HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-09-23 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa17 '. I .. • \' an " • --~-- . . ' Gretel ·Poised .:~r .. Big _ ~Showdown Ra~e ' . . ' r •• I. . . .. ' : • .. -' . ., ·-·- Civil W p : End ' . ' f olic.e Seize Operawr ' . • reemen " . .New • ' $ .... .,.. I .~~'·t ·. WEDNESDAY AIITT8NO.ON, SEPTEMBER a 3,;1910 \IOL ~ ....... 4'11CT'fo.1;ai' ...... _... I ' "'.\ • I 'l ' ., ' . ' ., ; , 'l • ' ' e~os'ed . ~-~n1e1t ' .. -· . . .. . . . . . ' -... \ ..... -' . ' ., · Blaze-Coverll · j ! • • . . ' ' ; ' ' . . ' ,_. .-,fin;;_! " .. · r uu • A-cres '• '. f >', ' .. I' : . ' •• Near COrona . B1 JACI J*QaAn,' - • .. r ' r --+-lti Gove-Mmen_ct, -"r----Fi1or ·· Nudie E_ arly_· · Birds __ ·. By'"UfthM-Prttl-ln&e11111U.ul~ King HuS!ein said today the Jordanian . ' 0t•Dlllr~--. t..'.ntttll!lx : .~ ·~ -,, .. .__ "MING .~IO,ciiAll Attunll ·oit·~==~.t:_:·~ IJll"!ldln("UHMIP-t!WilOt-llrY. -1Did • -;-;~rJll'~ , 1 , lhor(ff.s-~. . " , . trees southeast of Corona thla morning, ' • ' 1 .; -f"t 1 ) ~ .... ~ • ; " I · \; ' ~ ' ri ; .. ,.. n government and Palestinian guerrillas A nlHHe 1pbotO stUdio that couldn't wait told the investigator she was· avaU.blt to hl.d agreed lo end their civil war after a to show Its assets perhaps found out be photographed "in any pose re-~isive ta nk battle in which Invading Tuesday th1{ patience would have been qu!:sted." Syrian forces were driven back into prudent. ' The undercover man ' then · identified ~yria. NewPQrl Beach police arrested the himself, informed Miss Wagner she was Husein made the announcement in a operator' ol the studio when she opened in business i!Jegally and remln(ied her Joint statement with Sudanese Premier for ,.business before obfaininj 1 city she had bftl\ been1 informed previously Gaafar El-Numeiry, one of 1 four-man license, Assf!tant Chief ltarry A. Nelson tht license •pp1ication would go before mediating team sent to Amman . .bY an disclosed this morning. the cOUriCil next week. · · ' Arab summit meeting in Cairo~ • An undercover agent entered the office She was arrested fqr .• :violaUng· a .city nt of Kitten. Productions. 3848 Campus ordinance, "Operatin& a ·tklJiness without ,Shortly before the announceme · over . Amman radio, Marshal Habes Al·Majali, Drive, about 4 p.m. purporting to respond a permit.·• and released on h~r own the Jordanian chief Or staff, said his to advertisements in local newspapers. recognizance pending court appeara·nce, k h S · · He alleges he encountered the owner of The cooncil hea ring on the license re-forces had beaten bac t e ynan ,.,. II k I J d · le · t~ studit, Mary\ F. Wa•ner, 31, of quest apparently wi ta e pace as vading forces from or an1an rr1tory Plact:ntia,\ who he::.clalms loid him she scheduled. ' into Syr.ia. ·----~-hact""lfr'madels·avaJtabte=-who woold pose= City M'anager. Har.v.ey.:c.L._Hur:lbw:t~aaid Hussein's announcement came after in the nude "I n any position .. " Tuesday morning he is seeking council seven days of civil war which may have Miss Wagner, Whose. application for l'I: action "by reasons of the charlcteristics killed as many as l5,000 persons and business license is scheduled•to be con· attendant this tyJ)I! of business." brought United States and Israel close to sidered by the City COuncil Monday Usually, license applications are handl- intervenlion. radi·o broadcast, night, reportedly showed tht investigator ed. r<>1,1tinely by the Business License Jn a seven-minute h J ~-• t JI h a series of photograp s u1 un: JO 11r s, a Department. . Hussein said, "The agreement as nude. City Hall sources also revealed that Ci-"'allc.~}ved the blessing and approval <if The officer· claims-she tliid. tht studin ty Attorney Tully Seymour is prep.afing: was OP.frt'for business and ntodtlll would an "emer-nCy ordinance·• thit would' The current Middle East cr1s1s e~ pose.at a rate ol J25 per hollr. Film had provide stiff regulations for the. operation began W j th the hijacking of weftem to be purchased there for fl.12 a foll. of .public photo studios. t~ fl~staerl~us ~atto~OrangeCoun-r:: · r;, ·; ; 11 .. ., i-t' !, ' ,, ,'fl',..,..'"·~·,.,,:'o~",\,, 1~ ir. .. ;' .. 1 ty ::..=~:-::·~;:~:::'bad lnves-ti"gn h ~n : c~·;.;'J;'..,n''io.fit': : .'.. spread,over 700 acres flv~ miles soath ·of . , • . ~ .. llf;«.! ... 11 . , • V, •1fllf,lo~ ~ , r c.oronl.\.•nd. waa creeping to:w.rd Ol:anae · , _ • 1. > ,... ..i • 1 County'1 Silverado canyon area. • · · .. ·1 • · ~· • ' " r · :.1 • • bu<:.i~~~h~ ~~d~:~;1~~ In· · D. ·ep· · -*'•1.V :Bu"ro''~p ·P~.J.-·,. ":•i• saved, fir,• ~ffici•ts reported. . . .. _Uf! .J . . _",iJJ..lf '' \J~'"'"' • The 580 men fighllng the blaze gol a · , , ... ,,. r, 1 • , • • · .-• , -: t 1 J ~. ll small break today when the Sant.a Ana · ' . ·-~, '"'· ., ~ ''-_;' winds wh idl had been blowing in gusts up Orange County sheriff's officers today threaterung to 1convn1t suicide. ... iJ. •. to 40 miles an hour dropped to 10 miles eontlntied an-lnvest~ation fhatcoOJd leid 1Bothrmen ·wert•employed durfuc· lbllr,. an hour. to the fillng or. filrther• blir.glary .ctlarges · off duty tiou.r11 ia11"1~rity, 1Qards1(dr' Qf8 · · against two deputies already; accused of Mission Viejo Company . ' . • , ·I. The h13 b~k!_ '?Ut Tuesd~y afte~oon_ i~ lhe~attemp.•~. oorgla_ ry' or i.Jbt .Missioo • District attorney's investigators are lo-thTJiime ar~r~"tlifinfimous Paseo-~ d -r.~k' " Iii~ ibll. 1 ad''"" G nd ·bl ~-r1~ · Octo•-r f !""" Viejo CQuntry Club's golf shop. ay 100 mg into e poss1 1ty o ..... _,. Thate tr!~c ~f'lrecu s~ept ,0az'er 0 43'.iXM) 'Art3 burglary repOrtS filed' pi-tor.to the charce, dr''i~l~·"iih-~dealtly...Wdi.pm. .-acr~. destr.oy_ed 68 homes and did more al-rest Sunday of di putles Arthur E: Oun-• 1~ .. t0h~. burflary co~ntl'~~r:_ady /~c¢'by1 1 Iii " II I d can, 34 , Huntington Bel ch and ·Frederick rv1 1: an "6·5 m1 ion n amage. .._. . Of.I' l · ·bbtli. · _.. JI•~ .... Aid• ~-b "I 1· th ' · e, Irvine, 49, t.a Habra~ were uo::mg • Jcert"'i: arm aceu...,... •men _.. 1n1 on ~'...:: a.~~ e 1ne 1s morning chec"ed. .., ed thei~ i~rrty cir With stoitn: ~ .. were» fire rigs, eight bulldozers and six " lo · , • . • 1.-...-1 ~ < 1 • 'o1"·u.,.,..._~•· · u k d' I ·he · I d le lnveStiga rs' said' more· than ll equ .-urc11 a11u eevera cases ' 'i""'. 11r n ers ~PP ng c r:nica 11 an •wa r ' · 1._ lmrhediat'el•" befont •l{..rlff•S:omce&· ar on the spreading names. ' bi.Jrgl&riei CQ11u111ttei;1· In tlie Mluion.'Vi'e· rived at u; oU st1o ~.:~ ,_, ! l r. State Forestr}' offici.ls uid th1t the:y jo hOU!inl develoPnJ.ent during the!J:nontha I -,.. _g_ -e· w--~-. have shaky control 'of •40 percent of :the immt1fiately preeedi"l l the a r: f e • t of: I . , • . j planes to the Jordanian desert by Palelti-, th · Ch' f N •--Id M' · nian guerrillas two weekS~fgb an"d fllred ot _ a_l_point, 1e e1.u11 sa ·· , ll'll'I A similar ordinance involving massage into civil war Thursday, Sept. 17, when Wagner t;ummoned ·one of the models parlors was adopted 6>; the counci( !pt perimeter of the fire this,momin1.rWork-Duncari. ind-1rV1ne-reinilnld .unsolvl!!il~ t--·t.~ .J.fti.i:..•~ii Ing 11~ln1t 'thi!fn was a humidity level Bo;.!f'.ef~~ties. ati be~, ~sti~\'ll:iottt : W,l~ ~ . : :_ 1 below JO per~t and a tempier~lute in tl'leir poul51e:lnvoJvement In Oioie thefts~. lilW V .JTTtlJ}t _ ·; 1 ,,' • Hussein procl~imed a military govern-who appeired, fuUy attired. The 1irl then week: • f 90 de Shertff's Department .wreime·n ilkt. . '."'l~ .. ~ ~...-. . r 4 .tJCellio grees. rrvine.•arftt1Dmc.,.~ ~-~~1betn antere:t 15\~~QN!.. Bro~ft menl in Jordan. , The Syrian invasion st a r~t i ,n g lasi • • w-eekend worsened the situation but thti: Int • d G . t I G • .-1 !~ · · Although the Santa ;..na wind detrea!I! tn 11i:.ea? · 'rUe8day. ~ hT , Sl'riti ~"A'nl·r ~ p~ jeid 1lt Was ti,. · (See FIR~,' .Paie 11 MuniClpal Court! BOth men ire tree 'ori : lc'!oJl\l~~ • .H.i:!>ir.ct ~n .. ' !,"i United Slates and'Britain asked Russia to rep1 re e IrUll1g appeal to the Syrian regime to withdraw . ' . 2 Hurt . F n· Its forces from 'Jordan before the Mideast -' ' ID· 8 ' • exploded. d · f Sh d •• ft:r1;.:00 .:r(hKli;:. H~r:.'" ~ra:. To ay or ow ,o. w., n._·R. ACe · 'From .Balcony.; issued a four-~t plan for· ending the • war. An(f_i! __ 8 concilialory--;-psture· he--..... ..... --.___ ....._.._ LSD •_ :t+--fr~ four guerrilla leader• captured by ~E~RT. R.1..-Down three races for h~vy wlndJ, abOut the nme ~' . • uspectcu fus "men In fighting which devastated Am· , I f ·~-.. .1-~-•--• .1 in the best-of-aeven Americas OJp series, prevailed for Tuada,y's ~.te.sL , man and e t "'""'sanwi nume~ auu Aus:tralia's Gretel. fl navigator Bill Fesq For "l>AILY 'PIU11' Mating Ecltfur A Calta 'Mesa couP~ 'who .anqedl)lo , ___ 11aµr"'.,·ngiea. <.,..t>J..,..~...,Jli!!.O_t.A"'ra~~nilJ•!!!ti~""'!'!....-said he beUnie• time J1 on hia side even Almon LodrabeJ'I anal)'lia'of lntrt!ipkf's' took LSD suffered lnjune:s·Tuaday night r if=.the-odda4r•· .. ainlt>-b' ~~l:t:'• when they leaped' from an a rtment f:r~.:d~~~iAro~; ~Ju:::ie~°:( "As yoU know, 'ft face overwhelming Bolttil1 P11e. oft Page1·1s. · · i' '&ll~ny. ~fie woman JlllnPl'I JOJl 1 ISet MIDEAST, Pap II odds," Fesif eipliJned. ''but we aru'l r ' pohce amved to stop her\ . giving up. We figure time has to be on . • . . Q\arles J.. Blomberg~ 2;·. and CyntJVa . . The Land Gilri1e (Northern s1,1e) Picture yourseif In a snug A-frame b"t s I de\ a Northern California · stream, away from smog and root beer stand1? And tumin_g a tldf, prof ii pn the land you bought ? The plctu-re might not ~! pretty as i\'1 painted ... For the concluding article. In a series on lhia prob- le~, 1tt P•ge ti today. 1 oursidellndwe'll•lillllzelttoproctlc•." Attack hy Elephanll _ -Adams, 22, ~of 1710 Pomon• Ave.,., Gretel !JI, dlsqualff6ed ln one. rice, has . were tftltlally . examined at Ho~ I lhu. lost thr .. llritpt to Newpor! Beach W'th l;'luh Re ed M~mori•l ,H~p1i.1 aod · tranofernd. to• &kiPflU Bill Ficl11t Ind cup defend« t " 8 . port tliange COunty -ii Center. Intrepid • • • • . 1 • r Officer~ (terty ~fer ~ s a i d' Fickef said hi11 crew woold work on NEW . D.EL!P, ~UPI) -· ~lephantl In. B)<>"?berf ~as lytn1 .~ -the ground coordinating their e.fforts today .. it 0 th eastern B1har State ~~vt been wleldln1 ~ ~ath ttie ~ 11tory~ balCfl!IY When .. cre"s req!Jflllted • day off today, The tree bra~s in· their trunu lllle clubs lit arrived at~ apartment complex. weather forecast. for 'J'bundaY'• race ls and dwmg vllla,e.ra wlt>ri ~· .state Ml!I Adams jumped and lhen allegedly · • assemblyman Jar11U11a Sinah 11kl tod.,. told him ahe: and Blomberg _had taken • s1,;p ukl Jralei,1nd friCJ'ltened °CJtizen.~ r;so dDrlng the mOmlng hou11. adding Hn'" Out , of S1'ght cte-lted~~iuthoritie1laat, lhlt C>lller cootr1band W8' ~ldden In .. ~n -ltenif, dtmllldbli """"°'-1111f-irOnlnc, hlllrd lee lnlide th< IJlllr\melll .!.. MANCllESTER, EnCJiod {UPI) protection fiom !lie 1lulti. lft ilM ... • Jn'-iptlon coit!nul!d tod•y 'Into' °""""""\be Tatter 'l'be1tre, now.....,_ vlll-IOllllll nltt~ ii 1 -1111 •IS , p,o•lWI pr ' ,,..,. If the Jlllir, following Ing a iu !Um. •r< IOelttni tile oww .,,. lltiae<J-llf-lhe 111pbut ... nd lrutpled<tf llJ• J 'ei7 " • l!,I!! amount of mori· wbetldlllr found llllr lfll.Jut lllow. duth. · ~ llill ~'!!'.'l'.•• ironln& bolrd. - ' ) > I I - ball!• ' ' '\ ' I , O<ih men wm sj,otted inside the-golf! '•·'' '1 •hoP.\~Y chib fll'O'Ron lleiang.,;,.,., !Rini-I 8rPI!!.'' " ,,, __ ,.. •• m~l othtr sheriff\g offkers Ito the· I ( .. ~-: .I p'renliae1:• Ounc!iln lm'media·teJy . : II.If•· .• rendfre(I , 'but irvlne~oommanttetnd af I c j . ~ • palrol'Car1ind led liis1fonrier coniague.: , _, .s:.;:.....L. 1 • on J.,.bullet punct!!&leil'c:h*'ttiJ·Ouatrtwo t '"--'118r · ··1 · I ~ .. _J ":::..-,.,, •. ~. Ctlirnties I) e d f.e i1urrendering. "a ,'f t e. r The fns r.Usi: mt toni .. w , In . . ( -., ..... ' . • ' ' • ' , . I r~J~ljd··wu•~ _,.,,IJ'i £' -2.-"' P' . I tem~ ·-JN>;.Oie', Ill I UJt:Us' , · :roteSt '{ . .iq u./ . .cOool\; !itlll. ·!ifjild~ · . •. , , 'I • • •• 1 ,, ~ 11111 . .dJPPifW~ D de~ :. . ' .. Grid ,Rµ~t'i\tg ·~, ll\'~I .. -·t@Di\l', ~~jtJ~~~..fllt ·. '•!\~~~~~~. )tijl s;.:;;;; ! ; at -M°,ft;,1111 Urt!Wrlii, wl "~ •rroa;,~.,l~fi. .ti'"°" tla".~ "ox~ ·<ii . ..I J:li<Jcakj!'~) ,,fl«lilar'i ":J !ieca-"' at'.~~~ l . ~· ~J1td'(, °'1 oqloii ~ °" . " · stud • . ha'f11 • ( . •• e 'J6.1• , ~ , • ~, .. ·,,,,.. .,,.,'" , t I ~~\·~~~·~··-~··· -',i· ; plcke . . . • J, ~. '1 · ~,~ r:.~ 1·T· ' ,. after an t' or • • •j • ~ ... • ,.• ·..-. ,_, .... l<' ·f- peared In the university newspaper. ~!:r:-~-;:i ==-~ ~ 1 · The •piper ~id-1cheer"Mtr• calltd c,,.._. , • , ~ ' a ~ "Buffalo Babes" ""uld hllp bring' ~, I ;;:.-.. J ' '. ·~"'l~n<lin1 f~ I-play"~"' M•roblll, -·~· "l I lnfluenctn1 --them With the UJe of ._.. :., -f per!Otllbfe, 'lntdHgent llrll!" Afll\etlC =u:... : . -'..:. "N ' " Director Charles Kautz auured the a\rls ,...... • ~· ._ • ~ l 'the")lrocum wu atrlctb' .YOlwi!iry._ • J I • ·..v. .. ...,, ~ 1J, 1970 l'r•• ••• t MIDEAST ••. lllnul 11altt ..... wbu.. ,thtir puce -ne,.ctaled Jn Amman willl lftrwfnudJbe ~ no ......... _,led.I>!' Numelry ..... , .... ,,_, _ ,......,., . "'8blll, -Minister Sheikh S.dd AllWuU.' Auab&h ol Kuwait on4 the ~a.it!" Slaff, Lt. Gtn. -. ... ti -- • '. ltt ·S....Dfego '. I .. i:~ertys Plead -. ·--~-.. ' ;Inno.eent to Rap . . . •• mill . . lilljall's-menr of the Syrwrarmy - dlfill ~ollowed an tirlltt 1latemJ11t by lOlli -n that his anily and air force 11011 bloodlid the -of the lnvadert: !::=~·, ~-.,,'9-DAJ1;Y-P1WT'~-ohortl1·afi..elbelr-<1~ie.-==~-l"t lt---.':/ SAN DI.ECO .:.; lMocent plea.I were of. Ubitrty,'24, may be returned to Oranae Ear ' ·-y the Jonlaniana )and s,rl ... t wllat appeared to be tho !ledliYO botlle. lj.eailwltj~ In W1ohl"l\On, lhe White Reut •i" today the lituaUon in Jordan iiiu ltiQ ••very lfl'kMll" and tblt Syria'1 llelntions 11!'ere not clur. · Prdklen1 Ni1on '1 prea tecrttary, llOnlJd L. Zie11tt, said omcl11a had ltlHQld nns dfapatchu r e po r t I n g wlllldrDll Ill Syrian armored lorell "-·Jordan. But '·'the f11htln1 is CGnUnllirlg,"' he -. ..W, aiid there is 1Ull "a hil:h de1ree of uncertainty in OM: picture." N1lm mil for two lloun with the Nlllaoal SocurllJ' Couno11 and tholl,...,. flllli. with Brffaln'I lottlp oemtar;, Sir Aloe' DoolllU-llilliN, GO tho llJlidlt ---UNCLIWI - DAILY ll>tioT ·staff i>t.f .. ..... ho" ., the repon. ncardinl tho 8'rloJi fGral,. Zillltr told._...., ""11 ib'rlln In-... atlll wlw. · "Ill hove 11111 "° e.itnnatten 111 a ;ullllel.lly ta Syrjw. We're Jaoll!D( II It canlldl • ' . U.S. l'OlllSTRY SERVICE PLANE SWINGS OVER CLEVELAND NAT.fONAL FORIST ·BLAZE · Stulltilitern Fire luma In Remote Mount•ln Ar•• BetwHn Or•nte end Riverside COUntie1 1 . . -·-JiJ» u.s. cl1p1oma11c llilllati~ U( let S)'riin unita withdrawn hid been mcceaful.• ZieaJer ·llid: "The S)'rian forces ¢ill an In J'!>nfln." ZlelleMid not fUlly..,zP!aln this: Kin( H-hod Mid Syrian link ,.._ !lad Men driven back acroa the border. Former, Newport Official. Zlqler lajd lhllt the While HOUH had u unconftnned report that 54 lirllner hi- Jocklnl boll-•• AmerlcaN llJ!IOlll lllem, liad boon -out ol the filhllnl &n:a •round Amman. Forms Consulting Firm "nwir whereabouta 1UU are not known. he laid, and added: "We ate Vtey mucll COftetlned about tbtm." . N-held an .-.iuled -., "-.Y llllht with a IJ'UP o1-. * * * Nixon May-Order Jordan Flighm For U.S. Citizens Robert Shelton, former Newport Bt1ch city l1llllqer and liter COWICllllllll, "" d1y announced formation of hla own 1ovt1mnentaf.nllllonl COlllUl!lnl !Inn. ono ·o1·1iia two..uintl. be aid, II the firm m ,,n. u preeldent for nine · yun; the l:.anlilD corporation of 1"' ~ ...... II tho Irvine Compln)'. Shelton Aid Illa ..i,nment for Irvine wlll be "to~ candidly with city and county olllcloll ad community luders thllr aWtdua toward the company, Jll pollcl• and olanl.°' . Sbelton aid wbllt much of wbat the Irvine Compln)' ·bu dn<I bu boon wide- ly IO"l1IJN4, Devertheliii"'"lt-inlbvlolm WASHINGTON (AP) -'!'Ila Unltad thit loc:ll)J then have -IOIDl pro- lllaloo II .., tho point.,.,..,. whether blema." · to ---c:t.1Uan .-it to .\m--.,,,..,_. by lr+tne ln ·hlrlnc Shelton -In tho -,.,... .. -....... lhllt the c:ompany bu ,_1 .. prnlftlJ•--rr.m,.... eel,-. ol rapport with Ibo city --,.,._, It mual deal with dally. ~lloruwd -nparW that the Sbelian•1 job will be to amootb tbeH rela- ......... )I --lndleatlq It tionablpa. -·lit -.,. ..... -'lllurt-&llllton Aid be hopoa bll "candid" - doy. · · •= with publlc_jlflldafa "can lead u.1. -111-. ........... _ " :.f: ftlel'~llGO m1 ., Jerdlatm. .......... ----_. .. local ,.._ ~-laWAlmnln tolltlnlt. 11'4.lbe-. Lollan!i!...H!!u:;iili ,11. Jalornallaaal lied ''..2M Ill !be ~ ... he •old, "II for the -~chorte llida: ' . compan)' and fl\lblic. orencl<o fa· bot~r -~'-~•:!"~ll,!ri' which.~. Ntton •t ~mlndf ' .... ~~h othtemr·~.posttlon on mat-11wu.1o11-,19.""' C'OOlkleriq mo 1 t ~· o mu-.. cone . aerloualy, •llM ',;It dci•I empt.,,., of Shelton said he b not goinf to be • !ht U.S. ~ -be b-ht . out and prldli)AlmrleaJI di-. living , 1n Jordan-•..-1ec1.., • -6· Hospitalized tary bub .• ·.¥:- The p...i.t :.•"'!!•_,,._.. .In lhe mcue opir•Uon, therllln; ~ 11a 1n1own 1n I . s tac J _ aav .... , but·-hn 'llllinlto n . pee uuir .about 2l10 pertanl, for whom they ....id need two afrplanb. · R ad C . h In spite of I lherp IOtback to initili 0 TUS es high·powered public relations man. "My job will be 1 liaison task, an ad- viser's role," Shelton said. He said. "lt will be one of the most · challenging I've undertaken ," SheJton WU 'Newporl Beach dty man11er from 1158 to 1161. comlnl from the aame post in Santi Barbara. He wu appointed to a vaClnC)' on the City Council in JMI ind WU elecW without opposi tion to 1 four-yep term in 1966. He did not 1tek re-election lut April. Pri or to his Sant.a Barbara post. he wu assist.ant city manager or Modesto. He has_ worked with just about every nther level of government in the United States. He was a field representative for the County Supervisors Associ1tion o f California, an administrative an1Jyst for the State Department olfinanct and w11 an intem in several federal 11encie1 ln Washington, D.C . Jn his future work with his former employer, Shelton said he will be ln-- volved with Lanlain'• Mountain Part ~it! in Loa Anteles. Sbilton, who la 47, iJ a 1I"adu1lt of Porftona C:Olle1e. He and hia wife, J.tarlam, mide at 2908 Ocean Boulevard Coraiia aei'Mat, with their lout clllldren. ' . SI0cum Murder .. Trial Recessed; . . . . Lawyer Has. Flu Juror& in ·the .Superior Court murder trial or Dr. We$&ey ,G. Slocum sot a_n A Hrlea of Colla Mesa ear and unexpected day ~ today When the Colla . . l'ro• Pqe J .. ·FIRE.'.·. ii helping, fire offlclals a.aid the blaze •11 workina in the lowtr reaches ol ca p- yona in the niged, 1lm06t in1ccusible area. Oran1e County Fire .oei-rtmenl of- ficials dilpetched a bulldozer. to the Ladd Canyon, north of Saddlebact , tn bolster fire breaks in case the blaze Should creep over the ridge. :; Strong Santa Ana winds are predicted to return '"1ursdiy and firemen said if the 700.acre blaze waa not::Out by then "we will be in real trouble."·_ Denmark Youtl;ts Riot COPENHAGEN (UPI) -Sc<>r" of youths, armed with 1tlcQ, Mololtiv cocktalll, nails, bricks and bottles fought about 1,000 policemen on foot and motorcycle Tuesday night. 1t was the third night of violence following peaceful demonstr1t.ions 1g1 i n 1 t Intemat.ional Monetary Fund (IMF) delegates and World Bank President Robe.rt S • McNamar1 in particular. ADV••TISIM•MT GEM -TALK TODAY by J. c. HUMPHa1u (lest Purck1MCI at Hom1I Many people have the belief or feeling that they can buy diamonds more cheaply abroad than in the United States. Th i 1 is a miscon- ception. Arab piOCI ello<ta, U.S. olllcllls me1nwhllt U1J1"•1ll hllef t1t1t an Ar1b sol-may be !-for !be civil Wat· In Jonlan. motorcycle 1ccidenta sent 1lx men to Mesa P,~!leial'.''I JaWfet ·fell vlctlm to Hlrbor Art.a hoa:pttala Tuesd1y, but all . what he beUeve~ iJ 24:hour f.lu.. Those who buy diamonds at the e1e1ped 1erloul injury in the 1pect1cular 'Judp Xerinttb Wl1U1nil recessed the wholeule level will v 0 u ch that India Fl~s Kill 600 NEW DELHI (UPI) -More than IOO -hove batn ldlled and I0,000 left -by heavy rains lhllt trluered lloOda anct_collapaed bulldlq1 1n diverse -" lndla In the past --. of. llclll repOrls 11ld today. DAILY PILOT crashes. . trial unUl 'lburlday momlol a.itir,bel1t1 Ont car left OJ feet of slddmarts. on• ad vised ·of idefentt ittoiney Jt{k:l\ael prices ue no cheaper abroad. Al- curve before rammin1 and fr1ctur1111 a • . so, a duty must be paid when the power pole at itl hlae, while the entire Gtrboll s.dlneu. GerbOll complained late gems are broufht into this country. 1kle " a second vehicle was caved in by Tuesday of btlng unwell. · :· a collision. Slocum, '45, is on trial for lhe allqed . Steven R. McNuley, is, of 8.16 Santiago murder of his 3-month-<11~ d111pter~ · .. Th~re may also be pitfalls in buy· Drive and 'lbomas PllUOC'Xt ol 297 Role Cynthia. Ol~f Deputy District AttomeY; 1111 diamonds 1broad. In the case ' tr •·• t r~-M James Enright allt1es for the ~f f . · Lane, were ea1a1 1 '1.A.19... eea JecuUon that" Slocum killed the child ind ~ 1 misrepresentation, there just 14:::.:1 ::P:C~:1;!e~~ pickup ~hen 1tuffed . her dismembered remain&·· isn_ t much you can. do to 1et your piled Utto 1 power pole on Pullman into the f1mllf freezer. . m~p'y . back. .A•enue It FilCher Avenue at 1:30 p.m., Sever1l portions of her tiny body 111'f:rt . • : ;· ....,_ .... ,1,...,,. .._. alter pine out of control. . Ttve1led when movln& men tr1n1ported 1fl · SO'lile countries the standards •-,.... ,..... ...., __ * W·'pnd ~ of ,_ n... .. 1 A the 1ppll.1nce. from Colla Me11 to their , of all..., · t . -1 APlll'lll ~ • ...,, ....,.. ........ ve., SanUI Ana depot. A brief invest11at1on en-q~ . .., ar~ no as strict as they c.... Mne '-Cle•••,. Balboa Island, and P1trlck Geary, 20, o( ded with tht arrt11t qi. Slocum. are in the 'Ul}lted States. Th 0 s e ~ CMST ll'UaLtaHIHtl CIM"""'" 1111 Melllso Dr.!..ve.,edSantet ACona.*HeiMlhta, TesUi;nony so fir in lhe trial has been pas.sing .flawlesi. 11ef1ll in some •• .._. fril. w .. .4 Wtrt a wo::I a s... esa I' d to di I I . I th ""u....,t -~ Memortll HOlp!lal and sent home.. con.1ne me . ca ~na ys1s ~ e re-countries would not pass as iuch J•c• 1. c.,1.,. i-•· ~ Id W '"and' mains and the 1<:re:en1ng before the jury here Vkeo """'-.., ~·'........, · .. ..--... 1i:u1• 11 e,. 1 ~II' wu of slides taUn by J)ltboloJlsUI· who ea.. · Th•••• ICH•il l!Mlhed tiro&dlldt at Pa\IJ1rmo and a.mined what was left of the body. .. 1... RtdbUl ·Avenuu Tuelday ifter'l\OQI\ by a Dr. Richard Fukomoto h•s testified; ' lt's'.best to 'bqy YQU( diamonds leref again-..;"-<!ay, when· Candl elight County eventually ahd charged with the ·Killer ~ w.,. Liberty and his ' wife murder or a former roommate, Thoma were artaiped on murder charsa in·Sao Asklrlnai, 25, who w11 thot and dumped-in ~ep CoQnb' Superior Court. Sunset AquaUc Park lut March . Trial for the colorf.t couple accused to Mrs. Liberty is not accused, ei:cept In the torture iila}t)ng of male nW'M Robert the murder of Irion, whom Liberty knew Jrlon, 53, lt hi! apartment last June 7 at Atascadero State Hoepit.al. was set re¥ Nm/. lo ln •SuptrK>r ec:mt: Liberty spent three years under treat. Chief Depbty D1'V'd All«ney lllchlrd ment after beinl found j:rlmlnally IM.line Hanacom ~ to uk dilmisul or for the 1trangWation ol Mrs. Maret.Ha original complaintS ·01e-coUp'Te' Bnsweffil Landis, 31, of-Westminster, mott than identically Monday in municipal court, four years ago. slnce the new charaes take pr~edence. PoJict called to their apartment found ' The San ,Diego CountY: Grand Jur.y lighted candles fliekerinc around htr flew. returned ihaictmeni,, agilnst both the _ er-petaJ.s tre.wn body, while Liberty ttrum- former Westminster man and the med his guitM and insisted 11\e wu redhead he wed in a Qilorado jail cell aware of the ritual. Irion, a patient treated a.s, a set of. fender, wu 1tr1ngled and left with candles burniftl beside hil body, u a Loni Beach teena1w watched, tied to a chair with necktiu. Ren~ging Charge Leveled Against ' . . . ·Car.penter, GOP Orange. Courity'1 Republican Central C8mmitLee and State Senator Dennis C\l,rpenter. have .been accused by a defeated Con1reuM>nal candjdate of ~efusii:ig t9 pay an allegedly .promised ~.000 to-:ards bia J~ campaign. · ,Ffa.nk 4 1tjag1t4 claim,_ in his Orange _county SµP,trior ~rt fll~!Jon filed Tues- day. that.lie . wu. proinlsed a total of $35.000 whert he carried the GOP blnner against elected Democr1t Richard Han-hi. . · La Magna· attai:hes to his· lawsuit 11 C"opy of the GOP contract Which contains, he 'Claims, a promise to pay $35,000 towards his expenSes. That · aareement also appears to indicate that La Magna w11 prom ised ll.57 ·percent of all cam- ·p•lgn funds r11.sed by ~ organization .. '-A Rtpdblican patty spokesman today dismissed La M1gn1 '1 tult u "petty and frivolous" anct commented that the can- ·dld1lt w11 Dever promiled the full 1Um of l'!S,000. . ·-The apokesJNn referred to a recent IUue of the Orange County ·Observer, a Republican p1rty publication, in whlch it was explained that La Magna was p~ mis~ 1 share al available campai11n funds. . . · La Magna ls ·represented by attorney Jo~n Deai:i of Garden -Grove. D~n Is a member of the Orange Courity Democra~ le Centr1I Cos:9mJ~tee. · Market Employe, ' Pal Sentenced To Year Terms A former Costa Meu market emplaye has been sentenctd to one year la Oraqe County Jail, for helpin1 to en1Inetr an aborUve $5,280 holdup in which 1 pal pol- ed u the so-call Band Aid bandit. Boyd M. Sharp, 29, of Norwalk, W"U given the 12-month term by Superior Thurt Judge James F. Judge, following 1 three-month presen lence evaluation 1t the Calilornia Institution for Men, Chino. He and Kenneth R. Merscheim, 24, fonnerly of NewpOrt Beach -who w1s the atocldng and banda1e-malked stickup min, -both ple1ded guilty to arand theft charaet. Merscheim, an erperi golfer, pleaded guil ty to the April 19 stickup at the .Alpha Beta M1rket, 241 E. 17th St., shortly after he ind Sharp were arrested. Both were given three years' probltkln as well as a year in county jail for the robbery. Authorities recovered almost 111 the loot •nd said both men expreased great remorse al lht: holdup, in which two other employesl as well u Sharp wtre bound and pisto -whipped: .t, t I , • ' ••• riirmderful BIZUinga on : intefruitionar Sterling ' . r ·. "'I . . . I \.. ~ - n.~ =i•c larp~ 1uto _drlvt11 by P•ul Robusto. 28, of that the rem1ln1 weie in !ii advanced riibt lien at home. fi.nd the best l i,t1er4 '· "•• 15'1 Mm .Drive,• nel&bbor ol Geary, state of decay when the odor emanaUnr' dJimond' A.'"!: at ·s;.0--_·-.,. those ~,,_,_.,.._ •-· SM11 0r...,., c..r • ..,. who waa hil PllHfller. from them led to their discovery. ,.,..,.J '!.-" ffl'" ·PUa FOR(,, -fO..M -''' ...,,, to• II .,..... Both drivers have the same birthdliy in our showcase!.· Re;.orklfve,rwfl'Oll$ll3l ...,..,._.,_._.. c... ..,_1 m ww en,._. nut Tuesday, investigators noted. P.LACE kNIF(., wifli ... ,.._ ..... ., .....,.1 -.~:•11Wt11• .... ,...,.._,, A pair of service slaUon attendants S M F Jl:e;.er:baf.•flari$10(J) ~--•ow -\'r.",':,',',',1',,'f::.':..0 riding their motorcycl" nn an Orange mog ay OrCe WATCH NIXT WEEK fO~ ~f-~Si''"-. . -.-r.. ... '-~1 •...,.••c....... County.J'aQroundl access ro1d 1t 1:40 '1'HI llST·DIAMOND':sHADI" .............. u.w tttiMat.Mffatiom -+----.-U-{(-~~-,-_.---''-1--':.,."·m"~~::.:~iilo::!::=l wM11r--;c=h-ci;;J.-d-;-r-e-D--l;-n-s-i"°d~e--+-.,.b:-u-r"be,-st°"··:-w.,-ls.,:h.;.to=Art=-M=:cK.;;e::.n::.z_ie-f----~~"!VTl:!!"""l:Jo!ltR~ll.5ll:.'-'fooooi950--t-....._--;,M4,:,,.lwriovoil ... ~ .. -----f---J ., . . Jury E. H1yes, 31, of 1309 Belfut on the occassion of ~is retirement COCKTAIL Fau:. ·~ •.~~:..._'- -Ave., waa able to ride home and rt!port smoa ml&ht drive children In the San as city manager. Thank you Art for """ftttnM3) · Pite.••-- the acckltnt befon belnf 1dmltted to Joaqoln ElemenWy School. Dlltricl oJ! a job well done. DEMITASSE~ 111 "'° .._.,.. llM..&wl 9'11.'tPUT .......... c ....... ._ ........... •.::.:.;: ~--!:. :".!.~-(Mic ..... """""""' .... _.,..... ....,, .,.. ........ ,.. ,....... ..... _ ...... C-f ........ ~ ,....., ..-it• .,. ., •tt .... ..... ~..._., ............ W.t ..., ..,.. c.11 ... . 1 lft41 '41..&Jll a1 'I••• 1 •.,. UJ.11n ,. er 1 a Ill.,.., ,. T,t rt I 4'M4• ~---c.... ......... ~ •• -.... llWIC .... ......... --., .. , ..... ,, ... ~ .. -..... ., ,.,. ................. 1 --~·--.. c... ... a.c ....... ---' ., •.• .....,., .....,. •11•11• ...... .........,. . . ' Hoq Memorial HospU.aJ In fair cond.ltlon the playsrounds. ,,,. '"'"S2.75 stet11119 ,........ """' ti.. -with cull and bruises. --~~ ·~-di lrlct h ·•··• lo JCEO._IM'-'GE900N. ·-= =•blo. Yoo "~·""• w ••• • -av• v..e.-~~c1u-ne l -e w e 1-....-auons are --'915 ' Ht. co-worker, GI"" R. Westm-r, 24, r.A ... ~" • • .._.._.,.., ....-11 •1 ,,.. obtain smo1 readincs from the Oranse f J ol Ito W. Wiison SL, waa treated for 1 County Air Pollution Control Dlstrlcl. Yo11rs r om · C. llUMPHR!ES OPPlll W JINUAllY 11, 1m !ra<lond right •nn •nd released •<-R"dln1• will be given lo prlnclpals, JEWELERS. · Y:ou'll '!hid ·only the = ~ :,~ o!~ys:;~ .:~~lowed who will decide whether or not children. finest In all typse nt it welry, and . Gas Kills 22 on Ship_ -CURITIBA. u'rull (UPI) -Ammonia li.L •kins from the reftlser1Uon aylllm of lhe !bhlng boat Chln·ltly·I killed 22 of the 27 crewmen abolrd, Paranapa port offlcl11s uld Tueadly. • • \ ahoold remain outdoors, if the •moa: ll we c•PPV o m e C a an' Bulo partl(\llatly bad, · _., . " VI The county proaram wu idopled after watches. Watch ind jewelry rep1lr the Orange County Medical A-l•Uon available. too. Vt,slt us soon. J, C. outlined the-health haurdt for YoU•&-HUMl'HRllS-JIWl\.IRS, 11 2 J people caused when oxldanta In the at· Newpert llvd., phene 541-3401 . ,J: r;. .J./.umpkrie6 Jeweler& moe:phere reach .35 parts per mlllkln. . The medic•! assocla Uon recommends Open dally f tilt 6. Prldays •pen t CONV!NJI'~ -,,., h 1111 ' ,.., ·~ l~ YEAllS IN SAME lOCATION t a:t children be excused from 1trenuOU1 . IANICAMEllCAlD-MASTElt CMAllSE 'HONE 541 .J401 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA Indoor and outdoor acUvlUes at that Ume. -------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!i!!~~~=>!!l t -• I ' , L • " ci w " - d' c: I! "' • •1 b u t: I c c b • • ,. I l f I I ' ' , Buntin -·~ -., --• > . ---__ __,. -- ' -T.ay,•~Fl•al . . NJ. s~· c -• .. • . -·-t ' ' Beach Salary Raise Session Set for Tonight 'Ibe subject of pay raises was not a popular conversation piece tod1y in Hun- tingtbn Beach. Most city employes are waiting the out- come of tonight's e1ecutive session of ~ ·city .councll durln1 which city pay raises will be the central subject. The meeting is 1cheduled for I:~ o'clock. ... Firemen and policemen Jejecled Mon· day ·a ' propo1ed 1.15 percent pay boost, causing the council to reconsider Its of· fer, then withdraw It pelidlni: the out· come of further study. Al the time , the City Employes' Asaociation was happy with the 1.25 per- cent offer., but when the council revok~ its proposal to. firemen and policemen, it dld the ume for all other city employes. Ted Kramp, .president of the City EmploYes' Association, largest of the three bargaining groupS, had no comment on the subjtet thi~ morning, but city emplc~yes are known tn be concerned about changes·in the g Jar-y situation. Don Jenkins, past presi~ent of the PoUcemen's Association, a1ao had little to gay at this poinl "It's up to the city council now," he u- plalried. Spokesm~n ror . pc;Ucemen and ·firemen ~ad 1grted to 11 pereent p&y boosts with City Administrator Doyle Miller. City employes had signed a memorandum of agreement for the 8.25 percent increa~e. When the council cut down police and fire requesta, spokesme n for the tw9 groups 1tated dilappolnlment and uld they ~ 1Uck by . their oriainaf-"lt'1 their move. We made tun whel ..,.._is with Miller. . . ,,.. 1ipeqjhe •111<0ment w(th Mlllu :• "We'r!" not" sure what is happe~ Subia uld l now, .. • Vic SUbla, vice president of tM · Firemen'• Auoclation, aald today. Autslant City Administrator Brander "II'here 11em1:to be a problem of com-CasUe sent a ~le to all employea 'J'Uea.. munkition. 'J'bat!s why we had our '\e'Pl day lnfonitini them • of today'• counclf' counsel prtleht at Monday's council aeuiQn and 1tat1ni salary problems meeting." 1JOU1d be solvff today. Su bia· 1a.ld his group ii not sure if· Many employes, however, Were 1kep- to~t'1 _1USlon will aol'Ve ·all ~ salary . tical that com plete 11>lutions would be d!Jputes or if they will be e1tended to found in one day. next "Monday night. "We're not even sure Castle'• note a~ plied to police and firemen," Subia uld. The decision for today's meetin1 wta made late Monday, after police and fire representatives bad left. Co\Jnclhneq decided to hold an early executiVe 11111100 ' after Darrell Smith, speaking' for city employes, asked that their 8.U Pettent pay raise be reinstated, ~e city employes had alreiidy ag11eed to that. Councilmen refused to' reinatate the raise, but said they would d.i1C1111 it im- ibediately. ·---- Blaze Perils County Over 700 Acres Blackened By JACK BROBACX Of ... DlllJ ...... ,. .. A virtually uncontrolled firt was 1preading through tinder dry brush and trees 10utheast of Corona this morning, the tirst 'serious th reat to Orange eowl- ty's parched mountain areas this year. By midmorning the mass of flames had spread over 700 acres five miles south of Corona and was creeping toward Orange County's Silverado Cahyon area. One ranch home in Joseph Canyon burMd ttUs morning and several others were uved, nre officials reported. 1be 580 men fighting the blaze got a small break. today when the hnta An• Heeds Cit11 winds which had been blowing in gusts up to 40 miles an hour dropped to 10 miles an hour. The fire broke out Tuesday afternoon in the same area where the Infamous Paseo ' Grande blaze started in October of 1967. That tragic fire swept .over 48,000 acres, destroyed 66 homes and did mqre than $2.5 million in damage. Aiding on the battle line this morning -were 23 £ire rigs, eight bulldozers and six air tankers drof!ping chemicals and water on the spreading flames . Slate Forestry officials said that they have shaky control of 40 percent of the perimeter· of the fire this morning. Work- ing against them was a humidity level Meadowlark Owner Says -~ ---:-- He'll Shut Down at N-ight By TERRY COVILLE Of l~t Dtll., l"lltl lll H J_ohn turner, owner of Meadowlark Airport. announced today he would close the airfield at nights in compliance with the request of the Huntington Beach City Council. "My legal consullant's and the city at- torney's statements conlinn that I could use the night lighta and continue night operations," Turner said in a written Women Realtors • Host Luncheon Woman Realtors from the Huntington Beach and Fountain-Valley-area-focus on education Friday with a noon luncheon for which top school official!!. are invited as guest speakers. Speaking to the women's council of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers will be Dr. Clarence Hall, i;uperintendent of the Ocean View School Diatrict; Mike Brick, superintendent or the Fountain Valley School District and Charles Palmer, deputy superintendent of the Huntington Beach City School District. The trio will enter a di9CUSSion on "What's New In Each Elementary School District." with a question and answer 1e1sion 1Jited to follow. Francois restaurant will host' the luncheon. Reef P lan_ Approved Off Huntington Beach Construction of four ma n·made reefs off the shores o[ Huntington Beach near the Santa Ana River has been approved by the County Board of Supervisors. 1tatement. "But to discontinue the red lights in the disputed ~ portion would be extremely hazardous to all. After disc1Wion of this matter with Councilman G e o r g e McCracken, I have decided to show good faith on my part, and on the part of the pilots who use this field , and to close the airpprt from dusk until dawn." Turner said he would notify the Federal Aviation Agency, pilots and Cit y Administrator Doyle Miller of his decision. Monday night the Huntington Beach Ci- ty Council passed a resolution to take all necessary steps to close night operations at Meadowlark, even though City At· torney Don Bonfa said such action would be unenforceable because the city has no power-to halt-night flights into an airfield with or without lights. Homeowners and pilots have battled more than a month now over a 300-foot extension of the runway and Installation of night lights at the small fie'ld . Homeowners say hazards have in- creased, pilots say they have decreased because of the additions. The city council appointed an airport study committee headed by Bob Dingwall to report on the situation, but the com- mittee's study has not been fast enough for surrounding homeowners. In his statement Turner 1!10 said, "My every action has been with the safety of, not only the pilot.., but the homeownen, in mind." "I have fuJI raith that the city council, the airport commlttee, and other in- terested parti~s. will work with haste and diligence to reach a po11itlve tolution for the operation of this airport. There Is no doubt as-to the need ~and neceasity of this airport to the community." Valle y Jaycees .... below 10 percent and a temperatun: in excess of 90 degrees. Al though the Santa Ana wind decrease is helping, fire officials said the blaze was working in the lower reaches of can- yons in the rugged, almost Inaccessible area. Orange County Fire Department of- ficials disp;Jtched a bulldozer to the Ladd Canyon, norUi of Saddleback, to bolster fir.; ~eaks in case the blaze should creep over the ridge. · Strong Santa Ana winds are predicted to retum Thursda y and firemen said if the 700-acre blaze was not out by then "we will be in real trouble." Behind . by 3-0, He Say s Time F avor1 Cretel Special ID tbeJ>AILY PILOT NEWPORT, Jl .J. -Down three races in the best-of-seven Americii's Cup serfes, Australia's Gretel II navigator Bill Fesq . said he believes time is on his tide even i! the odds are ag"ainst him. "As you know, we face overwhelming odds," Fesq explained, "but we aren't giving up. We figure lime, hu t.o be on our side and we'll utilize It to practice." Gretel JI, d.iS<fualified in one race, has thus lost three straight to Newport Beach skipper Bill Ficker and cup defender Intrepid. Ficker said·-hi!r ctew would worl( on coordinatinc their efforts today. Bo t1h crews requested a da y off today. The weather forecast for Thursday 's race is for heavy winds, about the same 11 prevailed for Tuesday's contest.. For DAILY PILOT Boating Editor Almon Lockabey's analysis of lntrepid's winFiing effort , Tuesday, see today's Boating Page, on Page. 16. Truck in Cra sh Misidentified A rubbish.disposal truck that collidect. with A small car in Costa Mesa, fatally injuring a Huntington Beach man, was incorrectly identifie~ in news 1ta;ries about the tragic accident. . The vehicle did not belong to Dewey"s Rubbish Service, 2113 Canyon Drive, but to Oreo Disposal .Service Inc., thf. city's contract trash hauler. , Both firms ha ve maintena'nce y11rds side-by-side near ~he accident scene at Canyon Drive and Victoria Street. Ralph B. Roth, 45,'.,.of 2o732 Kelvin Lane, Huntington Beach, was ho,,pitallzed after lhe accident last Thursday and died Sunda y. Fu'nertl services were scheduled today at Calvary Church in Santa Ana. . ' . City ·Apart~nt Hearing Delayed. for 2nd Time . . ~ -' ' - Homeowners ·along Holland Drive ln HuntingtOn. Belch still 4on"I know iL !hoy will ha Ye. c aPmme'nt~ "rdweUeis fOt· neighbors. · · ·Two Weea.-·aio a ·rr~jo,-i~y . of t~•: Holland DriVe resident!:· opposed' a pr~ po~d · 'apartment develo'pment .just _oJ! Beach Boul'evard, near their 'area, The· council de"ad\Ock~ 3-3 ,on a William.. Lyo11s appeal .of an earlier planning com- mission de nial fpr I.he apartments. Coun-1 cllman Al Coen was absent that lime. Coen ' was · pfesent Monday night, but, the council still did not settle the issue. It was delayed to Oct. 5 at Coen's request so he could study the tapes of the public hearing before casting his vote. But the issue might not be setUed even · But, · If Coe.ft voted in favor Of the apartm<nts, u Bai1Jett• did two· ....u· a"O, there would .be' inoth!r· W tie and ,e ' ( ' ' . the luue would have" tq 'f~l~anotber two weeks. . · . . . Homeowners, meanwhile, ire keeping an eye on the Issue. They• oppose the apartments btcause they Iesrtoo much· trifflc will be thrown· on Holl!nd Drive and surroun"ding nel11hborh0od' Streets. Lyons says h~ ' wants apartments because the fi'ont 1ectlon of 'the land will be a commercial center ·and the rest of the land is useless for anythln& else. Valley Planners then. , · · w11en eoon ;.,quested U>e c1o1ay, c.un-·Get Lo:ng Agenda c1lm1n Ted Bartlett J,nfocmed tht.QJUDcil . ho -.Id bo 1bsent Oct. I . . "It doe1n't mike. any difference . .My vote is ·the decldinl vote, Y. ·Coen ~Id Bartletl . t - ' ~ath PrQb~ l>elaye,I' Fountaln Valley11 Planning Commiuion races •. st1rr .l~-l~m agend~ f9f' its reguJar meeting at 7:30 o'clock, tonight. '.The first·tieVtn lter'ns On lhe agenr;la art public hearings, with" the' major ·hearing probably sruroundlng a request by J, W. l'_l_ewt>erry_ De~rtment. Store, f9r co.m- mercilll zoning on the southeast corner-ot bONDON (AP) -·The inquest in the Brookhurst Street and Talbert Avenue to' death ()f American pop guitarist Jimi build a 14.7 acre shopplng~center. Hendrlt wa1 .adjour~ tQ.day until next • · -O~r hearings concerti ~ variincet, Wednesday for a paUtologist'1 final' preciie 11J1n1· and mlnll'-changes In dty decision on the cause. mini procedures.' • ' . . . City .Autlio.rize.5 Safety . Signs Near. School ' Sto'p 1iens and crouin& guardl au on the way to help• achoo! children cross tht busy intersection of Bushard St~t and BaMlng Av'enue in Hulttington ·Beacti. The city'co~cil M~rl~Y night ,luthorii- td the immediate. plact}Tlent of jour.way atop signs at .the intersection arid the hlr· Ing of a crossing guard during achoo( hours. · · Don Pate, pri(lcipal , of · the nearby Eader Elementary School, told coun· cilmen that as. many as 140 children. in klnderg_!rteri throuah .. (illh gra~e mill~ fie crossing Bus~ard 1;t that point. I Parents .from l;he neighborhood alm urged 'councifmen to·take immediate ac- t.ion far the safety. of their C)lildr!n. • City Engineer Bill Hartge u.id the traf- fic flow is' nearly heavy enough at that point to merit stop signs· anyway and within a month they would certainly bt required, t.. . ; ' ' £ ' 1 The first stop signs erected 1 will be temporary, iUJlil, c\ty .. worker's can order and install the permanent fype, .. , . '" I Oruge Weather The reefs, to be constructed of old auto tires, are approved by agencies involved e.nv1ronmen . nJd'7tlm eullect Brus· ... h~es~-l·tt-C-et1n The fog rolls In tonight in force, ·and 1\'11 dtop Thuttday's temperatures doWn irlto the IMI'• c__~~~-;---o--~~~~~~~~~~~--'--~~~~~J-..1"'1e-. ' · lhii• dipping to 12 dogrttL do not deteriorate and provide an ex- cellent gathering place for bottom fish, the county Fish and Glmf: Commission reported. (Nor than St11le ) Picture yoorself In a snug A-frame be 1 Ide a Northern California stream, a1"ay from smog and root beer stands? And turning a tidy profit on the land you bought! The picture might nol. be 11 pretty as It's painted. For I.he concluding article In 1 aeries on this prob- lem, He Pa1e 11 today. -• Oiildren of Fount.a.in Valle y -brin1 your tooth brush and tooth paste and gather at the lOcal achoo!, the Jayce:es need you. No;-it'1 not a giant brush In, but a · Jaycee drive to collect tooth brushes and tooth paste tor 3,500 orphans in Vietnam. For the t'e!l of September the E1- hauste:d Roosters Club ot the Ja)'cees will collect these articles from local schools and send them to Capt. Frank Bryant. stationed in Bien Hoa Provjnce, Vietnam. Bryant, a men1be:r of the Mell Jaycee organiiatiOn, will gfve them to the 3,500 orphans adopted by the 3-17 Air Calvary Squadron. Anyone who would like to 1ive these Items, contact your nearest 1chool for more lnformaUon, or ptfri:fne George Scott, 139-~. Riot Policy . Questioned County suporvi!orl wero shown films ol force .U.ady lormtd by counly police rioting in Wubington. D.C., and Selma, chtef1. Ala .. Tuesday and respcinded to a ca.II tO Robert Thomas. county · administrative draft a countyWide poliCy tO handle officer'. told tupervilon that dborder possible outbreaks :.ere. Control problems have prompted, "public Keith Concannon. bead of the county's fear and loss of confidence t n Criminal Justic.e...Council, urged the Im· govemmint11 ability to maintain la\lf' and mediate creation of a format. '1WhlW.~ t orcfer J' our policy?" be asked . "Who determines Concannon u\d the danger of disordtr1 policy? TheSe are the qum.iom and J" Qrange County is very real. uwe have have no answers." · , 2,130 police officer:• In the ·county, that'1 The drafting job was given to Los our defense. '1 Alamitos Police Chief Roy J, Kundtz, Twenty-two of the county'• law en-- chairman of a riota and dllorder1 task forcement •1encles are "dedicated to the • .. Idol ol lt1lilln1 toptbor. to "' prtparod for rloll," KUlldll llld. . ·"But we do not mike policy," tbl police chief aaid ,!'TMt ls UJ1 to yoa." · The lsla Vista lthiition wU given as ' an• e11mple of tht nHd for illl overall policy to establish command. . . • 1 "Thert were·two lherUJ'1 Olpll1inllUI, Ole hlghw•y patrol and the notional auard on the 1Ctn1: I• the.Santi Bllrbar• confrontation," Kundtz related. "TheN were lhree or four 1uderl at •IU' ont Um• who .,.,.. looliina for ,.. ltader·to take command." INSmE TODAY What a. dtdl race -no pro- ti!st.1, .no surprises, j ll..!t another narrow Intrepid vict,or)I. Almon LackabOlf ®"""' 1'•Hdor'• America's Cup action toda.V on Pag! 16. • MtnlMt L--. I -~ -. -... . ,..., ...... .. ,........ ....... . -....c....., 1 1 "• . . .,... ~ . -· ... ... _,....,..,, ""'''""' . -.... -II .._. ...... ... ........ ... , .. \1' • l_r ( ~~~~~~~~~-~~"-~~~~~~_'.__~~~~~~~~..-~-L!.~..-.:..--.;;.~~~~...:...-.... ~~:.-~~;...~~--------------""'----"'"' . .J DAil Y PILOT " ., • • Deplldes eue-·· l · Fmnbmds -sntewintler·_____,. ~-_fffuefs_C.he_ek :· .. ' ~.Contract A $29.1 million Air Force Cilnb"act to .build a new model of the Sidewinder ,missile has betn awarded to Philco- ford's Aeronutronlcs Division in Newport Beach. : Company officials ca lled the contract °''major and alinificant'' and indicated J_hilt it relaxes 1rowin._ pressures of pen- ding layoffs at the division 's facilities. The contract calls for Aeronutronic to ~nter and build an upg_ate.d "Mollet J" 'qi the air-lo-air intercept missile. ., How the new model differs from tht . ' ' present '·Model B" is secret information. company officials said. -'-Most of I.he actual wori. will be i>erformed at the division's Anaheim assembly plant, wllh about on~third of it -to be subcontracted to Philco . Ford's - ---eo~mmunl.Cit ons anOTe:ChnlCil--strv1ces division at Willow Grove, Pa. ~·~-Aeronutronic officials said l h t awarding of the contract, which was sign· ed last week, is a blesslng. T-hey-Baek-ihe-Oikrs "The~timing of this important _p_rogra_!!'I will tend to stabilize our employmenl level In the. Orange County area," Louis F. Heilig, division vice president and ieneral ~nager aaid. • He uid there will be no additional hlr· Ilic, howe.,. Cheerleaders;.boosting the fortunes of Huntington Beach High School varsity athletic teams this year include (from left) Dana Moss, Mona Morita, Susie White, Andrea MacDonald, Cathy Graydon and Melinda Armstrong. They will be backing Oiler football efforts this fall in the Sunset League. Other company spokesmen thil morn- ing conftrmed this meant there would have been aome layoffs without It. Beach Trustees Okay "The Industrial Relations Department II.id today that they would have hid to proaram aome job cutbacks in about two months had the contract not been reeeiv· ed," the spokesman said. The AeronutrontC Divilk>n employs a Seh l w o _ __,to~tal of l .lllO penons, includlnl 1.7&1 at 00 -arning Its 'Fiiiifl!Oi"fllcillty llf'Nt"Jl(lrt"Beach;--· · Systenis 510 at the Anaheim assembly plant where . the Shillelagh missile is built." The 2'7·month, fixed-price contr1ct In- cludes in~tlves for Aeronutrohic to ac-- comi)lilh the work 1t lower coat throuab value engineering.. __ ,-- Colt aavtng Jnnovations In engineering and construction that produce quality at least equal to specUlcationa will relUlt ln higher company proflt, under this type of incentive program. · In addition to engineering and con- atrucUon, the contract provides the com· -pany-to--produce -technk:aJ._dal&:_and aerospace ground equipment. Heilig uld lne AIM-9J _§idewlndt( p~ gram, as the Air Force eo.trtct cal1I It. will be conducted wlthlil the. dfttsion'• A1r Defense Systems Operation~ under the -of Robert T. O. Case, Jr .• dJnc. lor, and Jun" J. Wataoa, AIM-9:1 P'°\ rram manager. Japan Graphics On Sale .. at GWC Connoisseurs Of Japanese art will find more than 70 examples of graphics for sale at Golden Weit College this week. The sale begins al 3 p.m. Frklay in the community center and featUres prints, woodcuts, silk screen and stencil cuts. Their prices range from. 11.5 to $150 with a percenla&:e . of the proceeds to be applied to the co'Dege'1 ach0larship fund. 'I!liJ:.tY-seven art'5ta are represented in the show, many with several ·uamplea. of their work. While some of the prints are originals, there are also a limited number of copies available. Japanese moldmakers often create a mold, mal!:e about $0 prints and then dt!troy the mold. YMCA Week Declared M1yor Edward Just has just pro- clalmed this week YMCA Week In foun- tain Valley in honor of the YMCA 's many programs offered for the youth and adults in the community. DAILY PILOT ClltAHGl COAlT P'UILl•HtNG COMP' .. Nf R•li1tt N. W11tl 'rtaldonl 11141 P'wo .. 1""' J1,k ~. Curley Vke ,,...ld.m '1111 ,,..,,.,.,,1 M1111flr Tht!'P!•1 K11•il Ea:oar Tho"'•' A. Mwrphi~• 'l'iuatees ol the Huntington Beach . Union lll&h ScbooJ.Dlltric) hope lo strike back at yandlllam bf fi\itaillng electronic wamln( aysteD(I if.udl one ol its 11• campuae1. - 'l'hey 1av1 their approval Tuetday to a Oran e Crate Der.by ,Scheduled \I I ti'~,·(• s~t\i To Ruri Sept. 27 . ' Drag GUI tbole orange cralea alid baby b<Jto ~'' kidll It'• Ume fri the <>r- •nae crate Derby a1ain, T!i• HuntlngtOn Beach JayceeHJIOll' IOitd rAice .will· be held Sept. Z1 and I• oz>ln to a1J ·Yot1I11sttr1 aged I through 15. This year there will be three divisions for~ boys a11d glrla aged 8-9, 10-12 and 13- 15.-Prizes..and.trophiu will be awarded to the top Uiree ricers In each croup. The first place winners in the 10-12 and 13-15. age gr®ps and their parents will be given an·e1pense-paid triP. to tht re. clonal contest,, slated for Oct. 3. - t>erby Cbij1'1}"1an Bob Walk.er said all or the cars will be gravity-powered and will---eoast-down-lo the-checkered naa from !t hill atop c;1ay Street. . · ParUcii>ants must 1Ubmlt aa .entry blank •i&ne<t ·by-their parents no tater. than 11 a.m •. on tha day of the. .contest. The cars · must be no longer ~n 1eVen: feet or have an overall width ot more than tour feet. In addition, they must have dependlble brakes, adequate steering and must be 1ble to pass technical laspecUon by the Jaycees. In addition, the tules specify that the maximum weight of both car and driver may be no more than 250 Pounds and that all cars be constructed by the drivers. Assistance from relaUve1 and friends i1 permisSible. Newport Studio 1entry network which would cost ,1,100 per lnstallaUon with a monthly service charge of $55. '"This should give our taxpayers the protection needed tod_ay with the rising incidence of vandaJism, 0 aaid Board Chairman Matthew Weyuker who urged the district to investigate a protection system some time ago. Until the electronic vandal detectors are installed, the district plans continued we of the property guards .which have been stationed at each of the campuses •Ince June. Since their employment, no fires or burglaries have occurred at any al· In• achoo~. Weyuker explained that the guards alooe would coot the district !30,000 an· nuaDy and that the number of guards ~·be greaUy reduced · with the warn-ing •liystems. "Wlntersburg really got our attention to this problem, especially when we took a look at the aftermath," said Weyuker. The Wintersburg Conlinuation High School ,utrered $50,000 damafe May 18 when l!n ,non.caused fire swept through elghi cla.ssroom• . Mayor Names Six ·1~ River Panel J.tay0r Moi-tbn A. Biun1 has appointed sJ1. Seal Duch r«sidentt to serve on 1 County..gponsored committee seeking long raRge u1e1 pf tbe Santa AllaJUver basin. Titey are Sven 'Lindstrom. Julie Dorr, Robert PoUocl{, · Thoma! Brady, Max Dreyer and ThOmas ·Barnes. Their ob- jectives will be ·tO study the buln from Prado Dam to the sea. ' The niayor's appointees have been long-time proponents of ecologlci!I plan· .Ung and aome have served on similar committees ln the· past. Police Seize Operator ~ For Nudw Early Birds M •ntt1"' '-•-A nudie photo studio that couldn't wilt told the investigator she was available to Al •~ c;.~;~ to show its asseta perhaps found out be photographed '"in · any pose re- ·- w ai 0• •llft CO\lfltv 1'11DI" Tuesday lbat patieoce would have been. quested." Allttrt w. ••1•• d -• The undercover man then identified A11orl11t li•hor pru e.,,.., H•••l•tt•• a.-11 Offlt• NewPort. Beach police arrnted the himself, infonntd ~1iss Wagner she was 17175 •••~~ Sowl•w•ril operator of the studio when she opened in business illegally and reminded her Miill~t Ail•••i•i P.O. l os 790, 926~1 for business before obtaining a city she had been been informed previously , Offket license, Assistant Chief Harry A. Nelson the license application would go before ---11---;:::::~~';';;T.;;;-;;;;:--l--dil" ;clo...;Hlli!" cm1J1Tm· rg:---'-----'"1hrrouncil 11ext wee . l tfl.lnl It Jc~; 122 ~ortal A ...... UI, • '°'" "'""' i:» wn1 ••v '"""' An undercover agent entered the office She was arrested for violating a city 111:-C~~; :,1H~~~.:T1~~::'1::!1' of KiUen Productions, 3848 Campus ordinance, "Operating a business without Drive, about 4 p.m. purporting to respond a permit,'' and released on her own to advertisements in local newspapers. recognizance pendin1 court appearance. He aJltges ht: encountered tht owner of The council hearing on the license re- the studio, Mary F. Wagner. 31 , of quest lpJ>lrently will take place as Placentia , who he claims told him she scheduled. had 10 models available who would pose City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt said in the nude .. in any position." Tuesday morning be iJ seeking council --Miss-Wagner-.-whose 1ppUcatlon for 1 action "by reasons of the characteristlcs business license is scheduled to be con· attendant lhis type of business." sldertd by the Ci1y Council Monday Usually, license applic1tions are hand!· night, reportedly 'thowed the Investigator td routintly by the Business License 1 series of photographs ol the 10 ,iris, •II Department. nude. City Hall 1ources also revealed that Cl· The officer claims she said the studio ty Attorney'"1'utly Seymour ls preparing was open for business and moclell would an "emtrgtncy ordinance" that would pose at a ra:te of '2S per hour. Film had provide atiff rerulations for the operaUon to be purchased there for ,7.12 a rolli of public photo studios. At that polnt;·Chle! Ne.Ison uld, Miss A siml111r ordinance Involving mass•1• WaJMr aummoned ont of the models parlors ytas adopted by the councll last who •P.peared, fully attired. The 1irl then week. , .. Cal Tech OKs Female Grad Phyllis An)¥)'1. a June. graduate of Marina High School, has become one of the first 30 women to ever be admitted for undergraduate 1tudies at Cal-Tech. Miss Anwyl, 17, is the daughter of Mr . and Mrs. Charles W. Anwyl, 154.51 ·La Salle Lane, Huntington Beach. At Marina s~e was a leading debater as well as a science honor student. As a-cal·Tech freshman, she joins 22.0 olher young men and women chosen from the academic top one percent of the coun· try's high school seniors. Thi! is the first year l.hat Cal.Tech has admitted women to the undergrsduate ranks. Women have been admitted to the graduate school since 1953. ADY••Tll•MIHT GEM TALK TODAY by J. C. HUM~llD (a..t P"rehttM at Home) Many people have the belief or feelin( that they can huy diamonds more cheaply abroad than in the United States. Thi 1 ii a miscon· ception. Th06e who buy diamonds at the wholesale level will vouch that prices are no cheaper abroad. AI· so, a duty must be paid when the gems are brought into this country. '.J'here may also be pitfalls in buy- ing diamonds abroad. In the case of misrepresentation. there just 1sh't much you can do to get your money back. In some countries the standards ol quality are not as strict u they are in the United States. T h o s e passing flawless gems in s o m e countries would not pass as such here. ·It's best to buy your diamonds right here at home. And th' heot diamond buys at home art those In our showcues. WATCH NEX WEEK F R "THE BEST DIAMOND SHADI" Our best wish to Art McKenzie on lhe occassion or his retirement as city manager. Tblllk you Art for a job well done. ExciUng j e we I creations are yours Ir om J. C. HUMPHRIES JEWELERS. You'll !ind only the finest in •II typse of jewelry, and we carry 0 m e g a and Bulova \\•atch.es. Watch and jewelry repair -.-1v1Uable, too. Visit us soon.-J.-C. HUM,HRIES JEWILIRS, I I 2 J Ntwport Blvd., phone :J41.3401. Opon dally 9 till 6. Frldaya optn 9 till '· For More Cities~ ·-• <. """"......,·~·~""'~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ -. , Orange 'County sheriff's officers today continued' an lnyestlgatlon that coUld lead to the filir;I&. of lurther burglary chai:•s against two deputies already accused of the attempted burglary of the Mlaaidn Viejo CoUnl.ry Club's golf shop, ' ~ Area· bur1Jary reports flltd .,por to t~ arrest Sunday of deputies Arthur E. Dun- can, 34, Huntington Beach and Frederick B. Irvine, 40, La Habra, were belnl checked. ' · Investigflors said more .than· 20 burglaries committed in the Missi<m Vie-- jo housing development during tHe mOnµis immediately preceding the a r re s t of Duncan and Irvine remalned unsolved. Both deputies are being questioned about their possible involvement in those thefts, Sheriff's Department spokesmen said. Irvine and Duncan have been ordered to · lppear Tuesday in Santa Ana Municipal Court. Both men are free on ... Both men were spolted inside the golf shop by club pro Ron Belanger who sum· moned other sherifl'.!i o£ficers to the premises. Duncan Immediately sur· rendered, but Irvine comm11ndeered a patrol car and Jed hil former colleagues on a bullet punctuated chase through tw() counties b e f or e surrendering a f t e r threatening to commit ,1;uicide. FACING ADDED -CHARGES? Sheriff's bePuty lryine Both men '""'e employed during their off duty hours as security guards for the Mission Viejo Company. District attomey's lnvesllgators are to- day looking into the pOssibilily of adding charges of assault with a deadly weapon to the burglary count already faced by Irvine. Officers claim both accused men load· ed their security car with stolen/ golfing equipment and several cases o liquor immediately before sheriff's offibers ar· rived at tbt 1olt shop. -· ---·· Two Ta88 Employes Seized in Ecuador GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador (AP) Military intelligence agents arrested two employes of Tass Tuesday night and con- fiscated equipment in the Soviet news agell'.:y's office, authorities rtported. No reason was given for the action. ~ I " Jose Solis, the agency's correspondent in Guayaquil, sent a telegram to Presi- dent Velasco Ibarra protesting the :seizure of equipment and the arrests of a teletype operatDr aod his assistant. Tass oPened Its office in Ecuador in March 1962. ACCUSED OF BURGLARY Sheriff's Deputy Duncan I I 1 i "~. 'l'l.·~~i Ji·!,t ' ... ••• IDOlllUr/uZ sarnngs on· InJimiafionar SterUng ( .. ~ --070 r_......_ Onan MrVing pl1c11 8"d 111119 ·s.oo onuc:h place setting ' piece, too! ,.,.. Cf'P&•..ttr to ~n 11 --.pond,.,.,.. ...nee ~ Mg ploc. ..tft119 pieat ... llke-tww ---.. J. C. fiumphrie~-JewelrJ.. 1823 NEWPORT" BLVD., COSTA MESA • CONYIN llNT TElMS IANKAMIJllCAlD-MASTll CHAl&l 2• YEARS IN SAME LOCATION 'HONE 141.J40 I f ___ ,, ........ ] ( t • I ·-----... ~SuperVisors -. ----.OK-Mental · Health Plan ' " Hand Grenade Murder Case COntinues -----~- .Wtdotsd11, s.,tembof 2l. 1970 H DAILY ~!LOY 3 . .Lihertys Plead Ni.xon..May Order Joidan Flights ' For tJ .S. Citizens I R WASHING TON (AP) -The Unlfod •eowt martial prooeedlllga ... iaat. nnocent . to ap·. =-.:::::S'~!1~~"!': '-aced Mar1'1e accuaed of belpinc to man in the lmmedlate fuhue to evacuate ~ A five-year plan. to expand Orange County'• mental heall,h care from the present fiscal year'• fa.4 million budget to more 'thin~t31 'millibn ,••as · approved Tuesday by the County Board or Supervisors in a 3·2 vote. inurder b1a: company commander with a :::-1-b~.J)l-<lept.-in __ y,,,,.1e,t-__ possibly 200 Am<rlcan clt!UN from war- nam, resutiiJIOday at Camp P~· . Sptclol to·~ DAILY pn11rr-.,.,...-. "· O<liJOTT.D"el"'=W"'. Diilil'Cfi y Richard orn n. The proporHI to quadruple the cosls o! mental health programs was opposed by SuperVisor David L. Baker who warned that the project km was "too high." "I find it ·difficult to accept the in- fere~ that people are going down tht tube at this rale," the second district 11upervisor said. Supervi.aor Robert Battin joined Baker tn voting.against the program, calling it "too costly."· • · · Defending the program was Rosemary Sayklr of South Laguna, chairman of the county's Mental Health Advisory Board. "We must start 90meplace," she plead· ed. "Our staff worked on this program t------;.,...-., fill ar. "The past work has been centered at the Orange County Medical Center apd its facilities are filled to capacity and beyond. We must get the pr:ogram into the communities and we will eventually uve money by involving private con· i;ultanls and psychiatrists," the aiz·year member oI the mental health group con· tinued. - - "'lbe proposal is an honest attempt lo tell you what is needed in the county," she continued. "Children are our highest priority. Take the bindings, the handcuffs, the leg irons off thiS pro- grani, .. M?Wylor concluded. Backin'g her up.$1fas Dr. Herman Ran· nels, . county . m·ental health director. ••Adaption of the five-year program r.eally does not commit the county to anything. But it is the best program in the Jong run. It will make all community -resources.a part of the program, private organlzaUons, non-profit eroups, and others," he said. Dr. Rannells pointed out that the five- year program was mandated by lhe state Department of Mental Hygiene. Objecting to the program was James Anderson, prtJident of the Orange County Psychologie"a.l Association. "If this has been studied for a.year why has only the medical profession been involved?" he ~ueried. He said his organization, which is-vita1Jy interested in menlal health," was bypa.Ssed. Voting in favor of activating the pro- ~am were Supervisors Alton Allen, WilUIJ!! Hirstein and Willlmn• PhilYps. ';We must face up to lhe problem," Phillips said. Mh11lcr11 Susan Atkins mimics a tele- vision camera as she and fel- efend nts head for court- room where Tate-a tanca murder trial continues. See , story, Page 4. Slocum Mm·der Trial Recessed; Lawyer Has Flu Jurors in the Superior Court murder trial or Dr. Wesley G. Slocum got an unexpected day off today when the Costa J\.1esa physician's lawyer fell victim to what he believes is 24-hour flu. Judge Kenneth Williams recessed the trial until Thursday morning after being advised of defense attorney Michael Gerbosi '·s illness. ·Gerbosi complained late Tuesday of being unwell. Slocum, 45, Is on trial fo r the alleged murder of his J..morilh-<>ld daughter. Cynthia. Chief Deputy District Attorney James Enright alleges for the pro- secution that Slocum killed the child and then stuffed her dismembered remains into the family freezer. Several portions of her tiny body were revealed when moving men transported the appliance from Costa Mesa to their Santa Ana depot A brief investigation en· ded with the arrest ol Slocum. Testimpny so far in the trial has been confined to. medical an11ilysis cf the re- mains and the screening before the jury of slides taken by pafbologist5 who· ez· amined what was left of the body. 11 ~ Former Newport Official Forms Co11sulting Firm ''j I~ I Robert Shelton, former Newport Beach city manager and later councilman1 to- day announcR formation of his own governmental relations consulting firm . One of hi.s t\\·o clients, he said, is the firm he served as president for nine · years, the Lantain Corporation of Los Angeles. The other is the Irvine Company. Shelton said his assignment for -Irvine will be "to explore c~idly with city and county officials and commllOity lea,&ers their attitdues toward the company, Its policies and plans.'' Shelton 1aid while much of what the Irvine Company has done has been wide- ly acclaimed, nevertht;Jesa "it is obvious that locally there have been some pro- blems." The move by Irvine in hiring Shelton Indicates that the company has recogniz· ed problems of rapport with the city governments it must deal with daily. Shelton's job will be to amoolh these rela· lionships. Shelton said he hopes his "candid" con. versations wilh public officials "can lead to a strengthening of communication and UiiClemaiidUi bet....,, local government and the company. "One of the needs." he said, "ii for the company and public agencies to better understand each other's position on mat- ters of mutual concem." Shelton said he ls not going to be a .. high-powered public relations man. ''My job will be a liaison lask, an ad· viser's role," Shelton said. He said, "It will be one of lhe most thallenging I've undertaken.'' Shelton was Newport Beach city manager from 1956 to 1961, comin& from the same post In Santa Barbara. He was appointed to a vacancy on the City ~Council in 1965 and was elected 19M. He did not seek re-election last April. • Prior to his Santa Barbara post, he was assistant city manager of Modesto. Ht bu worked with just about every olher level of government in the United Stales. He...,,as a field rep"'sentaUve for the eoUnty Supervisors Association o f California, an 11dministr1tive analyst for the State Department of Finance and was an lntem In several federal agencies in Washington. D.C. In his future work wi th his former •'"lllof ei,-Sllello11-sald he will be In· volved with L.anliln.'s Mountain Par properties In Los Angeles. . Shelton, who Is 47. ls a gradu Pomona College. He and hl1 wife, ~fariam, reside al m Ocean Boulevard Corooa del Mar, wllb their four children. TO ADVISE IRVINE CO, Former CouncilmMt SMlton Brinkl-ey Span In Collapse WAYNE, W. Va. jUPI) -The · Brinkte Bri named afte rv newsman David Brinkley, col- lapsed Tuesday night under the weight of a truck. Officials said 1 lruck hauling i flatbed rig was croaing the Brink· ley Bridce when the span collapsed into the · watrra Of Twelvepole Creek. aoutb of here. Two men were r.,,arted 'slightly injured. The narrow, tw~lane span car. rles U.S. $2 acroSs the crttk. The span was named after the network newsman when he used it lo depict Ille condition ot West Virglni11'1 highways •nd t h e backw1rdness of lhe state while :overing John F. Kennedy's presidential campaign ln 1980. Lance Cpl. Bobby R. Greenwood, 19, of . SAN DlEGO r-,lnnc;>cent ple~ were of. Hanscom 1 plans to u,t dismissal of Informed source.!! reported that ttle Norman, Okla., denied charges of ~!pine fered again TuesdaY,, when Candlelight original ·complaintlt ithe couple answered decision is immintnt -tndicallng It kill hJs 00 Tuesday under questioning bY Killer Robert W. Liberty: and his wife identlcaUy Monday In municipal cOurt, wo:uld be reached by sorpe time Thurs-hil attorney, Oklahoma State Sen. Gene · · ned h · . .__ . • day. SUpe, at the general court martial. were arraig on murder c arges in San Since the m:w ch8r1es take precedence. U.S. citJzellll in Jordan, incl.uding wive1 "But I did say who Lid it," be testified, Diego County, Superior CourL The San PJego County Grand Jury ot Jordaniam, total around 400. NfM "It wu Smith and Napier." Trial for the colorful couple,acCused to J}turned iPdictrhents again6t '.txftf .1he Ame ricans flew from Amman to Beirut, Premeditated murder 'illd conspiracy the toctufe slaying or male nurae· Robert f~r Weslmins~ man · :a;i · .. &he Lebanon, today on an International .Red charges were brought against Irion.~. at bia ,apartment~l8st Jlloe ·1' ~ he 'vled in a Colorado:].u'.."au Cross charter plane. Greenwood, Pvt. Reginald~ Smith, and In the operation which lhe Nixon ad· Pvt. David Napier was charged with con· was IJ!Cl for Nov. 10 in Superior Ciourt. iborily after their Capture.in June. ministration is now considering moat spiracy.' Liberty, 24; may be·retumed to Oran&e seriously, about 15 of(icial employes of Pvt Smith pleaeted guilty to tossing a County eventually ahd chargled WiOl•the the U.S., government would be brought grenade into the · quarters of u . Re3!!3ll Says Bill murder of a former roornrfiate, TOOmss out and private American citizens Uvina Robert T. Rohweller at Quang Tri com-C.1 Astorina, 25, who was sh'ot a™:! dW'lpfd in in Jordan would be evacuated on a volun'- bat base on April.' 22, 1.969 a'nd is se:rving a . W ' H · Med' ·s t A 1· p k In-' u n=. ·h • tary b9sis. t urt .unse 9ua IC. ar . -~ " .... , ,c · · The p-1·se num' iber 1'n the r••"'•• ;(I.year federal prison sentence. on ' Ia Mr LI'-t b ' . ' '" -· Lance Cpl. Greenwood tw plea~ed in-s. ~r Y not accused,. (Xcept in · operation, therefore, Cannot be known in nocent to the murder and conspiracy '·( the ffiurd~ Qf lripn, whom Uberly. knew advance, but authoritie.s here e11Umate CQunts, as well as a perjury charge SACRAMENTO CAP) -Gov. Re~gan at Atascadero State H01pital. . about 200 persons for whom they would brought in connection with trial of otheni said Tu~sday he ~as certain that a 'bill he Liberty _spe~t thfee years under· ~'re~J· need t\\'O airplan~. accused in the case. signed last week would not jeopardize ment after being, f~und crlmlnally Jn:aane Jn spite of a sharp setback to tniUat GreenwOOi:!;-Ffitller ol lWif'WfiOSe wire cws wverai;e--of-tbca:I g6verruiient.-~~-att:8Pf ula,t~ ·.ot-"tn;-:r.Ja~la-A-rab-tleace-cfforts, -u .S:-off ictals heard him testify, said Smith and Napier meetings. ' . • ts,, 31• 0 ·W~~ minster, ,more uian mca~while expressed belief that an Arah "seemeil to have something against the 'The bill sponsored by Assemblyman fouProl~ears lal~~-t th . • · · 1 solullon may be found for the civil war in t , d h •·If -...M · · . · . ice ca o;\I o , ~1r apartm11nt fouM Jordan. lieutenan .' He sai e spent a 110 •1""'" Don Mulford CR·Ptedmont ), allows city lighted candles flickering around her f!O\\'· With them before hearing the explosion councils and other agencies to clear thelr er-petal-strewn body, while Liberty strum. Tufted Puffin Born and that they had talked about "fragmen-meeting rooms in cases of disturbance-med-his guil<!r and insisted she was ting" the officer. aware of the t I "They hated Rohweller and said he and continue meetings v.•ith all disi-upters . r_i ua · Tru>n, a patient treated as a sex of. deserved to be killed," said Greenwood. excluded. fender, was strangled and left with "I didn't say anything. I was just think· This would Include any members of the candles burning beside his body. as a NEW YORK (UPI) -A tufled puffin was hatched in the Bronx 1.oo Tuesday. 1.oo officials ~id it was the first tnowo hatching of the sea bird in captivity. ing of home, the heat and the mos· press that might have participated in the Long Beach teenager watched, tied to a quitos." disturbance. chair with neckties. l The Big is big enough to protect you and your fami y against the uncertainties of tomorrow.with the nation's highest interest on insured savings. o But equally important-cares enough to give you very . personal service. o ·why .not open an account today ... and _meet .the peopJe who c.are ~ _ ~ ~ MUTUAL SAVINGS, AND l"OAN ASSOCIATIO --:200-CllMA_/_ 0111« oltl .. In WM! Atcadia, ~-(Hiid o!llCI), Ceroni dll Mar IM 0- • , • • DAJl.Y)tlOT -'"'·St••-Zl. 1970 TOW.. Encircled Ca:r'1hodia F 01•ces • R.ein(orce Siege Each school day Mol Lombort, dean of bOys, hustles to the local pdio station and broadcasts the .. mes of studei1ts missing from IS at Crook Cbtlnt~ High School Oregon. Some of the . student& it snitching. A few parents say is ail ·1nvuion of privacy. HOW· er, 1ince Lambert s!llrled bis casts the truancy rate has opped_25 percent. • tior three years truckers refllJed rion J, Cebb'• request that they t using the street ill froilt of his ianapOtis hobse at au houri.,al- a Shortcut Ur a nearby warehouse. "One driver hit me with a tire tool ," Cobb said. But they can't use the street anymore. Cobb built a fence across it, leaving only about enough room for a motor· cycl~. The truckerS•,summoned po- lice who looked at city and private surveys showing Cobb's property line estended 251> feet into the street and at a building permit he had obtained. The officers just ordered lighted barricades to pro- tect the fence. • The: Canadian Chamber of Com- merce considered briefly asking the government to outlaw tipping in· Canada. Delegates from Guelph, Ont., called tipping 'the ancient custom that has outlived its need" and recommended Monday that it be viewed on the same basis as begging. The suggestion failed and the Chamber's policy· conµnittee PHNOM PENH (UPI) -The Cami bodiaJI COl1UlllDd loday l'Ulhed another battalJOD of lroopl to the liege of TIOI ~ when Comobodlu pontroops were driven back in tbe1r attempt to ca~ lure lhe Commllllllt ltnloibold Tuesday. '!be communlqoe aloo Ilic! Clmbodlan lroopl h&d llilled or wounded more than 80,000 Communist 10ldien 1n the six lllOlllbll llbJce the oustu oi Prlnct Norodom Slh.wnmJ.k.. The addiU... of another battalloo at ~ Kaut broualit to nearly 10,000 tbe totaf CambocH1a troops involved 1n a drive toward the enctrcled town of Kom- pong Tbom- Cambodian oiftcen Dying In recon- naisunce plmm above the opel'&tlon at Tug Kaut. U miles north of Phnom Penh, Aid the poratroopen octually bad driven to three miles northeast of Tang Kauk. 'l!>Ot-d be the deepest penetra- Uon iiDCe "Cimbodiall troops began the t~'!'Mt~ld operltlon, called the biggei1t of the C&mbodian campaign. MWW)' llJ>OWmen said the Cam- 1975 Deadline Set by: Senate For Oean Car WASHINGTON (UPI) ....: The Senate, by 1 vote of 73 to 0, has passed a bill that -would require Detroit to produce a virtually pollution free car by 1975 - a deadline the auto industry claims it can- not meet. The measure, which includes a broad attack cm ~tomotive pollution soun:u. U well. wu aent to a conference committee wben the final .congressional propoA1 will be·form'ed from it and from a Jesl &tringent bill puaed by the house. ruled it dead. 1be ·mort c:oatrovtnlal JWOviaion of the • Senate bill opedflis· that llelnllt must produce aotmnobllel by 1m that emit 90 The Begum Aga Khan gave birth percent lea ftballll polluUoo than cur- Friday to a 7-polind, I-ounce daugh.. rently allowed. 'lbere could be a one-year h · G Th govenunent estenslon of the deadline, but ter, Za ra m en·eva. e Begum, auto industry 'spokesman previously told former London model S.r1h Fr1n-the Senate they-~ not meet the re- ci1 Crocker-Poole, married the Aga qulrtment even with the extra year. Khan in Paris last ... October. A Sen. F.drnund s. Muskie CD-Maine), 15pokesman said mother and baby cruet spomor of the tough new measure were in excellent heal~ after a he called the moat iilllificant piece o1 nonnal birth at the Gerilva villa domestic legislation ·this 1esslon, aald bodiaJI coml!Wld bad decided to OIDk the town and attack from the eut and north<ut rather than ·•tap a direct froo. ta! attack from the aouth- An official .........,.....t Tueaday Ilic! the paratroopo bad captured Tq Kauk but the o/licla! millW)' tpOkemnan Ilic! today North ·Vletoame!e troops still'°"" trolled the town. · MlllW)' opokesmeD Ilic! tber< now were 16 CambOctlan blttalions tryinc to cfls)ldge the C.ornmunisb from Tana Kauk. '!be reinfoq:ements doubled the orlgiDal atreqth of the wk force. "Every time our troops woold attempt to get into Tug Kauk, they WOtlld nteel heavy fire'" la 1pol<esman Ilic! In deac!ib-inc the litaatlon early Tueaday. He Aid Norib Vietnam~ gunners lilo kept up a heavy bombardment of CambocUan lroopl a101J11 biihwsy .I._ Newsmen have been forbidden to vilit .the area of the operation since Coin-.... munist troops halted the drive nine days ago after 'the force covered 17 miles from its starting point at Skoun, 35 miles northeast or Phoom Penh. The Cambodiall command Aid iJI. telligence information a how e d Com- munist troop strength in Cambodia had dropped from roo,ooo to f0,000 because of combat losses. The communique ·said the Communists had not sent replacements for the batUefield Jones. ''Their losses have seriously damaged their ability to operate," a spokesman said. In a delayed report, the command said a Communist force killed three school teachers Monday at Dey Eth, 12 miles southeast of Phnom Penh and three other teachers and two students were missing. The corrµnand · described it as "a vicious act or terrorism." Fighting was reported light in Vietnam bu\ South Vietnamese troops operaUn& in Cambodia killed 41 Viet Cong and North Vietname.se in clashes in flooded ·rice paddies 25 miles soUthwest of Neak Leung, a Mekong River ferry crossing. Saigon spokesmen said the baWe cost the South Vietoamest six k i 11 e d and 2.1 wounded. S. Koreans Fire Near Japan Jet In Taboo Area owned by the Age Kahn, leader of before the vote Tue.sday: the lsmalian sect. "U tbia bill Is passed It meani1 the SEOUL (UPI) -Antiaircraft guns •. ~~ American motorist ts going to have to Tuesday night fired into the sty to warn , chanp"bls hll>J~ bb: tastes, his drivin& a Japan Air Llnell (JAL) passenger plane Planners forgot to put!gates. to :. •PP'ti•~" ~:.;• ft had strayed into a restricted a1r mne the back gardens of 30 now Min•• Sin. Robert P. Griffin (R-Mich.), c11ied over downtown Seoul, South Korean of. and as a result their back windows the bill an act of "brinkmanshlp" which fJclals said today. have no~ be~. c~eanfd for nine tb('atenecl ta~ the U.S. ·1uto ln-· ~·;)Jome Min~ter Park Kyuig-Won. tcfd a months'm Th~ 'Encl'1ICI. WJn. dualry mf.lllJ'm. the jobl of IJll,000 auto ,,_ meetil)g today the JAL B!rcraft dow cle8ner1 lla1'e refused to w~ s. 1trayed into restricted air space after throw their Jaddel'll and buckets • taUoff from Kimpo Airport just outside over the fi~oot ftnee1. Residents Seoul shortly before 7:.30 p.m. have asked lOcal·"Ctik:iala for gatu Ruaaj ona Fm' d MWtary officials saKi about 250 tracer in the fences ~ A.&&.C bullets were fired from antiaircraft posi· • tlc:m around the capital to warn the plane • . Prehiston'c n ,. .. off course. Alie• the firing, the H W rd 90 h · d th aircraft corrected its course, they said. 1rry • , · • IS ma I • ·JAL officials in Seoul denied any of its bet of hia lifetime in Lef:ds, Eng· H £ B aircraft strayed Jntc restricted air space land. lli8 bookie friend, Jim win. omes 0 one Tuada dosor; gave. him 100,000-1 odds he ~ Hirata, chief of the JAL seout will not live to be 100. If· Ward Mos c Ow (UP I) -so v I et branch, said It had been positively reaches the century niark, he will •n:hleolociata hive unearthed. hoUIU establilhed no JAL plane was iavolved in get $12,000 for his 12 cents. 11They constructed by prehistoric man of the the tncideat. are the biggest odds I've ever bones of mammoths, the Soviet new• U.S. military officials 1n Seoul said so given anyone on anything," Win-agency Taas llid Tuelday. far u they knew no American aircraft dsor said. 'I'll be more than happy Tus said tientilts found the .howes were involved. to pay up if Hi"rryliVes tO be 100. near the-umuuan town of Cberkauy. -The-ftrlnJ;nctdtnt-surprised residents It will mean I'll be 83 for one They were built 7,000 years ap. of Seoul TUaday eveniq but there wall thing.•• "The first dwellinc found wu built of no official explanation of what happened :Ill& bones of tho prdliJ!oric animal," unW thl1 morniq . • Amersbam, England Council de- cided to issue free ea11>lugs to its parks staff after medical officer l1n Burn• reported that the 0 cum· ulative effect" or the noise of a motorized lawn mower "can cause. deafness." Tus said. Air apace over downtown Seoul Is Working on the theory that the house stricUy co1trolled and no military or was put of a vUlage, the archleologista civilian .aircraft ire allowed to Dy over kept digging and found 1 second house the area wllhout advance authorization . near the first one, Tau said. Army Maj. Yun PU-Young, commander 1be dwellings made of mammoth bones of the Seoul garrilon command, warned will be displa,yed In a muaeum In Kiev, today any future aimalt violating the the capital of tbe Soviet Ukraine-rulel wll1 be lhol dowD- R.ain Floods Some States . . Storm Waters Sweep South; East Swelters in Humidity v.s. s .... _.,, ,....,. "lnt twetltd "' """' floodlrtt ffl ... _ ... n!!lnil ...... "'"""" Wl ffl1MI dlJI ti ..,,.... _. -Id 111 fM 1111"1~1, Wl\llt l"t(Ol'd 1\111\ """" Ml'llllrn _. liMl!M r..ortM tltrtt fMI • ..........,, llf .i1 lfttMI "' ''·"' illletkM flittlWl'l'I I,.,. ttrtl\Mf l!'lllot> llh ffl llV""'1I Ol!lfl'Wlmt. A _,IM llf Oii~• " -"' ., llt11'11!6"t ••• <IMld """'~" of ... ,., lllf-'"' ,_ 111<1 _..\lf•tll" mlt. wkle. Tiit bid '"'"lt'itr l~ludld t lonltdo Wt!(!I f6r t11 llltlf 11\t llftll\ftl!trfl lfrf .. !flt .,,,., lKt !tW lltl W tt1111 tlOllMO l!lt Mldo -11, Lltl\I .. ,r"ldtt Hlt..; ltit ,ttl• f'li:~t. J ·-Arid'ltr1 .. Allt"t' e1ktutt1ld e11m1rtk 80111 8o1tori O.lt• .. Clt'ffitl'll:I ..... ...... l vrfll• F~M ·-Monolllf~ ... .,."" K.ntn(lty l.11 ....... UI 4!1ttltt Mlt lftl klc.fl MHwtllllM Ml1V1M'81l1 _...,_ Htw'fwll ... , ... ""''"' , ... 111.~ .. ,fllltdllllfll• """ ... "'" ·-· ,ortl1NI lief •IVff ·-...,...,., St. \.Wll Sett llk• elf¥ ... ftll .. ,.,.,. S111 l'rt"'-lKI Stn oi- $ttltlt looklftl Thel"ll'ltl Wtllfl'"'"'" Mltll ..._ l"NC. .. .. ... .. " " " •• 0 " . " .. •• " 1.• .. .... S' 3, ~ .. .. " .. . " .. .. ~ .. " '° 1' ,II " ,, t.:al u .. " .. .. .. " ti ·'' ... .. " ... .. " ti " .... .. . .. " " " ... U SJ .ol " a n " .... n U .II " M ... .. ~ " .. 6"f M .M ... .. ·°' '' ,, " n . ' East Threatened By P.ower· Crisis_ BLACKOUT TRAFFIC COP Ed McCauley K-Cool ,.. a, Ualled Pml 1atera1llma1 F orecast of con~~ temperaturea today forced utilities to urp CU&tomen to consem eledrldty In hope& of preventing a recurrence of 'l\lesday'1 brownouts !bat piqued Iba Eutem Seaboard. 'l\lesday'• final lllllUllU heat ..... and generator failures produced what 10me llUlborWel c:ooaidered tbe worst pciWtt a1lil of the year u temperatures climb- ed loll> the mid.IOI ill ...., .,... loday, Iba !Int day of autumn. A mml>inatioo of tlie Ilea~ 1-ator problems and heavy electrlc&l u s • I e forced po-· compantea ·to black out 1101110 areu and reduce volts&" elsewhere in an area stretching from Canada to Virginia and eltendiog deep into Western Pennsylvania. Cooaolidated Edison cut electricity Tuesday to 90,000 homes In Staten Island and parts of Westchester County in New York in an tlfort to prevent another blaCkoat such u occurred o·n Nov. 9, 19&5, when most of the Northeal!lt had no power. In !OUtheastern Penn,,ylvania, homes in Philadelphia and Bucks County were blacked oul About 250,000 residents were affected. The Easten:! power companies, which on hot _days cannot produce enough elec· tricity to meet' public demands, imported power from other producers u far west as Mluourl arid Iowa. Deputies Tell of Meeting Manson Before Slayings LOS ANGELES (AP) -Two sheriff's deputies say they crossed paths with Charles Mansc;in two weeks before the Sharon Tate murders and the hippie-type clan leader told them he could have had his followers shoot them down. 'Ibey said they didn't attach much im· portance to the incident and consequently filed only routine reports. Later, less than a week after the August 1969 slayings of the blonde movie star and six others, Manson and 18 members of his tribe of young people were arrested in a raid on their com- mune at the Spahp movie ranch. They were ~ of 1t.ullng can. ' But no one connected the group with the slayings, another deputy testified Tuesday, and they were released for lack of evidence after bein9-jailed 41 hours for invei1tigation of grand theft and con-• tributing to the delinquency of minors. Among those arrested at the tiine were all four perl!IOflS currently on trial. Malll!IOO and three women followers - Su.san Alkinll, 21, Leslie Van Houten, 20, and Patricia Krenwinkel, 22 -ire charg· ed. with murder-conspiracy In the killings. ' _ Common'!'al\h EdilOn or Cbicqo, which had a au.rplus of power, •said It wu aenclina: about 1.2 rnilllon kilowattl eastward while the Illinois-Miuouri power pool wu exporting another mllllon kilow1tb. New York's Con .Ed tuffered not, Caly from heavy demands by lb own Uitn, but front shortages in New J .eraey , .Pennaylvanla and Delaware. C.on Ed cut back its output to feed the other com- paniea Uirougb the New York sta~-poww pool. During o!her critical time& In Jiie sllJIUDel', the other companies bad helped .out Con Ed. , • · C.On Ed re<luced ila voltage u milch u 8 per cent and explained further reduc- tions could ciajnage some home ap- pliances. At the peak of the crisis, u the temperatW"e hit 9f degrees, it resorted to cutting off all electricity t6 some neighborhood!. Power was rtatored after 25 minutes. Castro Reports Raiding Party From U.S. Routed MIAMI CAP) -Fidel Castro's govern. ment today claimed it has crushed a nine-man raiding party launched frOm the United States, capturing eight of the invaders and killing one. In broadcasts monitored in Miami, the Cuban ra4io said three of Cl.stro's troops were killed in a series of skirmishes along the island nation's northern coast Sept. 14-20. A communique issued by the CUban Revolutionary Armed Forces descn'bed the raiders as "mercenaries" and 11id they had been trained for five months in Florida "with frequent contacts with agents of the United States government." The raiders left Miami Sept. 1, the Cuban radio said, and moved on to Cly Williams -the British owned island in the Bahamas i:hain where 11 Cuban fishermen were held hostages earlier t.hil year after being abducted by the militant exile group Alpha 66. Five days later, the radio said, the raiders moved to another British island, Green Cay, for six final days of prepar•· tion for the landing Sept. 14 near Banes, 1 coastal city in Oriente Province. Bush mills~ The whiskey that spans the generations gap. for 300 ye1rs, a whiskey from Bush mills has be!n with us. Charm ing us. Beguiling us In • smooth, polished and altogether ligh1hearted f.Jshion. 15 geoer•tionshave refi ned it.15 generations have sipped it. Theverd i ct : Nea r per feel ion. B ushml I ls. F ul I o f ch!facl€r. But ndlheilvy·handed about it. Flavor~ ful. But never over·po\vering. Sushmills. It reflects th e p•sl \Vi th a light and lively 01vor that is all today. Compare lt to your present whiskey. You needn't purchase a bottle. One sip at"yo ur fi_vorTtel>ub wtll tell you why B~shmills has inlrigued so many &en· era.lions. It 1,5, simpl y, out of sight. BtJSHMILLS 1Mt'Ol1'1> RIOM ~HI WORLD'S OLDEST DISf\Ul't , ' A lltNO or 10DI !R!I" Wli!llMS-11 l'llOOf-IOTiltolll lm.Alftl, Tilt:JOS, ••m•IJCO .. lltWYOM", N.l.t llll ' " ,. • .. I. I J 11 I· ' • "-·"--. ----- , Klfl,1 ,§pf BerstWk Gunman • . Slaughters Four ALBANY, N.Y. (AP\ - Four persons were shot to • \ ~Vtdntloday, StpttmW 2J, 1'70 DAILY PILOT " No Tra~ .4tlantic Probed For Balloonists ' I I I l -11.e~UL.l!!!!!Y. a bulldlng at building between 8:30 artq 8:40 a.m., &bout JO minutes after some o( lhose killed bad ref)Orfcd for work. - NEW YORK !UPI) Rescue planes flew over S0,000 squafe mlleL or ch.Illy North dey ova two ~Jas 300 and 4' miles l(Kftbt1st of tape IW:t, Newfoundland. Ther11 was one ...,... 'l'llelday.nllht o1 ,,na,. -- . .,.,.., ,.,... ; .. ' ' ' •J.. ~ ... .> I lo' '' ' .............. -..... : . ' -" .. ,!·:r ~··· -<, ' . , UPI TtM•le 'STREET PEOPLE' JOINED THE FIGHT AGAINST HUGE BERKELEY FIRE long-heired Youth1 Seki Big Help in Fighting D91truCtiYe Bru1h Biez• the stali Offi~ campus by a gunman who then took his own life, police said. Witnesses said th e gunman was the estranged husband of one or three women reported kllled. The other person killed was a male· employe· or the Slate Labor Department. Police released no identities immediately . One report was that the killer was an employe of the I.;abor Department, in whose building the shooting occurred at the office-building complex on the city·s outskirts: He was said to have gone on a leave of absence Tuesday but was to have pic)ced up his pay check today. He arrived with a rine. 'the woma n rep orr l·e d recently estranged from her husband was ·shot on the fiflh floor of the 'building. BIU Frangello, a witness who saw the rifleman, asked the man : "What are you . trying to do? Start .a revolu· lion?" Frangello, who works in the printing oUice, told reporters the tall. h'eavy-set man "just looked at me." This was after four. persons. had be.en killed. Frangello said the nian then walked into the stairwell on the ground 'floor. W a sltlngton Youths Riot WASHINGTON. CAP) Bands of black youths looted stores and tossed rocks and bottles al police cars along a 26-block area Tuesday night and early today in the second straight night of disturbances. -Atlliffic e8rl)'"loday searC11Ing for two men and a woman who disappeared Monday. ni1ht w,hile trying to reach Europe in a hellurn·filled balloon. The rescue team! hav~ seen no evidence of the balloonists, \\'hose last i'adio message said they Were losing altituat in a storm and preparing lo land. From dusk Tuesday until dawn today three special airplanes listened with elec· Ironic gear !or two emergency radio beacons known to have been aboard the BG-foot-tall balloon. The planes beard nothing, a spokesman said at the Coast Guard search and rescue center here. • 1lghtlng, but tli< l:ol!t Guaiil said it was eorilHff:red unliki· ly. A cutter sent~to .that aptt ..- scanned the Water·e'1rly_JodaY-- , with aearchlightJ and listened for radi~es, bot heard nothing. I) SEA . SCHWINN 421I.17 .. It., c.t. M .. .WE HAVE ALL MODELS NOW! Fire Gufs 37 Homes ;-Gunshqts orup~ m the People outside heard a blast and discovered the alleged killer had shot himself in the head. Police ch~f Jerry \Vilson said 24 persons were arrested, but there were no reports of injuries. Seven planes flew .search · patterns at low altitudes Tue&- 200 Acres Blackened in Berkeley Hills BERKELEY (AP 1 -A 200· acre brush fire "·hipped by hot. dry wirids was brought under control except for "hot spots" late Tuesday · in the Berkeley 1-lills after destroying :17 expensive homes a n d threatening 12 others. fire of· ficials said. "There are still hot spots burning in the canyons," said an Oakland Fire Department 1ipokesman. "and we've still got full cre\VS up there. but otherw ise it's under control.'' Meanwhile. the resources or the state division of Forestry \1·ere strained during a hot. rlry afternoo111 as eight t;ither fires erupted up and dO\\'n the northern part or the state. They ranged from I he brushy hills of San Mateo County to 200 miles north in !he redl'l·oods of southern Humboldt County. The Division of Forestry. which sent 10 borate bombers to batUe the Berkeley blaze. said it called up 40 fire crews totaling about 600 men from il!'i far aWay as Susanville in the l'IOrlheastern part or the state . Some residents of the den*- ly 'vooded areas a b o v e Berkeley and the University of California fled thei r homes as the blaze spread "like 111ildfi re" through tinder-dry pine and eucalyptus. "There's a hu,gc fire coming ::icross the hi ll. I'm going with the baby," Mrs . Ke vin Blackwell telephoned her hus· band at his ofice. Blackwell rushed home and was able lo :-ave the $39.IKXI structure with the garden hose. Some 400 children 111ere taken from two elementary I I I I ., schools. F'iremea reported seven in· juries in tilt Berkeley fire, none serious except one possi· bte heart attack. There were no injuries reported in any or the other fires. Two other blazes erupted during the afternooA a few miles north east of nearby Richmond. but were contained near Alvarado Park after about 50 acres of brush burn· ed . With viole111t gusts of wind buffeti ng the Berke.Icy blazt!, SO pieces of equipment and 300 men -many of; them long· haired volunteers from the streets of Berkeley clambered up the steep can· yons beating o u t burn ing piles of pine needles and eucalyptus leaves with wet sacks and shoveling dirt on spot fires . Oakland Fire Chief Patrick Doyle. coordinating the efforts of many fire departments and volunteers, said the outer limits or' the ·fire were con· Jained 'about 2 p.m. Before that, the fi re had raced up and down canyo~, leaving homes burned to ttieir fpundations and knockini a raitio .:station off the air when its tr8nsmit- ter cable was burned out. TT\~ny large homes 11estled among the trees, was visible 50 miles aw ay and sw.ept over several Bay A r e a com· munities, including San Fran· cisco. Nixon Aides Try to Stop Ky Actions . WASHINGTON (UPI) The Nixon administration is reported doing all it can ~o keep South Vietnamese VjCe President Nguyen Cao Ky from attending a rally in Washington Oct. 3. W a r protesters continue to promise they will attempt a citizen's arrest of Ky ii he appears at the rally. ' Sen. Gordon L. Allott fR· Colo.), after Republic a n Congressional leaders met with President Nixon at thC \Vhite House Tuesday, sai d J·everything is being done. ev~ry inflllfl'ICe brought to bear to keep him from at- tending this kooky rally." Wa r protesters also were Doyle said ·th-; blaze. which h started near its northern limit n:ia.k:ing t eJr views. on K~'s at Grizzly Peak Boulevard, a v1s1l evident;, ~enn1e Da vi~; main artery over the hills to -one of the Chicago ~~en the east. roared in . hit and and .spoKesm.an for an antiwar miss fashio111. for as far as a coalition . said Tuesday at a mile aad a half south to Old press conference "the day Ky Tunnel Road near t h e lands in the United St.ates Caldecott Tunnel through the there are going to be groups East Bay hills. doing everything possible to Smoke risi111.g from the place this man under arrest tinder-dry hills. wh ich have and bring him to trial." I I I I PORTRAIT OFFER I 11iff,!I' ~ : r1 I ·1 I 111 I fi1 • ', ~j ,1 '; ~ ~-. ! 111!-: I ~, I I" I i : . i ~: I I I I I YOUR CHOICE 8x10 or 11x14 77c ADD 50~ Wl,lPPING AND HANDLING TOTAL ·'' 27 •Each addition1I person in portr1it 77~ I •No age limit, f1m ily groups welcome I HAPPINESS IS A PORTRAIT AT SAFEWAY • No •ppolntment nec.nert, come t•ly • Mi nors must be with parents -one oft•r per f1111ify ' PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS IY EVAll'S ITUDIO Choose Safe~ Nearest YOtJ 3 Days -Fri., Sat., Sun,. -Sept. 25, 26, 27 1 1000 BAYSIDE DRIVE,. NEWl'ORT BEACH 2 Dayi....,. Tues., W1d.-Sept. 29, 30 .. I I I I I I I > 1 FAIRVIEW AT WILSON, COSTA MESA Hours : J 0:30 to 6 CLIP THls~.vALUABLE OFFER ----'···-•,-.... =.:.. ,. . • I I , ' - be a friend-finder and receive a ' have your friend open an account at Newp~rt N~tional Bank and do both'·of you a favor.~. 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Automatic color control, greater brightness, sharper focus and ma!lX._ other special features. Easily nMtd given immediately when the new account is opened with cash, cashiers check, tellers check, or c~rtified check. Other passbooks brought in or sent in will be transferred free. (Please allow other checks and passbooks time to clear before claiming gifts.) Accounts may be opi!ned jointly, in trust tor different individuals, or as custodia n for minors. Prior to maturity no Principal may be drawn, •Not • member of your household. from ibom to room. FREE TO FRIEND-DEPOSITOR: SONY AM Desk Radio with uniqu1t slide tvnjng and volume control for ireater preci sion and brilliant perform•nc•. Beautifully f1nishtd in rich walnut. Lays flat or tilts up. ................ . SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS !is: OPl!NIO BY MAIL NCWPOIT NATIONAL IAJtll'. . ' P!em open my Time Certificale of Deposit Account . (~...,. N OHned jointly, 11'1 tnn.t for differtnt 1ndivid~1ls, or 1s wltDil.lft for ritlnors. 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O ''~ endosM Si1111tur1 of 0.,0Sitor·==,-.,,==~-------­{Mu11 bt fflch1dtf fof ••eh 1ee11u"ll fhid1r's l'lamt ______ ====------ (PI•••• llri"ll Addrus ___ -r;;;;------.=,-----..:--citt Stitt it, Socitl S.curitJ-,,Umltlr·c:=======-_:...=::.:=----- ruwJer'i S!sniiurainniUiliilimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliili . ·=··=·==·=· • -' l • ------------• DAIL V PILOT EDITORlAL -Pl\GE • Differences The third time really did prove to be a charm !or -the Huntington Beach C1ly School-District when-lt lin- ~--aity won-an-elect:ion to-raise the-interes~ rate on aJ .. ready approved school construction bonds. ' - The election victory mean s ·the interest rate can now go from five percent to seven percent, which should give district officials a fair chance to sell some $4. 75 million in local school bonds approved· by voters more than a Year ago. Once the local bonds are sold the dis· trict also can bid for about $11.5 million in state money for school construction, which ~s not available legally until the local bonds are sold. The district has had a number of controversies over the past year. but the interest rate increase is absolute- ly necessary if adequate educational standards are to be maintained. Voters were \vise to put aside diUer· ences with di strict officials in order to pass a measure beneficial to the children. A. Show Worth Seeing Put. Aside AU those behind the project which brought the .wQfk of 500 California artists· to Huntington Beach deserve conarat.ulatio» -lh~city, center merch ants~ and Gold· en West College. .... Tb~ show is worth a visit. It will be open through Friday evening. Don't Be Alarmed Fountain Valley planners are spendin~ this \Veek and ne'<t catching up to an old state la\v \Vh1ch requires some housing statistics as part of the city's master plan. To initiate the housi~g element. city staff people are walking the streets jotting down notes on various aspects of city housing. They are noting the types of facilities - sidewalks, small ·parks , street lights -in each neighborhood and the condition of Houses. They a re not entering any houses. This inlormation fonns the basic part of the ho us· ing element of the master plan. Accordin~ to Clinton Art does much for th e soul of a man. An art show Sherrod, city planning director, the housing element can als_Q, iye a city a little soul. has t\VO main purposes -eventual elimination of sub- Huntin on a 1s presen l"y'b"e"'1n"g'"g'-1v"e'"n-a"'c"'u"J·c----..st·~rrd·ant1tousing-nnd-determination--of-future-hmlsing,----1-~ tural uplift through the Prospectus/Art '70 sho\v at the needs. , Huntington Center mall. A recent state law requires ·cities to provide hous- No one can claim that all the paintings on display ing for all economic levels. The housing survey, along challenge the imagination of the observer but a good \V·ith statistics from the 1970 census. will allow ...Foun- number do. The fa ct that the sho\v \Vas unjuried also lain Valley planners to determine if this has been done ensured that a \vide range Or tastes would be represent-and \vhat needs to be dofie in the future. ed. There is. literally, son1ething ror everyone. The housing element \Vas scheduled by California The quality of the entries and the number. 725, Jegi1<:lators to be ready in 1969, but most cities waited guarantee that the state\vide exhibition \Vi ii become an until they had 1970 census data to do the work. So annual event. The organizers took a gamble and their don't be alarmed by the men in the streets. It's just a boldness \Vas re,varded. necessary study. ' H Blat1ied Financial • Ky's Ethical Trouble• for ICC Policies Under Fire A few v.·eeks ago high NiX1>n ad- ministration officials were in emergency session considering how to prevent the J'enn Central Railroad collapse from panicking an already shaky cconom1·. \{[' l "'~ .f.(i -;,, ..,~ ' ' Richard tWilion ~~::":'· , co1npanies engaced in conglomerate cor- porate activity. in t~ conglomerate. . Position ls 1-.i Doubt cc Brier i , . ' < • Some oaa legal. ethical and practical -"It is ironic," said one of the high offic- ials , "that we are sit· ting here trying lo co rr ect mistakes caused by another ~overnment agency." The agency to which ICC's 01vn accountants found that there 11•cre "serious financial manipulations" in which congMJmerale management si phoned off dividends. m ark e tab 1 e securities, real estate of railroad operating systems for the benefit of the parent company and to the detriment of the railroads. THE RE.SUL TING "·orlhlcss railroad trackage and equipment, abandoned and, non operative, could require the na. tlonallzation of the r1ilroada that were left. Some . rail systems might be revitalized by diversification of company activities, but the heav~st weight-in the ICC secret n:port is on the 1 other side of the scale. The 1lready sick issues will arise if announced plans go he referred was the Interstate Commerce Commission, the reg. ulator of the nation·s railroads. ICC pOlicies we re blamed for the kind of benevolent paternalism th1t en· couraged the formation of cona:lomerates by rail road operating companjes to im· prove their lagging fortunes . ONL"Y-W DWN'TllWa)'s Wo"rk._that "'ay. The ICC sal for 1 year on 1 railmads would be made sicker still. through to present Vice President \Vhen this report was submitted to Nguyen Cao Ky as speaker before a '"vie· the chair1nan of the ICC more than tory" rally at \Vashington Monumen~ a year ago the Penn Central company was in the early stages of creating next month. an immense conglomerate which has • Ky's Saigon office announced he· had come to grief while cheerfully reportin& accepted an invita. steady progress. lion of Dr. Carl i\lc. Some of the things a railroad con· lntire, a right.wing glomerate can do are ·attractive to ~ad.Jo pastor. to ad. management and investors. There are dress his "March for ta' ·1nrent1·"-The ICC can be bypassed Victory Association .. , ~ ... ,,. S h. k K on the approval of ne1v security issues ponsors I in Y · · ca n turn out half a An ..appearance of ~enormous ~gi:o.w.th can. -million listeners bcn.t enhance stock value _by perhaps d?ub~e. on hearing his plan ' &RAN!> ALLIAN<E Political Epithets In the Old Days Tbougbts it Laree: An1ericans who imagine that our political invective is fiercely personal ought to recall the kind of thing said by Disraeli in the British Parliament 100 years ago; in speaking of Lord John Russell, lhc Prime i\li nister observed : '"If a traveller were informed that such a man was leader of the !louse of C'..ommons, he might begin to comprehend now the ancien t Egyptians "·orshipped an insect. • • The higher you go in an organization , lhe more you know ;. 1964 -"Victory is no longer a trulh: it is only a 1vord lo describe Who is left alive in lhe rui ns" -was Lyndon B. John son. • • • 1!011· languages differ -the most fre· 11uent \VOrd in English 11·as not used at all ln Latin . and has no Latin rquivalenl. (Also, there was no Latin word for "yes.') • • Some bemoan the fact that "there ar e no heroes anymore:·• I happen to agree v.·ith F"rank Manuel, the historian, who declared, "The Age of the Heroes, like 1hc Age or-th-e eoas.1screaa:-1t is lin1c that the Age or Men began." __ r.eport of Jts own Buruu of Accounts that conglomerate operations usually lead lo the rjugg:ttna: of funds too frequently dissi patln& the assets of the railroads to non<arrier companies in the group. \VHAT ' IT AfdOUNTS TO, the secret report said, is tha t a ne1v generation of financial promoters has· rediscovered the holding company. In the older gener1tions J, P. Morgan . ·sam InsuU and a host of others used· holding com-· p1nles to build up giant financial michaiiisffis. Soine of Atnem, pa·rt1cularly Sam ln.Nll 's Oilctao based utility em· pire, collapsed of their own weight 1nd m1 jor icahdals racked the financial com· munity. The public turned against the financial wizards with a political backlash that helped to rout the Republican Party from the solid comlort ol its golden age in Washington . The ICC can be circumvented m lls for v.·inning the "'ar in Vietnam if he has concern that the public be provided ade-one. ' quatc transportation service. The First Arncndn1ent to the Constitu· ALL TWS SUGGESTS THAT Congress should delay no longer in going fonva rd with a thorough investigation of. the railroad conglomerates. and all con- glomerates, as "·ell as ICC regulation of the nation's carriers. lion reads : '"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom or speech, or of the press ... ·• about its anatomy,' but the less about ils physiology -so that a President can lick off every bone, mus- cle, and nerve-e nd, but-be puzzh!d when the organism sho1vs symptoms ot indiges. fon, flatulence or heart failur:e. • • • t ' ' ' f, There will be no rest, and no release, for the human spirit as long as 1ve stubbornly keep confusing the pursuit of pleasure with the pursuit of happiness. • • • The trouble with skepticism i~ that eventually a man doesn't believe anything he hears, even when he says it himself. ' . . You can alv.1ays recognize a demagogue -he nlakes you feel asl141med for oot soWlding as patriotic as he does. NOTE THAT TEC H NI CALLY foreigners have the same right of free i;peech in this country as cilluins, though tradition suggests some limitation not ap- plicable to citizens. President Washin6U>n faced the problem jn 1793: a French en- voy. one Citizen Genet stumped the ne\v republic violently opposing Washington·s • • • A modern •·statesman" is a man who doesn't read his 01vn speeches whe·n he gives them : it is inconceivable that the man who delivered these 1vords in ' . . "Su rviva l or the fittest'' is a treacherous doctrine ii taken in a simple- minded 1vay : ror the ultimate surviVor may be the cockroach not the Caesar. This 9eCl"et report forecast the same course for lhe Penn Central, Soothern Pacific, Union Pacific and other railway systems which had conglomerate plans under way. There is no record that the railroad regulators in Washington paid the sllghtest. attention to the warn- ings of their own act0untants. They resisted to the end making public the sad story of five major railroad boldinc In the present instance, the ICC has been warned by its B\.!reau of Accounts thlt the crulion of multi-purpose holding 'companies could contribute fuighlily to the continuing neglect of railroad opera· lions as funds ind resources were draill<- ed off for the benefit of other compaqies ' This country has passed lhrough the llfeatest expansionist era in its history. Stockholders and lbe public are suffering the sinking feeli ng that comes from the deflation of over-expanded financial operations. Smog Now a Global Crisis neutra lity policy in the Paris revo\ulion . An1id a national uproar, \Vashington suf- fered it for a few months, but final!y demanded . Genet's recall. This is offered, not as an analogy, but More on Speer's Book as background for the free speech posl-Albert Speer, like Eichniann, expressed lion of non-citi zens. Several l e s s celebrated foreigners have been gagged the '"banality of evil,'' in •lannah sm(g has become a knife at modern 80 deaths on the eastern seaboard of when they over-acted in our national Arcndt"s term. He was a technician who man's throat. From New Y!_)rk to Tokyo I.he United States. crises. did his job, both as Hiller's chier people are rubbing red eyes and trying Editorial Certainly Dr. Pi·lclnlirc has a right 10 architect and city planner in the mid~ ~·······-~ -·"""' ___ .,. ___ .,.. r ~•~ . i.r l ,, • 0•TJie Book1nan lo ease raw throats as an oppressive SOlttE SCIENTISTS arc convin~li ho ld a n1ass-mccting at the l\1onumL·nt. 1930s and, during lhe war years, as the blanket of smog smothers their cities. R•aaarch and there is no reason why Presiden• efficient Minister of ArTnaments and War Hitlcr·s deliberate lying to his ge,neral:!, f · 1· I · 1· ls ~ smog is affecting I.he world's weather -.i c1· A group 0 intern.a iona soen 15 warn-Nixon should prevent Ky airing his vic,1·s P•U\IU ion. the leader's.JVithdrawal into his Bulin ed 1ut Februll")' that "a global crisis by decreasing sunlight and cooling the in a proper selling. On trill as 1 war criminal. this upper bunker and ultimate tomb. elilta with rapect. to environme.ntaJ ~rth's surface. Such a declint in sunlight middle-class fellow from Mannheim chose q-·-'"y" -and the summer smog bu Jems behind lhc Iron Curta1·n. "Our · r r But certainly Ky 11·lll be conlpelled by not lo derend himself' al Nuremberg, He This book is Shirer's '"The Rise i nd uai•l ould ha1·e er-reaching ef ects since I · t p ·d 1 N. · 1· F II r th Th P-ven_i·t. 1 ls 1. Id og1c o oppose res1 en 1xon s po icy freely admitted his gw'I' if only by a o e ird Reich .. through the . ., ores , 1e s and gardens are becoming th l r 1·gbt I t th · k. 1 d h. h · ' f k In mid\oWn New York. a secretary c amo,Un o sun 1 regu a es e 1n see 1ng a negot ate peace, w 1c 1s association. "Who else.. is to be held oo ing glass, as we syggested recently. comes in GUl of the smog and says : quieter and quieter," I a men ts growth of plants and crops. The Smithso. not a victorious peace. Ky's utterances responsible for the course of events," he And, of course, from Hitler's confidant "Aftq 1 came to work today, J felt Komsomolskay1 Pravda. "Where have nian Institution has found lhlt sunlighl have long been uncompromising against said. "If not the closest as.wciates more intimate. like I ahollW t.J.ke out my w~le the birds gone?" Palls of soft-eoal smoke reaching \\tashlngton has been cut by negotiation; and for peace by victory over 1round the cruet o( State?" Hitle~'s last v.·ord.s. tor example. respiratory IJILl:m.___M>d wash it." In hu ng over the cities of Eastern Europe 16 percent over the past h1\f century . North Vietnam. according to Speer, who was with him ·Sydney-, A-olla.~a wa\'C of noxious last wln'·r. The International Biological Program SPEER DREW 20 i·ears in the iv-ison near the end : "I shall not fight "' HENCE. TllE ETHICS of '' y r If Th Industrial gu envelopes the city v.•ith disclosed plans for a global early-warning "' at Spandau spending the time in pursuit persona Y· ere Is always the danger the odor or rotten eggs. In Mexico City, system capable of detecting pollutants associating himself v.•ith an American of scholarship and writing his memoirs. that I v;ould only be v;ounded and fa ll the s~ is IO belv1 morning visibWty INCREUING industrialization or the in the air. Following the latest smog politic1l faction which cleclS to exercise ~blished now as "Inside the Third into the hands of the Russians ilive .• ....... world is-the major cause Of air pollution. 11 k J h d ·ded t r its rinhts in the capita l. ls in son1e d11uot. ,1·ch." -.Fraulein Braun-wants ·-~e·part th'· 1·11, is often less than a block. And in Tokyo, Exhaust from cars. trucks and buses a ac ·. apan as ec1 o orm a 1 dA:'., .l.. , ed ,. . d . .th w • ~ tl,S)l people were treated In hospitals national environmental disruption control n t.-.:u, we uvn l ne n.y s a v1~c on In it he presents an in-depOi portrait of w1 me. and I'll shoot 81 on di for throat, Jwig and eye ailments over is responsible for about 60 percent of headquarters. Au tomobiles have been what to do in the war in Vietnam . "fr. Hi tl'r and members of the Nazi beforehand. Believe me., Speer, it is~casy 3 ten-day period. the problem in the entire United States binned lrom major Tokyo shopping areas Nixon has made kno111n v.•hat he is trying hie rarchy and accounts of poliUcal for me to end my life. A brief moment Smoa; Ind air pollution are also prob-and as mu ch as ~ percent In some on Sundays and holidays. The Russians to do about it. and he's not trying for a infighting, ~0oortng vs. Himmler vs. and rm freed of everything, libe.ratert -----"-------===---.;';;;i";;."M,rj'iO"lfch~as LOs Angeles a n d arc JFOrkinl with an cxpe · t elec-military victory. Goebbels vs. Martln Bormann. It is a from this painful existence. • ." . l'idustly Is the sewd ~ -,.--+M-"I flt iO) trk: fum1ee for use In oil 1 meta u r. y, w spea s a ng u ca a ogue ormner nmcttrs:-itUllU:ri -.mu an;-: '"· ---------• largest air polluter with the three biggest refineries. understandable English, is not the most and otbtrwiie. Indeed; i\ appears that \\111l1m HoSan offenders belnc petroleum re.fineries, I I k · s th bnl ho •· ~ I ;melte.rs and iron foundries. Povi'et IBct u spca er 1n our language, ho\vevrr . pter was e y one w uor..u open y --~ skllled he may be in hi& own tongue. He tell the leader the war woU.ld be lost. He --pl1nG rant-ntxt fn line. has in times pas!, and Can again. i:ay became d.isenchinted With ·Hitler before But long bclore the invcnllon of tht Dear things cmbarrasslng to the occ:uPant of the.end. Wednesday, Sept. 23, 19i0 iutomobtk!. smog y,·as n1enacin; man. the White House. And the death camps? Speu hid heard Tbe N1lional Geographic Society reports (;looUJ V Beyond prior calculation there are like-rumors Of such, but as a m10agement The edt&orlal pogc o/ Che Dail~ lhal in 300 8.C., an anti-feminist Chinese .; ly to be vlotEinl disorders undreamed by a technician concerned with a.r m a Pilot aeeka to fnform and stim-poet dubbed it "the v.·oman's wind'," C rmwte alien figure like Ky. Americans production and a race apinst time paid • tllatc ttodera b·~ prestnting this sa)'ing : "It .shlkes (man) v.·ith coughl1'c; IL~! who don't like this v.•ar arc now so many litlle attentiori to them. "Thia d~llberate nt1Dapaptr'1 opl'llont and com-It kills him before bis li me." and so angry, It would.seem pure folly lo blindntss outwilghs whltcvtr good t m1y mtntcltl' on topic• ot 1ntt rtst Smog became a clear and present expect them to ll!ten patiently to an have done or tried to do." he writes. 'nle cmd rigni/icanct, bf providing a danger In the post-World \\!Ir II era . I'd gladly taltfl · most any. one of Asialic advocate. How can his ptr:§Onal memoirs, however, are neither •PoloCJ forum /or Che t:eprtuion of On the morning of Oct. M. IHS, the th09e H11nlington &11ch civic jobs / securi ty JX>SSibly be guaranteed? Finally. nor conrcssional. They are a unique set or our f'tttdtrl' oµinfow1. a1td b# ~kies. at-Donor.a , Pa .• del\\·,red a c.lefldly -at-li-perctn~ leM U~n lh ally -Ky's formula for l\'lnnlng a noosense "'ar footnote., on the rtglme from the tnsidt preaen.ti~O the diwr.te t:imo-warnln, of things to comt . Ourlng the pays now. I'm unemployed. .. is bound to sound like nonsense. and on the monomaniac who set out lo r---Bu George ---, Dear George : My son-in·law called rne a dodo. ls th.at gOOd or bad~ \Vh.at is a dodo? Dear ~trs. T.: MRS. T. A dodo is 1n extinct bird that c11n ·t fly, u it ts e)itinct. I'm sure your son-in-law m'ans th11t a~ a term of tndearment. such as "old crow"' or "magpie." Send him a nece present. fl will surpr ise him. ~~11~df informi!!_pl~~'''1"1'hrs nex.ld fourls -~!s nealckrly hndalf..,,lhdel dl4.0000 -R. \\'. B. ·~tr . Nixon 11i·ould do well lo convey to conquer the world. -.,...... .. e""" Oft "' .,. o r res1 en ..... ...,.me I . a 6U t L n K}' !he facls of life in this nation. Nlxoo ... Dec. 5, 1952, smoa enveloped Lor.don ''"' "''..,. tTt1rd• ,....:,.. ,,_.,,.. -hlmse.11 carries lhe burden of thue facts. HE DISCUSSES maller-of"·fectly such (Dilemmas unravtlt:d. Problems -and deaths jncrcAM.'<I by 4.000 O•'tr n1c.t-.•r11w tMM " 11• nt•w••"· S•n• and !here's no point in encouraging lhc thinas 11s Gci·nlany's nluffcd atomic unlaiotted. Che;ip. Y.'rlte. to Georie, t. Robert N. \\' eed1 Pu bUsht r--i--m11'1Tl:uHer-el. , And-dming'"'!'hanbgt'rin.-+---·"""'"" ...,....,.. ...... ......,... .... _.tr-Net1,-i-;111um y-titi 1t-mart .. fnnn-Saigon-to-11dd-1o--,..,·,, gre.m; G°'rlng~e!-frt-t-oUtttor.--the--t-"ir.·h;o ,;;i•;,;Olls;t ~of,;•:;;he;.f'hi!!ho.;·r~ei"nlo.cd,,Is.,t,,rlct.,,,__1 __ _ week in 1966, another kill~ illlO& calLSfd Jt. ruction to the Normand1, invasion, e a ~1ses rom • ree. . . --, .. t, ! I 'i I r ·-, .. _, ........... ... 5 PI LOT-AOVERTISER s Wedntsdly, Stpt.rmber 23, 1970 ' I . ST A'RTS THURSDAY : 10:00 A.·M. t'm.~!~Y-• ... • .. i ' - • -. ,' COME EARLY, LIMITED SIZES 9UA"TITIES AND COLORS-HUNTINGTON CENTER ONLY . . • til!!'fl HITCH PANTY HOSE , ·qsuel contr~I~ •••,Y hitch r .. lacaabla ho11, . ,· ' NOW . . . " BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPl,IES 11a' lalk nolebook ensembl< lllt. tll i ,:' P~r Max ensemble lfit. 2.12 oi4 01lebook ensemble orJt. !.14 ~OW CHILDREN'S SHOES I school 1ho11 at 1 11Yinc;i1 ~· b-ickle styles, girls strep sty~s. 1i211 I Yi 'to 3 , I ' 1" 311 MEN'S !>RESS SH•TS .aprHd coUar, striped, whita .. and a110rtad colors, lon9 11""''· . ' . °"'" 2.tt .. J.tl NOW 2 ... s5 SUP.Elf B MOVIE CAMERA insl•rit loed, 'b1tt.ry p~'lll'.­ ered, comp1ct •nd I i g h. t, 12 on ly. NOW PINCH PLEAT CURTAINS Grit· 11.n 1211 · c•fes, prints ind solids, v • r i o u s colors, Penn· Prest•, 24" to 54" l.n9th1. on,. J." t• .. ., 1 ~ NOW ,_ · HOUSEHOLD AIDS c.h o o 1 • from coa1t1r11 -h1y11 candy tins, mops, brooms, cuttin9 bo.tds, in 1 variety of colon al'CI 0.1i9n1. BOYS' PENN·PREST* SHIRTS short sleeve pl1id shirts, button down caller, basic school shirts, 6, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. NOW THROW RUGS NTLON SHA• STYLIS Orif. J.~· 1" 21 xl6 .orig. 5.88 --·--····-·NOW l .11 27x45 orig. 8.99 -··-·--·---NOW S.11 36><60 069. 16.18 -·--·--·-NOW 10.11 _4"1x72 !rig. 26.81 ··-····------NO.~ 16.11 Weil"""'l', S.-btr 23, 1970 s DAIL V I'll.OT 2J HEADBOARDS • GOUI ¥11.m, -UTIAIU.Y.TUFllD, TlllATID TO• STAIN RESISTANT twin ori9. 32.98 --NOW full ori9. 44.98 --NOW orig. 59.t8 _ NOW PORTABLE STEREO 4 speed phonc9r<1ph with plycht.delic lights, • u t o- m•tic rejection, 9 only. 'GARDEN 11LLER 5 horsepo~er, 4 cycle . "'otor, 2 only~ , ~It.ti NOW sr °"" ,,,, NOW 1119 ' . ..-~~~~~~--=.R=R=S~T FL~O_O_R_:_'~~~~~~---. I VISUAL P~CK SANDALS ·woMEN'S PANTY HOSE , 111mle11 str.tch, roo -;. •nytori, 'shear stocking & p1nty.. I BRAS th• n1tur•I look, a, b, c cup 1i1.e1, limited qu•ntity. GARTER BELTS NOW ...... .. 1" LADIES' 'BLOUSES Ieng sleev9, dressy <1nd tailored 1 t y I es, various Orft. S6 te $11 NOW 4'! r• t ssort•d colo", "!•diurn , lorge, end 1xtr1 11~•· ' NOW . WOMEN'S l;tANDBAGS _ / leather; str•w ~fid krinkle ' , ' p•tent,.•1s9rt.idf1tyles ind on,. SJ 144 All stretch, one aii• fits .11. ANKLE PANTS misses ind junior 1i1e1, fl1reci and 1trei9ht legs. Ofit. SS te Sii 311611 •oo,-·covE1s- i.: •• p your books in 900~ sh•p• for schoolJ stot k up now. · . Mt-46& 33c l oolt';, NOW WOMEN'S SILK SCARVES . . 100•;. silk, veriou1 p•f· t erns, tre•t ,• c c e 11 ory it_e:m._ li mit•d qu•ntity. ·NOW · PANTY GARTER BELT Orif, lk 2$c two-in-one, s,m,I, 50 only. NOW N·ow 1o · MATERNITY WEAR dres•es, sportswear' ••p•-Grit S7 te SJI , ••••• ••sort.J style• •nd 511 15" colors. NOW re FIUNG CABINETS 6 dr•wer uti lity~ fct_s~rint those impOl'f•nt ' ,.pers. NOW • NOW •· ... Of4t. , .... ... '"GIRDW --- . WOMEN'S GLOVES. 1 1 1 ....,. " WOMEN'S DRESSES . 1 1 -· -·, ,.-·· MEN'S-SUITS --.-, · ' ~ •, on,. 51 ,. S2 ong .. p•nty sty t , 1i1.e1 11nissft end h•lf sites, veri-on., SI,. t14 convefrt1on• sty ing In ,_ ·~ ' n,..h: f nd l~•th•r types. 25 sm•ll •nd 'medium. NOW 4•• OUI styles, f•bric1 , •nd 4" ea f•shion colors , I .n(I 2 l>ut-. -'5MI • ~ ndfelf"siz••· . NOW -C colors. . NOW M 0 ton models, NQW.·:.'..('' ·7 . . I i ·.r. " WOMEN'S SWEATERS W"' .. EN'S BETTER HEELS •. MEN'S SPORT ~COATS ':> :~. WO~EN'S SLEEPWEAR ...... .. urd;9an style•. ..,.1.. ...... •• .. .. ,..'\"' " "" ' . . ' ~ ···~ sif'_ d~~! i~gown,~~iboll1 ,1s'· .' · 2,,_ •nd t unic lengths, IOO Y. · .,U 711 I.lack p1t1nt •nd f•shion Orlt-:.. .. 10-II c.•1 •~d•I 24 L1u!fon "s+yfin9, ! .··NOW· _.,S 6U t· •...-••• sites, "'11'"' •· t· NOV(~ •crylic. 1r-1ftOW..-6. M colors, MzM 41/i t• 10.' NOW '7 H P 11 'an 1 rip••• J; ·1 ~ ~MEN'S StHF.Ts , . VESTS AND PULLOY8S . WOMEN'S Fi.ATS . ; ' MEN'S CASµAL 'PANTS: -·~.~iii . 1~ ~~.::·::d·tr~::!c•"~rt, "~w : 3~ :1i::1:~.~ ::~1~·n• .... rt-·Now 4~r ·~!~.::h~:1 .. cor. ... '0 "'·: • ~O':S:a:. ::~::.:~:·~-;. :.~!~% ~~~~ .. ~ ,l~~~ .. ~;~==~~::;;;;~;:;wr;~~-:..-~---_-_-_-_-_-_-_-:..--~s-1;c;o~N~~FL~-~O~O~R:~·---~~ ....... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ........ ....,,~~~~~-----=--........ ·,~·"~'.-;- 1 i« SH~~R PANELS TODDLERS' DRESSES SHERBET DISHES SHOWER COITAINS . " . . • ' \ rayO.; .,,d Decron• poly••· °'4f.· 1.4f te z." · \.•rious styles, Penn-Prest• °"" SJ .. SI IJt•en dts~erf disl(e1 for in-Orlt• J.tl hHvy 9iu9t viny,I, popu-• fir br.ads, v1riou• colors, 99C 't44 311 formel .nt.rf•ining, 5 01, 2" l1r prints or solidi, 6'x6' or · ' NOW febrics, 1ir:e1 I t to 4t. NOVI 6. to NOW wiildow 1i11 42'54 ' 42d,I • • • .. ..... . NOVELTY CURTAINS TODDLERS' UNDERWEAR . SALT AND PEPPER sm BOYS' SLACKS / D•cron• polyester •nd r•y-°"" J.Jt te 4.tt on, 1nd cotton •nd r•yon 1" blends, 24, )0 I 36 lengths NOW pr. HOLLYWOOD BED COVERS .m•chine .W.1h, wide wele cotton c'orduroy, 14 only. GIRLS' DRESSES NOW · beck to school stylu, veri-Ori9. M te S6 short 1letv1 pullover un- dershirts, Penn-S tt• knit, ••sy c1re, sizes 4 to 5. STEAK PLAmRS set" of four 1t•1k pl•tters, great ·for the b1rbtcue, 8 only. WALL HANGINGS ituJ for gr~_p_ing,' wind· 1orwood mini1ture1, cem- Orff. J .... 2.4t NOW 3 ... 1" NOW Orif. J.21 ,cul ~olcrs, m•ny Penn-211---:tU- Prest•, 7 to 14. NOW to -W eo minietures. NOW 244 GIRLS' COORDINATES Orit• 3.50 te S7 1nkle p•nts, blollses, ski rts, vests, v1rious sizes,. · GIRLS' UNGERIE ve~ous styles, full i nd fleJed, lielf, f1ncy i nd fus~y. 8 to 16. • 211511 NOW lo o n1. 1.2t ... 1.t 1 NOW 99c MODERN ABSTRACTS sil vertone met•I frtmes, gl1 s1ed, v1rious 1i1.e1. ZODIAC PLAlj)UES • 12"x5" well h1ngin9s, buy your sign, 6 only. RUG. SAMPLES STEREO CONSOLE ] o.k finish, record 1tor•ge, Orit. 1J.ll te 11.H NO)V 6't! r NOW Orif. 6.ff 4" _ ..... bound on a11 iidf', 21 x 6• ' sl idi!HJ doers, 6 •sp••kers, 9r•et fer doo1rwt y1 end 1 SO tr1ffic ~re•. 2 only. NOW POOi'/ TABLE PORTAi.LE TELEVISION '277 1t1inlt11 steel, ptacfic•I .,.. decor1tiv1. GIFT DEPARTMENT c•ndle hcldtr with ~ndl e ind flower ring, 9rten or gold. OWL DECOR in1f1nt coffee ccnteiner, collectors gift, 2 only. LUXURY BLANKETS NOW 0,.,. .... NOW 2" NOW Oftt.9.00 6" ' 'ti , bl , t k' _J Oftt. S14. te SIO 1 e1;1 . en 1t• 1, 1n9 ena 1011 16 .. quetn 11i:es, 10 only. NOW to SUPER SIZE PERCALE SHEm mo11 or fengerine, solid colors, que•n end kin9 1izts. Penn-Presfl. for picnics and p.s tio,:t ,45 only. .CHANDEUER Orff. 7,,, ,.-,,,, . 6u-7u NOW lo 'Oftt. 1.44' NOW CJ9c .-Offt. 4t.tt c11u•I sltck1 for scftool, solid color1, P•nn-PrHt•, re9ul•rs <1nd Jlims. NOW BOYS' PRE-SCHOOL SUITS 1porf co•t and pents. bl•z• ~ •r end p•nts, l , 5, and 6, ~' rlCJUl•r. NOW . BOYS' DEEJiTONE SHIRTS ' for pre.school boys,, blue end pink, Penn-Prtst•. l . to 7 !'ff)w SPORTSWEAR FABRIC 45" wide, 100 % cotton, solid turqucist, nav y, plum •nd hot pink. NOW RA YON FABRIC~ setins end t1ffeft1, brown, red, and ptach, 45" wide. FLOOR CONDmONER -. with 14 piece 1cce1sofy kit, l only. 'NOW SEWING MACHINE DESK .......... 3" ............ ·.611 . . .Ofti.t.Jt 122 .. °"""'' 77!,.. oil,. .$1JI includes, bills, cues, tri-°"ti· 2tf.OO • full .J 11" 4ia9onbellly ,_m•<11~ $222 Urf g SCften, •Ctt •ni::11 1n9le, ch•lk, 4'x8', e n• ·_ _ white, •II chtnnel. only. NOW '99 6 light cry1t1l ltmp, 2o only NOW 31 11 " ••rly 1meric1n style, ·4 l1r9e stor•t• dr•w,•"· m1p le ha;dwocd, floor model. NOW ,· '95 . . SKINDIVING SUIT GAS RANGE Oflt. 49.tl d11tl purpose bek• 'n broil full len9t , men '•, 5 t ip· 3911. , . oV•n~ 30", w·ood 9r1in NOW ' Ortt• ,Silt '158 CIRCULAR SAW 7 'I• ", I ~ horsepower, I 0 1mp11 5 only. NOW Orlt· J6.tf 29". WESTERN INJICTOR • °"" .... pers, 11 I, 4 only. NOW" , trim, I only. -1-·sK11wiv11NG-JAGKEl------a-.1-1!!UlTABLE DISHW Orit· 12.fl imperi•I convertible, cut-Orit-2Jt,tl I /5 hcrstpower, 2.5 a mps , 3 only, °"" J7.ff mikes wtsfern figur•s, cowboys, ind i•ns, horses. NOW 4" only women'11 l zi ppers, 1, m, I, ~ only. . . NOW 9" ' t in9 bo1rd top, copper / only, floo1_mcdel, I only. NOW '198 · . . SPANISH STYLE CHAIR hi b1ck, 9reen only, quil tM , reversible cushion, ) only. SWIVEL CHAllS bl•ck 1'Tld wliite plaid, l only. NOW ....... ~ 01''". 1/ NOW ,45 • GAS DRYER front lo•d, H sy cltan lint... °"" _114.fl fitter, l t•mp, white only, Sl 38 I only. • , NOW SIDE BY SIDE REFRIGERATOR d04lblt deer, imptriel with Grit-47'.t.I ice melter, 11 cu. ft., whit• $418 only, I only. NOW. llNELLI no cc / """ "" RETREAD 11RES s/'"''"· 100 ,,,ph, 1s "'it •• ,,, '699 ,,,,, ,, ••• ''''' ,, ·•--• '"''· ,,11.11, ,.a, .,., 011ly '"""""_ ..... ~ NO)Y .... Oflt. 9.11 '9 IUI llNILLI 50 cc / .-11s111s, 111.11, 14111ll . 1•01111, -~--dy..•m-eomp••+,....._.,..4 ••"'""-.;.' __ _,,SW,_._4 -"\Jl1ckw1ll1 ••" whlfew1U1 ''"'' ,l.tely 1fre1t •-tuippttl, l e11ly .... ~77 Jtl, ••. --------'-~~~~~--~~~~~--' .. . - UGHT BULBS 6 bulb p1ck•t•1 'ori9 .. 77c per p1ck1gt, CANISTER VACUUM 111 s'teel constructiOfl, 4 pi9ce, 7 cn.ly, 1ptci1I pur• ch•••· NOW . . CITIZEN BAND TRANSCEIVER Pinto jr. • ch.PIMI tr•ns- ct lver, for your nr, 10 -only. -NOW ' 19" 24" ; o ....... 159_ she has mind of her own, jumps up tnd down, 4 c n~y MOON GLOBE with lun1r 9lobt 109 book, 15 only. 11N MAN ROBOT he wtlks like • men, ) only. FORIMOST• MAG WHRLS NOW NOW NOW lll1rlc c111+•, 111•t• with ._,.,. ~" NOW hwii, 1""4", IS", •" wJcfttt, ••• _ ......... Orlf. 11.M 5" Oftt.llM 5" TllUCK TUllS .:a :: -M•"Y clvty hu1er tvMUll.tL.:_ -NOW _ r.~J.1.'J.~ I , I ~ ' . . . . . • .l • -· ~.-• • I tt DAILY PILOT •~d ""' It ''tf!TI•" ~-to ""' to M N Ans · · i:tGAL NCmCI: ::-.:.":::'~,-::~.::·"=:::. 0 . . wer Tee'' H ~i· n County ..... Int Cl•Tl,ICAT• o..-autn••u ------.-... -.------' ro~~ti~•LK:~-:Lr tame. I ""--' MOT.ct TO u•DtTOU '"'''1ous MAM• C:l!llTt1•1cATI oF 1us1Nl!ss J••" L. Job'' F b.M IU,11~1 COUllT 9' TM• tWftCI llNtTI• •fDl • 'IC:TITIOUS HAMI H111 .... f'11bllt-C1morn1" ro ' \ ax •••• ,...... •• ,... WIMttltntd ... Uf"llfY l!t 1. toll· F . h D h ttATI Cl. ...... IUA Nil ..,.,_, OI HIHll G"'IN .. , "''' Mtllll 1 M llltn t i ~ C..-Or., 'Ttlt' vndl•lif"'" c1otS c1r11!y he 11 f'•lllCIN I Ofll't lft t t fMI COUllTY • ....... ,.v n,. '" r!. kilt "2. ,.._. ~ Catlfort1I• CO!ldl/(11119 I bfnlNH at !Sf, Melodr La!lf, Orllllt Cour.W ig ys rop y ... ,..._ , toll .,..,.i• wi• • ....,.... ty Cl!~ _.... ,... lkllllous llrrfl' ,.,.mt 0j COlll Mn., (:11Uorr.11, uncter I~ My Com<nhtlon EJ<Jlflt t Est1tit tf £0GAll I , WITMlll, lkl .. C..i. ,,,_., 19 ..n; TN CllY -"• C)ll04J1' 4 CONDOMINIUM MANAGE lk11tloui ti""' l\lmt ol NEWPOltl M1rc1' 2, lt7). F b '• . • t;DGAA •lllADLIY WIT*"fll, IQ E ••• ~.0, 9U: 1ioo. ti W Cltw ti~.,....., MINT COMll'ANY Md ti! I Mhl fl "' 1' SEltVICES Ind tn11 .,.td lirm l1 . Putlll•Mll Or1n1t COlll 0.Hr Piiot. 01' e ate w tTMU, et&£ • .WtTMIR. o-.... .. ., ""°'' "" """"' ti 11;• 141'-.. .,. • r ' tolfl-.d ot 111t i.now1ne -'°"· """°"' '""""bet 16, n. » 1nc1 Cktobtr 1, • tr you're one '1f those 1'cens Against D ystropk··. a NOTICE IS "OllY •WIN tit t11t lllri.tY 0<1elllr L lflll. INt 1ilat .. ~ fll lllt lollowlM MnM. -Mlflt /t'I 11111 11111 ·111Kt ot r~t 11 11 1"0 lllS-10 "J cr.i1*'9 o1 JM 1116w .,.... iMoMw tuM!c~ ..,_ ,,,,. ,... 111ui11 1t 11:11 ...,,. 111 ~ •nf Pl~• " r•klllq ." follows: readers 'W'ho iMmplalns about central Orange County-based 11111111 1Nr111111 h1v1111 clellftt •'"""" ''"'" • u MOii ..,..,.., 11 "~ •• ,.....,., Gr•~"" e. •~· 1y MtlodY L•nt LEGAL NOTICI ?11rs. Berlin Posthill, p~sl--r-'Uhl -..."-' ,,. """'r.1 • ""' lllM\. 1:111. ~ ,,149, OdMlt i. 1..,.. lfl .. llldler• co11 ... Alltn, n•s El Aini· C•I• Mew the newis ooveraee given to volunteer group, will stage a -.wttl'lctl'r""*Mrr_~ 1n !Ill..~ ~-~ OIY ~71 P:•lf ':;rM• AtW.. F01H1111r1 v.11,v. c1111. "'°' D•IM *'· •· 1'11 J===--o,.-:;;;;::===-= I dent of the Santa Ana League ' •I tlll t""1r. et t11t 1~ """"'aUft,., D"-"°' _,-c --·--,.. 01tef .__to.r ti. IJ1t Gt'a111m E. 8UOd -, ~.,-"= V ~ -·:.-bold kids, retit!:_on. -. ta[!' dayv l' f'ri.day. nathering ,. •rfttl'lf lfllftl. wt9 ttit ,_.,., ..... • • 1 -.., •k,,..rf A.MM Stitt of c1111ornl1, -"omen O~en saJu y ~ -~ r. \l-11W.1, .. ttll llMlnl ..... """ !ltlle• fllnlllhlllf ol ._.,io.., PlllMIU.1-ll ,.,E. STATI °' CALIFOANIA. 0r ...... C11Unl¥: Cl'ATl•ICAT• Of •USINESJ -• •' f d • t f ht the rtac.ted ., l'ltr '"""''": 0 u It y" A' •tl'flNOS ,,,. $Ul"~llS. OllAHGI! COUNTY; 011 ""'"" ., lt'O, IM!la•e mt •• Not1rv PICTITIOUS "'"""' no reply has ~n received un s 0 lg ' <Ailll"ENTlll & •AANl!I. •r. llOll.llT A ... "" -'f'k.91""' -........ On a.t. JI, 11!'0. ~· 1119.. Noll')' l'ubllo:; "'''W tor ll hl $1111, Pffl!l ... lly Tht undtrll•""' ~.,,''"11,• .. ,,,"cc°"'! crippling disease. s. •A•NEl. mt MlocArtMlf '"""' '"· o ... ,_. ,, ,.. ett1<1 to1"" c1w a.ni. at Pulllk: 111 .,.. ,..,. MM s11tt, ..,_.,. ..,..,.. orwm e. 111110 --10 ..... t1uct11111 • Mln111'1 11' t •t c 091 from Dr. Max R a lerty on an T 'h ' BoJ Hlf, N-"1 .. ldl t.ttf, ..,..,,, n P:llr Ortvt, C ... ,._., ( ............. _,... llldllttl Al .... ~II t. Pflt ft tit be 11'19 perlon who!.t nall'e Is Hwr., M\llltint!Wll l iidl. C1llfwftlly' ~,.,Hwl eac ers Members v.•jJI be stationed Wllkll 11 "" '"•c• « -...._..,. ., tilt •1n tMullll e. nhlrMd • 11\e ,.....,.... ._ w ...,. wtMIH -11 ...,_,,.., lllMc:rlberd 10 IM w1t11r.. 11111rll!Tllftl •lld ll'lt 11d111ou11 !lrm 11&me 01 Yt: ""' invitation to an Oranae County .. ,.,.1.,.... 111 111 "'91tera "'1••111r1t ,. ., "" clt't' cien. 111 • _.., ~...,., "·"" w1t11111 111""""''"' '"' K•-ltdl« •di:~ 11to·••.c.u1.i Ill• u,.,., •RO"-Etts 11111 tl'lf>t 111• ll•m 11 com.c•lld debate wi'th h i's op-enl for at various banks from 4 to 6 tlll .. Ille ef 111411 ~ ....... foul' ldlfrtllltili ~ ft1t wttlclt with h llllll 1111"' ~ 11'19 tlrM. COFFl(IAL Sl!AL ) ol 11'1 foll0Wln1 1Hrton, W~OH ,.,,,... 111 !""" ,._Jhs ..,., fM fl!'91 ,.illlkllllM ....... Ii-,........, ......... "'9nllle ... Liit L. Oollellue Jo>Hl>ll E. D1'11• lull ll'ld PIK• ol mk141Mt II., lalhlwt: lat int ·-l f bl' Classes Set p.rn. to accept contributions to t.tn -i,· 1 IKll .,... .,...11 ... ,,., iHCl'I ,1111·.,.,., • NeterY fluMlc Nol1ry Put111c:.c:1nkw'111 Jim .,,...,...."' u.n PKlllc st •• Trnll11, s e super enucn O pu IC 011et1S..IMlbtt 1 ltM 1,.,.. 11 Ht *"' 111 1111 .-M!ci uom c1111 Prlftcl,.1 Dffk• 111 c.111on111 • t lion research Into the affliction, H1rrl9H1 F. WllrMr An¥ an<tl all ..-c .. llons lo tlle Mtt<lflci : Jlubll111111l Or .... C-1 Dfilly Pl191, Oru1tt C_.., Oalf<I $tPl1mber 15, Hit IRS fUC • ' t:qc:utrl• ., ""' w1a " "°"' ,... .... .,. <IMrtr 111,. 111 111e ,.1, s.,1. 2J, a. <kl. 1. 14. lt1' 1111·H f!-1 com,.,1111on Eulr11 Jim ''''''"n Mrs • .p.,thill s a id 'ill, n In-, The Chapman E v • n 1• n g which gradually dooms many !Ille ....,. N-4 _...., M'4 1 11un ,. Ml lof1h Item 1 1~ :hint 71, nu Stilt Of Ctlllorn!1, ~ DUll:YfA. (A .... ..,. .... a.ulN • ""' II • _,., NOl'ICE Jlllbllst!M Ori"'' CCII~· Otllr Pilot, Or•"ll• COU11tr: 'la . t db t Oct t7 t youn ,people. ,1.,, ••••TL..... i:':.C:i: ::11 • •'"9dl tw r.. ....,.,..... SN1em1>er '· 1'. JJ. lO, ,,10 i.1 .. 10 °" sni•embtr 11, 1,,., ktor• me, 1 v1 hon o e il e • a College will oUer, late a f-~AJ~"' ,,........ l!tc111t111.,.,,11..t'-'th 11., 1111111uM1 su111•1011 cou11:t ol' THf LE No11r.-Pu1111c '" •nd ~ "111 ,5"1'· 7:30 p.m . in lhe Anabeim lerpoon and evening CQur"'Set-"We~ry to do this a~ often • ., •M ,.116tnttt _. ,~ --,,. """' 1,,,1 0, ,,.,,01,,4 ,0 , GAL NOTICE "rson111w 111Pt••ed J tm ..-.tttNn ._,., •· id • -·sa" ·m - ....._ C.llf """ .. .. _..... -· 11 C I C t t during the fall semes ter for as we can, sa u.iu1 ""' • ., • • ' lllfwfttlill 111 ,,,. -" •• 1H"IM:lN l1. •n TNI C9UNT'I' 0, o11:ANIE to me 10 be the "1100 ... .,so ,,.mi onvent o,n enter was sen o ••· -., , _ .... _ c.1w et --•"""'-IN::iu.t '"' """" ' " 4 .,,.. tutl•t•lbtd '° 1""' wl""1" 11111rYment ,i nd teachers pursu1'ng' t h e I r bardo· ~ '"'AAla Mesa •nc · "'"""· i........ « "" Pt111111t1t. sat...,.,., T,..,,....,. · .. -~' .~1.oe"',,., r•Kllttd 'l'lt ·-· Raffe rty and his o pponent, Dr. ' vi """° · '-~ ' u ,utlllif'191 Or11 ... C:Htt O.!ly l"lhlt, Ml .... .. HOTICI 01' NfAll:INO OP ,.TITION Cfll:TiPICATI! 01' IUSINl!l1 !Ol'FICIAL SEAL, master 's degree. 1nember or· the g roup. WhOSt' ... , ........ t, U, n. 10, "" 1'1t·10 I Tiit ,j..,. ~eull(:H or tl'lt CllY or Cot11 l'O• Pll:OIATI 01' WILL AHO P:Oll PICTIT10us NAMI! Jt111 L. Jobs! \Vilson Riles. Mell ... u,.,.. ..... rl•~' to r•l•ct 111, or LfTTlttt tll TAMINTAlt'." The 11...,1,.1,,,... 00 crr1lty th~ 1,, Not•.., PYblk:·C1111o•nl• Th,ree seminars, all r equir-ed members runs from 13 to 18 •II ltlcls E1111t of fLO•A M. !.t4A'(, Dect•K'3. cono~u"' • l>llllflr..., 11 1w2 Pic111c P•1nc:1u 1 0t11,, IR "Dr. Riles accepted last courses for candidates .flfr the years old. DATfD: S..""""1" JI, lt1'. NOTICE I~• 1-/EllEIY GNfN T~ll CO.It H ........ HunllllffOlt kKJI, Ctl!tor nit , Or1"'r Countw · -------------1 ,ublllhtd orar11t Cot•• O•llY Pltet, •oae11:r H. 411SONs n11 rlltd11ett1n • ~ ""11dtl1ow 11.m ,....., ,., DOCic , M1 c ... rn11s1on EJ.ph-.. week, but as yet we have had ~1aster or Arts in Educ(\tion" Some members' ramilies are • IAll: nu St11t. 21, 1171 1 17SJ.1D Pfflt!llf'I lar Proti.11 of will •1'111 for 510E .MARINE SEllVICE ""' lh•t aala M•rc~ 7, 101 . d f D R ff"rt " d T h. '·JI be · Oct' 5 · t ·d 'th 'I I MOTICI' DI' "Tll:USTl!l''S u.L• 1u u1nc. or le1Jtr1 Tes11m1nt1ry 10 •~t 11rm Ii comPOted of' t~t ·iouowr,,. Pu~ll•~"' 0,1.,., coa11 0111~ P1I01. no v.·or , rom r. a e y, an ;aac 1ng, \VI gin . acqua1n e WI 11 Us C ll a r T.J. ,.., ,..,. ~1111-r, reftr111c1 lo •~Ith 11 m1d1 for •tnoru, whose n1,.,.1 rn 1.,11 •nt ol1u!1 StPttmlllr u, 23, JO 1...:1 O(•ot>o• 7, she said.' and end lnte. in Janua.ry. Dystrophy through p a i n f u I 11 °" Odebt• 2, l'70. 11 11:00 A.M.. 1 ...,.11 NOl'ICE Miiier P•"lcu11r1, '""""'Nie 11 ..... 1r.c1 of rts1111!nu 1,1 •• tollo\o's: • 1t10 1114.1r The debate Is 1. 0 1• n t I y th DOVER EQUITll!S. INC., , c1'"r1t1en. ~ f:c~~t'rt:' -;. i..1 botn 111 .1toi.r1 P. Go\lltt1. •s• A111111 °' .!;=':============;! rn addit ion. four w orkshops Hrs aud experience, bu t .. dul'I' ••ttl,._... Tnrll• Dftdfr '"" • • • "'' 11..m , tn 01e 1ven• P•"· c11rt0<n1~ · s ponsored by the League of will be .offered for three units others are s imply anxious lo lflllll"tUlllf to~ of TrUll .Nhid JUM 14.. .• l"·n77 , COUrll'OOll'I Ill 0-rtlrtenl No.· 3 of Sl ld Jim II. l'retnl1n, UUI P1clllc. LOCAL · 1,,., ••te:utlill ~ •oY c. GUSTAF&ON a c11tf1.:IC&T• 01' co•,ottATION P:Olt court, 11 100 c1v1e ceni.r Dtrw: Wut. In l uuin, c1u10,.,1, Women Voters of Santa Ana, cf credit beginning Ckt. 5 and do something to help someone LEGALllO'l1Cll L!GAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL N OTICE 1::r:~:,·:_.~ .... Junt..a 1,... .. lllCT~ • •u 1111:isrUfil~fa tttt '11;1::..s.:'.~:;-..,;•11'""'1'· o.iH: ~-:"-c;";•"'-------ll.l!lo_cith•LD.blJl•P•r 11111 YR Tustin a n d Orange, the ending . before the.-Christmas who needs aid. ~r. No Ifill Ill book 16J7,'"9f" of THE UNOEAllGNEO COll .. OllATIOH W. E, ST JOHN, JIM 11:, F""""" ll'Ore, •••IY .{ay, 1bo11t whi t's American -AS50ciifii)n f V ac3 tlon-:---Anyone-tnteresLed-iWJ0° ining-!0ttlckl ,itecom 111 Hit offfee tlf t11t doM llt,.i.r cerltf'F ll1tt 1t b COl!lludl111 • C:-1'1' t:!ffk 5t11t ol C1lltornl1, • • th G O 1'ioun,., tttcoraer o1 or1111e' c-..inl'f, t1u1111111 -.11111 a.1 2• °""1 ll01d. s.1111 WALIWOll:TN, s•101L • CttAIL Ori"" Counl'f· 1 9oi11g 011 '" 1 11•t•r r•nt • University Women ol Orange Further informaUon may be the team may call Jodi C:1n1 ... ~r., WILL Sl!LL AT "'UILtc A~1. ca11111m11, \illcllr IN nct111w1 firm 1'1' WMklHI °'""' · on Seto! .... ~ 15 1t 10 ·1111ort mt 1 Coast thin tha DAILY r lLOT. and tM Orange C ount y obtained from the, Evening Palmblade at 545-4524. a c- AUCTIOH TO HIGHEST l lDDEll: 1'011: 111,... II COAITLINE ,ll:OVISION CO. N...,_. IMC!I, tel,..,.. I.~"~"~·~~~·~'~'~'"~'~'~·~·~ .. ~ ... ~~·~·:·~·~·;~,~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,.;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CASH cp1y1b11 at ti,... filf 1Glt 111·~w1ur 11111 .t111t H id 11rm It ~ o1 the Tll• 1n4J '41-• ot•IOll•ll'f ,_1,H llobcrt " Gollle~ Teacher Association. College office at 633-8821. cording to M iss Lombardi. -It¥ If lht United Si.It.-) •I !tit South lollowllll COrMl'lllon, ........ ,rlnc!N I AIMl'M1'1 ,..,: """leNr . • ctnmo 111frenct "' ,.... c 0 11'!1 t y Plftt ol bulll'ltll 11 •• fllllowl: Jlubll1Md Orl!\111 Goat OIUY PllOt. ~lt!ouM, JOI l loc:k Wtft ·S•nl1 Ar.1 ~c:011llln1 Jl/'O'fl1loll Ca. et C1Utornle, ~I. ,,, 14. )Cl, lt71 17.U·10 • ....,., Santi Arlt. C1lllotnl1, Ill rl,1'1, 240 DYt r 1to9d', S1nll A111, Ct!lftrnt1, c__;;_;.;..:cccc.:_ ____ ..c:.::.:~JI ""' •nd lnltrel convtYtd to •rwl ,_ WITN ESS H1 1!9llll tllb llnd tl1Y et Julr , LEGAL NOTICE Mid br II uncltr 111d O.td ol Trust '" !lie lftll. lll't>Pttl'f 11!111lN In Hltl Countw arwl Sti tt COl~IUnt "'lwl1lon C:o. <llltc:rlbtd It: -~--ol ,CIJ!fotllt•. . ClillTtPICATf o• •utlNllS All ..,., c1rt1lll nil 1r-m~•llu11td BY fl"'1nc:l1 J. E11rt, flKTITIOUS-.. AM•- 111 Ille Cltr o1 NtwPO<'I .tldl. n,., o1 l'l'<lllik M Tllo VMif"lllntt de <tr11,., ,,.,..,. l tt Or1n11, 1t1te ol C11llar"11, cltKr I I •v Ju1111i. I. l"llrt. follllucftnt • but!llollll ., P.O. •o• 1'1(, foll_... , \ S«retar\f N-1 le1ch, C1!11ornl1, Miid.it tht flt· JIA1tCn 1: t.o! 14, 111 l loc:k 'm''Clf STATE 01' CALIFOJ':NIA, llJ!0\11 11 • ..,, nt~ of i'!IAll:Q OF I A,LllO" l111c:1.tMn Addlliefo Te N~ lttcfl\ COUl(TY OF LOS ANGELES, u . Ind thll llhl llrm II com-Id of "" t s ~r ""' rOKOnted In' l ook J,, Pitt H Oii 11\lt ~ t111 of July, A.O. lJN, ftlklwl"' ....-wou. ""-natMI Ir. lull "' M!ICllll (llOll.ll ,,.,.,.,. '" !ht ollk:t ol ?.'i: ""' • NO!..,.. P\lblk: Ill ... tor Ind llKI • rt1ldt11Ct ,,, II fl:l/I .... , the coun,., NQrHr -.i Mld Ort')91 11 C'luntr i nd , s1911, --11\1 AIMlrtw IC. Ml"""' 1MI Ml•d• A. CO\lnfY, 1ttlt of Ct!ltclrnlt. 11 red1Fram:11 J. £11ro ~d' JU111lll S. M1u1M, 71111'./i W. ()(Hnlroill, N-rt ""ACEL J; Tio.it -''°" tf lot lS. ln E11r1 kllOWr. to me lo tit lht ,,..lld'tnt llwc!I, Cllll. • •1oc11 m If Stdt9ill A • ,.._. ""' *"'""'' r--i111e1v, et tl'lt Otted SlltltmlMr n, u10. •udl, 11 Ml' ""' tteordld In aelk .t, _._ltfoll tllll ue<yllld Ille w!.,.,ln Andrtw IC, Mtllltl• -,:1, o1 Ml-n1_,. M101, 111 Ji..t l111lru!Mi11 Olll blhtl' of rM «l'IO••llon Mt rcl1 A. Mluttie fllfk • « till "'''""' r'ecorcltr er 1111 !Mrtln M!Md, •lld 1U-'tdlN to mt 511!1 tlf C1lltorn11, Or1n11 CDUn1Y: Or1Mt1 CMmty, mf9 et · C1lll!Pt""l1, INl loUCl'I COl'-llloll .. tcUlld tM -· On s.ttmDlr tt. 1t1D, ...,._ fM, a -.CrlMtl II lallowl: lttl11111"' ti J1Y llll11~ M. MCM11rt111 Nclltri flubllc ln IMI !or Hld' Sitt., "'°'' Wnlerlr' corntr ol lei lf 11 N ... ry. ""911c Ml'»llllll\I' -•rtd Nllrew IC, Mlutllt lllowll.,. H I• ...... lllenct NOl'lhefft!orl'f 'MY~-........ 11111' Mlrcll A. M1\fffle --"'""' te be to !tie -i Ntrtlltl"IY corner ol 11ld Lot M¥1 14, lt71 t11t ,_,,..,, ~ llltllet l rt 1ub$crlbed 14, ~ ~ll!rly tlenA ll'>e TMOMAS 1t•YNOLDI lo'IM wllhl11 ·l111t~ lflf acknO'tWIM .. t •l'l!nd'N Nerllletst.rly ll11o11 ol 11111' Lot 1.11#111'1' " Law Id llM!v utwled ll1t -e. If, to 1111-WdlM wllll tM 1M11t111~ 41SS Wllllllrl ........ aN 11EAL) . er 7tlll lt•HI ,,_ k1W1W11 1s """' LM ""91MI. Clllr. ,... Leon1rd A. M«1•n Slreetl, 11 11!cw~ on I m11 tlf '"'* Noli n' Publk: • C1Ulornl1 Ltnc1srer'1 Addlt1on.fo N-rt l!lleh . PubllshM 0!'1!191 COlll Dilly l"llet. ·or1noe Coun,., II par mip rKOrdtd In look s, •••e 14 StPltll'Mr '· ,,, 2~. JD. ,,,. JIJf.10 Mv CcmmTlllOll E•Plltl nt Mlst;ttl•,_,. ""-In !ht .,l11c1 o4 · Ftb. JS, Hn th+! telll'llr' ''"".,. 01 111d o ... r.tt LEGAL NOTICE 1"11t1111t1ec1 Or11191 C01st 01111 l'llf!t, COii""'· sl ... ef C1!llMnl1. llltl'let S.,I. JJ. » tllCI (kt, 7, 14. 1~ IJJl·111 Wflfffl., 1!-11ftl South lf'llt ,. !he 11,_,, -3- IMll !1slerlr comer af lot " ofo's.id' Cfll:Tl~ICATI OP: •USINf SS LEGAL NOTICE L•M111tt'1 AddJllOll to Nt...,POr1 .. llCll. •ICTITIOUS JillAMI lh-t JeufltWl!lterl'f 11-I II • , •• , ... -r,--do -·---,-ClllO•O<•l< 0 , OU••••ll ~OlllM11te<IY lint ef •t.!d' LOI 1"-!f.10 _:..~... ~kn~ I iiO.",.·,.;-"~• siw P:IC:TITIOUI tlAMf , ffft '9 lt'le rnO&t SOl/ti.ertr corl'ltr ~--.... "' I . .. . . tMrtol •rid """"' Sot1.,.,eiiter1v 110.., Coi!I MIH, C1Hlarn!•, u~r rM, llb Tiit lltld'tr1t1nticf dDtf cff"t1tr thty ''' Ille •1der1Y n.., of N._.,,I Aven\11 2S 11110\ll firm 111mt ~I l(ll:AD ASSOCIATES collllud1"' 11 llu9l11e11 1'' D N. Newi>0rl t~ ti t11t M>lnl lf<bfflMlnt ' ,. 11111 ""' l l ld .,,,.. II•_,,,_, ,ol th• •fYd., Nl¥o">tlrt •NClf, Ctlll9rnl1, Under _,__Salf-Mi.-wlll-.._fl'hMle, iiut wltlioul tollowl"' ·--_:_M'loM ~ lll flln thl flcllllous 1tlr1tt n-el 'i'IC.CAG"I! COVt'fllllt .. w•rr111,.,, P•rtSI ...-Implied, ltMI •llcet Of rttldiftc1 ~'• .. fll!llWI: JIAll:K COMPANY Ind ·t111! Mid flt"' 1J ftolrd'I,,. 1n11 , o 1 1 1 11 I 111 or Krl• 51'tl"I, llOI "'""°' St., c.ia com_. of tllt 1011-1n1 lie''°"'· Whew 11111cull'ltt'tM1 .. 'to ••• Iha remilnl"t Mt11. C1111. nt.11. Gtntr•I J11rllllr. ' _. 111 flill tlld •l1cet cf rt1lclm<t 1r1 ''1M1Pll """"flf h Mii llC'UTlil b¥ 11td i111rntsh si..h, lUf, C1U!wnl1 $1., It fflll .... : ,Dftd "' TruM. wllh llllt•ts• II I" )l td Coile MIMI. C•IH, ,,.,.. Llmll.i:I 0-thy.0, tnc., 2100 h ltllllll W1y, flote 1rov1Mf ...,._ 11 '"' u""tt !hi P1""-•· CCllll Miii., Ca. tt•ll'• " Hid 'oetd llf T~t. ,~ .. ell•-DllN Sffltmkr 15, 100 W•""'"''°" c-tr\ICllon Co •• lOl N. en<! tJ<JltlMl t o4 !ht Tru1IN t n.d of !ht Kr!1 Shi h Iii_,, 1 1¥11., N-tl l•ch, Cl . , • 0 It Sh•~ t?'6& tr ... h t•11ltd bY Y id Ond ol T•llt . 51 ·-""' '-n«<•I• .... ' ' .. 17 ltl'O T~t btntflcl1rv undtr 111d Dftd' 11f ,,. ., .... 1 H ~m r • lt•111t. lw "'..., f11 1 w.,c11 or dthutl i., Ot•MI CClllll'f. , J. P. W1rmln1tor. ,,,. cblif,tlllM lf(Uf'ld lht r tllY On $""'"bet u, lt1'. btfor1 ""·I E.G. WermlMler. he•~l>l!ort e•KUltd tlld d'•llvtrtd' ffl ti'! Nolin" Jllltlllc '" Ind for •ltl Sliltft llkMrd' hwch1111p Ullfl'lll nld' 1 wrllllll Dttltrtl1on of per111n1llr I Pl>tl ttd tcrll 3111~ •llOWll '11 STAT! OF CALIP:Oll:NIA, Ot11ull 1llll Oerneftd tror S11t. 1nd wrllttn 11'1 to bl 11\t ""'" whotl n1mt II OlllANGI!! COUNTY: rtetlct « llrffdl and ti tltclion le CIUH 1ubierltlld to IM wllt\111 1~•'"""''n' ,,... On .se.1. 11, 1t 10, bfof9ort mt1 1 Nott,., • tll~ ulld1,..l1ned '11 sell 11111 1r-rty ,. 1cklllwltd1td l'lf .XKlllW lht llmt. Pullllc In I nd tor uld ll•lw, H rNMtlil , .. ff.,,. ll ld ebllto•llon,, •lld l"ller11fler,""' (Offk;t.I SNll -ffl"ld J. P'. Wl•ll'illtt~ ... G. W•r-·,J-:s, TtJe, tti. ulld.trJ1-lltd c•u•ir tlld J oyph I!!. 01¥11 Jn1ton, lt!cl!oerd' le1udi1mt> llnown to"" fllflc1 of b-~ 1nd ef t!KllOll fl be fllol1rr flulllfc, C:1tllorn!1 to bl tht person• whoH """''' 1r1 ncM:ll"d' "'·""* fllll, Ntt tit, el ••Id l'rlndNI Olllet tn 1~i.cr!btd lo !ht lll'ltlll11 ln11ll'Vf!'lelll aild ~Ollld1I •1nn11. -Ote-(Olll\l'I' 1du•-M•td lllt'I' t•tc:UPed !ht lllM. O.ltd: s ... t. '· 1'?0. MV COll'lll"lnlon E.ulrei rOP:,.ICIAL SIALJ OOVEll: EQUITIES, INC., J-'1• lt7l Marv E. G1te1111Y •-c-•tllen, •• i t !d T•u•I•. fluhll1lltd Or1nt1 c,.ur 01tlv JIUot, Nolt fll flubllt. c1tlloml• I Y T, O. SfllVICE COMJIANY, 5N ltll'Mr Ii, !1 JO l !ld October 7, Prlntlotl Ollkt fn AeMI, 1tJIJ 17111-70 OrtMI Ceun1Y W1"'9 •• .._, \l'lt: .. P!Wldenl Mr CommluMll h,irts Publl•""' Nf'WWI H1rbo• Wtws Jl r"s LEGAL N011CZ Jul'lt 1, 1'71 • (90"bl1'1ti Wiii! O.llr . ,,Joi, Wt•.Orl l"ubll1hlld Or•nt• Co••' 01Hr Pl!ot : ••di. C1Hf, NOTICI' o~ Wl'I NTIOtl TO INIA•• ""'· ,l, 311, 0(1. '· n, lf10 11lf.7' • leettmkr f, 1', 2J,. 19111 1611·70 IN TM• SAL. OP ALCOHO\.IC BIV• LEGAL NOTICE l llA••• S.ltmber 17, 1170 LEGAL NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, .--------------SUb!KI lo l11u1nc:1 of ,,.. llCtlllt ... T"2ftt P-9111 plltd for. notlct Is lltrt!IY 1lvt11 Illa! 1111 NOTICI TO Cll:IDITOlllS Cl tlTIPICAT• O~ •USINl!SS uncltrtltntd 1r_, 11 1•11 1kol>ollc SUPEAIOll COUll:T 0 111 TMI llllCTITIOUI MAMf IM!Yt rq .. 11 !"-ertmlH1, tl•K•lbld 11 ITATI 01 CALIPOllNIA POii I Tiit ul!der1l1111d' d6tl c~rllf¥ t he !1 lollf!WI: Taff COUNTY 01' Oll:ANOI conclucllnt 1 M111ftS ti 11,11 •rookhunt. 16145 ,llC111c Cot ti H\t hw1v, S1rn11t Ne. A·UW . ~-'•i~ V1Utr, Ct lilor"lt , Uncter !ht l tt c.11 'Eltt lt of LUCILLE Gl!.UNDY, tltc,ts· 'ficlltlolll tlnoo nal'ftl ol Ll!NOllE LTD. Punu1nl te '1uth 1nttnllOll. Ille un. td. RT CENTEll ...... ""'' ••Id nnn 11 d'tnllf'llll I• 1,,1,1 ... to 1111 Ot119f1mtf'lf NOTICE IS HEltEI., GIVEN lo Ille •C-ltd el IM fol!~nt •tl'tlClfl. whoH ol Atctll&l\c lnll!'tll C:ontral tor lasuinct (rtdl~• of lhe 1~vt M!'l'ltd dKed•nl "!Im! In 11,ill l f'ltl ,lltl Of ftlfdflMt h I I ~y lrllllfrr or In 1lcol\oll( kvtrl" "",,' 1 ",.".!.°;"',:,·v~"nf ll1:'",10 11~:~11;~:~· follOWI: hce1111 Mr tl>IM ,,.,.,]HI •• tollowl: H IC .., -·-""· ' L-r• H, SCll!1nt. t13' l luerte'I ON SALE 11!.EA with lhe fttcttllfl' 11e~n. I" the office Orl¥1, Hlrnt1n<ilOll '"'rh, Callt. An.-lltilrlftl to prllffll 11!1 bi11tntt el 111t c.lt rt•llf the &llo'!e MtlllH cour1, or 0,.ttd t-be f 1110 k ''' ''" "' ' 111 prntnl ltlfm, wotfl IM "9CflllfY _,..,,. • • ol W<h I tntt meY t • Vtr I 11 · voud'ot:n. to tllt uMu1ltned •1·1011 Nor"" LtllOtt H. 10:11\"e ti l l'!Y offlC1 ol flll Ol'Ptrlmt!TI el Mil" Str~et Suitt 400 S.r.11 Ant STATE 01' CA\ff$.111NIA, Akohollc ••vtfll• c.,,1.01,. er ~1 mill" C1Ulor!ll1. wi.!th 11 "" plac. o4 bu1lnt1~ O•"NGt. (OU • .. ~ 0 the Dl'Pl ,,mtnt If Alteljellc e .... erttt el !tit 11!1den!1nl!CI 11! 111 m1 tters ~•r· On """"'lier l. 1'1', """"" m ' • Co11lrel, nu 0 st....t, S1tr1 ...... 1o, 111111111 ,. t11t ffl•le cl 11111' decedent Wmtr.-1~k ""ltd~ 11&1' :hi 1 11~11' C11111rn!1 "'14, 11111!11 e1tvnfl ~ d'llll•1 wllll!11 lour ln0tlfl'l1 tti.r tlle flt11 oubllt1'. • M<IOtll '""'' ·-· . 0'9"" ..... Wldtd lr'f I••· The ... t ll'llll ... -Ile!! ol fhll rel!ct • "-" ft '"' to tie 1~e "'son wl!oll Llttn1td lff t~t 11lt ol 1lcollol!t Oiied Sei t n 1910 • "'"'• Is au-.Crl~tlf lo Ille w1111111 k v1r1111. l ht ie.rm tll ver!flc1t1en mly i ' A (; d i hi~ .. Ind IC--ltdted 'h' tie ebl1lned trtm anr tfflct II ffll A::r:11t;111i"...¥ ll1t es tilt •I 1 Pl!Kvnr..-111"41. Dwertmtnt , tOfllclal lat!) H • F Bedell !ht •lloYt n1mlld d•c.,tr.t. \ !Ytt~11·l. Allon It~! f W II ll1r S. Olll'd'IM Nll•rv l'ub!lc, c11;1or"l1 ,ub1lllltd Ort~t' l u st Dillv l'llOt, 1111 H. M•l11 Slre.i, lulll .. Jlrl11c:INI Oll~t In S. t .2, U;it HJl·M 11"11 Alll, C1IUtr11ll Or"'9t Cc u"" P · ' M7·1"t Mv Comm1nltft e~11r.. Allerntr !tr 1.,,,l~llt•1ter Ju~• 1s. 1'11 LEGAL NOTICE Publl1llN O••n11t C1111t 01ilr l"lltt, P11bllsh.i:I Or1n11 c"'' 011ly r 11nt, St•lttnbe• 1f, ll. 30 ,.,. Oc"kr 7, 11"9 Sftltn\kr f , 11. ll. )9, 1011 1M7·79 MOT!Cf INVITtNll' 1 101 1717·71 LEGAL NOTICE 110 ITaM MO. 1SI LEGAL NOTICE NOT1Cf 15 HEll:EIY GIVEN ht set\. td or-.111 Wiit ,Ill IKtlYM l)y lht Cit¥ of C111t1 f.1111, .lo wn: Tl"ll CllY C.Unc:11.l --------------JI P.O. II• uoo. of l~e C:lly ot '"'' MUI. fl·JNJr -l"·•A on or k lort lllt lleut'.of 11 :00 I .II'. tn Clll:Tlf\C ATE OP •UllNISS CfllTIP:ICATI OP •lttllllftl Frfa1y, Oclotltr 2, ltlt. •lft wl11 bt l lCTITIOUS NAM._ "i., 11(.Tl"flOUS NAMf t ubllCIY OPtfled Ind reH •loud ., ll:OI TM IHll!trsi'""" a°" terlllY "" 11 COii· ,'tfll 11nd'tnitMd-... clftttv lie 11 '°"' 1.m .. or 1s ~-llle•••fltr •• M1dlc1ble, auctin1 ',b..11n111 1t un1 M1n~11er, d'Utl.11!t. b\111111 .. •I !SU ltlv1r. NtWDOrl Oii ~tlt•Y· Cktobtr 2. ltl"O. In Ille CcYnc:ll S1n11 ........ C1lllM ... 11. U,lldlr '"' llt!lll0\11 ... t .. Celfttllll , II""' fM fl(tJtkM11 tltm C~ltnbe,_, Cl,., H111, 11 Ft!r Drive, C:nt1 Ur"' 111m1 of UNIVEASITY MA IN· -"'FllEDll:IC'S ..... "'''Mid tl•tn" MIH . Call!Ornll, fer'"' fur11llhlno 0( , .. lENANCE $EAV1CE Ind l~tl uld II•"' ~ el IM IOt1ow!M ttrs"" W'lloll UI Mt~ Trl-f'LEX GltflWS MOWlll:S. II c-ed el t11t toll-11\f 11erwn, -Ill l\tll tlllf !lltce ol l'Uhlflltl II II A HI 11 Ille IPKlflU flOrll mlY .. °"" Whole 111mt In lull 1M Plitt of rt1ICleMI flllilllW1: r • , h lnlld It 11\1 Ofllct of. Ille Cll1 Cltr-I I 11 11 es tollow1: I' le •l ellelh. Ult ltivff Ave .. Ftlr Orrvt, C0'.11& M-. C11!11111111. •1a1 Ot111 II', c-1r, 1m1 M1nchttlt• N '*"' 1holthl be rt lvr"-' to lllt •ttll!llon of lht Avtnut, Sl>nl• AM. c1r11or11!1 t11'.I. • DIM IS. ltl'I Cl"I' Cllrll lflo 1 Mlltd .,,..,,._ .. ldtnlllltd D11tr1 S~~r 1f, n7t j P: l&ll•lfl .,. 1111 oulllde with tlle 11+:1 N\ll'Tlkr t!ld Oe111 II', ,_, Slat• llf C•l1fll'MI· IM -I"' 11111. Slut of c11itornl1, Or1"" (...,.,.-1 • 1!1(1'1 tlld trllll '"'UY ttd l elld ri1rv Or1ntt County: On a.t, IJ, lttt. lttor• ,..., I Nol•n' lttrn &J wt for th !11 1111 utel!lctlltns. o~ St Plemtlrr 1J, lt10, tlt!a•t m•. • ,.,,._Mo In etllf fir seN -·••· 11er._r1y AfW and en 1•tt11tlor.1 to 11111! 1l't<lllc1· No!1rr Pullllc In t ftd lo• 11kt s111e. .... ,.. P:~ lt11&1h kNIW" to ..... lo 11-m111t 1:19 cl .. rly ii.ltd Ir. ll"lt bld 11111 e>ef"IOn1~¥ 1-rf"d' Dtlft P:. C-r be flle ~ ~--11 wb1crt~ 11\lurt lo 1fl lwth t nY ltt ll' 1~ 1111 kflOWn lo ll'le to M n.1 HrMn wl\0114 ft the •1111111 lrMtrllllltlll &lld •cltn•l'l'ltd'I· •otclflc lllOlll 111911 k 1round1 fO.r r• n11•1t II sutlt~rlbld le Ille within !II• -Wiit D:Kllltf !!It. ....,.... teo:"!lcn ol tlle bid. ·1tntmt~t-9*t-1,knowled1e4 h1 t.11ecu!H1 IOP:l'IC:IAL SIMLI Eich bld lMH 1tl lortll lkt IU" 111mti !ht llfnt, Miry IC. Htfll'Y 1111 rts1dtnc:t• llf &M Pll"Hlll 11111 11rtlt1 IO•ftCt"L SEALI Nlltry l'ut>llc:.Ct H!orllll ln""'lld Ir. !tit •f9tlfl ., 1rlrtet1Hl1. 111 Ml"' IC. HtllfY Jl•IMlPtl Olflcl '" nt1 ti carNr•!'--Incl..., tl'lt ~•'Tiet ol Nll1•r Pu1'1!c·C t11fernlt Ortntol (-fy the Jlr11llltl'll, lttlllln', Ttt1luttr I nd Prl11cla1I Olllt t In MY °'"""~fllrt 'EutrtJ Mtitt11r. 0't"4e County NIY. 14, ltr.11 lll• CITY COlll!tl\ •r "" C:!ty ., C1tt1 ~I• c-1u1e11 e.,1 ... ----!~'~""::':'"':~~·°''.:"=·~:r~:~~ .. ~·:"~°";"'.'.!~p~,.~·~· r""~N rlU"""' It'll rilJlll ,. •tlKI l flr W NtY. 74, 1tn ~"'---. . Putllllfltd o,,.,.. Co1st oanr P11f!, 1'111 OATEO:-Saiifiiii'ihf"l, IJf, ~lllr'U, IJ, ,. ,,,.,-~,· ,11lllllMll' Ortn11 ~Mfl Ot11'f •1111t. 1110 UOS.M LEG~ ~ '"'" 1J, 1,,. ,1,..11 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOl'ICE -.. -. QUALIJY MAME BRANDS YO.U WILL FIND AT ' . * LONDON FOi * Hlil1S SUCKS *VIN HEUSEN *HUT ·~u~ STORE * MANlllTilll * l!ROW * ~NCEl * CATAW *i RATlllR * JOClff * 1.1'11 • * ClllMPIOll * llNQUI PALME! * Mel!llOI * Ut'CASUAU * WINJlllW!l . * PliOENm' , * IEJl£D£Tll OF ITAlf * DAIS SLACKS * KUPl'JNHEIMU * HOLUW9110 ClOTHES . . ~NO MANI, MANI OT!IUS TOO NJIM!IOUS TO lllllTIOJll) INTIRE STOCK -JC% to 60 % OFF! QUALITY SW14TERS f AMOUS. CATALI NA, Al•OW, PUllTAN,.AHD .JOCKIY SWEATE kS IN ALL WOOL AND At'fACAf ENTIRE STOCK OF 117.05 SW&ATERS , ·-· 1,11 Ei\TlRE STOCK or $20.00 S'VEA TtRS . ~·10.11 ENTIRE STOCK OF 123.00 SWEATERS • -Sf2,11 FANTASTIC SWEATERS •.• l>ON'T MISS TMllEl CASUAL PANTS ._ __ ,_,...d_ ••• .,_., .. hJ, ltl l•tt•s. fllret •• CMUHttll -Mat ti It U nlrt. VjJues $3 88 !0119.00 • .. .. tllSOWJllY 0 ill:lil~ nwi SI.Ill UNDERWEAR , DRESS SHIRTS e.-llOIUUIW, IAJtltAnU. \.uJW '" Ill ltMIN IM,IS IMllTS REC. TO S6.00 _--.:,Dlllf REC. TO $1.00 ____ .lftlT RE~ TO 110.00 ·---·ONlf si.aa •4.11 •S.11 MEN~S SUl·Ts THE ARISTOCUTI OF FI NE CLOTHING * Luxury Siik I WGOf * All Wool * Herrln9bon•1 * Worst.els * b•cron I Wool" * Mohiir & Wool * G11Mrdinn * Flannel• * ShJrdy Worsted * R1Y•rM Twi1t1 frotn lt1ly * E~lith Hopw ck1 Twill• * All-Wool Sh1rk1kin * Silk & Wool Impart• * lmport.d Wont-41 * Wa rld'1 FiM11 1.-y * N•wt•1hm1,1Look faltric:• Wool• * Smtrl 0¥1rch1tk Wontt ds * SIZES 34 TO 41 * REGULAR~ * SHO<tTS *LONGS ENTIRE STOC K 01 $1•.ll SUITS ..... Y91l· 1DIU * Expensi•• Dom•5lic W H Yll FHTllE STOCIC Ill $12$.DD SUITS -. ENTIRE STOCK OF $135.DD SUITS $68 llCllAIS • SllllJI · lOllCS Choose from over 2, 000 units of Custom Quality MEN'S CLOTHING CUSTOM SPORTCOATS ROYAL COACHMAN M£N'S SHOP : ' t ' •• , ' 1829 NEWPORT BLVD. \I,.• I • ,-, I, , r, '• ,,: ) , , ''}·· COSTA MESA \ I ' ' 1 .. • t • . c ,.. Cc , f ~ I : f: _ ~- " ' ., r .. I • I ~ 1 ·i " ;.: • • ' .. r I re I I I E l I . ' ·. , ..... , ' ,,,,...,,, ,, ' ' • t • ,. \ • • the Swim With P-T Units 1n fEd+tot't Hot11 A ,.,. 0deYelft 11 '°"'"'''" • V1ll1Y, Hlllltln~ron I"'"' 0<.1111 View. !.HI &t•t" 1nd wnrm;.,.. ,.,. kllool Oitlrkl H rll•l·lffU..r 0t'91n- lr1lion$ WU! •-•r In '"-DAil V PI-LOT IKll .... lnlorm1lloll ,,.usl be •KllYM b'I' Mt1. Gllbolrl l urnbuU. $611 M1<>1n.im Or!~•. Munl!rttto, l«C" b¥ S 1.m. T11U•lod1¥ tor Pllbllc11lan Wcdn1 .. d1~d and Christmas wrappings-' wil l be sold as v.·elJ as refreshments. Proceeds will --. r We.~•y, Stptt1nbef :Z),")q70 H OAIL"V PILOT 41 a Whirl -of Fal 1 · Activities REPORTS: \\fomen'11 bowllnc league 1met Jast Mon.day in \\'estminster Lanes ... Ex- ecutive board met I a s t Thu1·sday in school . . . ~fembersh.ip dri ve b; in pr~ gress until Friday, Ocl. 2. greatest ~rollment w 111 ~ive prizes or $5 lo be us- ed for classroom maleritls. COMING UP: Plans are under \v2y for back-to-school ntcht nexl monlh. . ,, Circle View PTA ~lrs. Ed"·ard Altson President be used to finance class parties. .Parents and children will· partlcl pale in Play Day Saturday, Oct. 3, from II a.m. to 4 p.m. Games will be available, and hambu rgers, hot dogs and soft drinks will be sold. sludents last week: PTSA \\'ill receive 10 percent of the proceeds from the photographs. fi.1rs. William Mason served as chairman of the project. One hundred and forty lYto facu lt y members attended t h e t e a c h e r s' luncheo n ptesented by Mrs. Kenneth OeJulio and ber commillte in Fountain Valley Com· munlty Center. 1nodeled by students . . • Board nlembers hosted a. luocbeon for teachers and staff follol'·ed by a board meeting. . .Officers and chairmen serving lb.is y~ar are the Mmes. Roger Belgen. president ; Reinhold Vollmar, Eric Forster and land PT A Thomas Atulcahy, v i c e ~1rs. BUI Crawford Budget was r«"Ommendfd to the general membership for approval:e Board voted lo sponsor Christmas a n d Valentine class pa rties and to serve refreshments at the Halloween parade. Room mothers will meet wltfi Mrs. ~laneeley, room moth<'r chairman, to plan t h e parties. REPORTS : PTA presented a get-acquainted coffee the first day of schoo:. Assisting in;..regislering students and ""dlteCttng them to t h e classrooms were the P.1mes. David Faust, ~11rtin Huff. man, E4ward Murask i , Thomas Pegler, Hank Stan- dridge and Dorotha Kerl' nedy. RE{'OGTS: Unil meeling and faculty-parent softball game took place )'.est!rday .. : 115 guests attended I.he rectnt • PTA teache rs' luncheon in --; I Marina Community Ceiitet. ,. • COMING UP : PTA paper drive will take place Friday, Sept. 25. Newspapers should be brought to the school parking lot rrom 8 lo 9:30 a.m. that day. Classroom donating the most pa'pcr will receive free plua. according to Mrs. Joe Duarte, chairman. Assisting MJ:s. Duarte \Viii be the Mmes. Robert Casto, James Lacy and . George Forrest. *1". Proceeds will be used to finance classroom parties. ·~ Cook PTA c.' . !\1rs. Floyd Collins President . -l .. COMI=N~G~U.P : Back-to-school ~~; night is scheduled Monday. I t ..-Sept. 28. Sc hool pennants ' . Council :.::_Of-/ i cers Called • West Grove Area Council. Beta Sigma Phi \Vil\ conduct an ali-<lfficers meeting Tues- day. Sept. 29, at 8 p.m. in Peek's Family Terrace Room, \\'cslminster. Among chapters invited are s Beta AlphA Pi,_ \Vestminster; ~. G C amma Alpha Nu and Xi Xi ~ Pi. Fountain Valley. and Delta Beta Epsilon and Xi ri.1u Zeta, ~ ' Th'e council "'ill b e f •1unlington Beach. represented at a n1emorlal , program for Walter \V. Ross ~-11,. Beta Sigma Phi founder. ...,,. to take place at I p.m. Sun-.• +--+.-id~y. Sept 27. in the UCLA "f School of Medicine. I I ... D ' . ' • r .. • • ~ .. Attending "'iii be the ?i.1mes. Jerome Colton. Fred Rogers, Raymond Nilles. M a thew Rolnick and Richa rd Cooper. Pancakes Flipping r· The patio of Mrs. Harry Sallade of Hnutinglon Beach r-will be filled with people eating pancakes on Saturday, Sept 26. The annual Pancake and Sausage Breakfast .sponsored by the Women's Society of Christian ServiCe, First United ~fethodist Church of Hun- ling1on Beach will take place from 8 to 11 a.m. According to Mrs. Sallade. chairman, the tickets are SJ.2.'l for adults and 75 cents for R children. Reservations should 5 be made by calling the church 3 office at 536-3537. ~ Breakfast .. A public pancake breakfast \\:ill be served from I to It a.m. in Lake Park. Huntington Beach. The event is sponsored by the Hunlington Beach Junior \Voman·s Club with J\trs. Roy Johnson a s chai rman. REPORTS: Mrs. Floyd Collins now is serving as president. following the resignation of Mrs. Robert Eurs. presidents; Kenneth Ke ller President and Fred Voss. secretaries; Richard Carter. treasurer; REPORTS : Dime-a-dip dinner Niebla s . PTO Clyde Story, historian; Cal and unit meeting' took plac~ Reed , auditor: L 0 v c e last Monday in school. Guest P.lrs. Ke1neth \Voods l\.lrs. Robert Welch \Ve aver . conservation ; spea ker was Cai-I Conway President Fulton PTO President Frank Tarkany, cultural Br a woer, graphoanalyst, REPORTS : Mike Brick, Ea de r PTA CO)fJNG UP: Hearing le s I , Rr ts: Richard Demora, foun· w h 0 a n a 1 Y i e d I h e district 1uperinlenclen1 . was d d nd h 'ha ndl''riting of a u d i e n c e guest or ho 1 t "'ill be administered to all , er~ ay R onorary nor a reecn P.lrs. t'barlts Reeves first and fourth grad c se r\'ice : Jack Ho I me s , \'oluntecrs. Teacher's I u n ch eon President students Frirlay. Sept. 25. by ,i::raduation: M:irk \Vood, Le Bard PTO presented b~· lhe executive COM ING UP: Orga nizational l\.fi's. Ron Heyer and !\.fr~. health and d i s a st e r board. Three rr.111 teachers . meetlng and practice session James Zahlen, accordin.i:: to , Preparedness: St an f 0 rd l\.1rs. Norm Scott 1ver:e "'elco1ned. and board ·has been scheduled for the lil ts. Jamey Jaco Q "0 n . Smit h. hospit<i1ily: O:in11!d Pr~,sident nu~mbers t oured . the boWfing league at g a.m. health Rn d "' e If R re Creighton: learning center REPORTS : -Executive board portable cla.~sroo1ns ... Bx· Monday, Sept. 28.' In Kona chainnan. . . Schoo I aides: Ronald 111 u r p h v , members !.osted a salad lun-ecutive bonrd met yesterday La n es. Costa Mesa. Hallov•een celebrRtinns are library aides; David Decker. che-On for faculty. office and in the home of Mrs. Kenneth Competition will begin Mon· being planned by f\1rs. Clyde " music boosters; Ge 0 r g e library perSonnel. Guests or \Voods ... Officers and day, Oct. 5. Nursery care for Eat~. ways and means Tra vis, parent aides ; J<ick honor \\'tre Robert Landi, chairmen servin!l !his \'e.ar chil dren rrom 2 to 11 years of cha1nn~n. and Mrs .. ~v.an S2lman. parent education: new principal, ~nd 12 new , a~ the 11-fmes. Woods, pi-esi, age s pro~e<t:-A11-leagu:,;'e-~Ubaldln1. -youth-acbvtt1es--Jerry--¥eager,-posle r-s'!" ·Gean ~achers. dent; Carl Holiklrk and B . proceeds are used to finance chalnnan.. .Tea ror room Burt. publicity and publicity W. Tr u n de 11. vice PI'A projects ... Back·lo-mothers w111 ta~e place next record book : George Buhler, McDowell PTO presidents: Leland .Stallings . school night and u n i t month. accordin~ to l\trs. r"Om reorec;entativpc;: Louis P.lrs. J ames Ackley and Dale Som mer f e Id , meeting will take place at Henry Lange. chairman. Stan. school education and President se::rrlRries; l\1a1colm Cas· 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Sept . 29. REPORTS: . P'!'O . mem~rs rommunily re s our ct s : CO~llNG UP: PTO n1embers tie. tr easurer: Charles Far- Schroeder PT A Special guests were District Superintendent and Mrs. Marx Dressler;. Lloyd 1Pat, terson, Jack cairn,, \nd A1rs. l\.1er:_ritt Calkins, 1%ard or trustees m e m b e1r, 1 ; . Robert Weaver, DonO;Yan Atn. Terry WilsOfl Moffitt and Oedus Bankston, President......-p r i n c i p a Is , and Mrs. t:Oi\llNG UP: Back·li>school ,Norman Karkut, PTA presi· night and bake sale will take dent. Jn charge of , •ar• place ~Ionday, S~pt. 28, in rangements were the Mmes. the multipurpose r oom. Richard Raines, ge n er a I ~1eeting will begin at 7:30 chairman : \\'ayne Shaddox, p,111 .. and faculty members de corations. and J;:l l I I 'I will be introduced by Client Rulledge, prorgam books. Stice. principal. Teachers'i;;;-;;;;;·.;;-;...-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; v.·111 present class r oom, •0111 demonstrations coocerning the year's cur r I c u I um . J{omemade breads, pies, cooldes-and-eakoe~wiU-be· sold at the bake sale. [ REPORTS : Plans for the year "'ere formula ted al two re· 1 <'ent executive b o a r d meetings. REPORTS:-At. board metling~ JI~ paruc1patmg 111 a first Emsnuaf-Pastizzo. student-11·ill attend Superintend~nt-rell. llistorian~ B a·r-re t t members agree d to Aid Cil~r!;c tn the r.urri~11•1 1n1 \1·elfa re, block parent s and Parent Counci l meeting at l\I c Lau J.! h Ii n. pArlia· S J h PT assemble a receipe booklet rnatenals cr.~ter bn1ld1:g. :<Afr1y : ~lar\'ill Honcooi:i, , 7:Jn p.n1 .\\'ednc~day, Oct. 7. n1entnrian : Lflr ry R1n'lincr, ea Beac A of dishes served at the re. Tho~ att~nrJin~. all f11·r l_ypiog. and Don;ilrt ~1add-oi, -1nrnc bID'hc·o·r-l\1rr.J1arr·y··· --·1'11renl-"t!d11cation: \Villla m l\lrs. Norman Karkut • •411kAmfl'k•'1I • M•••.,. c~.,,. ti 11 R d n Y11ro 111 S•me L.utJen cent teachers' luncheon . mee n~~ 11'1 .roceive .a. e ~·outh and cit i zenship. R:>~enber,g. .Mal!o1l'een Jacksoo. library: Darwi n ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~P~re~s~id~eo~l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~iiiii:: Cross .f111'1 aid certiflC<lte, Others are D~nnis ~1angers carni1•al \viii be presented in Deskins. roon1 in othe r s : 1; -·-·-FV High PTSA accord1n~ In f\frs. Zahlen, · . · R'ch d c · d district health coordinato~. P a t!tamenl~r.•an :. Belgen, srhoot Snturday. Oct. 10, 1 ar a ss J y , mem· 1'\.lrs. Rudolph La Blanc .:\lrs. Larrv Carroll has 1nen.s part1c1pat1on: V?ss, from 10 a.m. lo 3 p.m. her~hip : Joseph Stauffer and Presidenl been appoinied historian. publ1ca1Jons and lc~1slallon, REPORTS : At recent board Gene lansiti. teacher aides:! REPORTS : At exec u t iv e an[I Buhler, reading and meeting, i\,lrs. San r or d l\1ike Empting, publicity: I board meeting last night. Gisler PTO library service. ~avltt, ways and means Jim Firlit, telephone : Bill Mrs. Rudolph La 8 I an c chai rman, outlined plans fo r Drttney, sa fely: Ga i 11 11·elcomed student represen-P.ir~Pr~~~~n~iss Ha ven View ~TO · the school carnival. School !\1 a C latchey. Comm_unityl t11tives Neal Archer and ~lrs .. lameii Russell YOl!th groups and parents rcsnut('l!S; Paul Napoli and larot Hockman, Bovs' and COMli\'.G UP: Trv frir Ton President "'ill staff the bo o ths . \\les \Vorking, health and ' Girls' League pre.sidents. Banan:i is ti1eme of COii!ING UP : Din1e·a·dip din; Volunteers are needed. ~1rs. \\'elrare : \\'il\iam Rauch.I r.1rs. Richard Hopper, way& membershio dril•e schrrlu\rrl ner \Viii In pe rsented by Ron Haitsuka · announced ecology. and Barend Nelson. Rnd means c h a irman, ~0.~ M~dla~. ~1PL 28·~1') PTO at. 6 p.m. Friday, Sept. that pa r ent-s tuden t decorations, lrophies ancl led PTS n ay. · · · proce · ."i 25. in the lunch area . Door handbooks are ready for award s. repor on · A particil)a· fr()m the drive 11·ill be u~r.d · 'II be ded d d. ·b · 'I J lion in photographing to purchase school eouip· prizes w1 awar an 1slr1 ullon i•rS. a mes Oak View PTA ment. actXlrding 10 ~1 rs. there \\'ill be dancing for Le f v as distributed ques~ I Louis S.ni:ca chairman. leenagers. according lo Mrs. lionnaires on honorary life l\f rs. Edwin Slmanis Prizes of $20. s15 and tlO D<ilc Keller, wa ys and award qualifications. and President \\•ill · be awarded the three means chairman. Proceeds \1•ill meet with the Mmes. COMING UP : ~1embership classrooms attaining the' will be used to purchase a \Villiim Ko\valeski. Fred drive will be launched Mon.1 LO RAYNE JAWSTON Announces the Openin9 of her new SCHOOL . OF r,1USIC in Newport Beach Openings Now for Be9inners or Advaoced Students ORGAM VIOLIN · PIANO • ACCORO!AN Private Lessons On~_ For Personal Consultation can 646-6701 I Education Rolls On greatest Pnrollmenl. Pri?:e p!'Jysical fitness gym set for Ashley and Duane Ka~ulka day, Ocl. 5, "'ith a llpace money w i IJ be used to _ _::lh<::·~•:<:::hoo=l_:P:l•::Y'..'K'::'o:und:::·~---l::o:_:r.:":;i:;,•W;:_,;:'h::;•;,..!gu:;:id:::•::line::.'.s:._. _.;";;"~m;;•~·,;C;:l•:':":''..:''.'.''.'.l''."'"'.'.ln'.::g'...'.'.th:•.!!I =~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ purchase special items for UNJVERSJTY PARK, Pa . (UPI) -An updated version of a mobile classroom wi ll soon take to the highways in Pen n s yl v a n i a to bring graduate courses to teachers unable lo come to t h e university. The Pennsylvania S t a t e University will operate a van equipped with a central CO'tn· puter and 12 terminals to pro- vide indi vidual instruction for teachers. The va n will spend six to JO weeks in local schoolyards. The first course to be offered wi l l prep a re r egul a r classroom teachers to spot children with minor han- dicaps. Usirig the mobile computer. teachers can schedule the rnurse at their o"'n con· veqience and complete it al their own pace. Dr. lfaro\d E. l\1itzel. assis- classroom use. REPORTS : Special b n a rd , meeting took place today In ,.. formulate plans for the school carnival next month. Mrs. Rhoda Armstrong 11·i!I serve as chairml!n. Golden west PT A ~frs. Alan Taylor President COf\11NG UP: Picnic is them(' of unit meeting a n d barbecue lo be presented by PTA fronl 5:30 to 7 p.m. Monday. Sept. 28, on the school grounds . I-lam· burgers. ho! dogs and punch \1•il l be sold follo\11ing lhe business meeting. Faculty members will be introduced by ~1iss F'~y Fryberger. principal. PTA themP for !he ~·ear 1vill be the \Von· derful World of Mor.ies. Harper PTA tant dean for research in the l\l rs. Roger Belgen university's College of Educa· President tion, says it has been round COMING UP : Unit meeting teachers enjoy using the com· v.•ill tRke place tonight at puter terminals. 7:30. ~1usical program will "They appreciate the in· be presented by fifth grade dividualized instruction,'' he students directgd_Qy l\.1rs. said. "dnd when they don't un. .James Shannon and !\lrs. derstand someftiing. t h ey James Lowman. Supcrin. aren'.l emba rrassed by having t.endent. l\like Brick and to ask questions in public." other district personnel will Mitzel said the van will be guest speakers and serve educators from both answer questions from the flllblic and private schools and audience. hopes to reach some 3.000 · REPORTS : P'T A presented ,. teachers over the nex t three school fa shion show and years . salad luncheon with fashions THE NEW LQQK for a •.•. NEW YOU! ~~~· ~·;~ DUTCH BOY $19.95 Th, "A·Li11•" IP•<i•I -c•11t01.1recl •I th• b1ck -'"d ••1d111llv l1n,th1"1 1t ttlt 1id11. It c111 '"'" b1 br111hed 11"· d1r for lh1 p191 boy look! O f li9htw1i11ht K1"1~1lo11 mod•· crylic. Come1' ill f11hio11 fro1t..l1. too t The Traveler THE VOYAGER THE "GARBO" Wll!I or wlthovt ~rt, for "'' io,.,g,. ~. .... '19 96 Jt,fS ' M•"d mMlt lor !M 1~1"! I" IJ1~l 1" 1!yllf!,, ~'.;'; '29.95 ' ., ··~-- "-'-' ~-~come viSif-Dur . _~, eJJ schoo I " "I ''Y". ~ ~ . . .. • We're rolling out the red carpet for you on September 24, .That's the date or our Open House, and you're all invited-tram 6 to 8 p.m. You'll see the neweet, most unusual Pre-school and. day - care center in America-the Early Achievement Center-a uniquely conceived private school for children trOm. two through eleven. child's lour basic curricular need&: Language .._ Dev81opment, Mathematics, S:.clence and SOCl8': Living. Special after·school, evening and weekend prdgrams are also planned for children from six through eleven. . .• Each subject area has been carefully pJanptd. Inspired teachers and adminl8trator1 .1-develop Interesting, exciting progr&fnl that build your chfld'Sieif-:Jmage and direct him towari:I a ·~·· • • • • • • • • • ' ·' greater awareness of hlfhself and his environment.-. - Come out to 2515 West Sunflower Avenue, in . ., 'l ' '·- I by I ti In do "-'""-"'~P?f!fl'--~__(n-la.u-J.h•n 10 min,uio~!.J<--~ J'e•n or Chris'will cut end style Children have astonishJ11g minds. Fiercel Imaginative; enormously creatiVe, they are natural explorers, artiats and musicians. To prepare for success .in their future education, they need only the chance to ~op these tal&nts-aod galn P8f se -eon ence an :- the S•nta Ana 1rea Of! S tptember 24, from .8 ro . l re .. . : .a: I ~-., p,, 1!1C • •• ~ .. I fo, HAIRSTYLING by th •• ,.,·, TOP STYLISTS! 10 WIG & HAIR STYLISTS RE ADY TO SERVE YOUR EVERY NEED ' • MANICU RES Yl't'IANI WOODA•D COSMITICS your wig! FALLS F1ll1 1dd the crow11i11' touch t. y.ur crowfliii9 11loryl 5,.,. 11•w o" our ovl· 1fe"di"t 1electio"· Demi Falls .... " ..... Now $22. 95 18" to 20" Falls s-•• Now $32. 95 " WiCJ Falls S-SU ... , NOW $42. 95 LonCJ Falls .... 111 .... Now $52.95-m /JI}. ' WIG & BEA~TY allie .1 SALON 2SO E. 17th STREET DAILY Till 5:30 THUR5. l FRI. Till 1:00 COSTA MESA 5 8-3446 ' ... EAC offers this chance In full-day, mor11ing or afternoon programs designed to meet your child's needs. We promise you an Interesting snd meaningful even~ng. Early Achievement Centers, Inc. • .. -. • • • ' ' 41 DAILY_ PILOT -\ Peering ... Around ORANGE COAST residents -...00-were members of the 1961 irad.uatina: ~.!lf Montebello High School are asked to send their names and addresses to ,Sheery Barber, 14116 E. High St., Whiltier, 90605. Preparations for a 10- year reunion art begiMing. FRANK De Marco Jr. of Newport Beach was among guesls entertained .wltb a buf- fet dinner in the foyer of Town and Gown on the campus of the University of Southern California be.fore the USC- Nebraska football game. Ho sts were Dr. John R. Hubbard. USC's new presi- dent, Mrs. Hubbard a n d trustees and their wives. • .. -Mesa League l LI Lecbe League meets Ille secoDd Tue!day at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. H •. W: Moort, 5f5.4359, "!,ill answer question s regarding locaUon. ~ J. rq1ster now for May Co's creative sewing seminars -HQb s Dining Qut BRIDAL ACTIVm.ES for Miss Pamela He y d I au ff, daughter of the D on a I d Heydlauffs of Newport Beach, included a brunch and shower in the 1 .. ine coast c1ub Coon-Ha waiian Mood Set tle s in Valley Love 10 sew? Want lo learn couture de- toi i Ii ng? Join our May Co-Arma sew- ing ~inars. Miss Helen Jones, home economist and au~ hor, guides you as yo u qreate your own d ~ss in minia- ture. Register Sep- tembe r 21-30, in the fabric department. Three, lwo-hour classes 12.5 0 .~bout to hit the road for a HObo Hop are Laguna Beach Ebell Club members ( lt1t to right) Mrs. Gol'don A. Forbes and Mrs. Norman K. D()l.b,Yr-Costumed rrt;mb~rs and escorts will arrive at 6: 30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 26. for the bulfet dinner dance in Swanson Park, E mera1d Bay. Music will be provided by the Collapsible Disposables. Chainnan· of the event is Mrs. Douglas Kenaston. try Club. The relaxed garb of the Islands will be appro.P_riate attire when Fountain Val- Her future husband is Larry Iey Jaycettes gather for a luau Saturday, Sept. 26, in the Fountain Valley W. Wright of Pleasaot Hill and home of Mrs. Will Spell. The menu will be potluck and the recipient of leftover the wedding will take place funds will be the group's Christmas project. Dressed for the 7:30 p.m . event Sept. 26 in St. Jam es are (left to right) the .Mmes. Gary Con vis, Barnett McLaughlin and Terry Episcopal Church. Co-Dunkelberger. Authority Keynotes District PT A Meet hostesses were Mrs. Max-----''--------------------------- Olsen of Newport Beach and I I l.Q ne-man Show Due Ebel/ Cl ub ' A One-man Show will be in· ' (luded in the Ebell Club of Newport Beach , age11da of! Thursday, Oct. ·1. Mrs. Sylvia Bogen o f Newport Btacb, noted author- ity on c h i l d developmenl and family relations, w i I I keynote tM first fall meeting or Four.th District, California Congress of Parents and Teadlers. The session ~will take place tomorrow in · U1e Charter House, Anaheim . Friendship Persuading F r i e n d l y Persuasion, a membership tea for the Foun-' tain Valley Women's Club. will take place on Saturday, Sept. 26. -The poolside event will be: at the home of Mrs. Edwin Booth from I to 3 p.m. Open lo residents of Foun- tain Valley, the group serves the general welfart of the community i n cooperation with the Orange District, State and General Federation of Women~s Clubs. Meetings are the second Monday of each -month in the Fouptain Valley Civic Center. The Mmes. Earl Corday. Mrs. Bogen graduated with honors from UCLA and has done graduate work al ·the Unive rsity of Southern California and UC, Berkeley.~ She has served as consultant at summer wOrkshops on r,amily Ll!e a{ the College of the Pacific and UC, Davis. Mrs. Bogen is a member of the California Council on Adult Education. Child Sfudy Associ- ation of America, Association for Family Living, National Council on Family Relations and the Child Guidance Center of Orange County. She also is a director of the Mental Health Association of Oratlge County. Qroup discussions on the elementary and seC<lndary levels will be conducted by a principal, a council president and a district director. Ernest Pascoe, principal of Edison High School, Hun tington Beach, will serve as one o! the leaders. Auxiliary Flashbacks Mrs. 'Thomas Lennon o f Garden Grove. IN A WIDRL of bridal ac- tivities is Miss Kri s tine Maland, an elementary school teacher in Fountain Valley. More than 24 gueSts attended ;1. shower given by Afrs. Herb Maland of Newport Beach, the bride-elect 's aUPJl. M i s s Maland a11d h~r fiance, Lt. Walter Stockman Jr. o f Laguna Baech, have selected Sept. 26 as a wedding date. Surfing 111 ustrated Classic surfing films may be "iewed at 7::KI p.m. on Friday, Sept. 25, in ·the Fountain Valley High School bowl. "Surfing Hollow Days" aid "\Vater Logged," films by the noted Bruce Brown, are being sponsored by the American Field Service Chapter. The International Club will sell popcorn' and !19ft drinks. Funds support a Foreign Scholarship student and the Americans Abroad. Program .. David Mazzola, a Fou11tain Valley resident, is in Cordova, Argentiu. Living with an American !amily while she at- tends FVHS is Maria Christina Alzate-Posada of B o g o t a , Columbia. Bethel 313 Stays Busy Theater - Evening Planned An· evening at the theater followed by. an after-glow par- ty has ~ planned for the Harbor Area Legal Secretaries on Friday, Sept. 25. "The Impossible Years," a productioo by the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse, will be view- ed at 8 p.m. in the Community Center auditorium on the Orange County Fairgrounds. • The after-tlow party will be In the Temple Gardens Restaurant, Costa Mesa . ' . Mrs. Albert Eccles, wa ys .. and meanS" chairman, will ac- cept reservations al "6-4844. Proceeds will go to the Foundation for the Jun ior Blind. Workshops On Agenda Orangewood Regionai Coun- cil ·or Epsilon Sigma Alpha sorority will meet at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 26 in the Royal Coach Motor llotel , Anaheim . Mrs. Richard Lytle, council president, has selected the Bridge Builder for her theme . Statewide Honors Tr ibute Paid Founder A memorial tribute will be tients. paid to the late Walter W. Ross. founder of Beta Sigma Phi lntematidnal Sofority by members and ·friends of the . Beta Sigma Phi members in California have contribute.d more than $250,000 to Cystic Fibrosis research to date. National Cystic F i b r o ! i sip;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,\ Research Foundation and the ~ sorority on Sunday, Sept. 27. DTERV Ceremonies will take place a I simultaneously in rive Cystic Fibrosis research c l l n i c s throughout the State from 1 to m £. 1m 11. 3 p.m. Children's ll o s pi la 1 of Orange County will be the site of the gathering for area groups, including government, medical and social officials. A porlraii of the founder will be presented to the clinic al 2 p.m. and demonstrations will be given throughout the afternoon of methods of treat-I~~~~~~~~ ment for . Cystic Fibrosis pa· Varied Events In memory of Or. llelen Schultz, past matron 0 f Laguna Beach Chapler. Order of Eastern Star, a musical program will be presented by John Dyar. ..- 5 La kewood : October · 5,7,9, 10-12noon Costa Mesa : October 5, 7, 9, 7-9 p.m. Laurel Plaza: Oclober 6, 8, 10, 1 :30-3:30 p.m . MA.VCO The public is invited to the event at 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26, in the Masonic Temple. GRADE I -I oo o;. Ken Delo of the Lawrence \Velk Show will entertain the v.·omen following their first busipess meeting pnd noon l~eon of the year in the cfthi'house . \Velcoming 12 new members v.•ill be Mrs. Frank Merkel, hospitality chainnaa. Joe Galiano, Paul Hope and Lee Marcotte are provisionals who will receive their pins during the tea. Members, guests and interested persons are invited to attend. Champagne punch will flow at the old-fashioned social and dinner honoring husbands and guests of the Women's Aux- iliary to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Los Angeles Section. The La Canada home of Mr. and P.1.rs. Robert L. Graham will open at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday. Sept. 26. The guests, <:Qslumed for the turn of the century, will be served at 7 p.m. A barbershop quartet, the Visionaires will entertain. Three workshops will take place Including C h a p t e r Procedure, Phlla11thropic Op- G~to-<:hurch Sunday ·will be portun.IUes arid Drug Abuse observed by members of Job's and Our Children. The Star Club will meet ln the temple fQr dessert and card play tomorrow at 8 p.m. and a meeti11g will be con· ducted at 7:30 p.m. Wed- nesday, Oct. 14, in the home of Mrs. Bernice Franke. HUMAN HAIR WIGS ·FALLS CASCADES • WIGLETS Delo will present romantic ~ds. up-tempo t u n e s , r\UM.cal comedy, novelty and V>lk songs. He has been in rtuMerous stage and tele vision ~ctions. Daughters, Bethel 313 of The council includes 16 Newport Beach Sept. 27 In St. chapters !rom both Lo s Andrews' Pre! byte r i an Angeles and Orange Counties. Church. ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiill ID;cmning activities include a J?avilioo Queen Cruise OR Saturday. Sept . 26, and a Get- ~~inted breakfast on Oct. Las Vegas .Recrea ted Missio• Viejo Swim and Racquel Club will b e transformed into a mioialure Las Vegas on Saturday, Sept. 26. when the Mission Viejo Woman's Club sponsors its a11- nual benefit party. Beginning at 8 p.m.. the evening will include a floor Greeting guests will be 1'.1rs. Arthur Bender, auxiliar y chairman, and Mrs. Robert \ll. Cockrell, hospitality , Mr s. Joseph C. Widmont of Newport Beach will be taking reservations at 833-2711. After services, a pancake breakfast will be served in the Seafaring Masonic Temple. On Monday, Sept. 28. the Bethel ·will participate in a joint meeling hosted by Bethel 157. Newporl Beach when Mrs. Lucy .Warren, grand guardian of California and Kermit Hallenbeck, associate grand guarding will make their of· ficial visit. Also attending will be Bethel 167 of Laguna Beach. . _, SEA !CHWIN show, with Ala" McMillen C M Auxilia ry serving as master o t llAUTIMIL certmonies, and m u s I c a I The third Thursday of the entertainment. month members of t h e Only SI fly UIM IY .. ,, WflO c•n' belr Ill M '"" twice In t!ls same dnn. 421 L 17" St., C.... .... WE HAVE AL~MODELS Their Lon -Your G1r11 Hors d'oeuvres and other American Legion Auxiliary refreshm,nl! will be served in •\...-Amer'-an '-g1·00 Hall , th h t th • d u.11: "· l..c THI SICOND TIMI AIOUNI roug ou e evening an Costa Mesa Unit <155. gather .,. •. 1,,.. "·• ""''• "'- NOW! Ticket s may be p rchased_:a~'_!P":·'.'.m'··, ,------_!~!!'!!!~~~~!i!!~~~~ll door priz's will be aw~rded. t 8 o..,. 11 .. t -~ Y camng ~i.s. ·1.t110 Eaion B-IDWELL OF N EWPO~R·T at 837-692.5 or ~1rs.' James lfousc. 837·5633_ VIRGINJA'S ~f<I-~~-..,N~1~P~'N...,_'STITCH-siHG>PPt:~~--lll---: lll4 hll ' Coest Hwy. • Co,.n• Phont 673-1050 lack"-"' N1w York lu.1yin9 hip i nd Yl•V 11c1tM 1De11t 1111 f1lt1la fer 1pri"f. It will M •iMh end "'°'' knit1 1'11t 111 1 wit!« ... 4icMt-•f M¥1lty w11•M 11141 c1l1rt arwl phntt. Wlrle ..,, -'"' fttti ,, ... 1t th1 1t1t 1 v11p•ckHI H111liful . j.,...,. ~ 1 c09ffl., Ii" 1IMI p11t.I tr1•ir1 I•<· ~. 'er "'• -fe ·•i•fi\•h4 ,.,."' ..... or tl\t •hldi11 tfi1r1 111 "''""' 111• c1ff1t1 4111itb 111.I Mttch- nl p1i11h, ... for "'•tfi•r, ci11lltttl fert.-,1 19"! 11ti111 for 1t .. Ofll ... 1!ilrt_1 .~ , ...... s •• -Yev s.011! Vll!;GINIA '1· H...., •• ~u ''th.t micli" It 11• "'''' j111•pwl1 , i11 "•• v.,. th•11 in c.u1., .. i.. .. ' ' . THE MOST POPU LAR PllNTS' In e Corduroy e Suede Cloth • Acrylics e Wool•ns • Cotton Blend1 SIZES .1·14 1.so TO 1t.oo ~J,,., BIDTIQUE II Qreg~ BE '5Ja tric Boulique 3402 VIA LIDO, NEWPORT BEACH 673-7718 FALL (abric Sa~ 4 DAYS ONLY -THURS., FRI., SAT., SUN. SEPT. 24, 25, 26, 27 FINIST 9UALITY POLYESTER KNITS DESIGNERS WOOLENS .... TO"' YD. LUTESONG POLYESTER .... " YD. CREPE RADIANCE POLYESTER ...... YD. MATIE JERSEY •••. SU YD. .. ' SILl/WOISTID.S + ALASKINE •••. TO SU YD. •. SfOtl HOUIS MONDAT0MTUllAY-t1Jl-S!ll OPIN SUNDAl~l1: ......... :H Originally $12 to $1 50 NOW .1/2 PRICE .. SYNTHETICS AT FANTASTIC SAYINGS Originally $25 to $49 FROM .. Over 70 Displ•y And Demonstrator ·Items To Choose From, In A Wide Rongo Of Colors. 0 ..- CrHtive Stylists Will Help You Select The Heir· piece That Fils Properly, Feels Comfort.ble And Looh Great ..•• And At Styli•h Savings Too. .. • 46 FASHION ISLAND, NEWPORT 644-2682 (Across the fountain from the Broadway) I I t I \ I . ·1 .... . i , I r I'. I I VOL ·Th< I =· MDII come• city eot will be '1chedul -Firtn day a ousln1 rer. OM comeo A ' IJ!rtadl tr .... the fin ty'! pa! Byrn spread Corona County °"' burned ., .... Th< .,,.U I Be -r ] Johr. ,..,..., the ail the re Counc "M31 toi'ney Use IJ" operat w, He Won Beach educa; for wl IS gut Spe1 Natior 1 Brok~ 1uper1 Di.strii the F Charl1 th• Distri The ·~Wh& Distri 1esskl Fra luncht Re OfJ Con nU th _the 5' by !hi I The tires, in en repor ' Pl b "' "' pr pi it' ., lei ..- I I -. • -~F00111ai1-· Valley ..... ,.,. Flwal VOL 6l, !"0 . 221, 4 SEeTIONS, 6,1 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAUllQllllf~ ' .. ' ' ~ 1 1. .. ·-. -z 'Beach •• Salary Raise Session Set . for . TOnight ·'Mle ltlbject or pay raiJes wu not a popullr con¥ersatlon piece today in Hun- tington Beach. Most city employes are waiting tile out- come of tonight '1 executive session of the city council during wHich city pay raises will be the centr1! subject. The meeting is ·scheduled for 1:3Q 01cloc.k. -Firemen and .,Olicemen-rejecfed Mon- day 1 proposed I.ZS percent pay boost, C3uslng the council to recon.s.ider Ila of- fer, then withdraw it pendinc the out· come ol. further study. · Al the time, the City Employea' Aasociatlon '!'81 happy with the 8.25 per- cent of1er; but when the cooncil revoked lta proposal to firemen and policemeri, II did the same for all other city employes. Ted Kramp, president of the City Emp!oyes' Assoc\atkm.i largest of lhe thr~ bargaini'ng-grtlllps, had-no comment- on Ole subject this mornfng, -but ci!Y employes are known to be Q9{lcemed about changes in the salary situation. Don Jenkins, past president of Jhe Policemen's AuociaUon1 also bad little to say at this point. "It's up to the city cru~il now,'' he° t!:I· plained, , Spokesmen for policemen and fire.men had agreed to 11 percent pay boosts with City Administrator Doyle Miller. City employ.es had· slped a memorandum-ol agreement for the 8.15 percent increase. When the council cut down police and fire requests, spokesmen for the two groups atated disappointment and said they would stick by their or1ciJ>a1 agreanenll with Miller. "We~ not sure what Is happenl.nc now," Vic SUbia, vice president of the Fln!:men'a Auoelation, aaJd l0d1y. •'There seems to be a problem of com- munication. That's why we had our lepl counsel preaent at Monday'a councU meiung#--"":;' . Subia said his group ts not sure if tonieht's session will aolve all the salary disputes or if they will be extended to next Monday nitht. -...... --- "It'• tbllr move. We made eurs when wt ~ the agreement wttb Miller," Sµbla 1&ld. Aalistant City Administrator Brander PtsUe sent a note to·all erhployea Tue.s- day lnlorminc them of today'a council session and alaUng 11lary problems would be .:>lved today. Many empk>yes; however. were skep- tical that ccmpltte 10lutions would be found in one day. "Wt"re not e;ven sure Caltle'a.note ap- plied to police and flremen," Subia ukl. ' The decision for today's meetin& wu made late Monday, ifter .police and lire .represeritatives ' had left. 1 Couricllmtn ,decided. to hold an eirly execut!Ye aeuioo after Darrell Smith, speaking ' for. city .employes;; asked' that· their 8.25 percint .pay raise ., be:~ reinstated,--aince-city employ~ hid a!re3dY, agreed to that. Councilmen refused to reinstate . the raise, but said they would diJCUU 'it irii· mediately. ' f' ··;- ---~---------------~-----"===============---:===------::-.:-:.--:.,--:,-.-::--:-:=::---::--- Blaze Perils County Over 700 Acres Blackened By JACK BROBACK Of 1119 o.ltr Plllt IQff A virtually uncontrolled fire was spread.in& through tinder dry brulh and trees 10Uthelst of Corona this morning, the first 1erious threat to Orange Coun- ty's parched mountain areas this year. By midmorning the mass of flames had spread over 700 acres five miles sooth of Corona and was creeping toward Orange County's Silverado Canyon area .. One ranch home in Joseph Canyon burned this morning and seVerll others wett aaved, fire officials reported. The 5IO men fighting the blar.e got a ~ brtU todly when the Santa Ana Deeds Clttl winds which had bee:n blowing in gusts up to 40 miles an hour dropped lo 10 miles an hour. TM: fire broke oul Tuesday afternoon in the same area where the infamous Paseo Grande blaze started in October of 1967. That tragic fire swept over 48,000 acres, destroyed 66 homes and did more than $2.5 million in damage. Aiding on 'the battle line this morning were 23 fire rigs, eight bulkiozers and .six air tankers-dropping chemicals and water on the spreadi!'lg flames . Slate Forestry officials. said that they ha ve shaky control of 40 percent of the perimeter of the fire this morning. Work-~ lng against them was a humidity level Meadowlark Owner Says He'll Sli ut Down at Night By TERRY COVILLE I Of "'' rMllY' l"li.t SNlll John Turner, owner of Meadowlark ! Airport. announced today he would close I the airfield at nights in compliance with the request of the Huntington Beach City Council. "My legal consultanl's aJ'ld the city at- torney's statements confirm that 1 could Use the night light! and continue night 1 operations," Turner said in a written Women Realtors Host Luncheon Woman Realtors · from · t~e untington Beach and Fountain Valley ' a focus on educatiorl Friday with a luncheon for which top school offici s are invited as guest speakers. ~ Speaking to the women's council of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers will be Dr. Clarence Hall, 1uperintendent of the Ocean View School District; Mike Brick, superintendent of I the Fountain Valley School District and Charles Palmer, deputy superintendent of the Huntington Buch Qty School District. - The trio will enter a ~ion ~ ·~What's New In Each Elementary School District," with a question and answer aession slated to follow. Francois restaurant will host the luncheon. Reef Plan Approved Off Huntington Beach Construction of four man--made rttfs off the shores of Huntington Beach ne1r the Santa Ana River h~ been approved by the County Board of Supervisors. The reefs, to be constructed of old auto ! tires are approved by agencies involved in ~v1ronmental matters. The old tires not deter klrale and provide an ex· cellent ga r ng p ace or • ~ tht county Flsh and G1me Commission reported. The Land Game . (Northe rt1 Stile ) statement. "But to discontinue the red lights in the diaputed portion would be e:ictremely hazardous -to alt After discussion of this matter with C0uncilman G e o r g e McCracken, I have deeided to show good faith on my part, and on the part of the pilots who use this field, and to close the airport from ·dusk until dawn." Turner said he would notify the Federal Aviation Agency, pilots and Cit Y Administrator~ Doyle Miller of his decision. Monday nigh{ the Huntington Beach Ci- ty Council paS3ed a resolution lo take all neCessary steps to close night operations at Meadowlark, even though City At- torney Don Bonfa said !llCh action would be unenforceable because the city has nG power to halt night flighta into an airfield with or without llghts. Homeowners and pilots have battled more than a month MW over a 300-foot extension of the runway and installation of 'bight lights at the small field. Homeowners say hazards have in- creased, pilots say they have decreased because of the additions. The city council appointed an airport study committee headed by.Bob Dingwall to report on the situation, but the com- mittee's study has not been fut enough for surrounding homeowners. In his statement Turner also said, "My every action has been with the safety of, not only the pilots, but the homeowners, in mind." "l have full 'faith that the city council, the airport committee, and other in- terested parties, will work with baste and diligence to reach a positive solution for the oper1tkm of this airport. There is no doubt as to the need and necessity of this. airport to the community." Valley Jaycees Collec t Brushes Children of Fountain Valley -bring your tooth brush and tooth paste and gather at the local school, the Jaycees need you. No, it's not a giant brush In, but a Jaycee drive to collect tooth brushes and tooth paste for 3,SOO orphans In Vietnam. For the rest of September the Ex· hausted Roosters Club of the Jaycee.' will Picture your1elf In a snug A-frame collect these articles from local schools b e a I d e a Northern Californi1 and send them to Capl Frank Bryant. stre:i'm, away ft1wn smog and root---1tationed in Bien Hoa Province, Vletnam. bee ll nds! And turning a tidy Bry~nt •. a me.mbe_r of the local Jayctt r a . , organ1iat1on. w1U give them lo the 3.500 profit on the land )'00 bought . The orphans adopted by the ~17 Air Cal vary picture might not be. Is P.rttly IS SquadrQl'.I. It's painted. For the coocludTng Anyone who would Hke to gjve these article Jn--. series "'00 Olis prob-Item&, contact your neareh .1cbool for le.m, see P1ge 15 tnday. mt>re information. or phone George Scott, -· I ..., below 10 percent. and a temperahu!: in excess of 90 degrees. Although the Santa Ana wind decrease Is helping, fire officials said the blaze '4'as working in the lower reaches of cal')- yons in the rugged, almost inacceuible area. Orange Counl.y Fire Department of· ficials dispatched a bulldozer to the Ladd CanyGn, north of Saddleback, to bolster fire breaks.in case the blau should creep over the ridge. Strong Santa Ana wil'lds are predicted lo return Thursday and firemen uid if the 7~acre blaze was not out by then "we will be in real trouble." B ehind by 3-0; He Say s ;Time· Favors Gretel 1 Spedol to 1M DAILY PILOT NEWPORT, R.I. -Down three races in tpe best~f-seven America's Cup series, Australia's Gretel JI navigator Bill Fesq sald he believes time is on bis side even if the odds are against him. u:~. ~ .. oR.~RY •• ~;(, :PL4NI IWINO~ ovl 'R cLirvlL~D NATIONA t ~0;;;;1i.r;.-.. .s~.P-lro Burno .In II~ -t•ln ,,..,..,~Or•• •nd lllv•rslff Countlos "As you know, we face -overwhelming odds," Fesq explained, "but we aren't · giving up. We figure time has to be on our .side and we'll utilize it to practice." Gretel II, disquali~ied ln one race, hAS thus lost three. straight to Newport Beach skipper Bill Ficker and cup defender City Acpar-tment Hearing Delayed for 2nd Time Intrepid. . ... ,. Ficker said his crew would work on coordinating their' efforts todiy. Bo l h crews requested a day off today. The weather forecast for. Thursday'• race is for lleavy winds, about the aame as preVailed for'Tuesda y·s contest. For DAILY PILOT Boating Editor Almon Lockabe y's analysis of lntrepid 's winning effort Tuesda y, see today's Boating Page, on Page Ill. Truck in Crash Misidentified A rubbish disposal truck th.tt collided with a small car in Costa Mesa, fatally inj uring a Hun tington Beach man , was incorrectly identified in news stories about the tragic accident. The vehicle di,d not belong to Dewey's Rubbish Service, 2113 Canyon· Drive, but to Oreo Disposal Service Inc., the city 's contract trash hauler. Both firms have maintenance yardll .side-by-si de near the accident scene at Canyon Drive and Victoria Street. Ralph B. Rolh. 45, of 20732 Kelvin Lane, Huntington Beach, was hospitalized after the actident last Thursday and died Sunday. Funeral services were scheduled today at Calvary Church in Santa Ana. In Count11 Homeowner11 along Holland Drive In Htlntington B~ch still don't, knci.a: If they will ha ve apartment dwellers fOr ' I • . neighbors. .Two weeks a;o· a mljority of the' Holland Drive residents 1opposed · a pr~ posed . apartment developm,ent just off Beach Boulevard, near their area, The council "deadlocked 3-3 on a William Lyon$ appeal of an ·earller planning com· mission' deniaf tor the apartment.~. Coun-. c'i!ma'n Al Coen Was libsent that time. Coen ·...JaS ·present' Monday night, but the council still did notl setlle lhe Issue. It was delayed to Oct. 5 at Coen 's request so he could study the tapes of the public hearing before casting his vote. But Uie issue might not be settled even then. When Coe11-reqµesled .the delay, Coon-: cilman Ted Bartlett• Informed the council he wou1d' he absent-Oct.' 5. "It .doesri't inake any diffei'!nU-My vote is .. the Qecl'din& vote,'~ Coen told Bartlett. ' ' Death P robe Delayed LONDON (API -·The Inquest in the deith of American pop &Uilarist Jimi Hendrix was 1djoumtd today untU next Wfdnesday for a palholotilt'• final decision on the cau.se. . But, ii eoe·n voted ln favor of the ·1:partmenta, as Bartl~t did two wee.ks ago, there would be1artother .3-3 ·tle and· the issue woUld have ~·wait.anof~i two iv eeks. . Homeowners, meaf)while, ar.e keiPing an eye on the i~ue. They . oppose the apartments because -they fear too· much . traffic will be thrown on· Holland Drjve ancr surrounding neighbOrfioocr s_treets. Lyoos says he ·wants apartments because-lhe1front:ection of the land will be a commercial center and the' rest of the land is useless for anythin1 else. Vall ey Planners Get 4>ng 'Agenda . . Fountain Valley!s.E:lanning.Qi_mmlM!on faces a atlff 13-itcm ·agenda fGI' it.s · reguJar·meetlng at 7:30 o'clock~ tonight. rrhe fir1t seven Items on the agenda are . public hearinp , with. the major hearing probably sruroundlng a request by J. W. Newberry Department Store. for com· mercial IOfling on the IOl.ltheait comer 'of Brookhurst Street and Talbert Avenue. to build a 14.7 acre 1hopping, center. other hearings concern use var:iances, precile plua and m1nor changes in city · zonin1 procedure•. Riot Policy Quest1one County supervisors were shown fihns of force already formed b.)'o county polka · rk>ting in Wa1hlnaton. D.C., and Selma, chiefs. Ala., Tuuday and responded to a call to Robert Tbomu, county adminlstraUve . draft a countywide policy . to · handle 'oUicer.· told sapervilors thlt ditorder possible outbreaU hm:. . control ~)ems blve prompted: "public Keith Concennon.-hNd4 the coLoty~I e • lcias ideoce i n ' Criminal Justice C"A>uncil, urged the lfnl govemment'a 1billty to mainliln law mediate tTUlloa o( 1 fOflNl.t. "Whit is order.1' our policy?" he asked. "Who determines c:oncaonon seid the dan&ef 'ot dllorden policy ? These are the questions and we In, Orange County is very real. "We ha'!'! ha ve no answers." 2.130 poUce ofticen In the county. that's The drafting job 'US liven ln Los ..... our. de:fense." .. Alamitoa Police Chiel Roy J _ Kundti, -fiienty·two c the county's law e.n· .chalrman of a rlota and diaordera-U-sk foi'etment 1gendea art "dedict'ed to the . ' • • • ldeo of traininJ 14&elller lo· be pnpmd for rlota," Kundtl ukl. . . ''But we do not lftlke poll~y," the police chief uid. '"I'bat'11.up· to you.'' , The 1111 Vlllo Ii-Wll Jllv<n H ID e~ ol tbe need for an overall i<Ylii ii!ibllili com . , "Tbere Wfft.,two sherilf'a departmtota, the ~ J>lllloi Olld lb< nollonol guard on the wee~ In the sa:nta Barbar• tooboutatlo!l," K\mcttl related; .. Then we.rt lhrM or fow: luders 1t any one time who _.. -1 l<r...,. IHder lo take co.mmand." ....._ ' City . AuthQrizes Safety Signs Near School Stop, signs and crosSing auards are on tb.e way to help school children. cross the busy intersection ,of Bushar~ Street and Banning Avenue in Huntington .Beach. The' city c~onday nip! at!lhoriz. ed the ~~mediate pla~emenf of'1four·waf stop stgns at the intersecl;ion· and t,he hir·. ing of a cro~lng guard during acbOol hours. DOn Pate, princieaI .of . lbe nearby. Eader Elementary School, told coun- cilmen that as many as 140 children in kindl!rgarien thrOOgh ~fifth gr3de mfght be crossing Busb'ard at that poinL Parents from the neighborhood alllO urged ·councilmen tG take lmmediite ac- tion for the safety of their children. City Engineer Bill Hartge said fhe traf. lic flow is ·nearly heavy enough at thl:t point to merit ltop si~ anyway and within a month they would certainly be required. · The first St,op_signs . erected wjll be temporary, Until 6ty worker! can orde~ and Install th.e' perri\anent type . . · Weat•er The -fog rolls In tonight In force , .and it>'ll drop Thuratay'a temperatures down into the &O's along the COast, with inland i'ead· 11111 •dippUig 1o a dosree• .• • \Vhat a d ull ro:ce -no ~o­ te1ts, no surprise•, jwt anothu w rroW lntreptd victo~. Almon Lockabey dilcUIN'I TutadoU '• A.mericn's Cup action todau on Paae 16 . ......., • 1 .. u --.'""' 1.ic-• c...... 1 ........ 1 1 c...... ,c.,. 11 Mewttt .... ~"" 1 .,..... ....... -~----==---::::: ~ ~ at ,.,.... .. 0-. --• *"""' ~ • ---' . ..,.. ... .......... I'• ' IMd: ..._. -.., . .... , ........ "' ~-'"""""" . ...... ..,, .... ,.,.....,, .... ........ .. . ...., . ... ... .......,. .. ........., ..... .... ,,,..... ' ......... .. , .. • I I "DAILY ,ILOT 'bo; M Firm Lan ds ' Sidewinder ----"-''- Contract ----A-129.1-mllllon Air-Foree-contract to . _., build a new mod~l of th~ Sidewinder -r 1 · mi&aile has been awarded to Philco-~ Ford's Aeronutronics Division in Newport Beach. Company officials calle'.d !he contract ••ma;or and significant" and in(Hcated that it reJues growing preS!ures"of per!"' ding layoffs at the division's facilities. The cintract calls for Aeronutronic to engineer and build an updated "Model J " of the air-U>.air intercept mi!sile. How the new model diffus ftom th• pretenL "Model B" is stertl WonnaUon. company officials said. . ~ost. of the actu1l work will be performed at the dlvi.slon's Anahei~ assembly plant, with about one.lhitil. of it to be subconltacled to Philco -Ford 's Communications and Technical Services dlv~Jon at Willow Grove, Pa. Aeronutronic officials sa.id th t awarding of the contract, which was 11111· ed last week , is a blessing. Dejt!lt l!• Cue . . ' ' . -Officers Check · ~ For·"More Clues ·: ' -· .. _ auat-C-Oi'"b° abtrut:1Jl!t1ceta •nrt.,___,,...F=;;::::;;;==:::~;.;;.;;.::.\il,:;:::-;· continued an lnvesticaUon that could Ji:ld 1 • to the fllin1 ~ further buralary cha.,.. qaln$t two depulles already iccusid.of the atlemptod bur1lary of the Milllan Viejo Co&intry Club's IO.lf shop. · ~ . Arel butg)ary reports 111111 prior !Al tho arreit Sunday of deputies ArUuir E. Du,..: can, 34, Huntington Beach and Freder.Ct i,. lrYine,' 40, La Habra, were , beinJ checked. • Investigators sald more than id burclarltt committed In the .Milaloa' vte. jo bou1ing development durinr the meothl iminedi•tely precedlnr the a r r • 1 t of Doncari and Irvine remained unaolved. Both deputies are beln1 questkmed at*it their possible Involvement in those thefts, Sheriff's Department spokesmen said. Irvine and Duncan ha ve been ordered lo appear Tuesday in Santa Ana Municipal Court •. Both men are free on bail. · -.Both. men were..s po.tWJ.Jnside th~ golf_ __ shop by club pro Ron Belanger who sum- moned other sheriff's officers to the premises. Duncan immediately sur- rendered , but Irvine commandeered a patrol car and led hi s former colleagues "The timing of this Important proiram will tend to stabilize cur t.mployment level in the Orange C.OUhty area,'' Louis F. Heilig, division vice president and general manager aaid. They Back the Oilers Cheetleaders boosting the fortunes of Huntington Beach High School varsity athletic teams this year fll(Jud'e (from ·left) Dana Moss, Mona Morita, Susie White, Andrea MacDonald, Cathy Graydon and Melinda Armstrong. They will be backing Oiler football efforts this fall in the Sunset League. an a bullet punctuated chase th.rou1h two counties be f o r'e surrendering a rte r threatening to commit suicide. FACING ADDED CHARGES? ' Sheriff's Deputy Irvine He aaid there will be no additional hir· ln1. however. Other company spoknmen this morn- ing confirmed this meant there wocld have been some layoffs without it. "The Industrial Relationa Department Rid today that they would have had to ptOIJ'am some job cutbacks in about two months had the contract not been receiv· ed." the spokesman said. The Aeronutronlc Divl!ion employa a total of 2,880 persons, including 1,764: at its Ford Road facility in N~t Buch, 510 at the Anaheim auembly plant where the Shillelagh missile is bullt." The 27-month, fixed-price contract in- cludes incentives for Aeronutronlc to ac- complish the work at lower costltbtou&b value engineering. Cost saving lnnovaUons In engineering and construction that produce quality· 1t least equal to speclficatlona will resul t in higher annpany profit, under th1a type oJ incentive program. , In addition to engineering and con- strucUon, the contract proVldea the com- pany to produ ce technical data and aerospace around equipment Beach Trustees Okay School Warning S·ystems Trustees i : .tb;f HunUnginn Beach Uni'!" High Schqol .Diltrlct )1ope to •tflke back at vandalism: bJ,•Jnatalllna: electronic warning l)'lt.emt·~ at'·each one cl. its sir . e1mpusea. ~ : ·• 'Ibey 11ve tJN!if.ifn,roval Tue:lcll)' to a -,. Orange Crate · I sentry n·etwork which would cost $1,100 per installation with a monthly seiVlce charge of SM. "This should give our taxpayers the protection needed today with the rising jncidence of vanda1ism," aaid Board Chairman Matthew Weyuker who urged the di.strict to investigate a protection 1ystem some time ago. Until the electronic vandal detectors D .b; . S · h d T ,..:,;J are installed, the district plans continued er ''Y c e u~ we of the property guards which have Cal Tech OKs Female Gr ad Phyllis Anwyt, a June graduate of Marina High School, has become one of the first 30 women to ever be admitted for undergraduate studies at Cal-Tech . ., Miss Anwyl, 17, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Anwyl, 1545i ·La SfUe Lane, Huntington Beach. At Marina she was a leading debater as well as a science honor studen t. As a Cal-Tech freshman. she joins 220 other youn1 men and women chosen from t~e academic top one percent of the coun- try's high school seniors. Both men were employed during their nff duly hours as security guards for the Mission Viejo Company. District attorney's investigators are to- day looking Into the possibility of adding charges of 3ssault with a deadly wea pon to the burglary count alre ady faced by Irvine. Officers claim both accused men load- ed their security car with sto len golfing equipmtnt and several cases or liquor immediately before sheriff 's officers ar· rived at the goll 1hop. T wo Tass Employes Seized ' in Ecuador GUAYAQUIL, Ecu1dor (AP ) Military intelli1en~ a1ents arrested two employes.or Tau Tuesday night and con- fiscated equipment in the Soviet news agency'1 office, authorities repo rted. No reason was given for the action. ' I .. ~ I Heilig said the AIM·9J Sidewinder pro- gram, as the Air Force contract calls it. will be conducted within U,1divisioft!& Air Defense Systems Operatm . wider the direcUon of Robert T. 0 . Case, Jr., direc-t.r, and James J. Watson, AIM-9.J pro- gram manq:er. ~ ... · .. -r ' ~ ~· · " been stationed at each of .the campuse! ~R ~ · •' 7 -amce Julie. Since their employment, no .l o · . Un · ep,,. fires or buralaries have occurred at any This is the first year that Cal-Tech has admilted women to the undergraduate ranks. Women .have. been admitted to the graduate school since 1953. Jose Solis, the agency's correspo ndent in Guayaquil, sent a telegram to Presi- dent Velasco Ibarra protesting the seizure of equipment and the arrests of a teJetype operator and bis assist.ant. Tass opened Ha: office in Ecuador in Marcil 1962. ACCUSED OF BURGLARY Sheriff'i Depu ty Duncan Japan Graphics I On Sale .at GWC CoMoisseurs ~r ~apanese art wu1 1n~ more than 70 examples of grapl).ics 'for sale al Golden West College -this week. The sale begins 1t 3 p.m. Friday in the community ceoter and features prints, woodcuts, silk screen and stene,il cuts. Their prices range from $15 ,to $150 with a percentaae of the proceeds to be applied to the col4e1e'11Cholarship fund . Thirty-seven artists are Tepresented In' the show. many with several eumpl~ of their work. While some cf the prints are originals, there are also a limited number of copies available. Japanese moldmakers often create a mold, make about 50 print.11 and then destroy the mold. DiCA Week Declared ~ . Ma yor Edward Just has Just pro- claimed lhis week YMCA Week in Foun- ta in Valley Jn honor of the YMCA's many programs offered for the youth and adull.'i in the community. of the achools. '"'Dral out thOle orana:e cr1te1 and baby Weyuker uplained that the guards buUY 'wheels kldl! Jt'1 tima f0r the Or·· 1Jone would coat the district $30,000 an- anga Crate rierby again. nuallY and that the number of guards 1'L."!. Jtun"ngl'on Belch Jay.:-~ coUld',be greaUy r~uced with the warn- 11111 ~ ~~-.,..... 'h!t '.i)'stems. -.,red1)'ace ·win be 'held Sept. J7 and 11 "Wintersburg really got our attention open lo all -ybungster1 aged 8 throo1h IS. to this problem, especially when we took . This year there will be three divisions a look a.t the aftermath," said Weyuker. for -boys and girls aged 8-9j:l~l2 and 13-The Wintersburg Continuation High JS: PriJeS·and-trophies will n8 awarded to --rSC:hoOf-IUtt!red $50.000 damage ""May 11 the top th~eie racers in each.sroup. when an arson.:caused fire swept through The first ·place winners in the l~ll and eight clasirooms. 13-IS age groups and their parents will be given an eipense-paid trip to the re- gi onal contest, slated for Oct. 3. Dtrby Chajnnan Bob Walker aaid all of the carS will be gravity-powered ind will coast down to the checkered · fla1 .f[om a hi)! atop ~ay Str~e~. . . . Partlcip1nts must submit an ·e.ntry blank ·stgned by their parents no later" tlwrll,.a..m..«irf.the·day of the conteli. The cars must be no longer than aeven fieet or have an averall width Of more than four feet. In addition, they riiusl have dependable brakes, adequate stet.ring and must be able to pass technical 'irispeclion by the Jaycees, In addition, the rules sp!Cify that the maximum weight of both car and driver may be no more than 250 pounds and that all cars 6e con1tructed by the drivers. Assistance from relatives and friends 11 permi.ssible, Newport St udio Ma y.or Names Six To River Panel . May9r"MortOn A. ~81.!ln pas appointed si:r ·Seal Be1ch. residtnts lb ·serve on a County-sponsored committee seeking long r111ge· uses Of the Santw Ana River basin. They: are Sven Ll.ndstrOfl'!, Julie Dorr, Robert Polloc:k, Thomas Brady, Max Qr!yer and , ~mas Barnes. The ir ob- jecUves .will be to study lhe buin from Prado Dam to Ute s'ea. The mayor's appointees have been lon1-time proponents of ecological plan- !Ung and some have served on .sirnUar <:0m.mlttees ln the past. DAILY PILOT OllA.N.Gt: COA5T l'U.l l•"l"'G C.OM l' ... N't ltobtrt N. Wee4 ·~P..__olice Seize_Qp~erator . . l'rttld"'I 11141 l'uo .. ,.,.. Jeck •· Curlev I/k t ,_kl.,,, ............... ! ...... ~ ••• , Tht!OI•• IC11•il t:a:.,,r 1ht ,.,tt A. M u1~1ti~t For Nudw Early Birds GEM TALK TODA.Y by J. C. HUMP'Hl lD (lest Purch1secl .1t Home) Many people have the belief or feeling that they can buy diamonds more cheaply abroad tha.n in the United States. T h i 1 is a miscon· ception. Those who buy diamonds at the wholesaJe level will vouch that prices are no cheaper abroad. AI· 150, a duty must be paid when the gems are brought into this country. Th ere may also be pitfalls in buy- ing diamonds abroad. In the case of misrepresentation, there just ~sn't much you CJ.n do to get your !Doney back. ln lO me eountries the standards of quality .are not as strict as they are in the United States. Tho 11 passing flawless gems in 1 om e countries would nat pass: as such here. 1>1 •~•11"' 1•""" A nudie photo studia that couldn't wilt told ~Investigator she was available to Al•~ o;.~;~ to !how )\I •ssets perhaps found out be photogiaphed "in any pa1e re-_ It's best to buy vour diamonds W1t1• o. '"" C-IY t:•11er th U I ed " ' ... r t r ( .. .. ' l"' ·.-,, , • ' ' I /;tj if~i ••• wOnderful savings on · Intenuztiqn,al9 Sterlin . . : g I { • ,1 . ' r • t . : •( ' I - . ........._.O/o --Onan . .,:I ' " ,· I ' . ~ pl1ces enc1-·s.oo on each place setting ' piece, tool . , .. I'( ' . . '" . ; :I·(·~ c: ·~· '•·-•1 I I; ,,, -. . -H " . . ' ' \ l ' J • • '. ~ ,f . . . . ' I ; ' • . • ) ' • .... ' ..•. ·., .\ ), II;~~ f -,~, I . • f:'' ~ ( " -.;;:. " I::;! ,» / ~··:j ·· -; .·, ! I \\ :, . ' . . ' . ' ··. . ,,1 . · r 1 ,· ?-.. J .i, ·• Alllt rt W, lttt• Tuesday at pi. enoe wou d have been quest . riJht here at home. And the best .luocl•l•l!•Jitr ptuden&. ~ · . 'l'he undercover man then identified diamond buys at home are those ~rmM$6!0 ~e;;uile1lrton .. H•••hitt•• .._. Ofrte• -. Newport Beach police ·arrestea the himself, informed Miss Wigner she was 1 h IUa~ ...t...,-yaw--a 11175 •••ell 111111,1,1 npcrator of th~ studio when she opened in business iUcgally and reminded her n ours owcues. a.•kl9.•'-411S) wftli..ttopiix.llllHlllt Mi!lint A'tlitn: ,.O.· Ii• 790, 92•41 for business before obtaining a city she had been been informed previously ~::,';.klll $!0.00 piecm llld "*"•><l•oa'"'"" ' ' ., ·- I . l I, . I • I . · 1 \ ·. --1 I jl v ] ~ b< " " to m lo ip Cl r~ I 'I I I I I . ~I II ' • I :J ·~ tn lh• ty' I sp; Co Co .I bu Wf "' I ne WI ah !8' Iii wl fl• tu! . to " In ie1 m A1 A1 th fo "' In " ki b1 in H• " al b< pl nl in H m ... u •1 lb " Otffr OHie• license, Assistant Chief Harry A. Nelson the license application would go before WA TCH NIXT WEEK P:OR flll£'E~ IMlllfM-W.. / l.•tu"9 9,,c,., 1n F_, ,._, disclosed thi s morning. the council next week. ''THE 8 5 -'"""SIO.(D ~11 ...a.. " Rlf ---:,.---Jl'T.::-''t'~":' ~·-~"~"'7.:"f."1' t"'t'~"~'"':":::i'-j-oiA"'nld'iun~d~e,_,rc:;or,v"iiai'~i!i'n~tr,e~n,,te~r~edrth~eoio~ff~ic~•,.---ofSaihil'!iw~a~s;..i"~'~";;''rrdi1!ffo;rnvroi~o:l~at~in~g\.i'nlc~i1~ycf-ciITTIME>i!TWiD:;;l;;-AM-r,;O-.;N;:Di\S;;H:;Ar;D;;;E;;",.-+-----:-iSALAD RJtK. .. ._ '1J) .,.,.,.., ~ ._ is -- ••~ t"""""'; JU Nttl" El t1..,.1,.. 11 .. 1 o 1 n uc ions, ampus or lnince, "Opetlllng l bW ur st wish lo Art McKenzie """9t-Wdatc:Ntt!r,,.,"'1r------1t--h9-t-_,w0:, Drive. about 4 p.m. purporting to re spond 11 permit," 'and released on her own riowfram~ ·--~·· f. ·- • to advertisements in local newspipers. recogniunce pending court appearance. on the occassion o{ his retirement =~~ P"K'tl "'•Start• s.t He alleges he encountered the owner of The council hearing on the Jicense re-as city manager. Thank you Art for DEMITASSE S~! iii Mr ro-it1 l11ten..r- the studio. Mary F. Wagner, 31, or quest apparently will take place I S a job well done. ...1mrnsi.15 Sttrlin,;pcrite1"1111110l1the Placentia, who he claims told him she scheduled. tc:EDll'VEMGESPOCI(. eccatilMI '""'°'°bit. v .. had 10 model! available who -·ould pose Cl~y Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt said Exciting je we l creatio ns are --•1.1 ..,..on._,~ In the nude "In any posil1on." Tuesd1y morning he is seeking council . yours fr 0 m J . C. HUMPHR.IES .. 01 U ·-~y 11, 1171 Miss Wagner, v.•hose application for a action "by reasons of the characteristlcs business lieeMe ts scheduled ta be con-1ttend1nt this type ot business." JEWELERS . You'll find only the alaered by the City Cour.cU Monday Usu.tlly, license applications art hand\-finest in al l typse. o( jewelry,_and night, reportedly showed the Investigator ed routinely by the . Busines! • License we carry 0-m e g a a:nd Bulova A-iRrles of pbotographa of the JO cirls, all Department. witches. Witch and i·ewelry repair nu'Hl. City Hall source1 also revealed th1t Ci- The officer claims she said the studio ty Attarney Tully Seymour is preparing 1v1!11ble, too. Visit us roon. J. C. was open for business and models wou ld 111n "emergency ordinarfce" that would HUMPHRIES JIWELIRS, 1 12 J pose at a rate of US per hour ... Fllrfi had provtde ltlff rl"gOIRtlon-s 10-r-Ule opel'ttlo-n Newporl Blvd., phone 511-1401 . to be_pu~hascd lhere for ,1.12 a roll. or public photo studios. o 4 ·1 9 ·11 6 F 'd 9 At that point, Chief Nelson said, ~1lss • ·• A simtlar ord1nanct 1iWOlvlng rri'assage pen 11 Y h · '1 ayt optn Y.1agner summoned one of the models pa rlors was adopted py the council last tlll '· wbo appeared, fully attired. The glrl the n week. • I J. C. fiu,;,_phrie~ Jeweler~ 182~ .NEWPORT £LVO., COST A lii!ES"-- CONYINllNT 1E•Mt IJ..Nl(J..MlllCA•D-MAST ll t H•.l&! .. \ I 24 YEARS IN SA M[ lOCATIO N ,HCNE 141.JCO I \ • ' ' -~. fr hi _, •• -.- • l!t Beaeh ' . N'.Y. IC•+• EDITION 1-- . VOL": 63, NO. 221, 5 SECTIONS, 1+ PAGES ORANG; COUNJY, CALIFORNIA W~NESDA Y, SEPTEMBER 23, "70 • • • Newport Tax At~ac~ed · Qll Two ·More Fr~nts . ·~ . The already well-battered Newport Beach busineu laz increase proposal bas been 1ttacied on two new fronta. . The lu Will be unfair to owners of 1m1.ll 1partment buildings, an owner ol a small apartmtnt building said in a Jetter to the city council. • , And ttie. Coron1 de! Mar retail inerda.lnta have banded together, niming fomler Councilman DH Cook as lheir ipolcesman, to oppose the proposed ChUllet on general principles. · Under current regulations, 1 a 11 bualnessea in the city pay a nat ~ fee for the right to operate. Critics of this taxation method charge that it Is in· equitable, since small businessmen pay as much as big businessmen. A new tax system has beeb devised, establishing J M:ries ol cla1;5ificaUons In- to which all types of businesses must Jall. some ·of lhem harder lhan orhers since ~he propo$81 ·contaim no ceilings. Speaking on behalf of the small apart· ment interests, Mrs. Ewing S. Hudson, 1400 Haven Place, told city council members that the neW· plan woo.Jd llx htr as much as it would the owner ol a ZSO.. plus apartment complex. / · "As owner and occupant of a fiv~nit 11parlment building in the Clirf Haven area, I am dismayed that it will cost me $40 for a business license this coming year," Mrs . Hudson said. "My four nntal units bring me _$6JO·peL: monlh, or $7,300 ,a year, That means I must pay as much as a persqn. with ap.. Proximately 266 units at $150 per nionth or $40,000 per yeat'," she said .• . . She uked ll the Newport li'arbor Chamber of Commerce, which was con- sulted by the city in drafting the new tax, "gave any thOught to the hui'ldreila of in- dividuals .who put their life' sivlp,gS into ap'artme:nts or less thin 10 units." · "Aa yOu know," she sald1 "ln my area alone there are four square blocks of three and·fLve-!unit ap8rttnents. Why Is it ~ piOS!l~le, In Order for Us all to pay our' falrshare; to set .Orne filure. such as $$ per, centaJ \,Intl." Mrs; Ew~ •cited property t'ax figures -·· ' ' oho, polntJna out that It ii -... min and more diffleult IOr ber ta inab a profit on her investment in the aparj.ments she Owns. • -- The Corona del Mar mereh.aitts are op. posed to any incret!e ·at all. "The merchants feel that there Is no valid reason for raJsina business license Jee that has betn in effect for .•a long . time,". Cook said. "Business licenses were never lntended to be a source of revenue for the city. The cost of administering the city '1 licoNe department IUllOWlb ID •boat llO.-.ooo innually, ... n llDdlr 1111 currw 1nco,.. ol 12111.!!IO." AcConnng lo la\elt ~ ostlplati!, tlie revenue from tJie propoeed updated· tu would double this il)(Olfte fipre .. ; (' C:-00lnaid lhoa• 1araer bus-that would be taxeQon a gross receip.ta buia are eapeclally oppoad lo any dlanp.· • . "The II""' receipt; plUI would. retU!t .in .arbitrary ~ifiona by \11!1· ,lloenle division and wOukl become an apwmtve admini!:tJ:ative .ftishlmart," be u1ct' Blaze Perils County , " • J Over 700 Acres Blackened By JACK BROBA~ Of Ille Dtllr Plllf l1lft A virtually uncontrolled 'fire wu apreading through tinder dry brush and trees IOUtheast of Corona this moming, the fir.st serious threat to or,nge Coun· ty's parched mountain areas this year. By ·midmorning the mass of flames had spread over 700 acres five miles south of Corona and was creeping toward Orange I --County's.Silverado Canyon area. -- .One ranch home in Joseph Canyon \ burned t~is morning and several others were saved, fire officials repprt~. The 580 men fighting th~ blaze got a small break today when the Santi Ana . I Flat Tum-down winds which had been blowjng in gusts up tQ 40 mile. an hour dropPed to 10 mile1 an hour. The fire broke out Tuesday afternoon in the same area where the infamous Paseo Grande blaze started in October of 1967. That tragic fire swept ove r 48,000 ticres, destroyed 66 homes and did more than $2.5 mill io n in damage. Aiding on the battle line this morning were 2.'l fire rigs, eight bulldozers a'nd six alr-tanker1 dropping che.mica\s and water on the spreading flam es. . State Forestry (lfficials. said that they ha ve shak)' control of 40 percent of the perimeter of the fire this morning. Work· ing against them wu a humidity level Arab Guerrillas Rejeet Hussein Cease-fire Try From Wire Service. man· and left thousands homeless and ... below 10 percent and a temperatl,ll'e in excess of 90 degretS. Although the Santa Ana wind decreaR Is helping, fire officials said the .blaze was working in the lower re~ches of can-~ yons in the rugged, almost inaceessible . area. Orange County Fire Department of- ficials dispatched a bulldozer to the Lad!f Canyon, north of Saddlel>ick, to tiOlster fire-break!l-in case~the-blaze should creep over the ridge. Strong Santa Ana winds are predicted to return Thursday aOO firemen said if the 700-acre blaze was n'ot out by then "we will be in real trouble." Behind by 3-0, 1le Sqy'S}'f.il!lft ·· F avqrs 'Gretel - Special lo llle DAILY PILOT NEWPORT, R.J. -Down three races In the best-of·stven America's Cup series, Australia's Gretel IJ navigator B'11 Fesq said he believes time is en his aide even if the odds are against him .. ,t ,.,., ,"1 'I . t• • .Ir•· .. IL'rPILo'T ;;_,.... • U.1. 'P'ORISTRY SERVICE PLANE SWlNGS OVER" CLEVltlOID ·NAl'IONAL FOREST B~AZI .St'l~rn Firt Burns In' Rt;rnet•t Mount•ln ArN;letwHn OrMtt•·•ftl!f Rlverslc;lt, Co,1ntit1 · '·" I ., I • ;• King Hussein today proclaimed another starving. new cease-fire In the bitter Jordan civil Leaders of the 10 Arab nations ..--war-sparked six days-ago, after his-tiny-gathered in Cairo for-a -summit con- '"As you know, we face overwhelming odds," Fesq explained, "btit we aren 't g iving Up. Wi"figu r!tffiiTliis to'Di on ou r side and we'll utilize it to practice." Newport· s,t .. dto ·~·~-__.,..,aUsland-:-Eert_y_-1 " air force routed pro-rebel Syrian Army tank force! back to the border. Guerrilla leader Vasser Arafat broke silence shortly before noon (PDT) -his whereabouts ha ve been unknown -to flatly condemn and reject the peace ges- ture. He said an Arab peace mission whi ch met with King Hussein had no authority . to represent guerrilla forc es seeking to establish a Palestinian stale. Hussein made. the.announcement earlier In a joi nt statement with Sudanese Prem- ier Gaafar El-Numeiry. (lne (If a four-man mediating' team sent to Amman by an Arab sum mit meeting in Cairo. Shortly before the announcement over· Amman rad io, Mar!lhal H1be!l Al-Majali, the Jordanian .chief of staff. said his forces had beaten back the Syria'n in· vading forces from Jordanian lerrltory Into Syria. Hussein's announcem~nt came after seven days of civil war which may have killed as rnany as 15,000 persons and brought United Stales and Israel close to interv ention. In a 5even·minute radio broadcast, Hussein said, "The agreement has received the blessin1 and approval of all.'' ference Tuesday. They held a series of informal meetings while their peace mission negotiated in Amman with Hussein and the guerrilla luders. The mediators were led by Numeiry and Included Premier Bahi Ladgham ol Tunisia. Defense Minister Sheikh Sadd Alabdulla Assabah of Kuwait and the Egyptian Chief of Slaff, Lt. Gen. Moham· med Sadek. Majali's statement of the Syrian army defeat followed an earlier i;tate ment by King Hussein that his army and air force had bloodied the nose of the invaders .. Early today the Jordanians and Syrian! fought what apj>eared to be the decisive tank battle. . Meanwhile in Wa shington, the Wh ite House sald today the situation in Jordan was still "very serious" and that Syria's intentions were not clear. President Nixon's press secretary, Ronald L. Ziegler, said officials had studied news dispatches re po r ti n g withdrawal of Syrian armored forces from Jordan. But "the fighting is continuing." he uid, and there is still "a high degree of uncertainty in the picture." Nixon met for two hours with the Na,lional Security Council and then con- ferred with Britain's foreign setretary, Sir Alec Doualu-Home, on the Middle Eut crisis. Gretel II, disqualified in one race, hits thus lost thrff straight to .Newport Beach skipper Bill Ficker and cup defender Intrepid. Ficker said his crew would work on coordinating their tfforts today. Both crews requested a day off today. The weather forecast for Thursday's race is for heavy winds, about the same ·as prevailed for Tuesday's contest. , For DAILY PILOT ~ting Editor Almon I..ockabey's analysis of Intrepid '1 winning effort Tuesday, see 'today's Boating Page, on Page ,16. Two Tass Employes Seized in Ecuador GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador (AP) Military intellig~ agents arrested two employes of Tass-Tuesday night and con- filicaled equipment in the Soviet news agency 's office, authorities reported. No reason was given for the action. Jose Solis, the agency 's coruspondent in Guayaquil, sent a . telegram to Preai· dent -Vel•sco -Ibarra protesting the seizure of equipment and the arrests of a teletype operator and his assistant. Tau opened its offlc.e in Ecuador in ·March · 1961. P~lice Seiz·eOperator For Nudie Early Birds A nu~ie photo studio t.l:\a~ couldn't·walt to show ·Iµ., ~. ~r.haP.S ·found out Tuesday that patil'.nct would ·have been prudent1 · NewPQrt Beach police arrested the operator ,of the studio when ·she · opened for-business . before obtainin; a city Jicense,.Assistant Chief Harry A. Nelson disclosed this mor-ning. An undercover agent entered the office of Kitten Productions, 3848 . Campus Drive, about 4 p.m. purporting to re~pond to advertisements in local newspapers. He alleges he encountered the owner of the studio, Mary F. Wagner, 31, of Placentia, who be claims told him she had 10 models available who wowld pose in the nude "in any. posltlon.'~ Miu Wagner; whose •ppUcatlon for a businesr license ii scheCtu.ltd to-be cOn- sidered by the City Council Monday night , reportedly sbow'edA:he investigator a series of phototrapb.s of lhl fO Jirls, all nude . I 1The offi'cer .ciaimr lhe aaid Ow: 1tudio was open fcir busineu and n1oc1el1 would pose at .a rate of $25 per~hour~·Film had tO be purChaSed there fOr $7.12 a roll. · At· t~at point, C~ief Nelson said, Miss Wagner suwnoned .OIJe of. lhe ·models who appeared,, fully attired. The' girl then told the investigator 1he was 1vailable to be photographed "in any pose re- quested'."' The undercciver man then Identified himself, in formed Miss Wagner she was in businesa illegallY and reminded her stie had beeil been Informed previously the license application would go before the council'next week . She was arregte4 for violatin'g a city ordinance, "Ope.rating a bus iness without a permit,'' andrtleiltd on her own • recognir.ance pending court appearance. The council hearing on the license re- quest appar'ent!Y will take place. as acheduled. To Get Land'tllark Status Thursday Tile ' Balboa· Balboa l!larid · tevr. • tr:adition in Newport Harbor .11DCt 1909, will be formally eommemd,ated. ·• ·an' historical landmark lD c;ere~ Thw. day nlghl · The ded~cation will take ,plact.:,U ~, •• (If the fourth annual Newj,ort ' Beach. Historical ~iety dinner m e e l i n I. Ac.tivities will begin with a ferry ride 1t11ttipg at the P"IJTI Street landing at ~ p.m. A plaque signifying~ UleCtjuO Will be unveiled at the landing, , Dinner at the PayiUon will follow at 1 p.m. and an excursion around·lbe·taarboi" on· the Pavilio'n Queen will tak'i p1aCer after dinner. • The event i! open to the. pllblic aftd tickets are availa~le. at the Newport Harbor Chamber of ~. 21M E. Coast HighWay, ind at all branche! of the Newpon ·Beach Library_ Judge Rob<rt Giirdhtr of the Slate Court of ApPeals"wiJl~Wve1U muter ~ oeremoniea for• the program. The rurrent Middle East crisis began w i t h the hijacking: of wemm planes to the Jordanian desert by Palesti- nian guerrillas two .,eeks ago and nared into civil war Thursday, Sept. 17, when Hussei n proclaimed a military 1overn- ment in J(lrdan. The Syrian invasion s t a r t i n g: last weekend W(lrsened the situation but the United States and Britain asked Russia to appeal to the Syrian regime to withdraw Us.forCes from Jordan before the. Mideast exploded. Firm Lands 'Major Pact' City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt 1aid Tuesday morning he is seeking council action "by rea!lons ol the characterisliCJT attendant this type of business." Usually, lice nse applications are handl- ed routinely by the Business License Department. .. W••daer Early today· King: Hussein, after con- sultations with the Cairo mediators, Philco-Ford Gets $29.8 Mill.ion Missile Job Th! fog rolls in· tOnight In S M F force, and it'll di-op Thur!Jday11 mog ay orce tempentur .. down Into the llll"a issued a four-point plan for ending the A '29.8 million Air For:ce contract to ·Aeronutronic officials said the wa r. n ~torrJ!Stute he IMld a MW •dtodel ef lhe 8idewill' det~~arding nl the mntract.. which )i'U at1n- freed four guerrilla leaders captured by ') missile has been awarded to Philco-ed last week, ii a bleaihg. h · f' htl which de lated A "The timing of this important Pf'Oll'am is men 1n 1g ng v11 . m· Ford's Aero nutronlcs Divis.Ion In Newport ' will tend to atabilii.e our employment level The Land Ganie (Nortltertt St"le) Picture younelf In a snug A-frame b e s I d e a Northern Califomii stream. away from smog and root beer stands! And turning a tidy profit on the land you bought? The -picture might not be. as pretty u it's painted. For the ·con<:lodlng article· in a seriea on thla prot>- iem, -see P1ige JI tod•Y· • Beach. in the Orange County area.'' Louil Y. Company officials called the contract Heilig, division vice · president and "major and !igniflc1nl" and indicated ieneraJ manager said. that il relaxes growing pressures of pen· He sakt there will be no additional bit· ding layoffs at the division's facilities. 1 .... ho I ll<fl• wever. The contract ca l.s for Aeronutronlc lo OtheE;, compaii\i apokesme.n this .morn- engineer and build an updated ''Model J " Ing confihned lhlsriiii.nt thire-would of the air-to-air intercept misaile. have been some layoffs wlt.hOufit. How the ne.w model diffen from the ;,The lnduatrial RelatMJns Departmeht. present "Model 8" Is secret information, 1ai~ toda;Y. that they woUI~ kav~ had lo company ofllcials !aid. program some job cutbacks ta 1bou\ two Most o{ the actual work will be months had the contract not be.en receiv· -Pfl'fonned aL the division 's Anaheim ed ,1' the spokesman 11aid- assembly plant, with about one-third of It The Aeronutronic Oiviakln employs I .... to be. subcontr1cted to Philco · Ford'• total of 2,ar.l persons, including J,764 at Communications and Technical Servicea Its Ford'"Road faciUtyln Newport Beach, divillon at Wiiiow Grove, Pa. !10 at t.he Anaheim assembly)Slli1t where 1km'1 the cont, with inland read· the Shillelagh missile Is built." • _] tnp dippinc to 12 desreea. n....n._.u., ll""1Jrieiee.-..ee .. o1rtr.,H111--\;dlWIU'eJll--lDSlu e---t-"-::::':::::'::=-:::-:-::-:-=-+---' eludes lnconuv .. !or Aeronutronic to 10-INSWE· TODAY com_.Pliah the work at lower coat throUjb Smoa might drlve .t;hildrtn in the. San value engineering. Joaquin Elemenllry School .District· off Cost uvtng Innovations Jn engineerinC the playgrounds. ind ronrtructior. that produce quality at Trustees o{ the district have voted to leist egual to speclflcaUons will result in obtain •moc readm,s frQJn !ht Or•nte higher company profl~ under U1l! type of County Air PolJuU0t1 Control District. Incentive program. , Re1din1s will be given to prlnclpels, • ln addition to engineering and coo-' who 'Jfill decide whether,1or not 'Cblklren structklin, the contract. provides the com~ should remain ou.td90n, if •the smit1 ll' i pany J o tproduce technical dall and panicular))' bad. aerospace. ground ecnripment. :I'be county program was adopted. after Heilig said the AIM-9J Sidewinder pro-the 0ranre County Medical Association gram, ·as thfJ 6,lr Forte contract c1lls it. outlined the heallh ha7.e.rds for yoon1 , wlll be conducted lrltbln the i:livision's Air people caused:.. when oxidants In lht._1!.o: Defense Systems Operation under the mosphere. reach .35 paru per million: direction of Robert T. O. Case. Jr .. 4itec· The mt;dlcalt association recommend!~ lor. and J•me J. W1tson, ·AtM-9.J-pro-~ that children be excused from 1trf:Pueus • ·cram manaaer. . -•• indoor and outdoor actlvUin at Ui1~ liroe: ' • ·1 t ' • • _, , 2 D.t.ILY PILOT M FACING .ADDED CHARGES? Sheriff'• ~ty Irvine I ACCUSED ·OF IURGLARY .5h•rlff'1 Depyty Dunc.an • • • ·.Suing ··Newport ~o. E.--Kadane ind Som-bu filed-a-subltancel and subtract from it the- clalm fof '5 intillon in damqes aplnat Utln'lated coat of e1.tractin& ~e." . . · ~ . The claim uys the flaure 1s the "best the city al Newpon Beach in coun-estlmale" 1vailable lild m1y run higher · l.eracUon to the city's suit against the in the future . · comp.any· for alle1ed al.ant drlliina under the city. 1be city filed suit a111n1t the Wen Newport oil producers last month claim· in& the Kadane finn bas been slant drill· inJ from ill leasehold property in County territory Into the city limits. Lawyers for Kadane and thf. General Crude Oil Company al Delaware, which hllve joint interettl in the lute, filed the claim charging ptat ii ~ city is auc-- ceasful .in enjolnlna: them, 1os1t.J1 tota)llna '5 million; or mott, woukl resu!L NtwPort Beach haa filed suit in Orang\_ County Superior Court seekinl an in- junction barrin1 futute drilling. 1be city is not •king any damaaes. Parsons Firm Asks Report Extension The Ralph M. Panona COmpany bu requested a two-week el.tension from the Orance County Board of Superviaor1 of the Sept. 30 deadline for aubmilaioo of ils Orana:e COunty aviation 1tudy. · 1 nvestigation Continues JnlJeputy Burgtii,r Case Kadane's attorneys aay that by virtue _Qf_Jbt~cWm_ th_t company is not con· ceding it Is In violation of Section 1401 o( the Ntwp0rt Beacji City Charter. It ls thia section Of the charter that City Attorney Tully Seymour cite1 in the original suit. 'Ibe Board of Supervllora is e1.pected to actOifllie request-at1 t:ssep1:-29 meeti'-n.::g.'-- If the del1y is granted, the board will have to set a new date for the public hearings on the Parsans Report 11chedul· Oranl' County sheriff's offlcera today contin~ investigation thai eould-leld to the Jilin& of further bur&lary char1e1 a1ainlt two deputies already accUJed of the attempted burglary of the Mission Viejo Country Club'1 ·1olf shop. Area bura:lary reports filed p:r1or to tht arrest Sund1y of deputies Arthur E. Dun- can, 34, Huntina:ton Beach and Frederick B. Irvine, 40, LI Jllbra, were be1ni checked. , InvesUa:ators said more than JO burglaries cOmmltted ln, the M.luion Vie- jo housing d'!velopment durina the months immediately precedina: .the a r r e 1 t <ti Duncan and Irvine remained unaolvtd. Market Employe, Pal Sentenced To Year Terms A fonner Costa Mesa m.IJ'\et employ• Both deputies are bein1questioned1boot their poulble involvement in.those thefts, Sheriff's Department spokesmen uld. Irvine and Dun~an have been ordered ~ a·ppear :Tuesday Iii Santa Ana Municipal Court. Both men are free on bail. • Both men were spotted Inside the golf shop by club pro Ron Belan1er who sum. moned other sherilf'a officers to the premiaea. Duncan immediately IW'- renclered, but Irvine commandeered a petrol car and led his former collea111es on a bullet punctuated cbue throu&h two · counties b e f o r e 1urrenderln& a f t e r threatening to commit suicide. Both men were employed during their off duly hours 11 security iUardJ for the Mluloil-VleJo.<;om1!9'\Y · OistrlCt att.orney!a lliveati1ator1 are ~ doy lookin1 foto ·Ille "'*1blllty of ad<flnJ charaea of uaault with 1 dudly weapon to tht bllral.,,.count,already laced by lrVtn.e. _ Offlcen ciaJm both•accu.9ed men J01d- iid their iecurlty car with llolen iOllJnl equipment and 11veral cues of liquor IJMiedlately ~.oberUl'1 oitlcera .,_ rived at tht pil ll!Op. Section 1401 prohibit! !lant drlllln& without permission of the city council. It does not, however, prohibit slant drilling that was ~aun before the adop- tion ol the charter in .955. Seymour 11id this morning, that the Kadane drillln&: began well after that' t11te and noted this point is not being contested. He also noted that Kadane's lawyers have not formally answered the ault and likely will not fer at Jeut two more week.s. In uaing the '5 mlWon fiiure, lawyers for Kadane 11.ld the sum "constitutes the e1Umated value of that oU, gu and other hydrocarbon IU-which may be extracted from operation1 on N.id leasehold leu the coe:t o! such extr1cUon. "'nle basis al compytatlMt has been to estimate the total value of the remaining oil, 1u and other hydrocarbon 6 H ospitnlized In Spectacular Road Crashes has been sentenced to one ytll' in Oran&• ~ • ~ County· Jail, for helping ~·lnaineer an Re.~S,, Ckpzga ~ .. ~~~ a~·~~_!!,~-~~ ab9rt1ve ~.280 holdup in ~ a pal Po&--/ .............. ., ~ ...... •w. ........ w ed as !be 11<><:all Band Aid bandit · Leveled ..I ..J: Harbor Area bolpltala Tueoclay, but all .11.guc.nst ac.aped .. r10 .. injury 1n the apectecular Boyd M. Sharp, 29, or Norw"' -~ crubes. eiven the 12-month tenfi by Superiar (pe. • .. Qne car left a> feet ot akidmarka on 1 court Judge James F. Judge, loUowilll • Ca.. ' nter, G(} P · 'cill?'• before ramming and fracturini • three·month presentence evaluaUon at ~ power pole at It! base, while the entire the California Instltutlon for Men, China. <>!'~ C6unty'1 Republican c.entral iJde·of a second vebJcle was caved in by h COmmlUee aOO · .State· Senator DennlJ a colilsion. He and Kenneth R. Menc elm, 24, , _ c Stev'en R. McNealey, 11, of 8.18 Santiago ed for Oct. IS. The reason for the e1.ten1ion request, according to county Aviation Director Robert Bresnahan, is that the company is ha1.·ing mechanical problems wil h com· piling and printing the lengthy report. The company submitted an interim report to the county on July 21 recom- mending expansion of Orange County Airport. The final portion of the com· pany's study will determine if an alternate jet airport site exi sts within the county. Phase J of the county 1viation study, completed by William L. Pereira and Allociates in 1969, determined that the county would have over 40 million air puaengen: per year by 1985. The Pereira study reco~mended that the courity should build one major jet airport for a'Oll-COUlltr.y filghts, five metroports like the existing Orange County Airport and five reaeatJon airports for private aircraft. · The Pirsans Company w11 charged with determining the future of the Orange County Airport and or finding alternate airport sites within the county. The company 11 ei:pected to report on the possi bility of u!ing El Toro Marine Corps Air Station and Los Alamitos Naval Air Station 11 commercial airport sites. Aviation Director Bresnah1n ha 1 previoualy said that most Orange C.ounty airport locationl would probably be restricted to one-runway compleua because of the aircraft noise. • ...... TllPallT GEM TALK Toys tor the Tots Six-year.old Sandra lless , a patient at Hoag l\1emorial Hospital, tries out ne\v play equipment donated to the hospital through the Memor- ial Fund of the Newpo rt Beach Ten nis Clu b. \Vishin g they were younger are Mrs: Rita \Vrighton , secrelary~treasurer of the fund, and Larry Johnson , president of the tennis club. University High Parents To Set lJp Organization University High School parents. faculty -and friends voted Tuesday to establish an organization representing residents of the school's attendance area. Principal Don Castle said more than 200 persons attended the organiiational meeting in Tustin high school and elected Dr. Alfred Bork, of 4505 Sandburg Way, lrvine, president of the Paren t. Faculty and Friends Organization (PFFO). Membership in the group was extended to any resident of the University High at- tendance area, regardleu or whether or not they have children attend ing the school. Castle said. Other officers elected were : Mrs: Sharon Pekins, 14811 Ridgeborct Pl.,. Tustin, first vice president; Mrs . Shirley Palley, 18112 Gellman St., Irvine, second vice president; Frank Carr, 17882 Angell St.. Irvine, third vice president; and Mrs. Millie de Mercurio, 14261 Fernbrook: Drive, Santa Ana. secretary. University High's students and faculty are sharing the Mission Viejo high school buildi~g_until the University Park 5lruc- ture.ls completed, hopefully by NoV. 15 .. school officials say. ~ ,.. . f 'f .• \M•-f-f ... ••• wonderful savings on . Internationar Sterling formerly or Newport Beach ~ who was Carpenter have been accU3ed by a Drive,· and Thomas Platfoot, ar 297 Rose __ the..stocking_andJ>.a.mla'.ge.m.asked stic!yP. defeated w_~oOO _qg.dida_te. J>~e,_were_treated,.__at Cosf.a__1desa_ _ TODA'f- by man -both pleaded guilty to grand theft refiising to pay an allegedly promised MiiinOrlal Hospltal and released. . charges. .. . m,Ooo towards his 1966 campaign. .Poll~ said McNealey's sport pickup Merscheim, an expert golfer. pleaded F nk La M . . . piled into a power pole on Pullman guilty to the ApriL19 stickup.at the Alpha . ra 1~1 clauns m hi.! Orange Avenue at Fischer Avenue at 9:30 p.qt., Beta Market,-'-4i1 E. 17th st .. shortly lfter County Superior Court action·filed '!\Jes. after sotng-cn~t of control. he and Sharp were arrested. day that be was promised a total or Andrus Weigand. 25, of 130 Opal Ave., Both were given thr.ee ~ars' probation $35,000 when be carried tbe GOP banner Balboa Island, and Patrick Geary, 20, of as well as a ~r in ~ty· jail for the. against elected Democrat Richard Hao--15&1 Mes.a Driv~, Santa Ana Heights, robbery. na · · . were alio treated at Costa Mtsa Authorilies recovered almost all the · • · _, ;Memorial Hojpital and sent home. loot and said both men expressed sreat La Magna attaches to bis laWIUil. a InYtsU11tors said Wet&and's car was remorse at the holdup; ln '!"hidt t"° .other copy al ·the GOP contract which conlaina, 1mashed broa&ide .at Paularioo and employes as well as Sfiarp were bound he . claims, a. promise to pay '3;000 ~. Aven~ ~y afternoon by a and pistol·whlpped. to1ward! his,. expW:es. That qreemtp1t Iara:~r auto driven by ~~UI ~· 28, of also appem to ind . te th t. La .M 15'1 Mesa .Drive, a neigbt;Or af Geary, Ski Club Will Hold First Meet Tonight The Orange County Ski Club will hold its first meeting of the season tonight at 8:30 o'clock at the Newport Harbor Elks Lodge . 3456 Via Oporto, Ne"'port Beach. The ski club is seeking new members and the public is invited to the meeting and to a dance following the meeting. DAILY PILOT OltANOt: COAST PUILl5HING COMP•NY llo'berl N. Weeoil .. f~ldMI '"" Pu!Mltflw J1sk •. C~rl1y Tho"''' A. "4.wrphint M 1ntlll'lt Etilor 1ca a 1gna who was• his passenger wa~ promised ll.S7 percent of ill CfD!-Both drivers have the same birthday pa1gn funds ral!ed by the or1anizaUon: next TUelday,· investilators noted. A Republican party spokesmari today A pair of service atatlon Attendants dismissed LI Magna's suit as "petiy and rtdlng their motorcycles on ID br1nge frivolous" and commented that the can-Cowity Fairgrounds access toad .at &:40 didate was never promised the full 1um p.m. were spilled to the pavement When of $35,000. one rammed the other from behind. · The spokesman referred to a recent Jerry E. Hayes, 31, of 1308 Belfast issue of the .Orange County Observer, a Ave., was able to ride home and report Republican party publication, in which It the accident before being admitted tct . w~s explained that La Magna was pro-Hoa& Memorial Hospital in fair condidon m1sed a share of available c1mpai1n with i;uts and bruis~. funds. His co-worker, Gary R. Westrnyer, %4, La ~1agna is represented by attorney of 160 W. Wilson SL, was treated for a John Dean of Garden Grove. Dean is a fractured right arm and released .ac- ~embet of the Or1nge COunty Democrat,.. cordlfll to police who aid he had slowed 1c Central Committee. hil bike in front of Hayea' mach!M. . r Poliey Asked . Co.unty Questions Riot· Control J. C. HUM'HllB ._ ____ _., ''"' l'vrchatted at Home) Many people have the belief or feeling that they can buy diamonds more cheaply abroad than in the Unitod Stat... Th Is is I miscon· ception. Those who buy diamonds at the wholesale level will vouch that pticea are no cheaper abroad. AI- !O, a duty must be paid when the gems are' brought into this country. There ma y also be pitfalls in buy- lng diamonds abroad. In the case of misreprestnt.ation, there just im't much you can do to get your money back. In aome countries the standards Of quality are not u 1trict u they are In the United Slate;. Tho a e puolng fla,.leu gentJ In a o m 1 countries W6uld not pus u such ·here . It's best to buy your diamonds Jitbt here at home. And the best , \.. ,~....._o/o Onell 8«Ylng pie CM •nd-·s.oo onuch pl- Mtti ng ""plr...--, tool ..... ,.,. ...... Oftlt:• -d~ond buys at home are-those 'TWPOON,rorfrcm$6!0 ._....,,,.......,.,,ytolllll County supervisors were shown films of f~rcement agencies are "dedicated to the in our showcase!. Pt.ACE FORK, orid erpawd JG!'!' -M~ rioting ·n W hi lo DC d SI Rig.orlorgt,rw:.frmi$1l.9'.> .. ahntnr-t--wtn., JJl I W1tf 111\.01 l oM11•1f'4 M1 ill nt Aiir111; ,.O. loc 117$, '2'6) 1 as ng n, · " an c. ma , idea of training together to be prepared PLACE KNIFE, · _ _,_... Ala., Tuesday and responded to a call to RIQ.orlarge,nc.fl'Q'l'l$1000 -p•teM-•il»fo.owti .clraf~ a countywide policy to handle for riots," Kundtz •aid. WATCH NIXT WllK FOR PLACE SPCX>N, NM119 pitc. • th1 possible outbreaks here . "But we do not make policy," the "THE llST DIAMOND SHAOEH mwfrtm$10.00 1ltiMOJ#'•9roc>out ---l·--,tm>._. .. ._J»...W .. 1-'•"·1'' .... "''-+--Kellll-Conea111l61lrhe&d-oH'---~,...,.-policuhief uid "Thal is..upJ.o..y,.•11.:.'."--i·-":"-,,_-,..-..,...,-,.-, __ ..,..,.,.,. __ .._ ____ -is.vlJ~~~L[Qfil(. g fi:m~ uf«hii•"•itgiio. ,_,.._. .... ,.,. .. .._ _____ ..._ __ l••~ •••tJi:m-,orniAWtiii r~ ,.. 0 •· t IJh I Art M K SJIRfAnat L~-•--' ..__. ->A .,..,.,,i,.,.IO!I 1-..Cft r i11u .. Kii ,...,..,.,,. Criminal Justice Council uraed the w. The Isla Vista situation wfi giyen aa ur U'll:I w o c eniie """hcntss.i>~ ,,_,..,... _.. "F" Ill s.~ c1cmirTI&: * Htrlll t:• Ctmlnl • .,, mediaW! creauon of a foi-Ynat.'''What la I on the occauion Of hia retirement • ...._. ..-r.• • fw an uam,p e or the peed for an overall COCXTAIL ~ ,_.. • • Sbtw s.t C•l\.Y PILCt. wit~ -lcll II c:"""""' IJle N1w1•P,..., II llWfl lll\UI 111111 ~· 1..-d'Y lfl ..,,,.,~ ta I-fOI' L...,,_ t4'Kfl, 1<11wptrt l•tLlll, Cll!t MUii, Hlill'lllfttltlt •• c~ atA "-'• ~ ¥11!(y, 11orW Wl111' , .. rt11M1t ttlll:tlu C)rwiff CtHI '"'"""""' (-111¥ "'"""" ,i111"' ,,. 11 7211 W .. 1 11!1111 1:_,.~ lllt~ M a<ll, 11'1111 Nf W•I llW '''"'!• Cal• MUI. T...,..R. C71~1 ••1-'111 Cl...tfle4I A"'-rtllf1t 6•1·1'11 C9'Jt"'911f, 1 .. _,............ C.Mt Pilltlllll!M CIM••~Y. N, _, '"'"'' Jl!Mtrlllll1• .. c111w11t !l"l!ltf ., ''~"' -1• W'tlll l'l'llf ttto r11t1-..t Wl!llfln _.:.)If ... ..,.,.,llfl " *''""' l"llf'· he ..... tlll& ,_!I .. OJltl .• u N~ I~ 11.1 0.1' """'· Cllll-11. ''*°'r' ..... "' Ctrflv UOO IJllll!fll!T'I llY mtll U.• ~I l'l'llll!t•r '"'""''-· 1 •• • """'tflly, ' our policy?" be asked . "Who determines u ,_ labu-1. __ ,. .aa cltv mana1er. Thank you Art for mwfrorn.$4.5> policy? These are the questionl and we po cy w ea UNI comm..... J CEMrrAW:~ "'Wf...m. .. ,._,., have no anawm." . "There wt!re two alttrill'1 departmenla, a job well done. '--.. ,_...,,$2.75 ·---... tht hi&hway patrol and tht nalional ICS>llEVW<Z9COI, -.. Y• The drafting job was given to Loi guard oa tbe scene 1n the Santa Barbara Ex cl Ung l • w 1 l ueailona are 1.., lml '9.15 ..,... ... ...., ,_.__ Altunltol Police Chief •~· J. K"·- ._, WN~ conlrootllloo," Kundtl miff. "TIMn youra from J.·C. H'~llRIES OHiAWMJIJMY1e,1-cbairmln of a riot! and dlsorden: taU:: wert three or four letden at anj one vou-•• 1 force aJJUdy formed by county police ume ""° _.. looltJnC for .., leader to JEWELERS. You'll find only the dll~ Thomas, county •dmilll•trallve lake command." fine!! In all typse or jewelry, and officer. told su;pervbor1 that disordtt <we carry 0me1 a and Bulova J e. .)J. J conll'OI probltms have prompted, "public I d' Fl d Kill 600 walcbts. Watch and jewelry repair f • B rear · and loss of confidence In ll 18 00 8 avallable, too. Visit us aoon.·J , C, -• • _ _Umnhrt!!._ eWe{erJ _ ~?a:?.••men_t_'1 obillty lo m1iniaill l1w and HUM,HRIU JIWILlllS, 1 I 2 3 -,-- v ~ DELHTllJPI -ornhan .!GI eoocennonaaldlbedanctr·otdlJorti<n penona ltave been killed and 10,0001.n Newport llvtl., ,i..ne 541.3401. 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA in Orange COUnty Is very reaJ. "We have homeless_ by heavy r1tns that trls&tred 0,.., tl1lly t till 6. Prltfel" .,-.-f -.... CONVENIENT T!IMS 2.trl pollct officers in I.ht county, th•l'• floods lnd c~UapSed bulldlnci in divetae till '· fA Nk'.A.MEllCAID-MAST!l CHAIGE our dlfenle." pana or Indla in the patt t.brtt weets, oJ. Twenty·two of tht counly'1 law tn· flclal report> said todlty. f' • 14 Y("All:S IN SA.ME \.OCA.TroN ,~ONE S41.J40 l l 1 I I I' l .. '51 • ' l ' ' 1 ' I f ' • ( ' ' r I ( I I "t ·-- • U~I Ttle,ht tt 'STREET PEOPLE ' JOINED THE FIGHT AGAINST HUGE BERKELEY FIRE long-h1ired Youths S•id Big HeJ.a..-irl, Fighting D11truc tivt Brush Bl11t KiU. Se.If ,.. .... B-erserk Gunnmn .. Slal!ghters Four ALBANY, N:Y. (AP) building between l ::MI and 1':40 Foor persons \\'ere shot to a.m .. about 10 minutes after death toda y in a buildlng at some o( those killed had -:-the state:Office-ca01p..uJ-bY-.A-repor.l.cdJor wor'-""~~~~ gunuu1n who then took i1ls O\\'n life. police said. Witnesses I said :he gunman \Vas the estranged husband of one of three \\'Omen reported killf1d. The other person killed \Vas a male cmploye of the Stale Labor Department. Police ~leased no identities i1nmcdiately. ·' One report was lhat the killer was an employe of the Labor Department, in· \\·hose building the shooting occurred at the office-building complex on the city's outskirts. He was sai d to have gone on a leave of absence Tuesday but was to have picked. up his pay check today. He arrived \\'ith a rifle. ·nie \\'Oma n re p or l c d · recently estranged from her husband \\'as shot on the (ifth floor of the: building. Bill FrangeJlo. a \\'itncss '''ho saw the rifleman. asked the man : "What arc yOn trying to do? Start a revolu- tion ?" ~ f'rangello, who works in the prinling office. told reporters the tall, heavy.set man "just looked at me." Thi! was after four persons h<1d been killed. F'rangello said the man then \\'a\ked into the stairwell on the groWld floor. Wtdnesday, Septemilr Zl, 1970 W a sl1i11g ton Y outlis Riot WASlllNGTON (AP) Bands or black youths loot ed stores and tossed rocks and bottles at police cars along a %ti-block area Tuesday night and early today in the second ~traight night of disturbances. No Trcsce ' .4tlantic Prob ed . . ,p or Balloonists " . NEW ; YORK (UPI) dly1over fwb ar1111 300 and 450 ~escue plants new over 50,000 milts aouthealt Qf' ~ape Race, square miles of chilly Nbr\h Newfoundllnd-'J'!ltre •.u one. . report Tuesday mgh~ of a flare ilt l toda search1n&_1tghtini..,,bu& Wes.oast. Guard for two men and a woman who said it was considered unlike· disappearfd Monday night' ly. A cutter, se nt to, that spot while tryin'g to reach Europe s~anned the :tale~ earl~ toda y in ,. helium-filled balloon. with searchlights and-listened The rescue teams have seen for. radio messages1 ,but hear~ no evidence of the balloonists. nothing. whose last radio message said iii"i"iliiiiiiiii they were losing altitude in a storm and preparing to land. From dusk Tuesday until dawn today three special airplanes listened with elec· troniC gear for two emergency radio beacons· known to have been aboard the ~foot-tall balloon. 1be pla nes heard nothing, a spolcesman said at the Coast Guard search and rescue center here. SEA . SCHWINN 421 •• , ,.. St., Cwtil ,.. .. WE -HAVE ALLMOD~LS· NOW! • \,._____ire Guts-3i-Homes : Gunshots erupted in the People outside heard a blast anct discovered the alleged killer had shot himself in the head . Police ch~! Jerry \Vilson said 24 pcrso~e arrested , but there ~were no reports of injuries. Se ven planes flew aearch patterns at low altitudes Tue!- ' ' 200 Acres Blnckened in Berkeley Hills . BERKELEY I AP I -A 200-schools. Rcre brush fire \Vhippcd by hot. dry v.·inds was brought under contrq) exceiit for "hol spots'' late Tuesday in the Berkeley Hills after destroying :17 expensive homes a n d 1hreatening 12 others. fire of- ficial! said. F'ircmcl!. reported seven in· juries in the Berkeley fire. none serious except one possi· ble heart attack. There \\·ere no injuries reported in any of the other fires. Two other blazes erupted during the afternoon a few miles north east or nearby Riclimond. but \\·ere contained near Alvarado Park after about 50 acres of brush burn- ed. "There are still hot spoL-. burning in the canyons," said :in Oakland Fire Oepar!n1cnt spokesman , "and \ve've still got full crews up there. -but othern•ise it's under control .'' Meanwhile. the resources or \\'ith viole11t gusts or \\'ind lhe state divi sion of Forestry buffe ting the Berkeley blaze. \\'e re strained durinJ? a hot. SO pieces of equipment and 300 dry afternoon as eigh t other n1en -many of the1n loru:- fires entpted uri ;ind doi\'n the haired volunteers from the northern part Of the state. .stree ts or Bcrkclcv They ranged from l he clambered up the steep can- brushy hills of San J\1 ateo yons be"ating o u l burning County lo 200 miles nnrth in piles of pine needles and. the red\i·oods of , southC'rn euca lyptus leaves 1vith ·wet Humbolrlt County. sacks and shoveling dirt on The Division or Forestry. spot fires. . which sent 10 borate bon1bers Oakland Fire Chief Patri ck to battle the Berkeley blaze. Doyle. coordinating the efforts said il called up 40 fire cn?ll'S of many fire departments and totaling about 600 men from volunteers. said the outer ::is far aWay as Susanville in limits of the fire were ciin· the l!Ortheastcrn part of the tained about 2 p.m. Befon? stale. that. the fire had raced up ancl Some residents of tire dense-do1l'n canyons. lea ving homes 1.v wooded areas a b n v r burned lo their foundations Berkele.v and the University of and knocking a i:adio station California fled their home~ as off the air-\\·hen its transmit- lhe blaze s pr cad "like te r cable'll·as burned out. 11·ildfire" through, tinder-dry Doyle said -the' blaze, 1vhich pine: and eucalyptus. sta rted near its northern lin1it "Ther.e.:s a byge fire coining at Grizzly Peak Boulevard. a ;icross the hill. I'm goi ng with main artery-over the hills to the baby,'' \\1rs .• K evi n !he cast. roared in hit and · Blackv•ell telephoned her hus-. miss f11shion for as far as a band at his oficc. Blackwell mile and a half south to Old rnshed home and \\'as able to Tunnel Road near t h e ~ave the: S39.000 structure with Caldecott Tunnel through the the garden hose. East Bay hill s. Some 400 children \\'ere Smoke rising from the taken from lv.·o elementary tinder-dry hills. which ha ve many large hon1es nestled amoni;: the trees. \\'as vii::ible 50 miles a\\·ay and s1vepl over several Bay A re a cnn1- munitics, including San f'ran- cisco. Nixon Aid e8 Try to Stop I~ y Actions WASHINGTON I UPll The Nixon adminislration is ccported doin!il'. alt it can Lo keep South Victn11 mcse Vice President .J~guycn Cao Ky from attendins a rally in \Vashington Oct. :t. W a r protesters COJ)linuc to promiS<' they \\•ill attempt a citizen·s arrest of Ky if he appears at the rally. Sen. Gordon L. Allott fR· Colo.). after Republi c an Congressional leaders mel with President Nixon at the \Vhite House Tuesday, said "ev.erything is being done. every influence brought to bear to keep him from at- lending this kooky rally." ·\Var protesters also ~'ere making thei r views on Ky's visit eviden t. Rennie Da vis. one o( the "Chicago Seven" and spokesman for an antiwar coalition. said Tuesday at a press conference "the day Ky lands in the United Slates there are going to be groups doing everything possible to place this man under arrest and bring him to trial." --- CLIP THIS VALUABLE OFFER PORTRAIT • OFF.ER YOUR CHOICE 8x10 or Jlx14 77c •o:N~o~~Rt~~l:G .• TOTAL $1 27 •Each add itional person in portrait 77~ •No age limi t, ·family grou ps WtlcOme I 155 15 ~ PORlUIT~IU1lWAY--H- • No 1ppointment necessary, C9fTlt e1rly I • Minors must-be Wi th parents -one offtr ptr fam1 1y I ' 'PROFESSIONA L PHOTO,,RAPHERS BY EVAN 'S sru·o 10 Choose Safeway Nearest You 3 Doys-Fri,. Sat., Sun.-s.pt. 25, 26, 27 • 1000 BAYSIDE DRIVE, NEWl'ORT BEACH 2 Days-Tues., Wed.-Sept. 29, 3·0 • FAIRVIEW AT WILSON , COSTA MESA -. Hours· l0:30 to 6. __ _ CLIP THIS VALUABLE OFFER .•. • -. " . 1 • • be a friend-finder and re.ceive a have your friend open an account at NewpQR' Na~i~nal Bank and do both of you a favor ... (OFFER FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY) IT'S REWARDIN G AND FUN TO SE A FINDER .•. Find yOi.lr friend (a relative will do •) and bring thetn to Newport National Bank! Alter you have introduCed 'you r fr iend to our New Accounts girl and your frie~d opens a new .5% % Time Certificate of Deposit A'c:count for $10,000 for 60 months or longer, we will give you, as the ''Frier1d ·Finde r,'' a FRE~ SONY COLOR TV SET. Your friend will receive a FREE SONY AM DESK RADIO for open ing his new account, which pays a big 5l/c Ofo interest conipounded daily, paid qua rt~rly or longer at your option (the highest bank interest allowed by law for commercial banks). Certifi cate may be used as collateral for loans. Your SONY color television set and your rriend's SONY AM desk radio witlbe given immediately when the new account is opened with cash, cashiers check, tellers check, or certif ied check. Other passbooks _ brought in or sent in will be transfer red free. (Ple ase allow other checks and passbooks t ime to clear befo re claiming gifts.) Accounts may be opened jointly, in trust for different individuals, or as FREE TO FINDER: SONY Trinitron~ 12• di•gonal screen. Aut omatic color control, realer brightness, sharper focus and many other special features. Easily moYed from room lo room, , FREE TD FRIEND·DEPOSITOR: SONY AM Desk Radio with unique slide tuning and volume control for areater precision and brilliant performance. Be1uti futly l1n1!.hed in rich witlnut. lays flat or tilts up. - • . - custodian for minors. Prior to maturity no principa l may be dra't'"· ' ..................... SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS IF OPENEb IV MAIL .. •Nol • membtr of your /'lousshold. NEWl'Otn MllClfMl 1Am: P•int !oc1~ b•i ncll ind 1ddre1s ...._ P1eaS1 ope11 my Time Certifiute of Oeposfl Account. (ActOllnts may"' \ ·' ,. ., % PER ANNUM COMPOUNDED -OAlt Y-YlEli>'s--- 5. 917% open ed )oinlly. in trust for differirrt illdivicl111lt,' or as wstodl1n for 111lnqr~ AU 1cco11ntl optnecl b~ mail must htve rifls plc~ed 11~ at the offica where :----.=ntts·opened;;,"fht-Fritnd.f1nder 11llote •icn.hlrt..,,..,,·lteltwt. Wnl'r----- we can't sliip it We Will IKllity fritnd·Finlfw wlttft If pld; ~ ri~~ PER ANNUM FREE SONY COLOR TV SETS AT ALL 9 CONVENIENT 'DFFICES AW,.n Oftia Mlthllton 11 M1Wthur IJJ.Jl 11 • ..,... Offlcit e.,sidl 11 JtrnlMrH 't2·1 l• l c:.11.,. Plfft Oftlcie Nutwood 11 Comll'IOl'IWltltll 17J .Z90Q •....,Nila Orkt Harbof tt 8r11 171-7290 Su;iffef OMct SllPtriar ll Pl1c111111 MZ·t51 I • Ulliftflitr Oftlct EISt ClllJll!lill •t Sitt• Cotltr• ITt·•UO Wntdtff Offta: Westdiff tt OMr MZ·lJ 11 S.11 ll•tll Offic.1 Ui~tt Wotld, St1I h~dl 9'·2711 • ~· Hilb Oflkt Leisure World, LJ1un1 Hrll11JO.J200 ~--- _ _..._ ______ _ -• . • DePOtltor~ run Jr11m•-----.. =,..,,=----- '"'''" print) 'Mdrus_~-~-----~-----~--eitr st11e z;11 . Social Securiti Jrlumbtr ______ [ncio514 is S ___ ._ D $1p,ooo fOi' 60 '"~!hs, cir l~n11r. 0 • Pusboo~ 1ncloMd •• Flnd1r'1 Jr11m•------==-==--~--­lPI•••• print) Addrw ___ 0c,;;;~,------,, ... .,;;;.,,---.,..--.,,i=,-·-· ~wD~-----~~·----~·~~'"""'""'~ rindet'• ~·'i"l"l"lliiiiiiiiiiiiimHiHiniHiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiliiliii •••••••••• • -J j .. • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE • .~trong -UF ·teadership • Kickoff in the 1970 campaign of the newly merced -Mert:in2 of the two cities· -so closely relat~ in Harbor Area United Fund, serving both Newport Beach geographical and social patterns -has made available and Costa t.1esa, is about to begfu, coinciding wltfi au· a United Fund leadership team of unparalleled quality. -----tumn'rtoOttiallsea·son-;i==: ----~.~----€hances-are solid for...a....record~~ear_o~es~ But The goal set this year is $412,000 to help meet the the key factor is for each of us to support t.lils very need s Of more than 30 agencies and organizations serv· necessary volunteer community eUort with our ''fair ing every element of Orange Coast society through the share" contribution. yeai:. • Your contribution to the Harbor Area United Fund this fall wijl help in the work of seven agencies serving youth; 12 organizations providing specialized hospitali- zation, health or medical services for adults and chiJ .. dren : seven agencies providing help to families and to the needy, and four special-purpose agencies, such as the USO. Now that once-separate Costa Mesa ,and Newport Beach groups have cOmbined for the ct>mmon good, United Fund leadership offers a powerful combination of well-known and res~ted names. . -Corporations and Employes division is led by Joe !tfetcalf, Sears Roebiick & Company executive. Business division is chaired by Ford d.,aler Theo Robins. Special Gifts division is under leadership or retired newspaper publisher \Valter Burroughs . IJ,csidential campaigning will be led by Mrs. Gleam Smith. director of the Girls Club of the l larbor Area. Her Boys Club counterpart, Lou Yantom, leads Fund Agencies' branch. Newport Beach Police Chief James Glavas heads the Government and Education Drive for the United Fund. Attorney Dennis Harwood is at the helm of the ·Professional division. Irvine Company executive Robert Parks is in charge or Board so licitation. Philco-Ford Aeronutronic Division information director Don Flamm \Viii conduct the Public Relations campaign for the United Fund. Advisory Committee is headed by Garry Burrill, KOC~l Radio executive. Sharing Bay Enjoyment She may not be the most beautiful boat ever to grace Newport Harbor. She is more squat and sturdy than sleek and handsome. But to most of Newport. she is a welcome addition. ; She, or course, is the Pavijion Queen, a c:onverted ferry which has been undergoing a 90-day trial as an excursion boat operating in Newport Harbor. · A public bearing on Pavilion Queen's application for a full-lime -permit to operate will be conducted be~ fore the Newport city council at 7:30 p.m. Monday. Some arguments against her operation undoubtedly \Viii come from some bayside residents who already have complained that ther were annoyed by noise emanating from the colorfu tour boat. \Ve believe, however, that the Queen's operators have done a good job of conducting their boat and their guests during the summer and in the proc- ess they have given hun~s the opportunity to en- joy the bay. With carefuJ, continuing attention to noise control. there is no reason whv the Pavilion Queen should not become a permanent ffature in Newport Harbor-much as the Balboa ferry has becomel The deli.R"hts or the bay sh'ould be shared by more than those \vho happen to reside on its edge or have their own boats. N Fashion Island Patrons and the Pot Set Ky's Ethical Position ls In Doubt Charming Court With View To the Editor: ··Newport Lands Court with ILs Beautiful View." Hah! Most of my adult life has been spcnl in "nd around courts. ~!y exploits are em- balmed for posterity in the printer's ink or official reports. And while I found most courts handsome, robed judges nice, clerks respectable and officers dashing, the customers were for the most part none of those things. CUSTOMERS OF the bar of justice are too many of the seedy, mean, despicable and desperate variety, Gtntle, well bred, cu ltured and responsible citizens do not hasten to the courts as if to a splendid isale! Oh no! The customers of the courts far loo tiften add little - and more frequently take much. _, Imagine if you will a gentle patron of a Fashion Island salon choosing style, assessing fashion, trying scents, and sharing vie.ws and views of each other 'vith t.he darlings of the pot set awaiting arraignment, trial or sentence at the nearby channing court with a view. EVEN FAGIN could not have contrived A site for the gathering of the family for more fancy, more fashionable -.ind pr~ fitable pickin's! \Vhen my client stole the wheels off of my car to pay me for a spirited and win- ning defense, I did that day learn !!Omething ol. crime and criminals. MARK F. JOSEFF f ' ~ ;M~~~i . . Letters from reader1 are wt:lcome. Nornially writns should conve11 their messages in 300 words or less. Tiie right to cundt:Mt lt:tters to fit space or eliminate libel reserved. All let· ters must includt: signaturt: and mail· ing address, but names may be with- held on .,eqUtst if sufficient Teason i-3 apparent. Poetry will ·not be pub- lished. . Against E'reewa11 To the Editor: 1be article, "Reaction Widespread In Freeway Death Hint", referred to the reactions of the mayors, cities and groups along the freeway area. The real concern and "'9Ction is the mtrchants. the property owners and the man on the street All up and down tM California coast the people have al every opportunity said, . "We don't want freeways that take our property, destroy our neighborhoods and ruin our business." MANY OF THOSE not directly affected selfishly yell progress rand claim their desire for such project$. Like Costa Mesa-as soon as it is not in tbe.ir area it becomes a vital necessity lo them. The people of Newport Beach, Corona del Mar, Venict, Beverly Hills and others directly damaged by the proposed freew ay do not want it. It is tht special interest groupe that want the freeway, obviously. We the people believe the freeway should be removed from the, plans forever. Then proper plans for the total area traffic problems can be established for lhe economy and benefit or all. JOHN C. HAY V11llghted Squad Ca r To the Editor : There is ont procedure which con· sistently stings my de.sire for equal com- pliance to established law. That is a police squad car cruising alona a dimly lit ocean front parking lot with no running Jight.s on whatsoever. I consider this a danger lo the somewhat frequent pedestrians who stroll in this area. I also question whethPr our existing codes for motor vehicles stipulate exceplions for police. night driv· ing. THIS WOULD NOT lrritate me as much if it were an isolated incident. Howeve r. I have witnessed this apparent disregard for public safe ty and law on several occasions. Except for this la le~t instance I ha ve failed to catch the car numbers or recall the specific times. I wish lo protest the actions of ihe police officer who was driving car .number 09 on the evening of September 15, at approximate ly 9:45 to 9:50 In the Balboa pier main parking lot. I request that appropriate acflon be taken to cor· red this highlf questionable lactic. REV. EDWARD MONK Some odd legal. ethical and practical Issues will arise if announced plans go through to present Vice Presidenl Nguyen Cao Ky as speaker.before a ·•vie· tory" rally al Washington Monumenl ne1t month. Ky's Saigon office announced he ha d accepted an invit a. tion of Dr. Carl Mc- Intire, a right·V.'ing ~adio pastor. to ad- dress his "March for Victory Associalion. '' Sponsors think Ky can turn out half a million listeners bent on heating his pla n for winning the war in Vietn am. if he has one. The Firsl Amendment lo the Constitu- tion reads: .. Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press. , . " Smog Now a Global Crisis NOTE THAT TECHNICALLY foreigners have the same right of free speech in this country as citizens, though tradition suggests some limitation not ap- plicable to citizens. President Washington faced the proble m in 1793: a f'rench en· voy, one Citizen Genet stumped the ne\v republic violently opposing Washington·s neutrality policy in the Paris revolution. Amid a national uproar , \Vashington suf. fered it for a few mon ths, but finally demanded Genet's recall. This is offered. not as an ana logy. but as background for the free speech posi· lion or non-citizens. Several I e s ~ celebrated foreigners have been gagge d when they over-acted in our nati onal crises. Smog has become a knife at modern / SO~tE SCIENTISTS are convinced man·s throat. From New York to Tokyo smog Js affecting the world's weather people are rubbing red eyes and trying Edi•.n..rial by decreasing sunlight and cooling the to ease ra1v throats as an oppressive ..,,,. Certainly Dr. Mcint ire has a righ t to hold a mass-meeting at the ~1onumcnt. and there is no rea son v.·hy President Nixon should prevent Ky airing hi s vie\\'S io a proper setting. blanket or smog .smothers the.ir cities. ~Research earth's surface. Such a decline in sunlight A group of international scientists warn-could have far-reaching effects since rd last· February that "a global crisis the amount of sunlight regulates the exists with respect to environmental "'" growth of plants and crops: The Smithso- qualily'' -and the summer smog has lems behind the •Iron curtain. "Our nian In stitution has found that sunlight proven it. forests; fields and gardens are becoming reaching \Vashington has been cut by But certainly Ky \viii be compelled by logic to oppose President Nixon's policy in seeking a negotiated peace. which is not a victorious peace. Ky's utterances ha ve long been uncompromising against ntgotiaUon, and for peace by victory ovrr North Vietnam. In midtown New York. 11 secretary quieter and quieter," 1 am en ts 16 percent Over t.he past half century. 1·omes Jn out or the smog and says: Komsomol!kaya Pravda. "Where have The Interna tional Biological Program ''After I c.amt to work today, t fell the birds gone?" Pall.II of soft-coal smoke disclosed plans for a global early-warning like I should take out my whole hung over the cities oC Eastern Europe .system ca pable of detecting pollutants respiratory system and wash It." In last winter. In the air. Following the latest smog Sydney, Australia, a wave of noxious INCREASING indust rialization of the attack, Japan has decilled to J'onn a HENCE, THE ETHICS or Ky industrial gas enveklpes lht city v.•ith world is the major cause of air pollution. naUonal environmental disruption control associating 'himself ,vith an America n the odor or rotten eggs. •II\ l\lexico City, Exhaust from cars, truck.& and buse~ headquarters. Automobiles ha ve been political faction which elects lo e1ercise tile smog is so heavy momlng visibility ls----responsible for about 60 percent or banned from major·Tokyp shopping areas its rights in the capital. is in some dfJUbl. is ofte n lcs.s than 11 block. And in Tokyo. the problem in the rntire United Stales on Sundays and holidays. The Russians Indeed. v.·e don't need Ky's advice on ft,803 people were !teated in hospital$ and as much as ~ percent in some · are \Yorklng u•it h an r:cl>C!1mental elcc-v.·fial to do tn the war in Vietnam. ~1r . for throat, lung and e:ye ailments over cities such 15 Lo$ Angeles a n d Irie furnace (or ust: in oil and metal Nixo n has made known \\'hat he is lrljng • ten-day period. Washington. Industry is tht second refineries. to <lo about it, and he 's not Lrylng for a ----~s~lllOl;;;;::..;..an~d'--air-'po'--U-uu_·oo-'-•-'~•-•_lsoc:...p~r~o~~-~1aril:;"r.1~arir~po~llffiutr"'iiiwrrilfihm1mhc~~;'•~•nbffi1gglr.i'~'t;.--~~~-~~~~~~~---_:m::;;ili~ta;ry(;,,v~i~ct~o~ry'.;.. --·--Wednesda y, Sept. 23, 1970 Th• ..Utonal pogo •I •h• Doar Pilo1 neb .to inform a:nd 1ii""" ulat.1 read.tr• bfl pre1mttng t~il ne1Cipaptr11 °"'"'°"' and com-mtntory on topict of f11.tfre1 t ond lignlfi""'"· br proold!ng • forum for. th.I . e~uton of our readnf• opfnfonl. an. b11 · presentlno CM dtwrse citw- pohita of tn/armtd ob1erver1 ond "'°"""'"" .,. toplcl of rh1 d••· Robert N. Weed, Publisher e era ng pc ro eum re 1 , u er, • ~nmrtn1 melters and iron loundrirs. Power. understandable English, is not Lhe most plants rank ntll't ln line. Dear tactrul speaker In our language. howC\"Cr But long before the invention of the skilled he may be in his own longue. He automobile, ·smoc was menaci ng man. GI has in time• past. and can again, i:ay Tht National Geographic Society reports 1 Oomy things embarrassing to the occupant or that in 300 B.C .. an anU-femini5t Chinese I.he White House. poet dubbed it "the woman's wind.'' Gus: Beyond prior calculation there are ilke-~yin1: "It shakes Cman) with cou1hina: .Jy to be violent disorders undreamed by 111 Jl ~ills blm before his li me." rtmole' aUtn figure like Ky. Americans Smog became a clear and present who don't like lhis ~·a" arc now Jermany dange r in the post~World \\1ar 11 er1. ln the battle over the locltion of and IO anary, il would seem pure folly to On the momma: of Oct. 28, JHI, the munkipel Court& in thll aru, New-t1pect them to Hsten patiently to an 1kies at Donora, Pa., dC\h•cred a deadly port rtprestn11tive1 kept rtfenins Asiatic advocate. How can his pu30nat warning of things to come. During the to the Patlflc Coast Freeway. security possibly be guarantet<I? Finally. nut four days nui'ty liltlth"! r4;000 \\1hal frttw11y?!?· -Ky's-rmnula for winning 11 l'IOMeMt •·ar residents became sick, and 20 died. On is bound to JOund like nonsense. Dec. $, 1952. smog cnveloptd l..ondon -J. B. ~Jr. Nixon •·ould do well to convty lo -and deaths increased by 4.000 O\.'t:r Ky lhe racts of life In thi s nation. Ni:t:on notmaJ levels. And during Th11nk.sg1vlng ,.~11 ,111'" "".,.. ,._ .. ,,. ......... ""' himself carrici the burden or lhese f1cu, •·eek in 1966. another klller smog caused ,.~,11, ,-... ., '"' ,_.,..,_ 11111 ,.nd there's no point in tncour~glng &he 80 duthl on thie eastern 1eaboird of ,.., "' ,...... 11 •"""'' •1111r Ofi,, ,..... jaunty llUJc. man from Saigon lo add 10 t1>e United S11tes. it. _( • • c:o ,,,. /v'\4v iA.1 ~ &Rf..ND ALLIAN(E Political Epithets In the Old Days. Tboughts at l..arge : Americans v.'ho imagine Lhat ou r political invective ls fiercely personal ought to recall the kind of thing said by Disraeli in the British Parliament 100 years ago ; in speaking of Lord John Russell, the Prime ~·linister obse rved: •·u a traveller were informed that such a man v.·as leader of the House or Commons. he might begin to comprehend no\v the ancient Egyptians worshipped an insect. • • The highe r you go in an organization, the more you know about its a]latomy. but the Jess about its physiology -so that a President can tick orr every bone. mus- cle, and nerve-end, but be puzzled when the organism shows symptoms of indiges- tion. flatu lence or heart failurl'. • • • There will be no resL, and no release. for the human spirit as Ions as we stubbornly keep confusing the pursuit of pleasure with the pursuit or happiness. • • • A modern "statesman" is a man who doesn "l read his own speeches w h e n he gives them ; it is inconceivable that the man who deli vered these words in 1964 -''Victory is no longer a truth: ii is only a word lo describe who is left alive in the ruins" -\YSS Lyndon B. Johnson. • • • How languages differ -the mosl fre- quent word in English was not used at all in Lalin, and has no Latin equivalent. (Also, there wa~ no .1. a t in \\'Ord for ·;.yes .·J • • • Some bemoan the facl that "there are: no heroes anymore:" I happen to agre• with 1''rank ~1anuel. the historian. \Yho declared. "The Age of \he Heroes, IU1e the Age of the Gods. is dead. ll is ti.me that the Age of t.1en began.'' • • • The trouble with skepticism is that eve nluatly a man doesn 't believe anythi ng he hears, even v.•hen he says it himself. • • • You can always recognize a demagogur -he makes you feel ashamed for not sounding as patriotic as he does. . ' . •·survival or the fi ttest" 111 11 treacherous doctrine if taken in a simple- minded 1vay: for the ultimate survivor may be the cockroach not the Caesar. More on Speer's Book Albert Speer, like J::ichmann, expressed the "banality or evil," in Hannah Arcndrs term. He was a technician who <lid his job. both as Hiller's chief architect and city planner in the mid· 1930s and .. during th e war years, as the efficient Ptfiliister or Armaments and War production. On trial as a war criminal, th is upper middlKlass fellow from Mannheim chos~ not to defend hirllself at Nuremberg. He freely adm itted his guilt, if -only by association. "Who else is to be held responsible for the course of· events," he said, "If not the c\os~t i ssociates arou nd the Chief of State?" ~-······-----.... ·---.... J The Book.111an • ......... Hitl er's deliberale l~·ing to his generals, the leader's withdrawal into his Berlln bunker and ultimate tomb. Thi§ book is Shirer's "The Rise and 1'·a11 of the Third Reich·' through the looking glass. as \\·e suggested recently. And, of course, from Hitler 's confidant more intimate. Hitler's last \4'ords. for examplf. according to Speer. v.·ho was with him SPEER DREW 21) years In the prison near the end ; ··1 shall not right al Spandau spending the time in pursuit personally. There is always the danger or scholarship and v..Tiling his memoirs. lhat I Y..'Ould only be wounded and fall published now as ·•inside the Third into the hands of the Russians alive. , Reich .. , .Fraulein Braun wants to depart this life In it he presents an in-depth portrait oT u'llh me. and 1"11 shOot BI on di .Hiller and members of the Naz ' beforehand. Believe-me, Speer, it is easy hierarchy and accounts or Political for me to rnd. my life. A brief momerit infighting, i:;ocrlng vs. Himmler vs. and rm freed of everylhing, liberated Goebbels vs . t.fartin Bormann. Jl is 11 from Lhis painful existence. • :• . . J -u • - s. lT ., ol I> " c " h J> ,C c F s . }. ~ ti ~ t ~ .. ' i • ttlugu.-.Ntttt<T'r b1onttm;-m;ttta,rv-_,.1:"""'Uan;...ti.1.S(1J-_______ J-U--I and otherwise. Indeed, it "ppcars that \\'llllam lloaan Sprer was the only' one who da red openly tell the leader the wa r would be lost. He became disenchanted with ltlller befort the end. ' .---B 11 George --- Dear George : ft.1y son-in-law called ml'.? a dodn. Js that gOOd or bad ? What Is 1 dodo7 Dear htrs. T. :_ MRS. T. A dodo is an ertinct bird that can't rly. as It is cxllncl. I'm sure your son-In-law means that And the death camp.\~ Speer had htard rumors o! such, but as a management technician C'OOCtmed with a r m ~ producUon and a race against time ptld tittle attenUon to them. ''This dellberate blindn~ outweighs whatever good J TT)flY have done or tried to do1" be writes. The memoin, however, are neither 1pology nor confessional. They are 1 unique set or as .~ ttrm ?! c~earmen1_., such rootnotea on the r~lmc Irom the ins.Ide as . old cro'v or magpie. Send 11nd on the monomaniac v.·tio set out tu .::: _h!m a nccc prescnt .11 wiO surprise conquer th~ world. him. HE DISCUSSES m1UtcroQf·laclly such things as Gt'.?nnany'1 muf(ed atomic program ; (~ring 11s art rollector. Iha reaction lo the Normand,)' invasion, (Diiemmas unra veled. Problcnu unk'.'?tltd. Cheap. \\'rite to Geortc. who is out or !he high.rent district. •le advl.~s from 11 !rte.), '1....• -fQl.&llE • ByPhlllnterlcnil . --- - • . . ·- J • • -7 -· ' --.. DAllV IWIT 9 --~ NegrQ~-~~,~per~ And 900 Whites , : t High li.gh1 • ' • . • ' • . ' • . ' 'I ' ' . ' ... •: .. . : ' MIAMI (AP) -Alpbor.--·· Cllf16n . aid. t.OnOn, ooly Negro anions .. bec1uae 9' set 'more thin · . ·mouatt~···­,J'lorlda'• !'JO . bl&bway lMlrneedl. Wbmwtdo'lll•P' : . . ~• .11'1• lile · U I plkO-·-~;We , . , trooper is-Jmt the . •Y ,hl ..... -iiroceD-tbem:---tbe -.me-aa ,_ wanll iL u-· from 'White&. Tiiey I* .. rin a trooper. Tbat'i all. the same e11mln1UoD, the ·:'TO 'iPe,'_it's ~I've ·:~~·".:-_ .' _· ... always -wanted. It's' tlt e 1 • Clifton uid 1be twO black · ··wtimAle." tli ,--·~year:01d-•ppllcanta·.were llniloll. p11> .; .. -, .. • ~? .v·a1Ues! • , . " . ·' .. former Marine said. speotive troopers t e 1 t e d "Tbe ultimate, of course, ln recently. Both failed, be' said. law enforcement is t h e Of' Lofton, Clifton uid. "he's government man, the FBI. doing a good job, and there _But for.the state, lh9~Florida havebeenno pr0ble.m1." ; ·-··· ............. · llilln. Gina with antique bfMs tnm. Contemporory choift styte. 17M Russ 'Scientist Lashes Freedom Restrictions HlgbWay Patrol is t be Lotton aid be bad beard no ultimlte~' racial slurs while carrytnc out " l.ln duties, --'-..1'--,_;_ 11' Loftoo was a -parttime uu ~~ .. vu sheriff'• deputy in North something thot more or less Florida'• Columbia CoUnty surprised m~. before Joinilll:,!he patrol May "It's the way you tre~t a 1 a the fil'lt black in itJ ~I-~~ed: ~li y:1'1~'t ~ · year history. He said he had somethi.Dg·'·ttf"brif'iC ' tt::"OUt· been trpted like any other them, he's not: eoin& to display :~~"~I ~r:· DO more or less ijian hi9 feeUnp •. 1 treat·otber,peo- anyone elae. But l want to be ~:a~me~.~Y 1 want ~m Jo ' the belt/' be aai~ Lortorl ls working alone, u ' - Patrol Commander Reid all trooper! ®· He patrols in Clillon Aid !be agency doei Dacie County. not &eel: out Negroes 11 •P' Asked whether he plans to plicantl nor does it tum them make the patrol a career, Lof. Melvedev was detained by down. ton chuckled and. replied: · '''Vii " haven't put On a ''Rey baby, as Ione u they'll Soviet scientist, tossed into a Soviet authorities for three LONDON (AP) -A noted mental hospital by Communist weeks in a mental hospital • ...:;~_;Jli_tin.,,'"g"-'p:...r_•_;;_g_r _a_rn __ ro_r_·_k_ee_:p_m_•._" __ '---=----.1 authorities last spring because last ·May because be cllallenc- of .~ views, bas produced a ed the system. His release book, smuggled to the West, resulted from strong protests which aeverely indicl!J the lodged by fellow Russian Communist . system for its scientists, but at present be is restnetioos .on s c i e 11 t i f i c said to be unemployed. ·fn<dom. • '!be publiJbecl excerpt al bis Sale. Last 8 days! Our dian:1ond prices are $_1;.vays good. This week they're 20°/oless.. . au ltimsnotnmlibll Jn all ataru. 'n:ie amuuled manuscript, book told bow Medvedev .- pulllbl,.s by Macmillan and ret ... d penniaion in 11111 to Co. In the original Russian, is attend a ~posium at. Sbef. called "'lbe Medved e v · field U11iverstty1 where he .was Pa~1:' the Plight or Soviet invited to give a t ey lecture sQen<:t."' ,It ls by Dr. Zhores on "Molecular Aspects of Ag· ·A:··Medvedev, 45, a geneticist ing." He listed a maze cf who headed a department at bureaucratic evasions that the Obninsk Institute a r prevented him from attending. Medical R a d j 0 l o g y • A Instead, . Mededev said, on tr8.nslai:ed excerpt appeared in ·. the day the lecture was Nature, the jaurnal of ·jn-· schedulM, he and ethers from temational science, and full four laborataries took their !--->'English versions will b-e-turn -with other~employes_ of _ published next year in Britain city o r g a n i z a ti a n s in and the United States. harvesting ootside Obninsk. ~ ~{ ct,tnarquill:•.V a' --,ni -·-- ring, 14K ""81 mid. -· ' "Dr. Medvedev has written ~ ... -....... 1'1.20 __ e CQllStr\!clive. cri~~-ol the ~ · ~ present arranaemepts and not ~ a piece of su bversive iiterature," said Na~:-It ~ . earnestly lq _be ~~ft '.· . ----'~ . ;. . ~ ' ,, •' " ~ wjll be -,. reprdtd l!I the -. • ; -~~!~~l~:;;t at atl; • -=~Pllall ..... ffte (~Ct.-mq, I Ill +4, ....:. -. '---·~"'-h' •• --137.IO,--. 1 ..... =-.... JM1Uvers1ve ~i--e 1,,:, '....J' ~· ... ""'~ -a pair fol,. wd .• 'iJ)o]<esnili> . -" ... ·-"""'""' 1'1( Rog. - , -·~ ' , ' for MaOplllan's. , lljs b06I< · ..,,,.--315, _ .,, Hae.;.,,,,,: i~ could do ·a lot tO increale the 1 ct..dlilmOnd aolitaf1'. 14K 1!J dllnmd btfdll llf. 14K ' flow a£ info~ti<>ft and ideu white-told. ... · ....,..OfM:"Jl.·ct. '*' 91· ' betweenEastBDC!.W.est,";.i.:, A4j.$12'5-Nw''t10ll l'leg..1 • .IO, .. t'ftO TO .YUGOSLAVIA -Linde:-Stebler ln the RusSJan ed1~9n, '_ . / ' Medve dev claimed ·that Prof. · '.: L •• Timofeev-Resovskil, l'reno\vn.: -• ,, _ -· ed geneticist, ..... had to hold ." • . 1 _ · underground seminars In a . · · labor camp when T • D . . L y s e nko's now-dilcredited genetic theories' cJomirilted of· ficial Russian thinkillg. Sov}et science, Medvdev argued, is foi-ced to iag behind --lbe West beca~ scientists are denied full e<1ntact ·with colleagues abroad. · · Informatian reaches them slowly only . through official channels. he wrote, Ind great waste results f r a m un- necessary duplieation or ef· 5 dlemond wedding ring, M · ct. totl1 wt. 1-4K whit• gold. . Rag. 137.00, Now t110 Yugoslavia Studv Set .. fort. He claimed ·the Sovitt • 10 diamond wedding ring;· · Yt. ct: tQ.tal wt. 14K wl'lil• gold. R~. 289.50, Now 231M Linda St.abler, a I 9 6 9 Unian, instead -. of ordering graduate cf Newport Harbor equipment already ._developed High School, has been selected in lhe West, makes. e1:pensive by the School of International copies of it and it is frequently Training·· to s tud y in obsolete before it-ts-ready.·-- Yugoslavia for the 1970 fa ll Macmillan's declined t <> semester. reveal just how Mevedev's Mln'I s tnemond. ~n9. !-i ~t: -·Mtn'1 1110 ct dlllftOnd totll wt 14K y.llow gold. ring. 14K yellow aofd Nnd. R9g. $3()0, Now P*t Reg .. 79.50, llow a.11 The school Is conducted by manuscript was brought to the Experiment in lnterna· Londan, but said it reached tionel Living in Brattleboro, the West in separate sections Vt., where Linda "''ill spend earlier this year. RayalUts Ulref: weeks prior to traveling fram the book will be held in to Yugoslavia. She will be trust for Me:ctvede! by three ~ven . ~ jatensive traiping .. Wes~ern s c 1 en t ~ s_t ~, the cOurse· in Serbo Croalian, the publishers added. · Jl'fllUlie-of Yugoslavia, at the · ICbool'• facilities in Vermont. _ DuriDg her tine month Illy tn YlJIOB1av1a, she wUI nve with 1 Yugoslavian family to i...,, Ill< -· and lrlCll" tiono al the eounlry. Andy's Fun Ast any kid ... Ask Altdy" h fllft. SN It SlturdiYs~hi Ult ~DAILY­ P!LOT. I See by Today's e A bit ot luxury? $23.500 neat 3 be&UOin tn West c.o.ta .Mea 1 ti.th, IUpl Yd with 2J pdiol. • Do you iike-to work with clay T Take a few aeulp- tur. !nsl!'Uctions from a sculpturlst. .. 12..._,. ...... rt ,.nunt. ~ct. total wt. 14K ......... .,..nus. NowtSl.15 m .. -II ... $Qlloped -•· Goes wen wilh all decorl. Gracelufly shlll"d, with a.ocado suede finish. 3-wrt •Wltcf\. m._ . - . 1 I &lltlll-ai 1tyte chlndofier. G-opi-and etched -wi1ll antique braes finish !ri m. $22. ~ " 5Mghtll--n 1lylec:lla-. Hand rubbed otk finish on bladt· wrnughl Iron ......... $22. • -' ' . 5 ............. as 1111 pi 'nhld I . • , _...,•tu " _ ... "" modllll .. loot ....... m. oi-ewllcll ldltllla 'lighllng --tua brig-to c:oiidla glow. Eny to lnollill, ut Decorative light bOtbl. 25 or 40 watts. 41c . • Solid .walnut 1ingl• switch plate. 1.39 · SO!ld walnut dOuble _ ~~~•;..,Wltcll,pllla.iilinll1.C711ft'~~~~~~~~~~ liilwil rocepllde plltL 1.JI • B&b)ialtting? ln a nice '-fea Verde bome, full or P&tt lime. ~charge It 11 these stores : ·CANOGA PARK FULL.EATON . ~.' 'HUNTINGTON BeAOi CARLSBAD DOWNEY ~ ~EWOOO MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE "THE CITY" VENTURA Shop Sunday, too, 12 to 5 p.mJ • • • ,. 2 --• ' . . • ' .. !I ;~l<l~«S•~tmblr ~. 1970_ -------=-::=:a=- ' INSTANT COFFEE Freeze Drii l -I 11. 511iD1ly. ft. 9· 1t-Sa1·0R -' . limit 1 Jar Per • c ••••• :Scot Towels !11"'"11sor1111,,,.. t1w1J. Ast'! Clloit w Wl~i. 111. llc 3 BIG ·--ROLU>--- for ''Friskies'' MIX&CUBES DRY DOG FOOD Fine taste, Fall · nourishment. Ab- sorbs liqu id fast. -,.,,.., .. , _____ ...,, ...... • "Tampax" TAMP.OMS • Comfortable, Saoil>iy Pro-1 39 tection. Replai, Su~ or Junior. 111. 1.5140's • · ''Spanish'' W-0od IMPORTED FROM SPAIN Antique Walnut Finish. Beautiful accent fDr your home M for a unique gift • 10\4 1 &V. Trip.le C11•lestick . • 10" Ci1d lestick . • 10• Ftat ~1nd1e·Holder • lO V2 17 x 6" Pinter • 11 " Candlestick • JV." Mu • 9" Cuileslick • 14" Tall C11il1 Halder • H4 • x &" Huse Sbpe In wit' Hiqd T1, ·• &\4" c'"' Wit' Cerer • 911" Nit Cracker • 10~· Ca1del1'ra YOUR CHOICE 1 ~ 99 ousehold Plumb_ing Needs 1X1cunv1 Shower Head . IJ MIUID -Fits au showers, easy lo install. Gives an 15' Drain Cleaer . invigorating multi- stream splay. . 1.66 "'Mister Twistli" -Easy to use ••• works where pluni- er & tl!emicals fail! 1.89 . TlNl I ·Hair Brush New bandy size tor Jlilrse or dressing 2•49c tabl• Nylon bristles 0 for styflng. • CLAIROL . f Innocent Blonde i . I The· tenlkl ont<Slep ... ~ ,- bioAd41,. Av11lallla 0-1 39-r 4 shades. !11. l.ll • "Etc." HAIR s'•' For MEN , Fir tlll actift a11! . Ul'ISC!llled. t. lormula for age the new ~if styles. . •11. lie 11 ti. SCIUlll Tooth~rushes •tyldor4rou Hner ' C. rr. new slraight llandle 2 69 Medium. Rt1. I for lie-I , Clilf l Si11. Rif. 4k llcl zac "--------~---..i .. __ -- -· • • • JR. oocTo• Luggage. Case oscope, thermometer, .specs, C IJ ltASllO -Includes stetl!-66 hypo and tongue tlepreiSOI'. . Mr. Potato Head IJ KISIRO -plus assort-55c ment of "Pete the Pepper'', "Coolly the cucumber", and others. · Marble Maze IJ ltASIRO -I chall"'!' for · 66c all ages ••• see if you ta~ se~. th1u 1 marble maze. U:c1tmg actio" fun for 111 ·qes. "Bingo" Game Metal spinner paste, p.lastic. 66C spinner, 12 Bingo cards. 50 ;i,;;,io;i dlceand 50 shoe pegs. . "Ring Toss" 11 ltASIH -3 ~astic rings, 5· 5c l rocking plastic base and l plastic past · · Lotus Racer tically detailed Filnnu!a I car C IJ IM!OIT TOYS -Authen-66 JI" long, moveable ~~Is; . Assorted colors. Paint Sets numb!rs sets: M~ 1n.ima , · C ly CIAfTlllSllR .-l'llinlb/ 66' seascape & mcu~ltin.scenes on , , 81 IO". "" colored backg"'nd. "Slinky" The oriainal stair..walkina spin-6' 6' c m1 toy. Also T>r lmd pl'Y. • "Gumby" THE SUPER FIJX You can bend him, twist him or C IJ UllSIDE -I pertect Pal! 66 ~e'll stand 2lo1'11!. ' Lunar Probe Rocket ly Piii PWl1CS -l'Gom> 66 up ·IOO Jeet.Operm " ml C jet """''"' Jl!inc~le. . Instant Insanity If PlllU ~ I wrprjsmg cllallonge-:-: . It •ppeals to '" 66C 1g!S. Just arrange 4' blocks s~wing 4 colors on each side • of tile stack. .•. l ~ ·~ ~ .. .• :,· Book & Record ; , b1 BERTEL -Original st delightful background In music. 7''. 45 rpm record repealt· text wDrd for word. "Skill Ball" I lJ HASBRO -3 Plaslic C: ••• 'ase with red and blue cups ••• bag of rubber bands. run in-- doors or OtJtdoors. "Wiggle" fr _1 ~ I . ~ 1y IMP~IT TOYS -Ker [ wiggles in a circle. 3 , ' open box tal'S with cir· cus motif behind en- gine. Witti Bell. . 2 Gun Tari Metal .Tool Clle. -~ 't~~ 6 ''"ll tools. 8\1•lli · ly OHIO IU -Will\ '6E x l \\ ', With recesstd handl• 11 lop. ' A ' spreadi trees s Vi ,he ·nri I ty's pa1 By rr spread Corona County One burned ~'ere s The nnill Fli 1 ] Kint oew e war s, 'ir fo tank f Gue silenc• Nhcre naUy tu re. He met" lo re1 1stabl Hus tn a j ier G: med it Arab Sho IJnm the , force \'adir Into : Hu 1eve1 killec brou, Inter In Hus~ rece all." Th beg a p~an n1an Into Rusi men Tl wee. Uni' l I T ta the tak Co• 1 rut pl• fie! m• Ire j5 I tu1 •• de '" pr ---··. ·~ .. ' . Teday'•ftwmt -.vol 6J, NO. 228~ 5 SECTIONS, 76 . PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAuPoRNI~ • WEDNESDAY, SIPTEMIElt 23 , ·19711 TEN CENTS • ' • Blaze Perils Counf.y • Over 700 Acres Blackened By JACK BROBACK . 01 rM Dal" l'Llel S,_,, .. winas which bad been. blowing in gusts up below JO percent and 1 temperature in to 40 miles an hour dropped to 10 miles excess of to degrees. an hoUr · Althouih the Santa Ana wind de<: rt•• The fire broke out Tuesday afternoon in the same area where the Infamous Paseo i~ helping, fire ,officials s.aid the blaze Grande blaze started in October or 1967. was working in lhe lower rea_ches of can-- A virtually uncootrolled fire was spreading through tinder dry brush and trees southeast of Cor_ona this morning, 11fe first~senous~threllHo-Qrange-COun­ ty's parched mountai n areas lhis year. --rhat-iragic fire nept-over--48,000-· yona-ln the_rugged, al.m.os_t kiacce_pjble _ By midmorn ing the mass of flames had spread over 700 acres five miles south or Corona and was creeping toward Orange Gounty's Silverado Canyon area. One ranc h home in Joseph Canyon burned this morning and several others were saved, fire officials reported. The 580 men fighting the blaze got ·a nnilll break today when lhe S~ta Ana Flat Tum-down 11cres. destroyed 66 homes and did more area. than $2.5 million in damage. Orange County Fire Department of- Aiding on the battle line this morning fi cials dispatched a bulldozer lo the Ladd were 2.3 fire rigs, eight bulldozers and six Canyon, north nf Saddleback, to bolster air tankers dropping chemicals and water fire breaks in case the blaze should creep on the spreading flames. over th e ridge. State Forestry officials said that they Strong San ta Ana winds are predicted ha ve sha ky co ntrol of 40 perce nt of the lo return Thursday and firemen said U perimeter of the fire this morning. Work-the 700-acre blaze was nnt out by then ing against them was a humidity le vel ''we will be in real trouble." · Arab Guer1·illas Reject Newport Firn1 Gets Contract Hussein Cease~fire Try From Wire Servlce1 King Husseii:t today proclaimed another oew cease-fir-e in the bitter Jordan civil war sparked six days ago, afti!r his tiny !ir force rooted pro-rebel Syrian Army ta nk forces back to lhe border. Guerrilla lea der Yasser Arafat broke silence shortly before noon (PDTJ -his whe reabouts· have been unk nown -to natly condemn and reject the peace ges- ture. He said an Arab peace mission wh ich met with King Hussein had no au thorily !o repres!Jlt. guerrilla forces seeking to establish a Paleslinian state. Hussein made the announ cement earlier in a joint statement with Sudanese Prem- ier Gaafar El-N umeiry. one of a four-man mediating team sent lo Amman by an Arab summit meeting in Cairo. Shortly before the announcement over Amman radio. Marshal Habe!l Al·Majali, the Jo rdanian chief of staH, said his forces had beaten back lhe Syri an in- \•ading forces from Jordania n territory into Syria. Hussein 'll announcement came lifter 1even days nf civil war which may have killed as many as l&.000 persons and brought United States and Israel close to Intervention. In a seven-minute radio brnadcast, Hussein said. "The agreement ha5 received the blessing and approval of Kii." The ,. current Middle East crisis began w i t h the hijacking of western pla nes to the Jo rdanian desert by PAiest\· nian guerrillas two weeks ago and flared into civil.war Thursday, Sept. 17, when Hussein procla imed a military gove rn· ment in Jordan. The Syrian invasion starting last "''eekend worsened the situation but the United States and Britain asked Russia to appeal to the Syrian ttgime tn withdraw its forces from Jordan befi>re the Mideast eXflloded. Early today King Hussein, after con- sulta tions with the Cairo mediators, issued a four-point plan for ending the war. And as a conciliatory gesture he freed fou r guerrilla leaders captured by his men in fighting which devastated Am· man and left thousands homeless and starving. ~ Leaders of the 10 Arab · nations gathered in Cairo for a Summ it ccn- fereoce Tuesda}r. They held a series of informal meeti ngs while their peace mi5sion negotiated · in Amman witb Hu.ssein and the guerrilla leaders. The mediators were led by Numeiry and included Premier Bahl Ladgha:m of Tunisia, Defense Minister Sheikh Sadd Alabdulla Assabah of Kuwait and the Egyptian Chief ol Staff, Lt. Gen. Moham- m~ Sadek. Majali 's statement of the Syrian army defeal followed an earlier statement by King Hussein that his army and air force had bloodied the nose of the invaders. Early tflday the Jordanians and Syrians fought what appeared to be the decisive tank battle. Mea nwhile in Washington. the White House said today the siluation in Jordan was still "very serious'' and that Syria's intentions were not clear. President Nixon's press secretary. Ronald L. Ziegler, said officials had studied news dispatches r e p o r t i n g withdrawal of Syrian armored forces from Jordan. But "the fighting Is continuing." he said, and there is still ''a high degree of uncertainty in the picture." Nixon met for two hours with the National Security Council and then con- ~Set MIDEAST, P11e 2) Uniroyal Firm May Clo se Leaving 250 Without Joh . The Uniroyal foam rubber plant in San- ta Ana may be closed before the end fl[ the year. leaving 250 workers jobless and f,11king $2 million in payroll from Orange County's econo my. The tentBtive decision to close the roam rubber and c<>atcd plastics manufacturing plant was announced by company of- flcials Tuesday. The officials :iia\d the market demand for late:x foam mat· tresses hBs dropped to the point where it is no longer feasible to continue manlifac. turing the product. · done by another Uniroyal plant. .huldid not state which plant. The plant , once called tbe "company showplace" or the New York-ba!led Uniroyal Rubber Corporation, was open- ed In 1954 . Company officials in Santa Ana do not know when the final decision lo close the pla nt will be made. "Should the plant ~ closed ," the an- nouncement stated, "all eligible employes would recei ve termination allowance.'! or separaUon bencfils in •ccofflance with existing ~nefit programs. 0 "Since there would be no economic justification for operating the plAnt to make coated fa brics onl y," the company J'-"'oaant. announcemen s 1 , r~r~tT~t~l7•~•;"· -;!-~..,!!-~~-~-~-~-~­decision has been made to close the For Missile A $29.8 million Air Force contract to build a new model or the Sidewinder m~ile has been awarded to Phllco- Ford 's Aeronutronics Division in Newport Beach. Company 'nrficials called the contract "ma jor and significant" and indicated that it relaxes growing pressures of pui- ding layoffs at the division's facilities. The contract calls for Aeronutronic to engineer and build an updated "M~el J" of the air-to-air intercept missile. _ How the new model differs frrim tht present "Model 'B"'is· secret infonnation company officials said. ' Most . of the · a-· 1rort wtn · be ~ performed at the dtv.Lllon'1• ..Anaheim 11.Ssembly plant, wllfl~ltiOut'one-ftili-d nf it tn be subcontracted lo Philco. Ford's Communications and !J'echnical~rvices division at Willow Grove, Pa. Aeronutronlc officials said t h e awarding of the contract, which wu sign· ed last week. is a ble59ing. "The timing of this important program will tend to stabilize our emrloyment level in the Orange County area," Louis F. Heiligt . division_.-vice prgldent and gener1d manager ~aid. - He said there \tin be no additional hir· ing. however. · Other co mpany spokesmen this morn- ing confirmed this meant there would have been some layoffs without it. ··The Industrial Relation!! Departmenl sa id today that they would have. bad to program some job cutbacks if'I about two months had the contract not been recelv· ed ." the spokesman said. The Aeronutronic Division employs 11 total flf 2.880 persona. including 1.764 at its Ford Road facility in Newport Beach, 510 at the Anaheim assembly plant where the Shillela gh missile is built." The 27-month. fixed-price contract in· cludes incentives for Aeronutronic to ac- co mplis h the work at lower cost throug h value engineering. Cost saving innovations in engineering 11nd constructior. that produce quality 11t Jea~t equal to specifications will result In hlgher ccmpany prorit, under this type of Incentive program. In addition to engineering and con- stn,iction, the contract provide5 the cort· pany tn produce technical data and aerospace ground equipment. Heilig said the AlM·9J Sidewinder pro- gram, as the Air Force contract calls it, _ w[J be ccnducted within the !!ivision's Air Defense Systems Operation under the direction of Robert T. O.'C8se. Jr .• di rec- tor. 11nd Jaml!S J . Watson, AIM-9J pro- gram manager.· Death Probe Delayed LONDON (AP ) -The Inquest in the death of American pop guitarist Jim! Hendrix was 11djourned today until next Wednesday for a pathologist's final decision on the cause. • DAR.Y Pft.01" .... ,_ • U.S. FORESTRY SERVICE PLANE SWINGS OYER CLEVELAND NATloNAL FOREST I.LAZA Stubborn .Fir• Burns In Remote_~ntaln Aree lfe~ Or•nge •ncl -Rlver1icle Count•~ ~ 1 Plea to D~u8e · Newport Studio . ' .. .. Police Seize Operator Lights .Rejected · By COsta Mesa-'·· T.~:.t~~r 1N~!J.~; ~arfy ~ir~th; ~: .. ; ~~~~::.:·~:i:~~~~ • •• 1 1 • .1 : , ,.. ·~ • • ·: _ . . • , , ,, ·" • down . Ui.e lignb fl n Orange couatY al)d 'A riuttle~ phoro RUdlo that .<!Dlili!i'l't wlit business nce.pge 11 Mifulld W .\'f1"'conJ. sive •tlectriclty failfd t0 PaJa-·tbt· c:O.ta ~ I U Mesa Cjty Council Monday.' · · · to . shflw its . ass'~ P!fha_PP"f!jund out ~dtred by the . C ty Cour.c· ~on~y . ibt,'rbolulion -which· was orde--' Tuesday that patience wOOJd have been nl&ht, reporrtadly shriwlt(I the invesli1ator •i:u pcudent. a sirie1 GI J(liotographa lJI the 10 rftl.I, all d<layiil io day, -would ,.: te !he Cali· Newport Beaj::h police .atrened U)e. nyde. _ • . .. . . . /ornia Publk Utilities colhtninlOn i nd operator of the studio when she opened . The of fl~ cl a um . she said the 1t~Jo ask U to impose the reduCed po~i 'itTeet for 1business before -obtaining a city was ~pen for busl.ne~ and models woold lights on the firm's poles, , Jiceme, ASsistant Chief Harry A. Nelson poae at a rate.' of $25 per: hpur. Film had 'Curte.ntly, 7,000 lumen. (caiJd'tpo,.er)' di'sclosed this morning. to be purchased there for fl.12 a roll. lnstallaUons are u~. btlf ode q1eory· ii · • An ..underCoVer agent entl!red.lhe....offu:e_AL lhat point, CrueLNe~ •Miss 1 tliat 3,000 lumen ligl115 M:ould:thve juit of. · Kitt1en Productions,' ?ti ~'amp1:1S Waa:iier ;ummoned • one of the. .,;,Otte!! IFW@IJ a:rKf ,Uara~t~pe:rlftd':,M,e·----• Drive, about 4 p.m. purporting to respond · d f II tt d Th. · · I the efficient powei: service:., : . : , , to advertisements in local newspapers. who appeare , u y a Ire . e gir n He alleges he encoontered .the owner of told the investigator ·she was available to Al Geiser, Soutbe!n -Californii. 'EdisOn lh.e studio, Mary F. Wagner, 31, of be photographed "in any pose re-Company district lnana~r. t~d ·ceunciJ. Placentia, who he cl aims told him she quested "' men 1 s~udy l.s In Pf'.Ol?'eta an<J asked for · . ·r·ed l •delay ·1n action. • had 10 models available "'ho would pose , The, undercover man the n identi 1 He· a&id' the Costa M 1 ti in the nude "in any position.'' ~lmsel~, inf~med Miss Wagner she w~s dOrsed bf atreet 11atrtf:t :U~'fn~:t Miss Wagner, whose application for a in business illegally. and .reminded ~ Qnlar, Wilson, ii only -one of miny such stte ~d ... ~~n ~n!ormed prevloUily _____i12g101_ezlts being directed: to'ward bii co the ll«M:t application woul<l~!ott pany. in. Bal Island ·Ferry To Get Landmark the council next week. 1 ·: ,' · . "No, J can't° tell yoU how l long it will She waa arrested for viola ling a · cl,ty take ·• he said when asked abOut Uie ordinance, "Operating ,a business without time' ,elem(Rt. ' . . . a peri:nit, "· l!nd ~eleased on her own "W'e'v,e been waltiog fOr three, ye.are:" recognizance pending court appearance. remarked Councilman Williain L. St The counciL hearing .,pn the JicenM re-Clair · . · · . • Status Thursda y quest '8ppai'ently will talte" p!'~cl! as "There's been some (oot:<1ragiing," he. achedultd: charged. • . City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt said · CounCilmen voted 4 io ·I to withhold ac. The Balboa-Balboa. Island Ferry, 1 Tuesday morning he is seeking coun cil lion, with St. Clair di!sentin&, but. watned traditio n in Newport Harbor 11ince 1909, action "by reasons of the characteristics the 3(kfay time extension on passin', lhe will be firmally commemorated as an attendint this type of business.'' reSfll~~on is· the limit. · historical andmark in ceremonies Thurs-Usually, license applications are handl- day night. ed routinely by the Business License The dedication-will take pla ce as part Department. of the fourth annual Ne wport Beach City Hall 10urces also revealed that Cl· Historical Society dinner meet i 11 g. ty Attorney Tully Seymour Is prepariiig Activities will begin wi th ' a ferry ride . an. "e~er.gency nr~inance" that. woUld starting at the Palm Street landing at 6 proyld~ stiff regulatt.on5 for' the operation p.m. &-plaque aignilying Uie~tion will of pu~h~ photo .stud105. . 1.--'" be unveiled at the landing.. ·. -. A 11mdar-or-d1nance lnv.olv.mg.:m~ssage Dinner at the Pavilion will follow al 7 p~rlora was adopted by the cou~I last· p.m. and an excursion around the harbor v.;eek. . 1 on the Pavilion Queen will take place " after dinner. The event is open to the public and tickets are av11itable at the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, 216& E. Coast Highway1 and at all branches of the Newport Beach Library. Judgt Robert Gardner of the Stale Court of Appeals will serve as master of ceremonies for the program. Behind by 3-0, He Say s Time Favors Gretel "&pedal to the DAILY PILOT NEWPORT, R.I. _: Down .thrte r1ces lr\ the be!t-of-seven America's Cup series, .. U.S. Ship Sabotaged SAJGON (AP) -A U.S. r,;,icimf unloadiilg ammunition at Cam Ranh ~t: J wu damaged today by IQ e~ charge apparenUy set OU · by Vtet c:on; saboteurs, the U.S.' Cbtnmtnd ·ukt. · N0'----1 tasualtiea were rePortecf. But the shiP. tht 1,205-tol't Amerigo; had to be.. to\led aground for repairs .. " · ' Weatlter Ceut l I The ' fog , rolls in 1 toniiht ~ i f9fce. 1Qd It'll drop. Tb&u;od.y'.• · 1 temperature.a down into the· f0'1 a!Ong the coast, With Inland l'tid-. . . .. : facility.!> The announcement added that lhe production o[ coated fabrics would be The . Land Game -(-Narlltertt--St11I~) Riot Policy Questioned said he believes time Is on his side even if the odds are against him., . "As yi>u know, we (ace overwhelming\ odds," Fe.sq explained, "but we .aren't giving up. We figure time. hat to be an. our stde and we'll utilize. It to practice." l NS IDE TODAY 1 \Vhat a. dµlt nic~ .-no prp- te1t1. no 1urpril11. ;wt anoti\er norto0 .lntr.tpid, viclo/tl. Alm°" tocknbtu diseu1sts 1'wt~'• Amt rica'1 'c up actJon toctav °" Page 16 • .. Picture yourself in a snug A-frame b e s I d e a Northern California stream. away from smog and root beer 1tands? .And LUmlng a tidy • profit on the land you bought? The plctUre might not be aS pretty 11 U's p,11inted. For I.he ct1ncludlng article in a series on Chis pro~ iem, .ee Page 1$ lOO.y. County supervisors were shown films o! rioting in Washington; O.C.,.and Selma, Ala., Tuesday and responded to a call to draft a countywide policy to handle possible ootbreab here. Keith Concannon, head of the county'1 Criminal Justice Counc:il urted ·the Im· mediate creation of a rofmal "What Is oUr policy?·' He asked. "Who determ lnts policy? These are the questiolll and we have no answers." The drafLing job was glvtn to Loa Al•milM Pollet. Chief Roy J . KYndti. cllairman or a riot.,: and disorders task force already formed by county pollct! chid9. Robert 1boma1, county' idJ!linistr•Jift: oHice.r, told supervisors that dllOl'dr.r oontrol problems have prompted, "puMlc tear and Joss ol confldence' • I n :;;:r~~t's a~iUty to m~int.ain,law ,and Concannon uld the danger ot dlwrdeni in Or1oge County 15 very real. "We have 2,130 police offic::er• ln the coumy, lhat's our defense." Twenty·two of the county's l1W * rorcement aaencies are "dedicated tit the • Idea or training together to be prepared Gretel n. disqualified in one race, h11s for riots," Kundti uld.. tb~ lMt three 1.traight to NeWpor\ Beach ..... Bdt we do -not---makt poUcy, ,. the._;... ~·P~ __Bill Ficker and cup defender police chief said. "'111at J5 up to you." IJ;llre.pid. . , · The Ji:li Vista lituatiOn was given as Flck~r said his, crew woul<l 'f(Of'k 1 on an example~of the need for an ov•all , coordiDatJng their effort& today. 8 o l h policy to establish com""-nd. crews requested a day off tod ,y. The "There Were two sherifl"s departments, weather . forecast for Thursday'• race. ta the hlghway patrol and the national for heavy Winds, about the ume. u guard on the scene-in ihe Santa Barbar• prevailed for--T\lesday11 conteet. --• confrontation," Kundtz related. '1'here For DAILY PILOT Bolting Editor wm l.hree. or four leaders at any one Almon Lockabey'a analysia of lntrepid's• time who "'ere. looking for_ona leader to wiMlng effort Tuesd1y, tee Codlly'L_ take command. 11 BolUftl Pap, on Pase 11. ----..+ ....... ''"" ..,.,..... U'-ii I CallfMlll 1 ,....,..., ,I =-(._... \ 1; .. :::.: ...... -: c ........................... , ... C9"'1n JI ~ c..tf' I ~.11 P1A. ci.wi ........ • •Y¥1 ,.,,. • --. ....... .... ............ ' ............ 1 ........... -,...-~ ,,. ,...... IW' ..,...... .. ..................... ..... ~ ................. ·-· . --.. • -....._ DAILY PILOT c·~ _ Wedn<...,, ~ 2J. 4,10 PACING ADDED CHARGES? AGCUSED OF BURGLARY Sheriff's Deputy Dunc•n Sheriff'• Deputy I rvlne .. Investigation Co-ntiu,ues • Firm Asks • -Deadline ::-Exteneion . ·' .. . The Ralph M. Parsons · Company has requested a two-week extensiOn from the Orange County Board of"Supervi,sors of the Sept. 30 deadline for submission of its Orange County aviation study. The Board of Supervisors ts expected to act on the request at.its Sept. 29 meeting. If the delay is granted, the board will have to set a new ·date for the public hearings on the Parsons Report schedUl- ed for Oct. 13. The reason for the extension request, according to county Aviation Director Robert Bresnahan, is that the company is having . mechanical problems with· com· piling and printing the lengthy report. The comP.4I1y submitted an interim report to. the coW'lty on July-21 ie:com· mending expansion of Orange Count)' Airport. The final portion of the com- pany's study will determine if an -alternate jet airport site exists within the county. · . ·-· -m-Dep uty -Burgwr -c as e Phase T of the county, aviation study, -comp1etiif0----ywillibn 1.. Pereira and Associates in 1969, determined that the county woUld have ovu 40 million air passengers per year by 1985. The Pereira study recomrilended' that the county should build one major jet airport · for cross-country flights , five metroports: like the existing Orange County Airport and five recreation airports for private aircraft. Oranre County sheriff's officers today continued an investigation that could lead to the filing ~f-further burglary charges against two depulies already accused of the attempted burglary of the Mission Viejo Country Club's golf shop. Att3 burglary reports filed prior to the arrest Sunday of deputies Arthur E. Dun· can, 34, Huntington Beach and Frederick B. Irvine, 40, La Habra, were being checked. Investigators said more than 20 burglaries committed in the Mission Vie- jo housing development during the months immediately preceding the arr.est of Duncan and Irvine remained -unsolved. Both deputies are being questioned 3bout 2 Hurt in Fall · From Balcon y; LSD Suspected A Costa Mesa couple who allegedly took LSD suffered injuries Tuesday night when they 'leaped from alt apartment balcony, the woman jumping just as police arrived to stop he r. Charles L. Blomberg. 22. and Cynthia Adams, 22. both of 1760 Pomona Ave., were initially examined at Ho a g Memorial Hospital· and transferred to Orange County Medical Center. Officer-Gerry Kochendorfer s a i d Blomberg was lying on -tlie ground beneath the secopd ' story balcony when he,arrived.aUhe.apartment compJu._ Mis,, Adams juinped' and then allegedly told him she .and Blombetg had taken LSD during tlie morning hours, adding that other contraband was hidden in an ironing board feg inside the· aparLment. Investigation continued today into possible prosecution Of the pair, following discovery or a small amount of mari· juana and drug Pills: ·in the ironing board. Services Scheduled For J esse Dennis Funeral services will be held Thursday at 1 :30 p.m. at the Westminster Memorial Park Chapel for Jesse E. Den· nis, former owner of Dennis Trucking Company who died Friday at Hoag Memorial Hospital. He was 57. Mr. Dennis, 548 W. Victoria St., Costa. Mesa. is survived by his wife. Mildred ; a son, Denny; a daughter, Patricia A. Hardin , and three grandchildren. DAILY PILOT _Ot.ANGE-COAS-f ,UllLli"'ING COM,ANY kolt•rt N. w.,d"\ '•nkStf!t '""' 'UDll•ller their possible involvement in those thefts, Sheriff's Department spokesmen said. Irvine and Duncan have been ordered to appear Tuesday in Santa Ana Municipal Court. Both men , are free on bail. Both men were spotted inside the golf shop by club pro Ron Belanger who sum· moned other sherUf's officers to the premises. Duncan immediately sur- rendered, but Irvine commandeered a patrol car and led his former colleagues on a bullet punctuated chase through two counties before surrefidering a'f t er threatening to commit suicide. Both. men were employed during their off duty.•hours·as security guards for the Mission Y,}ejo ~mPJrlY· Dislrict..attoiney's.investigators are lo-- day looking.into the;'l)ossibility of adding charges of asSauli with· a· deadly weapon to the burglary count alriady faced by Irvine. Officers claim, both accused men load- ed their seCurity Cir with stolen golfing equipmen! ill!~ .several · cases of liquor iinmediately before Sheriff's officers ar· rived at the•golf·.shop. ~-a~~et_.&IDJ?~~y,e, Pal Sentenced To Year Terms The Parsons Company was charged with determining the future or the Orange County Airport and of finding alternate airport sites within the county. The company is expected to report on the possibility of using El Toro Marine Corps Air Station and Los Alamitos Naval Air Station {its commercial airport sites. Aviation Director Bresnahan has previously said that most Orange County · airport locations would probably be restricted to one-runway complexes because of the aircraft noise. He also said that Los Alami~ has practically been ruled out because of the number of homes surrounding the air sta· ti on. Mesa Apartment Complex Delayed By City Coun cil ' A rezoning request for a large Costa Mesa apartment complex which greatly concerned property owners in the sur· rounding aref has gone ba ck to the draw· ing boards with the city council. 'The Peoples' Investment Corporation pro~sal for land al 630 Paularino Ave., A former Costa Mesa market employe, had 1 been scheduled for public hearing has been sen'tenced to one year w orang~ Monday but Wis withdrawn. County Jail. tOr helping to engineer an Planning department spokesmen ex. abort •r: 280 hold ·'. h plained that company executive Abra.ham 1ve ...,, up in. w ich ~ pal PoS· Spiegel had asked that it be returned for e~ as the so-calJ. Band Aid bandit. extensjve study and revision. -: Boyd M. -~barp-;-29;-ot'Norwa'llr,War----:•"I'hey;hope-, to-answer--somrof-~ given the 12-month term by Superior ' ris\dents' questions ,'' observed Coun- Court Judge J~mes F. Judge. following a -cilm~n, Alvin L.. ~inkley in movi~g to three-mo h · . • return the · petition and Councilman . n~ ~resenlence evaluation aJ , William, L .. St. Cla ir offered a second. the Cahfoi:nia Institution for Men, Chino. ~ eo~pany wants to rezone the land He and Kenneth R. Merscheim, 34, from single family use. and institutional fOrmetly of Newport Beach -who was · and recreationaJ to allow multiple apart· t(te stocking and bailQage-masked stickup nient units. man -. both pleaded gtiiltytirgriOO-th!ft---- charges. . ' Merscheim, an expert golfer, pleaded . Plan" 'for Third guilty to the April 19 stickup at Oie.1\.Jpha -C\ • Beta ~.,-ket, 241 E. 17th St .. shortly after he and Sharp ·were arrested. Both were given three years' probation as well as a year in county jail for the robbery. Authorities recovered almost all the loot and said both men expressed great remorse at the holdup, in which two other employes as well as Sharp were bound and pistol-whipp!i:I. . Tennis Courses Offered in Mesa Tennis instruction will be offered chil· dren and adults this fall at two locations. under Costa Mesa Recreation Department sponsorship. Costa Mesa High School classes will be Saturdays for children 8 to l2, frOm 9 a.m. lo 10 a.m., and from noon to I p.m., with Undergrounding District OKd Plans to create the third underground uµlity district in Cnsta Mesa -Orange County's leader in the ficld -are under way, following city coulicil approval. One protest Jetter was received before 1. public hearing on the issue Monday, ' but no one spoke against the proposal financed by utility company allocations. ·The newest district will follow Harbor Boulevard from 19th Street to Adams Avenue and down Adams Avenue from Harbor Boulevard to Fairview Road. P:ublic Wprks ·Dire<; tor George Madsen assured councilmen the district won't cost indi'Vidual property owners money, but will prevent installation of any new overhead wires. Tl.o,.,•1 A. Mu"1hi"• a SS fee. Teens will praclice from 10 a.m. He atlded that only nine such district." eJtist jn Orange County -with four of them now under way -and Costa Mesa already has two completed. M•"'llil• E•1tor to 11 a,m.,, and aduh.\ from 11 a.m. to C••N 111 ... OHie• noon, af,a· $7.:;o fee. JJo w,,1 ••v s+,,.t Adult classes for all levels of advance-ment will be offered 'l'uesdars and Thurs· Mti!i"t "''••11 = ;.o. ••• 1 Sl0. •1•1• days on the TeWink'le Park courts, all at o...., Offfan $7.50 fees for !he five-week series. frl-~' ,..,., :nn w.i.i 1,111,n teu•w•f'f Beginners play from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. i....,,,. 1uc11! m ~-' ,......,u. and noon to I p.m.: intermediates from -"""'',...., k•dl: 111n ••Kfl '""'-"' 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., and advanced, from Cal Tech. OKs Female Grad ---f---'"'-'-'c."---·-·•-"-'''-'-"'-""-'...,'-'-'~-·-"-'-+--l"l"a".m= . .::1•:.cn:::oo=n·:.._ _________ .p'-'li ~•-· '"'" ·o-An~,....--.-,J•-ffil•• • · _, -~ i1arina High School. ha~.be~me one or • O&ILV 'll.OT, """' w~ltfl h Uf'lbl11td 111• N<wt•"-' k lll\!Oll ..... dJllY f•Cf!ll """° d•Y IO! .... ,.t• .-:!Hion, fol' !.. .. ""'' letell, lit...wl 9"Ctl, C..11 Mnt, HUfllllltl•~ AHe~ •!Id '°""""' v1111y, •kl<lt ..-1111 ''""' 'fl~I N llloM, Or ..... CIU• llllHl:ltfll"O · c.m..11y ,..,,.n,. .,...,. .. ••• " nu wu1 ............ , ~ ._,,,, ~ ~ Wftl ...'1 ltf .. :, CO.M """""'' r ..... ,. •• f11•1 l't-4Jtl o-lfW .,..,., .... ••1·1671 "'"'""'· 1'1'. °''"" c ... , 'lllti""'"" (Mf\MllY. Ho ....... ,~.... 1111191'•1~, ldl-111 ~,,.. .,. M¥1t1'"""""" ,,.,..,. rNr-.. ~ +N\!flittll """"""' ~LJll" l'!lult>I .. •vrW.• -· ate .... t .. lt _...., Mlf •I H•-1 .. tdl ..... °"" , ..... (tlllflto! ... ~l'l,...,, "' • c•rrl.,. Sl,* "*"'~IYi ey ..wll II"' -ltll'r• ... uiu..., ''";o..11otif,. n..• -t~iv, \ Cit A ts 2 the first 30 women lo e er be admitted Y1 c on for undergraduate studie at Cal-Tech. R • J -~fiss Anwyl. 17. is the ughter nf Mr. ezomng terns •nd Mrs, Charlos W. An I, 1545 La Salle Lane, Huntington Beac At rina A"palr or retonlng requests for property she was a leading debater as e as a o~or near prime Costa Mesa corners went before t.he Cit yct)Ui'iEil Monday, science honor student.- with one approved and.one denied. As a Cal·Tech freshman. she joins 220 Councilmen rej ected a proposal by other young men and women chosen from David E. Drant, of 49 Balboa Coves, New. port Beach, to switch land at 446 Hamil-the acaOemic top one percent of tht coun· ton St., from duplex to commercial use. try's hia'h school seniors. ....A-reque5l--by Wyman R~WJIUam.s ...... o>L -.!lhis is tlle-firsl year-lhat c.al·Tech h19 416 De Sola Terrace, Corona del ~far, to rezone land at Victoria Slreet and Canyon admitted women to lhe undergraduate Drive from duplex to mulitple apartment ranks, Women hive been admilttd to the ase was approved without discussion. graduate 11chool •ince 19.SJ. , • ·. DAILY ,ILOT SOH "MM All Fenced In Weather·beaten fence near Suburbanite 1'1obile Home Park on Bristol Street in Costa Mesa .ap-. pears to casual observer to have been constructed by a fence builder who was himself a bit under the weather. But it is really just time and terrain that are to blame for the fence's crooked appearance. Accidents Send Six Men To Harbor Area Ho sr itals Fron• Page 1 MIDEA ST ..• ferred with Brltain7s foreign secretary, Sir Alec Douglas-Home, on the Middle East crisis. "We have seen the reports regarding the Syrian forces ," Ziegler told reporters, •·But Syrian intentions are still unclear. A se ries of Costa Mesa car and motorcycle accidents sent six men to Harbor Area hospitals Tuesda y. but al! escaped serious injury in the spectacular crashes. One car left 431} feet of skidmarks on a , curve before ramming and fra ctu ring a power pole at its base, while the entire side of a second vehicle was cavei:i in by · a collision. Steven R. McNealey, 18, or 836 Santiago Drive, and Thomas Flatfoot, of 297 Rose Lane, were treated at Costa ?o.1esa Memorial Hospital and released. Police said McNealey's sport pickup piled into a power pole on Pullman Avenue at Fi scher A\'fnue at 9:30 p.m., after going out o( control. Andreas Weigand , 25, or 130 Opal Ave.,· Balboa.Island, and Patrick Geary, 20, of AOVflltTISfMfHT GEM TALK TODAY by J, C. HUMPHllB (Bi st Purch11ed 11 Home) 11-fany people have the belief or feeling that they ca n buy diamonds more cheaply abroad than in the United States. Tb is is a rniscon· ception. Those who buy diamonds at the '\'holesa.Ie level 'vill v o u ch that prices are no cheaper abroad. Al· so, a duty must be paid when the gems are brought into this country. There may also be pitfalls in buy· Ing diamonds abroad. In the case of ,misrepresentation, there just isn't much you can do to get your money back, In _some countries the standards -Of quajity are not as strict as they are in the United States. Th o s e passing flawless gem's in so m e <'ountries would not pass as such here. It's best to buy yo ur diamonds right here at home: And the best diamond buys at home are those in our showcases. WATCH NEXT WEEK FOR "THE BEST DIAMOND SHADE"' WIJlr-tlf?J' > an the occassion of his retirement as city manager. Thank you Art for a job ~·ell done. . Exciting j e \Ve I creations are yours from J. C. HUMPHRIES JEWELERS. You'll find nnly the finesfln all~typse of jewelry. and we carry 0 mega and Bulova watches. \Vatch and jewelry repair \ .wvailable, too. Visit us soon. ~· c. HUMPHRIES JEWELERS, 1 I 2 3 . New110•I Blvd., phone.J0-3401 Optn dilly 9 till 6. Frld1y1 optn 9 till '· 1561 Mesa Drive. Santa Ana Heights, were also treated at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital and sent home. Investigators said · Weigand's car was smashed broadside at Paularino and Redhill Avenues Tu_esday afternoon by a larger auto driven by Paul Robusto. 26. of 1561 Mesa Drive, a ·n-e'ighbor of Geary,. Y.'ho was his passenger. Both drivers have the sa me birthday next Tuesday, investigators noted. A pair of service station attendants riding their motorcycles on an Orange County Fairgrounds access road at 6:40 p.m. v.•ere spilled to the pavement when one rammed the other from behind. Jerry E. Hayes, JI, of 1306 BeHast Ave., was able to ride home and report the accident bef9re being admitted to Hoag Meriiorial Hospital in fa ir condition with cuts and bruises. · "We ha ve had no confirmation of a pullback by the Syrians. W.e're looking at it carefully." Asked if the U.S. diplomatic lnitia!ive to get Syrian unil~ withdrawn had been succe·ssful; Ziegler said ; ''The: Syrian forces still are in· Jordan." Ziegler did not fully explain this. King · Hussein had said Syrian tank force.s had ' been driven back across the border. Ziegler said that the White House haC- an unconfirmed report that 54 airliner hi- jacking host ages, 38 Americans among them, had been moved out of the fighting area around Amman. Their v.·hcreabouts still are not known, he said, and added :"'We are very much concerned about them ." Nixon held an unscheduled mJ!:eting Tuesday night with a group of senator~. -••• wOnderf ul savings on · Infenationar Sterling 0/b 1~-... enan Mrving pieces •nc:l-·s.oo on each place setting . piece, toor' ' . J . C. ..JlumphrieJ Jewefe rJ _ 1823 NEWPORT-BLVD ., GOSTA MESA-, CONVENIENT TERMS IANICAMERICAllD.-MASJER CHAkGf \ I l°' YEAkS IN SAME LOCATION ,HONf !4l·S"O! • • q ... f I •s· L . ' I ' .. -• " • • • ' 'STREET PEOPLE' JOINED THE FIGk T AGAINST HUGE BERKELev"~iR'e Lonf-htirtd Youths Said Big Help' in Flghtfnt De1tructiv1 Brush Bl111 -· •.. Wcdm!sd.Q", Stpttll\W 23, 1970 • OAll Y PILOT a Kill• Self No Trace Berserk Gunnwn _4tlantic. £robed Slaughters Four_ For Balloonists . . ALBANY, N.V. (A P) -building bctwc<n l ::JO •ncll:40 NEW . YORK !UPI) day over two areu 300 and 4lO t~our persoru were ahot lo a.m., about' 10 .?tinutes after Rescue planes fl;w over 50,000 miles soythiast of Cape Rice, dealh today ln a building at some of those killed had square miles of chilly North Newfoundland. There was o.ne • repor:t Tuesday nigM of a flars the state office caml\us by a reported for work. Atlantieearly today tearching sighting, ·but the Coast Guard gunman who then took his own The woman r.e ported for two men and a woman who said it was censideTed urillke· life; police a8id. re<..oently estranged_ from her disappeared Monday night ly. A cutter sent lo that spot Witnesses said the gunman husband was shot on the fifth Wasl-!-igton while trying to reach Europe l!Canned the wqter early today was the estranged husband of floor of the build~. lllJ in a helium-filled balloon. v.ith searchli&hts arld listened one of three women rcportet'I Bill Frangello, a witnesl'I The rescue teams have seen for radio measages., but heard killed. TM other person killed "'ho saw the rifleman, asked Youtll"' Riot no evidence of the balloonists, nothing .• was a male employe or the the man: "What are you 0 whose last radio message said jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii State Labor Department. trying to do'! Start a revolu· WASHINGTON IAPI · they were losing altitude in a Police released no identities tion?" ' ,;torm and preparing to land . immediately. • Frangello. who works in the Bands or black youths loot.cd From dusk 'I\lesday until One report was that the printing office, told reporters stores and tossed rocks and dawn today lhree special killer was an employe or the the tall. heavy.set man "jusl bottles at police cars along a airplanes listened with elec- Labor Department, in whose looked at me." • ZO·block a e T esda '..ht tro~ic gear for two emergency building the shooting occurred This was arter four persons r a u Y nib" radio beacons known to ha ve at the office;-building comple x bad been killed. Frangello said and early today in the second been aboard the 80-foot..tatl on the city's outskirts. He_was the man thlin walked into the · . stfcilght itight of disturbances. balloon: The ~ planes ~ard said to have gone on a leave of !ltairwell on the ground rloor. ~Police chM!f Jerry Wilson nothing', a spokesman said at absence Tuesday but was to People outside heard a blast lhe Coa!t Guard 1earch and. ha ve picked up his pay check and discovered the ·alleged sakf'24 persons were arresled, rescue center hers-. today. He arrived with a rifl e. killer had shot himself in the but there were no reporls of Seven planes flew 111J'di SEA · ;- SCHWINN 4n 1.17 .. It., C.... M- WE HAVE All: MOD.LS NOW! Fire-'(i:uts-31-H-o mecQ---Gun-shots_mi_pted_i•_"'_· _h"d. ____ inju-rre._. ---pal-lerM-•l low_alli_'tudel_n-__ __:.__~_ 200 Acres Blackened in Berkeley Hills BERKELEY fAP I -A 200--schools. acre brush fire whipped by hot. dry wi11ds was brought under control except for "hot spot s" late Tuesday in the Berkeley Hills after destroying :J7 expensive homes a n d threatening 12 othe rs, fire of· ri cials said . f'i remea reported seven in· juries in the Berkeley tire , none serious eitcept one possi· ble heart attack. There. were no injuries reported in f"Y of the other fires. Two ot~er bla1.c,; eruplcd during the afternoo11 a few miles north east of nearby Richmond, but were contained near Alvarado Park after about 50 acres of brush burn· ed. "There are still ho! 5pofs burning in the canyons," said ;in Oakland F'ire Department spokesman. "and \\'e've still i:ot full crC'I\'~ up there, but otherw ise it's u"der control." Meanwhile, the resources of \Yith violeat gusts of wind the state division of Forestry buffeting the Berkeley blaze. many large homes 11estle.d among the trees, was visible SO miles away and swept over several Bay A r e a <.."(Im· munities, including San Fran· cisco. Nixon Aides 1'ry to Stop J(y Actions · l · ed d · ·h l 50 pieces of equipment and 300 \Vere s rain ur1ng a o. · \VASHINGTO N (UPI) rl fl · h h men -many or them long· ry a ernool'I as e1g t ot er haired volunteers from the The Nixon admini stratiofi is fires erupted up and .down the t d d · II · northern part or the state. streets of Berkeley repor e 01ng a 1t can to They ranged from the · clambered . up the steep c~n· keep South Vietnamese Vice hrushy hills of San Mateo Y?ns beat1~g o u t burning President Nguyen Cao Ky County to 200 miles north in piles or pine needles and from attending a rally in · lhe redv:oods or <:outhern eucalyptu !li leaves with wet Washington Oct. 3. War JlumbokU Co~nty . -i;acks. and shoveling dirt on protesters o:intinue lo promise The Division of Forc!'trv. -spot frres. the y will attcmpl n citizen's · "'hich sent JO borate bom bcfs Oakland F'ire Chief Patrick arrest of Ky if he appears at to batUe the Berkeley bla1,e , Doyle, coordinating the erforts the rally. ~aid it called up 40 fire crews of many fire departments and Sen. Gordon L. Allott \ R· totaling about 600 men from volunteers. said the outer Colo.). after Rep u b I i c 11 n a!! far away as Susanville in limits of I.he fire were con· Congressional leaders met lhe Jl!Ortheastern part Of the lained about 2 p.m. Before \Vilh Pre5ident Nixon at the !'!late. that, the fire had raced up and White House Tuesday, said Some resi dents or th e dense-dow n canyo11s. leaving homes "everything is being done, ly wooded areas abo v e burned lo· their foundations every influence brought to Berkeley and the Univers ity of and knocki11g a. radio station bear to keep him• from .al· California fled their homes as off the air when its transmit· lending this kooky rally." the blaze spread "like . ter cable was burned.out. 'ldf' " h h · d d -War protesters also were \YI ire t roug Un er· ry Doyle said the blaze, which k. th . . K , pine and eucalyptus. started near its northern limit ~a. ing . e1r views. on ~ ~ ''There's a hui:e fire comini: al Grizzly Peak Boulevard, a v1s1l eviden~ .. R:enn ie Davi~; ;icros.~ the hi\1.-l'm-going~with--main artery over-the-hills to~ or ~~icago~~en __ 1he. baby." 111rs . Ke vin the ·eas·t. roared in hit and and ,spokesm.an for an antiwar Blackwell telephoned her hus· miss fashio11 for as tar as a coaht1on, said Tuesday at a band at his ofice . Blackwell mile and a half south to Old press conference "the day Ky rushed home and was able to 'Tunnel Road nea r t h e· lands in the United States save the 339.000 structure with Caldecott Tunnel through the there are going to be groups the garden hose. East Bay hills. doing everything possible lo Some 400 children were Smo~e rlsi11g from the place this man under arrest t;ikcn from f'l\'O elementary tinder-Ory hills. which ha ve and bring him to trial." CLIP THIS VALUABLE OFFER , SAFEWAY 1t.t.w PORTRAIT OFFER I l ' YOUR CHOICE •' 'j . •• BxlO .or 11x14 . ' ii _., 11 ~ ' 77c I 111 I I I ~I ' • ADD 501 W~APPING I AN D HANDLING I I " I . TOTAL $1 27 ! , I • 1' I 1.-' • Each additional per5on I ., in portr1it 77' I I .. I I I . 11, I I •No age limit, 1•mil y groups wtlc:omt -mEWA • No appointment n.c:e11ery, come •1tly • Minott must b• with parents -•nt offer per ftmilr P'10FESSIONAL PHOTOG'1APHE'1S BY EVAN'S STUOIO Choose Safeway NHrest You 3 Days -Fri., Sat.; Sun. -Sept. 25, 26, 27 • 1000 BAYSIDE DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH 2 Days-Tues., Wed.-S.pt. 29, 30 - • FAIRVIEW AT WILSON, COSTA MESA Houn: 10:30 to 6 I I I I -I · · Ol:l.P . llj!VALUABLE OFFER ·· .. be a friend-finder and r_eceive a haye your friend open an account at Newport National.Bank and do both of you a favor •.. -(OFFER FOR LIMlfED-TIME-f}NlY} IT'S REWARDING AND FUN TO BE A FINOER ••• Find your friend (a relative will do•) and bring them to Newport Nationa l Bank! After you have introdUcecf your1riend to our New Accounts girl and your.friend opens a new 5* % Time Certificate of Depasit Accoun t for $10,000 for 60 months Of longer, we will give you, as the "Friend·Finder," a FREE SONY COLOR TV SET. Your friend will receive a FREE SONY AM DESK RADIO for opening his new account, wh ich pays a big 53/cOfo intcrast compoun1ded da ily, paid quarterly or FREE TO FINOER; • longe r at you r option (the highest bank interest allowed by law for commercial bankS). Certificate may be used as collateral for loans. Your SONY coJor television set and your fri end 's SONY AM desk radio will be SONYTrinitron• 12"' diiJi1)nal scnw:n. Atltomttic cofot control, greate r brightness, sharpe( fucus ilnd given immedialelr when the new account is opened with ca sh, cashiers check, tellers che,k, or certified check. Other passbooks brought in or sent in will be transferred free. (Please allaw other checks and passbooks time to clear before claiming gifts.) Accounts may be opened jointly, in trust for different individuals. or as custodian for minors. Prior to maturity l1o~principal may be drawn. •Not • membir of your household. many other special features. EasiJy lftOWled 1 rom room to room. FREE TO FRIEND·OEPoslTOR: SONY AM Desk Radio with Dnique slide tuojpg and votume eontrot for greeter prac1s1on and bfilriant pefformance. Buutifutly finished Ht rich walnut. UJS flat cw tirts up, -·-···--~ .. -~·~---· SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS f~ OPINED 11Y MAIL """°"' --"•il!t ioc.1 ~ftth •nd 1ddreii1 Plust °""' "'' Time Certificate of O!p~t Account. Wc6untt mar be l'fltned jolntlr, 1n tn.iJt for diffeient indi'rida1ts, or ts custodian for 111il'IOl'S. AH 1=ulltJ 111tlled '-r 11111! !!lust 111'11 lilts pidied up It tht efficr..,... emollt b Ofi•1td, tJJ the Friend·fiod11 who:w si1111ld1t illPi••s ..._,"'"1,~--­ wt eanl sll!p It. Wt wtll llOtify fri1nd-f111dtr wfltll II J;cl 11f1 tiftJ. O!polilor's r1111 ,..,... ____ -o=-c=~--~~ '"'"" '""" Add1m---,=-----.=----,o.=--c1\r s~~ Zlp ~111 Seeuritr H1J111btr ______ Endosed is.•---- FREE SONY COLOR TV SETS AT ALL 9 CONVENIENT OFFICES Air,.t Officl Michtlso11 11 MttAlthur IJJ,JI ti • lap!M Ol'llet 8tJstde ti ltmMrN ''Z·l l'I C.llett P«ttllict Nutwoed •t CommOllWtllttl 111 .noo • ....., NihOfflct H11bol' II er.. 171 ·7190 J.,.n.r Oflla SuPt1iOr it P\fclftlif642·t511 • Mlnfty Offke C1sl Ct11pm1n at Stet• Coft1p 179·4840 Wntclltf Otkl Wtsldiff 11 Dovtr 642·31 I I 0 $10,000 for 60 lflonths, or kin1et. 0 P1stboo• 1nc'°'91f S11111tvr• of DtMsrtor"'°='°"="""---------(Mutt b• lftdltdtd lo• !ceCh ltCOU~U -rlnder's ""'"------==..,,,=------. (1'11111 print) s~ .. ktd Oft!" lltWft WOl'ld, S.11 kfdl 5K·Z711 • U,.111 Nllh Oflkt ltJMlfl WOl'ld, L•11.1rw H1ni IJO.J20IJ Addr•"----,:;;;------,;;:;:,-----.~-C•tr s1e1• Zf~ ___ Social Sewritr ~llmbtt.•.-,=:::---::::=------:=--::;::---~ rillf!er's stan•tureiiHiHiniiilliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ···-···· -· " . • - . . DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE ' St_rong UF Leadership Kickoll in the 1970 campaign ol the newly merged Harbor Area United Fund, serving both Newport Beach and Costa Afesa, is about to begin, coinciding with au~ tumn's football season. The goal set this year is $412,000 to help meet the needs of more than 30 agencies and organizations serv- ing every element of Orange Coast sOCiely through the year. Your contribution to the Harbor Area United Fund this fall will hele in the work of seven agencies serving youth; 12 organizations providing specialized hospitali· zation, health or medical services for adults and chil· Advisory Committee is headed by Garry Burrill, KOCM Radio executive. · Merainfl of tht two citiea -so closely related ln geographical and social-patterns -has made avalligble a United Fund leadership team or unparalleled quality. Chances are solid for ' a ·record year of' success. But the key factor· ls for each of US' to support this very necessary volunteer community effort with our "fair share" contribution. What's the Name, Please? dren; seven agencies providing help to families and to P ity poor Pat Frawley . the needy, and four special-purpose agencies/ such as The former board chairman of T-echnicolor Corpor· the USO. · aUon got the full, fickle finger of corporate politics this Now that once-separate Costa J..tesa and Newport ,veek when the Costa Mesa City Council stripped his Be~ch groups have combined tor the common. g~. name from the company street -at the request of his Uruted Fund leadership off.ers a powerful combmatio.n former cQmp'any. _ ~ _ _ _ _ of Well·known and respected names. So what was Frawley Drive is now Kalmus Drive. Corporations and Employes division is led by Joe It almost got named Ogden Drive. which would have 1i!etcalf, Sears Roebuck &. Co,mpany executive. Business been embarrassing to Councilman William L. St. Clair. division i~ .cha~red by Ford deal~r Theo .Robins. Special He promised Ogden Drive in memory or Charles Gilt~ div1s1on 1s under leadership of rettred newspaper Ogden, a pioneer cement contractor. But later recall· publisher Walter Burroughs. ed he was really thinking of Robert Boyd , one of the ----~~. IWi.dential cMMW__znlng will be led by_ Mrs. Gleam _ _cit).:& first citizens. ' _ Smith. director of the Girls Club of the Haroor-Area. L;ongtime local observer and Councilman Alvin L-. ----• f-Ter IJ?Y~ Club counterpart, Lou Yant?rn, le~ds Fund P inkley tried to spread oil on \vaters trouble~ by per· Agencies branch. Newport Beach Police Chief James sonal choice of names for the blocklong strip ol as· Glavas _heads the Government and Education Drive for pflalt. the United Fund. tie said the street or changing fame and fortune Attorney Dennis 1-larwood is at lhe helm of the ,.,,as loo short and insigniflcant to bear the name of any Professional division . Irvine Company executive Robert towering figure in Costa Mesa history. Parks is in charge of Board solicitation. Philco-Ford And of course many local thoroughfares carry the Aeronulronic Division information director Don Flamm family names of familiar forbears 'vho were too busy \Viii conduct the Public Relations campaign for the ,.,,ith the job of building a city to squabble over such United Fund. matters. c Blanaed for Railroads' Financial Troubles ICC Policies Under Fire A few weeks aeo high Nixon ad· ministration officials were in emergency session considering how to prevent the :Penn Central Railroad collapse from panicking an already shaky econom,v. in the cor11lome~te. THE RF.SULTING worthless railroad trackage and eqWpment, abandoned and non operative, could require the na- tionalization of the rallroads that were left. Some· rail systems might be revitalized by diversificatjon of company activ ities, but the heaviest weight in the ICC seeiet report is on the other side oL the scale. The.Jlready sick railroads would be made sicl<er still. Newport's Court With A View Political Epithets In the Old~ Days\ "It is ironic," said ooe of the high ofric· ials, "that we are sit- ting here trying lo c orre c t mistakes caused by another ~overnment agency." The agency to which he referred was the lnlerstate Commerce Commission, the reg- ulator of the nation's • I C11mpanies engaged in conglomerate cor· porate activity. 1CC's own accountants found that lhere Vi'erc "serious financi1I manipulations" in which conglomtrate management siphoned oU dividends, m a r k e t a b I e 6ecurities, real estate ol railroad operating systems for the benefit of the parent company and to the detriment of the railroads. railroads. Wll.\ T IT AMOUNTS TO, the secret ICC policies were blamed for the kind report said, is that a. new 1encration t:1f benevolent paternalism that en-of financial promoters has rediscovered <:ouraged the formation of conglomerates_ the holding company. fn the older by railroad operating companies to Im· generations J. P. Morgan, Sam Insull proVe their lagging fortunes. and a host of others used holding com- ---~~~-,panies~to_b_uild__up__1i~nt~financiaJ ONLY IT DIDN'T aJways work lh1l mechanisms. Some of them, particularly way. The ICC sat for 1 year on 1 Sam lnsull'a Chicago based utility erri· report of itl own Bureau of Aceount.!I pire, collaj>Rd of their own weight and major scandals racked the financial com-that cOnglomerate operations usually lead munity. l.o the ·juggling of funds too frequently · dissipating the assets of the railroad.! 1be public turned against the financial to oon-carrier companies in the group. wizards with a political backlash that This secret report forecast the 'samt helped lo rout lhe Republican Party course for the Penn Central, Southern from the solid comfort of its golden Pacific, Union Pacif)c and other railway age in Washington. svstems which had conglomerate plans In the present instance, the ICC has under way. There ls no record that been Warned by its Bureau of Accounl.5 the railroad regulators in Washington thal the creation of multi-purpose holding pai d the slightest attention to the warn--companies could contribute mightily to ings of their own accountants. They the continuing neglect of railroad opera-- resisted to the end miking public the lions as funds and resources were · drain- \Vhen this report was submitted to the chairman of the ICC more lhan a year 1go tht Penn Central company was in the early stages of creating an immense conglomerate which ha5 t'ome to grief while cheerfully reportinr steady progrea. Some of the thing.!! a railroad con- glomerate can do are attractive-to management and investor.!!. There are lax incentives. The ICC can be bypassed on the approval of new security issues. An appearan-ce of enonn-oos-growth-can enhance stock value by perhaps double. The ICC can be circumvented in its c:oncern that the public be provided ade- quate transportation service. ALL TIDS SUGGESTS THAT Congres5 should delay oo longer in going forward with a thorough investigation of the railroad conglomerates, and _ all con· glomerates, as well as ICC regulation of the nation's. carriers. ' To the Editor : '"Newport Lands Cour_t v1ith Its Bcauliful View." Hah ! ~lost of my aduU life has been :;pent in and around c.:ourts. My exploits are em- balmed for posierlty in the printer's ink of official reports. And while I found i:nost courts handsome. robed judges nice. clerks respectable and officers dashing, the customers were for the most part none of those things. CUST0;\1ERS OF the bar of justice .i re too 1nany of the seedy, n1ean, despicable and desperate variety. GeoUe. wellbred. cultured and responsible citizens do not hasten to the courts as if to a splendid sale! Oh no! The customers of the courls far Loo often add lillle -and more frequently take much. Imagine if you will a genlle patron of a Fashion Island salon choosing style. assessing fashion, trying scents, i:ind sharing viev.•s and viev.·s of each ot/ler wilh the darlings of the pot set aw aiting arraignment. lrial or sentence al lhe nearby charming court with a view. Thoughts at La rge: Americans who imagine that our political invective is . fiercely personal ought to recall the kind of thing said by Disraeli in the British Parliament 100 )'ears ago ; in speaking of Lord John Russell. the Prime ~t inister ~observed : ''If a traveller were tnformed that such · a man was leader or the House of Commons. he might begin to comprehend now the ancient Egyptians worshipped an insecL • • • The higher you go in an orgapization, !he more you know about its anatomy, but the less about its physiology -so that a President c'an tick off every bone. mus- cle, and nerve-end, Out be puzzled when· the organism shows symptoms of indiges. tion, flatulence or heart failure. • • • There will be no rest. and no release, for the human spirit as long as we stubbornly ke ep confusing the pursuit of pleasure with the pursuit of happiness. • • A modern "statesman" is a man who doeSll 't read his own speeches wh c n he gives them ; it is inconceivable thaf the man v.•ho deliv ered these ,,·ords in 1964 -''Victory is no longer a truth: il is only a word to describe who j5 left alive in the ruins" -v.·as Lyndon B. Johnson. • • llow languages differ -lhe most fre- quent word in Englistt was not used at all in Latin. and has no Latin equivalent. (Also, there was no Latin word for "yes.') • • Some bemoan the fact that "there art no heroes anymore:" I happen to agree lvith Frank ~1anuel, the hi storian, who rlectared. _"The ~ge of th.e_Hcroes, like the Age of lhe Gods, is dead. II is time that the Age of ~1en began ." • • • The trouble lVith skepticisn1 Is that f?ventually a man doesn't believe a.nythinJ he hears. even when he .says it himsel!. • • • You tan always rerognize a demagogue -he n1akes you r~r ashamed for not sounding as patriotic as he doe_s. • • • '·Su rviva l of the fittest" Is • tr~cherous doctrine if ta~en in a simple· minded \vay : for the ultimate survivor may be the cockroach not the Caesar. 6ad story of five major railroad bold.Ing ed oU for the benefit of other companies This CQuntry has passed through the Rreatest expalllionist· era in its history. Stockholders and the public are suffering the sinking feeling that comes from the denation of over-expanded financial oper1lions. Smog Now_ a Global Crisis EVEN FAGIN could not have contrived A site for the gathering of the family ror more fancy, more fashionable -.ind pro-- fitable pickin's~ \Vhen my client stoic the wheels olf nf my car to pay me for a spirited and 1vin- ning defense. I did that day learn something of crime and crhn inals. More on Speer's Book ?<.1ARK r·. JOSEFF Albert Speer, like Eich1nann. expressed the ''banality or evil,'' In Hannah •-k if t od ("' SO~IE SCIBNTISTS art convinttd Arendt's term. He '~·as a lechnician '~ho Smog has UC\..vme a n e a m ern did his job, both as Hitler's chief man 's throat . From New York to Tokyo smog is a.fleeting the world's weather <.:01npassio11 architect and city planner in the mid· people are rubbing red eyes and trying FAJitorial by decreasing sunlight and cooling the To the EdilClr : 1930s and. during the war years, as the to ease raw throats as an oppressive earth's wrface. Such a decline in sunlight effici ent ~1inister of Armaments and War blankel of smog smolhen their cilies. Research In answer lo S. Ci . Undint: t~Tailbo:c., production. • ~•p of ·m'--•tional scienlists warn--could have far-reaching effects . since Sept. 171 about i111migralion and 1-0• .... ft•¥-1.a•... On trial as a war criminal, this upper ed last February that "a global crisis "~ -:: the amount of sunlight regulates the tegratlon: ·-;~. wi·th res.....+ to environmental wth r 1 •• nd Th S "th middle-class fellow from Mannheim chose o;......., ---1 ~· ha lems behind the Iron Curtain. '"Our gro o p an'-3 a crops. e m1 so-Such lack of compassion is one oi the not to defend himself at Nuremberg. He quality" -aiJU u"" summer smoc s forests, fitlds and gardens are becoming nian Institution has found that sunliJbt many reasons our country is slipping. \\le freely admitted his. guilt. if only by proven it ,, 1 reaching \Vashington has been cut by need more love and understanding of each association. "Who else 1-5 to be he' Id N Y k t quieter and quieter, aments 16 1 ••-thaU 1 h In midtown cw or ·. a secre ary Komsomol.Uaya Pravda. "Whett have percen over we pas cen ury. ot er. responsible for the course or events." he com!s in out of the smog and says: the birds gone?" Palla of soft-coal smoke The International Bio!Ogicat Program It slarts with little children who don't said. "If not the closest associates •·AJter I came to work today, I fell the . ol E E disclosed plans for a global early.warning hate each other but are taught to ha te by around the chief of State~·· like I should take out my whole hu ng over ciUes astern urope system capable of detecting pollutants their elders. respiratory system and wash-.lt." In last winter. in the air. Following the lite.st smog ~tARIE GOGGU'l SPEER 6RE\V 20 years in the prison Sydney, Australla, a wave of . no:c.ious INCREASING lnduslrializaUon of the attack, Japan has decided to fonn a at Spandau spending the time in pursuit industrial gas envelopes the city ·with world is.the major cause of air pollution. national environmental disruption control of scholarship and writing his memoirs. the odor of rotten eus. In Mexico City, Exha_ust trOm carsJ trucks and buses he<1dquarlers. Automobiles have been •f'lag /tf11st f'f11' publish~ now as, "Inside the Third the IMog is so heavy morning visibility is responsible for about 60 percent of banned from m8jor Tokyo-shopping areas Reich." is o(ten less than a block. And in Tokyo, the problem in the entire United States en Sundays and holidays, The Russians To lhe Editor : In it he presents an In-depth pcrtrait of g to3 people were treated in hospitals and as much as 85 percent in some ~re v.'tlrklng v.•ith an <'xperimental elec. Thank goodness lhe l)AlLV PILOT Jlitlcr and members of the .Nazi f~r throat, lung and eye ailments ~ over cities such as Los Angeles a n d tric furnace for use in oil and nietal gavt equal space to the presenting of a hierarchy and accounts or political a ten.day period.. Vlashington. Industry Is the second refinerie.!I . very ~peclal flag to .Principal Willian\ infighting, Goering .vs. llimmler vs. --...li1DOIJlllll..JllLI!!!!!!!!iU!J!on!!....!ar~•!..!•!!!ISO~!!:O!!!!:._lar.g~esil.t . .1airiJ' :.iPo1"1.'lillJJt.etot.r ljW~it~h./;lh~o:,Utr!!trJee~b~i~~"~----------------J.t!!"i'!l.oJ"'--~an~dL!C~a!!li!ifoQ!rn~iayE~l!!!IJ~nml~ar~_i;.oebbels vs. ?<.1artin Bormam. Jt is a offenders being petroleum refineries, Sctiool, to be no\v n proudly -our cataJoguc of llitler'5 blunders, militar:;- ---ilili- \Vednesday, Sept. 23, 1970 Th• editorial pciQt ot th< Dollr Pi!o• .. m to "''""" cmc1 ·-ulo:tc rtaden bV {>"'esmUftQ th.ft fttW$1>C2ptr'I opi1'1l0ftf and tom.- menlaf'V on topks o/ tnure1t 011d lfgnffkgnec, Ill prooidfng • to""" t11r IJlr ..,,..,,.,. ot our rtod<rl' opfn.,,,., 071d bJ presenting the dfotrM t:icw- pofnts o/ ift/Orlnf'd oblerotr• •nd "'°"",,..;. Oft topiCI rd IJlr daJ. Robert N. Weed, Publishe r smelters and iron foundries. Pq_wer American flag . ~nd otherwise. Indeed, It appears Ulat plants rank next in line. D Pcrhap.'i. and I say o n I y perhaps, Speer was lhe only one who dared openly But tong bcofore the invtntion of tht: ear "Jordan Cease-fire" is more Important as tell the leader the war would be lost. He automobl~. smog was menJClna man. A v.•orld nev.·1 headline thin "Flag Pilust became disenchanted with Hitler before The National Geographic Society reports Gloomy !'I~." lhe ond. that in J'.IO 8.C .• an anti-feminist Chinest. I feel most deeply, •·f"lag ~lust Fly"' on And the deatb camps? Speer had heard poet dubbed it _"the woman's wind .'' cu~: the front page was exactly where iL rumon of such, but as a m1nagemen1 •a.Yin&: "ll shakes (man) wUb coughing; should have betn _front page new~. technician concerned with arms it >Uls b1m before his lime:· LOIS SCH~IOJ\ production and a race: against lime paid Smog became a clear and prestnt It's strange._ business to have one • lhtle at~cntion to thtm. ·•'Jbis deliberate dancer ln tbt posl-\Vorfd \llar II era. of Costa Mesa's city councilmen blindne.u ootwe:ighs whatever good I may On the mornlng of Oct. 2', 1948, the and that Newport auemblyman Ltlttr• from rtodtf.t art welcome. have dont or tried to do," ht writes. The skies at Donora. Pa .• dcliverccl a deadly and a few of the "Old Downtown" NormaUu tDrittrs should convtu theft memoirs, however. are neither apofogy warning~0Lthfna:1 to COine. During the ho s huddlii_!g together lo seJI mtl$0Qtll in 300 words er less. Thf nor conft:.!lslon111. Thf!y are a unique set o( next four days nearly half lht 14,000 Costa ~fesa dOl''n the river -may• riQht to condetl$t tettns to fit 1pact oolOOles on lift: regime from the Inside residents became ticlc, and 20 dled. On be tilt bay -on the frceway-'5il· O( elim.incitt libtl is rescrv~d. AJl let• 1tnd on the monomaniac \111!0 liCt out tn Dec. s, 1952. smoa tnvcloptd London '-'P.tion. Sure makes you \Vant lo ttrs mt1st includt ,fgnoturt and tnait. ~quer the world. _ and death! increased by 41000 cl·er fltelp with downtov1n redevelop-ing addrc&s. but ftames mau be with.- normal levels. And during 'J'hantcsg1vlp_g ment. too. -£.' T. B. Ht DISCUSSES matter-of.factly such IM• h kill d 1ield on rcque;;t ii '1tfJlcia-nl rcoso11 thi'n•s •• Ge a · 11~ t m' ~·eek in 11W, anot e:r er 1mog cause ,M, te•,.,. m11ct• ,..,,,.... .-.. '"" " rm ny s nlu .. -u a o 1c 80 deaths en the eastern 1caboard of •••iH111, ,~.,., ., trw "-''"· s.,,. f! apparent. P0tLrt1 wflt fl.Ot be pub· progrnn1: r.ocrtng ;is art QJ\lcctor. the .--"' ""' ,. tl..mr ..., Del" P!let. • lh dy In I the United Statts. lishcd.. reac:llon to c Norman vas on, l lUtler's deliberate lying to his generals, the leader's withdrawal into bis Berlin bunker and ultimate tomb. This book is Shirer's ·'The Rise 111nd Fall of the Third Reich'' throu1h the looking glass. as we suggested recently. And. or course, from Hitler's confidant more intimate. Hiller's last v.'ords. for Cll:amplr., according to Speer, who was v.·ith hjm near the end : "I shalt not fight personally. There is always the danger thal I would only be wounded and fall Into the hands oC the Russians alive. • .F'rilulein Bra·un wants to depart this lift. 1vilh me, and I'll shoot BI on d \ beforehand. Believe me, Speer, It Is easv for me to end my lire. A brief momeiit and I'm freed of everything, liberated from this painful existence. • "' (i acmt an; Willi•m Hoau ,---8 11 6 e or 11e ---. Dear George : ~ty son·in-law called me a dodo. Is th~t iood or bad ? What is I dodo? . Dear Mrs. T.: MRS. T. A dodo ls an extlnc1 bird that can't fly. As it is Cll:tinct. I'm sure your son·in·law means thal a5 11 term of endearmenl, such as "old-crow" or ~magpie." Send him a necc present. lf'wl\I surprise him. · (Dilemmas uljravcltd. Problems unk.1otted .. Cheap. \Vrltc to George, "'ho I~ out or the high-rent district. lie "d\'lscs from a tr,c,) . ' . • •' __j ... •• "'• .. "• ,, ' ',, " "•' "' "' ,,, ,-, • • " l l i~ ~i •• ' ' • • . • • . . . . ,..;,,,.-:-. . ....... -__ .-. ........... -. .. WedMSday, Stpttm.bff 23, 1'170 After 20 Years Hodson Stands Tall ~·,Skelton's 1]1lage Became Star··Then Learned to A.ct · -. --~ -" > , Only TV Clown ,;,/'By VERNON !ICOT'I' black comedy, Hud s on It Is not unusual for 1 .. By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) 1 .Madison Avenue supposedly is :• the nation's image maker. But ~It· isn't really. Television " cameras are. No matter how His other movies Included ''Three Uttle Words," "Lady Be Good, .. ''The People V9 Or..-- Klldare," "Sh4f) A' 1{ o y , ' ' "M.aisie Gets Her Man," "Bathing Beauty," "Neptune's Qaughter," ':The Yellow Cab Man,'' "Lovely to L o o t '''"Madison Avenue manipulates At"-and a number of others, ~ 11 efitertainers, political can-none of them, quite obviously, , .didates and other celebrities, epics', but almost all of them the video cameras are the quite enjoyable stufl. ! final arbiters. They expose He had a flair, and it has ·~•mercilessly, and the more a never left him altogether .... ·~rsonality a p Pe a r 5 on despite the wear and tear of 20 '~ b!levision, the more he is ex· years or trying to scrape 1·1 • together video material. But ·~.posed. • not even that period in · .. : Joey Bishop , for example, at televisiori can really~ kill off . .,, OQt lime was considered a the accum~ted skills that ~··'"a t her d r o 11, wit t Y, come from joining a medicine •ol• sophisticated jokester when he show at 10 years of age, and DAILY 'IL01' Sl•fl '"*'' The Sltirt Off His Baek .,, ..... .,..,.. ~..., manaces t.o avoid belna: a towerln& star to sls!ld in a HOLLYWOOD (UPI) heavy. trench wblle ploylq a tender "I play 1 heavy In '1be klve ICtOfl wilb 1 dimlllullve Actors •nd basketball players Hornet'• Nest,'" Hudson said. act·resa. share • common pbyaic1l "Tbat's an altoaether different "My face and height havf!- ldvantage -the taller the situation from playing a loser, limited my roles to a desr.~." better. Tall actors can play vlllain:ii Jludlon acknowledged, but Gary Cooper, John Wayne, effectlvety:-Their·size alone 1s-J'm not comP,Jaining. '!.. .- Joel McCrea, Jim Amell and menacing." Nor sbouklf. he. With • Jimmy Stewart are just 1 few Hudson grinned. He I s diffe~t physique and less men who top' six-feet, tbree--generally a quiet man who pleas,ng arrangement of . hls inches or more whOle height takes his work seriously· He features, Rock Hudson might did not d1mlnlSb t be i r would just IS soon avoid yet be dtlving a truck. effecUveneu on the screen be interviews. it movie or television. Hudson has played his share Rock Hudson stands six-feet, of SlaJlllnt .roles, parts f0:ur-incbes and he b a • requlrtng little of him other appeared in 51 pictures. than his bulk ... and profile. Big men, Hudson says, have "I have no preference for an intrinsic dignity which is comedy or drama l! long as denied smaller men in screen the script is good," he said. roles. Tallness also imposes "Hell, I've played them 111 - limitations not o rd In a r i I Y action, trigedy, comedy, war, encountered by the aver:age love stories • sized performer. "But tall actors Invariably NOMI O• l!)CIUM• CH.&11 lO•ll I 101 JASr IALIOA ILYD. \ 1/,.IAl.ID.\ PUUNSUU• 61l-40tl ~ Now thru ·Tuesd1y FELLINI'S .1 1 d.!d· club dates with the Frank m i n s t r e 1 shows, and ,:s ~na~a-~an MartiD-SaDi'my vaudeville, and burelsque, and ,;•,Devis clique. But now, after the circus and tremendous . "For me to be effective in come off as clothes horses, comedy I have to be the especially in contemporary pro tag o n1 st,'' Huda:on pictures. Walter Allen (center) gets some astonished. reactions from Carol Faulstick. expl~ined. ''I'm too bi r "If you taU up that much and Martin Fuchs when be presents a shirt tOrn off a violinist's back in this physically to be the butt of 1 space on the ICMD, naturally AWAIO.WINNIN6 MASTDPllCI "JUUET OF r ......ntE , SPJRm" ..k_ running a nightly talk-and-radio stardom,-and of course enfe'ffilMien series on ABc=-the movies .v: 1'1(, that image is blown total-· ·•:ly, replaced by the fixed vision Occasionally, Skelton has varied his standard video fare ', o( Bishop as host of a cornball. :i.~embarrassingly "sincere" with a full-hour pantomime :• .. "aeries with a checkered-vest special with Marcel Marceau, and reminded his critis in-"" tone. ferentially that he should not • •. ~'. Red Skelton, who began a be taken too lightly. With ··~·weekly JO-minute show on sophisticates, nonetheless, '"' 1"NBC-1V Monday night after Skelton is persona non grata; ,-,being .dropped by .CBS-TV and CJlS.TV dropped him f~m !1i' one-hour series •. i:iow because it thought youth feels Is m his 20th year. on televunon. · Ule same way about him. For those with s b o r t -memories, and for those of What can O?~ say a~t a ,!ol.~g age, his video image is Skelton ~levis1on pre iere "~only one that now really t~.at , ~asn t ~n said abou.t ~ers. It is an overwhelm-him-: m :n his years o? th~ » impression-20 years or '!ledl~m . l s~ppose that If yo , ~isiorr-and it is 3 Pi9' th.it l~ke h~m on video, you now can few remember his other work : 1~ke'him for only half.as.much !. I time each week. And 1{ you dislike his television . work, then there is only half as much to disilke. ln fairness, when he is good, he can be very, very good, and when he is bad on video he is awful. It pains me when he· is bad because, although I have never met him, 1 instinctively like him tremendously. His face is a map of middle America; and when, saying goodnight each week, he says, "~1ay God Bless," and claps his hands in childish af- fection. and beams radiantly, there is more reality ·on the television screen than in half the socalled "meaningful" drim.as to bit lhe air. It is an exquisite weekly moment. Shtff, Poltl., "THEY CALL Ml Ml. TlllS" "THI HAWAIIANS" wltll C~• H•tH Coit. Sltlffy 1 :JI P.M. ............ "' ....................... . . ~ ~ ... ~ WARNER (ll!IV! IN All C•ter tl'lllt!IJ ,...,,......_. '"" ~Is "WMICM WAY 1'0 TMI tl'l:OftT" • ,.,J """ t "'TM1 t:oc1t1Y10 cow1on 01' CALICO COUNTY" t 101 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• seene-fJ.:91n--1.!9nce-More.W-ith-~ling!!-at-tba-Huntingtol_l-Baach-P..Ja¥-house Joke. . your wardrobe becomes more The comedy continues Friday and Satui'day. ·~~~'-··in-movte~-I'vepromriitnflHih-UiilOroUiU Broadway F oursonie Steeped in Success By JACK GAVER Ul'I Dt•-ldl .. NEW YORK (UPI) -II might be a good idea if pro- ducer David Merrick and director-writer Abe Burrows · took out a hefty life insurance policy on a pair of French playwrights named P i e r r e BarilletandJ ea n . Pierre Gredy. "Cactu,, Flower" well might be Miss Channing's leading :nan. Which would really make for a cozy operation, espeeially when you recall that Miss Channing is a Merrick alumna of extraordinay distinction. She was the original star of "Hello, Dolly!" which is still ralting in the Merrick dollars at the St. James Theater where it recently became Broadway's long-run musical champion. Cast Sought For 01iginal Open readings for a n original play, "The Popcorn Machine," will be held Sunday by the Nifty Theater of HWl· tington Beach. Direct.or George Be tar, who also is the author of the play, will hold tryouts at 7 o'clock . Men and women in all age brackets are needed fo r the cast. "The Popcorn Machine" will premiere at the theater, 307 Main St., Huntington Beach, on Nov. 13 and Will run through Dec. 12. Foursome has been vasUy sucte!Sful with two Broadway pioductions in the past four years, and now it plans a third bid for the playgoer's dollars, with ac- tress Carol Channing as bait. Without Husband played the fall-guy, the laughs players in the scene It's failed to materialize. I can:t something I ·don't like: But play ~ loser .~cause I don t nothing can be done about it." look hke one. Hudson I! has been the It was Hudson's appearance case with most tall actors is which tr~nsformed him f~om a not unaccusl2med to plafing truck driver to an actor 1n the scenes with other sta r s first place· He suited perfectly standing on bot.es or wearing t ~ e tall-dark-and-handsome lift! in their shoes to minimize chche. the disparity of height He lacked only one attribute. · loC.W ALSO Talent. Under contract to Universal for most of his early career, Hudson was young and willing to learn. Under the guidance ol director George Stevens . in "Giant" Hudson gave his best performance to that lime and improves as he goes along. YOU'LL LOVE HAROLO'S BIRTHDAY PARTY.,, THE CRITICS DIO: Currently he is starring In "Pretty M•ids All in a Row." Rock plays a hi1h school principal who sed~s a balf dozen sweet Y011?11 lhlngs. ".,, .......... ""9ctiff. • ." -LA TIMES ",.,, tl'1f,.. ,.,,.,..._.. ... " -REGISTER •· •• ,. ,_,.,. l•.....ir .. ,1 .. ,, ," -PILOT Or1nge County · Prtml•r• . · Ji iuth Coast RepcrtorJ' RESERVATIONS: 646-1363 Because the picture is ··!~========~===========~ .... SlllllW Sf9tl 7 P.M. C•11"• .... snw s.t. 9MI s ... Jr.. J P,M. Barillet . and Gredy write comedy hits for the Paris theater. -Merrick acquires th<" Ariierican rights to them, and Burrows serves as a sort of dramatic midwife. Tina Awaiting· First Child .... M ... _ 1.,...., Wetl191d.,.._1 P.M. HELD OVER First, there was "Cactus Flower." Burrows adapted the French original and directed the New York prodcction for ~terrick. With Lauren Bacall and Barry Nelson starring, it opened · here on Dec. a, 196.i and ran up 1,234 perfonn- ances, playing to capacity for thtiirst couple of years. Barillet and Gredy ne.xt commit~somethingtbatwas translated .. into B r o a d w a y English as "Forty Carats" by Jay Allen. Burrows directed it. The play opened Dec. 26, 1968, with Julie Harris as the star. With its third leading lady, Zsa Zsa Gabor, it is still run- ning at the Morosco Theater. Merrick, of course. And, now, looms "Four on a Garden," scheduled to open Nov. 26. Again Merrick and Burrows; wilh the latter once more serving in the dual role of adapter-director. The latest Barillet.Gredy work is a ParisJtit under the title, "Quatre Pieces sur Jardin," of which the English_ title is a fairly reasonable translatiQn. There are four episodes revolving around a garden apartment. Leading man and woman '8-Cb play four d j f t e r en t characters. There are three other cast members. ·Barry NeISOn of -it!s---- pure Gould .. ._..._ !lllOTT GOUlD PAUlA PRENTISS G!N!'llEV! WAJ!f .MOVE - By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) -"I've had good experiences and bad expe_ri"ences all my life, plenty of both. But this one is going to be good -I'm convinced of lhat." ' Tina Louise, the shapely redhead who has epitomized sex in films, 'Li'I Abner" and television, "Gilli1an's Island,'' was --reflecting about-her unusual situation : she is ex· peeling her first child on Oct. 23; she rtcenUy filed for divorce from television personality Les Crane. The prospect of facing a fatherless birth doesn't seem to faze her. "Of course it's not easy," she remarked at the Hidden Valley home where she lives alone. '"l'here are times when I b e c o me overwhelmingly lonely. But I've entered a new phase: the baby is kicking now. That becomes a reminder that it will all be worth it." Miss IAu~ has always been a frank and open talker, but she was strangely silent about the details of her parting with Crane. She said only that they both were aware of the pregnancy be f o r e they separated -"the rest is too personal to talk about ." She feels that under the relaxed California Jaw, !lihe probably would have qualified for an abortion. She declined to have one. "I was told that due to my own physiological condition, I might not be able to have anothP! baby if I submitted to an abortion," she said: "I LADY IN WAITING T.in• Louise wasn't willing to risk that. I had been waiting too many years to have a child of my own." Too rounded to accept ac- ting roles, she is spending her lime waiting. 0 n e or her pastimes is yoga. She con- ducts classes twice weekly and maintains· her own dally regimen of exercises. During the entire time we chatted, she sat on her bed in the wual tTOSS·legged fashion -"it's the most comfortable position J know." Her single state. Miss Louise believes, will be temporary. .. ''It's not as though I rushed from one marriage to another," she said. "I waited a long time before I married, m SHOW STAm 1 P.M. CONTINUOUS SUNDAY FIOM .z P.~. TWO BIG FEATURES Tbemoet AllO THll •llST IUM lllU~ll ... - "Darker Than Amber" ..,.OUGH -IT PIOWIDll NUT WOLTS OP YIOLINT INflR· TAINMINT" -TIMI MA•AZINI • and Les and I were to1etber for five years. ''I believe in marriage, and ~ I feel sure that another man will come along who will want to marry mo. Thon tho baby will be Jucky enough to bave two fathers.'' But advocates of women's liberation should not get the notion that she Js depe:ndent on the male. Far from it. ~"{ believes in-w·o m-e.n-!-1 liberation," said the · actress. "I've been liberated moat of A MT. A~D SUN, Ufl(ITIL I .P.M, _ ADULTS AND JUNIOU-Sl.10 my life. I can symp1thize withl';:;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::~ those lVomen who believe tbat1r they shouldn't be tied down to takJng care of children, that facilities should be avai11ble to watch over their cblldren while they work. "l intend to 10 on working, and I would leave my baby with paid help or in 110m.eone else's care. But not overnight. "I was boarded out from the age of 2 to I -my parent! were divorced. I know what it's like not to have your own horne. And my baby will go with me wherever J 10. '' Film Reunion HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Andrew Prine and Brenda Scott, divorced in private life, will have a reunion aa the stars of "We're Running Out of Heroes." ONLY ONE SHOWING. EACH EVENING ENTIRE PROGllAM RATID ~o· -IT'S FOlt EVERYBODY I Blltn .... .. :Jt DAILY PILOT SC Worth MotaeJI'• Y-0u Pay to Conti·ol Pollution OVER THE COUNTER By SYLVIA PORTER ''I rtad with lnlemf. your column. Sylvta, stating that tt'1 lhe tJ S. con!llmt:r who '•will pay for lhe control of J>Ollu1ion. You are !iO right. Thert will \nev1tably be either hlghtr prii-es lo the customer 11 for most products. or there will be a big dent made in the annual federal tax blll for pollution ab11temenl Is estimated at only $4 -against $20 a-yeu-f(U' lederalh.iihw<1y construct1ort .. Item : Motonsl.J al'e shutl- n1ng the shghUy more U · pensive lead-free and low-lead gasolines now being sold. But the fact remalnr. another ret.1der , Kerry t.1ulligan, ch a 1 rm an As w of • private enterprise, pro r l t mot.Jvated economy we have In this country, with senous repercu5Slons on the val~ of 4e<111ities, etc • etc " Okay. Bob -a fr1end and the president or a world· famous chemical company - has woed 1n on 1 basic ques- tion. Nixon Telling. Labor l1iflation Goes Down Are ~ou. as a consumer, tirepared to pay (or the stag- gering costs of nol only clean- ing up today's. environmental mess. but also preventing further alt, water and other ypes--ot-poJJutlon' Are you, as a .stockhoklcr, •willing to support the measure the company 1n which you own stock takes to prevent or com- bat po\Jution 1f I h e measures mean costs which bile into profd s" Are you. as a taxpa yer, ready to pay ant1-pollut1on 'taxes and to bear the costs of more and more bond issues in ~our community to raise big- ger and bigger sums of money for oollutlon controls! YOU HAVE to pay for them, vou kno\v. 1n one guise or another There is no one else bul YOU to ~y, for them. NO ONE Pollut1-0n ls unmistakably, tlJ'l(!en1ably on your mmd More than seven in ten Amer1cafl! say they are wor- ried a b o u t environmenta l pollution: a recent Gallu p poll disclosed that 10 percent cf a cross-sed1on or Amer1can.11; now consider pollution cne c( !he most important problems facing the nation, vs only 2 percent 1n June , same abscrvers go sn far as to say this single issue or cleansing nut air and water will close the generation, racial and af- nnence gaps But are you prepared to put your money w ere your mouth isb Tragically. the probab1l1ty is that you are NOT. Item; In a recenlpublic..J)pi· nion poll Americans were ask~ ed whether they would pay $15 more in federal taxes-lo finance a meaningful polluhon control program. By two to o~~nger Americans vow- ed that they woufcl, but by two to one those in the over.SO age bracket opposed the tax By two to one, the better educated were for the tax but bv two to one the less educated "''ere against It Only '$tS! And this is just the begin· ning o! conflict. The evidence points clearly to a real showdown 1n the l 9 7 0 s between the business-as-usual segment of our J>Opulat1on which looks upon pollution as 11 pnce we JUSt have to pay ror our material affluence and the v o u n g e r environmentalists "''"° insist that facton~ must close if they caMOt meet rigid 11landards ILem Local taxpayers lhe nation ever are voting down record numbers cf bond issues propooed to raise funds net on- ly for SC!hools but also for pollution controls. And even the sums being refused are ut· lerly inadequate to meet most local needs Item: Federal income tax- payers are ballhng -via i;enators in Washington - thtir rtpresent.atives a n d ffnatcirs 10 Washington even the p3\try sums being debated by Congress to fight poUuUon Total federal spen- dinC for pollution control now amounts to only about $1 billion a yea r, and the typical $10,000..·year city taxpayer's WA SH I NG TON !AP)- President Nixon has followed up his Labor Day wooing of Makes Sale In Hawaii Ward alKI Harrington Lumber Company yard in Newport Beach has made its fn'St sale in the Jlawauan lum- ber market -to a former Newport Beach contractor Jlemy Bourgeou took his constructi1on busmess to the islands ~ years ago and was 1m iately confronted ""1th h1g er pr ic e d COl'I.· slruclion materials He learn· ed that all lumber llad lo be imported from the US . and after the sl11pp1Rg e<1sts and a senes of middle men. the pnce proved to be qwte high When Bourgeois got in touch wrth Ward and Harrington. he learned that he could buy the lumber 1n Newport Beach and pay to have it shipped to Hawan for less than he could buy 11 from lumber dealers 1n the islands So he oidered 30.000 board feet of lumber from WanJ a"d llarrington to build a church 1n Kahului, Hawan. and \\'ard aP1d Harrington learned the 1n- tr1cac1es of dehver.ing goods hal f an ocean way, via Matson Steamship Ltnes. Duke Gruner, a Ward and Harnnglo111 employe. 1n charge of the op1n1on, said that the lumber had lo be! converted in· to unusual quantilles for v.•ood -cubic (ttt and pounds "The Y.'OOCI had to be loaded onto four racks provided to U!I by ~1atson Lines." Gruner said ''1'he only rea l pmblem:re y,·e had \\'ere with t.1atson'i1 spec1f1cntions for loading the lumbl.·1 ," The fl at rack!! provided by l\iatson arc the size of semi· truck trailers a11d 1h"Y set on wheels. The r11cks were loaded at War:f and Harrington hy hand etvt towed to the \\'&ltlng ....... Of OIL PAINTIN•S shh> in ~l'llmi111gton WHOLBAl.I WA•IHOUSl Tiley ure stored In lht': llold °"" TO THI PUILIC or the sh10 in such a way th0tt $5 there 1s only three-eighth!! inch _. ., clearance on eBch side, so !he ---,111-...,-~=.5:;!t:T.._ ... .___l-1umb"'" h11 bt--'peritctl l=~~ .. ~·~·~u~s~w~•~·~·~·~·~~~~I .stack~ on the racks. Gn1ner said The lr!lnsacllon had to be COMMODITY «un11lc10d w11h cash bclore the lumber could be shipped FUTURES TRADERS •••••••••••••• ! ••••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The ~in1st In -' .................. . Farm Income Decli11e. In California Forecast R. J. O'IRIEN Pip.!:~}t;fu00' ••• AllDC.. lllC. IOUTH COAST •LAZA LIKE 1i4f WulsM Ir.. l aw" ......, l...!"iiiii1~i:i!ii:i~.~iii;.;~;~;~;;'"ii' .,J1 ... ".-..... ·.1:-.54o.l.""-~.·2_,. [ UNCLE LEN , • -• ............. ~ f.omplete-New York Stock>~ist /, I SymfJob • - • 1 I V< la d' le fu tic No dl $1 "' hi A; -1 IE IT b n " k h s " c ( ' • 8 I t j r ' I I 'I l . Saddleltaek ,_ vo i.:. 6!, NO. 228, • SECTIONS, 68 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CA tlFORNIA • ·1 1re ·ears Need Teachers ~agun-a-T:ru-stees ' .. .. ....... "!:. . _....... ·-• .. . ' • . - ' . , ~ ' }. ·-.. · - . '.l'•d•Y'• .Fhuil....- :N.V. Steeb TEN CENTS rea 700 Acres --------------- --Engul!~d ~Nea1·-COrona I I I Dip Into Reserve By JACK BROBACK Of 11i1e Dll" Ptllt Steff By BARBARA KRElBICH Of tM Ollh' P'li.t 51111 Leguna Beach school tru~ees reluc- tantly agreed Tuesday to dip into the distrlct's reserve funds to cope with a teacher shortage th8t has re su lted from a five percent Increase in student popula· ti on this year .. By a 3 to 2 vote. with trustees Dr. Norman Browne and William Wilcoxen dissenting, the board decided to spend $16,500 of reserve funds. for teaching ~ssistanls and instructional aides at the high school and two elementary schools, Aliso and Top of the World. The problem of classroom crowding· had been raised last week by Aliso Prin- cipal Lyle Proctor, who told trustees he was laced with a 33 to I pupil-teacher ratio in some classrooms. At that lime Browne pointed out the Hand -Grenade · Murder Case Continues Court m11rtlal proceedings against a tewaged Marine accused n{ helping l.o murder his company commander with a • hand grenade -as he slept -in Viet· nam, resuml!d today at Camp Pendleton. Lance Cpl. Bobby R. GreenwoOd, 19, of Norman, Okla., denied charges of helping kill his CO Tuesday under questioning by his attnrney, Oklahoma State Sen. Gene Stipii, at the general eoilrt martial. "But J did say who t:id it," he testified, "It was Smith and Napier." Premeditated murder and conspiracy charges "'ere brought a g a i n s t Greenwood, Pvt. Reginald Smith, and Pvt~ David Napier was charged with ain· 11piracy. Pvt. Smith pleaded guilty lo tossing a grenade into the quarters of Lt. Robert T. Rohweller at Quang. Tri com· bat base on April 22, 1969 and is serving a 40-year federal prison sentence. Lance Cpl. Greenwood has pleaded in- nocent to the murder and conspiracy counts, as well as a perjury charge brought in connection with trial of others accused in the ease. Greenwood, a father or two whose wife ·heard him testify, said Smith and Napier •·seemed to have something again.,t the lieutenant." He said he 11pe.nt a half-hour with them before hearing the explosion and that they had talked about "fragmen- ting" the officer. ''They hated Rohweller and sai4 he deserved to be killed ," said Greenwood. "1 didn't say anything. 1 was just think· ing or home, the beat and the mos- quitos." Engineering Services Contract Wins Okay An engineering services contract for the proposed 1&7-aere Laguna Niguel Regional Park has bttn 1pproved by Or1nge County Supervisors. VTN-Orange County will do the de.sign for a fee of $$,500. Estimated cost of the pmJec T $l.4 tnllllon. Plans include a 45-aere lake. A budget sum of $650,000 has been approved for development of the facility.. The land was donale<Lby the _Laguna NJaueLCoa»L•· lion. The Land Ganie (1'1/n r llterK St11le ) Picture yourself In a snug A-frame bes i de a Northern California stream, aw11y from J1mog and root beer Jtands7 And turning a tidy profit on the land you bought? The picture might not be as pretty as it's ~lnted. For---ihe concluding article In a-~ on This pr~ tem, 1tt Page 15 today. voters who tumed down the school tax override Jn spring had been warntd of this possibility. Tuesday night, expressing e<1ncern about dipping into reserves, he reiterated his comment that the e<1mmunity had chosen to risk the higher staffing ratio in its negative override vote . Wilcoxen said he could see the high school need, but seemed less certain about the problem of the elementary schools. At the conclusion of a week'11 study of the staffing shortage, the other' trustees decided that the ·reserves, being "eduea· lion dollars" should be used to meeTthe emergency. Adequate money is available now, it was noled. The risk could be a possible shortage toward the end or the school year in t}le event or unexpected demands. A virtually uncontrolled' fire was spreading throug h tind~r dry brush and trees· !lbulheaat: of Corona this morning, the .fir11l 11erioU1 threat to Orange eoun,. ty 's parched mountain areas this year. By midmorning the mass of flames had spr'ead over 700 acres five miles south of Coroo1 and was creeping toward Orange County's Silverado, canyon are1. One · ranch home in Joseph Canyon bu rned this. morning and several others were saved, fire officials reported. The saO men figh ting the blau. got 1 !!mall break today when the santa Ana Winds which had been blowing in gusts up to 40 miles an houii· 'rOpped to 10 miles ap !)our. . ·The fire broke out Tuesday afternoon in the ume area where the h;tfamous Paseo Grande blaze 1tarted in October of 1187. 9n recommendation of Superintendent Dr. William Ullom, 'the board agreed to authorize the use of accredited teacher assistant.I al $3.~ an hour at the elemen- tary schools, allocating $4,000 for this purpose to Aliso and $2,500 Lo Top o( the World. El Morro Elementary was not faced with a staffing shortage this year. U.S. 1 • DAl(Y'l"t\.OT Ii.tr...... ' FORESTRY SERVICE PLANE' SWINGS 'ovE'R CL iVELAND NATIONAL FOREST BLAZE ' . Stubl:iorn ·Fire B.urn1 In Remot'e MOunt1i,. "Areii· lehieien .Orenee and._RJ:venW, ~Cevnta.. .. Thal tragic file · lliwept over 48,000 11Cres, destroyed 66 home's and did More Ulan $2.5 mil!Kln I~ darnaae.. . ·AkUng-on -0...battle Une,thl1 morning were ' fire rig1, eight bul1dows and six air ta'n~en droppin1 chemicals and· water On ,the ~readinl n~~-. High She~I Principal Don~ ~aught re· quested $141237 to fill staffin1 needs he said existed. Vllom recommended an allocation of $10,000 for the hi&h scJ;oot and this was approved . · The high school population, up four fron1 opening week, now standA .at 1.078 students, eon;fpared with 175 la1t June 12. . Sl9cJllll · Murd.e.r -·~.f<;'. .• '"~ Tr~al Rece.ssed; ., . stat£ l'orestry•oflli:labr<aid thal'"lhey b"e lhaky coritio! of 40 -iii the perim~f' or tile firt thls momin1. Wll'.i· Int ag1lnst "f.hem was a hufllidlty level belOw· 10 percent and ' a tempei'ature .1D, ...... ol 1111 clqmo. . Haught sought funds to pay in· struetional and non-i nstructiona l aides in La wyer Has Flu ·seyeral de~rtmen~. Including ~ngllsh, Jurors in the Superior Court murder science, social ~tud1es, m1themat1cs, art, -triar·or Dr. Wesley-G; Slocum got an physical education and auto shop. He told trustees that all present high unexpected day off today when the Costa · futffre ·faces HearinK "-- \ • c • ... AlthouP the santl 'Ana wind dec:ru3I la llelptng, nre officillla oal<I Ille. biaa "" working-Jn the JoWer n!achet of can-;,_,, Jn '!lie ruue<1;--almoot in1cce0sible . ' school teachers are carrying five full in. Mesa ijhysician's lawyer fell victim to By RJGllAJl!l P. "NALL · Of ... ~" Pllotf.Sleft , • stn.tctional periods. what he bc!leves is 24-hour flu. . . Behind · by 3-0, He Says Time Favor s Gretel Special to tht DAU.:. Y PILOT NEWPORT, R.I. -Down three races in the best-<>r·seven America's Cup series. Australia's Gretel 11 navigator Bill Fesq said he believes time is on his lide even i! the odds are against him. "As you know, we face overwhelming odds," Fesq explained, "but we aren 't giving up. We figure time ha11 to be on our side and we 'll utilize it to practice." Gretel II, disqualified in one race, h11~ thus lost three straight to Newport Beach skipper Bill Ficker and cup defender Intrepid. Fiel(er said his crew woukt work on coordinilting their efforts today. B o t crews requested a day off tocl.!1y. The weather forecast for Thursday'! race is for heavy winds, about the same as prevailed for Tuesday's contest. For DAILY PILOT Boating Editor Almon ·lockabey's analysis of Inlrepid's winning effort Tuesday. let: toQay's Boating Page, on Page 16. Judge Kenneth Williams recessed the trial until Thursday morning· after being ad vised of .defense attorney Michael Gf:rbosi's illness. Gerbosj. complained late Tuesday of being unwell. Slocum, 45, is on tr.ial .for the alleged mu rder of his 3-month-<>ld daughter. Cynt~a. Chier Deputy· District · AttorneY James Enright al\ege;s . for the . pr<r secution that Slocum killed the child and then stuffed her dismembered remains · into the famil y freezer. Several portions <Jf her tiny body were revealed when moving men · transporled the appliance rrom Costa Mesa to their Santa Ana depot. A brief investigation en· ded with the arrest of Slocum. Testilll(lny so far in the trial has been eqnfined to medical analysis . of ttie r~ mains and th~ sc reening before the jury of slides · taken ·by, pathologisll who e1- amined ~hat. was leU of .the body. Dr. Riellard Fu~omoto has testified that the' rema ins were in an advan~d' state of decay when the; odor' emanating from them led to their discovery_. · Tufted Puffin Born NEW YORK (UP1.l ·-A tofted 'purfin was hatched · In-the ·Bronx Zoo TueSday; Zoo officials said it was the .first known, hatciting of the sea bird In captivity: A hearing to help 8etlle San aemente's; hi>3pital f\Jlllr"e Will be held act. J3. In the San Clemente lrel. · ' · _John"i'rabaOd, e'xecutive d~r~pr nf th& Orarlge County Compreherisive H~lh Planning ,(ssociation, ·said 1-dedslon;m1 wh.ieh hospital group will be endorsed likely will ~ made al that time. The assoCiatlon hai:I iilitially endorsed the San Clemente Medical Center plans o( C. T .. DeCinces Company of Van Nuys .. The proposed 250-bed hospital near San Clemente civic center · has been long delayed and r~ntIY community support has 11wung to a proposal by Chapman GenerAI Hoepilal to build a 1J4-bed faeill-tr on 30 a~s of land ~n Camino de l!>s Mares. The $1.2 million land package Is already 'in escrow. . The CHapman group 'is seekll\g •·•~itch of endorlemt:[lt by· thel health planning association 'fNln, the OeCinces gi'oup lo Chaptnan. "' · The' endorsement ii rtanlamount to • right' to operate.·lt•is required before the state will \MUe •~ license·. Denial. Of en~ dorxment can .. De appealed' up ·lhe 11d·· rgirrlstratjve ladder ,ahd then :lhroughi the judicial process. · The Deances·group wu·liven 18' days on July 1~ to amwer questlOfta,from the ' UllOCiatlO(l tha.t deal ,with financing and · other matttrs. Traband said tl)elei-ques-1 tkm! have not y,et been· answered ~t said the .lJeCin<e< ~ hlV< Wltll Qcl. 12., Mental Health County Approves Fo ur t old-Increase in Budget A five-ye.ar plan to exparK Orange County 's mental health care from the -presenHscll ye1fla-Sl,4-million-budge to more than $32 million .was approved · Tuesday by the C<Junty Board· of Supervisors in a 3i2 vote. The proposal to 'quadruple the coslll of mental health programs was opposed by Supervisor David L. Baker who warned that the projection was "too high ." "I find it diUieult lo accept the in- ruenee that people are 1oing down the tube al this rite," the ~ dis(ricL 11upervi11or· said. Supervisor Robert Battin joined Baker in voting against the proiram, callinc It "too costly," Qefendlng lhe"l!rogram wBs Rosem11 Saylor of South Laguna , chairman of die county's Mental Health Advisofy Board. ''We must llart aomepltce," she plead· •• l ed. ''Our staff worked ' on · this program a.nY.thipa. But it I~ ~ belt proeram ln for a full year. · • ~ the long run. It will m11ke all COfPRt~ly '' paat.....work-has..~llO:ll~ • ..pay1te th·e Orange County Medical Center a.nd' organizations, non-profit 1roups, and lls facilities are filled · to capacity ind~ others." he said. · ' c 1 beyond . We must ~el the _program into Dr. Rannells poln~ out that the five. the oommuhlUe111 and' we·will" eventually year Jl'08l"lm wa1 m1ndlted by tht •tile, save money by involving priv1te con.. Deper~nt of Mental Hygiene. riultanll an9 psyetiialrlst.s,1' the !ii-year' · Ob~tinl lo· the program w1s J1me'11 mP.1Jlber of the men tar health ~P. Con-· Anderson. president of the Orange County. tinued.. · • · • · ' PsyCho1otlC11 'APoclition. "lf th,i:s h~I' ''Tbe proposal Is an honei!t 1,Uempt. !l!W been ,mdied ·rot aje1r why hl1 1only'.lne teJI ,you ~what Is ,,eeded in die ~Y~''1 I rheijtctt pUfti!lln , ~ft ~~·~)le · !!he ennUnued. "Children are ,our bighesl. q.ueried. He llkl 'lris orc1nli1Uon, wtri(h rriority, ' Take the , bindln;s.. t h. e.; I ''ii "1ta:!ly li;tl~ hr lnen_til ·~I~.•: . handcuffs •the leg, irons 'off this pro---W~s ~~/¥! ·' 4 ' · · t, grem1" M'rs, S1ylor ~l'uded. J ·~ ! \lotiJi in flvt)( nl' 1cttv1tlng Utt Pl'O"'' Backin her up was.Dr...H~ ~am · wm: rsft~l9M1 ~~on Allen, ne 1. counJY mcntit health dt,...,tor -wirnMI Hlnllln l\id WUfllm PliUftpo. "Adoption of the five-year pro'grlin. 1'We must-flCe up to!-the1 prob6tm." , really does not commit lhe CG111ty •to, • Phillips said., ( • • • .. , ' Renewal of .the aS!IOdation'1 endc:r~t was ~ unW the ~ 4ue11Uona·· 11' answered. .. ., • · .... -- In somelhlng of a .surprl~ move, Deeinces fl ppeartd before cltY. eoun- cilmen thl11 week arid propgsed thl!"the city xll.$5.5 million ¥i municlp1! boodll ·lo build..~..00,.pitai. ~:;11!1 ·<ity would· then own in 7.0 years. , : Cotp1cilmen, with.two:rrlembert ableiat, took nq ~ but ·~ ~that> DeCinces.put the details.in writing before the Oct. 7 council meeting.·· . Trablnd said the Oct. 13 hearing.' at 1 location yet to be seleCted, woUkt.gtw the· people' of San ·e1emertte a ·chance to see how, decisions ·are reached by 'the 1 17- member 1S10t\ation committff: · Traband slid .at the hearing th! eum- miltee Could endorat either 1he'DeCinCes--: hospital or the ChaP.man ~pi~ Dr ~(d: ~ndorse . both· if• this seem.~ w~171nttc':I.' · iSee .ll08PITAL, PllP I) , ... '" Renegi1lg . Ch~rM..e: . . . Le.veled . Agaifts,! .. Carp eQ,t,er, Go.p ·,, . . . ,.... prang_e County'a· ·Jte'publlcan ' Central' C"pmrnitlee .and State. Sen1tor Dtmtis €.irpenter t have '.been acicu'."sed by 'a. defeated Congresaional clndldate 1 o(' refusing io pay an~ illege;lly prQ~. $11,000 towards hil 1911;&.camp'ilgn. , ' , · Frank La Magna cl~ ,in .hJI Orqe: County Superior. COOit IClion '!Ued 1\10>- <Jay that .~ 'waa . prom~ , • • ~ • olJ '35.000 wheft he c1rried. the ~·banqer1 against elected DemoCrat ,Ricllard , Ku-na. _ ' · l·--;. La ~apa t att.chel to -tUs lawsalt 11 copy-of the·GOP eontra·ct..whlcb contains~ he. c:laiml, a ,pi:emile to ""1' '!'35,• tow1"'9 chil n,en1e1 .. n.t •1feement.- Al110 1ppear1· 1e·11.i1m.,111at ·i..·Mqu "'8 ~ U1.17 pert!!l)t''of'11U cini-' Pll&n funds railed. by Ille ...,....tloo. • .re1 ... -· , ' ' . ara.ire Aunty F1ri! Depmltment of· ftct;• dispetChed 1 bulldozer fo the Ladd Ganyc:in,. north df Saddleback, to "bo.lster fire breaks in ea!Sf: the bll?oe ·ahbuld ·~p oVer the ridge. Strong Santa Ana winds are predicted 10 retum Thursday and "fireinen said if the 7fD.tcre blaze WIS not. out by then "we Will be in reallrouble." - • Smog May Foree Chi1dren Inside Smog might drive children in 'the San Joaquin Elementary School Dilltrict off the j>l1ygrounds. · Ttultees of the· district haye vottd to obtain smog readings from the Oranp eounty Air PolluUon Control District. . Readings will be given to prindpalt, who will decide whether· or not children ahould remain outdoors, if the smog iJ; pantcularly bad . The county prosram wu adopted alter the Orange County Medical AsllOCiatiort ootllned lhe health-huarU .for youn1 J)eOP,le caused when oxi:danLs Jn , lhl!;-at- mosphere. reach .~ parts _per .mjlhon. 1)e medical association ~ommend1 that' children 'be excused from 1trenµou1 lhdooi' and outdoor: actiVliies at that time~ ·c.ut ,The roe rot~· In fonlght IJI force, and It'll drop Thurlday's terj1peratures down lntn lhe, IQ's along 1lie coast, with ·inland rtad· in1s dippinc to a deartes." }\".htit a duU rou -,n'o,pro-1 te.sb, no,Surr}rist11 ;Wat .onothn narimq Intrtpid ttictor11. A.lmorl Lockabq ditcus11t1 Tu~ldo1111 America'• Cup action todav on Pao~' 16. · • . • .A R<pullllcu ·party ·"'°'-' toilly d._._ LI •Mqnii• 11111 11 "pell)' 11111' I~'.""' C!"!'"'''!l<•HhOt ithe . ..,_ dictate was never promilrd Utt, tull_RlllJ Of sa,000. • ... I 1 .. " Ml-L._, I The ipObsman referred to a recent =-~ 1: =:"· ~ ._..°' • ·onncr CountJ Qbll!l'Vls, a a.-. • , w ,_ ,. Repub~ IMJ'lY $1UbUcatiDn. In whidl it.• I ~ ~ ~' .. ~= .. :\ \a1nM that LaJblrm ~· ! .. , t ~· ,• .... l:11~ ~• ·,.,' ~•,aJJa&i. :rm~e;i;: · 1 ;:::.;.-· • = -...: fund(. I ' ' • , • ' ..,... .... • ' ,.. ,...,... ..,, _La Mqaa · ~ =~uented .~,·~Cf.MY i ==·· '• ' ~ ; $ ·. ,._: Jolln Dfilnll G G~ DUii-ie ,. r • .,. ....;, =-.--....: 111m.1>er of the er..,. ,.....,IJ lllmo.lr1~ -. • .- -, .. le <Alllral ComlDlt10r-·-·· ... '' ... 1_. _____ ':"'" ___ ..... .( ' I \ " ,,,,,. ~ lt DAll.Y PILOT SC / C ~mpaigiL ,. Crists a'old-' .Wilcoxen Reveals E~tion SUitiStics tn a post-election report to his sup- porters. Laguna Beach attorney William Wilcoxen, who h~t hi! campaign !or the 35lh Cqressional District seat .to John SchnUtz, reviews election statistics and •lr$ some views on campus violence, the Vietnam war, the J9hn Birch Society and democracy. Talking to 95 different groups of people. says Wilcoxen, he found the issues of greatest concern to both young and old were vlotence on the campull and in Asia. In the final vote tally, he reports, he received 19 percent of all votes cast, Schmitz received t:I percent, John Steiger 11 percent and John Ratteree three per· cent. Dollarwise, Wilcoxen's campaign ex- penditures ranked third. with Schmitz spending SS percent of all campaip dollars ~t. Stei&e( 31 percent, Wilcox- en ·JI percent and Ratteree three percent. The attorney not.es that in Laguna Beach he won the highest percentage <>l ' tbt -· • .,._......,.wit! Sdi-' 4.1 _.... ...i· -• -Ill ,,_, if;<!ndlnc bis .... Best resulta eltewi)tre Were obtained In areas ~re he made personal IP" pearances, Wilcoxen says, citing his 37 percent of the vgte ln Newport Beach, where 28 meetings were held, compared with Schmitz St percent. ReOecting on the campaicn. he ei:· presses the belief that ht lost 10me of the support of the old by suppotttng Proposi- tion One for university health facilitiet and of the young by supporting lem· porary entry of troops into Cambodia. Referring to the profound concern of all factions with regard to Vietnam, he says, ''Those of us who are interested in the survival of this country must try and comprehend the depth of feeling th.at ex- ists, and do what we can to see that the longest war In our histoey ii brou1ht to an end." The seed.s of campw; violMCt, says the 11-, -"'"" .. gee, •• lll4. wlion-thi Academic S.n11e •t Berlreley vottd to c1pltulate to Mario S.vk>11 demands for amntsly to arrested atudenta and total non·interference by the • university ln student "political" behavior on or off campus. "One of my law school professors," writes Wilcoxen, ''shortly thereafter slated the minority position that a grave mistake had been made, s a y I n g 'ultimately ·the appeal is to the spirit or rtasonableness In the light of the purpose of aCademlc freedom.' " Wilcoxen notes that he read "a lot of Birch Society literature" dufilng the cam· -paign and obser'('es, "As nearly as I can make out, they think that many of our problems started about 1912, the year Woodrow Wilson beat William Howard\ Taft, and they could be right." On the subject of 'democracy, he cites- the 1911 dedication of the famous novel, "The Virginian," to Theodore Roosevelt and quotes its hope that "We people will , FAC ING ADDED CHARGES? Shorlff '1 Doputy I rvlnt , ~ ACCUSED OF BURGLARY Sheriff's Deputy Dunc1n ' . Firm Lands ' Sidewinder Contr act A $29.8 million Nr Fore• contract to build a new model of the SideWlnder missile has been awaroed to Phllco- Ford's Aeronutronlcs Division in Newport Beach. Company officials called the contract "major and significant" and indicated that it relaxes growing pressures of pen· ding layoffs at the division's fa cilities. The contract calls for Aeronutronic tn engineer and build an updated-"f100.el J" of the air-to-air intercept missile. · How the new model differs from the present '"Model B'' is secret information. company officials said. Most of the actual work will be perrormed at the division ·• Anaheim assembl y plant, with about one-third of it tn be subcontracted to Philco· Ford's d1 v1s1on at W1\low Grove, Pa. , I vc _N_ewport Stadl o prove ourselves equal to the severest test to which political man has yet subjected ----bini-aeli -the test of--democracy: '' Wilcoxen concludes, "Much has chang· ed sine~ 1911, but the need for t:alth in the .ability of Americans to prove equal to the test of democracy is greater than ever." lnvestt·gati·on Conti·nues °''!'mun;calions and Technkal Services Aeronutr(>n1c officials ~d t. h e --------· ---------------~------flwardiAgofth&.contuct.,....whiclL.w~•s~•~1g.,n~---o--+--­ Police Seize Operator For Nudie Early Birds A nudie photo studio that couldn't wait to show its assetJ perhaps found out Tuesday that patience would have been prudent. Newport Beach police arrested the operator of the studio when she opened for' bU'Siness · before obtaining a city license, Assistant Chief Harry A. Nelson disclosed this morning. An undercover agent entered the office of Kitten Productions , 3848 Campuj Drive, about 4 p.m. purporting to reseoM to advertisemenll in local newspapers. He alleges be encountered the Owner of the atudio, MarY . F. Wagner, ·.31, of Placentia, who he claims told him, iihe had JO models av~ilable who w:ould J>05' · in the nude "in any position.'' • Miss Wagner, whose appl.icatlmr1or & buslness license is scheduled to be con·' aidered by the City Council Monday night, reportedly showed' the inve~i8a.tor: . a series of photoiraphs of the 10 gjr!S, all nude. · The officer claims she said the: studio was open for business and models would pose at a rate of $25 per hour. Film · had to be purclwed ll>ere for 11.u.o roll. • - At that point, Chief Ne!Jon said, Miss Waen'r sum~ one of the modtll who appeared, fully attired. The girl then told.the inve1tigator she w1s available to be photographed "in any pose re- quested." The uridercover man then identified himseU, informed Miss Wagner .she was in bulinea ill¢1ally and reminded her sht ·h~ bieen betq Wormed previously the Ucenae, f:pplic'tioo would 10 before the council next week. . She wu atrest.ed for violating a city ordinance, 4-:0plraUftt:.a business wjthout .a permit,'' afii:l .-rele.a.ed on her 'own fee~ jendbg: court .appearaoce. The council he&rin1 on the litt~ re- qUest • aJ>MIUUY. will take place as ac~eduled. ·City Manaeer Harvey L. Hurlburt said Tuesday morning1be ;s seeking council action "by reasons «. the Chiiacteristics attendant .this type oi1business." Usually, license applications are handl· , ed routinely by the Business License Department. In Deputy Burglar Case . Trial Date Set " ~Candlelight Murder Case Orange County sheriff's off¥;:ers .today continued an investigation that could lead to the filing of further burglary charges against two deputies already accused of the attempted burglary or the Mission Viejo Country Club~s golf shop. Are11 burglary ~ filed prior to the arreSt sufiday of deputies Arthur E. Dun-- can, 34, Huntington Beach and Frederick B. Irvine, 40, La Habra, were being checked. Special to the DAILY PILOT Investigators said more than 20 SAN DIEGO_ Innocent pleas were of· burglarles committed in the Mission Vie. jo housing development during the month~ fered again Tuesday, when Candlelight immediately preced ing the .arrest of Killer Robert W. Liberty and his wife Dunca n and Irvine remained. unsolved. were arnigned on murder chargea in San Both deputies au being questioned about District attorney's Investigators are to- day looking into the possibility of adding charges of assault with a deadly weapon to the burglary cuunt already faced by Irvine. Officers claim botll accused men load· ed their security car with stolen golfing equipment and several cases of liquor Immediatel y before sheriff's officers ar· rived at the gol! shop. Thomas Mullen Services Planned Diego County Superior Court. their possible invOlvement in those thefts, TrtaJ for the colorful couple accused to Sheriff's Department spokesmen said. Rosary will. be recited for Thomas H. the torture slaying of male nurse Robert Irvine and Duncan have been ordered Mullen of San Clemente at 7:30 p.m. Irion, 53, at bis apartment last June 7 to appear Tuesday in Santa Ana Thursday in the chapel of Lesneski was set for Nov. 10 in Superior Court. Municipal Court. Both men are free on Mortuary. Chief Dej>uty' District Attotney Richard bail. Mr. Mullen, 81, a relired electrical Hanacom plans to ask dismissal o( Both men were spotted inside the 1olf engineer of 127 Avenida Barcelona, died ariginal com plaints the couple answered shop by club pro Ron Belanger who sum--Monday in South Laguna . A requiem identically Monday in municipal court, moned other sheriff's officers to the mass will be held at 9:30 a.m. Friday in since the new chartes take precedence. premises. Duncan immediately sur· Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, lUS The San Diego County Grand Jury rendered, but Irvine ·commandeered .a La Esperanza. returned indictments against both the patrol car and Jed his fonner colleagues Survivors inclu..!Je the widow, Isabel J. former Westminster man and the an a bullet punctuated chase through two Mullen of the family home; two redhead he wed in a Colorado jail cell counties before surrendering a Ct er daughters. Nellie Jesse of Glendale and shortly after their capture in June. _ threatening to commit su icide . Goldie Newman of San Francisco and Liberty, 24, fY!aY be returned to Orange Both men were employed during their three sisters, Mary T. Mullen. Florence County eventually and charged with the off rtuty hours as security guards for the :b. Mullen and Anne Mullen, all of Los ed last week. 1s a blesslng. "The timing of this import.ant -program will tend to stabjllze our employment level in the Orange County area," Llluis F. Heilig, division vice president and generSI manager said . He said there will be no additional hir· ing . however. Other cumpany spokesmen this morn · ing confirmed this meant there would ha ve been some layoffs without it. . ··The Industrial Relations Deparlmenl said today that they would have had to program some job cutbacks in about t~o months had the contract not been rece1v· ed.'' the spokesman said. The Aeronutronic Division employs 11 lotal or 2.880 persons, including 1.764 at its Ford Road facility in Newport Be11ch, SID at the Anaheim assembly pla.nl where the Shillelagh missile is built." The 27-month. fixed-price contract In· eludes incentives for Aeronutronic to ac· complish the wark at lower cost through value engineering. Cost saving in·novatlons in engineering and construction that produce quality at least equal lo specificalions will resu lt In higher company profit, under this type of incentive program. Jn addition to erigincering and con· ·struction. the contract provides the com· pany to produce technical data and ae rospace ground equipment. Heilig said the AIM-9J Sidewinder pr~ gram, as the Air Force contract calls it, will be conducted within the division's Air Defense Systems Operation under th e direction of Robert T. 0 . Case. Jr .. direc· tor. and James J, Wa tson, AIM-SJ pro- From Pllfle 1 City Hall sources aJso revealed that Cl· murder of a former roommate, Thomas Mi ssion Viejo Company. Angeles. gram manager. Astorina, i:t, who was shot and dumped in-:------'---'---'----~---_.: _____________ _;:_ ___ .:._ ______ _ HOSPITAL ..• : ) • .ty Attontey .Tully Seymour is prtparing an "emergency ord inance" that would provide stiff1eeulations for the operation ol public photo studios. Opponents cf eitb..er plan will be afven 1 chance to speak. J A similar ordinance invol y,ing m~ssage parlon wu .adopted by u.· COW'ICJI Jut l"etk. • . Sunset Aquatic Park last March. Mrs. Liberty is not accused. except in the murder of Irion. whom Liberty knew at Atascadero State Hospital. . ~rty spent three years under treat~ meq& after being found criminally insane for the strangulation of Mrs. Marcella r..ndls:J 31, of Westminster, more than four years ago. ADYl:l:TIJl:MI JfT" GEM TALK Endoniement .also qualifies a· hospital to receive Medicare .and ¥edical funds, whlch has become .a algnilicant financial factor in modern hospital--0perat.ion..- Physicians. civiC leaders and the San Clemente Chamber of Commerce have .all thrown support to Chapman recently because of continuing delay:i: by the earlier group. €hmch ' -Cl uh -Sets Friday Meeting s In ~pistrano Police called to their 11partment-found -l·•-1' JJghted candles flickerin~ around her flow. er-petal-strewn body, while Liberty st rum. -TGDA-Y by There seerr.ed one fly in . the Chapman aintme.nt, however, its size. T h e California siate P.\an for Hospitals recommends they be a minimum of 150 beds in this size hospit.Jl 9ervice area.. · The theory is that a 156-bed hospital "'ill support the sophisticated kinds or medical service required in a service area of this size -more than 100,000 by 1973. The service area begins at the southe r- ly limits of Newport Beach and goes northeasterly to the San Diego Freeway, jogs east a bit and continues southerly to the coonty line. South Coast Community Hospital in South Laguna already txisLs in the service area with another non.profit hospital plaMed for Leisure World and a private hospital planned in Mission Viejo. These l'-"Ould likely also be a factor in the association's deliberations. DAILY PILOT Awana - a church sponsored club for' boys ind gir1s_a through 12 -wilt meet eyery . Friday from· 7 until t p.n\: in Cap;strano Beach at the Grace Bible Church,-35418 Camino Capistrano! Organized in 11168, Awana 'ta'Kei it1 name from words that Apostle Paul• wrote ·to Timothy: "Approved 'Workmen are Not Ashamed." Youngsters, divi ded into "tribes," com. pete i.n games, learn crafts and memorize Bible verses. The system pro- vides a series of tesls with awards for achievements. Tribe sessions are follow· ed by .a devotional period that closes wllh songs, stories and prayer. There will be traditional holiday parties and a parents night. Selected teams will travel to regional olympic games com- petition in the spring. __ · Parents unable to proviae'°""transporta· lio n may call 49&·3392 or 492·2341. med his guitar and insisted she was aware of the ritual. lriori. 11. patient treated as a sex of- fender, was strangled and left with c,andles burnine beside his body. as A Lona Be•ch teenager watched, lied to a tli~With neckties. Students' PR . Work Pays Off . At Teen Dance . . . A nei&hborhood public relations effort by the Student Council .1t Laguna· Beach High SchooJ 1 )>aid ·dividends at the · first school dance of the year, accordlq to Debbie Zeug, commissioner of publicity. Before the school's "Hello Dance" la.st weekend, Debbie wrote a friendly lttter to householders in the area around the- sehool; innouncing the dance .and ~aylng •. •·we siacerelY hope that the inusic does not disturb you and your family in any way." . Kathleen Dobbin n..ia'"" who found ·th• mus;c rrom llle high school patio too loud were in- 01tANCiE co•s" ll'utlllHING CCWl'AH'f S • F • d vited to phone the school aid a number l'r~::::i .~. ~b~I~~ er.v1ces n ay ~:O~t~~ft 1()0 SfUdenlS attended the J1cl1 l . Cw•l•Y Graveside services will be held at dance and not 11 single complaint was· J. C. HUM,Hlln (Best Purch•Md .at Home) Many people have the belier or feeling that they can buy diamonds more cheaply abroad than in the United States. T h i s is a miscon· ception. Those \\•ho buy diamonds at the whalesale level will v o u ch that prices are no cheaper abroad. Al- so, a. duty must be paid when the gems are brought into this country. There ma y ~so be pitfalls in buy- lng diam onds abroad. Jn the case o( misrepr,asenlation, there just i!n't much you can do to get your money back, , ln some countries the standards of -quility are not as strict as they are in the Uni ted States. Tho g e passing flawless gems in so me countries would not pass as !Uch here. Vk • f'ru.a ... 1.,.. c.e..1r11 M•fltlftl' Forest Lawn Memorial Park. Glendale, received from the neighbors who had 1110"'::1!11"a at I p.m. Frid8y for Kathleen M. Dobbin, been l'!otifled, according to Don MiUer, It's best to buy your diamonds ... c Dr! La B h .:. .assist.ant principal in charge of activities. T\iom11 A. Mvtphi111 .._ ypreas-ye, guna eac , wno One · hbo hanklh ri.....,t here <1t home. • •d the ~~ ' • • -'llXllll1erfisl BIJlJings 011 Intdnationa-Z-St.erling ._,010 ~ Onell serving plec• •nd-·a.oo onNCh p!Ke setting ' plece,toof . ~•'"' 1t11w died MOnday at the Laguna Beach Nun-· netg r even sent a ROle t g Ii" .n,1 ~· l lclliri '·Nill ing Home. She was 73. the students ,or their consideration and di~mC?nd. bU Y.5 at boi:ne are tlr06e \ 1V.SPOCt-l,rw•$CD a..oppca1wi1>y to •11 sevi~ DI'_. c-ir ••'"" A native of Pennsylvahla, Mrs. DObbln expressing the hope . that they woU.ld ha:ve . in our showcases. ~ ~~wfcm $l1SO =~ =~ ~ OHie• had lived in California for .4$ years', for a good time. Pl.ACE KNIFE. ' (Mtt Mtw: ,. Wut ..... SlrMI • However the idyllic picture or student· 11-Of '---L-~o.-,_. Giid •it»-'°"°"'9 .,....,..1 ••«~= 2211wu111too1 aav1 ...... r11 the past 12 years in Laguna Beach. An PV".c.ESPOON._TIUlll,,, w I la1 dll lei Ii\ tic Ne di: II' as hi1 Al -ha Ci] WI ra j ] r • I• n: h1 n. N • h s .. c ( I • g f I • r ( I I ---•-~,.,,.t::=::::,.",= tt:,f:;:.,,1";:;:~.,• active worker Ior the American Red rm:0~i~ri1r~a~~s ~f:e •:~Uyre~~:~~ W~ ~Cm!~TN~~Iu~!!K .. FOR ,.,.from $IO.cb ::::::c-,roc~o.stM s.i.~1•r:·m"""""' t.1'<....-.-..>--t--<i-ross-3he-joorneyrd-to-G1mp-Pendleton-~r.;;~;;;;;.-"'""~"=m:>''-'iO'i''F.rt-"'-"li._.lllO,;I '.UIUTilool~H"'1&-C"'--f-----~~~~r;>..-iVii19:iO'"-t-ii 7--{i~ft!ir------t---t---t-:i-· every Monday to assist Jn Red Crou ou 1 e e area ~o 1 1 , w c euntR ~1.iv. "liifi1111119 J. C. .JJU:_"!phr_ie6 Jeweler6 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA L work at the camp hospital. and also !erv· necessitated lowering the \•olume of the Our best wisli to Art McKenzie nawfttrttiii>_.. holicMys.Aed "'•gift to music, Miller said. th · f h · · •IO!ftllm tp9Clel. • • '-cd as a volunteer with the FesUval or on e occass1on o 1s retirement ~i~ pi.tonor e Stort.rs.t · _ Artl. as city manager. Thank you Art for DEMITASSE~ ;~ ktrf~i. lii.motiCIMll .... ,. . • Mrs. Dobbin Is survived by a son, John T T E l 1 job well done.· nawfrt.tnS2.75 ~ttf'lillilJ peffenl-~•+"- OA•lv f'll.OT ..... WllOI II '--'"'d ~ H. Dobbin of Capr: Elizabeth, Maine, and WO ass mp oyes ki!)Bn~~........ ..-~--·---·-"·Y .. "'""""' Ill ~ .,II\' '''"" s.,... ... ~_,,, ..._, --::...::n ... .:::. "~ :..,~.:.,..·~~~ by.five granddauahters. Seized in Ecuador Exciting Jewel creations are kWiKn$9.15 -..~...,.~ ...0 ... _,_, ... Vtllrf, l ll"I •lltlJM The family hu su ggested donatlonl lo f J ow" ,.,._. ..,. ..... Orwe c. .. 1 'WI"""" the 1:-aeuna Beach Chapter of thti GUAYAQUIL. Ecuador (AP) yours rom . C. HUMPHRl&S ••llllatAIYtt,1171 ~:""",_::t':..!c':. : .. m,;. ::: Atnertean.Red Cron or to the American MWtary lntelll1ence agents arrested two JEWELERS. You'll find only the ••• • .,., c-11 MtH. Cancer Soclrty. employes of Tass Tuesday night and con-finest In all typse or jewelry. and , .. ,,, • •• 17141 t41·4lt1 Ii.seated cqulpm«mt in the SOvlet news we carry 0 me g • a.nd Bulova C.'-lfiell M'"'t~ ••1·1•n agency's office, .authorities reporttd. No ,_ Clo -·~ .. ,.,.,., India Floods Kill 600 reuon WH 1Jven for the •cUon. watches. Witch Ind jewelry rep1lr t at.,.••• 491 ... 411 --Jose Solis. u. .agency's c:orrupondent a.vallable, too. Vi&t w soon. J. c. ==-:!"° .:,-:~' .. == NEW-DELHJ-(UPJ ~---More thtn .. 600 ltl-Guay.aqull. senL1-teltgram to Presl·-__H UMPHRll S---JIWILl l St t I 2 3 :!~1:, 7:.,i ... :, •=..i--:;11t••;:~ persons have been killed'" ind 20,000 left dent Velasco Ibarra prottsting LIM Newport llvcl., phone 541-3401 . _ ... ~ ~ -· homeless by heavy rains that trigtrad sclwtt of equlpment ·~the arrests of .a 0ptn tlally 9 till 6. Frlcfeys .,In 9 ~~i..:g,:;",:' =•--: Ooods and collapled bulkllnas ln diverse teletype operator and his uslstant. Tass till ' CONVIN!fNT t(lMS 24 YEAlS IN SA ME LOCATION um.••_..,., .., llllil• "·•-"'"'' perts of India In the past three weeks, of· cpe.ned Ju office. in Ecuador in March --·-----------....!~l!!A!!N!!•!!A!!M!!U!!l!!C!!AR!!D-~M~A!!IT~l!!•~c!!H~A~IC!'!!!l!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!'"~o~N~E~u~1~~~·~·~1 ~~~~~ ...... ,..., ... llllHIMo SJ.• """"'1~· flclal reports said today. 1961 -~ ----- • .. . I • : ' • - • vo e 6], NO. 228, 4 SECTIONS , 68 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAIJFORNI~ WEDNESDAY, Sml"41ER 2r, ·1970 • TEN CENTS • ire ears , ?Veed Teachers . . A ' u. ' ' -'rea 700 Acres _,Laguna Trustees ~ Dip Into Res~rve Engulfed Nea1· Corona By JACK BROBACK CH .... Mii¥ 'll•t 11.tf By BARBARA KREIB~H ot Ille EMiiy l'ii.t Ili ff Laguna Beach school tru es reluc· tantly 11reed Tuesday to dip · to the dlsllict's reserve funds to cope with a teacher shortage that has resulted from a five percent increase. in student popula· lion this year. By a 3 to 2 vote, with trustees Dr. Norman Browne and William Wilcoxen d!SSeJ:!ling, the board ·aecided to spend $16.500 af reserve funds for teaching assistants and instructional aides al the high scllool and two elementary schools, Aliso and Top of the World. The problem or classroom crowding had been raised last week by Aliso Prin· cipal Lyle Proctor, \\'ho told trustees he was faced with a 33 to 1 pupil-teacher ratio in some classrooms. At that time Browne pointed out the J Hand Grenade Murder Case Continues_-~ _ Court martial proceedlnp agairuit a teenaged Marine accused of helping to murder his company commander with a hand grenade -as he slept -in Viet· nam, resumed today at Camp Pendleton. Lance Cpl. Bobby R. Greenwood, 19, o! Nonnan, Okla., denied charges_of helping -kllrhis-oo TUesdayrunder-questioning-by ~-his attorney, Okla~oma Slate Sen. Gene Stipe, at the general court martial. "But I did say who !.'.id it," he t~tified, ''It was Smith and Napier.'' Premeditated murder and conspiracy charges were brought a g a I n s t Greenwood, Pvt. Reginald Smith, and Pvt David Napier was charged with con- 1piracy. Pvt. Smith pleaded guilty to tossing a g r e n a d e into the quarters of Lt. Robert T. Rohweller at Quang Tri com· bat base on April 22, 1969 and is serving a 40-year federal prison sentence. Lapce Cpl. drttnwood has pleaded in- noctnt to the murder and conspiracy counts, as well as a perjury charge brought in connection with trial of others accused in the ·case-. - Greenwood, a father of two whose wi fe heard him testify, said Smith and Napier ••seemed to have something 'against the lieutenant." He said he spent a half-hour "'ilh them before hearing the explosion and that they had talked about "fragmen- ting" the officer. "'They hated Rohweller and said he deserved lo be killed," said Greenwood. "l didn't say anything. l was just think· Ing of home, the heat and the mos· , quilo6." Engineering Services Contract Wins Okay An engineering services contract for the · proposed 167-acre Laguna Niguel Regional Park has been approved by Or11nge County Supervisors. VTN-Orange County will do the design for a fee of $55.500. Estimated cost of the project ·is Sl.4 million. -+.,....-1!Wis.Jnclude a t5-.acn; Jake. A budget sum of $650,000 has been approved Tor development of the facility. The land was donated by the Laguna Niguel Corpora· Uon. • The Land Game (Norlhe rn St11le) Picture yourself in a snug A-frame b e s I d e a Northern California stream, away from 11mo11 and root beer stands? And turning a tidy ~ ~pr:ofilo.n.Jhe land you ~ht? The picture might nol be as pretty as it's painted. For the concluding article In a series on this prob- lem, aee Paa:e Ii todly. -J. . voters who turned down the school ta1 override in spring had been warned Of this possibility. Tuesday night, expressing concern abaut dipping into reserves, he reiterated his comment that the community had chosen to risk the higher staffing ratio in its negative override vote. Wil~en said he coold see the high school need, but Sefmed less certain about the problem of the elementary schools. "': At the conclusion of a week's study of the staffing shortage, the other trustees decided that the reserves, being "educa· lion dollars" should be used to meet the emergency. Adequ ate money is available nov.·, it was noted . The risk could be a possible shortage· toward the end of the school year in the event of unexpected demands. On recommefidalion or Superintendent Dr. William Ullom, the board agreed to authorize the use of accredited teacher assistants at $3.~ an hour ai the elemen- tary schools, allocaling $4,000 for this purpose to Aliso and $2,sor;I to Top (){ the World. El Morro Elementary was not faced with a staffing shortage this year. U.S. • DAn.1'l''P'1LOT .., ,.... FOR ESTRY SERVICE PLANE SWINOS ·OVER CLEVl!LAND NATIONAL FOREST ILAZE Stubborn1 Fire Burn.-In · Remotll MoUnt•lri' A•e•: aetwffn Or•nae •nd R1¥er•hle Covntiff' . . . . . . . . -. .. ' ., . ; , .,. .. •, ~ .i.·~ .. "" ,, . , r ,•, •. , , ' I A virtually uncontrolled fire was spreading th rough tinder dry brush ud trees 90utheast of Corona this moming, the first serious threat to Orange Coun· ty's parched mountain areas this year. By midmorning the mass of fla"les had 1pread'over 700 acres five miles south of Corona and was creeping tow-ard Orange County's Silverado Canyon area. / One ranch home in Joseph <;:anyon burned this morning and several others were saved, fire officials reported. The 580 men fighting the blaze got a small break today when the S11ita Aria winds which had been blowing in gusts up to 40 miles an hour dropped to 10 miles an hour. The fire broke out Tuesday afternoon U, the same area where the infamous Paseo Grande blaze 1tarted in October of 1967. .That tragic fire swept over 48,000 9Cres, destroyed 66 homes and did more ' '\ ' I than $2.5 ·million in damage. 1Ait:Jlng·On 'the' battle line thll morning weft-~ fire rip, elabt ~Jdoiers and s!.x air tankers drOpping chemicals and water on the spreading flame&. High Shcool Pdnci~J1 Don 'Haught re.- quested $14.237 to fill' slafring needs he ~Ultd. Ullam~;ecomme.nded an alliilltliiii of 110,llllt 'for the Ilia~ ...... ind this 'was appmved . Jr The hiih school populalionJJt four from openin1 week, now stands at 1,071 atudentl, compared with t7S list June 12. Haught sought funds to pay in· sLructiOnal and non-instructional aides in Slocum Murder ~ Trial Recessed; -• Lawyer Has Flu San ·ctemen te -''"'*'>' ollli:lib Aid-that-Ibey-::--' ......... ~, ...... ~ ' & lldl11\0inlnl. ·-· ) .. ,. • humldlly level ... • lemP"llure la ...... ., ........... several departments, including English, Jurors in the Superior Court mu rder science, social studies, .mathematics, art, physical education and auto shop. trial of Dr. Wesley G. Slocum got an Future Faces Hearing -4Jlmalh lht SIJlti· Ana wind decrease II lielpln1, fire olllcilll said the bWe w11 wotking in the lower reaches of can- yons tn the rugged, almost inacce11Jble area. e-toJd-trustees that-all-present high-"i"i:"':':c;.:;'t'::ed=sd2as;ofc;f;:;tod:::;a~yc'wT.hJiern.;;lhe;;,eo.;::;;ta;..__ school teachers are carrying five full in· Mesa physician's la~wyer fell c ·m o --•e>.y:"Rimic"'n"A"R"D'°P'. 1'l1TT ____ •R•en"-eraw"a'"I 0f-UiFfiMR:l!itlon'1-endtn11rTient struclional periods. what he believes is 24-hour flu. Of "" oau, '1"' stiff wa1 postponed until the queiU~ m Oringe-County-Fire-DepartmeTit-of'•· --• flclala dispatched a bulldoze r to the Ladd Behind by 3-0, He Says Time ' Favors Gretel Special to the DAILY PILOT NEWPORT, R.I. -Down three races In the best-of-seven America's Cup series, Australia's Gretel lI navigator Bill Fesq said he believes time is on hi.I side even if the odds are'against him. "As you know, we face overwhelming odds," 'Fesq explained, "but we aren't giving up. We figure time has to be on our side and we'll utilize it to practice." Gretel fl, disqualified in one race, has thus lost three straight to Newport Beach skipper Bill Ficker and cup defender Intrepid. Ficker said his crew would work on coordinating thei r efforts today. Both crews requested a day off today. The . weather forecast f9r Thursday's race is for heavy winds, about the 18.JTJe as prevailed for Tuesday's contest. For DAILY PILOT Boating Editor Almon Lockabey's analysis of lnLrepid's winning effort Tue9day, ·.ee today'• Boating Page, on Page 18. Judge Kenneth Williams recessed the A ~aring lQ help settle San Clemente'• answered. trial until Thursday morning ·atter being hOspital future will be held.Oct 13 'in the In something of a ~surprise move. advised of defense attorney Michael San Cleinente area. 1 DeCinces appeared before city cOun- G bos . bo JMn·Tr.abaod, executive. director o.f the cilmen. this week and propoaed, that tht er t's illne ss, Ger si.complained late "'1 ,.. ci"t• oell cc.s milliM in munici .... 1 bondl·to · Orange Coilnty ComP.rebensive lfe.a.llh , ;, -.,.. Tuesday of being Unwell. Planning Association, said a decision on build:the 00.pital which .the city• would Slocum, 4S, is on trial for the .alleged which hospital group will · be endorsed then own ill 20 yean.1 mUrder of his 3-molith-old daughter,. likely will be made at that time. . Councilmen, with two members absent, Cyhthla, Chief Deputy District Attorney The association had initially endorsed took no action but IUQ!iteel ·,th.at James Enright alleges for the ·pro-the San Clemente Medical Center pl8ns Dteihcfs put the deta.l1!1'iQlwrltlni: Defore secution tha t Slocum killeQ the child a'nd of C. T. DeCinces Company of Van Nuy1. the Oct. 7 council meeting. then stuffed her dismembered remains The proposed 25G-bed hospital near San Traband ~aid the ~(. 13 hearing,··~ a into the family freezer. Clemente civic cent.er 'lias' been Icing be I d Id · h . Several PQ.rtions of ·her tiny body were delayed and recently community support location yet to 5e ecte • wou give t e revealed 'when moving meil trarlsported tias swung to a proposal by Ctiapman people of San Clemente a chance.to .see . th. appll·a·nce f•om Cosia Mesa· to the1"•. G I H I I to b "Id ll'b"• f ·11 how decisions are reac,hed by 'the 17 ... • • enera osp ta ·u1 a ... cu ac1 • · b I f 'tt ~ Saota Ana depot.·A brief investfgalion en· l.y on 30 acres of.land on Camino de Jgs ipem er assoc a ion com m1 e .. r ded. with the arrest of Slocum. . ~arcJ. The $1.2 million land package Is Traband saiit at the hearing the com-- Testimony 'so far in tile trial has been already in escrow. . mittee could endorse eilhe'r 'the DeCinces confined to ' medical an1dysis of the re-The Chapma'n group is seeking a switch hospital or the qiapman ~pit.al or .could, mains and the screen.ing before the ju~y of endorsement' by the heillth plllJininl endortt both If thls aeemed •arranted. of slider taken by 'pathologists who ex· association from the DeCinces group to (See HOSPITALt Paae·IJ a mined what was .left of the body. Cflapman. . . Dr. Richard Fukomoto has testified The endorsement Is tantamount to a · ' that the remains were In an advanced right to operate. It is rEiquired before the ' Reneg:ng Ch·arge· iitaje of. decay when the odor emanating stale "Ill issue a license. Denial of en-. . ., . . , from them Jed to their discovery. • dorsement can be appealed up the ad-·} ) Tufted ·Puffin B orn · NEW' YORK <UPll ...,. A tuited ~rm · was hifcKed' in the Bronx Zoo Tuesday. Zoo . o[ficla.ls ·said it was the .fint known ha.t.ching of the sea bird In captivity •. .. m;~1.ir.u .. 1add .. •nd .... throogh _th• Leveled Against JUd1c1al process. , . , . 'The DeCinCel gr0up wU gfv.en tO ,days. .' , . on JUiy 15 to anSwet qutstions from lbe C te GOP aisoclation that deal with financbi( and arpen r' olhe:r .matten. Tra~d said these que... tions have not'ytt been an1wet9d but said the DeCinces people have unW Oct. 12: ' Mental Health Plan OK'd Orange County's Republican ' Centri.I r.omm.&ttee: ·and 1SLate· ~ator · Dennis Carpenter. have been accuaed by • a defeated Congressional candidate of "IUl!ng io pay an allegedly promiled $23,ooO towarda h1a IIM campaign. · · Frank La Magna claims in his Orange. CoUnty Supei'kw' Court.action filed , Tues- day .that be was promised • a total ' of $35.000 whertohe carried the GOP.banner• Count y ·Approves Fourfold .Incre ase in Budget ~athstelec1"1'.0e~atRichard •H•n-· Canyon, norlh of Saddleback, to bolster fire breaks in cue lhe blaze should creep ever the ridge. · Strong Sa~ta Ana winds are predicted to return Thursday and firemen said if the ~acre blaze was not out by then "we· will be in real trouble." Smog May Force Children Inside Smog might drive children In the Sa n Joaquin Elementary School District off the playgrounds. Trustees of the district have voted to obtain smog readings from the Orange County Air Pollution Control District. Readings wUl be given-t(I prjpcipals, who will decide whether or ~children 'hould remain outdoors, if the smog ii ;Particularly bad. The county program was adopted after the Orange County Medical Association outlined the health hazards for young people caused when oxidants in lhe at· moapbere reacll .35 parts per million. The medical association recommend• that children be excused from 1trenuOUJ Indoor and outdoor activities at that time. Weadler Tbe' fOI rolls ·In tonight in force,· and It'll drop Thursday's temperaturu down into the I0'1 along the coast, with inland read· • . _A... La Ma a · attaChes . tO his lawsllit a anyth1n'g. BulTI!JJle · ttlirorranr1n copy 0 con a w c con , the long run. It will make all community he Cla!fm, •.a promlsi to pl)r :$35;000 A five-year plan to expand Orange ed. ''Our staff worked on thii Proeram -ln1Hilpplftf-to0A....,_,~---I---' County's meRtal health care from the for a full year. present fi5Cal year's $8.4 million budget "Ttie past work has been ctnlertd at lo more thin $31·million was approved the Orange eoUnty M~ical Center and Tuesday by the County Board o( its facilities are filled to capacity and Supervi!Ors in a 3-2 vote. beyond. We must\ gt\ the. proeram into The proPoUI to quadruple the costs of the communities and we will evtntually mental health programs wa1 opPoSed by save money by involvi~ private con·· Supervisor David L. Baker who warned sultants and psychiatrists, ' the six-year · that the projection was "too high." member ol the mental health group con• "I find il difHcull to accept the Jr14 tinued. ference thllt people are going down the "The proposal ·Is an honest attempt to tube at this rate,'1 the second district tell,you what is-neectM-Jn-tbe ~nty.11 superv isor said. 1he. continued: "Children are our highest . Supervisor Robert Battin jolntd Baker priority. Take the bindtn1s, t tr e In v.Diing against-lhe-progr:im,calllfll_jt...-handcuf(s • ..J le irons• olf th.II pro- ,;too costly." · gram," Mrs. Saylor conclUile .. Defending the program was Rosemary Backing her up was Dr. Herman Ran- Saylor or South Lapna, chairman of the nels, county menlal health director. county's Mental Health Advisory .Aoard. "'Adoptlpn of the five-year program !'We muit start aomeplace/' she pleld· really does not coounlt the count)' to I ' . \ • 0 . resources 11 part of the program. l)l'ivate to d b' Tbll t organiuttions, noa·profit groups, and al:,a~~~f. ·:=ie lhit ·~men=· INSmE TODAY othtn," be uld. was'promi9H IJ.87 percent of all o.. Rannells poinled out thaL the Uve-palgn fundl nlJed·by the lll"pnlzilion. ; year piogrim wa1 mandi~ by the state A R~Ucin party spokesman today Department of ·Mental Hygj.ene. dilm~,La Ma(i\11'1 suit as ... petty abd Objecting tc the program wu Jamel [rlvoklul" and comlntnted that the can. _ Anderaon, prealdent ol the Oninge County didate was never prnmited , tht rulJ II.Im • What CJ dull race -no pro- t,1ta, no rurprile1, just another narr0t0 Intrepid trlctory. A.lmo1l Lockabey d£scM11es Tuesdq'1 Amtricc'1 pup action today en Paat lB. Psychological Auociation. "lf this ha1 of $3S,OOO. ...._ ''"" been studied for a year why bu only the The t1~kesman referral to a rtcen.t ~=-:-1: medical profession been lnvolved ?"7 he issue of \he Qrange COUllty Obterver, a C111et• In 1 queried, He uld his organiution, which Republican party publlc1tion, In which It ~ ""':_ "l.1 vlt,lly interested In mental health,'' waa ex:plained that La Magna waa pro. ~ a: w11! bypissed. m.ISfd i ahare of avail1b)I ca•lfn ..... • nung 1n-favor'"of-11ctlv1ting tht---J)fft--tunds. --'---1--- . Su I •1•·-Allen '""'"f:: "" -...-. gram , were perv sors "WI• , La Magna Is reptetented byi attorney ,.._. •» William Hirstein and Willil.m Phillips. John Dean m Garder! Grovt. De1n b a =-=.,., : "We must face up to the problem," member of .. the Oranae CDuntJ DemOcrat. ....... • Phllllps llid. le C..trlJ CommlttH. , . I •• $ 5 ~ r , . 7 7 3. 3 1 I r ..,...... L'"""9 I -' ....,... .... ,_.... , ..... II ............. w °'"" C-ty • .,, a iYtwle ,__. 11 -.... =-----= -.... -· . ----............ • -- SC WldMsdoJ, -23, 1970 Cam{iaigit ~osts -Told ,Wilcoxen Reveals Election Statistics . . ...,, .. . ID l poil-flodlto """" to hll IUJI" porters, Laguna Beach attorney William Wilcoxen, who lost...his campaign ror the 3Mh Gbninsaional District seat to John Sdunit&, reviews elecllon stati§tiCI and ai.rs.'some views on campus viole nce, the Vietnam waf, the John Birch Society and democracy, 1'alk'Jng to 95 dlfrerent grouP,.s of·people, aays Wilcoxen. he found the issues of greatest concern to both young and ~ were violense on the cam.pus' and in Asia. In tbe fiftal vote tally, he reports. he recel•ed 11 pe.reent of all votes cast, Sdunttz receJved 67, percent, John steiger 11 percent and John Ratlttee three per· cent. Dollarwise, Wilcoxen's campaign ex- penditum: ranked third, with Schmitz spe:oding 5S percent ol all campaign cklllirs seent, Steiger 31 percent, Wile<1X· enJl pu<::ent and Ratteret thrtt per~nl The attorney notes that in Laguna Beach ht won the hlghtst percentage of . . lhe -· 4' .......,i• -.-.e"" , Sdimltl' c """-; and --l number ol preclncta, lncludJllC hla own. .Best results elsewhere were obtaloed In . areas where ,lie inade perabital ap. pearances, Wilcoxen says, citing his 37 -perCent of tlle. vote 'in NeWport Beach, where 21 metlings' were held, compared with Schmitz 51 percent. Reflecting on the campalen, he e:t· presses the belief that he lost t0me of the support or the old by -Proposi· tion One for wUversJty-healtli faclllUes and of the young-by supporting tem- porary entry of troops into Cambodia. Referring to the profound concem of all factions with regard to Vietn1m, he says, '·Those Of us who· are interested in the survival of this country must try and comprehend the depth of feelinl that e1- ist.s, and do what we can to see that the longe~ war in our history is brought to an end." • The leeds of campua violellce, 11ys the . • ._ •. _ -.. ~ •. !If!, -the Ac-Senaie ll Berkeley voted to capltuilit to Matto Savlo't demands for .amnesty to arrested atudeilts ind total non·int.er£erence by tht university in student "political" behavior on· grl-off camiius. ''One of my law school pr,c>fessors," writes Wilcoxen, "shortly thereafter stated the minority position that ~ grave mlstake had been made, s a y i n g 'ultimateJy ·the appeal is to the spirit of reasonableness in the light of the purpo.e of academic freedom.' " Wilcoxen notes that he read "a lot of Birch Society literature" during the cam- paign and observes, "As nearly as I can make out, they think that many of our problems started about 1912, the year Woodr0w Wilson beat William Howard Taft, and they coo.Id be right." On the subject or democracy, he cites the 1911 de-dicalion of the famous novel, "The Virginian," to Theodore ROO!evelt and quotes its hope that "We people will FACING ADDED CHARGES? Sheriff'• Deputy Irvine AGCUSID OF BURGLARY Sheriff'• Deputy Dunc•n Firm Sidewinder Contract -}{ pa:a million Air Foree contract· to bu.ltd a new mOdel of 'thi ·sldewi'nde! rnlisile has been a\llarded to .. Philoo- Ford's Aeronutronles Divi.sion In Newport Beach. , Company officials called the ~tract "major and slgnl.t1cant" and indlcjted that it relaus growing pressures of pen. ding layoffs at the di-<ision's facilltles. The contract calls for Aeronutronlc to engineer and bui ld an Updated ;'Model J" ol the air-tcrair intercept nfissUe. How the new model differs from the present "Model B'' is secret information, company officials said. Most of the actual work will be performed at the division's Anaheil'!l a.~rsembly plarit, with about one-third of It to be subcontracted to Philco· Ford's Newport Studio prove ourselves equal to the severest test to which political man has yet subjected hlmseU -the test ot democracy." lnvestl·gati"on Conti"nues C-Om~unicafo"' and Technical Services -. dlv1s1on at Willow Grove , Pa. · · · · · Aeronutronic' officials said th e Police Seize Operator For Nudie Early Birth ----wilcoxep concludes, .... Much-has-chang• ed since UUl, but the need for faith in the ability of Americans to prove equal to the test of democracy ls ireater than ever." ·A riudie ·photo studio that couldn't wait pose at 1 rate of '25 per hour. Film had Trial Date Set In Candlelight Murder Case to show its: assets perhaps found out to be_purcha~ there for $7.12 a roll. Tuesday that patience would have been At that 11\)int, Chief Nelson said, Miss prudent. Wagner 1Wnmoned one of the modelJ Newport Beach police arrested the who appeared, fuUy attired. The girl then . . 1;1warding of lt!e contrac.t, which was aign-1 '1-D eputy Burglar Case-:~;;~~~Ji:~~~;!~~~~;~:"~~~~-- in the Orange County area.'' Louis F. Heilig, c;livision vice president and tod , · Ug 1. general manager said. Orange County 1heriff'1 officers •Y Disbict •tlorney s mves ators are W:" He said there will be no additional hir· conUnued an investigation that could lead day lookin& into the possibility of adding ing. however. . to the filing of further burglary charges charges of 11ssault with a deadly weapon Other company spokesmen ttiis mom- against two deputies already accused or to the bul-glary count' already faced by ing confirmed this meant there would the attempted burglary of the Mission Irvine. have been some layoffs without it. Viejo Country Club'& golf shop. Officers claiTri both accused men load· ''The 'Industrial. Relations Department Area burglary reports filed prior to I.he ed their security car with ~Jen golfing said today that thef would have had to arre1t Sunday or deputies Arthur E. Oun-equipment and several cases ot liquor program some job cutbacks in about~ can, 34, Huntington Beach and Frederick irnmediati!ly before sheriff's officers ar-months had the contract not been recetv- B. Irvine, 40, La Habra, were being rived at the goll shop. ed." the spokesman said. checked. The Aeronutronic Division employs a Special to t.lle DAD..Y PILOT Investigators said more than 20 total of 2.880 persons, including 1,764 at SAN DIEGO_ Innocent pleas were of-burglaries committed in lhe Mission Vie-Thomas Mullen its Ford Road facility in Newport Beach, operator of the studio when she opened told the investigator she was available to for business betore obtaining a city ~es~~graphed "in any pose r&- lieense, Assistant Chief Harry A. Nelson The undercover man then identified disclosed this morning. himself, informed Miss Wagner she was An unde.i:cover agent entered the office in business illegaUy and reminded her of Kitt.en Productions, 3848 Campus she had been been infonned previously Drive, about 4 p.m. purporting to respond lhe 1icenie .application would 10 before -toildvert.lsements in local newspapefs. tbe·H.indl-next week. fie alleges he encountered the owner or sht-;ut ~ f~ violating a . city the studio, Macy F. Wagner, 31, of ordinance,• •'OperatlnJ • business without Placentia, who he .claims told hirh she 1 permit," .and relealed on her ,own had 10 models available WbO w.ould p6se · recopizanci ~ court appearance. in the nude "in any po!itioft.'1 •• The CoQocll tielnni on the .license re- Miss Wagner. whose appllcaUon•-for -a quest. apwentlj will take place 11 business license is sc.hedu~ ·fD be con--J 1cheduted. · · sidered by the City CoUDCil MondaY City Minager1iarveY L. Hurlburt said night, reportedly showed the invesiji1tor . Tuesday ·mornln&·be· ii seeking council a sderie.s of photographs ~f the lO li:I'ls, ~ action "by: reuons Of tht Chal'atterlstlcs nu e. . . . attendanl thit tm, of business." The officer cla~ms she . ai4 the· 1tudlo ·Usually,. lietnle::a~atiorm are· haftdi.. was open for bll!llleu ~-iaiwao/4 ·· '<iil·JS,_."•lllii 'Businoia ~e • . De\'.fidd ;:;'JY,, • ' ·'.' ·r--~ ~ From r-.e J HOSPITAL •• ,,-~- r ' Opponenta of either plan will ~ Jive a chance to speak. Endorsement also qualUl~s a hospital to receive Medicare and Medical funds, Clly Hall sourcts alto revealed that Ci- ty AUorney Tully Seymour is preparing l.J!•'.'ea,.rgency erdinanct" that would p~~J:: 1liff ttplationa for tile Operation .i~M-· A ltlmlir ordinaace illvolvfng massqe parlors was adopted by the council Jut . week. jo housinf development during the months 510 atJhe Anaheim assembl y plant where fered again Tuesday, when Candlelight immediately preceding the · arrest of the Shillelagh missile is built." Killer Robert w. Li~ 8ncl his wlfe Duncan and Irvine remained unsclved. s ....... ~C"" Planned The 27-month. fixed·price· contract In· were arnigned on murder charges in San Both deputiea are being questioned about .._... .-.a. ~ eludes incentives for Aeronutronic fD -ac- Diego County Superior Court. their possible involvement in those thefts, complish the work at lower cost through Trial for the colorful couple accused to Sheriff's Department spokesmen said. Rosary will be recited for Thomas H. value engineering. the·torture ilaylng of tnale nUrse Robert Irvine and Duncan have beeri ordered Mullen or San Clemente at 7:30 p.m. Cost saving innovations in engineering Irion, 53, at hls apartment last June 1 to appear Tuesday in Sarita Ana. Thursday in the chapel of Lesneski 8 nd construction that produce quality at was set for Nov. to in Superior Court. Municipal Court. Both men are free on Mortuary. least equal to specifications will result ln Chief DepUty District Attorney Richard ba il. · Mr. Mullen, 81 . a retired electrical higher. company profit, under this type of Hanscom plans to ask dlsrnisSa.I of Both men were spotted inside the golf enginttr of 127 .Avenida Barcelona , died incentive program . original complaints the couple answered shop by club pro Ron Belanger who sum· Monday in South Laguna. A requiem In . addition to engineering and con· identically Monday in municipal court, moned other sheriff's officers to the .mass will be held at 9:30 a.m. Friday in struction, the contract provides the com- sinCe the new charges take precedence. premises. Duncan immediatt1y Sur-Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church , Ill5 pany to produce technical data and The San Diego County Grand Jury rendered, but Irvi.ne commandeered a La Esperanza. aerospace ground equipment. returned indictments against both the patrol car and led his former colleagues Survivors include the widow, Isabel J. Heilig said the AJM -9.J Side"''inder pro- former Westminster lnan and the on a bu!Jet punctuated chase through two Mullen of the family home ; two gram. as the Air Force contract calls· it, redhead he wed in a Colorado jail cell counlies before surrendering a ft er daughters, Nellie Jesst or Glendale and y,·ill be conducled "'·ithin lhe division's Air 1hortly after their capture in June. threatening to commit suicide. Goldie Newman of San Francisco and Derense Systems Operation under the Liberty, 24. may be returned to Orange Both men were employed during their three sister.!, Mary T. Mullen , Florence direction of Robert T. 0 . Case, Jr .. direc- County eventually and charged with the off duly hours as security guards for the D. Mullen and Anne Mullen, all of Los tor .. and James J. Watson, AlM-9J pro- murder of a former roommate, Thomas Mission Viejo Company. Angeles. gram manager. Astorina , 25, who was shot and dumped in-:-----------------------------,--------------- Sunset Aquatic Park last March. Mrs. Liberty is not accused, except in the murder of Irion, whom Liberty knew ·II Alasca~ro Stale Hospllal. , Uberty spent three years under treat· ment after being found criminally insane ior the strangulation of Mrs. Marcella lanclls, 31, of Westmimt.er, more than GEM TALK ••• 'llKlllderful aauings on Intiniationar Stoling S four. years ago. etS--P.olice-caned-to..tbeir-apar.tment found __ which has become a signH,cant' financial . • c r ln mod ·~iial owa_JWJ!.-:--~Chlll'.Ch~CJub. Physicians, civic Jl!!aders arld the San ro:Ar.-l-l--.i1~NOW~~.~-J~~07o -Clemente Chamber of Commerce have j,: · all thrown support to Chapman recently 1'. riaay' Meetings because or'. coatlnuing delays by the _ earlier grouP,. There .-one ny 1n !he Chapman I. n ea.· pistrano . ·. ointment, .hoWever, il'.s . size. The _ California State P.lan for Ho&pilals recommen~ they be 1 minlmum of UO beds in this lbe holpital service area. . · The theory b tbal a 15Q.bed hospilal will support the &Opbi.sticated kinds of medical service ~ · in a serviae area of this siz.e -more tha:n 100,000 bY 1975. The service area begins at the souther- ly limits of Newport Beach and goes northeasterly to the San Diego Freeway, jogs east 1 bit and conUnues southerly to the county line. South Coast Community Hospital in South Laguna already exisls in the service area with another non·profit hospital planned for Leisure World and a private hospital planned in Mission Viejo. These would likely also be a factor in the association's deliberations. · DAILY PILOT ' Awana -1 church sponsored club; for · Mys in~ lirh 8 througn 12 -win: meet· every Friday from. 7 unlit t . p.m.-:-in ; Capistrano Beach. at .the-Grace Blb'8 Church, 3$411 Clmi.no:Capislra,no. : O{ganbed in ·11&1, Awana takes ill name fi'om words that Apos~I~ Paul. wrote to Timothy : "Approved Worlr.mM are. Not Ashamed." . Youngsters, divided Into "tribes~' com- pete in games, learn craft! and memorize Bible verses. The system pro- vides a .series of tests with awards for aChievements. Tribe sessions are follow· ed by a devotional period that closes with songs. stories and prayer. There will be traditional holiday partiell and a parerits night. Selected teams will travel to regional olympic games com. petition in the spring. Parents unable to provide tratisporta· tion may call 4flS..3392 or 492-2341. lighted candles flickering around her flow- er·petal·strewn body, while Liberty strum- med bis guitar and insisted she was ·•ware of ~ ritual. :Iriori, ~ pa\fent treated as a sex of. fender; ·11rai ;'strangled and left with ca!ldles burnWg beside his body, as a lir\J:· BNdi teenager watched, lied to a chair' lrilli neCkUes. ) ' ' . Students' PR . . . ' W ~rk Pays Off At Toon · Dance A nelghbOrhood 'public reiatlons erfort by the Student Council at Laguna Beach 1-\igh School paid dividends at the first school dance of the y.ear, ae<:or(ti11g .to Debbie Zeug, commissioner of publicity. Before the schOOl's "Hello Dance" last • weekend, Debbie wrote a friendly letter to hOuseholders in the area around lhe- lichool. announcing the dance and saying, •·we ~iJlcerely hope that the music doe! not disturb you and your family in any way." 111..,.. .... --"""" ........ ......... ..., Kathleen Dobbin R<Siden!J who lound the music from · c... M.. s.. cri a111e the hilh IC:bool palio too loud were ln- DAAMO• co.ur ~•L1s1t1No COM~AM'I' Se • F •d vited to phone the school ud a number ''"" •. w... rvices ri ay "" lislod. P>-uiftflt •M 1"W111w • More than 100 atudents attended the J.ct.: a. c .... t • ., Graveside serviCH will be held at d~~ ,a.Dd noi ,• single complaint was Vic• ,,...~.If!' ,.,. "-"" M.,..... Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale,, received from the neighbor! who had 1h'"'i:1!''"'' at 1 p.m. Friday for Kathleen M. Dobbin,, been notified. accordh1g to Don Miller, 2S5 CypreSi Drive,· t;aguna Beach, who assiltlnt prtndpal in charge of activities. n.o::.:.,~ ~:i'i!~i"' d'ed M nd t ·~-~ -Be h N One-neighbor even aent a 11ote. thanking 1 0 ay • u11e: .... guna ac Ur• the atudenl• for the1·r •ons1'derau·on and l lcll1r4 '· N1tl ing Rome. Slit 'WU 71. "" ...,1_ On"" c.iritv '""' A native of Pennsylvania, Mrs. Dobbin ~ e:rprnsing the hope that they would hav,e Ofhea ha d lived in California for 45 years, for 8 good lime. . H ...... ~~.~~i,~w!tt'1:'..:0:11:,1;...,.N the past 12 years' in Laauna Beach. An However the idyllic picture of student- L.tt-''"~1 nt ~-.t ,._ active worker for the American Rtd community relations was slightly marred .. .....,,.,....,. •••dli 1n1J ••K~ ,..,,...,,.. by lwo cal ls lo the Pol'-f-1'd '· "" t*Mr!M1 as Htl'ffl Ill'""""••• Cross she journeyed to Camp Pendelenlison,....11111.sid · 1"". -~""' re s ~n~ work at the camp hospital. and also .erv· necessitated lowering the volume of the --+--"-'-"--,.- 11 -1-:--;-.,-. ---1·-.·very-Mnnday-to-am.Hlrlled- ~ ed a& a volunteer with the FeaUval ol mUlic, Miller said. Aris: .... ~ • Mrs. Dobbin is survived by 1 son, John DA•'-"" PILO'f • .,. lll'lkll i..........,,.... H. Dobbin ol Cape Eli111>!ttb, Maine, ind ~ .............. ••lly --._. b fl _... 111 ... ,.,. ,,.,..,.. "" '-"""' ktf\. Y Vt fflnddlusJltm. ="' ... -=-"'v':...,~i;,,. "::'!"':: The ram.Uy hu suuested donations to ,.....,. ...... Or .... (»•I ~·-the 1.quna Buch Chapter of tJtt ~ .,,,.,.... ,....,,. -.t 2111 .,..., ~-· a ... ..... 11 ..... •...-n .--. .rAI a. w.t Amencan rn:iu Cross or to the American .. v '"""· c-.. ..,,.,., cancer Society. ,, •• , .... (1141 '4Jo4Jll Ci.NW &•:1rtW., 641.UJI s-C1• •••• •• er,.,....., T1'1'•••• 4H..+4R India Floods Kill 600 ~. !.... ()ti"'" CMll l'llD!lt11lfl't ---·~.,...._..._..., , ..... ---ll~lt·~~·l--.NEW £1Jf.LCUPJ)-=..More than 900 :':"'t ~ ·::...i~~.~:. penons have been kllled and 20,000 left ....... If cwrr1Jf14 -· homtltss by heavy rains !hat trigge red ~..,.a.~~·"",.::Mf:11:,':it.' :'a=:"~ floods arid collap9ed buildings in diverse "'~ 1111 _,..,, -v •1 u.• "*'"'IY• parta of lndla In the. past lhrte wteks, of· fl'll"-I' ... ,i..,.,-..., 11·• "*""'"' lid.al reports ~d today. . . Two Tass Employes Seized in EcuadQr GUAYAQUU.. Ecuador (AP) Military intellipnce-agtnU--arresttd two tmployes of Tw Tuetid~ night and co~ fiscated equipment ln the Soviet news agerqi'1 office. authorities reported.~o reason was given for the action, Joae Solis, thft agen cy's (Orrespoi\dtnt In Guey..a_quil . ~n1 _telegram to Presi- dent Velasco Ibarra protestinr the ietiure of equlpm~nt and the lrre31.J of a teletype oper1tor a-nd his tssistant. Tass opened Ill office In Ecuador in March 19!2. (lest Purchtsed 1t Home) Many people have the belie! or feeling that they can buy diamonds more cheaply abroad than in the United States. Thi 1 is a miscon· ception. Those who buy diamonds at the wholesale level will v o u c h that prices are no cheaper abroad. Al- so, a d uty must be pa.id when the gems are brought into this country. There may also be pitfaUs in buy· Ing diamonds abroad. ln the case of misrepresentation, there just isn't much you can do to get your money back. In some countries the standards of· quality are not as strict u they are in the United States. Tb o st. passing nawless gems in IO me countries Would not pass u aucb ht re. . It's best to buy your diamonds right here at home. And the best diamond ~uys at home are those in our· shoWcues. WATCH NEXT WEEK FOR "THi' IEST DIAMOND SHADE" ur s wish lo Art McKenzie on the ,occassion of his retirement as city manager. Thank you Art for a job well done.~ Exciting j-e we 1 creations are yours 1 r o m J. C. HUMPHRIES JEWELERS. You'll find only thi finest In all typse of jewelry, and we carry 0 m t g a and Bulova watches. Witch ind jewelry repair available, too. Visit us zoon. J. C. HUMPHRIES JEWELERS, 1 I 2 3 Newport llvtf., phone 541·3401 . Open dilly t till 6. frld1ys open 9 till 9. J. e. On.0 Ml'Vlng pieces •nd-·a.oo onead'I pllice setting ' piece, tool . 1123 NEWl'ORIBLVD .. cosrA-l'!ES CONVINIENT TEIMS IANKAMll.ICAIO-~ASTll CHAl.$1 , 24 'l'(AlS-IN $AME toc+TION 'HONE &4IJ401 /, '\' . ' \ - • IVew Vnits Three Topic:• . For Motel Council Slates Approved ,SpeciaJ Session The aitdltlon or six units to the l:.aguna The Woodland Drive riot, the tennill Shore• motel. 420 cure Drive, has been court . shortage and city manager ap. approved by the Laguna Beach Planning pllcatlons will be tackled by the Laguna Commission over the protests o r Beach City council tonight In an unusual neighborin1 apartment residents. three-phase meeCffii:. In an unusual move Monday, the com-At 7 p.m. the council will convei;ie In mission.. declined. to authorize two sug-regular session, adjourned from last geated new parkfng spaces at the facility week's meeting, to consider the report of on grounds of @_estbetlcs and safety. Ap. the committee of inquiry lnlo the July 4 proval of lhe additional units hinges on melee on Woodland Drive. ' repllclng the proposed spaces with a wall A formal statement is expected to and llnd!caping to avokl rthe danaer of come out of this portion of the mee~ng. havinc vehicles back .out onto Cliff Drive. A study session, scheduled at 7:3q_ p.fn. Abo apoved was a revision -0( the with the Laguna Beach Tennis AsSocla. Shores' existing parking structure to lion, will take up the Art Colony's tennis pennit removal of a wall and exit via a court shortage and probe possible IOIU· driveway onto Coast Highwa):. The new tions to the problem. plan was proposed · to elimill'ate the PlaMlng commissioners also will take present need tu exit the structure by part in the tennis study. backihg onto Jasmine Street. Following the. study ses&ion, coun· ed) session to review applicaUons for the now·vacant po.sltion of city manager. One hundred mponses have been received in the city's drive to reerult a new manager to replace Jam'es ',Vheaton. who left in August to accept a similar post Jn•Corona. The written appli cations have been reviewed by individual councilmen as they anived at city hall. Lagu•1a Group Ask$ to Retain Street Parking Betty Robinson, director of the Shore!!, cilmen will retire into an executive (clos. told --commissioners expansion from the On-street parking t1 downtown Laguna L DAILY PILOT S 3 Artists Seek Soots On Board Three exhibiting artlJts m In the run- ning for seata on the Festival of Arts Board of Directors;ilona: with incmtlbent directors Paul Griem and David Youn1. As nominations closed Friday night, petitions had been filed by artists Hal Akins, Bennttt Bradbury aDd David Rosen, all Festival exhibitors. Busin(lSS execuUve Griem and builder Young also filed for re-election. Arlia' Richard Brooks, v.·ho.se term also is es:· piring, is not running again. Mail balloting to fill the three upcomlnc board vacancies will continue through October and results will be announced at the FesUval's general members h I p meeUng Nov. 9. nie new board will take offic' Nov. 10. Ballots are in the mail to FestJval members and. for the first time this year, will be tallied by certified public • aca'untants. present 34 units to 40 units wa s finan· Beach should be preserved even 1£ park- cially essential, "othe:wise we wiRsell.'' Laguna CofC Office ing structures are built, members or the '1 > I She noted that parking never has been. . Downtown Business Association (OBA) an Falls in Huge ,., problem because most of the units are T €I _ " d believe. :if'i=id:lfr.-ii-i--, '1-1 -rented as pan-s t-0 provlae ideqtmte space ---u--osc--ua tur 8"'Y"'8r--DBA-pmid...-William--Marriner-to11c1--.;.,.-----...---,---,..-------1 ~..:.:..1 ror fam111es . "When people are paying $30 chamber of commerce directors Tuesday Wine Vat, rowns· Cheering ls Their Gattte And their names are (top row from left) Patty Bryan. Dru Comstock J and Joy Sogawa. Jn the middle (from left) are Russ Landreth, Melinda McFarland and Digger Ware. In front are Margot Cather Cleft) and Joyce Oliver. They are leading the cheers this year for the Laguna Beach High School Artists. Laguna Foil{ Dance Slated To Open Winter Festival A folk dance festival with more tha n :JOO cOstumed dancers will serve as a "C'Urtain raiser" for Laguna 's 1971 Winter Festival, community relations dirc<:lor Pett Fulmer told Chamber of Commerce directon Tuesday. Fulmer said the two-day festival, draw- ing, members of folk dance clubs from Santa· Barbara to San Diego, will be_ held j'\ the high school auditorium Feb. 13 and 14, the weekend before the official open· ing of the 17-day Winter Festival. •--:--""~L pr:eJesfu!al ev.e.nl. lte_said,..will be a beauty contest to select a Miss ---Laguna to rule over winter celebration, scheduled to run from Feb. 19 through · March 7. Program for the Winter Festival is almost complete, Fulmer said, and in· quiries already are being received from bw: tour companies and other fihns in· Hilltop, Residents . To Hear Experts Discuss Future Top of the World residents will hear three experts discuss plans for their area at the Thursday evening meeting of lhe Hilltop Homeowners Association at 7:30 p.m. In Top of the World School. President John Di Fiore Jr. said terested in includi"' the events in their schedules. i Along with such traditional items es the Patriot's Day Parade, many new event& are pl~u1ned. Fulmer said. and SQme old ones will be presented in revis- ed form. Among them he listed: -Two international gourmet dinnerl'i _served at Victor· Hugo's and preceded by champagne receptions at the Art Ga llery. -Three week.end showings at the Festival Forum of a special half-hour program designed by_p~_p.todu_c.er_ Don William.stin to replace the pageant backstage tours and demonst,rate step-by· step hoW:. Pageant living pictures are created. . -Informal week night get togethers at the Recreation D e p a r t m e n t head- quarters. 1 ~n an"tique show. -An arts and crafts swa p meet. -A co ncert by a SS-piece orchestra from West Covina which has offered lo perfonn tree. _ -Two pancake breakfasts . -A revival of the Winter Revue, fea tur ing local talent. -Bus tours to take visitors to the mission at San Juan Capistrano and other nearby points or interest. -An artists' ball. -A picnic at Heisler Park. sponsored by city employes, Senior Citizens Charles Hess, business manager of the !) Laguna Beach Unified School District, c~ R M . ty Planner Al Autry and Recreation-· 6SUDJe eetings Director George Fowler will be guest speakers at lhe meeting, which is open lo I L B } all hilltop property owners. n aguna eac 1 Hess will discuss development of the 6.7«n parcel of land It A1la Laguna BOulevard and Part Avenue purchased last spring by the school district. Plans for extension of Alla Laguna Boulevard to Arch Beach Heights will be outlined by Aulry and FoWler will speak cin future recreation possibilities for childrtn and adults in the area. New membe rs and returning vaca- tioners will be welcomed Thursday when the Laguna Senior Citir.ens Club resumes its weekly meetings. First session of the fall-winter season will be held at the RecrN.tloft Depart- ment, 175 N. Cout HighW.y, from ti a.nl. to 3 p.m. The club is sponsored by the city Recrealion Department and membership is open to all. · Ron Lutz, recreation leader, has plan· ned a number of ac.tlvities for the group, beginning wilh a card tournament at the Thursday meeting, followed by a cake to $70 a day for accommodation ," she The Laguna Beach Chamber of Com-that the merchants' views on downtown said, "they expect adequa\e parking merce office will be closed on Saturdays parking will be expressed to the city in a facilities and we certainly intend to pro-after this weekend. president Bernard letter which he read at the chamber vide them.". Syfan has announced . board meeting. A spokesman for the neighboring Elena ~hamber office has remained open "Retail businesses need ct1nvenient Apa rtments insisted, however, that oc-on SiTurdays lhroughout the summer as customer parking," said Marriner. "We cupants of the Shores frequently park on a service to .out.of-town visitors, but must preserve all short-term parking Cliff Drive, contributing to the difficult Syfan said weekend business now bas spaces and seek to increase the traffic problem in the area. slackened. turnover. '1 f\fI NAS, Uruguay (UPI) -Pablo Aldro\•andi Garcia, 37, fell into a 4,000.. gallon vat or wine and drow~d while in· specting a winery warehouse, police said Tuesday. Firemen had to empty the val In order lo recover the body. P.finu ii 75 miles northeast of Montevideo. and ice cream feast. "1-'\c-----lby ~.:t~:=~~-Of· -t----'f=t=i.h-e-Sig-M--1s-01q-enougn to prot-ec-t you and yoarfmrrifu--~ifi!t fice, 494-1124. Ext. 45. for further ' ""l:flY ·-. Information the uncertainties of tomorrow-with the nation's highest interest Mrs. Myers Retained As Chan1ber Manager Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce president Bernard Syfan 1 d v i s e d chamber directOrs Tuesday that the group'Sexecuti ve committet has voted to ..:~)', '::=====::~'__;;retain Betty -Myers as chamber manager -A per!f!&nent basis. 'Your bridge club Mrs. Myer• has been serving as acting manager since tht:, retirement of Warren •nlf to liberate ;you Morgon March 1. The directors ap. • l O""W ni.,h•I.' plaudcd Sy(an's <latcincnt that she h8S • ·.,. ... u becn_doina "a fine job." • . . •• I on insured savings. o But equally important-cares enough to give . you very personal service. o Why not open an account today ... and meet the people who care. ~ ~ ·M &JTUA-1.SAVI NGS-AN-B-l;OAN-ASSOGIA~IO·N • • --:200-Cllrul A-/~ OU\ot offictt In Wiit Atcodl~ Pllldei.1 iHlld Olftco), corono d<I Mir Ind _. I •• --r-~ • -·------• .-_.-p--• DAJl.Y '11.qf Cambodia Forces • Reirif orce Siege PHNOM PENH (lJPI) -'lbe Clm- bodlan command today l'Ulbed .,,.uier battalion ol lroopl to the llege ol Tani c~ " .. ..., Pi. """ Kauk when Camohodian paratroops (. Each school day Mii Lambert,, were driven back in tbeir attempt to cap-tun the C.mmunilt atroqhold Tuaday. 'dean of boys, husUes to the local The communique 111o uld Cambodian radio station and broadcasts the troops had killed or wounded more than am"5 bf studenti 'missing from 60,000 C.Ommunist soldiers in the six l School months since the ouster of Prince ss a Crook County High . • Norodom Slhlnwk. n Oregon. SOme of · the students it snitchJng. A few parents say The addltJon of another battalion at t · In 1 f rt H Tang Kauk brought to nearly 10,000 the JS· an, vu on ,o p vacy. fYW· total Ca1'hodlan troops involved m a ver, since Limbert started his · dcaats the truanCy rate ~s drive toward the encircled town. of Kom· pong Thom. ~ • roppecl 25 .percent Cambodian officers flying In l'eCOI!- • naissance planes above tht operaUon at For ibree ye8.rs tru~ker_a rtfustd Tang Kauk, 52 miles north of Phnom arloft J. Coblt'a re uest that they Penh, said the paratroopen aetually had - . driven to three miles northeast of Tani bodlan command had decided le DIDI< the town and attlck trOm "the eat and northW! ralhfr than atap a direct fron. ta.I attack from the south. An official lllllOWICm\eDt Tueaday said -the paralroopl had Clptured T.., Kauk but , the offlcW military spokeaman llld today North Vlelnamae troopo atlll con- trolled the towu. Military lpOl<eamen said there DOW w.... 11 Cambodlan batlalions lcylng to dialodge the C.mmwllsta from Tani Kauk. The relnloreements doubled the original lllrength of the task force. "Every time our troops would at&empt to get into Tani Kauk, they W9111d meet heavy fire," a spokesman said in deacrtb- in1 the situation early Tueoday. He llld North VJetnamese gunnen: also ll:ept up a heavy bombardment ol Cambodian troops aJOlig highway 6. Newsmen have been forbidden to vi&it • • East Threatened By ·Pow~~ Crisi~ '• a, 'Ulllle4 ._ -Oommonweallh -ol Chlcl(o, r 0 r 1 ca • t Of <mtlmed IMesree which bad a surpbu: of Powel', Aid tt wu te_.-lndaj -utllltiel to sending about u mlllien kilowattl urp cmt011wn to w re electridty in eaatward whlle the Dllnoil-Millouri ~ of invenlJnl a ......,._ of poWtr pool WU exporting another milUon 'Neaday's b"""'°"ts that piqued the ldlowatts. ~=;......,beat wave and New York's Con Ed lllllftn\I not ooly generator falluno ~ what ...,. from heavy demancla by 111 own "*'• atdboritiel e<mkllnd tbe Werst power but ltom shortages in New, J er I e 1 , c:rlaill of Jbe year u temperaturea clJmb. Pennsylvania and.Dela...,.. Con Ed cut ed Info the -In-areu today, back its output to feed ·tbe other com-theflnt dly o1 aulwmL ' · , paniea through the New York SIOte powv A combination o1 the bea~ generator pool. During other critical times In the ............. ud heavy elloctrical u s a g e llWlllllU' the other c:ompaniea had helped ~·~ out Con 1Ed. !~ l!Ower. ~ !o blade out Con Ed reduced Its voltage u much as aome areu and !<duce voltage elaewbere 8 per cent and explslned further reduc- in an area ltretchlng from Canada to tions could damage some home ap- Virglnla and "l<n!tiDI deep lnle w..wn pllancea. At the -·• ol the crisis, u the Pennaylvlllla. . ...- Conoolidlled EdllOll cut elec:lridty temperature bit 94 clqrfts, It resorted to Tuetday to 90,000 homes in Staten Island cutting off all eledricity to e<me ) I VOi -~rzuiditiallu1!!lnr>igillathJe,.•litrel!het~ml· llfll.ro.llncQ;t!!Jo:!f Jb!.!is'--'Kauk. 'Dlal would be the deepeat penetra' · , ours as tion--alnce-Cambodlan.--Uo-bqan the a shortCut to a nearby warehouse. two-week-old operation, called the biggest "One driver hit me with a tire ·of the CamtwUan campaign. the area of the operation 1ince C.om- DIUDlst-tr00ps-halte4Hhe-drive-rillrdlBVI- ago after the force covered 17 miles fmm and Ports ol WOllcheater c.unty In New neighborhood!. Power wu resf«ed lifter I Yorlrin-u-effort to..,....,..t-a,nolller.-.--'25"'-"m!n"""u"'tes"' . ..__-----~-__J__.,_ __ blackout )llltb u occurnd on Nov. I, 11185, wbt1Mnool of the Northeast had no power. tool," Cobb said. But they can't Military opol<esme• llld the Caro- use the street anymore. Cobb built a fence across it, leaving only about enough room for a motor• cycle. The truckers summoned po- lice who looked at city and private surveys showing Cobb's property line extended 251> feet Into the street and at a building permit he bad obtained. The officers just ordered lighted barricades to pro- tect the fence. • The. Canadian Chamber of Com--. merceJ considered briefly asking · the government to outlaw tipping in Canada. Delegates from Guelph, Ont., calfed tipping 'the ancient custom that has outlived its need" and recommended Monday that it he viewed on the same basis as begging. The suggestibn failed and the Chamber's policy colJlJJ!ittee ruled it dead. • The Begum Aga Kh•n gave birth Friday to a 7-pOund, 1-ounce daugh-- ter, Zahra in Geneva. The Begum, former London model S.1rah Fr•"'" els Crocktr-Poolt, married the Aga Khan in Paris last October. A spokesman said mother and baby were in excellent he8.lth after a nonnal birth at the Geiieva villa owned by the Aga Kohn, leader of the Ismalian sect. 1975 Deadline Set by Senate For Oean Car WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Senate, by a vote of 73 to O, has passed a bill that would requJre Detroit to produce a virtu.ally, polluUon free car by 19'15 - a deadline the auto industry claims it can- not meet. 'Ibe measure, which lnclqdes a broad atllCt Ga nonautomotive po 1 Ju t I o n IOUftW 11 well, was sent to a conference committee whlre "lbe final congressional Pf'OPllUI will be forined·from It ind from a l .. ..\!ri"ienl blD puled by the house. 'lbe 1DOlt c:oatrovers1al ~ori of the Sensle bill opecllla tlJal JletiO!l 'must produce automobilea , by 1175 tbat emit 90 percent lell ahlut pollution than cur· rently allowed. There could bi a one-year government....-of the deodline, but aule induatr)' IPOWmao prniously told the Senate they could not meet the re- quirement even with ·the extra year. Sen. Edmund' S. MU&lde (D-Maine), clUef sponsor of the tough new meuure he called the moat aidicant piece of domestic Jqlllallon tliis ""'1on, said before the -TUesday: its Starting point at Skoun, 35 miles northeast of Pbnom Penh. The Cambodian command said Jn. telligence information s h o w e d Com· munist troop strength in Cambodia bad dropped from 100,000 to J0,000 bee-of combat kmeJ. The communique II.Id the, c.mmun1s1s had not ..m rep!ICeJDIEll for the baWefield loaaes. "Their losses have seriously damaied their ability to operate," a apotesman said. In a delayed report, the commaod aaid a C.Ommunist force killed three school teachers Monday at Dey Eth, 12 miles southeast of Phnom Penh and three other teachers and two students were missing. The tommand described it as "1 vicious act of terrorism." Fighting was reported light in Vietnam but South Vietnamese troops operating in Cambodia killed 41 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese in clashes in flooded rice paddies 1.5 miles southwest of Neak Leung, a Mekong River ferry crossing. Saigon spokesmen said the baWe cost the South Vletnameit m k 111 e d IDd ~ wowided. S. Koreans Fire Near Japa1i Jet In Taboo Area SEOUL (UPI) -Antiaircraft guns 81;-ACKOUT TRAFFIC COP Id McCauley KHpa Cool In aoutheaatern Pennsylvania, homes in Philadelphia and Buckl County were blacked OIJL About 250,000 residents were affected.' The Eastern power companjes, which en hot days cannot produce enough elec· trieity to meet public demands, imported power from other producers u far west as Missouri and Iowa. Deputies Tell of_ Meeting Manson Before Slayings LOS ANGELES (AP) -Two sherilf'a deputies say they crossed paths with Charles Manson two weeks before the Sharon.Tate muritf!rs and the hippie-type clan leader told them he could have had bis followers shoot them down. They said they didn't attach much im- portance to the incident and consequently filed only routine reports. Later, less than a week after the August 1969 slayings of the blonde movie star and six others, Manson and 18 members of his tribe of young people were arrested in a raid en their ~Ql- mune at the Spahn movie ra~eh. They were suspected of stealing. ears. But no one connected the group with the slayings, another deputy testified Tuesday, and they were released for lack of evidence alter being jailed 48 hours for investigation of grand theft and con- tribuUng to the delinquency of minors. Among those arrested at the time were all four persons eurreptly on trial. Manson and three women followers - Susan Atkins, 21, Leslie Van Houten, 20, and Patricia Krenwlnkel, 22 -are charg· ed with murder-conapiraey in the killings. Castro Reports Raiding Party From U.S. Routed MIAMI (AP) -Fidel Castro's govern- ment today claimed it has cruabed a nine-man raiding party launched from the United States, capturing eicht of the invaders and killing one. In broadcasta~menitored in Miami, the Cuban radio said three of Castro's troops were killed in a series of skirmiahu along the island nation's oorthem cout Sept. 14-20. . A communique isa:ued ~y the Cuban Revolutionary Armed For~s described the ralders as "mercenaries" and qid they had been trained for five months in Florida "wit h frequent contacts with agents of the United States government." The raiders left Miami Sept. 1, the CUban radio said, and moved on to Cay Williams -the British owned island in the Bahamas ·chain where 11 Cuban fishermen were held hostages earlier this year after being abducted by the militant exile group A1pha 6:6· -- Five days later, the radio said, the raiders moved to another British island, Green Cay, for six final days of prepara. tion for the landing Sept. 14 near Banes, 1 coastal city in Oriente Province. • Planners forgot to put gates ta the back gardens of 30 new hmnes- and as a result their back windows have not be'en cleaned for nine months in·Tborney, England. Win- dow cleaneti have lfil!Jed ~to throw their ladders and budteta over the five-foat fences. Residents have asked"loeal ottlcials for galas in the fenc:es . "If tbll bill Is pused It means the American motorist is going to have to cbanp bll habits, bi.< tastes, bi.< driving .appetites." 8encftobert P. Grillin (R-Mlch.), called the bill an act of "brinkmanship" which 1lnat.ned to extlngullh lhe U.S .. aule Jn. . dqstry ud harm tbe jotll of 800,000 auto warker1. Tuesday night fired Into the sl<y le warn B h ·11 a Jap1111 Air Llnes (JAL) pauenger plane us m1 s. It had strayed into a restricted air mne over downtown SeouJ.~South Korean -of-1i • A""' )"T: h n°ii~:·:.:1n~~i'ParkKyuag-Wonlelda T -e w1.1iS1'e. y-t at spans ~t m~eting tod'a)' the JAL aircraft RU88ians Find Prehistoric Homes of Bone :::f:: ~;t~~~ 1:::~~1::-·--lne d. enerati on s <5:a-p. · Seoul shortly before 7:30 p.m. l!f:J EJ Military Officials said about 250 tracer bullets were fired from antiaircraft J)osi- ticns around the capital to warn the plane It wu off course. After the firing , the aircraft corncted Its course, they said. • Harry W.1rd, 90, has made the bet of bis lifetime In Leeds, Eng- land. His bookie. friend, Jim •Wln- dosor, gave birp 100,~1 odds he will not live to be 100. If Ward reaches the century mark, he will get $12,000 for his 12 cents. "Tiley are the biggest odds I've ever given anyone on anything," Win- dsor said. 'I'll be more than happy to pay up if Harry lives to be 100. It will mean I'll be 83 for one thing." • Amersham, England Council de- cided to issue free earplugs to its parks staff after medical officer I 1n Burn• reported that the "cum- ulative effect" of the noise of a motorized lawn mower "can cause deafness.0 • MOSCOW (UP)) -Soviet .-logiltl have unwthed houses constructed by prehiJtoric man of the bones of mammoths, the Soviet news agency Tass aald Tuesday. Tua llld o:lentlsls found the houael near the Ukrainian town of Chel'Uuy. They were built 7 ,00'.l yean ago. "The first dwelling found waa built of 385 bones of the prehistoric animal," Tass said. Working on the theory that the hoiue wu part of a vlllq:e, the arc:Meologists kept digging and found a second bouse near the first one, Tus said. The dwellinp made of mammoth bones · will be displayed in a museum tn Kiev, the capital of the &oYiet Ukraine. JAL officials in Seoul denied any of its aln:ralt strayed into restricted air space Tueaday. Tsuneo Hirata, chief of the JAL Seoul branch, said lt had been positively eltablllhed no JAL pllne was i1volved in the lnddeot. U.S. military officials In Seoul said so far as they knew no American aircraft were involved. The fuing incident mrpriaed residents of Seoul Tueaday evening but there was no official explanation of what happened until thJs momiq . Air space over downtown Seoul is strictly co1trolled and no milltary or civilian aircraft are allowed to fly over the area without advance authorization. Army Maj. Yun PU-Young, comm-*r of the 5eoul prrllon command, warned today any future air<ralt violating the rulea will be Ibo! down. R a i n F loods Some Stat es Storm Waters Sweep South; Emt Swelters in Humidity CeHfertthl Stlll COlltl!MC ''" fodrr wttfrl "" •i:tPllOl'l flf -nl1M Mii 1111y' -ln9 ft Ckludt tfld ,. ...... fr. CMlf ,._k id ror tonl9ht .,... •!'t'r Tl!U,... • .,. COOL T11mNf"t h.rm -· Ull 111 l'Mtf lnl• ,,_, bllf cooler ti-tM CO.II. Hltl'll lode'f nl!Md _, ,. u1m,..red to fD. HV'1nwlllle1111WOIUWllMI,.. T1'11 Air 'Oll\fllQfl Cotlll'OI D11trkl "1dld4d llMYY '" trrittllllft '""" _, ln t!M Sin Gttlrltl Vtlll"I' tl'ld Ulltt to "*'tnle ,,_,.,.._ Los AMtlta ... '""'"1 WM'( Wiii! toOltl' tfrn-th.r.-. ....... l'tlNr I NI Tllllflda'f. l.eul IN" clll\lldfneM elld fot ,,_ flM _. -..... ktllf ..,. ... nlt ht 11'1111 ..,,., llM'ldlY. Tfle ~ ""' Mll'l'I' wlnt """" 111 ttw mlf.1'0t. nit w1tw w11 .,. Tiit l'MVfQI~ and -..11s _. w~ "" wllll moulll1l11 rftOl"t lllll'lt rtMI"' '" "'--Tiit llltll ...,,. .,.....,_, -·"""""· '" ,... .. Wllll• .... '-Yttlrn ,....... -r 100. c-e.1 knwl't .....,_ L1911t v111N111 wlnd1 1'111111 .... lllltnillt ...... MUfl\"9 -lltb' • .. 1& llllth lllt .,.. ...... "*1 t l'lf ~. HHlll fllRr 7'. v.s. S••-rv Mtt...,. rtlM teud'IH off llfllfl 11Mdln1 In "" ... IJI ~ ....... tr...W. .... ,,..... "" .. Miii' -_,.. In tM nwtl\Wttl, Mille f'9COl'd 111111 ......,. _.,_ _ belnt,....,,... ...... ,,.. !'_.......,_ """ uw '""' ·-~ .. ·--., " Atlenlt " ff .. k ..... lltld .. • •'•"""k .. " "'M .. .. 89tlllll " .. Clilctff .. " Cl11d !ll'lfll " " ... • 0..m " " O••><• " • l:uftkt .. • l'tt~ .... .. " ....... u " H-'Ul\I " " ...... .. n l(_.CllY " " ltl Vttll n • LOI A""IH " .. Mlt"'l .. ad! u .. "'""""""* .. .. .. Mln-~!t .. • Ntw Ol'lfflll .. • N"'Ytrt .. " ....... .. .. ....... .. n ..... lltbl .. " .. fll'lllMtipj<il• .. • '"'*'"'" .. n " .. For 300 yeirs, a whiskey from Bushmills ha.s been Compa~ it.to your present Whiskey. You needn't with us. Charming us. Beguil ing us in a smooth1 purchase a bot tle. One si p at your favorite pub will polished and altogether lighthea rted fashion. tell you why Bushm ills has in trigued so many &en- Olflll'" l'lllltt Tw ... y ft fortcMI -""'--,..., lftclllltd: LMt ... cfil ""911. Se!ltt """lu 7).1S. lllrbenll: "" "' Ml. Wl!Mfl 7,.._75, ,ll~lt 90ollo IU_,klll: ..... ''J"" Sprl"'l ,, .... Bt-'1"101'1tf M7, Sin OlefG 11·1'. Mn. ti ''"",. ... ,, ... Alllfltl!ri>hf'!ll --· IOIJTHlltN CALl,OltH\A -... ..., '-"' """"""' T~ 1iVt .._ 111t11t IM ttnl' ,......,..,. lifw dcJllla IJ'lll ... Cot1l1I ..,,,_,Iv,... '"""" ffOl!I M to H. 1m111CJ ,_.,,... ,..... ,,..., '1 to ti. Wl ltf" '-"'•1111"1 f'. Siflr, Moo~Tliles WIDtlllOAY "" <""' TlllMIY. A eo...n-O in6'11tt or fi MO(k .. llltl'lwt YI 11'111 ,,,,,.,.... _,.,.. ltb In *"""' C*llflllM, A _.,..., llf (*.......,.. " ..... " lllntlll!I ... ,,_. ..... ..... ltM •!Vtf .... llct"_,.,.,. ··- .. .. .. 15generationshave refined it.15generationshilve tr.ttions. It is, si ~ply, out of sight. "-sippedit.Theverdict :Nearperfection.Bushmill s_.F"u"ll -BtJS~ Mit !!--j--~ofchar•filr.BUnrorheav\»hantt"1Nb1lllrir.FI,. " " .. " n .. .. ful. But ne ver over·pO\vering. Bushmills. It reflects ._....,.._, "°"' "'''· A llntot aillow ainttl MC' ......... l..0$ A'fOIL.1.1 ANO VICINITY -...,, .. ., "'fWlfl TllVrMe\' a.it ,,,. 11\f!ll .,_,. WW -'*"' ... c1ouA ffNI ... ""' ~ •ti. A IJttlt Cooitf' _,,.. °""""""' .... -U . Hlfl'll ... _ .. ( • • SttOflf """ ........... 1:1111.191. .., ~ llw •· . 1t ;Jot '·"'· l.J TNUlllOAY ,.,.. Mllil ············'" •~•..11'1· o.t ''"' """' •..•••••••• l :lt 1.111, •• , ...... 111111 ............ 1:1111.11'1. J.J ~ .... .•. . . . f : .. 11.m. I.I M it• &~4 I.I'll. S.h t:" 11.m. ~ ...-.ailt•·"'· ~ --.. ••tot .,,...... .... '"°" Slit L.io:1CIN •1'111 .,....,,..,... "''" wldt. '-"'' .. ~rt TM. 1114 -ni.r 111(11.MMf t floNltdl S..n P•tl!CIKt •1lcll ftf" 111 eoit 1111 ntrl'-1l1rn t t fl St n Oll90 " ""' tltlt. Sffll!I Ltctllf 1111w ''''"' eovMd ll!t mll-S..,litt,,. wnt. L\tllt ..,-Jrllft '°"" tM l"tcl-Tlltf""INI fie Htrl!!Wtll. W1tfllllltwn .. • • • the past with a light and livelyflavorthat isall today. IMt()ITfO FROM THE WORLD'S QWEST OISTIUU~ .. .. .. .. .. .. .~ ' A lllh'DCF 10til 1HISll WlllSK!lS-N Mf-IOmai Ill IRUA!ftl. flll'JO$. GAltruUC0.;11rwTOR11, ll.t.•llll .. .. .~ .. " .. " .. .. Li tant disti teac five lion B! Nqr diss $16. assi hi"t Alis 11 h.id cipo wa~ ra ti A I 1\ ( ( lee m• ha1 -nor I No -k11 hi! Sfi •·1 I ch Gr I P• •P g · R• b' 40 "' C( hr •• h• .. Ii ~ • ti d .. ~ q " ' as • San Clemente Capistrano .. •·. • • ED ITI ON • w , ' ve t 63, NO. 228, 4 SECTIONS, 61 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORN!>< WEDNESDAY., $EPTEM8ER 23 ,."1970 • t • • TEN CENTS . . ,• .ire ears 'Need Teaelaers Laguna Trustees: Dip Into Reserve By BARBARA KREIBICH Of "'-0.HY ,llM Sti ff Laguna Beach school lrustees reluc- tantly agreed Tuesd'ay to dip into the district's reserve, (unds to cope. with a teacher slK!rt.ag~ that has resulted from a five percent-increase in student popula· lion this year. By a 3 to 2 vole, with truslees Dr. Norman Browne and William Wilcoxen diSsenting, the board decided lo spend $16.500 of reserve funds for teaching ;:issistanu ·and instructicnal aides at the high school and two elementary schools, Aliso and Top of the World . • The problem of classroom crowding had been raised'Jast'week by Aliso Prin· cipal Lyle Proclor, who told trusti!es he was faced with a 3:1 to I pupil-teacher ratio in 11ome claS!rooms. At ~t time Browne pointed out the Hand Grenade Murder Case Continues Court martial proceedings against a teenaged Marine accused of helping to murder his company commander with a hand grenade -as he slept. -in Viel· nam,r.eaumecUoday at_Carnp~ndleJgn. "It was Smith and Napier." '· -. ' . w- Premeditated murder and conspiracy charges were brought a g 8 I n s t Greenwood. Pvl. Reginald Smith. and ! Pvt. David Napier was charged with con- lipiracy. Fav~rs Gr etel I '. Pvt. Smilh pleaded guilty to l<ming a g r e n a d e into the quarters of Ll. Robert T. Rohweller al Quang Tri com· br1t base on April 22. 1969 and is serving a 40-year fed eral prison sentence .. Lance Cpl. Greenwood has pleaded in- nocent to the murder and conspiracy counts. 11s wtU as a perjury charge: brought in connection with trial of others accused in the case. Grttnwood , a father of two whose wife fleard him testify, said Smith and Napier •·5eemed to have: something 11galnst the lieutenant.'' He said ht spent a half-hour with them beforl hearing the exptosio'n and that they hid talked about "fragmen· ting" the officer. "They haled Rohwel\er and iiaid he deserved to be killed," said Greenwood. "I didn't say anything. I was just think· Ing' of home, the heat and the mos· quitos." Engineering Ser vices Con tract Wins Okay An enginee ring services contract for the proposed 167-acre Laguna Niguel Regional Pa.i:k )las been_approved by Orange County Supervl50!'S. VTN-Orange County will do the design Special lo IN DAILY PILOT NEY.'PORT, R.I. -Down three r11ces In the best~·seven America's CUp series. AUlltrali"a's Gretel fl navigator Bill .Fesq u id he believes time is on his side even if the odds ire against him. "As you know, we face overwhelming odds," Fesq explained, "but we aren't giving up . We figure time has to be on our side and we 'll utilize it to practice." Gretel II, disqualified in one r111ce, has thus lost three straight to Newport Beach skipper Bill Ficker and cup defender Intrepid. Fick.er said his crew would work on coordinating their efforll today. Bo l h crews requested a. day off today. The wea ther forecast for Thursday's rice ls for heavy winds, about the same as prevailed for Tuesday's contest. for DAILY PILOT Boati ng Editor Almon Lockabey·s an1lysis of ln trepid 's winning effort 1'ue~day, see today's Boating Pa1e, on Page 16. _, Tu£ted Puff in Born NEW YORK (UPI) -A tufted puffin wa s hatcfled in :lhe Bronx Zoo Tuesday. Zoo officials ·said it was t~ first known hatching of the ae1 bird ln captivity. ·Mental He_alt.h ·Plan OK'd -· for a fee or ·sss.soo. Estimated"cost of the ---• --· • ---· d pro;ec• i• ,.., mill ion. Co unty Approves Fourfold I ncreas.e ·_in Bi!-get Planll include a 4S.acre lake. A bod.get , sum of $6SO,OOO has been approved for Jire:y-'ar P.lan lo_ e.!Band Orange ed. ''Our stall worktcf :~~ this PrOgrart, ahything. But It ·1.i, the: best .P"'lf•m in ife'Velijpmeftt--Of"the facillty::"The-land"'Wa!l-C-ou~.nty's mental heiTth care from the-for. a Jutryear. -,.the-tong run:--lt-will mak~•ll ~munlty · ~=led by tl:le Lllguna Niguel Corpora· present fiscal year's $11.4 million budget ''The J>llSl work has' been centereCI •al ; resource 1 part or the prol"am, privale to more thAn $.12 million wa s approved t~e Orange County Medical·Center and . organiutimu:, non-profit 1ropps, and 1 T be Land-Ga nie ( l~ortlt.,,.,. St11le ) Picture yourself In 111 snug A-frame b e s i d e l'I Nori.hem Califoml1 at.ream, 1way from smog and root beer stands? And turning a tid1 profit on the land you bou&ht.'! The pK:lure m1gfilnot ~rttty 1s'f it's painttd. For . I.he concluding Article In a series on thla prob- lem, 1ee Page ti today. I J_ ,, , I Tuesday by lhe Cou nty Board of ils raci\ilies are til~ 'to ca paCity ind others.'' he sa id. Supervl~ors in a 3·1 vote. beyond . We. must get the prngram Into Dr. ~nells pointed oot·that the five,i. The proposal to quadruple the c~L!I or the communities 11nd we will eventually year program wa!I mandated by the slate ' menta l health programs was oppoged · by' g11ve money by inVol•lng: private' ct1n· Department of .Mental Hygiene. Supervisor Da vid L. Baker who warned 11ultanU\and1 psychiatrists," the six-year · ,Objectln1 to lhe program was James ' th111t the projection wa!I "too high." member of the menl,&J heaillh group ~ Al)drnoo, president ol the: Onn11 Count¥ . "I find ll difficult to 11cce pt the in. linued ... · _ ... • P11ycbological Auociati°". "If lhis hall fcrcnce that people are .aoing down the "The pfoposi'll llJ "" honest attempt lo been ~tuditd for a year why ha!honly the • tube at thill rate.'' the second di!ltrid leH yoo whaf is ~ in lhe county."' medical profession been invqlv_ed?" be supervisor uid. llihe cion1lifu4'!d. ''Olildren are ourhfghnt qperied . He SI.id his or1ani~tion. "hicb Supervtsor Robert Ballin jnincd Bilker priority. r Take the • bindings. the "IS .vii.lilly interested in menl.lil health1" • In voting 1g1iruit the program, calling It handcuffs,· lhe . leg , irons' of( thia pro-WflS by"saed. , -"to0 costly:'' · . M , Sayk>r clincluded -. ~ · AV.otlng)n_Jum:..o~ e o. Defending the program was Rosemary Racking her up was Dr. Herm1n1 R1n· ~ram · ,were Supervisors Alton . AUen, Saylor.of South Lasuna, chairman of tht ncls, county mental health director.· :William)Jif~eln ind William Phillips. ('()Unty 1 Mental He11Ut Advill'.lf')' &ard. ''Adoption of the flve-ye1r progr.am . "We mu~ face up t.o the problem,.". "We must at.art someplace/' she plead· rel.Uy dots not commil the county to 'Pblllips said. • . - --o .-' ·rea ,. 700 Acres -Engulfed Reneging Char g-e: Leveled Agai~t · Carpent er, GOP ·. . . . ' Orange County's Rtpublican Central Co1nmittee 'and ·State· Smat.Or .l>erWs Carpenter. . have_ •been accused' tJY• a defeated . Congreasiona l candid.lt.e :..of, r:efUSlfll to• PIY an •lltltdly promi.led: '23.000 towardl hi!: 19111 campaip.·: · ·• Frank i. ~agn1'cllJmi1tn 'hifl ,~· <!AX.inly Superior Court ~'filed "Nes-. day ,thll ;he WU ' promiaed I a.' tOtJI l of sis,ooo Wheni hi! cah-ted' the <JO~b:.Mer igaliiite1ecte.r.uomocr11 ·R~i;1H&n'-na . · · • · , : L '. 1 j i . • ' . . • · La 'M.tl'll ' attaches . to his ; 11..wp~_,1a. ~of q,e~P, 9>11lr1.ct, 'f{hich,conW,.~ hrmlnis, • a promis.~1o po'y "l!S;oilo- towar~,. hi~ . eJ:penW1 .• Tbat ·•~l' a)'° •Pl'"" lo indicate ""' !1' ·~•· WIS '!lrotniftd 11.17 percent o( an ~Clftl. paign funds rai.aed by I.ht org,ni11Ubj1 •• · 'A Re~bllcan P.Uf.Y ·spottsman tod11Y1 dlsm.latd, ~-~aiPa'1 suJt ,.i •ipeUy IDd ftlvolous "· And cOni'mented Uwt. ~ co-. didat.f: was never promiltd·tbe 'Rdl 110m' or '3.\,000. The 1 spokesman re rerred &o a ·~ looue of the Orant1• ctunt,y.OW...,:,' •· Rf:pubUcan party pubUcaUon, in wMeh it WU aplained _,.that (La .... Mi_gna wia 1,.. rol~ a thare d iwUabl1 cartapetrn · wxta. -..,__ -... -....: • LI Magna Is ,.pceientl!d" liyl a~ Jobn;Df1n •of Gw.dtft•Grove.' Olin li ·a member nf the Or•Jllt eo.., .Detnadrli.. le C<ntuJ Coaimitt... . • r . '..,. : • ~ , . eai.,.Glr By JAC![ BRQBACK Of ....... ..,~ .... lteff Smog May Force Children Inside ' Smog might drive children In the ,San. Joaquin Elementary SchOOI District oil the playgrounds. Trustees of the district have. voted lo qbLaln smog readings from the Oran .. County Air Pollution Control District. · Readings will be given to principal!, who will decide whether or not childreri 4hould..remaln outdoors, if the smoe: iJ particularly bad. The county program w1s adopted after the Orange COunty Medical Association GCJtJined the: health hazards for yqun1 J*)p'lt caused when or;danb in the at· mospbet'1 reach :35 parts'pe r million. 1'lte medical association recomm!ndl that Cl'IUdf'eft be exCused from ·strenuous indoor and outdoor activities at that time. C.ut Weatlier I 1The f(ig mils In tonight In r rorct,-11.wl it'll drop l'hur.ad1y 'a- .le!hperaturts ' down Into the «J's + along the coast; with Inland read· I inp dippi.QI to G degrees, ,-~smE TODAY lVhat a. dull ract -no pro- tl•tl. no aurprise1. jrut another "t&CrroiD Intrepid victor11. Almon r Lockabe11 discwsts Tuesdau's Amtrica'1 Cup action tod411 on Pagt. 16. ' -- - • , ,. Z DAI LY PILOT- ·I Firm~Lands ----- Sidewinder Wilcoxen Reveal.s Election Statistics ' •,II In a poa:t.e!ection report t.o hiJ 1u~ ))Orter1. Laguna Beach attorney William \\'llooxen. "'ho lost hill campaign for the 35lh Coogressional District seat to John Schmitz. reviews election statistics and airs some views on campus violence, tht Vietnam war, the John Birch Society and democracy. Talking to 9S different groups of people. says Wilcoxen, be found the issues or greatest concern to both young and oJd wert violence on the ca mpus and in Asia . In the final vote tally, he report!:, he reeelved 19 percent. of all votes cast, Schmitz: received 67 percent, John Steiger 11 pert'etlt and John Ratleree three per- cent. Dollarwise , Wilcoxen 's campaign ex- penditures ranked third. with Schmitz spending SS percent of all campaign dollars spent, Steiger 31 percent, Wilcox.-. en 11 P.trcent and Ratteree three perttnt. The ·attorney' notes lhat · in Laguna Beach he y.ron the highest percentage or Newport Studio the ..... • porcent comporM 1'1111 Sdunitz' ti perceDI, anil -• numb« ol preclnda, tncludin( 1111 own. Best resulta elsewhere were obtained in areas whtre he made personal a)> pearances. Wilco•en says, citing hl.s 37 percent of the vote In Newport Beach, where 28 meelings were held, compared wi th Schmitz 51 percent. Reflecting on the campaign, he ex- presses the belief lhat he lost tome of the support of the old by supporting Proposi· tion One for university htallb facilities and of the YOWll by-supporting tem- porary entry of troops into Cambodia. Referring to the profound concern of all fa ctions with regard to Vietnam, he says, ''Those of us who are interested in the survival of this country must try and co mprehend the depth of fee~ that ex· ists. and do what wt can to see that the longest war izl our history is brought to • an end." The seeds ol campus violence. says the · atl•n•tr• ,..,. '"""' '"' lioc. I, 1161, when the Academic senate at Berkeley · voted to capitulate lo Mario Savio's demands for Amnesty to amsted students and total non-interference by the , university in student "political" behavior on or off campus. ''One or my law school professors," writes Wilcoxen. "shortly the.reafter stated the minority position that a grave mistake had been made, s a y I n g 'ultimately the appeal is to the spirit of reaso nableness In the light of the purpose of academic freedom .1 " Wilcoxen notes that he read "a lot or Birch Society literature'' during the cam- paign and observes. "As nearly as I can make out, they think that many of our problems started about 1912, the year Woodrow Wilson beat William Howard Taft, and they could be right." On ltie subject oi democracy, he cites the 1911 dedi,atjon of the famous novel, ''The Virginian," to Theodore Roosevelt and quote! its hope that "We people will prove ourselves equal to the severest test to which political man has yet subjected himself -the test of democracy ." Wilcoxen concludes, "Much has chang- FACING ADDED CHARGES~ Sh.trlff'a Deputy Irvine ACCUSED OF BURGLARY Sheriff's 0.puty Ounc•n Investigation Continues Cont1·act A '29.1 milllon Alr F'orct contract to build a ...11ew model nf the Sidewinder missile has been awarded to Philco- Ford 's Aeronutronics Division in Newport Beach. Qimpany officials called the contract "major and significant" and indicated that it rela1es growing pressures nf pen· ding layoffs at the division's facilities. The contract calls for Aeronutronic to engineer and build an updated ··Model J" of the air-to-air intercept missile. How the new model differs from the present "Model B" is secret information. company officials s11id. ll'.•t I!• ~ '.,ti ,>~lfl ·ln~~ .,,1 .c ' ~ ii .. , d •i'+t l(j •J'~ -, .. ,ii ,,.,, ~ "'fl ' ~;or:it tt·• 11 Most of the actua l work will be performed at the division 's Anaheim • .assembly plaJlt, with about one-third of it •ir• t tn be subcontracted tG Philco..,'ford'~ "• 1 Communications and Technical Services .. .,,t division at Willow Grove. Pa. '• ' Aeronutronic off icials said l h e ,1., ~ awarding of the contract, which was sign-. ,,, J ~ ed last week. is a blessing. Police Seize Operator For Nudie Early Birds ed s1nce 1911, but the need rorTalffiTrilh--e-~ t ability of Americans to prove equal to the Jn uepu y test of democracy i.s greater than ever." -D urglar P-a-s-e--~'Thefiffiing of1Hifllnl!Ott>nrprogram--+-tt--,~-) D l.J will lend to slabilize nur employment JevP.l -'"•! In the Orange County area," Louis F. ....., 1 Heilig, division vice president and •(•!.i Or Co t=, r1· tod o · t "J ti • 1 ti •-r 1 general manager said. ....,.,.1 T "a) D s ange un y s s o 1cers ay 1s rka a omey s nves gaw s are n-He said there will be no additional hir· , r1 ate et continued an inv cation that cou ld lead day looking into the possibilily of adding .. ,,. . to the filing of further burglary charges charges of assault with a deadly weapon in~t::rw~~Pany spokesmen this mnrn-'<,') .• a1ainst two deputies already accused of to the burglary count already faced by ing confirmed this meant there would ~;: A nud ie photo studio that couldn't wait to show its assets perhaps found out Tuesday thit patience; would have been prudent. Newport Beach-police arrested the operator of the studio when she opened for business before obtaining a city license, Assistant Chief Harry A. Nelson disclosed this morning. · An underc<lver agent entered lhe office of Kitten Prod uctions.. 384:8 Campus Dr ive, about 4 p.m. purporting lo respond to advertisements in local newspa~rs. He alleges he encountered the owner of the studio, Mary F. Wagner. 31, of Placentia, who he clai ms told him she had 10 models available who would pose in the nude "in any position." Miu Wagner, whose application for .a business license is scheduled to be con· Aidered by the City CounCil Monday night, reportedly showed the inves'tigator a series of photographs of the 10 girls , all nude . The officer claims she said the studit> was open lor business &nd model! would From Page 1 HOSPITAL .•. Opponents of either plan will be given a chance to speak. Endorsement also qualifies a -hospital to receive Medicare and Medical funds, which has become a significant financial factor in modern hO!pltal operation. ..Physicians, civic_ leaders and_lhe San Clemente Chamber of Commerce have all thrown support to Chapman receptly because of continuing delays by the earlier group. There seerr.ed one fly in the Chapman nintment, however. its size. The California State Plan for Hospitals recommends they be a minimum of 150 beds in1his size hospital service area. The theory is that a 150-bed hospital will support the sophisticated kinds nf medical service required in a service .area of this size -more than 100,000 by 197fl. The service area begins at the souther- ly limitl of Newport Beach and goes northeasterly to the San Diego Freeway, jogs east a bit and continues southerly to the county line. South Coast Community Hospital in South Laguna already exists in the service area with another non·profit hospital planned for Leisure World and a private hospital planned in Mission Viejo. These would like1y also be a factor in the association's deliberations. DAllV PllOT N...,.... I••• Hlflltt ... IMdi ....... '"" Fe ...... ....,. C.... M... S• Cle 1111e l)IAJIGI co ... sT '\111..IJHllllG COM,Alff lo'bert N, We~ ,fllkl"'I .~.d ,~b1l1P!er Jtclr J:. Curlty ~ ,_ Vici '•t1l11"'1 •r.d Gen .. 1! ,_..~ 1ho"''' Koo ... il Edl!W 1\11"''' A. Mu•,hifto MaMti..e Elli1or l ich1r4 P. Nill Sitt.11h 0.-1np C-1¥ Edlllr Off•oo eo111 Mn•: no w,11 11v "'"' flt ...... l"I .. icll1 D1 I Wtll 11-.0t IO>U"",.. ......,.,, 1..e~: :m For_,1 """"'°' M-.tlrlt* INdl: IR1! .. Kii lllUl .... •rtl "" C'-19: Jb ,.._ El GomlM 111•1 1)41l'Y 'llOT, W'llll w.IOtll ls U!'l'!Mfttd '1\t ........ ..,., .. i. II ,_..lllflell <1111¥ l la>PI '- •1v Ill ...,, • ._ d i'"'" "' 1.......-•..:(.II. "'-1 ~ CMlf Mb.I. M""!lfltieN ... ~ .... ~-Mill '\11ky, •le~ wHll r .... f lfi.t\tl ftlt\9n\, OI'-CdHI """""" .... ~ ""1Jl!lolif tii611!• t •t •I 2'11 ~I .. l ... 111111 .. ,..,..,.,.. ~ ,,, .Jll __, 111 &rr.rt, (aM .,,.,._._ Talapll111 tf141 442·4321 Cl tlW MMrt~ 442 .1671 s-c1-Ank,......,.1 , ....... 4t2o442t ~f1tll~ ""' Gt-. CNll •'*'"!tlo>t CMiiolflJ, .... """ tWlft, llloitwl!- cCll•W -nar. fl' ld-11-""""' ,.,.., k r~...H,_,.-l&«tlf-..- .u..., • """'llN -· !«..-, .. _. ... ,... ... 111 11 M......, ... ~ M.C c.ti. ~ (1~. """"':""" W Unler st• rM.1'My1 ..., fftdll II.If --.1y1 •••l!lho!'\t <l••lftt-. .,,. ~fly. I C di Ii h the attempted burglary of the Mission Irvine. ha ve been some layoffs without it. pose at 8 rate of $25 per hour. Film had 0 an e g t Viejo Country Club's golf shop. Officers claim both accused men load-"The Industrial Relations Department to be purchased there for $?.lZ 1 roll. Area burglary reports flied prior to the ed their security car wit h stolen golfing !laid today that they woUld have had to arrest Sunday of de"'•lies Arthur E. Dun-equipment and several cases of liquor · b th k ·n obout two At that poi·nt, Chief Nelson said, Miss M d c "y program some JO cu ac s 1 . ur er ase can. 34, Hunti ngton Beach and Frederick immediately before sheriff's officers ar-•L.-h d th tr ct not L.•An rece1v Wagner summoned one· of the models I mon1.1~ a e con a IJ"C'I; -B. Irvine, 40, La Habra , were being rived at the gof shop. ed." the spokesman said. who appeared. fully attired, The girl then checked . The Aeronutronic Division employs a told the inves tigator she was aveU1ble to Special to lbe DAILY PILOT Investigators said more than. 20 " total of 2,880 persons, Including J.764 at be photographed ''in any pose re-burglaries committed in the Mission Vie-Th Mull its Ford Road fa cility in Ne wport Beach, quested." SAN DIEGO -Innocent pleas were of-jo housing de velopmen t during the months 0ID3S ell 510 at the Anaheim assembly plant where The undercover man then Jdentified fered again Tuesday. when Candlelight immediately preceding the arrest oC the 'Shillelagh missile is built." himself, informed Miss Wagner she was Killer Robert W. Liberty and his wife Duncan and lrvine remained unsolved. S • Pl ed 'l'he 27-month, fixed-price contrad ln· in busineM illegally and reminded her were arraigned on murder charges in San Both depu ties are being questioned 1bout erVJCeS 8llll eludes incentives for Aeronutn>nic to ac- she had been been informed previously Diego County Superior Court. their possible involvemen t in those thefts, Complish the work: at lower cost through the license applicaUon would go before Trial for the colorful couple accused to Sheriff's Department spokesmen said. Rosary will be reci ted for Thomas H. value engineering. lhe>council next week. the torture slaying of male nllf!e Robert Irvine and Duncan have been ordered Mullen of San Clem ente at 7:30 p.m. Cost saving innovations in engineering She was arrested for violating a city Jrion , 53, at his apartment last June 7 to appear Tuesday in Santa Ana Thursd ay in the chapel of Lesneski and construction that produce quality at oedinalice, "OperaUng a busi~ss without was set for Nov. 10 in Superior Court. Municipal Court. Both men are free on Mortuary. least equal to specifications will result In a permit," and. ·released on her own Chief Deputy District Attorney Richard bail. Mr. Mullen, 81 , a retired electrical higher c<lmpany profit, under this type of recognizance peni:ling court appearance. Hanscom plam to ask dismissal or Both men were spotted inside the golf engineer of 127 AvEinida Barcelona. died incentive program. The council hearing on the license re-original complaints the couple answered shop by club pro Ron Belanger who sum-Monday in South Lllauna. A requiem· Jn add ition to engineering and con· quest .apparently will take place as identically Monday in-municipal court, mooed other sheriff's_ officers to the mass will be held at 9:30 a.m. Friday in struclion, the contract provides thP. com· scheduled. since the new charges take precedence. premises. Duncan immediately sur· Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, lll5 pany to produce technical data and City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt said The San Diego County Grand Jury rendered, but Irvine commandeered a La Esperanza. aerospace ground equipment. Tuesday morning he is seeking council returned indictments against bolh the patrol car and led his former colleagues Survivors include the widow, Isabel J. Heili g sa id the AIM-9J Sidewinder pro- action "by reaSons ol. the characteristics former Westm inster man and the on a bullet punctuated chase through two Mullen of the fAmily home ; lwll ~ram. as the Air Force contract calls ii, attendant this type of business." redhead he wed in a Colorado jail cell counties be fore su rrende ring a ft e r daughters. Nellie Jesse of Glendale and will be c<lnducted within the division 's Air Usually, license applicatiol}S are handl· l:ihorUy after thei r capture in June. threatening to commit suicide. Goldie Newman nr San Francisco· and ~rense Systems Operation under the ed routine ly by the Business License Liberty, 24, may be returned to Orange Both men were employed during their three sisters, Mary T. Mullen. Florence direction of Robert T. O. Case. Jr .. direc· Department County eventually and charged with the off duly hours as secu rity guards for the D. Mullen and Anne Mullen, all of Los tor. and James J. Watson, AIM-9J pro- City Hall sources also revealed that Ci· murder or a. former roommale, Thomas Mission Viejo 'Company. Angeles. gram manager. ty Attorney Tully Seymour is preparing Astorina, 2S, who was shot and dumped in~----------------------------------------- an "emergency ordinance" that would Sunset Aquatic Park last March. provide stiff regulations for the operation Mrs. Liberty is not accused, except in of public photo 1tud)os. the murder of Irion, whom Liberty knew A similar ordinance involving ma~sage ii l Atascadero State Hospital. parlors was adopted by the council last Llberty spen! three years under treal- week. _ment after being foµnd crifilinally insane Church Club. Sets Friday Meetings In Capistrano Awana - a ch urch sponsored club for boys and girls 8 through 12 - will meet every Friday from 7 until 9 p.m. in Capistrano Beach at the Grace Bible Church, 3MI8 Camino Capistrano. Organized in 1968, Awana takes its name from words that Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy: "Approved Workmen are Not Ashamed." Youngsters, divided into "tribes,'' com· pete in games, learn crafts and memorize Bible verses. The system pro- vides a se ries of tests with awards for achievements. Tribe sessions are follow- ed by a devotional period that closes with . songs, stories and prayer. Th ere will be traditional holiday parties 11nd a parents night. Selected teams will travel to regional oly mpic games com- petition in the spring. Parents unable to provide transporta· lion ma y call 495-3392 or 492-2341. Kathleen Dobbin Services Friday Graveside services will be held al Forest Lawn Memorial Park. Glendale, al I p.m. Friday for Kathleen M. Dobbin, 2SS Cypress Drive, Laguna Beach, who died Monday at the Laguna Beach Nurs- ing Home. She was 73. A native of Penn!ylvanla, Mrs. Dobbin had lived in California for 4$ years, for the past 12 years in Laguna Beach. An active worker for the American Red Cross she journeyed to Camp Pendleton every Mondlf. to assisl in Red Cross wor al the camp liO!pltal. and also serv- ed as 8 volunteer with the Festival of Arts. Mrs. Dobbin Is surviVed by a son, John H. Dobbin of Cape Elizabeth, Maine, and by five granddaughters. The family has sugested donations lo the Laguna Be1ch Chapter nl the American Red Cross or to the American Cancer Society. India Floods Kill 600 NEW DELIJt (UPI) -More ·than !00 __ ... __ ltllled •nd :I0.000-ltli homtless l:iy heavy rains that triggered lloods and collapied buildin1s ln dlvtrst J>ArU of lndla Jn the J>'Sl three wteks, of. ficial reports aald today. ' I for the strangulation of Mrs. Marcella Landis. 31, of Westminster, more than four years ago. Police called to their apartment round lighted candles flickering around her flow- er-petal-sLrewn body, while Liberty strum- med his guitar and insisted she was <1ware o[ the ritual . Irion, a patient treated as a sex of. render. was strangled and . left with candles burning beside his body, as A Long Beach teenager wa tched, tied to a chair with neckties. Students' PR Work Pays Off At Teen Dance A neighborhood public relations effort by the Student Council at Laguna Beach H.igh School paid dividend! at the first school dance of the year, accordirig to Debbie Zeug, commissioner of publicity. Before the schoo l's "Hello Dance" last weekend, Debbie wrote a ffiendly letter to householders in tht area around lhe school. announcing the dance and saylng, "We si111cerely hope that the music does not disturb you and your family in any way." Residents who found the music from the high school patio too loud were in· vited lo phone the school aRd a number was listed. More than 100 students attended the dance and not A single complaint wa~ received from the neighbors who had been notified, according to Dnn f\1iller, assistant. principal In charge of activities. One neighbor even sent a .. ote thanking the students for their consideration and expressing the hope that they would have a good lime. However the idyllic picture of student· community relations was slightly marred by two calls to the police from residents outside the area 111otified , w h i c h nttessitatcd lowering-the-volume of the music, MiUer said. Two Tass E111ployes Seized in Ecuador GUAYAQlm.. Ecuador CAP) Military Intelligence agents ar.rested two employes of Tas,, Tuesday night and con- fiscated equipment in the Soviet new!I agency's offlc:t, authoritle~ repcrted. No reason wa! given for lhe aclion. Jolie Solis, Lhe agency's correiipondef\l in Guayaquil, sent a telegram to Presi· dcnt--Vclas.co Ibarra proteltlng lht M!izure of tqulpment and the arrest! of,. tcletype_ operator and his assistant. Tass opened its offlct tn Ecuador in Marth 1962. ADYl•TlllMfHT GEM TALK TODAY by J. C. HUMPHllU (le1t Purchaaecl 1t Home) Many people have the belief or feeling that they can buy diamonds more cheaply abroad than in the United States. This is a miscon- ception. Those \\•ho buy diamonds at the wholesale level will vouch that prices are no cheaper abroad. AJ- so. a duty must be paid when the gems are brought into this country. There ma y also be pit!alls in buy· Ing diamonds abroad. l n the case or misrepresentation . there just isn't mu ch you can do to get your money back. ln some countries the standards .of quality are not as strict u they are in the United Sta tes. Tho se pas.sing flawless gem~ in so m e countries would not pass as such here. It's best to buy your diamonds r ight here at home. And the best diamond buys at home art those in our showcases. WATCH NEXT WEEK FOR "THI IEST DIAMOND SHADE" r ••• UJOllderful saui1igs 011 Intmuztitma:r &erling Our best wish to Art McK:enzie~ - on the occassion or his retirement as city manager. Thank you Art for a job well done. Exciting j ewe 1 creations are yours tr om J, C. HUMPHRIES JEWELERS. You'll find onl y the finest in au lypse of Jewelry, .ind we carry O m e g a and Bulova watches. Watch and jewelry repair J1va il able. too. Visit us &00n. J. C. ftU/olPHRllS JEWELERS, 11 l J Newport llvtl.,-phentl '41-J40 - Open da ily 9 till 6. Frid1)'1 open 9 till 9. J. c. 111 NEWPORL.B.L'll>., C~STA MESA __ _ CONVEN IENT 1£11.MS IA NICAMlltCAIO-MASTEI CHAl'E 24 'l'EAIS IN SAME LOCATION 'H0Nl 541 -J40 1 ~ ... ; -- .. ~ ' I ! • " ! l I ....................................................................................... '"" ...... ~ ........ ~~~ ... ~~~~~.,...~~~ ..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ -. After 20 Years ....,..,.- _wee"':.:-=:::..' ;:.~==-2.l=· '-19'-7'-D _____ D::_A.::.IL::_Y_PI..;.L::_D ... T--'535 ~ Dodson 'stands ' I Tall . Skelton' s l 1!_!Pge 1~BecaPie Star·· Tlie 11 Lear1ied to Act -~,.:'.~'· Qnly-TV Clown .,.... '• By RICK DU BROW !1 '''HOLLYWOOD (UPI) t1• Madison Avenue supposedly Is "-"the nation's image maker. But .•e1wi. isn't really. Television 1fl"'' ,11;c;wneraa are. No matter how , 1-(adison Avenue manipulates 1< ,.entertainers, political can- didates and Other celebrities, '• 011He video cameras au the •'1'•,ij".-. . • ,0 1 iei81 arbiters. They expose "Maisie Gets Her Man ,• "Bathlng Beauty," "Neptune's Daughter," "The Yellow Cab Man," ';Lovely. to Look At"-and a number of others, none of them. quite obviously, epics , but almost all of them quite enjoyable stuff. He had a flair, and it hai never left him altogether despite the wear .ind tear of 20 years of trying to scrape together video material. But not . even that period in television can really kill off th::: aceumulated skUls that •i·h:l)'lerci\essly, and the more a ~·f1personallty appears on ,,.._,television, the more he is ex-:," tposed. come from joining a medicine J>how at IO years of age, and Tlae Shirt Off His • .~ 1Joey Bishop, for example, al m i n s t r e I shows. and '•'"One time was considered a va ude\'llle, and burelsque~ and ''• r8. l her droll. wit t Y, the circus. and tremendous \•(l•!Oi:lhisticated jokester when he radio stardom, and of course ; 1 :, <f~~ club t.lates with ~he Frank the movies. r. ~a~ra-p.ean 8M~rhn..Samf~Y Occasionally, Skelton has \Vatter Al.ten (cehnter) gets some astonish~d rcactiolJns f~om1 .. C~robl Fka1:1l st1h·c;k v .. v1~ c 1que .. u now, a er var'ied his staOOard video fare and Martin Fuc s when he presents a shirt torn o · a v10 1rust s ac 1n t 1s ~-,.-,,.~nn1n~--a-n1gh~y-talk.and~mmt-hour pantt>m:lmr-Scene-from....!!Once-Mor.e.-With....Eeeling~aLthLHuntingt n Bea h Playhouse. 'r (nterta1ni:nent St_!nes on ABC-special with Mal'<'tl ri.1arceau The comedy continues Friday and Saturday. " -• 'I'V, that image 1s blown total-. d . · I · ' "I!,· li, replaced by the fixed vision and ~em1nde his cr1t s tn· ··•I Oi'Bishop as host of a cornball, ferentially that h~ should ~ot :.··,e,~barrassingly "sincere" be ~~en too l1gbUy. r 1th ""'series Ydlh a checkered-vest soph1st1c_ates. nonethe ess, • r •'1oOe Skelton 1s persona non grata: \1:~ • and CBS·TV dropped him "II•; .Red Ske!to~. vrho began a because it thought youth feels ~ .... \V~ekly 30·m 1nute show on the same ·way about him . NBC-TV 1.1onday night aft rr , being dropped by CBS-TV Y. hat can o~~ say abo~t a from his one-hour series, now Skelton telev1s1on premiere • · · I 1 · that hasn't been said about JS 1n his 20th year on te ev s1on. h' . 11 h-the -ir'br those \Vi!h _s h o r t im . in : JS yea rs o~ u J ories, and for those of ~edi~m . I s~ppose that 1( yo g age his video image is hke him on video, you now can only ~ne tha t now really l~ke him for only half as. mu 0 chu , ters. It is an Ov<!rwhelm-11.m~ eac~ week. ~ Jf Y 1ng i·mpression-20 yea rs of dislike his _tel~viston work. television-and it is a pity that th en there. !S only half as ..Je'j remember his other work : much to ·~1s1lke. Jn fairness, ' ~e&af in movies. when he ts good , he can be ' '. . very. very good. and when he , Tlus naturally gifted clow~, is bad on video he is awful. , ormously respected by ~1s It pains me when he ls bad peers and lov~ b~ the ~bit~. because, although I 'ba\'e •was a spl~nd1d comed!an 1~ never met him, I instinctively •. lllll~ro~s hl'!'s• among them,~ like him tremendously. His • 1 ,'f'h~stl~ng _1n ·~~ .?a;,k. face is a map of. middle Broadway F oursonie Steeped in Success By JACK GAVER UPI Or1m1 E•llw NEW YORK (UP I) -I! might be a good idea if pro- ducer David Me rrick and director-writer .Abe Burrows took out a hefty life insurance policy on a pair ()£ French playwrights named P i e r r e Barillet and J e an -Pierre Gredy. ~·cactus Flo-n·er" \1·ell might be Miss ChaMing 's lead ing man. Y.1hich would really make for a cozy operation, especially when you recall that l\fiss Channing is a Merrick alumna of extraordinay distinction. She was the original star of "Hello, Dolly!" which is still raking in the Merrick dollars at the St. James Theater where it recently became Broadway's Jong-run musica l champion. Cast Sought For Original Open readings for a n original play. "The Popcorn Machine," willje held Sunt.lay by lh e Nifty 1Jieater or Hun- tington Beach. Director George Be tar. who also is the author of the play, will hold tryouts at 7 o'clock. Men and women in all age brackets are needed for the cast. "The Popcorn Machine" "'iii premiere at the theater, 307 Main St., Huntington Beach, on Nov . 13 and \\till run through Dec. 12: Without Husband By VERNON SOOIT llPI .... .,...... (w:"' 'I t HOLLYWOOD (UPI) black comedy, II u d ton Jt Is not unusual for a mana1es to avoid being a tow~rlng star to slfnd in a heavy. -trcl)Ch while P.laying a tenaer "I play a heavy tn 'The .love scene with a dlminuUve Hornet's Nest,'" Hudson said~ actress. Actors and ba1kelba~l layers share a COIJlmoo~-yslcal advantage -tht the better, "That's an altogether different "l\1y race and height have situation from playing a loaer. limited my re]es to a degree," Tall actors can pl1y villains Hudson aci.JV>Wledled. 1'but Gary Cooper, J ·wayne, effectively. Their slze alone Is I'm not .complainina." Joel McCrea, JlnJ Aroesa and maiacing." Nor should he. With a Jimmy Stewart fi"e just a few different physique and Jess men whcJ top J 1x·feet, three· Hudson griMed . He i s pleasing arrangement or his inches or more whose ~l&ht generally a quiet man who features, Rock Hudson might di'd not C!1minish t 'h e I r takes his work seriously-He yet be driving a truck. effectiveness on the screen be would just as soon avoid"r::::::;::;::;=:::;::;::;::=:;'j it movte or television. interviews. 11 Roell ltudoon stands six·feet, Hudson has played his share four~inches and he h a 1 of stagnant roles, p a r t s a"ppeared t.1 sa pictures. requlrtn1 little of him other Big men, Hudson says, have than his bulk and profile . an tn'trinslc dignity which is "I have no preference for dcnl·ed smaller men 1'n sc reen comedy or drama as long as h . . ood " h 'd MOllllf 0, 1ocr1M• CHAii LOGfl roles. Tallness also' imposes t e script is g , e sa1 , 0.. limitations not or din a r i I y "Hell, I've played them all -f 709 EAST BALBOA BLVD. encountered by the average action, tragedy, comedy, war, \j.IAlBDA PENINSULA• i13·4041 sized performer. lov~9 storle1•1 • . bl Now thru Tuesd1y_ ''For me to be efiectlve in ' ut ta actors invaria y comedy I have to b"e the come off as clothes horses, FELLINI'S protagoni st'' ' HudSC1n especially in contemporary AWA•D·WINNIN6 explained. "I'm too bi g pictures, MASTIRPllCI pl1ysically to be the butt of a "If you lake up that much ''JULIET OF joke. space on the screen, naturally ''In_movies where I've Your wardrobe becomes inore THE . SPIRn5'' played the fall-guy, the laughs ptotniuenHhan-thaht-other·ll--~='-'1","c.'-"1,.==--+-­ failed to materialize. I can't players in ihe sc~ne. It's play a loser because I don't something I don't like. But ALSO look like one." nothing can be done about it." &NEN- Jt was HudS<ln's appearance -Hudson, as has been the ~. ~ti \vhich transformed him from a case with most tall aclors, is truck drive r to an actor in the not unac"cull'htome,dh lo pllaying 0~1v0rc. e tal1'an first place lte suitec1 perfectly scenes w o er s e rs t h c tall-dark-and-handsome s_tan~ing o_n boxes or "'.'e~r~g Style cliche. hfts 1_n the!r shoes .to m1n1m1ze lie lacked only one attribult · I jiiilh~e;::dii1S~p~ar~1l~yiio~f;;h~ei~giihtii. ;;;;;;;;;;.;;ii_ii:ii_i:iiiii-iiiiiiiiiiii_ii:ii_;;;;;_iiiii_ii-~ Talent. II Under contract to U·niversal YOU'LL LOVE HAROLD'S BIRTHDAY PARTY ••• for most or his early career, THE CRITltS DID: Hudson "'as young and willing " .••. et1truM .. prMlitCll•• •• ," -LA TIMES to learn. Under the guidance of ", •• : flnt r.te ,...,., ....... :· -REGISTEll director George Stevens in "Giant" Hudson gave his best performance to that Ume and improves as he goes along. Currently he is starring In "Pretty Mnids All"'in a Row." Rock plays a high school principal who seduces a hall dozen sy,·eet young things. Because the picture is a ••,, •. ....,. .• , b.~y -•i"f ,. :• -PILOT Or1nge: County Premi•re ; , Jouth Coast Repertory rft. Sh•• 5,_,. l P.M. Co•ti••on SMw . \Yh1sthng 1n 01x1e.-;-, " Du America, and \\·hen. saying arry Was a L~~r.· The go6d night each week. he says, uller Brush Man. Southern "MaY. God Bless" and claps Yankee" and "Panama Hal· hi · ·hands in 'childish af- l·e." s, fecUon. and beams radiantly. His other movies included there is more reality on · the 'Three Little Words," "Lady television screen than in half Fou r s o me has been ,vastly successful with two Broadway productions in the past four years, and· now it plans a third bid for the playgoer's dollars, with ?.c- tress Carol Channing as bai t. _ Bnrillel and Gredy write comedy hits f()r the Paris theater. Merrick acquires the Am erican rights lo them, and Burrows serves as a sort of dramatic midwife. Tina Awaiting· First Child 59'. •fill S•n. Fff• 2 P.M. .. rtol1 M.tt ... l"'Y W-4•"4.ywl P.M. HELD OVER Good ," "The People vs Dr. the socalled "meaningful" dare," "Ship A h o Y , ' ' dramas to hit the air. It is an exquisite weekly moment. And I grew up loving his comedy in movies and on. the radio. And I'm g(ad I remember him then. To me. tele vision is just something eise he does. and a charlCe to watch how you can't take the --country outOfthe-ooy. - I <, Tinl -\ ·: ......... -. 1 .;.w :~ ! llOCI I • 5;4.., Poli!., l "THEY CALL ME M •• TlllS" : "THE HAWAIIANS" l ~ witli ci.rttO ......... 1 ECHNlt:OLOR" frlY!l \'/ARNER BROS. Coitt. 5-dof 1 :JD l'.M. > • •xclvsl-• Drl-111 SlltWlfllt Ullifff' U Mnt •• Wlltl P•r9111 "GIRLY" e tll:J e C.i.r Rlcllanl l•rtlll e M1rllll lratlolt "CANDY" e (RI e Cfltf~ All ~ 'llMllY ·~ .. rflill-' JtnY L,..._ ''WHICH WAY TO TM• ,ltOMT" ._(_.,, PhlJ e "THI eotKll'l'ID COWtO'f'I o• CA LICO COUNTY,. e l•I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. First, th ere was "C::ictus Flower." Rurrows adapted the French original and directed the New York prodcction for l\1errick. With Lauren Bacall and Barry Nelson starring, 1t opened here on Dec. 8. 196.J and ran up 1,234 perform- ances, playing to capacity for the first couple of years. Barillet and Gredy next committed something that was translated into B r o a d '" a y English as "Forty Carats" l.ly Jay Allen. Burro\\'S directed it. The play opened Dee. 26, 19'3'1, "'ith Julie Harris as· the slar. With its third leading lady. Zsa Zsa Gabor, it ls still run· ning at the l\1orosco Theater. Merrick, of course. And , now, looms "Four on a Garden," scheduled to open Nov. 26. Again 1.ferrick and Burrows, with the latter once more serving in the dual role of adapter-director. The latest Barillel·Grtdy work is a Paris hit under the title. "Quatre Pieces sur Jardin," of which the English title is a fairly reasonable translation. There are four eplsocles revolving around a garden apartment. Leading man and woman each play four di ft" ere Ii t·charocters. There are three other cast members. Barry Nelson of Ol'IN 6:41 SHOWTIMI 1 - ... _..._ Ell!OTT GOUlD PAUIA PRENTISS GENEVlEV!'WAIT! .MOVE .. By 808 THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) -"I've had good experiences and bad experiences all my life, plenty of both. But this one is going to be good -I'm convinced of that." Tina Louise, the shapely redhead who has epitomired sex in -films, 'Li'I Abner_" and television, "Gilligan's Island," was reflecting about her un usual situation: she is ex- pecting her first child ()fl Oct. 23 ; she 'recently filed for divorce from television personality Les Crane. Tlie ptospect of facing a fatherless birth doesn't seem to filze her. "Of course it's not easy." she remarked at the Hidden Valley home where she lives alone. "There are lil'rl~s when I b e co in e overwhelmingly lonely. But I've entered a new phase: the baby is kicking now. That becOmes a reminder that it will all be worth it." Miss Louise has always been a frank" and open talker, but she was strangely silent about the details of her parting with Crane. She said only that they both were aware of the pregnancy b e f o r e they separated -"the rest is too personal to lalk about.'' ,, LADY IN WAITING Tina Louise \\'8Sfl 't willing to risk that. J had been wailing too many years to haye a child of my own ." Too rounded to accept ac· ting roles, she is spendin g her time waiting. 0 n c of her pastimes is yoga. She con- ducts classes twice weekly and maintains her own daily regimen of exercises. During the entire time we chatted. she sat ()n her bed in the usual cross-legged fashion -"it's and Les and t \\'ere together for five yea rs. "I believe in marriage, and I feel sure that another man will come along who will want to marry me. Th.en the baby will be lucky enough ~ have two fathers." But advocates of women's liberation should Ji<it get the noLion that she_i.t_deperid~t on the male. Far from it. "I believes in w o m e n ' 'I liberation," said the actress. "I've been liberated most ()f" ______ IA UT. AND ' SUN. UNTIL s l'.M. --myJife:-I cafi sympatfi1ze wltlf A911lTS-AND-.IUNIOIS-SI .If•-------;.----1 those \\·omen who believe thatt/r:=::=::=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;;: they shouldn't be tied down to taking care or children. that facililies should be available to y,•atch over theili children while they work. "I intend to go ()n working. and J would leave my baby with pald help or in aomecne els·~'s care. But not overnight. "l was boarded out from the age or 2 to 8 -my parents \\'ere divorced. I know what it's like not to have your ()Wn ho'Tle: And my baby will go with me whcreve'r I go." Fil.m Reunion HOLLYWOOD (UPI ) Andre\V Prine and Brenda Scntt. divorced in private life, will have a reun ion as the RUMing OUt ONLY ONE SHOWING EACH EVENING St1rtin9 1t 7:15 p.m. Shi?' feels that under the relaxed California law. she probably would have qualified for an abortion. She declined to ha ve one. the most comfortable position 1 _~~--­ I know." lier single stale, Miss Louise believes, \viii be temporary. "1 was told that due tG my own physiological condition, I might not be able to have aholher baby If I submitted to an abortion," she said. "I "It's not as though I rushed from one marriage t o another," she said. "I wailed a long time before I married, IVI SHOW STAITS 71'.M. CONTINUOUS SUNDAY FIOM 2 l'.M. TWO BIG FEATURES ,. ...... ""'""""111- ALSO TMtS l'fm IUM PU.TUii "Darker Than Amber" "TOUGH -IT ,_OYIDU NI.AT VOLTS OF VIOLENT [HTIR· tAINMIHT" -TIMI MA•AllNI INTIR! PROGRAM RATED "G"-IT'S fOR E.VERYBODYI · · •=o,, 4CJear/Jlf11(Jtl 911ra. : ~ •• , _.. .. IS I 1...,Cltl.1110..tllr-.0.. .. Pt I Muillllncl ·~ ------------1111111 1 ' m --~ --~·- • . ' . '• --...... ·~ • ,.. Wtdntsday, Stpttmbtr 23 1910 SC Wednesday's aosing Prices-U.11~plete New York Stock F;xchinge List ·~ • " • " '" • " ., ~ ~ " 10~ ••• ,. " ' ' '" ' " • "' • ,. ,1 • .. ' ,, • • .. '" '" " " '" • • ' • ,n. " • Y• ll" 11111 '" ' """ ~ ~n ~~ ~~ .. "~ t! ?l"o ' ,. . " ' " JS 1•10 '! ... ' " . J1 1 " , .. . , " . 31 I lo ' " Stoek '" • ,. ,,, ' • • " ... • ' • " • "' " " "' .. ' . "' J:HO .. .. " ' • '" " " " .. " " " " . ,. " •• ' . "" .. .. "' ' ... ' " " ' " " • .. ... " •"' tJ\• ~-\ .. .. •• ,,. ' . ' •• ' !•l• .. '" ,. '" ... "" " .. '" .. ' " ~-.~ ~ .. " • '" ' " .. " ,.. ... ... ... . ,,,., ,,,. 10 11'111 11 11 ' 11\> 19!t '". 11 4J ·~· I ll°' JI 7l llh C o 10 13 22 d 11~ '' ~o 51 s1 6 13 121 :u11 r~ • i,u_ 141 11 o l~i J 1~:; I~: 7 UY, 11\11 J I~• no ,. .,.~ •1 t iI ,;~ f1" '' s nr-: "'' l1'h J1 °t ~i~• tSV., 79613111 " ' lt\'a lt'"4 3• }~ 11 ,,, l"i,l! ,, " •" •'" ''H. .. , a~. :J1,0_ n::: ,~. JI IV. 1o lit u • 13 .... ,,, 12\et 1 ~ 150 •~If> tO 1 11 .11 . 1 • I (•O " 'l" 136 21i1 't i 31 ti" 73 t. t 1 1: ~; 1~: 70J t9 , oil 711~~=~~ 19?? s-u :S!lO 100 :l10 St Yo " '" . ' . ~ , . • s,t, ' .. . ,. ''' '" " . . ' . 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'\l~ st '" ' ... .. m - Stocks Advance On B1·oad Front NEW YORK (UPI) -Stocks fini shed higher across a broad front today despite confusion sur· rounding the announced end o( the c1v1I war tn Jordan Trading was heavy Kmg Hussein announced the cease-fi re agree. ment in a 101nt statement with the med1at1ng team sent to Amman by an Arab .summit meetin g in Cairo Palestm1an leader Short1Y. after howeve r Yassar Arafat turned down the peace agreement saying the guernlla leaders \Ybo signed the pact "ere not authorized to act on be.half of the Pale st1n1an s Shortly before -the close the Dov. Jones 1ndus tnal average was up 6 91 at 754 38 1'-Jore than 950 issues gained \vhlle 366 decl ined Volume exceed ed 16 000 000 shares versus 12 110 000 shares on S411o Tuesday .n. + ~ jQ'll, -i.;. ,,,,... 1112.20 IO\li +u~ s •nod• 110 " ' ir ' ' " ... ' "' ' " • ,/ "' " " '" •• ,. Ml) • "" • " 111" '" '"' " ,. • " 11•1 •• " " " " ' . 76~• " "'' " ~ " "" ,., .~ ,. •• •• •• " ··~ ut. " " .. n~ ,,. "" " ,. ' lS!o .. ' 11'• n~~ ,. '" ... " i:• "'' '" 11\• , .. .. " Complete Closing Prices -Alnerican Stock Exchange List S~leJ Ne! (llcll I H 9h L•w CID•t Cltt ' " ·~ ... '" d " '" lS o o ' ' ~ .J~ 5 ,,,,, ' . ' ' ,, ... 1"1" ·~\ " ~ 116 '''" ' ' ' .. ' " ' " 'OI ' o 11'6 ··~ s 15\.'i ' '" ' ,. ' " ' " " ' ' " " ·~ I' ~ ' • J ~ ' ' ' • ' .. ' ' ' " • ' ' '" ' , . " • ,; •, " ,' • " " '" ' '" "' • '" ' • • ' • " • • " • . " .. " '" .,, • " . " ,.., " " " '" ... ·~ .. • .... ' • " . '" .. "' '" ·,~ " "' " .~ " • " .. ' ,. ' ' SI ti... Nfl (lld1 I Mith l tW CID" Cllg SlliN NI Ill* I Mllll l-C est Chi !Ct Sil ~ ii~ .... 0 ,,, .. ·~· 5 2\o ' " '" ' ' ' l 1 ,, ~ ' " ll t l'il JI l o ' ' ' ,., . ' ' "' ' " " ' •• '" .. •• .. .. Po ' .. " ' •5 14 ': l~ lOl 15,,_ . ' ' " 1~ ,,' lt ~f' ' .. ' ' " ' 10 5 ~ ' . "' 7 ltl~ ' '" 11 .,. • • ,. .. '" ' . ' . ' " ,,, ,. '" , ' " ' "' ' •• • "' l:t " .. "" ' '" " " "" " • "' .. '" ~' ' .. DAil V PILOT • 31 ' S~ltl H~ Uuh l Hltll ltw Clo.e Chi -TZ- I - ' ' ..... -... ' ' • .. •• ;; •• . ,• •• p OAllY PILOT Wtdntshy, Stptembtr 2J, 1970. -, . WedM5day, Septtmbtt 23, 1970 ~ PILOT ·AOVERT.ISE~.,f ·-. • . WE STILL HAVE 1970 LEFT OVERS ' SEETHE All NEW 1971 MODELS TORINO'S • •ALAXll'S• LT.D.'S ..aAYIRICK'S MUSTAlirs. , ••••• ~, ~ . ' . . . WE rDON'T CARE WHERE ·yl)1J'VE "lEEN "OR'.WHAT YOU'VE BEEN OFFERED -YOU'RE SURE . - · TO GO FOR OUR OFFER! DON'T SIGN ANY ORDER WITH ANY DEALER ON ANY NEW CAR- , • • . • TRUCK OR USED CAR_ UNT11._ YOU HA.VE BEEf!I QUO~D1.DQNTO" FORD PRICES. . • -MOST F THE E AR ARE R ·~ . 68"MERC7Cougar-Cp..-. __ S-J899-v-•. stick shift, radio, hta .... As is special. wn: 062 _ • '64 FALCON 4 Dr. 6 cyl., stitk~ft. OS j~ spetiol. OUE 810 $899 '65 MUSTANG Cpe. 6 tyl., stick shift. rodio, Mater. ls is sp«ial. NPU 590 • '66 DODGE Dart Wagon 6 c.,i., au.to. lnlls.. nllio. hecrtw. As d spm:ial. SVU 300 :~!~:~!~!,~-~-·-· $CJ99 As d ,,.ciol. Sl.V 455 '65 MUSTANG Cpe. • V-1, 4 tpHCI,,..,.... ,,_.in;. radio, heoltr. ls is S,.Ciol U~ 062 $999 '68 OLDS 4 Dr. '$999 V4.---;-.SAA26l - '64 RANCHERO P.U. $999 6 c;I., ~k shift, radio, "'"""· OSf 111 • ' y '69 FALCON Futura 4 Dr .. V-1, llM. trans. power sfeel"ing. rodio. heater. 724A~ ·~ s ~~~ .. 2:'.;.~.;!-,__,_,.,,._!1-29-l · 65..tOR.VEIIu:p_e •. ___ ~199- heater. RFZ 207 V-8, (speed, rodio, htot1r. NFZ 920 1 '67 MUSTANG Cpe. 6 cyl., stick shift, radio, heoftr. LGf 662. $1099 :~! "~-~~ !~!i!!!r o< ,~;,-.~full pow". $5899 radio, heater, wh il1wo1l tir1s, vinyl roof, tinted gloss. wheel · cov1rs. low mileage. Lib new. ZOT 892 , '66 GAL 500 2 Dr. H.T. V-1, auto. trans:~ sfffr.ing, radio, hloter. SKI060 $2299 '67 IMPERIAL le Baron power brakes, powtf windows, powtr seats, radio, heottr, whitt· '68 SQUIR-E Wagon · ••it •-•.""'·'"""·'""""'·•'"'°""""''"""" ..... ;.,,. $2199 Y·I , auto. trans .. powtt" steering, radio, Moltr, tinlld gloss. WIL II~ _ , ;oi1 tins. vinyl roof, tint.d floss. wt..r covtrs. Low M~l09'. TPG · '62 CHEV. Bel Air WAGON. Y·l,atto. troM., poww1twing, rodie. HSJ 391 '69 DUNE BUGGY $15.99 ZOU 462 '68 FAIRLAN~ 500 Cpe V·B. 4 speed, radio, heo!itr. WXK 916 '67 BUICK Riviera Cpe. 'V-1, auto. tnins .. power 1f9lring. rodio, heater. YLT 450 $1999 - '65 FORD $1495 F-600 STAKE IOOY 6 cyl., 4 Jt)ttd. 1'535F '67 CHEV. 3/4 Ton P.U. .Y·I, stick ihift, tOlio, hlatlr. Y96664 $1599 / USIDCAR YER1>lfD.UTY . '69 FORD -$3399- Fioov-t.--.-. --w11· K-. °'IC"""· Au• flS""" 119230 - ....__$]199 jf4 l'OH f. IEO Y·l , 11itk itlih, TICSl l • . .. •• t ... •, . .. I Mission ~Trail Cap0 Board OKs Marine Program ' CAPISTRANO BEACH -Trustees of the Capistrano Unified School District r have approved submitting an application for a pilot program in marine science. ·Jell Olsen, Director of Projects, will BUbmit an application to the State Board -- ~$ 'Your britlp clu .. IDOllU to liberau you . tomo17r1111 n4/atJ.' , SERRA ~Loo.ks Ahead -. Co-op S~ge Group Plans Three Projects ,,._ proi..Jl'hlvo lllOa llllVOllod"fG<· San .Juan Caplatrano, Caplllraoo Beach, iii. -Ziii· ~ ~ Dina ,PoJot, Moulloo·Nlguel, Santa, Ana Autbortty' (URRA). • Mountains, and Santa Margarita water Villlll>c -ra d tho lloOtlMra dlstrlcls. .Mex Bowle. aUorney for SERRA, ex· ~ W-Qaalit7 c.ntl'ol -.i, phiinOd lhal SERRA '1 ipproach is to try San Diep JltCkln, _. told about tho and•Ule Ille l&'ncy 11 a-clearlqbou,. for inlecta ~fa.San J-Caplalr-piano llld -nl&. "Everyone can before -... llUllA'o.f•cllltln. take port In Ille eomtruction and benefll& Doll Marllnlm d 1'lwry EllllWinl· ~"'.',,_ fldllty il they ., d .. ire," Aid ScHnce, COOllll!inc...,.....,. !«SERRA, mt plans ara bofoc mode fw Ille - ltrUctkn of·aa ~ HWer, \Iri e _.,. to lab tlle ........ no.. ,tram the pul<r MI.-N!ojo .,.. Into tlle tnmk un.. leadfn1 to the San Juan Caplatrlnll lrea-.tlacWty. 1 Ulthey doa't wish to participate, .they are .ubder no obl.ication and are charged for only their share in the · costs of inpartq 1l>e plan up unUl the time H ls -~ He-tllat SERRA I• ·sUll funded by to conduct 111 affalta. 59 that no membtr has to go it•alone on probl8m solving. J:le deflwed the-agency'l goilt 11 helping landlocked members. pl1Ming to preve"t pollution, and developing expertise ·ln watet; ret~Uon. ~ · After the luncheon-meeting thfh11\llitors bOpped' @: bus provided by . Uie ){lasion Viejo Company for a sightsemf lo\U' of SERRA 's facillUes. :rhey made two stops one a:t ~ 'San Juan Capistrano treatme"t p\flt'f. ·tnd another at ·the vie~90int, overlooking Dana.Point Harbor. Viewed tromJhe bus were the· San Clemente Reclamation plant, tl1e Capistrano Beach .NI Dana Point treatment plants, and the' Moulton· Nl~el reclamatio111 facilities. of Edl.l!alion for the conservation educa- tional pilot program in the amount of . ,10,000. If accepted, lhe district will develop curriculum and materials for a k.in- dergarten through sixth grade program in marfue conservation which might be impJemeoled throughout the state . C • • Anolhor plaa la Ill tatly alqes is the OIDDllSSIOil -""'" " t11e· &on· Juan Caplslnno Jts iDdlvklual members, but tha~ the agency . Ur pursuing the use of revenue· OOGda for lundJng large constructioa pro. jOcla: . The tour was organii.ed by Cart KymJa, l)lanag~r ,of the Moulton-Niguel Water District, ii.nd T. J. Meadows, manager of Qrange County Waterworks NO. 4 in San Juan Caplsttaoo. · --· plul -a eopaclly "' 1 · Wan-en Willon, chairman or the SER· RA \JOar<I, pointed out lbat SERRA bo!l<$ s Pool · Lease ·. Considered . . By Trustees ' . Wltile the C1t1 of San C1emen!t ti - •i<*rlnl a ~ to ..... la tba -or a new pool wltb tho Caplllrano Unlfllcl' School dlltrlct, JianalJng ti -to ensue over the old one. ;- The, city Wlntl to-tlleold pool for the.!flontM of JIJllWY, Niniary, March · and April to the IChoo1 f1iitrJct at an ac- tual cost, which ii estimated to be about • $1150 per monlh. The distrid baJ hioioricai!). -tbe pool during t-mootha tor -· and fOr the swim team at SU Onnente· High School, but hu not paid ll!)'lhing. for the last two years Wca•IH o( bldpt · problems. Th~ year, the clly fee~ .tho d!ltrict ean . again afford to pay for tbe CIOI& of main-• taining the pool during thole moatbl. . __ The truslee! ol the dlllrld wled Mon-, day tG negotiate with the City, efferinl to' pay actual costs so loof' 11' tbfJ ti't et· .. ceed $1,000 a montbo , Asks Meeting ::U:,'"'daJ tom m111m • Contrart A"'arded Wllmlbfaplontlseolarpd,theHw11e La k J k R S • A . 0 Clubb · -GUIWI· -to 1t 111o will be • · upcrvisors pprovc CAPISTRANO BEACH A contrad fi ouse . _.sod, wma ers ·r eagan , tor 111e rouJl!!.1r•<iin<J1.~n11"-!;'c1e,,,..i;eo,~(>ltl""!'n,,_t o,,1 _____________ -l'M111Ma~-'!-"ai.s~t11e~thlrd...,"'·.m·~::;;--~=--:-==~-=---=--::------------:::::.--~-----'D~a~n~a~~I~.i~b~r~a~rJy~Le~~a~sc;__,__41 the ban8 Hills llighSchool site hiS been collation Gf d U,.: ttucUe1 _on water , . awarded to the low bidder. By RICHARD P; NALL reclllaltlon to detmn1ne how SERRA SACRAMENTO (AP) -C.ov. Reagan a JitUe bit belter than to send down 360 A new two-year lease for the buDdinc °' .... _..., '""" "'" can best be ued. TueSf1ay labeled the legislature a "$20 bills in the last week ." that houSes lhe Dana Point Branch of the ' Weir Engineering received the contract \\'ith their bid of $217,777. Bids ranged as high as $350,000 with 18 bidders vyffi& for the contrict. With 10 1otl purchased adjacent to the "MOit Of tbe dbtricU in SERRA have million bureaucratic maze" and criticized "I think there's a second look due with Orange County' Library bu been •P- San C1emtnte Beach Club, • community their owa treatment flCtlfU.," aakl. lawmaken for sending him 960 bills in a regard to relorm," Reagan said in a proved by the county Board • f clubhouse in design ud a quation: mark Martinsen. "But they all Ult the common "great flood" dwing the last week of the discussion of the legislative process. He Supervisors. ·: about financial wherewlthal1, parka and outfall originally c:cinstructed by the Dana regular asslon. said that In the past 10 years the Senate The property at 24721 '11 Eut Pina has · A spokesman ror the company said he ex~ted the project to take ap- proximately three months. recreation commiSsloners have called lor PoJnt Sanitary Dlltrict 1n 1151 at!d later Reagan, in a moment of apparent pique and Assembly have evolved from a "$4 been leased on a month to month bull . a meeting with city councilmen to aort expanded by the Sn Juan dlatrid." during his weekly news conference, said million legislative burden to a S21l million from Byron Calvi. The new leue calla for.. e Ege CUni., Opens things out. Members or SERRA are San Qemente, the lawmakers could "run their business legislative maze.'' $130 1 month reat&l. · SAN CLEMENTE -Permission has been granted to the San Clemente Jaycees and the Orange C o u n t y 'Optometric Association to use the San Clemente High School Cafetorium for a free eye clinic. The clinic will be open on Sullday, Oct. 18 from f:'30 to 4:30 p.m. to detect visual deficiences in children aged three to six:. • Drug Progt"am Set In their quest for knowledge of drug abuse, San Clemente Jaycees -Thursday will hear a trained team from the drug abuse section al Camp Pendleton. The program will begin at I p.m. at Omar's Restaurant. Michael Choate, project chairman, said the program will include l i l ms, demonstrations and a lecture. ·nana PTA Hosts School Social Commi.!slontrs·agreed Monday nilbt to ask for the ·meeUng. They sPoke of · a bond issue to . underwrite the current parks and ncreotiOn lhoppln1 list but there were too many unannered ques- tions. The commlMion spoke or the pendinc purchase of 10 lol& In a trlan"11ar sllaped property adjacent to and just west of the municipal beach club and city plun,e. This is to be uaed for an unplaaned future recreational complex. Arlie Watennan, public works director, told commluloner1 .he understood tM purchase was in escrow for a ti o u t $200,000. Commissioner DuW1yne Lidn Nid ho had been unaware the city wu buyin& the property until recenUy. Commission Chairman Jack Beraes said, "l waa told it could not be publiclz.. ed because or (negotiationa over) price." Commissioner Ellie Mear said, "a purchase of this size should never be made without infonning the parka and recreation commission." Berges said, "We recommended that it be pufchased." Questioned Tuaday, City Clerk Mu llerg said purchase baJ been -pleted. A Id r h. --· . . I M He said the property, that WU owned by no as 101=i ice cream soc1a on-Mildred Joni bu cleared acrow and day .will be t~e first get-acqualnted the city }l)lds anthe deed. meeting or the R1chard.._He.ruy Dana PTA •• l:)Tht.,·~ price Did aer, ia The meeting is af'> 7 ' p.m. in the est~ted at $1M,t6l. He aaSd this ii ap- cafeterla of the school, 2042 La CreM prorimate becauae.. the property_ was Drive, Dana Point. ---• purchased for $3.SO per 1quare foot-.nd A short business meeting will. include the .qµare footage is 1UD belnl introduction of the teaching staff by Prin-calculafed. CounCUmen · had authOrized -cipal Charles Bossard. .A pll!Ol of the-purc!we !~Pl!!>!!<. Capistrano Unified School Di s tr i c t use. educators will discuss the topic, ''How Do Another COit will be the . Community Special Education Programs Help?" Clubhouse l'IO'tf beina deaiped.. Charles Johannsen, direct.or of pupil During dlSCUJsion, Berp1 uld it ;hu persoMel, will speak of special student yet to be deckled whether a bond laue-is placements and classes. the proper manner of finance. Ht added that City Manager K~th Clrr had uid Saddlehack YRs Hear POW Wife Mrs. Carole Hanson, area coordinator foe the National League of Families of American Prisoners in Southeast Asia, will address the Saddleback V a 11 e Y Young Republican,, Saturday at 7 p.m. The meeting will begin with din~r It Kathy's Snack Shop, 26077 Getty Drive, Laguna Niguel. The charge is $1.50 per person, and the meeting i! open to the public. Mrs. Hanson, whose husband has been missing in action" in Vietnam since June 1967, will discuss ways in which citiien1 can help the prisoners of war. Further In- formation may be obtained from Mn. Marilyn Russell at l:J0.5DI. "lf we are ever thinkfnc of a bond lsM now is the time to think of It." l\1rs. Mear sakl., "Ken is anre that we •pent $200,000 on 1l>e Jols and budfeted $200,000 for the clubhouse and we need •t · least another $100,000 for parting and the interior.'' It was said that municipal reserves probably are about !400,000, by Com· missioner Donna WilkillJon. She Aki the total package under consideration is about l'/ll0,000. This would apparenUy include devel• ment of Unda Lane and Bonito Can)'90 Park projecls Ind futuro park site llild acquisition. Mrs. Mar 11id the ~n should evaluate community pert af?d ttel'.tlilon needs over the next 10 yean. She·men- tloned relocation of lhUffleboard courta, relocation of tennis courb, new tennis courts, work .., the pool Ind purchase of addllional park jll'Oparty. ·New ·coordinator Post Studied by Capo Board The Capistrano Unified School Oistnct ltudenll at San Juu Elementlry and one. board of education decided Monday to telC'her and one aide instrucUnc IO study the need for a di!trict coordinator children at PaUsadel khatl. In ·addltlon, to aid educationally disadvantaged chll· there are IO chlldnm ta the distrld'• i 'i Iii I I I .. ., ' ::n~~m the Mexican Amerlclll ..... ~,::i,~;... lllP hu a port The Big M. is big enough to protect you and your family aga_i_nst -4f-.';>---4~•'"""1--l'uen,ies.--C1..;nnan--o1-ll._J!n,.~ml a -r ~~::'::fun.~~~~~~ u!i:':::r~ ~:'!5:'.c~"':"'.!4. '!"'a18liw: ~~ ~ the uncertainties -of tomorrow-with the nation 'snignes -intere-sr----1 prepare a reporl on curreat programs of. 1tude1t1. "';,'!~i..lhe .. ~·"~• w1111e the dillrict ": a;,1c1~ 1i: 1h~~ on insured savings. o But equally important-cares enough to -.Jiles nearly 700 childret In. Ibo Ind CaplstraM 8cbooll on a Umltocl ~1.1r1ct .11haoi-cu11u .. 1 bockground • balls. • I · 0 W h not op-en currentprogramsaredeslgned-tore1ch Puent., alcf 1111,...,, .....w be In give you .'/_ery persooa serv1~e. y - only the mMolingual student in Spanish, favor of the expanajoli •'°"Ju praent cl'~~: •. student with "•b•lou•" deli-~m~.=.:-= :b-a1 tho b1all an account today ... and meet the people who care. "A coordinator could xreen tbtst IChool, made a pin, fat more Pf'Oll•tll • childrcnolldidenlifymore" .. idPueru.s. forhil(hscboo11ludenta."llthenanllltl MUTUAL SAVINGS AND LOAN · ASSOCIATIO.N "A coordinator could design and Im-Mel1can-Americlnl In our dbtrtcti how plement programs and bring together the many wlll be eolleie _srad111tu?" be uk· 1 +-i'"•'"rlct' elforil and the tlPJled ..i1~---------..,.--l--------~~~~~---=~-''-----------"-'=--':..l11U!!!!!!;.:~IOO!!.!!llll!!rll'1!LCl!!!t--/~ ·--:::--- rtsourct of community-parUtlpation." "We hive IOOd pl"Olflml at the oat.... lfticll In Wiit Nold._, Pllldlnl (Hiid offlol), COtoM dll Mir..,• ~Ill Supl. Truman Be~icl told the board elementary tchooll for • perce1L We lhal Al lhe presenl lime Ole dlstrid hu a need Pf'OC'aml for tM m ptl'Clld. wbo .. teacher and an aide instrucUna 40 not achlevln& and should lie." • • . ' Each school day Mel Limbert, dun of boys, husUea to the loeal lo ·•lation and broadcast. the es of students missing from s at Crook Countv High School Oregon. Some of the students anitchlng. A few·-pltonts say b invasion of privacy. How- since Lambert started bis eats the truancy rite has fropped 25 percent. -i • ' j For three years truckers refused . Marlon J. c ... •, request that they · luit ualng tho atreet In front of his ----rna1anapous noose ar-atMroUTr.as a shortcut to a nearby warehouse. ••one driver hit me with a tire .tooJ/' Cobb said. But they can't u1e the street anymore. Cobb built a fence across it, leaving only about enough room for a motor• cycle. The truckers summoned po- lice who iQOked at city and private surveys showing Cobb's property lino extended ZS'>i feet into the street and at a building permit he bad obtained. The officers just ordered lighted barricades to pro. tect the fence. • The. Canadian Chamber of Com .. merce considered briefly asking the government to outlaw tipping in Canada. Delegates from Guelph, Ont., called tipping 'the ancient c'Ustom that has outlived its need" and recommended Monday that1t be viewed on the same basis as begging. The suggestion failed and the Chamber's policy committee ruled ii dea~. • . The Bevum Ago Khon gave birth Friday to a 7-pound, I.ounce daugh- ter, Zahra in Geneva. The Begum, former London model S.rah Fran- cis Crocker-Poole, married the Aga Khan in Paris last October. A spokesman said mother and baby were in excellent health after a normal birth at the Geneva villa owned by the Age Kahn, leader of the Ismalian sect. • -. Town EllNcled Cambodia Forces Reinforce Siege PHNOM PENH (UPI) -The Com-bodlan co11111Wld bid deClded lo Dank the bodlan command IQdly rushed another town and lllack from tbe eut and bottallon o1 troops lo tbe ale&• ol T1111 nortbeut rolber tban llqe 1 direct frta. Kallk wbero Camobodlln paratroops Iii attack from tbe -. were drivea 1>4ick.in thllr attempt to cap-An officlal unouneement -rue.dly uid lure tbe Oommuniat llrooil>t>ld ~Y-tbe paratroops bod captured Tong Kallk 'lbe communique alao Aid Cambodian but tbe offlclll milltary apt>keomln Aid troopl bad killed or wounded more tho today North Vietnuneee trOt.lpl 1Ull co. tlO,llOG Communlat soldiers in tbe abt trolled the town. mootbe lllnce tbe OUller of Prioce Military opoWmeo Aid there now Norodom Sibanouk. wee II Cambodian bottal-tryin( to The addition of another battalion 11 dlslodfe the Communllll fnim T1111 Tong Kallk brOlllhl to nearly 10,llOG the Kauk. 'lbe ninlorcemmb doubled tbe total Cambodian troops involved in a oria:inll strength ol the tuk force. drive toward tbe encircled. town ol Kom-"Every time our troopo would 1tt.mpt pong Thom. lo get into T1111 Kallk, Ibey would meet ~--bodi offl n Ing in heavy fire," a spokesman said in describ-~" ·an cers Y ,...,.._ Ing tbe situation early Tuelday. Ho Aid naissanct planes above the oper•Uon at North Vietnamese. gunners also kept up a Tang Kaui, 52 miles north of Phnom Penh, said the paratroopers actually bad heavy bom~nt of Cambodian driven to three miles northeut of Tang troops along highway 6. . • Kiut 'l)>it wqdd beJhe..delpeat_niMll!tr.-.. Newsmen have been forb~ to visit tion since Cambodian troops helli1fhe-the-~ of the operation since Gom- two.week-old operation, called the biggest mun1st troops halted the drive ~ine days of the Cambodian campaign. ~go after. the fo~oe covered 17 miles f~m Mllltary spokesmen Aid tbe Cam-::~~ r~;,, •i.!~ ~ mi!<• 1975 Deadline Set by Senate For Oean Car WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Senai., by a vote of 73 to 0, has passed a bill that would require Detroit to produce a virtually poltution free car by 1975 -a deadline the auto industry claims it can-' not meet. The muture, which includes a broad attack on DOftlutomotlve po JI u ti on aoun:es aa "ell, was Hnt to a conference committee where the final congressional propoul will be funned from lt and from a less llringent bill passed by tbe house. 'lbe !llOll coatroveraial pn>viJloo of the Senate bill lpeC'iflel thlt Detroit mu st produce automobllet by 1975 that emit 90 percent Jess ahalllt pollution than cur· rently allqwed. There could be a one-year government eltenston of the deadline, but auto industry spokesman previously told the Senate they could not meet the re- quiremept even with the extra year. Sen. Edmund S. MUJkie (~Maine), chief spooaor of the toogh ntW measure he called the mos} 1ignificant piece of domeaUc leg!alaU"1 this ..,.ion, Aid before the vote Tuesday: The Cambodian command Aid jn. tell.igence information s how e d Com- munist troop strength in Cambodia. bad dropped from 100,oOO to 40,000 because of combat losses. 1be commilnique said the Communist& had not sent replacements for the baWefield losses. "Their loues have seriously damqed their ability to operate," a spokesman said. In a delayed report, the command said a c.ommuntst force killed three school teachers Monday at Dey Eth, 12 miles southeast of Phnom Penh and three other teachen and two students were missing. The command described it as "a vicious act of terrorism." Fighting was n:ported light in Vietnam but South Vielnamese'troops operating in Cambodia kHled 41 Viet Cong and NOrth Vietnamese in clashes in flooded rice paddies 25 miles southwest of Neak Leung, a Mekong River ferry crossing. Saigon spokesmen said the battle co.st the South Vietnamest Iii: k i 1 J e d and 2.l WOWlded. S. Koreans Fire Near Japan Jet In Taboo Area "If this bill ls pasaed It means the SEOUL (UPI) -Antiaircraft guns American motorist is going to have to Tuesday night fired into the sky to warn ~ hil habits, his tutes, his drivfne a Japan Air Llnes (JAL) passenger plane _-P1rumtr~__[Dr(£!_ to put (!t. to. apPe'.Citel."' .. . · it hid strayed mto a reatricild air zone the back g aOOens or3(f neWJiomes sen.-ROOerrP:-Gflfftif(X:MIClf.r,cmid--overdowntown--SeouJ.,-South-Korean-ot~ and as a resuJt their back windows the bill an act Of "brinbnanship" whlch ficials said today. have not , been. 1deaned for nine ,tbrtiltened ·ta ezUncuish the U:S. auto in-Home Minister Park Kyu.1g:Won told a mon!li!IDTiiOrney~iJana~win:;-dml!Y·lllll·barm1be-jol>o-ol-'10,00G·outo ca-meeUng-today_tbe JAL airrn!f1 dow c1eaners have refused to worken. · · strayed into restricted air space after throw their Jadders and buckets takeoff from Kimpo Airport just outside over the fiv.foot fences Residents Seoul sbortly before 7:30 p.m. h•v• asked 1oca1 Officiai, 1or gatu· Russians Fm' d Mllltary olfici•l• said about 2SO tracer in the fencu bulleta were fired from antiaircraft posi- , tianl ll'Ollnd the caipltal to warn the plane • Prehi'ston'c " WU off COlne. After the firing, the Harry W1ird, -.O, has made the aircraft corrected ita course. they said. bet of his tllitime in Leeds, Eng. JAL offlclalli in Seoul denied any of its land. His btiotle. friend, Jim Win-• Homes of Bone ~~y.-yed Into rutrici.d air space dosor, gave him 100,000.1 odds .he Tluneo Hirata, chle.f of the JAL Seoul will not live to be 100. If Ward M 0 SC 0 W ( UP I ) -Sovie t··:-~lnllch, sald It hid been positively reaches the century mark, he-lYill a'rchleoloJitts have une1nhed houau esllbUJhed no JAL plane was iftvolved in get $12,000 for his 12 cents. HTbey constructed by prehistoric man of the the lncideat. are the biggest odds I've ever bones of mammoths, the Soviet new1 U.S. military off1clals ln Seoul said so given anyone on anything," Win-agency Tua said Tuesday. far u they knew no American aircrafl d sor said. 'I'll be more than happy Tua Aid tcienlilta found the houses were involved. to pay up if Harry lives to be 100. near the Ukrainian town of Cherkapy. The firing incident surpriled residents It will mean J'll be 83 for one lbey were built 7,000 yean ago. of SeooI Tue.day evenln1 but there was thing." "The Ont dweUin& found wu built of no olflC!lll upl1n1tlon of wbot boppened 385 bonea of the prehiatortc animal/' unUI this monu., . • Amersbam, England Council de- cided to issue free earplugs to its parks staff alter medical officer l•n Burn• reported that the "cum· ulative effect" of the noise of a motorized lawn mower "can cause dea!ness." Tus said. Air apace over downtown Seoul Js Wortlng on tbe theory that tbe house strictly C011troiled and no mllltary or wu part of a villa,e, the archaeologists civllian aircraft are allowed to fly over kept digging and found a second house the area without advance authorill.tion. near the fint one, Tass uid. Anny M•j. Yun Pil-Young, commander The dwellingl made of 111ammoth bones of the Seoul prrilon command, w~ will be dtlpl1yed in a musewn tn Kiev, today any future lircraft violatinc tbe tbe capital of the liovlet Ukraine. rulel will be abot dolon. Rain Floods Some States Storm Waters Sweep South; East Swelters in Humidity I • ' BLACKOUT TRAFF IC COP Ed McCouloy KMps Cool I ' • ' ~.,. ..... -~-• • -........._ Electrlelt1 Cat y-: ....-----• E·ast reatened ~' _By Power Crisis By Uded Preu lntern1ti0nal F o re c • 1 t of continued !Kkfecree temperatures today forced utilities to urge customers to conserve electricity in hopes of preventing a recurrence of Tuesday's brownouts that plagued the Eastern Seaboard. · Tuesday's final summer heat wave and generator 1 failures produced what IQJJle authorities CODSidered the w<rst power crisis or the year .. temperatures climb- ed into the mid-909 in many areas today, the first day of autumn. A combinatioo of the heat, generator problems and heavy electrical u s a g e forced power companies to black out some areas and reduce voltage eliewhere in an area stretching from Canada to Virginia and ~ deep into Western Pennaytvaitia . Consolidated Edison cut electricity Tuesday to 90,000 homes In Staten Island and-perb-of-Wfltchest•-<Aunty in-Ne" Y-ork in an eUort to prevent another blackout such aa occurred on Nov. 9, 1965, when most of the Nortbeut had no power. In 10utheaatern Pennsylvania, homes in Philadelphia and Bucks County , wtre blacked ouL About 250,000 residents were affected. The Eastern power companjes, which on hot days cannot produce enough elec- tricity to meet public demands, imported power from othe~ producen as far west as Mi5souri and Iowa. '__. Commooweallh EdilOll ol Ollcqo, whk:h had a surplus of Powe.r, said it WIS sending about 1.2 mlllion kilowatts eaatward while tbe Illinois-Misaow'i power pool was exporting another million kilowatts. New York's Con Ed sufft'red not. Only from heavy demand,, by its own U1er1, but Cronl shortages Jn New J er s e y , Pennsylvania and Delaware. Con Ed eut hick its output to feed the other com- pa~s through the New York Stale power pool. During other critical times in the summer.-the other companies bad be1ped out Con Ed. • _ Con Ed reducecf itS VOltage IS much a! a per cenl and "Plained further r<due- tions could dunlge IOJDe borne •P- pliances. At ~ peak of the crisis, u the temperature hit 9f degrees, It resorted to cutting off all electricity to .some nel&hborhoods. Power w:as rettored "ter 25 minutes. Castro Reports Raiding Party From U.S. Routed Deputies Tell of Meeting MIAMI CAP) -Fidel Castro's govern- ment today claimed it has crushed a nine-man raiding party launched from ihe United States, capturing eight of the invaders and killing one. In broadcam monitored in Miami, the Cuban radio said three of Castro's troops were killed in a series of skinniabes along the island nation's northern cout Sept. 14-20. ' Manson Before Slayings LOS ANGELES (AP) -Two sheriff's deputies say they crossed paths with Charles Manson two weeks before the Sharon Tate murders and the hippie-type clan leader told them he rould have had his followers shoot them down. They said they didn't attach much im- portance to the incident and consequently filed only routine reports. Later, Jess than a week after the August 1969 slayings of the blonde movie star and six othefs. Manson and 18 members of liis tribe of young people were arrested in a raid on their rom· mune at the Spahn movie ranch. They were suspected of stealing cars. But no one connected the group with the slaying.s, another deputy testified Tuesday, and they were released for lack of evidence after beint jailed 41 hours for investigation of grand theft and con· tributing to the delinquency of minors. Among those arrested at the time were all four persons currently on trial. Manson and three women followers - Susan Atkirui, 21, Leslie Van Houten, 20, and Patricia KrenwiJ!kel, 22 -are charg. ed with murder-conspiracy in the killings. A communique issued by the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces deteribed. the raiders as "merCenaries" and said they had been trained for five months in Florida "with frequent contact! with -agents of the United State, government." The raiders left Miami Sept. 1, the Cuban radio said, and moved on to Cay Williams -the British owned island in the Bahamas chain where 11 Cuban fishermen were held hostages earlier thia year after being abducted by the militant exile group Alpha 66. Five days later, the radio said, the raiders moved to another British island, Green Cay, for six final days of prepara~ lion for the landing Sept. 14 near Banes, a coastal city in Oriente Province. Bush mills. , Tfie Whiskey_that-spans tlie generations gap~ ' ' -'<c I 'S ,.,. • ·-· U!OI Ttle"'9" • 'STREE·T PEOPLE' JOINED THE FIGHT AGAINST HUGE BERKELEY FIRE lonv--haired Youths Seid-Big Help in Fighting Destructive Brush Blaze - Kills Self · Berserk Gunnmn ·- Slaug~ters Four -..... ALBAN'!'. N.Y. (AP) -bu lding between 1:30and1:40 • F'our persons were shot to a.n1., about 10 minutes after death today Jn a buUding al some of those killed had -lhe state office campus by a reported for work. gunman who then look his own The woman r e p o r t e d Life. police said. recenlly estranged from h~r Witnesses said lhe gunman husband was shot on the fiflh was the estranged husband or Ooor of the building. one of three women reported Bill Frangello, a witness killed. The other person killed who saW the rifleman. asked was a male employe of the the man: "What are you State Labor Department. trying to do? Start a revolu· Police released oo identities ~ lion?" tmmediately. Frangello, who works in the One report wa s that the pri nting offict, told reporters k'iller was an employe of the 1he tall, heavy-set man "just Labor Department, in "'hose looked at me." building the shooting occurred This was after four persons . at lhe office-building complex had been killed . Fra1ni:ello said on the city's oulS~irts. He was the man then walked into the said to have gone on a leave of stairtA·ell on the ground floor. absence Tuesday but was to People out.side heard a blasl have picked up his pay check and discovered the alleged today. He arrived with a rifle. killer had shot himself in the Washing ton Youths Riot WASlllN{;TON (AP) Bands of black youths looted stores and • tossed rocks and bottles at police cars along a 20-block area Tuesday night and early today in the second strai8;ht night of disturbances. O>ILY PILOT 5 No 'l'raee .4:t·l<J,ntic---Probed .• For-Balloonists NEW YORK (UPI) Rescue planes flew over 50,000 square miles of chilly North Atlantic early today searching for two men and a w<iman who disappeared Monday night while trying to reach Europe in a helium-filled balloon. The rescue teams have seen no evide~ or the balloonists, whose last radio message said they were losi ng altitude in a storm and preparing lo land. From dusk Tuesday until dawn today three special airplanes listened with elec- troaie gear ror two emergency radio beacons knowa to have been aboard the ~foot-tall balloon. The planes heard nothing, • spokesman said at Lhe Coast Guard search and rescue center here. · day over two areas JJO and 450 miles southeast of Cape Race, ('Jewfoundland. There was ont report Tuesday night of a flari sighting, but the Coast Guard said it was COMidered unlike- ly, A cutter sent to that spot scanned the water early today with searchlights and lisfened for radio messages, but heard nothJrfg .• SEA SCHWINN 411 I. 17" St., C... M .. .WE HAVE Al:~MODELS NOW! Fire Guts 37 Hom-es-GunshoL' erupted in the head. Police chr.!f Jerry Wiison said 24 persons were arrested.· but there "·ere no reporl~ of injuries. Seven planes new iearcb pattern~ at low allitudes Tues- ' 200 Acres Blackened in Berkeley 1-Jills BERKELE Y tAPl -A 200-schools . acre brush fire whipped by hot . dry wi11ds was brought under control except for "hol spots" late Tuesday in the Berkeley Hills after destroying 37 expensive homes a n d lhreateniAg 12 others. fire of- ficials said . Firemen reported seven in- juries in the Berkeley lire. none serious · except one possi· ble heart attack. There were no injuries reported in any of the other fires. 1 1'wo other blazes erupted during the aftemOOJt a few miles north east of nearby Richmond. but were contained near Alvarado Park after about 50 acres of brush burn - ed. "There are still hot spots burning in the canyons.'' said an Oakland Fire Department :oipokesman. "and we've still got full crews up there . but otherwise il's u11der control ." Meanwhile. the resources or Wilh viole.1U gusLo; or wind the Sf.ate division of Forestry buffeting the Berkeley blaze , \\'ere strained during a hot. SO pieces of equipment and 300 rlry afternoo11· as 'eight other men -many of them Jong- fires erupted up and doy,•n the haired volunteers from the northern part of the state. streets of Berkeley 1 - They ranged rrom t h e clambered up the steep can- b11.1shy hills of San ~1ateo yons beating o u I burning County to 200 miles north in piles of pine needles an d the red\\·oods of southern eucalyptus leaves with wet liumbolrlt County. sacks and sho veling dirl on. 'I'he l)ivision of Forestry. spot fires. which sent 10 bor.:ite bo1nbers Oakland 1-'ire Chief Patrick to battle lhe Berkeley bla7.e . Doyle. coordinating the efforts said it caUed up 40 fire cre\\'S of many fire departments and totaling about 600 meh . from volunteers. said the outer as far away as Susanville in limits of the fire were con- the tortheastern part of the ·tained -aboot 2 p.m. Before stale. that. the fire had raced up and Some residents of the dense-down canyoRs. leaving homes ly wooded are.as a b o v e burned to their foundations Berkeley and the University of and kn(ljki11g r. radio station California fl ed their homes as off the aii;.. whA its transmit- lhe bla?.e spread "like ter cable was burned out. :-wildfire''--through-tlnder""l'.fry Doyle-said-the blaze;l\11ich pine and eucalyptus. stai:ted near its northern limit "There's a huge fire coining at Grizzly Peak Boulevard. a across the...hlll. l'.m going_w.itb_ main artery over. the_hills to the baby.'' Mrs . Kev i n lhe east. roared in hit and Blackwell telephoned her hus-miss fashion for as far as a band at his ofice. Blackwell mile and a ha lf south to Old rushed home and was able lo Tunnel Road near t h e ~ave th!! $39.000 structure with Caldecott Tunnel through the the garden hose. t Bay hills. Some 400 children were oke r1s111g from the taken from lwo elementary. der-dry hills. which have n1any large hon1es nestled among the trees. \Vas visible 50 miles· away and swept over several Bay A re a com· munities, including San Fran· cisco. Nixon Aides Try to Stop Ky Actions \VASHl/\'GTON <UPI ) The Nixon admini stration is re.ported doing all il carr to keep South Vietnan1ese Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky from attending a rally in \Vashington Oct 3. \Va r protesters continue to promise lhey will attempt a citizen 's arrest of Ky if he appears at the rally. Sen. Gorden L. Allott ! H- Colo. ). after Republi ca n Congressional , leaders met \Vith President Nix on at the While House Tuesday, said "everything is being done, every influence brought to bear lo keep him from at- tending this kooky ·rally." \Var .!Qtest !so were making their views on Ky's visit evident. Rennie Davis. one of the .. Chicago Seven" and spokesma-n for an antiwar coalition. said Tuesday at a press conferen ce "the day Ky lands in the United Slates there are going to be groups doing everyth ing possible to pJB(e th.is man under arrest and bring him to trial." CLIP THIS VALUABLE OFFER • PORTRAIT OFFER YOUR CHOICE 8x10 or 1h14 77c ADD SOc WRAPPIN G AND HANDLING TOl'AL $1 27 • No !ppointmf!nl neces1ar1 . co~e 11rly _ • Minors must be wi th parents -one offer per family PROFESSION AL PHOTOGRAPHERS BY EV AN·s STVOIO Choose Safeway -Nearest -You - 3 Days-Fri., Sat., Sun.-S.pt. 25 (26, 27 • 1002'\BAYSIDE DRIVE, NEWPORT B~ACH 2 uays -Tues:, Wed.-Sept. 29, 30 • f'AI RVl~\'J AT VIII.SON, COSTA MESA !-::··rs: 10:?0 lo 6 , . I I I I ' be a friend-finder and receive a ' have your friend open an account at Newport National Bank e and do both of you a favor .... .. (OFFER FOR-LIMITED TIME ONLY) IT"S REWARDING AND FUN TD BE A FINDER ••• . Find_you r friend (a-relative will do•) and bring them to Newport National Bank! After you have int roduced your friend to our New Accounts girl and your fi-iend opens a n~w 5 % % Time Certificate of Deposit Account for $10,000 fo r 60 months or longer, we will give you, a s the ''Friend·Finder,'' a FREE SONY CO LOR N SET. Your friend will receive a FREE SON Y AM DESK RADIO for opening his new account, which pay;s a big 53/•0fG interest compounded daily, paid quarterly or ·ionger at your option (the highest bank interest allowed by Jaw for commercial banks). Certificate may be used as collateral fo r ioans. Your SONY color television set and you r friend 's SONY AM desk radio will be given immediately when the new account is opened with cash, cashiers check, tellers check, or certified check, Other passbooks brought in or sent in will be transfe rred free. (Please allow other c~ecks and passbooks time to clear before claiming gifts.) "ccounts may be opened jointly, i.n trust for different individuals, or as custodian for minors. Prior to maturity no principal may be drawn. •Nol • member of your household. FREE TO FINDER: SONY Trinitrol1"' 12* dia~ sC1ee11. Autocnttic color t:ontror. vri!ater brightness. sharper focus and many other special fealur5. Easily mowd from room to room. FREE TO FRIEND-DEPOSITOR: SONY AM Desk Radio with unique slide tuning and -volume control fo r 1f1"91tter precision and brilliant performance. Beautifully f1r11shed in rith walnut lays flat or tirts up. .................. SP.ECIA~ INSTRUCTIONS IF OPENED BY MAI~ N~""1' JllAnllfMt WK I Pf!nt loi;•I bnnch end fdcfrns ' ,, ' j ' '· : . . -i- \ l ' j I , \ Please open my frme Certilicate of Oeposit-M;count. (Accounts 1111y Iii opt11td )oinllJ, /ft trvst for dilftrenl indi•lclu1ls, ot>as cvstodl1n for mirt0ts. All .ccounts OPl!Md "1 malt must l11n 1ifl1 picked up It !ht .tlioe ..,,.,. -'-~"";°"'~nt is OptMd, bJ tht; Friefld .findef. whoit: si1n1tu11 '""'" Otkrw,) Sony, "' c1n1Sli[Jlr.Wn;ltl-.lf1""f"rllfld:tllldtrlltltl'ITllkt-up~.~~--- • • ' Deflolito(s Fvl flt11111 __ ~~-=--------c~ .. Pfi<tt) • ••• - • DAILY PILOT EOITORLU. P~GE • Voice of. the.~ People After some storn1y .sessjons and more U1u a few acrimoaious eildlanges among to11ncilmen, lbe ...... ~ ' . ' lalk..;i..wu approach ol democracy -and less E'9" , -·· dedloa u:...,. lleadl City c.auncu " begiMZ'"' 1o -Tiie receat 1nu1Wtali-in Lacuna indicale Uta! play a !ew liints ol hmnony, ll ii uoliiely that tlwa five .pwa eve.r...w fwldian Jn -00mpleie agreerneol -and it ......iau•t be good ii tllty Were in aoCord on all ll.iue5. Bui we do '''elcome Ulti;e .utempts to under.5tand the other fellow's point ot. \'ie•'. U,, ....,. of Ille ~-'1111 ri.Qu _lolod •nd i;k.ar .ill!!f_l.be nwuae; ii getl1ng thntu&L For both tbea tacu~ we ,....kl be grateWL A receot '*'nciJ meetine: w.u marked by unani· inous votei oa tiucb varied topics as be&cli ac.ces1, modification ol tbe coatroven.ial commi11ee system and even amendment of the dog on1iaaoce. Late Blooming 'Complaints' 'Ibe latter, for aJI ita good intentiou. appears ., ha,•e been a little late, but it was eocouraging to fiud tbe o>uocil pilling together for once:, in ullilOD in ao at,.. all<mpl to pull the cberulut. out ol lhe fire. Unless I.be rlder has special wrillen permiuiao from private landowners, then: are but two large areas in .all oI Orange c.awit1 when • trail motorcycliJt can pur· sue his sport without breaking the law. One of Ulole areas ii San Clemente1s Seabreeze )fatorcyde Part<. . . l The apparenUy in{Qrmal decision . to "co<N" 'lhe \Voodland housing inspections for· a little while aJJo mates better senae. It should not have takeD political g..UW to preWcl the sort ol reaction that would follow the precipitoua decision to single oat the Woodland area for the first inspections -at best a touchy busineu ill any neiihborhood. In 11i three ~ ol _.ation, ollicial complaint.J about the park nave totaled three -one Sunday morn- ing roar of a patrol motorcycle \Vbich \VU heard in ser· vices at a neam,. cbmdl; tattered butcher-paper sigm ..-bicb. have since been removed; dust kicked up lrOm an access road.. f l Having plunged in where it should have trod care- fully, the council fow>d a hard reaction and now ii tzy. ing to dt:vise a more palatable approach to the task of co1npiling a housing inventory. Police recorded. no noise complaints all sununer. That wu the statlls of the park's history at the lint planning commilsion meeting th.ii month. 1bUI oom- miJIHmen agreed to a \\vo-year extemion lo the park'• use permit. • ' • • ' • , • ' ' • • Part of the problem doubtless has been the ex- cessive zeal of some councilmen in their attempts to fol\o \Y through on pre-election promises . A week later a surprising mushrooming of sudden complaints of noise arose from homeowners separated fron1 the park either by a busy !ree,vay or a deep val- ley. Tbose late blooming "complain'ts" nearly killed Lbe park in council chambers • . ' . J This is commendable. but. once elected. a council· man is apt to di scover he is expected to govern the city In the best interests of all its residents, including those \\'ho did not vote for him. or perhaps did not vote at all Now the operators have three monllui to prove the i<noile problem bu been eliminated." IJ they Jucceed, the two years pennit will stand. · • • . • • Since it rarely is possi ble to please everyone, it orten is necessary to arrive at a workable compromise . A ri:?i d. unvielding attitude can be just as time-consu1n- ing in the long run as the occasionally tiresome let's. \Ve suggest the city. unannounced. monitor tl1e noi se level during p eak usage to help assess validity of the sudden complaint rub. s Bla11ied for Railroads' Fi1aa1icial Trouble• ICC Policies Under Fir~ A few weeks ago high Ni11."0n ad-'· ( ministration officials were in emergency TllE lU3ULTING l\'orthless railroad session considering how lo pre vent the trackage and eqmpmtat, ablndoned and .. Penn Central Railroad collapse from _ non eperadfe. Clllld reqaln the na- panicking an already shaky econom''. UonaJtu•IM of the railroadl tbat were "It is ironic,'' said companies enpced 111111 oongkxn«ate cor-left Same rail l)'lf.ems might 'be one or the high offic· ~ porate activity. rerita1izled bJ cf1\•eraticali<11 of company ials. "that we are sit· ·, ICC 's oivn accaunt.aats found that there activtti!N, tut the beavietl wei&hf in ting here tryi ng to · · the ICC Eeerd repcri is on the other cor r e cl mistakes t · were "serious finaftd,ll manipulations" lide of lhe ale. Tbe ab'eady lick caused by aootixor -~· ~-~ in which conPaeratc management rtJln.d& would be made licm .till. ~overnment agency." ' ,: · ~ siphoned off dividends; m I 1' k et ab 1 e When this report 'vas submitted lo The agency to which ·~.:: 1 securities, real estate of railroad the chairman of the ICC more than he referred "'as the operating systems for the benefit of 1 yt.ar ago the Penn Central company Interstate Commerct the parent eampany and to the detriment was· in the early at.age& of creating Commission, the reg-of the railroads. an immense conglomerate which ha s ulator of the nation's c..'Ome to pV:f wtjle diierfully rijiioftilij: railroads. WHAT IT AMOUNTS TO, the secret ICC policies were blamed for tile tind report sakl, is that a new generalion steady JIRlll'ta. I lhal Some of the things a railroad con-of benevolent pat_erna ism ell· of financial promoCen has rediscovered Jomerale can do Me aur.etive lo l.'OJ!r..!tl~ the fonn~~f co~ _the holding_ ~mpa."!':._ f'!_ ~e older _!ianagement....1.nd ia)fttoli..__j11ere_are by railroad oper3£1ng compamt! to un-general ons J. P:--lf.orpn, Sam Insull tax incentives. The JCC can be bypasSed prove their laggil\g forlunea. ad a bolt of others med boldinc com-«JI tbe appro~·al of new secu rity issues. paniea to build up &1ant ftolncial An appearance of enonnous growth can ONLY rt DlDN1' always work UW wa; 1be ICC ul ior a )iS OU a . . report ol itl own Buttau ·cf Accountl that conilomtralt operat.ionl uually lead lo Lhe juglinc ol !undl loo lrequently dissi.patlq the aaeta ol the railroad& lo non<.arritr cornpaniei in the group. This secret report forecut the same (:Ourse for tbe Penn Cartral. 5ouUwm fJacific, Union Pacifk aM other ralhray 5ysLem1 which had conglomerlle plam under way. 1btre iJ no . record that the railroad regulators in Wubingt.on paid the Jlighteat aUentk>n to the warn- ings of their own account.ants. They resisled lo the end making public tbe sad story of five major railroad ho&din&' ' memanilrna. Some ol them, particularly enblDce stock value by perhaps double . Siiii ·-.... -....... -----------~ u-., ...._.... ..._,. The rec-can be clrcuiilvented in its pin, coDapeed of tbdr own weight and concem that the public be provided adc· rujor IC'"""''' l"ICked the rmancial-com-quate tranSportation service. IDUlllty. 1be public turned against the financial willrda with a poliUcal backlasb that helped 14 -!he R<pubtic>n Party from the solid comfort of its 1oidm ... in Wuhloc14n. In tbe sraent instance, &be ICC hu l>Hn warned by its Butt.au of Accounts: that the crution of mult~ hokting companiet could contribute mightily to the continuinc: neglect of railroad opera- tianl u funds and raoun::ea were drain- ed oil for lhe benefit ol oilier companies AU nns SUGGESTS THAT Congre~ lbOuJd dela y no longer in going for\\'ard with a thorough investigation of the ...,railroad conglomerates, and all con-- gkmerates, as well u ICC re1ulation of the mtion's carrieri. Thia country has paued throu&h the ICl'Ulelt expansionist era in its hilt«y. Stockholders and the public are IUfferin& lhe 1inting feeling that c::omes from the deft.Ilion ol over-up.anded financial _ ....... Smog Now a Global Crisis I Why Not Use Cou11ty Dog Control? To the Editor: ' . ""' I l wilh to present one lit candle lo the citizens of Laguna Beach so Utey \\·on 't ha ve to grope in the dark. Anyone reading this article will agree with me on one point. \Ve in Laguna have dogs running loose and quite a dos: feces ·probiem-tlltoughout the whole-city. We have na strict enforcement of any dog leash law, old or new. Elimiutiq doj:s from areas as parks a~~· i{.Mt an answer to our prob-lems. No provision has yet been presented for the protection or property ownera and respe<:l for their property. Nothing is said about the daily dog feces in front yardl all over the -city. No men- tion is made that a dog O\\'ner is responsi- ble for the acts of his animal, the same as if he committed the act-himself. WE, TN LAGUNA. have recently been orfered a "free" animal control service by the Orange County Health Depart- ment. Thia division of the health depart- ment is servicing approximately' 95 per- •cent of the ciliei in Orange County. This • service is provided free and paid for O'Jt or your real e&tate tax dollars. For each $100 of the asse5sed valuation of your property $1 .67 is applied to lhis fund . You are paying for these services whether you are using: them or not. Your new cily council has refused lo try or even consider these services ror the city of Laguna. claiming lh~y are ir.· adequate. Yd in Laguna. \\'e do not h~ve a deparlmeot of be11llh and 11re using the Orange County Health Department for their 1ervices for our citizens. .... .. .. - Grl<~N!> ALUAN<E Political Epithets In the Old Days ThtmPls at Lar1t: -19&4 -'·Victory is no longer a truth; it is only a word to describe who ii left alive in the ruins" -was Lyndom B. Johnson. • • Americans who imagine lhat our politica1 invective is fiercely personal ought to recall U1e kind of thing said by Disraeli in the British Parliament 100 years ago; in speaking of Lord John Russell, the Prime ?itinistcr observed : "If Jt traveller were infonned that such a man was leader of tht House of Commons, he might begin to comprehend now the ancient Egyptians worshipped an insect: !low languages differ -the most fr&- • • · , que.nt word in English """as not .used 1'he higher you-go in an organization, _aJ .itl in_Latin_, and h~s no La~in the more you know equ1valen~; (A~. there was no L a l 1 n about it.s anatomy, word for yes. l bu t the Jesa about i!s ' • pbyUoJoo -.o that Some bemoan the fad. that '"there are a President can tick .no be roes anymore~" Lbappen to agiu orf e.,.ery bone, mus. with Frank Manuel. the historian, who cle, and nerve-end, declared, "The Age ol the Heroes, like but be puuled wben the Age of tht Gods. is dead. It is time the organism sho•·s that the Age of Men began." , symptoms of indigeS-• • • tion, flatulence or heart failure. • • • 1llere will be no rest, and no release, for the human spirit as long as we stublxlrnly keep confusing the pursuit or pleasure with the pursuit of happiness. • • A modem "statesman" is .a man who doesn't read his own speeches w he n he gtves them : it is inconceivable that the man who delivered these words in 'The trouble with skepticism is that eventually a man doesn't believe anythin, he hears, even when he says it liim&elf. • • • You can always recognize a demagogue -he makes you feel a.shamed for not' sounding as patriotic as he does . • • • ''Survival of lhe fittest'' is 1 treacherous doctrine if taken in a simple- minded way : for the ultimate surviVor may be the cockroach not I.be Caesar. More on Speer's Book AJbert Speer, like Eichmann , expressed the "banality of evil." in Hannah Arcndt's term. He \\'as a technician who did his job, both as H.iUer's chief I •• ~··· ,...,., ....... """' _,_,. • ,. "7'V ···- 'l'he Boolwiaa · Smog ha1 berome a knife at modem 1nan's throat. From New York to Tokyo people are rubbing red eyes and trying lo ease ra1v throats as an opprePive blanket ·or smog smolhen their cities. A group of inttrmUonal acienll•t.I warn- t:d Wt February !hot "1 global crll~ exilt& •Ith , respect. to envtronmental quality" -and the awnmer smog has proven It. 80 death.!! on the ea.stern seaboard of I.ht United States. IF THIS SERVICE is aderiuate ror architect and city planner in the mid- i · f 1 -h h Id •· d 1930s and, during the "'ar years, as the • _1 In mkHown New York, a Heretary corms ln out of the amog and aay•: "After J came to work today, I fel1 like I lbouid take oul my whole respiratory l)'SleGl and wash it." In Sydney, ALUttalla, 1 wave of . no:<ious industrial gat envelopes the city with the odor ol rotten fUI· In Mexko Cily, the STl'IOi b to heavy mornlng vl~blllly ls oft~ Jess than 11 block. And in Tokyo, 8,803 peop!e___were treated in hospitals for throat, lung and eye ailments over a ten-day period. 5-and air poUulloo are 1l<o pr~ ' l . I lema behjnd the Iron curtain. "Our foraU; fieldl aod gardens are becoming quieter and qu.ieler.·· laments KomJOmOl skaya Pravda. "\Vhere have ttle bird.I gone?" Palla ol aort-<lOll imoke huna: over Jhe cities of Eutem Europe last winter. SOME SCIENTISTS are l'onvinced c tizens 0 Lodguna t ey s ou uc: goo efficient hflnister of Armamen•· and War H'U · d 1·be I · h enouih for the control of our animal prob. "" 1 er s e 1 rate ymg to U1 g:enerab, tmOI is affecting the work1'1 weather Jem. production. tM leader's withdrawal into tm ·Berlin by decreasing sunlight and cooling the Last Wedne!day, l\'C have been advised On trial as a war criminal, lhis upptr bunker and ultimate tomb. middlt-<:Ja ss feJlow from Mannheim chou: earth's surface. Sdch a decline in sunlight by our new city council, at the oouac.il not to defend himseU at Nuremberg. He This book is Shirer's "The Rise and could have far -reach.inc efferts since meeting. that a new contract is in the freely admitted his guilt. i( only by Fall of the Third Reich" lhrou.Jh lhe the amount of lllllicbt regulates tbe mating with the Society for the Preven-association. "Who else is to be he.Id looking glass, as we suggested recently. growth of plant& and crops. The Smitt... lion of Cruelly lo Anin1als , a nonprofit responsible for the course of event.s ... he And, of coune, from HiUer's confidant organization, that by putting a little more said, "tf not the closest-auoc:iates more intimate. nian !nstitution tw found that auau,M icing on the cake, the city's cost for their around the Chief of Stale?" Hitler 's last words. for .example, reaching \Vashinglon hu bern cut by aervieet will be eoing up from "80 per according lo $peer, who wu with him 16 percent over th! past haU oeu\ury. ---"· ...... J' so lh lb end 'I h I '" .. "" .., "" ~· per mon · SPEER DREW 20 years in lhe .,..;_, near e : ' s aJ no!. right The lntematlonal Biolog\caJ Program ,... -·· u -· -al d. losed 1 1 1 1 I wonder why, don't you? tit ..: ... •ndau ....... ...iing the time in pursuit persona y. J1.:re LS ways the danger isc p ans or 1 globa ear y-waming "Y"' ~... that I Id I be -·-•~ II we want an animal control law, \er~ or scholarshlp and \vriting his memoirs, wou on Y w.,...~ and fall system capable of detecting JIOllUt.ants · •-lb ha-•· f lb R -I INCREAllNG industrialization r>f the spell it out and let's ha,•c the county en-published now as ';lnslde the Third mw e 1iua o e uas1ans a ive .• •·orld ii tht: major cause of alr poJlutlon. in the air, Following the latest . smo1 force it. ~ Reich... .Fraulfiin Braun wants to depart this life attack, Japan has decided to form a lib and l'U hoot ExhaUil from cars. trucks and buses A EXANDER HOOK In it he presents an in-de"'h portrait or w me, s BI on d l I I I bo r national environmental disrupUoa control ""'' bel ~--• Bel" s -is ~•pons b c or a ut .60_perce.nt o Hiller aod members ol the Naii orcuauu. 1e.ve me, rt;· 1t is easy b'· lb -U . headquarters: Automobiles havt" been r •· end 1·1 A -r the pro ""'m in e entire n1ted State.s: titerarchy and accounts of poliUcal or me w my 1 e. e moment 1-banned Irom ma1·or Tokyo shopping areas ' and I'm I ··' ! Lhl l'ber ,~ and as much as 85 percent w tome Dogs on. Beaches infighting, Goering vs. Himmler vs. ra:u o every ng, 1 a""' cll.ies such u Los Angeles and on Sundays and holidays. The Russians Goebbels vs. Martin Bormann. Jl ii • from this painful e1istcnce. " • • -"'--:===============~-t!W.11_IJ.inlton, Industry is the _ lec:ond are won.Ina: with an cx-pertmental t lec· To the Edllor : catalogue of 11itl.er's bll.lllden, milftary (Macmillan ; 812.50). = trlo--f...-_for....,._;n_olJ ud-' _ _:_ __ ..:.,.:_....:._ _ _,ruit..._Hot~---' l•rpst •ir polluter with the wn:e bli&eil Int u it come to-ihe,...,U1t wherrpcnple-,~ndeed. It awem s that"" offtnden be.Ina: petroleum refineries, ref ria. don't count at all ? The ocean is full or Speer wai the only one wh:I dared openly smelters and iron foundries. Power sev;age and we can 't walk on the oeaches tell the leader the >A'ar woukl be !OIL. He •--~~•la_ .. ~ants rant nerl in line, "'ilhout stepping in the messes that dogs became diuncbanted ••ltb Hitler before I ____... ·au1 1ong before the invention of the Dear make. the end. De•1r George: a.ulOmobile. tmo& was menacing man. If people who O\l'n dogs don't havr. And the death CAmpi7 Speer had heard Pt1y son·in·law caUed me ~ dodo. ~--~-~wec1nesday,Sept..-23 . ..1910_ -rnie ~1tkmt1l-Ceographic.Socitly-rtport.I--GI room for them on their own property:. 1 _rumors or suc~as a m~ent l.$ ~; good or bad? \\'hat Is Tht editorial pogi11: of the Dtril11 that fh JOt 8.C:. ·~ anU-remtni~t Chine~ -001.tly think iUs an outrage for_ them 10...be able technician ronoemiid wltJI arms 1 ·'--- Pilot IHkl to fnfonn crnd 1rm.. ~ dubbed it tht \lt~an s wind, G to lifttt the beaches which ire our production an(fi1iCt-igalnl lme paid'-- --A1RS~t. ulatt rtoatri by prtienting this saying: '.'It shakes (man) "':!th t'Oughlna: Ufil! · htrlt1ae here in California . . llUle attention to them. ''Thls deliberate. Dc:r~rs. :r.: rt' b'rtl th 1 nttelJ)dptr'& °*'-Iona and com-It tllll hl111 be.fort hls ti me. -_ EMILY L. RA \'MONU blindness outweighs whatever good,_I rnR~ can't n; LS95an11 ~ \s1~~lh~I I'~ ITUTl!a'll on topics ol inttrttl , Smog became a cle3r and prexnt hove done or tried to do,'' he writes. The · • ' . · ""' -..1.1J danaer In the l)Oil•\Vorld \Var 11 era memoits, ho\\'tver, are nallber apol""v sutt your son-1n·l51w nicans that and tlgn.f(icon«. v• P'"""""' 0 .,, · Lttttra tram reod4r1 art Wf:lcome. n-_1....,. nal They are a ""'-"' ael':f as a tenn ?.f endear1nent. ~uch fonim for th1 tzprt11lon a/ On the mornln& of Oct. 211• lHI. the ls tt lrut that L1g\Ula. Beach at· 1Vormotly writers should i.:onvt11 t11eit "' .. .,.. · . ~-AS "old· cro"' or ')!lagple:." Stnd .---811 George ---. I OUt' ,~ opmiotll .. msd . by 1kies. at D.tnor~. Pa .• deUvered a dctidl _ mc&.sa.Qes in 300 WQt.d.;s_or lea•. The footnote., on tht'i rtgt'"!'c trom the inside hhn 8 nett present.it ~·Ill surprise ~~-+~pr'°•7Jt!On'i'•ift0l1i: ctfvtrst warnma-ol-lbinp...to...come During lhc-•-==~~~~=~ -right-to-eondentt-ie'u,..s '° Iii ipac~~·n~d~on~lhiilc~mcoo~noilm':'an=••~c-w __ ho'-'---"'"'t_ou=L -'lo"---t--"'m.-----------l--,----1~--l)Ofn:ll of tnforrrud ob1en7era ne:xt four days riC3rly hatr the !4.000 -r . A. s. "'eliminate libel ii 1t1ervtd. All""' arid 1pokc1mn °" &Opic:t CJ( Ui.e rtsldtntl boxame sick. and 20 dl~d. On lers mus& Include tigno:ture ond maJL- dau Dec. $, Jt5Z, 1mog enveloped London ,~ .... .,_ r11ttm ,.....,, •• -. ... i1,g 4ddrt11. bu& names mau be tOft"" · -and dclilth!I incrcast'd by t,000 O\'c.r 111"t.en11~1 mn. 11 t• ft1ww111tt. '"" l1cld on t'CQUtil if 1u./}lcle1tt reason nobert N. \Veed, Publisher 11orn1al lc\!tls. And durtng Th11nk 5givlnll •M "' ~· " • ._, OP. o.11F '""· it apporenl Poetr11 will not b1 pub- "eek in 1966, another klllu amOQ caused lishtd. r HE DISCl/SSES m3Ucr-of-h1tlly 5UCh lhif'lg~ as Ge1·m1111y's nn1rred otomic program : Gotrlng "'' 11rt colleclor, the 1·eaclion to the Normand)' illva$iou, (Dtlcinmns unrarrlcd. Problems unk.10t1cd. Chc.np. \\1Mt e to George, \\·ho Is out of the high-rent ,dlJltlct. II • advl sc-s from t.rcc.}. c fl r l 1 s y c c L b • ~ • • 1 l I < r-~_,.,.,,.,. __ .._.._ .................... "":''"'!'"'"~~~'"'!'~~~~~~~~'"'!~,..~~~~~~~ .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~.~~- / -• ' .., I , Wtdnts~. $tp"1nbtr 23, 1970 DAILY PILOT f -pnru1e_ Vp '" Arnt• CHECKING . :. UP• ,-:-Ordere_d to Bar, Say Salazar Witnesses--Saeramento Veto-Session LOS ANGELES (UPI) teargu J11"1Jtctll• whlCh pi<ro- Four men tettUied Tuesday 1t ed Salaur1s skull wu fired in- • a coroner'& lnquelt they were l4 the Silver Dollar Cafe. Logical Gal Makes ordered at gunpoint by sher-w:,nt:~~ G~la:ldi!~ Ends; Reagan Wins 19-0 . . . ~~~~il:f~r=n~ ~:ve: :~:d~t~~~·t!! ::;1:,: SACRAMENTO CUPI) -percent. But at a news con--one or the finest bodlel of tta -:-----.--= _ --......:'Yllh teargas projeclilu~utea_before t~_Urst pr~ The Leslgtature, branded a ference Tuesday, the governor Riod to be found in the naUon, C · • t t s 1 d of which struck -and killed Jectlle was fired. "bureaucratic maze" by Gov . said ~ extra live percent jt nQt· the world. •• if you uk 011818 e11 a a S newsman Ruben Salazar. . Both Nicholas J(Jeminko, 19, Ronald Reagan, planned to a~· boost wpuld have been "un-me my personal feellnga about · Gustavo. Garcia, te5tlfy1ng a co1npanion, Jimmy Flores, journ its brief veto override fair" to other state employes. it, I'll lell you 1 don't think A STUDY OF crime among college student.s i n d I c a t e s freshmen and so phomores are far more ap L to sleal stuff than juniors and seniors . . . THE HISTORICAL RECORD, shows G e o r g e Washington wanted all U.S. presidents, in- cluding himself, to be ad· dressed as "His Mighliness." • . . IT ~AS BEEN FOUND those youngsl~ 'who still horse around with hulu hoops are most · skilful in their performance when Uiey are exceedi nfilly tired. PERSONAL NOTE -Am asked H I ever kept a diary. Tried to. Once or tw ice. As a youngster. But not for long. No body tells the truth in a diary. Recall the account of Reagan Sees Carn puses Cooli1ig Off INGLEWOOD (AP) -Gov. Reapn met with 20 Soulhern California college s t u d e n t leaders Tuesday night and 1>aid afterward he feels there will be. Jess violence on cam- pus this fall. "It seems to be in the air. • . . .more contact, m o r e students and faculty members raising their voices against violence," Reagan t o I d news men . "Anyone would have to be a fool to say tha t there will be no trouble," the Republican chief executi ve added. He said revolutionaries, not 1 h e <1verwhelming majo rity o f students, would c a us e the trouble. The ·governor. seeking re· election against 0 e m o c r al Jess Unruh , sa id last spring "·as a turning point. He said many mJ)Cierate st u d e n t s became concerned after he directed college presidents and university chancellors to shut down their campuses because or student protests over the U.S. invasion or Cam- bodia. Reagan was asked about President Nixon's proposed legislation to allow the FBI to inve1ligate ca mpus arsons and bombings without approval by local authorities. "I find it hard lo oppose anything aimed a t curbing such violence," R e a g a n replied. He called campus bombings "the most cowardly and vicious terror tactics that can be employed." Student body presidents who met with Reagan in a closed- door session are members of Students for a Creati ve Socie· ty, many of them Reagan sup.. porters~ He said their most pressing concerns are military spe nding, the Vietnam war and the country's s oc i a I ailme nts. Reagan said he told them thal California co 11 e g e students have many legitimate grievances, including t h e emphasis on research in unive rsities, e x p e n s I v e leaching costs and the im· persona lily ca used by growth of the ca mpuses. Fire Rages For 3 Ho1n·s LOS ANGELES (API -One fliUsidc horn~ was destroyed and several others threatened for a time by a wind-whipped brush fi re in winding Beverly Glen Canyon in West Loi Angeles. More than 150 fire fighters, aided by four helicopters . con- tained the blaze after it burn· the elderly Puritan minlater? lie compil ed 27 volumes <1f his personal journals. MoSlly they held the lofty reflections of a saintly outlook. However, the pages were frequently fool· noted wilh the initials "T.F." And it wasn't until years later his heirs discovered in other of his papers that those lettr:rs meant ''Tempted '' and '·Fell." AVERAGE Nm18ER of players in high schot>I bands is 40, average age of said players is 15 ... BROWN SUGAR is neve r made frorn beets. never ever. .A F E ~1 1 NI NE CLIENT In Arkansas says she kru:iw~ a i\1 r. and A1 rs. Carr whO named th eir little boy Ford, ho ho .• ,t'\IAGNETIC COMPASS of t'he. Chine9e alwa ys points south ... YOUNG LADY, IF you're 24 and single. chances run one in five you'll marry within the next 12 months. WVE AND WAR -"When J was going with the girl who later was to become my wife, I fffituently ate dinner at her apartment," writes a Georgia gentl.eman. "It was the third time I ate her salad that I . knew she was the girl for me. Jt wasn't just good. It was consistent. A girl whose salad turns out different every -time is a scatterbrain. But if her salads are always the same, she 's a good logical reasonable woman. My old man believed that, and so do I." CUSTOMER SERVICE -Q. j;W)'tich got started first in this country, the Girl Scouts or the Camp Fire Girls'!" A. The Girl Scouts. They beat the Camp Fi re Girls with their orgaQ,jzalional announcement by five days. In lo.iarch or 1912. Jt might be noted th ose Scouts originally called themselves the Girl Guides. SO YOU SAY-your dad ridicules your m u s ta che. ~young fellow? 'l'hink nothing <lf it. You know what <1ld Charles Dickens sa_i d abou t mustaches: ''They are glorious, glorious! Without them life would be a blank' .•. ANY POET WIJO gets Im· patient · with his performance ought not. "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" has 128 lines. But it took 'lbomas Gray eighl-years_to finish_U. That's not. much better than one line every 23 days. Your question1 and com· mrnts are welcomed and will be used in CHECKING UP wherever possible. Ad· dress le:ters to L. M. Boyd. P.O. Bo:c 1875, Ne wpo rt Beach, Calif., 92660, at the 1nvesUgation Int o testified they "'ere standing sessi ons today and allow Most state employes, in-there ls enough money t.o pa)' ~alaiar's death during rioting near the bar when a deputy Ar H' ••~ job the In East Los Angeles Aug. 29. armM with a shotgun a~ ea It members to resume cam-cludlng highway patrolmen, :;mdo~ .• ~IC great y s~ld _four deputies approac~ preached them. palgnlng for re-election. earlier this year were given But the a:ov~ noted the ~Im 1n. the slreel and one sa~d, J They quoted the deputy as B s . After two days or trying t ·1 fi ve percent salary raises. The pattolmen will be recelvlnc II\ ~et into th~ ba~. or you re 'saying. "Gel inside the bar or y e1·1es override Reagan's vclocs, the ne\V three percent CHP raise eight percent overall raise, going ~ gel ~died. we.'\l shoot." score stood at IH in the is on top of that. compared to ftve __ .,. for Garcia said he heard no ,,_ ........ other warning before the Gustavo Garcia, ·who had 0£ Q l governor's favor. "There was nothing I bated other state employee. been with Salazar's part>' Ua {CS Republicans, with only a few more than having to veto this ··tt wia tuat •plain cue of before leaving to ma ke a r.'lt.able exceptions, v o t ed bill." the governor told his balance," he said. "To put one Dela y Seen telephone c:all . said he told thz LOS ANGELES I .\Pl along party lines to sustain the ftrst Capitol news conference section of employes totally out journalist aft e r his con· Four earthquakes, <111 con1ing election-year \letoes of the since Aug. 4. of line, it just didn't lltDl rrontation with the deputy that \\'\th in an hour, j 0 s t 1 e d GOP, governor. "'lbe highway patrol. ... is fair." he should leave. Democrat Jess Unruh,fp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;i;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .. For Disney 'Ski Resort Garcia sai~ Salazar replied, Southern California early ti> Reagan's outspoken campalgri "Why'! We haven't done day. None was slrong enough opponent in the Nov. 3 el ec- anything." to cause significant damage. a lion, piaMed to renew his Nine w\tneases who were In-spokesma~ at the Callfornia fig ht to override t h e side the bar have testlfied that Institute .t0( Technology selS-gov ernor's "outrageous" F'HESNO (UPll _ The they heard no warnings before d partial veto of a highway thi: teargas was fired. mology laboratory sal · patrol salary bill. Unruh fieed . opening of the $35 million Other witnesses outside the All of the tremors \Vere ed :>4. votes Tuesday and fail· Mineral Kin g Ski Resort may bar at the time of the incident centered In the Inglewood-Tor-ed. 45-5. be delayed as much as four have teitlfied that deputies "Crime i~ increasing in Y a b r a Sl·erra Club ranee area, the spokesman ad-e rs ecause o gave adequate warnings. California faster now than any suit. even if the ainservationist Deputies said-they went to ded. time in our history," Unruh group's legal eforts fail. the bar after they had receiv-The largest -second in the said, "but only about two e T.V. TALENT HUNT WE ~EEO AN ATTRACTIVE YOUNG LADY WHO HAS AN INTEREST IN TEACHING TO HOST AN EDUCATIONAL CHILDREN'S TY SERl~S Should lie BetwHn IS.30 Yuro Of At• • An 'injuncti on preVenting ed a report that a man with a string or tremors - came al cents of every state dollar construction at Mineral King gun was inside and fired the I :33 a.m. and recorded a spen t goes for crime control was ordered lifted last week tea·rgas only after giving magnltude of 4 on the Richter or prevention. lt's time we b Ill N. Ill c· ·1 Co t r Hlll IS YOU• CHANCI TO GAIN IXPllllNCI I HOO y e In 1rC:UI ur 0 warnings. &ale. The first temblor was replaced talk with money." YOU• OWN SHOW ON TILIYISION. IOI APPOINTMIMT CAU. Appeals In San Francisco and Salazar was a columnist for a\,·1:15 a.m. and reCGrded 2.9. Originally. Reagan said the LARRY MAITIN llTWllN t A.M.·5 P.M. the Sierra Club said it would the Los Angeles Times and The third shaker was al I :50 slate's "tight fiscal situation" appeal the decision. news director for Spanish a.nl. and recorded 3.5 and the forced him to reduce a 642•5253 ·But the delay caused by the language television station final tremor, at 2 a.m., legislative-approved five per. NEWPORT CABLEVISION injunction hampe~!~ial, ~KME~~X;__ _______ _:r~eoo~rd~ed~3'.::.4'.:.. ______ ~ce;:n::t ~C:'.;HP~s~a~la~ry!_'.h~ik~e~l~o_:t~hr~,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· element of the pru~ .. Walt1~ · Disney development -the all· ;~eather road lead.Ing from Three Rivers tnto the High Sierra Mountain Valley. It was the 26-mlle access road through a section of Se· quoia National Park. as well as electric -poy,•er tines and limits on federal rerceation leases, that was the crux or the Sierra Club's suit. Sugar Plant Strike Ends CROCKE'IT (AP) -The strike at the California &: 11awaiian Sugar Co. plant here came to an end Tuesday night when worker s ratified a new Contract, 660-145. Federal mediator Jerry Finley said pickets were withdrawn from the plant at 8:30 p.m. and worken began returnirig to work Wednesday moming. The strike by 1,200 members of Sugar Workers Local began June .I over wages and fringe benefits. The new four·year contract, with 44 months to run, pro- vides a 13 percent pay raise immediately with 5 percent more in each of the nert three years. A c o s t -of-living escalator clause could add up to three percent more. Old pay rates ranged from $25.91 to $3L.62 per day. What timing! _ The playoffs ·start next week. Our color TV .on sale this week. Free ifv1i11G daeckii19 cmd Canlisela Baal( nowin Newporl Bead1.. For a limited time you can become a Charter Member of Centinela Bank's new regi<1nal office in Newport Beach, and get a frft penonal ' cheddJlg account for your entindlfe! · Free Bu siness Checking Accounts with mini .. mum balance. All accounts insurtd to $20,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Services of Cmlinela Bank o Drive-in TV T tiler Banking -Soon a &nt-in Banking at our 65-foot. dock o Dock-to-Dock Bank C\Jatomer Pickup and Dtlivery Service a U.Hour Local Yacht Race Results and Daily Fishing Reports -Call 642·1440 o Extended banking houn: &J0·5 pm Monday- Thursd.ty, Until 6 pm Fridays o Fr« Banl:-by-M>il Service Sa1es2a9 saw MO.""· 321 '"""°*•• •Coft .... Mar.,,.. a.ble model cotor TY wtth 18 inch 1erN11 meuured dlegonaJly. Walnut llnllh over hardwood cabinet. lf----"'d....lor....lhr«Jmir.s'-'""'''-11--ll-''-aboul 50 acres or steep ter· 28 $81tr~ • rsin. No. injuries were reported. Firemen said a $40.000 home be.longing to Dr. PrelCOit C. Rasmussen w a s destroyed after embers Janded on the . :...N2...qne was home. ADVl•TISPINf ..,. MO. ,. ... 1321. Pe1wtef'9lt • "llrtr ..,.._. .. ..,... table mod9f. color TV with 19 Inch 1ereon meas- •rod d)_.ny. Maplo r<nllll °"·°' hllrdwood Cllblntt. ~ --:::==----= .... ......... ~·-··· ..... OOM:Dll TY ............. h8I large n• IC'"'1 me8turtd dl- agonolly-cont.mporary" otyte wltft welnut -on hordt>oW colllnll. -8 DALY PILOT Wedltndly, StJlffl'lllfr U, 1910 For the Record Tom Lenhart Asks Nixon Suppo~t Dissolutions Of Marriage Death l\'otlres oot•IN 11C1ltil"11 M. Dotlbln. hiov.ct IMltltr of Jal'tll H. r>ot>bln. AllO .urv!.,.. llY """ •••llddt.,.,,,_,.,, G••-lft ..nlcft. l"rt-111••· I l"M, l'orTtt L•-G ..... 1 •. u'""' Md(lft""' WH11tlre Monwl,.,, Ol'9CIOl"t. F1'"i1y lllffftll lholt wldl!ll9 II M•t """""'1•1 t.Ofllrlbo.l!loN, l!!f4.!" eontrJblM, .. tr. LI..,,.. '"di 0..1t.r " ttlt ... .,.... trlc1n Rid c ..... w ttw Amlrlcall Cl- Soc11t-1. DOMNILLY WIUl1'" floo>tlly . Att f7, of '17 l"lowtt' St., <0•1• Mftl. O.lt flf ""'"· kP!. tt. Survl~ IW wlft, Mn. Ll!IY" •· Donn1llV1 llOfl, LIWrltlKI G. Donnellv. G1rdlll G....,.; '"" ltlrte 1r1llddllklr1n. Rourv, Tltursdril.,. 7:• l"M, 9tH llll'Ndwl• Chi,,_ 11. RltCIUltm Miu, l"rld1.,, t AN,, SI. Joldllm Ctlltollc Chvrclt. llltll lrOldWoY Mor1!.llt"f'o CllrKICH'I. Riff I Dr. Lnltr Hirt.II RlHI. 2dM A..,,,1, SI .• Mli.Jon Vltlo. A" 5!. Surv!~ 1W wife. Cloreth.,, of lhl hom1; ""'' DIYkl, of ln .t.""ltsl ff111ltll!'", Ooton1 RlH I, flf tr. •111rnt1 lwothlr, Winford RIMI. If l'I. T'*""'•· 1(..,1\0d.,. Strvke• wm N" l'>tld Frid••· Stl'tt!'nbtr 25. 1 ~M. Shlflll" L"111111 a .. clt Clt1P1I. lnltnMrrl f9 folllw 11 El TOf'I Diilrkl C~. Shlfftr L1wn1 lltldl Mortv.,..,, Cllr«19rS.. .......... S1mutl G. Thom11on. 2'02·C 0cHM1de a lvd., OcHn11111t. 0.11 of"""'· 11111. 11 . 51.orvlvld by wit.. Ml,., E. Thim_, flf 1t11 homl1 """ com. Chudr., ef C.... l"l>lnt: It"'*"• ~.rte Rico; .t.rllt Ttiern... son. Vtn ""'"" d-111•"-" Dorolll• hl1, SN! •MCl'll .I-Smith, Vtnlcl: nl.,. •••nclcltflll,.,.. 1nc1 tour ••••l·••llllllllkhll• e ..... Sff'l1cn. Tlturldl.,. 5IPl1mbtr ''- 3 PM. l"tcllk View Ch-I. Elltofn_,, l"tcltlc Vllw ""-"'"1•1 l"•rll. OlrKllll !rt ~-c:tllc Yllw Mof'tuln'. W.t.RMllt Lvlt TI'ltodere Wll'fttr. not F1lrvl1w R.Nd. Co.i. Mtn. O.te of llltl~, Stpl. 71. Su ..... vl'CI IW llWI, l•lt L. WtrMr. Cotl• M...-1 d-htlr. Mrs. 1"1trkl1 Clll. Co&11 MIMI ~. Llwfd WtrMf, llll110l11 folorm111 W1r1'11f, Wltton1ln1 1l1!1r, Mro. fol-1111•*'· Wl.cot11ln; 111d loll<' 1nP'lddllhl....,. Sll'Tkft. TPMM11.,. I ,M. Sill .l'll<twlY Mol'll.tlry, DlrlCt!:H'I. ~Marriage Licenses By O. C. HUSTINGS Administration bills aince Ltk· Nfgu<f,.has ao<tpttd the al'" In 111$. the 0ranp County railin& dlnnl< II h Anaheim . , . Newport Beadl,. Im 1' nwt ftnn, wu ¥O&ed ()uW,mc11nc Min of IN , Yew "1 . tho t.a,..na Beadl J-ioilllT. oi t11t o.1rr ,1 ... ''"' ina: office in July. poinbnent as r i nan c e Pnu Club'• Man of the Year ConvenUon Center. 'lb:lmas B. Len h 1 rt "This ii a Nixon l!am 'bat.. chainnan of the Orange Coun· in 1917 and is the foundtt and Governor Ronald Reaaan Dtmocratlt candidate for the Ung average' of .130 -In ly Transit Dimid Citizens president of UCI--Project ZI, a will speak Ii the $100-a-plate 35th Congressional seat, has average that would put even a Committee for PrOJ¥111.ition A. countywide citizens develop-affair. ~lfaaed lhe text of• Jetter be rookie oolfielder ar the Lawson, executive vice ment program. * 1:v•"" • ._.. , 'SOii,.,.,.. sent President NlxOn in which -Washington Sen a tor• to president of Phi I c O· Ford -Prop. A on the Novem.J>er Santa Ano\ resident Henry 'lllfll he as~ed for the President's shamt. My batting average on Aeronutronic, Newport Beach, balh>t, asks voters to establiah Quigley Jr. bas been named \.C*'A...tait: sul)Jiirt against Republican these same measures would has a Joog hiatory or active a·county transit district. campaign chairman f·o r 1" 1 •• John Schmitz. have been at least .900." participation in civic and com-* Gordon H. Bishop, candidate .. NI• "I am convinced that as * munlty aff&lrs. RepubUcan cand~ from for the Fourth Dist r i c I NDm"MllUW!iiOM your Congressman I will John B. Lawson, aerospace He was named Orange Orqe County are expected Supe~v_isiorial aeat. ~.••·.::f. represent you and support the, _:•:;x:::ecu:::::t::iv::•_.:f::_rnm::::_.:L:'...:a!g..'.u'..:n'..1:._..'.Coun::'.'.::ty::._:M::an:a:!g::'.er'.....::o'..f ..'.lhe~_'.Y_:ear~_:lo'.._:·a'..:u.nd:'.:~..'.'Jbund.'.:'.:'.a::y'.:'':.__'.'.fund:'.: __ Qu~i'.!!::gfe?..y,:_.~Ptt~•l~de~n'.!t_:ol:__:•'..!.!:========== policiea of your Administration\· far better than my Republican opponent," Lenhart claims. N .. Jng the fact that Scbmiti ls an admitted member of the John Birch Seclety, Lenhart continues citing his opponent's votes against 20 out of 23 Sex Off ender Gets Light Sentence .f urniture specials! ' . SANTA ANA -Ont of two former Huntington Beacb....!!len arrested and charged with molesting a o d committing sexual offenses against two young gitls in that city has been placed on two years pro- bation. Superior Couri Judge James F. Judge set that sentence for Gary Charles Schwartz, 28, after ruling that the defendant ci>uld not . be classified as a mentally distur~ sex of- fender. He su.s~ded a one-- year Orange County Jail term as a condition or that pro- bation. Schwartz's sentence was identical to that earlier meted .. · out to his co-defendant, Guy Aaron Ointleman, 29. Both men were i1'dicted by the Orange County Grand Jury on evidence that they cotn- rilltted a series of sexual of- fenses against two Huntington Beach girls, ages SI and 13. One of the victim! was men· lall y utarded. Dintleman was accused of nine separate Instances of sex perversion and lewd conduct --wiUi-the-vi.ctims·-between February and October of 1969. Schwartz allegedly committed L h r e e id~ntical infractions between May and Oclober f?f that year. DiriUernan was arrested in Las Vegas. Long Beach police picked up Schwartz on the au charp1 and raturnitd bim to · Orqe COUnly •. Judge Rules Westminster Man lnsa11e SANTA AN A .. A Westminster man who stabbed his pregnant wife while on weekltnd l eave from psychiatric treatment at a veterans hospit.al has been rul· ed insane at the time of the in· cld.ent. Superior Court Judge James F. Judge ordered 11lomas Clif- ton Teeters, 29, of 13872 La Pat Place, to undergo further examination by two coort-ap- pointed doctors. H he is found to be stlll insane, he wi 11 be Teturned to Atascadero State Hospital. Teeters was arrested Jan. 11 , 19'9, and charged with at· tempted murder after he stab- bed his pregnant wife, Melony Yvonne. 23. al the couple's home. Mrs. Teeters gave birth lo the child by Caesarean sec· lion shortly after the incident 46,. Matchi119 chllHI feah.1 re~: 3 drawers. 2 doors and 1 glass door. S135. Twlft er full trviltM •attre11 and box 1prln9 set with extra fir m innerspring untt. Acf.. vance box apring design for additional suppart. Strong vertical stitched prebuift borders for years of wear. I 60'" -. ........................ .,; 1-p1-r .... 11 ,,.,; .. w.na-..., -..... , cherry ¥8fl! I "I on tops. 9ide8 and ck._. ffOll&a. Group includes: 40" X 58" -plus 1 loo!, 3 drawers. 2 -Iott paddodsiMrtray .... 5 side chairs lllCI 1 1n11 cllai<. sea -or '"" ' s99 Co•plote ....,k .... inclUd;.,, -llnils. ·-"Coloniol" style bwlk bod made ot 90lid elm wood with maple finish. Ellily - to -twin size beds. Colnplot9 With -· .r Teeters' treatment at the veterans hospital had followed his release from Atascadero with a report which described him as having regained his sanity. Use Penney• ~me pay111..,1 plan at any of these...,_ CANOGA PARK CARl.SBAD DOWNEY FUUSTON HUN11MG'ION RA01 ' LAKEWOOD MONTC!AIR NEWPORT 11EA01 ORANGE "THE CITY" Choose One of the Many Coast & Southern Federal Offices to Serve You: Art Linkletter Shows You a New Way to Beat Inflation ... Just Join &M VENnJllA Shop s.nc1..,, -12 .. s- Coast & Southern Federal Offers You These Highest Prev¢/lng Ratea: COll-DAILT ___ T.•" --1-6.00!'a-S;t . .:po'----1- ' ASSETS OYER saoo MILLION Oub Wl1fl a S2,5m Mlll'tOe In ,our 11\fJnga -ac:a:M'lt,"you ..... lgll* IDblcDtM ·-·-•ll•l-lfllart IMilablt-puiolo•l 111-- tnctudlng-la;, --applia.._Janfly. PIUa------.... .... ~-.... """ ooll; No Minimum. 5.25 "-·5.39"- ,_ _~NoMlnlmum. -5.7-5~-5.92"" ~YwCortill-$1/#lMlnlmum. e.00"-·&.18"-,._v..,Cot!I"-; SS.000 Mlnl11111111: ·r--1r- • INSURANCE TO s20,ooo , • i ' . -.·( ~ • s r ' t l l ( I I ! I I ! I r !'I'd like oomet!Ung'I eauinlHllY· '4alh-lalo ; •• .- . know, like lunch." • I -Negro Trooper And 900 Whites - ' llllAMI (AP) -AlplloOoeo -·· Clllton Aid, Lolton. only N•lll'O . ._ "beca111e we 1et man llwl Florida'• 900 b I ( b w 1 y enough appllcatlona to meet ~. uys life as a out needs. When we do set ·~ plicaUolil. """' Negroes, "" t,_-ls ju.I -.lhe way be procea them Jul! tlle 11me u wants il thole from whltel. They ttte "I'm a trooper. Thlt'1· all. the same uamimtlon, the to ~e. 'it's .~~ I've aame teats," alway> wanted. 11'1 · t h e 'Clifton lilld Ult two black uJtliriaie," tbe-l5-yeRr~ appltcantl' were llDtlDg pro--· former Marjne said. · specUve troopen t e 1 t e d ''The ultimate, o£ count, in recently. Both filled. he said. law enforeement is l he Of Lofton, Cllftcm sald, ''he's government man, the FBr. doing a lood job, and there But for ~the state, the Florida bave been no problem.1." Hlgbny Patrol is the Lorton NJd ·be had beard no ultimate." racial llun while canyin& out ~ was a parttime his duties, conceding, '"'Ibis ii aberiff's deputy in North something that more or less Floridl'• Columbia County surprised me. befm-e joining the patrol May "lt'a the way you treat a ·-1 u-tbe first black in its 31-~n that eounts," he ..... hi-'-. He said be had decf.i.red. "U you doo't do , __ , some";-to· •~··· tt out of bettl treated like • any other .. ~ ... -& troope them, be'• not going to display --~-y;~--~;-;--;.-~-.--,..---w"-----"-1" !~~e.-or: fiss tllan his feelings. I treat other: ~ . Russ Scientist Las s .. ,... .i... But. waot to be 1~:;11:,;!'y-l-want-them to the best," he said. Lofton ii working alone, a! ,. P1trol Commander Reid all troopers do. He )>ltrols in Freedom Restrictions ~aeet~~.;'oe~.d: ~k~~u.., be plan• 1o plicants nor does it turn them make the patrol a career, Lof- LONDON (AP) -A nol<d. Melvedev wu d~ by ~ ton chuckled and replied: . ''We haven't put on a "He• baby, as Io•• as "·y'U Soviet aci£Dtist', tossed into a. mental hospital by Communist puthorities last sptfing because ~f ./lil .v~~"~bas : produced • bo6~ ..rt~ to tbe West, WJi~~ ·#ye-rely· jndicts the Co¢l!!qiil~ ' iyslem for Its reatr~ ()D sci en ti lie frieciatn~·!'', · '. Soviet a\itborities for tbrtt :1 "'& un:: recruillng p r o g r • m for keep me." we<ks in a menial borpi111 1 ___ ..;;._..;._...;; _____ ;.__ _______ I 1 ~:~led manuscript, pubJIOtiOd/,i>y Macmillan and Po:r)i,tba~iginal Russian, is allW,,.'!~The M e d v e d t v Jr, .a.;, Plili!1I o1 Soviet rice.9' It is l]y Dr. ~s A', 1Medve®v, 45, a geneticist ~h~ ~~l:l_qet:t a department at :the . (jfjninsk: lnstitu\e 0 r Medical .Radio l ogy. A translaieil' eXCi.!rpt appeared in Nature, the joumil o£ · iD- ternational science, · and full . English versions will b e Published next yea r in Brita in 8.nd the United States. Ja~t May because he ~Dena- ed the system. His releue resulted frdm stronc protells 'lodged by fellow' Russian scientists, but at present be is said to be unemployed. The published excerpt Of bis book-told how Mtdvedev WU refused permission. in t• 'to ' attend a gympoetunl at Sbef· field University, where he was invited to give a key lecture on "Molecular Aspects of Ag- ing." He listed a maze of bureaucratic evasions that prevented him from attendin&. Instead, 'Mededev said, on ~ day the lecture was sehedu1ed, he andOtben IPom four laboratories took their tum with other employes of city organizations in · harvesting outside Oboi.nsk. -···· "Dr·. Medvedev has -written ----· _________ ._Jt ,o.rn;k\l~stjtic~ ol the • ,,. present arrangements and not a piece o£ subversive literature," said N&ture. "It ji earneslly to ~~ · Ut.at~Jt , , ·~ will be -~so .regafdid in the ' ~-SO.Viet Union." · ~"'!:· .. Medv~ev is ~l at all a :# subversive. character -he ls •· patriot/! Aid' • 1pcltesman , for Macmillan's. His bdok cou1d do A lot to increue the flow of information and ideas between East and West . .,· ·'*:i. In the Rllssian edi\jon, , • ~ .Medvedev claimed that-Prof; - ~:VUGOnAviA - 1, l ind·a .St-~!•i ··· , ' , .. .. Yugoslavia · Stud·v Set 'nmofeev-Resovskil, a·renown- ed geneticist, ·11ad .. to hold - underground seminars in a labor camp when T • D . L y s e nkots now-<iitCredited genetic theories domiuted of- ftcial Rus.si'in ihinki9g: · · . Soviet science. -Medvdev ar&ue<t; is f6r~ to lag behind the West"because its scientists are denied 'full contact with '~ cOlleagues abroad . · Information reaches them slowly. only through oUiclaJ channels, he wrote,· and gr!,i . wasle results fr om -un- necessary duj>llcatlon of ef- fort. He claimed the Soviet i Linda Stabler, a I 9 6 9 Union, instead ef ordering )jraduate or Newport Harbor equipment already developed \ High School. has been selected in the West, makes e;iperWve . • 1by ~ School of International copies of it and it is frequently Trntning -1ll · s tu d y fn -obsolete before-if-is-rt'tdy. Yugoslavia for the 1970 fall Macmillan's declined to semester. reveal just how Mevedev's The school is conducted by manuscript 1'1S brought to the Experiment in tnterna-London, but said it reached tional Living in BratUeboro, the West In aepante sections Vt., where Linda will spe nd earlier this year. Royalties three weeks prior to traveling rrom the book will be held in ~o Yugoslavia. She will be trust for Medvede~ by three · w ...... ive training Weslern fi c I en t 1s t s, the I!!''~-~ "..~·,· · -, · 'publishers added. · -• cot.ltst1f'I seroo Croahan, the 1aaguage"&£·'VUgorrtavia; at the;:::.===::;::=:::;;:==~! tehool's facilities in Vennool Andy's Fun . Duringlter. three month stay Ask· any kid. "Alt .,,,,,-I! f111. I~ ,Yugo.-;lavta;. she-will ltve ~sf. It S'aturd.Js In th! -DAl~Y )tilh a Yugoslavian family to PILOT. • :1ean. 'Illa -· and tradl-;tiom al. the c:oontry. ' ' . I• 11 I See by Todays " Sale. Last 8 days! Our diamond prices are always good. This week they're 20°/o less. - •lllllMnol•ir ,.'hhin11111o; ••. ~ ,,.L, ~- ~!::: Y. ct. tr.n• alllfno MK -... ~---· 1 ct.. II ..,.,....14" ""~·---., ""-gold -ring,'1/10 ct. tOtal wt. .... -.-.... 5 df1rnond MdcRng ring, ~ ct. totll wt. 14K Wh119 gold. . .A9g. 137.50, Now 1110 •••• . Min's I dl9JftOnd rtng, ~ ct. tollt wt. 14K yellow gqld. .... -.-..... --.~ . ., ':~ ~ \ -,-, '-~ '( /. 20 .... ltd cocl:tll ring. 3/10 ct. tDlll wt. 14K J9lloW 90hL -. ""'·-·--• 10 diamond w.dding ring, !4 ct,' tolsl wt. 14K Whltli gold. ~.289.50,Noi9DIM A m . . II 12lll:n!OIMI M.rt penCIMt. ~ ct. total wt. 14K x: ct. az:uld pendant, 14K ..... tr.:; -... -.rr.· --~ ""'1...~ Why a diamond from Pennlys? ,....,. ... ~· • LA It .. ' i------w Ad'o----11--..:·::·~·=-•P, .. _,,..., .... a·nt . 1aLtos;_ ...... , ...... 11111Blftlr.•~------1------~".~~~;;~~~ ,. ____ ....., I, 131111ftdsn11..asb111Wd bJ _. llwdlilsl •1 I TS£11nDcn..OoddOolorlnddlltty,pMI f~ -- .. ' .. ', . W~1 St9lfmbtr 2),-1470 DAltV 'ftDT 9 High ligY' values! "·-~ •• • _,.,,.,- I J .. Sc1l)Oped chain lamp • Goes well with all decors. Gracel ully shaped, with lvocado suede finish. a-way s witch. $22. A-dip ' Jlld ttdura. ·-with antique tn. trim. Cont•"-"'Y ..... style.17 .• • SHglll-11 style chandelier. Gins spindle and etched sh-will> antique. bra9s finfih trim. $22. 5 lght ll1Jh ii Jin otyle-. Hand rubbed - ti nish on black wrought Iron .....-. S22. I ' . s·ngbt--- •1111 '· Pallllwd _....,_ fum". ; :::.-;:•, Dimmer awftth llClj- Iighting ~ from full . brigh-~O'Clll)h ... Easy to instotf. 4.11 'Decof8tlw liglll'hutb.&, 25 or 40 watts. Ge Solid.walnut ·11ng1a switc]I plate. 1.31· · Solid "'111nut double switch I1te. 1.79 Sol\d walnut duPlii rooeptacle l)llte, 1.Jt \ I. e A,: bit or luxury! $23,SCXI e111ngtnClwww•_.W91gt:t_.. - 1: nut l bedroom tn Wtst ,,a.o1c ;rftda"llCS~~...., f 11st. 1 _ _ r---Coat& Mesa l ~ ~ ,,.,.,.D1111~MI01:•1•1ll .... I 1· I I \ • ,-· I \ yd wUll 2 pi.tlo&, ._ -.. _,. Wpu • I P 11-.."DI s ST ' la • Db )vu like to work Wi th .WatMJllDa .. JI ·i ••-...... ..,...., ! Ill ciaJI? T• a ftw IC\llp. ~ tnstructioni: from • A M:U)pturi.111. • -~•-.. •••ttinc' ,, • nice en~I Meoa Vmlo borne, MI or I--~-'--=• Jsw•1 -----I-~~arge-if&t thesTI!Ore , eANOGA-PARK..-r ___;CARLSBAD , part t!mo. =:-:v-~~== FULLERTON . HUNTINGTON BEACH . . ' LAKEWOOO MONTClAlft LIJllMXlO -lmil'ORTIEAOH ORANGE NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE "THE CITY" VENTYRA ~hop Sunday, too, 12 to 5 p.m.I ,"THEart" ~ .., ... ~~ .... -• . ' .. , ~--' • • • • . - • ' • .. . . . ' • JO OAllY Pll OT Wedntsday, StPttmbtr ?J, 1970 - VALUABLE COUPON Good Only at Sav·On Limit 1 Jar Per 1.19 C111pa• With Caa,01 OFFER EXPIRES Oct. 3, 1970 · ScotTowels ' The super 1isorbe1t ,aper tewel. Ass't C1l1rs 1r Wilite. Rec. llc 3 BIG ROLLS for ''Fri-skies'' MIX&CUBES DRY DOG FOOD Fine taste, Full nourishment. Ab· sorbs liquid -fast . VALUABLE COUPON ousehold Plumbing Needs EXEcur1vE Shower Head ~! MEURO -Fits all showers. easy lo install. Gives an invigorating multi· 15' Drain Cleaner "Mister Twis ter'' -Easy to use ..• works where phmg· er &: chemicals fail! st•;·:ss 1.89 sw1vu Aerator' ~1 MllAltD -For outside threaded For Bathroom and ' 1aucets ••. adapter ~!tchen. Helps clear included tor inside ~ up clogged drains. lhreadsl .47 tit? 53c Mr. Faucet Fixer "Korky'' Tank Ball Smooths out rough .,..,...,. seats in your !au· cet that causes leaks. Replacement v.'ashers included. Rubber ••• r or toilet tank . Fi ts all standa1d flush -waives. sac 1.19 INSTEADOFADIAPER 'PAMPERS' D1ytim1 IS's sac DIAPER and PANTY IN ONE for a d1 ier, happy and cnntented ba by. Comlortab!e s~y-dry li11ing. Can be flushed away. B3!ljSliaj1ell. - Newi1111 Over1icbt Daytiine JO 's I l's JD's 1.33 sac 1.43 I .,,,.._,._. _._... - -~ • .-. _..., -~ <l . -~ ..... _ ._ ,-.. ~ -,_.,. ; _ ... ' .j· WHITING'S ' : l Writing Tablets , . -» P~REx-wARE l '"o IH'IEloPEs -n sheet, 1 ~ 1 ~2 Qt. Casserole 1 of Pape1. 3& Decora1efl ~.nd_36 t ~.A Three designs •.. Verde, I ' ; 24 Print lined [nvelopes. Pink, 1 shape Y11r C•e1c1 • Bl11e, Yellow. Your C•oic1 t ., ''' .. ~---_,._ . .,.. .~...-. \ ' "",•,. ·~ ·~ ..,.,...,-~,.,..-.,., ...._.., .. _. r-.... _,.,.,...,...,. .. ,-, .. _,.,,. ...... we Nm · .' :U\lllllllOtlllllllllllOllllllllllllOllllllllllHOllllllllllllOllllllllllllDllllllllllllOllllllllllllDllllllllllllDlllllUQ!llllHn1ncn1illlll§ . --:-. . ~ • .. JR. oocroa Luggage Case oscope, thermometer, specs, C by HASBRO -Includes ste~-66 hypa and toogue depressor. Mr. Potato Head br HASBRO -olus 3SSOrt· 66 men!· of ''Pele the Pepper". --C- "Coo~y the Cucumber''. and ot~ers. Marble Maze br HASBRO -A challenge for 66 . all ages .•. see if you can get C thru a marble maze. Exciting ai:tion fun for all age'i. , "Bingo'.' G_ame PllOT ·ADV!RTISER 8 7 PllC , ) Book & Record Se1 by BERTEL -Originaj stores viill delighHul ~~clg10und 66C (!Lmus!h] , 45 rpm *fl.JH record repeats tex t · wo1d for word. "Skill Ball" Cami iy HASBRO -3 Plastic Golf Bait ... base witlued an~&c blue cups ••• bag of ?iibbef balfdS. r-urrln· · - doors or outdoors. . GILLETTE • ~ 1 · e·o ~ --Platinum Plus T l -Coffen Balls-3 tor -i BINGO o ID :a~;r o~la:e~~n. ;h;:~~: 119 I ~ • Q Metal,spinner paste, plastic 66C spinAer, 12 Bingo cards, 50 .. ...,, dice and 50 shoe pegs .. "Wiggle" Train • -- • - ~:~ ••• Re1.1.s91°' : •• ~l i Ga~~~~ l~9ose 2 9 8 I -Req. 3.49 CANNON MONTICELLO Blankets Comfortable. Sanita~ Pro· 1 39 ~ Rayon & Polye.ter • ~ teclion. Regular, Super or E ~-~-Junior. , ~·I·~~-~ ! I Dress shi~ts 2 for 5. 0 0 I_= ~ No Iron Permanent Preu ''Spanish'' Wood IMPORTED FROM SPAIN Anl!Que Walnut Finish. Beautiful accent ic·· your home or 101 a unique gift. • 1ov, 1 6V. Triple Candlestick · . • 10''. Candlestick • ·10" Flat Candle Holder · • 10 Y, 1l16" Planter • 11 " Can11estick ...:J.\lo!'-Mug1-----I' " 9" Candlest ick • 14" Tait Candle Holder • 1%" 16'' Horse Shape Bu witb Hinged Top • 6Y•" C~'est WiO Cover • 9 1 6" Nul Cracker • 10Y2' Candelabra YOUR CHOICE • Q IRON WEAVE Pa-nty Hose Req. $1.19 69' Bamboo Rakes 18" & 24" ~ g Mexican Tote Bag = Small-Medium-Large ~ 1 .. 19 -1.69 -1.98 . .5!1111"1a1111111111110111111111111c111111111111c11111111111101111111111110111111111111a1111111111110111111111111D11n111e1111u111111C1111111nr. STANLEY Hair Brush_ New handy s1le-lor t ' rse or d1essing , l -r,bl< N)liinoosnes 2•49C I for styling. a - ., . 'Clf'YIJC Ii - "Ring'Toss" by HIS BRO -3 plastic rings, 66c 1 1ocking plastic base .and l plastic past. Lotus Racer br IMPORT TOYS -Aulhen· 66 trcallY detailed fGrmula · 1 car C 1 r· long, moveable· w~eels. Assorted colors. · Paint Sets br CRIFTMASTER -Pamt by 66c 11umbf!rs sets. Assorted animal, seastape & mouQtain scenes on . 8110". PrHolored background. "Slinky" The original stalr-walkjng spin-66C ing toy. A~o for hard ~ay. "Cumby" TH£ SUPER FLEX br IMP~RI TOYS -Key wind up. It ia;;;;, v.1gg1es •n a c1~c!e .. 3 66C open box cars with cir, cus motif behind en-' ~e ~::11·T arget Sell Dune "Buggies" ~ ~· s You can bend him, twist him or C by CAY -Chrome plaled !teal· ·•· seats and bodr. Bright C br LAKESIDE -A perlect Pal! 66 ~ he'll stood alo-hghts. Two toned tlood. 6~ ~-=====::::::::::::::?:=:---~'.'-"'11h...da1s.y-li • - . · ca!s. Lunar. Probe Rocket ~y PIH .PllSTICS -looms _66C-up 100 feet. Operate! oo real 1et prOl)Ulsion ~nciple. Instant Insanity IY-PW!R - cllalleng1 •.• 1t appeats to all 66C ages. Jusf'Trrange • blocks showing 4 colori on each s1d~ of tht s~c~ Metal Tool Chest S!--- M~ ~~ ~ • br OHIO IRI -Woth 66 6 v1nr,l tools. 8!Ai3~~ C ~ 11;, ": With recessed handle at top. , 1 PI LOT-AOVERTISER ..,_Wednesday, Stpttmber 23, 1970 - . - -. for CHRISTMAS NOW Sitting Baby \ by IMPORT TOYS -A "baby doll" for the baby girl. Soft and 66C safe for the youngest member ol the iam ily. Assorted colors •. Match-Ups of Mies for 3 to 6 year olds. C by PLAYSKOOL -Assortment 66 Works like a jigsaw iruule. Parcheesi by SELCHOW -Backgammon game of India. 151h" folding 66C board, counters, dice cups and directions. U.S. Map Puzzle by SELCHOW -Slows capi-66 tals. boundaries, cities, rail· ' C roads. etc: Educational as well as entertaining. :~• Tiny Pick-Up by TONKA -All st"I body, 66c ' lifetime tires. Enclosed cab. Non-to xic baked enamel finish. 'C I - ' - isl Saucer bf WHAM·O -Frish1 ••• 66c fhes like craly -skips, curves ••• ~oft, safe, 1rnbreakable. Wind Racers hy ZEE -Assorted friction 66c . dray cars. Un~ue desi~ in bng~t colors. Rugged. IC' Doll In Car Seat -Ool~wilh c11rty--rooled llair.tlGld-, ~~· br IMPOl1TOYS -AulhenVc! 66 ing rattle. Carry seat doubles as a car seJl £Jc• • Plush Animals -lt-l!Mnl-TD!S---S!Uing. standing, sleeping ••• all aid· ~Y and ~v .. ble for baby boys and 1irls. llcl ·~ ... -- Tea Set iy HASBRO - lug- gage type witli stelll-66 nscope, thermometer, C specs, hype & 1Dngue depressor. Girls' Handbag ~I IMPORTTOYS -66 . Little girl shoulder C bag with adjustable stra,i. Ass't colors. Fun Buggy Volkswagen lllPOIT TOTS - f orated i11 1Siorted bright O>lors. Friction _.. "Plumpee" ::~rs .-fhiti111Radi AM miniature ridio. Lightweight •lctrrJ- . ing thong a!ld case. 3 97 Black and white. ---111 .. Ul • SONY Portable Radio Thf t tran sislar ' ltifl~k•;t' 2 8 r8'~. ,wt.mst strap, 9 battwres & !3ffl1"ne. • • NfW!~!~N'Y!A!.es ' TOOTHPASTE Wlti l"" 1,arkles tor '1nr1 llrilht11ess. . - · .•• ,.u. 47c 5 "· - SHAMPOO Fer elfecti,1 •••-riff c11trol. . .... 1.31 &'h IZ, • Fights dry lair ... Dry seal,. GILLETTE DAILY PILOT J J ''Edge'' SHAVE CREAM Aerosol . Yo1 al111st ~aye ta try 11 cat yourself witll tbls 1ew formula. Your Choice 1.19 Each OPl•tAMtoTOPM • 1 OATS A WHK Newport 8ei1eh 11211,....w_...,,_ , .... _ ............ Huntlnflon llooch • Huntlnvton llooch · ......_ 5'rtn1• .. 1 I ....... I '-'"' --~ '' . . ,, ' Ne!!~!~~~J:~in~~r!asyl~~~'~ I.(:!!:\ I t as1er. 57c 87c I 1e,. 67• •• ,.11. i DZ. 10 IZ. - "Prescut" GLASSWARE by ANCHOR HOCKING 11 Pc. Table sn A complete set of accessories for ynur Fall entertaining. At· tractive and practical. 3.49 4 Pc. Salad Set ,.. I r:1 I JI DAILY PILOT Engineer • Joins Stanford • . -,_ . .. . ~ Deplores BloOdshetl .. Hussein Views Crisis With Sorrow •• . BEIRllT, Lebanon (AP) - A brauiere flew from a tank part ol mt and t am part of ;t, on bi! cbHt prevented a tMallet and S'I geDftations QI his lim.1· I will see it through to the from hittin& him. His YCllDI ly have ruled .~a, the antenna one day as King end." cousin, King Feisal U, w~ Moslem holy city. He was Huuein rolled up to inspect Asuuinatioo attemptl this asu,ssinated in Iraq in 11151. educated at Hatrow and . . . A former U.S. Public HeaJlh Service ofHclal has joined t---istanfONl-aesearCh mstitute's Irvine facility to direct a new sanitary engineering laboratory, Jnstitute officials announced today. the fiercely proud Bedouin ye.ar brou&ht this end perilOUJo. Before this year's ambushes Sand.burst i.Q__England. t · his Ar . ly clole, but Hussein ex-on bis motorcade, there were AJtbougb oolf 5 foot 4, he is ioops 10 -1 Legt0n-, -J)re-saed no fear. -----attempts to-till-him with solidly-built and bit muatache, backbone of ·the Jordanian "At any moment, death can bullets, bombs, poison and .,. dark eyes and soft voice, give "' .army. ) cl1bn the body," be has said,. acid in his nose drops ::... all him the aura of a mO:Vie star. 'When the k.lng asked why, "And when it does, death unsuccesdul. He is as equally at home in a he told a reporter later, the of· itseU ls unimportant TM ooly "I often fee.I lib a character Saville Row suit or ,.-._, r Gunnerson, a registered civil engineer, has ex.tens.Ive e:rperience in water supply and pollution control problems fleer answera:t., "Because we thing that matters la the wort in a detective novel," he onct checkered Arab headdress, ". are women." one bu accomplished." said. . but wears his military uniform 1be reJ)ly must have stuna Because be repeatedly risks Hussein's wife, Pr Ince s s and red paratrooper's beret the IUbY monareh· who ~"'; death --; whet be r by Muna, the cl4fghter or a most of the time. · and will oversee an operatioo: that will conduct projects in water treatment and solid waste technology. ruled his delert kingdom for assassination, piloting fighter BrJtish army officer, i.!I weary The 1967 war and crises with half his 34 yeart.. The army planes or driving racing· cars o( the constant danger. Palace the Palestinians have not left------'--"-'-- had been urging him to crack -he draws widespread ad-gOS!ips say she would like him him much time for water down ~f Palestlnian guerrillas miration lrom many subject5. to abdica\e and live in Europe sk1ing, sky diving and motor ' ·. Gunnerson, 50, was deputy director of research and development in the Bureau of Solid Waste Management for lbe ·Public liealth Service. ~~ to that, he was emjJloyed by the U:ts Angeles Bureau of Santitation and_ was given a three-year assignment ·as senior engineer with the car ornia ent. o f as ·a dimJptive force in The legend be&l.D when with their tour children. She racing. He· has found a few or trips ·lo Cairo. • · Jordan. ';...... Hussein's grandfather, King has spent most of the summer hours lo sP,end as a ham radio "The momeTit'. l-climb-iht.o·a Hussein hesitated, and when Abdullah, was assassinated in with them in London. operator. He's usually at the ·cockpit I shake:of(iap my pm. the crackdown came, be could Jerusalem in 1951. Hussein Hussein traces his line back plane's controls when he takes bl~ms and wonies~'{ !he WJ'Ort.e only view with sorrow ''this,1 _w_•_•_I_S_th..;•_•_and...;:.:..ooly::..:.•:..meda:;:.:.'-':.•_:tbe::.,.p~r:.•plle!::::..t _:M:.oh=•mm=::ed::·__:•::lf_:f::or:...Ar=ab;:.:~=:::;: ;mee::::t::ing~s__:i•::::h::i•:_•:::"tobi;::. :.·:C°'!'.'.:;•i>h!'.'.'.i.Y:..· _·,~- .:~=.~· between A r a b * ~ He al.so deplored -as "the .shame of the Arab world" - the guerrilla hijacking of four Water Re1ources in Sacramento. ~ationat~ airliners. That - 1'xP,lbit probably proved the . Standard Research Institute, which is headquartered in Menlo Par.t. ls 1 n in- dep end eat. no•·profit organization pe_rfonning_ coo- tract research totalling some $60 million annuaUy for both industry and government. Who Care•? N• •ther ri•wspeper 111 t\, world c•re1 l1bovt yeur co"'mu· 11ity Ii•• yo'ur co111mu11ity d1il'f 111wtp1p1r don. It'• Hie DAILY PILOT. After Big One Five-year old· Michelle Baron seems to be more in- terested in the photographer than fi shing on Balboa Island. The little lass ekes out the last days of sum- mer before the grinding drudgry of kindergarten. las~ atraw in Hussein's eUorts to appease the Palestinians. To prevent the ultimate clash which has been buildiDg up for two years, one report has it, Hussein decided to a~ dicate but was talked out of it by Egypt's President Gamal Abdel Nas~r. Similar reports appeared after the fighting In June between the army and the commandos. Hussein told a news conference : "I am not the kind of person who will quit. This mission is Electric dryers and permanent press are ·made for each other. £!) -Permanentpressfabric,..s~~ justdon'tsta wrinkle- free if y0U dry them on a clothesline or in -up-t:o $3e.001css---- than gas dryers. ~If you live in a Medallion !. dryer that is not de-Home you al- s1gned for them. D ready know What they need the advantages is the tender loving of electric living. care of one of the new But if you're not yet dry. electric dryers with a perma-~----_. ing electrically, why not get nent press cycle. They arc program-an electric dryer now. All you have med to give just the right amount of to do is plug it in. heat for the right amount of time. Visit your appliance dealer to- And your fabrics will ~e gently tum-day. Sec the new electric dryers that bled to fluff up t he fiber s.Wrinkles arejust;rightforpermanentpress. just don't have a chance. Electric dryers arc flamel ess and odorless, too,of course.And they cost Southern California Edison E Permanent press clothes live better electrically. • • -.- SPECIAL NEW ARCHERY DEPARTMENT ~ ALL ITEMS 25% OFF. September 26th Is opening day for late archery hunting._,,. for deer In Ca!lfomia. ALL AMMUNITION IO'foOFF. WANT TO SAVE ON AMMUNmON? Ask for Roy or George 11nd get yoor r1fle borsfghted for free. ·, Gr•nt"• elWllYI ,_ llWly caliber tnd gauge of ammunition In~ HOPPE'S dur1ng deer auson 1talr-CLEANINC-klTS goes for 10% off. Aegular _$4.95 Now .. _$2.88 ~-~(Keep it clean r) · OM ·u1a ... MUOnepena-·' • _,11>er2&th:Wu1C..nts for~woold liketodeto · • 1 ft that you find your deer before tome other hunter ..... flndoyo,. Red Hunting Vests: ' Regular-$1.98 Now-.98 . . ,. ancl.;~arry a'-:: If deer hunlfllg is your beg: DEERllAGS Reguler-$1.00 Now_ .•.• 79 . DEER HOISTS Gives your game a real boost Reg\Jfar ....$2 ~· Now._ 1.99 •. Stick. We're not mentioning a11y. nemes, but ;f you'111 In th• market for one of the finest bolt action rifles macfe;.tflen we·ve got a treat foryau. 243. 6mm,308and222 calibers Aegular-$124.95 Now___ 89.95 CI ~I Cl ~( .. :;> BUCK. KAIWI .... GERBER KNIVES . (Thestrmm't onspeciiJ but: we do carry a full line.) The deeris a mighty f tnive creati.e end those Grant Boys Cl!'I ten you just how to aneak up Oft him. The Grant' a WfJ'/; 1750 NeWpcft Blvd. In Costa Mesa. Open dailyS-9 Saturday 9-6 Sunday9-5..642-60S5. . ' . ·. .. 9 ;; ·,. Grant's for Gu_ns f t750Newpon Blvd.in Costa Meaa.642-6055. Open dally 9-9 / s.tunJoy 9-fS I Sunday s.s. . . . . .. . steFeo103FM · ·· the SOlU1ds of the harbor - • music • .. ' , · . .. .. • 'T Ila Ho -l ,.. coo lif1 tiit J6I I d11 J~ QM Ori •• pri • ·. Iii lie . "" fol • w:I ti> i.i Oil '· In pr it hi dt pr or Lo cl Ci ti R SI & w "' "' of A tt ti o· c R L • u • • • ti ti b • 2 n c I I 1 I I I I f __ ) I I ·~Nixon . Cloaking· H~-Private Lil€_/ -. . . .,,.... . ' · . •1 Rl!LIN TBOMAS · b<r hospital stay p\Jbllc. r :WASHINGTON (uPI) _ · However, V~ Lomba~dl, .. · h the late Wash1ngtoR Redskins ::er.•li'I at · the W 1 t e coac~. "'as admitted . to the DOJU PILOT J ~ Psy11etics G~"oup 0£ f e11s Classes The Psynelics Foundation will offer four courses for paren ts and teachers this fall through its Family Educallon Cenler in Anaheim. me1nory retention. The fee (Or the C®rse Is $100 and 1 diph;ima will be given to those who complete the course. A word building course will be offered on ~&days from A parent educa tion class in 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. begiri· handling chHdren's _Je_ar_oing nin . Oct. 13. The class will ~-NilOn and his hospital tht same evenutg ~nd ..:..;,1,.. •• __ ... sport! porters who con-•.~. ~ • 91"" more ~re verged there si>otted David c1~ their priva~e IOClal Eisenhower and made in- li.?u _m ~y -much Jlke quiries. emotional IM""sotlal-problems--~rQQl=:JntMlna of~~-­ wUI be offered Tuesdays from • wor~s. The .lee ls $2 per lo ..,,, .. _ . . session. the Old uya or Lyndon B. • J6iinaon · '· ... It was only then lhat .lhe · And.~ 'firs\' \•dli · and her White House confimed she was d1-n, ~ Nixon •nd there. JuUt ~wer,,art: provlna: There are indications tb;it Qi.at Jacquellne Ke n n e d y Ziegler has attempted to kee p OriUlil wu·. pot the onl y the prm infonned of Nixon's w.oman wNf suffered a Joss of movements. But· the President privacy in.the White House. himself and hiS inner circle of . Tv,•kt durinC his recent stay aides have other ideas. and' lit sali: Clemente, the Presi-ZJegler see ms to be becoming dent· ilipptid .away wllhout the impromptu presidential ·mean· • ptjss ·ti.Qin« aloq:-at lea.st derings. for a tiJyle. Many reporters · who cover the Preaident feel ~it role is also protection 111M U\eY are covering Nixon out of to1'r'n. ';News people feel their traininl as obse'fvers adds to pr.tldential'security_, and lhat it u-1important for the hlitorlcal record f o r in- dependent 00..rven to be present in case of mishap. SUNSET AT CORONA DEL MAR JETTY :.iv a.m. to noon lll:ginn1ng A class In e I em en I a r y Oct. 6. Tbe program, with a Spanish will be htld on Mon- tee or $1 per session, wlll days and Thursdays from 7:30 fea1ure speakers in the fields p.m. to 9 p.m. beginning Oct. ol phonics. ~peech, psychology 15. and will continue for nine and hea lth. weeks. Tuition for the course An elght·w~k teacher's is $45 for Psynelics members seminar will begin Oct. 10 and »4 tor no n-members . fro1n 10 a.m. to 3 p·.m. The Further information on the class wi ll offer training in the course may 00 oblained from t-eaching of remedi~I readin g, the Psynetics Family tEduca· phonics·. word building and tion Center at 635-2491. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the President decided ~.a Saturday night to fly to Los Angeles by heli~pter with close friends and ·a ·couple of cabinet members to dine at th.11 famous Scand ia Reatiurant on · gaudy Sunset Sttlp, ·reporters in Laguna Beach -15 miles from the Wettem White house -were notlned about 10 minutes befort · the Nixon party took ''Don't take if for granted 11;Contef.t! And S . le I Whatever you do , don't take the sale for granted. Everything is selling et rock . SHOOTER'S BIBLE-Hl·STANDARO off: , 1be· reporters drove to Los Angeles and caught up with the 'Pre1ldent aboUt an · hour aJ)d a half later. Nixon reooilly decii:ted to take a helicopter flight to look ov.'er ·sites in Southern California · for hl.s proposed Richard M. Nixon Memorial Llbrary. Willservice reporters i.rid camtranlen. were rounded up ·ahd ru.Shed to another pad wherti' they took off in an · •i.temate chopper. Not'uptil they were airborne were 'they told the realOll for the President's flight. Then tl)ey were ·given· inStructiOns by Ken:EJboUrrie', an assistant to Pre&! .secretary Ronald L. Ziegler, that' reporters were not to ·ask queStions and cameramen ,.,·outd not be ~lowed to ,take pictures. bottom prices. By the end of the month there won't be a shell left In the store. Which 1970 Edition _ List $3 95 SENTINEL REVOLVER- • is a good thing because that's when the sale' ends. Our pnce -$1 99 List $69.95 About the contest? It starts today end runs two week,s longer than the sale. (The Our price-$39.95 COLT DlAMOND BACK 22 LONG RIFLE Cali ber List $1 35.00 Our price -S109.95 ITHACA MODEL 37 VENTILA TEO RIB. '1 2 ga-:; 20 ge. List $144.95 Our price -$109.95 BUSHNELL 4 POWER BANNER RIFLESCOPE - Llat $36.50 O~...price-$19.95' GUN CASES- From $1 .99 up. COLT TROOPER FACTORY TEST MODEL, 4•• MK Ill, 357 Callber List $142:00 Our price -$99.95 WINCHESTER tM, 30-30 CALiBER - List $99.95 Our price -$64 .50 MEC ,eoo frH mounting & Bore sighting 12 ga., 20 ga .• 28 ga ., •10 gauge u.~ $72.00 Ou r price -$38.88 Grant Boys are afraid the crowds may drive you away and they want to be &ure you get a chance to enter.) ~ CLEANING KIT - Here'• how to win: Cut the ad out end study the plCture of trye Grant Boys. Then with a felt pen circle anything tha t appears to be wrong. Come by the western town the Grant Boys built before the 15th of October, end deposit your entry in on e List $4.98 Our price-$2.88 of the boxes. The prizes are shown on the boxes. So easy to win (you're aaying to yourself riQht now). Try It. but don't t8ke It for Granted. The sale is a lot easier DAISY BB GUN - List $8.95 to cope with than the picture. DUCK DECOYS - Pintail. Mallard. List $39.50 per Doze n. Our price -$25.00 per dozen. REMINGTON HAND TRAP- List $5.95 _c Our price -$2.88 ' CLAY BlRDS- List $4.75 per Box. Our prlce -$1 .99 per Box. SHOTGUN SHELLS- Dove and Quall Load, 12 geuge. 20 gauge, 410 gauge. Values to'$3.20. Our prlce-$1.99 per Box. o'ur price -$4.44 UNIVERSAL M·l CARBINE. 3D CALIBER- List $119.95 Our price - $79.95 DEER BAJl- Llat $1 .90' Our price -$. 79 I FLUORESCENT VESTS for Safety white hunting. L1at $1.98 Our price -$.98 • • REMINGTON 22 LONG RIFLE SHELLS - l ist $10.•b per 500. Our price $6.50 per 500. REMINGTON AND. - FEDERAL PRlMERS- l lst $14.00 per thou eand. Our price $9.50 per thouaet1d. HI-STANDARD 12 GA. & 20 GA. PUMP SHOTGUN - "l iit $99:98 - Our pric e -$69.98 REMINGTON AND \VINCHESTER AA TYPEWADS- l f1t $1•.00 per thoueand. - Our price $5.99 per thouund. After flyllfi. &round for an hour. the press helicoi>ter tli&hted a\. R iv eraide Mllnlclpal Airport 'lt·ctninUleli after tht Pre si dj!;nl'l helicop.ter had I a n d e d . .mporters were lhCn driven fi\'e •miles to a con9alescent m-~--'!"·,me~where _Elbourne saml~~-==--~-.,.~~-.. .... ·""'""'""'1<::~:".'.:'.:::::::::;:;'.~ lxon was visiting hls ailing - to-year-old aunt, E. d i t h , Timberlake. Presidential aides and ·agents were spotted Waiting outside. Reporters were kept at a dist.ance and before Nixon emerged, they . were driven back to the airport and Jed ~ the presa helicopter ~fort the President arrived. Elboome uplained that Nixon d~ not ••ant to make a "big press thing" , out or hls sen- tim'enlal visit, to see his mother's elderly sister. On the way back, Nixon circled over the California 500 Speedway· a couple of times befon! returning to his San Clemente compound. At no point · was ,he seen b y reporters. Al.0 during that California aojourn, Mrs. NiJ:on was away from her seuide villa for fi ve days, ··An her staff · director Connie Stewart would say was tKat ahe ''wu.visitina: friends" prtvately. · And when Tricia Ni1on ttepar:t.ed Sin Clemente in the company of her, d e v o t e d eecort, Edward Finch Co11 a Harvlrd law student and New York : aocia lite, Mn. Stewart limply , told reporten that the Pmislent's :! 4...-y e u.: o I d daughter WIS "&Oin& out of at:.te:" . Late last Juty when Julie Eisenhower entered qtoraetown Hospital to un- derso tuts for a urbwy tract Wectlon, the White HOUS< ap- ~tly did not plan . to make -UG-Imne--i-. I Seminar ·A· two-day ttminar titled "Dobis Busine11 Wlll'I G<rinany" will be offered ~Y UC Irvtne l':itenslon Oct. I and J I\ I/le ""1al Coal Molol bl Al!IMlm. Buainu.vnen wantina to lm- prevl th e I r tmport.uport bullnetl will hive an Porlwll!y .. talk with Dr. Herman S1wnwtbtr ol Wnt oemw11. F!e for'tht two-daJ Jel'Trinar b 156, wfllcll lncludal luncl!. Fur11w lnformallm may be obtaloe<I ,,,.. 1llo UCI !o· -alflco ll 11Ufll. Grant's for Guns • 1750 Newport Blvd. In Costl Mt••· &42.eos5. Open daHy 9·9 / Stturday 9-6 / Sonday g.5, • ' - - ~l~•~-DA-~~v _,_1L_OT~~~~~w_ ....... ~~·-s...,...,~-·~-"-·-l_f7~0 C...trover•1 ~ High Court Sets-- • Flag Challenge • '"Daddy:~ ~li.ve~ 1 Family Geis PO.W's Letter I . SAN DIEGO (AP) -He's government. A tot.al of 374 alive! My daddy's allvt! such letters from American· S t . . captives were taken to New teve, , was Jumping up York by 10 U.S. citizens after and down as h11 moth e ir '(.Q months in North Vietnam. 1 WASHINGTON (AP) -The beine Iorced to treat it as read the letter. His 7-year-old In· Byrns' letter, written on t Supreme Court is headed into though it were the secular + sister, Lindi, uked: -a-six·line-officlal North Viet- ' a:nenroUonal controversy over equivalent of-a religioua-ictn,-" -· -"Daddy ? Do-I-reaUy-alRl~arillorm he satd he was in the American nag. their appeal 1ays. truly have a daddy?" good health and that his main Two appeals from New York Last J une, a federal court in The Jetter wu from Lt. concern was for hi! wife and awaiting the justices' return New York City said tht law Cmdr. J ohn D. Burns, 35, cWldren. He said only one Jet- t next month provide pivotal could not ~ applied to the postmarked Hanoi. ter had been received from his tests of efforts to shiekf the peace emblem because it was f It wu the flrst olficlal word wife. flag from scorn or even use by not a flag in a legal sense. But for his wife. Debbie, and their "J have wrillen to him at raJlicals. the court said the.. law's pro-three children that he was least Once a n1onlh for the Historically, the flag has hibilion against using the flag aliv e five years, two weeks past four years,'' she said. "I been an object of veneraUon as a design did not violate the and three days after being have also sent him a package for fervent patriots. But it's Constitution. ahot down .in the Vietnam war. every other montti. also been used as a political All the stales and the E-.. ••, G:rl • u,1 T.-.... It an-ived inside an envelope "What a stunning feeling lo banner, as 1 call to arms, a federal gc:wermnent have laws ..,. :J' • ti with the return address O{ a see his handwriting." symbol of injustice and as a that f<rbid the descration of New York City-based antiwar Their oldest child, Srott, 11 , W"get of mockery. the flaC. Their validity Is at Princess snarls al cameraman as he shoots photo One baby nestles between mother's paws while the grou p which h 11 Cilm-said to his mother : "This is 1'be question confrontina Ult stake in the two appea1s. of her and her two bengal tiger cubs in Portland. other finishes his meaJ, too bul}' to poae. munic1ttd with the Hanoi wood~rful for us, isn't It?" court h lrilelber Am<ricansa--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""--=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'--~~~~~~ can be sent to prison because « lbe way Ibey u,. the n.,. In one cue, the owner ~ a Madison A venue art p1ltry. Stephen Radich, WU conv:icttd for exhibiting aeven. CilD- s ons y arc ,a artilt and war protestor who displayed the flag as a male sex organ. Radich wu een- tenced to IO days in jail. Jn the second cue, four Long Island women and two organizations opposed to the Vietnam war have be e n threatened with prosecution by Nassau County District Jn the second case, four Long Island women and two organiialions opposed to the Vietnam war have b e ' n threatened with prosecution by Nassau County District Atty. William Cahn for Slperim- posing the traditional peace symbol upon a representation of the flag. Arres1s for dis plating the emblem are common in New York City. Last year, the Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 that tbe Constitution protects those who denounce the flag in words. The decision reversed the convictibn ol a Brooklyn bus driver who burned a flag in outrage after b e a r in c James Meredith, a civil rights activist, had been ambulbtd and sbot. The court ducked, however, the issue whe ther people can be puni!hed Iv ........, « de £adng lbe A-'<an flag. Radich contends' New York state's 1967 O.c deaecratioa Jaw violates the First Amendment's fm s p et t b guarantee. He arpa respect for the ftag cannot be com- pelled in a tree toeieP'.· . The New York Court GI A~ peals disagreed in upholding his conviction on • W vote. The majority noted Iba I "insults to a nag have been t OPEN . DAILY '· 9.9. SAMDAY 9 'Iii 6 saDIY 9 'tJI 5 • OYER 30,000 PAIR ' • L~YJ'S' IN STOCK at GUNT'S - Lev rs COR .. UROY BELL aonoMS TIM look 11 WW. aM wfW 111 ntfdw11t cotton c...or.y; Afl tht '9IW colen 111 an 11111. lisic ;.ans cen1trvction. s9so UYl'S® CORDS cM8iii en.., thtt .,_,. '""' .... ai.c-W' Lni',•. Pct Y'"f f1l'Wife colw .,, •w. ..... ClliK~1te .,.... °""· ,. er leyel llw. Sil:H 26 .. 31. $6 50 IOT'S CORDS SizH4N12 $4.98 . '~(Mgest.S_ttcklf UVl'S® ii' Orange C-tyf"' 'J. ~1AU1TYUSI *1All COlORSt *All-SIZES! ' .. ·-. ~ ' .. -TWl.... S$10 -0 PUIO flAllS $1050 flTS. h4M llft, s-1; SI•,,_.., "-e, ........ WMte, 27-42.. Gree.. 29-36 ..•• -• 1 · I --~the_cause ol wu:.~and Aid Radich cannot cast coat.empt upon the flag to er.press hia views. Wf'VE GOT ST ACXS AND STACKS OF LEVI'S° FOi SALE FOR !VfRY SIZE, SHAPE AND D!SCRIPTIOlll FOi GUYS -FQR GALS--AND FOR KIDS, TOOi SEE AU OF THE LA IDT STYUS TODATI .•• at GRANT'S! STA-PIESP SLIM FIT$. ..... ,....,., Wltlte, ........... 17-42 ..• $698 ~~::;~ __J_798 ..... "'''· 21 .. 34 . STA.ffUP FL.All - The Long Island war pro- testors are attacklnl: another New York law, one that £orblda pllldng any word, design or drawing upon the flag, whatever the purpose. lbis, they' say, is an uo- ....tltutiaoal attempt to com- pel resped !or the flag, "In a free aoeiety no person should ht compelled to make ritua1iJtic obeisance to a trap- piq « the state, whether by beil!c lon:ed to ulute it or by Journalism Course Set An ertermon COlH'H for high school journalism c I • I s ltodlers will b<f!ln Sept 30 al Cal Slate F'Jllertoo. . TiUed ''Mam Media lnstnK:- tioa ~ Secondlf"J' Schools, .. Ille ....... will be rn->ted on four Wectne.day eveninp and at three day-king Satur- day wor~ throqb Oct. 17 by CSF crmnumlcations proo f_ J..,.. P. Aleunder. Participants will analyze and i:npare material1 for ~ me including ftlme and teadil,. plde1. Two unita Of -graduate mdil-ma7 be eamed and Ille r .. !or the ~ is PL -lnlormatlon may be obllblod lnlm lbe CSF com- ....,.,_ deportmenl al l'INll7. - GRANT'S HAS Tl;IE MOST COMPLETE RANGE OF SIZES IN ORANGE COUNTY! ---- XX DENIMS SUl'IR·TOUGH lffM ••• WorW'1 '°"lh- ert dtnlm, nlnfort:ed with copper m.h incl stitched to stay. A new p1ir frH If they rip. MEN'S SIZ£S 27. TO 50 $650 IOTS SWS, 0.12 ......... $5.SO • STA-PRESS ·· LEVI" FLARES •9.•14 SIZIS 211-31 MR. LEVI'S® --I - STA-PIDT9 JlftO R.AllS. Al ., ...... SLACKS. ..... Irey, $fJ50 ............. ---... .. 2~-31 ......... $7'° STM'llSP IUSM JUNS ..... ,Off. ..wte ........ ·-· LEVI'S ® for GALS llVrs ,.,.. ,.,. ..., :::.:iftf ... .,,./~'!:: ,::dition.1 Leri•s• 'IU•U ... •I ~"';''An of lflt ,,,,., "" "',~'';' ••lectioZ --AND AU Ar'(;~,,;'$;"' colori .............. "' ... ._ ' .. ''·~ i9eo ... .. ..... .... ::e-...... 110" ! .. ~~ ... ~ 111• =-........... h -...--........ T.o• >'•I ... ··--'""" ..... lewf'1•c.,,, ...... _._"':'!,ta 111"' ~ ~~·.·~.: 114"' _....-e..i h -.... -... ·10-111 ............. -..--. .... . ····· s900 s900 -' I YI Pas %,Ill mill 0011 ctty baci Cal! lbe """ •la( piol t"ra & mai fro1 Olh bea ••• •h• 1'hl .lh• be< file ~ dia or dis as p, Lo de· pr• fol Bo COi NE as '" lh· R1 ra in '" lh m lo ,, d· ll " p c. e £1 b c r l t W'°'*4a7, Scptto:btr 23, 1970 DAILY PIL:OT JG Rural Scott · Valley_ Fig~ts Land n ·evelopment Atte~pts - ' BJ ALBERT W. BA.TU newspaptr by showing hhn right or eminent domain over ot SUpuvilorl, lhe COC pr~ Growlh sent out • newsleU.er Counly Grand Jury is k>oking ..._.,.....,,.. l"1lf other subdlvilioo. created by w1&er .allide its own boun· lea&ed an IDllylil of &be to every proPefly ov1ner in the into all tile county's "rccrea· (Lii& .. 1 &triel) Property Research in other dlrles. Since the Parter tenlallve IRIPI by Richard Soou Rl\'et wal.UShcd, giving Uonal " subdivisions. puU of tbe stMe. And he R.tnch lies 1t the hudw&IUS Wh'fehead, p I a.a !Ji n t con-lbelr view1 of p r o p o 1 e d One oJ the major con· YREKA, Cllif. (Special) -hi?'fd loeaJ retidents for ad-of t be SooU River, main suit.ant froal,.....lliib Bartaar1 cfe~ "1d uptalning clus\ons reacheO by th e Pastoral Scott Valley lies at 1ninialrative, secretarial and ¥OUrce ol water tor the Coun!J irbo called t b e their del1re tor some type of 1J1embcrs of tkc COG Is that 2.• reet above sea level 17 service )obi. valley's ranches, lhe re_~~-~~· plUI .. pure lud coo.trot over I.be rut u r t tbere is a desperate need for mites soulh,vest of l hi s Despite Otis, opposition to understandably ex~ but.cbery," ml uid tbat wben de,·e&opmcnt. ol their va.lley. ~gislation on a flate k!ve1 - nortbemmolt lnland California the dtvelopment arose cu; local a~. After ieypalr--public they aot. tllrouch. ille Art.a _ They ioc:Juded a ques-and soon, if I.he state is tn be ctty. It! rilnchfuc hiitAicy goes rt:iiiientlbeciine. &\\'In-of its-hcaring!._Jn 'ffblCJ!_~k o t t would ._.. llke •'terraQed l.ionnaite in the newsleUer, In saved from becoming one big back to Gold Ruab days. potential effect! tlfl their en-Valley residents appeared en -(;61,,,. ~padiliii." whiClfUiey BkectW~erpr<F-subdivislon-which wUl-es-- Callahan, at tbe IOUth end of \>iroomenL masse.. the · B o a r d of Hit analy• claimed lhal pertJ ownen .were in favor of tablish !!Ubdivislon standards the »mile long, mountain-Last February. lhe "Citiuns Supuv~s voted lo ~ny tht muy ol ~ lots were too ooa&rollinl the fublre ol -the and a showiflf! of real neecfand surrounded valley, wu a for Orderly Grw1h" was Callfoma.a Water Dlstrict. steep, and were ¥irtually valley, wbether they fivo~d value befONJ developers may st.ace coach stop on the ocg1:nized, with its primary On other mattµs. however, wuubl!. Ntvtrtbelds, the zoniDC to attain that oolllrol . proceed. piooeer road between San goal persuasion of county of-both the Planning Commillion Board of SUpervilOn voted and jf not, •·helher lhey had The fru:i:raUons COG has Francisco and Portlaud. Heials lo enact strict toning and the Boafd of Supervisors approval or the maps, statln~ any ideas as.to other ways to ex.perience<l at th e <.wnty Stretches of Scott River are law1 ror the Scott River see things the developers' that since the county Techni· preserve lhe valley. To date. 6evel have been experienced marred by the tailirlgs 1ert watershed , so that no further way. Des pite pcUUons and cal Committee and Planning 9$ per«nt of the properly by other citizens' groups from dred,g.ing for g 0 Id . subdivisions ol. this nature formal protests by the Citizens Commlllion had ptt\•iowly owners are in favor of the ef. engaged in U1e sa1ne figh t in Olhenrise, the sce ne is all would be allowed. for Orderly Growth, both appro ved them (without beoe· forts of !ht COG. oU""' parts of the stale. beauty .and tranquility _ Ooe of the first steps taken boards have continued 1.o vote lit of Whitehead analysis ), Although no request for In Georgetown, El Dorado raochers graze cattle and by the developer was an al· approval of the developers' they were obligated ·to sup-funds was made. unsolicited County, howe\'er , a cilitens' aheep and grow hay and grain tempt to form a Californ ia lentalive maps. port thern. • contributions were sent in. In group recently succeeded In develo p1nent or 11 slmllt1r A recen t public hearin1 by nature lO the ooe proposed ror • EQSC in San t'ran<:IJCo foc'UI· Scolt Valley -but only cd on the Calimlaos projeet of because a combirlati on of stale and federal ·~ncle! over· Property Research COrp. In rode local county ofUclal!I. Scott Valley. The resuJt Wl!'I Scott Valley's predica ment statewide and IL lured national is a microcosm of the dilem-press, radio and TV coverage. ma faced by many rural areas Active membe rs o( Citizens throughout the West, but for Orderly G row th , in- ~lly in_ca.µro rni.a. ___ l.cJ'<lemo.d.Jn...fort Jones. Elna The first a n s wer , en-and Callahan, put the group's vironment.conscious residents present position this way : agree, is inteltigent zoning of "We intend to stay awake rural areas for orderl y and to pursue every legal growth, plus s t r i c t en-meam to pre vent. or at leut . forcemenl. mininliu. thi s ecological and The second rests w i l h environmental disa1ter. If we legislation at the state level. don't. urban-type development This could come out of current will drive agriculture out of work by the Environmental Scott Valley and turn the Quality Study Council ap-whole beautiful area lnto a polnted by the Legislature lo slu m among what pine trees recommend new legislation U may remain after th e Indicated. • bulldozers get through.'' "'bile deer come down rrom \Valer Di1lrict, which has the At one meeting of the Boa rd The Citizens for Orderly the meantime. the Siskiyou ,pttvenUng a Boise Cast•ade ,lhe surround ing mountains wi-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~-~~~~~~~~-~~~--~~-'-~~-'-~~~~~~~--~~~---~~~~~~~~-~~~~ become roau hazards and filchers in the alfalfa fields. Not since the end of I.be In- dian wars and the dismantling of Fort Jones has anything so: disturbed Scott Valley's mien as the arrival on the scene of Property Research Corp., a Los Angeles-based la n d developer, The company 's preliminary move& las t v.•inter follow the mdbodl used by Boise Ca3Cade and other big corporation developers i n Nevada County and elsev.•herc. as described in previous in· st allments in this series. Properly Research acquired the historic 9,000-acre Parker Ranch from Yreka's Newton family. It lies abo\'e Callahan in a pocket of the valley. A small' stream 1n ea n de r s through a meac!O\V 'vith high mountains and stee p foothills for a backdrop. The company announced it would subdivide the ranch inlo 10,000 urban-size lots - a pro- spect of 30,000 to 40~ people added to Scott Va l l ey's " prese nt poputallon of about 3,000. 'The usual ame ni1ies con- sidered desirable in these developments \\·ere includ ed in their maste r plan : golf course. man·made Jakes in v;hat \Vere previously meado\\'s used by cattle, club house, airport and equestrian trails. The developer \\'On supporl Crom the edi~-~: I.he county New System For Stutly Approved The 14,250 st udents v.·ho began classes hfonday at Cal _ State College Fullerton may enroll in courses outside their maiors on a "credit/no credit" basis. The ne\v s.vstem replaces tne controversial pass/no paS$ alternative to the letter gr ades which continue to be giver: in requ ired and major courses. John B. S\veeney, rel!"istrar, ~ii.id the credi t/no credit plan "is to allow students to ven. lure bcyorid their n1ajor , field of specialization and t o br.oaden their academic cx· perience." "Credit" signifies lhat a student's ''performanCT! in a course \Vas such that he \\'as awarded full credit toward his degree objective wit hout com- ment as to the. quality level of achievemen t," Sweeney said. "No credit" means the course \\·ork does not con· tribute to a stud~nt's gradua- tion requirements. ''To take one or more courses on th is basis. students must so indicate d u r i n g re gistration. \vhich ei:tends through Se pt. 23, and must meet all prerequisites for lhe <.'OU rse. In effect, the crtd.it/no credit plan rcpreatnts 111 et· tension1of the pa11/fall s)'ltem which limited students to a maximum" of one course and Its laboratory itl subjedl outside n11jor requirementa per :teme1ter. In addition, l!tuden\a were allowed one other couno normally laUChl on ly on 1 p111/fail basil, The new syltem may only ---bol ulld.--l>r--'lldt.rcradu&I<. nonobjecdVe sractuate and classified student& for COPl'9t fl9l included in lbe appro•ed study plan. Enrolln1ent at CSF In- creased by 1,:. Jtodm\a. tbill year. or the total enrollmeot L.$00 are first Ume fruhmen. For Weekender • Advertising Phone 642-4321 J PLENTY OF FREE PARKING IN OUR NEW LOTI famous Name Brands BACK PACK CLEARANCE ClfSTllNf COMIO Oeluxe fr•me with flU·Wtl4 ctn· 1truclion t11ul Hlux1 n~M11 lllf. 4·full 1ip,ero4 1i4t ,ock111. $1495 HG. $24.11 RIG . SAU Everest Deluxe Pock Combo ... -............. $25.88s17aa '577 Bush Mosler ....... , .... ,, ..•...... $ 7.95 $ 52t '571 Shut• fromo ........... , ... ,. .. , .. $ 5.95 $3•• '574 Grond Teton fn.,. ..... . .... $ 7.9) "5B2 Tnil Bluer frimo .................. $11.95 I $47• ,, .. "725 Yucco Pock ............ ,, ......... $ 4.91 $299 '723 Knopsock ............... , ......... $ 3.98 $179 Dtkixt Moufttoin Kint ......... , ... ~ ..... $19.95s13•1· 'I .. _._ .. s_c_EL_LA_NE_o_us_c_AM_,_,~_G_G_EAR_ .... , DISCOUNT PRICES! FINAL CLOSEOUT ON All, NEW 1970 COLEMAN TENTS ••• ltfG. 8'x10' f1mily Tents .............. $ 79.95 9'112' FMnilr Tents ............. $ 19.95 l'x6'6" Olympic Tents .......... , $ S9.9S l'xlO' Olympic Ttftls ............ $ ff.9S 1 l'xlO' Olympic T-...... .' ..... $109,9S lO'xl' Vapliond T-....... , .... $ ".95 12'19'V•••oiT""' ............ $119.95 lO'al'OasisTents .. , ............. $ ",95 SAU .$41•• s59n t45n t55n •73 .. ..... •12 .. ..... r c~ SUIPl!fG :u·~ .I REG . Johnnie Shower ..... , .. ,, ...... $24.95 Wooden Stools .............. , ..... 98c Wooden Stools with Bock ......... $1.98 Commando Pup Tent ... , , , ...... $13.88 Officiol Tube Tent ............... $1.98 Port1ble Toilet ..... .' ........... ,53.69 Army Cots, w~ite , ................ $6.95 Army Cots, gre en ............... $9.95 All Aluminum Cots ..... , .. , ...... $9,95 SAlf s19aa 78' SJ 29 s9•s 98' s2•• s4•• s7aa s71a END-Of· THE-SEASON RENTAL EQUIPMENT SALE * fantastic Savings * Sold "As-ls" * FIRST COME * FIRST SER'/EO 9x12 Coleman Tents ........ s399 s 10x8 Coleman Tents . . . . . . . . s29•s 3-lb. Dacron S!efping Bags . . . . SJ 0'1 3-Bumer Coleman Stoves . • . . . . SJ SA RIG. SAii ·• . .• •soo 2-11. lcrifyl ........ , ....... $ 9.9s fJU lge. 2-bumer Coleman Stove . . . SJ ON •622 3-•. '""'' lot . · · · · · · · · · · · · .$l3.9s • 1 O" Coleman Single Mantle I.Interns . $511 -"60S-3-lb.-Acrifyl~ $$U~.t5~:~11!"33~==--•1•-0-=aul o=n:-r.o:r.e=m=a=-n--=ug::-.-.-. -. -.. -.-. --'-<1·1-91 '62S 3-•. IMUI 100 .... ,, ..• , . . . . lS.11 I - •112 4-•. DKron II. · · · · · · · · · · · · · $2S.'5 • 16••· 2-G11llon Colem11n Jug , . , , , , . , •735 4-lb, lnsul 100 ..... ,,, ...... $17,95 f121t •111 ~. -11 .............. $so.oo •34•1 Aluminum Folding Cots •...... OPEN DAILY 9-9 SATURDAY 9 'tll ,6 SUNDAY 9 'tfl 5 BEAT THE-CROV/P * CLOTHING DEPARTMENT CLEl.•..ANCI * IEG. SALE Men's CPO Shirts .. , ... , .. $995 Boys' CPO Shirts ......... 1795 Lined CPO Shirts· ........ 115•5 Men's All Nylon Jackets . ." .. $5 95 Famous Brand Name :~;~~~~r~~~~~TS $14 88 REGULARLY $20.00 ............. . Boys' All Nylon Jackets ..... 14u fleece Lined Jackets . , •... 11681 Velour Shirts, Reg. to . , . , . 11700 Our Mo1t Famous Brand LADIES' SLACK~ Lorge Selection I REGUlAllY $tll-$12 .. · .. · ........ . Famous Body Shirts, Reg. to 11500 ti --t .• _ • t 12•1 re1 dfL>JYlli·-'-"ll!!1r,.s_,._,_, -'-'" .,_,_.-'--. ~-~'- Blue Jean Flires , , , . , . , . , , 1300 ' . I ri ,, I 11 • - • • ' . ' ' • • ' ' ' ' . ' • ................. CLOSE RACE -America's Cup-defender Intrepid • {22) leads the .<\ustraHan challenger Greiei1 Ji at the first mark in Tuesday's third race. Newport Beach ski pper Bill Ficker wen~ o,n lo brin1 Intrepid in to it~ third victory. -'----- ' Two rings for two lovers . ., both ring ~ $88 .00 Fi-t 11_.ity 41--41 -rethMNlll_! I• 14l t•l4 -'"°"" Easy CNdit tef,;.l • Jtudtont at~0411'14t · aYOiloble • op 10 12 months t_o poy lan~AfM[i~ord • ,>t\fs~ ~Mr-"~ "THE STORES CO!lll'IDENCE 'BUILT" MUllTINGTOM Ct:NTt:L INC~ & l:d~tr H..,U......, llKll lf2·Ut1 HA,1101 ~HOl'l'IN• CINTlll UH M•rNr I I••· Ce1ll Mnt StS·tiltJ OPIN MON ., THURS. & Fll. 'TtL' P.M. 'Miss Bud' . Wins Gold Cup Race SAN DIEGO (UPI) -"Mias Bwt"·eiller," with De an ~weth 1t the control.I, polled ,. repeal perfonnanct Sopday, winning tile Gold CUp classic for unl i m i ted hydroplanes for tht second consecutive year. Chenoweth, 36, who joined the bydr:o circuit in 1988, averq:ed 101.14& mph in six la,ps around the 2'komile Mission J5ay course. . Entering fthe final heat, CheOOweth was tied with the ••Miss Madison" o n I C· cumulited points from earlier heats. But once he got behind the ~controls of his_ .red and white thunderboat, ht wa.' never challenged in the race that counled. ''Mis! Madison,•· driven by .Jim• Mccotmick-;o tied for se· cond ·with Leif Borgersen and hill "Notre Dame" after the point. were all t a I I i e d . A!UJot!gh Mef'onpick crossed the l hiish line third in the last heat, his earlier -point totals brought hir 1 even w i t h Borgef'9C'.n. For his efforts. Chenoweth was pa id Sll,5'l0. OtQer Tina! finishers splil the remainder of the $47,500 purst. T b.e: v.ic lor y made Cflenoweth the G91d Cup win- ner and 8.lso earned him the national drive r c h a m p i o n honors. "Miss·Budweiser" was named the 1970 boat cham- pion, ba$ed·M S u n d ay's results and p o i n t s ac· cumµJr.tcd du~ing ,Ute season. Headquarter~ ' for •••••••..•• ' Pampers for drier, happi,er babies. : Daytime 30's 11vifty Price $168 Diap er • n d panu in one, no plasti c pantJ ne_tded . 1:or dayl imc use on babies 11 rounds &! ' U'\'t • Ovemight 12's 87' Extra 1.b~or· "'nt for ni&hl• time and nlp• time "'t fo r babiet 11 b . snd o•er • • , • ~.ay·dlJ" ltn· '"Ak .. I" W., dtTtr. Daytime 1511 81' P.rlcd 1) in & padi:age fot trips, picnia, de. Pim . ~ rot bdWt fit &. .grtaltt comfort r .. boby. Newbom 30'• Tlwlfty l'rito • .. ... ·-~ . . . -. ~-·--~-... -. ' ·, 'h9~1m on Gretel 11 a;; ~ble ""'f from Grtte( bee~ disqualified it On< «mo thfre was to be no duplication and stilflet a gOod start." of another. We afways like to of Sunday's feat(""" tn following that strategy, shar~ in our con1peUl~r's lo1 Al the end ol the tUll dretel Ficker said he saw an o~ in w1onlng, and e,:n,~nly '"'' ll bad lost ~ aeccmda. roun· portunity to aet Ofl Gretel 's I ~re in_ the\(. dlsipPQlntm~nt 1 -lbe nfth mark With a one stern about .uiree minutes >-1n Joslngiin suCh a"mlhner. :t .,miDute II second def.lctt. before the p. and force her Both boa;s asked fpr a la~· '"7~ As Ult wind 'freshened 00 the over the line early. "We knew day today to Jook oyer their fmal upwind climb tntrepkt ~ would have to tack back gear iyl(i-dtSCUss tactiO'for the · I ·1 for the:·li.ne first," said Ficker. fourth race. , .~ mto her e ement unh r~r-the end when et.e ~med As the~bOats came-abollt to The series _now ~ands at 3 to be laboring. Asked if there recross, -Ficker was in a to 0 for Intrepid . If she wins was any g'4r failure, Ficker favored position and was able Thursday it Will mark the end uill· lo restart. flrsl and well to ol ,a bitter series. ="°· At ~post race conference windward. Tactician Steve Van Dyck Bill Fesq, navi&ator ori Gretel Asked about his thoughts on was back aboard Intrepid I ) mltted that helmaman the piQitest that nullified Tue$day after reeovUin& from ~ve FOl'be! made •";t8cUcal ·ere.lei's win Sunday, Ficker the sting of a yellow·jackel on 1fti;or in~not covering Ficker's ;utid : tbe. lip: jibt.ln going to the mark. "We "There are rules we all have "I have.now been plactij on had 'been gaining on this leg to sail by, and we have all the.''bee'tean1,"bequipPed. but the failure to cover the jibe ---!..j __ _ cost us dearly. H~ we done so. we would have been no more than 30 seconds behind at the fifth mark," Fe.sq said. Ficker explained his starting ·downwind miracles as he broke out a larger spirlnaker and seemed to be moving faster than Intrepid. , • But at the second mark the time split was exactly ·the same -a perfect standOff. On the slightly lighter relicb to ~ the third mark Intrepi'i:I picked Sept. 23-24-25-26-27 Daily 1 P-.M. to JO.P.M~ up IO seconds to lead by 56. Sunday, Sept 27, last day 1 P.M.to7 P.M • tactics thus; "After OU"f ex-: 1.•,.t• M•,.lca Cl•I• Afflt•rl"•· ...... Str••t & ~ •• •l•i . perience in the last few races I Dail)' D..o Prlae~ • A•l•Mfl $1.75 • ChNdrell ~ i2 ,,.. our strategy was to stay as far ~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~ ' .Now,•·· Newport Balboa Savings an~ Loan "Association and lnvesiors Savings and Loan Association with assels exceediog, s21 s million have joined logether with a new name,. IMPERIAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION . ll's the name of ils parent organizat ion , Imperial Corporation o) Am erica, the nati on's third largest publicly-hel d savi ngs and roan holllmg company with $1.4 billion in assets. qome in. You'll find lhe same friendly management and personnel , the same fast and effi~ient service, insured safely, plus the highesl earni ngs for your savings investment So gel together during this greal get-together. V isit one .of our six convenient offices-· stretch ing from the mountains to the sea ... now. 1mPERIAL SAUlnGs ... L••~ AJ-1.t1-el "-""-~,._...,. A ..,to.i•i.., el ""'-1•1 c.,~ Ill"""-"- • t . ' .. .•. " Extculiv•Offlce: 3366 Via Lido, NewPort Beech, 17).3130 Main office : 61 South Lake Avenue, Paa1dtn1, 795-MC1 Brench off6cel : 550 Newport Center Drive, Newqort 81acl\, 644. t ~ 61 • 3870 E1st Foothill b levard, P1Mden1, 715-0447 13C Nofth Glendor• Aiienue, Glendora. 1~· .. !JA) Ventura ioulev11d at Otk<Mle. Woodltrtd Hills. ~~920 " J .. • • bu ' bu .,, lo• '· .. ha ht ;. In ' (r co de In Bo SC ht th ., . II " " y h SI R L s L s c d • • A ~ 1 \ \ f __ , l v t , I ( ( I f I I t ' • I ·• Rl!t•r~eUd: • Famed , Old Boat His Pride, Joy , SAN DIEGO (AP) -She Is yean ... m!ba•-- major yacbUna f\'fllll. She once won UJe. Honolulu race ml atlll -the ........ for • return voyaa:t from Hawall. ,.. - bll]ky aM cetting Oft in years I but to Robtrt Wood she is the love of his-life. •. "All she needs ia devotion, .. hard work and lots of mone1 ,'' he said of hi3 lM-foot schooner ): Invader, one of the last of the " great 1;1lline yachts in this coontry. Wood, a Sacramento salvage dealer .l'ho found the steel hulled"""giary,t nine years ago It Berkeley Harbor ready for the acnp Jjile/sa)'I he hao been heaping large amo1mts of these in~ent.s upon his boat ever ii.nee. Wood br<Uibt Iba. "Ifft 61 nly Ill•," Into tlii ... DltF u.rber-to tolrt .. --and flail on a voyqt from San Francilco to La Pu ill Met· ico. Captain Bob, as Wood Is called by his six crewm.a 11 Pl)"ld' of ~ greyhound ol. the .... . "We sailed all the way down the -~" ht aid Non.My ID an: lhwvtew. "Qne day wt IOQed 211 Jrilllii aod wt averaged 180 to 1&4 N11Ucal • p • G miles daily1... • air arner Tl)eaoartrespectable speedJ, ht noted, considering Y h R that thi rig has been shorttn-UC t ace ad and the ln••<l<r's sa111 ,,. __ canvas -_some_of_themJ!l _ T H years old. Op OROrS "She raises up just like a A Lido Isle Yacht Club 1ki~ per Ind a Balboa Y1cht Club : Ailor took lop honors this weekend in Newport Bay races sponsored by Voyager Yacht Club. Ben Hromadka of LIYC sail- ing "Kildee" was first of 13 starters in the Allen Campbell Race for Luders 16's. Vicki Lohman of BYC won the Jane Schock Memorial Race in her Lido 14, "Lowly Roman." the Campbell race was run Saturday in a light wind, a condition which prevailtd Sun- day during the Schock race which had 13 all female crews. Finishing behind Hromadia were Leroy Su the rla n d , MACIDNE NO EIGHT ...... Newport HarbOr Yacht Club; Tom Nehrhas, Seal Beach Yacht Club; Barry FeM, Voyager Yacht Club, ind Keith Dinsmore, Balboa Yacht ----Club. Placing b e h I n d Min Lohman in the Schock ract were Glenda Btrklhller, Hun- tiniton Harbour Y1cht Club ; Terianne P1rker, Newport Harbor Yacht Club, and Myra George, AlamiiQI -Bay Y1CM .. Club. ; ,_ Designed ·'bt"•N at Herre.- 1choff, one ofAmer.fci'I foremost n a v ., 1 arthiteda, lnv1der was built in Bostoo M ' U.S. Yacht Crews Win Dolphin when we'"' rueblnC ulinl all saill undet pd wlnd. It'I lJDllln& llow a ,155- ton craft can climb rlght out of the water ," he Mid. Wood, who described him self as "a few years younger than Invader," had never gone to sea until he bought his hand.some twio- masted boat. "I didn 't know a thing," he uid. "I got books and started readtn&." The crew inc1uda Wood'• brother Lyrut and the skipper'• son, 20-year-old Robbie. There is al.90 a sh/· ' ·trot nirned Nipper and Ger man Shephenl calleJ Bullet. As the sun fell on the Pacific, Wood and his c:nw ' got Invader ready to sail a1aln. "She'll be glad to be 1t 1e1 •Sain tonight," the 1klpper said and ffiey were off. Red Baron Wins Yacht R~gatta Red Baron; with __..,,..... 9Wft!r Bill Hartee and cftw Dive AnnltnOC ud Clluck Geor1e, 'WOil WI ,..,., Jta:. calibur a lnrilltilNI 1fa.. tlonal ctfam~ Reptla hosted by Iba lluotillllOO Harbour Yacht Club. C.Ompetlng In the 'two races la!t Saturd1y and *ee ·r1cts PORT HALJGUEN, France Sunday were bNts b'$llft (AP) -U.S. crews dominated Newport Buch, San Ftan- the first race of the fourth cilco, Lene •Beach and Loi World TempeJt Clul 11illng Angela yacht clubs. championships on Quibtron Second place honors were Bay on the French Atlantic c1pturtd by Howling Olw, coast. NHYC, wWr the boll clU'1 Peter Nesbeda ind Jeff Pele II, owned by 1ton Drews Duncan of the -Yacht-with slllpp<r Rosi cit la lfa1<, Club with tho~ y a c h t , likllll th in!. "Ahead,'' won the ract wl\lcb Hartge, of Huntington saw five U.S. y1chtf plactd In Beach, retired as president ol. the first .even. Ute N1tionll Auodltlalll clur· Second were D. Bruce in1 a dinner meetlftl Sltarday Falconer and Bruce Dy1011 of n!«ht tn the Captatn;1 Inn, the Noroton Y.C., Cann., in Long Beach. Hall Palmer, Deadalus for three penalty SFYC, Sin P'rancllee, w11 tn- points. John and James Lin-stalled as prlliclent a n d ville of the Larchmont Y.C., Hartce will serve 11 the N.Y .. were third in Beut fer usoeliUon'1 secret1·ry- li.7 points. trel!UJ"er for tM COlldnl year. Partners Proud Yachters' Sons in Race Two of the prou4elt men in Newport In recent wetU Wert tho>e aalllng archllictl, Herll RileJ and George 8111ell, •bO are partners in business. 'Ibf: f'llSOD : their JOnS were both -ting for the Fjnn World'I • Championship i n Portupl, ililng with 170 other compettlors from 3S countrit.!. by ploelng hifll In the notloMI champianlblp ..,au., bald oo Hunllqtori IA'* Ill Call!OfBla. The junior -........ B_,__tes Io a Id, ho""91', that Du SJlln COD- ditiOlll .,. l lol lOulhtr !baa --lllrt. ' "Ouf eqalpalllll WU I lot more tapldlttcltell t b a n theirs , 11Ut K juot _, s1...,,. ......,, • ...., _ ed. "Bot,,_ .. wt ... 1M , equipmdt flllv9 In .., r.ce!." Dave Ru~. a junM>r at Claremont, and Tom Blssell, 21, a atnior at San Diego Stile, qullHled for the bil one =--:-~::---,,:~~~--,-1 Today's Stocks Today ,,----• , Yours! without buying a -drop of gasoline •• .. t •••••••••••••••••••• ·-10 0 Brin9 this coupon to any service statiott liatecl below - -----_ . _ __._off_•r_in=g =S&=H=· G=reen Stamps. _ _ _ . , • 1 · .. 1EcE1vnx11-A-10Nus --1 • '· Ir _J..1 .. ~~~;::~~:.~: .1 1 J't ~ . ..., .,.., ...... ri+ltff fre11d. • 2_R•:t!IN • ~ • ...,.,... ----~L~hn~it~•=d to on• coupon p•r visit • No,_. ....... .._., • Tlli1 •ff1r t•-' 5•,t•mb•r 2J thr~ 2t. ·······-············· At these ·1 S&H .Senice Stations- SAN CLIMENTE LAGUNA HILLS .l.&MU llCM,llLD SllYtC* Hl:llNCO CLIP,.S llCHPllLD llCI PllCI CMMON 16102 hit• ailc• lhl. lt I 0 S. 9'i1t•I 407 N. El C•1111in• •••I JIM MASON"S Tll&CO 21172 CtbOt •f l11t•1 JOI SMITH "II" SllYICI 1211 N. ~''"''A., .. PlllWAT MOllL lll M1 in St. •ORDON MOllL SllYtCI 600 l'ic• A¥t . COSTA· MESA -MAX'S MO.IL SEIYICI 1457 S. M~i11 St. • PAL~DO INCO IOTD'I SllYICI ,l••ch ti Ad11111 llN 'ICILUI CHIYIOfl 104 E1tr1H1 4t0 E. 17th.St. MIL'S llCHfllLD 1 17 W. Ed i"'''' SHORICLlf,.S ltcHftlLI Ttlb•rt 1t Mttflol i• Sl•"S SIRY1CI lllCHfllLIJ llNlrS UNION "76H 602 E. 17t!r. St. 2749 El C11111i11• 1111 2911 H1rbor llvd. IOGll HALI INCO STAHDAID STATION, INC. WATSON'S ARCO 6RANTS •ULf SllYICI 1 tOO I l1••kl11,1r1t Av1. 1251 W, 17th St. 2155 S. El C1,.,i11• R1•l 1740 N1wport l lvd. IOYAL SHILL SIRYICI STANDAll STATION, INC. ~LOllN'I ATLANTIC llCHFllLD 16712 •!•th ll'!_d. 17561 M1cArthur ll•d, CORONA DEL MAR -Jlll H1rh r II". SU. lllm """ SllYICI TONY'I INCO ' MUA. ftlDI AMlllCAN 10001 ..... ,.,. 1629 N. H1tbor I I". STANll'All STATION, IMC. 2146 E. C•t1t Hwy. JIM H•rlrl•r II". STAMDAlD STATION, l~C. ORANGE ' 1111 Edifl91r MISSION· YllJO IOI GAICIA CHlYION NEWPORT llACH ! ~. TAYLOR'S UNION "76" 1409 W. C!r.1pm111 ' STANIA.ii STATtoN, INC. • IOI SilftH'S CHmON 7161 Ecli"'t'' COl:COUN SHILL SRflCI 2tt E. C1•11 Hwy. 2n42' Crtw111 V1 1f•y ,.y. TUWS llCHfllLI Sl!~YICI 2tt So. M1i11 St. JIM ·~ns CHIYION t 6501 G•ldtl'IWllf A••· Nlll'S AUTO SUYICI IMOIJLI SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO 26201 L1 ''' 1201 N. 61111111 ION'S IHCO DON'S AICO SllYICI 'TANDAID STATION, INC. EAST IRVINE 15471 6old1flw•tt A¥•. 101 W. Li11col11 27112 Ort19• Hwy. MINIM ARCO 11ucn llCHfllLI SANTA ANA 100 N. Tu1li"' IL TORO 14111 5,,.4 C1,.y•11 Rd •• Jiff MANN llCHllllLI Wl .. "S SllYICI CIHTU AL'S llCHftiLD SllYICI 1100 N. Tu1ti11 21771 E.I T•rt Rel. HUNTINGTON llACH 2100 '•li 1~d11 Rd. JIM HllRON CHffltON 1711 E. Cli•I'"''" 1t Tu1ti11 l'O\INTAIN VALLEY AUi .AMPllLL "76• ARCO SIRYICI CINTll JIM"S llCHlllllD !llYICI 16971 ••ld111 W11t I ~OJ N. l rl1tol 110 E. K1t1ll1 Nml CHIYION SllYICI llACM MOllL IOl'S SHILL J , JU'M~N UNION 71 lro•lthunt •t T 1lb1tt 16001l••ch11 .. d. 2)02• S. lri1tol "105 • Ch1pm•11 Nll'S INCO SllYICI HACH & ILATll llCHPllLD COLL l•I llCHftlLD SllYICI IUllH'S AICO 1747 4 lt•okhurit l1lc!r. 11 Sli t•• 4041 E. Ch11t"''"' 17Jt W. 17th St. Y,ILLA PAllll SHILL 511YICI HOWMAH'S CHIYION llLL & PAUL MOllL I 5t7J Eucli4 A••· 15001 l•l4111w11t DIL WOODS CHIYIOH 12t7 N. Tuiti"' STIYIM'S T~CO CHUCI JAJ4U Sll'flCI CINTll 1211 E. 111 St. TUSTIN 16471 Ht tbo t lvd~ DICl'S INCO 7662 E4111it•r 11,4, ISO I E. fdi11t•' llLL ~·AH CHIYION YALLIT s1n1c1 COLL.HI PAii SHlLL 14122 N1w,•tf A.,f, I lltl w.,,.., llCI 61RTIN CHnlott 11971 ft•l4•nw1it •t E4111f1r 2'702 N. l ritt•I l M"O lllllllOll CHaYlell 691 "D" St. CA"STUNO BEACH MN RAM'S CH ... ON lfllN rlRIZ llCHFllLI SIRYICI ITANDAll STATION, llllC. 1 .. 1a~co 16Zl:t Ptcific C•1it Hwy. 1010 S. lrillel IJtJI Rtilhill !61'4 El C•lftifl• R1•I MAl•Ln llCHfllU PLOTD SIMMONS lllYICI STANDAID STATION, INC. 6111 E4i~t•• A .... 1211 firit St. 17241t17111 St. \Make California greener • Ma~~'.-. yourself happier!· ~ . ... ·' • • . · i ifs· ~green! ' ~ ' ~ . , .... H&AE'S HOW! ~sl. fo;. S&H' ~"EEN' }fAM,P$.1" The only stomps dl1tribut14 •Ml ,.;,..,.., ~ cMal·IO-C...t. (No olh., st.inp un ~ ~ cl.ol111Q . ("~ .. , it's great! HERE'S WHERE! Whor1ver you soa the GREEN sign. It iClentiflos Car.forni1's finest service st1tlans , , • off1tli1t you the notion 's r. .. 11 st1mp1 , , • SAH GREEN' STAMPS. • HiRE'S WHYI 6'.'at S&H willlN $fAMPS~r11n .,.. volue for Y•ul 'llffMf,. Ml! •lieit• of ~ lot1IMI gilts fer ltss st••l' 0... 26oo ~ ittlM in · the S&H ldo.tbael All ftt It! ',. ' ' . M1l1 C•lifor~i• grHn., . , . m1la yourself hippier GARDEN GROVE IJOll HARIOR IL VD. HOURS: 10.S Ttilt. thru Sot. • ~ 10\11' books at the lJt 01\l!JEN STAMP RlilDEMPTION CENTER ~ear you: , II ' mtlt it • habit t6 soy "S&H GREEN STAMPS, plt1sel" j SANTA ANA SOI NORTH MAIN ST. HOURI: -· lllrv Sot., 9:30 to 5:30,, ''rl. till 9 AMERICA'S MOST RILIABLE AND VALUABl.l STAMPS '' I I .. . ....... ' .~ ... . . - ,. IWlY l'ILOT -- Or Behi...U Diet Can Help You Get Ahead ' . Not many ~'filers hit the typewriter standing up, and I'm no exception. Noticing that I was beginning to live beyond my seams. I decided to seek a "Car~r Success Diet" and aSked the National Dairy Council ror s o m e c alorie-oonscious nutritional Wormation. After reading it, I was struck by this food ror thought: • "(our eating habits can make an enormous difference in your business world success. How so? Consider these ex· amples: ROSALIE WRONG "IMAGE ls a young career gal v.•ho works for a youth organiza. tion. Poor Rosalie complains that she is never invited to join other staff members in representing her organization at outside meetings. This hurts Rosalie's pride and he r p r o fessional advancement. Her coworkers like Rosalie. but think or her as only a bulge in a gird led cage. A.~f. FAINT is the world 's oldest junior executive . ·A.~1. keeps his weight down by limiting his breakfast to cof- fee. From mid-morning until ]undi, he's too weak. to work and his job performance lhows it. BETl'Y BON BON, who - after 20 years or homemaking and eating -is now unsuc- cessfully looking for a job. Employers shy away because Betty impresses them as more cream-puff than sirloin. PAUL PAU NCHY . really needs to break the pound bar- rier. He is 6 feet and 230 pounds 0 r un"employrnent. -->=nterv1ewetS may reason-that Paul is prime heart-attack material. SALLY SlNGLE is a chair· bound typist who has not had a pay raise in 2 years. Why? Because her personal .life is affecting her job. Spreading LA Readi11g Gains Told LOS ANGELES (AP ) - First gradm here showed a marked improvement i n reading scores. according to test results released Monday by the school district. . . ..- Sally has ~ more stern thailStem -which, &B . everyone kno"1s -· attracts feweJ potential shipmates. Since Sally's alWays in a lather ov.er. a boyfr·iend shortage, her v.'ork suffers.· ' Sally -and the rest of us - should learn good food habits v.'hich will make us slim, keep 1 us trim -and vigorous. If you ' don_'L feel or look well, you can't possibly be: up to par on 1 the job. . Those· weirdo crash diets aren't the answer either; studies show that not only do you run the risk of "damAglng your be&lth but that the pounds you lose don't stay lost. Instead, fann sound nu tritional habits which-Will be the basis for maintaining your deaired -w.eighL ilnYlh.:1-1----· out life. ttiere is less danger ~~.,,..-- 1 of putting pounds back on be(!ause you have a better understanding of foods and food vaules. So the "Career Success Diet" is not really a diet in the usual sense of the word, but a SYSTE!\1 of healthy eating. Here's how you can get it - free. WHERE TO WRITE: 111< National Dairy Council his provided copies Of Z excellent booldet1: "The ·Food W1y To Weight Reduction'" Includes nutriUon b11lcs, nmple diets for IOIO-U.-I•Illl catorte1 1 day, a proven-ups-on -- shedding pounds. • ' Y o u r Calorie Ca lalog" lists the calorie COllDl and prott:t.1 measure for a v.·kle range of food s. You may have • single complimentary copy of both publications by sending me a It-cent 1tan1ped, 1e 1 f ·ad· dressed long wbi~ envelope at this newspaper within 3t days. Sony, but if you forget tbe ti. cent stamped, retum en· velope, 1 can't send them to you. You must wrik "NOC" on the corner of your outakle envelope. Pre-11atal The first graders' percentile Cl S on the test j~mped to S2 thi.~ ass et year from 15 in 1969. 1:..t · Max Rarferly, s t a t e Classes in what to do before i;uperintendent of public in-that liUle bundle arrives from struction, expressed satisfac· heaven Or out from under a tion-but Wi~ Riles, Raf-cabbage leaf are being offered ferty's opponent in the general to Harbor Area mothers-to-be. election, said the scores are Mary Jo Con\\'ay, of the misleading. Orange Coast YMCA, will be Riles said a new test 1vas instructing the p r e · n a t a 1 substituted for the Stanford courses at Y headquarters. Achievement Test last year. 2300 Univers ity Drive, "It would be misleading to For late v.·omen \vho waited ~\aim that the students have too long, baby-sitting service nnoroved s i g n i f i c a n t I y \\•ill be provided during the because you're using a dif· f\1onday. \Vednesday and Fri- ferent instrument," Riles said. day classes. C1·owni11g Glo1·y beauty salons • • !. • • each piece twin odull reg. 69;'5 · mattress or box spring 2 pc. queen s'et reg:$1'99 3 pc. king set reg. $249 49:90 $149.90 $199.90 sleepshopt45 bedspread clear•nce: quilted throw spreads in •n •rr•y of prints, solids Generously quilted cotton bed- spreads, filled wi th acetate. Soft and puffy ... .in a collection full of perky prints, some solids, ioo. Now at vt1lu- able savings. Shop eady for best selection; ilot a 1rsrzes and colOrs ·in - all·sto res. twin were 19.00 12. 99 full were 22.00 . '1s.cl9 queen , king were 32.99 19.9'1 bed!:>preads 11 3 . ---. -~--.· - . , save en occasional tables in 4 styles a. ltalWI ~ top tables. Beautifully detailed tables. 01Stinct, classic styling. FeatOring bevelled glass insert lops. On pecan finish bases of pecan grained selected veneers and hard- woods. reg. $100 to $160 reg. $110 cocktail table reg. $11 O chairside table b. Modem tables of walnut and glass. Striki ngly contemporary. The transparency of smoked glass. Merged with lines of walnut veneer. reg. $60 to $120 reg. $120 cocktail table reg. $80 lamp table c. Med.iterrlllQll occasional tables. Rich, dark antiqued pecan finishJ!d 9n pecan veneers and select hardwoods. With antiqued brass pulls. ' reg. $100to$140 reg. $100 drawer commode reg. $140 coctail table reg. $14(1 cocktail table d. French Provincial occasional tables. Choose from two very handsome finishes. One with pe- can veneers on select hardwoods. The olher with bisque finished bases and pecan finished tops. reg. $110 to $120 reg. $11 O cocktail table reg. $120 commode sg_OtoS1QO sgo s100 furn iture 144 . FREE CONDITIONING ----1'.JlEA'l'MEN-T-,-._:_~--1-·1--~ with your next 1hem,,,,.1et! Our treatment improves texture. adds lustre and shee n. Reg. $1.00 value no"' at no extra cost. Mon .·Tue1.-Wff. SHAMPOO. SET ond·TREATMENT $2.95 HAIRCUT $1.SO 11 PRICE PlRM SALE! STL YIST PRICES SLIGHTLY HIGHER $20 Magic Curl $10.00 $15 Wonder Curl $7.50 Budget perm •lwey1 S5.t5 AiteCl"!'mltlh Wekome ht . Net Alwtry> Necmsy! .tr:tt~··r ,~r:~ CT I.ORY ... .. ~ -.. -mey co south coest pleze, san diego fwy et bristol, costa mesa , 546-9321 1hop mondey thru seturdey I 0 em to 9: 30 PJ!I• &undey noon 'Iii 5 pm • b. 161 I, 17'91 IT , CCl1-TA MftA SOUTH COA!T KAIA -.:~,~····" PHONI 141-ttlt PHONI S46-71U MAVCO iOiiiii~O~p~"~':•~••~lo~goiot;&~l~•·~'~'~'iiii,....,~o:,.:•..!:lu~a·:°"::.~~.I .. -----------~-----• • L • - f .. Sd Un '" mn ' nl sai· "' Al I LA fer• lior "' • "g1 sc• Bal Wil lh• P" l sch Sta m• L Pri In t 11r: ( lh• .,. sch B b<t· di ff ingl L mir lh• ... 0 of t I.old min ""' to wlU H con lndl rea1 lndi firtt oil 1170 ran! Coo test D sper ICOI Jnv1 1en• msc te1L .... Fi min IOm clas ·--otrn tsln dici lng B, Stat "'"' 1ast. dar• diff• R Lor An1 lb< lHt .... 1 I: 1l c firs re~ •pe· ma: disl T H" lion qua t4S " nun wilt A reg lm1 ,.. fac QUE OWi '!l th• Ill< , "" Ind fin pot brc •uJ to ·~ ~ ... •nl ' • I - Notes 3t%~Galn UC .Ptof essor--Suspects Politics in Reading ·Tes .t l y GEORGE LEmAL dardi~ations or the reading ot "" .,.,., ~1111 "'" tests in part led the stl le to Reading tests scoree, "6eas. rte0mmend a change in tests ed by the boo-A ...... City -llled. --· --- Sc~I district havt l!!d ·a Rangel said, "The Stanford Uni11ersily of Ca!ifol'ftl• )>ro..-\ht was not 1 &ood test for lessor to 1uspect PQlitical paliforflit children." motivations. . " l\ffdin1 or lny other stan- Southern California children. "An East Los Angeles student doesn't see coal or mlltens being used. How -woo.Id he- know what they are. u Thus, he believes the new t~st -Cooperative .Pr.im ary ' Reading Test -Is· "a better J test. Children meet with more success," he sai<t. Riles who is opposing Raf- ferty for election to the State ,.;;;.;,.;. superintendent's post, ·branded - Wtd~~· St$mblt' 23, 1!110 DAILY l"ILOT ~-.., , . --' -~~ ~River ~ 1"ust ~S~y , -----. I •· . Cou1ity Board Gets Santa Ana River Report The Santi Ana River ca nyon cost projections. from Prado Dam to the ocean In reference to lhe seclilJ' or, in Huntington Beach. 27 miles, the river from the Sa.Ala Ana ls an "absolu tel y unique Freewa y to Victoria Street In natural resource" and should Costa. Mesa, the coosultants be §aved._ not~ that the area has been This was the punch line of a Intensely urbanized . ::&po,tJlled.. wlth_the Board o( -"So"'e rehabilitation has Supervi.IQl"I follow ing a four-been done by the Flood Can-- month 1t~y of the river and trot Distr ict and the river the Santiago Creek channels levees are widely used by by the Loa Angeles consulting horsemen even though the . 'firm of Eckbo, Dean, Austin & trails are straight and Williams. monotonous," the report said. The project was undertaken Recommended for the sec- control pro~-and tbt river 111<11. j. "The;chie chu1cterlstic1 o( the art• "Include a sewaae treatment plant (just norlh ol Pacific Coas t Highway) .some (lptll Janda, (lj) field! and bouJJ-. I iq deve~tl.~tbe_n@t ·, ,stated. , ~· R ecomm en d e d ls an , eatuarial marsh type park for \ Ulle o(. birds and wikUile . ~!~:"atJ~U:J.u~~~ ~ :~ ~ cars and Jndultri1I f1cWttes. ' ~ I -, Kenneth P. B'alley, dll'llClor dardi~ ltsls are written and of teacher educalil>ft 'a' UC., jl~tl to lttlenITTiibers or peo- said, 111 really wonder why l~• pie . te ftlcrml,.. "norms" reading tc0res were "'""* •laigt,.whlch all subsequent 11t this time. It's the fl'9t time ~rlN\f takifll tht test are LA schools hav~ seemil\lly et-mea1ured." - fered supt. of Public Instruc- lion Max Rafferty an ad- vantage." the LA school's claims of s i g n i f icant improvement "mi1lcadin~1• becJ;11~e of the Big Cuddle as a pa.rt of the county 's lion' ls a ril:twork of smaller general plan and is tied to a parks and trail rest atop! broad~ 1tudy now under way along with a community park by the U.S. Army Corps of at · the Feder a I Com- Engineers. munic111tions Commission pro. Multi-use pirka should be " developed at the un.ltaUon. , plant and at the nearby f Southern CAiifornia EdiJOn steam i:ener atlna facility, H ls ; recommended. - Noting that the 37 percent "gain" In first grade readtftl scores wa11 "highly •~pect" Bailey agreed with Dept Supt. Wilson Riles conte ntion that the scores couldn't be com- pared. Until last year, Califnn,ia school districts employed the Stanford Achievement Test to measure"Teading ability. Last yea r, the Cooperati11t Primary Rea ding Test bega11 to be used to measure elemen- tary reading 1billties, and W•• the test used to measure first araders in Los An geles sch-ools-.- ---- Bailey believes comparison!! between scores achieved on different tests are melft• ingless. Los Angeles school 1d- ministrators who preseftted the test scores to the hunt ef ed ucation Monday, agree. Dr. Howard Bowman, hti•d cf testing for the LA d\1trlct, told the board in his five- minule p rese n tat io n on reading scores. "It is difficult to_make rigid comparisons with tests cf previous years." He cautioned trustees a~ concluding that the new IOOl'tl Indicate a YI percent "aaln" In re1di ng ability bu t rather they indicate a. shift from the ttll first 1rade percentile r1nlr;ln1 cf JS on the Stanford t .. t.t& a 1170 first grade Pll~•ntllt ranking of 52 -°" t ll t Cooperative Primary J\1.i diri1 test. Dr. Bowman agrees th al apecific comparisons betwee n scores of different , tests-.ar.e. Invalid, but conti1'ds tliat a eeneral comparilon may be made. "Both measure• """T te11ts -rank children Jn the 1ame order," he said. Further. the LA district ad- ministered both tests t(l the same children in at leaat twn cllsses in one school. A r The report deals largely j)trty at Edinger Avenue . flr11t 1r1de lci:lit switch. llAlf~rly •n lh• o!li@r h'"d iold, h~ ii'"• f>IUoed with the rn11111. ·· : A yet 1.1named baby hippopotamus sloshes up to its motheil, sever. year-old Maggie at the Los Angeles-~ Zoo. The bah.y hippo, the first ever born in the wo, weighs between SO and ji(} pounds. Officia11 don't know yet whether its a she or he . with environmental a n d The lower portion of the ecological fa ctors. A second river, between Victoria and part of the study will offer lhe ocean, Ii; marked by thrtf! more specific findings and channels, t~ of them flood The .report also •troftl!Y recommends a1atns:t und and ; gravel minlnt. in uy pUt•ef· the river and Santiap ereitk. .. .. ' . ~· ~ $%'~ Invest0r1 Paasbook Account quarterly. $50,0 minimum de~it. m1ke1 a rreat deal of ilelll•· Your And yo\l ean add t.q it any time in mone e rns a hig,~h~· e!<!l!J,!d,..,. An~~d~ou~_.!a~m:!:o~u~n!!ts=of~$:!'.'.1~0:.::0c-:o~r...::m=o:::r:.::e.:.... ___ _ eajoy the ease and convenience of a pu1book. And depending on how lon1 Y!'U want to keep your fU?lds invested, you have three ways to earn hiih intereet, You miiht say we offer three helping hand.I. 5Ya0/o Investors P,1ubook.. If a one-year maturity ii.about 'riaht for you, :we'll' pay y~u 15'11% interest. The same $500 m1nimu~3£~!e1 , as well as the privilege of ·· to ' opens an ,account. Add to it in amounts of $100 or more. ' There's another.reason for investing at Bank oCAmerica. The security of the world's largest bank. Hardly a small ina~r in today's financial climate. your.investment in amounts of $100 or niore.· 5•4 Investors. PUibook. · ~eep your money working., 'Keep y~lir money safe. It's all part Qf the business of living: Let Bank of ~America'. lend.:a hand. • &~'o/• Investors Paubook. Leave your money with us for two year• and it will earn 5:Y.% annu~l intere11t . Compounded and paid e Thi• is our 1hort term oft'er; 9!).c:lay · maturity. And you earn 5% annual hitere_st. A1ain, a $1500 minimum ' . • ' ' " ' ' _, ~ ,, .. ' { ·; ' ' ; -aisniflcant-etimlation-was-ob-1----- tained, Bowman said, in- dicati ng th e tests are measu r- ing similar things. Bailey, wltc_s.erved on the -Sta te-Boa.rd of Education's curriculum commission 1lf\tll Jut year, noted tha t 111 atan;. dardized tests are madl up differently. • . Robert Rangtil, principal of Loreto Street School, i aal Lela Angeles, who is chairman of the curriculum commission teitine 11 t I ~ o n committee, no&ed that the differinJ at.an- '· Wild Animal • Importation Regulated California has become the first state in the natiM to regulate im po rtati on of specified wild ani mal• th1t may infect humana with disease. The State Board o( Public Health his a pproved rt:gplJ· lions which provide· 1 30-day quaranU ne· period for ·about 145 species of primates, such as sq uirrel monkeys. and a number of South American wild cat.s. An amendment to th e regulations will permit anlm1I importers to sell directly to "Zoos and medical resea rch facilities that maintain their nwn quaranUne operations. Other animals must b. t quarantined for a month prior to sale to prevent tran1mis1ion of tuberculosis, rabl11 and other infectious disease1. er pets brou1h nto California also must mMl the quararitine requirement and nwners must identify the veterinarian who will perform the neces sary examinations and tests. AnotMr requi rement of the 11ew regulations is that pr ivate individuals and commercial firms mUsf pay a $5 .im- portation fee for each anim;i.1 broulflt into Califomi~. wt.oluale and retail pet 11u~ dealers )*I attempttd tc ar::lude sq11iml monke}'ll •114/ocetota r,, .. the lmpOrt ra•tlons, cont.ending that l I ) I•~~ o1 Al'IWIC,ll .. T. 6 s.A. • M1mLiet F.OJ.'- ' •• • • • .,_.-1,.-. ,.,. . ... ., . , ' - • • . • ' , ~ j . j ~Une.. 1hd linl ...costs -; "81 make the price of these. --------"-~--_;_ ___________________ _;_:.._ ________________________________ ":'";.,_":"'_ , " : •!Umali probibiUve. • 1 .. 1 , I ____ , ___ --------------. L.. ______ ~~--'-----------·-'--------·---'''-------~~--·- ------~~--_____ ....... -"... "Tht clit,it lias a righ' to knoio ever11thi11g concer11ittg the iran.saction before lte cicf..! ••• " RA NDALL R. MC CAROLE p,,,;J.nt of Tlie lt••I E.t•l•ri; • c11ll191 r11I 11t1t1 i111hucl11r '"" l1ct11r1r; 1utlior of ii.,. bo1~ "Reel E1t1t1 Tr1i11i119 ;., t1lilor11i1 C,11· 11911"; , R11I E1t1l1 coJu,..ni1f fot tli1 01ily Pilot; tltlt clir1cfor of CARET, --.. WE NEED SALESMEN LIARN MOii . "rot•nior..t-P1rton.11i1ed Tr1i11ln; I.AIM MOii G!"'lrovt Solll-tlJI No ~ SllYI 1m11 Motl HtlO, Ltu COl'lhlliOn "Let's Talk .About It" 546-2316 • r. ". ! • • I -• -. . ' ""THS. REAL JC: i'i:ATERS. .. . I Ji I' • . . ' 'Serv'ing Newport Beach, Costa Mesa ; Corona def Mar Huntington Beach . ' . '' I r \' ' ' . . ' ' ' ' . ' ' .. , .· ·.· .. ,, •. . -~ THE REAL ESTATERS 4 Convenient Locations Near You COSTA MESA , . · CORONA DEL MA~ INVESTMENTS 2790 H .. bor ~ 112 M.,,...,a, 646-7171 -- _, ~. s..u-2l. 1970 PILOT-AOVUTISU f' I ' ' '\-: ' ' --,- • -1 ' ' r I :t • ' f ' t .· -- ( ~ILOT-AOVERTISU s Wedntsday, Sep\. 23,_ 1970 Wtdnnday, Stpttmbtt 23, 1970 ' s DAILY l'!l.DT II 1 ' .. SY.ARTS THU.RSD·A Y 10:00 . A.M. ~ • • . . . 1 • END-OF-MONTH I I · .•COME .EARLY, LIMJTED SIZES TITIES· AND COLOR$-HUNTINGT-ON. CENTER ONLY .. MINI HITCH PANTY HOSE ~ c11uat, contril, 111y hitch r1pl1 able ho1 .... I 'Now on..,. 1" " . ! BACK TO SCHOOl S~l'PLIES girl tel noteWOk ensemble Peter Max enstmble • 111od 0tleMot ensemble ..., 1.44 ..... !JI ..... U4 NOW 1" ·1 ' ' ~:J!~~!~~:s. ~~;?.~ bOf s. buckle styles, girls strap styles, siz•s 11/1 to l · • I WOMEN'S PANTY HOSE ; I ··••ml••• _,tretch, I 00 r. I t -"I , rty on,• '1he1r stocking & ' -r-l"";~~~N;S HANDBAGS f leather,"t ft•w •nd kr inkle : , ,patent, •ssort~ 1tyles end 'colon. !· NOW '.. WQMEN'S-SILi( SCARY~S . I oo ·~. silk, v•rious Pat- '· ternir 9riat •cc• s's.ory : it•m. ' .• NOW ' : W~EN'S GLOVES novefiy ancl leather typ••·, , . not .u lia••· . NOW . .. , . 1 1; ~15-SLEEPWEAR i j , demi shift--..9own, prin.ti , a i'· t · s~!ed _\il!~~ -·•shable.. NOW I WOMEN'S "SHIFTS 3" sac Orf .. SJ 1" Ort., Jk. 25c Orif. $1 .. $1 .25J -°"" '' 2" ' l b~.~ .tyi...:,. .. .,.. .. ~ •d ~.ltn;tnd 1iu1. · NOW . ~:;......;.:~;~;-·-~~·, __ _, _________ ..,......, !·~PANELS . ra~ ._aad D•cron• polyes· t.,,t,l.nds, v•rious colors, 42''4 l •42d1: - NOftLTY CURTAINS , Daer~;: pOlyester,a.nd ray- , I on, and cotton an..d{.'r,•yon Ort., t.4t te 1.ff NOW 99c Ori .. 2.29 N' 4.ff 1 ·: .. : I bl1nd1, 24, 30 & 16 engths NOW : I HOl,LYWOOD BED COVERS Orff, S11 NOW slO m•chin• w•1h, wide we le • 1 cotton C~rduroy1~ I ~ only. GIRLS' -DRESSES back to school styl••, vari· Orff. $4 •• t• ous colors, m•ny Penn·. 2" 411 Prest•, ,7 ·to I... NOW to GIRLS' COORDINATES •nkle pents, blouses, skirts, ve1t1, various sizes. Ori._ J.50 ta S7 211511 NOW to G•LS' LINGERIE vM ious styles, full •nd flered, h•lf,' fen~y •nd fu11y, 8 to 16. ' RUG' SAMl!LES hound on •II s'l:i11, 'l I x36, gre•t for doorw•ys •nd tr•ffic ~r••· J · POOL TABLE incl ude•' h•lls, cots, tfi- •ngle, chalk, 4'xl ', one only. 1 SKINDIVING -SUIT full l•nt*". m•n'1, 5 zip· pers, 1,m1I, 4 pnly. SKINDMNG JACKET NOW NOW NOW o---.-~on=y: wome n's, l zipper•, s, m, , on y. / NOW SPANaSH SJYLE CHAIR hi back, green .. nly, qujlttd reve"lbf'• curftion, l onty,., NOW SWIVEL 1CHAIRS b"l•ck a-nd 1 whit• pl•id, l only. NOW RNELU 250 CC I ')" ., •• d, 100 mph, 15 111il•1 !l'•t ,... .. 11-., t••· •"• 011ly -·····~-········ NOW .AN~LLI 50 cc 4y~•"'• tol'll~•t. 4 1pt9d, t-· . ,1.,,1., '"''' •q11ipp1d, 1 t11ly "-• :--- 150 -Otft,' Jtt.00. $222· . °"" 49.tl 39" Orit, II.ti I Ortt· '''·" '99 Ort.. 61.10 s45 °""" $711 '699 s299 . . ~EN'S DRESS SHIRTS spr_11cl collar, striped, white, •nd assorted colors, Ofit. 2.tt tto J.tl ' long sleeves. NOW 2fM$5 -. -. SUPER B MOYIE CAMERA • -instiint load, battery ~ow .. .,.17.a ered, compact and Ii 9 h t, 12" 12 on ly. NOW --PINCH PLEAT CURTAINS c1f1s, prints '"d solids , Orit-,,,, ........ v1r i ous colors, Penn· 1" Prest*, 24" to 54" lengths. NOW -pair HOUSEHOLD AIDS ch o o 1 • from co11t1r1, trays, candy t ins, mops, broom1, cuttin9 boarcls, in 1 variety of colors and designs. , .. ,.11o1 .. 99C BOYS' PENN-PREST* SHIRTS short sleeve plaid shirts, button down collar, basic school sh irts, b; 10, 12 , I_., 16 , 18. llOW THROW RUGS NYLON SHAG STYW ' Ori• 2.tl 1" 21 xl6 or!g· S.88 ········-··············-NOW 3.11 27x_.S orig. 8.tq .......................... NOW 5.88 36x60 orig. 16.88 ···--·················-NOW 10.88 .. 8x72 orig, 26.88 ·······--·-········--· NOW 16.18 .--~~~~~~~R=R~ST~FL~O_O_R,:_~·~~~~~~---. BRAS the n•tur•I look, •· b, c. cup sizes , limited quantity; GARTER 'BELTS All stretch, one size fits .u. NOW °"t· SI limit•d quantity. NOW 15c PANTY GARTER BELT .. Orif. J.SC two-in-one, 1,m,I, SO only. NOW 1" GIRDLES long leg pa"ty style, 1i1e1 Orit-St •mell and m•dium. NO\tf 4" WOMEN'S SWEATERS cardigan styles, regular •nd tunic lengths, I 00 -/, acrylic. • ' Ort., $4 ta sf ---111-711-NOW £to · · VESTS AND-PUUOYERS·----• iol~s 'eifd ,afterns; e1.0rt- ecf co'lon, s:m,i. 4 17te$1t . .. 7"' 'NOW to LADIES' BLOUSES long , sle•v•, dressy end t .. ilor•d 1 t y I• s, v•rious ANKLE PANTS miis11 end junior sizes , flared •nd str•ight legs. MATERNITY WEAR drais•s, spOrtsW •ar s•pa· rate\, •ssorteel styles •nd color). • WOMEN'S DRESS~S mis1•1 and half sizes, v•ri- . ous styles , fahricl.. a_nd colors. Ori .. S6 .. $10 4"T' NOW to · 0,.. SS ta SIO -381 611 NOW to Orft S7 ta SlO NOW 5·~0 1588 o .... Sl••S14 4 .. 8'' NOW to WOMEN'S B£lTER HEELS cl k I ' ; h' Orif. 10.tt .. IS.ft -u ec, . p•f•n enCJ.-tes ion~ ~nae 1 Q". c.o,ors, sizes 41/i to' to.· NOW 7 to )VOMEN!S-Fl.A JS feJI f•1h1on colorJ, •om• . ' m•qium hetls. 1 ~ Orif. 7:" .. '·" '511 811 NOW . to _ COND-FLOOR: --~----~~..-~--.....;;.;;;.;~.;_;;o TODDLERS' DRESSES SHERBET DISHES offt-SJ ta SI verious 1tyl•1 , P.enn-Preit• fabrics, 1ize1 IJ to 4t. NOW ~381 TODDLERS' UNDERWEAR short sleev• pu llov•r un- dtrshirts , Penn-Set• kn it, •••y care, sizes 4 to 5. STEAK PLA mRs . set of fo ur steak pl•tttrs, gre at for th• b•rbecu e, 8 only. · WALL HANGINGS ideal for grouping, wind· sorwood miniatur•s, cam- NOW NOW •O miniaturts. NOW MODERN ABSTRACTS Otlt . 4.tt 218 ... Orif. J.ZS r silvertone metal fra mes , gl•ss ed, .v•rious sizes. Orif. 11.S!l te 15.00 611 8'' NOW to ZO.DIAC PLA9UES ...... 12"xS" w•ll hengings , buy you r sign, 6 only. STEREO CONSOLE oelr: finis.h, record storage, sliding doors, 6 speakers, NOW 2 only. NOW PORTABLE TELEVISION full 11" dia90nally m•••· ur•d scr••n, blac k •nd wh if•, all ch•n'!.•L• GAS RANGE ·dual purpose h•k• 'n broil oven, JO"; wood gr•in trim, I only. • NOW PORT ABLE DISHWASHER Oftt. 6.01 4" Orff. 169.M $277 0 .. 9. $11 I '158 gr••n de11ert di1he1 for in- form•/ entertaining , S oz. Ori9. J.tl NOW SALT ANI) PEPPER SETS 2" st•inle1s steel, pr•ctic al ye'f decorative. ' GIFT DEPARTMENT candl• hold•r with candl• a nd flower ring, green or gold.• OWL DECOR inst•nt coffee con t•iner, collectors gift, 2 onlyi I LUXURY BLANKETS NOW Otlt-J.to · 1" on1-s.oo NOW 2" NOW °"" '·°' 6" fitted hl•nkets, ki ng 'and °"" Sl 4 te SZO queen sizes, 10 only. , NOW 1Q1!16" SUPER SIZE PERCALE SHEETS moss or "tangerine, ~~lid colors, queen •nd iing sizes~ Penn-Presfll. 13" GRILL for picnics •nd patio, 45 only. •• CHANDELIER 6 light crystal lamp, 2 only . l CIRCULAR SAW 7 '1~". I ~ horsepower, 10 amps, S only. SABRE SAW or11. 1.•t ta'·'' 6 .. 7" NOW to Ori .. 1.44 NOW 99c Orl9. 4t.tt NOW 31" 0 119. J6.tt MOW 29" imperial conver'ti~le, cut-'·' 0119. Zlt.ts _,__,,;n,,. board t~, copper $198 1/5 hors•power, -n il-n I NOW , __ 1 _ _.2,.,.S__,1,,.mp1, 3 only, on y, t1oor mo e , on y. • ,_ · -,-N.OW. Orlt . 27.tt _19_" GAS DRYER front load, ea1y clean lint Orlt-1S4.!5 filter, l temp, whH~ only, S 138 I only. NOW SIDE BY SiDE REFRIGERATOR _doublt dC!Of, imp•rial with Grit-479.tl ice m~ker, II cu. ft., white s41a onl y, I only. NOW RETREAD TIRES 'rict is ftr 1!1t1 in lfoc\' only, 771t1l l , 111111, 1411.1$, l•0,15, tll•c•w•ll1 1IHI whitew•tl1 1•M• . ,,;, .. ' OrJt. t .11 ,. I J.11 NOW ~ 8~ LIGHT BULBS ¥6 bulb p•ckage, ori g. 77c p•r pa ck•g•, CANISTER VACUUM •II steel constrwction, 4 pieCe, 1 only, 1pecial pur· cha se. 2 pkg.100 Now for 24" CITIZEN BAND TRANSCEIVER Pinto \r. 6 chennel +rtM· c•iver, for your car, 10 only. r NOW • on,. sit s59 -----. J:IEADBOARDS GOLD YELYIT, IEAUTIFUUY TUFTED, TREATED TO 11 STAIN RESISTANT twin orig. Ji.98 ·-···----····-NOW S24 full orig. 44.98 -·············-·····--NOW _Sl4 queen oriq. 59,98 ••. : ...... _ ............... NOW -$42 PORTAlLE STEREO 4 sP•ed phonogreph with psychedelic lights, au t o- matic rejection, 9 only. GARDEN TIWR 5 hors•power, 4 cycrit. motor, 2 on'ly. • ' .,.... "·'' NOW 58". .,.... ,,,, NOW '119 VISUAL PACK' 54NDALS a11ort1d colors, me1iu~, lar9•, •nd extra l•rge; : BOOK COVERS~ lr:e•p your hooks in good shap• for school, rlOck 'up now. FILING CABINm 6 drewar utility; for storing thost important papers. _ ... ' NO~ 22c . ' \ Ori• 46c 'NQW 33c ~ow \ ·.,...r MEN'S SUITS. con ventional styling in 011i, t . ., ... it.II f•shion colors, I •nd 2· hut.. ' .9" ton models. · NOW ' · ' ' MEN'S SPORT COATS . • · ' - casual 2 butto~ ·sfyllng, · \ :·-~ Sli --- • 'wt,;!' .. ~ plaiCliend~tfi p-."S.' . , *. -;i~ -MEN'~-CASUAl~l!ANrs o--. --1·~·:· ,,....c !-----1-- ''""·Prest•, "° irlf't sol% .1 ~ '4.'r ti!ill" polyest~r. ~Or 'Z cqttOn~ ' • ..OW " I .f ' . ', ' .. ' .... .: . SHOWER 'C~TAINS he•vy gauge ' vin_yl, p~u-· Jar pr ints. or soli.ds, 6'x6 or windoW 1i1•. . · .· BOYS' SLACKS · I . • I '" ~· .. ' < • • ,I . °"" .. ,. c•1ual slac ks for school, solid colors, Penn~l!r•st•, regulars and slims, . . 3" ':IC!\'¥ '.' : '• BOYS' PRE·SCHOOL SUITS , ' sport coat a nd pents, bl,z· ,...._ 11.fl •r end pants, l, 5, and 6, 1, 6" regu lar. NOW " BOYS' DEEPTONE SHIRlS : for pre-school bqys, blue; • ; /... on.,. '2.Jt •nd pink, P•nn-Prest•. l / 122 to 7 '¢W .' SPORTSWEAR FAIRiC/ . ' _.5" wide, I 00 .,,. cotton, solid turquoise, n•vy, plum / 1 •nd ho t pink. , NOW ' ' RA YO!'I FABRICS , satin• end taffetas, bfowo', r•d, and p••ch,· 45" wf•· I ' FLOOR CONDITIONl!R with I .. piece •ccessory kit, 3 only. NOW SEWING MACHINE DESK ' . early emetic~ stylt, 4 la rge 1torag drawers, m•ple hard od, floor model. WESTERN INJECTOR' makes wester n figu res, cow boys, indians, horses. BABY KNOW IT AU 1h• has mind of her oWn, NOW NOW -jumps-up-and down, 4 only NOW MOON GLOBE with lu nar glob• log book, 15 only. ' TIN MAN ROBOT h• walk1 lilie • men, 3 only. FOREMOST* MAG WHULS d•rk r.111l•t 1111g1 with 1119•, pin huh, 14'', 15", •" width ........ _ ..... TRUCK TUIU h••v., d~t., in11r 1ub.•. 11sa10. NOW NOW NOW NOW °"" 1.tl 17!,. °"" 44.•• 34~ Oftt, Siii '95 .. , ~Lft 4" o""~" 1" Ori• 11.U -5" Oftt. 14.7.J 15" :;-"" 2 .~ • ' I \ ' .I DAtl.Y PILOT --...t JI"" ll FrttiMn kflOWn to !"lf to tit LIGAL ~,... LEGAL NOTICE Lf.:GAL NOTICE '"-...,._ ~""' n•..,., •'•-~;~•'ttcr !;,. l'l'tA-LllG&L NOl'ICS It 11141 wOl!f.i 1 ... 1r..menl Ind --.. WIUI• ~ fCI 11-.e, t•ec11lc4 lht .amt . . ..,. .,..,.., · CllTIPICATS 01' •UllNtlS l'.Jli19 tOFFICIAL $!,\Ll -'* Cllm ' tiOTkl lllVfTIM llDI PICTIT9't1S MAMC Cl!ltfll"ICAtE. DI< •UlfN(SS -,.,en L. Job$1 tU CMaf 1'MI l lD ITUI MO. •• 'f,.. tlllMrlll .... •1 cetlhY M II COii-1'1(1'11'10US IU.Ml" ~Oii"' Publk.-C11!1o1'11!• ,Tf CATYLl ..... .8-... NOf~I IS Hllll•Y 01\l'IN Wlllf-1-Mlllll • lMJtltM It '500 UmPU• Or~ Tiie U..O.ral1...a dOM certllY ht I~ Pd"'ll>tl Ofllct 111 •• ... SW.. "" .......... INc:ll. C.lltornl• (ondudl1111 I llu•lntt• I I 15' MtlodY l.1111, Ol'llltll! County -...... N .,...,.... ~·~-'*""" 9" ... (ltr ' Colla Me$41, C1lllon1i.. Unffr llw M' c~-mlHlon ti11l,.1 ~ f " ,~,. -... wit• T"' --·-11 uMllr 111t fkHftous lltm ,....,. of Oldl ,__ 11 ... ...... ., IDGA• •• WITM II. --.. • ....... ~. oltOi,ut ... CO!<il>C>MINIUM MAH ... Gf· ,._. tm ... ,,,. of HEWPOllT Ml•Cll J, 1971 No >Answel' ·From Max Teens in l'ounty Fight Dy.$tr,ophy eooa11 lftAOllY W1TMlll. .. E ••• f'.O .... ·-If ... , CllY ol Celt• MMa, MINT COM.,AHY .... !Ml 111d (lrm I• SEllYICfS Ir.cl 1"91 Yid llrm I• Pubtll!INI o ...... Co.,. O.••Y Pllot, w1tMn.-. E. WITMt:ll. ......_ • ..,. --. .._ ~ • n:• 1.-.. "' -..iPOMd of t11e 1o11ow1,.. .--. wtiow '""'ffl'ltitr ,., tl. » 1n0 Oc••• '· u ""'''re one of those Teens Against Dystrophy, a NOTKI q; HE•E•Y Otvfll1 " .... , ......... OttMilt a. lflt. ......... ~ " ... flollh'lttt ,.,WI. wllaM ... ,,,. In f\111 11\11 llKI of rnlllence I• II 1t1' UIJ..l'O JVY FoT Debate .,..1111n ., ... ......,. ,..... 111a1Mn1 ,..,_,.. _.. "' ....,. ...,. o1 n• ,...... 1111 11111 ..,. •1'<• at rnlllll'Q " to1iow.o ade-"·ho -1npl0 1·ns about central Orange County-based tMI ... ..,_......,.. dlllM......,"" .-.. ., .. -....,.....,_ .. .,..... 11 •""""111 G"'""' E. •uoo. is. Mf.IOCI' LMW, i\frs Be ,. Poslh'U pres1· "' "' " '"v " Mlfl ~ .,. ,_1, .... '"' "-"' .,... .,. ,, ... .,, oc...., a. '"" 111 .,.. •im.• c.i!fl A111111.o. 11o:u El Arnt· C•I• M..-LEGi\L NOTICE 1 • r in 1 • • the ne~s coverngc given to volwiteer group. will stage a Wllll ""' _.,,., llO\Klltt"t, "' t11t .mw CMitll Chi...,., ctw _., n ,.., r111t """" F11111ti11n v11111, c1m. •nOI OttM i.1. 1, itJt dent of the Santa Ana League • t11t dtfll: "-. •blvt .......,. ,.,., ., ~ c .. ,. MtH. c....,~ fir ,... Dt!M .__....., 11, "'° 511"' ., °'"C:~it=ft1~; &uoe1 P-JMts bad kids, read on. , tag day Friday , gathering ~~ ~ ... ~:=-"':, :::=' ,.,.,.,...1,.. • .,.,""' .,. .. uou.i11 PIPI, tTATt °'" ~'tf~i'~'i:.::. 01.,... ~,.,, c 11T1•1<Atli OF 1u11N1ss of Women Voters, said today funds to right the dreaded, .. ..., .~., DUllVIEA. l"ITIINGS ... SUPPLllS. OlllAHGI COUNTY : On 1#1 ... 1919, betort-me,. liot1rv FICTITIOUS NAM• no replv has been received CAftPENTllt .. ,fAllrt!.L ••: •O•!"•T A Mt ., tM ~ ,......, lllt ... l Oii .... 11, ""' lwfw• ""' • Not•rv l"ubllc In •M lor WIO Sllll!;-PlrlONHY Tiie llNH1'llllld dot' c..-11,., ... II con· I crippling disease. a. IAll1<11!s. 4115 ~'''""' a1W., P. o. 111nM ., ., flfflc•"' .._ c•.., c1tr1r1. •• '1JMk 111 ,,.. kw 1111d s111t, 111,1_11"1 ·-·" c;r1l'llm E, &U0110 'l'IO"'n "',,,. dvct1ng • 1111.1-11 1.n2 P1c.1oc '•" from Dr. Max Raffe rty on an Teachet'S' '°" 11M • ......,. l4iKll c1111. nMl. n P1lr °''"' C""• ~. c.1111rn1t. """"'"" ltlcl'llnl AH•n _.kMwn '° 1n1 hi I• •• Irle "''°" whll• iwom1 'II Hwy .. Hunlln11on 81Kll, c1111orn11, unMr Members y.•jll be stationed ""*''di 11 ,... """' "". ""'"*' "' tM •kll •IMlllllll 111 nt\lrllltll .. "" •""'""' 11 tilt lltrMll ~ name 1, au111crl09' •ub1cr11111 h• 111t w11111n 1nt1n.1ti-1 •rid 1111 11c1u1cm 11rm n•me of YE v ... CHT lnvitalion to an Orange County "*"!..,.. 1'n 111 n11r1t .. wt•lfllnl 11.,""" cttr Cllflt. In •-'•"""""'"' • tll• wtll!lft ,l11ttl'Ull'l111t •nd 1C11n1W1..,.. 1·CllJ10wlllitld 1'11 ••Ku•ed rh111mt. BROl(fRS 1n11111•1 s•ld nrm 11 coml'Glld aL various banks from ·4 to 6 ..,. n••M "" uld •ctdlllt. wtttiltl flUP i..111111 .. .,. tllt ...,,....., wlfll tllt •• .. 111_.,....""1tmt. OFl"ICtAI. SEAL! 01 !he 1ot1ow1,,. "'son. who\41 ,..,,,. In debate wiLh his opponent for ..,...1111 • ..., .,.. 11,., •llMkl,1111 1t tt111 """ """'.., .., 1119 ~ ..... u11 L ~..,,.. JOUP11 1;.. oav11 1vu 1nd oiau of resre1...c• 1, •• 1011ew•~ Classes Set p.m. to accept contributions lo Mll<a. ••h ltld Mall ..-:lfl' ..en.,.,.. .....,,. Not•N ,Uti11t ~ • .,, Publk<•lllorn• Jim F""""'"· 1s.111 P1c111c s1 .. Tw1111. state , superintendent of public ~NII Stplt!!lll9r \. 1t11 '*" 11 Mt """ 111 ,,.. ~1..,_, en,. "••nc1011 Office '" c1111ornt1 research into the affliction. H•rriltt• F. Wittner An.,. •nd 111 ~ ,. ,... .-Hie. hllll111M Or1n11 Co.ti 01111 l"llo!, °'•"'• Counll' 011ec1 Seot .... w u, 1'1' instruction. , h h d II d E••ut•I• 11 lfH: wm If 11111, .. 11111 "' dMttl' ltltM 1'n 1111 llld, s.,1 • .n. •· 0<:1. 1, u. 1t11 1151.10 11\1 c_,..1u 1o1111 El!1lrt1 Jlm Ftff'm•11 w ic gra ua y ooms many #It .....,. __. • ..,.. ,,.. ••llin ,. vi twtti ""' ,._ 1ri ,._ J-11. "'' •••ta of c..111orn11, Mrs. PosthlU said an in-'fhe Chapman E \I e n in g DUIYIA, CAl,tlttfC I .... Mii Ull<Mluti.... INI M ltOUNll fw r• I-"''" ~C£ -~llbll~ Orlnot C11111 0111~ P!lol, OtMllll! Coun,.,. ,·1tal1·on to de""le n .. t. 17 at 111 fl I f young people, < 9Y 1 ••••.,T t. Ml II IKllM ..,..:; "'41. ...__ '~•• ~·~· '· 16. n. JG, "'° ,., .. 10 0n Slot~r JS, ""· btlor• me. • uca vo.o College \\ O er ale a · q ,._,.,..... ai.c. . it:atti 11111 tlllll Mt..,.. "'9,_I ,..,,... su'••to• COUIT Off 'TH• NO••rv Public ;,, ind lor u lo s1111, 7 30 . the A h . ' ternoon and evening courses "We try to do this as ofte n "· o. .. "" 1nd ,..ltllttle .. ., 111 ,.....,.. ~ ,.tt111 1tAta op CALIFOllMIA 'o• LEGAL NOTICE 111•Wi111~ ,_,,eoi Jim F~''""" known ; p.m. in na tlm ' as we can," said Louisa Lorn-......,. .. ....,"*· twi 1n11r111111 In fhll -• 11 '4'111C1 ... 11 lft Tit• CcMllllTY 0 , OU.NOE 10 ""' 10 1>t the 111.._, w11o11 "'"" •1 Convention Center was sent to during the fall semester lOr l"' "'"":, l.-cwtttl c.11., Cll'..,...., )!le*",_,.;.... .... A.4t1M :::!'!. •ublctlbld " tM wllttrn ''"'•ument 1no teachers _pursuincr 1 h e1ir , bardi of rM.t:1 Mes. OJle ~ 0,1"" ,..,,1 h ill' ,.1\lt,"' 1111 ,.,...._ft,, a.c:rNry, Tr,_., None• °' N•A•INO 1 , P•TITION P~1 1c~ncrw1eaffd 11e tltc111H "" 111M. Raffertv and his opponent, Dr. ... • ""'.':'r ' ..--' .,.... ~I'll .. , . Cl!lflfl(,t,TI! OF IU$1Nli'.SS (OFFICIAL SEAL) ~ master's deirCe. member Of tht group whose •Nllrnbtr '· 16, ,,, :JI, lt?t lUf-10 T~ Clly ituPKll If tM City of CISI• ,o. PIOIAT• OP WILL AlllD ,OR ,ICTITIOUS NAME Jt•ll L, Job1t Wilson Riles. 1nembers rwl s"from 1'3 to _,, M••• rtHl'vft ,... ,1911,,. t•IKI enr or un111s 711TAM•NTAIY Th' un01rslvn1e1 00 ,.,1uy 1~y 1,1 No11ry Public·C:•llhlrn11 Three seminars, all req1i1ired LEGAL NO'l'lcE 1u bldi. e11111 of FLORA M. s rAR<. Dlc11ua. coric1uc11111 1 11u11neu ar 113H P1c111c Prlnc!NI 0tt1c1 In "Dr. Riles accepleU last courses for candidates for the years old. 1 ' DATED· Sffltmllr 11, 1'1' NOTICI IS HERE8Y 01\IEN Thll CcMolt HW"I' .. Hunt!n~on Beac11, Ct!lfor~ll, Or&nte 'Cou11lv 1"~11111t11t1 o''"" ~.,, Oeitr Pl~t. llDBl!'l.T H. 1"\RSOMs ,.,., 1111it hlrt l11 • uf'der 1r.. tktl11ou1 urm name of oocic Mv C1;1mm;u1on E•olr•• week, bul as yet we have had J\1aster or Aris in Education Some members' families are a.t.• t 11J lot. !J. 1'1t 17jf.JI p1tlllcin for ltObllt OI will Ind tor SIOE MARINE SERVICE incl ttwl .. 10 March 1. 191] d f b ft IJ ., h' 'Jt be ' Oct 5 a j t d 'th M J MOTICI .,.. TllUtTl!l'S sl.LJ !uir.nc1 11 L1"1r1 T1s11rnen11rw 10 nw ltrm 11 campaoe<t 01 the tgllowi,.. l'ubllll!fll 0 •1'111• coa11 a1Hv Pllo•. no wor rom r. a erty, and Teac ing. Wl gi n · cqua n e WI U S C U • r T.J. .... ,..,_,. • "'"loner· .. 1er1nc1 " ....,1c11 11 m.111 tor ..eoo"•· wile.ff n1mu in 11111 1nd Pl•c•• s"'t1m11tr 1., 1J, lU •nd 0c:1o11er 1. she said. <1nd end late in January. Dystrophy through p a i n f u I °" OCl*t !, UICI •• , 11 :00 .... M.. • ........ NOTICE "'"""' ••.•llc11l1r1, I nd 1111! .... llme •r.11 01 ·••lclfnci ire I I follow" "'° ' 11! .. 71' r· h oove-R e-QUITll!S. INC.,• "'"'''11n, &..111..uu. f'l•c•" M•rin. tnt -Ill• llffn ,..., a-1 •. Goil!en, 4,. ,.,,11• °'···I;=============:;! The debate is jo i nt I y In addition. four workshops 1rst and experience, bu 1 .. 41111' ,,..,....,.. TNttw undlf end tor Octoiotr '· 1''°' •1 t :ll •-"' • In the . •..er11 P1•k, c1111om11 sponsored bv the League of \\'ill be offered ror three units others are siJnply anxious to """*"nt te 1>11111 II 'Tt111t <lltld J~ )4, """" C'OIH'I-of 0...rtm.nl N., l of u ld Jim It. Freemui. 15111 P1cl!I(, LOCAL ' lfil&. t JKtltH..,. aoY c . GU1TA''°N a. C~Tl,ICATI .,. COINllAT!Ott ••• cowt. •• 1ae c1~rc (en~r Or1v1 west. in Tuilln, c1111or1111 \Vomen Voters or Santa Ana, of credit beginning Oct. 5 and do something to help someone GEHEVl!RA c. 1u1TAFSOlf, llultltnd AlflA.~!09' .. lllllNDI U..D•• ""' CllY 0' Sant• At11. C•lltwnla. ~tH: St•I. 1), 1'111 Tus11·n and Orange, th e ending· he!orc the Chr1·stmas who needs 'a1·d . •..i wit• 1ne ~ J11n1 :Ill. !Ml. ·~ 1~11Tl4 I MAM• 0. Stciltmblr t i, lt10 Roblft p Go!.l'len No olhar n1w1p•p1r till• you """'· H~. 1)U2 111 lloOk M31, "" 6t 11 THE UN lllSIGNl!o C01tf'C1tAT10N w. •· ST JOHN. Jim 1. F.rft'm•n ... "'o''· ••••Y d•r. 1b111t wh•i'1 Am eri can Associalion of vacation. 1 Anyone interested in joining Olflcl1! 1.c.rM In 1114 office of IN .._ lteflOll Ciffll'r lti1t 1t 11 ~ I Ctullll' l':l1rk St11tt Pr C1ll rornla · · th G t 0 b th Ce!,lllt1 lttcerdtr if ort1111e c-"'· 111111-1 lioc•lld at t• C'rtf' 1t11d. s.nl1 WAl.IWllTll, s11o•L • CllAtL Or•110• c111n1.,.. • 9o•n9 •n "' • ''1 •• r•nt• University Women of Orange Further information may e e team tnay call Jodi c1t11Dml•. WILL Sl!l.L AT PUBLIC Ana, C•HffMl1. IHlltlr tfl• tlcttlklui 11m1 "'' WnKtltl Ot'two on s.11mbf~ 15 1•10 11e1or• me, • Coit! th111 thi DAILY PILOT. and the Orange Co u n t y olit ained from the Evening Pal mblade at • r.45-452•. ac- AUCT•ON TO HIGHlST llDOEl FOR ... mt If COASTLINE PROYIS40M CO, fMWWI Ind!, Ct11NrAli .l .. l"~"~'~"~·~·~·~ll~<~lo~',~o0~'~1o~'~"~"~'~'~"~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~.;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CASH !P1¥1bl• 11 flm• 01 .. 1e 1n 11wi:u1 1n11 11!11 u td 11•11'1 11 c~. ot thl , .. , 1no ._.,,... •••1C<11illl' ••11e••ed Aobfrt P. c05111~ Teacher Association. College office at 633-8821. ·Cording to Miss Lombardi. -"' ""' Un!lld St•l'fll •• !hi Soulh ltltlWI... CltHl'lllon, WllOH •rlllCINI ... ._. "'' 1"911111!Mr llJQnll lfll••Pld to 1fll co ij ~ t .,. •l•c• of 11utl~1• 11 •• ,.lt•wt: Publl1hlf Or•IMI• eo11t ~11.,. P11o1, C111tlll0\lsf, "' .... Wiit S1n11 Ant c.1111111 P•IVlllll'I Ce. "' C1llfor11l1, Stllf 21 2~ 30. ''" UU.11> 11yt~ knt1 Ana. C1Hfornl1, 111 rl•hl, MO DY•r llMt, S1n11 AN, C•llfOfnll':' -'-·-·c_c' --'--,-"-------'-~II title •nil lllttmt COl'lWV~ to •nCI lllW WITN l!'SS 111llMI1111$ :l2rld dll' ot July, LEGAL NOTICE hlM b' n u""' ••Id a_. 6f Trun 111 !hi lt7~. • _,i.,. l!IVtlld In Ultl c-tl' llMli Sltli! CNllltM Pr1Vllllft Ct. dncrlblcl ••: 11 C•llfOl'~ll CllTl,ICATI 0, IUllMISI Ah 11111 tfft1ln rlfil jr11Pfrtt sflv1lfil 91' f .. nrts J, £•rs. flCTITIOUI NAM• 111 1111 ell! " N.WIOrf 9ekJI, ,_,., of ••tl!llillll Tile UNHolt/led cl& ctrtlll' 11\ty are Orlf19t, '•II .. c1111ern11, MICrllld •• ·~ .Nani!• s. l!'Stl'I. C-IO(tl"' • 111,islntu ., P.O. lo• Ul~. tolklwl: Sic:•~ NtwPort 8•tcll, C1lllornl1, under the lie. •A~CEL 1; Lei 1•, In llldr. 225 of STATE OF U.1.1,01.HIA, lltlou1 fltm Mini. of MARCI OF llAl.IOA t,1nc .. 1en "*'"""' .. "'-" •••ell. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. i !. •nd .... , ukl firm I• coom"9ltl of ,,,. •• ,et ""' Ptce,_ Jn """ s, P••e u On 11111 22nil Ml' of Julr, A,D. U1', lllllwlnt t11r111111, Wl'lll• n1tn11 ln lull If Ml1c1M•-Ml"' In IM oltlc1 If l!Mor1 m•. I Hellll' Putllk In 1nd fw tnorl llt CI of ruld•llC• ••• 1• foll0W1; ""' counfl' rtarW II Miii Ottn'9 t&ld C111nll' •Ml Sl11t, H,._llV AnOnw K, M1111t11 •IMI M1rrl1 A, c 01111,.,, 11111 fl C~Ulot11l1. 1 l "!ll•ld Fr111Cl1 J. EJttl •nll Ju1nlt1 S. ~utfl~, 711M'/a W. 0Ct1nlrl!ll, N-rl •AllCfl. 1• Tl'lll ""IM ol lot 15, In ... ,. "*«11 fl ml to be 1111 Pr11i..nt IHCll, C1UJ. lloc.t 275 if lidlD!' A '11 !WW~ IM Sicrtll1ry, tuPtcll~tll', of "'" DllH SePltmbitr 22, 1'70. •each, •• "' ~ rtcorded In '* A. '°'""•llof'I lllllt ••kulld th• wlfhln Alldrtw K. M111the '''' 11, If ·Ml1ul11-M-.. In the lllstr,umlllf on lloelltlf of thl Oll'IOtllltn Ml\-c!1 A. M1u1h1 oltlCI ef IN dlun,., tKCl•dtt If .&Id ll'llrt ln n.mld, 1"'11 ICtMWlldt~ lo mt Sltlt of C1lllornl1, Or1n1e Counh : Or1,_1 C"""" Olh of C1tlfll'fll1, IMI •lid! ~!Ion ll'KUtld tllt Mme. On SIPl1mblr 21. lt70, belor1 mo. 1 tles(rll>M! II ~low1: llflMIM •' '""' Llll!1n M. M<llW"1n Nt11ry Public In •nd for uld s11i., most Wuflrl¥ ~r pl LM ll 11 Nlhry '""le .. tllnlllr '"""''"" A.ndrew K, MIUll!e 111own 1n sild Mlf lllef!cl Nor11\611llrW Nt1' COllW!lladlll lll,1.t• •rid fM•cl1 A. M111111t: tl'OWn to !'!• lo.bl te 1111 ITINI Hwlllir'fl' ~ of Mid Lot . Mel' U, lf11 1111 PIP'llN 'Nhole Mmls •rt 1ubsc:rlbed 14. """"'' ...,._11th: ilent tt11 n:.i::• lllYNOLOI IP l!M wll!lln lndN,,....t incl Kknowltdo-1xt.n"911 Nll"l"'-lflr'Y' r...-If sal6 l.ot ' II Lhr fll tt... txk ultd 1111 umt. 1(, to Ill iltt11'*1Mlfl Wllll Ille SOllJll llM -'!'lllMrl.......... fSEA.ll II' n th lllWI 1-. k-n •1 1ftlr IM A..-. Calll. ,... l.tolllrtll A, Mor11n -Strlll) -n slwffn-911 -.-rn1•-If ---T .. I. Hot11Y Publlc • C1Ufort1!1 l•nu1'Mr'1 AIMlllofl .. Newport '""'· Pub11'11td o •• ,,.. Cini 01ily Pllol, OPlll!lf County •i "' m• ~ 111 llOlk s. "''" 14 .. ,""Mt t, 1', :tJ, 30, 1tn U1•11 My Camml11lon E•Plra .,, Ml1er1i._. -. ... lh "" offlc1 al l'1b. 1J. un lhl c111nlv ,.._,_ If Sllif Or1r.ee LEGAL N()fJCE l'ubll•llld Or1rrtt Cout 01111 •llol, CDUll!l'. •!•It .,-C•lllatnlt, l/llflCt S..I. 1J, 30 •nd Oct. 7, u. "" 1151·10 W1•ter•1 •lont uld Sol.Ill! line to tl1t ,....., ml$! E•ll•r~ COl'fttr of Lot 16 of said CIRTl,ICAT• oil' IUSINlfl l.1nct1l1r'I l\Ckllllon lo NewHrt hldl_, ,ICTlflOUS MAMIE thent:t ~terl• 11""' I h• TM unflrtllllld ·di c1rtlf'r 11111' ... c•1tTl,ICATE 01' •u11NEI$ ;:,1h-:•11;: 11;::,.f ~~:y ,,, stn!~ «inctuctlnt. w.1,..u •I 11ot S.IYICllr St.. PtcTITIO\IS NAMI. f.EGAL NOTICf' 1111.....-'"" .,._. llulfiMJterlY c:i::.,. Cottt Mita, Cellfwnl,, ulldlr ttlt lie· The un111r•l1llld doll certlll' tlltY 1r1 t(ll f •sttrtv llnl of N........m Al'tnul u m1ou1 "'"' "'"''of ICRAb ASSOC:IATfS londutllnl • blnll'lfn •I lOO N. Ntwt>Or'I tett i. 11!1 .emt 11 ...,ll!ft.lni. •fMI 11111 111111 firm 11 <-...cl Ill the lvtl .. N-tt 8Mdl, C1Jlloml1, 11ncllt' lild u lt w!W bt ""411e b\11 wllllout f0Uilwl11t1 H!'PWil, ~~--In full llrt tlctlli.r. tlrm l'llfnl If Vll.L,.QE C'llYINnf DI' -r••fllv. IJIP<~I or W HH •• ,.... PllCIS ot '"'°'"'' .,. H tllllW•;. PAltK COMPANY tnd "''' uld firm "' no.11rns, t1•, • 1 11 • 11 r1 ft « Krl• s11111, 11• S•~ st., cnt• comNMCt of 1111 hllowt,.. P1r1ons, wl>eM ..neuonbr.nctt. to N I' tlll rwnalnlnt Mi.a. C1UI. '212', Glnlrll P1rfMr. n1met In full 1nd pt1ces ol rnldt11<1 1r1 ... 1ncr.1r lllM If,..."'" lt'(Ul'Wrlrr Mld ll•rnnh Shi/I, ,,.; ,E'llfDl'nlt SI .. II l•lllwt: 0-..:t of Trint, wtlh """"' 11 In s~\111 Clllt Mt .. , Ctlll, YnH, L11'11"" Oorollw.0. ll'IC., ,,. Pelt,.on W1,, ....,. ...,.ldld, ec1v•-· If 1n1, \ll1dtl' f1i1 Ptr'ln1r. C111t1 Mt••· Ct. "'1n1 of u(d·Dltill of Tt111t, ,_,.'c:h•rt•• Oiied St1ftmlltt IS, lt10 Wt tmln1lon Ctntlruc1lon Co .. 300 N. •lld tlHnln If fl'll Trudtlr Ind Gf IN Kris Shi ll Nt-rl "Yd., NtwHrl 111'1•11. Ct. ttlt'!~ Crtlltil iW t11d ot1C1 Cl! Tr1,11!, -R Sll1h fl'60 Thi btne"cl•" Uf!dtr llld Dticl of still tf C1Hlornl1, Ott .. S•Pltmbllr 11, 1'10 Ottntt Counfl' J. I". W1rmT111ton Trust. 11'1 •t•ton • • IM'Md't ot d1t1u11 In 0 ,. ,1 ._w;. 15 ltJI "tort me 1 '· G. w--1~111" tl!I obli9•!1111• llC!Jf'W 111 Ir I b I' .,,..,, ' ' ' .,,,. "• -1l!!~lolot1 t•Kllltd •1111 ffllvtttd_to.ltr• Nol1ry Pvbllc In •'Ill for 11ld St111. Rlt htr!I 81tuth11111 111111trs!1ft" 1 wrllttft OtcllAllln flt Mt11n1lll' ""'ttd-ltr,K-Shll! krlewn to ITATI Of CA.Lll'ORNIA, ~11111 1nO Olm1ncl llr Sill. •"II •rl~ nll .. Ill the H,_ wllDl4I n1m1 It ORANGE COUNTY: ftltic., of brtldl Ind of i lectlon le CIUM lllblcrlbed ID Ille wlillln !nstrv...tnt t no °""'"'· 11, lt10, btforr me, • Not1rr h uncler.-...... 11 .. 11 ullf •l'llPtrfl' ti 1Urn.w1 ..... Ill t11<ulf'lll "'' llmt. Publlc In Ind tor said SlllP, PfrlOl'lt lf'f N iii,., ul!l ICllll•l'llnl Ind 11i1 ... 11 .. 11'1 {Offlcl•I S..I) . .,. ...... J .P. W1rmi1111on, E. c:;. w ...... .. ' 1 ' Jontlll £, Olv11 I 01-•-d o ··-•-• Jyne !, lf"-ufldlrs •nH c•lllH 111d .. ,_ ,. ..... le, <•11-ol• "''°"' ...,., '1""''1"" ..,,..wn ' "" Mfk* " "'"'" ,,.. of •lldl"" " bt ~. ..... .... lo bl ·~· ... ,..... wtlosl nlmtl ••.• PrlndNI Offk• In 1Ul1Krlbed to 1fll wllflln llllfN"""' •ncll ,_.., In 1i11111ik f& NII Ht, of .aid °''-,_ Offklll •ICWllll. I ... l d::llj)Wltfl"d lhtl' tJlkUfld 11'11 Yfl'll. 0.lld· Ill! (, 111' Ml' Comm"' E1plrea tOf,l(IAL SIAI.) Oov!.irt I f E I June l1, lt14 ' Mary E. ~fll'llll' ti.QUI I S, NC.. Pulll!t/ltll Ct•.... Cotlt Otltl' •Uot, Not1ry f'ubtlc, C•llforn\t I «ll'Ml'I a';( "'1 uld Tt1tst1t, 5•ttmlllr l'-ll. ·30 1N OC:tolltr 7, Prl11clP1i 0111« Iii :l~i.o. SI VKE COMPA.HY, ,,,. 1710.10 Ortn•t Counfl' W•ltlll •. H•ut• Vkl!-l'rnldtM ..,.,.AL NOTICE Mv C61'nml11lon E~PlrH Publlshtd NtwWI H1rblr News 'reH LllAI June 1, 1t71 ComMnMI wnll DlllY Piiot, N~Hrt Pullll•hff Or1,..e Co1st D•llv •1101 •t1Ch, C1Nt. ~ NOTICI ... , INT•Nf lON TO INctAtl Se'9. U, 30, Oct. '' Jl, 1'10 1131·/lt MlllimS&r f , i., 21, 1'1t 1111·71 IN Tll• 11\LI Of AJ:COHOl:IC-•it:Y.- ••Al•I LEGAL NOTICE st11lf!lbtr 17, 1110 TD WHOM IT M"Y CONC!"IN, 1------~---------------------1 SUbtlct te bw1nc1 "" 1111 11e1n11 ,,. 'r~ •·•11• •llf'CI for, notiCI ls "'' ..... •IYtn 11111 "'' NOT1CI TO Clll>ITO•I c••n,•c•r• OP •USINISS uncleri.lollld '""'°'" f& 1111 1tc""6ll~ su••11:10• COUllT 0, THIE PICTITiillS UMI blwt .. u II 1111 P•lft'llM .. dl&erlbH •• STATI 01' CALl,ORNIA ,Oii Tiii -·•19foM ... ctrllfl' 1111 II follo'*I: TN• COUllTY QP OIANGIE "9nll\ld'I"' 1 Mlniu 11 1721\ 8rookhtJnl, l ... J ,l<llk C .. ll H;vnw1t, S~nttl NI. A-UH6 Fe11nt1ln Vllltl',' C1Uklff1(1, uftf11r 1111 llN<ll f1!1l1 of LUCILLE GltUNOY. DK111> fictllllill l!tm nlllT>f et l.fNOltE L TO. PYt1u•nf la IYlh lnttnllen, I~ llfl· f'(!, ART CEHTl!R 1nd ll'ltt stld 11,.;, h ffrs111'114 II •• .,.lnl te !hf D•wlmtnl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lo the ~Ill II I'll fello*I"' ,..,_ w11Ds1 If Aletlllt!c 9"•r"' Cenlrol lot luu•n« cr""lhH'• If lllf atoovt n1m"" ~ct'IM'nl 111m• In full •M .. _ at tH6*1'1Ct 11 •• tw tr•n•I•• ol in 11co1>onc kv•••M lhtl •II Pl•sons Pl•vlhl cl1lm1 11a1n~t 1111 follows: tlcenu ftr th••• ••tm11Q 11 folltrW., Nltll d«td•nt •t• '""'11'111 to Ille 1111m, Ltnore H. ••11,..., •n• •1111r111 ON SA.Lf 91!&1t 1" Wiii! IN"'''"''"' YOUCllffl. ln lhl! offlte Orlvt, Hun!ln111tn 8•-c~. C1llr. ,.11.,,,n1 c1111r1n1 to pro1t1t 1111 t11ui nee of<ll'I cl&•• If 1/11 •bove eritlllecl court, or ..... • ' .. • i::-. ' '-Pfl Slnl tl!em. wllh lfll fllCIHlfY IP tm r • IV If W<ll llrtnlt m•l' tne ..... m ... PrOltll YCIUCfttP1 ... IM und1r.!1ned 11 IGlO Horii! Llnll't H. tln1 11 111r ottlc1 of Ill• 011'1rlmtn1 •1 M•ln strttt Suite «111 111111 A111 STATE OF CALlf01lN1A, A.lolhollc ........ IM Control, Of bl' mill 11 CtUfoPnlt wii1c11 11 111111M:1 of bu1!n11i Oll\NllE COUNTY: tl'I t>Mt rtmlfll of AIColloHc 81Yer111 of 1111 ~t~lgl'lfd In 111 INllltrt "'' On Sffl........,. '· lt7'. tlrlof!:: me. I Co111r11, 1115 0 Slte1!, S.~•-te. 111nlnt to IN ut1I• 11 u ld <11clllenl, ""'~ .-• '"', "' ',"'• si1•· Ctllt..-nl• fdl,, 11111111 t rounds fot dtnl11 Wllhfl'I f&ut months after Ille flnl ollblk•· HrwNI ..,.,,.,.,. •ntrt · ::a': 11 •revldlil •~ 11w. Tiii 1rtm!Ul •rt llO¥t 111n 111 "''' nollct • .__ " "" " .... H "'1111 l.lcensH for Ille lllf "' •l(OllOllC Otlld S.,I ,, 1t1' 'II'"' I• tilbsc~~.!!...J!",,. wl':ll'I btwor11H. Tiii llrm llf werll!c11!0ri "'II' J·m~t A. Grvllll'I' ~ 11111 .....,,,....._.. 1 1 bl o11t1lnld '"'" •Ill' l ffkt .r ltie Admlnlitr1tor of flM t slt le 11 f'XICUfld 1111 11mt, OIN""""I (Offkltl SRIJ H . ' o••oH 1111 •bovt Nm'!d dKtCltnl, ' \; ••tY · "'" lt1y I. Cllll'dlM vtlyn · Al!tn Roblrt F. Wt llJ 1t1t M. Mi ii I~. hfhl .. Nallt" trbllc. C1t;11rnl1 Flrblhhld Or111111 COlll Dt ltY Pllol, llMll Au, (lllltrMt Prlncl••t Offlct In St•I. n, ltl'O 1111·1' ~····· OrtlWI Coull"' Mv c~inlultn p,;,,, l11rtlf1 ttr A1ml1llt•11tr JUM JS, 1'11 LEGAL NOTICE ,ultllsllM D••n•t CCl911 o.;1v Piiot. Publlt~ Or111 .. Co•~I 0.!lr Pllol, SIPltmbtt 1', 1l. 30 tnd Ocllller 1, 1'10 Suttfnbl!t f, 16. A Jt, lt1t 16•1·10 1f110'ftcl INVITI ... SIDI . 1112·10 . llD ITIM "9. lJI LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOT!Cl IS Hl!il.f9Y GIVEN t~t\ 1ttl· eel 1rOPOUl1 Wiii M t.,;l'IVllCI br !hi C!" llf Co•l• MIM, la wll; Tiii Clfl' C-"ll, 1----------------------------I p,o, ... uoo. of "" Clfl' ol Casi• MHI. P.... ooo Ir liirtore, 1111 lllur of 11:IO 1.m. on <•ITIPICA'fl Oi< IUSIMISI Frldl1, Ochllllr 2, lf711. l ldl w111 bl fl(Tlfl9U'I NAMl 1ublldl' OHfltd •r.d ,r1:td lloul II 11 :00 Tiii uM1'1llneCf cktls c.,Hf't Ill h con-•·m~ or ts *" thtrNIJer I t pr1ctlt1llll, ttucll"' •Minas 11 un 111..,.,, NtwllOfl on l'rlf5t1, OcfDtilr 1. lfrt. In 1111 CcruncH I.Mc~. C1Qfor11l1, unddt llll llctllleul firm Chlmllll••· Cl,., Hell, n F1lt Orlv1. Cool• fllMI at ,Jt.ORIC'S •nd 11111 ui~ llml I• MilM. Ctlllotnll .,., 1111 tvtnll/llnt of two Glf!l-111 If 1111 tellewlni Hrtotll, w111t1 (21 H <I\ Ttl·Pl.IX Gl.!"IHS MOW!"llS. OMll'lf In hrll ..... •laot of rtlllltllU I• II A Ill el lllf 1111t111Cllllflt !lllY lbt olto tlllowl: ltlnl!I 11 tlll offlcl of 1111 Cl"' Cllrlt ti 11 Ft"rl< l•nMll. Ult ltiYer Ave., F1lr Orl'/9, (Giit ~~11. C1lllarnl1, 8!d1 ff•.....ort w pv tllould bl ""''!\Id lo tllf lll911llon of .... DllN St11tlrlllbtr ''· ltlt Cllr Clerk In 1 1t1llld •nveloet. lftf\1111•<1 Fr .. lc 8•!1•~ "" the OUIJldt wl:.r.• l id NU"1btr Ind Slit• of Ctllf1rnll, 11!1 OPtllllll 01~. D••nt• Count¥: 1!1cll Ol<I "''" Hy NCh eM eve" On s.t. IS, 100. N111'1 !I'll, 1 Notlry 1,.,,, 11 1tl fotll! Jn, th1 11&elllc111tn1. l"Wllc 11'1 l!!d fW ulf lfllt, "''IOl'lllr,, Anv •nd •II 1xclP!lOM le the lffclllc•· -•rid ,.,..,le ••111111 t-n IP .,.. "' llon• must k ci.1r1Y 1!1111f In IM bid 1nd .. !hi -wl\llt 1111114: !l !Ufnc<lbed f11!11r1 lo HI fclirll! lllJ' lltlfl lft lhf It ltltl w1111111 lns!T\llMl'll Miii 1cknowl.,.._ sHCltlcellons 111111 lie ,,_,.,. tot t• ... Pie fIICuttd 1'111 ltfM, lldlen at I/II 11111. IOFflCl"L SEAL! !"1dl bid W U HI P1r<t11 I/It tun ,..,.,... Ml .... IC. Htnrr I tnd rnklenr11 at •II ""'°'" Ind P••llf l No!D" 'llblk:.Ctllterni• lnMrMltd Ill ll!t •,_i •1 •tlncl~llL In Pr1ncl .. I Otlle1 In c111 Of cor .... retleni. lnctudl ll!t "'"'" o• Or111H ClllPlll'I' lht P•lsltlent. Stcr1t1ry, Trt1111••r •n.t \ 1WJ. C~l!!,tplres M1,..11r, Nrt. !I, 1t1t -T~t Clll' CouMH If tlll Clll' of C6Sl1 Pu9fltp1N Orl ntt Co.II 0.11¥ Piiot, Min.,,,...,,, !flt fll hl 16 rt)KI 1n' er Se•l.,..IMf 16. n. ~ 1nd Ocllhr 7, •II llldt. 1tlt 1107·7' OATEO: S.•l~mbtt tl, U1'. LEGAL NOTICE Pull!tl!ICI 0rt1'191 CO.II 01111 PHii, '"'· u . "" llll0-1' • I j . ...... CIRTlflCAT• OP •US1M•S1 PICTtTICMIS NAMI Tht unclil~llu"" Clot$ cettll~ M ll con· •ucllnt 1 IMnlntH 11 1m1 ~nche•l•r. Slnl• Ant, C•llfornl1, Ur.dlr 1111 fktl•lous !!rm 111rnt er •UNIVE RSITY MA IN• TEN.t,NCE SEI VICE t l'lcl lh1t u l!I llrm la com1111ed of 1111 lollowl"' DerlOfl, "'1Dlt ,..,.... In lull 1'111 •li ce of re1ldenct II ts lo11ow1: 011" '· ,_,., 1m 1 M1n(lle11t r AYlnut, Stnlt A111, C1l!lornt1 t11QS. Otltd SIPltmbt:r u . 1970 Ot1n F. c-•• Slt!f af C•llfornlt . Or1ntt Count'I: On S..ltmbtr I), 1t10, be.lo•~ "''" 1 Not1ry Publk In 11'111 for 111d St1t1, lfl"Hl'lt lW •-•'" Ot1n F. C-• -nown lo ,.... lo bt 1111 ~ • ....,, Wl!o•t ,..ml II suburlbtll flf the wllll!n ln- 11rumtnt Incl eck.-ll!c!ttCI ht: t._KUled lllt llMI. ' 10,flCIAL SEAL} Mery I(, ..... ,, NolttY Pulllk.C111lornl1 Prlncl,tt OHie• '" Or1nq1 CCII/II,., MY CommlHlon E._olrel Nev, 2•. 1912 l"11blll/lld Ortll!ll COlll 0111v Pllet. Se•ltmlllr U, U, ~g •nd Oc:ltbtr I, 111• 1711$·10 QUALITY NAME BRANDS YOU WILL FIND AT OUR STORE *LONDON fOI * HARRIS SLAC!S *VIN HEUSEN° *HUI * MINHITTIN * LANCER * RAINER * LISLE * ARROW * CITIUNI * JOC!n * CHIMPIOll * WIN DIIDIU * llNOLO PllllER * Mcll!IOR * DAIS SLACKS * LEE CASUALS * PllOENm * !U'1ENHEIMER * ll!EOITTI Of ITAL! * HOLLYWOOD CLOTHES !ANO MANI, MANI OTHERS TOO NUMEROUS TO MEllTIOlfO ENTIRE STOCK • 30 % to 60 % OFF! QUALITY SWEATERS fAMOUS CATALINA, ARROW, l'VllTAN AHO JOCKIY SWEATllltS IN ALL WOOl AND ALl'ACAS - ENTIRE STOCK or 117.95 S\VF.ATERS ' '' ·-· 8,85 ·. ' ' '-•10.88 &\'TlRE STOCK OF' 120.00 SWEATERS Ei'iTlRE STOCK OF 523.00 S\VEATERS .. , .NOWJ12,81 fANTASTIC SWtATEllS ,., DON'T MISS THIS(! CASUAL PANTS C~to11 fr1• ntr 4,D pain 1t bm111 ••• .,..., ii .,, ltl lttt•t. Flltts IM Ct11tlleltll -dzt1 21 ~ U nlst. i:~~:.00 '3.8o •" DRESS SHIRTS CHOOSE FJ:Qlrl J.R~DW, MAJIHAnAM, W:lll l VAN HlUSl• Diil$$ SHltTS Ri.C. TO $6.00 ""·--·.1Mt.Y REC. TO SlOO ___ .. Olft.f RE~ ro l l0.00 ·---.ORLY •3.88 sC.88 ss.88 MEN' SU ITS THE ARISTOCRATS 0[: FINE CLOTHING * L111ury Silk I Woo l * AU Wool * D1cron Ii Wool * Moht ir & Wool * G•blrdine1 * (ngllsh Ho,:rucks * World'1 Finest IYy F1bric1 * Sm•rt O•trcht tlc Wor1t1d1 * SIZES l4 TO 4t * lllEGULAlt~ * SHORTS * LONGS EMTIRE STOCK Df SllXl.tll SUITS *. Fh1nnel1 * St11rdy Worsltd Twills * NtwC11hmtrelook Wool• * E1pen1iY• Oomc~!ic We1ve1 EWTIRE STOCK 11r s1n.oa suns ~s1 * H.rrlngbonn ff Wontecf1 * Rewirw Twist• from lf•lir * All·Wool SJtarkskln * Silk&. WMI Import• * tmport9d W.,.._. ENTIRE STOCK llF SllS.OD SUITS CUSTOM SPORTCOATS lllSOllllll 1 IOMl "'lU TtWt IUIJ ·-UNDERW AR flMDUS IUTIDteALlT AD'll:ITISU IUNDS i.s1tt1p ... u~Fs ... illom 8 8 ( Choose from all \i.'ool. \\'ool and lfoha irs, Silk Blends1 Dacron and \Vool MEN' s s LA c KS ti•S•h~e~Uon~dl,~'!We'!"~·~d--s •'•"•'~m~aiiniiyj,, ;;m;;"';;.;,Y ~·~lh~e~n;.;'°';;.•n~um;;,;;or~o;us:.;to;.;m~ej;n~ti;••~·~ INTll( STOCK ENTIRE STOCK Jl£C. 'fb S2.00 SAL[ ~!CC KNIT IHIRTI "" 1ll1US 10cm. CATU!llAS. "'llTAI 114 ITlll flll( IU!tDS W IUHT SHiil$ L'tH!E STOCK Of 11 KHlTS $3,88 U!11!£ STOCK Of 110 '"ITS $ C,88 ~hMSI Ir• Ill nllt 1UR•W! -. !"Mu rtltrlt twlrt1 ••• lnfH•h •1p11Ct1 •. , slit an• ltltl , •. tllObair afMI WOii , , , 1> latfhltt. ill t11it• rtlllr ti nar Ultl1 Jlflf ~., ... '"""I! thse prlttt. [r.llrt Stockol S20.00SIK•s SI0.90 Er.11" sioc.~ 01 $2Z.50 si,cu S 12e tO £11tir1 St!Xk at $25.00SttcU S 1 •• 90 Enl!n Stot• ol 11!1.00 Sl1c~5 S 1f,90 AISDtUTlLY MDltl MllHll! ENTIRE STOCK OF $55.00 S,OITCOlTS O~ "$,OG SPOITCDAT$ Of $15.11 SPOITCOAJS ~'-$34 $39 tl'GUIS · lllOITI • lCll't atc~un. t110Jn . to"cs • " i -' ' I .j J -' I ~ :1 l 1 • ·i I • . • t ' • I . • j • • I !, . ---/ \ ! • • • l • I I l • ! • • I • : i . • • ' ' 3 PILOT ·ADVERTISER Bursitis Suffe rer' As~ llelp By PETER STEINCROJIN "It hurts like a thousand toothaches'; -"I can't sleep or eat" -"Every time J move I have to keep from crying." If I asked you to guess v.•hat it's all about. you might be correct in saying such are reactions to a gall bladder at· tack, to kidney colic, to DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE arthriUs -or to scores of other painful maladies. But the bursitis Patient is llkely to say, "That~ me." Dear Dr. Steincrohn: I am b1 my mid-40's and consider myself a healthy fello\Y. So much so, that I took on the job cl painting our house-inside and out. Not being used to so much physical. strain on my right arm, I developed a pain- ful bursitis in my shpuldcr. It has been so bad,'I've had to be away fro m 1ny off:ce for over a week. I've applied heat, taken aspirin and other pain killers, but it seems to be get· ting "M>rse. fi.fy appetite has gone and I get less than a few hours sleep. I suppose it's silly to ask, but don't you think it's time '.to see our doctor? I r.an hardzy move my arm. -Mr. A. ; ' COMMENT: Whatever the n~. "the patient has a nsponsibllity as a member of tl)e:tmedical partnershi p. ll's the · doctor's job; to diagnose am-to treat, and th~ patieJlt's to cooperate. And as I keep saying, the earlier you get to see him, the better. Foi' example, you say you can hardly move your arm . It's likely that movemen tin· tensifies the pain. Il.esuh· Yoc will move it less. Result? A frozen i.hou\der; a st i ff shoulder. A stubbom condition which may take months to get over. It's Iikcly~ as -you say, lha1 . your t.ursitis resulted frt'm · unusual strai11 put on it by taking en the paint\ng job. Us· Ing hot tawets. or a hea~ uad and the traditional aspirin Is all right for a few da;1~. However, complication, arise when it goe'.l nnlreated for weeks er .nnnthri • ., 'I11ere:orc, if tlJl!re';i: no im- pro~ment quicklv, it mak~ sense to see . th-~ doclt'lr. Usually a few treatments with cortis.>ne controls the p:iin . Then it is th.! patient's added job to keep. the strain off the joint, to giv~ it a chance to rest and he.al. Bursitis means an in- flammation cl the 1 I t t I e lubricating sac in the joint, and inflammation d o e s n ' t disappear in a few days. Gent1y, persistently, you will have to mo~ your shoulder joint to nre'-"'!nt it from stir- fenin~. \Vhether the bursitis is in a shoulder, knee , elbow <or anywhere d se) call on thr doctor for help early. if simple measures fail to bring you oomfort. MEDICALETTES (Replies lo Readers) Dear Dr. Steincrohn: t drink from JO to 12 cups of in.~t an' coffee every day. 1 am 55. I also have hi.eh blood pressure. I don't smoke, but am very nervous. 1 take so m,uch coffcP. because it just seems to be my "crutch." Am I wrong? - Miss M. COMMENT: Throw away your "crutch.'' It may be causing yo u r nervousness. Stop laking your instaat coffee and you may find instant relief. There. is enoue:h caffeiF'! in a dozen cups of coffee a da y to make you nervous . .If you can't llmiL your intake-lo a cup or two a day, then quit altogether. For Mt. T.: Undergo an flperation to increase your height by ,evering th~ thigh boe to stretch the leg? Even it J were five feet tall, I v.·ould emphatically sav no. • • 1\Vednesday, St11ttm~r 23, 1970 ·' \Vedn!sday, Stplembff 23, 1970 DAILY PILOT 1 ,, HAVE YOU VISITED DUR NEW STORE AT:' "OUNT,t,IN VAL\...,-t"-4 MQMlll SI •I ....... , •OUNf"AIN 11.ALLliT-lli.l Hl rMlr ..... 6 ltlloi« IL TOllO-lil Ttr. 11 11.utlei.I I Nt WllTMllUTlll~r Wftlllll"IW It ...... W. COSTA Mill.A-UH H1r"" '""'· 11 "'"""' )I. '-~Tilri MIJ.A-JJl •. IPTI! St 5881 WARNi~R A~_.,SPRJNGDALE IN .HUNTINGTO N B~A CH / _,. HIJHTINOTON l lAClf-tlUI e-.. ....... II A!lf#lll SANTA AHA-141t W. 111....-NI l r11MI M. ~TfttOTON l l ACK-flfl Mw .... 1¥111tl1f -,, '. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK & LATE EVENINGS, TOO! ' -Spectacular DISCOUNTS in all DeplS;o; Today tliru Tuesday! Nancy ....... ,, w., Mo .. t90•1ry, l 101 il '66, ·G.•n• 'i ln1y, inony ...,.,, °" c .. 1.,..,. bia, Capitol, AIM, V1rve, MGM .. Allon'. tic lob.lo! $21s I $32s 0 Valuosl Londond er ry Hair Beauty Aids Salt of 45 RPM e IHI~'· 79c Value! J & J Baby Oil 56c ·-·;.10~$1 ouort-m of rec•nl •-lo hit1 br 1odo'f'1 h)p tol- •nt. Popular, ''"'"'" ond Wn1tor11, loc~ 1>nd loll, """ lnt•r\1-.ital .,.,,.b<fn. $2,. Value! l1cenllng Tape 1" reel, 2400 ffff •I lope. Speciollr ixKed for o li ... ieed ti..,el ~ir>I ljluoHty, .,,licel•tt. $2,. Val•1! K1yston1 Slide Trays (.-=--_,"' , ~ ) -~ _, ___, $199 ~., •• , 1lid • · l••rt for Ito· dvk Cv••v1el 11ide p .. je<lor C•n •tt• St1111 l•y Pttlal Car Plo11ic body,od· jvll•ble eoor· p1dol vclio ft, lt""tkl• • type ""''"' .. _ .... blr of .... 1. Oak Valley BYnrOlll Straight lourlten DOLLIKIN 11 Y2" Fashion Doll - 79c Value! Chlpp1r's "Nut Hut" Beacon Thermal Bedspreads S 198 Mixed Nut s f1e .. iblt, lilelile. Joint ... at th• .... u ... ~ ...... hip1. _,,,, ... ould111, wri1h and elb-. loot.d .i.owld•r lenath hair. Total •f l'l diHerent outl ih. fill <111 "lorbie" t)'P. d~U .. \J J -YMl'CIMice ::s:J ..... ~~.;~.!, -~ -... c1<u1 .. 11.plie,.,.,.0Um, « ,l....i1 ... ;,.,,hooks, noils, .. vii . ~·~boht.<ounll!!.,fi>ore. ~- -- lop q'"'lltY plo1tir. Vertie•! rib1 for 1l••"llh, rigidity. , lililhtw.igllt r•• •11111.d. t 11ilt- ;., .... lded ho)odleo, 1n,11p l0<k lid. ..,.i. .... ..,.. • 19c Val. 1" l1 isllt , • lie Val. 11h" lrist)t • $1.11 YaL l" lri1Ue 59.~. .... 11 , ...... ,,, \ W~men's 100% Acrylic _-j . , Sweater Coats Smcift:ly iiyltd swea ter coats d1,lgned ta •II for dallaD mo~. l ightweight yet wonderfully warm and camfort• ob~ Two brond new styles In foricy woff le weove stilch, f;.,,. button front, 2 outside PoCkets and cf:lannel coat with larg• ~hawl (.Ollar. 100% ocrylic ir: si:i.es S-M·l . Wo1111n's Acrylic Sweaters • f111cy Crew., Y·llH• C.,.,11•11• tr $398 c,.., Y If' MK._ TWflllMC• '•lle•en • Ji•M4 U·lled & Y•k Ynts s1 " Full ,tr Twla St!ilt of Klkb• Plastlcwan ·•,69c v.1 .. 1 C.tlery lrwf • ,S9c Vel•tl Ice C1H Tni.t .. · ..... '''"' ""ij~ 1---:----1 $1?!,,,, M1tel , ... , Ta•l•s • w.1..,1 fillidt ... , ,,.ys : Uc &lrl's W11f1r9'. Twlll Pallfs ...... ....,,. •ttlt/ f••ftl iiftper, _b1l1_1..,.. •• L·----~ froftt jNoclteta. foll 1hodn h1 7-14.' Self Frl119ttl ~······ Sashes 2~$3 Pri11ll, tolid1 l t i• di•• 111 11rle1,t•l•n, 1011911'11. widtio. ,.#!"72~160" SS.9J..H.9S ...._, Suttle Luther ,, ... ..i .... 3 111 ••· l" 1v~dt1t>owld•r $ 11rgp b<o91v"d Mild l .... 11ow. l ·reo• -+--hc--Mr......X..;...l...wish-1-kne.w. -·•-----14-1..e;.,....-"""--• the cure for ringing and '-"'°" ...i.;.i..,. '2 ;" '••'"'' • . l I - i '' - singing in the ear lhat sounds like a cricket chirping. It can be stobbom. What does your ear specialist say'! If you suffer pain Jn joints, seld for Dr. Steincrohn's bOOkltt, ·~'HO'llt' to Llve With Art.hrit.i!." Write him iii care ol 'I1ie DAILY PILOT. enclos- ing 2Sl!ents ln coin to cover cost of ... handlin« . and a S.TA MP E 0 . SEl.F-AD- DRESSED ENVELOPE. STARS ~yd...., °"''" it •ff •f tt11 •orlcl't 9rttt •ttrolet•rt. Hit col•m11 11 •II• fl the DAILY 'ILOrs ,,. ......... ,.. •. ' .1-.::-i ~----• ~- ·IOIUS"PIOTI ® FILM PIOCUSllll Get an Extra Wallet Print With t: .. ,., Aegulor 'rln t of Kodacol0t film 126-127·120· 620 Square film Only. 81ll1tlque P1ny -1a11 .. !~.~s 99c fo11!10 ... H-""'"" I• 11"' prl"lt .,,d ''""'°' oolid 101,.. -wltlflt, 1<1ld,pm~. llh111, •"'!>$• Clf lolCKl. ~ l _Trn1I Syrl1191 fa•ltl111 2 qt ,.,. ,_ lt<lg. With .... $111 fQch..roh. 11! qvolity.._ 1 yr. ,_....._ Wilil IAH")' t01e. s 7" MH's Knit Swnllrs C•rdigo" •rtd 'I " Moclt T11"'--k puy_,. lft Vlrei" Auyl;.., cobl.d dffigrt1 •• ,iolid ,.,,.. ""°"" hcr,_l•i"I tria. Sp.tf ..,.1. !Mt r.11-...... f • Wll l t.,f l . 12"•·11Mlss1s' Tunic T1p1 l•••rio11t ;i:;;~~ j•n•p will! lo~g •lie ..... V nlKk. to{f k it, Off wli!", h. lt.t v•, re1I , 1old. ~aver NotChes Easy SecoruJ ,~Round Victory ~· .. Mets Thre e Back : : Pirates Maintain •, rwo-game· Bulge ,. j;., •1 THE AllllOCIATED PRESS A -.lng eye .. lngle lhat weaved Ill way thr~ Phll8delphia'1 pulled-in infield, has tbe New Yori. Mets thinking ple&sant thoughts apjn about the finaJ 18 days of the Nallonal League East race. Tommie Agee delivered the ninth in· nin1 hit for two runs and a 7-6 victory over Philadelphia Tuesday night that J)illUed the Mets back within three games doubleheader after being shut out 1-0 in the opener by Bill Stoneman. Chicago was rained out at St. Lou is. The Meis were on the short end of a 6-5 count after Tony Taylor had tripled three runs home and then scored on a sacrifice , Fox Upended In Two. Se.ts; Connors Wins LOS ANGELES (UPI) -World dwn· pion Rod Laver of C.Oron1 del Mar, Mfd. ed No. I, and wllffded James Connors, an t~yell'-Old UCLA freshman, acored impressive St!COnd f'OUDd Yictoriel Tues- day Night in the 44th amual Plcif.c ~thweal Open tenqis cbampionshJJll. -.,,-Pllliburlb -ana ldt Ihm> on.·1>et11na - llkQPd place Chlcqo. Laver routed Allen Fox Of Santu Monica, &-1 , 8-3. Connors, who has played the cinderella role in the tournament, continued his brilliant pla1 to regi!lft ti.is second straight upset by outlutlng Jongbaiml Ray Moore of South Afric1, 6- t, 6-7. H . Moore won the second aet on • 10-I tiebreaker. r-+;:---4;~"-ri...l.~j;>.-~~~ ~:-""~,___----'Tlle1""'ng-Bruin-(IOllAod tho lim.majo·~-- ~·mie Pirates protected their ed(e by ~back to knock off Montreal 3-1 in ~ ltCOlld a:ame of 1 twi-night •'". Harper Pulls 0' .Another Trick Out of Hat fiy in the bottom of the tighth for Philadelphia. But New York loaded the bases with none out in the ninth. Arter reliever Dick Selma fanned Ron Swoboda on three pitches, Agee poked a squibbler that just. made it into right fi eld ·for two runs and the victory. The ball was Inside," Aid Agee. "I was trying to hold up." It 's a good thing he didn't succeed or else the Mets might not have succeeded. A Jou to the Phillies would have shoved New York four games back with eight • ~,MILWAUKEE (AP) -Tommy Harper, games to play and just about ended their tltif American League's base-stealing flickering hopes. .. end a year ago, fished around in his Still, three behind with eight left isn 't 1llk top hat Tuesday night and came up the most comforting spot in tbe world. "!th nne more of the wonders he keeps But manager Gil Hodges sUU hopes. la - -"Time never runs out," said Hodges, -p. ••until it runs out mathematically." "I ruess I'm one of those mystery ball pli.yers." he chuc kled. "With me, you The Pirates took a step in that direction nefer know what Is goini to happen by taking the second game of their ~ ,, . doubJtheader from the Expos after drop. • . ping the opener. --t!arper, qµlckrr than most rabbits that Stoneman, 6-15, stranded 11 Pirates in h-1Pen out of aorctre:s' restrVoirs, c~ the first game and 1larted Montreal's --'hl:.bome run. llmtli~t for 'fuelch!y_ s ~winning rally-wlth-a-leadoff-slngle-1n the J>Wfonnance, producing a two-run clout sixth inning. Rusty Staub's triple chased helped Milwaukee to a 4-! victory the run home. o the California Anaels. . . In the nightcap, Bob Veale, making his . becomes OM cf only five men m fir1t start In tS days, nailed down his 10th mlJor ltague hlltory to hit at least 30 victory or the season with relief help ~e runs and steal at least.-30 bases from Joe Gibbon U11 11.me season, the others having beeil · Wilie Mays, Ken Williams~ Kink Aaron s1c0No •MIE •• l J!obby Bond" MONTltlAL 'ITTSIUJt!iH 11(1 .,. Ur-..-1 lll•hrlll .,,_ n-wen pl·~ f M•""·" >otoM.Allw.ct 4111 ...... DI"' VO<CU a our·run si.w, ,, l , a o Hebner, :>& 1 , 1 , ~·inninl rally around Harper'1 ac· ~~~·7:· a ! : : : :;~:~~[· ~t ! : : : hment. Harper couldn't resist 111 -n, c 4 o 1 o a .R••hon, 111 2 o o 1 •-well·w'-h••s about --other L•m.r. Jti 4 1 • • s1nuu111en, c l a 1 o w 111 ..., """""' M•1110,., cl ' o o o C1111, 7b l ,. r o aei!rtt ambitions. Wint, ll J ~ I I Allty, SS 2 I I 0 .__ w.o-ritr. " 2 0 0 0 VNl1, p 2 0 I 0 ne Aid be sW1ed thinking about No. o•oo.ioo11ue, p o o 1 o GJf>llcl!I, ,. ' • o • 30Wter be Md bit hia Zth of the .. &IOI'!. Pfllllipa, Jiii 0 • • • McOlnn, p I I I I Hl;,blt No. ~ and No. 21 off the Anctls To1111 JI 1 4 1 To111, :i. l s J - MOnlrnl 010 a ooo -1 ~ y. l"llli"'rgh 000 120 OOX-J . •'-··ht ol It qui'• • •·t wh I t I -Hftln.lr, C111!, DI" -Monl•t•I 1, LOI -.. .......,. , \IC ro en 10 Montrnl 1, P!ttibll•gh '· 21 -wrne, c1111. s -mi 2$th," be ukl. ''Then I wen t into a s11ub. SF -a. Robtirt1on, Hebner, UQ• ud whm I pt m1 t1th homer, I weo-r IL.ui .~r,> ~-~-•1._.,'-s,o_ t I ltlll bad a lhot at il" 0·0-011111 ,.,,J 1 o o o 1 MtG.,.. 700001 omla pitcher Rudy May had vee11 1w.10.u1 •111 • , o J J ttft1tened for more than five innings to Grbbllfl 2•111 a • o o ' m9ke another fonn of lhu{lder, going that HIW YOJllC l"Hl\.ADl!L,HIA faf. with a no-hitter while bia Club look a Ag", c• 11 : ~ ~ ': 1 10,.1, 11 ~11 ~ 112'~ 2-4;.leld. G1rrttt. lb 5 I ' I H1rmon. II I • • 0 C.J11t111. II J l 0 0 T.fl'flor, 1b 4 I 1 l C• CA&.l._lllA Ml\.WAUICal ... ,.,.. llltllrttl -l!!fl!!tr, .. _____, I • 0 Ha,_, lb ' I I 2 Gwtllr, ~ • I I O 8.Jmllll, rt I I t O Frfloal, n • 1 I I O.May, ct J t 1 I A..#flon11tn,1fl021Sav19t,H lOll .SPllll'lo:.tr, 111 4 o I I Stncltr1, , I I t t llt*'.11 •tOIP-,u llll Alt119,C JOllJlllOf,c l010 ..... pf! I I I I Atvb, Pl' I I I I Grlflln, lll J I I I Snydlff'. 11 1 I I t lltMlty, ' 2 I I • H ... "• lb I I I O LI Jocllr, • 0 I I I Kubltk, 2b I I· I I o.:.n, P 0 I I I fl'11tln, p I 0 a O Ji McNwtnrt, c I I O I ri~~ ftt•' T~~ »•I• ~C1lltomlll 101 000 000 -I lillfw.1'*• .. llOO .. -• •,E -H ... 11. lit, M1y. Ofl' -C1lllotnlt I, lOI ·:ClllNn!le &, Mllwt ull;M •• If -D, M1y, Mil - F I !Jll, Ht r• UOl. SI -A. JOI!-. S -f'al!ln.. ll. /<My, 11· 1,HlltlJlllSO llt.Mty •lt JSS ISltocM 11101000 ~ ll .Ml l ·llS I I I I I ~rt'" 1w.u.u1 1 J 2 ' s t .......... '1 010 2 Sh1m1ky, rl l I I o Jl.Slollt, H l o O I G11pt1r, rl I O I 0 D.Jonn'°", Ill l O O O (11611<1. p 0 0 I 0 Seim.. p O O o o Cl"""-· lb • 1 I 1 McC•rver, c J O o o 8Mnll, 2b • l 1 J G.J1tklOll. pt 0 I Q O Gr011,t JO O DMonev,lb l01 ~ K''"*'· pit I I I 0 G1mbl1, rt o 2 J o Well.Pf OlOOHl1l1,cf Jll l Dylff'.C OOO OIU11nl1111,P 2110 Hl rr•lson, IS I 1 I 0 Frymt", P 0 I 0 0 McAndr1w, p l 0 I 0 l .Wll$CK!, p O O O I Mtrt1'111!, ph I 0 I 0 M-ner, lb I I I 0 l'rt1e111, o • o 1 a Ryan.ti 0000 $\ll'll00d1, rf I 0 0 G Tol1l1 3J 1 I 1 To!lls » ' t l Ntw Yori< OllO 005 001 -1 Pllll1d1lphll GOJ 000 IC -I DP -New y ..... 1. LOI -NllW Yort '· ,II!!•· delltfllt 1. 21 -G1rr111. Ja -G1mblt, Hlllt, T. T1ylor. 51 -H.1r rtl1011. AV" i. s -l'rl11ll1. SF -JI. Slor'lt. " • • •• .. , . MtAl'IClr1w ' • ' ' • ' l"•l•tll• 1·1/J • • • ' ' JIVI" (W,1·101 '" • • • 0 0 CMl!CI • • • 0 ' 0 '"""Int s.211 ' ' ' ' • Frym111 0 ' ' ' ' 0 I .WU-2·111 ' • • ' ' • I • .... - Ufl't Tt""""'9 What's the l' erdict, U11ap? Bill Sudakis (16) of the Los Angeles Dodgers and Dick Dietz, San Francisco Giant catcher, watch for a decision. Sudakis was ruled out at the pla te while trying to score on a triple by \Ves Parke,r. The Dodgers won, 1-0, on a three·hit performance by Alan ·Foster. -· Fi-n-al Home Tilt for Dodgers F Qster De f eats Giants on Three-hitter, 1-0 LOS ANGELES (AP! -Alan Foster had just fired a th ree-hit shutout over the San Francisco Giants but it was his one , big run batted in he talked abou! lhc mosl. "They 'must be arraid of me," he said of the bases-loaded walk that led to Los Angeles' t.O victory over the Giants Tues. day night. ''but I can't really undcrst<ind why. I haven't got a hil orr the Giants all yea r.·· Giants. The Dodgers ha\'e a 9-8 season edge over San Fraoc\sco. ln Los Ange les' fina l hotne game of the ~eason lonight , Sandy Vance. 6·7, wiij op- pose the Giants' Gaylord Perry, 22-13. "It was easily the best game he·s ever pitched," said the Dodger manager, \Valte r Alston. "llis control and command were so sharp. lie stayed ahead of the hitters and all his pitches were working. The major i1nprove menl was the control which has caused him so much trouble in the past." SAN l'JIAlfCISCO lOS AlfGElli ..... ~.... ...,,.,.. eon<11.r1 ~0 2owms,u JIOO Fuen!H, lb o a Mott, lf • o o 1 M1v1, cf 4 0 0 W.Olvl•, Cl • 0 0 0 MtCov1y, tb J 0 0 W.Plt~~r. lb t I 1 O ti-erlO!I. II J 0 o SW1kls, c • o J O Dietz, c J O O GArv1y, JD 2 t o o Htrr, lll l o o G'ab4or-•w111,Jbt 1 o • \.1nltt, 11 2 O O Rin~ll, rl J o t t Hunt, pl\ 1 o o Fo1ttr. p o t f I ,,...ion, 7b 0 0 0 &•v•nr, p 2 1 o 8 .T•vlor. pit 1 o o M'Mthon, p 0 0 o Tollll lO 3 0 Toi.1, Jt I ' I Sa" Fr111tlt<;O 000 000 000 -0 lo• A!IV•lts 010 000 00• -I LOI -S." Fr•llCltCO J, LOI ~IH 1. 71 - SW•kl1 2. tt11.ut!I, JI -8ol'ICls, SI -I Ol'ICl1. $ -Wiiis, FOlt .... Sports In Brief upsel of the tournament when be defeated the veteran Australian pro Roy Emerson, 7-1 8-7, 6-4. Connors used a two-handed 1hot similar to that employed by Pancho Segura on many service returns and in lieu of the usual backhand. Liver's blazing backhand and rlrlelike forehand shots worked to perfect ion. He was in command of hi1 match with Fox from start to finish . The outclassed Fox Yl'in' his servi:e four match. was only able to times durinc the Clark Graebner of New York defeated J oaquin Loya-Mayo of Mexico, l-J, 6-3, in the only other second round match. John Newcombe of Australia, seeded No. 2, used a blatlng serve and good placement shots to subdue Ron Holmber~ of New York, 8-4.' 6-4, in 1 first round contest The veteran Australian was nevtr in troubie and had command throughout the m1tch. Cliff Richey of ~ Ancelo, Tei:., who recently led the 'United States to the Davis Cup championship, breezed past Terry Addison of Australia, 6-3, 6-3. Tenth seeded Roger Taylor of England and 12th seeded Fred Stolle of Australia also scored easy wlna. Taylor whipped Roy Barth, San Diego, 6-3. 7-6. Stolle trimmed Patricio Cornejo of Chile, 7-4 6· ~ ' Lesley Hunt of Australia seeded No. 1, defeated Mary Struthers of La Jolla, in a hard-fought women's 111'11~ match, 3-6. 6-4, 6-4. 4 ver will bave the day of( today with thinf round matches beginning Thursday at the Los Angeles Tenni1 Club. Laver is top·lleeded in the tournament which he won two years ago and has earned close to $150,000 this suson. Connors, the young U C L A • b o u n d youngster from Santa lt1onica gained lhe most attention. Connors was playing on the grandstand court where most of the crowd moved af. te r the Laver match. They pulled wildly fo r the youngster (tS.yea r-old) during a 90-minute match as he broke long-haired South African Ray ltloore 's service. Connors won the first set in short fashion but Moore came back to wln the. second set under the new sudden-death tie-breaker rule. The players call it the "heart-breaker." The lZ.point tie-breaker was deuced at eight points apiece when Moore putled ahea d, 9-8. He clinched the set when Con· nors served up the fifth double-fault of lhe match. Mlfl' -lly ~ ti. SMlllll. Tlmt -2;lS. "~· -s.1'f. • $lack Athletes SefrN ll,, .. , ' ' ' ' ' ' It really didn't matter as foster made the one run slant! up. allowing San 'F'ran. cisco only tv.·o singles and Bobby Bonds' triple to record his tOth victory against 13 losses. It put the Dodgers back into .sole possession of second place in the National League West, one game in fron t of the Fosler didn't walk a baller and the on. ly time ·he was in a scrape was the third v.·hen Bonds tripled with t\\'O out. But he erased Tito Fuentes on a grounder (or the third out of the inning. Martin New Tiger Boss; . Reinstated $YllACIJSE, N. Y. tAP) The mtmben of the Syracuse Uoiversity foot· ball. team have voted to accept eight BUfpel:lded black at.hleta: back on the 1quad, apparently amid suggesUou their ratiurt lo do so would force cancellation oft Saturday's home opener against K ...... 'there was no Immediate comment rrll'n the black athlete1, ud It wa1 not lmmediate.ly known how many of the tltht remained ellilble physically and acadtmlcaJJy, to pl03'. "-~...iaot-y..U..lwo leiding ground 1ainera. Al Ntwtol and G"'g Allen. 1'\ree weeks qo Chancellor John E. Cctbally, Jr .. ln<llcaled !ht bladl players' falure to accept university terma for rtMatatemtn( In lime for the opeaing of fill pract.k:t meant abe suspenlkm would rtllSl1n in effect for the season. 1" olficial re i nat •t.emeat an- ~mmt from tlll Univlfilly came lalt _,. 11 1-..I ·by ·--.... a meelin1 ~·ltll the 1tate'1 Com- m-ol Human Jlllhll, Robtrt J. Ma,,.um, and 1 latar m«Uog ol tho i. ... The allDO\lnctment aid bud football cOldl Ben Schwortawaldtr .. ,_,.. ~" !ht ,..__ lo !ht ehllll<'Ollor. llchworttwaldtr told Ille "-l•ltd PrwN, however, th.al Tuelday J1\ght'fi l•m m,.Ung ~Id bt<n rt&nmmded by ualverlll>' olficl1b. It'• Next l' ear for Atagels Wheri lhc Minnesota Twi ns defeated the Oakland Athletlc1 Tuesday night, they clinched' tnc Amcri· can League \Vest ·title. Vern Morgan, a coach for Pitts .SigllS With Rams DETROIT -Billy f\1art.i n, former Min- nesota Twins manager. will replace Mayo Smith as manager of the Detroit Tigers, it was reported today. Watson 'spoelslra, sports writer for the Detroit News, said Martin would be hired Oct. 2, 1 tht day after the American Leag~e regular season end~ In a copyrighted story in lhe News to. da y, Spoelstra quoted f\1arlin as saying he has talked wilh the Tigers about •-'fi[i''!--'~n~agln aext season ""There's no way I can divulge anything," said f\fartln, who worked as a f\1inneapolis radio sportscaster this sum· mer. "I've been talking to a few other clubs loo." Jim Campbell. Detroit gt n er a I manager, declined comment. declaring : "I'm not saying a thing about our manag. ing job, ot1e way o.r the other, unUI lbe season 's over.'' Smith1s experience wllh the Tigers the past )'t!ar has been frau.ght with trouble -the three Denny McLain suspensions, the co111troversial book written by catcher Bill Freehan about the team's Inside problems and a late-season collapse of the ball club. • the Tv.•tns, gets a champagne shO\\·cr In the drc!s.· Ing room alter the 5·3 victory. LOS ANGEL~ The Los An geles fbrms announced TueWay they have ;ianed veteran ruMing back Elijah Pills .. ' to a ready reserve contract with the N1· lional F0otball Lea1ue club. Pitts. 6-1 and 210, played for Green Bay nine seasons and was 01te of three Packers traded to the Chicago Bean dur- ing the past off-season . Chica,O rele1sed him a week ago and he was siped by the Rams as a free agent. To make room for Pitts oo the taxi squad, the Rams released OffensJ ve tackle Line Howell. LOS ANGELES -The Univtnlt1 or Southem California Trojana, who ran up a1ainst a good Nebraska fUtlnin& team Saturday Right, will be meeting another slrong ground attack at Iowa this Satur· day. "Iowa has an excellt>nt offms.ive foot· ball team," Trojans' coach John McKay said Tueaday of-runner1 ln tht Big tt tlli6 year . The Iowa running btcb are jl.mior tailback Levi Mitchell and anlor fullba<* Tim Sullivan. ,.. Siill doubtful for USC'1 third pme tl the seU)n are tallbad: C1armce Divis hip polnler' and defeuive: tickla rod:i Smith, ankle, and John Vella, knee. The~ Pl•ces fn the <1art1n1 Jlntup would be taken by BOphomort tacklee John Grant "nd John SIUlea and tallblcU Lou Uarrl1, a junior , and Mike Berry, a stnlor. < i I t l I • I t I ' ' i I I 1 I ----. Wrdrlffdtf, Stpt!mbtt 2l, 1970 DAILY 'ILDT H Ca vs Feature Oiiers Rost St. Paul Yeteran <;rews, · P'-!J,ying .. Sµ~e.t Schoo ~~~Multip~et.~=Matter or=Prid'e;.·Ancich .=J. SAN C~EMENTE FORTE -Defense has been the strong point for coach Tom Eads in each of his pre- vious two years at the San Clemente helm. Two of • his best a re linebackers Dick Anderson (66) and Nolen Boyer (65). Encourag;ng Laguna Signs . I Artists Ho.ld Big Edge in Series-With-Triwns · By PHIL ROSS Of ltM D1llJ f'llel 5111f Things haven't been all peaches and cream for the Laguna Beach Artists' football team since the okl Capistrano High School was condemned · a • d transformed into San Clemente High six )'ears ago. For instance, in the past half dozen grid seasons, Laguna holds but a 3-2-1 edge over the Tritons. This despite the rfact that San Clemente had the upper hand in the archrivalry last season, 27.-0. However, a quick check through the DAILY PILOT archives reveals a more -substantial 28-4-2 Laguna edge ill the series with Capistrano 's Cougars included in the fun, which all began in 1935. · Current Artists' gridi ron mentor Hal Akins, himself possessor of a com- mendable, 53-31-2 overall mark in nine plus years at Laguna, would like to see the series revert back to its past fashion, with the Artists dominating the action . And, chances are he'd like to behold that old form on Friday night whew the south Orange Coast rivals slug-it out for the 3Sth-time. Akins admi ts that a Jot of things ar e encouraging for him after last week's opener with Los Amigos. which the latter eleven captured, 19-6. He says, "a couple of awful blunders realJy .hu_rt_us in lhe Los Amigos game . "We stopped one kld cold and then let him get away for a gifl TD. Then a 111aked pilcbout we called turned into an in- Smog to Cancel Athletic ~ntests RIVERSIDE -All school athletic con- tests -including varsity sports such as football, basketball and baseball -will be cancelled during smog alerts from now on in the Rivers ide Unified School District, officials say. The decision, made by the Riverside school board Mertday night, is expected to result in a number of cancellations of afte rnoon events which involve junior high school teams and high school junior varsities. Friday night football games by high school teams probably won't be affected bec'a"use the smog usually tapers off at night, school board officials said. The board said it would enforce the playing bail any time the smog level goes over .27 parts. per million. Riverside of· flcials say the smog in their lnland Southern California Communi ty ill the worst in the state now. Major L.eague Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE x-Baltimore New York Boston Detroit Cleveland Washington Ea1t Division W L Pct. GB 100 54 .649 118 61 .563 121.~ 82 73 .529 18\~ 76 78 .494 24 74 a1 .4n 26Yi 70 83 .458 291h West Division :t·Mlnnesota ·· 93 61 .604 Oakland 8S 70 .543 81\ Aacek 81 73 .SJ& 12 Kansas City 62 92 .f03 31 Milwaukee 60 !M .390 33 Chicago 54 99 .353 38~1' x-Clinched division title. T......,.t Ml ...... 1 lollllll I , (lr..!i..MI 2 111Ul/TIOl'9 10, Oalrolt ' N .. Yort< !. W1Ml"'ton I MllwMff I, A""ll 2 1C-.1 (lfV 2-t, CP!klto 1-1 NATIONAL LEAGUE Pittsburgh Chicago New York St. Lours Philadelphia Montreal East rnvlslon W L 83 71 80 72 80 74 72 81 70 84 !8 86 West Dtvlsfon Pei. GB .5.19 .526 .519 .471 .455 .442 2 3 IO~Z 13 15 x.Cincinnali 98 58 .628 Dodgen Bl 70 .545 13 San Francisco 83 71 .5.19 14 Atlanta 75 80 .484 22 \h Houston 72 82 .468 25 San Diego 59 95 .38.1 38 x.Clinc::hed division title. Tllttd .... 'I ll•Wllt ChlcMO 11 St. Loi/ls, r1ln MOnlrMI I•!, P lftl.lluf'lll 0.l New Yott; 7, Pllll.clt!pl\11 • Glncl"""tl 6, HOu1to11 I Altan!t l, San 01eto0 J °"'"" 1, $1n Fr•nclKO o terceptioMi and one of their kids picked il off in midair and went 55 yard s for another TD," laments Akins. Akins also attributes two breakdowns in the Artists' radar defense as some more reasons why Los Amigos got away with the victor-y. '"The mdar has some wrinkles· to it. The id ea is a gap defe1se with a two- ·poinr-reading. You have to be up there where · the defense is reading and if you 're not, you're in trouble. "Two incredible pass d e f e n s e brea kdowns off the radar really killed us." Akins continues. Despite first string tailback Greg Kessler still being groggy after a hard hit in the second half against Los Amigos, Akins is positive the Artists can get thi11gs together and give the Tritons a good go. Five-foot-eight, 145-pound se11ior Mike Sweeney . will be starting in Kessler's' regular place as Akins attempts to fiMid a better combination in hls backfield. \V hen Laguna Irons out its kinks the Artist coach feels the school will have a fairly d~ent football team. He concludes, "I think we can give some people problems before the y~ar is over." DEAN LEWIS AUGU11 Sf'ICIALS (TllOl['llr@l"l~I '71 COROLLAS HERE NOW! Alf OM. ...... IMI Steel M .. II-Hiiu Pld:11p- L4H Cr.itM c.,... Santiago High School may be a new household name to the Edison Chargers but coach Robert Burt-will flekt. ' a veteran line up on of(ense .. and defense Friday night when the Cavaliers host Bill Vail's crew on the Garden Grove High By ROGER~ CM .. M61r,_ltlft Traditionally, when 1 team meets ita most bitter rival on the rootball field, the followi.ftc game displays aomewbat of ~ emotional letdown following the tremen-o field. dous emotional pitch 1ttllned for-the-bis Operating out of a pro-set offense with one. I multiple variations, the Santiago attack St. Paul High's Swordsmen face that is paced by al}Jeai\!e ballback Rick problem this week following their 7-6 Rice. a 155-pound scooter.type runner. lr.J lo El Rancho Saturday. Rice carried the ball 20 timts in the But coach Marijon Ancich ef the Santa Fe Springs parochial outru liya be Ian\ opener against Ganeaha last'week as the too worried about that upect of his e. CavaUers won, 9-0. He is also a co-caplain counter with host Huntington Beach Fri· of the team with defensive halfback Ran· da y •ight. . I "Our guys have &een the .game films dy Me er. and we know we beat ourselves, We know R·ice was the team's leading scorer la st-we're playing a Sunset League team and , season with nine touchdowns and in three it's a matter of pride. games he gained over 200 yards and "When YoU play in Orange County you scored a .pair of touchdowns. automatically give up 14 points, Past ex· "We have eight people returning on ra~~~ce tells us it's going to be 8 tough defense from our starting team of last "We'r·e well aware of Garth Wise (Hun· season." Burt says. "We change five tington Beach's classy tailback) and the players from .offense ·to defense and feel rest of that group down there," says lhe d f ~ G d Swordsmen boss. we have a conten er or tni: ar en 0 f hi · .~1 ·th H ~~~~ -·~-· hi h . _ ~~ s_ QJaJQr .,.~ms '!I..._ u_!t Grove League cuampions P' , s tington Is that the Oilers present an at- iieason ." tack that doesn't flt the same mold as Joining Rice in the offen sive lineup as most St. Paul foes. starters from last year are Danker Kuki ..'!Huntiagton's a little differeot from Pauiloa, \ight end Chuck A1organli, guard what we normally see. They stunt the Jay Ledbetter and all-league tackle Tony guards on defense, sort of like San Diego \\'r ight. , State. Perhaps they're somewhat like Wright is a 225 pounder and is in his Amat in that respect. third season as a starter for the Cava-"Offensively nobody in our league runs tiers. two tight ends like they do," he poRden. Directing 1he Santiago attack at Ancich sums up his team's No. t target quarterback ~ Mike RandaJI, a junior let-like most other Huntington opponents : tennan. "Stop Wise." "He is a ~ood passer and a very good St. Paul enters the issue with a juAior· runner,'' Burtlopines. Last week he com- studded team. a unit that v.·as guilty of pleted fou r of 10 passes for 90 yards and several mistakes in the El Rancho game, carried the ball on 18 occasions. costing the Angelus League powers vic- \Vhen the Cavaliers move to defense , tory. othe rs moving onto the field wit~ Meier Twice St. Paul missed on short field will Include Tim Young in the secondary: goa l attempts and the Swordsmen Adrian Montoya at right end: Steve penetrated the El Rancho 10-yard line oMi -ropichak at~left ta ckle; and Clayton· three occasions only to be-turned-away Rogerson at middle guard. empty-handed. 50$ •• ta ·- Fumbles and peultla COii St. ha!. "We were tl&ht and ..wiua. Sort of like an alarm cloc:t lhll couldn't pt unwound,'! says Ancicb about bia team'• HCOnd straight lou. • Biahop Amal taqed St. Paul In Ille aemiflnlll llst yeor, IHI, mdl"I tbe campaign. ~ SL · Paul'a stren(th !lei In 1111 )mlor quarlerback, Jomie Quirt. (&.3, 17$) wtlo tossed • 14-yoni ocorlng -to 11(1111 ,"'1/ Jim Ortega for the only S-"!"" '1n ~ ~ ~ p11,S 1n 11..!st. Paul backfield is tallbact Tony Smith (185) wbileMartln Medina (M, llO) runs in the wne mold u IDOlt St. Paul fullbacks-with a cruabJ9C mmmer. , Bruin Poloists Drop OCf., 21·3~;.~ Chances are the Orange Cout conw Pirates wish they would've b8d banl!li I the field polo variety) °" tbeir ~ Tuesday-as coach-Jact-Fullerton11 Wlftr poloists dropped a 21-3 decision to _. powerful UCLA Bnilna In the """""'1 pool. The setback was the first for tht Baca in four 1970 c:ontesta and placed lbtlt ahead of last year's pace (they, had tit losses at a comparative stage in 1969). - . Orange Coast's thtte victories w.,e recorded in the Bakersfield towna$t (which it won), at the hlnda of,~"° Bernardino. Fullerton commented after the-~ runaway , "they had a very good · game in the first half that really us." > He noted that the Bruins' raor-atilrp passing and a potent fast break offeliil were the main reason t.be BUCI * down, 13-0, at tbe"mktway point. 1""'' The Pirates came back in the ltdM6 haU, however,to be·oulscored-by-ooly-a--- 8-3 margin. -~ Specially prlcedwhan you buy 2 tires rn-;=:=:=--_:__- 0: duringthisglganticsaleon_.. !OO~F. feWV/~[n @n ~ ' 1FUll 4·PlY !!; OOJ;J l!:.®M ~Strong, smooth-riding rayon cord construction -: :- '' New "78" Series WIDE Tire Built WIDE •nd LOW 10 gi .... yoY quick •IHr!ng re1ponse in lrtl!ic, .. t Kcell1nt t\1ndl!ng 111urnplk1 IJ>"dS llZC lt90. prlcl • " l 711·14 !7.35·1•1 N7.50 r1a.11 11.1s.1•1 71 .00 F78.15 (7 .75·151 078-11 rB.2'!1·1.(1 78.00 071-15 (l.2S·151 H78-1A (11.55·1•1 85.50 H78·1$ (8.55°151 ..,. ,no. •M.00 17.00 12.50 II.SO Yw SAYE l'Ell l'Alll •13.50 14.00 111.60 17.00 f l.21 2.•• .... 1.00 .IQ , .. 2.00 J71·15 t8.85-151 95.50 71.IO 19.00 , .. , ~ u .,111.••111 H .IO 71.~ ••• ~'.'.:~~••••:'.°-. . .. · ·Harry! lon.'f •iii thi1 PAIR Sill! Why buy an unknown brand when you can have rir .. ron• quality al these low prices' Enr1'q Int lflni,. P8Pllll SIZES \ft r-tsto nt 1.15-14 1.15.15 , .. ~ CHAMPION . 'fun 4·plJ nylon cord tin ____ _.. ... ~,11-l...Olk!Md-L------­ T ... l"'t O-----T....,,~Ct!MI .. ~11r---'~.::!!'<'-!!!!'-'"'-::::::::::-~1--1,___J~ NHI' Yor11 fStclfdll f.ll 11 PllJl .. lpl\11 !Sllort ~5011 IHI!! N I 11 Ot-1.....i (Hllfl1tr 11· ll), "'-hi ......... (Gl/'!"tll 5-•l •I MllWtllktt fOowftfflt .. ,,,, ~ltht ICMUf Cltr tS.Uttorf M l 11 CP!lt-(JOlln110n .. , Ottroll tC11n 11•1) .i l 1!!1more C(utll•r »- 1), """' WMlll"'!On !Coll-man e.101 t'I New Ytrll CICllm- kewloltl .,.,>, "..,' Cltftllftf C"-,..an ,_,, ti lotlOn Cl~N Ml - t.U), 'll<tht Mortl•NI IMorl'IMI lt-11) ., Pllhllllrt!I r111u 10-11). nlglll Clllelto UrilM JO.II Ind H1noi 17·Ul 11 SI . t ou11 Hleus.s 64 11111 Glbln 22-41. t. twl.n!111t $9rl Di.t (Arlin 0.0) 11 Al18ftll tJ1r~l1 1 .. 1,J, nlflht , Houtton illllll"'1!frr•I' U.al 11 C!M!nnl1 !Mt· (;lof!llln 1•.f). nlf!ll S1n FrlfKI-ll'er rv ll•lll 11 °"'"" l\l•nct .,.7), nltl'tt DEAN L_EWIS 1966 HARIOR ILYD., COSTA MESA 646-9303 S.rvlco, P1rt1, A Body Shop Now Open Until I p.m. Mond1y Nighls I I . ~ Orance County's Llrgest and Most Modern Toyota and Vol •o Dealer 15~ 1967 TOYOTA CORONA SID. llfH, l llMINI l 'rllltl,,...._ v...., dMlt. C\IOltUll $1195 .. Popul•r 1i& .. littld fit Mllny Alnbl1tad0r1. ci-.111.-. CllW9ll•, Corwtt•, C>odQe$. flNdt, '-ll&'•. rl¥fftMllll, Ii.Id. &c-11i., l ""'P"'S •l!d _, ""*•· r1u. tt.17 or S2 .11P9"tlrt1'.ci. IK, l1• end co•TA MIU FllUTONI STOii US I. lNll IT, -MH+M HOUllS; Ml!l.-.. ri,, I •• Ill. tt 1 ,._ S.1., I a.M, .. J '·"" t II,.. olf your ttr. WHITEWALLS_!-0 0 tl i'ER TlflE . HUNTIN•TON llACM "~Ml STOU 141n llAC" ILVO, -111.-i MOUllll IMll._,ri.. I •·M. fl I,_.,_ hf ... '·"" ... ,, .... CO.STA Ma.A-.llllY HAl.C 1,., Nl'#NttT ILVD, -....._, HOUll5t I a.111, '9 ti• ,__ kt .......... '"""' ":.} ' . DAIL\" PILOT \Vtdntsdu, Ste._tembtr 21, 1970 ... No Problem With Re.fs;_ Says Coach South Torrance High School will en- tertain the Marina Vikings Friday night in a non·league football encounter. A111d coach Herb Richey has assured one and all that the Bay League Spartans will have a full set of officials on hand for the game. It was just a year ago al Westminster High when the Spa rtans and Vikings were scheduled to play a pre·season encounter and no officials were 011 hand. Three were drafted from the stands including DAILY PILOT reporter Howard HaRdy. Richey mar have been fa~tious about the officials but he is deadly serious about his football team. "They played . a good game against Garde 111 Grove last week but like it usually is with a ydung team , we made a lot of mistakes." Garden Grove won . 13.0. "We were offsides a few time s when it hurl us. Little things like that make a dif· feren~ in an important ball game." Sears Tire and Auto Center Heavy Duty Mufflers -Witl1 LlFE .L-.lill.LLL--=- G U ARANTEE • 99 INSTALLED Rich ey will have only ohe-returning starter in the offensive lineup Friday night but he is a11 important cog in the Slot-T fonnatio11 south Torrance uses. -•--- t;V1KING BOSS -Marina lligh's Leon \Vheeler shouts instructions !during his Vikings' encounter with La T'uente_ in the 1970 sea~on open- ~r. The Vikes will try to rebound from their 12-6 loss against host ~uth Torrance Friday night. &mpton Moving? jA.rea Kickers Sparkle;_ , ') I t • ~GG Teams Undefeated " ~L League rivals. can considCr a~y J#.iigton Beach touchdown a n maUc seven points thi s year with the tiat of junior Brett White on lhe Oiler anything belier Ulan a 0.0. tie Pacificia lbe following weekend. * * * against Loara High's woes with its backfield (injuries) tends to make the Sunset Richard Peterson, a 165-pound senior, will open al q6arterback and direct the team's offense. He is a right handed passer and will be working wi!h a sophomore anH two juniors in the backfield. John Winner at left halfback is the soph and weighs in al 16? pouJKis. Dean Curtis at fullback weighs 170 and right halfback Steve Jarvis is 150. Both arc ju11iors. Jarvis played on defense last season. The South Torrance line is made up of six seniors and a sophomore but none of · the m were starters last ·season. Heaviest 1nen on the forward wall are Eric Parent al left tackle and Chuck Galisky at right guard (the sophomore). Both tip the scales at 190 pounds. Richey feels the Mariria team is im· proved over last season when his team won, 20.Q, with the makeshift officials. is the same. lad that kjcked 10 51tillght conversions in a game against ~.in l;rls freshman year on the. Cee ~eas~:ins~r ·:~w~~ti~:. be l w e_r n.._···-coyotes Have Any number of teams arc capable of cracking th at twoso1nc. hov•ever, take t~~won,72-0. weekend's opener for rruntingt.on JVJ:i'Jte with two chances and he your pick * * * New Coach, Through the first week 's grid action, c.,.: tbroygh ·with ease as the Oiler!' four Orange Coasl area players sCTJred nljled La~ 14-6. lwo or more TDs. _: _(>,,'~-~*'~-¥· ~----Eslancia·s Rob Kaiser leads wjth U1rec "" '' touchdown catches \vhile J-lunlington Mesa's Benito (BeMy) Ricardo Beach's Garth \Vise, to.later Dei's Bob n more im}>re.sslve In the ki cking Haupert and Edison's Jerry Hinojosa ent booting perfect 43-yard and scored twice. ' ~ . * * * "tio""GiR". ~ . tARLSON .·/ ____ _ ---'" ~ • 2s..iard field goals along with a PAT against Katella. t\icardo does it Vlilh the soccer style. }lif brother, Ramon, whipped rival NeWport Harbor. 3-0, in 1967. Pilesa meets Ha rbor Saturday night at Doifidson Field. .• * * * ~·s seldom that any league can claim wi'-'ers from every corner over a weikend of non-league action. but the set1n-team Garden Grove League came out: unsca thed in the opening round of prtfoolball. · s Amigos posted the tnosl lopsided ~·· a 19-6 verdict over Laguna Beach. St 1l5taaci1 HJgb"s 3M rout of bosL Tustin m91 go down as tbe biggest surprise tor Ort8ge CHst arra teams in the first •e'!k· *tvtew League coaches tabbed u a definite thttat lo the league . 1)e Es&ucla shocker reminds one of 119' year when tbe Eagles ~·hipped ,.,.,._, lM, ID I.be opener. Estancia's ba~e Wll knt quickl y, hwever, wbea 1 Elclts were unable to produce A CIF executive meeting is licheduled for Saturday with the major topic final approval of releagui.og for the 19'11·7Z sea Mn. Tbe only Item in voh1ing Orange County Is the addition of Uni versit y High to the Orange League, making the circuit a seven·leam setup like the present Gurden Grove alignment. No one's saying just where Compton High will end up. Racial tensions in the Coast League have prompted the impe nding move and it's possible that the Tarhabes "'ill switch plac_es with El Rancho or Long Beach Jnrdan in the rttoore League or mo\•e over to the Bay League . * * * Corona de! 1'.lar and Cosla T\1esa. the two Irvine League wa !.er polo powers, were not extended in roniping to tourna- ment titles last weekend. Both clubs buried the opposition by seven goals in the finals. Look for the upcoming Anaheim High tourney (starling Thursday) to provide information in depth on who will be the defini te contenders for CIF laurcb. ~1esa and Corona de! Mar are entered in the star-studde'd field. * * * Newport Harbor High boo!ten are 1ooklog for a $7 800 return for their ef. forts on the school's football programs (at-pages) a tidy sum that's expected to be used for equipment, films and other iten1s required in the football program. Green Tea111 Coach J0hn Crane at Bue na Park Hig School is a realist and at the same time fears the Estancia Eagles, next foe of his Coyote football team Friday night at Orange Coast College. "We had a pretty balanced attack last week -we couldn't run or pass. ''We try to conce ntrate on the running game but Mayfair was a good ball team and we could n't get started .. , The Coyotes lost the opener. 28--0, while Estancia was ripping Tustin. 30-0. "\Ye \Vere quite disorganized in the game with Mayfair and I hope we made most of our n1istakes last week,'' Crane says. Crane is in his first year as head coach at Buena Park and says he is working v>'ilh a green team in a rebuilding yea r. Quite a numbe r of the players go both \Yays. The offensive line is anchored by Mike llenry. a 230-pound letterman who was a starter at tackle last year . ltich Steinhart at right tackle, weighs in at 210 pounds and \Yas a part-time starter last season. Bex Johnson at light end played de- fense last season and "'as a part-lime star t<'r. In the backfield. Alan Yee at fullback \\'as a rese rve last season and slotback Jlex GrigJ! was a defensive starter. The Coyotes will operate out ()f the t formation with variations with a so~ more quarterback, Mike Lanctot. The tailback position will be divided bct"'·een Harry Dolan (170 ) and Benny Neal l 180). Both were lettermen last season but neither was a starter . Turning to Estancia, Crane praised the Ea gles as an outstanding football team . "They looked real good agains t Tustin. They are an exceptionally quick and strong ball team and we will have our hands full Friday night." •1Mustang Secondary Sags Werk on the deren.-slve secondary Is up-pe~os.t in coach ?<.tax 1'.1iller'a mind as hoc;· Costa Mesa 1'.lu.!ilangs prepare for t annual battle ~·Uh rival Newport J High Saturday night at the Jal· l<r!f ground~ COsta ,.teA km its opener, 19-13, to Kattil.t and the JOit sp« in the ~IusUUl~' _ arrfiir "'as In the secondary "'here the M9ns allowed JOO yards or enemy pas,s. JM.includlng three touchdowns. "J WLllJ a little dlsappolntcd with our ~ary playl but they're all jtlniorS. Thell! practice games are: geared to learn and to allow you Ume to Iron out the mi*kes. The potential ls there to be a &owl &eeondary, .. &aya MITI r. MJller pointed out that in hi~ tlefcnsi\'~ S)-.tim his three! deep backs, both li_..ctti, ind both de(enslvc ends \\:eru seeing action In those spots for lhe first Ume in varsity action. · Only Benny Rit:ardo and Jim Hohl at the linebacking positions art seniors with the rest juniors. ~filler wUI bt goi ng Yi'ilh junior quarterback Joe Arthur again In place or Jhe injured Robin Senik. "'ho wu knock- ed out of action prior lo the season with a head injury in a !;(rimmage witll. La Sc.ma. ~tUJer is hopeJul or having Senik back for the opener a week hence aga inst ~1agnolia. but he's happy "'Ith the job Arthur pc?rfonnt'd in h~s first aetion. "I thought Jot did a real good job for hi~--first gftmr.· He ditln'I hlL hi11 5C(11n· d:iry rt"Ctl\'Crs as well as he ~hould ha vc1 but thal's bc<:ause of J3ck of experience_,' said Miller 11is nine completions, incide ntally, was more lhan any quarterback for Costa 1'.lesa could accomplish in a single game during 1969. t.Uller is also concerned about Newport llarbor's running game. "They ran around 20 times over their guards agairu;t Corona del l\1ar. Their backs are touglt and quick and frankly-' Newpori looks bdter to me than.a lot of people are giving them credit for," says ~1iller. Dcfl'flSively, ~1 i\Jer's concern with the Sailon: lies in their ability to get to the ball quickly and tlK' reading or the or. tense:. "But our bigg~I worry i!t !imply ~l­ llng our secondary disciplined enough to l'ilAy where they 're supposed to etay in our zone defense," &ays the Mesa bos~. ' r- t 25,000 MILE BRA l\f~ l.f,\'I "'\(; GUAIVVITEE If the Brake Lining install· ed by us wt:ars ouc within 2 5,000 miles, \\'C \\1il l fur· nish replacement linings at no charge. Jnstallarion cost wi ll be prorated on the pC'r· centa~c of g uarantecJ n1il c:s ac tually received. .'!AVE •1 ! Regu lar SJ.99 Rubber i\1 at< Good ,,.i;,, pHobl< rub-2 9 9 ~-U1n1 fuluon colorl.. t:ar It frontonlf. fi4.1-h: Ford nO-O..i f.lrr<'9ry h I ."8 I :he•'r<llrt 1.o.67 f:hr)·liler h:?-tt7 Plyn1ou1h. f>f.67 1,;he•·elle .Fils Theee Gars: 1.o-b.l Co111rt l~).66 IJorlllc f>l-66 :\lu!ianJ t>:!-66 I>odge. Dart 61.412 000.e. L1111cer 60-66 \'•li1nt l>IJ.bJ Falcott tt;!-67 f:hfl'lf 11 61-67Corvcir t>:!-65 t'airbn• tol-66 Ramblr,r bl..f.IJTernpnt I n~tallation Ai•ailable ~londay 1hru S11urday Heavy Duly Muffler 5-Way.l.ifetin1e Guarantee If muffler fails due 10 (lefect~ in ma1erials or workmanship or blowout, rust-out or wear-ou r, while original purchaser owns the car, it will be replaced upon return, free of charge. If the defec- tiYe muffler was ins1alled by Sears, we will install rhe new muf· flcr charging only for brackets and bolts, if needed. ., ! 25,000Mile Gu~ranteed j Sears Brake Reline I All 4 Wheels All American Caro: Vl11s1·11!(0 l •nd Adjubt Parking Kra l..~ Y' Jl11111lt tl l,i11ings lostallcJ on 4 \\' heel!I J" Ule1·d .<\II Line& anJ .i\dd Flui'I V Kebu ilcl All \\1becl Cylinders Y' 1 n~pr cl ~I ~~tr;r ( :ylinrlrr V ·\re (;rind Brake :"ihoes Y' I u~recl t; rca,,e :"ieal ~ Parts and Labor Included .,. Repack Front Wheel ll<or- 1ngs V Rcsurrace All 4 Brake Drums Y' lni;pecl Brake .Hos~s Y' Inspect All Brake liard- ""'•re V t·ref! AdjustmenL for Li!e ()f Lininp """ Road Tei;t for Brake Re· liabili1y 'Chrysler produns havi ng 6 wheel cylinders and cars wi th disc brakes and self-adjuster higher. Any additional parts and labo r avai lable at Sears low JJrlCC. Under no condition '\\1ill Scars do less than a .. First Quality Brake Job." ,'!AVE 18%! R cµ.u l:1r 39c (J t. Heavy Duly l\'lolor Oil- Q1. Can1 c I __ ,.._ ......... ·-.... ~It --·••111 __ ... "" _ ... _ ------,_ --· ....... (• ............. 1 • -• -.1Nt. • • .._.,., _,_ ... .,, .. , ...... -IUCll.vnJCO. ---" _,_ -'""' ...,,...... ............ t:100&.,.fo11t..M..._..t ,,,._."' r& ... Y-• _ ......... _ .. ,.. ... .-.. , .. ,,,, ..... " --ltll -•-•'f.JI" ..... ..,.,..,. _,. ___ . . _ .. _,_ ___ ------J ------ • Wrd'MsdaY. Srptrmbtr 21, 1970 DAIL V PILOT 27 ~~-Start yffin.' --Eiigines. by Delce Houlgaie Down South folks know LeeRoy Yarl?fough as just about the most intense competitor on U1e super Speedway circuit. The South Carolina charger is soon to make his mark in other geographical areas as he beeomes the first top NASCAR stock car driver to attempt to prove himself on the world champlot1ship grand pril: circuit. Last weekend at St. Jovite, Canada, Yarbrough cemented a new relationship with three-time world champiori Jack Brabham and was given a factory Bramham car to drive in the upcoming U.S. Grand Prix at Watkins, Glen, N.Y. Top Poly Mona£chs Face Jinx Team-1~,~~~~.1 · .... ....... at what '• in store for lea G dd hostU!UOI Thursday night ri er Sinct 1967. v.·hen a regular eighth year as grid chit( at bis ithe 1970 camPatiin Wlth a (lnY tfie pMme factor In the team'a ~~~~er ~IUI home-an~e football series alma rq.ater after taklng over ( com paraUvtly speaking) octasional rur<atton with the I Valley, under the hand of o. was initiated between the the re ins Crom Lew Stueck in taUbnck in S.9, l6S.PoWld forma~ Hill and El Mo (t·e n a ~later Dei Monarchs and the 1963 hos a few , .. , m' ~ --Injured • surpr""" senior Joe Collins. T;ackle Bob 11"1-n (217), Vangµards clash in the o Loyola Cubs, the 1'.1onarchs store ror the Monarehs. ~""' o eou t act1o r 11Ui have gone into the rivalry as An excellent rollout passer guard Tom Valenzuela ('200) range n Y n ° -:-, DIMw-o says, "I'm arrald nigh• · • the favorite each time. and adequate runner, Collins and center Shawn Bennett •· we're going to depart rrom our However, when the final gun regular single wing attack this was second string in the all i 201) are the giants on the W'th 1 sounded in those three con-season because this is the important tailback spot last Loyola roster, which tails oU 1 ta top quarterback missing fot the seaSon with an tests, the CUbs claimed vie· smalle:st group of pla yers I've year behind the graduated considerably after tbaL . · Lo Be h p 1 iii tory twice and a tie resulted in had since l 've been here." mJury, ng • ac o y -w anotlter battle. Rick Garner, now at the· An e1ample ol the overall start an untried senior at the Loyola ha s traditionally u · ·1 r N t o I k I I I ••-Cub 1 1-e only time ~1ater Del been noted as , powerhouse n1~ers1 Y o o re ame. ac o s ze or um s s signal-calling position Friday '" · SEA SCHWINN 4:10 L 17 .. St •• C... ...... night at Westminster. has defeated Loyola was in a which has utilized the ancient Dil\1uro admits, "although senior safetyman ~ M J k e The Jackrabbits' No. 1 CJ1'"' playoff encounter in 1966. single •ing format and the COiiins Isn't a very good drop Douglas, who sctle1 1n at a WE HAVE quarterback Royce Smith suf-when the Monarchs prevailed CUbs have usually had the big back pnsser, he'll be our svelte 140, fered a broken leg early in by 34-0). tailbacks (a la Paul llorga-n, quarterback when we use the. Last year the 1-2 C4lbs won ALL MODELS Poly's • 27-0 setback t o Once again the s a g es Steve Crady and M i k e· spread l this season." the Del Rey League crown and Redlands at Anaheim Stadium forecast a f\l ater Dci win. Bergdahl) to accommodate The veteran Cub mentor at-then were knocked out of the NOW' 0 1 Saturday. But Loyola bead coach U1elr nonnal modus operandi. tributes the 'Jack of size (In CIF AAAA playoffs in the first "He was our team leader," -~~l:ar':'.io~D~i~~l~ur~o::_. ~w~h~o~c~nt~er'.:s~h~i:s _ _:H~o~w'.'.c:'.'.v~er'.:,~t~he:._:c~ub~s:_u~s~h~er~in~~Lo~y~o~ia'....!:ler~~ms~, ~o~f~co~ur~·sc~)~a~s~ro~u~n~d~b~y~San~~ta~ld~onlc~a~,--!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' !!!!!!!!!'!' Other Americans have driven form ula t cars. Phil Hill wo11 world championship; Dan Gurney is a legend in Europe ; Mario Andretti will also ra.ce at Watkins Glen. says Poly coach Phil Santia .1· Bes.ides being the starting quarterback, Smit.h was the Jackrabbits' leading defensive • ••••••••••• 0 0. 0 0. 0 ........................................................ . But no Dixiecrat from the land of cotton 'has ever tackled Jackie Stewart, Graham 'Hill. Denis Hulme, Jacky Icla:, Pedro Rodrique?, Chris Amon, Jackie Olivet and Brabham himsel! .on their own terms. In Canada, where LeeRoY went for a reunion with Brabham and to discuss his effort in the N~is Industries Brabham Offy at Ontario Speedway on Labor Day ~end, Black. Jack offered the stock car driver his own grand prtx. machine for a few laps o! familiarizatio11. St. Jovite 1s a.tricky emtrse, me\hat Yarbrough had never seen befor!. When he" \>ulled into the pits after the run, the decision had already been made to hire LeeRoy for the 11ext race by an bnpressed Brabham. Blown Piston R11rt Yarbrough It may be rememberedttbat with a few laps to go Yarbrough Jed the Ontario 500. He might have won the race except for a blown piston. "He's a ruddy liger," Brabham 1aid of the stock car pD" at Ontario, after watching him negotiate only a few laps then bf: fort qulifylng for that race. Yarbrou gh had been recomme~a &o blm by Goodyear and at the time was a eompltte unknowa quantity lo ·UJt Aussie. Oddly enough, stock car builder Ray Fox had used the same word, "Uger," to describe Yarbrough wbta he hired him on the rtbou.nd seven years ago aftu UeRoy•s dismissal from the Mtremy factory ttam. ·. (Yarbrough was labeled "too hard to handle" because be WOl.ldn't move over aad let bis factory teammates get by him.) back. . According to Santia , all four Redlands touchdown s ( o n passes) were thrown in the spot where Smith would have been playing had be not been injured. · Even Without Smith, the Jackrabbits mov-ed the ball fairly well against a tough Redlands defe nsive line. Poly had the ball within the Redlands 2().yard line three times in the opening quarter, but a pair of penalties and a fumble c.ut s.bo.rt_the...drni l<S>....,0 1 •·our offense moved the ball pretty well, but penallies and fumbles hurt us and you can't do that in 4-A football," says Santi a. Opening in Sm ith's quarterback spot will be senior AJvin Bernstein, a 5-9, 145--pounder whose only varsi- ty experience came last week .. Santia reports that Poly's best running back is Robert Will is, a 5-11, 180-pounder. The Jackrabbit coach is also high on Ed Mt'Cilllough who is moving: up from the junior Yarbrough Will Not Quit Storks varisty this week. McCullough, a 165-pound junior, is a cousin This latest development -grand prix racing -i1 the career of former Poly great Earl of the 1969 Martini & Rossi driver of the 'year has added to McCullough. now with the speculation Ulat Yarbrough will quit stock cars for other kinds of ·Detroit Lions. racing in 1971. Anoth e r Ex.Jackrabbit, ''That's just not so," Yarbrough sai d. "l am hoping lo l!et Gene Washington (now ·with together with Jack Brabham on some races. It have no contract the San Francisco 49ers) has a with him, but I like the sincere feeling l get from him and his brother (Leon) that .is nO\Y crew. playi ng in the Poly defensive h h I d k' d r backfield . "The little time we have spent toget er we ave oun in ° a The Jackrabbits have 8 respect for each other. great deal of beef up frvo,. "Tam also hoping that Ford :l\1otor Company will provide ~e Center David \Yilantt and equipment and the opportunity for me to do in stock car racing right tackle Uiba Tuliau are what I did last year." both 245-pounders and right That was to ea"'1 more than $200,000 in pri~ money and to guard Larry Love tips the set an all-time record by winning seven super ~dway races. scales at 230. The other guard • \ (Terry Montgomery) weighs Asrending Learning C11~ve 2t5 and left tackle Bryan Bokulil is a 195-pounder. It's fnteresling to note that-Yarbroagh shows an ascending Santia figures tha.t the game 700-13 G7S.14 E7S.14 F7S.14 ..,,_ ... $34.45 $17.20 6.95-14 $34.55 $17.25 7.35-14 $35.95 $17.95 7.75-14 $38.00 $19.00 -·--~ $1.90 $2.15 $2.35 $2.55 Hurry- Sa/s ends Saturday night • learning curve in road racing, the spod be is atw embrac~g. with \Vestminster" will pro- ___ -To our kriowteilge ,t~ first r03Cnce""btreftlidrcve·1n-wu1-i;;iaittvyooepeiiennfioonif\<wffi·rcc~i!lii_irntt lbe Riverside 500 stock car event in 1967. He pla<:ed 34th and in the best condition. "I returned the next year to fini sh 31th. honestly think they will pro- . -q7S."14 8:25014- H/S.14 8.55-14 -$41.7 $20.85 $2.67 $45.70 $22.85 $2.93 ) J\1eanwhlle, LeeRoY teamed wilb Cale Yarbrough -no rela· bably wear us down. lt should lion -ia the Marlboro, Md., Trans-Am in 1967. Sb~wlng up the be tight for awhile, but they morning of tbe race, LeeR.oy got only a few laps of practice in a should wear us down by the strange car. NeaF the eod of the race. running third, Yarbrough fourth quarter.'' wa1 gaining on eventual winner Ma rk Donohue when he wa1 fore· ed out by car failure, to be awarded a ninth place fillisb. In the 1969 Riverside 500 Yarbrough led three times for a total of 19 laps and was running a strong third when lte was sidelined with a blown engine, finishing filth overall. Last January at Riverside Yarbrough led twice for a total of four laps and finished third after running practically all day in second and third spots. There Is nothing in the record for him to be ashamed of whtn It comes lo road racing, despite Yarbrou gh'& so-called lack of ex· perience. Two New Raring Serles Greated The U.S. Auto C1ub reports It has created two new racing series increased prize money for the national driving cham· pionship and created a "triple cron" of 500-mile races for 1971 . These proposals were previewed in this column two weeks ago. Board action closely followed recommendations of USAC ex· ecutive director Bill Smyth. It consisted of: I) Cuttini the number pl races on the championship trail. fi:om 20 to 12 and upping the total prize money to more than $3 minion. 2) Officially reco~izing the Indianapolis, Pocono, Pa., and Ontario 500s as the "trlple·crown" of American auto racing. 3) Creating two new divisions, one for. road racing and the other for dirt track ratj.ng. · 'A tentative championship circuit was proposed, with 1pl.I~ details to be left to Snij"UJ's negotiation with promoters, fdr two races eactl al Milwaukee aJ!d Trento~ one each at Indianapolis, Pocono, ~tario, Hanford, Cf'lil., Carpenstersville, Ill., Brooklyn. Mich., -and College Station, Tex. A 12th race may be held on the road course It Riverside, Cal., 1 unless the prese1t event is transferred1to the~ racing division. Langhorne, Pa., has been removed from the: championshlp u;au. RRfl• Set for 'New Dlvlslea Eagle, Lion Poloists. Fall Prep v.·::iter polo teams from the Orange Coast area ran in· to bad fortune Tuesday as Estancia was edged b y California High, 6-5, and the Westminster Lions fell to Foothill, 15-5. cathi won in the last 10 seconds. "We thought the game was a tie when it ended, but a mix- up between the scorers al halftime confused us at the end of the game," said Estan· eia coach Barry Fry. Estancia, now ~l on the season, got two.goal performances out Of seniors Dan Kent and Randy Blat- terman while another senior, Steve Webster, added a single tally. According to Westmiinster mentor Gerry Mannion, "our g!:ly!i ~de a good acco_.E!lt or themselves but "'FOOUilll•s as break and overall speed were just too much for us." Mannion sald that a sec;ond half adjustment, from a goal prw to a block press, enabled the Llons to cool Foothill off some and lo get its five goals. The .:ew road ntl•I dtvllloa will bave elgbt to 11 r1Ct1 la 1971. A USAC 1PO-t1ml.D tald tale'rest In dates for r~cea bas betn expreued by 11 track1, ktc.kd at Lexington, O., Wentzville, Mo., castlt Rock, Cool., Sonoma, Monterey and ruvenide, BnJDtrd, More Sports f\tina., Kent, Waall., St Jovlte. Qae., Mosport, Ont. Galnetvllle, Ga., u ... l\Ock, c..a., Brooklyn. M!cll., Collt&e_stau.a, T_µ.,_ Pages 30-S2 Clermont, led., ud PboeW, Ariz. lr=-=~-=-=~-=-=-.1 VW BRAKE SPECIAL J7S.14 8.85-14 $51.75 $25.85 $2.88 F7S.15 7.75-15 $38.00 $19.DO $2.61 G7S.15 8.25-15 $4L70 $20.85 $2.77 H7S.15 8.55-15 $45.70 $22.85 $2.98 J7S.15 8.85-15 $5175 $25.85 $3.08 9()().15 $52.60 $26.30 $2.90 915-15 $53.70 $21;.85 $3.06 FREE MOUNTING ON ALL TIRES POWER CUSHION POlYGIAS ® BIACKWAll TIRES ••• USE OUR RAIN CHECK PROGRAM Because of an eXpeeted heavy demand for Goodyear tires, we may run out of some sizes during this offer, but we will be happy to order your size tire at the advertised price and ;ssue Y'OU a rain check tor fut ure deliW!fJ' of the mercha."'ldise. • ?II Series size with low profile for steady ride, 1teering •Broader footprint traction contact than compamble Conventional size tires. Two Polyester cord body plies, non·flat spotting. two fiberglass belts suppress tn?ad- squirming wear and maintain tractioo eltecl.ivcncs.s SPECIAL Mll-PANB& PICK·UPS, V• s l:AMPER& NYLON CORD Rlb·HI MllerTira 95 7.00 l 15 Tllbe Tppe 6 I'll, plus ».U fl'd, (L 1M WAS $J215 . s..10 :11 1s tut>t qpe 1 PR, Pin iz.«> red. ex. T•r •2195 ••• $25.oo ... · '·50 .-11 tubrt :\' PR. Plus $Z.61 r e;d• Ell. T•lf •2 3 9 5 •• w.n ... llO ltAOE •E£DED • rREC MOUHTINC N.,,,, IM hbtl _,, n,..,,,; S.,.,., 11W'1tl BUY NOW AT EVERYDAY LOW PRICES 3WAYS TO CHARGE 4l'll' NYlllll CORD "Al-w-:m:-r .. eClean sidewall'. de1l11Jl, ndial ·-~ ~~:~re~ fire buy in~ price 111nro1 a-• 17 '"'""'"""' "c; lol,[J. J• ·-f4!P,.....1"•••"1 LU"' -... life PllCE llUClWAU ~ 2 •• 3.= GOODYEAR-THE ONLY MAKER OF POLYGLAS.TIRES • " ,,. '" "' "' '" ' " .. •'• "~ " • J1 •• ·1 "' ,,. ............................................................................................................................................................................. !> ................................................................... .. .~;· y; a : a <socs:• ea s • .. ,,_ . t, t \ i , U DAILY PILOT 'Wednf\aaf. Septembtt 23, 1970 .t.• e•t.ttfl 'Pit# pllY, llllAllY MORI ·pRllll 10 &£ GIV£1l AVIAY 111aou&11ou1 111£ s1oats ASK FOR YOUR ENTRY COUPONS IN EACH. DEPT. ~ees of linolrook •nd their f•milies are not eligible; , FLATWARE SET • 24 pc:. hl9h quollty otolnlo11 ll•al · ffatwe,. Mh • lteevtlfvl ....... . • Yevr chelt• of 1•v•1·cd ,;I• with •••rythl1111" ,.tter111. • 7 Pc. Stainless Steel COOKWARE SET "Th• Tools Make the Cook1" --•~7 pc. set 1_!. easy to c1ean and care for', e lxtra duroble·heovy gauge -stars clean and shining, e for years of cooking pleasure. hg. $8.99 '6~! Space S.v•• I STACK MUGS ·• . • He11oh•m•, drip 91a&• <•ro1'~ rnu11 .for all CK<a1l•111. . . • Buy ••-f•r your -•• coft.a klotch. • • ' Ge,;u1J Kingsford CHA'RCOAL BRIQUETS "A Na ma fflot Spttl/1 Qualify'' • S•l•d highland herdwood • • Smok•leo;, odorleo1. 10 lb. l<:i9 69' 6 Cup TEA POT ! • 1 .. utlNlly lletolled cereMlc tee kettle 111 .,.now, blw'or •'"" with 9014 '""" • rvll • cu,..-,wt en the petl 99~ .. , c ..... .., GA.EN BARK • b1olle11t ler ......... ftewer ltetl._ to cover ltare 9rtH1114 enywherel • Co••n t2 1q. feet opptoJd-' .. Y 1" tftlck. 59~. IOU..~ CRUSHED ROCK ''Tfl • "•rf•ct hnN11 ,_,,..,, .. ' • ldael fer wolk& ontl MM ''hwd-te- 1rew" l"'U •'9'•· • ,_ whfte II-tock-o/t" ..... 59C... I 0C0 4 O)E-4 _ 0 ,. U U 44:0 «:C:Oi ea .. ; ' • • ·. .:.: ... - " • . · . ·~· I• .. O\/F..R AN ACRE Of HARDWARE AT EACH LIN -BROOK• 2 Qt. ~ONDUE SET • 2 .... aluminum lond.,. in aranga, O'fO<odo or gold. • C.inplota wlth lrOR 1tond ond 1iolni.11 J~I liwnar- rlch ro1ow-d hondt.1. • Ho•o • l"'l'tY'I 24''H...,_ 'DELUXE ENSEMBLI: •3~~ ............ ~ .... c11,.;_.p1at..i •Ul ontl 1pll. • ... ....... h ... ,... lf•lf Clftll U.L ,.......,,. .. 1wtn1-owt ' --· ·8~.~- ...... - ST A 1 N & SEALER "'Wlrtf•r·~oof Your ltedwoodl" • PreHn"•• 011cl protKtl reclwff6- prev11111 rottln9. • Stoln1 wood II uniform color. 1.,. $1.69. 99~.1. -· PEGBOARD HANGERS "H•lit ta .. , ff All T111••horl" • ..., .. fw con1111lent tloro9e ,, et tffl1, ,..,, •11• "'"'• clHMft9 ... Mll1,eh:, • Great ''" .. .,..111iwn. 5~ .... a.1 •• 1-. OYEN LINER • Cotcho1 ''''"' .._,. .,.4 11¥11rflo-kM,. 11¥1111 deoll Ill ..... • ... ,. At oll ... " .. 19~ .. -·Type TY ANTENNA • ,.,. o c"'-v5ow of ell hrll --· " • .,..... .w .....,_ ... ,,.,._ .............. ~ a.. ....... 1.11. . ,.. .......... -· ........... . •111 ._. Net lnc1"*4 I • THESE PRICES ARE EFFECTIVE ·, l/N-8/lOOK . ' • . ' AT BOTH STORES HA·RDWA.RE Sale flrlces effective through .Sat., Sept. 26. I We reserve the right to limit quantities • ~ I l lalN 1119 5 Cell FLASHLIGHT "A Jllho1r fw "-•anti .._,., .. • ,., ... llty dtre- ..... 11 "-l•h ' •C. .... ,s.te•ltllklb, NII ..t.fy-1i.w ..... rl119. ................. l1tch14a4. .... 7Jc 39~ -- • 2.s amp_,., Mvel•,. 2000 r.p.111. • Au1dllory 11de hofttli. tw 0011 ... hon4H11 •• • o-• ch111ek 0114 key- U.L .,......,. '"'"' ·-"'-"· •799 ''N9Ylll 1e11r· RUST REMOVER .. .,.. .. " o-w1,. " Off" • DllMI"' ..,., .. -'dlfy ,.....,., •II _. .. 1uffllc-1. • fM11 ·fl•......W .. , .. ,...._HI net •• ,,... ........ ,....,.. a.a .. Jw 88C c-. WORK GLOVES • Pre!Odf y-Mn• fNM i.lllier1 ...... , ..... 23~. i • RADIO BAnERIES ..... ......, .. .., port-..... . • "" MMt ......... _. ... . .__,._..._ _,.... .... n ... I 111922-.- 7'... SPRAY STARCH •c .............. ...,..._ ._..,. ... , ... .,..., ............ ......................... ---29~ • h,,... ••ltM •Ml c.1 .... - .,,... •• 7 ......... 25~, 51rl111 ... KORDI E SHEETI a NMYy """ 4 ~I I .......... b• , .... wl.tthl. •Tow ..... ef rte.-;-lt'9do- cut .. ,_.. ••lrff INeth. 1~. ---....... DROFriCLOTH I ( • ',I ol ~ • ,,._..Cfl corpet1, pl1111t1 1111d fvrt1itwe fro111 over-1eolou1 .io-1t • .,..,.,..., .. , •• • •• Jl 12'. ell purp111e, !reqpo,.M pl111tlc. ~··· 1Sc 7~. CEIL.io"~~~ • """5ot ..Uy with el 1 roller w ........ . .... ~~""' • WMto Mfy. .... ''·"· of ,_ .,,... COflttllro, .,. n,.,-., •. • 2 1..,_,,.,_ -·· w lo $1 .H • ....... _, LAPTRA • 1JY,H a 12'/IH ....., _,..'"" """ ~ • ..... ory. """"""" ... ,. 77~. 88~ .. - ~, ......... EXTIRIOR PLYWOOD •1194'.JCl'w~I pi.,., .......... , 19'1! •"'•"" IMlll4l1t9 ,...feet •• • lac.lleflt .... woll lkflltf, ·-'"1 .. '9'1••, etc. •2•9 ........ 9'' Jr 10'' SANDPAPER •Tep qU1111t, 1heet1 fer .. .,.,., wee4wm 0114 ... u .. h•l4 .,. ... • Yevr che'-11,.. or 111041um. 2~. Twllp SWAG LIGHT "Pvf • Urffe U.hf Ht Your Ufef•i • hllcot9 16" hlllp 1w•• with ..., ... chair• an• fttti..91 • • Colorful overklpplfltl pet•lt In rull,, omlMr er,,..,. with whit.. All trlm,....i 111 111W. •7~~.M•• A11ertetl KITCHEN GADGETS ''Work Severs - ftfc 'n Choosef'' -Chopen,"9r&ncler.1, ..... ter.s'~-­ etc.--a tremendou• ••l•ctlon of kttchen helpers . • One low prk.,_.coop '•m upl I •••• 17< y..,, Choice 49~ .. ., • \ • ' ·~ .. , ....... __ . DAILY PILOT ~ WtdntM!ay, Stpttmbfr ll, ).q70 f A~TR~. -sa~nf.S'-Bacjf N ursi.ng In J~·:ry ' ~-~ Salllo Anl Hlch LI the home Steward (San Diego State) STAY D WN WITH YOUR SHOTS of fleet backJ. Ptrhapo an In· car n e d b a 1k-<>l·lhc-week Baldwin will move Walter ed asSortment of receivers. -------1·-cttcator of thrSaints'-potent-lauffi!-b&ek·lo-back ·n he Mead. normally a split end, In-Baldwin says he'd like tJ use o F' oy s 11 c posfU"·o-:n-,m"o=r"e"'po;t"'ay"'ers=--=ag"•"•~ns"!"'6l""ron=a+ If your left lea stiffens before or during impact (set illu1tr1- tlon # l ); yo~ 'are prone to lift· ing your left shoulder. This, in turn. causes your clubhead to come up too quickly, resulting in a topped shot. backfield history can be trac-Po.clfic Coast At•letic Associa· ed. to colltgiate b a c k a tion. should the speedy runner not del Mar, someUting that he be fully recovered from an feels hurt his team against ankle injury austalned in last flfater Del when the Monarchs week's 28·7 IOfls to Mater Dei. steamrollered to ,victory 1n the ·ptttently running amuck. Coach 'tom 1Baldwin -has Sophomore Isaac Curtis la more coming ..f al tbo1.1&h he starting for Calilornta whi~ admits he has ho one in the previous standout.s Karl Fran-sub-10 second c•tegory f<>r tbt cis (Fresno State) and F.ddle 100 yard dash. 1 Taking over for Mead at second half. split end is John Thomas, a · "Monte Flo>ff could pro- bably run undef 10 flat, but of course he's a •urdler for the most part." ia)'s Baldwin. And, Floyd fi a doubUul starter in the Saints' Friday night tus.sle at N e w p o r t Harbor when Irvine League foe Corona ~I Mar pro- vides the opposition. 140-pounder who teamed with ''\\'e only used 14 or 15 kids '""ullTI 14J L 11t11 sr .. conA mu ........... .,_,,.~..... ,,, Kirk Byers, Mead and Ray in that game and it started l,~~P~H~.~64~~-~5;2;5~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The good play8rs have the knack of swinging through th1 ·ball with the cl ub head travelin1 at ball level for a relatively lon1 time. Th is helps insure that the club strikes squarely Into tht back of the ball. Chargers Must Stop Whipple These players make this hap- pen by "stayi ng down" with the shot. They swing through the ball with both knees still slightly flexed (illustration# 2) and their head still well behind the ball. Their knees slide forward, but the head stays· back. The left leg does not straighten unt il near the f inis h of the foltow- through. Cypress College loo t b a 11 coach Bill Price has a remedy for defeating Sad d I e b ack College Saturday night at MLsslon Viejo High: stop Toby Whipple. · But Price knO\\'S it won't be that easy. "Our No. 1 !ear ii Whipple," says Prlct. "ll _hf: geta past the line, we might as well say good bte to him. @.@ lf10 Klil'L No...,, Sfll-H.'M1 Baron-Argo Tilt "Hector (Chris) Is another one we're going to have to stop. We were really im· pressed with his passing last \\'ttk." (Hector completed 10 ot 21 passes for 155 yards and two touchdowns in Saddleback's U-13 victory over Mira Costa. He also ran for 50 yards. Whipple totaled 199 yards in 34 carries.) Up Air--lsaac • in Breaks should be the final deciders in Saturday n1ght's non-league football titantiC pit· ting the visiti ng Fountain Valley Barons against the host Argonauts at Garden Grove High, accord ing to .\fge> grid mentor Jim Isaac. "They 14·ere one or the bet· ter clubs "'e played last .year (Garden Grove blanked the Barons, 28-0, in '69) and "·e expect another tough game from them ," notes Isaac. "Last year's-game was ~o going in!.O the fourth quarter and it just happened that we received SQme breaks near the end of the game which enabled us to win by suer. a big margin. "But It should be even closer this year and we're going to be as ready as we can for the m," lsaa.c adds. For a man who was bom and reared la 9klahoma 1saac is really ~Cftical, for his team boasts ,of a fullhouse Texas style of!ense and an Arkansas monster defense. He says, "\J'e-'ve come to. de· pend a lot on our defense, so we just khxl:.ol play it by ear. "Offensively; everybody is. f)retty equa~ but we have a lot of faith in our tight end, Steve Wellner (200)." ' Wellner is described by Isaac as a key player on ne ar· ly every blocking assignment and the 6-0 senior is no slouch when it cpmes to catching the ball·either ... Quarterback Jirit .Self (155) Price commented that the Chargers "just swall~ed the olive" ln last week's 2&.o loss to Riverside. We made many typical freshmen mistakes. We had bad practices during the ·week .prior to the game and I could juat see it com- ing." Cypress runs from a pro wing slot with halfbacks Ray Spagnuolo and Ken Haynes doing ,m9st of the ball car· will tug the throwing end of rying . Highly·touted freShman the Grove orfense w i th Vic Pereboom is the Charger \Vellner aod spliLend_Tua)'____quarterbatk and although he Krzyzsosiak (155) at the other only completed seven 0120 - end of the rope. The latter tias passes last week, he has ihe 9.7 (!()()...yd. dash) speed and ingredients to be a fine college was in last spring's state track passer. and field finals as a 440 run-Pereboom, a 6-0, I 9 o • ner. pounder, prepped at Los The anchor in the Argos' Alamitos High. Arkansas monster is 180-pound Price is in his first season mon ster man Tom as theheadcoachalCypress. ~1ontgomery. He was an aide to Carl GarGen Grove. &.3 al'ld run-Schiller last year when the nerup to Rancho Alamitos in Chargers compiled a ~ 1-ll the. (lard en Grove League race reco rd. las! fall. 14'(11 not-be facing any Tackle John Ekno is the only opponent this ·year that is sophomore returning on the closer in itS way or thinking tD Charger offensive unit. He is a the-Argos'-philosophies than 1-2. 2l~pounder. Fountain Vlilley is, Tsaac On defense, the Chargers emphasizes. ' ha ve seven starters back, in· . "'Ihcy1 run more or a eluding 250-pound tackle Ed 'vishbone T but it boils do1,1.'n Forrester. to a fullhouse offense similar flf ea n while, Saddle.back to ours and they're de£ense is coach George Hartman pretty stout, about the ' way reported no injurie1 in the we'd like to think ours is." 11-Jira Costa game. Comprehe·nsive evening programs toward Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees Systematic, dynamic instruction is·given by an outstanding faculty of practicing scientists and engineers holding advanced degrees- from top universities throughout the nation. More than 12.000 technicians, engineers. and administrators-both men and women-have continued full-time employment while working toward their degrees et.West Coast University. 8 .1·. degree& In engineering, computer aclence, •r>elled m•them1Uc1, •nd •pplled phy1lc1. · ---..... degrees In systems engineering 1n 1n1nagementl cl1ni!9Wlttf eight options for 1peciallzallon. N .. term 1t1rtlng: Undergraduate courses begin Oct. 26 1t Los Angeles Center and Nov. 23 at Orange County Center. Gradu1ta couraes begin Oct. 26 at Los Angeles Center. Send coupon below or phone for j ~ '1rmation. ------------------~-------~~ !. t £. Q !.~lJ!~l'!.!.fSity S50 so. Main St.. Or1nge, Calif. 92668 · Los Angeles phone: Orange County phone : (213) 38 2-1372, Ellt.20 (714) 547-5712, Ext.20 PtelH send Information on: 0 Undergraduate program 0 Graoualt program NAME.-------------------,--,.-- AOORESS·~------------------~ en"( STAT ZtP'---=~- Robinson In Ule receiving end showing Jn the second half," = IAHWM•l(MI *"" CMMt1 of Gary · Brown's a er i a Is opines Baldwin. against Mater Oei. Santa Ana has one olher W · ••: The Saint passing game was starting lineup problem and Fastest in est ·.: sharp in that loss and that's at fullback where Buy It. Srll it. Try thr fastest responsr In the Wtst against YOlll · · Baldwin's forces figure to go regular Bob Conley will be own clock. Te5t O!me-a·linr Ads, where the action is, in Saturday'• . lo their aerial gnme against replaced by Jeff Clary, a 185-1 DAILY PILOT. ,. ' Corona de! 1t1ar with a ·balanc-pound junior. J ~·· SALE SPECIALS FOR TODAY THRU SATU RD"AY ONLYI_ !.< habla_!spanal WESTMINSTER SANTA ANA -FULLERTON ' ,. 11221 IUCll llJD.• l'llOll£ 193-1544 120 L FIRST ST. IT CYPIESS. PHO!CE 547.7417 1530 S. IWIBOR Bl.VD.• PllOllE 171M17GO MONDAY THRU FRIDAY •• 9:00 A.M.·9 P.M. MONDAY THllU FRIDAY •• l:OOA.M •• 9 P.M. MONDAY TliRU FRIDAY ·· ~-:t:·:: ;::: ... ~URDAY •.••••••••.. 8:30A.M.·6P.M. SATURDAY •••·•···••••l:OO A.M.-6P.M. • SATURDAY ·•··········t:OOA.M··2 P.M.. SUNDAY .....••••••••. 9:00A.M.-2P.M. SUN.DAY .•••• , ••••• , •• 9:00A.M.·4 PJd. SUNDAY•••••••••····· • • ,, WITH MOUNTING lllACKET .ANO PRESSURE GAUGE ,,.,. UM 010 f l ........ oble liquid., el•<lfi<ol flru. ro• h""''i 1hop. arbf~, boo!, trol •<. 11<. COAST 7aa GUARD .. A,,lOYED ~AUTO CARBURETOR . AIR FILTERS Ch o.,. ''6" '•2-69; Clu v. 11 '62. • 691 co .. ol• 'hO; r .... 1 '51- SI, moor mod1h; Ram- 1>1 o ro "6" 129 .,,,.,,,,.., ... , "'""IL .... QUARAN1HD 12 MONTHS•• STURDEE 6 VOLT BATTERIES 0.... '40·~1 Dodoo "lS-5!1 uc. 695 e-cy1, ... 11h '""'"'·•1!••1 '1"". '"6·"5 1~c. 6 <'II. with Powor- Flit1; Ro..,blor '50·"/ Stud, 'l•- .ll; o"d 01hot • ..,.,. GUAR ANTEED 2 .. MONTHS •• ' CADET 12 VOLT BATTERIES 70; tolcon '60-701 lolo•<Vfl' '6S· Cho•. 11 '62-70; Cho•oll• :6'-995 70· c0....,1r ''5-701 Cho•. 6 63· 701 Olch. f.U '61·70; T...,po1I '61 -70. •sl-101 ~tud. ''f.66; T-l )rd ·~6·64; 5 1ulck •6,t.701 CM•. 'SS·7D1 Ch•Y•· •55. 119 6A Dod 0 '.56-""1 fotd '.56~': Pl~''" Mete. •)6-6A •••· A/C; Vol•G0\1 60-70; PGOll, 'U.1'01 loml>IOI •sa.~ 4-PIECE AUTO MAT SET Stu•dr lo"11-la11l"1t \r!o<lt rubbo• floor mot1 /or lra"t on<I '"'· Tr .. tlon rib· b.d 9IMI H'll>oo...i. w1U. docorafi•• 2'9 U<lll. FITS MOST CAIS LOW SALE PlllCI LOOSD•UIHllOUU PUll MUFFLER REPAIR LIQUID sro•s NOISY MUFFll1 WRINCH ;,' .. ,~·-·~-""'\. a..1.i..oc11"'. •vr •• t·. ·\ • \\ pono lrollftt ........ a••·--\-. \[ .._,.. ~" •"" .... -~~ H ___ • .:. "'''"" ...... 111r. • ............. . 19c :;':!it'::1~::;1r!:.'l: 69• ~ '"' ...... .. .. 11 ...... ,. """.-..Joi , ..... ,1o •• .-. --·.:a .. oox"'o.7tq· 0 f1VI I . fa< )0 MlnvtH TIRf. PRESSURE . GAUGf IAST TO . .. ,.. ........ hr ... .... ... ..... ~1~. , ... . ,..., -;.. .......... . c-.... 111,1 -11 ... -----·. 6.70 s: IS Ttnl:O wt.t.enl'AU. ,. • . 4 PLY NYLON CORD " ·' 15 MONTH GUARANTll* ,. ,.., r..t. b c. lno/$1.U 7.10/ •. ISxlS , ' TUBElESS · 1200 " BLACKWALL ~~ :· ' ,. TRUCK TIRES FOR PICK·UPS, J"W"ii"'" PANELS & CAMPERS . : ' • • ~ ··"'" 1565 ., Tulte<I Typo • 1:.IJ ~" 16 ~ 1ag .. 1,A.11 l .>l·t.1111.10 •Oft ....... 19?~ 17?!_ ' , -·-11 ....... 1..-..... ~·""".u-... ... ; f _ ......... ~ .. •.q '•· .; ., to Iii! !!IJ ~~ ,., ·r J )bet 'Go two ,.; i • dei P9 hoj mi Gr "' 1 .. 1 'i J . • • • ., > • ~· • I •• ri 161 JC p~ sa • • ~ sd ~ • , '" Fj -$ , ~ ' ' , , , ' < -·-··J l iii ~ •• ~ .. oi Ml ~ 1 • •• to If, d<! wl Vj ~ ~ ~ I-~ l ! E ~ " ~ ri d ~ ~ I l ~ l I - W!dnesday, S1ptrmbff 2J, 1970 DAIL V PILOT 31 xperienced"-Monmi-es ~Rnstler End i Bti~c s Face Se-alrawks~N-ext-- Sidelined --- f Gold W LA tlarbor College's football 1970 campaign wit.h a 24·1S The Harbor offense is also plays al a defensil'e ext Or . en •eS t Jeft Coelitz, starting ti&ht team remembers very well 1 loss to San Diego Mesa. The geared around quarterback halfback spot. ~ end for the Golden West Pirates stumbl~ to .. ~olde~-Ricb. T.almQ...Li-lO .. ..J?.O!,pcu.od Harbor will open with a,c•,;•;,TI~· ----------------------------,~.Colle&• Rultlei-footbaU.. Wm•-=-~IOSL1o..,()rang .. .£.oait..lasl es . . a..... n. 1 t sop60more lineup on of,.-enst, suffertd"'"'a broken .jaw in the year. It was the Seahawks' on· Harbor duel Saturday night on cl erman. with the exception or slotback HOWA.RD L. HANDY more mature nOw and have Greeley wlll send a new _ ot .. Dlollr Plllf Stiff quite a few players back from quarterback to the post Satur- . ties are the bastions<( last seaSOf!.'' day night. Joseph Gomez, • g. law and' order and the Mt. Saq_ The Mounlies had five 3, ?»pounder from Nogales, Antonio versioo will altempl passes intercepted by the N.M. will ~pen the game Let- to brin& the Golden Wesl Rustleni last season. ln their <'lerman starter Don Gray Is Rilitlers to task Saturdayl opener with Citrus this season, hav ing arm trouble and may ril$l}t when the two schools the Mounties won , 8·7 • by not be N!ady for the Rustler jnett-ln a non-eonference foot -virtue of a safety ,on -a high encounter. game with Orangt Coast ly regular season setback. the Seahawks' field . Talmo tossed a pair or Bill Blanciak. a ~It, 170. College Saturday nlght and Harbor went on to win the "We have a Jot of nr:w J>eG-touchdov.·n passes in the .se.-pounder. Left tackle Bob will be .sidelilaed for aht leRaat Southern Ca Ii r or n i a Con-pie and U is taking us lime to cond half, both of them going Bradarich, a 6-2, 230-pounder two weeks , co a c ay be" d 1 w d I 1 f anahors the Seaha'o\'k line. Shackleford revea1ed lroday." rerence before 1ng ousle n get ready. e ma e a o o to split end Bob Thornton, a "He had oral wrgery on the the large schciols playoff by mistakes in the Mesa game. !80-pound letterman. The nrst "Orange Coast has a good )·aw Tue-•ay -"ming and will Fresno. O\Jr inexperienced guys just d d ball club," says Rhea. They be out for '~eral weeks.'' "O\Jr coaches remember didn't know what was coming ae rial co vered 30 ya r s a n have fine receivers and lhotie Shackleford says. that loss very welt, bul we lost orr. 'llley didn't realize it wa!f the second one .went for 24. two q~arterbacks are good. The young Corona del Mar quite a blt from last year's that tough," says Rhea. The second touchdown came Right now we 're in the middle iball game in Le Bard StadiWT) pass from center. But, the Chet Wells at fullback Is a• at Orange Coast College. lone Citrus score came on an graduate suffered the injury team, so most or our kids The Seahawks got behind 21-with si:t seconds left in the or rebuilding. If Orange Coast early in the game but coo· were not around," says 0 al the half and then game. doesn't destroy us and teer 1 . d tinued to play as tht. Rustlers Harbor coach Floyd Rhea. outplayed .Mesa after the in-Thornton was an all-con-up oor morale, we 'll have • -f tn four years of competition hilerception return . all-conference se ection _an defealed Orange·coast-;-13-4. The Seahawks opened the termiss;ion. (crence selection last yea r. lfe gOOO £00tl5ilrteam.',.. - !between the two schools. Therein C1lukl lie the story of rGolden West has \\'00 the last Saturday's game. Golden West 1wo while Mt. SAC v.·on in 1967 continued its theft mastery aoa the tll'St game wound up agalnst Orange Coasl Satur· ir(f a high scoring 34-34 aay night with five i~ Steve Barron al Oanll:er backJ_:::::::::_::::.::::!::..:::::::.::..:: __ :_.:._;.;,.:._;_ _ _;::_ _____ ...:... ______________ ....:-L--....:.--------- d$tdlock. terceptions. ~·1th.ink we have a more t.x· ''We know they have a tough ~enced team this year and I defensive unit ·and this is a big hoPe we don't make as many concern because v•e like to mistakes," Mountie coach Don pass." Greeley adds. Greeley says. "They also have a mighty gives the ~iounties a pair of experienced ball carriers. Don Stellman at tailback played a lot last season but wasn't a starter. The offensive line hu three starters returning includiag Ron Thomas aL split end;. Tim • ••we gave up five in· fine runner in that _boy ttrces>tions to Golden West tCharlie) Bucklaod and he can ll!it year and you can't do that break a 15:ame wide open at Cook. a 235-pounder al center; and Sean Gafh1ey, a~ther 2Ja. t~:~~;~ .. ~~:~ed pounder at right tackle. 11o· t I fio ....._,The Mounties will have a _ya ues r \.\"eight advantage with the line --ave'3ging-213potuidt-per111•n 1-----:-. --.--c ...... -· -· ' ·~;c::·~:ru_ cold :weather driving • . . . . . • :I 0th in Grid Roll Se t Friday With the field of riders nar· n Welt College's 13-0 Topping the small schools rowed down to lhe final 16, the over Orange Coast last poll is College of l h e national speedway motorcycle y earned the Rwitlers Redwoods. which opened the racing championshipl a r e place ranking in the season with a 28-16 victory scheduled to get under way eek of the junior college over Hartnell. Friday night at the Orange fciotball poll, aMOWlCed by the Defending smalJ sc h o o Is County Fairgrounds in Costa J C Athletic Bureau. champion Yuba is r a t e d Mesa. The RwUers share the 10th seventh, after a 10-8 Joss to Racing 111ill start at 8: 15 p_l8ce spot with De Anza and Chabot last weekend. after opening ceremonies. S8:nta Monica . LA••i scHooLs The final 16 are: :rop rated is Fresno City ,.11. T••m 111ec:on1 Bill Cody (Garden Grove). C:Ollege, the defending large 1. Fr-s"" cav co111" 1,•, Sonny Nutter CTopanga), Rick 1. $111 Dleao Mt11 n~ h) s"1ools-champion. The Rams l. Fullfl"ton li Woods (Huntington .ix:ac , : ned the season with a 10-9 ~: ~~:~~11e1d 1,•, Larry Shaw (Fullerton). Mike 4. P1Jadm1 CC l·O d H"!I St ry over East LA. t t.m:ii;•;, ~!'::'M,ieo '"° Konle (Grana a 1 s), u ;South Coast Conference '· w111 v111e-.. 1.0 ~1orley ITopanaga), Ste V'"e . 10. Golcle11 Wnl 1·0 E (V N ) M.k B l t..:ims San Diego Mesa and o. •111• , cc 1.0 ast an uys . 1 e as ,..-Slnt1 Mone• l.O ( V N ) L F.)llerton are ranked ~cond SMALL scHooLs an ·U Y s , a-r r Y atfd "third. Mesa defeated LA 1 co11""e ot Redwoodl l~ Heinselman (Culver City), -,-~13.--in-i.. ·-··· l: :1!!'11.-u hn · b • ' _.._......._____. --o".im... c Fullerton dumped Long s· v1~,, Hms ll Dennis Gildehaus C anoga . 4 loll. Sin JKlnto k J. G h City College, 32-18. 7 vu~• t~ Par ), 1m res am :: ~',r,:"11of C•nvoes ~, (Sherman Oaks). Scott Autrey lo. Monterev Pe111M"l!1 .. 1 (Bellflower), Jim. Nichol.son G1nM1 Tilll. Wittie Ch Tburld1v (Northridge). Bruce Ha.sect argers' o-,,.~,,.monr (l).01 1t Sin Clrvo ~\n• tGardena ) and Harlan Bast ·, ~ r ..,...., !Sepulveda). ' '> Ml Si n Antoni" ',..,,l "II. Gold•n Wt•I ;==========,I I~ 11.(1) 11 OCC Yiking• CVorn1 CG-11 v•. ~leM<-(14) t i Mli11on vltlo S OrlnQt Co.I! {G-1) ti LA Hvbor \0·11 Lane BNch CC CG-11 11 CtrrHO$ C~l G-• /Goll ._, Ola~·" THE BEST R.1•d•rohip poll1 pr•v• "'••· nuh" i1 on• of th1 world'1 onolf popul•r o::omio:: 1irip1. lt11tl it d1i1y in th• DAILY PILOT • t ~ (llrt.IS (t-1) II Rio H 1.(1'''' <' ~A V1lln fG-ll 11,'i,nt (G-ll a-. • h 1o1r1•!: J.:l~i:' 1"a1P!f""Sou111wn1., .. a nump .. :~.-"·' .... ,. "/!',,'•" •• -···~" . U.cCli.-111 SM 'Oleal:I ~Swas a .500 day for Orange ~st area teams on the prep q,op country circuit Tuesday. j4'111Ung Marina won its se· t'IDd straight, 17-31, over the ~~ 1spartans at Villa Park ""8e homestanding Edison c~llened its new course with 1 f:0-40 nod over Santiago. 1"he two area teams who Y!J~en't so lucky were tht Cor. olll·PeI Mar Sea Kings and the ~n Vie)o Diablos. ,Coach John Blair's Sea ~ played host to Sunset ~e p:iwerhouse Santa Ana Mi;tbe visitors prevailed, 19- ~ Diablos, mean\.\·hi!e . scored 55 points in a triangular aff air lo edge \forkman (72), but were out-ctane by Rancho Alami tos. which won the meet al Mission Viejo with 15 points. "Marina's Dave Lockman re· 1'iained undefeated in 1970 by rl:brding a 10:15 clocking ~er the t.~mlle course at Vllla Park. He wa s followed home by ttammates Bob Brickner (10:· ~). Ken Martyn (10:42) and l}eston Camp be 11 (10:49) . ..tfol.ber Viking, John Neilson seventh in t 1 : 07. la Park won the junior ity race, 23-36, while na captured the frmh· meet by a 27-31 count. ~(Edison, a familiar face in Ea distance running clrdea ntiago's Jim David.sort - ke in the Chargers' new r.se with a win in 10:22. J>avidson, a sophomore at E)tancia last year. finished ..,ead or Edison's John Weston (l0:23). Bob McClure (10:491, BOb Younget (11 :12,) Chris ~gue (11:39) and MI k r: ($)novan (IJ:S7), who oc· cfl,pied the second through •th spots, · dct Mar fell victim tt Santa Ana's altty ark en.. CJ on tht Sea Klngs' shorl ceurse. · ' enet won the varsltv race 8:37 while lhr: top ~ona I ners Wert: Dick D a y t>urth,, l :SS), Nick Rost e. th, 9:12), Conrad Clark : IS) and Wall Farrar (1:311 ). 'i best Missloo Viejo could rbnage in ll! triangular ateet v.•ith Rancho Alamitos alld Workman was a ninth ploe< !inlsh by junior Gorcl9n ?r":s, who Y.'U clocked in 1!:Mte loth through Wb posi· 1lon1 were taken up bjJ)lablos ' Mark Cangiano, Larrf Crai- j .... litarvln lilann and Barry Blay. • • ·The big hits in ii . stereo tapes are atPenneys Auto Sound Center "all at low, low prices Special Sale 444 HUNDREDS MORE NOW IN STOCK ON B·TRACK TAPE CARTRIDGES Pen'.!£'#• You con shop .12 to 5 ~'*""~toe~ at thete r en...., Mne Cent.ri: BUENA PAIK• CANOGA PAIK CA•lSBAD CHUlA VISTA DOWNEY fUltE•TON HUNTINGTON BEACH MbNTCt.Atlt NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE "THE CIT', • VENTURA. DrM in ••• c~orge ill •orangethor,,. ot Volley Visw (C.l0ted Svncfoyi) Foremost GP Tire Closeout .... ffO. TAX 650.13 •••••••••••••• 1.78 7()().13 I I 0 1 1 0 I I 11 1 1 1. l .96 $16 C78-1.C •••••••••••••• 2.17 560-15 •••••••••••••• 1.7.S E78-1.C ••• ··~···••• •• ·2.25 -$1 78 14 ,..,......___., .... , ..... __.__2:A.4 f.78 -15 1 o o I I•• I I o o o o o 2.40 G78-1.C •••••••••.••••• 2.60 G78-15 ••••••• I •••••• 2 .60 H78-l,.C •••• •,• •••••••• 2.80 HJ3.15 •••• I ••••••••• 2.80 (WhiflillWolls •ly) ~15 I . I o •• I I I• o o o o 2.87 Truck tire closeout! Now 1988 $21 $25 $28 (07'1-15/_.,,,. ,... • .ntocL '"') • Carto,,..1ter 920 witlt nyio. ......i ltolly Tube type " Size 700-15/6 Now 24.81 Orig. 32.9.S fed. toll: 3.28 Size 650-16/6 Now 21.81 Ori9. 28.95 fed.. ta..: 2.96 Size 7.S0-16/6 Now 32.88 Ot-i9 • .C l .95 F.d. kn 4.19 " - , New low battery prices! · Now 1588 12 ,,.,. Give your car o break this winter. Get the Foremost® Hi9h-Volt --nd-be-ossureCI ol sure fiiiCliCif'gto;::===lc=======I Don't b e caught short by cosily battery failure, power up now! e. volt battery only .1411 189'5 'El Ti9r_. mini •ike• gel> up to 24 mpbl Chrome plated frame over o block .C HP engine. .. Survivor cycle ••f• rnet. 29.11 'II titre' nylon racin9 i•ket. boy~ 11.'lS·~--­.__...re:a 12.95 ---~--·-------- 'l'e1, 'fCW co n 1hop 12 to .S S11ndort, loo, ot ony of lh.se Pemtey Attto Ce"lert: &!JENA PA•K• CANOGA PA.l:IC CARI.SIAD CHULA VISTA DOWNfY f Ull!lTON HUNTINGTON IE.A.CH , MONTCLAI• NEWfte•T IEACH O...._NGl '1HE Clfl"" VEHTUltA "°'°"'"""'" 9' V•l'-1 v1-1c1.-c1 s.n.,.1 u .. ,.....,.1-. ,., .... ,.. II DAILY PILOT • Pacifica Griclders -Confident--tr.:...,-;...;~ 1 Art Michallk's biggest claim to fame has thus far been as a professional wrestler who is always cast in the bad guy's role . But Michalik. in reality not 1 bad guy at all, would like to get his image straightened in- to that of a high school footr ball coach who has built a win- ning program. At Garden Grove's PaCifica High last year Michallk's Mariners posted the firsl-f:ver winn ing record (4-3-2) in the school's four-year history and ~1ichalik thinks he has the malerial to du pl i ca te , or perhaps surpass that mark. · Michalik, whose ch arges lock horns for the first time with Mission Vii::jo's Diablos Friday night at Mission Viejo, admits. "l'm not sure how 1 confident I am because our · depth is very shallow. 1 '·But," he goes on, "my play..e <ire .sure confident about how well they 'll do. •·we have enough quickness In our line. enough good backs and plenty or pride though in order to be serious contend ers in our league (Ga rd en Grove)." h-1ichalik adds. The M;i!rincrs are 1-0, havi ng disposed of Cantwell, 24·12., last week but Michalik is wary I of Aundre Holmes. the Diablos. J speedy junior tailback. · "We're going to have to con- tain him (Holmes) in order to stop Alission Viejo. He's better I and faster than anybody we've raced ln tile last couple of I years." Michalik will rely heavily I upon the talents of lettermen linebackers Blaine G u n s i I I (150) and Chuck Wilson (150) and returning safetyman Dave Genovese ( 140) in hopes of putting the skids on Holmes. "Those boys are small, but they're quick and to u g h . Genovese has put on 17 pounds sin Ci! last season," s a y s ~---,<·<i 1Cliilili:. Spearheading the Mariners' full house T offense are backfield monogram winners Bill Qu inn (quarterback), Randy Cobb (halfba ck) and Joe Mootaneri (fullbac'k ). Cobb, a 180-pound seitior, led the squad on the ground in '69 while Monlaneri is Pacifica's threat up the middle. Quinn's most rellable target Is tight end Tom Lindholm, ~ tips tbe tcaJes at llO. r------, I 1 I _/;,, -.It..-·" I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I and back I TM ¥ffY .. .,,. O<neg• SPMd,.,.st.., I -!di w• C•r<y *•I H IKled wlltMlul I •nY moc1111c.iiom by NASA 10 IM I worn Oy OU< ,,_ "" II" -· Thll I r.c09"'lllon, rrul~ • rtw••CI lor t•· 1 cen..,c•. mMn 11S protld IO IM .._. 1ulltorl111C1 0 ""99• I''"""· Comt it'I I I ... '" 1111 ........ -. , ..... uon •• e1111, Om.t• Sl>Hd,.,.••e• ch-i or•lll>. 'l~• only w61CIO worn Oy th• I mfl'I "" 1111 ,,_.., l'rlc• UH. I I 0 OMEGA Ml,_. M111111.,t111 I '~"' ,..,,., """'...,_ •Ifft! tMt Ml,.,. l tY•. ·-fl t I•~ ..... _ I -I o,.. ..... ""'"·· "' "" ' '"' 1 IU ....... .t A.-M•ffl CMr .. ~------ Sears ALL.STATE l'ASSF~~GEll TIRE GUARANTEE (;~ Apin..a: /\II tire f~iitH'CI or Jefecu in material ot wotkman•hip 1-'<tr How l,ong: For the life oi the l)tigio1l tread. Wb.t 5-ni \\"ill Do: Jn cxd11nj.;C for die 1ft. ieplace ir ctwi.:ifl.11: for dir prt4'0lrim ol curmv: tclliQ& prie1 ,._ ~ &else To: dtat reprr-- , -~used. Repsirnallpuncrurcs .i.actc:bar~. f;u•nn":.,d Apin.i.:Tread we~r-n111. •·or How Lo111: The number of rnontbs specified. 'flbat ~1r1 "Will 1)91 Jo e•chal!J.'C f"t the tire, rephce ii cbu sin,it 1he cur• rent 5C"llill,IJ price plus Federal Exl"i~e Tax le5s the follo~ill8 allm1-ance. ~lontl1lrC••ra111r,. 18to 24 27 to 39 ;o ll eavirr aud Stronger TireBodv • Allow:. nee 1or;, 20', 2~·' IS NOIV OPEN! Sears Thuu~J Oaks .•• I ~'; \1i:'esr Villa_l,.'t' Lan~ Shop 9 a.m. uncil 6 r .1n .... J\1on.l:i.r thru Saturday Extra \Vi de Treacl Extra- Deep Tread . Hurry • • . Limited Quantity 6.50xl3 Tubeless Blackwall '----Sears•--- Low Price • .:\e"' <·ontour, bro1d &boulder for ~aterufety • New tread design for all""'·uth· ertnction •New 6/1()..iacb ""·hite 11idew1ll to mattb I.he width of the white l<idewall of many new can I • 1! . 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Whi ..... u Prices effective beginning tod•r A1k A bouc Sear• Conunien& Credit Plan• 7.lh.14/!71-14 7.75xl 14 L15slS/GiS.15 37.95 :?8.95 ~ .. 40.95 l1.9S .... 38.95, I0.95 .... ~ 40.95 31.95 ~ .. 43.95 34.95 ~ .. - 46.95 .... ... t 46.95 ..... .... . ,J St'<trs IUINA l'AIK TA 14400, Jl21o4SJO ll MON'll CM 3·S'P11 lO. ltACtt .. l .. t:ll1 ,_ .......... , _,,,,__ MMmt cour IUD •• ,, CAMOGA l'AIK J•O.oH1 OllMOAU: CH 1·100t, Cl 4 .. t11 OlTMC t IO'tO AN 14:211 COM"ON HI 6·:11Sll, Nl :11•1761 MOUTWOOD HO •·S"I OlAMlll .n-.:111100 ~r ,IS,JtOntJclil:ANDCO. CO'llNA 'PM·Otl l IMO\IWOOO 011 f ·"tStl •AIAMNA 611·12t1, lS1-4111 • Shop Hfahts ~ thru Jat. 9:30 A.M. to f~30 P.M., lun"8i 12 Hool\ to J P.M. 0 Satl•fltdion GIHlllNitHd or Yaur MoMY ledc" tAMfA AMA 111 1..QJ'1 IANl'A.ft .............. ,, '""" MMCA a • ..,,, -------., TOIUllCI ... 1111 """-..... ft7 YAW1' '101-1461,-I .,..,.,.... " ... ,,, ·------- E / •• ' . l J -t 1-:: • • • • l· ,_ J J l l ' ' • • • • &.OOKAT'IDU! VERA SLOVENLY t; t.11591 : WAR PAINT SMEAREV, 1'1 FINGERNAILS, Dt:ODERANT ll{)R)(ING, LOl~CLOTH ASkEW! • GIVll'IS'IOU 12PEMER11S!3 MORE ANO 'iOU'LL BE SIDELINED FOR l\1E BATTLE TOMORROW~ '·· -· ly. Chftter Gould AF'TER.WAR:O CO'liE OVER TOCAR441,M'<:f MllCE'sON "TWE' &LINK. INDUSTRY -w. l JUDGE PARKER W'IU.T DI P VOCI HfA.R', ~ )¥!LUE?' I PIDM 'T -AEAi: A11YTMl"1G! '.· IS ALSO AT FAULT.' J UST LOOK AT !MOSE SMOKE- STACKS .I 1:!DAILY CROSSWORD ••• by R. A POWER I l . ACROSS 46 Btcomf Ytsterday's Puzzle Solved: : · solid P Y o o "• • ~ -i Ro int 47 Morsels • • t A s 1 .--oflind 4•Blackb ird Al l STAO t...S'Drink 51 Brittlt 't_ Pleasantly 54 Bartender 's !tntlt acces sory 14 harp 58 Biblical .orojt ctlng vessel lfW:;,'9in~ fiQ . Prepos it lon --n rftlttng bl Fruit Iii Ttxtilt &3 Tome flbtr b4 In !hr 17 Pro-··· cours e ol l8'Jlttk 115 Vt nic r lf:1tu1t. btach 2 words 1111 Ftmininr 20 Dollar namr bl11s 117 ···Cassino 21 lilr mbers of 118 Lrngth lhr hum.in units rac r ~' Unplrasaot 22 E•prtsst d loot • disappr oval 23 Mushroom :ZS Fillet for DOWN 12 Sharir of 9rrr11 13 P1opefl y trans Irr paprr l CJ Drivr or a ppr oat h 24 Phinder s 211 Entrr\a 1n· 1 Srn , •·•·· mrnt form Thurmond 28 Mor il l 10 123170 40 lnlrrrst· Ahbr. 41 (yt' 411 lil icrobr 48 01 " soc 1~1 group tht hair 21.~t ,, :zt. oosr 30 lose 2 tnst1 umtnl Rrarma ~nt· 4~ Come logt11.tr 50 Yle~r dow11 52 ll isstle la' ~""" J "pub lic pt1kin9 aribOtJ i lallvr '' asons !or divortr:.. Z•ords 4Z Rangr srctlon 4) Rips .. 4 Timt tabl r 1bbrtvi1tion 45 Dr rd , 3 Encroachr s AIDr . 4 l ormrntor JO 5orrowf11I 5 Brl dgr bid sound II Walks 31 Atrs: through 3 words water 32 Puts into 1 G. Wash ington srrv;cr stalrmrnl 33 Aud1t1on 5 words )4 Po lluted 8 lduffi11 atmosphtrr: 9 Gold ..... l11lormal 10 Circuits 35 Possrs~ ol thr tratk 31 Changt s lingshc t 53 Carll ga mr 54 'Moved lh!OU~h water 55 N1Jl1b11s 511 "II wr 19 h~ ' ••• I " 11 Elrttrlcal 38 Pa ul An\il'S units : Abbi f1r ld 2 words 57 Part or Engla11d 5'f Hitth or half.hitch 112 Sprtte 10 II 12 ll lO ll 32 ll u • " " ., 6J .. .. ' " . • . _ ......... . ··~-.. -.... ~.--- By Harold :.e Doux ~------. PERKINS . i;;: ::.:L ~f ~ ;·r r r~ ' MISS PEACH !(ELLY S'c.t-1 oOL. GIRL'$ CLU6 "'l~ETS Hf~c STE VE ROPER PEANUTS I:'~ ' ' ~ \ -\.::_; •I ti -·.& ...... ~-...... " (] -~ ' I ' { " <-~ . ---~ Ll'L AINER - MOON MULLINS ANIMAL CRACKER$ STAfl. ~\&Hr, ST/<.fl. !lelE7>l1; fl~TSfAR r :5!'.E TOOl<PHT- • ... MAKE MIO fl.\CH, PO\llE~FUL AfJD fAJ.IOlJS · By John Miles IBy Mell By Saunders and Over9ard r---.... r:,.r WOUl..D SE' A GREAT AKITl:IER ROUND, PR'IVIL£6E TO f )(AMl,M£ MOZO.' ' THE Tli'U(I(, SENOli;>/ .. ·tF VOU ~O 081..fGE .1 By Charles M. Schulz DAILY PILOT :J:! l y Al Capp By Gus Arriola soMe -+---.. P1'!1"i.c~ i'o ~b-~~··WIT~ M~ S~T~IZOOM ~ N~ilO>l~i-.1 MO~UMISNT0 • Bv Ferd Johnson w.cc, NOT 5P,A<;HETT I ! ... OH ... AIJD I.JO HUfl.l'<J ... AW TIMC. UE~T WEt;K W••I.. 6E ~1~e . • MR. MUM ,, By Ro9er Bollen e>1VE 'Et.I AfJ UIJ!i'.EA'50.JAB•C. DOE DATE , A/JD 40U UUST MAia= AIJ EIJEM<,I. DENNIS THE MENACE • .. I .. l I Yv lD N E SOAY UO B Iii -(C) (IO)""' .... ., . ... ........ (C) (60) en. -.. (C) (IO) Tint&· tlwt ,...es •tt Oral Roblrta. llidi· 11• Meris, Slit LJOfl. CMtlts Ga1ry, f1tdl Pt)'M 111cl f'lkf M11· slllll. 0"'""""-"""lJc'I TMdl'" (1om1nce) '51 -Stl'#lff Grtnftr, r'itr Arlttl~ '-it Sind- lfl, Kurt 'K1sz111r. CJ AllWt l t.11111 IC) (30) m '" -«1 <JO> 1:11 ... _ ....... <••· •> 'SI -,,_ """"" ...... -.. -~..., a-a....~ e ~08 PRINTING e. PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Quality Printing end Dtptncfeble SetYic• fot ......,_ theft • quarter of • century. 2111 Wllf IA' "'A att. lllWPOIT MACH -14MJ21 ., ----·· • 'Rogal Bunt of Sun' • ·Po.werful Drama at;Laguna-- Don't Be fooled By The Beard, long Hair, • Grandpa Glasses And 'Message' THIS IS NO Director Set Franklin J. Schaffner will direct ''Nicholas and Alexandra" for producer Sam Spiegel · and Columbia Pictures. 'Oklahoma' Tryouts Set The Theater Arts Com- mittee of Fullerlon's First United Methodist Church will hold open auditions for its pro- duction of "0Jdahoma1' next week at the church, Com- monwealth and Pomona, in Fullerton. The theater Arts Committee . of Fullerton's First United Methodist Church will hold auditions for its production o( "Oklahoma" next week at the church, Commonweallh and Pomona, in Fullerton. Tryouts will be held Monday and Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Room 215 of the church; with many singing and dancing roles available. Jan Duncan is directing the show, with John Green as musical director andrtathleeii -f\felcher choreography. Further information may be acquirfd by calling 525-Q77. LIPPY HIPPY Thi s is Gloomy Gus, invented by the DAILY PILOT a dozen years ago, when hippy slill meant maybe you needed a new girdle. He appears daily on the editorial page \Vhere he stars as a sort or ventrilo-- quist's dummy who talks only when som 0 eon/ (DAILY PILOT readers, in this_ instance) puts words into _bis mouth~~~~~~~~~ But he has been saying a moulhful every publication day for yeats now. Want to know what your neigh .. bors are thinking ••• what's wrong (or right) with tbe worl.d , natio11. state, community, neighborhood you Uve in! Want to give ol' Gus a piece pl your mind to pass on? Then &el with !be hippest lip in town, Gloomy Gus, "communicating" daily {Monday through Friday) ON THE EDITORIAL PAGE OF THE ' I MOll.TMPll.M-l lP.M. (!!) SAT, 1:)0..J:•SiJO.I & 10 P,M. SUll.1-J:l .. 5:20-7:)0.f:tO P.M. COLOR EXClUSIVE • m:=v ~; l:ITCH·2Z:. t IS.QUITE SIMPLY, '~, THE BEST AMERICAN FILM i; l'VE SEEN THIS YEAR!" ~1"'.: f ' ... r••----' . .~~ ------· . --·-·--~~-! •T Sl'EaAL NEW l'll'ULAR PRICES!! QILDllEN CllLY. $1.IJO oil rl- .AJl/IO/lS all. y $2.50 '" ·- NEW MOQLL YM SHOWTIMES!!· -MONDAY THRU Fl!/OAY 7.:00 • 10:00 SAT. &SUN. 1:00 4:00 7:00 &. 10:00 '\ it's pure Gou I t ,..,_,__ ElUOTT GOULD PAU\A PRION!ISS G£NEWV!: ~TE A ,ANOJO Sr, lt_,.-StV.ut 1()$(Nt{IG P'OOUC.Tl()H DlttCTto '' ~T\M.n t0$tNICtG ~-..1ou 1etn....,S1AN1n"........r ........ 1. ..... .-JOtl UtllR ,,,,,__ t,. ~ l-INoll!X:H ,~ llthn hfljMln Pits Co-Hit "GOODBYE COLUMBUS" I~ Technicolor) l • I ' .. .. After 20 Y ears TV Clown vi~ .i,! •• ' . By RICK DU BROW ·•:'"-HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - ' 1\f '3" Madison Avenue supposedly is # • )~e nation's Image maker. But ,1~" It 1 isn't really. Television '11•u•,i · cameras are. No matter how -·<t •. ' ,M~dLson Avenue ·manipulates ,!jO; :I I • , • '' , .. ~n rtainers, pobhcal can-' " ,1u dldates and other celebrities. ~'the video cameras are the "· '-l'ftrial arbiters. They expose II mercilessly, and the more a ~ <:,f ~ :q:-•,ptrsonallty a p p e a r s on ,.101 1 tqj~vislon, the more he is ex- ·1:.:.1:posed . "Maisie Gets Her Man," ''Bathing Beauty," ··Neptune's Daughter," "The Yellow Cab Man," •·Lovely to Look At"-and a number of oth\?rS, none or them. quite obviously, epics, but almost all of them quite erij'oyab!e stuff. ~ -... ~-.~~~ ~ ~~·~·----v<r ·---~ ----·-----·------=-----------~---------------------.. CAil Y l"ILOT 51111 P~tt Tlie Sli irt Off His Bael;; DAILY PILOT .15 Hudson S1a1;.is-'"fall Became Star--Tlieri Lear1ied to Act Uy VEJL~ON SCOTT bl11ck comedy, II u d son It ls not unusual ror a Ul"I NI~ c~• manages to avoid being a towering st.tr to sUmd In a HOLLYWOOD CUP!) heavy _ trench whUe playing a tender "I play a heavy In '""-love scene wllh a diminutl\•c Actors and basketball players 1 1H:: share a common physical Hornet's Nest ,··• Huels.on said. actress. advantage _ the taller the "That's an altogethe r diffe rent • "My fece and height havr situation from playing a lo.!ier. limited my roles to 1 degrel:" better. Tall actors can play villains Hud!on acknowledged, "but Gary COOper. John V.'aync, effectl\·e\y. Their size alone is rm not e-0mplalnlng.'1 Joel McCrea, Jim Arness and mena cing." -Nor should he. With 1t Jimmy Stewart are just a (ew Hudson grinned. He i s different physique and less men who top six-feet, three-generall y a quiet man who pleasing . arrar\ge~nt of . hi_s inches or more whose .height takes his work seriously· He fcatures,_R,ock Hud~on might did not diminish the Ir would i·ust as soon avoid _yet be dr1v1ng a truck. -effectiveness .on the 'SCreen be 1.-;::::::::=:::::;:::;:::;:=;1 it movie or tele~lslon. interviews. I Rock Hudson stands six-fe-0t. Hudson has played his share I THE 'LUXURIOUS four-inches and • he has of stagnant roles. par l s. A:& appeared tn 58 plclures. requiring little of him other NEW IALl- Big men, Hudson says, have th an his bulk end prof ile. THEATRE an intrinsic dignity which is "I have no preference for denied smaller men in screen comedy or drama as Jong as roles. Tallness also imposes the script Is good," he said . limitations not or din a r i I y "Hell , I've played them all - encountered by the average action, tragedy, comedy, war, sized pe rformer. love sto ries. "Fo r me to be effective in "But tall actors invariably HOMI Of l lXUMO CHAii lOGIS . I 101 EAST l•LIOA ll\10. \ 1/,,IAlBOA Pf.NINSlllA• li1J·41MI ~ Now thru Tuesd1y '•~ J oey Bishop, for example. at ·,.:1:one lime was conside red a .1f.'l 'c .. ather droll . witty, •rJA-.oph.isticated jokester when he ~·;tt.'did club cfates with the Frank 'Hf1 Sinatra-Dean Marlin·San1my <i!o;;Davis clique. But now. after ·<";1 rt.inning a nightly ta!k-and- ·~1~ entertainment series an ABC· ~.i TV, that image is bloWn total- He had a flair, and ii 'has never left him altogether des pite the \\'Car nnd tear of 20 years of trying to sctape together video material. But not even that period in television can really kill off ire accumulated skills t~ come from joining a medicine show at 10 years of age , and minstrel shows, and vaudeville, and burelsque, and the cir~u~. ~nd tremendous radio stardom, and of course the mOvies. · • · Occasionally, . Skelton has \Valter Allen (center} gets some a stonished reactions from .Carol 1;-aulstick varied his standard video fare and l\'lnrtin Fuchs when he presents a shirt torn of f a violini st's back in this \vith. a full-hour pantomime scene from "Once ~1ore, With Feeling" at the Huntington Beach f'!ayhouse. special with Marrel 1'1arceau, The comedy; continues Friday a nd Sa turday. and reminded his critis in-------''--------'-------'.--------------- comedy I have to be the co me off as clothes horses, pr 0 tag 0 ni st , • • 11udson espcciaJ ly in contempora ry explained. ···1•m too bi g pictures. I physically to be the butt of a "If you take up that much 1 joke. space on the screen, naturally 1 "In movies "''here I've your wardrobe becomes more 1 played the fall-guy, the laughs prominent than lh;i.t of other failed to materialize . t can't players in the scene. Ifs FELLINI'S AWAlD·WINNINW MAST llPllCE "JULIET OF THE . SPIRITS" 11 Color __ -1J'-!"Plac.ed__by_tb.c f~_g vision ,.~..,.bf >Bishop as host of a cornball. ·,,111~f'mbarra~1'ingly ·•sincere.;:. 'IC?•· s~ries with a checkercd-ves?' .:1:')(lne. -ferentially-that--he should not be taken too lighUy. \Vi th sophisticates. nonetheless, Skelton is persona non grata; and CBS-TV dropped him .. ·.;r,.•. :Red Skelton , \Vho began a because it thought youth feels "~1."\'\leekly 30-minute sho\v on the same \vay about him. t.·~~·NBc-TV Monday nigh t after -:.~ .. being dropped by CBS-TV \Vhat can one say about a ~ ¥....! rrom his one-hour series. no1v Skelton television premitre "" ·istn his 20th year on televisio n. t~at _hasn't ~en said about For those \Vilh 5 h 0 r t him 1n all his years on the memories, and for those of • r:nedi~m? l s~ppose th at if you young age, his video image is l~ke h~m on video. yo u now C<'n ~ only one that now really l~ke him for only half as. mu ch l isters. It is nn overwhelm-t1.m~ eac~ y.•eek .. ~nd If you impression-20 years of d1shke his .tel~v1s1on work : vision-and it is a pity that then there. ~s only h~lf e~s ,. remember his other v.'ork : much to ~isllke. In fa1rn , 1 in movies. ") \vhen he 1s good, he can be . ' . . . r very , very good, and \Vhen he ·;his naturall y gi fted clo\v'? is bad on video he is a\vful. m1ously respected by ~is -It pains-me when he is bad ,, rs and lov~ by the ~ubh~. because. although I ha ve was a sp!~nd1d comechan in never mel hinl, r instinctively ~.um~ro~s h11!1s, among them.~ like him tremendously. His , .Wh~sthng_ .1n t~~ ,?a;,k. face is a m~p of middle Broadway Foiirs oJ'11.e Steeped in Success By JACK GAVER UPI Or1m. Ellilar NEW YORK (UPI ) -Ir might be a good idea if pro- ducer David 1'1errick and director-y.•riter Abe Burro\\'S Look out a hefty life insur::ince policy on a pa ir of French play\1•rights named P i e r r e BarilletandJ ea n-Pierre Gredy. "Cactus FJ0\1·er" \1·eU mi ght be fl1iss Channing's leadin~ man. \Vhich 11·ould really make for a cozy oper::ition , especially when you recall that 1'1iss Channing is a Mer rick alumna of extraordinay distinction. She \\'as the original star of ··Hello, Dolly!" y.·hich is still raking in the 1'1errick dollars at th~ St. James Theater \vhere it recently beca me Broad\1·ay's long-run rnusica l cha mpion. Cµst Sought F or Orit:r inal ~ Open readings for a n original play. ··The Popcorn 1'1achine." \Vill be held Sund::iy by lhc Nifty Theater of Hun- tington Bearh. Director George Bcta r. "'ho also is the author of the play, will hold tryouts at 7 o'clock. ~1cn and y.·omen in all age brackets arc ne eded for the cast. "The Popcorn ~lachine" will premiere at the theater, 307 1'1ain St., Hu nlinglon Beach, on Nov. 13 and 11·ill run throu gh Dec. 12. Four s o me has been vas tly success ful with two Broadway productions in the past four years. an d now it plons a third bid for the playgoer's dollars, with ~c­ tress <;:arol Channing as bait. l Vitl1out lltisband Barillcl and Gredy write play a loser because I don't something I don't like. But ALSO look like ooe." nothing can be done about it." •&60..,~Et~,.,mr-.-=------- lt \vas Hudson's appearance Hudson, as has been the ....:wo Mastroianni \\'hich transformed him rro;n 3 case with most tall actors. is rt iruck driver to :in actor in the not unaccustomed to playh1g 0\vOrce firs l place· He sulted pcrlectly scenes wilh othe. s l 3 r' ~ Italian t he tall-dark·a nd -handsome standing on boxes or wearing Style clichc. lift.s i~ the.ir shoes .to minimize\ He lac ked only one attribute.1pi~th~e;id~<S~p~a~r~1l~y~o~l~h~e<~g~h~t.--~~-~;-~;-;;_;_;:;_·-·-- Talent. 11 Under contract to Li'11iversal YOU 'LL LOVE HAROLD'S BIRTHDAY PARTY ••• ror most of his early career, THE CRITICS DID: 1-ludson was young and willing to learn. Under the guidance of director George Stevens in "Gia nt" Hudso.1 gave his best performance to that time and improves as he goes along, Currently he is starring in "Pretty Mnids AJI in a Row." Rock plays a high school principal who seduces a half dozen S\reet young things. Because the R.icture is a ", ... "''°'ii'"I Pffdvc:tiH •.. " -LA TIMES ", ••• fi rst rtrh! peri0f'lll:iac1t1 ••• " -REG ISTER Orange County • Premier• I THE Jl!i ~~J~~,.~AND -----~ ~ J'outh Coast Repertory RESERVATIONS: 646-1363 E••· Show Stam 7 P.M. Co11th110111 Show , Wh1stlln~ 1n D1x1e.,. " Du Amrrica. and v.•hen, saying frTY \Vas a L~~r,· The goodnight each week, he says, µIler 8,,rush l\f,~n, Southern "f.1ay God Bless,·• and claps )'i'lnk'2e and P:lnama Hal· his hands in childish af- His other movies included "Three Little Words," "Lady .Good ." ''The People \'S Dr . ild.are," "Ship Aho y,'' fection, and beams radiantly. tilere is more reality on the television screen than in half the socalled ·'meaningful'" dramas to hit lhe air. lt is an ·exduislle wee!dy moment. • comedy hits for the P.aris theater. riterric k acquires the 1\merican rights lo them, and Burrows serves as a sort of dramatic midwife. Tina Awaiti ng· Fi rst Child $ot. 011d 5111. fro111 2 P.M. lorg.U1 Motl11H Every Wedenday-1 P.M. HELD OVER L -'l'llB And I grev.·· up loving his comedy in movies and on the radio. And J'm glad I remember him then. To me. television is just somelhing else he does , and a chance to · watch how you can't take the country out of the boy. I' ·-r.r.AD 01' . : i rc:Alll.ll ; .t llOGUB= Sid11ey Poiti., ' E.CHNICOlOR•from IVARNCR BROS. "THEY CALL ME Ml. 11115" ''THE HAWAIIANS" with Cltorlro11 Hnto" Coltt. S.May I :J O P.M. £~~hnlfl D•i'l'f>lll Slltwiflll uno1r 11 Muil 81 Witll P1rtnl "(OHILY"'. CRI . Coler IUcltanl lurtvn e Milrlln er1noo "CANDY" e i R) e Color AH C"lor Frmlly Entertain"""' ':'1~11 Dli"tf Prewnh "JUHCLE 8001(" • (G) PIWI Dtlft Jones • IUOCl'I' Mac~lll "fHE LOVE BUG" • {GJ .' .. ,'. C."LOl D All c.tor 1'1mlly Enlfftllfl-1 ' " Jl'1'Y Ltwh "WHICH WAY'fO 'THI l'AOMT" _ e (Gl'I l'lwt e '"THI COCllEYIO COWllOYS 01' CALICO COUNTY" e UH Dlu0l1 H1rr1r s'.11-1 Jo!• Cn wtcrd "TllOG" e !Gl'I l"IUI e ''T1'1TI THIE SI.CO D OF DRACULA" e 101"1 t tl C-*' $.MW First, there Y.'3S "Cactus Flower." Rurrbws adapted the f'rench original and dirl-cted the Ne w York prodcction fOI ~lerrick. \Y ilh Lauren Bacall and Barry Nelson starring, it openL'<i "here on Dec. 8. 196.l and ran up 1,234 perform- ances. pl aying to capacity for the first couple or years. Barillet and Gredy next co1nmitlcd something that \1·as translated into B road v.· a y English as "Forty Carats" Uy Jay Allen. Burrows directed il. The play opened Dec. 26, 19G'I . with Julie Harris as the star. \Vith its third leading lady, Zsa Zsa Gabor, lt is still run· ning al lhe Morosco Theater. l\-1errick, of cours~ And, now, looms 'Four on a Garden,.. scheduled to open Nov. 26. Ageln 1'1cnick and BurfO\\'S, 1vlth the la tter once n1ore serving in the dual role or ad::ipter-director. The latest Barillet-G rcdy "'ork is a Paris hit under Uie title. "Quatre Pieces sur ,Jardin." of which the "English title is a (airly reasonable • transl1tion. There are four episodes revolving around Ii garden apartment. Leading man and \\'Oman each play four d i f 1 e r e n I characters. There arc three other ca~t members. Barry Nelson of OPEN 6:•5 SHOWllME 7 ""' it's pure Gould .. C:-0,. .. _ ElllOTT GOULD PAUtA PRENTISS GENEV1EVE WAITE J .MOVE By BOB TH01'1AS HOLLYWOOD (AP) -:'-"I've had good expe riences and bad. experiences all my life. plenty of both. But this one is going to be good -:--I'm convinced of that.·· Tina Louise. the shapely redhead who has epitomized sex in films. 'Li'] Abner" and television, ''Gilligan's Island,'' was reflecting about her unusual situation: she Is ex· pecting her first child on Ocl. 23: she recently filed for divorce fro1n t e I e v i s ion personality Les Crane. The prospt.>ct of facing a fatherless birth doesn't seen1 tu faze her. "Of course it's not easy." she remarked at the H.iddcn Valley home "'here she Jives alone. "There are tinl.'.!S \\•hen I b cc om e over11,.he!mingly lonely. But I've entered a ne\v phase : the baby is kicking noY.'. That becomes .a reminder that ii \\'il l all be \l'Or\h it." Miss Louise has a\\vays been a frank and open talker, hut she w::ts strangely silent about the details of her pa rting wit h C.'L'anc. She said only that they bo!h \Vere aware of the preyiancy be for c they separoted -"the rest is too persoikl to ta lk about." She ·feels that under 1 he relaxed \ caurornia la1v. she proba bly wcu ld have qualified for an abortion. She declined to have ori!. "I was tdd that due to my own physiological condition, I might not ha able to -have another baby il•.,I submitted to an abortion," she said. "I Mf Wl'ORT l [ACH • OR.]·1350 LADY IN WA ITING Tina Louise \1•asn·1 y.•jlti ng lo ris!; that. I had been \l'<Jiling too many years to have a child or my 0\1•n." Too rounded tu aC'ceµt ac- 1 ing roles. she is Spending her lime v.·aiting. 0 n c or her pastilllC'S i~ yoAa. She con- duct s classes t1vicc \vcrkly and maintains her o\vn d<lily regin1cn or exercises. During !he entire li me we chatted. she sat on her bc:I in the usual cross·IC,ggrd ras hion -''il's the 1nost comfort::ible posilion I know." lier single slate. ~1 iss Loui se believes, \viii be temporary. "It's nol as though I rushro from one marriage to another." she ~aid. "I wai ted a long ti1ne before I married,I EYt SHOW STAltTS 7 P.M. CONTINUOUS SUN OA'f \ fltOM 2 l'.M. TWO BIG FEATURE S 1nsn••DP Oi\M!mDmtANUIMON ALSO THIS Fll ST ltUN FUTU11.E / llocl T-vtot S•rr 1 .. n11 \ "Darker Than Amber" '"TOUGH -IT PROYIDIS NIAT VOLTS Of YIOLINT CNTllR· TAUIMINT" -TIMI Mi.GAZINI .. and Les and I were together for live years. "I believe in marriage, and I feel sure that another man will come along who will want lo marry me. Then the baby will be lucky enough to have two fathe rs." But advocates of v.·omen·s liberation should not get the notion that she is dependent on the male. Far (rom il. ............. ~\ ., .... , OHM WAYNE i l '°"""'°"'' • @I ~n;ial»f 11!£!U!llill "I belie ves in women 1 s liberation," sa id the actress. "rve been liberated tjiost of s ECIAL SAT. ANO SUN. UNTIL 5 P.M. my life. I can sympathize with;l~:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;A:;:D:;:U:;:LT:;:S:::;A:;:N:;:D:::;J:;:U:;:N:;:IO:;:R:;:S-$:::;:;:':;:·'='::=:::;:::;:::;:::;=: l!:ose women who belleve that 1i lhey shouldn'l be tied down to taking care of children, that fa cilities should be avallable lo watrh over their chlldren l while they work. "I intend to go on ~·orking, 1 and I would leave my baby "'ith paid help or in someone els:'!'s care. But not overnight.j "I was boarded out from the age of 2 to 8 -my parenls \\'ere divorced. I know what il's like not to have your own l ho"lle. And my baby will go y.·ilh me wherever I go." Filn1 Heuni on HOLLYWOOD !UPI ) Andrew Prine and Brenda Scott. divorced in private life, will have a reunion as the stars of "\Ve"re Running Out of Her.oes. ·• ((\'t"··~f ~ TllFITS'I ~ l7J·62l0 Corona del Mar 2905 East Coast Hwy. . ' •) ' . ' ONLY ONE SHOWING EACH EVENING Starting at 7:11 p.m. ENTIRE PROGRAM RATED "G" -IT'S FOR EVERYBODY I ... •• • • • • tcw11 "WY. ~r -~-ll"'' • llWtolT KAUI • t.Mo01t0 ' i ~o,., A C/ear/Jll"(lllls.ra.r ' YVflS Muiitand Ell Iott Gould Donald Sutherl•nd ~1·1\S·ll . ALSO JAC9UILIN1.u.- ltlllT .... RATED GP PLUS I ~ :IC O>.ILY PILOT .s.,.. Wedntsdat Sepleltlbtr 2li 1970 Your Worth OVER THE COUNTER --'Co!llplete-Ne~ York Stock List lflone y's You Pay to Co11t1·ol Pollution By SYLVIA PORTER "l read wllh interest your column, Sylvia, 11l1Ung thflt It's the U S consumer ~ho will pay for the control ol pollut10n You art so right There 1'111 inevitably be ellher higher prlce11 to the customer for most producu, or there w11J be a big dent made In lhe private enterprise prof l I motivated eeonomv we hale 1n this country ¥;Ith .ser1011~ repercussion~ on the valu~ or equities, etc ttc " Okny Bob -a fnend an<l the president of a world ! famous chem!C!al company - has zeroed 1n on a basic que..s t1on Are 'ou as a consumer prepared to pay for the slag i;er1ng costs of not only clean 1ng up today s ell\ 1ronmental me"=s but also prevent1n~ further air "ater and oth':!r types of pollution" Are you as a stockholder 14: 1lhng to support tht measure the company 1n which you O?.TI stock take!'l to pre' ent or com bat pollution 1f t h e measures mC!:in costs which bite into profits' Are you as a taxpa\"r ready to pay anti pollution taxes and to bear the costs or more and more bond issues 1n vour community lo raise b1~ ier and bigger sums of money for nollut1on controls" YOU HA VE to pay for them \ ou know tn ooe guise or another There 1s no one f!!se ho! YOU to pay for them NO ONE Pollution 1s unmistakably undeniably on your mind ~lore than se' en 1n ten Americans say thev are wor ri~ a b o u I environmental pollullon a recent Gallup poll dlsclostd that JO percent or a cross.-sectJon of Americans now consider polluhon one of the most important problem" teei ng the nalJon vs only 2 percent Jn June some observers go so far as lo say this single is.sue or cleansing nut air and \1 ater will close 1he generation racial and af nuence gaps But are you prepared In put -.:our momy where your mouth ~b Tragicalh !he probab1l1ty IS that you are NOT Item In a recent public opl· n1on poll Americans were ask cd whether they would pay $IS more 1n federal taxes to finance a meaningful pollution control program By two to one younger Americans vo\v ed that they would, but by two to one those 1n the over 50 a.Ile l:iracket opposed the tax By ,• two to one the b et I e r t'<lucated were for the tax but bv two lo one the less rducated were against 1t Only $15' And this Is 1ust the begin· rung of confhct The evidence points clearly lo a retil showdown 1n the I 9 7 0 s be.tween the business as usual $gment or our population which looks upon pollution as a pnce ""'just have to pay for our material afOuence and the v o u n g e r env1ronmentahsts "'ho insist that factories must 4.'lose If they cannot meet r1g1d standards Item Local taxpayers the nation over are voting down record numbt!.rs or bond issues proposed lo raise funds not 011"" ly for schools but also for pollution controls And even the su ms being refused are ut lerly inadequate to meet mos t local needs Hem Federal income la ~ pa~ers are battling -via senators 1n \\!ashington 'f their representatives and senators 1n Washington e\en U1e paltry sums being debated by Congress to fight pqllut1on Total federal spen· ding fo r pollution control now amounts to only about $1 b1lhon a year and lht typical $10 ooo-a year city taxpayer s 1,000'1 o• OIL PAINTIN•S ~ WHOLISAU WAllHOUSI OPIN TO THI PUILIC t.i• L ~~Jll-~ ;rJllTA ANA PMONI: UJ.1MI OULl!.ltl WANT!:O COMMODITY FUTURES TRADERS -. .. . . ..... --. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . -.... R. J. O'BRIEN IND AUOC.. INC , .. , ....... Or .. --1714) 641-I006 "'"' .... .....,, ••:ltfl• annual federal tax bill for polluuon abate1ne n t 1s cstunated al only $4 -against $26 a year tor {ed~raJ highway construction Item J\lotor1sti;: are shun· n1ng thf' slightly mort ex pensive lead free and low-lead gasohneci; now being sold But the fact remains another reader Kerry J\lulJ1gan, cha 1r ma n As w or ----•• Pl 1tt.,. l:ilfw"' 7 _,..... 11 SCJi I !iM1 ... t ...... i1'W Ill .... ""-' .. -............. ~ ---.. -- CaUforn1a'1 water Resourets ~A.SD Ll1tf~1 for TuMd•y, S.ptember 22, 1'70 ~ ,_. Control Board wrote mt ..J miu!i \ ~ People will have to come to ~7rc~• 1 I,. ••· f I th t \ ...,.... ..,_ ~1mE• J ~ gr1J)H w u;1 un: ac a en •Mt ...,... ... ... All* ... Ad ~~~_.r VlronmentiJ protection OOSll NEW v~ic 1A"l ,.,,.,.,.,, ' ' "ubS NM I' "'' Sttbo ~• •'-•'I =1r.1 money To search for 'cl\eap' -Tne -.i wlllll 11111 F11 h!.t o '1 """''Ht Olol '*"'Tam•-1u 11t .v11141t11 1 .o Mid ••k ctUOll F11G · "" tit 1 f'lllllJl\r I n. T1uortt ,~ 1m oU11lrr1 Cs solutions will be tbt most ~x 11oru,, -11tc1 br. F•t WF111 ~ II l"w-. "" 1 l'r.''°' w I': _. Al1"ri il't.. ttlt ""'-1 All« F!k kM 12v.11t-e.-1 tl\lltl •fll•I 4\/o AlrPt'lld .lOb petlSIVt Step Ul thf: Jong run fllon ot S.Cvrilltl Food "J:~ ,, .... ' ,'~rll'I' c',' I• i. TV C-1V. I Ar ,d pt4 1} OM~ 111<~ ere Fool Oii Dw •u. '~ t....wnl I' 1~ Air A.td ~ 'Mle basic choice IS between 1>01 ecl11e1 "•niec "•"''-J If:!., ''"' 1 THld~" th '°"' AJ '"°"'''' II tlorl.\ bu! ere , .. Foll Cr"I 11:t.l. • CHI lt~ IO'lo Tt~I' Al 1\li lU Ale G11 11 Short term COrrtcl10n Of po U· r11eni.llv1 Inter l'o:ri; J1' J ly1I J Slli jllllrm A jU ) Al1111!;1 ln!t•I U nd I 011i.r P!'lcM1 •• OI "'" I Co ~ ''~ 1d Oy11 U 11"4 lfin¥ Co ~ t U A1ii.r1oC 21 on a n n g -t e r m en •1>P1oi1me111r J " " e '•" j"' ''•"•"' [:• 1'\$ ii• 'l"nv " ~~ 11~ A111¥1SM :i. I I U .. • m .. Wllkli '"""' Fvlv-.. A. Mi 11•1 1 T 1111 G11 1~' •l't ~lee ... , l;':t.. I '°•• \llronmen a protec on wcurui., could F111e 17W 7U t~ awe11 • !' n Trtc: cl -.. 2.\t .. os1 .. ... •'hich II YOU ""~ t 111v1 bel!n PW• l'11u• toW 4\lo " R•¥m o l • h Tmcnl 11 19.., ANUl<lr-t ,»-WI .......... se C"-i.ed l•H.~j "1·u Cmo ,,, 4\~ lltCl"l Eq 11\io 11\4 Trn<nt 2•) jll Ali ... Cp 1Clt llOkl Cllldl !\Mr 1rlnl\I lllllo 11 .... lltl Cr.: 35\'l l1 TrlMo& IU. li Al5"' > J 0.11... ......k•I• ,, Svc IW. '"~ llkldr u 14 141'.1 Trlco Pd ~ Jl ~,E, .. r N T l l . L b £:T~r' ·~= t~! i~ Ill =:ii e': R" iiv. l~::~·. ,:l~ ,: :+:, " , 20 . or r1t111 metkutO I'll E'I 1"-Wt ::elli!M ~~ 111 ~= Fd ~ ~tt ~: M!rl t: ·xo1• e •ng a -rlidOwn "' com-'°"' 2 211) llOY •n 2h 7t'o Un llll/ll\ 21' 21\'t ~I'!!,,",~ a.. Ii It A1~~n1 l\lo 2 c;1j11~11i1t ,~(~ ,1 =~~" ~ ~te ll~ 8~ ':°:~/ J~ :v. :J1I: sf DI 1 Inf lat;Oll Goes Down r~~r~.£.~ illlli~ ~~.f ~~:;,·,law .. )~~· :1; 1~ i~~~~Pll: l~ i~ ~J i~i~ il~ ~~i ~l~o:~~:~ It "'"' 11} f"l IV. i1 l~ J(? ~ 81~~ 1~11 ,! ri~ ~;'~. f.tt M (p ... ~ ••1111 1"6 nv. •!111'1 H 19 20 VII LO ' n't Arn EJ P11,!0 "Der'-In S.. • I'"' Mtt 35\li 3' rloto " • •I:. Yen<:• s1 u t H I$ Am ~H .:1ir AC..._ El 7\.'i l \lo r-Ml Uh l~ ... If ~ 1~ 1114. V!1l•001 6t1 1'14 AmeH pf)JO \VASHINGTONIAPI-JI has co me to my at.A11s111 ,.,1 ... rnfl llE 11 rR!o 11Cmp ,,,1,WK11 Rll '20 20v.Mlrfu1r.t0 Air llldvs l Po •-P• 4~ "I' ~Mltn 1"o Ht Wldlw P 16 11V. Mn Alrlln I Ml President N1xoo has followed up his Labor Da y 1o1001ng of nnllonal union leaders by tell tng them he 1.s doing everything possible to combat the highest unemployment Jn nearly sue years And, Nixon said 1n letlers to nearly JOO unton chiefs who dined with him at the White House on Labor D a y , econo1n1c signs indicate that lhe nations 1.1orst 1nflat1on 1n 20 years is slowing do\\ 11 The letters \vent to AFL-CIO President George M e a n y spokesman for some 13 6 milhon union members, and other labor leaders who al tended the dnmer I want to assure'-You that lhe Nixon Adm1n1str'at1on 1s doing everything 11 can to wage an effective right against unemployment-and we fully e1pecl that our eflorts will prove successful ' Nixon s tv.o-page letter said Meany and other union chiefs have supported Nixon s Vietnam pohcies but have 1n sisted his economic policies are creating unemploymenl Wood Firm Makes Sale In Hawaii \ention thal a good many or Alrbrn F lH' II~ rwlh In 6\1 ... ¥( Glll S'l 6\lo W1ll1 911 11 11~'t Amllffe .itt Albff H :ho ' ua•d Ch J>o •\• ev.., U• ol& 't •11> W Rt* J~O 4, A8r1oc11 1.10 the conversations during the Al1Mrt1 • •1. Gull 1n1 '"' 1i.. ~""°" S>t s;, wer$11w • 41~ Amlldc:• l l'O A(;.ol•c 4''i S • Gv•D<ln 7li l~'t ITlltll M 1 tt., W1'11 NG ljV. l•t~ Am Can 220 evening between represeo All<11 Llld 1J1' u H•fttl~• s 11 20 olld s1 s ' , Mo wu.11 RE 1. tv. AC1n Pl' 1 u d 'II' 8t¥ 3!1 l l H1¥tn In no l\1 C11 w11 ll'• '', w,1 Tr l~'t 1 Am Cl!m Ai• tatlves of governn1ent an you A l<!d E<> s:1. S\o H1nreo F 1• 21 , oNE '~' 3•~ 3<\, w~bto 111~ tv. 1ov. A Ch11n 1 6U f AIOfl G.o lit 4~ Herl! Co 21• l\I Soun GI 73 13, Wek:l!rn l \i ti~ ACryWe I .. and your colleagues rom Amide 2v, j lh Hkloc Int J) lio sw Gico lllo u~ wtun11 M ,~,, 11 AmCr•n 1 u ··• j bo ••• d Am B""n 10t1 1 to Hlhhvn 1 1'1 !w EISvc 14, lj W•J<•I '° tl• t•'i All\ 01,1111 I organl<.CU a r cen ..... e on A El Ltb l 'lll ' Molm EP )2 ll oecuv 41;, w1 n NA $ 5~ AOlslTe! JOe unemployment • Nixon said ::::: ~~::; 6:.~ •Jr ~= J1, JU i~n.it;.,~ llll f:., ::~ ::~: il: r,~ ~~?';lvm r t I t be 5 e th I A Greoet '9'1 .,(; H«IJ Re tu 10'~ l''" HPd 21 1' 1 WI"' Wh J 5h AmE;IPw l\M JUS wan 0 ur a A Ml!<lklt I,\, u Howrd GI ' 1'1:1 l!rl9 Sir tl.l ICl'I Wisc PL 11 .. lt Jvn Enlll • You clearly u'lderstand how I Am T1t¥ 16 16!h Howm In 11\, '"' srr1w c1 :n ,,, 1~1, wr111w E 71, 1 ~Am £•• 1'111 ' AllhellS B IO\~ IO:ilo Huck Mf 6\."J 71~ ~U~ fy :lo 1~• Wrliftl N 21\I 21\o AE•lnc:I OIA' feel about thlS matter he :~~:"t~ :~: J~ ~:= ~=I ?~\•n it Sulldll F ''"" )11,Yrctn1 E I\' •\~ ~g~~~n~flfo :ia1d Arden M n o ~ i. H<,1r1t P 7'!. l\o AmHolsl 10 ArMn 11! :tt HY~!! Co 19 1 10 -A Home I 60 In my view no level of Ark N<:JP l~i 1 '14 Hva11 1n1 ~ 1t. A•m"~,!ft0' ,1 Arrow H :1'9'4 :It HYO. Atn l l , ,,_ unemployment can ever be ArV1111 1•. '\ 1m111 sr 5\k •, Arn1nvt$1 50 bl , A.CC 801 2.5t\ 2&? lnc:I Gt 26 26tl AMe1Clir I «I looked upon as accepta e, Au•o Sci '' 5. 1nc1 Nuc• 111, n~. :;,e1~;,c:: ~ Nixon said a:r:. A1 1:,: ,t,: :::r:.'fod 0 1g:• '1. MUTUAL ANllG•s 2 10 Th I bl t h 1111 P&lnt •U 4~ I"' c .... r 6h 1 ~WJt=•o 1i,l e na ion s JO ess ra e as B111ln P l'-' nlrm tn ~; ; ; Am s..i!lfttl 1 risen from 3 3 to s i percent or R:~~:~ t~ .• rsi. 1m .~::i:~ ~i ,p, ~ms~:lr,: the work force si nce Nixon Beechm 24"" 1~111 1"1 Svi '°"' 111 ' NDS AmSoArr 1G Belle Isle 1,\~ 11:0.:. I"! SY Pf I~\ 1:1~ FU AmSAlr In 10 lOOk Off1Ce, a climb Of about a:~'k' ~": ,~ 4~ i~~i:: 1.P.f 14J, Am Sid I 15 million unemployed to a r.e11 Lan '11) o v. •• Sour11 '~"" 21<. :::::sJf.,ti'•!i lllllups W e"' I~• Jacob' F "• '~• A su~ir 1 '° total Of 4 2 rruJhOO JOb seeking Blr~ SM ).t~ u,, J•CIUfn C 1, :Q~ ASutt 111A2 65 lllrlthr l\li • JI"' W11 , .. , 5 persons fll.ck HI :n 7t J1mu F J? 3l A.~~.",12 ~. BO<>W !:I 7'\ ~ JlrflilW 10\• 101;, •Su -'It IS regrettable that !he Boll Ber ,,",·,.~JI!,., Fd• )\It 4 5tptwn"r n INTGN 1st 1 21 AT&T WI l oo!lle C \, "'Jhnsn Pd l'O', 2l NEW YORK !APl In¥ CllA II ?t 11 lt ~~s 2 ~ recent transitions 1n the 11001 AH 1' 1'11 K11~r s• n,, u,, -Tiie 101iow1,.. " .... Inv Guk:I 11s 1.u Aww"' " •• hf f Bos Clio 1v. I 11'.• s51 ..i 0 '"" 1nc11, I" " economy-due lo lHC S I l rom BrlnK! In JI ll\'t Kl!Ylr 2l 2• tall""i iuPl>ll<!d r lrwti 8Cll 1 '511..t.I AW 1rel I H Brks !.le lll.4 Jt\(o kl1t Grn ?l1 31~ tlle N11lonll Ai.soc in..-s!c.r! Gr-Am Inc. a 1o1 art1me to a preacet1me Brwn ,., '"" ••K1vsm ,>,, ',.."ffi~··:~tc.,1~ wtif~ 10s nc11 1.14 406~:::::1~ :8, bass d I Ur Stl1Jggle Bruoh Be II 111/t l(eer T '' > "'~"' ~ecurl!e' Miii 181 t" AMF Ill('° I an 0 0 BvckeY '>,:, 1\0 K11el! 10~ ?l ! CO\/ld hl~t beoe~ 5PtOV 3 56 l 11 Amiee .ID against 1nflat1 on-have heen :~~~0,CP5 2j:-; ~i ~=~ " ,~ 10 •old 111101 or l>0\/11111 10<.~ 1611 n s1 AMP tn~ ~ ac-mpan1ed by an Increase In !IC le~s Io l't. Kevt Flh 11 11'~ (1P.t'd) Tu~sCllYA ~ e~1:C',.y :tt :n AmPI~ Corp '-v II W Sv ?JV. '11,i 1Ctv1 CU'o 1~ 'J lJ ': lld ' In~ illtih J n 4 1' Ams!ect l 40 unemployment N1xonsa1d 1mco 15 !t KeYst PC 1•, 1,At1erun 1711 '41s111 11:1111nAmit1 l2 1,_ M 63 -Kint '"' '~' JV. Admlrlllr l"ul'I01 lyy 6 SI 6.s1 An.tcond l tO But you can be su re th at c1nnM e ~•i '6 Klnos El 4 •'!-4 G•w!h 561 •1S J Hncoc:k 671 117 Anch Hock l d t II ~1nr1d 16 1J ~Irk C11 ,li'! 2:,,. :::" :C J~Johnitn 11111111 ~oCf.'YSv1 ~ my a min1stra 1on w1 never c!: ~ "~ ii. 1c:::':1~1,vo• , ... l:\.l Aov1.,, 463 506 K.'Z~'rr: F~~i 161 A11o1<nt<P 25 follow an unemployment C•P 1n1A 1~0 3 tMC O•! 1,. 1i.:.Aftn111d 60 100 cui e.1 110011 ,.A1><:o011 1.l11 C111T(h l l'>Lentf In ':p'''~Alu1re '15 6?< Cu$ B? 117'1tt1 APL Corp strategy 111 its approach to the c1rr ot~ • •,~\· L•"" 111., 1 • 4 ,i,11 "m F " 67 cus B• 1,. 151 APt. 111 c1 °' , h d C1r11 81 1> tine WO 6 ~ 1 ,i,1is1111 9»10 Cu' 1(1 IO'I II' APL pf I JO economy e Sal C1rlr GP 21 1~ 221 tnon I 1 1 Alph1 Fd t '4 10 Cu• IC1 4 H 4 19 ARA Svt 1 06 Some critics have said Nix l:1f1 ~:p f>,: ~t-~:~: L";j l!'~ ~ ~~caBu1 ~~1 ~U ~~: ~~ 'Ii:'~~ ~~~:I:~ o~°f I fl t I f Cente~ '6h 77 .. l~ Co.ti )V. 1~ Am 0¥ln 9 13 9 91 Cui SJ 6 u 7 OJ Arel! Din I ' on s a,) I Jn a ton po 1c1es u f' nu PS 16 . l1 'I L,11ur " 15 1!141 Amer E~11•e1s ,..,.. s.i 1 n 4 01 AruPSve 1 oa I ghl h h I I d 111rn1a P.J 7:U \.H<I$ BF l?''J Ji 7 Ctl'll 1 ?I 1 ~ Pol~r l OJ l n ArllN OS 20 1 money 1g 10 eres an ltlrt o s•, ' • Linc Mi• 1 , ~ 1ncme 1 JO • 01 knit kit , ,. 6 14 A•mcos1 1 611 federal Spending CUIS amount Chm Lt• '," •,l'ILoblew ''' ru lnv.!'1 791 1&71Cnck Gt 7.SO 111Annco 111210 (llft Ind •loll t:dv ,,_, l So>«I 1.56 le~ Grlll I u 113 "'mollt I 60 I. a dellberale deSlgn lo cool C1"• U!ll Ub 1,., .... l!lll Ettn l' U\, SIOC.k 7 '1 • 55 l•• l'IKll ll ll u 51 ArrflltCk to Clll Bt&I SJ LWl(I! r: 17 11 Am E~tv •.1fl •stllber1¥ SOI Js.sArrnCk ~115 business act1v1ty and raise ::hr "' s, ",,' ',J! Mad Gt:1 lJ "? ll" Am G•th 5" s 111 ur1 s1~ , " 5 11 Arm111u1t 1 '° Cht !I P "" 1.1\11 Pr1y • , Sl.o Am Inv 'II '97 Lift Inv 111 6 6! Aro Corp t0 unemployment to b r 1 n g ClMdel ,•,~ ,',," M~11kr1 '"'~ 66 Am M 1 '" ~ ~J u~c Nit 11s , 'S Arv n 1nc1 1 Cl1l1 M1a ''M11m!A• "·' Aml<tG!ll l4 211u~!I llSJ511A•hld011:!0 pressure agamst both price en• \J "' ~n"•"•~ • MNnln M l • l 't Al'cho• G•ouP Lonrn, s1vi•i A1h011 Pl1 '<l Cltlr U B • ·• • ~nnor c ~1. 1 , (ep!1 6 91 164 canid ll IC ll IC AHd Brew 11nd wag~s ! lv!n M1 11~'1 15 ' Mar Mr~ 13 n o Grw n 'lli 10 26 CiPll , " '"' ... no OG l IO irk Ml 11 11'1 M <; N~~ t , lncrne 11S 11• Mui 11u11 s.i A,ss.d $111 110 '1Thel rustofOUf elfortha$ lo'(lon 1'~ 1'oM1';;;_: ?Si...16\J Fd In¥ 157 IXllulh l!iro !OSJllSl A:!dTrth 05P •--h I d lln1 Mer 6'• ·~M~ul LP I0•,11 V•nr )14 ,107Mltftl In 105 l lO;\.llllOn!'"' U1Xn tn t e oppos1 e 1rec cnn1on o "• 4t• Maver o. 1n:. 11 ~ APOI o Fd 114 1 o:i Mfillhln • 14 , 14 AllCr. 1 1 J • • N d Clow C11 1) 1 """Menu, ?1 ,,,, Aswcl• 1 15 I H 'Aiu Fd , 51 10.47 AtChY I Ill• lion 1xon sa1 (.....,,. o •~ ~,., Meolc H •I'> ', AJ!ron •05 ••3 Mfi•J Gth 101,111• All illlcl'ltll!I 1 \•e have lor example prG-COii•• c,o ',' Y ,, """" M11 1r., 10 ) A•e H011,h!1111 Mas• Tr llM u 11 Au lllth pt J • Col"" J""Mt'dlr" n\,J4•, Fud A ''' ~'M Ml!es l57 l.$1AllfldlPl2IO \\ ard and H a r r I n g t D n posed a comprehensive Man-l:~· sf. ~~~ ~I ., ~~::: t~ 1; • ~ tt~ a !·~~' r ff z:::r,:r}o ,: .. '1 .; ~ ~n:; cl:;: 1 Lumber Company yard 1n power Tra1n1ng Act which comce1,, ,',}~,.t!tMld1P• ''• '"' Sil CP •n •59M ldA Mu unav111 ATOl11C 011 Com C ·• •• M!Ow GT 17.,, 19''t flab10~ I "' I 01 Moody c11 10 t7 11 " Aurorl Proa Newport Beach has made 1ts would help more Americans ,com ~.a,• ,•!, 1,l !~ M<>I~ r.111 :ioi.:. 3' e~11con 11JI11 ~' MOOdV , 11.w 12 61 Aviom•n 1...:1 f I h f om • .,.. "'MIH VIG 1~'~ l'J Btr9 Kn! 136 13.'; MIF Fd 16l 115 Avto Co IOe 1rstsae1n l e lawauan lum find good 1obs v.hatever the com Hn11 '~' lh""0 11 ,~~ 1• 3 11~rk G111 516 575M1F G111 ,59 •HAv~o 111320 her market -tto a former slate of the economy In ad ~11,•m ,•, ,t1~'-lon...., 1t0 1 •.1~ Bolld"k :Jn snMu omG t n ••1AYne11n 100 ~om Pi¥ t lOl:}Mod Sci J 1 ~ Bl11lr ~d Jl!1674M11US GY l011 1017AY•r1Pd 10 N Be h ,.,. Mont Cn ~ 14' llos!OI' 't 8'? 7..$6 Mv Omlfl t17 ttl AYne! pf150 ewport ac contractor rhllot1 we have redirected our "" 1ns1 4,• ,••, Mom>. Pk 11 ,,,, 11~1 Fdn 'u ID .w Mut s11r, n" 11 .. AvonPif 1 10 H & I I k h I nd I CmoTl!C 4o ~p ~\t R0>lon 1U•1lMlrlTl"SI ltlltJAllKOlt131 enry urgeos oo 1~ presenl tra1n1ng u .!L 1n ot'omr .. »,41~-1 s 1n•,p,1r,,.os1n«111uNEAM11t i.11tto1 I ~. lh f st d d Con Hock 26 ., 21 Miii" Tri. 10 1'1~ Bulkk 12 36 U 5' N•I Ind I.If I.It COllS nJCfllOn vuStneSS tO e areas 0 grea!C !'lee an z1>ntrlO 7'1 IM \\toTr w1 , 0 ,-,. Bu 1oc1r. C11¥1n Nit lnY1r • te 7 DI B11tc11; W $0 tslands three yr:ars ago and have expanded our youth c=~n L 11{: 1 f"~~e11<:1~~ ,;~~ 1~:: ~~'l'Jn 1;~';~ N~~aiiS:Cur ,S:[1019 ~:~r0J1J 11/1 was 1mmed1ately confronted employment tffotts Nixon ~:::, sv, l ~ ,r.; ~~f~irF• ~ •• ;~, ~~'wvn~ 1ll:l~in ~r:1~ ;~i l~ G:::t, 11;rc~JO ~l{h higher pr i ced con sa id frw1ra 1•,•111•MYe• LE 21 ~21 asM Fd 6'6 '°" Grw111 191 6MB1nvPn1 !JP rfll Mot •• ,.,"ICC Ind •h .,,cG Fd 1n ... Pf Slk 11117681naP 911 structlon materials lie learn Congress has not ac ted on ~',',',! 'cMo ..! , ~~ N""'" c 11v. 11 , c11~m• 6t• 1u. 1~eom , " 4 11 Bk o1 c11 1 l.t d •• 111 be h d b ' .-"l••t'•r Ill ' 10 CID! Inv 21\8 316 Stock 10t 115 Ban-ofNY 1 e u•at a um r a to e his JOb-tram1ng bill r,"'''" ~ i • ~i NCrn<> c11 1~. ''~ C•<> 1 s~, • J~ 6 m Ner Grth 1" 1 61 ... ,,,.,, Tr 2" rid( lh Us d Y1>•e1 •-.r11F~! 1~ 1& Cen•Shr10 '"10 t5to:euwCet •U 457BarltOlllJll 1mpo e rom e an Our E1nployment Service l'l,•AA, LA,• r• ~ N~I G ... O 16 16' cn1~n!no "ndi Ntuw Fd 1141141 B.lt<J Cill " fl lh sh Pp n I d I 1n ¥ '"a! Liit '' ~ '1 • e111n 1n 11 H IJ New Wk! 11 n n ll Bislc Inc. IO a er e 1 I g cos s an a has estabhshed a new ear y o,•,•,•, 0o~~ ,:.~ ,: : Nin ,".eo 1p, 111, r ..... s1 ••A 1 60 N ... ,.... n nu" B•sk f:lf 7 50 senes Of mlddl. men 'he I fl d _,. "II• t 1>, ~ Grw!h 4 '1 4..lt Nici! Str1 t ?I t t1 O o MO warning ayo proce ure::i so na111tn ,', '•" ',~·Nat s• 11: 1 .... 1~tom ~ 11 , ., Nore11t "10 u 10 ,',"MO •-0 P ed lo be q le h gh b b f D1¥b • • I.I ~~ I • , • Sio«I 1 JO '"' Ocneph 'u 615 I e• ... rice prov u1 1 that it can do a etter JO o o.~ Mir 1s·10 l••j N:l 51:; '" ,,, c~~ie Gr t1~· omtn• sn 591 B1111 1nc1 \Vhen Bourgeois got in touch helping unetnployed workers g:;n; !~ t! ,:1l ~j"N~~ l~: l~': ~~~J ~:~ t~~ lri t: 12 ~~~.~ ::~~~iL~1.:J \\1th Ward and Harr1nJ1:ton he lhe President said g::~~ ~~ sf~ '~. ~l•r!nA F r.. ~~ t~~~d '~ :! f~~~ 2~e1fmS H :: n ~ ::~~k1·: !& learned that he could buy lhe By lhe •nd of !hi~ nion!h ng::" ',•,~T 1:~· \~; Ni,: J,8 3 • l• , Si>tcl 1 u '13 0p""n" 1 ~ 1 JO Be1r1nas 1 I be N 6 h d , fh~mcl 1So1D ll ll()op AIM t !I t91 8eatFdf I um r1n e\vport eac an y,e plan to have 66 com,' •• ,••, 1J'1i'"'Nr•r ,r. 1" 1~•.co1on11t ores., t 2110018fo1rF<11 Pl• I h I h d I ! NF cu 2 . '~ fQUI¥ J•l 31~ Pece FnO 100 1'5 lllckm:in JO pay o a' e 1 s ippe 0 puter1zed JOb banks n opera Q,•,,• ,;,_• 1~,: 1~ ~ NP~' G•• 1•• 11 , Fund '61 10 so Peu• 111e-1 '53 1 u Bt<t 01e1< » H f r less than h C Uld •. NW N~IG I ,, J Grwtl! s (II 5 ,5 Penn SQ 711 111 8ff(.~.... Ult aw au O e o t1on speeding the re-r:mploy o~r,,c, M ~: ! ' NV/ p •Sv 11 1 1~ 1ncom 'n 1" "~ Mvt l t' 111 8ek:I Pei 50 buy 'l rr-lumber dealers 1n D~. N cl 1t1c 6' M~ v~n J '' 4 ll P11111 11u1111 BeJRn 1 .o v•" ment of the unemployed he g~•~0; 1T11o :ri ~o~1o "'' 1 t Col G•lh 1n10 1ontpu9r1m 1tl 161 BefdnoH Mlb the ts lands said DQ~le OB 10 1"1· O~lo WAI " ~ ,, ' '°"'' I!~ '31 ,• J.: Pine SI 'IO '" 8'11 How '° So h d d ""000 bo .o 0,,,.. NL !' J 0<!1 ScB~ 1• ?n ~fwllh ,1,5 119 Plan l':nl ilM 61C ltll lnlercon e or ere '"' ar.. In an erforl lo, .. ,, lhe n·-•ln 0 ',,'",l 'o,o,,m.,~~. 1 . "· wn~ c ''' 15'P1on Fnd 101,11 1oaem11co1 II be I d o w" , 1~•11'• om<> A• I" '1GP111n Inv •301016Bel'IOa l60 feE'l o um r rom \\'an! an pa11> or uncmploymenl •hen ii ~~r1f:':1n1 ''; u \! C>n"'c NA ',. 1o.i comort s •• 6 s.i Price F~n01 Benell• Pl J II t bid h h I I! 'V • 1'~1 ,.~,,,.,PBdlOG llO Grwt~ 70671'\6!Bet11C1>l611 arr1ngton o u1 a c urc doesoccur lhisadmini slratlon ~::lcsi."' ,~ ''"••'•'•"•" n ~n·J omo Fd Bll '11.' N Er11 1u 1i.a,;;".1111u so In Kahul Ul Hawau nod \\1ard d h ,,1111 L~lt ,, I 1q ' •2'1 41 ~ Comsik 1" '" N Hor 1110 1110 Benen "'' 30 has propo se -3 n d I e l'our s~s •1 '"° ~llC A11to ~~ 6 o Concotd 1QH101f Pro Fund 153 '-" B .J JO and Harr1nnton learned lhe 1n ,, •••E' 1• , "' 1111( F•"' :<> '> 11 " !onllll '" • 1s 10 15 P•o Poru unwrall ,.'"" ,"' ' Congress re ce n Ii y enac P • ce J, • ~ ,,,.u "'' 1se •JI Provdnt '°' 419 nsue lJ lcac1eS of dehvenng gt'IO(!s ~'ro~· S~ f ' :u 11:~~ l'o ? • ont Giii 1 IC I Ill Puflt1n t •1 t 71 !,~-. I,'!'. led lh. most lmporlanl e' •-> ,,_ Pa •r Or I, 7>.i c.rtt ld 1• II U !1 Putn1m Fulldr. ..... .., '"' half an ocean way via tilatson -d h 1 ~' 1 -~~~ w, f" ... :~"" H ,,~ '~ en"' ''" lo u n 2t E<1uu & 11 111 aermec Cc.rP Pans1on an strengt en1ng o "-, " 1 P ~ , , cr n WOIY s" J 11 Ge0t• 11.ll UM ae111 sn 1 tD Steamship Lines Flctc11v 1 ' • 011 rr, 1• • I• Crn woa1 s tt • s• Gtih , 11 t.n &It ThrH '° unemployment insurance ~1 ~l'rlmsv' ~' ;~ :~:;,' 'M1 ,,, o\, <'evoh 11 Sol 'lll! 5e • lll(om 1 u 111 11ac1< Ok u OnlteGruner a\Vardand II I h IO llh r FIOl!A ,, ·~·O~tr ••r ,,,,h D•lfWft•tGroo.10 lnv~tl 6106'7 Bl11rJot>n ,. Harrlnglo" -ploye in charge le en 1re IS ry o c p o-Fl Moo~• 1,, '" Pa Ena n '~ 1 ~ O-t11 in" 11 •l v111a , u 119 a11 .. L•11• 1 ~" g • N ddCd EmoS 011 11 , P ~ "~ GAW t•il "" g~twr 11 '1 12.15 Vo¥•1 S 11 6 ll Bk!Ck Hill 36 Of 'he Opln'on 'aid Iha' 'he ram 1xon a Fner•¥ c n , ?!,,., P,nn P~c 1•• 1 , ~n~ ~ '' i fl Revere tel 'at Bl~• Btll l JG di h H '~ ,, .. ~1 We .,, 7 ... 0r•KP! U0012(1(1111nlrtl 12Nll00Bobbl• B ... , lumber had to be -nvcrled tn Various price in ces s ow E::~ 1 ~ , ..; Pei roll! 31, Jt•. n .. v, Fd 11n.11v111 ROMn1n 't6 i,. BClflnQ co "° w h n I d E '~ I "'~RO I l~ ,, o"~· LY llftlYall Sllem ~cl •70 SU llol!Cli 2Sb to unusual quant1t1es for wood t at in allon IS sowing own ~:w~~r.. I'• ' • Pftll :S~ ,,,., ,,,., e~1o~&How1ra Schll1tr n.t1 "u aono eno , nd be r d C 'ors 010 1•' ,,..~ llftel!D'I 91, ••~ B••~" • n 10 O'.I Sf\J(l<JH' Funds Bond Ind 17 -cubic reet and pounds a a num r n tol 1 11 ~~~1 1 o:c , ' ~. PIMrtn ~'• ·~i. Grwt~ 10 tt 111!\ Int lnY ll It ll Ji t:'.dtn r 70 The Y.ood had lo t)e loaded now shov; that econoi;nic !IC ~: .. ~7-" : : !i. =~" G~l1 ·~~ 1;." s:.~ ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ::v n ,, 8c.r~":: ': onto four racks provided to us -t1vlty I~ stepping up Nixon ;~;,;/~ ,l.: 1; : ~;:; ~I~ ~I; ;1• e:;~r 11 ll :l ~ ~iv st"~~ •.SS ::r~i.1.! 14 bv 'l.l•nn Lin es " Giuner said Egret 1a .. 11 'l fouiv '" '°' Br•nltAI• 50 ·' Fmra k '" 512 lnYflt 107 lj:I BrlDD51 2«1.e •• Id Th' Only re'I Problem' En•rtY 11 S• II 5.4 Ultrt I ti 6 1 8rlfl Mv 1 70 F.n!~rse '51 $fl'\ Am )I •OS BfjJIMY el 1 We had Were " llh Malson , lciu!tr 1 al a IS 1 PllCS lj \1 u u Br 1 1111 •k " I D Ii OIJI Gth 116 16' !.frn!t Gth I l!ICI Br Pel lnAll r I ns for lo.·' ng lh• F e au! Pro l u 3 .. ~l'llm Fd • " I" BW'I H•!e fl) Spee"I ICh 10 UI a1·m nco111e ec 11 J!t• Uh1jJ4 ..... 1r Ae ''J510l'9 BdwYH1I plJ lun•"•r """ '" 11 11 ' " " '"" " ' "" •·•~ •• , \!. '1 ~ 0 C11> Ur.Ifill ~Ill~ I IO t 21 8~1vnUG " The fl't rack' P-'"ded by F• rte! 1 3' t 21 Sl!>!"'I f'UftdS BroW!I Co •v•• F~•m Bv tit l l'f (~1111 1'>3 191 lw"Sn1r11 )0 ~lfll ~Oll ate the size of semi F Ft'd Grtn 11!71J5t Inv••! .,,,06' ,wnS!lof ,,,• I Calif • t r11 ca11 101t1' rG t nnr '" t6J IVll$wk !ruck ir:ulerS and l ~P \I St'! 00 n 01·ma 01·ecas 'Ill 'und l],i.41~tl ~Ifft 9 IOI IOI 8uc¥E• 110 wheel~ 1'he racks ~ rrc loaded ~1~1J(i;:' f.lJ 22 13 ~=~~v '"G1 'i ;~ ~ l: ::: ~e 1111:o at \\'•r' and Harronglon •y ovnm l .ff l •l So¥1• In¥ 1 2• 1J olO Buduet '" '' " ... '' ll'IOU•1 l ll ] 70 !P<:•r• 5" 6 $6 B::ttForQ I 10 hand ;,inti lowed lo lhc \\ailing California farmers v.ill srt J)C!rcent dcerease lo $990 ~n.':'1 ~ ~n ~:=r:"$¥' ,:~~~ll l~n°~··::,mor Shin In \\11Jm1nglon m1ll1on F\1F] f 3S ln12 Steeom1n Funo1 BunkR 111150 another gross income record Fs•1n ,, ••s 1111 Am Ind 3" lSt aur1 llld 110 The\• are stored 1n lhr hold Id llio F11 1 111 , l7 1 °' F!duc 1 <f , iu aurtNor 1 "' in t9i0 according to Bank of The cronom1sts S:'l '" ftS!lr. 1 i. 1,. Flt!uc s ,, , °' 8ur1Ner ~· u or the ShloJ In SUCh 3 Wny that gBlllS of fl•id crop~ and F•t ~lulll I 10 I f7 S!fln 110. Fiii fl0urnelv ~ I h hs I h t B t lh "'' .. ~, •«! ~" 8•1 1i1J l61'] ~Ill -1hcre1son y 1hree-e1~t nc Amer1caemnom1ss u c hvestock rect:ipU ~ill beF.i11tr1J4'11lll11 i•P<» 1:i.1u cle:irance On tach .!Lide SO Utt mounting production CO!!t.'i or the ~~: ~:.: ! ~ S1111 hl(l~GI Ill n 111 ~ C•bo! Ce Ill " -d I v lock \\ 1\1 result labl r II ond nut sec-™ G h l" '" svl'IC'• 01 1 M • °' 111'"" M1111 l"mb•' had lo be pe1 •ectly offse! by dtcllnc~ in Fr. o1~ •., s" s111>1ns• •1 tt i" F•n1n1 sto:1cked on the racks Gruner CTOPl an 1 es vege e ru ~ovnci') 111 111 TMR Ao t11 10" •m~RL "• In a decline in net larm 10 tors F&.1'1o ltl •is T1e~hr1 \l' 1'1 J~l~w 1 13 s111d Fr~~\' n Groll~ fKllft(I ,, J ~\ dn PIC , 10 The tr:insactl'>n had 10 b(' come for tht second ~e11r In a Ve1Zetable rccttpt, are ex 8rw~ lVD ltt i~:'G, ·~r' ~.~ ~11'fii'"'20 • bel led I drop lhree n11rccnt u111 I ju,_ MR '' ,_.4 Ml II 10 completed with ca~, ort ro\\ pe:c· o ,.~ = ~ rren ~~· lYi lid ~D c s11u• the lumber could be sluppt(f The f'COnom1sb sit1 to'lill Md the ffult and nu! sector IS ~:. "Mui 1,;,1J 1 ,5 t~ ')",. , " 1; io g~l!'.t' ~so The Fine•! In Pipes, Tobaccos And G•fn SOUTH COAST PLAJ:A l:W'll.....,... ..... "' .. ., c .. Phone, 540-1262 """h farm rcc<!lpts f o r expected to show • five per """'° 1..c GrP T-C G1 '" 1.., c!~:;~ lll" ....... ~ cmtc 11' tOt TwnC !nc: !" 411 Ct1hforn1a·~ S7 000 f:irmers ecol decline in ~ales /:",t(lj 18n" ,l:: ~~llrt MIFI U ;:: ~a~•~112s Wiii re.ch " 42 b1\Uon 1n 111711 Tht" e<:Qnom1~'5 lo kt !hf! pifo1 1 ' 1 " un c~P'll 1 • t '1 ,',",[t, :',; ., """° Am 1••M.31 Unlltd l'ullds • ·l• 20 a one peretnt mcrtasc ovt':r blrimt for the decrease in Gr1"1v \14 1n ,i,e(m 11111 '"' c\''c;,.1 the 19"9 level 1 1 Crw8 11' VD"I! , 11 1 u co:co c·~ lecelpts on the hall or rising ~1;,.f,~ .i; :Iii ~!':;" 1~~ 1::.: cc c.11 D"i Bank ~01nlsts ex.pt. c I rann reAI estate va ues n AotJ 1 g ',1 IJ"" c~~ r11v•11 r11,•~,, •, J!I l'D 1 9' 166 V1!w \lnt I'll CR Rft farm income after expenses to Callforn1A ~ ~' 11tt12 !i6 v.1 L n J ~ •toll S°'"f"J~ dip below $1 billion for the The land vnluts halted the ~~F1J ,t;J:,,;l l:oT11 .ii !~ ~~tt:c\ l"" flrst tlme. since 1967 -I rour bnrik economists tafd becAU!lt' S~~ lt:l~t~ ~~Pl l~ tn 1=1!P111J1~ or short11ge.!L of (~rm mortita~e Hftl1jflln 190 ,,. ~~~1'111' ,jt ~~ "'f<M~'l'I 1 '' d •[ ~ d-·eloft. Giii LU , 03 VI' "• l"' • u etll 5"" , "' monc' An con nu~v ,.. I' H•'11C!<' ,~,. 1 a1 "'"~' '" ~ 1~" ~:::\~' ,. CHILDREN LIKE UNCLE LEN -·1 of new a•rlcutlural land l'ltffWU ,11 ttl ""'" i•w 1~•111 " i'" • ~M ""'' " t! .. t: Lt¥ B~l•?!W+"~~Tft(:'"'0 1''° d ,111 The e<'Onomlst11 predict rd ~~Ger '~ 1~:tt ~~~\' l~ "t ;: ~ :~,,,::'... iGh lo\\cr ff)Od f!r\ce~ for lht fitll ~~'Ct',,.. ,l;J ,~19 ~~v ~,~;, '"'g~~J'i bul siud lht Jos., Qf ca"h farm ~:1l''l7111 i ~ H' ~.r;~;~ ,;~ i~~ l:.1 1.J11 l'K-'tl'N" \\111 R~gravale the 1 1 o"' JU 1.t1 w...:· , .,. • "' ~~~wv, • I 1 1 ,,., I ""' .,_, •...i •1• •12 • '"'" r flnar:('lld problem• f a c n -'"''" <'•11 1 ...,.. ...r., ' ~r 1~ • • • '' 11t 0 &JIO l.ll-11 ·""~ 4 .4 ... ~ ·~ c .:1 11 f n r nh1'~ ~"r tltural 1:0 f•~ l'I Hi • ~"' ' .. "" .. ' '1 h 1--~ ' -J4 ~.., •O t •~ ..... I cconom) over t f! nu )'t:lf 1"',1,, '° .. s wor11r , ... J.JO """°NT,,.. .... .. ,au,) M)tll UW , ... cat Market . ' J ,. ' ' ' ' • ,, ' ' ' ·- .- ' .· .. ,' '• ·' • • Tuesday's r r • > • osi~g Prices-Comple~ N~w York St<ick Excha11ge µst iu 'l'!J' 111: r Co ~1·· .•• ~r.r '' .lO I.if DAil V '1LOT Engineer Heads Water: Laboratory • , ' , • .. •• ~ ---. . Wtdrn!ay, S~ttmbtr 23. 1970 .... PILOT .ADVEATJSEI ! I , ,. GAJL:Y' PILOT . / WE STILL HAVE 1970 LEFT OVERS , ' SEETHE .,_ALL NEW 1971 MODELS TORl•O'S • •ALAXll'S • L. T.D .. 'S •MA YIRICK'S MUSTA••'S • T .. IRD ' ' WE DON'T CARE WHERE YOU'VE •EEN OR WHAT YOU'VE BEEN OFFERED • YOU'RE SURE TO GO FOR OUR OFFER! DON'T SIGN ANY ORDER \Ylf,H.ANY DEALER ON ANY NEW CAR- • • • • TRUCK ~R USED CAR UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN QUOTED1DliNTON FORD PRICES. . MOST OF THE E AR ARE ' . '67 F~IRLANE G.T. $99·9·' COfl't. VI. eukl. trans., poww slftfing. rod». ·htottr. As is _.-... 1. ZDT • r 459 • '69 FALCON Futura 4 Dr., V-3. oulo, Irons. power strering, radio, heater. 724.AHL ~ '68 MERC. Cougar Cpe. V-3, stick shifl. radio, heat«. As is spe(iol. WXX 062 ''64 FALCON 4 Dr. 6 qi .. stick~· as is spec:iol. OUE.B: lO '65 MUSTANG Cpe : • 6 cyl., stick shift, rodio, heoter. As is 'Pftiol. MtU 590 '66 DODGE Dart Wagon 6 cyl .. auto. ll'GM., rodio, heol«. As is special. SW 300 '65MUSTANG Cpe. V-8, 4 ~. ~IH' sffffing, rodio, heater. ~sis Special UM 062 '68 OLDS 4 Dr. V-8, ovto. trans .. rodio, heattr. SAA 263 · '64 RANCHERO P.U. 6 cyt ... ~shift. radio, hlatw. OSf a 1·1 '67 MUSTANG Cpe. 6 cyt .. slick shill. rodio, hfoltr. lGF 662 '66 GAL 500 2 Dr. H.J. V-8, auto. lrOfls .. power steering, radio, heater. SK8060 I $899 ~799 $999 " '69 DUNE BUGGY ZOU 462 $999 '67 BUICK Riviera Cpe. -· · • V-8.111110. Irons .. po-wtt stttring, TOl!io, heal!!'. YlT '~0 $999 '65 FORD . f-600 S\AKE BODY 6 cyl .. 4 speed. 8'535F $1099, . ' $109.9 . ' ' $1599 . ' .$1999 -$1495 65 CORVETTE Cpe. V-8. 4 speed, rlHjio, heolff. NFZ 920 "' :~?. H~.~~ '"~.:~.j!!~ ow <~ilO.iog, full .,w.,, $5899 rodio, heoler, whilewoll lires, vinyl roof, lin1ed gloss, wheel covers. Low mileage. Like new. ZDT 892 - : ~~.I~~!~~,.'"'"',;,""";,,;,,. ,_ ...... ~$""9-9-ing. power (disc) brokes, rodio. heoter, whitewall tires, vinyl raof, ~V tinted gloss, wheel covers. WW.A 905 '67 IMPERIAL Le Baron 4 DR. V-8, OIJ\o. Irons., foctory oir conditioning, power stetring. $2199 power brakes. power windows, powtr 51GIS. radio, hl!Oler, while-• 'lt(IH tires. vinyl roof, rinttd gloss. wt.I e11vers. Low Mileoge. ll'G 801 . '62 CHEV. Bel Air WAGClt". V•B. auto. Irons., power s!Hring. rodio. HSJ 391 '68 FAIRLANE-500 Cpe V-8, 4 U>eed, rodio, heater. WXK 916 '67 CHEV. 3/4 Ton P.U • V-8, s1itk ~if!, radio, heater. V966M ' UllD CAR LOW AS uvER-ON-Dui-v_,_,• Dean'.. ~kw . .l-----ILL$ ......,.. ,,.,,,Milt --:'70-FOR $3699 TOP DOLLAR PAID · "'° '·"· v.a, "'"· """-•"'•· ""''"· ' . ., - • • Comper Special w,11intd Ccimper SlleM. Low miltoge. 77789[ ' • r .. • --' I WedM~, Stptt111ber 23, 1970 H PILOT·ADVERTISElt J:J Newport Artist Mi ·xes Media ~· By JAOOB COMBS Of .. Dalb' ,lt.f Si.ff Gourmet columnist to 'sculptor is an unusual metamorphosis but Glorla Terry Pugsley doesn't agree. • The -Newport Beach sculp101· and wife of Jo~n P_ujsley considers her art an ex· tcrajon ot her past oceupatlon. "They·are very s.Jmllar," she maintained. "I am still involved with A people -their per!Onallties and life iatyles," While Gloi:ia'1 consuming interest in gculpture developed accidentally-during a motor tour of the country five years ago and has matured into a sensitive and well known art, her five years spent as a gourmet columnist came about "quite• nalurSl!y.'' A journalism major al Texas State Col· Jege 'for Womeo, Gloria found a natural inclinltion 10 combine writing with homel1laking u abe cared tor her preschool dtlldnln in Escondido. "1 1e1\ like a recluse and had a com- pelling need tor adult involvement," she recalled....She !ap~roecbed the editor o""an __ Escondido newspaper and the Col!JlTln Country Flavor was born, SOOD syn- dicated to 39 ~wspaeer,. COU.ECTS'''l'JIE BEST' - ,She met falelnating people while the children nappdd, "and.' came by the best recipes any cook could hope to come by," she noted. "nu~ best recipes are someone else's favorile!i perfected and shared." Among the colorful people who con- tributed to Country Flavor was the •dfe or lhe chef for Air France whose recipe for eScargot began, "Fir~t. capture all the snails in your backyard." Aghast, Gloria composed herseU and transcribed the recipe : "Prepare a mixture of cornmeal and flour and put it in a wire ca~e to feed and cleanse lhe snails for three weeks before cooking. Add Parsley and herbs for built- in seasoning." • Th_e morning after the article appeared, Gloria found coffee cans of snails on her porch. "That's what my neighbors thought of escargot," she quipped. AU NATUREL EMPHASIZED An artist who enjoys the personal com- mitment of worki.ng with natural materials rather than mutations of form, Gloria also prefers fresh, natural food in her daily fare. "Although we enjoy the gourmet GLORIA p s -~di•h...-Hry-lo-dcaccentuate-sweets-and --------------~----'·--U,9 LEYJ'..J!EPARES MEXICAN-SE.YICHE cmpti3size nutritional f o o d w i t h my family -Joe, 14, Holly, 11, and Tamara, JO." She seldom uses canned or frozen food . deploring lhe loss of la!te and vitamins. Favorites include two r e·f:r: e s h J n g foreign dishes, Mexicao Seviche · and Swiss Muesli. Seviche, a lime marinated fish :iflth fresh onk>ns and tomatoes. is a specialty of Manzanilla, Mexico where the Pugsleys spent a year. ''I Ip~ he r.altb_y, 1-ngy taste and servl!: it with toffilla chi pa and beer." Visiting her husband's parents at a he.a.Ith spa in Zu~lch, Swi!Zerland, Gloria thrived on Museh, a stap{e ·dish of yogurt and apples. ·"J enjoy the tart taste ... the contrasting zing of yogurt and the sweet fruit," commented the artist. It can also be made with varied fruit and makes a nice dessert. The aUth~ of • wrtrait sculpture book to be publlshl!:d,..thls fall, Gloria has com- pleted a cycle, "frorri people's tastes to people's faces and back to writing~" As for a possible cookbook. 11he insists that for no\11, "Art is my bag." ' PtfUESU :1-fi6 io:S?>Mn~ yoirort I Jevel 1 .. hl•o:ootin nlllmeal Ju~ nf hair a lemon· t Ulble.'!:poon honey 1 11 .. .,.e la-rt 11n"IJP., J'"'lltetl fGol<lcn T>eliciOus doesn't tum bro~·n\ ~~ix fir:o;l fou1' in~ie"t•. lht" :orltf frui t. Serve imm'!rl iatl":IV afte1' s..,rinkli l'li: •11ch serving with fine'y ground almonds. Serves I. SEVICHE DE MANZANILLO F:q11al p11rts of: F'l'.lh ( anv boneless, mild fish) Tomatoes Onion 01)!gano or celentro to taste Chop fish into small piece\ and cover with lime juice ; let ·stand lor several ,hours, preferably overnight. , Pour ofr ··'lime and flake fish. · · Chop tomatoes and on ions, add to fish. Add oregano or celentro to.t.aste. Can be made with shrim p and orange juice. serve with tortilla chips and beer.·- PASTRY 3 cups nour 1 teaspoon salt ~~'CUP butler 1/4 cup .ice water 1,J cup oil I egg yolk Mix first three ingredients. 11ix oil with water separately. Stir i n' g r e d i e n l s together lightly with fork. Press lightly into ball and chill. Roll out between wax- paper ... sometimes add y, cup sesame seeds-: cover shells Wlth~foil, shiny -siae - up and fill with ~ans for weight and to prevent shell from rising. Bake 15 min- utes aC 373 degrees. Remove and brush with slightly beaten egg yolk. Bake 2 minutes-more. ---· QUICHE 4 eggs beaten I \~ cups hall and hall 1 teaspoon salt 6 pieces crumbled, cooked bacon i,4 cup sauteed mushroon1s 1,~ cup Swiss cheese, shredded Nutmeg To make a custard, beat eggs, salt an haU and half with wire wisk. Layer bacon, onion, mushrooms and cheese onto crust. Top with cuslard. Bake at 350 degrees. Test for <loneness with a toothpick after 30 minutes. ··-·.Mexica n _App_e_tizers~ . Hit for Any Party .People In the Southwest tend to en- tertain lavishly. And v.•htn they du, chan~ are that IOOd favorites from Pt-fe:1ico are usually the high points or the p a r t y . Empanadas, tangy lltUe meat-filled pies, are a treat that will be welcome at any buffet the country over. The tender, naky pastry is fH1ed with chopped meat enlivened with green pep- r, onion, cbo hard-cooked e s olives, ra ns, capers an omato sauce. It's a most delectable combination or in- gredients, and the hot little app!!:tlzers ac- company the predinner drink to perfec- tion. Cook, breaking up with a fork, until meat loaes its red color'. Removl!: from heat; drain. Stir in salt, eggs, olives, raisins, capers and tomato sauce. Prepare pastry. Roll out one-fourth of pastry at a time, 1/16 inch thick ·on lightly floured board or pastry cloth. Cut with a 21A inch round j:titler. Place I teaspoon of the filling on each round~ Moisten l!:dges with waler; fold the rounds in hall and secure the e 1e1. Brush tops wilh egg white. If desired, sprinkJe with paprika or finely chopped parsley. Bake in 425 degrees oven 15 to 20 minutes, until golden brown. Empinadas &'\tP.\NADAS may be froien before baking. Bake frozen '~ C\lp minced.onion Empanadas 25 minutes or unUl 1olden. .2 tablespoon{ minced green p!!:pper Yield : Approxlmately 7 dozen. 1 tablespoon son saffiower o i l Pntry ftr Empanadn ma,rgarine 3 cups uMifted all-purpose Oour 1.i pound lean ground beef ~4 teaspoon salt '' l.easJ)OOn salt I cup sort safflower ollinargarlne J·hankooked eus1 thopped ~ to 6 tablespooM. cold water ~ tup chopped stuffed olives Miz: together flour and salt In mixing ~• cup seedless raisins bowl. Cut in son margarine unUI mixture a tablesjioons capers resembles coarse meal. Sprirlklf: with '4 cup tomato sauce water, lightly stirring wilh a fork until all Chiffon Pastry for Erl}P-~•n::~-,,,;,_ •• ,_'---;flou<:ii'.-' .;i•ii;i.m;r.•ccisl?iened. Press dough Into a 1 cgf"Wrilte, sllghT!y &eaten a : vi e n llall Placeball of dough Paprika or parsley on lightly floured cloth or surface. Fial· ln skillet saute onion and green pepper ten slJghUy1 keepin& edges free ltom Jn iOlt mar1arine. Add around bed. cracks. QUICHE A L4 GLORIA ENTICES ANY GOURMET HOT .LITTLE MEAT PIES PARTY PERFECT ' . ~------------------------------------------------- ~men ..... Home News Nourishing Breakfast 1:::.~E sse.ntip I 01: ... ,~ .... ,,-.. ~" ,,. . ,. . ""::.: .. . µ,,,:By.-~~C~-----• l ~ ·~ :· '1·~ *~!f-'t~'- '!•r. vJ~t'.S o~~~ho~l's oo ? And s.ud- tlerfly. '.~fasl -_!ls ,ta '~more 1m· portafit'-·ftleal (or Ute dlifitren in your family. During the leisure days of summer a breakfast-skipper can always find some food to nibble on during the morning if fie gels hungry. But \\'hen a child leaves home rar schcol at 7:30 or earlier and doesn't get t:i eat lunch until noon or later. he needs a nourishing breakfast to keep him at his best during the long morning hours. A study was done to find out just how Important breakfast might be to achool children. Studen'ts ale a good breakfast ,; "lf:ir five weeks, then skipped breakfast f9r five weeks. Three special tests were made on the.!e students just before lunch to mea sure tfil!: difference when they ate a good breakfast and when they skippeP breakfa st. One lest showed how fast I correct decision could be made ; the ~­ cond test was for steadiness; the third measured the student's work output OD a bicycle. , , The results of these tests showed that the students were sharper in their think· i·1g and action and were less tired in the late morning when they ate breakfast. ~ The,_RP,:l qU1Mi9n is, what is a good ~ .W;ea~ -!.would you rate the .-~-1ollnilnl::tft:~ -as good or not so -..~,;,·:·~ .< ·'""'' ~'flf"' ~~ r f"1~~!.~ · · · \."Jt.:-.1. ~e ~} sugar-coated cereal ~~ .. 'h.h mu'k,. :-" ( 2. Tomato juice, crackers and cheese, ii . ~· Ice cream on·~antaloup. peanut but· tef-graham cracker sandw ich. t Orange juice, bacon. toast. 5. Cream of tomato soup, .crackers, col- t age cheese on peach half. If you're going to judge something, you need some kind of cri terion ro go by. An easy guide for judging these breakfasts is the four food groups. A breakfast sup- plying s::ime from ea ch of these groups will probably be nutritionally salisfylng. The four food groups include : I. Mnk or foods made from milk such as cheese, Jee cream; 2. Protein foods such as mea1; e'{gs;r poultry , fish, dried beans or peas. peanuts or peanut butler; 3. Fruita, and veget.ables; 4. Breads and cereals. Another criterion, of course, is that the breakfast consist of foods that your fami· Iv members like to eat. None of these breakfasts may be satisfactory for your family on this basis. The two breakfasts which are 14iist satisfying nutritionally are brea~ts­ number one and four. Breakfast one is high in sugar (orange drink. su1areJ cereal), but has little protein other tl!an that in the milk. Protein is digested slow· ly and "sticks to the rib," much lon1er than sugar. This breakfast could be f:rrt· proved with the addition of somechee.se, peanut butter, egg, meat, or fish. BreaKfast four also lacks a good source of protein -bacon is mostly fat -and milk also is missing on this menu. Breakfasts two, three and five, wllil1t not consisti ng of traditional "breakfUt" foods, do supply adequate amounts 'Or foods from each. of the four food groups. (In brea kI.:.sls two and five cheese takes ~ttie place o protem-group QUESTIONS WE ARE ASKED Q. Is instant breakfast nutrttlou!I enough lo use in place of a regular breakfast? A. Instant breakfast is basically double milk. The powder is dry milk, sugar. flavorings and some added nutrients such as iron, vitamin C and other minerals alld vitamiM. The additional food value is obtained from the fresh milk that you add. Instant bre!!<fast is quite high in protein 'ind nutri tionally is better than ,. many other breakfasts such as toast and coffee. donuts and coff~e. etc. Here is a recipe lot· a meal·in-a-gla$1J which would give you the food value of a f I f ic3HJreakfaw.-Measure1ntoTblender---1 I cup whole or skim milk, I teaspoon sugar, IA! cup orange juice. 2 t:raham crackers, broken, I egg. Run blender thirty seconds or Until graham cracker.! are thoroughly mixed and the drink I! foamy. Calories: 294 wilh skim milk: 3U with whole milk. Q. I know lhat this is the "off-season" for oranges but I thought that V1lencla.! were supposed to be ripe thl.s time of year. Yet it seems that those I've seen in the market all look parll}' green. Why don't they let them ripen before they pick them ? A. The green that )'Ou see on Valencia oran!"'e'I" dries not mean !hat lheyl ren't ~'QC. This is caused by "regreenlna'' -a phenomer:on ature-over htc•Jr----jH grower, have very little control. The peel nr a fully ripc • .bright orq1.-while--1UO..on the ltec lurns slightly green ag11ln at Its JI.em end. Jl hap~ns vet)' year. ' •• - ' 4e DAILY' PILOT Wtdntsday, Septtmbtr 23, 1~70 Good Taste Lacking • DEAR ANN LANDEl\S : lf you concur, 1 , pLeue say it -loud and clear. J need ~ia~-\e bsc~g. b Every time J include a certain fr iend ' ol mine she jumps up from the dinner r.i~ table as soon as she has gobbled down .~1 .~r food and carries her plate to the v.ri·)ltchen. Once she started to take th~ · plate of anolher guest and he asked, •'Oo ti' you mind if I finish eating ?" ·" I am well organized and can handle a ·''· dlnner for six with ease. If I need help · .. I'm not shy about asking someone to gjve !H. me a hand. ' I' This same guest wants to dive into the t: ·dishes immediate.ly after dinner •·to get .;, hem out of the. way.'' I happen to believe .,. ·tu is impolite for a hostess to leave gue sts •""1-r while she does KP in the kitchen. l\1y !'!" wishes'· fall on. deaf ears. Can you pene- r " ' I ., .. 1 ~t ;--1' ~ I r ANN LANDERS ~ ltale! -OVERRIDDEN DEAR OVER: Vtu sound plenty •rtk.'Urlle ti> ,me. Or 11 Ibis your paper pu....rty! U so, I s1gest thai you write den wbat you wOClld like fo say I• dlls cal aid rebearse tt Jiood. Ket:p In mlDd s.bt11 a compulsive "btlper." To wll yoar poi.al )'CMl'll laave to come IHI like AAa PaU.er. Gotd lock • DEAR ANN LANDERS: Abou l six mooths ago my husband's fa.ther went to ·work In a shop that employs 12 men . Apparently all these men talk about Is seJ: organs and women. Since my father· Jn.law took... this job. bis conyerQ._lion is nothing but fllth, dirty words and rotten .jokes which· he think.a ' are hilarious. Sometimes he laughs so hard he can t::.rely finish the sentence. Sunday at our house, my father -in-law got going on the dirtiest stuff I've ever heard. It had to do with sheep, goats, • chickens, dogs -sodomy and perversion with a little incest thrown in. When 1 cooldn't stand any more I Interrupted my father-in-law and told him If he couldn't think of anything more sensible to t.alk about to keep quiet. He became vuy angry and screamfd, "You have-insulted me and J am ltaving." He stalked out, Slamming the door behinq him. · My husband says I should go to his father and apologize.-I don't feet'-1 owe him an apology. Do you? Your opinion is wanted and needed. -MADGE OF TIWNDER BAY ONTARIO DEAR l\1ADGE: I agree wtt.b you . However, bere'1 1 1ucgesUoa: You coukl have made your objecUoas known by simply JriVln& tbe room. Do so, K the oc· .. Newport Friends Hunt for New Members P.Stablish1ing a closer relation between the library and the citizens is invited. Hoping tc "bag" as many new helpers p0ssible are (left to right) Mrs. Horace B. Benjamin,. president, l\.1 rs. Walter H. White and Mrs. Lock ney. c11skln sbouJd arise agaln -and II pro- bably wlU. I said nothing but it bothereg me. \Vhy \rould a grown man stoop to pick up a ....._ penny on the sU'eet'! I have never noliced ~DEAR ANN LANDERS: Add me lo the any signs of cheapness in him, but this list ol people who never thought they 'd be was a shoc ker. \Vhat do you make of ir! writing to Ann Landers. ~ -DIM VIE\V I'm a woman -in my 40s going with a DEAR DI!\t : 'lou r friend bas a good man atxiut 10 years older. I am divorced. memory. He ~calls ~·hen a penny bou gh t He Is a widower, a successful altomey. somet.bfng. I don't view this as a sign of very charming and attractive and I cheapness, but rather a hang-up from e .. ;oy his company. SomeUtlng odd hap-childhood. I ~ce nolblng to criticize. pencd last nigbt and J'd like your in· terpretaLion. We were walking from a concert to the garage when he suddenly stopped, bent over and picked' up a penny, out of the gutter. He laughingly mumbled some cor- ny cliche like 1 "A penny saved Is a penny earned ." HO\V will you know when the real thing comes along? Ask Ann Landers. Send for her booklet "Love or Sex and How to Tell the Dlfference.14 Send 35 cents in coin and a long. self-addressed, stamped envelope \Vith your request in care of the D~IL Y PILOT. A membership luncheon !eaturii1g a talk by Bill York. chief game \Varden of Lion Country Safari, is planned by Friends of the Newport Beach Library. Mrs. Martin Lockney will open het Lido Isle home !or the event. scheduled !or Friday, Sept. 25. Anyone interested in , ..•. ..,,,= ........ ' ··' Poolside Party Awaits •· Horoscope r S~.gittarius: Read, Write ,. THURSDAY '1 help lulfill ambitions. Surprise SEPTEMBER 24 source of revenue is provided. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): 8y SYDNEY 01\lARR ARIES !March 21-April 19): Accent ability to persuade. Personal magnetism soan: opposite sex is drawn lo yo.µ. 'study invest1nent proposal P'lt forth by young person. Think ahead. Don't be mired dov.·n by trad ition. TAURUS (April 20-l\1ay 20 ): ProPerty mutters require at- tention. Not \.\'ise to permit yourself to be sweet-talkett out of valuables. You can C<>mplete transaction involving land, home. • GDtlNI (l\tay 21-June 201: Some relatives may be testing • you. Show thal yoU mean what you say -and that you say what you mean. 'l'here is ques- tion about direction, ultimate Persuasion and rationality should be permitted to rule. Don't pern1lt impulse t o dominate logic. Stilndlng in community is al stake. Fulfill obligations. You will be rewarded. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- Tlec. 211: Open door to discovery. Give full play to in- telleclual curi~ity. You can obtain ansv.·e rs to significant questions. R~d and write; open lines ot COmmunlcalion. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You may hnve to perform duties "'hich have b e e n delayed. Key is to maintain ha r mon io us atmosphere. Whining gains n o l h i n g . Enthusiasm galns admiralion, produces results. . AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. LULU OF A LUAU -PromisinJ!: an entertaining evening during the third goal. Stick with experienctd birthday celebratlon o! the Officers' \Vives Le.ague of Orange County arc Individual. "wahines," (left to right) the fl•ltne&. Vernon Cirant, \Vllliam Roley and James CANCER (June 2l-July 22): Involvement with one who ~nnual gel-acquainted get-together for Saddleback College's new and return- ing faculty members and spouses \VUI be sponsored by the Faculty \Vives Sun- day, Sepl 27. 1'.1r. and Mrs. Jay Roelen will host the 5 p.m. poolside cbam4 pagne bullet al their San Clemente home. Already in a party mood are \(left to right) the Mines. \Vayne Horvath, Paul B~ennan, president and Roelen. ) . , I H ; ' " I ' ( .-:-:------Afll<S·~----~----------~----~-----~---'dl.c,raa.l_jna~•~fliruW~.ml resources may be endlng. Don't permll • 18): Cooperate with one who appears to be a visionary. In actuality. you can now create much o( your own future . Mate or-partner p r-o-v..w v."Onderful ally. Respond ac-. cordingly. Polynesian Paradise · Poolside Transformed The garden and poolside area of 111rs. Gloria Smouse's home in Orange will be ·transformed into an Island paradise for the third birthday celebration of the OUicer ' \V ives League of Orange County at 6:30 p.m. Satuiilay, Sept 2li, fal!ie sentiment, flattery to block progress. Someone may be trying lo part you from something of value. , LEO (July 23-Au1.22): Cycle moves up: take Initiative. New cont:tcts are favored. Utilize innate sense of showmanship. Slress personality, ap- pearance. Feature bright col- ors. VIRGO (Aug. 23.Sepl. 22): PISCES (Feb. l&-!\tarc.h 2\1): Slow pace. Course of modera- tion is key. Re(use to be drawn Into emotional display of firework!. Concentrate On principles. Let others make wild boasts. You gain through steady p1ce. Tiki Torches and colorful arrangernents of anthurium. hibiscus and ltougainvillea will decorate the. area. \Yhile authentic Polynesian di shes will be served. Addln~ to Lhe atmosphere "'ill be members and guests at.o >------tired in-Hawaiian--co1tumeos..-,...,---~-Mr1. \.\iilliAm Jloley or· Laguna Beach, a gra ua c 0 -la\viinon Unusual request deserves C1Jn- :sidcratlon. Fulfilling it may involve some Inconvenience But you will be repaid. _ _,,.by-tinlh o m1tances unfolds to your advantage.. tF "TtiOAV IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you are able to ll$e voice in dramatic . persuasive manner. You have natural appreciation of musir. the arts. 'iou are due soon to make" domesJ!.c • adjustment which will be ·advantageous. Gatewqy to_Fri.endship -------- ' 4ance scboolL will enterta in. The leaguc""lal s fund for the paraplegics et.. Veterans' llosf)iltil.- Long: Beach. F'unds are used nt !he di scretio n of the Paralyzed \1etcrans' Association to provide specially designed equipn1ent such as 1notorlzod wbeel chairs for paraplegics. I • LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22)' --Aecenl-f!Ulbl 11f>J'lro11-c Jf D cm o n st r ate abilities in \'1\rious dlr-eclions. Don't re~ Uicr~ is only one "·ay. ~s lo Ulld OUI Wtlo:.l l\ldl, !Of ¥OU In "'ll'I"""' l'll!t tow. ordet-tn~•¥ Om&r<'• boo~.lt!, "St<r11 Hrn1• lgr M4!11 •M WQ!Trn " ~NI llf•IMtl~ lfld fD tell'I to Om~rr A1!rrl01¥ !ttrt~, (T~t OJ.I • LY P ILQf j, flo• J?-. G•~l'll (enl•M 'Tit-, Nr,Yt<ll.. N,'I", IOD". Standing at lhc,gate\vay to friendship. frivolity and philanthropy \Vhile invi~~ Ing all interested area \von1en to join lh en1 re (left to right) the_ Ji.Imes. Mark Gooo,, car, \Ve ndcll \VdUams and Dav!d Dnvi s. tne trio serves the ~lesa-Har· bor Club und f\lrs. Davi!: \vlll Oi'>fln her 1\1esn Verde home tornorro\v for an 11 a.in. lo 1:30 p.111. J11e1nbershl1J brunch. ~ ' ' ' • ' • .. -.. • \VtdMsdlY, Stp\aalill 2.3, 1970 s AllY PUT 4 / P-T ·units the Swim With W.hi'rl of-Fa.I I Activities I ·~..,, • , ll!dllOl''I NOl•1 A "'" clt,Yol.cl to Colt1 .1M11, New1>111I 8fl<:h, Lllll.Hll •••th ,,... Ml111o11 vi.lo 1>1rtn1.r11c11 .. ore111lr1tlon1 wm IPP11r In '"" DJt.IL Y 1"1LOT Ht/I wttk. lnlorm1!1on m~it M r.ctlved by th• womtl'l'I 11cll0<1 or """· G•rM Snn!th, 1144 C•~ieli. Piece, N1wPOrl llNth, tw 5 P.m. Tllw•i· dl"f IOI pUl)li(lllan W1dMl.d1t .I is being formed and will a.m. Friday, Sept. 2S, ln'the hospitality and magailne: dox.wecretal")': Irv She41il. St. Catherine Au x. each classroom have been Mrs. Peter Koch ma,y be meet at 9:30 a.m. Friday, borne or Mrs. Irw i n James C o.r co ran, Ln· lreas_urer_, and Mrs. Robert obtained through the called at 6.)4.0357 ror further Sept. Z5. in Konn Lanes. Kiimpler, Reservations may spiration; Hap G a r n er, Al Klesielbacll .... me.mbers' donations. "1r&. m' fonnaUon . C St •1 p be d befu· 2 d 4 L. Slaughter, f a c u I t y President " o a 11 esa. er sons ma e ~ .. een an juvenile protection and safe-chairman presented fttrs. "'ishing to join. may contact .p.m. by -calling the school ly; Paul Hamilton, publici-, representative. COMING UP: pan c • k e Reno Pierotti, library chair-Woodland PT A fl.its. Fred Sorsabol at 545-office at M&-1689 ... Skating ty ; Paul Frink, legislation; M brtakfast, from I ~.m . to .1 man presented Mrs. U!roy !\Ira. Ernnt Kt1t .. 1• Adams PTA 6n6. party for students from S:SO ft1ike llamilton and Gerald onte Vista PTA p.m. Sunday, Oc. 4, In Old Taube, last year's chairma n President REPO RTS : Board members to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 29, Fults, lib·rary; RI ch a rd !\lrs. Fred Betti Brussels restaurant, l.Jguna with National Geographic CO~flNG UP: Ann ua I ~trs. Paul Ohl~n hosted a welcome-back-lit in llarbor Roller Rink . fttrs. Sharp, membership; Ted President Beach. ftlrs . Lucien Brock, binders purchased for the membership drive will begin President. school luncheon for teachers Roy Rinaldi will sell the 80 ftfarinos, mimeograph: John CO~f!NG UP: Mrs. John chairman announces that library in her name. ftfonday, Sept. ·%8 and end Re PORTS : Board members and-starf-:--. .Offi cers and cent adrn.i~ion tickets dur-Doody-and Rober·t Phelps, M h II ··-• I pancakes, ham, orange juice F '"a Oct 9 . th I h h '1 d ars a , ,,._,_..,,,"' v ce presi-and ff Ill be T f th riu y. . . hosted a lunctieon fo r chairmen serving for the ing e 1.1nc our 1• on ay ne\lo'ttette; James Schaar. dent and member s h i p co ee w served for op O e REPORTS : Board member11 teachers and starr before 1970-7 1 yeat...._are Lhe Mmes. and Tuesday. Sept. 28 and p~nt education, Claude chairman announcts that St per person. World PTA hosted a welcome-back-to- start of school. · .Cha irmen Phillip Hanillem~. presi-R29PO· RTS be Dames, program ; Roberl the dri ve will begin fttonday, St. John Aux. ''Ir. aad •1rs. Ed-ord Po•·ell school luncheon for faculty ratified are the ft1mes. dent: Robert Thom as. ~car E : Mem rs welcom· 11 .. f\1ichae l Nisbit. parliamen· Zabarsky and Thomas Lam-... ed the teachers and staff Nettles, record book; John Sept. 28. !\lrs. Gerald Walton Pr~idenls and school employes in' the tarian ; Robert Erdman. art ed. vice presidents: David back to school with a Hefiy, soc.la!; George REPORTS: htrs. Burl on President COMING UP; Tip T 0 p home of Mrs. Mark Hansen. and poster: George f\fad~en. \\'ebb. treasurer: James luncheon. Chairmen ratified Salada, teacher represen· Orloff, elementary education COMING UP: Family Ice Carnival is the theme of Uie Dr. William Cunninpam, character and spiritual : Ron Cutter and Gordon Cannon, at the board meeting Vi'ere tati ve; William Free I y, chalnnan will introduce a cream social feat u r Ing fun action day that "'ill take superintendent and Dr . Huff. healt h and iv('lf<1rc: secreta ries: Z ab 8 r 11 k y . Mrs! Joseph Sheflin, library telephone ; Frede r I c k new teacher's aide concept child ren's cake decorating place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nonnan Loats, associate Harold Ness Jr., honorary auditor: David Shulman, chairman and Mrs. Frank Kreke!, typist, and Ear I Thu r 11 day, Oct. 1 . . . contest and kiddie carnival Saturday. Oct . 3, on th e superintendent of the s_ervlce award ; John Camp. historian and publicity: Jack-P.1utter, first vice president. Corn>ver, Christmas. Certificate1 were presented will take place from g to 8 school grounds. Bumper Newport-Mesa Un If I e d Dave Walden and Rl'cha•d Ch d R b · ...._ ta the 30 studer.ts "'ho pm Fr'•d Oct 2 •1 cars, tedd)' bear t 0 1 1 , School District were guests. ' •pman an ° ert l(.1llybrooke PTA Mar01ners PFO I ed · ••· · · ay ,. · · "rs. 'I ~-' ff too-k f Chureh, hospitality: Robert Behnke, newsette; Robert part cipat in ~ft: summer C h a r I es Morgan is basketball toss, strolling · .il omers co ee Pace Wort. juvenile protection SiC'kler, hospitality: James ~lr1. Robert Riggs t.,. Bob Tdu1Tel library program. chairman ... Recipes are re-musician1 and exciting rides the first day of school lo ac· and · saf~ty: RiC'hPrrl B:'lc. Sulton, r o 0 m represen· Pl""'..sider.t President Presidio PTA quested for the second edi-will be featured alona 1vith qu aint the guest! witb the lvnch fund; Richar,rl tii tive: Roger. Knight and COMING UP: Paj>r!r drive C0:\11NG UP : Gene r'!I lion of '·These Thy Gifts" food booths. accortli~g to 1_.board m:_~~rs . Johnson. magaiine and Tom Miles, telephone; re:ter Wed Se 1 ., meeting at 7:30 p.m. tomor· Mrs. Stree(er King aux.iliary criok book. f\1rs. Jean Fal\ou, ways andi:.0----iiii-iiiiiiii;;;;;-, bl. . R Id P II' II nesay, p . .iO. Mrs. . th f t . Dr P >'d I . ''''' pu 1callons: ona egg a 11:ce, 8rts and )>Miers: Harry Finch. ways and row 1n e ca e or1um. . res en .Junior great book.~ program means chai~an . ::i.nd Ralph Jarvis. ne1vsclle: Charles Rya n. legislation : means chairman may be Les Schuck. a ss isl ant C0~1ING UP : Family iC'e for grades fourth through Whittier PT A Ray Campbr.11. pa rent Fred Sorsahol , parent contacted at MS-6571 for superintendent of the cream social from S:30 to 8 eighth will resume next education; JellQ' \Vintcr. cd ucaton: John Little. safe-pick·up. Newport-Mesa Unified p.m. ~omorrow, in room 3. week. Leadership trainini procedure book: Robert IY education; W i 11 i a m School District will speak on Food items may be purch a:t· cour.;e will start soon. J\lrs. ___ ,.J"'assomn~ouuit~si1<1cl<.<~D!11Ub"!llllic;uito:y..i•1t'n"d---!!KJiiP!lld<Jcl'°'. JJht0c:iqJl.t1tbu.anrudLJl1v!ee11lfawre:e:._· -lHtin"Nd&hbe...,,h-Pl--~At,.,---~Ra!!!!!li"'on.,,a,.1='E~d<cuJ<¥c{'a,'l~il'o2'nO'a"'l'-----'i'd~f~or~f:.-;:ive and ten ce~ts Jerome Vandewalle may be record book ; Fred Svenson Drew Im 1 er• parliamen-· ~ Improvements at Mariners. Arrangements are-being----ro0factM for further-in· ' ' and Robert Parker. room tarian : Seth Oberg·, Mn. Jack Davidson REPORTS: Officers to serve fori11ulated by r-.1rs. Hugh fonnation .... Trading m other repre.~ntatives: hono rary service award. and President are Bob Murrel, president : Tho.mpson, ways and means sta mps and coupons will be Dale Metcalf. te'tcrihone : D:1\'id Eisenman, teacher REPORTS : Commit t, e fl.1rs. R. L. Brockmeyer, vice c~a1rman. Board members collected the first Friday of Gera ld Doan and R. P. aide. chairmen ratified at the president; Mrs. G. S. Had-"'Iii serve and host. each month in ea c h . '.ri.1cGrath . 1vays and n1e;ins. Kaisb • ~TA-board n1ecting are the classroom and al auxiliary fo_r the year wi.11 be d_1.scuss. 1 I .,,..:.....r-: h1mes. Jack Ortberg, arts •n-t>'ngs. ed and qu.es1.1ons WLll be. • ••11~Am••lc•nl • M111 ... 'c:IMrwt Ba earic PTA P.trs. Johnny 1\lackey and flo"'ers; James Iverson. Lodge MeLmbers Gather REPORTS: One hundred forty ans"'erea ab<iut the unit. _n Y11r1 Ill _,_.~_L.u!IN f\trs. Phill ip Hand\eman President health and v:el fa re; Robert eighl members and guests 1 '-~ President COf\11NG· UP : Get·acquainted Vi rcsik, honorary ser\'iCe attended !he bu s j n e s s COf\IING UP : Bowling league coffee for l\fothers at 9:30 award; Richard Berkeley, F c E • meeling last Thursday .. At·I LO RAYNE JAWSTON I ' ' .. ASSEMBLY LINE -Invitations to a charter meeting are prepared by lleft to right) Mrs. Ga rth Bergeson. h'Iiss Agnes Blomquist and l\1rs. Norman Watson, president of ,Las Almas de Mardan. I School Spirit Inspires The spirit of a school i~ found in its staunchest sup. porters. Among the staunches! 11up· porters of the Mardan School of Educational Therapy, Cost a Mesa, are members of Las Almas de Mardan . A newl y organized group, the members have organized to provide scholarships for students at- tending the school. foe HAIRSTYLING by th • are.-.'1 TOP STYLISTS! 10 WIG & HAIR STYLISTS READY TO SERVE OUR EVERr-NEED- MANICURES - YIVIAN! WOODA•D cos111n1cs 1'ranslated from Spanish, the name means the Spirit of :\·lardan. The grou p is having il~ charter meeting at 9:45 a.m. on Wednesday , SepL. 30, in the Newport Beach ho1ne of l\lrs. Norman Y.'atson. The school provides a personalized and specialized learning situa tion for children \.\•ith !e11rning disabilities. Assisting in the organiza· tional co1nmittee11 art the J\1mes. Hal ~hman, Sluarl \Vilson, Garth Bergeson. Nigel Bailey, Richard Cramm, Ra y Ol son. Donald Strauss and Nancy Sarre Foerster. ~taking arrangements for the charter nieeling are the Mmes . Robert ~1o0re, W:1lter \Vhite, Evan Prichard , Nick ·Ziener. Robert Paley. Mel Rll· chley and Harrison Sharpe. THE NEW L9QK for a •.. NEW YOU! REG • ., .... DUTCH BOY $19 95 THE SLEEK • , Th, "A-Linl' 1p1ei1I -conlour•d •' th1 b1clr -•nd.,. 9•1du1tlv l•119ih1111 11 th1 1id11. H e111 •~•II b1 b ru1h1d un· der for !h1 p191 boy loolrl Of li9htw1i9ht K1n1k1lo11 '"od1- Cr'1lic. Co1•111 in f11hion fro1t•d1, loo ! The Traveler THE VOYAGER THE "GARBO" S!r~lc~ t 8P, curlr or Wiit! or .. Uhou! fNltl, l"'"I curly ICll wUl1 k>r Ille 1on9t'r loolo. t•-rtd nee~. :.'..~ '14.95 ~'..: '19.95 In les1 th•n 30 m1nute1 P.t, Je•n or Chri1 will cut •nd style your wig! FALLS F11l1 1dd !ht crowni119 to~ch le v11.ir Cfowni119 9lorv! S1~1 now 011 our 111f• 1t111d i119 11l1ctio11. Hnf\11 rn&llfl IOI' Iha lltnt }ti f11h!o11 1t-,tes. .... '29 95 1'.fS I Demi Falls .... ., ....... ~w $22. 95 18" to 20" Falls .... ., Now $32.95 \Vig-FaH $42.-95- Long Falls .... ,,, .... Now $52. 95 or ourtesy ven1ng tendane< banner was presented to room 3 B. Mrs.j Announces the Opening of her new Guests from the nine lodges in District 50 attended Courtesy Night hosted by Rebekah Lodge 402 ol Costa ~·lesa in Odd Fellows Hall. the host kxlge. District elected and appointed officers were amons those attending. Refreshment! ·were served follo"'ing the business session. Dennis \Valz. past president P"scnted the Rev. Anthony SCHOOL OF MUSIC f\fcGO\\'an Y.'ilh a $2.000 in Newport Beach Openings Now for Beginners or Advanced Students Lodges represented included Acacia of Huntington Beach. Aloha ol \Vestminster, Busy Bee of Cypress. Lois of Anaheim, Ruby of Orange, Sycamore and Torosa of Santa Ana, and the Fullerton lodge. Medical Group Every second Tuesday or the month members of Orange Shores ri.1edical Assistants' As110Ciation assemble at a p.m. Location may be ob- talned by calling Mrs. Janis Anderson, 499-2511. check fri>m aux.iliary fund· raising activiti es of last year ... Hostesses for the rnalhers' coffee "'ere in· troduced . They are the 1'1mes. Joseph S c h u 1 i s t , Frank Dietrich, J a m e s Meehan,· George Carlyle, John McNamara and Greg Kuehn . Mr s. Klau sj Gruenbcck. stamp and coupon chairman announced\ that 18 "·orld atlase , 16 lunar globes and Blbles for OR&AN VIOLIN · PIANO • ACCORDIAN Private Lessons On~ Special honorees were sister officers from the IOOges, greeted by similar officers in For Personal Consultation Call 646-6701 . • " I I • • ., ' ' '· "· . ' ~ Come 'Ii sir our '' ' We'r• rolflng out the red carpet for.you on September 24. that's the dllte ot our ·Open House, and you'r• a/flnvlt«J-from 8 to 8 p.m. You'll see the newest, moet unusual pre-schoot and day care center In America-the E8rly Achievement Center-a uniquely conceived private school for children ftom two through eleven. Children have utomshlng minds. Fiercety lmagtnatlve, enormously creative, they· are natural explorers, artiata and mualclanS. To prepare for succeu in their .future edueatiQn , they need only the chance to 'develop theee hllents-and gain personal aeet..confldence: and auurance: EAC olfen IN• chance In full·doy, morning or ·afternoon programs dftigned ~o meet your • ' . ' child's tour basic curncular neects: Language Development, Mathematics, Science and Social Living. Special after-school,, evening and weekend programs are alsQ planned for chlldren from siK through eteven. Each subject .area has been carefUlly, p4anned. Inspired leachers and administrators d~velop Interesting, exciting progr~ms that bull~ your child's self-imaOe anet direct him toWard a • greater awareness of himself and his environment., C0me out fo'2515 Welt Sunllower Antnue, In the Santa Ma arM on September 24, from e to . 8 p, m .. and He which program will meet your child's nHdl. W• promise you an Interesting and meaningful evening., Early Achievement Centers, Inc .. , ........... . , .. ' .,,. , .... , ,r • • ,. ' - IJIJIJ ?/J. ' WIG & BEAUTY _lllp, li SALON1-;-:::--/I-~--=-~;:--:~,,...-. 250 E. 17th STREET ' COSTA MES'A -. . ··------........... DAILY TILL 5:30 THURS. & FRI . T I.I) 1:00 • 548-3446 • I I ' I i - -, .f! DAll.V PILOT \VtdntSday, St~t~mbfr 23, 1970 Mesa Leag ue 1 Peering Around La Lethe League meets the second Tuesday al 7:30 p.m. fltrs. H. \Y . A1oore, 545--059. will answer question s regarding location. i. Hob os Dini ng Out ORANGE COAST residents who were members ot the 1961 graduating class of MontebeUo High Sdlool are asked to send their names and addresses to Sheery Barber, 14116 E. High St.,. Whittie r. 9060S. Prepaiations for a 10- . year reunion are beginning, TRANK De Marco Jr. or 11ewport Beach was among guests entertained with a buf- fet dinner in the foyer of Town and Gown on the campus of the University or Southern California be!ore the USC- Nebraska football game. Hosts were . Dr. John R. ilubbard, USC's new presi- dent, Mrs. Hubbard a n d trustees and their wives. BRIDAL ACI'IVITIES for Miss Pamela Heyd I au ff, daughter of the D o n a I d Heydlauffs of Newport Beach, included a brunch aJld show er ;n the Irvine coast Club Coon-Ha wa iia n Mood Settles in Va l/ey register nO\\' .for May Co's creative sewing seminars .\bou t to hit the road fo r a 11obo Hop are Laguna Beach Ebell Club members tleft to right ) l'd rs. Gordon A. Forbes and Mr s. Norman K. Dolby. Cos tumed men1bers and escorts \liill a rrive a t ·6:30 p.rn. on Saturday, Sept. 26, for the buffet dlnner dance in Swanson Park, Emerald Bay. Music will be provided by the CoUapsible Disposables. Chairman of the event is Mrs. Douglas Kenaston. try Club. The rela'ied garb of the Islands will be appropriate attire when Fountain Val· Her future husband is Larry ley Jaycettes gather for a luau Saturday, Sept. 26. in the Fountain Va!Je y Love lo sew? Wan t to lea rn couture de- 1.ailin.f}t~ • ..Join-o ur May Co-Armo sew- ing seminars. Miss Helen Jones, home economist and au- thor. guides you .as you creJt e your O\vn dr ess in minia· lure. Register Sep- lember 21-3 0, in the iabrit: cie·partment. Three. f\VO-hou r clJsses 12.5 0 \V. \Vright of Pleasant Hill and home of Mrs. Will Spell. The menu will be potluck and the recipient of leftover the wedding ·wi ll take place funds will be the group's Christmas project. Dressed for the 7:30 p.m. event Sept. 26 in St. J ames are (left to right) the Mmes. Gary Convis, Barnett .l\1cLaughlin and Terry Episcopal Chur c h. Co-Dunkel.berger. ' ' hostesses were Mrs. Max -------------------------------- ' ! • • : ENTERTAINS · Ken Delo !One-man !show Due Ebel/ Club A OnC·J113n ShO\V \\'ill be in· eluded in the Ebell Club or Ne1f>orl Beach agenda on ·r1tUfsd ay. Oct. I. Keo Delo of tJ1e Law re nce \\'elk Show will entertain the \\Omen following their first busi ness meeting and noon tuucl1eon of the yea r in the r!ubhouse. \Velcoming 12 nev.· rnembcrs \\'i~:be !\Irs. Frank Merkel, l'6~i'\tality chainnan . Authority Keynotes Di.s t-r-ict PT A Meet ~lrs. Sylvia Bogen o f Ne'A•port Beach, noted author. ity on child development and fatn ily relations, w i 11 keyµote the first fall meeting of Fourth District. Califo?nia Congress of Parents and 'teachers. The session will ·take place tomorrow in the-Charter House. Anaheim . Friendship Persuading F r i e n d I y Persuasion, a membership tea for the Foun- tain Val/e"y Women 's Club, will take place on Saturday, Se pt. 26. The poolside event will be at the home of A-lrs. Edv.·in Booth from I to 3 p.m. Open to residents of Foun- tain Valle~·. the group serves the general v.·elfare of the communit y i n cooperation v.•ith lhe Orange District, Stall' and Genera l Federation of \Vomen's Clubs. l\1eetings are the second Monday of each month in the Fouillain Valley Civic Center. The ti1mes. Earl Corday. Joe Galiano. Paul Hope and Lee Marcotte are pruvisionals v.'ho v.·ill receive their pins during the tea. Members. guests and interested persons are in vited to attend. ~1rs. Bogen graduated with honors from UCLA and has done graduate work at the University of So uthern Californ ia and UC. Berkeley. She has served .as consultant at summer worksnops on Family Life at the College of the Pacific and UC. Davis. Mrs. Bogen is a inembe r or thC California Council on Adult Educa tion, Child Study Associ· ation of America. Association for Family Living, National Counc il on Family Relations and the Child Guidance Ce nter of Orange County. She also is a direc.tor of the Mental Healtti Association of Orange County. Group discussions on the elementary and secondary le\'els v.•ill be conducted by a principal. a council president and a district director. Ernest Pascoe, principal of Edison High School, Hun ti n g t On Beech. will serve as one of the · leaders. Auxiliary Flashbacks Champagne punch will flow al the old.fashioned social and p dinner honoring husbands and guests of the Women·s Aux- iliary to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Los Angeles Section. Olsen <1f Newport Beach and ti-1rs. Thomas Lenoon 0 r Garden Grove. IN A WHIRL of bridal ac· tivities is Miss K r i s t i n e A-1aland, an elementacy-school teacher in Fountain Valley. More than 24 guests attended a shower given by Mrs. Herb Maland of Nen'PQrt Beach, the bride-elect's aunt. Mi ss Maland and her fiance, Lt. \Valter Stockman Jr. of Laguna Baecb, have selected Sept. 26 as a wedding date. Surfing Illustrated Classic surfing films may be viev.·ed at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 25. in the Fountain Valley High School bowl. "Surfing Hollow Days" and "\Vater Logged." films by the noted Bruce Brown, are being sponsored by the American Field Service Chapter. The lnternational Club Will se ll popcorn and soft drinks. Funds support a Foreign Scholarship· student and the Americans Abroad Program. David Mazzo la, a Fountain Val ley resident, is in Cordova. Argenti11a. Living with an American family while she at- tends FVHS is Maria Christina Alzate-Posada of Bog o I a , Columbia .. Bethe l_ 313 \ Stays Busy Go-to-church Sunday will be obseryed by mem~rs of Job's Daughters. Bethel 313 of Newport Beach Sept. 27 in St. Andrews' Pre s b y te r i an Theater Evening Planned An evening al the theater follo\Ved by an after.glow par· ty has beai planned for the Harbor Area Legal Secretaries on Friday, Sept. 25. "The Impossible Years:" a production by the Costa f\.lesa Civic Playtlouse. will be viev.'- ed at 8 p.m. in the Community Center auditorium on the Orange County F'airground~ The after-glow party wilt be in the Temple~ Ga rd e 11 s Restaurant, CosJa l\tesa. A1rs. Albert Eccles, ways and means chainnan, will ac· cept reservations at 646-4844. Proceeds will go to the Foundation for the Junior Blind. Workshops On Agenda Orangen•ood Regional Coun· cil of Epsilon Sigma Alpha .sorority will meet at 10 a.m. on Saturday. Sept. 26 in the Royal Coach Motor Hotel. Anaheim. Mrs. Richard · Lytle. rouncil , president, has selected the Bridge Builder for her theme. Three workshops ,.,.ill take place including C h a p t e r ProcWure. Phila11thropic Op· portunit.ies and Drug Abuse and Our Childi-en. The council includes 16 chapters from both L o s Angeles and Orange Counties. Statewide Honor s Tribute Paid Founder A memorial tribute will be paid to the late Walter W. Ross, founder of Beta Sigma Phi International Sorority by members and friends of the ticnts . Beta Sigma Phi members in Ca lifornia have contributed more than $250,000 to Cystic 1'~ibrosis research to date_ l Jkewood: October 5,7,9, 10-12noon Co~ta Mesa : October 5, 7, 9, 7-9 p.m. Na~ional Cystic F i b r o s i sq p;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.;;;;;;;;;,j Research Foundation ·and the sorority on Sunday, Sept. Tl. Laurel PlazJ: Ce remonies will take place simultaneously in five Cystic Fibrosis research c l i n i c s throikhout the slate from t to 3 p.J.. Children's lio.s pi·tal·of Orange County will be the site of ttie gathering for area gro ups. including government, medical and social officials. A ·portrait of the founder \Viii be presented to the clinic at 2 p.m. and demonstrations will be given throughout the afternoon of methods of treat· ment for Cystic Fibrosis pa. Varied Events ln memory of Dr. Helen Schultz, past matron o l Laguna Beach Chapter. Order of Eastern Star. a musical program \viU be presented by] John Dyar. The public is invited to the event at 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26. in• the ~1asonic l Temple. f The Star Club will meet in the temple for dessert and card play tomorrov,. at 8 p.m. and a meeting \1•ill be con- ~ucted at 7:30 p.m. Wed· nesday, Oct. 14, in the home of l\1rs. Bernice Franke. DTERY Oc1ober &. 8, 1 o. 1 :30-3 :30 p.m. MAY.CO ••• d•••lnlllll GRADE I -I 00 °/0 HUMAN HAIR WIGS • PALLS CASCADES • WIGLETS Delo v.·ill present romantic ballads. up·lempo t u n e s-: musical cornedy. nov('lty and fol k songs. He has been in Las Vegas Recreated The La Canada home of ti tr. and Mrs. Robert L. Graham will open at ·5:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 26. The guests, costumed for the turn or the century, will be served at 7 p.m. A barbershop quartet, the Visionaires will entertain. Ch urch. ,;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;11 Arter services. a pancake breakfast will be se rved in the Seafaring Ma sonic Temple. ~cr!l~s stage and television uctions. pcoming activ ities include • ~ ft\•ilion Queen Cruise on ~1.1\fday. &.>pt. 26. and a r.et- ~ainled breakfast on Oc:t. '· 0 P,.1issio11 Viejo Swim snd Racquet Club will b e transformed into a miniature Las Vegas on Saturday, Sept. 26. '~hen the P..1ission Viejo \Yoman's Club sponsors its an· nual beneril party. Beginning al 8 p.m., the e\"ening wi ll include a floor Greeting guests will be Mrs. Arthur Bender, au xi I ia r y chairman, and Mrs. Robert W. Cockrell, hospitality. ~1 r s. Joseph C. Widmont o f Newport Beach will be taking reservations al 833·2711. On l\1onday, Sept. 28, the Bethel will participate in a joint meeting hosted by Bethel 157, Newport Beach \\'hen Mrs. Lucy Warren, grand guardian of California and Kermit Hallenbeck, associate grand guarding will make their of· ficlal visit. Also attending will be Bethel 167 of Laguna Beach. 8 SEA i sCHWIN shov.·. with Alan ~lcMil!en CM Auxili ary serving as master 1 o f • HAUTl,UL CLOTH IS ... '!.. • Only Sl'9h!Jy V$.-I ~ l . 17th St .. CMt• Mno et>remonies. and m u s I c a I The third Thursday of the enterlaimnent. month members o{ th c By 1111 wllo un't bffr M M '''" tw;ce i.. iri. ,,...,. drtn. C•'WE HAVE ALL MODELS Tllelr Lou -Y-G1ln Hors d'oeuvres and other American Legion Auxiliary refreshments -v.i l\ be served in the American Legion Ha.II. THI SICOND TIMI AIOUND lhrou&hout the C\'ening and Costa Mesa Unit 45S gather .... E. ,,... St .. CMt1 "'- door prizes \\'ill be awarded. t 8 o-11 " • -•U..,.. ~·::.:~P~·m'.'.'.:_·------~~""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 'rickets may be purchased- NOW! by calling Mrs. LeRoy Eaton BIDWELL OF NEWPORT at 837-6925 or J\1rs. Jomes House, 837-5633. VIRGINI A'S SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOPPE .33J°• East Coa1f Hwy. • Coron• del Mar Phone 1>73-8050 l•c• f,,,,, Ne..,. Yo1~ b11vi119 trip 111d "•rv 1xd t•cl 1bo~t th• f•brl c1 for 1priltg. It will b• •11if1 111d "'Of• lr11lh but i11 I wid•r 11l1cfio11 of 11oweltv "'••~•1 111cl colon 10\CI pri11h. Whil• ""' wtr• 90"1 lh1 91h 11 th1 1tor1 ~"pecl.ed b11utiful pri11te4 i•'••'I'• "om • courtier li111 111d P••t•I t••~ir1 i•t· qw•Nt for th• m•,... 11ph.111cet1d 111r1111 ~h. For tk lr1111di11 ft11r • 1t1 "''"'>' 111w collo11 quillt i nd milch· 1111 prillh , 1,.,J for ll'JOMl•r, ciuill•d i•r••YI ind 11 1i"i far 11 THE · MOST POPULAR ' Pll.NTs· 1, e Corduroy • Suede Cloth e Acrylic1 • Woolem e Cotton 8lend1 SIZES s.14 Iii (j,.e'J~ BE :J.a bric Bouli<j-ue 3402 VIA L\oo. NEWPORT BEACH 673-77 18 ' FALL (abric Sa~ 4 DAYS ON LY-THURS., FRI., SAT .. SUN. SEPT. 24, 25, 26, 27 flNIST 9UALITT POLYESTER KNITS llG. TO Sil YO. DESIGNERS WOl>LENS .... TO SU YD. LUTESONG POLYESTER IEG. $6 YD. ' CREPE RADIANCE POLYESTER .... ,. n . Originally $12 to $1 50 NOW .1/2 PRICE 1'111111 SYNTHETICS ' AT FANTASTIC SAVINGS Originally $25 to $49 FROM 11111 ·----1·1-'*'"' 1tirtt.l\Tnh . I.SO TO 19.00 MATIE Over 70 Display And Demonstrator' Items To Choose From , In A Wide Range 01 Colors. Our Creative Stylists Will Help You Select The Hair- piece That Fits Properly, Feels Comfortable And Lools Great , .. And Al Styl i•h Savings Too. ti S.• fey Soo11 1 \ltfil.GIN IA ,,$. M1ppf lo e1111ou11c• "th• n1illlli" it 110 more pop11l1r 111 N\w Yor•'lh111 i11 C1!iforftie. -UM r .. l •llA.nerlciarcl or M_asttt Chartt- ! I ::74 BIDTIQUE -·- JERSEY .... SU YD. SILK,IWOl$TID$ + ALASKINE .... TO Sii TD . STORI HOUlil.S ,,. MONDA Y·IATUI DA Y-9:J0-5:JO Ol'IN SUNDA't$-l l :00-5t00 ........... 46 FASH ION ISLAND, f!IEWPORT 644·2682 (Across the fountain from the Broadwav) -' • • • .,----• ,. Y"u'll love E{.RancltO,.s frge rr ]HJrls! Plump anti 'knder with more meat, ' ' .· . r-------'be=ca'<"u~seO!:'..·__.t=he 're from ki1111 size fryers •• ~ ana'lnore, flaoorful, because they're ' California grown! 'fhis week, serve Califomui ·golilen lijjer parts for a real ·treat!< ·- I Pl.UMP! ... ~~ .. . • I . ' I , • • • • , • I CAllf(INIA GROWN! ' fflfSff! TEHDEft! -.,..! •••••••••••••••••••••••• English Sole ........... fl£Sll Flum .•• ~ ••••••• ~1.29 L ·: Mild sweet fla'Yor that make sole so popular a dish! D R . t $149 ·T • ~· BEff . $169 enver oas · lb er1yal\1 ... ~ .... ~. lb . Halibut ......... r.;:: .... MllD num .•.•...••.•• : ••••• Bt· Mahi Mahi ........... HAWAIIAN FAYORll£ ........... 89t. EnjOYit--:-•• an4 reminisce about tropical splendors t Boneless Top Round ••• aged beef ••• for·the rotisserie or the oven! Top Round.,. thick steaks to Jet you enjoy the authentic flavor! Serve broiled, or !rie<l' •• or oven baked with Shake 'n Bake! --i ~ ' Green Shrimp ......... OCEAN CAllDEll •• ., ••••••• ~1.79 .. . Fla3h frozen to seal in ocean fresh goodnea.sl Beef Stroganoff ........ J'l.69,L Ground Round ................... 89~ Sliced Bacon ..................... 89~ » -~n ~der aliees off the top roun<l? Always fresh , , • choose bulk or patties? El Bancho•s ••• lean, deliciously smoked! ------ Super Shopper Grocery Values! Made from corn oil ••• flavor so delicious you'll want to use it in cooking-, as well as for a spread! l lb. pkg-. B111qu1ck ....... ~!~O!-. '!:~...... 41' A chicken dinner calls for hot biscuits ••. and Bisquick makes it so easy to se_rve them. up in minu tes! -in~06fl/JI cur CORN• PW & CARROTS fr.I/ Bi1.JUl:lu _,. . .. ~i:s.:L::r~.~~;.~~ .. Garden fresh vegetables jn a flavor sealing pouch ••• ready to serve in just five minutes! 10 oz-. pkgs.? V ·B Cocktail .............................. 39' Pineapple Juice ........................ 29' Vegetable juices delightfully blended! ••• 46 oz. Dole's ••• pure goodness from Hawaii! ••• 46 QZ. Mazola Oil ................................. 69' Hunt's Cat sup ........................... 19' Pure corn oil ••. great for frying ! Quart Red ripe tomatoes. Save on 14 oz. bottle I Spaghetti Sauce .................. 3 1or '1 Barbecue Sauce ....................... 39' Buitoni's ••• 15 ot. jars .•• choice-of !our kinds! Kraft's ••• 18 oz. bottle ••• choice of varieties! P t. D'---39,-v· . T I 29' a 10 inners .............. ,............. 1vaowe s ............................ .. Frozen l\Iexican varieties.,. choose your favorit~s! Big roll ••• use Viva again and apin ! Cooler Cookies .......................... 3r Window Cleaner ....................... 49' • Sunahine's .... choose Cherry, Apple or Lemon! Easy-Of( ••• pushbutton ••• 181jj. oz. size? Cheese Cake ............................. 89' Bathroom Cleaner ................... 69,. Sara Lee. , . blueberry, deliciously creamy !-Frozen. Dow's ••• aave 20c on the 20 ounce aize ! Ice Cream ............ : ..................... 69' Sprinrfiel<l .~ favorite. rlavon ••• half-gallon. Maxwell House Coffee .......... :.85~ Two lb. esn ••• $1.69 Three lb. esn , , , '2.49 . Air Freshener ............................ 49' Wizard •• , 9 oz. aeroaol ••• Ttfteahi~ scents? -. Saran Wrap ............................. 59' BiJ 100 !i. roll , , • aavea ao maey lc!i-overa I f • Super Shopper Produce Specials! • Ca•bas Lusciously swe"et ••• ripe? Serve generous wedges for breakfast •• for Junch •• for a fine desaertl Seedless Grapes ...................... 19ft. Green Beans ......................... : .. 25~: Plump juicy Thompson's ••• always welcome? Garden fresh ••• tender ••• snapping crisp! " Super Delicatessen Values! Super Liquor Buys! Rath' s Franks ............................ 59ft. • FIFTlf 5'11 #ti[ Beaujolais Wine ..................... U7' King size ••• for an even bigger treat? M&rtin Leveque ••• very red, dry and delicioaa I Pillsbury's Cookies ................... 49' FIFl1I . 9' Mateus Rose . .. . ..... . .. .. . ......... '2.5 ; Slice 'n' bake! Chocolate Chip or Cherry Almopd Fine \\•ine imported from Portugal, dinn.er deliah. -- Ancient Age ..... ~~~ ....... '10.98 Straight Whiskey ••• you save·2.00 at this price I Shredded Cheese ............... : ..... 39' Miss Wi~consin. ••• cneddar or Mozzarella:! 4 oz. Sliced Smoked Meat ... 1 oz. nc. ... 35' Canadian Whiskey ..... ~.~ ...... '4.99 Leo's •.• Beef, Spicy, Corned Beef, Pastrami, Dark Now? in El ,Rancho's family of labels. Qt. $~.9,9 Turkey. ,.4 I Prices in effect through Sun. Sept. 24, 25, !I, tr. No aales to dealer&. .. Op<11 daily 9 to 9 ,. • Sunday 9 :30 to 6: sd •. -;- Ask the manager about our conve~~nt Charge Account Service HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. &-'Algonquin St. NEWPORT ~EACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 2555 Eastbluff Dr .. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also conveniently to.cated stores in Arcadia, Pasedena and SoUth Pasadena -:- . I • I . I I • .. > ·~ " • I I -' '. DIET RITE TIDE COLA DETERGENT LARGE FRESH 09 . GRADE AA • EGGS • WEL CH 'S DIXIE NABISCO • . ''DOUBLE BONUS ';1-1-·-· '-f....-...;~--·llLUS._''---·~--- - ·- The follow ing jttms •rt 0 tyP.k•I of Ev1ry·D1y Low Shelf Prices on which you actually save 3 ways. FIRST -•A•GAIN IASkli.T ltlEOULAll LOW SHIEL" .. ltl CE SAV•S YOU MONEY. SECOND -MA NU,ACTUttE•S· .. llOMOTIONAL ALLOWANCES Att• l'ASIED ON TO YOU TO lllDUCE DUii SHEL' l'llLC• EVEN "UllTHEll. Plus•' -ILUI (NI" STAMI'~ -NO NIE•D TO DO WITHOUT ILUI •• CHtl' STA~"S WHEN YOU SAVI: AT IAllGAIN IASKl:T, llU llAND POTATO CHIPS Dl.IYI DETERGENT LIPTON TEA BABS SlGO Ll9UID DIETARY .. , .. I ... lH'I llEG. CHAIN STOlll. l'lllCl BARGAIN BASKET PRICE TOASTETTES ,,,.... ."\\'::: .... -CRANBERRY t.~g~TAI L IOT~:. 39' .BATHROOM DISPENSERS 19' 10 OZ. CAN POMPERS DAYTIME 23' '" '-,-1 -"~$147 .... IOX OF ' llli. 4fC S'.NKA FRllZI f/11 " FOR DIXI E C:U'5 89t VALUE YU BAN DIAPERS 01' JO LlllY'S STUFFED SUllSHINI .. 1 Kfi spy Saltines 35c Dried c ~~~Cf KERNS Tomato Juice ~f;; COFFEE 1 LI. CAN 93' GREEN OLIVES 3 oz.,.. 39« 29' 11 LI: IOX ., .. I OI. JAii •• • SPRINGFIELD TOMATO SOUP i ov2 oz. ~"'CANS ... ' . ' USDA CHOICE BONELESS .. SPENCER STEAKS ' POTATOES U.S. NO. 1 RUSSET 10 c:lB~O 49~ ONIONS MILD 3 ~ 19~ SPANISH S THICK SJ. MEATED ------ APPLES CRISP 7 ~ $1 DELICIOUS S ARTICHOKES :!~~~ 2 ~ 29¢ NORTH ER N ~ CASCADE BEER . USDA CHOICE l LI. CAN S2.6' GINGHAM PINK LIQUID DETERGENT FULL QllART .._ USDA CHOICE --. -·.---....-,----+---i---'::=--DIAMOJr4D A-Dl•111•1td C11t ! . ::::: """'I 2sc 1.S1s1 I~ j{·}~ ~:I iC·I·l ·}"W--- BRIDGEFORD WHITE BREAD . CAL IDA FRENCH FRIES SPRINGFIELD , ORANGE JUICE IAGO' a 1•LI. LOAVES . t OI. PG K. ' Ol. CAN 49, 10' 15' BONELESS TOP,_ ___ ef}Blfft~ .. 49 COLD POWER 98 LB. .. SIRLOIN STEAK . IA.I M WlSlllN STYLl IULK ILICID BACON ""'"IN 9U•~ITY US.DA CHOICI RIB STE'AKS USDA CHO!CI SIRLOIN TIP STEAK. I 69 HOUSE LB~ STEAKS BAR M WESTERN STYLE BONELESS HICKORY SMOKED WHOLE OR HALF TAVERN HAMS LB. 29 LB. DETERGENT BIG 10 LB: BOX s1 &9 • _ _, FAMILY SIZE ..... . REGULAR $2.79 I q ' I j \ With lhi1 'oupon, no minimum purch•s• r1q11ir1d. l imit I b~" illil ~=~t::':,o,n2;h~n• 'oupon per '"1tomer. Voicl 1fter Su11d•~ It ' --"'~o=p.~ONLY AT IAIGAIH :IASKn --- VI\< •l/\l!i ! ' IJl/!'()1\1 BETTY CROCK ~ ' BUTIERMILK PANCAKE MIX -4!/1 OZ. TIUAL SIZE Sc II 11 Wi!h !h is coupo11, 110 min;mu!T' DUtC~tll requ ited. l imit I box Dir 'o~pon -On1 coupon p~r cuslomer. Void afler Sundty, Seplembtr 27th. SKINLESS SAUSAGE 19' LINKS I OZ. PKG. T ·BONE STEAKS W ith thi1 coupon, ~o minimum D1ttt~•1• 11~uir1d. l imit t p~g. per covpoii -On1 '011pon P•• cu1tom1 r. V•id eh t r Sun••y, : \ Sapfernb!! 2~ __ 1_===:. __ GOOD ONLY AT IAIGAIN IASKU 79~. 98~. $1 2~. PRICES EFFECTl'lt THURSDAY, FRIDAY, ~ATURDAY I SUNDAY 9 _ ____, __ Se-PR~~!:,_!~:oco?~H!7~-1-- LB. BAR M · WESTERN STYLE POLISH SAUSAGE 79~ .. -FRESH -, 59~. LIVER SA"SAGE BU.LK ,WIENERS .59~ .. WE ACCEPT U.S.D.A. FOOD COUPONS I WE GIVE WE GIVI BLUE CHI P BLUE CHIP STAMP STAMPS COSTA MESA 19ffi and Placentia PLACENTIA 710 W. Chipm1n , . I • ' 1 % PILOT· OVERTISO 1 MANH.liTTANS-OZ. PIC<i. " · 1 COIAllNATpN LOAF • P ... Pll LOAF "" SAL~I • AU ME.Ii T IOLO. ~ IEEF IOLO. • DUTOl LOAF c,,no SALAMI. HEAD Ofll'Sf IAllKUlLOAF -- TOP~IRANDHEATANDEAT . . 79c H011 DOG ON A STICK ............. LI. FRIED BEEF AND BEAN. HEAT AND EAT 5 9· C ZIPPE BURRITOS ................................ LI. • -Le. • CUT-UP FRYERS ................ 11. ll' F.UMllJOllNSMOKID $119 HAM SLICES c1Nn1cur ................... L1. DAILY PILDT 45 ROUND GROUN ·sTEAK BEEF USDAOIOICIOllSTAnl llOS. CllTIFllD lllF .• BONE83C -.-IN LI-. BONELESS ................. 93• CHUCK- ROAST USDACHOIC£OISTAm llOS. afllfllD lllF 45!. FllSH-LIAN GIOUNO HOUIL Y 53!. . . SLICED BACON TAIU- 1 POUND •ACKAGI 49~ IV USDACHOtaOI STA TEI 1105. CflT"llD ll~f 59' ROUND.BONE ROAST LI. °' USDAOfOIClOIST.&TllUOS.CllTlftEDlfif s 109' . ~'1 CLUB STEAKS ....................................... LI. ·- UiOAOfOK:EOltSTATDUOS.CDtlf•DSTIAIC s I 09 SIRLOIN TIP OR CUBE .... . .... L1. IONIUSS•FSHOULDll , 89' ROLLED ROAST ................................ La. USDAOtOICIOISTATllllOS.CUTlfllDltfF a~ PORK SAUSAGE OUIOWN COUNnY STYLI PURI PORK "IUlK" 39! RUMPROAST .. ! ...........• LI. ~-USOACHOICIOISTATEIUOS.ali'Tlf.DlffF S 137 T-BONE STEAllS ................................ LI. USDAO«>tCfOlSTATllUOS.CllTlf.IEDIHF S 1 '' PORTERHOUSE STEAKS ........ LI. USDACHOKIOISTAT•lllOS.C&ICB_, S 167 TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS .......... : .... LI . MOIR~S YC>ldCSHIRE 1 ·LI. llG. OI 2·LI. THtcK 67C SLIC:!ED BACON : .................. -......... _ .... u . · . PORK STEAK FARMER JOHN 1-Ll.PKG . · 59c .. USDA otOK:I Ol 5TATll llt05. CfllaflED lllf 79c RIB ROAST ITH I 7TH RIBS .................... LI. USDAotOICIOl STATHHOS.CflTl'IEDIRF 97 C fllSH•IXTIALiAN•R.AYOIFUL 83C ALL MIA T WIENERS ....................... LI. I ":'~~~· M~nANCHUI 49c EA.STEIN . RIB ROAST ISTTHRU lTH RIB ............... LI. 69.~ ALL'BUF BOLOGNA ............ 10-0Z. GIAIN-FID USDA OtotCIOl STATll llOS.CllTlfllD lllf 89' RIB STEAKS . ...... .... . ... . ...... ... . .. LI. GROUND ROUND ...• _ ........... -ta. I *Lit.v.-L-'?""l"'?~'Pirieu!-*9 (.t.IN.t.TtON•t1010 99c FISH STEAKS ................... ~~. IUTTUID 111r Olt \11.t.l 69c FLASH STEAKS .... ~~ S"U&.tiGC OA >l"MftV~ra" 79' TOTINO'S PIZZA "·" CllllHATION ••·Dl . .t~< 39' FISH STICKS . . , " .. 1111 llA'IOIJI f 7 f'OIJHO BUFFET SUPPERS Clll'IHATIOH 1•·0l. ,KG 99' JUMBO FISH STICKS ..... .. .. 65' CAAH" fl()H 53• FISH CRISPS "' I C"llHAllONllU!IS COO OR PERCH , ,,99c CARH" TIO"I s 151 P.IO. SHRIMP " NAS • (OltN • WtHACH • ".t.S (, (AllOTI 21 I VEGETABLES ~ ............. T~~~. c AllOITIO fL.i.¥011 1 I I 0 • 1 TIP· TOP DRINKS . . ........ •-<>• 39' 1t."1 .. SOll Mt•1ovu ;tT•IL' 4 11 !• o: PICTSWEET VEG. 10 Ol_ 45( I lAStl l~fAD(O 97' ') Ol VEAL STEAK . . '"ll or 1 · CQOK11NG' BAGS 'ot 2~ GOURM£riHRiMP , 0137c 1 DREFT DETERGENT ••... G.-NT 82' GOLDIN IVORYFLAKES ·····J · G1AN1 82' GIAIN IVORY SNOW ............. ·l GIANr82' NOODLE DUZ DETERGENT ......•. GIANT 87' RONI BONUS DETERGENT GIANT 87' DINNERS I OXYDOL DETERGENT · GIANT82' •AIMISANO CHEER DETERGENT .. GIANT82' sm'c.":N~ DECAF INSTANT •-or.89c · a.oz .... St.69 APPLES FANCY CALIFOINIA HD IJ(UOOUS to LBS. ·.c~AP>S . c f lb CAllTALOU"S . 29 u:~r,,'.'' LAllGlfRUHTlNDBGlllN 2 ( 4i$100 ARTICHOKES .... FO• ~r, f S 5c swmno•• FANCTSOUDGMINHEAD ]125' CABBAGE ...................... LI. PILLSBURY DANISH SWIRLS •m .•...... o GREEN GIANT NIBLETS CORN _ GRATED PARMESAN CHEESE '""· ,.,,a-GREEN GIANT MEXICORN --., ,,ir KRAn AMERICAN CHEESE ,.ino ··"" 71' GREEN GIANT WHITE CORN ..••..•• ., "· 29' KRAFTSWISSCHEESE suc10"'"' -..1-0.z,5' GREEN8EANS ~~T~:t~1;~~ro ·" __ 1•01.251 . ZIPPE TAMALES• 7-0Z. . --5 ,,.•1 GREENOllNTFRENCH BEANS ""tr KRAFT VELVEETA CHEESE ·-1-L1.sl.l9 MUSHROOMS :i.~r~i':~hcro •.•. ot.31 · SANK A COFFEE . ,.,, "' '1-.96 DEL MONTE STEWED TOMATOE~ .. " 1f 7-UJ'..~~~.;!.~' 72c =~.~~~~., 73c FABRIC SORENE.R """""" " "L 59' DEL MONTE TOMATO PASTE 2 "' 33' SWEETHEART SOAP "'s'. • '"'H sr SHOESTRING IEETS l)l"MOl!IO" :JOl '' BUBBLE CLUB LIQUID . "" 5f MACIRONl&CHEESE li:.'lP:' i,.,..,,il' SUREXDEODORANTSOIP ... 4r NEWSDmRGENT .,,,.,!' PUREX DRY TREND ... 2 ., .. ,,41• DUTCH CLEANSER .. " Ii' ,. . ., It' 1 LIQUID TREND DmRGENl ,,.,,o IW. IWI CHICKEN STEW 2 ""49' BRILLO SOAP PADS __ '"' " "49' KIL KIN MEITBll.LS 2 "" 49' GREEN BEANS gt;j~~~i!.c•2•or 37' VETS' DOG FOOD ASS1, :·J c".:'.~ 29' DRESSING 6~l~lft!.'b'o'o•ss . •oz. 45' MARGARINE IPl~c••••• i " 43' PANCAKE MIX :~rl#,~11'~-. '" 55' DIAMOND A DICED BEETS ,,, 1gr CREAM OF OATS ....... "or 33' DICED CARROTS """""", ,., 21' KERN 'S NECTARS ASST ...... o. 39' PICKLED BEETS ~::.:t~':."-~"-JOJ 31'. LIPTONTEABAGS . ,oos 1 1~~ ; _ f' MILANI 8-0Z. ' ~·-11" -DRESSINGS ...._ •. ~~ I BOLD DETERGENT . . ..... GIANT 82' A.'T':~'r . -+--i6AlltDH-ERGE . .. . ..m-82'-.....:.:.c.=.:.::_--f: :DASH DETERG~NT ...... GIANT 77' . ,_01.39c I THRILL LIQUID ... ·············· GIANT 59' IACH JOY LIQUID . . 22·0UNCE 59' . . FLUSHABYE ~ r::=t _ ::r. -l.t IAPERS ·-·--r =~:i~: ... ::: • CASCADE ·IMSNWASlftl DITlllGINT JJ._L69' 1111 Ch1pPft111 A"11ut, G1"''" Gto•t 1522 W11tr'l'l i"1!1r 11...d., W11lmi"1ltr 707 W. Ni1tt l11nth St., Coil• Mt•• 6162 'Eclin9tr At•.; Hu11tl119!a11 l11<h l4-JO W11t li"coln A•1"ut , A"tht1"' 12JO E. McF1cl4.,. A•t., S1nl1 "'"' -- I • PRICES EFFEC. THURS. lhru WED .. SEPT. 24-30 260l W. St •111t1tt1lh St., Si"*' A"' 14171 Rici Hiii A•111ut, Tu,+in r 100 EA1t Colli"' Av11tut, Or•"•' 2110 N1w1rotrtl•ll., Co111-M•-•• . - 1175 l1lc1r Sh11t, Co1t1 M111 1•2r2 Ml"'' A••11u1, Whlttltr 2610 Ecll1191r A•1•1\Ut, S1,,l1 An• 1SH--W, lr•Hw1y, A111h1iM \ -""""""-.............. -_,.""!""_'"":""~~~-"':<'"---------,----~-"".:·-;:--:----,...~--------.... --~----~·~--...-' ~. / ~ ' •' • ~...!. ...... ~' ... .,,.. ..1 WHtntsd.11, StPltll\ber '23, 1970 • l itam ins acked . In (as·serole ld~a Gives Celery New Importan ce . . Peak harvest lime for """"""'· ~~-..-e1tem...celery is~ring the IC wilti Vl m s, t 11 cool months starting i n •nd cnmchy treat makes September a n d continuing cool. · ' lhroogboul Ille bolklays. 'N a.EAR ORANGE Celery is particular atipuJ, its SALAD growing condltons. It requires I htad iceberg lettuce, a temperature between 60 and chit.ltd · 70 degrees. Should the "·eather ·2 to 3 Sunklst oranges, tum'cold ai-ound 40-50 degrees. peeled the st.ajk! of celery begini"to t ~ onion, thinly slicl'CI seed. As celery ill over 9D .Y.i cup bottled 11 a Ii a'il percent "'aler. it demands a dressing lot c;if water and · I o:p d \\ cup cbkken broth 11<-lll"•led Swlu.c-- I/, cup &rated Parmesan cheeoe FRANTI FISHY D 2 to 3 tablespoons freshly drainage. ' , ., .sq\leeted ~root\ juice -The first c o m. in e r c ~i a I 1 cucumber, peeled and grovoers of celery in the Wash eele'p. DlociTd leaves. Qat ¥.:" slice! on the bias. Melt butter in electric skillet a t 354> degrees. Saute celery five mlnutes shaking the pan frequently. Add broth. Cook covered over low heat 300 degrees for JS minutes. Stfr frequently. Drain off any liquid. Put into serving dish '®_sprlnl4e with cheese_ The cheese win· melt from the heat of the celery or slide under the broiler for a minute. Makes 4- 8 servings. FUN . . .a se~ into lhe way beyond. _ One of our nice people laclrll said she used ' ' '· sliced United States "·ere Holland- 1.2. cup snipped parsly American gardene.., 11\ring ear lettuce into bite-size near Kalamazoo, Mich. In eoes in large salad bo"•I. early 1800's. They made the ice oranges ·into cart~\'heels : Golden or self-Dlanchirig types t e'ach in half. Separate on-or celery famous. When cele ry In keeping with the holiday colQr ~-serve c:d,e.ry stic:lss stuffed with cream cheese seasoned with beets. slices into rings. Aflx Ital-production d e v e 1 oped in dressing ~·ith lemon juice California and Arizona , the bine oranges, onion rings. Pascal or green varieties Two t a b J e s p o o n s of her and parsaey vt'ith be c a m e p o p u I a r a n d thoroughly drained diced or uct: pour dressing over dominates.the supply today. Julienne cooked beats, Chop ad and toss lightly. SerYe at Celerv is well known as a very_fine or put into blender. . Yield : Six servings. flavorulg agent for stews and Add the beets to ·a 3-0unce it to whip ., a cake betauR she Uked he big handle to hokl ii !Y· Would you believe a 01ffee cup to JiOJd a gallon »f brew. • .Of course you could rut it in the c:en~er o: your ~ble and let everybcdy dip ~ir own. •. Or you could fil it With salad, chill. soup or stew. It has some demij tasse counterparts to de filling LOCAL •ther 111w1pep•r tel11 '100 fO, •••ry doy, obout w~1t'1 i11t ~II i11 the Gf1oter Or•119• ••t ift111 tli1 D~ILY PILOT. soups but it is seldom package of softened , cream 9er\'ed as a bot vegetable. ·cheese; season with a few dill · • seeds or !f1 teaspoon or cUfry. EASY CELERY CASSEROLE and a dash of salt. Sluft'Crisp 6 branches celery . • , branches• of celery wt t b tu~ of a pint oqanythlng ..drinkable...with-i~matc:hing __ saucer of dessertflate pro- portions. Get th picture. ' ' 3 tablespoons butter nlixture. Cut .into I \~" pieces. .. . STANDBY CELE RY TAK ES NEW FORM IN HOT DISH Stew in the cup, ie in the saucer. All this bi.pess I s further enhanced with a few flat sides, lumps and bumps ~ad~~o;o 2th:fe1 e~~;~ same size or alike. Some people call it erode, othen charmiiig. E.:h is great Ital ian art. The designs gallop from a splash of vivid , blue daisies to a smash of green dots and y e 11 o w quirley-go-rounds. Quiet sippers . will adore quaint paisley or for-get.- me-nots. FISll STORIES ... A LOVER IN EV~RY CROWD , I ...... ...__,. -._ .~, ·= ' . r ~ ..... ),_. " .... ,,.;_, -~· ~-~1f.%ZXUl'l!J::.. ,.. :.tn.t.~-" Gladmark's dazz l ing aluminum sizzle platters fry over a direct flame beautifully, on an electric grill or barbequf. They a1so broil or bake to gourmet perfection. Your pick of steak for 2, chicken for 4, ribs for 8 sizes. Shudders of sea red tabla:lolhs and puckered mahogany? Keep calm. mom, the sizzler .. "· , ' l un ch Boxes Packed t . Imagination Wrapped -Up i " • The.phrase "back·t~school'' m'eans ·many things to many people. · • To a small boy. it's the end or a free. fun-filled summer. To a little gir1, it'~ the begin- ning of a school year of story books and helping her friend ' the teacher. To a teacher, il·s the challenge of a new class to ) be taught, disciplined, and .t loved. But to a mother, H's lhe responsibilit y of a m}•riad of school lunches lo be packed with nourishing. a Jl p e I i I e • stimulating foods. She should remember that the J11nch should supply one-third of the daily nutritiona l rcquircni"rnls. _:__ A typical lunch box meal I. that• \.l'ill nH1ke a hit ~·ith hungry children is American cheese -slices on ..enriched bread sa·,1d1vich, carrot sticks. a banana, cookies and a thermos or r e f reshing , nu fritious n1ilk. I!nagination and ingenuity will provide dail y var iety and colorful and attractive foods. Anet . . adva"ncc planning. writing the school-lunch menu <1s she does the family menu. "'ill insure daily changes in lhe lunch box to make lunch time exciting. or the in side to allow r09m for use~ remove f.rom freezer and ntore fi lling. · pack. 'fbey will thaw'"ln lime Filling should be moist. but for lunch. of a consistency to stay 1h1 the Securely wrap pieces of left· sandwich. J over food chicken or ribs. Use several thin sli~es of Send bread ·slices wrapped meats and cheese in place of separately, buttered s i d e s ! one thi ck on, -makes a together. . taslier sandwich and is easier Stuff pilled prunes with f to eat. olives , crisp cooked bacon or ; Lettuce, water c re s 'S, celery. I RULES OF SAND\VICH tomatoes and pickle slices-Always welcome is ap-. 1\IAKING should be wrapped separately plesauce in a lightly covered ,, Spread both sides cf the to add to the sandwich at container, sprinkled with cin-~ bread with softened butter to lunch time. namon. ~ prevent the filling from soak-Avoid filli ngs with a strong: Carmed or frozen berries, ! i11g through . odor for sandwiches in the sweetened sUghtly, may be 8 use a variety of breads in-pack-and-carry lunch. Avoid ~acked in a .container with a f eluding .ro.lls. Remember the flavor transfer to the rest of tight fitting . hd. ~ bread slices should match;---lheJunch... When buying bread,-read-lhe " drying out leftover roast, chicken are enriched to provide YC)'Ur fami· Leave lhe crusts on to ifevent Make sandwiches \\'hen the label carefully to be sure it is t aurger buns and hot dog fresh. wrap individually, Jy with additional nutrients. rolls are good for holding rreeze and use within two to This means extra food value moist fillings.~~:op :::e t~.ree ~:~~~he: . .:: .. ::.:::::.::ney . .r--s --~ -' · \Vouldn't dare with its own co m pan i 0 n beautifully grained and grooved walnut serving platter. Now, sizzle- ingly designed for )lubbling thennadores ind a."lgels on horseback, a glistening plat- ter in the shape of a fish, big enough to hold_ a _whole one ... Another Shakeand Bake for 2 size fish sizzler, divides down the middle to do chips at the -same time. More fish serving things to bubble a casserole over ..• Spanking white California ovenware .•. A luscious big fish, its own c o v e r Oelightf ully wet lOOking With scales and fins .•. to matdi, one people round fat bubble fish with dunking pots to splash butter, Roquefort dressing or seafood sauce ..• Matcher • upper, a luscious stark whilt lasagna sha~. Salad Popularity Flowers • ABOUT COMMENT CARRIERS . , .If you're not up on your comments. It means talk or checks. Rather a neat way Jan ine Gnuchenol's Saladc Nicoise JANINE GAUCILENOT"S SA.LADE NICOISE 1 head Boston lcUucc. wash· ed and dried 111 cup thin strips sweet onion Frarikly Speaking . 2 ribs celery. thinly sliced 1 green pepper, seeded ·and cul in thin strips 12 radishes, thinly sliced 3 medium tomatoes, peeled of brightening up t b e and sliced plumber's day when you pay 2 cucumbers (pared, seeds his bill. Just a package of 20 . envelopes in posh mustard, scooped out and thinly salmon and olive colors. But sliced) they are definitely labeled 2 cans (each 7 ounces ) tuna "Comment" Carriers in bi& in olive oil fat black letters. Grounc;I Beef Takes to New Shape 4 hartl-cooked eggs The first thought ts, 1 scallion (green onion) top "Who'd want an envelope I can (6 fluid ourns) ripe with printing all over the olives front." What good is Jt? Naturally the printing is on \Vhc n steaks :ind frunks 1ni; sand\vlches, casseroles, 4 fr ankfurter rolls, splil and 1 can (2 ounces) flat an· the cellophane wrapped bc:::on1e a bit of old h:it, try skillet dishes, and meat. toasted chovies in olive oil around the e n v e I 0 p e s • .this unique top-0f·lhc-range or SAl:JCY BURGER DOGS Combine beef, egg, crumbs, Dressing, see below Would you believe, one nice Krill dis~ at .~O\lf' ne:<t outdoor salt. and pepper: shape into Into a large salad bowl. ~·ith man brought his package meal. I pound ground beef four 6-inch long rolls. In a kitchen scissors'. shred let-back. When he got home he Simply shape "'cll-sc:isoned 1 egg. slightly beaten~ skillet. brown beef rolls and found the printing came of( ground beef into "hot dogs·-. 2 lablespoons fine dry bread cook onion and green pepper tuce fairly fine. ln this order and Ge wanted it on. bro\vn them in a skillet then crumbs in butter until vegetables are On layers) add the onion , '!. simmer in a luscious onion· 14 teaspoon salt tender. Add gravy. Cover : celery. 1,1 of the green pepper, Pt.1aeslro Licio Zanetti, New Delu xe Swe et Heart Li m(!IJ[) is hwa shi ng laced sauce. Serve up proudly Dash pepper cook over low heat 20 minutes. the radishes. i,; or the tomato famous Venetian g I ass in hot dog buns. I cup sliced onion Stir now and then. Serve on blower. hurfed and puUtd Liquid is really different. . !v,cup chop~greenpepper frank!urter rolls. li.1akes 4 slices, the cucumber and Ullo and came up w1'" • Saucy Burger Dogs \\'ill Y"" 1.11 delight your fainily and you, 2 tablespoons butter or servings. drained tuna. Add the re-beauliful whale. One of It has the fresh . clean fragrance of. lime. too. ror they're not only fun to margarine Outdoor Method : Prepare as maining tomato iiJices and these so completely nothing ., eat, but easy to fix as "'ell. t c11n (lO~f. ounres) beef above. cooking on grill abo.u.=1::5_§Cr~ee~n~e~~r~-..lQuE!ar~l'."er'c3~o[:_:l~h~el-l~.pleces. its abs o 1 u t e I y --;:;----:--.-.,..;-:--;--:--;:--~-~;----..--.---.---..._--+---l!--;;;.::..,;;;;,;,;;;;::;...;"-i:;;.;r-7;,iiOi;-....:..--.;il;,;,,.;='-'==-==--1,h.,...bov.--...ow!n~I~ et€•a . r""'1 B. ut don 't let the gentle smell tool you .. ' • secre .•.. a c ra • •• • ·-eggs. Halve the remaining egg •. gravy. and remove one or the yolk made lead crystal f m lta-Oeluxe SweetHeart Lim e has the Simply open a can and you I halves: hatve lhe remaining I> ly, .. pafect iJ) fonn and have a velvet snu>0th sauce. s · I G f s I d egg. With the 1h: egg yolk as shape it even looks wet. Strength tO get your dishe s. glasses rich wilh beefy home-siylc tmp y: Q QLJfm e Q Q the cenier, arrange some of Gif1shopislhe0isaovery d ·1 kl ' I goodness. U1e egg quarters around it in Place at Richanl 's, tht ~ an SI Ver Spar 1ng C ean. Additions of chopped green A · I I d " l I Id loos-skins. remove skins·, pelat fashion to make a pie store. U you think pep""'r and sliced onion give s1mp c sa a 1.ua s 1ou .... li 't d See ~ 1· thl p I u ber cut 11o"•er: add the 9C81lion top aa yoo've ·-n ~thirw look ry , I an . the gravy special nair 11nd please gourmets. s ice n. ec cue m : . . ..... ... ~·~-1 -~ make these Saucy Burger in half lengthwi se and t'ith a the stem. Arrange remaining into the new nyk>n aeves. Dogs the greatest meal In a TO~lATO, CUCU~IBER teaspoon scoop out sceas: egg quarters and o 11 v es The makers call tt b ever AND ARTIClfOKE SALAD around edge of salad bowl: Mlraclem-• ••• E~ __ un, · slice thin. On a medium plat· garnish with undrained an-c:wi "" '-· Tomato wedges and crisp l ttlCdiUfll·l~rge tomatoes chovles. Pr-ent al . •·bte: and save your finge1halla. J relishes. plus ice -co ld (:i.bout 11~ pounds) _ter or other shallow serving . "'" '"°' di.sh layer toma10es ·and pour dre ssing over salad and sizes fr'om tea ba• to • ~·atermclon "'ill c: o 1n p I e I e 1 medium-or I a r g , · r I I · cucumbers sprinkling them tiw ~·ell. l\1akes 6 to a serv· pound of 1paghetli. If the )·our un que summer mea in cucumber style. lightly 11.•Jth salt . ings. spagtietU stick!:, fl\> over, For aoyda cook ing. kctp_,,_ __ sralt our over the. marJnadc. Drts•l•1: tum imtde out '"' prm. •u1"'1y of conve111cn1 canned farl 6 ouncr' marlnateil from the artichokes and r• Mir 1 ..... ether In the p~ '" 11 h·" •·· ""' Olf pops Ille spa,.....I. gravies on hand. l\tushroo1n. ar C vr.e u\!llrts range the artichokes over the porUoni you ravor.·111lt, ~ •'"'' t:Wcken, and chicken ~iblCt Olp to111fll~s In boiling other v&setab.le" Chill. !\takes pe.r. Dijon mustard, \\'ine ~11. ... iljjillilliliM•• gravies arc all great for sa uc· v.attr r6r l'f m!nOtl! or so to 6 scr\.'ings. vineg8r and olive oil. • I • -' .• • • • I ·' PAONE 673-'i360 FOR HOME DELIVERY . _..... . I IN OUR DllJVIA'I: AUA PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT. 24, 25, 2" . . . 0!90n s.r. .. d. For Your "'""" by Bernice &y . Ll~O _M~RKET_CENTER NEWPORT BLVD. AT THE ENTRANCE TO UDO ISLE • 1mam111 · KRAFT Nim' .. Cheese~Spnal 4 OL 29• • -PIUSIURY Sl;ICI "N IAKI CHIWY ALMOND OR CHOCOLATE CH!r COOKIES 14 01. VIENNA PURE IEEF Knockwunt Miki Franks ' .. LAS Hl~IAS lOTXIC HERi • FrenchJlressiilg 3 -$1 ·; PllDVEI ' . " •I, • •I ···! "' ---.----..,.--·Rlllft-T--llY-~ ,. • ' M.J.B. COFFEE I LB. 87¢ M.J.B.-COFFEE 'LL 1.73 M.J.B. COFFEE J LL 2.53 KNUDSEN LA BON BUTIER 1 LL SUNSHINE. KRISPY , SALTINE CRACKERS 1 LL . DOLE JUICE PACK, SLICED PINEAPPLE 20 oz. 3 FOR $1 DOLE JUICE PACK 3,..11 PINEAPPLE CHUNKS JI oz. DOLE JUICE PACK 3,..11 CRUSHED PINEAPPLE JI OL BORDEN. 6,..11 FROSTED D~!NKS fl/4 oz. OLDE FARM 59c SYRUP 14 oz. BISQUICK 40 oz. 49• GLORIETIA s ... 11 STEWED TOMATOES "oz. CHUN KING CHOW MEIN NQQDLES IOZ. 29c NALLEY'S HOT CHILI with BEANS 11 oL 3,..11 NALLEY'S 15 OZ. Chili with Beans 3 FOR $1 NEW: QUAKER Kl NG VIT AMAN CEREAL 'OL 45c SCOTT DECORATED THE MEAT WITH A FLAIR FOR UNUSUAL FLAVORS •. RICHARD'S &ROUND IEEF IS "FAMOUSI VERY LEAN AND WONDERFUUY FLAVORFUL TRY OUR HAMIUR&ER $Tlt~ANO.FF FOR A BUFFET DINNER PARTT- AND LISTEN TO THE RAVES. HONEYDEW WITH PORT HAMIUR6ER AND NOODLE STR~ANOFf FRENCH PEAS WARM DILLY CASSEROLE IREAD :llN OUR IAKERYI'. SPICE CAKE Se"• • C.J;ernet S.uvi9nH W. heu;.lais winti with this. llllT JHE TOP. OF JHE GRADE U.S.D.A. cHolCE IHF DELICIOUS POT ROASTED WITH Vt6ETAILES RUMP ROAST IONl·IN MARIN.ATE IN-MARUKAN SEASONED WINE VINEGAR I IARIECUE • FRESH, PLANTATION RIPE, LAk6E Sill HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE MARSHIURNS TOUN6 I RNDER, FRESH CARROTS c\t~. 3 ~· 2C1 iUAsi· ma~~~·A~A 6¢ r . . PllBID 18811 ' . 'oz. 69c . . .~· ... U~lr~ . ~ ll6i CUT 1CO~N -. ... .-1 .:..:i;- • ! • ~ • ~ ,• • LlllY'S I _;.. '1 I fN 11.,. GREEN. PEAS 24 oi.. 3::i~$1 · .t-'.a !.....~ LlllT -: ,. . t' - MIXED VEGETABLES 14°oz. 3 ... ·1 STAR· KIST · Viva Towels R~t~ 3 "'1R 89•. .. RUMP ROAST IONILISS 1.19LL ,._ .-JVM .. t!JES I OL 6 fOtt $1 I llICEllY CINNAMON rw1sT DANISH EACH 1s• POTATO BREAD 39c PARKER HOUSE ROLLS IOL 61c LEMON FILLED . CUP CAKES , HAMBURGER AND NOODLE STROGANOFF Caok 4 oz. noodles. Drain. Meanwhile in 1killet me lt 4 T. butte},· s1ute Vi C, finely chopped onion. Add I /I tsp. garlic powder. Add I lb. ground beef. <:pok 1tirrin91 till brewntd. Stir in I T. flour, 1/1 ~J:. can tomato sauce, 1/4 C. rtcl vermouth, I C.1 bouillon, I tsp. salt &: y .. tsp. pepper. Simmer 10 min., •nd stir in I C. sour cream. Add drained noodles, mix well •nd serve, PERFECT FOR IEEF ROULADES ROUND STEAK . GREAT FOR STEAK SANDWICHES SWISS STEAK IONILISS RICHARD'S FAMOUS LEAN GROUND BEEF Try eur 111 111niff ndpe ENOUGH TO SERVE A CROWDI 2 LI. IOX, -&ROUND CHUCK PATIIES ID PAmlS RICHARD"S OWN KOSHER Corned Beef Briskets STUFfED BELL PEPPERS Cheese topped, reedy to bake. 1.0911. ,,.LI. 65'LL 1.391.. ., LI. I • ~·RCM'A ··.' . ft\rNESI RONE SOUP KUIRCi ~ ~LAND Oam Chowder 110L 16 oz. GREEN . PLANTS · Lu.Ii plents In ~" pols. Yevr c'*"'of H.hn'1 lyY, PlilWtndron ar Pothos. Re,. :l.67 Special 1.49 -.-$-..-.1·.o.-~~~~~~-•~~---MA-RINAlED MEA1'-IALl.~·--'-~---tk··..,-~~~~~~~~~~~~ FRENCH GREEN BEANS For each I 0 oz. box fro ten pees -Yi C. Chick .. · en boullion, I tap . instant minced onions anti I T. butter. lrint to boil, add peas, cook 1·7 min. ' Spicy Chili S1l11 Marinade. MAHI MAHI STEAKS Stuffed Chicken Breast U.S.D.A. PRIME IEEF, TOO ~ --f1991Mnh IN ..... nfMcl to .............. . ..,a-them! You ,.+ IUchonl'1 ~ Wt. ot Richonl'L "£w.&.-J.',. MARKET HOM~ & GIFT SHOP CLEANERS ~ft.Y '"'''°• SAT.... OPIN DAILY t.6 DAllT l 1IM, SAT. 11111-1 LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER SHOP ~-O=PEN DAILY 9.7, SUN. t-6 OPEN DAILY 9·6 OPEN DAILY; 9-6 --------iiliii l • • • • . ~~~~~-~'.~~~.~-~-~~,~~~ .. ~.!"";".~7r~. ~r~,--...~.~~.~~.,...~~ .. ~,""'7.'.""!'t.~.~~~,~-...,..,.......,,.,.~,,,......~,,.-,""""",......,~-.-~·~··~·~·•~·~·-~~~-·~~-' _.. -/ .. !Wj.Y PILOT - ,. • ':BONELESS ., ' ~"r11.1,· 01 SWISS STEAK _ FAMliY STEAK- .CENTER CUT 7·10NE STEAK POULTRYSPECIALS. · · · . MAF~D.SPICIALS . . ' . ROASTING CHICKEN . ~ '$HRIMP · MEO. SIZE-GREE .•..•.•.. ... • ....... lB.• 1 . 19 , . CA.~.,..., ... RO .... l'IOM _ 5. 5 ~ HALIBUT STEAKS cENTERcur ..•......... . ......... , •. 98' · .. ~'i.C.~~!e:::., 1b •• GROUND CHU·c ·K .. STEAK-'; :· . U.S.D.A. otOICE,d'R MA YFJ; :l!B IONELESS-WASn FRlf-AU: ·~N . • . . SWORDFISH STEAKS CENTER CUT .............. lB.98' v • . . . BRIAKFAST.SPJCIALS _ SLICED BACON MAYFRESH ...... ~..... ... ;.~, 79' . UllK SAUSAGE HOFfMAtfS&-OZ.PKG ............................ :33' ROLLSAUSAGE.~TH-1 ·lBR0tt ... : ... 45' • -JONA-THON - EX. FAN<;Y . WASHINGTON STAT! ' -1 EXTRA LEAN-fRESH GROUND . lb. s1·~7,i lb. c BREASTS 69" 59 /> Whol• " WHOLE . " or Spl;{: , . lb: LEGS lb. TOOTHBRUSHES-. ·-T~K~ADUL T MEDIUM or HARD , . . COTTAGEC ARDEN or MAYFRESH-CREAl"IJ>, S9c ...... ORANGE. JUI E ~ 200COUNT ARDEN-8l.END-Pt.AST_IC HALF G N .:. ... J .KLEENEX · FACIAL TISSUE $ F 0 R ' .. • R WE WISHA"llOUR , 'U JEWISH FRIENDS D ...,. HAPPY NEWYEAR MAllSCHEWEl.Ti ' . ' CELERY -: . c . . 15 . ; CRISP TENDER STALKS ............................................................................ ,_ ~ EA . !?!.!!R!!J!._ ...................................... ~ 1 &.. . r COAR ... '-11 . . r : I ' I .. - if '.• • • :118 1~N .• ·BEEF SHORT RIBS · M~~F~·,;·,~~.... .. 9c EXTRAUAN • WELL TRIMMED . C.UBE STEAK u .s .D:A1.01c£0, ·1·39 MAYFAIR BLUE RIBBON BONELESS AU LEAN'MEA 1' lb. '11!1 $pwats 1~· ---.. ·:CREAM- .. JALl~se~ .ON ·, I S~~ ..... PNT 31 ( ', ~ ~ .. l ......... _:79' . l WATER ... ··•TENER .. . . . OCEAN BRAND COARSE SALT-50 LB. BAG .c L CHILI· .nth BEAN .S· DENNISON'S NO.JOO CAN DOG tFOOD IFRISICliS-NO. 1 CAN ASSORTED FlA VORS 7i$1 .. BEEF RIB ROA.ST . , T U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR MA YfAIR BLUE RlllON WELL TRIMMED-ALL CUTS INQ.UDEO . ' . 11.S.D.A. CHOICE OI MA YFAll ILUE llllOI S1Hl·IEEF 5HOULDEll CLOD ROAITl BONELESS--'-···-·-.-LB: 9 .. 7 .BONE ROAIT CENTER CUT, eONELESS ......... ___ .. _,~. ti . 9 .. BONILlll ROlllm ITIAK FULL CUT ............... -............... LB. 'I. I 9 SIRLOIN TIP ITIAKI BONELESS •.. : .•. --.. -........... -.. : .. ; .... Ill. 'I .49 ROUND IUH ·TOP OR BOTTOM, BONELESS ..... -.. --·-LB •• , .29 WATIRMILON RUMP ROAST ........... ---~--UI. 'I. I 9 ROUND. ROAST TOP OR BOTTOM, BONELESS ·-·--UI .• , • I 9 BIV ITllW MIA T BONELESS -......... -........ _,_ ... ...:~ ........ -LB. 9 .. ·"MAYFAIR'S PORK SPECIALS Pl(-J RIPE :i:~~:: 2¥2 Sin 5 FOR $)~00 . ' .j, CHEF BOY-AR-DEE· FROZEN PIZZA 14 ... 49¢ .cliEER1os · 10 ... Pk~ .. ::.·,. ... : . •. s. FOR $J.OQ . _J75 E. 17th ST., COSTA MESA ' ADVERTISED PRICES EffECTIVE 7 0FULL DAYS THURSD.tiY, SEPT. 24 thru'WED .. SEPT. 30 ' .. . . Wot....i.t Sit>!"""" 2l, 1970 · I SC maJifiiir VALUABLE COUPON SA VE 20c WITH THIS COUPON CRISCO OIL 24-0Z. BTL: LIMIT ONE WITH THIS COUPON S-LB. BAG UMITONE · WITH THIS COUPON· SA VE lOc WITH THIS COUPON =~~-COFFEE 1-LB. CAN . UMITONE ' . WITHTHISCOUPON DEAL PKG. UMITONE • WITH THIS COUPON LIMIT 1 COUPON PEit mayfair VAWABLE COUPON =:r:t.r INSTANT POTATOES LIMIT TWO WITH THIS COUPON UMlf I COUPON PER I OAIU' PILOT flt - .. • ' •· ' ' . .. . . . • • • • .Ji • . . .. !fJ DAil Y PILOT Nutty _ ReC ip~s :M~ke Sc~ From Cookies ~o -SloPpy JiEAR NAN: 1 un "'""' should be thick, creamy and structlon, guarani.. <r recipe. Are JGU aure that...~ Is ,.ldorri OC<l!!!._1iliiea you !ail '11!•YJ wy to find 111111eone Wiley telll I'!"' lo do apple Natt Wiley "8tels that a o..;;;~f.--..Jll!-~or 1 rtcl~ cal. considfrabl ~reased In "1is_il especially true-of some 0 purt ~"! Unless You to dry the pan thoroughly who~ haw to do it right. pie, steak, ham...~ tuikey in cannot provkH Per Ion a 1 Je4 -cookies. Some of <olume. Pour inlo four slieibel lmpo . t'"'lbarl!appened to paid a ·beftr~ doub! it.-a!ler~,..: ...,.S ~-I love ~ Is a pat bookie~ "Cooking ill .a '"''"'"' lo yoij"<.'OQkin& guO. •' .. ' . --u,;-~ an rolled oao-1 glasses and ·serve hot or cold. me I would lose-no time ~ Oanditioolnc measuna er the any aamp:--.:_coodlUoa in • ....._Wclor ol ~ but 11 takes ., Bro~..aper aac." To obtain_ lions, but quest.Ions ol general -1111aer and d10COlate. Judging lrom my mall, tactlng my Bette. Bualnesl pan should ....,· from the........_ storage cupliOlnl. m.<ti polllhiJw lo keep it loot• your copy, send 10 C<!nls and a intemt will"be answer<d In Would JOI Uppea to bto~· the numerowi •finru offer 1 n C Bureau or other consumer in-manufactlll'ft'. It wuuJd be One other tting., Copper Ing beautlfUL..__' long, atamped, tell-addressed her colilmD. Addfess your ...i..t,e 1 ., CAROLYN unusual cookware (often mall terest service. It ls time some-chancy for me \o advise cookWara.is lined with tin, and -envelope with your request for questions to Nan Wiley in car• ~,.... ·rec pe. ""'~ order houses) &end the ..... ltems one did something •bout without aeeing it "Grwa you usually have to have it Have you ewr tried cooting It to Nan Wiley in care of the PRAZENVA, N.A T R 0 N I A with never a piece ol in-such shenanigans. rust" is cormilon and U.t· relJned periodic.ally and it isn't with a browll poper bq? Nan DAILY Pilm. ol the DAILY PILOT. JIEIGB!S; PA. 'Lbat I Vt'OUld. Those ~ bakes are so popular they ap- pear in rountless church and club cookbooks. Here is the one you want. Mix together 2 cups of sugar and 2 tablespoons of rocoa~ Add 1 cup of milk and cook over low heat for about a minute, stir- ring to dis.solve sugar well. Add ~ stick-Of-butter or margarine, keep heating until LETS ASK THE COOK by Nan Wiey that melts. Remove from heat and slir in lh cup of peanut butter, 1 teaspoon vanilla and 3 cups of uncooked rolled oats. Drop by spoonfula: ooto waxed paper. If you are a coconut fan you can try this one. Mix together 2 cups of sugnr arid 3 tablespoons of cocoa. Blend in % cup of milk. Add 1 whole stick of butter or margarine. Cook slowly for a full minute. Take from heat, add a pinch of salt, I cup of coconut and 3 cups of uncooked oats. Off on another track but still in the peanut category, have you ever tr.ied adding * cup or so chopped ~uts to the · popular "sloppf Joe" mix· lure? It not only tastes great hut it's a sneaky way of slip- ping on some extra. nutrition. I like the dry roasted nuts fbr this. At our house we're crazy about the dry roasted mixed ~ nuts except that my husband keeps filching the filberts from the jar before I can get to tbem. DEAR NAN: We really t:D- joyed tbf: complete meat loaf oven -meat where yoa sug- gested arranging c a r r o t 1 , ·potatoes, 'onions and diced c:elery arouad the meat with a dilated tomato MNp sauce. Before tbls I Uve always placed tbt meat loaf on top of the end piece of a loaf of bread, 10 I still did that. lt'1 really del lcloas. MRS. HOWARD E. me HOENWAW, TENN.- It would be a great way to use up pieces of dry bread too. The meat juices w o ulG saturate them just fine. DEAR NAN: Somt time 910 you discussed spices that became Infested.. r had this trouble with chill powder until I started keeping it In the freezer. Paprika keeps Hs nke bright color H kept there too, so I suspect that many spices would be better off frozen. NOiu.1A LE Y AN Y , MIN· NEAPOIJS DEAR NAN: Attached Is a picture of a t.abagllone pan I ordered fl'tlb a New York clty shop. It i1 IOlid copper. While I asked lhl following questions before pgrchning and was supposed to rtetlve a recipe as well. I got DO answer. Do you ha\'e a recipe for this dessert'! Is there any tpeclal con- diUonlng for lbe plan before using'? How do I avoid the con- dilion known as "green 1111t" wblch I 11nd er1 taad 11 poisonous'? I feel foolish ask- tng: after tbe fact when I bow I should have chttbd oat these matters before falling for thi s round-bottomed plan so please don't use my name. ROCHESTER, N.Y. That illu*atlon Is pretty misleading since the pan is shown in use right over n range burner. Even held in the Ullcd position you could wind up with an eggy mess. The classic method for this lovely Italian wine custard has al)"ays called for a double boiler and even the.o you ex· -ercise c.are._dt.the..mlxture can overcook tn spots. The round pan should work well in that fa&hion it you have some other pan It will fit into. 'nlere are many versions of zabaglione but thiJ one. is pret- ty !landard. Beat 4 egg yolks until they are very light and thick. Use a wlre whisk for best results. Add~ tablespoons sugar, keep right on betting lill Ille sugar <*solves. Slowly beat in 'ii cup o{ Marsala wine. es UUJ e beating .,. ou cook the custard.over barely bot, never boilin~}-,,,ter. Keep. whisking until me mixture looks about to leave the a1de of the pan. It YOU'LL DISCOVER AT THE -:-clUCK --CHECKSTAND MORR~ll NO. 1 GROUND ' caum -· WHY ·snu . I BEEF ROAST ALBERTSON'S BACON CHOICEBIAOECVT -3 LB. fAMJ!.Y PAO:-CHOICE IIlAD£ CUT SI.ICED OIOVER 69~. 49: 49l~. 43:. ROASTING HENS ~,~ .......... 4t• Spencer Steaka..a. .... $1" Betf liiiieSMcCol's ... sOL29t Beef Sal!sageM<CoYs u...45• Pork Sausage 1<n1Fanoa.. 79• 1 Filet Tutboto. .. -. ....... 56t · t Rib Steak=:_ ... 513' FRYER LEGS.,_ ..... p,Toodu ............. tb.47 Rib Roast~~'' ... SJU SAVES YOU MOREi f AMlll STEAK Tnmm•d cho;" a..1 ..... "a.. 98• Beef Bacon__,,, _-73 t Compare our tolll d"llCOUftt prices with any other supennmkel In town. Run your own lftt ••• you'll be amazed, and ple1Hd. But don't lhinle lh!t our lower prices have reduced the quality ol our stock. We still carry the large Yariety of lop quality products that we know you wut .•• only now their prices are lower. So shop Alberlson's ••• and , • .,. with discount prices. Q 320Z.BOffiE PAR-I.PAK ASSORTED POT ROAST a.aAimc.tw ................ 73• . CROSS RIB. ROAST a..a .. M .......... 98• BEEF SHORT RIBSo.;"'"''"' .... 111.49• _.CORNED IEEf-.,..a..a.__ ... 89 4 12BAGBOX BELLBllAle ' -DRINKS _:OO's JANET LE_E NON-RETURNABLE . TISS u ES -·~~~CHIPS- APPLE JUI a ,;.,,,,i.e°""" __ ........ -28t SALAD PEARS .-i.02.112.... , .. , 28t HUNfS DESSERTS-1"11\-4/Sol. .. 59• BLACK PEPPER S<h~r.,,. .... .._ ........ ~ .... 38• GRAPE PRESERVES loo~ 2-.... -44t SALTINE CRACKERS~ ... 24• CHILI CON CARNE . ..300.--3/1. · GRAPEFRUIT JUICE.-... -._ 44t DELIC_ATEL Y SPICED PUMPKIN PIES DEEP &INCH SIZE GREEN GIANT l-fB VEGETABLES ~ lOoz. lfAF SPINAQl.NtlllE!So CREAMCORN-PEAS·9oz. 3/ SLICED BEANS All IN-A BUmR SAUCE· 120%. RICE 100 MEDlEY-PII.Af.VERDI OR . SPANISH RICE ••• YOUR CHOICE la Mlll ~ 112 ... -...... .-••••••••• -31( REFRESHO BARS ::,,'::,'.,, .. __ 4/1. EGGO WAFFlES iC::.:::. --~391 . . . TUNA PIES ......... 201 ORANGE JUla :::".:.":' 5/1. 5cTt4e 50'' ~l~~iccs Join our Fine China Club RESERVE YOUR SET TOOAYI CHOOSE FROM MAN'f EXClfNG PA TIERNS ... .:JON Tl-IE CLIJBI :::_-=.;;,...:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=-~~~~-J ' BANANAS QUALITY '° PREMIUM 10" "~.}; CHIQUITA ia. ~:-~'il_ POTATOES -j-!.I-:'\ R~~ 48~ .. ft ~J 10 LB. BAG • 1!;d< Banana Sqlll!sh """'"" ... 9t Yellow Onions .... , ... _ ... 9t Carrots~IOdl ................ 9t G ---rapesu , .... . ..... .,.a.. l9t s NEW CROP.CRISP PIPPON APPLES RODS ~AE DRESSING 4~39! LIQUOR LOCKER ~2DIMCll BEER---·-·--S)2t . SAW. lSl ~tam ' BEER ........... _ ............ " s1n AU."""""-CHA B ll S ,._ ................. 494 SAW. U10&DCUMB BOURBON ................. _58" SAW. 2..00AHCBa' N;;e BOURBON .................. slo" SA'IE l.to~ MARGARITA COCKTAll ,.52" OELICA TESSEN ' ' WIENtRS :=.,, .................. 49 .. --FRAnKS ............ -, 69C SMOKIE llNKS \'::::.'.,_ 79t SUCED BOlOGNA ~!.."7:_49c suaD BOlOGNA ::;;..":;:_ 53c BURRITOS =~-2sc suaD CHEESE ::::::::;;_ '2" CHEDDAR CHEESE :::;,_""::._,'1" SWISS CHEESE ~""::':":. ~ '1" SU CED HAM !.."",.!:;.!!'.':..... .... Sift Corona del . Mar-3049 Coast Hwy. · Fountai1 Vallty-16042 MagnoUa Hlllltlnpn Beach-15511 So. Edwards Huntlfl9t0n Beach-.1911 Acla1111 Laguna Beach-700 So. Coast Hwy. .-.~--- • I - , • , ..... l'tLDT ·AllV£RT1SER N W«lnfsd•Y, Stpltmbtr 23, ,1~70 DAILY PILOT • JJ' -- =Garga ttian fQoCflli-~making a-~egetar· .. -" -·Th e's·ceJainly nothing wrong·with~egetables .. But, as a: steady' diet, we can'.t blartie you if you don't go ape for them. A balance diet is what you want. Tender juicy meats. D~licious breads. Convenie~fcant}_ed and frozen food!?. -the works. T OO ·e:iq>ensive? Not with FAD 's discounts on everything. with D, you know, discounts prices, not qualit}r. t having to pay the high price. So you get all the fine products you want. but I _§_top v~getating and swing on by to the affordable store: FAD : We don't monkey around with high prices. S:ANTA ANA- 2120 SO. BRISTOL at WAINER ' COSTA MESA- 2200 HARBOR IL YD. at WILSON I I ' /, • ' . -------- --. • • R DAIL y I'll.OT Sleeks Off I 11 · 1 -9~443- SIZ!s 8-18 It.., 11f""-~-, Diagooal bands shape a dramatic, new cJole..to..tbe. body cling that 1leekl Inches off waist. hips. Have bands and sc::ar( in same or contrast color. Printed Pattern ~: NEW Misses' Sizes I, 19, 11, lf. U, Ill Size 12 (bust :U) !aka I 711 yards 4!>incb fabric. ; SEYENl'Y-FIVE CENTS for ~acb pattern -· add 25 cents for each pattern for Air Mail and Spedal Handling; i>therwise thinldasl dellvery ,v!U take three weeks or more. JSend to Marian Martin, the PAIL Y PILOT 4C, Patltnl jlepl, 232 Weal 11th St., New lVork. N.Y. 1001L Print ;:.:i:=~=· NEW Fall-Winter Pattern t:atalog. 114 dynamic designs. Free Paltem C:oupon 50 cents. ~ INSTANT SEWING BOOK -aw-today, -weartomorrow~$1: . INSTANT FASHION BOOK . -What-to-wear answers, ac-·~essory. ficure Jips! Only $1. ' . . . tVersatile Vegetable Prepared-- Celery lw come a long, long way since jt wu died as medicine. _!;an'I you see )'Wl'a<H IWl- feil=~ ~~. :;o c :~~ . ' ~ 1be G~kl bad ti>e ri&hl Idea. They -celery a prize and olfer<d II 11 sudl to wimers of .ports events. Celery Is .UO a prize • • • as a versitle vegetable and it's 10ol medicine too • . . for ·aalads that need a crisp "Crun<lty tuture _ -. for soups ·that need extra flavor • • • am for appetizer miltures that need low calorie dippers. A big bunch o( celery may • ,_, to bo too mudl to buy :~or two. But It keeps one to '.'two weeks In the n!rlgerator and you will .....iy ba .. 11 \!S- td up in that tln>e. .-You can waab celery-when . you get ii home from the ~. dry it and put it in • piaotic wrap or bq. ll'a ready " 'lo use • • • r ight lrom ti>e ntrlgerator when you neod it. Celery leaves mate pretty aaJad garnishes. Or boll and -. - LONDON BROIL •0•1uss . u.LD.A. CHOICl•DP st~! HEAL TH & BEAUTY AIDS TWICE AS NICE· SHAMPOO •HT• llOllMAL •.OILY ~, .. z.94c ~sin -""li'im them, ttitit U9e the broth . jn soup making ••• even when you "make" soup with camed, frozen or dehydrated \:n-. -' For gelatin salad, cut celery SOFT &' DRI In rather ftno pieces. It lessens ..... .. :111e ..iad'• 1en<1enoy to bl'<;iik ~ DIODOll.AllT up. WMll this gelatin salad, t' _;, oene a tangy cole •law dress-·:.~· •1eULA11 .. •HlllTID SALAD MOLD SIZI iO(. CELERY.ORANGE 5 OZ. 97c c---T---l dlr•"llM'f: P-a..ci.&.'-"t-1::~~:::~~==~~ ' ; ..._ flavored gelatin - ~ •4 ........... ..,ments ! J tMl:111-. aUced celery l" ___ y ~~ ~ cup cl'* green pepper • • "' cup -apple ':i -.. -_.itng to I*•• db:ecticm. P o u r • -half Ille -into a lllillllJ ailed -~ maid. ~---and eelerJ '.UC. lo fonn a pa~ --Ollll 111111 -firm . L • .. J 0 DAILY PILOT -. ............ ·--- ................. il'Wll.Uf.!:::a : ~"" Wllil RI CM•• "; ~Ti;:+:==: D£8 .U8.U 7 _ i SAYE 24c LulTll1• ST..... • m-oa••• Wllll AllY , ...... , ... ~ i ILLS :BROS. : COPFll ---~· ~~· ITH C PON • -~ ,$2.00 PU HASE ... SILVER SALMON RUMPROAS FRISH •TTIUPIH• (SUGED $1 .29 LB.) 99.! ......... ......... CllOla•DP 85~ , .. ,, ·oz. TUH LIQUOR SPECIALS EARLY TIMES . KlllTUCKT .STRAIGHT -•OH•H-ISKY ~··11·' .~ HAlF :\o~ GMLON "'M! dime, eNll l'llDlinlng ....... until 01 deteney o( ~ -ea wlllle. Fold In re-llllinllll loptdlenla. P o u r owr almoll-ftnn gelatin In mold OliJl U11111 firm . Unmold en.;,., -M-fivt ......... ·2300 Harber Blvd. at Wllson St., Harber Shopping Center, Costa ~lesa ---' I -' 1 ·-' -' -1 -•' -:;_...>-~:_ l . ' -·. " . DAILY Pl\OT' S:J • .JJ PILOT·ADVERTl.SER H Wtdnt'SdaJ, Septemb~ 23, 1970 . . ---to'..,...Mlll, Septtmb'r 23, 1970 • USDA Grade'A' Whole ' Plu111p And Meaty I le J.I~ Cut-Up 3. 5 •m•• C W•ipt Fryers lb. lb, USDA Choice Beef Flavorful Blade Cuts, Ideal To Pet R•st, Dehdous Eating. lb. • • ' USDA Choke Grade !ienuine A111rkan It's Aged & Trimmed. To Perfection. lb, Full Shank Pertltll Fully CoOked From Mta1y Easttrll Grilln- Fed Porken. · lb. Fryer Drumsticks o:.~1~"'\:. 63' Boneless Steaks us::·,~~._,<:.. "· 99' Fryer Glnards & Hearts .. 49' Beef Rib Steaks ;;: ,':': :: ·• 99' I I lamb Shoulder Chops •,·:::, .. 99' large loin lamb Chops .... $1 29 Full Butt Portion Ham .. 59' ,• Fresh Pork Roast .. ':' .'.:.'::. •. 49' Fryer Backs & Necks 5 ;~~ 39' Boneless Roasts .~~:~:.:. " 89' Fresh fryer Livers • .:'!:.. , .. 59' Sirloin Tip Steak us~i::.;·~.. , .. $1 n lamb Rib Chops uso. i:·i::: ... $1 n Small loin lamb Chops ,. s1n Pork Tenderloin ao:~:::..c;~~!~om ·~ •1tt Center Ham Slices ~'::~:... ',t.:!. •. 'l29 EDIUM ''AA' FRESH EGGS Cre-.i o' the t1QJ1-Farm FrrU Flivor 1::: ... 521 u.""' 57' Sill '"· 'POOCH ~ DOG FOOD. • Chicken, li'ler or RellJ!ar Fl,vored. 1 .. oz. C OH ~ DISCOUNT PAPER GOODS l11C1de Tissue Tr1ly Fi1e Towels Colortu lapki1s CATSUP AND SAUCES PILLSBURY CAKE -MIXES LUCERNE YOGURT BEL-AIR WAFFLES • '"'"" o .. li.,_,,,, 1~0 1""!' ... ... 1-tz. ,q. /);JtOllfll /lritU SAFEWAY SUPER SAVERS .... -I T LOW DISOOUIT PlllCUI POPULAR CIGARETIES OiltOllfll • /lrilll "" Tam GERBER'S BABY FOOD Strained Fruits, Ve19t1bltt or Juices •-c ~UN SAFEWAY SUPER SAVERS lel-1ir Pizzi 0.hJll ....... P b Golde~ Gein fr1ntW1t H •ti. 29' eac IS Klh'ts-lfH·Rlpe fruit ••• ~ Skippy Pit Slew :0.. hi: •::.· 121 Goklen Corn ~!:i :i~~. ':~:-20-.. . -...... ,., ~ACK CHEESE C~M•er Vtrltty ..... ORI ,, ··-89' Wei(hti la. ....... 93' W1ipb I._ -Luceme Sour Crn• •·,~ ... :I;. 491 _ Luceme Cottage ~heese ::;. 331 Red4i-Wip Toppi•c '.~~ 511 - Lacerae Assorted Dips ~.';'.· 341 L1cer11 Cori Torti1111 ~'!l: •;;:-181 FRANKS ALL MEAT ::;:,;"~: ~: 58° BACON -Sliced 590 1 ·lb. pacu11 Du.lt1 .... l1Ctfl1117;.,:""1 a. Ill Sllctd 11'91:':.":" .. c:".!:a.71• "'""" ..... _t--•. 11• ll1th'1 SU. 11111 ~t ll' H....i--:::1'.C:::lt.!J!' _, •• ,., .... k ... -•-n111 kl" -· klno,t l:: ... ... ....,. ~dJ*~l'r 1" SAFEWAY LIQUOR BUYS P,itU ll!K~ .. Ill~ llfflfll' OiKMlll -- C1mpllel1'1 So1p .~..\!. '!:' 31' Clorox 2 Dry lluch ':0:-1~ Llwry's T 1CO Shella ~:' '::' W Sk1ke 'II like \t!'~",1:;: ~; 241 - STRAWBERRIES T1rll1 Roy1I Scotch ~;!, ""' 1441 Bowli11 Greea 801rlloa 'ii: 1411 C11llli11 Hill Whiskey "~: 1411 St1ntoa'1 Gi1 .i~,~~:i. ,,.. 1:S11 l1vl111 Vodka l".::=10.i.r. ""' 1311 Fidelis lr11dy c.117.':..":11 ... , ... 1311 St. Elmo's Rum· ""'ii'~" ,,.. 1311 Pippy Biscait1 ~: .~., '::" 331 ltlo1lr Sllctd 25C Swett ind Juicy-lde1I I0.11, FOi' Deuert or T~1 •kl• lee Crt1111. low Pric«I! DISCOUNT PRICES MEAN EXTRA SAVINGS! ••• , .. ,, .. , •••••tr•t• Hei1z Tomato Ketchup •::.· 351 Highw1y Catsup n!:'r:.:: .. •:;:.· 191 T1111to Slice · ~:nw"°:TI!t! ·~::· 8' ......... Orange Juice •;::· 18c AFRICAN Niblets Corn lrH1 l l111f I r••• n .... 23c VaculA'll Pac•-lender Golden Kernels. Melt in Mouth Flavor! ... Carrots ~~~~ 3 .1 .. 29c Adds ri.¥111' to 11on11! Ne ~IL~~!!~~ .. ;,, .... 3c VI .. Yellow ·"· ft. .... , ' U.S. "'· I 3 2 I 0 flrwr fMtilt r« RO.ls\s hi 0111ge Juice Hill 770 •• u .. S.furrr l'llre-Rlctl In Vittmin C , llolleydew lelou ..... 49° J""bo Sirt-Rldl Dlllcalt Flawr (MMt: 291;) Breakfast Prunes c.r::.2 t 59< fl ' ,. - 811.1et Di111rs ~~ •;;;:· 371 lel-1ir Crum Pies '"' ·~::· 27' Cit G-..... ,..,;, ..... 58' I Wll AllO frtne:~ pt 1. hl-1ir GolH1 Cori :~~ 51' F Lf ' ... ~ .... '"'·••I re1c. nes tft5 ! "''*' ,.,. .. Ria'• Eollirs ,~~~ ::~ 21' DISCOUNT NON -FOODS "lnr t•re11i.111 Up" ~ hoN 54c The llade PM .... ~" 12·R11r DtH111nlant · $109 Drl1ta11 Talll1'1 ff; '""• Ao• Kuk s109 Drl1t111 Nasal Miit .~ ....... tllolc• 59c .Hair Spray ,,:.. '!;:• YI OLDS --...... ,... '1" Nl-,,.Jllll llM. -... •1• ,., """ ,,..... c.too 8Jc _____ ,. P1pto 11111101 =:, ',-:!" • • -• -UU.199 '"' , ... -b llplh 83 COUPOIS Allacl11 Taltllf1 ,."';, c Stft 1,l ft • 66 hotlorallf "'a:."'.;.!." •::-c lyeluhea ly Pwll "*'",. ff' c1 .... u, , ..... ,. .... ~ 7i• .,,._ "1'111 •11 OM" ·~~ 99' ••lilii1 Alcehel :::,. 'tr-11' -II Lucerne Milk lr1,.r1f~lrlr1 ltlcll 16c For Colfee, CookinL or For Your ti ll Babies Forml111. ~op !Nality, ... Ice Cream Latllr111 P1rtr Prf4t 7-9• Gourmet !Nali~IM ·~· rlaVOfs.-So Rich &-eamr smooth! , ... . . S Wh ., s It "'''"1 """ 10 no -I e a lde1I Se.1sonin1 F~ T1ble ll·tL c or Cook1n1 Use. Its Pure! 1!11 • • T I J • "'•'••r l11 i'-lo R1111 29 . oma 0 UICI Ricll in Flwor, Ricll In '.fitarni~.lu•t 41·••· c _ _ J.-Chin l Serve. low m C1lone1! tin Shady Lan• BuJter ~E~~ !i~79c - '• . ........ _ ' . / ff DAILY PILOT Wldnnda!, s.,t-2l. 1970 • • _~-~Dryer Meets Ya rie d_~e rn.and_s: H9lnemal<er' s __ Spi ce of tife _ . • -..._-..:r-- l . ' . "I'm looking for a new Whit ..eyelet abollkf yoa con-Look for a dryer that pro-permanent pre11 b e c a u 1.e such as a hallways closet, ava1iab1e.' Remember, though, BusineiS Burtau. lf you've~ at11wered -- dnifr," says the shopp(r. , 1ldtr? AutomatJc cycles can vldes a setting In the timed wrinkles may form u they set utility room, balhroom 01 there Is usually an extra The warranty: Man\i.lac-guesUons and evaluated "What do you have ) in save you time, .Generally they cycle that enables "'you to in the' dryer. kJtchen. charge for color. Ask the turers may es:prns the terms Deeds, you'll be able i. ilo do two things ..:..._ ' turn the remove wrinkles from clean w~. "'1f yoar dryer be bt-Before you purchase a salesman. "'oli their -,arf'ant)' differenUy; bttter job ol lelecting-the mind?" asks the salesman. machine off when the clothes Permanenf press items that stalled? Es:istlng facilities, dryer, it's a good idea to ask Will 1ervlee be reUable ind but be sure you understand automatic dryer for you. "Nothing in particular as are. dry (lhls J VOids over:_ are wrinitJed from storage or such :1s gas lines or eleetricaf for an lnstallatlon estimate, euy 1o gel! Here-are some in-what is and what is not If you'd like more Joni as It dr:iea clothes, and drying and inccmVf:nience or brief wear. ouUet already in the bue-especially u thi.s ts YQW' rirg_ dicators; .. ·covered. form1ti0n about buying, ~y all do that, don 't they?" guessing how long drying A buzzer that lndlcates when ment, may determine this for one. Ask about venting the The reputation ol brands Quality: Some tpanulac-or taring leg any oI your 1 replies the shopper. should take) and allows yoo to the dryer has stopped might you. But if thia ls not the case, dryer too. Will service be and dealert: Ask your friends turers have buDl·in service plianct1, lhen write to select the degree of i:fryness be a convenience to yoo, too. you may want to consider a minimal , and easy to get? if they were sallsfled ind If in saving features. Ask the Leslie Paige, Whirlpool Well • • ' the shopper's you prefer. It's especially important with more convenient location , , , Look at d-rator colors d bl h k 'th the B tte I to Int th out Benton Harbor, Mich . ._ partly right. All automaticl-':.:::..::.:.:= ______ .::..::...::::=~:...::~=:..:::::._:::.:.::...::=:=::::.:::'.'..:'.:'.'.'...:...:.:_~~~_..'.'.:-~--~'.__:=~~ou~_:c~ec~.w'.'.'.1'.'.'....~=.•~r__..'.s::a~esm~a'.'..n:!po:'.:::.:'.:':'.'.m:..:::::.· _ _::::::::..:.=:::.:.=:.;__:-J dr.yers do-dry...:-clothes. -But, there's much more to buying one than signing an order, that._ is, if you want the one that bests suits your present and future needs. Leslie Paige. consumer ad- visor at the W'hirlpool Corp., suggests you consider these factors: . Wbt do yoa dry mod of. tea? You probably dry a variety of clothes an d household Items .•• all made of a variety of fabrics which • require different d r y i n g temperatures. Jn the past, most clothes that could be machine dried were cottori, so you needed on- ly one temperature. But with today's wide variety of fabrics {and textile experts pred fct • more new ones, too), you need a choice of temperatures to dry each fabric properly. Look for a delicate or warm temperature stiling f o r delicate ]ngerie i!Jd machine washable and d r y a b I e polyester knits. Permanent press, which is gaining an increasingly larger portion of the clothes you own, requires special drying care to retain its pennanent press characteristics. So look for a dryer with a pennanent press cycle that ·does the most ef· fective job. Row ean you tell if it will do a good job? 1be critical factor is whether it cools the clothes prior to the end of the cycle. Be sure to ask the salesman f o r manufacturers'. literature or for an explanation oI how the permanent press c y c I e operates. U you wish to machine dry canvas shoes or s t u f f '"e d animals, consider a machine with a d,ryir1g rack or. a control that·enables them to be dried witboul tumbling. Go Flowers 7184 tyA&~ Cuddle up with · thi3 cozy afghan at home, on lr:lpsl Gay, scrap flowers bloom _brightly an year -crochet each medallion quickly while you watch TV. Before you know it, you'll have enough. Pattern 7184 : medallions 4~4". - FIFTY CENTS for each pat~ tem -add 2.5 cent!: for each pajle(n o~iL.MlJtLand _ Special Handling ; otherwise third-<!lass delivery will take ttne weeb or more. Send to AUce Brooks the DAILY P!LOT, 105 Needlecraft Dept., Box 163, Old Chelsea Station, WE'il CELEBIATlll,G A BIAN/J NEW 'IONS SUPER-MARKET IN YUCCA VALLEY WITK THESE SUPEl·'IALUIS/ ·-·: -l WHOLE HAMS '·""-55 •--.----·---..... -... c ,--f.oll--• l :.::t. ·.; ~:: :-::: -~- ..... , Hinns ~':i F.i~ •ta: Jim c.i. Sias -·t~ ...... Oscar Mayer lact1 ::=: ~ ~ 79' Ratli SllClll llacM =.: 2~ •t• "' Slrilp , ... s..,,., --·aw. _......, 89~ --.... - • ........ .... """ ..... -. .................. 1• :: ·-"'"r ...... ....., ,...._-.. ............ UM -fllltJ ........ ME. -. ........ -•••• ti• ....... :-' ...... --······-······-·· ................. --..................... .. ..,..,._ .......... --. .......... 11.11 ::::::: """ ............ -. ............ ~ ...... ... ....................... -................... 11• .......... __ ., __ ..... 1• ............. ~ ............................. .. ,_ ·c1io1c. •••. ••Im am..., :-:-· w. Clitk. RIW leat -m,-11tt 5111-lmilla Tllbp :'::"~~59~ : V ALUABLE COUPON :····· ·····: . E 1aT.;::;.wr.SLICED BACON ! .: . . . ': -VALlJABLE COUPON ••••••• • • • • • W.n6 20t T1rtn Ptmfti1 11 MAiWELL liOUSE .. • . . • . . • .. Fresh Hen Turkeys Fresh Beef Brisket ...... OIAllf. ""'°' ... 10.12 lL AVG, W'I". l'OINT HALI' ••• U-<H TINlllEI 49t · Choice Chuck Steaks 98t Choice FamHy Steaks ...,. Cl/IS 55, $)'! .COFFEE • . . • . CANNED · TOMATOES FANCY FAIMS~-::;i Whole Peeled 'l'h U.I TOILR TISSUE ,_c.tc..., Cut 19cins. f.....ch ........... V-blo.. t 110.0%. PKG. SALAD OIL _RINSO DElERGEHT- GfA#T Nowwillr · Color 1'9ocll.,. rJf!JfJfJ LIQUORS FEATURES ENGLISH MUmls VONS • suaD 29' ~::::.,:.. ... ,I. COCll MN WllGU WllAT CAKES BRUD """""'!I" 89' --39' ~ t~- I CASABA MELONS fANc'r, JIJCY, New d ,... TttlCX MlAllQ, ,,,,,___. ......... ~ . sw .. 1 ••• Juicy Fancy ... . ' J . t • • • • • . . • . . 1 • • • . ; • • • 1 .. J • ' '1 . . Iii ,..,.... -:;. u. lb. ...... ".!:'O:: .. u. ,,__ ____ ;;;;.... ___ ...... PO..,.M •. ~!OIUNClf. MS,... Plfltoft :!.~.· ........ u. -7-Frm ll•111 ::: ... u. ..... 11sa11s W: ..... 3129' Mtzm:l10.1111 n-::.-49' ~fjJf:}fJ FR OZEN FO OO BUIS' • • • . llnl1 ly1 ..... .::-3t' : "" .. , s.dwlcll.:.:. 7fl : 01a:11 J.U..... .... 45' ·: CoclmiU T-. ;:·~ 39' lttf.llllrritu . .::..~ 49' ~ ROSIRITA DINNEU ~ otml! 1NCHUM 12-0Z.4• :; COMIOfUTEOIMmCAN l'fCG. 1'7-• -. ~ IMt 11 lql _,. ........................... • • .. EJ1fl'IHll'-!a w1.--..,._.._, ........ :: .. .,. ... a,.. .,,~, ,,,.. , .............. .... .. .,. ... , .......... ,_..llllllC&. ....... ~ .,. .,. ..... -~ loWCI. .... -.. ............... . :.'!!n ........ ,_-.. .............. ,. ': ..... _ ................................. !: ....,. ... -111.....-. ................. :· ,... .......... P1m1-. ......................... ; . ,, ~-~~~·~~~~~ .... ·: :: . . : • • • -Grapefruit-Juice ~-46 ~ 49L Fann Style Chips ~L~ 2tc --f----Ne.,..:V'wk,-N.¥....lOOll.-J!dn'I--~ .... _.. . . . ---~wn•Mlx ~°'=-4-Na81, Addreu, Zip Pli&tn -· BIG 1171 Needlecraft ~ -to pages, 200 ....,, a rr.. pa!ternsl Knit, cnicbet fuhlons. Quilt, .... brokler, weave. Toys, &iftl! Semdll centa. NIW! C1 ':'ett A f 111 • • --...,...._ afghans, fuhionl, plllow1, baby gifts, mort! •t. .. -Glfla" -lO eenU. "d -.... ,, to knit. crodlet, weave, aew, hook. 50 -Borpln! Qoll -I baa 11 brillllllll ptlterna. lO ...ti. _,.._ Of 1H1 WOILO-. ... ::z..~ .. t ....... ,_,~.:=t .. 'S 7t' '"""' .. '-.................... ~&: rr c.t1••• , ..... ,. ....... , =t~ 'al 73' 'Wlrllllo IG!lt ........... _ ....................... 1Pt .............. , ... -............ .. .... ~ ............................. --... f2.11 C... ,,_ ~ at.at. t.wt •••••••• ,, •••• 27c ,"-........... er.It M..e,...., CM ...... Sl.2f liptoll kl TM ... .-a.M.'1.S.llet.... ""' """II' -...S fWI ,_.food , ..... CM .' ...... -2/3ft Unct. len ~ l'llclf .oi. ,., ....................... , 39c Oitf .......... Mar,..,1 .. la. ('Ill. ••••••••••••• ' ... Id .... ~ Mlqorllle ta. M .......... 46'; Dayti• Pampers ~:o.-$J59 I • • MllAHI 11PO IWIFf Salad Droning I Baby food = := '.r-,.. AIST'D, ..... 29' ~ ~ .... "" 45c lM-Or. JM ~··...,._ ...... ,NIL.Ml ••••••••.• .... "_°""'c.... ............... , ... ~ .............. COMm ....... A: lr.fli:."9,...~Mlla._.. ........ WI 2/4fc r.I t. a.ti. ... ,..,_. ... ""' ' .... 21-9' . • • .; •! o.w ...,_ ca.....-. •.......... : •....• ,,..._er..-.,. ...... Clll ........ ""91' o.w.a.. ....................... . . ...... --.......................... -..... . ....,, ................................. \.!' Mccm Qllll _,.. I -pat- lemo"" t111UpOrb qullb. lO 101· 1-1 cents Book · 3. •'QllUll for Tod1f1 Uvlq". 11 pattema. 34081 IO cent&. Adams Ave., at BrookhDJst, Huntington Ceach Daheny Park Orin, Capistrano Beach 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springdale, Huntington Beach Laguna Hills Plaza, El Toro · 21081 leaCh Bliil., HunUngton Bed 17950 Magnoria, Fountain ValleJ . l --I r ' -. ~ I I I • . . . . . • • . • . • • . . ! • ; 1 . • ,, . • '" • . • • . ~ • l . ;l • • • . [ • . • :l • • • • ~ • \: • . . :t . ' . • . . I: . E I· ' ·: .. '• . . • I . . • . . ·l • ,_ ! • " .. il • . . : . I: • . . • l • •! • . ~ • • • . •• :It IJ .. • Wfcffttsday, Stpttmb!r 23, 1970 . EIGHTH WEEK S:\\'ER COUPONS ; PRll.. 60-CT. l'KG. OKHID ~ . ..... -· •All!IRllA•KINS I Ll ••• Wf. 16-0l.ICIORAOI 9c · l ·I ~· 12-0L WATH GLASS M . ' .. II , 6-0l , TIN StlNSHINf STATf l ·C ' -LIM4'11AD1 SMAil l lt.t.N0-16-0Z. aontf •·o. PRll • auaa1Ne ALCO.NOL EACH WITH $2 .00felN!MUM PURCHASE ST WEEK 'TO •••••n• POR PRll Alli CANADA M .. TRIAL VACATION AT QUJIN ILIZABITH HILTON . IN MONTRIAL . AND ' G.I. NO FROST FRllZIRS UlL -OF FROZEN FOODS F roze• t 'oods· Dlseoaat Prlees SWAHSON'S-Chicliitft, Tvrilltf', Meet loaf. Gttti..,..I Slr\oi11 5 2 TY DINNERS.. .... ... !. -PICTSwt:tt-~UT l!ANS, f~l!HCH Gfll!l!N I EANS, 11111!!0 24 VEGETABLES ......... ·~··· ~ . PICTIWl!n-1<H>Z. 20 COJIN, P•AS..... . . ~ . All VAllmEs-I AHQUEt -i-oz: 2 7.c COOKIN' BAGS . • •. DOWNYFLAICE-,llNG SIZE 4 "1 c ... • ~ JO-CT, , n'AFFa.sS .......... . . . . '.~~:. · -' ~ > r;_ • ii'i 0iii'aiowNS: 3 7c SUNSHINE STATE I 0 ·- • • \ Gi1J~8 J'ou FAMOUS BRANDS! DOUBLE BLUE CHIP-SUMPS I at BIG SAV.IWGS -PilCIS und·! ~ I DOUBLE BLUE CHIP STAMPS ·!: WITH COUPON t: ' ONLY u.s.D.A •.. ''CHOICE'' BEEF AT THRIFTIMARTI r LARGE .END 0 BLADE CUT UC I STIC ROAST . LB. c TO IROIL OR BAR!tECUE 95 c RIB 'STIAK.......... lb. SMALL eNO $1 09 I ' ll:, ....._~·""'""" RIB ROAST................... ••. ~ .. i1. LEAN FRESH I LEAN FRESH . i OVEN READY-SEASONED I I lb • GROUND JS c I GROUND 85 c I MEAT 69 I 7·BONE 59 c 1 •ouNo BONE 69 CHUCK lb. : ROUND lb .: LOAF lb.: ROAST . lb. l ROAST lb. BONELESS' NORTHERN ·BATHROOM 4-PACK TISSUE , CHUCK ROAST ......... 85:. -.; BONELESS -ROLLED & TIED 9· 5 c BONELESS-FLAVORFUL 98 ·I'~ CLOD ROAST........... lb. PAMILY STEAK....... 1~ . @:· LEAN BONELESS 89 c "TENDEa·U E EXTRA LEAN WRAPPED 3-5 89 C ~ STEWING BllF . . . . . .• . . lb . CORNID ROUNDS .'Pl . lb. IRIS -PINK (OTION 32-0Z . DISHWASHER DITIRGINT •••••• c I 51!!!,!A~E!ZE!!!!-~AFOOU~!~~! :::~ WILSON'S CRI SPRITE . MtS. PtlOAY'S 11h-Ll.$239 FRESH CAUG HT " -~ SLICID LB ' 6 ·5 c lllAHD SHRIMP ........... G, s -c > BACON . PKG. s~~Pl. .. s """' ''.';~~49' ILYER 39 .. ~:;.K 25c ;:;~·:.c••PS .............. .::~:79· SALMON ... a.oz. flOPflT 2·ll. • 39 STEAKS BY THE PIEC E . l\~ SAUSAGE PKG. ::~~,;·CHIPS ...... .,;~: 1 $I 3l9b.. $119 QUAIL-46-0 Z. TIN '1 @ RIAL McCOY flSH 'II CHHSI STICKS "o. 69' lb. , 'TOf'IATO 4 illlf BACON 1 2-0~.,.~11. 61• .. 110 'EflT · 9-0Z. 79c NOflTHtflM ~HITE ft«iztN · . "UICI ' FOR •••• LllllKllS ..... ;, ' 2t· SOI.I w191ma SAUCl .... G, HALIBUT STU KS ........... , ... 98 .. • eee eeee eee ee ee · g ... 1.0,EIT 9-0I fl f SH fll l fTS • ••• SAUSAOI Hb.l oll '4t• SCAlLOPS W/IUTTn ...... o: 98' OCEAN PEll<H ................. -as .•. , .L .. "'l.ff'1ADE '.'.?;: _ c All flAYOIS ~p 11 c ' FRUIT DRINKS ... ~'.?; . FRO ZH {.VEGETABLES IN SAUCES-9 & lO·?Z. PKGS. CORN NIBLETS, SPINACH, GREEN GIANT ~~~~~ ;~~~ I DOLE-CHUNKS CRUSHED TIDBITS DISCOUNT NON•FOODS I . ' ' CE,ACOl 1A70 %. . I PINEAPPLE MOUTHWASH ............... 96' I SMART COIL IA-OZ . : HAIR SPRAY ................ 54! 12.oz. TIN _ J ~RSEY/,\AID SHERBET . .4 DELI CIOUS F.LAVORS • HALF GAL. --B~IGHT SIOE 6-0 Z. SHAMPOO .............. , .. ,, 83' ·2 3c COMBINATION BICYCLE LOCK ............ ~. 94' PLASTIC 12-lNCH IA. RULER .................... ,.. 12' POCK ET PfNClt -ASSORTED SHARPENER ................ 15' Del Monte, Sliced or Hcilv•• 29C PEACHES ••• 21;, TIN NA81SC0-16·0Z. CELLO 39c FIG llEWTOllS ••• 17c VAl.Uf -2/19'c 'ENS flEE • llC BALL POINT PENS ..•••• 39' HORMEL-W IT H BEANS · CHILI CON CARINE ....... 15i1~z~ •••••• 39c -----------Fi1wst Fre slie st P1•ot.l·u ce------------ U.S. NO. 1 RUSSET CREAMY WHITE CASABA MILO NS LB, CILLO BAG SLICING SIZE 4 25 ' TOMATOES . . . . .. PACK c YOUNG TENDER 1 LB. 1 oc CARROTS . . . . . . . . . . c.'~~0 8-0Z. 7 ·c TIN CARNATION -LIGHT CHUNK TUNA \?~· N ESTLE'S CHOCOLATE 2.LB 79c QUIK ••••••.•••• TIN···· fNlWYrAR .?¥3 MOTHER'S GEFILTE -FISH 24-0 Z. · JAR 99«' RO KEACH GEFI'-TE FISH 22-0Z. JAR 99c ' f j it/t io1• IJe pt. Specials S&F-CHUNKY OR .CRE AMY !fl PEANUT I· BUTTER :: FLEETWOOD BONDED BOURBON srH 1-LB. JAR EA. -·!!I· :\~ JANOV-80° .It--· VODKA ar: HALF GAL . SALE ANCiENT AGE $10 98 ii.iciD ~·~i.~~·2' 5c ••' 1-$-BREAD~~~~~,~~ . . EARL y TIMES 11 4 9 BIG "G"' " SMIRNOFF -BO' $1 G49 CHllRIOS 10•;,.oz 3 7c VODKA , CIRIAL ....... PKG. ". ... • •••••••• --Sib. JUICE DRINK .....• ~~~~; 9" r----K~-;;:_~~~;~;;.;L-;----~---------G-;~;-SLICED I KR.AFT -PROCESSED RID DELICIOUS Your Choice JONATHAN -PIPPIN OR APPtES ·4 c~~io 59c PKG. SWISS CHEESE : SALAMI , ·: CHEESE FOOD I 3-0 Z. 6-0 l . I SI NGLE WrtAP 6-0Z . PKG. 53~ i 49c S9c l 1;~~z. 69c I I CHNiiDARCHEESE ·79.~ PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. THRU SUN., SEPT. 24, 25, 26, 27 2701 -HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA e 13922 BRO Ol,<HURST, GARDEN-GRO-VE----l iOa-W~-EDINGER,-SANTA-ANA . ··~- • -;a-WARNE , RlJHTJNGTON BO-CH e 23811 EL TORO, L TORO --- JI . • ' ~----If llAllV PILOT Wedntsday, Stptein~, 1'170 Made in Min.utel Co nv efljence . Packaged ~ To Ease ·Chef's Chore Whet fall appetites wilh .Curried Meat Balls. They.are quicker to prepare than ·are ordinary meat bans with prepared meat loaf mix- "· The mix is combi1i;ed wilh meat, an egg, water and curry powder, shaped into meat balls and is cooked while.._tbe sauce is being prepared. Serve CUrried Meat Balls with cottage cheese and peach slice aalad and fluffy white -,,, .............. rice for an easy, time-saving main dish._.. Take advantage of the new recipes and di(ferent Ideas printed on the meat loaf mi1 packet. CURRIED MEAT BAw; • I package meat loaf mix 1 pound ground chuck \\ pound ground pork l egg 1/3 cup water zy, teaspoons curry powder 2 tablespoons cooking oil SWISS ROESTI TAKES THE CAKE Market Limitless Shoppers' Favorite,_: Frozen · French Fries I cup chopped onion I minced clove garlic 3\.2 cups ·ti pound IJ.<>unce can) tomatoes 113 cup raisins I/, teaspoon ground cloves ~ \~ teaspoon salt pi':" Mix prepared mis:, chuck, · · pork, egg, water and 1 tea- spoon of the ~urry powder lightly but thoroughly , Shape into 32 meat balls. Heat oil in large skillet. Add meat balls and brown lightly Orlan sides, about IO minutes. Remove from skillet and drain on • absorbent paper. Pour off all i but 3 tablespoons of oil re- maining in pan. Saute onion, garlic and the remaining I Yi teaspoons curry powder for 5 minutes. Stir in ~ tomatoes, breaking up with a fork. Add raisins,, cloves, salt a nd browned meat balls. Cover aOO.immer 20 m1nuces, s If· ring occasionally. Serve over fluffy white rice. Yield : six servings. ~TOP QUALITY DAiil PRODUOS WIN 18 GOLD IED _ALS fOl 9 23..i coNSfCU1M ftAl llUHS · -AT TllE lOS ANGEi.ES COUNT'f FAil .J. l YOU Alf TllE lEAl wt<t<El • HERE'S WHY: ' EITRA FINE TINT ~·EN _PEAS Propelled by a seemingly SWISS ROESTI POTAT~ limitless market, the annual 2 packages ( 16 Olln(e! eat\) production of froien potatoes frozen hash bro wli rontinues to spiral upward. potaloes -6 cups !f~UM SAVE Ac 17T 111 cup butter or marga rine Acoording to a frozen food 'h: cup frozen chopped onions In 1 tit u t'. last year's 1 ~µp coarsely shredded production again surpaased Swiss cheese the total of all other frozen Salt and pepper vegetables and for the first Separate potato pieces. Heat time exceeded the two billion butter unUI hot but not pound mark. browned in a 11>-inch skillet. 1'he·2;043,~;ooo pawia patlt-1ttix together potatoes and re:presents an 18 p!rcent orUons: add lo butter and stir increase over the previous well to coat vegetables even ly. year and double the 1964 Sprinkle with cheese. Press production when the froun mixture with the back or a potato output reached a billion pancake twner lo form a firm pounds. even layer, Cook Over medium Froien French r r i e 1 heat, without stirring, for 20 to conflnue lo be the most 25 minutes, or until potat:oe.s - popular froien potato product are golden brown and crusty and represent about 71 pereent on the bottom. Lo o 1 e n of the total product•n. While potatoes from bottom with this figure is impressive. pancake tu~r. Place a round French frits slipped from-_platter~~de down ?" top .or their 19 perctnt position the the skillet. lnve~ skillet with previous year, indicating 8 pl.alter. U desired, ga~lsh production increase in other "'Ith bacon curls and chicory potato products such as hash or other greens. . browns. creariied. croquettes. Makes 6 to 8 servings, pan c 1 k es, au gratin, POTATOES DAUPJUN 1--'iC------d.tmonico. cottage--f-r+e s • t package (B ounces)-froten patt~s, stuffed baked and hash brown ·potatoes -3 candied swtet. cups . Frozen hash browns rank i,; teaspoon salt next to French fries in 18 teaspoon pepper popularity. These convenient Dash of nutmeg I diced or shredded frozen 2 eggs. well beaten potato pieces art .packed in t\IJ cups milk _ .. _ ... convenient 12-and J6-0unce I ~ cups 16 ounc e s J pecb.gel 1nd 2-and >pound shredded SwW or Gruyere ~--"'1',...._..,..,-~lil CREAM ICE ... ' . ' ~'tOIS. l6-0l. l't:G. lll.AfttSl~T!a. ICMJ. TV SPECIAi. KUBROSOUPS SHOESTRING POTATOES FISH STICKS Cftl:TI ... SH I.OZ. l'ICG. ...... CANADIAN WHISKY 49' 59' 39' · ·-~;~~SKY s4s•~ ' SAVE 30c: Amt lON DON .MIAH RUM AMiil RAU 11111 ' IMl"Ol:TlD LIGHT '3" tJGH"l t.>Gll re:;"\ '2" ll'UM, flJTH , . 12-0L CANS \!!! CHATEAU PE.TITE CH~PAGNl. UG. 011. P1NX. '1" 5'A.RkUNG.IURGUNOY Ol_COlD DUCK. flFTH , , .. , _ ... , llOUOl DlP.U'fMfN'f-9'I All STOllU EXCPT ENCINO -PlLOT·AOVCRTISER 8 FALL APPETITES APPEASED BY CURRIED MEAT BALLS RUSHED FROM BARDIN ORCHARDS • EXTRA STARKING RED DEUaous FROM WASHllGTOll STAn LARGE STALKS ·CRISP CELERY BROWN ONIONS SWRT, Mllll 15! 7~ CRACKERS RC COLA SUNSHINE KOISPY SALTINES 33' 1-ll. IOX l«>IVIOUAll Y WM.!'PEO P'ICGS. lAllGE 16-0Z. """T 51ZE _ 691 90mes SIX PAK • -· SPAGHETTI ..=-0.~~. 19c QUAKER OATS ·:5;~31· CAES~R DRESSING ~~~. 451 AW SELTZER ~~~ 57' MR. CLEAN ~i\~ 69' CALGONITE ·-~":r. i:,.-· 89' .. !!'!'!~~~,!AKEWARE BREAD CAKEPAN,ftOUMOU.l'Et 39c ;:!~~~.:t~lOAf . ---00 WHIT'E-9!1~HEA13c--· -VALut:S To ~ .. .. . .. . .. ~ SA.NDW'ICH OI SPUT TCW COCOA DOOR MATS $199 ·~~•.LOAF THIOC lllllSff l'M.£, K>NDEO f006 . StllJl~·o.11 a.«>~ . 35' SCJllO( Pl.US PlATINUM ~N,!.~q~~~LAD£S ... S l 37 [~~~l~,,~.OF60 . BBC PROruN 29 HAIR GROOM flllllE·UP MlftlOIU POUND CAKE 45' '1.Alll Olt MAlllL.f ........ ' ....... . '""''· •.o.i ................... age Slb.Y, 7.0Z. $1.13, Ga.. l.OL 99(, Ct[ME. 3-0Z. " (HJ.TV Sf'KlAl polybllgL They enable superb chee"" hash browns with minimum Separate potato piettS. Add MJB IDAHOAN SCHILLING YUBAN COFFEE LOMA LINDA SWIFT'S tffort (JuM follow package salt. peppe.r. nutmeg. eggs, direc:Oonl), but they al!O lend milk and J cup of the cheese: tbmwelves kt Ult in • ~·ide miK well. Pour mixture Into ' nnp · ol reclpts including.. well-buttered 11Ai qua r I IOUJJI, ch o w d er s and casserole. Sprinkle w i t h caw1olel. remaining ~· Bake in a Followlnf art two classic prehealtd moderate oven t3~ potato dlth!I wbkh-Ulustrate degrees F'.) for 30 to ~ 1-----tfit venlUlly or . th e s lnutell!'~--untll-t.op-;rfinn to1n1en'ent frozen pol • to and lightly bro~·ned . pieces: Makes 4 to 6 serving~. GOURMET RICI MIXES 75• '" "'0 POT A. TO RAXES 11.Ji.0:: PEPPEi! 53 • 93 ' 'I" l ·l l '"' 12 10 GRAV'f QUIK 19• ME.A TS FOi: IAIES STUINEO, l~Ol.. JUNa., '~ Jtl HI Ml.AT DINNBS POI tA.llfS, STIAINlO 0. JIJNIOI:, '~L •• .. ,,_ • --;:;:p- -.. Wtdlltsday, Stptt1T1ber 23, 1970 .. Wodiiftdo1, Stpttm"" 2.J, 1970 ~ DAILY PILOT !f1 • ' la By JOHNA BLINN he better off lfving,anywhero cooking ID lndlvldull lllle' bul "New York, rat b_e r rare, medium or wtll done. NEW YORK -"l can only Colorado because of a skllt-Serve with green salad. tell you that l·love to cook! cond.lUon. But now, we've con· And I consider myself not bad quered that problem.by adding VARIATIONS: when I have time," a.ctress whole milk." Broiled Steak wttb Matard• DiabaM Carroll said , dressed .. ~-··--. floor I th I I "I have one recipe I made Stea .. ~ ... in 1 · eng c nnamon~ -up for the subwlJ (probably For the Steak : ored br:uised velvet hostess .-..... meanln'""'1 to~ _father eo,wn accented with a tiny rO~ ii'; true 1i;;~f ;' fl'1tlM§ 2 :u;i~ ~~okln, cut 1 ~ of rhinestone but~ !1Qn IM ~ he' sufttf . -I fr;_ont JIJ:14 looUd .1111 .. ,, • tor 1~1 ~de .. ,..... ..., .i:acked black pepper : never entere<I wliiiiii!. ' t~ms In a blil,,,.:; '"*ti broiler; place steak 1 "I haven't" --IJI top of the st«it ... WI · ...,., .. seasoned on both ing since !'ft. · _... I ft ~ciOlll. Suzanne "'Ii. iMif lilj salt and cracked California, = a .. it1 t I call it Stef' · ~ Iii broiler rack 3-in- sbe said tt · ~ 1 r .__, .. _ 1 put ,._.. 1 --....,, heal ilroll H daughter• 1 • tNtl IBlft. ;u; that had notfilng to -~, 1• llr rare, I min\ltel nered n In e ·ye a r old. wilh anything. for medium, trlO minutes for "Fortunately, my, daughter is 1 asked about a comment well-done. Turn, broil 4-1 a fan of my cooking -some she'd made once about the minutes longer. Place steU: on of my cooking. I like that!" emasculaUon of bl8ck men in ~eated platter •(or Woodtn . After an initial glimpse at a maternal soc~Y. , steak plink), ptnlilL "'with Diahann, one has to reckon border of panley, ·ndilb ·!'ORI 1'lf you're ~ me to and • butter-browned with 'her obvious physical at-elarlly the fact that not only . tributes. "Do you still take mushrooms. Serve .with warm milk baths?" I pondeffi!. have black men · b e e n mustar~ sauce spooned ,,Yer emasculated, but w!tite men steak. Serve wltb w a r m "I. ~ertainly do, but It's as well, I would go alon' with mustard sauce ll)X>ODed' over . . -~--·ste>dr.l!er'oeri..-------1 racial p o I n t particularly M. ,A .... ~ 51 , becall!e the emasculation o~ 111..-u IKlf:, the black inale has been so· 3 egg yolks STEAK DIAHANN PROVIDES A DELICIOUS DISH WITH VARIATIONS otherwise with 180 billion peo- ple starving all over the world! I can't stand that lm· age! I have a dermatologist who explained to me that I'd devastating, lhat it has ~f· . J/l cup prepared yell<Kf fected the e.ntire family struc· mustard ,- ' • THE WENATCHEE V·ALLEY ( ' ' I f ANCY .CRACKLIN' CRISP! / Eallklui<, .... ..,... ~~ ~~ LB FREE! I BAR OF DIAL BA TH SIZE DEODORANT SOAP OLD MEDAL FLOUR 5-LB. BAG corn-POWER . DETERGENT , 5-LB. 4-0Z. BOX ture of the black community. lit teaspoon seasontn& ult When the man cannot carry d -• out his function, which is to a3.li cayenne pepper provide, and the society ae-6 tablespoon butter, room cepts the presence of the black temperature woman in areas of employ· .Beat egg yolks in aaacepan ment more readily than they with t;Ot.ary beater until thick accept the presence of the and Jemm.colored. A d d black male, he's put in a ter· mustanl1· blend well Warm rible position. And therefore mixture over very low beat so is she. And 'it -arrecb (or in top of doubJe boiler) . everything includlng the a bill· stirring coostantly .. When mix· ty tO not·only become parents ture begins to thicken, add but present the proper rela: butter in three p o r t lo n 1 , tionahlp between male and beating well after each ado female for that child to cOpy. dttlon with rotary beater. And then, ao on down the Blend Jn seasoning salt, cay. line," she said with great enne. Keep warm, uncomed, thought. "Fortunately, the ove~ hot water, (If aauce • .. situation ls changing all over begins to separate, add a tsp. the country, particularly in of cold water and beat with a cosmopolitan areas." fork ,unUl smooth.) . • I had to ask Diahann a final Herbed ~t 8aace: q?esllon about lhe Women's lit cup vegetable oil .:l,.ib..Move-L 1/3 ·cuirvinegar- "I don't know what 1 think 2 tablesnnnn• b:latlnt minced about that" she sighed. "I'm . r-•- concemed ' with the woman 1s onion relationship :.... the Ibale-2 tablespaons of Worcester· female relationship -so a . shlre 1!8uce womari doesn't really do 1h: teaspoon oregano herself out of what she really i;, teaspoon thyme wants in the long run!,. ~ teaspoon ground pepper Recipes from the very 142 teaspoons salt people-oriented beauty follow: 1 cup tomato Juice STEAK DIAHANN ;i cup caLsup On the morning of the day :y, teaspoon cayenne pepper you plan to serve the dish Cojl_lbine vegetable o 11, season a favorite cut of beef vlneiilr, instant on Io n , (sirloin,-· Porter House, club, Worcestershire sauce,-oregano shell etc., cut to thickness and and thyme; pour over steak size to suit your family) (top sirloin or rou nd ) , generously with: Refrigerate several hrs. (or Salt , overnight). Drain, save liquid. ·VALENCIA ORANGES 8 ::G 79' llMJT 1 5-ll.. 4-0Z. IOX PE" COUPON. LIMIT 1 COUPON PEI CUSTOMElt. SEPT. 24-30; _. YALUABl.EUN1PR1CECOUPON Freshly ground black pepper Grill steak shout 15-20 minutel Hint or garlic pawder/and turning frequently. Meanwhile, or onion salt combine remaining ~quid with Good bottled Italian salad salt, pepper, tomato juice, cat. sup and cayene pepper. Slm~ I I IUISING STRIPS BONB.ESS a• lEfF ll. .,- CORI DOGS ........ ,., ... 79' BONELESS STEAKS CENTER COT ROUND_ STEA~ ..•• 1 • • • • LB. CUBE STEAKS BREAKFAST .STEAKS RUMP ROASTS , ..... _, ,,_..., OVEN READY, TENDER ROASTS·. , ••••••• LB. LB. ' BOLOGNA @D> SLICED 6-0Z. All BEEF OR All MEA. T, ROUND Oft SQUARE PKGS. PICKLE & PIMENTO LOAF ~o': 370 cono SAlAMI ~~· JACK CHEESE I -~ MONTEREY JACK 89( ~ BY THE PIECE . II. .. PIW•Y PIWl•Y CllSCllT IOW (OOllU •. oz. 331 CMOCOU.Tl C-, 4'4 l~l.~ ""' ~.n.ot. IRIKllAm CIUM CllllSI ~ 33' ... All llUT WllllllS ·-""" Ml, PWG. am KIDNETI I SAND DAIJ ' ~~. ~35' fZ ... .<.ov ... Sl.19 ··_ ROTISSERIE ROASTS ' "'"""s toASTS ... s111 ~----------------1 COMl'lfm.T N£W ANO \Jr-To.oATE lfrN CIOCKEI COM.'lm IUIT!AMlllC l'ANCIJCE~MIX, 26-oi.. lox ,,,, •. .WC A.IC. WHOl.E WHfA T 'tG W S. 1.n.. l'lig. , , , , , .••• , • , ••• , •• , , ••••. 41 c mp l'AN flf.AHUl 1Unu. 11«. Jor •.•••.••••••.•••••••••••••.. _66c. & M IEAN~AllCOll'(. WHOLE OI CftAM Srn.E, 29~ c~ , , .33c -=:.:1111:1m..__ PJICES_Eff.ICillEJ .,,818 DAIS_ J.KWtmm. (U:U. AOO"TAX TO.AU TAXABLE ITlMS 1\,.._ ....... t.~Impo....... THURSDAY·wmNESOAY, SS'TEMIEll 24-30 =~· -·· $3" i-~ PIUSIUltY l'IE CltUST MIX. ~ , , • , , •••• 27c- CHUN ICING CHOW MEIN NOOOUS, .Hi. , ,35c l'UNCH DfTDGlNT, 'P-. 101C ,, ••••• ,, , .65c DOVE UQUeo DfTtltGfNT, 22--.' •• ,: ••• , • .th PAMPERS DIAPERS . o.t.YT .... l'lo. Ol'30 •••••••••••••••••. II ff 0¥8NIOlll, PIG.-OI' ti .............. 89• .1 • dressing mer 15 minutes stln'ing often. Rub seasonings well in'io Spoon aauee over ~··ak. both sides of the steak, wrap ' in aluminum roU; refrigerate Coffee S&eal:-8aace until ready to cook. Saute slic· IA cup Worceatershlre sauce ed fresh muahrooma and ~cup strong black coffee onions in margarine 1n a 2 tableSJIO!H\!I p r e p a r fl d heavy skillet;-remove them yellow mustard and keep them warm. Now put 2 tablespoons garlic aalt steak In the pan over a rather dash cayenne . high flame. When it is ready Measure ingredients Into Jar to turn (it shQuld be well as !Wed. Cover, shake to mix. browned on the outside, red on Pour over steak, Jet stand 1 th e inside) pour 1 jigger Coln· hour. Baste steak with sauce treau over Jl and complete as it broils. M~s 1 y, cups. ~ t . STAR OF FAMEO TV SERIES 'JULIA' ~tress 0)1ham Carroll ~- • ~. ~ .~ DAILY PILOt --.....--~ .,,...,;.J. Wldnesda1, s,.,,..i., 2), 19(.0'· _Alptia Jeta's _ -~Man in i Blue ,_Sa~, • - - r-GENE BIS~_. STORE MAN>J;!R .,...PALM'SPRINGS ;. ; • • • '. :i 11'Pli HOUH ' ......... M. frf.i,11'~ .. ft•M Set. ... -s-. 10 AM .. , PM COlllPUlttt • sfnllHlnit purthase • .Illt_figure would bl mutll llilfter_fl Meat I Prodlft wm i11tlllled ~ _ 'I Fres/J~Ftilts and ·v;j,1011711 .,-- DISCOUNT, PRICES! i HEs'E ~PRODuCE 1PR1cES EirEC11vE · • , l HURSDAY throuO. WEDHESDAY, Sept. 24.JO T FJLt FLOW . AT DISCOUNT PRICES r' • STARFLOWER BOUQUETS OfKER Fill ntMs 'lYAIUllL ARTlCHOt([ PUFF KllS; CALIF. OAK LEAVES. EUCALYPTUS ' - -3:i13:11:1 @IA'ii;l'.l·J.fl!·ltj·lfii·lli!!IQ;l!3 £• CASABA IELONS " . ' .. '51 FRESli CABBAGE J:'.lr, 7~. WATERllELOI$ .!'"-'" 5 ~ . .. SALAD Of.COi,£ SL~W,,~ JD,:.. PlllEAPPllES w""' 49:. , Banana or Hubbard Squash l ~. PAPAYAS, -3 "' 100 Ta~li Queen or Butterniit• .. u•ID~ Kl,WI FRllJT ID:. BROWll OiHOliS 5 ::, 48• BEEJS_l ,TURlllP.S ~i"'" · .10:-. ·YAL;EllCIA-ORAIGES 10 .t:;-9'1• LARGE CUCUMBERS ·I a... Lunch Box Raisins '~ID ''" 39' BELL PE!IPERS IO~. JUMBO 'PEANUTS """ 39 ' . FRESH CARROTS iu. "'· 10 :. • '"'""' "· .,"· RADISHES I OlllOllS:i~ .10:... !~~!~-~!'!~.~RISS ,.!.D,::0,!. -BROWll-,USH~OOl~'VK~9.°:'.'" · lllST,Allf POTATOEt -6 ri>illl: - I' !Al DISCLUhlS {Vf PY DAY sow A(PNA. .,.. $TOii 01$COONT CllARGr PlllCE Tl TAl fllSCOU NTS EVERY DAY SfJM£ ALPHA l!CTI. STORES IH$COU,_.T CH.IJIGE n:1cr C£NT£1t CUT ~ fll[SK fllOllN -11,lClllJIAUaUt ICTAL DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY SOME AlP!U 8tfA STORES ' OISCOUPll caWIGE ffl!CE • sOTTl.E or 100 MULTI Vl'f'AM1NS \VJ1fl0ll i'' "-" 211 01!£-A·OAY VITA,INS _ _ ,.r.u . -I ' :::' = ~· , . ALl(A.SElTZER . , ~... l!omr:or ?.S . , ... ,,;:.. "~ rEM!NlNE HYGIENE ~&811 rf1 GAU.ON • 39tt YAW i! .,. IBR ~Imitation Miik 1fi -.,.o:u . BA"G • BRI0utTS Kingsford .Charcoal ' 37,. --REGUUR; "'" • ~ . ElltCTRlC-PEAC HlllS ,BROS.,~,. COFFEE~ CAW 13, " (• l·lB. CAN • REGULJ.Jt • t OR ElLCTAJC-PfRC I ~- . ~SHY SYRIMGf • ~-oUNcr.11om,t MINI SPA BATH Oil EV&RYDAY LOW PRICE BAYER ASPIRIN 10D'S \ g,.ouNCE·PLASTlC BOTTLt , ' , JOHNSON'S BABY lOIJON ~341 ,.., 1 u .M71&1 MS921 ~ Mt:DJUM OR HARD • 26' ~P9sod1nt Toatllbr"b .Iii 11rctu'1iiLli~io~' J.at 791 til'K'1irsAT111" ';.w7'r LPM" lfTll • 1-1.B.~• 79c VALU& IATUUT LOAF •Lrtll lllA •.l·LB~LOAr • 4.'ic; VAUit -SOUR DOU8H FRE•CH BREAD !lf>·LB. LOAF• ~Se V>.LUE KHAfS FISllERllAN'S nw INDIVIDUAL SERVING\ lUV.U FRtllT PIES l ·LB. PACKAGC,.• MARGA111N& Sot! Blue'Bonnet ~3,9c . .:. ~ " ~39' JIOROEN'S • 1-UI. PAet::AGt DANISH llARGARlllE ,• ~11-0UNCE"J\t:f:RIQERATtO TUBt . ~DAMISN'swhiLs"'Si 49c AL'E'X' iaco's11ELLs .55'c s 21 fl-OUNCf: HEfR!Ot RATED TUBE P'fi':L'S'Buitflisculis .2rc 201 3-0UNCE: PACKAGE 4'' GALLO Sliced Salama .56t " ·§-OUNCE: PACKAGE: ~ lie ' CORblto BtEf',: 4-0UNCE PACKAGES DARIC'tURKf:Y • PA.911\AMI • Bttr· .LEO'S SLICED IEA TS .39C UN!VtRSAL • 12-0Z. Plt"G. 351 lNOIVIDUAUT WRAPPED 7 American Chea.! Sllces J5C 1 1 AlPHR BETA • 16 suet ·PAtx;AGI Processed 'lmerlcan Ch-: ..1SC · tlJ.Ol!Ncr. JAR· corrtc H~LS BROS. INSTAii! ( ..... , 12 OZ, • rnozri< • ·-~•J M.L VAR1£TltS -ROSIRIT~ DINNERS . Al.L VARICTJES rxc~:r CUSTARD -~4-0UNCE • f"ROZl:N .. ..:::: 3&j PET RITZ" PIES . ~ , CUSTARD-~ 3h BIRDstYt • 41h-OZ, TU$• ntO'l[N 34' cODl WHIP .38E 9-0UNO: TUB J<c. S9~ Ill-OZ. l'ACKAGe • l'ROZt:N · IMRDSiYl · PEAS OR CORN • ;st 181 @. SARA LEE • 121J.-OUNC'E PACKAGE B!}!!!;R STRtUSE:L • FROZE~ 76' COffEE CAKE ..,. ' ~·s.oz FROZEN . ALL V>.Rir.TICS 2-=-~BANQUfT CDOIUN' ·~SJlt· If t:C\ 12-0Z. KING Sr'ZI: • rROZE!f 371 ~ DOWNYFUK! WAFFLES .Mt IO-OZ. PKO. •FROZEN • ITAIJA.N 381 C l ·W YlGETABL£$ )9E ~DtAM.~DA •303 C>.N ~WHOi,t. KERNfl CORN :n1 CAN • DlctD DIAMOND A CARROTS HUNT'S'" lOO C>.IJ •••••••••• __ ___.,.RED"' l!J!IN!Y BEANS .2SE 181 .2ti 2111 JGC 19' )If 161 ,.291 • mm 111111 UWY • • TIE ALPHA IETA WAY ,._, •• <'Sn.crz. •om.r:. OCEAN SPRAY ' • ~r~.... :1::: =~~i~.-;tiii.: i-...... OranbtrrJ -Jalc1 .59t 504 COSTA DIL 501.-15 DAYS IN -SPAIN. ~~-"' ... BOYSENBERRY . OR.IP& ~ TIU, J(T .A.Ml ,,tJtt. FRIJM 'WfST CO.A.ST °"' ~ <..-nl.""Y-APPl.t •ORANGE:• CH ICAGO. ""' "" OCLUX£ CV>SS "°'" ACCOMMO·. 1"RC•OIPICF'a'me'""""orlnks ... 29c OATIONS WITH HIV.A.TE 81<.TH, TWO MU.LS I<., DAV . .... . ON THI COSTA Of:L SOL. BRU\ICFl<.STS IN l NGLANO. SIGHlSHING, MIO TRANSFERS. l'OltTEAAG(, -TI'S -. lSCOll.T SEJlVta • l ONOON • MALAGA • GAANAo.A •' :!OOCAN HUNT'S NEW POTATOES · 1~. PACK>.Gt lA ROSA SPA;NETTI • 12-0Z. PACUGE: FJDtO ~ 21~ ~<>DUNCE BOX 491 ~Whtt1 llng Soap.J9f ' TOIAl DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY SOM£ All'MA IETil $TOI£$ OISCOUftT i. tliflll,(;£ \ , JlllCE ' ..... . ~ ~-. @GebhariltTa ''~#!2Jc @fEiHARDT cil.f.Mf S 1 c H~~'i: 'Tlimato Paste .m 281 ' ' @\,1iuliTis0liRHUP lat 201 "jiiiiii" 26-0ut+CE BOTTJ!t :.a5C 33c (8 HUNT'S • 3lll CAN •SANDWICH SAUC& 'jiliiii( iaiwicli'c"' .39C 35c (8 -OIANT 168-COUNT ROil. ~ scortowE'..S"'"m 291 l. . .:.:: • COROOIA • J(VILLI • S£PT. 26, OCT. 24, HOV. 21 ONLY . Of.PARTUU OATIS • All FROM S445, ~ REFRiEDBEAMS .23t 19c Rt.DEEM FOOD STAMPS AT A NV LOS ANGELES, TOTAL DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY SOMt AtPllA ltlA Sl01.£S Ol$COUNT CHARGE PRICE @ DOLt • 303 CAii SE>.SONtD FRE:NCU srvtt 21 j GREEN BEAJIS 2?1i •GREEN GIANT • Nl9LETS •1.0Z. CAN 19' WllOlE KERNn CORN )It -:!03 CAN • DICED 18j DIAMOND A, 1£ETS ' .llE 303 CAN . SHOtsTRnta BE".ETS )/If: ~· <§> DJ>.Mailo· A • 303 CAN SMAU. PICKLED. 'lM 281 BAIY WIOl.l. 8£ETS - ONE 3'2-0UNCE JAR MANISCHEWITZ ~u~~~!' 27c ftt(}lJLU DISCOUNT Pft!CI: S2c: AB trFECTIVt m:PT. ~1h THROUGH OCT. 101h ••••••••••••••••••• RIVERSIDE. Oft ORANGE COUNTV ALPHA BETA ,,--------------- COSlA Jlll)A-241 L 17,.i5t. HUNTINGTON IUCtf-9041 A"- HUNTIN•TON IUCH-11611 N .M ... It, fOUNTAIN YALUT-ltJt w ... U.•UNA Hlll,S.....l;J141 C6 • .. UM llYINl-1I041 c.hwf, Uillv•llty P.tr IOwrtf U.GUNA-JOIJJ I . C.... HI_., .. • I, • " .... ' .. -· ' ' • P1LOT -At:IVE!JISER ; . _, . '.\ ' _J -- • • DAILY PILOT - • -. I YOUR FACTORY . AUTHORIZED- CADILLAC -DEALER . I . SELEC1' YOUll 1970 CADILLAC · TODAY. NEW AN D EXECUTIVE DEMOS. TO CJIOOSE FRO~t. -..· '. • NABERS • ' . . .. • -- .. • • LARGEST ust&:'CADILLA~ . f " ., ~· .. • ~SA,.-y-L,.,,--E .-....INr.---.....'i'f~·rE'<'"-.. inSro~i: --·-- I• .' I ---~~ 0 F ORANGE COUNTY._ - 1969 CADILLAC SM&n DeVille. Vinyl top. cloth t\ leather interinr, full po"·er, faetprr air conditioning, dual comfnrt seats, stereo multiplex, l>O"'~r door lorkir;. tllt-tf!le-- scopic ,,·heel, twllia:ht sentinl'I, po'>'·er trunk opentr. {065AGCJ SAU Pl IC I • 1967 PONTIAC CAtalina Station '>'·agon. 9 pusen1er. Vinyl ,ln~er­ ior, VS. automatic transmission, powe~slff.'r1ng, powt'r brak1!5, radio, he•ter, power tail Kille '>'·in· dfl'>'·, white '>'·all tirl!~. tilt whffl. factory a.ir con· diti oning. lTSA27Jl ::.~\ $2111 -. 1967 CADILLAC ConverL Dl!Ville. Full_power. factory a ir, leather interior, tilt wheel. A?.t ·FM, po\\'l!r door locks. tY.tl• light sl!ntinl!I, p<)\ver vent '>''indows, pcl\\'l!r trunk opener. (TPZ161 J SALf Pl I Cf 1963 CAD ILLAC Co1.1pe Dl!Ville. Vinyl top, cloth &: ll!a thl!r lntl!rior, full Power, factory air, signal sttking radio, whltl! y,·aJl tlrl!s, etc. llEN547) SAU PllCf -1966 CADILLAC Luxurious CoUPf de Ville with factory air condition· in1. full power. plush cloth & lel'lther Interior, Ult t\ telescnpic whl!l'I. Autronic eye, signal s!"!eklna radio, evl'ry l!Xtra. (WXF.840). SALi Pl I Cl 1964 CADILLAC Cou~ 'Of!Vllli!. firl!fm1t paint, il!ather interior, full po'ver. f1.ctory Air conditioning. tilt "'heel, power door ioCks. twilight &enlinl!I, cruige control, fully equipped. tJWL673! 1965 CADll.iAC Sedan 'Of!Ville. \1inyl top, le1.ther Interior, full ]Xl\V· er 11nd factory a ir conditionln1, AM·FM radio, heal· er, etc. IRPW4341 I :ti~\ $1999 1969 MARK Ill Vi nyl top, leathe.r lnlt'rior, fµll power and fa ctt>ry air conditionin1. tilt \\•hf'f'I. power door locks, 1tl!r~ AM ·f li-1 ?ttultiplex. tYP'M'06J SALi PllCI -1970 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille. Early tradl!·ln. Cloth I; ll!atht'r In· terior. full powl!r, factory aJr tonditionlng.,1terl!O A.M-FM multiplex. power door locks. tilt-telescopic wheel, twili&ht sl!ntinl!I, l!tc. Local, 1 owner car. (501AFVl 0~:.~. $5555· 1963 LINCOLN CONJ. 4 dr. Leather interior, full power, factory air con· dltioning. push button radio, powl!r door locks, i!ll!C· SAU PRICf ~99 1968 RIVIERA Vinyl top. 1trato bucket sl!ats, chrome sport wheels, full poY.'l!r, fa ctory air conditioning, AM /FM stereo. flO"'"r door lockS.l.,!ilt, tl!ll!scopic 1teerin1 whl!el. tXDl...5841 SALi PllCE 1968 CHEVROLET lmpala Custom Coupe. Vinyl top; V8, Hydramatic. f&ctory air conditioning, push button radio, whltl! y.•alls. l!le. Nabers 11!rvice car. (VTP143J I SALE PRICI . l. ' • ··2600 Harbor Blvd., ~·-~~-~Gosta-M~es~a-~~+--.E-AS-E~·- • 540-9 • S,4.lES DEPARTMENT OPEN - 8:30 AM to 9:00 P~l Mon .. thru Fri,_. 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sat. and Sun. • S.rvlco o..,.rtment Opotl -.-Fri, 7:30--4:00 ALL CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. ALL SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, SEPT. 29 , 1'70 . ' Orcler your 1971 Cacllloc now, for earliest po11lllle clellvery. • ' • l , .. I HOUSES FOR SALE HOUS!S FOR SALE ,HOUSES FOR SALE __ HOUSES POii SALi . ~!!'S FOR SAL ~ /~!_~OR SALE HEUSES FOR SAL!_ I ~S!~R SALE -I HOUSES _PO~ALI..., chn.rel , l-OOO--Go-ne-;-.-,---.-.--,000-1 Gener•I 1000 ~111 1000. GllWr•I 100I 1 Chner11I . t• General 1000 General 1000 Mesa Verde 11, • " UNl()UI: ti()Mf:~ Reel Eatate, 875-8000, 24-43 E. Coa1t Hlghwey, Corona Del Mer, Celltomla 12925 ' THE UN IQ UE OFFICE lt's fun to buy a home here! Our office looks more like a home than 1 place of business. Several J?plden o_ak roll top desks, an old Grandfathers clock, bright green Boston ferns and Tiffany lamps all over the place. We even have the back of an old barbersbop liflinl? one entire ·wall. Bui tnost of all '-we hive .i. line oD. the linesl li.stin@ in the Har- bor Area and a rel axed competent sales staff ready to assist you. ·Drop by some time. We'r.~ Real_ly Unique! Real Ea11t1, 875-6000, 2443 E. ~·Hlghwey, · c:;orona Del Mar, Calil~•~25 . 1000 ·------~QR ONA .-$26,580 . DEL MAR- THIS OL' HOUSE Mode-n-4 ~drm, 2 bl.th Ken K9ll'bullt 'home on~ cor. ation. Btg boat en'.:oy or11i;:e 11N'a. Large PR· \ d bltn BBQ surround- .. ',M by h!ock wall fencing. The 'txlsting-5% ';',, Joan ; rransferrable to anyone with a sizeable down payment. Monthly paymenta just $145 includrs f'verythlng. Out of 10\\'n ownrr says 'sr:ll . home' now vacant. ha." two very desirable R-1 Iota lwilh ~ lui::e trtts k 111\ry accessi ju~t ~ll'!fls lo main beach •&-, bay_ Mf!,gnlli- tierit tie:y· VJ,£W obfAlnRble rrOm' seconcl 'rtorl~ whtn Mw homes~ built. S65.000. Colesworthy & Co. Newport REALTOR at Newport lkllch Office F.iirvi•:N 1028 BayJi~ Drive 1'1'5--4930-646-1811 ' ... _ ....................... (1nytime) ·POOL ~STARTER HOME s112 · PER MONTH 3 BEDROOMS 'Rea~ ylrtl! EVf!T)' lnch , 11 concrete exctpl for the ponl, Th, homf' ! 11'1 a 3 bedt'm. beauty with wall to w111l *-TAYLOR ~EA-STSIDE DISTRESS SALE! ~~.;;;;;IS~~~ !~.J:,,~t::4~ ' to St. J oa<hlm• • downlD"• Uy room, 2 bi• , ... ....,,.. · Here's th!~ FORLORN 11.nd CM shopping. CUsloi'n built This beautiful home o¥illl' FORG01TEN 4 bed rm by buUde.r for own home. 3 looks the 17th fairvlly et home. All it nct>ds ts your Bedm1, 2 bath, clean, sharp MeN Verde Goll Count: family to brighten up lhls ho m e. EXTRA. E>.'TRA 6~ assumable Joan. By own. 1!!00 sq, fl. of spaciousness. large living rm., hrdwd·fln, 6 3036 Java Rd, ~· Located In a· iine neirhbor· -..ut crptt ' drpl • view o1 "3.~ .. ---~~­ hood, it ean provide an ex-Filshl"n laland t\&:hts Al ~3 BA, formal dinille, ce:llent buy with Just a little night!! Latp, dble pn~. •ha&" carpets, huge pool lb.-· Jo~! Separate master 1ulte beaut landscaped. priced be-ed k>t one block to Mem PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES OOLL HOUSE "Spic & Span" New por t J.lelgh1' 2 bdrm home. Lge room~ w/bcamed ceilings. Owner moving north. S28.000 DOVERS SHORES 101 l lnd11 Isle Drive 5 BR, 4 baths; fam. rm. Mexican tile nrs.fl exposed beam ceil, cpts, drps incl. W/Pier & slip. Excellent Terms ........... $1351000 For-complete information on •II other homes & lots, call: Brand new & beaut. 4 bdrm & den 2-111ory llv. rm. home. Garden rm w/..,,·et bar, For- mal dinini::: rm . OPEN 1-5 $108.000 410 f.1orning Star La"'. .BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR 833 Dover Dr., Suite 3, N.I . 642-4620 Ciener•I 1000 Gen.rel 1000 ''Our 25th Year" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO. ------ Open Daily 328 Aliso 'Ne'l(port Heights corner ot Beacon 1 short block from Cliff Dr. By Owner $36.500 Spacious 3 bedroom 2 b.arh, living room wilh lirephl.ce, large dining area ovlirlook- ing lovely secluded lanai, r.arpellng. dra~11. built-In electriC kitchen . Garage off alley with electric eye open~ er. Nicely larldscaped cor- nrr Int. 64&-4032 Cameo ·Shores Rt"alion. "Our 2,Sth Yeo1r In the Har~r Are1'' 673-4400 ==------=--~-- ' A HORSEMAN1S PARADISE Realtors OPEN DAIL y NEWPORT CENTER .. 515 TUSTIN AVE. 2111 San .Jnaquin HIUs Road NEWPORT HEIGHTS 644-491D Owner's have moved to new M y d I homt>'. See lhla beau t 3 bed-esa ., •• "'1. I% balh, largl': family Steal it Gt MOm w/.,... brl<k "1>k! $2• 500 Crpli, drps hard11o'OOd fi r.\, I 11hake roof' dblr g:ar allry In Costa t.1f!n.'1 most desir- accru, mOm ror bOat or ablf! arra. this home i~ bcau- Cllmper, Move-in condition ~ tiful and ar 1hil price \t Fas~ escro1v! Best of finance. won't IAsl, NC'w i;hll.g r.11r- Lachenmyer RI." lllor 1860 Newport Blvd., C.M. Call 646-3928, Eves: 642-0135 3 BEDRM/ · FAMILY peting throughout. buiU-ins, fireplace, l bedrooms, 2 baths. No down to vcls, This Ii !he onl'! ~ don't wait. 546-8660. Rllrll. 2629 Hubor, C.M. DOLL HOUSE Ranch type home on KING SIZE 90x10S Jof completely E X C L U S I V E only with p,aln1ed S500 Allowance for SOtrrH COAST REALTORS. nrw c~ls/drapcs Ownr:r Delightful and charming 2 will finance 111 7W.% _ $400'.l bedrm • a wondrrfuJ sllirl· down. A.°'king er or ret.lremenl homr., f an· $29 500 lutically lsndscapet1, Im- • ' maculatc \nlerior. Pleaunl •. ---- PERRON -J • ~.·· . .. • COSTA MESA- . STEAL! covffed palio & excellent lo- catjon. You won't believe It for $25.000. Call 545-8424. \oU:h Coast -411 x 213 fool Joi, covrred 1vilh 8 ··~3-"'ll huge I r r e ~. !iemrnt1nus .,.,..... srnne llrrplAce, :\ IArge hrt1· rooms, 2 full bl.thll. likf! ne1•" Government hard'NO(!d nnor11. Full priCf'. Repossession 4 Br. Very near edult O«U· p!ed home, cerne:nt drive- way, tkaulifuJ paneled fam - ily room, <.ble to achooll. FHA/VA financing Is only $1250 down , .. Nn down lor Vets. With these terms &: price of '29.500 ahe won't la1t! Nichols Real Es~te 546-9521 1•1 J ~ ~l(HOl\ Macnab-Irvine RcaJty Company~ THREE ACRE. COUNTRY ESTATE S!Abil'!s. com\11 & tack room, i Newport Beach, with Views nf Bay & Mou n\ain11. Ovrr 5,00'.l 11q. ft. of suinptu· our Calif. Jiving. Five BR .. dcn, family room, formal dining l'OOm & living room. Complecely redecorated, 'In· eluding beautiful furniturr, for Kina:11 and Queena pri-low FHA a~ --Verde ' roll courSf:. Owntt. vacyf Askirc S31.~ but Quick sale. 30 D a Y WHO KNO\\'S'!''!' possession. $42,500 54&-3MJ. • . COtTS WALLACE REALTORS. -54'-4141- 1860 'Newporl Blvd., C.M. CALI. 64&-3928 or 545-3483 2"1 Clubhou,. Rd. Professionally landscaped, tarTiily home, patio, 1hulfte. board. 4 BR, 3 BA familY + formal dininr. 2 f:rple1. June Ward, Bkr. 6C-GIF 1100 F.EPUBLIC trl·levet 3 Bit+ 11111m••llll•E~l-:-:::::-:::::-:;-=:-;:::::-j -den.-2-laiJc._l,,g_e fam rm, I' LSE 7 Din rm, Frnt l reU P..ikii '"91ected WHERE E '"" w/IU. pllJ """"'· (0p•n Evenings) Coat• Me•• ii a rood WOrd for ii. ''Shame· Montkdlo Condo. Where 642-7364 faced Mglect" ~ ahall we eise ca.n yOU pt a beautiful ;=:;::=====:::: aY. is still'• helter de&eri~ 3 BR, 2 Ba, &.: care.tree lion for lhls _large 5 bed. pO()L for only $22, 750'!' Call room with both dinin& and todt.Y for ap,t. to see. brea.kfllst rms in the Back CALL J!\. ,4,;J414 BAY area 111 only $34,750. 9• ! "''"' ........ Open Evenings &-1 AL TY New,.rt ... ch 1:111 MilHon Dollar V"111 carpeting & drape~. Magnlfi. I "~~'!"'!!!'!'Z!':"":::O:~ c:enr swimming pool. $350,000 $22,750 WITH-FHA.- N'"' Ntw,.rt Peil .t?!flct W•stb11y Income-Homes New Tri -Plaxes $57,500 Large, beautiful "homes with 11n income" located in the' finest EutHide area of Costa Mesn, Featuring l 1"1 3 BR, 2 BA "owners unit'' + t21 2 BR rental units. Sfor al 20.t'i Tustin Ave., oor Wood- land Pl. or call &12-4rol. at the summit nt CliH Dr. ~ Jivi"i' area on i nd floor with 18()• panoramic view of blue Pacific & Bay, Look down or Lido. Spac, S Bedrm,-2 ha, w/new crpls, drps. 1ntar- lor ttdec. & painted thruou:t, shakr root, bll/\8, etc. Call 642-8235 for app'1. .. LOAN 675-3210 642.8235 PRymcnt lfiq t~ rent In· OCEANFRONT . Walk out door 10 one of tilt! besl swimmin~ &. surfin~ ~ache! -exclusive Cypres.o;; Short's custom homr • beau!· iful decor • exquiHile bath- dressing rooms. $169,!lll Cldenl.....,,,1 , cludl'!s evtrything:' Very 111t- tractiV'1 homf! near -I %i mill'!) 10 beach! 135 ff. deep ground~ • · room · for pool. Spaciou~ bedrooms, den, Jux. urious shag carpeting, dra~ t'!!. Pricf. reduced Sl,000 for lmmediale &ale. Vacant - move riJ;ht in! 54(}.1120 T11rbell 2955 H•rbor CAPE COD p 4.1' b ---::::;:1is1ory• hnmr, .Newport Hrights. 4 Bdrm,s., .2 Ba!hs. ~100 WATERFRONT 139.•iO ., APTS.-320 LIDO NORD 'call: 673-366.'\ Eve!. 642-2253 associated BROK ERS-AEAL TORS :025 W Balboa 673·lb6J * 5 ~% $27,950 * -4 bdrm, lJ' fami ly rm Town & Country Rlty. OPEN HOUSE 2420 Cliff Dr., N.I. SUNDAY 1-5 , Coit.a Mes• lnvestl"l\l'"t 541-nn MOBILE ho me-w/.fuJI cabana Luxury JI ark , bayfront peoln, Ad It I . 113-1100. 615-8321 2105 No, Mein, Santa Ana Newport Shor11 lnt 547-446.1 . . 547-8.'il,2 --------- • OPEN DAILY 1-S e 'Ti) .old! Assume 6%. % VA loen, $148 Per mo. Redecor. l Br. W/W cp!s, drps_ Im. med. possc511ion! Only $22,- '950. 19M Ftderal Ave. Call: Patrick Wood , 54:l-2300 e 8111 H•ve11, Re•ltor 2111 E. Coast, CdM 673-3211 LIKE new l BR, 2 bl., bltns, frplc, open beam ceill11111 club facil. W11.lk to bch, $32.~. 21~1457-1398 eve11. B•yshor11 1tt5 -~~-~~~- CHARMING, open bearnl'ifl ceillnr. 2 br .... Jg. lvs:. rm.. frl>lc. $.16,000 1% 642-J.9(Li; NOW REDUCEO TO $150,000-Xlnt Term• , 6 Beautiful' unit~~ 6 car garage~ & ulility room with llO ft. fronting on excellent swimming beach. Unii1 an! llP\11ly furni11hr.d. Bill Grundy, Ra•ltor 8.13 Dovrr °!·· N.B. 642-4620 Seeing iJ &Iieving! SHAKE & PLASTER 3 Bedroom. 1% Bath-2 c11r Quitllty Bit . lhl't'e bdrms. two garage. Enclo.~d p ll Ii n. Westcliff 1230 Thi~ fi\'e-f:ighth:: of An 11cre with lovely homry thrtt bedroom, large hearlh com. pllmrnt 1 -wond burnin~ fireplacr. f o r m ll 1 dining l n'R 11nd eating .arcll in kil- chen nnly S2.5.750 1nd nice locRtion !or thrie or more hoffl('E, $22,!'JOO. Nn riO\\'n Vet~. FHA JUll1 rt'iea~f'd . art. fast! SPllC· lr.rms availablr. Wha t II buy. lou5 -4 hf'rlfrn 2 hR1h nf'w ,......., R""· .. ,;,, .,,,w""" ..... :.""'· Partial Ocean View 2629 Harbor, C.r.1. dble gar111e. Gov'1 will. iwll bath home wtth parqutl W11JI to wall c • r p !! I . BY Ownrr-l br, liv rm, din floors, Din. are•, B/t kit. COmplttely IPnced. FHA rm + family rm. 2 ha. New & largr covered &.: enclosed as~umable loan. S23.aoo Full n1.1:s &: drape1. Walk fo eJI 1J'x2l' patio, LArge fenced PricP. 877 Darrell SI. !1ehl11 le 1hop'g. $44.SOO. Jo1 wilh JO aSAOrted frull l-C54'i ... i;;'-7l';2'i'.-;::--;:::--=::=::-;o;: A~sume lae 5.5% lotn. lrttll. 0 n I Y $25,250 with 4 BR. 2 bA, by owner, kit· -"'='....,-=='·====== PAUL•WM'l'I CAllNABAll 1.1.lLTT cu. HOME-ANO -BUSINESS Sharp 3 berimom 2 hAlh homr plus wtirk shop plu.~ 100'.l IQUarf': :foot building with 3 phase ell!clrir. All on .1 1lr1teglc corMr M-1 lot. Submit term.111 or tradt. for $2~,950 with-Sl250·do11.·n .,on 100 _ Blurfs. "1cstsid,., In 11nyone. For details c11.ll Cn.<:ta f\ff'sa, l BNtronm~. ~11:'11 dlnln.1: rm., "HUGE:'' family It's Still roon1, crptJ<, t1rp!ii, dble r.a r i;:11r1;;r. quirt rul • df'. ~ar llll'f'l'!L Beauliful yard. $29.500 Wells-McCardla, Rltrs. .11110 Newport Blvd .. C.~I . 548-772!1 Eves : 644-068'! "..,_.A-VA TERMS! chen w/bar area, J....shape --- M. M. LA IOflDE, Rltr .. Jiv rm-dln'i area. fncd y11, l•U•n_;lv;;;•;;;";;;lty;;;P;;;•;;rk;;;;;;;;1;;23~7 646.055;-1 Eves: ~J79 concrrtr patio, gas forced VIEW LOT ln1erf!sting buildirti: site·wi!h fa bulous Vie\\'. $).8,500. 2209 O\ff Drive, Newport. air heat_ini:: system, 2 car gar, close 10 schls & shop'g. 2120.Sterli ng, CM. S22,000 . A· 111T OF LUX.URY- $23,500 SEE US ••• f'or 1. linr sel ection of hon1es offered fpr u.1• in Uinv. 'ark "-!J'Urtte Rocle • call , I 1,,!. I', i!d PAYS ALL Yes, jusl IL~ume the low 5* '/.. annual pt'rcentage rate loan. 2 large bedroomR, ltausewiff!'I dttlt1ll kitchen, 2 full baths. f'ull p ?'Ic e $16,500. Call quick! 54~0 everywhef1'. Financing! No 1093 Baker. ·c .f.i . S.tl.000 Pool· Weo1thar E estside Cost• Mes• !\1AT0IAM REAi.TY Wr havr 2 11r the vrry ln,,·p. ASSUM E $22.300 l-'HA LOAN , LGE. R-2 lot w/o\der house. Nr.al l BR in Wrst C.M. 1 ba, Lee yd 11.•/2 patios & truit trffs. 549-1697 PETE BARRm RLTY ..... --j: l'li1I r pool Joan, nn p['obl,f'l'lft, Take l'"""'""!""''l'!'"'!''!"'!"!'!!!"' ovtt ht TD wilh $3000 -.... STARTER HOME tl',1' owner will help you with $ l l Z, that! full price, S25.650. lj,'i D-hr.111er liell pool hnmes -A 3 & " S190 !\1o. incl udr.s 111.XI'!~. 642-5100 o-•·· HO 500 Ow /"~ Costs M~~ 646--4&.r? fllmlly in thf. Cnllf'e:f' Park 1',.re1hly painterl l Bdrm•. ·~!!IO!!"'••'!!"'B.!!"''" I ,...., ..... · 17~!.. .-.5 • lat Wes!em'llenk 11ldli\ ' ~--~~~-~-1 al-ea with top t'HA tinllnc\n; l 'Ai Bath!! on choke HARO. Cash Buyer on Duty Now Eves. 673-.nn or· ,,...,~. UniW!r:dty Partc - Prttyda Rl'al Estate Buys 00 LOORS t2' 16' 2 BEOR house by owner n 13• •101 N......_ 2 llou.ses on 1 lql s22,000 •nd 1 4 It: tamny rm GlPn W 0 F . x All Typts Homes Needed • • -d T"•Y -...... , >.. Rltr~ .. • COATS -PER MONTH & PAYS ALL 4 Houses on I Jot S·16,000 MRr -i-teAUty from-undrr--~nken-Rumpu1 Room.-Cor.-~ --.--,~.-,:i _ :i ~~ ~ _ · :i Housrs on 1 lot S4!1.:l00 S29,000 to $3t950. pnr~ ',01· 2 1"1 l)lliatle .~rd500•· . Uln Ora 3 Bl\.:.... .. -.ooo F.P. '''lh FULL 01' CHARM . -2B2!I Hartipr, C.M,' 675-3000 Exc•ption11I F'"1ncing ' 1 10"/e Oown..5 ¥c% LOAN BeaulHul \Vrslclif1 home haa large assutn11blt' lot.n. Pric- ed ri,it:hl Bl $48,r,QO, . ' OPEN EVENINGS 2407 E. Coa1l Hwy. Oppoglte MacArthur Blvd. {J 111\ ,\ Ill U II m ,111 I I 1\1 WALLA.Cl y,.1 ju:i;1 11ssumf: the lo"' . REAL TORS ;,"7., annu11.J .pcrctn!Rge ra1*' Open; E venint• lOAn. 2 large bedrooml!, e 962·4454 e ho111ewilc" s drran1 kitchen, ............. ""l' ... !!"'~I 2 full balhs. •Ull p r I r c SPANISHOOPLEX-~,~;':''· Cal: •"""' "'°""" NEW LO DOWN Quality ew duplex. 2 br.d-2629 Harbor, C.M. rooms t ach 1idf:. Extr11 en-REPOSSESSIONS trences. Choose cupct~ & Spi1rkling clean home11, !!Ome dnpe1. TUe roof. Mix dr-newly piln!crl & carpe1('cl. 2. preciation to investors. Call l, 4 & ;, bdrms. Some "'ilh 64S-o30.1 pool~. FHA-VA conv. terms, FOREST E. OLSON lrom 117.000 lo $40.000. Collin• & Wall• Jnr. R.~~~ Adll.m~ AvP . 962-ii23 rHE QUICKER YOU CALJ.. In(', Rra.ltors; 2299 1111.,rhnr TI-IE SUN NEVER-srn---cm mE QUICKER YOU .;ELL DThIB--A-LtNES. M2--567W Pilot Cl11..•slfied 1000Gen1r11I ----~- 4 BR. 2 Ba. home s~.!l;,o O'K'ln Evening! -MCf' 10 sc at on Y .-. . ...,.,,... .,,., ., Oct-anfronl tor S-46.000 . CALL TODAY f 0 R DE-RIAL TY $5000 fin. lmmed Poss. 2031 Live in if ... Love it. , .lock S.Cl-!1110 T II S line• 1941 Orange Avr . !he door and leave h while Lllgun3 wkcndcr, \i: c-cialrMl!lett!wl AM-. BORDE Rlt Deww•••n C•ta MHI on that long vacation? Cozy acre Sl3,000 iLLEGE REAL TV M. • LA ' r. 1111 91 e % ACRE l br house, zoned 2 bedroom, 2 bath home fOr ALL 10% DOWN • ilo,._atMlitlot,CM &lfi.05.l.S Evr~. 673-fil lfi HARIOR 642-29 R-4 . E. Side . <O"-"le" I $28000 Hurry. call Aii:t. 54&.-lfi98 1.,,,....,.,....,!'!'!!!!""""' -S.11.~ .,..., "" 0~ R.d Hill R'e1ilty .BEACH BARGAINe-1• . DANA POINT -Buutilully Pl•nned SAY! $1600 INC0!\1E HOMES BRAND new -Quality hit Mesa Verde 1110 Univ. Park Cen!er, lrvint Owner bought Anolher, quick 1• •-..II ~-2 B. h . l ·~ 500 ,. b l from -·riyo~ -1. pa-ll-· Call Anytime &lJ-Gn) Mle needed of lhlt lmm11.r. -4 ~rOOfl'.I It Nf!iv tn·p ~ ..,.,, · a u nui '--""' '" ..-'"' "'· homP l hlk. to ocelln. LocatM In 11 greitt CostA ncean vie\v. Onr. 3 bedroom: rd lam rm, wet bar. frplc - M j h t "·k 1 2 L--' ..... '"'" d•'"'' 10 '"nkf'n liv rm w/vaultf'd HUIT)' • Ut950. Sub. trm11 , rsa llrt'a usr nort n ~ -ivo, ,,.,.,r '" ,.,l' ct>iling. A br. 2 bA + pwdr CAYWOOD' REAL TY rr/ Pick up the ptM'.ll'll' r1i::;hl unit!!. Alro sevt'n orhe.r.nrw room. Mul•rBR. llv -. di• now hl'cau It' br'en re l 10 ~ unir bldg~. Ul.9.'(I 10 "" " 6306 W. CMlll II \\')'., NB . . ~ 1 . • rm & kitchen all on Vir.w, 541-l290 duced $2450 • llppr11.1st'd 111 SS!'!.~. Sc,. 3.11!12 Copper """ " J W nl R!I ~~=,~=°'· ==--$25.6.'il. Ownrr l'.'111 sell for Lll ntrrn. Builder 642-490J. S108,,.,,.,",.,oy · a • r. * OCEANFRONT * S24.050. Sil\'" $1600 . rirr--1 "'~-::!·~~~"!'-~==~!-..,__:'!:'-:'-"-'I -::"';•;;"~"~'=;-;==<:--* DUPLEX * place. bullt-i ns, everythinr. BEST VA"LUE LOT SEE YOUR REALTOR lollbo• Peninsul11 Hurry. 546-&I Rllrs. Nrwpon Heiaht1 l"O R YOUR BIG FREE $85,000 Term~ Av11.ll•blr NEWCOMERS KtT Georg• Willio1mson ,J,.An !'.mirh R1r r 641i-l2.\'i "N°"Oc-=m-=-•1""'"''-":cw"h•"•-,::-,-,;c:-,.-,= ... .., .. Reeltor 84.Y you AAW ii in rhe can sell II wi!h a DAILY 673--4350 645-15'4 Eves. 2629 Harhnr, C.!\.!, DAILY P1LOT! .. A PlLOT WANT AD! ~8 llOO G1n1r11I 1000 Gtner11I lOOOGeMr11I NEW FHA LOAN EASY TO ASSUME Blg 4 BR., family rin . hnml" in move-In cond. Lovto:ly ~hag carpetin~. Wi\lnut pantling ln fam. rm. & 4rh BR. De- li~tful kitch. w I \\•lllnut stained cabinet!, wall!JAper 4 be«ded ahutten. \Vell lnd- 1C'pd, yd, Don'1 mi~, stting Al IR41 low11 S!, 546406.i Saturday -Dm1E-.\-L1NES! - Coron• d1I M11r Investors Attenthf. $7200 lnoo'me -Price ta,IXIO 4 Unil~ on 2 Iott , 1 Excellrnt buy? MORGAN REAL TY 67~2 675-645 2 UNfTS.Lnt 2 BR hom11 •+ huge hrand new 2 Br ' elfin apt. Good !or. Good tint. 9y owm:r. 173-6904 or su..S 1000 Gtner•I 1000 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY l'Z/!1 '! :J =J •01 #I =4 NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 646-7711 -c·o·S-TA-M-ES_A_O_F_F_IC_E ___ 54_5-.9-49-1.-54-5-046--5 ... H_U_N_T_IN_G_T_O_N_B_E __ ACH OFRCE:-..84.2-4455 2043 WHtcllff Dr. 1t Irvine Open Eveninp p 7612 1t11.,., WNlm §40.§140 2790 HARIOI ·•LYO. 0,.. .......... 'I'll ' .M. IUlfllftllf•,.. UlfTll Open Evenings • · WESTCLlff --------"W!:.Of110N L.uit. 4 bedroom. 3 hllth "on HUGE Joi \l•lthalley IC'Cels:'"S360 -,~With: purchue option at $411,950! llG '5 . llDlOOM V1lut priced 11t 134.~ tor th\~ cho10ll! North Coste ")1esa n,.lghtiOrl!ood. AND you may purcbue subjf>ct tn U1umln1t the .-xt~fln« 5\4 ennual ptrct'ntage ra1r VA Loan payeblt $204/Mo. lncludln1 Wrs snd Insurance! LAK.l ~llW 51)t'Ct.acular ('h•t1 n:::e County homf' ~:tth bea11tlfu1 hf>Am('d CATHEDRAJ. CEIL- INGS. Delli:httul RO~tAN MASTER BATH "'ilh Sfl.'YUGHTED Pl..AN'T'ER. Brl&ht and c:Mfortull GAROEI\' KITCHEN. Ste this "N'f.11y dlfftttnr· homr for top \'Slue at $3fi,SOO! FOll FOl fOUl '1'tt orr· from you-r manicured Yt-td nvtrlookJnit the. Lli~na Nl'11tl Gnlf Cours,.. Fabuloual)' decorltl"d qua11t)' homt wtlh FOUR 1paclou1 bedl'O(Jm!I 2\i bllhs. MIRRORED WALLS. 11e~o spcakt" lN end OUT, m-'ss1\.t: TILED ENiRY, built· In vacuum and r.nt11eM ruslom fte.lures. An outstandlnr \'-.Jue at 182,5001 ) • I MISA VllDI SPECIAL OnJn·1~\VALJ<ER-•-u:~ Gorgeou-'-3-bedi l'IOln Harbor-r.ttat~ home 11N1r--1h,. i;::olr COUl'Sf. fffihly palntfld. Nf'W f'A fj)f'U In ll\1ng room. HUGE. Sl'XY !\tASTEn BEDROO~f with prlv1lr bath. LArll' kHchrn \\'ilh PIN'lrlc built-ins. Intercom TIO. GI end FHA Ttrma, REGARDLESS. you'll qualify. CAU.! "G.I. llPO" $1.200 TOTAL 00\VN 1Jn this frN.hly pelnttd 3 hMrnom be11uly. J\IOVE IN CON· nmON! Cll.rpPll, clrt.pel, modf'rn ga.s range-. HUGE KITCHEN. Lota <1f \\•alnut panrling. No d i&C"rimlnation. CAU.! 2,000 sq. fT. -TWO STORY 21 ft. J\!ASTER BEOrl(l('IJ\1 rln\\•ru:1Alrs 1tnd 3 huct' nnl'!t up. "EnorTOOUs fAmily Rnom," £1tt. built•in1 ftir th• Chf'!, Rtiductd prfcr of $3~,000. "No Do\1'ntt t.o C.J.'1 and FHA Tums. Court salf'. 10 submil, CUTI AS CAN IE Two bedroom "Doll Hl'lllse." Qulfll t>:1.1t -~lde Coat• Mesa ne..-St. Jotchlm1 and shoppln~. Prl~ at. 122. 750 •n(t }2.R00.00 dmvn J')ftymcnl \\'111 like it. SubJttl to fi n FHA Loan ~·Ith SJa.3,mo. p&ymenl. WHY RENT? NOW IS THI TIMI TO IUYll • • TRULY IUGANT . Clw-r------2.l!On 1q.-ft-o1--tradouLlivlni: in. lb~ 2·1tory, .11.~l!~JlllmL.;._ wtlh !1lpar1tr 20 x ~ lt. Family Room, pu1h·button kltchrn and UNCOUNTABLY. EXTRAS on a DOUBLf: LOT. Alaume: 1ubject to 5'M. rovernment IOln and total paymrnts of 5202. SEE- i1000 TOTAL DOWN -NO •IMl!llCU . to 11.s~umr 11 low tovernment loin on th~ 1hl.rp 3 htdroom bun1alow. Modern built·in kitchf!n. FIREPLAa. covtnd pall(\ and MOR!. St'lltr flexible 10 pt nut yout Quick pen befort It's rone. 124.000 TULL PRJC&. SI DOWN TOTAL· ~nd m()Vr In lomon'n"' Into this• beclronm 7 ~t h belluty_ "1th mndem built-Ina r11.rpets, drepe$, 11.nd many e~tru. Low down THA •nd S28.9M FUU.. PRICE. c.tl before It's cont! -· $17,HO FULL PllCI fnr this 3 tw-droom 2 hllth with larie patio. built-Ins larit FAMILY ROO~' ,,,. tall shade trees. Hurry btfonl It's ronel -' ' .:?£42: \ ,. 1"6 '-,., -. Ml "'' "" "El ' I: HA . Sal• , ... ' SCP ·= Pl ; 4 B ' din r NO' I be I 3<1• Sp I'm ... '" •• I 5 B: •• " p't Bl 833 5 E itt B;· °"' "" • Cd L 337· EX Pf $5: -" Wl In Fn Cl; ·~ 1• rn .. !~ re °" •I "' " )f)( O• "' Pl< ;, 2. d• .\ tit " S< 4 11 ~ " o· . ., Ht ·" t ( r -iii . N< • 3 R> <li ' JI •• r. f fi I' ,;- ~ 'r 1. " " ' ~ .. '• El h R • p F F I '· I t. ' -- • -_...... • • ,. l P!LOT·ADVEl!TIS£R WtdntsdJI, ~ttmblt 23, 1970 ~ W.......,,s.,.-23, 1970 DAILY '11.0T FOR LE HOUSES F SALE H SIS FOR SALi I RINTALS RINTALS RE.~A I RENTALS lti NTALS RENTALS Cl 'C;oronl dol Mor 1 ~ Huntl....., llich 1._ L-Beach 1705 Hou101 Fumlshod H-n l{nfvmlthMr-~ UnfvmlthM Apt.. '""""'°" _:Ap!L::i:;.::...:F.:w~nhhod==--.:Ap;::;:h.::...:F.:~==:o...- ---~ -. • . -• . l:lilO .1110 23$1 c"'' -· _-, 3111 C!"""• dol Mor 3251 -... ~ ~"~!!!!l!'!!!!!!!!..!·~·!!•ch!!?____:•!!•~N!!!OW!?!""'~rt~_!ll~och~-::...:-~ • SHORE~LIFFS NOT BRAND NEW ... LARGE 'FAMU,Y,.1101.ft --""'----,....--=:::"l.~~ <;:~ . , 4..1111, 3 BA, ,.,,....,. ...., 3 BR. 3 ba. oil-watt• home 2 BR. 1 IA w/ OAR" l Bil. 2 Bl. '°"""'""' .~From $2I ...,.. $6.i lJvtns roorr(wlbeaV)' beam F\imllhcd -'450 mo -Nt:\\'paint. Crpr, Ql'w,--mua, patio, Jee. porch; ·~ ,_ na. :i,"":,,1t ,OOO. BEACH -$19,950 '· c.)ll!IL l!ru>llce~ Roo"" Bill Gnuxty Rltr. 64-Foal 1.,.,d, tlb!Jd / pet o<. carp.. dropc" 121> Mo.-t,uxw:y SJnrJe Apls, Complct& liltcllen w/'brealdut area. WINTER Re_Pt&J 'FUrnisbed. ~ to park', 1--ch o o 11; leue. fB...'992 ..... mild Rl'Vice, houltwares • -.L.'ftNt Not-tit\\', but only I yrs. Separate dlnlns m>m. Sp&e-2 8dnn, ! bath abOppc. Nwp( H1ht1 area. 3 BR: 2 ba, Z..tory, 2-Car. Ur.ene, aD utli, htattd-pool, Ccw ... NIARnNf' )'OUSW. Fllntu1le value ntsU. km mu1tt bedroom w/fire. .?: 613-2559 AvaU 10/l, SITS. 54l).a&18 Yard. Rent beautlful home bllllvda. rutaurant, code. 1n-•• -:J -~ &Jn91'1C' ).story home, vat. place, walk-in clw~ ·BA YFRNT, $ br, 3'ba $1<0> cve1. approx $27$/mp. 6'1J..5655. WU. HARBOR YIEW ttlLLS ued at SJ5,,000, 3 BR'•: 2 f\IU ~an v~w. Re<Tea~ mo wlnttt. Ken Brit· 29J Knox P1ace, CM · -~ -·--, VILLAGE INN , Sale or lease option • 3 'br, baths. Gourmet kit. with laL w/wet bar of!_larg~ AllthOl\Y ttnaham, Rltr, 675-0123 1 BR HOU~. stove, · rdri&, HuntfftllOn IMch 1400 Lqu.na Stach 494·'436 I I.mil"• 2 ba,--Vie\\', prof Ind· est. built.Ina, Ooud 50ft c.ar:-, pool, PJ:lvate tcnnlll courts, · .util pd. $125. * • • 8 2 1 BALBOA INN • pd 's52 900 644-1121 -pets. Jug take.ovtt eldatinl" ~ch, ,auarded pte. Only a.u ... 11&.nd :lS5 1 ru.t boUR, stove, retrig, 3 R, BA hOme, nr sbcoo s, Ba1boa 81s.r740 • IC . ' . loan with .... vrgtntl . m.uo. h $89 SlO _ ..... , fur Utll pd $10S frplc., fncd. yard. sm. , ,...., .................. '!'I'~ I ....., ifNc;Q RE:'AL ESTATE .,.. .. y n. ' . Month, Lr:ase, 536-3117 .or 11 Lido Isle llSl cheaper than rent, Better INVESI'MENTS MNTER Rental, Nriy new 3 e>.vner. }4S-6680 , 5J6.,1.36& SHARP.CLEAN· 2 en ;;..."---------1 hurry! Cal] lnt) 962·5585. 32325 Coast Hwy, s. ~ BR-2~~ ba, Wfpalio, {ripe, ?tlONT. C.Ondo •. 3 BR, 1,. Ba. 3 D.R., S' BA. din nn., 'crpta, 7r:m :140~~J~its.H~ ~ t Lawson. FOREST l OLSO.N ,,,.1397 &,.,... •. .,..~.-. bltns. 1nc1 d•lhwsht, 'b"1 "'•' lOOO., h "'boll. 7ttn•oK64~'520c.M. ~ -~=,;=:=;::;..,.-,.--1 eves/1A•knda 6'1>1238 gar, new crptg, dl'ps. Pools, $3(IO' Bia 8-11-ii.31 eves BONUS ARRANGEhtENT I PRICE REDUCTION Ine. Rea.llOl"I p!J:!°~e~ lot 2-BR'.a ea, charming Cape =se, $215. Act . ~ \. , lli~\VEEK .•. SAVE SU ; 4 Bedroom!, 3 baths, latt:e 19131 Brookhunt Ave. e~ • ' Cod :ns Amethyst $250; . HOLIDAY Pl..AZA I' dinlngroom.Huge'iaft.lol. HuntlngtonBf'ach ~·~ .. :/P1oan.""'a"'"'kr .,""71.121°"0 Cheery modern 127 1' LOVELY Condo .• :P.lesa Fount1lnV1ll1y 3410 -500 e............. · • • Amet'-*'st, $225, Adlts. Verde C.Ofl.ntry Club area. 3 DELUXE Spack>l.is 1 BR I' Now I oo, . FHA BUYERS ••• -e •v . VACANT 4 b /l •-,_ tum apt $13>. 2 BR + d•o or_........... ev s. 1010 So Bayrl'ont· 4 BR 31, Br/2~' ba. pool, pvt. paho. r ...... Frp...--1 boWORi) lows on j R. * BEACH HOME * ba wafertront hdme· &: 2 9; $3U mo . ·Lease. Adlts. No crpt.11ldrP!\ bltlns. $250/mo ~~~kin:.eat~o ~~ild~~:~ J 3416 v· 1 ':"ltoa 67a.4562 LOOK AT THIS $34,600. Only BOO ft. to t;ieach 1 ba &"BJ'llge apt. Dock. pets. 673-6028. lse opt. 526-6997. . _pe_m._ 1965 Pomona, Ot. I ta • 0 · 1 . /', $100 JX»'IN * Portafln1 L19un• * BUI Gnindy, RJtr. -142-4620 AVA:tL no\\·;3 br, 2 ba, bltnir, -L~ B h 3705 "W• D1 lv1r" Plus S650 at close ot escrow New, view hOme. $64,500 '"""l""---cpls, drps, frplc, cvo. patio, ~..!.'!~·-~~~ _ _.. 'Cost• Mt•• Spilchaus Lido Hom• moves you Into this auper PU.CE REALTY 494-970t L19una Beach 2705 n.e. Costa ~1esa area, $225. e 2 BR, 2 BA \V/VlE\V ·• Prime 3 Br, 2 ha. aingli! sharp 4 ~ rancl!er w/2 EXQUISITE hidea~ay. 1 BR, incl lawn care 644-138S. $225 lease story. 3 Sunni patios. On baths, w/w crptg, cust drps liv nn, gardens. $11,500. BEAT IF u L c o·n d 0 • 2 BR, 'A'/W crptg, dispsJ; • • 4!M-8668 "* * * SUNNY * street to · street corner lot + encl patio w/lota of tall 494-1329 bd 10 am; alt 4 oceanfront 2 br 2 ba gar., 2 children max, no * NE\V 3 BR. HOtitE • * ACRES * Ii; ~i. Reduced to $81,500. shade. $24.IXK>~l price, GI Tue, Wed, Th. Sat, Sun, day. ftplc, pvl 'beach, j,oo., !'!le: pets, $135. 0 w n r I b kr. $300 ?o.tONTH Ptim1 Lido Nord ·no cash dow or take over . CUst 3 br 2 $350 n10. Larry Clody \Vkdys: GU-4422 PU.CE REALTY 494-970.1 * Motel•Apts. * 5 Br. 4% ba. nr. new \\'ater the low int. VA loan· total B~ o;,:e~ 1i,i.%-$212 ~. 7 14 /547·6614: su n : LOYELY 4 BR, 1% ba, nu Studio&. 1 Bedrooms h'Onl hOme. · Beaut. decor pymnts S84 per mo. Agent. p1T1 6'--0-i2s da 832-7449 714/499-3028. drps & cpts, close to shOp'g, S.n Clemente 371'0 LO'# RATES · irtl04 · Flnclers-961-1931-evt. ' 3 BR & Fam, water, trub It. Avail 10-1 ·or be fo r e . "'-'---"'-. Day, Week or !llonth ' p't. Call: $18,500 gardener, North end, 1~1 1 ,.:642-007~;.;.:,:'6~~---...,.-~ 13 Br. 2 Ba vu ll2 San Diego •Color TV Air Cond. Bill Grundy, Rtaltor A11su1n.~ existing 65& FHA S•n Ju1n blks to heh, Ref Req'd, No 3 BR, 3 b;p, bonus rm ideal ~~~ 3-6 ~m Lease Sl90 •Pool &: Phone Serv incl 833 Dover Dr., N.B 6424620 Joan. 2 Bedroom. 2 bath, 6 C•plitrino 1725 pets. S225 mo/winter. 1.m for in-law, pets, kids ok, I========= • ?ifaid Service avail LAR.G'i HOME' yrs new, elec bltn range, 696-.J371 $250 mo. 54G-1543 Duplexes Unfum. 3975 1 Signal So. ol O.C. 5 Bedrm, fan1ily rm., xlnt oven, beautiful "'OOd bum-5 ACRE estate land or horse OCEAN front hon1e, 3 BR, 2 OREAi\I COTTAGE, unfurn. 1-"-"'..;..;.:o.....;=="-= Filigrounds Strttt to street 43. fl lot. in: fin!place, shingle roof, ranch, "'/nice view. adj. Ba: Avail. Nov. 1-April l. 1 br for rent. Please call DELUXE 3 Br. 2 bath crp. 23i6 Ne,vport Blvd. B~-app't Offly. patio, cpb, drps, \Vasher &. other estate parce:Js. $35.00D Bethke Realty 494-2858 ~7937 sit 5 p.m. drps. frplc l g: a rage I ----""';,::.':.c'.:.";,.,,.=~ $97,000 dryer included • )'Our down w/SIO,OOO dn will release Ne\\'PQrt llei&ht.s area, close? * L O L I T A GARDENS clear bldg site for lOO'Ai 3 BR, 1 Ba rede<::, ocean vu 3 3 BR, 2 Bath. COLLEGE Owner m~ trad:e down for 3 will handle. • tinandna:. Bkr. 493-l70G or blks 10 Crescent Bay. Avail PARK. Ci:p~. drapes. lo shopping and schools. Lowly lge, 1 br &: nursery. Bdrm. ..~me 1n '!'en·aces, 1, 494-8100 Oct.June i 22:j. 494-6643 $255/mo, Call &19-2534. Call after 6 pm 545-3395. Paneling, bltna, t e r race ·• c••1, with ocean view. RENTALS pat'· or unlurn 12192 IV Ed 111' E TALS --· -2 BR house-$15G-Fenced "' · · · LIDO REALTY INC. ._,..__. -. R N , -~!Jpl_exes Furn. 2975 yard, gardener &: water Aph. Furnished inger, nr Zody'ft. 839-09:>9 -~337~;,V~ia~-'.;;Li~do~--~-....'.''~'"'.'.q"'.:300~l·=".:.ZM:.-..:.:.7:...l;.-~1-:;;:=.~1-;;'-"-~· __ 1:..:.0•. -HoulH Furnished-. = $l QOO NEWFORT BEACH ~ -pa.kl. 275 Knox St,-642-Q38__ _Gwril 4l0 Acapul.1.» Aptl!I, attractive, EXPANDABLE 'cozy com-..01Mr1I 2000 1355 E. Balboa, 1st fir dupleJC 3 BR, 2 ba. 1213 Parnell St. ----------Pool, Util paid, Garden . P!'ct. 3 Br, on lg. sunny !ot. BELOW MARKET I "·ntr/yrly, 3 br, 2 ba, bay&: Show_ wcekenck. J t F livini. Adulta, no pets. $52,SOO. Ch\1Jlr. 675-2SU. Assiin1e G.I. loan, total • -an all x ... as-"-hr/.-1 ...... , S235 54~7978 US or l BR-$l50 "'-"' " ""' .... ,,. 1800 Wallace Ave, C.i\I. 4100 Oakwood ... a new way-to-live in Newport Beach l t's f\in. fine neighbors and presUa;e livini. all In one luxurious package. That'1 Oak· "'ood Garden Apartments in Newport Beach. jusl minutes from BaJboa•s Bay and beaches. There's a '' million dollar aubhouse with party room, billiards room, lndoor golf driv· ln1t range, men's and "·omen·ll health clubs, saunas, tennis courts, resident tennis pro and p1·0 shop, and Olympic size pool. All thi!I. and much more, just llteps from your professionally decorated apartmenl, each \vilh private balcony/patios. Air condition· ing/fireplaces optional Oekwoocl G1rd1n Ap11rtment1 On 16th Street between Irvine and Dover Or. (714) 642-8170 _ ti-:I••• 1t11ille, 1 Ii J ............. ,.,.,..., et •• ,.,,., ...... $141 te $Jlf. , ......... o ... ,..,. ........ ,.. .... ,l ..... , • H ti...._ ·---L 1·-monthly $228. Submit down. 832-7800 lee-maker refrig, garagt', 3 BR, 1 ~~ ba, cpts, dzl>s, 2 s· I Ad I w k .. u un ........ gos~ -3 BR, 2 BA, e.lec kit., like lrplc, l!llnd ahower, dahwshr. CU' garage, patio. $225. Ing e u ts $25 Per " p , nu crpta, drps, l&e eov patio $300. 5 Bedroom. Patio, gar-Ov.'Tler 113:' 79()..TI73 f\te~ •. Verde. 54.>-6328. Bachelor I: 1 br, TV .l maid ~Huntington 1eacft 4m ' WALK 'TO THE BEACH 84';f'!';:!~k BBQ.E\·es: 968-ll?8 ~~,·.0,.~~~ Catpe. 300 , ~~ :,~'.· RENTALS 2 BR. House. crpts. tlrps, St4.'i South &Y" Oub is a whole ~e;;· avail. 450 Victoria, ;;:::::;::!:.=:..:::;:::;....;.;.;..:;.;;::;.°"':.=:..;;::;:::;....:.;.;;;.. ~~ ... ~lf!T!l!i ~" ~ H Univ 1-L-..1 mo. 1 Small babv. 2077· new way of life desl&ned · · TELE.TREND °"'°1 m -' • vall ~IS • In Your Bathing Suit ~ .,i-;-Wallace, apt 6 Cl\f. just for single people, It's 1 BR. turn. $14.> A ""' . From . this lovely cawornia : tf•t ... : Is. $110 -lITIL pd. Bachelor apt.G -;.;•;;.•::•.:.":.l ____ .....;3000 e 2br unt duplex : crpt z. fu n ~ving . with \Vann, dy. AJso 2 BR ·unfUrn, Sl45. Cl 3 BR ' BA dbl lw.J .... A"ail no1v -~ Qu' d 1 1 narnic neighbors. It's a Avail Sept 11. See :P.ljr, Apt U!'llc: • , c • t -tutn· • · DECORATOR'S home 3 BR drps. iel el er Y coupe. $7~ 000 Cl bho · H. 1846 Placentia. gar., lSOO sq. 11., hd'A'd floors, • ...,. • Broker 534~980 . . + • PhOne 548-0422 >N, u use wit h wl w crpts. drps, run family _ _ fonnal dining large fam. health club saunas swim-Furn Bachelor Ir. l BR. nn., h<•ut 6,..ploce, modern Fount1ln Yell-1410 $~ -~~It. ~~r 7an· 2 lly kitchen. Including gard-2 BR, new crp~. drps, ren:· IT'ing pool, 'party ~m. bjl-Exceptionally nice! -~ r. p.ex. 0 · cncr $350 lo.lo. ed yard, ~ child ok. SlGa. Uards, indoor goU driving Below fl!:ntal ''&lue! as tomorrow kit., lovely ___ • Bro,,ker. 534-&l80 231·F Avocado. M&-1405 ran-. tennill courii, pro -2110 Ne\\'J'(lrt Blvd, C?tf. landscaping & excellent y OWNER • Edinger &: N 2 & 3 8"' ~ •· · hho c __ , F 11 · R·-"ili lo ~.ro 2005 cw · rni ap · 4 BR/2 BA .... Nr. So. Coast ahop andreaidenttennbpro. e N•oo•u Palm• 2 Br neig rnooa. u pnce Euclid, &.11sume FHA' loan. ..., ¥J S170 & 1280 Eaatsid ~ _, $29 000 y 1. 1.c.;;:.c=;..;.;_,____ · e Plaza. Avail 10/1. $225/mo. Single, 1 l 2 Bedroom Jux. apt. Furn .i Unf. Pool. ping-oruy . . OU can 1\.-C $2.500 down, Sl80/mo. 3 br --~6-2845 · h all at the beach for just $3400 plus den. 637~ eves. 2:i YR Old female student ury spartmcnb w1t the pon:. BBQ, shady )&\\"TIS. down &::,&Miume this great (Orange Coast Coll ege) 5 ~rm .. 3 Ba ho'?1c, some 3 BR Vacant Nice yard. modem eonvenicrtees avail-177 E. 22nd St. ~j ·" )!)11.n or 6~ • $212 per mo. S•nt• Ana 1620 looking Jor mature, easy Vtew. Ncwpo~l Heights. Family only. $225/mo A.gt. able. Furnished and unfurn-SUNNY, crpt'd 2 BR Apt. Owner must !ell. No1v is the going roommate " apt nr . J11n Smith, Rltr. Ask for Don 830-fJ060 i11hcd. $165. !\Tarried cpl only, in- . b 1. ho achoo! before Oct. 1. Penny, 646-3255 l"'~"-===''C::::=::;:::=,,-lanl ok. l83-C Del ~tar, ~me to y t llS me. N.E. Santa. Ana, xtra.nice &. evts 646--0814 • -__ _.:..:.:_.-Mesa V~rd• 3110 :P.IODEt--; OPEN DAILY C.M. N clean3BR,2ba&f_!lmrfu_ .. S H A R~ m • •l<ga o t JOA'•1 9 P l\1 •'· $100 Dow I kr r.•• = i:.. J ..._ • • • • ' .AVAIL Oct. 5. Lg<. 1 Br. . prlred to "' · B ~~50 watorlroot horn• w/dock. 832-7800 ·LEVEL 3 BR + d<o, 2 .,_. 543-3480. !\fan, 30-60 yj.g, SljO mo. rrptc, Lge tam rm. Din nn. RENTS FROM turn. si45. Pool & carport. Plus closing costs move!! you -··--675-4331. SOO. 2 Bedroom Duplex. Fcnc. Fmt & rear patios (~ar $ISO to $350 18-Mi Placentia, See mgr No. intu this wry sharp 3 BR, Laguna. B11ch 1705 "'w"'AN'--'r"'E-0-_-00-0-.. -01-ol-1-,d-y-to ed yard, patio, garage. w/fire. pltl $365 mo incl H. 2 BA, 2 car gar., w/1v crpts, _ shr lovely NB Bluffs hm. Crpta, drps. Retrig, stove & gardener. 642-73&1 • NEWPORT BEACH 1 br $125, pool, 11pacioU!I, i.- drps, modem·b1tn kit., beau-. DIRTY Pvt be/all privl. $80/mo. washer. 880 Irvine Ave. dults. Ideal for bachelors. t1ru1 STARDUST home IocaL 644--0369 TELE· TREND Newport Beach 3200 1993 Church 548-9633 ed on a sm"all circle Cul-Oc-FACE -'yo:.:UN:..::G::::.._w_or-k-iog--m-0-1-h-,-r 1 BR furn trlr .......... S9J • LIDO ISLE-4 BR. 3 BA Irvine & 16th 1 BR. Furn. 1v/w cpts, elec .. Sac, in a nice neighborhood "TI1AT'S TIIE THEME" for "--Ould like roommate to 2 BR kids/pet OK ...... $110 ._ 1 . 1 (714) '"Ol"'" stv, drpt1, nr shop'g. $140. th. 1 5,. . Sl.25 across .... m enn15 c1 , _,,_ ~ """ ,,.._ 1 St CM 4 • or a.ssupie ts ow .,. -this sprawling contemporary share apt. Call befr j :30 1 br horn~ pool util pd •• playgrnd, clubhouse .&.. "~ '-""n er ·· 1 • $1"4~ total pymnt per mo with styled home. Detailed ".:X· ji.m. or aft JO p.m. 540-5549 3 BR 4 kids/pet Oi<; .... Sl~ beach. i650 nlo. 673-7489 or SOUTH BAY CLUB 1 BR. Trailer 11ouse n1s-per .., ju1t $4000. Full prior $21,950. terior w/low sweeping roof-Hone Ranch 3 br kids ·· Sl95 64" "=nn mo incl's utll, S6D dl!nn11.. THE HlGllWIDEI "Scottish Treat" 16161 P1rk1ldo Ln. Mfr. 1142-IMt San Di~:o· Frwy lo Beach Blvd, 4 blks So. to Holt, ,V, on Holt 1 blk. LA QUINTA HERMOSA "Modern Spanish" 16211 Parkside Ln. cl~·~~ Mgr. 147-5441 FURNISHED MODELS NOW OPEN Lush landscaping, cabana, covered court,.. yards, sunken swim'i pools, BBQ's & foun- tains. "THE ULTIMATE IN APTS" I BR'!-From $150 2 BR's-From '175 All util. Incl. Furn & Unfum. - Newport l11ch 4200 Belbo1 4!00 O · t Ph · *WANTED! Roommate, Q~ YVJIN .--'Aner moving o oerux line!!,. 1\-ood, stucco & Palos 211 •--2 8 / 1 y 1 4 BR, bring the kids .... $185 ~ req'd, 5-18-47.79 ---------- " __ ,. wan•-to go now'''" V ~-St Iv II d . . o 11 ..... ,e r ap. r Y STAR*LET 547 ""-'• 2 BR!2 BA: Ls& or L!ll! opt. APARTMENTS BAYFRONT ...... ... ······ eiu.:;s one . e e!ngn-STO/mo. 673-4471" Aft 4. ._.. 1 BR furn, $150 incl util, LG. l BR: Blt-ins, patio. l'd 3 :SDR?\f. & DEN CEN-· I ~:.::;.::::::.c:::..::::.:.:c.:...::,__ :c:.:::.:.!>;:=.:__:c:;,_.=:.: I $225/mo or S l 7 51 m o . • • •. sal Ad Its a l br. ~140. \Vlntcr, adlts, TRAL HALL"FLOOR PLAN. ROOMMATE WANTED! " • Owner: Ph: 6U-8200. pool, gar, dispo . u , tw. Bay le :Beach. Yrly. or 675-4533 Dbl. door entry hall opens FEM., _CDl\I AREA. Live where the fun isl I ""''°"'"'=~'-. c,64,c>-,,:2383.:.c-· ~~-winter. Adults 675-6781 a1t.11:-:8:R-. °"F"urn,---"'•P"t.-;-;U"lil"''•"'pa=id'°.1 TO LARGE LIV. R.i'1., 25 • 673-1182 * 832-7800 Newport He1ghh 3210 --------l BR. pool Uttl pd. Adullll, no I ~''-'Pc:m:::·----~~ $125 mo Adults. No pets. 310 IT. LONG, wrrn CENTER FEMALE or male, 18-25, to $150. 2 Br '; Den .Duplex. 4 en, 2 ba, 2 story home, REti1ARKABLY ~r ~,GJi U4<1/mo. ?ANFRZNTl3 Br. l~dba, E. Balboa Bl\'tl., Balboe. FIREPLACE OF \VHITE share ocean vtew t BR hie, Garage. Retr1g, stove, crpts, bjtns. crpta. dtp!, $300. mo. UNBELIEVABLY or :>-· p.top co • n ce cpta. ps, OCEANFRNT f Br $250 BRICK. Sliding glass opens SSS mo. 494-7653 drps_. Pets &: children ok. Roy l\t cCardle, R 1 tr. EXTRAORDINARILY AITRAC. i 'urn. Bach~or'1. cov pat,.aar. S250 mo wnter. utll's incl. Winter Jse, C&1J. to rear grounds. Mstr. bdrm. CAREER Woman to sh&J't' l TELE-TREND 548-7729. BEAUTIFUL $120/mo. -Adull"i only, no _(::lc.l .c11.;c<-,.:7465="..c53c."-;...c100c.5c.·__ 673-4724. suhe w/MIRRORER \VARD. Br house w/aame, nr frwy, LOVELY l BR home with a l;;;======== Vil D'i11r1 G1rd1n Apt& pets, 2135 Elden.No. 6, CM. 2 BR, 1 ba apt, Balboa. 1 blk l '°e"'ACHE==w'=R~a-p~l --~U~tll7.lti<""· , NEED ROOM ROBE DOORS&: PRIVATE N. Hntngtn Bch. 893-3439 Jgt yard. Lise or lse w/opt University P1rk 3237 Pulling green, \\'atert'all & • DELUXE LG 1 BR • from beach, no pets. $lS5 mo paid $90/mo. 310 E. Balboa ~ TO BR.EA'...,~? BA1H W/MARBLE TYPE _ _ _ _ to buy. Big patio & encl gar. ---· atrcam. tlov.·ers everyv.·here, Quiet, gir. adlts. yrA Jy11'"ac' 1Ulil.,1pa.id. 968-1793, Blvd., Balboa. _ __ I~. l_JULUfAN. . Coit• Mesa 2100 $1.00 per mo. Call Coats &: 4 Bdrms Fam rm Din 45' pool, rec. room, billiards, _..:==c_:E:.:ld::':::"c.• ..c64&-c::.c:."'c.6B:,.... 1 --'-'-'-· __ . ----[-::::::;::::::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;I Near H 3 , 000 nungt 5 o 0 o SFt•Tte Beach Com1 p111•tbolykf moc1 1 em .. ~tcAh<LL" I ~·R-N.-ISHED 1 br ut.ili'"•• Wallace. ~141 rm. Turtle ~k •• :'. •• $365 1BB&Q2·,,8s.uo1a, tu8.m.1-un~mn, • BEAtrr. Bach . & 1 Br. ~•EANr d!!or NpaTtlo2 ~ 1 ba, Balboa Island 4355 • • \\' a . r s . area, '""" r u ' ... T k A D •ty o· 3 BR 2 bah $325 r. a !JO 1ng es U'U apt. $29.50 Wkly &; up. " ' ·J~ I • ....,.,. ~---",,..--,.._ --~ 3 Bedroom, 2 baths, family BtLT·IN RANGE & OVEN,1 paid, $135. rio pet.o;. a e GI tp 2 BR. 2 ba~ .. ~ .......... "'Ml" Slli See It! 2000 Parso~ FUrn., inc utll. 546-4»51 * 613-1247 * 2 BR. Ba)1i'orlt Apt. \Vater Room with fireplace, formal DISHWSHR., GARB. DJSP. .646-5620 ANO RELAX! J BR, 2 BA, 4 BR. 21,1 bafu''''~'''" ~ Rd., 642-8670. Bet\\ttn Har-Furn l Br & Bichelor OCEANFRONT~Deluxe 3 br, View. Avail to lune 15tti. diniog area, huge Jiving room a'C, Thia better bilt home stove, re.frig, carpel£, drap. · 1 •••••••• bor & Ne11'J)Ort • 2 Blk N. 19th 2110 Newport Blvd, CM 2 134, frplc. Avail 10/1 S350 $150/mo. it-util, Gar. 25x50' located In finer residential ~~wport Be1c:h 2200 es. POOL. Children okay. RENJ FURNITURE mo ~arly, 673--7053. 5'19--0647 Aft. RUMPUS ROOM section has bttn leased out, 6210 W. Oceanfront $185/mo. LRG -1 BR Adults, no pets. '-1 ~.~R-. Fu~m-a-pt-.-Su-od-oc~k-. -,,_ EasUy conVerted into 4 add'I. NEEDS YARD WORK It A Lrg 3 Br. 2 Ba. upper apt. Hom ... F inders 645-2951 Newport ~ach 4200 Yearcy, 675-8592 trac. $175 per mo. util. bedrooms & 2 bath5 -. FE\V At~OR REPAIRS, ~f-$275 mo. fun1. or \VUI con-1 BR Bungalow $95 * OrRECT TO TENANT or 642;-0801 Yearly. Avail now. 549--0647 ,. ON),.Y Dc$36,4()0 ~~red as is, for the low price ~ider unfurnished. \Vlnter 100~01-~"re~~e~tion MESA MOTEL ~GE 1 Bdrjn. Near 1 ~'"''~!.=~=~~~~ ~ ·~::::~~ Con~~~:o:r $31,950 FULL PRICE ~;~~59&-~193 or wknds CHOICE LOCATION! Stove, lat Western Bank Bld1. Complete 1 BR Apt 1s * $25 WEEK l UP * Ocean. $150 mo-YEARLY. NEARLY NEW 3 Br, 2 Ba, • RANCHO LA CUESTA LOW ON. PYt.'.'T, O.K. refrig, yard, garage. HUR-University Park Low as $22/mo. Kitchen, TV's maid 1erviee.1 _:S:::lu::d::'":::~:...:ok:::·..c"::l-8088:,:::::::..-~ all electkit: lrplc, patio, AYRES Homes Since 1905 or ov.'ner will consi<Jer lease/ ••ON the Bea.ch, modern J RY \VON 'T LAST!! D1y 133-0101 Nights »Day Minimum Heated Pool LGE. Like new 3 br, 2 ba, =.J~ ~To~~ , :r.tODELS AT opt on Liberal /purchase Br, bltns, frplc, crpUi, drps, ~H~om~e-~F~ind~e~r~1~64~S.~2!95~1l li':iii'"i"ii;"'i;:j;;;:';;;" ... "i'i!~I * \VIDE VARIETY s.M-9681 bch duplex. Sundeclc:, gar. tenn gar, laundry nn. $200/mo. -LORDS!! 3 BR 2 Ba tnhousc $350 CUSTOM FURNITURE SAIL INN MOTEL Sept . .June $2'1a 549--0S44. BROOKHURST &: ATLANTA s. -·winter. 621:11 Seashore Dr. or LAND . . ... . 968-292!1 e 968-1338, l\1ISSION REALTY 1213) '79'1--087. Vacancy Problems Ended 3 BR. 2 Ba. t~sc .... $340 RENTAL e WINTER RATES DELUXE 2 Br., \VestcllU loc. ll a .m.--3 p.m. 9&."i So. Coast Hv.'Y., l..agUna FREE supply of qualified 2 Bdrm.s., 1 1)8.th "··•· $280 517 \V. 19th St., CM. 548-3481 Wkly or monthly or l day Pool 11; bltm. Tttnager ok. .•; P}{ONE ITI4) 494-0731 2 Br + den, wet b&r, 2 Ba, 2 tenanb at 00 cost to you. , • RM Hill Realty . SHARP-CLEAN-2BR stay. Corner 28th • Npt $210 mo. no lse. 642-6274, PICTURESQUE SffilNG L••••/Sal• Furnished ~~1• 9 ::· s~~ ~ Ask for LEE or OLA Un~lp~yt!Cent~ne Furn & unfurn. Htd pool Bh·d. Adj f\l arina. f/ OCEANFRONT 1, 2, 3, & Lovely B11ch Condo . ' . 822·6600 n me fl'Om $140. Adults. No pets. OCEANFRONa': 2 BR 4 BR's. \VINTER RENT· 38th St, NB. VACANT, IMMACULATE Teel'IJI OK 642-9520 Duplex. Very nlee. \Vinter. AL.S,"673-8038. PRIVATE & SECLUDED AJ:;; !:~~~;'.'; ~~"2:: IVINTER 5 Br, 2 Ba "' * SAND 'N SEA 3 BR, 2 ba, Fam rm, J ulliud BONUS ARRANGEMENT $200/mo. Adul11. upper with Jiving, dining, Beach. $300 mo. 720 1 $200 SHARP! 3 + RUtifPUS,l,=mod='='·=l3jO=·=· ="'="'='35=·======SA=VE=SSS===o...--====21:;3:;'1$.=001=8=== ul { LRG 1 Blt.y "· Seashore Dr 646-5818 2 / f __ ,. Ad ts, no pets. ear.,,. Front ya.rd privacy behind kitchen areas; main Door ovi • bath"i, "'' w crpt.o;, e .... ..,.., 6~2--0807 or 67a.&>92 brick pW.arcd fence. "Old erlooking beautiful po ol. OCEANFRONT · Winter $200 palio, kid8 I:. peta fine. VA-Gen.rel 3000General 3000GMer1I .. i \Vorld" charm. Romantic Large 2 car port plus stor-mo. 2 Bdr. 3102 W. OcttJr. CANT. ?o.fOVE TODAY!! 1--------------------"'--------2 BR Oceanfront. ~ muter bedroOm suite with age:·&: complete laundry fa-front. Realtor. 67l-4350 Home-Find1r1 64S.2951 Wintl!I' ;:,_..a;,, $2!iJ/mo. }. bath. Flrefldt living room. cilltia. All beautilUlly l ----FOR RENT! I 12· breakf.ast room, sliding com~etely fumished, linens, Newport Shores 2220 4, 3 & 2 BR Homes In Or-S@-~~-ar..ffts• ComP'etely turn deluxe 2 br, • J tncl-....:a ..,._ h t If d 1-• On1 ....,.td, '¥.i blk to' bch~ Winter I: glUll to pnva e ~ ...-, c e c. es n:u. Y 4 BR 2~' baths. 9 mos lease., angc County. Rentals ~tart· ~·r ~ tlo. Minutes to beach. Value 100 steps to-prtva!e beach. S3GO per mo. ing at $123.50. Furn or vn. lat.-$155 "-up, 548-2379 t pu.ked with tirm5 to sell Tennia court & 2nd pool aJ. Winton Real Estate 675-3l31 furn. Ask for BONNI. Tire ,mle wifh flte lui/f./n Chuckle ---~ quick. ltutl')'! Di&.! 714 so on property with aorg------·--· 832·7IOO Ntwpert Hlh. 4210 962-558S. eous landscaping thni-out. lrvln1 Terrace 2245 91eononge ...,,.,. of the FOREST l OLSON Euy acceu to '"'" mkt, * MINI RANCH * fou• "~mblod wood• bo. CLEAN I or 2 BR. Adul~, no ' · .. ~ th, 4 tow to form four llmpl. words. t~ . 1;00pplfl&, etc, -mon BR. 3 ba. Bay It. Ocean Approx. ~ 11.crc ~ BR, 2 Bath "Pell. Lra: klt. $1.3&4150. 2421 ~ "1 \\inter buia._ Will t'Oll&lder vH. Jn Irv. Tm. J700 mo. ~ fenced )'ard Br! T [ y B A R I E. 16th St. NB '46--181Jl. --lt-nc. Realtors . lease. purclwe or OU ght BI!tCfrU~y R1tr.Mz:::t6iJ tho children $195/~ nus I I Ii 1· I . )--::_'\\} ........ ,. . ·-- Huntington Beach purpose11• Refs. 499-2152 AM Coren1 del Mar 2250 Hom.-Finffrs 645-2'51 l. 19131 ~rookhunt Ave. sale. Adult.I ~ for rtntal WON'T L.ASr! l • · Cerona tlel Mar 4250 Delux• 4 a.d_!oom or 837-0791 anytime. I --·,,-------- " rn A i.<al 131450 LllXURJOUS-hon\<~•-$130 SHARI' 2-BR s I-Yu R • BACHELOR .... Slov .. ~ Mft.\.,: Jr:,. 1>1ln.' down WOODS COVE ~~~!!~~~ ~::it SPACIOUS • 6 ~ NEW _ 1-...,1...,. ... ,-1.--.1 ... ,_, i• =· ~;.:i~ cloie to k :ntA · o..•ner 1:ran$1'.• ).\ust .4 Bedroom f bath custom MO/mo OK. $400 sto~e .l re.frig avail. FcftCl!d, • • • • • __ ~ tell! ·Call 847-85.11-. hOme. Redwood exterior, et. 673-3696 m t?.• pauo, garage. Cl\LL T().. J lalltN 4JOO 1 dar Interior W\t.h open beam DAY!! ..,_~,..,,... .... ~~1 ', ~ ceilings. Built fl'.tr actJ\-e S.lbN UDO Hom•Find1r1 '45-2951 ,. G I M A C . ~ family with den. fan'l\Jy ·------" $125-2 \BR Duplc.:o1. Patio. ' Ii I I I room, 1&una b&lh, vtew din-cozy 1 br cottqe, newly Alimony is like purting ge;: I:,--...,----=-==== I Ing room. 2 •·~plactJ. redttorated, Dee.an vltw, R.ange/ovtn. FamilY ok. ...-------~ inlo ano1lier --. Reduced MMA_ w°""hop l oxtra Mah • Walk to dNpto,., blnk • • Brok" 534-69llO I C 0 P N 0 H I -9-l) .,..., ton1 pn1e for camprr ot market. ~~ blodc: f r o m ~--,.-,..,...,.,,~-~ A Complete tht th\lc.ld• c:ivo•cd boat. $59.!Q). beach. 108 Adi.ms, Balboa Costa Meta ---"3100 I I' I' I j V by f!Hlng tn rh• misllnir \flfOtds Owners Lost/Your G•in * CHA.ru.flNG 4 BR or 3 BR ·C()UN'm.Y Club VOi.a Condo. • • • • • • Yll'I d ..... '°9 frotn lt•P No. 3 l>tkiw. l ~~-4H~~ ~~:,"Y ~Ian :u:.n·2~p~~t::~ ~~ ~~r~~ ~. ~?!~ ~c: i ~~l~~~~E~ETTflS r r 11 r I' r I' I HAFFDAL REAL TY !300, STS-1971 ~-·,or~ Cliib .., ·~· • -4405 REAL ESTATE ~ ., . ~~ 0 u,oN.!",'NAMs ... " •. £..lmER•j_ I I I I I I 142 PENINSULA 2 Slory: 3 Br/2 2 BR. new CPt'liJ -tlrps, SIO\' r. .tl~!\ • • • ' • • • nJE QUICKER YOU eALL 1100 Gltnne~ St. Ba, crpt. Spat.1001, Nr;-BAY •It rtfrig. l..rJl lnal ynf. $175. QUtcgER You SELL4 ::.1t.:..~_l3 __ ::._ __ .._.:.=s,. _-.:..ram="'.:..· 1"'""'""""'=m-:.:.:.:!Mli=' :JG.'i8.-0 ""'"-' '"'· c.M; . ,_s~c~•:.:.:A:.:.:M.:......:·LETS;;;:_:_:.....:.A..::N:.:.:s~w;.:.:::11::s~1N.:......:c~i..::.A:.:.:SS1:.::Fl..:.C~A:.:.n:..:o:.:N.:......:•..::o..:.oo~ • • c • BAY VIE\\1-2 br, $200. i br. $ISO. Utilltits paid. Bea.ch, p\er, parldna. Adults. ll3 E. Edgewater. n•1m...2866 2 BR, srio mo )Tb. 315 E. 81,Y. Balboa, lnq, Apt C. 67l-1Sfl or ~m1. 2 BR. Beschfront. CrptJ!I, drp!I, resp. adults only, no cbUdrt.n. no pets. 6U4)7S3. .YEAJU, Y 2 Bm111~ 2 Ba, lo\\-e.r dupl@x. $2tn. Fam int. fl> AIVU'ado Platt, ON BEACH! e Single IJliJ from $165 e 2 BR Furn. From $285 • 2 BR unfum P60 Carpets-drapes-dlsbwuher healed pool-saune.tennis rec room-ocean 'tiewl patloH.mple -_,,_ FURN. '1lio -'•Iii. HUNTINGTON PACIFIC 7U OCEAN AVE., H.B. (n4l G36-1487 Ote. open 10 am-i pm Daily l\,Janaiied ·by WILLIAM WALTERS 00. NEARl-lu~oftHif'liOUf" New Triplexes. Quiet area. Lrg, l BR. turn. and 3 BR.. $175 and Up, child/pet ok. (213) soo..~ ... ~. 1 BR. rtf.rlg, bltns, Cf1)tl, drps, PoOI, near beach, $140 per mo., adults, no pel:!. Tiade11inds Re:alty M7~ll 2 BR. Poo.I. Adulta.. Bcaul/Qulet! Vtil I n c I $XIO/rno, 176i6 Camtron. 842-6121. l BR. Medallion Condo. AD bHn!l., rt:frig., encl. pl&, pool. quiet. SS13>. l'JS.5QM, AT BEAOI 1 A 2 BR's. 4 bttut. bld:s. Pools. 2)J Uth St or 219 15th SI NB, BACHELOR. Uttl. Paid, * 'NEAlt OCEA1!1 'It L!NDBORG CO. l.16-2$1t ' r .. & .. &•Z"!" .. •0--0 "":0~~4~0.,.0"!"..,..,"0d~l~S~Z~-9'.'-='-•..,..,. .. _,.,~=.,.=--••-~::""--,...=•~•oo>~~--.-;'==-=•===-~==~~==-==ce,...o"""aaooo~~·-~==...,<~~·-w-~0~~•~;~w~w-•--•~w~•-••·~~-_ .. L • -·----- w 1 h I . . • ... ! 3 LINES 2-TIMES · 2 DOLLARS (Any Item Priced $50 Or Less) Pin~h Yourself A Pile Oi Pennies (Or Even~ D o llars) Dial Direct for Details Penny Pinchers 642-56 78 Pile Up Prof.its,-North County, 540·1220, Toll Free DAILY PILOT PENNY PINCHER WANT ADS • J • -' == --.._ ______ _ -• • I 1.8 H1 Fii 11 be = • 01 -SI> m' wl "' RI I -Go ! Cle : ... : *' ' *I 11 CO! 1,? om or 1i 2 E ""' ' $1~ 54( ,-. AV. ' ha . m< -.... ' , El ""' "' Ol - 2 .. tic. !Nr tin i T c w~ wl .,., Cr\ gr 221 bo ' VI 2 E 2 ... Ill .. :AU du be .. M• .. Qt 1 • po 11' ' on 241 NE ' ,.., ' .. • H, 'GI 'Ba 21 ' ... 'Lil " 1: "' , BA rt M " LR " .. II :r.1c G "' A • S' p pl 3i ' ., . ; ,_ 1 ,b ' g, 'c E • -~ * G p A Bl • p A r. • ' . 'ii b ' 9 NJ I • • r ------~~ -~ .... -. • • • _____ --< _________ .... Wijedjj="~idi~J~, ~S.~ptij""~""f 23, 1970 DAILY PILOT •13 , , I ANN'OUNCilidNTS ANNOUNCIMINT ·-· RINTALS Apt?. Unfuml ...... .. ..... J'iCIT1f;IS 1n~ NOTICES ..,..------1 "'-'ni~ '41DAnnoJnc.-. '411 I WANTED 5610 Melol1, Triller Ceurh~ 5"7 FU.ru::-1 Br. al!t nr beach, 1JlC 2 BR unt Crptt, drps, NEWCT°'rt<kc UnI mpf,"'u~ --------Stla. Furn. BahOeior JJ>l nr bltrui. ~o pets. 2Z8S Mendo"i. 2 Bt. 2 Ba, Uv 1r; din area, VILLA-MAltSEILLlS *'* WEEKLY bch$100 ~145-t Dr., 56-s.tn. 5Undeck. Lowtr Ir& BR l: BRAND NIW LARK MarEL. 2:01 ·---I l BR. All util pd. f):iO. llv nn combo .. !>&th, priv SPA,lpl.1$_ NCWJ!Prl: Slvd, Costa Mesa. Dlin• Point 4740 Adult!, ntan o . J-O'l P!ltto, 2 car--car. No dosa. 1 1 lr-2 W-rmo ~· 1::.=°'-'------Avocado. 548--7442. blk ·from ocean. Yr roWld ' "*'It J.Jvlnj~ _ Guat· .. l_i._,_,.. __ -'_ GLE, heated pool, TV, 2 BR 2 Ba. Pool l..rg i-ental $325 mo. Stl-4042 Furn. & Unfu~ -- maid, ! blks from bch, $35. cl~ls. Adults, no pe~. Util LRG New ApU, 2 Br, 2 Ba, ~ ~ ~t-}ru.v.._ rm 'for ambulatory wk/$135. mo, 34111 Coast pd, 1884 ~tonrovia, 548--0336. on -Marauerite, So! of Hwy, td •PDI~ • plush aha& lady ·1n ..Jicd iuest bome. H"'Y, Dana Pt. _I LRG 2 & 3 BR, 2 "-"-. Bltns, cpts, dtp1, porc:b. carpet cbok:e ot 2 co1or Costa Mesa. Good food "' _.u.... •?""" ., •• -~ _......mes .... .__ .. ,: • ,·-" aervtd famil¥ 1tyle. '46-!l!IJ RENTALS Frplc, bll·ins, crpl!, drps, -· _.,.....,. ........, ,. -ui.s uw ~· Unfumllhttl enct ear, paUo. M6-Ul34 $250 DUPµi. 3 B!l/2 BA. ~~ ~ec ~~ ~w~~1':':::me oce~ -•-EAST side • 2 br, 11,i ba, C/O, patio. No -cnldrn-No .,. IA. Be ch 497 1816 General -crptll, drps, bllns. rclrig., ~ts Al.nr: 67H930 or tnc Sn kitchen-.. -brealdast &UIUI a · -· pool. No pets. l!•l! =lo 67;>-4847 • bar • huae prlva!e fenced -~ pallo • p1uo11 !-ping . Misc. Rllll1lt 2 BR 1Rt-bltnt crpts drps-UPPER 3 BR :.l BA-3 a~ults. brick Baz..B.Q'1 . Jar&t beat. Clean. Inquife 1 ~52.A No Pl!.~ $300. or ~bed _ .. ,,_1• I-lanai. SINGLE. enclolsed &&rll"'· U.fMA;CULATE API'S! Coriander. 546-526&. • m-23.il or 67"':>-683:!. ... .......,.. For auto or .1torap, Coeta ADULT and _ 4 BR 2,» BA. Studio apt 3101 S.. Orlltel St. N.:esa. $20 mo. Broktt I "FAMILY Section , e LGE 2 BR STUDIO, l~' Clea~! 7J.f Ga ldenrod: 0.Mi.N.otSa.O>arl.Plua) &12-4422 Close to shopping, Park BA AP'1';637 ~3* S3ia/mo. yr lse. M0-1573. PHONSlnlE~. 55 AN 7 _ 1e_G_A_RA_G_E_1_25_mo_._J91_h_& VEN DOME """' Wh..wy1 Want? Whlddy• Got? -SPECIAL CLASSIF-ICA'l'.ION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Spec:i1I Rite S Llllos-5 llmot -5 bucks •UL•t -AO MUIT INCLUD• \-WU! flll U vo 19 tr.... ,.._WMt .,... Wlolf Ill ltMt, ~YDllll ""'"-lw .. ,...,, ..._.. llMI If .. vwt._ ._,.DTHIN• ~ SALi -TIU.D•I Dl<ILYI To Pl•ce Your Tr1der'1 Paradise Ad PHONE '42-5671 OVE.WEIGKl'l"ADIES: For weight reducing program to estabUsh statistic·s for rapid permanent weight loss. conducted by qualified physical culturists. Must be a minimwn of 20 p0unds ov er· weight. have transportatjon and not cur. rently under doctor's. care. N}_jpqyIDes com- pletely confidential. • ASK FOR MISS POWELL -SJ7-S414 ----------. BUSIN•.SS inti · BUSINES~ ind FINANCIAL::_ __ _!~~~-C._l_A_L ___ 1 * Spacious 3 BR's. 2 ba =o=~~~-~';,,....;,-.,-j;fj;~ii>;:"ib&:-hliii:-C,;i; ••-Sanla Ana r-1 'I * Swim pool, pUt/&J'ltn SPACIOUS 2 & 3 BR. Crpts, 3 BEDRM, 2 ba, .bllJ"!, crpta 1~~~~~~~~~ ' ......., a •• esa. * Frpl, lndiv/Jndry fac'b d•'PI. Cpl "'/1 or 2 child, d1'P:5, 6~pati0, &ataa;e. 5705 1 -"*64.:.*,,_:....::STO,;;,,·~RA~G~E~GARA-~~G=ES Will trade 2 BR/2 BA Home w/frplc, drpl'!, W/\V. Ren1. ed $25G-L.8. f'or '69/'70 Cad. irOld's. Money to lNn '320 P1nonal1 Lovely clear air for retire.· __ ..;... ______ I-~_;,'-·----~ n1ent or wknds In hi-desert LOANS ,SS0,000 I Up .. MIY * 'ruu..y LICENSED .,• area, Home Ir; 6 aats. Rl:!al }.;state or BustTKi. Re vncd H'nd S · ·tualiil 1145 An1hoim A... OK. 646-061), 6<2-634<. $265. L~_,l __ .. _ch_~-- COSTA • IBSA 642-282.f · ~fARGUERITE, So: or-Hwy. --$25/mo. • .. AVAIL Oct. I. Large 1 &. · 1 Br. ~nf. Adults, no pets. 1 Bdrm, liv rm, bath le kitc:h· &12-6391 until 6 pm. crpts drps bltns gar 64,.7...... rn w/stove & relrig, Adults FOR RENTll Adlts: no pet~. $111. ~1162 Squares only. oooo. . 'only, No pets, $160. LARGE enckNied carace ror J 2. 3 BR A-·...........,nts lhnt· AN t !ik ho ' 2·3 .,_, 2 BR, No ol Hwy .. Frplc, MARSHAU. &. ROPP sCallt~~ ~!r. K·litart. 0.t. . · _....... ap ea me. oa •· freshly 'nted Avail now '"o-wov out Orange C.OUnty. Ranging We have it! Close to ocean! • .,.,,., 67~ • ' 211 Ocean, La¥Una. Beach REAL ESTATE from $69.50 to $188.50. Furn 64~2550 ... -. 494-1021 or Unfurn. Ask for JODI. NR NEW 2 B 11, B 3 BR. Apt ~ts I: draper. ADULTS ONLY GeMral _____ _ 835-1548' HAVE niee 4 BR. 2~ ba, home, leased Iii June. Eq. $12;000. \Van1 dupfex, smlr, hOuae or submit your idea, Owner/bkr. ~ •32 7IOO · r, 11 a, Range &-refri&' 1175 mo. • cpt/drp, stv/dshwhr. W· (2Ul 251-365,'; • Unfurn. studio s11;. util. Incl. Income ProD1rty 6000 90 Acres, 20 .free & clear. NEW DELUXE 2 BR 766 \V. Wilson . 642-7958 f2l furn studioa a t $ll1 util zoned mobile home park, l , 2 Ba. Blt·in range, dshwhr, 2 BR/l~ ba Duplex: Bltins, B.wlboa 5300 incl. Ph coll. Dwyer 213: 'FOOUERLPULXEXEES ~ti. new Perris Dam & rec. shag crpts, drps, gq. From Wit>. Nice c r pt J d r p s . 4:'>7-6204. Jake. Exchange 32% int. for , $175. Nr. S. Coast P,laza .. $160/mo. 548·0844 OCEANFRNT dcplex JJ Br. ~-BLK TO BEACijl (Only ·2 left) · units. Agent li'ls.6060. • 540-1913 or 545-2321 2 BR/l~~ BA TOWNHOUSE lower. 1''resh paint S250 yr-l"rom $160. New l &: 2 Br. 3 BedMn ownen· u"'ilit'Plui 7 -Onit M<'d. J.led _Dental AVAILABLE Now. 2 BR. l;l. Crpts., drps., bit-in. patio, ly. 673-5729 ' POOL. 2175 S. Coast Hwy. (3J 2 bedrm rentals in choice Cntr Jn North HB. $28,000 ' baths, carpets, drapes, $160 & pool, 545-6384 499-3929 or 497-I630 area. Newport Beach. Jn. per yr inc. Trade $71,000 eq. , month. 545-8424 Agt. - ----Lido Isle 5351 OCEAN VIEW • Lfl: 1 BR come $9,210. SlS,000 Down. tor ne\v or late 3-6 unit \V/ Newport Beach 5200 11.pts. Furn or unturn. Crpts, $75,000 ow~rs apl. ~3221 ' : Coit• Mesa 5100 ---------drpr. blt·ins, patios. walking PERRON '42-1771 Comn1ercial & Income prop. -1;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;o;;;;;;;iiii;j"-AR"" NEWPORT -•a-LRG. BAY..Y!fil!',_ 3 BR, _l d' la •· 1-"n 100 Clift 6 ·~· r--"' n ... "' ---ia nee-..,-v... • u1~ITS Ea.!!tsidf: ....... ta !rlY downl.o\\·n Laguna. tree livg ovrlkg the water. 7 BA . Cpts, drps. A~ul~s. Yrly Dr., Laguna Bch. 49-J...5.198 ~1esa. 2 Br. ea. Nice pool. Trade ror Recreational or * * * * pool•, 'I tenn;._ cts. 17'"!,000 lease. 642-0801. 67~· Good t I ~-·o El Puerto M11• Apt1. .., NEW Ocean side Apts. \vith ren a at'!a. • ,,.am1 Con1mercial property. * * * * Spa. From $115 to $450. --5355 pool.: .from $160 month Exc:hangors. 675-8800 ** 494-1652 •"• Bac:h. 1 or 2 Br. Also 2 sty B•lboa ltf•nd PL.ACE REALTY 494-97M -~:ocar vili:ie'. Trade for ~ ~Ir. oouum 13Cll) 922-Dla ~\ -1 u pan cal propel't)'. 494-4746 or no collect c:alls. Ad~ on aU matters. i99-l3J1. Love, Atarriage, BusilleKa Found '(F,.. Ms) "'°° Readirlgs give.n 7 days a Trade $10,00Q equity in view lots, Panorarna.Heii::ht1 for trust deeds or v.·M.rol vaJ . ue 7 Pat 8J0.60.to 1'1'ttk, 9 AM • 9 P~l FOUMD:-1¥&uUf~y marked 312 N. El Camino Real, Siamese· cat, ~ c I a w e d , San Clemente, house pet. Vic. Wilson $1 ., k~-'-""~'~136.,,c.., _492-00~~"~- 548-1961 or M8-60ll. Single . Wido\\•ed • Divorced 2'~ Acres, .. view. rancho, ~n-G"EitMAN shepherd puppy * LIFE de~nd ~til, min fro1n Riv. ap~ 5 mo. old. Seems wtll· ers1dto, SlJ,5(0 w/$10,000 eq. trafl'led very friendly and Trade l''OR income. TD'& or loving '..s,1&8697 ~ . • ???TJWnTr .DKr547-~. -. . . ~---~ fi-CXciUiiilrsli'ared w!ili '69 Cpe de Ville, msg.nifi. c.."ent Drk cordoban match vinyl top, stereo. Ptush in· 1er. Loaded ! t'OR income, --1'.D.'.li, QI' !..'!''!'. 547.6469 - Granada Hills l ijty view home, 2800 sq ft, like new, $57,/~ val. 4 Br, 3 Ba. lam rm. For ::;r..tLR m.tE NB. tr Cdl\I. 0 \1.'NR Ole: 644-UTI FOOND .. dog, female.' b ac · right one. Stop wastin& v~ fr1~ndly, l\·earing fle111. yaur:oc. \\If: have a smart ~~~1c:. Corona del ~tar. \\'lY. 547-6667. 24 hr. record. * MASSAGE * SAUNA * WHIRLJlOOL tovelr rtrb. Plum facilitib. Open i daYs. noon-midnight. 2930 W~ Coast Hwy., Newpor1 }"OOND: set or keys on the jetty at Corona-del AtJ.r, ldentify 6#-4010 aJt 5:00 M&--0747. JN Algonquin, H.H., blond Beach. 548-3608 male poodle, diamond stone I -=""~====~ collar . .....-. PALM READINGS 1-2 Bedroom Apts. Townhouses. Elec, kt, pri. ----·----''-Business Rental· 6060 BOAT: 31· 1\l•in eng, auto/ $130 up incl utilities pat. or ba1 Subtrn prkg, pot LITILE BAL. ISL Rent•lt Wanted 5990 pilot, radio/Ph. & ~tORE ·v iew estates Br. 5000 sci . ft. , Also furn. Pool & Recreation maid Rr, cpts, drps Just N. on trand Canal. \Vater!ront. :.:.:c:;o=~==;_....;._ HARBOR BLVD front. 19x3i' Top cond. lncl: OUshore FDR. ram. rm. Like new, S~tALL fa\Vn co lo red Cards .!!-Sand Readinp Chihuahua vie. Huntington Help in All Matters area. Qu iet Envirorunent of Fashion Isl .at J~mbo~ Boat dock. 21n BR, 2\.li BA. w/reslroom. 2110 Harbor Balboa mooring. Trade lor Trd $70.000 eq for Res. lot!, Center. O"'";Sr Identify 91!!X 10 AM-10 PM, 1 flays 842-4564. 213 • 697-9272 La·R :bra OU street parking. No pets. & San Joaquin_ H~Us Rd. Un!urn. Avail Oct. l. $350/ Blvd, CM. S200 mo. year's Inc-boat '!''!' 673-2~31, 494-2457 Smit Res. CdM Hi. 645-0303 1959-1961 Maple Ave.. 644-1900 for leasing inlo. mo. yrly. No children or RENTAL FINDERS lease. 548-07&3. e \llll.J. TR.ADE • i''orest E . Olson Inc realtor.1 FOUND lut f'ri &n!a of Costa Mesa 2 Br. unfurn. Crpts, drps, pets. 673-0202 free To LAndlords CAFE for leta or rent LIOO ISLE HOUSE '&I CAD CONV. Full power, Rlvenide & Clay In ~t FULLY LICENSED ALCOHOLICS Anonyrnows Phone 54z.m7 or write to P.O. Box"1233 Cost.a Mesa. l~Al~oo~G";a<";o~g~"~ID~r~re~n~l~I patio, pool. bllns. $160.l:i;======== Downtown Costa Mesa, 1824 F'OR TRUST DEEDS all extras. XI.NT cond. $97S Tiny bl'O\\'Tl do&, mixed kr· Seaclift Manor Apts, 1525 Huntir.gton Be•ch 5400 64.5..0111 Newport Blvd. $15,000 EQ. val. for later Coupe. Also, Tiet. 54s-m21 ·ORLEANS APTS. Placentia. 548-2682 a s k 4J' W, ltttl. c .... ,.... 6~2..&500, eves . 673-1489 beaut. st. bugy, same val. SMALL {Poodle-type I white ·· about our dis00un1. 1---------Office Rental 6070 . 496-2500 ever. ......., nea collar, Vic 22nd &: AnnO:Uncements '410 ; t"RESH·AlR *A NEW SERVICE* 8 Unll~. gocrct re.~taJ area. ""Iii ADULTS ONLY • BAYFRONT • \Val k 3 blks to Beach! Property Management SUPER-DELUXE QUAIJTY $38,000 equlty; in come 12 Units, Palm Springs; 6 COllla l\tesa Avt'., C.l\t, CHURCH Choi r si nger11 2 & 3 BR. _Av~il. Private r>a· LUXURY Apts. Starting Beaut. big 2 br, apts. w/w by STEPHEN'S & KAYE J.2.J room. UJ) lo 3.000 sq. S~J.500. F'.or house, C..1>tnmer. yrs. old. Exchange for dlJo I _:":.:>-:..::27:::53::·______ llf:eded. Opport-unity f 0 r tic. pool -1nd1v. launtlry fac. t $375 e 642~2202 crpls, drps, bltn\ except cau 645-0122 ft. office suites. Jmmed. oc. c1al or ht>rse ranch. ~plex or hOme'.. beach area. FOUND baby's shoe: Sear'~ soloist. 644-4255 (Nr' Orangt! Co. A~port; Tus. • • refr\g. $150 &. $155. 1 child cu."'•~. °'· ange c n.t y. OWNER 6Ta-625!1 Rich ll'win, Pyramid Ex--51,~ E. For left fOot. Aft 6 CHURCH Cho · tin. at 11th St; nr. WeskliUJ. 3 BR. 2 BA. Unfurn. Crpts, ok. No sngls/pel~. 536-lnt. YOUNG Working co u Pl e rr-" changors. 675-liOSO '• ·:..·m=-. ::."""::..:'='"'=------· ir '1 n rer s drpa_' blk to ocean. Yearly NEAR n -oa,l'-nt. n --a.._ de1ires: 2 Br unfurn apt or Airpoplrt tn:mdj! CAo~ertrc .. Co1nmercial Income proper. -needed, Opportunity for S27 61., onoo "" ,., ........ .., •.--house,' ...... •-, drp. s, bltins, ColP.P ex, a · 1rpo er ty, tree & clear: next to -Delightful triplex, xlnt In.. ·FOUND blk & white Oa1m1· soloist. -644-4255 1741 Tusti!l, Costa 1.1esa a. .>-OUO<I· view sundeck. Smogfree. .......... Hot! & R t t •--•· . Ad I " I K 'larl Sho . '-==========! ·~•1 fncd yard, pvt garage. Ai>-e es au.ran, ......,....,, Sears. Val. $6:>,000. f'or un-come beaut cond. u t ix:-uan pup n " pplllg 1. 1.-1&r. l\lrs. Carson. ~.....,.... 2 BR, 2 ba, "'alk to beach, Newer dlx 2 Br., patlo, prox. Sl35-Sl50 mo, Have 2 San Diego & N'pt .• F\vys. ils, house or beach prop. cupird. \Vilt trade for 3 br Center. 642--2882 Cemetery Lots. '411 l~~~,..,.-,-~,...=:-:--I shops. Frpl<'. S21i mo yrly. bltns, cpts, dtps, lndry. Nf. cats 1; toy poodle. 6464665 UNCROY.'DED PARKING O\VNER 67~62i9 hon1e to $30.000. ~tr. Hattris 1,~'0~UjjN~D~.~Be~a~"lf. ~sl;ia;m;;,;,.:;kkiit\.. I:::•::.:::::::'.:..!_::::::___::::; L'tke Living in Your 548--0897 \\·kdys, No pets. shops & pier. Sl~ Adlts. aft 6 • ,, ..... kends. Co1ta LO\V~ RATES :t4;;.8'124 So. C~I Rllrll. •••· Vi•. Balboa Island. C.•crificel b b k "-~l! 2131 ..... \Viii sell or trade 2 yr 1Jld .. "'1 OWN HOME •• I I -a Y 0 · '""" · ~1esa or Huntington Beach Owner/mgr. 2172 DuPonl Dr., "'hite elec dryer, xln l •'Ond. \Vhal ao you bave to tralie! i ..:".::;-.:.-:.:'::.":_--~~~~ 14 cemetery lots, Blue Spruce \Vhy pay $175 for an apt'!' • Newport HeiCJhls 5210 WALK to beach. 2 BR+ rear area. Rm. 8, NeWpOrt Beach. for i;ftS dryer of equaJ val-List It here -in 0nllll(t BU\ and whl rabbit in Back section, Harbor-R.t1t.Memor- when v.·e can rent you one NICE 2 Br. Pool. Sundeck. patio, mod kit, bltns, SI75 DAILY PILOT reporter .and 833-3223 Courtesy to Brokers Colinty'a ~t read l:n.d-Bay, Sunday night. iaJ. Park. CaU 548--3075 ·for $140. 2 BR., ne\vly dee. Bltn.s, CJD. Adul ts. ~ pets. mo., Isl & ~st + ~-reiurl-wife "'ant to nnt or~leue.. MEDICAL-~ DENTAL ut.Call 968-3100 ah 5:30 ~ toe posj:-a.r1 make• tltaL 548--0'l'n •. SERVICE DIRECTORY crpt/drp end patios. spac $150 642-8001, 641-8006 dable cleaning de P 0 111 • imall 'furnished or unfurn.. SUitea avail. &st location. -· ---, 1 Adu!'-n1y 968-1931 or 962-6677 Ha\'e remod. older hoUst + 1.969 Dodge l\lonaco s\a. BL.ACK male cal [ound in grnds. 2 Poo s! '-" o · -· ished house in Laguna Can-Xlnt parking, ~1odern fac:il· · To n Babysittint 6550 · \" E {Har I · 5238 GORG OUS ~ vu l garages + l!torage sheds o\·agon. 14.000 mi, · ..r · or vie of Springdale & \\lamer. ___ . -----2283 Fountain ,,ay · · rv1ne E ..,..ean : yon or o"ther O.C. canyon flies. Immediately available. refina ncr. \\'ill lake older 2-4 63 bor iurn \V. on \Vilson). Deluxe 2 Br. refrif $115. area by DeCf'mber. 546-638tl BAYSHORE CENTER ln lgr . 101, Costa ~1rS3. 1'1.B. 84 7 . RELIABLE High achoo.I &Ii"! • , -i B bll 11<" rrd for 'luc:cit Valley or vie. ::ar. chain S8I\' or ? li)r our SET t k v· Sbalim.,. "·ants baby,; l >l n g -•. VILLA MESA APTS. NOW LEASING! ~.,:.,....,,. r. ns a. day!f, 536-llSi evrs. 601 Dover Dr., N•pt, Beach •-•. 0, ·~m. lol. 673.2022 ~ ~ o ·eys. IC. -· Hid pool ~·= 1.. ....~ " ;quity. Sl. tin Lucilles) C.M. ·ternoons & eve nings. 22 B~ i:rr!:r:8~. Childre~ Ne~', family and ad~lts unil!l 2 Bedmi, bltns, retrig., 1:'u~rte~~de~c=: f~;~ >< 17UOH o * * * * * '* 64~2.832 ask for Linda. Newport Hei&hls a re a . ' v.-elcome. no pr.ts please! \Vlth total recreati~n <!lub crpts. drps, ad~ts, no JM'.ls. employ~nt. Box M2013. -••jp 1 a.a I l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\!~!J!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6401 642--0022. $:165 mo 719 \V. \ViliiOn. and pre-school. I, 2, &: 3 Sl50 mo. _ incl u t 1 I , Daily Pilot, 2211 w. Balboa Lost CHILD Care, my home, any t).16;1251 . ~from $150. Nr. shop. Trade"inds Realty 847-85ll. Blvd, NB DESK SPACE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS end LOST: Lockl'I \vatclt on hours, Hol lunch, Lge fncd . · 1 2 b ping, gtilf, s~hools. Just $125 2 BR Duplex Fenced, ;,,,'.'.A::N;;_TE~D:..,-m-.-;,-a-cclcc,.7,,:::,.-::,, 1 I C R I Giner.c:•:;I_____ FINANCIAL , RrO<rrDin ribbon in Mesa yard, Nr McNa!l,y sch!. Will ALL new paint, rg: r. southof SanD1egof\vy.on Child Pet.OK New paint. n 305 No. E •mino •• _ ---------·I . e·-transporl. Mrs. Fudge, duplex. Crpts, <lrps. _blln!!, Cltlver Dr., Irvine. 83J..373.l. 181~' Beach Bl~ 675-7432 br apt retired gent. Don't Sin Cl•m•ni• 6090 T heatre, 1884 Newpor1 548-3834. '--mceillngs, gar. View of J PARK WEST "'-. smoke,· d1i nk, no pets. $&5 -··-Industrial Rent•I Business Blvd.: !'elurn to theatre or 1 ~---------1 """" ' • .,,....._ Op " 6'-390 N Garfl Id \VJLL babysit for infanl!i le golf course. $145/mo, 16!1 APARTMENTS e l BR. NEW! Fiteplaoe. ma.'C. 673--0803. 1---~;:;;:,~~~= portun1h11 -.. oivner · e • toddlers in my home. Vic: · l\tesa Dr. 642--0863 or Owned and Managed by Near Ocean. Patio. Adults. Single student {music major) CORONA DEL MAR NEW bldg., 1368 to 2300 ft, -------Pasadena, Cal. Harbor & Victoria. Day or &l&-1166. The Jl'Vine Company LINDBORG CO. 536-2579 wants 1 br furn hse or insuJ. Ground Dr-deluxe priv of· Nr Baker & 1''alrview, 1 yr AAA SEPT l sl, Sheep dog type, nite. 548-7123 • U VING c D CdM CM fices. Priv batbs. Prkg lease. Sullivan. 548-2176 CANDY AND -'ACK ahaggy head &: legs blk &. QUI ET AOUL 1 $125, 2 BR. pl!, rps, a ledaptin to area. $1Zl/mo.Util pd.A.lso:;rm ,,.... ' . BABYSITI'ING, my home. 1 & 2 BR. Shag crpts, bllns, Bltns. Garage. Call collect 213/691·5228 Suite; 2 ba. Owner 673-6757 1''0R lse • 5300 sq. fl. prime SUPPLY gray w/wht I: tan. \Vht tip Lge fenced yard. playmate. pool. beaut. lndscpcl . $150 &. B11ck B1y 5240 * Aft .f pm, 847.J711 * 2;. YR OLD female student w ar e h s e spacw.11/part. WE ESTABLISH ALL on tail, 4 yrs, male, ''Troy''. Any age. MacArthur J: Main • $170 mo. i'":~ all util. Adult$ VJ£W;-2 BRf crpts/drps, 2 BR. I~~ ~ Condo. Sl70 mo. (Orange Coast Co 11 e g e) DESK SPACE/ ~~:,,_1 •Ind. r..1r. Bullard ROUTES ' Rwd! NB, 67l-503L area. 557-7963 only, no pe . ,..,. _,,, blu· pool On 1-'-A ' 19741 Clainnonl Ln., H.B. looking .for mature, easy 2·22 Forest AvenU$ ......,...,.,.. !No selling in~vf!dl SUBSrANTIAL reward -2 1 CHILD=--c~.--~,~. -,,-.. -al~,-.-.,-,' 241 A\.-ocado St. O'+O"'U'" ns, · '~ .. .., v · ""o ~Aoo GE yr old male Irish Setter &-8 ... .. -, $170/mo 67l-3690. ......,....,.. · going roommate &: apt nr , l .S h sa,t. SHOP OR STORA Plan one ........ ,_, $915.00 &. up. Near Pomona &:: NEW 2 BDRl\t. :seam TC\Vr-..'HOUSE: l BR: !!Choo! before Oct. I PeMy, ag una eac IN NB $65/MO. Plan two ........ ._ Sl62J.OO mo old male German Wilson. Need own lralliip. ood nehng All ,,,_ ""'4 "'A,; ,., .. A Shorthair Pointer. C •lit . . ceilings, ,.,. pa. · East Bluff 5242 Pool-bltins: D/1V; patio &:: :•.:;•~::'c;~:;:;;:'.;..,.==-..-I ____ .... :::..:.;-:;:..~~-* ~ * Plan three · ·•· ....... $3250.00 area. GT:>-835(1 646--litO ' ree featureg. $165. AdultS, gar 842-5341 -536-4147 e LANDLORDS • Pr11ti11e Ofc Suite FOR Leue-Fireprool 2 story Cash Requil'Pd. }::Xcellent in-..:.="'-'-'-'-----I oL,~'o~'d~D~a-y-,-.... -.~,-am--to-5~,30~' ~ nO pets. Call now 646-0073 ' Oce Frpl FREE RENTAL SERVICE • Com'I bldg-~fl. 3000 sq. ft. r.Qlll(' for a few boors wee k-LOST: Bluepoint Siamese, * 381 W. Bay Street. * NEWPORT BEACH 2 BR. Near an. c, "'""" Avail. :»Cl Wertc:llU Dr, Nit. ,., NB 96" ·~7 ~ve11. ly \\'Ork. fDa"" & Eve.nine.). .fem cat. v_1c: Bluffs, NB pm wkly. Hot meals, lf&r. 1-.:_:~,,::;,.=:,"::;;';;;-.;;N"°' S patio. Crpts, drps. AdulU. Broker SJ4-o;io• 5Eil) 1q ft. Newly crpted, pan. ~ ~~ ·~· .. ~ R vd 835--2200 t 314 bor/Baker;S46-IS3!1. HARBOR 1GREE yu1a Gran•d• Apts.. LINDBORG co~ :»s-.la79 RESPONSIBLE couple "'/l eled &: painted. S290 mo. Refilling and collecting mon. ~·~v.rw.=•! vi: or , _R_EL_l_A_B_L_E~m-0-,-._,-w-,-,-,,-,-0 1 •~= Four bedrooms \·1th 6100 •Y from coin o.....,.ted dis-' ·-=..::•~::::,______ •< , GARDEN & SI'UDIO APl'S .,.,...,. . \ J BR Townhouse, pool, w/W· children desire8 3-' br older ?.1gr. 645-2820. Lots ,,...._ -babysit. Behind Woodland Bach. 1 2, 3 BR'S. from $110. balco.nu.•s .•?ave &. . below. crpt, drps, bltins, \va!ih-<icy, home in H.B. S36-l059co _ _,_R_O_N_A--..,-1-,-,-.-R-; -5 ;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;_j Pf'l1Se1'S in Newp>rt Beaclt LOST: Pam>t, g-re en ; 2700 Peterson Way, C.M. Grac1?us living & q~1et s~· patio, s140. 54~1019. and surrounding area. (Han. w/somf' red mark in.gs: 1,"'=h'-· ~"'~...,,..~-· ~~--I 5.f6.(1370 rounchng"-for family \Vil!! fo R t 5995 RM/SUITE. Storage ' A . $22 500 ores nam' brand. .. candy-and ··Pollo' .. Vic \\'hillier & 19th \~LL babysit my C.M. home -childl'f'n Near Corona dcl 2---BR, crpts, drps, blln~. Rooms-r en pii'king. 1080 sq ft. Ground lA Cre ' inacks.} For peroonal inter. cCM::::.:".::8-S<c:..:::"c:..· ----by hr .. day or wk. CiJI ' LRG 2 BR Triplex. Crpts. ~far Hig.h School. Fireelace, children ok. No ~ e 11 • YOU'LL Be snug as a bug &. t~· Z Ba. Avail 6~~:i vit"1v in Newport Beach l\1ALE German 'Shepherd, 1 ~646-621=='=·-~~~~~ 1 dTPs, garage, patio •. wet ba~ & built·in kitchen $130/mo. Call S3&--ll6;i. happy too in this upstairs Level, <..1>mpletely fenet•d, area, send natJ)C", address 21/1 yrs old , !oat vie: Ne..yport ~tOTHER will baby1i1, Vlc: S14 5 /a Is o furn Sis;). appliances. 2 BLKS from beach. New 2 itudio BR. Lols ot priv. + !'OR LEASE Lrg modern • roon1 for 10 unil.s. $~ and phone number·10 Multi· &-Bak~r. c .r.-1. 9 / 20 , Newland & Wamr.r. llB. 548-1867. &35 Al\1JGOS \VA'f &14.-2991 BR apt. CfP!!, drps, patio, full hoine privil. ,y/pool. ocean view Offices· Shops, down, O\vnr.r will carry bal· State Disrributb:>g, Inc. 1681 549-3;)81 or 54&-014.f. * s.J7-0l">3 anytime * BACHELOR -Elec bltn.s, garage. $1.6;;/mo. 968-3132 Em". lady or collr.gl!! gal $8J suitable-prof. or business. anc:e at 7~~%. \Vest Broadwa.:r. Anaheim, BLACK •-aded _,-, pu-• 1 12 5 '' Coa H La 1 "" "v "''° All"J'ER M!hool care, my relrig, util paid, · • MEW DELUXE e 2 BR duplex, close to bcll & 54H740. 1999 S. st \Vy, iuna PERRON 642~177 Calif. 92802 {71{) 718-5060. Containing rlne-1. C.M. area. home. College Park, nr ~1 a .!.,~1nr e adultl!, no pels. 3 BR, 2 BA Apt for tease. do\vntwn, c~ts. dr~s &. ~t1ove * $15 per "'ttk-up \Y/kit· cB::'::"c:..· .::•9'-:.:...:94c:.7:.:1:.· ----;,,;;,.""'""""'""""~""''I \VANTED partnership or Reward 54&-.3811 • P..f rs. school bus stop. 54&-169."> ~""""' Incl spac:. master suite, dip no pets, $14a mo. 536-~ . chen. S30 per week-up Aptl!. LUXURY New ollices, prime • \VANTED-LO'J'S l'mploymcl)t i• rood opera-cF.c~--•l_•_r _____ = l---oCH=IL"D'°"c"ARE=·,----1 LRG Airy 1 BR. iv/iv crpl'i, rm &. dbl garage, auto door MOTEL. 5"8-910l5 Beach Blvd.. air, cpts. 10 bulld Apl°i. tions by ag~ssive Yn&'· LOST -putt while cat, '11 Paularlno Sehl Atta drps, 1tovt, utll rm. new 0..,.ncr avail. Pool &. Rec. TIME FOR LOVELY master bedroom. drapes, etc. 2--4 or fi rm. CASll man age 30, wants lo leave Penlan, area Jll\tbor View * ... ,._,,,, • al I Adi!' -pe 11 ,.... ... ,;!•• (2131 ""' ,.......-;;, pall Wrile details to; D!'l ily Pilot I I u ~~ p n .. -• vv • relrig, pool, tennis 1.2 ..... .., .;>;J'l'"\N• .. " i;mogY I e.. preten Y Hills. Cdi'il , Rew ard .l ==-=--..,--,-,--;-,,.-~I $135/mo. 64&-8373 area. FROM Pi.) • "-UICK CASH 536--8518 Coast H"'Y &. Beach ·""'~· ::':::';!.:,,,...===--Box M-2004, 2211 \V , Balboa l':mployed by 'No. I franchise ~28 CHILD care, my home. T ~ · Blvd NB "'·· /DI I 1_:::.:..::::__c ___ = 1-'enced play area . ~tODERN 2 Br, crpls, dn>li , 86.l Amigos Way, NB COLLEGE or •,•;orking girl. * NEWPORT 1 _::.:.;;;:•.:;,:·~·"'"=~---as .,..per rt. o opera· BLK small tab w/whl feet Reuonablt'. &lfi-306.') GE kitchen. enc I os e d ~tanagal by THROUGH A Bal . Isl. Kit &: TV rm. tele. Be:ach-mode.m/dlx ollil'e~. * $16,ISO * lions. reply P .O. Box 1: slAr o~ chest, vie Del l\lar & garage, near bhus. $145. \VlLLtA!\I \VALTERS co. 570 mo & up. 675-3613 Air/cond . Hid. Priv. ba.. Fanta_stic buy&: terms! Monte~y Parlr. Calif., 9 <>n.ngt-, CTIT. Rew. 646-9523. BFA•~':~ .. ITTiy .. !'.°,;"Rm,1y,-'=e, .. Adu!~. 1'11 E. >II . PRIVATE VIEW DAILY PILOT 2<00 W, Cout Hwy. Top Portaf;na Lagw\O LO<. ·~~ u" "'- R l" BA OO~"T JUST WISH (« a· . PLACE REALTY 494.9704 I A 'I 2 MALE Doberman c.~t. area. 642--0384. * CLEAN 2 B · ' 2 Bdrms., 2 baths; carpeted fumishinp for your home, •DELUXE air-cond 0 •ce •n Risk C•pit• v•1 Plnschen , Nttd medic.ation, l °'"='=="=,---cc--~c I SI1JDIO. cry>t~. d r p' . draped, bit-ins. diSh\VShr. w ANT AD find great buys in today's Computer Center Bl d I · ,._ Re\l.11rd! 546-5889 BABYSITI'fNG, my hon'lf' In POOL. \Vorkifli c a u p I e U lain! $235 Month Min Classified Ads. Crptll, drape a. UP to ¥00 11q, /;;A<;;;r•;·~-"~-;,;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;'w;;, $15,ooctlSl00.000 J\tesa Verde. fUll tr ptl'I pref'd. Sl4:i/mo. 646-0496. 1 psyear i~a.se. ··I =========!=====o:====:o fl. 646--7425 or 5.f6...fi080. Sl.UfESE, • Fem. co c o time. S.f6-lfi62 d bit .,_.10Fount11·n V1l'-y "'10 TWN HNTG BCH SUI DIVIDE ...._,er' n11.ntdac1.urlng Ir; at.. eua I tail, wht I body, $21 l:=.--,======I 3 Br, 3 ba. ""· "''· "'· 67•6o·so 0 ~ ~ ~ OWN • ,..~ REWARD! 546-0037. Bolt M1int1n1nc• ws , gar. yard, pool, Play area. W ~ • I-·················· Remodeled oUict. l blk to OR HOLD tive par!Jcipa.tion. Wrilr. P.O; ·, $210/mo. 546-8393 alt 6. -.,. m .... I ocean. Lindborg Co., S.16-2:i7!1 Box 10398, Santa Ana., mu. LOST:Gennan she~ herd . BOAJ_J:ARPENTER •-Approximately 9)L acrell-on male, blk " Ian; v1e-Costa. -- - -' J BR. Unf. Crpts, """'' :JJ . NEWPORT offices erpt k ..., ----------1 642-8075. 646-5219 . See ~ Monle Vista Ave, Coron• del M11r 5250 Call owner tft 6, 67s..4644. prlmtt n~!lidenlial a r e'a. available 11 hlg~votum111 1''EM blk 1nixed tenier, So. Brick, M•tonry, Heated l)ool. Chlldtoe'n ok. ~ drpt, ocean view, rrom S7S. f'oothill Blvd, North Tustin UNION Qll Conlpo.ny has Cl\f :n SlS.'>,000 with $50,000 down lie-Nice ilation Jocalf'd In Laguna. "Rttrer". No Col· '560 .., li00-1200 Sq. ft. OUioe. al!IO ••d owner ,viii car"'-' bffck I "" I M lar. Rwd. 586-0161 or 499-3.'•73 1-''-1< ______ _ BR. unf. $130/mo. Pool. _ QlO 111. 'ff. slore. $90 &: $100. '" prime area o ....,9 a ~5&. Elec &: \\'tr pd. Adlts, T1l'.l ~--v CM 646-2130. balanc1> al i \.i:'rl>. For moni Wt offf!r highest profit Female black Lab v.•/collar &-BLOCK wall·Plantl!r:'l·PatifMI.. pet!. ~leu i\fanor. 2itl tr.. ~ 1 ,,:;;;:::..::;:::...--,-;~-lnforma1bn, PI e • 11 e call potentials. finest rrou P lagit. 11.B. "Cindy" Reward, Drivewaya • Sldewall<s., tic. W_ibgn Ave, Ct.1 . MS-74(1.,'j .,.,. L ' • omcE, Corona de! lit1r -K.\V. Small with bf>:nefils. paid nlanqernent MG-9446 &12-9852 morn/ev~. Ounl.ia•MA ctpts, drp1, pan~l l n&. Eckhoff & Assoc •• Inc. training vlul muc:h1 more.!-'=========""'"========! * DELUXE 1 le 2 BR. ON TEN ACRES . W,,...., Out.side entry, 5'>J868. 532.-2538, Evea-wkndi Sl&-5971 CAii Don Ro 11 a •.1 Pers•ils 6405 Cablnetm•klnt 6511 Garden Apt!. Blt-illl, priv. l • 2 BR. Furn A: Unfurl il ff!diterr•nHlt Style lu.iury 2 FURNISHED office wltea. 2131861).tiO!I or n"/7721m3. j;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;:;;;:;;;; patio, he.a.led pool,~ frplc. 1'1replaces I priv. patlc.3 I 2iiO sq. 11. Sl.25imo. Co.st VICTOR. VtU.E CENTER e . RESTAURANT, Dan a -.Adults. Sl4a mo, 546-(il6J. Pmls. Tnala • Omtnt'l-Bldlt Hwy, NWp1 Bch. 6.f>21S2 Improved fa_irwa.Y.likeVICw Point. -MlJit .e.lll 4~182 BEAUT New 2 BR 4;-pl1 ex 111>1 .. _~!~~· ~ ~B ni J II:% Beclrooaas-1 Batu Parctls -SSOO do'A'n. l~ mo. early morn or ..-900 ew..l~ apts. Bltns, cpt, Pl' v.~i-jiii-i'"'~·-ii•~•'ij AUK LMlla (M'lmercNI MIS AJaoamallacreageparcels. patloo. XI"! E-<l"' lo« $180. ..-•-•~ • u-~'-•-• * 51&"'2 * --------Adlt1 . ........, a;,i; E, """St. 705 & 101 ORCHID F~-~ • u~ e STORE "Bldg !or aa!e ~--..::..:=::=-=-.-.,--MotlOl' tm 2 Bi:lrm8 2 MW "-ilb aun. .... w. J!tth St. Bethel 10 AC. ~IJ Tthacalpa te Lein 3 BEDROOM, l t.l baths $160 " • Mountain w I v It w of ----~-----per month. Roy AtcCardle, deck, S23S. ALSO 3 Bdrml., • au· • • ,.,.. Towen cotntt. SU-1768 qt; Anttk>pe Valley. Hwy •·ron- , Realtor 548-7729. 3 b:*ths. Carpeted. drtpeod, • SM, c.,.. FOR LEASE: Nut IO llun-tage. $1200 1n AC. 714: 1,,:;;;:::;;..:,::_;,.::7-=o::-:;:::-I hh•lt\S. Cov. pt(ft. S3Zi • ,.,...,,. ,... tinston Harbour. m sq. ft. 1 i BR. New paint, c:rpta, drpa, A-lo.: min. l year leiM. • 0..... Ger.pi %13: :,si-2444. 54&-334l ' bltM RIO, no pgta. Sl«l. e ...._. <AIMI' CALIF. Land 10 A~rt1 , 968-14:iZi. t< 17MOS0 0 9565 Slats....... INluttrlal ltent1I "" pal'Cf!i& neat Adin, Northl!!m , NEW Dupl~x: 2 br Crpt/drps,I ~~~~~~~~~~/ -_ _._ -Calif. Terms. ~. ~. 119>/mo. !010 Ora,,., Ave.,\.-La ~,!,--;1' M-1 SPACE w/o!liet•. 1"' But 11-S.11 It-Th.de It :;.u.8512. KI i.'1279. l BR. CrJ>tl, drp11, ·111ove, i=;~ 1:,, .;.,-;;; rtttdoor. 1250'' 2600;. li40 -ll!!'ek it ... 11•1 au available Sell the old stuff Buy tho new recrig. $150. l.11t I Jut mo't $ ., Logan St. C.M, ~1 Lhni Dally Pilot Claasilled •luff You can do both lht".1 + $3.i d~p. fi30 ~fariaold. nm QUIOU.'R YOU CAU.. ad11. Pll\CI! y:ou r_ a__d i~DA~l!!L:!Y_;F~!~LOT~~W~an~t:..:A~cb~.:.....l~~:!:·~-~--=-===~I;;=::;;;;:::;:::;:::::;::;::;::;======== j "'l'H!:~ ~ SELL """'.,""II lllr?C\..642,lti6'll ' ' I \ 1 ________ ·,_,1 1st TD Loan ~ 1NTEREST 2nd TD loan -TmN baled on "l'Ulb'. '42-2171 54M611 Servi,. ltarbot are• 21 yn. l•ttl•r Mort111~ Co. :!JS E. 171.h s;..er rrrom Fine Cablneu: • Shelvinc * 494 -0602 * CARPENTRY MINOR REPAl!tS. llo .» TGG SmalL Cabinet ID pl'- IPI 6 • t II • r cablmtl. $Gll15. It no answer a..w mtll at -.ms. fl 0. ..- Fine Custom WoodwOlk Marine. Rt1idtntial, Comm'l Dive: ~. 54s,....tm REPAIRS* ALTERATIONS 1t CABINET& Any aln Job l.'.i Y"' ">1.Pft'. 54l1t1l • .. DAILY PILOT \I~ .. ~ :ts •2>, 1~70 .. · IOVICI bi~Y s RV ICE DlltlCTOln' JOIS & EM"-OYMENl JOIS .... llMPLOYMINT _,, ___ --. --· -ca._,,r1,. """'....,. -low Mon. wom. 1100 'Jo1>o-M .... -w-11• --------ROO{INC T.N.r . ..,.,. .... , ... , 2' HR l'Ullllllllc Ace• ,._, Clerlf .COCO'S. REUBEN'S i "AH 1tome Jmprovemt"PtJ. Gar.joe dean-uM, hauling I • ,.....,,,.,. COMPLEX ~Ell._ 10Sl9 J.ilbt mavinl. 548·58 6 3, ..... £_: ..... &rlr-..ect by --' - i AIR "·mod I • I 'l.it.m9 PLIJ-....,...... ·-·-__. -. u p ...... • r....-. e pa 10fl. ~ _..,,._ .... llome-.....__,_ -t&':.~ MacArthur: Blvd. "1 Let the Swede Qo IL Y..\B DI t: a r . Cleanup. Mo )eilt ._ __. ..,~ N--Beach { 491-7853 or ~17 Rt:movt ma, lij;1iiih. e NMl2I e tt49t4. ~~,..,. · , ________ 1 ,.0.,.'"o:"",,;;·-=ba"<khoo,._-'·--.c...o=~ l'L-IW RUAlllS ",.. -.,_ •ed. -tm'ERVIEWING MON·Fltl c.....m~ CMCtet• "°' Mo0J.NG, Gan&'.e clean-up.. • ...... ~ • kttft tdlq .... )«.If· 3 Tfl 5 PM CONCRETE. All types. •'l'tt • es1. S&wiftr:. brea.k'I~ ht.W· ' ing, I Sklploadina;. ServM:e t-»-4Uii1l'. 5f8..8li68 Bob 1 MORE ~te pt1llo for : 11'.!Sll money. Artislic setting. Lie .. call Max at 64~. CE.~ENT Wort of all kinds. Free Cll. 11 G.16-'1374 • I-===,--.,.--,,--* CONCRETE wortr.: patios, drvvtl.)'S, etc. L l c e n a ed . PhiUips Cenient. S4843llO DEOORATIVE CONCRETE DRIVES " WALKS -P ATIO CALL ·ooN. MZ-8514 Ilk' hautifll'. ..._bit:. ~· badlp \ and what 1-'ree eslimates. ~Im lemal I 4 I )"'Oll'd Jllf"e tD •. HAULING !IO A LOAD R-lr -ONn Up. Tree Srr'r. Cl.I. -• M.AJl. 'J'O; Pn1nirc ~ 5G-IDD LESS nWt II !Q'. rr. Ptnorultl "'•Millf Dept B HAULING Atovlng. Y a r d Free plan -~· add.+ftit.-P .0. &llSiiR . Cl ·n ·-· car. conve~. ~. N-,.,...... ...... h ~-•1 ·~" eanup. eas. ratet. . 30 ears in home bide. _ ~~...-· go:;aC "\..llu . '"""" ed & refs. Rob . 497-1088. ~40 • ..., r,... Ofl)Of'tullily em,plo)'er TR.Am .l Gaiage dft!Mlp, 7 A Better dl.)'s. $10 a md, Ft. e111.. Sew.. . "'8 Tto ... a1 ~ Anytime, ~ --SICIET&llES & C E ·--EUROPEAN Fuhlon ......., .. HAULING L -.-offers her ta! tt I Interim -S10 a load '* Ml-11'92 d r'essmaking, a~:r.nm.~ P.....nel Service also children's clothes. Very -Ma E. 11th SL, C~I ~l:!~°"~-~-~l~•~•n~i~,.ii;;iii;i'135i;;I reuonable. Simple ¥hitt5 l ----=c:IS=:!J=---~ m 1:.-1111. skirts $lO & up .. • 673-1M9. -'ABLE Lady to care for new e A.M. BUSBOY e .NO £XPERI£NCE Nf'.t.::FS. SARY, YUU. 11.ME, PART mre. DA.JS OR NIGHTS. DENTAL ·wt. wan ted w/min. 2 yean exp . .f...ba.ndcd ikntia:trJ, Im x-ray ZJ..a; all afttt 6pr-. ......,,. 'DENTAL A 11 i 5 I ant - chatnide experience. Mom- Uias ~ to 12. t daf wk. _, , DENTAL RECEP- TIONIST. E:tp required. ""Mon l.hrv l"ri. Axe ~ Call 6~ lor i.oterview "20 11.LE noors striped&: wued, QUALIT!' Ya.t'Ve aJWQS baby, _mother &: ~"-. 10 Contractor•_____ carpet shampooed windlwl wanrtt:. Dressmakinc _ ~ in Oct Lr v e -1 n . DIVERS cleaned. Qua.Ill;)' servtce by a.Utrat1GM. Key Say, 11'3, "64'-"""3;;:::';,· =:-:;:;:-,,.-,.,-7.0 appt. * TI-IE R.E...\lODELERS * professional janitol'!. MM!te' Orange Aw .. C.M. 56-1292. 1ACCF'G Dep't drtr typist, 10 45' n1en & women to train to Free ea:ts' -100~ financing k -~ •-Aba-d•'v<n. · ••·-K ' ht: Ow'n aceept@d. 646--lltll, e Dreuma.t1n&-Altuatiom ey c""' typewriter. ur ru-• • 1tc NI, I a r a I e s Designed to suit you.. Agl' %>35 Apply l 7 4 1 have good htal!h, not afraid j car P o r I s C 1 m P 1 l' 1 ~ Cali Jo * 64&-iM& Placentia, CV 1..J: 30 oI hard work. Those utlslac. , J Remodeling. al pl · · · Car'pflls, windo\\'5. !loon, • .A.cil'llt will be hlttd lo work on our L 1 Quality Contractors 642-3660 BAY & Beacb Janitorial • DRESSi.'\L\KtNG • tor ly com eung tr&lllln& ! MY \VA\'. quality home etc. Res Ii: Comm c • J. Very Rnsor.ble boats "'Ith high pey, Inter- ' pair_\!o'•lls ctilhti-ll°'jj'-j-·~-~,~-~.i~;~-~-~~:_~~~fJ~Call~~~' ~· o;~·~~..,f-~_,ii;ie+--JM~:aa~!!n~·•!!!l!f __ ~~i·'~"'~'~W~<d~, Thun .l Fri, 10 , etc. No job 100 sm8.u. JOE'S CLEAN SERV rtn--am 10 1 Pin. y , : SU-1494 We do Everything.Rea ;A N.:;n, KaSa&e, ~year .. exp. Now taki.nl: appla·tions tor 3731 W. Chapman Aw, Or· Additioru; * Remodeling Comm. Free Est. 642-'l5Sl. part rinw, Di&ht abilt • Gel""·ick le Som, Lie. Tiie C • li7l«Ml * 549-2l'i'O Mesa Oeartlng Service I , •--6"14 * D'-L It * Carpets lli ndows Ooors etc. . A111WGI &!I'S ROOM Additions. 1 l 2 story Res i: Commc·i. S-1&-4ht e CER.AMJC TU. Y,"ork or & gar. call Gen. Contractor Plastennc,. Call afl 6 pm, APPLY JN PERSON •, l .;.f"':::..: ..... =:::_' :;_P""':.c·:::..:61Z-2988=='-·~ WOULD YOU BELIEVE eves, 53i-M26. ,..,,.,. I I'll Clean Your Home lor'=='=======~[.:."""::'..:.'..:W'.:·~C..:::C':'.':.''.'.'"'~··..'.N::.B~.'-GEN'L remodeling &: mainL Bl Ch.i St i · No job too sm all. uc p 894a;;_g;· ~ 5-vfce .. ATJ'ENTION HOUSEWIVES Lic'd/insured. 642--6767. WINDOWS • alb BOB'S TREE l;llrv~y M~cDou&ld's o~ C3' at .Ir41 « w washed. t. . ....,._.... }.arbor Blvd. w now hirb1& t-'lrs, Strip~. scaled & &.ctr ~ng fftie .me ,,'OITll"I lo work betwn thr ., C1rptt CIMning "25 v.·axed. Free esl. 89i·i834 F"vie Qllalil1 Trtt Servkt. hrs of tt:ll Alf kl 2 PM. "---· t day er nighl Gi3-3090. * 541)..?1911 • Jdr:al tor ~ •/Khoo! OlA:'lfOND cari>tt Cleaning · • . 1, 10 School Special 3 WOMEN 10 do cleaning. JOBS & IMPLOYMINT age c~. Starting pay ; sw· Sl5. Jo"'ree Esl. La~ job.<; prel'd. Fast & ----$1.&.i per hr. 54.:>-!liMl \ Rerair-lll5tall. 645--1317. Reas. 557-892> -·-» W.....,, Mm. 7a APPUCANtt STEAM Jet carpet cleanirg. Ironing 6755 BARTENDER. Wer:ilmdt., A- C By OarKare, nalien • wi~ -'="'------"-"'! or nile. Lot:ig bn or Dbl ~ seNioe. Free est. 00-405.5. IRONING IN f.1:1 HOME !lbitt ok. 21l/8Sl.«li:i t IN C.M. Sl.25/hr : Carpet Lay inf ~ . 1---'-*-="'.=....,..c . .:,,:.,-=*--· 1....; w.-, R .. ~r "26 * IRONING * Werna 7020 " llty Home, Sl Hr. -------: CARPET LAYING Pick Up le De.llv. 56-7641 MATURE rte p en d ab 1 e SERVICE CENTER Employ.....,1 A,-v. * * * Slt:in.cl . ~ounseli"I Citric.I Professional p~~ ~ C.A. Pa.Ee 642·3'.170 * + IRONING my home, wmtan w/clerlriTlr e:tp. ~ · C\t. Bring hangers. some II~ bkping; al«i 8 ,_ ~· ~· _ • Electric•I 6640 54S-Sl02 cufder. Pnf. COl'Oll8I dd eu::n ""''-...tt .,.,......""l. I' I"="'-'='----= °""=.:===.=::~==::::1~M~•~•'_'att~a~m~,...,,.~~:.--......:.:. SOD Newport Cmter Dr., NB' ELECTRICIAN. Small jobs, ; • · . . IP"ree & Fere Al&.iUons, maintenance " r epa i r s. Landscaping 6110 EXP. 1tt. dni:res emp., ~. """"""""""""""'""""' ~8-5203 NEW I.,A\VNS, · re.seedifii. oHitt. aects. payable .l AUTOM OBILE MECHANIC. =========I roto-lillnng. renovatinc, ':i'· ~·· typ .. 10 kl'y, tuU 'ti~ \¥/cl.au A smut: Floors "65 clean-up. 8 9 7 -2 41 7 or c ~114 licerm I: own loob. Good ---------846-0932. NEAT.d~ndal:Ml'alfracli\-e start salary, many :. . CARPET VINYL TD..E . , . • in 30'!. •Full time genenl oi..' benefiUI, 847-9270 • t.tc CONTR. FREE FSI'. L1mous1ne Service 6115 lier:. Exp. typing, .tOfDt r -~ONE •-".....,. * 540-1262 * ----bk.k A-1 t.~.-. ..uuu~1ng Airports, Harbors Pf .l SH. S4!-6MJ. -FUll timr. oo exper. nee. F • R _. • Anywhere. AIDES -for convalescence, J m me rliate employment. urniture e •• oring Ratt's, 41k: a mile. Min. 20 elderly can or family care. 1869 NewJ)Ol't Blvd. Suill.' r & Ref~nishi"' 6'75 mi's. 24 hr r?.KV. 830-241)4. _H~memaJier1, 547-'6111. Costa dlr:A. ~. FURNITURE tr: I i n . ii. BABTSITT£R. N'pl. Bch., : repairini:;. Pkk Up -': MAID SER:\V~l~C~E~~6125~~1~J~obs~~M~"~n~,;W~om.~~7~1~00:1 expPr; parl limt' in ex· ~ Delivery. ; -cha~ for frtt reduci ng • Call 646.~a:zl LOCAL Girls \\1ant To Clean., A progrRnl + 1 n l' o en r . i i~====-==;----Apts. & Pnv. homes. Gd "'2-319 • (Mrdening 66IO ref's & \ery rcas. rates! A •.-De1-• .::::.:9=,=8-Y-Sl-l i_E_P. __ w_an_t_od. '---...C.~ 64.2-1224. .t-LLT.I~ lP~1·10Pi\I Tues-S.t cau AL'S GARDENING C &; S MAIDS. AVAIL, im· aft. 1.2 ~ for Gardenin&: & sm&ll land. mediately. R e f e re nces . FREE JOIS • 66-2'«> • ' I scaping lel"Vices call 5I0-5l9I tiG-9873 er 642-9874. SABYSTnER needed --· CdM, Cos. , t.a Mes&, Doft:r Shores, P•lnttng, Confid. S.C:'y $625 ll mo ol:d girl. Your bomr: '. Westdiff. p th · 6l50 · SH 100, type 70. \Vant wXdys. ' ~I Pm · ape •"11"1 I"" gal ~th ...,. . ·•'-. Irvine/CM area. 5l6-G668 ; JAPANESE Car'Clener, v,.. -· ... , .... - • thly ,,_ -•---HOUSES. docks, boat 1, & malurity lor olflttl'l! or BABYsrrrER day1. own , . ..mob n1e, .....:n. ue&1 .. 1p. , Reuonable. Free e 5 t , f I 11. I P o I e 1. any l in J:, excellent firm, lr:u11 .. Kmt 6 Harbor Blvd : · 642-2239 everything re u on a~ y am. 642-2.f'JI, Min ~1-lli7 ! AL'S Landi;caping. Tr ee pnintcd. Fot free estimate Mktng Sec'y MOO BAR.i\tAlD ""anted undeT '.l>, : removal. Yard reniodeling. 646-.'lla2. SH 100, tyPe 15 wilh hvy n I g ht s h i f I. Apply ~ Trash 'hauling, k>I cleanup. No \Vuting legal C)."Pf!t. in R.£., "f'L.Ai\U:'0 Ul80 i\lrorovia, •· · •t 0~1166 * WALL PAPE• * lea.si11g l: contracts. PNM 0 1. Ask for ReNr. •, n..:pa1r sprn" crs. 1~ . " When )'OU Clll "Mac" offi~ in IOlid company. * BEAUTY " HONORATO tt Smith, e:xpert ' lawn 1o1triYf". For tree est. 548·14« 646-lnl , " OPERATORS Call 847-JG:ll, lJG-4553 &fl 5 LOWEST Prices? Higbeiii Leg~I Sec !° $M1 * HAIRSTYLISTS ·, PM Quality! Apts, res'l &. Calif. exp. 111 corp_ b•· w/dientde Comm .a lii'lfr t GEN. Cleanup-Trr:f' le comm'!. ~ yn exper. SH lOO, type IO+ d~ph. pd_ vac. A.1so. ~h 5~ _.; Spr ink_ler Serv. Ro tot il 1. 646-4S71 <>r 847-4128. Phone contact& w/chents. to rent.11Affi \VEST 673-4186 New hlwns. Sprayin&'.. Reas. TAL[. 30-d&¥ ~pecial! lnter. Acct ClerK $425 BEAUT!ClAN wit h ex· 646-5848. & EKter painting. 1''rtt est A· . •1 per1em:e 1; lollowinc in H.B. Local rt"f's. L.k'd • Ins ccur. lYP•nc "" yn _ Japanese Gardener. Exp. • · ren'I 11.eclng ex.per + Call 842~1 11.1 peneral Cleanup. Jlauling Call Chuck, HA66-(8)9. payl"Oll . Scll\l" 11a1. ,Y,irc. COCKT==~Al~L~/~lITEAKH=.~=o~us=E e >J6.00t e * PAPER NGER * WArrRESS "'-''· Only. GARDENING SERVICE Recogni«d Auttilrity F /C 8kkper $6.51 Wanted fol" e NEW OR· Experienced Japanese Prior Instructor 646-2449 H8.ndlr niulliple: books PHANGE RESTAURAf'l'T, e 548-0228 McAdams Painting Serv. l for officers in plush Laguna Beach. Call betwn. &XP. Japanese Gardenr:r. Inter. A: Exler. Special rates alh'°'Phere. llw. r:.p. U PM, ~7100. Gen, cle8.'i'lup. Haulin& trees. <>n apts, 64&-3645 helpful. 1)'pe SO. CAR wash help wanlifed,.,.. top t.1ain1. yard &46--0619. YOU SUPPLY THE PAINT wages. Apply In prf'l!On, lj() CAilUER, pert-tinw, lor car 11'a.!lh business. Ga.-dfonlng: l.&00 cleanups, SW Per Averqe Room Rec1pt. Gal Fri. $451 Nev.'1xn1 Centrr Dr., N B spmldr 5)'&. rota-cement Fret EsL 5.i7.fl638 1 gal ofc. G~t d~ts work. C.D. Yancey, ~ PAINTING -t:~1.--1nt. 18 )TS. in R.E. firm. \\'an! r.haf'p JAPANESE G arden i ng cxper. lns. 'Lie. ~ est. prelly cheerlul ral. Sennce. Neal wortc.. Oeenu.p Accowt. Ceilinp. 968-9126. yd. maint. 963-Dll lST OaiS Painting & Paper ROTOTIWNG. TrttS and Hangi~. !"'!Te Est. call llhnlbs r.:mo~. ne"' lawns. ·1 ~"'~..,.c,:,:c,:""'· ~~~-~- Free t:st. 548-1092. COl.LEGI=: Studen~. 3 yn CLEAN UP SPECIALIST r:xper. No drinkl111. Bill or New koce & ~Ir. Odd Stew. 5"-Gt9. .;obi. Reas. 548--G95.'> FOR you r painting DCedll oli: Gardening SeN. 'B.Y repairs from nooNi to doors, Japa.ntst" American. call Pll.ul 557-7-4::» · 847·94 PAINTING -Inter. le Eh:ter. Losial Sac'y l45t Exp!jr. in litiga1io11. / .for prestige a11y'1. lfvy diclph. TYPt> 70, Sil 80. Good ruturt, F/C Bltkp°' -Solid acctng knowledge, Plu!I analytical mind for ;, sets book!. t"ln. stmt!!, constn:actk>n. Complete Y •rfl Ca,..1 Slate A-City Uc. Ask IOr JI1J( &~7 1 ..cBc.ill;;,. ,=,";;,i.-0238c::,~=~~-I F / C Bkkp°' $600 *PAPERHANGING P & L +'Costing, fin. Ir PAIN'11NG. + 961-242.; stmt.s., adjU!iling enlr)'!, - ' payrnll if neetss. O'A Pl•sterine, P•tdt, ove.r"9eea. R•lr - 11t PATCH PLASTERING All type<. ~~ates c.Jl- AAMES BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT AGENCY • I U.2341 904 No. ~taln, s.A. 77Ml2Q 60J No. Euclid. Anl\lwlm -A Better Tempon.ry Posl1lon LAIORERS Interim Ptrsonntl Service 46-E. lTth-&...-0 1 641-7523 Call: 644-44:il CARRIER BOYS WANTED kr ... DAILY PILOT Dana Point, Sen JUllll Capif'.rano and Capistrano Beach. Contact alt. Sea1 at DAILY PILOT San Oemcnte officr JOO N. El Camino Rul ""4421 CATALOGING rnoM:ls nttd- 1'."d for dnignen winter lint-'. ~o exptT. ~'d. LA.G. Inc., Sl>Bt .. CASI-DER/ COUNTEJfGlRL • 7 to 31l0. Mon tbN l'rl. all M'"'· Permhwton. Sll-0000 Exl Jl.17, betwrs. S-S PM. COASTAL AGENCY A rnen\btr of Sl:'ll"lling ' SN!:lli~ lm·. Thi Wo ild ' .. L•r9e1t Prot.ulonal Employm-S.rvico 77!() Harbor Ill. CM -Harbor Wvd, at ,Ads.ms * \llr a>UNTER.\IAN, l! yr1 ar twtt. Conta~t Mir'·· Al\8Y'. r:.OA!\T BF.f.r. iati ~er A'i~.,._ Uwi ...... ange. **DIVERS** ('i MEN • Tnin to be abalone divers. Muat have i o o d health • willing to wort. Those salisfacklrily complet. ing training. will be hired *> woi-k on our boela. Inter- viC'o\'~ 1 da:,.W a week at 202 ~~ St., Wilmin&tpn, DISHWASHER -Part time l!tudent lo Yt'ork attttnOOnS k eYeninp. Inquire: THE H.EAD BAGEL, Jo.s Marine, Balboa Island ** DISHWA S HER - Gri.ve}ilrd shift. Apply In person, The Cottage Coffee Shop 562 \V. 19th St., C.M. DRAPERY MFG. exper. tabler • lraintt al Beach Drapery 900 W. 17th St.. C~f. 646-l911!l. • *DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! l\-lul'lt have clean California driving record. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E 161h St. Cos1a Ml'!!a DESK c~k., PBX, NCR, all' phases front rtesk·, exper., full thne. Br:n Brown's l\lotOT Hotel 31106 s. Coast, S. (Aguna Executfv1 Position Licensed In R.E. Under 40 ~ara of age. Excellent posi- !ion for right person. Write; Daily Pi.lot, Box M· 1088, 72ll \V. Balboa Blvd., N.8 . Gl\•e complete resume. Ir )'OU can qtralify, "''l' will contacl you for an immedialt: app't. ELECl'RONIC counte-sale!S- man. mak, uper req'd H. w. Wright Co., lnO NcwPort Etvd .• C.M. * EXECU'I1VE • *SALES CAREER * Starting salary plus comm. Firsl yc11_r earnings of $12,000 • plus ponlble 2 yr training progn.m by cenlury old national n. Buainess or aaJn background helptul.-l'Oo tra\~J /Mgml. opportu.nilies. TED ALEXANDER 83:).<1j4:i Ext._ 291 An r:qual opportunity Employer ~l/f FIBERGLASS PM-manenr opening!! for f!X· Pf". fibl'rgl1 laminators & <'hoWl'r gun laminator1. Al. so. interviewing lor 2nd shill 1cadman. Gro14•ing co. pro- ducl~ hi.qualily RFP pro- ducts located in No. Long Beach a~. Phone 1213) 636-9376. Par11ban\, Inc., 3017 t:. Lil' Hermanas, Compton. Ca . 90221. Equal Oppor. En1ployrr. FllERGLASS lay· up, sondlng & d•· tai&ng exper. . Apply -in . person, EDUR INDUSTRIES INC • 2101 Dove St., N.I. ••FRY CDJK:A-* Pa.rt lime. Sal Ii. Sun., al90 vac.· tion reliel. Ask fnr WB)'ne Rancho San Joaquin G<>ll Course 19.121 Culver Road Newport Beach .t1JU. oe PART Tll\tE Eam up to $5. per hr FULLER BRUSH ~45 NOW'S THE TIME FOi QUICK CASH THROUGH 1· DAILY PILOT WANT AD _642-5671 ' ·. I ' - Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See If Yo~u Have Anj Of These Things ,A DAILY PILOT WANT-AD Will Sell Fast! 1. Stove 29. licycle S7. Electric Tr1ln I 2. G11it1r 30. Typewrit1r 58. Kitten 3. Baby Crib 3t. Bar Stools S9. Cl111ic Auto 4. Electric S.w 32. Encyclopedio 60. CoffH T1blo S. Camer• 33. V•cuum Cle•ner 61. Motorcycle 6. Wash1r 34. Tropical Fish 62. Accordion 7. Outboard Motor 35. Hot Rod Equlpm'I 63. Skis I. Stereo Set 36. File Cabintt 64. TV S.t 9, Couch 37. Golf Clubs 6S. Workbench 10. Clarintt 38. Sterling Sliver 66. Di-.! Welch 11 . Refriger1tor 39. Victorian Mirror 67. Go-Kart· 12. Pickup Tr~ck 40. Bedto0m . Sot 61. Ironer 13. Sewing Michin1 41. Slid9 Projector 69. Camping Tr•llor 14. Surfburd 42. Lawn Mower 70. Antique Furnitu,. 15. Machine Tools 43. Pool Table 71. T•po Rocorde< 16. Dishwasher 44. Tlrn 72. Sallboot 17. Puppy 45. Pi1no 73. Sporh C•r 18. Cabin Cruiser 46. Fur Coat 74:-Mattrns Box 5"• 19. Golf Ca rt 47. Drapes 75. Inboard Speedboat 20. B1rometer 48. Linens 76. Shotgun 21 . St•mp Collection 49. HOrM 77. S.d'dlo 22. Dlnatto S.r · SO. Alrplano 71. Dart Gome 23. Pl•y Pen SI . Organ 79, Punch!,. Bag 24. Bowling Bill 52. Ex1rcycle 80. Boby Carrlop 25. Water Skis 53. R1re Books 11. Drums 26. FrMZtr 54. Ski Boot• 12. Rifle 27. SultuM 55. High Ch1ir 13. Delk 21. Clock 56. Coln• 1 14. SCUBA Gou DAILY PILOT WANT·AD be turned into cash wltlt a These or any other extra things arwwd tile lto1se so Don't Just . Sit There! . DIAL DIRECT -_, 642-5678 l - • I I l I l'IUT-AMITISU w ...... ......... ~. ,,,....... 2', 1'711 Mll.Y l'll.01' • MllCIWIDlll. Pol MlllCIWIDlll" POA MllCIWIDlll l'Olt ml AND TUDI' IALI AND TIADI IALI AND TIADI SAL• AND TRAiii MIRCHAICDlll POI "· 1'79 ....._ illliiillli ________ llf""RH -rs a IMl'LOYMINT JOU aIMP\OVMINT .iou a IMl'LOYMIHT '< ... ' ,.Buy a· ~ Bargai . -Border to • -Border-- Every d•uilie<I want oil in the DAILY PILOT appeon in every edition .•very d•y. That me•n• your ad wiU be soon in papers dol"...,.,'d to homes on'd sold from newsr•dts from border to border an alonq tho Oror190 Coast .•• al the '!ll•Y, from Seal Beach to San Clemente You Get It All ••• Huntington Beaeh Fountain Valley Costa Mesa Newport Beaeh Laguna Beaeh Sad.dlebaek . San Clemente Capistrano (Plus the dctlly ' newsrack edition) For One Price . With A t I • I Classified Ad Phone 642)678 -. ,-' ,.:, ..... ,....... w-. _1100 ..... MIT\ ...... 7100 ,... ... .. w... 7100 -. ------1 P...-. __ ._ IOOO ''-a 0.W-1111 MJ ... 11..,,_ W **FRY·Q)OK. d.,. •• AJ!Ply ,,,, MOTIL fN\10 ' a:aVJCJ: -- 1n ""'°"" The Cottace ())I. Part or fllll tt.me::.. ~ wanted. Xlnt. aluy + SALi . * AUC.noN * PIANOS e ORGANS ' FRIDAY, 7:11 P.M. ....-Shop, 5112 W. l9tb SL, Call -• .....,;:-14,.. -'""' "'° ~. . "AS IS" SALi · 1-C~-;;M.;;;::====~~INURSING: .. pltlmt. Wede ~ '• ~ RN « LVll, n.7,30 tDlft. 0,0-. 31111-. CM. CllNl.RAL OPflCI ntid. llEll\'ICE -- OF FURNITURE -IEDDIN~ -TV's, ETC. .-..... -......... -ht·~ ...... F&nlOUI tnnct. at miners: SIPT. 29th ~ •W.-1 All with out lJke new 6 color 1\1'1, !paa. 6ClildYe COut l4QISc w ...... , lab C\lltm: r-amo, .._ TO "$425 SUPIJl\11liOR, ltlf or LVM, pl -· -oolory & Good w/mamberw TYH 80. U-1:31"8blft. CIODUll., w6ca•. Chemm --........ off to -,_.,_more rarity. bdrm ..u. • pe. at.. ORGANS """' $Z!O Modttn bdrm .... 5 pc tw1r> PIANOS INm $225 w\ooy ,.~ a..-_ 5 Good -;......m,,. ~ l'artr. Udo Con--HB Pridna oper be1'61L ftlnc:ent Oeoler, 4 I I .!IEW'ING 1Whlne operatar, ...._ ............. ,,_~-· ....... furniture Nnlol ... All t--i..v. NewPert • .......... RL, H.B. -D<p. --· """"or ............ A. NUl"lb:W nftiN. W.t nit mfs. 125 W • Mly miner MIM11. You an wtty rep1lr tlwn I -,......., • llundl• of n-.y, GRANDS from -New IWivel ottlce chain, Banlr ....... Trodo-U. Ottlc:e dalu, DI...._ Ma• ""'" sum.,. u.s .. _ a.m., ........ -Dally tU I -f'rt W I chine•, Rodcfn. Dinettel, "'~ EXPEll. AIDE 7~:11 11th st.,°"· 133 °":::~· N. """'· -Pulr Lido Con-11r=11-=T1"0NER,;,:ii,,Y~C~1.-.~ ... -.- ................... ,,.. King size box aprincs & COAST MUSIC lluff•t., Uk< -wubm. ·NEWPORT '-: HARBOR Rdria:'1, Stovta. New carpeL C.O.ta Mn& * IC-2851 tnc 1: macb men! !! .......... -......... 1 valncent em.. • J'loa-Hn., s-. no-. ""'1 lhlp Rd. NB.-· In......._ Ooota -.... mattreso Doublt boS "'""" & $150 ••.. $6S GENERAL OFFICE Good-~.ru. ... Beach area. Call l«- ..... 6f5.7ll1I Wmdill hr- eaand Agmt:::y, 1>t3 Weetclltt Dr., N.B. . ' 1-., :ml E. 171h SL. <lf. -tell $ 89 ••.• $21 1 WIDfS Almlll Ofllce Tempcnry mJDENT, live-In moe.r-1 Twin box 1prlnp & _ T1lwl1lon 1295 GEN'L OFFICE $451 Work in be&ulifltl new N .B. oftlce. XID"fCo. Have .ome knowtedgc al. One " cuual- r:-n.thc. Call ..... -· 557-6122. A1*aD Abbot ~- WORK Wll£ll & .WllEIE YOU WANT e INVENTORY CLERKS .aonnel Jt&tttocl, 23D W. War- _.,-. m, -Ana. • e TRAINEE ASSEMILIRS GEN'L LAIOllMIN GENERAL Clerll to work in Production QJntrol l>e'pL Re- quimnenta: H.S. end.. typ.. ... -...... 1D ..,. add. mach I& ditto mads. Good ........ .....,.+_ · -beneflrs:-ean-for-interriew &ill3 Mn. Gonzales. HAIR Sty&t "Ibo Bouty Parlour 655 W. 19th St, C.M. &l2-72il or 54&-95Z7. HAIR stytWt, manicmiat, masseuse (Ible Ol' Female) Exper~. Hair Hunten Salon, Fuh Isl. N . B . 644-21SL APPLY NO\V VOLT INSTANT PERSONNEL NEWPOllT BEACH 3848 Campus Dr. SUite 106 54M741 Equal opportunity employer helper. s 9Ch1 .. dllldm ........... *SYSTIMS ANA~YST $156 to $1.1!81 per mo. Min. S yn IJJl1 -.......... In .i..-..; data ......... "' -llaJd. ru. ...... eollon ., Sept. a, 5 o'dock PM Pft'ION:lel Dept,, Room Sll . • CTrr OF a>ITA llm!A e TT Fair: Dr • (Tit)- maltrea llel.s $ 79 • • · · $25 SEARS oo1or TV. -COME B110WSE AROUND · (A few &p<>ll, but sterilized) ..,.. roduello•• on :m>IO Newport Blvd. Bunk bed.s com~lete with ..,........ • ""' 11oor Bohind Tony's Bids Mat'lo mattreaes · $ 99 •.•. $3S modols. Full¥ suarantood. 0oota "-* -T lold. IOfa 6: chair -a few Redoctioa up to $150. Phone OPEN DAILY I to 4 minor lean $190 .... $49 1162-1111. Sean Roobud< A KING s;.. --bod. 8' SpaniJh aofa. ireen Doral, a few Co., Adams it Mqnol.la, 10 IDOi old. in excdknt c:c.. wom spot.I . $2SO ••.• $7S HB. dltJon. Quiltid, mn: - Oventuffed chairs In foirly iood WE m .. 1op ..-'°' "°"" .......... _.._. ,. -•-Y f" "110 $19 T.V. ---or hmo Private ----po. OU IX • • . . . not. Call ... at 557-4291. . ~v -23" console TV's. Ill work, but need · 531-1637. minor adjustment '350 .... $39 •21" RCA ...... color 1V-. FINEST · Dbl a. twin beadboirds, a few 1<r1tcll .. , • Good cond. 1'5Q. Pvt pty. COLLECTORS ITEMS' TILLlllt ~t U fixed $ 20 .... $ 4 Call 119>-3l31 N•mo Ill II Sbup Ill -°'"' -· 80' sofu, a few tean -, Bt A_,. om. u you .,.,. ....... you '"" •195 $711 H~FI a S-12!~ Coll LoR- lud 1llb -..... Dlneu! .=. . . . . . pm "°"""' Prolnolonal -....... .._ -....._Foe polll llari you fix 'em $ 9 .... $ 1/up Tapo Remrdtt Modol <55. ==-"======! ~a I I Gmi "'"''"' LlmJJI, all broken~--Ulm N<wr $llll. 6G-l3911-Mlse. Wertlod "" COASTAL AGENCY' easily .mended $ 15 •... $ 1 G. E. •te!M. walnut, i.GE, c"8,n Abakn;,;;;: 2190 Hartmr Bl._ OI 30" gold 1u range. like new, but needs a AM/FM, phom xlnt cond. The Goilden waws, 11 °""" IMJ!no,... ...u. fn replocement parts •1&0 .... $4S $llll. 96thWl5"" 5 -wlmd&. """"'" St., ..._..._ ea. 5 dnwer walnut cbMI, small broken AIRLINE STEREO 94965 Pbono 415133>-10!9· eToloplw Werbn• comer $ 50 .... $20 ""~!.:"~ EDGEJl.trimmu ,......, ., No experience n4l!CllmU'J'. Lamp ahades,. Ill lizu $ 3 ... 10c ff new )'OUl'C bOiOtOWuelL Yourc merit Glrlll a... e drawer walnut dreuer, Cemerei & Price must be f'M*"l'ble. ,.,,.., 1'111 .. """ ...,., a few nicb • e& •••• $29 E""'-' aoo ..,_,,.,. a1t s pm. nm $2 to $C per hour. Pb: -LARGE FamilywoaldlDllt.to HOMEWORKERS WANTED ... *"! .,.. """'· 511-!itn. -11e..,... BMI, THE USED FlJlllTURE FACTORY RO!LEIFLEX. n.s Touar, ""'a ftfripn.1or. R (hElw--Adc)n..,.11). d -.... d. Sui .. F,.Cfll 1 .. •_u~ ... ~..-Coota -:!,~ ~-;_175. 0.,.. ......,, PART TIME PAYROLL CLElK us , se -a • Cell 546-mt TELEPHONE IDlk:HIDI'. com-..., nm'--~ • ' ._, -~ 41!ft8. DELI CASE 4' h ~ dres1ed envelope , lui b I Dlahled 541-9457 LANGDON WORLD Equal EmJJk>)ruent Oppb'. m on •• 1• O,.W ....... Mait.S• .. fat-I 615-3375 .....-.. v-. MT-11115 - -""-tint Ooodo 1S01 ~~....i:! s!; Pt-ti-tire lnatoller TELEPHONE ............ -. MHhlnory, Elc. - Ca1il 90218 Cbanp tftl 1; ahocb:, !Wrs. ~fer bir!z:C lbut-inL Call 1 jSURFBOARD -5' 11 •• ----'------·I "'"H"'OM""'E~P~l~P~E~O~R~G'"'•=-ul WIU tnln, medical benelits 6G-98T.I p· --~-IOOO a...:..._ at• ~ltiom mado. E•collent KOLEE Tool " cuthr ~ " u.urance _ _,,,,Nute c. * T"''~ OR lJPHOT. ~ ' ~.. • CVlaJ . n. Pttfed lo!' the Grinder, like new W/att.ch. Vrq compact, euily install. • .._.... ~ ..,_ :.._, bes\nner $25 l+Ml5n Call 557-rnB -•, only "!50 """""'· s.. c~ smw ~-m.dA .. STERD. to wen an boat in. nJJUOttJRE atbiibid tna * AN 1,.,. T • • • :': Ne •..:.:.. .-.. ... , 1593 .-. -• ~ w., Wion A camu owen. ·~ ........ ...W a.. W•shor & Dryer WGER-9 nun, matching!------~-- .. _~ ......... .., Butm. Park ·Perm,. Job, rm. bwfttL -. deconlms ... ,,........ LIKE NIWI numbers. Xlnt cond. Incl FREE TO YOU Monrovia, NB. MS-1530 Pr=Tlme~--=·'-.,-... ~,.-.-,.-.._-.-1 LAKE AlUIOWHEAD MA. -It........._,, O""'" 1%1-1431 a>nop:m """wwwla, $l50. HOUSEKEEPER· Pl"adi<Ol """ f\llJ ..,. RINA <n<> '3T·l501. It 0 PURNITURB .......... ~~,.~.,~-~-==-:::::;-l;SU.E;;::J;:;;;;-;;;;;I nurse. Mature lady, 11 PM up man. . • 1-u-rt BL c.M. REl'.RlGERATOR wi '* 2 SUrfbouU..Good Del SUPER, far-a1t pedipee to 1 AM. SAWYER HOME. Ad: kr Chef', 5f6...3'D6, 10to1 TV Oamm.'1 W'k .,.n. ..,. iWWpeP , freinier, $50. SH at 219 co . mUe Collie, free 6o 11. yard Warner. FV PomllhUtty tor 11DU1 pats if fl'lflr1 1lltt 'fll I GN.nt. Apt B, NB. Sfl..aD> Make oHtt. <lr tann-cype: home. People Ph: 646-6715 RECEPJ'-Girl Fri, l atrl ott. lnexpa:itnced. I.G.A. Inc. WM., Bit. 6 lab. -m. I tll 5. c.au 546-MSS mUlt be~ to i-1. a. HOUSEKEEPER. full time, Must be )'OUJC;"' ~tic I& 135-JSOL ,;ym-Bed .et Bruld J11tW REFRIGERATORS .. t.arp SURFBOARD • T'5"· RuaeU. qulmnenfs. Hlppia pnter- Hv. !!>. child """• """"' ambl--haw -PR, * TYPlm * 8"" -" -· -!Ion. Pi l4l5 ,._l!!j. ; ,... old. ""· 645-'617 tn5 Engtlsh flptaking, 5 du/wk. VeTf very attract, auper t..t houdl. fnmel. 2 M&-lD). ' -~ ~ Sf8..-Mt6 t.ANDWRD Say no CATS - Day &2271, Eve 493-3254. eharp appear. Will pll'lflkter Reailtft for ntctit ~ 1 chnt (4 BEAUT. Norp Wuher, Like miat gM away. 3 Duffy kit. HOUSEKEEPER. cook; full or pt-time. Write Box a tempanry job dnrwer), m&tddnl luapl. nrw! '45. Abo Deet/dryer MlicellOMllUI ._ tens 1 gry 2 striped W'!'J' Over 40 for riderly widow 1cm&, S.A. mm. ~ $150 Ask .for Mr. Huuon Pl 5t6-51U playful--alao black loai on &lboa la!e. Room. board RESTAURANT wmic, 10:»-w.:Oirt~nc. ._716.\ 2 Dr Jt,efris I te DESK-Mualve carve d h&ittd moth!T W/Wf7 larp $25 a vdJ. 615-1191 2:30, S dya a wk. m wll:bdl, Kl"I•• Bdrm Sot . • · w .epuall5 Medlt. 43'' x 81'". ~ ireen eyn. 54&-Ui.32 91)& I•-• J b I ~~ ~-_ .......... _ mvd. bottom freeser, . HSKPRS Emplyr PllY8 fee .-.. or ou1ew vea _, .......,_... Formal din, table 531-«Jll, -.1714. · .com.t aupported. Matching FREE firewood~~ ''Trees ot George Allen Byland Agen-~i~~o aper. nee. New:::msBe&cb J Bar Stools HOTPOINT DELUXE -llb/tbl SSOO. A' Biil/gm Httven" U' telfbut only I" cy 1(5.B E. 16tb, S.A. • Wnqht Iron Hancinl plaid qualUy IOI.I. $1SO firm. dlamettt, You cut I: -, 547--0395. RESI'AURANT bdp, female, •WAITRESS -Ellp'd. Apply Lamp PRTBt. IMl:liw..tlll.'!, tmt T1M5G.. all the MlOd 283 Flao..rj H OU SE KEEPER+COOK pu1: ~. owr 2L Ph. alt S&&rf I: Siaioin. 5830 '\'. (.ill -.1714 cipm, wood top. Ul-895C NEW 1 1aI Vansco air St. CJL ~ 9125 iFridayg &. Sailrda,fs. Pn--1:30 56-1895. Oout H"7., H. B. SAC arwd Spudab Efte e PHU.a> ~frffler, pnuure paint pot, dbl 4 KITI'ENS, lftY . w/blue maneat. Lag. Bch. t9f.-9'1U1 * SA.LAD GIRL * m.. CUI JW dnk • llbnr7 tablie, $575. .... free, cxipptl'UODe, sn. hoRa I& 1 roller coater, COflt eya. Lovable little bat. HOUSEKEEPER -Woman Must havo aood ......... llon pt --~lty I' -port ... llM2l! alt 3... l'<lO Sac:rilice -..._2628 ........ m aood - for weekly deaning, srmll ex~. Mon. t!ml Frt. * AVONGD'TS * home flt .nlct, $150. S.wlnl Mlchlw 1120 or 213/58'J-tm. 968-m 9nt _apt, Balboa lfll.and, 67S-071l 1-3::41. Call Mn. Ptnninc-Betfl!r )'et. became :.Avm ~ ..... ar eat;y am. 356 A Pcncbe Jiwnptt. Pm-3 FEMALES and 1 male lab. HOI'EL MAID. Experirnced, ton 83J.Cl600 Ext 2137, betwn. :'::':::::~ want.m:· OLIVE snen .. (~ JfllD !lnaer f!aacb.o.rDatlc sta:· "' DeUPt! Nfwr been dlnz. bit + Jc. eqe. m w: part time -days. LIOO ~"=PM="'·~~~-~-I bu)' tbtm. Call -. • Info bid)~ a matchinl' c:Mir, ... beaat. Maka_ batkll]. -ed m. Kemnor.1 ap. Jl'Uh. WillOll, trailer No. 17, mt. SHORES HOTEL 673-8800. SALES -'JV1 I& appliarnt Sli-$HJ. I 5t0-'l00. aood frame. sprinca; nNd hola, overcast •ams, blind er, $15, u Ja. 5f3.HH aft 1121 ICE Crftm Girl -Exp'd 11 am to f pm, Mon thru Fri. ApPy 2 pm 4 pm daily. 899 W 19dl St., C.M. for ftputabfe firm. Put . MW eoven, $15 tuel both. blml, delflN a etc. I PM. 6 COMBIHA'M'ON' b -/ ... •--. ·~" ... YOUNG Man. factDry work, Ml-6361. WITH CANDELABRA H La ' UBJr .._. ..a mfsr $2 10 Br to , e a v y cocker A Goldi!-n Ket paps. Pft'. ~. Good ID-nut. 56-nOt 9* h Bot,. RED ·coach. ad _,... $15. Walnut cablntt. Guam. $$ black wrouaht Iron. s ft Fl'ft to p1 homes. ~ls. come potentW. Write Box llm W Alton, Santa Ara 1zs. blue """1l 1uc:lq: dr cub or am Pl,12Dfnll wide, new, ntWI' uaed, very l /Jt M :mt, .,... Pilot. 2Zl1 w. . $10. kit. ... .. ~ .... .....,. Spani.t., II price .. $35. 5 LOVABLE kt-3 l>llt a Balboo ..... , N.B. -Ip, idnL ....i $10. * REP~IRS * -· whit• 2 all......_ Mothor MLE-Eam Chri1tma• khMJa..lnttrvctlon 76QO Mlle. itmnL ~'7103 Clean oil I& adjuat your rntEWOOD for lale. $41.50 M~ nd IOOll· bomes. mDllf)' pu1 time. s.r.b Dhol¥er• 0 ,...,.._ DIVORCED man ma at machine .in your home. crd, $27.50 % crd. J>elv . .i ~5396. 8J6..4493 9125 CbvmtrJ htrq: ..,.,, No in-C.ner With T1le wdlke ""' mlEtup. U... SPICIAL •tad tree. Day or nUe (1) ONLY 2 left! Beut black kl&- wtt. no del FrM tniab:w. iJW rm att +. a:u-., "'• all -~ ,..11.. llll-OIM6, (1) 817~1589. tiefl w/'Wht !Xl9l.'I " F-Info PH· ·--.... ~ •••• -· WW& "YUi ltl&t• . ""'" -. M•-· AIRIJIES . --5fs.8231 . '""' DUCAT! dirt .... $300 Wesned " lralned. l1Mf3f SALES, wi1h 81Jm.Gym, YoU WE PAY IDGHESI" PRICES &alba -boot $150; 8 bp 811. 3. 11'4 can earn what yoa' re 1'0Jt ORIENTAL RUGS. Musial Taoo culltom mlni bike $100. l LEFT only need aocxl bame ::::s c:1 ~~Good, A natural .., --Call <"Dllect L.A. 213 : lnoi-. 1125 96i-f!90 ... llullY" l"Y onl ""''" ---'-~-"=='-"---I .tlo ant .xc:llnnent plmf 151-5175 UPRIGHT frHaer, alao female ldttm bell bined• SALES Ticket -·· Air lnllbtt KING-IZ BE&. ~ 1ttD CLARINIT """'· Oak -~ -646-1403 . om CFormerly AbllitietUnllm.). Fornw_dod...,lnformadondiaJ StaHofta1ent!'Jlailrw&.. packqed frame. $1.~~·· Goodcondltkm,cue drtMeril:atand,kilcbtn.et 1~ YR old male nd TRISH HOPKINS ..._.... tiih? -~ "' tri.vel --U-!"""' and all $11. 5ftMl030 & rnloc • .,._1'46 Dadmbu..i, -., soo;i IRVINE PER.'iONNEL SERVICES•AGENCY 4118 E. l7th (at Irvine) C.M. $651 apntf We'll train )'Oii for ~ . OONN trumpet with cut, SURFBOAJU>: GrWk 7' 6'', home. Call -.&00 art '42·1470 Credit Men.jer Tr•inoo thnt ad man, deJ • nlte. CDUOI I& ~ ehatr, mute I: lyre. Good condition down rail. Movie JXOJ. A 5:30 Int l!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' jSa1i.ry. Two,_,. rrtaD ules =~ pleremmt ... dee tnle, 2 mt tabWa, $50. 16J..0261 ·camera. Hew Kodak M-16, WE'VE &of: to ftnd a home exp. National C:orupnq, Call • Good CCllld.. llO. S.-251:5 J YC1U< 'l"IU1MPFt' 'With M-50. 847•2393 BeauL ~ luff,j JANITORS. Exp'd. Fu 11 .Ann 1545-2770 Wntclttt ~ ... 5U-Oll5 " caA Xlnt concl 9'1tt1 TACO %1, Exctilent con-kitties, wuned " J:nfned time, night.. C I: S Maint • • 1 F.at. 21 >Tl. Approved 2 1'REHOI Pnwindlll Aep ~ .,..;.:AVV· dltion. E·_...,,,_ about It "'"" .. ~... ... .. ."'~ .,_ .... -.onnel Acency • .., Wtilt· v~-r .. ~ ... .__.._ ~ l'C&J'UM·.. ...~ .... ... ., .... .;-~";,·~~~~···=~~:-·1~~~:::2!!!:'-----1 ' .......... -._.. ....... ~"":"' ~ ~ Exftlltnt CGll-ts A-L Ewn the seat illm;;;;;,-;::::;.:;:";=-:-:-i.;.::I _ cllftDr.,N.B. under1bttedera0Jtaiurld dition $15.cll.'13-UD SDMER. trumpet, pro-brandnew $95.~n VERYhl!alftlytem.Jeldt:tiN JR. GIRL FRIDAY SARAH Co'ftrttr1 need• atudmt Jm.n pftllnm. • kukJnal modtl. Coat '600 .. • 31.ii mo, black le wldbi ExJier.not ~u.Xln'top. ladinfarCbriltma.uon, ~~ -farnlta~~~ MCriflce~IGM73T ·:":.-~ Jcqhair.HOQll!broken,JD. J>OI', fat unencumbered a~ No tnvntnient. No exp. Airline Scheol1 Pecfflc .....,._,_... TRUMPET Ith C · ed by a!tec1kiMte cbl&dren. tract. outaoinl girl age 21-~2583. or 517-4127. 61. E. 17th, Sent• Ana bib · Gu--. M ~ Xlnt cond S1S w .C::S. ::::i~rt;t ~ beein-6C..W9 Int 3'l to learn construction bU1o-SAVINGS' AND LOAN 541111H ' . ~DI~ SWEET, aftectiom.te Cftllle '-· H.-1 gtrt ore. IRAHCH MANAGER JNDMDUAln!:D -c Ollleo ,........... •11 P'-& °'WW tlll * " ~-mole cat. c..~ Gd 1tarttng salary w/lots rl. I& MISC. * keep due to daild'• elllqles. fringe benefiUI avail. to ri&ht S.vlnp and lalll "->cla-oftend "1 etttlfled Ca. Jt6'd Mdl wood -•HAMMOND Cll'l!lft -~ .AFT: 4 pm '44--5171 ~ Int -located In Nnport -· ~ .. u. ... -.. w/ptar bonJo, ot< girl, Accuracy A neatneu Beach ana, bu pomitkm 0m..metc.,o area. Ml .... e R.a.'d wood arm • • · 2 BAR l'loola SJO a n" BEAUTIFUL 8 wa. old an absolute MUST! Typing available for a wtll -qlllll-HutCbinlon m.flG1 bnm u . ro1m7 eb1Jn, S8JO e We Alto l'l'W1'b $511, WU'\'aDtJ, RCA cabinet TV $60 ph orar:ge ltr1ped kittens fn 40 w.p:m. minimum, Use 1D tied ·Sa . and L SCbliP'f'URi lNSl'!WC-.. .,. the lupat •ledlon efWi.Zm';~•· .fl" comolt 6fa-oI61. qualiUed hornel. 111-0B13. key adder .I: have math In. Branch ~ 0 an nON • Cay rnoddliw tram el ..r amc. fUnt tn ttm :P6ano. n1. ~ncb ,. del NEW prap cabtneta, W.U 1124 =ti:~ttt::Ur:.\:i~ Eiallmtwte~&fldtrt,.. lite. Gloria Par1le7, .... 1-ontyl u.t~$195.ouf orOoor.4'x4'xland~'x4'x1'.PUPPIES: Mother J:lnt. tant. Th.I• job bu unlimited benefit.. ~two ,.rs tM-af4 Mc llabla Delle price -ltM72L walcbdOI fatha' • •La!ndkw! ru~ for BOme -i"" Reply •~/ncrow operience Piano 1fflonl, tn )'OIJI' • ': ..._ GOULD MUSIC CO. LT coco 501 ll)'bl cvpet. fl() black wiwhft. ~. ..... nqwrecl Tneba' SI~ 1911 yda, very pod c:ond. $85 540-1842 9nt ~~M1 ;:1~~ng ~a:. For pmiculu call Pmon-';· ,:.;:., MPM 0 2N5 No. Main. S.A. 53lw709.1. NEED pod llotntl for Bil,,;. B t v d., • N...,,.., "'1, (213) 923-&>81. MIRCHAHDiil POil Ofllct ··~ •11 * lfT-<lt!l1 * •SLIM-GYM '""' __ , odorablo 6 wlr. Dk! - Boach. 9"2660. SECOND COOK "°"'"' ... S •LI • -TllADI EUrr11 c.Jcul. lh w 11 -11 % pric<, -y uoed. all blk. """'1 or 113Mf13. borne for Sr. Citizens. "' ~..,. Toecal rim. BQ..12JL Apec We"r. Havlns a * Evn 1tt. 4 ~ * 9125 L JC ENS E D Medic a 1 "'-9458 Purnltvre IOOO ~ cir)' ~JI• WHALE OF A SALE Eiecbic HOlpltal Bed BROWN I& ~ Fox Terrier Labora.tory Ttchnologiat, in SECRETARY _ MEDICAL mod, in. Muat .ell, a.lac. on PIANOS A. ORGANS Good condlt\on $15 tn aood adult home, I yn private Jab. No nights. or Cardiology, dayi, run time. KING-SI.~ SimrnoM .Un IG-9l'13. · 1'Mt manual oriana from $299 * ~4 * old. 64&-0338 tJ25 wk. ends, Xlnt 18.lary I& Ptnonnel Dept. ho.s Ho1p. bid, no-hon 1 be et 1 ' ---Pianos from SJ.Tl IQRBY Vlll."CUl'1I ~ 3 BLK. nU ldttltn1 I ... b"U>t!< beneftts. WOltmlnltU -Bch. . _.., ..,u... = !!!....• .... -WAIU>'S BALDWIN mmro ............. IUll -""" Did -to "' -- Call l'tlf'I. Deckft 893-1321. SECRF:.i'ARY • Mm1CAL ::. 'T" :!"'~ cantd REMODELING, lltw~ el lilt =t,~A.:a-' $.18.11 (213) 4.TT-110 N&-3105 1125 LOCAL Man W/aalea abU to 1\amor ftlWry, dQI. 1\111 wtftC cb1irf. Vi c torian ftl:ln at modnt Jliell, tnd An'ERNOONS USED aoocf cupettrw I& pad, FEMALE *lie tound in ope~ .-w type car WIX.. tlmt. ~I J)lpt. lloq' ........,. cbwr, lit• oak QDuu ClOkir' TV .. JnOdtl apssox 1be l2'nY -....SO P • c I flc Sancls -.. eql.Dp. Exp deti/not · nee. Holp. Newpt. Bch. dtM. i.mpg (all dllfa). Sl.75: Late model G.J:. ...lnnon Orpn Cleu 111411' I pm S3&-l7l5 1125 S.A. 6: Fu h. lal. &U-72SL *SECRETARY-I....... ....... 117...alM -1Nlhn' A ntrW +_ SIO ENROLL NOW __ JAKE'S ContlmlOUI . swap MALAMUTE mix, 9 mOr. IPQ'• L VN brolcw. Exptrieidd. M.B: Ml:Drn::RRANEAN m., I'• u •a b 1 e b ' h Id J t • '*'' • O• .wtlrw 1WI,. lfpt. Mat. BQJ.SeB-Ttadt U7 E. ed 1emaJe dos _. ipod Full time cbarp. Xlnt frinp ottker W,1J1T ~ crM114 wlvet ntY11' -1 ~. ~ J BM 22nd, 1 p.m. I Mtkl COUt9t 13th CM ...,_,. home eM2IS' 1115 ..... " e.yv;.w eon .. i... Sec:Ntory . ., ..... _. __ =~ ~~--~~ E.oRg: M~ Sauna d'l( ..... LONG 0 -kt-' - ""'" Hospital, = Tbu!1n, ~ llllad-No 11f. Good tJp. llM33T '. -both, lib now. $100. Did. -II -· CM. ~; .... Call l.onJoo --BEAUT BLV/GRN WAiNIJT GAllACE Mir. 2 Olol1I el ..... ,., °"""' d •I Mar. 1162-Tlll ' m.rus. 1121 .. ~.... ""---am.mo , MAS~EUSE .. Exp'd WettdlH ~omd Altncy, Rattan lv'na/nn •t tblt--ehr, mirror, Mnle Ill, e mllabr p-and piano, MOVING! S.C . .\ SMck ~t~ FREE amaD eork-1crew AJllO trai.ntt, 147-1879 2043 Wtatchff Dr., N.~. , lami-. MMMl , couch. A other mbc. Jttml. B&ldwha. M ltll. dinJ ~. Loe: Irvine. willow trffl. Yoq dis A MEDICAL ASSISTANT SERVICI STATION 1 ir 3 pn:a: SECTION· -""" lloL '14 c.ro.-$175 ... 5.lMlfT m-un ,.. ... l!).1098 .,. Eiporienc:ed tn X_..,,., In-ATTINOANTS • -.u. fKJrA. -C4M. '1Ml55. • • UVING ROOM CHRS ; 7 WK old -• .... & joct!ona, blood-1<, ,.1-11ps Full tlmo • .,,ly Standard $75. ** -GARAGJ ..,, 8ola, -e STUDIO PIANO $1U TABLES-APT. !1rOVE It pcM>dlo mix, Adora.iet A D<G'a. MT.J541 -Station, 24081 z:a Taro Rd , SUNK Bede. attract t ••, dlnltllt ..c, 1mtCh mltc. lat, Blond Wood * 54M9'J6 MlSC. 5J&...MS5 83&-0lllS 1125 NEl!D 2 GIRLS Laguna Hui.. . -lllot -·°"'SUD. ...... ~ --llJl'llht ,._ ,,. TELEPHONE •l•c tronlc 1 WK.old !U.ab '""- Tt1t'phone a. U. office wortc. •SECRrrAJtY ... Plrt time. •U. Jar l:IO. ~ N.L m.. -_IG4Ttt ..-et .pment. Colt pqppkof to IOOd ...... Good pay. Contact Mr, Ken. Typll'lif • attOUnting tx· You don"t netd a 1\11'1 to GARAOE Slit, 81.t " ~ SINGER '11 mdl dlolQ, etc. Sl)O. ACrificl-175. -...m1 "1·1301 aft, 5:00 p.m. tnl Mdybe1.lOAMA3 ~ perlencentce11ar7. Dnwhlt.-,__,._ JM Oltlllft..f'e• N.-.. In corwolt, ...,.. SJS.15_or _.FUUAR-STEEL SI'RING Try p:ipalar ~ no 'l t• E. W""':', Ssnta Ano 1!5-T5'S. u od la 1hl OA11.T PILOr Ooho, -. .. V ... -. 11111 -r= 431-llC. 1!0 c4 5tM1S1 l>-ea.-..-.. W.. / - =- TRANSPORTATION -.-~----~-~-.. -·~, 26~! "'~.-~ ALL NEW 16' Triple-Wide Cornell WANTED: Travel lrailct j~ AUSTIN HEALEY ~ •-SI HOB" IE CATS HillO'Clt • l'IAmi"IO 22'' Mly 1<11 "'"· "'6_,, Motno:r .. ttf. IJTK'W, Panu11oun1 • UnlverqJ h\.1n llnkl. bot Y.'b' htr, 2 * 1960 Sprite * ~ 9:!:1 • tltf'r 5:3CI, _,..;: 1'1V 41$-.u.'ll; 6t~ll betll'een All COLORS Baa·rlngton • Bro&dmoor "''&Y ~...., •'-,_..... Oean. lk-t oUcr. _.-f91.8629 tO 'A: s. !l/2-1 ,REE DEMOS .. .-.&nllnen1111 e "Star ~~!~ rliht low price!-~--·- PREE "' good home G<nnan Pri"" o-om 11i9o. Wln,.r G<nrrC.rHA•P"1.."r"N t -BMW -nl .'"·-"' nut.p~1 Raci-,;t•rlS 'soon~ ~ '61 NtNRPD. Deluxe. Sips$, ------u.""' .. ~., . ·...-; 1 MOBILE HOME·S... Stove, ~.-din's 'table. .... Olli alt~ 5.11-9276 91i t CAP N ·EDS 123!1 Beach Blvd. G.G. 119;. 54MIS6. FREE ~ooct .t body to a '60 * 11415..l)..29.'I)' * Falcon 1:. odds A ends'. 2174 m W,~!. Jlwy. NB 645-2244 '68 F1ELI> I Sl'REAi.'I Pacific, C~1. Apt. "C" 9124 FERROCEi\fENT Hull; H-28 C0i'1T~ENTAL by Cam· TRAILER, SLPS 7. VERY .LOVEABLE 9 Y•k. old lonn, wired. 1'l'ady to con· , bridge ~1an~laclUrvr. 24x55, S893. 1 * * 518-0044 · I k' crete. h1U!l sell, make oUer. Cwstom Design,.. ---• ~ &: • y,•h1te ma e 1tten. ,....., ,.,.AA CHAPMAN Truckt tSGO 968..fm t112-1 o=-1Jll'l'I· _. ' . 27' FEATHER Sloop, trbills : MOBILE HOMES 1-------- 3 ~:i~~~ top llOll. :,~ o/wd. must sell. $1695. or 1706 No. Harbor; S.A. STRl~r POWER makll oUer. 675-1393 or' · ~1-8105 .11\1 3-CALICO Pf'r11an kltte:rl5, 6 GJ l-5363 \\'ks ol~. 847-1863 9/24 "'--"-'oe~21!~' ~Sl~ ... -~.~- 3 DARLING bl.k kittens, 6 \\'ood keel 00.t, Slc:epa 2. v.•M Old. 646-M02 9l24 l\lake oUcr. 8.174 1039 GAS '"asher/dryer comblna. LIDO 14 •2663 Hon. \Voii<s. m-0098 9124 $1150. 644-2601 ,ITS_..,.. LIVISTOCK Bolboo 20' fixed !!:HI &18-0a32 P9ts, GeMr•I llOO --~D~E~L~RE==Y~24-- FOX, RARE. 1 mo, rold col· Jar, blk ·1eg1 & ears, must Deep keel. sips 4, head, .sink, Best ofier. 6#-0735 ---------sell-leaving country. AIL PoW.r (rvlMrs . 9020 Triple Wide Cornell Continental e Paramowit Ban·ington • Universal F'lamlna:o • Cenel'al Brolldrnoor • Star J-llUcl't'llt • Cambridge CHAPMAN MOBILE HOMES 1206 N. Harbor. S.A. * 714/531..8105 • \\7e have a ~ i;tock of New 1970 GMC Camper trucks. Buy 00',', beat t)!e price ralllt?. Also Camper combin- atklnis and used trucks. UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 28jQ Harbor Bh<d, Bicycles 9225 Cmita 1-Tesa 540-!>650 Authorized Dir. Sales • Servtee • P• rls All l\'fodels tu Chooie ~'rorn Service ~1onday 'till 7:00 P~I Sat 'tUI Nqon_ CO~ST IMPORTS Ot Orang<' ~wnty [11('. 1200 w. PJ1cl nc COOJSt llwy 6·12-0JOO . • 5:16-4529 CORTINA '£~ CORTINA G.T. $11:io call JeU at 9;:,.1200 D4_TSUN -- 'l:30. 549-2163. -------~.:. -r-·. ' _ :-191m FORD: 'VS, au!Omalic ----·-CHOPPER bike ,,.speed, disc lra1'15misskln, pov.·er fit(!('r· ZIMMERMAN C.ls ll20 24' CABIN Cruiser. Excellent b~kes, lo!1? extended forks. inc:, power brakes, air con- _.___ shape. Will sacrifice! As Like new $50. 616-5184. cj!Uoning ,vlth Hi way 2145 HARBOR ILVD. PILOT·AOVERTISER %% TIU,NSPORTATION ;TRAHSl'ORTATI -f A i 1(/l'o TRAHSPORTA I ---.-- l111porlod ~'!..,,. ~ '.!ll!!:~-:'1 -, -~ Imported •. ~'" .'600 -""f!At-MG -----;---·'-'----'69. fl-at 124 Caa '69 MGB .Ydlow, .Xlnt rond. . r-Ch1'0me \1•1re '" h e e I 1 . Exotic red with bl#ek vley! .Ul-J'M1 tormcau 127 O buckct 11Clt1. Law nillH;-hu m-~. had excellent care. Saerl"·lh-'°"'==''='-=-~-~-=~=··=~ """' (XLY"'5) T ... older MG'A car In trade. Wiii 011<1.ncie·1---------J>&:~'&te pa11y. Call P111 ~lr.1960 DRlVEN by sch I a111o·an1 itfl.1·7S06. 5'to.31(ij. tea~ttcr for ·'to )'rs, 63,COO N~W FIAT or!&: mi's, good cond, 1978 l50 SPYDER leather ""ell cai'ed ~lor nu All colors to choose from. tit.-e1, SOOO. 64&-ma~ tr $2335 + Tax & Lie. 00-4910 ext 26-1. AU models to choose. Colifornlo Sport C•rs QPEL 001 E. lsl, S.A. ()12-8801 _ -'67 FIAT 850 -·ss """" """' '"'""' , ..... l\t.AK.E OF'f'ER. See •t 229 4 speed, radial llres. dlr. CTOC 5581 $999 f'uJJ. price. Slerks. Ci.'1. aft 3 pm. PORSCHE Small down. \Viii finance prL --------- vale party. 5-16-4032 or ....,Pt6Sll_ -'64 PORSCHE 356 SC COUPE---JAG-UAR -Bal"?' bl11e,-,hrome ...... -'>. radial lit'l'll, COIX.'OUl"Se con- dition. Lie XOG991 JAGUAR $.3099 HEAD9UARTERS CHICK 'tVERSON 519-llll Ext. 00 or 67 Thr only aulborizeil JAGUAR vw dealf'~ in the entire Ha.rtm Area. TOYOTA '69 TOYOTA _C.OROLLA \\'hltti w·llh black lnterklt·. Lie. ·~'Wt683 $1299 CHICK IVERSON vw ~1 J::xt. 66 01' bi 1970 HARBOR BLVD. (X)SrA MF.SA '70 Toyota M.-rk 11 Loaded • Factory ai r, auto- matic. J ust over 2,000 miles. Sacrliiee: C&l2BQDJ Take trade or SJT1all do11'fl, Will finance priv pty. Call Sid dlr. alt 10 arn 540-3100 or 49-t·7"i06. VOLKSWAGEN '58 vw oontr&stlni GBV711l. $38 Down p do\i·n, .. ~'!I. 78 for 24 monrhll. APR is 21.5'i~ toll\l intemt. $148. Total cub price S731. CHICK IVERSON ' vw 54!1-Jo::l Ext. 66 er li1 1970 JIARBO R BLVO. COST A hl:E.1'A , WANTED I'll pay top ctoua~ 1« your VOLKSWAGEN tod~. call and ask tor Ron Pinchot. M9--3031 Ext. 66-61. 673-0900. '70 TOYOTA'S Ir s~.Jmn1ediatc delive!)'. '63 VW Bus.Cherry cond. -paneling thru-OUI. Tuck A illf\liJ--~;!.,in~i;.;'!7~:h= 11"'" offer. 962-o;;<I • '64 V\V Deluxe Bus New l 1guN Be•ch paint, • eng. Xlnl cond. toO So. Cit. Hifhw•y Sac1·itice for best. cash ol'r 494-7503 * 540-3100 or trade. 646-8351. '68 BUG, Pvt ply, ln1mac 4 SIAi\IESE kitten!, 6 v.·ks I ~'!:".!'t.'".,,,w,,_aJ1ellirb12000llSIL . .a:NU.o.Jup::,jn'-J-e WANTEl;>,IMMEOIATELY Campor Cruiser, Just th e 540-6410 1----1·-0lrl w.don;-Jialr.-$10-t&.-I-or downs. -0nt!+H&~ 'n,,......-;f~-the-cycle~gt'Oup7 ~~,,--=="H~·~ 'iiliil' ......,., p.m. """'"'""· "'"""· °''· r.10-9'411" -'69 OATSO WAGOn Comp&et.. 1"70 HARBOR BLVD. ---s.a:i:Es------COS'l'A-!11ES/. SERVICE PARTS BA1JF!. '67 PORSCHE 912 (TIOIYIOl!IAI -:~: ~us;i:~t R~~ :~ '71 COROt.LAS dows, $l2S.>. 536--ln9 ~.~•-____ 11_25 Spoed-Skl Boats 9030 Mini Biku. • , '1275 115 CHEVY· JS Ton ·p .U.' Ovm·h"d · '"" '"";"'· • -• : · . ~.' speed, r11.tlio, low n1ileage, \\1hite "ith black intel"ior. Al\llF~f. ei<ceptlonally good running, WYG945 TRISH SETI'ER PUPS 18' HYDROSWIFT -in- :*,\l/ritten guarantee brd/out 289 VS, bait tank, *·Free lraining full cvr, trlr w/elec winch, *Show. pet & field stock rl('"' tires, & everything , · By appt only 6.12-5065 else. $3,150. Selling to buy T~i;o 22. Ex~e~ent co~ 6 cyl., stick, dh·. $1099 Full Special ' inte1·ftfr, Sacrillcc. ~illon. Everythinr about 11 Price. CS274'151 Will take car . 'CXTG566j, · 1'ake trade ' or is A·!. Even. !he ~al Is In trade or ·finance private 11mall down. Wiil tinanee pvt brand new. S9<i. 644--0J77. party. 5'16-4032 or494-6811, ply, Call !\laury dlr. 54()..3100 BUICK 1N . $4295 ' COSTA MESA CHICK IVERSON 234 E. 11th Street VW la rger boat. 6T;rl656 art Motorcycle• 9300 '63 FORD F.conoline. Cherry HARD to find Toy Fox Ter-6:30 pm ----'-'--'---..:..:.0: rx1 t..• t rk>r pup p ies, UKC --~-------~ . · co · ·•US ~ tor ap.- 16, GLASSPAR, oo HP ... ... ... .. .. preclale, Milke of I e r . l'l'gis!ered. Solt &. Cuddly, '" I - - - -• 536-40.13 beautiful & sniart. &1~2153. E\>inrude, Elee starter & 'rinNI . . , . . MOVING M .. ~ !Ind _.... controls, Trlr, ·All access. . e '57 CHEV .. P.U. -,,.... . ".....,... Like neW, will sacrifice HQ-._.....-.. a 1 1' I ,home lor y,• e 11 ·t r a1 n e d S1200 Pvt ply 53&-65U ~~ ~ ·• ton, x .nt· t!Ond $650 ,ttmale Afghan Hound. AKC. · , · , * 6'73-2Jfi6 * Good y,•fchildren. &I~ 1'1 SKI BOAT w/40 hp Twin ''fRIEDLAlll NDER' "· Van.J969 Dodge Spo11sn1an d Evinrude, rlgged for, troll· VS eng, 31.8cu in, auto lrans, e GER.'1 S ho r t hair,e ing, sleeps 4, elect. starter, Pointer AKC 39 champs. 6 running Ji<>hl.s. A ........ , _,..__ .-NlClll ntW'f', •• air cond, new 1vklc belled ks 'ft ~·~ •u•r 537-6824 e 893-7566 tltts. $2"'a95. Call 64G-7"...53 ~w ·* * 54&.81&8 • * * n_1_"" boa--·'-· 14,9.0_·. Ph: 962-l5ll NEW USED-SE ot -RV. HARO to get '54 :"ord n ton I e AKC P.'.X>OLE PUPS Sm . M•ririe Equip. 9035 --...... -... P.U. Xlnt.. cond.. $.175. !\!any colors avail. hlovlng .•.., -...... -...... -........ .....-i::O.;OJ;.54;:"';:7~°'~'::,·==="==<= want gd homes. $25 & up. INBOARD And ou t board M2-3561 or 846-5096. pafls and accessoriC"g. Gas GUNN Kennels. \Vire Hair tanks to wlvet lr:-"1.~ Con. Fox Ten·l<'r pups, s .wks, trols, cables, :·r·11~;. in. ~ ......i· struments, p1'0 ps, hH1'fh l'l1 rt'. AKC, 33 champ. .,..,,.igrec, windshields, etc. \\fill se ll S200. 897•2844 t all or" par1. ~9.-0530. '69 YAMAHA Jeeps 9510 or 4[}.!-7506 ult JO an1. MS-7765 -71f.DATSUN '67 )(KE 2.+2 ,. '""· '''· 1970 HARBOR BLVD. · COST A hlESA 4 Door S'.?dun, used $1799 full ,rad;o .. ch1~me wi.res, new 1 ________ _ price. IOOlAVAl dlr \Viti . Pettlhs. ·YeUOI\.' \l'fbleck • '6:i PORSCHE SC take trade or finanl~ pri-lnterklr. $299.). 5.16--9866 Sunroof. tape, Clean! vale party. Call 546-4052 or 196'T 'XKE Jagu~r conv. Im· $29.'iO •ft 54S-2667 ...... Jt .. •. m". """'' •w lop .1;'--,6~-lP~O~R-S_C_H_E_ palnl. 18,tm mi. Asking DOT DATSUN s:noo ca11""''w532-3'88. CABRIOLET OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAYS lS!lS EcaLh Blvil. Huntington BeaC'h BU-7781 or f~OM2 '67 Dat11un RIW Rd-1600 Top condition. low n1 l. s1rn: · j ·l5-tj36 ENGLISH .FORD -· '62 JAGUAR X K ~·\V i re H1 nttop, gleaming metallic 11·hl~. r&h, n1cch nice cond. silver \\1th brand ne1v in. Silver gray. $13;'ill. 67~5!m. terior' chrome whecll ra· KARMANN GHIA ~~ ~~~ ;t,"'1™ ,;,dio, '63 VW GHIA $2199 Conv,,·Ublo. "'"'"' '"";n0 ,CHICK IVERSON ove1·haul, hard to find rrlo-VW del. Radio, heater, 'I speed, CIC. . . . ~1!).3031 :.:xt. 66 01· 67 COSTA l\IESA ." HERE NOW '69 RED VW Bug--black lnt, \Vagons, 2 Drs, Coupes r/h, good cond. Clean. Of- Auton1ntics &: 4 Speeds rcr. Bcrorc 5. 54.9-33't3, alter DEAN LEWIS 6• 499·3749· 1966 Harbor, c.l\1. &IG-!l.".03 Lar9e Selectio11 BILL MAXEY !TIQIY[()!T!AI llUI BEACH BL VD. Hunt, Beech 147-1555 l rnl N. of Ola.'Jt Hwy. on Bdl Of VW Campers, Vans, Kombis, Buses, New & Used lmmedi•I• Delivery CHICK IVERSON vw 1969 TOYOTA Corona 2 dr 549-3031 Ext. 6S or 6T Coupe. Stick shift 23,000 1970 HARBOR BLVD,. mi Excellent cood. $1500. COSTA r-.IESA 6ti'.-11m fe11esl '68 vw convt. Outstanding '69 TOYOTA Corona 2 or: cond. Best ofier . .1ll-84,;g or Beige \\'/blk inter. F?i;t '673-6830. radio ~lust sell? ;1750.. ~-6'~Vl,::V==,CA~M,;P~E~.R~. -.~d-ro-nd7.I 49'1-8874 $18CO or best otter. I '68 Toyola Corona Coupe take over payments. 518--2738 TRIUMPH * 53&-4938 * '69 V\\f • Automa!ic stick shift. S14jQ or best ()ftc r. i\fu5! SeJI. 546-6050 POODLE. 3 mo's, ·apricot -·· -· . !....~C. shot,; & ~. $1~ · ·ao.t· Slip-Moor:ing 9036 Cilll 642-0657 ------..... -.... ,. $ l099 1970 HARBOR BLVD . ALL NEW_EN(;J.ISH CHICK -IVERSON. ·so ro· a="H. E c on 1 • 1°-""' TR4 "'" "" ""'1.1•· &; _ 8 o c., _ l,JUl,I -1.onru?au CO\'.C[. overdrive t"ORDS NO\V IN STOCI< VW super, viltnhard fu p. New $750. 5-W-47t3 art 6. NEW VW BUG $55.89 pr. month 3~ YR Old Purebred, blk · L<Jbrador.· All shots & license. 5-1&.-32GS e 7?.' Side tic. i'l"wpo1•1. Po11·. er only. DRASTICALLY engine, ne1v clutch, l"i(!W REDUCED :i.49-3031 Ext . 66 ot 67 /r $147.71 down includes t•x & Lie. Open End VW LEASlhG 67;:-67'11 TO CLEAR 1970 HARBOR BLVD. tire!!, nciv paint, Al\! ~I. VOLKSWAGEN just like ne1v, can be seen Purebred Miniature Poodles 9 "''.k! UI Bott Rent•ls, --·~ LARGE SELECTION =========='::'::IES=:A=:=:: I at 2089 Harbor Bh·d.. or '\U CHOOSE 1-'ROl\I '68 V\V, bei:;c, slick shirt, Theodore MERCEDES · B' ENZ phone 643--1982, 9am to 6pm R&:H, .'l:ln'l cond, $1200. --------AT CHICK IVERSON -· It 64&-9570 * BEAUTIFUL Welmaraner P\(ppies. fi wks, no papers, SlO ea. 557-9359. ol-1' HOUSEBOAT avail for I \\l knds ()r Weekly, Pern1 n1oored. :>-IS-2434, 636-4031 ROBINS FOR '70 PORSCHE 9ll-T CouP'' .. IH370. CONVERTED '"' .,. c1., D · -pd • ,1 xi 1·~ 1...cc.....c..c. ____ _ '60 280 SE < -doo __ , " ll a s ' any ras. 'tW '66 V\V. Nev• <'n;;. S: !lrc5. vw ' 1970 HAflBOR BLVD. 35'. Con1J'llC'lt' homl! on 20tiO Harbur BJvd. · . · r ""'-'· .r u mi. Pvt ply. 67l--06S::. 11'IK'<'I.~. BEST of F En. Costa r-+lcsa 642-0010 p1vr, air cond., elec sunroof. I-'----'-'-----Good: cond. Sl,000 Or bes! CO&'TA b!ESA --- L°1 ?ilALE pug, registered family, no papers-. Bo•t Ch•rt1r 494-4.1!)8 1 ~~~~~~!:!!!'~~~ J priv party. Priced for quick • 1962 PORSCHE SC · Xlnt oner. &12--0186 •·'70 8' Overhead Ca.rit-r --~-~· Ml<'. i\tr. Brandl. Days oiily cond, nc1v paint. $1900. Pvt 1-=:.:.610"-V.:.::w..:. c::O::N_E_0_1_1,-C-ER-.-,,... FERRARI 833-rolJ or 644-4261. pty. 642-l3l& · Lo11• mileage! Exha~! '62 VW .Bug Radio, 4 speed, excellent con. dition. dlr, Full price ~­ CB\\1!11881) Small down, \Viii finance private p a r t -:J. :>4&-4052 or 494-6811 . "" &12-3019 e AKC Small Toy Poodle!! 8 wks, 2 malr, 1 fenulle SJO *. * 968-i92;;. 32' T\\•ln-screw . Chris Cra.ll Sips 6 * De\ux boat Sip~ 4 * Xlnt cond • _ _.__ '68 PORSCHE 912 A.\1/F '1 '-•"~9712 ~ .. "'·1·.co-,01 SACRIFICE $900 1 • '61 220 SEB: 4 DI' Seda.n, . "' l ~~-=~=:..::"'..:-::::.~=-'---6"4.~l all B:30 pm FERRARI sunroof. All red leaUte.r/inl. tape de(:k, mags & radials. '62 V\V Van $193. ·::s Ford N~ Import& Ltd. Qr. A,\1/1''~1 $800. 548-22U e.xt Xlnt cond. $1400. 6-16-5789 P.U. $300 or best. j36-1378 * MS-243-1, 6364034 * -York'shlre Terrier pb11pjc:s AKC e · 675-05<15 Mobile Homn '1200 .. ,. _______ _ '66 V\V CAi\1PER: R.Cblt ange Coun!1'• only authof. 191 , 962-3490. 196t Porsche 911-T art 6. motor Nu tires: tape deck & ml! d!lle'r. • A1nt cond. 1·753-0010 WE BUY VW BUSES auto sport ltd TRANS~Ri'ATION ............ THE MEAD()WS I·,~:.'"'· SALES-SERVIC1'-PARTS MERCEDES BENZ """" EVES: 6T:>-5545 31 00 W. Coast Hwy. INts & Y•chts -(In the Irvine or•ng• groves) Now renting spaces l\1ulti-Million Dollar l.lobile Hoine C9fllmunity • 52~~ acres oi fun living e $300,000 recreational, so- SCRAM-LETS .ANSWERS Bel;rny _ Virus _ l\lagic _ cial &: cultural center, full P,ol'ICho _ hlJ\.'\''S CAR time, in park service cen- AJ!mony is likr: putting gas ter. into anolher !\!).N'S CAR. • Daily smog · free O&>an breezes, surrounded by or· WHY NOT ange grove11 & mountains ·TAKE ·A CRUISE:?? e 7 min lrom \\'Orld'1 largest For L11H Or shopping center (Fashion · ·• Ch•rt1r Island} LOW WINTER RATES! • Championship la1111 bowl· 40; l,Vheeler Cnllser: SleeP11 8. ing green Make appt. NO\V! O}YNER: e Small pt:l.s aJlowed '67 F'ORD Super Van -:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~I auton1aLlc, Xlnt co n d, 6 CUSl'O~l SPECIALTIES . eyl, lo mileage. 673-5655. r-.1orort·yclc Salvage Part11 for -t n1akes. Serv ice, Dune Buggies 9525 l'C'pairs k t•.s1n1 w'ork. Buggy Bodies • STh & up * j27.391;i * Accessories-Parts.Chassis 1969 Harley Davidson 160?1 Valley View, Santa Fe l\101orcyclc tZ5 ct J.i2J. Call Springs 213/921~ 531·72M · f1<'r 6 Pi\1 all day DUNE buggy '69, Sharpest in Sat ~ Sun. \ 101\'11? pwr plus. never in 2 BSA Choppers, l y,·/tnoldt'd dirt, ::,000 mi, make: olfer. lank. flak e paint, cx1cn<1<'d 1,.:.>""'--1~400=-· ===~=~ chrome frnt end & sm 196~ vw CHASSIS ENG & "·heels & lots or clU'1n. TRANS FOR $350 ' r-.take offer. -i4Z..jJS7. •642-0443* HONDA Scrambler I 6 0 V\V Dune Buggy "' ; 1 h 11•/trail !'illrockrt Ir shop 'fiber g I a ss body $800 manual S.."25. 897-i·l69 aft 7 54Q..3803 after 4:30 P~1. · ftdays 539-8978 Eves " wk· Enjoy the a bove: trom Vld1: 827-1431. $11.50 per me. pm ,_ SfARCRAIT JfO T.!' 14851 Jefirey Rd. '70 KA\VA!'Al·a IO!k.-c lr11ll .l.m::.:::"":.'c:'.:•d::...;A.,:ul:.:.,:OS;;:.__:9.:600.:c AUSTIN HEALEY -(SA ~--t J ,._ Rd boss, finr ('Gnd, ~ 1no·~ still - Radio, .ball lank. tandem ~· .. ; a Cua o::Y · !•-) on · 11·11rr. $383. Owll('r, tie.iler \\.'/brakes. Xlnt ski <l u·nmp · 673-3048 & rlsh boat. $2150. 547--6649 CALL COLLECT or SJ&.3176. 714/531-8105, TI4/530-2930 '69 DIR!f Hodaka. Xlnt t.'OULI. • so. Coast . 18. lnbrd 714/832.8583, 213/860-5.210 Acccssoriell. nmabaul. Xh'I oo n d . t •• • • • • • • • · * 644·"'8 1 • ·~ ·' k & I !I7u. 1970 HONDA 350. Jj()() miles. \-11.rnis.""" ucc nt. ""· 1967 20X43 La Corona. 1967 Xlnt, $750. · m-4,l>ZI -3'.IX4J Great Lakes. Both 12131 5!12-5227 1' F:'I'. Starcra!t, 11 5 units set up In adult ·J»lfk. I ~~===~----1 EY!~. 11.3 Hra. Xlnt Complete w/stcps, aimings, 650 TRIU!\1PH Oiopper, Oll'l'r cond. Fully equip'd, $2930. carport & shed. Avail im-$900 in\'csted. Rebu il t, AUSTI N AMERICA Sales, Service, Parts Immedia te Delivery All Models J~l'lllpllrt j\111po11~, Newport Beach '42·9405 ~40.1764 Autlwl:tizM Ferrari DeaJer. FIAT F I A T auto sport ltd Autho1·i~.rd !lair.'! e Sci-vice DEMO SALE 1970 fiat 124 Sports Cpc. Radio, heatc1·, speclaJ e:<· haust, p~ stripinG", radial tires, :01v mile~. $2795 962:i Garden Grove Blvd. 537.m7 Call Collect """"""" e THINK "FIAT' ID "FRIEDLANDER" ll750 IUCH lHwy. Jtl :;<J3.1566 • 5.17.Ql24 NEW-USED-SE RV, U'U'UVW Or.1ng" County's L.1ig~·st ${'l•~ct1on Nf'v. & u~"d flA,.,, cl•d··~ B•:n1 Jim Sl emon s Imps v~,)I ner 8 M.11n S!. Santa Ana 546.411 MG .......... ~ 1MINI a .. ~ .. "FRIEDLANDER'' llU• &EACH CMWY, 11'1 893-7566 • 537-6824 NEW-USED·SERV. ~ MG Sales, Servic..:, Parta lmmed!ate Delivery, All Modela _!?rlt1PL1l l }IJllPL1l I~' !p=ll49 med. Dealer: (714! 531-810.) sacrifil'C $~.OR 3-7637 DAILY PlLOT \VANT ADS! 23' • OORSETI'·Coasl Guard \Vant To Li\'e Jn 1966 HONDA SCRAi\tBLER 3100 W. Cout HW)'., N.B. Dial 642-5671 for RESULTS 3100 W. Qui Hwy . N.!.. • lpped.·Xlnt cond. COSTA MESA Jaj cc. $3jQ ()r best oller. ttG--90 S«l-1764 Pilot \Vant Ads . 6-l2-567B 642-~ '40-1 7134 .. $4600 f\nn. 54S.571j l..o('aJ ipaces aval1able now! I _i; .. ~2-':_1'!89~7'.,;A~l'_,1 2;1,~31)~pm~. --i~=":'====~=~=~=.,:=:::=:=:=-~:==:====~~:;;; s· .FBRGLS dingh.Y $100. 11' tf )'OU lll'l" serk>us about buy. "68-BULTACO 230 cc. Gd for New C.~•_,_n;:_ __ tbrgls Utility boat & lrlr. inG" a mobile home •• ,No1v'5 street or dirt. Exb-as. $39J. sao. &T:t-0-106 the llnlt' 10 stt -'>I0-5-"---"1"98-'-. ------ BA¥ Launch, inboard V-8. BAY HARBOR 19iO SUZUKI !XI with trailer. $(i(l(l con1pl<'te. MOBILE HOMIS onl y· 200 ni\les. Excclicr)l CaJI: 642-8130 1425 Baker St, (at Jlarborl condillon S32.'>. 6.$6-1767 ! lc--•u••p"T".-B°"O'"A'T~-Costa l\fesa 540..9470 80 YAMAHA. Dirt Knobirs. "'Good condilion. $100 l!lm Universal 2-IX!>a. serial $\;"ill • 5'40-380.~ aft 4::10 No. 13313, New S99XI. 1969 * * Call 8·17-67•19 * • General 24XS1. seriaJ No. '70 1.-AWASAl<T 90 Tl{ ''CAPTAIN'S GIG" 627'1', New $9,000. 1970 24X5l 1v/hcl1nc1. \\"a.rrt1n1 y, llard· 11.:i. 114/8~6-3527 S~raton !J.la,nor, $12,900. Ty UliCd. SJOO, 6·16-5,j6S =-·-Dealer: 531-8105 e l96t 1 llONDA )60 cc ~lbooh 90!0 * REPO * Sc!'an>blor -"'' ..,. "'"'· 38' CTSTO~t KETC11 '67 UNIVERSAL 2tdll no dirt . S2GO. !m-t737 . ~uil1 t for r_eal sailors! 2 BR. 2 bath, L.and9C8J)ed. ll cc Honda Rilcltnt y surveyed It well In adult putt. $75 mo. • Red. Good co1ld. tiitind. Repl11ce.~nt vallH' CHAPMAN sio. 968--4731 Pl.000. Docroo aall• MOBILE HOMES 1966 BSA 6$0 cc $475 Atr"!1c fore. f•lhomcter, ect. l2C6' N'.Harbor. S.A. 2286 Elden Av~. ri.1. ~ to .. 11. Mu 1 l TI.Y~l-3103 mcrlfice wl11 t~ lor ~ ...rtY 6 "''t.t ha\-e .)w. Auto !Mirvic• "-L ''° 2&IJ E 11331 Beach BIVd, CG & P•rh ~; vu-, Vt! I ; 7\.(/SJO.~ '60 V\V BUS lraM 2.C' 151.Vldtr, t".G. Aux, ~IOBILE home situatrd nt!l:t rebuilt, $.)0. oJley. lld. + rnM.Y xtri. to clubhouse l pool, Ftplc. Call 613-4162 ·•-. C ~ !8111 lo 13595 S..cllll Mobli. Park, 5po<e 1---==-==---,,_ 63 "'"'71l • V\V 'Oiassis, Trt.Mmlssions, naiake offer, aJlp &\'all. ~~· _,,~"'~""''=~-~~~ ' = •nd othcr1. , 89f..o311 t :ict. -«tn "'k 4:1¥1. or 8A\0SIDE Villap, 2 Bft. 2 e 642-0tlJ e 1 ~4 eves. S... Ideal adull spoL Sl0.900. - SAILBOATS: 1r Sldlle)' hull Owrkr.6T~1&12 • -• ''4 vw Eng 175 ·-1 • ~Kl-3118 •· I A Allt, 12' Sno~bird hull I Kit TrojAri 20x:J3 f:)lpAndD •Us, bl>ttl -~ tor llJO. unlurn, Adult pvk VW Engine, Good CMCI. Ci\I -' • • 64U!OT • e &U<M<3 e • ----~---~- l:furry-Register Now! PP&K DAY IS Saturday, Oct. 3rd Boyi betwffn 8 & 13 com• in •nd 1e9ist•r with your mom, oi' d•d; or 9Uardi•n. G•t your free PPlK Ti p1' look with pointers from 'the pros, compl•I• competiti on det•il1, You c•n win one of the 18 trophie1 in our loc al comp•tition , .. Punt, Pe•• & kick your wey to th e Finals •nd th•"NFL All-St•r Gem•! Sign Up Today For PP&K ·in Our Showroom THEODORE ROBJNS FORD._ 2060 Harbor llvd., Costa Mesa 642.0010 ,. RENAULT ------- '68 KAR.,tANN Ghia. air cond .. radials. stcl'CO, Sl99j, 673-2312 VW CAMPER BUS-'62 DAUPffiNE, i;ood contl., $995. 96'1-2273 nu tires, eng nxed, Sljij of best offer. 548-6317. * '68 V\V Bug -like nc1\', ~~~;:~~~==£! Allil /Fi\f $1400. SAAB Autho1ized Dea ler Sales • Service • Parts Sonet Coupes in Stock Orange County's Ne"·cst Dir. COAST IMPORTS • * '62 VW. chear! 5:i7-72SB e '67 V\V BUG-A i r , Ai\l ffi\I, Good cond. 536-28j2 • '66 vw $900 • Radio, 11·ht 11·aJls. a40-i730 '66 V\V BUS: R/H, GD. TIRES. $1300. cf Orange·Cou nly Inc. * 96S41i0 * UX1 \V. Pacif.lc Coa.1t Hwy. "G9 V\\f; 24,000 mi, Xlnt t."Ond. &12-04-06 e rl-!6-4529 . P vt Pty. S1695. \Vhy store it in the attic ___ •_,,64:.:2-4"'3:..::=':_•..___ when .)'OU can turn it inlo DIAL direct 642-5678, Charge money through a DAILY your ad, then sit back and PILOT \Vant Ad. listen to the phone rinc! 9625 Ga.1'den Gro\'e Blvd. 5.li-7777 Call Collect e '65 VW SEDAN e • 646-7744 • '65 vw BUG American mags_ wide tires, custom metallic paint w''h beaut.i.fuI lace \\'Ork. YPU. 901. Several other customized - ·VW to etiooee !Joni CHICK IVERSON vw 519-3031 E.xl. 66 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD. '6' VW Xln'I Cond Judee, {>46.9501 lmPortod Autos 9600 Imported C•rs 9600 Imported Autos . 9'0t WE HAVE THE BEST SELECTION OF BMW's WHY THE RED BARON WAS A· BIG SHOT IN ORANGE COUNTY 4!' • 1600'• . , ... . , ... . , ... e ALL COLORS e ALL MODILS e 21H CS e IMMIDIATI DILIYllY BAVARIAN MOTOR WORKS His pl•ne heel • BMW engine. You c•n h•v• one too; 'and • C:« to go with it. See us for th. frff booklet, "33 R••sons Why BMW Is letter." Or •lk for the key , , , you'lt 91t t~ meuage. BMW SERVl'CE SPECIALS 4,000 Mlle $ 6 00 SerYic1 ........................ -.. 1,000 Mlle s3000 Senlco, All 4 Cy!. ... , .. . $ 00 ,_, lrakn ................ 20 USED CAR SPECIALS ~ '66 Wt Jl:odlo, lle•ttr, WMll -II>• low ml!etgt. A·I '"-'"· /SVY-lnl S ILADID FANS AND INSTALLATION s12 , '67 FORD Corl;na $1095 G.T .-i ....... ,. .. ..._ !Mtl.,, 5flOf'f •......,., It(, IMMl!'I. •JI ..,..,, '" "'""· {ALL l"lllCll f'l..UI ,.ARTSI '61 vw 11"19. """'· --· Jl:NI $1\trpl $1395 rl -P--=L_U_S_A.,....,..,LA:-:•~•n,...,sn=1c=r=-=1o"'N-:o=,-,1 _ : 1 YW IUSU, AU COLORS --• .r-Berleul'a - T&M MOTO~ Mii l GARD!N GROVE IL VD. SALU OHN IUNDAT PAm, 111 .. CI TUU . .'THUIS., Tll.L 1:11 IJ441M 11/• Ilk. L flll .._., ltl•llll - -..... • I l I ( ' ------. ' .. t;rPJUIT-AllVUTlSU Wed .... S.,Umber 23, 1970 11/edotid.oy, St01tmber 23, 1970 DAILY IJLOT' 8"/ iTUJBl'OltIDION riWdPOITATIClll rUN.-TATioN --T!IANSPOITATION TllAHIPORTATION TR,ANIPORTATION TRANSPOltTATICIH fltAHlil'OAT rtON • r~PO T ''°"' ---· T·BIRD JmportM Auios -Used Cars '900 U .... Caro -Used Caro • '900 UMd Caro '900 Us ... Caro /' 99GO UMd Cars '900 Used Cars '900 \1 ..... Can - VOLKSWAGEN' AUTOMOJiYE -COUGAR .. FORQ FOID "' MERCURY MUSTANG PONJIAC , -------.--------'63 vw But REFERRAL SE-RYIC-E ,,.., COUGAR. GT. Ai""'"<!. TOP DOLLAR '66 FAlllJNE--WAGON ~65 Caliente '68 M<lolang, VI, delux. ,,.,1 4 ' ' .• . '70 T·BIRD, Xlnl oond MECHANIC SPECIAL p/1, d"lac brakes. Adj, tiJt ..... lop, auto, pwr, l owner. lo '6 aONNEYll.LE Dealer'• k> book or lt~ '-l----t1<."*"()KC;l12--,:;:;;;;==1~'~";;'~2;·~-'~*;;;:;,·=:-="'°==f-::::-:::-:: tor A . ' il-2 Door Hardtop. VII, aulomat. ml, nu llru, Xlnt t:ond. ~ takt! • O"Vt:r. Eve: 67S-M43 ' Tt'le ftvo!Utlonary-...y-ulomatlC!, l;!IJWeJ° ateu..... Jc."lll'\l·er.._i.ng. dtr .. tPAS,. $127S. tff>;;S!19 -aft 6 or L'·ll • + -rl ~ $2" In M'll your aulomobile. GE CLEAN USED CARS air rend, 1t~l'PO f~Pf.'. d 4151 l\tulf, aelS \VUl finance Jl.'kndl. ru Pl>Wff air cond. dlr. ~''°'''=~~----! • CHICK IYERSON \\'t: have buyers waitirm!• .DOD See Andy Bro1vn (TAY 27'!1)•$1~ Full Price. 04-1744 · , · :==;:.==:::<<==:;; di~~-" 5.591 Immaal&ate con-'66 T·BIRD Conv .• ·Air, p'4T, CALL NOW 642-tal ,68 Dodg• Sportsman Van THEODORE Will I ke car In tr1ut~pr fin. ="'~~·==~~~ OLDSMOll~ • lhun! Mutt wU, will tin-low mil. I oWl"lil!r. l1295. VW ROBINS FORD """' privalo pa"y. M" ,. ....... e ·59 ~1.Q.NTEG_ 0 MX-351 4 ___ _:__:_;;.:,;;:&.&=-al'ICfi, 4!M-7'1+1 497-Ul50 nr 494-7192 WE 1-... -•-•t -~. •-•y titt•. ~ D ' I M9-3Qn Ext.,• or 67 BUY ""' ...... , """" rl;JI ~·or 494-681\ [ • rac air. auto/tranii. PONTIAC '69 2 Or Ca U 19611 TBlRO CAii rr.q1, many xtru. ,_tust 2060 Harbor Blvd.. · R/ll. P/S • P/rlisc brks '6!1 BLUE Cullau Mutt Ril' . · 18 na • 1910 HARBOR BLVD. sell howl 613-7269 aft 4: 30. Colla Mesa 1968 f'ORD L1l> 9-pass wgn. 34,COO ml lmmac. In & Out: Prrf~ •conrt. Musi ~ t~ Hardtop, a.If-I)/•. P '· b • Full power. Rum sood. COSTA MESA ~ -..,--~--. '66 DODGE VAN : R/H Xlnt 6U-0010 Full pwr, air, undt!r 20,fXX} $2500. 5411-7408 believe! $2300 or be1t oUer . Sliver arty -blk vinyl mt. 11 15. 646-4&4-4 .,.-~ cond. Gd. robber, $1050 ~ ml. Pcrff!C I, $2585. Pvt. -Call 11 111m-5 pm , 642-ISOO, $2.195. 968-37S5. t68-J7'15. VOLVO 21~ >I bo Bl d 6'12--'"""' \\•kdy•, ,....-.,,.,., 'SO l\o1ERCUR\', ena:. nirus MUST •-11 '"' CTO, ol••" VA.UANT ..., &1' r v . 645-0466 J.'IRM. MS.7Ul 'tifi Gal,ail9 ""'nv, 11utom , pwr ;JJQU uu JI I $1~ ~ " -o.; eves. exce en • ...,, c:htom• rim•·, -gloss -· ------1trg, 'xlnl, Pvt ply, $995 or 1-"=------* Ms.431 4 • PLYMOUTH ·~-1 -...... • BUICK FORD best offer. 494-J.tl5. ' tift1, make. offer, 847-6447 • 6 L VA L lAA'T-autnm1rie, .. - - - -LINCOLN after 6 p.m, -rA.b . Xlnl running cond. sm 'YTOl.HlllYIO' -.,-.-IV-,-E-RA. If ynu'tt look· '70 FORD CoontrY "'"'" '"•1c'!."", °''. PNI•. ~uln, '68 Conti"'""'· ''' P•T. MUSTANG '68 SATELLITE WAGON I '.68 LE MANS ' Xlnt cond. finn. 962-8556. u ... ........"'""' M II 11950 6'" ......., leather. Xln1 cond. 11925 or -------- - 1ng '°" 1he best! This is ii. Wog-o 'TD. • --"~. Xlnl . ..., cu in. ew tires. Many xrru. '65 VAUANT al r I co nd , Blk . w/landau top, + all cond. Must sell! ~34 u~t ~ . <.........uc><> • offl"r. 494-4712 196.l M-U~ANG -6 cY1 . Automalir. pnwer llrering, $2195. ** Ah S: 557-882!) autn. 4 dr new tlmi ere. xtraJ, ct.r ol this quality • '69 Ford Culltonl Aski"" '81 Galaxie 500 ronv V-8 I======== Slic:k. Xtr'u roOO. Vinyl top. tZVK llllll dlr. 111199 Jo'ull •-. GTD -n"l sul" P/"' ~'., .... Aoffer. ~1548 or "fRll'N lllD[R" 11hould havf'. Must Set>, Dys ' p · \VII k ""' "" • .... "' .,_..,,..,... un.An llt'l--0383 Nitf's 64ft-&244 11700, retails $2200 Alt 5 autqm, pwr 1tr1, UK, xln.l MA'VERICK $l!50 1111kes lt. 547-7188; eve.11 rlCf:. I la "car~ trade POB, .'tfnt rlas.~. conMle. -------- 131M ••.t.et1 IMWY. Jtl f!9.l..T5fi6 • 537.fi824_ NEW-USED-SERV. . pm :~ '""~·~Prl:':'.".'~"~'·~"'~-3'~1~5--1 ·--;;:.;..:..::c:;.;:.;;:....._ 646-.'i~"J or finance priVllll! party. $1950. Mu1t i.ell 543--fi\23. "' THE SUN NEVER Sf:l'S on '69 BUICK Riviera, full pwr :"" • , -·------~or 494-M\1 & Blr eonrl, Nu tires,--P-v.1.:!iO.-FORD 6 eyl,_g! ~Y._ 62 . t ORO _ Fulur~, xlnt .. 'm Maverici-Btanct. .n ~w .··a,,. fi1USTANG 7Jl9 . ' . e·ss PONTIAC -u ~.best Oauified'1 action JJ"'.er. pty, must sell or return 10 hres & eng. ~tttwliailly -meehanleal cond;-6ood-tnd -ttrtl. \JOO mt.-Stidi.-lhitt:· 4 SPO, GOOD SHAPE e GOOD WORK CAR offer. For an ad" to :.e:U ll.ftlUnd lca~lng Co-:-S369J."J36=65lr ~perfeqt. All 6:30-Ml~-.ca.r....mo. ~ --....'I'~O.P. ~ $1000.M,2-t528-. '!"17 Ply, $1_00 *-Sfj~48-_5'15.£24~_afL5 pm._~ tb!:clock, dia1642-l!67t. ~ '59-YOLYO day!!, 54G--O.i71 11.I! 6 pm • -1958 BUICK Naw Con _1:.:•:=.·.;;No:;;;;w..;Co;n::_ __ _::l•=I...:.:::.;:..:::.:.. __ _;;:::;::...:;:;;;;.;::::.:. ___ ::_:: Goqd running. $115. Rad io, heatrr, 4 spttd, f'Xct'l-""°""6'°7°":1-"'6434=7a_~~· =-3·~~ l«nt tntnsportalion car or '68 R.IVIERA ' -8'auttfql 1triod second ear. dlr. t'ult oond. All xtru. 4 MW tint. pri~ $699. tNTL 92.f\. Small $.t'l9i 642--5613 or 830-4091 down will finance private ----· ~ '"""· ""41152" '"-"'"· CADILLAC VOLVO '70 Demo. # 1536 $2862 lNXI Jo" Cpe for delivery. Oveneu de! S~i&li~t. DEAN LEWIS 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 '59 VOLVO. R E 8 U1 LT ENGINE. $421. * Call 962·1900 * ./ '6.'I CADILLAC Se d an Deville Lo mi : M ichelln 1ire11 & all xtras +. Pvt ply, $489.i. 968-111.'i. ·i;:: CAD 4 rlr, Df'Villf'. Air, all power, lo mi. Pvt Pty: R3.l-J4115. '69 CPE de V, magniftcent! vleyl lop. stereo, plush in- ter, loaded, $489!). 547~. CAMARO Antiques, Classics 9615 --------- '69 &AMARO CLASSIC '57 ps. Stick . T-Bird. both Sacrifice $850. 6T~ VII, 4 spM'fi, a.ir conditioning. 1--------<WYB 9421 rllr. Will tllkf' Autn Wanted f700 or in tnd« or finance pri- -----vale party, Sf6-4052 WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR . CAR CONNEi-i. . CHEVROLET 2m Hutxir Blvd. Costa Mesa 541;.lDI WE PAY TOP OOILAR FOR. TOP USED CARS U your CU ls extra clNn. lee UI firs!. BAUER BUJCI) :!34 E, 171h ·St. CO:Rta Mesa Stl-7165 WE .PAY TOP CASH· 49'-6111 l. CHEVROLET '6& CAPRICE 4 door hardlop. Full ppwer I. t ir , rllr. (W~ 586) S!"all tlown, Wilt 'ina.nce~44 ·55 Chevy-New :lll f'l!glM. N«w lradiator aM f!ltW. hBl- tery. Many extra1--Make offer. 557-4982 before 10: 30 .AM or after 8:?.11 f:M. e '65 IMPALA -PS, r & b. Ofiginal owner . MW oHer. Call 968-3901. 'fi6 OIEV II l dr. H.T. 6 cyl. Auto. &oorl rood. $595. 646-4563, 673-7413. for 1lled can .\ trucks Jt11t '&.i lmp!lla S. S. 2 Dr. PIS, cAn ua for free l!!timate. P /B, $1150. GROTH CHEVROLET C.11 133-J916 '66 Chevy Impala. PIS, Alk for Sale.! J>.Wu.1n 18211 lkach Blvd. Huntinaton Beach 147-6087 Kl 5.333) It your car i~ f'Xtra clean, tee u.11 first. • BAUER BUJCK 2.'\4 E, 17th S!. R/H, ICC.. good cond. Very gone! care. 673-7575. e 'M EL CAMINO -Lilce new, only ll,ooJ 01( 675--0334 clay~: 675-0679 f'Vt~. COMET CD!lla M~M !i4R-17R..; -------- IMPORTS WANTED Oranp Counties TOP S BUYER Bn.L MAXEY 'l'OYOTA llllft Beach Blwt. R. 8each. . Ph. IW7~ '68 CONT'L 2 Dr. H11ve tnide. m= '61 COMET' GOOD TRANSPORTATION $230. * 675-5283 CONTINENTAL '70 MARK 111 7 mos old. ml ml. ONE ow~r 673-6813 ---CORVETTE · Auto Lo11 ing 9110 --------=;;;...:=='----- LEASES I Makn-.'11 Modoli Automobilea • 4'ruc:lcs "Where SeNice Makes !he Difference" Oi'ang« C.O •• Newport Be11ch 0 70 Camp1.11 Dr. 714-540.3825 '66 CORVF;ITE. 4 spd., ntw r11dials: 327: ye.llnw w/blk. in1. Mu1t 11ell, oUe.r 675-JlltiO '60 CORVE'ITE. 2 tQP9 28.1. Au1o, S475 MS-456.1, 671-741! COUGAR •1967 COUGAR CJ>!'!,.clean. 27,IXXI mi. 111u10 trana, pwr 1trr. radio. 67~13 lf•w C1r1 9IOO New Can 11 " COSTA MESA ' • • HONDA e •Ill COOLIO llllOllT IMOHIE e llllDMT ""Ell Oll lYI .... SED~ e l"OW•ll AISISTID St:L,.. •OJUSTIM& f'ltCMllT DISC s 1 3 9 5 ••a••I • MAXO_,M ..... N M•M e Ull TO • MIL81 , •• ••LLDM e HtUll·'ASl&MOla, I ... ..... ,... 11• .,. c... ,....,. ....... U.I T'"'-TO & ltt.M UNIVERSITY .. OLDIM091U --llVI. • -- • .NOt . JUST 2 or 3 . • ·IMMEDIATE DELIV1RY ON_ BUT ·A CiOOD· . . ....... ~ ' -19·71's SElECTION -, ~ . '.. ' WE HAVE t971's FOR IMMEDIATE . SALl or LEASE Not Just 2 Mercurys, or 3, But ~ __ Goocl Cou9ars, Monteg~s Selection of Mark ____ _i_ ----~+-Ill's, Llnco.lns; ..._~ -~ ... & The Fantastic Comet. Or If You Prefer~~ •• • • ~I p· .. , \ .. ' '* ' . ·A 1970 Bargain, , We Have· Those Too. Over 50 To . Choose • OVER FACTORY INVOICE* ON · . . WE ARE GOING TO CONT~NUE OUR 570 ~VER INVOICE ( ' . ..._... .~ ...... , ... 'HUDUN9 ) ON' ALL NEW '70 MERCURYS, COUGARS & MONTEGOS .. BETTER IDEAS MA KE BETTER CARS ' tohnson SOD . ' . , n. ~~©(ID n. ~ ©@OO'ir~ 00 rg OO'ii' £[!, I ~ !\00~ 1Jil[ I I IE Im© l\!) oow I ©®U!J@~b.\11 • 540·5630 COSTA MUA 2626 Harltor llvd • 642·0911 THREE GENERATIONS IN 'l'llE A l!T0/110811.E Bl!SINESS THI OLDIST ISTAILISHI~ "PACTORY DIHc;J" UNCOLN-MUCURY DIALIR IN OllANGI COUNTY • t ' " ' ., -... ' ' I • ' I I ·~ ·- . ' 1 -" -' • "' ~::c ,. ;a .,, '" "' ... .,, rri z n -... - ·-·- - READY FOR 1 • ..... • IMMEDIATE .. . . . . .. ou1.·- . . ' l ,HEY ~-.-: •. I ·I · • • • • . . EVE~'( .NEW w .10 . ' . IN _OUR. Bl:G STOCK . NOW DISCOUNTED TO - MOVE! IYllY '. "IW 1970 "TIUCK AND CAMl'H· IN STOCK NOW AT TOP -· OllCO.UNT ·.·1011Hs • aw.AIU · / ; ;M.USTANG SALE : ;ff ·•EW MODELS ., .. " ., . . . . ;. •\ (, . . ' , , -.:.l-; -· ·DISTINCTIVE · .. ;:'tE•IES : .: 9~TI~? ~~~~ • ''-·iatft.:~D DEMONSTWOllS NOW Sl.ASHID TO FINAL .. ' -. . :· FOR .1971 · . . ' .. .. " .- :LEISING?· ·., · · .QRDER ·YOUR 1,71 ·• TODAY FOR EARLIEST , DELIVERY.~~ ' . . ! s-r 1SR1ve- .,oa1t10• ., , ........ ................... ·"-..~~'"'ii ..................... _.~ -_ ......... _ - • ~. . ~ DON'T WORRY ABOUT· .. CHRISTMAS BILLS!· ASK ABOUT OUR ,. · ' PINTb•MAYERICf( 1 , ~· " HOLiD~ Y P,uj~HAsE PLAN! OVER 2 ACRES Of ' ' ANE'· lRAl!E INS _-T.O Cl;IOOSE ·FROM " ' -. ' TRUCK0 YAN-CAMP-IR SALE 15 to ·chooN from. '65 thru '70 models. Coupes; hardtops, con-nrti~• end 2 + 2 P11tlMCkL Some with '.4 .p..d's, llso 1ir con· --d111 ... ~ ind-•utol"mc..-i1. --- A l~;6'1 ;:1~lA=~r~v1 ·COOU · SEAL ON· 'THE WINDSHIELD! M1ny to .choose from -'64 thru '70 model..,..1/J ton1 & ;'4 ton1 st•'1d1r~,.1Uton,ijlc.~4 ~ trlrismisslons.-Son;t• .w_ith 1ir con-ditl~i~ u'}'P.rs 1ri .. ·~·~':-shells. · · _ · _ ' • EXAMPLE: . I ~- '-·1'965 MUSTANG HARDTOP Aviorn•tic, ra~io, ll•1t1r. f ~R«71 OUR PRlCE $1091 '67 .. -100% PARTS AND LAIOR WARRANTY 4000 MILES OR 90 DAYS , EXAMPLE:, c .......... ..-1c. ,.,.. lecllldl"' ..... ,, , 111111•• dmiil 11,,.; ,.., ..... PLUS bJGll-. ~ettwy ..ii •dlemt .,.._. AR ,.,.... ....-11 .... 11 •• , ..... , lef"fke ............ . " :· . . .. 1964. ·G.MC PICKUP V6 •1191ae, 1teri4f rd tt•-ft'1mi1,!o'11, le~t iiiJ. (P'f-4~557 1 ' . . OUR. PRICl.$796 " · ' ' ' ' ' ' ) .., ' ' ·~.' . •• I ; • ·~.;ALt;·:OffERS ' CONSIDERED ·' . . .. • TRADES ACCEPYlD . . ' . . \ . --. ' -~· .. .• ,. 7·' ~~~Y.~R.~.~~!. MALIBU s149· ., powe• 1f••rl119. ! TY;rNi I <I I -. PAID FOR" OR· ··NO.I .. ' ~ I ' ' . ' . I. ~ ... :., ""'~l" ... ·. ,.. . .. .. .. ":. J {, ;; ~ t::: " f& ; :f:i i · ~· ' I 64. PONTIAC CATALINA•'· .-. · • 1 $89'6 ' 2 Or. H.T. fully equipped includln1 . air conditioning, very low mil". _ .. · lffiF 616 J. . I 65 PLYMOUTH 2 DR. H.T. ,9, V /8, aUto. trans .. ra~io. ~';at.i;r. J>O\l."er steering, air cond1tiorun1. ' ;. (EJC707J ' ,;, 63 OLDS 88 $596 4 Or. H.T. F'actory equip()f'd, a utom11.tic transrilission, power stttrlng, radio, • heater, air conditioning. IOAY·73) 1 I 65 FORD FAIRLANE . ,96 500 2 dr. H.T .. V-8, a ul:omalic, IX>wer steering. (P8ij040J ' -. •---' ' . ----··--·--·10 ~~~.~~~~;.~~.~.~ER $129. 6 wett r.•l i•• 11ew. 151 0,7} ------''--- ~ ~,-: ,-~~-~~~~f,.-;,!~~ST$1" , .. ,,. f ,·= . ~ ~.s.: !·YCSl6Sl ,. • . . . _ . T. --'. --. ~· ·z.7 · .. ~~-~~~,~!~ .,~ ... ~ ........ ;:,. $148 6 g eir,']90 ,,.., !U0l)01'1 : '71 . . . -~· -----'--~ ·---- I 69· .. ~.~~~11 ,~.'::.'::. '~~d , t 1 "inyl roo f. IXXA52 <1 1 . I 62 CHM II WA&ON $496 Fully l'~ipped, automatic, - _ 6 t'yl. I V8724 l . • S • '\ ........ ~· -, .,., f ", " ' I ;f'' ~ ' .. • .. . . ' ,. -' l .. . . . . . •1.'\ 1,-.PART'S SERVICE 1 AM To 9 PM MON I ' • .. 'HOURS . ' • ) . I • . ..... ..,.~ ,•' . 1 A,t.1 To 6 PM TUE-Fr.I ' . • ''- I ----.. • - • • ' • • ' I 1 17 -