the mat roller. Mat can be curved and used as a mold to fOrm the curved plates which fit onto cylinders of high-speed printing presses which print the DAILY PILOT. It's part of the quick-paced daily process of reproducing 100,000 words for DAILY PILOT subscribers to read . ··------MODERN oqulpment belpo the accoonling department keep up with the .. today" ~ at the DAU. Y PILOT: Even as the day's newspaper is being sped to ill readers, Sunnie Chauvin be~ feeding figures into a desk model computer'• accounting C011BOle. ll helps keep track of billings fDr ad! and subscriptions. The machine. one of several Ued in to the main computer. helps handle 5,000 accounts a month. " .: .• •l"l" RAPID communciation is the n;:une.of the game, Supervisor "Nita" FollOrif and her crew of "ad-visOrs" handle 1,000 transaction! a week by ~ 1· ~ in publication of'S,000 classified ads -words which help .. buy, seU. rent or I ea se ... even find lost dogs. Marty ol the D v .~. PILQT'S 150 phone lioes m plugged in here, the classified advertisina~ partment, home oi "Want Ads" and Dime-A-Lines. .. :.· ,.·.: PI~, too, get the benefit of skilled, efficient handling by master craftsmen who re-photograph them and then transfer the images td' t sensitized metal plal.ea which are used to reproduce the photo.! as ~ ers will see them in the newspaper. Here, Chuck Ryan takes a riallt close look at a oegal.ive which will be used to etch the image on· t.h.i melal plate. ,. · • FINISHED PRODUCT is checked by Elwood Anderson, press crew ~ even as high-speed presses continue lo roar at 60,000 impressions per W completing the day's run on press units which represent an investment of $3.5 million. Eleven-man press crew wiU feed into these machines the equivalent of a roll of paper one page wide and 110,000 miles long in printing the DAILY PILOT this year. . ALMOST before the int is dry, the product of our busy day Is taaed ~efUy on your lawn or porch by one of our 700 newspaperboys who are unportant links in the chain of people it takes lo bring you today's news and features ~in the DAILY PILOT. And as our young independent merchants, like-j6~ Melton here, malte their deliveries, we're cearine up !or another bwsy ~~ -.all l,llllO ol us. The 'Now~ ~ewspapf.'r for .All ~he Co111111unitie Of T~e-G_rowing Orange Coast •• • ] • .... -ii: ----= ~ t: ~ nU .. sy. '® ~ "'·? ... G II( In B< 0 ~·· ' • . ,. • • ' M Pl ~~~--------.... -.-----..... '?i Free'dom for ::::.... ..... ' .. :,..t. "lit'\•; = L ct"::... ... !':u::::=! -............ -.. ..:;;;;;;_...,."'!--"· :".'::..~ .... ~ ::::.~ ·~· =· ~ ~~-... .. .. . ',WUJUM CLAYTON ' . QTON (UPI) : -& ~~r or a mllllon, .; 1'0rker1 are ... the United Stat.., :a'~.breakin& Jabs ~ and Yqttal>le ~ ·l1orlda, Texas md Soulh-. /"""1 or• found In 41 stat& ~ are ~can-Amerlcans. 'Ibey live In what ha .. been delcrlbed by some u "alive quarlen." Even al best, It Is hr from Ille American -· For three days last week, the -Mlgratoey Labor ~ .. beaded by Sen. w'llller F. Mondale (0.Mlm.), -~ t.itlmony, devoting two clay!!> to sympathizen ol th< ?"llr!mls and one day to f,owen and p-oducers. ·Tio codUcUng plc i u re 1 e!ri<fged. One showed the rliiitint worker m o v I n g tdwtrd 0 human d I g n I t Y , rnOlivatlm and hope." Tbe -portrayed him .. • hope!ess prieoner of a "rotten .IJs!<m" with lillle lnclbutllon II> cbq<. Dr. Raymond Wheeler ol Qmrlotte, N.C., w b o ln- ~ated coadltiont in 8(Ml', ·. T~as, 1 a l d tf . .>have a ·life n.· 10 ,._. less than olb<r Amerlcanl. He flndlng the only .,.... . lb the United States , . 1D -mlgrlrit camps, ear problel!ll and . decay. ' TE Is Cllfferenl in Fmrida from the rest of ,South,'": be testified, diUbSate, cruelly con-'pf lllg!>Iy e!fecUve til>ich 'bMbeenclevis-' <#ricl the mubnwn and podncUvlly from . ;lllJm&-lleinp !O< the ~bleprice, . ery· lflort is dfrected !o.1wd · lso!AUng the farm Nker from the rest of 90cie-~ ,~,.'maint.ainlng him at the ~ level ol subsistence ;.tila. be will tolerate -then niaking certain he baa DO means of escape from a ·-that bolds him In ~peonage.'' (I'd-. ""'1dmt of ~'!la. .o.., -hlrts 1,1100 misr~ work~ an ellfht-orange season, testified that :1111 he began to iud more • : Cesar Cha~et' cruaede ~-California in btball of :~worken.. !S'7,.:;;: aaid he le~ lhen a Coca-O>IA official • • many of the migrants ~·.:UU-groves were Qvhig in t CoocnUons that 'could'. )IOI in ~ ~ence be tolerated by the ~la Comp3ny.'" ~~ aald Coca-Cola\ In-~ 1o provide 1he migrants ~ full Ume employmen~ _, · the same ~. (~ and training benefits :-.:Rs other full time employes ~~.'sJgnillcantly h i i h er • ' ~. includinc a, basic hour-~-ge and piece-work booos. 'Ibey also wUI be gjven the ~un!ly to buy or renl ~te housing, along with J)tnnanent social s er v Ice t.hters o1rertng child care and fJl'HCbool training. Austin said there will be adult educa- tion, medical care, coumeling, muoo, special tutoring 'iatormaUob centers . • :lini>orianUy, Coca.Co I a !1DoeWtse began to talt with :;ll,1i migrant work«s. , .However, Austin said, 0 1 do , not want' to overp'Olniae. --ol abuse and neglect cannot he rooted out In weeks or even months:" But he did predict that eoc .. Cola's new programs ''will Presidential Y acht,s ' . :Mesail Wins • Science PhD Gill' W. D<belJ ol Cool.t Mesa bu been awarded a PbD ..... In enct-tnr and applied acleoco f-the ot Rochester, , N.Y. Is ...... cl )Ir,. and Artllur l G. Debell of J'la it. Thunday, J•IY SO, 1970 DAILY PILOT I! • ' • l :. • • ' . • ' • ' • ' • , • .. • 1 ·" " .. '" • ' Q llAll.V PllOT s Yw MO!!e!f'• Worth Bond MarketAppealing To Ever y, lncome:Bracket 9y ~VU Pi>llTER ll •ould be ridicuklw for me '° claim that ~ are an IPIJf'OPriate laYeStmeot for an ol'-yo.i : there are so many dlfferent t1J* ti fb:ed-incotne aecurtues, 10 many different matur!tlei, ,. many dlffmnt grades that eveo the slrq:le V.'Ol'd t'boods" beooroes I mllfea~-rallty. lt would bt an utltrly cut-of.cflar!cter folly for me to make so supttflclal a recommendation; I. b1vt avoided th1s sort ol tnp all my life and I'm not iolng to step into it now. . Nevertheless. the money and bond markets at today's levds ~ appealing to an ex· lraordlnary .,..._-.., of 1neome and age groups. 'nlus. this aerle1 which you can Uie for buic guidance &$ you find out the det.aill you want on your awn. Q. WHAT ABOUT THE IN· COllE TAX FACTOR! A. 'Ibb Is vitally imPortant, for you must pay income taxes on the interest you earn. O! COUl"H, lhls cut.a . into your net return and the high« your income bracket, the more tht cut -ucept oc tu:-uempt municipol obllgatioos. Q. WHAT ABOUT 11'1· FLATION?, A. lo JudSioa what you r rW net rMe of return is on a flxed-,lncome !ltalrity, )'OU l1lWlt alao cooslder the --the~yln mal nte ol rise in livtq -. In comhic years. But that'• jwt the point. At ttlelC! interest rate levels, tt. Jt probable that the price eroeloct 1.and. the tax bite will be COIX'e than adequately A SICK PET HAS A WORRIED FRIEND "' TIU1' .uNT, .... A pet It Vtr)' almil&r to an infant tor It cannot tell a.ny- OM when It feels aick or ha! a pain. For this reason a Veterinarian mun be con· suited U theft are definite symploml or an Wnelli. Ol&ncft are your veterlnar Ian will be able to find the caUR ol tbe trouble and take the proper step& to a~ the pet's ttCO\lftY. Often. he wW prescribe one of the many mediclnea that are especially fonnulat.ed for a.nim.al$. We know that an animal con- sldetJ his pet u a mmibfor ot the famlly and we feel the --· YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you nttd a delivery, We will de- liver _promptly without ex- tra Chu'ie. A great many people rely on us for their health needs. We weloome requests for delivery service and charge &CCOUl'lt& PAii LIDO PHA•MACT Jll Hlflll'lt911-4 .......... -,. .... '41·1 111 -- covered. At a percent, remem- ber, your nest.egg is doubling In 12 years; at 9 percent, doubling In II. Q. WHAT ABOUT YOUR AGE? A. Again, this is a vital COfl!ideratlon, for ir you are young and can look forward to many years in which you can rttOUp losses in in- vestments, you. can properly awime more risks in the stock mark.et and speculale for big long·tenn. capilat gains. But, if ,you are in the older age brackets, bonds at these highest returns in more than 100 years have In- disputable appeal. Old or young, though., if yoo buy bonds for capital gains at these levels, you are .speculat.illl that interest rates will decline. U you buy them Jwt for the annual returns, ,.... presumably doo't .,. .. whit haR>em to their price.'\. Q. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TP BONDS IF STOCKS SURGE UP AGAIN? A. No one can be sure but m811)' sbrtwd ex.perts think ihat the holders will stay "sold." 'Itley reuon that in-' THIS IS THI OPPOlTUNfn YOU HAVI ION WAmNIO FOl OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS Inveligall!-t~ profit pot~ntlal of the alJ new hot dog vending machine by VEN·OOG lnteml'· Uonal. For additionaJ W orma- tlon PHONE 170-4084 &••·················· • • • • • • • • DON'T MISS THE ANTELOl'E YAUEY Ol'l'ORTUNITY! UNIVERSAL LAND INVESTMENT & MANAGEMENT CD. • • • • ) . • INVESTMENT SEMINAR • • Location: Surf & S.ncf Hotel, Conference Room, • , ,, • r 1 •• • • 9th Floor, 1555 S. Cotst Hwy., L1gun• Time: 7:30 p.m. -D1te: Augu1t 4, 1970 ' ' • • • • • R ... rv1tion1 ire requelited. Pl .... cont1ct ~ Charfoa A. Smith, 714-497·1450 ~···················· easy-c1rc •din w11r 1 .. "''" en4 ky1 w• still h••• 1 9r11t twimw11r 11l•ctionl , 1i1e1 40 and 42 1 !10 .,.. SlilM•Vt .,. f., "-• S11111lftt • 11 t• I • •• -.. OVER THE COUNTER Complete-New York Stock List ... . . . I •• • ' • • •• I , ., -., • • Iii "' M .. M • .. :: M • "' "' "' .,. "' M M i M "' M .. "' M ... "' M .. M • •• "' •• • • =: . ~· ~· •• • • •• •• .. ~: "' •• ~ ,, ~· E • N • • ~ s ~ . ~. a •· -~ s • • • ~ • • .. ... ! •. a -' 7.i.··. .,, .. ,,., .. .... . ' • I ~ .. • .t. ~ .,. . ~~~ ~ : , . ' : I ,. " ~ ... ... '" ;\Vedn~y's 'Closing ·Prie~ Complete New Y orli Stocli Exchange List .. DAJ1 Y l'!l.or ' Bite Perils Snake Man , • • t • . . ' ----- ·-. • • ev.1s.1on • ' . Now you can see a different fi Im classic every week. constant commerciais. But ~fcourse you do have to·be a And see each one when it suits your family best. Cablevision subscriber to get in on the West .Coast pre- Because we're repeating each feature. Cablevision · miere of these great films. So get ready now; If you're brings you the complete originals. Uncut and with just · not'a subscriber, call us for .a f(ee demonstration on : one intermission. Enjoy them all, rightathorne without your-own TV set. Our number: 642"3260 •. '' • • STARTING AUGUST 3. JULES & JIM; starring Jeanne Moreau. . ' ., . :.' .. , • • ·1~·p: STARTING AUGUST 10"INTOLERANCE; direc:tcd by D:W..Griffith. STARTING AUGUST 17 "Tl-£ BLUE ANGEL; st.iring 'Marlene Dietrich. - STARTING AUGUST 24 "SALLY OF 1HE SAWDUST," stiffing W. C. Fields. STARTING AUGUST 31 "AMERICA; starring Lionel Barrymore. COMING • BRTH OF A NATION; dRctcd by ll W. Glfitl. COMING "HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME,." st.rin9 Lon Clwy. "TI-£ GEltiAl.,. stirring Buster Katon. "WI\!. DONN EAS"t" stirring LLi Gisli. • MARK OF ZORRQ. stirring Oougl.s Fiirbr.lcs St "EXTRA GIRL; diccm:I by M.ck Sc111«tt. See these film classics and enjoy all of the other benefits of being a cablevision sub- scriber for only 22 cents per day. CHANNEL3 CABl£VISION In Newport Bach, Mon. tlrough Fri., 9P,M, 5.t. Sin, 6PM In M.ioii V~ Mon.~ fri. 9PM "There's More To See On Cable TVI" ........... -- .. :· ., . . • .. . 1 -------~----. . .. --. .,.~----- WostclHf PIHi s lomom lo lh• DAILY PILOT, Thurs., Jui}'._~ 1'70_ • . ' ' .. \~ • • 'one-stop' shopping at its finest! OPEN JHURSDAY AND MONDAY EVENINGS • TO AM • PM ' . f ... ~--.,., f •• -·--·-----~--..--• ---------~~=-c2~~0---~_. •---~-~----~~~---------------------------------~-----------------~ -"":"-.....,...~--------------------.....,...---------.,.------~---------------<~·--.-··--~·· ... :1 ~• l"'-icllff 'Pl•n S..pplem""t to IM DAILY PILOT, Thurs., July 30, 1970 . . WESTCLIFF PLAZA AT HUB OF HARBOR • r l I ' --- , MARINERS s-.. a., Ap11 Live - Orchid • ' ~ · 1.iJiJplari'. COUITISY Of PAUL BR£CllT OllOll> CO. NOW ON DISPLAY .. IN THE LA GALLERIA WINDOW WESTCLIFF PLAZA ".Aloha ::ba~ " SIDEWALK SALE : j ' I ' . From the Lates( Styles to Hardware Needs Distinct Shops Featured at W estcliff Plaza All roads truly lead to WestcJi!f Plaza. For those fortunate to live permanently in this wonderful part ol the country, or to those just pus.- ing through, Westclifi Plaza, conveniently located in the hub or the Harbor area at the corner of Jrvine Avenue and WestcliU Drive, is within easily reached d r iv in g distance. From either direc- tion otr Coast Higbway up Dover Drive, from the West at the end of 17th Street, or from the North, down JrvLie Avenue. glflware, or other lines, genial clerb aaai.!lt Jn m a t l n g peraonal !trvlce more than a motto. ROBERT BERKLEY -The r<gal almoepltere of this fU1e Men's War ls repreaenlat!ve al the man who lak" pride in distinctive clothing. The store was founded on quality lllld -fashion styles ol the times, backed by a well trained staff aware of. tbi.s tradition. slogan of this u:qulalte shop tensive Inventory d oulltan-long Ust ol cont en l e d providing o u ts t and la g d!ng brands lite FJorsbeim., CU!tomers. wardrobes to the ladies ,.. Cobblers, Bass Weej~ip:s, IDCKORY FARMS - the Harb:>r and Orange County Evans, Bernardo, s p er t 1 America 's leadin, c b e e s • society circles. From the time ' me enl6s their magnl!Jcenl 7'1polde~. U. S. Keds. IJ!e (See WESl'CIJFF Pqe 3) doors the reason. is appattnt. stride, Buater Brown, Ha.De$, ' E.9ql1ire, and maDJ othera:, has CllAllLFS H. B A R R continued the ll!""th until !<> JEWELE RS -Long day, with their oolstanding establiBbed on Balboa Island group al lnlned -.Uen, and in Westcliff Plaza, Barr's they have become recognized Js renowned f« cus t om as the most suoces.sful store designed jewelry, a wide ol its kind In Sootbem selection of gem st on e s 1 California. diamonds, high grade watches and gold jewelry. of all kinds, DUMPTY DUMPTY -1ll.is plus the finest in jewelry attractive children's shop ·Car- re pairing. A place for making ries quality inerehandi.se for decisions when treasured gifts the younger gen~ration from or keepsakes are Ute choice. layette to site 12. Nationally advertised brands such as WE.ttCLIFF SR0!3 -Wm. Carter, Wonderalls, Dan. ' THINK. LESS Where ~ing is a real ny &: Debbie Dare, Catalina, pleasure, this store was Playmore Knits, Van Juesen, established ln 1964 as the only BWy the KJd, Rob Roy, Her complete family shoe store in Majesty, Youngland, Turtle Newport Beach. Perfect fitting Bay, Polly Flinders, Pandoa, Westcllff Plau Only Mesa Pair Complete W0rkshop The end of tbe journey is most rewarding. Sp a c I o u s parking, a p leasant at- mosphere, and 2.4 distinctively different shops, catering to all needs of the family and home, with outstanding selections of quality merchandist and services. Sboips in well-balanc- ed Westcliff Plaza are ••. DICK VERNON -A most friendly shop where you wUI find a helpful attitude catering' to the young or heart when shopping for your Sportswear needs. Dick, wife Betty, one of the lovely daughters, or "friend," wlU delight in show- ing selectioos of Lanz, MJss Pat, Tami, Patty Woodward, Le Roy, Garland, Cole, or other famous lines. VETA'S INTIMATE AP· :li~~~d~la~shi~·on~l~ro~m~their~·~ex~-~and~othen~~h~av~e~a~~~~~led~a~:i:iiii:i:iiii:i:iiii:i:iiii:i:iiii:i:iiii~ BANK OF AMERICA -Of. PAREL -E:zclusively for fering four basic personal women, this shop features choice checking plans, and lingerie, robes, Ioungewear, four basic savings account brassieres and girdles. nie plam for iodividualized lingerie and robes are styled service. Recent addition on by the finest designers -bras the North side is a convenient and girdles include the best outside window Ul provide ad-on the market in well known 'l'woCOlta.M'esa High School ded service. brands. Vela 's also features lludents have ampleted a SAV-ON DRUG_ Quick courteous and helpful ......,.O!hnn for tqti echool service, cleanliness, a n d s a I es w om e n who have r-~ rr1-ni established and en v i a bl e ne~r edilon held at the ...,. neas are among the ... -.....,--many faetors •justifying the reputation. fJD.iven:Ky of s ·outhern popu1atjty of SAY-ON in JEAN DAJIL -With a qaitfomia in Los Anleles. Soiathern Califomia,' ·and In dreM shop in Westclirf Plaza 'Ibey are Mary Kimbell, · particular, ~West.cliff Plaza and a bou~que at the 'daupte< ol Mn. Elbabetb 1it<ft. Other -Io r N~ Jmi, bere !J a name KJmbe11 al -n.-• 1o... bo\udinc ilnd ,,,........,. Its thot II bii!rn !or fine oelecllon ~-, ' · envlalJle repiUtloa an the top · lllld Mary Sleglnld, .*IJll!lir quality -mentim-for all ~ ~ lm~lllelknl':'. of Mr. Ralph Slei!rltd ol 242 !amlly needs.~ prG..pt ao-put suits, dresses lllld ..,. Victoria St.\ -curatel,y filled prl!llpiPtitn1, cessories by famous designers Mary Kimbell will be editor and convenient daily hours. · whose soPilsUcaUon makes of the school's paper, 'Ibe RION HARDWARE _ Jn their name l)'IK'llYDlOUS with Hitching Post, next semester, an area devc:Md to buildiog fashion everywbere. "· , DESIGNER COLLECTION OF NECK TIES COORDINATED TO THE NEW SHIRTS & SUITS. I TUXEDO SHIRTSd 9 20% TO 50% OFF I SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 ONLY ·DARRELL'S DEDRICK TUX SHOP .. --·· WISTCLIFF PLAZA ONLY 17-' 1 llYINI • MIWPOU lllCH and Mary Siegfreid will be and improvin« new and okier LA GAU..ERIA _ Unique associat editor. homes, apartments, a D d e1epnce in fattion is the iawns, RION, with no end to•I ,;;;;;;;;,;,,;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~= Who C.res? quantity of merehandi!le 1lDdlr selection available, has N• oth•r n1w1p1p1r 111 fl.11 world UfH •bout yow _.,. .. nity Ii ... y11tt CMl!Wlllllty ,lile'ly n1w1p1,., tlH .. Jt'• tM l>AIL" PILOT. • . , beame headquarters for the fix-ii opedallst. Wben !1:1 an j-Iii the electrical. plum- bf D I' I paintinC, decorat1Dg, building, reparting, cookware, ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY • AUGUST 1st HICKORY FARMS WORLD FAMOUS I BEEF-STICK Alt: BEEF HICKORY, SMOKED, NO GAltLIC, READY TO EAT FOR, ,-6.lt 0CCASIONS Reg. Sl.99 Lb. SS$ SPECIAL $HOPPERS SIDEWALK SAVINGS WE HAVE SOME _ EXCITING SPECIALS FOR YOU ON OUR SIDEWALK SALE~ SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 ONLY. ONE DAY ONLY s111P.; Lb. ON THE MALL Y2 PRICE SALE IDCKORY FARMS OF omo BANANA CHIPS TRY 'J,'BIS UNIQUE ISLAND DELICACY TANTALIZE YOUR TASTE BUDS WITH THIS CRISP TROPIC ISLE DELICACY R09. S9" SI• ONE DAY ONLY ,;.;me ric a's leading · Cheese Stores 49c IDCKORY FARMS .s'\uttt-f)ot JtlruitarlJ M8lle From An @lb ~ 'l\tcipe Reg. 49c -6 OL Size ONE DAY ONLY WESTCLIFf PLAZA 17th & IRVINE NEWPORT BEACH LINGERIE -BRAS -GIRDLES SPECIAL $5, RACK (VALUES TO $17.) HENSON/KICKERNICK BUY 3 AT 1 TIME DIVIDEND PANTIE SALE ALL SA LES FINAL-NO EXCHANG ES OR REFUN DS Veta's 11rm1m APl'AIEL Phone 642· 1197 l . . . • _. ______ .. _____ ..._ ____ _ • ' W11tcllff Plou Suppltmont to tht DAILY PILDT, Thurs., July JI, J~ Shoppi llg Center Off ers 24 Uni qu e Sto res, s ervices· ·- Behind the Scenes ' Successful shopping centers are the result of en- thusiastic Board of Directors. Guiding the destiny of the Westcliff Plaza Merchants Association through an unpr~ble 1970 are, left to right, a rarity among merchant association officers, a lady president. Veta Behr, owner of Vela's Intimate Ap- parel; Clint Hoose, vice-president, owner of Rion HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! JUMP THE FENCE CLIMB THE WALL! WE'VE GOT THE 1 GREATEST BARGAINS OF ITHEMl ALL! ,, . LAST CALL! WESTCLIFF PLAZA STORE ONLY 17th & IRVINE ·NEWPORT BEACH Hardware; Bob Inman, secretary, manager of the Community Centers for the Irvine Co.; Dave· ~ai son , treasurer, Bank of America manager; Dick Vernon, director, owner of Dick Vernon's; Mel Lloy, director, Market Basket manager; Dick Marowitz, director, owner of Westcliff Shoes; and Bill Halli- day, director, owner of Halliday's Men's Wear. AfricaNarive on Warpath Over Mi ni skirrs and Wigs . . ' '. (From P1et I) and styling. One appolntment an exceptionally wide selection two other stores: Fj' . store features 1J8 kindl ol. will prove they can style your or: styli! and colors in &lass Square In Santa Ana doa\e.Uc and ltnported chee&e balr the way you like It. rrames. Fashion Square 1n La H ~ WESTCLIFF PLAZA STORES: .. " to pleue the palate. The old PLAYBOY HAIR STYUSTS MONTGOMERY CLEAN· B A'K ER' 8 W~ flllhl\lled OOW1try store decor -The beautllul new decor ERS AND LAUNDERERS _ CAMERA -All the oe~ or a Hickory Farms store ties of the PLAYBOY salon pro-Offering prOie,.,iooal cleaning stock for those "prlcel~' in with the merd1andlsine con-vides a setting of comfort and service, thl! business has 20 candid shots, plus m'.a ii 1 cept of provtdlnc foods which elegaoct for having your hair years ol experience behind popular lines in earner'~ ~ taste and smell u good as dooe in the . latest styles. them. A selfservice laundry equipment like Zeiss, ~. they did in grandma's time. Mana1er Charlene Clark and with all new Maytag washers Polaroid and Kodat at '!~~ Specialty foodl with excellent her staff will do their utmost and exclusive shirt laundering store. 1f hour photo finis taste appeal may be sampled to please you . Ptliss Monett completes the full cycle of with black and white, co • as you brow1e about this uni· is available for manicmes and service. slides or movies. .J : ~ que shop. . pedicure1. DARRELL'S D E D 111 C K MARKET BASKET '.:1 A BALLIDAY'S -Specializing Dr. Loo Roy Elder, Westcllfl TUX SHOP -Reols and sells point of lnterelt besides:,._ in the finest traditional Plaza's Optom~trist, correct formal wear for all discount _prices available ·~ clothing, the businessman, stu-speclaliles in contact lenses occasions. The staff is well this fine market Is Jljt dent, yachtsman, will know along with r e f r a c U o g , prepared to meet all these outstandlnl meat depattm~ that Uleir natural shoulder prescribiDB and eye.wear styl-last minute dress needs. The featuring USDA prime ild selectl.ons are -,1ec1 properly Ing. His office. featurts the shop features the latett styles USDA choice mea'it'Jt by a courieowl esperienced latert tedmlcal equipment ln in jacket cut, color, various guarantee.mg 100 perce~"t staff. Featured at Halllday's providing actUrate analy!IJ. shirts and aU the necessary saUsfactlon for "fr!:ahneu Mil art tradiUonally Greif suitsl~=Dr=·=Eld=er=al=so=lw=;'°;of;f~er=a=cces>o~;r;les;.=D=arr=e=ll=''=h=av;e=ten=d=e=rness=.====~·~: and sportcoats, Corbin trousers, Cactus Casual and Harris slacks, lzod knits, , • ~ tailor-made shoe!, Sperry Top ..,, ~ Siders. Gant, and Sero shirts. -~i AN1110NYS -Twenty-two .-!'. years of shoe M:rvice ln the Harbor area with one of their .. ~ leading shops in WestcliU Plaza. Complete serviees in- clude : shoe repair, dying and re-styling, luggage re p al r , haDdba1 repair, cleaning and dyifli. Anthony's is a I s o regional repair service for S4Jerry Topolden deck shoes on the West Coast. PAPER UNUMITED The store features a variety of popular lines covering all seasons and occasions throughout the year, True to the store's name, there is an POLAROID CAMERAS >• ...: • ALL MODI.LS LUSAKA, Zambia (AP) -has his way. unlimtted supply of unusual, Simon Kapwepwe is on the colorful, fun party favors, PRICED LOWf8 'IHAN EVER BEFORE ! ! Previous eff<ris to abolish versatile assortments of rlb- warpath against miniskirts, the mini resulted in vlolencf; bons, paper•, stationery and wigs, creams supposed to when zealous party followers bridge accessorl.e1. Also added bleach the skin. tight trousers feature Include nu mer o u 1 and other exampl es o f tried to ear the garments off SATURDAT-AUCOUST 1 ONLY Western civilization. women in the .streets. decorative accessories, gift Items and party supplies. Zambia's vice presidenl in Women who wear wigs charge of culture periodically "carry the spirits ol dud men WE ST C L I F F PLAZA campaigns again.st ' ' u n -on their heads," s a 1 d BARBERS -Newly remodel-African" habits. He has urged K~epwe, and wig-wearing ed, under new management, that neckties be abandoned. Wlves are considered pro-with new but>er1, this 1bop He . wants Zambians to quit 1 miscuous. often the finest tn hair cutting I IAKl;ESTCLIFF CAMERAS eating with knives and forkllp;;----------------~ and'use their flngen instead.L Bring bacl: the good old days, says he, when tribal tradition called for female circwncision, decorative carv- ing of the flesh and the ~ve gap-tooth grin adlleved by 'fi ling down or knocking out a few teeth. Kapwepwe usuaUy wears a toga and carries 1 carved wallting'stick. "Black is naturally more beautilul than white," he said In a pep talk to ofiicials of the ruling United National Independence party. Miniskirts won't be outlawed as they are in neighboring Malawi. They simply won~ be on the market if Kapwepwe HUNDREDS OF . PAIRS ' OF SHOES ••• ALL FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK ••• GREATLY REDUCED SA TU RDA Y • AUGUST 1 ONLY • I • . . ~-. ~j I ~· • • . ,, • • ' ; • :. • ' i ~ •' " . We've got to hand . it to you. * LADIES l ~ * MEN'S SHOES • • ~ .. 1 ~ • Westcliff Plaza Merchants BANKm oFAMERICA Westcliff Pluza Low Heels ~· 5 3~$1890 ! REGULAR TO $13.ff f. VALUES TO $18. THESE SPECIAL PRICES WILL BE IN EFFECT TOMORROW. AUGUST 1. ONLY PLEASE BE EARLY THIS IS OUR ANNUAL BIG SIDEWALK SALE EVENT!' LADIES DRESS SHOES LIFE STRIDE • LADY FLDRSHEIM MISS AMERICA $290,0$890 VALUES TO $24.95 IPLE.ASE, ALL SALES FINAL-NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS I ~'Where Shopping J J _A /eeaf PfeaJure '' 1f/Y,f q{(i~BB NEWPORT BEACH 1052 IRVINE • WESTCLIFF PLAZA 548-8684 : ' • c -' . . : . • • . • . . . ' • • I : . • .. • • • • • _ .. ______ ._, __ _... ____ • • . . -- -----------------------------~----------------... ,---....-..-~ -y-,__,. -~ -. !eW-tdllf l'l1u S•oppl..n.nt 11 lhl DAILY PILOT, Thurs,. July 20, Im -~Hawaiian T rad·ewinds Blo w at W estcl iff Pla za ' . Bird Interrupts Reporter's Call HONOLULU (AP) -A reporter caWac·tbe a;ovemor's Clffiee ·wu toM. ..Waft a 'mlnute, lbe bird's loose!" Muya Petti~ •·member ol .. l Gov. John A..Buru.slalf, had ICIWld a baby -the week before and broujfht it .. the olflce. ' '"lbe phone scartd him," ·she .. plalned to the wailing reporter. THINK LESS ' Wntcllff Pl1u Diiiy FAMILIAR SCENE AT WISTCLIFF PLAZA ALOHA DAY • ~-~Merch•ntl Move Good• 'to Out&or Table1, R1ck1 for S.tunlay Sale Humpty Dumpty CHILDREN'S SHOP. FANTASTIC ·VALUES! . . . . ; . ON OUR'. SIDEWALK ••• . . . . . . ... , - . ' BOYS ~ GIRLS "\VIAR RACKS OF BOYS T-SHIRTS-PANTS · SWIA11!RS -RACKS OF GIRLS • I DRESSES-CAPRI'S-T-SHIRTS FAMOUS IRAND SWIM SUITS • Poe Letter Bri ngs Bid ·Of $5 ,250 NEW YORK (AP) -A New York manuscript dealer paid '5,250 last week for a letter written in 18U by author Edgar Allen Poe seeking to -sell a story. Poe's asking price for the unidentified story was 12'!. The Je tter, preylously un· . published and the first of Poe's letter• to be auctioned in 20 years, reveals that the author received only $20 . for h I I pioneering short.story, '"'lbe Black C.t." Writing to author Ezra Holden. Poe noted that his new n11DU1Cript "is worth as much, belna longer and, 1 Aloha Day Sidewalk Sale Set Sat urday I . ,...._. ..., only, llturdly' to their fund for helplq ~ "! 10 LID., tf>e -1 undorpd"1epd c:lll-. ~Ill< .-ie wU1 be beld a-Bawa G-ceo1er ~ ~"""*' ·~: ·1-11y1 ol Ccllla X-oddl Ille live · ~-·~,a1,--_.., palms and. - • .......... _.""" ~.ad plmU, "!fl wU1 tend .. I nCb oa 111.lidtw'elt In flrGlll'. drjplkoll · Ille SGutb SU 11- ot D)Olt'A'~~~and: m0N ~Jn Hewpor\o ~· .. ~' ....,..~.: .~ T1:::i:. to .add . \o iie ~ ill ,ol tf>e --., •• eotdlff P'- UU ~1111 ai..111 II,.. 51.._ 8lckftlt Sole with · • -'1'1111 year the PW." a thane. 'Ille flnMwo ·,.... · • ii 1.ims '~ ud I!> •IP' Gay Paree lpok 'ovtr the tW-, ... ~ .tD..iner<. ~ =-~..:: .. ' . the -iljll ... clearlled a -na--added In the Po.,.... -wllh 'l'ben came lie !Int villl iO l · Uk! IQCll, ...... 'ball -¥1 Hnlll In 'Ill, and duo to · volcanoes, lr.._i.d fmn cooolNc:llon In ]ll'OCr.., oa • Hailywooc1 · Westdlff Drive 11111 year, It , 1' 1ben..;., inartdient la ~ii~~~ ~~:.:::i: .' '!. P ~~TS 'ALOH~ DAY, ~ J, SIDEWALK ~A!-E .• ' > SATURDAY, AU&.; 1 •t ~ , .... 'WllTCi.lff PLAZA . , llUifls•n i l ·.,,'< ' • ' ; • ~ '!lo ' 6~ HAVEN ~ GARDIN CEN11R COIT.A MISA ·~. : Q°'' •• added -nlllveo (o4herwlae Sele. Bui Ille mqlc of Hawllli · known u employes ln the again beckons and Saturday, '. shops) -aUired in their com· one and all wlll once again fort.able Island attire. In fact, step onto the "island" for a the attire is so colorful,Jp;;;da~yiiiofiiilun;;;;;;;and;;;;;;;value;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. casual, and comf-ble, tbol the public when vlslttng the Plaza for the hi1 aale art also invited to don. their native drea. Topp1rw off the ft1Uve day .wUl be -upri.ile IslMd melodies ftlllng the air. Attractions otbef. than a varit'Y of tbolmods of items on sale at clearance prices, are a live on:hid display in the La Galleria window by Paul Brochet Orchid Co. of Costa Mesa. Many perllOnl are familiar with this exotic flower in the cut fcnn, but seldom have tbe opportunity ol seeing them in the rrowlna stage. !l's a thrilling lilbt that shouldn't be mlsaed. · Member! of the Mariner's Lions Club will be on hand mamin1 a booth ditpenslng hot dog•, C<llfee, and other goodies, with proceeds eotnc CHO.OREN LIKE UNCLE LEN ' ALOHA! FREE HAIRCUT With Sh1 mpoo & Sot SIDEWALK SALE DA Y ONLY- SATURDAY, AUGUST ht -OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK - · I -~' . 0 WESTCLIFF PLAIA -17th & lrvl.,. · I e1n: · NEWPORT IEACH ·' ft-' .. PHONE : 5410460 SA VE ON TODDLER GIRLS DRESSES - BATHING SUITS -'Sl"ORDWEAI think better, than 1The Black r======="""' Cit'". A--f , • WI-ld<n1i/ylng • t h e ltory, Poe added, "I am oblig- ed to go to Richmond for a few weeks, on prealn& buliuf!ss, and all the money I can raise I am forced to take with me." llU/rfVTY~ 1051 IRVINE -WESTCLIFF PLAZA NEWPORT BEACH BATHING SUITS TO $11. TO $20. NOW$2 NOW$5 SUN GLASSES TO $4. NOW$2 DRESSES TO $40. NOW$5 SHIFTS TO $20. NOW$5 ~ACKETS TO $30. ·NOW$5 .::::.C'-"--'--'--'-'----------__.___ __ , ·--~ The letter, one of 368 man~ auctioned by the Cllarles Hamiltoo Galleries, v;as purchaled by El Dleff Inc. It waa a pile Jone, TO $15. NOW$2 GRAB BAGS 5°' CA PRIS TO $20. NOW$4 ·swEATERS TO $20. NOW$5 TOPS TO f15. NOW$3 SKIRTS TO $11. SATURDAY, AUGUST 1st ONLY OUR FANTASTIC· ANNUAL SIDEWALK ' TOYS -·.PHOTO SUPPLIES RUGS ••• HIBACHIS ••• SANDALS PRICES SLASHED TO THE CORE FOR 'THIS BIG EVENT! ' ... ·1~. "' RAZORS • •• RADIOS -· GLASSES . DISH SETS ' HURRY! SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY ONLY RUG STORI WESTCUFf. PLAZA STORE ONLY ·1 OZO IRYIN I ..., NEWPORT l l ACH . -~-. . . '• . .. .: . . .-. -"• :~~= ·~: ~:; ·-: =:: ·-· .. I" , :· -. ' ' ' . '• . . Al Aris fist her islar Gi "Sf>' arou WI first - .. ~·-~""~~---,---~----~~~--~------·---~--~--~~-~-~~"'"''. -.. -.. ~~~----":""'-..... ~ .: Jackie Celebrates Birthday . ' ' -ATHENS (UPI) -Mrs. Aristotle Ooassls observed her ttst bi.rtbday Tuesday on her huaba'l'I'• Ionian Sea island of Skorp'°" .. cblldttn by PresidG Jabn F. Kennedy, her-si!t" and other relatives. 1ion1 wbldl oltee 10 with ~Jilthdlys. lrtepls aid. Jeweler J!llu La1ouDls 1ent Mrs. -• pair of ear- earrlnp q tbt wewer moves ..... bead. When Mrs. Ona1sls celelnled bet 40th birthday laet )'Mr, be1' shipping lDl&lllle ~-.red her wilh llowtn Oil the 0.-.yocllt~ "Sbe will mt wont.to come nncs he deigned eopecla1ly Into the ho! city (of A-)." lot the oe<aSioo. He said her a friend said. 11She wlll w..t birthday colncldN with a to opend the day in pi-I opoce walk annivtnary aod cool ~-· be tbq!lt H -be nice Gifts Included a pair of "space" earrings that IOOp around the-ear. With the former American first tai:ty were Onusis, her '!lie day •• not marked to llol: the too OC<llllions. by any ol the notay C.lebra-'I.be • earrings liq on One ol the ~ then· was a pair of &old and ruby ear. moon and lunar fllgbt and rfllp depldillc the earth, mooo aod 1uur ~ and laod!ncs· ol Apollo 11 wbiclt procodecl her blrlbdly by • week. MORE TRINKETS FOR JACKIE ALOHA! ~~ We're Celebrating This Hawaiian Sidewalk Sale . With ••• CHRISTMAS · 'CARDS 1/2 OFF '1mprinting FREE ON 100 CARDS OR MORE. MANY DESIGNS UPITllN!letl TO CHOOSE FROM -TRADITIONAL RELIGIOUS AND WHIMSICAL SELECTED GIFTS, NAPKINS, BOOKS, TOWELS• ALSO SALE PRICED SATURDAY ONLY PAPER UNLIMl·T!D WESTCLIFF PLAZA· 17th & IRVINE NEWPORT BEACH 541-7921 CULTURED PEARL SPECIAL N•c:klac••• Brooch•s, Etr- rin911 8r•c:•l•t1, Charms, Rln91, tnd anything •Is• with a p•atl In It- ~/o OFF NOW THIOU•H AU•UIT t IOTH LOCATIONS ---- : ...,.. ' of aold wire wblch Iii .oond Ille ealire ear. A large spiral elfect Is '"'8l<d and ''man's movement in space" Is dul>llcated by tile Nixon~s 'Card Marks Mesan's 102 Birthday Starting her lOlnd year of Hfe, Costa Mesu E v a Tolm>eDd loday """ • birth- day card from J1 youngster her family knew Jn Whittier -a whippersnapper named Nixon. . She celebrated with friends and relatives Sunday at Hoag Memcr!al HOlpiW, where she Is a temporary ~tient. "Come m in," • told a 76-year-okl male patient at- tracted by the festlvltt.. and the glow .from 101 candles on her cake. "You're a litUe yowig for me," lhe added, "but I just love men." The occation warranted a coogratolotory telesram from Blindness Won~t Stop This Teen EL CAJON (AP) -Bob De Zoola likes his summer jd> wrapping tscos, bu<ritos and other Mexican foods and his boss says the 16-year-okt blind youth is as good I! 111yone 1t it. "I beard the other k:idJ talk- ing aboot getting summ« jobs," he said while he - and wawect another la<o. "I wanted to get a summer job too.'' • A ltudeot at El Cajon Valley ;JllJl>-'lillool, De -ls also • a1 · piano, 0rpn and (lllllar sUYer' ·• J*'(crms with a l..a1 rock group. President Nixon, the 19th American chief ol. state to hold office iD Mn. Townsend'• lifetime. "You have proved a woodelfu1 enmple ol the finest quallUt3 • ol. t h e American woman," said the wire. Bom in MilleDberg, Mercer County, DI., on July 36, la&t, her parents decided to move west alter ihe famed Golden Spite WIS driven. 10 link the first tranacontinental railwey that year. "Now • • . we can go to California," said her father who broogbt the family to Whittier, "1ler< !hey became acquainted with the Ni:l:oo family. !l!rs. Townsend and her late husband Harry, who died in 1937, owded a livery stable and hauled construe ti on materials to the top of Mount Wilson when its fint hotel was built. She bas outlived t w o children, delptte being horn at a time when female infants had a 40.5 year life ex~ pectancy, and i.. helped raise five famllle1 as a grandmother aad Ire at· grandmother. "She is a lesson in living," said her niece, Mrs. Qwles Hulchlngs, ol Balboa IJlaJ¥j. "Her motto.is: 'enjoy what's good today! She bas DO riches • • • DO family poasessions and m complaints." .., wish I had your phUoeopby of life," said a nune durq the Sunday after- noon party • 11He1p yOQr'Sell," said Mrs. Townsend. who loves to fly -she went to San Francisco lo see the city by the bay at 91 -am wants to go to tile mooo aomed&y. He said the transition fram wanting a summer job to get- 1 till( one wu made . possible by · Olarles Lawrence, his niobWty Instruct« at achoo!. 0 U tt wasn't for him," he said of Lawreoce, "I wooldn't State Collects be going anywhere or dolni • IJIYlhlqi as well u I do." One-way Toll One ol a few certtlfed teachers 1peelall11 n I in NEW \"ORK (AP) -Hoping training blind 1tudellts to to speed traffic aod cut costs, l'i move about on their own with state highway and bridge safety and d ext e r 1 t Y , autborlU. plan to mtroduce Lawrence convinced the HuO.on· River IDd IMltate management of a local taco New York-New Jersey croa-stand to give Bob a summer ings. • Joi>. M-will travel free W!llillm J. 0.-operator w.,.hound .,.r tile crooo1Dp of the establl!ltunen~ said the but pay 11, d<lJhle the present UW:lught of a blind person M>Il, when traveliql: eastbound. working around heated pans The plan aHects crossings 1ril4 iauces and meats and from Perth Amboy ...-th l30 =~ :'/~:_"'! made ;:;;:.m;::lles=to;::ca=ts;::kil;::l,;::N;::. Y;::.==; Howem, he said, D e Zonia'• performance h a 1 dispelled any doubls. LOCAL 0 He's as good:as any penon who has llght, oomettm., be~ ter," Cuon aaid. No oth•r n•w1p1p•r t1lt1 vou inor•, •••ry dty, tbo11t ........ ,01119 on In th• Gr••f•t Or1119• C•••t th•n ffi• DAILY PILOT, • • ALL COSTUME JEWELRY And A Wide Cho;ee Of WEDDING RINGS at .. HALF PRICE • ON~fDAY ONLY I • l&'tUIDAT, A!;IUIT 1 St-Al/I SALi Be's Not Botel"f ••• • Young man ships oar~ to tis• bis gal during bot, lazy day in Central Park Tuesday. Humidity, smog, temperatuni In the 90s-wbo eatt<? Britain's Press Pans 'Calcutta' LONDON (UPI) -British --pal1lled • ' 0 h C&Jcutta!" but raved about the American Ballet Theater'• prcduction of "Swan Lake." Both opened this -k. "It's nod!, It's made, this !how ha notbing," the Sun's notice on "Ob! . Calcutta!" said. The productlon leatum male and female perlormero In various '"""' ol undrees. "Titty and tally, it ha! more com 1ban pom,11 said the Dal- ly MQTor, "Swan Lake" mtfked the «tum of the American Ballet Theater lo Lemm alter a 1$-year.-. "Quite llmply the besl I have ever teen," wrote the crittc for the Times. Sergeant Back For Recruiting An Orance co.nty llOldler ht.. returned to Cool& Mela a3Slt!ned • recr\lller at the U.S. Anny RecruiUng StsUoo at 542 W. 19th SI. Sgt. Flnt Cll!ls J amea A . Long was horn In Santi Ana and attended high school In G,arden Grove. His recruitlna: area Include& an ol lho flrance Cklast are1!_. PARTY ALOHA DAY SIDEWALK SALE LARH sm PINIAPPU 48' ... Hon~y Dew •••• Sr ... " ................... l1•111iMlwS. ..... 1 PAPAYAS ................... -lr .. . 2~ . COCO,.UTS............. . . ... .. OZ. CA-LL PLAVOltl 2nc HI C DRINKS .. .............. .. 1 MARKET BASKET WISTCLIPf PLAZA ITOlll ONLY .17th & IRYINE .,.. . NtWl'ORT BEACH Prlcn. llhctive Now Th.....,, AU9Ull 4th ' /~~~~~~ ~· • * \\ALLIDA.t8 SIDEWALK '17th I lrvlnt Avo. NtwP.Ort S..ch j .,_ .. ----'"'-~------------ ' I Wntct.ff Plt11 Phone: 645-0792 . • . ·; • .· .. . " • • . • r ' . ..J 1 \ I '\ I f 1 )' ! .. ~ I :· ' ' ;; . •. , .: ~ I " . ' ' ... ... ~· .. ----------·--- C .w.kllfl Plau s..,.pl-to tho DAILY PILOT, Thun., July JI, 1'70 ~ . ' -' --· DICI TIACY 'i- ,, ,. , .. " .. : l ' <.· " ,• , . TUMBLEWEEDS .. v coNFOUNU IT, L01SA LUCK! WIU. WU S'R>P RUNNING- ' AROUND IN TliAT '· CONDITION!! .. · ,. ·~ I NO SMAlf!LVATilREtl IN111AN lllllJU) 9€ CAIJGllf PEAD WANDERING' AeooT IMPAl.EllONllW 9ARMRIC'T\U/JGI rrs IN VERY' fllOR TASTE! .. ~ • ~- ly Tom K. Ryu MlW Tl+IT'IOO MfNTIDN IT. trv.ru~p llE NICE 'TOSLIP INTO SOMfftl/N(} It BIT MOR£. COMR>RTABU:, - ly Al Smith MUTI AND JEFF "WOMENS UBERATION MOVEMENT." WOMEN ARE D!'llVING US MENNtm;! I'M ·JOIN THE Al.RFORC SI"" UP ...... I GONNA WAITAND see WHAT THEIR NeXTMOVE 11 rl) JUDGE PARKER ™AT 50UWOS LIKE 5.t.M'S C.Ajit NOW! .. LET'S GO GREET TMEM, ALEX! t TMINK n.t. 60 UP TO f/IY ROOM FOR' A. NO, 'IOll'RE HOT 60IN6 TO YOUR' ROOM! &E510E5, PJMNE~ 15 JUST A5011T. REA'7Y ! WHILE: PLAIN JANE J t I § s • PERKINS 1 o.~!~r c.~~~~wo,~.::,.: b~:,~,::" 1 ~ ,. Gre.11ter H A s 1 Aflll le-ry London d\sth.11rge 45 Cloak 6 Ar thi· 411 Share top tectur.111 bit ling ridge 4B Mus ical ll Cheer composition 14 Trans-4, Frequently parent 50 " --!he 15 Arch.11ic .11nt, thou 't'erb slug11ard": 16 Co11pass Z WOfds point 5Z Trade 17 Repeatedly! 50 Master or l words Fine Arts: 1' f«• ol Atmr. Theodorr 57 --20 GeAial sports 21 De signs Ml PltWre 22 Sugar bofder product Ill Cause to 74 Flower be in 2' Show -o ff hlgb spltits 27 Kind of '2 Flnc::h grass 61 Malt liquor )Cl Homer '4 lasculhw less one !Ille 32 Mountain '5 Appointed ridgr 111Nling 33 Crrtaln noi srs 34 E11thr 1111l\er '37 Watrr bodies .31 Co11111unlt1· tlon medh1l'll '' Mr. Sarate11 "40 Prince·-; Henry V "41 Earns "4Z Welland or Etie- DOIN 1 IClnd of '"' 2 Thom1s- Edls 1>11 3 Unple1s1nl '"' 4 Obnoxious P'tsons: Ola I. 5 Dani sh Ii -· Ababa 7 Spate a 3600 turns1 lnfon11al , FollOWffl Suffix 10 Cockta il i119redients n l lttllrawal h>lo sec lu sion ]2 In rf(Jard to l l Abounding in crrla~ frntrs 18 Fa steAtr ,ZJ State: Abbr. 25 Sandpiper 26lfa!I 21 Tra ck Mttl rvrnl 28 Regioa 2\1 Land: 2 WAld S 30 Narrow leather strip " " 7130170 31 Ce1tain stores 33 Rare )5 Singl e 36 Erase 3B Couple 39 Ractetetr 41 Looks 42 Conl.11iner 44 Consumed food CS Argu.11bl~ 411 Punctuation 111ark (7 Garblige 48 Bovine ilrli111t1I 50 Agenl : lnfor111a1 : 2 words 51 Vision: Prefix SJ Sinewy 54 Bird:LaliJI SS Confined 58 Spanish exclamaliOl'I 59 Adherrnl MISS PEACH STEVE ROPER 10.i'MY, FM 7Jtl Fl.tSr TJME IN MON!NS,Nla v1s1rs sr~vt llD.',!,('f (YF!CG- <fJ ~'' • ,_ " " .. " . .. -~· ,:: - . IS! ly Harold Le Dou By ·Frank Baginski .. ____ .... ,.,. NOT Ft>ll ANOTHER ~EW WEEK~, STE.VE ! ··~EN l CAN TitUST THIS LEG TRJSM A BMICE PE-DAL! -. ... U'L AINEI SALLY BANANAS ...... GORDO MOON MULLINS ... """""'""' wW. ~-.. By John MRes By Men •THANKS' UNT&~ POi.15H~~ HOCKI" OR HUNI; ON WAU.S ... By Saunden and Overgard ®.11~ . . ,. \.: :) ~: _: ..... .. . . . "~ WELL··UH··MUOI 08UGED J Ol(fR'(··BUT··FACT IS-·l··UM·· J FIGG ER Ttao ON MY HONEYMOON WMtLE. I'M Olf TH ' J05! .... ( 'T\IJE'eT T~E"E.T TWEEDl.E .Q iWITTA-~- THI STkANGE WORLD MR.MUM By Al Capp By Charles lar1oltf By Gus Arriola By Ferd Johnson voilllfll~ 001\Cf lill'lfil GIN MIL~ VAi ~NWAG£ DENNIS THE MENACE 'If~ W4SllERE,#EO KNOW WHPJ 10SAY1• . ' • ------- • l Kl ;. Niel the n but •She' cuti( lhn> 'B bed, oeve bilrg Mi zoo!< from I ov Sam, ·;s job," "Bui first aoo odor• Tl> i!lan Nixoi zook• Gord bet)e llWe .ill de He! l ilOrl< •he ~rep . j I'""' l;. "I iib11 iHrlm 'ln:t ; -m-'< . ,: :' I -~ t ~ • • ' . ' , • ' • ! . f ;_ ;. [ ~· ; • • . • ' ... ~ " ' . • ' • ' . ' • k • • . '.,, ' FIVE GIRLS FROt.\ THE SEA POSE ABOVE GROUND From left, ''Mermaids" True, Lucas, Earle, Harline end Szm1nt Girls Invade World of Zoo KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (AP) out baby." "but the crocs. 'nley're mean -Lucy and Beaurelard Lucy Nielsen spends her critters. You've got to keep ;. NM!lsen never c 0 n s J de r da)'I amid snakes, crocodiles, away. We maneuver the croca themselves the "odd ...... •pie," lizards all(f a;iant turtles. with long poles. ~t's u """' "Leve 'em •all," she says, close as I want to be." but neighbors are gosslping. 1 ,_ _________________ _ She's a 19-year old blonde cutie -he's a handsome Ulree.foo4 boa constrictor. 'Beali sleeps beside my bed," Lucy says. ''We've n~er had problems with burglars." Miss Nielsen worb u a zookeeper. Her charges range frtlll l~foot giraffes to a lovable chimp named Samantha. •·someUmes, it's a nasty job," admits the Miami an . .. But, rewards are great. At first l was afraid of reptiles and large animals. Now I adore tbem." Tbe Crlflllon Perk Zoo, an is!ml petghbor cl Preoidenl Niton, has six fem a I e t00keeper1. Zoo Supt. Dr . . Gordon Hubbell said "They're ~ in many areas than n"1e <OUDl..,,.,U, especially ilJ deeling with child visitors." · · Helen Nat~. 27, a zoo l jttirker elgbl years, -Is .he cringes at the sight of fi~r1ptl l e1 and doesn't ·. l'mpeclally adore mooteys." ., 01 was married in May arid ~ tr!J husband, George, ,firlunttM!y f!'ll· In love with lmt lion,• ahe· said. "II Is ALOHA DAY . VISIT 'OUR NEW.l t · REMODELED SHOP STAFFED IY EXPERTS WESTCLIFF Pl:AZ~ BARBERS 646-9941 WESTCLIFF . PLAZA 17th & Irvine Newport Bea<b -···· WHlcllff Plou Supplomont to ti.. DAILY PILOT, Thura., July •. ""-' Aquagirls: 'We're Ready for Sp~ce"· WASllJNGTON (AP) -Five women wbo spent two weeks oo the bottom of the aea ap- pwently have convinced U.S. apace offlclah lbat women ahould vlait ot&er apace as . well. 'Ibe five women, all sclen- UU or tedmlcians, were given special awards Monday by Ille Secr<tary of Interior Walter J. Hickel, as the first female team lo live and work underwater. Sprlnco, • -•latlvt ol lbe Nallooal AtnlOIUilCI llld Space Admlnlslratloo. Sprlnce oaJd all<r Monday's ceremony that the tell of women's ability to hmctlon in a bosWe envirorment wa ooe roaaoo NASA joloed the TekUte(lr<llt'lllll • Asked wheU><r NASA would now conskfer bru.tnl women into 1be astronMJt Jll'Oll"llD, Sprlnce said, "We've sot to start looting that direc:tioa." LagunaManHonored ' -down, lie Mid, tvtn Dr. Renate -'l)1le. by lbe mootllly ~II pro. mearth • • '• 111 •a~. ,lll blem ~ doa1 -. -bloiol1col _...,.,,, .,, men. Tulane University; Aitn• "Wllenyou .. dollincwllh· Harlllne, groduote"~ a. a l1llall, llliJbly motifttod,. marine ecology II &:ilPPI oelected -·" bt llld, lmlltutloo of ~ ''llley mile II • piilnt tbal , i>ear San Dlqo; Ma .&lllla -ol 1heot lhlnp .. aob>i &Iman .-!tudlali In to curlall lbelr octlvlties." marine bioloG' al · 5crfJIF0; Aa o llUIUer ol lid, Sjlrtnce and l\llll --A a a aid, the WCl'llell -usiJlc an IAlcaa, ........ -in imprvvod bftllllq device -OCW1 ............ Ill . Ille 'lbelr unaersea stay from July 6 to July 20 was part. of a . swnnt«-long program called Tektite U in which 17 teams are taking turns at long submersion in wann water of G-Lamubur Bay in the Vlrfln Islands. Harry F. Phillips, 17 7 Catalina St., Lasuno Bea<b was honored July 11 by the Orange Counb' Mosquito Abatement Dlstrlol board cl trustees wJth a certltk:ate and trophy <ODllllemOfaling his :io yean with the organi&atlon, -.Uy IP<!>I more time Unlvon!IJ ~Delnare. ' 1Wimmlng lne ol their pro. Tbelr --_... - lectlve hobllllt lbon did the llO feet "'""' --two • ...,. m'" ol the' five Teklll• II nected ~ jl feel 1111'1 mlalons before lb<m. and 11'4 c.tl acroa. , II "°"' bavlne -111 bu11Mu Tbe team coosllllecl ol Dr. lllnoid 111C11 amdles ., TV met11np ond -com· Sylvia Earle, botaoiol at the -· bunlr beda; a 01llli mlttee meellop. ~Loo;;AJllO;;;leo;;Coon;;;ty;M;UleWJl;;;;; ;;lal;.lll;•;lllll;;a;bol;;-~;;;" :;;::;;; ~ l'lllfllpl, wbo1r repre!<rlla lllo .Lailzna Beoch .,.., Is servinC .. pr- (lj the board ol -lie bM ...., -.. Ylce pnst. dent ol the bolrd, and d!llrman of 1he floanctt and buc!iel committees. The projfd. a cooperative venture among a nwnber of apncl<o, and the General Eledrie CO., Is beaded by the Inlerio< Doparim«lt. But the project mantgel' for the female telllll was Richard l'tillllpo joined t1>e dl!lrld in July, 1950 and lin<e lben has kept an imlft!Slve 91 per<enl •llendan<e """"1, SUITa-1--aSLACK•l-aSPORTIWUR SHIRTS :ntUNKS • SLASHED AND OVER WestcAff Plaa. Newport l•acli SIDEWALK SALE! ONE DAY ONLY -SAT., AUGUST I R99. $5.95 MINS LIATHllt ITALIAfi SANDALS s1• lot. 0n1, . " . .... $ll.50 Sii! OUR TAILE ODDS 'N ENDS TIRRIFIC SAVINGS I ~~~~';~!~ SAi!,. CHOICI! 0, •" o.IJ COLORS COllLERS IENCH WllTCLIP~ PLAZA 17th a lrvlne -Newport ....., l,iOS:tLi~ . -· -~ ., .. ., tl .•.· -()J'. Stock J .. is . ' '-,.t-J ' -l . l ; I '1.?~ . '· ,, '. ' . ' ' ' .. ' ' ... ,, ' ' . • • ' .. i f. .. . ·'' ! 1' ' • •! I I ' •. ·. . ' .. , . 1,1·-~!;~· . r ' • > • ' ,, , . .. ' ' . . ' ... I.!:'·••'••} . ' .·, :~, \ ... ' • • . ., • !\ .... •• I ~ ~ ": . . . -" . -~ .. ·-. , 1 r •· -t! •.••• • ~ . ·,• • ·~ l - ... :· • • . • . • • . • • • • ;: ' '• • ' • :· ,· :· .• :- . :: l )I l I ' ' I ~ • •' ~: -------------------------___,,.--~-----·----~-------------~-~------~--· -- • W..,..tif PID. Suppl111•'4 t. ~ DAILY PILOT, Th•r1., July 311, 1'70 _Youngsters Gain Fame Via .Recor~ · Ste.vms'· i• I t Kin Tells ' MILLVALLEY,Ca!U. (AP) her to have II rtcorded for .....,... that she's giving up to stay In Mill Valle7l ' -The third graders at the mus market. her teaching job to purwe remembering the last line o • a musical career, her: song aays, "How could· Strawberry P~ S~~ have The tbitd graden were~ But abe insists she want! 1 leave Mill Valley?" ,·Wooding mixed reactions about their because their voices are more.~~===============~ hit record. a simple lilting mature than tboee of. her ~ • - sopgcaued "Mill Valley." · kindergartenen. ALO.HA DAY ' (.. ANGELES (UPI) - ' A llrotber of Inger Stevem ' bas'~ that the late ..,. ,.tms~-hlm she married ~ a bl~ man in Melico but '. kept hlr marriage eemol :.. because lite ftared it would ' burpier eer. · · ~ Carl 0. '!!l,ensllll<I, 34, a '· i:.staurant ""!"' In, llanricb ' Port, Mau., -lllP!>Oried · the • ~ cialm of Issac L"t-f•JHu Jones, ~ fO, onetime u{)CA loolball I player, that he..j:l'as the rightful heir of ...... -·' --~Al_ .......... :W~i:O::!. 35: d*1 .~' ·Lt.CKSTAGE AT. PAGEANT, VISITORS, MEET',p.RODUCER AprU 30 from an o-Forslor1 (al· laft/ .'Talk -~ Wifh Don.Wllllamoon : of sedatives, acconllag tbt :;ry .. , 7 ' . . . ' ·• coroner.a pmce. r ' ., .• I < She left no...ul and J I ft ' i' 1· · . , .' 1 4 . p ' 'k :::t\::..:r:= .rar 1a1nen.;ary · ·. ee · • turned over temporarily to tile 1 1 • • • .. • · · :~ public administrator.. 'I ,_ . 1 :: Stensland told Superior 'hair Take Backstage Tour of Pageant·, , ... Court Commissioner A. '-r , • Edward Nidtois that his Mer .. ., .. ' ' '·: wrote him a letter from Mex~ AlJlong the many visiton are spending ttieir retirement . ico .City Dec. 19, 1961 and to Ifie F<tA!val ol Arla thii traveling .throughout · t be : said !be and Jones were ~ w81 the first lady world, and carry with tbem • : bonl)'moaning. ~ asked him · mem~ of the p.rUlu(;ent oa 1 a thought many air about the .. 1o keep the marnage a ltCl"et. ....__ Isl ., J -t..:;.:._, In Pageant. . "I've been all over the world, and I have never· seen\ anything lik~ It," she noted. Greg Benn'an, 9, Sa.ya, "My Some 25,000 Of the ainjle J • mother stares at nie ill the ~records have been '•ld,' llMf SIDEWALK SALE time and my dail 's!J\gs the the record la raiad No. Ill C I A L songs while he s h a ,Ve s , in popularity oft a San mo,. i • • S P E• Sometimes I'm luclcy and get , out before be starts." . CISCO lop 40. ~· ltailcm. , Brian Friedman, .. a,, aay~. ~ss Abramt-•Y• a&e 1ets · DRAPERIES "I'm sort of gelling ,tired of telephone calla fn>m dllc hearing it. The other day ~y jockeys all over the eouatry, , mother ~ade me come !8 and b: IO Pfealtd witb the because it was oo the radio and we were Jn the middle of a baseball game." H Ge But Marla Verhaaran, 9, Is OWC ts delighted. "I like to sign autographs." F d J b The soog Is the creation , 0 r 0 , o,f Rita J, Abrarils, 24-yeai''..9Jd · , kinilergarten .teai:her ,In' tl!is ( Nf,!W YORK (AP) -Harold · suburb4n1 cam~W,1JtY of U.000 HoWe 11, former U.S. com- ' ' UNl,INED ·95~ PANEL CLEANED & about lo mnes ,tiorth "flan -·~----· ed ' ' ha . FranciSCj), . . , . n~IC'I-\om ~tion, s "I · w.S -w41king In Mill been appulnted vice ·P,esldenl ' Valley Oil Christmas .Day, en-of the Ferd Foundation in jo:Ying· ·the tqwn ,ind 'feeling -dlarge of education and liow diJ!ererit 'It was from the · · East " the £1eveland. Ohio · research. . FAN FOLDED ~ .MONTGOMERY -• natlv'e" eipla~. "I jud Announcing this this week, decided'to Write a simple song M~rge Bundy, president of that my clasS could sing. I the foundation, slid Howe, 5l, finistieri it that nlghr." would take over his d!A.ies A music producer friend .ne~ Jan. 1. He will have heard a tape of her class ·an ·: annual budget of $46 singing the aong, and urged million. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ' . ' .~ 'C'fANERS & LAUNDRY r WESTC~IFF PLAZA 17th & Irvine -Newport Be•ch PHONE: 646-2392 • ' ~ o,.. Dolfy I A.M. -'P.M. -S.t. I A.M. -'P..M • ' . • Stensland -lestilied ho ~ .,.., -:'><" • visited the actress and Jones the Qamel. She was here and they visited him In held pr' · tiy the Nazlk ,_Massach!J9db and always during.:Wor *"II. referred to ~ other as bus-.. Her name\ IV'f ForSter. o ,uR ' BIGGEST ANNUAL 'EVENT! . bend and wife. • ' · . • Public -B-She ~ her *'8nd Arthur M. Kristovlcb bat J><!IUoaed 1!4ve ~ IPdiilli:c the ~ · the court for appotntnient 85 two weeks on DND Isle rttp permanent admlnlltra\'< ol ldr. and ,Mrs, Gei!.l &ss. • theestale claiinlng 'Joneshas· "I kept ·asklng ~m yse l ,I not pnxioaed documenlaey whettier It Is real," Mrs. P..;;i of the marriqe. Forster recalled ~ eeelng 1 aie performance. " J• had to find out." So, her ~. • 0THINK LESS Mr!. Rosi, called Sally ~e, F~val .publiciJt, and ranged lot a -~ t ot the P,ageant.,. The Jjrdup w8' joined by Pageant 'produc er Don Williamson who showed them all the litUe tricks that make the living pictures a s remarkable as they are. "' SALE DAY SATURDAj;. AUGUST 1 ONLY OPEN :9 AM·6 PM TREMENDOUS SAVINGS-EVERY ·: DEPARTMENT! ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HAND • ' . ' ,.. ' I ' .. ,, • l, • ,. " ., '"' : . .Mrs. Forster was elected HARDWARE -----.. ..-----ELE<:TRICAL -----.. ,· . • e .BLACK .LIGHJ FIXTURE SALE " to the Jersey Parliament in 1948, aft.er World War II. Pmloul 14 thal llhe had spent five and a hall monUls tmder Ille .Nuls, .. the island. It ,... the only part of the BrilWI eomon-ealth to be Occupied by enemy forces dur- ing the war. e CABINET KNOBS le HARDWARE 50°10off $459 SALE I .... S1t.•5 si488 ,, ' FROM a ' . ' • . . ' . ' . . . , . . , , . . . . . . , . . . , ,, . ! . • • Now, Mr. and Mn. Forster a erta CLOTHES -THINGS 5. TO 10. SIDEWALK SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST ONLY WESTCLIFF PLAZA 5'91365 "T e G.E. BA,TIERY, C·MARGERS SALE $,. 66"' ' lhrCl:Dull!ll bt· St.ti IA111,..l:ltc.J ,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,, e ACCURIDE DRAWER SLIDE·s "". , .... ,. ......... .. OTHIEI SIDS AUO . e SELf:, NAILING FASTNERS & JOIST e OUTQOOR . BOX & CORD SET s399. ,, ~= ::-'; 21 ft. cM a.,. Si.t5 SALE '. SALE $1 99 . e BRASS SWAG KIT 12 ft. dl•I• •cord let. SJ.ti H ... • Swltcll '·etc. 50°10off CLIPS ALL SIZIS ............... . APPLIANCES & HOUSEWARES G.E. Cannister VACUUM .. '.~'.'.~.'.'.':~' ...... u $29.88 S·HOE RACK ::"s!~r." ............................... sALE $2.99 WARING BLENDER w.=~ .. :~':;·:.~'.~~'..~.~ ... u$16.88 :'o":.'!".:O~~'T~::a~.~.~~.~·.~:................... .. l/2 PRICE WESTBEND SKILLET ::~s',:::c'.'.'~ ............. sAu$19.95 SQUIRT .BOTTLES ...................................... 19c UDICO CAN OPENER :~'.'i,~.;:·• .............. sAu $5.99 KITCHEN TOWEL SET ,, .. ,. .... . .. .. .. .. ... l/2 OFF UDICO ICE CRUSHER •••· ................ sA.,$11.88 16 PIECE MELMAC SETS $399 GE COFfEE POT":,.c•:,:.;-;•'.'.':'.~~ .............. uuS28•88 RUBBER · M'AID SPACEMAKERS ........... SALE • ..;_ PICNIC BASKETS ' ........................... 1/2 OFF KIT' CHEN GADGETS """'""9"ci.:"•ri;,-t ICE CREAM FREEZlR ' qt ................. SAU $3.99 SALTON ' ......... ... ... .. .. .. .. ..... ... ··-• MAKE UP MIRROR~'!;.';;;".:~ .................. sAu$14.88 BREAD & .BUN WARMER .... '""'"·"$6.95" $7.95 , LAWN ··&· ·GARDEN ILACK & DECKER. 2 ONLY ........... . • POWER MOWERS PRICED TOO LOW TO ADY. • GAS ROTARY MOWER , • H.P. HEAVY DECK. 2 ONLY "'""'""""""""'"""" SALE '49" • GRASS CATCHER \ ROTARY. REG. $1.95 ""'"""""""""""""'""'"'"""""""" S~LE '5" • SHEU NO PEST STRIP \ REG. $1.tl ..................... : ......................... :·········· ····SAL '144 • WHEELBARROW. KNOCK DOWN. REG. sa.u • cu. FT. ........................ SALE • PARMONT HAND EDGERS REG. sa.u ... _ ........ · ............... · ....... _ SALE • FLORAL TOOLS YOUR CHOICE """"""'"""""""""'""""'""""'"" """"" SALE ' FLOATING POOL LIGHTS ...................................... . .. 99¢ } $5" ... OUTDOOR SHADES 6' x 6" WHITE ONLY. RECi. $9:98 ................... ' " '' ' ""'' ' ' ,, SALE ' 4' x ,. WHITE & WALNUT. RECi. $6.91 ................................................... _SALE $3''' ' GIFTWARES ''''''''''''ALL 50% TO 80% OFF ' GLASSES -STRAW ITEMS, CANDLES, PLACE MATS, ,GERBER KNIVES (Stalnlou) GIFT ITEMS BULLETIN BOARDS ' ------.. ;, . CORK 1uun1N IOARD 24xl6 ......................................... 6.00 PLAIN IUuniN IOARD 20.32 ,,_ ............................... Rt<J. 4. It PLAIN 1uun1N IOARD 24116 ............... -....................... 3.19 PLAIN IULLmN IOARD 36124 .................................... Rt<J. 5.25 DECO' DISICiN W /TACllS 18x24 .................................... Rl<J. 3.9' SELF ADHISM IULLnlN IOARD ltx24 ........................ 5.t5 NOW 2.77 NOW 2.ts NOW 2.lt NOW 3.6' NOW 2.7' NOW 3.9' PAINT SPRAY PAINT. ........ k 11 ........... .,. SALE 44c MOTOR ol' -wt. -·--· _,,,,,_ .... 45c ~UMr FOAM ICE CllARTS __ ..... SALE 77c PLUMBING CHURCH SEAT VINYL WOOD GRAIN PUm ... ,.. ....................... SALE 39c AUTO MASKING TAPE r ,. •· .................. -....... -........... 1/2 OFF ~!~~ .. ~~.~~~---SALE 2Sc PAINT GOOFS IOURSl :.io •;:,~'" SALE 75c at.11"0.1. .... n.,. ~ •10.,. ..... Y2 OFF DISHMASTER ' ·~ $3'.ts ....... __ SALE $34" JLUIDMAmR .... $5.ts 14· ....... -... SALE $35 ' FAUCO FOUNTAIN ; • llo4oonl .... $4.H SALE $2"; '-------------------~--J . -' , A c ,from : Gamel I. ' :the 01 limits ' The , '.plan o ; t. ~ prlvat· 1 Proko: ' ., -~ml :..i pu ~c: " El8E ~ont, ;struct; ' ~75°~ ~at 4 :f:ll,000 :.ifor a :i: SWI -rlperee1 "And · lttcketi 'he' ~ ~YI :"-Ei ,!for ll ·be ab at lie VOi slruct fDr 3,' :11t Me QL\ Jpart l wome . ,,,,.. i w :-lot tt t~thit I jj _ •thl . " ~M.1c :J didn't f.,demai :j View 4 ~ Tic~ , cotlur j early '• l l The .. bu b • pitttur Wedn • Jt I ~water ')hi t • • : Felipt "ming -~ The ~ delen • the .. ' Sin • mara ; 1e1 u ,• It to . l~t I thouo ~ • ~Cl i N, ' ~ ·j T1 ( ~Al ~ Chari t to'. re ; lit 1r N1tio been , n... .4 o•n , . ' the. . repr• oft~ : :_..t ; w.u. k6lt ! do It t "1'1 ! tti; f : coo ....... ........ ' .NF ! Ing • llils • ~ oter • bene1 1 'Tho :~ : a.cab • Sb!dl ; 'ir ; ept>u1 i -· • w!ll 1 ~ rrti1 .i neach 1:-- -l ~ -·-· ~-·.' ••. ........._. -·· OAILV '!LOT Q G_ahriel Says Majority of Rams Won't Report F1·ee Virtue Ladies Are Verboten A couple ol 'llhocking developments from ~v,n., wbere the 1912 Olympic : Game!! 'are to be staged. 1. Accordln11 to official proclamation, ;the Olympic srounds-tn Munidl are elf limits .to 1!<f.iespf easy virtue. ! 'l1le big" queition now: How do they 'plan on em'orc~ s.uch an edict~ ; l. Tli cabbage plot, goat sheds and private church of Russian hennit Timofei Prokorov will not be removed frcm tbe ~-- WHITE WASH ------ ~mpic-grounds, thanks to an avalanche ;pr pu~ic 1upport. for the old Soviet, ~ claims to be 2.000 years old. Elsewhere on the '72 Olympi c new1 ~'!front, here's how some of the eon- !.struction stands on key sites : ~ OLYMPIC STADIUM -'Mle shell is ~''15 percent complete. The stacftum will ~t 43,000 and have standing room for $n ,ooo. How do you like your dla.ces :)or a seat'r •,. SWIM , POLO STADIUM -It's 71 rtpercent complete and will seat t ,000. -4ADd what do you tlllnk clt111ce1 for -'tlckeb lo awlmmlng ind dlvlna: will ··be~ ' ~YMNASTICS. HANDBAIL STADIUM "L Eighty percent done with se1ting {tor IZ,000. Tickets for gymnudcs wlU • be 1bout 11 easy 1o come by 11 eoflee 1t lff Mormon Temple. VOLLEYBAlL ST ADlUM -Th is ~structure is so percent done with w.ting '!for 3,700, And after our teams' 1bowtq 1•t Meslco City in 'IS, wllo caret'?' , QLYMPIC VILLAGE -The men's' !pilt is 40 percent done while the smaller women's sector is 70 peri:ent fini9hed. ,,... Is room for 12,000 hmabitant.s. BASKETBAU. STADIUM -It's due • for completie'1 in a few days, Obviously :thit tpOrt isn 't big in West Gennany ~-jthey will racilita~ only 5,600 fans. ;Mtt1ico City's gym housed 32,000 and ~4 d.idn't come close to fulfilling the ticket !'(demand. Perhaps only Americans will 1 view Olympic basketball in 1972. ticket sales for the 'n Games will ~ coinmence at the end of. this year or .: early in 1971, report! say. • * * * ·• • ..t The 1968 Olympics in Mexico City • hu been h1 part recorded on a Columbia pictures film which wu premlertd "'Wednesd.iy night in Washington, D. C. : It shows the black power salute; 1 ~water pololst from YugOllavi4 havihg ' his trunks ripped off by a Rullian; : Felipe MW10Z's come-from-behind swim- . ming victory, etc. 'i The film concluded, dwelling on a ~ determined Tania.Rian who represented i tht "Olympic Ideal." Strugging to finish the J 8 • m I It : marathon, the bandage on hia injured • lei in tatters, the young Africu made · It to the flllish ... u after nlgh~all In ... llll place to the cheers of I.be few ; thousand fana who 6ngered Oii. • ~ Chargers Vote • ~ Not to Report ~ To UCI Camp • • t kAN DIEGO (AP) -San Dlec• ~ Charger veterans voted Wednesday not • to report to the team 's training c1mp ~ al Irvine until a player dispute with N11ional Football League ooers hu been settled. · l lrhe veterans, working out on their 1 own at a Saa Diego high school, took ~ tJie secret vote and then informed player representative RJck ·Redman in Chlcqo cl their decision. ~ \At Irvine, Qi.arger coach Charlie • W.ller said the veterans are "a closely k6it group 11td wh1teve.r they do, they ~ do It together. ' "I'm hopeful they'll decide to .,... ! II\ for the pod of f\)Otti.11, for die ·good of the fans for their ... l!od·" .NFL e-. eoded a lockout by ...... Ire training camps to players u of t utls evening; even thotJ«h the dispute i o+er an improved pension pl11 and other ; btMril.a was stilt unresolved. ' 1'he Chargers open their pr-muon ochedul< • wee!< from Satunll)I nJPt .. qalast the Dallas QoW'boys hi San D6eeo • Sl"dlwn. • llf the veterans haven't w«ked out ; elough by lben -or If they still hJvM1 ; reported to camp by then -the Charaen, • wtll play Dallas with juM rookies. • fI'hat dedslOR was annaunctd Wed- : nMd•Y by club Pre&ldent Gene Kltln !! hn bis Loa Angelea office. Training Strike Menacing LA's Aug. 7 Opener With Cleveland ' . LONG BllAQ{ (AP) -Quartttblct · lloman Gobriel al the Loo AnlJlleo Rams said Wednesday night -he was l'laure 1 majority of the Rana will vote not to nport to camp niiu,..gy" and predicted the owner1>11yer JtMmlte will continue until the players reach a satialldor), Mltlement In the dlspule. The veterans will gather at their unol- ficlal trlininc camp at Cal State <Lone Stach) ntursd1y mornlna: for practice and I IQUld meet.inc of tbe VelerlDI, Voss Still On Yo-yo; Halos Bow By ROGER CAIWION ot ,.. Daollr , ......... The yo-yo 1970 American League r baseball season for Newport Beach'• Bill Vos.t continued in force We<lne.t1y night at Anaheim Sladiwn. But for the California Angels, it wam't a caae of upa and downs ... just downs. The New York Yankees ripped Ange1 pitching for a dozen singles en route to an 1-3 breeze aild • sweep of their lhr:ee-game series before 13,9$3 fans. Thus the Hllo.s continue ttven games behind Western Division leader Min- nesota and a three-t:ame·tet with Boston next on the agendt., beiinning Friday night. And again, it WIS poor play by the Oherubs that seemed to spar~ the Yankee victtty. The Yanks oombined their rash of singles with six walks and four Angel Jul• :M AUi· I '"·I .... """· 4 • 1:U D.m. J :U D.11'1. '''D •.•. ' .. "' . f: 11-~ «Tors to put It away early. · For Voss, it marked a alight upward swing in his pe1'90nal lt'10 major league battle as he made hla third strai&ht camlO appearance 11 a pl:lidlhitltr. And he made 1ood. alappint an in.side 1Uder to left field, to finlih off Yankee starter Steve Kline. Voss' rap was tht fifth lltaight tafety for California after two were out tn the fourth inning. But relief pitcher Ron Klimkowski put out the Halo uprisinl by striking out Sandy Alomar. Vcss'1 role as a pinchhitter isn't ex- actly what he'd preler, however, and contrasts sharply with his efforts at the outset ol the season. HI! jmiped off with a .as average ln the early goings. but ttie avet'q:• ptunged to .238 prior to Wedneaday. "You have just one chance to come through when you pinch-hit. 1'd eertainly rother be . playing regular, but H he (ma.nater Lefty Phillips) think• 1 can help the club that way , thafs what l'U try to do," said Vcss afterwards. "The daily routine is &0mewhlt di!- fertnt when you know yoo're not going to start. You have to run a lot more during practice to keep youneU ln .,..,_, "Wben you're playing regular you don't have to worry to much abou• thlt. lt'1 a CUI! DOW d having to keep myself In the best poalble thape and to be ready," he uYs. VOi•' last time out IS I starter WU In Bolton last weff, bot he went hitless In the llnale and -.. the -be went "It's a tough iituaUon. If you don't produce quietly, you don't play. 1bat'a all there is to il," says the ex-Nl!..-port Harbor High and Orange Coatt College dandout. • Phillipi 11ys he's decided to to, with Cf.ftterfieJder J1y Johnatone when asked ol Voa' immediate future as a starter. "lt'1 a matter or Johnstone hi.vine a pod RCOnd half last year. 1'm golnf to stay 1rith him for a while," Lf!fty reveals. Jolwtooe, lncklentally. had three hits for the evening, includina a 3ft0..foot triple that produced • ptlr " """"· llllW YOtlC CALlllO.lflA ,.,,,.., .. '""" Cluttl, A I J 4 t Allolntr, :Ill J I t Mllnfll'I, t J I t 1 "-' rf I t t Wlllhl. II ' I 1 .. , .... 1. ll ' t I Cllwt', rl t t t A.,,.,_.., II J 1 I J.l!Hlt. ,.. 4 1 I S~..,.. 111 1 1 I MllrUI', cl 1 t t Cowin. 1• I I I H..,,.._ :.. 4 I I I McMwl...,, :.. ' I I It-. •• J ··~.dlll Wlllll, d • ' • .lil(W, c: ' • t M~. u I I 1 C,W11fhl, • I I t ltllM, • I I I U.lhd•, • I I I k""*-•I. • I I t \I-, "" l t I ........ lfllfl. • • • • ·~· • • •• Alttr, • 1 • • ..,......., "' 1 •• .......... •1111, "' 1 •• TtlA v•11J •.. .....,,. . .. T*" • I I ' Mew Ytrll 1 C.llftrMI ' Ill at·-· ... --J. • -"''"'' ~. ~111..,., J, e111 •• "---,,,.,, °' -C.llflntllt t. LOS -N.-. Ylrtt f, (fl~ Miiii t. 11 -AlCVlf. Jt -~...... t• -Cllrtl.1, ll:t!Wlt'f, l -lrltnt. , .... '"' .. ).J/J 7 1ll tl"I I I • I 2/1 • • • • l 1 • I l J.111••s• Ill I t I I ' ' t • ) t 1 I I I I ! t t t .. ,. ·tan\ ~ JW the -..... butt !\ belieVe ,,,,;.jilrfty will vote not to ' ~r\," ;&ijd , ~Viel, ltll'a Most Valuable PtayM in theiNltional Foothill . . . ' µ::ague . • ' nte Rams' PllYet ~Uv..e,. All· Pro , defensive tack~ M9'Un Ot.illn is in O)lcqo f• me<llnp al the Pltyeni .Associ,uon. · The Rim , vets, Who have •t up an lnfoimal ·"sir~ ~" at the 0ul'riger· HiioI -..; , ... aifvlied by • lelejlhone and lelellfam Wednesday that their camp at neartiy California State {FullertOl'I) will be open at 6 p.m. loday. Jack Teele, assistant to Preshlatl' Daniel F. Reeves, who 11 in New York·, said at Fullerton the Rams would, of course, abkte by the ownerl' decldon to ordf!J' the camps operi t.o veterans. Teele denied an ac:ei.tion that the owners are attemptinc t.o brelk up lbe Players AS&Oeiation. "We llY lhl! lockout II OVf< and the pfa)""' ~ npGrl ""' fulflll their incllvldull ·-"'11," Ill<! Teele. • Teele ,.,,,.,.,ltd the belief tlial "a ;areal nwnber al playeni .. m abjde by Uie ~isk>n or O.,ir associat.ion.'' Ttie· fate ot the Rltn.!1 opeNn£ 11me al the """'* tpinst .... ~ Ilrownl ln Loo Angeles Auf. 7 romalnl unoetlled . Ttlil IMUll COl'lleet fO( the Lfll•Anlelu Tirnet charities WIS expected lo ~ upwtnl nl IO,OOI• in-MlmOriaf Callaoum. • UPI Ttltil"-" REDS' DARREL CHANEY COMPLETES RALLY-KILLING 'TWIN KILL VS. PIRATES. Houston Runaway Ca11-ght CHICAGO (AP) -The ©licego Cubs stole six bases -National Ll!ague high for ·the 1eason olf the Houston Aslroll, and also showed some theft by picking lJP Joe P.epitone reportedly for the $20,000 wiiVei' ta.1. • The H-year-ol<t Pepitone, who wHt join the · pennarit.miMled Cubs in Cinelanatl Friday night "'' 1uspended 1 week ago by the Astros after leaving the club and gol!ig borne to New York. Earlier he had been fined mo for miMing practices. And last. year ht twice wu fined by the , New York Yankees for ~iq AWOL. ''Ale ;Yarikees traded hi'm to · Houston ' last December for Curt Blefary. Joe batted .251 altd hit 14 homers in between various, squabb• with the AslrOl!I. He had not pla yed since being hit on the tlbow with 1 pitch July 9. There was more talk. about Joe than about the Cubs' 9-1 bHsterlng of' tM Astros Wednesday . Even Houston manager Harry Walker predicted that Joe "will put his problems behind him and bust his faMy with a change of clubs." "I'll bet ht hiLI 15 mort homers be!ora the seaSOA is over and will really bear down/' Walker said. Leo Durocher wu glad to weloome Joe aboard. "I don 't worry . about , any problerna he had with another club,''. he aald. "All 1 know he Is .a helluva player and he will be In center. fil!ld ·for u1 at CinclMaU.", Ron' Se1to, CUb captain, aaid, "ll\Wa1 a big . move by the Cubs and J°' can really help. He'1 going to cOme he.re aJtd gel all excited -and wow !" . Billy Willams praised Pepito~ al 1 player. '.'He should bavt a field ,day In ·ttst1 perk,'" he Yid . \l,IT.._... cuas· NEWIS:r PLAYllt -JDE PEPITONE -GETS HIS HAIR STYLED. --------------------.._ ________ _ The Rams, Teti< said, could probably tflt ,ready' for die aame with a week ol pr1ctk:e whieh woukt have to 1tarf .. Fl'ld1y. • He could not say how Cleveland'~ coadtes felt about auch a practice 11• ranpment. . Gabriel, voicing expreaalonl by ~ player representatives beck East, sa'kl ttie ownl!rs had previously aald they -Id "'ll or<Ier the campe opened un~ after the College All.star-Kansas City Cllle/1 _. in Oticqo Friday nlJhl. Don't Count Hogan Out, . Says Player , HARRISON, N.Y. CAP) -Can lien Hoean win.it? "Don't ever count the man 'out," Soulh Africa's Gary Player warned ~iy. "Pd Uve to say the odds are against it -with Ben's age, the sulfoc1 tlng heat, the hills on the course. "But Ben· Hogitn still has a marvelous awing.. He· is the· most knowledgeable golfer I have ever kncrwn. He ls alwayJ thinking, caJculating. If the weather tumi cool, I think you have to coiisider him I threat. He's phenomenal. Player is one or the prime fav«ita -along with Jack Nicklaus, BW CU per 1 Lee Trevino and Arnold Palmer -in the hS0,000 Westchester golf class.le, starting today. Hogan's last practice· round was played with Pli'yer over the 6,700-yard, P,._t n West course Tuesday. Player shot a 14, Hogan a n . "Ben's swing is ·still pnethina .to see," the litUe South African sa.td. 111( 11 ao amooth and flawleu. He 1lw1y1 ha~ been something of an idol to ~ l think his dlances will depend entirely on how well he can hold up.'' Hogan, 58, winner of four U.S. Opens and every major professional cro\lln making one of ,his rare tournament e;x· peril!nces, shrup off his chances. "l'rp not sharp enough yet," he said, suggesting that his problem lies mol't! tn his lack of tough hea~head com· petition · rather than in his advancing age or any physical ailments. "My shoulder is fine - 1 don't feel 1 twlnae of pain in it." he u id. "I still have to favor my left:l knee I bit, but I feel llrong. J've lost some wel&ht. I'm hitting the baJI all righL I'm just not tournament sharp." The heat this week has been o"' presslve. The course, wllh Its blue grus fairways arld bent greens,· presenta a challena:e for which Hogan fee.II be~ll not thoroughly equipped. "I haven't played in the ~st fn years,'' he said. "I am accustomed to Bermuda fairway• where the ball sita up. I have to dig it out. here and the Westchester course is more hilly and <Semanding than 1 h•d seemed to remember." The visit to thiJ hotbed of IOlf already has been rewarding to the Fort Worth ahotma1ter, oo m1Uer how he faru in the tournament. On Wednesday, the golf world paid him the 1upreme tribute of having a Hogan portrait ~veiled at Golf House, the home of the U.S. Golf Aaociation, and .Pl•ced over the fireplace in the library to hang alona:1ide portralla of Walter Hasen, Bob JOllll, Gene hrlMD and other greats. Stengel 80; Says He Picks Mets Again GUJNDALE (UPI) -"I don't want too many more birthdays," Caaey Stencel uld Wedne3day. "I just wanL to enjoy the ne1.L day." The grand old man of baseball made that statement on the eve of his llOth birthday. Just arrived back from Cooperstown, N.Y., wilh his wife, Edna, where he watched the Induction of foor new members into the Hall of Fame, Stengel 11aid: "I dOn't plan anything special. 1'm pnna just take it easy. I've been getting a lot of telegrams and letters and phOJlt calls. They're from a lot of nice. people.'' Although the former manager of the New York Yankees and Meta said he ·was "a little pooped out" from his triP to Cooperstown, he aald he felt "l()Od" and was In "good healtb ." On lhe nlcfli before his IOth birthday, Stengel WIS honored ~t I LJttle League. .dinner. . , The man who was elected to tbt Hall of Fame in 19M old he had a sreat time at Cooperstown but added, "It was IO hot back lhert we almOll bumi up." Sten1el watched Ford P'rk:k, Lou 'Boudreau. Jta1 Bain., Ind Earlt Comllo Inducted Into the Hall al Fame. "There'• nothin1 qulte like It," ho tald .. Stengel saic! he liked the chances of the New York Mell to go all the ,._, and ~la the World Serles alaJn, I (l • . I) .~ ~ ~I f I • i • .I l I I t ' ' ~· ~ ll I " I • • ~-· " .... -.. ' -.. -!;:' ~.~ ... ;-,,,---.. ,;.·--~.,;..-""""V"'.,...-""'V""'"7~"-_..._,,.. .. 'll"'" .. I--.---..,,...--·-~• •-.-~·-,•..,··--.•·-.--..--~ ' ·------.--.--·--- • JffJ!AILY PILOT T""'5dol, J,~ JO, 1970 Dodgers Invade Canada ~;NoN'DREAL -The · Qodgers open a five-game ~ aplnit Mootr.al today alter • • day o' rest in . ,, 'Plilll<!<lphla ~Ult ol rain. ·~.l_~IJI Singer, 7-3, ~ea the 'l'!'und q.Wt Du McGlnn, ·e:e. .., .. ~ . ' " ' • LAS VEGAS -Bookmak<n "O'n1tbe Lu Veau ltrip hive installed the Kansas Clty Chiefs as 11-}JOlnt favorites ln ~ the AU.Star rootball game Fri· , dfY night in Chicago. .. , • ,. : , J;lllCAGO -Dennis Shaw .. ol San .Diego Slale wlll start • ~!;quuterback for the College '. 1ut.Stars Friday night In their ~ gfme witb the world champion • Kansas City Ollefs. l)onations· at $5,00(t In Swimathon Relay n.. world record, mlllloo- yard Swimalboo relay cur· r<otly being held in the swl<n· ming pool at the Newport Beech Tennis and Swim Club In Corona del Mlt la still goine 1u11 force. As ol a a.rn . Wednesday, the event had piled up 34.2,850 yards and had received a lltUe over '5,000 in donations and pledges toward t h e con· struction of a 50-meter Olym· pie-sized pool at Davidson Field on the campus of New- port Haroor High . MOit of the participating swimmers are from high ecbools in the Newport-Mesa IChool district, although a few notables have been in on the adi9o. * * * Letters Ask Support • Mike Martin ci UC Irvine .ant! µSC'1 !\USS Kidder, both all~American aquamen, swam legs last weekend and Kiki Bowring, Miss Cosla Mesa, has also contributed her swim· m1ng efloru. Newport. life guard director Bob 11...i Is scheduled to participate Saturday at 3 p.m. in his walrus suit and sw im 50 yards with a rescue crt:w •landing by. Pete Siracusa and his "An- cient Mariner" tugboat crew will also be on hand Saturday. Seventy-six percent d the !350,000 project ha& alreadf' been pledged in lundl wlll! the Newport-Mesa s c b o o 1 district contributing $125,000 and Ille city o( Newport Beach throwin& in $87,500. ' The Swimathon committee had to raise 2S percent of tile total project coot • Monarehs Ousted Eagles Stay Alive ' In Cage Tourney Mariners to the victory. Mat.er Dei had an 18-14 ed&e in fleid 'goals. • Shaw was given Ute nod bf coach otto Graham after ".._ wtnniitg a coin toa Wedneadiy "ith qulrlerbacl< Mike Phipps .• of .. Purdue. ' ~ ~t ....... • • LEFT·FOOTID KICKI R-B,anY Ingold, San Diego . Chargers' 10CCer-style place kicker, ~ ball as Tom Miner, former Pittsburgh end . and now Cbargen' director of player personnel, holds • For Pool Estancia Hlgh advanced into the quarterfinals of the loser's bracket in the Mesa-Newport summer basketball tourna· ment Wednesday night, while Mater Dei was eliminated from the action at Estancia High. Paclfica jumped out to a 13-5 lead at the end ol. the. first quarter and wu never beaded throughout the re- mainder of olay. LOUISVILLE -Tblrd--1· : · ect Ken Rosewall and fourth· • soeded Tooy R<icbe, both of .. AustralUi, delealed their op- :· pqoen!a In llralibl I e ti ;, W:~1y to pace the open- ; · 1111 round o( the lint aonual , l.Oui!ville tennis classic. , '.J'op«eded John Newcombe ·FV Shares Summer Chargers' Ingold Differs From Other Place.. Kickers '"lbe memben ol. C.I.N.A. Estancia dropped Pacifica, Water Polct Association and 64-51, while Mater Dei was I travel all over Orange Coun· falling to Pacifica. 4S.39, in ty to work out in a truly a cold-shooting affair. Olympic-sized pool. In Monday night's act.ion, "It takes iota d. our valuable Estancia will face Pacifica in workkic time. To play ifl a a ~:15 tilt while Costa Mesa llDlall pool is like wocldng out and Newport Harbor clash at on a basketball court With 8:30 in the winner's bracket. an eight-foot ceiling. The Estancla-PaCifica win- Rick Kniffen was the loot Monarch in double figures (13 ). K1!ser o ... n1 Frl..:l11'1dorf St.w1rt -· Z1ltclorf H•Y• ""' Tol•l1 lllttMI• l"I ,..,,, .. 2 0 2 4 1() 7 ' 71 • 0 1 • 2 1 ' 5 ' 3 1 15 J 2 1 • 0 s 1 J ' 0 ' 0 23 1112t4 4 • alid ~-seeded Bod Laver, Cag r· I •..iu i>l•Y their lint m1td1ea «e It e ..IOilay. • By PlllL ROSS l ~··· ·.!1.~bl e ~·O'n ....... ~~-y ... 11.u .~ • ., Ol'1MDll1J Pn.t 1..,, ~ nmnerup• yur, conquered l'YIUQ.lft.ll _, wu.v t: The eceoe ii San Diego Divlsioo ~Olllblp In the National Foolba1l l.eque's American Coofereoce. "The older water p o 1 o ner will face the Cost.a Mesa- speciallst. players, and I am referring Newport loser in a lone ain- The ball b toapped, the to the 19-20 and Z2 year-olds, test Tuesday night al 7:15. holder puta it in place and .et the · precedent for tbe The championship game will Ingold methocilcally powen yourcer high adlool boys. be played Wednesday, also at Ketl•r °""' SIOw•r1 eec:.,r• a.rc11 Krv11.it "~ Lot Amlto1 UH f9ft ,rt. ' 1 s )J . ' . . ' ' • 11 1 1 , 2 [ Pierre 1o(Fraoce '~ ·· ~ the Orange' llUIUl'ler Muni on a windy December I S.2, Ud ~trounced 1tina1i league b a 1 t et b a 11 cha~ aftemooa. The JCOre iS lmDtted at 0-0 with juJt u-. remaining oo the game clock and the Cblrgers in a fourth down predicament at the Kansas Ci· ty 41-yard Doe. J 0 0 ' Ille ball 47 yardl through the ''Theoe youn11 ~ look up 7:15. o 2 e 2 . El l!IMtfel of !:cYI>t. f.2, f.I . .plooohip, after 1 forfeit vie-On the field, the San Diego ~ .. ~ch'• Roy cblmr E~1~.Jln ¥vanced with tory over Pacifica In Wedne,.. Kuiu s and world champion uprights and the Chargers to these phy1ically mature In the Estancia victory, the take the divllional title with men with admiration. If we Eagles, down 34-31 at the half, the narrow, u victory. have a greater pool facility i;ame back strong in the third tol•ls 0 1 • 1 20 Tl 11 ft ,_," O..rttn a'-t,W**10ftl"Grlbam dty~laht'spllyir/the~e ed in ~'ier~=.~~=~:; !;till...U °' Eillfand. Hlgh gymnaslwn. miule, the ou~e of whl, ch 10 21 ,, ,, ..:" 1$ ,, 10 7-Sl available locally, it's not only quarter behind Gary Orgill's ~1., °"' cin 1 BJg deal. convenient for us, but we can hot•hooting hand to take a ,. fr ftf .., .:~ ~~s:aJ: Pacifica forfeited the game, will decide the We1tern J lint roundtolcile·I ..i. , due to partlclpaUon !• the ! Gimeno .. r.uied ; in t b e', Mesa-Newport tournameri at ~ swelteri.,. -r to ,beat Mart 'tbe ·tame time. Out st.po ooe Barry Ingold, San Diego'• rookie kicking A pro football placement perac:Nlly introduce th e 1 e 4344 lead. ~=~' ; ; : 1; specialist is JUppoted to boot athletes to our young high Orgill scored 13 of his ""ttz 1 1 , ., ! Cox o( Eqlmid1 ·"' ~· W. • Ttie victory Tan Fountsin • Dennis R.illtim 1lUDll1eO Fred . . . ) re of Australia g.2 M . Valley't final rteord to 11-3. : ' ' The Baromi ~are the tHle ! ., · e , 1')Ul hoot Orange. A playoff ._ j1 may be fortbcomlng , ac· i ~DIANAPOLIS -'.f w o cording to Fountain Valle:Y : aeeded men.la linll~ coecl\ Dave Brown. $ ytn. lolt In Wedneldly 1 Meanwhlle, Costa M e 11 a • round It the Natlonal f1niabed ru Orange league . ay ~ Tennis Touma. summer scheduJe, losing to nt II. :Wnodltoct. Count,ry !be.Orange No. 2 team, 53-4.1. tllub. " • ' . . ' : -junior var!lty coach !Freel McM!llan;qf So~ th .Joe Fisher Buided the i,rtca dd81ted the No.· 4 Mustangs in the absence of ~~ -· Bob Carmichael bead coech Emll Neeme. Oi\!y ~ A.Ullllralll, 4-8,.M, t-7. two varsity players (Scott ,And AllJn Stone ol Australia Frle'sted and Doug MacLean) l ~eated Cbarlel Puarell of were uied in the Orange con- Puerto Rico, the No. I .U.S. test Beed, g,i, M. ' The. M ~-· I If to Cliff Rlchey, the top U.S. . •·-·~ go o , men's~ ·defeated J\ay Ruf-a slow start, trading 10-5 aner ,1 fell of Au.lralia, .74,k. the ·first quarter of P!ay; But t Jan ~Pf CachOalOvkia with MacLean leading the : the top rOretcn. mm~ Med. de'. :,~·t ::24f ':U.~ 1~~,11~: f teated Dick Stoctan ol Gar· intermiision. , : den City, N.Y., ~. 7-5: Costa Mesa looked even bet- ~ ter after three quarters of : Mesa ..,, -}fer play. :001d1ns • 33-34 •d· ~ \)U vantage -, bµt. then the i Orange crew went to work ~ 1 • on the boards and promptly , 1 ,l).. ... l~fieS' took ibe lead foT good eorly Y. U.Q.1..1. in the fmal period. { Costa M1e s 1' s Steve c .. 1. M•1.1 ful 1 Robertson fired a 79 for a Arc11w ~ ~ ' • • two rowid total of 154 Wed-:=-.:;" J i ne9day. 'tq \quallfy for match H .... 111. : : play copipetition in the 23rd ::',~ t ! U.S. Jilm_pr ~C!.teur . Golf D11m.I t ' ChampilaOlhlp over the 6,674 =:!."' ~ i Athens C.OUntr')' Club Courae To"'• 11 1s in Ath~ Ga. on"" ""' ',. <»~ Robertson, who •ill \)e I VCUJ'l'r t • senior at 8mnci1 Hilb School -::".!" ! ; in the falt , was acbeduled to H-• i • ' parUcipa,te (with I) others) ~:= ~ ! in tllmination matches today. • sn1tc11 s ' •-11 ' 1 • Roberison it the ~ Of Mr. Tottl• 2J 1 and Mrs. Alvin M. RoberUon, '°''' ~ '""' " -:'~~ Jr., 288i Boa Vil'ta Dr. O••"" No. t 11 14 10 .. • ' • • " • , • • ' ' ' I I I ' ' ' • • d •• • ' • • " ' .. • • • • • • I • ' • " " •-4 It-.u . ' • . Baseball Leaders c.111 •• l:M: C1111t. ao.1,, 1301 C11ttlar, •111., 1n1 p;11,.,.,.r, •11t .. 1n. ,.ATIONAL L•MU• tAnlNG 1'1 1t IM" -C1rh'. -'"·• .15'1 Ci.,.,.nte, Pllt •• ,W I PfftL Clll., »ti G••l9n. S.D , .»fl Mldll'l"l"- Cllle.1 .... • JIUNS -....... I.ii'.. '31 I . WllllflrM. (II)(,, fll l""••r. (In .. 711 lltltl'll• Nlfn, SI, L, 751 IUM, Cln., 7•1 M, A_, A.II., 1•. tlUNJ IAtTIO IN -ltndl. (In., "11 l"-1, Cit\,, Ml I , WUlltlM. Cllk .... ) IUcfllt Alltno St. L,. "' H. A•"91'1• AIL. M. H1n _, .._. cr11 .. ,,., M. Aloi.I. l"ltt,. 1211 1. w1m11111. Cftk., 1H1 ,_l. Cln .. lHI G•thMI. s.o .. n .. DOUILl!S -W, l"•rhr, L,A., '21 a.ndl, C1n.. H I L. fMy, (ff\., HI CtMCJe, Atl .. 2JI L•lliw• Mtlw n. Tll:ll'\.IES -KtQll'lttr. C:lllc., 111 W. O.vl1, L.A .. ltr C'-"· l"ltt., • , MwHn. "°"''" fl 111:-. (In,. •• HOMI! ll:UHS -ltl'ldl, Clll.. Ml lilldllit Alltn, SI, L., a 1 a, Wl1111""'• Cfllt.., •1 l"ert l. ,Cln., ai H, .... .._ AIL, M. ltoLt:H ""*fl -IOfld1, $,,., »1 Toi-Cln., JS1 W, Dtvb. 1..A .. "' AMt, N.Y .. »1 Moft1n, Htvtl., "· !"ITC.HING It O.Cl1lon1l -llfn'*'o c111.. ,....,, .11s, 1.ts1 01vt11. l"ltt .. N I •• JA01 Mol'1't, Cl!I .. 1"4. .m. J.Ut Ctrroll, Cln .. 1·1, .111. l.211 Hnfl.L All .. IW, 1.ff, •:02, STIUKl'OUTI -..._, H.Y., 1'Ge1 GI~ $!, t,., 11'11 ~~nt. Cllk,. llt1 ,_,.,, 1.11., 1421 Mo.lllm1n. Cll1c •• ... . . game-wiMing field goals from school boys and lmpjre them." team's 17 points in the third ~:;r;~'" ; : ~ : 40 or SO yards out with Ed Newland quarter. The flashy forward , Tot•I• ,, 1 1s " .Ex-Bue Spike Stal" Capiures"F our Events regularity. UC Irvine who will be a senior in Sep-'"'"'1t1n '::, tt ,, ,. But ln°old differs from the "Why I feel we need a 50. tember, finished the' game Gus• o o 1 .o o • · hM'"' 61117 c on v e ntional professional meter Olympic size swimming with 27 points, claiming hig Ad•m• 0 , 0 , place kickers. He uses the pool in the Harbor area: point honors. :=:~ ~ ~ : J soccer-style approach a n d '"Itie rtasotJ is obvious Temmate Hank Moore hit s.n1t11 2 0 f • .~ oormally boots with his left because it Ls necessary. Seven-15 point!. ~f.~e ~ ! : ! foot (tbe other'three American ty.five percent of this pool Meanwhile, Pacifica outhit Tot.11 ,, ,, • .,. Bill Han90n capfared 'four events in the open' division to hl&hlighl Wednesday'• al~ corners track and field Jneel at Orange Coast College. -·-'JO..h1911 ~--am Ma-. t 11 MJ19 -lob M_,l lM, •.Ui ICl!I ·- Ed J•rrell. 10,,1 "IO -Tet"•v Sdlmllr. $2.71 :!» lnl, ll11rdln -11111 H•naon •1.01 llO -9ob M111l"'; l:!t.7; 270 -Ed J•rr•U• 22,J; 111111 W•!k -Mitton kl'Jlllfftr, l :Mi Cn111 QMJnW fl.J mlln) -~ Gunlle, 11:09; Dlscu1 -o.ott H•rr-rw, 1:15-11 Shctt 11111 -Geott H1rrowbf. 41"•: Ttl<Jle Ju1111t -am H•nson, .u.1~1 Lonv IUll'llt -a111 Min_,, 5-J-..j lil•ll ,_ -Dive Ecc1", ..o. Conference soc t e r-s t y I e is already financed for year-Mater Dei, 18-3, from the free Mii" o.r sun "' °:"~, n _.,, specialists -Kansas City's king swimming education in _tbro __ w __ li_ne_~!o-~p-ro~pe:....:l_th_•....c•~·~"'~"='---'-":...:':....:":...:"~-~·=" Jan Stenerud, C~cinnat.i's a commnuity which is 80 per- · The former OCC sta t who will attend the Univenit)' oI California at SaTita Barbara°' in September, captured the ?~yard h I g h hurdles (9.1), 330 intermediate h u rd I e s (41.0), triple jump (43·1%) and long jump. (I0-3%). Bob Messina , a re c ent graduate of. San Diego State, ~·a thne Of '4:26 tn the mile and 1:59.7 in the 880. SaddJeback . ~ll~ge standout Ed Jarrell notched a 10.2 clocklng in the 100 and went 22.1 in tbe no. Geoff Hanowby was also a double winner in the open division w:lth a 47·9 shot put effort and a 135-4 beat toss in the discus. In the junior high division , Kevin McCartney was vic- torious in lhe 100 (11.0), 440 (56~) and the 220 (24.3). Hlllt kll ... Dl¥W... 70 llltll llurdlt1 -M•H Pe•1ltv, t .11 Mlle -Sieve L•lMfl•td, 4:3,1 100 -lllNI 1) -SleYe aoo1•, lt.61 CllMI 2) -Dtnnt1 Ztrv1s, IO.h 1111. ll1.1tdl11 -O•Vt P-.11, .&lo.Ii llO -Jactc ~. 2:03: 220 - Jolwl AtUll•r. 25.21 J,$ crou counlrv -$1tw V•tt•, 16:33/ 0]1Cu5 -JJ.,, Hos'911er, 1"'1; Sl'lol 1>ul -Rick K..,..,r, 47·10; Trf1>lt lump .... Dtnnlt Z1rv11, ll ·ti H!tl'I lump - !)1v1 E«lu, 4-0, .hlnllll' Mllh DIVlllell 10 llurdlH -T!"' VOUl'll. 10.&o Mlle -Jolln W11ton, 4,s1.s: 100 Kevi n McCltlnep, 11.t ; .uo - Kt!Vln McC•rtney, 56.l / 110 -TOffl MH1ln1, 2:1': 270 -ICevln McC1rtroev, 14.31 Cfllt1 country -John w .. ron. lt:ff.S: DllCus -Al Kor It , 1001 Sl'lol 1tul -A! Korn -47·11 Trlff!t lum• -Hfc~ Miiiet, '6-41 L-iu"'" -L1rrv Gtll, lf.10; Hltn lump -Wiiiie !Ctn!, s... 1•tcl•1 ll'1'911tl l·f Y•• old 4jQ -Otnnv 011•*'•· 1:151 ll·lf ve1r mll1 lbonl -Fore11 Mttull, 5:3'-5; 11·12 Y••r m!le C1lrl1I -C~rlsty O'H•rt, 1:50.51 Vt'tra"' mill (30 Vetr oldsl -Wtnd1I Sml!fl, •:J6.S; Miit fol) VHr olelt) -OW... Gorm.n, S:OO: a ..... , IOI:! -Scott ltabet11, 15.1; llOYI m -Scoll ll:obtt11, 36.SJ Glrl1 220 -Clf!ll y C~trTY, 47.0. Horst Muhlplano ind Denver's cent water environment. Bobby Howfield -are all "We need to expand swim 'right-footers). programs to better prepare Making him even m or e ~ greater number <If our unique is the fact he can kick youngsters to cope with our with almost equal prof'iclency environment." with the right foot and is Bob Reed also a better-than-average Marina Safety Director punter off the soccer ap-"Being a swimmer, I know proach . the advantages of a 50imeter Joe Madro, who t u to r s Olympic pool would be grtat. Charger kickers, along with "When you work. out\ in a )).is regular assignment as of-25-yard pool and then swim fensive line coach, says, "the tn a 50-meter poo1, It sure is S()CCer-style approach is def-a Jot longer and the strategy initely the way of the future of tbe race is all different." in regard to pro football kick-Olris Gammon ing, Orange Coast College "The trend has already All~American started, but most of the best Butterfly Swimmer kicking in the future will come ;:::=========;;J from the sidewinders, or soc- cer-style people." TURN ON TV WEEK li:t•f" yo11 fu11.d fo wh•t'• h•ppt1ti11t liahlncl tti• tub• -Ev•ry S•tllrd•y 111 th• DAILY PILOT • Madro, an Ohio State al um, has been roaching kicking specialists as a sidelight for 26 years. '=========='I Major League Standings DEAN LEWIS NATIONAL LEAGUE Eut Dfvbloa ' AMERICAN LEAGUE AU•UST SPICIAU W L Pltlsburgh 56 48 New York 54 48 ChJcago 51 49 Phll1delpbla 48 52 Montreal 41 57 St. Louis 43 58 Pct. .549 .540 .510 .4e!I .m .us GB I 4 8 lll\ ll\I Baltimore Detroit New York Boston Cleveland Washington Elst Dtvilloa W L 63 39 56 44 54 48 5t 48 48 53 48 54 Pct. .618 .560 .540 .515 .475 .!60 GB West Dlvltlon ClnciM1tl 7t 32 ' Dodiera. 57 42 Atlanta .:. 49 52 San Francilco 11 sa Hoo1ton 48 55 San Diego 40 63 .., ...... ., .. ·-"' C111eln"11t L l"lll*'rlhl All•l'll• ,, It, Levll Cl'llt-t. HtuJIOlt ! DMlltl"I ., l"lllltdtlllfl1•. ,.," Mo!llTMI L Sin Ditto t S.1'1 fr.,IC1Klt •· Htw YG1'11 I T_.•'t"•O.- .689 .576 11 .415 21 .475 22 .455 21 .366 31 DM-. lfnltt' iMI •I Monlrtt1 IMtGlM .. ''· "1•111 """'"" CGrllfln ).11) ti (llLU"' (Jwnll;ln1 11•12) St, l.Ollll (111.utl l .. l •t Alt'"" CHlftr'O .. ltl, llltflt l"ltbbu~ IVH ll •Ill •• ClnclMI H !CIOnlnter 24), 1'111111 OftlY ••rntt IC!ltcklled • West Division MiMesota 62 34 An1el1 56 44 Oakland 55 41 Kansas City 37 64 Milwaukee 37 64 Chicago 38 61 WMltlM•Y'••-"' fl0t11Dn •, 0111i..nc11 l Hrw VOf'lt I, M!Mll J W15/!lritloll (, MUwtllkM t Clllt•llO t, l•ttlmol't I o.trt11! 10. IC'""' City i CIWtl•f!ll t, Mllll'leMtl I .MC .569 1 .550 • .366 37\1 .366 371> .348 30 T.-Y1....._ • nltll~ltift (Nffl' WI '91 Otlll~ tH\llllfr 1W), wu11r1111on tlr11Nt Joli •• MJIW1ullt1 Cl"•ttlll M l, fllfht • K1nt111 CllY f.ltl'ln"" Jo1) ti DllNll (MCLl)fl 2·fl, nltllt M l-Ml• (l"ffrY If.II •I Cll¥tl•IW IH•N,.n •·U, nlthl Ol'llY .. ,.,... schedultd, DEAN L ·EWIS 1966 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 646-9303 Service, Parta, I lo«ly Shop Now Open Until I p.m. Mond1y Nights I 1 Orange county's Largest and Most Modern Toyota and Volvo Dealer S P I C I AL 1970 TOYOTA ~AGON ::f.! $1817 --Al M9"111•1Mi .................. ...,_ L...i er.1.... c.,... VOLVO 142 2 tlr., r4'i.., h1•f11, ... ,,..;, tS.r. •47401 1 7 TOYOTA CORONA s..1111., fl.lldlo, HH!tr, A"'°""'lk lrl l'lt. IVfV ~171 $109!l . ~ .... -- -.. ----. -. ----··~-·"" ---~-- Youbetlina Green Stripe backer USHER'S GJ.,IBEN s5~ SfRIPE Slnce 1853, th.• sµiainll light Scotch - ) ; -t $Wt ,. \ drlv' race privi adv a is us I whei day" drtv1 • cc with race did itsic hiB1 I lllri1 Re' toot 1llae be • Aug. . ' .... will Offe you dew , te .. ii • "" .. ore do, <lfd hav ... , ... him pull on , talu sea you The brei But sev• lw tbe hn Iha ant lat< .. his me . fill' the the th• dri· gof at lool In A • • • • " c • u H • ,, • 0 0 • .- --------..--~---------------------------~----~-·----- i I Start Your Engines! by Deke Hou/gate • One driver who isn't worried about how hot lt wili be ~~t. 6 ln Ontario, is Lloyd Ruby, auto racing's bard tuck guy. While A. J. Foyt is muttering about the need tor relief drivers ill the California 500, Ruby secretly hopes for a blistering race day. : . "The heat does bother a lot of the fellows,0 Ruby said privately during a Firestoae tire test. "1'11 say I have an advantage over them. Where I'm from in Texas, the temperature is US1i1ally from 95 to 110 degrees every day there." Ruby tives on the edge o[ a Jake .ia Wichita Falls. 'Tex., where he said he goes out water skiing "mighty near every day" he is home during the summer. "At a lot of these places (race tracks), a lot of the drivers have to get relief,'' Ruby said. "I remember Milwaukee a couple of years ago. There were several drivers overcome with the heat. ... "I won, and actually 1 didn't feel the heat. I guess Jf you're l~ding the race il takes a lot oC the pressqre oU." Ruby is making a major effort !'.>fl the Ontario. 500, a race he hopes to start a lot closer to the fromt than he did at I:adianapolis. On Memorial Day he Started on the ~side af the ninth row and charged through the field in bis patriotic red, white and blue CableVision Laycock turbo-Offy. * * * It wu a 1tirrin1 Ii.Pt hi fad, one of the great all-time Girills ef the lndlanapoUs race was Raby'• drive UW day. Be ~ ap from Z5lli lo 18111 In nly five laps ud ac111ally '°°1 0¥'et &Ile lead on tile 50tll lap, boldhlc it uattl he ns blacl<.ftq(ed .. Ille 5Zad. To prtvent haviDg lo start so far back Raby plans to be ready GO lbe llnl clay GI qaollllcaU... al Olllorlo Speedway, Aug. zt. He plau either to alt on &be pole or "be pretty close." • Car oner Gene White bas okayed the balldm, of a •ew car &t accept a tafbo.ebar&ed Font eaglae to Rull)' will have a eboice of two or tine car• wltll etdter Fft or Offenhauser power to drive at Ontario. "Tbe Fotds seem to do better on. the bl& tracb, ud ~derson Tops Cage Statistics San Clemente Hlgb's Craig Anderson led ~nge Coosl area scoring in the ccmpleted Foothill summer basketball league wilh 192 points and a 16.0 average covering 1Z games. Joining Anderson in dooble figw'es for San Clemente were Brad McCaslin ~nd st.eve Kalota with 13.2 and 13.1 marks for the IS·game season. Laguna Beach's John Harbold was the lone Artist to crack the double figure mark, averaging 10.9 per outing while MiPion Viejo'& best in the average depart· ment was Jeff Mastersm, who sank 32 in two starts for a 16.0 record. H1rtlolcl c-1n W!lllnel'I GlllllP'- M~ N1l-ncler Nlcllol1 Kw• Coll., c11r111-H1mnton ·-· ll:udlwP NOITllllldl• "'''" M°" O.vl1 '"" ·-M .. 1..--·--·~M Alflcr1ft L1dcle ... Mundv ll1'9deit co .. Wllk-M•• l lKker you jult: can't give away three or foar-tenths of a teeoad .. ,.,.,._. dlWll tile ltraightaway aDd win," be saJd. ~~!'"' ftose th.rte or four-tenths of a second will to1t Ruby's ~~ team about $100,000. That's $00 bucks a lap, but it's wortla All•vle it as far as Ruby Is concerned, If he doeu't Uve to ''lllDC ~~ It oat" as far as he did at Indy. ""'.,. "S•-~•-I ba • 1..u ... MlOUlg as ar ck as we did this year at the 1peedway " fl:uW..r lte l&fd, "the only way we coald come close to ~C Cornforth or evea running up front was to run Oat out. "I bow I did take • few more cbance1 than I nonnaJJy do, bai I was determined to try to get up tltere. Wbat did 10 out on me was a rear end pinion bearing that woald have probably a:one out anyway. I'd have rather ran the way I did than back in the pack and finish Ioth or tlth" What if he had started closer to Al Unser? Would Ruby have driven as hard as be did? : "l reckon not. but if I was up there with Al he'd llave '::;. i;u00~:ng harder, and I guess I would have been running Swimfest Slated In August * * * Seven days or the best he ~by ~,ikes the ~ompeti~on o{ champioflship racing because. aquatic e<>mpetition available said, the eqwpment is equal and there 10 11 in the wcrld will be on display _drivers all capable of winning." ' are or in the Los Angeles Swim Because of thls he con 1 t Stadium when the 1970 Na- hbnselC but on racing the oth~:~nr.a es Jl.Ot so much on pacing ti?'l_al AAU S"."im~ing and "Y • vers. DiVJng Championships take llin ~;: got to stay -:'ith them,'' he said. "lf they start place in August. !;: OJI!. lf !n!rom you, ft s hard lo make up eve• 10 seeoods Diving competition will kick takes you 3 ~-~r gets ~ s~ds ahead of you, it actually · off the festivities Aug. 13, 14 second So it ~es 1:n1 OU~ 111 one lap· to make up one and 16 followed by four days , • . . es aps Just to catch up to them When o[ the greatest swimming in you ~e ruan,1ng with fell~s at the speedway, that's hard. · the wcrld, running from Aug. ~ere s some drivers who don't care to run fiat out 20-23. ~eyk ';st11 hold on aid wait for the fellows up front ~ On the distaff side in the J3 rea · e ows who do run flat out, fiO percent woa't finish diving, Captain Micki King of ut I'd rather be up in front and not finish than to finish the United States Air Force, seve1th ~r. ei.ght~. I have more satisfaction out of that than competing for i::hillips 66 of l would f1mshing, • Long Beach, 1s the one everybody's sOOoting for. She is the defending national champion in both the platfonn and three-meter diving events. * * * Ruby ba1 a Uttle extra htcentlve for the Ontario nee iromlng up. His long time friend and flsbing partner Ebb Rose, presented him with a C karat cUamond ring s~ally 1Jlade in the shape or a horseshoe. Ruby wears' It on bi• l1tt1~,ff~ger, ezcept when be is In a race car. Its my good luck ring,'' be said. uvou bow aft the speedway Ebb gave it to me and he laid 'Lio 'd er have llad a lot of bad luck here. l want to give You Y 'tl:: tbat should gjve you good luck.' some I "Then ~e showed me this ring, and said, 'W•l' ft.is: unto Ontano, and if you win you get to keep it U Joie, YftU !lave to give ft back.• " • yoa The ring is worth an estimated .$%0,000. * * Lani Loken, l8-year-0ld from Ann Arbor, Michigan ; Cynthia Porter, of Bloomington, In- diana's Gatorade Swim Club and two other divers under the colon of Phillips 66 of Long Beach -Debby Lipman and Jerrie Adair -figure to be Captain King's c h i e f threats. Jim Henry bas the favorites role in the men's diving affair. The 22-year-0Id Gator ode Swim CI u b (Bloomlngton, Y~ migbt think a flamboyM~ driver on the track would lnd.) athlete has dominated ~ a. Uger on the -~ghway, but not Lloyt( Ruby. Here are men's diving for the last two bis VJew1 on safe drivmg: ye~~· main threats will come 110. the race track you're always 00 the defensive I from Dick Rydze, Ann Arbor, fl'.leu YOU always have to watch the other fellow try· to Mich. and La Crescenta's Joe figure out what h~'s going to do and try to prev~t being Crawford, who competes for * there at the same time he is. Phillips 66. "A lot of drivers, you watch them and they will take :;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~II lhe tum a certain way each time. That's the way )'Ol1 work ; thmn over so you can pass them. . "Say you're .~ri~g down the street. You ought to be dnving a haH-mile 1n front of you. On the highway you're going 70 miles aa hour. You. ought to know what's bappeming at least 11 half mile dOln the road, So many people just look at what's right in front of them, and it gets them in trcuble." INDEPENDENCE STAltT SMALL AND •itOW .NO Sll.llfll ...... l"Altl TIM• THE BEST k•1d1"hlp pollt pro¥•"~••· 1111fli" i1 0111 of th• •orlcl'• mo1t popvl•r tomlt 1trip1. R••cl it '1111ily i11 ttio DAIL'Y' PILOT. A f\1Cr1tlw brlll!t tu"" II yours " \'OV _.. our l"lqlll~b. WI lllelil 1mbl!IOUI. un&ci«l.llodl llldl¥1dwok d11lmn of bit Income to rt1!0dl 11l•bll1lled locel \IOllllM lllgll tr1tfk '"'11 1tor11. (tin bl lltftdlelf Ill I h W Jlourll • Wfflt • }'Ill#' Nit'' lllTll ''°"' )'WI" u•. If you ,,. 11--, of good clllrM!ff l!!d Wint ... trl C .. 11 lflcoml, Ind (.,'t lmmtdlti.I'( 11'111ftf I modWlll -· of (1111 {f1Wlrll'l'9 Ind ... 1:11....:11, c.tn for ,..._, lnmvlew, (lllltd Mr. All.,1, (2U) ST 7.fll12 I' wrlto lo• JO!f, 0.llY Pllol, INSTALLED CHAIN-LINK FENCING LOCAL No •• ~, MWIPlpH t1ll1 yo• 1111r•, • .,.,,.., clay, 1bowt wh•t'1 tolitt 011 i1 tho Gr11tor Or111f• C:o1.t tt.•11 tho DAILY PILOT. SAVE15%! Whir.wall SAVE! "BIG ED.GE" RETREADS Mesa League DAil. V l'll OT W~ ' - Wilson : Cager~ 1Votch' 10th Wi~ ' ·wibQn. Ford kept th e presMJre: on.Jn the ca..ta )4esa Recreation , Dept. open swn~ mer basketball le8gue Tues- day nlfht_, ":hippin g Progressive .t'JO(luce, .92·78, Ior it!: lotti win iri ,ii· Outings. " Tbe .viClorY ~ tlle win; ners back ·into a· first.place lie with id,le N\!ttjllte.· In tne ooinpanion feature at Southern California College, Woody's Wharf got ..,... llle .500. mark -wtt.h its . siJ:tb ·win 10· '11 • tries, with a 7S-6S decision over ,SaddJeback. Woody's broke up "a tight first ball by explllldlnc its lw01>0lnt !<ad on tile s1rengt[I of Dave Wuman's.inside ol· fensive work. Waunan ·scored 14 o! bis ' 12 points In the second ball and lhe pud combination GI Pat Grant and Gree Kq·ac· counted for another 15 tallies to put !ho Saddleback cNW away. Bob B..i.11 added JI to lbe Wharf cause: saddleb9a:'a balanced attack was 1ecf by Ben Ptfah1r's 14 and Rick Edwards' 10 tallies. Jim HatcheU's 29 points for Wilson Ford was equalled by Progressive's Tom Read, . but the scoring depth GI Wllfqn proved too much. •• CUSTOM · RADIAL990 21s2222 LONG MILER RADIAL TllES 4·PlY KYlON CORD DIE /J LOW, UJW PRICEI AS LOW AS ,.._,. .... lJl.rs '1670 AVNLABU!AT 2/t!P ... uw. .... BRAKE LINING SPECIAL ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT QUAUTY ~ • Installation of finings • Repack front.,... be&..,. • Correct brake fluid Se.a • Inspect entire b'ake ~ ONLY•24e5 JONES TIRE 'SERVICE ' 2049 HARBOR BLVD. !Ar Bayl COSTA MESA PHONE 646-4421 • 540-4343 AS LOW AS - s2900 ---,._ ,..._ &. T• P.51 ,_ .... _. ..... .._ 40,000 MILE· GUARAN,..f ... E"""E 8.F.Goodrich gtWtees .. RalJOesaol ----... """ ea-tor 25.000 tniles wt.rt "5ed"in PM-00i••...,,..pr1111g11"c.-_..., ShooU the a.lings flil or -. oat .......... _ ........... ......... ......... , ..... _mc1...; ........ c:tmvefor••t l&doa. . . Rmop1aa11m.,,.,.,~,t °'lit at B.F.Goocl<icl) -. « -~ 0>1g;,,_a1 ·1Mta11atm ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS . HONORED · BFGoodrich •• -·' ....nRUMILI .... .,.... ........... ,._.. .. . .. -• 'i I , I I l I r r , I : I 1 II I t . -· ----_....._ _____ --·------------·------------------------~-------------------.1..::;.. -·· • .. -.~ .. , .... ·---"-'""· ...., lll. l 970 = A~ ,O~· . Orange Cdmt Area SporU in Brief · . ··----/ North-South Grid Tickets On Sale -Alamitos . .~crng .• IMMINE HOW YO~ WANT lO ftEl AT IM~/itr / I lmotination plays 11.rNl.tolt in tho pmo ot tit.• succ111ful .,11or. Mony, If llOI mott sroot ployora ~1¥1 ~-loped tho ability ID visualozo tllo ~icht pollllr• of an lnlondld •hot. They 1ubloquontly preduct • 1hot1of 1 similar tJajectoey. ~ This ·rully isn't •• ·compli.. J alld H ~may.appoor. SimPlv 1)1. i""'!lirll ttro type of shot you wioh 'l'lcl<ets for Orange Counly's l Ith Annual North South AJI Sf.Ir football game are now on 11le, it w.11s announced to- day by Leo Plantoni, game dtairman for the aponsoring Brea Lion& Club. Tn · Newport Beach lhq are available at Neala Sporting Goods, No. 27 Ful\Jon l1land. Thoae who wlah to order by mall can do to by writing to the Brea Chamber of Com- merce, Brt!:a. Adult prices are $2 and children under 12 are admitted for SI. • ing a pair" new, yout1g clau .. onjhe dirt oval. A speedway motorcycle riders Twenty other events will highlight Fridly niaht's allo lilted on the card. (8) card at Orange County . t or Ute U.S. Naval Academ7 are to uat: the Middles' pl' "- Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. • Eighteen-year-old L a r r y Despite the moniker of Shaw of Fullerton a n d Chargen, the New!)Ort-Mesa Downey's 18--)'ear-old Scott junior pee wee footba.ll team'1 Autrey will head the !ield cf symbol Is a 'goat. ' riders. Stymied by the inability to coach Bob Gilbert's only other immediate problem It to obtain enough good can· didates so as to improve oa last year's 1-3-1 record. · toi;:.,nltti,JoW,d,r.,_,ftd1.' ; wit _,,Thon, as youaddr-1:1 tM W, try to cru&e in your Ui llandt.ndlll•thlt..rin1you·11 "' want· at lmpaei. Jn Costa Mesa Uckets are available at Hart's Sporting Gciodt, 531 , Center St. and at Gran~·Surplus, l'TSO Newport " Blvd. They are also available at the Campus Book Store at Orange Cost C>Jlege. The 11me is a charity benefit for ttie Chlldrea's Hotpltal of Oranae CO!J,nty, • • A special match race featur- Shaw and Autrey are both secure a proper resemb~ enjoying wwsual st~aks of for application or the Charg· racing luck and their match ers' helmeU:, team officials race will be a two-lap affair obtained the full permi~ion All inttreated boys from 1ge nine to 11 and in tbe 55.tl pound class, are reques~ to appear at TeWlnk1e Parle Saturday for late sifnups aod tryouts. n~ ·Conlinut to imqine ·th ii d• · ;'1 aired 1-liftl as you awiri&· Sur· l1, • priMnltf ,_,·mind will direct If ' •UN•(._......,, .. parforln:tht m0YM u ,~ ~ . . • ••• : thllt 1re l'tMldild for your rtturn- i -. ~ID tllo inpeel pooition mon- ·m ..... .::::::~.... . .· . I , ' ~ ' • l.f' ., . . . \ L ~· c ~flllilll 1 LOW ICOM'SI Htltt ,....Get. .. lf. ...... tlelit 51.ArMkl • • ----, f , .... ~ •• .,. .... •!'Id·,.. ............. """" ... i llD,.:JC•1,.,.•111"•tr.;,, ~ ,' _.....,, tw f*'ir.1t.Wtillcritlf.A_,.IJ_,..,. fer 20t Ind ,. ;. ........,, .............. '" .. .,. ........ Amolll hhMr, c/• Bf.\· JI "'1"•••"1'"'• . ~ .. ) ~17 ~ .. Ut1111I ~/f • ~ ...... ::-:.. ~ .... ~.-. :A!g~ .f8 'l'llt cildt 1111 •· Al~ .. Ul'M tta Ion "JtJ f=.\1 lff i~~;s, m Metro Champion fllfTM 'flAC'e,-. ,._,di.. t ._. .. , ' - l!u1=.c=;,. iff F All S l ifJ~i~~, !ii ace • tars ~ : IUITM . ~ va..... ,. vw Jar. eldl Miii .,.., At~~· hr• -, =:: ~~;;-"1 ta A 1une ma the At the Aug. 11 contest , .lick ~"" ... ~°"'" rlf[!l»:I l;t Qruce County Metropdlitl.n Dutton, mayor of Anaheim, ~ .,.,. c.u. 'I ,~ an official from h Angels ~r:, 111=:~1" ?l, U.CU-bl!Jelbtll ·chlfripions and some ot the oldtimers ! s•v111CTM aac1. 111 .,,,. • .,.., •pinlt an all-ttar team from wi·ll as!ist in presentstion of ~ ~-1111iC::!1-,.,,... ~; the circuit will be play'<! Sun-trophies, prior to Ule start All'llhtk ·(a.fib! 1n A--~1m o1 ••· amt d. t c""~'"§ ~..,..,, ,lJ day, All(. II M n.n:: uJlll: I ; accor 1ng o ~ ' 1 IL=wi) ~'' Stlidium • part of a El,... =.• -~· 11'!1" lrlplobeader, 1letro po:eoldenl 'fro!Jjlles to be preaented In· .,., dilde -valuol>lt, highest ,_,, "Jill c 121 · Ernie Elpt .. ~ today· •vtract. tielt d e f e n 1 i v e :.,.:1 :.Aeft. • ;:•t•. • _, 1'le ~ will follow the )tll,er, most a 1ares1 Ive . ~ ••r • I. l"ur'M Callfor1i1 An1ell-D@trolt player, beBt etrorl pl1yer, Tf.Jt n.i.iia"'• ·~ft Ti&ert rame. PrecediD& the IPCINm•mhiP award, three '~ Y.~' 1l1 Ancel 1ame will be •n pildllns award• aod t h e , lB oldUm.., tilt, lnvolvlna , --., ~(~) 11~ playft 0f thf lllOI, The sraideatl MV)"l'I' 11:l J:', ~~:;.~• Bl oldtimer1 11me will hflin ~t llooHTH .... S' . 1 p.m. "-•:1~ .,;:. c ;-"'"' r1lll. All·sl•r. team m e.m be r 1 . ~r F= ?Jl rlP.C'taenllng lihe I t c o n d ( ~.:,.. (i I iff · tbrOuatt eighth place teams, •11Dr• c~"':' .~.... U' will be selected "C.. COllCbee rutll;l~ll (~) 11, rq _, l•r (Mair\ n• Monday. La Fondl (!tJrrent)y ·!:;nM':: ltlrflrnl ~:: lelds the circuit with• 13+1 ~ "'~liit.1'1. i n m~k. folknrred tiy Cypress lt-~,.Hi:-"' \t:a.?n1 . ~ ll 4 ' 5-1) •nd Aivlhtim (f.44). Tht .. L•ig •8'• IC•CIMYI ' ni ,_,,_ t6MOlt endl An• 12 1M C• (Lllllll1t1) 1'9 .,_..,_ .... • ~ lamiws Race Results ' ... .., ...... "· ,,,. -·-, Pt•IT •.tic•. a. .,.,... Ml'*"" 1: ! .,..., .... llf9ll Ill CallfiwlV.t. C1911MN. ,....,... .,,., !~"' '-, ..... ~, ... , .. t.• 'eo1 DMI; 1...,_I 1-" JM V•lll ~ CY•-) JM • Tin!•: .1 .. /ll . • ..... r•11 -0.ldl'I Y11111flfle. l)fctr I ' '•II, ...,.:lldt T-. ......, S..-, , .... .,,, .. Mdlft. 11,1 .. 'T-. "'"'"' 'lH. • , SICOHD llACI, .. Y•r•. J Vfff • &hb •nd '• CNll'lli(ll ... Ul'M tl .... , Id!• ~ , .. ,~, 4 •• I.ID t .lll II? Gtl~ (StrMOlt) 4 ... J.:io T"' 11'11 Man ILllNml JM1 T""9: .tt4/lt. Al16 r111 -TrulT Ami,.. Alf Of M•, J r, /!ll((.fl¥, tltlll "-""· l.l l'l'f 1tet:Mt, flit TNCllM. D'Am' l(ay, Ni11ttw ....... I • ,.,...,. !'.-. & '. ""' Dfttw, ..... tllM. . ' T'ffl•D •Ace. -v1r9ll, M.1"" t 1 ,,..,. •lff llrM lo! Callftml1. Cllimlflt, .. u .... 11191. ,s ... ""-IA•lrl 4.a t .11111.1111 '"'"'' TMW lli.Nll'lll 4,M l.1111 !l)t>.11•..., •Ill IA,....c•I 4.tt l.tf , 'Im•: .lH/lt. • AIM rM1-).'h 9"11. I.Miiiar (.-td, -0.11 l"eli4I. ........ •le ~. VII• : .... , ~.It ...... ._ ..... , 00-l'INlflM 111. fl"'u•llnM afld ,..iKld ...... . ' ; irou•TM •Ac•. • .,., ... s ... .,, "elllls Ind -. Cl1llfl..... ll'urM lll'OO. !\.Mi Ck ._,.ICre.lrrl 4A J.oe t .411 :Wmow Q&W-IA••lrl t.• , ... .Sir 111tik,,.. tW'IMlll SM TllM: .IM/lt. , Al». tfll'I -C1Kflrlllt """' SW .C1te111t. lltckltf Mu1tc. ""'-" ..,,. ...... J1Mlt 111111 I Y•, HY lt9f1V .. I, I ,..,,.lllllt • .,. 1 111 .. TN •'ACl:-Jji V•Ht, I YMt le.Ids. Cl1lm1M . .,_ 11•. , :TN1'f A ~ IS1t1lllll •A I• 1 ... •1111 Wiie fW•lteinl J.• t.• ~I ..... !Wellt) J .1111 SOFT SELL SAM TllM: .1N/M, Allt rM -l,_11'1 Cl .. , Ltl\a'I l1r l,N\I, ... ,.,. ltclc ... '"'"' Cf"""' l•I' Wt, 'Cltldl, .. l'Ml>WtU. 91;aJI. k111ICl>tll -lt•YrnaNI llr .. 'f, Cit" l•r lflr, w .. w .. , •-'• 11~ ·-'· .. ,..,.. .. .,_, tUCTM •ACI. :am V• ..... J '/Hf e4111f. All•w•-· ....,..., ..... : N-M4KNctlt CltllMllll) IM 1• t.tfl S•felV OllHlll IC,..,.) t .1111 J.M G~•-IDr•Ytrl 4,1' Tlf'fll: ,17·t/ll. Al• rt111 -8•11• S'-"'.' ~-l~1 J.t, S1y Ytt ... ll•llY 1'l11ltll, Tulllltl . &old DHl•I\, Sll•llU, Scr•lchld -l'lllafl Allftl, Sir 8tr N ltb, L~t Ludcv, Lt•la'1 G• M111. t•VrtNTM l,t,CI. tJt y1r•1. 1 'f~~r ol~ .... u•. AlllWI-. "IH't• •tJllCI. Und'r CMc ICl'HW) n . .e I.JO •.• N~I (VI ...... ! 7.40 I.Ill l"t1!V Ntr•c IAAlr) J.1' Tl..,.: .4'-1111 . Also "'" -SK9 Tr.U, ~11IM Lu, l(ltt'f'• Sin, Cr1R' ~y. I'"" Mlekll". Scr1rchlol -C:erttlft tem•111 . lt•MTM IACI, ... v1rd1. 1 ¥11• e1411 Wld u.. AlleW•llCet. ~t ttHti. Ml .... 1rr, .. , !Wt.._I .... J.U ,,Jn s.1lnt-111~5' IL1""'"11 l.t& J,60 ~·"••at cc.,..., ~.tll ' Tlnrl>tt 21-1/lt , AIM r.J. -Vf15'rll ;.,rl11<•, Cllllltr. ._ .... ••r T ... Allflllr•I lll:M, our O.Cldtll. NI ICt'•tm.t, HtMTM llA,CI. l90 v1M11. 1, y .. r old1 1rw:t .,,., Cltlmll'lt.. """" '*°· Otlll\Ctlllll IVf!l*ll M.M 2&.111 7.90 1..1-""' !C•tWfl 14,111 l.M il'IYlllf C• llt.llaP!I) 1.20 Tln!1: .1 .. t/10 . Also r111 -Tl•IH IK, ~bll Oon. V•11 G11u. o.. T~n. G&tt• 11r tc••~Jttr•••· l'hte ••• Ill""'"' TM, Clll!M llY llr, 01CklY ltr .kM. 1'-'f C•rM. Mi..r..r Mlfflt. M IXAC,&, 11 • OMleflfM I 4 • ~-....... ""'·"· lyM9"1n Myen Top Cartel ' Featured ' At Tijuai1a JOHllto Hue rt 1 , wt. tolfldw with Manolete, Ar· niu and Ordohez, hu made bullflstit history in the 1Atln- ~akin1 workl1 heads thi11 Sunday11 carlt!:I iat the Plaia Monumental bullrin1 in Ti-. juana. Huerta has distinguished him1tlr u one of the mMI artistic toreros of this era. Often criticized for 1 rel uc· tanct to tum on an on stage pertonality In the arena, Huerta'• seriOWI demeanor 111 consistent with t h e OC· cup1tlon1I har.11'<:111 of hiJ risky prof...ton. Second on tbe card is diminutive Ely Ca var.os, who received his dootor1te three years ago. Since then he has become one of Mexico's finest 1n1tadors, with a Jong record ol outstandin1 triumphs ·in the Aztec Republic 1o· hi1 !=fedit. Tremendously rpopul•r •long tM American frontier, a ftm club, La Pena Taurln1. Eloy C1va20S. ~1umbering some 500 memben has bet!:n formed In Long Beacll. . Rounding out the cast Is Vtctoriano V1lencia. Listed arnona Spain's top to matador!, he appt!:ared two weeks a10 1t the bullring by the ••· Hls work proved to be strictly technical, pleasing the 'purists' but falllng to •rk enthuslams in bordertown lficionados. At a recent preu conferen c e , Valencia vowed t.o best h I s rini: rivals with a mofe aptetacular display of his art. Windsurfing Meet Held Eistitetn contest.ants ind 10 curiout onlooken tumed out for the ftnt-ever windsurfing competition held in Or1nge County Sunday In Balbot Bay. Entrants' competed in tWQ clasteS -A and B -with 1ward11 being gi ven to the fi rst three placers in e a c h cateaory~ Hoyle Schweil.1.er (PRciric PalindesJ . John Fu Ito n 1Newport Bead\) ind Helmut Seufert (Lomit1) wt!:f'e the A finaUats while 1'$-~ar-0\d Lnr· raine Ayer (Long Bel<h), 10. year-okt Matthew Sdlwtlt:te.r (Pad.ftc Pall udes) and Tom Ramires !Muina dtl Rty) wtrt tht cream of tM cllMI ·-· . ;i;<i :. TIRES BUY IN PAIRS ANO ·SAVE .. :i;\ TIRES .. UlllllllYll. 205-15 ·~:;..~t11 2 '" *69 •o•" Sl7 50 1.,i.c .. ll51·14 ., 1170.15 21 •15 a.,1oc .. ISS·IS ~ ., •70·1.f 2 ·~ *75 EACH $16 95 225-15 235-15 ··-91$4! 2 fM *79 to<ll S42 50 I Tubeless Whitewalls & Black 2for$25 VW OWNERS 560· 15 6S0x13 700x13 735•1$ .. 695x14 735,14 2 for 128 ns.1• 125•14 15Sxl 4 115•14 775115 l2S•1S 1551115 flSalJ . . ~T I RF.S EACH $19'15 ,,.,, f1i. Ix. T•• $2.17 t& 2.23 I"' tir1 4t:ptn4i"I •• 1i11 EAC H $22 95 Plus f14. Ex. T•• $%.47 t1 2.IO 1Nf tire ;1ptnii11t Ill 1i11 UNUtOTAI. COASf TO COAIT LIFHIMI t W.UU.MY Pf _, IJ1h •1•I -· • ... _ ............ , "'••-~ .. M ... .. ., "l'IO ADJ", '9110 le< ... , ··-· ....... . ., ..... 1 •• ~1. ··-.. w• ,.;11 ,.,...i. II., -- •• .11 ............. -· ...... •'• ..... 1; .. -....,, ....... '"" .. ~"' ... 1 .................. -" b•• .............. , u..1 • ..... 1 Aei•••···· ._ ,,; .. i--;... .. : .. •· I"''-•' MM .. ~, .. -.... : .......... ,., ....... ,, ,., fo ll ..... 11., ..... ...... _ ... ...+lfi. ••• 2w;4411i•~1 va.14 P'tlM ,,. .... b. Tn iz.-,., tr. + GLASS llLT 2 for '52 2 for '56 F7f.14/7.7S.14 G7t.14/l.2$.14 na.1111.11-11 071-,15/1.Zf.15 ""'" '""· I!•. T•t: ,.., tirt $2.SS ,. $2.n ....... ,~. '""'ll/&.Jl.11 Jn.11/1.15-11 l'hl1 ~ h. ,_ '"' 11 .. $1.'3 ,. $3.0I 111•--""t WHITEWALL ONLY $2.95 MORE Mott tiiff in 1tock. .-.... ~•FOREIGN CAR TIRES• WI.DE TIRES• WIDE UVALS ·STEEL REINFORCED• 78 SERIES• 70 SERIES. e' ' Sem1itp TJ1eSt01es ' 'Where tJiere is more than meets the e~ ANAHEIM I CORONA I GAlDEN GilOV! I HAWAIIAN GARDfNS I HUNTINGTON llACH 1961 llOOKHUIST I c ST 1.01 WISlMINSTlt 11973 CAISON ST, 19411 llACN lll/D. IAI l lNCOllO It W, 6hi ' , It l lOCICS lASl °' IMCM) 111TWlfll '10Mlll '~WAllQ M Mill lfOlTM OJ A.llNolll 635-1870 . 7'5-6010 ffW5t5 165·0217 S3'-7S71 --- - ' 1 thls the o over the~ I thiolr been Wet!:lc ' ll fores They be ta F good of ... locali l enter now few field . '11 ....,, just I Club 'E in of I valid "!I' SUCC< the ' ~· 1 there ...., A ..... of th· 1 Gnu Juan F fislJ I , A ftlcl nma . l Ibid dilpl I more 1 Diego lord ( 111al ocbec lslan· A trips to di { i - . l o!bac ti1 3 the ' 1 for Ashb f Sien for ti I Jake Cro• uatll 1 trout 11 Jn f raint .... they I of n> •· 1 •!I Lill• !iSlw ~· •loni to th ( fish Los fi~e btue1 comi . ( werr I been the I at V ( .,..u Th• Law: I plug. Moo Moo -·~----------------~-~------ DAllY moT • W~T'S IN- OUTD~RS? Deer Forecast Set; ~, ...... .._, Opener 2 Days Off The outlook for t.be coutal deer season, which begl,.s this Satunlay, Is good for all areas reporting. Even thoogh the daytime temperatum in most open areas will peak at aver a 180 dtgrea the cool moralags and evenings will be the best time to bunt the deer. Durint cooler hours, deer will be mlgraUng to aod from their feeding and watering grounds, and huaters who have ~n scooting the 1oca1 mountains for the past couple of weeks should bp.g a few deer. MDII deer which will be token oot of the CleveW>d National loreat will be small, -not belag more than young forks. They will still be in velvet and lhe larger buck! wUJ l90t be taken unut the season nears an e9d. Ranchers and rangers scouting private land report a very good doe and fawn crop and agree wilb the Department of .. Pisb ud Game says this could be an excelleat year locally. Hunters should check with lhe local ranger statiou be.fore entering the forest areas due to the very high fire hazard now exiating. The local fog and low clouds along with a few isolated thunder showers will help the hunters in th.e field. 'lhere are ,two rifle ranges open In Orange County where lliJnrods can uro-1a gl1A8: South O>ast Gua Club located just off the San Diego Freeway and the Silverado Sportsman's CbJ..b located of( Santiago Road in Sllveraclo Canyon. ' Both clubs will be open Friday for last minute sighting in of weapons. Deer hunters art reminded that this year they can not validate their owa deer tags. Successful hu11ters must have tap validated by an authorized perso•. Hunters who are sUccessfuI in bagging a deer in the coast season mu st tag the deer lVlth both A and B. and therefore, be unable to bq another deer during the lnlud season. 'I1lia new ruling does aot mm falt to this ~ter, ~t there are ·a lot of tm.p passed by the commission, which seemiltgly don't make sense to the ouldoorsmen of Oalitomlal Stead!/ 'Albacore BUe Cali(ornia11 1970 tarly deer season opens Saturday wllh improved hunting forecast for the major deer areas, the Department of Fish and Game reports. Carryover of bocks from a year ago generally ts good, and dry rqe coodltions should make it euier to locate ~than last yew, when ear· ly seuoo bunt.en reported bagging 17 ,408 bucks. DFG field personnel look fot bel.ter huntin&. .in Mendocino, Lake, Napa, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, San Beoi.to, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, S a n t a Barbara and Ventura.counties. The deer kill ·is expected to be about the same as last year's in Marin and Sonoma counties, the open portions of Orange, Riverside and San Diego counties and 1n the open areas on the ·west side of the Sab Joaquin Valley. Poorer results than last year's are expected in Contra Costa, Alameda and Santa Clara, Colusa, Yolo and Solano counties. d Ml!'.NDOCINO Albacore, after disappearing a few days, have 1tage a 1ncr11'1"• 11wn •11rv1v11 11111 toed t.'Ollleb•ck and the loogflns are belag caugb1. Jo • wide lrta !':i'<k1~e7:9~n•r~~·~':' 1~1C'"oc1~~~ let! Vllr'I rtporl.cl ._.71. llllll(h W•S ef Ute oceaa. • •bove 111e flwe-.. ev ._..... Some The fbJ1 art scatlt:red (a acbotll from beJoW the J>wnplDg ~.ctnt el IM county II "'IYlll'IV GrMndJ, IOath D( Saa Diego &o u area oats.Ide tJte San J~ ~:U11r1:!:t'°"t:.. ""= flln lrH ••• ll>e Pl"lllClpal 1r1n Jun Seamoa.nt -~ to PUbllc hvrulr19. Lumber c...... ' nd'ti th Hl'llH Whldi are metnbtn of Ille From aU JndlcaUons o[ water ud bait co 1 om: e c.111w"1• 11:1111W11oC1 Auoc111i.. w111 1g1ln l!H" 1,...., tr1c;t1 °' !Mir llnd fiU could be arouDd for a long time. . '" ""'"11< tiun11..., , A couple of yellowfln tua were caught last weekend. LAKE ~cli, matel the ouUook even more encouraging for • good r?;.~~?;)~J~i:1~~:~1:~ I'll. of the big tuna again tltil year. tiun,.., ••• ""'toned to oll11rv1 "no If the condlllons don't chuge too drutlcall~ aJlll.e~ could ,~~Ii';~' 1~1::~ ... C:!' ,:~1,1~ Aid tbeauel'Ve1 catchtag: albacore; yellowfla ud· btudia tuna, "r;~.~~ \:s ~~:~~t~e'°\!~:I dilpldn. ud yellOwtail all Olt of die tMDf st.op. end Hrt1 °' Ille C1d11 Creek dr1l""91. It's aot 1m-sible as I llalle penonally seta it llappe11 NAPA r-~ ONr 111111 not be 1i wioe1, tc•ll••f'd more Olu enct after atopplnc 011 a kelp pattie. "' • v••• •'IO. .,,., 11rosoec11 ''' ' TH first marlin of the aeason was checked into San ~ bl11:1 '"'E~': th[~k:eer N,ri:.."!'i ood ••• n•ebW 1taso11 c-•n ... L1ne1 arid w 1111111• ,,,.._.. DlelO Sunday Ud tV~I poiat.s to • ' Ii-;-..--1 ... •ll o VlrtvlJll' 111 hllnllM 111•.ds flW die Orange Coast am u well u doa •ff SU Dtego. ~ ~~1 ~~1"H~ c=~ Coastal fishing: is consistent wltb some fair catcbel of i~~,~ ~ ~~=..i":i'·""tiu~= imall barracud• and bass. All tudf111c:1 are DOW on aummer "' t11t 11-•r ._. ... ., 1.32'- tclledules ud running only surface boats locally and to the SONOMA, w.111N rnT~~.,.'':...,':tf.11118'~r ":::1"!'n 1=:: bland!. 1 d alb , con11111on, bul ••e e~HC'ecl 1o .,,. Al1'1 Landing and Davey's Locker bavi£ ache.du e acore ~':"~ y~u~~~~'<in "'!ht-be i•:.::;i 1..1 ... leaving the docks JU•"-tly, but a c:all should be madt 1t11 •• .,.. 01" sll91'1tlv 1Gwtr !!Mn 1 ""'f'" IY" ~e•• •so. to dleck OD departun times.. • i tb COLUSA I Jiay fli'"'-ba1 1lowtd -drae lo llnv1 b09t .tralfif: • · t:" N111anet ,,_, 11no• ..-. 111e ..,1v ....... "'•for lll!Ch -lo fli-oublk. The Wrrbor ........., _.,. end ~r l'tunler " Pr1S&Urt 1r1 lllPtCTed to PrOdvC• • :4.re• <:lul> Tops Tournament ~ .r=: Ifft .,...,.. ,.,..,. "1 ... -· Loa Pescadores Aagling Club won the 23rd Annual l11ter.Club Tht "-' ,X~ ~= ,, w-.:if'd eJhacore tournament. nosing out Southern callioraia Tuna Club ~~od"'~~' 11~:,_ee~. ~~ ~'~~~ b• 37% points . Action was vefY slow ov_er the weekend as ~ ~~' "l~ '.':, c:ta!.'"'1o~'~ ' th I al cl •• wetl. Mo1t l1ndt lte Pl"oYllt. the albacore disappeared from e OC Pl ure. ., . . with oubuc: •ccesa nn1v in 111t t=1.~1 Th. h''gh boat of the toumame•t was.the "Revets , f1sh1ng CA011k·L.1,.. Pe•• •re1, Fir• hnter f H rd I• ~~·of SOl•no County•1 dllr C0'1nlrv for the Los Pescadores. with an angling crew ~ owl a .. 11r1v111 11nc1 ; me •'-'"'" •••EOI" S d H an Kimme Ind redU(:.cl preuure lhould Ol'OClllCI Ashby, plus arts. anglers Muny tever P erm · • 1ow1r k111. "rowle11 0.....,_ ta W•ter Skli1tg cns:c~,!M!!i!'ns:,_,J~~1111hew '-' r-·· ciovn•les Li In 1hl ••riv '"""' •"" For the flnt time, Crowley Lake 'ln the Eastern High =• ·~ 111~-~m":IY:J:tu'i:'~ Sierra will be open oa aa uperimeatal water sk.liag program 111111'1 c:001nt1n. ....... thl Satorday COl\ITllA COSTA. AUMEOA. IANTA for the next two weeks be&..... g s ' tbea the cLA1tA I bo I the pr.....,."' Thn• lhrft S•n Fr11KIKO 111 Att• U enough Interest s I wn n -.... -La~· D COH1tlt• «!ff no 1111n11"' 10 .,,, un11- l·•e wa•·r sk"n• seQOa wUI continue throagll .,.,.. ay. 11dlecl -umen. •nd hun11r11 wllh -"" " & I ICCIU lo prlva" llnCll 111 tx,.Cled k 1 t f'-"•I Fn'day aDd will •O reopen fO t•k,f ltwer Iker min llsl Vtlr. Crowley La e c Osei O mai The budt cerrvcwer b tll1ht11 below Botulism Outbreak Menacing ~irds FRF.sNO -Threatening cooditions have fish and game officials braced for anotMr potentially disastrous outbreak of watufowl botulism, which was credited by i: i 11 i n g an estlmated 140,000 birds in caurornla Jast year. "We're expecting the worst, hoping lot the best and wt'll settle for anything I n between," Chuck Stribling, federa l fish and game agent in Fresno, said Thursday. WUdlife biologi!ts already have stopped one outbreak o[ the deadly disease this sum- mer and daily surveillance of west.side waterways is con· linuing. Stribling said it is hard to predict if this )lear'1 outbreak will approach last year's fligber·than-average kill, but the situation is conductive to a serious threat. Tt takes three conditions for a botulism outbreak, Stribling said: hot weather. .shallow water and Jots of ducks. All three condit.iooa are in abun· dance. The hot summer weather is here and westQde farmers are preparing to flood some 50,000 acres ol farm land in the , soulbem San Joaquin Valley, Axt estimated 200,000 ducks are expected to flock lnto the area by early ran. Aa 11H1 water sp«ads th!Qly over (arm lalm it will rbel• up, vegelatlcn will rot and the botulism bacteria will set in. Ducks attracted to the area will be infected. The bacteria hits th.e bird's muscular system and weakens him. Unable to Oy, he drowns. "At tht present time there Deep Sea Fish Report doesn't appear to be any pro- blem anywhere. -but th• potential is there," Stribling said. Stribling'• aame manq:"" ment area includes Goose Lake in nortbwtstem· Kem County, where the yur'1 first outbreak was reported. Tbe small flareup was nipped quickly with the loss ot less FIRST OF THE YEAR -This trio of anglers were the.first thiJ year to ca.tch.:: albacore from a .Newport Harbor sportfisi!lnl boat. Action took place 20 miles' ;; south of San Clemente Island aboard th•. charter boat Patrician. The happy. :1 fi&hennen are, from left, Pete Peterson of Montebe!To, Leo Davia of Inglewood ,. and John·Phillips of Long Beech. catches of the longfins are lllcreesJnt daily -~· u tbe fi!h move in closer to shore. "'·:: than 100 ducka. Fish and game crews are between Sacramento a n d Bakersfield by alr, land and water. When an iDlested area ls found, airboats will pick up both dead and lid< binls. The dead are burned. 'nle lick are hospitalized. At the Kem National Wildlife Refuge, director Leon LitUefield runs what ls known I S a "duck hospital. 11 Sick birds are broueht Into what he calls his "r~ving ward" for treatment. 1be ducks are given an an· tltoxin, tbtir eyes are washed out with I saline toluUon and they gel a healChy blut of cold, fresh water. 'Ibey are then put in cares for 1 day or two. "When they are able to hold the ir heads up and Jt&nd on their own 1ep.,,. Llttle&tld ex~ plained, "we put them Into a large 1opiell pen, When they're lllq ......P tbe1 fly away." About U,000 ducts were treated Jn this U\&Mel' last year and the hospital boasls Pendleton Deer Hunt Permits Two-hundred buck bunting permits will bt avalla~le August 29 for clvillami wam1ne to hunt on Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base Jn San Diego County during the Sept. 26-Nov. I late deer tee0n. The Deportment of Fi!h and Gome will itlue lie perm!,. In San Diego, first-come first- served, at I a.m. Saturday at the state Building, 1350 Front strtet. The waiting line Is eiqiected to •rt fonning b1 ~ Frltla1. Atlllllcanll D1U11 be II or older and muol have wttll them their hlmtJnf li<tflle and both tbelr "A" and "B" deer an 80 percent recovery rale. tags. Once a botulism are1 has The blM requires a '3 an· been located, filb and 1ame nual use fee [rom both civilian ofllcials hive to keep the and military bunters. AU of ducks away to prevent the --'al disease ftom s Pre a d in IC • the money goes Into a ....,...... SophiJticated ducks are no fund for Camp Pendleton's longer fooled by ICl!eefOWS, fish and wildlife program. so the most commoo tech--The hunting will be on M:Vfll nique1 med today are ~ch consecutive weekends 1tarUng lights:, etplosiver, fireworks Sept. 2847 and e""''"' .. Nov. WATCH CRYSTALS " e SHATIHPROOf e WATER RESISTANT e DUllAIU e CLEAR UADING JULY 16 THRU JULY )1 MIN'S WATCHll ONLY '(Pncy Cry1tal1 lllthtty Hl1htr) DIAL REFINISHING 11,0RI AnlR ~&!LUE Joly 1' 1lrtl Jvly )I "Th e Stor• The+ Confidenc• Built" .. . .. . ... ' " ,. • .. ... ' " . -·· .. " .. " . ~ ... .. ' . .. .. . .. • .. ., • and aircraft. • ....... oc•AMSIOR -'2•7 •nvlsr11 1u Official! say they blve bem 'l-8. Permlttees may choose lMorreev<S•. UD bOnlto, 11 be••· I whir• H• "" .. ' 1 ve1iow1111. 13 111Hbut. fortunate so far this year the weekend they want, unless PAllAOISI! C0¥1 -,, •ntlt .. r .. __ the bo'·"'-th t _....... ..,.,,. .. has already ,.,, e1o11co .,.,,. 1• 1wt1b1Jt, '' 11onito. Ul:\;ause W&Ulllu1 season a ~··""' """-• , ., l\il!WPOllT fAn'1 l• ... llltl -131 is starting late, lAat year the been filled. r--=~=============~==----~ until the ny fishing: season •tart• tn late septe;:r· tor planted riormal. The HIP Sierras are offering: good s bg: best fishing ,.r:,~Ti: 1~~ui:,ih'~ .. ~T~~. Im· 1-ul In -·d side streams and takes, but t e p1ovec1 °"'' 11,1 .,...r. Tne Stn11 Open Moo., 'niurs., Fri. Tiii 9 p.m. .,..iw11 ,, elbecort, n tNorr•cudl, ._,,,,l --final k-' 'II be , 11on11o. n r.esa, 1 ,..1111u1. 10. .... ,., disease waa a rvv em u ear· ,,I'!;' wee 1:11K1 w1 La.,.1 -1" -1""" •1 ••tNoco<•. Jy as mid-May and t.be last reserved for permit holders R d !l• bonito. "° tNoaa. 1 blvtl!n 111.... who failed ·-get "·Ir b""" ea • " 1111ut cases were not lmlffed ou1. w ~ .,.... •• •-•·-•b -1. Cruz Mca.inlelns h•V• re<:1lvfCI lt•• I. In I•-lakes rtached only by biking la or .,.,._. a.~· •11111111 '"'" •••' v11•. 1nc1 "'I• .v-1d ~ I brooldes m•• de1r rnor1 1c c •••lblt '° Bad: country Jakes are givlng up nJce hmll1 O • • '"' 1111n1er1. Ttiere ere no ouoLk. f. b Tbe cal!lplD"" l1nds In ITll ,_ c011nllt1 for hlll!llnt. rainbows and goldeas to fly and bait 11 ermen. . a Tht '" re111rA '""" ser111 Crui the Stars With Omart a1•ooNoo -uo • ..,.,,,11 '°' ti.•. 14 ,..ubut. 300 blue ~~. 11 •••• -limuntiliiii;;. ;;1;;ateiiiiNmoviiiiemh<iiiiiiiir•. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimooiiiitbelriiii·iiii..,iiiiignediiiiiiiiw;;eeiiiik;;endiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ISi ......... : f MHbu!, U ~etet. SOD rod! cod. Hl!ltMOSA llACH -lf tnti.r11 , • k but e Friday night Countv was 150 • ve1r ""° 1ne1 areas are not full durin1 the wee , com S•n Mateo COUfl!'f Produced 1oa 1e-. they fill ap very fad. I till have plenty Drv ••nlll! SA,~1~:::0 arid • '* Rangers report the aoimproved camp • tes 1 c••rv-• 111 bud11 ••• ••1>Kt1K1 to el room and with the nice weather camping: 11 eicellent. ~~~'.' ~~,,d• ~~~ ~ "'J~ th/! ---SAN Pl!OllO CN.,rfl'I Lelllllll"') -bt In t<XJd (".Orldlllf.WI. HUnlto J.Jaf;e Artion Fair r::r·=·· "' 1••' 1rom th• "'""~: ed. b SS TM onlV rs191 •re• of ~bll< '~'"' The fre sh water fishing picture is being f~us 1-1. on Va ·1 ~ • .Qe .~"'..J1~~\r,,"~~:~~,::,-: -~· caU'•h at most of our SoulheMI Callforrua -es. Ill -r• 1,100 hun1ier1 tried ft'Ml lr luck ~ "' flihenne11 on -" n• Wffke!lll • v••r -•nll Lift is giving up some nice limits of ~ass to worm . to 4y; 11111y 12 -· wcas1rul fishing ia about 15 feet of water. Fish , are running and TM bVdl: ":1?."!:!~"'"' uo irom --.a the best areas art in the deeper coves 1111 vu r'• _. 1,i.s rH'Ort'ed tNoe. llUU Hunll ... llnch. art ttn"IMI 111 I" otlvltl g the rocky shorelines. -..erlhlP ••uPt tor ll1f Los P1rdres Surface plua• are also account.Ing for • J1umbe.r of bass ~~'1r!'~.:J11= ;;~1:=;:.~':""v• l!I" Hunt1119 ., .. , In IM 11111on11 1orn1 to the 3" ~·nd mark , • ., 11e rsldlld rrom 1t1e Carmi!• n· .... -• of ct" d ve11tv..Cf\t'A'S AJC11e Aoad. Clr_,11110-Crappie aad bluegil are providing plenty 8 ion. an .-.rrO'lo Seco 1nc1 Plriev creek r0101. fish on th.e table for aaglers using red worms:. A .tr!O o{ r1~=11~~,1~'f' _::; ci4.~~ Los Angeles fishermen, June, Ambrose and Mase. Wdbams, "'1111c s • rallOl'"tad. fished near submerged brush and came home with 72 big A '* 'fi:1 ~~!~ ~'J;~.1t ,.,,,., b•·eg'il aad ., IU·-•'·ed crapp1'e for one o[ the best catches 11e1 __ ,,.,."' kill end''"" (Olldll1vn1 "" <I'll:' ~ .... 11vw~D 1 10 th• nunter ••• ••...clllll J the I k · me time 10 • hltt>er k111 thl• "''· comlng out U1 a e lll SO · . . L•• vur. 1111n1ers ,_~ t1k1119 Channel catfish are being stirred t.lo a b1Ung mood by 1tt.o:1iiv= ..,."::'".:.. -·th. rd 11e1ow W·-weather. MOit ot ""' 1enc1 I• 11r1v111 : tt.e ""''" Los Pl<lrei Hetr-1 Fo<nl 11 1111 Lake o(ficials also report that the launching ramp has Ptl11CIP1l PUbllC 11n11 •r••· been re-dredged and improved to provide better access lo "'°''':t"~o~~~~"~Lf,-:,.i.11111 the lake for anglen launching their own boats. For restJ'\lat.ions :;:: ~~ c::"lf:i,~ ~vr*~ at Vail Lake phone 71~6-4611. !!l!l!. 1r1itnc11 e..o mambtn rwn11 ... _ CaU'•h a-the top f!Jh 11t Irvine Lake, u the big 'friskerfish .. ;:p·.;,~1m1i.1v 2.000 ICftt of QIUnlv· • -w '" 0 phi ~ l•nd In Otl Pverlo Ct"l'Oll -u·nue to reward ugler!: with "Whopper Club' tro es. w111 bt OP111 10 1111ntrno vn • oerm11 •-h b "'!' with Pf!l'"tnlts ev11111blt frem The. best catch of last week was a 17 ~pounder caug t Y 111e 01J111v c1er11•1 0111c1 111 MOdn!O. ' The bud< k1U la e•D«tecl IO Ni Ill antler.; .U 1ltia.c.ore, 7 1Norr1cuda, 101 tiorll!o. S50 c•ll<O b•H· ,, .. .,,, tNou, 11 ll.lllbul, 170 blllt 1No11. 112111111 st. l•ntllntl -n .,..i.r11 11 tNor-racudl. l11 a lleo ti.11. Jt halibut, lt bonllo. » bl~ MN, 11 roc:k COlll, " ..,.a. .. e1. SAl\i CLllM•NTI! -171 -Mr1; Ml bonito. 17• bin, 5 wlllto Ml 1No11. 13 tNorrK\1111. SAN OllEGO fl-'-1 .. tell) - iU e119l1n1 ltS ~rracu4e. J•S bonlfll. 16.l b9H, 22 l'tl_,.11. ...... -JI 1ntlerlf :JS blrrecoct1, 25 11111, •I bantto. (MllMc:lloel P*J -"5 •ntlersJ 10f elblcore. MOltltO &AV" CPert .....,,., -'2 •ntltrl: It 11"9 c:od, 44 rack _,, ! r..Ubut. IV>rl'I ............ ) -16 •ntolen: '' HIWI md, 1,131 rock cod , tSe11 SlmMft) -n tllll.,11 W llnt cod, tllO rock cod. POltT MU•Nl"MIE" -'' •~tl~r11 162 c1tlc.o 1>111, 31 h•llbu! 112 bklt INIH. MALllU -" -l1r11 l.o21 r11<~ cod. 50 ulkt beu. I bonito. OXNAllO -2' enolen; 5t 1llNoc:01"a. LOM 1•1tCff CPKlfk ~I-NI -1• •1111tfsi 13 elbe<Ort. 2 bh.otf\11 tu,.., If bll"rtcudol, I Nllbu!. 1 bonito. '11 u!IOI bait. (~""""" ........ , --_ .... , 31 Mf'r11:\ld1, "5' Ulke t.!lt, 2 lioflltll, 1 bl.0. IM bin, 17 red( Olld. 2 hlollblrt, l<M .blw blu. (......_. Pltrl -•• .,.1 ... , 51 ben"9WIM, • 11e... 1 bDnlto, I Nl!lllllt. lerot -#I ..... ltftl 10 bli1, 2 Mllbut, .SO JMdr.ertl. Sl"AL l •ACM -15' 1119ltn1 1, "iirr1cudl, 12 bonito, n tNou, 5 llallbut. le'" -l&l 1Mltf"l1 11 Nrl'K'Vdt. 15 bClnllo, e b11$,, 6 ~1UtMJI. Lawrence carter o( Santa Ana. uo llll!hllY from ,.,, YN• In ,,,. 5868 fishing is fair for bass to •~~ pouhds on 1urface,, ...;":;;iiiii;i;~~~r'============::;;;:-ll plugs, and according to my fishlng partner Jut week, Robin Moore, the big ones art there, buL are hard to hold onto. Moore IOllt a 5-pounder at Lhe net. Jr. All-American Football NIWPOIT·MISA PRACTICE STARTS: Saturday, August lat, 9:001.m, e Est•ncl• High • Coron• del Mir High e Newport-Harbor Hleh e Te Wlnlde Park st•N·Un WILCOMl-AMI t TO 14 AT THI LOCATION NIAlDT YOUI ................ For thrills and beauty •.. watch the Thoroughbreds! Reserved seat.s from St .25. (Sstutd•Y• & hofldsyr, $1 .50.J Phont (714) 755-IHI. Fortpeclel buses, ctll Greyhound. -Reclng Mon, lhru Set. Post Ume 2 p.m. ' DUCK FEET FINS .. : .. •• ... ~~ ,> ()• .. . . .... 5691 ILIMllH .............. • --l RIClULAR .......... ~8.95 CHAMPION HANDBALL GLOVES OUTDOOR HANDIALLS .................................. -... -. CONVERSE TENNIS SH.OES MIN'S IKID ORI, I NIT ITAR ............................... '7.91 LADllS' IKID ... ,, ........................................................... '7.50 ' BIKES PARTS • TIRES TU .. S ACCUSORllS 538 Center St. 646· 1919 Open 9·6 Cosetl Suntllays " .. • • ...... ' . .. __ .. --------------·----------------------- I l q I 11 j SHOP SEARS SUNDAYS 12 Noon to 5 p.m •• ~~Monday thru SatQrday 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. l ' • f . • . . . ALLSTATE PASSENGER TIRE GUARANTEE Galnin1etd Ap.iml: All tire fai!Utt:s from no~ ;, ma.I road hlttal"ds or defects in m1.1erial or 'WOtbnanship. For How Long: Fottbc life of tbeor.iginal ucad What S&an Will Doi (11 excbtnge fot the tire-, !, rcp1ace itcbar,gingfottbc proponionof cumnc adling price ·plus Federal Excise Ta that ~rcprcsenu trnd med. Repair nail puoctW'cs ac no charge. Gn1nnteed Agajmt: Tread wearo00t. }'or Bow Long: The number of months speci· ! 'fled. .. ' • 'Whal Se.n W"ill Do: la ncbtnge for aht-ti~ replace it ~ the cumnc sclli.ns: price plus Federal .&t12 Tu Jess tho following tllowance: l';loalhly Cuan.atee 18 to 2-i • 27 10 39 40 Sears • ' 21-Month Guarantee SIZE . ...... P.E.T. -Tube!-Bleemll .....u .... L78 ,....,. .... 7.1id• Ll7 Ukl• 7 Lii •1b1$ ~w . .....,. L18 ....... ..... .... T.1hJ& 18.93 l.Jt Ukl• LSI 11.SSd• -.... SAVE *5 to *10! Foll 30-Month Guarantee Guardsman 4-Ply Rayon SIZE :..:..: .. ~ .. F.l!.T. -Regular '19.95 Trade-in Pl'iee Tubel-Bleemll l~s 19.9S JUI us .... 17 .... T.!kl& ..... 19.91 Lit &lid• ..... SL93 2.3.'I Tube! .. Whi.....U .....,. ..... 11.93 1.18 711i:..1• .... , ... .. .... 7.75d6 ..... l.Jt Ukl• 31.95 ..... .... 11.SSU• ..... ..... .... usu• 17.95 ..... .... .. 5 33.95 ..... , ... 8. 8.5S&l ..... 27.93 .... ....... ..... ..... .., . 9.00ll5 . ..... ..... UT SAVE *6 to *10! Fnll 36-Month Guar7antee WIDE GUARD DYNAGLASS Regular •25.95 Trade-In Prfee 93 Pr'-Etr.etl'9 thra Jal:r 31 it l'ff:N,t, f'.llK TA t.CfOO, J21 ... JJO IL MOtnt 01 i4t11 Lotte llACll .. MIJ;I NfW llANl61 ....... w •••••• ---"" CANOGA PAii( 140.0U1 OUNDA\I CH 1°1004, Cl 4-41tl OlYMPIC & 10!0 A1C •ttll COMPTON NI •·2111, NI 2..S7•1 HOlLTWOOD HO f ·l'41 OUIMI 61F..t1• IJAU,IOQUCXANDGO.. COVINA t6'-0611 INOUWOOD Oil 14121 PAIMMA .. I.Ult, 111..Ull SMp Hiahl•~· thr• Sert. 9:~0 A.M. to 91~0 P.,..,Stlnday ll Hoon to S P.M. ''Sotilfedlon ~ orYeur,-.7 hd<" _ .. ...,. JAMIA AMA II 7.aln IAlll'A ft M 717 N441ft IAllnA MlllCA IX W71t --·-YAlllY JO ..... ,, tM IHF .,..... Ill .. ,,,, ] ] - • Thundar, Julr lO, 1970 DAILY PILOT 3J 0ra..,,e Coat College ;'Man of La Mancha' Be~utifully ·staged NIW SUMMlll HOURS • ...., ..... ~,, ........ 11..-. ,....,&......,., ..... ,, ....... . . ~Catalino Iuii SIBingdaQy'Ol9:30o.m., '14 tM '--~·ollO fut motor crul1tr JW#•- and aeaplane a1 rvlct. D,8-.,,,,,llf!llr TlketheHarborfreewey MIV' IJUIAA M to Catalina off·ramp In .~JIU• r/tn Son Pedro. ~pie park-.,,,. JllP,Pl.._,,IT Ing. jrcJlll, Son l'HURS..AUG.13 THRU WED. AUG.19 n'ft!EANAHEIM CONV. CENTER S-.. ..,,...., ...,... •I r -'w IMrthC8i l"afb', •' ' ... 100,.... .,"'1'1119 ............ a.. bfM'" 1111n. -U •-••••••••••••>«IP.a. fTI. Mc.14 ........ .,2:4511:00 ,,._ M....... SO s.t. Auc-15 ,,.10:30, 2:3011:00 p.a. SS.al!l-M.OO-P.OO -S2. z ,,.._,.., 11 , __ ,,. ••••.. 211p.a. IAYI f1M II ... .-:11 ...... Aq.17 ......... 2:45 ll:OOp.... ElaftM. ... Sll.&S... T-. -11 ......... 2:45" 1:00 , .... .... -I' _ ...... 214511:00 p.a. ~ .... DllSM WH1n1 CONnxnoN Cl'.NttR. SO. CAL W I. ALL MUTUAL ,t,QUC,IU., W~CHI N.9"'f I .. l-IUCIMW ""' ..... ft ... ,... wu.-.11M1111:tO .... '1Et ~-.. Dfftr-IOOlll JWlsaWJ~ .... ·-.. • .....,. Co II :"*' ..... ,_ ... um "lldlt ....... ~«BJMlll. For Top Sports Coverage Read the DAILY PILOT By TOM TIT\JS 01 """ o.llJ , .... llltf Orange coaSi Ool.Jege has realized ill own "'impoasible dream" with ill mounting or a musical production. with the scope and depth of "Man of La Mancha." This ta a show Which does more than entertolo -thou&h jt accompliabes this objective with coosummat.t.skill. Unlike moM offerings of the summer musical genre, .. La Mancha" probes the heart of its au· dience en it!: very persona:! quest, seeking to uncover each playgoer's latent idealism. Jn most cues. it will be a suc- cessful venture. It is a demanding assign- ment delivered extraordinarily well by director William ~ camm: ~ ~.,. TD TWQV?L ""':! wAms or IBWPUIT IWDl ABDAID mMADmcm IU\'BUDAT ~.,....._.c.-. J, .,a.ti,_,_,_......., t ............ ,,1. ·.Dr.>WLT~ llifBBBlll TDUll ID.VIC l'Df: Mtlli'DNC Olli ~~"! .. .'~!'"'• T!LB/tkmLB SEAFOOD RESTAURANT owned and operated by wr.,JK. ALIO OFRRINQ CATALINA PASSENGER SERVICE Delp SM Flthlng Tripi tiK AND T.i SKIFF RENTALS · \ lh :ia~ ... ~ Bi 873-13'1 ~ 'ADEQUATE ·FACILITIES 'A YAIL'ABLE FOR EVERYONE Dinner Reservations Accepted Direct from the MINT ••• in Las Vega, Nellada GAINES STEELE & THE STEREOS NOW APPEARING NIGHTLY EXCEPT SUNDAY 125 'Avenecla Esplandian -San Clement• 492 -6103 PurlUsa, who utilizes every achieved, there is 1 surae of proverbl1;l nook and cranny triumph which brings spon- of the OCC stare against one taneous applause. of tbe mOlt impres s i v e Donna Fuller, as the tavern backdrop& yet constructed in trollop transformed by Qui1- local nooprofessiooal ttieater. ote's stubbcal will and acain!t Purklas' massive cast func.. her own into a true lady, dons as a singular, finely boo-is simply magnificent. Miss ed. unit, backed by a powerful Fuller enhances her lusty, eye. orchestra, strategically placed scratching harridan with a onstage and out of sight to deep. throaty voke that fiUs further protect the illusion. the huge auditorium to the 1be Don Quixote legend, brim, which serves as the basis for Less effective is Steve this musical morality play, Warner as lbe mindless ser-OflM seems strangely cdlesive with vant Sancho. Warner falls to ,. ._..._WI these troubled times -and overcome the problem °'11.,!•~·~·~·~· !,.=:•~l~•~tll~!! its message of eternal op-youth and hi! lack of coo.u timlsm in the search for truth, viction in bis ass!gnment however unrealistic now as challenges the credibility of then, still manages to seep the role. 'Ml.ere is too much th rough to raise the questions, college boy and not enough "why not?" and "what If?" comic confidence in hi a It is, finally, more moving character. than entertaining. Michael Brown strc:ngly in- Its keynote, its strong right terprets Quixote's drier an- arm by whose strength the tagonist, while Art Sherman play must rise or fall, is the adds a rich voice and rwtic central role of Cervante5-resignation to hi!: part of the Quixote, an assignment well tavern keeper. Ric bard entrusted to Robert Engman Rowland excels as the reluc- who delivers the perform ance tant padre, while Bernard of his life. While lacking the vocal pnwer to give the role ::c·~·~h the brilliance it deserves, B Engman compensates with a depiction or emotional com-'·""..,. mitment and a flawle s s presence on stage which magnify his character by degrees. It. is Engman's total in- nocence as the knight errant centuries behind his time which confinns h i s ef· fectiveness and turns his role as a dreamer aod buffoon into a warrior of heroic pro- portions. When his lone vic- tory, a stable battle with a band o( mule tenders, is LOOK TO EDWARDS LUXURIOUS CINEMAS FOR THE BEST SHOWS TONIGHT .... ~ . ·'-•·• . .NEWPOR'i' , ( ........ ., .t:t~'.l-~~~ ...... lM M.,.11 .. Cla.t ..._ecHll ''Paint Your Wagon"-GP • • •llAC" • • AT ILUe • fll ..,., -_.,,, .... " 1Kl9'0 -· M7"1HJG• • HUll'f'INGTOll a 11AC;11 JACI LIMMON e SANDY DINNIS G ''The Out Of Towners'' PLUS ANTHONY 9UINN IN "A WALi IN THI G sra1N• IA.IN" =·· .. ·-No One Under 1 ~ All S..ts $1 .50 ___ .. tl'IMrml 10ACA_., ··-. ----~·...,.---· CHARD uro'ON GENEVIEVE BUJOLD ~· ~ ?f!:f Dg,! .. IlttlllCWll --....... ,. c .... PETER SELLERS "THE MAGIC CHRISTIAN" i..-~•r ~11\Sll . MYRA BRECKINRIDGE --IV\ ______ _ --··~-ier-- .quite poQibly lhe finest of ~ coUege 's amual iumnatr mwkal1, \u11//1 ( (}(/\/ /(1 /11 i /11/ I OPENS FRIDAY "ROSINCRAN'IZ & GUILDSTEIN AH DEAD" By Tom Stopp•rd flO• •ltlllVATIOttll CALL .... 1)U 1W 111..,.,. llft.. c..t1 ~ "l"OOH •tYlll AHTHOLO.Y" lllOfllNI AUO, •• wro., THU•1.~ ~,P.rf ~ 6714161 2'05 lad Coat Hwy. Corona tltl Mir ' flllMlllll IHeA•IMIHTI lltfft ~ ., ....... ,... ..,,,11.-011n 101 c... 11 PAMOIH ITA.U EXCLUSIVE AREA SHOWING All Ages Admitted phone 673-6260 ...................................... -----M1«1U All c.t1r 1111W , .,...._ $fttr.lrt • MlillY ,...._ f" ..,.HI CHIYINNI SOCIAL CLUi.t ""'IAllf f'"OM NOWHllll'" COi') aXCLUllY• IHOWIH•I W•H DJIMY'• All C"9f 5"" flllll lltw .... : • ...,. ...... "1'1\11 M>ATHlkl'" f01 • "ll.liCk l•AllD'S OHOn" flJ flllaMlllla• •HOAOIMIHTI "THI ITllAWlllllltY ITATIM•HT" (II} C... "HILL&o•TI" C.ltr UMllr 17 M"' •• Wllfll "•twit ,.UMllllt&· llffOAOllMAHTJ , • "OSTT1No' n11•1oitT" (lit) • c..., - "MOIOUITO IOUAOllOH" l•l Cl"' Ulllltr 17 "Mt ., Wini "-1 ' All Qltt' ,.llTllly Sllew Jldl 'ti"'-••• ...., 0-11 "THa OU,1' ~I' TOWN.Ill" fll '"'"' W1y,.. • "TAUi OAIT" IOI ................... "' .................... . '>"'• lh Al•> BROADWAY ,., 111" .r~ ·-UOk ....... 'Alf ~r Sflew ,,.,,. MtllveM . "THI llllVllll" 101'1 . .i.11n WIJftl • Ille-Hr.Ml-"TM• UNOlflUTID" 101 Al C.ltr IMW II ....... C11I, I H1t1H1 W ... "IOI & CAROL & TIO & ALICI" (It) • .... ll H-"CACTUI P'LOWll" CO"I U~•w 1' M11tl 11 Wllll '•rent •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,. stereol03f'Wi . • ..: . . , '• , , .. • • • • .; music music music mus1e l. ~ i . good music • " -------~ ---. ----.... ----------------______ ..,_~ _______ ... _-----'-.~~-------~~-~---~-~ __ .__o __ ---- • 1[ ) • • Th11rsdQ, J11l1 30, 1910 .......... ''"'"' •"'* '" • visit. ' • I • " , ... , ..... (Cl (30) . • * t' l(IM II .... CC) (30t ,,._ ·-"' (Cl ,l!O) ·-~ (C) (2 .,, ''IJ1P11 Wt .... Murrar ... Slit· ~ ~._-... r-•-. : l:tt ... -ICi (II) lwrJ -· Ml.,., Is I , . ·-(S5) : •• f' ri&WHS (Ct (30) 8*8'U(l)ll ....... (C) (IO) I. • Cll lti "' 1'1111 CCJ (30) . (I) ''Olt 111111' 11 kllr. Molle lit I ... CrMt, ... Mali• •11111 """' ......... QW ,,... ii till Amdetdlll fllllf. ,.,.. " • ,.,c:htpet~ ..W111 8 Sill t'CIMt MMe fC) .... ,. YMINllU (,.....t llMert Llptlll). ... air c...... (Md119ion ..... CC) (IO) (dr,..) 'SS-11-..... rt • .kllll •. az CJ)• ...... (C) (31)) Al..,., lany Wlivn, fflllll left. ~ "Tpllilll • CM:to • L ..... 1'J, .... -·~ -!!loo".,... .• - , .. " ... "'* .. • klcntift ...... .,.., .,.. a..-.. wflllt-,.. COllli• ......... ii caftld lt l(t~ .,., hi s.-is ...... fir.\ !• tM St,.._ NI ' ~. Ht ~· ..... ,..;. ...,. CQ (90) DAILY f'.ILOT St.tt PMM ~ ti .. U.t ...... llNClllMt, Melt ....... , .. ...., ct) (60) ..,.. """ UIM.tlolil -Is em ....... (t ·~ 'A THE VICTORS -Winners of the Laguna Moulton • tf11Ulllt .a '-"Ill'· ,~ 11 liWM .... E. M. (tnllf'• Pl-ayhouse's annual Vi,;:tor awards flash winning actress and actor; JoAnn Black and Ken Korn· weibel. best supporting actress and actor. Missing are Bea Wood and director Gwen Yarnall. • ,, • .,... (SI) ' -.i;&· ttts "'61: tw 11111 11C smil~. From left are Jim Paskel, best minor sup- •"' fll 1' ,, (CJ t30J ,..,. ., sut11t ..... •au about ·porting actpr; Betsy .Hewett and Bob Wentz, best ,. ·--tel"(tO) --_ ,, .......... DCl.l*BlllllC .... 41) (YJ) _..~ •• 'Zill Mssdlir . .' ·-.. tel (!O)"""""" ... = .... --""· ; • • ...... r,;.• C'!'I ,..... (lq) ' •lll• -(Cl (!O) ..... (1) .. -- 430)--(C) .., ........... ,~ ..... (I) ·-. -(!O) -) ... _ T.,., .... • , ......... r-... (301 .... ---.~hliieil ow.. .. . ·--lCI (30) .... -.............. .. ~~ ~ lllrr. • ............ rwtbltu pq" 'Royal Hunt' Auditioning In Laguna ; ,&:15 CJI).... fC) !Mil-. JIU .... II MW .-. • · "'Ptdlll ..,.. If 1 NIW Mmet A huge cast of 30 men and ! 1:3188 me ••••• (CJ {to) towri wlti 111 W.'tif 11ow WOdlillJ two . women ·is being soughl " ' ........ ...._ ... fQ (IO) lfis ...... will-... -him. T...... -I-•-_. ""'' for the --u ..... production of _, e 1111 ()) • '• --c~ """·-·• VlllfdQlt. ,..... s-ist1 111d (It} ltilrt: C.W. Lul.u~-'._;;; the 197~71 seuon at the Dols h Liiia. Lagun8 ' Moli1ton Playhouse, LQguna Moulton Playhouse l ' ictor Awards Presented The first Victor awards as best actor of the Laguna presented by the year-old season. Laguna Moultoo Playhouse A popular choice for best Monday night were spread · supporting actor was Keo almost evenly over the new Kornweibel, who played t h e theater's first season of at-young corporal in "Little tractions. Mary Sunshine." Top sup- member, Jim Paskel, was named best minor supporting actor for his role .ol. the dozing old Indian: Bea Wood received the Viet()(' as best mir)<r su~ porting actress for her part in "The Right Honorable Coast Teens Shuw • in The O!;'ang~ County Baker and Lulu Oberly, both premiere of ''Laugh-In" to be of Huntington ..Beach ; arid staged by ·lhe: Santa Ana Com-Debbie Diberiedetio of Foun. munlty Players will feature ' tain Valley. ' t TPn Flanagan of Costa Mesa, The stage verslon of thie as the "Old Lech" dlaracter. popular television show1 will Also featured in the cast be presented on weekends at will be Jaqel and BeCky lbe lbealer, 6lh and Ro&!, S.0° F,Ptstadt of~ Mesa, Kathy ta Ana, beginnipg Aug. 14 . ·-2nd TOP HIT ANTHONY QUINN INGRID BERGMAN -... _. • • •EACH • AT •u.1• • • -HUNTINOTON •11.ACH • M1'-M09 ·~ ~ .Jlin the Spring~ . STARTS WED~·Mt\8·11 AUGUST 5 1AnlngoPremingerPr~uclion ' _., DELUJE. R I ' ' 1rANAV1S10N• G1'1 ._ .._ CQ (JD)·ll¥· 1 ;":. ::: r.:::,:.: "The Royal Hunt.Of the Sun." "'r .,.,...._ SMdr .... W Cllt ....-. ....... fC) Auditioos will be held Satur-.. *"' UaDsW! ..-. • ..._.. (IO) ~ day and Sunday of this • ~ •., ,_.. .... (JO) • . , ' weekend flUll 1 to 5 p.m. · l)!(I)...., _ (60) t:ll(Jt)...,,... (C) and Monda)' at 7:30 'p.m. at ~ " OJ Cil Ru llJ Mllllst (C) (JO) l:JO 8 U <Il '•.,.... {C) (30) the playfio\lie; fi06 Laguna Can- Five or ·the six plays porting actress honors went presented in Lagu.na 's to Jo Ann Bl~ck,for her t?!eli~~=~:~~:~~li~ stboriptloo season collected 1as the ml~ m 'The Devil s at least. OOe trophy with only Advocate. two -"Cactus Flower" and Another ~·sunshine" Gentleman." '> 111 Lw tif .. '11'1 (C) (30) (R) ~-" Sit-Fri-yon Road, .Laeuna Beach. ;· BCil'nll ...... (30) •1..i.Offic:lrCMMttrlc:l1"" Mat Rf:.itz is-directing Peter , ~ cilt,... tw LMq .(30) lllirp. Shaffer's historical drama, "Little Marj' Sunshine" -en- ding up as double winners. 1.---,,...------ ; ~~.. e ...._ M fC> (90) e· •.., ft> I») which depicts the Spaniards' t:.:,.. e11a1 ._. ...... (CJ (IO) Ml(ll),......,s ·"'* tc> ; conqueSt ·of 'Peru. Reitz is a 'f' ........... U..(30) i .. euctien.1itt'111RfQ fonn~actoraoddirectorwith "Cactu.! Flower" earned the plaudits of the playgoers as the best show of the season, winning a Victor for its direc-, ·~ • ~saR 't 1 fQ. (30) a.rt. ,..._ hillr' 111d MlllJ ,South Coast Repertory who •em blalll ._. (C) (30J Feldml1 ltar with naulilrs Tan11"' pr:evk:JuslJ. staged "America, : ::-.. Crolkit._ . Tuft• •nd Thi ~ Elllllil ~ah" fOr ·SCR .. tor, Gwen Yarnall. A Is o honored from the comedy was 1 Swriog • • ....,. ., liasf CC> (30) 11ia.Ju11111 CIM&riR p..u. Pla)'boule president William E;? MertJ 'ultJ, f'hJllil· Jftwm111 1tW 8 II IM <Ca {SO) Harcum noted that the sweep ~;, """""' -· · · ' , ft!!llllf,I!"' -(C) and J>ll&eanlry <i the show Be<sy Hewett. who made her PATBOONE third trip to the podium in as OIYid \'li!kerson five seasoos to accept the ~~ •t'LM Lac, (30) T,.!,·~·:,,'::'ft.~": is kleally aiited to the ~ e llooS "'·""* (C) (!O) .••· •-· playhouse's opacious slage. playhouse's best actre ss award. . : • Q ())--(C) (30) G -·· -ICI (IO) "The RoyiuJ Hunt of the :• .,.... • ~ (30) '1lltSI 8 llrWs ~ (tD) Sun" will be presented for Robert Wentz, honored by the DAILY PILOT in January as the best actor of the season in a coontywlde poU fat his role in "1 Never Sang for My Father," repeated his triumph by winning the Victor ·J. • ... -Rftll Strin1. eT --(30) I ·:' ~(l)T"' •cs 1 1 1 '(C) "' our weekends, openiJll Tues· -:.-: (Jlt.QNI .... IMar WSNI fC) Z,:..'<jij .-... ,,.._, day,Sept.22,attneplayhouse. :·. ,,.,, . .~~e"' -·:• f8Sl ... i•·s11s• ..... ·(55) -,._ (JO) "Sit :;: • • Tlllt lilt (Q (SO) = :::-;.:. ~.:.~,:; :~'9.ilt(JJT--.(C) (10) -"' -... -°'' ;:: (l) A hlMiM ltW Jfldidl ti• , ~=.::t . .=-n..:ntt:: ::,, )'tit will M lllnur*tM .,,, llis, MiMtl-MIM. I_... wltll : ~ .. tiQI ....... .,.. lill lllUSt JUllt ltfllc. DatM lklailftn, .... • • • ,_. 111ffr ... JMr. , 'iitllM'I -.: tiMI ...osu. Ht >~ eQ(j)eo.iw -(C) .---T•p-;. ·~· (60) (R) ..,.,..... ,_._ .. Dll· witldl. • . '••. . ...... ........ ··-(30) :•:.~ Ml Mii llM , I .... IJM ,...,.,(31)) ::~: ent11te4 ., thl lritWi fof Wow--" 1 ... •:~· inl IP I llfldCt, 111• I llarifll JJ:tt•B.{)) ..... CC) :•!·· tsefpt aftd tSlll I ftloiw •rillMf •. u·oo • .... (C) ::.-;:. with thtm. Tiii ..,_ fa •1t11 .... .., ..,... :~; -.. a V.itvl' -.· .._ 1a1s tti• e 11!,IDI ... fC) :· ... ~ hllldl ., .tfll 1rttiiti: ... " ..... CC> : ~· ..... .,.. 'tc> 00) Jim ····'-Alllll flll fislllll: .,.. .~.. fiit 11sr (.....,, '40-W. C. • • lnllM, hMlki .. lfld VIII· Fiila. IJal M.W frliMllt hnl· ;;;= •t ,,..,~ ..... l\N'· lltnl. ' ·:" ........ it!\ st .... ,........ • ............. CC> .~ ... Pit Httlry. ew '':I la .... (C) (R) ·• 81!1HllG--tCl ' • ::~· <-.,) ':PiiT.r l•r."' Most·..,,., 11:11112J(l) ..... 11;-.-WMlow. • "''· •1 ikmld ltlSMftl ti -I llJttl 11:11 •. 8 (I) ......... CC) • -•·"' -""' -J;fo euw•--1<1 : ;... cycle Ill ltll ,..., .... • llllM: ._ .......... Ye.a :f-; ._, _ tC) -~...-1-1·---· ·"• ti/: (dl'IMI) '&-Vu twlill, M· 1i11 Clllltls ......... ,I" •• bf. ,,,... " ..... -. • :•" • traillilll 1111 till Wtils "I ..... .. l6sli: CMll fC> •"• tif•U.S. M1riaes durilC WW 11 . allMI: 1's P1wk.._.. (dn· ;£';;, ., ... w Cl It' I •1 (CJ (30) :..;.~· 5t1itw, hr'*'1 .• ...,_(IO) "' • :~s __ ..... _.. ·~ .... ,~ .... •• • -tel (!O) (I) .... -·.. ii/A" (-) .,_,.,. .... 'Crow Killer' Stars Redford . HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Robert Redford, fastest rising male star in movies, wiU play the title role for Warner Bros. in "The erow·Killer." Buy "Tho DAILY PILOT Just for 'Peanuts' -......... _ W.-.Scf,w! • ~'°"° BIG 3 UNIT SHOW 1>1....,•, A-r4 Wl••I .. SMrt "ITS TOUGH TO II A lllD" l'LUS .. 2001: $PACI ODYSSEY" PLUS ,,,. ...... •• "LIT n II" FD•""'.-SouTHCOAST iA. ,.LAZA THEATltE SIO Diop,_ at Bristol • 549°2111 CONTINUOUI DAILY AT 1:10 P.M. \ 1 \I \\I S l IOI!\ lit STO;\ R \()l LI \\l J Cl! \I\ ii \ ll I\ I < f... I \ I\ I !)( i I th :--Cllt ....... CC) (30) ~11, ~ MtlW, ,..... W,U.· ,_ • llllfl ...... (SO) ' 1:11. ""* ......... ,.. ..... _... I _,:Js ~ x Exclusive Southern California Engagement -----·-~· lln~ Pfl,19tQllCIS A.r.ED 111 .... 1"'1. TWS: 7:30, t:JO EAST\IAIHXILDll ·Pfll 'tl: '·I, 10 PN. 311. lfld Stoll: l'!llN'TS IY 11, 2, •, I. 1, 10 PM TlCllHICOl.Ol'I 1st AREA RUN --··-... ~-~-~ '"" ... -~ TECHNICOLOR• '9D 2 ACADIMY AWAIDS WIHNEI' "IT'S TOUGH TO BE A BIRD" -..-.. SWISS FAMILY IOllNSOH" . C0NTINUOUI DAILY FIOM 2 P.M. .. JENI SiMMONS IN · 11 .. I la1'!'~ /:111/111g" ' ' • (lilJlllfJ) '"--&Isl• ,H.,.,..., .... ,...... • ........ ,. , j~,.111 LM, llM W"lllMllllL, ~· 7'.."'\ ;..l!.~-· ..... (C) (II) ··-.., . • : ' (t~ 0nn ::--..... ...:.= • ~~::: =" &~ ~ NOONIUNDll11ADM;:.-~~ •. ;,. . .'1t STARTS WED AUGUST 5 lkttEATM •· .J.TllE pl.ANET ApES NOW . AT BOTH EDWARDS CINEMAS w Criiii"f'1111 l'iiiillr' . ""!!!ll!-&~/~pJIR. -. :,.11111• _._m ..... -----W2F5i=m .,, :ti _ll@ii -"!P"'--. Exclusive Orange County Engagement ' . . •.z j DIRECT FROM ITS EXCLUSIVE RESERVED-SEAT ENGAGEMOO ... CONTINUOUS PERFORMAHCES U POPULAR PRICES! "A Big Musical Hit- .In The Winner's Corner!" -Alft"(lt WIHSfDH, Now Yo•~ '•II "Hilarious And Entertaining. In The Stream Of 'Sound Of Music'!" -sore( HAl[lt, L•• A~1•!•• '""'" s,.,.ictt1 t • ""· < ' ""· SHOWN ot : l :30. 3:20 . 5: 10. 7:00 • 8:50, 10 :40 •-·e.t fC> C30> • 1:1silc1•im 11J w. ~ CC>~1~.&~·~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~;;~;;~;;~;;~~~;:il , . (c())·~ = i::ii~ -·-·-.. , ... -.. -~. -"i':..=:"!'1.1 --~?"':'·~·,,. .. ,..,, PREMIERE EN""GE""ENTl HELD OVER.' SHOWING NDWJ "A Big Bawdy Rip-Roaring Musical! Howlingly Funny! See It!"' -W~DA HAlL N-Y1tl Htwt .::. .,. ... .,_ •• ...,., .,...._ l:JI ... , ... ts.~ 1:\11 .., (C) -1111 Ill • . ... , • ~~ • •• ~ .• .. • ' , .. -• > . -~For Top Sports Coverage Read the DAILY PIWT I I "THE MIND BLQWER OF ALL TIME!" 9 ,; ....... .. woodltock \' ~'·\ AT 8:15 & 11 :45 P.M. Fantastic Pl•lflc Machine If J J !30 p.m . l•Jt Offlc• 0!Mft 7:15 p.m., (9"\I E1rly HOTHIH& IH THE MOVIE WO~ UKE ITI ............................................................. HOI Ger r ''* I . N fl ij •n • . N Ii s 8 • ... ~ . ,.. Ger -oc cc M8' in I I P• Fo ' Lil I . ,,.I In ' I """. • : D l Coo I i;u 6% "' ,;;;;;; ; . I j w • ho l ~ v. ac •• !!! lie lu " ,, ' " ' ,, a T I . () I ' . . . ' ' • • . ' ' ' ' ,F .. • I ! ' I AR ::+c: -9.0 PR .J-EAS@)_« 4 'ci a!!! *"" .£61 t ' ; .. , 9£ ji £4 111,EPWSAIMl!f !R ~2SCSi +=t •• •d +&e'*'•'* -""1ow•-• _,...,. ___ ... ,._, __ ~ ... -.....-•• -. • .. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES fOR SALi HOUSIS l'OR SALE HOUSES l'OR 0.LE HOUSES POR SALE . . ' -·-General l000Gan0rol • 1a °"""''I 1000G-r1I lllOO O.noral !J~'~*;*;*~*;*;*;*~*~**~ •• ~.~*i*~ .• ~~~-.~.~I~;;;;;;;;;;~ p;;;;;;:;;;~ n~A:==;;;;;;;;;;;;;; HOUSES FOR SALE -HOUSES l'OR SALi! ' ~s~s 'FO.R ~ 0-rol 1000 Olnltal · 1000' General llOO 1000 1000 Giner••· -~-~ -·-' . * TAYLOR ~. . el..inda J~le . • PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOME POOL 4 Bedroom TAl(E OVER 2 Go Skinny Dip~n·· STORY POOL PAD 2 Bath Tropl;caJ pool, are:a ,with en· VA •• . . . t:tARBOR VIEW -$79,500 Near NEW 4 bdrm "Broadmoor" bome with famijy rm and fonnal dining rm. Fine artistic --<lelri~ iD rare planting of terraced garden 1nlakes this a joy to behold! Newly Usted -perfect for the family who warits a spaqoua waterfro~t h.ome. 4 Extra lge. BR., 4 Bl., pwdr. rm. Lge. liv. no. & den; 3 car garage. BeauL patio/garden; deck & dock. 4 BR I No Dn Mesa Verde Indoors $25,950 II you want a pooi -)IOI.I ll!Cated on .ecluded cul-de. must lf!'I! lhll borne! Beau. doled ,I.anal. for pr}vacy. Hlllfe. 4 bedroom, 2'bath with SEPARATE tanilly room for ente.rtainfna:.' A..Ume 1ub. Jt>ct to 6% KOVft'M1ent 10&JI and ONLY SS,000 total down. 3 Be.8room ·home· in Collta li.tesa located on nice treo- Ur>ed 1tteot.·lforne ha• hU1e yard for the chiklttn.· With M dcw;>n payment, and t positive. $2000 profit in 12 1nonths, th!a ia the btlt ln- Ve!itment you'll ever QUlke, Prove ii 10 yoUtSelf now! aac street IN N 0 RT H tifuUy uniqlW indoor rwim. · A REAL' CLASSIC! $159,300 NEW waterfront 6 bedroom home on exclU"' ilve Linda Isle. Lovely family rm + .huge playrm, 5 baths & 3 fireplaces. Your interior d(!:slgner can truly be 'creative. For information on all lots & bomea CALL: .SILL GRUNDY, REAL TOR BeCIUllt Of W"gf!DC)', owntt will pay the points for you to use your VA loan. nu. ruce home la located 1 Nod: from acbool and Ubraty - lhopplna" dote by. No down payment flnandna: ii very rare in Meaa Verde, m pl.ease call right aw~!! COSTA MESA. Sl6,000 loan ming pool -heated and fl]. Walker & Lee at 5" % tor anyone. Pay. te.red and ve:ry pcivate. The me.nts $136 mo. for e.;v-ry. home ltaelf i1 tn better Realtors 833 Oovar Or., .Suite 3, N.B. 642"4620 thlnet than model hOme condition ,..,,,.,,..,. (()pon EYH. 'Iii 1!30) with 3 king-size bedrooriu, Q.U ··1"""····· 2 tiled baths, profeuiona.J. 540-5140 842...f4.'i6 80 Linda Isle Open Daily. Gent rat 1000 G9Mral • 1000 Newport ly landacaped met mani· SELLING?? '•I J. NICllOI) , , "Our 25th Ye1r'' ·. :WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors 2111 Son Joaquin Hiiis R .. d NEWPORT CENTER 644-4910 ******************* . OCEANFRONT * CORONA OEL MAR MagnWcert\: oceanb'ont home ju~'"llsted in ~umfe Canie.o Shores "1th steps down to Costa Mesa Channer 3 Bedroom ... 2 b•th $23,500 NO OOWN VA 1000 At this price )'OU can't go wrong. It has a double gar. age, terrific covered patkl, yards 11.~ beautiM, 3 bed. Large Bayfront Home With Pl.er &: Slip At •73 Linda hie Engllah Count!')" formal styling tor elegance and comfortable Uving_ S Bedrooou, 5 Ba tbs Formal din!ng atta ~ioua Bayside Family Room OPEN H<XISE this we.dn!nd $1'18,000 •~ private community beach l 5 bcdrooma, 6 baths Fonnal view dining room Liv¢&: !f'Om, {fmily :rooOl 1PooJ. '& J Car iara£e A~~;n A fantutlc location :Cr:· !=1~~rii:. Jn ·;~rH!!:O;'~~:a'' $232,ll!l ·Rtalttin: ..,Our 25th Year· Jn the Harbor Ar.,'' 673-4400 You can quallly to""" th;a 673-4400 h.... -$23,500. DONT1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,I WAIT! I• 2629 HARBOR BLVO, 546 1640 OPEN EVES TILJ. 1:30 POOL 4 BEDROOM $23,950 Immaculate 3 bedroom home • trmtly peinted inlli4e I; ~L New cuprta l-drapes, rilce family room Ir: ll:P k>t with rear access. I1lA or VA terma avail. Call 545-8424. j!!!~~~~~~~~ 11n smog trH: Huntingtc:ri "$2,726.00 TOTAL Beocb, tht,.D*<tncbullt· \ou_th Coast DOWN PAYMENT" in home wtth near new wall l Collta Mesa back bay area. to wall carpet and big maa- ~bject to a V .A, Loa.n with ter bedroom with room for 6% % annual percentage king-siz.e bed l furniture 11 rate. TotaJ payment $182.00 Jocated tn prime area d<>11e/=:z=::= • WHY RENT? 3 HUGE to freewacy &-college. lt'..1 Fixer Upper $22,500 bedrooms "HARDWOOD" big swimm.lnr pool ts com· Just llated in good location I noon. EXTRA HUGE LOT pletft with diving board. No in Cost4 Mesa 4 Bedrm, i with numerous TOWERING maintenance b&dt yard. Of. family room, 2 baths. OWner TREES fered at a low Sll,500! GI'I says aell "AS IS". Finane. I Walk. er ·& Lee· .. ._.,.veym ........... •v•• w!tlr$3700 ....... ~ F1IA down. Hurry -Existing loan can be uawn- 1 won't laJI:! ed with m annual percent. Realtors KATE" A REALTY "" rate adj"'1ment. ""'-2790 HarbOr Blvd. at Adami Wpl" i t 5% % 545-9491 ()pfon 'tll 9 PM Ada.ms W, of Brooltbui-.t ent nteres . . FALL OUT! , We have 12) 4 bedroom homts • both under priced! ! (1) at $34,500 conventional finallclng, (2) $29,0lJ FHA· VA. Call OS now and take advantage of me of the9e exceptional beyL AA always • we have the bomea! •)ncsit"\<~' ~rnitr 546-5990 ·$29,950 546--9832 -958-3.'lll PEER at PIER! PAtJLeWBflS CABllABAN •&Al.TT co. SHARP 3 bedrm borne onJy UJ93 Baker, C.AI, 2 yrs old with huge covered zzs=: &: acreened l)aUo. Modem AVAiABLE builtins &: dishwasher. Take BEFORE ovtt VA LOAN at 6% % int., $189 per mo. incl taxes. SCHOOL, Doctor'• home on Prl.ct'd at $29,900. most deslreable. ~t In Westcllff. SUnken living rm. formal dlnlng nn. 1packlua family rm . .{ Bedrooms1 3 baths, custom built l 1m. maeulate, $17.000. co: Ts · WALLACE REALTORS --.i5 ... 41M4l41- ( Qpon Evtnlntsl PETE BARRITT RLTY With 6¥4 Loan Reautitu1 family home, entry =:IZZZZ 642-5200 , hall, 4 bdrms., huge family BAYCREST room. dlcing room, plush LIOO WATERFRONT shag carpeting, quality built· Tulefully decorated wit b APTS.-320 LIDO NORD Ina. Parl<·llk• yard, aprl""-wormth & charm. 3 Bed· NOW REOUCEO TO rooms, ta.mlly room, 2~ ~ Iers. 6%% annual rate loan baths; sliding glua wall• to $150,~Xlnt Terms usumable.. 540-1720 sparkling pool It beautifully 8 Beautlfvl units. 6 car P.· 1'W• sell a home land1eaped patlo. Separate, rages & utility room, with every 27 minutes'' encloaed play area for child-80 ft . fronting on ex~ellent TARBELL 2955 Harbor ren S59500 swimming beach. Un1t1 art! open till... 9 PM · ' · newly furnished. STARTER Biii Grundy, R11ltor 833 Dover Dr., N.B. &42-4620 BARGAIN Realty Company ONLY $17,900 67S-J2lO 642-82U CORO~A OEL MAR Own your home for Jess thftn Bright • ahiny LUak home. · rent. Nk-e bedrooms 16' liv· VIEW 3 Bdrma., ram. rm., pool. ~ Ing room. washer dryer, EASTBLUFF alze yard. Landxape.d, with .. refrigerator. stove lncl. A 4 Bdrm. 2 bath, channlng aprink1ers. Buy now, move real bargain and it'S R·2 l'Klme with character. Pro-tr before schoo! atatb. Zone. Call 64>-0.103. . fouionally tanmcaped • $48,900. FOREST E. OLSON deoorated; ...... , ... view "(R!l:ll!l1~1!1""~11J11•--11 INC. REALTORS :~ !.1"Ee~~ 1~~:m~ rliN!fJa;=..-Q INCOME UNITS-lht•. 148.500. 1m100 644-2430 wate~n~~~e:~lh nOAt H1WF=v:~3 Assume 6% FHA for boat · nice patio • only UJ..0700 644--2430 Westside 4 BR • den • 2 ba., $74,500. Four-plex., just ste.,-!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!'!'.""'!'!'!"I 3 car pr, $24,000 at S20ll from great bay & ocean C~ta Mei• Eastside per mo. tinanced, Includea beaches, $62.:iOO. Sll.700 FULL PRJCE for 4 P .t.T.1. -ti.f:rt:;ll !,(fill.P G bedroom hOme w1th a V.A. Costa Mesa Investment 14:h1Jt;ia~d ~~OO. wi:er:S~en~t ~! 541.-nll ; 133-4700 644-2430 WALKER • !LE coUld )OU $24,000 pt a BUY! C&ll us for ~ 4 Bdrm, 2 b•. CORONA DEL MAR pointment. Owner de.IJ)t'l'8te1 Prime T:me~· 1!.:~:: Walker & lee :;:~~::, !m~~ a~ (stressed forQ: atorfl ._.. Realton hall. F\rrt ttme on market paved alley. Vert cblrm.iri& 2790 Ha.rbor Blvd. at Adanu 530-1720 ·Good--.ONLY 545-9491 Open ·w 9 PM TARBELL 2955H1rbor ' 133.000. M. M. LA BOROE, Rltr. MODEL HOME DUPLEX &16-«166 Eve&. 61S-'116 Avail MW • UU. spacious 4 Cole to CIC'WI, Larre 3 Br. Br, 3 Ba home, Fam rm, 2 baths: trptcs., dla:bwa&b- 1 SANTA ANA CANYOf:I lge din 4 ll• ..._ w/vtew. m . IS',500. 5 ACRE.5 1 HORSES. Beaut l.ge atrium. view ldt, compl Oeor9e Wllll1mton cu""'" Nnch. pool, !um. cp!d, dtpd, wallpopored, Ruiter guet! "°"""· Imme<!. ,_... ludlcaped. S106.<DJ. Roy J. 67S-4150 64s-1 l64 IYH- 1ion. WW CGn11k1er exChan&e Ward Rtaltoro 1'30 Gll&Q MAIN REAL TY Dr. 6l6J55il (Open DallJ). Sova -.m-• !1'1 not Realtors 545-lt77 tar! JUlt reach for ~ 1..,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P NO matter wtiat jt la. ~ pbone 6. call Dalb' Pilot 1~ can ttfl It with a DAD..Y Ourltled &12-5871 OlarJt JOBS TODAY! 0... 1llll PRm WAlfl' ,\DI &1>..1671.-.-_sd'-'---lod--'11'-I--- BEAUTIFUL I 4 BR., den, tam. rm. Leas tha.n 1 yr. old; tine West- minster area, Exiltll!a: V.A. loan! Aaklng $55,000. --~ WOW-WHAT A BUY! $14,150! 2 BR, HOME, AS- SUME 6%. % FHA LOAN. $12.ZXI -pyta. $97.13 mo. Pm. Huae 50xl40 It, R--2 lot. chain link feoce.d. Dbl. det gar, Call: Patrick Wood 545--2300 •• cured f'rOnt and rear f9rdis. Assume existing VA loan .. Fairview Attnua.1 percentage rate of Nichols Real Estate 646-1111 8%. Total monthly 'PBY· (onytlmal me.nt $196 including taxes. Hurry. Call tod&.)'. 546-9521 FHA LOAN * DUPLEXES * 3 Bednn home, 1% both•. 2629 HARBOR BLVO. Corona del Mar. 1 Br. ea.; ~1wd 1~ crpt.s, drps, 5461640 roomy & comtortablt. Cor· .. ., c. ....~~ air heat OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 • ., lot, .... loc. -"'-·500 $18· !!"""'s~· FHA •BEACH BARGAIN• Ma....,•erUe. .-.., ( "'% int.) ·•-b'-S151 Incl 3 BR. fixer-upper at ye.ster· tw...~rt Be-...... 2 BR. .. ___ JNl.)'a JC • per mo. .. ..,........., '"'11 UUlm: n..•--· f •-v-•--dlL)''a prices! Only $24,000 with l·Br, apl. Move-In-•. ..-~·.,a:, in-. .........,.., ...... •~u W II· u~ di RI! · terms. Ste.pa to ocean, l Blk. to ocean. Xlnt invtst· e ~"•r •, rs. dub a: tennis. ment! 202·202'ii 29th St. 1810 Newport mvd., C.M. CAYWOOD REAL TY MORGAN REAL TY ?:5411-:mg=="""Eve"""•"'. -,,,.,,,,,. 6306 W. Coo1t Hwy., NB CAU. US FOR AN APPRAISAL OF YOUR PROPERTY Commercl&J, Industrlal or Realde.nlla1. NO CJIARGE Wells·~cCardl~, Rltrs. 1810 Newport ,Blvd., C.!\f. 548-1729 Eves. 644-0684 ~liable Service Since 1943 -!astslde T~i·plex New earprll, bltins\ garages, xlnt cond. Income $425 mo. AUu.me new VA loan of $35,<UI. 1%%. Price $42.ro:> Prine. 6nly. 0wner 546-21".JS. Nichols Real Estate 546-9521 CINDERELLA HOME Three iJdrm. & Den PLUS large nn. in ccnverted Dtil. pr. Two bo.l.h.s. B(J kit. with eating are.a. FIA heat and hrw!ace .. JVW Ooora, ca'rp;?:ted atld CMtpletely dra~. Apume.e~ VA loan or owner will iicll under new FHA-VA Terms. Near Harbor Shopping·~nttr ~ O.C.C. ONLY $28.500. t." M. M: LA BORDE, Rltr. 646-0)55 Eves. 54g.ms e Biii Haven, Rltr. 2lll E. Cout, CdM 673-32ll 673-4642 67U45' • 541-1290 • M 0 NEY IN Y 0 UR Your local Su!>e.t-Marlcet. , 1018 S. Main, S.A. 541-6613 OIL 642-.5678 for RESULTS POCKET! DAILY PILOT WANT AD. Dial 642-56111I:charp11. Saturday -DIME-A-LINES! THE REAL ESTATERS ' ,. LET~s. GET PERSONAL LIDO TOP VALUEI A Channing 4 Bedroom home with an extra large family room, separate dining are.a and lwhly landscaped garden .•• all on a 4:5 foot, 1tl'fft· to·atreet Jot. Shown anythm. $64,!SOO full price. See Today! Phone 646·7171 SHEER CRAFTSMANSHIP -Displayed In the remodeling of thls attractive Cliff Dr. home. 3 bedrooms, family room and Jttrge living room. A real delight home. $49.900. TO VIEW-646· 7171 NEAR COLLEGE PARK 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath, :l Car Garage, Bullt·in Appll. ances, Block walled yard FHA/VA TERMS! It'a Sharp! call Now. MS-2313 FHA -VA $25,950 A larre.. 3 bedroom. 2 bath, double car garage home, near beautiful COLLEGE PARK. AU buflt· in appliances. BuUt-in flre aJarm 6 intercom 111· tem. Block walled yard. Large alumlm.un cover· ed patio. It's Sharp! call NOw 546-2313 NEWPORT HEIGHTS $19,950 Holds this small, one bedroom, live.able cottare on a .50 x 127 foot Jot until you're ready to build your drttm Mme. 'Mlla b the bett. location In the Heights. Stt It Today! 54&-2313 ''The Client has the right . to ~now • everything about the · transactio11 before he acts'' • • • WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. . ' " .••. We like for tho people we do business with to • hove the feeling .they ere buying 1 little bit of us when they buy a home ol i~~estment propertf through THE REAL ESTATERS. We are determined to.instiU.trust in our dien!S by prov· ing we •r• trustworthy." Just can •ny onti of our ... offices ... we 'lf e~plain . WANT A· WORKSHOP? Plus a dandy home, on Coata Atesa's Eastslde.- 3 Bdrm1., 2 be.lhl on an extra large lot.-KltchC?n w:ith bullt·lna and dl.shwaaher only $25,500 - Phone 646--n 71 Lowest Priced In MESA OEL MAR 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large brick flrepl11.ce, Gt\11 bullt·lllll, Shingle roof, Double car garage. Walk to 11.ll achool• and large park. FHA or VA terms. Call 546-2313. $27.500. EASTBLUFF BARGAIN Bnt value In Eaatbluff at onlf $37,500 -Corner lot. 3 Bdnns .• 2 baths -Faml y room Island cook center -OWner wUl help finance -673-8550. BAY, BOATS lo BIKINIS Bayfront with an outstanding v1ew up the jl'tty. Sandy t>eoach at your front door and a &pacloua 3 bedroom 3 be.th home. f115,000. OWner will help nnanu. cau 673-8550. LIDO ISLE SPARKLER Fint showing on Udo. Elegant 4 bedroom formal dining room home tastefully profe11alonally dee· orated. Larve living room with fireplace and :l Inch thick new pile carpeting throughout. Three doors from a private beach w.lth private entry and colorful secluded 11treet to street patio - Call 673-8550 tor delailll. HIGH ON A HILL Your own secluded estate In beautiful Cam~ IIl&hlands handsome professionally landscaped yard wlth deluxe pool, 3 Bedrooms, famUy room and cuJ-de-M.c Jiving room make this lovely home the ultlmal.f! for Jraclous entertalnin&" and funcUonal dally living. C&ll 673-85&1 • PANORAMIC VIEW! Oc:un-Catalina~CltY J.ight1 1 $37,950-10% down. You own the Jarid! Very de- U11:hUul 4 bedroom and formal dining room. Beau- UluJ eaay care yard. PRICED FOR QUICK' SAU! 646-7171 , . 1 • - ROOM TO GROW INTO J.. ia~gS! '2400 aq. it. famlly home with 4 bedrqoroi 3 baths, famUy room. to~al dining, three ear garage, large paU01 OnlS' •teps'·to corrlmunlty pc_>0l, tenniJ courta and park. Only 142,950~ call 673-8550' . . . ' TRI· LEV.EL UP on ihe hill in beautiful MESA Vfi:RDE. Some view of Ocean A: Huntington Bee.ob. 4 Bedrooms, 38aths, Sepe.rite Family Room, formal Dlnlng · Room A: Breakfast Area off Xltchen . .Court yard extra. Home In excellent condition. can for Showlni , , ... 546-2313 .. R~OUCEO $1300 Owner 1aya "sell" hl1 vacant 3 bcdi'oOm 7 bath home In COLLEGE PARK. 16SO square feet ot living space, Gas Built-Ins. New carpcll. Newly pa.lnted. ffeav:y shake roof. 00\Jbie ·ear garage.' .Auume a S%%, $1~ PITI VA Loan. What mort could you ask for at a low prlct 6f '$27,900. Call :546·231 3 ' . ' VIEW HOME -·JUST REDUCED ' ' . BeauUlully kept view home wlth "C8llfornta Prl- vncy'• that ahoWll like a model home. 4 bedr6oma A dining room with a dream kitchen that opens nn to a private patio. Room for a pool table. Only $47,500. Phone 673·8550 LARGE POOL WELL-NIGH COMPLETED Attractlye e119t !!Ide C.1\1. home on lovely cul-de· Sac !treflt-2 bdrm .t dil)inK room -·h•.rte-'!'Ud' -excellent te~s -10% dbwn, onlr ·~·~ 1 < THE REAL ESTATER·S ., • l " Serving Newport Beach • Costa Mesa • Corona del Mar • Huntington Beach. 4 Convenient Locations Near You NEWPORT IEACH 1700 Newport Blvd. 646-7 171 COSTA MESA 2790 H.rbor llvd. 546-2lll CORONA DEL MAR 3l2 Marguari11 67)-8550 INVESTMENTS 271-4 Horbor l lvd., Suite 201 Cool• M .. 1 546-2316 EXPERIENCE ELIMINATES EXPERIMENT " • ( ( \ I -, -,;-. • Rl!NTALS ~LS RENTALS RENTALS J RINTALS Hou&ff Fumlohtd ~ U""'"'1""" -""' .Funtllhod Apia. Fumhhtol Apia. '""'''""" , Ntwpolt -ZllO U~.,,.~r:::;:lly:=; ... ~ltt::;· =:m7!::· ::-1!: ll~lo:"!?~'!'!~C:!!!!:.t!t.,!l:'!!!'"~::ch~. ~~~•-!!!IOO-!.-~N-,.!.!:w~-~!!rl~J .. ~;1a~hc~14~200-!!-l I H_un.!!_~ letdl 4400 Th\lnda1, Jul1 30, 1970 HOUSES l'OR SALE HO SES FOR SALE 1200 Corona dtl Mor 1250 Huntlntton leach 1400 ' A IAU FIND ••• Sit-o..an Vltw CHINA COVE 1----·~ . wltlo•olllllntMootllDmtc.()llonadelMu MILLION$VIEW I" DUPLEX WATERFRONTrSBtAll!ilm>ool"'"lb . flllO ' •BLKtoBEAOl·QoJ,1, ~ ~ P&lntllt in-w/extt'U too many to lilt. Owdooktne Harbor. ieUy, fr 320 8th Street den, 2 Ba, trpl, Wlhr/ilJ'Y, J BR. J 8aOll $325 and-pi'Ool! Nt• 1 Br SlSO. -· -..U......U ..,.. "4e., .,,,.,,; eacl. ocoan old• , Bluo Pacmc. A pleaaant A NEW SPANISH. 2\i bloc"' dshwllr, tncd '!!1-Winter. I Bit. 2li 114lbo ISlS Prv pano, Pl'· Sot:! aduhs, 1 Jlltlnc' m livtQs room. ball patio. $49,900. exclusive eorrunuJ\1(1. 3 BR., to Octan. Uve In s Bann • 3513 Finky, N.8. • 3 BR. ~bl, run. rm $315 cpl, 202·A 14lh. ~ll19. 1 .... mNter ~ Or-Larae Uv, nn., view OOJ. Rent 2 Bdrm. $46,500, i .. 5 Bit, •2§ bl.;. SS«> 673-178( aer let ..._ C\JL.J)E-S.\C cony, 3 ge.rages, Beat bu,y ntE LINDBOR.G CO, Irvine Terr•ce 22iU e U D miL REALTY 1 BR. new abas ce.rpetln&, • .tr.I. Ome to e-Y+l'f· In the Cove at $64,900. 5.16-%179 Univ. Park Cuter, IN1nt 1wlm pool, w.ik .t~ beach. '.f)o'-'"'-~' J.nrARYI -1.. BEAU1"lruL S b 2 ~ Call ~·.L..... , Adult.. 00 Jell. $1«1 mo. ._.., ...... _.,. • vuy 4 BR. Condo. Sale or tse. s·•--1..... .........r r;_ ' AQ)"lime ~ Tradev.·lllds Realty· 84.7-851..1 f $2.U:50. By tlwner. 'Elee bltns. .. ......... ,. .,.,..... _., mo Jo'OR rent&Ig ,irl Unfvmdty I C le th n-.. .,.,.__ )'ell(ly. 644-5785 p k FREE Util. Furn 1 BR apt. 0 Swor Y BALCONY IAY VIEW ~ .. ,g. ,~ts. Clbhse. F1J> 1.:::::::::::-:;:::::;=== "' A l'ujtle•llock, Oil!: Pool. Walk to beach. $l30 In Newport's beautiful Bluils 'PP'· AvaU Aug !>. 49:h'l418 L •--~ 27 BOB PEITIT, Real!or up. 5.1&-37'17 OJ' ..... "'2 ~ cornml.lllity, Split level 3 br, egune ~ 05 "Since lH6'" & C 2\i b& cuotom bome.'Poot. Deluxe Duple11es Fountain Valley 1410 ---Ila>• 83S-OlOl Nl&hb LGE 2 ••• 2 ha. •!udlo ;n O. Woll lancbcaped, .,...n bell Completed by Sept. 1. I ? BR bou•-• $14011 ·"'· °'=='<'#=i;::===I 7 unit bldl at beach. A®Iu. REALTOR. . location. Walk to schools, Corona del Mar· So. of Hwy. COOL~ COOL POOL I te~:.!n.it ~--~ Co,rone .1f-1 A.\.r JUI 219 lSth St. Newport Beach Otfioe churc?ll, shops, If-proposed Crpts, dlJi&,. sell cleaning 18 x 34 beated/fl}tered Adults ~~9"'8i7o . Furnish~ COMPLE'l'ELY 1028 88.)'ltde Drive marina. Below market at ovens, din nns, walk in Low Int/GI Loant · _ $225 ?f.O yr ltut 2 br Cot)' B'R aet., Suitable for lwiiiii0i..i""4>1C) ................. 1 $40,500. Owner 644-2873 after dosets. Creat neighbol'-Inter-com, water softener, WVHITEExWcl.~~ ~c stO'\re, ~trig,' trplc. i,. •yard T1' 'mqneo 'ut~~-~. ~&~ ~ Si35 I' 5 pm. hood! Walk to beach. Buy lovely yard. Bel!t ~a! 1ew. wuv~ teetiOn. 3 I. grg, 100 Marguertte own-u,.,.. ~~., o!:':.U.An!u H;;t~A. 3 DELUXE spaciou.t 3 BR & 2 ~~:n S::.:: HAFF~~~~AL TY ~~~ s:: :-;;;;· 1 yr er. &16-~0 aft. 3:00 ~. Oakwood Le9una Beech 4ios Bedrm, 2 ba, 3)lGl) liv. nn. BR four • plexea. Excellent I 'll:=!l::Z~:=!==Z:=!:=!i: I::;==:~;:;:~====-2 er. Comer duplex, S19S • 1 1 1 +Jadin rm .. blt·lns, ~ Owne1 occupied and t~I ' MARVELOUS VIEW Westminster 1612 Summer Rent•ls 2910 ~~~h9o.unf.~~ol pr. Nr. UO or ~de tor lice 5belter property. $9.21D m.. v• ...... •"'f ·a new way to live in Newport Beach ! I""""°"" $25,000. rome, $'15,000.115,000 Down. 4001 Bays>le D,. ·Beaut LESS TH LAGUNA ·BEACH PERRON 642·1771 '"'""' rool l~ty, 3 B,, 4 ha. 4 Bednna. 2 !.':..~~~~. CONDOMINIUM Hunflntton leaCh - , DUPLEX waterfront home, xlnt swim. drapes, large yard:--ftee. Lovely Blue Lagoon Villa, 2 2 BR ' ba eo°odo. 1 mi I Large Bedrooma, t bath OWNER'S SPECIAL! mingbeach .. Newlyredecor, waymlnutestoLongBeach. BR, 2 B.A compl~tely !um. to bch. Cpt/drp, fpl. bltns. et.Cb. ne9t Costa Mesa Parll: 4 BR A POOL $l75.ooo SHOWN BY APPT. Only $164 per month. 6%% Wled, linens, diabes, etc. 21,t. car gar 3-Pools & dli>bou!!le. $21,500. Shown 'm% loan, family room. Bill Grundy, Realtor ~A of $18,SOO. FulJ price Washer/dryer. Avail Aug15. Jacurzi, 'sauna', tenni& ct'. .i .,b)' appt. NEED OASH? Fee tilie, game room, 833 Dover Dr., N.B. G42-4620 JUSt $22,500. Courtesy Realty Sept 5. 499-2152 AM or Call Chuck, ~o ·g.5 M· L~myer Reeltor in J3e&'crest -~ cond. 9C2-7751. 837.-0791 anytime. F, 5:30 & wknds, 962-9522 Call ~ ~!:~_54.1-J483, ~~-'*c,=.S43-828==':....::*--BelbN Penlnsula 1300 TRY $2,750 i>N Lklo Bay;front-2 Pools LUXURIOUS 2-atory, 4 br, I !!!!!!!_,,_.~!!!!~!!!! .. ~-~~·~!! IFABUWUS ·Bayview: 2 3 bedrm, Abium model near Kitcbene~ auites & rooma ,2 ba, formal dining nn, ~ homes, by owner. 2042 WEST BAY AVE bwy with spacious kitchen by da.Y. wetk-or month, all modern .. conven, Walle r C0tla Mna G8.laxy Dr. or 2CU Kiili• • built·i.ns, separate family' LIDO SHORES HOTEL to bch & aeboola. S350 ·mo. 1100 Place. ~199' Charming new 3 bdrm. 2 ba. ... ha 617 ., •• p ~700 I·~~~~;;;;= I ="=~'--'o--~--~ I Medlterranean atyle; Block room, ~ ths. Nice yard -.iv ark.Dr NB 673-8800,l-;';;;..;--i;;,-;;-=-,=-,. 1-SI'ORY coo:lominium • lge trom ocean & bay, Builder's and pa&. Garage with boet WEEKLY, Rentals. 1-2 Br. * 4 BR. 2 BA. Close to e nns w/lge iecreatioh area. borne, top quality. door._ From $100. Near Beach & schools; !rplc, covered . ~ 3 patios, beaut. land~ped. Bill Grundy, Reeltor COURTESY REALTY Bay! (1). 683-8247, wknds patio, w/w crpta, drpl, all ......... 646-98911 833 Dove D NB ~ ...... .,.. !G·7'751 ' 675-8077. bltns, dbl garage. -$250 mo./ :..::.==--~--~-! r r., ..._..., ========== Is< & •-~.Ph....,....~"""" ' F I Di I 4 Br, pool, Baycres~like LITl'LE Isle .._, _....,,.,., Finest bome0~':!t tin!!~. new, Fee title. Fam. rm, Legune Beach 1705 $125 wk; siPs eu;.e Jrl:Ri 4 BR, 2 ha.. d<>&e to bea~b, !ered. 10xl3 Dininl. Larp gd Ioen. nr. achl!, shop _L_id_o_1_1_l• _____ 13S_l ARTIST'S RETREAT person or cpl $165 mo, ~ bltns incl. ref, patio, living rqom, family room, 548-8281.. LARGE HOME Separate s~io sunwnded 673-7178 moo.pd .!~~~water """"'-·• k11-•-n "'th ,.,. DOVER Shorec • Owner 5 by to .. -~ng · LIDO LINDA I-' Ba 'd ' .:c:;·"°-°==',.:::"''_:::....::'=---.._........ °""' w• 5 Bedrm., family rm., '<Int '"""' Pinet & lush • a.e, Yll e 1~ · Ing area & -• 1ge bedrms. br, bay w. imm. occ, reas, street to street 45 fl lot. green lawrut set behind a Dr. & Penin waterfront!. 4 BDRM, 2 Ba. ~ to Shag CTPta. custom drpa & gd tenns.1712 Antigua Way. By app't. only, spacioUI 3 bedroom 2 bath Ott-water Lido homes. beach a: schools. Avail Aua:. wallpaper. l.6X25 O>vered cMS-:::.:::2063::::.______ s home with library.' Seclud. Bill Grundy Rltr. 642-4620 1· $275 mo. 968-4153 deck. Wall~ entry with BALBOA· 4 Br.· $TI.,500 OWner maY ~:·down fOf' 3 ed master suile bu hlgh BEACON Bay • Modem 2 F I • V II ~1• 'WIUU&bt iron gate. FUD 2 LoU! Frank rdarshall Bdrm. home in Tetrace5, open beam ceiling & private Br. apt. Frplc, IJ'i rundeek. ~In • •Y -v lt'• .fµn, lin• noishbon Ind prestig• llvil1g, •II ill onaJi\Xtlf!OWJ pac;bgo, Thah Oak· 'vood Card.tin Aplftments in Nelvpo.rt Eeacb, just minutes:frODi Balbo"a's Biy i.nd beacltes.: There's a. a/, million dollar Clubhouse '\'ith ,party room·;tillliards room, indoOi golf driv- ing range,·men'ti and. Women's h ealth clubs, 3a11nas1 tennis courts. :resident teiiniS-pro and ·p~ ·shop, and Olympic .sir:e .pool .All 1his, anc{much more. j11St steps,from.yoisr p~ofJlS8.ion~1.IY.decorated,apartmcnt, each.. ,\·1th .pt1vate ·balcony/patios. Air condition- ins:/fireptaces opllonii.L · 01kwood Garden Apartmen ts Ott 10th Street ~a Irvine 111d Dover Dr. .(114),842".8170. 1 price $38,500. For all details Realty 67$-4600 Cd.M, with ocean view. entranee •. A graceM fire. Priv. beb. $225. ( 213) TWO bdrm., built-lm, 300' \ call 540-llSL ELEGANT Home, 2650 sq LIDO REALTY INC. place, shingled exterior & 84~3421. (714} 673-5094 deep lot, J uare.i Colony,!=========:========" I tt. in prestige area. 3 hr, aar. Via Lido 673-7300 gabled roof add to the .f BALBOA ISLAND. Attrac. $150 roonth. (213) 421-5451 0-rel ' 4000 Coste M••• Heritage by owner. $18,500. 64.2-5583. 45' lot·$52,500 ctw;n o! this lovely home 1 Br. apt., alPt 4. Avanl=:========:=::== r·-,::'.".'------· I 4100 ••'-LTo•s BLUFFS &.Plan. Great $7500 down, 3 hr, 1%. ha. thats cloi;e to the Beach. Aug. Call 673--1503 S•nt• Ane Heights 3630 RENT FURNITURE MERRIMA:':"::'.".'-:O--C--W-00-D_S_ne_w water view. 1 Br, fam. rm. 675-2&1.3 or 497.1265 $42.500. DIX tum Gaiden Cottage, HORSE property .. ~ luxury 1·2 BR. ~l'<OOd. 425 Priv. yd. Xtras. 644-4567. ":..A-O~tz.'/t 4 blks from be~. Pvt patio, living-% acre. 2 BR home * DIRECT OF TENANT Merrimac Way. 545-6300 See FHA R ... le N-port Htl .... ll 1210 .t!_untlngton Beach 1400 $100 wkly w/util. 499-4307 w/detBched rec room + 24-Hr Dell dau S100 Attractive 3 and f:amil~• nn, ..... •• I ON the water, Balboa Isl. ~i buildinCI, Walled-in. in-.,...% ...... :.....,,_:!,eJY0_0n "1<'-ioBACHELO;;;;;;,.,,,,Jl""'a-pt"'."'F"'u--,n. "with boat ·-· ~ ----'----1 SPANISH HACIENDA REAL ESTATE I ·-SI • A .. , ·-~ 1-• + -~ ~ •- 3 •-•--- 3 w pn:r. ps • ug 1·15, .r-u W .,.....,. COP"° ,.._pie•-1 BR A-., Drp5, new W/w cpts, .........r, ~ % FllA loan to auume; $5,000 DOWN oew.V11n1, bath, 3 car gar. $500 675-6737 pletely fenced t yaH. ........ u u: .,.. .,....,. ipllclis. to ttores, schools, Only VIEW age, existing 514 % assum-1190 Glenneyre St. . ZOned A 1 !or ou~ • Low as $2'J/mo. pvt. bal. 557-6682 bl I al . 494.9473 549-0316 AVAll... now tbru Sept, BBQ • ~.Minim·-l &: 2 BR EO.·-A-. Pool. • 950 or «>Her. Could be 4 large bedtms., a e oan, everyo~ qu 1. barnyard animal• $400 mo <llrVO<J ..... "'...... I"" fiee 1 ........ s · h ••-la * OPEN HOUSE * under trees. Sleeps 3 or · • * WIDE VARIEI'Y Quiet. NASSAU Palms, 117 Open Evenings riow 3; 3 bi.tbs., modem , "-f;e · ~s Lllcp ce, • CdJM 6..., ~ Birch St,. Santa .Ana H\'f E ~ LGE 1 BR. 2 .blks tG bch. Newly tum. $165 incl util. wknds/eves. 494.7997, clys 83>'11l97 San Clemente • ~710 1 BR. liv rm, kit &: bath, Ocean view, "°"lk to bch, ahopping & shtlw, reuonable rate.. 492-0096, 492-5189 RENTALS Apb. Unfurnlthed 5000 11DMti·ll-LIBT Al!ARTMENT FINDERS Hundred& ot Apartments . Llst'ed ?jow Call 642-4656. NEW 1·2-3 BR's. All bltns, cpt/drp, gar. Nr. s. Coast Plaza. 540-1973, 54~2321 Coste Mes• FAIRWAY VIUA APTS. 2 I. 3 BR's 5100 "'""'"' patio, pool -lndlv. laundry fac. Near Orange Co, Airport &- UCI. Adults only. 20122 Santa Ana Ave. Mgr: Mrs. Joo.chim. ,Aflt' :4-A .i._ MERRIMAC ,A wooos kitchen, Great storage! big family nn., upgraded liJ..6 Daily Portatina Laguna ... · '"""'0 ' 5f5-8148 " CUSTOM FURNITURE · ...., ... , 642-3645 &541·SUO Move in Sept t. $48,500 carpets & drapes, 12xSO pa. Homes&: Building Sites PRIVATE entrarice • room. ~ RENJ AL 1 BR, No pets J, . llllrG-E ~~ Unh,eni)y Really 673-<SIO lio, excell•nt ne;ghbothood. Up Ny" Pl, ott Coast Hwy. LaguM Beach. Kit ch• n L•guna llffch 31115 517 W. 19111 St., CM, 548-3481 $100 mo ;nc1 util New 1·2 BR., 2 BA.. tum 1 1 Mlmll .. ,r:i 3001 E. Coast Hwy., CdM If Victoria Beach Area · privileges. 494-3950 3 -o-o · * 5'8-8354 * tlt'l unfurn, air-eond. ielf .-PLACE REALTY 494.9704 SLPS 5 • students ok. Avail 'UAt •• .l1ii B~ fa~ou "from $38.50 Wk. 2 BR ~ bl c l'!an oven. beam ceiling I BEAlITIFUL N.B. Heights 2969 So. Coa5t Hlway Aug ~16 23.30 fr Ano coutaI. ocean views, trees .. .,.__ 11651 'crpb, .... .,.., tns, new. dsthhwr, priv gar, elevators: HOME + borne~ 4 Ige hr, lge living 962~71 ( :;:,) 54W10l • -N ehild/00& $27S . ·1., r'"'" mo Luxury stn. 1y redecorated. Adults. $150. erapy + swim POOls, room, !rpk, family room, ---~==~--e HANDYMAN SPECIAL e JO/Sept 6. $80. 67S-8026 •0 .-i • • mo. frv gle Apts cOmplete maid 5-fil.7562, 54&.52'.Z'I (Nice). BBQ's, saunas, club6ouse. INCOME tropical patio, Sale cir exdl. 2 STORY 4: UNIT apt., ocean side ol OCEANM.ONT 2 Bl'., sleeps ~aa. ~· approx. Atlr. service, bousewaru, lineM, Adu1ts. From $140. J u'st Retiring owner will sell? BR. for sm. home. 646-0383 f BR. 2 ba, lg lam Inn.. hwy. approx. 150 yds, from 6; avail Aug. ]st, $175 week. • · all util, heated pool, Newport Beach 4200 ~~~t ~dill~~~ n~ 2 BA_ moat furniture, Now BEAUTIFUL borne in Nwpt elee kh., 2000 sq. fl. VA Of' beach. Grossed $9,000 last RealtOf'. 673-4350 NICE 1{iew 4.BR, !am. room VILLAGE INN Merrimac Way. S45-6300.._, ued u auest home fclr aged, Hgts -3 br, 2 ba, lg fam FHA tenns. yr. l'!ds. paint &-cleanup • BALBOA 1 & 2 B $80 home. Patio, deck. dbl gar., Laguna Beach 494-9436 BAYCLIFF OT BAY MEADOW =s w~ potential. $30,W>; rm w/big trplc. 642-8912 347..s507 Eves: 431.3169 ~l?ter. Price $69.500 WILL -$150 wkly for Septr, Also ~t;!1'8~ater ~ .. ~ener. BALBOA INN * . nn· WEEKLYM EL. New exciting 1 BR.' l'". fS.,000 dn, 64&-8115 m •....,..OE. Slro monthly rate. -..U'ln _.... -mo. ~ • Balboa. ' 675-8740 LiVn .RATES * 2 ,.., -· --: f f.• 'WI MISSION REALTY 494-0731 "'~ * ·• MONTH, • 3 BR * Kttchen, TV'9 maid service BR, $165. Beam ceilings. BLUFFS, beaut ocean Dover Shores 1227 ;, :4S' ' * $l3,SOO * RENTAL,_ , 2 &Iba. VIEW • --Heated Pool.'. · W~ 1>3!1'18, &hag crptg, ~: t!c..~wul'""'~ ;:.":. * OLD WORLD * ···-.... Walk .. Beach. Xlnt "'"'" -~-Unfurnl~ Pl.ACE R£AL~ -Costa Me•• 4100 64'>3265 f.:( =· :u: ~!rpl.: party. lD19 Linden Pl .• CM. Exclusive Dover Shores bay PLA.,SE, REALSo, ~-:: ro!!9704 General 3000 s;; cterMnt. 3710 * -....N· NY * 2 1:: ~PEft.util.walky•-~ .... a.u' rec bldg., pooJ tables put'. ~9419 & mt. view Mme. Unique &-LOW LOW INTEREST .. "" \,.lltQ~ •• ..., :lU •OJ tin& green. 1ldults, no' pets. f 'BDRM_ 3 Baths. Westside diffenmt style, Built !or 4 Bedroom with sparkle $225. Mo.-2 br., nr heh, frplc * ACRES * ,m-944r4-67~7'045. 2 l 3 • 38'; W, Bay, Open House ~· $)1,500 assume U),500 beauty & convenience. f'it plenty. Oose to Broadway L1gun• Niguel 1707 1 Bedrm ptlv home •••. $80 cptt, drpi, stove/ref. Ster!,..* M......,l•Apts. * 1·;;;12.;;;o-7 iopm...;;dalliiiiyio. 64""'1iiioiiii3ii. ,..,) YA loan 6 % $lli7 mo pays ba, 4 car gar, bi ceil'gs & &: Golden West College. 2 Br C.M. kids/pet •••• noo ing Realty 494-2529 v1-. 1 BR, !um apt. on Channel an. 549-02!8 Agt. many extra features. LEADERSHIP 842-4466 LA 3 STBRW 2 EEhaK BYul~WNER 2 Br furn toVpet OK .•• Sl25 Studio & 1 Bffroom1 Front. Yearly by owner. QUIET adult couple only. $169,000. 548-7249 Eves: 842-2296 . • '()n c ... e.sac, 1 Br cozr cott, SYlm pod $125 D•ne Point 3740 ' LOW RATES S75-0253 2 Bdrm, no pets. Drps, !1;'_-'i!"·1:,~ ~t!:: Lge terr. lot. Nr school, 3 BR util paid .......... $150 Day, Week or Month e WINTER RENTALS e crpts, dsbwhr, heated poot l!Plce. raA or GI tin. avail. University Park 1237 BY OWNER: 4 2-BR units Lake $27,900. 49~ STAR*LET S47.oo63 FOR lea.lie -Ocean view 3 e Ctllor TV Air Cond. Rent NOW !<>r Sept.! $125 rn<>. 2295 Pacific Ave. 8}' S30 200 S4s.87'76 + lg 4 BR home . 2 YI'\ BR 2 bl, cpt/drp frpl, stv • Pool & Phone Serv Incl Abbey Realty 642-~ 54&.M'18 or &12-4429. ()wnet, • · WHAT A BUYI () 1 d. c 1 os e to a 11, San Clemente 1710 $225 • 3 BR. 1% Ba. Family & ref.rig. $225 mo. 33822 • Maid Service avail YEARLY 1 BR. Furnished Verde 1110 This is the lowest priced 3 $63,500/best. Yrly inc $7800. SAN C 1 f' me n t e Blulf hon_ie. Crpts, drps,' R/0 Silver Lantern Dana Point l Signal So. of O.C. ApL Adults, no pets. $170 bdrm., 2% bath plan avail· 17212 Ash, 847-8691 after residence ~ 2 tory 4 b patio. RENTALS Fairgrounds *Call 6TJ.l42l * 3 Br., l 'i) Ba, patio, bit.ins, j,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;[ able in beautiful Univenlty 5:30 2 fuU & 2 hall ~ths. Priva:~ Blue Beacon, Bkr. 645-0111 Apts. Furnished " 2376 N:.~ Blvd. erpts, drps. ABk about tlur OWNERS family raised and Park· only $28,500 with very street to beach, magnificent $165 w/ gardnr • 2 Br. oot-.no-v•ioN ./OCEANFRONT 2 Br. turn. discount plan, 880 Center pie _ need smaller hame. good terms avail. Huntington Beach 1400 view. $69,500. Owner tage, bltns, chldm tlk. General 4000 MOTEL..APTS upper. Gen.ge. Ye arl :Y 1 ,,,st~·~64U340""'=:::· ____ _ Beautilul 4 bedroom 2 ''°"' BOB ~SEINTCTEl1,..· R,ealtor 7141871-9300 o• 492-2lll by Blue Beacon. Bi... 64"""1 J f $35 wk • up, IGta htd pool. leue. $250 mo. 642-3443 HARBOR GREENS •• ........ cond;non, ONLY 6600 FT appomtmenl. 112f>-2BR.Dupl".Garage, ust or '"'""""'· ..... ·-. pb 1 BR. turn. Blk lo beach. GARD!':N&STUDIOAPTS Formal dining, + fam;Jy Days 833-0101 Nights • tots&: -ok. Avl now. servNDaily • Wkly rate•. AduH!. No pets! S J ~· • all • oo °'° -·o Bach. 1, 2, 3 BR's. from $110. and kitchenette. Wet bar an uan Blue Beacon, Brk... 64~ s· I Ad It 2080 ewpart Blvd at 21sl ... : pm. ""'°"'O'I .... covered patio with v;ew. BRING THE KIDS. • • TO THE BEACH Capistrano 1725 4 BR, 2 ba. bouse $225 mo. 1ng e u s . * 64Z-26ll .* Coron• dol .. _, 4250 ;:,~tenon Way, C.M. cau 5f5..8424 South Coast The in·laws, aunts &: uncles -19072 sr H B b S.Amerlcard Mast Ch ma • ·"'Y li"' .... c•• be youn; I ll •--CREAT COUNTRY ~ """'G mgray • c · South Bay Club i. a whole er arge ----------*DELUXE l & 2 BR G-~,0 u -nlton ·--e. -· anc YoU' a-.. gct 4 Bcdrms, w""' 673-6578 or 642-0874 AV -· ~ · in this very special 4 bdnn.. 2 baths, formal din., w/w For sale or lease by ()v.•ner: · new way of life deslgned AIL FurnAug. L8 Will ahow 2 BR, Frpl, Balcony, 322 Apts. Bit-ins, priv. pa.ti~ 2% ba. townhoq;e near ten-carpets, drp$ and much luxlll')' Spanish rancho, % just tor singli prople, lt'1 now. · tudios $115. Heliotrope. Summer rate heated pool, frplc. Adult& WON'T LAST LONG I 3 Bednn Mesa Verde Home, large !amily nn., dble fire. place-, heavy shake roof & lovely Shag crptg. On nice- lyJandacaped lot with trail· ~ acct• Only $30.500. Call nis coorts & ipool. $32,500. more! a~re. Clear air, sweeping Coste Mes• 3100 tun living with wann, c1y. ~dm/1 BR apt. :r.. No $150 v.ttk, avail sept l, $145 mo, 546-5163 e Red Hill Realty Take over this high view, Beaches, marina, 4 2 BR. Gar. Patto, crpts, namic neighbor3 It's a no pets;. See lif. $205 monthly. 675--3645 Univ. Park Center. lrvine balance 6¥.t•/o VA loan mi. . KEEP HORSES! 9 clrps, stnve. refrig. Quiet S750.000 Qubbou~ w i t b Apt 6. 2135 Elden, CM 1-:======== 2 d~1;: u~~re~t!e:=· ~:~'. Call Aeytime 833-0S'lO now I I spacious rooms. frplcs, 2~ tropical setting f()r adults health club, saunas, sWhn-$13.5/mo, Dix mob. home. Balboa 4300 grnds. Adults only. $140 mo. ba .. beamed cathedral ceil· only. 1 blk to shops. $150 tD ming pciol, party room,' biL Compt furn, htd I pool. --------'= 2283 F uni · YOU own the land. Sunny Just listed-so hf' quick lngs, 3 car garage. ~ mins. SlT:i. ~30 or 544-0t52. liardt, indoor golf drivin& Adults No pets, 4 seasons PENINSULA Pt. Nice 1 Br. (Harbor,0~;, 0:aWyilso!)· 3 Br., din. or fam. rm. F'ull price $34,500. from Costa Mesa $74,500. range, tennb: courts, pro Mob. Est. 2359 Newport BL apt $150 mo. utll pd. Yrly. Encl. garden; ccr. view Jot. *' COATS or $600. mo. 493-4094 2 BR house w/garage & shop and resident tennis pro 548-6332. No pet&, 67~5055. NEWLY DECORATED 1 fJaY Gault, S4G-U51, Heri· tage Real Estate. Nr. rec. center. Many ex· fnci:I yard, Cpts & jlrps, g· ... ~1 1 & 2 Bed 2 Br w/ gar. Wtr pd 636-4120 • $39 500 d tr & Dana Point 1740 $140 mo. 2619 Elden Ave, i.'6-'e. room lux· * SUS ·CASITAS 2566-D Orange $ll5 tras. ' ' g . ms WALLACE -----673-5270 ury apartments with all Ole Furn. 1 BR. Apts. Adults Huntington Beac:fl 4400 548-B Bernard $115 BY OWNER F.!"'om bull!, 4 bedrm. tam. Av room. 2 bi& tireplacea. Tb.1a beautiful home tlVU· looka the 17th fairway ot Meaa Verde Gell Course. 6"' asaumable loan. 3036 Jlva Rd. 54M095. $62,900. 3 BR, 2· be.. dsbwsr, wtr. trt:nr, frplca, wtrfall I: pond, 833--018? Agt REAL TORS NE\V HOMES • $30,950 4 Bcdrms. family rm in Mesa a'"""'b1 rnFurnl~~ieandncea ~~ only, no pets, 2llO Newport 1 BR •125 . 2 BR $150 2 BR. amona pines on cul•,. 3 Bcdl'm, 2 bath, 1520 ~". ft. e. S•~ Uu1.114--Blvd C.M * 642-9286 'I' .. .._ ..., Back Bey 1240 9552 Hemilton Ave. Some ocean view, nr -;w del r.1ar, freshly painted. i~hed. ·• · · Furnished -overtook Ing sac. Crpts, drps, GE kitch. Huntington Beach lmme'diate posgesalon, $250. EAST-side Studio Apt: 2 br, beaut. garden patio &: htd encl gar, nr bus. $145. DOGS _5>R HORSE 962-4454 Y~htatH;::r·A~~~ ~~~· 1no. College Rlty 546-MSO RENTS FROM l'Ai ba. crpta, drps, bltins, pool. Adults. 1035 12th st. Adults Mgr. at 124 .E. 20th Assume $.iii,000, 6%% loan. ""'""~~~~~~!!!!!' BUILDER 642-490J 3 BR home w/l.ge fenced $.ISO to $350 refrig, pool. No pets • (across from Lake Park) Business Opportunities payable $173 PITt. Full ASSUMABLE I · 1 yard + 2 rm hlle on back ~O 536-4900. in Today's Want Ads. price $28,500. Submit on a so new trip ex Sti6,500 S¥4o/o LOAN Fantastic Bargain! Custm of lot. CIO!le to town. $185. down payment. $154. 'per roo pays everything. Call 832--0631 NEWPORT BEACH 880 Irvine Ave. Gener el 4000Generel 4000 General ~ Riverside Dr. center patio 3 Bd 3 Ba + E. on Orchard oU ot Santa Beautiful 3 Bedrm w/large guest nn w/kitchn. :Level $2."IO ATTRAC furn/unt. 3 l I kit, dining area. Crpts, drps • lot. nA-t ,-. 4~3377 BR 2 ba tnhse. Balcony, Irvine & '16th (714.l 64$.4550 S@~~-~'Btrs· • Pold . ..,., $\4 IBA. $28,500. ~. >46-7330 Ana, then turn st stree thruout &-freshly painted. °"" .. ~~ """" patio, pool. Avail 8/1. fight. Agent 615-1657. Only $27,850. Call 847-8531. 968-2647 BY owner, 3 Br. ll!f. 'ba. fam. rm .. !pl., hltna. din. nn. Et1tbluff 1242 -\$19,500: 516-E059. • ' • !~""'='-""'-='·'==== JBLUFFSo Condo I hr, 2\i , , Coll p k 1115 ha. Sptit ievcl, choicest _!!l_,;..;;a;.;r ;:...._...;.:.:; greenbelt, $38,SOD. By owner -==~=~=~ ... ·-OPEN 'TIL SOLD I BR. 2 bath, 4. lam, rm. ~~:;;:~;;;,,===== ~. ,_ ~ Neu e~I Many ~· ;;;; ..-ssn.: -4 "", 2 ba bMucy at au: Remodeled battui 1c ;C:.:o"'°";.;;;:•;.dt::;.;l..;M~ar'--'1;::;2.50 17182 \\ 1 1td Rose Lane. Sc. iclt M9tr BR lookl thru of Warner, \V, or Springdale. alkll~ &lau OOon into *OPEN DAILY 145 * Appraised at $29,250 & load· pdvate redwood e~ 4515 Roxbury Rd. td w/qualily -CrPts. drps. . .-tao. 545--2703 Cameo Shor•• 'ndscpng &: decor. Submit Tired of the moventlonal! :your own terms. Rea.I Es- Tben see lhia beaut. eontem. talc By ri1cVay, :;4.')-0.ra8. 1200 porary 3 BR.. conv. den 2 ON A LOJI DUPLEX ·BY·Tl{E. SEA ho m o! MAGNIFICENT • Riverside County 1800 YUo:A Valley 3 b!-. 1'4 oo .. q>ts. drps, frplc, air oond. S22,0CO. Ownr 213·9#-3879. RENTALS Houses Furnished Rentals to Shere 2005 ROO~IMATE wanted: 3 bdr house. $88 mo. 1 blk to bch. 4827 River Ave., NB, eves. FEMALE or male, U.25, to share ocean view 4 bt hsc. $85 mo. 494-7655 .,.;, ftt'I from tht water. VIEW + &ecluded &: private 4rre l BR-. nt'Ml' apts, pool & pa.tlo. Pri~ below 2 Bedroom homr + Rtudio FEMALE 2l).3(l to ~II bdl..W. AlwA,YS __ ...._, "6 ~ rental. \Valk to bcacti. br home $90. share 4 6111 oo l'ftlbt leMt. Ideal D;'L':M~' R;'~t Estate Only $23.900. $2300 Down, 545-5935 far nwldmtl. Xlot hXlmt Cciastline new Ef!lotc poCf:ntilll. Tas llhelter. J"or 2828 S. COl:Ult Hwy,. CdM $3777 * \i36-1366 Shan> 3 bedroom horn<.'. ~•, by -. ..-.... 673--3no Coruitruc\lon man. $65 mo. ... vwuo .......... Cla""' 1250 .WJOO.,Principa.la: «lty, Call 328 POPPY AVENUE e 642-7551 e '.:'· d1!.!~~,8~~. ;~~ SOUTH BAY CLUB The Puule with the Built-In CliucHe -•;"'· -· $290 mo. ~ APARTMENTS • • • ..... ... ...... cf jf,o ------.;;;•;;;;;..i,..., ...... .... Newport Beach 3200 " low to font four lirrtP:le wordt. • 1 YR old _ 3 Br. , LiYO whtra !ht lun Isl 1· M O Y D E C I Ba lam rm, din rm, crpts,i---------1 1 1 · ,,.. .. dbl .... park l pool REMARKABLY 1 • I I privil, kids k 1 pc>l ok. UNBEIJEVABLY • • -• • 1400 "'°'"'"'· "·· A"il EXTRAORDINARILY I ' t! .. ~~NJ~ *i! :'E°t=:J . j Y j ul'R I 1 1~ Clevidence Realtor, Cs-pool. rec. ivom, bUllardl. I I T O E N • I ,,,_ BBQ' .. Sa-liim...muni. ·_ " J 3 BR I • -f I' I I' • Motorist: ~Hf, honey, con I • fam. nn. bltins, 2\-i A • ~.·lllo Stngk!t tram give yoU o lift?" ba. Lg. liv'ng rm. &: fenced 1135. See 1t! 2l'.IXI Pl110IMI ;:::;;:;~:::;;'.:;;~=...., "N lho k :yd. Nice ares.. $300 per/mo. Rd., 642-851\ Between Har· I homo, n s, I'm iust walk· ........ "6-4421 borANewport.2BlkN.19th ·1 R 0 F" I L I ng • --." 1·30 4 BR., 21,i ba .• bltns. StCP' HOUDAY PLAZA i I I I I I' e Qwnpi.t. ... chudlt Quot.d 1(1 ocean. $3.iO . Leate. DELUXE «P&dous 1 Bdrm. • _ • _ • by frllln; In the mt.ir19 words Caywood Relaty atS.1290 Film api. $US. Plui udl · Y°" dewlcp ftonl sitp No, 3 btlow. ~~~ ~te~t:'"1~e=~~in =-~o =-~~m:i:, = 8 :NJ.~~!slUTEiS r r r r r r I' l lhr, .altic for 10methtn1 YoU 1965 Pomona, C.M. -. UNSClAM&lf lETT I I I • CM unr Tcy the Tnden WHATEVER )'OU need, ~ fOR ANSWER EllS • I I I I - ~2U7';;: C,Jll.';;;7151~;-i-:::;;....,,,.-,,,. Charml'ng 2 br. view homt. BY O\VNER: Lg, 4 br. 2~ •EMP="w"YED=,....,ta"d~y-t_o_s~h-att PANORAMIC Ylew . Uktoew,clOMtobe-acb. ba, &ep. fam. rm A dining hU' home. Al l pJ1vs, Own 8ay,fronl Apl 1..u 2 Br. 1..,-,,,..:;0wne;=.::'-'::!3.::.:.3"87_,,.,. rm. Xlnt cond. $44,500. nn Ir bath. $70 mo, 5'18.oo27 2 Ba. Boal dock; SJOM dn. You'll find emtl b&rgains h3'1l-<l38::-c:""'~I ==~=~= NEED HELP? Look for it or a.It .... Ha....U prop. ,.ilfD )'OU thop the 0.11)' DAD.iY PILOT WANT AO. In tht ~Met Directory Jtallllr t4l4JD • Piiot C1lull;Oed ads.! D1al St2-ST8 A cbarp ll clUSiUctUom . Paradise oolumn in lJlt Dai-You'U ,find. lf :you rud -· · • 11 PUot wu1 Ada. ""'Dailll:::·....:;Pilot.::::..:aw=lll«l=.:Ml=:....!--5.:..C:..:R.:..A.:.:M::.·..=Ll:.:T:.:S...:A:::N:.::5:.;W::.E=lt.:_::IN.:....:C:.::LA==:SS:=l~Ft'.::'.C::A~'ll~O~N~70~0~0'._r • ' .. •• co Ml Ml 00 •• "' •• .. .. •• 00 WI ... " ·~ .. .. 11 ... co .. .. •• Lii •• " ML LI' '° .. .. .. LO J. ,. ., OU ,,, •I MO ... .. .. ru " " "' ... ... ... M .. ,. c• o• oc .. " MC co 01 " RI " .. •• •• • co Ql Ml .. 0( Wt .. " .. .. .. •• " .. LI .. .. MO " II ... o• .. ., ~ u M .. .. " " •• " " " 00 R " " • M " •• •• ., .. .. • •• • " •• • .. " •• " L> •• ' M M " " • L• 0 •• • • • C• c c • •• " ' • c 0 ' A • ' • • ' ' • u • • c I • ' • • ' ' L • ' ' ' ' ' ' c ' ' ' I • c c I I I RENTALS RENTALS .RENTALS Aft!-Unfumlohod .yts. Unfumlthocl Aph. Unfurnlohod REAL ESTATE 0....r•I T~undat, Ju~ 30, .1970 RIAL ESTATE Gonor•l It' '*' • DAILY PILOT CLUSIPllD INDEX CoslLMn• 51DO Huntl"!ton Buch 5400HUftf1"'"" Buch 54DO Rooms for Rent -------1 5995 lndu1lrl1J Property 2 BR, l" Ba. $160 . lhAL Drun ca.sna er.v~ ... tto. pnc1. ••tntt. ,_. rMt ~ Mii b"'1 •·htn•ce Se.clitt M*1IOr Apta. 1525 PlaoMI.& 5'l--26a •• k HOUSES FOi SALE l\OOM a toAao •... •• ,.-about cur &lcoul)t. MOtl.LL TUILllll: ClOURT& Ml •n•U&.-~ ....... ~ .............. OlllST HOMll '"' 3 8R. 2 ~ ,...... a --. con& M•-····••••""""""1"' MllC. •fMT,t.l.I #tt -l'• ...... , MIA Dll MAI , .... , ........ ll• llKOMI MON•n .. 1034 El Cllmino, C.M. Ol.lld ......., \la101 u··-··"""' ,.1tM 1ua1111ir.ss 1'1t0fili1trl''''''""• wm 3 or ovtt 15. $155 COLL .. & PU~ , • .,,,.,,,,,.,1ltf lt.t.IL.Elt .. Altlll •I ,,_ --&Wl'Oll:T IUClt .,., ........ 1111 •USJ9t.P •••TM. \ _... mo. -· 175-1555 NllWN•T ltl...U ....... , .. 1t1• ot<PICI • ....,.,.._ ,,., .. , ... _,. IL u.L..IOA cov11 .• ~ .......... 1111 •ousnw. NOHSff" ··-SPACIOUS l Br, 2 Baln. THE HJGHWIDER "ScottW! Tn!al" 1'1'1 P•rklldo Ln. Mgr. 142-196t ROOM. <:orwenlal t m p t • single ?!WI., Vic ~ A Newport l!IW. 618-lllill PRIV. e1;1t. I b&., tmpl. lady, non smo&er, ldtch. priv. avail. after 3:30 8474168 ROOM to rent w I bot.rd, •alldni dtac. to Got~ Coll .... 122w1c.-.2911 LOTS • m $17,(.Q) each on Produc. !ton Pl.ace. 74 x ~ elcb. WW t.'Olllldcr lnlde. Btln.DING !000 to 7600 ... fl for I.we, lDc f~ DAILY '1lOT ..• .-,CRISTT IMOlU ;,. •••••••. ~ .. -CMUt.l~W. .:.1...:.. .. --.... :::::-. t . 18th St. Amaitl, pvt, yrd, .................... U•oun•IAL •.-.AL ........... · ,..._... ~\':'::l.J'j"""''"""""J!! lOTI "''''"'''""''""''""'·••• pnp ..... _ .,,., $1'15. WISTCLlllll ............... ,. llANCMU ....... -........... ,.. 5415-3116 or~ .... .a. 1t1eMUiiN00 ::::::: •• (ITIUS ~u ............. .,,.l:;=--:;--;;;;;-7.----,- SU ·Dftlo' li'w1 to Beach Bl't'd., 4 bUca , So. to Holt, W. on Holt 1 btk. Motel1, Trifler >w:! C "*' Win build to ault, 1 acre on WhMldre Wint? Wheddye Gott --°"-"'-----·~-• Placentl&. SPECIA CLASSIFICATION FOR ' W£Elq.Y lllite&. SEA Wolla-McC1rdl1, Rltro. NATURAL.BORN SWAPPERS "''UVlllSITY PAltl. ,,,........... llO!l..el '' ,, .. , ....... ,,., ...... $135 .. 2 BR.. ~ crptl, • . ,,. LAlt9 •u-11. .. ,. ........... -Aooo.... ·"--........... ..____ ERMOSA 111Y• ...................... •.scMn ,...JrTT ....... :.• .... ..,., etee ouu:u. .uun__.., lA QIRllJA ff ...... , ........ -.............. -'°·'"°''m ..... --P'P-L n. Ulft LAI!& MO'l'EI; 2301 U10 Newport BIY<I., C.M. Spoclol Roto J<ewpt B1"11. Qa!ta M.,. "'11-'Ml9 ""''· -S llno1 -5 tlmo1 -5 buck& iU.11'1'-UNI ................... = OUT OP tTATI NOP .......... 5t6-8866 t 11 Tttt ,,. WM111ya.·a ... ,., .......... ~1Modern Spanish,' -• ~ F -11,ULIS -AO Mun INCLl.IOe lncomt Piaoerty 6000 , CHOICE .._..., ,.. lllVt • tt-. ._...., ,.. ...t 11t ,..... 111v•11 TllUC. ........... 1 w10.vmow \MID .......... an 1••11 p ~··-L COIOJ(A DllL ...... ~ ........... 1!1 tllal.. llTATI •••VICI ..... ms 1·BDRM, ~x.-~-yard. 96 .,".-n. IA'-I~ •1:11•11.i .... , •••. i. '··· IXCKAMtl .................. Adultl only. 'sn:J Month Mgr. t17.J4.;1 -CUSfOM 6 •unlta • prime loc. Owners 4 Br. de11, 3 Ba + 5 lrg 1tudlos; fplcs, patiol. Net n.98,500. Owner 67!>5tl33. Comm·-'al·-"d•~-t ........_ ,_TOUlt ..... _,,., ........_ 4-1 .... If M'Nill I cn;.i '"D' .,..., r •v-._..OTMING ,01 U.'-1 -TIAD•I Oit'-YI =-~~.J: ... ::.:~:.:·:.~;.::1• t. «· WANTu .................. 138-1311 FURNISHEO•MODELS NOW OPEN pert;y on 19th St., C.M. w/4 To Place Your Treder11 P•radlM Ad L100 11L1 ........ : .... !f.._. .. 1.-i BUSINESS and. 1 l....... ed court aALaoa 11u•• ... 1 •••• .:··· .. • Fiu•Nct•L SUS · J...ARGE 1 BR. Opta. Lu.sh 'landscaping; ca~a. cove~ • hr, 2 ba lx>m<, Igo lot. Xlnt PHONE 642-5671 ttu111T1 ... TOM •ll.l.Clll .... -... -... ""' "' --'-'------ard .. -c un· •g pools BBQ s & foun--ttuHT1NoTON NAa.ou• ·····*' IUllltUl O~llTUtiln11s.,• ':.'r... ........... ts .... ·,-...... -·. ym s, Swi.eD SW • t.11110.t. IS'-• -•us1Nllt W.\lfl'IO .. .,.......... """'"' .... no pe • .. .. ,. tains '°UltTA'". VM.La_'f I ••"'"'''"''' llllVllTMI NT 0 ,_ ....... LO • S" &•AL ..... '"'l"•"'-''''" ... 1411 llllVllTMllllTWiMTID ...... '11t VELY 1 Br, bltns. crpta. '1THE ULllMATE IN APT 3 Unit.a, income $395 mo, $35,500. 0wnel'-Agent • * 54S.24!1i * ~':o-: .. •::::J11 :·~-.:~::::::~·;ia1• r.:::J~ t:::, ·::::::::::::: :!'~~-1 ~ ~ 1 BR'&-From •1so· 2 BR's-From $170·$175 LOii• UActl .... · .. io-...... '. '"'••'-•" UWtl _..u .......... am · v · All util Incl. f11rn &. Unfurn • ..AK.-000 .............. ~... COLLATlllAL LO.la ........... ., BR. UM"·-r.-. A-' ' ~ couNTY .................. 1UA.. 1sTAT• LOMs .......... • 1ll....--i• ...... t'ts ..... ..,.. -Bu1lne1s Profierty 6050 °"'., ccwan ...... ~1 ..... .,. M011TeM1s. ,.,.. _. ........ Pool. NASSAU PALMS. 177 c ~·I M ' 5250 Huntington BNch S400 ------- OUT Oil STATe .......... ~~,.,.. MOMIY WAlfTID ................ ~E~-~~"r-i~~~f;;:c;;;;;;diiioiironiiii~·-........... . ITAfCTOlll.---c'···•·· .............. 1,11 ANNOUNCEMENTS . • ·-~-------OWNER sellltlf, ~a111t or WISTMIJaTllt ................ 1111 "' * SP·•c 2 • 3 ••• -i. I trade busi ..... --, San MIOWAY <ITV ................. Ult ind NOTICES r · "' Pll. I. '-"t' , LARGE 2 br at beacli-crpts, ........ ... SANTA A...., ................... 1• Drpl. Pool. 2"l14 C.OUeae • ..,• ,._. bltns Clemente 100x90; Two bldgs for home operated business. OUered •t $26,500. Tenns to 10 or 20 A close to big lake qualified buyer. H. o. John. &: river. Fishing, hunUng, eon, Bkr. 6f6.8362, 2121 Pla· camping, Nr Winemucca., ccntla Ave., C.M. Nev. Trade car, camper, N"e~wpor1='°"•s.a::-:-cb:c;:-;;c~.1-.,.=,~,..~,-1~~ in Hawall or t JU,000 Tota.I, $.'JOCIO Down 20 ac. 5 yr old Rlvel"iide, Costa Mesa C·1 lot on Orange Grove: ma nage. lMh St. Sl.&f Per aq. IL ment free. $5,650 ae. $76,lm Realonomlcs C.Orp. eq. For: home, income, Commercial Bkr. 6'15-6700 land. 49'·2936. UlllTA AHA MOTS. ............ ta POUND CP"" AAlfJ _, ....... , .. A Apt 2 •~ -~ u.t"', • 48x4S &: ""-OWi .. -1 k OllAltOE ................ : ... ,.1611 l.,Ol1' ............................. ve., . '~· ... 219 15th St. ................. .,.e par • TUSTIN ....................... , .. P11$C*AU ...................... "BR. ~ ... ~ ~ . .,.., .. _ .... -· lrw (Town DeedJI Set·Food '67 Fo~ Coun•-·~--·. ttOlTM TUfTIM ................. 1 ... AMlllO\llllCllMlffTS ............ '411 • .....t' .... t'9 .,.._ nu.a ---.-• 2 BR. apt. Chldrn ok. New Restaurant) Acro&s fro1n •u ~" ~· lNAMEIM ....................... •t•nu ................ -........ 11 ok.. $140 + dep, i99s Maple. ON~ A~"'"' d -...... closed lndu1trl•'I Rontol £AaA V-8, p/1, air, r/h. Trade 111,.YlllAOO CAMYOM ......... u.t f'UNlllAU ...... , ............... It .. ..,..~ ~ rapes; .... ""°' ra .. ,.~, State Park: A Summer White -7V .L.AOUNA HtLLS .................. ll'AIO OllTUAIY ................ 11 Apt L SU..-28'..ll I •• BR. =·-• u-·-pr. $140. 842-8365 House. l'ltl.OOQ ""'ui"". 114: -·-for camprr or tral'l!!iporta. u.ou,.,a. 11AcM· .............. 1• PINllllAL c11a1KTORS ....... '414 bl • 11:. wu • <.Uw-. ~ -·• v FOR LSE: 5300 sq ft prime tion car. L.A.UNA ltlOUl'-.......... ~ • .,. PLOllml ..................... MIS J BR apts, bUI, cpts, drpl, Flreplacu I prlv paiics I 2 BR unfum. Duplex. Nr. 7-16-9341 . MtlSIOlt Vl•JO ........ -.. · 11'1 CA•D °" TMANICI ................ Clean. y....,,1-1552 "A" • ui...o.. ~ ....... Adult 1 ~ .. , ..... ~ warehouse space • all or 545-l<HG i,l.N CLEMl•T• ....... l7ll 1111 MaMDlllAM ""'"'""""'41J , £lllf"""' Pool&. Tellldl. ContD\1 .........,.. ucm..~1. S, O...'IW • ••'SOJ• "'" .JUAN CAPtsn~o ·'"' CIMRTE•T LOTS ............... ,. Coriander. 5t6--5268. 900 Sea Lane, O:lM lff.2b'U 5.16-7646. 618 Geneva, H.B. Bu1lne11 Rent•I 6060 part. Jrvine Ind., ?.fr. Ant 1 Vall 1G-40 CAPIST•AMO llACN .. ,,. CIMITSllT CITl'TI ............. ---BuUard 546-alSt e ope ey, acre DAMA POINT ' 11• <•MITllY CIYllTI -.......... It ·J..r& 1 Be, Unfum. (MacArthur nr. Col;t Hwy) rr-=========· Jlevel up lo ~.500 eq. FOR OCllANSIDa ................... 17'9 ~\,=~·~~--Q"""""""'= 998 El Camlno Dr., C.M. Santa Ana 5620 COSTA Mesa: 600 1q, ft. oti 6100 beach area home .• unlta or uN 01sGo ................ -.. 1m ,,,,-1 ........... _ * ~ ~51 * 2 BR. 2 •-, •· 2 br, 'I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I olflce 600 -ft s'"-800 he ••--s D 11vr:1s101 COUNTY ... : ..... 1• ..... ...... .............. '""""" .,.. .. • .....,. • .... -.., ot r. AUIU an 1ego coun· KOUSIS TO •• MO't'ID ........ ,.. .\'tlATIOlll SllVICI ............. ha. Attrac clean 1 blk to sq, ft. -· * OWoer I 117'1 Il c . c M co11100M11111UM ................ 1H1 TllAVIL · ........... ., ........ 6411 ~2 BR, 2 BA SUnken ' ' VILLA MARSEILLES 646-2l30 * $5 500 * Y· ammo, · • ouPLl!XliS Fol IAL• ........ 1,11 Atll T1ANSf'OITAr10111 ........... Hv rm. Crpts, ru-Ps. bltns. ~.:... Ada·~'tll!l~ w/mouherONLY& Bn •No NEW Vfew-Level l~ts • EZ Terms ~5911 Al"AllTMINTI fOI ULll .... ttM AUTO TltAHlll'OaTATION ........ ...""" """ ;>11 ~ STQRE-0 ,1,--,.-------- RENT•Ls LllOAL 110T1c1s , ............. No pets. 1251-D Baker SL Arr. 4:00. W: 431-ll9S or SPACIOUS FFJCE PLACE REALTY 494-9704 Lovelv 1.:M. desert home 6 "" OllMAN A TUTOllNO ...... MM Newport. Bch 825 1q ft -.. So "-··t H' # ,.,.,. ' Houses Furnished SERVICE DIRECTORY * LRG 2 A 3 BR. 2 Baths. 6'fS...7418 ~ 1 & 2 Bdrm. Apts. * Ervin 615.1m1 * ~ . ~ . iway acres, SJD.t:m value. Ex· ;11i1r:1AL ..................... • Accou11Tu10 ............... • Frplc, bl~, cpl&, drps, encl 1 BR. newlv decor. nr. China Adult Living 61JO.ll00 SQ. FT. of•-81., Hiiitop' Laguna view lot. change for your property llNTALJ TO SMAii ........ --AfllSWlllNG SllVtc• ..... " -...... patio 5t6-1034 # F .. u lu ~~ Qui-· ---· Sal $7850 N~ ' --COITA M•SA .................. 11• AllPLtaNcr: 11•,A•IS. ........... " ·-·· · Cove. Adlts. $160. 309 urn.. n rn. 600 ...... ft s~. IQll. &: .,50_ ,... YU e ~ .. ,..... •• -"""l:'iuna area. MUA OIL MAit .............. tlll All"KALT, Oii• .................... Sharp 1 BR. close to occ Femleaf, 673-3127, 675-0629 Dishwasher. color coordlnat-c M~.~,,,. ....... .,.. 494-9748 49~-4746 or 4~13.11. MIU ¥11101 .............. _ !111 AUTO llf'Allll ........... ,.6111 ~ co'-L••• PA•• .............. t'l,,.is AIJTO, s.r ...._ T-. lk. ...,. A: UCI. $13CI. Rell required. NEW 2 Br, 2 Ba, s of Hwy. td appllancea • plush aha& =:':='=:====:::;:::;=== •c-•-6200 2~' ac. near RANOK> ltEWf'OltT l lACH ............ IAIYSITTINO .. -** Call 56-4879 * * ,.......-choice of 2 colol' ;,,: "' •• .... ••Wl'OltT NOT1 ............... 1111 IOAT MAlf'tlMA..-Ci"::: .. :::-Bltns. frplc, patio, beam :::_~_: • 2 ba'"-_ -all Office Rlftf•I. a70 ~ . CAUF. S5000 equlcy + llEWf'OllT IHOUS .......... Int 111c:ic. MAJON•Y, .ic. .......... '"'""'"'"' 2 BR ap• Pvt a!ll ""ts dP' ..,.,,., 548-7983 ....,"",.._ .... n• GOVERNMENT •--•, " an •~ m good t-·-d--~. UYSltOllU .................... l\ISINIU HltVICIS ,,.,, ... 6MI un.r Ul\.I~ .. ' ._., ' ' ~'"' ~ mhTored ard UUJU ._. _......., "'' ,...,, <..~ oov11 llfOltlS ............... mi 1u1LDllU ................... "71 patio. 642.1953, 376 E. 18th HUGE older 1 BR. Best rs • w • OFFICE SPACE acre. Write: Land Package, Want: Salt Lake City prop. WISTCLl,11 ................... Int CATIJllNO ...... -..... ~··-"" St robe doors • indirect light. 1185 A head UN1v1a11T't PA"K ........... nn CA•INITMAkllll• ............. .-· area, crpta, drps, stove & 1.,,. In kitcb b akfast in rrow Ave, San Transferred. Agt. 64&-0732. fltVIMI ........................ na CAaf'llfTl!llfllll .............. .-. * LRG 1 BR. "'--ts, ..1 ..... , refril:, Sl.80 mo. 67J...69Cl.I "'6 en • re HU. NTINGTON Bndo 92410 tACK UY .................... 2141 (IMIMT, ~ ............... ....... ....... bar • huge private fenced . ;:-u;.-::::;::::;:::o;;--,..,;:: .. E~ 1LUP"fl .................. = CKILD CA1t.-. ua-1 .......... 11 stow refrig; Adults, no 3 BR, 2 ba. diz.bwasber, patio • plush l1111Uscaplng • HARBOUR 5 AC, undeveloped, Lake 111. * * Prime 3 Store ClmUQl1'C~ CM. Owner er...., -• trade for ,vae land, will ~ ry lst TO, Call 56-MU. Soulll Coeat Real Estate Water!nlt lot, N.B. $31,scil clear for amalJ home' or units. Ha1 Plnchln .l ~ ltos, Realtors. Call 675-4392 RECREATIONAL CABIN. Excha.nge foc car, boat, trallrr, paper or t Ownet'-Aaent 675-4963 01/638-1370 GUI and CDWlt;'Y itoJ.e, '1'ftt location, Trade ·ftlr vti n, camper or P.$00 equity. \Vant.ed lo trade home ill San Gabriel Valley for 4 br I. den or 5 br borne ii CdM or Newport area. 1-637-4231 8 UNITS, ln&lowood, i11u1 dear commere. income, ti land, house or beach ~ erty. F.quity $103,<m OWNER 615-6258 * * * I ~ Cl ,,. COMTllACTINIS ................... pe"-1-1ow. ,. •• •..a.. aft 4 .. ---• ,.frig ~-·• ........ _ ... n --u n·, _, __ heat. 3 ult all bl 1 assures appr.c Hun! fish. ll'tlltl TlllltA .... -..... CA•l"ET CLIANlll• .. .. .. .. .... ... --~ ~. • ...... • ~ Dl:l.l~U"'OJ ...... s et av a e n Hunt. . • COllOltA DI:'-MAI ........... me C.UPET U.Tlff a ltl:PAllt MM crpts drpa: 67>2698 ed -•-• la·-•. Jn.n""' u~......._,_ n __ _. __ ,k Take over lo dn $20 mo. BUSINESS end ANNOUNCEMENTS IALIOA ......................... DIAPllll!S .................. Ult Newport Be.ch 5200 • . .......... ... ...... . ........................ "'" """"'u..-.. 897-8478 LIDO '''-1 ..................... ml 01MOt.rT10N ...................... ~ :1101 So. Bristol St. center. 270 sq. ti., 500 sq, ft., · FINANCIAL ind NOTICES ~---· ---. •AT lSUNOS ................. -01tAl'T1N; s••Vtc• .......... ..n Belboa Island 5355 111 •fl N. of So. eoa• Pl·--J 600 sq, ft, Call Ron °-~•·tt ------1 IALIOA ISUMD ............ 11111 ILICTlllCAL ..._ JIUo '' ...-DtU-u._. 0 t f St I p 6208 B I F ncf (F ••-) ·~ HUllTIHGTON llAClll ............. IOUIPMINT .. iWTAu ·::::::: ..... PARK NEWPORT • care Santa Ana 2131592-1361 • TI4/846-13Gt u 0 • • rop. UI nes1 OU rH -..... ;:~~T1"J:c~~~.::::.:·::·:=: "•NclN• .......................... t:ree Uvg ovrlkg the water. BAY VIEW 2 Br, 2 Ba Lower PHONE : 557-8200 Huntington Harbour Corp. NEVADA _ 1 acre 1n Opportunltl11 6300 Lotte sucK ................... -::ScS'iiff.l'JRi:'-.C:-.:::::: . 7 poo'-7 ...._ __ ,. -.,..,., """ Duplex. Yrly leue. 42-U Warner Ave H B ~-" p-"· •-------2 SETS of "---to ---------' OllANH COUlfTY ............... PURNrTII•• lllJTOltlM ..... u:,IUWO ............. ,uuv *Call 6'15--5207 * . ., . . .... . ..u.eston ....... Rancholi.1 .... , .. U.lfl'A ANA .................... wii a 1EP"11t11111•• un Spa.. From $115 to $450. $150 • LRG 2 BR. Studio Finest Preatt...e Loe. •ub-dlvision nr r.1erc. ten FRANCHISE Eutblull atta 6C1'0111 from WlffMllllSTllt ........ -....... II SAIDEllllNO .... 'Bach 1 2 B ··-2 ty A t 1~ I ) F il -•--.. I Corona. del Mar" ..... .....-..i MlbWi'YCITY •'"" .................. • or r,....,... • H 1 B h _. .. _ p , .... pex. amyl!Ue 'lrvineComplox ate. Future developments VIVIANEWOODAnD ...... 1 _ .. __ UINTA ANA 1111iOMT'i'.'.'.'.'.' • .'."',._ 0111111•L snvicn '"""""" "'-·-1 ..... e .... Eloc kit pr! unt ngton tac ~ kitch. w/bl--. Cl'p'", d-, I -• " ~. COASTAL '* e11ADIMO. 01sc1N• ............... ...., ...... ...,,...,..,.. . , ..... ~ "" ..... Pe1'$0nallzed !lt'rvlce to tit ncrse v ... ue, BUT MUST COSMETICS LAGUNA $CK"':;::::::::::::t1t1 GLASS .............................. pat or bal. Subtrn prkg, --~ frplc., encl gar. 1 or 2 '"'"r n-. y0 .. _ own olfi---. SEU... ~7302. A SUBSIDIARY OF KEYS Found on beach Yk'. L.AOUNA NIOUI'-............. !1W 01111.N TKUMa ............... 11711 ·maid ,.._ chlldre k (N hi<) N -~y ,.... ...... lilaod MISSION vivo .... ---"" 21tl ouN IMOI" ..................... '11• opt aer, C?ts, .... ,.,... ON BEACH' no . r sc o lle'C'y to answer your phone. ----;---GENERAL FOODS 6 Balboa. ~ lAN C\.llMINTI ............. .1111 NllALTM nuas .............. 41'1 Just N. of Fuhlon Isl at pets. 2230 s. Center SL, Full sec'u --"cca ··-". Mount_ 11n a D1s1rt 6210 No franc••--f-. -mini. at front munter, D&U:J-"".f1A111 CAPllT•ANO ...... 2'1' llAULINO ·· ................... •ne J ~-San J -·1~ • SA N W 5.57-4W # """"' ....... •......: .. ., ........, PU I -· Balboa N.11 ca. .. ..... c. - HOUlaCLUllllNO ............. ,.,. amuu10<"C & oa,...... . . r arner, Ide-• r0, m'" ~., lndl·•• 1 1 ,_ 1 •-o • .w.u , • ......... lfllTlltoll Dl!COllATIMG ..... mf Rd 644-1900 f I • 1 BDRMS FR.OM $200 ... 'Ii· l'C • .. .... s BR bse, 1 Blt cabin. Furn. mum nven ory, ..... mp eu: . i~v'1'11~:'~ouwn··::::::::·=:: •111CoM• TAX ................. ,1• ~ · ar eaa-e 2 BR 1% BA FROM _,., h 5705 ua.' bus. men, alam. 5f0.6373. Nr ski lltt $35.000. F. training and mntillual gut. F.V. C.orona or Gutlel4 VACATION 11r:NTAU ,.. 110•· OrM-.•i. 1tc. ........ me ing info. · ... w L•guna Be•c Magnolia area ..... -tea • IUMMlia llllllTALS """""1r1• 1101t1Mo ....................... ms _ _ ___ ......., e 2 BR 2 BA FROM $260 Deluxe 1-Rm. office Schaaf, Box 31, June Lake, dance at no cost. Call collect 8 -..v• c;owDOM11111uM ..... :.'.','.'.'.'.'.' •. "" :::~:.:~~"': '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .. = ...,.*OPEND™* e 3 BR 2 BA FROM $360 Q * Nr. Orange County Airport Ca. 93.S29 Jean Van Sick1e (213) ~~~old blk I: whl~' OUl"'-UIEI PUlll. ............ ttJS IN'tl!STIOATlll•, DtNdlW ..... m AMIGOS WAY Carpets.drapes-dishwasher * N RTH END A Irvine I nd u. t r ial -·---78:2-SJto. RENTALS 'AMITOllAL .............. , .... ,,,. be ted pool te · One ot those rare lovely Complex, Carpet, drapes, R_. E. Wanted 6240 w·=1ra=~A~N~D~E~m-.~,.---,~A-ero POODL&qpe lhl.aY doc. H0'1Jlft Unfurnished t!:'~'.~1~fA.~.~~.::::::=: 2 BR;,J. ba.,-~t1. nnf\lnl. :C room-:~':' ~~ found vie. 16th St. A: Santa OINl!IU.'-...................... •.OCKSMITN ................. ,..,. OutsuJe llvtng areas and ... _ --1 BR apts, 1 block &hopping. music, a.lr-coMltioning &: CASH BQYER want.I R·3. Space Engineer • Thlnking Ana, C.M. Call to idt..t+tu", COSTA MaSA ...............•.. JIM MAID s11v1c1 ··~········•• 6121 double prages $250 to $300 pa~ple parldne. beaches, private, enclosed janitorial service. $125 Mo. R.-4 2 ilcn:• or more bra About Involuntary or Volun-5"&.5163 .. .....,.; MISA DIL MAI ............... u• MAIOllAY, lllCk ........... .... . ~ . Securih• -... -.1. .....tio $175 BOB p-JT "·al"-• nge ta~ Ph0'" Out' Hear The .• MISA VIEIDI ................ 1111. MO'llNO • tTOIA•I ............ * 644-1617 'E"fl'n1't v ............ ..... . . .l:.l I I ne WC County, San -Dlero. Long '" """' . FEJ\IALE. '--·-.._ u:::z C0&..L1oa PAIK ............. nn PAl111T1No, .,.,.......... ...... ..,. _ ---~ -.---,,, u""~· also Av.U. 830-4237 or 49444811 e 8l3-0101 e Beach area. Bryda Inc., Solution From a Fonner u.1.-uwu .. .._ c:=:~ ==~ ::::::::::::=: ~:~~~~-~~.::::::::::::::::: ~~ HUNTINGTON $115 MO .• 2 Bedrooms HILLGREN SQUARE R.E. Broker. (TI4) 545-3868 Ercineer. Appts. now taken-pup, 1128• Vic: Nr. SlUi NIWl'OllT ltlOlllS .......... JIN PNOT09UPMY ............. ..,. 0.-J ~-· M ·--~".. -· MO 2 BR '"-" cntl 6"" ecc" _R.. Call 962--4.176, 6-8 PM in Fountain Valley, ID-llC tAY11t011Es ................... ms n.uT111we. hldlo laHll' ..... "'"'an·...,.. a ...... .., CLUU1 on-PACIRC ........ · · · """w 1900 aq ft Oelttxe Offices or 1....-o.M1 eves .. ... oov11 IMOllll ............... am Pt.UMltNO ...................... ly; DO pets. $175 Mo., 1st PLACE REALTY 494-91<M Avail. for irt!med. leaae in wk ends. CLEANERS I SH JR T BR I wht doe pt. Ballet': WIJTC'-IFP ................... :n:11 l"IT .. DOMIN• .... ._ last ·~ .t-'t re. ru ~~... LAUNDRY pick up station Rochester le 18th St. u10't1E1S1TY P.t.lK ........... mr l"OOL s11v1c:1 .... _ .. , •• _ ,.,,,. mo + -........... i V'-'~~ AVE., H.B. REAL ESTATE one of cities busiest shOp. TRIPLEX or 4-iJlex c M . · 642-4.1 79 1v1111 ..................... -•. :m1 row111 sw11tt1NO ........... .,,. quired. Mooring avaiL For cn4) 536-1'87 I'!-1 ping centen Will divide H B _ s Sa 1 •' Bo. •• in ahopping center. Ad· •• ' ••• ' -••M• s1ov1c1 ..,. --YWMrl • · · " v• · n a na. x dllio--' room to' small .................... ............... boat to 1fi ft 673-1-.iuu Otc, open JD om• pm n..n.. 111u CONTACT le found '-· IAST •LU, .................... na IOOlltMO ........ .................. ..., ~ Air-cood., music, pane.ling, 4.lU. FUl.letton 93634 ....i.R, ~bb'--.. _ . ' na "I' 11 T-z1t4 uoto. __..... ltc:. ............. * 2 BR. 2 BA (2 s•-> u ...... ...-'--Rentals W•nted 5'90 ..... "· •-. Mu, -~·g • BUSINESS ond _.., • ,.., ..,..., ... -..penea, CdM jetty. Call to identlb". lllVllll Tlltl6CI .... -......... IEMODELING .. IEPAlll ... '''"" . • • ...._=a VI ... t-V ~.. ete. OK for hllllb&nd/wife &42-0340 colloNA Dl:L MAit ........... -lllMODl!LtN•, KtTc11.1111s .... MU lUtns, priv. patio I: balcony. WIU.lAM WALTERS co. ma1nt. 270 E. 17th St., C.M., FINANCIAL 1 17 = tt •-1, ;;;===.,..._--.,,-___,~ ULIOA ........................ ICISIOll SllA•P•ll ............. .._. 1-100:: Mr Bram 212'·651·271Jtl coiled earn. ·-or 0 er. ft6'"1l I PUPPY w/•-coUar ~.nd •AY llL.AllllDl ............ -... '3M 11w1we ...................... .... Hoeg ....... p. area. .......... mo. 546-5880 M'Cll'o - LIDO ISLI ...................... I.WIN• MACHIN• RIPAllS Ha .Appt. only. 4247 Hilaria NOW RENTING CORONA o·~l MAR 8uslne11 =,,,--..===-=-vie. Hamilton le ~.: uuoA 11u.No .............. aw 11PTIC TANKS.....,. litc. .. •Kt W NB 540-0093 RENTAL FINDERS ..,.. Compl LE'ITER Shop CM 646-3462 .____,. :=::>J:.'T:i'i~..:tM''.'.:::::::: ~:::-:w:•coNTROL':::::::::::m aY.-. . ly ~ BRAND NEW Free To L•ndlord1 Dix. office SJ>8.ce. 2 Rms. Opportuntti.1 6300 ml~phletc. start o~ . . . HUNTINOTON tlAlaOUI _,,.,... TILi, C.....tc ............ -... "14 2 BR. $200 Yr ... -.... c, gar. Grnd fir. Prlv bath, New cdIN LAUNDRIES bus. W/'00 cub. Wiii lse ORANGE· ~ped. •li.orl Po(l111TAIN VALLIT .......... Jn• TtL1 ............ • ~ ...... m• Rede<:. &: new crpts I: drpt!I. 1 &: 2 BEDROOMS 645 "111 Cl'pt Park'I Uill ~ 1135 . _ Incl m • ph haired yng, cat. Vic Harbor ''AL •ucM .................. •• Tl•• 1111vte• .............. "" Avail A 1 1 child ok FROM ONLY $155 "' . ' ,.,.... FRIGIDAIRE .,..,,, mo re "" • ~:::~~~':.~.~-::::::::::::·::: ~:~'::Y ~~ .. ~~.::::= 309 36th:, ~ . Lar&e noor plans 4J5 w .1ttti, c.m M.. mo. Owner. 67J.675l JET-ACTION + opt. to buy. 64&--0333 lv. 2v~ ~..:_ MC..om-. 011AMOI! COUNTY ........ , .... • WILDINO ................... "'5 DESK SPACE Costa Mesa choice 1 .... .,....,., mea. ..,......,. SANTA ANA .................... •11 w1111DOW CLIANIMG ........... "'1 * BAYFRONT * SpaclOUJ park like gmda BUS. man needi 2.-4 Br ~ ......... WI! ·==~~--~-~, Vic. Warner a v .. -nA 1¥asTMINSTll ................ •11 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Complete rec facilities 222 Forest Avenue J>e•' mo net. Minimum VERY well known restauran ·-·--. MIDWAY CITY ................. •" ,... LUXURY APTS St ..... or apt, heh area. Pret un-llO 000 d 1 92 "'" •--r and w'-FountaJn Valle)'. 842-Sfi SANTA ..... MllOllTS ........... JOI WAltTID, Miii ............ • •r1• Models open 10.-7 daily f I 642-9278 ' own pa,ymen • . Ulre """' cOASTM. ...................... illl '01 WAtcT:g· ._ ........ me Inn •t $375. * 642·2202 VILLA 'YARN ER um. yr Y-Leigunei Beach Santa Ani, Alpha Beta ·major $12,500. 646-5383 FOUND· Rlnr in Food Giant LAGUNA IP.CM .............. 1111 JOB WANT • Ml • 4-6 BR by Sep! I ar1 hop Jn parki lot. ~" • -LAGUNA NIOUIL ............. im MIN •uwoM,::,1urnoN·::::1"' UPPER duplex ~ 3 br, 2 6600 Warner (at Edwards) ' ye y, 494-9466 1 P g eenter. Big volume FLORAL Shop. Be your own .,. ..• :!1 -• • MISSIOJI Vl•'o __ ,, __ ,. •• ~ sctt00 • -n 84 nr &chools, up to $400 mo. lau .. ..1-. •?!'lo NW> n ......... ble -"--"•·• Che 11 --SAN neM•MT• ....... m1 '01 PIEPAIATIOM ........... ba Walk to 'beech. Yearly I 4) 2-0609 DES SP ..... I . .,.....,IAN. n.e ....... _ . i:ieuU<llw, ap. ur-~~~1;~::,.r::Ic'.:11.~ ....... : MERCIHAND1SE"FOR"" le~. $240. 642--6836 ~fnge'd by Wm Walters Co. Bo~ ~~:o~a~~~~ol. 17875 KBeeict~v~. ~er:~hen/8 Oryert, good ~ m~~ ~~=~~~~~,,;·:::::::::::::::·= SALE AND TRADE N t H 1~t 5210 NEAR ..,!:!u1ntington Harbour FREE RENTAL SERVICE k>caUon. $8,000 FIP. Small Bu1lne11 Wanted 6305 oul'l.1Kr:1 UNFua"' ......... :im ,u11111Tu1t1 ................ -ewpor .,., s New ,,-,p exes. Quiet atta. Broker 534-6982 Huntington Beech down payment, Lott 64111 SUMMll lllNTAU .......... ms OF,.ICE FUINITUll! ........ •1• . --Lrg ] BR's. Dishwasher. RENTAL~ :::.~• E~~~:,"M":i~~T .::::::::::: NICE 2 br, poo!. patiO, gar, Sl50. Pet ok. (21JJ 592-262.1 642--t321. Exl 276 COIN.0.MATJC Apts. furnl1htd CAFL aEsTAUIANT ........... 14 bltns, crpts, drpe. Adul ts. or (714) 846-35.39 Rooms for Rent 5995 DESK SPACE EQTTIPMENT, lNC. BUY or t.ease •mall · . buslneta. Motel, mob 11 e honie park, retail franchise. Couple will Invest lG-«l M. Box No. P10'71, Dally Pilot DI AMONn em-1\gf!ment 11._, vie OCCIK·M&rt/Pemey'1. 1 ' lov my late hu. bond " )'1'I ago. Am ro1'ltw 3 cnuw·<)n on Velet'ln'• Pension a Soc. Sec. Thia was the last va luable JX)99e96k:ln ~ had le{L Hewe.rd. 54MM4 •••••• • 4419 IAI llOUIPMl!lllT .... -....... 1111 .... -$155 SU-8001 or -···-525-7833 _. ................. ,,. tlOUll!MOLD 00001 .......... tm ,.., ' ' 0 C COSTA MllA .................. 41• DAllAOI SALi! .lltt 642--8006 EANFRONT, view, OLDER Woman Only! Pvt. :::':..o":t~1~~ACti ·::::::::::::m: P"UINITUI• .\uc:.r;o.;·:::::::.MU sundcck, bch. Newer e:pac studio br, wfba. New. NIWPOIT MllGtfT'l .......... 4UI """'-IAMCU ................ ·11• IRVINE 5238 dlx 2 Br. bltns, crpts, drp&, Newport Heights. S7S/mo, 305 No. El Camino Reil San Clement• Attlllatc 11•Wll'OIT '"°"u ........... •m .,MTt0ue1 ................ -... 1111 Ind N ~ • · 1175 NllTC'-1'" ................. 4UI llWlllO MACMINI ............ llH ry. r s"""" ... pier. 64fi..Q17 UNIVERSITY PAIK _ ......... en ""USl<:A'-lllllTIUMINT ...... llU yr round AduJ'" bab• ok '""'"' * READ THIS !)pportunltl11 NEWPORT Beach deluxe or. lnftatment 63iO IACK SA y ..................... <t241 PIANOS a OIOANS ............ 11• ' ...,, # • IAIT •'-UfP' .................. 4NI IADIO ......................... 1211 NOW LEASING! ~5.1&--zt_31~----~ (OIONA OIL MA• ........... ase Tt!Ll:VtStOll ................... nu ·--'I nd adult . BLK I BEACH Qu' nd tALIOA ....................... 4,.. t11.,-1 a sT11t10 ................ a11 New, w..ini y a uru ts o · 1et, s · IAY llL.AMDS ................. me TAP• 11co•o•~NliMT'" ·= with totaJ recreation club p1oof! New 1 Br $135. Prv. LIDO llL I .................... U.SI CAMllAS A IOUI .... _ and hoot ] 2 < 3 t' gar Sngl adul'" IA'-IOA IJLAlllD .............. au lfOllY SUPPLllJ ... .. .. .... .. pre-sc . • ... pa 10, . .... . M\IMTIN•TOM lllACN ............. Sll'OITlltO OOODS .. ............. bdrms from Sl.50. Nr, shop. cpl. 202-A 14th. 5.'lfr.1319, P'OUltTAIN V.t.LLIY .......... 4411 llNOCUU.IS, ICOl"U .... -.. IQll-·-18< ,.AL ll!ACK .................. .ull MIKILl.ANIOUl ............. ptng. golf, schools. Just 1.-rl 1..01110 lllACN . ' ............... 4S.. MISC. WAHTID ................ 111,,.1 IOOth of San "'--~ .... on ,~B~R-. -.. -w-1·-.. -ln-,-•• ~.---lrl-.-.. Clt!AHOI! COUNTY .................. MAClllNEIT, lk.. •"'""" " ..,,..6.., .. -"" # cu "" GAllDEN GIO'tl .............. 4'11 LUMSEk ....................... = CUiver Dr., Irvine. 833-3733. bltlns. Hie! re.r. $100. mo. WISTMllll,ST11 ............... ,.,,it ~1~~~~"'~ .i.Uililli.U ':::::::ar" PARK WEST incl utL Adulta, oo pets. "'IDWAT CITY ................... " JWAl"j .. .,,. MENTS ~:~~ ::·itiiOM"ii'::::::::·.:: PETS ·i·n·d··livESTOCK APART Tradewirlds Realty 647-8511 T1t1T1111 ........................ """ .,,, ,GEllEIAL .............. -Owned :ind Managed by $1115 mo. Spacious l Br, 1" COASTAL ...................... 411t C:ATI .......................... llN Tiie Irvine Clmpany be.. 1 Blk to bch. Adults only, LAGUNA elACN ........... .,.•JU ooos : .......................... mt I LAO\llllA llll•UI L .............. .,.... MOl,fJ ...................... --g __ ---...... -no pets, Also 2 BR. Dupex. MISSION Vll'O ............ 41'41 ~IVllTOC:t( .............. ' .... E.~ Bluff 5242 - ::: f~::~~~STIANo .... : .. :ru CALIFORNIA LIVING --"-'-------·I CAPtsTlAJtO 11Acw ..,,. 11u1s1•1rs .................. en• PRESTIGE LOCATION ATTRAC. I? BR. $149. 31!R • OA"A POINT .................. 41tll SWlllWINO l"OOLI ............ = n19. AlJ extras. Pool. Kids/ Tlllf"l.IX. ...................... PATIOI ........... -............ For lease. deluxe 1888 sq, ft, ...... -•·. 11·-·· K-'-. -. t.OltOOMIMIUM ................... AWNlllOS .... ..... ............ .... 4 BR.. 2% BA t Frp1c ........ "" 'fW ""' ........ ...... Re'~TALS ''"'''-···-·"··· "'' TRAN$PoRTA1'10N '.. dr.pes, crpts, w:f bar, p~ 841•7446• 847--0325. . A~ta. Unfurnished IOATI. YAC"'l ................ balconie• dbl garoffkitche'n $145 • 1 BR. Pvt. ,ar. a SAtL•OATI .................. "11 .a-'-·br, dbl' oven. Pool. Conv petio. All dlx features. 4-0IN AL ................... ,.JIM 1"0*111 CllutllH ............ ,.. .....,,.,.. COSTA MflA .................. 11• SPlaD-Jl(I •OAT ............. to 1hop'g schls & rette&llon. unll bldg. 96l-3Ul 0 r Mis.ti. 'tllllOI """""""···•111 IOAT TIAILSll .............. Mn From •M< mo/up .. ,...., lllWPOIT a1ACM ""'"'i"·"" aOAT MAINTINAMCI _ ...... teal ~~ ""'°===-..,.7'-,-C~ I llDP'OIT NflOMTl .......... Pll aOAT U.UIKtll ............. ,...,. 835 ,_,_ W NB N"'O DEPOSIT' 2 hr 1 ha MIWll'OltT SMOll•S ........... IDI MAllMI! IOUIP. .. ......... MU ,...,"'6_ ay, ' ' ' WIUTCLIFP .............. ·-IOAT SLll". MOO., ............. l\f&f. next door 865 Amigos. I OUld OK., no pets. Ullll'l•lllt't , ... K ........... mi IOAT s••vtclS .............. ,.., u ..... ...A by $125/mo. 847-5630 or aACklAT ........................ aOAT lllMTAU .......... ,....... ....,.._...,. I AJT 1'-UFll . .. .... : ......... .oAT CKAlfljt ............... ,... WILLIAM WALTERS CO. 968-1930 COIOltA OIL MAI ........... -llllNIMO toATI .................. , SALIOA ..................... 90AT MOYIM ................ -• NEW DELUXE • 2 BR. 1% BA, patio, pool. U.Y ISLANDS .................... IOAT .TOttM• ... -...... .,IM $165 mo MORA KAI Ai>ll LtOO IS'-1 ................... ·*' aoAn WAllTIO ................. l BR., 2 BA Apt tor lea:R. • .. __ b . IAl.IOA Ill.AND ............. -·Allltcl.APT ................ ,,. lnd ........ master aulte din East of DCllcb Blvd, li Uc HUlllTtMeTOM llAC" ............. ''-TINe LIStcltll ,,-,.,., • .,,.."Jt .,.._ ' off GIU'field '0\llCTAlfll VAU.IY _ ...... ~.tiff M091ll lllOMIS .................. rm 4 dbl prage auto door -==--=-.,---,--,~--1 llA'-l lACH ..................... MOTH MOMlll , ... -......... ttlf all ~ t; Rec 2 BR Cpla drps Ga.rap lOM• ·~"' ..................... •icYCLIS ................... opener av . w-·'"'-d • . ch.. OllANOI COUNTY ................. ILIClltc: CAAi .. :............... atta a&ft.U'& !stance to bea GAii~" e1CN1 ................ 11 •Ill• a1K1s .................. '*" ·• FROM -• Adult. no pell 675-0ll6 WISTMINSTla ,,, ""•-••• .. 1'11 MOTOllCT('-ll , .. ,, ..... ., .. ,_ -' ' MIDWAT CITY ..................... MOTOISCOOTllS .,.............. 865 Am.taos Way NB *LOVEL y NEW APTS IAMTA ANA .......... ~ .. ,,..llJt llUTO SlllVICft & AlrTS ......... u .. ..: ... -..1 1 . 1 SANTA ANA llll latffl ........... AIJTO TDOU A l:OUW ........ Ml• ...... _ .. -... by Ne81' 0cttn A park 1 ,\ 2 tUSTlll ........................... TllAILll. TllA'tlh. ............. WIU.lAM WALTERS ro. BR's 425 llt.b SI 84j.J957 COAITAL ....... ,,.,,. ....... .,. T•AILs'llS. U.... ., ............ MM ' · LAMNA ••ACM .............. P9 CAMPl•s ....................... ,.. 2 BR, -•c, -•-, pncl. I .. 2 BR. New.~ .. Near LAO\lttt. lffOUI L .......... ,,INP TttUCQ ............ -........... , al"' '"t'W ....,..2 11111 ··~.-.... "'" CLl:MllfTI .............. = , .................... _ ........ Nit 848 Amigos Way. ........ ocean. Patio. Adultlt. ~=l~N~A:="° "'""mt ~::-1~'::""' = ~or &M-«m6 UNOBORC CO. 53'-25711 °""" ll'OINf -· ......... ..IMI IMPOll;TSD A\ITOI ................ 1 BR N Doe Patio REAL ESTATE, ~Ju~,LA11;c.:·:;::::::::;: Coron• del M.r 5150 Aduli1. tar an. . Gen1r1I ,AC. CAii, •001 ........... ,.. ----------LINDBO G co 536-257'9 !lllPLl)I , tic. ................... AUTO ...-iwn ................... $PAC. 2 Br. 1% Ba. Adults, R . 011100M1111uM , ............ --ir.UTOI WANTllD .............. n• m, ... .,., St•P' rrom octan. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! NICE room for older employed man • pvt bath, shov.--er, pvt. en l ran c e. 846-5310 ROOM. Pvt. home. Kitchen priv. Construction man. $65 mo. 64l--7151 fices. Alr-cond. Iftd. Priv. Give me% hour of you: time ----• .,,---------00. 2400 W. CoMt Hwy. and I'll prove lo you or your 40 ACRES (zbNED M;OBILE 2·-or~,-RM=-.. ~11~.-ln-~lN>-.~ .. -I bP.nkqr lhla Is the best money HOME). Dbl. It. trontage. lnd. Complx, $85 tum. '100 maker In the US. Prove me Next to $S0 million Devel! unf. 54&..eos;; be! 12-5 PM 'W!'Dft& and I'll pay )'Cit.I $100 Sac $1SOO per/ac, Ternu! Commercl•I '°85 FEMALE Siamese kit.. 4 mo. Beige w/brn marldnp. Frnt. paws declawed. Vic: Balboa, lDO blk, °"'"""°"' Dr. 1173... Ph. 67J..4733 or Lost &: Found Dept, Pol.Joe Station_ REWARD! cuh for your % hour, Min. 68!J...2Cm, &:t. 9 day or eve1. tmum investment req'd $2750 :;:::=======.==;;, cash or $850 down w/good Money to Loin '320 R.~1' for rent, Oceanfront 5 Stores, $110,000. ~ W. ettdlt. Secul'l?d by 1970 car1---------- location, references 645--0767 19lll St Bethel TOW!TB COl'-to be used In our rental IYI-1st TD Loan SIAMESE cat (OVSI bllJto. point & tea1 point) male. l.o!t ln the vie. near ~ non A ColJeee C.M. Reward! Day 547'"'507 eve 54&-3708. a11 . 6 PM ne:r. 5CS--1768 Agt. tern, Best program. in US *$15 PER Week -Up l -5"1"'1.,;w"'."'Ham:--,llc'to~n-, "11-.-,-,.,.-, for lnwttment cluhl with 5 1~ INTEREST , w/kilchen. $35 per Wttk"i!p near Harbor Blvd. $31.800 to $100 M capital, Call n4: 2 d TD L =A"'p"'1'.=M;OTE="'L."'54=S-=9'l55==-<=W=ill=•ubo="'=·=·,,.="=·=543-=Tm='-'-'1!35-=254!==10=to=S;;tlal=ty;;, =:=·J n oa n Tams baaed on tqttlty. 642-2171 545-0611 Servin& Harbor &rel 21 )In. Sottler Morl91 .. Co. 3.18 E. 11th Street ANNOUNCEMENTS ind NOTIC!S -----------Found IFroe Adi) 640D MALE Angora cat. ftddllbo yellow, rllver Jeweled ooi.. Jar, front paws ckdawed. Vic, Harltoc Vlew" bomot. 6#-1479 l LOST: Med-tlzed wbJte dos w/blk e6.rs, 1 blk eye, bit rirv around tall, vtc: Stnta Ana Ave a l'ifonte Vltta. Rwd. &o.a291 or-~ Ulor.c.nn.n Shephe...t PllP' S.\fAl..4 thort-halred dark· py, s mo. Vic Sattr a brown dog, no C!Ollar or Queens, H.B. Re-ward . tar. found oo Pacific Coe.st =84="'°=-38'--~~-~Hwy netU' Npt. BI v d. LOST -lfll.Y temeJt-MUIX 545-4424· tail cat. Vlc Mary Cir. A BI.AOCISH minlatw-e Poe> Farmwc:rtb. HB, HM89S die, m&Je. Wht. spot on Rew! cbest. He'• grlev1ng not SM=-wh"t,---mal=e-,-o-ocll"e-,-Yl~el eaurw. V~: S&l.nla Ana Balboa. l&l ttr. FaTy Jandts. Ii'rwy. 1-213: 656--3799 Owner andout. R• w. FOUND • Bl•dt I ""'1.ifa f'lS.-1198 rtmale PUPPY, M mo1. vtc. "uo"'=~v"'·s'-c1o-,..,--...,-, ~IOOI M .. noll& A C1rll<ld, F.V. CIW Dr. Rt...nll 961--6973 * 5CS.JT29 • AU. blk kitten, 10 wkl. si··~-u •-I -'.L ~.~ In """~ 1u11cn, u.g, ., uw11.1 Vic: Ha\lftl Pl. Vic CdM a< ·~ .. : , IO. n ... .,..,.. N. Bell. Mk for R&ndy. Hert-., m.1S11 54!-«119"' -1-::::-::--=-=--e-=-= lT"S Beach """"' t1tne. in. PARAKEET. ldt.ntlfy, vtciJli. aet l se:ledlon evert lee the ty Visln. Daya, G,l&-5406 DAU.Y PlLOl' aa..lfted klfllTAl.l WAfllTID ,. ............ llllW CAltl , .. , ... ,........... ,,_ 100M1flOlt11wt ............ .,,. -ul'CI LIAllM .................. , 1245 mo yr. lie. ~ OW 642-5618 fOi RESULTS------Want Ad"';' Get ftesultil' tecOon now1 - - I II I . ~ ~ ... --=--... .~-. --. ---.,,-~. ---• ;, -" \' -~-.t--.... ~-.~.~. "~~!.,, ·~· ...... ' • • I 3 LINES 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS (Any Item Priced $50 Or Less) .~ ' . ' ' .. Pin~h Yourself A. Pile Of Pennies (Or Even Dollars) Penny Pinchers Pile Up Profits Dial Direct for Details 642-5678 North County, 540·1220, Toll Free DAILY PILOT PENNY PINCHER WANT ADS I -. --..,..------·~·----.,._,...., ... -_......_.....,.. .,_..~---.,...,--~----"""'--------------------'.""'---------------:-":""-,.-"'."'---P'!'I • -co -• -~~-~-==---~----· _---= . DON'T PIN(H ·YOURSELF ... (You 're Not Drepm~og) • But You Can · PINCH YOUR ' PENNI .ES with a PILOT PENNY PINCHER Classified J:d· 3 LINES 2 TIMES $2.00 Any Item Priced $1. or Less (If more than one lttm, tht comblntd tot1I connot oxcood $50.) 642-5618 YOUI CREDIT IS GOOD DIAL DlllCT ANNOUNCIMINTI - ...i NOTICIS -Pernnal1 ~I Ewl')' haircut -. .. cut LI a profound pUnu.\t Jor ptrfecUonl A portrtyal of mqoillciencc! MU')' Llnda and SUN.n at your wrvk:e. Set )'OU at Sir Walter'• m32 Nt~port Blvd. CM •J"ULLY lJ.CENSED* Renowned Hindu. Splrltuallat Advict on all matters. Love, Marrlqe, BuainHI Relldtnp ·1tven T d&YI a ~. 9 AM·9 PM 2l.S N. El Our&iz» RMI., San (lemcnte,492··!Hl6,~ Slnrle-Widowed·D~ * MEN·WOMEN Everyo"ne'a lookl'1:'. for the rlalit one. We have a WI.)'.., call ua 11. bqln to UVE! '41- 2t•Hl'. Recordinl AL COHOUCS Anonymoul Pho.oe ~1'llf or writ• to P.O. Box l23S ,Colt.a Mesa. •1-, .Alty JI>, 1910 DAILY nLOT JOU & IMl'LOYMINT JOIS l IMPLOYMINT JOIJ i IMl'COYMltlf ·-!!!~"'!'·~---------.. Jelt WMted, Meft 1llO J1M ~" Wta 7100 !!!!.._~ W-. 7100 --------A PLEASANT. capable DRUMMER -.did tDf 2 When You SCRAM-LETS ~ .. ~ ~ • .i.:.c1:'! nJab~ ~ • W t •t d ANSWERS ~ NB. Home ii on I one . .. ..... bot tilt ..,. Is ..... lt;)ITOR TRA••• • h "'""'"' lounllllsm .......... -" fig f o o o Oom<!l>-t'Uny..!.A--------to ...... alttt -for florM -FROM ONE • ~----S9ortamtn'a Publlcatlaa. •• Coll on'e of . Mo-: "HI, honey, "'" BookkMper publloh .... _ ... I •lve1 you a 111'1'" Bl.lrrot.liha ~er epr aldndiven, llJOllt' ...,. & the . experts ''No,-· I'm,... wallt. Ext<. S.Crelary l. radio ....... --II.st~ .. '-.-· lo:wl1~ 1,,. """"'tl\OM ONE." ............ S.C'y/111d1P!""' ............. You ......... a W!l1 CAPTAIN Order Detl< Soc'y good 1Yl1iot. rou .,.,. i.. .. 1' •~ .. llliillj•••••iii"'1ll. ........ ~--"• lJcensed : Radar • l.4>ran. ~I s.c·y written elthlr tor yew so Y~ exp. ulJ or powtt, IV'CM.Sinc Clerk· .~ P*Ptt or lt;ir OUh:ide -Sl_ll_V_1c_•~:_o_1R_.·!.,.CT011 __ v_ I 11RV!~f DllllCTORY SlllVICE DIRICTORY ".!'/"'ion&I ..... """""' ....... mut. !:.'!'="" .. ~w~~ I GO.Kie M~&n I: Cmtral' Sec'1/GVI Friday ..... 'T"""~ -...,.._ C11rpenttrf"1 . '590 GertMnfns · '6IO P1lntlftl, American waters • mo : Newport ol your woric. ~ ot CARPENTRY~-ca bi rte ts. P11perh1n11ng aso Utt09¢ multMnc. commer.. PertOMtl ,~Y paste-up btJplW., Pbone Mr. Room Addil.lons, Pat'--. tANDsc:APINC ·. tah1en!nc -~ clal pUot, lUd le ••• Ad-m Dover Dr., N.B. Holcomb,~·· 1 1 ' -• • YOU SUpply Tbe hinl ' "'LECTllm•c ' Arly 5~ ~· M~e. M&--2?76 Pftll'111le, trlmmlna a n d Br Uv Rm I: Kitchen nilili.strative expe:rie~. 642-3170 c REPAIRS * ALTERATIONS =~·Call alter 5 p.m. Painted, $50. Call S.Si'-8638 Best ot ttfert~•-Write ~~ · Ti(HNJC M ~ .. *,CABlNETS. Any me job Box M 1080, Daily Pilot, BABYSITTER Jl/time De:sirn and~,,..... 25 ~ GARDENING : Land *PAPERHANGING TrM1ur.er/Controller dependable. Att111 I: ~me ence, ~ state .clfcuttr:t'. GEN.~;:.'· add. ~b. =:r·: ;1:'n~:; : =A~~ 11~= CPA. ;~-T!::..ement ~~-=W:ttCJ1M Own ~~tctoria~~ Fa,mlca, pe•"nc marlite. 646--5860 te:rior. W• are reUOl'l&ble, lkllls.. broad experience in BABYSITrER, live in, C~. &16-n65 ~! Dtck.rfl.f4S9 JAPANESE Gardenln1 66-2SC6, ~ fiMndal and cot\ltnK.'tion Bar Harllor track. Own D:rual opp:ftmity •~r Strvlce. Ntat work. Oef.D\Ut * PAPERHANGEIA:· * field!, ·~tin rN.1 ea-traTQ. Ph: ~ aft 1 ELECTRON JCS ....,iy Cemetery Lots '411 Cement, Concre.. 6600 fd.•maint. 96S-Ul3 RICOK1'bed. Authol'ity. Prior tale ·~nt Services PM counter Mletmtn. ll. W. -----CONCRETE. All typea. Frtt EXPERIENCED Japaneae Instructor, 646.2449 • avauibie ti\ . .1..A. af..d Oran.ate BABYSITrER wanted, 2 Wright Co., 1710 Newport C PACIFIC View Memorial ml S..wilw, bttaJdna, haul-Gardener, Compl•lc INT 1: Ext,·Patntin, Local eo\anty areas. ~I 833-3402 young aons, my lloa)e otLB!;;o'~;i;';;;Cii.Mi;;.;;;o;;;;;&;;;;;;iii;;.-.1 Parti: Cemetery iota $200 bw • lldjllwllna:. Service Servkc. Fl'ff est. 546-0?M. nf:a. He'd, ins., rrft eat. OOSTA Mesa ~·,Exp. " ~ ~ ~~a~: Mon-I~ "-=·=· -===<r=-=== 4 quality. 5'8--8661 :Bob. OEN'L Oean Up, tree fJCt'V, l,.all Chuck, ~. yn, Sale 1 E~ r-Msmt. Ele. t....i-... CEMENT WORK. no job too •"Ced kiU, roto-till, aprinldn want. IOl'.Dtthicw to do. Babysit 3 kklt fu ou.r'bon-.e. Cuumw Tutorlnt1 6tto Small, reuonable. ·Free repaired, 6f&..5Y8 P11nflftl, M!)-.1574 Nr. Bu.1h&rd I: Bannine FRENCH let80lll by 2 Fn!nch. students, Bealnnen Ir adullJ. GU-3842, IAM· 12PM •• llRVICI DllllCTOllY ·-. ~ .... -srARTING new but! BkkPr Speclak:omp. ll!rvioe at prices you cai afford. ~tv.mtl. WANTED: Accounts in hook· keeplnc. AIR. AJP, payroll or F IC. B.:1118 Estim. II. Stuilkk 5ii-iln5 · •. PoporlJ•"ll"I 6850 962-""8 DECORATIVE · CONCRETE Gener el Services '612: PROFESSIONAL , Palntlne. Job Wan..... · B"ARM='°'AI°"D"°.""'sha=.,,-:1"a"1, -=no PR!VESWALKS-PATIO Nee.I ""°"· F,ine paints. Women 7020 COfltume. Ap 33-40. Day or CALL DON, &tUSll Wall Cleaninr By Machine Roller, brush, al r -1 e s ' nlte ihltt, allO pt-time, flO l'ut, low oost,. drlplea 9(1n.)'lnr, accoo1. celltnp, DAY workt-r. HonHt, depen-exp ne-c, wUl In.In. The ~~~ ~~ ::~: Fm ~1. Local ftf'L Low prices. Roy dable. neaL Call MI-0683 ~l~ce6::: · Balboa Blvd, • • ~-....... B & B QUIK KLEEN 847-1358 or 547..184.1 ~· 7• ~=-~~~~cc Philllpt Cement. M8-Q80. •"962-5'0-i * METICULOUS PAINT. EXP. Bank te~ler wants part BARl\.1AIDS • Expe~~· MORE On:Nte patio far APT CLEANING -Palnlin& BLUE CHIP STAMPS INS. time/Nl • time poeltlon. Apply ln ~t'90Jlo veps lesa money. Artistic ll!ttin&. • RU& 'Shampoolfl& l-lJte col •. ~ I. Ca.shitr or o1tkt work. Lite Room, 686 W. 19th, C.r.t. Lie .... Mu at ··~ -ettw • ••""""'nb. nt-ext . h ·•.,... _.._.,, R epairs, REMA.RC houses Exp Docks 675-5812 typini, 642-.flTl BEAUTY operator wit '62t SERVICES, M7.t681 • • . followtnr, alao I for manag· • ' • Circuit Clttign • Magnetic design, • Systems checkout C·;°";tr;ocfor;;;;;.;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;IFENCING . __ 1... THE JOB You Want At The Jobs Men Worn. 7100 lnz. r.tesa Verde. Write Bax • • !'.'pain. ..-•tin&'• Price You're Willine To ' • 1'1·1034, Dally Pilot, 2211 \V, Cl>NTRACTORS ienenl mamt. PQ-. Specl.al prices oo. ap\I. Balboa BlYd, Ne we or t CAIJ. IN OONF?DENCI: GENERAL CO. 646-00!I Steve, ~9 Beach. TODAY Ad<titiono--ln&' Ed" ct ...... "'"'"" . TWO UCLA ........ -abil(ties BOOKKEEPER F/C, J\.es.ide:nlia1.commt\:cla.I Carpeta • Uphol.ste\'y • Win-money Exp'd ho u s e ttnn Up. Stable esta.h. New. • S.U-8699 • ...... • FJoo< c.,, .. --··-~ ,.,.. .. t "'' t1nl1"m1'te"" ,. _ _..., U iJOl1 Beach Co. Very pleas- Boby11tf!.nt WO , _u!!ce!! .... !!!l!!!!!l!!!!!l!!!!!l!!"'!!!"'l"d~!!ed! IHoull"I 6730 ....... ,.. Q9. erJCN ant world"I cond. Top bone. I "I No Wutine fit11. Heavy constt. exptr. MAT~!~~~EN ~TH!.~~~":,!, T.N'T. Lawn servtca. ~A~~.~,!.i.t' TRISH HOPKINS ~~~~b~~r·~.=i GATIS LEAl.m COIPOR:AnoN Stotk ....,., Div. PROFITABLE WORK Kltche1l'lfl, ~~~~~arporta Garag1 e clean.ups, haullna Ml-1444 6464032 488 E. 171h. at trMoe, CM A&:ency, 23l'J w. warner, in borne ot parents Comp ete ltemvuau-e;. I. i&ht movina:. 5'8-5863, · 211 Sa la A Perentt Quality Contractora 642-3660 531-3729 HOUSES. docks, boat1 , '42·1470 Suite , n "" · 18tli1 Von Kannan Ave. Irvine, Calif. rMt cn4> 133-37tO • nythln1-everythlng : 8aby1IHlng Agcy MY WAY. quality home HAULINls $10 A LOAD ttuonably painted. For tree Accountl!'I MachlM * &U-ss.37 • repair. Wall•, ctlline. noon Cleiui up. TTff SUV. Ge.n. estimate 646--9152. Opi;r1tor BABYSJTrING-mature tl'!en-etc. No job too amall. Ptunlng 646-2528, 543-!!043 PAINTING Servke. rcsiden-Burrouahl E1465. Call Ann, aser trained • exp'd. avail ~1494 MOVING, Garage e!lean-up tlal I. commetclal. Local 645-2TTO, WnlclW Pert0nnel for full until col.lei" opens. ADDmONS. L. T, con-I: lite hau1lnr. Reuonable. &c experienced. R. t.ee.i.nc A1tncy. 2043 We1tcll.U (Will live in). 67~7 atructlon, tlnrle er 2 story. Fl'ee estimate•. 645-lfitl"J. ~l9, 403 Memphla; H.B. -°"-"-·,..N=.B•.'""'===-- BABYsrrrING ln my home Plana, estima~ I. layoutl. YARD I Gar. Cleanup. PAlNTING -Ext.-lrit. 18 ARE YOU infant to 5 yn, Day, evea 847-lSll Re trees t truh. =.:='-~~~l~-1 ..... • vy, , ... ""'" 1"'· Lie. ,..... IEAU11FUL?7 BOOKKEIPER· EqooI .,,......,11y ..,...,... SECT'Y. ~~ Girl Friday for Real Estate ENTHUSIASTIC YoWW ~ Manqement. Local, full ror architectural o rt i ea • charp with Home OH.kc Typing, tome SH req, aul&tMce. Reports. AIR • Artlatie abH.ity d ea Ir• d . A.IP. postlfll", rental income MG-2"165 · .l eXpef\lf's, Shorth4nd or EXP='=°'E='R.~p-rod~u-ct~lon----.,.• I Spttctwr1urc. No payroll. strru. Apply 'm s. C:O..t A wknda. Nr Victoria &c Additions* Remode in& Grade, baclthoe, 9S-1145. e1t, ACCO\lll. Cellln&1 . Ha.ri>or C.M. 6'1>-1413 Fred H. Gerwkk, Lie. ll,.\UUNG * FREE EST ~ It't all 1n the eye ot the be. Full lime. Salary • advance-Hwy, 12-5 Tuea-Fri. RefL BABYSITTING by day or 6'l3-fi04l * 5&-2l1'0 Ask hr Butch =======:;,"I holder. Check the 'IV com-ment aooc1. Major beallbExperlenced J;»ANntY week. Patjtic SIMI tract, Cerpet Cle•ning 6615 548-1265 or 548-5240 Pl•1ferl"" Pi1tch, ml. )'OU watch and U )'Oll plan. \VOMAN wanted, Speahetti HB. J'ncd )'aril • hlncbcL TRASH • prqe cleaft.up. , __ R;..;•.Lpo"l'-r ____ 6..;l_IO"I Ifft you'r. a• pretty u C.tdwtll, Banker & Co. Bender, m.t w. Cout Hw,, b;-n14 , · 9lme of those people, call ua. Newport &acb m.o700 N.B. Ph: 645-0l51 0 .. Q Moo. thnJ Sun. $10 a load. PATCll ~ ·~~G .~E ·-~ doytlme • .• · . ' Frft EstimAl" 543-lO!I * <~•~• CALIF. CASTING CO. EXPERIENCED """' ·~kins. U.M!d swim-All ~ ~Uma.tet la continulna: it'1, warch for • CAKE • mechanic with own tools • ....... ....... Pnler ._. CARl'•T 'HOUMCIHnl"I '715 ·-people wbo ha« FOR DQ~~~T~y &.,A c'Mbop, 11U - afeL Own car. st&-1419 STEAM C~EANID --------6l90 a deatre to v.Wk on TV or w, · · · WILL babys;~ elllld ""'' 3. RIASONAltLE RATES HouHCIHnl"I? Plumbl"I rnoildlOr Joba. 175 to l12ii T.;p only need apply. APi>IY ·FAT Ir UGLYH7 my home. J)ayl, eves '1./M A1ao c:upet installation, WE 'RE THE 24 HR PLUMBING per dll.)'. No fee tv you ever. . per'IOl'1 t Mr Andtrson. U )'OU are We probUl;y CM'I wknds. Vic: Harllor H.S., 64Wt71 EXPERTS I • REMODELLING * FOR ON CAlilERA 111 0 • •', NB MS-fM.1 557-9&M AUOITIQN * uae )'OU. • • OWNERS SPECIAL DUTCH Malnt S.rv, C'1>1 'cALL .(fl<) IJ5.82!2 Snock Shop llokory CALI!'. CASTING CO. EXPER. Babyfitttt Qffera 500 oq: tt. $20, Diamond .. 1 .... .,_ 1--wlndo PLUMBING REPAIR o~•• E ~-t H '-"-... los ·-·• ~ Ice f 2 I 3 plds. ..... ,., ""' wu: .. 15, w 10 AM to 6 PM ,,....... · "'"'s wy. ..., c;onlUlu , , leai"'"" "'1' llel'V or ~ CUpel Cleancn. lJT 2111 wuhing. HUT)' van Heynen No job too amall Corona del Mar, Oranae Co. fOr a var1•'1 of 60--Cl2C, Nwpt Hrts --. St., Colta Meaa, 645--1317. 537·1508 Uno ana call att 3. e 642-3128 e Aul.i*t&n~t T~ElnceLP' .** CAR WAS.H types, for work In maa. ~ WILL bab)'slt my home, REMARC Service•. 3 rooms r1.-...1-· •--========•I 'i' • dellng 'IV conunl'• Ir Ind Pomona Sehl, CM. Any ase. $21.50. Full) cuannteed. Mesa, ... ._.. ... ,. Serv"".... Remocltllftl, & .55 Per hr. 'Full 6 f/Titne ~lions. films.' Great pay, ri'.t. ttme: 1:30 to' Mfl...5894. Credit cama O~. 847--6688. ~~ =i.fl~tc. R I 6Mq 12 mtn nt1ded now· ·Growth t'bnipaey. ~ We are client paid. no ilt. WILL babysit, my home, in -.,. r Perm i. temp emP.IOymcnt lion& Oranu ~-2950 Htr"· Not a tchool. vklnity of Edwarda I CARPET Cleaning. 1D yn FOR XI.NT. HOUSE ROOM Addltionl,' prares, Deli~eey driver., order dept, . bor Blvd., Coeta Meaa. ,rJtll !;dlnaer. HB. m-5209 e1epe~l~ll~ed. Fret CLEANING. remodel. Lowest Pric!e tn with 1tetec>.1V' Co Must be CARPENTERS A Cement TV SCRl.IN TllT eat. · •C.Ul36-0648* town. Uc. contractor . neat4&1~11lve 0 andovu Flnlshcni wanted. · PH: (tt4> IJ5.am C1~terlnt._~·--'"°-~:~;.-:ina==~ JOE'S' CLEAN SIJiV. 60-2988 · 19. CompanyWt.u ti-aln. Call 96U945 10 AM to I PM -. aervke. J'ree .est. 6'2d055 We do Ewrytbirw·Rn 6 FIBERGLASS ahowtr1 a Mr. Ruu ~2B:'11 . * CHeF * (Second) FRY Cook, w... -DAWSOBUNILDAN.P.,..,WARE pullinant, ~ uk tot I FULL TIME -r-• ""'"..,, Comm. Free ER. 642-'1Sr5.l. H b WUl' detil"ed, but not '*'"'· 1toom Additiont • Remodel· Ci1rpet L1yl"1 & . '. BAY &: Beach Ja.oltuial er AILEY 2'106 West Male, p/tbnt, 30-35 bn .... . ne-1-_ Apt. Ropolr '626 ... GEN'L remodellnr • matnt, Oceanfront, ·N.B. 6'15.J.tl4 wkly, ewt. eau 80JJ1t l'""'• Carpets, windows, uoan, N job 1 II Maintenance Cement etc.RealCommc'l.646-1401 o 00 ima • Work. t STILL have the Best deal Llc'd/lrisured. m8183. Hal Don in town in Carpet-Linoleum· Houaework. Expcrlcnoed, 54&.0787 494.5301 Tile. C.A. Pare. M2-mTO ~=~Hon r•RPINTRY CARPE"I' LAYER HA S 6960 MINO~ REPAIRS. No Job CARPET! Fantastic Sav· J1nltorli1I Service Too SmalL Cabinet ill Pl'" in&•· Call 642-1164 Rei, • Comme'I. 64Ul2C QUALITY" )'OU've a 1 way a wanted. Dftumaking - alterations. Key Say, 1763 Orange Ave., C.M. 645-1292. Elcperlenced Seainsuen a.in • , t h • r cabinet&. S45--IJ.75, tf DD annreJ' }eavt mtC at NS#12. IL 0. Andmron QUAJ.JTY Woodcraft, aml sen'I constr. It carp1ntry. Free consultation I. quote. Call Ken 645-0044, 54&-4235. CLEAN-UP Jobi, haulln1, concrel• work. Free eat. Electrlc1I "40 lronl!!f 6755 --------ELECTRICIAN. Small job1, malnleMnce •repairs. ~ CONTRACTOR·LIC'D * '42·2192 * Ftoor1 * IRONING * My Home, $1 Hr. Pick Up l-Dellv. MS-1$41 Reuonable Rain l.yM Scheid 5.f8.5887 Ji1nltorl1I •JtO Tiie, Cer•mfc "74 Small or bi1. ~1801 CARPET VINYL TD..E WORKERS Available: A.Oy kind of work, anytime. Cleaning, lawn work, etc. Eftic1'nt, nllable. $2.50 hr. Aak tor John or Nk:holu M6-00'!5. • Di1COUnt Tile Center • 2023 So. Main, S.A. 546-1611 All type1 of tile ~wall, Door, patio, entry waya, bath ": shower. Expert lnttallatlon or fl'ff ln8tructlon1 for do It youneUen. Complete ·line of acceuorie• • tooll for --------!JC CONTR. FREE ES?. The DAILY PILOT ORANGE COAST'S • 51).7262 * SPARKLE Jal\itorial 6: Wln-Furnlture Rntorl"I dow cltantn&: Serv. Win- _ & lltflnflhlnt "75 dowl, resld., comcl, con1t. I. cle&nup. ,Free nt. 9U-46T2 lnstallaUon. * Verne, 'M\I! Tile Man * FURNm.JRE StrlWU. re.flnilhinr. .. 643-9&15. Lond1copl-6110 Cuat. work. lmtall & repolrl. • ·• No job too amt. Plaster ~ MOBILE if6ME OWNERS do,. LWdrc abower repair, Gardening 6'IO Bond-Rock will hold your M7-1957/M6-0206 ---~----gravtl tl1ht. For lnfo. CERAMIC tile cuatom work. NEW Lawn 1, re-seedini. ~1265 or ~ Alk for Fee estimate. Complete lawn care. Clean Butch 49.f.2144 or $&372 up by job or month. Free ========:-..,====-=====·g e~hut... For Info oall MAID SERVIC• "11 .f;;~ .. 191.2417 or 8*-0932 C AND S Maid Service AL'S GARDENING Retldentlal • . 1partmenta. fol' Oardenh~ A amaU Jand-Ph. &l:l-9rn or &fiH874 ICl.Pin& Hrvicct call Sfl).5198 Serving Newport, CdM, eo.. M1lnten1nce ta Meaa, Dovtr Shom, Weatcllff. WATER Heaters. dilpo9rra. LA.;,.,;W.,;N"°".i."-~G~ard-.,.-~ear.-, e:tci $7.50 per br. bcautlfteallon, weeding I. 60-27$6 or '4).0506 cleanup by coUest ltudenta. Reu. 113-7363. Ca1llla Broa. JAPANESE Gardener Mo. Rakl. Gen'J Cle~Up. Ex· per. Reu. rre. eat. .... 2239. -RE1'1J\£D Pa.inter; X )Tl aper. Neat l: honest. Non Grlnker. Call 531-61:11. -BOB'S TREE SURGERY" II kclc oUertnc the ume Fine Quality Tre. Service; ·-· TREES, Hedfe1, trim, cut, 1tumpa remo\ted, hauled. 30 )Tl, exp, Fully lnl. ~ poN'S TREE SERVICE All =~~sJt'-Jiw • TREES A ijii;i .. , ..,....,, shaped, remove or replut. z )'l'I loc, 131-ml aft •• ' I • . - .., ' I ' • llCNling Marketplace E' AL'S La.ndtcaplna. Tree PROFESSION.U.. 30 yn ·~· Wtkll"t __ _.... __ 6_;,_s.1 .ftted Cli111rflutlen1 """"'"· Yard ftmodelU,,. papom.twJnr 'A palntlns, ""-; E""-Truh ha.ullrc, lot cleanup. trom EnaJand. 111-1tn ..,,.. WILDING rv •r•• • R.eptjr ipm\den. 6"7l-U66 INTDUOR/ExttrlOr, ave. l Aft. 5 I ,Kkndl,, MS-&US. AulstaRce CLEAN UP SPECI4LJST Br. apt. Labor • miterlal 6500 6900 New l•neo A ,.po1r, Odd 157, Ml-15" -CINnl!!f "'7 • Job•. Reu. ~ TIL\DE. Paint\,. by ltc.• .MARK'S, Window Cleanlna ln the C..-nplete Y tnl Cer, 1 ed conuvtor tor truck, Service. For tree ettimates, JfM !WO-t831 turn. or T MMSM ~all MJ...349) DAILY PILOT ' CLASS "A" .MOLD MAKER · * Mtn.imum 5 )ft exper. * Top· rate1 * Stead)> overtime * All benefit.I FUU. or part ti.mt, m &fl! llmit, men or women in On.nae. Co. to ltlit on -llpor. ()pportunlt!U unlimited iii alea. Koakot Interplanetary, Eileen Wallen, '21315t).2?J.9. FULL or PART TIME. _EARN UP ro 15 PER HR. nJLLElt BRUSll C 0 . APPLY 546-5745. PERSONNEL DEPT. '--'-?GA ... L-;Fo;R;o;l;;;D"A"'i.-~I C M,_ c Good ·twtnr. No S.H. Can L. M. ox ••· o. l,o<'airie, 6'5-2770, W•ll•llll 1505 I, W•rner, S'.A. PersoMel Agency, ~ 546-2551 Weatclitt Oriw, N.B. '. ,,,..1 "'"""""''"' ..... .,... Gen Accountant COCKTAIL wa1 ...... °""'" Contro••r 2'J..30, 5 d&yl wk, lntervw, QuaJtfted t.ocountant fnlf, 10:31W1·12:30 wkdayl. Villa w/min. of 2-3 yn. ecperi.. Nova, Wl W. ~ Hwy. enoe to become tnvolwct w/ NB a r-aptdly irowlng am. c:hUn COLJ..EGE atria· It bi-achl garden centrr I. lancllcaPna , an.di, full, p/tllJlf· Av1. development corp. in Or- $3 ht, No exper neoea. For anae O't. Xlnt aalaty•+ oom- appt. C.aU Mn. Muller, pany benefft:L !klbmlt re- 5tfKiT70. mme, lndudinl Miily hi>. ** COOKS, Experienced tcr,y, in c:onJhiera to Box wheel man **·DISHWASH-M 1035, Daly Pilot, 2211 W. ERJ Expn'i(nced. Apply. Balboa Blvd., N.B. ILUE OOLPHIN GENIRAL HIL!'ff 3355 Via Lido, N.B, $3.95 HR COOK, ·BlioILtR-SA.t!I'E P/time, married, depenllable, See Clvl:t, BEN BROWN'S 6 mo'a rtll~ency req'~. Ace 31108 s, Coul ~wy. 21-31. Solith I.asuna MR. CLARK . Bll10 * COOK * ~l'ienced .lull GIRL Frida.y .for p:ntnl of.. . time. Park (.Id o 'eon-tice:, typinr, fillnc. 10-lley valetcent Hoapltal. ~ add. ~-time. ~ OtN'TAL NURSE · fOr front HAIR styllat with IOml office. Executlff QUAllHca-~Uo~ preltmld, B\IQ tklnl ~·Complete lbop. Conte1aa Hatr ~J.e to: noX ·M-1066, Fuhiona, ~ Dally Pl.lot, 2211 W. Balboa, HAIRSl'YIJST A M- NB. wanted tOr new laloft, ~ *** DISHWAIHIR P•l« aW' 48M;Il!2. • EX>'ElllEllCED • HIAD°.LAMINATOlt •· JVLL TIME • ·and experienced -Apply molders. Al'(llll 111 111na1o SURF A SIRLOIN , c.ourt1 San Oementw., .5800 vt. Cout Hwy . ._ N.B, HOME\\'OllkiAI wAiiii:D (~ pbone calla pl;e&M!) (Envelope Addi a-..:), DONUT' atria wantea, mbrn-Rush ltam:ped. l•~t·ad .i. A attn •httt. no tll()tr. dreaaed envelope . ~•. Mr. Donut, 135 £;. LANGDON WOJ\l.D 17th St., C.M. TRADERS, P.O. 8o>r J.IJf. THE QUICKER YOU SELL A21, -Beiltll< Calli, -------ilmE QUIQUJI YOU CAI.I, _oom _______ , --~---·--------~--.~-.~----------------------------------· l \1 ·--------~--~~=~-.=-==~=---~----,-----~-c:---~~ PITS .,,, LIVllTOCK TUNSPOllTATION -TllANsl'OllTATION TRANll'OllTATION --S.llkoto 9111 MorlM l~u1,. -Trvdto l'ondftt. ..... llS • l50 !ttmete kttttn1 .. 11D 54T.:m1 Qt 547-1691 BABY Miniature Oukh Bun-ny, u. * *'99fli • 1------* New Catalilll. II" traUH-MJJUN!: t.nclne. Oev. v.a. ~~ wlretraet.aW., kett Wlrrtt.W YllYlt driw. $350. ·~· 12.'>8$. 64$.Dll * New Koralla 12' !an\fly ;:=;:;::===== Kilinr """· maJn • Jib. ..., 111, -..... - S.11 awa,y price only '514 --------completa. * Balboa a> 25 A-·-..i."' .... 8.A.L ltJa. ftlk'eni wanlt • • 'I._... ~ moorinc « dock de ftlr 1(' -·-------* ~le cal& colon, I.mm. llobil car Uled Hob It OOBERMAN m,ai.. J yr Old, (AP'N IDS w/~lna: aJt 1Ummtr. ob acl!eol, ad ~ llllf!. 2200 W. Cat H NB 145-...u~ ,,,_,_._,.,,__,_..., ____ _ Dot• Good ruanl dos· MT-ITllD ' W'/. _...... ~AT lllp. tide tie to •C- all. 5. COMPLETE Cuetom SABOT eorumodltt ~' QI. S7S AFGHAN Hound, 9 \po, or bulld your own from. our mo S.lba& P • n I n • u I a male, AKC. A bNut q , llbt:rsla• hull iin tllM fftt 61;... Broker • M"Ult wll, make oiler. Chri~tmat. SABOT repairs-25'. 27' SLI' ~ eYH afl)'tim•. Sabot hardw.re • MW S.bot parU: mut, S50 pf't mo. Maln bay, WEln'.ffiah1a~ Wbt Ttt· booma, Jee boerdl, Ndden 6T5-l9llO riert, Wht Scottlea, champ. &: tillrrs. Fhmbtd u well 1ln, non-alltfl)c. AK C , a1 unHru.hed. Some factory ahota. am~ nt 897-156-4 2nds. Ope" aft!'f'l"IOOl1S, eve1 AOOIWILE, tmall, curly .l :~~· lTth sfr.ttt. CM puppJaai, part poodle. Cham-pqne co&or st. ea. lU-fi920 6U-9Ul, 64&-6ll9 SIDE TIE tor apprax. 36' boat. Newport Jlqch, Call 'S.l5-:l7C WANT TO BUY: MoorifW or am. trimaran llip. ..._,,,. NEW allpa: avail Im' 3f' tD 31' • TO' J'C'M'I' "" ...U. '67 ,IULT ACO DlRT SCRAMBLJ.:R PUMPER •• eubu.retor ~n chamber, Akrol\t rinu . LIKE NEWl $3GO Aft. 6:00 8'MS'D " ... = ... ,..,;""-.· ==~~~ 16' SNIPE frblra o/plfwaod. POODLE Pupp;e1, AKC , Trailer, cover. Fine cond. beaut. O.mpqne, I wkl Make otter. l!'n-lltl or old. 7S7{l(1211 CAL·20 12ttl .. 6"--* * .,,._ * ===::i:==:,;.==IKAWAlllKA! · B.S.A. ·Mal- INI Sorvlcal oo • Sacbl • N;oto Guzzi • Du- ca ti. riberflau .&: Gelce&t S&ln, lf!'l'Vice pant. ••Repaln•• • IH. 1970 TRUCKS TRAVELALLS SCOUTS AVAJLABLZ NOW tMMEDIAtt DEUVF.JtY Tut Drive an. Todt.)' At Kustom Moton °'IN ltQAD Maol6ctunn ol Ammca.'1 -Lux1oy -Vahlclu. --"-..,....i Fotd • IOUt rima • VI • a-uto wttb u · new Open Road c.in,per, Db. boot. bumper, SIQ.Lllt ,.cko. -Away .. BEAGLE Puppies • AKC • Oiamp. hlnodlina • &bola. 15{1. 962-4547 * lRISJI Seltff fem. 14 nm'11 AKC. $125. Call 548-NIS.1 l"' BANSHEE : 1 yr., red $700 -includes an. 19'!-'!19'1 J'J'M F.attm&tff ~ln2 ACTION CYCLE 712 Yorktown, H.B. 350 VI, ( 1peed, power 1tetr. "" 537..tOlt 12' FIBERGI:.ASS SNOW-.. -=•l:....:C:.:ho::rh~r'--~""r.:; 5J6.32'J3 'l\te..sun 10.T lnt, eu11Ml mouldtna1, heat. I l970 FIAT 1X -• ...t.. .. Good condition. .... ,70 Wa saki er, H.D. ahocb, H.D. .,..,,.~ 135(1. Call ~ . U-sKIPPER Dix. 35 n . MWI 1prinp, dual mirrors, step St;um Line '71 Convt. 3 Dl06 old. Fully Vlctery 21 PEA!tsoN ALBERG Aux. bumpll!r. 15Qx:ll 1plit rim Terry•Nemff•O.tlt e q u Ip• d · U950 tirm. MG-3031 Ext. 86 or 5T 1910 HARBOJlt.'BLVD. COSTA MESA .l~l'l ll !'Ll l I _1l111p ,li I'• • ""'•'•'•'•'""', u ~ .. u~ .. u- 1'11 TOYOTA WACMIH 6112-$1117 '. I OTHlll 1>9MOS ' • AT 110 SAVINGS ~ I DIAN LEWIS . l!a Harbor, C.H. ..... I '69 Toyota Corolla w.,_ ~ , luuqe raa 3 new ~ Xlnt econom,y car. art I. 67~17 ' * !96& TOYOTA 4-dr il&O $13"". Call 87J.M1'4 CdM Ml~. Poodles. AKC. · black Furry, law:able. 3 mo1. Champ blood, $40. 549-<I!« AKC DOXIE PUPS Adorable, I wQ, nd 6 bm. Sl~. 645-mOT Sa.Ulrw Sloop, ,, F_UN-N-250 Sidewinder, Street OJ" tube zype titt1. •<Mm. lx,.....r Motot H6met1 l,;64"4"4"684=,=-==1936===::::1.::0W, OIUt a,,,;.:.:i.. TRIUMPH Flboralau 6 Gtlcoot SUN" In ...i Yochll .. ""1' DI". LID .. w! 9·°"' mu.. $2499 , ... rwl.U•WMl<ondor JAGUAR Authorlnd MG Dialer 1----·----· 1 ••. rediilcovtt all the cryttal lei! on W&JT&.nty! Movin&. '65 Tllllllmll **Repairs** clesr water harbon oI Mu1t Sell. TT4-21M. r~·ilh purcbue o1 Truck i: TIATEL MGI ll\IUllll"R 4 male l4Q. 11:91' • .,.,, • FrH Eltlmatu 5'1-175.2 be6ut. Catalina. f!lr. ONLY K:ns of Road camper, Serial ' OALMATION &m.ale-pnHe, 1 Y•'. -·all - -· &Ga&alt. 5 bARLING C'«'bp male SNIPE-wood bull, u ll •, $911 DAY! (W/2 Doy Min.) '10 SUZUKI llO. Xlnt. coo-•5.115J. TRAILER SALES JAGUAR , :..;_.:...;.____ SPIT'9 ltl vam. ..... ""· all In """ ~ .... "'-'2m~=-~--~::.~ .. ~:. ::~~ UNIVERSITY 1)172 Harbor ....... 0 .0 . HIAD9UARTIRS 65 MGI R .... , • -...... 1 ...... -""'" ~~=~:~n 2!',.~!'."e ;.ri:; RPM . 54>-5040 .,._ 4 OLDSMOllL!l G~~.~~. ~.. n....i,au-J4GUAll ~ .::i = ~mli~ ud bo~Y !IXlJ 115. ~ $451). wk. lt&-!000 Disc 19~~~ CBW~50• old. 2850 Har• Blvd. =~-537'="-40-"-l'-1---1 = In the ~tin Harbor auna Bucb. Blick leatbtr frR" 32' 1'8'T CHRIS CR.Arr Sacritice at $925. 536-2122 Costa Meaa 540-96t0 'M VW Chulla. camplete Complell.J interior. 'l'onneau covu, OLD Enrliah aheepdoc pups, kltei4m~.=i:-TWIN !CREW. I 250 Honda • .eml-cboppe.l '51 l'ord Plclc..up ~t~ w=, steer-SALES ;::: wbeela, ucellent co~ ATLAS 1 champion atred, tiou.t., pet M"~u -~ Good -=,;-;:,;,;;°"=""=",,";,=-iR.eblt erw: tram Xlnt cond ~ Ton. CompleteJ.y bnnd llll"· ~""-tt ' pHal.a Slllt.VICI on. Talce am&ll down Ch lo ,......,_ ... 6ahowqual.$-n0'" awuo ....... _q, ..-..__ * * * ,675-6103 * * i nrw rebu i lt ena. New 4 caun:1. Dlll'lt o tt, P•RTS wW fin. Pvt.~-dlr. Call 'YI ,. ''''-'" , cond w/new MH, UIO « lut Stw... .... braku. New g ply tttti. 611-4866 or M6-'m'Z "' Jim aft 10 AM 494-7503 or 2929 Harbor Bl~: .... \ C0CK.AP00 PUPPIES ~otter. ~ 2 '99 TRfUMPH Bonnet -New paint. Leu than 2,000 ''JO MEYERS -street lepl, BAUER M0-3100. C6tt& MK& ~ 11' ea. CORAu•oo -SAILBOAT OWNEllS 650oc "'" cond. muot ""· •-" IUICK =--==--,,=~,,;;,;71 961-.]495 "'""' -La chins Sl02fl Nch. ~9037 on f'l\I. Must ~. Movinc. '65 trans, rtblt eng, on or 1969 MGB-GT. B . R , G. 1159 TIW. XI.NT ('OND: W/Sip. 645-0!10 un •dry i torqe, 714-2155. off road \lit'. $.lOM'. 64S.-1M5 IN AM/FM, wire whef'lll, im-New int, new rec ,....., TOY Poodlt1, male; AKC. * KITE • LATE. ru. '602 N•WJIOl't Blvd., NB •• '66 SUZUKI X.& '68 f'ORO f ·lOO pickup -COSTA MISA ma.cu.late. nsoo or beat of. paint. 4M-52!6 eve1. Jtq:ts. "Black Beautln" wrrRAILER. NICE. ====""""===== Clean .. dependable ... ,_ va ............... Import .. C•n MOO fer. ~ after 1 pm. Slt&-$125. 637-9106 536-1261 ma& w .... e ... , • o~w. 23-4 E. 1'7th Stnrtt ......... Mo~n. -· '200 c1 .. n. 11150. 714, 546-.1100, !-!5:!.!!~~!f~~~~~~I ;i'iTJ.-isu.iurnsi'i>i!in o-L GREAT Dane AKC faun e HOBIE Cat w/trailer, ;;.;;=~c:;;=:.....-= 'ti9 KAWASAKI 250 cc 644-2169 eves. rs female, 8 wka. Show quali· l\8lr new. With exltal. AUTHORIZED 1idl'lwinder, IOU of chrome. -,.,-Cl!EV--~11-1-.-Good--con-· '67 JAGUAR CPE. 1 ty . .......,_, *an.,,,.* REPRESENTATIVES FOR x1n1 cond. UW631 ditlnn. ll•blt ,., °"""" AUSTIN AMERICA w;,, wh .. I•. AM/FM ndio. 67 Ol'IL KADm DARLING •d-e,YM AKC rn., l 'Kl==r=E~N~o-."17!~. 72'-..,,~.~,-, -.... -Corneil, Continental, ~-** YAMAHA 100 ** q . 6 ply Urea. M9-0JT.f. a.tt. Sale1, SWvtee, Parta {XDA 2$.1) l dr .. .f. llP9fd. <WIB 403) ~ I; wht, 5 yrs old Be111et condition, $550. mount, GeneNI, Star, Stw· SlOO t Im.mediate Dtlivc)' $2995 Prlctd to tell? hound. Make orter. 646-5190 * 67:>-556-1 * aton Manor, Fluninco. Dual 6TS,.lT'7S '67 Chevy Van Mle ar All Uodebi Bill Jonet $699 'st Triumph spkftre, Xlnt cond, Muat .ell Make otter MJ..IJOO .• • 1953 TR.-.f * * GOOD CO~D. MUST 83&-2ll04 * * ·ss sr1mu CONV'1: Lo ml, tonnnu cvr. S1!IO * 6~T0n * ~JfERllY 'S Poodle1 . CORONAD0 2J Wlde,BarrinctmlBroad· 1970 KAWASAKI 350 cc tr•de.Xlnt.coftd. B.J .SportiC.arCenter BillJones Atknble, Apricot toy pupg W/Slip. ~O mort'. atreet tcrambler. lSOO m.I. O..ll a.tt 6, 646-"98 283.l Hattaor. c.~f. Ml)..t491 B. J, Sport.a Car Center , '-:· ~B~~;;~ ~ • sAem, tull eq\ltp 'd, c~:-: ~:::!.· ~:-· ia.;o=PF..N'l'ON ''-1 Ferd P\ckup '59 JAGUAR Mark IX. full 21.\l Ha~r. C.M. MMt!l VOLICSWAGIN : "' ·•-pou.. -· • · Good cond . S6.50 powec. •ulo, ... , tra"'", •1.1. ......:...1 K·,-tto rm 5 .. ~ •• "'th -~•-. ~ ""• ..,.,. 531 R1<1i '· ' _. point . """ ~~~• J• -....,... -..,._ '6 WIUI u~ ";_~ .,..,... Call 557.9975 aft 5 pm. · ....., pipe. cu •• om · ' price ~ Xlnl Interior, tools. Looks * ~:zu * 1 YW IUS ,,__ $425. at~ 5 541-3840, ,.J;!._W.OIUtH"ll"/.,"'N_J.1..,, !Utt ·11 Roi.It, $1200. 5.11-39561=========;:: Lldo 14. No. 2214 Exe. 123!1 Be.11.ch Blwl., G.C. * 1970 YAMAHA ENDURO JHfll 9111 -_. ,... T Pus. JU1t llke brud ~ -Hort•• s.. S.t ~ Son 10 to• ...,....,.. Authoriaod MG DeoJor '62 XKE """""'· 11/H, PORSCHI Lie. USL '99. l\Sf Auausa, CM. $1095 175 c.c. Loll of Xtru. Xlnt mtch. cond. Nu p&lnt. ---"------1 $2,... T YR. old. Rea. quarter hone 1e.Jdln1. W t.1 t ern trained. + tack. Sf95. 213: .. ......,., THE MEADOWS ph. •It. •· ......., LEAP tall bulldlnp llt com· '62 AUS11N moo ,...,... 541-'63 POUCHI "'' No"'~.* Raci~ ~ND "' HONDA 450. Xlnt cond. • .... , lo '1'" !.", ~wC! ... Mn'" Hl!ALIY "" ·, .• JAG~All SEDAN r-·-... ~·"'c ~-.• , with e .. ICIC IVIRSON-: Mu.!t .u due to firenc'-' w comp re .... ...., ere ti • 12""" ~ ·~ -""" ·VW Red w/trailer 67l-33.fi (I rvlM) problemt $600. 546-«>ao ,,.. ena:, bl1 ttre1, AM·TM .. OD, Wire w&tl1. (111 Aft.OJ 1 ~78 bl&c* l.nte.rior, c h r o m t Mstc;;all No: n. Excellent ·--·· · etc. 4~n32 Prtced to •II? wl\Hl1, radial tire1, AN/FM; 549-3031 Ext. M ar 17 2 HORS!'iS: 1 Pinlo a:eldin1 J250. 1 Roan ma,re $:¥X). Xlnt cond. 968-1495 conditioo 2 All•. $450 Rnervatlo"' ar. now bolnt '6' HONDA CB 350 '13 JEEPSTER, Suou, $1299 KARMANN G-H-IA ,..dln,Llc$.2P6XW999'2. ah! HARBOR aLVD-~"'~""~1"'07Hu;,:.c... ";_o,.°"::"°=,._ 1 taken in Onna• Ctlu.nty'1 X1nt oond, K Ir. H '96 Cam, Death aale . VS, air, radio, COSTA Mii.A 32' COLUMBIA Ra c i n 1 finest I: Mftll mmplel• puk new clutch $5'10. 642-l.(34. hubs. winch, l'aldiab, 1\1.tcb.. B J :;.;~• Cen CHICK IYIRSON '66 ilflilii'W'liN" erui.;.., Sloopo. Slee" 4. at 14151 Jdlory lload (SU.. "'5 YAMAHA YDS 3 250 $2800 •• h<•t of hr . · · 1" '64 lllRUINN Gff11 VW lllLIW Ill~ $49.10. t7141 846-3445 , rounded by Orana• Gnwea) CC Aaklrw $250. 2tll3'n·Mll 2133 Harbor. C.M. ~ M ""' "' TllANSl'ORTATION INto & Y achto 9000 CAl'TAIN ERfCSON 26, alpa 5. dinette, loaded w/xtrali, clio.an, 1\ip avail. S.WXI. 54S-2688 LiCMHct • ~ -Loran, Pow•r Cruisers 9020 30 Years exp. Ail or power. :...:="-===-~°" Prafeulonal Sport 1'~\1hina: ~· OWENS Crulter, set up Gulde Mexican • Central for divina:/tPOrt fishlnl. American waten -also Swim step, depth nc ol l!Cfllled multiotil(. cornmer. indie1tor, S/S, bait tnk, fuU ci&l pilot, land A sea. Ad-COVi, Iota ot v:tn. equip. mlniatrative uperienc::e. Replacement <.Ut o/$9000. Beat of H.fettncea. Write $3'150 CASH. 962-4.fm Box M 1060, Daily Pilol. 24 FT CABIN Cn:iiser, 115 e 1164 22' LYMAN. 171 HP hp Ira. Chry&le.r Marine. V·I Gray, SIS radio, ht.ii Ju•I painted lhruout. t&!Jk, head, navy lop. full Pt:rfeet •ha.Pt: all around . cflver. Top Cond. 12450. WTLL SACRIF1CE $2300. 675-6112 evn l wkend1, Call aft. 7:30 p.m. 49.1-3996. Wkdlya Ml--0010 SACRrFICE for Quick Sal~! 17' cAliJN cruiu:r w/2 J.'i 25' Baltic cruiser. twin HP Evinrude ell!<'. 11tarl Vol vo1. Owntt/646-3194., rnolm'I, t lpg 2. on Big Whf:el Bkr 548-1501 tilt , trlr, $1085 or trade. _W_A_N_T_E_O_; -,-,-. -G~1,-,-,-., In Irvine. For information, * 646-0354 • call 893-5730. 531-ISil W' '61 HONDA lec:rut'n Vehklet fS1S DATSUN 4 1peed t1·11.nirniaalon, radio ~30.11 Ext Ill! or IT 531"105 --.;;...-..;..;;.;..,.__ and heater. tHUP 5171, 1970 HAl\BOR BLVD. . 11P-ing S:iOO '968-7'281 GO KART $895 COSTA MESA SPACIS '67 T<iumph llGnnovlllo " re '!O PORSCHE C.brotia. 1.., Available in Hu~nrton chopper. 548-9886 alt. 1 pm W/McCullou,ih •111. 6 •lArl· ._ I --IUJ)tr, with bard top. New Beach .a: C<a Meu'i me-·m YAMAHA 250, YDS3 er, • ATLAS enrlne, new clutch. ntw, eat parkl. 11trttt. Ex c e I . cond. Al M0ak.,• '?_~~ "Leader tn Thi J.Aac-.b Otitt" tlm . new paint, AM/FM. MOllLE HOMES S.crifi"' S.100. 83>-2302 I. ' -··' ZJMMIRMAN Chry•lor-Plymouth Juot lil<t new, "" bo ...., America'• finetl, available INTER.. Travelall 1911, 4 2929 Harbor lllvd at 20l9 Harbor Blvd .. or i.c every aize ' price ranae. Auto Sorvlct wheel drive, full p..-r, air. 2145 HARIOI ILVD. c.o.ta Mesa s4&-tt.M phone 64.5--1912, km to 6PJ)l JOMICRA, INC. A P•rts MOO atereo, hd coolin&. new J40..6410 '67 KAR.MANN Ghia ln '66 P'OR.!CHE ru, 5-e,peed, 19261 Beach Blvd. ·-----tire11, low mlleqe. Xlnl -~~:..:o,c:c.::.,=~-1 • x t chrm whit, new radiala. Im· Hunti .. .-.n Beach 536-&'ill ---.. ___ , cond. ~-98J..l56.l evio.1. DOT DATSUN cond. air, one owner. S~. mac. thruout. Pvt ply $3&50 ........ '64 VW CnaMll, complete Ol'IN DAILY ~ ext 2:11, alt 6: firm.~ RIVER SPECIALS fron1-end wlbrakes, ateu-9520 ....,....._.., New 12' wide homes. ili&htly ing, ma.stio.r eylindtr, pedals ~•mpirs AND $4900 for '69 Poncbf: 9U. • .,,,_,_Perl•cttnrthedn. • ,~ .. ;~;'oo, '69 Chevy 1/2·Ten ,.Jou~?,!~~.. MUCEDIS llNZ ~"~1.:;,~ tt-youl'8eller. Orlrinal ae.ll-With campct, low mile*le. Hunttnaton Beach -· Save to you! 133--2441 Inc prioe Sfi000.fJ080. Reduc. 4 MAGS with 1ood year tirea Automatic, power 1teerin1. MZ-ntl or 5$06G etl for clearance $4000.S5(DI, -fit VW ar 0.vy Xlnt. air cond. Dir. Will take ~~~=~=== BAY HARBOit rond. $95. '7>-11917 •h 6 cor In trade O< fin•""' pri. '86 1&00 ROADSTER 14%> Baker St., C.oata Ml'q_ c'c,."'=~---~~ vite party. Call 54&-4052 or Ju1t South ol Harbor and San l 'ORD 6 l')'l. enaine with 494-9713. Sliver finlah w/black vinyl 'IO PORSCHE, xl.nt con:i. lett offer. Call 544-95.1! llDAN ·--... ,..., and Miter, IRRT 551) .. : $195 ATLAS Chrya)or-l'ly ....... ~' • " 2829 H~r Blvd. . Colta Mua 541-- ' 63 VW .IUG Red bfoauty. Excellent ~ tion. New valve Jo9 . ...U down will tin. Pvt. Ply, •. Call Phil ilt 10 AM ~ or $.tml. ,.· 1lU iiCilJAllE Ilk. Ad.' llMlo. ""'· ...... Ddt ...... Naw ttna. 11& "5-Je1I 1 '64 YW Convertli.I• 642-11 .l7 36' DOUBLE ender-dlt:sel ena:lne, outri(11en. n e w radio, Newport mooring. s:nsn. MZ-MOT ~·/5hp mo!or. Call 6?~9023 Die-t'rwy. (714) 540-9470 trans. comnlf:tely rebuilt. I t ,_ 4 ~ DI (JIUr ... ,. New '70 D~u· "•·~ •r-. ,., ,. GOLDEN Wtat Mobile Home 2.000 mlh!1. Best offer takes ••• n 1151 ) will take trade or fir). Ortn&e with brand MIV )llltoi .20' x !ll', 2 br. 2 ti.. ~ 1600 OHC, Pickup with camp. 11oce private part)' caU PORSCHE Spffdlter, Coo-ley top & brand new e,_.,\ ·e PORSCHE 912. 4 apd. 15.00D ml. 1lereo, Llke new. $5150. 496-1403 ff' HOUSE-BOAT: Fully e<p.lip. for llve-•·boan:I. Sell or trade. 6J&...4D43 or fl4i..2-4.'.M n ,. SURF.ING OtrrRIGGER. CU.tom built by Ph i I Edward•. l 'JCll. N~11 work. Call alter 1:00 pm. STS--00'.t 27' x I' WOODEN hull· needs work. Good for chartclU' boar.~ KING'S Cntiaer SI o op Inboard. 1op shape. '5000. 67~. 615-8900 eve1 CANOE. Ilka new, a I l fiber;iau. Colt ~ Mual .tell 12"40. 64~ Sallboato fOID drps, crplli, relria:e.r•lf.d air DISMANTLING '59 Porsche er. Sale price PW dlr, 54M052 or 49f.9T'1l. cou.r1 Plrtlll1. 13200. Lie, OYJT98. Speed-Ski Bo•ts 9030 conrl. ApPli1necs will in-Cnnvet"tible. P11.rts ava11. I# 67798) WiU take car in ·157 DATSUN Waaon 96 hp '67 ME:RCEOE!"" 200 dletel 962-1563 eveA. $11ft * CLASSIC * elude dhohw•"'"· Awnlna, 841-!.161 "'83.';.19'.5 Ind•. Will tinanca priva\e "'° """ porl s'acrilict' 4 d<. Xlnt •hape. new"'"· ROLLS ROYCE CHICK IYlltSON' alrlrtifll•, crpted porch . party. C&li Mi-4062 or 5'>1.111 ' ' · Will tix dent. $500 A take VW Beautiful Cl\ris Craft Con-storage. ahed. Adult park. ~27 r .t. Heeds 494.9713 • over pymt1. di.Ya 545-nMI------ tinio.ntal. 18' tpeedboat. m1· <>wner trantferred. See New, NeYU UHd Mi TttO VAN '61~ DATSUN 1600 rd1tr, ext 'Jt!JI t:vf..l 1ft I. 642-8242 Jlt.OLLS Rnyeti 1949 Silver 54~1 Ext. 66 OI' IT hos · planks. Ford T·Bird -· ...... er. R 1 n ch n Hun-Sl<li. M&6.UI MW maroon p&lnt, 2 topa. Wra;th Hooper alummum mo m••n11 •LV• _ ..... _ 11.\1, '4·T buUUn camper. xlnt cand. ••1M, 483-4023 """!' ~ -eng. 3 hn total tjme, new tirwton, 19361 Brookhurst, Stove, sink. IN! box, _...... METRO bocly aedan. Blk paint. burl COSTA~ tnBtrum•nts ' chrome. H.B. Tr•ll•r~ Tr1v1I MU 1 t ·111 · t 1 the --..,,"6"'7=-"VW=~---Oxnpletely """'n·~.:c...'='.1!1!· A RR 0 W HE AD Tra••I carpetini, paMll ln1. bed. IN""'USH FORD wa nu , enor, an ea l' .,...,.~ SACRlnCE 12'6 ' Skyline, ,..,.. XLNT ceM. W MITRO VAN uphols. Superb cond! $$995. $4001. Owner ' all new lurnUure. Spa.oe Traill'r. W/tnclosf:d awn-• 54:;.ntS * -19.l.l %·T builtin c1mJte,r. 615-1810 StiMNll•ck &46--m:I. &nil. Adil Pk, N.B. 10.mln, ing. Exe. New painl. Sat I' FUU. cab.()Ver camper. ALL NEW ENGLISH Stovt:, 1Utk, lre bol:, ======== SullfMf 14" SKI ... Speed boat n.s. all major ahopplna areu, • Sun UM. 119' Au,u.ta, fact, diaconlinued mce·1. FOJU>S NOW IN STOCK c11rpe1in1, p1nellln1. bed. SUNIEAM Abo I' Hidro $45. Both &4~9104 art -4pm. CM. fl50 Complete. $89,5. l&t Wtll DRASTIC.U.Y Xlnt «Ind. AMIF)f radio, tape~ elr comp w/rttiatration Ph: 2 BR. unfum 1Dx5.=i dbl., ex-1°'..,""-AR~l=mlCRA===r-1~5~• ~Lo--18th St., C.OSla Me.9. REDUCED *" ~7245 * '67-SUNIEAM cond, 10,000 mila on .,. ,.._,.,. N LoclDey ,.,,.._ Lie. U- pando. $69.ill • Sp o. 81, Lin1.r. Stlf conl•ined, ra• '66 vw camp tr. Rebll TO a.EAR Sl695 12' MINI-SPORT: 40 hp 21462 Coa1t llwy, HB. Kay rdt1&, acct\uoriio.i i nc I. UR.GE SEl.XCI10N ~G Radio. ht•ttr, automatic · Evlnrude w/traUer, eJec. at Sp. 32-4 11rt. 3:00 pm. 1110) or olfer. 646-3141 d&yi. ~~~k: ;.~::.~· I~ 1'0 CHOOSE FJ\()M ' trant. (V"tl. X12) Priced to f other MIU.re --~rt. 11"'1. Alt. '' 00 SAC!UTICE 17"'6' ~•1... Thaetloro '65 MGI .. u, lo .._. "-'· -I ~· 11' SELF-contaln<d Aljo 18'8 I' WHtway• Camper $799 CHICK IYIRSON al-I. ""' 1100 ROllNS FORD Wire """11. Red In color, 16' RUNABOUT. XO HP Mini Blk••-___ '271 615-3423 • M6-l0'1:! e _,Harber Blvd. whit• top. INTY IOll. Bill Jone• YW \ Chiv rrari,. rntr. Xlnt end. -----'68 NIMROD DelllXt, •lf>I 0.ta Mtaa 142-0010 $14,f ~. J. Spo111 Car Qnttt Priced -quick sale J,575. Bonaru.a1 ~ ~..': M111~! blke , •Iv ... ~-d\Jt tbl KM Pt..ANN1NG tolncmov•t ::_ou'll '!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'! 2133 Harbor, C.M. 540-4Ul 154910t.n-tl ~ 9' or Ir 1 SAILBOAT ~ Rhndea clAu 54i-6680, Ll ... 1765 X nl "'""'' w !>4&-ti'ria"'""'....,,., · ....,.., find an amaz numur.r ef Bill Jnn4!t . · HA..._..R BLVD. N(I. 24 xlnt huy ib1nk prt11.1 •1:;,.:;.7 ,c:15:;,.:;,,:;G"LASr~=R"°O'°'N"".""w=150 -==~·~543-="="'=="*=== I -,~==~~-~-hnmea 1n toda,y'a Cla11\li9d FER• &RI B. J, Sp(lrt1 car et.nt•r 'f!2 ALPINE • 3 tops, sOod OOSTA MESA 1 df'nt Joel Cr11.il1 i;trid~l hp Mercury. Only 20 hr• -=-----l ,;Call;;;=W-56=="'=•,;c;ha:="':';;':;t.=-~A=d•;·,;;Ch;:ock;:;ih;:•m;:no;w;:.:;:::;: 1 _____ ,... ____ 28.l.1 ll•rbc\r, C.M. 5f!M481 ~~ri!J~~.6r;-~~:5~1 7 :30; NCW VW IUCi 4 Cqmpuo, wl"d • koot, °" bolh. 174;. 64\H!IO Mot•r<Y,c<:.:;I•::• __ ..:•:.:*= PIRUlll '64 MGI ... r::iy, c:·:h. d~:~r .. i~~·: 16' OONZl, 2'25 hp l/0, llllliS HONDA 65, Minut 411' l•ic,~ .... ,.~ .. ~----·~1~20~c~·~m~po~·~·----·~1~20~ N...,..t I'm~ Lid. ~Wire whe~\IJ, UICC·l79J TOYOTA $55.19 pr ... i Bron1nn, Ben!M, c a 11 r. attreo, traUu' xtru. Very ,ear, $75. Ii ~ :.". • oob> auetw. $1299 --i ' :, ... , " ~Ip N". 2lO n.ib •harp ond '"'' .'192-1!60 c.u Ml·lllM "A COMPLETE SEL£CTION -B" I' MAXEY $147.71 down Incl ... : Brol, San Pedro. 14' GLASSPAJt aki boat, lS 1968 Yamaha to ~OO w'li!.~HPilTI BW JOl\ft! J.LL t1x I Ltc. *"' ISLANDER Aux. HD. HP EvinnldHltc ,......,, Xlot oond. Many utru . Of CAMPERS AT -11...p...~.!.ci.wr• B. J. Soorta Cu Cenltr VW LIAllNO &alley, corttln1. cuitilona. i: trailer. $575, 962-4091 can Bob, Mf..e«M "1-~ ~l'Nf 2L'U Harbor, C.M. 5'0-Htl AT ::::· •;:~ "':: )t~~~ clN=l_T_ra_llo_r_•____ HU,!; '!.:. "::~ TOTAL DISCOlllT PRICES" Au..,,.... Fmut Diiier '59 MGA l ... BIACM ILVD. CHICl(~YIUON ssoll tn I.~. Slip avail. -* '"-51'114 * e ANGELUS e HARVEST-VANS 'IAT Convf!rtible, 3 •Pffd. dlr. Hunt..... M7.au 1J'lt HAIUIOI\ &I.VO Mu1Jt atll.117.(IJLl Ext!i022. "!;~~ :ty b= r1!1 ---10..:...H::..,.,::..::,::.al:...cll0__ • TtAR I>ROP •CAMP KING VANS clean air: IOXYl19l WW l mlN.eto..e"'rJ.•.. COSTA MESA ' ~ wkdyi. naw. sn.1• w1xoM rAJUNG "50 i ~~:J5f'r.iEROAD : ~~.E~:r.YE'f5 '61 FIAT 124 ~:_:r~~dC.f.'= '81 TOYOTA MA ' *"'we: ! HOii CAT'S • MW.1.12 • • t>ISCOVERl:.1l • 2~~ING w~. /I.tr con4itioftina. or 494-ml . Xlnt t'Md.. new brakea. .._. "Ma;;::;r.;:ino:::..,.;:1;o!'=l"':;...-.;."31;;,;.; 1 HOO.AIU dHH'l biktt. I • CHASSIS MOUNTS CAMPERS (VWW Mtl Prictd to ..UI 11153 MG-TO. New f'.na . tlret, Sedan. dlr, automatic low Mil uuo, 'SB;Tlll •, ALL COLOllS LARGEST db<ouots °" •II Oliec. l3llO "" '"· Call $1299 tnp. 1ldecurtaJ .. Ai0ittlnr. m\lc•"adlo· i...1er. IWX1" II VW.... ,. CAP 'N EDS ""'ri"' "1ulpmenL lladiol. ,;;'*""".:;;...,:,:,;..,,==~~-$875 lll1Jooe1 CLEAN.IUOQorbo"•Qer. Ol'llTU.oldor'"'tor-$400. 11$.,. 2IOO w. c.i llwy. NB 66-JMt COll'lp&NN. deplh «1lUden, * .• y ~MAHA 100 OC! .. PULL CAIONVI~ UM,... I . J. "'°"' Cu C.nt•r Jerry ...... 6f6.095I will Un pvt ply, Call Phil 'i YW c;;, Lilt ... .... Did you evtr think or twt~ pelntJ. ·~· :.~vel")'thbw tor __ u_1tt..:::_::M:.:.i·.:c~::I:....::~--· _ PAOM 2W Hartaor, CM. ~91 1959 MGA convtrtible aft 10 un -.alOO· ~l .. ~JD-1· lnr that Whll• Elephant In power ••• _.. , EMPIRE CA .. ER SALES ·e.a riAT eo lpy4er, 10,000 cau 673-0396 alter a. 'ff TOYOTA ~ ~ ' !ht attic lo< ...,.thlor you •~w ~ "',, """u-·SMppoN .:h '61 HOND)\ 450 with lllltlu 1111" ml'o. T ...... u cover. chrm ;u Narcluuo , CdM COltOLLA \VAOON •ii VY/, ·Mil, xlnt. Oili. can uM'f 1l'y lht Traden ._.. • ~ · _,,,, • °" · tnurtnc: leirina. Xlnt COM• So. CAI. Discount Ctntef w~ •m/tm, Stfllm mut· 1950 MG TD s91i U.is•1e nck • new llrtt, $1395. ParidiM c.oiwnn 1n u. Ou-tiit QU1CkD. You CALL SIM, Sf&.-413.1 101• N H •--I • e ·-1m nr. Sl.fODJ-.11 oft. 1'vt ply. Perltr.t r.dndltio11. Saortttct. efft.r. xlnt. cond.. An. I • Ctll &Jo..lm ~--·-• 0~•4•~~ •••-·--··-··-·r·--·-·A··-·-----•1 bl PUn< W"" Ado. Tiii! .--•vu ~ ~ ~--·· '*-U!IO· Mu" l<U . ..._.,., '""ll. Pu.or WANr ADI " • • J • -·----..... ··--·--·-~ -----...... ---~----~---------------------~---------------.-.., TRANSPORTATION • TRANSPORTATION Tlllrldor. Jul1 JO, 1970 ~~!!!C°j!!i!!~!!!~l~=~T'.!!~IPORTATION - !!'"!!!''"!!':rto!!°"~..!-~'.!!.__!•~oo 1121,ortld ._ 9600 .-WilnfM f71IO Uoad Con ttilo Uoad Cari TRANSPOltTAT)ON -,'91!f Uoad Cora 9'0G Uiod Cora ' TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOltTATIDH 9900UMdCoro - '63 YW ... llllCHANIC SPttW. voLKSWAGIN VOLVO wE PAY TOP -c·-A-D-ILLA--c - .,7 YW -~ CASH * For lmrnodloto MESA vm1e·1 Exe'• 1986. '!9 CORVE1TE. .., 327. S ~ -S•le * Fu.II equip, Pfliect. Only balanc:til blue printed eng. 9UAIE IACK ~ l>r '*4 .... 6 -just 1959 CADILLAC PARTS NOVA ST.\TION . 37.000 mliet $2300, :MMm S11 Eri"" c•m. ,,.. •• ,. '' -co\ii1:iiiv1nrTire;-CHEYIOLET DODGE .CON11NENTAL '64 CllEYROLET '69 DODGE LI<. Ol<CCIJ .,, LIP• -· black teterior, VOl.YOi call .. ,... -•tfmate. Air conditioner WAGON M&ndello, Cllll<>ml.ed. C>alg AWN "'Olo, ool4 -A • • GROTH PUrlllllll rT n..MmlM~n 6 c.>4inder .~-. uodlo ml CORYAll """''· blue •U.11< racing SUPER BEE VI, 4 ~. f'Miio, heater. f'O"N''t stl'el'ini and more. {XWZ 465) IVllSON YW· MViad by ua. 100~ l\&lr" lllllLlllU~I Brak.ea • ....,...-t::::-::::::::-:7:"'~---til't1, sfttt0. ValUe tnVtst. antee., parts A labor, :«> Uf'lllrftllMllrlll'' Drums hea~. See to .appred&te. '66 CORVAIR Cona. 4 on $M,<m ltll for $3500. ---..... t' ., llAJt80lt BLVD. 0.:VS ttr 4GOO rn1les. Uc. rllllMUlllUl.ft Aik for SaJe1 Manqer Jtadiator t63T AQ>) fir, tadt. comp. l"l!blt, 54&-5325. USP 219. J dr. Demo. J82U BQc:b Blvd. 1'"r0nt and Rear Bwnpen $595 MUST SEIL £i05 E. San 1---------$2395 I CCSl'4 MESA $16ff *-so* """-Beach Radio Joan. s.c. <9:1-162! • • DODGE ... 841.000 Kl s..J33] Dashboard Equipment ATLAS '66 eo .... 1r soo. •c vw CHICK ,.. .. ,..N ·-..... :-., * M.t.KE OFFER *. 2 "'·hod. m .._, . ' ' ATIAS . .... .., --••--.u•m WE PAY J2U Soulh""" St. 842-7513 '164 DODGE DART Chry•lor-Ply"'°""' .-~ ~M~ YW . TOP DOLL4R Santa """ Chry•lar•Plymouth 1963 Monn. Automatic. 29'19 H.-ruvd . .-........ ~.... ...... 5e-3Jll Ext. • or 61 -For cle#.n, used can Sf2.31J:I After S p.m. 2929 Harbor Blvd. 1 owner. Flrlt cla.u lhape. Co&ta Mesa 546-1934 llo ..,. at "10 -J.m HARBOR BLVD. '63 VOLVO JOHNSON & SON '65 CALAJS Cou blk Ian-Coot& M.,. 5'11-1934 . 67M91l8 ST4TION W400N ·-· "' ,._ -COSTA MESA LINCOLN >"ERCURY pe, ,68 CL-· N II v ... automatic. rodlo. boat .... •ro Choll•""''' IUU pwr ~ ':tam to-. Pl 800 5 dau top Forest gt'l!en. Fact. · nsY. QYG '61 Corv11r $250 power lteering, fONW 4101 air, 6500 mi. $1100 on ' $ .y,_....,.... ~ \<-...... l'/h, intJl'liQ.r, • 2626 Harbor Blvd., C.M. auto air, all pwt, cru.iae 1J door, like brand neW, Uc. ftod w/white int. 642·1640 $795 windshield sticker. Pr Pty . ..,IUlllCll' Ulltliiar • -S. All iQ tpp Radio, htab!f, 4-apeed °"'""° IMPORTS WANTED eontrol. Mint condition. XE'Y 001. ~ 675-6414. -.. _..tr -....t. -... le o»-drive. Red in <olo,.. (Flllf Ora,... Coon1ieo 11995. 842-"62 $1099 Did>"" ever think ot swap-,63 OODGE Dart GT, 2.<1r WUSWAGmt ... Oil J•'ld•lt sms. fn.'51( · 31Jll ;tlP $ BUYEI\ •-lhat White El~·-t In ATLAS Hd Xlnt --• Be I ottu :-..... -~ ......... lll>USomP!ilt $1399 BllLIW<EYTOYOT4 MUST SELL CHICK IYERSON U:altlctoroomelhl;;',... tp. * ~";is2 .: . .......... ... • ,. 1rs. N aekate mcswhl, Bill Jones 18881 Bel.ch BJvd. FJawle11s '65'Black Cad Con· YW can use! Try the Traders Chrysler-Plymouth _ VW.:V:etue. Rlldle,. X1llll AMIJ'!'• wood trim ~ • 8. J, SportJ Quo Center R. Beach. Pb. 847-8555 vert. New tires. tull ieathe:r, Paradise column in the Dai~ ~ Hart:ior Blvd. THE SUN NEVER SETS on cond. n'Joo. Call aft ' 1CD. Ar lifts. t:ig lamp, ~ 2833 Harbor C.M 5f0..449l WE PAY TOP DOIJ.AR Iota Of goodies, only $l!l'i0. 5t9-3';nl Ext. 9i or $1 ly Pilot Want Ads. Co.ta Mesa 54&-19.14 DAILY PILCYl' WANT ADS!' 6Ts..s Olnll, PYt pty. 968-2138• ' ' FOR TOP USED CARS Call 54>1476. 1970 HARBOR BLVD, ill i6if41uift~ 11.-.. vw BOIL --Al,.nt '65 VOLVO 544 u >""' car It extra cleao, ••t CAD. Sodan 0evwe. -,ico'lsr'i:AiMESA:;;i:iL,;;-"l:=::=::=:.:---.::.~~~!!!--__;~~=-::::~===9'0G:=i' Jml. -....... ~ Kew -· SWing<>Ut .... Sedan, ........ All original ..... lint Clean! Nr. new ...... .... '67 Malibu JJ950. 60-2'15.l windows. 1Jke new. $1395. fRFW 637). Take 8JXl.all BAUER BUICK a:ood concl. Full pwr., A/C, · vw-Bus. IUlll'OOf. DN' Johll Go1to8 down, will tin, Pvt, Pty, dlr 23i E. 17tb SL Orig. Own. 6 7 3 -4 9 6 9; Bucket seats automatic, Dir., ·-.,_,. '&f VW Call Phil alt 10 a.m 494.1029 Costa Mesa 54S--Tl65 67>2101 power ateerine, air cond. I·-enr, ......... =======:::::'.= ------,---One owner (TPF 681) ·v.ill * !13f.JID,. llADIP, wlllte tide ........ ,,, .. =-==·======I ift· bl!laler, must eee to '•P-1 ' New C•rs 9800 take trade or finance pri. ""' VW Semi-· N.., ..-... IQ. Harbor $pot1 Cors '610 --------_CAUARO nte ,,..,,, Call 54M052 <r ,.._,., .. w dutm. xlat cood. ...,....,... --Blvd, . nti G I • ,... <'4'977J. fX-. 59111 ....... °' -. RACIN(J ''BOSS 429'' A"--. . . s '67 CAMARO Rally Soprt • '57 CHEVY t "Good ur c.v'' a Volkl MUSTANG 1'hinklna of buying an auto-xlnt cond stick ps. r/h 4 d • &edon. Rom """"-$lllO LclnJ• Selectioii Slid< o1>ft. 1....,,..., tea lhen IDObll .. .-""""'""' ln>m 11"'1 644--0.37 • • SA~~· • ~. Of YW ea....,s. 4,Cl» miles.. Vef";/ powerM. =~Ii:!::::: ---,------$175 or best offer aft 6;00, * * '65 v.w. * * y K L.t. -w-1nt•-· eon-·-·-··t tuJa•·-· CHMW ~n SB.MIO ml $'150. aas, omu.:.. COlllW mod. See it at 251 E.' oUr ucc:u UICil congra ......,..., 615-2525 •·--"'-• ''--~ St C.M 612-4736 "1r a Job well done. Lei., --------MlLlTARY • being transl. ' _., ... w • V.... ~y " · ' help aelect YoUr new car or '64 MALIBU Chevelle 4 dr, '61 Chevy · Im~. $450/ jii VW • &'OOd oohi Priced. lmmedlat• Dellvery used automobile. Call for ap. 42,000 mi, pwr sfJ'i/brkl, best ()Uer. Xlnt co n d • l"'' -.ale • MlO. CHICK IVERSON ""''-· Cla11ic1 '615 pointmen~ 54&<05l or clean. $850. <!K-1219 ........ ~5'>7201 494-97~. '67 EL CAMINO: 321 eng, t65 VW. 55,<m mi's, X1nt YW '46 FORD Coupe, cherry I========== aulo/trarlt:i, ,t:.00. 642-2f67 i.....i. $895 or Best otter. 51"1031 Ext. 66 or 61 body, '53 Mere. eng .• not Uoad Can 9900 CHEVROLET <all alt 6:>1 • * 6"-1129 * l9'lO HARBOR BLVD. running but dose, $300. <lf '----'------1---------1-------- ['9 VW • FUiiy equipped, COSTA MESA make offer, afl 2:>1 p,m. CREDIT A '"""' "11. Daya• 1u: -~.'1~vw=Xlnt~-cood-.,...-i m-ll22 PROB,LEM? '66 EL CAMINO 327 •ulom&· CHRYSLER ~6"-2512; eves: ·213: 431..., NEW PAINT $500 1937 PLYMOUTII 4 dr Sedan. VW. Owner -In...., 6IU618 o1t 5:>1 A "al clasaic, >lea! .,, N, EED A CAR? tic, p/11. air, air sbodu;, new tires. Xlnt cond. Org, owner 1--------- 11495· 51'"128' '68 CHRYSLER , -========I "'IDring. Ru1is well. $3llil f $8Zi. Wiil -terms. ~ flnn. OOS-1621 , Call: 833-:1181 VOLVO Call Manager -'65 IMPALA stn Wgn. p.s,. p.b., lac air, luggage rack, new paint, 1 owner. i1200 ()r Best otter. 83S-6138 300 '66 VW Bug, CJeao. __ .,;_::.::.;:_:. __ ,,-:--7.:""'."-:""--:,= 700 '67 WILDCAT ~ ~~ V,QLYO Autol Wanted llfM 84(H;l20 Automatic, radio, heater, power irteerln&', p o w e r bralu!s, air conditioning. rm ASIJ. ~ SQBK. ""'blu. -...... 1971 DEMO TOP DOLLAR )12,000 mi's, ublier wunnty, ''142'' . . . . • • . . . . • $26tt BUICK '62 OIEV Station Wagon, V-8 Stick shift • excell. condition • $450. 546-11M5 afttt 6 pm $2295 <ndio, XU<'!' CON D. 4 .,_i, radld 6 b.ater. # }133-105T 4741>. UllO E Cpe, for.dellv. ~ vw. Rum fine, looka ery, ~ d,l Speclaliat, :_., Good """· ramo. DEAN LIWIS f·--$475. 5l8-3ll3 1966 Jiarbor, C.M. 64l>9:l03 :. G1llA. 51.000 ...... Good tOindition. MAKE OFFER! ~f7 or-sn.-1161 THE QUJCKER YOU CAIL, THE QUJCKER YOU SELL 9600 Can an automatic transmission from Muncie fi11d -happiness in COSTA MESA? It can in a DATSUN D4TSUN alto 1lv11 you thoM All-Amerlc1n f1vorltn: NEW 1970 DATSUN PICKUP s57oa PER MONTH $17,0) ,., mo11~ for )6 rnofttfit, tot•I co1h pric.• ;, $2CMt.21 h1c.h1din9 t•x A lie.''"' $101.21 Gow11 P•Y· tno11t, ~ol111c1 of $1740, totol fll1011c.h19 chor91 of fl I J.Ot 1t 11.01 '.4 r•f• of i11t1r.1t, T otol dtftrrtd ,,.,.,,,., pric:t $2162.Jl, No, "4602. A 98 horsepower overhead cam engine. the most powerful In its class. .Safe stopping front disc brakes. Independent 4·wheel suspension (18dans only). · .LIP to 26 miles per gallon. A load of extras at no extra cost. 2141 HAUOI ILYD. 5406410 "" CLEAN USED C4RS See George Ray THEOOORE ROllNS FORD :ll60 Harbor mvd. Coeta Mesa 6'i.oo!Jl WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR CO~NELL ~HEYIOl-E'f --Blvd. Costa Mesa 51i-12XI CADILLAC * ~66 CAO. C.D.V. * If'> mi i: clean. By OWNER 64«575 '&I IMPALA. Full power; good condiOOn. G<ling in Navy. Call: 96Z-0936 '56 CHEVY, xlnt · cond. 6 cyl stk Shift. ;175 or ,besl oHer. 549-1901 ATLAS Chrytlor-Plymouth 2929 Ha:t>or Blvd. Costa Mesa. 546-1934 .'68 CHRYSLER NEWPORTER Full power, fact. air cond., Landau top. Priced tor quick sale! (2076A) $1595 (Po) Kelly WhOlesale Price) BILL JONES B. J. Sports Car Center 2&13 Harbor, C.M. M0-4491 9lf00 Ntw Cars tlOONew C1rs JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY THREE GENERATIONS IN THE 4UTOMOBILE BUSINESS llG SEUCTION llG SAYINGS ON STATION WAGONS 1970 MERCURY MONTE GO NEW MONTEGO STATION WAGON ,MONTEGO MX VILLAGER • Jl1o41 Yot MlflN, lw.,.rotl" llllbtiN C•11tr .. , S.IKt- llltft Tre•--'••• Ce11,,ny lftltt •ro•p, WSW G·7b14 n,.. p..., 1 .. Wlll4ew, Llfftl ... c.m.r -W/Alr hfttr, Dlf'll Ifft, ... , Fed ... Pew. s...n ... Alr c ... ._,...,, AM IM!e, Tlllted 61-.. C.. ....... DIL s..t & Plf SllMIW 1etts. 1-ete CTL Lelt H-4 Miner, ho 1ne MIMI C.Mn. TN!ilaf Twl .. Peck .... •OHllMJ. 18'27 Save$$ '88 CONTIHINTAL c~. ir-:.::; ''' '"'"'itlenin1. fUll po...,, -..wtlflll 11'11. l•IC 7n. $3616 ... COUOAll """' tr1"'" IK"'fl' •Ir , .... llltftlltt, ,.._. er ,...,,.., ,.,,.,. •rllrft, rlClf. ...... ~. rillrt mf. (XIU 1'11. $2616 ... POllD C-try .... , f l"IU.. """· tr111t., lf&H, •Ir Cllllll .. rMf Fii ... l'DI 1tfl $1616 111 'OYOTA (*"'II 1 .... 4 .,..., !'Hitt MllW, 1t• ... , ....... , ... ., ... 11 ..... Ilk• ••• , $1316 IWXI "''· '68 coueAll $2116 ...... • ., ....... ,,ff ......... , ........ ttr. UMt ......._ OCIU 6611. 197 couOA• $2216 ,.,,., tr.M .• fK""T t lr H!Mlllitnlllt, ... ,, ·~· ,....,. ti' ...... ,.. ... lltllff. IUTIC au •• MllllC. CtJiMl1 I'll:, $AVE It Pl ... 1tttlM ....... V .. , ••Ni. lr1~1 .. ~It·,._ & tldtl'Y t lf", UMt 1etHI mn ... Liii• -IJllU no 2 DR. HARDTOP FULL FACTORY EQUIPMENT INCLUDING: AUTOM4TIC TR4NSMISSION, P 0 WE R STEERING, TINTEO GL4SS, 4M RADIO. #OHDIL591534 . '66 aUIC:IC Slly .. rll S1&96 t Deer H1ttl"'J1 A•No. lrfflt., lt•N, "._.' tt••r1111. '82 T•llltD (Hf, All.._ lrtn .. 11111 ""•r• r.-tt.filtt. , .. /!• JIMMr, C DY "11 -'86 CHIV. 1111,.le $1318 4 ~. N,,, "'"'· lrtM., lltltiry l if <WI• lleftlflt, ,..., ''"''""' , ........... ,. IP'DI 2IUI '66 M .. CUOT ''~""' $181& 4 Deer N•P'lllt.p. l'tc..,,, 111" Clfllllflflkttl• l•lt l"::i' fllllt, ... ltt. aMlltlfld Ulllll/11111, ,.. Ntl '87 OPIL ltAl.1.YI CWDI ~I $101& '87 CHIV. 1..,_.i. $1111 1 Dr. M.T. Y .. , ..... ""'"" t lr CW .• P',I,. JllM, .._, ..._ CYCJ •ltl • '88 PLY. Ot"ac• v.., '""'· tt••a., fttllrr tir, ...... , ................ , ••• Mtl 11611 '68 DOOCJI Ola"" v .. , lllf9. trM1..1:::-r, elr ceMI+...., tlffl'lllt, ,..,.r .,..... , ......,, lt&N, '-"" i.,, It• ICNlll ~ (WXI <MO $AVE NOW IS THI IEST TIME IN TEN YEARS TO BUY A LINCOLN. MERCURY PRODUCT lob.nson.son LINCOLN CONTINENTAL • MARK Ill • MERCURY • COUGAR Or1nt• County'a Ohtat l1tabll1hM FatMry Dl,.n LIJK•ln-Marcwy DMIW 2626 HARBOR, COSTA MESA \. 540-5630 540-5635 --..· .. . . ~ ..... _,,, ,._ cJ _...,,.. -_,_ ----,..._,...._~-~·--~a. -..... -----... -.. ... -"" -'""' _ .. -;.. ..,. ... -"' -~ --·~ • -'" k • • - ONLY AT CON.NELL CHEVROLET ' ' '69 IMP4LA CUSTOM Cl'f. $2699 R.lll. auto., P.S., factory air. 100% factory · guarantee up to 50,000 mi. remaining. Spot free vinyl roof. Unusual buy. (YKN058) 10 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM AT SLIGHTLY JDGHER PRICES. Cpe. 2,650 miles. Power steenng, f speed, remain· '70 M.\l.llU SUPEI SPOIT . . $3499 , lng factory guarantee. Brand spankin' new •. (3588) Vinyl J'()()f P.S., Rl:H, automatic, factory air. '69 IMP4L4 4 DI. H41DTOP $2699 Factory &tiaranleed up to 50,000 miles. (ZVL180l '68 CAPRICE 4 DR. HARDTOP $2299 This is one or the nicest cars anyWhere. R&H, auto., P.S., factory air. 100% Dir. 30 da:y guarar· tee. Remaining factory guarantee. This 15 no mis- '67 ~:~~~~dee is mio. IYVZ555l $1599 TheTigbt one. 2 Dr. hardt<lp. P<lWer steeri ng, auto., AM-FM radio. (TYT37ll. Several()then;, some with 4 speed trans. '61 9 passenger. R&H, P.S., factory air conditioning, FORD RANCH WAGON $1999 automatic. Special this week. 100% 30 day guarantee. (VOQ364) '69 OLDS CUTL45S 5 CPE. $2699 Has everything, air, auto., P.S., radio. New color, fully dealer guaranteed 30 days. You can't belil'!ve it, the price ls only $2699. !XSR604) . 4 speed, sport stripe, 290 h.p. The right one. '69 Z·ZI CAMAIO Factory fresh. hugger orange. Radlo, 19,000 mile car. (YRW923) $2699 '68 PLYMOUTH FUIY Ill Convertible1 air cond., P.S .. radio, auto., 40,000 miles, high 1n color and a real nice car. The price is right. fZZD786) $1499 2,780 miles. New car condition. New car guaran .. '70 MONTE CARLO tee from the factory. Auto., power &teerlng, air, the \\·hole bit. Be flnt. (173558) $3599 '65 CORV411 2 DR. H.T. A real nice car. Stick shift, radio and its cheap. (HOY303) '66 TOYOTA CORON.\ · 4 Door. 3 speed, radio. Sharpy. Low, low price. (TFAllll $799 $799 '69 10YOT4 CORON.\ $1399 1~~~ck shift, guarantee car-30 days 100%. '66 ~~!;! !1:i.~r1!!a!2:actory air, radio, electric ·s1599 everything, full po)Ver, gorgeous car. Weekend special. Oh yes, 100% 30 day guaranlf!e. (USD620ll Sharp, Sharp, Sharp. 2 Door ~. Console, bucket '65 PLYMOUTH SPOIT FURY . $1199 seats, power steering, automatic, radio. Needs a , nice home. fATB361 I. Sllre, It's guaranteed too. · El Caminos --Rancheros--T"rucks 1'68 EL C4MINO ATr •onditioned, •11tom•fic, pow•r deerin9, r•dle, irtth cir. (2011261. 1'H EL CAMINO Power 1tt•ri119, •uto1111tic tr1111misaion,,r1tllo, 1hewrHl'l'I ft•1h. llJll lAf. 1'67 IANCHllO Power 1f1•ri11f, r•die, 111tomttic, 1ir cend itio11in9. Nici. I 122ll AI. 1 '65 IANCHEIO A11IOll'l1tic h 11111'11i11ion, pow•r 1l1•ri119, r1tUe. letl 11ice c•r. 1964 FOID Y4N Air •011efilionin9, •11!01J11lic fr•111111i11ion, t•dio, r11f ''''"· 1'61 YI CMEVY Yo TON Pick11,. Orie OWllOt, lllW Ctr tr1dt0 !11, rtdio, (Ullem ,.b. 111!011\tlic, pew•r 1!11fin9, liko new "ndition. (1'4t21El. 1'61 CHIVY Vo TON Pie.up ct1np1r, lt1dio, YI, 1u'h •nice trud:, With or without shill. 19571JA). 1'H CHEVY ~. TON Pickup. ltt.dio, power 1f11rin1, 111to111•tic, t it c:o11dilionin9, cu1tom ,,}i, h••~y d uty , thn1•011t, id1.tl for"' to 10 'ft. c.1mp•r. IU51710J. CONNELL CHEVROLET 2128 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 546-1203 . . • T-; Ju~ JO, 1970 rUNSl'OriATION • TRANSPORTATION -. TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOllTATIOl!I TRANSPORTATION · TRANSPORTATION TltANSPOltTATI It A I Now Con -NowC1rs MOO New C1 r1 tlOONew Cart tlOONtw Cara --c .... MOO NewC1ra r S·PECIALIZING IN UALITY 1970 RIVIERA 811uliful Titi1n rod with blook ouslom vinyl notch back interior. power windows, po~er 6 way 111t1 power 1+11rin9, power br1ke11 factory air con~ ditioning, tilt steering whoel, AM-FM stereo rt·· dio, r1~r window defroster, tinted glau, white aide w1l(t lr11, oudom wh11I oovers. (2672). MANUfACTUlllllS' CAR (UUDI . ONLY •. • r •• I PLUS 8 MORE RIVIERAS AT SIMILAR SAV.INGS! HURRY ·! PRESTIGE CARS AT SENSIBLE PRICES 1969 FORD -ToltlNO 1968 CHRYSLER 1969 FORD TORINO 1969 CONTINENTAL SQUIRE WAGON TOWN & COUNTRY WAGON GT FASTBACK 2 door h•rdtop. Gold ext.riot with d•tk ¥i11yl ,51 Y-1 •119., t uto tr1a1, llllH, 'W l Giss br•• 'This 11 tb• top of !he liJ, mod•l fullv '"11ipp1d 2 Door herdtop. Thi1 011ht1ndin9 •11lomobil1 i1 pwr wi!!dow11 pwr till•••• willlll-, focf, oif with VI 011ti11•, 111tom1fic fr1111111i11io11, roclio .. , ... m1lchint cu1lo111 i11t1rior, "" full 'f11Uy •q11ippod wit!. VI 0119i110, 111to1n1tic tr1111· con4ifio11i11t 1·2 wow fo il 1'''• J111t 14,l 11111il••· 1116 h•oter, powor 1loorl11t , pow1r lir1ko1, fee· pow1r oq11ipmo11f plu1 f1,torw oir col'lditio11l11t. 1ni11io11, powor 1loori 119, 1l1roo AM-FM rodio, le••lv 11101tlow t ro111 wi 1h1111l•t tcl -N tr1l1t , tory oir utacliti•11i119, roof rock, otc, •fc, A rocliol whito 1ido woll liro1. You will ho 11n11od power cl oor loc••. AM-FM r1cllo 111cl h11 •nly po11~li11t. 1tl11~ cor+r11tiri 111 •i11yl illf•ri or. Foe•. l•••lv olpin• whit• ••l•rior witll 1i111. woocl t r•l11 of th1 comlitio11 of thi1 cir. IXWAl9 1). 12,411 •ory corofully clri•o11 111il•1. tYWT2 26) tory ..,.on111ty ••orlobl, IZED7441, · ''"'""··~$3'1'95 ' $3295 $2995 $5195 . 1968 CHRYSLER 1968 BUICK SKYLARK 1969 MUSTANG 1969 CHEYELLE S.S. ' JOO 2 D•or hordtop. Co111pl•ioly to1d.d with Cu1to111 2 dffr hotCttop. Y·I •11t h10, 011fom1tic 2 Door li1rdtop. l\11 di1111011d hlu• 011fomohil• lt6 V.1, 2 door hortltop. Focf•ry w1rro1ty,1v1il-•q11ipm•11t, Full pow•r, fo•fory oir conditio11i11t, tr•n1mi11ion, rocllo on.d ho1tor, pow•r 1toorint h11 th• 151 YI •nt in•, 011tom1lic fr1111mi11ioro, 1t1r10 AM -FM rodio, 1plit bonch 111t, cu1to111 111d power hr1k•1, f1ctory oir c.•IMl!tlo11int. 1 power 1t11ri11t, powor diu; br1k11, r1dio 111d obl1, w!11yl int1rior, pow1r 1to1rl nt olMI power chrome wh1ol1, r•clinl119 1•1t, 1tc, lo111 tiful 1,.,,1., d•1ori lii•it• 11nd 01dorior with byck1kl11 ho1t1r, f1 cfory o_ir condltionino; 111d i1 in f in· di1c hr1k11, rodio ond h11lor, chrofl'I• 1port corol •11f1rior with b lock vh1yl foll 11!1d fl1wlo11 "'J11yl roof. Thi1 ono ow111r c.or w11 1old incl t11tic co11dltl o11. Dr i "' o thi1 ono llom1 tod1y. wh1•l1. Thi1 is o ono in 1 mllU1n I'"'· i11forlor, Mu1t 110. IYAYOl 11 11nicod h•ro, Low fllilttt•• IVTM 14 t I IZNV6151 (229ASGI $2795 $2695 $2695 $2695 .1NC s Specializi11 in JAGUAR 234 E. 17th St. AVTBORIZED .> BVICK·OPEJ...IAGVAR SALES •114 SERVICE • • COSTA MESA - 1970 IUICK SKY"1K CUSTOM 4 \DOOR HAllbTO' 1'hf1 "'l'Y low 111111191 111to111ollll1 w11 .:J"l•lfy p11rcho1•d fro111 l ulck M•tor Di•lll•11 o It 1tUI ul'!dor focfory worr111ty. YI •11ti11•, 011to1111tic, rod io, hoo .. r, p•w•r 1to•ri•t , p•w., liirok•t, foe· tory oir co1Wiltio11i119, wt.if•' w•ll•'tu11, c111to111 ~.,, ,,,,.;,$3695 . . '" 1967 CONTINENTAL 2 4oor h.rt11.,. v ... ·11 ju1t h•·• to ••• tfll• ... to r•olly boll•"'• it. Full pow•r eq11l,ll'lt•t IMllHll· 1111 ol•c.frio h11d roil ollcl r1clinint pltlOYlflt ' 1oot, 111to111otlc olt concliti•11in1, 1tor1• t•p• •v•f•"'· power .d'i'' lock• on.d 1111Mlio•olMo 1.,. mll••t•• l111t U , 02 mil••· tYWS61JI $31·9~ ' . I -- . " I . ' .. ' - UHdCer1 9900 Uatd Cars 9900 Used Cars 9900 Uud C1rs 9900 U1ed Cars 99QO Used Cara 9900 U1od Caro 9900 Uood Cars ""Uood Coro DODGE '68 DODGE DART 2 DOOR SEDAN Radio, heaW', 6 cyUnder for real ecooomy. CWTF 3ffi) $1395 ATLAS Chrysler-P.lymauth 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1934 PIWI' WAN1' )J)s? 642-5678 DODGE 168 DODGE CHARGER Automatic. radio, heater, power ateerin&. and brakes, vinyl top. (VUW 615). $1995 ATLAS Chryolor·Plymouth :m9 HllW>r Blvd. Costa Mella 546-1934 DODGE ------'68 CHARGER. R.J. ta~ deck, ·p.a., p.b., bucket seats. fac air, xlnt cond. T.O.P. cau M&-8576 aft 5 pm '63 DODGE D art Con- vertible. R!H. Au to, Flawless int. Un u 1 u a I I y clean. Teacher driven. ~. 494-9938. FORD FORD '66 FORD RANCHERO '64 FORD 6 cyl Automatic. <2 dr 268J. THUNDERBIRD Will take car in trade or Automatic transmiuion, ra· finance pr Iv ate "party. dio, heater. power slccrin&. ~or 494-9173. power brakes. (PC'l 268! '67 FORD Cortina GT i\olu&t Sell! Excellent cond. Make. oiler. Under Blue book. 64&-5826 $895 AnAS FORD FORD 6 c:yl. ena'-"le with h --------trans. completely rebullt. C ry1l1r-Plymouth '61 F AIRLANE 4-dr sedan, 2,000 mUea. Best. oiler 2929 Harbor Blvd. 6 c:yl. stick. 52,000 mi's, ta1ce1. 548-5380 Calta Mesa · fl46.19.14 $395. 64&-2896, 253 ""'"Ln, '63 FORD GALAX!E 500 '65 FORD MUSTANG * '6.'i r.1USTANG Xlnt oond -----PLYMOUTH '69 Pl YMOUTH PLYMOUTH ·-PONTIAC '65 Pl Yl1llTll '&7 PONTIAC 96U074 al!er 5:30 durin& w<ek SAT~LLIT!i SEDAN VALIA!IT .SEDAN •· • ,'1Rl.llJltQ , .~66~M~U~ST~A~N~G~.-,~1gn~.u~-n~ .... -V-8, 11utorn11ic, radio. heater, Automatic, radio, hea ter, ex-V-8, automatic, rilli:t, 1*ttti power 1tterln11 facm"y air. cellent condition. (RGU 141) powtr ltleedn&I 1 ''a·~-uif re<l, auto. lrans. 28,300 mi. ~•.., $795 n n•-See to believe. $1550 . (""~ 728) .. u, corilioi•i , ... __,.) ·~"'~::'STANG "" V8, 3.,,, $229ATLA5S AnAS SA1Tl.A$~' . . Rill, Runs Good, Good rub-_ ber $950 or make offer. 545-8703 Chrysler-PlymoUth .67 MUSTANG Convert, stick Chrysler-Plymouth 29'29 Harbor Blvd. Chrysler-Plymouth 2929 Jl4rbor Bf'd· C.O.ta Mesa 546-1934 29'29 Harbor Blvd. , i~'.~~~n~=· ON owner r.oata Mea 546-1934 '68 Pl YMOUTH Co.ta Mesa 548-1 -.-.-,=96,~MU=sr=AN=o~,..~ '68 PLYMOUTH cusTOM suBURBAN . '67 Le Mans ·• 4 spd, Xlnt oond. Bucket 1eall automatic, 11350. 540-59Zl VALIANT SliDAN 4 "" ...,.., V·8. ""°mMlc, er ·-air amd. '* . 1 ~c,..M=·='"°,.--,,.,--c; Auto, air oond. Xlnt. rond. Squire wagon, V-8, power 9600 '64 FORD Econ. Van, reblt S29f mo • finance. Pat · .,_ 557 .. 981 1teer1nr, aut(!nl•"'' tnns., lmport.iAutos NEW. 1970 FIATS 68 to Choose From All S.rYicod & Reidy for Immediate Delivery 850 Spiders & Racers Choice of Colar & Equipment 32 ta ChooH From ONLY $4126280 (#0074t61 . I. this -kond A loo 124 Sports Coupe & Spiders ) L1rge S.lectlan Choice of Colors lqulppod A• You Wini (SIR001171521 Low •• 100'1 more hr your tract. if!, fort lt'! or .. ftllltlc. Tako !Mt 111ctrl money 11vl111 drive to cool,'"'°' frOI COSTA MUA. eng, auto trans, new brakes, ~==--=---..,..=·I Nice car. !OJT 119) "'50, 54&-7496 111 9pm '55 FORD, R""' ..,.,.,, $95. $899 .65 r.iUSTANG VB, :Hlpd, 6 cyl., automatic, bnrnacu-radio, heater, power steer· (•28J-f,?9) Wm takt trade Styled whla. Me 11culou1 late cond6tlon. (WJZ 644) ln&. 14-1Cli!lA) finance priVAte part)' ' ca ... 11000. 5453646 $1495 $1895 ·=~c':'.': .. 1110 '68~TO=RJN=o""G~T,.-<0-nv°'1-. "°3!11).<=" I Spare parts from dUferent er. V-8, pt1fpb, Alr. r..tust car $25, incl extra trans. 8\11 Jones 1ell • make oiler. 6;12-7938 642-~ a1tel'OOOlll or eves. 8 . J. Sports Car Center Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autee - ~.w COSTA MESA HONDA s:u 40MW PR IAUOll • ftlttt Disc ''"'" . "" '""""' • .7S Ml'il • 4s,.MTr-. s1395 UNIVERSITY -OLDIMOllU COITA .,U-5409640 2S33 Haxt>or. C.M. M0-4491 '66 FORD 500-automatlc:, new Hrea, brakes; needs: paint. OLDSMOBILE ATLAS ATLAS o>nvt. new motor .. Cl Oii ---ln, tac·Hpd trani, Ille me $551), 847-8611 '59 Ford, runs good. $300 OR BEST. 642-6440 after 7 PM '60 FAicon, white $175, 673-2567 LINCOLN '64 CONTINENTAL. ci ne owner, moving east., :dnt rond,, alr, fi pwr. Askifli $1100. 497-16Z'T WHITE '61 Lincoln 4 dr, sedan. aJI power. air cond. 1ood tl~a. Prestige car for bnly $500. Call 548-1444 MERCURY --· -'67 Montclair f'ull powe~ pl15a air cond., Dir .. vinyl top clean as )'OU will find CV000f9). Will lake '67 CUTLASS Supreme . Below Blue Book. Beat cond. Loaded. An xious! 540-5483. '66 F'85-2l,OOO nil, new tires, vinyl top, auto. Best oiler over $900. 642-6695 PLYMOUTH '65 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA Automatic transmiuion, ra· dio, heater, power steerin&. power brakes. IMP.P 135) $895 ATLAS Chrysler-Plymouth 2929 Harbor Blvd. Cost11 Mesa 546-193t '69 PLYMOUTH car In trade or flnaJ'ICa prL. ROADRUNNER vate part)', 5'6-4052 or 4 speed tran1ml1rton, radio 4!M-9m. and heater, (YQ\Y 4961 1964 PARKLANE 3 dr ll.T. Black top-intel'lor. Low mlleap. PIS. Air. SpoUeu, MU1t be 1een to appreclale. 644-119\ $2095 ATLAS '$7 COUGAR. $1995. Camtl Chrysler·Plymouth c»lor, loaded. Priv. pty. 29211 Harbor Blvd. ;!lli'1!11 --···---·-· -°"'"---5'6-llU. • •-h Ch I Pl th whla. buckat .eeatl, fl.l1l pwr, Chrya"'r·P.lymout rys er-ymou SlliO or trade, 642-1137 ~ 2929 Harbor Blvd. 2929 Harbor Blvd. Co.Ila Meta 546-193f eo.ta Mesi. 546-1934 1967 roNTIAO Execuflw ,_ -'-'-=~===°""-'"" ~ HT. Imuw:ul& .. , ~ '69 PLYMOUTH ~ ROAD Runner. XLNT equlpptd, 1 .....,. -cond_. Many extru. CUh c;,u after, e:. &U--1282 deal only. 642--9737 SATELLITE RAMBUI 2 Or. H.T. VI, ...... ...... PONTIAC 11eaw. P.&. ,,_,, a1r ,85. · ··•w vinyl lQP, WSW, dlx. wbeel l----------dilca (XYK Cl>?) '69 BONNEVllJ,.E, 2 dr, , ., . $2495 15,000 ml,,nu t~, air, pfa, Automatic ttanm•W,,,. :ftooS2tOO or make offer. dlo, beater,~..,_ : ATLAS !CBR !Oil 1969 GTO Conv.rt. Auto . $895 P/s, Pl dlac brll;a. G.reat Chrysler-Plymouth cond. Low prtce; 5'8-6123 2929 Harbor Blvd. 1958 PONTIAC Runs xlnt. A JlAS Costa Meu 546-1934 $150. 3 DAYS ON LY. Call '61 PLYMOUTH 64 .. 9964 C.M. Chrysler-,ly~ '62 TEMPE~ Sia. W•g<m. Ii"! Hllrllor Blft. Exceptioclillll clean! Air, Coat.a. Mea ,. · • Stl-1911 VALIANT rock. 12'(). -· '65 RAM BLER IO().ib. w .. : Automahc: tranlmiulon,. ra· 64 PONTIAC Lt MUI I v..a, auto. S.c:rtnct. pc dio, heater, powr.r steenna: cyl., .t: buclletl. Or will w c . 1G-akJ <UIN 691} trade for Vaq. ~o -~ $1295 '64 CATAIJNA 4 dr auto'. PIS, P/8. V•'l! ..,.,., cood. An '•S ''"· '~ ·51 T-Bnm, a •Ill) I UI '67 GTO Convert., "Riff. Starllntr ~· Ch I Pl th ""'m "'*· ,... pl)', 1uoo. eoflt. llO-4 II! -ry• or· ymou 13T-87l6 29211 Hutor Blvd. ' Cot1a MHI 546-1934 8u1 II· Sell 11-Trade 11 'VAUANT , .. HU It -11'1 all JvaUable l..-~-----_,I Dl!tE-A-UNESI Saturday I thnl Daily PUot Cluslfled '• VALi~, Xlnt Dally Puot Baraalm. adl. Place your ad mo. M111t •II ••• kav ----...u d.__~ ~'"°""" --, I I. ' , I I I • ' ' ,1 . • AN( HOR .... ,~M,.OTORS , J150 HAllOR ILYD. COSTA MISA • 546-305o ' Ol'EN 7 'DAYS . ·• t ~ 'e 9 PM. I • '249 • '63 Oldsmob11e . 88 v.1, •Yto. '''"'·· P.S:, •.•. , a.aH. IJJW090}; • '63 Buick ·skyia~ Auh:nri•tiC, •ir c1ftciitio11if1f, IHDri67Sr ' ' • Co11v, A!lto, tr111t,<fdie,.h11ter, !No. 54"1 '63 T-.ilird · Autom1tic;r1dio, ht1!1r, ! JIXY539l '62 Lincoln · · · Conlin..-tol. Full power 1ff elr, (JRHSStl '64 Ply. Valiant St1ti.o" W191111. Auto. lr1~1., r1clie 111d k11!1r. IOYSlld'l l '60 Chevy V.t , Auto"ltfic tr11"11. l~VV2641 '63 Rambler I 5299 99 5199 $699 :a: UNIVERSITY SALES e s·ERVICE COSTA MESA 2150 HARBOR BLVD. • .W0.9640. Announces: H 0 N D A i IS HERE! . ~ . : Joe /Je'!/i,ffi ~ "Leader In The Beach Cities" ZIMMERMAN 2845 HARBOR BLVD. 5-40-6410 BIG FORD SELECTIO.N Cl oF · , earance . .. - DATSUN Sale Pick· Up -···-.i ;.... -- Trucks ·WE HAVE ·THE .. BEST AT -~ SELECTION AU COLORS · READY FDR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY · wa[DAr[- "Leader in The Btacb Citiei'" ZIMMERMAN 2845 HARBOR BLVD. 540-6410 B.IG so:UTH COAST .FORD The 1971 Models will be in our show· room in a few short weeks, all new Mus· ' "< OF · . BMW's · . !N . ORANGE COUNTY . • All Colors e All Modelo Immediate Delivery ~ M•eh•nie't Sp•ei1I! H•1 pf,. I.ct body, int.rior, run11in9 911r, but n•.01 li9ht m1th· 1nit•I work, R•d io, he•lt r. (0519) $17~5 -·-'69 vw Aulom1+ic 1tic~ 1hift, ,•dio, h11!1r. look1 ind driv•1 Ii~• • fu.tory fr 11 h c•r, I SER· 995 ), ' •• BltL· JON,ES Sl'ORTSCAR CENTER ·2133 HARBOR COSlA ME.Sl · --·-·-... H you own an im· ported car ,and, need . I servh:e, come see ' us at B J1 SpGrts Cars. All new serv· ice and parts facili· ties. we serv~ ALL * * 2·Doer. ltff!e oM h11f1r, IF&T5071 '63 Chevrolet s399 ... 5179 ....-.. ......... .-1-SELECTiON tangs plus the ma· $_!_~_!~ jority of our · used •• :~~.!~~e.~~"· LUBRICATION ' . SPECIAL v.1, fu l!v equipped, IQAZ 9151 '63 Chevy r lmp111 2-cir. H.T. Vt, rolll ie, $i'e1!1r. s399 1 ILZIS47 1! i, -Plu1 Tea •nci Lic111M-' WE DO "IOT REQUIRE A SPECIFIC DOWN PAYMENT No Rta1on1bl1 Offer Refu1H on Over 100 Cartl '61 ehevrolet lrookw1M St1iio11 W19111, Auta,, foillv equipped. IJITUJll I '62 Pont. Tempest Con¥•rti91 •. Auto., 11dio-1nll h11 I•'· !No. 111551 '61 DodcJe Lancer ll•dio a ...... ,, fully 1q1,1ipp••· IFNF3041 163' Ford ·~,Volkswagen ll•11i ....... ..,~ l~-•11• ANCHOR MOTORS 2150 HARIOlt ILYD. COSTA MISA • 546-3050 Ol'IN 7 DAYS 'AM. • ',,M. . . HONDA 600 . SEDAN 7S MPH -4 speed tr•n1ml11ion -front disc l:trekes-full c•r- petlng. 40 miles per gallon. -!:: ; A 111 THE ! CAR THAT 5 EVERYBODY u !_ TRIED TO r i BUILD I $1395 PLUS lft I UNIVERSITY SALES e SERVICE COSTA MESA 2850 HARIQR BLVD. ·--· I . ·' - OF DATSUN Sfa,fion Wagons ALL COLORS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ,_(DA!N1- "Leader In The Beach Citie1;" ZIMMERMAN 2145 HARBOR BLVD. 540-6410 FINEST MOST RELIABLE SERVICE DEPT. ANYWHERE FOR ALL SPORT & IMPORTS -·-Home of The Best s2000 . ' Car -1 ... !·1- "Leadfr in The Beach Cities" ZIMMERMAN 2'45 HARBO~ ILVD. 54M410 t k · t be on it! RMio, h11t•r, it')m1cu· car S DC mus r... throughout. Wh•• • IM1u+.,I 10021 I. To The First 100 sold. To sell these $2 99 5 cars as quickfy as possible, we have to cut prices drastical· fy. OFFICIAL '70 FORD Clearance Sale AT -·-'66 vw ll•dio, he•I•'· •tonomy ••· ptl'lll1bili!y, You eouldn'I find •better b1r91in, ISU7JIJ, $895 -·-WI HA.VI A 'INANCING Cars With This Coupon Imports Only PLAN TO FIT YOU.It IUD· I • • • • • • • • I 61T. COME IN AND TALK WITH Oflll OF OUll IX· * • * PIOIENCID COUNHLOOS. -·-'57 vw Piek up. H11 new 1n9 in1 with • 100 % 9u1r1nlt1 on p1rh ind l1bot, for 6.000 mi!11 01 6 month1 . M1ia wh,t l1, wicl1 ov•'•· P1rf•cl conclilion! INH E916 J. $647 -·-'64 vw Radin. h11I••. 9ood l itt•, new p•int, 1wc1ll1nl mtth•n· ic1I tol'ld ilion. $795 TUNE UP SPECIAL INCLUDES' Set C1rburetor, Plugs, Points, -·-'68 YW • Condenser, Timing, All P1rt1 & Labor R1cl :e, h•1l1r, cw1lom 1111,. Int wh11I, ••c1!11nt mech. 11nditton, !XSZl7 ~1 . $1495 -·_:_ '68 OPEL K1cl1tt1, Re lltv equipped, 114io, h••ltr. A.1 1~1p1. REG. $24.95 4/Cyl. IMit•rtff Can 011ly SOUTH ,,...'WY"~s1· 4iiiii9s-.... AUTNOlllU -·-.B'ILL COAST ,_...SALIS ........ FORD 494·8515 303 Broadway, Laguna Beach 549·3851 Joe &rfolli ~ T&M MOTORS OPEN SUNQAYS 1081 Garden Oro"• 8oulev1rd Vt Blk. E. of Booch B~ulevard 534-2214 192·5551 . JONES · • Sl'ORTSCAR CENTER 2133 HAR,OR costA MESA 540-4491 Corner Of H1rbor & Elm.-Servlc• Enlr•nco On Elm -' • ~A •. ·-4'--4'--~ .... .._....; __ _. ___ --_ ............. ~-'-~---..... ------........ __ .... _ .... _ .... _ ... ___ ................... _ ... I