HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-10-07 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa17
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• • • , WEOl<fiSOAT .AteERNOON, QCTOBER..7; 1970
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ocean. 'J:)isJ,Q~aJ
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•I lo •' I .l, r : crd!~: ... : .. 1: :..J ~· • -
F. s ·smfllEGo <AP>-Tlie ..-at.
APi;t '. ·et -"·. 1 ~· ... J!lllo~ J7VO' --' . . _..i; '!!"....,,....~ ·'!!l!:JL~'°".l ~~. ~: u '· 1 -; 1• • i.~ ..:.~· I iflM j\ ~ 10 4 f,fJ'i··" : ~ tel Pig It llY• on his wufotm.
..,But •'t IP tr.dmlrJ: Wll II I' J
} l '''l ~. -1,of,';' : .• • ..Mt"' ~ • ·'' ~~ I
-,_, J t},l •• ,~ .~· ~ .
~~-~ l : .. ~ ''il·~·....:.o , -. ea 1, • r;j,a: ·. · ; '__-~ ~ .. ...;..ii:~·· •
r '"'• ~-·• 1111 ...... • tht . ~ •• ,,..., ........ IGDdly to thl To. Disoo88· " ' 1 ~ . ·~ -6f ''lmll iDd Urlpe1 · ,......,, ........ poti'Oliun A. L.
A new ..,:,._or ;,., bile ~·t over lllrri• pun, 1.·str!ngl .. A cop may . lb' -"TRUR·11.,'ml!EL · 1
I .. I I ol ... _ -.. ..... ...i ..... Ll. -~··· brottier.... ' ... ,., .. ...,,...... ..... . ' eeo oa:~• · act.on · l.lllS rvi--~: ix-~ Testbnclrly }n ~t ,may , ~d JJS a
paniioll ·of ~ 1eneraton 1t San ! Ted joined the force Tuetday, · 1JJ1(lml~,..tf111 resumed today1 .4fter·
Onofre was expected by local opponents cotirtely of .Marte R1·l ch co c i: , dtnial Tue.diy of a defense mo'tlon to .
today after Tuudly'a routine seaion of me.i:er of marionettes, and was ' qrop a tl\Ul'der charie q:1inst Dr. Wesley
hearinp befort the Public Utilities Com-· assigned lo community. ielatlona. G. Slocum, whoM baby·daughter vanllh-.
mia.ion. Hill first asaignment comes nnir.. ed nearly aix yurs ~go.
Tuesday was the F.dilon Company's day when he'll perform for pupils Only a few ~ns have been convicted
day to present.reams ol information from of"Balboa.Ele1nentan; School. of murder based on circumstantial
the .utility'• uperta on the geQlogy, evidence, IUCb as the IE L. Ewin& Scott ~ea-apby anclsa[dy olJJJe. er.oJ>llled _case, In wblcb ~·1_.l!o!b waa
liill-billion-dollar .. P11111oa project. $l4,000 Fence never found. The Slocum tri•I ii a1m11a •. __:,Domina.Ung Tuesday's teaUmony was No positive proof. can be drieloped_ Uiat
Edison Co. mechanical enjDieeri.ng tht specific decayed-remains aIJqed ,lo
manager David J . Fogarty, who detailed S ds D l be those of Cynthia Slocum were ever·•
Ille physical collllructlon and operalion urroun -c .oo live, breolhlng baby, only lhat tt WBI
aspects of the proposed twin reactors. born. · •
Fogarty lllen .added lblt all wute WASlllNGTON (AP)· -The White Oraoge County Superior Court Jqe .
dlsposal systems 1t the plant lfl '~well Houle said loda)r ' clear pluUc fence Kenneth Williams listened intently during
within regulatory limits."-1round part of the swfmmlng pool at the hearing on attorney Mi~e1 Gerboli'1 .
Prwdent N&on?1 home·al San Clemente, motion to di:smi.s.5 ch~ges.
Fogarty explained thit ~ 'the cost about flf,000 and wa.s·erecte<t by the The procedure 11 fairly new ·ln
regular nuclu,r Wastes· produced by•tbe Secret Service as a eecurity measure. California jurisprudence.
reactors, even:iteJM like racs: scr1p1 of Judge Williams, former Or• .. •e t.ounty
d ,. 1 ol 1r--"' .......... The ·aee-througb,-fence, installed laat -.. paper an 01<11er P eces P.i• ... .,.... ,.._ district attcrney, was aa im-lve as
tam! led ••-ugh -·~ In ••· reac•-yell', is-only on llllll ocean aide of the na 1.u•u --.. wric w• Dr. Slocum, the once-prominent m1 .... eon ka ed under •-'•I pool. It ii build 1'lllatant. --• areas are pac g · ........-charged 1'ith i:illing and .dia;membering
clrcumstancel and taken to disposal 1lta · In respon1e to • inqujry, the White hii daughter.
by governmeat·approved cren. Houee l8id the .fence never·waa intended Gerbo!I argued that nothing ln the
'lbe radioactive llll!I Produced 11 1 'Wind ICRell but doll aerve that record so far substantiates either first, or ...
through the self~ot.ained reactor. cooling purpme. te00nd degree murder, er even ln-
aystem, Fogarty a-plained, woukl be voluntary manalaugbter. in the Slocum
stored under compra.ion in tanU for N' ' Se Addr, case. decay to take pile<, then the ..... UI lXOll . . ts ess e!ting prior precedents -specifically I
sampled and shipped under 1trict con-manslaughter C8'e in 1'hlcb a baby was
ditiom to •lonlic ''burial ....-. " F or-U ,N. ~h:ersary zcalded to'dealll due to·ita·mother's ,.... While F«>1arty dwelt upon the con-• negligence -Gerbosi aclmowledf:ed his
' . ' . -.
-., f • I StniiJi~ Girl-:· :-
strucUpn 1-1J ind provillonl for W ASlllNGTON (UPI) -President cli<nt could perhaps have been &ullty of
waste dilposa~ oCher Edllon .,._ NiJ01! Will moke lio -11 the United cblld-beatlni-· Florida 1unsh1ne I& good for a lot of•µungs llesldes oran1e1. Wii,less
concenlrated • eartbqulke llldon .i~ Nltlom M'Qcl 2S Uie IMb 11111Mr11ry , "Posoi~ly. we don't . taiow," laid the healthy glow on Rob'yn'Wbatley, ~ Miapti.,Jr\odel, who enjoys
fecta on marine life by'mµllonl., .~ or the .. ~u..;,. -G<rbosl. water iports, horseback riding ·and Jllll l'laih'llelng I~ the l\lll ••
I .
w~ilINQTi>N .(l!Pll -Prodlenl
Nll<on callt41. loflal' trir a ~ NII '"'
dlipooal o('.polaon 1••· .-toslq matirl~ !'I ,..n •• tr~h 1n tl)I oce111.
. ''Man C:t6el. Dot t'.r,~ti ut' ote1til'. ten, ...
Nli<in ill( fh a ll\""11' to poitli',111.1
' •:He tW ~~ that, tbilt capactty' '8
abm wastes i.i,lnlllu\',.'iDd.....,.... ~ now·aceumulatinl.oo.tlie clamq1, tllll ltc
bu·clused."' 1
.. . ' . .. ' ' ' The Pr,.ldent· nld be -1d·recoro-
mend 1legisl1Uon "to atqp ,U.S. U. al tht
seas as dumping grounds, with ~ ,tb.11
would he followed bl lnlemltionll ~
ments along the same lines. , · '!:k Pc.SicieOt seot£oniliai 1 ff.NI rlport oy-Ol-e-Environm'ental Quality
Council·whid>detailtd dlmllt CllllOd bl
ocean duinping Ud suggeated a _.-. Gt .
syi~ ru!es tc, presr'e, the aea1.
"I endOrse: the council 's recom-,
mendat)ons Ind , wfl) IOlhmll apectllc
Jfgislatfve ~ls to tmP~t bien\
to the .next Congress," Ni-.•ald.
The report, .said oCean dump~ of
materiall.«'clearlr· icjentllied 11 .harmful
to the nmq>e envirqrunent or man'I rpust
he !!fOhlipted.• It lfld lblt duJ11plof ol
materials which coiild he harmful should
be phased out, . · ·
'1No.-ocean dpmping of· chem1ea1 ..
warfare materiall ~ be pmnltted, ..
Ille r<porl lald. ''llloqlcal wor!mr
materials have not bem dilpolod of Ill
sea and ~not.be in the futwe. •• ,
"Oc ... diipoA1.o1 exp1oo1veJIWlllllonl
ahould he tennin&ted u ...... ll0¥1-ble.. , . --..... , .., ..... _. __
The Army's '-dumping of . &i lar11 quan-
l!lee OCEANl,.l'qliJ) ..
·c...t of warm exhaust • water -even tidal 1be ~ Hamel ateo. announced the 'lln our situation, the moet we have are . 1 ~ • , ' .
waves. . PtUldent·wDI bolt a bllck 6e _dbter in aome_llappinp and kiciin11 ..... thrft or ,-,... • · 0
1 ..... , , .,
Still another Edilon' 1pok-e:sm1n • Wublnlton'on0c~24forallthe:headsof four ••• of tbe ,btlant chair,'' he con-..: • .> ... : ~. • FI F -~i ... (~et~~~tyll1d :~uu~:..~hoanittendlne "~i;.~~~~~:~~it;,5::"11~.: Senior -~ris e~ . ·ire·
conOlctlog testimony. • .. • . • ,
The former maid, frOm Enatn1da, , , ~ · · • ~~~~ •• ~:::.i~:~~y~to~ '.At Mes~'s B~thel .Tower·s·
"We have a areai deal of Impeach-. • : I • • ' • I • • j •
m in t · of Mn. Slocumt1 tes~nNnr, _ _ ~ ,
and al.Jo on tbe •part of tbefbaby..ttter,' Senior cltileDr; en two ,_..of · eoetai in'tht unft'I kllchtn: ..
he ·U1er1ed, mentiooil!I . differenceo In M<Sf1'• 114tory BeiJll'J Towen retire-· !Chief ll'orsb0u0 laid dlmap wu,
, their stories. · -, 1~r were ttecuated for the •r ' lltl l 11!.l.t · '~-' to s 7 Mfl fi The atork bas been 1 ""·-bird 1t !Jon their. ~~ In .,;_ ..... , N~ for c.rtiosl pointed out aome inlint ii fe-cond •-•Jn 1 -·.-ly ......... , w~ 1 '! ... ve Y """' com.r._-:: ' 1 ....., '"' _, -~· •~ ...,. ·--, •· ~~ ... .,~ .. ~ ___ , w1~ ,_ _, 1~ aoout Orie ·yeu ~ii Uilt c1Uaid 1everaI, · Cllintry Salart thil Wffk. 1bout 1-..., ••• --• ·~-~"be freed quired w ·~~ .,_ ., fl•M or ~N r'"' '-'-out .......... IS.ODO·•·--. · ~ ••• · lied .. .. v lo!• mllU Wll:li WW ..&. .,...!_ ......... and _ _,...,., .......... •-. _.. .... ._ .fl:oo?'J .Jc> .ev1s:uakd, ..... f'UU JM
In a period of 21 hour• from Mondly to to room the IG0-1cr• park. ~II"<. mw,.. !""'-~" . -•-No one wu injuNd In the 11th ·-' lioopltal Ill al ·---. ·,
beaday, tbreti lionessel pve birtb lo a N••el iild U.-mothen are --that Dr. Slocum ii .tnnocmt o( ad a ipartment bl1ze and polict quickly • . • ' . ' ' ~Of nine cubs al the game part in the -·-1 ,..v-thing. ' I -~ I nd •"'~ ......__ -~ -1-• Llgun1 HJUs. ' lective of, tllalr olfaprlnp durinl the llnt "'l'here'a 1boolutel)' no lndicltlon al c •-~ t 1 -,_ 1""'e " c-" j>l'd i::L '
Bud Nagel, •pokeall\lll lot Ille park, weeb ....... ba_, been Ible to ,,, milice or ·~·iii 'Ibis r«MI ~-J;;u. reoidel)ll who ~ ~ .tt. Conditi.ons ·;:iet.
lald Ille multiple blrtba 1t1 balleved to bl clooe eilqh to UioPlcl·tbem• and cbeck that I Clll ltt,", ht-· . 7...._ hJ b .:,._,_ out 11.:......,,1>7· ,. ' . ' ' '' '
1 recon1 opuldt o1 AlrlCI . • • .,their........ aue1 Deputy Diltrlct Attomty Jlmu .. ~, .-.-·-, ·PlllLADELPllL\ (UPI) -· T.h ••
The cubl .born to Kitty, Nita ud Miii Nita I.,. birth to four al 'the cub&. Kl~ G. Enrliht -citliii i:h1p!er Ond teCllon Ille tlme,,.. aol .thl .. ,'.', lald. Cpota. M'f' C.thollc Nd>ctiocue al r~Uldelphll,' I ·
bring the pofluiaUM of Ille wild 1nlmlf ty bad three ind Mill••• the mother of al the C.lifomla 1"enal COde -differed Fire Ollel J~ Ml(lball. ...,th llllt In 115· endonemento al Ille
preserve up lo 11, lie~· "We're china· two durlJ1I "Ille bullet! 24 houn on Ind urpd Judge Willlum ·to uphold the lnvest111tori ""' on Ille sce111 Ibis United Fund, ha urae<I llatbollca to
Lions .Prolifi~
Nin:e Cubs -'Born in 1-24 Hours
' . . •
~noiher 11.ite ci's.ntoAlll w~
ii In .Ille ,allbifl fer thl ~ "'
Thunday, will!, temperatures Ji>.
log to 71 del'ffl •lone Ille _,,,
Jine and up to the 1)'1 further ia-
ilnd. ·-..
• 01NSWE TQi.;.;. 'Ii "• ,.
....;..,1 !'"'M .. ~ r ..
~ ,tp t, ...... ._ ..... _ .. ' .. __ ..
~ .. \ ..... C.-., "
C9Mtct ll ''" • M ~ , . ._,. ' ...
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• ·r ~-IWI ...... _ 4
l'IM-.,,. Wtlltl ..... • , r .............................. i11g the name or Miss lo Mn. because of record for our m1ternlty ward;" he aald. crlminal complaint. moralng attemplinc to pltlpoinl the cauee 1t1"1ale in1 ·wrtUng that their ~on-..._
propriety;" N11el l1u-,i;ea. Thirty·IWO -111 .. -born 11 tbe-111 nmlndld.-lbreilllJ'I tlllr lfen.•-ol tjll i-1.m:-~. iillpectiil>to'bt the -trttX.~ muat llO(;'bo. 11ven to biiopltl!IJ ............. __ ,. -!--~"c..11~~-i ~ ....
The newett fdditlonl will be kept with f1dlll1 -tt opooed J-Ill >.' ' llOe ILO,Cl™f. ,; ... t) I • .' , , r;miJl Of Ill iloctrica\ !'1'!"1,~, pOr/ormJiic tbof'tlOM. /
• I . l • I y •
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I DAILY l'ILOT Wld'llldt1, O<totlt< 7, 1970 • s I
~1 · €ounty Dirirle-d
l'••tl• Protnted-~~~ ~, .. _, .---;.. . ::·
i~t~i~o~~ ,~~~~·~-· . -· . ·-. .
:.-....--.1 On Mg(l~:· ente-:c.:~ .·~ieLCease-~ fire ._-~ ~ ... -" .... ,,--, .. 1. ~ ~ .... • ,~ .. ...... " ·~ ~-' iJf -,; . ' -~i : .-, ---; . -----_._ -. , I -:f' ..... • .. ----,,,.~ Wi.sJo.NG1'.1'1'.11<At\.,,i.., • • J Nix' :i..1<4Pi!1. At lllJI. till> ~lie'._ ' , llm<J to be 1penl on' !ho • Orlftlo • llx suppQtt!'f holpltal In lht eounty , II
'COiiilly-Medleal Coll..,..,.., 'thl' lllb~--·••~.' hnli ' ' ~-" ~rvllorl'aild 111'bril'qllt--' ......... 'iijjiifw'~i; JM Me tiitter •i1umlib w , ,_2 ..,ut ' UCl want. to build lt:i ow1fllWt es.
1111 -!"".-""'*'' --"'~-~*'-' 110. . • hi -jor--11~.._ti~bome,.lolim.l'.JllO!M -~ ~i!X-JJl-.!-
eaJI, '.among Oihtr-tbJ:ri&I, fOr 1 eeast:flf't cludiDS &O,OOO'bY Oct.:~; "'.71 ':1
, ..i. 11 did llie •budltl'-te over ·Jhe Ai~..u.t tl1' adminlltratlao ol !be
e.ter Jilt week • ' • · 1
• i mectical center want to bW1d tbell'I, ·•
At bllll wiJ .~ $223;oOo •<Ooitracl f<ir • 'llll!ln chlrg!d. "One b ..,qh." •-ti -...-to draw up t, Supervllor Hlrateln ar{lltd I h a I
, aCheJnitic plaM for rhoderhization Of \he . te&chlnl hoqJtal .flellltih Would ht need•
: i!eutlty medial ,f1clJlly. -:-tel •> OCMC tegar~leu of ~tht:r
· SUP.Rvilon 09vid L. Baker and ~bert teaching·rtsearch lmpit.a1. at UCI. ,;\"d
• W. 'Battin wtre vigorously opposed to the wt have the indigent to think of too, he
' planning Jlragnm. Supervisors William argued.
___ Hirlttin..aod-.W.!UiJDLfbillips_b_aclr.td_the....__ Baker .said to approve .the $%23,000 _ lor
; medical center and a:ot tbe decidina. vote ~l)tffii(ic pl~ was lot:linf1iflftrtotar---
. of Supervi.9or Alton AJlen. plan of eipailslon for t,be county hoe;pital
· &aur arped t.Mtpl.ana..announctd last which is estimated to cost $24 million.
.w_..t·tor 1 new $38 inulion hospilfl at "We should reevaluate our po.gition,'' ht
' ucrC<uJd matically Cbaila• future plans argujd, ' ' ' fai. the J»Uniy. medieal eenter1 • Supervbor Phillips said the UCI
' 111\lilu•tplljod l!!i f0.,,... iuerllons hoai>ital would be buically !or researcll
that the Uftiverslty should cuarahtee and teaehina and quite dillerent from the
(inaDCiaJ partJ.cipatkm in OCMA. "One medical ce"lter. , "We h • v e a
· · • · re1.1'0Nibllity to the •led and infirm and
--=n.ecl~tbe....PWIS to did.de_ on future ccm-
"·l'retii P .. e l a&ruction.''
In L"'lffn, -..... 1,..Jaw -Sti!• Iha Sllew
$LOCUM ... • ''Tht plans called for replacing present
wards at the hospital with one and two-
pitient rooms," Baker c~arged. "I agr!e
j.hat there are several old buildings that : ·eooo delfee·murder is the result oC a must ht replaced but doubt if we~ tG
Liz Steals Show
: ~iolen\<itcl by a hum.In Mtn;:' comfnitted It~~ into a. competitive situation with
; "Ith ~ probability. ol •• ,..; •• harm to prlvale hoapiteb lo the county with the •. -· --~ am.aller rodinS." Son Wed But Mom Draws Crowds
anotlter. Hirstein countered that better facilities £~ abo ~ .. ~ rem,ainl llle&ed, .. ~ ~ needed for the many people ~ho
lo be ~t4lr<t4t\tll!ltr .~Dr, and. lira.· Ji«>' for 1t1•vlces .11 the holpltel. "For
Sloc:tili.;--itui -be ·""'hlilhid al' 1ucJi '0.IJ'y dollF we lptllcl on the hoopital 60
• ' • ... . . , · ctnta oomef from ,,eoplt who PIY to stay
LONDON (UPI) -When Michael
Wilding, 18-yur--0ld son of actress
Elizabeijt 'J;'a)'lor, marrJed Beth Clutter. a
19-year-old brunette from· Portland, Ore.,
Tuesday a crowd of about 400" jOstling.
womM and a sprinkling of men gathered
out.side Lon·dOn's Caxton Hall, site of the
civil ceremor:y; .
~ ..... " ••-'11 · ·---"-u~-h .. ...,. • -tfr6t ·J wwit: wt . ..-~~ pa 1:1.., we ave
-~".""~· " ' .. ,rgumon ·,. °"!f lhe'lngrients," he argued. first' ~-. .. ." ~ ~.-~rgu~. "Wi~ SUPerViiO"f AJliR . coiicludea Warily,
have esta. ~JP corpu1,dil~U .i the · ;''!e h've had um same dlsc~on many
fa~ b:idlC:I ,iQ.IJ'ice'involitcl." ti.WM! Wore. U.CI and the me~al c~nter G~ <lbQ{eeil in ltiJ .ium to i:iply. lioapiiib are two dill.,...t fac1titi ... UC!
They seemed attracted less by the rite
than the bride's mother·iJl..law.
.. ..ii..'l ... ~..:J..' -1.:1~. ,_ •-u hit wi1l bt for reaeerch and treatment ()f ttteN I I IN' ev,.....,.;• 1w "" UI· W ·· un J .,... w ·11 .,_ to haJ>Peneii' '.£, -f.hlr bib ~. aid ..::OT • llll1I ~~· e w1 conu.uue ·s1 · ·• ~~.-":..:;.. ___ ,Y.-ho· 1
1J .... : .. -MM~tt.c:hinl'fac1llties at the( medical oaun 1 ·11C1et11e .~, w . p ans ~ tenter~'! • Leary Publishes
Appeal Seeking
Prl.son Release
calJ•:"):,&135~mu.r.,..a . -,.J
· two w,mU.' ~-...., • . . ;
Jlllllt.})l'illtams 111"4ocklnl alOWIY ht ·
bi3 ttlitl', bllnkfnf' down ... the'.w1vy.,. b~~~~~i::~~;: HE-A.RINGS-.•. \\'in~;..~!!!' ~ ' •• t· ~!d_1\!(t&'-.. ~ -~b-..--. ~ --""" WUUall!!J::,~~ ~cl::::, ''111<'1Jio\iiill·-' !riiDlili JoLtmPIO)'" of l!ie CO!llp!U, . will jlt_~,:~ ~. '! • . '. • Y I , tbeit in general wms det.alled the JCOpfl . Special to Ute DAILY PILOT
H<;~ -~~mt ,i,e-~ • •Of~~ ieellrlly to ward oll'1he di•--. SAll FRANCISCO -The jailbird who
-an ftNHMt· tr~on .. U.. d1•iqicil0n:s of ·~e.-...&..-commmLpolftt~J-.tlew-tbe coop.hag published a Jyr.ical it.gal ~fi.nt .a0d'""""4~ lll'!rdtr f°" '!f'tbe IOcatlao o1thepropoaOd1wia , 'brief dii:ed<d to the U.S. Supreme Court, ~~~ Uct.dlftftll f~·fil!.mj _ -'~ _ _ atl\ll!!&ll! ~~~If oJ hi~e~ to be relea~
· · '· _:t:')' · • ;~ · · JNTuCATi PROCEDURES . ed triiiiiP.ritGn·pn bail •. ~ R-Jury retur.,!l:hl 1~ ·\IOI at ·-~--...:at • Dr. 'l'lmol!IY Ja!y, who eacaptd Los 10:11~ 1 ~-~ u~-.:;=-~-· _ . . ~ · -~'!lfilt>'.l.<i'!<>iif-ai_san Luis, Obispo =!IA .. oenaauolill ._ .. l,hfl -~ ,., ~idao ~ lleirl1, ... .,. ·-aiiiill\ ,..-; cb1r1ctariu•
c ~~~ IU efl ~ tf-p;;&Ution. for emplofes woJtina in himle~f 11 an Am!!rlcan eagle who eanncit '•;!.~•I> ''" .. ~ Qf •-" VIJioul paria of tJ1' -c:omplel be capd. _ SJocin:n 9'"' 7 a ~ one or 1NWJ ~cltei the frtqUMt Jty ~ oi The pam~, in fact, Is called the ~r'!"" and prooocv/.;00_ based .. the· the ...-. ":'uni Ea1le Brief. :def~-· •od ._'ff' )!!t , ·-~' ~X , £;,_Y,M ~ll't· . poe~publitfler
• • tr11..1. ... • • • ,.. ~ ' who'llilted 1neDct durinc the ttsO:s'
·-' ;. ;roqulrtd to:. -.wlthoul'm Into--tho Bulnllt era aald royatiies ~piling up ""'.'r. • .,.; , , l'I 11'1Calli!O #uniuint: ~~ ~ == .:= for Dr. LWy u the mult of 1t1 .. of the
-~~· I <~ GI d .. th ,-· •• .-, · n ••--..:.... •••• ,, -/--lt-hi1 Cky Lighte Boole Shop
and ti\( '· =··•"'M bu-• oul ..,,,.....,.. " more ·~ ...... -~, -•-u f '"' · -·~ ·1· 1 ·' ~~ ,,~ · ,.,. -1--of,. foes .!...:..1£ Tuesd y •Pe""" me guru o me pgy, .. :ui=ue 1c se Onotbif~'. . : 1,1" ~ ••• t;··-:···· ·~-~ . .,.~-·· _ .. ~e ~ I 1ave hi& Jtwytr the ioCumeiit Sept. 12 ~. on the othtr,'.band; ·~. belr fi'uit today., the m.ttftr of thermal one day before ucapini the prison wh~ Jud&e-.ly~ .. court for the t'Qaday ~u~_andlll-urf ca of lbt p~ed ht waa serving up to io yetn for his ~-·~&' J60ki.fti unem. ezpantrun '!" a ace met more ..-ore Lqun1 Beach mari'uana ·o •
"WJ!l:1Jhe:Jn11ter, Michael'?'' 1 bailiff PtlC e:1ammer A~ Main. , vttlon.. · J possesst n CGD
.tnquVfd •pind-naturedly. Tilt Ediaen po1iUon ~ the effect& et AnUcipatlng his escape he chose lhe
'"l'm 'tftlf'ried ••. " said Gerboef. "Wor· ~ e~ w~r ~which is al\(I will be eaale analogy. '
lied." 1~~ ti; ~ hotter thu normal --"Wild creatures cannot live caged.
lilwater -: is that the ~Chll'Je frem ·Eagles must fly high and cry freedom to
Art Gallery Embarks --
On Drive for Photos
WASHINGTON (AP) -•The National
Gallery of Art_bu launched an ambitious
pJ'4)ject to fill the world's largeal pbote
album with 2.5 million pictures.
J. Carter 8J'()wn, a:allery direct.or, said
the National Photographic Archive!: will
become a treasury of the: WMld's lf!::ll
art and architecture. built ln'lUDd 200.000
pbotelrapba don1ted by Salomon R. Gu1·
·-In 191.1.
DAILY PILOT .. ., .... .. _ .. .. --.............. -·-s.·a... ...
l111'o•t+ N. w,,4 .., .......... IWlllW
J•c.k 91, C.rlrt Vici l'rlt~ .... I ..,._. ~I M1ntttr
'"''"' .. "••Yil .. ,.,
1$1M•s A. Mlll'plii11• .w....-.1.fllw
· itldl1"1 P. 'H1I
.. o ...... C-ly..,..,
I '
the outfall abOut a half-mile eut to aea is the wirub at sunset Be atie t generally beneficial to many species ef will bt free ,. • P n • aoon you
fish and other marine life in the area. · • • • . ·Citing the pepularity of the area 11 a Dr. Leary was arguln' In the bnef that
aportfishiDg lpflt for party bGats. Edison he ~uld be freed on bail while appeall~g
spokesmen have said that the warm the a_1:1-mont.h-~10..)'.ear sentence, while
water _ which would ertend downeout h~ s~ll hu ·an 1dent1cal federal rap pen·
several miles with the huge diacharle di~g tn Te11s. .
from the twe new plants _ attracts creat We have ~monstrated Uiat the prln-
number1 of 1portfi1h. ~~f !~nc~i~~t !r!!~~::n::~:~
WATER. FLOW indeed, the spiritual UncUty tif our peo-
Robert Dennis&n Smith. mana1er el the pie, require release of IC>Ulf who are held
ocean studies department for Bendix captive because of their freedom," he
Marine Advisers of Solana Beach, wrote.
tesWied in detail on the matter of hot The onetime Huyard· psychology pro-
water, which would flow at the r ate of I.I feuor who wu fired for hil e<1ntroversial
million a1Uon1 a minute from the pre-LSD e:1periments. haa maintained blJ im·
posed reactor complex. priaonment waA unlawful.
Smith e:iplained the regular effabere He said it signaled a grave danger to
monltorlrig protral'l\A conducted . aince the spiritual and political welfare of the
198.1 to determine the beforwnd-after ef. United States, while other sources con-
fects of the hot water discharge frem tht tend e%actly the oppoaite.
pre.sent San Onofre reactor. Leary allegedly escaped from the
'" AmMI the det.erminatlins. Smith minimutn security facility Sept 13 with
pointed out. is that !>kl.use of the upward aid d the radicll Weathermen un-
surge of the warm water. the sea bGttom derground movement and has w.arned he
at the outfall is not eiposed to tht mmt now be CGnsidered armed and
warmer water. dan1erous.
Toward the surface Smith &aid a
"marked Increase." in Ii.ab populaliW
ha! been nftted reruJirly.
"Thf:se result! hive bk.n supported by
the Department of Fi!b inti Ganie," bt
Giant Seascape
Pf!-inting Stolen
A ltin,g·sizt seascape by Laguna Beach
artiJt Nick PasiG di&appeued from th e
lobby of the Surf and Sand &tel during
the night. police report.
With the proposed addition of billions of
aallons of mbrt heated water tnnn the
riew plants. Smith predicted thtt a atrtak
ef water about four deirees hGtter c6U1d
span two-to-four miles under average
----1-summer conditions. 't'tie l&rge Gil painU_Bg, measuring 30 by
43 lnohtn na valuea ft $..1.<m; was hang·
in( In ll3 usual place on the wall at mid-
night police wert told. At 2 1.m. 1
paMerby n<>ticed the wall was bare.
Smith's testimony WflUnd up with
details ol a prop(l&f!d 2*-ftMM. seawall
whlcb wouJd ward off any ct1ncelvable
ttdtl wave capabl• o1 hl1Un1 t11e su
()ftofre tile.
Bald• !lie prodicted publJt UpN>lr to-
day, Euminer Mitri ·wU1 hear te&tltnony
fmm t ' final batch of uUllty wlt.ntsus
who wil1 detail th6 fin1nclal Upecta ol
the ...Uy rtaclor projoct.
The pa.lntifll· owned by the hotel has
'been • famlltor feature or the lobby -· ~gtl!la Hills Drain
Plan Contract Given Edison manal!mtnt htads will chUll
Lhe /lrm'a financial capabilJtles, linanCln&
structutt for the nt• plant conltNCt.lon A 1n1Sler drainage plan for the 30,()00..
and the t.1Umatfd costa el the tw& new acre lA'gun a Kills area will be ueeut.ed
rtlctors -tac ~tuch would product~~_g~Tou~~E~ineering Inc. twtce the amount of pftwer chumecf f!Ut e ilJ'ttmen or'·tht="-11-1,-ooo~p-ro~Jtcr
by the u!IU,,.11 u c I ear· pt we rt 4 was approved by tbt Board of
-raler •t Su o •• ~ lluperviaor• Tuesday.
"We want Liz; it's Liz we .want to ste,"
shrllled a femaJe voice from the crowd.
Suddenly, everyme Puahed forward and
police cluped hands to restrain the
faithful as Miss Taylor glided through the
arched, red brick doorway behind the
happy couple.
Her white wool trouser suit featured a
masl-length cardigan and a string of
gleaming pearls. The demure smile was
vintage Liz. Husband Richard Burton,
best man Jor: .lhe._day_in-Lgray-auit.
striped shirt and dark blue tie, remained
di!Creetly in the backfrOWld. ·
Photographers darted Jn~ and out for
closeups as it started to rain. 1be bride
and gl'OOni smileo'.-1:.iz-smile<I. The ladles
of the crowd squealed.
The bride's frizzlecf hairdo resembled
the Afros worn by blacks. It waS garland·
ed with dals1es-anna-unes of'llie valley. -
Tb~ groom's hair fell free to his
She wore a soft, white satin chemise.
Hrs tiife-feet were SllOii in.S andals thlt
CGntrasted with his maroon velvet kaftan.
.J The bride's father is an oceanologist
reitiding in Portland.
.The couple told newamen they met last
year in Hawaii, but decided only-last
week to be married in a simple civil
ceremony attended by only a few invited
guests. .
The ring, a -plain told band, was
r~porled to be a Taylo[ famicy ~elrloom.
They planned no honeymoon and 11id
th~e ~d ht no reception. ·
Wilding"ls Miss Taf lor's ri by the se-
cond 9f her five marriages to the English
.-etor"who&e name he bears.
'Die couple stepped into a waiting
llmoUsine and sped away.
"She's' still the most beautiful woman
In the world," sighed a woman in a black
hat after Miss Taylor had left.
J.C. HUMl"Hllft
(She Popular Cuts)
There are six different cuts or
diamond shapes that a pp e a 1
strongly to millions of diamond
The emerald cut is distinguished
by the rectangular style lop face,
or table.
The round cut is also known as
the brilliant cut. This cut .has the
greatest glitter and brilliance.
Diamonds of oval cut are much
like round--cut diamonds in 1tyle •
Tbe big difference is shape outline.
Other popular cuts are the mar·
quise, which is boatshaped, and
the heart-shaped and pear-shaped
It'• United F1¥1d time again, Wt
would like to lend our support to
thJs very worthy cause. We hope
you will contribute what you can.
F or e:1qusitely designed jewelry
of lhe 'finest quality, ••• J. c.
carry onl y the very best, and
we're happy to assist y ou in your
selections. In watches, we carry
.Omega and Bulova, and we offer
expert watch and jewelry repair.
Come in soon, J. C. HUMPHRIES
phone -1. Open ilally t till 6,
Friday evenlnt• till t.
and Itn<cW~~ IO fret~· 61_. Tht,•a>!mi!i~lfu,_Mi:~d
war. , "' ·~· *--.,, -· · , ' to 'IJ\'" 1 on;·th!.;Y!~rit.~ce
The l'resllleDI, Wll tlae ~ ,!e • Jr<ltl,. be!QIO' llG)'d!!lllb'J;~~:.Nlx·
be aimin& at bavlng the grOued ~ive • on.,, bovfl\itr. lOld ~JIDl!ll".ll'ue$diy "We
nile GI U.S.• (on:ea In ,Vfelnim flrtlially do no1 ..... littr•thl& lo.II a~da
ended by the middle of neit year~ gimmicki; Wt ire1n0t 11Ylnt Jt )lm~f&r
Nixon will deliver his address to the na· tht reecifd> • ' : ·" ' .,. ·
lien at .I p.m; PDT tonight an~ 1 n;ew "~N~nl ~jt ... oiie ,f.bat•baf)Jien
U,S, peace pr6postl is to be presented 'at prep1"1' 0.li ·a~ >Yi:. tllo""C~ ~·
the Paris conference with enemy envoys siderli'tiMI 'bf. all t!!e•:i.lluu: •tbit ~ m-
en-Thursday. volv~ii\rliii!IJ!ilf,~•n·--~•-
Secret.ary of State William P. Rogers said. ... , -~ . -,
had u aft.ernool'l date with lbt Tbai "It iii·· a• stitul"tlil O\al ~.:been
forelllt miiliater. te ~rid him °" the l'fb:-'·"dis~1 -~ tij· ~eni. ~~¥'.et
on Heiress. Other consuttaUons·wtrt held -nam ~ ~enunen(•hl ..,CaJnb9di~ ... and
yem,pJay ,in the c1eitals ol interest!d_ the g....,,JJl!J!l:Ji;1*a: lllil litf ~.IP'
governments_, U.S. diplomats aaid. prcwil.'ff.'~ .~~!. , :r·~
Nj.lon ..i i!labonte pl1no IO brio! key "Wiltll\be 11\e.lnOl!c._rel>trts!Y•
c&npgmen, the Cabinet and diplomats stalem.nt ewtr inade en this autiject
•hell! el hie a<hedultd 1$-mhlutt addraa .;..,:tl!O....O"-ing GI this .very clllficull
tp.be carr ... Hve on radio .ancl"tetiViaiOn.:-Wa ·· ;~1t'~~ii'mer an of I.bi -lMjer
But U!e .,Ute Houae renl.fiined mum on . issue! that trt involved in the SOUtbeast '
what new offer negotiator David K. E. Asian· area.''
Bruce will Jay on the· bargaining table at The President arranged tr. brief the
Thursday's weekly m'*1inr in Paris with Cabinet at ·5 p.m~ and legislative leaders
North VieptameAe aJ'.1$1 ~t Cong envoys. of both parties an h(W"-later. -._, ,
11tere wu ... specula.Uon , Ni1on ,miJtit Secretary'l of .State William P,·,R.oaers
prcpose a ctase-fire, er /a _Geneva-type was wi(Qed to do the QQ)t for
m~ation . cOllferenee (In ~f.heast diplomatl "from ihtereited'-'foiiiP· .,.v.
As11; or 1pec1al ~ 'D prisoners ol war·:. ~nmen&s dllring the dray. · ". ,
er E:combinatlcm.ol .. varle\w. itams limed ~ NW>n'~mlde hl1 announcement within
at breaking the lengthening deadlock at hours after returning from his nine-day
Paris. European·trlp. While in Ireland Sunday,
There was talk. ,toG •. that N1:1on miJ}lt he peld a ~clal cogferep with· Bruce
unveil a speedup in U.S. tr o e p and bi& Cleputy it the pea.Ce t.alki, fl'hilip
withdrawals beyond the timetable be 1e~ Habib. ·
Suicide Victim
Raj l}ig .Bom~'
SAN MATEO IUPl)~A 500-pound
bomb found in the closet of a •ulcide
victim forced ~ ev_acuation of a
San M.;i:te9 neighbGrhood.
Police •~t to the home Gf Ri_ch-
ard Lee SperiCer:·34, after his
mother, Mrs. Hiram Spencer of
Fort West, Va., teleph<>ned authori-
ties and said :
"I've just been talking to my son
.and he was threatenina to 1 h o o t
himself. While I was talking lo him
I heard w~~~ sounded like a -5hot.
I wJlh you would investigate."
Offtcen Tuesday night f o u n d
SPeilcer, an' airline m@chanic, dead
with a .45 caliber bullet wound jn
the right temple. They also found
a !kx>-poond World War Il t y p e
aerial bGmb in the closet
Patrons in a restaurant on the ~oun4 , floor ." l;he build~ wef~
Jent home •and ~om e neighbors
evacuated until an army b o m b
Aquad from the Ssn Francisco Pre;
liidio ~moved the projeetile.
Neiglibor8 uid Spencer wa1 de.
1pondent . because he ha.d broken
up with hiJ sirl
' '1:l '1:l
tity of nerve gas n the Atlantic Ocean
east ol Cape-Kennedy .-F-la., last.1um11W"
created a major uproar, wiqi aom,
marine .~xpertg CM1tending ihat ·IA ·~
gas escaped it would result· in· a ma:tc>r
kill or aea life. ~ '
Later, aoother, though I e s 1 in-
-tense. controversy ~ resulted from-'":the -'
disposal of some old warUme munitions
in the North Atlantic. :
The environmental council's report said
present policy prohibits' ocean dul"!)ping of
wastes with a high level of r!ldi~ctivity
and said ocean dumping of ni~t other
ra.dfoacITvi! mate rills ahciWd-. be · .pio-
hibited unless there was "M alternative
offering less harm to man or the · en·
The council urged a termin'ti~ .11
q11ickly as P1¥5ible of -ocean dumpinc of
industrlal wa1tes and of untlljtsted
sewage sludge. ·the SD!id by-\lroduet of
municipal waste water treatment pro-
cesses. . .
ln his meuage, Nlllon cited a seCtiM of
the CGuncil report concluding that '"the
current level of Ocean dumping is
creating serlou1 envirOn~tal daril:aje
in AOme areas ard the volume GI w~
dumped in the ocean is increasing rapid-
The President e:1prmed e<1ncern that
Aome citie1 and industries were turnlnl
increasingly "to the ocean as a con-
venient sink for their wast.ts."
Give the most accurate "\ :' .,.. watch-in the world ... '
by Bulova
ti's tn 1ctu1l lact. Whal acoouni. for the 1111raordfnery
1cc:ur1cy of th• Accutron wtlch 11 a tiny
tltc:trOnlcall)'-drivtn tunlno torx WhOat Ylbr1tlonl
.,,lit• MCOnd lntt 390 pr.cite little 1n11rva11.
Tun Int forte thu It t0 ptM:iH, wt guaral'lt .. AbcutiOn
accuracy to within 1 mk\ut11 monttt.:"
ACClltlOll "Me" 8U1ftllU llffl,l.Wll~ -.... , .... ,,, .. un_NY..,..
l•IC .... flllld. ~I ........... .,..
J. C. .;Jumphrie& Jeweler&
PHONE l-4t ·l401
' I
j "
, r
I •
. I
.. -, ..
. " ~
• ' ·--• • . .
Bunti~gton ~aeh
I ·' ~ -. -J DI IOH
. Teday'• F l•ltl
...--'" ... W.Y. Steeb
,,. . . ·*-· .~-----• =-=N"'S _,,6'"°. !A6.E~._: -r i 5 1, ••
I . , .::',,;.:;._""' 1~.£.5.P!'r;---~cmu. ·1,.~10 . .._.,... ' .
'it0' -• $ . '
0 • -
• • •
. o:illputes .. Costs for 'Lightillg Project
' • 0 . . .
~ llalllomla Edloon 'Q)mplny
toqay ii working out costl for tht city of
Ch on Jtgfi or un:
~ uWlty lines around
••we are discuaing with city officialJ
the feulbillty of the projed and what can
bi done, '1 said :Richard Campbell, generil m~ of Edilon In Huntington Beach.
~ he made cl.ear that h1s company
w6Uld nOt 11hare the expeRR.
-~',Wher• It's r"'(ueste<I bYthe c1131omer '"°·his be.oefit, the cot1t la usually borne
• •
Back Valley , .
' Ot flle n.11, 1'1 .. 1 '''"
City c;ouncilmen Tuesday night Qtrtw
their l!lil.ppor1 behind Fount.ain_V.alley. __ _
residents who are trying to switch their
children from the Garden Grove Unified
School District to the Fountain Valley
Sch9ol District.
. "Ii has always been our desire ta let
the school boundaries and cit,Y boundaries
match. It would be to our best interest to
have .·ene · commlmily," Councilman
H~r. a former school board mel'iitier,
~Foor petitions are currently circulating
Jn_tbe northern parb or the city as
mident:s there attempt to force a boun-
dary, change which would give the area
tiound LOI Amigos· High &bi>ol to tht
FOOitWn Valley Scboo1 District. .
l)pe .reslde~t" or the area. Raymond SI" .ttz:, •pposed tbe move before tbe citJ ~·f;ndt a~v:;~;;~ ~Garden
Grove &:bool District We would not find
in Fountain Valley,!' be said. "I prefer
Garden Grove's s;atem el Junior h!ab
J ames Bennett.. 16089 Shasta St., leader
ef tbe petition/drive, refuted hiJ con·
tenUon. "The Founlaln Valley district ef·
fers a better education and a chance to
Jdentify with the community.,.
"We don't like having our children
( hl.Jsed to Garden Grove schools," Bennett I added.
The beuudary switch, ir approved by
the Orange County Board of Education.
I would involve 2.1 square miles and an
. estimated '1,236 elemenlaty-.... e b e • J
. One area seeking annexation to tbe
,fOUntain Valley School District is on the
east side o~ Mile Square. It is bounded by ·
Edinger Avenue and Lilac Street on the
north, Harbor Boulevard and the Santa
Ana River on the east, Talbert Avenue on
the south and Euclid Street on the west. • 'Ibis area includes the remaining
acreage of the citjt proposed for in·
dustria1 development and the Zody's
shopping center.
A smaller itea west of Mile Square in
the area of Edinger Avenue and
Bl"OOkhurst Street ls also seeking a
nswitch from the Garden Grove district
to the Fountain Valley Scbool District. n.e proposed area! include Los Amigos
High School and Monroe and Allan
elementary schools, plus aeveral pro-
~ school sites. •
")Ye've been circulating peUtions a lil·
Ue more than a week oow," Bennett Aid.
"We are receiving about 60 percent aup-
pori from those we've contacted. Before
we finish we plan to talk to every
registered voter in the area."
1 Berore the county board of education
.)~~' .. " • -. J I •. '"\ ·; ' ' .., .'. ' '.·,t OM.Y·~--~
MRS.· sMl_R~;SON JULIAN 'PoND!ER. POO'ti. Pi,:AN°( '
• ; . A,_Fan lPa\1.•Clty Of!lclala Hove Chti\ia"OI HHrt . ' f : ' ·. • ' • . ' ... J • .' l : Pool Gets · .OK ,· ' . '., ,.~
Pfuliners .All We t i~ Z:on~-:~hiip.
_...._...... ·-..
Of "' Deltr l"lltf lfaH
HunJington Beach p I a n n l n g com·
m.issionen took the plunge Tuesday ru,ht
by allowing their first zonin1 variance for
a front·yard__ pool.
But their action also got the city eut ef
a big hole. .
The bole bu actually been existing In
the lawn• Of. ·Mr. and Mrs. Heither
Sberwood;.. 1~ Cqtty Sark Drive, since
Aug. 21~when the 9'el'Woods be&an ex·
cavaUOn for a pool after reci!lvlng full
perm!Jli11< by tbe city building depart·
One0 dajr efter !he gaplnf 30 by 40 foot
pit w1s dug, the.y were informed,
however, tb'at the ~mlit bad been
granted In error. The distance from tbe
pool lenoe to lhe sldowl)I: llmply wasn 't
The city aaid It would be &lad to cover
up its mistake by flllin&•,ln the bole al no
cost. But they ShtMfoods, wio-hid
already .Invested 11,922 In tbe project,
jumped off !he deep end In deapair.
They either wanted the.it pool or the
money .they'd sunk into it and bepn a
mooth-long water' fiibl with city haD that
. " ,,I • •
e!ldell •p In the mmm!Alon dlambers
'l'lle&day. -· ..,..__.. -~ ,,....._
The Board •I Zoning AdJUs~ had
earlier turned down the Shetwoods' re-
quest for a Variance o~ groundt Jba~
it\. would create a p~ for otfien:,
wanting to. aplub. a.rwnd · 1n tbe:ir' f"11t yard. · · ' ~
Tf>e Sherwood!' •attorney, M: f'c ha e 1,
'Mead, implOred the cernmisaloa'to~ll'~t
a variance ~r be would;~ "'ilt.emltive
remedies." ·
Assistant City Attom.y·,:t u a-n,n e
Marshall tol!l. lhe commlielon that -they
were within 'lbeiJ""'.'POWers . to irant the
variance because the: batdsblp' to the
Sherwoodl that wu 1lot ·a,elf·lnfllcted. ·
Mead agreed.
"'ll!ese ~ie have relied In good faith
on the pertnit," be said. "If lbe city
hadn;t Issued the permit they would have '
Jl0 boles in.their lawn." • I
Commissioner Rob¢ 'Bui~ who niaae
!he m«kln to ·appme tho varlan<t . .,_id
no one should be concerned abcKJt. aettinl: J
1 precedent. "I feel ·the.,onlr '9'1y· thl!
would ever set a precedent would, be if
the l:iuilding dfpaf1ment iv er gahted
another pmnit," be-pclinled ouL ·
\ , .
' . John Turner for !he problems at zone abould be developed foe Ma'O -
Me3dowlark. , by the city.
'l'be"Teport-hlt-''llle rioa l_,..,,.-"'.DO:lngw:::::all:ii':aai=d °'lha""1 lhe="Edlao"'=n-=-==•=y:-----; ::ch~'lhe parl of tho City bl Huntlnilon had miscalculated !he height of some
Dingwall told the couric~ .th4t, ~ (!Ian-•tllity poles both north and IOUlh cl the
ning errors which aUowed hOmes . and airport and hit the cObipany f~ erecting'
apartments to be built near Meadowlark the -poles in "direct alignment" with the
went back 10 years. He said the offlciaJs f'WlWIY.-
concerned we.re no longer with the city Dingwall<1aid that the airport operator.
and praised the present planning depart-had bull~ the controversial runway u:•
ment. ten~·without providing pro~ obstruc.
The city council endorRd a1 cor1\rn.Jttee lion lighting' and a blast fence to keep
recornmendailon that a .model' aliji>rt noise and~ duSt dOWn. • •
Nixon Readies Nationwide -Address
, ' ' ' • • . ' ' • I
WASHJNGTON '(AP) ~President Nix· fo~!gn minister to brief him on the N[J:~ er a combiri~tlon of vizious It.ems aimed
on today pu(finishing_ touclles on. his ma· ori address. Other con·sultations w~re held; at breaking the' lencthenlng deadlock at
jor ·Vietnam speecb1 -which js e~ to yesterday in .the capitals . of inter.uted Paris. .
call, a:mong othtr things, for a cease-fire governm~nts, U.S. diplomats aakl. 'i'bere was talk, too, that Ni.J:on mll:ht
and renewN1 efforts~to_free prtsoners'of ·NI.I.on set el1borate plans to brief tey unveil· a ·~ in U.S ::r,Oo.P~--
wat. -· congressmen, Ule Cabinet 1nOlliPlomati· withdrawals .beyliid ·the Umetable be Mt
The President was also" understood to aheld of hi! scheduled 15-mlnute addieii last AP,.il. •At · that Ume he IDDQUllCtd
be ·auftlng ·at having the gi'ound Offensive to be cai-rleifllve on radio 1nd ~eViaion. ' anoth~r 150,000 men would be, brougbt
tole of ·U.S; fortes jn .Vietnam virtually But tJ>e, Wliite House reb'ialne4;mum_On" flom~ ftom Vietnam by next May, m-
ended by the-middle-al next yearr -, !"hat-new oiler neg!]tlator David -K.:--z~ cludina: 50;090 by ~.15. -. -
· Nll9i> w\lldellv<i'-bil ~ ~,-Bruce_wiJJ..\ay_on·lhe-bargalnlng.talll< at The_admlni!lratlonJw been..npecled
Uon at I p.m." PDT \Onig~ .anil a neW1 Thursday's weekly meeUng in Pu;il with to make a move on the Vietnam peace
U;._S. peace propolll il_to')le"'p~jt ~ortb1-'{ie~ ~r VI~~ tDVotl.. front-before next month's _electic?M. •NiJ.•
the Paril'OGliftremw'-'wltb enemy ·enVoYa Therti wu specUiaUon Nixon. mtcbt on, however, told newimeri r'fuelday "W•
• Tbundl.y . ..,... pr:opose a• ceue-flre,. or ' 1 Geneva.typli do not C1J0sider this to be a propqanda ~etary' ri ·~te :Willlam P. Roten m~UnatiOJ! •. confe~e . ~ ~theist gimmick, We·m n~ aar,mg It •imP,J.r 1« IW<l;.c ·efimDOOD-, dale with the TIW Aa!f,.0< !p<cial tallis op~~ olwar !he record. __ --~ !.
<'t__..._t . ' . ; ........ _------.... . ' J : •• -• • __ ...
--· .
, ?: ~\)~ .-~ :~i .. "J ::±: -Jo~s ~(Jµg~t nr. mlisii:in FOr s ·a& ~ j • •• . • p 1•
.. calied/'Not banger~~'-Unemploye~
-· An a~peal to · tbe lndt!sirles !'f Oruge
Of !tie Dlllr Pllltt Ii.tr
The state's chief health , pby1)cist
revealed at. San Clemente ·today that a
r~dioactive malel'lal known u "tritium"
1ppeared in unpredicted .amounts in
dlscbaraes .from the W.tiq s.ii Onolre
nuclei.t ·reactor.
Ami.. ~. Cornlab ltre>sed .that '\hie
amounts of tritium , recorded are not
buardous to'publlob<alth. · ~-
'.lbe..n<w elemealla tht San-Oemeole hWlnia. before tbe itate. Public Utilities ~Ion eo -~ qudruple ex·
p11111loa of II!" San Qnoln nuclear com-
plex came during an othmme rooline
P.reafintation on ~onitorinC atid evalua·
t1on. of be.alth factors.
Cor n l1b atre11e d t.bat the
measurements · inVolved Jn tbe nuclear
emilaions.from the reactor are ext.z:emely
sm·an. However the testimony was er· ~ to add new ;i..1 to opJ>Olillon to
the nuclear plant erp.anaiQri.
Tuesday wu the Edlson Company's
day to Present reams of informa.Uon from
the uUlity'a u:pert.s on the geology,
oceanogr1phy ind safety of. the proposed
haU-bllllon-<iollar expansion project.
DomJnatln1 Tuelda7'1 , testimony was
Edi.Ion Co. mechanical engineering
manager David J . Fogarty. who" detailed
the: phylical construction and operation
aapecta of !he propoaed twin reacton.
Fogarty then ldded thaJ • all .wute
diJpolll aystema at• the pllllt ·are "well
within J'tfU.latory limits." ·
Foptty uplalned that besides the .-.,.Jar nuclear ,,_ prodllCed by tbe
ructon, even lttml lite rap, ICl'lpl of
p.per and other pieces of trash ,con-
taminated thr:o11&h work In the reactor
arei1 are' packageif under · 'lj>eclil
clrcwn1taMa: and taken to dispolal aileJ
by goVernment..appfoved creWs.
The. radloactive · gases pr.od,uced
through' µie sell-coritalned reactor cooling
l}'llem, Fogarty explained, -1d be
stored under . compression in tanks for
d~y ~to take plate, then t)le gas!! are
sam,pled and abipptd under . lbict con-
dltiom -to atomic "butial. ,rounds.,.
While Fogarty dwelt upon the con-
struction aspects and provisions for
waste disposal , other E<tlton spokesmen
concentrated on earthquake factors, ef.
fects on marine life by millions of gallons
of warm exhaust water · -even tidal
Still another Edison 1 po k es m a n
tesUfled·to polnla of penonal lefety and
training for employea of the complex.
then in general tenns detailed the acope
of pilot security to ward off the chances
or sabotage -a common point cited by
foes of 1be location of the propoRd twin
reactors .
·Alfonso .Arenal, superintendent of
steam generation, erplained intricate
procedures of decoritaminaUon and iale-
ty precautl9N1 for employes Working in
varioys parta of the reactor C<!filplu:,
then cited the frequent security patrola of
tht -by tra!ned leClliity pe..-
Wltho•t 10\ng Into opec:ifics about !he
e11ct teeurity factors, Arena! termed the
security Jt the existing nucleat; plant and
the new ones 111 "more than 1dequ1te."
· Coµnty to provide Jobs for eut-of·work
aerospace emplofes will ht made bY, Iba
Board' of Supervisors in· a letter te in·
dUstnes ind businesses.
Supervisors David Baker oi!d wWtam
Phillips, nam~ to a commWea tn
weeks ago to aid the 10,700 aen11paoe
workers laYed off during the put '12
months, proposed the letter from_tbe
''Many or th~se industries are retuciint
to employ these aerospace and electronl.c
workers because they feel they are aingle
purpose research types," Baker aafd.
'"lb.is is true in some cases but not in
many oth'ers." He meritioned auditors.
clerks, electriea1 engineers and others.
The letter to lhe Jncru.tries wlll tell el
the effect on the whole ' county of the
unemployed 1tatus of the: aerospice peo-
ple. "'Ibe corner grocery store, the coffee
shop, the shoemaker, all are affected by
this .employment · situation," Baker ex~
"Many of these people have used up
their unemploYmerit pay period and are
on welfare," the supttvisor stresaed.
"The whole county is in trouble when
they are. "0
Baker said the industries will be asked
to give sedous consideration to lairq
U.... people-in nol>reaearch poaitlooa.
'Ibe two supervisors aaid they also hive
contacted state and1 national repre:lelt-
taUves In. an elf~ to m1111er aupport r..
new contract! in the C011Dty.
will consider the petition,, It must hive
(Set ANNEX, Pqe I)
A~~s Sea : Di~posal Ban
U protri'.IR1 of the foes ma4e Tuesday
bear fl'lllt today, lhe metier of thenilal
polluUoo and ea:lhetics . of the pr.oJ!Oled
erpaiiliOn Will iurfa'ce once more befor•
PUC e"Ollner Atch Malo.
The Edi.on· poa!Uon on tbe eflecla of
tho esbaual water -whlcb ii and wlll be
lB Ill U ~ bolter than normal
1e1watet -111 tblt the dlacbarge lrom
the cutlall abciut. ball·tnllo out to ... ii
,._ally beneficial to many opec:les of
l!ah aod other marjpe Ille In Uie area.
WASlllNGTON (UPI) -Presidmt
N!JCll called today for a total ban Oii
dilJIOl&l or poison gases, other toU:
maieriall u well as trub in the ocpn.
to·tht .,U Conlret1," NllOll aaid.
Laterc anolher, thoulh I e 11 . fD.
'"""· ccntrovmy resulted -from Ibo
disposal, of IOmll ~d.wartimt m\Qlitions
tn·t11e.North Atlantic. ' • .
crnlinf """°"" eiwlrilnmental llama ..
In .,nle anu ml !he YO!wne of wuta
dumped In tht ocWi ii lncrwiq rapkf.
ly." ~
0 ,
I \1
"¥an does not treat the-oceans well," Nl•/i!l Nld In a message to Congreu:
"He bu assumed that lhe~ capacity to
abscirb wastes·is inlinite, and evidence 11
now ccumulallng on the dama1e that be
has pUled."
The report Aid. ocean dumping et
materlala •0 ciw1' Identified as harmful
to·thf"'mal'111e· Mvll'otllnent or Jilin" mUlt
be. prohibited. It uid thal dt!mplnc of
materlw which could i>e harmllll ahould
be phased ou\. • ·
"No -~inf of chemical
warlate'lhatertall lhoidd be permitted."
the reporl sefd. "Biological warfare
material• ha" not been dlapoaed of at aea and sbould not be 1n !ht ru-.
The environmental councll'a rePortuld
prek.t policy prohibits ..Jn dwnplDs of
wuta with~ a li!ih !en! cl rlldlolctl,vlty ' and said ocun -l"D« of moat other
The Pratdent •Qt1•ed concern that
..... clU. ud -,,_ llnlnl
inCre.,tncly. "to the ocean u a coo-
venl¢ lkll-fvr __ ..
Ci~ the poiiularlty al lbe ma as i
aportllilllns ipOt for party boots. Edison
( ... llE41UNG1, .... I)
. ' Manager Sou ght ·
Another tuta cl Bala Au wlnda
Is In tbe offinl for the --' .0
Thursday, with temperatures ril-
ing. to 74 de-• along °'-: aJiore.
line and •P to !he '1'1 IUither Jn.
land. ,
A new communttv lh<a!I.
group ma1j<1 It.I debut 11111
tottkend Jfl Huntington Beocll.
St• En')ftcinment, 1:~gt·ll.
'!'be Praldent said he would recom-
mend leglalation to stop U.S. me ol the
seu as dumping grounds, wilh hopes this
'lloulll be followed by ln!mlaUon•I -~ alOlll !he 1ame lines.
111< Pmident sent Conifts. 1 M-Plll•
report by !he Environmental Quality
CouncD whlch delalled d1m1ge cauecfby Ocean dumping and suggested a teria of
ltrlcl rules to pruerve !he seas.
"I tndorle the council '• rtOOm· m•n~atlnn1 and wlll aubmlt optdlie
lcalalaUve propou!J to Implement them
"Oc<ao dlapoNI of esploolvt mllllltlono
should be lermlna\ecf .... -.. poal-ble." '1111 """1'• chnnplng cl a large quan·
tity of nerve gu • tht AU.oUc Ocean
east of Ciape kenned)', Fla., last 1ummer
created a major ..,......, "1th some
marine ·~ coolendlng that a the gas e!Cllpjd k would mlilt In a major
klll of ... Ille. ..
. .
radioactive. matoriall 'lholild be ·pro-
blbited unl~'tbert wa1!1no alterfta\lve '
·offering .i.. harm lo man or !he en-
vtronnilenl" • ' • . '
Tbo cdlacll • urp.<! a 'termlnoUon as
qulffiy .. poiolble·ol ..... dwnplnf "'
lndilMl 111 .. -. and of !llld!ll'flod
.. wage llludge. the aofld' by·producl..cl
mlllllclpal wui. waltt,' ~-t pro-.......
In hil m.,..p, N!llon cited a oecllQn o!
the c:ouncll report <0ncl•ding that • tffO
current level of ocean dumpifti la
Replallooa ·that .11fu.n aaid wootif be
pr._.r wOO!d dlredly alltCt only dum-
ping l17 U.S. cl~ bualne•ll llld f'V•
emmcntal agenclea. The coaoCll 'wied
that !he Un!tM StOta pruo for Interna-
tional c:aolnlls · to pment all of tht
woild'a .&.... hia belllfllHd u trub
dumpa. 0 -
" lnternationlll ccnlnlla, aupp>rted by
@11 · monltorinl and global meuch,
will be _.ry to deaf elfe<tlve(y and
comprehe.,lvely with polluUon caused by
"""" dllmpfnl, •. tho report aaid.
For Seal Beach .
Seal Beach will be lookln& for • MW ci-
ty manaaer to np1ooo .i..o -
WU fired Jut July l'I.
AdverttMhenil,for tho pool, Cllrt'lnUy
held by lnlarlm City Mono1• Demla·
Cour.te.marc.he, wUI ·IO out 1hortly, 1.c-•
cordlnc to clly council member~ who
voted :J..2 Monday nl~t to ,..k a new ad-
mlnlltr1Uv1 bead fer tho city. • •
-/ . -·-~· ............. . "' ' ,_,,... ..... .. IWl er... ,....,,. 11
11 ,.,... • -f..-= ~ II ...,,. ...... -
...... .......... 11 .......... -Dl\l'Mtl 11 ,.......... • ........ ..... . .,.....,. ... • ..,...._, .. :n ...... -..
'!Mlpft .. ,. • Wllllrl ... It ~ J4 .............. .. :::w-.....,. ~ ....... ..... ..
-~ •
J l>'ILV ;n.or -'
K w~,~1,1~
FreeWaf; ·Meeting ~et
· Offic~~onfer~i!~ N~port; .. -,
' -~--.!... ,&tlte-ol!iciall , d today they.will UU. A,q :•l'l!'O"O!i 1r.~11y .ttr...,r on ,obopt anythlng· _.,.Ina Iba
• l,y .. It I meetiJ!e ,Ith Newport Belch oe the enct ""'" of thC lreeway ..,t of tbe rilbl now, We need lo ill,do\tn tbe , ""ri--==-i~--titj'FffqUe!lt_Jor _priority treatm111t bay crossing has come under severe city _andJ.a\k' it ovei:. '' ------pt: tbt--:Pactncreout-Higbway traffic con· -altldm\-fl'(lm-a ... large elemen.t.-of He indicated there woufil be formal
Cation It.the Back Bay Bridge. Newport Beach resident& and a citluns• response to the letter in 1 week or so.
• Howtver, U..y npeatedly sidea~pped group currenUy is aeell:ing to rescind that Htrth'i Jetter had' also requested the
&nJWeri{lg a qutfy as to whether thf:y agreement. state. coordinate planning Jor the _new
'wouJil consider building a new bridge in-There l! no city-accepted route east of bridge with a new design lor,the Dover ~t of the pla:Med and pr::otested the bay, but the state has pi-oPQSed that it Drive interchange just to the eist.
Pacific.cCut Freeway alian.ment throuah continue runnln& parallel Lo the c.oast Although declining any formal coni·
Newport. Highway. ment on this part of the: r.equeat as well,
Mayor Ed Hirth wrote the St.ate The controversy has terved to strain Hashimoto obliquely did give the lm-
Divillon ol Highways following a City relations between the city and the pression the state wasn 't especially thrill·
Council dirtclive last V!eek, asking that a Division of Rlghways. ed by any of the Ne~rt proposition.
aol~-ilLU»_~_trfU~ Blem ~ A Hj&bwa)'. divillion al!_kes!li!l.. this Hashimoto said; ·w~th the fre~ay
effected: n "'°" at poa.atble. morning wOUld say only th•t the d1yJSfun pliiis, -thl stite bad anqctpa~ pro-
As per the council action , Hirth said "will look into the city'1 request" and visions for taking cart of Dover Drive ·
the city wan~ w«k done ln au.ch a man · make a reply. traffic."
ner that the final outcome of the freeway l£illiam Hashimoto, deputy -district He nauy declined anY 1&titional com-
eon~veray would have no btarinl on the engineer tor District 7, State Division of ment pending a department review of tbf!
dtl)lrl qt the brllgt. Higbwaya, Aid. "It hi premature to Wk letter. '. • Deelslo• Delayed
-Beach Tower Proposal
Y alley Coqncil
Considers New
·Auditorium Up in Air; Panel Split
City councilmen we.re urged Tuesday
; Ret1rtd 't:OUplt:l looklng for a home in voting, C8'11inl the delay. JUght to coru1lder building a 1,500-seat
tbe -proposed 17·5tory First Christian The tower. propo6ed for location near. civic auditorium in Fountain Valley.
Tower by the Sea will have to wait Adams Avenue and Main Street, has Don Sauter, a teacher in the Fountain
anolhet"""6 weeU to find out if they will drawn Considerable ooposiUon from the Valley School District and president of
become' rfllident.I of J:ft.lttington Beach.· · <HOME Council •on the grounds that it the Fountain Valley Art! Association,
Althqiilll tbt planl for the 217·wlit Pf"'' woald ylolo!J, the ·lo• density zoning of made the iuggestlon,
ject came' before tbe J)llMinl 'com-the am. • -'--'~ / •1o... .1..: .... •1 ..... _ ... _ "The time has come to coruiider the ~1 tr 1.u•:: uw" ume 1uaKl4y, an Commissioners Henry Duke, Ed Kerins
ltim •· , __ . lo ·~ ~ 'al cultural development of the city," Sauter u l\.11: ~JS n on ""re: conHuvers1 ind MtrcUS Port• .. all voiced op"""'iUon
loci ·· .... .: ed · "i'N · · ·~ -... ""' ,..,.. told councilmen. "A civic auditorium pro · wu-uc .. y · Uftu ov. ""·1u"'~ tO the' pkiject becaWJe they claim IL! nOt ~ co~klnerl were on. band location in 1 residential are• Could engen-would provide something for everyone.!' to_5et1pJ~ . . . · !.tQbJLms for~x.__ homeownera He listed C{)nventions, recitals, art ez· ~ tommilllon ~ 3-% ···~ ~~ centrl'i iilcompatibility.. =--"ibits;-playt;-lpetthes,-·mwi:icals and proJ~ ~=accordirt& to ComnuuJonef -u.we•hev~ to bt cireful Jn our plaMing events for young people as a few of the
MarriU""Porter, fool'"'"no" vob!t art re: •. and the aettlng of·precedents. we should activities possible in such an auditorium. quJ~ ~. ~ ;&,,. down •. CoJftP'lialkm try to consider 8 ctnelopment of tlll! type "I understand some of the money ·for a
chaiJ'mJi\llai:er Slates ~ ahlpt fnml-tn a'better area,'' aald Duke. -community" project is available now and
the ~· _r.q_ly·l\fQl';Jl COm-'~r Robert Bazil on the roethods~mtaht bt found for tht rest,"
mils.ioner fi'!lk Jf.iUln.t. ab8t&hill·1rom~otW~. Hid be was for' the projec( Sauter continued.
":· f ·becaue ''the. city wpuld be far and away He·uid several reaidenta have already
•-. ~ef'Off !ook!111 Ot this type of we]~~ olfewnlanattOns W.ard IUdl ·a project_. 'Afta' • Cool' d.ve!Of'IMlll lllan a broader area of lo"' "II ought to· have eDough 1eat1ng for a -income housing.': 1]1)1).' people and lhouk1 inaudi "'I go(lf
-.. BUil contended that the high-rf99 ~o-stage. an orchestra shell, dresslilc rooms Pr.~.og' "r' am· 'f-::: ·-d !•ct need ')lof be • liabllity-IO' thriitj ~:.~~~.~~':<t lsth~~-d studied utw tince· Its ownera could contract for city -.. 11• aervlc:es, just JS 1 similar WJ.iL is_cur-similar projects in San Diego In order lo
I R, t" -gto -rtntlydoins··in,Santa Monica. deteni\inf! the siz.e and type nttded for n n ·n· . , ........... ~ r11t Alto L Fountain Va'llly. His prOnMIJll Wll made . ··,·~ • .,· '-.' ~---·-~Y _r~ey µanne ~ -' ~ Malsball, .-. poinljld '"I ,'Illa! ii • )"\th· ti!< ,IUPPft of the W wocr.Uon,
11'1 time fot "Alta's Cool'' fun r would be ~awful to disc:rjmlnate against he.~id. tle~acbool cbi.ldren in HunUDctoa other apasient1 !>Wner'I y Jevyin Mayor Edward Jutt said this morning
Beach. ..: 1 ,!1 tpeCJll feei!f • that city councilmen hlf'4 be,en talking
'• • • · J" · · A~ ........... _, alll) ~ b 1h90t the propoled e.xtenMon ol the cnm-
Aftf:S <;ool! 1 Thet'1 . the namt • tbe th 'dlurch1 .... \.""!:i!,.tbe &l:~ .. the munlty center and an auditorium is one Rec Ollloo, lllld Parka Department plcbd • • -.. ....... P"'ibillty, for its 'aeaad ~ playground pro-cornm.lsalon •Ith 1 Ml vote for the pro-"We plan to · e'.l'ft2nd the, community
gram. .II• orlClnll<id from the wa• Ject. l -~ ~ center n f few yeara~' he explained. "An childtelt-pronounced the program name, auditorium is one suggestion. We hadn't "Al~" .lat year. "S~ qi. proeram ii for the children F,.... Pqe J considered one quite ao big, but we will
we ~ 'we "°°I<{ let them have 1 think about lt now."
part ~!•Jecttnc tlie name." ~.uon. ·A'~r~r'i;X · The coiri.munlty ~ter Ctlr'Tt.ntly has a su~ Jon "Rip" Rib.,.e ~Im~~ , : ,1,, 1,, .£i 1 • 1 stage arran;:e~ent .and sea.Una jor 400,
The name ~rps to bav~ ~ r.eadily . but not ~ theater con.ditk!ns. acce~_b~ the· recreation ataff of more tht signatures of 21 percent of the aru's
than 71hJCti9ChooJ, junior and sinlor col· registered votert.
Iese men and Women who will be servtns An estimated 2,218 ·registered voter1
u playground leaders. live in the:· area. The petitlona need 1
The program is conducted on Monday mjnlmu_m oL555 lipatlires. Bennett 1ald
through Friday but not conducted in bad about half that number h1Ve iljMa 1io
weather. fir, and he expect.s to complete the job
The program hours for the followln& 25 by Oct. 15.
areas are from 3:30 p.m. until 5 p.m.: Mike Brick, Superintendent of the
Circle View, Oeg:-Stacey, Qillege View, Rountain Valley School District, supporl.s
Eader, Gill Harbour View, Haven View, the annetatton move. "OUr northern
Hope View, Lamb. ~Bard, Marine View, boundariea are Something else." he com-
Meadow View, Oak View, Park View, mented. "They need straightening."
Perry, Peterson, Rancho VI e w, The boundary switch wpuld also require
Robinwood, Schroedtr. Smith, Spring the cooperation of the Huntington Beach
View. Sun View. Village View, Wardlow Union High School District which would
and WeatmonL achools. have to accept high school students from
The progr1m at the 27th area, Crest the Garden Grove district.
View school. is to be conducted Monday Residents have been pushing the boun-
through Friday, from 2:30 until 4:30 p.m. dary switch becluse they lff.l the Garden
on a trial basis, due to a class schedulln& Grove dilbid bu ignored their needs.
difficulty at the school.
Beach Chamber
Seeks Slogans .
The list of possible slogans for Hun·
tlngton Beach hu been narrowed to 20
and the winner 'of the chamber cl com-
merce slogan contest will be announced
by Friday.
Chamber officials.said 480 entries were
received for the C{)n\elt. The winr)er will
be notified by telephone: 1be: winning
slogan earns a $100 uviJ\is bond.
Four runnersup will receive hQnorabte
mention certiflc1tes: AU entries will
rteeive certificates of parUclpiUon,
chamber officials Rid. ·
All children in the 1st through 8th
grades are invited to atte.nd the nearest
Afta '1 Cool program area.
From Pqe 1
• lt1~1rt N, W1M
"-""" •NI l"vlMltllW
J•clr: ~ c,1l1y
Y*> PrwlHllt ft O.W.I MM1W
TII••• K1*"I
111111111 A. M11rphi•1
M .... lrlt E•i.w
Al•1t Di1ki1t
W.t 0••• Otwl\l'f '41W
Aliltri W. 11!11
AIMtllte U tllr
.............. 0.....
17111 .......... 1 ..... 14
M1lli11 Acil'r•: r.o. IN 7tO, t2MI ----~ ltlctt: Ut,.,., ·-Cott. .M ... ! Jll W•t 11' 1"-1 .....,. ••am 1111 W• .. ._. .........,_
,. ~ ... ...,. " (MIN """
1pokesmen have llid that the warm
water -which would atend downcout
several miles with the hua:e diJcbqe
from the two new plent.a -attracts arut
numbers of 1portfish. •
Robert Depnlson Smith, manager fll the
~an studies department for Bendix
Marini Advisers cf Solana Beach,
tesWied ln detail on the matter of hot
water, which weuJd now at the rate cf 1.1
million sallons a minute from tbe pro-
posed reactor complex,
Smith explained the reautar olfshore
monttorlni programs conducted sine•
1963 to dettrmlnt: the before-and-after ef.
feds of the hot water discharae from lhl
presenl Sin Onofrt reactor.
Amon& the ~termlnatlans, ... Smith
pointed out. is that because of the Upward
aurae of the warm water. the sea bottom
at lbe outfall Is not ezpoaed to the
w1rmer water.
• Tow1rd the surface Smith said 1
"marked increase" in fish populaUooa
has been noted regularly,
11T'hete rwuJtl hive bten iupported bJ
the Dtpartment cf rllh and Came," he
With lhe. pro~ddlUon ~r billions of
pllot11 w1,..11~af.ed -.ater frolll th~
new pla1114_, Smith pttdicted that 1 strtak
of water about four degrtts hotter could
J)>fln two.to-tour mllel under averaat
1Urnmer conditions.
Smith's te1tlmony wound llP wlth
dmila of 1 propo!ed 28-foot """II
which wculd l'ard off a111 conceivable
Udal wave capable .el blttin& the San
• l .
Onofre site.
Be!ldeJ the predicted pUblic uproar to-
day, Enmfner Main will bear testimony
frtlm a final batch of utility witnesses
who will detail the financial aspects of
the costly reactor project
Edison managemt.nt heads will detail
the firm's financial capabilities, financing
structure far the new plant construction
and the estimated cosl! ef the two new
reactors -each of which would produce
tv.·ice the amount of power churned OQl
by the existing nu c It a r·p ewe red
generator at San Onofre.
Beach Acreage
Purchase OK'd
Sale of a Z7-acrt former refuiie disposal
s~tion to the city of Huntington Beach
and the elementary school dJ1trlct baa
been •pproved by the Board ol SuPer-
The property at the northe1st comer of
H1mllton Avenue and Mainolla Street
will go to the cjty and ~cliJtrict at hall
t.be appra ised market value of RS7 ,500.
The county !_Pl1eJJ U!"e-tl'IUre 21 .. cre
parcel Ip the cit,y tor $128,750 and lhe
ci ty will tell flve acres to the Huntin1ton
Beach City Schoot District.
Huntington Beach plans • city park on
U>e 22 acres. 11 the property fhould be
used tor any other J!Urpose It would re-
vert back to rounty owntrlhip. 1CCOrdJni
to the sales agreement .
,,,,_ _____ ------·---
• OAILY ,l~OT Stttt ,Mt. , r
' .
.._-fo~r-"-'T~· :e-•. ••
. lSDllSS
' . .. \
-·.,.,.&nrui:a: ~"r~--
-• . . If .. ~My 't-t .... .... ..:.
TeallmonY • in wba( ~l" eoil d •
JandI'J'l.ltk trial r~y • .,i,Uter-
denial '1\1."dlY of :t . . ' .mililol;;' to
drop a murder dru8' 111 Dr. W•ley
d. Slocum, wliooe ,i!r~Y-~ ~
ed nurly ,six year1 q:o. . ' . Only aJew persqns have~· n cen.vl ed l ' • of murder , baled • on ' , I
·ev1itenct •. aucln.1-the lti16-l.-Ew1N,loott c~u.. 'in wbkh Mrs. ~tt'1 ~',,.°'ts
never /ound. The Sloc."'"itrial,~i· 'No poettl~e proof can be dtv1l that
the specific decayed remalM: · . to
be tbose of Cynthia Sloialm ..,_.....,, a
live,• breathins baby, only Ustt fa ... ns
born \ •"' .. #r •
Or;nge County Sil~' coiiit\i~
K<M<th Williams lh<tonod lotollll~'""l"I
the hearing on attorney Michael Gerbali'1
motion to dismiss chargu.
The procedufe ia Jairb' • new tn
California jurisprudence. ,
Judge Williams , former Orange County
dL~trict attorney, was as impassive u
Dr. Slocum, the once-promin'l!t •ur1eon.
charged with .killing and diameiabering
his daughter. --1 ~ ..
At Founti1ln Vi1lley'a Cox. School, a P1i-ody With i1 Purpose
Gerbosi argued that nothing in the
record so far substantiates either first, or
~nd degree murder,'. or evt.n in-
vcluntary man.slaughter in th1 Slocum
Mo~k Ele~tions Citing prior precedents -specifically a
manslaughter case in which a baby W&f
scalded to death due to Its moth1r;1 lrolJ
negligence .:... Gerboal acknowledi:eif ~
client could perhaps have been cuiltY df
child-beating. Students Hold School Convention "Possibly. We don't know," 1aiil.
Of "" Diltt l"lltt Paff
The ·t&elecate Irorp the great-1tate of
Oalsy't Dog Patch roae to her f~ height
of I'S" and 1d<lr.....t t!l~ l!!!ll!!w-
"The 1tate of Daisy'• DOg ·Pitch does
not wish to place a name in Domination
at this time."
Other delegates cheered, IOIDi rattled
pans, a handful of confetU wu· f.Ossed In
the air.
Another delegate, this time from the
state ol Grump, rose, pushed bis spet·
tacles_ io the rear of a very .large, plastic
nose and also d«llned to nominate
And so it went as the youngatera at Ccx
School in Fountaln Valley mocjed the
nominating. conventions used to select the
et1untry'1 presidential cancUdat.es.
They·were using'the convention form to
select candidates fof' ttudelrt: body of.
fices. lt was the bralnchlld of Principal
Dan Dolan.
He felt the students might en joy it
more afld ga\rra greater appreciation of
national politie1 if they held their elec·
lions in the same manner.
Each class chose a slate name -
phony of course -and each !ludenl
became a delegate. The Cilnvention was
held Tuesday.
They carried banners, tossed confetti
and sang loud cheers for the favored can-
didates .
J. e. HUM,HllD
(Six Populor Cuti)
Ther! are six different cuts or
diamond shapes that a p p e a 1
•trongly • to millioi,.. of diamond
The emerald cut Is distinguished
by the rectangular style top lace,
or table.
The round cut is also kno\\•n as
the brilliant cut. This cut bas the
greatest glitter and brilliaiice.
Diamonds or oval cut are much
like round-<:ut diamonds ·m gtyl e.
The big dilference is shape outline.
Other popular cuts &NI the mar·
quise, \\1hich Js boatshaped, and
the heart-shaped and pear-shaped
It's Unjted Fund time again. We
would, !Uta to lend our aupport to
this very worthy cause. \'le hope
you will contribute what you can. ,
For uqusitely designed jewelry -
of the finest ·quality, see J, c.
carry only the very best, and
we 're happy to assist you in your
selections. Jn watches, we catTY-
Omega and Bulova, and we offer
expert watch and jewelry rep.tr.
Come In soon, J, C. HUMPHRIES
JEWELERS, 1923 Nawport Blvd.,
ph-54a-3401 . Opan dilly 9 till I,
Frld1y 1vanlnt1 till 9.
When nominatlorui lor student body
\•ice president were open~, Spiro
Agnew's name )'<BS presented~ Ht recelv·
ed one vote In the tally and fajled to
make the list ol th_ree candlda_tes. ·
Tiine was given after nominations so
the kid! could caucus and discus.s ..... the
Candida~ they liked. A ipoi:e!:man -
go"emor -wu picked for each ttate.
They handled ffiemselvea like real
politicians, yelling, acreamlng a n d
pushing their faV,orite-candidate.
When It was over the frounds were a
mess, but the young pollticans
themselves returned to pick up the
State names they chose included US,
state of Unbeatable, state of Shock,
Brainy Bunch, Daisy's Dog House, Pen-
cilfomia. Grumnp, Higgeldy Piggeldy,
Endicott's Apricots, 1tate of Confusion,
and HerbyYiUe. ,
Some wore costume!. They·a1111eem to
enjoy the procedure. Teachers looked on
and gave advice when asked.
Now that nominations are over, can·
didates for secretary-treasurer, vice
president and president will follow the
standard procedure of campaigning.
\roter registration will alao be held at the
end of the week.
''They learn · the whole procedure,"
Dolan explainf!d. ''This school is new, but
the children are catching on fl.'lt."
Gerbosi. ·
"In our situation , the most we have ar~
some slappings and klckings ... three or
four . . . of the infant chair," he coft..
linued, ctiarging that Mrs. Slocum and
Mrs. Connie Gutierrez have both iiveb
conflicting testimony. ·
The former maid, from Ensenadi,
lesified Monday and Tuiiday t'o DI'.
Slocum's violent handling of C}1-
thia . . . :.
"We have a great deal or fm~cb
men t of Mrs. Slocum's testiriioriY
and also on the part of the baby·lltter,:fo
hi-asserted, mentioning-dille.rence.i iil
their stories. ~
Gerbosi pointed out some intent i1 ~
quired to sustain either a first or iecorid
degree murder conviction and arped
that Dr. Slocum ii innocent .of -web -
"There's absolutely no indication 61
malice or premeditation in this record
that I can see," he ·said.
Qlief Deputy District Attorney James
G. Enright -ciUng chaptitr and JJeCtiOn
of the California Penal Code -differed
and urged Judge William! to uphold tha
criminal cnmplaint.
He reminded the court. that even te-
cond degree mun:ler is ti.e remit d. a
violent act by a human btlAg, committed
with great probability of caustnc harm to
Enright also said the remains alle&ed
to be the third daughter of Dr. and Mn:.
Slocum can be ettabllshf!d •a1 web
through circumstantial evidence.
' "
Give the most accurate
watch in the world ...
by Bulova
Ifs an •Ctual lact. Wh•t 11ecount1 tor ttlt eztrtordinary
accuracy of tM Accutron w•tch II a tiny
1l11etronlcelty.df'fvtn tunlno fork whoff \llbr•Uon1
1plh a tteond Into 380 prec l•1 lltU• lnr.rv.1a.
Tuning lork lime 11 ao precltt, •• g~ltllM Aooutron
accuracy 10 Wltl'lln 1 minute• montl\. •
J. C. .J/umph~ J~we/e,.J,
IANKAM:~r:~~A's'r~~SCJ.IA•Sf 24 YlA:~~=.s~~.1-l~~TIOM
h I
' j ,
. ., .,
il I
h I
., I
·I , ,
.. --.-... ~-_.._.,_ ........ ___ __ ' .
l .. . . -~
Wtd.,..i.y, OcUl>tt 7, 1'170 .... -• H
.. )' . •• 6'11;~.
Nixon's . Plan Stltto & Gi¥e
Other Proposals Skirt Major Vietnam Differences
I -' . I .
w ASHINnTON (AP) -Preli dent Nix-The Unlled Stat.I would bear the .... The plan llid prtsoneroOl·Wll' di1<11$-•11111d be tllot ·an portlel .-. ...id
00'1 pronWed new peaCe P\"'OPoA).wiJI sponsitiilllYfor loisU ande!eVutaUon lion "could !Wt' 'i'hen withdrawal wu ~ t6 renounce vMilmoe;."Dw,.WlllUld
be the latest in • series datlng lback to in both Nortb ~od ~th Vietnam. · begun: A ··provisional cqa.Utloo-rovern-be 1t0 rtprisals or clitertmtnatian alter
M~ .19'1_ when Norlh..)l.ldo~the • ~ ~ecoad..Vlet Coo&.P<l!ICO.J>Jan,.lwe<L..!!)ent al>0 w .. Jl!!>pored· · the eledlons and the 8alfOI\ 111>•--Unlted-States..beian..illtniPIS~IO riego. "-M ,.,_. lied --"nl'"'"' Sta'-d Soulh-Vletnlm ~!edged to'8blde •llfotbo-"""r liate an end to the Vietnam war. ~17-ot----Y.Ur' ca ffe-a June---•-J.lll<Jol, clc'W""~ • ..!ft"-'o:;:~.'.!';::=;;o._~'
Four basic outlines for ,..,...... have 30, 117J, withdrawal del(l.line" for U.S. each have advlnced one major proposa . 'Ibe,tan did noh:iy""'1o~watdd ean-r--~-troops. It provided for a cea,,e-fire dur· Saigon on July 11, l"', caited for free trol lhe electiM rnachlntry al' it h •ft
been llkl. on Ute lab le at the Paris talks jng the withdrawal but-said SaigC11-gov-elections wt th all poU~tal pfri.ieS, in-elections would be held. There ·wu no
in the ·interveni"g ft191!ths. But no. pro-eminent troops would have to earn a c::luding tM National Liberation Fr9nt, modifica tion of Saigon's oPP.oSftlon tit a
pasal made public ~ addressed l\aelf cease-fireL .. ,..,.;,.;pattng. The oo.ly requirement coalition governmenL ' to ltmdamental di£!....-held by the ,... -
two sides. · -'
GOP to Meet .. in Anaheim The United State. ar.t 'sOuQi Vietnam
contend . the North and SOJth are sepa-
rate, indepekdent 'countries-that North
Vietn.aoiese , troops ar~8ggressora and
an ~llsbed go_vemment. Tricia Nixon, Sen. George Murphy and
Mrs. Ronald Reagan head the list of
Republican VIPS slated to appear today
at a convention of Republican wom'-D. in
Federated Republican Women's Club!
were expected to attend the 111-day con-
·rugged leadtnhip from h r men ._ cur
• UP01·T~
· · · In London, Mother-in-low .s~-....5how
. r,{.:t •• •._. . • •
' J.. "" •
Liz Steals Show
" Son · Wed But Mom Draws Cro wds
'. LONDON . (UPI) -When Michael
.WUding, 18-year--0ld son or actress
Elizabeth Taylor, married Beth Clulter, a
)9-year-old brunette from Portland; ore:.
Tuesdaf a crowd of about 400 jostling.
,yromen and a sprinkling of men gathered
outside London's Caxton 11all, site of the
s:ivil ceremor.y.
, They seemed aUracted less by the rite
(ban the bride's mother-in-law.
. "We want Liz; it's Liz we want to see,"
.~hrilled a female voice from the crowd.
Suddenly, everyone pushed forward and
p:ilice clagped hands to restrain the
"(aitliful as Miss Taylor glided through the
arqbed, ,red brick doorway behind the
happy .couple.
• J:fer white wool trouser sujt fea tured a
ma:ri·1~h cardigan and a string or
ileam1ng pearls. The demure smile was viil~e .Liz. Husband Richard Burton,
lies man for the da y in a gray suit.
abiped shirt and dark blue tic, remained
dbcreeUy in tht background.
, Photcgraphe.rs darted in and out !or
tloseups as H started to rain. The bride
A1\d groom smiled. Liz smiled .. nie ladles
~ the crowd squealed.
The bride's frizzled hairdo resembled
the Afrys worn by blacks. It was garland-
ed with daisies aMd lilies of the valley.
The groom's hair fell free to hil'I
She wore a soft , white satin chemise.
llis bare feet were shod in sandals th at
contrasted with his maroon velvet kaftan.
The bride's father is-an-oceanologist
residing in Porlland .
The couple told newsmen tbey met la st
year in Hawaii, but decided only last
wPek to be married in a simple civil
ceremony attended by only a few invited
The ring, a plain gold band, was
reported to be a Taylor family heirloom.
They planned no honeymoon and said
there would be no reception .
\Vilding is Miss Taylor's son by the se·
cond of her five marriages to the English
actor whose name he bears.
The couple stepped into a wailing
limousine and sped away.
"She's still the most beautiful woman
in the world," sighed a woman in a black
hat after MW Taylor had left.
:County Manhunt Fails
. ., .
:.To Find Truman L'apote
From Wlre Services
. A widespread manhunt has failed to
tum UJJ any trace of prize.winning author
I Truman Capote, wanted for contempt of
court because he refused to tes!ify_ fQ_ig
1 months ago in an Orange County murder
~~ty trial,.aulhorities saserted today.
Capote was named in a bench warrant
ISBUed June 22 when he failed to appear
in . Superior Cot.i"t as Ordered and could
feta! a stiff fine and 30 days in county
The diminutiVe, 46-year--0ld author or
''Breakfast at Tiffaey's," and "In Cold
Blood," interliewed the man subse-
quentJy sentenced to death again, four
months ago, in 1967 after his first two
Joseph Mol'3e, 25, had beaten and
fltrangled his mother and crippled sister
wften Capote interviewed hlm in hfs San
Diego County lail cell.
Districl Attlney Don K,Uer claims
Morse told Capote if he ever got out he
would kill again -which he did without
leaving jail -by strangling a fellow
prisoner in a quarrel over a chess bet.
''Naturally we wanted to use those
stale~nl!_ then in Mr. C a p o t e · &
possession," said Keller. ·
Tried and coovicted of a third slaying,
Pi.forse was given life terms for kllling his
mother and sister and ordered to die in
the gas chamber for the jail cell murder.
Judicial processes led to his receiving
another penally trial to determine
whether he should die or spend life in
He is now back on Death Row at Sa n
Quentin, while the case is being appealed.
Capote. who has homes in New York,
Long Island, and Palm Springs, is believ.
ed to~ on the Spanlsh island of Mallorca,
accor.ding to San Diego District At·
tomey's Investigator Gerald Stevens.
"We have made arrangements," said
Stevens. "If Mr. Capote is found in
CaUforrUa ,.-e'll arTeSt him."
• .l
Nwned .to U.S.
Air Quality Advisor Post
Cer.M del Mar's Beckman
Or. Arnold 0. Beckman, chairman and
chief ·executive officer of Beekman
Instruments Co. or F'tillerton and a
Corona dcl Mar residenl, Tuesday wa11
named to the federal Air Quality
Advis:ory Board by President Nixon.
Dr. Beckman, of 107 Shorecliff Rd.,
was' appointed to a three-year tenn on
the 15-member board. H.e replaces f.
Pierce Linaweaver, whose term erpired.
The air quality panel advises th e
&eeretary of health,. education and
welrare on admlnistrattve policy in en-
forcing the federal Air Quality Act.
1 In the past, Dr. Beckman had served
as technical advisor to the Los Angle!'i
and Orange County Boards of Supervisors
on matters Involving pollution.
In 1947, he worked with the Los Angeles
County counse.I in drafting the original
smog alert regulatlona for that county.
Jn 1953,_ Dr. Beckman .aerved as
chairman or the Governo1"1 Special Com-
mittee on Air PolluUon, one of the first
committee'& of its kind In the U.S.
He wu on the Dtpirtment of Health.
Education and Welfare advisory com-
mittee on radialH>n In 1951 and 1959.
He aJ90 1erved on Govemor Reagan's
Wk force ·on trlTllportatlon in lKl aDd
Haooi and the Viet Cori&" view Vie~am
u one coontry. ,'Ihw:, ~Y argue, the
United States la in aggressor aga1nst the
'.Vletnaimse people, and ·the Saigon gov.
emmeftt is nothing more than a puP,J>et
regime aet up by out.s\de forces. '
OD May I , 1., the Viet Cong unveiled
a peace proPoUI callin.g for an interim
coaliUoa. ~&D\'.'emroeDt ·pending reunUlca-
tion. of tilt ·country. •
They JIM>!lled all allied troops be with-
drawn undtt-tntemationa.1 :ruP!:rvision.
The· qbestion of North Vietna~ trooP5'
wOuld be-decided by ~ Vietnamese ·peo-
plt. .
The plan outlined a policy or neutrality
for the re-united country and negotiation
of the prisoner-of-war issue after allied
11,,ops had l<IL
President Nixon's oldest .daughter er·
rived in Southern Claifornia Tue sday and
is expected to return to Washington
Thursday. She is staying at the .Western
White House during, her brief visit.
White House sources said she will make
a television recording on behalf of
A1urpl)y during the campaign trip. .
Tricia and )Mrs. Reagan were to share
the head table at the luncheon meetillg of
the convenUon at which Murphy was
l!cl!eduled to speak.
·More than : 1,650 women representing
the southern. division of CaJllomia
vention at the Convention C.enter.' '
Convention publicist"Syla Rowland said
there have been unconfirmed reports that
Gov. Reagan will also appear at the
Jn addJUon to Murphy, Republican can-
didates for state constitutk>r\a.l offlcts,
State Senate; ' Assembly ·aM Coi1gMS
v.·ere to pfeSent · their views t0 :tJie1
Mrs. P.fary Ulu Carpenter of Beau-,
mont, who ls president ·of the oJganp.a.
lion, said ·-,very other voter ii' a· .Oman'
and wo'men are looking !cir good
housekeeping in government, m0n4pro-
teetion for their homes and chiktren in
this age of permissiv~ness and strong.
• "
party. ' .
"We've isked every ReQubHein can-
didate to our convention so'We can tiear
for ourselves what ead1 Has 1o of fe r
woroen voters." .
' Jnchllled In the list ' O! GOP. i!pdbrs
were St.ate Senator .Delml! Cirpenta', of
Newport Beach, Congressman Jotm G.
Schmitz, of-Tustin and --1 can-
didates Bill Teague .of,GJ•rtlen G"!'.\'e and
Charles Wiggins of Fullerton.
. State officers expected to attend WS"e
Lt. Gov. Ed R>inecke, Tre~ l"Y.
Baker ~st and eo,i~.or. H°'!!to" L
Flournoy. James L. Flournoy,.~i
for secretary of state ·and ' Evelle
Younger; candidate ·r0r aito?ney.amera1
y,·ill alao. attend lhe-.oonveq~; ..
• ' .. . ' •
D411.Y PU.QT
N~_Sttongman Sworri in After Brief· Fight
LA PAZ, Boli~ia (UPI\"-Leflllt Cell.'
Juan JOIO Torres. backed· \11 )foe, air
force, 1tudenll, leftwlnc labcnn and 1
agtag'umy =~'t,i' -tbe-new-1 • . ' -
1erles ol power plays lhlt jull aldrted clvil. ~ar. • _. _ 1
Torr.., who admln!s but does not ""'
. . Uvely support CUba's Fidel Castro, appar.
·A· comedian bas been tired for ently won out when troops loyal to him
JiWeQting at an unresponsive aud-s~ the govenµnen t palace today ind a
ience at the main .showroom at the tJtree:.man military junta aet up Tuesday
Frontier Hotel in• Las .Vegas. T,lle colla~ in disorder.
manai:ement said George Carlin Torres• victory wa s assured when Gen.
Today thouaands ol persom milled throuah the 1treets of La Paz, many ol
them carrying ,transistor radio& to try to
ed the Uny radioa to their ears. ,t •
Armed 111ldents 1UTl'll!lllded the !:Ht ' _
jail that was crowded with polWcill •
prisoners, many of them friends of Tor·
res, but there waa no violence. The door1
of tho jail remained l!but but 11 •PflOl!l'I
freedom for at least some of t.H
prisoners wu imminent.
Students and laborers also surrounded
made the remark during his first . Fernando Slttori, chief of the air force
1 ___ _gjlloJi,' .E!'idllll,,ni!' :ht.J.. -niwimnbbeBJrU>ofL _:and a metnber of the junta, t.hrew his ... supportio1'orrennd'wlthitrhlnl!fUll! guests ·walked out. Carlin, who had World War II PSl Mustangs which buzzed
, the morning newspe,per El Dlario which.
iJ the biggest In the country and the 1!1<111 --!nfluentlal~'lbey ...,.. jnlned by-the-·na---
tionaJ guard and newspaper workers, ap-
parenUy bent on preserving their jobs. four -days· to run on his fiv~week the palace and strafed a recalcitrant engagement, was not permitted to rililitary barracks.
go -on ·at the second abow Friday. · 'Jbe of.bier memben of the junta simply
H·e. wa&-'replaced with Beverlee disappeared. TJ>ey were Gen. Efron
•nd· Sldro with the .sneakers. A CUachalla, the armed force1chiefof1taff
Spokesman for the HO\\l'&rd Hughes· and VJce .. MJn. Alberto Ab:arracin, head of
ownecFbOlel said Carlin apparently -the navy In this landlockejl COOlltry whlch
was dissatisfied with the crowd's baa a few gunboata: on ita lakes.
reaction· to his · roUtini and began Tbe-loni: featmng_political rbaOL.in
usizig. offensive language. Bolivia came to a head on Sunday when
Gen. Regelio Miranda, the conservative e army chief of staff, began the proce111 of r SeVetl·f.!8r-o1a iirl . haS -ms.· -<lusting president A!fredo Ovalldo· Candia:
covered that·~·ell(!lh &xiSt in 'WI•. ~~president res!@ed Tuesday to avert
, . . • ._1 ._ "t" eivil 'flr and the Junta was formed. C?ttsm.-Ger• . uawfg, an· ecol~ Torres, who was ousted as commander
gist !I~ the Milwaukee Musewn, of ~ armed farces two months ago
identifiejl the,_ crealilr"8 as Cras-hecause . o1 ht. · leftist leinlnp, Im·
pedaeusta -.Sowerbyt The nan1e mediately announced he wu the new
h.o}Vever ! is .. longer th~ the jelly-president. Labor organizations called a
f1!h, which~ grow to _about a half· general strike to back his claims and
~-~h. j(lm Kubl•!!..J!.f Milwaukee,_ were jgif!ed ~ ~ and Pf!!feuiooa!
Strongm•n Juen TorrN
Outsiae. the city a force of peaunts
began marchin& on La Pu armed with
ancient Mauser riflea they had used
years ago in a war with ParaguBy, TW
forces were estimated from,2,000 to 7 ,000.
. Inajde the city army q~ts guudln(
the government palace flee! and handed
the keys over to Sgt. Jdan ' Chuvi. when
troops loyal to Torres marched up to
In the city It.self there was an air (If ex-
pectancy. with m&ny of the thousands
milling through the streets waiting for
Torrea to descend on tbe city and take
o.ver the presidency formally. Man;· •
1hopil wer~ shuttered by the 1trike.
BollVla has averaged more than one
revolution or coup d'.etat a year 11~ it
aclUeved independence from Spain in
1825. But the current political crisis had
Its beginning• from the coup that Olllled
President Luis Adolfo Siles on Sept. 26,
* * * ·Bolivia's Armed
· flrst-1IO!iced-the-jellyfilb~-.. -·-•
bucket -nt ·water she dipped from' -· :,
. aei!e_con~_Chuvi meteJy_hJnd~~em__
the keys and lhere was no bloodshed. -
Forces Number
. Tr1n1port1tion Secretary Mentions Wichita Team Dlsalter , a "pond near·-Baraboo-while -on~a.:.--------~ ~ -------campme trip with her ·family. 1lt Bear Positions Hit
had ·been 1hought Wisconsin biid · LONDON (AP)-Bollvil'1 armed forces
total 21,800 men, and the country a1'o hH
R ds U Gas f F • about 5,000 armed poUce and frontier ' e .se or irst guardJ,thelnaUtulefor8tratqicForce.o
A 6.foot ~ :uciJ!l<I Wednes-reported today. '
no' n'l.llva jellyfish, •
~:~~~ilt:~~~c:':.:~: T. . . C b ~ J • org1!':iza~~~ r::..;-:.r~:-
:\tje,an.-.=:. .. norft.ui:,ort~:· ~ . ime in am Uula . Bolivian forces, ---on locked
geles are· ""'1'Clilnt-for-the-reptile. ·· -~ . • • ,. --11! · a power -•trual• -con·
Old Airliner Overweight
Before Crash I(illing 30?
Meantime, tbeJ aivised. nenroua ... servatives and I~:· WASHINGTON (AP) -The-govern·
residents-iliit~ }lYllionS-generally c::;. PHNOM-PENH (UPI) --•COiilmliiilst 48 JDllol north of PbnOin Perih and four' . Anny -20,000 men 'lo two infantry ment says an aging akliner on its fkst fav~r tJ:ees for housing. Slid one.~: troope uaed oauea gu for the first. time miles behind the opera~onal front line, brigades, a motorized regiment. two nassenger flight after coming out of official: "lf ·a:python drops from a -)oday-ln the 11>< monthl old-Cambodian UPI corre_.ient Kale Webb--ftporled-· -b ttar-ti'ilili<l·liiCO\lfim' Ill -'--· ---.. · -· -tree; don~ try to--catch-it. If it war in an attack aca~t rearguard posi· from the acene. She said tbt attack-f8Jlger a ions -. · • mothballs may have been J:,000 pounds
drops·on }'QU1' stand stW and pre-tiara of a stalled goyernment offel)live. Jtarted at midnight behind. a banage of 'JUrgency, one paratroop reguneot and overweight when it crashed in the Rocky
tend --are-a-trei. ·r· --· FrQnt dlspatcti'ei aali'I they al8o dragged mortin, rockets and heavy weapons fire. five artillery regimenta:. They are equip-Mountain! killing 30 persons on a Wichita
~ .--""'*':-r-civilians out o1 hiding-an4 sho41-tllem.-Mi!!" Webb-said one af six deaa ._..ped-with ~·personnel carriers, State University football trip.
... • ~ ,. · · • • The attack bit tbe village of Pratbam, civilians ·waa a young girl, ldlled when flkbt mortars and artillery. Bativia's A second rented plane used to fly the ~~ert_ at_ J.A.~ SJ11ith-her-nlmly -palm thatch house-received a mountainous terrain Ui not suitable for ill-starred-football team.was alapped with ~1:'~~-~al -~~{;r:,.to:l.·· J ,dlt~ h!t fron_i a .BtO ·roc~t. f. senior tank operatiom. an emergency ~unding.t.ues<'~Y aft~r ~tli -•-mib srael Welcomes -fteI4-officer said .the other Civilians were Air Fm:e -·1,,800-men with 15 combat the Federal Aviahon.Admin18tration said c!intly . it r:kliig O . Is at a . draged by the hair out of .1 t • n c h e 1 planu: 1 dozen PSID turboprop Mustang it lolllll 16 p!llnlenance defects.
dog -rlcint' ck interfe~ with ........ . -where they were hiding aad shot in the fighters and three ATI liiht fighten Also Tbe twin-engine aircraft that 1mashed
their )\'Or~; The track, operators . u~ 'Hard Line' .. head. { 20T6andfour6-?.8trainers,sevencissna int() a mountainside en route to a Utah
told the astronomers; "We Will bur, ' ' , . ' -).. ' 'Wben the fighUng ended at dawn thrtt llailon pianes, 20 C41'and CS4 trwp(,rts, Stale game lsst Friday was making its wb3t's~n~ed. if .:rou'll,_install it. ' Cambodian toldJers and :iii civilians and aboUt 15 helicopters. maiden trip with the football team after
So the· trade ofllcial8 purchased Jn MiddJ E l •were found dead. More than ® cam. having been parked In storag• in Lis special lb:ades Which"" direct the e as bodian aoldJera were wounded but it was Vegas for three years, its owner said.
light atraight -dOWJt and ·an obser-· .. ........ notknon-.manydvlllwwer!!woun-Pa· nm • · M d' t The same plane veered o[f a runway vatQ!Y ataff mell)ber ·climber atop-,_.By Ultied ~ lltenaadonal ded. The North Vietnamese attack force, · · UD J om e Ia Or and bent a propeller when a landing gear
the pol ea and mft8lled them. Now Israeli·: diplomatic IOUl'Cfl t 0 day estimated at 200 men, left 12 bodies collapsed as it tried to take off from
the astnioomer.s •.•Y they are in welcomed what ..., described a• 1 beblnd. Assigned to Korea Oklahoma City to pick up the Wichita
the dark While dog track,represen-"harder line" by the United. States "1 think the North Vietnamese wanted State team for a flight to West Texas
tatives say the ·lights ~ve never ,toward E1YPt and the Soviet Union in the to warn ,~e .civilians not to. cooperate SEOUL (AP) -Maj. Gen. Gilbert H. State the previous weekend, the FAA
been better.. Middle East crisis. 'lbe BriUsb crtJ.icJzed with US:," 'one .eniar field afficer aaid. Woodwlrd. who negotiated at Pan-said.
• the United Stl;tes fot· ·nspenlfml· Big ''They are also trying·to ~lour supply munjom for eight month! before he ob-FAA spokesman James R. Greenwood
Four power talks On an Arab-Israeli linea -but 10me of, the civilian! were tained the release of the 82 Pueblo said preliminary figures showed the
peace setUement. assassiolted ... " crewmen in 1968, is returning to Korea plane weighed an estimated 48,900 pounds
In Cairo, the National Assembly met to La~ this morning hundreds <i civilian this month to cOmm~ the 2nd Infantry upon its takeoff to climb the towering
approve the nomination of Anwar-Sffa' refugees atreamed from the village -Division.· the_ U.S. 8th Army announced Rockies after a refueling st.op in Denver
aa president to ·tueceec1 Gamal Abftl southward down route 6, taking with today. . Friday. The maximum takeoff weight
Nasaer, who died 'Of a heart attack on them their household belongings, cowa Woodward, a native of Suffolk, Va., has listed in specifications for the Marti(! 404
Sept. 28. and water buffaloes. It wu a scene been stationed in Washington. He is _pl1ne is 44,900 pounds.
Israeli dJPlo'lnatlc sources in Jerusalem re~iscent af the attac~ on villages in replacing Maj. Gen. S. H. Matheson. who A spokesman for the Na t l o n a I
said the U.S. !Uspension of ftaJkJ by the the wlr, in South Vietnam. is gotnc to the Army's PacHlc head· TtansportaUon Safety Board, which is
deputi'3 of the Big Four U.N. am· Miu Webb aald she saw two Viet-quarters in Hawaii. spearheading the probt, said the plane
bassadors in New York indicated in· namese bodies of young men wearing .~
may have flown into a blind canyon, been
unable to escape, and crashed ·into a
ridge at the foot of the Continental
Divide, where a wall of mountains rises
Jn a Denver l'iospital, co-pilot Ronald
Skipper &aid the plane was f!Ying a scenic
sight-seeing route through the mountains,
but declined-to discUss the details of the
Secretary of Transportation John ,A.
Volpe said the Justice Departmfnt may
be asked into the investigation.
"The evidence we have to date sug•,
1tests there may have been .some Wrong-do~ng," .Volpe said, but he refused to
The FAA' confirmed that one of its of-
ficials had caution ed Wichita State nearly
two months ago that the s,mall air firm,
Golden Eagle Aviation, had no license to
fly a passenger plane as large as the
Martin 404.
However, Golden Eagle replied that
both pilots had the required licenses. And d
it said the firm didn't need an operation J.
certificate for that size craft since it waa ~
only furnishing a crew to Wichita State, r
which had rented the plane from.anoQier ~
company. ·
In what appeared to be a .. major
loophole, the FAA C<Jnceded its fules set.
ting stiff new safety standards for air
taxi firms don't apply to a college that
leased planes to ferry it.I football team.
creased akepUciam by the N is: e n North Vietnamese khaki r e g u I a r
Administration" ot Soviet and ~ _ uniforms. She,~d.the Cambodian troops
smcenty 111 the search for a pe8ceful had lt(ipped two medallions from the
solution in the Middle East. bodieJ reading "be a hero -kill the
"The · Americans are taking a bardei Americans" and "don't be a nothing -
f...-Daddy ·
When the Hanover Park, Ill. vill·
age ~rd p(lssed• a resOlution ban·
ning'the-midiskirt-froni ·tbis Chica-
go subl!J'b it was considered a joke,
but nOw., P~lic• Chief .Stm Pofotto_
says, some women are afraid fd go
out of doors for fear of being ar·
rested for improper dress. The re·
·solution -passed two weeks ago
-stated that it is a "God-given
and inalienable ~igbt" of men to
obserVe "the niceties bf the female
rorm in all of its many varied
shapes and sizes." Although the
midi was "~aru..h~ forever from
within the. corpora_te limits of the
village," wltb mldied. females lia-
ble to a fl.lie, 111• resolution Jacked
legal forte. • Nevertheless;·. said
Carol Pierce, a village emplO)re·,
"quite a few people were upset -
lhe women, not the men."
line," one llOUl'U said. be a hero."
They aai4 that in suspending the talks Senior officers aald the nauaea gas.
until Soviet-E1YPtian missile violations of fired in the warheads of mortars, had Sen. Strom Thurmond's Wife Expecting First Baby
the current ceue-tire are ''rectified," madt the camboc:HUs• ·~s smart lfld
W IShintf<>n clearly backed I 1 r 1 • I ' s then made them alck. '!WY said they took
refuaal '° ~time with U.N.-supervi!ed a cmijster to the main operaUonal con· P"" taJka Until the mllllle· are pulled trot poot where l~ .... Identified u
back from the Suez Cinal atandaUll ion_e. nausea cu.
WASHING TON (UPI) -The wife of
:~~tr_: :::.~~y~~:~~~:~:
nant, it was announced Tuesday. The
aenifor ia 67.
Ski Se ~son 's J\pp roac hi ~g Tbunnond's office, answering reporters
questions as the neWB raced through of·
ficial Washington. lsSued a statement
uying the baby was due in late March.
Rockies ~lanketed With Snow; Storm.s Douse _ .
MMttY f1Jr lklft ~· ~"*"'
C.!lfOfnlt ,.,.., 'fll)t1t•"" .. c.tloll ... ot .
-llltlt ~ .... ••l•l .::
tloM durfnj -_,,..,
ltronl....., ........... -~
btlow -ff"' -.-tol'l1111t tnd
""""...., ;..... ......,..,,,,.. t\ll"lllnt ~-"'..._..... ............ '-·
Hllhl '*"' JI -.,,_,.,, fOI' L.tl
~ ..... -"1! • ~ loW ., ,,,.
Tl'it ..., , ~ c.Mr,i Dl1tr1ct
..-.cPctM ,. K~ tl'OITI -
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~ .....,..,. ....,. tlMl\' wllll.,....
tell .... .,...... tioM <•tt•I 1io-
llvt ........... ..... """"" Wlfll MIY w.l'ldl tMI ...., _....._ H1'M-• • """* lfl .. .....
o..11 .... .,,,,, ..... .,... "'
t:M5 ..... -i.w. """' '" ,,.. JOI: --_... .... ""'" ...._ wNle ......... ,..,.... 11'1 ... ,,. '*'"" .... ,,..... .. ., el Mt-
-l!'t _____ .. ...
,,.,,.. ~ ............. tat>
tlWW •"*• ~IM, II Wltl __,,
In "':.~,,. ""'°"' W'llll • Mltl ,_. A T... -w• '1. °""' l'lllM ni.dlY .... ~ _,,;~'""' lllCWdMi LtlM ._.
n.n. ™'' ~ ,..,., ......-4 ~w~'·;."=. "'\. i::J: ft44, ··~ rw'~IWi. °""' .. kt! ~ ~·.,,Ml AMlltfJ!I $""9
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Jtlff1!Y tlMl't .....,, l.lfM wr\fbll
Wllldt llltflt 11111 tl'lfll"l'lfl'lf '*1f'I heonl-
/llf ....... """"'"" lt ... knltt lit
•"""-" "1dl.Y ft Tllllndit'I. Hltll -... C111m1 .....,..,.,,... ,.,_. fl"MI il
fe ''· lflllllol flll'IHl'tlllm ""'" frM'l'I
'1 to '9. Wlfll' ""'"°"'"°" .i_
v.s. Su•-rv
a.-lncM& of -ceverw Dou•
11 .. WYot,, T ..... ,, S-blMn 'fllM
W ti...... Ill ffle Mrtti *"' Clfllrtl
aec:11tt. CiM11t1t hi•'*"' rr.....rrn. c:ondlllofll, ' Ct-tfld l.lf'IOlf, W,-0,. 11111'1 ,._ _,.., feur lll(/IM Of .,._, lftf CJ'IMo
""" ,,. ........ lftNI ~ Tr....,_,, Wt,...ll'ltl wtN ...... 111
MOlltlftl "" ff 1'1'1t Goftllftll'lfl l D~ vlft, •ftf Ill w,...,.1,.., l'IOffllt111 Ut•ll. ~ c.111r.-. •ltd _, llld ('""
tr•I Hftrfflll,
. SledltMtl.. Wlf'l'\f'ltt etflllfwtd Ill ,........ .
T-tttr•tw. ftll M1iew lfrle » .... .,.. IN,. •tl'f l!llt _,fll'-It! MM>-
""'' W)'ellll"' •lid .,.. ~ °" ke!ll.
.. .........
"'"""" Alllftll
a.ll:'"lltld .,.,.,,rdl ··-.....
Cl'llC ... Clnc1nntff -w DtlMllfJlll .......
,-lifWnla "°" W«ill ·-,_
K1<1111 Cll'I'
\. ..... ,... ...
NMYetk NotWI ,11"9
Olll1111rnt City ......
f'lllll S"1Mll
,IMlletl .. ·-· l'llhllv"91t ...,, ..
lit»ld Cll'I' .... lluft ·-SICl'll'Mftl'e
Stlt U••Clf'I ,,,_
Stn J'r1ncltU
'''"" -OM
"Mrs. Thurmond and I are very hap-
py," t.be statement put out by Thurmond
aald. An aide to Thurmond said the couple
had known about the pregnancy for !Met
months but kept the newa quiet.
" " .. ..
" .. .. " " " .. ~ .. ..
" " ,. .. • ..
" .. " .. •• " " " .. " .. ~ .. " " .. " ..
~ .. .. • " " • .. n " .. .. .. ..
" .. ,. ..
" ~
" ..
" " ,, ~ .. .. .. " " ll ..
" " ... H .. .. .. " " .. .. ..
" ,..
" ..
Thurmond married the former Nancy
Moore in DeCember of 1988. His first
wife, Jo.an, died In 1960 and they had no
children .
Thurmond kee1>1 hlnueU In good
physical 1hlpe and does not loot his age .
Hll comment about his daily, morning
cali1thenica, made about the time ht
AJ remarried, bu become well known in ... w utillii100· -
.17 "[ ley on the floor .every morning and
thrOw-my feet over ~ head 25 ·or 30
Uma lD k..,, the bIOoil fiowlng to my
head. Your brain baa to be fed fresh
blood am u. you won't exercilt, your
brain won't be fed,'' he said then.
Thurmond roae to prominenct as a
Democfa~ bolled the party to held a
•tat.I rights third party bid for the
Presidency in 1941, and became a
Republican In 1114.
Mra. ~nd wu a former Miss
Soutb--C.rolina who wu working as a
_. ...,..1ary In Thurmond'• Wublngton of·
flee whon they became engaged.
•• At one point gossip about hls Sep-
lember-May marrl~e got to Tllurmond.
"I've betn ulied why I married a g~I
that young,' be aakl.,"DI old age. I wnuld
rather 1mell perfume than Unament."
S,.MNl"Oilil Formtr llHuty Qu"" Shown on Woddlnv u.,-
Crodlled with keeping enou.111 ooulhem
votea ln line for President Nixon to pr~
vent a Geflrge C. Wallace sweep of the
llClllth In 1988, Thurmond hold.! the
5<nlle'1filibuster1<con! and b known as
one of Its best wrestlers.
Tl'le wmtling reputatiQn ca.mt from a
brief -public scuffle he hid in 1964 wtth
Sen. Ralph Yarborollih (O.Te1.), In a
Senate CO<Tldor.
' l
·11 I .
I ••
! i I
I ···39'1~ea
At Agnew
Police arrested 39
demonstrators in three cll9bel' ~i--.JOwntown-tiolel-;n1-~:::::::=::;!:1\;:l~~ he Woa at""CUttreak-Gf-dissent-1
diercted a&ainst Vice-Pusi-
dont Spiro T: \\gnew~ bfJ
r.:unet campaign · • w l n I
In hU .-ii in u.. 'hotel
Tuaday night, ApeYI IOI-1
tened his crltkilm o f
maverick eWn.ou: · in the
Republican Patty, but.kepi up
his iire an Sen. Charles E.
My Lai':Def e'nse
._,May ~Seek · D~lay-
Jew~h Faction
Tied _,..w~-·,a.;
-tt---Gaoclelll-( ft,.N,¥,j Allll<W-"'' 1-1-.;:;
not mention the j
l I
ti I
In the_two hours before
Agnew spoke, police broke up l::S~f:~~~~-~l,-=o~,..:· ..... :•;:;-i· ~·;:.; ... ~~:· :"':',~J a flai-bwning demonstration to-1
and~ two , s.idewalk sit-in!. .• "He'• on the other phone right now, setUing BQme
T~e arrested .included two .. docneltie l)l'Obiem,•
men char~ with burning the ·
Af.!Hl•~Jl· Flag, eight . . , .-• •
c7'f°1nl:d' ~~~~; •;! ; JJV~.iit 1.:4r~m· ·e-n . r z'a· l0 ll' ·~~·:.:::·:~w:m~ 'B Jt:;Ubr~ .f St.,, "'
dows of tbe car with billy om .ing 0 tatue OPEN DAILY 10-10-SUNDAY 10-7 PRKES EFFECTIVE
clubs·1o get at the driver and · ' ,.
a. ~er. Bptb weri beaten
;!'~ !l>"l\. ollered mi>Unce.
i il'SJ!ll )>If ~ d""'• police
..dogs Ml! swinging clubs,
police tilspersid a cr'owd that
refused to move off sidewalks.
saw il reform J few blocks
away, a~ waded in again.
Police and nearby hospital~
reported no injuries. Most or
those arrested were charged
with disorderly conduct and
obstnleting traffic.
Agnew praised "unity in
diversity" and declared: "A
clique that cleaves only to one
view is not a political party at
11.ll in our Ameri can tradition :
it can be no more than a cult
incapable and urisuited lo lead
the nation."
But he charged that Goodell
had used President Nixon as
• hi s ·~rivate punching bag"
and bad deliberately alienated
, himself frQfll the Republican
Agnew chose the occasioli of
a GOP fund rai sing-dimier for
; Sen. Hugh Scott -who has
himself been at odds with Nix·
nn on a number of major
. issues -to tone down his
p~Vious hardlinr criticism of
dissident party members.
i · A&ne)V · said Scott's · dif.
rerencts differed from those 1 nf ·"radical·liberals" 1 i k e
1 Goodell because on the major
issUes like international af·
" ,fairs, national defense, and
k' ·• domestic issues "he has
r rt~ateclly stood by the Presi·
._ dent -often In the face of in·
, . tense political pressures from
,.. within his own st.ate."
NEW YORK (UPI) -A lel-
ter a.s.sertedlj written by three
prominent members of the
Wea'the:rmen claims credit for
a bombing Monday in Chicago
and promises attacks against
"lbe enemy" next w e e k
Mayor Hugs
'John,' Rides
Ou~ Storm
SHAWNEE, Okla. (!!Pl) -
Mayor Piere TarOn rode out
Shawnee's 40-second tornado
by hugging a commode in his
downtown busines.s· ,office.
Mayor Taroq made an aerial
inspection of the damage Tues.
day and said ~ expected it to
be declared a federal disaster.
When the mayor came to the
city hall, one of the most heav.
ily damaged buildings in Mon.-
day's twister, he observed that
the mind takes funny direc-
tions right after a disaster.
The city council, he said, re.
Jocated tht muni.cipil govern·
ment in the city hajj basement
folloWing · the tornado.
"I don't. know what we were
thinking by being down there,"
he said. "If the tiuilding had
fallen it would have fallen in
on top of us."
Engineers ordered the offi.
cials out of the basement and
then condemned the building.
iround the coon~y. c::m .... ..-.. THURS-SUN.'~
The letter, postmarked Mon·
day in Chicago, W8' Signed by , Oc,t. a·.11 '.'0nly '
Bernardine Dohrn, Jeff Jorie! · L_.;A~Dl~N~~-~!Ol!.;S!;.5!;·~·1~..,~·~~C.~.:;:·:•:~~·=Sl~s:dl::ilo~llls=:U:all~s~~:S:l~s=l•~t,~C~s~n=s:1:s~,.r:-~r;M~ll=-~~·:·:J•~s=U=•l:s::::==~::;~~~~~~~;;:~ and Bill Ayers, sought as I · · -
fugitives since their in· SCISSORS SHARPENE I dictment for conspiracy and ,
violation of tbe Jederal antiriol •' . ' -, . · act. It was received ·Tuesday
by the Youth International
Party (yippies) here. -....... nre Jetter referred to the
eicplosion early ~1onday that
destroyed the statue of a
policeman ;n Chic ago's
Haymarket Sqµare for the se-
cond time· in a' year:
"A year ago we blew aw~y
the Haymarket pig slatue at
the start of a youth riot in
Chicago. Last nigh~ w e
destroyed tbe pig again. 'Ibis
time it begins a fall offensive
of youlh resistance that will · ·
spread from Santa Barbara to
Boston, back \.o Kent and
''Next week ,'' t h.e
Weathermen statement said,
"families and tribes will al·
tack the enemy around the
coontry." 'Ibere were no
specifics. given. .
The letter predicted •ict.ory
in a revolution again1t
"We are building a culture
and society that can resist
genocide. It is a culture or
total resistance to mind-con-
trolling maniacs, a culture of
higb~nergy sisters getting it
on, or hippie acid·smiles and
Cilmmunes and freedom to be
the farthest out people we: can
be ...
Instant Speed Selection
Six Prir·Set1e19d Si-Hat
Your fir'lfirr T'op!. Exdusiff
1"1illlfl1-Actfon 8ut10ft.·
King Size Capacity
L•• 48-0!.lf'Ce l6.wpl Cor1·
tain. Wilt! E...,..To-~Md LKJU •rl . .....,.,,
No· Tip Powo1 Unit
PQW9f"fUI 600W11t Motor. Nor>
M1rking Aubbtr ""'·Co-••"! CordS1or~. ·
Cr....I "' • pertoct uniform ..190 br ups<ls
with tM finest c01MHrciol -.:ui,..ent 0Ta il·
able. Brint .Mt ell YOtf1f 1cis1or1. YOVY
..;ri.o...J<!o! 1.u .. ..i. d-""ii• r•• "'°"·
DAftr OCT. IA 9
HOUR•r .,
SW.,S1 IS l·dsm·~•
"'Jll!ls Jasl .,.._ SA YES
TIE. Laire llr,._,y bag
-cllo"illl ~ often. · . SAVES IORlt TIO "'"11 ·
11Ctor1im 50S·llOJe satli~
willl aJIK--CieMle•
adjusls lorcpiledo!lll-~.
" ""' disposl61t ""' "" ..........
Mlf ..
Goodell, on the other hand,
·• "has, sought flamboyantly and
' ceaselessly lo openly diwrce
himself" from the President,
and thereby forfeited a right
to administration support in
bi1 current bid for re-election.
"Last night I said the dam-
age would be $3 million," Tar-
on said Tuesday. "That's going
to be way below. lt will be as
high as $10 million."
Four persolJ!: were killed in
Stlawnee by the tornado thal
cut a three. mHe path after it
touched ground in the heart of
the business district. The tor-
nado hit before the weather
bureau could issue a tornado
watch and before the civil de·
fense could 80und its warn ing
"We are not just 'attacking
targets' -we are bringing a
pitiful helpless gianl to its
knees .'' •
The yippics, who released
the Jetter and recordings with
the same message, are the
group which includes Jerry
Rubin and Abbiti Hoffman, the
members or the Chicago
Hoover Slimline
During a brier ai rport news
conference on his arrivJll :.1
Pittsburgh, Agnew was asked
about the fact th3t Scotr and
other party leaders had re·
fused to disayow Goodell. s.iren.
Back -Tu: Cuts
UP'I T•ltltfltlf
Treasury Secretary David Kennedy told a National
Press Club 1unchcon Tuesday that lbe NJxon Ad-
"' m.inisl.ra,tion wiJ I not attempt to postPone approved
r lax cuts even it more revenue is needed to bead
1• nil a big budget deficit. He called it "politically Im·
2 l'.olicemen
Shot Near
city pol.icemen were wounded
and a priMiner was shot to
death .todU,ib an exchange of ~~Meyer Memor-
ial Hdlpilil,' a physician sa!':I.
The· ~ apparently
broke oot }'s:,Olice were taking
a prlsoqer to the hospital,
owned D; 'rie c;:ounty and in
tl_le ~ section .of the city.
. Dr. R~ .Wllbe. associate
director o~ the hospital, tenta-
tively ideritifled the polil'fmen
as Joseph O'Neil and Edward
Young. O'Neil was reported in
critical condition with a wound
In the torso. Young was shot in
the thigh and was reported
less se riously hurt.
A nurse, who said she saw
"the last part of the shooting,"
said It appeared "that three
officers were attempting to
bring the pri!Oner in.''
''He somehow got a gun and
.started shooting at the offi.
cers," she said, "They re.
l Wned-.beflre-:'' -
The &hooting occurred out·
side the emergency room.
China OK~ Aid
8 E LGRADE. Yugoslavia
CAP ) -communist China baa
signed an.· .. agreement . to
furnilh -Noflh V I e t n a m
economic. technological and
mllltary a\d for another year.
the Yugoslav news agency
TsnJug reported today from
Pekillg. The rcpor~ stiid ·the
~greement was signed Tues-
day but gave nO details. • •
Model 1900
ONLY 5.9.9
the new HOOVER
Does a
wash tn
MATClllllt DITll IOI ONIT ........... , $119.U
Modll 1217
ONLY 1·0.aa
2200 .HARBOR Bl VD. •
• ,
..!.------ --·
A Crbcial Local Issue
-With .. many items of slat• and federaHnferest at
1lake ln ibis November election, jt would be easy .for
Huntington Beach vottr• to overlook a ~ent tu over-
ride midway d<>Wll th• lmig-ballol.
and a l»unit grand'parad• on Satunlay.
Westminster's British ties go back to its founding
as~a temperance..colooy by a Presbyterian minister. At
·t.s formation, the eolony_enc~passed aJmosLall of
West OranJ• County. -· They shouldn't. The result of the tax hike proposed
by th• Huntington Beach Union High Scbool Dlstr1ct
may be of more local-importance than voting for gov·
emor or senator.
Never before has the huge 52-square mile district
been faced with a more crucial financial picture than
it is now. And failure of the voters to approve the meas ..
ure c0t1ld plunge it into 'financial disaster.
Westmmster did not incorporate until i957 and in .
the early and mid-60's there was much in its history to
forget. A politcial bribe scandal and fiscal difficulties
were among the growing pains.
Since then the city has built a new image by going
back beyond recent history and emphasizing its name
and heritage. The English·style civic center, complete
with a little Big Ben, is the most striking example of
the process.
If the tax override fails, schoolmen will find them ..
ielves with a general purpose tax rate of 85 cents,
meanmi a 40 percent reduclion·of-district-incpme.
They predict this would mean an end. to student
bus service, bigger classes, hall-day se~stons, fewer
materials and the end of interscbool athletics. Wanted: More Beauties
Its passage, on the other hand, would restore cut.a:
previously made and would provide youngster~ with
the kind of quality education necessary for a success·
tuJ assault on life.
Fountain Valley attracted a charmer o! a con:'
testant for its annual beauty pageant this year -but
why only one?
Perhaps there is a general decline in the interest
of ordinary beauty contests, but lack of participation
in Fountain Valley's might be corrected if a few quick
measures were ta'ken. -.
We believe every local citizen owes his commun·
jty's children a promising future and therefore urge 11
('Yes" vote on the 69-cent.override.
The Hundred· Year Mark
Westminster opens its centennial celebration thi~
evening with a fitting blend of pomp from the old world
and a carnival atmosphere from the new.
First. the chamber ought to make the contest
worthwhile to enter, perhaps by offering scholarships
or cash awards of some value. The chamber tries to
get publicity from the event -and appearances from
the girl who wins -but in Fountain Valley it doesn·~
offer much to the girl except the glory.
The chamber also ought to consider better recruit ..
ing methods by talking to girls, finding out what would
interest them in the contest. And if shyness js the major
reaso~ for the girls not entering, a 5ystem of clubs or
organizations sponsoring girls might solve that. "
The five-<lay birthday party will begin at 7::ll p.m .
at Sigler Park. There will be typically Enghsh page_•
and Elk's Club Beefeaters in attendance and a rend1·
tion of "Pomp and CircumStance."
The lord Mayor of Westminster. Englarxl.-.Brian
Fitzgerald·Moore -will ptoclaun the centenrual under
way and from that point.on the festivities will be IXl'e Ammcaii. -Tliere will be iiiaftlilhg bands, a canuval
The city's new queen. 19-year-old Linda Anderson,
certainJy is pretty and well quali[ied to represent Foun-
tain Valle)'. but we wish she had some more pretty
and qua1ified contestants standing there with her.
. '
•A Kimt of Structural Grandet&r'
When ln doubt, appoint a commission. ,
Pan-ol the folklore ol Wuhingk>n io thal
if a Preiident wanta: to bury a poteoliallY.
embarraalni illul or buy tlme_befere
makinl a dedaion, the beld. way ~ d~ it
is to name a pre1idenu.) gm"ml!SJOO.
And if the final reco~ations are
un9CCtplable, Vice President Agnew bas
5bown the way to handle thal problem.
Twice within a few days, the
~tetie Vice Pra.dent harshly de--
llOUllC:Oil Uie Wirk ol prelidenlial com-
mislioJIL DJ1owDiDC the findings of a
commivlon on oblcenity ad por-
MC'aplly, appOided by former Presid<~t
J-, ~ dlclind m Sop! .30 m
Sall Lake City: "It's not our be.by." 0C
ttie commissioo on campus unrest that
was appointed by President Niion. he
allowed that a different membership
would have produced tntlrely different
r~Vice Presideot's criticism un-
derscored the major weakness of 1ucb
Nixon's Barber Fired
Tl's supPo.ed to·be a ~eep, dart secret.
but President Nixon bu f~ his barber.
Tbe leCUrity bu been IO tight tbat the
diamissal might never have been
diJC$el'td i[ tbe Presjdent hadn't sud-
denly devdoped a suspicious new hair
The 111911 .. barber, steft Martini, a
Mirlwl•ngelD with the ICiaon, allegedly
trimlllld ttie Treasury at the same time
he wu trimming the President's hair.
When tbe Internal Revenue Service began
asking awkward questions a b o u t
Martini's taxes, it caused consternation
at the White Houae. The security people
simply 'don't want anyone in tu. trouble
close to the Preiklent's thrOat with a
THEY SUGGF.STED del I c ate l y ,
therefore, tba\ be pt a new barber. Nix-
oo entrusted thia million lo an aide,
Alexander Butterfield, woo conducted a
solemn secttt .earch fat' a hair stylist
with acceptable' tonsorial talent and an
impeccable beckground.
Butterfield caretully chose Milton Pitts,
who has now taken over the world's most
exclusive hair aa10D -a single barber's
chair in a backroom of the White House.
where the Pruident and his top aides get
trimmed and pomaded.
Pjtls. of course, wu 1lven an ex-
haustive security investigation and was 1
sworn to secrecy btfon he was finally
cleared lo shave the President.
MARTINI USED lo apply special tonics
and preparations la the President's head
with artistic abandon. He also gave Nixon
~ boltlt of the stuff to use between cul·
All the oils and goos were thrown out
by Pitts, who repOrted]y washed out the
greNe, combed out the curly ends and
gave the Prelldent 1CUlptured rawr cuuJns. 8-lt: tbe Prelident has lost his
old, slicked-down look and has ac::quiretl a
new. more natural look.
Insiders s~y the President likes his hair
trimmed at least once a week. He sum·
moned Pius to the White House. for ex-
ample, the evening of his departw-e ior
the t.tediterranean and called for another
haire\ll shorUy after his return.
For cabinet officers and presidential
aides in need of a trim, Pitts is available
at the White House on Tuesday and
Thursday afternoons.
Martini's !rlemls said he was in Ft.
Lauderdale, Fla., bul be couldn'l be
Jocated. Pitts refused any comment, ex·
plaining that the White House had in·
structed him not to Wi about his work
for the Pre:;idenL
Well Worth the Price
New Hol.Ael•, Wiie., Reporter: ''You
don'L rtaUze It, because lt has becOme
M much a part ot our life, that we
are JU!ying tues twiee and three times
on 10me projects, aa1es. lransacUons.
what have you. Even at that 1 had
ralller be tued Jri the U.S.A. than live
in freedom (allegedly) bi Jtuuia or under
communllm. · You new.r k.ow how
vaJuable you priz.1 your freedom unUl
YOll IOM lt."
A.Hoou, Pa.. Mlmr: "People e:r-
pecU111 ~ ror nolhlnc h•••
alway1 Nia aniund, all around the
world. But oalJ htre • • • has It ever
1-•loailJ ~-that· Uiey -oU
had a "rfet&' to anythlll for •thing,
I~ q. a 'rl&ht'' lo a ,uarantted
,~ Pr-es Con1menl8
annual Income which amounll to nothin1
lcu tban everythin& for nothing."
Okabena, f.Ullll., Prt1s: "'Americans
did thtngs I• a blg way last ~ear -
we 1moked ~ billion cigarette.a. ~Mwtd
111 bllUon asptrtns, used more than one
trillion safety pins, ate more thRR three
billion quarts of let cream, malled thrtc
billion Christmas cards and drove an
estimated 800 billion miles In just going
placu •fld do!nc thln;s. You can't uy
tht':re are any haUway mea sures In th!J
country." '·
commls6iorw;: Nobody has io aceept their
~endat.ions, and the make·up of.
the body oft.en detennines the nature of
the results. Even so, presidential corn-
missiODS -or task forces .as the Nixon
administration prefers to call .!h.em -
have becmneaway of 1ife in Washington.
TESTIMONY before a House Govern·
ment Operations Subcommittee disclosed
that as of last November there were l,519
federal advisory commit.tees, boards,
commissions, co u n c i I~. _co¢erences,
panels, task forces and similar groups.
About 200 of them were identified as
presidential (.'Oillmis.!ions. The estimated
annual operating costs of the com~
missions reporting was $&4,680,493 -with
the presidential_ commissiooa aoo:iunting
for 75 -ol Uie total. "As far as we could determirie, there Is
no ac:curate inventory of all the advisory
and interagency committees in the
federal government," said George L.
Fortwengler, of Uie General Accounting
Office. The survey also showed that al
least ~ committees had similar duties
and functions -among them com·
missions working on highway safety.
5tatus of women, geriatrics, crime and
physical fitness.
WD.JJAM D. CAREY, a senior con-
-sultant !or Arthur D. Little, Inc., and a
former Budget Bureau official, added:
1•1n· my experience, nothing was easier
than to set up an advisory group. It
lilarted wheels turning, it bought time. il
was a surrogate for action, and it pro-
duced a kind of structural grandeur.''
Presidential com m i s si o n s are
Washington fi:ii::tures, but lhey really
began to flower under President Johnson.
Jn the past few years, blue-ribbon
assemblages have reported on crime, the
draft, rural poverty, civil disorders and
\'iolence, poslal reform. housing and
ta'ban reform, the guaranteed annual
wage, the Kennedy assassination and
lately pornography and campus unrest.
SOME HAVE 'made notable con·
tribut!om to American life by focusing
attention on racism in our SOciety. pro-
duclnc a new crime-fighting program,
and recommending-a draft .klttery. Yet,
for every ccmmission that succeeds 1n its
objecUve, several fail. Instead o( quieting
suspicion of a COMpiracy in the murder
of President Kennedy. the Warren Com·
mlsslon aroused more uncertainty. And
aince 195$, a commi.ssl.on has been trying
to decide upon a suit.able memorial to
Franklin D. Roo!evelt -at a yearty
operllillg -of. $33,000. CommWJi<11s often serve as a place to
put supporters who art too important for
a posunastership aOO not significant
enough ror an amba~dorship. When
someone proJ)OSCd abolishing a commis.
sion with no apparent purpose, President
Johnson bluntly replied: "I need job!i for
Gloo1n v
7'ht question l~'t whether Hunt·
lnt:ton Beach ooght to eltct lta city
clerk. It'a whether the city ou1hl
lo have a fulltime city clerk,
-A. R. C.
Ttll1 fwtvr. ,..llt dl ''"'"' ........ llllt
ft•t•lloflil\' ...... " ,_, IM'll"IN-· .....
""" Hf -...... ......,,. .... o.llt f'tltt•
Does <i Trial
Waste Time
For Us All?
The day that the "Guilty" verdict was
brought in by the Speck jury, I overheard
a group of people at the luncheon table
neJt to mi.ne discussing tile trial and·con-
vicUon. ''Why does the state go to all the
trouble, time and expense?" asked one or
them. "'He's guilty -t:verybody knew it
• -io why not give
him the electr ic
chair. or put him
away for life and
forget it?" Every.
one else at the ta;
ble nodded in strong
I didn't · nod in
agreement, e v e n
mentally. One must
recognize that theirs
is lhe attitude of most people,. but I hap-
pen to think it is a wrong, dangerous, and
ignorant attitude.
QUITE APART from the civil rights in·
volved in the matter -and the blackest
villain is entitled to the same trial rigbts
.as a cherub, or the law means nothing -
there ts another equally important con-
sideration: We learn absolutely nothing
by sending such a man to the chair, or
even by putting hlm away to rot in prison
for a lifetime. If he is mad, we should
,i;ludy the causes and course of his
madness; if he is bad, we should study
the origins and evolution of bis badness.
lf he Is a mixture itf both -as we migh t
suspect -we should study the rela-
tionship between moral character and
emolional sickness.
Society hales, fears and resents such
men, and wants to obliterate them. llrt
such obliteratioo does not deter or pre-
vent similar occurrences, nor does it help
us to detect, in the early stages, the
behavior patterns of other men who
mi,gbL do likewise.
JT SEEPr1S .PAlNFULLY obvious to me
that if we understood more about such
matters. not 1nly might the eight nurses
be alive tod#y, but also the young sniper
who committed m8.i' murder from his
tower ln Texas could have been spotted
as a potential menace long before that ·
dreadful day. Such actions are allllO!l
always prefigured in early behavior -if
we are alert to the deeper meaning of
such behavior.
Acts of what we call "senseless
violenct" are increasing enormously in
this age. But though au'ch act! ~ seem
senseless to us, they make a kind or in-
sane sense Jo the persons who perpetrate
them : and if we obtained a belt er grasp
or their convoluted mental J>roctS6t.5. iL.
might help us prevent incidents or this
tragic kind -jU$t as an improved
knowledge of sympt<ms enables us to
prevent phyaical illness from worsenina:
lo the incur>ble stagt.
WHAT 1S A "WASTE" is not lhe long
and cumber90mt trial. but the fact that
after the trial little is done to probe the
psychic cancers or such men. Simply to
execute them or shut them away is the
surest guarantee that rutµre tragedies
wlll be. ne.ilher prevented nor anticipated.
If we handled physical dl!lelse the same
way, who would be alive? ~. •
Dong Ktn1man, mtlf!ff 1rtlst v1sfting s.r. -"'The lei.~n of life ls learnina: lQ
think for yoorself."
'Rich Old Okies'·
Run California
· A case can be mad:e that the polilical
course a.f California is bein& determined
by a group of people who are not really
(;alifornians at all, have no stake in the
Slate's futur,e, and are in\efested in
upsetting 19<=ial and p o I i t i c a I ar·
rangements made b}r true Californians.
_'I'hese· people are
the decl.!iv·e margi-
" a I co111Stituency
which bas elected
GQ\lernor Reag,n,
and will pro}>ably
eled him .ag:a(n. In
a way, Reagan is one f\
of the 1roup him-I
They are the
aged Bible Belt
Protestants, the rich old Okies who coine
here from Oklaboma, N e b i a s k a ,
Arkansas, Tennessee, etc. Ora~e .county
grows at the rate of 173 .daui. fdost of
these are rlcb old Okie! who· brilg with
them their reactionary politics, and their
fear of almost everything that goes on in
California outside Orange county -with
the possible eiception of San Diego coun-
ty, where the dominant cultural and
political tone is set by retired admirals.
OLD AGE AND DEATH are two things
Americans fear to race. Death is almost
unmentionable, and old age is men-
tionable only if hoked -up mercileuly. The
Chinese may believe there is nothing
more beautiful in this world than a
healthy, wise old man. We do not, lhough
you wouldn't guess it from our writings
about age. tn b'ue Admass fashion, we
package old age as we would an ounce of
Perhaps the truest thing said of old age
was by that un,,entimental French cat.
General Charles de Gaulle. He said it was
And that great pbysician, Sir William
Osler, spoke or "the uselessness of men
above eo years of age, and the An--
calculable benefit it would be in com·
mercial, political and profeuional life If.
as a matter of course, me slapped \\--ork
at this qe."
RECEN11..Y. in the New Republic,
Douglas J . Stewart. an aAOCiate pro-
fessor of classics at Brandeis University,
and a nativa Californian. made an
t:minen~ sound, if rather startling wg·
gestion for California -and perhaps the
wh ole nation. •
He advocates that all persons lose the
vote at retirement or age 70, whichever is
earlier. "And most important., as the
lesson of California teache11 anyone Who
migrates to another slate. after qe SS.
should lose the vote forthwith."
Stewart argues that California faces
civil war, no less, j( we continue the
unlimited franchise, since there are
already too many senile voters.
;,The vote should not be a privilege in
perpetuity," he argues, "guaranteed by
minimal physical survival, bUt a share in
the continuing fate of the political com-
munity, both in its benefits and Its risks.
"The old, having no future, are
dangerously free from the conseq~es
of their own political acts, and il makes
no :sense to allow the vote to someone
who is acturially unlikely to illivlve
and pay the bills for , the politician m
party he may help la elect."
THE RICH OLD Okies (Stewart~ &:t
not quite call them that) movf:
California "not to rontribute to their ne'"
community but to extract its advantag e!.
"This they may do, bul tbey rnwt not
be allowed the additional privilege of
and undoing social and cultural ar-
rangements arrived at by long-term
residents who have Invested youth, work,
taxes and imagination in their aim-
rnunities. ;.I
··Above all, they must not be permit~
to help political mountebanb confiscate
other people's futures."
The people who came here arter the
war (lhere have been 33 percent ne-w '
resident.. added in the last dozen years 1 t
are heavily composed Of those for whom
Disneyland was built. and for whom UC
campuses are h::IU>eds or CommunJa:m,
and Doctors Rafferty and Hayakawa
saviors of the system, and Ronald ,.
Reagan almost Moaes himself. 1beJ.
have a filht to their antic views; but not~}
I think, la impme them on UI in their ~
age. Give CalUomia hick to tht Califcr
nians. :
Dear George: My Secret )
Dear George:
,My wife's best friend's bwblnd
has taken up with her and J am
wondering if she ahould tell hlm
about where I was when he wa;
stepping out on her? Or 1houl4'I
ftep It I 1eeret !
Dear W.W.:
Blab anything you w1nl to. If )'OU
talk like you wMte, nobody will
unde.rst.and you anyhow.
Dear George :
What Was the name of the
famous statl!sman who said that
he regretted he had but one "'hAt ! FORGETFUL
Dear Foraetful :
I believe )'Ou are thin.king Qr
-hl11 ·111111e" Is rlaht <1n the tip
o! my tongue; J know it as well
ai I do yours -l\'ho s1ld: "If
this be what. mike the most o(
what?" What was his name -
John R. What. In !act. Old ramlly
around &Ron . . . the Boston
\Vhats , • , came over on the
whatchamacalUL Jl
( Stnd your poibelmt to G«<J•:>'
Then you will eve,i havt problem;a.
•bout your !""blems.)
Wednesd~.October 7, 117fl"
Th• editorial paQC Of the Doilfl'i
Pilot ,,,q to iA/o""" and 1~
tdcht rf!adm by prt.smdno thia
newipaPfr'• opiniqJU and t~
mentorr on topics of inUrt1t
tmd 1ignificance, bL' J)rOOiding a
forum f<rr tht expreuicm of
our rtoders' opinioni, o.nd bt1
pr11enting tl1t dft1tr1t t.1ino-
point3 of informtd ob.strvtra
and 1poktl1l'l4!1\ on topica o/ Oit
Robert N. Weed. Publisher
. ;
I \
W....,, Octob<r 7, 1970
Juniors ·· Choose
San Diego Site
Junior-ctub-mcmbers-from-----fof"-9 ference.--So&lw'day,_ -~:..i
the OeAnza. Orange and San Oct. 10.
DiegO\disff!CfSWill gather_}n_ The lfi'°'em"'e~. ~c•·sen1>Y Mrs.
the rumaaa Inn, Sin Dlegti Gary Ratz1arf I Area ·o vice
'I riven tors'
president, will be Uniled We
Stand, Divided We Fall .
Registrations will be ac-
cepted during the 9 a.m. cof--· Jl'ff....., , .....
Los Angeles Home
...,4~mC;.;ategories art unlimited
vention, sponsored by the
Mystlck Krewe of Kon1us on
Saturday, Oct. 10.
fee hour and the first general
assembly will begin at 9:30.
~1orning workshops w i l 1
follow, directed by ~1 r s .
Rudolph Hollis, state dean of
·ddress1ng-the 1J00tt lun
cheon gathering will be t.1rs.
Thomas Chrlslen of Long
Beach, state ptesidenl.
, Here They Come
I Around the Turn
Mr. and J\trs. J ohn \Vayne, sponsors. and l\1rs.
Clement Htrsch , chairman, (right) Watch the fa r
turn in anticipation of a Day al the Races benefit
for the _Department o[ .PsycJ1iat_ry_and ··Hll1Tl.~!L~
havior at UCL Buses will leave from the Irvine
Newlywed Millers
Home • Glendale
Exchanging \'OW~ and rings
befoit: the Rev. t;Orman
Brown in Plymouth Cong'rega.
l.fonal Church, Newport Beach
were Duana uurgess and
J arrfes A. Mii?er of Glendale.
The ·bride is the daughter or
h-lr . and ?i.lrs. \V. Dewanc
Burgess or Irvine. P.arent.s or
lhe ~'ledict are Mr. and .s.
Brunson ~iiller ti Neeses.
Escorted to the altar by her
father, the bride asked 1'1rs.
Michael Bartlett to be matron
of honor. Bridesmaids were
1'tiss Andrea Graham, Miss
J udith Beale of Elkin, N.C.
and Mrs. James McConnell,
i;ister of the benedict.
The benedict was serve<! by
Ed Pitkanen as best man.
Seating guests were Russell
CQll.iD.s. Bill Wicks and David
Burgess, the bi-ide's brother. -
Coast Country Club on Saturday, Oct. 10, fo r the
Santa Anita Race Track. Reservations are available
at the College o{ Medicine by callin g 833-6416.
Tickets are Sl5 and include transportation. admis-
sion l ot.he c ubtiouse-patro~and"'a-buffet luncheon.
Faculty Wives
Small World Staged
Gathering for a brunch, the1ned It's a
Small \Vortd. are members of AFS and the
liuntington Beach FacTIIty \ViVes at 11 a.m.
on Saturday, Oct. 10. .
Mrs. Julio Garcia v.1ill open her 1-lunt-
lngton Beach home for the affair which the
two foreign exchange students will attend.
Ermelinda Manuel of the Philippines and
Geralde Souza of Brazil are attending hi gh
school this yea r. A member of the adult
chapter of AFS also will address the group.
Varied acti vities have been planned !or
the organization, beginning with a flower ar-
ranging demonstration on Nov. 17. Other
events include a progressive dinner. variety
show and dinne r and a-theater party in
Spring will bring a cosmetic party. Las
Vegas Night and a Night Out fo r the Gi rl/Y.
The Anaheim home of Dr.
and ~lr$. Thomas Coad has
been si:li?cted-as the con-
vention site beginning at 8:30
p.m. Assistlhg are Dr. and
Mrs. George Clinton .
Those with epicurean in-
tere1t.s will delight when the
roast beef entree wlth array of
choice cuisin~ is served at 9:30
p,m. and music-lovers \viii
dance to the sounds of the
A multit1,1de of zany in-
ventions have arrived at the
convention site including a
fishbowl that doubles as a
bright orange bathtub and a
robot to meet the guests.
Prizes wi ll be awarded the
one who builds a better
mousetrap or some other vital
Job's Daughters bethels 321
and 120 of Huntington Beach
gathered fo r a joint visil from
slate officials.
Honored queens V i c k y
McCargar and Debbie Ellis
presided over the meeting as
honorable membership
certificates and mo n e t a r y
gifts for an educational pro-
ject were given to the of-
A salad bar luncheon follow·
cd the meeting in the Hun-
tington Beach ~1 a s o n i c
. Islands
Torana Art Le a gue
members will gather a la
Gauguin tor a South Sea
Soiree.-from 4 LO.J O p.m. on
Saturday, Oct. to. -·-
Preceding the conference on
Friday, Oct. 9. stale officers
and chairmen will be honored
during a buffet dinner in the
El Cajon Women 's Clubhouse.
An infonnal reception will
follow at 8.
Launched on Saturday, Oct.
10, will be the second annual
Junior lnvolve1nent \Veek to
encourage women 18-35 to put
their talents. time and educa·
lion to work in a r e a s
benefiting their families and
More than 500 junior club
members will wear badges an-
hounclng the drive and signs
\Uld ·bumper stickers will be
distributed throughoq_t t 'h e
Anyone wishing infonnation
on a junior club may conta ct
their chamber of commerce or
call ~1rs. Mickey McDoMOugh
at 430--0857.
a mes
For Rites
Making their home in Los
Angeles are Larry Everett
\Vrighl and his bride, the
fonnj!r Pamela Kay Heydlaurr
who were married in St.
Scheduled November . Coast 1-fomemakers \\»i U
Dote S' .. e._t _____ .. ·--~:i~~;~·:~f~'s!~"--~ri~~;:
Oct. 9, 1n the Youth Center,
Soror ity ,
I •
Convenes .1
$20 to $60
Fully Hind Tied
.... "' '59" ... u,,,...__ ___ ~,_
'ric• iflcl11d1 t c11ltiflg I 1tyli119
UNSTYLID .•.. ·• ,. ,, • $49.tl
l . •
~ • • • • •
• -----1!
.... s, .• ,
100 Ollly
.... Sl.t 5
125 Oily
• ... S11.•S
21 0 0 .1.,
a.._ S1 7.t5
I S' O.ty
.... S21 .91
'' 0..1.,1
'2'5 1
'5" ' • s7ts 1
The new Mrs. Miller is a
graduate or Corona del ?o.1ar
High School and Orange Coast
College. She holds a BS degree in dental hygiene from the '----------------------'
. l\1r. and Mrs. Robert Bonney
of Santa Ana will open their
home for the cocktails and
burret affair in a Juau setting .
A fund·raising event for art
s(_:holarships to C h a p m a n
College and the Children's
\Vorkshop. the soiree is open
to the public at a $2.50 ad·
Corona de! ~1ar. ~· .... 18" FALLS
$32.95 SJ t .tS , .. , .. Nuptial ceremonie s In St. Fabric variations, fitting
J<lJlle& Episcopal Church. are and sewing will be sho~·n and'I J.---------
being planned by Candy Hetzel a garment completed by Mrs~
Autumn Vows
. SKOf l l'Ollt
ru E. 17tfl $1.
University of Southern
They will resick in Glendale.
Boot Look
A new concept in leg fashion
provides a way to achieve the
"boot look" coordinating feel,
legs and lo n g u et t es
harmoniously in comfort,
without ,actually we a r i n g
Inspired by the fashion
debut or the midi, Betty Cur-
ry's Bootery for Burlington
presents panty hose in colors
dyed to match fall and winter
shoe colors.
Growers Show Slides
On Rare Succulents
In Store
and John Celious Porter. ~ov. Betty Millar of Se\v·Knits WIG FALLS
2.8 is the date selected. Shop: Costa ~1esa. ~e demon·
News of the forthcoming ~~~~~~keorspen ~oil ibentere~ted :;:,-,, .•..•. , , $42. 95
event wa s announced during a .. . · "'.1 g1ven').---------garden party given by the dur1ngJb_e_meetmg-fro m 9:30 1,
b .d 1 l' M a.m. tot p.m. ·24" FALLS
A program on Cacti and
Succulents presented b y
Charles Glass and Bob Foster
of Abbey Garden, Reseda, wi ll
entertain members o[ the
Lagu na Beach Garden Club
with slides and p I a n l
specimens on Friday, Oct. 9.
The presentalion given by
the importers and growers of
rare succulents will begin at
1:30 p.m. in the Laguna Beach
Woman 's Club.
Seven new members will be
honored during the meeting !n·
eluding lhe Mmes. Robert E. A surprise fashion show
'Vilkins Jr., H. B. Wild, James followed by refreshments wi ll
H. Piefer, M. D. Muller, entertain members of the
Howa rd C. Judson J r .. Jack 8, Orange Coasl B'nai B'rith
Burt and r..t. K. Boney. \Yomen Chapter 12.10 when
r1 e-e ec s paren~s, r. and A report on the Orange
M:s. Robert_ Srmth Hetzel. c 0 u n t y Fair, emphasizing
Miss Hetzel IS a g~aduate or pariicipation in the home
Newport Harbor H~gh ~hool ecOnomi cs and h obbies
and aUends the Un1vers1ty of division wi ll be given by Mrs.
Texa~. , Robert F. Cox and Mrs.
Her fi ancc, son of Mr. and Donald A. Barne~.
Mrs. John Cellous Porter or
Austin, is an alumnus of
Robert E. Lee IUgh School,
Austin anCI now is a senior at
Secretari es
theUorT. Hostesses for tea will be they meet at 8 p.m. tomorrow htrs. Reginald Ketteringham in the Fountain Valley home At 6:30 p.m. every second
assisted by ~1iss Hester of Mrs. Jack Abbit. Thursday women of Bahia
Arthurs and the ~1mes. B. C. No admission will be charg-C h a p l e r o f N a t I o n a I
Clanton, Dales D u n bar . ed, and additional lnfonnatlon Po rki ng Lot Secretaries' As s 0 e i at i 0 n
Charles Burnett and David may be obtained from ~frs. International assemble in dif.
$52.95 ....
,,5.00 ••••••••
250 E. 17th Si:REET
Daily Till 5:30
Thul'!!. & Fri. Till 8;00
Thomas. Abbit, 847·2178, or t.trs. Alan Q fl fcrent locations to attend
Reservatlons are be ing Steinberg, 962-5268. · Ver OW ing meetings. Mrs. Lloyd Fleming 548 il)jjj!
Fall Fashion
Syd"'" Orn1rt i1 ont of Hit
world'1 9r11t 11trolog1rt. Hi1
colut.i11 i1 ont of th• OAIL'f
PI LOT'S cir11t f11 tur11,
·Centenn ial
Fash ions
taken by Mrs. M. B. Tilt, 499"" at 673-&360 may be telephoned -.JltlfV
1929. for a bus trip to Balboa " F.dlson Company's parking-~for~a~d~d~it~io~n~al~i~n~fo~rm~a~Uo~n'.:.·-~~~~~~~~~~~··
Park in San Diego on Thurs· Ei:n blem Club lot will overflow with a variety
~ to bring mt u:citeM't ·o;....:...· •
.~nelian food, drink Ind !".
1tmoeph•,. to the M11lnland, for t
l:unch tnd Dinner. • .. ~.
ht H...,WC*I 1727 N. Mee.dden l'I. • 419·3961
lftC....o.I Mw
, 3101 E. Co1fl Hy. r 67S-0900
'" Palm Springs -Ofnn1t O..tv 1M)t N. l'tllll °'1Vo" D<. 1 325·2011 '°""' Ga. 1-.... 311
'" ...... del ftey 13530 .... w., • 123-5435
, ' _.,. ;;
day. Oct. 22. Reservation of goods when Huntington
deadline is Friday, Oct. 16. Thi Elb Lodge is the set· Beach ?\-1rs.,Jaycees sell .nim·
Portraying how women look·
ed a hundred years ago will be
members of the Westminster
Woman's Club who will ride in
a !912 Model T Ford during
the clty·s centennial ~arade
Saturday, Oct. 10.
A second October event will ting for meetings of the mage on Saturday, Oct. 10.
be a Halloween bridge . Jun· Emblem Club 201 of Laguna The event will take place
cheon at noon on Thu rsday, Beach. Members gather the from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the
\Jct. 29, in the clubhouse. firs t and third Tuesday& at a lot located at First and Main
Those interested are invited to p.m. streets. place reservations with Mrs.•-'--------------------
Final plans will be an·
nounced when the organization
m~ets tomorrow at 7:30 p.m.
in the civic center according
to Mrs. John McShane, presi-
lrvlng West wood. 499-2639, or
Mrs. J. Wifllam Deva ney, 494-
5036. be.fore Tuesday, Oct. 27.
Da nce Clu b
Mrs. W. H. Sweet will The first. third and liflh
present a program about Fridays of the month are the
nutrition and vitamins, and dance dates selected by Lace
Mrs. Waner Conners and Mrs. •n Leather Square Dance Club
Edwin Ale1ander1 refreshme1t members. The music st.arts at
c~~en, will setYc Scan-8 p.m. on the Recreation
cHnav1an desserts. Mrs. R. E. Center. Huntington Beach.
Pace is in charge of the ph~ li;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ... !
drawing. YOGA is . Women 1n the Weslm"1str.r
t1rca are welcome lo visil thc l
club or call Mrs. ~o. Shaw,
membership chairman, 893-
3149. 1 =---
. . .
Co,.ky C,.a~;; al L4e
fi_ave ~ou been
in f alef'I . • . ?
'h PRICE WITH THIS AD lO!t.r IJ-'"' l•U.Jtl
,,, .... ,.
l ·tvoillt a., IC.111'•t & &ll1f1H
ti, I . 11"1 11.
ltllr I
------------------------! WOMD • LM• I.,._, 111..-S. J Wtelt ... c..-... & I MIM ·UM S IHIM• elf we kt,,...._,_.,.,. hit .... L I ------------------------.,,.,.. .................... ,,.....,_. .... ,~ :: ===.::~ ::::=.::..-;-..... '" ...... ,,.. ..... _,.
..... 1tt...1tyfm.,.w4 ·C ........ JtN.Wt"",........
Visit O•r Dt MHStl'lltioa 100111,
Try It A11• Set For Tffntlf
lff Direct • Sne Silts c .. •lssiol •
FREE! 100% HUMAN HAIR WIG • '"a n11tt1• -GIR CERTIFICATF tlu 1111 l\tl tile ,1rcw 11111 1..telSlf
... Uiileri& ... ··~9l~!ff..~~U.£!!~·
2U1 W. ll NCOU AYE., ANAHEIM • PH. 12 1-5111
.. .......... '•"""'iiim'iii·'' ~-~ .......... ...
lf -~ILY Pl~OT H
t1111tor'1 Mtt•: ,. .,... Wn11H 1o 8eNer' and William Suter. I.I in proareu unUI 1'riday, anackr and doub1t lunch ,_11111 VtJlty, HunllNIOll lta</I, 1.. 0c. .. 11 v11w. u a1 111c11 1r11 JlEPOR.TS: Executive board Oct. 11, accordinc Jo, Mn. • periods. O!~ton lnlroduced .,,..t!ftl,.... lcl'lool D!llrltl ••re111·
tMcMt trW111111e111 wl!I , ... ,, 11111>e met yeslerd1y In Mar.ina Darwln Zirbel, cha.Jr.man... by Judy Unduy w.e rt DAILY I'll.OT Md! wffic , 111form1Uon -+--~-....._ .. _~-iw-M~1h-5C:hoot.-------:rheme-of-driv.-ls-Join.,..lha_1tu®n11 awn Re>'.!!:Qlds,
T1t11'11bull, M'l M•111rum OrJ\tl, H~ll·
t11191o,,_s~1c11 bv J , ...... Tll~r"N•v 1or ~hive ·of Activity. Bee Karen Candeldrta, Larry
ltllbnc111on WiiiiwM11r.1 9-:"":""± ::;:r==tir;T""--W = usnar.g-.r-1 v _ ~~long to ti!• Jo~n Jl!itierser. K U h yfloll·
Secondary M'1. GlanOI GonUlll Eader PTA. P.rl" ~Ill be man .. Amy Splclwd, Mary
Counc:il PT A President awarded LO the claaa ln each Summtls and 1 LI n d a
COMING UP: Candy ·stripe graC!t live! attAlnlng -the Reynolds ;· faculty members, ~ ' Mn.. s.tn~u(ll . 'ftlbt• Capers carnlval wlll be hl'""est membership enroll· Ken Ammann and Peter ,, President •" u presented Saturday, Oct. 10, ment. Furtfler lnformaUon Bunte , and pr t n c I pa I
COMING UP: Aect;nt on Cur· from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. can be Obtained by Con--Ernest Pucoe. PalCOt re-
~lum wil l theme ~ling REPORTS : PTO ho• t e d 1actln1 Mra: Zirbel at ~ quested. volunieers to serve
1t t :IO a.m. Tuesday. Oct. Superintendent Patent Co:..in-6575 ..• Bowling le ague of-as block workers In the
10, tn the Hunti ngton Beach ct! ~etlng in Tamura fictrs are the Mme,,. Robert forthcoming eleetion and in·
Hilb-School .faci.!lty dining School today ... Executive 1 Arthur, president ; J a ck nounced that parents would ~--board-mel-.lasl-Mtmday.•--'Paressley._v.1ce_Jlttllck.Dt1 invited to visit the achool
room. presenlffil'Efilson, Twenty-four member.; are Ben Aloe, secretary. . . . Community Unity ls
•' '· 1'ountailt Viuty, J:luntlngton participaUng In PTO bowl· theme of the year'• pro-.8each 1 Marin a and rd M Welltmthltefl<hlgh schools in Ing league meeting in Hun· Ed is on PTSA grams. acco in' to rs.
tington Lanes. Fred HodgtNI, p r o I r a m the. diacUISlon will be prin· BID Burnett chainnan ..• Penoftal con-
• cipal11 Er.est .eascoe, Dr. Eoder PTA President tactlng ol mort than soo P1ul ierg_er, W a o d.r ow COMING UP: Plans are under Sm.lib, Glf:n n .. sin'ger and Mrs. Charles Reeve1 way for the an nu a I famllit• dur:in1 the summer u1 ,.. has resulted In lncreaed F.wen 'O)ri!temeri as well President ' membership d r I v e , nc-enrollment In Pi'sA.
, ail,-P'I'..A anji PT SA COMING UP: Executi v e cording to Mn. Marvin
'pralidtda Bill Bumstt,.and _board_ will meet at 9 a.m. Ka_g@!);.
tht. Mmes. Rudo!Ph La Tuesday, Oct. 13. ·. REPORTS: Starvation was ti· FV Ele. PTO
Bl~ Joe Murllz. Sylvan REPORTS: Membership drive Ue of a recent dtblle on .---~ . Mra. Walter T11e
Drawing Arm Limbered Up ·
While Mrs. Scribbles limbers·up her dr1.-wtn·rarm ror Bushard Schoot1s-P1'0
Carnival, Laurie .Conrad (left) is fascin~ted with ~her J>Ompon buttons. Mrs.
Scribbles (Miss Linda Dunham) will be delighting-children durinK the Candy
Stripe Capers taking place Saturday, Oct. 10.
COMING UP : Memberohlp
drlvt will end Frld1y, Oct.
11. and trophies and awards
will be presented at back-t.o-
school night Wednud1y,
Oct. 21, in the muJt.lpurpose
room ... Mrs. James
Pemberton, library aidfs
chainnan, and Mrs. WUllam
Trulkoakl, parent a I d t •
cbainnan, will serve as
hmleases at open house
Monday, Oct. IZ, from 7:30
to 9:30 p.m. in the Foontain
Valley School District cur-
riculum J'l\&terials center
.•. Sc ho o I identification
bracelets nnd necklaces will.
he sold thia month~ Mrs.
Donakt Blakely 11 In charge
. of the projed.
REPORTS : Officers eerving
tht bowlln& league, entitled
Mornln& Glorlu, are the
Mmes. Robert Halliwlll,
president : Louis COiier, vice
presiden·t . Ind Roy
Rlchards, !eer!!W'y . . .
PTO has purchaaed 1 tape
deck for the 1Chool music
d<Jpartrnent ... More then
400 parents and student• at-
tended a poUuck diMer last
Saturday to launch the an·
nual membership d r ~ v e •
School staff and PTO board
members were introduced,
and Mrs. Walter Tate, presi·
dent, preM:nted a ~ going·
away gift to Waldo Price,
principal . ;Joseph Spaulding
was introduced by Price as
the new school principal.
Mrs. Jahn Teeter !trved as
dinner chairman. and Mrs.
Don ·McGee 111 dlrect1n1 th~
membership drive ... Of·
ficera and chairmen serving
PTO are the Mmes. Tete.
president: Blakely a n d
C·h a r I e 1 Ryan, vice
presidents ; Lee Edw1rds,
secretary; Richard Uhler,
trta!lllrer; Dale Stu tr d ,
auditor; Richard Frtb;ler.
dean of chalnnen: Donald
Borchardt . bldck mothm ;
Donald Taylor. book club ; J.
Sure Hit Scared During Karnival
AlmlnJ to win an armful ol prizes during McDowen
School '• Kamlval Kepela ls Gary KowaJoslt l (left)
and Cheering him on Is M"· Sonlord Lovitt, cbair-
m&Jl 61 the event ~l~ll sponsortd by the school's
PTO. Proceeds from the carnival. taklna pl ace be•
tween IO a .m. and 3 p.m. Seturday, Oct. 10, will be
uHd for apecl•I purchases for the achoo!:
Scheclu led
Surf's Up and Winners Plan a
A p~.Q {east for the rOQIJl with the most ne)V _ll}em-_
hers will be the prize offered during Perry School
PTO's month long membership drive taking placa.
Scott Fawcett, comm"unitY
res:iu rces; John Lauach,
f!owers and gift!!: Michtel
Van Doren. health and safe-
ty; Donald Ormand,
historian; Teeter, hospitali·
ty ; Jerry Burton . learning ·
center aide.a ; T h o m a s
F!owerday. news et t e :
Robert Weikart , room
representativu; Ron a Id
Wilt, weUare, and William
Burbank. yoo th activities.
. Fulton PTO
Mrs. Robert Welcb
COMING UP: PTO parents of
seventh and eighth traders
will attend a meeting con·
ce mln1 the middle school
profl'am et 7:30 p.m. Tues-
clay. Oct. 13, In the
multimedia room. Program
will be explained and ques·
tions answered by faculty
members Rodi Johns on,
Greg Gann, C a r I Cun·
ningham a.nd the Mmes.
Dennis Bird, R. T. l:farney
t nd R. J. Gibso n ... Vision
screening for students in
first, thi rd , fifth and seventh
grades as well as specia l
education classes will be
c:>nducted Thur9day and
Friday, Oct. 15 and II, and
Monday, Oct. 19. Mrs. John
Sullivan , health and welfare
chairman is In charge ... A
youth bowling league for
sixth, seventh and eighth
grade studen ts will meet
Thursd1y afternoons ifi1 Hun·
Un1ton Lane!.
REPORTS : Chairmen rati!l!d
at board meetin11s are the
Mmes. Kent CI am pl t t,
health and welfare ; Louis
Krieger, teacher I I d e s ;
Marvin Mosby. WI)'! and
means, and Larry Carroll,
historian . . . Serving as
library aides are the Mmes.
Edwin Seymour, William
Beverly, Cunniflaham, Don
Lucu. · Herbert Yomogida ,
David Vasquez and
Lange. PTo members staff
the tehool Ubrary weekd1ys,
except Thursdays, from 3 to
4 p.m. , •. Serving as cur·
r\culum materials center
workers are the Mmes.
Robert Chew . Anthon y
Plroul, Donald Northway,
John Dawdy, Ri ch ard
Ballard. Clampitt, Larry
Anderson, Darryl B u c k ,
G~spare Correo and Ken-
neth Kiehm . . . Trees for
school beautification will ~
purchased wl tti balance of
money earned by PTO and
eighth graders from ice
cream sales , , . Procee~s of
curtt:nt membership drive
will be earmarked f o r
educ ational equipment.
Gisler PTO
Mr1. Ad r.m Kis•
COMING UP : School carnival .
wlll take place Saturday,
Oct. 17.
P.POR't'S: Ice crc:im is s:i'd
c:al:y during lht lunch hcur,
according to Mrs. L"uls
KMchesky , ch a I rm an,
Valunletrs Ire needed. Ad·
diUonal Information c:in t~
obtalntd by cont111::t1°'i Mrs.
Krlcllelky IL IU-tlll , , ,
Bridge group is -meeting
under the direction of Mrs.
John Rife Bowling
l.eague meets each Fri~ay at
9 a.m. Jn Kona L3nes. Mrs.
Clifford Langnam • is In
Goldenwest PT A
Mr1. A)an Taylor
COMING UP: Pla111 for a
rummage and bake sale will
be discussed at b o a rd
meetin1 Monda y, Oct. 12, at
7:3-0 p.m.,tn the teachers'
lounge. Mrs. Joseph Borsuk
and Miss Fay Fryberger,
principal, will host the
me!tlng ... Rummage and
bake sale will be presented
Saturday, Oct. 17, from 10
a.m. to 3 J)lm. on the
Harbour Vw. PTO
Mn. Dick Nerio
COMING UP: Kic k -o ff
Ka.rnival will be presented
Saturday. Oct. 17, from 11
a.m. to 4 p.m. Featured will
be game booth!!, a cake
walk. fortune teller and a
clown. Priu will be awarded
the child purchasing the
mast pmale tic kets, ac-
cording to Mrs. Wllll3m
Osgood. ways and mea ns
REPORTS : Members at-
tended two back·to-sch'lOI
nig ht programs recently.
The first meeting Included
parents of seventh snd
eighth graders; the second
waa Planned for p11rents of
!tudlfnls from kindergarten
~gh lixlh grade•.
Hospitality comm It tee,
headed by Mrs. D o n
Berllner, hosted both even-
ings! During the meetings,
Mrs '. Ralph Bauer. mem-
bership chairman. l11unchcd
the f an n u a I me.uiJ>ership
drlvt. ;
Harper PTA 1 Mrs. Jloter Belfel
. President'
COMiNG UP : Rooln mothers wtll meet at 9:30 1.m. Tues-
daf, Oct. 13, in the com·
mun tty center.
RSPORTS : Membership drive
Is Jn progress µntil Friday,
0ci. 16 ... PTA handbrx>k wiD be distributed th l!
month. according lo Mrs.
George Crosby. newsette
chairman . . . New Direc-
tions for Fou ntain Valley
Schools-was topic at unit
mettina dl!cuased b)'
Supe.rlntend.~rit Mike Brick
and other.. dlllll'ict peminnel
: . . Cla~s p.artleS were
discuutd at a tea for room
mothers presented by Mra.
Ce:>rgt Buhler and h:r
assistants. Also dlsctWed
was a teacher aide program
L'I which paren~ will aulsl
In the clt1ssroom ind In
m~'dn~ te".\chtng a I d s .
Refrcthmcnta e.rvc~
b ' flfrs. St1rf'.l!'J Sn""i .
h spiLrllf,y chairman, anti
M.r!. r:.:chard B::nedlc~.
l·:oycl·o PTA
~:r1. ··,y l'':tl'owcr
Prt1Jden• _
at:PORTS: Procritm or four
' _ untILEriday, Oct. 23. Carrying out the theme Surf's
Up wlth a beach picnic are (lef~Slie
"Brown, chairman; Linda Brown and Tommy North .
films wa~ Presented recently
f;r students. Assisting v"ith
the event and the sale of
refreshment.I were t h e
Mmes. EdW!n Kraus. Ray
Hightower. Gerry Newk:rk,
Harry GregoJy , ~b
l?atlaon, Jim Mc C ra 1 e y.
John Jobson and Staff'Jrd
McDowell PTO
Mrt. James Ackley
COMING UP : Tea for room
mothera will be presented in
the home <Jf Mrs. Donald
Deeley ... Executive board
will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tues-
day. Oct. 20, in the home of
Mrs. Harry Rosenberg ; , .
Karnlvsl Kaper• will be
presented Saturday, Oct. 10,
from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at
school. Scout troops will sell
hot dogs and Cokes and re.
teln their profits. All other
proceeds will be used for
PTO projects.
REPORTS : Volunteers met
today in the dlstrlct office t:>
make teaching aida, ac-
cording to Mrs. Jame'i
Johnson ... PTO donated
fSO tii the school district to
purchase trophies an d rib-
bons for studen t com·
peUlions Mrs. Paul
Mock reports that t h e
membership drive will end
\,Friday. Oct. 9. First prize nf
SIO and second prize of ~5
will be presented to winning
classes in primary and up-
per grade levels. Attendance
banner and cash prize were
awarded to Mrs. Dona ld
\Vada 's class f"Jr' lh! best
parent attendance at general
Mesa Vie w PT A
Don MaeAlllster
COMJNG UP: PTA Invites the
public to 1ttend a series of
nine programs based on the
theme the Well-Rounded
Child. Programs will be
presented at unit meetings
and Ire planned to asslst
parents and teaches ln giv·
Ing children a ba lanced pic-
ture of school, community
and the world.
Oak View PTA
Mra. Edwt11 S'manls
COMING UP: E 1.e cul iv e
bo1rd will meet at 9 a.m.
Monday, Oct. 12 ... Blast
Off will be theme of first
unit meeting of the year
Tutlday, Oct. 20, at 7:30
p.m. Parenti will vi.sit the
claurooms, ind awards will
be preet.'lltd to winners or
IM . carnlval poster COlltest
and mc:mb:r.:hlp drlvt.
n-r.:PORTS : PTA Yoluntt!r
~acher aide pro;p-am is
bein1 too:dlnated by Pifrs.
Stc,.hci Andrade, h o m e·
schocl liaison, assisted by
fl.tr!. Er r! Appleby, malr."il!
11lde1 ch rirm Rn, ir·-i Mrs.
Pe:1•I Sehllpf, I I b r a r y
c''l"-1.rmon ... ~,.,,, tlt!c o.f
PT.\ r~";·::'h! 1-: T'.1~ Or:l1'er
rccor~ln1 to D1vld P;ite,
l"hDiMTl"ll . . , ~';'O blC~ r ''lfn the district Ub,.ary
"·•·!'! p~~ct!r~e 1 by Mrs.
Scl\llpl and-Mu. Ed"}n
-Simanis for use in schoiir ::-7
Mrs. John Cox , room mother
chairman, repo;rts r oo m
_mothers._ ha.ve been named
f:ir all clas£es .•. Members
joining Mrs. Joseph Van
Buren~ council president. at
the district PTA luncheon
were the Mmes. Thomas
Pegl er; Simanls and Edward
~1uraski • • PTA has
Oonated decorations to the
library f:ir a student reading
S11quoia PTA
Mn. James Blaser
COMING UP : Spook house
wlll be highlight 0 r
Halloween carnival schedul-
ed Saturday, Oct. 17, at ·to
a.m. in school. Alao featured
will be games and a wbJte
elephant booth.
R E P 0 R T S : Back-to-school
night was presented ln con-
junction with unit meeting.
H'osUng was Mrs. L. -J .
Matheny. ho! pl t a It ty
Wardlow PTO
Mn. Je11 Carraui
COMING UP: Membership
drive will take place from
Monday, Oct. 12;-'to Friday,
Oct. 23 ... Back-to-school
night is scheduled at 7 p.m.
Wei:inesday, Oct. 14, in
school ... Preparations ;ire
under way for a talent show
entitled "Them Were the
Good Old Days." Parents
and teachers are needed to
serve as per formers,
seamstresses and s t a g e
ha~. Further information
can be obtained by eon-
tactinJ{ Mrs . .CSrl Bode 1t
REPORTS: Budget was
discussed at a meeting last
Thursda y 1ttendcd by the
Mmes. Jess Carranza, Bode,
Don Whan and ftob:ert
Wyman, unit orflcers , anil
James Macon. principal .•
ExecuUve board met lad
.J Monday in school : .. Talenl
show dancers met for an UH
itfal rehearsal. '.'fr
Tem!)le University wlU iiJ
trodl.!.ce a cour1e on women l
the fir.;t Urue out.£1de of ti.
S::hool of "fedicine.
Dr. Leonard Swidler, prb-
fessor of rtllglon. Pid lht
course, "Women In Religlollf'.
Theory and Practice," will
analyie ~lglon ha1
pf~ycd In shR:>lng tht lfM&et.
cf women In soe!lcty.
":'-:el~y orlglnolly fonned,
1he rule'I'. of tho 1uperlorlt1 of'
m~n and lnftrlorlty of WorMtl
rn:! re!tg!on Is one of thi
thin"$ th ~~ reinforce aocielJ,•
Swldlet llld. -
' .
' i
f •
_1 I
, ,
' . L
., ..
• yot:. \~3 NO. 240, 5 SECTIONS, 64 llA&ES
fi t --
-' <,
Edison ColliBUtes
fjack Valley
.·: I
ot no-~u, P'llft 111ff
-.•. ttj ....;_,e. . .. . .. . -. = '~-="""~~
f of -Lighting l1roject
manner which meela 'all FAA criteria and
we do not believe that they pose any pr<>-
~ 01P.1:~dia';l~of us::::·
taUve wrOte --~ --
Milli. conllnnod that he had asked
Edilon for some estimate3, commenting,
"I can't imagine the expenae. would be
ln Ill r~ to the council, Uie airport
committee beaded by Robert E •
Dingwall, a printer and pre'sident of the
HOME Councll, blamed the city, the utili-
ty cOmPJnle.s.. and ~ airport operator
John Turner for the pr'bblema at
The ,.port hit "the grou lack of. pl ...
niD1 .., the part ol the qty er HWJllnllnt '
Dliicwall told the cooncil thal the pl11>
ning errors which allowed homes 'and
apartments to be built near Meadowlark
went back 10 years. He said the officials
concerned were no longer with the city
and praised the present planning depart-
The city council endorsed a committee.
recoDUJlendal.ion that i: model airport
..,. lllould be developed !or futuro -
hy the .city. ~all said uiat the EdlaQa compdy
uWity poles both north and -.af Ibo
airport and hit the company for erectinC
the poles In "dkect alignment" with 1111
· ruriway. ,
Dingwall uid that the airport operal<r
had built the controversial rumniy a··
tension without provldin41: proper obstruc-
tion lighting and a blut fence t.o keep
nolae ~ dust down.
Truce Call Looins
Nixon Readies-1¥ationwide~Address..,.,
WAs'IIlNGTON (AP) -President Nix-foreign minister to brief him on the _NII.
en today put·flnishing touches on bis ma· on address. Other consultations were held
jor Vietnam speech, which is e1pecl.ed. to Yesterday In the capitals or inte~
call, amcn1 other things, for a cease-fire goVemments,. U.S. diplomats aald. ·
or a combination of various items almed
at breakiilg the l•ngthenJni deadlock at
Pans.' :
City councilmen Tuesday night threw
Uteir support behind Fountain Valley
ruident.s who are trying to switch their
tlr--drildren from the~Garden Grove Unified--
SCboot· District to the Fountain Valley
8cQool District.
and renewed effOrts to free prisOntrs of Nixon Set elaborate plans to brlef ~
war. ~nlr:essmen, the Cabinet and diplomats
TheY-r.esJdeDL.w.u_Al.s.o___und..ersU>od to ahnd of hiJ scheduled ~~minute addrell
be aiming at having the grourid offensive to be canied live on raJo· and televl1ion.
.role cf U.S. forces in._Vietnam virtually But tbe White House.rernalneit:mum on.
ended bf the middle Of ne1t year. · What 'nl!:w offer 'negotlatpr David K: "E.
There wu talk, too, that Nixon might
unveU-1 -speectup-in-tJ.S. tr• op
withdrawals beyoo~ ,the ~hie }II •el
lasi ~i>Jil ,At thal. t!Ji\f be ~ another 150,000-men wc:iuld be brought
home fiom Vietnam bf-neit May; fD.
eluding I0,000 by Ocl: is.
~ I
"It has alviays been our desire to see
the'.",Kbool ~ndaries and city boundar.
ma&:b. It would tie to our best interest to
bave one community," tJ:J. former school.~ me~r,
Four J!tlilioos ~ cu.mnt1Y. circulating
in thl northern parts of the city. aa
~dents there attempt to force a boon· ~ change which would give the area
around Los A~gos High..Scbool In the
Fountain Y.alley School Dwict. _ _
-One m;;;:1 of the area. ~ ~ultz, op~ the move before tbe 'city, ......,II,
:"We find advantages in th, Garden
Grove1Scbool_P:strict we WCIUld not find
I# FoW>laln Y'11ey," be uid. ~ preler ~ Gruye/• aystem ol juillor hlgb
$hoo1sf• - -~ - -
-·.James Ben~ett, l&OB!t Shasta st., leader
tf the petit,lon 'drive, refuted his con·
tention. "n'e Fountain Vallef di strict •f·
lers a bell.tr education and a chance te
Jdeotifl-th the community."
· "We 't like having our children___
bused Garden Grove schools," Bennett
added.1 •
~The .t>oundary switch, if aiJl>roved by
the Orange County Board of Education,
would inVolve 2.1 square miles and an
esUmated 1,225 tlementary 1 c b '• I
"' Ope area_seeking annexation to the
:F~tain Valley School District is on the
eaft side of Mile Square. It is bounded by
Edinger Avenue and Lilac Street on the
north, Harbor Boulevard and the Santa
Ana River on the east. Talbert Avenue en
tHe south and Euclid Slreet on lhe west.
'Ibis area includes the "remaining
~ge of the city proposed for in·
duftrl~l development anf:1 the 1.ody's
1hqpp1ng center. -
A smaller area west of Mile Squan in
Oie area of •Edinger Avenue and
Brooklnirst Street is also seeking a
nnltch from the Garden Grove district
to the Fountain Valley School District. · The ·proposed areas include l'..os Amigos
lfi&b ScOOol and Monroe and Allan
elementary schools, plu.s several pro-
poRd school si~.
·"We've been circulating petiUons a lit-
tle more than a week now," Bennett said.
"We are receiving about 60 percent rup.
port from those we've cont.acted. Before
we finish we plan to talk to every
·registered voter in the area ."
Before the county boa.rd of education
Will consider tht petition, it mwt have
(llee ANNEX, Pqe Z)
Nqon called today for a total ban on
d1noQt o( poison gases, other toUc
mAterialJ as well aa trash in the ocean.
"MAn does nol treat the oceans well, ..
Ntxen said in a me.uage to Congress:
"HeJ hu aMUmed that lhtir capacity to
ab*'t> waif.es Is Infinite, and evide~ Is no. iccumulatln& on the damage that be hut Clu.ed. It
'lbe President uld be WOllld ._..
men! leglllaUon In atop U.S. Ult ct the
....... dumping .,ouncll, with bnpes this
,.Ja be followed by InlernaUonal agree.
-along the 1ame llnfl.
• Th Praldent -Congr<ss a ff.page ~ by the Envbonzuentat Quality ~ ll'hldMlelailed damage calllid by
ocelib dumi>lni and a~ a aerlu of
ltrld rules to pre.serve the seas.
0~ • endorse the counctl'1 recom-
mendatlona and will oubmlt specific
leglal1t.lv1 propoaal.s to implement thtm
Nixon will deliver his addr..r;;ss to fhe na· Bruce Will tiy on the bargaining table at
tl'On at fl p.m. PDT tonight _and-a· new Thur$y111'weeklrme:tfing'!n Puil wtt.b
U.S. peace proposal is to bt_presented.at __Nru:tb.:.\'ietnamese arui_Viet.Cona: eovoys.
-the--Pari1 confertnce wltb enemy envoys 'Ibere wu 1peetl!atiqn NIJ:On ·might
en 'Ibunday. _ _ propose a cease-fire,_ or a Geneva-type
Si!cret&ry •of State .William P. Rogers multination cmference en 8"utbeUt
bad-an. afternoon date With tbe Thai Alia, ar special tatu on prl10Ders of war , I , •
Th'e ·adtnbUitrat!on has been expected
to maie ·a mon•cn the "'Vletn!m. -peace
fr.ont-before-out-monlb'1 electlo111 • .Nlx·
on, however. t.Old neWalnen. Tutiiay •·we
do not Consider this to be a props1anda
gimmick. We .are not uytne it simply for
the rocord.
$.._elaa• e s.1~ ~-.'·:~ .,,':.. · . ~; . ~., J0fu. -~o-~-ht
I • ._4( •;• • ~ ·~·l ff :~ p . .. ...., • r/r. .... ~. --• -·---· -.....,._ __ _
. ·:iN,ljelemf-: -.,fli:~:e.m~ 11;:.. Spic~
~ . ~ rr-' -~l'..rtl.!I,'..!!~!J1""!
M(. SHEkWbqDh'SoN JULIAN 'PONDE~··.POOt .!>,~ANS ..
• .<\ftor· f .oux Pos.-Clty Offlclal1 I:tavo ,Cho ... of ·Heart
Callt3d : ~N 6t -Diingi3r.ou8~.. Une~~y~d.
· · An appeal In .the InduJtr\u of Orange
' ' , B7 JOHN VAL TERZA PIP'!' and other pf~ of tru!> con-
-=--Po~t .... Gets.··~o:K
' , '
ot•lflt D-11, Puuit ,,.,. tamlnated through work Jn lhe retdor
The 1tate'1 chief health pbyslci!l areaa , are packaged under · ,apeet11.I
revealed at San Clemente today that a cln::wn1tpeei: and taken to dispoul 1lte1
radioactive material ~wn-as "triUwn'-' -~t:tppmed crewl, ~
•f>Pt!artd in unpredicted amounts In "qt;e ~ve gases p r o d a c e d ' . ~ . . ' . . ... . . . . " ' ,_ discbarcu from U!e existing San Onolre tliroUib the Mlf-contalned, reactor cqollng Planners ,All. Wet ·in Zone ·M~hap nuclear reactor. • • · · .p<em~ .,oeartJ explained,, would ·be
Arnau C. CornJah llreued , that the alorod mlder · COl!lpression in · larllm lor
. 1'1 Imm NIED'zm.m cft 11M o.t1r Pl .. Steff
~~ -
Hui,tils.gto.q Beach p I a n n I n g com-
missioners took the IJ'lunge Tuesday night ' . ' by allowing their f:irSt zoning variance for
a front-yard-pool.
But their iction also got the clty' lll.i of
a big hole. · I'
The bole ~~s actually been exfsting In
the lawn. of Mr. and Mr1. Heather
Sherwood, 10234 OJtty Sark Drive, since
Aug. 17 f.ben ~· SheriNoods bega&'· ex·
cavation forJ a·i>oo.t lifter receiving' illll
permlsS!on by the' city building depart·
menl ......
One. day alter the gaping 30 by_ ;fO foot
pit ... waS dug, they were infOr!ned,
however, tbat the pennlt had been
granted in error. Th& diltaoce· from the
pool fence le the 1ldew.,ik limply wasn't
1be city said il would be a)ad to cover
up ill mistake bf fill~ in the bole at no
-· But .(hey Slieriroodl, who \ had already invlstt'd· tl,1:11 in the projedt
Juml!O'!.nff lhe,daep ell!f.in .ie,,palr.
They' etti.,,r •anlri thelr"pool or the
moner·they'd ilunk !nfo·:tt aoo bepn a
IDOllllHoog water.fieht with City hall that
' ' '
. .
ended ·up in-the comtrfissim chambers
~Y-"-.---., -_____.... -----------ibe Boan! of Zoning Adjustmenla had
earlier turned OOwn the Sher'fODds' re-
quest fOr a vilriance oo the &rounds µi.t
it. would create a precedent for et.bera
wanting to splash around 10 tbe1t front
yard. -.
'The SherwoOOs' aUomey,. 'M-1·c·b a e I
Mead, implore;d the commlssion1f/J"grant
a variance Oi' be wotild .eek "alternative
Assistant City A'ttomey:. Lu an n t
Marshall told the commJsslon,that they
were within their poftrs to grant the
variance because ll\&I hardship to the
SherwO()ds ijlat was ;not self·infllcted.. ,
Mead agreed. ' ' ', ·
"These people h~Ve relied in gOod riith
on the permlt," Ale uld. l'lr ihe city
hadn't issued the permit they w~ld have
no holes ln lbe.ir lawn."
c.nUitissl6ner Raoert' Bazil, "hi> 'i1111de
the moliort to apPro'(e t)\e •ariuce, aa~·
no "'' 11lauld be coocerned 1booihettjnc · a p~aL "l fee.I the only way th}I
wOuld ever set a -precedent would 'be if
~the building depa'rtment e v er granted'
· anothe;r permit," bJ pointed· oul.
amounts • of lriU~ recorded are not decaf ti t.IW· pli~. then the ga1l!l!I are
hazanloug In public health. · aampled a"'1 llhlpped under llrlcl' con-
1be new element in the 5'n Clemente d!tWo• to a•-1 .. "'bur'ial ......... ndl_ JI • h"Hnp'bef"'"1lie' atate PU5UO'Uiil!Uili =-~, ----~ ~ . -· ' -~· . . ..........., ........ _ '\hl1• Fogart~ dftlt upon the ""'" -~m on ,.. • ...,..._..... 'I-..,le ~·· 1tN~t9n upr;ctl ud prov ls.Iona 1or
panaion of. the San Onofre nuclear com-wlste d!5Pow. other Edison spokesmen
plex came during ~·otherwise routlM: concenb'ated on earthquake faCton, fl.
P.resenta,tlon on. ~on1~tjn1 and evaJua. fects on marine life by millloru ·ot pitons
lion ot health faclor1. • of warni exhawt water -even tidal co·rn t1 h 1tr~ss·ed that the
measurement! involved in the nuclear
emlssioni from the reactor are extremely .
small. However the teatlmony was_ ex·
pected to add new ·fuel to opposiUan ta
the nuclear plan t ~1panaion. ' ·
'I'Uesday was the Edison Cotnpahy'i
day to t>resent reams of information from
the utility's experts on the &eology,
oceanography and safety of the proi)osed
half-billion-dollar expansion proJect.
Dominating Tuesday's testimony was
Edison Co. mechailicil • engineering
manager David J. Fogarty, wbo detailed
the physical construcUon and operaUon
aspects o{ the proposed twin reactors.
F1>1arty then added that all . waste
dlspoaJ systems at, the plant are· "well
wlthln'ft&lllatocy lilnlt.," _
Fogarty, f:xpla.tn~ .that betides Uie
regular' nuclear wi!les produced by the
react.On, even ttema like rap, ~apa of
Still another Edison s po k e 1 m a ii
te•tiljed In P!'inla ol personal ufety and
tralnln( for employes tif the complex,
then J.u genera{ terml detailed. the scope
ol plant aecurlty to ward off the. chance11
of sabotage - a common point cit.ed by
fQes of the location of the proposed twin
Alfonao Artnal, · superintendent of
steam generation, explained intricate
procedure1 of decontamlnaUon and safe-
ty precauUons for employe. woriting ln
varioU1 part.I of the reactor. complex,
thee ciieil the lrl!'luent aecurlly patrola of
the re1cto111 by . trained aecurity perao~
nel. .
Without IOil1I Into -illCI abo!rt the
ei:act teairlty factors, AttnaJ·termed the
JeCWity'at•tbe. ullUng nuclear plant and
the new ont1· 11 "mpre Utu adequate." •
Asks Sea· Disposal .Ban
If 'J)<Omiaea ct the foo made Tueeday
bear fruit today, the •matter of \bermal
pollution· and athetlcs ol the proposed
e.,,.naien• wlll· aufaoe once more belore
PUC enmlner Azcll Main. .
'lbe !dlHa poalUon cm !be eUecls ol
the -~ -whli:bJa and will be
10 lo, 1' ..... bolter . than ·--'!'lier -II> tllat ·the <lllcharge",from
the ouUall aboul.o balf-mlle.out-to aea Is
1-ally heoeftclal In> many gpeclea of
fish and other marine llle In ~ -..
to the nelt eongr..,, .. Nlaon sald.
The report sald ocean dumping of
materials "cJ~ly identified II harmful
to·~ marlb& environment or man'' must
be prohibiteif. It said that dumping or
mateiiili w ClDUld be harmful ohould
be phased 0 l
"No ~ dumplnJ of chemica l
warfare mat.lab ahouid be permitted,"
the report uld. "BIDlogical war!~
1n1teriala.have .not ·-diopoeed of at
aea and sllaUld not be In the future.
"OcWI dilpoAl ct uploslve munltlonl
lllould be tennlnatal .. -.. poUl-
ble." '' 1 ..... • '.J'lle 6m17'a dumpiJI( ol a Iarge _quan-
tity of nerve gu n Ute Adantic Ocean
el!l!t of Cape Kennedy, F1a.) lal& runnier
-created a major uproar, with 10me
-marine uperts contending that u the
gas e1e1ped H """14 r..Wt In a major
kill'of' ... 1~ ..
Later, anolh«, tliough Ie,11 In-. crealln& sarlowo envlionmental -ap
tense, controversy resulted from · the in 10me•areas and the volume of wastes
disposal of some old wartime munl)!On. dumped In the ocean Is lncreuln&.npl<k
in the North At!11.ntic. ly."
The environmen.tal ~cil '1 report old The President expressed conctrn ,tl)Jt
present policy pr<ihl6iU ocean dilinpifii: of ~ aome , <:!ties aridind~iu were bltn1fl.I
wastes wtth a high level of rldioactivitj lncreuingly "to the ocean 11 a •con--
and aaid ocean dU:mping of most other . venie.Dl link for their wuta." _
radloacPve materiala · ahould be • pro-ReplaUons that Niloo· uld woWd be
hlbllri unlea there ,,.. "no aliernaUva propoood wuuld dlredly affec\ only dun>-o~ lea.harm to.~ or tbt ·en-.. P"JebJ .U.S.-dt.iiml,~e11e1111d•••,
vinlomenL"" • • e,rnme1t.a1. ~ -'lbt council ,......
'lbe councl! urged ' luminaUoO • ' th•t ~ Unltod States -for lntama;
guJckly u poaa!blf' ol oeean; d\IDIPinc.of Uonal -lb · prevent· all o( ·Illa
lncioatriaI wn1al ml pf und!Ceated'< 'WOrld'• ....,. •l'nlm beinc llM<l•u trlll"
sewage sludge, the 10lid by1)r'Oduct of dumpa. ,
~~~!pal wute ~ate; tr:eab\Unt , l!!.1".=,.:i.btCffiiitfonll controll, JUJIPC)l'ted by,
·-• • 1loba1 monltor!n( and llohal' reoeorcb, In hb meaage, Nixon cllri a 'wectlon ol will be 111Ct11ary to deaf effecllvely ancl
th• council report c:oociudtll( Uial "Illa ...,pnhiN1vel7·wlth pollution h uad by·
current level of oetll> dumpinc II • _. ~" the report llld.
I '• ' '
Citing the -1artlY ct the area u a
gporililhlng~ for panf bolts, u ...
Manager Sought
~ r I I
For Seal Bea.ch · ";· ·
• Stal Biadi wU! be·~ !WI new d-
fy ......... lo1~ Lia -wbO
WU fn.jJut.July 17) • '
Ad~~ the' pogt, eumntl1 held Mlnqer Denoia
c.urtemarc:jle, will 10 out lllorlly, ac-<i>rdlor to city colinc:ll member.. who
voted S.2 M~y nllbt to aeek r new ad-
mlnllttail .. -!or the City. -'
Cou"ntf ·to provide joba: for eut«·wdrk
Aero.spice empio~es will be made by ~
Board of Supe{Visol:S in ~ a letter to ib-
dustrJes and businesses.
Supervisors David Baker · and William
Phillips, named to a committee two
weeks ago to aid the 10,700 aerospace
worlo!n layod ofl during the put 12
mon\hl, proposed the letter from tbl
board. 1
"M;,,,foHhese Industries are reluctant
t'o employ thest aei-osi>ace and. electronlc
worK:iiiticaU,Se they feel they are 1in1lc
purpose researCb types," Bller llid.
'"Ibis Is true in some cases but not in
many otbm." He mentioned auditors.,
clerks, electrical engineers and others.
The letter to the induslries will tell of
the -effect on the whole •'COIJ!lty of the
unemptbyed status of the ael'Olpace ~
pie. '""I'be corner grocery .,iore. the coffee
shop,, the aboeinaker, all are affeCted by
this employment 11tuat1on," Baker ex-
"Many of these people have used up
their unemployment pay period and 1r1:
on welfare," the supervisor 1tresaed.
"The y,>bole county L5 in lrotlble · when
they are.·~
Baker said the Industries wlli he asked
to" give serious coUlderatlon ttl birinl
these people in non-research poslUom.·
1be two supervi.9orl uld they also hav.
contacted-it&te and natlpnaJ repraen·
tatlves in l..Q., effort to muster tupPort , ..
new contractl in the coun~y.
er .. ,.
Weader ' .
'' Another lute ol'Santa Ana -
II In the offln( for 1111 cout .cm
Thuraday, with temporatur.. rit-
i._ to 11 ~egr.es a1oO( the abore-
,liile and up to the •'• turther iD-lanCI,
• ~SIJ)E TOD-' Y
A..,. commU11ltf !,...,,,.
group' '1'Mkt1 itl debut tAia
10tcb-Rd (n HWNtingtcm. BllC',.,_
Su ElltallaillllMl&l, hllc il. c --. --c........ ... .,...l ... 1·• ~ -· I •t,,t,._. -.. c......... IMI -C-.-tt -~ -.. -J'T& , •
c.r.t...c lt .... " ..
.,.... ....... 11 ----,....._. • n Tdsil? 111 -·-...... , ...... I ...,.-t ...................... ., ........... .._. ...... ..
, ........... M ......... .. ·-'
·--·.-... -~
Fr·e-ewa r Meeting _ Set
Stnre--Officia!_to Confer ~-th _N~port-.,,.
· u 'Wo''4 ·•l.olo<lty ~ on lboul IJ\flhllll conwninl, tbe r~
the <UCI roule o! the !noway-of tbe right -· we need 1".all.dov(n wllli the -~
SlocmnP ht . . .
To :D1smi ' Sta~ o!ficiall said loday they·will llke-
.1$.Jefl; 1 -ttng"with N<wporl S.acji "'
-~ ciry_'1 r~t:1t for priority treatment
-of the P1Cific coast Hlgbway traltlc con·
bay croulng has com'e under severe city and talk it over.''
criticism -from r large, -fllement--of---He-indicated there would be_jprmal _
Newport Beacb resident,, and a cltiuns' response to the tettel'-ln a week-or so.
--,~ .:·-
-Bt;, !,11=. a: ytNSEL f-c_..Uon at th• Back Bay Brilge: -
-However, they repe itedly slde:steppe
a.nS"'·ering a query as to whether they
Would consider building a new bridge in-
dependent of the pl1tnned and protested
Pacific oCast Freeway att1nment through
group currently is-seeking to rescind that -Hirt.h's letter-Md-also-requested-th6_
agreement. state coordinate planning for the new
There is no city-accepted route east of bridge with a new design for the Dover
the bay, but the state ha3 proposed that It Drive interchange just to the east.
continue running paralld to the C.OUt Although declinlng any formal com·
Highway. ment on this part of the request as wtll,
The controversy has served to strain Hashimoto obliquely did give the im-Mayor Ed Hirth wrote the St.ate
Division or 'Jtighways following ""l City
Council directive last week. asking that a
oelUtil>n to·the]!IVWillg tnllic problem l>e
effected as IOOft as' possible.
re.lation1 between tbe city and the pression the state wasn't especially thrill-
Division of Highways. ed by any of the Newport proposition.
A ltiPWIQ' division spokesman thil Hashimoto uid. "With the freeway
morning would say only that the division plans, the state had anticipated pro-
"will look into the city_'..s r~uest" and visions for laking care of Dover Drive --Aa-per-the counciL.aclion, Rirlh _said
the ci1y wants work done in such a man·
ner that the final outcome of the freeway
controveny would have oo bearing on the
dollp o! ·tbe bdlae.
make a reply. traffic.
William Hashimoto, deputy district He flatly declined any a<kiitional com-
engineer lot Dilitrk:t 7, St.ate Division of ment pendin& a department re.view of the
Highways, aaid. "It is premature to tal~ letter,
Deelslen Delayed
Beach Tower Proposal
.. Up in Air; Panel Split
Valley Council
Considers New
City COUJlCilmen were urged Tuesday
· night to coosldet building a 1,500-seat
hlired couples looking for a hOme In voting, causing the delay. civic auditorium in Fountain Valley. .. the -9")~ 17-stOi'y First Christian The tower, proposed for location near
Tower .)JY the ~.";ii) have to wait Adams Av~nue and Ma~ Street, has Don Saul.tr, a tea~her in the ~ountain
~ ~ .,fil:lft·~t.lf they wi,ll drawn coni1dereble OOJ>:OS!lion from the Valley School District and president of
t,:.(lt ll~~b , •• ·}ID¥£ COUncU o_n the grounds that it the Fountain Valley Arts Association,
pi#rar .ibe 117-iml! Jh.,' "ou1'1,Vloiat. Iha low d<n1ity 7.0lllng of made the ouggesUon. lirif~:'"-:lha. plan~ ~ ~ area. "The time ha~ come to consider the ~ the .. ~~ tune Tu~y, ·~ Com~loners Henry Duke, Ed Ker~ns cuJtural development of the city," Sauter uI~;,~~ ~ ·""'·<:'Mupv,f!I~ _ \ ~·Matcul Porter .all voiced op~IU~n told councilmen. "A civic auditorium pr~J;e1&;;~~·..tfft~Yecl ~nti~ Nov. : lliTt~ ·to ·~ ~roject , beca.use ~y claun its would provide 10methlng for everyone." not,.~ -~ '" -!'tr4:'~. -:~ loCation ma residential are• epuld engtn· --He-li!led conventions rteitals, art ex· to_l!ClMJ enti:rtiy.,, ~ .... r • def problems fttr nearby homeowners b" . I _ •• : . I d ~nialot!;\'Qf<lf 3-2 1galn11.the thl'OUl!i ,.OO.al incQmpatibility 1b1t.. pays, •JI'<••=· mus1ca • an
pro ~ to Com1maiklne~ . t We bave to bccarerul in 0ur:_planning eve.n~ for Y~.l peopll!: 1s a fe.w ~f the
M "'.taar" !'!'lb" Vot.-~.,-!'1.. &DC! the Hwng of precedents.. We should 1ctiv1ties pos..1ble m such an auditorium. q~y..:.:_~t~ ~· '~cia tr)> to comidir a developmeht of lhll typl "I und~rstand ~e of the money for a ·~. Bil'ei"-.-si.M ,u -aba. fiODi" w!n 6etter aru-" aiid Duke community project 11 available now and thef·'~nc·· Def , -11....;pqt~:r:om: ·_ ~-.-llob<rt ,&;;1, On the methods might be found for th• r.,t," mi~·:tr,. ~ !P'~~tM ~ ·~ ... ba~the··"d~ ~-!ada.._!ofrar~·Fawl«t1Y Sa;reu saUtC:O:i residents have alre.ady
~1*-y~·· "" ....,... --,..,..... , ., WVUJ. uoi; auu. tt-• do t'· t d h I -.--·.-• , • .; · · · ,. .betttr ,Qfl ~ •ltliis type of well-kept o ,:1'9J na lUnS cm>ar 1uc a pro Jee . '~~, ,i~,, ,fl -iJ' dev~ thlola..broader. area.of low It ought to have enough aeating for 11.:f.Ui 'l :~O(Jt · inlome'bouaiiii:'-'• __,, • · '__:;_____ l,~people and sh_~d include· a good ~ ... i:.·1'ljt'· ~ ··~~ ·~-.;-·~· ... • ·-Aeiil continded that the hill\-rise pro-_stage, an orchestra.Wll,,dr~ing rooms
P • • .. , • · 1..o. •• -e!J.a.a _ . ..J -. _ ject nted no{ IHl a liability to the city and whatever ~lse Ls needed. . ~TB"gFam ·d ·iea sil!_ce its owneri ·rou1d contra Ct· 10r city. :_s~ntet explain~ thai ~e h~d studied -. --. '. --.ervtct!~just-as----aiimilat unit ls cur.;-11m1lar. projects _m San Diego m order to
I · · •~.:,.. ··~ · rentJy .doina;lnSalltaMonica. . ~.ete~e the size.and type needed for
I . nti~!.to . ·.--Mlililtan& -G4lJn ,\ttomty -L-U·•-nn-e F~untam Valley. His proposal was_m~de
• , , , ''< , ,,.. 'tJil~t.!lf~:ir"•ointiid.:lillt lhibll, With the supoorl ol ~. ~ UIOC!lhOn,
I 1 for "Afla1a "~:bi f(,, 1.r~beunl1 -~~i~~,l ~~"' i-l '" . . <l.....w:i acllaol childreO · tlqlon alJJ<r... a-t owneri · Ii)' ·1evy1ng Mayor Ecl1rard Jiii\ aid this morn!ng ~ , ; -lll . tiJpedil ,, .. ,.;:• ~ -· 4 ... that city councllme.n have been talking Bl'!ac~. < 1 • "' • • ~ • t '· posed b • about the pro!)Oied extension of the com-Jt~-f , c:!}i:I'' the Dl;ll)e the ~=tr:,i:(U,:':Jt.,.~ ~ mun!tY cen~ and an auditorium is one
for J~ .... -~~ :: ............ -.wttll-a·M vola-tOrJ!W;.._ ". ~~!"~n~ etpanil the .commu~ily ' gr~fi 1f '~teid . t.fom the "Wly ject. center tn a few yean," he uplained. ''An ~~:~,·~~gram narpe:, auditorium ia one suggestion. We hadn't l'Ula'~,:~'Jiilt! Y~· m-n 1 considered one quite so big, but we will
"SUX!ttlie·ptop'atft .. l'CI' the children •. 1 ~!"8~ .-age, . think about it now."
we tbcM;rabl :we· Would" &et, tbera have I: ANNEX Th' community ceoter currently has a patt· Ill: a<ledipg bie name," llttnap -sta t aDd """ I 400 SuP!l"lisorJott''Ri!l""1b!Jleoi:pi&Jn~ . . • • • ge &rrlll(em<n ......... or ,
._"" • -~-\ 1.? 1. • .a.1 di!' .... ----but not In ~ter eondJbon1. I Ul!l name 1eems w ·mive Ollal ru y ·--· ----~~· the · ricreatlmi at&ff .of more the slgna~ of 21 percent of the area'• ·-·-... .....
than t' lcbld. jamiqr and Senior col-registered voters.
ieie men ,alld.....,.. wbo ..u1 be serv"" An _ •stlmaled u1a reg111ered voi.ra Beach Chamber u J)ii.ygrOund leaders. U-.:e . m the areL . Th!: peUUons peed a
The program is conducted on Monday ~U'!1 ol SSS liJDit~. ~tt ~
through Friday but not conduct.ed in bad •~t hill that .i:imnber have •P . '° Y•eather. far, llnd be pPttts tl> complete'"ihe JOb
The program hours for the fcillowing 26 by '?ct-15.. .
areas are from 3:30 p.m. untU 5 p.m.: Mike.--Bnck. SuptrUJ;tendent of the
Circle View, Clegg-Sta~y. College View, Fountain Valley School Di.~cl, gupports
Eader, Gill Harbour View. Haven View, the ~ation move. Our,. northern
Hope View. Lamb. LeBard. Marine View, boundar1~ are s<>mething else,. he.,com-
Me1dow View, oak View, Park View, mented. They net:d straightening. .
Perry. Peter.son, Rancho y i e w, Thi!: bound~y IWltch wou1d also requtre
Robin wood, ~er, Smith, Spring the. coo~raUon of th~ H~ntlng~on Bl'!ach
Vint, Sun View, Village View, Wardlow Union High ~I D1str1ct which would
and W'3tmont achools. have to accept high .sch~! students from
Tbe program al the 27th area, Crtst the G~den Grove district.
View school, iJ to bf! conducted Monday Residents have been pushing the boun-throu.P Friday, from 2:30 until 4:30 p.m. dary switch. becaus.e they feel the Garden
01:1 a trial buis, due to a class scheduling Grov.e dlatr1ct bu 1.gDored their need.a.
difficUlty at the 1chool.
Seeks Slogans
The list of possible 1Joe:1n1 for Hun·
lington Beach h11 been narrowed to 20
and the winner of .the chamber of com·
merce slogan contat will be announced by Friday. ......._ __
Chamber officials said 480 entries were
receiv~d for the contelt, The wlnner will
be notified by telephone. The winning
alogan earns a $100 savings bond.
Four runnersup will receive honor1bJe
mention certificates. All entries will
re<:eive certificates of partidpation,
chamber offlciala said.
All children in the 1st through 6th
grades are invited to attend the nearest
Alta 's Cool program area .
From Page 1
R•"•rt H, W•e4
Pr.....,t •NI 1"1tlloltt!Mr
Jetk R. C:11r]ey
Viti l'rblllmt ...-.4 Gw.11"•1 .,..,,...,
Tliom•• K11t"i1
11111rr111 A. M11111hlft1
M""l!ln3 E~t<tr
AltJll Dir•h1
Wiii °'''-' C-ty f:dlter AllMr+ W. l1te1
"-kl1M l"llr
H ..... 1M&\Offl1e
17875 ••• ,~ ,,,,, .. ,,.
M•lli .. A.il41'ftn P.O. lex JfO, t JM I --~ • L...-lledl~ m ,.,.,.., ..,..,... -· ' °'"' ..... : nt w.tt...., .,,.., . '"-rt ikH.111 n r1 w..1 ..... teull!WrC ~ lllli C9Mlll'rflf at'Ntffll at Ci!ftlM IQll .
spokesmen have said that the warm
water -which would e:rtend downcoast
1evl'!ral milts with the huge discharge
from the two new·p1utt.-1tlract.s great
numbers of sportfish.
Rebut Denniton Smllh, manager ef the
ecean ltud1et department for Bendix
Marine AdYlsett ef Solana Beach,
testified ln d'ttai1 on the matter of bot
water, "1Ucb ..Wd Dow at the rile (If 1.1
million 1allom a minute from tbe pr ..
posed reactor complex.
Smith e:rpllined the regulat offshore
monitorioc programs conducted 1inct
!Ml In d<termfue the befDrHlld-•fler of.
feet.I of the bot wit.er dbc.harge from the
present Sin Onofre reactor.
Arnof'I • the dd.erminations. Sm.ilh
polnteclout. I.I that becaute of the upward
surge Of lhe warm Witer, lhe se1· bottom
at the ciutlall ll not exposed te tht
warmer w1ter.
Toward the aurface Smith said a
"marked Increase" in fish populationa ·. ~i~="-" ~-,;,~~~ hit bten, -TegUlarl)'. ..,,._ "'i'b<H ree11lll bavo b<en aupPon.d' by. ~ c.. ....,, ,......,.,. t.he"~nt of Filb·and Game," be
... ia \11"9Y .... ""' ,.. 1dded. ...... .....c...-~-&-:-~::.:r-..:::. :.':. = rrt\EAK OP' WATER ';i' ,.°:1ru1 641..cm With tbe ~ addition el billions of .,_tr , , '• c,.-...._1111 aalklM GI more Mated water from the "-"'~,.-t-i,.w pi.nu. Smith pr<didt<f th1t 1 ttrul<' a T t Msa'lfal•1 '"""" ef water about four degrea hotter m.ild
"""""""' ... OP'INt °""' ....,,..,.. mil ncle ~ ....... ••ltl. 11i..trer11M. span two-lo-four es u r 1vtrqe
.. """' __. .,. ......,."-" ...... IUmrntr condlt.ion&. -r••= ,...._._....,. d Ith ....,. • ...... , -· Smilh'a testimony w~n up w ...,. t:• ,.... _, " """""' i9tcflo det&ill ol 1 p-M 21-foot teawall ... """' .... Ct t.,.,,, ... ~ "" ,.,...,.,.,... =:,.,. """"""".:J.-"*f~ ...... 'Y• which would •ard eff any conceivable
tidal wav1 c1p.able of hittlnr I.be San
Onofrl'! site.
Besides the predicted public' uproar t~
day, Examiner Main wUI hear testimony
from a final balcll of utility witnesses
who wtll detail the finahclal &spl!:Ct.11 of
lbe cosUy reactor project.
Edison management heads will detail
the firm's financt.al capabilities. financing
atructlll'e for the new plant construction
and the estimated costs of the two new
reactors -each of whlch would produce
twice the amount of powtr churned out
by the existin1 n Uc It a r · p •were d
generator 11 SU Onofre.
Beach Acreage
Purchase OK'd
Sale of a %7-acre former refuse disposal
1tatio1:1 to the city of Huntington Beach
aDd the elem~tary tchool distrlct has
~n 1pp111vtd by the Board of Supu-
• '!'ht "property al the northdit """"' ell
Hamilton Avenue and Magnolia Street
will co to the city and district at hall
tbe appra ised market value of S2S7.SOO.
The county will 1i!ll the entire 27..acre
~--the dty for ll?a,7IO Ind the
cit)' will sell rive 1cre1 to the Huntil'Jaton
Beach City School District.
Huntlngton Bt.ach plans a city park M
the 22 acres. If the property should be
med for any ~r purpose It would r~
• vtrt back to eottntt ownerahlp, 1ccordin1
to the sales agretment.
-=--1 -~
-T!St!m0n,.'-1 ha mt)'-«td-
landmarK trial' miniitd · .toilay,; ~ r ~..... c1<n11r Tu...ioy ilf..1 ~"!-""'~Mil jo
drOp a niur(tr ch1r1e apinsl · Wesley
G. ·SlocJm, 1"hos~·baby-da111t¥11 Yeisb-
ed nearly six yl!ars qo, \
• eAIL. Y NL.OT I liff 1"""9
At Fount•in V1ll,y'1 Cox School, • P1rody With • Purpo11
Mo~k Ele~tions
Students Hold School Convention •
Df ,... Diiiy ,.,r.t lllfl' Whe.n nomtnaUons for student body
vice president were opened, Spiro
The delegate from the great state of Agnew 's name was presented. He receiY·
Daisy's Dog :Patch rose to her full height ed one vota in the tally and fa.iled to
of 4'5" and addrelled the.podium. plake the lilt of three candidates.
"The state of Daisy's ~ Patch does Time wa1 given after nominations so
not wish to place a ~me in Domination the kli:ls .coula -caucw: and dlstllsa the
at this Ume." candidates the,!~'---A spc:ikesm.an -
Other delegates cheered, some rattled a:ovemor -wU picked for -,,;h stale.
pans, a handful of cOnfetil_ w~--toned in They -hindJed themselves like rel!
the air. politicians, yelling, sc~aming and
Another delegate, this time from the pushing ~ir favorite candidate.
state Of Grump, rose, pujhed his spec-When it was over thl!: ~rrOWlds wert a
tacles to the rear of a very lar&e, plastic mess, but the young P ~ l I t I c ; 0 s nose and also decµrted to nominate
anyone. themselves relurned to pick up the
And so it went at the youogsters at Coz pieces.
Scbool fu FOWJl.ain Valley mocked th• ~lalo. namJ1 lj)ey _chose lnclul!<d US,
nominatin& conventions uaed to select the 1tatl'! of Unbeatable, state of Shock,
country's presidential candidates. Brainy BlmCh, .Daiay's Dog House, Pen·
They were ualng the convet1Uon form to cilfomia, Grumnp, Higgeldy Pigge1dy,
seleci candidates ktr studept body of-Endicotl'f ~_pricotl state of Confllsi ,
fices. lt was the braindllld of Principal and Hetb)'vUle. __,. -.
Dan Dolan. Some wort cOstume.s. ey all seem o
He felt the students. might enjoy it enjoy the procedure. Teachers looked on
more and gain a greater 'appreciation of and gave advice when asked.
national poJJUca it they held their elec-Now that nominations are over, can-
tions in the same manner. didates lat secretary-treasurer, vice
Each class chose a state name -president and president Will follow the
phony of course -and each student standard procedure of campaigning.
became a delegate. The convention -wai · · "\'Oter registration will also be held at the
held Tuesday. end Of the week.
They carried banners, tossed confetti "They learn the whole procedure,"
and sang loud cheers for the favored can-Dolan explained . "This school is new, but
didates. the children are catching on fa.st.''
.itfyl il'J IS IMl lfT
· ~ly a few persons have been . icted
of murder hued · on cl tiaJ
eVidente, iuc!i"as the 19$ L. E tt
cue, i~~ Mrs. Scott'a 11eve ouna. -1ne·s1ocunrtrta .
No pOSJtlVe proof can be developed at
th< •11"'\fic dec.aytd. remains , ~I~ lo
be t.bO" 'of CYnlhla Slocum were tV'9'.' a
live: bfeathinl baby,;onlr thl.t ~ was
born. . · ··
Orange CoUnty sUjie. ar ,~1"00ce Kenneth Williams 11.sieo;Md. Int ditrlng
the hearing on attorney Michael Gerboai'1
motion to dismiss charges.
The procedure i! fairly new ~in
California jurisprudence.
Judge Williams, former Orange County
district attorney, "'a& as impassive a.s
Dr. Slocum, the once-prominent surgl'!On
charged with killing and dismembering
his. daughter. '.
Gerbosi argued that nothing ln the
record so far substantiates either liist, or
second degree murder, or-even ln-
vclunt.ary manslaughter .in tht Slocum
Citing prior precedents -specifically a
manslaughter case in which a baby was:
scalded to death dul'! to its mother?a groas
negligence -Gerbosi acknowledged his
client Could perhaps have been 1uilty of
"Possibly. We don't know,'' 1aid
"In our situation. the most we have are
some slappings and kicltings ... three or
four ... of the infant chair." he con-
tli:iued, charging that Mn:. Slocum and
Mrs. Connie Gutierrez have both givei:i
conflicting testimony.
The former maid , from Ensenada,
U!sified Monday and Tuesday to Dr.
Slocum's violent handling of Cyn-
thia ...
"We ha ve a great deal of lmpe aclJ..
m en t or Mrs. Slocum's testimonr,
and also on the part of the baby-sitter, '
hi!: asserted, mentioning differences in
the ir stories.
Gerbosi po~ted out some intent ts re-
quired to suslain either a first or second
degree murder conviction and argued.
that Dr. Slocum is innocent of such a
"There's absolutely no indication rA
malice or premeditation in this record
that I can see," he said.
Chief Deputy District Attorney Jame1
G. Ei:itojglit -citing chap\er and section
of the California Penal Cdde -differed
and urged Judge Williams to uphold the
criminal complaint.
He reminded the court that even se-
cond degrei murder is the i'fsult of a
violent act by a human being, Coni.mltted
with great probability of causing harm to
Enright also sa id the remains alleged
lo be the third daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
Slocum can be established aa such
through circumstantial evidence. ·
• •
Give the most accurate
watch in the world· .•.
(Six Popul.r Cutsl
There are iilx different cuts or
diamond iihapes ·that 1 p p e a I
strongly IJl millions of diamond
Th• emerald cut is distinguished
by the nctanguiar style top face,
or table.
The round cut is also known as
the brilliant cut. This cut has the
greatest glitter and brilliance.
Diamonds of oval cut are much
like round-cut diamonds in style,
The big difference is shape outline.
Other popular cuts are the mar-
quise, which is boatshaped, and
tl!e heart-shaped and pear-shaped
It's United 'Fund time again. We
would like to lend our 1upport to
thi1 very worthy cnuse. We hope
you will contribute what you can.
For exqu1itety designed jewelry
ol tl!e lines!, quality; •ee J, C.
carry only the very best,. and
we're happy to assist you in your
selections. In watches, we carry
Omega And Sulova.-and we of/er
ezpert ~"etch and jewelry repair.
Come In soon , J. C. HUMPHRIES
JEWELERS, 19'13 Newport Blvd.,
phono .!4»401. Opon dilly f till 6,
Frld1y •-lllfja 1111 f,
by Bulova
II'• en 1ctuel ftCL What aeeounte for the 1xtraotdin1ry
accuracy ol lh• Aeeutron wetch le 1 tiny
electronlc1lly-drlv.n tuning fork wl'IOt• Vibration•
epllt a MCond Imo 38() prteltt llttlt lnterve1t.
TUnll'IQ fork tllM 11 IO prectM, wt guar1ntM AoQ\.ltron
accuracy to within a minute a month.• . '
J. C. -.JJumph'ne& J~u1eleri'
'HONE 141 -1401
I \·
' \
" ,,
' ' • '
' -·:-.e
"' Ir<
inl RU
' an
tl> •
"' R c
II" ,,
• f
n • 0
" ' • I u
I ' •
' I
'" ' -
. _--..., ---
VOL ~j, NO. 2'40, 6 S,ECTIONS, 72 PAGES
' . .'
• ' r -f WEDNESDAY, OCTOBE~ 7, ;ft70 •
Newport Bu·s.ine·ss Tax Protests Still Risin~
OI' "" O.llY• Plllft Mtff
.As· Newport Beach prepares to take the
tioversiaJ business tu ~nges, the rlJ.
Ing tide•of protests agalllst a preliminary
11lan continues to rise.
Officials of two major grGCery chailll
arxt a 1uoline 1tatioQ. operator joi~ in
the·filht t6daJ' •
The restti!c!U"!! tu is 1cheduled to be
COlllldered by the COWICil Monday .nlght,
The rubaped ....... Uem.In-.llle put expire Joly 1, were men4M throup Dec.
a nit '25-IMllll !ae !('vied. agilnst alt 31 to· ail°"' time lor 11reparaU0111 ot f ,...
busines1111, Js ..noW " coniplicatec1· aeries. vised tu.
o( tA1es which wj · · • • ativL..pl'OpOlll M'll re.
of business in different .wayt. viewed by~ the NeWP.OJ:t; Harbor Qam.
The ,city council near!Y ·.one· year · igo ber a.1; ,Comtnerce, which recommended
had uktd · the adlnlnislr•tlY.e .llaff to a fiat increase flnt, and Ollly the claul-
chaoge the basis for the tu,-because Jt ' fidition system 111 a Jut reeort. and the
was felt it Was unfair tO &min busiheases, Newport .Harb<Jr.Colta MW ;Jara of
tiecaUse-they paid the sam!-llliOUDt.l1r1e ,RNJ~. ~. · b!tsin~es paid, • . -1Mit · realt~ iUCceeded · in getting the
C0meqlieoily, :all ·old 1~ ·di!e'I!> a~tl<ilf to lemn the ~blow to Ju . ..
memben by IDWVlnc-'ille!Ulif'jl>' par· market chains. at lend, the council sesaioo Monday lo dll-
UcuJar cluaiflcltioil. They echoed remarJrs made by offldat. cusa the proposed changes.
There . are ttve catecOrla altot~r. ~a~k major local grocery~ Richafdl Lido In his Jetter, Cooney agreed with the
hrota doa Into mtcb areaa.-.u-"IDd""" .. "-~~~-~----~---~"'t.rs need. to seeK""i"daiiliii1il revenuu.
trie1, ret.ail mw:baotl, contractol'a, etc. They argued that gocer.y 1tore1 .oper· ''We are -certainly aware ol ind·l)'ID~ The cliorua ot •-1tion began shorUy ate at one-hall the prOfit margin qi oll>er
after ·the propoae4 cbangts were .made retailers and therefore, in effect, would patheti:c to the clty'a ~JOI' increued
public '·at a <meetibc of the Chamber of be _payjng twice the ta1 other r;ealtors revenues and are willing, to pay aJ lir.
Commerce. · would pay. · share liicrease." . ·
'lbe.ntOlt recent criticism came 1n the T. J . Cooney, public rt:lalions m1n11aer He-·suggested a -Oa~ate -formuli that
rorm of letters: from key officials of the of Safe.way Stores, lne.J~ Los:~tles. would place a maximum of $300 annually Sal~ stoni and Market Basket au~-said a representative m.bls o~ce 1'0llld (See Till!;S, P• I) -' .. .J -..-....-. --...---.-.--. Truce Ca.11· Looms ~
Nixon Readies Nationwide Address-
WAS!llNGTON CAP) -Pr<sident Nix·
on today put fillisbing touches on ·his ma·
jor Vietnam speech, whicll is expected te'
call, '•mong ot\'ler things, for a cease-fire
and renewed efforts to f~ prisoners of
war... . ...
The President was •lso understood to
be aiming at having tbe ground offensive
role of U.S. fOrees in Vietn_am vi.rt!Jilly
ended by the middle of next ye ar .
-Nixon will.delive r his address to the na·
_µo n •. l!-~-t p.m,:__PDT tonight. and a new tr.s. peace. proposal is to be presented at
Uie Paris .con!ereilce with enemy en\'oys
on Thursday.
Secretary of State William P. Rogers
had an afterp.QOD date with the Thai
!oAlp !DIDllter lo brief htoi en tbe Nix·
---· -'---: :.
on address. bth~r eoftlilltaUons wd tieJd yest~day in the capltlJi of' intereited
ga.vernments, U.S. diplomats sakl ..
Nixon set elaborate plans tO' btief. key
ct>ngress!ll.en, the Cabinet ud dlplptnatl
ahead of.his scheduled 1~1\l)nute a4dr<sa 19 be carried live· on radio and teleYfsioa.
But the White House remained mum on
what new offer negotiator D8vid K. E.
Bruce' will lay on the bargaining ti ble at
ThunClaj's weekly meeting in Paris with
North Vietnamese and Vjet-Cong enyoy1,
There was speculation Nixon . might
prop06e a ce~se-fire; or a Geneva~ype
multination ct>nference on SOUtbeaat
.\liia,or special talks on prisoners of wir
or a combination of various ,items, aimed
at breaking the lengthening deadlock~ at
Paris. ....
--~---Ther. .,., talk, loo, that N-might
unveil· a speedup in U.S. t r e o p
withdrawals beyond the timetable he eet
last April. At that Ume be illllOWlCtd
aoother' 150,000 men would .be brought
bo!ne !rol!!.Jl~am J>y DUI May, ,iJ>.
cludln( 50,000 by Oct. 15.
The ldmlnfJtratloo baa 'been expected
to make a mcwe on the Vietnam peace
front before. next month'• 'electJODI. Nil:·
on, however._,~~ Tuesday ~·we
do ~ coniiCler this to be a propaganda
thgilll!"lec'.kW.!.!"e ~ ~Y.lru! )t aimp],y_ for er . · 1
"The statement h one that has been
prepared J>nly irifter very thOrough cop·
sideration of all the issues that are fn.
vo1ved in our negotiating position;" -Nixon &aid.--- -~ -
Ball)oa Bay, Clllh P!J~~-Ga.-·~·-:-. :·, ~-:·
Tell,s-Expaitslon Mn;on• e-,,:1:1~~_1.ili'iil---:;Slata.olll<laJa ,,;ll1i!.;'.Jliey:.wlll-JJ!<e.-11 Mi ...lt..111'3 f -UI -:f~UR,t, 1yseekJmeeting withNewp0rt Be1cbon
0, £ T1
• Court . . the city'a request for priority treatment
D~te ·(Jlja~ed~
HYi Silpeivison . • , te-lor a publtclleam,-...-·n..--~~
futl\I'< of Orange County Airport.baa been
<. eDDlS ol the Pacific Coast Highway .~affic con-ft~~~~~~d~::~~u:r°~I~~:~~~ Ban on Ocean Dis_posql '':~:::~.~~~;~e!~!f~~d .. tepped
it the. largest private tennis £aeilit1 Ii\ answertng-a-query as""to ·whether-the
the Western United States. WASHINGTON (UPI) _ President now accumul&Uiig on the damage that he would consider building a new tiridge in·
Club officials said seven new courts, Nixon called today for a total ban on he caused." · dependent of the planned· and protested
,: changed from Oct. 13 to Nov. 17.
.:: The supervisors will meet on the ,
_ original advertised date but adjourn to
.: the Nov. 17 at 2 p.m. becau.se the aecond
-parrof"lhnno, .,.,.,,. report will
not be delivered to the board unw Oct.
15. •
Including a professionally-lighted center disposal of poison g~. other toxic The President uid ht wou1d recom· Pacific Coast Fretway ali1nrnent throQ&h
'1· ,'i court, will be added to the exisiting materialJ as well as trash in the ocean. mend legislation ·to stop U.S. use of the Newport. •
* RaeQuet Club adjacent to the Ir v n e "Man ~ •• not treat the .. oceaaa well," aeas u dumping ........... ..i.,.flith ho ..... this Mayor Ed Hirth wrote · the , State
' Coalt~Cowrtry Club on. the Pacific Coast Nix' on· sal-d to 8 m-.,..-ge lo ~'=gress-.. &&--r-Division-of Highways followina~L..City _ High ~ .. ould be followedlly !nt«nittiliiil .,...., ~
The board granted a t~week-°delay In
delivery of the report because ·of
"lechnical" dllliru!Ue! being experleiiced
by the Parsons Comfllny in fin1s!iiiia: the
I way. "He bas assumed ·that their capacity to ments aloag the s~ ~es. Council directive last week, asking that a I ·~ The expansion project will cost $258,· absorb waata is infinite, and evidence is 10l.1.1tion_t0: ~po~ traf!_lc Fl~ be I ooo. Construction is scheduled to begin 'lbe President-,aent Concreu .a fl.page effected u soon a ' possible. -
by mid-October and to be completed by report by the Environm~ Quality A3 per the counci.! action, Hirth aald
mid-January. ' Council which detailed ~e cauaed by the city wan ta: work done in such a.man-
ll be · Mid "ght Clos:ng ocean dumping and suggested a aeries of •"'-fr The six new outer courtt wi con-ni " ner that the fln.aJ outcome of w1e eeway !ltructfd easterly of the existing courts atrict rules.to preserve the aeu.. controversy would have no bearing on the
where the Irvine Coast C.Ountry Club · i•J endorse the council's recom-de.sign of the bridge.
gou driving range is now 1oca1ed. On Most Beaches mendatiooa and will aubmit apeclli• An approved a1afe.<ity agreement ..
Bay Club officials said the BBC has legislative pro~ to implement them the exact route of the freeway~¥t of the
expanded its lease wit" the Irvine C.Om-to the next Congreis/' Niioa.aid. bay crossing has come under severe ,,any to provide room for the additional Gets panel Okay The report said-~a·n c1u~Pins of criticism from • large element of
facilities. They said the country club m·aterlals "clearly·ldenUfied u harmful Newport Beach residents and a citizens'
ls ·planning to relocate the driving range. Beach commJaloners voted Tuesday to the marine envirOnment or man" must group currenUy is seek.in& to rescind that
The expansion plans also call for a night to recommend to city councilmen be ,,prohibited. It nid that dumping of agreement. I new lounge with a sandwich and bever-a midnlgbt closln& on au city beaches materials which coUld be bannful should There ti po city-accepted route east of
age bar, resurfacing of the existing 10 exeep( Corona del Mar ri1ain beach and be.phased out. the bay, but the state has propOled that it 'I courts, a new 275-space parking lot and Little Corona ~· · "No ~ dumping rlf chemical continue running parallel to ·the Coast
1 new entrance road from Newport Cen-The r.comme-.1 ... 1-was made after warf1rt materials lhouJd be permitted,'' Highway.
ter Drive. . ~ UMt te-...t lakt. "'Biological ·wiffare The controve""' has served to strain commlasiooers liltened to fn· bOur of ....,.. ·~~ I iThe focal point .of the new addition, le.stfmony from residents ·of Breakers rriateriall have not been disposed.of at relationl 'between the city and the.
th·e professional center court, will be de.. Drive ,who live abovi\ the main beach. sea and .ahould oot be. in, the future. . Division of Highwa.ys.
gjgned with bleacher areas on two sides ''Ocean· disposal Of ·exi>loslve m'8\ltiona A HiitJway dlviskln spokesman thil .
and w 11 t be constructed so additional John Nutt, president of the, Breaker!! sh@ld be terminate~f u IObn· as 'poui-Jit.___onllPg w~d uy only that the divfsfon
seating, for up lo 2,000 persOns, can be Drive Homeowneni As~lation, t9ld the hie." . "will look ·Into the city's requeSt" antf in~ lied I · ts panel residents did not wan.t the closing --d of 1 :na or ma.,JOr even . l 1rc: Army's um.pm' g . a arge quan· make. a reply.
The ' rt ·11 be t cted · t;-moved to a "ler hour. -center eou wt cons rn in .. ,_ ... tity of nerve laa n the Atlantic Ocean William H11shlmoto, depufy distrl.ct
front of the existing lounge and pro shop ''We enjoy letting Pe o P I e uae the eist of Cape KeMedy, Fla., last summer engineer for District 7, State Division of
and adjacent 'to the driving range at the beach, but ' the 'noise created by people created a major uproar, wilb tome Highways, said, "It is premature to talk
Irvine Coast Country Club. I on tbe' beach at a late hour and the marine experts contending .that as the about anything concerning the request
Calling the existing Racquet Club al-noise they make leaving the beach would gas escaped it would reault 1n a major right now, we need to sit down with the
ready "one of the finest tennis facilities be too much at midnight." be ~d. kill of sea life. city and talk it over ...
in Southern California," club officials Commissioners we re reviewing the Lat.Ir'; another, though 1 e s 1 fn.. He indicated there would be formal
i I said "the new additions will make it existing beach closure ordinance at the (See OCEANS,,Pltt l) (Set FllEEWAY, Pagel) one or the best in the United ~tales." request oe. tbe city council.
Jury Selection
:Qegins in Trial
Sel..:Uon of jury bepn today In !lie
murder trial of WilUa-Dean Hunt of Ne ...
pait Beach.
The triaI·before S\Jpeilor Court Judge
William L. Murray ls expected to last
over four weeks.
'Mf!I. Hunt, 43, -is accused-of the· butcher
. knife killing of her weallhy husband last
Dec. 14 in the couple'1 home at 2Jl6 Har.
bOr View Drive, Corona del Mar. She has
been free on bail pending the start of the
Wiili' Hunt dled on the paUo of his
Harbor View Drive Horne shorUy after,
1.. Uie )>olice claim, the defendant ran him
through wlth I foot-long butcher knife.
The couple'• 13-yrar~ld daughter. Dru,
olle.edly witnessed the tragedy that fo~
10!!¥ I bitter ramlly qUUTel.
• I,\
CUrrenlly alt bay beaches cloae at 11
p.m. and alt ocean beaches ..-.p1 the
two CcraDI del Mar belcbea cloee at
midnight. Tbt·ordlnance apeciliea a 10
p.m. clooln& timt in aummer and a I
p.m. cloeure Ju -winter lot Corona de!
,11~:::. i::. ~ajortty " home-
.....,. 'grwl'I pOlltd by the c:ommit-
1ion indicated apptovaJ of a unifonn
midnight belch c'°'!"g, but tealimony
fro m 1 o m e 30 residents of Breakers
Drive and portions of Corona del Mar
near_t~ pea~h ~pef11uaded the ~Otn{Ols-.
sionera to set a year round 10 p.m. doe--
Ing for the two beaches.
Com.missioner Rolly Pulaski also rec-
ommend~ I.he City post a large sign. .
at the lop ot the cliff nottlying beach
users of the closing hour and auggested
the police department be asked to chain
off the parking lot when they clear the
beach at 10 p.m.
The recommendau·on wlll be tlktn to
the cowtcll for final a c If o o Monday
Battin Blasts IrYine Co. . '
In Beacli ~Ownership Fight
Supervbor Robm W. llattln played the
4'lone wolf' qalll Tilesdly Ip ah aUack
9n the .Irv~ Co.m~Y: 1, , :--il~ motion to dele'1fim• Jlreicitpttve
right. of the pupllc Jn beacties ~"" ,
Corona de! Mar and ~~ Betcb died 1 for Jad_of_1_~ . ' • _
Battin argued that the::trvlne Company
wao "under prwui;e'l lo~ tlie pro,
perty akilfg:Uli coull!Jii(!or,eommertlal
uses ond thM . the;.: comity ·abould ,
delennine now If lit ,Jlllbllo had
e1tabtisbed "owmnhtp"" accen to the •
beach hp.,. 09et tbt yun.~
SUpervilor Alkll AlleD•f••lm w ....
.. ·~ ,_ ...
that the beach area In que!tion had been ·
-jQlllt.atucty by the 1ta1e,county; tbe·
Irvine Company and the cities of
Ne"P'lit ~ch al)Cf Laguna Beach for
oevefal 'iilootha. • i't.Jeni dlonUls ago the Irvine.Company
apno\maed..its Intention. to •allow pu~llc
accea to the beacbea." Alleo poiated out.
S.Uln Aid h& .r1 mertly l!Ylng to
·~epllr establlih wlii --1•
1lteady own." · AUen °cowtltred, "I don't think 1t wilt
be _.ary to de!A!nnlne publli: rishtl ....... are; ..... lo. pt ....... 1'1Jr.111'1.'' ..
DAILY ,ILOT .... If"'"
School Leader Lffta
' .
S~hool Official
. '
Go~ ·to Hospital
Noniwt R. Loats, aMOCiate auperin-
tendent, ltlstrucUonal operaUons of th e
NeWport!Mesa Unified Schoql District
wa1 ll~ted in .satlsfa\':lOO: .condition today
at H~g ,M~orial llospltal.
Dr. Loats fell ill laJf ThUrllday and was
hospltali:.ed Friday afternoon Jn the 11.l:b-
intenalve care unit tvhtre he has undlr·
gone \eating to determine the nature of
his iUnegs,
The 48-year-old educator has served the
dtstrlct as asmlate BUperintendent since
shortly after unificilUon. in 1964.
A reiJdent ot Newpprt Beach, Dr. Loats
joined the Newport Harbor Union High
School District in 1961 as aulstant super-
intendent and wag named interim super.
lrittnd'ent in 1985.
He h>s thr,. children attending echoola
In the Ne,.-port-Mesa district, two· boy•
aged 11 and 12 and a daughter, 18.
Ma~n Ej~t~,
Accuses Judge
LOS ANGIELES ' {UPI) -Qwl., Manaon waa broughl.lnto tho courtroom
t<>day lllr ·tho -1~ lllUl'dlr tnal but · w11 ejected almoot lmmldlllely ,
When· ,ho •llCCUIOd <the. JudP 'IJl "botni
emotl!!!llliY ,involved'' ·In !Ill C-. (Sol
addltl..,.I story, Page I). •
memlfir't of hit hippie· cult. w11 1Qtibl:td
by sQperior Court ·J....-aiila. "'-Older. • ~-•
The tterendanl ... , lllleill· from ~ ·
'l'ueaday 11eca-of u'lltcklonl llOl!doJ .
whei!, be •lunpd II; Jiit ~ : uC.
tbraalellocl 1111· lllei ' ••
Job.--. ----
The Oct. 11 date .,., disputed by Dan
_E_mory·, ch>~man of tbe Newpolt-Antt.
Noise Committee. He .contended that Uie·
supervltors bad j>rom1sed to bold a public
hearing one the report relating~ llOll!ly to
Orange County Airport. This waa receiv•
ed in July by the board.
Emory was not present Tuesday When
the bQard members indicated their ln-
tentton to further poetpone 'lhe hearing.
The second part of the Parsons ~rt,
now d~ ne1:~ w.eek, calls for a recom-
mendation on a new site for a reglooal jet
airport II well u sites for an a!rJ>arlr and
a general fviation (private fiyei) airport.
Emory's CQn\ention that a ~ate
hearing should be held on the Preaen'
county airport was contesWd ·Vilofoul)y
by Supervis.or William Phillipa. . , ·
"It woold be better lo bear the com.
p1ete Parsona report and allow sufficient
lime thereafter to ~tudy it btfore holding·
a public bearing,". the tblrd district
aupervi10rs argued.
He stated that the P41"sons auggeste(f
site for a new regional airport woutd ob-
vioUJly affect any study of what to do
about the county, airpOrt in the future. •
Orange Cout
Another tnte ol s.m.'4na•windl·
1aun1;i-olfliilforlli0'00Ui ..
Thnraday, with temperalwil rlll
Ing to II dqrees along the ,-
~tine and 11p to th• 111•1 further ""
land •
A ntio communitll thtoter
qroup ,,.,,,., Its debut I/Ila
wcektnd in Huntington Bttch.
Sttt £11.tertainmtna, Page JJ. ' . . . . . -
...,,,.. • Mmll .• ... C1llterM9 I MlrfMt ,_ •
C.......... U1 f fll'"911111 flllWt .... c1 ... -. tHt ...... c-. ·n ~kt 11 •TA M CN._., II S__,. II·• ..... ,..... 11 • si.dt· ........... Oi-..K \I ,......_ n , .......... ,'" . ~ ...,. ...... .-...111 ,.,:.,1 w...... • ,.... »n """' ._ 11 ......... ,,. .......... .. ::... "'*"""" ': .... ~ ..
' '
Niie eai -Rlant Biiichar_g~s 'N·~,t · Ha ·rfilf, -·~
BJ JOllN VAl-TER ~ in tho 6"" Cle-ta • poctad ta adj!,;.,. fuel ta 11>1!"'1Uon ta aspects a th< propaoM twlb reactors. ) by ..-.....~approved cmn. cooc..;i,atad on ·wthquako f~> .j. .. ..i-.-.. .... · . \ . 'tioa;ocataPulillcUWll!d · lbt nuclear plant .. pwloo: • Foeuty· Uleii ld4led tltot all waate !lie n61odlve ~-•r'(d~ctd J!cll•·J!Wlatlllt~•lll'-tl~
...l-----"10t-atatt'a dlltl btaltlt ~ • • pl'OpOald ....,.,. tr• 1\Moday wu the Edllon oan,pa.y•1-d!Spolanyatema a tbf' ptant·are ."well throuib the oelf .... talnod rUclor COllln& of worm ezhauat woter -ev1n ~
reV<aled It San Clemente tod>y that a pamiaa GI th< San Ooolro nuclqr !:1111-day to,preaent.rumo of JnfamsaUon from wlth1n rqulatory llmlt.i." 1)'1tem, Fo1arty explained, woUid" be wavt!. . \
---raaio.c\i•e'u\ateflal.-~trtthlm" -plolr ·-....,_ -ftlltl&!' tile-·utlllty'i-eiperts ·on tba 1eoloeY. l'•lartr oxj>lained 'that besides -the 1tared under compi-.ion in tanlil for . . ~ apPeattd lit· unpredicted 1mount5 tn prMntition oe IXMlllltorbtf and. Malua· «eancgr1Pfly and safety ol the Pl"oPoted relUlu nuclear wutts produced by the decey to take place, then the gases are st.ill anothtr Edison 1 po k e'm
f di~l'ges from the existing San Onofre· lion'of health f1ctbrs. half-billion-dollar expl,llJion project: reactors, even Items like rags, 6Crapt Of sampled ind $hipped w:ider tlrlct con-testified to Pf.Jlnla of personal 11fe(y ,
I nuct!ar rt~r. · · C o r n i s b 1 t r t 1 1 e d t b 1 t t b e Dominating Tuesday's testimony was paper and other pieces of , trash con-d.itions to atomic "burial grounds." trainiii.g for employ es · Qf the .coinpIJ 1 -----"~ua C. Cornish stressed lba the mutJ___toy_QlnLl.D t.be riucltar Edisan .Co •• mechanical engineer.Ina:-laminated Ufrotigh-work-ln-the-reactor--Wltile Fogarty dwelt upon the ccn-Ulen m-general terms d.etaile¢"tbl ..
am~ti o trlUum: riCOided art not emialiol!l from tbe~.1tremely ..rnanaeu: David J . .Fogartf,~•bc detailed are11 1r1 packaged under special atNcdOn aapectl-and-provlslona for of plant security tO wa Olf1he Cbar\ca:
hazia;dow to pu6lic bealth. unall. However the testuneny wu ex-the physical construction and operation clrcumslances and taken to disposal lites waste dilpoaal, other Edison spokesmen 1 . 1 cl"~ by of sabo age -a common Poll'I ~
Easthloff Loeatlon Trustees Consider Site
foes o~ the ·location af, ~e .Pr'Oposed tWin
. >Jl~ Arw.I, . 1uperlntende~~of
steam generation, explained lntri ate
procedures of 'deCOntamin.ation and e-
ty precauUoM for ·empl'lyes WO!~in
various parts of the reactor compJez,
th<n cltecf.tbe-lrequ.n\.aecurlly-P11lOIJ 1\)1
the reactors by trained securiti< pt"j"·
• Recreatio_n Commission
-Backs Boys Club Site
For Newllis.tric~ffices_
Tbe_ two year se11ch for a third site !or
~'Hart>of Area Boya Club moved a step
nearer completion Tuesday night at the
rneetipg of the Newport Beach Park,
Beadw!'s and Recreation Commission.
-Ttfe oriimiaslon recommended city
couneilmen"lea.se the club a parcel of
land i.ri'"Et!tbluff P8!k for the organiza.
t!s,.n'.i thir:fl 'Clubhouse. The lease will be
for $l a year.
Willaid Jordan, Costa Mesa city coun-
cilman who is director of the organiza·
tioo, asked the comml.$sion to recom-
mend the Eastbluff site rather than the
previously, (l(lnsider.ed one po th~ .sand a~
Balboa Pitt! r " ... 1 , • .r
He cilif &h8' ~,.ei ~~tJf!!l.· th~ prwurll~eep liiacfiis clear of ~Uikf
ings ~·~n...r let Immediate acdao
in se~~~ ... -.:....L-,
1'Tbe Irvine Foundation donated $80,000
to our building fund, but the money will
have to go b1c.k to them U we don't hive
a site selected by Oct. 12.
"If we were to push for the beach sile
at the Balboa Pier, it would require an
electio_n, and with the time element, we
can't afford to wait that Jong," ht slld.
Tiie Eastbluff aite, which ls adjacent to
the existing nursery school, will provide
the space for a 10,000 square foot building
for boys ages eight t1> 18.
Much of the public hearing on the iS!ue
was taken by peninsula residents testify-
ing against location of the club on the
W-tllilm Grundy, a Lido Isle resident,
~ q,, need lor continuing rec.re.a-
~! Mvtlol!llle!1Lill Ille older parts ol
tJi& city. '. " ·He · rtminded Ult conunluiol1tl'1 that thert )were Ully,..three JiU'!cia in fhe-Pen-
lft!Ula· a~· and aaed Iba! the neJihoor· hood ·~,be, Jorgotten · in developmerit
plans. • .....,
U~I T•lt~l!Cllt
1'1ona Lisa Smile
JtaJian actress Sophia Loren
smiles alter seeing the nude
musical, ''Oh Calcutta," cur-
reiitly playing at a New York
City theater. Mi.!:s Loren took
in the show Tuesday.
.From Pqe I • T11e·onJy.'.dllsentlna note was aounded
, by-COl!1ll1laaloner. A.1 C. Cameron. "lt
. 1em11 to me that BPYa Clubl are cup-
. piioei!· to.lie for .ne<ay boy1, and there
• juJt ., .. 1 any !n lrewport ~·acl>· l!Ut •
• Jf 'you were to 10 up to . Santa A111, you
Wald find an k~ of. ltids Whoee.lives lniil!t· bt Cbahtiell by .,.•facllltf like t!lls,"
... iEd. . .
Cam<"" abstained from approvin1 the
lite: The ~on'• reci.ameoC11tlon wm 1• to Monday'• city <Olli!dl ·meetlq
f~ •pproval ol the leue 1greement.
on hi& type of bulin"•·
Tll.ere. ll oo muimum built into the cur-
ren& prcposal.
At' the ·same tlme, C. K. Armstrong,
pre1ldent of the Market Ba!ket stores, in-
dicated his office would a1'o llXi lo at-
tend any council hearings.
He, too, agreed that the current New-
pOrt Beach tax ts lower than it should be
and suggested a $200 maximum on a
lillding'Sc~ale levy. __
The first indication of o0P05ition from
~aervi~71litlon.-in~~~ voiced by
• ~I N. :L: l.ockh#!: 01>ner of Lock· ~art's Mobil Service, 'Slll.E. Coast lligll-
Amooi pouibiliUes for tJSe of a 3&-acre
site at Jlayvltw Elementary School in
Santa A{la Height& la provWon of a 1o-
c1tioo for a new office for Newport.Mesa
Unified School District.
Superint!ndent William Cunningham
noted during an informational presenta-
Uon to the board of education, that excess
lands adjacent. lO Bayview School at t.h_e
infersection of Palisades Avenue and
Jamboree Road might aerve as 1 site for
the district office. ·
Architect Kai Porter of the Porter/Jen-
sen firm discussed planning for Palisadrs
middle school ind alternatives including
conversion or Bayview elementary school
lo an intermediate facility at a savings
of approximately $200,000. ·
Three alternatives that would retain the
Bayview building and place a new middle
school at various locations on the site
also were shown.
Depending on the alternative selected,
from nine to ta acres of land could be
classified as excess and sold back to Ir-
vine Company at the $.10,000 per acre
price paid by the district.
According to the dl1trict's 1,reement
with lrvlne Company the la.nd develop..
er would receive 1ny prafit1.o t.he district
over the $30,000 price, since they had
contended the school ait.e was t.oo large
when the district bought i~ 1dministra.
tive uaiatlnt for llChool flcllitif!I, Roy
.From Pqe 1
response to the letter in a week or ao.
Hirt.h's letter bad also requested the
state coordinate planning for the new
bridge wilh a new design for the Dover
Drive interchan&e just to the east.
Although declining any formal com·
ment on Uli1 part Of the request IS well,
Hashimoto obliquely did give the im-
~-Le~ry Pu.blishes
Pl!isoo Release Lockhart opposed any attempt to tax pression the state wasn't especially thrill·
1asoline station• on .a gross volume basis, ed by any of the Newport proposition.
' .... JWLY~', P9inu.,out rll cents ol the cost of Hashimoto said, "Wiiii Ille ~eway ~~"""~!?.~"";::'-,~~:"-'."'--.,,..,,lpjlotc:!lljllll(:) t'1l!"ltlte-nd-fO<F-ptiill,-t11t' stlta-llad ~ted pro--~ -l'RAf1CISCO.-The°#IJtili.i wllo era! rll# I-~ vU.lolll for takfu& cart.°ol'llOVir, Drive , · , . ... · • ' fltW the coop hu pub}jahed 1 IYricaJ'leaal "Thal WtNd'd 'lially' be a tu on • tax," traffic." · ·
• ;~· ... '!'ti.Y ~or, •1~ 'lltfM :brllf· directed.to tbe U.S. Supreme Court, Lockhart. ,gJd. . He flatly declined any 1dditi6nal com-
PROMCiTl.D ·T.O SEl\GE.ANT •i1!11111~ btbalf o£ hi s plea to 'be rtle... ment pending a department review of the
rl''H9P.l:>'i'ClbHrtlll . •flf•lnitii pn.O. on l>all. * * °-k letter · · •. 'hi ;, · I :r-O •Dfi'"rimpthy Li&Jy, who iocaped Loi "'
..,~~"t~: -· --·;. .. :' Padres Men's Co~·at San~Luil ~ Ne~rt,<Offieer · -t'1:!if:".;'!.~.;,i:i,1~~: ·cdm -M erchants ';t"J; .r . be caged. · N~~ ·Sergeant E: ::r.re: in fact, "~d "': N4; Tax Change
, , lll.wr.nct Ftrlinl!ittU, po<>publltllor
Ed Cibbarelli. ct1mmunity relations of-who gained promlntDce durlfli the"U60i'
fleer fOc Newport Bpcb. police hu been Beatrlii era, aaid royalties ire piUna: up
promoted to sergeant. for Dr. Leary a.I the ruult of sales Qf the
At 27, the Hwitington Beich residi!nt item at his City Lights Book Shop.
becomes the youngest sergeant on the ·The onetime guru cf the psychedelic .et
100-man force. .. gave his lawyer the document Sept. 12,
Cibbarelll, who has been with the one day.before escaping the prison where
Newpoct Be1cb police for three and 1 he was serving up to 10 years for hia
half years has served as the corrimunity Laguna Beach marijuana possession con-
relations officer for the past two year.!!. v.iction.
He will continue to work in an expanded Anticipating his escape, he chose the
community program with the aid of Of· eagle analogy.
ficer Dennis Blackburn. "Wild creatures cannot Jive caged.
As Newport's first community relations Eagles must ny high and cry freedom to
officer. he has helped organize most of the winds at sunset. Be patient, IOOD you
the department's community-oriented will be free . · . "
programs, including the ride along pro-Dr. Leary was arguing in the brief that
gram for hilh school students and the he should be freed on bail while appe1ling
Cop On Campua program, the six-month·to-10-year sentence, while
he still tias an Identical federal rap pen·
leiert N. W1M
J11k l. Curl..,
Yk1' Pra:Hn! ... 0-11 Mt1191t •
111111111 K1wll
TI!'""'' A. Mti1J1'fti"' M~"1J tdllor
l. P.t•t ICrtlf
,..,,.,,.,. hldt City Edl~r "--...... 2111 Weit ltlite a.vl••trd
M-!iflf AIUrMr PiO. lez 1171, t1l'l
... .. -
ding in Texas.
"We have demonstrated that the prin-
ciples of the first and eighth amendments
and the sanctity of our tribal traditions,
indeed, the spiritual sanctity of our P,eO-
ple, require releue of souls who are held
captive becau.se of their freedom," he
The onetime Harvard psychology pro-
fessor who was fired lor his controversial
LSD experiments, has maintlined hi• im·
prisonment w1s unlawful.
He said it signaled a grave ·danger to
the spiritual and political welfare of Ute
United States. "'hil e other 10Urce1 con·
tend exactly the opposite.
Leary allegedly escaped from the
minimum security facility Sept. 13 with
aid of the radical Wea!Jhermen un·
derground movement and tf'U warned he
must now be considered armed and
DeMolay to Host
P&neake Feast
Melilbm " the Oran(' Coal! chapter " tba Order ol DeMolay will bolt a pan-
cah breakf11t Suoday ror members of
local orpnbaUona which have aupparted
t.htm durlnc the yur.
1be bre11dlll •in bt held at seafaring
MuOitlc Lodp '1111. In Newport Bacl!
from 1:30 ..... i..:i.1 eom. • • Costa Mt11'1 cit)' m1nae:u P'red Sorg..
abal, 1 member of theJroup'1 advl!ory ooanl will bt bonottd ooa wllb mem·
hers Of Seafartn1 Lod1e1 the Cost• .Men
PoUce1 Colli Meu clty c:ounc:ilme:n and the: ch1pt.e('1 mother1 club.
On License Fee
'lbe business community of Corona del
Mar today made. its opposition to Pro-
posed c h a n g e s ln the Newport Beach
business tax official.
The Corona del Mar Chamber of Com-
merce board of directors adopted a reso-
lution opposing the. rtStructurlng of the
li censing fee system and sayinc the
flat fee tax should t)e retained.
Earlier, a group ol' Corona del Mar
relaU merchants had eJPresaed oppaSl-
tion to the proposed changes and had
named forme r cauncilman Dee Cook BJ
their !pokesman.
The CofC resolution states:
"We feel that the purpose of a business
license is to contrGI and 1uper vise busi·
neges in our ccmmunity and lhat 1
license ree should be detenr.ined on the
basis of need and cost of administration.
•·we feel strongly th1t 1 business tax
should not be determined on gross re·
ceipts or volume of busineas, nor by the
number of employq, but should be based
on a fiat fee .''
The Newport Beach City Council is
scheduled to begin a formal ct1naidera-
tion of the contrcvenial new tax pack-
age Monday nighL
Art Gallery Embarks
On Drive for Photos
WASHINGTON (AP) -The Nalional
Gallery of Art has launched an ambitious
project to fiU the World 's largest photo
album with t .5 million pictures.
J . Carter Brown. gallery director. said
the N1ttional Photographic Archives 'fill
become a treasury ol lhe world's gre1t
art and architecture, built around 200,000
photographs donated by $01omon R. Gua·
l•nllelm In 1943.
Horror Films Slated
At Huntington High
Horror film rans are invit ed to &bare .a
Bela L1lg0$f fl ick with the HunUnglon
Beach Gothic Literature Club lt1:1b p.m.
Thurtday or 7 p.m. Friday in Room t22
at Huntington Beach Hi&h School
Ticktta for tht. 1943 (Om, ''Rttum ol lhe
V1mpire" .Ire SO cents ind auppcrt the
1ehool'1 club for devottts of horror films
and literature.
Y earhook on Sale
The Mission Viejo High School year·
book for the 197~71 school year, El Viejo,
may now be ordered on campus. The cost
of the 232-page book is '7.
' .
(Six Popular Cuta)
There are six different cut! or
diamond ~hapes that a p p • a I
strongly to millions of diamond
The emerald cut iJ d.isUnguished
by the reclangular style top lace,
or table.
The round cut is also known as
the brilliant cut. This cut has the
greatest glitter and brilliance.
Diamonds of oval cut are much
l ike round-cut diamonds in style.
The big difference is shape ouUine.
' Other popular cuts are the mar--
quise, which is boatsbaped, and
the heart.shaped and pear-shaped
"A WEIGHTY MATTER" " It'• United Fund lime a1ain. We
would like to lend our support to
this very worthy cause. We hope
you will contribute what you can.
For exqusilely designed jewelry
of the lilt••~ quality, 1ee J. C.
carry only the very bts~ and
we're happy to assl&t you in your
1elecUon1. In watches, we cll!Ty
Omega and Bulova, and we .oU
expert walcb and jewelry repair.
Come In soon, J. C. HUMPHRIES
JEWILE~S, lfU Newport Blvd.,
phone S4W401. Open delly t till 6,
Friday •-1!'11 till t.
o. And_., oald.
Cunnlngh.am noted that staff had dis-
cussed the poufblllty the site might house
district office facilities "for about two
He noted that the land might be too
valuable for such use and that other al·
ternatives for the site included use for
a continu1(ion schoo\.
The corner of the plot -1bout two and
a half acres -at the intersection of Pal-
isades and Jamboree also inight be deed-
ed--to Ne wport Beach Fire Department,
who ha'Yelt.ipres,,ed interest in building
a fire .station, Porter said.
The presentation to the board was de-
scribed as being informational to keep
trustees up to date . on the progms ol
nel. ,
Without golng JnfD speclllcs aboOt the
exact security factors, Arena! tenn~ the
securJfy at the exlSUng nucleir plant and
the new ones as "mON tharr•dequ•~·"
If promises of the [oe.s ~ ~y
bear fruit today, the matter 1of thermal
JXlllution and esthetics of lhe proposed
expansion will surface once more before
.PUC·examiner Arch· Main;
The Edison position on the effect& ef
the exhaust' water -which Is and will be
10 to 12 degrees hotter than normal
seawater -is . _t.bet the disc:par1e~ frem
the outfall alnrt a half-mile ait to \ea is
generally beneficial to m1ny species •f
fish and other marine life in the area.
planning, CUnningham aaid. •-. . -· ..
Woman Injured
Battling Rohbe~
In Mesa's Plaza
A ~·year~ld woman who aulfered a
fractured pelvla while 1 u c c e 1 1 f u 11 y
figh ting off a atronearm robber at Costa
Meaa'a South Coast Plaza Shopping
Center is hospitalized today.
Mis. Eula Cowley, cf Santa Ana, w~s
listel in fair condition at Costa Mesa
Memorial Hospital.
Police said Mrs. Cowley was attacked
Monday night oubide Woolworth 's varie-
ty store as she walked with her daughter 1 Mrs. Betty J. Langford.
A stocky man in his 20s walked out of
the store and grabbed Mrs. Cowley's
handbag as he passed, but sbe resisted
and was draa:ed down the pavement
Her daughter chased the would·be rob-
ber -who will also be charged with
assault with a deadly weapon if captured
-to a getaway car Ulat conveniently.
pulled u~ er ~".'.·~ '\ • .l. \
Laguna Hills Dr!Jin
Plan Contract Given
A master dr1in1ge plan for the 30,000.
1cre Laguna Hills area wiU be executed
by Toups Engineering Inc.
The agreement for Lhe $18,000 project
w1s approved by the Board o f
Superviaora Tuesday.
·From Page 1
OCEANS .•• ;
tense, controversy reiulted from th~.
disposal of some old wartime muni~
in the North Atlantic .
The environmental council'• report u id"
present pclicy prohibits ocean dumpine ~·
wastes with a high level of radioactivity
and said ocean dumping of most other.
"radiOactive. materials 1hould be pro-.
hibited unleS8 there waa "no alternative.
offering less harm to man or the en~
vironment." fhe council urged a termination 11
quickly as possible of ocean dumping of
industrial wastes and of undigested.
sewage sludge, ~ solid by·product ol
municipal w~'Water treatment pro-:
cesses. .
In his message, Nixon cited a sect.ion ot
the council report concluding that "the
current level of ocean dumping ts
creating se·riol.l3 environmental diimage
in some areas and the volume of· waste111
duinped in the ocean is increasing rapid-
The President expressed concern that
some ciy.e~and industries were turning
inci:ea.singl4' "to the oceaq •j;J -tort
veniiAt tllli1Q1'_the.ir_was.~/'~ _. ~ ·
Regulations that Nixon said would be
proposed would direcUy affect only dum-
ping by U.S. citizens, businesses and 1ov-
erni;:nen~I agenci~s. The counf ll urged
that the ·United States press for Interna-
tional controls to prevent all o( the
world's oceans from being used as trash
"International controls, gupportl!ll by
global monitoring and global research,
will be necessary to deal effectively and
comprehensively with pollution cauaed by
ocean dumping," the report uid.
Give the most accurate
watch in the world ••.
Accutron• ' by Bulova
lt't 1n tctull t1ct Wh1t .ccoun1! tor the txtr1ordtn1ry
acourlC)' of the Accu1ron watch Is 1 tiny
1i.ctronlet lly.dr1vtn tunlno fork whose vibr1tlon1
1pll1 a •tcend Into 390 precise Uttl1 lnt1rv1t1.
Tunlno fork tlmt II to prtcltt, we ou1r1nt" Accutron
1Ccur1cy to within 1 minute 1 Month."
CAU!ftM "Ir
tltl--ttttl t•• •!If MM. UlllJ10111, f1M,
PHONE 141·J40/
~ I
-· ·---,, _, _____ ---·-~ ... --. -·· ·-· -·-·· -
;A1 Agnew
' ·11 ~in
Backs Tax Cuts .
Treasury Secretary Da vid Kenned y told a National
Press Club luncheon Tuesday that the Nixon Ad-
ministration--wl ll not attempt to postpone approved
, tax cuts even if more revenue is needed to head
: o/C a big budge! defi cit. Mc called il "politically Im·
' possible."
2 Policeme11 . .
Shot Nea.r
cily policemen were wounded
and a prisoner was shot to
death todaj in an exchange of
gunfire ·oubid! Meyer Memor.
iaJ Hospital· a physician said.
The ' shooting apparently
broke out as police were t~ltlng
a priSOfler , to the hospital,
owned b1 Erie County and in
the ~ section of the
city. . .,
. Dr. Robeft Wilbe, a~i~t~
director or the hospital. tenta-
tively klentifted the policemen
as Joseph O'Neil and Edward
Yoong. O'Neil wa s reported in
critical condition with a wound
in the torso. Young was shot in
the thigh and was reported
less seriously hurt.
A nurse, who said she saw
"the last part of the shooUng.''
said it appeared "that three
officers were attempting to
bring the prisoner in."
"He somehow got a gun and
started shooting at lhe offi.
cen:," she said. "They re-
lumed the nre."
The shooting occurred out-
side the emergency room .
China OKs Aid
8 E LGRADE. YugosJ1via
(AP) -Ccmmunist China has
signed an agreement t o
rurnish North V I e t n a m
~nomlc. technological and
m\llLary aid for another year,
the Yuioslav news agency
'ranjug reported today from
Peking. The report Mid Qie
Jigreement was signed Tues-
day but gave no details.
OPE N _DA/1-Y I0-10-SUNDAY 10-7
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Gl"OWftd to • perfect unifOfm edge lt1 experts
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'Emergmic ¥-: .Ordi.nanc·es
~-A sign of the times, }lerbaps,J>ut tht city of New-
rt Beach twice jn the P-.S~ ·month he1 been faced -wtlft:~nee<I to enact .. "etMrie~"-ofili.nAnces.~
th dealt with the regulati<m of certain types1>1
businesses the city con sidered undesirable. Both were
designed. indirectly, to keep these certain kinds of busi·
nesses out of town.
Only one of the two ordinances was actually passed.
One proposal against nude photo studios was forgotten
when the owner pulled up stakes and exited into the
An ordinance providing extremely strict ,equire-
ments for the operation of massage partors was adopt·
--~ed_unanimou!!y under "emergency" procedure by the
city councfftast montn:'"
City officials said they were needed because of the
reputations of the kind of businesses involved. Many
similar businesses, they asserted, are fronts for ·pros·
titution rings.
A challenge to the massage parlor ordinance has
been filed in Orange County Superior Court, testing its
constitutionality. A lawyer for a massage parlOt' is con•
tending that the city is. trying to regulate sexual con·
duct. The parlor claims state law pr~mpts and pre·
-eludes any muni'cipal regulation. -
Nevertheless, the city has 'felt the need for two
such ordinances all of a sudden. Official concern and
reasoning in these two incidents generally is under·
When the moral structure o{ a community is threat·
ened, quick and decisive action, right or wrong, is cer·
tainly appropriate.
The type' or· ordinance approved by the city is a
quick and e8sy answer, at least a short-range answer,
to many problems. •
AgaiJI; they well may have been the right answers
• .
to the two specific situations to which they were ap-
plied. .
--But the pu~~ot-thelr perm!~ exislencunust-
not be forgotten •. The city charter...pl'OYidei for ''em.er·
gency" ordinances only "for preserving the public
peace, hea1tb or safety."
The two anti-sex codes may qualify, but the city
must take care to safeguard its residents from making
a habit out of them. ~
Due process of law shouldn't be· sidestepped to plug
legal loopholes that were forgotten.
Beachhead Secured_
Throughout military bi story, no organization has
offered more blood·stirring ~ppeals to young manhood
than has the United States Marine Corps.
So common are tales of heroism, bravery and un-
usual personal.endangerment, that ahnost any story to
be told iboul a Marin~ i~ simply a re-telling of what
another Marine bas done before him.
Thal is why Corporal Clarenc~ E. Rogers (USMC)
stands out so co1.1spicuously -he has performed in ac·
tion in an extraordinary manner, even for a Marine.
Corporal Rogers clearly is capable of· making a
co mmand decision, for when two exotic dancers in a
Costa Mesa tavern went beyond what Corporal Rogers
considered was decent behavior, he took the situation
in band. Corporal Rogers. after questioning police on
the proper procedure. made a citizen's airest of the two
dancers and had them jailed for indecent exposure.
. We have a feeling when and if Corporal Rogers'
fellow Marines hear of his assault on indecency,·he will
need all the bravery any Marine could ever muster.
. ~
'A Kind of StructUf'al Grandeur'
More Commissions · (Yawn)
Does a Trial
Waste Time
'Rich Old Okies~'
When Jn doubt, 't>PoiJ1I a commission.
Part of -«ht folklore of Washington is that
if a President w_ants to bury a potentially
embarrassing Issue or buy time before
makiog a decision, the best way to do it
Is to name a -presidential conunission.
And if the final recommendations an
unacceptable, Vice j>resident Agrww ha s
ahown-tbt way to handle. that.problem.
Twiet within a rew days. lhe
peripll<lic:_~ Preoidenl harshly de-
-1111 w«I< at. presidential com· mi ....... ~ .., finding> of •
commiriion on Obscenity and por-
nography; appointed by former President
1-.&pw doclared cm 8ePI .311 in
lt °""""
~ . .,
'--k .....
Salt Lake City: 11Jt's no( our baby." or"
the commission oo campus unrest that
was appointed by President Nixon, he
allOWed that a different membershjp
would bavo prodU«d Ollliroly different
• findings.
The Vtee President'a criticism un-
derscored tbe major weakness of such
cominisslorw: Nobody has to accept their
recommendations, and the make-up of
the bOcly often determines the nature of
the results: E?en so, presidential com-
missions -or task forces as the Nixon
administration 'prefers to call them -
have ~ea way of life In W&mlineton.
TESTIMONY beft:re a House Govern-
ment Operations Subcommtttee disclosed
that as of last November there were 1,519
federal ..:lvh;or.y committees, boards,
commissions, co u n c i 11, conferences,
panels, task forces and llimilar groups.
About 200 of them Weft identified as
presidential commissions, The eW.mated
armual operaliog: costs of the com-
mlssicm r~ was $84,llO,W -With
N~on's Barber Fired · COllllDISl10DS
'"' 7S ·pment al the total. "As far u we could determine, there is
na accurate inventory of all the advisory
and inter.agency committees in the
federal government," said-George L. It's lllppooec!·lo be• deep, dark secret,
butl'rlUlml..lf,..n bas fired bis barber. --i..f.i4,~~io Tbe ~bas 1>e<n .. Ugfillfiinhe
disrnillal might never have been
:t.isawered if the. President hadn't sud -
:lenly, ~ a auspicious new hair
·''M~!· fortwengler, "' the General Accounting "' '\lffiC.~'Jlie sarvey a]., !bowed that al
: Jeaft· 2$ committees had similar duties
ctyle. . • ·
The dep:ieed barber, Stevt Martini, a
Vii~ wtth the scissors, aDeg~ly
trimmecl"tbe Treasury-at the same time
ie was trimming the President's hair.
When the Internal Revenue Servitt! began
iskin:g awkward questions a b o u t
Vlartini's taxes., it caused consternatian
1t the White House. 'Ibe security people
;imply don't want anyone in tax trouble
:lose to the President's throat with a
THEY SUGGESTED de licatel y ,
~herefore. that he get a new barber. Nix-
on entrusted Uda mission to an aide,
o\les:ander Butterfield, w~ conducted a
JOlemn secret aearch for a hair stylist
with acceptable tonsorial talent and an
rnpeccable backgrowtd.
Butterfield carefully chose Milton Piii>,
Nho has now taken ems the world's most
?xelusive hair salon -a single barber's
thair in a bactroorn of the While House.
where the President and his top aides 1et
1rimmed and pomaded.
Pitts, of course, was given an tx·
'a~e security investigation and was
1worn to secrecy before he was finally
tleared to shave the President.
MARTINI USED to apply spttial lonics
ind preparations to the President's head
with artistic abandon. He also gave Nixon
1 botUe of the stuff to use bet\\·een cut-
All tht oils and goos were thrown out
,y Pitts. who reportedly washed oul the
?rease. combed out the curly ends and
iave the President sculptured razor
!Utting. Jk:lult; the ermident bas lost his
'for n111 tJdt tM #It oH
.o .. , Spiro!'
old, slicked-down look and has acquird:i a
new, more natural took.
Insiders say the President likes his hai r
trimmed at least once a \\'eek. He mm·
moned Pitts to the White House, for ex-
ample. the evening of his dFure for
the Mediterranean and called or another
haircut shortly after his retu .
For cabinet officers and presidential
aides in need ol a trim, Pitts is available
at the White House on Tuesday and
Thursday afternoons.
Martini's frle:mis said ht was in Ft.
Lauderdale, Fla., but he couldn't be
located. Pills refused any comment. ex-
plaining that the White Hoose liad in·
structed him not to talk about his work
for the President.
' and functlom -among them com-
missions · working on highway safety,
status of women, geriatrics, crime and
physical fitness.
WlWAM D. CAREY, a senior con-
sultant for Arthur D. t.iUle, Inc., and a
former Budget Bureau official, added :
•·in my experience, nothing was easier
than to set up an advisory group. It
started wheels turning, it bought time, it
was a lltlfrogate for action, and it pro-
duced a kind of structural grandeur."
Presidential c om m i s si o n s are
Washington fixtures. but they really
began to flower under President Johnson .
In the past few years, blue-ribbon
assemblages have reported on crime, the
draft, rural poverty,' civil disorders and
vJolence, postal reform, housing and
urban refonn, the guaranteed annua l
wqe. the Kermedy assasfilnation and
Jate!Y pcrnography tnd catnpus unrest.
SOME HA. VE made notable con-
tribuUona to American life by focusing
attention on rlcism in our IO(!iety, pro-
ducing • new ~ighting program,
and reoommmding a draft lottery. Yet.
for every comnris.1ion that succeeds In its
objective, aevenl £ail. Instead of quieting
suspicion ti. a COfllPiracy in the murder
of President Kennedy, the Warren Com·
niission aJ'O\llM!d more uncertainty. And
since 1955, a commission has been trying
to decide upon a suitable memorial to
Franklin D. Roosevelt -at a yearly
operating cost. of $33,000.
Commissions often serve as a p18'ct to
put supporters who are too important for
a postmastership and not significant
enough for an ambassadorship. When
Well Worth the Price
someone proposed abolistUog a commis-
sion with no apparent purpose, President
Johnson bluntly replied; "1 need jobs for
New Holmtn, Wisc .• Reporter: .,You
don'l reaJLta I~ becauoe it bu become
so much a part of our life. that we
•re paying LUet twice and three times
on aome project.s, sa1ea, transactions,
what bJvt you. Even •t that I hid
rather be taxed ln the U.S.A. than Uve
in treedom (alltOdly) bl Russia.or under
t'Ommunllm. '/Ou never kftow how
\·aluable }'9ll prize }'out freedom unbl
)'OU klle-lL~' .
AJi.na, Pa., Mirror: "People ex·
pecli"I eomethlDJ ror nothin1 have
1lwayt been •'1"1nd, 111 around Ute
world • .Bat. only here • • • his 't ever beeii -Jy "'ue>ted that th<y •II
'lad a 't!Chl' to 1111Jblq Ior ooU.Ina,
lcL .a.loot~ a 'ri&bllt -'° • cuaran~d
Press Commen•s '
annual Income which a.mnuntl to nothinC
lw than everything ror nothing."
Okabcn1, l\tiaa., Prt11: ,;Americans
did thing s ta a blc way last year -
we smoked $50 bill.ion cisarettes. chewed
slJ: bllJLon aspirins, used more than one-
trillion 1e1fety pins, ate mort ttun1 lhrte
billion quarts of ice cream. m•lltd three
billion Christmas cards and drove an
e1timated aoo billion milts in ju&t going
plaw afKI doing lhlngs. You can't say
there art any half"'IY measures In lhls
Wonder what the city or Nl'wport
Deach has againsl Ulfl Boy Scouts
of America. Now we've got muni·
clpal paper dr1vcs for city profit .
Two dolh1r1 a ton can mean a lot
more to the Scouts than the city
-A. B. S.
T~lt ,..lllN "lltfU ,....,... ,llWI. Ml
ltt(UMr11~ n.M .t Hit 111 ... ttttr. S4M
'9111" "' "'" " ''""'' ..,.. Dell' ,o,t. '\I
For Us All? Run California
I A ease can be made that the political
course of California is being determined
by a group of people who are not reall y
Californians at all. have no stake in the
State's f uture, and are interested In
upsetting social and p o I i t i e a I ar-
The day that tlie "'Guilty" verdkf Was rangem~nts made by true Californians. He advocates that all persons lose the
brought in by the Speck jury. I overheard These people arc vote at retirement or age 70, whichever is
a group of people at the luncheon table · the decisive margi-earlier. "And most important, as the
next to mine discllssing tbe trial and ·con-11 a I .constituency lesson cf California teaches, anyone whp
victim. "Wby doea the state go to all the which has eleCt~ migrates to another state after qe 55,
trooble, time and es:pense?'' asked one of Governor Reagari, should lose the -vote farthwilh."
them. "'He's guilty -tverybody knew it and wilt probably Stewart argues that California faces
, -10 why not give elect him again, In civil war, no less, il we cont.inue the
him the e I e c tr i e a wa;, Reagan is one f\ unlim ited franchise , since there mw
chair• or put' him ol the -:group him-I already too many senile voters. w .. q[;-'1¥.21'.milil.,· ·~·~od~_. .. ~u~. =~·o;-;... forttt it?'' Every. T n e y a r~ "~sho&ild not be_LptiYJt,.ea:.c•o'in'-'. --~•
one else at the ta. aged B i b I e Belt perpetuity,'' he argues, "guaranteed bY -..
ble nodded in strong Protestants, the tich old Okies who come minimal physical survival, but a ~are Ti'I
agrument. here from Oklahoma, N e b r a s k a , the continuing fate of the politiCal com~
· ·1 didn't nod in Arkansas, Tennessee, etc. Orange ~ty munity, both in its benefits and itl risb:
agreement, even grows at the rate of 173 daily. Most of "The old, having no future, are
mentally. One must these are-rich-old Okies-who-bci.ng-Wilh_dangerously_free from the co~~ncts
recognize that theirs them their reactionary politics, and their cf their own political acts. and 1t mili!f
is the attitude of most people. but I hap.. rear of almost everything that goes on in no sense to allow the vote to aomeori
pen lo think it is a.wrong, dangerous, and Califamia outside Orang·e county _ with \\'ho is •cturi~lly unlikely to .. s~rvivi,
ignorant attitude. the possible exception of San Diego coun· and pay the bills for, the pohtic1an nr
QUITE APART from the civil rights in· ty. where the dominant cultural and party he may help to elect." . •
volved in the matter_ and the blackest political tone is set by retired admirals. ''Above all, they must not be permitted to help political mountebanks cnnfiscate
villain ls entiUed to the same trial rights OLD AGE AND DEATH are two things other people's futures."
as a cherub, or the law means nothing -Americans fear lo face. Death is al most
there is another equally important coo-unmentionable, and old age is men-
sideration : We learn absolutely nothing tionabl e only u hoked-up mercilessly. The
by sending such a man to the chair, or ,Chinese may believe there is nothing
even by putting him ,away to rot in prison more Oeautiful in this world than a
for 1 illetime. If be is mad, we should healthy, ~ise old man. we da not, though
study the causes and course of his you wouldn't guess It from our wr itings
madness; if be b bad; we should study about age. In true Admass fashion. we
the origins aod evolution of his badness. package old age as we would an ounce of
If he is a minute of both -as we might perf
16uspect -we should stud y the rela -ume.
tionship between moral character and RECENTLY. in lhe New Republic,
emotional sickness. Douglas J. Stewart, an associate pro-
Society hates, fears and resents such fessor of classics at Brandeis University,
men, and wants t.o obliterate them; But and a native calilornian, made an
such obUteraUoa does not deter or pre-tminenUy sound, if rather startling sug-
vent similar occmrences, nor daes it help gestion for callfornia -and perha~ the
us to detect, in the early stages, the whole nation.
behavior patterns of other men who
might do likewise.
THE RICH OLD Okies (Stewart does
not quite call them that) move to
California "not to contribute to their new
community but to extract its advantages.·
The people wha came here aft.er the
war (there have been 33 percent nnr
residents added in the last dozen years-~~
are heavily composed or those for whom
Disneyland was built, and £or whom UC
campuses are hotbeds of Comm.Ei'
and Doctors Rafferty and Haya¥ ,
saviors of the system, and Ron
Reagan almost Moses himself. They
have a right to their antic views; l>Ut not.
I think. to impose them on us in their old
age. Give California back to the Califor·
rr SEEAtS PAINFUU.Y abvious to me
that if we understood more about such
matters, nol only might the eight nurses
be alive taday. but also the young sniper
who committed m<Ui£ murder from hi!'
tawer in Texas could ha ve been spotted
as a patential menace long before that
dreadful day. Such actions are almost
always prefigured in early behavior -ir
we are alert to the deeper meaning of
such behavior.
Prejudice on Animals?
Acts of what vie call "senseless
violence'' are increasing enormously in
this age. But though such acts may seem
senseless to us, they make a kind of in·
sane sense ta the persons who perpetrate
them ; and if we obtained a better grasp
of their '°"voluted mental processes. it
might help us prevent incidents of this
tragic kind -just as an improved
knowledge of symptoms enables us to
prevent physical illness from worsening
to the incurable stage.
WHAT JS A "WASTE" is not the )ong
and cumbersome trial, but the ract that
after the trial litUe is done to probe the
psychic cancers of such men. Simply to
execute them or shut them away is the
surest guanintee: that future tragedies
will be neilher prevented nqr anllcipated. Tr we handled physical disease the same
way, who would be 11ive?
r>ouc l\ln1m1n, nottd artist vlsltlnc
S.f . -·"The lesson of life ls learning to
think for yourseU."
To the Editor:
The Newport Beach City Counoi.
recently held a meeting in which it was
decided a prejudiced policy of outlawing
all farm animals from our city limits.
Since we are a residential community
'vith big business interests. there seems
lo be no reason to have farm animals in
the area .
The sanitation factor must also be con-
sidered in these decisions. Well, all these
factors were carefully thought out by our
city officials and somehow they forgot
about the dog. I have always been under
the impresajon that dogs are farm
WHY DID OUR councl1 membtn
overlook this animal? Art: they all dog
lovers perhaps :
Our local Newport canines have the run
of the city. 'Mlis is an obvious fact. They
rule 'the sidewalks, fire hydrants. car
v•heels. walls. trees. traffic and people.
Corona de.I Mar beach Is their summer
and winter paradise. 'Vhen the public
tries to mix compatibly with them on the
beach. · the resul ts are either tm·
barr~ing or disgmtl~.
SO~IE DOGS CAN accom plish both
resulU. especially If they are males
pursuing a bitch In heat down tl'le beach.
This is' doggy pnradisc.
Tho dogs aren't tt:sponslblc ror their ln-
11!.lnct.s and habits and one can't mndemn
them. But It ls very easy to Ms,lse tomti
' .
Wednesday, October 7, 1970
Th< td!torial JlOO< of U.. °<lllr •
Pilot setkl &o "'lonn oMd 1tiW
ulatt f'eadm by presenting thiS
newspaper's opi11ian1 and com·
mc1itaru on topics of l1itereat
and sfgnl/tcanct, by providing c
forum for tht e~uiiun of
our rtoders' o¢ni0ftl, and bu
presenting the diotr1e view-
polntl of i11fo"11ed observer.11
and spokeffnen on topic1 of ihe
cloy. ' •
Robert N. Weed, Publisher
t;os&a _.
' WASIIlNGTON (UPI) -Pmidoot seaa u dumping~-with hopes thl5 The report said OCOlll dumping of
Nlmn called today for a total ban oo would -be followed bylnf<rn•UoaaJ-matulals "clearlf-ldentllled aa harmful
dlsposar or poison gases, other to* ments atoni the sap1e lines. ... to the marine envln>IUnell\ Or l!lM" must
-mala11all-u -W.U-U,lrllh-ln-tba.oceM----'llle-Presldent-aent·Gon--o-#P11e-• _..be~_prohibitedjLaaicLtbiG!uinpin1 of ~•'Man does not treat the oceans well," report by the Envirmmenta.l Quality materials which could be harmful should
Nixon aal<l In a mesuge to 0oogr,.., ~:liJ!ichdetailedt!UJilecauaed ·by be pbUed 11¢. . _ -
"He baa Uiijmed tbat their capacity to -.•c1mop1ng and s_.ud • .,ies of · "No, oeean dwopinf-~f Chemical
lb»rb waates Is lnfmlte, and evidence is Qrl<I rulei"to ~ tbe-. • '!arfare mol<riab shoulil'be i>ermftted,"
DOW accumulating on the damage that be ·~1 eJidorfe . tht coancl1's recoJit. the. report II.id. '.'~cal warfare
baa ca'6ae<L" ~~; and will oUiimft ,1Pecifl!: · niatutalir lllv• not --.mi>o.e.t of 'at
-'!be !'re.Iden! said he would recom· leglsWive ~ to~t them ,.. and lhould not be In the fuhlft,
imend l<gillat!Oll to atop U.S. use of tba to tbi ~ ~" 1:1~-' '"oCuft dllpQlil Ot ~~Ive ~t\Ofts
JuiJge -Nixes
Slocum Plea
_To -Dismiss
BJ AllTilllll i. VINSEL or .. 0111r """ ....,
Testimony In what may end as I
. Jindmark trial resumed today, after
denial Tueodly of a defense motion to
drop a murdet cbarge against Dr. Wesley
G. Slocum, whon baby daughter vanish-
ed nearly six ye&h ago. .
·1 Only a few persons have been convicted
ot murder based 6n circumstantial
evidence, such as the 19.SS L. Ewing Scott
case.-in which Mrs. Scott's body was
never found:
The Slocum trial is similar.
No positive proof-can be-developed that
the specific decayed remains alleged to
be those of CY.Dthia_Slocwn wtre ever a
live, breathing baby, only that it wd
Kenneth Wllllams-UJteiied lnleaUy durlilg ibe belrlni .. lltoraey Micblol Gerboai'•
molioo to---·· --::--
'!be procedure "11 i.irlJ ""' Ill Call!omil~ Jucillo Wlllllml, ,..._ Or.illt co..ty
distr~ 1Uerney, Wll d ' ~ Al
Di'~SJoaim.-~ -charged with killing and clillnembering
!Ill daughter.
Gerbosl argued that nothing in the
record so far substantiates e1ther1first, or
second degree murder, or even in··
__ YJ:luntary_mtns!Augbler...il1.J!!LS1ocum
case. .
Citing prior precedents -specifically 1
m:analaugbler c.ase in which a babY was
scalded to death due to its molber'1 IJ'OSI
negligence 1 Gerboai acknowltdled bis
client couJd~rha have .been guilty of
(See Pip I) . -•
Girl Abduct,ed
From Dance Hall
In Costa Mesa
~ 17-year~ld Huntington Beach girl
was forcibly abducted outside a Costa
Mesa dance tlangout Tuesday night and
driven to Lapna Beach by an amorous.
long-haired m8n but escaped unharmed.
'l1!e vicUm told police the was taken to
a ramshackle house oa Lquna Canyon
Road but pushed her kidnlper away when •
be tried to klJs her.
The girl said she ran down Llguna Can-
yon Road foi' 10 t.o 16 minute. until 1be
came to a pOol hall, where patrons called
polJce to take her to the ,talion.
She was walking by FiMlgan•s Rain-
bow, 1714 Placentia Ave., about t p.m.,
when the long-hatred blond youth tried to
make cohversalion and grabbed her when
lhe igr¥>fed him.
She told Patrolman Sam Arnold the
undaJ..shod youth lhrtatened her, grip-
ping ber by the arm throughout the ride
BOOth, but never actually displayed a
SemoJ.!-.-Citize11s -Flee Fire
At Mesa's Bethel Towers
Senior citizens on t-floorl of Costa
Mesa's l8-1tory Bethel t.en reUrement
skyscraper were evacat for the se-
cond time Jn 1 year e.r« ~. when a
fire .broke out, causi.Qg.t!~ dap:J.age.
No one was injured In~ the 11th floor
apartment blaze and poliCe quickly
cleared it and the floor above of calm,
orderly residents who regularly practice
llrt drills. ·:'They bad thoae people out already by
the time .. We got there," said Costa Mesa
Fire Chief John Marshall.
Investigators were on the scene this
morning ottempUng to pllljiotnt the eau,.
of the 2 a.m. bllit, su1pected to be the
result of an electricaJ wiring maUunclion
in the \mit'1 kitchen.
Chief Manhall said dam1ge was
relatively light aimpared to a $17,IXKI fire
about one Year agO tliat callltd aeveral
floors to be evacuated and resulted in
hospitaIVeatment of three persons.
The retirement residence at 866 W. 19th
St., practices periodic fire drills and
firemen ran t.Prough. seyeral ,mock1>'laze
operations be.fore it was occupied, juat to
be prepared.
Industrial Complex-PltUis
-~in <;~s~-Mesa Approval
The, first atepo ln tlie creatloo of a 123
million , Industrial complex caitered
around a branch of.. the Los Anteles ::tp~v~i~ the and~~~~ ~i~;
they were ~ Oui. · . . ' . No precise route bas· been 1dopted for
sunnower Avenue and · ·wbiJ! Talbert
Avenue 's alignment is choeen, ro1d level
gradatklls have not been !st.abllsbed
making the job im~b)e for no•.
I I Her parents picked her up at the
ta~na Beach Police Department and
returned to Costa Mesa to live a dttailed
repOrl of the kidnaping.
The facility will be ortcnted toward the
medical field, to conform to the nearby
Hy.land Divbion of T r av en o I
Wayne Williams, architect with Smith
and Wllllam.s,,of"Pnaden.a, desCribea the
unique industrial pal'k ·to councilmen in
etQlring term~
Fire Prevention
Exhibits Shown
A conllnulq exhibit t .. turtnc movi.,,
literature and free home fire u-
tln,Wshers ls orfered daily, as NaUonal
Flre Prevention Week is oblerved in
Coljl M ....
Showings are scheduled In the mall at
South Coast Plat.a daily at JJ a.m., I and a p.m., according to Fire Chief John
M1raha.ll and his aides.
Traveling versions of the Amt pro-
cr•m will be offered by firemen vlsitJnc
various ahopping center• and other Joci:.
Ilona during the week.
The llterature available includes bomt
Inspection pidea, telephono libels for
emtr1oncy nwnboa and olbtr materlll.
Jamfs · E. Ericbon, , of Rutan and
'J'ucter, re.,.....un, ' the developmen4
appeared to have· much :more lo 11.y
al>oql the 11-ocro proJ«I when Mayor
-M. Wllaoa llld tbe coundl had beard tlllllcJi. ~-
The cocmcil'•:ICllol:t wu Q)IJl'OVaJ of a
tentative pm:tl map allowin1 the 81
•mi to be diYided into seven separate
land packages With which to _work.
The ultl'•lnOllem complex is shown in
design as a wedge-shaped !lr\lcture with
parking beneath, employe recreation
areas on the •roof and labs arranged
around the museum.
1bt locaticii of the project Is north of
th -Diego ""''"''r. !IOllth of MacArthur Boolevanl, and between
Hyland Avenue and the Santa Ana River,
adjacent to Fountain Valley.
Erickaon dit<usaed problems o f
dovtl0plD1 Talbert and S u n flow e r
,......, nur the Ill< -II required by
the <Ill orlllna1l1 -1t lflllllh before
He aaid the Los An&eles MUle'Wt\ of
Scieooo Ille! !ndUllly ha loo1. betn . taced
With tbe II'-d netdlq .bunches 1t
which to ~ -ol Ill llf millJoo. per-year uhlbltl.
Tax Bills Going
In Mails Soon ·
Approxlmaf<ly 31110GO \Orange , Coonty
tax bills -a recor!. ' t -win go In· to lhe moih begir , II to collect a
reBJrd 1mounlol · tO 11.1jtpOl't local ·
government. • •
Mn, Dorothy P-acting ~ tH collector aald the-b are u ' to recover $355,m ,ooo. ~
Slit Aid 1btre m 1',000 mon Will Ilda
year th<n 1111 ""' tba1.......,. 1olll
lllJ,I mlllioo lllcbor tban lut ,w.i
shoold be terminated u soon u pouJ. In the North Atlantic. •
ble." . .. The envlron.mentarcouncil'a report Aid
. The Army's dumptni'of ,a large quan-present policy prohibits cctan dumping of .
tity..-Qt..nar:vt-IU-A.!tbt...Atlantic-Ooean-wutea-wilh.• high le1ltJ...oLrad.IQa.cUYlb:
east of Cape Kennedy, Fla.1 lut.IWMltl' and said ocean dumping of mOst other
created a major uproar. with 10me radioactive materials lh.ou1d · be Jll'I>"
:matlne elpertl contending that as the hiblted, unlw there wu "DO ,altern,aUve
gu e1e&ped it· would resu1t ln a major offering less 1iarm to man or the en-
kilt of sea Ille. vironment." ·
liatir, another, though J ea a in-
teASe, controversy resulted lrom the
dllpooli ·ot...,. old wlrllme munitions
The council urged a termlnlUr•r •• quickly as pos!lble of ocean dumptna of
lnd"'trlal waat.., and of undJlesl<d· -
• -
• •
I Today'• HUI '
' N.Y;S~p
MWll• sludge, tair"lolld by-prodvct of
municipal wast& water treatment "!"-.ce!aea. I 1 ~ ,r.-
-Iii~rt_ted -oi·
the council report concl that "the
currenl level of ·:=dumpill( i.
creatlnl *. N env tat ctarup. intom6 and -. ,,_
-ped ·111o.CIJ'"~ iDcrwtll rapi!I'_
ly!' f ( / .
'!be -~ .. II'-"""""" tbat
-'-\ho Pip I
Triice Call L oms
/ '
Nixon Readies Nationwide Address
' ' '
-• -L I __:..._ :-' -.!--::'I .:>,-----;---. -.. --i..---~7· ''·· ~
WASIIlNGTON (AP) -President Nix-
on today puf finishing touches on.his ma-
jor Vietnam speech, which is expected to
call, among other things, for a cease-fire
and renewed efforts to free prisoners of
on address. Othtr consultations~· Tbm wu \Ilk. tclo,.that Nixon might
yesterday in the capltala of · unveu-·a ,.peedup in .. U.S' •. t~roop 1overn~b, U.S. diplomals' uld. witbdraw,el! be)'Olld Ibo tbl!"tai>le be oet
NlxOll set elahoral< pl1111 to brief hr Jut .ljitll. At. that ~ 111 -'"""'
congressmen, the Cabiriet and dlplcJntatl ~r 150,000 men WflUl.4 be. ~
abtad of his scbeduled,l~mlnute llddrea "91'l!' ftom Vietnam-by Doi May, i>-
The President was also understood to
be aiming at having the ground offensive
role of U.S. forces in' Vietnam .virtually
ended by the middle of nex_t year.
to be carried live 9n radio.and te:l~ ~ S0,!)00 by Oct. 1~.
But the While HOUJ\e remained mum on ' The administration haa beeD apeded
N~.9n will deliver his a~ess to the .na-
tion at 6 p.m. PDT ton jght and a n~w
U.S. peace proposal Is to be presented at
the Paris conference with enemy envoys
en Thursday.
wh~t ne':" oUer negotiator ~~yid K. E • .'to make a move on ·the Vietnam peace
Bruce .will lay on the bargaining, table ~ fi'ont beCore next month's elecUou. Nix;
Thur!day's weekly meettng, in Paris wl on however, told newsmen Tuesday "We ~orth Vietnamese and Vlet Cong env _s. do' not ctinsider this to be 1 prOI!"~
There was s~ation Nl1.o~._ght gimmick. We We not eaytn& lt~ I« propose a cease-fire, or a Gene typi the· record.
multinaUon conference on theast ''The statement ls one that bas· been
Secrttary or State William P. Rogers
had an_ afternoon date with the Thai
fere.i&n tiilnlster te brief blm on tbe Nix-
Asia, or special talq on prisonsn ol "'1' , prepared only aft.er very thorough con-
or a Cillll:blnalion of vari~ i1,tms alme:di. sideration of all the issues that are tn...
al bre~g the lengtberung .fteadloc.k at valved in.J>~r negotlaUng position," NiJ.oit"
Paris. .-/ / aald. ' .
_, 0 8il"
for sjhi~-· .... ... ..
i _, ·r-r::-:--+' --r~"-P"""I ' ' ' • _.:_._ .. -
New H ~ ---l -"' ______ ea~mg
Dt:ite Shited
Unem_p.Jovw __ '~-~~~~~-f--1':~~~ ~ ~-,/' not uncoincidentally,-llke a 'f1t-f»
An appeal to the lnduatries tl Or4PiP ed /e1P11 It say1 on his uniform.
County to provide jobs for out-Of-iork But he's no Ordinary pollcepyn.
aerospace employes will be made"lly the "Be kind to my frithds oa the
Board of Supervisors Jn a lrtter to in· rorce," Ted sings out loudly to the
dustries and businesses. :........... :.. _,. · twie_ of "Star:; and S t r.1 p e a Forever," when ·patrolman A. L.
Supervisors David Baker and William Harr'ls pulls a· string. "A coP may
Phillii)s, named to a committee two be somebody's brother."
weeks . ago to aid the Jq,700 1er01pace Ted · joined the force Tueeday,
workers layed off during the put J1 courtes.Y. pf Marie H i .t c h c o c k , ma~ of mariopette1,' and . -,,aa mOnths, .pro~ the letter fnm ' the assJ-..t to_ community ,reJa•111n•.
board. " HiJ 5i;.i aaslgnment comea ThJN.
"Many of tht.se industries trt'feluctaiit tlay when He'll pjfform for puplJJ
to employ these urospa~...nct etec;:tronic of Balboa Elementary.school. )
workers beclll!e they feel they are ainll•
purpose researc:Jv types," Baker aaid.
'"Ibis is true In some cues but not in
many otbtrs. '""He mentioned auditors,
clerks; electrical en,ineers and othera.
-The letter to the ll'ldustries will tell of
the effect on the whole county of the
unemployed status of the aerospace peo.
pie. "The corner srocery store, the coffee
shop, the shoemaker, all are affected by
this employment situation, 1' Baker ex·
"Many of these people have used up
their unemployment pay perJod and are
on welfare," the supervisor ltresled.
''The whole c9U?1ty ii in treuble when
they art."
Baker said the lnctr.trles will be uked
to a:ive ttrious con•ideration-to hiring
these pe(,pJe in non-research positions.
The two supervisori said they al!O'bave
cont.acted atale and national represen·
taUves in an effort to muster wpport for
new contracts in the county.
Woman lnj_ured
Battling Robber
In Mesa's Plaza
A T7-year-old womin who aWfered a
fractured pelYis whiles u cc e 11 f u I l·y
flghUng off 1 1trongarm robber at Costa
Mesa's South Coal! Plua ·Shopping
Center b hospltaliud today.
Mn. Eula Cowley, ol Santa Ana, WU
l~f<I In fair condition at Colla M..,
Memorlll 11-0spttal.
Police pid Mrs. Co'wley waa ,attacked
Monday ajgtlt QUt#ide; Woolw911h.'1 varie-
ty store u she walked With ber daqhter,
Mn. Betty J, Langford.
A stocky man in his 20s walked out of
the store and grabbed . Mra. Cowley's
handball_ ai he paued, but she restated
and wu"dragged down the pavemenl.
Pollution Bla111e
Mesan Blasu Huntington Company .
Pow..-bllld!outa would be lood ,,.
&Julhlrn Cali!qmla, I Colli ,,,., maD
told tlit Public Utillllu Commlll!loo tn IQ
lmpasslontd pruentallon In " Sa n
Clemente TUeldly. ·
Furthtni>ore, Aid Vtrlylft' G. Marth,
11 the blackouta ihOuld hurt."
Marth, an unemplOyed aeroniutjcal
engineer, who q.id be "can't work
because of a permanent lung disability
broughf on by air pollution," D1yed the
Edil\MI Gompany in • -boolllll!i, lm-
PIAlontd table-banM addr111 bt!ore Ptftl"Edlniner Arcti'Jloln,
"'I Jin in -Oott! ~ wmr thal =a 'plum1 produced by you
) in Huntington Beach," he
~-the UUllty ;t 11111«-lng florn lllk.~ ol powv,11 .. &lrlDld dtl
. . . . •
firm "morlDy lrrtlpODlfble" for en.
couratb>I ~ to UM mort eltc-
trldty, llllttad of ~-
He ... nett ECl1son for 11spot11nc. one ot
Ill• pntutll beachel In tbe lllte" .wjth Ill
propooed nuclear gepor11br tipinolon
proJoc~ !hen· 11id r .. ctora, inlleld,_
lhollld be bUll\ uncltr1tound In Contra!
0ran1• and SID Diego counllea whtre the electrical _..pt1on ii grea
'llltn ho cited tho uUllty'• "dtMcr1t1oo
of the lsndsclpe With thouaanda of mlltl of poftr tr--__ ..
Tiie beril&I In Sia Clemoot. ud the
bulldlDC plllll fat Sin Ooofre Win pin-
ned by l!dieon, "' dllflld, bocluiie the
firm 11 "afraid to·f ... the peop1e.11 nn
(lee BEAlllNO ..... II'_
The date 'for a public heiring on the
future of Orange County Alrport bu been changed from Oct. 13 to Nov. 17.
Tbe 1upervisor1 will meet on• the
or:tginal-1dverttsed date but adjourn to
the Nov. 17 at 2 p.m. beca111e the leCODd
part o! the 1140,0lll Pmoos ·roport Will
not be delivered to the board until. Ocl.
The board granted a l'wo-week delay Jn
delivery of the report because of
"feduileal" dll!lculU., being ~
by the Parsona Company In flnl$1n( tba
The Oct. 13 dale wu disputed by Dan
Emory, .chairman of the Newport Anti·
Noise Committee. He contended that the
supervisors had promised to bold a public
hearing on the report nlaling solely to
Orange COunty Airport. Thla wu receiv·
ed in July by the hoard. •
~mory was: not present Tuesday when
the board mfmbera, indicated their in-
tention to ftlrtlier postpone the 'bearing.
Tbe aecond part of the Parsono roport,
now due next week, calls .for a recom-
mendatiOn on a new sfte for a regional jet
airport a1 well as sJteJ for an airpark and
a general 1vlation (private flyer) airport..
Emory's contenUon that a aeparate
bearing should be bald on the p......,.
~unty airport was contested vigoroua!Y.
by Supervbior William Phillips.
"II 'would be belt.r to hear the com·
plet.e ·Parsons report 'and aUow sUfljcient
Ume thereafl<r to itudy II before botalng
a public bearlDC,'' tbe third cllllricl
' suporvlson argued.
:Anolhar tutrol Slntl Alll-
11 In I.be ollllli !or I.be -oa
'l'bandl)', -l<mpenlunl rlo-lntl to 74 dep<es along tbe abcn-
Une _and up to lite 11'1 ~ II>
INSmB TODA. l' ' . '
A· ncto c:ommvnitt1 tblottf'
group maktt flt debut thil
tHektnd in Huntington Beoc1'.
• S1e-El'lttrtMnmcnt, Ppg1 !l. -. CMll'Wlllt I g::. u. ...J --. -" ......... ti -" ....... ""' . .,.... I I I »¥! ...... .." -. ........... ..
=: ...... -: ................
Or .... C_.. II ,.f... • -... . .......... -·-. -.... -I --.. -----..
· Toi.-eliBlilllll 1* the 'Sin Clemento !*led to ldil'D6W fuel to !'t!j>efltlo• to .,pecto, of the J."Ol'OI"! l'!in readors. ~ befe<e Ille illto l'ulollc vwru. llie OJIClur. PJinLapu.Joi :._ Foeli1y ·°'"' lddeof -th~I all waste
QMnm1Wnn oa_ propoltd ~ •:1· TueeQy wu tbe Edllon Company'• dlsposa1 l)'lteml at thl plant are ,,-well
pol!loll ol llll_Ju~piideer_..·-"~-to·~~m wllbinJtC1ll>tory ll!nlto." . Plei ._ d!!rl.nl M q!bjl'Wlje niuttne thO Utlllty'1 . apertl on . the poJosy, Foprty •"l'lob\ed that besides the
Jl"!IOlllotioo oo monltoJ'lni ..,i. enln1· oceanoflJ,'.lphy 1i1<hafety el the. pro_.i reiuJar · nucl .. r wui.e produced by the
UOn Ofbealth fa~m:a. . half-billion-dollar expansion project. r¢actors, even l!,equi like ra~s. scrap& of
C,p r D I 1 h.__s t r e u .!_ d _t .h.!!_ t h e Dominating Tuesday's _ t~tlmon1 w11 _J!~P'L..1!1~ other yieces of tr_!"sh ~n·
fiifiiiii'ell'lttitl involvect in the nuclear Edison Co. -mechanical engirieerlng --0-Uri\lnated ffiroulh work fil the reactor
errds'slOll!'frnm the reactor are extremely manager Da\11.d J. Fogarty, who detalled areas are packaJed under--special
small. However the testimony wu ex· the physical construction and operatlpn circumstances and taken to dlsposal 'ite:s ..
' by SOV9'11Dtent.approvtd crewt.
?be rHioactive Suet p r e • u et d th'"""1 the ..u....,toliiiif reil:tOi' coeuo,
system, Foaarty explained, would be
1tored under comprestion in tanka for
decay to take"))J.ace, ~ the gases 1.re
sampled and shipped under strict con-
ditions to atomic "burial groiinds.';
\l'hlle Fogortr-. dwel~pon~~ co.no
atruetion aspects and provlai(flll for
wui. dllpoul, other Edison apoleamen
Former FBI Agent Named Trustees Consider Site
cone~ oa iartbquaie facton.
foeta ~~ life ~ llllJllMo el pjlob
or ~ eibaut 'water --t\181• UPI
Wlvttl,, '
SUJL.Aootber EdlJOI! I p O k e ... m I n
testil!~_l!''P"\"ts.~,~11'1 ~*'t '!'d
tralninC foii etnt>loyt,1· of the ~·
theirUFgeneiil lenn\ deUlled-ille~ '
-of-'plant security to ward off the ~
of sabot.age r-a common point clte4 by
.foet bl the Joc;tlon of lbe ~J"ln
reactors. • · ~ -~ · r
Allonso ;\renal superln~fl!!.' of
steam . ~atlon. upJ•illed . ~i.
procedures Of J!econtaminaUon ,and te-ty precautions ror en1p~ye1 workllll in
variow .parts o( ~ ructor comp f:X.
]) Off Ulen Cited the freq°uent)~ity patrOll\of -Eor-N ew ~ tlstrict ices_,_~~~'!:;· ·=re•d:i-;'"=by""tr .. .:.ed=-=rid:ly pe;;.-.... ,.. •. -
. ~ . ~ . • ., I . ' • ' . --'-M~a's-~ ££~.cer-oLMonth _
A former FBI fingerprint clusifier bu
been chosen by dfe Costa Mesa Crime
Prevention Committee as ita October
Policeman of the Month.
He is Patrolman Chatleg P. Hamilton,
a.member of the local department for 4Y.
years._duri.Jlg wh!l;h he has been active in
a variety of community youth activities.
The 4l·year-old career law officer was
born in Council" Bluffs, Iowa and joined
tbe FBI staff in Washington, D. C., work·
tng there for two yean before joining the
Army when the Korean War broke out.
He spent three yeart on active duty as
a platoon leader won the Bronze Star ror
Korean combat duty and underwent
paratrooper training.
Officer· Hamilton: left the servict as a .Pant~and wept into the reserves. at.
the rark ,of captain. · fas a COuncil Bluffs policeman
' i::mming to"Colta Mela. where he
~II'· " it Onn(le C.Ul College and ob-. 1aiJi101111 AA desree· tn police lcience.
" : ~ Hamilton ii' a member of the ~ desi<jrlj!lent'1 .tadlcal squad, <O]or giiard I. ·aod;fQr'two yws, wpecialiled In traffic
School Leader Loats
School Official
Ol!JK~.0Pl'HE -MoNii:f , ·'~::'~ =~ie.era1 protesainnal Goes to Hospital • \·:?ffd--~· .M'af'!it'°""' ~ ~ wnlen'i us6clat1ons, Ole Masoo!e ~ ' -and baa been· a leader ~m~BOy-
Among possihilitie_s for use of a 36-acre
site at Bayview Element.try Scllool in
Santa Ana Heights is provision of a Jo.
cation for a new office for Newport-Mesa
Unified School District.
Superintendent William Cunnioiham
ooted during an lnforma!;ional _prese_!lta.:
tion to_ the board of education, that ucess
lands adjacent to Bayview School 1t the
intersecti'on of Palisades Avenue and
Jamboree Road might serve as a site for
the district office.
Architect Kai Porter of the Porter/Jen.
sen firm discussed planning for Palisadn.
middle school and alternatives including:
conversion ol Bayview element,_ry school
to an intermediate faciUty at a savings
of approximately $200,000.
Three alternativ.es that would retain the
BayvliW building and place.a new-miOdle
school at various locations on the site
also were shown.
Depending on the alternative selected,
from nine to 18 acres of. land could be
classified as excesa and sold bltk to Ir·
vine Company at the $301000 per acre
price paid by the dlstflct. ·
Accordin, to the dJ1lrlct'1 &grtement
with Irvine Company the lud ,Jfevelop.
er would receive any profit to the district . . .
over the ·Pl,000 ,price, 1il'lce they bad
contended the ac:hool site wu too large
when the .diltrict bought it, 1dm1nistra.
tive assistant for 1chool facilitiea, Roy
O. Andersen said.
CUnningh1m noted that staff had diz.
cussed the possibility the s.lte might house
district office facilities "for about twQ years.•• -
He noted that the land might be too
valuable for 1uch use and that other al·
ternatives for the site included use for
a continuation school. ...
The corner of the P'9t -about two and
a hall acres· -at the intmection of Pal·
Isa des and Jamboree. ,.1go qUght be deed-
ed to Newport Beach Fire Department,
who have expressed interest in building
a Hre station, Porter said. _
The presentation to the board was de--
scribed as being informational to keep
trustees up l.o-dale-on the-.progreu ol
planning, Cunningham said, ~
Neig~r& Hold
Assault Suspect
For Mesa Poli~e
... ,. • Norman R. I.Dats, assoc.late &uperin· --"~ • ·~( _c._,._... .. , ·~ \: ta.~ YMCA youth IJ'OUP<!· tendent instructional .oper}.f.lons of the Dand;t· .DUO £';Ve A bar manager loolting for somebody
M•arn· ~ • ..p·Ji. < ' C ' ..-.~ .llamiltons hate two tonS,:me_liv. Newport.Mesa Unified School District D " '='" allegedly settled for somebody me Wiy :o.·a t · · OSI n ·g · Ing · Beach and °"' llatiooed In wu lilled ti! satisfactory condltion today tod 'd c ;"'ai . .. ~ ~ ... C!".. Japan th the U.S. Navy, p11.11 a ay oots1 e a osta Mesa apartment
, ... ·~ -,,.. _. da Holle "·-at Hoag Memorial Hospital. C' -rk , LesSO" o complex and wound up in i·ait. O;..~' ... ~ ... ·hl',,::ne· flC. 'he .. ',~,~-y, al u~ Colla -Dr. Loats fell m last-Thursday and Wal ~ • , ... I'"'::· vuli:_D ~ uu~ hospitalized Frtday af~moor\ in the sub-Dennis D. Vaughan , 23, of 1773 Newport
...,. intensive care unit where he has under· J Th f -A t Boulevard, was booked_ for investigation
G·."!'""::,..";:i:.-; 1.0' 1 ... ~· um D gone testinC to determine Ole nature of n e t r of burglary and assault and battery elit,. >:-~:_(!_f!ei,, _ ,.'rm}y -. -~· ~. \, ~ 8 rain h.is Illness. . . ·following the 1:30a.m. incidenL .... ·.; i..· The 48-year-old educator has served the A bandit duo who solicllously. Jtd a li·, Officer Gerry Thompson, dispatched to
· Wit.hoUt going lrtto Specifics a
etaet stcurity fattol'I, Aren&l term~ ftle
security at the aisling nuclw ]Jlafrt. ~
tht new ones as ''more·than ~~
If promises ol the foes micte y
bear fruit today1 ·~.malt.tr of ·~
pollution and esthetics Or ~tM. prapoaed
expansion will surfact once lftOA before
PUC examiner Arch Main.
-The Edison position on the effects of
the exhaust water· -~hich Is and will ~
IO to 12 degrees hotter than normal
seawater -Is that the discharge from
the outfall about a half-mile olit to sea is
generally beneficial to many species of
fish and other marine life in the 4J'U.
Citing \l)e popularity of the area as a
sportfishing spot for party. boat!, Edison
spokesmen have said that the warm
water -which would extend downcoaat
several miles with the . huge discharge
from the two new plants -attracts great
numbers of sportfish.
Robert -Dennison Smith, manager er ttie
ocean studies department for Bendix
~larine Advisers of SolanJ Beach,
testified in detail on the matter of bot
water, which would flow at the rate ol J.6
million gallons a minute (rom the pro-
posed reactor complex.
Smith explained the regular offshore
monitoring programs con;Cfucte4 sinct
1116.1 to determine the before-and-alter tf.
fects of the hot water discharge from the
present San Onofre reactor.
Among the determinations, .. Smith
pointed out, is that because of the upward
surge of the warm water, the sea battom
at the outfall is not exposed to tbe
warmer water.
From Pqe 1
HEARING ... Be" : .. . s10ner1 voted Tuuda1 Ian f' o~a ct. Given 1 district as 8SSOC!~te SUJle:ftnlendent since quor store clerk through the 1teps in rob-3711 E
, •u'V)' ~ · A~ F , • 11"' ~~ •• r A Naidtlit.ci'lJewomlBiach, Dr. Loats up before escapelj from a CoSta Mesa report, said he found se:veral neighbors populated Orange ,County cities." .
, _ d"1f':"J!l.W,--mJ.-l?J'1-:.-:,-• _ "'~~ , -t' ahorJ.!Y after unification.'U!._ 1968. bery after learning he'd never been held · 21st St., to check out a prowler
a • .~ on ill elty :n ~ tNt •. joiifed the Newport" Hlfbor Union High shop with booze and $180 late Tuesday. holding Vauihan down. '·'Yoo couldn 't stand the squawk," he exc:ept..~i del Mar main beicb aDd acre Laguna Hills area w' executed 1 School District in 19111 as assistant super. Peter So.henk, 24, said the young men Mrs. Lucile F. Beach, 57, of the 21st said.
Little ~nra...i 'beieh. , .rJ. by T~~ En&Trtn.& Ine. ·. · · , );ntendent ~nd was named.interim super-enlered the-E·Z Inn, 145 E. 19th St., just-Street · address, said a smpect ap-"I'm tired of this arrogance or power : y
Tbe -;~j..l,.o1.u1· 11 !..._ -.. --•t lor "· Ill OOll -•~t · fntendent in l98S: before midnight, asked for eiaarettes, hope you •et shut down 1·n Hunti'nm•n r~·~on wa' mlOI-10 ;~ UJ11J ' ,.u,_. He has three children attending schools " proached her asking for someone with an " 6 ..,
----;<o:oom';;'!' , Jo an .. ..fl . u .. ~td ~ J ' the Wfd ~ f I in the NewporWrfesa,_"Cflatrict, two boy1 and then one pulled a IUfl ud-demanded odd name~ sh~ re""~:ed,.ihat· ahe .knew Beach, because people are getting tired.
les" of-B " •. -...-; ___,__icHl'fiiiftt.al ~·· ..111\M~~ld ""'0.f--9.• asked .~,--..:..~1--· . .Jt;' •. ---,-...... 'j'lJ figtit_youeverystepof ·~-way ...
..... • '/; ~ll AC ..... DIC Ulo:I I II """"~ ' ' J!'UI itTew~thTs~dOO!bUrSflilt"'~--'
Drive ·Jtvl ir')na.Jn beach: ,... • 1 • • -the g\lnman, after he and · his partner The victim 1aid shi was thl!n shoved pl a use .since the lengthy hearings started
J~h/t~Uft; ~ , . ~-~e Breakel'I : • . ·Fro• p .. 8 . J . .... selected gin. rum ai'ld clp:rettes to go over a rail fence which broke a.s she fell Monday morn ing -an outburst from Drlv«-t.r;.~ A5socl•tfon told lhe . -. along with the loot. adding that the fleeing .stranger was citizens flayed by PUC Examiner Arch :;:.,~;-;;:~: ~ ' · · Schenk aaid he hadn't. caught by her neighbors. · ~anei1'm_wa1~~Mt· .'!ant the';clOl!n& QL ~T-M TRIAL • \ the man with the pistol then led him to • M~~n.can understand your exuber~ce. lime~;~. lifer ·~· I ~-~\u ' ' • • '' ..... ' ,a coriier a.nd told him to s•And _..ll for at lWf" 't'Qr.....;..,L.UM... .. •a.pi.le ..11.11· tbe -. . ... """ ""' but displays of this sort have absolutely
beach, '1Cr"lhe~';;ated by ~1"-• ' _., ... -·...... . loiigiliriefrleiia'or1111siocmn.. ' least-10-mtnutes because an accomplice Yearbook on Sale no influence up 0 n my or the PUC'•
••-~-ch -• r ..... "-··-and ••· ~ H ,_ tim · cl ded th ... ..i: had a rifle aimed at his head. decisions in this matter. I would a~ on w•: .wics -1 .... \C 1NW L.1rc "Possibly. We don't know," llid er well ony 10 u • ua'=' ... on One bandit asked the victim if he had r noise they mJte leaving the beach would Gerbosi that ~rs. Slocum indicated to her that The Mission Viejo High SchoOI year· preciate it if you wouldn't clap, please."
be t00; muclt"at-m.idnlgJ;t,'' he 1aid. " • , Cynthia was alive and well as Jong as one any money himself as an afterthought book for the 1970.71 school year. El Viejo, ~ain's power In the hearings ii aemi-
CommJssioners were reviewing the In our s~tuation, .the ~ost we b'avt are y~ after the date prosecutors contend and was told Schenk had $9 in his wallet. may now be ordered on campus. The cost Judicial. He has the option to level eon-
elisting beach closure ordinance at the some .sla~ and kk:kings_ ..... three or ab~ died. "Oh keep it," he aa.id and they fled. of the 232-page hook is fl. tempt citations.
request of· the city council. ft~ur d" ,chof .t;he Jf'!~Mrchlllfsi he O?~ M~. Weir said Mrs. Slocum told her in .";====~l~b~v~"~'~"~IM~"~'====-'=~=iiiiiiiooio;;;;o~~;;;;;;;;-;;;--iiii-i·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;io;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~j Curfently all bay beaches close at 11 ue ,-arging 1.11<11 s~ ocum an aniwm-·to a casual question ·early in 19651
p.m. and all ocean beaches e:w:cept the Mrs .. COnn!e Gut.ierrei have both given tbat Cynthia was back a~ the house with
two Corona de! Mir beaches close at confhctlng testimony. a baby.sitter.
midnight. The cirrlinance specifies 1 lO 1:h.e former maid, from En.senada, Courthouse observers suggest the
p.m. closing time in summer and a S te!i.fted, Mon.day and ~sday to Dr. Slocum case ls a 1ough one for both
p.m. clo.surt in winter for Corona del Slocum s violent handhng of Cyn· defense and prosecution based on the ~1ar and LiUle Corona. · thia · · · complex defendant involved and the
Letlen: from the ma jority of home-"We have & grea t deal ol impeach-circumstances of his current trial.
owners groups polled by the commls· men t of Mrs. Slocum's testlmonr, Many elements normally required to
lion Indicated approval of a uniform and also on the part ~f the _baby.sitter~ as.,ure successful prosecuti6n arr rhi.ssing
midnight' beach closing, but testimony he . asserted, mentlonin; cliff~ m _ such as an actual cause of death -
from some 30 residents of Breakers lhetr stories . and the statute of limitations bas run out·
Drive and portions of Corona del Mar C!erbosi point.ed ~ut som~ intent is re-on other possible charges. ~ear the beach persuaded the commis· quired to sustain e1th~r a first or second Gerbosi, on the olher hand, etllered
sioners to set a year round 10 p.m. clos· degree murder conviction and argued Judge Willlarfis• court "for the Tuesday
lni for the two beaches. th~t Dr. Slocum is innocent of such a afternoon hearing loOking uneasy.
The recommendation will be taken lo thing. ••what's the .matter. MJc:hael?" a b&ill!f
the council for final act Ion Monday "There's absolutely no indication of inquired good-naturedly.
nieht-mtlice or premeditation in this record "I'm worried • , , .. said Gerbosi. "Wor·
l•Mrt N. w,,4 ' '"'lllftt ... ~
J1ck l. e.~ • .,
Viet ,,..1'...t .,,, ~· MIMltl'
1\etitn IC1rril
111111111 A. MurplliR1
M ........ Edlter ---JJ.O Witt ley Str11t
M1lllltf M4r1•u P.O. ht: IS60, t2U'
......_...._2t11W11t .... _....,. . ~~, ....... ,._,.
........ ._,., 1lWS ..... ·~
... ~ -... 11 ""' ...... '
,,. 141 •• rn•J 641..Un
I ca-:"-1 ..,.,, I i •• ·ilff'
that I can see,'' he uid. rled."
Chief Deputy District Attorney James
G. Enrigbt -citing chapter and section
of the California Penal Code -differed
a.nd urged Judge Williams to uphold the
criminal complaint.
He reminded the court-that -even so-
cond degree murder Is the result of a
violent act by a hwnan being, committed
lldlh great probability of causing barm to
Enright also said the remains alleged to be the third daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
Slocum can be established as such
through circumstantial evidence.
'"We still feel we have an ergument for
first degree murder," he argued. "We
ha ve established a corpus dllectl and the
facts indicate ma.lice Involved."
Gerbosi disagreed ,in his turn to reply,
''There's no evidence to tell UJ what
happened to that baby," .i;ald Dr.
Slocum's defense counsel. who plaru to
ca.11 u many u ~ witneuea in the nut
two weeks.
Judge Williams ut rock.in& slowly in
his chair, bllnk.lng down at the wavy·
haind Gtrboel through h11f-closed •!"'·
"'Gtntlemen. wlthdut rotna Into a Iona·
win~ diacuuton ... " uld Judge
WillWn! -who dldn 'I -"the moUon
will be denied."
He lhd recommended whit be called
an egctlltnt trtltlae on the distinctions
betweea lint and leCOnd deiree murder
to bolb fll'O*lltlon and def..,.. ror future 'rt!miict.
The Slocum jury rtturned to Its bo1 at
10:15 1.m. todl.f, to rtsumt llsterun1 to
testimony Jn the aenaatJonaJ case that
oame lo lip! lall M•rch.
G«bolf1 lint witness today w1s Mrs.
Joanne Weir, a deaf.mute-woman •ho·
Up-read& the questions Wed and is •
Candy Sale Set --By Mesa Students
Students from Costa Mesa High School
w:ill begin -a door·tl>door candy sale Fri·
day In an effort to raise money for school
activities and.campus beautification .
The sale, sponso~d by the Associated
Student Body will be conducted by the
membera of all campus organiiallons.
Proceeds will be put into 1 single fund
which will be divided among the
Local merchant! hive donated a :iieries
(If priies Including trips to San Fran .
cisco and Catalina to be given the
students who sell the most boxes of
Heath TOffet-ttlt1 and"""Mlnl Trufflts.
The 11le of the 11 boxes of candy wW
conUnue to Ct:t. 23.
f'rom P .. e 1
some cities aod lndustrits wert tumlna:
increasingly "to the ocun 11 1 con·
venlent aink for their w11tes.''
Rogulatlons lbat Nixon ,.;d would be
l""P"'ed "IJU!d directly offed OllMllmo
ping by U.S. cltittns, businesses BTjov·
t.rnmentll agencies. The council urged
Wt the United States Pn!l.~ for lnttrna·
Uontl controll to prevtnt 111 of the
world11 ocew from befnl used as truh
' by
(Six Popular Cull)
There are 1ix tfilfere.nt cuts or
diamond shapes that a p p e a 1
strongly to millions of diamond
The emerald cut is distinguished
by _the. rectangular style top face,
or table.
The round cut is aho known as
the brilliant cut. This cut bas the
greatest glitter and brilliance.
Diamonds of oval cut are much
like round.cut diamonds in 1tyle.
The big difference is shape outline.
Other popular cuts are the mar·
quise, which is boatshaped, and
the heart-shaped and pear .. baped
It's Unitea Fund time again. We
\\'Ould like to lend our support to
this very 'Worthy caus·e. We hope
you will contribute what you can.
For exqusitely de.i;igned jewelry
of the. finest quality, , .. J, c.
carry only tbe very best, and
we're happy to assist you in your
selections. In watches, we carry
Omega and Bulova, and we offer
expert watch and jewelry repaJr.
Come In soon, J, C. HUMPHRIES
JEWELERS, 1921 Newport Blvd.,
phOM J41.140I. 0,.. dally 9 1111 6,
,,l~ay e-•l!e 1111 '· --'
Give the most accurate
watch in the world ..•
by Bulova
1!'1 an actual fact. What aceountt ~r tht axtraord lnary
accuracy of IM Accutron watch Jt 1 tiny
.itctron1cally-dr1Ytn tunlno lork whosa Ylbr11lon1
1pltt a MCond Into 380 prtcisa tlttlt lntarYalL
Tun ing fork tlmt 11 10 PrtclM, we gu1r1ntH Accvtron
1ec1.1r1cy to wlthl'! a mlnu11 a r"/IOflU\. •
• J. c.
1823 NE'!'/PORT BLVD., ~OSTA t,1ESA
'HONl 141·J'40 I
I I '
' l
• I l '·3V'f 8iled
iAt Agnew
-'· · :· .,.M.iflft,.....-iidl , ~'Fila c1o,,.,,
r--4-.....,.__:.-f-'$ ... ---. 'My Lai Defense i~:~r
p_,1 1c e art.e .s ted 39
demonotralors lh three clash••
out:skle· a downtown hotel in
....the wcnt-AUtbreai: o! dls:u:!nt -:~ 1gainst Vice'Presi·
dent sPlro '.I'. Agnew iiiiee--his
~I, ,c&q:1paign s w In (
'ln hil speech, in the hotel
Tueoday niah~ Agnew sof·
teaed his' criticism o f
mavtrick eleD)enb in the
Republican Parti;" bu( iept up
his (ire on Sen. Charles E.
Goodell IR-N .Y.). Agnew did
11ot mention the
y ,,\ ~){--~· • ?,'!~' ~.. ~ · ·1,•~! Seek p~~~~ .
t. l'"I'. l!OOD, Tex. (UPI), -lilltctieD's lliil aw1y lfOlDl'I:
Ossie ~rown, chief civilian at· HoOd. •• • ·-
torney !or the first soldier to Mlkheli, 1 -~ .. ill ··51.
go on trial for the My Lai Fr:uclsVil~. ti.,· IOkner,,_ t-'
.,,,assacre,-says-i><•martey-to ~'W\111 1111ui13!1!11 ~
delay-today!1-1electjon-of-a-te.nt to murder 30-Vie~
military jury because he has civilians at Aty Lai on Mlltjl
not examined a11 Army in· 16. 1968. • :
telligence file. He is the flrst American
Brown said the Army in-soldier· to go On>-Lrial en ·
telligence "reading file" on charges stemming from tht:
the My Lai incident is essen· My Lal incident. ~
Wed"'"1, OctolMf 7, .).9711---
' ' . :-!-
~ ' NEW YORK (UPI) -Police. 'illl!Mt p ,eftlulYO wWi
said leday members GI Ibo --. -.. and plocOI fll
militant Jewish Deft n 1 e waRt Mtwn tMft.
League will be qU<stioned .. -.:i.. . abou\ the l!ombing of the About lwrn•Y mlotd•s ofter
P11 .. une beratlon Orgaaila1 the' nplolion an unidentlfted
ti~ offich in M~·~·~..-,: woma_p called11 ~ ~
= -SOme 30 • members _ol..dl'lt=P'remdnWirufWtel and ieli:
iroup wbo.have.J>een.arrested -• 1 b-e-'iaJeatine -LiMr.uOn
or questioned by police in orcanizatioi1 office at fot Park earlier lncldenls will be ro0nd· ·'i',000 Facing ed up for question ing, Avenue ha. llten,,llmnbed.
authorities aaid. • Pleast take_ dO~th;el~· Pot Discharge The FBI said it was .aware message: 'Hljacl!; blicknllll
WASHINGTON CAP) or the i)oglple conqection· f~ ,s~ven te~~l!: Never
Though the Marine Corps and betweta the bo!)1bing arld the again.
·--·ae"'m=OOSfii rs .
tial to _his questioning of Brown :said "the eyes of lhe
vl'itnesses. Because he has not country . and even the world
had the opportunity to ex-art focused cJooely on th is
amine it closely, Brown in· trial," and asked Col. George
dicated he would try to delay _R. Robinson Tuesday to move
-----uie selection o t~ cot:-ErWfint:--Bfilliam ii)((
martiaJ panel to hear the case Col . Richard G. Trefy from the
or S. Sgt. David Mitchell. court-martial panel or to
Navy expect to discharge over Jewish Defense t.eague aod The caller hung u~ bet'~e
7,000 men for illegal drug ac-had made il! la~ratoryes ~could be qutttioned but !he
tivity titis year, both say the av'11able to. the • Cl!Y police m~sagt appartnUy re:feried
. significant increase·in drug use for analym of bi m b to seven Ar~b goerrillls f~ fn recent years has not aa:--tracmerrtJ·found-aHhe·attne. tet;i!!UIY m E-ft·a-t-r.n1-.,,;-----1
venely affected combat readi-A powerfUI pipe bomb bla st _Sw1tierl·aad and Weat
1n the two hours before A~ -1re, police broke up . l:E:!i:l:~~::::~t,~::2.-c:.:-::·~;;';:;;'~';• "'":· ~"~"~· _J e-·-·· "t'V"' to-'1 ._.......,__,_ • flag-burning demonstration,
and two sidewalk sit-ins. • "Bets cm the other~ right J110W eett:ling tome
Thole arrested included two • dom:e&tie ~.· '
men charged with burning the
Ame.riean Flag, eight ~ . ,.
~ ~ile.s; sever JI women. and w • '. hei. . cl • flea,... in .• am!!!_ car ~ • e~t ....,. "'n -aim · .or1ry1ng lo run Clown a U. ,,_,,lie) · · ' --
·)>offeemen broke the win· B . 'b • f st t dows of lhe car with billy 0 m t ng 0 Uc ue
clubs "to get at the driver and · :~:=~er~,:~':~~:C~~n NE\V YORK (UPI) -A lel· around the cotinlry. '1.!;m, half a <dozen police ler assertedly writlen by three The letter, pOstmarked ?i-Ion·
Brown also has motions pen-remove lour other proepective
ding asking the judge to either jurors who Ill answerable
call for a third new coort-· directly to Brigham and Trefy
martial panel or to move in their military duties.
ness. ripped apart the Park Avenue t Gennany in retum . f • r
,officers of both branches of offices ol the Palestine group pauengers on four airliMrs
the armed forces · appeared· lliahUy damagjng 10 nearby hijacked and later ~
Monday before' a special Hoose offices. There we.re no serious by Palegtine cmmtandos In
mtUtary 1ubcommlttee. Injuries reported. · the Mideast. •
ADWW..efS.s.•,....c. ... _..-.. • ...,u....-......_c,,.~ ........ .._Au• U1 Oct. 8~ 11 Only .. ,-dogs "and swinging clubs. prominent members or the day in Chicago. was signed by
polict dispersed a crowd that Weaihennen claims credit for Bernardine Dohrn, Jcrf Jones
refused to move off sidewalks. a bombing Monday in Chicago and Bill Ayers, sought as
&aw it refonn •. few blocks and promises attacks against fugitives since l h e i r in·
away. and waded In again. "the enemy" next week dictment for conspiracy and
Police and nearby hospitals violation of the federal antiriot r SCISSORS SHAftPENED NEW -HOOVER·· ~
rePorted no injuries. Most of act. It was received Tuesday
those arrested were charged M H by the Yootb Intemational 1
wiUt disonierty· conduct and ayor ugs Party (yippies) here.·
ob8trlloting traffic. . , . The letter referred to the
Agnew praised "unity in 'John,' ru·des explosion early Monday that diversity" and declared : "A destroyed the statue of a
clique that cleaves only to one policeman jn C h i c a g" o ' s
view is not a politicaJ party at O S Haymarket Sq"uare for the · se·
11.ll in our American tradllion : _U\ lot•m cond JilJl~ in a yea r:
it can be no more than a cult '"A year ago V•e blew a\\'ay
,incapable and unsuited to lead SHAWNEE, Okla. (UPI) _ the Haymarket pig statue at
the nation." Jl.1ayor Piere Taron rode out the start of a youth riot Jn
B h h d th l Good II Sha y;nce's 4()..second tornado Chicago. Last night we ut e c arge a ' e destroyed the pig again. This < d d P ·de 1 N'xo , by hugging a commode in his na use re s1 n. ' n a downtown busiiless office. time it begins a fall offensive ··hi!! ''private punching .bag" of youth · resistan ce that will
d h d d i·c. l I 1· ed ~!ayor Taron made an aerial an a e 1~ra e Y a 1enat th ,pread from Santa Barbara lo
h Ir r h R bl. inspection of e damage Tues-imse rom t ~ epu ican day and said he expected it to Boston. back to Kent . and
Party. be declared a federal disaster. Kansas.
Agnew chose the ~asion of When the mayor came to the • 'Next week,'• th~
JI GOP fund raising-<iinner for city liall, one of the most heav. Weathermen statement ea.id, sen. Hugh Scott -who has j]y damaged buildings in Mon--"families and tribes wiU at. In stant Speed selec tiDn
Growncl to 1 ptrftct unifo"" eclge ~ taper-ts
witl. the fiaest cqnHrcial eflUiplMflt i•oil·
H&e. Bri•:t .M. 1U yow 1ciss..er1. Ywr
.. ;_....,..,tool All w«k deM wt.iii'" Iha,:
himself been at odds wit.ti Nix· day':s twister, be observed that tack. the ,enemy aro11n~ ,_the s;. Pit·Selecttd SPMds tt .~ of · · 1 ""':or YoiK f "-Tjpl. 'f~ ' •fUlllMI!. oo on a nuurucr ma1or the mind takes funny direc· country.' There were no lttst~ Buttooll.· IEGG'lAI. rin-.,.nv
kisues -to tone doWn his tioos right after a disaster. specifics giveo.
Convertible· "
previous bmliine criticism· of The cit,,eotmCil, be sa;d, re-'!'be letter predicted victory King Sile c.fpa.ity 49C 89C SAlESIOlllT. llolb, as ii ·
4issi4ent party ~mbers... . located tbe ~unicipal govern. in a r~hltion • g.a i n 1 t l•ll' 4&-nuN:t ~ COii--.swee,s, as it Clelma.. ~ , f
• ,~. , ~ .S<!ott'~ di!-ment io the ~ty ball buement "Amerika": · ; t••'*" Wid'I E..,,.T ... 1'111d Liou Id ''" • carpels last .... .$AVES
1· fc;(efl(:e!I .differed from ' those !ollowing: the tornado. "We are building I culture MUWl"I. r-. Llfl'I Uraw..ay ba or "radica~rber is" Ii k •-"I don't know what we were and sociely,that can resist No-Tip Po!'ef Unit TWo-D• • ... •• '.•'-------HOU•la need> <imtilt llSSG!ten. Goodell -because on the ma10r iiniing~b:e:li;trd._own·there;"--genocide;--Jt-is-a-cottqre--o·.,_..__P~'~ .. :,,M_.~No-,-. --~ or: :-----1-;t1.VES·WORK.-T•·1111e_r:-:--·1;:'---I
inties like international af· he said. "If the building had tota l resistance ·to mlnd-<:on-Marlr.ina Aubbar F"'· Co""""11nt DA n 's ~ .• a • 10100 AM-6100 PM motor 1iws 50$·.re sutli?.J-
. .fairs,, national defense, and fall~ it wo~.td·,~ave fallen in t~olling mania_cs, a culture of Co•d 5'"'"'"· · wilbatlacllllents,Cieaner
key domestic issues .. ~ has on top. of us. . . high-energy sisters getting it adjusts to nc pile depth •.
repeatC41ly stood by the Presi· . Engineers ordered the off1. on, of hippie acid-smiles and
rlent -often in the face of in-ciais out of, the basem_en.l and communes and freedom lo be 4 DAYS ONl y Hoover Sl1'ml1'ne •• cany.disp .... ~ bl11s
. tense political pr essures from th~,n cond~mned th~ bu1ld1ng. lhe farthest out people we can fer &ft cleaners. · ,. . . ,, Last night I said the dam· be ...
• 'llltbm his own. state. age would be $3 million," Tar. PORTABLE
. has sought flamboyanU_y and to be way below. It will be as targets' -we are bringing a .. Goodell, on the other hand . on said Tuesday. "That's going "We are not jusl 'attacking 14 8 8 ·
c~asele~y to openly d1~orce high as SID million." ~!~I-" helpless giant to its • .
h1mseU from the President, Four persons were killed in
and thereby forfeited a right Shawnee by the tornado thal The yippics. who released
to administration support in, cul a three _mije path alter it the letter and recordings with
-his current bid for re-election. touched ground in the heart of the sa me message. arc the
During a brief airport news the business district. The tor-group which inc ludes Jerry
ronference on his arrival in nado hit before the weather Rubio and Abbie Hoffm_an, the
Pittsburgh, Agnew was asked burea,u could issue a tornado member.'! of the Chicago
about the fact that Scott and watch and before the civil de· Seven.
other party leaders had re· fense ·could sound its warning
fused to disav,ow Goodell. s.iren.
... , . '
U~I Tt'""91•
Backs Tax C1&ts
2 Policemen
Shot Nenr
city policemen were wounded
and a prisoner was shot to
death today in an exchange of
gunfire outside Meyer Memor.
ial Hoepilal, a physician said.
The shooting apparenUy
broke out-is police were taking
11 pri~. to the hospital,
owned by ~ County and in
the northeast section o( the
Dr. Robert \\.'ilbe , associate
director <>f lhe hospital, tcnta.
tively identified the policemen
as J oseph O'Neil and Edward
Young. O'Neil was reported in
critical conditi~ with a wound
in the torso. Young was shot in
the thigh and Was reported
less seriously hurt.
A nurse, who said she saw
"the last part or the shooting,"
said it appeared "that three
officers were attempting to
bring the prisoner in."
"He somehow got a gun_ and
• started ahoot.ing at the offi-
cers," she said, "They re-
turned the fi re."
The &hooting occurred out.
aide the emergency room.
China OK~ Aid
Me411 l900
..,....._ ·-·-
the new HOOVER ·
W11h in
minutesl -
' • -
MATCHING DlYU fOl ONLY ,, •• ,, , ,, ,, • $11'.U
ONlY .. •
Med!'l 1211
ONLY 10.ss·
Tre asury Secretary David Kennedy told a National
Press Clu b luncheon Tuesday that the Nixon Ad·
; ministration will not attempt to postpone approved
tax cuts even it more revenue is needed to head
' off a big bud get defic it He called it "politically Im·
8 E LGRADE. YugO!lavla
(AP) -Communist China has
signed an agreement to
furnish North V I e t n a m
economic, technological and
military aid for another year,
the Yugoslav neYill agency
Tanjug reported today from
Peking. The reµort said the
agreement was signed Tues-
day but gave no details.
--. . ' ' -" . ·-·
" ' '.
' !
i l . '
" 1 ,
• ' I
' " .,
" I . I
Hospital P:rove~ Itself
When a number of e.riv~.~.bospital plans were bein ..-
proposed for Costa Mu.a s.e.\".era,I ye.ano,aao, tb_ere \£_'!'
speculatlon-as--to-whether-they-were-really need.ea.
Some felt that nearby Hoag Hospital could handle
Costa f\1esa's needs -and others were coniused as to
which, if any, of several proprietary hospital proposals
should be approved.
Now there is strong evidence that the one that was
approved -Costa f\1esa Memorial H~pital -has ful;
filled all of its obligations-and won widespread accept~
ance by both physicians and patients.
Costa Mesa Memorial last week won approval from
a committee Ot' tlfe" COmprebensive .... Health Planning
Association (a semi-Official board that evaluates hos~
pitsl needs) for adding 80 beds to its present 99-bed
facility on Victoria Street.
Approval by CHPA in itself is a sign of rec:ogpitl~n.
for if Costa Mesa Memorial were not. perfonn1ng satis-
factorily, it is doubtful such approval would have been
Hospital Administrator A1de n 0. Sage. says th.a~ the exJl_~jon_g_r2gr_anuWL.mean more than Just add1t1onal
beds and rooms. Surgery facilities will be expanded, a
morgue will be installed and major expansion of labora-
tory; X-ray and dietary facilities are .in t~e plans. Act-
ual construction is expected to start in mid-summer of
1971 and be completed in the spring of 1972.
The physical growth is, of course, a sign of accept-
ance by Costa Mesans who seek hospital care. But be--
yond that Costa Mesa Memorial has be<:ome, in a re-
latively short petiod of tinle •. a solid part of t~e com-
munitY. Although hospita'l patients are m~re. l1k~y 1 to
find fault than praise becau.se they are.n t in ti(>:'toP
condition while hospitalized. acores _gf corrunendat1ons
have been volunteered from former Costa Mesa Mem-
__, qfW Hospllai.~tien~ -__ -
-The DAJL-¥..P-ILO'.f' was-among those. uncertain that
Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital was essential to th~
community. The hospital certainly has given, every
reason to remove that skepticism and congratulations
are in order for the excellent administration and care
provided thus far by a profit-making hospital.
Beachhead Secured .·
Th-roughout military history, no organization has
offered more blood·stirring appeals to young manhood
than has the United States ltfarine Corps.
So common are tales of heroism, bravery and un·
usual personal endangerment. thaJ almost any story to
be told about a Marine is 'simply a re-telling of what
another Marine bas' done before him.
That is why .Corporal Clarence E. Rogers (USMC)
stands out so conspicuously --he has performed in ac·
lion in an extraordinary manner, even for a l\.1arine.
. Corporal Rogers clearly is capable of 1naking a
command decision, for when two exotic dancers in a
Costa Mesa tavern went beyond what Corporal Rogers
considered was decent behavior. he took the situation
in hand. Corporal · Rogers, after questioning police on
the proper procedure, made a citizens arrest of the two
dancers and had them jailed for inde<:ent exposure.
\Ve have a feeling-when and if Corporal Rogers'
fellow Marines bear _of his assault on indecency, he will
need all th~bravery any Marine could ever muster.
" .
"~ . ~t'' .. :.·. ·~
<> ~4~
'A Kind of Structural Grandeur' Does a Trial
More Commissions (Yawn)
'Rich Old Okies'·
When in doubt, 1ppoint a commission.
Part -of the folklore of Washington is _that
If a-President wants to bury a;;;pot.en_ll@l)y
embarras.ling issue or buy ti~e befor:
making a deciaion, the ~-way t~ d~ 1t
is to name a presidential comm1sst0n.
And U the finat ··recommendation& are
unacceptable, Vice President Agnew ·has
lbown the way to liinale that problem.
Twice wllhiD a few dQ'S, the
per1pataic-Victi -Pmideot-harshly de·
nounc:ed lb< ..t GI preotdential <om-
mi.ssic>m. °'90Wnb'C the findings of a
rommission on obscenity and por-
oography, appolnt"'2 by former Prelid<~t
lolmsoo, AiMW. declored .~ 5ept .30 Ill
r ,~~~~' ., ... ~.~· . .,.
I "" Edtwria1~ J rn . ·Re8e reh ·I ~ . . •., •
""'""' ' ..... ~-. .
Sall Lake-City: '.'..It's not our baby." Of
lhe commission oo .campus unrest lhal
was appo_inted J!y President Nixon, he
allowed that a different membership
Would bave produced entirely different
findings. Thi: ViCe President's ~riticism_ un-
derscored .Jbe major weakness ol 1ucJl ,
Waste Time
commissions: Nobody has to accept their
recommendations, and the make·up of
For Us All? Run California
the body often determines the filltU[e of _
the result!:. Even so. presidential com· •
missions -or task forces as the Nixon
administration prefers to call lhem -.
have become a way of life in Washington •
A ease can be made that the political
course of California is being aetermined
by a group of people who are not really
Californians at all, have no stake in the
State's future, and are interested in tESTlMONY...before _a. House Govern. The d th t the "Gu'I~" d. I ay a 1 •r -ver IC -was upsetting social and pa It t I ca I ar-
ment Operations Subcommittee disclosed brought in by the Speck jury, I overheard rangements made by true Californians. that as of last'November there were 1,519 8 iroup or ~plt at the luncheon t11!>le
federal adviJory com~~.-beards, nut to mine discussing the trial arid con· Tbe5' people are
commissions, c o u n c i Is; conferences, viCtion. "Why tk>es the state go to •II the · the decisive margi-
panels, task: Jorces and similar groups. trouble, Una.and e1penH?" asked one of n a I conslituency
Aboul 200 ()( them were Jderrtified as 1 . which has elected them. "He't gul ty -t:verybocly knew it Governor Reagan,
presidential commissions. 'n)e estimated -so why not give and will proba. bly
annual oper1~ costs of "'the com-him the e I e c t r i c elect him apin. In
I . .l'.!. ' . __ _.
~minenUy sound, If rather startling sug·
gestion for caillornia -and perhaps the
whole nation.
He advocates that all persons lose the
vote at retirement or age 70, whichever is
earlier. "And moat important. as the
lesson of California teacbts, anyone who
migrates to another state after aee i5,
should lose the vote forthwith." -m19lfons-reportlng was $64,'80,49$.::... with chair, or -put him a way, Reagan ts.one ' B I::. =-fi1 ._ -:;:J'---'ne_i~idential commissioni accounting away for We and cf the group him-
'fXO RS aruer ilreu for:.,!!f:r':'!:~~~~~rmine.thereis ~°:e1e!,~t?~~ :e~: se¥.hey are the
no accurate inventory of all the advisory ble nodded in strong aged B i b 1 e Belt
Stewart argues that California faces
civil war, no less, if we conUnue the
unlimited franchise, since there are
already too many senil.e voters.
n's auppooed to be a deep, dark 5'Cl'et,
but President Nixon bu fired his barber.
The securltY has been so tight that the
dismissal might never have been
discovered if the Presldtnl hadn't su~
denly developed a auspicious new hair
5tyle. . . The dq)oled barber, Stevt: Mart1n1. a
t.1ichelange1o with the scissors, alleg~ly
1rimmecf the Trusury at the &ame tune
he was trimming the P~ident's hair.
When the Internal Revenue Service began
isking awkward questions a b o .u t
~1artini's taxes, it caused consternation
1t the White House. The security people
1imply don't want anyone in tax trouble
close to the President'• throat with a
THEY SUGGESrED de Ii ca I e I Y,
therefore. that he 1et a new barber. Nix-
on entrusted this mls.sion to an aide,
.,lexandcr But~ield, who conducted a
solemn secret search for a hair stylist
with acceptable tonsorial talent and an
(mpeccable background.
Butterfield carefully chose Milton Pitts,
who has now taken over the world's most
~xclusive hair salon -a single barber's
=hair in a backroom of the White. House,
•'here the President and hiJ top aides get
!rimmed and pomaded.
PiU.S. of coune, was given an ex·
~aust.ive security investigation and was
1worn to secrecy before be was finally
cleared to shave the President.
MARTINI lJSED to apply !pecial tonics
t nd preparations to lhe President's head
with artistic nbandon. He also gave Ni1on
a bottle of the stuff to use between ait·
lings. ,
All the oils and goos werl"lhrown out
by Pitts who reportedly washed out th·e
grease, ~mbed out the curly eric1$. and
gave the President sculptured razor
cuttillg. Result: the President has lost his
d I t 'tt · th agreerrient. th I h Id Oki ho an n era.gency comm1 ees 1n e r d'd 't 04:! • Protestants, er c o es w come
federal government," said George L. 1 n n in here from Oklahoma, Nebr as k·a,
Fcrtwengler. ol the General Accounting agreement. eve" Arkansas, Tennessee, etc. Orange county
Office;-'Jbe-survey-also-showed-that-at.----~~ ga;~:}-grows·"at"t~e rate of-:173 ;dlll}'. ~Mosr:or
f; Jeaat 25 committees had similar duties Is the altitude of most people. bu t 1 hap-these ar~ rich o~d Okies ~~ bring wJth
..;,j i!nd fl9'Cti0N -among thtm COffi· pen to think it is a wrong dangerous and them their reactionary pohtlCS, and thelr
"The vote should not be a privilege in
perpetuity," he argues, "guaranteed by
minimal physical survival, but a share in
j.he continuingjat~ ol t!l~ pol!!icaJ cptn·
munity, both in its benefil$ and its risks.
"The old, having no future, ar•
dangerously free from the consequences
cf their own political acts. and it makes
no sense to allow the vote to someane
'~1ho is acturially unlikely ta survive.
and pay the bills for. the politician or
party ht may help to elect."
'for can ta/rt tAt ga1 off
now, Spiro!'
aid, slicked-down look and has acquiretl a
new. more natural look.
lnSiders say the President likes his hair
trimmed al least once a week. He sum·
moned Pitts to the White House, for ex·
ample. the evening cf hiJ departure for
the Mediterranean and called for another
haircut shorUy after his return.
Far cabinet officers and presidential
aides in need of a trim, Pills is available
at the \llhite House on Tuesday end
Thursday afternoons.
Martini's fries.ts said he was in }'~t.
Lauderdale, Fla., but he couldn't be
located. Pitts refused any comment, ex·
plaining that the White How bad in·
structed him not to talk about hie: wark
for the President.
mlaionl working on highway safety. ignorant attitude . ' ' fear of almost everything that goes on in
1tatus of women, geriatrics. crime and California cut.side Orange county -with
physical fitness. QUITE APART from the civil rights in-the possible exception of San Diego coun-
1 I volved in the matter -and the blackest ty. where the dcminant cultural and
-WIUIAM D. CAREY. a senior con-villain is entitled to the same trial rights political tone is set by retired admirals.
11ultant for Arthur D. Little. Inc., and a IS a cherub, er the law means nothing -
farmer Budgtl Bureau official, added: there is another equally important con-
"ln my experience. nothing was easier sideralion : we learn absolutely nothing
lhan· to set UJ> an advisory group. fl by sending such a man to the chair. or
started wheels turning, it bought lime. it even by putting him away to rot in prison
was a surrogate for action, and it pro-for a lifetime. If he is mad. we should
duced a kind or structural grandeur." sludy the causes and course of his
Presidential comm is si on s are madness ; if he is bad, we should study
Washington fi1tures, but they really the origins and evolution of his badness.
began to flower urxler President Jchnson. If he is a mixture of both -as we might
In the past few years. blue-ribbon suspect -we should study the rela·
as"semblages have reparted on crime, the lionsh ip between moral character and
draft, rural poverty, civil disorders and emotional sickness.
violence.. postal reform, housing. and Society hates, fears and resents suc h
urban reform, the guarant-eed annual men, and wants to cbliterate them. But
wage, the Kennedy assassination and such obliteration does not deter or pre-
lately pornography and Campu.s unrest. vent similar occurrences. nor does.it help
I ' us to detect. In the early stages, lhe SO~tE RAVE made notable con-behavior patterns of other men who
tributlons to American life by focusing might do likewise.
attention on racism in our society, pro-
ducing a new crime-fighting program,
and recommending a draft lottery. Yet,
for evl!r'j commJaion that succeeds in its
objective, several fail. Instead of quieting
susplckln of a conspiracy in the murder
of President Kennedy, the Warren Com·
mission aroused more uncertainty. And
since 19$$, a commission has been trying
to decide upon a suitable memorial to
F'rankli n D. Roosevelt -at a yearly
operating cost of $33,000.
Commimons cften serve as a place to
put supporters who are too important for
a postmastership and not significant
cnoUg'h for an ambassadorship. When
someone proposed abolishing a commis-
sion with no apparent purpo.'ie, President
Johnson bluntly replied : "I need jobs for
IT SEE!\ts PA~'FUU.Y obvious to me
that if we understood more about such
matters, not only might the eight nurses
be alive today, but :also the young sniper
who committed maS£ murder from hil'I
tower in Te1as could have been spotted
;:is a potential menace long before that
dreadful day. Such actions are almost
always prefigured in early beh:avior -if
we are alert ta the deeper meaning of
such behavior.
OLD AGE AND DEATH are two things
Americans fear ta face . Death is almost
unmentionable, and old age is men-
tionable only if hoked-up mercilessly. The
Chinese. may believe there Is nothing
more beautiful in this world than a
healthy. wise old man. We do not, though
you Wouldn't guess It from our writings
about age. In true Admass fashion, we
package old age as we would an ounce of
Perhaps the truest thing said of old age
\Vas by that unsentimental French cat.
General Charles de Gaulle. He said it was
And that great physician. Sir William
Osler. a poke of "the uselessness of men
above 60 years of age, and the in-
calculable benefit it would be in com·
mercial , political and professional life if,
as a matter of course, me stopped work
at this age."
RECENTLY , in lht New Republic,
Douglas J. Stewart. an associ ate p~
fessor of classics at Brandeis University.
and a native Ca1ifornia11i made an
THE RICH OLD Okies {Ste.wart does
not qu ite call them that) mcve to
California "not to contribute to their new
community but to extract its advantage!.
"This they may do, but they ml.lit not
be allowed the additional privilege cf
and undoing social and cultural ar·
rangemenl'i arrived at by long-term
residents who ha ve invested youth, work,
taxe~ . and imagination in their com-3i
mun1ties. ~
"'Above all. they must not be permitted il'
to help political mountebanks C1>nfilcat.e
other people's future&."
The people who came here after the
war (there have been 33 percent new
residents added in the last dczen years )
are heavily composed of tho!e for whom
Disneyland wu built, and for whom UC
campuses are hotbeds of Communiam,
and Doctors Rafferty and Hayakawa •.
saviors of the system, and Jlonald ..
Reagan alroo!t Moaes himself. They -
have a ri1ht lo their anttc views ; but not,
I think. to impose them on us in tbe:ir old
age. Give California back to the Califor-
Dear George: My Secret ~1
Dear George : v.•hatchamacallit. :, 1
!\fy \\'ife'' best fr iend's hu.sband (Send your pl'()belms to o.orae.)
has taken up with hu and I am Th•n you will h bl
d . ·r h ·•· Id t II h' even ave pro ems
Well Worth the Price slobs."
Acts of what we call "senseless
violence" are increasing enormously in
this age. But thcugh such acts 1'1'\'i'y seem
senseless to us. they make a .kind of in-
sane sense lo the persons who perpttrate
them : and if we obtained a better grasp
of their convoluted mental processes. it
might help us prevent incident!: of this
tragic kind -just as an improved
knowled1e of symptoms enables us to
prevent physical illness from worsening
to tht inC\lrable stage.
won ering 1 s e .,....,u e im about your problem ) ::';in;~: !n ~:r?w~~n s::Ul~a1 a. !
keep it a 11ecret? 3
New llolflti1, Wtac.. ~porter: "You
don't r<all>t I~ be<"""' It has become
so much a pert of our life, that we
are payioi taxes twice and three times
an aorne l"'<ljecta, sales. transactions.
what have you. Even at that I had
rathe.r be taxed ln the U.S.A. than live
in frtedom Callecedly) l• Ruuta or under
communitm. You never know haw
vt1luabH: you prlie yoor freedon1 un UI "°"IOI! It."
•Uoo11a, Pl., !'.tlrror: "People ex·
J>eCtin& aomethlna ror nothlnc ha\'e
always bttn around, all around the
work!. But only ticrc • , • has It evu
i.e..i -ly auuosi.ct lhot they all
bad a 4richt' lo anytbl11g for fllOthing;
ltl alone a 'rliht" to a fllA<lnletd
Press Com ments
annual income which amounll to nothtna
less than evtrylhina ror nothing."
Ok1be111, 1'1hw1., Press: "Americans
did things i11 a 61& wa'j lakt yeir -·
we smoked &50 blUkm cigartttes, chewed
six billion aspirins, used more than cno
trlllion s11fety pins, 1te more than thrte
billion quarts of Ice cream. mailed three
billion Oristmas cards and drove an
eatJmated 800 billion miles In jusl going
places and doing thlnas. Ynu can't ~v
t.htre are anY halfwiy measures In this
COWJ'""' •I ... ~·-·
liow many "years" does it take to
re pa.Ir, replace or remove the
clock at College Center on Harbor
-f'. c.
~ T~1' lt1111ft ,..lltt'h rtt•trt' llt#to 11tt
llKtU f.lllr ttlt!t " "'' MWYfMr, "'"'
nw,,...11 l't'f•t It OlttlT\r O~t. Dlll\I f'ilff.
WHAT 1S1 A "WASTE" is not tht long
and cumber90me trial. but the fact that
1rtcr the trial little is done to probe lhe
~chic cancers of such men . Simply to
execute thc!m er shut th~ away i3 the
surest cuarantee that future tragedies
v.·111 be neither prtvented nor anticipated.
If we handled physical disease the samt
wax. who would be alive! .,,,,_
Dong Kln1m1n. noted 1rllst ''islUng
S.f'. -''The lesson of life Is learning to
think fo.~ )'OurseU."
• --
Dear W.W.:
Slab anything you •IJlt to. If you
talk lik~ WTll.e. nobody will
understand you anyhow.
Otar Geor1c:
What was the name of tht
fa mous st.afei;man \\'ho said that
. he regretted he had but one .,,·hat?
Dear Fcrgclful :
l ~lieve you Are lhlnkti11 of
-his name is right on the tip
or nly tongue.: .I-know it as well
;:is I do yours -\\·ho iiald: "If
this be whllt. make the most er
\Vhat?" \Vhat w11s his name -
John R. Whet. ln fact. Old f Pmlly
11round Boston . . the Ros1on
\Vhats •• , came over on th~
IV ed n es day, October 7, 1970
r1., editorial pogo of "'' Dailv Pilot setlu co tt.}orm ond t(fm.
lllate readtr1 by presenting thi&
ncu:&papt'r'& opi11fo11.'1 a11d com·
n1entary on topics oj inttre.t&
nnd significance. by providiJtg <J
forum for the 1zpr1s.si<m of
011r readers' opi,,lon.r, and b11
f)r<'Senting tl1e div erse view.
po;11u oj fnfor~d ob1ervtr.•
:ind spokesmc1l an topic1 o/ lli t
Robert N. Weed , Publisher
. '
• I I
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dlsj ... ...
cal ... ...
tod •
prt ,
str ••• i
ln1 I
le1 m• ti. to.
Y• '
I .. •• co
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81 c.
pa •
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to dl
• I ·I
.~ -
YOL;. 63 -NO. 240, 5 SECTIONS, 64 PAGES
l • ;
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' -~ ..... TEN CENTS --'
Nixon Asks B·an for Ga·s. Disp.osa.I .in Qcean
-, '. --.. ----.-, ' WASHINGTON ,(UPI) -Pr,.ldent seu u dumpiq groundl, with hopes this The report said ocean dumping of should be-~led u .iJi u .poiit. diipouJ ol aome aid wartime lllllllitlooa quickly u poosible of ocean itwnplq of
tJ_gon called today far a total ban on would be fQ_llowed by intematlonll agree-materials "clearly 'identified as barmful ble." in the North AUanUc. industrial wutes and of lllldlpsted
___.. diaposal of piiison gases, otber_toDc_,.m..,en,.ts.._,a..,1 ".._-'the~s,.a_,,m._e_.·.,,es,,,,_. ____ to the marine envbxlnment or-IIWl'.!..must
materials•u well as trash in the ocean. 'lbe Pre!ident. sent C.ongress a !14-page -be prohibited. It Aid that dumping of
-The-Army'1-clwnplnc-of-1-llrge-qaan:._The.eov~-'lOllllCil'1 ._i.aalcl__...,,,. 1ludge, tho aolid-by•-w<>duct-"l---1-1
lily of ..,.;. gu D the ~tlaJ\ltc Ocean present policy prohibits ocean dlllllpiN of =pal ....to water treatment pn>-
· "Man does not treat the oceans well," report by the Environmenlal Quality materials which could be bannful should
Ni.Jon said in a message to Congress: Council which-detailed damage ·caused by be phased ouL
"He has assumed that tbelr capacity to ocean dwpping and suggested a series of "No ocean dumping of chemical
~'bsorb -wastes is infinite, and evidence is strict rules to ~e the seas. warfare materiJla 1hoU1 be ~ilted,"
now accumulaUng on the damage that he "I endone the council'• rtt0m-the report said. "BiOlogical warfare
bas caused." mendatiom and will submit specific materials have not been disposed of at
The President said he would recom-legislative propoaals to implement them sea and should not be in the future.
mend legislation to st.op U.S. use ol lhe to the rieit Congress," Ni10n said. "Ocean disposil or ezptosive· munitions
east ol Cope Kennedy, Fla., Ju,\~ "~'with· a high level ol 'r-dtrity In h~ mesuge, Nixon cited •-ol
cre11ed -a ~ Qproar,"wfth aome IJlll.sald ocean dwnpiq of moot olhf; the oooncll repoi:t conclucllni Iha&, "the
marine uperta Contending that ... the radioactive materiab ahould be.-~ current lever of ocean dumptnc ii
g~s -escaped It~ reault.,,in a major hlblted unless there wu "DO alternlltfve creating eerious • enviroilmental ~e
kill of sea life. .. • offering less' barm1 to man or the en-in some areas and the volume of wutel
Later, another: -ibougb I e 11 in· virOnmenL" dumped in the ocean is increaaln& rapld-
tenie, cOntrovUs~ relul~~· fr~m the m , c_ouncU urged a terminal.ion as ly."
... ~ -• • ffil-S'SIOllS
Speaks Tonight
Nixon May Seek
Vi-et Cease-fire
WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix-
01110CkJ-put finishing toucbee on bis ma·
jor Vietnam speech, which is expected to
~. among other things , for a cease-lire
and renewed efforts to free_ prisooen of
Salt Creek
Due in <;ourt
The Salt Creek Beach controversy will
be in SuperlOr cOurt In the next few days,
;-()range ·County c.cunstl's office-said
today. . . "We will probably seek an tnjunct.1on
to .stoP the landowners from intufenng
with the public use of beachei in the
•rea " said Thomas Conroy of Laguna
Beach, deputy count.)' coumel who is
preparing the case.
The decision of the Board of Super.
visors to take legal action in the con-
troversial case was made last June when
the board declined to acce pt an agree-.
ment with the Laguna Niguel Corpora·
lion over public use of the three-mile
&trttch of beach be.tw,een Three Arch Bay
and .Dana Point.
At that time the board instructed the
county counsel's office to advertise in an
effort to discover the public's "prescrip-
tive" rights to the beach.
Several hundred persons replied that
they had u~ the be.ach over the years
\Vithout interference, thereby eatabUsh·
ing the public's right lo the beach, accord.
In~ to County Counsel Adrian Kuyper .
Kuyper has predicted success in the
le.Jal action saying, "It appears th a t
members of the general pubUc u s e d
the entire beach area from Dana Point
tG Monarch Bay without charge ln th e
years before World War II. "Acee~ to the beach was gained by
Salt Creek Road and Dana Strand Road ,"
KUyper added.
Jn June, att.omey Eugene Bell, repre--
senting the Laguna Nigue) Corp .. threat-
ened lengthy coort action defending the
corporation's right to the beach.
" The President was also understood to
be aiming at bavjng the ground effusive
role of U.S. forces in Vietnam virtually
ended by the middle of next year.
.Nixon will delfyer his .addresis to lhe na·
lion at 6 p.m. PDT tonight and a new
U.S. ~ propogal is to be presented at .... ~~......-,.;"''e!ie""'-·••""• =~7'~ ~~ •11 1 .,.
·Secretary· of StaU William P. Rogera
ha¢"-"-dale with tho TbU
lorolln minlstu to brief hhn on the Nil-'"' addreoa. OOJet consultaUOno ,..,.. held
yesterday in the cilpitala of Urterested
governments, U.S. diplomats aaid.
Nixon set elaborate plans to brief key
congressmen. the Cabinet and diplomats
ahead of his scheduled 15-minule address
to be carried live on radio arid television.
But the White House remained mum on
wbat hew offer negotiator David K. E.
Brvce-will-lay--on·tbe~bargaining·table at
ThW'lday's weekly."m~ting in Paris with
North Vietnamese and Viet Cong envoys.
There was speculaUon Nlxoo might
propose a cease-fire, or a Geneva-type
muIUnation conference on Southeast
Asia, or special talks on prisoners of war
or a combination of various Items aimed
at breaking the lengthening de;11d1ock at
There was talk, too, that Nixon might
unveil a speedup in U.S. troop
withdrawals beyond the timetable be set
last April. At that tiine he announced
another 150,000 men would be brou.a;ht
(See NIXON, -Pore I)
'Sl.eepers' Stay
·Despite Chill
Tbe advent of cool, foggy beach
we.ather does not aeemto be discouraging
beach and car aJeepen in the Laguna
Beach area, police report.
No less than 19 "steepen'' have been
rounded up by the night watch in the last
two days, according to the police IOI.
A citation for violation of city
ordinances banning sleeping on beach or
in vehicles parked on Art Colony streets
costs ns.
"We es:pect them in summer," said one
office~. "Bat man, it'& gett.tng cold tut on
that beach at night now!"
Rips Edison
Power blackouts would be good for
Southern· California, a Costa Meaa man
told the Public Utilities Commislion Jn an
impasi1toned presentation in S ~ n
·Clemente 'I'Uesday. ~
Furthermor>. .said Verlyin G. ·.Marth.
"the blackouts .Jbould hurt." ·
J!arll>. Ill ..... r aertiillijlkol engfiieer, Who Ii be,' "earl'\ ,.o;k
becauae of a piirn...,..Tlung dliilil.llly .
broug\lt on b_y ·~ .P!!lutioo." n~ the .
Edison Company Ut a boOming, fm~
pauloried table-banifng 1ddre91 be/Ori
PUC Examiner Arch Miin.
"I tlve in Costa Mesa under that
poisonous p 1 u me produced by· ,y o u
(Edison) in Huntington Beach," he
He accused the utility of suffering £rom
"arrogance of power," and termed the
firm "morally irrespomible" for en-
couraging customers to we more elec-
tricity, instead of less.
He assailed Edison for "spoiling one of
the. prtttiest beaches in the ~te" with. its
proposed nuclear generator expanston
project, then said reactors, instead,
•hould be built underground in Central
Orange and ·san Diego coonues where the·
electrical CO!l!UQlption is great.est.
Then he cited Ute utility's "desecration
of the landscape with' thousands ol· miles
or power transmission lines ...
The hea.rings in San f;}emente_and the
building pians for San Onofre were plan-
ned by Edison, he charged, because the
firm is "afraid ta face the people in more
populated Orange County cities."
"You couldn't stand the sqlJl.l¥k," he
said. '
"I'm Ured of this arrogance cr power; 1
hope you get shut. down in Huntington
Beach, because pe.ople are getting tired.
"I'll fight you every step of the way."
Marth drew the seccOO outburst of ap.
plause sinet the lengthy bearings started
Monday momtng -an outbunt from
citittm flayed by PUC Elamlner Arch
"I can understand your exuberance,
but displays of this sort have absolutely
no Influence u p o n my or the PUC'1
decisioris in this matter. I would ap.
prtciate It if you wouldn't clap, please."
Main's power in the hearings ii semi·
judicial. He has the option to level con·
tempt citations.
Water Recall Group Hit
South Cotut County Directors Fire Volley
DireCton of South Coast County Water
District Tuesday fired a return-volley
agaimt a group ef South Cout water
UJtn seeking recall of foor memben of
the board branding the action an Instance
Of "dissident irresponsibility" witb an
ulterior purpose of attempted takeover •f
the diltrlct.
_ In a statement signed by Thomu R.
lln>oks, Robert Malooe, Ted O'Coonell,
Gerald S. Pell and Dr. Anthony Orlan-
della, wbo is not Included In the recall
move, directon su.ggesttd recall pro-
ponenll weigh the lacta bofore lniUating
• cosUr special election.
In a discuss.ion af the italement during
a ipeclal meeting caUed before last
ni1hl'11 regular session, the board elected
to retain the strong wording wblcb ..,.
dltector felt mJibt be madlfled.
' ... ' '
Coosen&tlS of the board was that only a
strongtr-worded: answe:r~wtl'J!d-stand • up
against "petty" complaints and alleged
rumors being circulated.
Tbt recall action Items from angry
ikbates between the board a n d
bomeownen in the district whkb 1e.rves
the .,... IOUth of the Lagun1 Beach city
Iimlts, lollowiq a IO percent bike In
water rates.
A committee naming Itself SOuth COasi
Qtlzens for Reapooaiblt Water Manage-
ment h• acaued lhe boord of poor
management, unsubstantiated rate.... in-
crease, ineUiclent aperalion and fa11ure
to rtspond to complaint.I of water mers.
M!Qotity of peUUooers apparently art
membert of the Thunderbird
Homeownen Association ef Dana PelnL
RuJloadinl to the llat<men4 '!bad
Barrow, a. member Ol the cltiiell! group " expreseed the wish that the board'•· "ef·
ficiency might. match its rhetoric" and
asked 1., an aooounUng ti the COii of
A bandluJ of\ other retail prepooenll
declined ta comment.
James O'Cooner, I rep-.tatlve ol
Coutal · jlluniclpal Water Oiltrlct ,spoke
briefly, suggesUnc the eppooiUon. lac<
.. colcf.ttlooded facts ... '
He point<d «II SCCWD bun't lncreued
rates In 11 years while the coat per acr1
foot of water baa jumped from $Zt·to
"f 111bmit the opposition 1.,get the pet\)I
pert and gel down to facts," •O'Coonei;
de<lared. "ff "'" cin "1ow.jJow to reduce
the rat< below whit It Is today;'lhe boord
(9" WATER, Pal' lJ' ' -'
_, ~---~-----
......... .;J. ...
•• : : ·· • · , • ":"', ~ ~ J: '· •. ~ o..:tL.,·Pli.n·;.......111r i.~ ""'"
STINA ,WoU•, ·A ryRTtM"O'<>Escoito~EltATINI; TABLI --
Nurie. fii,,.,~ S:....mv, Dr.-llaym....r a.ac:11 Adm1ri11t•r Aid
. '
South CO$St Hospital
' .
Holds DiSasy.r · f!rill
SOuth Coast Community 119oPital In In the drill, ruperviled by Stanley C. Op-
SOuth Laguna ' held I clliUfOr drill this pegord, wislan( hospital admlnlstr1!or.
morninJ In whlch 12 ."victims ... ' W!!h . 1be e.1erclse in readiness involved 12
burns, fractures and Olber almUlated lD· hers ol the Women'• Awdllary ef the Juries were "trea'ted. ·~ Jf!effl . . '!'
Afl of th~ hospital's departments -. hospital ICting as "victims of a bus ac·
more than too employes -particlpited cklent." The '!JO men were brouiJ:it into
CouncU Weigh.s
Action .on City ,
-Beach T.enants .
. . <: ' The Lagw11 ·Beach City Council will
step into Ill landlord role tonight to COii•
sider .tennin1Uon of two le11e1 and evtc-
Uon of a beachfront tenant.
. , .
the emtrgeney' ~ance
of the boepl~
where thty were dlagrK/'Sed and treated
fcir their almullted injuries. !
,SpwJeon.Sparka of the Orange County
Health, 1 Department · obterved the 30-
minute drill and, In a critique ~lowing
the eierclse and cdinPllmented everyone
who Jllfllclpit!d f°'·dotnl a flne job.
'fbe bolpftal II required by law IJi bold
two.wcb 'c1r1Ib ..cb yw. ·
$14,00() Fence
Surrounds Pool
Leuee Terry CIJM!ngham, acc:Ordiq
to the city, ii delinquen& in payments for:
both the RJtel de f1 Coeta, 115
Boardwalk, and T0.011,Sandwicli Shop,
335 South Cout Hlghw ' Both proper11e1 ....:1inctuded In thee . WASHINGTON (APl • -Tbt Wblte
clly'a II mlIIloa Mall Beodli ,.,..-HCMllt ·Aid \l<>dll' • dear plutlc fence
and, rill nelibborlil( t111b1W1••dl, lnlllnd•1Jai'I of the nrlmnlinl pool at
btve C<illtlnMd' by the cttY ...,.... Pre&ljlent ~·1 -at Su .Clemeate,
development of, t MllD\ Bu<b Part.. · coil~ ill 000 aiid Wll ll'tded 11\'-tho •
Tl\e.clty JDl\ntiln& tt ha -,...blo s.crtt Serv~ u a le.urity me-. . to collect renll from CUrmlngllam '"' the . t)"O pri>per'Ull 111 -~. 'Ille J<ooee, In The oee-throll(h fence, lnstallod l11t
film;1nalntalned the city deprl•od him of year, b ooly C!l\-the ocean 1140 of the
bualneaa at the old boardwaJll holel by re-pool. It ~ bullet l'<Siltlnt.
qulrillg ..-Val of hll larp lllp. Jn ,.._·to an Inquiry, the White
·Settlem<nt of "the evldlon lllatler ,wu eo-said the fence nevei wu Intended
delayed•!n>m u urllor councli llltlllnc u •·--bll~ -ome tbtt • Ille rlqUlll of ·oaimici-~~. ~·
• • • , . ..... ... .. .
. -.
Of .. Dlltr l'lt.t "'" The llate's chief health pbyllclst
rtvea1ed at San Clemente todiy that a
radioicti.ve materi.r.kllOwn JS "tritium''
aptiiii'<il lli . Oiijlo edlcted amomrtrlll ~ frolli 1bo eiiillas Sia .Ot>O!re IQdlar-nactOr: ' ! .._
Alhasa· c. COrnl9h -tliat tho amounts_ of tritium recorded are not -·
baaanlOua to piibuc health. --
''?he new element in the San Clemente
he&rµtp before ~ state Public Utilities
COliiajalbn .. piopooed qlll<lnlj>le ....
pll9loft ef. tM San Onofre nuclear' com·
plOi. came during •n. o!herwt .. -pretentaUon on monitoring and evalua·
lion of health factors . ·
Co,rnJsh s,Cressed that the
measurements involved in the nuclear
emias1ons from the reactor are eztremely
small.• However· the testimony was ·ti·
pected to add new fuel to opposition ti
the nuclear plant upansion.
Tuetday was the Edi9on Company'•
day to present reams of infonnaUon from
the uWlty's exper11 on the geolol)',
ooeanography and safety of the prGposed
haU·billion-dollar expansion project.
..Dominating Tuesday-'S testimony WU
Ediaon Co. mechanical engineering
manager David J. Fogarty, who detailed
tbt physical construction and .operation
aspects of the propoSed twin reactors.
Fogarty then added that all wutt
disposal_sy_stems J t the plant are "wtll
within regulatory limits."
Fogarty explained that besides the
reeuJ.ar nuclear w~les produced by the
reactors, even Items like rags, acraps of
papet and . other pieces of trash con-
taminated through work in 'the react.or
areas are packaged undef special
circumstances and taken to disposal situ
by governmenl·ppproved crews.
The radioactive gases p r o d u c e d
through the self-contained reactor cooling
system. Fogarty explained, would. be
stored under compression In tanks for
decay to take place, thin the gases are
sampled and shipped 'under atrict con·
diliona to atomic "burial grounds."
While Fogarty~ dtrtlt UPon the con-
struction aspects • and provisionl for
-waste· disposal, other Edison apolcesmen
concentrated on earthquake facton, ef.
fects on marine lile by mllllona of plloas
(See HEARINGS, Pase' I)
Weadler . '
Another taste of Sula Ana·wlndl
Is in the offinr for the cout on
Thuraday. with \empet•lllrn ris-
ing to 74 degree1 ·aloni the lhore-
Une Jd up tO the:-'8011 turther in-
INSmE TOD~ 'l' .
A 11-ttD com1'lttnftv thtattr ·
oroup ma.kt• lu dcbv& '"" t0«1cnd in HvntHaoton Btae1'.
Ste Entcnain mrnt, Paoc 31.
• • f -
• . .
FaM Cong ··
'./ 1 .3gunaM.e~t
~ I I
Wltb"31 !toma on ili·bUllcy agenda. tll• tagab~lr aty-councn facti wbat
one official described as a "loog and
dull" ~°" at 7:30 tonight.
rrhe agenda It.ems thelN!lves n..tn the
aamut •<frorh charltable aolicitation u-
quesla Ud 1 n>qtlOll ltom the Playbou,.,
fot ~ UI &el'ft"dwnptgne Ji: in·
t.tttn118lon. to a state enter to fix the
sewer treatment plant and discus11ion of
what to do with cld buildinp oo tbe Main --~or1l-communic1tion&''-per.ied,
wbich usually produca fireworkl at
41guna council mettinca. bu been plac-~ towafd lbe front of the long agenda,
following \be "consent calendar" o( routtPe items which can be adoPted' with
a single vote If none art pulled «Kit 1 for
special diacussion.
Thoog~ _Jt is _not 'listed as an alatda
item, df&dtisslon of the ceuncil'a r~rt en
its Inquiry Into the July 4 Woodland Drive,.
riot. may--aitne up during Oral diSCUS8lon.
When the report was read at an ad·
journed council meeting Sept. 2.1, no time
was. ~owed for dlacussion. -Mayor
Richard Goldberg said Plf'Ons interested
in discussing the repor:t '\'ould be able to
da so at the next regular council meeting .
Goldberg 11ld today be didn't know
whether. anyone illtfinded to brlria up the
Woodland report but added, "It wouldn't llW'pl'~ In:! if aomtOne-dOe.S."
DAILY l'ILOT Sti ff l'flelt
Dog "Night.'' Scott Sabol, D1nni1 Gregory W•tch Horiit n
Sailboat Snafu
Craft Breaks Line, Runs Aground
Freeway , ;M~e!ing'._1 •• . --
State OfficialS ·fu :1can ter-~W it~ ,Newport '· . . ' .
st.to olflctats 11l<ttod1y they,wilt Ilk,. , ~ •Pfl"'Yed 1tat.<Itycaanement on lll<>Ut anything conc:ernlnf tlte Hqu .. r
Jy atU a meeUna with Newport Beach on the: e1a<;t ~~ ol the--freew1y east olUte. rlafit now, we need to ti\ down with the
the city's request for priority treatment liay crossinl l!.aa eome under .. Se9'eff -ctty-ancttalkttover." ~
of the Pacific Coast Highway traffic con· tTJtleism from . a Jarge ,el~. o~. tJe ~a;ited there .9'0'1~ ·~~~al
-R"tion al the Back Bay Bridge._ Ne"1)0r\~ f<!idents.aruLI citJ...,, _ r'"f'OllM'l<> tllt le!W ih I "(~k '!!ti.
However, they. repeatedly sidesteppe.d W"!R ~MJ----i6 see~ .. to r~ind:tbat Hir.Ui• lettr2'iad @ .. -~~ ~,___,
answering a query as to whether they agreemet1t. • stfi coordinate, plaMlnc .~-ntw
would consider building a new bridge in· There is no cify-acctpled route east of-bridge with a ;new desl(n ~ the, Dover
dependent of the planned and protested the bay, but the state has propc)aed that Jf Drive interc:hanit just to~ . .-._
Ptcific oCast Freeway alignment through continue running parallel . to the COUt Althouah declining: .an "'· imal ~-
Newport. Highway. , . mVJt on thts put of tht ·~ ~U.well,
Mayor· Ed Hirth wrote the Statt The controversy has sened to -train lJa&hi,!ll!>tO ~l~y .. ~l~~I!. ~ i~-
Division of Highways folloO.-ing a City relations betwten the city and the press10n the at.ate wasn t ally ~ill·
Council directive last week, asking that a Division ot""Highways. ed by w of the Newport ition.
solution to the growing traffic problem be A Highway division spokesman this HashJmoto said. "":I~ ibe\ tr~~ay
effected as soon u possible. morning would say only that the division plans,_ tbt atalt. had1 antft':lp,#ed . 'pro-
As ~ the council action, Hirth said "will look into the city's request" and via.ions for taking cart of ,Dov .Drh.-e
the city wants work dOne in such a man· make a reply. traHMl.-----·,_· -,.,-,4"!--
ner that the final outcome of the freeway William Ha~himolo, deputy .. ~strict He O,.tb' ~ 'ny add\~ ~m-
controversy would have no bearing on the engineer for DLStrict 7, State D1v1S1on of ment pendina f ~ep~t ~lefaf the
design of the brkige. Highways, said, ''It i3 premature to talk letter. '\
From Page J
would be glad to see you anytime.
Rev iew the facts carefully as to cost,
maintenance and salary increases over
the past 11 years befere this goes
O'CoMor added a "half-cocked" action·
not only proves ~Uy, but doesn't im·
prove the efficiency.
SCCWD directors also voted an ex·
pression of appreciation for William
. I
Hot Lunch Contrqve.rsy '-..
Facing Joaquin ;Board
The neceuity for !l hot lunch program
ln the San Jbaquln Elementary School
Districl will be almmerin1 on the front
bw'ner . tonight at the 7 o'clock meeting
of the Board of Trustees in Irvine School.
withdr.Wai of· government ~PPW'\ and
subsldiei which enable the district! to
serve i nutritional hot lunch al, lower
coal '-, I
Reft4Y)---0 n· · -:aass-Two -·young surfing enthusiasts who and decid~ that removal of the boat Moorhead, Laguna Beach County Water lle-.a ~ to tab • sailboat they were would run to about t.100. District manager, who defended the -i~ · . ' ' biiy:t out for 1 triaJ run wound up with The youths decided thty'd rather do it recall t.argel.3 and expressed ainfidence
A controverSy over whether or not the
program fulfills a district need developed
at the board's last meeting , when it nar·
rowly passed a measure providing free
meals for the needy.
Trustee R09ert Dameron, Who Is, cool
toward the hot lunch program, has asked
interested parents lo attend the meeting
to voice their views on continuing the
program. He bas stated that he 1ff4 no
reason to ma intai n the program in an
area where children's nutritional needs
are obviously being met. R~ .. · ·fly ·tiO Begi(.Jl> .,. _ a .. o_ad of trouble.off Larun•'• Main · themselves. They found it wasn 't that in management of the district. ~ ·~1 . euy. By Tuesday morning the aallboat
?tit tale of J¥Ot be&an whtn Davld waa almost aubmerged, wlth holes and a The followln1 statement dated Oct. S
Tea•. ;C· her N·.:.··"_ .J ·: .:.1. :-Strvtn, • 2S, tJt:-Tuatln, and DtMla crack in It.I hull from wave batt.erlng. was ls.sued by the board: tleUetl Gre1ory, ,21, of Sanl.a Ana, a))oird thi z. · The Coaat Guard had dropped by to "The South C.oast County Water
,.. . . root cr&tt owned tiy Robert iertoc.b of look things over and declared lhe vwel a District has , been notified or an Im· '!be . religioua · tr~ pr.,..; .,.. · Weatmllllter, dee~ lo Ue up ~t 1 IW'f• 111¥!# lo nav111Uon.
proved ·t>y the ~ BlaCb ~a'.lfild !ill market buoy off St. Anne'I ae.m .~ 1,.,11,.. city m•n•ll'er Joseph pending recall elect.ion aimed at rtmov·
School OiStrl.. et ~-oi·"'-·*'• .... •'-' · s ...a.... .._.. ....._ ing from office four memberi of Its board _.1~ 1ruiu~=~a my u • .....,, •. _ _ . Sweiay.·1dv1Hd the youths they would •.
this Year Jacki ioJ.1 one •ingredient 'tO Tbe youtha:, equipped wltb IW'fboardl, have:·to remove the boat In 41 hour11 or of directors.
make Jt~~J*J .:;.~teacher. re apparently' were iutacted-~-IOll11 pro. ·the f:ltyWOWd be obliaed to take atepi. "Instigators of this unwmanled,-un--
Rev. ~ ~ef the eo.llilnmdty misfn& looking W1vt11 l&ld LllUM BuCh --g!t=duty llfteu1rd1 paddle4 out on necessary and Jll-concelved a~n is a
Failure to pass the meals for the needy
program would have resulted in the
New Mobile Home
Policy O ears
Its First Test
Rex Nerison. assistant superintendent
of administrative services, said the ad·
ministration is planning to discue the
program with the trustees, etplaining its
origins. toncepts, and its value UI
students from a nutritional and educa-
tional point or view.
Pres~~~ Ulld the ,boa.rd Life_cu&rd Lt. Eu,tM dePa~, • · · iurlboardl to aee if they could belp. They relatively small group or di!sidenl.s '.J'Uesd@_y~t the nine cburclle& sponsor.· At 7:J6 p.m. a call to U\e pollce couldn'.t. _ operating under the name of SQUth Coast The new mobile 'home policy itJ San
ing the.,pi:oeram want lo blre a creden· :reportedauilboatqround on.t&ebeacb. ''J cueutheclty m1yh&vtu&.towlt Jn. Citizens for Responsible Wa ter District Juan Capistrano passed its first te s t
He said that from a direct operating
point of view the program operitef at 1
profit and when the food sertict:s direc-
tor's s1Jary is added to the coat, the
deficit does not represent a large amount
of money. ' lialed~--=-:---~ . The craft-had broien -11.11-tbla .line and to Uit~beacb so Jt can bt Kali.ltd.Off with a Management. Tuesday. uD_
"We.doo"t.w111t tile COUne to be ~t fi1>1:ttd away from ""the buoy, wuhlnc tractor '' mUMd dePiWll t0cl1y; "But I "Thls group appattntly Is locallied in A bid for a Z79-llnlt seutt park proposed
by 1 Wftil~r.''-Turner told~ board. ashore ln <lbt surf. ' ' • .. don't know lf thtt would -work -It's one section of our community and has not by Paul Goya was unanfmously denied by ,.:e.~~ tt,~~. "RelttHd : ~Y-~ tlat~~11 an"lved at-u..~ ·pretty heavy. It could~wOt filed If they kept Itself informed of the mod.em pr~ the planning commission after a public
Laguna Trustees
Seek $300,000 al e .__ ~ on, '''"iOijf, -,.11ven lo U\t IC~, Ute >'OUDI liUOrs, auemptinn eiiuld lit lt ·to dry dotk • ; • but that cedures initiated by the water district. hearing. ~t.e~ a~ the elemeatarJ ~.·;la~ their !xiat-10 -~ ~1 bld-.aue. · cortl money ... " ' The park would have been located
J ire . ".ll;OUP wtll.,, . ~· irAller , _ :&' -tt. .-Mllnwtillt tbe -cap&lad' •llboat bob& in "These procedures have been designed a}ong both sides of the Cana do Road for th • te c! .dtn !m•r...:...,·~ P · i,&k. ~ ~~~Ult Ma!B:M~· _ to provide superior ler'Vlce and quality between San Juan Creek, 0 rte g a
f · • --ind aixtb a: . "1'ij: ~~'le1 • ' , WWJI'· . ili ' ,W] ~r thlnp, 11 water for the 1ntlre diatrict without Highway and the proposed La Nov la
tf!el ~~ Met 1 week of 1tteadin& tbe ed to u.. · BMcb lltd t1imly attacbld whit remalni Of a very liil:cy aterto Ht regard for the -petty, -and for the mott Street. Loan from Bank
re ll!OO' class " instead o( mUlk, art, to an offlb0n:£°~· the youthl inatAUed before the)' aalled oU p1rt, unfounded complaint& of the 11-Commissioner Charles AJ!en. who mov-pbyaical ecl&lcaUoa or other "enriCIMM.nl." ' ua.. -'"'•Mltu1Uon lo ~1.......... logical few. ed to deny the requ est, cited the ••w Laguna Beach Unified School Dlstrld
cl •. t. ) • .. • ••· ~ ;x ~ ,. """"° ~,,.;w , f "The four ao-called reasoos which policy ln ,the city which bans ~bile trustees decidf¥1 Tuesday night to go to ,=1 ~t the· 't it, .. ; ~ ,~ htive bee~ publlahed_ aa,the bl4'8 of this home park! cons_ttuctiol.'.I until enough the bank to borrow $300,000 in order to
be · ' but Dr ,., • ..o...:....;. ---·J recall election an fal&t, m1'111Cling and ~rmanent structures are built to make meet current obligations untJI receipt ol
Ull ~DtJ>f ·tbt disirkt....-~ ..-..~~ without any follmatioo Jn Jac,:t. It is the [he ratio of mobile homes only 10 percent it! tax money in December.
that lbt.acboot day w.ould blvt to be .! NUCL·EA. R H" EAR~ IN' ns· opinion of this board of d.lrector:s that the of th e total. Dr. Robert Reeves, • s s i It a·n t
tended in order to prbvid6. the available · ~ '• • • aforemenlioned 'reasons' are designed to He also referred to 1 letter from the superintendent of the district in char1t of
time 1n tbe morninf. tlndtr-.atlte law tM · · ·• conctal.' from the great majority or Orange County Flood Control District curricu lum·, told the board that with cur-
reli&ioul. clw. m~ not be held ~t 1 of warm' aha\llt w1ttr .=... '9tll tidal b11 beep nettd;replfl'ly, . utlafle~"Water consumers of the district which stated that portions of the property rent funds, the dis trict would not be able
public.~ durinf ~~clue u.n.. .: "**~· · ___.:...._ __ _ "'l'bele fftUlta bavt --~by SQMe ulterior p~e In thl.s, attempted might be subject to noocttng. to meet the Nov. 1 payroll':
Dr. ~ $!~ •llt.iltlct front 9-.. SW. t ·~ 1~ ~ .,,.):.._... • ... '"-tbe ~~ o1 Ft0..And7Qime,"· ba · . tak,eover of ,the, district; Ralph,. y~~~J:.1~.\tJtk..1. .. ~@ ... ma~.the .-.~-,Retvea, .• noting. -Ulat · the· -loan -LI · 1 r&euect:~ ... '10~ proarame· cha.WA .. uo...,. ,..,.._,., 1 po •11 m • n added. .. --· 1 0( the four reason~ .~_!lV!IJl<:e.cLb.y. ~e---"Pre·senf81.lon for Goya admitted that por-norma l annual procedure, 11a.id the
ing th&{ about 35 to· 40 P.fl'Cellt ·t)f the ~~to ~" ill-penoQal llfety and mllit:tnt---mlnarity""Jt'Oifp, flit one citing tions of the property might be subject to district ls running about $75,000 behind ln
sLudeata ctJQid bt upeeted &o take part 1n tra.ir\lrli for employtl of the comple.z, l1'REil OF WATER • Oil!" recent·50 percent water rate Increase flooding. But he pointed out that Unlike e the rectipl of federal project funds. Ht
the trabfuig. then ln 1tt1etal terma detailed the ICOPI With tbe prepo&ed add!.tloa ti bUU1m er as unjustified Is an lristance or dls!ldent perman ent structure a trailer could be said the district will receive about
Under &he. program, p1rent.s would give of plant iicurJty to w1rd off the chlncet t allou of more heated w1ter frcm Ult irrt!lponsiblllty. moved until the danger la passed . $200,000 in t11 money on Dec. 10.
their cooaent for 1 child to take part in of ·u bot11e·"""' a common P.Oiiit cltid bY ' new plantl, Smith predlcted that a 1trtak
the p....,111\, foes or the 1oC.tlon.of tbe Jiropoood twtn-' of ~r about four decrees bottor coold
Tumtr said the proaram will be&in it reacton. ' --apan two4o-four miles under avtrttt
Aliao, El Morro and Top Or the 9iorld · · eummer cond1Uons.
Elflmlnt.ary Scboolt u soon 11 a tfiacher INTlUCATI P,ROC!DURES Smith's tesUmony wound up wltll
with aulficient rtliatOU4 bacifraund can Alfonso Arenal, auperintendent of det1ill1 of 1 propoeed 28-foot seawall
be hired. steam. generation. t•pl1lned intricate whJcb would ward off any conceivable
procedures of dec<1ntaminaUon and safe-tidal wave capable of hitting the San
Laguna Hills Drain ·
Plan Contract Given
A mister dr•ln11e plan for the 30,000.
acre t.aauna Hills area wlll be executed
by Toops Enalneerlnf Inc.
ty precautions for employes working in Onofre site.
various parts of the reactor complex. . Besides the predicted public uproar to-
thtn cited the frequent security patrols of d1y, Examiner Main will hear testimony
the reactors by trained security person· from a final balch of utility witnesses
nel. who will detail tht financial aspects of
Without goin1 into specifics about the the costly reactor project.
exact security factors, Annal termed the Edison nianagement heads will detalt
security at the tx!Jtln& nu clear plant and the firJQ/1 financial capabWUU. Jtnanclllg
the new ones as "more than adtquate." structure for the new plant construction
The agreement for th• 1,11,000 project
was approved by the Board o f
6upervlaors Tuesday.
Jf promises of the foes made Tuesday and the estimated costs of the two new
bear fruit today, the matter of thermal reactors -tach of which would produce
pollution and estheUca oftlie propoaed twice the amount or pawilr-churned out
expansion will surl1ce once more be.fort by the exJ&ting nu c I e 1 r . pow t r e d
DAllY PllOT .. _ ..... --c.... .....
.............. h-.1•"...,
S.Cls ...
Rtt..rl N. W"' ,,..lleri, .... ,......,
J,clc l . Cvrlty Vkt ,,..,,.tnl t nl ...,._I ......,
' •
l horn•1 Kttvil
'""' Jhorn 11 A. Mu,....lti~• MIJrlHlnl .......
R.lch•fll P. "'" s.tll\ Ot•rwt CIWllY 1.i1 .... -
PUC examiner Arch Main. generator at San Onofre.
The Edison position on the effects of
the exh1ust w1ter -which is and will be
10 to 11. de1ree1 hotter thin normll
seawater -is that lhe discharge from
the outfall •bout a hlU·mlle eut to Sta Is
gener1lly beneficial to many apecits of
fish and other marine life in the area.
CiUng lhe popularity of the 1re1 as a
11portfilhin& spot for party boats, Edison
spokesme11 have sa ld that tht warm
water -which would extend downcoast
sevtral miles with uie huge dl11ch1r1t
from the two new planb -1ttr1ct1 srut
numbtra of 1Portfiab.
Robe.rt Dennison Smith, tn1nqer of the
ocean 1tudies dtpattrnent for 8tnd11 ·
Marine Advisers of SOiana Beach,
testified in detail on the m1tt1r of bot
water, which would now at the rate of l.S
million gallons a minute from OW! pro·
~ ruclor complex.
Smith expltined the tt1L1lar offshore
monitoring programs conducted slnct
1963 to determine the btfort·and·afler eJ·
fecf.11 of tbt hot water diacharlt Jrom the
presenl SU Onofre rtactor.
' :Amoo1 .tbe deterrnln.IUons , Smith
p0lnted out, ts that because of the upward
'· dgOl'Ult *atrn ftter, the 1ea bottcm
at the ouU1ll fl not expo.ff to UM
~ w.armtt wattr. .
Toward the surface Smith aald a
"mark!d increase" 1D f!Sb populaUons
Yearbook on ,Sale ~
The Mluioo Viejo Jllgh Sdlool year·
boolt fM th• t17o.71 school year, El Viejo,
may now be ordef'!d on campus . The cost
of the 232-page book Is 17.
From POfe J
NIXO N •••
home from Vietnam by nut May, in·
eluding 50,000 by Oct. ll.
1'.he administration has beel'I expected
to make a move on the VJttna.m peace
front before next month's elections;. Nix·
on, however, told newsme n Tuesday "Wt
do not consider this to be i propa1anda
gimmick. We are not saying it sjmply for
the record.
;,The iltatement ts one that has been
prepa red only aft.er very tborOU&h con·
aideratlon flf all the issues that art i,;.
volvtd In our negotlatlf\I pol\tion," Nhi:on
"It 11 a statement lhtl has betn
dillCl.lss~ with the government of Viet·
nam, the 1overnment of Clmbodlt, and
the government Of Laos. Ind ba.$ the ap-
proval of thOM aovernmtnu ..•
''It will be. the most comprthenllve
sta tement ever m1de on thi:a subject
since the beafnnlna j)f tllfs nry c11mcult
war .. .Jt will covv 111 of the major
Issues that are lnvolved in the Southe1st
Asian area." ·
Tht President arranetd to brltf the
Ctbinet at .$ p.m. and lefi.alaUve leaden
o( both pan.Jes 111 hour liter.
~retary of State WUli11m P. RO(tl'!
w11 aulgned lo do the 11me for
diplomat& from lnttrt1ted lorei&n 1ov·
ernment.s durina the day. ...
· 1Mlt111Miif -
J. e . HUMrMllD
I Six Popular Cuts)
There are sil different cuts or
diamond shapes that a pp • a l
strongly to millions of diamond
The emerald cut is dlstlnguished
by tl'le rectangular style top face,
or table.
The round cut is also known IS
the brilliant cut. This cut has lht
greatest glitter. and brilliance.
Diamonds of oval cut are much
like round-cut diamonds in style.
The big difference is sh1pe outline.
' Other popular cuts are the m1r-
qu lse, which is boalshaped, and
the heart-shaped and pear-shaped
It's United Fund time again. We
woUlQ like to lend our support to
this very woJ'lby cause. We hope
you'lWill contribute what you can.
For exqusltel)' desii!!ed jewelry
of the finest quality, see J. c.
cany only the very best, and
we're hap~y to assist you In your
selectlooa. In watches, we carry
Om_!i! and Bulova, and we offe r
up1rt watch and jewelry repair. ,
Come Jn soon , J, C. HUMPHRIES
JtWELE RS, 19'13 Newport Blvd.,
phMt ~I. Open dally f till 6,
Frldty ,_,..,, till I.
Give the most accurate
watch in the world •.•
by Bulova
11'1 lr'l llCflJat tect. Wh•t account• for th• txfrtorclinary
accuracy cf the AtcutrOfl Witch It a tiny
11tctronlcaUy~rlv•n tunlnt fork wh01t vlbr•llont
1pll1a 1ec¢fld Into 380 precl•• tittle klt.M.t1.
Tuning lcric time 11 IO prtelM, wt guartnt .. Aocvtron
.ccurecr to with in a mlnutt a trt0nU1.'
accmOll ""'" ttl1lltM tiff!, L11111i.
OV$ t ll\'tf •111. '"'·
CAl.llUa "Ir'
1Ui1•1111 •tttt tau 1flf •11141. UIMl-.Ut. tlM,
Nn •NT.,. '"' .... ~. "'' . ............. ti&
rHONI 141 ·J401
' _d
' •
• r
I I•
' -
• -
. • J
Nixon Asks Ban for Ga·s Disposal
,,, ~·'"'' ----~ ~
The report said ocean dumping of should be t..minoled u ocioo u poul. 'disJioul ol oome old wartime munlllool quickly., possible ol ocean dumplns ol WASIDNGTON (UPI) -President seas u dumping grounds, wit!! hopeo this
• Ill Ocean
Nixon called today for a total ban on would be followed by international agree. materials "clearly 1'fentified u harmful ble." in the Nortb AtlanUc. , ' industrial wastes and of un4tcl*d-
to the marine environment or man" must 1be Army's ~Inc of a larje quan-Tbe environmental councll'a report II.id sewage &ludge, the aolid by-proc:bd of oe prob115ltea--u -..141Jlar -p1ng-ot-ufYOI norvt pa Ji 111o---,;IJiil11c-oceiii~=~~prean=~~1~plQ'Ol-mlll1klpal-wast<-wai..-1reaim.LD1-.J'O----t
materials which could be harmful.should eut of Cape KennedY; Fla. lut-IW!UDtt wutes with a high levtl of radiOllctlvity ewes:
dispos&Lot...,P!Ois.on...&a,g~ ments along the same lines. .
materials as well as trash in the ocean. The President sent congress a ~:C:page
"Man does not treat the oceans well," report by the Environmental Quality
Nixon said, in a message to eoi:igiess : Council which delailfld damage caused by
"He tias as:;umed that their capacity to ocean dumping and suggested a series of
bephasedout. ~-.1 . • jor' '. 1,. and Id' d 1,,,., .. # __ ... 1..n. __ lnhl!message,Nllonclttdla~ot. "No ocean dumpiJll of chem1cal cre•~u:u 1 ma uproar,.,. w w some , J9 ocean _ump .. ,. "' 11""°'· ~ the council report concluding thlt "the
absorb wastes is infinite, and evidence is strict rules to preserve Ule seas. warfare materials should be permitted, 'I marine uperta COl'dend1nl 'that as the radioactive materials thould be pro-current level or oce.an dumping ii
the report · said. "Baological warfare gas-f ucaped it would raWt In • major hiblted unlm there waa "no alternative creating serious env\ronmental dam1ge now ac.cwnlllating on the damage that be "I endorse. the council's reoom-
bas caused." mendations 111d will IUbmit specific materials have not been disposed of at till al -. We. .-offering less harm to man or the en. in some areas and the volume of wutel
sea and should oot be in the future. 4ter, another,. ~ · 1 e 1 1 in-vironment." ' i:lumped in the ~an is lncreaaing r1pid-Tbe President said he would recom· · le1islative proposals ta implement them I In.end legislation to stop U.S. use. of tbe to the next Consreas," Ni100 said. ''Ocean dispoaal of uplosive munitions tense, C9ntroversy raul~. from th~, 11>e wuncil . ura:ed .a termini.lion u .ly." ...
uc ear
Speqks Tonight
Nixon· May Seek
Viet Cease-fire
WASHINGTON IAP) -Piesldenl Nix·
on today-put .finisb.l!'lg touch~ on_ his m.!li·_
jor Vietnam speech, which is expected to
call, among other things, for a cease-fire
._oo renewed ef:forts to tree prisoners of
Sal' Creek -
Due in Court
The Salt Creek Beach controversy will
be in Su!perior Court in the next few days,
the Orange County Counsel's olfice said
today. . . "We will probably seek an injunction
to stop the landowners from interfering
with the public use of beaejhes in the
area " said 'lbomas Conroy of Laguna
Beach, deputy county co\ln9el who ia
preparing the case.
The decision of the Board of Super·
visors to take legal action in the con-
troversia l case was made last June when
the board declined to accept an agree-
ment with the Laguna Niguel Corpora·
tlon over public use of the three-mile
stretch of beach between Three Arch Bay
and Dana Point.
The President was also underitood to
be aiming at having the ground offensive
role of U.S. forces in Vietnam virtually
ended by the middle of next year.
Nixon will deliver bis address ta the na-
tion at 6 p.m. PDT tonight and -. new
U.S. peace propoW is ta be present.eel at
tii"lbiiraday. -.
Secretary ol $late Willtam P. Rogers
had -.ii afternoon •date with the 'Illal
f~ ~r to brief him on tbt Nix·
oa·wldrm. other conaultatlon& wen: bek1 y~ In tbe eapita11--or lnttmtecl
......,....,.,, U.S. diplomats laid.
Nixon set elaborate plans to brief key
CODgressmen, the Cabinet IOd diplomats
ahead of bis scheduled 15-minute address
to be carried live on radio and televilion.
But the White House remained mum on
what new offer negotiator David K. E ..
Bruce will lay on the bargaining table at
Thursday's weekly meeting in Paris with
North Vietnamue and Viet Cong envoys.
There was speculation Nixon might
propose· a cease-fire, er a Geneva.type
multination conference en Southeast
Asia, or special talks en prisoners of war
or a cembination of various items aimed
at brelkin1 the lengthening deadlock at
There was talk , too, that Nixon might
unveil a speedup in U.S. troop
withdrawals beyond the timetable he set
last April. At that time he announced
another 150,000 men would be brought
(Ste NIXON, Page J}
At that time the board Instructed the
county CX>unsel'i off!ce to advertise in an
.11or1 10 discover !he public'• "prescrip-'Sleepers' Stay Uve" rights to the beach.
·several hundred persons replied that
they had used the beach over the years D •te Chill withoot lnlerference, thereby estabUsh· espi
lng the oublic's right to the beach, accord. -.~ a~~nt or cool, 10.,.av beach b\I{ to County Counsel Adrian Kuyper. ''""' uvc _,,
Kuyper has predictea S\l~SS in the weather does not seem to be discouragiog
Jei:al action saying, "it appears th a t beach end car sleepers in tbe Laguna
members of the general public u s e d Beach &tea, police report.
the entire beach area from Dana Point No less than ie .".sleepers" ~ave been
to Monarch Bay without charge in th e rounded up by the n1gbt watch m the last
years before World -War 11. two days, accordinc ta the police loe.
"Access to the beach was gained by -A citation for violation of city
~alt Creek Road. and Dana Strand Road,'' / ordinances banning sleeping on beach or
Kuyper added. in veblcles· parked on Art Colony streets
In June, attorney Eugene Bell , rein-costs $15.
senting the Laguna Niguel Corp., threat-"We expect them in summer," said one
ened lengthy court action defending the ~Uicer. "But man, lt'1 gettinJ::co\d eut on
corporation's right to the breath. that beach at nl&bt now!''
... -·--· _.._ . " . m1ss-m.n ~s
Rips Edison
Power blackouts would be good for
Southern CallfOmia, a Costa Mesa mah
told the Publlc.Utllttiea Commission in 8Ji
imp~ioned presentation in Sa n
Clemente 'I'Uesday ..
F'Urthennore, .. id Verlyln G. Mar!Ii,
"the blackouts abould hurt."
• -r • -
' .
-.-~·~~.' ~. w , . .-'canlf:'~Wl .. "'
because of' e . 1ung ~ I
brought M by >ii' i1'1Dullon,''. Dayei' ti¥t •.
EaiiOn Comptiilii-a-boomln(, 1111'
puaiooed !lb!Ma"llng eddreQ before
PUC Eu-Aldi llaln.
"I live ·in Colt.a Mesi under that
poisonous 'P 1 u m e produced by y o u
(Edison) in Huntington Belch," be
He accused the utility of suffering from
"arrogance of power," and termed the
firm "morally irresponsible" for en·
couraging customers to Use more e]ec.
tricity, instead of less.
He assailed Ediaon for "spoiling one of
the prettiest beaches in the state" with its
proposed nuclear generator expansion
project, then said reactors, instead,
should b< bullt underground In Central
Orange and San Diego counties where the
electrical consumption ii gN!atdt.
Then he cited the. utility'• "desecration
of the landscape with thousands of miles
of power transmission lines."
Th~ hearings in San.. Clemente and the
building plans for San C>Mfre were plan.
ned by Edison, be charged. because the
firm is "afraid to face the people ill more
populated Orange County citle&.11
"You couldn 't stand the squawk," be
said. ---
"I'm tired of this arrogance of power; I
hope you get shut down ln Huntington
Beach, because people are getting tired.
"I'll fight you every step of the way."
Marth drew the second outburst Qf ap.
plause since the lengthy hearings started
Monday morning -an outburst from
citizens Oayed by PUC E1aminer Arch
Main .
"I can understand your exuberance,
but displays of this sort have abaolutely
no influence u P" o n my or the PUC's
decisions in this , mattef. [ would IJ>-
preciate It if you wouldn't clap, ple.ue."
Main's power in the hearings is aeml-
judlcial. He hu the Option to Jevel con·
tempt cltatiora.
'I"' "'\-_, 1 •• ~ ., ·i . 1 r, . , 1 • '
• , ~ .. ~-# 1 , 1 Cf-tl\o PILOT r~llf' .... ,.,.. .
NurM:M•l'tl~•~t hmmer.·Dr. 'Raymond BHch Ac!mlrl•ter Aid
South C~t Hospital
-· . Holds Dtsaswr -Drill .
South Coul Community Hospital In
Solith LagUna litld a· dlaaater drill this
mGminl in which 12 ·"v~bns" Witlt
burna, lrecturea.and ~ ~ In·,
juries 'f'tre "treated."
All or th_e b!Jspltll'• dep~ -
more than 100 empl~yu -partlclpated
Inlhe drill, supervlled by Stanley c., Op-
pegard, ua~tant hospital edmlnistralor.
Tbe n:erclse in readiness involved 12
1"embert cil. the Women's Auxiliary.of the
hQ1pJtaJ-act1Dg as "v!ctlma-<>f-1·1"" IC•
cldent." The women . were hr.ought into
the emergency entrance of the hospital
where tliey .were diagnosed aild treated
for their etinulated tnjliries.
Water Recall Group Hit
Council Weighs
Ac!ion on Ci!J ·
Beach Tenants
fipm'l"OD Sparks of the Orange County
Health Departmen_t · 'ob5erved the 30-
mlnule dllll end, In a critique lollowln(
the wrci~ an~ Complim'ented everyone
who parUcipaled· !or doing e line j~
South Coast Co unty Directors Fire Volley Tbe Lquu Beach City Council wW
step lnto ill landlord role ton.l&ht to con.
The hoepftal II reguJred by law Jo !¥>Id
two sueb.!lrlJll aadl yur.
Directors of South Coast County Water
District Tuesday fired a rtb.tm volley
against a group of South Coast water
users seeking recall of four members of
\ht board branding the act.ion an inat.ance
Of "~dent irresponsibility" with an
ulterior purpose ol attempted takeover tf
tbe district.
In a statement 1lgned by Thomas H.
Brooks, Robert Malone, Ted O'Connetl,
Gerald S. Pell and Dr. Anthony Orlan.
de.Ila, who is not Included ·1n the recall
moye, directors su~esUd recall pro-
J>OQents wetgll the Ilda before imlialln(
a costly special electlon.c--:'="0:-:
lh a discussion of the stateme:ilt during
a special meeting called before last
night's regl,IJar session. the board elected
to retain the stron& wording whlcb 1oe
-Jell ml&bt be madllled.
Consenrus o( the board was that only a Barrow, a member of the cltlJem: group aider terminatlOn of two leue1 Ind evlo-..:
tion of a beachfroqt· ten.•nt. . . $14' 000 Fence strongly-worded answer would stand up expreued the wlah that the board '• "el· Lessee Terry Cunnlngham, ..,i:ordhii. '
against "petty" complaintl and all~ged ficlency might match tta rhetoric'' and to the ~tty, la delinquent in pa,mei)ta for '
rumors being circulated. asked for an accounting of the cost of both tht H.>t.el de la Costa, 186 Surrou-·'..J ~ Pool
The recall actioo sJems lrom angry distribution. _ Boardl!alk, ond _'J;op'•·~h Shop, . . IUUI
ilebatts belweto the board end A bandlul el .uier recall pn>pOllOtlll 33S South Coul ~II'· ' WASHINGTON (!!') _ Tbe WhJll
homoowners In tbe district whkb """" declined Jo C<HDmtnL Both prop;rtla were Included In U. -kl lode clear .,,.,. ,_ tbe area ~ of tbe Lagune Beach city city' $1 mlDlm lla!D ~ ~ II 1 • ,__
llmill, lollowin& 1 IO pen:ent bike In James~'Conner •oprewalallY• o( llld wllbV~ oila~' lnllincl''jlOrt of 1lli nimmill(.'jllJOI ~
waler rates. Coulal Municipal lll.,ict ·llPOk•'. ·~~ <ont!nUd''l>r 'the di(' peOcj~ • Prb~~ ~ .. """8 et S...CJemeiit. A commlu.e naming ll!ell South Coul .~~· _ _ 'eppoal!laa llco -+v•Jdpm...t ol ~.Milli~·~·-· , <looliM.t$11,ool.P.i·wu ..dad by~'
Citizells larl\elpoNible Water Maoago-' bl l~·'t , ,. ,. ' , 1'1'11e. i:t!J •malntllnl'K bu bioll .lllltill, 'Secret-smke u ·a iecurltf .,._.
ment bat_.,.., tbe board of poor HepolnlelloUt~'t.......,. !Ocollectrenlllrom~""1.lhe . '
menagement, -1>olanliatecl rate In-rales In U years-...tdif_• cost per acre two~ In ljilaolloin, 1'fM-., 1o The -!hrouc~-ftnce,_,~tal~ laat
creue, lnefll<itnl operation and !ailure~loot-ol waler bu J ....... "1>m SD Jo 149. turn, malnlillntd tlit dtrdopr!WCf ~ ol year, II oOly. on the' °""'" •Id« ill Ille
Jo respond Jo complaints of waler users. ·:1 11Jbmlt the ~'liir1et 'tbe petly buolnep II tbe old boardwa!li )lo4ol by r.. ' pool. It~ bul~et ,rutotanL-• •
Majority of pellUooen apparently ere part eod 1et c1own-11 ISls." O'Comler qulrln( ~ti q( Illa ler1<.__ Jn '""JlOllll Jo en Inquiry, the Whit• ,
memben of tbe Tb u n d er b I rd declared. "JI you cu,~how Jo rtd_o<e SetU.-1 of tho ey-11111~ w• House oald tbl r .. .e nevtr was lhtended
Homeownen Aasoci1Uot1 ol Dane Point. the rate below whet K y, lbe ball'll cltll)'Od frvm .en earl~ COIJICll, meetln& u 1 wind ocreen but doea aerve, that
IWpoodlnf ta tllt lllllmtat, Tbad (lat WATlll, l) • 111.llll llQllllL•l'O•llPM!'I 111"'""" purpooe. . '
• ·' •
a e
Said _~kay ·
Of 1111 'Oall¥ Pllet Steff
• 'Iba &tale'• _ <hlel _ll<alth -peylicist
~alla~t ,Sa1IC!emeo1e-toc1ay-tbat 1
r~c\ive material koown aa ''Vitiwn"
~~lftll In unpredic!BI =.,_ In d&Char~1es fiom the ~Sin ODolre "uci ' ' n ear rewtor.' , .,--Aniua c. llot'ldlh-otreaMo!-llllll~tho ~•fnountl ol tritium teCor1ied 11'1 not
hazirdous Jo public bealth.
The Dt1lt' element in the San Clementi
bearin«s .W!ore the atate Public titilltia CO~ion on proposed quadruple ex·
pllAln Of the San Ooofre nuclear com-
~le1 came durln( en olberwtle routlnl
preaentiUon on monl~ aad evaJua.
tlon of health factors.
Cornish a t rt=Jaed t hat th e
measurements involved in the nuclear
emissions from the reactor are extre.meIY
amaU'. However the testimony wai H· Pected to add new luel to opposition II
the nuClear plant elpansion.
Tuesday was the Edison Company'•
day to present reams of lnlorinaUon from
the utility's ,ezperta on ~ 1eology,
oceanography and safety of Ule propoaed
half:billion-dollar expansion project.
Dominating Tuesday's testimony wu
EdilOn-co. mecli8nic~engi:neerinj
manager David J. Fogarty, who delailed.
the physical CX>nstruction and operaUoa
aspects of'tbe proposed twin reactors.
Fogarty tben added that all waste
disposal systems at the plant are "well
within regulatory limits."
Fogarty explained that besides the
reguler nucl,ear wastes produced by the
reactors, even Items like rags, scraps of
paper ·and other pieces of trash cdn-
tarrilnated through work in the reactor
ar~as are packagM under 1pecl&I
circumstances and taken to dispoaal aitet
by government-approved crews.
The radioacUve gases pr Gd u c e d
through the self-contained reactor cooling
ayslem, Fogarty explained, wbuld be
stored under compression in tanb for
decay to take place, then the gases are
sampled and shipP,ed under strict con ..
d!Uons to atomic "burial grounds ."
While Fogarty dwelt upon the con--
struclion aspects and provi.aions for
walte.,... dispoul, other Ed1lon spobmnen
conceritrit~ on A earthquake facton, tf ..
feet! on marine life by millions of gallonl
Mother Wte al Santa Anl w1ndl
ls ln the offing. for the coast on
Thursday, with tempera tures ris--
ing to 7~ degrees along the shof'e.o
line and up ta the ae•s further in--
land .
A neto communitu Ultater
group make• tu debut th.ti
toeekend fn Huntington Beach.
See E1'te rtainment, Pcot JI. ........ ~ ... '8llfiwlll• • I _.. ~ • • Ottitkt1111 Up t ,...... ..... .....-
Cl ... !ff91 o.. o,..,. C-'Y 11 CMlln 11 PTA M ~ 11 ...,. 11.-
---~ ,, ............. 8
--11 ,....... .JI •CIWIMl"ttt ' ~ -JMt,
llltwt....,,,,.., ••t "'"~ 4
""""" 21.n Wll .. •• n .......... )II ............. ,,... "1111 L ..... r& )II Wwtll ,.._. M Mii... 4
• I
I OAILY p1;or SC • .
~eouncihnen •
'Fae~ Long
~ -=:wjth 32-it.ems on its ~lky agenda-;-the
-Wunli , tlfacb Olty CO'bncll faeta wtfat
me ofttctat descr1bed-as a "lon1 and'--1'
dull" session.at 7:30 tonight.
'lbe agenda items themselvea nm the
gamut from charitable solicitation re-que~ aM 1 req'i_teSt from the Playhouse
for permission to serve champaJne at in·
_te]'m:ls.sion. to 'I state order to fix the
~wer treatment plant and discussion of
what lb do '\\'Ith old buildings on t.be Main --The "oral communications'' period,
which..._usually produces !ire.worts--1l--
Laguna council meetings, has been pl1c-e:d toward the front of the long agenda,
fullowing the o;Cilnsent calendar.. of
routine itemJ which can be adopted with
• abtgle 9ote if none are pulled out for
special dlsaJss\on.
OAILY PILOT l llff ..,,_19 ., .
Tbough' it is n(lt listed as an 11enda
·Jtem. discussion of the council's report &n
i~ lnquiJ'y Jnto the July 4 Woodland Drive
ri« may come up during &ral discussion.
When'$e report was read at-an a-d·
jour~ cooncil meeting Sept. 2.1, no time
wa.s allowed for discussion. Mayor
Richard Goldberg said pe.r:sons interested
in dlscussiJ\g the report would be able to
de so at .the nerl regular council meeting.
Dog "Night," Scott Sabol, Dennis Gregory Watch Horizen
Goldber1 laid today be didn't know
whether anyone intended to bring up the
Woodland report but added, "It wauldn't
1urprise me if someone does."
Sailboat Snafu .
Craft Breaks Line., Runs Aground
RA 1::. ... ·on Cla·ss· '.!"W9 y~g surlina enthusiasts who and decided that removal of the boat ~ decldrd... lo .take .a aallboat they were would run to about $300:... -.., J • · buying out for a trial 'tun wound up with The youths decided they'd rather do it Rbh(.:J.y· t Be • a boaUoad of trouble off Laguna's Main themsel ve.s. They found it wasn 't that .C4f,G . 0 . gm; -· Beach. easy. By Tuesday morning the sailboat ~' .. ...._" ' .... ~ l·· ~ tale of woe begaii when David ,was almost submerged, with holes and a
Thli:! -':'f_.., '~ 1'..T A A ;Jed. ' ·.:..,. _Se"rvin, 25, of_ Tustin, and Dennis crack in its hull from wave battering. cacner l -,·~ . ' _Greiory, 21, of sa.nta Ana , aboard the 2G-The Coast Guard had dropped by to
' • foot craft owned by Robert Bertoch. of look things over and declared the vessel a ~ .retieiOus' lr.intni prograril.:"'"•i>-' Westminster, decided to ·tie up at a·surf... hazard to navigation. pro~~-by~tbe Lquna·lleAch ' priUW jog marker b®Y off St. Anne!s Beach . La,pma's acting city manager Joseph
School;D}ltrict· :e.rd Gf-'rrtisteet ~artY 6u'nd1y. Sweany ldviled the youths they would
th.is Ye.Ir lacks .Uy one in"ent to · fb.t )'Otlths, equipped with surfboards, have to 'remove the boat in 48 hours or
makeJtia reality -,,-teactier.. apparently were attracted by aome pr1> 't)'if city ~J>e. obliged to·takt! steps. R~v. ·Dal}u _Tui'ner el Uie Cornmuilitx lfi1ilill~~ '!•V~ ia"M!;~8WI& Beach .Off.cjutf· llftguatds plifdled out on P>-e~ Q>Urch, . told tho 6oa:il Lilerua<d Lr -Eugene dePaiills. wrfl>oorda. i. '" il they could help .. They
:rue.day'iJW!--tlle ,nine ·<lwrohes 'IJ)Oiitorl At 7:1S p.m. a call ·i. the poijce cou1dn·~ t~g ~~am .want to hire a _crede'n.• -~ported I sailbO.t qround on,,.tbe beach. -"l.gUeSStht,eity ti'ia)' hiy8 lll tow it j°" b~~eil ~..'....-~ . . , . _'.I'M .al( Lb.ad J>roqn its thin ~ e~d ' .Lo the beach ao it Cal'.' be hauled oil with a We_~ t •!111 ~·.~~~be taUlht floated_a.w.aY.;::.~o~the bUOf, ~ wuhln& triCtor," mused dePaulil:;t.oday • .'.'But I
by •lDlii,~ ·'l'iln)iftold tJi! botr,d., .is!i<ie Iii tho.wrf. don't know il that Wllilld 1'0<k -it's Ti~loif~ Caned "R.elwed ~y_µie ~ "dePaulis arrived a~ the: pretty hea17. It could be fixed if they
an · . «( ~· l'_w_lil"llo'gl!ili'"tii_tlle·. ~,_th•~"!!!ors, atlemp\ln& io-could &e~J!to .~ '!i><k, •• but that ~ ~.-.w" ~.' laandl. tllefc" ~.I!' lhe J!!rf, )\ad 111<> c:oaU money. . . .
The &rWP •JY Pf'!•lde a trailer , ceede\f QlllJ In partially 1wamp1ni il : Meanwhile the capsized.sailboat bobs in
ffor w el"'7.r~~lil"lmird<bolt wari'°""'t till the waler off the Maill·BHch. ~ ' . . ."!:!t ~---. ~-.-' . .... . ~ A.i!<l.,&t" ~ ::::·:i
reu . d_llS )ll!tead ot m~sle, art, ID >n -... 'y,' · • _ tile )'OUlbs ~td beiore they ..Utd off ph~il.~~oo or other "•nrfd>ment" A Lilvqe firm liiapeeled Ille oltuallolt lnill dliasler. clasan.· J. · · -· ~
Tiime?-'bad re.(Juested that ~ clules · , 1
' '
he 'tiui Dr.~ ' p I. ' ...... J .
:::: .. , ,h•~1!!·1'·N, •·rc':r·r.-.l,t> 'i::EARI1.,1""'-N, 0 12 ' · ~nded n ,.,.. iq, ptwtde the available ' U ~ J'l . b..::71" , ~ • lime~ ~-qacniQ&t UbUer etata Jaw, tbe religfotif,'CI~ . Jh#lY !Mt. be held at a
pubUe *tiool dwinl(n°guJaf class Ume. ·
Dr. VUom cited statistics from othett
releaRtJ',time' tdu.cltlori programi tbow~ ·
Ing thfl , aliOll! 3J .. 40 P,rcerit or. tile :~~ ..... ~ .. Jal<• partin
Under the program, parents would.give
their consent for a child to take part in
the program.
Turner siid the program will begin at
AHBO, El Morro and Top of the World
Elementary School! u soon as a teacher
with sufficient religious background can
he hired.
Laguna Hills Drain ·
Plan Contract Given
A master dtaina1e plan for the 30,000.
acre Laguna Hills area will be oecuted
by T~ps Engineering lnc.
The agreement for the $18,000 project
was approved by the Board of
Supervisors Tuesday.
, --'•
"...,... ..... --C*M ...
Jle'oert N, Wtti
rr.1N111 ..... ,_. ......
J1c.k lt. <Curl..,
)'kt ""*"I el'.d GMel'•I MiMtli'
Tho""'' K11vll Ellll'fr
J\D1"1f A. Murphl11e
MIMlll!t Etlltor
«.ich1r4 r. Hill
SWll\ °"• C-lt ldllOr -Qllft. MIMI: UI WMI .. , SlrMI JI...,, 1M~1 m1 w•1·•••• ttulM"' • I ~ .Je(c~: '2:2 ,., .. , '*"'WI"' t MvMfllltlll '-dlr 11.,J IMdl ttui.tel'f ... '°*"""'I al Ntrtll 11 CMllM R•I
Of war,m a:hau!t water .,... even Udal
w'aVes. , 1 • ',
~ swf .another EdilOll 1 p o.k e 1 m a n
lestifitd_lo-poilllrol personat.ufety and
tralning for erri~layea or the comple1,
then hi general 'ttnn1 detailed the acope
of plant security to win! off the chances·
of aabotage -a common point cited by
foe! of Ille locaUoo of the proposed lwill nactors. _._
AUonso Arenal, superintendent of
steam generation, explained intricate
procedures or deCilntamination and safe·
ty precao.tion.!I for employes working in
various parts of the reactor coml>lex,
then cited the frequent security patrols or
the reactors by trained security person·
Without going into specifics about the
exact security fa ctors, Arena! termed the
security at the existing nuclear plant and
the new ones as "more than adequate."
If promises of the foes made Tuesday
bear fruit today, the matter of thermal
pollution and esthetics of tht proposed
expansion will surface once more before
PUC examiner Arch Main.
The Edison position on the effects of
the exhaust water -which is and will be
10 lo 12 degrees hotter than normal
seawater -is that the discharge from
tbe outfall about a half-mile out to sea is
generally beneficial to many ·species ef
fish and other marine life in the area.
Citing tht popularity of the arta as fl
sportflshing spot for party boats, Edison
spokesmen have said lha\ the warm
water -which would extend downcoast
stver.1'111 miles with the hq~ d.ischarae
from the two new planta -attracts great.
numbtrs of sportfbh.
Robert Dennison Smilb, manager of the
ocean studie3 depart.meat far Bendix
Marine Adviser• of Solana Beach,
testified in ·detail on the matter of bot
water, wt\ich wou1d now at tbe rite of 1.1
million gallons a tnlnute .from the pro-
posed reactor complex.
Smith ex.plained the relUlar' oUshore
monitoring proarams conducted slnrt
1963 to determine the befGrHnd-after ef.
fects of lht bot water dlscharce from the
present San Onofre reactor.
Among the dct.erminatlons, Smith
poinled ou~ la lllal-~ust el Ille upwan!
IW'&e el tht w.ann '!•Ltr~ the aea bottom
at tlie outfall is not' ·~ lo tile warmer water. · ' r ... an1 the ... r1-Smith oald a
"muted lncrUM" ill fllb populations
Yearbook on Sale
The Miuion Viejo RI.th School yell'·
book for the 117o.71 lcl>ool year, El VJejo.
may now bt order~ on campus. The cc.t
of the 211-pqe boo!< 1117.
has been noted reiutarly.
''Tbete ruult.s bave.~n,supported. by
the Departrd~I of tJili and <lime, "·he
Wltb the proposed addition of billltns of
gallons Of more heated Water from the
new· plants, Smith predicted that a streak
of water about four degrees hotter couJd
1pan two-to-four miles under. average
• summer conditions.
Smith's t.eatimony wound up with
details of a proposed 28-foot seawall
which would ward off any concejvable
tidal wave capable of hitting the San
Onofre site.
Besides tbe predicted public uproar to-
day, Examiner Main will hear testimony
from a final batch of utility witnesses
who will detail the financial aspects of
the costly reactor proj~t.
Edison management heads will .dCtan
the firm's financial capabilities, financing
structure for the new plant construction
and the eslirnated costs of the two nt!w
reactors -each of which would produce
twice the amount of power churned out
by the eJ.iJting n uclear ·powe red
generator at San Onofre.
From Pqe 1
home from Vietnim by nen May, ln-
cludin1 50,000 by Oct. 15.
The administration has been upected
lo make a move oi:i the Vietnam peace
front before next month'• elections. Nix·
on , bow ever. told newsmen Tuesday "We
do not consider this to be. a propaganda
gimmick, We are not saying it simply for
the record.
"The slatemenl is one that ha.!1 been
prepared only after very thorough Ciln·
sideratlon ef all the iS!uts lh111t are in·
volved In our negotlating position," Nixon
"It is a statement that has been
dlscuued with the aovernment of Vlt!t·
nam, tbe 1overnment of Cambodia, and
the 1overnment-of, l.Aos, and bas tbe ap.
pro.val of .those 1ove~ti. • ,
'1t will be. the m05t ,comprtl>e!lsi¥e
1tltemeot ... e.ver made on this subjtc:t
since the btainn\ng of this very difficult
war. • .It will cover 111 of the major
Issues that are involved in lbe Southea.at
Asian area."
The Presldtct arranged to brier the.
Ca~lnli at S p,m, and legtslatJve leaden
or both parties an hour later. ~retary of State Willl.tm P. Ro1era
w11 assigned to do the same for
dlplom11s from Interested forel&n 10•·
ernments durtna: the. day.
',S~~!:1:: ~~~~~~~ a~ed ~~~~~~nl~ ~~an!.~!:~~~uul
ty lffk a '""tina with Newport Beach on the exact rou~ o~~ lr,.way east of the right pow., we .need lo 1Jt down with th•
the cJtyla requ~i for p~iority treatment bay crOl&iJ;il bu' come under 1evere c.Uy and talk.ilO'<!.er.." 1·
of1he Pacific Coast Highway traffic con· critlcb~' from a large element of He indicated there would be formal
gestion at Uie Back Bay~Brkta:e. New~ Beach residents and a ·~tUz.ens' resixinse to the letter ln a week or IO.
Howe'ter, they repeatedly-sidestepped grou_J>-drrtnUY is·aeekin1-to.resclncl-lhat ;=Jijrlh!S lettef..,,had_also r:eqiaesled.... the
answertn·g a~query .. as id whether-they "11greynlen(; · stlte coordina~e plannlng for lbe new
would consider building a new br idge in· There is no city-accepted route east of bridge with a new design for the Dovtr
dependent of the plaMed and protested the bay;,but the.state has proposed that it Drive interchange ju.st to the ea.!Jl.
Paciflc oCast Freeway alignment through conttnQe running parallel to the Coast Although declining any formal com·
Newport. JDgbwaY: ment on this part of the request u wdl,
Mayor Ed" Hirth wrote the Stale. The mbtroversy )!as served to 1train Hashimoto obliquely did giVe tM im·
Division of HlghWays follbwing a City relaliOtii between the city and the pressioil the state wun'l eSp«iallj thrill·
Council directive last week. asking that a Division o(.,Highways. ed by any of the Newport proposition.
solution to the growing traffic problem be A Highway division spokesman this Hashimoto said, "With the freeway
eflestt<f as soon as possible. moroing would say only that the division plans. the state had lnlldpated pro-
Aa per the council action, Hirth said ''will look into the · city's request" and visjons for taking cart of . Dover Drive
the. city wanl.1 wcn:~_done in such_.1 man· make I rcpJY._ _ _ traffic." -
ner that the final outcome of the freeway . WWiam H&shlmoto, deputy di.strid He natly i!eclined anyl MiUOftiI co~
controversy would have no bearin1 on the enainetr for Dtltrlct 1, State DivUion or ment pendin1 a department review of the
design of the brkfge. HiJhways1uJd, "It ii premature .to talk letter. -
From Page 1
WATER • • •
would be glad to see you aoytime.
Revi'ew the fa cts carefully as te cost,
maintenance and salary increases over
th! past 11 years before this goes
o ·eo·nnor added a ''half-cocked" action . not only proves costly, bu~ doesn 't im·
prove the efficiency.
SCCWD directors also voted : an ex·
pression of appreciation for William
Moorhead. Laguna Beach County Water
District manager, who defended the
recall targets and exprt!ssed confidence
in management of the distri<;t.
The followtng statement dated Oct. 6
was issued by the board:
"The South Coast County Water
District has been notified of an im·
pending recall elt!ctfon aimed at remov·
ing from office four members of Jt.s board
of directors.
"Instigators ol this unwarranted, un·
necessary and ill-COooeived .. act.ion is a
relatively small groUp Of "dissidents
operating under the nam~ o( South Coast
Citizens fo r .Responsible· Water District
"This group appar:enQy is J~lized in
one section of our community and has not
kept itself infqrmed of the modern pro-
cedures initiated by the water district.
"These procedures have been designed
to provide superior service and quality
water for the entire district without
re111'11 for the petty, and ' for.'Ule most
~rt. unfounded complaints of the -u.
logical few.
"The four so-called feasons which
have been published u Uft basis of this
recall election-art f~:~ing aii.d
wjth.out 'any foorr:latio~. ~;~--it is the
opinion ·or this board of dti'k~that the
a!ote?nentioned 'reasor1a• w designed to
concea1. from the great majority or
satisfied water consumers or the district
some 'ulterior purpose in thi.! attempted
,talceover of the district. ·
· '10f th~ f6ur 'reasons' advanced by the
mllilant minority group, th~ one citing
our recent SO percent water rate increase
as unjustified is ·an instance of dissident
r ,
"' ff
•.' ..
' , . "" ~ .
.,I, C. HUMPHlllS
(Six Popular Cml
There are six different cuts or
diamond shapes that a p p e a I
strongly to millions: of diamond
The emerald cut is distinguished
by the reotangµlar style top face,
or table.
The round cut is also known as
the brilliant cut .. ThJs cut has the
greatest glitter and brilliance.
Diamonds of oval cut are much
like round.cut diamonds in style.
The big dlfference is shape ouUine.
Other popular cuts are the mal"-
quise, which is boatshaped, and
the heart-shaped and pear·shaped
It'• Unite<lFund time again. Wo
wouk1 like to lend our aupport to
thi~ ·very wc>rthy cause. We hope
you will contribute what you can.
For exqusitely designed jewelry
of the finest qu1lity, see J. C.
carry only tho very be•I, and
we're happy~ to assist you in your
selections. In watches, we carry
Omega and Bulova, and we oUer
expert Watch and jewelry repair.
Como in soon, J, C. HUMPHRIES
JEWELERS, 1'21 Newport Blvd.,
ph-.141-MOI . Open dellr I tlll f,
~rlda evenl 1 1111 I.
~Qt Luntk~Controversy
Facing Joaquin Board
The necessity (ot-a hot lunch program
In the San Joaquin Elementary School
District will be simmering on the fr!)nl
burner tonight at the 7 o'clock meeting
of the Board of Trustees in, Irvine School.
A controversy over whether or not the
program fJJJfills a district need developed
at the board 's last meeting, whP.n it nar·
rawly passed a measure providing free
meals for the needy.
Failure to pass the meals for the needy
program would have resulted in the
New Mobile Home
Policy Oears
Its First Test
The new mobile home policy in San
Juan Capistrano passed its first test
A bid for a 279-unit adult park proposed
by Paul Goya was unanimously denied by
the. planning Commission after a public
The park would have been located
along both sidl!!s of the Canado Road
between San Juan Creek. Ortega
Highway and the proposed La Novta
Commissioner Charles Allen , who mov·
ed to den y the request, cited the ~ew
policy in the cily w~ich ba'ns mobile
home Park~ constructi,on until ep0Ugh
pefmanenf !ltructUi'es are built 'fu make
the ratio of mobile homes only 10 percent
of the total.
He also referred to a letter from the
Orange County Flood Control District
which stated that portions of the property
might be subject to flooding.
Ralph Vanbuskirk, who made the
presentation .fOr Goya ad milted that por·
lions of the property might be subject lo
flooding. But be pointed out that unlike a
permanent structure a trailer couJd be
moved until the danger is passed.
withdrawal of government support and
subsidies which enable the districts to
1 serve a nutritional hot lunch at lower
cos I.
Trustee Robert Dameron, who Is cool
to'A-·ard the hot lunch program. bas ~sked
interested parents to attend the meetin&
to voice their views on continuing the
program. He has stated that he aeea no.
reason to maintain the program in an
area where children's nutritional needs
are obviously being met."
Rl!!x Nerison, assistant superinteridenl
of administrative services, said the ad·
ministration is planning to diSCUI! the
program with the trustees, explafning it!t
origins, concepts, anti its value to
students from a nutritiohal · and educa·
tional point or view.
He said that from a direct ope.rating
point of view the program operates at a
profit a'nd when the food services direc~
tpr's salary is added to the COit, the
deficit does not repi'esent a large amounr
of money.
Laguna Tl'.llstees
Seek $300,000
Loan from Bank
' Laguna Beach Unified School Dilbict
trustees decided Tuesday night. to'1 go to
the bank to borrow $300,000 in· araer to
meet current obliiatiom Until . f~elpt ol
its tax money in December.
Dr. Robert Reeves, ass Is tan t
superintendent of the 'district ln chafge of
curriculum, told the boa rd that with cu,...
rent funds, the district would not be able
to meet tht! Nov. 1 payroll:
Reeves, noting that the loan is a
normal annual procedure, said the
district is running about $15,000 .behind in
the receipt of federal ·project fund!. He
said the district will reuive abouP
$200,000 in ~ money on Dec. IO.
Give the most accurate ·
watch in the world •••
by Bulova
It's an •ctu•I l•ct. Whet 1ccovnt1 for the el!traordinary
accuracy of the Accutron weteh 11 1 tiny
•!tctronlc•lty-c!rlven tuning fork who•• vlbratlons
split a 1econd Imo 3IO p·rec:I•• lltttt lnte~rve.11,
Tuning rorti: time 11 eo prtcl1e, we gu1r•ntM Aocwon
eecuracy to within a minute a month."
Attmllt ,.,....
&ll!RltH ltffl, l.1111!\fl. ..,. t11"' 41tr. 111e.
UllltlAI ''II"' 11a1~1,u tl•tl cat• ffld
hll&lllllil ... $1 ...
.. .,..,.,~ I:.:" ..... "'' . ....,. .... ft ..
J. C. .JJumph~i116 J~wJ.r6
rHONE 141·1401
+ .
• • .. . . ' DAllV PtlCll' ·J Wolnt'411, "'4btr 7, 1970. L T
Lagri ri.a cfi og Owners . se·ek Meet _
. .. . --
·10 Teacher Hubbs Brothers
' I
~1-ln, Sportlight
In l.aguna
LalW\8 Beach Uniliecl School District
trusten Tuetday approved the hiring of
10 non-teaching personat to wcrt with
1tudents_at.five Lacuna scl!ools._
After bearing statements of concern
from .several teachers present at the
meeting, the five-member boa rd
unanimously approved hiring the teaclting
assistants and instructional aides.
The booJ1I .... cave three -the
additional r.sponiibllity ol !tlperWinf
the new penonne.l, as team leader1.
Laguna Beach HJgh School will now
have. ftlll' teaching' a,sslstants, two in-
•tru<tiodal. aide> andctwo~am te•ilOI'!'."
The conlh)UaUorf odlool, 'Allio and Top 'of
the World elementary schools will each
be provided a teaching assistant and
·'I'bursbln Intermediate School will have
4lfl 'instructional aide.
. The instructional aides and teaching
assistants will assist certificated teachers in ~ instnlcUoo. 1be team leaders are
,regqlat teacbera at the high school who
-:will be liven the additi.onal respoosibility
,A' IJJPervising a group of t.eacbers and
.. asmtants or aides who may all be
. teaching one course.
, 1be team leaders will be paid by the
Semester and the other personnel some of
wborn wilt perform a variety Or tasks,
will ~ paid an hourly wage ranging from
1$1.94 per boor for work as a non-in·
.structionaJ aide to $3.50 per hour as a
teaching assistant.
John Myszak, a teacher at Top or the
World Elementary School and president
of U.e Laguna Beach Unified Faculty
-~iatfon, (LABUFA) asked the board
·bot to set the pay rate permanenUy at
f,1.50 an hour for teaching auistants.
: "U~ the differentiated pay scale,"
)fymk told the board, "a person with
two years of college could be paid the
same as i certificated teacher. We
definitely h~ve a need for additionaJ help
in the district, but can we place a value
on education in tenns of supply and
demand?" .
Myszak .was referring to the possiblity
4'lf a certificated teacher who cou1d not
find a j~ as a teacher being hired as a
teac&\nc.aslistan1 for a lower pay rite.
. ..We dOn't feel we should start a prece-
·dent-of hiring employes in ternu of sup-
ply and demand," Myszak said. t•As we
develop the concept of di!fereatiated staf.
.. Eng., we obould also develop the
remuneration that a:oes along with il "·
Board President Larry Taylor told
'Mysz:ak that the board.was not settin& "a
bard-fast rate at $3.50 per hour."
Board member Narman Browne said.
••we obviously have a long way to go in
ironing out all the problems of dif·
'ferentiated staffing. But we have to start
'someplace and I am sure we are going to
make a lot Gt mistakes iD the beginning."
Laguna Police
Study Burglaries
Laguna Beach police are Investigating
three burglaries ranging from P a r k
Avenue to Glenneyre street.
Helen Kronberg. '45 Park Ave., return·
ed from a two-week vacation Sunday
night and di.Oftred a television set
valued at about $300 misSing, Police said.
In another case, an employe or
Universal Land Investment and Manage·
ment Company, tm Glenneyre St.,
reported the theft of a tape recorder
valued at about $109. Charles Smith, 1240
Cliff Or .. said the thefl OOCWTed between
5 p.m. Sunday ind I a.m. Monday, police
In the third case, an.employe of Allstate
lnsurance COmpany, 1215 Glenneyre St.
reported that ~ hid entered the
office through a window Sunday night,
but llO properly WU taken. .
L.gUM Banker Cow•rd
Laguna Banker
Harold Coward
Will Retire
Harold E. Coward, veteran Laguna
Beach banker and civic leader, will end a
"12·year banking career when he rel.ires
Nov. 1. .
· Coward, vice president and former
manager o( the Laguna Beach branch oC
Bank of America, has been with the
branch since 1937. He was n am ne d
manager in 1941 and vice president in
1961. He recently turned over the
managerial assignment to Harrison
Coward began his career In 1923 as a
teller at the Whittier branch of the bank.
A native of Norwalk, he was graduated
from Whittier High School. He has a
degree from the American Institute of
Coward has served as treasurer of the
Laguna Beach Community Chest for
more than ID years. He is past presidenl
of the Laguna Beach Chamber of Com·
merce, pasl president of the Lagana
Beach Lions Club am:t the Laguna Beach
Men's Club.
ke·and bis wife, Helen live at 455 Aster
st. 'i'bey pion lo travel, bunt and lllb
after ~ retirement.
La guna Salutes
Lawn Bowlers;
Gives Trophies
Witb Laguna Beach Mayor Richard
Goldberg on hand to welcome guests and
planning commissioner Robert Hastings
sirving as master of a.remonies, 150
residenl and visiting lawn bowlers we.re
honored Sunday al a champagne brunch
iil the Hotel Laguna.
Presentation of trophies marked the
close of the Southern California Open
Doubles Tournaments which bad been in
progress for four days at Laguna Beach,
Newport Harbor ind Santa Ana bowling
Speakers included John Rose, president
of the Laguna Beach Club, James
Candelet. first vlde president of the
American Lawn Bowling Association, Bill
Hay of th~ lnternaUonal Bowling Board
of the ALBA, Dan Mahan, president of
the Southwest Divis ion oC the ALBA, Joe
Bell, first vice president of the usocia·
ti.on, Or. Harvey Maxwell, who organiud
the bowling l1!$1ival and Carroll Cbue.
Lag u ~w Seeks to Expand
Animul.Control Service
'.• ...
The Laguna Beach City Council ls ex-
pected to neaotiate • new contract With
the Society for the Prevention ol Qouelty
to Animals (SPCA) Jonlgtrl proyiding for
expanded animal control services tn· the
city. \
Execution of the contract had been
delayed pending further invesUgation of
services available from the_ county.
How~er, the a ding city manager Is
reoommending a cootinuation of the
agreement with the SPCA. tnvt:!tigation
of county services, he reports., revealed,
"namuous obstructions, including spe-
cial action by the Board of Supervisors."
.. The county ls not able at this Ume to
provide the type ol oervic< Laguno re-
quires, nor can the price be established,"
,, 1ays Sweany. He states that the possiblli·
Jy of county crrvlce will be further
pursued as 1 conslderatlon for the 1m
The new contract calla for a monthly
paymeni by the city of !153.!0, compa"'d
with the $480 paid under the agreement
that expired Aug. 30, and for aubslan-
tllllly !ncreaoed scrvicu by tho SPCA.
The>< include the flll'lllahlng of I
. -
J>OUnd, In tht Canyon antmal shelter and
aervlcel of a city poundmaster to capture
an Impound all stray and unlicensed dogs
found .within the city, as provided by the
municipal code.
The SPCA agrees to provide at least
one ttblcle, equipped with tw~w1y radio,
for pefmanent assignment In the city and
to maintain_patrols from I a.m. to t p.m.
MondiY11irough Saturd8y between Sept.
11 and May 11 with regular patrols seven
days a ~:eek fr.om 6 a.m. to I p.m.
between Moy IS, Ind Sept. JI .
The contract also provides for ruponse
on a ff.hour basis lo Police Department
nquests for pick up or rescue Of injured
animals. dead animals, confined stray
dOgs, or animals invalved in dog 'bne
ca"" Dog lictNeS ond taga are lo be pro-
vided by the SPCA and all fees coUected
turned over to the city once a monlh,
with aceompanying records.
e SPCA is permitted to keep im·
pound and boarding feu collected under
the ordinance!.
Pamphlets outlini'nc animal control
laws also are to be proVlded by the SPCA
for distribution to tbt public.
The last of the five Hubbs bf'Oth..
ers will show their football talents
at Laguna. Beach High School Fri-
day night v:ten Kraig and Kirk
Hubbs start for Colton lligb.
Today's sports section; page 23.
offers a· com~let.e photo-&tor-y-cov.-
erage of the Hubbs family. includ·
ing stories on the late Ken Hubbs,
his former high school coach, the
town's reaction to his death and the
and ~aig.
U.S. Missile Emits
Cloud on East Coa·sl
Space AfeDCY launchOO a Nike Toma.
hawk missile from herf today to put a
barium cloud high up in the atmosphere.
The rocket was fired at 5:47 a.m. and
the cloud reached a peak altitude of 167
statute miles. It was visible along nlucb
of the East toast before daylight.
· Hoi)e to H~d Off ~~~~nd~m~ ~ction
' • \ ~ ' . I ' . -Iii •J'ICP!DE!!D". SOllllllEW.. Olll,"-'.......,l<d writOr. .(nioJd ·Hano. dog In an unencloled am ,_,be 6n a
.... , ~ •,..., ,...._ ~'The·city II at¥_.,.~, I f~lil bind . Je:ish. '••nat means lf • cat~ or a ftDCe
The •LiC\fllO. .lloach Dog Owners and can llai'dly afl..,. llOO or 13'llOO for aroond.Lyard.'.weteJ>l!<Q.IJl.Jo\i!"',:lho AaoclillOii~·~Jilit=lo-~~. =do-ld=have-toobt-·,.--~-
oeelt 1•meellng widi ·~,dty <OWICiHo-· •11:,;,,;g0..:,.ilh·uMo'l'.<ien+iµm•we~k· Re!idenl'TenrNeptmw'-ho.....id
1r.on out differences ovtr .$ibat a dog close our optlana, fer 'c.'OftlPtOrili¥ on the . like ta have any future ~ allow
o!<1lnance should do, and, 1t the same ordinance. We want a new ordinance." dogs on the beaclles old Iii the ~ dUr·
t~ held-OU 1.cosUy ekcllOo within.the ~Hano said thltM>chaoon!lnaoce might ing tlie winier months and lflel''I p.m.
city. · . Include d~ "runs'' on the btacb, Which during tht 11\1..mD\el' months. ·
The gr;oup, after heartng a motion by are used IA San. Diego and CoronadG, at if· . . Evelyn, MQJ\!"O, voted 'to meet with 1er fines for stray dogs,•hlgb liCenRfees. 'l'he £It}' council earlier .this montta of.
l1lllllbers qf the <OW1ei1, one! explore the , and modiflColions ·of the phoelil leash lered Jo amend the criginaf ordUwlce
pnillbltity .41 con&tructlng on ordlnan<e-1aw. . , banmng the dop from. the ......... and
which would-fit the wishes o( the He noted that Wlder the· leash law any parts, so that d~ could run Oil the rUldtida ol.tbe art.colony. • , ' · (·· · beach on leash durmg the winter months.·
Such i. i!;!int meeting wOu!d be bed,_ . However, the Dog .~ A.aoclition
her ... the city' COllllCii meetlnC OoL I SF-Balbet•Sla' ~. -tu""""down·lhe-cem-*'"'"the --·· when ~u.e councu-is fad!d with the u;t.I amendment di~ not applY, to the eilJ.
decision of rescinding the now suspeod¥l · ' • . • La . ·• p.arb as weµ as the sandy stnMs.
ordinance which Would ban dogs 1nm Friday m· . . ' gun. a Al the meeting, members at tbe arouP"
three city parks and the city beaches, or . . . ..ggested Jhaftlle key lo the )1"1hlem u..
o{ bold1ng at. spedal referendum election The San Franclsco Balle, . t, tht Oi~esi 1n the enforcement of the leub law. •
on the Jegisllltlon. Chall~ nol<d thst last month Ill dop
Such an election, chairman Richard resident classical ballet company ln tbe were picked up whic.h 'Were not on leash.
Challis noted, would cost the city between U.S., will perform Friday at· a p.m. at compared to "10 just a few monthl 40.'"
$2,000 and $3,000. , lrvine Bowl in Laguna Beach. . "Once peopte have to pay a •101 fine for
Orlglnally the dog lovers group-ob-Under the dlr.ecUon .-of -L-e w -Jetting their __ ®gs 1"A!I I*·· ~will_
lained 3,000 signatures on a petttion ask-Chl'istensen, the ballet company has been watch their dog:f a lot more carefull)',"
ing the city council ta rescind the on three international tours and five na-Challis declared.
ordinance. It had no legal weight. Lat.er tional tours since 1956. ' . Chall.is said he will :lt'nd 1 Jetter to the
the group got 1,731 registered voters in The performance Is sponsore¢ by Sad-council requesting repre.entattyes from
the city to sJgn a referendl,m petition dleback College undei-Us 11970-71 guest t~e two ~es get together to dilllcuu the
calling for the controversial or~inance to artist and lecture program. Free tickets dog ordinance in hope that IOtne agrte-
be put before the public in a referendwn. for reserved seats are available at the ment can be reached before the coOncl1
"I'd like to see us heJp the city co~ fine arts office of the colleu, 499-2211. meeting later this month.
4'-MILY •ll:OT ---• Bc)livi-a~Junt~ Tapples~
New Str:ongttl!ln Sworn in After Brief.Fight_
LA PAZ, Bolivia (UPI) -Le!u.t Gen.
Juan Joee Torr.., backed by ~-alt
force, students, le!twing labottta and ~
og!q"'""'!Y ot-~-...i:toda¥
--&1 tbe new strongman ot Bolivia bt-a
i;eries Of power plays that jual akJrted
cRrfl war. ·
Torra, who admires but doea not ac-
tively tupport Cuba's Fidel Caatro, applr.
A comedian ba4 )t>een fired for enUy won oot when troops loyal to hlm
swearing at an unresponsive aud-seized the.government palace toda~ a
ienoe at>the main showroom at. the three-~ military Junia .. t_up y
Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas. The collapoeil In --
TO!jay thoualndJ of JIWIOlll milled thn>lolb the llreeta of La Pu, many of
them carrying tral1lfator rad!OI to try to
--""'!-out what wu--going on.s..AI .~Y=-w~~JboJ<.O<lll.movementa !!l•Y~ .
ed tile tiny radiol to their aars.
Armed studeots llllTOUllded the city
jail •that WU cn>wded With polltical
priaooerl, mm.y of them friends of Tor·
res .. but there wu no violence. The doors
or the jall remained abut but It appeared
freedom for at least tome of the
priaonen was Imminent •
maqagement said Georg• Carlin TOCTes' victory. was lllUl"ed ~n Gen.
made tbe rem&Jt: during his first Fernando Salton, chief of the air fortt sbo>YJ.rtday_nigbt....A,munlm.J!L..:=~':~C: • ."1 .!"wi:i~~-~
guests walked __qut. Car~m, ~ho had WorJd War JI P51 Mustanp which ·baaed
four days W---nm on h11 fiv~weelc the palace and strafed 1 recalcitrant
Students and laboren also llll1'1'0Ullded
the mornlnf neWJpaper El Diarlo which
la the biggest in the country and the most
-influenUal . ....!I'hey were-joined by the. DA~
tiOnal guard and newspaper workers. ap-
parenUy bent oa pruerving their jobs.
dlsp --...J<;A--mat
engagement, 'Was not pemut~·to milltar.y barracks.
go· on at the second show Friday. The other members of the junta limply
He was replaced. with Beverlee diaapp~arect '11ley were Gen. Efron
and Sldro with the Sneakers. A Cuach.:U., the mned !oroes chi•! of ats!f
spokestnaD for the Howard Hughes· · ind Vice· Adm . Alberto Abarracin, bead or
owned hotel said Carlin apparenUy the nny' iii this lai!dlocked cowitry which
was dissatisfied with the crOwd's bis a few iunbolta on Its takes.
re_ac!ion_ to his.. rqut!ne @# ~all... The long !e~ring po!lttcal chaos in u·stng offensive language. Bolivia came to a bead on Sunday when Gen. RegeUo Miranda, the conservatJve · ·· · --·· --e ··--army-chief of'Blaf!;btgan th• procw bf
U~IT ...... lt
Stron9m11n Juan Torr .. --
A seven-year-old girl baa dis-ousting president Alfredo Ovando Candia. OUt.side lbe city a forci of peasanta
covered that jellLfish exist io Wis· The president resigned Tueaday to avert began marching on La Pu ~ with ~-Id civil war and the junta was formed. ancient Mauser riflea they bid used cousin ..... r11 _ udwi1, an ecolp-Torres.-. was ... _: ....... 11 co----.1-In Ith p 1 ••. gist at -the l4ilwaukee Museuin, f the ... -;....1 I .,..~t i~i.:: years ago •.war w arquay. •rc:Jr
identified the creatures as CraS· ~cause~~~ h1I orJ:1tatw~~ :~ f.~;'f:e e~t~a:!~0~"'~ =·
p·ed.acusta Sowerbyi. 'Pie ?ame mediately announce4 )le was the new the government palace Oed and banded
In the city itsell there was an ab: of t:X·
pectancy with many of t.he tbouSands:
milling through the streets waiting for
Torres to descend on the city and take
over Pie presidency formally. Man:·
shops were shuttered by the strike.
Bolivia has averaged more than one
revolution or coup d'etat a year alnc.e it
achieved independe~ from Spain in
l&Z. But the current political crisiJ had
ita belinnings from the coup that ousted
President Luis Adolfo Siles on Sepl 26,
* * * Bolivia's Armed
howevetl i§ longer than the J!lly4 president. Labor organizations called a the keys over to Sgt. Juan Chuvl. When
fish, wh Ch grow to about a half· general strike 1o back hil claims and troops Joyal to Torrni marched up to f Number
inch. Kim Kubiok, of Milwaukee, · were-joined by-students and profesaional seize control Chuvi merely handed them OrCeS
first ' 'noticed tho ·jellyfish In a men. . the uya IDd there wu no bloocllhed.
bucket o1 ... ter she dipped from Set at 21,800 a pond. near Baraboo .thile on •
c'll!ipiilg ttlp with her family. It R ear P •sltlons B it LONDON (AP)-Boli~ia'; mned forceo had i.n thought Wi!consin ba~ no naliv.e jellyfish. . Iota! 21,800 men, and the country also has . . • . Reds Use · Gas fo r F;rst .bout 5.000 armed police and frontier ~ + · -It guards, the Institute ·fOr Strategic Force!
A &-toot ~ escalllil Wednes-• reported today.
day from Itt~OfaJ; cafif. ·cage and The authoritative private ruearch owner W1l~y Full1; tald· it bad' a
mean disposition. .Authorities in T • • c bpd' • organlutlon gave IJlla rundown on !lie
lblx commumly north Of )'.;ls An· ' . J,'flle i n . 'am la_ . . Bolivlin forces,,wboofieadera art locked
geles -m ...mung for the reptile. -In a power •tnlllle between con·
Meantime, tliey · advile4 .nervous . ~ · . -. t · aervativea and leltiltl:
resi4f1>ta .. that.-pylhoni ganerallY • l!HNOM PENH -(UP!) -Conummllt 41 miles ""'1h of Phnom Penh and four _ Army -20.000 .-_In two Infantry
favor t~~· for ~ousipg. Said one 1
1-troops _used na'usea:gu for the first Ume mHes behind' the opel'ational fron.t line, brl&ades, a motorlled regiment, two .
official:• If a P>1hGn drops.from a . ~~ m Iba six months old Cambcicllan Uj'l correspondent Kale ll'!bi> reported_ ranger battalions tratn!d· In counter-in· tree;-'don't;irY io ca~! . If it war-m-an attatj< against reorguard-poai-• from the ..,.ne. She aald' the attack · -
drops!J)D you, stand stlil and pre-, lions of. a stalled government offensive~ started at mi~t bebfDd a barrage of ~en~, one ~·troop ·regiment a~d
tend ~are~a tree." -....:;.~. ~ Frort dilpatcbel:aatct they a1ao i:tr111ed 'mortan:, rocketi and heavy weapons fire. five artillery repmegta!.. They are eqwp.. -( ': .-7 -civilians-out of hidins and shot thein. Miss Webb ntd on·e of aix dead ped with anoored pmonnel carriers, ~omers at the Smitb· ~e_.1ttaci. hit !.he '\llia:e of Prakham, clv~ -RI; a_young girl, killed. When Jight mortars and ~Ulery. BoliV'ia's
sonian 'Aittophysical Oblilvatory -hu-tlunsy-palm thatch house .rece1v~ a mountainoull terrain 1s not suitable for '1'11Mc,~ ··ed -1 :.... l • direct hit from a B40 rocket. A senior tank operations n"":iv'l!Iiit-i lat bts [e-, _, Sl'kei W.ftcomes 11~4-o!IJcer said the olbii-' e!Yllians were Air Force -i.soo meo with 1s combat cen J .. I J , a , a _ _ 1 .• .. • Cfrl:gled by the hair out of tr e n ch e • planes.£_!_ d_ozen PSID_ tµr_bop_roJ! Mustang do~ racm.g tra~ mterferred with . · • y.rbere they were biding and shot ill the fighters and thrte J\1'6 light fJghten:--:-Also
their work. Tli~ tra~k ope!ators T!:T S 'Ha d Lin ' '11Qd. 20 T6 and four &-211trainers,8'ven <;es,,na
told \he .04~ID~(!.,,:W• will bur, U ' ' r e . Wlien the fighting ended at clawn three liaison pfanea, 20 Cl7 and CM trwports,
wliat I n.p~-= u-lllstall 11. "'CallllQdlan aoldiera IDd six civilians IDd about 15 bellcopter1. ~~~.!=.aw~ ~~~·:i,e: ln ·.Mi~dle East = .. ro:i~.i;~""~1f:;
liglft: atraigbt down and an obs er..... ~, . ._. Unttei n:...:..: ... :.._ .... 1 ___ , not known lipw miny c:tvilians were woun·
vatory &tafi•member climber atop . u3 .&"rn. .w...,. ... UVD&I ded. The North Vietnamese attack force,
the poles and installed them. NoW Jsraell diplomatic IOW"Ctl t 0 da y est~ted at 200 men. left 12 bodies
the astronomers say they are in welcomed what one describeQ as a behind. ,,.,,
the-dam wbiledog track-represen--"bardeLllne''._by-1be.-UDii.cL.Staw. -· :·1 think..tbe..--Vielnall*C w111ted
tatives say the lights baVe never toward Egypt and the Soviet Union in.the to warn the cMUana not to cooperate
been better. MlddJe East crisis. nae Brlttab cTlticized with us.". one aenior field officer uid.
the United States' for '"'Jl'ndillg Big "They are also trying. to cut qur supply
Four power talks on an Arab-Iaraell lines -but some of the Civilians were • peace setUement. assassinated ... "
In Cairo, the NaUonal Assembly met to Itate this morning hundreds of clvilian
ap~ the ~'l of .\nwar_Sldat rtfugees streamed from the • y_illage
as president to aucceed Gamal Abdel souttiwm:I down route 6, takin& witb
Nasser, wbo died of a heart attack on them their household belon&iJlls, cows
Sept. 7.8. and water bUffaloes. It wU a scene
Israeli diplomatic sources in Jerusalem reminiscent of the attacks on villages ln
said the U.S. suspemion of talks by the the War in South Vieblam.
deputies of the Big Four U.N. am· Miss Webb aaid she saw two Viet..
bassadon in New York indicated m. namese bodies of young men wearing
Panmunjom M~diator
Assigned to Korea
SEOUL (AP) -Maj. Gen. Gilbert H.
, Woodward, who negotiat«l at Pan-
munjom for eight months before he ob-
tained the rel..,. </f the 82 Pueblo
crewmen in 19681 ii returning to Korea
thll month to· c:Omm.,.i the 2nd Infantry
Division, the U.S. 8th Anny announced
Woodward, a native of Suffolk, Va., has
been atatJoned . ill Washina;ton. He is
replacing Maj. Gen. S. H. Matheaon, who
is going to the Army'1 Pacific htad-
quarters in Haw.U.
• 4 ••
UP I Tl ......
Tr1n1port11tion S.cr9t11ry Mentions Wichit1 Te1m Oi111ter •
Ol d Airliner. Overweight
Before Crash l\i11ing 30?
WASHINGTON (AP) -The govern-
ment says an aging-airliner on its first
passenger flight after coming out of
mothballs may have been 4,000 pounds
overweight when it crashed in the ltOcky
Mountains killing 3J persons on a Wichita
State University football trip.
A second rented plane used to fly the
ill-starred football team was slapped with
an emergency grounding Tuesday after
the Federal Aviation Administration said
it founJ 16 maintenance defects.
The twi~gine aircraft-that smashed
into a mountainside en route to a Utah
State game lsst Friday was making Its
maiden trip with the football team after
having" been parked-in storage in Las
Vegas for three years, its owner said.
The same plane veered off a runway
and bent a propeller when a landing gear
collapsed as it tried to take off from
Oklahoma City to pick up the Wichita
State team for a ilight to West Texas
State the previous weekend, the FAA
FAA spokesman James R. Greenwood
said preliminary figures showed the
plane weighed an estimated 48,900 pounds
upon its takeoff to climb the towering
Rockies after a refueling stop in Denver
Friday. The maximum takeoff welght
listed in specifications for the Martin 404
plane is 44,900 pounds.
A spokesman for the Na t i o n a I
Tr.an!portation Safety Board, which is
spearheading the probe, aald the plane
may have Oown into a blind canyon, been
unable io_escape, and crashed t.r:ito a
ridge at the foot of the .Continental
Divide, where a wall of mountains rises
In a Denver hospital. co-pilot RQnald
Skipj,er said the plane was flying s ·scenic
sight.seeing route through the m0W1tairu5,
but declined to discuss the details of the
Secretary of Transportation John A.
Volpe said the Justice Department may
be asked into the investigation. ·
''The evidence we have to date sug·
p:ests theh may have been some Wrong·
doing," Volpe said, but he re(used to
The FAA confirmed that one of It!: of-
ficials had cautioned Wichita State nearly
lwo months a.go that the small air firm,
Golden Eagle Aviation, had no license to
lly a passenger plane as Iara:e as the
Martin 404.
However, Golden Eagle replied that
both pilots had the required licenses. And
it said the firm didn't need an operation
certificate for that size craft since it Was
only furnishing a crew to Wichita" State,
v.•hich had rented the plane from another
In what appeared to be a major
loophole, the FAA conceded its rults set-
ting stiff new safety standards for air
taxi firms don 't apply to a college that
leased planes to ferry its football team.
Wheli.th• Hanover Park. Ill. vill-
age bqerd. ~ssed a resolution ban·
ning-lh•-m1diiltirt from this Chica·
go subu.f b it was considered a joke,
but now, Police Chief S11m Polotto
says, some women are afraid to go
out of doors for fear of being ar·
rested for improper dress. The re4
solution -passed two weeks ago
- stated that ,it is a "God-given
and inalienable right~· of men to
observe "the niceties of the female
form in all of its many varied
shapes and sizes." Although the
midi was 1'banished forever from
within the corporate limits of the
village/' with midied females lia·
ble to a fine, the resolution lacked
legal -Iorce. Nevertheless.----sald
Carol Pierce, a village employe,-
1'quite a few people were up~ -'
creased skepticism by the N i x o n North Vietnamese khaki r e g u 11 r
Administration of Sov~t and Egyptian unifonm. She said the Cambodian troops
sincerity in the aearCh for a peaceful had stripped two medallions from the
solution In the Middle East. bodies reading "be a hero -kill the Make Roo1n for Daddy
"The Americans are taking a harder Americans" and "don't be a nothing -
line," one source said. be a hero.'' .
They said that ill suspending the talks Senior officers said the n1uaea gas,
until Soviet-Egyptian miuUe vlolatiODll'<lf fJred in tht: warheads of mortars, bad
the c:umnt cease-fire are "rectified." made the CAmblxlia.ns' IJ'!S smart and
WastUnM clear backed l 1 r a e 1 ' s then made them sick. They said they toot
refusal to con.tin~ with U.N.-nperviled a Canilter to the main operaUonaJ con-
lhe women, not the men." ...
peace talks until the missile are pulled trol post where it was identified as
back from the Suez Canal standatill zone. nauaea gu.
Ski Season's Approaching
Rockies Blanketed With Snow; Storms D6use _
Motttv f•lr Ill.In ~ SC!uthtr11
C•llfonllf fNty wlttr ~ MtellOll er
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Sen. Strom Thurmond' s Wife Expecting First Baby
II' ASHlNGTON (UP!) -The wile of
Sen. Strom Thurmood (R-S.C.). Nancy, a
23--year-old former beauty quttn, ls preg-
nant, it· was announced Tuesday. The ""'tor jg fl. \
ThW'lftOnd's office, answering nporters
questJons as the newa raced through of-
ficial Washington, luued a statement
aaying the baby wu due In late March.
"Mn. Tbunnoncl and I are vtty hap-
py," !lie statement put out by Thurmond
An aide to Thurmond said the couplt
had known about the lftl"ancy !« thret
months but kept the news qujet.
TbW'IDODd married the former Nancy
Moore in I>ecember of 19U. His first
wife, Jean, clltd In 1960 and they hid no
Thurmond keeps hlm!tlf In good
physical shape and does not look hll age.
His comment about his daily, morning
calisthenics, made about the t1me he
rtmarried, hu become wtll known In
"I Jay on the O<:m every morning and
throw my fee\ O'ftf 'my head 25 or )0
llmea to keep the blood Oowinl to my
h<ad, Your brain bu to be led fr"'h
blood and if you won't exercbe, your
brain won 't be fed," ht said then.
Thurmond roee to prominence as a
Democ:ra~ bolted the party to head a
atstas tlll>ts tlJlrd porty bid for the
Pres1dency In !HI, and became a
Republican In 11161.
Mn. 'nlurmond wu a former Miss
Sooth Clrolln• who was work,lg as a -•tarJ In Thunnoad's Wasiiliilton Of·
!ict wh<n they be<l!De •Diiied·
At one polnl ,..1p: about hb Sep-
tember-May 1MrTiiat got to Thurmond.
"I've been uted wby I m1rried • girl
that young." ht aald. "In old age, I would
r1lhet smelJ perfUme than Unam.enl."
t ,
U'IT ......
Senllter 11nd Former Be1uty Queen Shown on Weddint Dey
Credited with ~eeplng enouch oouthem
votes In line ror Preald~nt Nixon to pre.
vent a George c. \Yallaoe 1weep of the
aouth in 1968, Thunnond holds the
Senate's filibuster record ll'ld ls known as
one of its best wrestlers.
The wnstllng reputation came from a
brief public scuffle he hid in 1994 with
Sen. Ralph Yarborou&h (0-Ter.), In a
Senate corridor .
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San _·fjle111enie
• • C~p~sir~no
VOL. 63 NO. 240, 5 SECTIONS, 64 PA~-
------· -. -...
Nixon Ask·s Ban for ,Ga~s
. . . . -..
. .
• • •
----• .. T....,., .. Flmal
N.Y. Si •m•
WASlllNGTON (UPI) -Pr"ldent aeas as dumping grounds, with OOJ>'S this The report said oeean dumping of should ti(-temilnalad-u · ~ 'll"P*i-d1spoll1 of some old wlrlln!e lllllDllf\m quicldy aa pcalbie of ocean dumpiq ti.
mattrJlls "clearly identified as harmful bit." ~ • .,.....~ hJ the North-Atlantic. Jnch.iltrial " wutet and of undigested Nixon called today for a total ban on would be followed by international agr-ee-
. .
disposal of poison gases, other toxic ments alq the same lines ..
-matertal:s·u -weU·u ·tr:l:sb in the ~MA&-~a 44,pl&e
"Man does oot treat the oceans well," report by ,the Environmentll Quality
lo the marine envlronriient or man" must The Armj•1 ,dumpq ol ... llrp ran-The envirolunen\al councll'ueport lll<f 1ewage sludge, the aolld by-product of
be prohibited It '"lid that du!llP!nii_t11µ11 . ...., ... 0 the A'lnll< ll!:oo!l:=:-·-':Pl!B!!l;:::::-:po!::;;;:jey7,proh!b~:'i::ita~c;"-::i".:"::dum;.:;:plll(~i;;of;;--<m:euru-·c,ipal, __ waa_la_w_ater __ 1r_ea_tment __ l""' ___ -r-I
materlall which could be barmful lhould east ~ ~•-,._...._ rta. · lut--wW. with Ii """ level ol rodloactlvl!" ' 5 is. be pbued ouL . -r; ._.._,,, • ,# ...... ~1 In 1u.s mes.sage, Nixon cited a 1ectkm'el
: Nixon said in a message to Congreu: Council wbJcb detailed damage caused by
"He has asaumed~that their capacity to ocean dumptnc and suggeated a series of
i.bsorb wastes is infinite, and evidence ii strict rules to ptt.RrVe the sta1.
iJOW accumulatlnj OD the damqe that be ..,[ eodorae the ~11 recoza.
has cauaed." mendatlona and Will . submjt' tpeclfic
The President said he would recom-legislative propclll1a: 61 in\ple;nent: them ·
mend legislallon lo atop U.S. uae of the lo the next Coolrul," Nixon llld. ,,
s~·~ Toniglat
Nixon ·'May · Seek
Viet Ce·ase-fire ' .
W ASlllNGTON (AP) -Prtsidenl Nil:·
enA9!1ay !Jiit finishing toucbeJ on his ma·
jor Vietnam speech, which is expeCted to
call, amoog othe.r things, for a cease.fire
Ind renewed efforts to free prisoners of
Sailt -Ciie'k:: -n~
Due in Coµrt
The Salt Creek Beach CQntroversy will
be in Superior Court in the next few days,
the Orange County Counsel's office said
today. . . .
"We will probably seek an lnJunct10n
to stop the landowners rrom interfering
with the public use of be~ in the
area " said Thomas Conroy of Laguna
Qeach, deputy county counsel who is
preparing the case. .
The dedsim of the Board· of Super-
Vlsors to take legal action in the con-
troversial case was made last June when
the board declined to accept an agree-
ment with the Laguna Niguel Corpora-
tion. over public use of the three-mile
stre'tch of beach between Three Arch Bay
8Jld Dana Point.
At th at time the board instructed the
county counsel's office to advertise in an
effort to discover the public's "prqtri~
tive" rights to UJe beach. ·
·several hundred penons replied that
The Preiident was also undmlood te
be aiming at having the ground offensive
role of U.S. forces in Vietnam -virtually
ended by the middle of nes:t year.
Nixon will deliver his address to the nt
tion at a p.m. PDT tonight and a new
U.S. pe'ce propooaJ it lo be ~reaeiited at ~~~i'Y!J-~"""11-.... y. secretory of Stitlo -William I':: Rogerr·
M4 ... allorllOOll date with the Thal
,... )nlnfster la brief iom on the Nil:·
.. ~ OU.. COlll!lila!lm ...;. beld ~~ la fbli_ capttall ti llliereatecs ,..,.nmem;, U.S. dlplomall aald.
Nixon aet elaborate piana to brief key
~ the Cabinet llld diplomats aheiul of bis acbeduled 1r..m1Dute addnss
to be .carried Jive on radio and television.
But the White House remained mum on
what new offei' negotiator David K. E.
Bruce }Viii lay on the bargainipg table.. at
TtiW'lday'a weekly ineeUftg lilPariS With
Noitb Vletname. and Viet Cong envoys.
There wu apeculation Nixon might
propose a .ceaae..fire, er a Gene~a·type
multiution conference on Southeast
Asia, or 15:peelal talks on prisonen of war
or a combination of various items atm6d
at b!'eaking the lengthening deadlock at
There was talk, too, lbat Nixol'! migbt
unveil a speedup in U.S. troop
withdrawals beyond the timetable he set
last April. Al that lime he announced
another 150,000 men would be brought
(See NIXON, Pase Z)
'Sleepers' Sta y ,
they had used the beach over the ye.ars Desp:te Chill' •itbout tnterli!mlce, thereb1 establisho "
Ing the public's right to the lleach;accord. Tbe d t of 1 ,__ be c:h
big to County Counsel Adria Kuyper. ,_ ven coo, ·~ ~
kuyper has predicted suceess in the weather does not seem to be, discouraging
legal action saybig, "it appears th 1 t " beach and car _sleepen ID the Laguna
members or the general public u s e d Beach area, pohce report.
the entire beach area from Dana Point No less: than It "sleepen" have been
to Mon.arch Bav without charge in t h e rounded up by the night watch in the last
years be£ore World War ll. two days, according to the police log.
"Access to the beach was gained by A citation for violation "Of city
salt Creek Road and Dana Strand Road," ordi.Dances banning sleeping on beach or
Kuyper added. . in vehicles parked on Art Colony streets
Jn June, attome1 Eugene Bell, repre. coN $15.
aenting the Laguna Niguel r.orp,, threat-"We expect them 1n summer," saJd ~
med lengthy """' action delendlo( the officer. "But man, it's seumc cold wt on
corpon.Uon'1 right to the buch. tblt belch at nl&bt now!"
"No ocean dumping of ckemlcaf created • iujcr aproar, with aome ud llld ocean dumping of moot olher the muncil report concludlns that "'tho
warfare m&teriab abouki be permtUed, '1 niarlfte upertl c:r:m&ndinl....,.1hlt 11 the"-radloactl\re matmall ~ -be pro-cumint level of · OC'ean dumplnC 11
the report said. 1'Biol0£\cal warf1r1 gu ~~ It ~ relliit 'la a major hlblted unless thert was •'fto attemitjve creating serious envirorqnental daml.lt
materials have not he!n disposed of at, kill of ee, rye. ~.. . ...: ' · ottmng Less barm . tO man or the· eq-in some areas and the volume of. wastes
sea and should not be iii the future. Later. anotlier, thouch -e 11 • 1n. vlronment." dumped ln the ocean ii increuina: rapid~
"Ocean ditJl(llll of ..pioolve mWlitiona lenR, t:CbttOVtl'IY !"Wle<r from th! The council urged a termination u ly." .. .. . -.-~-~ ~;._ -· ; ... -
m 1.s_-s 10 n s
Rips Edison
Power blackouts would be good for
Southern California, a Costa Mesa man
told the Public UWities Commilsion in an
impasiJioned preSentation in San
Clemente Tuesday.
Furlhermoro, .&i.LVerlyln_G. Marlhl_
''tbtblackouta~~· J
~.:..U...C' EJ:f'r -•~· ,. en~ •.. wbo u • "cm"f,'.C'~~
becituae o! a pernWialil luiig dlA!iiUIY
brought ... by-o!r ~.· na,wu. •
Edison Co!npe!IY Ja-a ll!>omJnl, Jm.
paai-~"*:I.in. addt ... ' -PUC Emnt Afcb
"I liv• In . iloola I.I... under tlllt
poisonous p I u m e ·produced by yo u
(Edison) m Huntington Beadi," be
He accused the utility or sofferlns fr9m
"arrogance of power," and te~ the
firm "morally lrresponsible" for en-
couraging-customera-to-111t...mor.e-elec.. .•• _
tricity, instead of Jess.
He usailed Edilon {or "spoiling one of
the _prettiest beache9 in the 9late" with Jts
proposed nuclear generat.Qt-expansion
project, then said reacton, instead,
should be built undergroond In Central
Or1111< and Sao.Diep iountla 'l!beft the
electrical consumpilon Is gnateol
Then he cited the utility's "deaecrallon
of the landscape with thOu&anda of mllu
of power transml.sskln lines."
The hearing' In San aemente and the
building plarus for San Onofre were plan·
ned by Edison, he charged, beta;use the
· . •A1llir ·PILOT ,....,. 'r lM '""''"' -.
Nurar Mergeret Sommer~ b r. "R•ymonrl Buch Admini1ttr Aid . ' . ' firm ls "afraid to race the people in more
populated Orange County cities."
"You couldn't stand the aquawk," be
"I'm tired of this arrogance of pc>Wtt; I hope you get abut down in Huntington
Beach, because people are getting tired.
South C~t Hospiial ·
"I'll fight you every step of the way."
Marth drew lhe second outburst ol. ap.
plause since the lengthy bearings: started
Monday morning -an outburst from
citizens flayed by PUC Examiner Arch
"I can understand your e11,1ber1nce,
but displays of this aort have absolutely
no influence u p o n my or the f'UC's
declaions in this matter. I would ap-
preciate it if you wouldn't clap, pl.east."
Main's power in the hearings_ ls eeml~
judicial. He hu the opllon lo level con-
tempt cilalloos.
. ' . ..
Hulds Disaster -D:rill
South Coast Co111J11unlty llGot>ital In lo the drW, supervised by Stsnley C. OJ"
Soulh lAguna bel4 ·a~" drill •thi9 · pt gird, l!Sistani hoipltal adminlstra(or.
morrling in which 12· ~'victims" With · The exerCise in readiness: involved 12
bums, fraebU't-1 and oilier ailp~ated 'In· memben of the Women's· Auxiliary of the jurlea were "treated.,,.
AU of tbe )!ospital.'.s departments, _ hospital -::Ung as "victiml of a bus IC·
more ·than 100-employ es -~p1ted cltlent. '' The' women were brought into
1 U,. e_mergency ~entrance ,of the ~pltal
where they, were diainosed and treated
,0. their simulated injuries; ·
Of .... o.llr '"" .... .J..:..:_ Tbe state's chief bul\b pbysk:lst
revealed .at San Oemente taday that a
raciloacUve material known .P ~i'tritiim"
a~ ·tn unpredicted amOUn\I in dllcharl .. _ fr.Ptu·l!Ji=aillJnl·Sao_:'()nofro
~"~00-atroiaed-that the
ati'iOUDtl-or -;ntiunrrecordea-are not ~lo pablk i>Ulth,-..:. '
The ---la-the~
before tbe state Public Utilities .. ·~ quadnifile ...
·-,.. tho San ODofre nuclear com-~came during .. ·--~Uon m monitoring llld e\'alua-
tiall of health fa<ton.
Cor n i ab atr e sae d that th 1
measurement.. involved in the nuclear
emisaiom from the reactor are utrtmely
stnlll. However the tesUmony'wu n -
pecied lo add new fuel to --lo the nuclear plant expansion •. _
Tuesday was tbe Edison Company't
day to present reams of information from
the uttUty's uperll on the geoloa,
oceanography ud safety of the pi._.r
haU·billion-dollar expansion project.
'Dominating Tuesday'• teltimot'ly" WIS
Ed1Jon Co. mecbanlcal en&Jneerlng
manager David J. Fogailj, who detailed
the pbyalcal construction and operation
aspects of the proposed twin reacton.
Fogarty then added that all waste
disposal systema at the plant are "well
withln regulatory limits."
Fogarty explained that besides the
regular nuclear wastes produced by the
reactors, even Items like rags, scraps of
paper and olher pieces of trash coo-
t&minated through work 1n the reactor
areas are packaged under special
circumstances and taken to disposal sites
by government-approved crews.
The radioactive gases p r o d u c e d
through the sell-contalned reactor cooling
ayatem, Fogarty explained, would ~
atored under compression in tanka for
dec:.y to take place,.then the gases are
sampled and ahipped under ltrict con-
ditions to atomic "b1,1rial ~·"
While Fogarty dwelt upon the con-
Mctlon aspects and provisions for
waste dlsposal, other F.disoO spolitsmen
concentrated on earthquake factors, ef.
fectl on mar~ life by·inllllons oraallool
(See HEARINGS, Pap I I . .
Water Recall 'l Group Hit
Council Weighs
Aetioi;i. ·OD City-... . -
Beach Tenants
spurg .... Sparks.of the Oranga County
Health Department · oblerved the 30-
mlnula drill and, In a critique following
the exerclae and complimented everyorie
who participated for doing a fine jOb.
Weailaer The ~pita! Is required by lal' lo hold
two such drills each yaar. South Coast Count y . Dir ec tors Fire Volley ~1n~~.!:~\0?.ty1on~c~ ~
Barrow, a member of the citizens group s~cter terminltlon of two leues and evlc--$14 000 . F Directors of South Coast County Water
lllsirlcl Tueaday fired • return volley
~ • group of South Coul water
UJerS aeeting· recall of four mtmbers et
the board lnncling the adloe an lnslanoe
oC ''dissident irresponslbillt" wUb an
ultarior JlU'P* ol alWnpted takeover of
the dittrtcl. •
Jo a statement signed by Thoma 11.
• Comemus of the board was thal only 1
•tron&IY·wwded annrer would stand up
qalml ''pefly" complalnta and· alleged
IUDIOtS beJns cln:ulated.
The recall aclioa atams florn &nltY
Clebalas be-the -.! an d
bomeawnen In the dlatrtcl wbfch ..,....
the area IOlllb of the Lquna Beach cily
llmlll, followln( ,. IO Jfereenl hike In
water rates. · •
__ ... the !ah that the ~-~· ,. f Uon of a beoc:hfront tenant . ' · ence ~.,.,_,... " -~ ! "--twee~ O•nnlngham, accni'illnC ' • ' ' • •.~ focieocy might malcb fls rbetoric ud to the city ii~ ln'-11 for , · ·
-for .. accountinc of~.~ of ~' 11'6~.Ji.MI -;de la. .col!-. !IS Surrou:n'ds Poo.l
dlslribu\ion. • : . ~~· ~ Sbi>p, .·' • ' . •
A ba\ld[ul of tther recall i)llll*;."'1" , n-"' ..;..~IY;_;_~ 1n"~-WASlllMlTON (AP) '-The,Whlte . '-"~lo --"' ~ #. ~ ...... ~ Wl'S • • .... ' • """:""' """"'-• • ·-911• •11 'mlBlolt' 11aJn Bwlt poirdlai -'aid today· a ·clear plaatlc -
tamd .0'Cixl6tr, •I .. ~ .. of '•d.''dl\ ~· -~· · aroli/ld•part ol •the llWlinmlng 1'?61'11
coa.ta1 MWliclpai Waler D~k;I.' 'f.O"•. Iiiv~ ~ i1f. U.: L'!IY ,1lil1dlo(': ~!dent Nilon'.r~,at S>n Clemente, ~efly, ouggesting ,!"' Of>Pll)ta raco de!~ Cl• Main Beod Part. · · coat.alioot $1f.OOO llld wu erected by the
cold·blooded facts. • .. , · 'Ille City -.1a1na II bu been unablo Secret Service u 1 aecurtty meuurt.
Another taste ol Saota Ana winds
Is lb the offlng' for the cout on
Thunday, with \emperatures ris.
1 ing to 74 degrees along the ahore-
line and up to the llO'a fw1ber ln-
'·nd. . .. . .~-. -
'. INsmB TOlJA'i'
• ~ MW community 1Mat11r
jJr"up maktt itl dtht thil
1 wckend in Huntinoi~ Beac1'.
'S11e Entertainment, Paoe 31. . -.. CtUfel'flll I .......... I C~ Q.11 Ctftt~• It ·~ 11
Brooks. Robert Malone, Ted O'Coon<D,
Gerald s. Ptll ud Dr. Anthony Otlan-
della. who Is DOI Included ill' the ttcall
move, dlredors suggeste4 recall pro-
pOneqt5 weigh the !acU before inlUatlng
,,,._,. cosUy SJ>Octal eleottoo.
A eommltlee naintng lbeu South Coast
Cit.izena for Responsible Water Manage·
ment bas accused Iha. bQird of poor mmiagemen~JmSUbsWltlated rate In·
cre~t operation and fallure
to rtlpond to complitnb of water usen.
He pointed out SCCWD hunJ~, to., .. tteot ,_from OJnnlncham m lhe • , 'Jnala" ...
rates In II yean while the coil acre' t,,..~~lm. The Jo!aee, bi The· ~ghthetenct, olcle""'<>I 1:.:!
fool of waler hu juiiipoa'lfOiii ... i..... ~ve4:ililifol yea~ m guy on ocean . :=<
"I Sllbmtt lhe OJlflOltlloo r. •. ~ w Jili~ ·JlOOI> II la bullet rulstanl ~
°""' Mttlnl 11
-n ...... i.i ,... ' In a dlscuasion of the statement during
, special meeting called ber... iaat
rUgbt's regular session, the board elected
lo retain lhe slnlllg w:orcf1!il whlcb -tlfrector felt m!pl be madifled.
\\ ----,.
M1jortty of petiUonera apparenily are
memben of lbe Thunderbird
H011110w11en Aaeciatlon el Ilana Polnt.
RupoadJnc 1o tho sta11mea1, Tlild
• • ·-.. ··-
part and ·1et down lo facta," · ' · I w;,... !i1Jt -• • In ~··1o· an lriquiry, the While
del:llred. "!f yau can show · '.' 5o inaaor WN Hoooe ll1d the fence never wu lnteded
the rite below whit ii ii lo!Jly. • ' a chom .., lll'IMi> eouncJI.--u a wlbd ICneD bUI dclll -.. -lbal
(lleo 'll'AT!',11, '"" It • P.tllo .... 11111 of ""'11!1h-'l'lllcnll-purpoH. , . • • " • .
I • ,, -• • M._ ..... _ ---· -· . •
--~~I ·-... ... I = :....i...w. • ,
• --
• 2 DAil Y l'tlOT SC
Fare.Long ,
-· --
Freeway ,J\'!~~ting . Set . ' . . ' . . _. Sta~.Offipw~ ~~(]Oijier.::-W i,h · N-eWporl .. ~ -.. -.. .. . .:
StalO olflc!Alslild li>dlj tbefwiU llk,.-An oppraved otal&dly -ment on about onytlling concemlJti the ~equut Ix Mtky 1 mt1ti1'1 with-Newport Beach on _ the exact route_of the O'ttw1y ~ut of the rlifit now"' we nttd to a.It down with the
' the city's reqttett for priority treatment .. bly cr•lr'IJ hN cOp'lt ipKfer severe city and f:ilk it over .. "
-Will! 11ems "" Ito bullty-agenill:'lli•
-,U.rBeach-cttr Council-faces .. hot
<(.lbc_P1ciflc Coast lllghway traUic con-c:ritlcislO li<ml ... _,\WI• llement .pf'..'. J;\t_ lollicated -Oicn1 ~..d _b6·}•""•1
_ pstton·'Bt thecBacltBarJ!t'ldl•-= !W~!l'H1""'1ts'llld a ·cJUzens• ·r"l'OJ1',"-1ii the letterJil,lJl~k.m'JO, re
--H.,..ver;-\hey-repeatedly-aidealened-gr<MJp cGrrOD!ll' It ~itldn1HhoL ~::blll;JJ-~""''
one~ official de!.eribed as a "long ~d
dull'' session at 7:30 tonigbt.
answering a query as ta whether ~y agre~nt. ·.. ~·~· a~t.e ~rdinat.e pl~ for thllif:w
would t'Onslder building· a new bridge m-Thert 1' no·e1ty-a~pttd route east of -bridge with a new ~.l~ ~Dover
dependent of the planned and . protested the bl)', but thi e;tate hN p~ed that ft Drive jnter~ge jtist t0·~~·
Pacific oCa.at P'reewal allpment through ~~inue runninl ~I to the ~ Allhou&b declining l!G" '1onnal QOm· Newport. -lfl&bWay.· · .. ment on thJI par,t Of tbt.reqUfl:t aC'fell,
Mayor Ed -Hirth wrote the Slate ' 'nle· controversy bu aerved to ltra1n· · Hasbitnoto.. Obllqbely dSd. fWe-.the im-
Di.vision of Highway.11 followJng a Ci'1 relations between the city and the prt&S!on~thi ~~,,~~t eisr.c,ia]J~-thrlll-
Council directive la~t week, _asking that a Divisi~n or High~~)'.!I· . ed by a.ny-Of Utt-~'4-nr;t·J>r:0P05tt1on.-
The 11&enda item! themselves run the
11f'r\lll from cbarltable solicit.aUon re-
queSta and a tequtst from the Playbousie
for .Pt:rrftlsa:Joh. to serve champagne it In·
termission, ·to a st.ate order to fix the
ae'wi!r treatment plant and discussion of
What. to do with old buildings on the Main Beath. ~.
w.bich usuaUy produca fireworkl at
~gun• council meeliJ'lit ; bu been pl1c-
ed tow Jr~ ..the front 11f the long ageDda.
following the "consent calendar" of
routine items which q.n be adopted wtth
a' s[n1le; vote. jr nooe ~ pullfll eut, for
apecial discussion .
solution to the growing traffic problem be A Highway div111on spoktsman this Hashim4*> said,.~, Ith ~ ~f_rJt~ay
effected 1s soon as possible. morning would say only that the division plans, tl)e st.ale n : antl.cipaUICI pro-
1--""M ~ the co~~tion, Hirth aaid "wil!.J_ook into the city's request" and visions, for. t.akiDc., al !J)over Dftve
the city wanta: work done in such a man-m!ke a rep y. trlf(IC:. . ,
ner that tbe final outcome of the freeway William Hashimoto, deputy disbict He 'D.aUy,dacllned any addiUonaJ com--
controversy would have no bearing on the engineer for Oi.ltrid 7, State Division of meat pending •depattme.i:it revlew.l. al the
design of the bridge. 1Hgbway1, uid, "lt ls prematurt to talk letter. ·, ·,:. , ' 1 · . ' I -.. '
.'l'bouch-Jt is not listed as an 1geod1
Item, discussion of the council 's report on
it!: ir1quizt lhtO thi JiW 4 1Vood1and Drive
riot may-come up-during oral discuss;on.-
When ~ report was i;ead at an ad·
journed .council meetin1 Sept. 2.1, no time
was allowed for discussion. Mayor
Richard Gcl~rg said persons interested
jn discussine the repoi:t would be able to
'do so at tl'le next regu11r council meetillg.
, Goldberg ·slld today he didn't laibw
whether anyone intended to bring up the
,Woodland report ~t added,·''It weuldn't
surpriM me if someone does."
DAILY P'IL.9T lfftf ,,.,.
Dog "Nlfht,'' Scott S•bol, Denn is Gregory W•tdi Horl:r:en
Sailboat Snafu
Craft Breaks Line, Runs Aground
Rei: me;>, n Class· Two young swiing enthusiasl!i who and decided that removal of the boat :~e.• decided· to take ·a sallboat they were wouJd run to about $.100. ~.. " . buying. out for a trial run wound up with The youths decided they'd rather do it
Re.a .. ~-.: .... ~. -B' ·egm• ~~ !-~chU.oad Of trouble off Lquna'1 Main themselves. They f-ound it wasn 't that ,v ' -ea1y. By Tuesday morning the sailboat
-4• \ ··I · .. " 'the tale of woe be1an when David wu almost submerged, with· holes and 1 TcileLer~:NCe<led --· ~~.~;.,·~.:.: .• ~d~:n~ cr~~~"h"ll!?.ri:~·~~~~; lo
. . ;J.. ~ . -, " ' . fo:ot eraft owned ·by Robert !ertocll of look thlnp 9Vet and declmd the veuel 1
The· rollllh-:tr~ 4J'Olrll!> qo W~, decfded lo Ue up, at •lllrf• bazard ·lo naVf&aUon.
proved 'tif llM Li.Iii ·Bfach U....._, in( lll4tktr ·huo•.ofl St. Anne 'a Bea<ll La""""'• acting city m••~er J01eph
Schoot DJ&lrii:t;l!Oitirol 'Jlus!ff! ~if; Sunday ' -· swei.'iiy-adyloed tbe yo~th;U.,y would
this p ;1.cr.; oqly one. mgredlent to '.'1-')outbl,-equlpp<d wltb llW'fboarcll,· • lilv•J!>.l'<inoV• the boat In • hours or makd~~ty -·a:1tidlor. . -• · appanritly -.-attractocl ,by "°"'" pr .. ·-the-city '""'1cJ he obliged·to lakt1~po.
Rev, Dallai ,..._ .ot·thi Coninillllity miifn& looli.bil waveo,,aald ~ Beed> __j)ff'<laty IUt111ardJ paddl~ out on
Tup. r.'!~~-~l·_,~ ,'hl<>li._t:>e,~: Lllquar<I Lt. EU1ene:dePauU1. IU!!boardJ to He H they could help. They -... ·~'""" ~""'" ~--·· J.LJ;U p.llL.LClll toClJle __ poUu._ COUidn't' ~ ;,.__
1ng tbi.~1m want to .. hitt a C:reden· re'ported a nllbo1t qround on tbf: btach. • . ··rr_pea the Clty m1y have us tow Jt in-
tialedJNc:b6t. . ~ • -• . The cmt hod broUn ill lllili line and t<i the beaCh ... u can tie Jlaulocl off wftb • ··we·dll~(~,the i:OurH U) be-tiU)bt fl~~ 1w1y ·from the' b\ioy, ·wpihlnc . \rlctor~' muaed dePlulli today;-"But I
by• ~fe,.~~ Tvriter told'th6 board. · ashore in the IUrl. -• · • don't know lt that Woiald work -Jt's Tbeflliiiiiiiitromtnc.~alled •'Rlluaed : By the-1lmo-dol'11ill1 arrived at .tho •: _pretty heavy:,Jt couJd_ho filed u Ibey
Tlm•: .. UOlr."'0111~lii.giveo ii> the acen€,-the JOWIC lllllors;&l1tmptin( IO~ coiild sent to dry doer , •• hut tbot aft•~at ~ •lomiolai'y-ochoolJ,. lalllch thei<-bollt-ln-the iurf, had ,_ ~-costs money ••. "
The __ .~l!lll-~··-, ~-!"!tlnfii,-Ri: ....... ....; . blle-lltecapo:i:-.. ilboatboblln for . c~j4identf lit~"° , ~ ~ . .Wu • ~ ' ol!<lllt Malo--
fourt '.-cf altth · . .,...·iwil-.; ._iit'IW_.,_ .. u • wide 4111.....:lil! thlnjJ, Ja the,~'°-'' .,-·a week of attend!n& tho · ed to tho Main l!eidl A.., fll'inly allloltod irhat remalJll Cl a viry:fancy 1ter60 set
re1J11,,.. ·aw. inotad of mullc, 1111, lb in olfihore ~ -· ·the youtbl lnilali6d hofore thty ulled off :f'::!'~Uta or.other "ellrlctun~ent" _ A lllYap tho lltuatloll lo dlauter.
• that ... I>-t~fl;;~;'. J111U>r.
Ullo , ~lie dlstrii(J · , ~~.c1r~~tii,..!.~~:ir.:=;: N CLEAR HMRINGS ·.:~.
time lp.ibo~, Under, state low, lbc • " -.-
reli&loo!> cr.s.JJ\111191 ·he held at a al WltllJ ullallll water -aven UdaJ ''hlshoennoteclreplarly.
publiC"acbool, dwin&Tet\11111 clw time. . "'"*'· . "Tbeu multi have beu mDPOtted by Dr. UJJomcltel sliilitiCo from olber . -,swt -iinotllar-.Edllon 1 i 0 k ism 1 n the'Deparlmtllt •of Jl'tsl! and Gimo,• hi
releue1f.t1mt 6ducaiioft pr..,...,; allow-..1. ' -• -~tc!· ing thot ·•bo\it 35 te 40 perc<nt el Ibo i!siltl.,. to 1¢nta p{i"""?naJ alety and
studttltt-id he upecte<Lto takt part In thinin& lor en\ploy61 of tbe iompler, ITRE.U: or WATER
tbe tr~. tben In 1enerol terms detalled lbc scope Wi\h the proposed addition el bill!.., of
Undiei, the proiram. p1renl& would give of plant security to w1rd off the chances aatlone of more heated water fnlm tbe
their canaent fot a chi.Id to t.k.e part in of Sl~e -a common polnt .cltld bf Dfiw plantl, Smith predicted ,that • ltrUk
the p__ f ... :(lf tho locatl<xl ol' tbe propoled lw!li of wiler about four defll'O'I hotter could ~·-·· --'d lb ·11 be · --M-, · tplll two-to-four milea under i'ier1•e • ... ,~ ... e program Wl gin at ,__.....,, . ~ • •
Aliso, EJ Morro and Top of the World • '"IU!IUner COndltions. Elementary School.I u soon 11 1 teacher 11't'TIUCAT!l PJlOCEDURES SmlUi'I tuUmony wound up with
with sufficient reU&tous baekfround can Allonso Arena!, auperlntendent of details· of a proposed 21-foot aeaw-1!
be hlrtd, steamd generation, ex~laif!ed lntrlEafte which would ward off any conceivable
proce urea of decontammaLion and sa e-tidal wave capable of hitting the San
Laguna Hills Drain ·
Plan Contract Given
A master drajna1e plan for the 30,000-
acre Laguna Hills are1 will be e:r:f.(Uted
by Toups Englneerln1 Inc.
The agreement for the $18,000 project
was approved by the Board o f
Supervlaors Tue!day.
M...,_. .. _. ....._. .....
Lwtul ... ,. h•Ni• ,..,
C.... 111... S. Cle 0101&
OMHO• CO.UT l'Ull.llfflNG COM,AllY
' 'k•ki+ N. w.,4
Pmlffllt erAI MllWr
Jtc~ JI. Curley
Vitt Pnlldtnl '1flil ..,_..l.,....
Thom•• K1t¥U '
"'"' Jho"''' A. Mur,lllu MIMlll'lli lfll91'"
flicl!tr4 I". Helf
SOV!Pt Or•• CMll't ldlJOf -
ty precautions for employes working in Onofre site.
various parts of the reactor complex, Besides the predicted public uproar to-
the.n cited the frequent security palrols of day, E:r:amlner Main will he¥ test\mony
the reactors by trained security person-from a final batch of utility witnesses
ne l. who will detail the financial aspecU of
Without going into specifics about. the the costly reactor project·.
exact security factors, Arenal termed the Ediaon management heads •Will de.1&1l
security at the existlni nuclear plant and the firm's financial capabllltles, finantlng
the new ones as ''more than adequate." structure for the new plant construction
If promisf':s of tbe foes made Tuesday and the estimated cost.& of the two new
bear fruit today. the matter of thermal reactors -uch of which would produce
pollution and esthetica of the proposed twice the amodnt of ~r churned out
expansion will surfac"e once more before by the e:r:lsUng n u c I e a r. p e we re d
PUC examinf':r Arch Main. generator It San Onofre.
The Edison position on the effeC'ts of
the exhaust water -which is and will be
IO to 12 degrees hotter µtan normal
seawater -is that the discharge from
the OU'tf1ll about a half·mile out to ~• is
generally beneficial to many species (If
fish and other marine llff': in tbe area.
Citing tbe popularity of the are11 aa 1
sportfishln1 spot for party boata, Edison
spo"kesmen have 11id that the warm
-water -which would extend downcoast
several miles with the huge discharge
from the two new plants -1ttr1cts are•t
numben of 1porUiah.
Roberl Denni.son Smith, manqer of the.
ocean atudies department for Bendix
Marine Advisers cf Solana Stach,
testified. in detail on the matur of. hot
water, which would now at the rate of 1.8
mlllfon gallons 1 minute from the pro-
posed reactor ~plex.
Smith explained the regular t1ff1hore
monitoring programs conducted since
19'3 to ,determine I.he before-and-after er.
fect.s o! the bot water dlschar1e from the
pusent Sin Onofre reactor. .
From Pqe 1
ho~e from Vlttnam by next ~ay. in-
cluding S0,000 by Oct. 15.
The administration has been upected
to make a fnovt Cn the V1etr11m peace
front before nert motlth'f elecUons. Nix-
on, however. told newsmen Tuesd1y "We
do net consider this to be 1 propagands
gimmick. Wi are not saying it simply for
the record.
"The statement ts one tbat has bttn
pr(!pared only art.er very lhorough con-
sideraUon 61 all the issues Ulat are in·
volved ill_ our Dll_oilallng position," Nixon
"It ii a atatemen\ that has ~en
discussed wttb the government of Viet·
nam, Ule at>vemment (If Cambodia, and
Ult aovernment of Lloa, and bai UNI 1p-
pmoi of tbow 1.Yemmenti , • :
FremPqe 1
-wOuld ~ glad to-see you an9time.
Review the facts carefully u to cost,
maintenance and salary increases over
th! past 11 years. before this goes
further .''
O'Connor added 1 "hall-cocked" action
not only proves cmtly, but doesn't im·
prove the efficiency.
SCCWD directors also voted an ex-
.pression of appreciation for William
Moorhead, Lagufia Beach County Water
District manager, who defended the
recall targets and expressed confidence
in manaaement..of the di.strict.
The follGwing statement dated Oct. t
was issued by the board :
"The South Coast County Water
District has been notUied of an lm·
pendinJ: recall election aimed at remov-
ing from office four members of JI.I board
-of directors,
"fnstrgat.or1 of~tltis unWattanted, un-
necess,ary. 4nd ill-coiietfVed lction Is a
relati ve!)' 11mall g'roup Of dissidents
cpersting under the name of Soutb Coa:;t
Citi~ens for Responsible, Wflter . District
Management. · •
"Th1s group appilreOtly' ls loc.lized in
one section of our community and has not
kept It.self Informed of the modern pro-
cedures initiated by the water district.
"These p~urfs have been designed
to provide superior tervice and quality
water for the 'entire district without
regard for the-petty, and for the mo11t
p1rt, unfounded complaint.& Gf the il-
lo1ical few.
"The four IC>Called reasoo1 which
h•ve ... pubfilbed U • Illa baalt of tbls
recall election art faltell ~I and
without .any foW.Ution in 1act. Jt is the
oJ)inioa of this board of .d1rfctor~ that the
afortmentioned 'reasons' art designed lo
cohCeal from the great m"ajorlty of
satWied 1water consumer.! Of the district
some ulterior purpo!e In this attempted ~v'~r ~f the-distrid. ' : •
''OI the four 'reasons' advanced by the
~ mJlitant minority group, the one citing
our recent SO percent water rate increase
as unjustified is an instance of d!Sl!lident
(SI• POP.Jlor Cuts)
There are six different cuts or
diamond shapes that a pp ea 1
strongly to millions of diamond
The emerald cut is distlngulshed
by the rectangular style top face,
or table.
The round cut is also known as
the brilliant cut. This cut has the
greatest glitter and brilliance.
Diamonds or oval cut are much
like round<Ut diamonds in style.
The bia: difference is 1hape ouUine.
Other popular cuts are the mar-
quise, which is boatshaped, and
the heart-shaped and pear·sbaped
cu ts .
lt'• ,United Fund time again. We
would llke to lend our support to
this very worthy cause. We hope
you \\•ill contribute what you can.
Among the df':termin,tions, SmJlh.
p6tnled M; 11 tbat becaWe of the upward
! 1urp of the wwm W.\er, the se1 bottom
• at the !IU'\fall 11-not, exposed to the
wlJ'D"ler w1ter.
Toward the 11urf1ce Smith said •
··marted tncrease" ln fish popul1Uons -
•'It will bl t6e moet compreheMtve
1t1tement. ever ,m1de on this wbject •
since lhe be1iMing of this very dlfficull
w1r .. .lt will cover all of Ult major
iss!JU that ara tnvolvf':d in tht Southeasl
Asitn area."
FCr exqusi ely de slgntd jewelry
of lhe finest quality, see J. C.
carry onJ y the very Dest, and
we're happy to assist you in your
selections. In watches, we carry
Omega and Bulova, and we offer
expert watch and jewelry repair.
Come In soon. J. c. HUMPHRIES
J&WELERS, 1123 Nawport Blvd.,
plleot 54W401 . Optn dally t till 6,
Friday •-l"t• till f,
Yearbook on Sale '
The Mlaloo Viejo Hl&h SChool year.
book lor tbe 117().71 acl!ool year, El Viejo,
m1y l)l)W bl ordered on campus, Tbe cOlt
Of Ibo 232-PI&• book 11 17 •
The President 1rrqed o rler the
Cabinet •t 5 p.m. and ltg1sl1tJve leaden
of .both parties an hour later ..
Se<:retary of St.ote Wllllom P. Jlo&ers
w11s assleMd to do the 1tme for
diplomata from interested forelp 1ov·
enµnenta durinl Ibo day.
I " I \
Hot Lunch Contr~ersy
Facing Joaquin H-oord
1be neceuity for 1 hot l~h program-
!~ the ![In Jpoquin Ele!1l'eliluy Scbool
Dist.rid ·wiJJ be 11immering on the front
burner tOiilght at' thf': '1 o'clock meeting
of the &ard of 'J,'rustees in Irvine School.
A controversy over whether or not the
program fulfillS a district need developed
at the board 's last meeting, when it nar-
rowly passf':d a measure providing frf':e
meals for the needy.
Fa ilure to pass the meals for lhf': needy
program would have rf':sulted in thf':
New Mobile Home
. -
Policy Clears
Its Fir~t Te8t
The new mobile home policy in San
Juan Ca°"pistr!lf!O piised its first test
A bid tor a 279-unit adulL park proposed
by Paul Goya was unanimously denied by
the planning commission after a public
The park would have been located
along both 5.ideJ of the Canado Road
betwee:n San Juan Creek, Orte g e
Highway and !Jie proposed La. Novla
Commissioner Charles Allen, who mov-
ed to deny the request, cited the new
policy in the City which bans mobile
home patb i:Ortstruction until enough
permanent structures are built to make
the ratio of mobile homes only 10 percent
of the total.
He also referred to 1 letter from tbe
Orange Colinty FIO<Mt Control District
which stated that portions of the property
might be subject to nooding.
Ralph Vanbuskirk. who made the
presentation for Goya admitted that pOr-
tions of the property might be subject to fl~lng. But he pointed ·out tha t unlike 1
pf':rm11nent structure a trailer could be
moved until the danger Is pawd.
withdraw II of government 1upport 1 and
1ub&idit1 wbicb enable the district.I to
strve 1 nutrtiional hot lunch at kl~er
cost: -'•t •·
Trustee Robert Dameron, who is~cool
to~·ard the'"hot lunch program , has asked
Jnterested parents to attend the meeUng
to voicf': their views on continuing the
program. Hf': has stated that he 1ees no
reason to maintain the program in an
arf':a where children's nutritional needs
are Gbviously being mf':t.
Rex Nerison . assistant supf':rlntendent
of administrative services, said tbe ad-
ministration is planning to discuas the
program with the trustees, e:r:plaining it5
origins. concepls, and ita value to
studenl5 from a nutritional and educa-
1..ional point of view.
He said that from a direct ope.raUng
point of view,the program operates at 1
ero!it• 111d wb,en the food ttrvices direc·
tor's salary is added to t.he cost, the
deficit does not represent a large amount
of money.
Laguna Trustees
Seek $300,000
Loan from Bank
Laguna Beach Uhified School District
trustees decided Tuesday night to go to
the bank to borrow $300,000 in order to
meet current obligations unW receipt of
its tax money in December.
Dr. Robert Reeves, ass-is t 1 n t
superintendent of the district in charge of
curriculum. told the board that with cur-
rent funds. the dislrlcl would not be able
to mef':t the Nov. t payroll.
Reevf':s, noting that the loan Ir •
normal annual procedure, said the
district is running about $75,000 behind ln
the receipt of ff':deral project funds. He
said the district will receive about
$200,000 in tax money on Dec. 10.
Give the most accurate
watch in the world .••
by Bulova
tt'11n aclu1l l1ct. What 1ccoun11 for the exlraorcUnary
1ccur1cy of the Accutron Wetch 111 tiny
-elK1ronleally-drh1en tuning fork wtioae vfbrltlona
spHt a 1.oond Into 380 prtcl1e 1lttla lnt&r¥1l1.
Tuning fork tlma l110 preclta, WI QUtrantM Accutron
.accursoy 10 with in a minute a month:~
Nft -llT..,,.
Cll.1•011 "Ir: llllflltU tt.t Utt .lflf Mftf, \111111-a, f.1M, ~.:~-:i ,.., . ..,,., ..
J. . ' C,. .JJu1nphrie -Jewe'fer~
PHONI: 141°1401
t; PH
. ,, ·: .• .....
' •
5 PILOT-ADVERTISER Wrdnesday , Octobtt 7, 1CJ70
1 1 ,Sale! $1 •• Yal _u_e! . -.
Famous Toys
E'~cifi"CI !Olt group of toys
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Mu mor1, Box.d for Christ•
mos. gifting.
96( 100% Virgin ocrylic in
c h o I c 1 of cordlgon or
pullowr stytes, Co bled
pattems with solid ond
harmonizing trims, Rog•
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If Perfect Would
Sell for $2''
:: .. Travel Syringe
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tired, c;ichlng feet. Buy .
HYtral UIS fof" oil yOl.lr ' .......
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England. Both Oil, Botk .
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logne, Hond & Body Lo lion
• $3'1 Workman
Lunch Kits
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Vi•t"olly ""'""koblo s2•1 Thermos poly plostic
kit h o I d s mcit'-tli•
lunch, c:: om e 1 wllli
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Full count ond regula-
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Wtdl!fYlay, October 7, iq10 DAILY •!LOT 27
w•STMIN5Tti.ll_.,21 Wt11Mlllll., •I ....... Wetl
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Thrlfty's scoop purchase
makes this low, low price
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with the look of today!
Feature fashion f I a i r,
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Pants Sal.e
Your Choice $ .
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No.Iron: Siztt 6 to 16.
• L1di•1' lot1d1d Acryllc Plciid Pantt In th1
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• L1dl••' 100% Hrlori Riil St..tch ,,..._ 1rl
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8 Darts for perfect lit, set-in waistband and ~;l!lt:J!')Uomon rib ... buy now!
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Two rnmfo.tobi. olo.od to. $198
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Two-woy stretch nylon os-
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•1 2• Novelty Stuffed
Vinyl Animals
Co u nt 1t•1 st1~tlon of
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AU or• covered In "t,()1"
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$44" Value! Eldon ·
Go.s 2 mph, runs to 7 h,.., .,,.
OYemlglit chg. SuPQOrts to
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2 to 7 yr, olds.
• . ' .. • •
ta DAILY PILOT SC w~. 0cto1w 1, 1970
Complete New York Stock Exchange List .,
1 Finance
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30 DAILY PILOT Wednttday, Ottobtr 7, 1970
Cal Ca p
Tw o 1·2-mete rs
-R eady t o R ace
~f'-':,;:;;:~"'-~--..!:~-..LMO~WCKABEV -
o.-.1Lv ,.ILOT ... tllll fifltlf'
The eighth sailing or the
Callfornia CUp lw~boat llllltcb
racing series will get Wlder
way off Marina del Rey Fri-
day with twc> well·known 12-
meters sqqarhl& .... .f~JL~
America's Cui>type course.
The California Yacht Club-
sp:>nsored event is expected to
yachtsmen this year as it
comes virtually on the heels of
the America's Cup defense at
CUP CONTENDERS -California Cup, that b. Pat
Doogan's Colwnbia (left) and George O'Brien's
Mess· Sun\!11er·~er-j)am~ Pat!ieJ-:wi!l:>qiiare _(Jff
Friday in a. ~ree race 1eries for california Yacht
Club'& California Cup. Both yachts were America's
Cup contenders in the 1967 campaign. The Cal Cup
seriits w_ill.be sailed qff Marina·deJ Rey.
•nareni Crew' Jap~n Bound
San Francisco Y achtsman Sets Sail With Five Gals
-An American yachtsman
plans to sail from this
Japanese port to Vancouver,
B.C., in early October and
later lo Europe with five
young women crewmembers
aboard a 23-ton Yacht
Lee QU.inn, the 4~year.old
yachtsman o.f San Francisco,
said the ·women a re three
Ja~; one American and
one AilStralian.
.""l'hete-women," he said,
"dRam iibout Ma voyages but
rarely tiave a chance to
uodertak.e .them." .
QUiM arrlVed in Yokoharila,
south of Tokyo, in May from
.ffiJo, Hawaii, with two at·
tractive young women .aboard
"his 48-foot yacht "Neophyte
Since 1962, he has had 85
·women of 23 nationalities, sail~
ing with him in trips that took
him o~ a.nd a half times
around the world, Qujnn ~id.
Jn the latest voyage to
Yokohama, Quinn took bis 85th
girl, Jenny Peterson, 27. of
Honolulu and also Patricia
Seedsman, 27, of Melbourne,
Australia, who has been with bim since 1964.
prtvtous. sailing experienets
because they are serious and
learn quickly/' ht: added.
The new crew members, he
said, are Stephanie Bruckner.
27, of Reno, Nev., wife or an
American navigator for Japan
Air Lines. who is living in
Japan; Miss Machiko
Takahashil, ll, of Tokyo who
is helping her· Cather's
business at a restaurant; Yoko
Saek.i, 19, a student from
Osaka; Haruko Kume, 29,
photographer from Osaka.
Quirm said Miss Peterson, a
graduaJe student of philosophy
at the Unjversity of Hawaii and
a Zen disciple, was on a tour
in Japan. 1berefore she would
not be able to join his Van-
couver trip, Quinft said.
He said be will leave
Yokohama probably Ocl. 7 or
"I cannot predict when we
will arrive in Vancouver
because it depends upon
weather· cond ition,·· Q u i n n
said. "l think we will probably
sail across the Pacific in 30 to
40 days," he added.
Later he said he plans to
:>aid to London by way of. the
Panama Canal.
Zuniga Jetty J!a zards Marked
The dangerous submerged
Zuniga Jetty across the San
Diego Bay entrance channel
from Point Loma is now
marked wi~ a series of struc-
tures wilb warning signs and
lights, according to the 11th
District Coast Guard,
The Coast Guard worked
Jointly with -the Los Angeles'-
Army Corp of engineers in in•
stalling the warning struc-
The one-mile long jetty has
long plagued San D i e g o
boating enthusiasts because it
is submerged at high_ tide.
Se_veral boats have been stran-
ded on the jetty during the
past few years.
The Army Corps o f
Engineers completed con-
struction of five large concrete
foundations in June.
The :Coast Guard ·installed
strucb.lres with signs reading,
'·Danger -Submerged Jetty"
on each.
The first ti! five white lights
has been installed on the
seaward end of -tbe'"'-jetty.
When the project becomes
fully operational, all five o(
the white lights will nash at
lhe same time each second.
ln addition, a short range fog
horn will be installed on the
seaward light structure as a
further aid to boats in the
Boat Show Open s in LA Thur8day
Newport, R.I.
The 12-meters involved are
Pat Dougan's Columbia from
Bahia Corinthian Yacht Cwub,
Newport Beach, and Endless
Summer (ex-Dame Pattie)
owoed_by George._ O'Brien o(
the Royal Vancouver -Yacht
Club, Vancouver, B.C.
Also adding interest to the
three-race series will be the
fact that Bill Ficker, Newport
Harbor Yacht Club skipper o(
the Intrepid in the recent
America's Cup series, will be
et the helm of 6>Iumbia.
Skippering Endless Summer
will be Burke Sawyer, also or
NHYC, who last year won the
Prince of Wales Bowl, sym-
bolic of the North American
match-racing charµpionship.
Both yachts have been in
Newport the past week getting
last minute rigging and tuning
before leaving for Marina del
Rey for the series.
Columbia was the 1958
defender of the America's Cup
under the helinsmanship or
Briggs Cunningham of
Newport Beach. Dou g a n
bought the yacht In 1964 and
campaigned her in the 1964
America's Cup trials with the
late Walter Podolak as skip-
per. Dougan again entered
Columbia in the 1967 trials
when she was runner-up to
Jntrepid in the final trials to
determine the de(ender.
It was during the 1967 cam-
paign that Ficker, acting as
co-helmsman w i l h Cun-
ningham, ·got his first taste of
sailing 12-meters that led to
his selection this year as the
skipper of Intrepid.
Endless Summer is the
former Dame Pattie, the 1967
Australian challenger for the
entering her in the Los
Angeles to MazaUan J!ace, but
lat.er withdrew· he' entry •.
Endless Sulllll\f!r is_:i;eported
to be· a much imProved boat
since she was defeated in the
1967 America's Cup defe~~·
Sawyer's creW on Endless
Summer will be Buzz Boet-
tcher, Roy Bream, Jolm
Creed_, Curtis Jackson, Cecil
Malley, David Mille r, Platzi
Miller, Amie SchrneUing and
Commodore Tompkins.
Ficker's crew on Columbia
will be owner Thomas Patrick
Dougan, Pat Dougan, Mike
Dougao, Ron Glans, Bob Ket·
lenhofen. F r ed MacDonalct,
J ohn O'Brien, Tom Schock,
Bill SCQtt, Don Vaughn and
Chris Weir.
Tom J(jrkpatrick will be
race chairman for the event.
There will be one race each
_day starting at noon.,
Lido 14 R~ce
The Lido-14 international
team race between Mexico
and the U.S. scheduled for this
weekend has ~n postponed
because the Mexican team
was unable to come to this
country because of business
The three-day regatta was
scheduled to be sailed at. King
Harbor, Redondo Beach. It
wilf be rescheduled later in lhe -
America's Cup which was • 0
de!eate<J .by Jntr•Rid with Bus • Training ve1·
Mosbacher at the h e I m .
Aner arriving n Yokohama.
about 70 Japanese women and
women of other nationalities
living in Japan came to see
him about joining his voyage,
QuiM said.
The Lbs Angeles· Boat and
Sports Show will flpen its
doors at the Sports Arena in
Los Angeles Thursday for a 10
day run.
of 1971 watercraft and recrea-
tional vehicles, according to F.
H. (Skip) Creger, producer of
the exposition which has at-
tracted exhibitors f r o m
throughout the U.S., Canada
and the Orient. •
O'Brien bought the boat from Navy Airman Gerald W.
the Australian Syndicate last Martin, son or Mr. and Mrs.
Combination b e a t s year and reporitedJy plans to Robert L. Martin of 3138
designed for skiing as well as convert her to an offshore rac-Killarney Lane, Costa Mesa,
racing, for fresh water fishing Ing boat. was graduated front Aviation
and skiing and the ocean-going He sailed the yacht from Ordnance "A" School, Naval
angler and skiers, will be Vancouver to Southern Air Technical Training Com-He said he met tbem in-
dividually. listened to their in-
terests about ocean voyage
and decided on the three
Japanese ~Qd_ @e American.
Miss Seedsman completes the
live-woman crew.
The show will feature all
kinds of boats, including
power and sail, plus campers.
trailers and other outdoor
recreatioli vehlcles.
a m o n g the power boats ex-· _C::•::l:;il::om~ia:._::fo:::r__::th::•--fl\l::::r::pose::.:_~::f_::m::•::•d::·~J:.:•:.:c __ ks __ o_nv_i_il_e. ____ 1
hibited. -·
Quinn said "I picked up ones ·
who have common sense and
are energetic. "None of my
women crew need h a v e
CIL 011' THE (ITV OF COSTA Mllll..
(.,t,LIFOltN IA. CHl.MOtNG THI( lON·
IHG OF A l"Oll:TIOH OF lOT ti.
TRACT Ul, "ROM R1 '-ltM:P.
The CllY Councll ot tM City of Cost1
M.11141 0..,. herllW ord•lfl ••follows: SECTION 1. All thll POtllon ol 1~1
foll-Ing dncrlbtd 1•'11 PrOPtrll' 11
flvtlrf pllCl'CI •ncl Incl"'*' In ffle RKP z-. to wit: PAllCEL 1: A oottioll ol Loi t1 "' lnd No. Ul. In 1'llt Co11111Y of Or1nwe. s111e of
C1llfomf,t,, •t Ptlf rtllP fft:Otd«ll In llaok
" Piii a of MIKt111ntOUI MIPS, In fl'll
office of 1'llt (OUn!v recordlf' ol Hid ('OUll,.,, mor~ tMrllcul•rtr dntrlbed ••
tOl -t: • Bttlnnl"I •I the Sootl'IM1tettv corner ol Slid Loi fli thtnc:e wertertv 1!ane
Ille $0Ull\etlv l!l'lt 01 stld l OI, 125.llO
I.eh 1henc. Norll\er!v 1.,;.n fell to •
oolnl In Ille Norll'lea.terlY lfne of 11lcl
lot tl, lZ.llO fflll NorlhWf$1t rJY of the
N11rtt.11st1'1'f corntr 1h,•to11 thence
SOuilleltlerlY fllDl\9 !hi I I I cl
Nar'lllf!MIUIV 11M Ult.OD ·~ to Ille U ld Norll'IM"••IY wrntr; 11\enet' Solllhtrtv ·~ !he E11lerlv 1!111 of u ld lOI rl,
111.$1 feel 19 !hf point of bmelMill\l.
llon 1Yl111 Hortl'lerlv of 1 lint wtikll u-
~ ~ ~
Besides the boats a n d
yachts, -tbe Show will fealure
such recreational items as
take-along motrircycles and
b i c y c 1 e s , mini-houseboats
designed for trailering and ski
Sailboats on exhibit range in
size from "sailboards" to the
Columliia-34 and flther Cruis-
ing models. The sliow will be open te the
public at 6 p.m.
The Los Angeles Boat and
Sports Show is the first public
showing in the United States
Gates at the Sports Arena
v:HI open at 2 p.m. weekdays
and at 10 a.m. Saturdays and
~P'lds from the mld·POlnt In tnt Eflstertv lint from th• Southwe1ster1Y corntr of ROBEll:T M. WILSON
llne to I/le mid-point In Ille Wnterlv l!ne .. rd Lat 91, tl'le E•1terlv •l'ld We1terlv M1vor of the
of IM htrein cltKTlbed Nrcel. line of ,,..I(! •••<el ti.!r111 m•B•U•9d II City Of Coil• MIHI
PAll:CEL 2: rig/It •r>eln to The SOutllerlv line ATTEST:
A POrllon ol Lal t1 of Tritt ND, 6SJ. thereof. Ellffll P. Phl11!1ff
In Ille Counlv of Or1ng1, Stile al EXCEPTIN(J THEll:EFll:OM thll PM· City Cltrt; 11f the
C•lltomle, fll Pl• m1P recordl'CI In boOlt tlon thlf't'Of \viii\! E•rltrlv of the City of CO!ll Mt~•
1t, Piii n of Mltctlle.-1 Mao1, ln followlng described Ii,,..: STATE OF CALIFOll:Nll.
f~ office of the COUlllV te<ordef of IBld 8nlnnl"8 .-l I llOlnl Oii the Southt'1V COUf'iTY OF ORl.NGE 11
c:ountv, more pttlltul1rtv dlKribtG •1 line ol u ld Loi' '1, dlslet1I 125 feet CITY OF" COSTA MESA )
folt-1: Wnlerl'f ln:NTI '1'11 Sovlllu1lerl, cor!>IJ'r I, EILEEN P. PHINNEY, CllY Cl•rk of
8evl11nlllf '' The SOIJlheHtttlY corner thereof; thf:nce Northerlv 1a • POlnl on the CITY Gf Cost• M••• find ex-officio
d u ld Lat 91 ; thtnct Wft:l•tl'f 1ion. ''" Nart1!111WIY llllfl of 1110 Lat ti, Cl1rk d Ille Cltv Cwncll ol the C11V of flll louthl'1V 1r.-ol u ld Lot, 1,5,Dll dl•l•llf thtreoo Nor11Mnttil'lv 130 fett COlllfl MHfl, l'lerebV ctrlH' 1111.1 the •bo\re
feet; tllenc:1 Norlllel'IY 1 ... n Ifft la • from the Nort1111~er1, comet' thereof, 1nd lorevclnt Ordln1nc1 No. 1o-.11 w11 1 ...
l>Olnt In tM Norlheatterl' hllfl d Hkl SECTl(IN 2. Purwtl'lt la !ht oravblotts ttoduced •ncl con1ldtrW 4f<'tlO!I by sec-
Loi ~. 130.00 feet Nor!hwt•tlrtt of th• of Stcnon '236.• of lli'e Munldoal Cl:IOI of tron •I • r19ut1r mftll119 ot the Cltv
North11tt.rlv 11111 130.00 ,..., to the th• CITY Gf Cost• MHI, Dl,trlcl MIP A .. Council Ot' lflt City of Cost• MHI held on
Norlht'&lltr1V (omt!'; lt>trlCI Soul'""lv ol Ille Cltv ol Corti MeMI II hertbV "" 211t d•v of Sesotm<t>er. 1t70, •l'ld
alont the EttltrlY 11ne of Hid Loi tl, 1mtne11C1 bV the adclltlon tt11re10 of Ille 1/\ff'Nfter P&•secf Ind 1dol>led ••a wtia!t
111..s.l lttl to the P01nl of betolnnlng. JU<P 1r11 ~rlbtd In Sedlan 1 hertol. flf • tf'tUlflt mtell119 of H id Cttv CIMICH EXCEPTING THEll:EFll:OM th'! POr-SECTION 3. Thlt Ordln1ric:e 1h1!1 ltkl htld on tM !th dBV of OClobtr, U70, by
tt11;n 1Yln1 SO\llMrlV of • line which •~· ell.ct tnd be In tun force thlrtv IJOJ c11v1 ll\fl to11owlnsi roll c1!r vole: '8nclt from ftle mld·POlnl IR Ille E1slerlv from •"II fillet 111 PISUlf, .fir.cl prior to AYES: COUNCILMEN! Pln~ltv, SI.
llne lo ll'lt mld-Plllnl In !ht Wetttrll' line the explr11tlan of llftetn OSI dtVt ll'Wft Cl<, Wiison. J ord1n, H1mmett
Of the he,._lrl dnerltllcl J1•rctl. 11>9 paua11e Iller.of 11'Yll lie P<lbllslltd NOEi:-COUH'clLMEN: None
The Witt 50 lttt ol "" e.,, 175 feet PILOT, I -•Pf• ol gener•I c:lrcul•· !OFFICIAL SEl.L)
of Loi fl of Traci No. 653. In thl Coun1v flon, pr!nlt'd 11>11 PUbl!shtd In Ille Cltv of E l!etn P. Ph!nntV
of Or1119,, St•t. el C1Hlornl1, •• per Casll MP$B, lll!lether wlth tht ntmes ol City Clttk 11>11 e•.offk\a Cltrk
mfP recarcltcl In bOOll lf, Plt f 42 o! Ille meMbert of 1111 C11V Council voting of the C!IV Council of tht
Misnll-• MflllS. In tM orllce of th1 for '"" e11ll'lfi Ille .. mt. Cltv of Cost1 Me11
(OIJft" rtcorcltr of ll ld countv, H id 17! PASSED AND AOOPTEO tht1 Slti d.., Pub1!Sl'led Or1119e Coest Dell' Piiat,
ft'ef ti.lng me11url'd •I-Ille Soult.er" ol OCIOlltr, 1'10. Oc.1. 7, lt1D 1M·10
" -' J / ..
:111 -.. ... I ..
I / -" .;• -· / _,.....-7.•Y •. , -• ;:;·/' .
/ •
•• "' ' (_ ___ "' ••
l •• •• •• •• "' " "' -=-=-
•• ( -·~·
l.CGlHD CITY Of COSTA MESA. u.tf'OAMA ·--k .. k l'lllfl!HG flO'lo'""""' _,._ ___
• ......... _ ...... _ :;:. . -"'""-· •• ·--.. --DISTRICTING MAP ;;r,..Jr."' .. =:.-•. :;:;"' -·--·-J--_______ .., __ ,_,_ .... _ s .. ... ,_,_ -... ~--· c:. .... ...=.,":;..-::-• ="':.-=~ ----· _,.,,,,,... A/4
ORIVf lfj
"tt WOMEN" e (RI e Pim
IN THE PAll:K" • 111:1
UMl&r 11 Musi 81 Wllft P1,..,1
,.,..mltrt Entlttmtflll
A"lltClflf OVlflll • All~ Mll'9•NI
"R.P.M." • CR ) e Ctllr . plUI
Jim ........ ,. "EL CONDOll "e 11tJC11M'
Under U Must 111 Wiii! P1rtt1t
--~ --·--171-1-2
Unller 17 mvll lie wit~ INll'tlll.
Nllell1 Wood e ROlllM CUii
"IOl & Cl.ROL & TED & ALICI"
f'IVI • 511¥1 ~
\.ff M1tn1l11 e Jadl P1l-
.lalllft lltwlrl • H.-Y p..,q
• ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
""~·~,. ~""~
.11 .. ,~ ... ~
'.'llAlk IN
"'-' } Ullller '17 MllSI 9t Wltll P11W1I r~ -"'TM• SW.tPf>•1tt" e llU
• -Plvt e Jemes DI......, 9'WJ11 "VlNUS IN ,IUtl" e (II
AU C•ltt Sl!nl/
txc1Y11WDr,,.111 SlltWlti11
"ANGii. \IHCHAINIO" • CO,.) •••
,...._ •ULl.liT fOlt
All ( ... r SlltWI
All C1llt Sllfwl
Clfllf IE•1!Wf!flf "KILi. Y'S MERO&S" • 10,.) ••• • JKt llllllfllll • llllllly DtMlf1
"'THI OUT.Ol'·TO'NNlltS" e 1011'1
Ac.N!MA. QNIU fl~ rteNWIOi. \..
A LANOUS· IOltn~ ttODIJC!ION • ~pq. Ir, tUW H£1UI ctd DMID Z.GOOl:lllWti.i &a .. d 1po• 1\t 10011! by IAC:l SCIWFll•M""oc by JOHN MtlJ _ _, \~t G00011MES All ID.llN" S.119 by MAMA CASS · Plodo<1d !rt HAI ~OftS...,flOllf
Di...:11d h, WIWAM A llAlEI • ~·ond lEOINICQIOI:• I
A ~WJ GENl'W 1IC11.ll:G tllEASl .., ...=.==t:9-9>
211 d llfi HIT
T::.'.' .. "DARKER THAN AMBER"·:~::...
Mell. TNIU PllDl Y 7-•lJO P .M-
SAT, llJt.3:40-S;SM & JO P,M,
SUI . 1-3:10.5:~7:30-9:40 PM,
l'VE SEEN THIS YEAR!"-~~:' • .. ----·--= -----·-·-111111• . -•••-n•OW1•--liiilllli•• . -~·-•l .... 1119:T -~ ciWWW
SAT. &SUN. 1:00 4:00 7:00 • 10:00
... __
nm sruw IN
0!1H1.(ltl. tOIM .. CClOk
.... ... -
l,Nl,,l,«)N !
Pf11 Clinl Ecstwood 111
move ~~ Plus Co-Hit
it's pure Gould Peierseiiorsln
.. ' .
• '""'r ~ • -••
' ·-, ... ----I • ·-"' . . .... . ...,, nee· · ·. ~....-r.e•· :§M""te•
. " -' -·~.:r.~~k_i~g Me-ter =
F-or Hearin g ·"" ·· .-'· Controversy
Ad app!ica!i;·by -~ OC"( ,ambulan;e n _ .. :'6P9"-. i.e.· .. ·. Sla1 te··d The olklelayed city COW>Cll acllon on servjce tQ operate in San Cle ent.e will J:'T ~ plans by the ctty of San Clemente to
wq>pear before city cou,ncilmeri e(l:-
• . '
• • City. To End
Street Name ervice ·Set
Qllday night after I three-week. wait for • .... .... rename VIA de FrfDle to Avenlda del
;:c;1_r=m;o-.111iiC!tQiJI '''"ce ;r.li; . c:-..,.,....;,,,,-PrW!fll'le Is e1pe<ted after a public -~ ..... ~-'"" 1-~ • flpJt,.';(11-; • -~ex-orm .move not been alfec!Od by tbe he•-'••· -_ ~-~1-J(llJff.•~-~ray · ·-, ' pert&iinHo-'b<liead·dori~iir!iJn --.. ·-
1 ~.Go~ Ambul8nce Service lS se~kfng·. .-'·•-• ap-· nUy .. ' _ _.. -:,.,,'._'-cas' hg morl[ etoriu~l~d cld .. I ht I The~ch lhus·far-bll won.a:..... to aad san Clemente to Its p~ list IUGK:la ...-·--Miil' CQWICI men e e wn g 0 con-split vote ·betwffn· prop«ly•Ownert and
Of cities where offices and ambuJanCe f'flis.tert. to '}iitgle1 Ci\i. ~~an~_,Ken linue the moratorium, it might be put in-resident.I along the -affected freewl1 Woul~ <lperate. -' : ' Carr will report to couric~ u.ight. to effect indefinltely. f[ontage road, wa.s delayed at the ~
Besides Sen Clemente, Lag~n~ Beach to a repoft ooniParilc ~~es-tax The meter slanclons would.. then ·be . cil's last meeuii.g becaUse ~ a'geature,by a~ the El Toro area.have been prq~. revenues for the ptriod 'this )'e:8l' over removed from the pavement in the -~~:a~~v:Wp·~~ 0~.~= ·~~;!.i,,.;.. by_lhe ~let. Huntington Beach turned, .. 1 • ..,' Ca~• .. ·.:a ...,.1.,ted "· 'i• : t I b"-' di ·ci I El Ca • Re I ' ""' ;j -&wn--'Gold'rapplieation-Monda~ 1 .._ aa• UWll r-;"".!.-.... a .,..~c!!l . n-. u.-;1ness . str1 aong · m1no a change co1nmemoratine the~ pmrt..
If the San· Clemente application were crease lrr1he. revenue.s 1hrougli lbi 11rst and Aven1da Del Mar. • tifue .res"ldl!nt at-the e04~ot-tbe---froa&ace----I
All Puffed Vp
Keith Pinter, 2, of rural Oconomo,vo. \Vise., studies 10-pound puffball
mushroom that he and his mother, Mrs. Thomas Pinter, found in the
woods near their home. Puffball mushrooms are not poisonous and-
most are edible .when young. Keith's probably is a giant puffball, a
varjety known to reach On~foot in diameter.
" Capo Disti~ict to Employ
New'Pr~gram Coordin~ior
ProgratTI.S . f o-r ·· lifex.ic;in-Am(.i-ican
childrl!b iii tbe ~P~.a110 U!lifiect School
District will soon '1av.e ·a_ coordinalor.
i;rustees authorized the . hiring_ of a
certificated person Monda)' to pull
togeJher d!Str'ict and volunteer ·com-
munity programs aimed al helpi ng
llngulstically Ql.sadvantaged ·ch)ldren.
'"1e: ,coordinator . was r_equest~ by the
C<lntini'ttee on Bi-(;u.ltural Education, an
a.ttilory group for Enalish as a Second
Language. programs.
In a written report to .th~ ,board, the
comn\iftee. suggea:~ thit, a Coordinator
~d research new developments, design
local progi-ams and plan for· future needs
in the field of compensatocy education.
The report fllrther stated that while on·
Jy the "hard core" obviously deficient
studeiits have been identified, a
coordinator could screen and identify all
who wou1!'.I benefit from such programs.
Other functions <lf the coordinator
wou1d be to help prepare programs for
adult and pre-school education and to in-
volve parents and other rommunity
memben in developing programs.
Manuel Puentes. chairman of the com-
mittee, stressed the importance of hirin·:
a person of Mexican-Americ an
background to serve as the coordinator.
"At the -present.-time you have rive
teachers in the ESL program and only
one is of Mexlc&n American background.
We feel 'it is important, as positions
become available. to hire people with this
backgrouOO." added Alan Schreiber, vi ce
chairman ·of the committee.
Mod ern Jazz Class
Deadline Tonight
Deadline ror singing up. for the moclcr.1
jazz and tap class offered at the Laki.:
Forest Beach and Tennis Club is tonight.
The class is open to all Lake Forest
Instruction will be given 'On Wed-
nesdays to -chlldren three years-old
lhrOOgh hlgfi scliOol •ge.
For infocmatlon on class times, dalea
-and fees contact the club at ~7-6100.
•·t hate to come out for re\·eMic
discrimination ," gaid Trustee Bob Hurst.
"But if ttiat is wha( you want then write
it.into the j<lb descripti<ln. keep it out in
the open."
Superintendent Truman ·Benedict said
he essentially agreed with the recom-
mendations of the committee. He sa'id
this is a "first step" and that recom·
mendations for expanding the program
might be considered later. I .
Otp1sti·ano Pool
Pla1urin g Still
Bit Above ~' ater
Plans for a swimming pool in the
C3pistrane Unified School D j strict
haven 't yet drowned.
Although the San Clemente Parks and
Recreation Commission_ dampened the
district's sp irits by voting no against a
proposal to share equally the costs in
bui lding a pool at San Clemente High
School. anot.her proposal has surfaced.
The district has received a Jetter fro1n
rot:-~rl K. Follett, executive vice presi-
dent or the Laguna Niguel Cor,> .. slating
that he will rk<lmmend that his board of
Uircclors conl.ribute $75.000 for a pool at
the planned Dana Hills High School.
"Since a swimming facility or this type
would be beneficial to the residents of
Laguna Niguel as wCfl as students, a
great many of whom will reside in
Laguna Niguel. we are very interested in
this program." sajd Follett.
There's only one cat.ch. The new high
school must be renamed Laguna Niguel
High School and-the district's elementary
sciiool slle at the cbrner oC Pacific Coast
High.way and Niguel Road inust be relin-
qufstied and replaced by another.
., The district has decided to•look into the
prop)S&I. 'At the same time the San
Clemente City Council will be deelding on
whether or not it would like to
;Clemente Mobile Homes
I . . lJebate Looming , Again
1 San Clemente's persistent Issue oVer
td>lle _home parkJlevelQPment near the
Shoreclfils _area will__!_ut_fllce ,..jg_a[l
btigbl before a clly council which will
~bly be short two key members:.
Councilmen Wade Lower and CliCf l~s are both expected to be ab-sent lficause t1f vacations, leaving only three
tpmellmen to consider the persistent ap-
gllcation for a permit by Lfncoln Savlngs
<i Loa Angelea. ~
1 And at least one of the remaining three
19e.mbers of the panel, Councilman
'lhomu O'Keefe, ls a diehant against
llAoblle holpeJ for Shorecliffs.
IThe best vote obtainable by Lincoln
:llvtngs, observers have said, !i\·ould be a 111 margin ratifying earlier approval of ~ permit by the plaMlng commission.
~But critics could l'Omplaln that two aye
votes .would not c:onsllwte. a majority or
the fllll council . •
Commissioners, who had the issue
bounced back lnto their laps for the third
time, tagged on 21 development reslric·
tions-1· passed th! ~ppllcation, theu again
referred ifback to COUncllmen.
The council originally had refused to
act oo the issue until plal\{ling com-
missionrs augmented their "in·prlnclple"
approval of the development with specific
development criteria.
The coach park application is the 'se-
cond made this year by Lincoln for the
land between the 13th and 14th fairways
of Shorecllffs Golf Course.
The strong local opposition to the plnn
Is led -unofficially -by Councilman
O'Keefe, who repeatedly has maintained
that the land is not suitable for mobile
home parks. '
Among the council champions <lf the
latest park proposals Is Dr. tower, who
.:;parred brieOy wit O'KfffC '1n a
pi"cvlous meeting n a bitter exchange
ove-r the specific Lincoln development.
gtanted.:Gola 'would be in direct Com-quarte~ of this new f1~al:yea~ O":,e~ the road.~ .
j>etll:lon wlth:t,.a Paz Ambulance Setvrce.· -same~ last y~ar. ... -·~ :";. ~· · Thus far the -mayof bas qotl"ft'etfed. a
w -,. serv nC!emente aild 'Et. n.. ln.,,.....,amotlfttl-lll,ll;$-'iM~-:>----€ap·o"frUStCes-Olf-Wh1te-I!oose'mer-IO-~q1p•,.,.,,...., . .._.ILil11L._4-.J
Toro 'fOr-Rvf!J:af years. The'-report was ordered by·C041'C~en . President's oplnlons. . · .
Gold wou'ld be competing in Laguna six months ago when \hCY a~\q the · ' 1 The rest of San Qemeit~ howetler,
Beach \':I.th Wind Ambulance service. six-month beheading proeram. ..":.. Meal . P1•og1·8m . wtoUn!J18htv. e th_e charice to speak~ the ,issue ~Id has been given a permit to operate The idea might continue, couqcRmen -e
m La.guna~ given police appr.oval, but a agreed at that time. if the sales ...... study Th I ,._ ... h ts t Oct 9 d I KU\ Trustees of the Capistrano Unified e on Y action after uu.t. is u11c: routine earmg se . 1 to cons1 er w iere. showed an increase. f -1u·u to ' 11-~ One f to t · School District have approved a meals passage o necessary reso ons .e S"." ac re~ ering into the matter .in The request was made by the city's ror the -needy program. . the name change. · . , San Clemente JS the occasional necessity h · · · [f to use city veh 'cl bul h usi~ss community m an e ort to spur The modified' program. which pf'ovldes-... If Vi! de Frente (translated Front 1 es as am aoc:es w en lagging sales l 5 will Le Paz units ere out of the city on other · . for ree ·or 'low cost liinches 'for children lreet) gets a new ll'Klnicker it calls. The meters were replaced with new. \'fhose parents fall In sPeclfied 'Wage translate "Street of tbe President."
The service, provided as a contingenc.,v tw~hour, limit parking zones enforced by cat'egories. this year calls for 1t . more ,
by fire department personnel, is a pohce. highly pUblicized • program. to make
regular occUrence in San Clemente. Ertfortemfnt since then has· worked · P,atents _aware 9f Its aVai!Sbility. ,
La Paz generally provides one am· Smoolhly; llbt probably hasbiou1tht a dip At the sam'e u.nie rii.les ·(or' piOt.ecling
hulancc with crew to ' serve the in city revenue through fewer · fines and _the 8n'onymity "or st1,1den1s using tbe 'pfo-
Capist_rano Bay area. The single unit forfeitures in parking violations. . gram. &re spelled out and guidelines for
<lflen 1s busy. ~1eters in the city 's recreational beach implementing it are st,ren~ed.
-'""" , ' ... • • . . -~ . . -; •ti ---" }. 1t IV!~ ....... , .... • -· ·t'-' • '~-k ... _ ... ~
I •
Makes 'Cenb:.
P!11th ~nits. Make d011ars. It's the best
deaj .You'v. been offemt-'.today. CalT
642-5678 for tht direct 11111 (o profits.
. '
• . '
, .
·. . .
'. ..
, .
'. .. . ' ..
' .
: '
. Bolivia Jun ~, Toppl es
~ .
. . l,Vew Strongman ~wo~1tinAfter_Brief ~Fight
-LA-PAz; ~,;a (l)PI) -L0111it diL • Today lhouwlds ol putOOI milled
Juan Jaoe Torr.. blcked ~ the llr · \ . tbrouP the -GI La Pu. many ol fo~. s1uaen11.-i.flwtncU1~ .na c --~ ti'iililit«-to try to
ragtai 8!'1'Y .ol _,., em.,ged today find ~ wbat wu &Oinll· on .. Al they .. w • f . . . ~the~-lbey1l'·---::r~
i>f P!m p YI I iill~rld!Dl-tOt&Jr Nl'L-· --
vii '!hr. . • 1tii3iiili iiimiUiii!iil-tlie~ :
T~ w~ adpllres but does not ac-jli1 thet -aowded with · poljtieal
J· . . ilve!Y .Olfl!!'l'f CU!ia'• Fidel Cutro, -r· pr-. 111111)' GI lbom frleodf o1 Tor·
. A comcdLan bas .been fired for ent11 ~ t'IJt whtn troops loyal to him ra. but there wu no yiolence. '?be deus
iweariQg at an unresponsive aud· seized the government palace toda;J' Md a oi. the jail remained shut but it •PP'll'*l i~e at the main showrpom at thf! Unie-man.~tary junta aet up 'tueida1 frMClam for at Jeut tome ol the
!'l:Jilitier .llQJ~l in La1 V~gl\!. The __ colllf>IOC! m dlaorder. pri-s wu immlnenl .
-management said George-C•rl~n ~ Tomis-~~as ~_when Gift: .~ta and labcnn alto ~ _
de the remark during his firSt Fermndii Sitlorl, C!ilil :or the air '-tlie ii1cimJn1 .._per El D11rio WfilCI!.
ow Friday nig ht. A nwnber of '. 11111 a member of the .iunta, threw !Iii ii the bii&esl In the country 11111 tbe moil
ests '~ed out. Carlin who bad sapport to Torres and Wlth it 8 ~dful of lnQuenti&l. They were Joined by the na-. · • . Wadd War11 B LMnsta"ls whichJ>tt_L._
. ~ ays o run on iv~"We"tk u. palace and strafed a recalcitrant
ongageinent, \Vas not perm.it~ to miUt1rJ bmncb.
eo on at the s.econd show Friday. • The other member! of the junta simply
:tie, was' replaced with Beverlee disappeared. 'I11ey were Gen. Efron
pd Sidro With the Sneakers. A Cuachalla. tbe armed forces chief of staff
epokesman (or th& Howard Hughes-·and·Vk:e Adm. Alberto Abarracin, head of
owned hotel said Carlin apparently tbe'Dl'I)' in &his l.andJocked country wbldl
'ras djssattsfied with the crowd's hut few pnboata on tta lakes.
reaction to his routine and began ~ long festering political chaos in TAKES BOL IVIA REINS
using offensive language Boliv1a came to a bead on Sunday when Strongman Ju•n ... Torrff · Gen. Regelio Miranda, the conaervatlve ....... ---. . 0. .-... -. ..ar!111'.cbief ol ataff, began the proc.., of -· -· _ ...... -
~ ...seven-year·old girl has dis-ow:ting president !Jfredo Ov111do Candia. outaide· the city a force of peuanta
dvered that jellyfish exist in Wit-~~ president res~ Tuesday to avert began marching on La Paz armed with • · G Id L d · ' 1 evil war and the Junta was fonned. andtmt Mauser rifles they :had uaed cpns1n. era . u wig, an ei;.q. °" Torrea. who was ousted as commander yeen ago in•. !'If with. Parag\iay. ~ ~1st ~~ tbe ~1d\vaukee Mus.eum, of )he inned fOi-oes two1 months 1gO f«ces were estilnl;ted from 2,cm to 7,«'0.
14entii1ed the creat~res as Cras-beatl5' W bis leftist leanings, im-Inside 'the city army cideta lUll'dlnl
pedacusta So,verbyi. The name mediately announced he was the new the government palace Oed ancf handed
.. U,I T~
bent "" preserving their joba. In the dty ibe.lf tbert was an air of a-
~ wl!h -of the tm111ncil milllq throach the atreets wilting for
Torres ·to delCend oo. the: city and tab : ·
over the presldooey ~ormally. Min:·
ahopa were llwttered by the strike. .
Bolivia bu averaged more than one
revolutloa or coup d'etat a ~ since it
achieved Independence from Spain In
11115. But the·""""'t p0lltical crlaia had Its beginnlnp from the coup that Olllled
President Luis Adolfo Siles on Sept. 26,
* * * Bolivia's Armed
~weve'r~ is longer than the jelly-president. Labor organiiatiolis called a the keys over to Sgt. Juan Cbuvt. When f~h. which grow to about a half· general .. ~ to back his claims and troopa loyal to T0rres march<d op to Forces Number
i *h. Kim Kubiak~ of Milwa ukee, were joined by student& and professional seize control Cbavi merely baoded them
ti,st noticed the jellyfish in a men. • the ays 11111 there wu no bloodlhed.
b!ickel of water she dipped from ..._ • S t t 2J 800 a)l pond near Baraboo while on,..,.: e a . ' ' c~rnping trip with her family . .It Rear P08ltlODS Hit LONDON (AP)-llolivil's mned forces h~ beeQ thought Wisconsin had .~ .. n.-men, --•~-_;.try al!o hu np native jellyfish. w..u --r.1.:........,
r R ds u ~ ~ ~ f F • allaut 1,000 mned ·poilce aDc! frontier I . '· • ' e . se. ~ or irst ...-.theln1titUle!wstr1l<gic Forces !A ,i;.foot python es,aped ·Wednes-1 • npGrled toclly. · ·
dfY'f1'0m its'9Jai, -Calif. cage and • · 'i!le iutlloritaltve private, rmarch
ofner Wally :F~ller said· it ha~ a ' '
Jllean :.,di~pbsition. Autl)orities in T •. • c " . b :de «pnkation llV• tllll nmdown on the
tJ\ls"copununily north -0!.).os An·. ,lme in :am .· 0 l(J, lloll~f<ln:a.-IOO!lmmlocked
gfles a~e searching for the ·reptile. i ' · ./ · ~ ·· In a power muatt between con-
1'.fjantirtle, they a dvised: nervous t ":~ ~ , • -..;; ... • --~wvativel and·leftlltl: --~ •
r!idents ' that pythons general!~ . PHNOM PENH cUPif' -communlal 41 miles north of Plu>Om Penll . .i.d lout · . Army '-I0,000 '""' In two Infantry
f 'or t rees for .housing. Said on• Jroopo uaed ..0... cu for the flrll lime milea bebind Ille operailenal,fl'Clllt line,' llrigide<, a motorised rqlmen~ two
o · ciJ\1: '"J! 'a i>ython drop~ from. a " today ln . .the lb: montha old Cambodiln UPI correapondent Kite'· -. ieporiec! r11111er baltallona trained · In c:omtler·in-
tite. don't. try to catch 1t. If it-war in an attack agaiMt rearguard poai· from the scene. She said tbe au.ct ·
d$>ps on=you, stand ·Still-and pl'&'. Jlou of a 'ltallid go1r.rn-t oll-ve. itlrted a! lnii!iiigbt bobinl 1 balnr• of -cency, -Jlll'llroop r<glment and
tEtid yOu are a tree,·• 1 Frori dilpatchel. llid·tltey 1lao draged mortan, tockets ancf,lieavy weapooi Ore. flva artiller)' rqimentl. They are equip-
' a .. 'dvtlllnl oqt ol l!id!oll and obol them. . Mila Webli-••'d one-of-•'• '·ad llOd with lnDOred penonnel carriers, ':.. ~ "" -. ' .,,,. illect btt the ··"'··e of Praldwn, ---!ftie 'a&tronomers at .the Sni'!th-· . .. ':-0 ~.'\'11-.. YOUDl .lifl, ~ed. When !!&hi mortan 11111 ltliliery. Bolivia's
sitiian Astrophysical Obi l!rvatory her rum.y p>Jm thatdi·bouse !'!Cfl"ed • '"""""'-lml!D ii not suitable for ~tu"Tul>ac, Ariz. com:pt&mea. , ... _·Israel Welcomes t,~ o!ilf:~':'d ':i.. B40,.:~ ":: ~ T .... """"i.eoo .... wllh 15 combat c~Uy that parkmg lot·lfgllls at a . drlQed by the hllr oiit'ofJ r • n c h e 1 pWles:.a d .... PltD turboprop Mustang
d • J;l!~In~ track interl,erred with . m· -!. • ·.. . wbere they were bidi!ll 11111· ahot in the filblln 11111 tbn!e ATI light 'fi&1>1en. Also
t i~'-'Votk.-'l'he ·t rack operators --'H d T !::.:~,. "'"'llead. -· """-"' -:111'1'1811dl'oar&-20rilnel'I. aevenewni
told the astronomers, "We will buy • • Br L.1.De ' When the !igblinl ended at cilwn three 1ta1iOn p11ni1, 10 C41 llild .CM tnnsports,
what's needed if you'll ins.lill it." Combodiln aoldlera and six clvililnl 11111lboal 15 bollcoptm. sq t~e track offic~als P.urchased I u· ..1111 E t were found de'd. More, ~ .ao c.m· I ' •
s1"<'1ai-•shades which "dll'ect the l;J;,:,J;f,~ e ftS bodian'f!i!.ckUl!e?e 'J"<-~It wu .... , " .. ,, ... , ~
light straight ddwn ahd an obser,, not""°"'1.bowm1117c1YW .. ·were·woun-· na·nmnnJ•o .. m· · Me''di .. tor v4tory ~taff member clunber atop' ~ ·,..:·.a, Vdtil ,.... .hteruUonal ded. The-Norih Vietnamese attack force, r --· · a.
th~ poles and Installed them. Now lll'lfll dlploinailc 1ources to d 1 y estimated at 200 men, left 12 bodl'" A • ed t K th~ astronomers say they are in welcomed what one described u • behind. 88tgn 0 orea
the da rk ~while .dog track represen~ ~'harder llne0 by the United States "[ think th_~ _North \'.~~ wanted ·
tatives say the lights' have never toward Eapt and the SOviet Union in the to warn ~· civilians't~'...to cooperate SEOUL "(AP) -Maj. Gt.n. Gilbert H.
been better. Middle Eut c:risia..'I1>e Brllllb 'ftiticlud with us," one Senior fleli:t ofllce:r aaid. Woodward, who negotiated at Pan-
(') the United Statel ·for ~ suspendi.Di: Big "They are also trying to cut our supply manjom for eight montba before he ob-
Four power ta1kJ on· an Arab-Israeli lines -tiut Mme of the ciYilian.t were tamed the rtleue o(' tbe 82. Pueblo
peace aettlemenl . . · usuainated. • . " crewmm in 11111, · !& retw1ling to Korea
lo Cairo, the N1tiOllll Auembly met le Lale this morning hundreds of civilian tldl month to commud the 2nd lnfaotry
appl'O'Vt the nomlnatlon of Anwar Sadat rtfocees streamed from the villqe Dlvilloa, the U.S. Ith Army announced
aa pmidenl · io ailc<eed Gamal .Abdel llOUlhwird dowo route 6, taking with today.
Nasser, wbo died of a heart attack oa them their household belongings, cowa Woodward, a native or Suffolk; Va., has
Sept. 21!1. . . . • and water buffaloes. It wu" a scene been ata~ in Wuhlngton. He is
Israeli dtploinatic' soUrces in Jerusalem remln1acent of the attacks on vill11es in nplaclnl Maj. Gen. S, H, Matheson. who
said the U.S. smpeoaion of tall<5 by the the wat In South Vieblam. ii roinl to the Army's P1cific: head·
deputies of the Big Four U.N. am-Miss Webb said she saw two Viet.-quart.era ID Hawaii.
bassadora in New York indicat.ed in· nl}Dtll bodies of young men wearin&
Ul'I T .......
Tran1port1tion Secretary Mentions Wichita Te•m Dl111ter
Old Airliner Overweight
Before Crash l\j]Jing 30?
WASHINGTON (AP) --'Ille ·govern·
ment says an aging airliner on its first
passenger flight after coming out of
mothballs may have been 4,000 pounds
overweight when it crashed in the Rocky
Mountains killing 30 ptraon.s on a Wichita
State University football trip.
A second rented plane used to fly the
ill-starred football team was slapped with
an emergency grounding Tuesday after
the Federal Aviation Adminis tration said
it fOWli II maintenance defects.
The twin-engine aircraft that smashed
into a l'DOIDl.tainside en-route to 1 Utah
State game 1sst Frida:Y WIS making ill
maiden trip with the football team after
having been parked in storage in Las
.Vegas for three years, its owner said.
The same plane veered off a tunway
and bent a propeller when a landing gear
collapsed as it tried to take off from
Oklahoma City to pick up the W.lchlta
State team for a Hight to West Texas
Stale the previous weekend, the FAA
FAA spokesman James R. Greenwood
said prelimin ary figures showed the
plane weighed an estimated 48,900 pounds
upon its takeoff to cli mb the towering
Rockies after a refueling stop in Denver
Friday. The maximum takeoff weight
listed in zpecifications for the Martin 404
plane tl!I 44,900 pounds.
A spokesman for the N1 t io n11l
Transporta.tion Safety Board , which is
zpearbeading the probe, said the plane
may have flown into a blind canyon,.been
unable to escape, and crashed into a
ridge at the foot of the , c.ontlnental
Divide, where a wall of mOuntairus riies
In a Denver hospital, ~pilot Ronald
Skipper said the plane was flying a 1Cf.Tlic
sight-seeing route through the mountains,
but dedined to disc= the detalla of the
Secretary of Transportation John A.
Volpe said the Justice Department may
be asked into the investigaUon..
"The evidence we have to date IUg·
gests there may ·have been 10m& ~·
doing," Volpe said, but he refused t9
' elabora te.
The FAA confirtned that one of its of·
fi cials bad ·cautioned Wichita State nearly
two months ago that the small air firm,
Golden Eagle Aviation, had no licenae to
fly a passenger plane as large a.a · the
Martin 404.
However, Golden Eagle replied that
both pilots had the required licenaes. And
it said the firm didn't need an operation
certificate for that size craft since it was
only furnishing a crew to Wichita State,
which had rent«! the plane from another
In what appeared to be a major
loophole. the FAA conceded lts rulel set·
ting stiff new safety standards for air
taxi firms don't apply to a college thit
lea.sed planes to ferry itJ football team.
\Vhen tbetJanover Park. Ill. vilJ.
age bciard \)assed a resolution ban·
ning the ro1di skirt from this Chica·
go suburb it \Vas considered. a joke,
but now, Police Ctlief Sem Polotto
says, some women are afraid to go
out of doors for fea r of being ar·
rested for improper d ress. The re.
solution -passed two weeks ago
...=:. stated that it is a ''God-given
2nd inalienable right" of men to
observe "the niceties of the female
fonn in all of its man~varied
shapes and si,zes." Although the
midi was "'banished fore ver from
\vithin the corpPrate limits of the
\rilla ge," 'vit)\ midied feroales lia-
b:e to a fine, the resolution Jacked
le~al force. Nevertheless. "'Said
Carol Pierce, a village cm~ye,
"quite a fev.• pe opl e \Vere upNl· -
the "'omen, not the men."
creased step~ · by the N i x e n North Vietnamese khaki r e g u I a r
Administration ot Soviet and Egyptian uniforma. She said the Cambodian troops
sincerity in Ille aWch for a peaceful had sti1pPed two medallloJ>J from the
l!iOlution in the Mlddle East. bodie1 relding "be a beili -kill the -Make Boo1n for Daddy
"The Americana are taking a harder Americans" and "don't be a nothing -
line," one source said. be a hero." · · 1
They said that in auspendlng the talks Senior officers said, the nausea 111.
until ~1-EiYPliln mialle violltioos of fired In the W¥headl of mortars, had
the C'Ul'J'eDt, ceue,.fire are "rectified.'' made the Cambodi.ana',,.eyes smart and
W a!hltlctoo. clwf1 backed I • r 1 • I • • then made them sick. ~ said they took
ref\Llll to •contimle with U.N.4upervlled a canister to the ril.tbioperatJon1J con-
peace talb until the missile are pulled tro1 polt where It wu identified u
'back from the 5uei Cina! standalill iooe. lllUHA cu.
Ski Season's Approaching,.
Rockies Blanketed Witk Sno w; Storms Douse 1
MottJY talr 1kl•1 c:Q\lel"~d "s.outll•rrt
'"'l!liornll lodl~ Will\ f!!"f t,i!Cf'l>!IOI\ tf
•lltrll llttrf •Pflftltlat 1'°"9 to.111! MC• ,-. din'!"' ttMI 'fl'Vl\1119,
!ofr0f19,• •111tr wl11C11 .,,,, 1·~111e!l'd
btlO"N c.M'l•f ~Oflt. tonlOlll Ind
Ttll.lri.dtr "Wll!'I~ ,.,,...,..1111ru l'urflln1
A!~r 111 .tnOUll!pil -(ltwt rttlon1.
Hlor>.s ~ )'t ~ twec1sl tor LO*
,l.11":!H ~· Ill Cl'flnll"11 IOW of 611.
TllclndtV'• fetktft Iii.\ Wll ••
1119 ..Afr ,olklfle CAn!ral Oltrtkt
•redldtd 11!1 ..,, ll'flt.rfltl ,,lllT\ -
In 11111 Niki,
TM mouft'l•l111 wtrt c1Mr wlll'I -
~llttM lllowt,. 1!11r1t CO. !ti tio.t
lr.Jt ~· ...,..~ tl./M't ~ """'
wlflllt t fMI _.., ~-H'91\t
Wt N !ft t}ll JCL
Daf11t. ""8 MIMY Wftll Wiii et
»4.S 1f1H,_ 1• J\¥. Hi.Ill J!', ttw ,.. w-.....,.. 'Cll'I ,111t ~ ... ,,.
w'lllt ..,. v1"'9¥f 11!!9ft It> ... Tiii
... 1.cii;• •ltfl rlllMr w11 ,, ~ '"'"
....,i.1. • '"e• .-. lMet11 c.lol.Wr In tM
"'Ol'fll"' """' 1 clle'IU .. ·• ,.... tc•t·
1t'9111 ~-Olftl!IC'~\lo9t tllllll'I"
"' ,,,.. '""'"""" ~· • l'llttl ""' ... T11e w1tw --If. • OlhH lllfl'lt 1'Wldrl tNI fo1ac1.t
fl'lOI"""""' ..... ~0-1.W -...Cll ,,., ....... --_ .. ,.. "· ,,,., ~ •4' r!tnH1•1• ,...., .,... i. H.JI. ... ..,.,.,. "~ Sa. WM .._.,., liall Di"'9 ...... ,... ~ • -.n allll ;,{ .. ti\ .. ... _
' ......
"wttr.' (!My ....,. Lltflt ~
......... llt ..... ~...,,.--
1119 wnt to IWtPIWMt n tt • 1m1t1 '" "''*'-.... t llll T__.,. Hltll _ ...
Coell•I ,.,..,,""" """ """ a to .,, lllJ ..... ,.,.,.,..flnft ,.... ,,_
'2 19 "" W1tw __..twt 6'.
Sen. Strom Thurmond's W ife Expecting Fir st Baby
Stnolor ond Former llffuty 0-n Shown on Wodclinv D1y c.== .
Crlldited with keeping •llOUih !OUlhern
votes in line for Prestdent Nllon to pre-
vent 1 Geor1e C. Wallace aweep o( the
south in 1968, Thurmond holds the
Stnate 's lillbusler record and is known as
one of Its best wrestlers.
The wrestling reputation came from 1
brief public scuffie he bad In 1984 with
Stn. Ralph Yarborough (ll-Te1.), ln '11
Seoate conidor .
tf•ILY OILOf I .
·At Agnew
'Fila Cle••'.
./t:roish Faction---
Police arreated JI
demomtrator1 In three clasbet;
outalde a downtown i.otel in 1~--f17'i. ~
UW wont outbreak of diwnt
-dtemed-1gainst Vlct·Pr~
' May :.&ek Delay
FT. HOO!!, TH. UPi) -;MllrMll'f''lrllJ~.lnln rt.
Ossie Brown, chlel clflllon •~ llliOd.1; ~
1oinoy_lor·1be'fint•ooldler lo •. ~.<.&<
10 on trial for the My Lal 'La., lildler, .. 11
-massacre;-says b1nnlly try t• 1llth ·-wt\ll;ilno
-Tied to Bkists
NEW.YORlt (JJPI) -police 0-,e wu filenatvo with
iakt 10d1y' memben of the winc19ws, <toort, and piem: et
ml.llt&pt JewiJb D e f en 1 e Walla blown out. U.,U.· will be queotloned
__ -_ --T. A e~bis
campaign 1 w n I
::::-delay-.today!a:-telectlOn. ot:"a ~tlilt.t01DUl'd!r.:Jf_y · ·-
lltary jury-becaaoe--he-has-q,Hiluts-at-My-bal-tG _
not examined ID Anny in-'lt )1111. • I ' ~ ()()() IF •
afjijijt Uie tiiiintilng-,,-o;e-Ahout--y mllulu --
Palostlne Llbera~Oqulz&-!!>< esplgllon an uaidelltlfltd
UCJ!I offic<a qi Manbottu. 1 ,..mu called the United -som. !II ~ \al ~ Preu.'Jnlematlonol ond 111!1• ___ wbo_ba...-.~Tc~._Paliiitlili1=Llborldl
.. -~-11y...,,.i1ee-i. r10·~~ ¢lr1ier incldtnts will be round-orgaruza on ° ce 1 "'cm: ....
ed--up-fer q u ~ 1 t I 0 0 i n 1 • A venue bu been bombed.
auh>ci.U.1 said. Please take don the followfnC
; !-P"· In 'his _.h In the bole!
Tue9clay ni&1Jl, Apw ao!-
tnd bis criticism o f
mav~ck elemeats ln tbe
Repiblican Party, but kepi up
his 6"' on Sen. CMrlee E.
Goodell lR-N .Y.). Apew did
teliljrence )ile. . . 'He ls the lint -•. , acmg
Brown said . the Atrny,.iD-i1C1kUer to If> oa trial GR1 ·r I'> n· b
telligei)ce "reading !Ue". on 'cl!orPI stemminl from tbe .I:\ Ol 't'.l~ arge
the My Lai lnc_ident Is ...... My J,al Incident. WASHINGTON (AP)
The FBI aaJd tl was aware message: 'Hijack blactmali
ol the poqible C<l;llfteClion freed seven terrorlrta. Neve(
betweea tbe bombing and the again.' " ,.
Jewilh ..Derease League and The caller hung up before
not mention the
demonstrators. ~
ti~I to bis questioning er Brown said "tbe eyes ef the Though the Marine Corps. and witnes~s. ~.be" bu ~t ODUDtry ~ ~. the-wor1;d f.iJ.YY:eJPe:Ctto discharge over ha~ ~ opportuajty . to . ~x-~ !~ c1oeiily en this 7,000 men for illegal drui ac. ·~ it closely, Brown m-trill, ~asked Cell. Gecqe tivity trus·year, both say the·
• d1cated be would try, to .deJay ·R: Robmson Tuesday to DMVe atgniticant increase in dru1 use
"'-'"-----1--"th,.e__,,.selecll""'""'on'!-o-'ol"'-'-. -"~""-OlW't COL Erwin R. Brigham and io n:ceot. yun bas; not.:a~
martial panel to bear lhe case Col. Richard G. Trefv from the vefse.ly affected combat readi-
bad· mode •tis iaboratories she could be qu..Uoned but tllo
availlhle to.--the city police message apparently rde~
fOI' pnalyail' ol b o m b to seven Arab guerrillas ~
~b found at the scene. ~-in Eng J a ad __ A~ pipe bomb blast Swltzerla 1d and 'iii{
ripped apll't tbe Part Avenue Gennany iR relurn foP
offlces '" tbt Paleatint group passengen on four -air!19er;
sliabtly .wno,;ng 10 nearby .hijacked and later dutro)'ed
otfbl: There' wue no serious by Palestine mnmandol hi
,. In the two hours before Arnew spoke, police broke up t:;s~E:g:!::~~-!2;;!....:c~-::;:~:;;:'"'::":"~· _J to.-"1 ,,..., ..... --'· a. IJag-burning demonstration .
and -two sidewalk sit,..ns. ~· "'Be'eon the~ phone right DIJll', eettlinc .ame
ol S. Sgt_ David Mi1cbei1. . . courWnortlol panel or to ...._ ,
Brown also has motions pen-1'~ lour ether pl'Olped.ive ~cers ·Of both branchea of
ding asking the judge lo either jdnn" wbo are answel'fble 'the armed forces appeared
call for a third new coort-dlrectly to Bfilbam and Trefy M.tblay before a special House hlJurles reportod. the Mideast. martial panel .,._ to. move in their mWtary 6rtiel. milltary aubcommittee. Those arrested Included two d«neltje ~." . .
men charged wilh burning tbe
Amerjcan Flag, eight
juveniles, several women, and
tw• men in a •mall car •c-Weathermen Cla;m cused or trying to run down a 11
jJOllCeman. - -~ -~ -=-~ --
Policemen broke the win-" B b • · f s
d ... or lhe car wilh billy om ing 0 tatue
clu~ to get at the driver and
a passenger. Both were beaten
when they orrered resistance.
Using balf a dozen police
dO@:S and swinging clubs.
police dispersed a crowd that
refused to move off sidewalk s,
saw it refonn a few blocks
away, and waded in again .
Police and nearby hospitals
reported no injuries. Most of
those arrested were charged
with disorderly conduct and
obstrucUng traffic.
Agnew praised "unity in
diversity" and declared : '"A
clique that cleaves only to one
view is not a political party at
all Jn our American tradition ;
It can be no more than a cult
incapable and unsuited to lead
the nation."
But he charged' that GoodeJI
had used President Nixon as
his "private punching bag"
and had deliberately alienated
himself-Crom the Republican
Agnew chose the occasion or
a GOP fund raising-Oinner fer
Sen. Hugh Scott -who has
ltim9ell been at odd9 with NU:·
on oo a number of major
issues -to tone down his
previOUI hardline criticism of
dissident party members.
Agnew s,aid ScoU's di(.
,,....,,. dil!ered from °""' ot .. radicai.liberals", 1 i t e
Goodell because on the major
iSBUeS like international af.
fairs, .national defense, and
key domestic lssue1 "he has
repeatedly stood by the Presi·
dent -often in the race of in·
tense political pressures from
within bis owii state."
NEW YORK (UPI) -A le!-
ter assertedly written by three
prominent members of the
Weathermen claims credit for
a bombing Monday in Ollcago
and P,romises attacks against
"the enemy" next w e e k
Mayor Hugs
'John,' Rides
Ou~ Storm
aroond the country.
The letter, postmarked Mon-
day ln Chicago, was signed by
Bernardine Dohrn, Jeff Jol'!es
and Bill Ayers, sought as
fugitives since t h e i r in-
dictment for conspiracy and
violation of the federal antiriot
act. It wu received Tuesday
by the Youth International
Party (yippies) here.
The letter rererred to the
explosion early Monday that
destroyed the statue of a
polic:i!man in Cbica1 0 1 1
Haymarket Square for the se-
cond ~me in a y~ar:
"A year ago. we blew awlQ'
SHAWNEE , Okla . (UPI) _ the Haymarket pig statue at
Mayor Piere Taron rode out the start of a youth riot in
Shawnee'! 40-second tornado Chicago. Last night w e
by bugging a commode in his destroyed the ·pig again. 'Ibi.!
downtown business office. time it begins a fall ·offensive
Mayor Taron made an aerial of youth resistance that will
Inspection of the damage Tues-spread from Santa Barbara-to
day and said he expected it to Beston, back to Kent and
be declared a federal disaster. Kansas.
Wbe.themayorcametothe ''Next week.'' t h e
city hall, one of the·most heav. Weathermen statement said,
ily damaged buildings in Mon-.,, "familiea and tribes will it.-
day's twister, he observed that lack the enemy around Ui:
the mind takes funny direc-country." ~ w.ere: no
lions right after a disaster. apecil'i~ 1iven.
The city council, be said. rt-The letter predicted ~ictory
located the municipal govern-in a revOluUon a & a~ n 1 t
ment in the city ball basement "Amerib":
following tbe tornado. "We are building a ailture
"I don't bow wbat Wt were and' society that can resist
thinking by b!ing down there," genocide. It ill a culture of
he said. "U the building had total rWstance to Jllil1d.<on-•
fallen it would have falfen in trolling maniacs., a ctJ.ltur8 of •
on top. of us.'' . . high-energy sisters getting it \
Eng1nee,rs ordered the .offJ-on, of hippie acid-smiles and
cials out of tbe basement .and communes and freedom to be
then cond~mned:t~ buil4itlg. the farthest out people we'·can
"Last ·night 1 said t!wdallb be
age '!ould be $3 i;nillio~," T~r-:;W~ are not just 'attacking 1 ~
, ..
A Dlwl1l11 of S.S. ._C... __ ..... -.i-. C d .......... '1£ la
Oct. 8-11 Only
Gi-4 ti • PfifiCTuii11--..-~ ·-··-~r-1-f
_wi_tt.~d.J1-at c~ciol equi,_.t e.,.i.J..
MM. lria1 .ill eU 1"" sciasers.. Y~
-~-All-" 4-o o4ile ,_ u.,,
. PlllKlll&
DAftiOCT.8&9 •••••• • ·····~~-
. _.., .. ..,.. ---·-·
OMJ ••
•• .,
Goodell, on the other band.
''bas sought nam·boyantly and
ceaselessly to openly divorce
himself" from the President,
and thereby forfeited· a right
to administration support ln
bis current bid for re~lection.
~said TIJ:esday. 'Tha~ s going targets' -we are bringinr a t~ be way be'?'!· lt,,will be as piUful helpless giant to its
high as $10 millioo. knees "
Foor persons we~ ~illed in nie· yippie3 who rel ~ Shawnee by. the tornado that the 1 tte ' . e . cut a three mlle path after it e r and recordings with
touched ground in the heart of the same . me~sage, are the
the business district. The tor-grou.p whteb ~ncludes Jerry !
nado bit before the weather Rubin and Abb1e Hollman, the
bureau cculd issUe a tornado members or the Obicago
watch and before the civil de-Seven.
Heonr Slilllile
PORTABLE 54.88 \c
During a brief airport news
conference on his anivaJ in
Pittsburgh, Agnew was asked
about the fact that Scott and
other party leaders had re-
fused to disavow Goodell.
fense could &OUnd its warning
'Backs Tax Cuts
2 Policemen.
Shot Near
Hospital ·
city policemen were wounded
and a prisoner was shot to
death today in, an exchange of
gunfire outside Meyer Memor-
iaJ Hospital. a pbyaiciaA said.
The shoot.in& apparenUy
broke out as police were tak,ing
a prisoner !O the hospital,
owned by Erte County and in
the northeast section Of the
city. •
Dr. Robert .'WJlbe, associate
director ot. the ho!pital, tenta-
tively identUied the Policemen
as Joseph O'Neil and Edward
Young. O'Neil was reported in
critical condition with a wound
In the torso. Young was ahot'fn
the thigh and was reported
less seriously hurt.
A nurse, who said ahe saw
· "t~e last part of the ahootlng,"
said it appeared "that three
officers were attempting to
brttrg-tbe-prisoner tn:"---
"He aomehaw 1ot a gun and
started shoot.in& at the oU»-
cers," she said, "They re-
turned the fire."
The lhooUng occurred out.
aide the emergency room .
China OKs Aid
BELGRADE, Yuaoslavla.
(AP) -Communist China hu
signed an agreement to
furnish North VI e t n.a m
, economic, technological anci Treasunt-Se«etary David Kennedy told a Nation .• al,i=~jjj· lary aid !or another year, PresS--~luncheon Tuesday that the Nixon Art. the Yugoslav · news agency
ministration will not attempt to postpone approved Tanjug reported today rrom
.tax cuts even il more revenue is needed to head Peking. The report said the
off a big budget deficit. He called it "politically Im-agroomenl was signed 'flles-
poosiblt." day but gove no delalil.
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the•• HOOVER
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' 1
• .,.ifiy Pii.oT EDITORIAL PAGE
Behi nd Closed Doors
It wowaliilioove several public OfflClals In Southam
Orange Colll!tY to ,..view the Brown Ac~ the law that
protects the public'• rlgbt to mow bow their bualneu
la being handled. '
"The-San oaqullrSchool-Dillrictcwaotohtto. axecu·
1anJzatioo, This included conaideration of deleting or
adding duties to certain administrative posts. This does
not qualify for a secret meeting.
HJrinc of additional personnel reportedly waa aJso
discussed. Tbls would qualify If oUlclals are talking
about qualillcations ol specific persons who might be
hired but not if they are talktol about c,...ting a new
Jovel toldJIDCtd"!!f:a1r1c·treatmeot for tho~eo 11-lnvolvod. It oven · e1 apeclal help for the f . . iu
of 1111r1 who real!Ze they can't cope with the pro em
alone --. , · · --Halpilli' .a )'OWll-~WllU'lho . .has alarted-on-tha
--dru1-routa·il'nol"limple. Parental hyalerta-or attempt&
at slim diicipllne may only drive him more firmly
into Ute orbit of the 11friend1" who introduced him to
the drug acene.
School counselor• and juvenile officen in the police
department now have many nferrat sources ~or both
user1 and their families. Expert, and confidential, help
-ii ava1lable.-
Paro;ta who suspect lbelr youngsters are headinl
Into trouble wtlb drugs-should not hesitate to call on City councilmen ol San Juan C1piltrano went into
execuUve session recently to discuss thet, parka and
-----recreation commission and-per&0n1-whQ lni&ht 1erv1
them. .There ·ts ncu·oomJorJamil)'.pdde when & y.Ql!!lg, ___ __,
life is at stake, ' on. it. This dots not qualify. .
Capistrano Unified School District reportedly held
a closed meeting to discuss 1ancl neeotiations. We can-
not see bow tilts would qualify unleu 1peclfic legal quea• lions were being discussed with the district's COUJJSel. Why Does It Work?
Well-meaning oflictals lr"<tuently bend the anti·
secrecy law feeling some situation or other is too deli-
·cate for public ears. That's not the way the system is
designed. Public business is supposed to be conducted
as just that -public business.
Police ride.along programs exposing young stu-
dent.a to the realWorld of the policeman on patrol·are
commoiiplace a1ong tlie Orange Coast, but in San Cle--
rnente one aspect of the ride-along concept is extra4
ordinary -the response.
As !be .first group. of students began their turn in.
the patrol car early this week, another 200 youths al4
ready were waiting for the chance. Drug Problem Help
Drug problems iii local schools may not· be dlmio-
lshio1 as rapidly as could be hoped.. but at least there
are many new sources of help, both for the youthful
experimenter who dtcidu: he wants out, and for his
distraught family. ,
The rate of signups for the program. organized by
the students themselves· has been heralded by school
ofl!clal1 as !be bigge1t activity ever held. on the cam•
pusAn estimated 500 student& are expected to p~ci
pate in the program in coming months.
They bave sought tilts chance to understand th•
problem of police-community relations· thems1lv11.
Nothing was crammed down their throats.
A< drug use bu spread across !be nation, literally
dozens of 8J'OUps and organizations bave sprung up· to
help comblit it.
Tho belp ranges from 1impla .COl!lllelinl at school
Pirh1p1 that Is why their respon11 has been so
astounc11n1. s
'A Kind of Structur,al Grandeur!'
l\lore CommissiQns· (Yaw-11)
Salt Lake. "Qty:'"It'1 nat our baby." Of
thr& commission all Clft'fllll unreat that
w~ aw>~ted bJ Praidtnt Nis:cn, he-
~ that a different membership
would have produced eatlroly dlfleuot
!ln<flnli. .. 1'e· Vw:e Prelident.'1 crMJcllrn mo
cltracmed the major wes-cl IUCll
[}qg /'$s ue (Continu ed)
' ·:· "
To thtBdilGr:
I -rd WO. io odd 1Jt1 YOk:o in crying
out tplnst the take-ovtr of Laguna
Bell<h by dog lovers.
Finl of oll. UU. is llJWOSed lo be a
human 111Yin>nment we llve in, not a dog
e~ PMU were built for the en-
jo~ <I humam, e.1., chlldnn and
-~ not lw clogs lo depotlt their
In thil day of Po)lutJoo, it seems in-
credible lhat doe oners would be so in-
considerate of the rest of hllmanity that
they would bring thtit dogs to the park5
lo deposit tl>elt filth.
I JtJST Rl!JCENTLY mo...i lo Lagun1
and have Jived in various cittes and towns
in Southern Callforilia for some 40 years.
I am appalled at whit I have seen since
moving here.
TM rl9111 to aMIM9 ~ N flt -.a tr .,Im~
nit. 11111( II ,___ A• llfteft ITlutl fllcl\lfl fltoo
r11t1.111 •nd 1n11n"'9 .......... llllt n•-,....., •
Wlltlheld ell '"""'' M llliffkltllt ,.._ II IHINi!t. ,....,.., wm fllt M ,_,..lll;*il.
-.y, "It's goini to d\lnae," and "Wllat.
we need are more, mere and MORE·
OK. WE BAVB TO buy the llCI It i.·
dianging. However, iets chanat it on our
ttnns. What does this mean? Here are •
few exampiea:
l. Gu Statio111: There are nine in the
city now ~ tw.o mort are on the draw-.
ing boards, 11 thll IDYOnt'• tevorlte pion
to retain whit we now have? What w\ll Jt
look like wben ft pt 151
CllllllnllsiOlll: Nobody has lo...,.,. lhtir
recommendatiom, and the mate-up of
the body often detennines the nature ol.:
-the ....US..EV.....~~ c:om-miulOm -«·task iiOrii.S -Ni1on
-lniltrotlon prefa lo clll them -
hive beoome 1 w1y iilllle in Wahingloo.
TESTIMONY-before a Hciiae Govem-
menL Opinilons Subcommittoe disclosed
t.hlt 11of111t November there were 1,511
ftderal advisory committees, boards,
commisBionl, e o u n e I l 1, conferences.
psnels, tut !««1 and llbnlilr groups.
About :tOO "' -....... -.. prealdent!al c:ommilslons. 'l1>e eltlmaled
lllllUI) operoUor colts ol lht com-
-nportq .... 114,1111,413 -with
the praklentiaJ· ewnm...._ &'COUMiol
f« 71 ptr<eDl fl Ille loCll.
"'M far u ft tOUld det.emdne, there is
no accurate inventory or an the advisory
and lnieragency committees In the
federal go:verruDlnt,'' said George L.
Fortw!l'Pr. fl the Generol Ac:<oonting
Office. 'lbe JUrvey also lhowed ttiat at
f,-t 15 -hid trtmlllr duUes and funi::t1om: -amc:q 1hem oom-
rnlaloM -king on highway safety,
ltatul of women, cerlatrics, crime and
piy.ical fitness.
W1WAM D, CAREY, 1 senior eon·
lllltant for Arthur D. Little, Inc., and a
former Budaet Bureau offid1l, added:
"In my experience, nothing was· easier
thlr'I to set up an advi90f')' group. It
tta'Nct wheels turning, it bought time, it
•• a IW'fOi:ale for action, and it pl"04
ducod a kind of structural grandeur!'
Prlllde:dtill c o m m i s sl o n s are
Wubinctco flnures, but they really
bepn lo flower under President J.-n.
Jn the pest· few years, blue-ribbon
assemblaaes have reported on crime, the
drift, rural poveity, civil d...,..rs and
-· potleI nlonn, hbusing and urbln reform, the paran&eed annual
...,., tho .._, .....Wlion and
111117 P\"'llOlfophy ond compu unrest
I live • CUil Drive above a beautiful
park. I have teen people drive up to this
park am: alold. not· anly one dog but
sometimes two Ud· three. If, as Mr.
Challis lntilQited. Mme 1,731 Lacunans
sl&ned the rderlndwn petition because
they recopiJe tllal a lllrut lo • lrttdom
of a few ii a unat to the freedom of all,
then I must add tblt in Lacuna, the tail
is wagging the clog.
l. Modular llouallil: Thil wtll be Ille nen explosive 1aale. Modular boustna is
not bad, eicept,wben It's llacbd 17 wdtl IOMB RA VB made notable eon-
to the acre. ~n Ulla occurs, developers tr1butkN to American life by focusing
and others can It "low-cost housing." attentloa. m ·rldft in our IDCitty, pro-
Don't believe it. Malit lhtm develop them clucln( a ..., crlmHlglltln( pcogrom,
THE 0'111Ell DAY I porli;ed my car with a de .. 117 lhlt allows a ,,.,_ lo and IOOOllUllODdln( a drift lottery. Ye~
... r lht bank and when I aot out of lht brtathe. l<r <v<r'f -lhlt •-In Its
•sr lo feed the porting meter, I stepped • objeettve, ..... 11 fall. lnst>n o1 qulotlnc.
in a gob of dog filth. Needless to say 1 .. 3 ... PR&FAB ROUSING: Pre-fab is •!lpkinn a( a~ in the. murder
Wll plenty mid. Thank God, horse loveri usually built mosUy of wood, (modular is -Pnlk!eat Klrinedf, the warren Com--
aren't allowed in town too! usually a mobile home unit, leu wheels) mlldoa arOuled man uncertainty. And
Let'• face it, feUow Lqunans, dog and ls pre-aaembled at a factory by aha 1116, a commi!llon tl1s been trying
freedom is one thing, but human fretdom unskilled labor. Very good answer to to dedde upon a .Wtabie memorill to
ia _ .. : .... elM .. -1 .. , aDd much more some of the-bousinc problems, however, Ftinkun D. Rooll'Nlt -at a ytarlJ ...,., ........ ,. ._.... tbt issue ii denllty-per-acre. .Hoo. -J -ooo
lmporteftl opei..... a -· · In an .;, 40 y-in Calllontla, I hive 4. Apartmenll: Arlin, demity-per-Cmun-olton serve 11 1 plsce lo
never w 80 many dogs to the square acrt, and eftr)'Onl want. to bulld them put aippwtes who are too importanl for bioCI: 11 .,-nve-..en~:i1nce-comtng tn 10-1--~Ute~-hutl. (Wh)'--n--•-~~lp -and--not-.!gnlftcw
LIC'D'IL 1)11' quesUon mlghl be aaktd, quirt clusttrin& with plenty of sreen enou~ f« an ambassadorthip. When
"II i_. Beac11 ping lo the dogs?'" btlsl) someone proposed 1bolbhlng I comm!,.
Now ls tbl time to be counted. Don't lit It's e~ to 10 on and on. 'nlese days sion wtth no apperen.t pu~, ~sldent --tlifikll1Dftn'1m~parkt u • •1c1um-.mosl-"Tit.trs-are.. clever.....at-lt.atina tbe Johnllon-bluntly~rephd:-l·need-jobl for.-
pin p'Oundu for uimal fect.S ... pnb1ems and addln1 their crltlci.An. slobs."
1f people ft11t to have dois: it ls their Howewr, when it's lime to nnd I tolu. lllr-"1·--------, iJht lo do 00 boll Ill them t,.p them on lion, well ••. (fl's Ilkt the 11ylng, "II ~~•--· ~ and clean up their you don't like PIGS, <ill 1 hippy the next u~ cnm Pl v ume you're in troubltl") own pollution. , Conll'atu!Jtlolll lo Mr. Secor for speu-
inl out. M. J. MONAHAN
S...1-'• ll'llt•re
To tbo .Edilor Moot of the resl4eala ol San Juaft
C.plltrtno .,,.. wholt-iiearledty on ooe
-That belnl °"' fact Uley -down htrt: to 0 aet away from.Jt.!'
Whit thla muns ts, ~e ~ want to be
able lo lool: out -tbo vllley and •
ITffll 1-. hla ind eoololY aL ltl belt.
What ,.,.. dml't wont lo .. II loll Of Ul!IY --·--c.. wh&l we hive and ttt now COit--! -eoooomicolly·minded peoplt
There is a toluUon to these problems,
however. lt'a called ''Antf .pabllc:
aptthyl •• 1be resldentl of the Troy and
Marina homes have a lood CAiie of It. It
rtached epidemic proportions when the
rtetnl "impound yard" laue eruptedi
"Well," you 11y, ~ e11ctly what
ctn 1 do lbout Jt!"
Euy, Pllnnln( c:ommlaaion meetings
.,. held the Ont and thin! Tuetdlyw of
tho moolll, tbt clt1 C011ncil meelinp .,.
held the second ind fo\lrth Mondi,)>• of
Ille month.
And .,..,...,. Is lnvttei! -there'• 11>-
IOIUttly no cttarJi -and )"OU can cvu
opttl< JOW' mind!
See 70'l then I
Even.with the newly painttd croa-
walkl Oft El Cimino Real, most
San Clemente drtvir1 let at it
they doni know whit they muo.
I nearly rot hlt in one. How shout
tome citations for these drlvtrs1'
-Mn. H. s.
Ttil, ,...,,,. ftflirft ........ ........... ..
•ttttnrltr ft!Ht M "'9 MWW IS ir. ltllf ,_ "' """ ... .....,:, •n. ...... rtl9t.
Does a Trial
W aste Time .
For Us 4 ll?_
' ,;;., .
' . ,.:..;:.: . ' ' ~· h;.,'iit...-"' ,
The day.that the "Guilty" verdict was
bmJihl in by U., Speck'jury, I ovtrheffd
a iroup of people at the luncheon table
next·to nUne-cUecuuinl the tri•l ancJ con.-
··Viction. ''Why doe• the state go to all the
trouble,_ time' and o:pemtt?" asked one~
them. "He'1 pi1ty -tvtrybody knew" it ..
-IO why not give
him the electric
dllir, or put him
an1 for life and
1orp1 111• Everr-
on• •lie at the ta.
I didn't nod in
agreement, e v e n
mentally. One must
recagntze that thtlrs
ii the atUtude ol most people, but J hap.
pen to tblnk it is a wronf, dlftltl'ous, and
lprant •tUtude,
QIJll'E APART from the civil rig!JLs in-
volved in the matttt -and the blackest
vlll1ln ii enUUed lo the same trial rights
u .a cherub, or the law means nothlna: -
there is another equally lmp>rtant con·
sideration: We learn ab!Olutety nothing
by sending such a man to the chair, or
even by putUnc: him away to rot in prison
for a IHeUme. If he is mad, we should
study the causes and coune of his
madnw:; H be is bad, we should study
the origins and evolution ol hia badness.
If he is a mi:a:ture of both -as we might
suspect -we should study the rela·
tionsbip between moral character and
emoUonal sicknels.
Society hates, fUn and rt!ents such
men, and want.I to obliterate them. But
such oblJteaUon does not deter ot pre-
vent si!pilar OC'C\rnlDCU, nor doa it beJp
U1 to det.eet, in the early sta1ea:1 the
behavior patterns of other men who
mliflt do likewlle.
rr SEEMS PAINFlllJ..Y obvious to me
thit if we understood more about such
matters, not only might the eight nurses
be alive today, but also the young sniper
ft coaunitted maaa murder from hls
tower .in Te1as could have been spotted
as a potential menace Joni before that
drtadfu.J d1y. Such actions a.re almott
alWl)'• preli,.atcl in eer\y beh>vtor -ii
we are alert to the deeper meanin1 ol
llUCh behavior.
Acta of whit we call "aenselt11
violtnce" are tncnu1n1 enormously in
lfillij!.'"BUfttiiulhlii:h Tct&-ma·y seem-
1enaeless to us, they make a kind of in·
sane Jenae to the persons who perpetrate
them ; and If we obtained 1 better srasp
o:f-t?Mi'lr-convoluted~enta1 -proceues,-it--
mlcht help us prevent incidents of this
tnp;: kiqd -juat 11 an lmprov~
knoWlfdp of symptacns tntbJts us · kt
llfeVtnt phY*al illntq from worseninc
lo lht incur1ble atsp.
WHAT IS A "WASTE" is not the long
and cumberl!IOmt trial, but the fact that
after the trlll lltlle Is dont to probe tht
psychic cancers of such men. Simply to
txtCute lMm or shut them away it the
aurut llJll'ltllee that' fututt: tr11tdles
wUl be neither prevented nor anUclpated.
U wt hlndled pllyal<al dl111se the umt
way, wbo would be 1live1'
Done Kln1ns11, •led ertlsl vlsttlac
S.F. -"The lwon of ilfe Is learning lo
think fCl' )'Ournlf."
' • •
'Rich Old Okies'
Run California
A caae can be made that the political
course of California is being determined
by a croup of people whlf are not really
caIJforniaiis at all, have no stake in the
State's future, and are interested in
upsetting 10Cia1 and p o J it l c a I ar-tminently. sound, if rather startling sug-
rangemtnta made by true catifornians. gestion for California -and pubap1 the
These people .11.rJ whole nation. ·
the deci&lve margi--He advocates that all ·persons lose the
" a l coneUtuenCy-. vote at retirement or age 70, whichever is
which has elected earlier. "And rnoet important, as the:
Governor Rei1an, Je.uon or California teachel, anyohe who
a.nd : wUl probably . migrates to aoothtr :state after ace 55,
elect him again, In should lose the vote forthwith."
a way, Reacan la orfe · Stewart argues that Callfornll faces
of the lf'OUP ~ . civil war, no 1eu, if we continue the
,elf. unl imited franchise, since there are
They a re· ·t ff 'e · ! already too many senile voters.
aged BJ b 1 e Btlt I · ' · ~ . "The vote should not be a privilege in
Prottatants, the .rich old OklU who cqme perpetuity," he argues, "guaranteed by
here from Oklahoma, n-b:r-a\J k •'1 ' minimal physical survlvaJ, but a share in
Arkan11s, Tennessee, ete. Or~· '~ty·· · the continuing fate of the political oom-
grows at the rate of l~ dail,Y. 'Mod ol · munity, both· in its benefits and its nan.
these are rich old Okfes' 'fbO \Jr~ "'°'·. "The old; having no fUture, are
them their rtadionary poUtics,.ind -~; . dangeroualy free from the constquences
fear of almoot everytblnC !ha,t -on In .oJ their own politics! acts, and it makes
Callfomla outside Orange coµnty -·wfttt no sense to allow the vote to tomeone
the po3Sible exception of san D:lqo eo:up-who is acturially unlikely to survive,
ty, when: the dominant cuJtufat incl and pay the bills for, the politician or
poliUcal tone Is set by retirtd admirals. party he may he.lp to elect."
' .
RECENTLY, in the New Republic,
Douglas J.' Stewart, an auocilte pro-
fessor of classics at Brmdela University,
and a natJv1 Californian, made an
THE RICH OLD Okies (Stewart does
not rtUite call them that) move to
California "not to cbntrlbute to their ntw
community but to extract its advantages.
"This they may do, but they must not
be aJlowtd the additional privilege of
and undoing social and cultural ar-
rangements arrived at by long-ttrm
residents who have invested youth, work,
taxes and imqination in thtir com-~
mun I ties. .•
"Above all, they must not be pennitte.f
to help political mountebanks confiscate
other people's futures."
The people who came here alter the
war (lhere have betn 33 percent new
residents addtd in the lut dozen years)
are heavily composed of tboee for whom
Dllneyland WU bull~ and for whom UC
campusu a1': ~tbeds of Communism.
and Doctors Rafferty and Hayakawa
saviors ol the system, and Ronald
Rei&sn llmOlt i,i-him .. u. They
have a right to their antic views; bot not/
I think, lo Impose them on na· in their old
a1e. Glvt California back to tbe Califor-
Dear George: My Secret '
Dear Georae:
My wife's· btll friend's husband •
hat taken up with bu and I am
wooderlng iL•be~ tell him
about irhe re I wu when he was
sttppin1 out 0n her! Or Mould r
keep it a .ecret?
Otar W.W.:
Blab anythln& you want '°· If you
talk like you wrltt, nobody will
understand you anyhow. ~
Dear George :
Whit was the name or the
r1mous statesm1n who Mid that
he rciretted he had but one what!
Dear Foraetful:
I believe you ate thlnkh11 or
-his name 11 rtaht on the tip
ol my tonguef'rtnow It 1s well
IS l do yours -who 11\d : "If
thlo be what, mate the moot ol
what1° Wha t . was his name -
John R, What, In £•ct. Old family
around Boston . . . the Bolton
Whal.I • • • came over oo &be
(senil your prol>alm1 lo Goqe.
Then YoU Will evtn have pnbltms
•bout )'OIJJ' ~)
Wedn•sda,Y. OCtoJ>er·7, 1970
' Tho tdltorial -of tu Doillf, Pilot ... ,., .. w-and tllm,'.
ula.tt rto<Urs bu presenting tlW
newspaper's opinions and eom,.
rnentarw cm &oplcs of in~rat_
and significance, bt1 providlnQ s
forum /or the uprwion of
011r rtader1' opfnfoni, Gnd b
presenthig Vie diverst tntw-
points of informed ob1etvtrs
ond IJ)Okcrmcn °" topics of the
Robert N. W.cd, Publisher
' I
' •
' '
' •
i .
' c
' . .
Contesie.d .
W ASHING'IXlN (Al>) -ii,
lnternaUonl( d o n n y b r o o k
lllftd joday -lr>Otet and .Amtrici:n aclentllta owr
-· lhe -al~ <l1imlnL lhl
ditcotery or=1-wi!F0.11Mow11p
< Cilllimen iiblcti Could
lead lo prldlcll benellto -~
man. "· . f •,· . ' A ScWltl nuclear 1<11111111 ~
111,t ed ·that l\u1 1la a
re:searcben • -not 'American
ones -wt:re the flnt -to
discovu t h e heavy-weight
radioactive chemtcal element
-No. 105 in the periodic
. ~.
• • Gut sy-· goo-d l~o~s , . • I ' ••
wa·~m ·~ -linings,; c·ool ·prices ~
f , , • I -w~h~a t· m·ore cou~CJ.:~-ou ask~ " --r __
tablt:. Rr.searetier--G~eoO.r'ilf--,ff:1.r-~~~--:-~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~-f-~~~~~---:,ofJ~~~__)\--\~~~
Flerov accused the Atomic
Energy Commission of i&-
norlng a Soviet technical docu-
ment which ht aaid buttresats
his country's claim. 1 1
But the captain of · the U-.1.
team which also claims irlltill
discovery of the element quiet .
Jy indicated the Amtricans
wer:e sticking to their gurus. _
. The newfound element -
named "hahnium" by the
Americans -is artifically
made by bombarding another
element with nuclear rays. It'll
a veritable wlll-0-f.he..wisp,
\\"ith a radioactive "half-life"
of only l.6 seconds.
U.S. scientists OQntend the
discovery might hflp toward
artificially creating -or even
ultimately finding on earth -
a long-predicted exotic form or
lead which might have praC.
tical uses.
The still-undiscovered ele-
ment is No. 114, tentatively
dubbed "eka-lead," and is the
target of worldwide J'tSW'Ch. Lui · AprJi 27, ' a team at
Univenlty : of • California al Berkeley; l!eaded by Dr.
Albert Ghiorao, announced
discovery of element' No. 11a
to a meetiDI of the American
.l'h)'11cal 5oclely. And lhe Ate
put out an aruJOW'lCtment of Its
own the next day.
Flerov;-ln I letter-publilhed
tooay In lhe journal Science,
said Soviet scientists had
synthesized element Nb. 105
early this year and had
published an aceount of il in
February -two months prior
to the report of the American
He added :
"Neither the statement of
the U.S. Atomk: Energy Com-
miMion . , • of 28 April, 1170 ••.
nor the Ghiol'IO statement
refttr.ed to our wort wbkh
was done in Dubna and
published two month 1
In it!: April 28 announcement.
the AEC said:
"Soviet scientists, in the last
two years, have reported the
observation of what t h e y
believe to be a few atoms of
elt:ment 105.
"Ghiorso and his associates
attempted to confirm the
Soviet findinp by more
sophirticated methods wtthoat
success and they c:ondudt that
the Soviet data are tn error."
Flerov, in his Jetter, said
"we are fully confident of the
authenticity of our data and
v;e can rely oo ld.enUfk
argument& to prove that we
discovered the new element."
OCT081R 22
'11 ....
·• .,
' ' . Splll:co"'"de ·w!th,•'*lJlc pi lo .lined
1body, qUllt·fined aleevea. Brow·n-or
, , beige. Men'11i1es 31 to "8;
-1• • ~ .• ~-· .
.-' l. II!.
!\ 1698
--···--·..!-.;. .•.• _
Cotton c«dun!y with aeiylic plla lined body,
quilt.,.ined .. aeM. Pecan or bronze. Boys·
siz9s 14 to 20.
'· :
the show place .
. -
• •
\ f·.
.. .
' ,
' ~
••• ,
" "
• .
• . . •
> ..
' I
• I ,
• . •
..,.... -•
' • '• ..
-' •
I • I . llAIL ( fllOT> -. ~. °"'"' 1, 1970
'Shit! W..,W Pa11' ..
·unruh Promise
25% Tax Sl~sh
~ ~ SAN Fl\,\NCIS<Xl (UPI ) .-....licoletl ho believes Go•. ll ...
Jeu Unrull pJedied ~ to · 11n II plonoln1 a """""' P<es-
. ~y taus-2>Jlit-ldelllloj llld.la,Jll2.--'.._
......U,, ~hil l--Durln1-•n.infvm81-1alk with terrp. iD · office for a 11 ntwamen lo Ftesno Tuesday
-homeowners by requiring the Unruh said the possibility ~:
atilt to pay more school costs. isted for U.S. Sen. George
·The Democratic gu~ator-Murphy, if rwlected, to
t.i candidate made the': prom-resign within two years io
ise 1 day after he strongly in-Pave the way for Reqan to
Queen Mary
Price .'fag
.Takes Jum
succeed him.
Democratic L I e u t ~_n a n 1 T h. ' Governor nominee AKred -E. eaC efS Alqulst, UIJ!Uh's ru,.,aln1
' mate. said the:. Senate , aeat
T 1:J••1-~wMou~1a·t>eltiettir · . en ure .111 paCl for Reqan lo leek; . , .. I,QNG BEACH (UPI) -The
p r·e s J d'e'D c y thllt...i .the l:osi 'of developing lhe former
B R governonblP. ' ~ .... ocea~ Uner·Queen Mary into a y eagan .. I'm• nol ...,1,,. fo nlflle • lloatiog mu..um, hotel and
Ronald Reagan be 1 i eves
teacher tenure has become a
~tch for ~mpelents and
he "leans toward" abOlishlng --n.
A blue-riblx>n commission
appointed by the governor ta
study educational ·r e,.f o r m
already has recommended in a
preliminary report that tenure
be abol~hed, Reagan said
1bt campaigning gevemor
Indicated le;islati.on ·may .be ·
introduced durii>j lhe 11171 :sessiori. • . .
Asked by reperten whether
he personally thinks t h e
~~t~~-:ta= j:
d~carded; . Reapn replied:
"Y:es. I lean toward it . . . -
what .Al AJguilt ls uyini," convent.ion.center took another
Unruh told,new11men in uieak-$11tB m1lllon jump Tu.esday.
in& out On tbt aubject for Ule. The )f>ng Beach City Coun·
first time cturiq: the cam-ci~ told the State· Lands,Com·
paign. ~~ion Agen~. ~ ~ ad-
"1 lhink it's among ~ne of d.1t1onal $9.8 mllhon 1n bdela~
several poSilblllties arid 1 oil reven.uea w_ould ~ neede<I.
think it's probably the best al?Jl~ "!llh an estimated $7
ene," the former Assembly mil~1on 1n private funds.
speaker said. · City Manager John R.
''There's every lndicalion · ¥~nsell said at .least $6_.7
that ~ goverhor ·wu among m 1 J I i o n of the increase 1n
those who blocked ( ~ id • t I d e ! a n d a funds . was
tial e pres en necessitated by the Diners couns lor) Bob Finch Club's action in quitting the
frem running for ~ Senate project last JuJy. The firm
and tru;~e was somelh~ more' originally was the master
tl;lan JUSl · 1 very great lessee.
pertonal friendship w ! ~ h •<They showed a t o t a 1 Geo~e M~y that ~iied disregard for the city oLLong Iha~ be aaid. Beach ind the people of
. Unru.h'a propert~ llx· rtduc· CallfOr:nla ," Mansell sild. "We
t1on pledge came 1n a speech wUI do whatever is nec:euary
to the ~ifomia ~al. Est.ate to recover ... the tremendous
A.seoaLation coovmUOn here. additional COJf,." •
L06 ANGELES (UPI) -was ensconced behind a pill
The proctedlnal wer.r: dull. If. ln an adjacent room. · 1be
It had boon a teievlalon lllio~, illrtt."YOlll\I Wci\Wt cOdel ...
' th!Y would MVl_l'Written Ille dantl Were UJ>llialn !is!.nlrig, ' . -.crrpt. .a.. prm~bly,1 on .;__a •_seund
It wU ·a aesiion of the 1y1t.em-40 ... their..-con.stituUonal-
-murder ,.trial of C b a r I e 1 rights wpuld hf protected.
Mlftll\O"o hippie cult leader, They were all 1iven the
and _lhree ~wom en -heave-ho ~·y ht superior
codeliiidanla TUeoday. But-lt-€oorhJud4wChar1 .. 11. OJij
-wa1 ')ike p l'ylng Hamld whe11 Manson e~ped'OVer the ' without ~ Halnlet on stage. counstI llble at the judie and
Mamon,,31, accused master-threat~ his We. The youtlg <I • • mind of the slayin& Qf actr~BI Women, -~· Atkins,. Leslie
Sharon Tate and six otbtr Van Houten and Patricia
persons, was noif 'in coutl Ht Krenwinkel bqan chantina:
. "'The ~ idea of tenure
.... fo stop -disc:rimlnatory
and 'cap..,_ dismissal of
~ by·tchool bparda -
just • wjpe them' oot for D,
personal. or wliBtever ...,. ... -• ISC}osur.e
"But "DOW tf· y«.1'U 10ok ' at ,,, , ·
tiio Educ.OiJon ~ Y"!'ll !!nil · LOS-AI!GELES·(AP) -The-
Ute".''' ~t,pret Utien Committ.ee-'on Acade.mtc .'I'~ --And ........ ·""' Freodf>m of tlie' •UC L A
Mansell 11id the firm pulled
.~t, leaving a great deal of
work tPtone in lhe area set
aside 'fyl' hotel, rutaurants
and shoPs which must be com-
pleted before work on the ~
museum and tour areas can
_,_..;,.'•"'"-'lrFP-·for--1r de'mli:~--•"-· -t· .. tW~ And I don't el . iixuli.c ,,..._n . s ·~-•Jt ___ . . _ . ·-~-· ,_ polld., &DTemilll lhe .,. of uUDA JlU. eter m~ a.. • ....a-. -.&ift.. --~ lhat " -... .__.,.. .. er -te"""'"' q.u.. on
FJre Scorched
Lands Seeded
Ulli way. . carftpm made ·public.· · · °'.fl!Dlft, often ll'llnt.ed in tn a rejKJr:t to lhe.senate .the •~ANGELES (UPI) -An
hill\ .~-t)!ree,~ea111 . com11iltt0i~'tilly'!l\=llod , eollmA!«I 8<JQ,000 pounds of
Of tuclVna apd in cQlle1es . not been able. to ·1ean fr.om;. ,annpal rye gr_ass will be drop-after'""'~ ls,deslgn-lhe Loo .Anples chief of peel -'""" helkoplen today ..,-. to~~o;e-FBra-~ttr-ov..-100,000 .c .... of C<lllllty iPfnit· Orli~ fltlnp. -"the nature of ...,..t cainPiii , bru.hland denuded of veiet.
,.nit l)'llem_'wa~a favertte ~~" by ·pOliee~ '-tion by recent brush fires.
tarset el ......... ~three .-~ 10i \he. FBI~ 'f\ichard H. Houts, fire chief ~tPmc; ,st.pl in San thl polh!:e told newsmen even and Jorelt.er for the count.y,
P'ranclldl, Coocetd . ap .d "'lenaral polley.Jnformatfon .en said·.~he job is expected to
S,teckton.'Andiu Uw:,dQ woA the-~ ii not dlec1-d. ·.ta~e leas, than one month . Tt ~. u.e l!"eniOr ~"lli~ , , n.,1 . ~11 department will cost '2. per acre or a total
wma.nt · .had no ~te ,comment. . of $200,000.
• ..
-T~mely news from
·ewova. Available
In de.pth at Penney$~ , . .
gc)i,I "'*-· Adlultable tir«•lel.
·ean-tc>CA. wom1r1•S 11-tewt1
1CIK-gold ei:::a ...
... aQaldlrlQW1r-l,.
''81tblnd. •!
...... Golden
Clp.,\, -gold.I----·
( ' , ,
. '
-· -·
Sale 5238
. il ...................................
·wtlhE"""9wl•OW9,_.ee! .. ·,··
A real work lher! Enrk~• . .-. p.neJs
·• clunt-"""""'.reaUio(r'--.
Auo-ent light, lull-~"""' door.; White,coppe-.~·...-gold I
.•• cotor costs no more• PMl\IJa. ·' . .. .
. ,·
' '
" enne111
the8hc1Wpl1ee • . s ... • •
' .
• ••
' ;
. .
. ' .. .
. '
.. ' ..
. . " ..
. 'r
' ..
' .
'· .
' .
' .
' .
.. I 'I. "
. •
' .
. '
O .. --·---CARlSBAO ocrNNEY ' N'•~ ICINTINGTON BEACH ~~~N.~~~
AYaftibll at these Penney 1tores:
CIWlll "Tltl orrr' VENTURA. -• l.., ~·~,. •••~ ,,..,,_ .. ,..... LONG BEACH LOS ALTOS
V~ NUYS VENT\JAA WESTCHESTER Buy tt 1or(."'1;n6jll lifoe, ~I~
• .._ 'I • • I' .,.
.. ,DAD. y !KO{ '
.. _ le·: · ··N· ' · ._ r_~er~~~~o t.#ititant A~~ffl ~O:f :1;<!1it~te.~ : DI L·A N'I--'15--. . CHE -Kl G Firemen Go LOS ANGELES (UPI) -of lhe -!>lack __ .,.'lllo . .,.....,_,_ ... ,.,_EA s~ N..TY •
• • .. ~ 111"-·"" "-~-Ro• _..,.".., . .-..... i.,...Giill·Do.i..pro"'8t0Cllhe1r ' ••· LOCAL ~li.BSTERS. Ai.. Umi-1 -. • , up · "" ' . , . , •-• -• ~-lhe-lhe NNlr)'inl '\;'. "'.'fl/'~ U ,Ill D"".
' • ' .. /\ll s....:l .e . =l=m~~tl'! po!Wil!lnl~~IOll :.._ ·~·t ~ Soalood Sel1J0Uon of lhl Sauon ' ' . ·-' -V u;_... ' . dly on chorpt cit Geilopo.Uke Ind "«Inf ........ " . ~.. . ' ·" . . • Fresh Ftom our o. Fl--. I
. , " ... _ .. -(UPI) -41-lwO --• ..up""' ..... ..id-th-. .• ~oUon 'beelft when • • ' • ,•-'!. ' I ..
• ,,. .. ,, .. ,,." · • :·fi~~hisher wllh "• IOlderlllC u.. and a -. 1onnor .,...bt,. ·o1. _.,1be,..,_tolil•1t11ac1 -~" COMPu11 INN lt·...J'~·~
'l§. -~-~'.. . -·.l_gµ--~r' :___.o"'a":-"" < ollledoll'lbe' ... ,~ •• vile. . IJS, ..... i.rd .. , IWJpolnt; ...._the~ .... lhe $4.95 c poy,.w ,,.. _, K-.. 21,-lowider and .lorood la ~ lftd _.. frMnd ~-fiollco.-llS ·
J "' -~ and .et up pfekil UOO.' it lhe held o1 ''US", a black na-bf•la\· purtq. 1be l~J ~ Frid A. "kl•" . M_OND4'Y. THRU THU DAY ' · · ;~ r l u ~ · -'~ "·' ., -·• • -· sacramento triwtt aillborft~ Uoo&lilr ll""'P which pined ~ pertod'111t1__.. held It ----.a....tr"u, Louis "SdeO" ' : 630 UDO PA'lllrftllYI-:,": \'"" •<•.I: ·.~-·'. · · · · t6 ,_lebuiatrvicOlorthe promlMnce tn Ha Uirmllhea chal'fldl[arqalortedalldt 0 _.., "'~u•-•·-··-~ '"f" • . -.. ~'", "-'._-· ...... ·es~-i~-str" e·' -·10 -er.,, . wtlh Black Panlbers, was· "IOldutng Iron lntlde the ·~":'i'l',.._ .... _ .. u.a NEWPOllT llACH· -· 675-0100 · e ,,. ''111tal. ·•·~-' wtlh -·lricy 1M -.noutli of one '9f thi vlcUmlc-~~l~~r~~~~;-~~~~~-~~~~~ ~=~ ·'.''.-' · . , -. _ :~ .-nie 4lO st,rtklng .,.mben of-iiif;-:lif.Tbeaccusa'llonlCiine .. wbllt-llii. othef"~'1--Whln---lhey-oppeattd-a~r-::::
•· ~: '-;"f.~~.\·f:·:. •• \_, ~ ·fire fl&hten locil SU, AFI.r tn 4 'secret grana Jt&ty in-wu.~ bl a vile. Incltwood County Courtbi>UN ~ •• ",,. /.o ·,• ''•·
. :'..:~r~~: WAJI :_ ~"¥1!&! soldiers ' : . . . 11!.MEMll~ ~~;..:·7 .... r111::,.ceo1c: • .: . =. ';..i.T.i!:l.y'7"k -.. ~· a:~vi: ::: ~"!'.:' :.:0 'Today's Stocks _ T,Ma_'_ .. _. ·.·y .. :.":1NMi',.dlCl'.l'9<1~Y\r.:d!lnk.1 .• NOW, ANQ'l'llgR , big di> . Isl 11 lti:Y Ulolllle Tho lndlctmaot said ........,,_t«Wre la .-nothing biUwbiletheotberaremaln<d . , • ~tb~ci&t.:oi'y6ui -3'1'1f1'~'s {erfnct between a duck and a div · on ° ~ ·. ~ · · , .,;;.IW-enl;;;'.".·::•:;....:«:=do::.l'ff::_;the~-:;:to~rt\lle::::~co::::;mpar;!:;~ed;.;;to:_..11;:U1:::;:,' ;:kno;:;::w;.-'_' _ _;ln::_:l;:•U::;·_· --------'---------.,-------------c1't•'• 2t lirell9mP-The !trjlle_ ·-stip~'llrat was· the ·custom·· chicken· ts ·a·duck ha!' about ,£ ----• ·-··· •• ·-----·-.. • ---
of old:-Most romanUc. How-IZ,000 ieathera while a chicken began at lhe change of shllta
ever, il you should decide to 011ly has about 8,000 ... NOT at 8 •.m. • : .. ' . !
revive this UlillaUng touch COUNTING SALESMEN, th1t The union mtmbers ignored
. . -• ,profeulonal fellow most aet to a Sliperlor Court order barrinl
bear--m-mmd-reeearchers at-change jObS ls the cfafii. pro-a work stopp31e until Oct. 1&,
the Harvard Medlr.al School ce1sor. Or so uy the employ· and the city administration
---'-----M-atch-ed-sets-on-sale,--___,___ __ _
Rugged clothes, ~easy prices.· hav! discovered the average mtnt e1pert!. said" copies of the decree
lady1J' !!lipper holds better . would be 1erved on picketers.
than 10 shotl Of whiskey, and , Your qmshm11 and com-Jfi,mdreds of ptrso111 !lP'
, .. ~ ·-~ · "'~'""" f!llKomed ~ peaied at bul atopo-uea -~:1f'·8 · Penney .Daysi that 1 ovenn!R;o. ~f.;.• .. ~· · wlL~~ed-l(f-CHEC~C-~· Qf~ the strike lib&itµJe. 1bl)I
THE SUICIDE '"' ll'rf \i,p .~~pou i ot.!:-1 ~ !<> .--n-1o -"'-Plea.st oddre11 11our lttttr ot tranaportailon when they .
among women Js known to to L. M. BO'lld. P.O. Bo: realized bus aervlce wu at a
reach its peak in their early 1875, Newport"Betldft!'CJ_pli.{t:,-'::·s\audstlll.' }; · _ ~
fifUes , .. DID 1 TELL you the . , · ·-, . · ~ 1
word "money" turns up 114 '
times in the Bible1 ...
ordinary dahUas is better than
sugu made from caoe or
beet. . . . AM ASKED THE
most valuable of the precious
stones now. Th at's the ruby
. . . IT'S ALSO A statistical
fact that one child in five still
wels the bed after the age of
-~e ·~1' ~-: ~ ...
noc,·11!· ..
"""i'\"C ; ,-
...... .. ......... 'l'"·" ..
' '
on these 3 patterns in
Here is beautiful,
solid sterling at a
great savlng1. Fiii in
missing piece1 In your 1 set~ or a tart tttat much . __ .
desired 1terf~ ·
It will be Juli~~ _JOrj:--:,~'
h0Hd1y entert•lnlng.
Do hurry, th"ouO~. this
offe r expire1
October 31 , 1970. '
Jewelers .. Sinc~ .• 1917 '
. . -~-
§pec;iall 588
Sturdy ·wor.k jacket. Penn Prest® . ' . twill ot-50% cotton . 50",. tollrell p01yes•~r-
Uning ot hHvy duly
·qytol!_'1llffe\A qullt8ll~o 3.3 oz_
bonded-Oacron•~_yestef fiberfill.
Khaki, silver grty,-.j'ey greon. 36-46.
>~ . ~ .. :.: ' {", . '
·-· -··
-~:-. . -.. -·:.
~: .. ,
Rugged work boot.
Side leather upper.
cork/rubber toll
and heel, •IMI
shank. Dark
brown, men's tizea.
~ ----
.. " •
' I
Reg. 3.981 Fortrel• polyntor/
combed cotton oxhlde work,,shkt
with Soll Retease• and Pinn Prest•·
tor never .. iron ene. Charcoal
and olivewood .
-Reg. 4;981-llugged-work-pont•
2 ply Fortrel• polyester/combed
cotton oxhide with Soil Release• '";
and Penn Prest•. Charcoal and
ol'-!1-'· ..
: .\
! : " •• ,(
' .
.. '
. '
'.. '
" '.'
~ . -• ..
' •
Wtd"l'd•I• Oclobfr' 7, 1970 . •
E -•' -~--• • . --
W asllingion s ~._air. f~r: -
NEW YORK (UPI) -being, sold by ljit family'.; Ule dllb htll'"IYtn by Martha
Several important 1~ts lat 11°~!11st 01ten WlstS',. ,Wisllln~n lo.i l'il\J Duer, ,a
in American History along .. Also "being sold are a {New Yor~ society belle, a lS-
with 8 lock or G er 0g e broad&ide copy of the Declara-star_ American Flag made
tlon of Independence, one of before 1796, the Bible on which Washington's hair go on sale the 116 1mo·wn first, prinJ.ings; • Gen. U.S. Grant, Philip ff,..
Parke--Bemet Galltl'les has of the -finfil draft of ttie htre Oct. 20. one of the tWo known prinlitigs f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~§· ·~-~~'~'f~'~
announced that the sB.Ie wouJd Articles or ConfederatiOh ~and l' ' -lr -1 '"-
Harbor Traffic
It may be better than the Santa Ana Freeway on a
Friday afternoon, <but Newport Harbor has Its traf-
fic problems: ·too. Boats of every size, shape and
description cln be found in the harbor. These ves·
Sets -rough1y 8,000 in number -make it the most
populous small craft harbor on the . Pacific Coast.
This is a recent scene pictured from the roof Of the
Balboa Pavilion.
House· Republicans Lead
'Senility System' Attack
' WASHINGTON (UP I) -power. the Republican party ~uld not
Hq.ise Republicans are propo-What Conable's committee afford to continue without a
sing a historic break with the suggests is, first, to ame3d . mechanisn\ for avoidqig the
congressional s en i o r i t y Republican rules to say that mistakes 0 cc 1 5 10 n. a 11 1 system, thus winning. the ra~ Qle member named committee
with Democrats to devise chairman (or rankirlg minori· resulting from _a u ta m_a tJ_c.
include -a-copy of the first a German printing ot the N } p ·
prlnllng or ll1e coostitutloo, Declaration of •Independence, ear y-nver-y9n~ ~
printed ln P.hllade_lphla Aug. 6, "'the1tnt in a foreign language. T !~ La ..l.
-l787:-"Jb1Sls-:One -r~t:-The G•rman ersion w .. 1---:1.ill'jte~-fO:.... · .. ;ll~e,LOI!;...,..-~
surviv co es IP Penn,,,lv~laatsbote-oo" -
prepared for delegates to ~the , July 8, 1776.
CooaUtuUooal Conveiltiou. It~. A iock·of W~gton's. red-
Every Tape-Ava ila ble-at our
everyday low diS<Ount,Price5
Film & $tete0 1~ Centet \.
,. '""' ., """'"' Jollll-'1 .,...._" .; ......... • .. 0.-H w..,,....,,Slt. MISWI. ,.. ,. V1ry Frlltldlr s.rvk•
_L Ai!O.t UnU.UaJ· Franchise
Film & Ster90 Tape Center, '
Ill ,,.., llf H1w1nl JlllllWll'I
Of*! N Weclnesd1y/S1t. t"'1S1111, t·J fl1r y1ry ''leMll' lli'Ylce
A niost Unusual Franchiet
. .
JIEW 10-1 12Vi• lrflperill Edition!
~ Gold St,Mlped, ll) plftS
YIWI fl[( 'IWl!tn '" llPU ar AOI Tl J'OUI' fllUIK Acct '$111 ......
Onttocusl~.OlfertnllsJ0.26-70. ,
reforms of what critics have ty member) "need not be the 1_:::.::=:..._------~==========::::;========C'::=================== called the "senility sisk'm" member with the longest con.-
plus HIGHCN Rltrcs•
ClllTA -• llll IMjllOl avt.
for choosing· c om m i t t e e tinuous service."
leaders. Second, it propose3 that the
The Republican plan as party 's "committee on com·
drafted by a 19-member -task miUees," which Jn tbe,past at
force. headed by Rep. Barber •. the start of each ~" has
S. Conable J r. of' New York at brought in a single' slate of
the · direction of the -GOP commkttee assignments for
House leadershi p. rootlne approval by the party
It is being circulaled among conference, hereafter w 1 l l
_!l_g~blicai(members for ~m-bring to the c<lnference far. a
ment .befoie f~diSctosu.re, separate vote each nomination
Initial responie has been · to each oommittee'1 top post.
mostfy favoratite.._...With-J)!rty--ln-ca~ o( rejection, the. com-
Ieaders among the plan's mittee would n om I n a t e
strongest backers. wo>eJ>odY else. \•
BarrUig leriOiis UDexpected Under the senioi'ity syst~ com~tJ; thf: Conal;lle piafl now In force among bOth
~~ted _ _!o . ...,,In ~rty ap:. parties in both h o u s e 1 ,
proval at a~cloiea cOilference chairmen have-come to·offlce <>ct. 7. If :ajipi_oved,: ,it wouJd merely by-surviving the elee+
affect-on)~ -Republican toral~process. Both good and
organizaUoa witb1n the_ffouse bad, ~ey qajµrally tend to be
of Repre11entil... f!elther middle·aged or old when -ap-
Democrats in the House nor pointed ·and they someUmes
either J}arty la the~ Senate have stayed on until advanced
would be affected. age.
Althou&b seniority would be "It is expected that seniori·
a . consldeptM>n In the pro-ty, although It is no longer the
~d plan, ·Jt woold not be -sole criterion of no~ination, a it ·II' llJW. ~ the !Ole ~ will continue as a major con-
sideration in ·aelectlng com-stdertUon.'' Conable says In a
mittee cbainnen when the -coverlni letter to Republican
GOP cootrolt .. lhe House of members.
ranking Re~llcan members "Experience is of value. The_
when the Donocratl -are in task force felt, however, that
II i
Sh.op :tool sale.
Help us ,celebrate
.. -~nn ·e~ _D-1lyJ._ SJ1ve~
Sale 2299
·Save $71
' R'eg. 21.ti. P9MCdft• nriMl1
IPMCI ubfe MW. Powerful.V. ..
mOtOT gives you-~28b0. 1• etrok9I
per rilihufe. Cutt boards .
'tip to 6" tl'tiC:k.
Sawdust blower kettp1 cutting
· line clear; Lightweight ••• only
4 Y2 pounds. Includes 3 bledn.
Save31 95
,enney Days. When a good buy
becomes a great buy.
*'~ fof ln•tant ,..,.,.. .wing. Etty.to-•-"" '" Wlcrth control.
·-°"-'""' ~unitor. Front-loading , bobbin cau UMmb!y.
Penncratt • single speed,
sabre saw, 12.99
1v .. •.,. i~ HP
clrcullir saw, 33.H
7y,~, 2 HP
cii'cul rsaw, 44.91
sinl)le speed )'4 •
drill, 9;91
~ • single speed,
Y1'" single speed,
Double lnsuleted.
~ • vari8b_le' speed
drill, 11.H .
Double ln.sulated,
' Sa.le 2299
Save $41 .
Reg. 26.99. Penncr1tt • 7Y4 •
circular saw. Burno ut protected
1.7 HP motor develops up to
5,200 RPM. Features extra culling
capacity, saw dust chute,
rip guide, blade wrench.
• .
;1. s81'.e 24•
Save $51:. · ' . ,R09.21.11.~o11•
Features ~. atMI drwt, powe·r1u1·1~otor.
Includes hoiot u111iljnom.,
clolh,filterW,with rubber
st rap and cqrtversionJ!d.aptw
tor 1 ~ • aceet10rin. _, ' . S.l•pricn~
lllNS.. ......
' ..
. -1.1US. ,......... 24 delign zig·ltg. Does alm01t any sewing lob-trith eue. Now you can zig and zag, make buttonholes or use ~k:· etlteh for et retch 1abrtcs-end Janey. The P*1ncreat zig-·
? .. --24~ .. 1. mL Sale saa 1A • variable
speed drln , 14..H .. ! ..
' .. ...
• .. tr• at these 1to re1: CANOGA PARK
Us-Ptnne)'• Time Payment ~111 .
• -l .. ,
• ..
•.' J J • . "
• Charge it at any of these stores: C~NOGA PARK
VENTURA ' \Jse Penneys time payment pl111
'· ,.
' " M
" •
2 .,
2 i l ' \
$ • • l
·-•• -tlr
" ~ •• "' •• ,.
" •• "
" " .. oc •• ...
" " '" ,, ,, ..
" 0
" • • • :
Wtdntsd&Y, Oet.obtr 7, 1~70 _J)AILY PILOT Jl
Ft>4f The ~ estmi.Dster ~enten ujal . ' .. R ... d · :ecor
To Go Off With ·Big Bang
Death Notlees
~ol. Leul1 ~OIOll Cunllflt. (USAF Re--·~ · • -tlrllllJ.·A-.th Delt .,J> dMltll·fk>I-• '· survived tf wit., 91r1111r1 A •• ....,, S!tPll·
en: Hll9hlfl', 1'1trlcl1 Cunltltt, 111 of
L.-&Helli bnll'll11', Fr1ncl1 C11nllffe,
HU11tl"'"" '"'"' 1hltrt. llutll Wotllt!
Ind Joulvn Crochetl, "°'" of P11Mkn•: Jui* woo.srvff, .v1n Huru ltober11 P-.
Cl'l1ll-th: 1"1trkl1 H1u 1n, O!\Jo. St•~·
k t .. FrlcNr. 12:3' PM, Mlllt ll'I M11rtu·
Slowly the colony w a s
fragmented, howexer. l;lun-
lington Beach incorporated in
1090 and Seal Beach in 1915.
The move that led t.o tht
cr_eatiori or the City of
\Vestminmr began in the mid·
1950'1. Westminster, Barber
City, and Midway City pr~
posed combi ning into Tri.City
but Midway City withdrew.
'I'ht vote lo incorporate 1970A:ID . ·-· ...... ··---.......... .
Goals Told UCI Offers
Russ Major •IY· l-t.lcllMANllt SANTA ANA -Orange
•11t>ert 1. M111tr. '°' v1t11110v• Aoed. County employes participati ng
Cos!• Mt111 • ..,,, "· O.I• of .Xllh, 0cio--In lhe annual Associated Io-IRVINE -•Students a t.
be!' S. Survlvtd bl' "'"'' C1rol; son, Ro~ ..... 119d'#ll!1 u111111wr. Ely11 11:11111,.~. group Donors (AID) fund tendin g UC Irvine are now ~C:~ti!tr1""'et"-1~~~·~:.,~~:·~11~~ campa ign have set a goal of being offered a m-.ior in
1111d T11urtc11.,, 11 ..,,,,_ 1111 l l'Old1"'•' .$100,000. Russian I a n g u a 1 e and c111HI, with llw. lllc Mrd D1111l11 ~I· ..
c111int. 1n1'""'"'· H1r11or 11111 Mtrnirlll The 1969 campaign AID literature. Students majoring
'•"'· 1111 1r .. ctw1v Mor1111rY. Dlrect«s. campaign yielded donations, in comparative cu~ure may ,AllLLD Juli• '•rt1111. 01te 111 d111h, Oclobe• '-from 3 ,~ entployes of ahnost-• also now take courses in
51tvl<.n: pmic11n1 11 11111 llrOldw•Y Mar· ~.000. I Russian culture. .
tui rv, tLIKllt • --AID w as ~ailized in )..Os-:-th addition to the UCl cur-
H1111 f, S!lk1r. "'" 53. of tu? T"t"' ..... xle •• ·c !um oller1'ngs 1'n Russ ian Clrcl1o Hun!l11Vton ll1pch, D1t1 of flf11h. n!J~ S in );nrl to , dO ilway Y'I U • ,
oc.lobtf '· SllfVIY«I bv 11u•Mnd, How1rd1 with· ·the mulQplicily of fund overseas academic study is
11111\S, Ncl'w!N Jr. 1114 1tD111!1t ll"r°' • b' lib 'bl Ih h d•V9hf9,., Mery K. wlu m•n. 0 11 .... ~ • .,peals for t ,~~ many hea poss1 e roug a summer
1C1rri. si11c1r1 111!••· o"' s1111r11t11t ~r0 • and welfare cacses serving the program at the University of
ttlrN ,...lldc~lk!An. Servlc" l'llldl!111 It • "·\· nil • Lenlnl7'rad.
SmltN Morh11rY. -=--=~m~,•;:..~Y~· -·\--------~·-·-------·I
W"tclllf Mortaary
a1 E. 11" St .• C•\a rtteu. -• BALTZ MOlmJAJUES
C....ddMar .... ORWIH
C.ta M ........... ml WC!
lit lnlllhray, Cotta Mesa u Hal • McCORMICK LAGUNA
l'ltl ....... c.,,y.. Rod.
Cemet.ery J.1"1
1111 PICUlc Vlew Drtve
Ne..,.n -· Cllllltnla M<-11• •• PEEi FAMILY
'Jiil ... Ave. w..-. .... -• lllEFFEll MORTUARY Lo--....... 411-fW
S10 ~~ ... "" ... 411.fIM • SMITHS' MOR1\JARY
in lllfo St.
R-.W llett• -..
Now thr• Oct.' t _
Enjdy the hickof)' smok~ , .
I navor of thi1 ~xclu1ive,
1 .all-beef summer 1au11g~. J,,
J Reg. 1.99 lb. "" 1171 l {.
11ot additional di1eount on. r. purcha11e of whole BEEF-STICK.
BEW: Dui'rE.R n.moRwu: ..
BQJh-of the1e chee.e1 •N nahanl.
1emi'4Pft •nd a chtt11 lover's d11iafit.
Perfec t for any occ11iont
I ___ ...:;R;;o•li;,.· 1;,;:3;;1.,;;lb;;;, . ..;'ll=l;;;.._· ---
HORSE RADISH SAUCE, 8 oz., Rea. 49c
Adju1t1bl1 lido. Fhs '""and
~-~ dl8met'r saw a1bora.
leis you d!ll th11 cut you want
lrom ~t,• to 11\," wide , ••.
up lo •;• deep. 24''
Ma~e • Sharp
Trade ; Uso
......... , .....
~ .
•• '
... -..
199?0 1·695.9 -~9950 12450
. . . '
Aockwell 10• mol«illlll ••
111. Built-in 2.5 HP motor.
Features llngertlp blade
adjustm1nt conlrols: Mlf·1Hgnin9
ri p fence with up front controls.
Sealed ball b11a1ln11 ~Of18lruct~ori.
Includes 10" mo10f1z11d aaw.,
stand 111d e11en1ion "{Ing.
H '°"""' t1P1r1telf ,: .... coet tU.ff
. ' ' ft~ .. 11 I " motorized ...
.. L1F•tures built-in 2 HP
motor.'flngertip blade a!ljusrn\ent
conlrota, se11-t.ligning rip
te~e. tu ny enclosed drive
m&chinl1m. Includes 9"·
rnotorUed saw, sta nd 1nd
ex.tension wing.
ff bought Mptrltelf
WOllN 009' ·1 N.to
AochW9H 4• jolntef. Mt. RCICllw.R ,.._. dfll ""9
Features double-lltt f9nce, Ml. fO(·horimntal, •noular
1d]uitabl1 tables. Includes 4• or multiple drllllng. Hud
' lolnter, motor pulley. V·be11, swfvels 360• 1round colurm\ ~ ~~Itch ~od, staild with dual chute. ram !revels 11• lorwerd and n ~t 1ep1ret.fr . b~ck, head tll~ tnCft'l~n 804'
wovld cott 11:l." right or ~ft. Drills to C«'IW
of 32" d~. frlctude9'f!IClll "
driu,... .. ind steatlJlnd. H.__,......,
WOllkl OOll ,,.,
··~ ~
I '
• \
• • • I
I •
i I
i . l
' -
J! DAILY PILOT, Wednesday, Octobtr 7, ·1970
" ' ' ' ,
. . •
. . •
' ' •,
Coming Oct. 10
--F~y ~e.kly
Can You Control
Your Hearl?
New mGdicof research indicates the human
mind can influence the functioning not only of
. she heart but other vital organs.
• JUMP ON -Getting the jump on fashions this
fall means getting with jumpers and jumpsuits.
They're featured on the cover.
e WITHOUT TEARS -Liza Minelli (Judy Gar·
land's daughter) looks back -and forward -
in a particularly candid profile that seems to
present the real Liza, a very grown up young
All Coming Saturday in the
-, -' t .. 11· ';r ...... ~·
•• -~ ~.ri..J
• A '
U.S. Doctor Crisis EXpected to
......... --~ ----1'·'1'"' r~
WASHINGTON (UPI) ·~ cluahl bettl<tll lhllpty rising .\ltboolll>..!lie drop I!, l10l ellmple, lbe a-nt el· kind 01 aid available lo medl· "I It~
'lbe doctor ahcrtqe, already coats on one band and ereat in abaolute terms, be .l 1 study . ~ 'Which ~rs , cal 14udents: Federal Join and .. \cauw~~
acute, Wiii-cot far • ......, decllnlng ID:ome oo the olher. poilled oul-U..l·lho---is --foUOw.l the Jlle bisl«1es ol IC!lotarablp tundl were.r<duc. I« t~
unJeu oomet111n1 II clone ooon P4r1doz!cally, ilne -being IPread m,,.og ~ U.. lhousandl .;i iodMduals in ed., lrom '21 mil\loo tut year li:liciOii~ ,
to relieve the f1nlnanc1al plight costa ate go11i& up ia that ' atltuticlr&I;, BDd "tlnfliUon has Framingham, Masi. over a to ttt lll!Won ·~ year. And .q . 1, • • ,
J -~·-·•oc •boo!& edl al schools hi been -A.I-' 1-:..ttlA.. jrth r long n.rjod of years to the Joan$ carry U\lere.st. rats• ctJ( 1.etd , > malad--"' "'~ ___ m c Vt u-a •••"""""' WO ess ,_. of 1 to 8 ~cent whlch scare '·~ ·d ort.i='fr.:
-'iliat-Wamllll CVllltJ. fmm ~. to ~and 7 t be If: Uiilf I -JllllllOOIJ • determine wlfat-ellects such of! many medlcai st'fililiJI" ,; 7-1' lziii~~ .-'::
high officials or the National enrollmeDtl to overcome Medica -iill!Cia!s,li!\o~~ a lllieS!t , smokln , -lidiiifrotlie·i11811~~-:;lio said. -
Institutes of Health (NIH) and natlanal shortage of phys;. have. reUed Oil r.e 11 e r a ;I • and cholesterol have on the cries of medical . scbool _,J: ~ ~~1\Bl. t t, n ~
the American AssociaUon of clans, now esUmated at 501000. neearclt aranta~· to cover a heart. flcials, the. House has voted to · ~hOQls;:. ~· basize
Medical Schools. Ten ytan qo, U.S. Medical 'larft.PNi of,lhelr faculty ei-"That study waa Just about incre~. ~e fiscal ~f?l ap-teac~f.lt.,. ~···r .. ,.., .
hool •··ted total lif ~· S4l4. 11J!! actual lrnp<:i ·at the-point of paying o!J," pro~linri !or . suboulies to He p.=illal lhe num-ln separate interviews with sc 1 grl"IUll 8 Ol the cutl · bas been far Felix b id "Now we'If never medical education tq $261 her of ~ts in·
UPI, they said many medical V,316 docton. Thia year, Ibey &realer~ lhe,f.JgmM would koow lhe ~esultl. W.e'll have to million. That is 11_9, inlfilon creaoed,b,)) 3,111·~:;;;_1961
schools are in !llch a serious gradulted l0,360, and nut ~ · start all over aga1n llOIDe day more than tbe-admin~tion, and31ff, wldli · r ol
financial bind they may have · year tl}ey will graduate aboul "We've had tO close two with the salll~ rtsearcli.!" ailed •. but still $18 mill"JOd ~ · fJID·~d'..;.qHb: 1ii be r !
to close down -at the ve 11,2&0. labbratf!riet, ,-and abandon all NIH official! said cpta in than w~·avaOable ln 1~9. rc.e ,~ ~JJ!4'1~ese
tmlthat-. efforts ry __ The lncrease bas bffn made d oar Wotk on be.art and Ii ver · ·researdi. grants have been The House alsb approved an , nep, • ~uttY .. ~ a re
e strenuous are . ji(iiilble lri jiiii'I by--.rpans! .. 1m1p -;":iilil'FillL"Ana offsetlOsome mentl>ya&ea~l'U-millio1Hn th<: ''""8~'-1\~I . in
being made to in~eue t~ of exlaUng medical schools I kiiow dnzerl5 of other federal subsidies of medical , admi~tratton's request. (011-_; rUear~·~1'.w~~'1 . ' nW!1~r of phyaiclam 1 n and in part by starting oew medica.l llCbooll that are in the education, which were &egwi ,.medJCal , ~earch f u n d s • Bo(n~~'litd tli..cost of
1 trauung. schools. Fifteen new medical 1 aaipe boat." Jn l965. The total. federal Ho~ever, only ~u\.half of .~iCe,f?•":':' • ~Id be
The head of the American schools have been opened Felix, who was director of outlay on tr•inil'lg grants , thiJ . ~·mOnc:f1 1"Md·, go ~ ttdudld1~j. " · -; b y
1Medlcal Aaloclatlalr agreed .since 1983. ·the National butttute of Men-(including research · training) medieaJ scliools. · · bverhauraig ' -' ... · iculu1n =mtdit1l scbooll are S~ lht tultion -paid by; ,tal Health before taking the was $187 million in fiscaJ 1968. The ap propriation bill is now and putting schools on a year·
money. ,trou.bles b~t medlcal studenta usu a 11 Y st. Louis deWhip, said the It rose to $279 million the awaitin& adion by ,·a senate round iMt&ui·af ·111 n&e-month
fed that it• parUy ~rr covera only 20 to 25 per cent of money pinch •is having a following ' year and was cut committee. , acadeffilc year. If basic
o.,-U fault for overemphasiaing the._ actual cost_ ~ their "disastrous effect on tbe quest back to $255 million in the cur~. . The American M e d I c a J .s<;ience courses now taught in
arch ,1t the ffpenH _of tr.mini ·each adillti~J stu. for new knowledge" about ma-rent year. . AsSociation is s u p.p.or ting mec;ii~aJ s$:>ol .were moved
g. dent'~ a further Itri.in on a jor diseases. Medical schQQl offlclaJf con. . medical schools In their pt.ca ; back . to , the fiQal. year of
Robert IL Felix, dean of school 1 l't90Ul'CeS. "In many cases, . basic tend these funds are in-for more federal aid. But the · p"tetnedlcal .college .work, he
Ls .Untvtrslty Medical A!M>, because of general in-research projects which have adequate to cover the costs of AMA's new president, Dr. said, it would be. feasible to Scbocit 111d abou~ 80 of the Clabonary pressures, faculty been underway for years have the expanding enrollments Walter C. Bomemeicr, thinks re<h1ce the total time between
country's 107 medical IChoola salaries, building maintenance been seriously impaired or urged b"y the government. medical sc h o o Is have high school graduaj:lon and the
are in 1~·~al trouble'" and at and other ~erbead costs have degtroyed," be said. He cited, They are particµlarly con-themselves to blame for part awar~i.tt£ ¢ ~.an .. M.J?. degree le.a~ 25; ~Judlng hil ~· are been rising m recent years at as one "particularly tragic'' cemed about the 1mounl and of their troubles. from eight years to su: years • in' Immecbate jeopardy.' a rate Of f 'per cent 1 year or·1--~-'---.;._..,..;:...._.,... ____ ...._ ______________________ _
"We'Ye been covering cur· more. The Mar q u e t t e
,..I dlfk\ta by eal!Dg up our Unlftn!ty Medical SChool sajd
endDWmf:nll," Felix u.Jd. 0 U its ctsts have riJen 50 per cent
... don't i'I. ~p within two or smce 11116.
three yeat,:,·,we U llive to cl06e Meanwhile, on the income
down.:" I \ side of the Jedgm, medical
"W!face' a c:riaia," tald Dr. .schools ha ve probtd r esearch
Robel'I Q. Manton, cllrtctDr ol grant..
the NIH. "N~ one who has Dr. Kenneth M. Endicott,
.watched these> problems get director of the Medical Educa· ~ wone in recent years coald tion Bureau of the NIH. said
fail to be alannfl" resem:h grant& to medical
-Dr. Jobo-Cooper, president achools climbed Crom $492
of the-AuociaUon of American million in the fiscal year 19&8
Medical Colleges, said physi· to $488 million in flSCal 1969
clan-training in&titutions are and '487 million in fiscal 1970.
Ecology Films Set
• • High-p11e carpet. . '
. .
-Low, low sale ~ric~s.
That's Penney Days!·
.Two fllms depicting -.iM:~ general public will be the
mounting threat to this na-screening. of "Cry of the
tion's environment wi~ be Marsh" and "OUr Estuarine
featured when the Friends of Heritage." Both !Jim~ were
~~~~~ IO~~ ~~I-Newport Bay hold their first commissiooed by the U.S .. ~ , :;;:; = fall meeting Oct. 12 at ?:30 Department of the Interior. ii; It's Habit-forming Lance Gilbertson or Orange !;' n --o. p.m. in· Corona de! Mar High Coast College and Dr. Donald ,.... Don'l get wtary. Read Leary. Biii lt,yy's OM-11t c.om ......... u OI , a': the wwld around us can be habit-forming. ChKt t.odlf1 Graffiti School's UWe Theater, 2101 Bright, professor of marine ,t' Eastbluff. biology at Cal State Fullerton, ?:'-:=''=L='="'=~================================::..__;Ope<~:::1~lo:_:m:em::bers:::::_:'":d:_:lhe=--w:ill::..::be.:.:fea::..::tured:.:::'~pe=•=k=er=s.~ ... ' ~ v •
Permanent press --..
and electric dryers
do your ironing for
..... ·-·--
days you
hardly need an iron.
Practically all clothing and
most household linens are
available in permanent press.
But permanent
press fabrics only stay
wrinkle,free if they're
dried properly.And that's
where an electric dryer comes in.
The new electric dryers with
permanent press cycles are pro-
grammed to give just the right
amountofheatfor the right amount
of time. And they gently fluff up
the fibers in your permanent press
Compared with gas dryers,
electric dry-
ets come
they're flpmeless anil
odorless-and cost
up to $30.00 less.
If you live in a
Medallion Home you
_ already know the ad-
vantages of electric l~ng. But if
you're not yet drying!electrically,
why not get an 'electric dryer now.
All you have to do is plug it in.
Let permanent press and an
electric dryer do your irorting for
you. See your appli-
' ance dealer tciclay. ...rs:
Southern California Edison ;;:J-
•~: l+f'lermanent press ctotties. live better electrically.
(, .,
10 ~~ 10 ,~~ tnmlted lnltllled . 866 .......
reo. 10.730 You ..,...53.50 :r.73. You uwe 53.50
on 50 IQ. jod1J ·°" ' sq, ydsJ
' i ~ Ste how 1u•uriousl' The ~rt.ct Olf'llll«IO 111n'I it great So flfld · Woyt, WhM • carped
tt10. 12,241. You .... _7,t ,.:0. '11.24. Yolfwn '79
, on 50 sq. )'di.! •. on 50 tq.. Jdl.! ·
dense 'lnlinity' carpeting tor M!Klile"'nt•n.-:.. such r~h·looklng _ 'Altn0Sl10ct1ush to Ml
of Acrilan • acrylic Is. decor, tor m0o0rs or .... beauty al 1 price you toot; on. bllt-Nylshag
Sink righl Info its deep ouldoor.. It's ·t:wna: can alford7 II'• 'St11dcm• carpers meWtt lor
texture. Nole the pattemed l(f 1'tpinflh continuous hlamenl " •1lklng.·lt'1 ,._.,
rlch·toned decorator 11le des lol\.'TUrted carpet or luminous f pn1Q1Jc·a1as1t la0i._
cOlors. interesting Ac1il1n' icryllt on C1don • nylon. Random bll&fU.ful. Thlck,:9Nntf
sculptured su1l1ce en.ct polypropyl'nt b1ck 1 stieared panern gl'lts "Y'°n ~h,g pHe ~
-enhanced by tip gives cleanlnt .... odl:led lusler to th9 ~!fback.. M
shearing. Whal 1 'fa4w \ outdoors, ftvnli,~~ ... L r·decorator colors, soHer sh•rp '=:•1 •l this price! • anywher•I~~ "toueh to 1he 1u1lace. com!lin • ' ~
eOfl'll)lfttlJ IMl•hd °"' 4CI OL rullhtttlHI tt1lr •nd JvM pl'd or 11 a lfOllOll nlllMr.
Bring lft JOVI' ttoor .,....,..,....... llor • no OblQdon nltmate
~uns11• S•tt~•c91f'tln' r 2:1
ForCW'Pl'l-.im•le call todly: CANOGA PARK 1883·3&80) CMLSBAD (729·7911 1) DOWNEY (8'9-4$•1) .: FUU.£RTON (1!171~
ti'JNTINGTON BEACH''{l92·7nt) LAKEWOOD ('34-~ MONtCLAIR (12bH1tJ NEWPORT BEACH (644·231 :f
OMHQE "THE CITY" (tm-5091) TORRANCE (772-s&:93) VEtmJRA (64.2·7sazl Use Pemt)'t Jfme Pl~rMli plMi
' .
. "
... .. '
' ,,
' . ..
.._, ·-
• ~ .. •
" ...
! •
•• ' •
• '
" '•
" ' ·.
• . .,
·~~nded at Airport
~)th~ 8ir, planes parked outside Museum of
·the Air ·at Orange County Airport appear to be -mer~ tOys tossed in a randOffi-plleDyCti.ilaren who
' .• "
OAIL Y PILOT PlleM llT l•·P41Jftf
had tired Of playing with them. Collection includes
World War II vintage S.25s and at least one B-17
"Fly'fug Fortress.''
WtdrtMd~, Octflbtr 7, 1970 OAIL Y. PILOT ; ;;
Golden West Slates Four Seminars
ls ~a mM healtby, w.althy the programs as a char>« lor
and wiJe U he knows a lot parents and teenagers to look
about sex! at the aeneration gap and sec
TIUl< In I<> Golden West • . k EvenUJ& Q>lleae to find the how 1t ~ppues to each Of 1"5
answer. four topics.
During October the evening · The series Slarts at 7:30
college will sponsor f®r com· p.m,_, _Wednesday,_ In the col:.
munlty seminars, one each on lege center. Admission is free .
the topics of health, wealth, The other three• semhiau
wisdom and sex. will be hekl Oct. lot, 2 land fl.
School officials are billing Te«1agers. and adult:s in the
communlly are invited to au· Oct. 14; The wisdom session
rour programs. will be led by Superior Court
Lee C. Schussman, a student Judge Bruce W, Swnner. Oct.
fellow at Orange County ii.
Medical Center and a On Oct. 27, .Dr. Williarr1 ~f.
volunteer ~t the Loog Beach Hartman .. sociolOgy prolessor
free clinic, will head discussion ·at Cal St.ate, f.oog Beach, and
oo health, Wednesday nlgtit. -or. Mafllyn Fithian of ~the
1'red De Boom,-manager of Cente.r._.for .Mar.itaL8119...k_Xl!!L_
the CaUfon:Ua Bank.1 Santa StOdies will launch t h e
Ana, 'will spe1k on wealth. discussion of _su:.
The ~iskey .that spans
,__c_~thegeneranoos_gap~. ~~
New Service Finds Youths
California Locator Program Helps Identify Ru1ia·ways
tlA YWARD-; caur. (UPI) -y_oung people:--Th:e four-page
"Pieue come home, we love tabloid-size paper went to law
you." enforcement agencies i n
, Tliat plea ls a permanent virtually every county and
filtuu in the personal col-every city with a population of tUfms · of newspapers acims over 10,000 in the country.
the country~ and reflects a -Now, with the thlrd edition
growing problem: runaway off the presses, cin:uJation bas
children. reached 15,000 on a weekly
-irconsetvaUve e s t i m ate basis and copies are going to
shows that 509,000 young p~ Z,D ·private. investigators in
pie leave home each year the country, as well as nearly
W:ithoul 1 word to their 4,800 Jaw enforcement agen.-
parents or guardi_~-About cits.
half of them return within What the Locator offers that Uu:ee days, but for the parents polict departments cannot is a
ol-the.other-half, opportunities 1ood. recent photograph of the
f.Qr Joca'.tlnJ their children are missing youth. Through con-
liinited by .m~y .. '1!d by _ the versations with pollct offictrs
inadequate amount Of time Working in the m i s Si n g
pctlice~departments can devote juvenile field. St.an;iper leam-
to· each r:unaway_. _ ed that the cost of circulating
'.' • Earlier this year, George a picture of each missing child
_i_ ~'!IP!"• 1n Albany, Calif:;-to e~ch law enforcement agen-. L funutUre dealer, dedded"to do cy ID the country ·was -far
• aori"ietJPna abour it-:-Stamper beyond the rt.SOUrces of an in--
had often wondered· about the dividual polict department. , e yOune, barefoot youths beg. But at the same time, officers
:-·1 ging.for food ·and money on the told him 1 good photograph
t atrel:\I of nearby Berkeley. was the best aid a policeman
<;\ Jijs own t\YO children, who at-. could have in locaUn1 a
\ tended. the california School runaway.
.,. fqi'°' ihe Deaf in,. Berkeley, "Many tbnes missing youths
.:... ~ ~ght home sordid stories of don't carry any iden·
~Is. tapes, shOplifting and tification," Stamper said. "As
~ r olJ.ler Problems among young long as the police see a
! peOple -p a r ti c u l a r I y photograph. whether it's of·
nJilaways -in the c o m · ficiaJ or not, then they'll have ;r. min!~ · · -· something. at least to hold him ~i a couple of months or until they can make -i PhORi!
I ti f"e_, t igaUon. 53-year-old call. This is why a picture is a
.. Sta* pubJisped the first must."
~-tjf the National ?tfissing The cost to parents of
, ~-·I.locator, car r y Ing circulating a photograph and
~' .deacrlptiom, a n d profile of their missing son or
~•gh! of 11 missin1 daqhter In the Locator is
; . !' . ·-.,
I . . .
.. ,•
. _ ...
$28.50 -per e_®jon. Stamper-whom are -fearful of retunling
estimates 1:hi~·-is JeSa than ~e home. These agencies say it
cost of a SJm1lar ad placed 10 must be the decision of the a newspaper, and far less than
the $1,800 to $2,000 it vrould
cost a couple to have a
brochure p rinted and
circulated to the same number
of law enforcement agencies
the Locator reaches.
To get away from the pro--
blem of youths .who nee home
only to return a few hours or a
day Jater..-the Locator .accepts
ads only from partnts whose
children have been missing for
'°t least five days , lf the child
is not found after the first
week , the parent car1 place
another -ad in the Locator , or
ask that the child 's name be
carried in up to four sue·
cesslve ts.sues, with a note to
refe r back to the issue in
which full details arid a
photograP._h oL the child ap-
Most Police departments.
and other agencies are en·
thusiasllc about the Locator,
Stamper says, and have in·
di~ated they will hodd on to
back i ssues . Ma n y
departments have asked for
extra copies.
"It's such a simple idea."
Stamper said. "So many of the
police departments told me
'why hasn't this been done
before~·'.'_... _ ·--· _ ~
The response hasn't been
universally er1thuslastic. Two
San Francisco Bay Area agen-
cies that du.I with runaway
youths have charged that the
Locator simply helps police
roundup runaways, some of
runaway whether he goes
hi.rte or not.
Stamper re s pond s by
saying: "Woi! can't send any
kjds home. If the Police learn
that a -parent is hostile-or -
simply doesn 't want the child,
they refer him then to jllvenile
hall. If the department finds
out-the home life· is not right
a11d the child actually has no
bus!J>ess _ being home, then
they become wards or the
j~enile coorl in the state
where they 're from."
So far, Stamper has not
worked out a system to
de l e r n:ti n e how many
younes_fers the LoCatOr may
have found. The Locator has
been groWiffg ~albioii faster
than Stamper afid his two
associates can handle it, and
they have found new problems
as they · go along. One Is the
problem of di~vering when
missing children tur11 up .
"OM of the things we 're con-
cerned 3bout i.s that some
police departments tell us the
parents never notify them
when the child . is found. We
waat to ~eep our publication
as .. current '8 ~sible. We're
hoping parents Will COOperalf
with us," Stamper said.
To do this:, each issue in the
future will carry a cut-out .
form letter which the pare"!
can send in advising that Ills
child has been fquad.
For JOO yea rs, a whis key fron1 Bushmills ha s been
\Vith us. ChQ:1m1ng us. Beguiling us in a sinooth,
polished and1 ahogethe1 lighthearted fashion.
· 15 generai:on' have refined it. 15 general ions have
sipped it. ThevcrdJ cl Near perlcction. Bu~h m 1 lls. Full
of ch,:11 acler. But no t heavy·ha nded .ibout it. Fld:vor·
ful. But nJver over·pO\vering. Bushmills. It reflec ls
the pa st w1lh a hght d:nd lively fl avo r' thd:t is all toddy.
Co1npare it to you r present \vhiskey. You needn't
pllrchase <1 bot tle. One sip .1 1 your favorite pub wi ll
1cl l you why Bu!thrni ll s has intriglled so many gcn-
c1·Jttons. II is, simply, oul of sight.
• •
The -Big M is big enough to protect your interest with the nation 's ·highest rate on insured
savings -you can choose from 4 insured guaranteed-to -grow savi ngs plans. o Bu equall y
impo~ant-cares enough to giv~_y,oy very persona! service. EJ Why no t open an account
today ... and meet the people wh ocare: MUTUAL SAVIN S-AND LOAN ASSOG~ATION -• • --cor-doT 1181 ofllce: 2M7 Efll CoMt'HlghwlJ / 175'5t11 Othw ottoo In Covina, WtslAccldia. Pasadena ano Gltnclale -..,_;,,__ -
I l-
!.(...~'~' v !.. :::''.:..or _____ w__c•.:..dntld="c..· _Ot_tobtr_7"-, _10_10·
"l•c'·•• Ctwtr" -
Strong, quie~ rustproof.
ligMweight. 3.66 tor. I.II I
. .
Wldntsd1y, Ot,tobtr 7, 1970 PILQT.AOVERTISE' 8 ..
t P'ILOl
~..-·!Ill'!~ 1750 North Grand Ave ~=: ~·.
I (comer of 17th) ~:; ~·
SAV·DH Bnnd -Che.·
able. rru1t FlavQred.1 98 Dietary Supplement.
Re1. 3.81 365's ,
living Gloves
Fii[[ extra riglt hand
with p1Kchase of 11 pair.
Ror. 1.11 Pair
Water Soltening • • •
Skin Smoothina • • •
Body Relaxinj ...
Rer. le 17 11.
STUAITHAU I ; ~ Writing Tablet or
F-1 ~ Envelopes
200 Sheets ol wr11lng
POP'!" or P!C~ or 100 2 88 ~nvelopes. F C
Y111r C~aict :
. , ......... ~
DISllYLAll -" " & " , . ..
"' ,' ,' Cll&PMAJI AYE
. ,
!• .. .. . . , :;; •t 1STST.
Relieves cold symptoms
without drowsy side el-
fecls. Rq. 1.DI 24's
Preparation "H"
Shrin~s hemorrhoids, re-
lieves pain and itching.
•R11. 1.091 oz.
"E Off" asy-SPRAY
Dissolves hard c1usted
grease. for sparkling
clean ovens.
Rei. llc I or.
LADllS' , Slipperettes :~·~
Fold over sty le in novelty 9~·~ fabrics. Firm sole. Ass't
col«~ Sizes ~10. P1ir : .• •
"GI " ory 5'1AY FOAM
11 Johsn Wos -
Quick & easy. No tn1•·
i11g. No special !QUIP· mt needed.
R11. 1.7114 or.
. . -·-
' t " • • t • :· . . . . . .
' •'
Clllmo.-T ~
Siray Paints I Candy, Gmn 3 & Mints c .. HI Reg. 5c Braols. ... = :-...:2,1 00 i ~ . ii 14 Ot. C!l!IS. : S
le&..ltc • ~ ''Modess''
™"All Wiii ggc 11(.1.71 .... ,., "Pennzoil" I
•4rf.,eiot" lOOSllW ~.:t
1111101 Oil Sl.E -10.Ztl-
30. llts. 3: 1.001
1.77 I Filler P~r "Prestone"
Wide " College 59c AllT~lllZI Rule. 111. lie Mti·lnl I011111il I« •iftter Old
r1111111 """""'"· 1 "11,.
G.L •
Extension Cords . ~:i}~~1 29 stJi(tioo. t.. lls · Of ~ 9 and \rtt.
,...n·"Ray . 0 · Vac" ii i j
MnUIU ii
-:.-!~'~"!t. 6 : 79c i s.izesfOfO,sk· • §
11ghls & toys. Q 11(.1.11 • =
Hair 811~ ·
Assorted Styl<S
& COiors.
Newport IMch
1 IZO lrrl-W.edfff ,._ •
Hunt l"flOn Beoch
Wtdntsday, Octobtr 7, 1~70 DAILY PILOT l 5
I r-1
' FAMILY cmctJS Friends ·Aid· W oma . ~~ r ~inti,"~ • • ~ . •: . •
ElectoraI College Reform •
Filibuste1· Now:Dron~.d-Dry
110-yea~·old Eskimb Gets_J;I~lping H'a1u
fAl]lBANM__AlWa (Al')-~d. amalOcl. "Why for me?" not "ad but saya lhe nn~
When ~ here lMrned Mrt._ Tucll;er WU born at bers mq 115sage1 read -l~YW"·•kUlinnfec'l'llcUt lost lltdy POlnt an Eokimo viJ. her by ·lier t.aliib 1111111111~ her-entire winter arpply-GI fire,. ' • • ... .... ...... wood, they reaponded 90 wen la&e .on the 8uing Sta, IO!ll Arthur Simi.ti ,_er, ,
she wonders if she'll liv~ long before t.bt white man came. died ol a belrt"A~!_~
WASHINGTON' (UPI) -droning spetches amidit 'lhtJ(f with a third of the memllel's -enough to: bum it alt-"Whea white roan come_, 1 Mb. Tl.air's e,.-.-,
Filibusters, by their nature, boxes and 'quill ~n holders. It often gooe, and others oc-.-' The wood was taken from e afraid, run and hiae," S1ii said. liittlted mt -~ ...
are dea ening aOO in)'oi\l"Who . became -~~Vlous---'tttat-the -cqple:d-wilh-other--matters In @ p • • ';., ~ shed while Mrs. Tucker, ID Es-Grandma Tucker, 11 she is Bettin& around. But illK>
doesn't -ooueve""lt ought to purpose was to ~ n-ad~ustmen~-and-poli~I-~~l;:~·'.;!~~~-~'~··"-t·cJ--iimo w iOtl e at<;nr.walv~-by·berirfends;wtlb·en-~ bouse.~J•nd.Ccl!Jlxml~.~
have to cover one. amendrrient from coming to a campa11n ~rtod, there w~ --;: HififTiallghter. Sbe'bld filled hip-held-together by several or--the-.at.ol!_-.
But there is 1 queer 1 ... mc in vole, not to debate the issue. nei. a . great deal . 0 r ~ the shed durl.ng the summer to pins. ~ broke it in a fall bakes bread. <LI .l:l ......, deiibe od ph prepare for winter tempera-seviral years qo. Alter bruuasl, the 'Sll.'f. the system that p e r m i ts . Then the Senate. apparently rating a pro esyu1g. turee often 40 dqrees below She also broke her 'back Jn a she goes outs.I~ ancl. ~ i¥
unlimited, endless, droning on ~ed it by i;,efu~lng for a se-Peitaps i( .inlght proVe fo zero. • fall when she was young. Vil-the sty to s" if ChriJt !! ~
in the Senate., . It w a s coQd ,.time tp shut ·ort the young people, as Sen. Birch Several residents and rnili· lagers lied her between two .ing. She r~einbers ber8h!ab
de1n9nstrated 1(-'hen a 'roup of , debate. , Bayh, D-lnd'f -suggested, that tary personnel p-omnea.rby Fl boards like 1 sandwich for.the band rea<µng f~~ the. ~ibTt ~nators'taf!r:~.t<r _a~rent But should it eyer .ht in the· s.ystem sorely needs i :~ '·"~ Wainwright arid Eielson Air winterandwhen~beganto that He~~ ~~-to eart1'
deaUl ~ 20nsuiuuonal amend-cloture-debate limitation~n cl]aJ!ging. _ " ~. ,-f.· ." Force Base hauled truckloads recover in the sprmg, speared someday. He IS conung to.set
nienl to reform the electoral 41 constitutional amendment? .Perllaps, instead, it wilt 1\\\\· • • or wood to Mrs. Tucker's home. her back to drain away old me," she says. , Mr
college system._ . .The Senate was en\Qsioned by prove that the system or ..,,,.._ , ~ij) <\,." e They pledged to bring more.a.s blood. "I have cha nged,' s.
Both friend and fot of the---theframenofthe.:Constitulton Franklin-aRd...Adams...and Jer,~---c.'·--·-. n ~ . needed. She had several pictures ol Tucker said when she saw a
ame;Kiment considered il mosl as a deliberative body or ferson should be changed with T ere were TW'ftVEClougMufS-J;:t~re·whwrwa-rioo they dOitl-Uiinor-n~le·cabin-and-1-photogra "
fundamental c~ange in the thinkers .and prophets. But greQt-ca re. , went to bed -now there are only TEN J • thing, without pay?" she ask.. Bible beside her bed. SHe'Can-getting old."
American melhOO of electing
presidents 1hat has ever
reached a vOte in Congress.
It was brought lo the floor
at the worst conceivable time
for methodical a n d con-
siderate debate -in 'the mid-
dle of a headlong ru~ for ad-
journment and in an erection
campaign when attendance is
often spotty.
It Is difficult eoough [or
ordinary bills to be considered
under such circumstances. But
11 change jn the Constitution is
something else.
The amendment in question
ha s vasl implications for the
American political system. Tt
would eliminate the Electoral
College system -under which
all or a state's electoral votes
usually are cast for the rront-
runnei' evep ff he' carried a
state by only one vol~. It
would substitute d i r e c t ,
popular electio n.
The drivi'flg force behind the
arnendmerit was the fear that
-a· third party candidate would ·
deadlock the electoral college,
and prevent anyone from get-
ting a ma1o rity. and force lhe
r-lection-<into the--House of.
The soluti9"1 IJ'roposed Was
direct popular election, which
is the historical trend in the
United States and probably an
irreversible ont,
SATUIDAL 9't1f6?~
911u s ,· ...
''Largest Selection In Southern Calffornia''
PRICES! ...,,_ ..., ...
uallSIS, DBI
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• WIAlll .. T • SAKO
• llllAU • COLT
• IMlnl & WlllOll • M & I ••UG•
''Th lrpl ......
At-7 by Armalife
$49.95 '2988
• ' . •
But the question that was
posed-and never answered in
the Senate debate-was what
it might mean at a time of in-
. ternal instabili"ly in the United
"· States. ·
Stows I• its ••• --stock-woigh1
1111 thtn 3 pounds-ptckl IWIJ ffl
16~ ittthfl-S•Hllforutlc .••
wit n..tst
. ·Sen. Peter H .• Dominick. R·
Cofo... said there • was good
reason to believe that if the
amendment had been in effect
\ in 1968, no candidate would
. have received a· majority in
the fall election.
Not only that, he said, no
, one may have rece ived even
40 percenl of vote, which
under the amendment would
have-forced a-runoff;---
·ceorge Wallace may ha ve
, siphoned off 15 percent ;
. received. a chunk of votes
From ~ sick of the war :
and Nelson ~ke(elJer might
have been I.empted to run _Vi
.the general election as a cOn-
~cnsus candidate. Judging
from the J)O!lis, Rockefeller
might have given .Nixoq a.nd
l-lubert Humphrey a c I o s e
r_un . .
\Vhat \\'OU\(! have happened
to the RePublican a n d
Democratic parties after that?
Nobody had any· way of know-
ing for surt.
. Nothing· l s past history or
presidentia l elections under
the Electoral 'College system
could possibly foretell how
politics would be pla yed under
R popula r vote syste m.
The Senate debated the
House-approved proposal for a
mOlllh. Toward 1he end. il
· developed into' a rilibuste r.
\\'ilh repetiUon and endless
• Program Set
For Openin g
An educatiORal p r o g r a m
nominal~ for an .award based
nn its creative use or volun-
teers in teacbinR severely
Jel.arded childr-tn at Fairview
Slate Hospita l is about to r
" Only the l\!oolessori·type
preachool program sponsored
by the State Hospital and the
UC lrvine Lab School ~s
a -Q ....... Remington
SHELLS *UUl'Ol.O* RIFLE 3x9 Reg. $97.50 $73.13 lo:r. ,, 25 4x Reg . $64.50 $48.38
-l/Sl'-$650 .. DOV£-&·---$l99' · · * ·8USHNl&1;"*" ·-
'DEER HOIST QUAil . . .. a~ER •x s 19aa $10.40
DIJO( & L~ $36.50 ....
list $198 .$249 FREE Mo~ting & 1oA lo.x of 500
$2.9' PH'EASANT . Sightint with Purchlst
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f RE·l~~~~~~"J.tR.i i
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f•wr MW ,.....,., ~•e ttlis
IMC!taftic.11 -""" fftt l'US.
LIST Pater $6A.9S
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CLEANING KIT -"$-r .oo
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usr '-AHT·s
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IJUcK......, lZ ... & 10 .. $f6f.fS 5127.1 "-.'!.!!'!'•tts •nctA•"· .... -.!••.ts 146 11
-.rTtr Mit. 1 t • v,., .. l1rTt1 A1of I ... & '10 !'· · 114.9S n"' M..., v . '! ... ' :io ,. :iot T '"Hl.1o1 tll .. . · 9S "'' ...., v'"""'"' ti. ....... '"·"
••7·•1 •so.00
-~---~at .. Ulole-it.udent .and ,11·1, ~:p~lt$W2jiej~ 11.•intton "Powet PlstOft"
WADS "'" '6" -----.!.-•t2.3S. • 300 • 7rnm
edull volunteers. 18 and abo ve.
for one morning or afternoon a
rnie ·orientation program
begbis Oct. IJ, while opening
-<( lhe-pmcbool start
Oct. tt; A)'l llts. Lois Swonl, -· Voluntee.1"1 m Uffd In
teachinc and admlnistratlve
'work, wlgned to two paOenis
tad!, with l\IJl<Nilloo by or:. Uowreni:t n,.,...., staff
pfycbologiot, and n o rs I n I .,.........,,,
""100< tnt<r.,Jed may caU
1t the stDte hOlpttal or reach
&Jn. SwOl'.d •Lll4·~1, for Id·
d!llonal JnforlQOliOn.
f I' Dlei (hg. $15) $11 .50
, .......
Fiotll Qv.Wty SHOT
:•·"· 57 .-. '26 · .......... ... ...... .
~~·· . M.!"~ lot. 1174.fS
HOW s131a
o: •
. .
Flames of Love
' Fir~man Ll~yd . Conard marrie~ Lucretia Proitti wore while fightin~ the fire were des~_royt:O-in the
ur1ng-ceremon1es-e-0nducted-Fr1day.-in--thhe-r-ubbl1,___l85,000-acre_blaZLIILCretl....The wedd1ne was ru>st·
oC the Conard home in Crest, Calif. The house and poned two da.ys while Conrad fought the-fire.
all of Conar<i's possessions except the fiRr•suit he
9 1tlf 6
9 'til 5
* mcrw·fw ltitutt ,, ••
HEW STOCK ef th1 1lt·tim1 f1vt1rit1 .for
c11U1I ... r1 Rug;ed 111d w1rm wool
UO 1tyl•d 1hlrt1 in 1U of th1 MW
~1kl1! IM1 MIMI colo". Sizes S·M·L
$995 XL
New! -aoov SHIRTS
·by Kennington
TME IATIST ST'IUS-of --$10 ' most popul.lr K ..... M lody -
Shirh •.. Pl1ids, Siripet;, wfld up
p1ych1d1ll e d11ign.. Iodi•c
prilltl, etc.. Compl1t. ,_,. of
1i11('too l
by Pendleton
lrlsk d1'('1 are just 1hncl ... weither them
In one of P.ncUeton'1 fine shirts. You'll find
1 huge selection 1t Gr1nr1 •.. 101ld1-pl1lds
In 111 slm.
Sll'•S 14 1/2
.. 171/J TO
Of AU Tiii 11W -UTOlll
Close Watch in ~ocky Top
Seven Murders in 16 Months0ccurin2Neighborhood&
llXMDEN, eoM. (AP) -llnce May ,,., Haven't lnduitry Ind 0011e,. •. -,,., -• Ille plaq wMre
Clilldren''WtU-plly outQoon in Jenbifer hlCI dluP.Pifar.ed In Jennifer'• home wa1 Jn New bet c:lotbff were found •ad
the ne.~rhood arou nd New l{lve,n ellbt dllys ear.lie.r Haven not far from Ya)e a mile wen from lhirt off t.bi
Rocky Top. But their parents as she walked home from ifnlv~slty, Whett: her father, mala road to tbe wooded ll'Ot
waJcb tbe.m very ~losely_._ klndetprten for ~ nooo JameJ Noon U a student at where her body w a 5
"Seven-murders in 1 6 meal. Witnesses Jater told lht Vile M~ical Sclkitl. He (ltjCOvei'td. -
month.I. Su re I'm frightened," police they had 1ee11 her with ·and his wile Karen have ttu'et "What would I do U t fllmd
a pregnant-mother-said-""H-3he-an-unldenWled ml other..cbildrendwo gir.Js_l.ftd a _.the.PJ~• dktJU.':_a btr6er_1 -
stood-in the driveway-of-her a where-littJe-JH--baY _U&Mr twi ' ~ -•
small frame house wat.ching ni!er's body wu found 11 rural Jennller wu a pretty alrt, reporter's quelUoa. "I'd bug
her three chUdren play with sparsely populated outpost In 2"'2 feet \all with Jong brown him!"
several n e i I h b o r b o o d the northwestern part of the hair and la rge brown eyes. The myatertow: and violent
youngsters. fast-growing ·bedroom com-She was wearing a white deaths occurred within a 41)..
The house Is beside the munity of Hamden, population sweater, 1 plaid skirt aftd mile.king area along the
dmae woods that cover part of 48.000. black shoes when she disap-sooOlern Connecticut c o a 1 t
a spane!y populated rklle. The homes m:arest the city peartd. between New Canaan and
Beyond a nearby .dead-fnd are older, some colonial. But The shoea and the sweater Guillord.
road the-body of ·~year-old within a mile or two, hastily were found near Whitney None of the deaths has been
Jennifer Noon was found built single homes and 1arden Avenue, a maM commuter defmitely coonected w Ith
recently. apartments are rising, dr aw-road that runs almost straiaht others and no one has bten
She was the sevent youn1 Jng many yoong, growing !iii'tfrrrorn ner ne!gl'ltsofliilit. Ch,,.gtcrln any of-tti~em~. ______ _.
perSQn slain in a to-mile 1rta fam ilies with ties to New It Ls about seven miles from "I think he's still in the New
OVER 30,000
xx .
-' . . -
-SU1'11°TOUGH J-... tM -· _,
c.,i..I plOh. W..W1 '°""'"' ..... ....,_ -~-...... --..,,;. """" ... --.. _ .. 1t1y. Shrll'lk·to-ftt , • , I ftew ,.1r fr11 if
!hoy rip.
27 ... 6
-$69·~~ $598
·-;,,. loot 11 wlolt tol .wfhl Ta
mldwolt .. -conluror. AH
the new colors 111 111 1lzn. a.de
INl'I• comtrwcritft.
Me11't C.r• fSilff t6 ti 31) $6. fl
toJ'• c.'41 !Slut 4 t1 12) $5.SO
Till ..... u.r ..... """ • --
.... "' I '"' """" .... -I Wt ..
·-· loW pltl4 ... -hop11Ck faWlc-Sfa.Prtl .. M ft .,... 111141 lrort-
-1"9. Sin. 26 to :t.I.
IUYO' RAllS ......... $ IG"
Orange County's Largest
Selection of Lerl's9
Havtn area," said Kenne.th
Fortier, a print.tr with fil
children, "and I think he
knows thtt arta well."
In addition to J1nnifer the
viclims, in the order they
dlnppeared, were :
-Diane Toney, ll, a New
Havf!n Nt,ro lifl-who diiap-
peared May 11. t• from the
black nei&hborbGod where she
lived. A akull fr1pnent and
bones, idenUfied II hen, were
found four month.!J later ln
rur1l Guilford, a New Haven
suburb. She btd been buttn
on the htad.
-Mary Mount. IO, of New·
C.n11an, a suburb tA. New York
tboul 30 mileo -Of hue. She disappeared from htr
home Mly 27, IM9, and her
body wu found in another
pal'\ of New Canun about
lhrtt weeU liter wUb 1 frac-
tured 1tul1.
-Blonde Dtn Ctve, H, ol
Bethany, • rural tnn border~
in& Hamden on the rionhwt111L
She diltppetttll Me-W
D1y 1~ days aft.tr
Mary Mount-al\d her body
w11 ditc0vered in a field wtth
~ fi:_actured ·~ July t.
-Donna SdlUnei, IS, San-
dra Hedler, 23, and William
.,White, 20, all petienta at a
home for the mentally retard-
ed In New Haven. Tbty wer.e
on • th<lpplna !rip Jul Aupsl
12 when Whitt was aeverely
bellen Ind the two glrlt Ii>'
parently were kldntped. The
girlS' bodies were found tn a
nei1rby park lilll ni&hl ind
White died about a yreek later
in • hotpllll. All Md been
.truck on the head.
Fortier, foor ol w II o 1 e
children ire below college ace,
said the similariUel in the
de1ths point to a sinj:Je
aaa.Uant. Several of ru,
dilldren p l a y e d M a
neifhbot'a lawn 1s he worked
outside . ·
• ..
"I don't /tel that.there's any
caust for panic," said Chief
-H..p_E,--Mulhem-·ol-41le ---·-··----
Hamden police. "Thert'1 bein
no abduction in Hamden."
A state pathologist was
unable to determine what
cauted Jennifer's death or
hbw lon1 ahe htd been
dead. Deterioration of the bocl~
in 1bnormally wann weather'
complicated the autopty.
Police and achoo! officials
have taken steps to ward oil
further kidnapin11.
Fortier said his youngest
child, Cathy 7, and her
classmates had been given a
warnln& lecture by thtir
teacher about talktnr with
1tr1na:ers. New! SWEATERS
·by *Pebbl'I Beach
A 9i91ntic 1rr1y of "l1ck·fo.school"'
1we1te". Pullovers and Cirlligins ln
wools incl orion · acrylics. S-M-l·XL ji'
TQ $22.50
"The Greatest Selectlon In Orange County"
by Pacific Traill $1 0 HllE THEY AREi Tho1t ruggW, wln,j.
proof, luxury )1eket1 tly P1elftc Trill.
futwint the newut, "0t.itffor ~kff
In 12 iyn1mlc c.eon. SltH 34 to 46. . -
"Ortr JO StrlH el J11dret1 /11 Sliclr 11t lrllllh''
. sa¥e More 7-Days-A·Weelc at Granflsl-
. . . , -'· -.
' . C•
But drivers have been asked
to report i.ncidenU of ptJ'IOnS
who act suspiciously nUr
.•chool d!iltlren.
1bt precaution& have led to
lncreated reports ol. mm
hiding m bushes, both Mire
and in nelrhborinr Cheahlrf.
In one inf1,lnee, police search-
ed a Htw Haven Kbooly1rd.
A woman livittr tn cme of the
m I ddle-class .nelthborhoods
that rinf the ·ap araily
-d•ted Rocty Top trea
Slid the discovery or Jen-
nller'• body htd nol cltuced
bU family 's routine •
"It '• the topJc ol con-
venation," lhe said. "But
moot of lhe people hove
ahn}'I been cautious •fW•J'
Wc1111e the wood!: are to
near. They watch while the
kids pity oulalde. And llley
drive lhe little _, to
Siie, 'Ille moo( of lhe
nelc*ro qlleJtloned, knew
dellUt o! Ille doalht of Jen-
-nilH t nil tJii otlier sl1. Buf
ft aakl lht wu more alarm-
ed by lht -of lht •loylnet tllln by lite paotlbllily
lhtl Ibey were curled oul by
the aame ,.reon.
PmnU b1ve locked their
boulta for yurt and conUmit
to do ..... Slid. y.......,.
.... U'llnld to plly ..., 1-
and cbil4rtn are warned at
ll1l' .. r)y II' of die Ulctr of
wtnderlna arr.
Al I Viailot lefljlle womln'I 1nint yud, her ~,.., .. Id
dtuiflltt uked htr moG\tr:
"'lllly did Ille mtn Wint to --
ltlk wltll Y<tl ! About Ille little rtrlT"
f 8 DAil Y PILOT
Wfdntsday, Ottobtt 7, 1970
. .
It Clll_lt• Go.id
ly Totn K. Ryu
·-ly Al Smltli
,, __ ,__ .. ~ ..... -'------"·-=•-=•:::-=•-= .__ ________ .,..,.__ ___ .,.....====..... l..'OM~ r0·'7
JUDGE PARKER -By Harol.d Le Doux
TME MMIT ! t w"s
PtPN'T T'AKE .._ Fl'K ••
,\NP IT WAS -mere
I KNOW'. .we WEile
'iOll'ltE 6QUr16 TO &e ren~
-SA~ -PllVER! ME TMINKS E'(Ell'f'·
•Y _Frank Baginski
10 '? ;r.• ...... J:q-...... u A ,.,.,.,.,, 6rM:w.
J. rn.r..-.
1 F.at ill
. . frat1.1tr
5 Clothing
• Hold b,ac~:
2 words
1-t SharprninQ
15 A~pt
lb Unrvr n, ~s
ii gnawtd
17 l,\rdic~\
. Abbr.
111 Sul\tn
I• Fa s\tntr
20 Man's
nk kni mF
21 TV VIPs
23 E•it door
25 Samr :
211 Ltlltr 21 Frmin1nr
lit It
29 Grrrt vowt l
32 Ora lntd '
of color
JS Greas r job :
S1 amJ J& Wt1thrt· man's "'ord
)1 (..haracL!r
' in Shakrs·
)8 Fill ed to
39 Frrn lnint 5ufflx
40 Gtrminatrd grain
41 Br illsh
abor l11inr
4Z ···;o up: Got
~3 JJr. Landon
44 .Cllfvrd
45 Hrad covrring
41i Fish
40 Po in t of
Sl Fu!fllll'ltH15
Sb Ltm on or
01angr ···
57 Pounds,
9allons, r te.
Sii instrument
59 -··· monsJrr
bO Mlsrrprrsrnt
&1 Nouft t nding
112 •••• Uoritalld
bl Build
&4 Orslltutlo11
b5 Bold
1 I.lip
Z "YOlll' ·····" J Silly
C Capturt
5 lttm of t qutstr1a11
t. On hi9h 7 Sw1mp
,I Gtrm•n lltlt of r•spt<ll
-i M.oc'
10 Ori9ln1tr
11 Oivis IOUS
of • symphony
12 Employt1
11 Favorilt<>
21 Gland:
Comb. fo1111
22 Fixi!d tht
24 Prtvtnl
27 Europtans
28 Aid and ....
30 C;ury
31 lnsp1rrd
wi th
)2 Egyptian
13 Close up
34 Mona Lisa
feature :
2 wo1ds
15 Stcular
30 Takt
hold or
10. 1110
38 Rivtr or
C:' Uolsltns
44 Rt1dy to
90: 2 words
45 Struck· out
47 ·-·· ntrvt
48 Fralurr of sonit
golf courses
49 Givt up
50 Aus lr lan
psychi•!rist 51 Kind of
fungus 52 Squart
53 81g b\Q;'
5~ Al that
55 "Last Oax~
of Pompt1i"
59 Chtat:
10 JI 12 !l
_.1.-l._,,tDiol ENZ D
THfY'RE OFF/ ',?--B"'J fo
Ill THE ·eAJ1()
" .
' Ll'L AINa
'IA see, SOll-4GV'l<:E
,., TADA:U 1.X)\1.1. 80';
50MEC>AQ, <.l?tl'W-
BI! >. FllaG-! -
" ' • '
•. IJOl1U-~Oil'!" .
AIO:MS AllD l.E6S-
AIJD 1MQI, c,.bo~
. TAii.. llJILi.. fAU. OFF! <
By John Miles
By Mell
50,\\6TIME5 I ao
F~ MOUl<'5
... ,
By Saunden ond Overgard
STVJGUT.. Mlf<~ !-
\llE"ll HAVE.I
, ...
lb :.::-. ,....._,
'By Gus Arriola ': ~-
" ' ...
' , __ . ~ --. --· , ..... . By Ferd JohlllO!l' ~
·; ...
By Roger llOu.n:' :: ·
<.ioo Mel.I ~AVE lief. '
t AT·Al..L. :! , .
--.L ----~,
•• . .. ...
. . . . " ,./ ...... . '
h ,. ,. . ' . .. .. ,.
. "
.. . ...... : ~-.
' .! " \' .. , ,. ... , ,, .
-l:'o: . ....
e.t. '· ~ ,---• •
' " ,..,r•nc ...... Nff•illl ..... 1 .. 1 tlfll.., ·o.t-
~ :. .._ .,_
•1 I011t
'" ·""" ~~
-· ....
I f!'!411e. ''~ '"-ltlAL •
...• -.. ...
• : .
A • • ...... '"'
••• .... ·-= -· ie..,.. . ,. ...
S!it, ..... .. ., .. ·-..... .... ~':1
""" -''" ~ . ' • • .. ...:... .;
Wrd,,..i,y, Cttobt< 7, 1070 0A1Lv mor 19
Aene a .. S~w.ptum of SnpermBle?
•n 1a.yUN1ld boy with acne
turned out. to ~ a tuper tMJe.
tMre wu mucl) ~ientitlc 'I·
cltfrnent and berore · b I 1
~•I work-up w1.s com-
pleted, four IClenllst• ~ ht-• vnlved.
'fb•t excited them was pie
chance ·of connecting a_u.p,e(mJ]~~ wjlh urui1htly
Iaclal eniptioal. which '.older
1~r1Uona calltd plmpl~.
nOt unccm'lm6n among male
adolescents. n.t eJ.Js~nce ol super
IC • ! • ......... ' ' ,.f• •
maltne.U'I& a 1ftla.Uvely r,et~t .tf\ITI ~vef'aie heiJhl, and-bad , f?owt..~ M4• lbat WaJ. w,hy m· e-a 1 u r e m t n I t ~ hi~-·
dl><"y•ry and ~hat It~"' low 1Q:1, But'thl• \il'o.ui;ng· Or• .. J~ J. Voorhees, Ent ph)'slolo1y were -.t the
upon JM male' ~.ho h11 It, tit start toward· l'<lentlfylnc _ tht met .~yes, ~a mes Wilk in$, ort1in11ry m111e. Th6 ont-t x..-. it~ anythffit: !Pf!CP,l), 11 • ,;pteia l qu1fitJe$ of the ~upet · an<l. '.£'1, lttch11d Harrell of the cer>lionaJ thin.1 ab(iut hlm wa$
a mattu' of m~fPYl'lt1 and. malt soon'l:iecame.cqnfu~ Unl~ity_ of MI chi 1•11 his 1cne. It WN ol the'
therefore 'W. u c b' '"1Clentific • 'stalistlcal studies ol inmates MfjdiCl.l School wOf·ked so ' nodulocy1lfc •type whlcb aJ.
curlollty. of-several~such prlSOM-revtil-h.!!i~d· with the pimply tuptr tUct& ,,.Y a 1m1lJ. ptret1'la1e
'['bf V ch~romosome Is the ed few if any supe;. males. .male they ldentified. 'rd acne ~· And It flrst
chromlwlnie of maleness. One Tall. aggressive and tiiw r. Q. He was non-aggressive; in-rifrmed Jt.t ey!Jts wlien he was
Is quite enough to establish In· Inmates were 11lmqst ill detd, he was 11m1able. His I.Q.' merely thflS.,re~r1 of~.
dubJ~ble .masculinity a_n L Q[(lina ry males. Then ~1,1pe~ wa) in the ~mal tA!!ge. He n tbiii_..',~nl~. Utt r,.,ou"r,_ __
mostmalesllave _on\y one. But m~les !'IB fOU'l'lcl amo,~_,,..,as,_..taller lhan hla father who oc ~·.. ltit.:-~can lhe supermaleha~two. ·., respectable males who w~ waii ftVe'Teet -four and hls -Cillea~ of p~-ttie
Super malts were first iderW ,.. neither: uceptiooally taU 'er m6tb.er who was five feet five pUticulir 1cne and Ute auper
tified 1)n maximutr) security intellectually dull. but his five feet eleven didn't maleness o( lhelr patient
prilOIU. They wett overly Bul several scientific studies make him conspicuously lall. "might be more tban coi'n·
•1wwive, of moch .more ,noted acne in super males , All of t he m1~y cldental."
ttlt is--n.a~~to loolf fotward ~a
. oomfortable retirement!'
~ -.4 .. -·= '·~ .
If Al~derHamiltonwere ~.today,:he1might suggest
a··Califorriia Fe~ral Saving.s high"interest Mon~r
aC:countforyourretirement. ... ·: ·1 • ~
California Federal Savings
-"9 Lncn "'°"'!'""'. ~ -s1.6 B1111on
The Nation's largest Fei;leral· -_,
· An.qh~im Office: 6oQ N:~ufli d Ave.· 77.g-2222
'~ I ""t J 0. : Costa Mesa Office: 270d.Harbor Blvd.· 54.6-2300
Orc;a.nge Office: 405~ Me1ro~ol i 1~ Dr.· 639.-3033
........ O....Ui'OWllt*. lo.la uw d. lOl J#JtlM • Ott..r cotl•"'*'' cffkw ~lot~°"""'.,,,, ........ C I s ' -~ ... ~ ----. . ~--
..... ,,
"Now'• rhe ''"'• fo l'•t••I" -
• Wotorproof c•ollng for
ce,,.,.dt lon or ,...tol roof1.
•... "' 79:. ..
"Wet w-r•..-Cor,.1 S•Yor/"
• Sto11• "'" """'-' ..... ..,. .... _
• 27" •••• cvt
•• ,..,,.,. •• 1,.4
•••• 7c U11 Pt. 3•
Un Pt;
108 ......... ..
"NffYy':Dut)o 90 Ill. fy~I,. . ,.,.. ........... ,_,,,., •' .. ,..,." ............ ,.. ,,. .......
•Yowctt.ko.ef..t-flihiNt •• tt..
••• $4.7t
.... , ... ,,_
SHllTING • ,...,,,..My 4 ... 11 ......... .
In :I', 6' ond
12' wNltha,
·• ,_ dMki9 .,,....,..._ ..... .._ '"' .. ,. ..... •. ,,. .. ...... .,.
I ~". "· --··----:-.;.~-----,
"0.f Y•r C11r Wlnflr·•••cfyl"
• h ..... tM"1th-t111 ""lit}'
• On• 111!1"
ce .. tolner •
•••. $1 .tt
.. ,,
''ICeep Winter Outf'' • Ira•• <lad tloor bottom 11
1 '/4 " wide x 36" long.
• lasy Installation.
25c G•rqe DMr
'''ur• Vlnyl
-full 9 ff. lon1I''
• Fl_ts most ovef'head
• keep• out dirt,
water, etc.
P•lll DO·f1-YOUUIU CLAll
WM., Ocl, 14, ,..__,,,...-.. .... e1111
TI1111rs.. Oct. 11. 1..t ...... _.,_..,_ YIHty
DMrl'rll:n-•llt ............
So..ry-;:l.kii.lt. 5D~~·""-· -•I lh• store M rHtrW llY ,.tt~. ,
":1.~s!er ch.1 r!Jt· ..........
·~II ....
·• Whlt9, 1tutlc -'11: 11
,.l'MQIOfllly olr.tl9ht ond .... ..... ,...., . .... .....,... .. , ,.
011y 1wt.ce •
"llNf •• ., ..... ,.__
MllljJtelMftff ,...., •
I 4" 0 , ., ........... fwttet' lfl
10' .. .,.thl.
• luy to htlltel..._n 11111 t-i~
.,. .... ,... Nf!lfhoff.
•••. $1 .25
·-· AIR Dlfl,.ICTOR .. ..._..y_ ..:!
"-""• ltfld••'"fl ..
• Meevy '" .. ''"' 1hfeltl •ftftta w-•Ir Hw1tW111"4 ' .... ,.. ..... ~ -·'· ---. Atliwttiltle t. t9'' wl• --tit• _ ..... n.
•••· ltc
,, .... ,_
FURNACI FILftRS "It'• .. ., fe c .. n1• .
,.,,,,.. Me.ilhlyl"
'161•ii07r ··-f.r"ii:26-1'1"'....,_
16"x221/c" 12"x24'" 20"ide"'
lt"x2S" 16HJl20" 14"a21"
-·~ 33~.
-"~-·· RADIANT
''Put Ole Ma11 Wl11ter
In HI• Pfocel"
• Radiant rfbbon elements for
Instant heat.
#16"20 '7'' ,._.. ........... ...
''Com"'•'• ••placement Unifi''
• 8.3 amp r9'••secf wall
heater with on/off
a witch.
-----,--..------,-----------------,....,------.,. -r--..----·-·· ----------·----~·~ -. ·-""' •
' .
W!dnttda_r, October 7, 1970 DAIL V PILOT fJ
ame to Rl·ay Ball;' God f(nows-1 Trieo--Allen
T-LOUJS (AP) -.Ciintroversial slug· 'cer Richie AU~n. traded by St. Louis to
:.Qfe: Los Angeles Dodgers, denied Tuesday
)i'ct--been .a mqra\e.-problem while .wear-
• a Gardinal!I unilorm.
' double at.andard for the f o r mt r "If r couldn'thave helped the club," ~e start o( one game, the one with the It was one or the-best.kept ICCl'ttl." ahead of the Car.dinalB had been marred
Philadelphi,a Phillies' bad boy. ' added, "I'd have just packed up and Wlusual starting lime of 5:30 p.m. From his boepital bed, the 28-year-old by frequent reud3. 1'Thal is 24 players followed one set of left." "lfe said he was caught in traUle, and Allen declared, HJ want1Q stop all thls "God knows 1 iried," be added. "tooly
rules and Allen hiB own -reporting late-Baseball writer Neal RUMO of the Post-his explanation, was reported in the stuff about . hurting morale.. If I did came here to play ball. 1 got a)n11a with
. Allen .made his rebuttal from.a h~pi~l
at-times to the park-and generally doing_ Dispatch .came 10 Alleri's defense in 'newspapers," Russo wrote. something wrong, I wish someone wouJd ,,."O a~ he pleased," Herman wrote. "He Tuesd8y aft.er no o.~·, a Post-Dispatch Cardinal. general manager Bing Devine let me know to 1 can a.pologize. all the players and the. radio and ~\)e'd-lllldergone minor 1u.gery. l!is-
' nts w!ir~ in response. to a story
{ten by Jaek Herman of the 'Globe-
became something or-a morale factor. u wiiting--that-"during-the season~AUen who announced Monday that Allen had "1 never~bad---rough wonfs-..with-any of newspaper people.~The lam were great
_ • .\lien, apprised qf J.he story, S!li!! De §~ed as unhappy as ~Y CardJnal, if Qe:en dealt to the P<mers alsg came to the other player.s~ lo f1_ct '#e got along all year." ~
was unable to think of anything he did to not unhappier , because of his failure to Allen•Sdeiense~Tiolini, ''if there was any I fine in the clubhouse, on the planes and The·Ca~lnals, who swapped Allen for
hurt morale. play on a peruianl winner. major problem of moralf', I'm not aware \ on the buses. Dodger infielder Ted Sizemore and minor
n.....Jm~~r L b.eildline reading ';Hurt moraJe.?" be: asked. "Allen .. didn'.t..miss many...Jnnings .. until .or it. · ---...,--:--;...~'"'4 -wanttd one season-to playL!n peace-leaglie-.catcher::0utfJclde Bob"' Stinson'.----•
eo._tO lJelp_Tu:;wic__c":J.h~wer grown.men_t_was.playing__his_r.ight-leg__was..injur~____ro""·~-"AnOL..il .. J hc.re:.wa n De.lline-added. y~wiah...Was.-granted..'.!-~!Jlen--'1'10Jhiuno.v..LWILJ,oJlre0&Ulen~tb
t.:the c.ardinals set a with. How could I'hurt their morale? tinued. ''He did come close, to missing the ''I'm sure I'd know abm!t it. If there was, \whose six-seuon,career wl~ the Pblllies CIUb's defenSe.
" . . .
altimore's ' .
f ackground
Hurts Reds
--~ ~BALTIMORE -The Baltimore -Orioles
~uld be at !I disadvantage playing World
1Series games on Cincinnati's a?tificial
·~ butJbe. Jleds mayJa<o...a...s.ti!!w
idlallenge when they e n C o u n t e r
'.ta1timore's infamous hitting background.
'~ver since the Orioles returned to the
jllajor leagues in 1954, batters have com•
·J(ained about_ the white house~ which
1'fm the chief backdrop behind the
i. nter field fence.
Gripes don 't come. only from the op-
• sitioq. The Orioles complain , too.
~Trees planted beyontl the fence haven 't
Jrc,wn high enough, and there was been
:tjtk about erecting a fence just to pro-
Yide the proper dark background.
.. At an Orioles' stockholders meeting, a ~inor stockholder took note of the con-
P.t complaints and suggested that the
Club offer to foot the bill for painting the
~uses across the street a different color.
"The Reds are going to be shocked
When they see the ball come out of those
wtite houses," said Baltimore Manager
.FArl Weaver. "It may tali:e them hVo
iames to see the ball. That's a fact."
i "It even bothers us to a certain ex-
tent," Weaver said, "b1.tt we're more us-
eQ to it an<I we know a few things we can
db about it."
~ •
-!>BALTIMORE -Jim Palmer, who
.truck out 12 while hurling the Baltimore
drioles' American Lteague p e Jt 'n an t
cljnching victory, was named today '\S
Baltimore's starting pitcher in the first
j.me of the World Series.
·--= ----
Over $100,000 Loss
Trihe't~ l?lun-ket!__
Feels NO' .Regrets
STANFORD, caiil. (AP) -Jim
Plunkett says bis $100,000 decision has
been easy to live with -so far.
But the bTg ~Staitford-l Od I ans
quarterback is pointing for oqe game -
Saturday's against Southern California
before 90,000 persons in S t a n f o r d
The $100,000 -possibly more -would
have been his income from a pro football
team had he chosen to end bis college
· career last year.
Several National Football League
Wichita State
Grid Future
Still in Doubt
teams, Including the San Francisco 49ers.
tried to persuade him to jump into the
pro football draft pool. ·
He could have doiie ff bechuse -Ile was
held of[ the varsity team one season and
now is in his fifth acadenUc year at Stan·
"But I like it here. I like playing foot-
ball here. I'm looking forward to playing
pro football. But there might be some
t.pings about pro football I'll find J don't
like, too," he said lhis week.
tie has given several other reasons for
his decision :
"Coach John Ralston, all our coaches
and my teammates have been building
something at Stanford for the past couple
of years. If I were to leave, l would
always have the feeling that 1 let them
"Besides , we are always telling kids to-
day not to drop out, to finish school •..
What wou1d they think if I -dropped out
for professional football." .
But possibly the No. l reason Plunkett
WICHITA, Kan. (AP) .:_ Wichita State stayed in school this year is refleded in
University's football future still hung in the small sticker on Plunkett's football
the balance here today, amid indications locker-. It says "Beat USC.'' _
a_ma.jority of the players want to fli1ish "It's been there as Jong as I've been
out the final six games of the 1970 llere," Plunkett said last Saturday as he
schedule, dressed slowly after the Indians were
However, an as·sistant coach who upset 26-14 by Purdue .
preferred 11ot to be identified, said the _The Purdue game w.as... PJunkeU's <f e c i-s i o n wttl just about have to be unanimous among the 29 squad.men re· roughest at Stanford. He had five passes
maining. after last -Friday~s-tragic· plane intercepted and was tackled five limes
crash ln Colorado tOO~ the lives of-13 1rYing to pass. "'
first-team players and injured nine "We can forget that one, though,"
'Palmer's last ~rformance has ~hing to t!o with it," Said manager_ Earl
Wuver as he named the right-handed
~er to pitch Saturday in Cincinnati.
CI RCUS BEJIR JOINS-TORONTO STARS JIM 'DOREY-ANO J/ICQUES -PLAN TE. IN WOR KOU T. others. Plunkett said. ;'It's nothing like_lbose
The _players arrived_ at i_:io decision losses to Southern Cal."
.~ 'He's just the best bet to go again'st the
Tuesday whether to continue. and Were to Plunkett passed for 296 yards against
try again this morning. . the Trojans last season, wltli-t~o
Dr. Clark Ahlberg, presidenj Qf''\'i!chila touchdown passes. but Ron Ayala's 34-
)\ids, who have rui tillll rj g!>k!lande<!._1.188,t__...,i--'-.-AJ·t--•er~down jhe rru~e." .._.. n · •• " ~••• -,, ~Brow.rr Awaits
.T-0 Cleveland
~~te.-andJJnvitt.:We~er, ~mnUsslonu _yardjield g9al at_!he final ~un beat S_tan·
of 1he Missouri Valley Conference.1iuO-fo~ 26-2( Two years ago. the Tfo1ans
died with the surviving players Tuesday pulled out a 27-24 win despite Plunkett's • INCINNATJ -Fans lined up for six
~ks Tuesday to buy the remaining JUlOO tickets for tbe opening two games
otthe World Series Saturday and Sunday
bflween the Cincinnati Reds and the
· ··Mtimore· f>rioles;--· -·---•+
r we had to open the ticket o[fice in the ~ium at 5:15 p.m. instead of 6 .p.m.
lMJ;ause the crowds were so maSSlve,"
~ Reds publicist Tom Seeberg. The
"tdium ~ts ~e than 51,000. .
Comelius Blackman, 72, of Chicago,
Ill., was .among the-fjtst to get in line at.
the new Riy~t Stadium. He• was lbire at 6 p.m. Monday night after the
Ri:is clinched the National League pen-
"J:'ve been going to World Series games
since 1929," said Blackman. "J was here
in 1940 for the series with Detrait."
Angels Battmg 1-f or.;2
On--Trades f or_P~yers
While the Angels are congratulating
themselves on coming up with the year's
most rewarding trade, they are con-
spicuously silent about another· swap they
·engaged ,in.
1'hat is. when they shipped out Aurelio
Rodriguez and Rick Reichardt for a nice
guy named J\en McMullen,
The premise was that McMullen would
add -power befter hitting to a sagging
Angel1>late lineup.
It didn't quite work oot that way,
however. McMullen wound up the cam·
paign with a .229 average and 14 home
runs. Rodriquez,, .a totally superior
' 1ust happen lo be great football pro·
Now that Newport bas beaten Anaheim
you wonder wben the list of transfers to
Van 's school will include kids from
Newport. ,
If you can't beat 'em, get 'em to join
)'ou -or however it is the saying goes.
A.t any rate, Newport made Anaheim
look like a low grade kids outfit Friday
night and the seore .~ouJd have been 30
or 40 to notblng.
Karl Francis of Fresno State College,
fonnerly Of Santa Ana High, is third in
total offense for the Pacific Coast
Athletic Assn., averaging 137.3 yards per
incrquestion·and-answer-session-. ----Z73-yards-on often~. ---,, · ----
-Bob Seaman, chiel assistant -to head lf there's another heartbreaking loss
coach Ben Wilson, who died in the crash, Saturday, Plunkett may wish he'd listen-
didn't return from Denver until late ed to the pros. He certainly could .have
Tuesday. . used the money more than most young
He is considered by·some as a good bet men. His widowed mother is blind. ·
CINCINNATI (AP) -A'.'.,_~lu!llm~p~w~i!!il _ _,,to'f,su~g:ee<l~~ll'.~;ilson ~ 8!!..i9J~im basls..!, WiltL..!t •• YJs:JQr.L~J!.~£'-.Plunket.t_
swell n.-P-aul-Brown-'Slliroal Sunday If the players decide to ·play -facing would consider the aU-time majorCOfiege ---~
Cincinnati, Arkansas, Tulsa, Memphis career total offense record an antidima:c w~ the Wo football coaching immortal State, North Texas State and Louisville in to this season. He's just S89 yards short
"-re}urns to Cleveland, site of some of his that order beginini Oct. 17 -the or the record, 6,568 yards, set by Steve
most stirring triumphs. university will insist that the National Ramsey of North Texas State. •
The 62-year-0ld mast.er takes his<Cxpan-Collegiate Athletic Association waive ' rule which limits football players to three sion Cincinnati Bengals into Municipal yea rs of postseason competition.
Stadium to face the Browns, the team he i•we would want assurance now
created in 1946 and coached for 20 years. J ronl the NCAA council," said Dr. Robert
He was exiled from coaching for five Holmer, .Wichita State's faculty represen·
years_ after new Browns owner Art tatiVe to• the Missouri Valley, "that our
Model! tired hiln in 1962. freshmen would not lose their postseason
eligibility four years from now."
''I haven't set foot in Municipal ]f Wichita State decides to play and the
Stadium since I last coached there," NCAA waives the eligibility rule, the
Brown said Tuesday. Shockers would have 43 frosh avai lable.
"In fact. I've only been in downtown Many consider them the finest freshman
Cleveland once since l Jc(L'' team assembled by Wichita State.
Helms' New Home
LOS ANGELES -The long-established
Helms Athletic Foundation, pronounced
dead in the last few weeks, came back to
life Tuesday with a new name, new
sponsor and new home.
W. R. "Bill'' Schroeder announced 11t
a news conference that the United Sav-
ings and Loan Association of Southern
California is the new benefactor.
KANSAS CITY -Quarterback Len
Dawson of the Kansas City Chiefs is on
the sidelines again with another kriee in-
jury. game. t
Francis has completed 50 of 88 passes This time, it's his right knee. A year
ago, the ringleader of the ·world cham-
pions was out of action for six games
because of a left knee injury._
Just how long Dawson will be sidelined
this time is anybody's guess. He may be
ready Sunday when the Chiefs, stunned
by two defeats H\ three NationaJ Football
League games, open their home season
against the Boston Palriots. Then, again,
he may not. •
BuFFALO Dennis Shaw. rookie
quarterback of the National Football
League's Buffalo Bills. gol his first
·stading assignment Sunday and made
tilt 1009t of it.
He completed 12 of 21 passes for 317
vards and two touchdowns to lead the Hilts', to a 34-31 upset victory over th e
vislt:ina' New York Jets.
·fueiaay, the performance rcsulled in
WAS H J-----
fielding third baseman, had 19 'homers
and hit at a, .249 clip.
The classic swap. was of course the deal
thaf brought Alex 'Johnson to the Halos in
exchange ror ·pitcher Jirrr McGlolhlin.
Johnson bagged the American League
batting crown even if he didn't win · the
hearts of many of his associates.
Can you imagine what Cincy would be
like with Johnson added to its roster?
Its scores would look like football
* * *
. for 604 yardi and seven touchdowns. four
be!ng intercepted.
'When vice president Spiro Agnew niade
a . re<;ent el curs Ion to Newport Beacb
Tennis Club he wa~ on such a tight
schedule be changed into playi ng clothes
while aboard a helicopter then wblsked
off to action.
.Dr. _N-lhur S. Wint, lormer Olympian.
has a listing in the Kingston, Jamaica .
nhone directory. A few more days in the
hustle and heat of Kingston and I might
have required his professional services.
Dr. Wini was a. standout in the relay
and in the 400 meter dash.
Steve Wieibowski, former L a g a n a
Beach High grid star, is the second lead-
ing scorer for the UnJversity of Wash-
ington with J& points -one field goal
and 13 extra points.
hi&-'ftlming as offensive player of the Once around lbe pike: Keith Lincoln, eit-San Diego Chargers
week.by...Thc AssociatecLfr.e_ss, _____ r.o:;:n Ralstoa 'was brought back to earu.--tYP:', ~ on the coaching staff at the ·~aey:,~grcal ~" the 6-2 ,209·pound San by Purdue and to this corner It's hardly• Uruvers1ty or ldahu. Diego State product said.when be learned or tlie dbignation. surprise lhat t~e Indians lost. You
1 th. · ·rr t y,·onder how a couple more reversals like
"ft seemr Ute every ing lS com1 g a that will aet with Stanford alumni. "'. Brm· 'ns Swi'tch onet,'~~ said~"lt Y.'aS our Cirst victory, .
J got the,game ball and now J'vc been Like maybe Ralston will be 1mong the
named offensive pl?ye r of the week. It'~ uner:nployed Uthe Tribe doesn't Uve tbe
'more than you really anticipate." 1971 Rose Bol\·I bid.
• Justice will out, bopefiaUy.
PULLMA N, Wash . -The Washington
Stale defensive unit scrimmaged for 80
minutes Tuesda y in preparation for
Saturday's tilt with 14th-ranked Arizona
And what about Ray Willsey at Cal ~
How can a team beat Indiana, 5&-14. one
week and lose lo hapless Rice , 28-0, lhe
State. 1 l Small wondtr Clare VanBoortbeke of
'Ille Cougars scrimmaged for 20 Anaheim never wants to COid the
t.., ).c\-polish th:eir offensive .game .\Ol'/U'&~tJ--all-t&ar fOOlball game._He
nfi4LS~ee.ney observed that qllartcrbacks· 1hu•1 tlmilar job every telltl, wllat wldl
Ty Paj_~ and Jack Wlgmore bolb sOOwed ' 'all tbe ttmtm wbo jas! lll•ppen tO tie
well"&! did the receivers. movtnr lnlo tbe AnUeim aree 1IMI •!Mi·
LOS ANGELES -Hard work in prac-
tice has earned sophomore fullback Gary
ca:mpbe.11 of Ennis, TeX'., the starting
spot as UCLA's Bruins prepare for Satur-
day night's game with Oregon.
Coach Tommy Prothro said Tuesday
the &-fool-I, 210-pound Campbell may not
st.art Saturday against th e Duck.! but, for
now at least, he's beaten out senior Bob
A-fanning at the post.
Pl• Brllino also hai~um lO l!l•
No: I offensive left tackle apot of Crcg
Pearman. irijured ·a week ago 1n the loss
to !J'exa11.--,-
...,., . a , ...... 3
--~ -. .. ~·.
DAILY PILOT VJtdllH<lly; Octobtt 7, !970
Westminster Frustrated
• By String of Mistakes
The 1970 football season is
~ ra~cf!y beco!lling the most
frustrating camp.algn of coach
Bill Boswell's 12-year regime
al Westminster Hlgh School as
the highly touted Lions have
yet to win a game after three
Last week's 23-16 loss lo
Santa Ana in the Sunset
League opener typified the
-: Llons' problems.
"Something is there that is
keeping us from winning,"
says Boswell who's memory of
--the defeat includes a Llon
aerial in and out of receiver
Kirk Harris' hands and into
the awaiting lap Of a Saint
"We can conceivably go 0-9 ir we don 't stop making
mistakes and a lot of it is
"They have excellenl o.verall
tejm quickness and-they pro-
bably have the lwo finest
tackles in tbe. league (Grant
Gelker and Terry Albritton).
"The problem is to force
them Into-malting s o me
mistakes but 1 don't know if
we can cl.o that. Whe'!._ they do
give up tbe ball they're so
deep in your territory that
you're still in troUble," says
Boswell .
Boswell b -inakiilg a couple
al_dtanges.JD_his starting
backfield in an effort to get
his offense. rolling -a phase
of his allack that produced on·
Jy one touchdown against San-
ta Ana.
Doug Milne (5-11, 172 sr.) Is
being inser1e!f at tailback in
the Lions' 1 formation while
Mike Dodd (ft-9, 183 sr.) will
operate at fullback.
The resl of the Westminster
attack remains intact
Boswell r~uses to buy the
Newport press rtleascs that
Sailor backs are too smatl.
'"That's .anolher problem for
us. Those backs of theirs don't
need a very big opening and
When they get it they really
~t,.:_. surmised Boswell.
Wilson Tilt Prepares
' . -----y-. -
Sailors' Johnson Frets SD Mesa,
About Clash With Lions Fuller.ton
Rated 2.3 ; Apprehensive and wonled.
Stewing and rutting with a
loudl of hopefulnes• ""'' ... of his key backs will be back
and ready ror Thursday
night's Sunset League en-
co u.n t er with 6oat
w estminster.
'l'hal's coach Ernie Johnson
who's Newport Harbor Sailors
are on the crest of a three.
game winning streak, in·
eluding a 7~ shocker over po-
tent Anaheim last weei:.
"Westminster bas lost two
games that they probably
should have won. They can't
lose anymore and they're big
and burly.
'"nley're the type of team
that's capable of cornlng up
with the big game and I'm
afraid we might be catching
them at a very bad lime."
:;:ays -Johnson.
The Newport mentor relates
that Richie Simons may be
able to lend a hand in
Thlll'Sday's tussle after sitting
· aut the last two games with a
Jeg injury.
Should Simons be ready,
he'll move into a halfback ~i
tion and Dan Seals will take
over at fullback with Mike
Easterling slated ror the other
running back slot.
If Simons isn't able to make
it, Seals moves to halfback
and Alex Moad is inserted at
rullback. All or them are in the
mini-back class with Moad the
biggest at 170. Easterling iS
listed at 142 but Is sakt to be In
the 130-pound classification.
-Johnson says part of his
worries are that some of his
grktders are still cetebraUng
the Anaheim victory.
"They may, .be doing that
mentally and-if tbey_are it'a
going to be an awful mistake.
"We've been fort\lllate so
far, Corona del Mar dropped a
pass in the end zone and we've
had some breaks. On an.
average night we'rt really
going to be in trouble.
As for the Westminster at-
tack, Johnson says bis team
faces another Anabdm club in
style af offense with the I
formaUon dominating l he "' acene. _,1_.11.
'"Ibey blast you out. rve One ot.lhe top.Junlol. ~·
been going over the films we football games of the younc
have on them including when season-is scheduled Satu,.y
they played El Rancho. night at Anaheim Stadldffi
"M 1 ber . .-., ·~· when Fullerton and San Diego -remem .'n w. vo ~esa lock.horns Jn the South
l&mf.;-lheY did Just-about-CoastConference opener. __ ,.
anylJ\ing Oley wan led lo." . . .,,. When asked ·ust bow hi San Diego Me~ is currt1~1
l l s ranked No. 2. an the I~ earn . managed ~o w h I p schools d i v i s i on while
Westminster: 27-7, in the ClF Fullerton is the third rated
AMA ~ilin~ls ~at year t.eam. Both come into llw:
after the Lions open~ng ~25 game with 3--0 records. Meil
win, Jobn.wn slat~. ·J think beat LA Valley last week, 21-4,
we had an emotional factor and Fullerton routed ElJ
go Ing for us in that one. Camino. 31-3.
Maybe the.Y we~ looking past Fresno, the top rated tellh,
us to the fmals. draw.s a bye Jhis week. .1'
LACC of the Southern
Bradb1Wn Scores Eight
As UCI Blasts Fullerton
Califontia Conference is rated
No. 9 in the slate. The Cubs
have scored 120 points in tbfr
three victories this seasoR.
Riverside City College. a
member of the Mission
Conference, ls Ued ror the No,
IO spot , with Modest;p .
Riverside has a U mark. t Jim Bradburn scored eighl
goalLULJead-the ·UC Irvine
r~rsity water pol() team to a
22-2 victory over the Fullerton
Junior College Hornets Tues-
day afternoon in the winners'
The eight goals closed Brad-
burn to wilhin one of the
team's leading scorer, Ferdy
Massimino, who tallied twice
in routing the junior col-
legians. Massimino had 26
goals in 11 games to 25 ror
Jack Dickmann scored three
Closeout! '
Yes. -2 Ply Polyester
2 Ply Fiberglass ---Tires
Fed.tox 2.1.5
ORIG. -32.95• 28.44
34.95 ,.. ..
36.95 31.44 ..... 34.44 ...... 34.44 ..... "'!I.~(
TAX = 2.55
Plus lax an d old li re
White 1ubeless
A fiber glass belted :.:;
whitewall .for only s18:'
stupid mistakes," says M L _ .l ,4
Bosweu as his team P"'P'!'" onarC~l-OT-AmGt--+---tor v15ltmg Newport Harbor ·· · .
Thursday night .
'111e Lions will not be at full
strength when they meet t~
undefeated Sailors as
defensive tackle 0 e a n o
Aldridge is a doubtful partici-
pant after sustaining a knee
injury in the Santa Ana loss.
John Johnson (6--0, 218 jr.) is
lilated to pick up the slack for
Aldridg~ defensively b u t
Boswell lacks a replacement
rer him in the place ki cking
Bo.Nell states it is the ball
control taclics of Newport
Harbor that worry him the
Coach Bob Woods of Mater
Dei High School is laking a
rea listic attitude towards his
team's e<>nfrontatioo with the
ClF's. No. 5 rated Long Beach
Bruins and quarterback Jerry
"l kind af like this aspect
because il gets us ready for
~m.Tierfell isn·t·as fast as
Amat's Pat Haden but he
throws just as good,'' says
Woods as his team prepares
for its Thursday night clash
with the Bruins at Sahta Ana
Tbe non-league .clash i3 the
last tuneup for Mater Dei
before entering A n g e I u s
League action the following
week and the A1onarchs and
Bruins are both undefeated .
f.1ater Dei has marched
through Santa Ana (28-7) and
Loyola (33-14) along \vith a
squeaker over Lakewood ( 14-
13) last week.
Bruin Attack Features
Top QB, Big Linemen
Lost for the Wilson game
and probably most of the
league season is Nick Di
Stefano, an alternate at left
Di Stefano suffered a tom
ligament in a knee and has it
in a cast. n•s a typical Long Beach
Wilson High football team that
wW be invading Santa Ana
Bowl Tbursday night to duel
Orange County's No. I prep
:-. football eleven, Mater Del.
The Bruins are. their usual
huge selves and possess an ex-
cellent. running back along
with . the best quarterback
Mater Del will have seen to
1'le starting interior is in-
dicaUve of Wilson with tackle
to tackle weights listed at 207,
205, Its, J07 and 220.
Tailback Bill Cecil has been
Ufe leading rusher for coach
... OWen Dixon's Moore League
t::ttlW, averaglng nine yards
·per cony.
He's been clocked In 4.7 for
40 yan!J In football shoes and
be'• outrun a t .7 teammate in
tract for tlle flnt 40 yuds.
Between he a n d trander ~t Jttrt Swnmort .. 11
l>Om Sl. An-, lflth, lhe
Bntlm have a complete at.-
t.ci, and i\ hu been evlden•
ia Wilson's cruahing w1ns over
Ml Cann<! \~). Domlngut1 141~) and Warr<n (:IU).
Summerf«!1 no strangr:r
to Matte Oci. 11 ha.led hi• St
An~ny team laft y t a r
•~atnn l'Oa.cb=--'Bob=-'Wood$' 1IOiliitlls.-
Mater Del trampled the
Saints. 42-20, bul Summertelt
"'as magnificent in a losing
On that November evening
he l'UTlpleled 17 of 35 attempts
for 160 yards and ran for a
five yard average on 12 car·
Summerfelt has excellent
size (6-2, 19S} and operates
from a drop back or sprint out
Dixon opines that Sum·
merfelt passes as well as
UCLA star Dennis Dummit
did when he prepped al
Tht Bruin co.ach expressed
dissatisfaction with Wilson's
co~ of recelvtts.
And be· s higb on Cecil, a
bact he terms the best he's
had .slnct Pat Cashman (1963).
who played in three Rose Bowl
games fer use.
Dixon says it's the running
attack of Mater Del which
!realms °"' Bruins No. 5 CIF
ranking. Howe ver, he's not
Spelling him will be Larry
Drazba, who'll alternate with
the plays from the bench with
Dale Bugbee.
The defensive line. Yihich
came in ror its share of the
glory in the Lakewood victory.
rtmain! intact with Bob
deLancellotll anchoring Ute
group at right linebacke r.
He captains lhe defense
which includes Mike Paino and
Ted Hatfield at the ends, Mark
Gatlin and Craig Hanson at
Cackles. t?ither Joe Knox ar
Tom Schultz at middle guard
and Pal Heffernan ·a t
The defensive secondary
figures to get a stern ttst
from Summerfelt and Co.
"We're fooling around with
a few things. Nonnally we use
a three d~p plus a rover
setup.'' says Woods.
The deep backs are Pat
Magner. Jim Johnson and
Chris 1'1umford while Dave
Nanry mans the rover posl.
told on Bob Haupert's running
mates to take the pressure of( S
lht quarttrback. oph-}'ootball _
-''This ls-one f Jlob':r
(Woods) betttr teams over ~•n '"'-• t , 11 o
there. I think he'd agree to l••~~tu~0.P~~"11t°""'~ •1J0 ~.;; ·~·t' 1ayo on --..,,..,, ft:~"' ~ .... r." •~ Ul8 t • -otlt-•1""11, ,AT ; Wlr\t111• .. -.1.
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Wedoe""1, Oelob" 7, 1970 DAILY PILOT !3
Happy M~mories Replace Agony of Son ~s Death
Of ... CMlllJ ...... '""
COL TON -T\me has aomewhat eased
the agony Dorothy and Eulls Hubbs suf·
late son following his death ln February or 1964. .
Ken found time to take them each an
autographed baseball, perhaps feeling a
little extra special compassion because
his own father was (and stlll is) in a
coordinated. lie had q_Wct reflexts -And she recalls ho• much KeMy loved
long, powerful ~. He could pick I Oy children. .
out of the alt. ,. "He used to tate. lbe..t..ldsl!p 1n the b.llls
"And there's oo way to describe his and play hide and seek with them, even
competitiveness. after he was playtng professional
· feffit when they learned the second eldest
or their five athletically endowed sons
,ha~ perished In a Ulab plone crash.
they now speak of Kenneth, smiles
replace the sadness that once pierced
One is from a woman in Chicago who
felt obligated to reveal how Kenneth
Douglas Hubbs influenced the kJds tn·her
neighborhood. She told how Hubbs, a 22-
year-Old --second baseman with lhe
Chicago Cubs,_g{>t out and played football
and wresUed with ·the kids 'til 'dark
The nl<"~r said her son slept with the
ball tn hls hand and had Hubbs' picture
on I.he television set, the occasion meant
so much to him.
"When be Wu playing t.JUI~ League • baseball he asked me if he could try bat· "He high Jumped l-2'1l and placed se-
ting left-handed one day. I let him and ho cond two years in a row In the all-~all!e
U)elr lives. 1 You study their faces, mannerisms and
ieommenta and you see two people who
fully appreciate what their boy meant to
I hem, the family, the community and the
multitude of other lives be touched.
. Now, of course, the Hubbs concentrate
'91'1 lhe surviving sons-Keith, Gary, Kraig
~ Kirk:. The latter pair, twins, will be
in the Colton High backfield that invades
Laguna Beach for a football conff.ontation
·Friday night.
Dorothy reaches into her bag of
memories and pulls out a couple of
cherished letters people wrote about her
* * * Colton Duo
file Ghosts
·To Laguna
Ot 111t Dtllt llllet Steff
COLTON -When the Lagwia Beach
Artists take the field Friday night for
:their home, non-league football contest
-again.st the Colton Yellowjackels, they
may think they're seeing a ghost, or
maybe even a couple of them.
The pair of spectres looming in Yellow·
jacket uniforms will be 17-year:Old twins,
Kraig and Kirk Hubbs, the youngeJt
brothers of Ken Hubbs, former Chicago
CUbs second baseman and three-sport all·
everyday he was home. ,
The boys would alt be walting,tal his
. apartment when be came homeJrom tpe
games. He'd go in and change clothes,
then go out and transform himself in.io
cne of the kids. \
Occasionally~~he'd hear him taJk to the
youngsters -~lling them how smokint
and drinking 1f>uld hurt them ii they
hoped to have an active athletic life. I
Then there was a letter from the
mother cf a physically handicapped boy
who was sharing a Cubs game with
another lad in a wheelchair ooe af.
She said she felt compelled to write the
after lear-.Jng of.Ken's dCa,tn. __ _
Eulis Hubbs, stricken by polio when
Ken was a baby, beams with pride as ~e
recounts some of his late son's manr
athletic exploits. 1
"l knew !:om the time he w~ a li~U
guy he'd be a great one someday. W
he was seven be won his first sport
award - a silver buckle for beating an 11·
year-old in boxing.
"I always felt he could have been a
vi·orld chanipion i( he'd have pursued hex-
ing. Everything be did was well
CIF star who·Iost ·his-life-in a plane crash -
in a Utah snowstorm nearly i;even years
It was learns! that when the twins
were just 16 days old, their mother laid
them in the family car while Ken was
participating in a LltUe League baseball
playoff game.
They never missed any event their
cider brother participated in after that
until his high school graduation seven
years later.
Whenever Ken had a ~ moment,
he'd be conUnually playing with the twins
in the Hubbs' spare room adjacent to
their living room, it was also discovered.
The beys' mother recalls, "Ken uaed to
put a blanket around himself and he'd be
playing defense while the twins bad to try
and run through him.
"They used to tear up the house doing
It," she adds.
Mrs. Hubbs goes on, "they (Ken ·and
the twlrui) idolized each other because
they played together constantly.
.. Kenny would do anything they
Wanted, like taking them to the store. He
would give them so much time to buy
what the_y wanted."
-Mrs. Hubbs says. ''Kra ig bathers us
si>metimes because there are so many lit. tle things which remind us of Kenny.
· "Like the way he sits and other little
Mannerisms which will flash a memory.'"
She adds, "he even runs and throws like
Kenny did.,. 1 'The twins recently consented to an e1·
cluslve interview~~ the DAILY PlLCYr
and some interes~ observations were
Asked. whether Colton lo\_Vnspeople
have attempted to make rash com·
pari.sons of the twins with older brothers
Ken (all-cIF in three sports) and Keith
(all-CIF rootballer circa 19Mi), Kirk gives
a realistic reply.
''Kraig and I would rather not be com·
pared with our older brothers."
Kraig interjects, "sometimes It gets
monotonous and we get a litUe disturbed
when people say things like, 'they can't
compare to Keith and Ken."
Since Ken was a quarterback and Keith
a tailback, it seems the various analogies
tend to equate Kraig (a quarterback)
with Ken and Kirk (a tailback) with
Thus far, in 1970, Colton has a 2-1
reaird and Kraig has thrown seven
touchdown passes (including five in a 51..0
rout against Cajon last week ).
Kirk has piled up four scores on paM
receptions from his non-Identical twin
1 Kraig is 6-2, 180 with sandy brown hair
and Kirk is 6-1, 185 with blond hair).
The pair would like to continue their
educaUons while performing on I.he
athletic fields for Brigham Young
Was Ken in.!lrumental in teaching them
the fundamentals and mechanics of
PRESENCE STILL FE LT -The late Ken Hubbs (91 will still have
his presence felt Friday nighl when Colton ffigh invades Laguna
Beach !or a !ootball clash. Hubbs' twin brothers Kirk (UL), Kraig
hit two home runs the first two times up. meet. Once he jumped over slx feet .111 his . baseball unllonn," reveals EuUs -"When we lost to New York m the ___ himself 1 st&r__a.t.hle.te at Colton when he
final s Olthe l95t I:JlU~il-Jiill.).-e<t_elid _Q!l_ Mte -1m CIF f00tbau
Series Kenny had two sffigles and a-~ -Ch&np!onshlp team. -
root home run. As a pltcher he never lost Dorothy Hubbs tells more of the young
a game. man whose IP.IJ'kling athletic career put
"But football was the sport he liked the litUe conimuruty of Collon on the
best • • • basketball was next, then map.
baseball. At Colton High he earned 11 "He was the quietest or our five boys.
varsity letters -four in baseball, three \lf ,he was in a group. he'd be the quiet
in basketball, two each in track and foot· -one, ~t M'd tallt1if he had somelhing to
baU," Eulis says. say. Later be became very active in
Dorolhy reminds that a teacher wrote $peakin' to groups. Once we took count
on Ken ·s kindergarten nport card, -he made 57 talks ln 50 day1.
•·outstand!hg in games." "He-wu-very-bappy and good natured.
'LR) will be following their brother's flossy career. Their parents,
Eul is and Dorothy (UR) will be !ollowlng Colton· fortunes as they've
done for 40 years.
"No," lhc twins chimed In with Kirk
adding, ''\\'e were only about 10 when
Kenny's plane crashed, so Keith (now 32
arid a resident of nearby Rialto) had lo
teach us what we didn't pick up
Tow-headed Kirk says he was going to
st.art nying. but decided .lo wait until he
cultivated more interest in the activity.
Former Coa~h ·ne~alls E x -Colion A~e.
The Colton coaching starf is permitting
him to participate .in four sporta (fool·
ball, basketball. baseball and track) In
this. his senior ytar.
If he letters in all lour, Kirk will ht: the
first Yellowjacket athlete to perform
such a feat since Ken, who made all-ClF
In the first three sports and who jumped
ln the Citrus Belt League blgh jump fi.
iials at 6-21A. Kraig, on the other Mnd. b the alter
t go of the former Cubs' second sacker
who aet a i&-gamt streak of con.~cutive
urorltu contests al h11 position.
was many things to former Colton High
School football coach Joe Lash.
Asked lo recall bis two-year rcla·
tionship with Hubbs, Lash uncoiled his
"Over the years you run into all typa
or people but t have yet to find a man
with the personal determination Kenny
''Ile \\'AS always the Urst one on the
field and the last ono off. He studi~
Whatever activity he we:J Involved In and
made an ef:ort to be well·informed.
';fie possessed unique talents
quickness, leadership, inttUlgence -all
those qualiUes everyone '4'0Uk1 like lo
••1 never f>!lt he was particularly more
wcll endowed than the other kids. He just
worked so very hard at becoming great
"Kenny wasn't an extrovert but he was
•leader. He could lead Just by doing. 111e
kids ftlt his presence on the field.
"He was unM!Uish to lhe point everyone
re<pe<led rum. Ht-~bly could-have
shot more In basketball and run with the
ball more in foo tball.
"lie had great confldt.f\Ct In his own
ability. Jn tact I've always thought that
ultimately had 10mtt.hlng to do with the
plane crash that killed hlm.
"I felt Kenny had a tremendous f'Uture
tn football ••. he'd have probably played
quartt:rback In college. He threw with
such areuracy and picked the right
recttvers. He's one of the few guys I've
had In 15 years or coaching who could pick
a-aecoodary waet.
"And, he could punt and nm. We used
him u a halfback at timet.
"I couldn't believe It when I beard
about the uash. 'I'htte was a hush
throughout the entire county. I was
teaching and COlching In San Bernardino
and tbc kids then! felt It too.
''Everyone tnew the boy for what he'd
done. He worked so much with kids
gt'O\ll)S and he did It free of chwae. He
was very unselfish with his time.
"Kenny Hubbl wu the kind of kid
coacbel dream about."
The only time we ever r.ieally saw him
mad waa at Dodger Stadium one time
when Ulty set up to get Maury WUls out
II he tried lO steal second bue. Wllls
tried to •teal and Kon put tbc bill on
"But the umpire called Willa safe. Ken-
~ went after that umpire. I've never
aeen him like that. I thought to my10ll
'oh no, Kenny, get back.'
..!'.1.feel..tb•edabouLaa lull a lile..,_anyon~J'veJawwn ••• hb !rave),
experience$ and religion came first ln his
Ufe. ,
"We still talk just like he'1-~t. He's
$till a part of us and always wUl be. JL'a
sUll hard to believe he's gone. You bad to
know hJ,m personally to rea&e the im·
pact he"had on the family.
"I had to force myself to watch
baseball after he was killed but then I
realized you can't go through Uie hicling.
"We take the attitude that he'• just
gone~for awhile;"
* * * Ken 's Death
Like End
Of World
ot tllto 01llY l"lltl I li ff
<DLTON .-It was a typical February
day in arid Colton in 1964. Business wa1
bnsk in the progressive town of 20,00I)
and there was little thought cf despair
or adversity.
However, the teletype me$Slges that
began filtering over newsroom machines
1uddenly put an end to the normal flow cf
activity and a portion cf Colton'• heart
was cut away forever wtth the news that
the city's pride and joy, Kenny Hubbs,
was m_i~ll!g _and feared lost on a flight
from Salt Lake City, ...
Later, it was confirmed that the
Chicago Cu bs·infielder, the Rookie of the
Year in 1962, was indeed gone.
For Colton, a flyspeck on a state map,
Jt was a -shattering blow; Kenny Hubbs, -
at age 22, the finest athlete in the history
cf Colton and probably of the entita
Inland Emplre, was the city's idol with
an untarnished image.
His loss turned Colton Inside ouf and
Nate Helman, owner of Helman's Depart·
ment Store in Colton perhaps best
describes the effect the loss or Hubbs wa.s
on the area.
"It was like the end cf the world. The
whole valley was sick, not ju.st Colton.
"People who didn't know him at a11
considered him their boy. He belonged to
this whole area.
"Every $tore in town closed on the day
of his funeral. The whole valley was in
mourning," states Helman.
Another longtime resident in Colton,
called the Hub --£ity because of its
geographical center of the Inland Em-
pire. is Marvin Rhine.
Rhine reacted like most Colton cillzens
to queries about the Hubbs tradition -in
an immediate manner. The words aeem·
ed to be waiting for someone to ask the
For it has been the Hubbs who have
personified the pride that has prevailed
in Colton over the years.
And despite the fact that the finest pro.
duct cf Colton has departed, the spirit
and adulation that ooce wu, still is, and
the memories are Jharp and quick.
Nothing bas faded.
"The city has always Identified with
the Hubbs. Everybody knows them. When
Kenny was killed everybody was just
"You know Kenny did a lot of things
for the family that he didn't have to. He
was just an ordinary boy and there be
was making all those records and all.
"We've known the family for many
years. In fact my boy Mike runs around
with the twins (Kirk and Kraig).
11There's been so many good athletes In
that family. The whole driving force, of
course, has been Eulis {the father)
himself. He's the center of it all. And he's
done it from a wheelchair.
Now, cf course, the Hubbs tradition at
Colton High School carries on with twin
brothers Kirk and Kraig (the last of Eulis
Hubbs' five beys) in the atartlnc
backneld for the Yellowjackets.
And Helman admits that interest has
picked up considerably coneerning the
high school's football team.
"These two boys are certainly two fine
athletes. But you tnow, you don't find
many that make All.ctF in three lpOr1.I
and All-American in football and basket·
ball. There was only one Kenny.
"You know\" at his age, you couldn't
predict his destiny. He could have been
anything he wanted to be. He would have
made it as an actor, a horseman, a
golfer, a professional baskelbell player
••• his reactions were so fast."
. ''One of Ul& big reasons why Kemy
died was because be wanted to get back
in time. for an alumni-varsity bueball
"He bad so much confid!!lCf! In himself
and h1s ability to ny that plane. Ooe
mlatal<• and look what happona.
0 1 think his best trait of all was hla at.
fllUde towards everything. He never 1oc
carried away with himself.
"Despite all of his successes he wu
atlll jU!t Ktnll)I Hubbs to ,.,
"TM Hubbs SucctlS has been a cue of
a family brought up by a family that l.t
watching them. And alt tho Hubbs are a
atubbom breed.
"The Whole bunch of them are ltu~
b61ii, you know •• .," his vaict trailed of(
as he silently reminisced tbe exploJLs of
tho Ytllowjacktt ctynuty-tho Hubbs.
Grid Tean1
Wtdtltsday, October 7, 1970
Mesa. Next Foe Problenis
Injuries SUleline Plague
~ ~
Sea Kings' Coach Moans Mustangs,·,.
Over Offensive Mistakes Sea .1=Gngs~
Eagles Win . Eag'le Gr!..1..J~tfit w_es .. ~.-~~. •1 BOWARD L. HANDY . earlier outings Including·. he his -e aUcky fingered ~ a_ _ .-.. OllW '*' twr acrlmmlge wi1h Mlsslon Vle-receivers in end Karl K.Hlefer Tbe Costa Mm Mustangs,
Wben a I~ team ww Jo about llO p<rcent ot the of· and back Shl<lds Rlcliardson. Estancia'• Eagles and tho
That's the e~aticwl Jlven by a margin Of three 1eme w;tS . in tbf1 aerial He doesn't limit his throwing Corona del Mar Sea Klno;
Estancia Hlgb't ruor th1n down and COGllder the ._. by West.em mp football touchdowns ~and the, coa department. to these two~ Mwever, and-the were victorious iii area prep
squad has beei:i hit by a palr or all over just because we bt feels It was the team s worst Southpaw quarterback Keith other end Carlo Tosti as well water polo action Tuesday
injuries that hamper the to EdJIOl'I. We've got good coadt Jamt1 Evtrett u be eff«t ot the season, watch Samuels d0es the throwing as the remaining two backs white the Westminster Llonl.
Consider the situallon sur--
•'lllWldlng Friday n I g h t ' s
Mission Viejo-El M o d en a
Crestview League f o o l b a 11
"game on the former's field :
c -(I) Et Modena com"' tnto
~lfWitli an impre!sJ" ~
Eagles somewhat 1n their at-kids. We did It tut yur and remembe~ a 7.0 ~oa to out. and according tO his coach he are also favorite targets.1 Edison Chargers and Fountain
temp,-to 11et back on-the wino--wa~ll do Jt.apln.., .Ji!arlna In openioi -Sum.e.t c!Jwo,,__ _ s must\ be -ew-aad-complrted pa~1ts The.tSea.-.K1ng running g~e y_a~y-~ns were not.__,,!p~-•---
ning lfail Friday--algbt when '.!iad-w•-bave I few--teague acUon. __ --~Iii°" _ g.-t IS ~~g\[°f -wben-1t·-was...necesrny~even _js buUt~aro.uod h~~ _ _ ~ __
\ "r«Onl. .
(2) The tw,,t Diablos are
winle~ in ~ outings.
Thus, on paper, it figures to
be a breather tor El Modena\~
-But Vanguard coach Bo
Lester doesn't look at it tha
,.Mission Viejo. Orange was the
j presea.son pick to win ~e
• league and Mission Viejo gave . ' ~Orange everything it wanted
· and then some last week,"
, says Lester. (Orange rallied to
beat the Diablos, 16-7).
. ''They ue a vastly im-
i>'proVed football teiim," ,says·
Lester. "They are just ·lurking
' i there for somebody."
1 In its three wins, the
i Vanguards bave averaged 26.3
' ~points per game, defeating
, Kennedy (19-14), Santa Ana
; Valley (27-0) and Tustin (33-
• 14 ).
, Has the good start been a
: surprise,? r "Not really," says Lester.
~••we knew v;e'd have ·~ fine
'football team ·and we've been
• fairly sound all year as rar as
• I.he offense and defense .are
('oncerned. It's been
( pleasurable so far."
~-The off~nsive attack is led
: by quarterback Kim Carlson r and-running back M a i:
r Carlson is rated as a fme
passer, and according to
i. Lester, has done a fine job in 1
• the three Vanguard victories.
~ He Js a 150-pound senior.
;. Ledsma hits the scales at 175
-: pounds.
: Lester also adds that he has
,. been very pleased with the
t work of the Vanguard
,,. defensive unil
•' "Tustin's l\\'O touchdowns
--: came-on a long bomb and a
-fluke play and in the second
; ball we allowed m i n u s
: yardage. Kennedy, a fine foot-
'.':'""J)all team, also-scored two
·:cheap touchdowns. So we 're
-happy and pleased wlth the
;· defensive team," says the El
: Modena coach.
: The Vanguards have already
: won more games than they did
· all last season, The 1969
record was 2-6-1.
they \meet Costa Mesa at Uncerin« memories of. last H 1. "--'"' '"'· Pl-cnthe of the the&fi<il1gamek•\0d though the number thrown Ferraro with\ John Miles a Mesa ran its Irvine League
Newpor• t Harbor H'""· (~---SI 7) • m ...,...~ -~-• • ,..... nu wee en bel I d Both th '6" year mCN won, • • d 't h t '"-•--it~ln riet WjS ow average. c ose 1Secon . a e record to 3-0 wl , a 17-1 romp
Coach Phil 1'towa's Irvine "Costa Mesa i.I a very on ave 8 re Pe a ~~1.~ .a:iwtth•w• 0 k'I g P"b~ Samuels likes to throw and starters. over visiting Fountain Vallej'°
League .<'ontenders, narrowly phyaical team with strong kids performance a gal n 1 t Hun-.,A~t of = fo:e~ r; t~~ the Sea ~gs dispos~ of bolt
beaten by league favorite and good size. (Kiln) Wolle is ·Ungton Beach Saturday night when one chec::ks the Corona Los Alami~s, 3~2; E~ancla
Edison !&st week, 14-12, hav• on .. -.,.,_ and .. tho Oller born< field. deJ Mar achedule. The Sea o~ange Coast, R·.~,;,' tiers swam past m.ading Edi!On, g. last the l4:rvices of _lineman with hls big blodr:era that'• ''We hurt ounelves," he Kmp-tangle with -Edison's ai ~ t. and host Bolsa Grande wa! if1~!:'~~ and linebacker ou.~ bluest problem. opines. "But we also bid all Chargerr Friday night on the rude to ~estminster, also by~
Moulton sustained tor• .,.E'<Yw••o11ve IUl~ta .. ~~1 ye.art kinds of problems. First tbtre Westmiaster Hlgb field in an Dr w p I r·ff 6-4 margm. .
ligaments In ms foot OD the ~. I iiiini: ;;. kids wasn't enough aJr In tho foot· ~ _1rvtne league ~.. o_e ater 0 0 I s -ovC:~e ~.:~::;a ~~~ t':!t"!·p~a!r:!JTei~f~ sboWd be iliDl!ig PfitlYI~ and the off ali'{ ''We made a lot ol, mistakes until last twO minutes whin !nco!t~r. ~ or tsa for him," say1 Brown, In his let us use iL against Santa Ana Valley.'' Both Orange Coast area a home match Tues d a Y Fountain Valley's Kurt
Craig Dennts Is penciled In second year at the Estancia "When " kicked oU, we coach Dave Holland says. ''We juriior college water polo against the UCLA frosh-junior Westerfield tossed in his side's
to take over for Moulton at helm discovered we didn't bave any dropped a lot of passes that' teams went down to defeat in varsity squad. only goal of the contest. ·
left guard. Dennis (195) is a The key to Estancla's sue-should have been caught and Tuesday's action as Long Coach J a<' k Fullerton's Mike Beal (5), Matt
converted tackle. ces, at bouncing back lies in ph<mes. we made a lot of offensive Beach stumped the host Pirates, meanwhile, were the Waidelich (4) John Carpenter
The · other setback at the quarterback: to flanker "And to top It all off, we mistakes with pen a It i es Golden West RusUers, 6-4, and victims of a mental error in (2) and 11ik~ O'Brien (2) alt
linebacker is with B 111 passing <'ombinaUon of CUrt have had twice 81 many playing a major role. . the visiting Orange Coast the last 30 seconds of their scored in twin figures for tbe
Y<agner. A bruised knee is Thomas and Bob Kaiser. 1n "Tbese are things you can't Pirates were edged in the last setback against Santa Ana. winners
holding him back. S t e v e That ud the power running penalties called against us afford to do against a teai;n minute, 4-3, by the Sant!' Ana With the contest knotted at Kuh icrumpholz led Corona
Snyder, an offensive starter, of junior baclcs Jim Schu1t.i 1be l8'i two pmes 19 we had ijke Edison. They are a big Dons. 3-3, the Pirates failed to call a to its biggest-ever team point
will spell Wagner it' he's and John Dixon. in the entire aeuon last year team are well coached and Saddleback College, the timeout and then threw the production with JI goals, while
unable to respond to Brown doesn't knock his -at least it seems this way." ~ey have si:i:eed and quickness third area junior college, does ball away, only to · be vie-Garth Bergeson had six goa1s
treatments. defense on Edison's wi.Ming Everett is quiet to point out Jn the backfield. Plus the .fact not field a water polo team. timlzed by a last second Santa and five assists.
Other than that, Brown says touchdown. 00ur defense did a they have been ~, 1 a Y 1 n g Golden West was outscored Ana goal. Greg Loitz added four goals
hts. team m··-_.,u •• that -•t job 11-•~ Ed'---It that hit team made the togelher for a year
. -~ • .-i.u.o;; e·-~ laUI&. • • by Leng Beach by a 3-2 count The Pirates had previously and four assists while Jobn
they still have an excellent wu simply a great effort by mistakes and that they had Whether the Sea Kings ~ll in each half as coach Tom beaten the Dons, 8-6, in the Holyoake (4), Rich Hyland (2)
shot at the Irvine title desj>ite their end John Fisher on a the ball lnslde the JS.yard come out passlllg 1!'ore thLS Hermstad's crew lowered its Southern California tourney and Tony Oliver (2) aided the
the openblg loss to F.d1son. Piii play that W'OD it for line m four occuk:iis without H...Uollandtscana ..,q"'w'e'r'onandonhlye 1970 record to 5-7·1. last Saturday. Corona sco. ring.
"We can't get our daubert them,' be aay1. --l.1 .... it over for a acore. E b k • 3 .,._....16 isn't divulging the information . Harry Noah, Don Uppoldt, Tom Warnecke led OCC with s~anc1a ro e a .i •
wlton Has Big
Weight Advantage
In sheer numbers. the
Collon Yellowjaetets, the o~
pooenls or the Laguna Beadt
Artists Friday night at a non-
1eague football . eame l h
Laguna, are outnumbered.
The l}-3 Artisls boast a
rosteri consisting or 39 players
while coach Tom Verbanatz'
Yellowjackets (J-1) show just
35 in their ranks.
However. the Yellowjactets
boast a 178-165 overall weight
advantage and a whopping 187-
169 edge up front.
Of course, the two big guns
!n the Colton attack are the
mucli,ballybooed Hubbs_ !wino.
quarterback K r a t r and
tailback Kirk.
The younger brothers of the
1ate Chicago Cub! aecond
baseman, Ken Hubbs, the
twins have played an integral
part in the Yellowjaeket score
Ing in 1970.
Kraig, a &-I, JJIO.poundtr,-11
coming oa bis best ...... ,a
51-0 -of C.joa (San
Bemardtno) In which be .....
nocted on IS of. 11 -aerlall for
259 yards and five ICCH"el. He
Tailback Kirk, lhort.r (&-1),
bot beftier (Ill), pulled In two
cl Kraig's toOcbdown peae1
against Co)oa and llOOl'ed two
other times in dte prevlauo
week's victory ..... Garey,
'Ille Yellawjact.ts' only lolls
wu o_ IH ~ to a
formidable Moreno Va 11 e y
.eleven in the opener lor both
'Ille lou&ftell y ellawjacl<eta
In the trencbel are tact1ec
Mark McPbenon (210) and
Bob Northlngion (230).
Verbanatz', who came fnm
Brlgltom YCMDll Unlventty llx
yean ago, lim lo lblnk hll of.·
fenle bu balo!ft lo It
The Pioneers have two boys thi.! early ia the week. Lance Norris and Dave Miller two goals and John Blauer had halltlRl~ deadlock .and ~ed
alternating at the impcrtant 'I1>e Sea Kings completed collected one goal apiece for one. to a wm over Edison behind
tatlM.ck posWoa. seven of 12 attempts against the Rustlers.. The Pirates host tough Rio the t~o-goal effort of Ward
Gory Hummel II the 1<ld1nr Santo Ana Valley but in Golden West's nert game ts Hondo Friday !right at 7,90, Saunders. Jll'OUlldplnerandbllltedu,...::==_:_:=-..:.="'-.:.:::._:_: _____ __::__ ____ ...o...._;:_ _________ ~
the atarter. H• ls ~ by
Bob Dapper, • junior who ts
close beblnd m yardage
lllatiallcs and ls also """ of tho
i.., -.-Ivers oo the team.
-H• eoagbt-o ---lat week and w.nt llO yank before
being' stopped.
Quarterttack Gttg LaM.,,.
dola bu completed 50 percent
of bis--tltll -and ls
-Important cot! In the Pioneer offenetve attack.
Five pllytn io 1tci11i ways
Including ends Rk:k Emel• and
Dan Nofziger;' tackle C. W.
Mcintosh; guord M lk •
Moeller;-and halfback Ala
Guillen bu taken ovet u a
starter for Bob Cblldms to
glv• -the Ptoll<er J>iek!leld ad·
ded welgltt. H• tips the ocala
et 17S _...i lo IU for
Sp<aldOfr ----or-uie Ollen,
Everett proclaima the mertll
of. hallbaclc Gortlt Wilt!. "He
has dte ability lo cout and
then lo aplode all of. • 11111-
den,'' Everett 11)'1.
Hagnolia-Grid Team
::.Plays Musical Chairs . -
He 11.ys. "if our .attact Isn't
balanced one week, then we
try lo do IOIDtlltlng •bout !t
the next.
0 'l'hat'1 e1actly what hap-
pened In our two wins ofter
JC Grid
the 1ou to Moreno Valley." ,..... c...e c""w-
Def en 1 Ive J y, add1 s.tftlr
V ban f,. •'--yl"'1t--1. .. cttts SM DIMo ,,,,... ...._ ,llllW!tll 81 er a.., w1111;: ~,,. AM~~'!:'1~o._ will have to atop the line g"" AN It Mt • ..,,, ........
Our lowest priced 4-Ply Nylon Cord tire
·: Playing for the Magnolia
: High'& football team this sea-
: son is Uke a trip in a revolv·
: ing door.
· Coach Martin Hicks names
: 11 starters for his offensive
: unit and admits, •,•just about
; all of them go both ways. But
.:. we get a lot of subs in the
: lineup both on offeRSe and
· The Sentinels. winless in
: three games, will fa ce Foun-
-tain Valley Friday night at
Huntingtoa Beach High School
• In an Irvine League encounter.
Magnolia dropped a 7-0
_ decision to an improving Costa
•. M.e.sa team in its league
_ "I think we played a very
-good football team," Hicks
:: ''I was upset at the end of
: the game but when I saw the
Final Month
For Cycles
films , it was very apparent we
had played a very good team
ud we made some mistakes.
"Our backs a r e in-
experienced and they cut the
wrong way a few times. U
they had gone in the right
direction. we probably would
have scored a couple of
Turning to Fountain Valley,
he says:
"They operate out of the
wishbone and it is difficult to
stop. They run and pass all
over the field and you can't
concentrate on MY one area."
The Magnolia coach is
Im~ of Lquna fullback 0r1 ... c-1. 1rr1
Mike Wlelbowakl and ailiO put ..... 1'1liicuc._.,•M•www-
oo a ferocious pus nib to 1t1"''* •' ,.1om1r
keep the Artlsta' paulnc game SlddliMdc .~
lrom getting started. $0UTl!Wnteno 11 c11rv1
It's a good bet a couple of s.n ltrlMl'dl!lo •1 G...-mont
kids named H~ wW bava ,...J,::;-
sometblng to say on whether ~c .~-:; .. H...,..
Colton wlll make tt or break It -=••:;;..;""=';..' •;;;•.c"'"-"-" ----1
.. -Laguna. I
Deep Sea
Fish Report
starting a line 1.ap composed of Mo.10 uv f~ ....._,_,A nine seniors and two juniors. ..,.,..,, '' •1Mcen. c'""" ..,...l-lf •1191.,.., ••• ...._... "'""' U....l-Gary Devian. the leading ron-n ant1«1:1 ''' ,, .. _.. 11 11"' cod, •
ner, is a junior along with mMA~~~·, MPni • rtct: w . .,:
fullback Hank Bauer and UN P•IHlo (n.. ''· Llfllhll-a'f."' reserve quartabaclt Mark n _..,.., 1 ni_..n, n o11c-e -... ,. ,. bonltt. " r..:11 c.O. , ....... u.. Houser. . ~ .,..._, '"""""'w. w •n.. Houser has been a starter tn 1M t•llto ... 1• r.a cod. OlUillAll0-32 -*'91 111 ._.._ Jf the first three M a g no 11 a bonlt.. 1 "-tlllllt, m nc11: Hd. 1 ''"'
outings but in the game of cod.
musical <'hairs wherein all d•~~:':!C:-:;'1 -::'~ ~,.~:;
players are used on offense ' "-!lbul.
and defense with freQuent .,!~!., '"::i~ _ _::l-101 '
subsUtut.ions, Richard Glaab MAIUMA DI&. •n-1, . ......,., •
The final month or com-week. • ._.... •• ,.._,. •M""' to lloPl1i..
will open at quarterback this ~,:,'%,·MONICA-IS.,..,.,., 22 ,.,., GRAND
Gia b h L-• th J f " ft'lldll'itl' 2t blH. petiUon for s p e e d w a y a as !Jel;'.'n e mos e · LON• ••.t.cM 1,l9rMW UllllMtl-
• : motorcycles .on the Orange fective passer for the Sentinels :C::'~':a:! ::~i~ ~ OPENl 18 ~: Q>unty Fairgrounds clay oval ln a reserve capacity. ,1t,·1-11 _..,., 1 blrrteUd•. uo
,·begins Friday. The Sentinels operate from IHI••· 1* 11111110. h....-.2' 111111.n1 '
• -Racing starts at 8 p.m. ~t an I formation with De-=:""S: .. 1:.1~ ... .,:.,.~ ~::. oc· TO••• '22 the eosta Mesa stadium. vlan as the leading runner. He ttll. 1 ,.,,K-, m altc. ...._ 01
1be nctJ Will feature a eor.-carried 11 times for 58 yards ~~i;-.:, ... ~.~CM-1' _,.,., M EVERYTHING TO tinuaUon of the season long against Costa Mesa last week. ••Uow11n. s be1T1tu11e.
batU• betwetn Rick Woods or1r-i;;;;;=~~====~;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;-.1eurc:o ANYTHING
Hunungton Beacli, Steve Bast YW IRAKE
of Van NllYt. Bill Cody of S p I C I A L Garden Grove and Fullerton's
La"1' Shaw.
A total of 21 llOpltlte r..,.. • ..... 4 WMatl
1Mddn1 4 Drvml
• .,.... • JaM ·--BIACIWAl.l
'Jllllf1 fSS
·151!'1, '"%::' .... :...::...
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Power Packed with fbo price you want
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"lmlth<r) and Shaw •
. Former CaWom,la llJ>Oedway
• cllamploo SOM)' Nutter of 1:-· who lllff•red • lnc-tured collarbone In a crash
• during Jut month'• natlooat
cbamp1orulblp races: h a 1
withdrawn rrom racing until
o•OT ,....TIOI
VW SHOCltS $7.tl lwll•••
100,000 mUo --(not -ratodJ. WE DO ALL FOREIGN CARS.
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LAGUNA BEACH COSTA MESA -FAIR 412 OCEAN AYE. e Phone 494-6666 1596 NEWPORT BLVD. e Phone 549.9393
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' ••
• •
'• • ;,
.. ..
.. ..
• ' •'
• ,. •
. •
Trltons' Foe
Orange Presents
Balanced Attack
Trojans ·
Face Ne,v
WtdntsdaJ, Octobtr 7, 1970 DAILY PILOT 2, .. _.,
Saint,s Work to Contain
Marina!s Double Threat
Marina High· has two foot· they're not as t a I e n t e d . our team , but If they con-~ .Webb Sch®J. of Claremont ball victories tucked under its overaU. as Mater Del." cent rate too much on him,'
knows the feeling of being a · The veteran Saini mentor they 'll have to worry more
bridesmaid in footbaU league belt in three outinp !-nd the thinks his squad Is balanced about Kirk Byers (the other
Now that star quarterback scoring punch and goal line of-standings. main reasons for the Viking enough to counteract any halfback), Jeff Clary (the
Mike Churchward is almost fense . The Gauls of the Arrowhead successes have been the fancy keying the Viking defens~ may fullback) or our pa ss i n g ~· • recoverea ifil~a--··we1"Ve been making too-' League musr-. contend withs eppfrfg-or alffiaclt Joe Ven· attempt tOdo, = game.'... =-1/·.!.~'hce-'-r ';;'.u'Ory::. i appears the iiiafiYiffiS{il(es n sco""""ili\g ter=---Notry"L~Daf!le-J:figtr-every ye~r----uinigTia andthe tricky ro lout$-He say~. "11le scored three -"Bob Coi1lay,-s~a~r ting
' • . .. .1.1;~ for we .c.ircu1t Ch.arop1onsh•p t hdo th" d r lib k t· the outset or the Orange Panthers are primed r1tory . he says, aw.i..ug, and all wUI concur Uiat-Notre of quarterback Steve ouc wns on e groun u ac a ·
· th against Corona del Mar and season before being sidelined to make a dash. in the "we've yet to score m e se-Dame is a higher classlfica-P.lonahan. · ·
la .. 0,,.,e's role,· !or 1 he co-.• d hal f m· our flfS. t three 11.00 --hool "-· the s;noJe A t 1 didn "r'conwlete a pass. But we with an injury, 1s returnlllg to , """ uuu• --o These are the wo peop e did pass' well a g a i n s t the first eleven at a J P.ard
cfestview League f o o t b a I I games." Arrowhead circuit. Santa Ana High head coach . Westminster last week." spot in place or Mike Duncan.
crOwn. The Orange offel\Se ca n best Webb will test the Oniversl-Tom Baldwin figures his It the Vikings were to key The latter is nursing an
N p lh h d be described as a balanced ty High Trojans Saturday Saints ha"ve to stop' in order to on one_of the Saints. Baldwin ankle injury. ~ .. ot S<?• says an er ea one which can run or pass night on the Mission Viejo . . rigures it would be rwming Otherwise, the same Saint
coach Vu;ice Deveney. .. with equal adeptness, "·hen High foo_tball ~ield and with an overc~me the Vt~gs Sa~ur-back Monte Floyd (165), run-lineup which defeat c d
... There·s not a team in our it's going at ful.l speed. _ all scrullr hneup, wlll be day rught al Westminster High. nerup in the Sunset League Westminster in the Sunset
And the man wlio
knows ;ust how to tunl
the phrase to get the
most out of the barb U
ist Sydney Harris. He
ha3 -been called~tJ~
modern· day Henry
lifencke n. Jf you're
ready for his use of the
acid ad;ective and
t h o u g ll t • provoking
prose to give l!ou the
needle •.. if you want
to find something to
think about in what you
read ••. if you luzve a
sense of humor, you
b e l o n g 1vith f'earfers
who delight in tellin g
others ·wllat "Syd said"
in one of tile 11ation's
most -quoted columns.
league we can overlook. • Cburch.watd ·~ the chli;f co~ fan>r..~~ coach~rry •·we definU.ely...have...to....hol<L-1ow-hW'dles-last"-Spring. pener last week-will-remain•--• ~ fact. I can 't see a clear-1n the Panthers attack. lie hit Redman s Trojans_ their se-down those long runs of Veil-"Monte's the fastest guy on intact. cut favorite for the title. LaSI. on eight of 15 passes and ty;o cond straight defeat. . . . . , I
week's winners (Orange ill-TDs last week against P.iission · Webb has won its first two limigha s and keep P..ionahan
Some Sample Barbs
Recently Thrown
I --~
By Sydney Harris:
110ne of the highest paid jobs in Ame rica
consists of st•nding up in front of• mic-
rophone, separating the good rec~ords
from the bad ones -and playing the
bad ones."
"It's sad but true that while alcoholics
are the best argument for ab stinence, so
ma ny abstain ers are equally effective ar·
gument for a little drink now arid then."
"Most of the so-called 'incompatibility' in
marriage springs from th• fact that to
most men, sex is an act; while to all
women, it is a n emotion. And this differ·
ence in attitude can be bridged only by
love." ····-·---~---·------
"'The sole difference bet\vcen a 'dedica·
ted crusader' and a 'nosy reform er' con-
sists in our agreement or di sagreement
with his objectives."
"The most explosive combination in the
world consists of sincerity added to
"\Vhcnever I am the recipient of an ex-
cessively hearty handshake, I suspect
l\'fr. Muscles is trying to sell something,
hide something, or prove something."
Check The Editorial Page
For This Signature
It'll Help You Find The
Latest Quotables Created By 1
'The Needler' For His Col--i
umn, A Regular. Feature of
Your Hometown Daily Newsp1per
eluded after a .16-7 win over Viejo. games but coach Les Perry at bay on t~e.rollouts.
Mission Viejo f have a slight He'll have a pair of quick. says the team is a game "Monahao is only a falr 1 edge on the rest of the teanls glue-fingered ends to throw to behind . most _othe~ schoi:ils passer, but he cuts back well \
with wins already. in Darryl Johnson (170) and (includuig Un1vers1tyl with and that type o( quarterbac k
"But," he adds, •·eve ry Dan Slattery (1601. most others having three on has been giving us trouble aul
team is going to be.a factor , Defensively. the Panthers µie·books. . along.'~ adds Baldwin.
whether they'll do it as con· offer a 4-4-3 setup with The Ga ul s will present a dif· Baldwin gOes 00, "Marina
tenders or spoilers:" de(ens ive ends Paul Sandford £erent type of cho.Uenge to .<Joesn·t really compare to any
"San Clemente (the Pan-and Alan Kapple a n d University this week. They of the three teams we've
thers' opponent Saturday night linebackers f\.11ke fi1anahan ope rate out .or the old single already played, as far as plan
at El P..1odena High) may have and Rick Swanson listed as the wing lormation tknown today of attack is roncemed.
been looking past Villa Park best performers there. as the shotgun formation). "They don't pass as v.·ell as
Ca 15-13 loss for San Deveney concludes, "a Jot of George Erving'. a 160-~und Corona del Mar, they're not as
Clemente) towards u s , ' ' toaches these days are go ing quarterback or tailback, is th e big as Westminster a n d
Deveney continues. to the four-deep, pro-sty!e man who .makes the offe~se ~-;,,========
"Our main concern is lo secondary. But I stay with the click. He JS also the leading r 0 I 0
move the ball against their three-deep because il's more runner on the team and does J , n 'f ne
defense, which can be awfully simpliried fOr the kids and most of the passing. Final stocks In all hom' edi~lons.
tough at times." easier for me to teach to The wan who snaps the ball That's a big d'al? It Is In Orange
.De.veney notes thaLhis o[: ·lheOO:.:: to the tailback Fran~!~ at CQ!!nty. The DAILY PILOT Is th1
fense has sputtered lately and ·Saturday night will prove or center, was -accorde? all:cIF' only daily ntwspaper Wt deliw·
the squad has been practicing disprove the simplicity of honors last season m the A ,rs the package. 1 heavily on developing a decent Orange's defense. division. iiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-ijl
A great .buy
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And The
In -.Cosh For Eoch Week's
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-Voit Footballs each week
Be• pigskin prophet. P1aJ th• DAILY PILOT Pi~li:eroo
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elso each get • Voit Colle9i1te footbell.
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form or reesoneble facsimile. Then watch the DAILY
PILOT sports p1t9e1 for eech week's list of 10 winners.
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l. Only one entry rr PlflOl1 ffC!I -·
4. Entrle' mud bs d1Uvtfed !by mill or !n Pl!r""'1l to DAILY PILOT ot!lcl
nv 5 o.m. Tllur~1v.
1. 11.M~ vo11 •nd DAILY PILOT emp1ov11 •"" t~elr lmmeclllhl l1milln
no! eligible to enter.
f. TIE lliltEAKEI '""''IN lilied In or en1r1 I• Wiid.
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lht option 1lt..-tlls flrit win, of tlchonglng tri. Volt I0011Hlt lor 1nolhtr
qu1IUy v~u P<'DdLICI ol ll<IUlVlll!nl Vllllf. •
1···················· • ENTRY BL.41\'K • • • • Cin:le teaMI ftll tkl•lt will wl11 tlll1 wHf1'1 telllft • (ltolM tn• Is MColMI •M Hated) • • • San Francisco vs Rams • • • • USC vs Stanford • • • • Oregon vs UCLA • • Cal vs Washington • • • • Oklahoma vs Texas • • • • Tennessee vs Ga. Tech • • Mississippi vs Georgia • • • • Auburn vs Clemson • • • • Saddleback vs Chaffey College • • • • Newport vs Westminster • • LB Wilson vs Mater Dei • • • • Estancia vs Costa Mesa • • • • Magnol:a vs Fountain Valley • • • • Colton vs Laguna Beach • • Corona del Mar vs Edison • • • • El Modena vs Mission Viejo • • • • Western vs Huntington Beach • • San Clemente vs Orange •• • • -. • Santa Ana vs Marina • • • • Webb vs Univenity • • • • TU! 911.EAKEll: -MV 11Utt1 .., tllt tolll numbl~ ., l!Olnll Klftd Ill Ill • • 20 .. ,,.... lllltd 1"°'1 II ....................... • • • • HAM! • • • e ADDIDS • • •
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• PHOHI Ill • • •••••••••••••••••••• -
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I ----~
~ D ""I P_IL_DT ______ W_of_,_esd_ay, Oetob<r 7, 1970 Wrdn,,sday, Octob . .::"...:'.:..· .:.l 0_70:__ ____ Pl_LO_T_-A_DV_E_RT_ISE_R_f ~;
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HEW YOIUt 1411'1 • Tllllll1y''-t'llllplfic Nt• "Y_. alk.k l!llCMnot Pl'ICGI •
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' I
Octobtt 1970
DA.IL V P!' C •
Ft1t, ftlr, f1ri1•f. 1kN
.. ,.. -1111 , ... •P ftt:htt I•
e,1r1tl1tt •it tt.. DAltY PILOl
etlil1trl1I P'•t• .,..,., tl1y •
-~---~----~=~--------------· ------
ff DAILY PILOT Wtdl'M'sday, Octobtr 7, 1970
CUP CONTENDERS -California Cup, that is. Pat
Dougan's Columbia (left} and George O'Brien's
Endless Summer (ex-Dame Pattie) will sguare off
Friday in a three race series for California Yacht
Club's California Cup. Both yachts were America's
Cup contenders in the 1967 campaign. The Cal Cup
•eries will be sailed off Marina del Rey.
Cal £up
Two 12-meters
Ready to Race
OAll. Y 1"11.0l ... tlllt ..... I
The eighth sailing I of the
California Cup two-boat match
raciilg series Will get"'lmder-
day with two well-known lZ.
meters squaring oft on an
America's Cup-type coun;e.
The California Yacht Club-
1ponsored event is expected to
attract wide attention .among
yachtsmen this year as it
comes virtually on the heels of
the America's Cup defense at
Newport, R.I.
'Mle--12-met.ers involved are
Pat Dougan's Columbia from
Bahia Corinthian Yacht Cwub,
Newport Beach, and Endless entering her in the Los
Summer (ex-Dame •Pattie) Angeles to Mazatlan race but
owned by George O'Brien or-later withdrew the entry.1
the Royal Vancouver Yacht End1e$8 Summer is reported
Club, Vam.:iuve:, B.C. to ~. ;i much improved boat
Also adding. mter~st \to the · since she Vias defeated in the
three-race senes will be the J967 AmeriCa's CUp defense.
A RMw..t.m . I
' "' !'Ol•·"G r ' . ·. ' ,JEANNE MOREAU ·JACK PALANCE
: ~CNM\QNftlfftll6rtl$1:t(J.llJ'.lN · ..
A IANDl.U·IOIU'IS rtOOl.ICllON • Sut•iht !>,. llKAS HfU!t ~ IYMD Z.GO®WJt "HareID Crew" Japan Bound
San Francisco Yachtsman Sets Sail Wi.th Five Gals
fati; that Bill Ficker,. ~ewpo~ Sawyer's crew on Endless
Harbor Yacht Club skipper-of-Summer will be Buzi Boet·
the ~~epid in ~he ~ent tcher, Roy Bream, John
Americas CUp series, Will be Creed Curtis Jackson Cecil
at th.e hel~ of Columbia. Mallef, David Miller,' Platzi
, eo .. d .... ,_i "'W:lSOW:fU·MM loyJOHHWff
!"Iii( GOOD nMts AIE COMIN . s .. g"' MAMAOS.S·~t.! t.,WJ. IANDt:~·""IOllYl)IWS
.. ll...ci•d I.I WtUIMI A fWff · ~\ISION".d lKHNICOIOl• A~GlNMPICllJIESlf!EASl'gt!..::!=----
-An American yachtsman
plans to sail from this
Japanese port lo Vancouver.
B.C .. in early Octo_ber and
later to Europe with five
young women crewmembers
aboard a 23-ton yacht.
Lee Quinn, the 43-year-old
yachtsman or San Francisco,
said the wnmen a re three
Japanese. one American and
one Australian.
"These women." he said.
"dreanraboot sea voyages but
rarely have a chance to
undertake them."
QuiM arriv-ed in Yokohama.
.~outl!, of ,'.I'Q.kyo, in May from
Hilo, Hawaii, with. two at·
tractive young women aboard
his 43-foot yacht "Nenphyt.e
Too.'' ,
Since 1962, he has had a.;
women of 23 nationalities. sail-
ing with him in trips that took
him one and a hair limes
around the world, Quinn said.
In the latest voyage to
Yokohama, Quinn took his 85th
girl, Jenny Peterson. 'll. of
Honolulu and also Patricia
Seedsman, 27, .o( Melbourne,
Australia, who bas been with
him si·ace 1964.
previou s sailing experiences
because they are serious and
learn quickly," he added.
1'he new crew members, he
said, are Stephanie Bruckner.
27, of Reno, Nev., wife of an
American navigator for Japan
Air Lines, who is livjng in
Japan; Miss Ma c hiko
Ta~hashit, 21, of Tokyo who
is helping her father's
business at a restaurant; Yoko
Saeki, 19. a student from
Osaka; Haruko Kume, 29,
photographer from Osaka.
Quirm said Miss Peterson, a
graduate student or phi1060pby
at the University nf Hawaii alld
a Zen disciple, was on a tour
in Japan. Therefore she would
not be able ta jnin his Van·
couver trip, Quinn said.
He said he will leave
Ynkohama probably Oct. 7 or
"I cannot predict when we
will arrive in Vancouver
because it depends upon
weather condition," Qu in n
s~ "1 think we will probably
Sail across the Pacific in 30 to
40 days," he added.
Later he said he plans to
said to London by way of the
Panama Canal.
Zuniga Jetty Hazards Marked
The dangerous submerged
Zuniga JCtty across the San
Diego Bay entrance channel
from Point ~Loma is now
marked with a series of struc-
l~s 1't'ith .w3J'.ning signs and
lights, according to the 11th
District Coast Guard.
The Coasl Guard worked
jointly with the Los Angeles
Army Corp of engineers in in·
stalling the warning struc·
The one-mile long jetty bas on uch.
long plagued -San Diego The first of five white lights
boating enthusiasts because it bas been insta1led en the
is submerged at high tide. Several boats have been stran-seaward end ef the -jetty.
ded on th~ jetty during the When the project beC()mes
past few years. fully operational, all five Clf
Tbe Army Corps ci f the white lights will Dash at
Engineers _completed con4 • _the same time each second.
structian or five large concrete In addition, a short range fog
foundations in June. horn will be installed on \he
'Y'he Coast Guard installed seaward light structure aS a
structures with signs reading , further aid to boats in the
"Dangel" -Submerged Jetty" area.
Boot Show Opens in LA Thursday
.skippenng Endless Sumtner Miller, Amie SchmeHing and
will be Burke Sawyer, also of Commodore 'Dompkins.
NHYC, who last year won the Ficker's crew on Columbia
Prince of Wales Bowl, sym· will be owner Thomas Patrick
bolic or ~ North ~e\ican Dougan, Pat Dougan, Mike
match·racmg champ1onsh1p.. Dougan, Ron Glans. Bob }(et·
Both yachts have been. m t.enhofen, F r e d MacDonald,
Newport the past week getting John O'Brien Tom Schock
last minute rigging and tuning Bili Scott r>c'.in Vaughn and
before leaving ~or Marina del Chris We;.
Rey for t~ series. Tom Kirkpatrick will be
Columbia was the 1958 race chairman for the event.
defender of the America's Cup There will be nne race each
under the heJmsmanship nf day starting at noon.
Briggs Cunningham of
Lido 14 Race
Newport Beach. Doug an
bought the yacht in 1964 and
campaigned her in the 1964
America's Cup trials with the
late Walter Podolak as skip-
per. Dougan again entered
Columbia in the 1967 trials The Lido-14 International
when She was runner-up to team race be.tween Mexjco
lntrepid in the final trials to and the U.S. scheduled for .this
determine the defender. weekend has been postponed
It wils during the 1967 cam-because the Mexican tea~ · ~
paign that Ficker. acting as . was unable to come to. th ts
co-helnlsman w i t h Cun-COWl_l.!Y ~ause of business
ningham, got bis first taste o( "'mpticati_ons.
sailing 12-meters -that Jed ta The three-day ~egatta ~as
his selection th is year as the scheduled to be sailed at King
skipper of Intrepid. H~rbor, Redondo Beac~. It
Endless Summer is the will be rescheduled later 1n the
former Dame Pattie, the 1967 year.
Australian challenger for the
America's Cup which was
defeated by Intrepid with Bus
Mosbacher at the h e I m .
Training Over
Aft.er arriving n Yokohama.-
about 70 Japanese women and
women of-other nationalities
living in Japali came to see
him about joining his voyage,
Quinn said.
The Los Angeles Boat and
Sports Show will open its
doors at the Sports Arena in
Los An geles Thursday for a 10
day run.
of 1971 watercraft and recrea·
lional vehicles. according to F.
H. (Skip) Creger, producer ef
the exposition which bas at-
tracted exhibitors f r o m
throughout tbe U.S., Canada
and the Orient.
O'Brien bought the boat from Navy Airman Gerald W.
the Australian Syndicate last Martin, son nf Mr. and Mrs.
Cambination b 0 a t s year and repoNedly plans to Robert L. Martin of 3138
designed for skiing as well as convert her ta an offshore rac-Killarney Lane, Costa Mesa,
racing, for fresh water fishing ing boat was graduated frnm Aviation
and skiing and the ocean-going He sailed the yacht from Ordnance "A" School, Naval
angler and skiers, will be Vancouver to So uthern Air Technical Training Com-He said he met them in4
divldually, listened to their in-
terests about ocean voyage
and decided on the three
Japanese and one American.
Miss Seedsman completes the
Jive-woman crew.
The show will feature all
kinds of boats, including
power and sail, plus campers,
trailers and other outdoor
recreation vehicles.
a mo n g the power boats ex-·-C:.ali=·rorn;..:::.cia'-ro-r_t_h.:.•_;JJU_rpooe:___or __ m_an_d_,_J_ac_ks_on_v_il_le_. __ _
Quinn said "I picked up ones
who have common sense and
are energetic. "None of my
women crew need ti a v e
ot!DINANCE HO. 7t-41
TRACT IJ3, FROM •2 to R:...CP.
Tile City Councll of lhf City cl Ccsll
M ... 1 d-oH hff~ ordaln as follow1; $ECTIOH 1. All lh1I POrllon cf the
fchowln, delcrlbetl rt!ll Pl"Cl>etllr Is herfllY p11ted and included In I~ R4<P
Zon1. tc wit: PARCEL I;
A perllon DI let ti DI 'Traet No. 6Sl.
In Ille CCKtnfY ct Ora1>9e. $!ale of
C11ifornl1, 111 '"'' map rtc:ora.<t 111 bDQl 19 pa" '2 of Ml1cenaneous M1os, In the
ottlct of tM county ruorller DI "8111
cOUftfY, "'°'' partlcul1r1v oncrlbld as
BP9!nnlnt al the SOYthelsltrlV comer
'fl/f' u lG Lot fl; tllentf wes!erlv 1!0"9 thf $alltMrlY line ot sold Loi, 125.00
Mel; lfMnc• Nott~rlv 1"'4.t2 fHI to 1
PCint 111 "" Na<llle•1ltrly 11111 or selcl Loi '1. 130.00 tP91 Northwesterly DI 1he
Northe1$1.,IY corner th1rto11 tt'l....:e
Sovt1>e11ltrty 1!-the I I I cl N~1ttr1Y llrw uo.oo feet to lhe sell! Ncrtheas!erlv tor"6r: 1h...c1 S<Nlheriv
a lcnt the E11ttrl'f llM of Wlcl !,.(II fl,
111.M fo!el to fh• J!Olnt ol befl!nri\1111,
!iOll lvlnt Ha<thet'lv of 1 line ""'!di •~·
The show will be open to the
public at 6 p.m.
The Los Angeles Boat and
Sports Show is the first public
showing in the United States
Besides the boats a n d
yachts, the show will feature
such recreational items as
take-along motorcycles and
bi c y c I e s • mini·houseboats
designed for trailering and ski
Sailboats on exhibit range In
size from "sailboards" to the
Columbia-34 and et.her cruis-
ing models.
Gates at the Sports Arena
will open at 2 p.m. weekdays
and at 10 a.m. Saturdays and
Sunday. .. ,,.
tfflds lrt>m !hf mlll-901M I" ~ E11t1r1y Uni frt>m lhe Southwe11terty COl'fter bf ROBERT M, Wll.SO N 11111 to lhf mld.palot In thf West1rlv 11111 said Loi ti. tt.f E11ttrly and W11t1Tlv M1vor DI the
of the hfrfln llel<T'IDf<I °""el. line of Nkl Pl•Ct l bel1111 m111urtd at City of COii& M111 PARCEL 2: ri~ht 1n11111 to th1 SO\rthel'IY line ATTEST:
A t111rlion of l ei 91 of Tract No. UJ, therlOf. EllHll P, PhtnnaY
In lfW County of Or110;1, Slate of EXCEPTING THEREFROM lloll por. CllY Cltrk ol thf
ca111orn!1, 11 Pfr map re<onl'ed In llOOk !!on thertol lvlnt Easltrll' DI flit ClfY of Costa M1sa
''· Pl9f •l ol Misctlliitl'lfOU$ M103, rn fcllowl1111 GescrlbeO lillt: STATE OF CALIFORNIA I~ o!ll~ cl the coun!Y rtc0r.S.r of tfld Betolnnln• at a pelnl of! !tit SoulhlTl'f COUNTY OF ORANGE It
coonty, more t1•rllcul1r1Y dttcrll)td 111 line of sa!d Lot 91, lllltant 125 lttl CITY Of' COSTA MESA )
fo!IOW$: Wtsterl'f from lh• 5oUlhff1t1rlY ca<ntr I, EILEEN ... PHINN EY, Cltr Clerk el 8e9!Mln9 •l !he SoulhfastlflY airner thereof; ftlenc1 Northtrlv to a POlnt on thf City of Cost1 MtN 11111 lll«flc!o
ol sold Loi 91 ; thence We1!erty tlonll tli.t Norlllf1stefl'f 111111 el n ld l.Ot ''' Cltrt ol the City Councu et the CffY ot thf Sout~rlv l!ne of said Lot, 125.00 ll!stt r>I lht reon Nort~eorly 130 !Ml COii• Mt ... 11¥ffl ctttlfy tllat ll'lf above
f l!f!; thence Nortnerll' u•.11 feel lo I trom !ht NortlleflllttlY ccrner thtrtol. Incl lcr'l9oll>9 <lnlln111u No. 7Ml wa1 In·
PO!nl in !ht Northeasterly Une tA .. 111 SECTION 2. Punulint to t~e provl1lon1 trllllUced Ind «onsldtr90 ..e!lon by stc· l ot 91, 130.00 lttl Norlh~llerlY of the ol Se.::tlon 9230.4 cl lhl Mu11ldl)IOI Codt of llon at 1 rtt1Vl1r m"111>9 of the City
fllor!l'letlltrlv llM 130,00 IHI lo lhe ll'le City of (Diii MH&, Olslrlct MIP ....... Council of t1M City ol Costa MfJI hfld on
Nnrlhira1terlY <orner; lhe<Kt Southerly cl !ht Cllv cl (osla Mt., ll Mrtby tht 2hl cl1y of 5"1tmber, 1910, 1nd ~1Cf19 !hf Ea~terlv line of s~td Lot Jl. 1mendt0 by !ht tOdllfon thettto of !ht lhtrfflter tOIHed I nd tdtlllled as a whole
121.5• feel to lht ~lnl cl betln11!119. R'-CP 1rtt detc•lbtll Jn Section 1 Mrtol. et • rttul1r tnHllnt ol 11ld City CO\lfltll
EXCEPTING TH EREFROM that POI'· SECTION 3. This Ordln.1nu •hill l1kt httd °" fht 5th dlY of O(fc0tr, 1910, bV
t1on IVl1111 Sou!MflV DI • llne ""'lch t~· fflK I and bt In full fora l!llrfY CXll d1y1 ttlt tollowlng roll c11t vote ~ tt..crs lrt>m lh' m.ld·POlnl In 1111 E1sltrly from Ind 1t1tr 111 PU .... f, Ind IH'lor lo AYES1 COUNCILMEN: Plnk1tl'• 11.
lint to "" mlG·pelnt 111 !ht Westerll' llne !ht t t Pl•ttlcn of tltlttn nSl •n• from Ci.fr. Wlloon. Jonlan, H•mmctt
of lhe "'"'in llncrlbecl otrctl. !ht p1u1ga tl>e:rtot lhltl bt pubt1111ed NOES: COUNCILMEN: Nont
Tht West SO feel of II" E1st 17S feet PILOT. 1 newsi>atlft of •1nt•1I Cln:ul .. (OFFICIAL SEAL)
of LOI '1 DI Tract No. 6}:1. In lhll County tlon, pr1ntl'd and oulll!shtd 111 tt.t City DI Eileen P. Phfnnev
of Oraro;e, Stilt ol Calllcr1111, as Of• Costa Meso, tovtlhfr wllh n.. n1mt1 cl City Clffk and fl'-Olfk:Jo Cltrk
ml o re<arded In bOok lf, l>lllf •2 DI thf mfmbtr1 of tllt CllY Council volt119 ol tht CllV Council of lh•
MlstellanfOUS Mt01. In IM oftlct ol !ht tor encl •••Inst 1111 11mf, Cltv DI Cosl1 MeJ•
county recordtl' of $aid (l)l.lnlV, said 17$ PASSED AND ADOPTEO !flll Siii dlY Publ\ltled Or111et Coss! Dilly Pilot.
f~! being mtlJured 11009 the .SOUther1v of Oc:l\lbtr, lt1G. Oct. 1, 1f10 IMl-10
I I; I J An r-! ~" .,.__·.....,10' rl I ~1 ' I i ' l. I ,.~" ==:'L--.: _J ~ . . 11 . _j" .,,,.,---.= I ~· " --~,/ ;::=::-./. 1
. " I " ~
// .. .. 11
.. ..
" " "
L.EGEND arr OF COST.\ J€SA. CAllClfllt4 ·---.. __ ..... ._.. .. ..... .... ·-· ..... _, .... ,_ ...... __ ..._.....,,...
lllSTRICTl>IG MAP .,_ ........ -. r.M~.=:=-.. -::...--.. -........ -... _,, ..... _ ..... ..,_, ......... _.,, .. -··· -r. -~-·-,.. _ ... _ ... -i .. .-... -oq . _,,..,, -:; •• :::::r:.:..-... ":1-.,.,.-··-_... ~~
-~· A/4
Oii.iV( IN
IN TH& PARK" • (II.)
Plut "l"AllAHOIA .. e C .. I
Under 11 M111I 8t With 1"1r111t
l'rtmllrt EllllHl-1!
An!llOny CNlnn e A11n MMt•Nf
''Jl::.P.M.•• • (JI:) e Celer e p1111
.llm ,,._"EL COHOOR"e (RJCalol' UllCl.r 17 Mutt Bl Wltll Pal'lllll
Ullffr 11 mu1t bt wllll ''""'· Ntlltla Woo11 • RIMr! Cule
"ICI• • CAllOL & TED a ALICll'"'
l'hll e Htv• M<O-
"T 1-11 RllVERI"
"''"''" ""'"' HARBOR BLVD
,~ .. , .. 4 ......
Vv All( IN
--_ ... _
Yl·l t71
.. _ ··-'42--41J7
L" M1l"lln e Jack '"'"nc• "MONTfl: WALSH" e {GPI
J1mas s-•tt •' ""'" F•llcla ''THE CHlYll:ltHE SOCIA1.
,tU (.tltr Slllwt
Clltlt t:aitwoM
"Kilt. Y'S Mt •OIS" .-10,)
"" • Jl(t ... _ • ,.~., DtMlt
hd llG-HIT
• ~
SAT. l1"414SrSM& 10P.M.
·-----·--· I --1111111111,--·-·•111111•• -··-••at111•--iiiiii•-_,...._.,_llmT_,,_ __
SAT. &SUN. 1:00 4:00 7:00 l 10:00
Offll 1,00·IOTM .. COl.O' P1l11'l,(tN ~
,,,. (fin! Eoitwood ..
IRI .: .. '! mo-Cl> ""''"
-it's pure Gould p.,.,1,11,.,,,,
• '
:· I
__ ,,_ ______________ ,,_----------,..-------,---------------
. .,
. ~--B ·GOVERllOR AllD J, J.
B lltlJl"' -"'ti ~ (t) (30) JJ, lntiitiii'l:s a -f1a3iTn1
1 plzeo" t1rtyin1 W~(llt IM 1~ nate. i "
' • 0 lill Cl! &I ·-221 (C) (30) ~ ~ 111111lwl (t) (60) '1'114 Uncol11 Sto,,." Sllldlnb Ja.
• Wtdntidat, Octol.r 7, 197d
Theflter Notes f
'Anne' Debut tor Ensemble
CM ""' Dl'lr ~1111 ll•fl
Orange County's new c. s l
comn\ualty theater-and tbe
ffifrd to take root t.1 Hun-.
tlrla:ton Beach-opens lts doors
spoofing the cu.rren.t wave of
pornographic films. It a~o
pla)'s Friday 8'1\d Saturday,
running throuih Nov. 21, at
the theater, 307 Main St,, with
reservations being taken at
~htrt Su"ltcH 7:30
"\'t'OOft$TOCi", 7111 Mly
ALL SEATS--$1.50-
~ .. "ii MIC WIWMIY\c1 (C) (£0) , $0ll Allen tqd fJtl'llf ·Mdoft dish +., ,., ,.i...:.~1 .. =_.,..'.""":" ~-=~"--'-,9
01'-_-:-,_,0t--bltter1Y"O'rW ~nt Ullt'Olrl. , -~·~ -m---------.. 1,. ~ fo11}'lllt, · Joe Wl111amt, Roni Bi r· • , \"'I ,,..,, •n H1y11, Rok rt Ard1ty, Boll""
this weetend with a mucb-11-Q wodleigli-mourice, ltd. producti0n
honored drama o( wartime * -L-:.. ® I b "''°'· _n.,wniug 1o~ighl and con-~~~~~~i==~te~\.ill~u<.~-~o~lo~r~~ro~m~~r~ne~r~r~o~s-~' ~_:=:::I 1-'-'Tbe.Diacy_of..Amle_])-ioJ<.. · llliog _li\®&il Sljlld•l'.....Al •
Is the premiere production ot South Coast Reptrtory is "The
the Ensemble Th eater, which Boys in the Band," with John
will operate in • .the b1timate Feriacca at the directorial
surrou ndinas ol tbe ~rish hall helm. Michael Dou glass and
at St. WJlfredls _Ep!scop&I David Emmes play the key
Church on Ellis Avenue east of roles in lhe seriocomedy of a
:, , 11tt, P1~ }llrrinrton Jr .. '114 R'obcrt "' • Yinton.
IALBOAl' 673-4048
.• · B. ll•ls:r·, bio&llP~•r ol Sirh1n Sir·
han, m Du1n1t (C) (30) '1he St11let." ' ~ ,1 . O SI.I O'Clock Movie: tC) "Homc 1 { ,f Fm1 ., Hiii" Part JI (drima) '60 1 ·. -Robll't Mitchum, EJe1~or P11k1r.~
Geor1e Pepp11d, Gtcr~e H1mlllon,
.l~erett Sloane. 11\egitlrr.J:e son
MYes his dad's life.
tJD l'ftEMIERE CivHiutlon (C) (60)
Sil. Ken!!tlh Cl11k's JJ.week serltt
<ln Western Man 1n~ his cultural
ach:evcmen:s. Tonitht's pr111r1m:
"The Frozen Wt11ld" studies lhe rt·
1urn of cl'lllit1tion under Chule·
m11ne after 50(1 )eus al b11b1rie
t 11ids-1r.d-l111man-dlslt1c1tion.
f. m The nlntsblnu (C) (?O) @:ID Fi~hu f1mii1 (30)
Beach Boulevard. homosexual blrthd11y party.
David Milville_ls directing Others in the cast are Bill
the prize-winning pla y by Miller, J ames dePriest, Jim
Frances Goodrich ·and Albert Saxes. Ri chard Gordon, Ari
Hackett. a dramatizatloo ·of a Koustik. Cameron Young and f-'"~""'.0-::'±<""--true -story-based-on--the-Harvey -K·ahn;-the-lalter fillh1g
writings of a young girl seek· in for hvo injured actors. The
ing rtfuge With ·her family show is being staged at the
from Nazi storm troope rs. Third Step Theater, 1827
• OPIN •
6t•I '" .... ,.. . . '
lalht ""''""''•
t(m tt T•Us I 111\el (C) (60) "When! ':®B a (i) Meclitll C!nler (C) (60)
}hleve.s Fiii . In." SllSa.n Saln1 When 1 S'1iu of criminal 1Uaclls
:• JI James cutds in • du1I ro.e. . • on cceds pu~ the ho~it•I eom•
·• f!El HodftPOda• lod11 (t) (lO' m1111ity up ln 1rms. !~s,ici~n hH1
Joyce Bellucci takes the title N~1vport Blvd., Costa ~tesa,
role of th e · teen-aged Anne. .,,,.\th tickets bei n~ re~rved at
with Mike Skinner and Valeree Iha box office, 616-1353.
&) Outftach/ t.1uslt1!t {CJ (30) on I~ l ffOganl youn1 doctor.
~ tm Notlcitrt 34 (CJ {Ml 0 KRAFT MUSIC HALL m wancllrlust (CJ (30\ * Alan Ki ng, Lena Horne
Stiller & tJleara Gii) T11tr1 ell 111 E1trell1s (30)
al Nt1n In the Ro11nd (C) (30'
M i~e Ro!lens. Glori• Greer, Pa:
I~ ID (!) Wutlllr (CJ M11~e Stile1.
O fH @ m Kr1tt Music H1K
(CJ (60) "Alan Kini ... 'Thinp
Ain't l'/hat They Used lo Be'." Cue~is are Lena Horne. Charles FIRST KISS -Joyce Bellucci· and fo.·1. Le\v is Smith
nets:m Reill~. and strnu ind sutler the pangs of first love in a ro1nantic scene ~lea11. A!an Kini h~ls. from "The Diary of .i\nne f'rank," opening Friday
Ho1v cast as her parents. ~1. Also on staf!e tonight and
Lewis Smith portrays the runninl( through Saturday is
y011t1g boy Peter, while Mike "The Royal Hu11t of the Sun.''
fryro and Joy "iaiviJ\e will e:i.tering its third week at the
en act-his lather and mother. Laguna ~1oullon Playhouse. •Also • A.l'~•nl11r• •"" iftlri9~•-filme.l' 1mid the '1 R 't d' t h lui"' baek9tcund1 cf Morocco in 1ccp• ind cclct-Completing the Ensemble 1• al e1 z 1rec s I e e Gino il~rry e Cyd cli.riue e Eh• M•rtineUi e
cast are Nancy Peters, Mark historical pageant v.• th ''M A R o c 7" • A Paramount Picture
Peters. \Vilson playing the featured
OT~t Fviilivt {60) as the first production of Huntington Beach's new
Q @C;D m JohnnJ Ct~h (C) _E_n_s_e_m~)l~l_e_T_h_e_a_l_e_r. ____________ _
l i30 D Candid ea .... ,. (30) m Tiit f!yint Hun (Cl (30)
@ 00 NBC ~i&hlly tlev.·s (C) (JC.:
, EI!) Pli~int: tlu Gultar {30) 1 m F&lo117 Squad (C) (30) '1ht
Shaw, Scott Crane and Oia Mf! ~.1ichael 0\Yens and Darrel K .1~,~;~;;~~~;;~
Performances will be given roles.
at the chUrch hall on F'ridey The pla yhouse is located at
and Saturday evenings for five 606 Lagun:i Canyo\I Road.
weekends. Reservations may Laguna Beach. and reserva-
be acquired by calii ng 968· lions are being taken at 494·
E~•· SJiow StGrtl 7 P.M.
Co11tln110111 Sot. 011d 5111.
from 2 P.M.-lof9oi11 Mari ...
lmm1cul1te l'Jlle1." E•ltl'"f WHn..ctay I ,,M,
.-: Q!J (!) MJ F1mlt1 M1rtiln (30)
El hilttfill lltf Li¥ln1 (30)
: ~ m nu o .. rt Rtpo1t 1c1 '1301
f!I'i) Qlicum1 1 Olvidtl• (30) i Clf) Alt EwenUii J...,. (CJ (30)
7:9J II CBS [~tniAC Hews (C) (3:1)
• Q €D NIC NiptlJ Nnn (C) (30: 1
,. &) OubUch/FilM (C) (JO)
ED lntrip (lOJ
m /tabch• (60)
':lO D News (C) (30) Baxte1 \'.'
(8 ~ N1son (&OJ
fE Polltico1 70 (C) (30)
'Fiddler' 'Breathing
Down Dolly's Neck
2852. 0713.'
* * Huntington Beach's other A third production bei ng
two theater group~ also will be staged in mid\\'eek is the t,1 acti on, v.•ith the Hun-Tustin Commu,iity Players'
tington Beach Playhouse giving melodrama. "Dirty \Vork at
the final two performances of the Crossroads," giving its
i!s opening comedy, "Once final perfor1nance ton i ~ h l
0 What's MJ Line? (C) (30) iI1) Musit11lt/P1slt1r'1 Dtsl (C) (30) By JACK GAVER
€11 Sonrisas (C) (30) NEW YORK (UPI .l -N0\1' at @ I]) I l1w1 Luer (30) J'_QI hat die 'Clldl_ ·JC) (301 10:00 IJ Qi (jJ HIWali flvrG (CJ (60) th!lt "He!l_o, Dolly!" has A ltncle,. m~mory In McCfr1ett'1 m llmJRN Ht111tw00d (CJ (60) PiUt is s~ddenly ~:ia~en. Martin replaced ''My Fair Lady" as
MJ1u In \ht Round.'' Provun lt.1· S~:een and 1Ji1n1' Muld1ur inest. the long-run tnusical champ\9n
lures outstaMdinc puformers, 1 O fD @ EDJour·i1.0111: "Mc· of Broadway, what might be _
QI (j) Tlllb ltf Conlequtncn (C: Cloud" (C) (60) ''The St111 11 next in the m a r a t h o n
8i)Cllrilt tltt livinc W.rd (C) (lO) All tit• World.'' McClo~d lnvesti· -de artment?
Ill llourie (JO) 1 1ates I m111de1 lhreat. Guests •r• p b
1 Richard Dawson, Chiistina Sinatra. Well, there happen~ lo , e a --mi Si11pl1111111t1: M•rif-i$S)--1 ---o ·m-r,··-. c~ ---sho\v entitled "Fiddler on-the
ft'O 1 c tws ( ., (!iO) Hoo!" lh'Jl recentl y ente re :J
w T~rt 'rl ( ) (JO~ 0 DAN AUGUST STARS year Tuesday. It bccaine 2.500
7:JD * BURT REYNOLDS NEW! performances old on Wed-
• Young attorney• .eek 0 @(}) Q) 01n Aurust (C)_(60J _ nes_®y. * justice for the pO,Or "Lo~-. 1s 1 tiic~tl a.ii." -Au&lnt 1e· '1Fiddler" trails ''Dolly" by
and underprivild(ed. sorts 10 unorthodox methads to 235 performances as of the
'. ~---; STOREFRONT LAWYERS rorce a teen11e add ict to revta l lh• close of business Tuesday.
:f--O !SOOStonlranl Liwyeri (Cl ulen1ily t1f • he101n 11ushei. Obviously. so long as
(60) Guest Leon Arnts pity! a 0 The Saini (C) (&0) '·Dolly" keeps going, ''Fid· ~~ like1ble oldtime confidence man. 1 m DEBLIT 8oboqui~11i (C) {30) ~~;':.;}11fyg\~; n~c:;~~;~~]~
:~ Cl @ @mne Meri Frtlll S~I· "Tim Buckley.'' folk1ln1er and m11·
1111 ... (C) (90) "With LO't'e, 8ul!el51 \er of the l2·slrini i uihr. survive the departure of star
and Vilentinu ." Art Carney, lorn n. •· M 1 130 Ethel Merman. who se -.·/" 11 , w 1 aes rt l assumption of the title role [WI . Dtbora~ Yl1lley and Jack i m Telt-Cinem1 lsp1nel •(2 hr) . I I Alblrtsoft rutst. Robbefs .uss a_ . ~--_ • last sprUlg was a r g e Y
· --I T . k [10:30 m 81!1 Joh~s Newt (C) {30) rCS')()nsible for the ShoW being 11w1o..... 11mp1s won '" • po er . · ·". ''""· ED DEBUT Flick Out (CJ t30) "DI· able to set a ne1v record . She
: ~ 0 "1/'D (C) 130) "Nolhing 11 1nne." First lilm o( • serlq made is likely to leave before the
• R 1 B• ~ 0 0 .. P rt 1 C . I by young ldmmakers. end of this year. • 11 ,.,e •• . 1 . onn1e Th t th ·u b Scott o,.,11 Divs& eunt I iII El Sllow de Pidro V111u (30) e ques ion en \1·1 .e . · \vhether .. F'1ddler '' has enoug n :'4>;·,ll®'IJ.S-Ct1tfblllp 11·wr·s·l '-k~·B~@e:J ·r+ews·'fli)---··---scam1na · 1rr continue for .
._,. fathtr (~) (~~) '1he lmport1nt D Q}(!J ifi)Nns~CJ roughly, another 30 weeks. Its
:t• Word 11. A.n~. Tt1m Corbell a~c! QRams Actitn (C) producer, Harold Prince. one
. ,'• s~n Edd1t toin 1 11oup called In· 0 m News (Cl 1Jf the most sUccessful of all
d1 an P1ls. C:J Thealre !: "Duran20" (dram1 ) Broadway showmen, probably
. ~ Cl Million ~ Movie: (C) "M•~ cl '57-Jeff Chiindler,, Ja•nnt Dru, can be expected to make the
UM West" (western) '58 -Gar, Julit London. effort.
Coope r, Julia London, ltt J. Cobb m You Don't S.J IC) If "Fiddler" should go on in
t m Trvtll tr ConuqU1nc11 (C) (30) the hope of setting a ne\~··
Q) Dlnltl hoM (CJ (60) @CI! l'erry Mason record. Paul Lipson probably
ID Seltdtd Fii• (CJ (JO) m llitern Wisdom and Mod~ll will still be in the title role as
. Ul1: "Man i nd Nature." the poor Jewish milkmtin in
• ., Maa fu•r1• 11• tu AmM {lO) 11:30 II a (J) Mtrv 'rlflin (C) czarist Russia who has to cope
:7'5S El!) Cu11tlo11 dt Squndoi B fD ~) tD lohnnr CarlOll . (Cl with pogroms and getting
:1:0oOYi11inil lir•h1111 Show (C) (60}l t.l auricr Chev1litr, Cll1rlit M1nn1,
· ltn!ativelJ sclleduled 1uuts: Mr1 • Jacqueline Susann, Ann Dawson.
· • Hubtr1 Humph1ey, Helen O'Con· , 1J MDVie: "Thr Vir1tni1n" (we51.·
. nlll, P1u1 Winchel!, Edith H11d. ! t rn) '4~Joel McCrea.
• 1 0 @CIJ ED M1t1 Room fa:. 0 Cl) Dia: Cnett (C) Jt1hn Ch.In·
. ' lranddffdy (C) (30) "This Grand· cello r. Shi1l1y Bissey.
Y' daddy Rited X." ~nny is ~ll~redt m Movie: "Blood •nd Slnd" fdr1·
1 (nudt) role in 1 film. Jent White I ma) '41-Tyrone Power.
111d Hamilton C.mp 1uesf. 12:00 ti.}j CIJ Did Cnirtt (C)
Music Fete
By 01orale
At College
several daughters married . M F I ore, With ee ing ," and the through Saturday a! Cun-Lipson, a Broadway suc-cessor to such as Zero Mostel, downtown Nifty Theater open-ningham Field, First and "C" ing its ''Son of Nifty Revue'' Streets, in Tustin. Herschel Bernardi and Harry officially after two weekends ..,--Richard Andersen directs
Goz, all of whom saw long of preview performances. the old-style sho1~._ with Jackie
service in the role of Tevye, Heading th e cast of "Once Sherrill. Da n Bergen and
actually has appeared in the Ato're'' are Ron Albertsen. Betsy Hewett heading the
musical as Tevye and other Carol Falustick and Martin H. cast. Tickets may be ordered
ch a r a et e1' s for more Fuchs under the-direction of by calllng.544-8874.
pcrfc:irmances than tlie shovv's Tom Titlfs. The comedy winds Entering its third v.·eck ofJ:!~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.500 New York o ut ings · up Erid~y and Saturday .nights ThursdaY. . .: through_ Saturday
\Vednesday mar.ked~his.2,6561h at-the Barn, -2110~ Main-st~ performances is -"Love and
appearance in the musical. He with tickets being reservtd at Kisses'' at the San Clemente ~
h:ts played Tevye more than 536-8361. · · Com.mttll.ily Thca_ler, under -I f
I,250 times. The Nifty revue offers a the direction ol Tony Brandt. .......
_This odd situation is due to seri es of 3Q. to 40 topical Clark F a r r eJ l • Jeri •
the fa Ct that Lipson. Y-.'ho b!ackouf sketChfs under the Ariderson, r..tark Manning and THEA ti -
headed touring companies for direction of Elliot Fried. alon_g OUYti Parkhurst are the prin-~ 101 [UT coo.n 141c;-•~
years before taking over in with a homemade movie Cipal .pia:Yers in the comedy al · ·<co--..crL_"".,. •V::t'"
New York last J an u a r y-, the C?brillo Playhouse, 202 673-6260
played Tevye for six months Avenida Cab r i 11 o, San
Program Rated "R"
in the production at Caesar's YOUD!! Coast Clemente. Call 492-0465 for
Palace in Las Vegas where u reservations ..
there ·\Vere 14 performances * LARRY KRAMER~' MARTIN ROSEN '"'"t KEN RUSSELLS "'""
\Ve2kly as aga inst the normal 'O • t Continuing Friday a n dj D. H. LAWRENCE'S
cisht in Nev,r York. Also, as an rgamS Saturday al the Long Beach "WOMEN understudy, he went on for six. C:immunlty Playhouse l s
perfcirmanees in \Vashinglon, Sets Reci"ta} "Uo n't Drink the wa ter." with D.C., during the pre-Broadway Sam Brand0'11 of Westminster IM LOVE"-
tcur when Moslel 1vas ill. l_n the leading role.
Lipson has taken off only James R Garner of Elaine Herman directs the
ALSO PLAYING two weeks during the "Fid-Newport Beach. a concert Woody Allen Comedy which isl
dler·• years organist for Lhe last seven or being staged at the plush play.
"I pace myseJL" he rx· hls t8 years ,wlllgive arec1tal house , 5201 E. Anaheim Avr; -·---··-AFIL\fOF
plained. "You 'ca"'40 ruunl!lg ____ uigan. .maslenWrk.LThurs~.i.o.g-Beaeh·-'i'h~-r"'ffiilfon, ANNIE GIRARDOT CLA UDE LELOUCH
arolmd town when you have a day. night at the ~chm1dt number IS (213) 4~536, I 'Lo j F 11 p:lrt as demanding as Tevyc. Jl.fustc Company studio, 1907 i\fe S a unny ting•
\Vhen I don't feel up to snuff. N. ~1ain St. Santa Ana .
d 1GP'~· • 1rhich Is r~rc, playing Tevye is Young Garner, born an • _J ~ COl.OR &YDEWXt IJndlllAl'hltl
the best cure l have found . raised in Newport and now at·
"If I .ever grow weary of the tending Orange Coast College
part, I 'll Qand in my nutice, 'A'here he is majoring in
but this isn't a part to give up. music. will present a classical
How many 'Fiddlers' are program at the 8 p.m. recital.
there? I just think back on all Included will be Bach's
cf those quick (lops that every "Adagio" and "Fantasy and
actor experiences. and I'm Fugue in G Minor," Cesar
I~or Top Sports Cove1·age
happy to be signing in every Frank's "Chorale ln A f.1inor,''I'=====
night for 'Fiddler: Liszt's "~~elude and F'u~ue o,n
''We knew we had a hit B.A,C.H., Gabriel P1ern e s
when we sta rted lbe try out prelude and cantilene from
tour in Detroit in September, '·Trois Piece.s.:• Opus 29 and
1964. Sister Mory Immac ulate. Jch an Alain s modern
who then was head of the Na-"Litanies." · ·<Lilt MAli\'IH
''M ONTE WAZ.Sil "
o\l~e -JeG!lllt Meroau m11 Tell Ille Trutll (C) (30) I 1:00fJMowit: '1~1 S.lid Cold C1dil·
Qi) Nl"W ~USON The f1tnch Clid l•t" (comedy) '5~Judy Holl!d1y,
(C) (30) ''Bouillabi isse 1 11 Mu · Paul Oou(l1s. Frtd Clart.
liona l Catholic The ate r Garner is a student member
Conference. carhe backstage of th~ Ameri~an Gu~ld of f
lo congratulate us and ·said Organists and 1s organist for!
she would sc h e du I e a the Lu theran Church of the
A musical program entitled performance of the show for Master in Corona del Ma r.
'·Leaves Of Sou nd" will be
CALL 546-310Z Jack f'al1ne~ .
PL US -Rod T•~lcr •~d Suit K1nd•ll in "DARltlll THAN AMIER':'; R11,d "R"
111l11iH." J~tl• Child slau. 1 Q O Hews (C-) Presented by the Santa Ana her organization's convention in New York the follov;ing
College choral ensembles in year. POSITIVELY ENOS TUESDAY I RATED "G"-IT'S FOR EVERYBODY
Phillips Hall, on the College " ·How do you know we'll The newly organized Youth Q <lo.
ca mpus Sunday. Oct. !8, at 8 slill be playing then?' J asked. Philharmonic Orchestr a,• !''1,"" in~Me 'Nl:'W!'Qll'f c'rm~ eartwB h A WJflJ~ro..-
p.m. She replie<I : ·you'll have a jointly sponsored by Fullerton! :.. . 1 • '•;~sand '1 C/Bar/)lf ~
This initial program of the longer run than even 'My Fair Junior Co llege and the Orange1 ; W\l'W'yves, tuec:il4lCtll'lfM.isicll"'-Y. OriACS..~'M!Ctl'IS.FGl'Mf
t' triJTllt: Al!Mt (C) (30) [ 1:15 0Co111111unity l ulletin IGt.~ (CJ
I IE) lbcho librt {C) (60\ 1:30 m AU·Nltht Sha.: '111!1 II
,. E¥eitts," '1onipt Wt lliid Cal· l:tS 111 a.r ll'l1trnltion11 1!7D (55) als." and "Af'Sword'J ~lnl ~
concert season will feature tho Lady.'" County Department of Educa·
Santa Ana College Choir and Fiddler'' needs 217 more lion. wlll hold its f i rs t ••-..ta.nd
the Even ing ChOrus in a performances to do that. After r e h e a r s a I tonight in the I~ •••••••111!1•••••"""'•• '•-••••••----
presentation of select sacred which there is "Hello, Dolly !" FJC Music Building. II
compositions. The Concert 1 j'~~~======;:,;;=======-=-=-=-=·=====jjl Chorale will add vocal variety.!•
m "l1!1nd ol lost Wo1111n" (d,11• Smaller groups appearing on $'1[hii\lfti1 D 0 \It EVE SHOW STARTS 7
m1) 'S9--Jt!f Rk:h1rds. Y1n1tl1 the program will be the Jj_ ~ CONTINUOUS SHOW l.·.OOOSte~~!· ,.,.,..,. Id••••! .,, Madrigal Singers, a consort of SUN. FROM 2 p .M.
-'J' recorders, and a folk-rock NEW,OltT l t Acl4 • Ot.S·t!SO -Al1n l1dd, Gill Ruwll.
t :GOm"'lli.rdtr .. Molllllf" (,.,,-Gory) group formed from t~ choral EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT
'!l-R•lph Rk:h1rdson, M1r11111 membershi p.
Ltiflrton, • I======='========
, Z:OOOReq1iwl fw 1 ~
IMtll(C) "A!ri LM" (musical) ·571 (Gr1m1) '6Z-Anlh0111 Quinft, JICk· ... T'ICINALOl!:N!fUlOOft~A.TIOt
_,,, Boon• Shlrt•r *''· ie c1e1ton. Ju11. H•nis. f O"""X'" -sam CllASl • ' .. , 4:00 IJ (C) ''Y1l1nti110" (biocr1phk.1ll t:JO 1J '1h Sltll r,., (dr1m1) S2 '5T-Anttio111 Oftter, £lt11'10f 1'11.! fll..A&A.....,.
-Joseph Cotten, T1 re$1 Wri1ht. lier, Richtrd Carlson. I ._.,.,__, .. ......,.~ ..... 1111.
PHONE 642-4321
-'°"PH E lfVINE -NlNIW iMIAS5Y fllM
O'TOOLE HEPBURN ' ~··•ar1~
1 I rne LION 1N\v1NTeRI .... -•Mt Wlliltt 1.
A---00 THll PINI flATV-1 ----
M1te-0" tflowf"! ''S•1t1 Ylff1rf1" 7 S,ec.e f ilO c .... 1 ..... Sllow SHCte ""'I P.M.
. ----------------------~-------------------
, ' ..
''R" ~li\S ·ll .
llSSIT ....,
~RVIN fA"Srm 5£RG
Clint f1 1!wocd i11 "lllllY'S HllOll" ''G"
l•rt 1.•11c•t11 e Dff11 Mwtl1
II A I R p 0 R T" ,, ... '-Mrt • Ja11111ll1t I I••"'
-r.,;::t::o.~·.:t:.'"'." :::~;;;:
CALL 892-4493
George C. ·Scott -K•rl Miiden
J11d Hfl -'•~I Nt"(ll'll" h1 "WINN!HI!;" "~"
U DAILY PILOT Wod~, Octobtr 7, 1970 Wtdnesdn, Octolxr 7, 1'170 PILOT ·ADVEUISE~ 2
.lhone546-7076 -
2 Dr.6 cyl .. outo. trms., rodio, hMtr. TFZ8J3
'68 MERC. C~ugar Cpe.
V-1, slick shift, rod"IO, heottr. As is speciol. WXK 062
4 Dr. 6 cyl .. auto, troos., rodio. SA1:740
'63 MERC.
COMET CONY. 6 cyl., outo. trons .. rodio, htoter. l ic. FWT857
'65 MUSTANG Cpe.
6 c.yl., stick shift, rodio, heottr. As ts special, NPU 590
'66 DODGE Dart Wagon
6 cyl., ..m>. fl'ons .• rodio, heater. As is special. SVU 300
. '65 MUSTANG Cpe.
Y-a. 4 spHd, power SI ..... radio, ..... As n Sptcial UM 062
'67 CHEV.
2 DI. H. T. V-1, arto. troM.. poMI'" si....ing, rodio. lictnse PWN71)
I ·.
.. •
,, ' AND
. .
·MUSTANGS· T·BIRD Z::tONOll.INIES • 11'100 • L"250
$1195 :~~ .. ~.~~!,~.~~-~.~;•."''"w1tsn $1699 '65PLYMOUTH $699 4 Or. Y-1, Mo. tnm., radio. Lictnst NBZ790
$695 :~,r..~~~~1~~~· $1099 '65MERCURYWAGON $89 9
Y-8, Gllfo. from., power stMring. radio, heater. lictttSt MCCM l
Converlible. lSP714
4 Dr. V-tl, auto. tr.n., full po¥ter, powtr s1Hring, rodio, heotw,
Licenst OYB171
'65 CHEV.
31• ro1u:ila> v-t, mck """· Tl6831
'65 FORD
F-600STAl<flODY 6<'f! .• 4 ...-.MS3Sf
$1099 '67 CHEV.
3/4 TON P.U. V-1, stid. rodio, htoter. V96664
~s Per Day
plus 6c mile '70 FORD
F250 P.U. V-1, Mo. trans., rodio. heot«. $
(°""*Special wflined c....,. Shell. low -·'""'
. Pickup. 6 c;yl.. stic:k shift. (G$4626)
--· -·----~~~~--...___.~__,... ........ -·-· ............... -------------
l'"'-"'"!~-----------'"':"-------------------------=------------------------·--~---·----·-··-~·-~--1"'""'-·-·-I • • , --
-GIJ'bod in colorful illts and tarllnl
llilnlflrlne lbelr clan, pipe\'• will Pille iJ
... aiilheOllc English !<&al honoring lh._
LGrd Mayor of_ Weslmins.l.e.r., Englan
.-II ol the fiv.<Iay Westminster Cen·
: .tmnlal Celebration.
), All the pomp and ctrctimet&nce tradl· IJ9°!!l!IY !-lated _with Olde j:_ngland
Jfil...~ .... :Jn evidence during_Jhe banquet_ takittl place-in the Anaheim Convention· q.i~... .
, 1Ibe •.Right .Honorable and Mrs. Brian
F.ltzprald·Moore, honored guests •. will be-·
'(jaitinc ~tmins.ter, Orange County, for
the celebration which began yesterdiay
IQd ':will •continue through Sunday, Oct. n;· in Sigler Park. He mo will serve as
gtand marshal of the centennial parade
_on Saturday, Oct. 10.
1--,_.,·,!'Duri'!~· J i & champagne reception beBin-nln& al·l :30 p.m., area pipers Or. MarviD Marshall. former p r i n c i p a 1 of
ffeStm:blster High· School, and Hugh
..,. Wynne, Santa ~-. will ent~rtain. ··At.7~ p:in.,~a regal, specla'\!y garnish-
ed English-cut· prime rib of t:ieef au jus
will be served supplemented b y
Yorkshire pudding, another British tradi·
lo. tio'n. I -
Mix~ green dinner sala<;I with Britain 's ··-
favorite cheddar cheese dressing will
complement the additional culiriary
delicacies including potato-in-the-jacket,
English baby carrots and tiny . peas,
Eng lish muffins and raisin rolls .
The banquet will conclude with in·
divid ual English pastries.
Attending will be Orange County
mayors, city Oluncilmen, merru,ers o~the
Westminster Chamber of Commerce and
., other civic and political dignitaries.
The publ9c is invited to attend. ~d
·tickets to the formal reception and ban·
---.. quet may · be pUrchased M -fli'. e
~ W~t.minster Chamber of Comqierce.
Preparing the feast Will 6CJames
Deluhery, for three years executive chef
at the Convention Center, who maintains
that English· cooking is basic with em·
W ....... r. OC!eMr 1, Im
phu.i.s!on btJn&ina out natW'al Oavon ol~
Uwr lno't<lltl>b •
Britons fa'vor rare rout beef, mut
chops, and becauae of England's a:
ximity· to the sea sole, 1almm
shrimp al1J1ys are available and popul ' .
For.-a more-~defo..rout, place at ~
temperature for one hour before routln&·\
Rub with salt and pepper, and rout at 10
-minutes per pound in a 325-degree oven,.
or until a meat thennometer reads 135.
Allow the meat to stand an hour at room
temperature before slicing.
4 large eggs
2¥.i: cui)s milk
16: teaspoon saJt
¥.i: cup flour _ ,.-
Beat first four Ingredient!. Pour drip-
pings in 12-section muffing pan and place
in 47$-degr~ oven for 10 .mlnu-. Pour
ba'lttr into sections and bake 15 minutes
in 450-degree ·oven.
12 slices pound cake
2 Cups sherry
1 cup raspberry jam
3 dozen ladyfingers
1 cup whipped cream
1h: cup candied cherries
1 quart pastry cream
Place pound cake in bottom of a pan
and saturatt: with sherry. Spread jam
over all and arrange ladyfingers on top.
Cover with pastry cream and top with ,.
whipped cream !!'d a cherry.
Pastry Cream
10 egg yolks
11,2 CJ.!PS sugar
1 CUJf'flour
4 cups milk
Whip egg yolks and combine with sugar
and ftour. Heat milk and add egg mh:·
ture beating constantly over low heat, un-
til thick. Cool at room temperature.
G·u.idelines Furnished
OrMM CllllllY Html UYlttf
Comfortable upholstered furniture iJ a
costly item ln most family budgets.
careful selection of the upholstery fabric
can be an Important fa ctor ln durability
and upkeep.
When choosing fabria for upholstered
furniture, you should first of all decide
what you want or expect from lhe fabric.
Are )'OU most concerned about how it
will wear or how easy it will be to clean,
or do you care mo.rt about fashion, or
~daoosing 1 color.or texture which is
~or llghl lot lh•'fOO'"·
TL Is very difficult to find a perfect
fabric ttlat meets every requirement; so
YoU must r·an.k your requirement.s in
·Home News and Views
ord" of Importance ·11111 be reedy lo
ttlmpromise . FOr example, a tightly woven fabric of
medium dark tweedy colors will be less
likely to show soil than a light, pl~y
fabr ic. It also wlll wear better, But it
may-not be as attractive. So you have to
decide which Is most import.ant to you.
The decision may depend upon her# the
uphblslered fUmlture bl to be used. If lt11
chosen for ~ tn a "company" living
room whk:h you furnish mosUy for looks,
you probably will be leM concerned about
durabWty and tase of cleaning than you
'would be if the fumit\D'e ls for a much-·
used family Jiving room.
When dutability Lr the first con-
sJderation, then the weave of lhe fabric Is
as important as the kind of fiber. For
long 1llrd wear, the-fabric Mould be
cl""ly and firml y woven, wlt11 both
cross~ and lengthwise threads made
of ti\thtly twllled 'yarns. The tighter the
weave, the better the cortstruction.
The weight or thickness of the fabric
elso will Influence durability. as a
~ ....
ing ·To Dinner
Pomp and re9ali ty rule for.
• a trad iti onal En9lish
banquet. Hugh Wy nne pipes in
_James Deluhe ry ·while Miss
Westminster Teri Kent watches •
... ..
• ' I
'· ·~ . '
for Upholstery Buys
heavier' fabrk: will last longer.
The flatte~ lhe fabric sur(ace, the bet.
t.cr the wear also. For example. velvets
and chenilles and fake fur will not wear
· as well as fla tly woven f8brics. Dirt and
abrasion will break down the upstanding
fibers. They are also quite difficult to
clean. BuL in spite of this, velvets and
chenilles and fake fur are high fashion
today. ~
The kind of fiber u.!ed also will affect
durabjlity and cleanability. A good choice
of fiber for durability would be nylon.
Nylon b rated e;ttellent in streiigth and
wearabllity with good resistance to
ab rasion. It Is harder to dye than some
fabrics, however, so compromises rrtay
have to be made on colon.
Cotton ancf rayon lead the list In
J>Opularity of all the fibers used in
upholstery fabrics. Both fibers dye w~ll
and are produced In a wide range of at-
tracUve colors. Ra yon and another
popular upholstery fabric, acetate, 'do not
wear as well as other fibers, however.
For cleanabUity and soil r"istance.
[abric.s made of olefin would be-a good
choice. Early olefin fabri cs, while havlng
a great stain ruistance and high
abrasion factor, were harsh In feel and
the colors dreary. Today 's olefin fabrics
have improved texture and a much wider
choice or patterns and colors.
New in the last few years arc
upholst.cry fabrics made from polyester.
These fabrics are found in many st·
lractive colors. They have good abrlsiOn
resistance and arc easy 1.9 care for.
Acrylic fibers produce an upholstery
rabrlc which resembles wool in ap-
pearance. They are dur.able and are
noted for high so il and 1taln re.!listance.
Q. What type of cleaner do you recom-
mend for borne cleaning of upholstered
A. Consumer Reports recenUy reported
on tests ·~$led on upholstery
cleaners. They did not find one prodUct
that did what they considered to be a
good job.
In -view of this, you will probably ha.,.
just as good results using ~s mh:tures
'14 cup sudsing laundry detergent
[powder, not liquid) dissolved In l quart
'hot w__ater. Whip with egg beater to fona
itiff foam.
_Apply just the loam with •t>OOI•. loll
brush, or terry cloth. Rub gently with
even pressure on a small section at a
Ume. Remove foa m w\1h a 1po,nge or cloth
wrung from clear water.
I 1
• T
' • Harbori .te Pirouettes to Fame
Dancer on .Her T oe_s for Villella Tou u
• .
• ' ..
• (
\ . "
,: ..
r .. ·.
·. . •
. : ~ .
Lithe a nd lovely, Polly
Shelton warms up
ot the bar. Her_ lyrical
movements arrive
at artistic p~rfection.
Of t111 o.t" f'i.t SteH
Edward VUlella, the male
11tar of Geor1e Ba1anchlne·11
famed Ntw-York Clty-Ballll•e~t~, =j~~ Is on a_three_week...tour..ic.r.o
the COUfttry.
Traveling with him Is a tight
Utlle company of sli: danctr11
and two plani&Ui. Po 11 y
Shelton, the d1ughter of Mr .
and Mrs. Robert Shelto11i of
Corona del Mar, is one of the
chosen few .
A member o( the New York
City Ballet since M1y, 1988, It-
year-old Polly is In the 8()..
member-corp11 d~ b1lllet. which
perfonns In the L I n c o l n
"This is a great ooportunity
and honor for Polly to be
chosen along with five other
dancers for the lnur," ex·
plai.ied Robert Shelton, a con·
suttant for the Irvine Com·
The tour, which oriRinated
in Laguna Beach when ~Villella
danced with the LagunA Civic
Ballet. includes 15
performances in 14 cities. The
little band of profcssi(lnals wilt
have performed in Sacramen·
tn, Fresno. P asa dena,
Phoenix, San Diego and In
various state universities
across the country.
"Along with the honor or
rl•ncinll on the lour. Polly con·
siders the opportunity for con·
centraled, dilly le11sons from
Stanley Williams the greatest
advantage of the three week
experienct." added .M r s ,
Shelton. Williams, formerly of
the Roya l o·anish Ballet, Is
Vlllella 's personal coach whom
Villella has termed, • ' a
teacher with the real 1nside
knowledge of technique to of.
"Professional dancers must
develop their bodies dally,"
expl ained Shelton. Similar to a
llnely tuned violin, a few day~
of missed practice brings
Mticeable strain. A la yman
may view perfection wttereas
a profe1sion1I dancer will
pfillh hlmselt to -master the
.subtleties with intense con .
centration; pointed out Mrs.
~..stlelton. -__
Oreamfng or performing
with En1i:land's Roy.st!
Ballet. Polly danced under
Lil11 Zall of Laguna Beach for
eight year!!. She w~!t 11 student
at Coro~ni de! Mar Hi!i!h School
and at HI. she recei ved a
scholarship to the School ot
AmericaR Ballet in New York.
Her 1yrlcal mo veiTients and
growing artistic m a t u r i t y
garnered her an invitation to
join the cnrps de ballet of
what is considered t h e
outstanding ballet company in
the CT1untry.
''Polly might have been ex·
ptcted to spend another yeA r
or lnnger at the school." con·
linued her father, a former •
Newport BeaCh city manager
and CT>uncilman. And not all nf
the students are i1tvited lo join
the ballet , he empha!tiZed.
Polly. who lives in ii New
York apartment "•Ith a
Siilme~ Cill, seems In !hrivr.
on It slrenuous ~chedule or
· le ssons and performances .~ix
dRys a week , her mother ad·
mi ts.
During the tour. she enjoys
a pas de deux "•ith a male
dancer. Jn the hierarchy of
ballet, a promising dancer wilt
receive such parts and move
on to solos and then become
prlnclpals such as Edward
Villella (lr Melissa Hayden, ex-
plained Mrs. Shelton.
Whate ver the mea su re or
Polly's success. she has· a
devoted audience in h e r
brolhtrs and sisters --Peter.
who attends the University of
California. Berkeley, Wendy, a
sludenl at UC, Da vis, and
Thomas. a Corona del Mar
Hi.Rh School student.
"The lour is a real pawn for
Polly and we are quite happ y
for her - she is such a lovel.v
dancer, moving like water,''
said Mrs . Shelton. "You really
should see her sometime."
Libra: Don't
Reveal Hand
may think and do. Develop
your own style, Short trit:rmay
bring positive re&Ull!. Put
ideas _to work.
II--"-'-By_BY_D_N-cE_Ycc-O-,-M_A-cR-R ,..--SAGITTARIUS (Nov. j2..
GEMINI lndlvlcluals often do Dec. 21): Handle a d d e d
•mort than Uttlr .Ure Ol talk· responsibility. ll could bring
t.a. However, they .cl•lll!D to be rreater i-ewardS. ·vou are
excellent l11U:ner1. 1)1.i'I • mo'l'ing in righ{ direcUon.
pod trick II ••• c•n pu.IJ It ScoQit individual , p r o v e 1
off : lalklft1 and fi1trlli111 at valuable ally. ·
tbe ume tl.mL...lL_!P):ODe . it · ,
I doi 1 •L-i.-CAPRICORN IDeC .. %Wan, cap1b e of •1 I, ~ ... non 19): Proorress 11 keynoted. would Uve to 10 tu GemW. e· Cooperate in commu9\tY ,pro-
ARIES (March 21-April. 19): jecl You' make ' 1!1nlfk:ant
Best to complet.~ratner-th1n-gains;--Aim-toward:g0t,1r.?Mre
tnlliale projecU. Fulfill oblig•· Is room fur you at toP:-Wldtn
tlon. Bul also be. sure you hori%OIUI. see beyond ' the lm
rective credit due, Ambitions mediate.
are highligh.ted. Bright young AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
person aids. ; 18): 'Be aware ,of what occurs
TAURUS {Apriym.May 2())1 behind tht scenes. You require
Some who depend on you may additional privacy. Some are
announce new policies. Be anxious to learn your business.
ready to take creative steps. Protect your. int.erests.
Means don 't be caught off PISCES !Feb. 19-March 20)~
guard. You have more to ofter Yoo may be held responsible
than might be Imagined, for another's actions. Maintain
GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): balance -and poise. Don't
You get impressions which are compound errors. Do what
vaJ!d. Follow through: adhere must be done in calm.
to basic beliefs. Accent on deliberate manner.
work procedures, methods of If. TODA y IS y o U R
accomplishment. Learn by BIRTHDAV you are due to
ttachlng -share kno\vledge. make ch a n g e 11 which
CA:'IJCER (June 21.July 22): transform the routine into ex·
Lie low . Do more listening citing accomplishment. Some
than talking. Secure j>Oliition. circumstances are be yond
Protect ass~ts. Be flexible your control. But you can ride
enough to make necessary ad-with the tide -to per&0nal
justments. Discussioh with achievement. You are a lt family member proves .sensitive person, able to ~tect F ~neficial. signs of the limes. i~ LEO (July %3-Aug. 22 ): Ob-
tain hint from Ca" ct r
message. Tread lightly. but
continue forward progress.
One who talks a Jot may not
have much to show for it. Res-
pond accordlni:;ly.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
Good for ~etting ideas on ti paper. Express y o·u r s-e If . --
~· Refuse to be held back by
,_ foolish inhibitions. Your opi-
~ nlons are sought. Present
tmm in meaningful and direct
LIBRA !Sep!. 23-0d. 22),
You receive enlightenment
about property. 11 p e c i a I
permission11 and ri(hU. Don't
reveal your hand. Surprise
element works in your favor.
Know this and a c t ac-
SCORPIO fOcL 2J.Nov . 21 ): ·
"'"'""'""""""'""'""""'""'""'"',..,..,...,,.,..., ... ..,r.1~ Perfect techniques. Don 't be ~:,...,.,....,....,""°"'"""'~""'""'""""""'""'"'""""'~"""'·"'''""",.,-~'~"""~~-.,.,,,....,.,,,™,,,.""'-'""R!!ll""""""' ,,.,,.,,_..,.,:;:;,.~"'.-· :-"-""""' ~;;""'V"l.\i bogged down by what others l
To Say Vows 1
~Ally Needed • Bulge Battle i. . , Rites Dc;ite l
.... • ~-~· -'.'-=-. ~,.=,,..;;,,'., --:;:;.......:;;._....:;.+>~~~~-~,.,,--·Revee-le G--+ -1 DEAR ANN LANDERS : My wife has
thrown up her hands in .disgust. I. a
father. am writi ng to ask you for help
with our 21-year-old daughter. The girl is
4'10" and weighs 140 pound!. As you can
irDaeine, she looks like a tub of lard.
A thyroid problrm has been ruled out
by two physicians. They both said the girl
ells too much~ and she eats the ~'rong
lhings. She has been on pills. diets and
trted every gimmick in lhe world -ex-
cept to stop stuffing her face.
Of course she has no boyfriends . \Yho
\vanl.s lO be seen with a bowling ball? She
is'.mad at the world and says the most
fqn 11he has is eating a~d she will not give
it up. Since FalSo reads your . column
rf11giously we hope you will print this let· ttt. She admires you a lot. Ann. Maybe
you can knoCk some sense into her heild.
DEAR JACKSON: "Sense" r.annol be
Docked into anybody 's head. But your
Idler gtve1 me A&me 1ood clue1 as to
wtiy the 1lrl overeats.
Whal she needs il1 rnmplete sllenr.e
fiem yo1 on lJlll 111bjed and 1ome pro-
ti;tlonal eo11sellng,. You have an unhap.
py Wptef who ha1 turned tn food for
CGmfort ud 11U1facllon. And the '1 going
to -,~ ;~ ~·t&u . Wlle11 ·~ aeta
some outside help.
DEAR ANN LANDERS : Your unsym.
pathetic approach to people who Are mar·
ried to snorers bothers me. Obviously
vour husband doesn't !inore. You are
lucky. The letter that reall y licked me on
was the one from the Huchinson. K11n.,
girl who was afraid or marriage because
she reralled the slC(!pl ess nights caused
by her i;tepfather.
My heart ;iched "'hen I read her word!!,
''He shook the house." You can't reali1.e
what this means unlc.<:.s you've er·
JX>rienced it as I have.
My husband has been snorin.1i in twn
octaves and three Janguage!t for the p11st
45 years. Our neighbors on both sides
have heard him and commented on it.
Or:ie night next to ii fog horn like that can
!ieem like a week. "'hen a snorer lurns
over and stops snoring, you know your
relief is temporary -that the snoring
will start aga in soon . !l's just like waiting
f9r' the other shoe to drop.
1 love my husband very much but those
nights when I drag my pillow and blanket
to the M>fa, my love wears pretty thin. I
often wonder why HE never offers lo
sleep on the sofa so I can have the com·
for table bed. ll isn 't nnly the snoring that
bothers me, it's his lack al consideration.
Comment, please, -D ET RO 1 T
DEAR r>.: You are obviously an
authority· on lhill &ubject and I can add
nothing except my thanks for your can-
dor. II millery loves eon'lpany, be assured
yau are nnt alone, Not a day passe~ that I
don't hear from 1omeone who has thlll
problem. Buena& 1tOCbe1 and sweet
dreams -"·hen you can get 'em, Honey.
Drinking may be "in'' to the kids you
run with -but it CAn put you "out" for
keeps. You can cool it and sl~y pnpular.
Read "Booie and You -F'or Teen<1geri1
Only." Send~ cents in coin 11nd 11 looji!.
self-addressed, stamped enve lope with
your request in cart of the DAILY
Offing Dinner Party
tngag,ement Reyealed
Wedding • tn
O.CemlMr Date
A Dec. 11) wedding In SI.
Alldrew 's P re s h y I er i a n
Church, Newport Beach is
being planned by .Julifl Han-
naford and John Lough·
News of the forthcoming
e\·ent WR~ ~nnounced by Mis.~
Hannaford 's parents, !\Ir. and
P.1rll. Roger Whitney HAn·
naford of Corona dil !\1ar dur·
ing a dinner party in their
The bride-lo-be is A graduate
of Corona del Mar High School
and 111tended Chapm11n College
and lU World Csmpus AfloAI.
Her flance, !iOn of Mr. and
Mrs. Sheldon Loughqorough of
lngliwood, i~ II graduate of
California Slate College ill
Long Beach. A member of
SlgmA Chi. he I!! a football
coach .And teacher. at Los
Alamitos l:Uih School.
The engagement or Darlene
Brown of Tustin. former ly of
Huntington Beach. to Ra lph
Rael of Salt Lakf'I City h11s
been announced by h e r
parent.~. Mr. And Mrs. Everett
S. Brown of North Ogden,
The bride-elect Is personnel
officer for the City of Newport
Beach And is a graduate o{
Brigham Voong Uni\'ersily,
Her luture husband is the
!Ion of Mrs. Gerald H. Raat or
Ogden and the late ~tr. Raat.
A gr.dual• o<-W•ber sta1e Cocktail Cruise Chartered
College and the Unlverslt"-y 0o~l~c-
Ut1h tchool of 111"'" he ls an A cocklail c ruise aboard Uie Pavlll~n Queen followed by dinner and danci11 ., i
~ssistant attorney Reneral for the Pavilion is planned by the \.Vednesday Morning Club of Costa Mesa fnr all
lhe state. members and invited J::uesls. The event, i;laled for 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. lff. Is
The wedding will lake place themed Shipwreck Party, Coming ashore to complete plan.~ are liefl to right )
Nov. 23 in Oidtn. the Mm ... David Poppell, .Alited..Mey~r<and Gene Gribbin. Chairman Is Mrs.
Rodney fugale.
Lutheran Church Of Cil
R esurrection, Huntlngton:l
Beach has been selected for ;If
the Saturday, Oct. JO, wedding•;
of Judilh Ann Lar!tn •nc\.lf
Ronald Steven Pitlro. J
The bride~lecl is l he ·;.:
daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Vic.'··
tor A. Larsen of HlMtlngton
Beach. Her fiaoce is the son o~ ,
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco W. Pittro
of Garden Gro ve.
Miss Larsen is a graudale o(
Kennedy High School, La
Palma and altended Orana:e
Coast College.
A graduate of West Hi.11h
School, Torrance, the
b e n e d I ct · elect attended .•,
California State College Al 't
Long Beach and the Univers\-~
ty of Colorado. r
Vows ?ai 4~·l
In Irvine '1
Janrt Anne Silvera became
the bride of Peter Edward •• :
Calhoun Jr, during dooble rfni
ceremo11ies conducted by the ..
Rev, Herbert Neirmann in St.
Matthew Lutheran Church,
PArents of the bridal couple .,
arr Mr. and Mrs. Marcus J. ,
Siivera of Newport B~ach and ~
Mrs. Geor1e Jenkins <> ( i
Ga rden Grove. · •',1 •• Mr. and Mrs. Sttven Craig ,
Silvera, brother :tnd sister.in-~
lilw of the brirle, came from • j
Morro Bay to be the honor At· ~
lendAnls. Ushers were Dennls ~1
Burkhart and Coy Etley. ·~
The bride is a gradualt of {
Pasadena High SChool and her
husband we& educAted Jn Fills j
Village, Conn . He recently
completed a four-year tour of ·
duty with the Navy. 1
The newlyweds will rt11ide.la
Orange. /
-; CMA~ •
Th< third Thur..tor ·pi;
month members of i h 1
\meric:iln Legion Auxlllary,1'1'
Costa AfcSA Unit, 4M gather l~ •
lhe American LA:&kln Hall , ,_t ~
p.m. • ··: ••
Juniors Choose
San Diego Site
J unior club members from
the DeAnza, Orange and San
Diego districts will gather in
the Ramada Inn. San Diego ,
ror a conference Saturday,
Oct. 10.
'l'he theme , chosen by ~1rs.
Gary~ l\alllaff, Area D vlce
president, y;IJI be... United WI
Stand, Divided We Fall.
Registrations will 1:te ac-
cepted during lhe 9 a.m. cof·
fee hour and the first gene.rat
assemb ly will begin· at 9:30.
l\1orning workshops w i 11
' follow . directed by t1 rs .
Rudolph Hollis, state dean of
W....,, Octobtr 7, 1911! •
' .·(
~tflru r 111111
Loi An9el11 Home
· DAIL V "LOT S,Y ••
' ' I
Orang~ County alumnae of j
Alpha Phi wULbe th<.guesls of
the San Diego chapttt for a
' ' Founders Day luncheon on.+ ·' Saturday, Oct. JO.
The celebration will begin at
11 a.m. with a noon luncheon ~
-roilowing-lh the H(lte.1 deJ ~ --co.roreado.
Collegiate and a I u m n a e
members will gather for the •
98th anniversary or the sorori· •
ty. Mrs. Margaret Hatch of
Balboa Island has b e e n :
nominated fo~ the Best to Wear
Bordeaux Awa rd for her work •
in the Orange County Heart
Association. Categories are unlimited
du Q!lg the Inventors' Con-
vention, sponsored~by__the
Mystlck Krewe of Komus on
Saturday, Oct. IO.
Addressing the noon lun-
cheon gathering will be Mrs. -
Thomas Christen -of -Long
Beach, state president.
St. James -
For Rites
A program of pt1'800a1
groo~ww be pr-i.d.JOL.._;.fS'
Southern Orange County Alpha '
The Aflah"m home of Dr.
and Mrs. Thomas Coad has
been selected as the con-
vention site beginning at 8:30
p.m. Assisting are Dr. and
Mrs. George Clinton.
Those with epicurean in-
terests will dellght when the
roast beef entree with ar-ray of
choice cuisl.ne Is served at 9:30
p.rn. and music-lovers will
dance to the sounds or the
A mult1iude of zany In-
ventions have arrived at the
conve nUon site Including a
fishbowl that doubles as a
bright orange bathtub and a
robot to meet the guests. .
Preceding the conferenct: on
Friday, Oct. 9, state officers
and chairmen will be honored
during a buffet dinner in the
El Cajon Women's Clubhouse.
An informal reception will
!9llow at 8.
Launched on Saturday, Oct.
10, will be the second annua l
Junior Involvement Week to
enCOUrage women 18-35 to put
their talents, time and educa-
tion to work in a re a s
benefiting their families and
More than 500 junior club
membel'!l will wear badges an-
nouncing the drive and signs
and bumper stickers will be
distributed throughout t h e
district. _
Making thelr home jn Los
Angeles are Larry Everett
\Vright and his bride, the
former Pamela Kay Heydlauff
who were married in St.
James Episcopal Chu r ch ,
Newport Beach with the Rev.
John P. Ashey ofOCiating.
Phi Alumnae at '1:30 p.m. on
Wednesday, Oct. 14. Mrs.
Ralph Linhofl· will open her '
Balboa home. Assisting her
"'ill b;e Mrs. P. G. Barkdull
and Mrs. lloberl Gardntr.
SilYu 'San'ds
The rtrst • Tue¢ay of each :
month at 8 p.m. members of •
Silver Sands 288, Na liv e
Daughters of the Golden West
gather for meeliflgs. Lake
Park Clubhouse in Huntington ~
Beach is the meeUng place. ·
Here They Come Around the Turn
Prizes will be awarded the
one who builds a better
mousetrap or some other vital
invention. Anyone wishing information
on a junior club may contact
their chamber of commerce or
call Mrs. Mickey McDonnough •
at 430--0857.
The bride , dauihter of Mr.
. and l\.frs. Donald 0. Heydlauff
of Newport Beach and Palm
Springs, was given in mar-
riage by her father. She was
attendl'd by l\.1rs. Donald
Heydlauff Jr. as matron of
honor and Mrs. J a m e s
Heydlauff and A1iss Pamela
Wright, bridesmaids.
$20 to $60
Mr. and 1\1rs. John \Vayne, sponsors. and Mrs.
Clement Hirsch, chairn1an, (righf) \va tch the far
turn in anticipation of a Day at the Races benefit
for the Department of Psychiatry and Human Be--
havior at UC I. Buses will leave from-the Irvine
Newfyw~d Millers .. ~-~
Home 1n Glendale
Exchanging vows and ring~
before the Rev. Norman
Brown in Plymouth Congrcga·
lional Church, Newport Beach
were Duana liurgess and
James-A. Mii!er of Glendale.
'11,le bride is the daughter or
fi:fr. and ti:Irs_,_ \V. · Dewanc
Burgess of Irvine. Parents of
lhc bcnedict are Mr. and i\-1rs.
Brunson ~1illcr c;~ Ntt~es,
Escorted to the altar by her
father, the bride asked Mrs.
Michael Bartlett to be matron
of honor. Bridesmaids were
Miss Andrea Graham, Miss
Judith Beale of ElkID. N.C.
and Mrs. Jarn~s McConnell,
lister of the benedict.
The benedic t was served by
Ed Pilkanen as best man.
Seating guests were Russell
Collins, Bill ·Wicks and David
Burgess, the bride's brother.
Coast Country Club on Saturday, Oct. 10, for the
Santa Anita Race Track. Reservations are available
a t the College of Medicine by calling 83J.6416.
Ticke~s are $15 and include transportation. admis-
sion to lbe clubhouse patio and a buffet luncheon.
Faculty Wives
Small World Staged
Job's Daughlers bethels 321
and 120 of Huntington Beach
gathered for a joint visit from
stale officials.
Honored queens V i c k y
MeCargar and Debbie Ellis
presided over the mee1iog as
honorable me m be r sh i p
certificates and mo n e t a r y
gifts [or an educational pro-
ject were given tu the of-
A salad bar luncheon follow-.
ed the meeting in the Hun-
tington Beach M a s on i c
Fully Hilnd Tied
'59" The bridegroom, son of Mr. let. Stt
and Mrs. Everett L. Wrigh t of All S..... Pleasant Hill, asked John Pri c• includo1 c11ttin9 I 1tyll"'
Nelson to be his best man. UNSnLID • •• • ••• •• • Ht.ti ,i
Donald and J ames Heydlautf l\----------(
were. ushers.
The -bride, a graduate of
Rancho Alamitos High School,
Garden Grove, is a senior and
elementary education ma}or
at the University of Southern
California were she pledged
Delta Delta Delta.
Her husband 81.udied al
Diablo Valley College, is a
graduate of California State
College al Fullerton, and is a
pitcher fo r the SI. Louis
1.,. $6.tS
100 0.1,
.... Sl.t5
1JI O.tr
let. Sii.ti
210 011ty
$2f5 ~
' ' '5" ~ • '7'5 ',
$2295 DHM P•lh
lq. SJt.tS
The··-new--Mrs:--Miller-is---a -
graduate of Corona de! Mar
High School and Orange Coast
College. She holds a BS degrl'e in dental hygiene from the '-----------------------'
Autumn Vow 5
:12J E. 11111 SI,
C•lll MIM • Mt-111'
. . ' Fall Fashion
Universi ty of Sou the r n
They will reside in Glendale.
Boot Look
A ne\v concept in leg fashion
provides a way to achieve the
'·boot look" coordinaUng feet,
legs and Jongue t tes
harmoniously in comfort.
without actually w e a r i n g
Inspired by the rashion
debut of the midi, Betty Cur-
ry's Bootcry for Burlington
presents panty hose in colors
dyed to match fall and winter
shoe colors.
S,..d"•Y °'"•..-;1 ""• of tli•
world'1 •r••f •tfrolo9•~· Hi1
column i1 on• of th• DAILY
PILOT'S 9r1•f f••f11re1.
FWst to bring the Dcltement ·o,-
Polynnf•n food, drink •nd
•bnO&phere to the Mainland, for
Lunch and Dinner.
111 Holvwood
117' flt. ~ ,.. • 469-3961
3IO'I L eo.c ..,. • 111.otoo
... him Sprinp -o.r-Onlv
110t "·,,..,,.~Dr.• 32 .. 2011 IOotfi eic..1 -Mey 311
111 M.tn. del Rey 1)130 lfli Wey t l l3·6431i
In SM Dlqo
Htlb&r Ill.,., 287•4044•
Growers Show Slides
On Rare Succulents
A program on cacti and
Succulents presented b y
Charles Glass and Bob Fosler
of Abbey Garden, Reseda, will
entertain members <>f lhe
Laguna Beach Garden Club
with slides and p 1 a n t
specimens on Friday, Oct. 9.
I :30 p.m. in the Laguna Beach
Woman's Club.
Seven new members will be
honored during the meeting ill·
In Store
$42.95 ....
SM.ti ••••••••
.... 24" FALLS
$52.95 $65.00 ••••• ' ••
ma!Ae~ ..
The presentation giveri by
lhe importers and growers of
rare succulents will begin at
eluding the Pi.1mes. Robert E. A surprise rashlon show
\VHkins Jr., H. B. Wild, Jame!i followed by refreshments will
11. Piefer, M. D. Muller, entertain members or the
Howard C. Judson Jr., Jack B. Orange Coast B'nai B'rith
Burt and M. K. Boney. Women Chapler 1230 when Secre.taries WIG & BEAUTY
SALON Hostesses for tea will be they meet at 8 p.m. tomorrow
Mrs. Reginald Ketteringham in the Fountain Valley home Al 6:30 p.m. eve ry second
assisted by Miss He s Ce r of Mrs. Jack Abblt. 7hursday women 'of Bahia
Arthurs and the Mmes. B. C. No admission will be charg· Ch apt c r o f N at io n a I
Clanton, Dales Dun b a r' ed, and additional information Parking Lot Secretaries' A!! s 0 c i at j 0 n
250 E. 17th STREET
Daily Till 5:30
Thurs. lo Fri. 'Mil 8:00
COSTA MESA Charles Burnett and David may be obtained from f\1rs. International assemble in dif·
Thomas. Abbit, 847-2178, or Mrs. Alan fl ferent locations to attend
Reservations are be Ing Steinberg, 962-5268. Over owi'hg meetings . Mrs. Lloyd Fleming
taken by Mr.s. M. \B. Tilt, 49t at 673-6360 may be telephoned 548-3446
1929. for a bus trip to Balboa bl Edison Company's parking _'.for~a~d~d~il:','.io~n~al~in~fo~r~m~a'.'.lion~.-~~~~~~~~~~~ Park in San Diego on Thurs-Em em Club lot will overflow with a variety -
day. Oct. 22. Reservation of goods when Huntington
deadline I§ Friday, Oct 16. The Elks lAdge Is the set· Beach Mrs. Jaycees sell nun-Portraying how women look·
eel a hundred years ago will be
members of the Westminster
Woman's Club who will ride in
a 191! Model T Ford durin g
the city's centennial parade
Saturday, O<:l. 10.
A second October eveftt will ting for mef:tings of the mage on Saturday, Oct. JO.
be a Halloween bridge Jun-Emblem Club 2{11 of Laguna The event win take place
cheon at noon on Thursday, Beach. Members gather the from 10 a.m. to f p.m. on the
Oct. 29, tn the clubhouse. first and third Tuesdays at 8 lot located at First and MaJn
Those interested are in vited to _;P:_·;_m_. ---------.;';::''.:'.::'"=.· -------place reservations with Mn.'·
Trving Westwood, 499-2639, or
Mrs. J . William Devaney, 494·
5006, bef(lre' Tuesday, Oct. 'll.
Final phr(ls will be an·
nounced when the organization
meets tomorrow at 7:30 p.m.
in the civic cente r according ~en~ra. John Mcshane, pi-esi· Dance Club
Mrs. W. H. Sweet will The first, thlrd and fifth
• present a . program about Fridays of the month are the
.nutrition and vitam ins, and dance dates selected by Lace
Mrs. Walter Conner1 and l\1rs. 'n Leather Square ()1ince Club
Edwin Alexander, refreshment member1. The •.music starts at
chairmen, wUI serve Scan. dlnavian desserts. ,.1rs. R. E. 8 'Jl.m. on the Recreation
Paee Is in charge of the pin •C.;;;;;n;;;te;;;r;;;, ;;;H;;;un;;;t;;;ing;;;;to;;;n;;;B;;;e;;;a;;;c;;;h.;;;;;;;I
drawing. It
Women ln the Westminster
lll'ea are welcome lo visit the
club or call Mn. Leo Shaw,
membenhlp chairman, 893-
YOGA is. . . .
Co1·k~ Ci:aig ~ al tke
..J/.ave 'Jou b1111n
in f alef'I . . . ?
,---07" .. -;,2;;;;.~;..1.7;.;t;-.;.7.;;~-·
I Ml•·i.. .. 11Mties.tt .. 111,1t...c11_.w,.M1..e ... I ------------------------,, ,w... .... -.aw......... ,,, ............ ~ •
::::::.==-~ ::==~=:·I ....
11111Mltl1 "tl_ ....... c..,.ult,.......Ptr ......
Visit O•r Detnowstretl• •-· Try It Au See For To•nelf
lllJ Dirt# • Sm Siles C,_lssiN
1/2 PRICE WITH THIS AD COfftr lw",.. l•t,·11)
'~i!.u:," .;Ji)!t£~TJ~~ .............
14) I , 11111 II.
... ~ t
•ovtsa 11AJl.-6P.M. MOtt.-.JAT.
1141 W. llNCOLR AYE., ARAHtll • PM.121-5111
2_lilotkt £.tlleochlM!. ···-----
' I
• •
If DAILY ;iLOT S.L-N.C Wtdnesday, Ottobtr 7, 197d
Festival . Delights Discovered in Pirate's Chest
Digging up treasures. to enhance a Festival of Many
Lands are (left to right) Steve Finch and Derek.
Smith, Killyttrooke students who will be among
lhoie atteridlng the festival satur<lay; oct. 24, at -
the school. A spaghetti dinner will be served from 5
to 7 p.m. and the carnival will take place from 2
to 6.
Sale Cooked Up to Make School Sweeter
School activities will take a sweet turn at Prince of
Peace Lutheran School when students sell candy to
raise funds for new school equipment Children sell~
ing more than. 30 boxes will be awarded a Jrip to
Lion Country Safari, and the .top five salesmen wi,11
win additional prizes. Selling their first box to Mrs.
Walter Dixon (right) are Todd Burtness and Mary
Ann Voss. The sale will end Friday-, Oct. 16. ~
Students Busy Promoting Enthusiasm for Unit Membership
{l!tlltor'1 Mott : A "" dtwlea lo
CH!t Melt . M--1 IHCll. UtllNI t..ai Ind Ml~ Vlelo P&rWlltlHCh-
... .,..r1lr1Tlont wm ••-• ln th• OAll.'t' "'llOT Mell w.eli. lnllN'mt•
tlWt '""'II bl r-lvtd tor IM womtn'I tk'IMn .,. Mrt. GttH Smit!!, 1146 Ctl'I·
"41e "'ltce, NtwllOrl ... , ... tor S '·"'• .,.,.........,, for Mllc1llon w.., ...... ,,,
are on display and orders
may be placed by contacting
Mrs. Pochirowski at 540-
dlrection·of Mrs. Paul Du-
main, ways and means
cniirm8'fl. Elglllh -pad e
girls from Mrs. Dale Smith's
home economics claS! serv. California PTA ed while boys from Jooeph
Mrs. Tom Hubbs Sprankles' shop class served Bey View PT A President as bus boys ... Mrs. David
Mrs. J. R. 0.)11 COMING UP: Immunization .Backman, b o s p t l •I i t y
students may deUver them
tG school throu gh Friday,
Oct. 23. Prizes of $5, $3 and
$2 will be awarded lo the top
three classes .
H.-rbor View PFO
Mrs. William Wright
President President clinic for students in kin-chairman, was in diarge oC
----1.1:1PORTS:-Dr;-William Cun-oergartenaiRr-flrst gralfes -'l'efreshments at back-to-
n1ngham, auperlntendent of tomorrow , .. California 200 school. night. Mrs. Burleigh
COMING UP: Membership
drive will continue through
Friday, Oet. 9, with the
theme Go Wi!h the PFO.
Cash awards will be gi ven to
the. classr.ooms with lJ!!U>er·.
cent . • . Back·te>-school
night Monday, Oct. 12.
the Newport-Mesa Unified is the theme of the mcm· Burshem, member s h i p
School Di.strict spoke at bership dri ve that now is in c~airman _officia ted at ~h_e
today 's board meettog on 'progress and will .continue kick-off drtve. Stu~ent spirit
tht proposed Pall.sades and through Friday, Oct. 16. buttons DOT <Davis qn Too) ---~y-View....rea-iiltermediate.___Goel·~een . __ w._ere sold !or l~ cent.s qi'_
acbool. REPORTS: Mrs. Mi 11 a rd ~ pumam.
Hamel and Mrs. George E ' · PTA. Beer PFO Mahon were ratified as nsrgn ..
Mn. Peter Vena chainnaTl of record book and A-1n:. R. C. Wenrick
President co-chairman of mother's President
REPORTS: Mn. John Oliver' workshop. COMING UP: Back·t~school
REPORTS: Board members
hosted a morning meeting to
acquaint mothers with the
1Pl (individually prescribed
Mstruction ) progra.m and
various teaching machines
available to the ir children .
Volunteers interested in this
program may contact J\.lrs.
Keith Lauer at 644-l&U.
a 11 d M r s • W i 11 i a m night with classroom visita-
Pochlrowski, ways -and Devis PTA tion for parents at 7 p.m.
means chairmen report that Mn. Gtne Patterson Monday. Oet. 12. Mr s.
profit from the. ice creain President Robert McGinley, mem-
festival was $340 .•. Bear RE PORTS : Get-acquainted bership chairman. will col·
Street School sweatshirts dinner took place under the !ect $1 dues in the gym or
Harbor View School wlU be haunted with a carnival
Saturday, Oct. 31, btglnnlng wltll a costume parade
and l)C)nwai at 11 a.m. In addition to game• and 1
haunted bou1e, 1 full lunch , snacks and tacos will be
featured . Sea.ring up some atmosphere !or the fund ·
raising event are (left to right) Susan Parry, Bill
Lightcap-and John C.se,-principal.-----
Killybrook e PTA
Mrs. Robert Rigg!
COMING UP: Mrs. Kenneth
Chublick, hospitality chair-
man announ ce s that
mothers of sixth gr ade
students will f u r n i s h
refreshments for back-to-
school night to take place at
7 p.m. Tu!Sday, Oet. 13.
Proposed budget will be
presented for approva l at a
short business meeting ...
Mrs. Marvin Smith ,
membership chairman an·
oounces-that the ·drive. has-
surpassed last year's mark
and will continue through
Friday, Oct. 9.
REPORTS: Boa rd meeting
took place in the home of
Mrs. Ronald Arnold. Final
preparations for the Festival
of Many Lands were
discussed ... Room mothers
met with Mrs. Thomas
Fisher, cha i rman to
formul ate the class parties.
Mater Dei PG
Mrs. Jerome rttoore
COMING UP: Guild meeting
al 8 p,m. Tuesday, Oet. 13,
in the schoo l gym. Faculty
members and department
heads will speak on the
functions and program s
scheduled for the year.
Parents of junior ·student.s
along with Mra. Ru~ll
Bledsoe, social chalrman
will serve refreshment.s.
REPORTS : Senior pictures
have been completed forthe
Crown year book.
Newport Ele. PTA
Mr!, David B. Reader
COMING UP: Back-to-school
nigh t at 7 p.m. Thursday,
Oct. 15, in the auditorium.
REPORTS : Board meeting
took place in the home or
Mrs. Da vid B. Reader,
president. Mrs. Roger Ear.
ly, third vice president
presented the ways and
means projects for the year.
Bowling league will start
Monday, Oet. 19, in Kona
Lanes, C.Osta Mesa. lilrs.
Walter Nutt ing was elected
recording secretary.
Newport Hh. PT A
Mrs. Ralith E. Stevens
COMING UP: Back-lo-school
night at 7 p.m. Tuesday,
OCt. 13. .John R. Clarke,
principal, invites parents to
meet the teachers and visi t
their children's classroom!i.
RefreshmenLs will be served
by Mrs. Robert Beauchamp
and committee • • ~ .l1rs.
Richard Noack, membersh1p
cha irman announces lhat.
the drive will continue
through Wednesday, Oct. 14.
Prtm wlll tie aWarileCI o
classes with 100 percent end
a trophy to the class with cond place winners. Herbert Nordquht
the highest percent •.. Mrs. REPORTS : What You Don't President
Maurice Rogers, juvenile Know Can Hurt You is the COMING UP: Spaghetti din-
protection and recreation slogan selected by the drug ner al 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct.
chairman announces that education committee for its 20, in the multipurpose room
safety identification tags crusade to inform and at Mesa Verde School. Back·
will be sold Friday, Oct. 9 boo! · h ·
th h F ·d· Oct 16 educate the parent.s and to..sc rug t will follow at roug r1 ay. . . atudents the---0 of . AssiSUng are Mrs. Richlird--on anger---7-p;m:-at-~~-P~·
Keith and Mr.i.-c....R.-SmillL. drugs. Mrs. N o. rm ~ n School. Ch?'' will pro'{lde
.. Paperback book.store will Hansen .• aafety ~nd JUverule ~e entertainment under the
be open during the lunch protection cha1rman, an-direction of Mrs. Jan
hour Thursday, Oct. 15. in no~nces that a represen· !-Jnvert. Mrs. Georg~ Hyde
the cafetorium continuing tative from the . county JS chaJrman of the dinner.
each Tuesday and Thursday. h~alth departme~t will meet St. John Aux.
REPORTS: Mrs. Ralph E. w_1th the com mittee to ad·
.-Stev.ens...p i..e.s Ld e.n t.,. vise !ll.d...P~~_pnigra~m~ __ Mr1._GtraJ.d_W.altoa---
nounced the committee ap-... Sc;-'hool library has open-President
pointments. They are the ed with more than 2.000 COMING UP : Aux 11 i a r y
Mmes. Louis Walsh, typing ; books donated by ~tudents meeting al g p.m. tomorrow,
\Villiam Kitchen , A. Lee and PTA. announced. Mrs. in the social hall. Mrs.
Adair, Fred Bockmiller, Robert .Welfare, cha1.nnan. Robert McCormish, p~
Harry Mellor and Hank Exp~nsion of the hbra~ gram chairman, will in-
Kronenberg, environmental continues and a . pare~ts troduce Raymond Gawer,
studies, and R o d e r i c k volunt_eer group is . being national director of Citizens
Wheeler, Mellor and orga~1zed.to staff the library for Decent Literature and
Richard England. educa· and ttp its doors open e~ch editor of the bimonthly
tional goals of the school school day · · · Paper drive newspaper National Decency
district. Mrs. Robert Ohle, netted $&0. lee cream treats Reporter. Gawer has given
room representative, will be Rwere. awarded to Mrs. Betty testimony b e f o re the
assisted in each grade by ush s _second grade . cla~ Presidential Commission on
the Mmes. Ross Dodds, an_d r.tiss Nancy Littles Obscenity and Pornography
Edward Starnes, Jack Allen, third grade class. and will speak on Taking a
Bockmi l ler, John Pomona PTA Legal Approach to the
Mc Laugh I i n , Charles Problem of Pornography.
Tessier, Louis Hess and Mrs. C. Darrly Bradley
Martin Shira, kindergarten; President
Robert Bisbee, Ralph Short, COMING UP: Mrs. Roman
Timothf Macree, George Schl!idel, me m be r 1 hi p
Wardner and Don Newbern, chairman, announces that
first grade ; G. E. Provi s, the PTA drive will continue
Pernell G. Barnett, John through Friday, Oct. 16 ...
Schultz., Michael Hawkir..!: Back-to-school night for
and Carl J . Spitzer, second parents from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
grade: R. w. Burbank, • Thursday, Oct. 15, in the
Richard Spcheet, Ad a Ir 1 multipurpose room. Ralph
Frank Long . and George Freitag, principal. teachers
Koteles, third gradt;. Donald and board members will be
Nichols, Alan Haskell, Terry introduced before classroom visitation. McCardle, Gerald ' ,Slnykin REPORTS : Board members and James Blaine, fourth grade: Art Mukrey, Irving welcomed teachers @d prin·
Howard, Beauchamp. Don cipal at a luncheon. Mrs. C.
B u r n 1 . Frederick Pirou-Darrly Bradley was in
mian, James • Reid and charg~.
Richard Wandrocke, fifth
grade : Mauf'ke Paro I e,
Sinykin, Leo Gogert y ,
Prince of Peace PTL
Woodland PFO
Mr1. Ernes t Kostlu
COMING UP : Back-to-school
night wilh stajie.red visita·
tion times for upper and
lower a:rades beginnina at 7
p.m. Tuesda y, Oct. 13.
Refreshments will be: served
Executive board
meeting at 9: 15 a.m. Tues--
day, Oct. 13, in t he
multipurpose room. All in·
terested parents are invited
... Membership driye enda
Friday. Oct. 9. Winni~
classes will enjoy a picnic
Tustin Avenue Park. M
Mark Hanson. cha:?;· may be contac~ at · ·
for further information.
• " • Rogers. Joseph Slowikowsky
and Fred Swenson, sixth
grade. Children Learn English ..
Pau larino PT A
Mrs. Fred Palmer
COMING UP ' Back-to-school
Television T~aches • • • ..•
night at 7 p.m. Tuesday, BOWLlNG GREEN, OHJO
Oct. 13· Business meeting (UPI) -Subllmial education will precede classroom
visitaUon. Refreshments will is just one facet of a unique
be g e r v e d in the television project iniUated by
multipurpose room .•. Let's the Bowling Green University
Help the Paularino Clown televlson stalk>n this summer
Get lhe PT A Off the to le11ch English to Spanish·
Ground! Is the theme of the speaking children o( migrant
annual membership drive farm workers.
that will continue through The project, by WBGU-TV,
Friday, OcL 16. Mrs. Jack an educational television SUI·
.Sik.es. chairman, announces lion. is aimed aUeaching.Jhe.
that the classroom with the children numberSi I e t i e r 1,
highest percentage w i 11 basic English, gro;oming and
receive .a plaque that will health habits through puppets,
remain In that classroom all caroon_!!.nd such proa:rams as
year. ce cream treilie'cw"111r-f.' .. O:':,.:Ccme SLreet."
be awarded-to flrst and ae-'fbt nortbweatem ob i,o '
• •••
television g t a t I o n w;ic
television sets which usua!Ji
stand Idle during •urnmer
months in area migrant schoa!i
districts for the program.
One program Is call~
1'Avienda de Ingles l Engll•
Avenue). ta ught by a yOOnf
man and two large animl{
The Pl'Oll"•m t e • c h e· I
hUd~n •ho know no !hcJ
various lnnecUons ind a· fe•
11imple phrases. Children wbl'
do well wlth the l1nguage be '
eflt by hearing the correct-p~
nounclation 11 well as ~
"rilytbm" of lhe lanrUlf'.
To •":,,:"Jpoill-t, -~ .. brid11 a,. · to have lbar wedding •tori•• '!lib bllck and wblte · tlO&sY r.hoto-
grapbs to the DMJ>Y :PILQT Women• De-
partment one week before the wedding.
Pictures received. after that tftne will not
be used. ·
• Wedntsd1y, Octobtr 7, 1970 DAIL V PILO: !J1
Grades 3 to 10
Cotillion Season Opens
fidenct. grades. Rmnhmenta I r a
Chairmen and co-ellairmen served.at each dance.with liv•
of the cotillions are the ba!'lds playing at many ol the
Messrs.~and Mmes'"" Paul C. ·dances -
Bernhart and Ralph E. ;-·---------"'-
Bernard, third ; John Oen too
:or engagement annouocements_i1!l,:1!isf--I -~ ,_. _ __,m~ative_thaLlbuioO',..also..a.c.col!lll•!!ie<!. by a black and white glossy picture, be sub-
mitted. six weeks or more before the wedding
date. If deadline is not Jll<l;-o!ilYll'flOry i\lill
Kerr and G. William Grundy,
fourth ; Rex R. Reno and
Leslie C. Bruce Jr. fifili ·
RObert S:-°Hirsch 1r11d J n
Wilson Jr., si1Ul; Thomas W.
Queen and Howard W. Russell,
seventh, and Barton Beek and
Or. and Mrs. Stewart
Carpenter. eighth.
Mr • .,,d Mr&. Lewis S. Church
To Marry
Date Set
During a famil y party given
by Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Jankowski in lheir Fountain
VaJley home, they announced
the engagement of I h e i r
i1r: and Pi1rs. John B. Webb
opened their Costa Mesa borne
Jor a reception honoring her
parents' golden anniversary.
Natives of Iowa, Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis S. Church were
married in Winfield and came
to California in 1924. They
have been Costa Me s a
residents for seven years.
when Church retired after
having a Hol-l ywood
barbershop for 28 years.
Assisting wiUf the reception
were another daughter, Jdiss
Rhonda Church , and a grand·
daughter. Mrs. Timothy Lynch
and·her husband.
The .couple has four great·
grandchildren, J en n i f e r .
SLacy, Kelly and Timothy
April Date
be used. ,..-'
To help fill requirements on both wed·
ding and engagement' stories, forms are
avwlable.ln alloLlbe DAILY PILOT offices.
Further questions will be answered by
Wolnen's Section staff members at 642-4321
or 494-9466.
Membership Luncheon
Television Luminary
Prog_ramed by Friends
Qn the air when Friends of
the Costa Mesa Library host
their a n n u a I membership
lu1111cheon in the Mesa Verde
Country Club will be Tom
Frandsen, director of com·
mullity affairs for KlU-TV,
Channel 9.
The event will take place at
noon on Thursday, Oct. 15, ac-
cording to Mrs. Kermit
Ch r istman, program
Frandsen, wi.nJler of three
Emmy awards, has been a
newscaster, movie host and
iriterviewer for special events.
He has many appearances on
the Today and Tonight shows
to his credit as well as several
guest dates with Bob Hope,
A native Ca lifo rni an .
1'~ra1111dsen served with the
Navy during World War II and
now is a captain in lhe Naval
Air .Reserve.
He has lectured at the
University of S o u t h e r 1111
California and is art active
member of tbe Holl ywood
Chapter of the N a-ti o n a I
Academy of Television Arts
and Sciences, tbe Greater Los
Tom Fr•nd1en
Angeles Press Club and the
America• Society of
Luncheon reservations may
be made through the Cosla
Mesa libraries or with Mrs.
Christman, f>46.5m.
Newlyweds' First Home
San Clemente Picked daughter, Rita Jankowski to The betrothal (If Betty Ann
~-be N J II De Dominicis-to-John...Rawson._ _ . __ _
J\O rt . ewe . Reinicke, both m . Newport san-ctemente will De {he Kent Rianda. and guests we re
seated by John Lawl e r .
Michael Van Landingham and
William Wolf.
1be couple plans to marry Beach , has been announced by home of newlyweds Mr. and
Dec. 5 in Sts. Simon and Jude her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Lee Bryant Marston.who
Catholic Church, lluntington John J . De Dominicis of exchanged their wedding vows
Beach. Pittsburgh. • and rings in Christ Lutheran
The br1in!·to-be is a graduate Parents of the benerlict-elect Church, Costa Mesa . ,
. are Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. The former Nan cy Jane
o( Founta111 VJ!ll!Y Jl!.g.h._"Reinicke of Irvine. Wolf, daughter of Mr. and
School and attends Orange The bride-elect attended Mrs. William J. Wolf of Long
Coast College. the University of Pittsburgh. Beach. and the son of Mr. and
Currently a teacher in
Hawaiian Gardens, the new
Mrs. Wolf was graduated from
Wilson_ High.. School a..n d
CaJifornia State College at
Long Beach where she was af-
filiated with Gamma Phi Beta
Mrs. Bryant L. Marston of sorority . Her flance, son of Mr. and Her future husband graduated . 11 1 from Orange Coast College
Mrs. Rober t Jewe 0 and attended the University of
Newport Beach, is a Costa Texas.
Mesa High School graduate An April , 1971 ceremony is
' and also is an OCC student. plarmed in Our Lady Queen of Ange)S CithOJiC C h U f C h I
Corona de! Mar.
'I'he newest ha•dbag col·
lect.ion runs the gamut from
colorful fabrics and glos sy
vinyls in many surface varia-
tions lo sleei. genuine leather,
all in a galaxy of autumn col-
ors and shapes.
In Demand
Boots will go great with the
new midi coats, as every
woman knows. And me• know
.it, too, says the American
Footwear Institute.
For the males this has led to
a whole new category of caJf-
Corona del Mar were joined in Her hu.;band ls a graduate
marriage by the Rev. George of Corona del Mar High
Johnson. School, Orange Coast College and CSCLB and is a member Given in marriage by her
father, Uie bride was attended--;:o=f=S=ig=m=a=-=P=i·======.
by Mrs. Paul Wheeler, matron r
of honor, and bridesmaids
Mrs. Ernest Treiber, Miss
Julie Zieg and 'Miss Debbie
Marston, the bridegroom's
Serving as best man was
Who Cares?
No othor 110.,..1popot i11 tho
.,..orld c:or1• obout your c:ommu-
11ity liko your c:ommu11ity doily
nowspop•r doo1. 1!'1 tho DAILY.
Shoulder-slung they are the
Ideal accessories for the long·
length gau chos and skirts that
will make the sce11e this fall .
high boots that are meant to
have trousers tucked inside. /')
Some of these bools have cuf-
Mrs. Vernon Cunningham of
Los Alamitos is state federa-
tion president.
fed tops in a contrasting color,
like jockey boots. They come
In smooth leather or brawny
brushed types.
·Thru Oct 17 SPECfAL Thru Oct. 17
Deliciolls Oven Ready
Boneless Half
Cornish Game Hens
stuffed with
Apple a nd Almonds
°' IUcc and Mushrooms
1 . ~· Sitt Regularly 1.19 Locked 6 to 1 Box
'Fresh Ranch E99s • 49¢ Dax •
Two rings
for two·
lovers • . .
bo ih rirtgs
$88 .00
" ........ ,,, .. "'."' .. ,.. ........ ,
Easy ertdtt ferMI • .tudtnt «<ovnr'
•YOilobi..• up to 12 months to pay
lonkAIMrieord • Mawr Olorg•
E1t1bll1hed 43 Y ors!
•Met! • .."" ... Mlll!tli!tl9!1 IMC.II
, th4M1
HAltlOR SlfOPl"NO CIHTllt UOI H11'1M1t 11.,.,
C:fflt Miff .......
O'IN MOH .. THUii. l •RI. 'Tll t P.M.
In Spring
• A spring wedding is being·
planned by Edna' Stock and
Gregory A. Carle. Space Available
The Newport JI a r b o r
Cotillion· for ninth and tenth
grade students will be organ iz-
ed by Mr. and Mrs Bertrum C.
The bride-to-be, daughter o(
Mrs. Oharlotte Stock o f
Newport Beach and the late
~tr. Ernest L. Stock, is a
graduate of Newport Harbor
High School and a student at
Orange Coast College .
Bazaar Opens Doors EVERYTHING. TO
Her fiance, son of ~1r. and
Mrs. Loule A. Carle of
Orange, was graduated from
Villa Park High School and
Orange Coast College. He at·
tended California State College
at Fullerton and currently is
()0 active duty with the Na-
tiona l Guard.
Rites in Offing
Space is available for in-
dividuals o ·r organiza tions
wishing to participate in a
Flea Markel sponsored by San
Clemeote Junior W om a n '1
Club on Saturday, Oct. 17.
A reservation fee of $1.50
will be charged for persons
with 'terns for sa le or trade
with proceeds used to further
armed forces projects oC the
Space may be rcservl'd with
Betrothal Revealed
The engagement of Trudy
Gene Saviano to John 1''.
Dewyer . Jr. of Huntington
Beach has been announced by
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene W. Sa viano of Laguna
Miss Saviano is a graduate
of Marina High School and
currently is attending Golden
West College where she serves
as president of the Law
Enforcement Club.
Her fiance, S<ln or Mr . and
Mrs . John Francis Dewyer of
Whittier, is a graduate of La
Serna High School. Whittier
and attended California State
College at Fullerton. Curren.!!L._
he is i strident at GWCWfiere
he is Vice president of the
LEC and a member of he
Professional Peace Officers
A Nov. 14 wedding is being
planned in the Peek 1''amily
Colonial Wedding Ch a p e J ,
T11tr'tlllo l'tloi.
Datt Set
N • .,.-.--w811-ll•e
sterallyw .. uCy , ...
Gooci>!'elli!ltB! ••• v .... ean slid< -pan1y OOlds,.,.. ._or pantyhose ad does -rr with
bag and 5ill withoat a single ~ NyiofH.yaa•
spandex ainuoller in fasllioA cob>. Style 988.
~ 17.-Brief SIYI• 888 b poi~ llMrj. 16.
J1J7 L ---· C..--. .. Mv
67J-1 tl0
' Mrs. Richat<I Benjamin, 492-CONVENIENT CREDIT
0304. Tables and chairs must
be provided by the sellers. The
bazaar will be conducted in
Plaza Park from 10 a.m. until
4 p.m.
Armed rorce s projects in·
elude collection ol books and
magazines fGr the Am erican
Merchant Marine Library ,
33)4 East Coast Hwy. e Corona del Mar
Phone 073-8050
Choo•• your fovoril• color lo m•k• i i•ck•I, blou1•. ikirt ot
po11l1, N1•I, pie~ o c:o-orcl:11oli".19 ihipo or ioxlu•od print. s-
up onolhor i•ck•I ond pull ov•r lop. Wi!h • 1ix pioc• word.
robe to i:ni1 111cl m•ich,~ you 'v• the porf1cl •If_;,. "for tr iP•
to fftor\ol, m1•lir1_gt, or • c:fp1ul1 wtrdrob• ior .,.,.~cl
hi pi.
w. c:o11 0U1r mtnv 1•l•c:lion1 of .a her 100 '1 • ..,ool doublo
~nil, w•1h•blt t C•¥1;• \nil or pol.,.11lor k11il, All bO" wide 1114
"''Y •••y to ,.... •
S11 Yo u Soon
PS. N~W A'-RIVAlS-Gvp1y look pon1', in c0Ho11 •nil1, nyloit
ii'11ih l c:tlico col\0111, W, 11l1cted lh1m on our r1co11I Now
Y ••• buyi119 trip.
Use Your lonkAmericord or Moster Charte
1~~,1 ,., '-lft
>.441--.t ..... ns, .$1 ,00 toch ~--.. ~··--THURSDA!_Thru SUNDAY
Ocrober 8111 thru 11111
Daily 10 1.m. to 8 ·p.m.
Sund1y 10 1.m. to S p.m.
1t Wil1on -Costa Meu
38 OA!L V PILOT Wednesday, Oct"ber 7, 1970
STYLI. IULK ... ~ ........ R ... , LI.
· 49c LB. LB.
1 MOftaL YOln:SHll\ t ·LI. HG.01 l ·LI. THICK 6 7'
. SLICED BACON .......... _ ....... ·-"·
UJD.6. CMOIUOI STATll llOS.CflTllllDlfff 59c
ROUND BONE ROAST ............... •1 . fAIMHjOt9r!IT1NDt11SHOUl.Dfll: 69' PORK. STEAKS......... . ..... " . "LI
BHFUYER ..... . ...... LB. 59' IOHWSS lllF SHOUlDll 89'
ROLLED ROAST ..... . ··················LI.
1 OKAIMAYllt.Ll.PACll:AGI 79c
' PORK LINKS llTTUFllER -................. LB. .
UKIACHOtaOISTATfl llOS. ctWflfllDlllF 83
RUMP ROAST ............. -... ... . . . LI c
I-BONE STEAKS ................... ... LB.
t OKAIMAYllSllCID 69C SUMMER SAUSAGE _... .. a.oz.
ISTTHlt\J5ntlll ... ll.t7c 69< USDACHOtCIOISTATUllOS.CllTlflEDlllf s139
RIB ROAST !TH' 7TH RIBS ......... .. ...... LI. PORTERHOUSE STEAKS ........ LI.
• OICAIMAYlll-OLCHUI 2 89' • BRAUNSCHWEIGER ................ Fo1
ROUND STEAK IONflN ...................... LB TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS ............... LB. •
OlCAIMATlll-OLCl«JI 2 89' SANDWICH SPREAD ................. Foo
"usOA.0t0K!OtsTATllllOS.c:tlTlfllO l flF • 79c fl(~~ IXTIAUAN6. FLAVORFU~ 83'
RIB STEAKS ........ '.-......... -.................. L1. GROUND ROUND -·-···-·· ...... u .
~ -
REG.ORHOT 3 'I 9,.0,sl SLICED OR 3 9c GREEM 59c Gl'"T23c !!-o~ 39c . WITH tOnLE BEANS .IS.OZ. HALVES GODDESS CAN
• +8LUECHIPSTAMPS +·KUE 0411' $TAMPS + •UE OOPSTAMl'S + llUEOtlflSTAMl'S + M.U£0411'$TAMl'S
SUPERIORTAMALES -.. 3•o,33' ' 2 5 C HOT ROLLS ~~~~·.~;"" -·-· io oz 38' a.oz. BISCUITS """"" ""0"""" 21 ' • BA"NG POWDER ...... -·-·a.oz.
COCKO'THEWALKVEGETABLE 3 . s I NUCOAMARGARINE SO>< ........ LB 40'. : :····co··c ·K-TA-I L . 46.oz ~ -sPAGHml .. ~~y;:.~~T'aAAP~~-1!>0Z 37t
. CANS. BEEFARONI '""""''''"-·"oz. 39' --<1--. ............ . ........ ORTEGA TACO SAUCE ----,oz 27'
·sCOCKwO'THEWEALEK T p E ASMIX ............. 6 p3::s. s I o~;;:;;;~;;~~::; ~~:7' "
· .. ......... CANS GLAD TRASH BAGS . . .. .. .... •os 73' •
KING VANILLA WAFERS N'8'5f0 ..• "oz. 41 '
" "" "' "" SIZE Bin B MUSHROOMS ;r,i:-,·~--J oz. 45' •
'HUNT'SREGULARORBARBECUE FLAVORS ... .. .. . FOR ~~t~5~~TCEO~~~G~;,;~::_~:~'.':1::::19~ •
MANWICH 39( AIRWICK 6~~'8o"z" .. ····-·--··---·-· .. •o<69'
SPRAY ON STARCH i1,~~:~'. ... __ 45' •
. .. .. , .................... IS'l•·OZ. · STURDY DOG FOOD ,, .......... ,,o-lB.11"
SUNSHINE HI -HO """"----... oz.37' '
PEAS & CARROTS DEL M0•1E-2 eoz.31 '
DEL MONTE SPINACH ___ 2 soz.39'
We Redeem U.S D.A.Food S1a111ps 1i1 Our Los Angftffts, "'llJ
Or;1nge & Rive1s1de Counl'/ S 1or11 s "[)o.Jf,e Sau.iuLJA.. 61(,. 'lw·~PA. To.odJ.,.
DEL MONTE ZUCCHINI ....... oz.19' '
QUAKER OUIK OATS .. oz 32'.,oz.59'
CARNATION SLENDER ASST ... 10 oz. 25' ·G--RM"A.Y°"y"""TQYLl.>MuO•Yi·"K' I "' M.C0.'2-0UNC•.. .... --7-,~-0--s 1. ~-7 ,, •. LEMONADE .... . ~A°..'i
IUll'UIT 14-0UNCf ... 691 99
M.J.B. 1-ll.CAN
J-Ul.CAI ... ll.77
89' PINEAPPLE FISH STICKS ..................... . 24-0l. c
OOL("S IN M"TIJRAL .IUKl MMl'\I Sl#IOM .Vflll . l'fACM • CMDI Y • ~lMOH 3 ~fa. 39' FRUIT PIES .............. . '·'"°' 5' ~-CAI ••• SZ.S& HO. lCAN -" IA. ~IM,!f 5<1,10tt 43' Olll ID A P(lta.tOfS 28'
__ .................................... , CUSTARD PIE_,'"" FRENCH FRIES . ·--" "'iiii.... I ' •0(0 '•~1 55' Y•"' Df (liM' Ill' Oll COlll Sl 43' ., : BURGUNDY BEEF _," ENCHILADA$ ___ ,..o,
: IRlfSWtn,, 01 •!k. 25' llfDD<W!• 5nc
One lJo11e Beauty Sar
to"'pleiion Sire when you buy
Twa Compltiion Sit• lars at 31c
: f,llU,.GIANIW•IH81in(ll 41 -.IOHlSO•lllYr .. llM SJ 15 i LESUEUR PEAS _ "" • LINK SAUSAGE ---"·
I Gll!lNC!•NIW11H•liTilll 41 ( •UNI JI MIM• 43' :
GllllNC••NTW•lH I Ulll'I 41 c 11\J"f:lll 7nc
: GlllfN GIANIWHl'OCHi!Sl 41( lllil"l.1111 L•. 69' i CAULIFLOWER _"" FISH'N' CHIP DINNER ...
1 OllC IOilo "ll .. IOf:S 28 0" 10\' 7nc I CRINKLE CUTS " 1 CHEESE PIZZA .. "'"" ;i
I ~ \im:l• ~ ==--·-------·-----~·;.-~.;~,~-:s-··" FOL GERS 1-LB. CAN 39c KIDNEY BEANS COFFEE · 2 ,,,._.,.39c
WITHtlON ~' •1 .;24
DIODOllANT .... s 119 OfM
PKQ. OF IH 11.19 ,.__, 5 1'.89
MfOIUM 89C K>lqtll.DltlN ........................ .... • , 7 9
LllTl•tttl 60"S ... • • LODNGll WTTH llOH •o·s M·· s 1.t t
NOllMAL. DIY. H.t H.
11.oz:.MM __ 59c
,.. 63' BUffERIN BRICK "' 11 -· ... T ABUTS SHAMPOO COllM HUIK•I OltT.llGUUil,OM.•
LOnOll .... $ 1 09 89<
1.ouNCl --··· 99c ?'oo .. · • ~o"t.· -·-M·
" •
DRY YEAST f lflSCHMANfll s --· PKG.OF 3 1 gc II
PLANURS 41 c POPCORN OIL ·-·-.. 12.oz.
OVAL TINE ~~~~tif .. ____ : .... s oz.39' ,
SCOT TOWELS ASS1 -----· .. ::R, 33'
SCOT KIN NAPKINS ,,..·-·-.. 2 "os 39'
DIAPER PANTIES '"" !con .......... " 63' '
BORDEN'S CREMORA ........ "'" 79' MARGARINE g~~?i~s ______ ... " 40'
MAGIC SIZING i~i:: _. .. .. 20 oz 73'
HUNT'S TOMATOES WHO LL .. 'OL 23' HUNT'S KETCHUP . _______ ,.o,39' '
HUNT'S TOMATO SAUCE -·· ,, oz 35'
85Zl w.s1 ... 1 .. ,t.r 11 .. d., w,,,.,.;'"''' - - . ..
707 W. N;n•'••nth St .. Coit• M111 26Cl W, S•w•nl11nth St .. S1nt1 An1 l 175 l.tk1t Str•1I, Co•!• M111
6162 Edin91r Ae.,., Hunlin9l~n l11~h 14171 Rid Hill Av1n1,11, l t.i1 lin 142 12 Mift19 Av•nt.i1 , Whitti1r
J4JO W11t l i"'oln Aw1n111, A"1h1l111 1800 'till Col1it11 Awtnt.i1, Or1"9' 2630 Edi"91r Aw1v nt.i1, Si"I• A"•
I 210 E. M'rftlordtlTrr7-Vf" .. t1111~11r?ttO Ntwpolt tr~~ .. C 6il• Ml1i" 2564 W. l ro1dw1., An~h•im
. • 1 • • • f
' • • • •
• i .
' : •
• : • ) • . • I
! • • • • • • l . • . • • • • l
:J PILOT·AOVERTISER \VrdnrMta~. Otlobrr 7, 1970
. • . • • .
fl1111P..W-Me.li~. -USDA GrilCl!d "A" &
U.S. Govt. l~ltd
&~~TS 4 IOlllliSS IDAST ""-8"' htl tmt •. a'' lb.
USG.I Ctloite !ee1
ROUND $fW~ •k =..., .. 891 lb.
T ·Bone Steaks ~~£~L:,1 I~. $139
!!,~"~~!!~~~ .. ~!~aks 1~ $169
~ ~ .. ~~~ ~~~s . 99'
ii ~~~~~~~s ,. 98'
~~~~~~~-::~." 79'
~~~~~~,~~ ... 59'
!~~ Steaks • 69'
~~~~~~~~!: 89'
~ 1 Co11ish He1s ~:;"'10:11~ ••. 79'
Fryer Hearts '" f.:::i' ,. 49'
Veil Steaks 7,~~t~::~ ... 97'
Pork Sauuge 'f.:" ~~ 49'
Smokie Links ::~ •;;;: 79'
Little Frien ~O:,::.':" ;:~ 79'
. • • . .
lDE• FAftMS 89C HNI & Serve
W/loll: Or H1tf I'.
TOMS 49' HUI 59' i:.:,.>" i::.r ... .. .. .., .. . .
Ptrk l!~1u ,::;";'.'::: :;,, '..~. 21• S•ltwlJ Fr11k1 "':'.;.'::" :O:: Ht
IHI l ln kltl "i:=:-~:,·~ •!!-21t F•rM•r .le>•"''""" -'._ lk . ·~ .......... -....
Sllct• ltttn ~ ;:,:, ~ 111 l"ltl' Mt)'lt WIHtrt :;: lit
Sll11• I•••• ::,::. "':..:. ::_ 11• 01ur MtJtr ltl111".:. t:: llt
F1r•1r .111111 1';:.'.t.'::"'::, lJ1 ltw M111r l1lep1 ,::.:,: llt
W1!1r Tlilllll ltMI ::;" 1.t:' 1.. hMt ltpr s.1..i· -:,: Ut
ltl1H 11\11111 'i::,,"' :0:: lh flali ltlell1 ~.=r'.:11' :;:: Ht
111"4 C11kH Ht• ':!; :;: llt Jr..t.'*11111 1M f1Hth .. lh
L••ch"• ht~~lt• '"" .. 1111,..,ci.= ~·•111 . ......... -..... --.---,----~-
crackers • """" ""' """"
OittOllRf 1-1~. -
Priett IOI
Cake Mixes
Choice ol POlllA• layer Yarietres.
• c
Tomato . .il~~--J:~:.35•_
Anthony Spaghetti •:;~· 19'
Do• Food DI. Ross-:--Tnt-, ill' 11.1., 131 • Muter lMr fll•« IU
Dete,.ent .... "•' ..... .. •• 5"' I • 1111¥1 Ditty h ....... J "It ill'
Town House Peas i..":: g:::, •:;:• 211'
Dole Dr·1nk ,,. Ht••'" 6 ..... 48' Pi11u1111l1-Gi;ipefrvi! uu
Del Moale Cat11p ,::, •:;:• 28'
Bordea's Cre11or1 '1'.l::' •;;:·· 89'
Highway Applesauce •:;:• 14' •
f!Qo E!loc1ioo lo la...! SM11fJ ~-
Bowlillg Green Bourlioll '~~··:..~··4"
Cold Brook Whiskey ~';;!, ""' '3"
C1aadi11 Hill Whiskey ~ "''" '4"
T artaa Royal Scotch I:'~. ,,,. '4"
St11to1's 8i1 ~~~"' '"" s31'
Knlau Vodka :" .~:r;;::, ""' '3"
Fidelis Br11dy F~j=~, •·,~-:-' s3•1
P.,altr FlaHrs
OW r tshionttl r 1rm.f rtsh
0Mr1 So Ridl l So <iood.
plot 20' ct11.
S~l4y Lame Bitter .::::.~ :;~~ 82'
L1cerwe l1tt1r11ilk J:::, :~ 22'
Lacene F111it P11e~ '"' :::: 27'
L1cen1 Or11p ~lilt ~~ 49'
L10trH Con T ortiUn ~· 111
Bilc1it1 ~..:~~~" •;::-1•
MH. Wrl .. t'1 Seit Twist
Wllllt or wtlrll
Stnd'llkil Slylt « ltf11111r
I'"·"~·· C.llM ·= ·:-~ I
1·1~ ....
Di1lnftctont. tci111 l ... z. s12 9
Germ1 On Contoct ca•
Scope Mouthwash ':."::~: 't;:.· '1 u
Toothpaste I:'~;~.;..~::~ :;::-511
Plus Platinum ,:,'! ::~ 981
Mennea's Lotion •:.~.~~~': 881
Drisfa1 T a~lets °'rJ:~:.,.1 :,':i s111
Drisl11 llaul Mial ';;:· '1"
Propa P.H. Aue Lotion •;::· '1"
Edge Protective Shave ··:;:•· 981
Listerine Antiseptic •:;:•· 88'
Phl.IOHe1 .An!tlllc!tr•tl SW Cluriwr ..... s1" • ftllll'I W~JlrOll Rne .. ch 1111
Aagel Face Compact :::. .... '1"
C1t11 l11il Polish J., ••• 59'
T 111 Top Apple J1iee '!;:· 44'
Piuaffle J1ioe ~,;; •:;:· 29'
Cli1c Ptlcbes "t:"..:!':!, •:;:·. 27•
Hichway P11r Halves •:;:· 39'
Petite Sliced lrud :~~ ·~::· 33'
Skylll'k Diet Ired 't.• ·~~· 33•
Fr8h Pt1'4 Cake '".!:"' •• 33'
Pi...,,11 Pitts ~r:'!. ::'; 291 A...J.. Pllfs .A 1:1'1111 Tntw T~ut-,,,, 2• "" ,, ~ Anytilltl ,, t ~'
Wtdntsday, Otlobfr 7, 1970 DAIL V PILDT 39
~ Ch0ic1 ot Mally fr1.11t fl1V01s; a.I... (
.,,..,,,. ) . ~ Eicept Bltiebrrry. Str.-e 24-tl
-lo~tlr Prtlll•• QHllty 2· I
) 1\ Ali Mode With Dehtrnu\ l.. ' -ltieerne IU Cl'eam! ,... , '
$ l
So Col~ tkrtside and Tt11-
dlf Inside. 41 Quid; ard
{.ny to SeM IS lim1!
...... ,q.10' I wtffln
. "
Or I ng Pl """ ,,, '""'"'" 45 e Us A 8re1kt1st Mllst-listes l1kt t-11, C
fresh Sqireu!d Dr1t1at Ju1u 11• , '
R• h' E I • '"'' Ch111l1t11 T1111• 29' . IC S C airs full Rich fl~-Adds Sp;ktt l -11. . ...
To YOlll' Cbildl l1111th Bo~ pkc. • '
Bel-air Cob Corn 4 ;::; 43' r~·
Bel • p "'"''" , .. m, • rre;h Swte! Tasle-A !teal air eas Menu 8111h1ener, Del1tiou~! "''" 18' •i ,~,.
Ice Cream "'""'00 ''"""' '"'''" -10 )lavors to Choo'ie frOlll. Rich
. ~ Cl'eamy. tow Prictd!
Niblets Corn &nt• liut
1~ ard !~tr
Collltn ller11tl! ol (Qin.
Oh Boy Pizza ~ 2 ~:;:·; 95' Green B••ns ""'"'" ..... -S H er f11ocll ''"" £&.T
ll'I Lee Cakes '"~"' .... 79' Brassell Sprouls ": ::~ 21'
Dia1ers "''· '""' '"' ..... 471 B I · Co fil~l Sol~ 1.10tuo Pe1ch ,11." e IJr rft Wholt ll·u. llj
J . --aice Drinks ,.::.. ';::· 10' Choppe41 Oiiotis ~: •:;·;· 31'
Strawberries ~!: ·:~~ .. 49-Vqeb~la 1,::·~ 1riy!t . ·:~ .. 45'
..-----·.;;;""";,;;';;"· ::;~·-:;;;;""""''r· ---·~-.,.-.;;'""~-ft-...... ._
•' •·
~=c~,~~ ltc =t~nt,,'!!_c_ 2 ·39c .. Beef, lut~ry , 11' With F1ied'Cl.ic~~:--. p•J-. • i
Or Chit~!n S ' !eN, [!t. • f·
~ .... ~-----··· -ft ~·~',... .. ~-·~ ....
10 ~1:~39'
.·::~~....,4 I C • Plp,lu
4 ·1L .. , .
Qa~~;i•g 39c 3 -I~ 2 9'
Quart B1skel lag
Fresh Papayas ":.:r~Lt::~~'<d ... 39'·
Grnn Cabbage ::~:;: • 9' IMMls 5-... " .... 391 I"'-•• lllo. I "•
Pineapple .. ~0. ~ = .. *' = s•-(r&.· cm ..... Ill "' I 3 ~ .... 'ollP' •• '""" '°'" .... 6.T"
Bell Peppers ~ 't::.. -I 01 T epltss Radlsltts 'r:I :; 1 O'
Breokfast Prunes ,:-; ::: 59' Seedltss-RaisiM :.::: JO ':I:' 391
ROSI FOOO PIANT FOOD · VILYIT IUllTS FAil ••••s "" 99 s.; .. ., ._. ·('!:!.. ..... ' ..... ':..:: '1" 'I'.: '2" ... 77 •• ,.• &N · ie!. >14.loOt ... rM...,..to-i. .. 9-Ni -
...... .....,,. """.,. .............. ltlt\Mlll ktlftt .........
Wtdntsdiy, Oclobtr 7, 1970
Common Dish
Extraord -inaire
4 lab\espoons onion, chopped
2 pounds Jean stew beef
"l have _raised .my iJ'
children to meet social
conditions: They must be ..
perfect in what they piCJt-·
oul to 00 whether they are
queens, cooks or ac-
tresses. The m u s t
remember they are ~n
netts and they are the best
of their ~n kiild!" -
the. late, famed actor
Richard BcnnetL
NF.;W YORK -A Bennett
who lives up to her lather's
credo is Joan. regal actress
and cook who talked one
bright autumn afternoon in
her east side -Manhatlant-+"-
apartment. Her •·castle", done
in brilliant yellows, blues and ' •
~greens suggest botb Catifornill
sunshine and a French COW)try
manor, was tile setting fat
very c a n d i d conversation
about lifestyles and food.
''Do I really cook! Let me
tell you what .h6:ppene_d to
me ," she sa id settling back in-
to the seat next ·to me on the
soft· downy couch. Her dark
hair was stylishly pulled back,
tied with a canary yellow
scarf to match an afternoon
frock of apricot, yellow and
persimmon print.
So while she was in London,
the actress engaged a Spanish
cook-general. "'The day I got
back from abroad. I read that
immigration authorities were
clamping down on sleep-in
domestics. So I went through
more red tape and Carmen
has her permit, but she 's still
wailing for her visa.
'Performi ng' ' Arf· Mastered
Dra"' on the exotic spices or
Far Eastern climes to lift
what might be termed a
sintple "stew'' into the rcal n1
~ of party fare. l teaspool) salt
"I started cooking when I
found out Carmen was going
lo be forever getting here.
Now that 's about a year ago.
l t was a day-to-day, month·to-
month thing at first I didn't
want to get anybod y in and
have lo lire""'them right away
because l kept thinking she's
going lo arrive." Joa n now
cooks for herself and three or JOAN BENNETT TRIMS TIPS OFF ARTICHOKE L·EAVES
.. . ,
• •
\Vhy setL!c lor me at ,
JJOtatoe_s and vege1a bles wQen
you can ope n a jar and a Cl.!n,
brown some meat and onions
and come up "'\th a simp ly
wonderlul mixture~ Beef (or
lamb, if you prefer) \VL!h
plump prunes and sliced
Souther n yarns can g o
un blushingly to you r fa nciest
; burfet. or m:i ke tonight's din-
; ner an c:icc111ng su rprise for
• .
' •
the Jamily. The dish is Tzim·
mes -the description is
VA~f TZl~l ~tES
4 tablespoons butter
1 ~ teaspOOn pepper
l pound I ounce jar ·S & W
Prunes, pitted
4 \Vhole cloves
. I 1easpoon cinnamon
I 15 ounce can S & W Halves
Yams Slice.:l Lengthwise,
Saute onion in huller ; add
rneat and brown. Season with
salt and pepper. Cover and
cook over low heat about IS
Ad~ pitted prunes with,
cloves, cinnamo n and yam
halves. Cover and simmer
about 1.~ hour or until meat is
Savory Meat Loa f
four friehds. She brought out
her menu booJI:.~ a neatly
typed, looseleaf red noteboo k.
She mentioned some of her
favorite· reclpes and menus:
"I do a ve ry good chicken
Kiev (chicken breasts, stuffed
with sweet butter). Here·s a
very good paste for leg of
lamb which you marinate the
meat in several hours before
you cook it. I got the recipe
from a cook J used to have."
Her lamb paste is made from
one clove of pressed garlic.
two teaspoons eac h d r y
ginger, seasoned salt. olive oil
mixed with one teaspoon
Appetites Stimulated
' . Say. '"Southwest"' and
visions of llJ..gallon hats and
round-ups in 'Vide--0pen spaces
come to mind. ' But the ~ South \\"est is oot all cowboys f and chuckwagons .. .in fact.
~ ifs been a great cosmopolitan
~ crossroa d for Indians. French,
.-Spanish, and Mexicans. as
~ \vell as go ld rushers from all
over the world.
This hodgepodge of ad-
ve nturesome people ha v e
helped mold the Southwest in·
to the dynamic region it is to-
day. lt.s vigorous spirit shines
through in its Ii f e style.
fashions. architecture, and
even ihe cuisine.
The cuisine of the Soulhwesl
is really just good , plain cook·
ing .•. but ii has the smack
and the tang of aggressive
spices and seasonings. ll's ex·
citing eating. full of adventure
and flavor surprises .
Tonight. stimulate appetites
with a savory meat loaf spark4
ed with Southwest flavors.
Instead of your usual meat
loaf seasonings. mix ground
beef with raisins , chili, and
cinnamon. For an added
flavor bonus. mix part or a
can of beef gravy with the
meat loaf ingredients a n d
You'll find that canned beer
gravy has robust . homemade
goodness because it's made
with natural beef juices and
bits of beef. Always smooth
and perfectly blended. it
makes a great cooking in·
gredient plus being a superb
sauce. For a lop.notch. col-
orful meat loaf sau~. com-
bine remaining beef gravy
v.·ith chopped canned lomatoes
and sliced stuffed olives.
Acaimpany meal loaf with
mashed potatoes and buttered
green beans. Luscious fresh
fruit in season makes a nice
1 can ( h}:\•4 ounces I heel
1111 pound$ ground beef
~ cup fine dry bread
l egg. slighUy beaten
11 cup plumped raisins
2 teaspoons chili powder
1'1: teaspoon cinnamon
11z cup chopped canned
l tablespoon sliced sluffed
Mashed pot.at.oes
Combine '-'• cup gravy with
beef, crumbs. egg. raisins,
chili, and cinnamon ; mi:t
thoroughl y .. Shape firmly into
loaf f7x3""); place in shallow
bllklng dish. Bake at 350
dtgrees' F. for t hour 15
mlnu~s. In saucepan. com·
blne. remaining ing redients ex·
cept polatoes. Heal.; stir now
paprika. juice of one lemon
and one grated onion .
··1 can roast a chicken or
roast beef, but that's pretty
ordinary. But this is for
someone who's never done a
thing~ I've just found this
marvelous recipe for deviled
"My mother always said I
was the~ ho.us..ekeeN. or
her three daught ers (her
sisters actresses Constance
and Barbara are now deceas-
ed ). J've always said, ·You
can't tell somebod y how lo do
something if you don't know
how yourself.' And I'm a real
persnick. I don't like to vacu·
um or dust. but I want both
done well and I know how il
should be done."
\Vi th Miss Bennett,
family has always rome fir st
and she's very proud of her
four grown daughters: Diana.
,._1elinda , Stephanie and Sh~lly .
"'I'd always ha ve th c
Chris tmas week off o r
otherwise I wouJdn 't do a
play,'' the actress said.
The actress invited me to
have a ~ into her kitchen.
Ptissing through the cheerful
butler's pantry into the
kitchen done in !he same red,
white and black color with
chrome counters, she pointed
to her trusty old six-burn er
range saying. ''That's my old
stove from California. Wt\en
something goes wrong. we
have to get parts from
California. I hope ii never
gives out~.. the 'bottom. cutling \vilh fork ,
Recipes fr om the regal ac-dip into sauce before eating.
tress-turned-cook follow : Aflerthoughts: This most
ARTICHOKES WITH prized . of vegetables can be
LE!\10N·BUTTER SAUCE made v•ith a myriad of sauces
-from Hollandaise to a fresh·
Butte r Sauce herbed vlnaigrelle (made with
JI~ slicks sweet butler parsley, tarragon, etc.). The
2',:: ta blespoons fresh lcn1r:1 artichokes in the fall have a
j~ice frosting of bronze on their
1 1'~ teaspoons salt outer lea ves (also known as
•·1 teaspoon drJ.~m="~'t~•~<d,_ __ ··~·~·in~t=•~<·~kis~· ~sed:::_"~)~. ---dash Tobasco
Clarffy butter by cutting CHICKEN KIEV
butte r into sm all pieces: hea t 3 whole chi cken breasts,
slowly in sn1all saucepan until carefully boned to remove
butter foams. Skirn off foam , all gristl e
remove saucepan from heat. I slick well · chilled sweet
Strain ycllov.· liquid into small butter
crock : reserve milky residue 1 ~ teaspoon ~all
for cooking. Reheat clarified pinch white pepper (or fresh.
butte r v.'i!h remaining in· ly ground pepper)
gredients: inix \veil. Serve 2 tablespoons minced fresh
\varm 11'ilh artichokes. Makes chi ves (a pinch chopped
enough sa uce for 4 to 6 large fresh tarragon)
artichokes. flour to dredge
J 4 cup fine bread crumbs
Artichokes: J egg diluted with li!L!e
\Vash 4 artichokes. Cul wa ter
stems al base. rcm()ve small vege table 011 for deep fat
boltom lea ves. If desired, trim frying
tips of leaves and cut off abo ut Cul chicken breasts in
l·i nch from top of artichokes. halves: place each bct'ft·een
Stand artichokes upright in piecPS of wax paper. Pound un-
dei'p saul'1!pan large enough lo Iii f\al and very thin with
hold artichokes snugly. Add 11• mallet (or back Or a butcher
teaspoon salt for ea c h knife!. Remove paper. Form
artichoke and enough boiling butter into six finge r-shaped
water so artichokes stand in 2 pieces: chill further in ice
to 3 inches of \Va ler. Cover , waler H necessary. \Vipe dry
boll gently 35-45 mins. (or un-and place on each flattened
Iii base can he pierced easi ly breast of chicken . Sprinkle
with fork f. Add more boil ing with salt. 'vhite tor black)
water if nCC{'ssary. Turn pepper , chives lor tarragon).
artichokes upside down lo Roll UI) folding in at ends so
drain. the butter is co m plele l y
Serve Wilh hot or rold enclosed. Skewe r firmly with
lemon·butter sa1!ce on dinner toothpicks.
plates as a first rourse:. or as Dred ge each roll lightly in
a separate vegetable course. flour. lhrn dip ln diluted egg,
Artichokes are finger foods so then 1n bread crumbs.
to eat: pluck off one leaf al a Refri gerate one hour so
time and dip base into sii.uce. crumbs ""ill Stick. F'ill deep fat
scoop off the meal from inside fr yer lor ketUel with enough
of leaf "'ith your teeth. \Vhen oil to completely rover rolls.
outer leaves have been rcmov-Hea t until thermometer
ed, discard s ma 11 un-registers 360 degrees F. on
derdeveloped leaves. RemO\'e cooking thermometer (or until
and discard purple-grttnis h a one-inch cube of breat:I
colored choke, then ainsume brow ns in one min).
Torti I las
Tor tillas filled with beans
\\"Ill give the family a taste of
soulh-Of-t.he-border cooking.
8 lortillas
Salad (not olive) oil
2 cans teach I pound)) beans
in barbecue sauce
Shredded Iceberg lettuce
Grated cheddar cheese
Chopped sweel onion
In about '•inch hot oil ln an
8-inch skillet fry the tortillas,
one by one, in flat style until
crisp on both sides. Mean.,..'hil'
heat the bean~. Heap the
bean~ on the tortil las: top with
layers of lettuce. ctieese and
onion. Serv2 a1 once . Makes 4
Gradually add chicken rolls,
browning on alt sides. Drain
well on paper to\\'eling . Serve
at once. Serves 6.
llut don"tgtt taken.
Sclcl't from our line of more
t ha n 70 fine nutril ional
prflduct\ and save up to
50'0 and more ol'Cr sloic
We ~hip all order~ the day
they"rcrettivcd and prepay
11hippi ng charg~ Satisfac--
t io n guaranteed or your
snoncy back.
Send for fret catal{l,;;
L ___ j~!!~~~!~~~~~~~~~~!!~~~~_;•~n~d then. Serve over IQaf. VLWilh-pola--M•keo-11------f'AMED-ACTRE·SS
lo 6 $Crvlng.s. Jun Bennett
-----sl!r\1ngs -2-s1urrc:a cr1s11
4 tortUlas per portion,• ·
Johnston's Vil111min Products
1}Ptl4~6-I ~1ffi 'r'-wk-Bh-d.
LOI Angelc1, CnliiorniA 90042
• '
> I
•. The perfect Ingredients
. • people, a reason, food
and fixings. You supply the
togetherness folk!: and the
_why: and where~~ In
the antipasto and guest
towels printed with the
Watoooe II deparbnents,
we've got it all.
How does some curried
chicken and shrimp baked
in scoupe(f out papaya shells
grab you. to team up with
orange rice garnished with
raisins and coc-onut. U you
serve Ne.w York strippers
for 12 people. it takes 8
pounds of mushrooms done
in butter to make them
taste happy. For dessert, 2
flaming baked Alaskas of
tender angel cakes and
dreamy vanilla ice cream.
Recipe for Oaming: Pres!
egg shells in the top , fill
with heated Grand Mariner,
light a match and turn the
lights down low. \Vho you~
Of aiurse not. Why should
you when a perfect jewd
~lied Carman will come to
your home and do the whole
dinner, including the a:rand
entrance with the flam~.
Elegant little sit down din·
ner scirees mo ve you out Of
the ordinary. What a rare
treat o( a party .. , big tabl e
for 12 .. 3card tables for 4
... timeless and the c.on-
versation is easy.
People are going for1 it
big: Wedding bouquels with
the loose natural look. The
trick is to lighten the stems
of the fJowefs. The Flower
shop is lhe quiver genie
who replaces stiff stems
ll'ith gentle wire to make
for 12 ... 3 card tabl es for t
spritely tremblin~.
A Paradise Jsle is more
u ·our enchanlin alle ?
Jot t IS own as your next
747 a\\•ay place to visit.
Consider 8 inch t h i c k
styrofoa m all sp r aye d
green. about 5 feet long. In
the center 3 wafting palms.
4 feet high. All around the
most gorgeous tropical pro-
fusion .. birds of parad~e.
red <1ntherium and purpl e
orchids. Now whoever saw
orchids and a n the r i um
growing together. \Ve did,
on Marguerite"s Paradise
Isle, and the ti leaves and
ferns made the w h o I e
·beaullful thing Hawaii calls
happy. Get. the picture •. 8·
floating in a swimming
pool, with tiny votive lights
on cork coasters doing the
fire bit and happy people
making merry with a luau
around the edges.
. • Perhaps you "d like
you r guest towels printed
with John and Mary •• or
your paper napkins. <lr mat·
ches. or coasters. But guest
towels do make a nice house
or boat wanning gift .
Personalizing is so eesy,
Popular on the VIP list . ,
!he beautiful Su pe rso f t
napkins that feel like silk,
Pick them right off the
shelf . . sop"hislicated and
pale in pinks. golds, or
white , . or the Contempo
great House and Ga rden
ciec<lrator colors to go wild
or cool as your mood.
No secrets here. Our
decorators want you to see
the aciion out in front .•.
from resplendenl wedding
Taj }.1ahals to Hang Ten
birthdays. Perhaps 4 dozen
cheese rolls all b a k e d
together in 11 big, round pan
for your rompin' revelers to
tear off. Or a 5 JX>Und Vien.
na loaf of bread to mske
one gigantic sandwlcl\ for
the whole crowd. The flower
shop also does frantic
flower thing:c in these whop.
ping loaves, complete wh.li ._
onions and radishes . . "
real lave for a spaghetti
together , . _
Richard's, the Pe op I 1
Store, where we've got the
rixing' for 1 party If you've
£Q.! th,! .fun.
: ' .. ..
. . .
:• . ' ..
. ..
Mocha Jna Coffee 1
Hydrox Cookies 22 oz. Sf
KING CRAB MEAT 71/a OZ. 1:59-
c§t-?fJ /J1tgeftliJ!es
SMALL WHOLE BEETS ' s uoz.3,.,1
HARV ARD BEETS " oz. 3 ... '1
PARTY SLICED BEETS " oz. 3 ... '1
PICK(ED BEETS " oz. 3 ... '1
Cut Green & Wax Beans " ~ .. 3 ... '1
RAID House & Garden u v. oz. 1.29
GRAPt:l"RU.II JU!~E 'oz. 4 ... '1 ---AUNT JEMIMA
WAFFLES 'oz. 3 ... ·t
Cool 'fl Creamy Pudding 11v. oz. 39c
BROCCOLI SPEARS 11 oz. 4 ... ·1
WHOLE GREEN BEANS , oz. 4 ,.. '1
ENCHILADAS 7VtOZ. 3 ... '1
Ma~• deep cuts into meat, without
cuttin9 throu9h to the hone, Miw
I/, C. su9ar, l/J ~ soy sauce, l/J T.
fresh minced garlic, 6 T. minced
onion, 2 T. 4i1round to11ted sesame
seeds (tofast in 1~illet without oil,
til browned then whirl in hlenderl,
2 tsp. minc•d ginger root and 'f4
tsp. p•pper. Brush th• abov• miwtur•
over meat. Let stand I hr. Grill
over hot coils. Meet 1houlcl b•
m•dium rare. Serv•s •·
NOTE: Can be plececl on rack In
roa1tin7 pen, and roa1ted for 2 hrs.
at 325 •
. IN Q!Jtlll.l'Y:El\Y AREA
For Your
-_Pleasure_ _
Bernice Fay
Kor1•n Short Rib,
Rice with Soy Sauc1 and T oe1ted Sesam•
P•a Pod1 with lean Sprout1
Sour Cream Pin•appl•
For fun, "rve sale or plum wine
w.....,, October 7, 1970
\Is LB. 39¢
SMOKIE LINKS 12 oz . -79¢
DANISH HAM 4 oz. 55'¢
9 oz. 59¢
12 oz. 149 •
BISCUITS • oz. 39¢
.~~~~~~~~-~-~~~Fr~en~ch ,Bread 41¢
PRIME RIB ROAST !:~:· .:!~~" po, .....
SHORT RIBS Try our recir-for Kor11n ribs
BEEF RIBS Gre1t brushed with 11uc1 ind rH1tld
BARBECUE RIBS These 1r1 1xtr1 l11n
Epicur•en fare -th•s• are ours alon•.
ell the boning, cuttin9, 1easonin9 and
marinating don• for you. treat yourself
to one of th•s• 1pecieltie1.
Stuffed ROUND STEAK 9k, ..
T •nder, flavorful round steak with
• pleesent herb dressing.
l/2 Stuffed GAME HEN
These could be the starting point
for en el•9ent dinner perfy.
These plump birds ar• marinated in
an oran9e·red wine sauce. .
Ste ...
' Date-Nut Loaf 89¢ i
Qrange Rolls-6 FOR 35¢ __; _ .
Twin Rolls 6 FOR 31¢
All luscious colors. Re9. J.50
Chill I lb., 13 oz. con pineapple
chunks. Drain pineapple and save
syrup. Mix I C. sour cream with
I T. honey, I T. chopped candied
9 i n 9 e r ond enough pinoopple
syrup to make the sauce the con-
sistency of heavy cream. Mix well,
pour over pin1appl1 arranged in
chilled dessert 9IHse1.
Servos 6·
OPEN DAILY 9.7, SUN. 9-6 OPEN DAILY 9·6 OPEN DA ILY, 9-6 DAILY 9-5 :~0. SAT. •·S OPEN DAILY •·6 DAILY 8:30.6, SAT. 1:30-!
' I
• ""; ' .
42 DAILY PILDT . Wednesday, Octobu 7, 1970
HALIBUT 99· c SWORDFISH99c GR~J~~N.:tl~r -·' -n..--STEAKS · 1b_ -~TEAKS lb " z · -·
C£N1ER CU J •••rnrn ~£NTllCUl.,_,, ' BEEF SHORT RTB5
SKINlESS llNK SAUSAGE :,g,~:~29"
CRISPRITE BACON WllSON .. _ .... 69'
LEAN 6. MEA TV· · lb. ;
12.0Z. RETURNABLES--~·-·--··
,1;~·.:~:~1.77 ee~
J -tB. CAN $2.SI
-. -
C:~mE'R cur 1 :aoNEl>i-\;~
ARDEN 9 . ~RDll
2-LI.· 1 ':!HUE
'•t@ "
~~ . .n -'• ~,.1(.-.~· ,,, n-. "' " ... .. ... .. ~-~
--------'-· --mmifair fruits & Vtgttoh&s ·
GRAHAM 39' ;~;';· ·i ·~~
CRACKERS · ;·~ PRi ~ WLIOX • • 1cm1i
. :.ii I BEi
, • flTlt'
~,· .i'!J
~ R~l~N _S -·-··""'''"'''"'""" GOLDEN RIPE
""'"' ' r. · BR . . .
• > t,. M!lW1
' . -
LOJ'l.tG GREEN ............ -.. --...·--·· .. ··--·-·~C---........... ..
I 'Pl(.
J( ,.GOI
CELERY ~~~E:TAlKS ........... EA. I oc _ CRISP CARROTS
TENDER, T01'.5 OFF ..... --.. ---·-------
• ~AYI
: ·.Dn ... I'
-,, .
9111!'""'_""" _______________ ...., ___ __, ______ ~~--.,...~---~--·--~-...,......,.~----.. ----~......,,..,....,~ --.,,..,....
.t .; PORK ~~• i~ , C,H·o· P'S '"'-. $ .
.,... ' e.: ~ ' ........ . ,_ ... ' ~'I ~' ., :::: ~ '' ·.1:,,. •• ~; ·~ I Ji:~ e
D ........ 1---. -.:~·:~PORK _
.~;;. .:.:;, . tEAN RIB END.
;F~ f;?~ FANCY EA·STER~POIK 7~ .. -· _FROM THE FINES-r--·, '~~ EASTERN CORN-FED PORKERS ~''" = ·=r.· r.= .:::,\',": ~ •t "'"' ;;,;,;;; ti' t~ . f.ti !! ~ !·~,., e ........ e · ....... ....... . ....... ... ...
f.·:11ri. t5 . t:.\':t. §f, Jllllllf 1......... . .....
"'""' !.'."' ... 3~ -..w .. -'6 'i~'·
!.'!!','.',' r;;. .... ....... '"'"" _ .. , ........ ....... ~ ..... "" """ "" .. ·~·: ... '"' '"" .. .... ..... ,. ...... "'"" ..... .. IHI .. ....
lb lia:.z:~·: ... . ....~ .... -·
LONG ISLAND 59~ !!!_~!-}_N_G_S ___ ·-·-·. • . a..
LOIN END ~ '3 to4LI,·
'l'doj Speeiafsf--...
RDflC < 7 .... ~~~~l ye -··------
· ·1 • AITC" ~ND ;AC/DC •OOB.-PIRFECT FOii $15' 8
Sl'OITSEVINTSCiOMPAHATS19.9S ··--· . ri .. _ !!'!!., .. ,!.!!!!~.,,:~.~:~ .. -"' '2. 99
, !,,.'!.!1.fW~.11 ................ _: __ ,~ •2. 99
. !ll!!!.!!~!_-... ~----~ '2. 99
· !!~!!!!JCOTC~;, · _ar.'4.69
. !!!'!!!!t~•!!_,_, --.~~ '1.99
. PIC T RIPE ALllRT A • PEACHES • .2112 Sill 5 FOR $1.00 •
.. GOLDPINE PINEAPPLE Sill #211 s FOR $1·.00
11.t.YFAIR ~ ~
1.DETERGENT oiANT 1ox .................... ·-39¢ --
. .
. . .
1 llMn' 1 COUPON
WedMSday, Octobrr 7, 1970 DA fl If PILOT ·Q : ·~
i M:R ADUlT CUSTOMElt . l OCT. 8-0CT, 14
=!!!!-~~ !l!i'~~i'!!!!"~~~~'I"!""!!~='·
40-0Z.PKG. --: _.. __
175 E." 17th ST.,' COST A MESA . .
---.-,;:·=·==·=· "'• -~, ..... =.-..,,.,.,7, ~="'•"'""" ...... -;-c""'....,,,.....,,.,,,, .. ,,.,, """""....,'""l*-·-·,..,,..· ... ,J,., ......... --.-4 ·~· ~·,,-· ~· ._.....__...,. .
Am-erican Homemaker. 9f Tomorrow €ompetition Revea .led
Am blF. ocbooll ha,. been ricula and ""°""' lhe lull, lowing grading of lhe Int by Ille will rtcelve a lp<cially nlco by E~la Brilan-an expense-paid ecluc0..,;;.1 . orlPial test "°"' a o Jl
lnviled to ·....u lhe!r ,.n1or broad acope of homemaking Sci<nce -Alloclatos d<slpod awanl and ber test ntca, Inc. ..-.,,king glrll tour of W8"hlngtoll, D.C., aJ1I) . \penonal observation and in-
glrll In competition Io r today," a spol<<!Smainald. Clllcqo, wlilch abo prepores pepper will ba'mtered In judg-In eadl otate ..,.i lllstrtct of €olonlal Willlam!burg, -Va. tervieWll durlnC the loot, she
111 t , t t t I u co 11 e g e A SO-minute w rt t t e n tile edlnlnatlcn and I s lbg 1or-st.ate ICbolatabJpg. Columbia r e c e 1 v e $500 Climu ·of the evM will be-a. --"Will--reeetvt an increase in her
ocJ!ol•"'"pr, JI hol. been an· knowledge and aw-... ....,.,...ble for ae1ec11oo of State llammllken of Tomor· l!ChoJarohips. nouncement of the 1m Belly scholanhlp to 15,000. Throe
nouoced. amlnatlon, to lie adinln-sd100l, &lite and national ....,. row ....ive fl,IOO educational ·!fe<\ AprU, !be Sta t e ·Crocter A II· A m er I e-a·n..,,,.tlaoal .......,..,P will at..-
General Ml11I, aipcmor of the Dec. 1 by all pm1Jcipatlng nus, a Betty Cr o ct er grants from General· l4U1I. .. Hoowm•\:m of 1'ol:hl:lit'OW, Homemaker of Tomorrow. ·')Je cboaen and will have their
Betty Crocker 8e.udl fer tbe ocbools, will provide tbe ba sis -of Tomorrow wW with their llChooll awanled a eadl occ:ompanled bY a Oiooeli from the state wlnnen scbolarshlpa raised to $4,ililo,
A record 646,041 aenior glfls
in 15,040 blgb schools W!ff
enrolled in t.ht: 1970 ~arch1
bringing tot.al enrollment dW'·
ing the t6-year ~1sto11y of tbe
program to 1DQre...tban ~even
million young w om e n •
Scholmtllp awards total ·~ proximately Ul' milllm. ,.......__..,.,. .. ·. eu,.._~ 0 f fer l!Cholarsbip award>. Fol· be cho6en for eoch IChooi. eel ol EncydopMdla Brllan-faculty advlaer, ;will join •for on the bull of IOK.11 factors u 13,000 and p,ooo. ~1 _na6ona1'.--=~-------~----=-=------.,.-~~~~~..,--~~--~~=-----=-=--~=--....:....-------~~.,,,,,,=-=-
acholanhlp program e1. --------_ -------
cluolvely for hilb sdiool aenlor
girls -said letters have been
... t to -tbrougbout the
coun1ry, Inviting them to
participate In Ille 17th annual
aearcb. .
Designed to "stms the
breadth and depth 0 f
knowledge and attit-which
the Amer le an homemaker
must have to fWfllfber roles
effectively," the program
tooches aU high sd>ool cur
Pure Princess
""" line, pure Dattery -you will look slJmmer,
younger, livelier in this pleat-
flared prlncl!Ss. For blends,
........... •••...,... . .._,.NA,•' 1QN. -----10-IMHQICO OIA-7JIMN.ft.OM*-AMY ~---..-.~ ........,. ___ ......
JUICE ;.=::..,.,,.-
IW<CCAllY ~ ,,,
Hfrw,, Noe.,_., Ho Depml lottlftl
ll~IEER ~.r.-7'Jc,
~J lt1Clf:1 HATURE THl l WEEK!
SWDlllRSI DOYll SOii 7 .l!S . :::: ... , ... ta:. ::r;.::' .... , •1~· roKnott
....... , M ... M« 'WO. 7S....M«. SI.OS
.... """' ......... lll lL JIG. •••• SUf rk 69 ... PYw.,~ ..... ,.oz.l'IO. ....... s1.ot Po rL_a.. ~tl:r ~ Mn. ...w., ..... ,..,. IO«.,.. .........• ,,. '-'~
c...-..""' ..... Ol llADDOCX. l'4L .. O. • ,.. C Cut R'b 79' -................. ,................ enter 1 ..::~ • !-=-=:"~:. =.:-:::: .... j Center Cut loin '°:'!':'"" ••~
'-..,,. ,_ Uflk .._. i.u. rco. , SI.Of """'""'* v ... .,,. ...................... lL... Ham Sl'1ces '™' t£NTet cun. h!.f J\HCY, RA•OIM • ,_
=1 111!~~::0~.~;.:· I 5~:& i H ii C..,. (ftMf .. Tian Tlw Wed. Ott ... 14, 1'71 1 •••• ;;.';;.;;;11 ••••••••• ,ll!i!!!!tfim~~~
----linen. Indiaplnaable Bmc1
~ All.Purpoa ... (QA#F]
I ,
Printed Paltml .93511: NEW,
Half Sises 10"2, 12~, 14~,
1611, 1811, 2011. Size lfll (buat
31) takes 3'1• yds. 3$.ln,
each pattern -add 25 cents
for each pattern for Air Mail
and Special H a n d Ii n g ;
otliei-Wbe Uilrd-cfass delivery
will take three weeks or more.
Send to Marian Martin, the
DAILY PILOT, 442 Pattern
Dept., 232 Wed: 18th SL, New
York, N.Y. 10011.
with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE
Tips Told
Good cookware is made to
last a lifetime, but it lakes
prop er care by the
homemaker to ruUze this
To keep your ware in "like
new" condition, here are aome
helpful tips from b om e
economilta at United states
Stamping Co., a division ol
!Jsk.Savory Ccrp.
First, save yourself much of
the after-meal drudgery by
choosing utensils that are easy
to care for and won't mart up
the link.
Ceramic-m-steel ware with
Its smooth, non-parous surface
makes it as easy to clean as
glass and combines th e
clllrabWty of sttel.
To ti..-lighten your
eleon-op dxns, Oil your polo
with warm water immediately
fU'IUll _. ...
~ 69= ..
!7.0Z. sn.. •••·•• ,.,. -.oz. rn.. -······
,_.,""'"""' .... ~ ,...._ ~
ASll'D. UlY ~
Chuclclul o'Raisins ••.
a •• _. ~=' ss• ,_ ........ e:.i~'::' 5,.
~ FROZEN r" 95
.. """'"' "~ Vor;.t;er , ••
Assorted Flavors
Half lia<-Tlppllg ':'~.:' zg.j hi.
= ;: ~ 1~.:-n;., ~ Long Grain Rice them in the dishwasher or s~ 1tc I
T~· 2i33' I
V!1V1TY 5M00111. 4• 1 :J==~ ~ Evaporated Milk
.ucty deealng p r o b l e m 1 • = ·::m":mU::.-:; CHI Mayonnaise
AOl'l'letlmM blve foods burn or ~~:.o..a.,..1n... Luncheon Meat
tlon of two qllllU of hot .... •
to -tat ......... ~
111.: •• ~r·i r;: 1z.e-. c1: 43c·1
cooKWARE I ""'"'""' I .... ._ .. $444
I" ltlllf ~~"'-EA.
1111 IOTSUft CIWI "&,~'"78'
AUii SILTDI •.., "'· ............... 11'
hllclon .... ......
CHllA $111
, .... ""'000 37, JUICY, TENDER {'\.ii:\
IUNS .. .,. All-Ml.AT ~ 1 :=====~::..:...:. .,.tlli1l11§
l'O'IA:~~MW 35c _ ... ..,..~, ... ;) • 140.. C1'L _ ......
QlMllly •••
JOIPJMD,Nlf.MT....... 27 Sour Cream ~-~:~ ' ---Sliced Meats :;: 37 c
ooda. ,,_ -~-• ~----'=~.:.~~-In (1/01/al Cltildren s Clossits F1ot•red Tllis
-· -Idea II lo .....
Weeki * 1t1DNAl'PID Your '1'' • * OllWYDI nAVIU Choice
Strawbemes ·~~-39'
Prune Plums tJCH"':.. 19~
Ribier Grapes ~ 19~
Fresh Quince ~~~ 9~
Dried Apricots ~.%'.'." 39'
Birds Er• Oraltfl Pin ............... .
lggo Golden Waffles ,..,_ ............ 41'
Space Shot Popskles ""' ........... W
l'llSI OUOUl'I. OOll) ---"1 fllE ''" u.. C'OllPf1' -14C1M.. 82'
-oo-boudwl>en!tltey 10111 .. conveniently at hanCI and
:' =-~ative appeal to 34081
Adams Ave., at Brookhurst, Huntington Beach
Doheny Park Drive, Capistrano Beach
5922 Edinger Ave., at Springltclle, Huntington Beach
Laguna Hills Plaza, El Toro
21082 Beach Ulvd., Hunti:!gtorr Beach
17950 Magnofia, fountain Valley
• •
-· --
... --' --------------------------·-.--..
Alpha Beta's
Man in Blu e
uru fA/olCY • lUtitH BOK Sllf
6"' 100 BROWN ONIONS 9• ...
491... FRESll CELERY '"'' 19!.. 5•"-FRESH CABBAGE "\\~OR 71, ..
I .:l;.291 LARGE ARTICHOKES "'" iii • ...
49; ·• BROCCOLI 191,._
3.,. 100 RADISHES & ONIONS lm: 101
~h ~ox _Rajsi ns ~t:::c:w 10 ... 391 -RUTABAGAS oz ID·~
JUMBO PEANUTS '"'""' 391,._ S"ILA"D or COtE SLAW l<o: 101
-Table Queen or Butternut '"'"' to•, .. -Banana or Hubbard '"'"' 5• .. ~t
BULK RUSSET S "',~\bls I Oi.. VALENCIA ORANGES I 0 .'!;97 1 ~,
RUSSE-T POTAT OES 20 ~:.911 FRESH CUT OOZEN 98' !l-i.1t"-
.... ,
7~-cou~;r . ANi"JStPTiC
CllA~Gl l'!llCC
i9c 55'
l'!OTTLE or 2()
CREAM 100" 8 1
CHO CKS 2.J9 11s f:r
t!::W ----------------rEt'IN!flE HYGIENE ::PRAY :Vi·OZ A:ROSOI.
PRISTEEH .12 991
ITEM l"1JI" ........
5M£lr SM{lf
AlntA I ETA 1.89 2.84 3.79 01SCOUNT
Look lor in·slore displays.
Standards & brackets also available
Sii Elf
Vieu< 191
\S·OZ. CAii
"' 451 VALUE
CHAii Gt l'fllC[
<8a'A rlQcuE'f · auFFET 1 o• ~SUPPERS 12!
~MCRTOl'l • JB.QUllCE • rROZEtt ~FR UIT & CREAM E ''" DELIGHT PIE .69c ;;1Ji .
.. ----..
• Wtdntsday, Octobtr 7i 1910
DA!\. V moT ff
• •
tthe M.iit in the RED APRONl PROUD~ Y OFFERS SH!~sH!~J ef'~}!~ T~!A!S ~:::-:-:-::c~~~
--FRESH -':r.'."!.'1"4 STANDING.o __ . <
0 47~ ROUND STEAK B?~E •' ,I
CAllllED .. • . , ' 'I . HAM t1~ ~~ ilO'Ast~N6"6~c:-__l·BONE S~EAK 1 ~ !1,
. CHICKENS ,..,IL~ FAMILY STEAK,.~:.; 'P~tlsii'EsA-UsIGE"-69;.-£CQN(>PAK-d-LB. DR Ovai •1 FRrs~ ''" --_ -=-------~ .' .
. ou1c• MIAL>",_Avo•••,. ~ ;OUND11~un ~1 c SEVJN B_ON~ RQASJ 69;. ·~
BEEF 531b CHUCK STEAK -W.ot CUT st~ hl""'11fS.
TACO DOGS or l''>' BEEF ENCH ILADAS 4• fRESH-:-cooKE;rm~fi9V s'
0NHEL[o"u1DER CLOD ROAST n•· SHRIMP-·$1 7'"rb: · · -· --7-e•-
['f'f R\ OAY
]().O'JNCE !AR
.,_. SUNSHINE • 2.oz. PKG.
J9t 89'
J.3t" l3'
JM 141
.I.ff 141
.12<" 9'
They ar• odded MIV<"O$ o.,.r
ond obove our IV<lrydO'y dtt· count pr•cn OI\ certo11, spe-
cool P\.l"hooe 1tem1. L()Ok fOf
1>-em lhrouohout !he s1or•.
DAY , ••
@rOFFiE'PEA~U0T\ CAN l!le 571,
flEISt~~~~~·s MARGARINE Jl< 48F
!ORDF,N'S • SLIC[D • 3·LB PKG. 241
D-"' DANISH" s'w~Alns· . ~ora15e 49-
LASCCO • 4-07.. IAR
ALPHA 8(111 • Proc:tt1•d • l6-Slice1 671
1\1..-0%. I N"VELOP6 • !D)HOAM ,,._. 9'
10 OU!lCE SOTTl,£ , 83' KIKKOMAN SOY SAU CE • Ali·
1olJI. CAN • :>t.tc;t:D APPl.F.S 26'
COMSTOCK PIE ,ILLING lie 111' >-.C"-" 21-01. CAil • l-tACK l6c: 4tc
21·0Z, CAN • STRAWBERRY illC Uc Z2-0t, CAN • 8LUE~6MY Ht 4tc
~ 14 ENVELOPts •REG. OR DARI.'. ~Swiss Miss Cocoa J9'
Angel Cake Mix .B6c
D .. :::::. CAKE MIXES "'lo·OZ 39c
WHIT£ ANGEL rooo ·l~-OZ. a!le S7c
.._ -DEL MONTE • 11/z CAii ...,.t11o fOR SALADS
8-0Z. !UffJ:T CAN ~ lie
~~filr~0/ilfri f 6iitfoES llf 27' ~ 3DJ Con • S11w-ed TO!ll.oto .. ~ :UC
6'lL0~HTE ZUCCHINI m 31;
bl:l MONTE • JOl CAN -
m 241
llf 271
lie 341
.2'e 21; Ott MONTE • JOO CAN
COST"--MRA-241 l .-17ttri lt.-
HUNTINGTOH l lACH-t041 ,t,4.,.
HUNTIHGTO M llACH-11611 H .Mola St.
LA•UN4 HIL.:S-23$41 Colle de lo L1t1li•
llYINl-1 ffl~O C1t1!...,-, Ufl\!<tAltv Perk
lcleas Limitless
WtdlltSda)', Octobtt 7, 1970
Dependables Given
Added Importance
hLthis aie of Jvenlence frankfurters, Cheddar chl..-ese drained
-loQd.e:, tttS'!lonee[S ~the 9'.!.d soup, ani:! milk. 'ntls tlme-sav. tab~ onion
-sllctd white bread and oan-mg·casserole requires only~ a-frankfurters --
ned toup -are taking on new minutes baking. \\/hen served 1 can (1~ ounces) Cheddar
Importance. for, with bi-tad with a fruit salad a n d cheese soup ~ ,
and soup you can create an beverage it's a meal to help in cup milk
unending number of hearty maintain your family's nutri-1 tablespoon m lted butter
casseroles ... all of t h e m tion plan. or margarine
economical and easy t e lh: cup sort brea crumbs
prepari." U!'itA BEAN AND ritEA.T· With a 2-inch biscuit cutter,
Two good e.xamples of this BALL CASSEROLE cut 8 circles from bread slice$.
winning combination art Lima 1 pound ground beef Arrange circles or bread in a
Bean and MeatbaJI Casserole I erg beaten 10-inch round, buttered baking
and·Franks-and Spinach-Bake. 2-teaspoons .minced onion dish, filling In witlL..some _
Both recipes, developed by the t teaspoon salt the remaining bread pieces.
American Bakers Association, 11, teaspoon pepper Arrange spinach over bread.
feature all the Basic Four S slices white b r e a d , Sprinkle with· minceCl onioo.
Food CiNlups -with meat, crumbled Trim 7 frankfurters to flt in
vegetable!, milk and cereal I tablespoon oil ·wheel·spoke f a .! h i o n in
prod~ts (the \natl) in both. 1 can (1 pound I ounct) lima casserole. Di ct remaining
1be Msociation is joining beans. drained franklurters and frankfurtr:r
"'ith the Food Council of t cup grated Cheddar cheese bread crumb! with melted
America during September-t jar (2 ounces I sliced pl· ends ·and sprinkle o v e r
October in a major pro-miento. drained spinach. Blend soup and milk.
motioit, design to make Am· 1 can (1015 ou~s) cream butter and sprinkle over top.
ericans more nutr!Uon-con-of mushroom soup Bake in a preheated 350
1Cious in everyday eallng. ~~ cup milk degree F. oven for 25 minutes.
Your own imagination can ~ teaspoon salt P.ta)';e.s 4 to 6 servings.
lead to many more variations 2 tablespoon~ melted butterl----------------------------~-------------------------------
an the use Of enriched bread or margarine
<'nunbs, cubes or slices in one-In a large bowl, combine
dish meals. Here, however, is beef wlth milk. egg. season-
llOw the ABA suggests putting ings, and half af crumbled
bread to work for you, along bread. Shape mixture into 24
"'ith soup. in the preparation balls about ti,'4" .in diameter.
at two tasty menu items. Saute meatballs in hot oil
Lima Bean and Meatball about 5 minutes. turning
Casserole is a savory dish of brown on all sides. Remove
lightly browned meatballs. from hea t. Drain. Set aside.
limas, cheese, mushroom soup Cambine llma beans, cheese,
and a toss of sliced pimiento. pimiento, soup, milk and salt.
''ou can prepare the meatballs Mix well. Alternate lima bean
ahead and freeze them or mixture and meatballi; in a 1~
make th'em earlier In lhe day Quart casserole, ending with
and refrigerate. Requiring on· !Ima bean mixture. Tass
ly 30 minutes baking, Olis melted bu~ter with remaining
hearty casserole along with a bread crumbs. Sprinkle over
green salad, crusty rails, and casserole. Bake In a prtbeated
a light dessert makes a ~50 degree F. oven for 30
delicious and nulritlous family minutes. Makes 4 to 6 se rv-
Second in-our nutritious
quick-dinner duet is Franks FRANKS ANO SPIN AC H
and SpihaCh Bake. Foods from BAKE
the B11Jc Faur Food Groups I slices white bread '
Include wbite brt!ad, spinach , 1 can (15 ounces) spinach,
Sweet Tooth Satisfier r· UN1PR1CE l I
Penuche's Beguiling · ·1-ITEM -1-LOW PRICE t
lu COllFUSlllG §) 2 '3·7· ~ 1a· c ! . · MULTIPU ·'fill : C 1o'ff ••
When the kids around your them, consider running up a PllCES ·
---flouse-btg-you-fo-make-candy-bateh-of-P..e-•-n·u-l-b-v..t-t-e--r.H ,..,., -/BR-JlllASUIE
and yau would like to try • Penuche. I r1•1 •11
new recipe that wiU beguile This fudie is bound to (iJ
please because ii'• a com-~ NOW YOU CAN COMPARf
f I blnation ol two fa v or i to .., THI Piiia l'Dt MUSURE
So t p eats flavors ~ peanut butter and -OF '11KE" ITEMS
brown sugar.
Wt made it for our l~year
old nephew and five-year-old
niece, but the grownups ate as
much of it as the youngsters
ADD TAX TO ALL TAXJ.9'.E lliM5 •WE RESEllVf. Tf"i£ RICl-fT TO l1MtT
A friend of ours who is an
aid haod at candymaking
developed this recipe. We think
you'll like her directions about
turnini the candy mixture into
a pan; this is a crpcial point
-if you want good-lookini
fudge that has a !lmooth top -
but unfortunately most recipes
for penuche emit it.
'"'0"• '"'· ~·· FILET MIGNON
~~ ::::~ 35c ~o 1-ll. LOAF OlD SOUTH. FROZEN 6-0Z. 28-0Z. CAN
2 cups firmly packed liiht
brown sugar
2 cups granulated sugar
l cup milk
I tablespoon light com sy rup
1~ teaspoon salt
1 ~ cup creamy peanut butter
2 t!aspoon! vanilla
Butter the bottom and sides
of a sqUare cake pa n (8 by 8
by 2 lncties).
In a heavy straight-sided 4-
quart saucepan, stir together
lhe sugars. milk, corn syrup
and salt. Cook aver medium
heat, stirring constantly. until
sugar• di•solve •nd mixture
Continue cooking. stirring
occasi<lnally, u n t i I tem-
perature reaches 136 degrees
on a candy thermometer. or
Law pleat flurry -moat until a small amount <if mix.
joyhll way to hurry into brisk lure. dropped into ice-cold
days. Zip up thl1 sltndr:riting water, forms a soft ball that
princess with wide collar in nattens on removal from
wool or silk print. water. Remove from heat.
Printtd Patt.em t20I : NEW Add peanut butler. but do
Half Sizes 10'11. J2 Y,, 14%, nol stir II In. Cool mixture un-
lllk, Jl'h, 201.C., D Y.. Site lf'ti lil temperature on candy
(butt S7) taku J ydl. 4S.ln. thermometer drops to J IS
SEVENn'-nvE CENTS for degrees. (Thi s may take as
e.acb patt.em -add 25 cents lon1 as an hour.) Add vanilla.
(or e1ch p1ttem for Air Pl-fall Beat mixture untll l t
(>thewise third-clan dellvery thickens and turn1 lighter In
"Mill take three weeks or more. color -2 to 3 minutes. While
Send to Marian Martin, the it can 1till flaw from sauc,pan
DAlLY PILOT, 442 Pattern and before it loses ils glw.
Dept. 2U West lltb St., New pour it Into lhe prewed pan.
York, N.Y. 10011. (It Is bette.r ta turn it Into the.
Print NAMI. AOOl\ESS '"l>fin loo IOOTI than too late. If
w1UI ZIP, SIZE and m'LE ·loo soqn, continue 1tlrrtna the
Pt'UMl&R.-mixture In the pan. lf loo late. N'£1' fall • Winter Pattern it won't flow from saucepan.)
CltaJol. 114 dynamk dtlllJtl. ·Cool penuche. With a smafl
Jl"NI P•ttern Coupon. SO cenll. metal !iP.fllula loosen edlJes:
INSTANT SEWING 900K tum out onto a ~ttlng board;
,.. ~ wur tomorrow. SI. tum rig hi side up. Cut Into
J:NftM'T r AS HI ON° BOOK -squares. -
.,......... answttt, ee-Makes 64 (l·inch) 1quarea -
t&ita), tipn tipt! Only tl. 2 pouods.
fl •ID ("1(t1•• tO&ST '"°'"· c '"1&1 10.! <:"<>"1"0 H I'
19.0L CJ.H
JOHN'S PIZZA "'"'· "·°'· 79 SAUS ... GE. 1$.0l. (
'f'l'E•ONt, l '·Ol.
VtC.fl,t.MfS, ''1-0L J,l,.t
~, -· ·~~I •
.... I"..;.;...
fOlt Oki.DE SCHOOl
OlOltlOUS ,Ull COl01t1
0»~ .. fl•llM ·f.AIORI-~~~·
(Qfftt. Sll.cr,Wl~llllY 'Alf it.ITc•
F-fSfo!.,A(T. Gl:AOl ... 10.oz. ~G ....•.....
!.~9.S~9.~1• ~!~~~s ............... __ . 25'
RIM STAMP . ,_ .. ~ 1iai9Qu1111 ,'_ .-...
::;. 'll' •• ~::! 89'-lJ.! -s1l1 ~~ s2 s•
tt-!Sf.AM1 COffll. t-OZ. JAR, Sl.11. 11).()1. JAl, $1 Jt
l•-OL IOTllf ..•.............
!9.!!:!~ .. !!.~~Y! .. "" "" . . . . ----· 35'
STRAWBERRY PRESERVES """'""'-"'°' w ............. 39'
.t.SSOflffO DESIGNS 19'
foll !>TAR, 1'1tG. OF SO
•11'1: VAlUl 29'
"" -MOlof.Slll l'Ulf!l 19' D'"I. (lrl.4M •I'll> •CIOI.
'o"" 11G11111 oo , __ ..c..CI' 2, 771
Oii ii~ PWG. OI' I•
:...":t~ 751 ''" ..
' 'Julia Child's Month '
Ed ucationa I TV De.buts Series ·
Octobef If .l<\lla:awd'• mooth.
Her new cooking series, in col-
ot,_pre.ml~@l 'WOJY (WI educa-
' tional television and her new
cookbook will be published
about two weeks later. ~n a telephone interview, the
~lllent French chef of TV
was both pessimistic and
enthusiastic about the world's
most acclaimed cuisine.
"We feel its dying out," she
said. "France has the same
difOcully getting skilled help
as we do here. --YQUng people
don't like the Jong, bard
She added that the impact
already ls being felt at
bakeries in the south of
France, where she 'and her
husband, Paul, have a second
•·s'read there is so poor 1
make my own now," she said.
Labor ~rtages and rising
prices also affect French
home cooking. Mrs. Child said
• most mlddleclass F' r e n c h
homes that used to have cooks
no longer do because.. labor
there has become too ex.
The French knOw how to eat
but many Americans know
more about cooking, in Mrs.
Child's opinion, because they
ct00k every day,
Viewer mail tells her that a
Jot have learned to cook by
watching ·her show.
The new series will feature,
in addition to Julia, some
~nes !ilmaj__ in France.l in-
cluding a fish auction in
Marseilles, olive oil a n d
preserve making and bread
"But the whole Poinl of the
show is the same," said Mrs.
Child. "It's cooking from the
American supennarket, using
American ingredients with
French methods. It's not
cuisine for the happy few, but
for everyone."
Volume two of "Mastering
the Art of French Cooking''
"°"""' CHWE
12.0t. PKGS.
makes the same point, but in
greater detail than is possij>le
within the 30-mlnule format of
the telev ision series.
"A ~t of everyday foods are
hl I~.!. she said. ''Less ex.-
pensive cuts of1 ve~ -breast
of ~al -whidl: is very
reasonable and \'attractive.
Chicken in piccef; wlfich the
French don 't hav~ yet. Tripe,
rabbit, tongue.'11 '
1.fost of the l recipes are
originals, not Fttnch classics.
"We used TV to prove out
some things," she said, adding
that bread baking, the most
frequently requested recipe,
will be covered both on TV 's
French chef and in the book. •·we worked al;>out two
years before we found a
French bakery school teacher.
Then we had to adapt the pro-
fessional method lo the home
method," she said.
Mrs. Child estimated that
she and her co-author, Simone
Beck, used nearlf 300 pounds
of flour to develop a recipe !or
real French bread using
American flOU r"a.nd A~rican
kitchen ranges.. A m e r I c a n
flou r has a higher glut.fn con-
tent lhan French and makes
dough more elastic_ than the
Mesdames Child and Beck
have changed their minds
about some Uings in the nine
years since volume one was
published and lhe seven years
since the first TV show.
Perhaps the meta significant
change is their acceptance of
some small electrical a~
pliances, such as mixers and
blfiliders, lo do_jobs_fm'_ which
they formerly recommended
hand labor only.
Their techniques m a y
change with the times, but
Julia Child's sense of humo.r is
a lively as ever.
Suggesting a blender to
prepare Lobster Bisque, she
wriles that in the good old
days you would have needed
four utensils and ·"either a ~-..;.
flock of kitchen minions or the Qilj.....
slrength of a Japan ese
wrestler" lo do the job.
-..S AND SllACxs
, .
PKG. Of 10 •SAVI: 26<
~ S'll6
SJ.29 TI
ltlll-l'l'~-.0.--. ....... _, .•
SERIES PREMIERES -Julia Child, ebullient
French chef, prepares a di sh for a TV audience.
1-Ier sho\v premiered today on educational televis--
ion. The cooking expert also has written a new
cookbook which will be published in two week~.
LB~ Chefs Can Rely
On Convenience
'Vhen so much ol our time is
being channeled out of the
kitchen into other activ ities,
can we be sure our lamllies
are eating the foods they
Just because th15 quesUon
can be asked ls why a nutri·
tion awareness campaign is
being waged this fall by the
Food Council of America. The
campaign theme is simply,
Eat the Basic Four Foods
Every Day.
When foods are chosen each
day from these four lood
groups fruits 1 n d
vegetables; dairy products;
meat, fish and poultry; cereal
products -chances are good
that our families are getting
the nutrients they need. So
hurried homemakerl need lots
of quick and~eaay-to ·f lx
recipH like E-Z Meat Balls
combining s e v e r a I con-
venience products.
4 cups com flakes or
l cup packaged corn flake
l pound around be<!
~i pound groond pork
1,~ pound ground veal
I egg
~cup milk
Jh t~a~poon salt
l (l1A ounce) package
spaghettl sauce mix
2'h cups (2 10~ ounce cans)
mushroom gravy
lf using corn flakes, crush
into fine crumbs. In milillg
bowl combine corn flakes
crumbt, meats, egg, milk. salt
and Jf.i package spaghettl
sauce mix. Shape 1 e v e l
measuring-tablespoons I n to
small balls: place in single
layer in foil-lined 151,i x 10.lh x
I-inch baking · pan .. Bake in
moderate ov'er (375 degrees
for 30 minutes. In mixing bowl
thoroughly combine gravy and
remaining sp8ghetU s a u ct
mix ; pour evenly over mea
balls. Return meat balls to
oven for about ...15 minutes or
unUI done. Serve as an entree
over hot buttered noodles,-fluf.
fy rice or mashed potatoes, or
as hors d'~uvres in a C'haltllf
dl!1h. Yleld-i:-3 servings, I meat
balls eaeh, or about 5\i dozen
meat baC~. I Inell In dllmettr.
Flattering -
Look! Lean Jines take a
more feminine tw'n as they
curve just below the waist.
Sld&buttoned band neck has
fashion interest fresh, new.
Printed Pattern 9293: NEW
Misses' Sizes 8, JO, 12, 14, 16,
18. Size 12: (bust 34) takes 2%
)'ards 3S.i.nch fabric.
each pattern -add 25 cents
for each pattern for Air Mail
and Special Handling ;
otherwise third~lass delivery
will take three weeks or more.
Send to Marian Martin, th e
DAILY PILOT, 442 Pattern
Dept., 2.'J2 West 18th St., New
York, N.Y. 10011.
wilh ZIP, SIZE am! STYLE
NEW FaJI -Winter Pattern
cataJog. 114 dynamic designs.
Free Pattern Coupon. 50 ceots.
-leW today, wear tomor·
BOOK What-W-wear answers,
accessory, figure tips! Only
New Noon
A convenient frozen food
makes the midday meal
1 tablespoon butter
% cup coarsely chopped
1/3 cup minced parsley
l teaspoon cider vinegar
'J,S tea.spoon salt
\I cup grated sharp cheddar
1 lea5poon finely chopped
hot chili pepper. il desired
1 package (13'1\ ounces and
6 to a package) lrozen
large beef tacos.
Shredded iceberg lettuce
Jn an 8-inch skillet over· Jow
heat melt the butter; add
onion and cook. sUrring often,
until wilted -about 10
Remove from heat and stir
In the parsley, vinegar, salt.
cheese and -if used -the
chill pepper; reserve.
Heat tacos according lo
pack.age directions for either
crisp or soft tacos; gently
open tacos and place a portion
of the onion mixture in each.
Place 2 tacos on each plate
with shredded lettuce between .
Serve at once. Makes 3
Curried ch icken and
vegetables make hearty fare.
1 package ( I 0
ounc<S) f1'IUn corn,
am>11 and onions
wtOI cream sauce
1 ""' mill< ~ te"-1 curry
-t cup 4lcod cookrd -In a covered saucepan, ovtr
_ .......... ~ brio( the Jrmen
~ble wiUl their sauce Ol lbe milk to a fun bon. _.._,.... heat; stir until .a... b nnooth. Sur In curry
,........ 8lld chicken. Cover
and 1lmmtr, stirring I fC"1
ttmos, -tor about 6-rnlnuttJ.
8Ur In 1 little rnlllt il SlllCI! It
too lhta. Makeo 11bout J 2/3 .,.. -a oorvtnp.
• r
iilFliisicn ~'i' 89.i..
alEislio"'i, •••s 45.i..
Flavor House Cashews, 1-. -u ····-·"~-· 85c 'lody Scott Fociol Tissues,ro.oiw..,..t1 200_31 c
Vivo Napkins,"'"'""····· .. ,,,_,_ 39c
Cut ritt Wa x Poper, 1?s',.._, ........ _.... 33c
Conlodino Saoces11M11,-..... ~s...1 39 '•""-""""' ' -. .,.........,, c ..,._,_,.,,,,., ·-"''"' ~ Holly~ Safflower Margarine.•·• .. 39c
-= .......... .., .. ,.. • .....
Wednesday, October 7, iq70 N PILOT·AOVERTISER 8
coo~Eo aun
I -lb. Can ........... a9c
2-lb. Con ......... $1. 77
3-Lb. Con ......... $2.59
••• 303
KlllllUCKT STRAl•H1'
$ 99 86
4-.Personal 2 9 C INCl.
Bors Jt orF
1'1<9. -
2300 B arbor Blvd •. at \l'lls on St,, Barbor Shopping Cente r. Costa ltlesa
. w-. Oclo!>o<' 7, 1970 OAILV·'ilOT ·if•:
He Sets A Goocl T a.ble
Res or t Cnef Finds tne World Does ·seat a Pa.th to His Boor;.
ST. JOHN. U.S. Vlrp ...,.,., I\\ ~..it \\hot rod-· c:ruahed DATE PUDDING· • r quart milk, heated to boll-
Itlandl -lt'I wy for rttDrl 1 cup cider vinegar lh teaspoon cruahed whole Brine_ the above uuce in-lng point
chef Ac:hlm Dlelrich of ca-I \\ cup 1"<11 pepper, finely _ all!plce gr<dients to a boil and then 1 qgs -11 p!Uii!Cli!iii;-CUt tiilialves
BtJ PlantatiOn to -assert, "Set ebopped-l teaspoon crushed whole pour over the. fish flllet,s. Chill 1 cup1Ugar 8 lady finlen.,tplit agoodtabl~andtheworldwil! l~ table!IJ>OCIM black pepper and allow twenty-(our houn salt In bowl, beat ecp sll&hily,
Ylnllla. Stir uoUI the ""'" ii dislolved. Pour In the hot
i!iUf, •itmng Ci>nstanllY,
~ the slie!d dates in a
well-buttered 2 quart baking
dish.~ Pour In I.he above
cuslard mimft. Tap wHli the
Lady Flnpr1.
Place the bakiJ!I dlah In a
flat pan wJtb tome water mid
bake in, 30!).dqree oven for
about IO minutes. Strff cold. belt a pathway to your onion 1 pinch garlic powder to marinite;,~servecold. 1 teupoon vanilla add the qar, salt and
aoorstep... 1-------->----'---"-------=-----:,--------'-----------"-----'--...,....-r--,-,-===-~=~=.,,...,=~=
--rie'Scertai• y fc'iifiirUitS to ·--+.i
be true. but then h is
11doorstep'' features the wln-
niDC charms or tbe National
Part Island or St. \John in the
U.S. Virgin Islan$, with its
..... white sand beaches,
mullihued Caribbeln waters,
refreshing Trade Wi.ads imd
sunny. ye1r-round subtropical
However,_guests_._aLJhe _
rambling -1SO:.room beach-side
mt0rl developed by Laaranoe
S. Rockefeller agre_e that the
Caoeel Bay cuisil11e ls 1 prime
attraction in It.sell. 'nie spread
of tbe lavish and colorful buf-
fet tsbt; at midday Is a sight
as spectacular 'u the sparkl-
ing ooral reefs and brightly
colored tropical fish ·which
abotmd in ~ Jt'.anD ~tropical
waters. ,
The c a r e f u I preparation
shows the pride of Chef
Dietrich and his kitche11 staff.
"Not evuy chef and cook is
happy at a resort hotel," he
said. "And if he and his family
are not happy, the food and
the guests sl,lffer ~for it. You
have to seled:chefs and cooks
that love resort work and resort iife. We are i.. breed of
our own."
From the time he was a boy
of seven in Dres den ,
Gennany, Chef Dietrich was
aware of the attraction cf
good food. "I remember going
to resorts on the Baltic Sea
with my IZ?'afldfather every
summer. When my relatives
and their friends from other
reso rts in the area used to sit
around the porch and talk, the
cnly conversation seemed to
be about 'how Is~ the food at
yobr place?" --
"If the food at uesort was
not pfafsed hfihly ~ tfie follow-
ing year that olace would lose
a>rne guests."
One _of the favarile3 js his
Plantation Steak. often served
oa Saturf:!ay nigh!LbeforeJ_he_
guests be~n dancing, to a
naUve steel band. The steaks
are ei~ht-once portio"s or
prime· fllet mhtnon. broiled
ever a chan:oal fire. tiiope<I
with medallions (roundsL of ~ broiled lobster, and-everything
spread with melting herb but-
•---n!h'11a-s-:i. featured place on
the Caneel Bay menu. because
it ts so fresh aP1d available in
such va riety rrom the local in-
shore and off-shore fishing
boats. The Virgin I~ands offer
some of the best deep-sea
fishing anywhere. and an
angler can usually have his
prize catch cooked to <rrder for
him and served to his ad -
miring family and friends.
For cooks at home. Chef
Dietrich cffers the following
advice :
"Any fish will taste so much
better if you mari111ate the fish
or the fillets with salt. lemon
juice. and Worcestershire
sauce sprinkled il\Sirle and out.
or on both sides. If you pan
fry fillets. dip them into nour
and b e a t e n eegs after
marinating them. Thus fired.
the fillets retain moisture and
will be tender and fl!llky."
A S!llmplll!.g of Caneel Bay
recipes, adapted for the home
by Chef Dietrich, follows:
1 pound of cooking apples
t quart chickew stock or
2 whole cloves
V.. teaspoon ground ¢nl!:er
(or 1 teaspoon grated
fresh (Inger. if available)
dash or mon·o s od ium
•lutamate ult, ground whi te pepper lo
Pee! and core the apples and
cut into quarters. Simmer
them in hot chicken stock with
the cloves and ginger. Whel'I
tender. strafn the apoles a.id
broth through a . fine· mesh
1ieve . Add the mono!Odium
glutamate and the salt and
_rround white pepper to taste.
Serve hot.
1,;. c u p water chestnuts,
'4 CUD water c. hestnuts,
V.. cup green pep p e r .
· atlvered
\4i cun fresh pineapple,
1' teaspoo111 CUrTY.~•der
I teaspoon 90Y sauce
~ lelSPOOn Mfl
juice of \\ lime
mayOl'lnalse .
toas ted, aalted nuts, tt'llAhed
Prepare· with a small QU1n.
Uty of mayannaise to taste
and tnp with a spril>J<llnl of
the mished nuts. ~
Marinate fish fillets wlUI
ult, lemon juice, a n d
Worcestershire sauce. Dtp the
llQetaJn l!Qo!r and jiL••d pen _ rry. Place tliem n pan and
cover with the follo wing
Pot Roast
COIPPata-ow k>tll.llsc:oant prices with
any ocher supenurkel in . town. Run
,your ow.n test •• -10u"lt b.e .m.aie_cl._
and P'eased. But don"I think that our
lower pJices haote reduced the. qu~i1,
of OUf stock. We slitl carry tbe large
variet, of top quality products ' that we
llnow JOU want ••• onty 1t0w their prices . .,. -.r.. So 9bop Albertson's ••• and
Sift wMh ~ pricn.
l2oz. Returnable
BONELESS HAM -..c-... _ ............ -. "'· sp1 • SWISS STEAK °""'"""'"'·--··-........ _.lb79 '
GROUND CHUCK ,,.,.c;-d •t-.. ......... lb 69 '
FRESH'·SALMON· ... «Wl>olo_... 1 111· Horttt~t ~-·-···· ......... I>. .
POT_ROASf~ ..... ~----· ... ::-:~~.: .. ;:: 73' -
CRO-SS RIB ROAST =._"::'_ ........... lb 93<
FAA\llY-STEAK """"""""""'-........ ;....,. 98'
BEEF STEW MEA l~"'.:'-.,, ......... -.Jb. 89'
BEEF LIVER -::.::· .. :_•.-'_. ----·· .. -·lb. 65'
20oz. Del-
'<.<.· .l, -. . ., -. ;'
GM!'' l&
Sliced Bacon ..,._ .............. .77' Fillet of Sole ....i...: .......... _ .. tr
Ham Shanks =.::._ ......... •· 49' Red Snapper ..... -.._~o.6' .
Shurtenda Steaks ~..::: i::'."." ... 91' Finnan Haddie ............. ~,_.. 89
Salmon Steali ...... -... -.• : .•. 'I"
l BS. . ~~ -M-ONTE -Red DetKious &.,_,,..._4 ... 1. ..
iV'lr---.Hppjitl· -Oder ~59 , __ -.
Candy Apples c ....... _. __ .2129•
PEACHES 2112 • SAUa ,.,.___ CHIPS 12oz....,'t BEANSOllffN.~
JANETlEE 2-1/2 22~ KNUOSlONBoz. 23~ ll"EllEEPEANUT 8 fM NESIUS2US. 79
PORK & BEANS YOGURT _ BUTTER ,.., .. \J QUIK -......... ..
::.~~·::· In-Store Bakery i ~SLICED SANDWICH
· i:beay in '
-·-..-; -.. --. S '' ~~:-
59:. 4x 7 SLICED
WIENERS ; ..=.::::.:::._ ............... 59'
CHIPPED MEATS ~', ..... 3/1.
CHIU BRICKS ""---·---·._ 79 c
TAMALES "'"''--······ .. ·-·""· 3/1..
CHUSI =~......;-·--·-• 93<
BI SCDITS ::::;. ":'.'.'::_._... ... .. 9<
Reg. 1.5~ • 10 Count
save SC>°k ~!:~:i, ..
Join our Fine China Oub
. .
Russet •0
Potatoes .......... 10 •.
co\i\o~\O' ~ FRESH f\N£Si ClllSP
nroduc.e . • · . TALL
11 I RS: .
·".", Save l 00 Harvey's 1 . Scotch ~':.? 5. 9
SCHLITZ BEER :>",.."' 'I"
.. • ·.' Alpen Glen BEER i:." '2"
·~ MARGARITA '::;~-;;:: 79'
c~. Orange Juice
.Jfaa4·:::.49 4i:.:67' ~~?: gutg~
BIRDS-EYE coot WtllP
<l-1 /2ot. 3· ·44 9oi. 551 TUB TUB
I ,....._. •• a MILK _,,,.. .......... -.,.,
POPSICUS' ::.::,':!,• 4/l
REDDl-WHIP --. 49<
P C DRittttS ::::: .. -·-·-10<
1-ll. T1N 894 2 II. l1N 177 3 II. JH· ~
PRICES GOOD 10/7thru 10/13
Huntl"9fOll Beacll -1 SS 11-So. Edwards
Corona del Mar-3049 CMSt Hwy.
Fountaln-Velley-16042 Mtignolia LaCJUna Beach-700 So. Cod Hwy.
Huntington leach-1911 Adc.t• •
GRADE "A"\ •
r W!f'lffdli; Cc...., 7,. 1970 •
10 TO 12 ~·
. ' .. '
SLICED BACON lb • . .. ..
-. · "RIB SllAKS -
CUT -UP FRYERS .._ ____ __, ____________________________________ __
TM following items •r• typic•I of Every·Dey Low ·
Shelf Prices on wh ich you •du.Uy 11v1 J ways. · ·
S£COID ~111u;AcrU11111s·· ;;tiOMOTiONi.L &LLOWA11C•S ~•E
"AlllD OH TO YOU TO ltlOUCI DUii SHILi' l'lllC5
EVIN PUllJHl lt,
Plll lCI " PRICE
· ~1;6fFEE -I 89c-I 83'
1 O LI. I.I.Go
89¢ .•.
. . . LB.
• Oscar Mayer Specials
Round or Squire-12 01.
·98 -
.. 8.
. '
1 .0~ . .
U.S. NO. 1
<10 LB. 49.
ONIONS •• 4; 19c
.·~i>~';!· STUFFING SIZE . .
BELL . .
8: 51 ... 000-L I . l/$1 II t~t~~~~,WELS ____ _}'l!__ -· c .
--+-·SAMOWICH-BAGS !-. 35c-J~9-~
....... --1-«~IU·'i~>i-ii~~
I ATH Slll~IAll:
J IR<'IHS OlflD"ltE!~~T
SSc .1 69'
I 69C I 4_9'
213Scl 10'
~IAER~PEPPER . 53c . 39'
aox 0 1' -:t-l"LY Tl1SUll 27"' scorrl(s"CAL YPSO 31 C ..
c-_,.,. ,=-' .. -~;-8-]c-..+-.~ ... 69' KE•N'S STtAWS•llllY
11 qz. CAN
3 LB. CAN $2 39
I '-.... ' ' '' ' ' ' '" ' .... I
... LINER BAGS · .. 39¢ •ox OF 10 BAGS ........
Wft~ ~;, co11po11, llO f!l i•ifll•lll p11rcho1• ~.,;,,c1. U111/t I box
~. co11po11 -0110 co11po11 p•r c111to"'°'· Vti~ •ftor Su11cl ov,
Oct.WO. 11.
----. ' • ' <' '' '"< r -----
·:r.::r DI ET ~
10 Os. OM w"Y· .· ·6'/49¢
With thk co11po11. 110 fltilil11111111 pure ••• ,.quirH. llllflt 6 bottles
,., (,011po11 -0111 cOJ1po11 por c111fOPfl•t. Vo icl •fffr S11"cl1r,
Octffor 11,
,..,.,_ .o""o'""o o""•"'•"'r"'u •""••m1•'"'u"'sm,...
6 OL
29' ...
. ~
.. 0
REG. 7J¢
12 Or. icrg
6 0 1 .
GINO'S 79¢
JUNIOR PIZZA . . . . .. .. . • . .. .
BAG OF 6 -3 01. Pi1111
12 Oz. Pkg.
I 7f • ,
Od. 8, 9, 10, 11
Cranberry COCKTAIL 't
21 COSTA MESA •ouM OST-9u .. 1 C PlACf ... • BUTTERMILK n11A
w~ c;Mi
BLUE ~1.9'
-19th and Pl1celll1
. .
' {
i ,
• ' .
. •
. •
' I
\ .
. I
f · . . -
. .
--~BOP Thrifti~rtZ .Where Eeery Dag's a SpeeialPau
10tGli's -COffll ..... '.·
-3 l8.·11N $2.58
2 l8. 111'1 $1 .77
U.S.D:A. "CHOICE" ~ ~~-~-~...+'-~
.~~BON-E or -,,
C~UB • -·· -2-9
, --
. .
,. . ' • . '
' -:'l f RBff~~fROM ' ,,A1IO -'\
. . ' ..................... .--...•.....
--llushed to. us-frorn th~ far.i,-J-:;lllll<e-~r~ mountain! .~ presel'Ve that freah-a;oodneu Cook..'.,.: outiide, over coals, and let him pretend
i they re frorn avorftefiiliina; o iOliliii"f,.Ori . ,., ' r And get-sev.ral fnoll liMl-ln>11 ow-'""1uct .-.la.Sllll wilb.IMm. -~;-.. _ ~ ~ • I .._, f' ~> (';l -.
Pit ~.l!li:i:! Jmonld Doy Wine , , • apria:htly, dei.i't0~1, ·d.,.t\ici ~nfe~r;o-.,~ , .. Sit , , , , Ll9 '-~\''I• ' ._,,,.~_ .... ' ' ''• ~ !.L ~ ~ ,/ ~~ 1. ~ ~... · i!v ~.~ -N· ... r r
,• ~)'.. . ' ~~-~ (· ~ ~\;;..... ~ .,_~
-I ~ '• ·-, ~~ . ' ~· -~ ,,,.,-·:·\:,
• '•·' t' ........ ··r;
,. ' . . ,:_ ., ........... ~-... . . . . ~ ' . .. . '
• . • Ave~ wei;itt :c. 1 td-2 pouncU:cuoli:: .• :-they'll:be delicioua:baked or broih.i, .-.-~hall,e_'n' -Bake for.fish" .•• , or ser;e .breaded.and Pl!\ fried
> •¢; » · . ; •,all Jhaiu" goM ~ya to aerve h~butl But di' count on having fmll l~CJ ~mons ln>m oil-~ dtpaltmo!lt. . _
· .hul 11-.finot,.~ ... ,the.Ft yli.ite hlll'i\llldy wine ... exquisite I ... fifttl .... 2J5 ' · ,.
• . ~.e ; ·" ' . v ' . '• . ~ . . ,, . ·~-.. '
. '
'.~ ' ,
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
. So much ~t~ l~ness On these .• ~ full .cla-~, tendet tasty I Enjoy' craba this week-en<! ••• of course, )Ve'll crack them. t9~ you .•. have a deli ..
cioua salad, caaserole or whatever auits your fancy. Serve them with r--.•s Wtiarf CocitaD Sia .••. I ctl. •••• 39c , •
: . ·• l -. . .
• • .. ···-·---.. ------.,__.., --~--· -. ~ .. f .. ' ' Ml ' •'' • \
. .
Fresh -(lamS-~. ~ .-.~1!:~~~~ ...... 7:9! . -
New England Clams ... rushed 'here for your chowder or :YOur clam bake. . • CHERl!YSTONES .... &9c I~.
Halibut St-ea-. l<s -.-.~~~~~~~' ... ;s·gf
the .center .eut .offers ypµ more v&~v.e I
• . . . . ~ ' fresh Oysters ..... wEmR" ... 10 ot ..... 89• ... Fresh Sand Dabs ..... LOCAu ..... '1.29 •.
Fresh !or·f_Javor! fresh Eastern Oysters: •• 1h pl: ••• 1.09 · So \!&Sy to serve ••• and remember tartar sauce!
.. • ~ 1 i-:. • • • -. • SWordflsh -~Sleak. ~E~~R.-~~r: .·9.8.~
Saute in butter, •• or broil ••• qr bake ••.• but however· you prep~re it, your. fol_ks will love '-i!
Fresh~ Salmo11 .... ?.~L~ •0.R. ~A~~ ••• -. $1 ~?.
Serve it baked for a famill' .f"!l'JI Rushed to us from the cold waters of the.Columbia river I\>
-~-~~~.-.>.~~--· -~---. . " ' ·"-.,., . ··~
White Bass-:, .... , ..... r;L1£iS., ......... 89~
Delir.a~ flavor you're sure to appre~iate ! Fresh I
Monterey Squid ................... ~39~
·For th0setWith 8.civentUrous taste!
' ·' .,
Cooked Shrimp ... ~,.w.Gf. ...... '2.79 1b.
Fresh cooked ••• not frozen , • : for more flavoi: !
Reds .... ,. '· '89' n~pr.r ....... : .. FR£St11 ... :...... ,.
F'reslrfillet3'. ... hotb..Joo• at lilis price. .
Mahi Mahi .......... MILD ruvoR.w ...... D~_finnan'"Haddie-.. ~-.. ~ .. ~ ........... ·is..,.,~..___._
Flavor treat from, Hawaiian waters r Smoked haddoek in the Scottish style!
'· . \'4 -· -:~~''' ;'•·
Fresh Lobster ........ LOCAL!.. ..... 51.981_,
From local \vaters ! ... llA to l l/2 pounds ave~aie.
English Sole ...... : .. nESH1 ......... 'l.29 1b.
Fresh filleta • , , alwaya a family favorite!
King ,era~ L~s ... ,, .. liOO't ...... '1.98 ~
So much meat ., •• Ala.Un Kini CrU Mui .,, $2.9' •·
Green Shrimp ..................... '1!89 1b.
Large size ••• for great dining! ,. 5
" '
Shenson's, 'old fa!iliiohe<i cure, whole or point 1/2 . . .
C11P111d 61Bf 11! '· " -··Corned letl • , , flat end ••• !le lb. El hndlo's file! Mipon .... Z.19 1'. , ... ,
t ' •> ' ' { >' I
Jones farm Unl,S.•1111 • .,..l.09 lb.
Super Grocery_ Specials! ·
Mayonn aise .. ·.·.~~r.~~.~s/:~~r: ... ._49<·
It's the brand that's preferred •• , and at El Rancho's special prjce the value becomes more attractive!"'
Spaghetti ............... :.: ...... c .. : .... 19' Com Bread Mix · ................ , ..... 29¢
GlobeAl-iongltalianstyle! lib. IJl<i· Aunt Jemima'~ ••• goes with fish I 10 oz. pkg,
Spaghetti Sauce .. : .................. 15' ·fruit Turnovers ..................... : 49'
Schillin11a mix makes it easily! Foil pkg. 1¥1 oz. Dessert from Pepperidge Farms! Frozen.
Cookiljg Sauces ................ 3 ,., 51
Chef's sej:rets canned by Con\adina! No. 800
Black .Pepper ........................ : .. 39'
Schilling , •• 4 oz. can .•• save 14c!
• • • Swan~'s DiMers .................. 4r
Chicken,• urkey, Meat Loaf, Oc1?an Fish or'
Chopped ~irloin. Frozen ... heat and eat! '
Sun Country ........................... 5~ ·
Room deodorizer from Johnson I ••. 9 oz. . ·
Green Giant Rice ........... '.~. 3 ,., ~1
r 1 Frozen ••• choice of ng. 39c varii!tles I
' ' ,.. ' ' I MJ.B. Coffee ........... v .... , .. ,~-.81~ .
' • ·' ..... >t 2 lb. can .••••••••••••• J.n 3 tb;:-dn·:, ••• r. ....... 2.49 1
' ·' i · Prod.J!!:j Specials,/·~... · · ·
Art ·1cho.ke s .. mt.t~ s1~ • 5 ~ $1 · ol••;,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, R
' ..
Delicatessen Spec ials !
Oscar Mayer Franks .............. 69'
All meat'or all beet , i ·• your choi<:e I 1-lb. pkg.
Bettermade Salads ........... 3 1or '1
Potato, macaroni, cole sla'v • , • 16 oz. carton.s.
.. ' ~ ·~' 4 ..... • ~,,., • M
•• "!
' ' .
Liquor Specials !
Kamchatka Vodka ... , .. : ......... ,.88
Save 41c on the economy half~gallon size.
Gilbey's Gin .......................... '9.~
You sav~ 50c on the 2ig half gallon
' \l
Compan !be value .. : so inuch.6QOd,attnr'o~ this size '· .and i·ou get rnore·f!avor'trom·~ach ttoty'tipl f HUNTINGTON 'HARBOUR. Warn'er Ave. & 'Al~o nquin St.
---RIMiomatoet '.· ...................... '~ .Ho~yde.~-Melons ....... ,,., .. · .. 2• '· NEW~O~TJ~~H:~2}27 tfawport.~lvd .. • 2?5.5 Eastbluff Dr._(Eastbluft Village center) s;ti: .. for !inn slices, so flavorfull Rip• ... each bile .. •wect as the narne impli~~ I ~venlifftjy.Jecat~tores-in Arcadiai Pa~(l.!J@nB . d South Pasa ena
.. • !loo. ~ • ' • '
"1-'"'""': ~ ,,. ,,. ' ... "!. • •. ·-..... .. .... .... .. • ~
•• -.... ; : -""~ -._.. • ~" •4 ..
,_.. " ' . . ' I I
' . "Tht cfftont ha& a'Tigh.t .to
know t~rything concerning
iM,. transaction be.fort M
acts .•. "
f'r•1ident of The Reil E1t1ter1: •
coll•t• r11I 11t1t1 in1fructor end
l1ctur1r; 1uthor of the lt11ok "11:111
E1t1t1 Tr1i11i119 in Celifornia Col·
11911"; I R11I E1l1!1 columnitl for
the Daily Piiot; 1t1t1 director of
~RN "MOll
ProfeukNMl·Pll'"IOMllJMI Tr1lnlng
G-rovt $pll~ II #%
SllYI llTTll
MOrl" Help, Lml .(;enflalon
''Let's Talk
About It"
-·· Wtdnnday, OctoW 7, 1970
•. "
Serving--NJ)VpD ·SeQch,,. Costa Melfl ; Corona _d'el 'Mar H.untingto.n Beach
-----" . ..
1700 Newport Blvd.
4 Convenienl LOcatiOni Near You . ~.... .. . . ..
'2790~ IW.
~2l ll
.~.ONA·Dll. w.• · r · • ~· .~.
"Jn' MW l..,M• . 27•0~l•!i· ...... 7Sollto 201, .
·UJ.1550 Ced• .M-· s*-2116 -
Wfdntsd.11, Octobtr 7, 1970
~ .
{ .,
·! • -:-•
, ,
.. . ' .
(since 1905)
22 NOMU IOLfl..;.f IRIT 4 WE95
I 19 !l.ii'r $
"'' ::J • 1 . -._,.'!F ,+"El
With Formal· Di,ing Room
Loc,ted close to Park in MESA VERDE'S
finest section
Picture in your mind a beautiful setting with
large trees, manicured dichondra lawn, then
add the con.Yenience of 1800 sq. ft. of floor
space, locate the home in a quiet nei8;hbor-
hood just 2 blocks to schools( park & library
Wtdnesda;r, Octobtr 7, 1970
"Our 25th Year
In the Harbor Area"
"Our 25th Year"
NEW 4 BR, 2% BA, lam rm,
Juxuricus w/w shag crpt
. t It f ~-i Dlit~J,\&
;n!IUllt• iii 1·nf ff&, co 11411~•1 lormal ~1"1119 ,_,, · 1mllv r11•m•1,11r1,1aces,
UHilifgrllJfill tllitlli lhd ml HY othtr
· •.•• you now have the pie ure of th~ ideal
living situation, everything you could ask for.
Seldom do these homes come on the market
and with the price of just $34.500 -wiU be
sold fast! 673-4400 21 11 San Joaquin Hills Road thru.out, custom drps. Choiee ,
PLEASE CALL ............ .. 644-4910 C.P.1. By Owner 557-3498.
-quellty feotures. $23 950 COLLEGE Pk. 3 BR. 1%
' BA. °'"""" 282 Prioo<lon
Ul'llllVU,I: ti()MfS Macnab·lrvine Pl·ID!I ITAIT AT SS0,441 Reo lty Cnmpany
4 Bdr + Fa mily Rm. Dr. $29,900. f>.1;J-32li0
Elegant Palos Vrrdcs :stone I==========
rirr place in huge li ving rni .. Mesa Verde 1110
Real Estate, QV!'i<OOQ!l • i•l••I :r1111r Now llyre1 B~jil '1'"" SENSATIONAL DuF1"84f'hi, 'Utf'Otriljl"I lt•ft Lido Isle Baylron1 opportun-
'4 Bcdrms, Family rm .. din. I "=_:__;,,;c:.._ ___ _
ing rm .. Enu-y h;JH. buil!-f\EPUBLIC tri-lel'cl J BR +
fns. No dO\•u C.l. .·1'.0-1721.1 drr:, 2 frplc, Lge fam rm.
Tarbell 2955 Harbor Din rm, J>)-nt & rear palios
2 STOR Y A~FR-AME-~'.:~;~i·tflre pit) $•l5,!KX1·
~hoic• pf t ll Mftltlt 8"f:l i:*ftPIOfs· ity • we are exclusively in-
::Z443'East Cq,tt Hithwav. . S.l.Ct, Your .. ot LK1Jion NP'!" st111ctccl to offer !h is 1n;ig-
!:="'-====C=0<=ooo==Do=l=M=•-"-:G=~=il=oi=oi=1=$i\lli=====~:::I S!! MGDELS' A' T G•ntr•I 1000 General 1000 nificent ~ bedroon1 ll ig Wn l4 9'l!i built home. wilh pier & slip.
for highest qualified propos-:: nn . + den. Like OCl'J! I"'========
Go_"_erll _ . 1000 WlA A.NA FREEWAY •JEFFREY ROAD I' I fJ /J ~u0r.;' ~;~,_. i;i"Ji:nr,:;
, CORONA DEL MAR NIWfl_ OllT SOies office opon from 11 am lo 7 pm dolly o/..inda J-6(1 Nord. Do oot di""'b ocou-
lookbtg N•wport c..t., Hll4MTI esa.5136 131.1110 """10 642-8235
Costa Mesa, and bea1J;tlful Larg~ vaca"!t-l!>f. J\,eady to . 101 I.inti@ I•'• DPive
. :Newport Harbor. The even.. bnild on. ~ mw, pllly ft BR, 4 batha ~ tarn. rm. Me1lcan tile fl.rs., '--GiEEN VALLEY
ing Ughts are like a seventh '15.0(JI, !M We ~ye otfY!ri;. @.Po_sed beam oell., (!nts, drns fn(IJ. W/Pier 1-u heaven. Well Jrept, three •A•QN• r< r< -....""ove-in, noother cosls.
, bedroom, two bath home ......... .., a 1G;;.i"M=;.;i'-l-----'"OOO.;,;. General 1000 &.shp. ExceUont Terms ........... $lil5,000 J Bedroon1 2 bath. 6~'.I as-
General 1000
Emply & ready to go. Strps
I() oce>in. Only SJ:Z,500.
6300 \V.' Coast Hwy. NB
548-1290 642-3476 ·Eves.
e Tex Shelter Unit5 e
4 To 20 uni1s with low down .
\\/il l l"!XChang~.
Lre Pereyda, Rraltor
5-16-1698 494.5488
··11•ith Fam I Rm, Din. Rm. DEL MAR.. l ~;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;I Excellent terms & loans now available suniil.b le . VA loan, paya ble
"""' Bi l eloc ' Kit, La>'g• THIS OL' HOUSE 0 oa·1u s h" $224 P.l.T.I, Anyo"' qurui-Coda Mesa 1100 Livingroom~Iocat .. ahov• pen liJ UDS Inf CALL: BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR i;,,_ 60xlOO Lot, "'""'" --;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;;
·)arage which offers privacy has two very desirable .R-1 833 Dover Dr., Suite 3, N.B. 642-4620 den, formal entry, bltn •
and UNSURPASSED VIEW. lots Cwith J large tn!:es & 328 Afi'so· lplOl"ll c · range. dble oven, dish1vash· SJ/4% Insurance Loan
Cool . I ti and all y cce") j t t I -~ HOUSES FOR SALE er, brick ftplc, w/w crpts, Mesa Verde 's Finest , qu1e, pa o rear e a us s ep& o n..ntr•I ltlM •. ~ __ .. ri::i ----..,,,.,-"'-n' r·~-L:""AO.."O>; 'm·•·· ~a·--· .. '-··=· ,. .,, "I' ,,..,,.. -_.,,, -drps, shake roof, palio, over. Quiel cul-de-aac '"''' 1vilh ·~· ""''-~"'~ """""" -· ~ --~«=.· •~ · -N·-port H'e111' hlo • ~•~room-• b>J'" ~--with e r ' • · ·•.:& _ near shopping and only cent ~y VIEW "obf41 le ,....., ...,,._.,fe(f -'-~~ ~$ ir · ener1r-1nw Btzed dble garagr, walk 10 huge, \'cry prWate. Jo111
minutes to the Dunes and from second ~ when corner of Beaoon ~f:o, C::·t IG¥J1 ~be ab_ LUSE OPTION parks, 1na in1cna11ct> rear pool size
._jandy beaches. Prlce!i -to hew ~ llri ~!If. "5;CUJ. I thtt.,tjJ'l~~ fr~ aiyllJl;illiy 1!11)'01.Je'. f ayment a ARI YOU yard 1rith lar&e. enterlain-
$elt at $55.000 with v e TY c ·~ th . ~ '" are $Ul a IJWnlh fur every. This deli,l(htful 2 story uolo11-~ ing patio. 2000 Sq. fee t. high
reuo'nable terms. 0 swor y· Br OwflJ!I' 196.!iOO thing. NfW'ite ial 5 belJnn home located In LOOKING FOR .... pn lhe hill wi1h .11arden .,.iew
M. M. Lelorde, Rltr. ~~ ~ bedroom g 11ath, •24 •oo· ~ del Mar HJah School A t"Y~!Qm 4 BR. home of! • 71 ( ::;: ) 546 ... 10 f1>0m huge n1aster bedroom ~ Eves: 548--3265 ~\vine; n:JPJP with . .lif!'place, ~ ,11 dtelrlot. Move in upon f!redit large Jol where )'OU own the ~· c~~o-7U~N~T_R_Y~~~L~A~(~I!~ . with luxurloli1 Ftoman Bath.
& Co. 1arge dining area ovei::l®l!:· Newport approval with only SlOOO cash land,. 1fl Newport Baai!h? Inleniting home l l~rgr (ti ~rgeou1 1M1acb111e. firenlace
[ I .REALioR ing lovely secluded lanai, option, at $300 Jl(!r mo. See \Vc·vt' got it &. With a !Bl'.l~ X 44 ft.) swimming pool, on in oongen a 'Jlng roon1. , ·oca ---ting drape' built in t a"Um abln insuran•• loan•. Oj)aCiOUii dining nX1'.11 &:. MC·
"' ... 0 --..i.. Off" ~..-. • • · • the formal dining room, hug.. "'" " ...... 2¥.. acres in secluded spot j~ewpo. • ccB<0u ice electric kitchen. Garage off .. $65.000. · dallion e I e c t r l c kitchen.
F I · 1028 Bayside Drive _,._ with 1-~-ope f•i-itw !amily room, J baths and in Fallbrook. Many family Quiet wall lo ivali ca-tin<
Ourp ex 6'5-4930 .....,.y e ~ ...... eye n-.Lll
oomer Jot. LET'S GO!! --fnlit trees Including Avoca-·..-miiiiiiioiiiojii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I er. Nicely landscaped cor-u-. dos & Limes. J1omr has ' dt11JM!.li lhroux:hout. Owner
.1 tll fa Jl&r Jot COATS oflerli gentle lerms to th is
Deluxe units with an i11e9me LIDO WATIRJM.ONT MMOJI. (111ytimtl ~ &. C~n--L-~rick fireplace, panel.ed llv-~'t'A i111urance loan at $1H1
fJf $555. a month. Needs a APTS •Jilli""' MORO ..,MUSI tng room. carpel• 1 drapu•. per rnonth includ ing t1U1e1
·filUepaint-a:-care.---Noi#-R·· -~,b-TO a • '''" . WEAA~~~;E ............. ' Plenty of room for horlW! wt1h,IO,{O}down ilnoqual-
$47 950 •t ;.o.;:->• T • ._......,.., $34,000, easy terms. PleaSC'
, t IO,_. ..-~r!lll Got fn The Sw;m 121 • ...,.......54Ml4I-'°"~-ifying !>!' bollon parment"
E I · 'th 6 n.. .. .,11 .... 1 ':.•11. 6 In '"'• ••· bo I"-Not a buy likr th is in many xc usrve WI : ---'+f.\I" ~RI ' CM u~ wee .. ..,.r • Bl II<: ' 10,.n Even'"''' 13M,OO "4-14IO "CUll'\11 to r-a1ibrook Country" garapJ & utility .fOom. WllJi helit t: bqy this iparkllng The SAWDAY Co. a moon at $40,500.
Ill tt. O.nUnr i1n -· poq1 ..,me in "Cambridg< no clown payment Rultor 714 : 721-8301 KATELLA REALTY
•wimtnlng ~cti. Unjtt .., Jlf~~11. ft.eally beautiful, You can buy th is ni.c.e homC 418 So. Ma in. J<~allbNlk Adams, W, of Brookhurst
Newport Beach 1200
Reduced to S42,500 wit h
S6,000 down. Immaculate 3
bedrooms, 2 baths.
Universi1y Really 673-6.110
3001 E. Const Hwy .. Cdr.I
By 011'ner, rurn 2 BR.
garage apt on beach.
For app1 call 213/378--0891
Newport Heights 1210
Big 4 BR. 2 BA prtsllgc
home. Bt'aut deco r. Lgc l;i!
1vith all bltns. J<"rplc of JtaJ.
ian marble. Chandeliers. lgr
living & din rm overlooking
20x40 h&f POOL w/loL~ or
decking. Partial ocean view
from ballroom size balcony.
Aikin& $55,CXXJ or tradl"! local.
CALL 0 '''·2414 ~"'" Ht1r Ntwporl Po 1t Off lct
l1yshores 1225'
Charming 2 br, lgc Jiving rm,
frplc. Pvt beaches. ti 1. .
$3'..950. 642-1905
University Park 1237
newly fllfnl1JHNI: fre.l\ly f'9df'oorated & adult-·even if you don 't have a VA 5 Bedroom Fixer-Upper D1"vorce Sale Hunlln1ton Beach
Bill Orun4y, RHlltr °""'ted.Aolcingon1y$34,950 •ligibHity, lBR huge tm" Baok Bay '"'· 2585 Sq, tt. . 675-3000 146-H32 BRING •.•
'646-lll l 833 no...er Dr., .NB. ~ w/bigh FHA loan. onb' • blllji: to ~u'g, ~ Needs pa!nt, :rarct work, Spaciou.s 4 bedroom & tam-CAMEO HIGHLANDS YOUR POOL TABLE
. 1 ~~~~~~~~~1 SALESPEOPLE'"NEEDEO·· ·portl.itiltj "fdt1hrlttYeitM~hl -~me repa1r,.Vr1ced accord· '1J},··3 ·bkU'f 'hOrhc on· large ·Greatest-Buy u7,S31 QU•'IIY .IUJ•,. And join us in our year
(inytitneJ $1250 &Sa·SI· !'!!IY~hr. J R f [ 'l,'~~·,e . 4 BR • Pool corner IDt. Owners say sell Spacious home 07':" DR., 2 -~ 8q,~ .. 4 ~tiedrOOm~~·;: -~~~c=l~:l~~~~~ !~.! I~~~~~~~~~~ I TOTAL DOWN -G-E RWl Nia a I II slit• LU•h new shag carplitj Ii NOW! S1i1bmit of,fcrs . As~· {Ja.; huge formal din. rm. ii~· roon1, d1n1ng morn, ovir-family room IO\l'nhouse au ., 2l 00 1 1 '-·-..._ . .. .. k ing. . . • + ytew + J priv. beflches, 11lzcd family kllehen with on one noor is i·ust right for
l f•-~mont1 l ~lhl -~ "'tf21 pan ""~"'-uvp>eal ""' . $42 960 6~ -OPEN EVES. I bf Loe I -•-"""· • "'" , -"&rd ~i d pat' Opt>0' ,.,.........., e ec tna. ated on qu et your aclive family, Only
SQUARE FEET patio pool --tlo • l:ii:i~~ , ' .. -·· an IO. n t 2'"7 E. ~-•t H••y. •-k f , , '"'"""a n room, It SllB 950 'tU '-""' su-.::et near par and sehoo 11. $3J.OOO.
kitchen eatjn• are.a, din1'"" . , ' · Oppooite MacArthur Blvd. Ow-, mo•-d and m"•t "'' l'\fcsa Verde steal. Tota] pay. .... ·1tt · 8ALE!IPEOPLE NEEDED · "'' ... · ..., · • Ja~~t~~oou:erowm;~~ ~m,P~~·::buJ:~t'!: neco!~d!if:i~~eythis ~ S4l·Sllt ;,~~es~~~kt~:;o;~=~~: red hill
;:per annum FHA Joa' . Ma-IMO. e.(tra 1MrP resale with 3 ("'8fciMql..,.. and large redwood deck.
Everyone qualWes. 3 super bedroom• and family room. ZERO DOWN! OLLEGE NIA.LTV Ju11 reduced lo "16.950. Call REALTY
·Ja-· •-•rooms, fonn·• din. Enjoy a covered patio and UA •-f"'MICkS 1500AdlmsltHlrtllr,CM 1 ~~64~2~-l~n~l~A~n~y!"H~m~•~~ ~11~1. Heritage Realtors. U . P k C 1 . i~"~"':, huge 15 x,;; fam-se1'ftrate play· yard. Conven-nu W Ill !;:;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:; 11 -=======-~:i1 ~1~y1ir~~t~-O~~ne
lly room. kitchen eating ient to schools and shopping.· Seller will pay aJI COits forli Seashore . Mountains . Dt'sert REPOSSE5SIONI We1tbay lntome Hom11 1 ==~~::;::Z~i::~:/
area. \\'hat a buy at $28,r.iQ. 2629 Harbor, C.M. Just l.i..sted -hlllT)'! Full any vet. !1 11.t'ge bedrooms, 2 S REASONS WHY but mostly Oran~ County Sparkling clean homc1, 10m11 Ntw Tri-Plt11t1 t l7,500 j
Hurry on this one, 546-864(1 _T_h_roe--S.-p-.-,-,1-o_U_n_l_ls_f price $27,950. Call 540-1151. full baths, huge lree cover-./Good assumable s:uc;~ loan homes • NE\V PROGRA!l.1. newly painted & carpeted. t, l.af'll'.f!, beautiful "home1 with SEE US •••
EASTSIDE COSTA MESA lo-Heritage Realtors. ed lot. prlma area, lal'le .J Rttcently redec 3 bedrm all cash for the sellers • no 3, 4 & 5 bdrms. Some with •r income" located in the For a fine selection or homes
caUon conveniently located,J~~~~~~~~!!!!~/ oov•red pallo. S32;fJOfl full home down payment to buyer pools. FHA-VA conv. terms, finest E:-st1ide area Qf Co11!a offered for sale in University
-Farr~W-to school• ahd ~hopp!JW. Twtl 60_4 LOAN "prictt, cau lodl)', 5'9-JM}f(I ' Lovely, sparkling pool stile of ca1ur;u•nl1 only. -!r.lm $17,000 lo $40,000. Mesa. J<,ca\Ul'l ng (l) 3 BR, Park & TurUe Rock -Per-
bt;nn, home, One bdrm. un-4 Bdr. + Family Rm. I Priced at only $28,950 ~ • fa cJ Collitl!i & \Valls lnc. 2 BA "owners unit" + (2) haps 11.·e havl"! the right one
2629 Harbor, C.P.f. It over ilnllle and .epertl• Beaulll\ll hOme. Assume ll% I Owner will help you as·, u •• •rLTY r 8843 Adams Ave. 962-5.523 2 BR rental units. See at for YOU!
b11chelor cotlife:. otil. iar. apr. loa.tl. 4 Bedrooms, huac sume his loan, if you are .. KING SIZE LOT 2035 Tustin Ave., cor \Vood-
al(e -large laun~l')' fOOm. A family rm, fireplaCI.', built· &~rt on cash. l lllct 1946 Ooac lo O<'i!lln. Build largl"! land Pl. or caJJ 642-4905: ... I \11 ~ l\·llil. Wa terfront Duplex
Newport Island GOOD BUY AT $!3,0Q(l!,I ! ! in BBQ 8prinkler system. 2629 llatbor, C.M. Dtwntewft CMt• M... duplrx wich four garages. HOUSES FOR SALE
M. M, Lo .. r~. llltr. iitf,000 .. 54!).l7l0 "'-st Bluff PCA.t.lll.-Bll~A H~!','o• 642_2991 Own" wl flrnwce. $29,500. e OPEN DAILY 1-5 e ---'ll11111!11r 2 BR, horn!' + lge. 1-lxlrm.
apt. o'lf"t' garage. Pier &
, float 30 X 100 Lot. Owner
moving • asking $65,000 &
84S.05.5!'1 Eve~: Mi-t4SI T1r1Mll 2955 Harbor 5U r\•8'1_ -GMrge Williamson 'Ti! sold! Assume 6:i4 % VA
DOVER SHORES OPEN DAILY 1·5 as.oLTT o ' fli"LIX..:Sli,JIO Reoltor toon. 1148 p., mo. R .. ecor.
BRANO , 2615 D-mboo NB 1093 "·ke C 'I "'"""'0 67")50 64'1564 Eves. l B,, \V/W cpt•, •-•. Jm. 1st Wl"!s\crn Bank Bldg. new • Quality bit · Dial-A-Realtor ~ ... , · · °" r, ·" · "''°'"" Ea1t Cotl• Me11a. lfl,O:lO -~ ... Univc111ity Park from courtyard pool, pancU. . \'oU'O bC hl,IJP1 wtten )'OU l'i Down. Owner will he lp !in-BACK med. possession? Only $22,. D 83J,0101 N' hi
, Call: 673-3663 673-8086 Eves
ed fam rm, wet bar, frplc ~Call us for belt~ rn ~-thi& 5 be<lnn, 3 bath home. PENINSULA anre. J...2 BR .. 11'1 ba . Pach. BAY AREA 1950. 1984 Federal Ave. a y ig s
to sunken !iv rm w/vaulted crest. Our ser.ri.ce pro'Vide• J\ed&eql'lli.d In I out, 8111 IAYFRONT Bltns, w/w carp. & drapes; Call : Patrick \Vood, 5-l:>.2JCO B :':':Y .... Ch~;-"'·n·,,'"-'"•""b"•.""2"i;"",,.".
ceiling. 4 br. 2 ba + pwdr trained home-findc~il •nd ol rlnanclna: flVAU•blc, .F11t 11 DR den din rm 4111 b.'i :t car gar. 11.•/alley cntrant'e. Spacious 4 hedrn1 s forn1al • Bill Haven, Realtor twnhsc. lwnu! decorated & associated room. MUtf'r BR, liY mi, problem sofvers. _ •tcrowl VaraplJ App;,., ~ ~ •• .": SJ2S.o00 Y.'alk to everything & O.C.C. dining , fan1lly r~{. 11r lccd 21 l.l E. Coast, Cdllt 673-3711 la ndscaped . $34,500. 833--0919
dil rm & kllchen all on PETE , IA-Rm IA1heftmytr Rlty anown by App't. on ly Call : Patrick \Vood 54a.2300 under n1arkt'L For a ppl. ANY Day is the BEST day to BROK ER S~E AL TORS
2025 W Bo!boa 671·3~il View,Sl0N1!100.fro)'J . Want, REALTY 6414100 Call 6411.311~ or GU.MA3 LIDO ltEALTY INC. e Bill H a ven, Rltr. Jean Smith, Rea.ltor run an ad! Don 't
Rltr. 646,.l!!lill. Open Dally. 331' Via Lido 673-7300 1 2111 E. Coast. Cdr.t 67:1-3211 400 E. 171h. C.i'll. 646-325.J delay .. call today, &U-5678
Turn those unused items into
quick en.!Jh through a
2043 Wt1tcliff Dr. at Irvine Open Evenin91
Chormlnr knotty pine and beamed celling intt:rlor. Step out the cb>r lntu p ndy
NEWPORTBAY BEACH Ind ENJOY lretih tir and 1u,..tunel
Fabulous NE\VPO!tr HAR~O.R VI~ from thll •paolous 3 bedlYJMI homr. \Vood·
burning BRICK FIHEPLAi ,.&, ttleety kltchtn :1 blt)ls •nd Au.EV ACCESS lor ·your boat or trailer. A hMI llOn Dollar View" '/or tst.&00!
Location, are.a, noor Piii\ and condition are._ AU. TOP NOTClt in thls Doc tor·~ re1idcnce. Spac:low: 4. bedroom, 2 bath wi th•tmpresdve TILED ENTRY. \Val.k lo
Park. Catbollc ScbOol and Oluf'Q. HURRY!
Y.A. oa f.H./I.. POOL HOME
&U~r will p1y _wlnta for your VA or FHA Joan on thi~ fnbulous homr.. 20 x 2."I
fL added FA1'0l..'~ ROOM1 4 biR bedrooms, ~ beth'° 3nd Qu~l\I Klteht-n. Near new SHAG ct!'[ll!.tl.n.I'. and DNUUIUJ wall cove.rlnJl;a. All I hl~ £1LUS 32 fl. JIEA TED
POOL for $34.tM. SES TODAY ! •
G~at EAST SIPE Cos1-Mtilll home -0n tree--lintd stn.'t-l. 3 bedrooms, ADDEO FAMILY ROOM, 2 balhl. BRJCK 1'1REPLACE. PRICEJ:> TO SEU. AT VA a1>-~ ol P.tOO. VA or mA ts OK and YoU c•n move In qulCk on ettdlt 81>-Pn>valf -
: ·.:~::-:
"' l OOOGeneral 1000General 1000General General 1000
COST~ MESA-OFFICE-545-9491-545-0465
27'° HARIOl ILVD. Opett h"i"'ls 'Ill t P.M.
}'Ull pl'!ce $16,500. Built-In.<;; also "'JlSht.r, dryer. rt>frigf'ra tur, car1.icts a nd drapes.
l or "LEA SE·• at S2SQ.OO J)('r mo. SHARP le CLE;\S.
Adult OC'('UJlk'd lhl't"f' l.M'Cll"'OOln eorJ;:eou,; hc11nc \'Ith park·li.kc il'Qunds priced lo
ll(!ll at $27.!'lOO.
3 hu'°e bcdroonL1. 2 baths. SllARP I Carp,.U & drllPl'!'·l'~ady for orcupnney. All
term~ • fUbmit your offer on $le.~ a~kini; pti("('. l;( Bnd PHA or "l.£T'S
on lhL• North Cate 2 story, You talk ~ he'll Jistton. 4 IX'droom,. 2 baUlS. VERY
7612 Edloglf
Open Evenings
\Viii !'ll'Y ~our ro~l!I 11nd paint home tht' colorJ11. of yriur choice. Hug!' :.!-story !5
bedroom, 2 bath, FIREPLACE, 20 x 30 Bonus Room and lots or i:oodies. PriC<'d
lo SEU. · $30,000.
Nr~llt~ on r11~11rly ~ acre with cool red till' roof, arched entry 11 n<l pri\'Atc ttr·
1Hl'llC u lr court. 1-1~1! 1800 sq. fl. n nchcr 1vl th 3 bedrooms. 2 bath~ and 12 Inch
thick walls. FANTASTIC $27,990 f"UU. PRICE.
or, n .hoy for your slltrtcr homr. Squt'flky clean and J'('ady In move iJ1lo 1\•iU1 a
brides kitchen, dra1IC5. Md wall lo wk.II t:arpet&. $.16,950 -\VO\V ~!
!J"!il ll mf' In buy fnr hli;:r.-s t bar1u1in. Submit LOW $3500 Dtmn and assumt' sub--
Je(t to LO\V COVEHN~IENT LOAN. AcL Fast! ·
I ·
Corona dtl Mer 12l0
.t BR., 2'\.i ba. Walnut par!f'lcd
!am. nn.: din. rm., tr(llc.
Anxiou.1 out ol IO\Vn owne1·:
$65.500 ...... .,..,.
1:==•11·1112 ~
' Wtdnttday, October 7, 1970 .., ~-.'cdut~<iy, October 7, 1970 OAll't' PILOT K.~
5 ACRE n1n10 land or hon;c ,125-~10. Small beach l lkdrm lurn tot/pet OK Slo.i
ranch, w f nlc4! vk!w, adj. \\&lertront cottage. 1 or 2 2 Bf"drm1 private hon1e SJl O _ "" Q ..Jl GI. LOAN Ll}W OOWH oth" """ """""· $35,000 "1"110. Wlo1Cr. 64~26.li. 2 e.dm.~ kWo/peio OK 1125 irr• ·:::~~ • l \\•/$10,000 dn will release -..----.. -2 BR furn Colla M'sa SJSO · . .... a Utn a ermo~a
Short on euh? Oon't nef'd cltar bldt: ;sl!c for lOO 'iU Newport Shortt 2220 3 Bednns on Tl!Xa.1 101 .. 113.\ ~: . • Casual estate living. Enter La Quinta Her·
n111ch to O"'" this fan tutlc tinancina. Bkr. 49J.1706 or 211 -----4 Bcdrm nr ottan •••..•.. $180 , h " st U l
3 bedrooni "1th lo.rgc llving '4!K-8.lOO. ' 4 BR ,.. baths. 9 mos lease, STAR*LET n._7330 mosa s lush green atmosp ere • ro re& S300 per mo. ' · ' lined walk wa~ to your ~L
··----. Ho~ses Furnished Houses '-'nfurnl1hect
Huntington Beach 1400 San Jua n -# ----~----
Caplst.'!,':'_o ___ . _ _!!.1_! Newport Beach -~ General 3000 , ~port Beach
Aph. FuNtilhed
room. "'"' brlek tlr<D'"'''-\Vinton Real E>ttal• 6'15-3331 * 3 BR + POOL * ., • ~ , • "" I CLUDED 1'4 bath~, All f'lectrlc coun· Riverside County TIOO .... _ _._._____ , -r=:---ALL ILl1IES
Investors Attention ti')' kitchen. Prinle area.. 8 Ibo 2300 PLUSH ,.~rpctJng & dn.pe•. ... 'l._ . ~ .-• 1 BR. Unf. $150 -Fum. $1 IO
$72Q) JnCon1e. Prit"e $62.000 minult'$ to bc.·ach. No qua.I· By. On'A'er • Nort."O a a .... -···· , --Appllanc'es, Chlld~n nne, ' 2 BR. Unf. $175 -Furn. $210
4 Units on 2 lols lryi1ig, Just lf\k(' over. o "•n-l BR. fu't'plac~ bl! In.~. ncw ..a· a~ .... -nt BAiboa p · 5 S185, A REAL J£WEL! ; 3 Spac. flr. plans, decor. furnishings: live ~~ u b ' . · r ,A shag carpet m>w 11'1\nl In le ~.... e~. H I. :;xce enl uy. er an.>:1ou s. ast posscs.'liun. 1 1 11 Ii' C & L BR. 4 ba, pier. float, winter om•Ffndera 64S-2951 . I within romantic setting w/fun or privacy.
MORGAN REAL TY Only 2 Y~-oltl. Take 11d· ~ • "J n~T~, 11 '. or yrly. 673-2009. 1 ELBOW , . /,• / Terraced pool. pri. sunken gas BBQ's w/ 673-6642 675..6459 vantai;f! ~llttl (114'1·~~ fcnet'<I, large <.'Urrnls foi s JI{ :__. __ seculded seating compl. w/Ramada & Foun·
DELUXE DUPLEX fURESJ f: OtSQN :~':.::':·1:::::•;,:~~i C:oi Lido Isl~ ••• ~· :ROOM * ' lain. BAY1'~RNT, 5 br. 3 •· 11000 L.ARCE 2 BR v.1/ fenced · I. * Color co-ord. ~it w/ indirect lighting.
011e left: So. of Hwy., walk C d I • 19l0 ~ I ' D I & Pl h h t Inc-. Rcalkn>s on om n 1um mo winter. Kc " Brit· yard, carpels, drapes + 11 * • u11 • r•nne ov•nt * u1 i •CJ crp g.
to the beach. 3 BR. 21.; ba .. ---------' / • 19131 Brookhurst A\'(', tingham, Rltr. 675-0123 f.IREPLACE, Sl50. A REAL ,, an· * Bonu1 1tor•g• sp•c• * CoY, carport 2 BR. 2 Ba. Lo\'ely horne + Hunrington Beach "TIBURON" Townhouses. BARGAJf\j! * Sculptur•d merble pulfrnen & tilt beth1
incon1e. Opcn daily at I.st & ""'======== Sign up now for choicc re-l BR. 2 Ba.. oU.\vttter home Hom~Fo'ndoro ""29l1 o k d I
Gold -• w-0~' a r/ -1 ,-,,0i~"A" •A51! -_, * E •gent recreetion room. en.-..... . .,..., .. .,.. wnc Garden Grove 1475 i;.a es. ~ss.unie go\l't loans, "''"-'U -.,. mo. a woo FURNISHED MODELS OPEN DAILY
Bldr./Agent . · no qualifying. Bill Grundy Rltr. 642-4620 * REACH * _ e e e
TH E "ESfABLISllMENT" --23l5 FOR TJIE PHONE! s BR + Blk from Huntington Center, San Diego
\\'BS never honiler lotsa lcg GI NO DOWN $18.~J(X) FP, 21..;..B.;.•l...;bo;:_•o....l.:..•l.;.a.;.nd;;__...:;.:cc Guest HOUS(', Fe~ yard. a ne·w way to live 1·n Frwy .. Goldenwest Collea:e .•
room fur tceners 0 .. scouts. bedrooms, 2 bath.,, lt·plc:, 1010 SO. Bay.front ; 4 Br. 3~1 Pets & chlld~n v.-elconie. San Diego Frwy. to Beach Blvd., So. on Lido Isle 13l1
3 h,:c bedims, 2 b<lths + blins, crpl.5, drp~. ba \\'atcrfront home & 2 br. S139. BRING TI-IE FAl\IILY! N B h Beach 3 blks. to Holt; W. on Holt to . · .
Spacious Lido Home park·lik<'. huge -tot-on dead· karwin R..alty, Inc. 1 ba. garage apt-:-Dock:---Hom•Finders MS-2951 ewport eae __
1----t Prime l Br. 2 ha. single l'nd sn·ec1. Oversized gar. 962-6988 anytime Bill Grundy Rltr. 6424620 LANDLORDSll
story. 3 SunnJ patios. On age, sharp. $2~,750. GI no RENTALS
street to street corner lot do,vn or FHA tcmlS. H F . hed \V.INT. Bal fs. furn hse, nr Vacancy Problems -·~I~ General 4000 Newport Beach •200 & 1,:. Rcduccd to $81,500. t.arwin Realty, Inc. ouses urn1s ~·ater. pat cov'd. tncd, 3 bd, FP~E supply o( " ....... .,.. It's fun. fine nelghbon and pr~Uge livlnr.
Prime Lido Nord 962•6988 anytime General 2000 2 ba frpl, fan1ily. 673-6267 tenants at oo cost to you, all in one lu~'Urlous package. That's Oak• R.Et.tARKABLY BA YCLIFF MOTEL
j Br. 4 1 ~ ba . nr. n<!iv "''ater =========cl;:;:;;;:.:;;:_ ___ ... ~--Ask for LEE or OLA \\'ood Carden Apartments In Newport Beach, UNBELIEVABLY *WW \VEEKLY RATES *
front h01nc. Beaut. d001r Santa Ana 1620 5160 Huntington Beach 2400 832-6600 < just minutes from Balboa~y and beachez. EXTRAORQINARILY Kitchen, 'IV's, maid service.
Deck, pier & f!O<tt. r~or ap. ------·-·~ ....--~ 1 BR furnished house, 2 blks * MINI HOUSE * There's • 4' million dollar Clubhouse with BEAtrrlflJL. Heated Pool.
p'I. Call: Below VA Apprai5al , . , party room, billiards room, Indoor goll drlv• Val D'lstre GarcMn Apt1 &46-326S
Bill Grundy, Realtor 4 hr hom!", 1Ql$. ot goi;idics. 2 BR Mobile Hom(', rove~ ~~~1d=a~{~~mo. + S50 CUTE 1 BR llome in good ing range, men'11 and women's health club&, Putting ireen, waterfall a: =-~,"-~~-~-I
833 Dover -Dr,, N.B. &12-4620 $29,00:J by owner. 545-0800 patio, bltns, crpts, drps, Air-I="==='=='='==== neighborhood. Nice-yard. aaunas, tennia courts, resident tennis pro st:i:eam, nowtts evtr,,'Wt-~. ON· the Bay duplex; Upper~
1;=:°"======= !=========I con.d
• Space for IJoa t or 2705 Will consider pets&: childl'en, and pro shop, and Olympic size pool. All 45. pool, tee, room, blllliutts, dock avail. Furn&. or ~ntuAm'
Sa nta Ana Hqts. 1630 trat er. Laguna Beach Sl20. SEE TODAY! tl I nd h . I BBQ'o. Samw. turn . .unfum. 3 br. Nu:crpts pa. nt. !>'
Huntington Beach 1400 :..:.:.:.:_:c_:.=:..c:.:!C::__.:.:.:..: TELE-TREND 832-7800 Home-Finders 645-2951 1 A, a muc more, Just steps i-orn your 1 .t 2 Br, a1ao Singles fl"om pmx 1500 sq ft. Adlls Onl)'
Ranch In The City
Home plus Guest
VACANT Lease/Sale Furnished FOR RENTll orofesslonally decorated apartment, each ll.15 . ., __ Jt! 'ltW'\ Parsom =~~=="~"',.,"'°-0-·-~~,1 * A \\1th private balcony/patios. Air condition-.xe .......,
l Bcdrm, ne'v shag Cll'tg ''SHOWOFF" * Lovely Beach Condo '1, 3 &. 2 BR Homes in Or· ing/fireplaces optional. Rd., MU6'70, Between Har-2 BEDR00~\11' rurnl s h~d
thruout, nc\\•Jy painted. Close Avail Now for lease thru ange County. Rent!!.la start. bot A: Newport. 2 Blk N. 19th Mobile Home. SlSO/mo.
to eleo1 school. Asswnc CJ. COZY' 1 BR \\'/ pat io & gar-June or longer. 2 BR, 2 BA, ing at $123.50. Furn or Un-Otkwood Garden Apartments Elderly aduUs. BAYSIDE
loo n \\'/total pymnts of $191 age. NICEL'I' DECORAT: upper with living, dining tum. Ask for BONNI. On 16th Strtet bern·een Irvine and Dover Dr. Costa Mesa 4100 VlLl.AGE. 12131 245-4763
nio. Only $2-1.930 \Vil h lO% ED! Ulil pd. S120. MUHR\'~ kitchen areas main floor ov-832-7800 (714) 642-8170 DELUXE 2 Br. Oceanlmt
rln. Hurry -it \\'on't last! Home-Finders 645-295 1 <"rloolung beautHul p oo l. ---------* SUNNY * xln't loc. Students we).
F ULLER REALTY -Large 2 car port plus stor-*Instant Desire* 1..-1•• •hl41•, 1•2'"'"•1ttl .... hl"MthH., * ACRES * come. S195 mo. 543-492.8
Sl 95 age & complete laundry fa-StiARP 2 BR I nfl~. Sl 4S te SJ1 I, l-"'"lete Occ•pucr. 546-0814 w garage. M..W. H1fr 11 ,.. t 2 br, 2 ba, complete.ly tum.
Comple.lely nlOdernizerl & in ========= cilities. All beautifully & Newly painted. Pets A: child-.,.. -P• * Motel•Apts. * Palio, gar. Winter rat.es.
great shape. Counlry style S 3 Bdrm fenced yai·d dish-t.'Ompletcly furnished, linens, ren ok. $130, \VON'T LAST! Studio & 1 Bedroomt 5000~ Neptune, 642"5486
kitchcn ivith Luilt-1ns. plush Laguna Beach 170 "'asher: carpels, <irapcs, china, ctc. if dl'!lired. Only Hom•Finder1 '4S-2951 LOW RATES
car""!s o v e :· harthvood Pets & children ok. Ga rdrn" 100 steps to pri\'ate beach. ----------------------------1 D W k "l th $195 Very nice OCE-':N· ~ T · -,,, & ~· pool al * BONANZA * RENTALS RENTAL~ "'· " or " 00 FRONT BACHELOR API'. noor'. -,y br•'"k fi-plaet~. A ·,•! A.LK or paid. ennis ... v ,,,,... • ... v .. '" • 1>'. • h H Unfu J-L-• HouHI Unfurn·,.L-_. • Color TV Air Cond. "A"""'~ or 673-'''0
<.. TELE TREND 832 7800 so on proJlf.'rty wit gorg. ou1e1 m :tn... -V"-.uo..o ~ antique d ecor. .;nrparatc IN SPACE · · FDi:ER UPPER·2 ttory 4 BR, --------"'=-•·Pool le Phone Serv incl
guest facility that's cozy & , • $11(}...Ulil pd, Bacht>lor apt. cous landscaping thru-OUl. fcnced yard, Pets &: child· Costa Mesa 3100 Huntl,.,ton Beach 3400 • Maid Service avail OCEANFRONT. Ulll. pald. 3
un ique. lfuge grounds wilh That s the best description of Avail OO\V. ~asy access 10 super mkt, ren ok. Lease/option $153-no ---------1 Signal So. o! O.C. Br. S400 ?t1o., yearly.
room to roam . Ideal loca· lhis dran1atic Laguna &ach Brokt>r. 5.14-6980 shopping. etc. S325 month, down. SAVE-SAVE! l Br, 1% Ba, crPb, drpa, DUPLEX 2 BR + garqr. Fa'-unds Abbey Realty 642.-3850
ti h SPARKLING CON '========= \vintcr basis. \Viii consider bl I ,_ ..... ~ ,.._, •t~r.:1 ...... u o 2B 2 lion. Don'i hesitate to ca ome. 1 ·1~ Home-Finders 64~2951 Ins ftna. .,....:;, .... ndm -mo Nrw paint. Adults, 2376 Newport Blvd. e OCEANFR NT r, Ba,
714 . 002-558:"1 TF.i\1PORARY S T y LING Renta ls to Share 2005 !case • put'<'hasl' or outright S * ok. 545--0772, 136 Lexington. -"'="=I•:· ;R<,:l;•o,· 96S-<Si:=,=:" :;;'·==-l-,--,=,,;548-9755:;;:::;~~--,.. $250/mo. Crpts, drps, frplc. BUILT ON 2 LEVELS \\'/ -· sale. Adulrs only. Refs. * Super harp Co -962·2341 FOREST E. OLSON EXTF.N~IVE US E OF LOVELY Sunny room fDr 499-2152 Al\l or 837-0791 any. CLEAN 2 BR "'/ nice yard. 3g!~ p!u!APooi ":0·cl~b:: Fountain Valley 3410 * MOTEL-APTS * 'LA=~=o=E_l_Bd~,-m-.-N=-,-.-,.
Inc. Rl'al!ors
1:1131 Brookhurst Ave.
Hu11liru:ron Beach
Hel'C is a n1uch 1111provc<l
home in a choice dow nlo"·n
ru'('_a near Lake Park. This
honte is ideal for family Jiv-
ing, includes a huge family
roon1, pool w\1 h lot~ of con-
crete de(king, 3 IJCdrooms, 3
baths. You evrn ha\'e roon1
for boat & lrailcr storage.
Call for details .
\VOOD & GLASS. one or t-ouplc, North C:'\1. ct,o'"="=·======= Goorl location, Pets & child-avalt $225 mo. 540-6339. $35 wk & up, Kits, htd pool, Ocean. l150 m~YEARLY.
SPRAWLlNG 4 BPRl\1. & Double bed, drt!sser & ;;;. ren welcome. $145. SEE TO-.C Bdnn/2 Bath. BulltainJ, atr-cond, que_en beds, ph
F -1• DAY• LGE 3 BR, !am rm, w/w cove.red patio. $260/mo. ht aerv,.n .. u .. &: Wkly rates. _ _S=-t"='='=""=·="0o· "61"3-8088::-:-,,-:--=1 DEN. OR 5 BEDRM. FLOOR close!. Private TV, wa~her, Duplexes tJrn. .1.-, ;;, &UY ~ --: PLAN HAS LIV , Rl\I, WITif dryer, share kitchen. SIOO Home-F inders 64S-2951 crptt, bltns, ~I. $215/mo. A Jut. 642--2'l6f. • 2080 Ne"-port Blvd, at 21st ./ OCEANFRONT 1, 2, 3, &
At\TIQUE D OPEN BEAM mo. Color 1V in living r m. NE\VPORT BEACH 324 W. Joann, CM. -5 BR, 2 BA, frplc, bltns. $265 642-26ll-. 4 BR's. \VINTER RENT-
CEJLJNGS & 1-f EA Vy S4fr363t 1355 E. Balboa Blvd. 1st fir 3 BR. 2 BA Condo. all bltns. V rd •t10 mo, bl It last. B·Americard ?.taster Charge =A~LSc='·~"~"'°"'-~· ~--.,,., 1c:.::;..,:=:.,,..~~---Close to -school& & 11hoppg. Mesa • • • Call 592-5625 CROSS TE\IBERS. Of\(' \\'llll R 00 "1 MATE \Van-duplex, wntr/yrly, 3 Br, 2 Pool & rec facililies. S220 ---"----""''-' I :====~,::::;;,;;==olCUTE 1 BR, completely 3 BR, 2 ba, frplc, enc:! patip,
has r>L<\SSIVE CONTEllt-ted-Femalr., z;...3:;, P\'1 rooin b.o.. bay & ocean all ex· mo. Avail nov.'. Call Heri· TRI·LEVEL 3 BR + den, 2 tum, Crpt11, drps. Nev.·ly 1 blk lo beach. \'rly $2"ffi.
PORARY FlR.EPLACE of &· bath. c·iosc to 111\rbor 11".i.s-wshr/dryr, icemaker, tage RE 54G-ll51. frp\c, Lge_ tam rm, Din rm, Dena Point 3740 p&lnled. \Valk to stores. 673-2455. ·~
ornate prick & plas~r de-Shop'g Centcr~ C. ;\I. :relrig, garage, lrplc, sand Frnt Ii: rear patios (ttar $127.SO, Adults over 72. No l B!l & Bacbelor Apt, Neaf
sign, Sliding glass 'A'Dli af. 645-15-ll or &;&-9565. !lho'A-er, dsh'A'hr. Owner NEAR ~an-$ll5 util pd, 2 w/fire pit) $365 mo ind YACHTSMAN 'S PARADISE pets, 549--JIMJ bay&:. be.ach!" 1216 \V, Baf..
fords a SCv.;'lC _y~v OF WANTED-Congenial lady to 213:7!I0-7173. OPEN SUN. BR ap~.ro~~~d~ .gardener. 642--7364 3 BR Spanish villa, directly $25 Per Week &. Up . boa Blvd. 49+2250.
THE OCEAN. Kitchen \\•/ shr lovely NB Blurts hm. AIDES -for convalescence, S200 O\'er Dana Point Harbor. Bachelor il 1 br, TV ~maid DELUXE 2 Br. westcliU loc .
fam. rm. ha.c; toads of cabi-Pvt/ba. all privl. SStJ/nw. elderly care or family care. SIS;>.Util pd. Lrg family Newport Beach $400/mo. <199-2128. 11erv. avail. ~ Victoria., Pool & Bltns. Ad u It,.
nl.'ts. BILT-IN RAN GE & 64-1--0369. Homemakers. 547-6681. home. Children " pet ok. 4 BR + RENTALS C.l\t. $190/mo. no l.!it'. &12-6274. ·
OVEN, OJSH\VSllR., GARB.i·S.:.H:.:A..:R:::E::Lo:.,,..v~ol_y_ho_m_e_.-B-o-lb>-ia RENTAL;$ Broker 534-69ll0. FAMILY ROOM Apts. Furnished C &. S Speedy Rentals * FURN 2 BR garae:e apt,
, ~ISP. tryETc,. ·u. 0 Penin, w/work1ng g i r I . Houses Unfurnished $300 mo. All bltns, 2 trplcs, 2 BR !um Quplex w/ garage, On Beach, $210.
""'tic. en oyer. "1 oors 67:>-7594 or 646-8208 Costa Mesa 1100 I I · · u Gone I -~--·I m <7 o ~,,,,. ~01 of Travertine design tile, General 3000 ge ot, qwet street 1n pper re .... >V<>e n, • .._ m • ----+-.,.,., .........., -•-
opens to ccilll'r stail'\\'ell SHARE 2 BR apl, across Bay, Immed oce. 2306 Red· 16411 Newport, CM 54&-1169 PENINSULA POINT
11 t I d
2 d'tory PAST from bch, Crli\f w/!emaie. l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,J$295 (LSE) N-Side, Nr: s. land1, 646-4393. Just F • NASSAU Palma 2 Br 1 br. $150/mo lease m ea s o n ' P . ·1 610 •11• I 6 or \VALL OF GLASS 15 FT. nvi · .,....., ., a 1 pm. Coast Plza·S.D. & N. ''IN THE BLUFF'' apt. Furn 4: Unt. Pool:, ping· 675-8990
JllGM. Thls spacious home NEED 1 or 2 rnale room· ••!Jl!Dll~ Fwy-OC Alrprt. Lg 4 br Elegant. New wall to wall car-• pong, BBQ, ahady lawns.
\Vith \V/\V CARPE."TrNG & males . .f BR. 2 BA hse. 1-1.B. • hse, only ~ yra old. Lg pels, 3 bedroom, full dining Single Adults 177 E. 22nd St. 642--3645 Corona del Mar 4250
DRAPES is immac. lhruoul. Beaut. furn. Cal[ 962-i40!l. i:; RENTAL FINDERS fam/rm, I ~, b, lg kit & room, huge family room. AVAJL Oct. 5. _Lge 1 Br. -'"""'""'~"!"~"!"""'""'" I ~ * H d>'n'g Blti"~ ,.,...t, I .,., BACHEWR apt, 2 blks to
Open Evening'
• 962·44l4 •
r $ Owner is moving north & COLLEGE Or work ing nian t:_ omes · ... , ~.. . · Birr. $425 mo. 540-1720 South Bay Club 19 a whole turn. $145. Pool &: carport. 28 ,500 has oliered it for immcd. to share Laguna collagc. $65 !::: * Apartments Pool deck, c v rd 1 pat 1 0 • BAY VlEW-BLUITS 4 Br, new way ol Ule desiined 1846 Placentia, See mgr No. ~~i :n~~~;·onl~.s~:rih~'. -·~·--.. -,Gl_&_fJ:i~_.tiEf~6.lSA~. -~Le_~o·1-i--'l'O'il'CE'-f,,;m;;,•::· :::'!14-=1;;91:;:!.===--,,_j . .J..:;;1 ~ ll tu 714/54N&-0006T o' D 'EA~~ 2t~ Ba twnhou&e. Fam area, r ~t .~ofw~lnallthe people. It's H. l =-1~. ~"_ .... _,._•~·~--~~1 Sparkling clean, 4 bcdrms, $39,Y50 I" '"'" ,..~ ~ ~-oomma · · ·-"""""'6.· --1-rrp:r;--crptg;···-drpr,---pool. r--wn-... v-... lt! .... .!_arm, d.Y· $135/mo mob hm wtscrnd z BR. pool. Ocean side or
l'li b.1th.!i, l'lec kit., lovely SEE TODAY! Costa Mesa 2100 CALL 645-0111 2 HOMES Lea.!ie $375.~23. namlc nelghbori. It's a porch, compl furn. Htd pool. 1
crp111/d1-ps, lgc cornl'r lot. GONE 1'0li10RROW! -·---Both 3 bedrn1s Ill $200 per 2 BR & den 2 ba bltns $750,000 Oubhouse w Ith Adlll, no pets. 4 Season's hwy. Nr. schoo s. Lea&e.t---
8·17-8,j()7 r:\'cs: !"6.9.-1.178 MISSION REAL TY 4 BR. + lam. rm. 2 full for information on thase mo. the oth('_r S225. Ne\\')Xlrt ~tts. sZis1mo: health club, aaunu, lwbn· h-1ob Est. 2359 Nwpt, 548-6332 only. $245. 549--0010. ' • ..if!l!r'frJ:'!a 985 So. Coast llwy., Laguna baths. Cpts, drps, bl!ns. available RENTALS... Nichols Real Estate ~2991 or 6t2-7519. ~Ing pool, party room~ bll· 1 Br. Apt. Close tG shpng &. 2 BR wJfrplc,,hlldrcn. :, :IJ.-1., PHONE (714) 494-0731 ~:~:~~-:i~~~ls. $300 Slii • FURN. 1 BR near 546-9521 liards, Ind~ golt driving C.i\t. Park. $125 mo. incl. oo pels. $180/mo. "-.. 9·\~rl.1='1 l!&.lf.?~ COASTLINE IK-ach. gar, sngles ok . WVELY 4 BEDR00~1 home Newport Heights 3210 range, tennis courts, pro ulil's. 548-4157 or 540-0623 * 673-
91 83 * -
...,.... "' ..... ,, N I B ~ 2200 $155 • f'URN. 2 BR, patio, on a quiel street with shop and resident tennis pro. aft SPi\l
VIEW ewpor eaQl ,i::ar, i;ingles ok. __, 1 1 r e Charming 1 br house. Single, l .ci 2 Bedroom Jwc:. · Balboa 4300
• $1l:i • REDEC 2 BR. stove, private yaiu & 800 sq. 1' ° Fenced yard, no children. ury apartments with all the * QUIET 2 Bdr;n Oup!ex, ---------DUi\tB de DUi\IB . DUl\tB'. '.
Don'I get caught by Sgt fo'1i-
day stealing this near ncw 4
bedroom, 2 bath in "Port
Lido" \J·act. \Valk to beach
and park. Only S3850 cash +
closing costs takes over GI
loan. 1-!Unj'!
Lo1~·cr Tcn1ple Hiils home 6210 \V. Oceanfront d h'ld ok spaciousnes~. Great family modem convenle.nces avail· bltns, garg, pat10. E-s1de. NEWLY DECORATED 1 BR
l'P18• rp~. C 1 · home at S285. per mo. Agent S150./mo. 64U233 bl f . b-• and _.__ O>uple, no pets. nr beaches & s h o ps 'Aith lots ol v.·ood & glass. Lrg. 3 Br. 2 Ba . upf)l'r apl.
Entertain graciously; ?>100-$275/nio. furn. Dr \1•ill c-on.
crn kitchen opens lo fan1ily 11ider unfurnished. \\lintl'r
room & large vic\v drck: rental. 5'1~109'.l or wknds
nighttin1e lighting crca1rs {213) 591r-li09
S\8.i • INCL Util. 3 BR E· 546-4141 a1,.~;. un111 ""' u'""'-'" 36l·B Og.le SL 64z.1298 Sl 50/mo. Util pd. 675-5810.
Hidc. lrg yd, ramily "-elc. University Parle 3237 '~
CALL 894•7577 LARGE :J. Br. easy care Furn Bachelor A: 1 BR. 2 BR. Beachlront. Crpts,
yard. Conv. to schls k. ?i-lODELS OPEN DAILY Exceptionally nice! drps, resp. adults only, no
for information on the~• ~JiJ S260 on year lease. CDAOLLN'UT SD~~DA!yl I 10 A.M .• 9 P.M. Below rental vlliue! children, no pets. 644-0753.
Larwin Rea~ty, Inc.
962-6988 a nytime
in1pressive a1n1osphcrr. 2 Br., 2 Ba. Ne\\' 11'/\v crpt
Landscaping require11 lit!le & pain!. 1.fi b!k !o huy. SU•
more than \\'atcr .. 1 Berl-n10 incl ulil's. No pct.s.
available REN TALS ,.. · · "' l~21_1o_N_•wpo...:..~rt~B-l•_,d .:_•_o_,''~il BR. Furn npt. Ulil's pakl . $100 • Ulil pd. I BR lurn. 3 Br, 117 ha, cpt11, dps, 2-car Leau/optkln 3 BR······ S340 RENTS FROM $125 mo Adults. No pets. 310 Single.~. child/pcl welc. gar, patio, ?ttesa Verde. l BR. 2 Ba. tnhouse .... $340 $ISO to $3SO ~~~/~~.:u i !~ult. 1
2 0 ~r9 l-OE:=.iBO:aliboa=:o:B=1'='d=. =Bal=boa=·=I
S135 -Nit'l' 2 BR. Bltns. gar. S210. 3111 Sumatra Pl. 2 BR. I ba. house ...... S280 rooms & 2 haths. $•17.750. 673.0731
,.. I k "" "'28 • d h II Walhtce. 54S-1S85 eves. & Owner Pays All Costs .~ing cs 0 · .... :........, · e NEWPORT BEACH Lido Isle 4351 WATERFRONT-
PIER & FLOAT /J~o 1an to a GI Joan on this sharp :: /F0 £j ..,. 3 Brdrrn., 2 h:ilh. fD1·mal din.
bedrm. 2 bu rancher. Liv. REAL ESTATE inb rn1. fircplnre. "'/"'
$t0~ -3 Bfl. 2 BA l0 m•'ly re I \\'knds. "'-' " 2 BR. Enclo~d yd, carpels, 880 I · A hon1l'. Lease op1ion. f'enced drape.~. Children ok. rv1ne ve. t BR. Sl.25. Pool. Spac. 320 Nord Beach Apt s, furn.
yrtl. Co ll 5-19-42'la Irvine & 16th Adults Ideal for Bachelor. Garage. l br $225--$250,
LANDLORDS FREEi REALTY 1993 church, Cl\f. )4f'r9633. bachelor $200. Avail now,
3 BR Vacant. NI c e yard Univ. Park Cen!er. Irvine (714) 645-0550 • BEAUT. Bach & 1 Br. win I er rate11. 6-12-4097,
Family only. $225/mo. Ag!. Call Anytime_ 333-0820 535-6696.
ing rm, lamily rn1, [rplc, W/ crp!s, and furnished l'On1. TOTAL 1100 Glenneyrc St. w cll'ls & (!rps, ,1~ll-!M7:l ;~!9--0:'llG plell'. Obie gar . Least' only.
CASH NEEDED lo move in $500 f! c r mo. Reoltor * 3 BR + DEN* Ask for Don, 830-6060. SOUJH BAY CLUB apt. $29.50 wkly A-up. I==========-!
only $100. + raxes & ins. OCEAN VIEW 642--43.~. Fenced yard w/ patio, double
tz:;.500 Full price. HO:'\IB-6 BEDRl\1, 4 bath + vacant ON THE BEACH 1:11.rai:c. Plush carpeting.
3 B,. + fam rm, crpts, <lrps, • VACANT-Immaculate! 1''um., inc utll. 54~51 Balbff Island 4355
elec bllns, cov pat lo. Julliard 3 Br, 2 Ba, tam rm. Furn 1 Br &. Bachelor
1;.':::'N:::D:.:E:;RS;=-:968-cc,;;;193.;.1.;.·.,.,.=::-I ~1 ·cl~~1_10 beach, shopp'g Nire 2 BR wintC'r rt"nlnl. $225/ f fREPLACE. Childrt'n wrl-
lmmediate Possession OPEN DAlLY 14 mo. Near Jelly, Good beach w n1e. $225. VACANT.i\IOVE
Ru1gm Or. S235. 635-6750. Pool /rec. fac. $350. 644-0735 APARTMENTS • • • 2110 Newport Blvd, CM 2 Br. furn apt. Immaculate!
3 BR $175. ALL UTIL PD. -{BR 1''URN $150/mo incl No childreD--no pets. Sl1'.i
VA/FIIA terms Oh:. Largf' 4 1os-. Temple TC!Tal't & surf. TODAY!
bcdrm. 2 bath hontc !ll'ar South Coast ReaJloni Dick &rg nf';il!y !162·2421 Home-Finders 645-2951
E-skie. Fenced yd. Dbl gar. l-'C.;.o_ren_1_d•_l_M_1_• __ nso_ Live where the fun isl util. Pool. gar~Az21lsposa.1, ye-arly. 673-6945 .•
Couple & chlld. 646-5607. 4 BR. 3 BA tri-level _ Adult5, no pets.'" 2383 l ='=~~-----~I
.;;;;;; 'l•diterranean decor. R£NT FURNITURE FURN. 1 BR Apt, oft Tustin FURN Bayfront apt. ~ -" A ll"/ w-• room&, 3 br, 2 ba, dock $325. -•·-rat-'. 1375 1 .. , •AM ve. .,)J mo. u gu .... 1 6~ _ 1"""""" eu ~ pd, 542-3379 or 138-8919. ye ... y. ,,,..,,.~.
1'1'arina High School. Asking
$11,500 \\'ilh 1inyment11 lcss Call Ginny 5-1a:842'!.__ General 3000 General
than rcnt. • $750 DOWN e 3000 General
Re;ir L. Hodges, Riiy. PC'1'manent Ocean view 101,
147.2525 $5.950 FIP. Assume bal, on
1 -~~-=-~--,cc--1 existin~ loan. Bkr. 497·1210
Price Reduced! or ·~•i;tl32 '""'·
Ownetl loi1/Your 9ein! BY owner. Cusrom 3 br. 2
$2000 \e55 on this lovely ba. BcRms. 71Ai%·$212 mo.
1 bednn with n1any c,,;tra!I PITI 494--0423 da, 832--7449
HURRY!!'. eve.
HAFFDAL REAL TY * The 1-{idca"·ay llouso *
BY 'ffiANSF. O\\'NER $18.JOo, 1 BR, sunroom. gar·
BEAUT. 4 brt3 00. 2200 SQ -'o:";,'~=·='=p=td=.='="=·7=.1=29=== It. r a!iihlon Shnrcs homc, ~
ovel'looklng flllt'k . N r : Mission Viejo 1708
Glt'11lcr Jr JU. Ar;klng ---------S39.!i00 \v/(',J 6·\ Av1ul.
962-7406 afl 5 pm.
ASSU~1E ;,•~·. GI, Tolal
pmnl $140. 3 br. tlen. bltn!I.
frplc. Sf't' at ;,112 Spnrro1v
D r . S 2~.250 . Phone
NU El Dorudo ho1n1', 2 $1Y,
3 BR. 3 hll, LeC' bonu.~ rm.
Nice \'U \Qt, 2060 sq ft !or
$30,:>15. FHA or VA terms.
Bkr 837-li47.
Bakrrsfleld afl 6 pm. 1805) San Clemente 1710
87U\!21. --------
FOR SALE by O\\'nC!r -4br.
Ill x 2~ !11mlly rm, crpl1,
drm-. t:"O\'t'ml p11tlo. fnut
lrtt5. SltOOO A 11 u m I'
balance-nl 6AO l°'-n. 842-Sll-1
alt 5 & "'knds.
PLANNING to move? You'll
flnd an amulna numrit:r o!
DA.iVOY lixrr upper 2' hr ..
rm !or 2.3 ~ units.
S2t7!i0 South ColW P.calty
""°-11---Sell It· l'rAde II
• 1ctk it -If! llil available
thru Daily eilot Clw.ilied
arls. Pleet yOUr .ad
nnw •. caU diret·t 642-&678
fhe Puzzle with the Built-In Chuckle
O lteorronge letter• cf the / "'1§ ~
lour sc1ombled wo1ds b&-i(''\' low to fOt"m lour iimpffl words ~
NACEP I ;,)"'>
111·1·1 · t i
1· ~
mo to mo . Avail now. * DIRF.cT TO TENANT 64&-0911 642-lnl, 1 BR. Fum-util pd. 1 adult 24-Hr. Deliver)' ldt 11"
EAS"I'BLUFF Nr. QL\t HI 100% Purchase ()ptlon ~~20 Easts ' '"Imo.
&hi. Pool, frplc., charmina Complete 1 BR Apt u
.i e r. 2 Ba. $375 Lease, Ca.ti: Low .as S22/mo. Sl.2&-2 BR Trailer. 1 ar 2
I.. •-h '"11"" adults only, no ~ts. UW f. s """ wer V"T"' ,).1 or 30-Day l\ll11lr.1um 1 1 64)-3375 Mrs . Moody 213: 84~1526. * WIDE VARIETY ne · '
l Br, 2 ba beaut, nearly new CUSTOM FURNITURE NOW RENTING-2 Br f\Jrn.
hse. Lge 2-car pr, 4 blks to RENTAL rec room, het1.ted pool . No
bch. S325, 67J.6'XI:: • 517 W. 19th St.. Cl\f, 548-3481 chlldre.n. 646-5824.
•-2 1 ·~~..:i~~~~:.:::::~1i.~1fi120~F~U~RNiiT<:/T.,~nlt.ouJitiJI P,palldid. 3 BR, "'" ·Car pr, frp c, i
ne'v crpt, atove. $325/mo, ,..,.,From $35 Wk. =~§.. 1662 Newport Blvd.
yrly tu. 61::.-2672. Luxuey Single Aptt. Complete•l-'.::C:::::._· ------
2 Br. newly crpted S200 mo, maid 1ervlce hOusewa.res * 1 BR. Lrg closets, Pool .
no pets. 432 Femlf'af. Call llntnt aU utu' he.ti.led pool Shu ft I e board . New
17131 761-4767, billiard. rtst~urant cock'. cpt/drps. Util pd. 518-0336
Lido Isle 33l1
ON Udo Island. fi:;iO. 3
BR'I, Call 673-3IXIQ.
talb, ' ' A'I'TRAC. Furn, Studio, Sll5/
VILLAGE INN mo .• Ad"1~ only, no pel!.
Lqul'la Be.ach $9436 2135 Elden. Stt h-fgr. Apt. 6.
IALIOA INN trr!L Pd-Ba<:h<ktr apt. Quiet
Balboa 675-3740 Ir: ptiv. Single only, no pets.
Huntington 11 .. c11 4400
• SIO&]e apta from $165 e 2 BR Furn. From S28S e 2 BR unfurn $200
heated pool-sauna-tennis
tte room-ocean views
patlOH.mple parkln&.
Security guards.
FURN. al!'O Avail,
m OCEAN A VE., ll.B.
cn41 536-1487 I S U R C H I • TV comrnerclo h "You'd be
15 j j ' j ~ surpr ised what Gertie Girdles
. . " . _ _ for Gigantic Girls con do for $120/mo. MS--140S.
Ok, open 10 tun-6 pm Dalb
?tfanitged by
WIIJ.JAM WALTEftS CO. ~------''°"'.:...;:'! you. They'll keep on unfor· Huntlntton laech 1400 $75
-1,\. Cg,..plcte 1h1 thuc:~le ,. ·ii -------· -1• ... /Qu'-t' U 11 I I I G I M A P E : tunote situation from -. ' ,.N:;;•:.:wport:r.::.:.:.;;:Bo:::;1cf1:;;.._~420D:;:.: 2 BR. Poot A du 11 •.
I I' I' I' I 4:' by f111in9 111 the mbtlr ~· 3 BR, 2 BA. lam rm, t.rr Bachtlor w/ le~d y8rd. OCEANFRONT Apt. l Br. 1Xaut n: • I n~
. . _ . . . • yu.1 develop from lttf" No. 3 • , paUo, new crpts paint. Rup, dl"lJ)el, Ideal locaUon. lcltaJ location. $130/rno utU $200/mo. l7676 Cameron.
II . J' Ji j' j' J' J' J' I Children walk to •chi. Im· TILi· TRIN"D 132-7100 pd, Pref. \.\'Ork'I male i-,"'..,"'....,,'.-21==,,..,...,..,=,,_ 8 PllNI N\JMBUEO I' lrTTflS med. pou. $25(1/mo IH. JIOLIDAY PLAZA bachelor. Yrly or seuone.J. **AT BEACl-{ 1&:2BR'L 4
9&&-9023, DEWXE Spadous 1 BR(-'.:·'-'::;1.>G98-~:::;3627::;,~-",-=·I beaut. bldg$. Pools. 22012th
E) UANNSCS"IR[ARMBtE FORj J j J J J ·J J J j L'\f~tACUl.ATE 2 br duplex. f\lm apt it~ .. 2 BR + dtn WINTER rtntal • 2 BR. St or 215 15th St, ll.B,
homts in loda)''& Classified IT'S A bN'l'tt', .!1'!?11 your ~ . . . . . . . . . . Criit. d1-ps, bllns, pat1o, it65. Jlealed pool. Ample 0t."f!anfront •pt. ?ttaiTlf'd I BR. Col'lfl~llnlum, nkoel,y
-'"""•\th ..... "" Dolly s•CD"'vl·LEifS ANS~WIERS IN c:LAss.n:rrc;ATTJQU 90.00 kno•ly ""' .. "°"""'·pr. P"'klng, No ohUd .. 1>00 ,,1. "''""'"'"' "'pell. tum. encl-patJo. -Ad•~~1=:~~il~~c~•·~"~'li<.d.~~&12.olli~·~a!:=""=::="""'~~"~'::=':!".:~::S::'.:~~~~~~~~·l!.U.!!"!:!::!;~""-'~::;;:•:::._•~:::!~~s1~00.~M~•nied~~<tJl:!!!:;-!812,.1216~.::!!!~·~r><J.o.!!!!;=~!ll63~L!""·~'~"""'~·~·o~fl 6u.lll62 P~/mo.Ptr.1162. ~
' ..
' '
. •
,. ..
, from
gbout ---Ii•" 'ttii~~. llil
rpriat lo
t their
..!rem" -
lve .their
u ilJICI dill·
l!Ctiocru> --. ..... 1 part ot
nandrellt<t a iactUiat·
' 1<11llu ·. "'t. is a
;. Edgar
. a group
'Utile with
Us saJute
te worl4?
;iJ that tbe
. bands.
from . _
:\ trouble.
·r conru-
. thinking
.. -.. ·-. . . '• " ·• .
Merchant Prince
? •
a matter of
He operates a successful
business of his own .
Here is a boy-he m ay live next-door t o
you-who knows where he is go ing.
This boy has a newspaper route.
He delivers your copy of ,this n ewspa-
per to you when you want it, on time, at
.,___, your door, every single day of issue.
And, h e do es much more than simply
You see t his boy actually op erates as
a merchant, and a successful one at that.
He buys his newspapers from us, and re-
tails them to customers like you. H e col-
le cts, keeps records, gets along with people,
does a bit of selling, and makes ca,reful use
of his money (many newspaperboys save a
goo d part of their college expenses).
In short, he learns, with back-up from
the people at the newspaper who are
trained to work with boys, the practical
basics of business management. .
Think about it. There is almost no-
where else today that a boy can gain this
kind of valuable experience for life ahead.
And at the same time make a good income!
53i6 56
'lbe1' ~-'Ill
2lnd A -
The DAILY PILOT Has More Than 800 "Local Boys" Making Good As Carriers
r:--ll-----=•:.:11+:.::•::.m::.:ational"-Newspeip~rboy Day-October 10, 1970-A Fitting Climax For National Newspaper Week
--l 8 PILOT ·AOVEATISER Wed ..... y, Oclobtt 7, 1970 ~===============~-----· RINTALS RENTALS RENTAU
Wedrw~1. October 7, 1970
Alfnrtlaert ,.,.., 11lau tMlr ·~ •Y t.t.,..._
Phones Are Open 8:00 a.m. • 5:30 p.m.
9 to Noon Saiurd1y -Closed Sund1y
DIAL DIRECT •• ~. 642-5678
HUt1ti091oft-... ch;, 540-1220 -Laguna Blach: 494-9466
"'" c1.._,1., 492-4420
IAlltOaS: Mv1rtlMri sfMvld check ttMir Ids dally 1nJ NPOTf-iinm•litety erron
.,. mlKl•nfflutlons. TH! DAILY PILOT auume1 Hea.illlty fer...,.... Wiiiy to
tM us.nt of publt.hlnt the advfftlMment correctly ..,. time.
DIADLINE FOi: COPY AND KILLS: S:SO P.M. thl day ..,.,.. publlcatlon, eznpt
forMonhy Edition when Hadlln• ti Saturday, 12 noon.
YOU MUST HAVI KILL NUMIERI When' kllllnt an ac1 because ef ,.ukk l'llUlts,
.. t¥te t9 tnak• a record of tM kill number 9lnin ·'fCMI ~ your--' t•ldr u werlflcatlon of your ulL ·
lvtry' Iffert Is mtd• to klll er corr9Ct a nnt ad that has ltMn onf.,.., bvt M ''""' not 1wirantM to do so untU th• ad h•• lppffr_. in t ... p.per. • DIMl·A·LINE Adt •N strlctly ca•h in l'd_vance by m•ll or at·any-. of eur efficu. NO pho,.. ardmn. .
TM DAILY P.:fLOT rtMtVff the r5fht to cllSllfy, edH, ctn10f'.., RfuM any .. .,.,..
t...._.t, MCI te chanp lb r•'-and ,..., .. tfonl without ,..,.,. notice.
Mali Mdreit: loa: 1175, N..,.,.. S.Ch, Callfomla
CL1SSIP:IED COUNTERS .,. JocatM as followt:
2211 W. BALllOA
Daily Pilot Classified
o•••JtAL '"' Apt1. Furni1hed ·
MIU DIL MAJf 1ll5 COSTA Ml!JA •IOI M.l.S.11 VEllDI •111 MllA Vl!l.DI: 1111 NlfWl'Olll 81!.t.CH .._
COLLIOI l"Alll( lllJ NIWl'ORT Nl!IGHTI 4'111 NIWl'DllT •l!ACK 11M llllW'°ltT HEIGHTS Ull NEWl'ORT SHnRES •tte
NIWfl'OltT SMORES 12'1 ~:~~E:l~TT l'AltlC :::!
IAYCltlST 1tt3 EAST ILUFil' 4l•t
11 Toro 114'1 SEAL IEACH 44M
IRYllll Tll.RACE 1!.U ~~~~GBEE~~~HTY ::
TURTLE ROCK ···············!: WESTMINSTER 4'lt .. ==~~g: :::l~SULA U05 -MIOWl-Y-CITV 4611
ouT o, sr.1.TE ,.°' ReNTALS STANTON 1611 • h d w1STMIMSTI"• ''" Apts, Unfum1s e MIDWAY CITY U11 GENERAL Stlll
CONTll:ACTOll.S "Jt ··-""'"" rlf'""''lrt'* U2f CAI.PIT LAYING & llEPAllt '626 ORA,.li:ll'llEI MU DEMOLITIOJI MU O•A•T•NO Slll:Vt(I llJJ DRYWALL 4+Jf lillllil.llllt..AL ... ,
fL:>OR I "'9 l'URNACE ltl!PAlllS, llt. 601 fUllMITUlll! R«STOlllMG a llEl'IMISNING "" GARDl:NING ...
HEALTH CLUll '"' HAULING -67lt MOUSl«.U.lllNe -'111 IMTl!lllOll DECOltATtMe 111"1 INCOMI TAX 117411
::~:;N:u--lk. ::
IMSltL.ATIMe 176t IMSUllAHCE • 671t IHVl!STIOATIHC, Deftnl¥t 67" JANITOltlAl Im Jl!WELRT •l:"rAllll. l"fC.. .... L.AMOSCAPIHG 'Ill LOCICSMITN 612'
MAID SERVICI! ····•·-····•• till MASOHR T. 1ruc• •ut MO'YIHO & STOll:AGI ...... PAINTING. P..,•rh.,.1in1 •aH PAINTING, Sit• MA PATIOS . "'9 PHOTOOllAPH'f' Wt PLASTl(lllNG, rtlcl .. Rttoollr , .. PLUMS IHO .... PET 81l0DMINCI ffOll POOL SER.VICE fflt
POW•• sw•1P111e tr1t PUMP SlllYICIE fftf
llOOl"IHO fflt
RADIO, • .,.~ Etc. '"' lllMOOl!LING a 1t•1'Alll i6MI ll:IEMODELIMO. IUTCHfNI 6"I ....... ...._ ....
SEWING , ... ll!WIHCI MACHlll• REPAlllS 6'H sarTtc TUIKS. ....,.., llG. t'M tAILOll.INO 6f1' TERMIT& CONTROL ff7J TILi!, cetlmk ffM TILi!, UllDI-a Mertlh 6f7f
tllll SERVICIE ''" Tl:Ll!YISIOH, 11:-lrto ale. 6lt5
Apts. fumlthod Apts. Unfurnished ~ Unluml"*' Apts. Unfvmlthed 'A _.:.__;....;...;...;.="--I
BACHELOR Apt. Uti1 pd. BEST area -Vacant now.
NEAR OCEAN! Modero 2 ~R. Adull0. • • VILLA MARlllLLIS
LINDBORG CO. 536-2579 lllO-mo. 329 Cabrlllo, >.pi. .,~~ BRAND NEW
D, 54~2'1t5 •"l<_,, .., SPACIOUS
Laguna Beach_ _4705 l BR. u.nr. $150/mo. Poot. _ • 1 & 2 ldrm. Apts..
LAGUNA-Royaie ~ or l&e Elec It wtr pd. Mlts, no ON TEK.ACftES Adult Llwll)I__
8 mot/loflger. :0cee.n trnt pe\a. MESA MANOR. 2U 1 6 2 BR. J'urn A u.wr:. Fur_n. A Unfurn.
tux. 2 BR, 2 BA. ~ach, patkl, Wi2'0n Aw., CM. 548-T40?i nnpl.ac.11 I prtv, paHot I Dish~'U.hn' -color coordlnat.
pool. AdWta. no pelL $500 NEW ~uxe 2 Br. Triple~ ~ Ttmls-Oontan Bkfat. ed. •ppll.an«5 -~h11h shag
mo. Owner f99...!'115. aptJ. N.E., $175/mo. Adults" 900 Sea Loe, OlM SU.-2-.11 carpet • choke ot 2 coJor
SMAIL l BR, uW pd. bar. ~~-Wood land PL (Kac.lrtburl:S',0-.Hwy) tchemtt .. 2 baths. ata.U
patio, 2 min to bch. Sgl ~.... 1hower1 • mirrored ~'ll.'9·
only. U45 nio. 497-'ij.53 eve. LRG 2 BR, CID, carpOrt, l . CORONA DEL MAR robe doors • lntlirect llaht-
RENTALS chlld ok. $1!15-mo. + dep. NEVI.! Br, 3Ba. lower du-inz In kltchen • breakfa1t
~I U-L-..:.1_._od 2211 Col~ge Ave No. 2 pleit. Goeed-paUo:-CoY:-rar-bar • huae private feneed ~ •• mvr-m.n ~71. aae. Bf:1.ut!Mty landtcaped. patio ~ plush landscaping •
Gtneril .5000 * CLEAN 2 Br, 1,,; Ba, Complete bU.lns. Year lease brick Bar-B-Q'g -large heat.
-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·;;;;;;;;;;;! ·bltna, dshv.'hr, crpt, patio, at $.125 per mo. Contact-ed pools I: b11nai.
~ J. i """ -.... -i
Whoddy1 W.1n!t Wh1ddya Got? '
-Spoclil-Rite ..
5 Llnos -5 tlmff -S bucks ! llUL,•I -AD MUil' INC\.UO• • 1-Wllll 'I'" MVI " ~ 1--WMI ,._ ... , Ill tr..._ l I-YOUR f!llMe •M/W ... ,_, ~ llillft .. .......,.~
...... 0111111e PM SN.I -TllAIHll OfllL Tl . • gar. Sl.55. Adults, no pets. -•7J405o 0 3101 So. Bristol St. VENDOME '"""157. ·' m ML N. or So. <:out P1 ... 1
1uuAClfLA1E API'S! 11: 2 Br tum le. unfurn apts. -L& Santi Ana -...-~145. 820 Center St.1===~~~~~ PHONE; 557-1200 '
To Pl•ct Your Trader's Paradise Ad
PHONE. 642-5671 i
· 'At>UL ,.-a~ CA!. 642-5848. DELUXE Duplu -3 BR, 2 f ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!'!!~~ J FAWLY Section BA lQXI sq ft 0,,Udrps 1 ~ _ Di~ settlement to~
Close tO shopping, Parle LRG l BR. Elee l_>ltns, f1l' patio. Central ~. No pe1.s: Lfltuna Buch 5705 liquidation, 7 trust deeds at * Spacious 3 BR's, 2 ba DCC & S. Coast Plaza. $250/mo. A&t. 675-t930 or --dlacount FOR equity in 4 + SWim pool, put/green $135/mo. 54Q..__M_ __ 675-4847 2 BR on HiJh Dr., w/W cpts, BR home or ANYTHING,
stove, l"ll'ifr. $145 mo. +-soo * 548-5068 * * Frpl, Indivll?'11"Y fac'l! * 2 BR, 1% BA STUDIO, APT. Spaclou~heerfW, 2 dep. Resp, adlts, no pets. I ~~~~-~---1845 Anaheim Ave. x1nt cond! Crpts, drps. Br~ 1 ba, encl. porch, 2 bllcs Delux 4-plex w/pooJ & rec
COSTA :.<ESA 642--2824 Pool! t.145/mo. &tS-OC96. to bch. Util. pd. Wa. Ref'1 Rtfl. Av a 11 Oct. 16. rm .fn Tuslin, $20,000 e<i. &
1 BR. t..arze. Crpta_ drps, req. 675-4943. 494-5683. 100 A Oregon land, $20.000
FOR RENT! I atow/retrig. Patio. Infant $l'75/mo. 15e. Lg. upper 2 ~ BLK TO BEACH! eq, '''"t larger uni1s. com-
1, 2 &: 3 BR Apartments ~· ok. $120/mo. 54&-4059 aft 4. Br., cpt/drps, ref/ranae, From' $160. New 1 A 2 Br. tnf!rcial or submit ?'!'
out Orange County. Rangmg LRG. 2 Br. •tudio apt. 1~~ gar. hiat. •dill. 104 POOL. 2175 S. Coast Hwy. 67=>'1"1"'0'°1_B_k_'·...,...~-~-
trom $69.50 to $188.50. Furn ba, .encl. patio, gar., pool, NarciuuL 453929 or 497•1630 1!li8 Piper Apac~ twin,
or Unl~n. Ask for JODr. nr. schl. S160. 646.-2547. 3 BR. 21, BA d l bl OCEAN VlEW • Lrg: 1 BR mint oond, lo time eng, $5000 132-7800 ' up ex, tns, apts. Furn °" unturn. Crpts, worth of new radios. New 1 BR. Unf. All util pd. crptd, drps, encl gar, conv. d bit · ti "'"'"" NEW DEtUXE-2 BR $150/mo. Adults, -1ntant ok. location. 673-2402; --r:ps, ·Ins, pa, os. w~ paint. IJ'rade S3500 equity distance to town, 100 ClW f ~.. rt • 2 Ba.. Bit-in range, dshwhr, . 301 Avocado. 548-7442 4 BR. 2,2 BA. Studio apt. or .......... prope Y or · •··· ts .-.. ~ Dr., Lnguna Bch. 494-5498 547 7208 s • ...,:crp , .... ,..~. garg ..... um 7 BR, 1% ba, garage & pool. Clean! 714 Goldenrod, ,-·....,.~,.,....,.---,....,.=
Sl15. Nr. S. Coast Plaza. No children, no pets. Quiet $375/mo. yr tse. 540-1573. NEW 0 c ea n skie apts. Laguna Beach comn\el'<'ial,
540-1973 or 56-2321 neighborhood. 642-8)42 2 BR. N. of hwy, frplc, p~·~~ Mon~971}4 '32,000 equity, WANT acre·
Costa Mes• 5100 NEW 2 Br. apt, crpt &:: freshly painted. Avail now ige or small units. Roy J,
drped stove Nr schls & $210. 719 Jl.iarigold. 6r~ DELUXE 2 BR, 2 BA. N. Arntaon, Realtor 494·7260,
----------1 ' ~ ..... · .,.~1109 end, nice view, $250. Also 1 1000 N. Coa.iit Hwy.
ORLEANS APTS shops. 5....., mo . .,..,..-· Near Ocean & Shop'g ,,,. i:oin
• 2 BR. Crpts, drps, bltns, & Brand new 2 BR, 7 BA single. 491-tOSG. 4
:1'f""""'JO • Have 12 units, Garden
pat Io. S145 / mo. 2260 326 Jl.t&.rg1:-1erile. 548-1983 od -Gro've, Want units. com-
ADULTS ONLY l.!Po~m~o~M~A~v.~. ~C~M~·-=--1;;:=::='="'=====;:;:;: 1 _R_a_n_ta~l_s_W_o_nl ____ ,_~ mere., lndust .. San Franci.'>-
2 ~ 3 BR. A~il. Private pa. FURN &. Unfurn 2 Br. Bltns, B•lbofl 53oo DAILY PILOf reporter and oo Penin. or L.A. area, Pyr-
t1u pool -ind1v. laundry fac. crpts dli>ll prlv patio a:ar wife want to rent or lease 1mid Excha.ngors 6T.>6060
(N1 '.Orange Co. Airport: Tus. No ~ts. 54g_1867, ' · Yr.ARLY lease ; Bal~, small furnished or unfurn-Will Trade $600 e<t in Ocean
tin at 17th St; nr, \Vestclill). Modern 2 BR 1% ha. S250 !shed house in Laguna Can-View Lot, in Baja, cal. For
· ch furn .• $225 unfurn. 310 W. yon or other O.C, canyon Boat or Anything of val·
17.:11 Tustin. Costa Alesa Newport Bta · 5200 Bay, area by Dettmber. S4&-638(). ue. ?'!' •
Mgr. l'olrs. Carson. 6t2-46U PARK NEWPORT ~ care Lido Isle 5351 days, SJ&.ll9S eves. 968-1875 Aft 4 pm
....,..,,.-,,.,-.,--,--.,,---f free livg ovrlkr: the water. 71----------\VANT YEARLY LSE: Sm. f"'ree & clear, vac.ant R-1 lot,
Like Living in Your pools, 7 tennis cts $750,000 UPPER 2 Br, 2 ba frplc, unf hse·S. of pier, Balboa L&ke Elsinore $4500, WANT
OWN HOME , •• I I Spa. From S175 to $450. rebig, Bay View. Adiiita on-Peninsula. Mature-reliable fixer-upper house or duplex.
Why pay S115 tor an apt? _ Bach. 1 or 2 Br. Also 2 sty ly, no pets. $250 mo Yr. cpl. No chldrn or pets. Collea;e Realty
when we can rent you one Townhouses. Elec, kt. pri. lease. 673-392.:1. 642-6301. -~s.58fkl
for $140. 2 BR., newly dee, pat: or bal Subtrn prkg,. pot UNFURN. 1 Br. Range, frig. WORKJNG couple desire 1 What do YOU b&ve to trade!
crpVdrp, encl patios, spac maid se~. cpti, drps J u.st N. forced air, garage. Walklng br. furn apt or _duplx In List it ~,.. _ ln Orangt
grnd!!. 2 Pools! Adults only. of FastUon Isl . at J~mboree dist. to store, quieL $175 mo N.B. or llunt. Bch area. County' laric'tat read trad-
2'l83 Fountain..Way-E. (Hal:-& ~n._:loaqurn. H!lli> Rd. lse. 61$-5148.-----~Sl50 ?at.ax. ll.ef.f, _ . .C.. l l -·· alri make adeal.
bor, turn W. on Wilson). 644-i900 for leMrng inJo. 1-=========' I Collect (n4J 454-1987
Have~ + $13,000 T.D.'ir, l
xlnl ($3000 additional, 2 yrs) l
SZi,<XXJ land. WANT sm. un.. j
it'!, CM, or NB or Dix du
plex/watrlrnl. Bkr. 6'1"'""":Hi0« 'j
~Is Acres. Las Vegas. 7.0n·
l!d for 87 unit5, val, S65,000. t
\Vant unil.!!, T.D.'s, !
Pyramid Exchang1>rs :
615-"'60 • ! 8 UnilH, good rental area.• :
S38.000 equity; i n co m ~ ..
S13,500. For ti>use, conuncr
cial or hone ranch.
OWNER 675-6259
• .
' • • : Con1merc1al income proper~ •
1y. free & clear; next to :
Sears. Val. $1)5,000. For un. :
its, hollllo or beacb prop, , :
OWNER 6T>6259
O\VNER. Granada Hills
sty view .home, like new
S57,750 val. 4 Br. 3 Ba. tam
rm. For Duplex or Hme ~
or Cdi\-1. Office 64445U.' ..
• Balance on 2 yr old 1st Ian.
conlract, approx $18,l!il
payable monthly, will trade ;
FOR house, condo or units
14' llOUSEBOAT, Xlnt, Liv'
aboard, slip avail. Will takE
car or smaller boat in tradE
for equity.
• 54&-2434 *
24' Ketch ""new dacron sails, -!
value SJOOo. \Vill la ke Bos.
ton \Vbaler, Hobie Cat or T!
in trade, Hoy 642-87ll c1
&484GSO, -.-.. 7
BRAND New delxe 2 -BR 2 B~. Unfum. Crpls, drps, BalbH lsl1ncl 5355 WANT YEARLY LSE, Sm. *
trl 1 pt Pri ate patios patio, pool, bltns. $100.f----------unturn hse-8o ot pier.1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!'!!!!'!'1J!!!!!'!!!J!~!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!f P ex 1 s. v ' Seacliff lilanor Apts, 1525 UPPER 2 BR, den, Balboa PcninsU.la. ~tature· 1 ! -•
shag crpx~· 1 ~'.de bl~~· Placentia. 548-2682 ask crpts/drps, frplc, gar, reliable cpl. No chldrn or RENT AL5 REAL ESTATE
* * * * *
::1~Adults~ 353 ~oodiand about our discount plan. ~lsposal .. S260/mo Y rt Y • pel!J. 642-6301 Apts. Unfumlshecf Ganer al
Place (near Tustin & 20th) * BAYFRONT * 1nc:lds utll . 6T:>-6017. LGF. 1 BR unfurn. Rooms _for Rent 5995 Office Renti11 ~905. LUXURY Apts. -Start• Huntington Be•ch 5400 w/garaKe. Working-adult .. ;.;.;...;........; ____ ~ ----~~----
VILLA MESA APTS. ing at $365, * 642·22021---------HR, CM area. To Ut5. Mo. ROOM For rent, prtfer SUPER.DELUXE QUALIT'
2 BR, Priv patio. Hid pool. FRESH-AIR 536-66IO. student. Tustin are a. 1-2-3 room, up to 3.000 sq
2 car encl'd gar. Children DELXE 3 BR & 2 BR, 2 B: Wnlk 3 bl~1 to Bencb! e LANDLORDS e S70/mo. 836-0961 alter 5. ft. oUice suites. lmmed. ()(
welcome, no pets fllease! four plex apts. Bltm. D/\ ' BeauL big 7 br, apts: W/\V FREE RENTAL SERVICE EMPLOYED Gent, Kitchen cupancy, Orange C n t Y
$165 mo. 719 W. Wilson. nr Hoag Hosp. from Sl70 crpls, drps, bllns except Broker 534.6982 ·vti ·r d ._.. •= H B Airport Irvine Com.men:
646-1251. mo. 642-43Xl S42-l77L rettig. $150 & SlSS. 1 child pn · 1 esin:u . ..,.., · ·
NICE .Pt1obile home, for lady_1=area==·~962-=--""'-=-~· -,,--== Complex, adj. Airportei • THE SEVll.LE ~~ blk bay or heh, beautiful ok. No sngls/pet.s, ~Im. alone. CM or NB area. call RENT Top floor of Corona Hotel & Restaurant, banks
2 BR. I ~ ba w/ gar. new 4 BR, 2 ba, cpts Ir NEAR Huntington llarbour. 646-2148. de~ l\1ar Collage. Employed San Diego & N'pt, Fwys,
Adults-cpts, drps, tncd yrd drps, 2 car gar, $325 mo. New Trlplexes. Quiet a~a.1 ""=====-SE=R=VI=CE=· I lady. 673-25§4 aft S. UNCROWDED PARKING
WI patio. Wtr pd. 636-41.20. 67l-9352 or 642-799-1. Lrg: 1 Br. Wiil f\Im. $150 & FREE RENTAL f 7-"',,-..,,~==-::=~ LOWEST RATF.S
2619 "L" Santa Ana Ave $155 3 BR, 2 BA unf. Crpt.s, drps. up. Child/pet ok. (2131 TI) OWNERS~ MANAGERS * S15 per week-up w/kit· ~'1'1Cr/mgr:7172 DuPont Dr,
667 "K" Victoria St. $155 blk to ocean. Yearly S260 1 ;59>"'6;;:~23~,~n~•~,~8<&-:_:;~3559~~· =-ii ====-·=548-==11=-"=·=== chen. $30 per week·up Apts. Rm. 8, Newport Beach.
mo * 67l-8088 1;2 BR T -• Cp MOTEL. 548-9753 83.1·3223, Courtesy to Brokeri e Quiet Adult Living · · owuuse, ts, Bltns, Rooms for Rent 5995 $75 & $55 furn room, Hntg
2 BR. Shag cpts, bltns, beaut. 3 Br. 2 Ba. Unl. Bltns, crpta, Wa!!IM!.r/dryer, $165 mo, Beac h. Gre11.t for Student. 1 DESK SPACE
Jndscpd Ji10 mo incl all drps. $250/mo. * Call Call Ardo Hazelvet,i----------.,. Ad. 11 nl pel.!! ~7573 714/296-0442 LARGE Sunny room, walk-blk to pier. 64Z..SS20 305 No. El Camino R••
uti · u s 0 Y, no · · . · Ing distance to OCC, 5 min -San Clemant•
MOUSILIO-••·MOVliO -·-• l-OflAHGI! COUNTY Utt -CO"Nti"OMIHIUM !Ht G.t.llOlM GllOVI Mlt
241 Avoe&do St. 646-0979 MARINER Sq. -We!td1U 2 1 BR. retrlg. bltns, crpta! to t[_CJ. ~bed closet &. u ... 1 I :t lltr .1M . .1A'ltl ·1 BR den 2 BA $255 I mo drps pool near beach $135 · · • -1..1,_.,~···-s_-,; .1UJ1 • t, .. t.•. ·· ...... ---..-··· ··-·-· -"JO'rP~. -·--•• NEW 2 BDR.i.U. Beam ce1 · • • p • • • • • dresser. suwent ues11. Courts ~m UPHOUTalt"t' .,,.
WELDING 6"J OUPLl!Xl!S FOR I.I.LI ltJI WESTMINSTER M11 WINDOW CLEANING .,-, '"' ings, wood paneling. All rec 642-8016 or 645--0252. per mo., adults, no pets. & pull down lamp. Kitchen --DESK SPACE APUTMlllTS ~ SALi .,.. MIDWAY c1n MU
JOBS & EMPLOYMENT features. Sl65. Adull.!!, no e OCEANFRONT I BR. Tradewlnda Relllty 847-851l priv. Laundry nn, private A'M'R, R.ooms-Attr R.att"s. 222 Forest Ave nu~
HouHS Furnished
JO• WANTED. Ma Mii pets. Call now 6.:16-00'13. YEARLY $140/mo. 2 BR. Near Ocean, Frplc, 'IV. AU home privileges Start $30 wk. Sea Lark
JOI wANTEO, •-mt • 387 \V. Bay Street • Call 673-2259 9 to 6 pm. patio. Crpts, drps, Adults, avail. Student Sl5 wk, others Jl.1otel, 2301 Npt. Blvd, 01 laguni!I Beech
~oEaM ':,,.:~~~N 1'tJf 2 BR. Avail Oct 15th. New 2 BR. on the Beach! LINDBORG CO. 53S--2579 $20 wk. ~3634. 646-7445. 4!).1.9.166
SCHOOLS a IHSTlllUCTlott Hot shag crpts. Rcfrig & stove. $350-mo-yearly. Adults, no 2 Blks from bch. New 2 & 3 YOU'LL BE SNUG AS A STORE. OFFICE
ttl! 5~.N CLEMENTE J7lf ~l: SAN J UAN CAPlfTll.t.NO sn1 ~~~fTR11~~~TION = Gnr. Pool. Patio. \Valk to pets. 642-3978 eves & wknds. Br. apt. Crpts, dtps, patio, BUG & Happy Too in this Guest Hom11 • 5991 525 sq. ft. oU St. Pk. Util. inc
nu CAPl$Tll:AMO llACH J1:1t DANA POINT 1741 MERCHANDISE FOR shOps. Resp. adu1ts $150. garage. 405 8th St. 968-3132. upstairs 11tudlo BR. Lots of N
2 · I u ho · il 1 PRJV &: acmi-priv rooms in ewport & Bay Center llU TRIPLEX, el(. ffOO
548-1565 all pm. Newport Heights 5210 1 & 2 BR New apt.s. Ftplc's. prtv. + u me pnv · w 20fi2 Ne ~· FU~M~~~. AND TRAD~ HARBOR GREENS Near Ocean! Patio. Adults. pool I. Emplyd lad~.,?~ col-~~;~to gury':!ni::~~iz!~. ~; No lse ;:r~ri3~~dM2-~~ ~ 1111 RENTALS WANTED '"' 112t ROOMS FOR REHT Jt95 oFFICS fUll:NrtUlll Mlt DELUXE 3 BR, 2 Bath. LINDBORG CO. 536-2579 ege gal. $85/mo. ;,,1v-•u40. ,;
JJJJ -llOOM & &OARO m• ml MOTl!Ll, TilfAILElt COURTS Jffl
OFFICI! l!QUIPMENT •11 GARDEN' &. STUDIO APTS Crpts, drps, frplc, & garage XL.NT Joca.Uo~lge f urn yard & patio, good food, FOR LEASE Lrg modern . ~~~~~ .. ·l!~~'l,::.,~~ :l! Bach. 1, 2, 3 BR's. from $110. Close to sOOp'g & schls. call 2 BR., 2 ba mobile home, UOO bedrm in beautiful home, congenial ~tmosphere, CM ocean view Offices _Shops, ~
tm MISC. llEHTAU Int •A• l!OUIPMINT MU 7700 Peterson \YBY. C.M. aft 6, 545-8395. ~t546 20 X 60. Adull!I only. pl.us use of decks, patiM, &-area. Avail by Oct 1st suitable-prof. or bu.si~. ~
"" •• •• •• ...
"" ....
"" 1351 ,.,
HM 141t .... ... ., ..
M" Kl> K ..
"" ... ,,.
"" ..
"" tut •• ---""
HOUSEHOLD GOODS .,. 546-0370 many privileges. For 548-5225 1999 s . Coa.st Hwy, Laguna ,·· REAL ESTATE, DAR.I.GI SALi! "21 I • 5231 PURMITUll.I! AUCTION I01.J $170 . rv1ne 2 br duplex-Oose to bch & employed woman or right ELDERLY Guests, ocean Bch. 494-9471. ' I INC~:·P~~IPlllTY '°" ::;~J~:~•s ::: 3 BR, l % BA, patio, blt·ins, dwntwn. Cri>s, dtp1, stove. person. S15H.B. 842-56.'>4. view, lovely borne i n CORONA DEL MAR ~
1us1N1:ss PROPl.RTV ••• SEWING MACHIMIS tn• crpts, drps. Ask about our NOW LEASING! No pets. Sl40/mo. 536-3507 NEWLY dee. Furn nn, Laguna Bea.ch. 497-1686. Deluxe 2 Rm oflice suite, "
TRA.ILl!R PARICS '°5! MUSICAL IHSTRUMEM1 rus d '·-pl -Ce I St 2 BR I ode ttl plex b lh c ta M , IUSIHISS lll!NTAL •NO PIANOS . ORGANS tllf -.-....unt an. -., n er . N f II d ~!ta un't . n m m • . romm. a . OS csa. R I 5999 prlv ba, sep entr. Prkg. $145/ ,t OFFICI! RENTAL •ti• RADIO noe &12-8340 e~, am yan a . 18 Lge patio. king·11ize br, gar Student pref. $[)5 /mo. Misc. enti11 utn pd. Owner 673-6757. •7 INOUSTRtAL PROPl!llTV 1011 r11Ll!VISION 11"5 ---With total recreation club & '-le $225 5364927 642-8.'i::U j
COMMEllCIAL 1"5 Hl·PI a ITElllO :: 2 BR.. I I'll BA I patio, and pre-school. 1, 2, & 3 ··; . 2.ba . dtps 17th & Orange, C.M .. at-~ !.':,~~STRtAL 1tEHTAL :r.: ~=~~R~~c:"'::~l~M•HT .,.. gar. nu. crpt/drps. $150. bdnna trom $150. Nr, shop. $150, BR. ..cpts, , LGE room for \voman SI'ORAGE SPACE for tractive, a;round [Joor. S65 ~
RAlol CHn ,,,. HOIS'I' SUPPLIES ..... AdlL~. No Pets. 275 c . ping golf schools Just just painted. kids ok. ID w/poot & hu-privileges: camper, boat!. etc., Call. • • mo. p ~~T11:".u:G:1tove:s :: ~:::~~R~~J,.., !: Cabrlllo, Open Sat-Sun t-5, south of~ Dleeti Fwy. on pets. ~1548. board avail. Call afte r 6, * 642-6560 * !;4S.3ro!f s .. :
I.AKI ELSINORE Uft M1SCl!LLANEOUI ... or call 544-9681. Culver lJr Irvine 833-3733 2 BR unturn. Duplex, nr 968-2548. 1 E_N_C_LO=SE~D~~G~.,....---,-.-r * N E w p 0 RT ::i~"'. ~~?~~~"'"' :: ~~~n:':~.·~.., :-;:: C & s Speedy Rent•I• PAFlK WE.ST · beach. Adults, 1 child $145. SLEEPING rm., no cook'g, storage. S20. per month. Beacb-modem/dlx offices. ~
ouT °' STATE PROP. '* LUM111 ,,,, I Btt unr. All utll pd. Close APARTMENTS SJ&-764&. 618 Geneva, HB. fDl' day v.ork'g older man. I _,,c~·~U~a~eytl"=~m~•~·~548-<S!O=--·--Air/cond. Htd. ?riv. ba. } ~uo,u:.~~~::,.: ~~~RT ::~; ~1~~:::.~ MATlll:IAU r~ In. $120/mo. Owned and Managed 'by TIME FOR By mo. only $.15. 1543 REAL ESTATE 2400 w. Coast Hwy. j
RIAL ESTATf SERVIC• ,,n IWAl'S '"' t64S Newport, CM 548-ll69 The Irvine Company Orange, O.I. Gentral •DELUXE air-cond oUiee in f ~·it. I!;~~:;:• :: PETS end t.IVESTOCK ·.,~[oiEEL'LliuiliXE'E~t:::'~'=''li"~Ri:.1~~~~~~~~~~1 QUICK CASH STIJDIO, Pvt. en!. & bath; ---------I Computer Center BI d r.
BUSINES$ and ~=~· ••M••AL : ~~Oc:~n ~!:!d B~~s, ~~: E••t Bluff Sl42 THROUGH A :d:~:v; ~1·a:i':tck s~~·: 1 .1_•_•~om_•_P_.-__ rty __ 6000_ -~~:&..filr:~ ~~~sq. -;
FINANCIAL :::,, = ;A'<!d».!"'~":C· l~l4~5'"m:!''"'·~546-5~1£3~.~J---------1 DAILY PILOT M6-5607. $81,000 5 ROOM SUITE, Corona del ~: 1us1Ml!IS WANTfD ,. Ltv••TOC• .. .:..... COLLEGE o , •-rk•·-girl W IL. I H 1Nv1sTMINT 0"""""'1t1'"' utt NOW AU. REDEC. 2 BR. WANT AD v ..... • •• -Y ncomt omts Mar. Storage &. parking. 2 IUSIM!SS OPPORTUNITIES '* CALIFORNIA LIVING N ts d paint· ht pool NEWPORT BEACH Bal. Jal .Kit le 'IV rm. t~le. Priva1e 3 BR residence + (4) be.. 1080 Bq ft. Ground floor. r :;:~M:o"'lo~:NTEO :: ::~,.:~~:•HOU :: a~l~~/~ ::~ S135. '642-95al' VIiia Gran•d• Apts. '"'==========S-=TO=mo=="-="=P=· =·75-J61=='=·='-2 bednn apts. Est. gross Ph. 67H'l57. \
.. Hou1t1 Unfurnished
Pt!llSONAI,. LOAMS ''" PATIOS "" BONUS ARRANGEMENT $750 Furnished. Five bed.1· monthly income SJ.010. 356 E. ~.
J1WEL11v LOANS '"' .1.wH1Nos .,,. rooms & den, ""ith balconies Fountain Vallty 5410Fountain Vallty 5410 alth St., Costa Mesa, Build· Downtown Hngt Bch
COLLATERAL LOANS UH VACATICNI .,. 2 BR, 1613 Santa Ana Ave, lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiii~i Remodeled Office, 1 blk fo • tlNlll:AL ,... 11 .. ",~.~\!,',',•T~~"-s !: TRANSPORTATION Sl:.O/mo. Crpls. d rps• above ~ PatX> below, Grae· • -er &4:Z-4905. ocean. Lindbo...,. Co. 536-2579 t' • --·-54'°'1'1 Kl lou1 living & quiet &WTOUncL Alto Triplexes • $57 500 ·• OITA MEU. ,,; MOtill'I' WAWTID f,)lt IOATS • YACHTS :: ~love/rel. .,..,... • or lng1 for family with children. ----'---'-''---I 30Q.600-1XIO tq, ft.
:I :::: e:~o:-" .Pit ANNOUNCEMENTS i~~:~~!uisw11:s tt.11 2/7279. Near Corona del Mar High 5'~ "OWNER. Ill" • must sell. OFFICES, $60-$9Q.$180, J
Col.LIO• PAIK J11t •nd NOTICES , stt••o-stc• 10ATS "*' EAST sldc • 2 hr, 1% ba, SchoOI. Flrepla-. ••-t bar Beaut 56 Space Mobile Home C01ta Mesa. 64&.2,.,...
JllWl"OllT Sl"ACM 12" O <• ''I l4ft 80.l.T T11AILER$ Oflllf' d bl! -~. " •• e p rk -'th t d' -:,.-,==,,...-~~~-~~-,! } ~·~ORT MOTS. 1211 ~0~:0 ,.. ' .... , 80.tT MAINTINANCI -ftJJ crpl.s, rps, ns, .-.:Ul ., & bullt.·ln kitchen applianc-a ... new II u JO .,,..._. • SHARE nicely furnished '
,I "'•WPORT SNORl l !..2?! ....... ,, ..., IOA1 LAUNCHING nu pool. No pet3. 646-6610 •t1'ght .. -.·de ··-~·-homu tor OWT'll!r. Valuable t I J' tAYIHOllES ~-.,, •• ,,,, -·· W.RIME EOU1P, "" es. " I r WJ.lW"lt' 0 lier !Ute, has everything.
WlltCLIFI' n. llllTHI 1411 -. Re mooo dn, submit trade. . . UJ mo. ,_,,, •• I OOVEll SNDlll Jn1 ,. OUNC "' ..... 80AT SLIP, "'~•11111 t1>6 LRG. 2 Br, pool . $15.5. Conve-ished or fornltu~ p<=..... ~ C2 frontage for e,'(pa.nsion, C ~f $'~/ .~ •1-
rlt~~l.llSITY PARK = :~~·~~;UAll't :::~ :ff! ~=~~I~~ = ~c:ns':r:.~ E. l:~: 83S~~~~Se:'n~r ,._"&,'ml la. Wally McCOy 675-0116, • 2 smf.)I !.Xl"C"Ut1ve OHices, jj
&ACK SAT "" FUNE.Al 01•1cto1ts t414 ,.IMtlNO SD.•TS ... C i\I ~ ' • oun t .... A. UNITS . N fUrnillhed. Sl20/mo. IA.ST ILU,.I' lllO fLOl!IS'S .. ,, IOAT MOVIMO .... .. . . Jl.fana1ing Agent ,,,., 11 rn ewporl ~
II .,._ 21M CAllD OJ" TKA,HU ..,, IOAT STORAGI Mee £.SIDE studio • 2 br. l'ii ba, Heights area. 7 Single hses
1av1H• TP•Atl ~= ~~::r~~1~Ts ::: 101rs wANno :: crpts, drps. bltns, dshwsht.f-,,e,.-,N=E~W"'D=E~L~u=x~E""'e::-i )Jediterronean Style Luxury 1. a 4-Plex in a court, oU N~RT office• crpt A-~:~ DSL ~ ~· CIEMl!TlllT CllYPTS .. ,. A,,1tt.~::"~1SSOHS I &L>-2939 the st. 8 )'Ml. old. Aaking '"""' ocean vie••· from S75. U."t' ISUMOI mt CR•MATOlllll ..,. .,.. C!nc gar. 3 BR, 2 BA Apt for lease. $175.,000. By Ownr. Call c..i1 owner aft 6, 6r~.
i I ,
I , LIDO tSLI .Hl1 :~~~:~~L PARKI ::'~ :g;~~· H:.~~S = Jl.10DER.N 2 Br, crpts, dtps, fncl 1pac. muter anri!e, din J a 2 Bed.rooms.-2 Jladll ~ or ~.
•.t.,LBOAllLMO "" , ''''''' ••n 11cvcL1s "" GE kitchen. enclo1td nn "-dhl--"e,au"•door .... alt •L~g / · •IWl'OllT WIST JlU AVIA IOlol ... l!LllCt•1c CAii t'tJt • ....... "" lUI a.nw C I I < -tUNTINOTOM •e:ACN :a.... TRAYIL "°' MINI lllCfS ,...._,,,. garage, '"U' bua. $140. opener avail. Pool le: Rec. Fu.ralsbecJ • u~ lu1lnn1 Rental '°'° ommtrc • 6GIS f ~u~~~ZO:A~:::ou• :;: :i'-0T;::~~=:~!~~" :::: :g;g:~~::Rs Adul,Lir1 120 E. 20th. a.tta, • r-~ 1 ,.AL e1ac" >O• LIOAl Morie.as '°' ~UTO 11av1c11 a PA•n ..... • 2'BR TOWNHOUSE, cpls, • FnOM $265 • ..... • Sl'ORE BJdg tor ale I ~~:-.·.,,~ := Slli~Ce DIRECTORY' f&,1~.'._":'~~~Et•u 1"· fft• frplc. gar. alto 1 BR. Apt 86S Amtaos Way, NB • m.A-.lwr "-.. I ":,:Ot!:-VD 211~t= &116-69& w 19th SL Bethel t
:::i:•.J:""n = !~~~:r~':."s•1tvtee !: ~:~':."'s. """" 5 call 548-1674. wn.~~ t'O. : ~'-;::':, ~ ~ Blvd. CM. S200 mo. year'• Towers comer. MS-1768 act. i
•••fMtHIT•• Mlt APPLIA1'1rl RIPA••~ pan. "" Jl1rs ''" DE4UX Lge now 2 BR, cpts, • a.-1 c...,. • • ~~.... ltue. 54&-0m. ,
M1nw.1.v cm •1• Arr1tAll11•11 aa CAMI'••• .,,. drpe:. bhns, patio, garage, TNHSE. 2 br, 2\.i ba. bltm:, • ·-~ -~.... , "' ==========I Industrial R..,tal '°" I ': JI.MT& A"A N«tGMn l6JI ASPHALT. OM' 611' CAMP•ll ltl'WTMJ. tstl d!U -~~ f I tlo ··-~ ~ -.._ ' .,,.__ . COUT"L me A1tcttn1:cru•AL. sr1tv1c1 '52S ouM1 1uo•1u m1 nr Wett · <>•-MN· rp c. pa • ~ gar, ,_ Office Rent•I 6070
uoVMA •••CM '* Au 'o 11t1PA11t• "'" 1MP0111t10....vT01-... u1 Amlp Way SU-5033 NU Slater AYeDoe I ~... : ' UOUllA lllOUl:t tt11 AUTO, kU k1tt. T-. lk. 6l4t SPORT C.All Nlt I Bedroom. Ad ta. ' .... \V.ANTED: 8.)' Nov. ~th ~ ::~·~:i~, ~ .~:;1:.Ui::.-H•Hct : ::~~~:~Lc'tJ:f' ::~ • c!f1&.lis:-01M • Corona lftl Mar 5250 ~'!,&:"'.""ir.J! L--.-LARGE oUlott. 6 room suite, 650-800 aq, tt. Comm. or ,
"'" JUAH CAPtaTllAMO #U llll<k, MAtDNIY, elG. ~-AUTO ....... Tl ffU • n 11it ,.i.::..,=-.i:: I $89:; mo.. air, carpttt, Tndust'J •pace for ofW.t f
CA· 1~1 ••11! ....... , .. l~t 1ua1M1"SS Slll'YICIE5 ..Ul· A\ITOI WAWflD ::. i"""Wl.G 2 '" l nr. cpl! 8A(.1{El.OR, c bar m In' . ~ paneled, Bench Blvd. ex· Printl11r ~. Send in-J-~
._ ... __ 11:0,,1•1,L,.---n... iuiL01:u., · " .. '~,, .. • ... ,0i.c,Ap,---,1-----"'' f-wn; o"k~ 1998-·NO':'J J~~i!~IO~.!~!!!ll~li~oc~L ]"~'~o~··~· ~Sll~!_!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --nl"!, wtU-• ~ bd f v·1 lt ~:--rormauon 11 Box p----• .Ull"UJW Ufll'U•., :S ~~~~:'mt"e-··-···-... use• CA. "" M'1"p1e. CtJ.6344. r;rlear 675-$>44, 14l-364l M'i.1525. Dally Pilot, CM. • ~ ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~-. I
' . "
1J1 DAU.t PILOT • WtdMili.1. De-7, 1'10
Joloo Moll. w ..... 7100 l!~o~ .. ~ .... ~·~·~I ~~8~tli·~nd~NO~Tl~Cl~S~~~~11~nd~. ~NO~T~IC~·5·~~~~ c:e-. c-..... -Hovllno -............ ~ --.... ...,..m. ..... ~ IMwltr'41 Rent•I .... M:tUM""*'" 64ltAu1J111.1MefMftt1 '411 CUSTOM CONCRETE 1'.N.T. Lav.n Service. · Applle.,,.._
PATIO.DRNES-ETC. Garqe ~p11. h.aullnl I: PAINTING, neat II. nllab · $1ERVICE CINTIR ~:,~.~ =""'=="=-"=""'=-'='·==·=<l=-»>=-1' ~.k;°vlnc. 541.s11s, ~°'; .. ~frff est. lmployment Aeencv ii::.i·.""'· Mr. Bullard -WANTED Cantr.-.-"20 2"""'•°"M°'B"'1T"'1ou=s---=,,.,,,...., .. :::,o,l "YOU""'"'SUP=P"L"'Y"'l1l=c"""PAJNT="1 Sklit,. ~.!'ii., :.::===---'= b.avt truck wUI haul~ SlO...Pu_A.~nse ltoom. DON'T PINCH
EW bldl .. 1318"' 23111 n, OVERWEIGHT LADIES *THE REMODELERS * <l•u '"""'·up. diJ>.""' !>ff Eat. ~1-. MO-l0c6 Cltrlcal Mr Baker a: Fairview, 1 YT Ette elts -100,;; flnaDctn& ell. 833-GS'1l EXP'"'"' .... 1 .. 11_ J terlw _,.,...nltn1I kiue. Sullivan. SQ..,21'ffi !Otcbtm.: 1ara1e1 . ~ni .,......_ .. n "'•••ment1
carpatte C11.tr1p·lete Y.4RD/Gar. ClutWp. a:Exlaior.Freeedima!a.
Lets 61ot For. wei&ht red~ng program to e1tabli1b Remodel1JI&:. Remove treea, tvy, tmh. Ba: J Palntlna: m-7W. Hel!!n ScllafJer 644-4981 :.::.:::...-------! s tatistics for rapid permanent welaht Jots, 'Quality Cantn.cton M~ Grade, backhoe. 9fD..IT'5. Painthlc inter A: exter, 500 Newport Center Dr Na
• WANTED·t:m"5 conducted by Qualified phyalcal culturiats. MY WAY qullb'r-homt TRASH I< q&rage clun-Up, i 25 & room + ma.tf!ri&ll {~Ir. F@e PotltiOfu)
to build Apt '· . Must be a ~~um of 20 pgunds over· ttQllr.._W~'-.SflJ!g.~ '7 da)os. i10 • load. FrM eat. * 66-2503 * ·
, . _ <;ASH . . -Pll _ weil[!!\ hlV• transportation and_~n.oJ _<!!!:...... ''" No · • too 1mal( lm-.C'4..""" · >tcAdaml Pal!>lil!C_Serv. -ASSEMILEIS "~te ~~~·~~ii~~ renUy Under Goetoi'S care. All iriquiries com· Slj...l4M , MOVING;-C:arap clean·UP" tnler. "Eifu. Spicli1 rafii A ble _ ..... ted 1 1 t
Bl '.. N .•• ' · pletely confidential. ROOM J.dditloos. 11: 2 atoey lite hauling. Reuonable. on Qts. 6t& 3US ~~ ... M> ,c r cu
\'U, · • Fre · Umate f6..U02 --.n.i eompcmea • l'OW*'" • 1ar. call Gen. O>ntnactor e ea •· ' FOR your pa!J;IHnc blHa It BUpp!l@a pl\11'-ln ~ls, wtr-
Acreage '* ASK FOR MISS POWELL -531·5414 lor lowe1t price f42..29a. HAULING & CLEANU, ttpatn btim ftoon to doon, in.I: JW.neu Work with
GEN'L ttmodelin& A: maint. $10 a lnad * Ml-:i93f call Paul 55T-7'55 amall hind ioots. Me~-For Acreace In Oranre C:O. -----------------No job too small. u_. 1 .._ 67 .. * l'Al'illHANGllt * cal ••xt•rity riq•""'· llanla ltealty Loot '401
Call 6U-65GO ~llSSING -Female Siamese l ·a=u~S~IN,;.;E;::S;;S:.:a:.nd~'---1 Blu PL wearing clear Jlea collar, crook in tail. ()c.
FINAN.tlAL casionally off· b a J a_nc.e ,
lalmlttl.. IHI
Llc'd/imured. 6T5-1183 ,_sec •an... -Prole11ional. ltS-2449 c.an Industrial Mlatlo,-.
Add\U""' * a.moddini * l'Al'lltHANGING !n41 ""'"" Ge-• • Son, U<. . • PAINTlNG. * .... ,.,, TELONIC 8.!!:~~w h:"'s!~ 673-600 * SG-n7o ~nm:=~= p I ti . INDUSTRllS
Diero .D')'. Mn. 8dJord. Carpet.CleMlnt-MU cloned Qualib" .ftvice b1 •" "'' ---~ S.lldl -549-1333.. proJ~ Janitol-.. Master Ri1Nlr Equal ~partunity Empl(l)"l!r
(You're Not Dreaming)
But You Con •
Needs medlcaOOn. l.olt vie
titonte V"l.Sta I: Santa Ana.
Large ttward. 642-7604. MO'IHER Would like to care D~:~anln& Charre accepted. "6-8096. * PATCH PLASTERING ·ASST. APT. MG'
for your child In lovely H.B. ~-•'In .........._ ..,._1 Al.I types. Frff esttmates llUU. + •~ /\AA Black Lab, ans to "Lobo''. home. Fene'd yd, hot "Ml' _.. • •..-.: L:I • Ca.JI 50'8Z ~ _,..,
C.ANDY AND SNACK Lost 17th &: Irvine C.M. Re-luncbe1, any a,a:e, 55T...Jl66. hpe.il'-InsWL 640-13l?. HOUSE OF CLl!AN Couple to be ust, mzn. 300
SUPPLY ward. Return From The WILL TENO CHLDRN. MY sn;.ut: Jet carpet cluniJ;w· DOES EVERYTHING ,lutnltlftl "91 Units in prestill' area. Slime PINCH YOUR
WE ESTABLISH Farn1. 543-9455, 6(2.{)8.11, HOME DAYS. By ClarKatt, nation.~ Omun'l &: Res. Oeanlns exper. req'd. Call Miss Bttty,
ALL ft.OUT ES 493-1648. * CALL 645-069 * service. Frl!e est. 642--405.;. 642 L ... 4 DRAINS J1uaed ! DnfDinl ~7.&1.Z\ Abigail Abbot Per-
CNO SELLING INVOLVED) M.in female dachllie w/coUar, ..... ak>w? ExJtertly cleaned $9.. sonnet Aaency, 2t.o \V. \Var.
Plan one •. , ••••• $975.00 under medication. Lo&t on ~ly .:~I~n'f:~~: area C1rptf 1L1ylna & WINDOWS 4 walls wuhfd. 24, hr lel"V. ~ _ ~r, Suite 211. Santa Alla.
?lan twc> •.•••••• $1625.00 Monrevista., btwn Santa Ana * ~2106' * R~ r "2' Fin, 11ripped, ll!aled &: PLUMBINC REPAIR ATPE;JbA.NT. 2 f'U1l. t1me
Plan thret: •.•••. $3250.00 & Tustin Aves. Reward. ABYS-JNG ho CARPIT LAYING waxed. Ftte est. 89'7-i&'.W No Job too amall -.1 , ,._, .... Ca1h Required. ExC1!1.lent in-548-3666 B 1 11 My me, hGt day or ni&;hl 67l-3090. • lt2-312I • men, dPlr. A"'.y .._..,_
come-for a few houn ~ek-REWARD For lost dark lunch, fenced yd, I.Ill.a ot C.A. Pap 642-20'10 WOULD YOU BELIEVE 24 HR JILUMBfNG Chevron, 60t So. Coot Hwy,
Jy work. (Days & EvenllJ8.1>· sealpoint Siamese kitten. TLC. 56-27!9. EXPERT J'll Clean Your Home ior I. REMODELLING Lquna Beach. 4M-n40.
Refilling and collecting ?.ieredith Gardens area. Sm, WILL sit for child 3 yr1 & CARPET INSI'AU.ATION' Blue Chip Stamps. 537..s64f * AVON OIM'S *
money from coin operated very thin, ansv.·a to older, Mon /Fri, Playmates a: REPAIR. .-.. ~2: 8SU103 PLUMllNG RIPA.IRS FOR CHIRISTMJ.S
dispensers in Coat&. /.tesa '"Eloise". aft 4:?.0 962-7497. It yard, Rsnbl. 64&-0TM ES.ctrical 6640 z WOMEN, efticient, for 1; Iruitall. 56-6688 ARE:
and surrounding area. We \VILL babysit, my borne, l1e a joy tD five, a joy lo
establish route. (llandles SHAGGY Daisy type dog, fncd yard, nr BayYSew schl. -·--housecleanln1. Q.t area. uceivl!, an e\~n grta.ter joy
namf' brand candy and male, hblktil< wbt uW'!:J It S<ls.-0194. ELECTRIClAN. Small jobs, 548--1227 RernNeflnt a tD nil. For lull inform.atiOn
gnackJ.) For pef'90n&l inter-Ian, w t P on ta , .. ~ u, RELIABLE mother \\"ants to mailltenanec Ir. re P a i r 1 . Bay le Beach Janitorial Repair 6NO call
',_ In Costa Mesa area,, ;;R:;w~•·:'""';::'c..~;,1,c.cNB=:.-613--=503=1 bab lt On ....,~ St CM 541--sm Crpt.s, windows, noon ete. 5'&-534.1 54!>-700 --00 ol · YI . ..._.t .• . a. • Comm'\ ""1111 LESS rnAN '9 SQ, IT. send name. address and SILVERY Si9.mese. m e, 5'&8--3988. "'5 ncs. • · ::__, • FJW plu llUYicf:, add~ BABYSI'Iii:( Reliable, lcn'
phone number to MULTI-stripe, bl:u eyed. wht Dea CHILD Care in my home. l'loon Mesa Cleantnz iXl.,,•Cf: pr. convthiorls. LittMed. 3 lirlt (S, 3 I: l), Pomona
S T A T E DISTRIBUTING, co 11 . \Vestminsterl17th. Fenced back yard, warm Carpel,, windows, floors, etc. 30 )'"Uni in borne bldJ:. P.h: School aret., CM. Mon HIN
INC. 1681 West !!:d(wnay<l' ~ meals. 50c hr. 64i.os29. LICCARPETCONTR.VJNYLFREETILEEST Ru & Commc1. 541-4lll 982--0740 Ftj. 8 to 1 or I to 5:ao.
Anaheim, Calif . ..,_., LOST: t Yr. male Samoyed. • ~7672 after 6.
77&-5060. Reward for info leading to ~ Coll~';:~~r ~ * 540-1'62 * lreni,. 6755 RMfi"I "50 *BABYSITI'ER . tn m 'I
ORANGE JULIUS -tranch.ise &./or return of same' bus stop. 54&-1695 Oanlening "80 IRONING don& in my hGme. LEE ROOF1NC co· P.oofina home, Mesa del Mar area..
l equip. pAid. Seats 19 •. food 894-t9l.O CHILD ~ in my hOme, You pick up and deliYt:r. repe.in:, Col.tint' or all Call after 5, 55-9630.
"''indow. GroSA $26,000, F/P 11 WK pup, pt Beaa;le, fem, Jenced yd ho I Excellent work. $1.2.S per types Llc a: bonded since {X) SU AN1
$9,500. Will accept 2nd. Good ta.~wht neek ~ paw 1. ?.fesa Verd~ are!. ~~;· AL'S GARDENING hour. Newport, ec.ta Mesa 1941 · n4/642-i222 • BE AU T Y N LT S
10 . family buline!a. Owner lovable. 1011, v1c: Harbor for Gardetllnc A .mall land-area Phone fi4~1 ' -needed by General Foodl to
h ,,.,, 998'1 Greens Apts CM 545--1740 BABYSJ'ITING ln my home, sca-1 .. -suv:ices call 54Q.5191 • BEFOJlE you buy,· call T. ttach makeup artistry. WW moving norl .....,.. ' · ' .,...16 IRONING, i\fy hGme. $1 hr. Guy 1'bolln• Co. R.ecovtr train. Exec. -..1tron a.val!. . LARGE Calico cat lost SIJth Colla Mesa. days Mly, Servlne Newport. CdM, C. D akin ~ AU Ii ...,...
Money to Loan 6320 L: Seashore, N.B. -Gerey se-8931 ti Me11a. Dover Shore•, S4~~;L i era ona. spec. 6f5....2Tm, 548-9390 ~~s~ ~~RD 005-
ic _ _ _ Reward. __ • ~ .BABYsrrnNG... ~ ,,borne, W~tcUP •. -• ..... _ -IRONING 1 hom 15c S•"""" a•-· ·
1st TD lo an FLUFFY black kitten wear-Costa Mesa area_ Day or AL'S Landscaping. Tree piece for ~me e· "& -.=r ·-. . -fflW ,. BE-AUTICIAN ."'!.!
.-ing flea collar loat near~ nltht. Infant.I OK. fMi-6299. . renioval. Yard remodelinr. 646-'1082 EUROPEAN-Fashion.trairild dlenlele, ln Newport 111_,.
Sr-'. INTEREST & 1'118itin. ReWard. ~ NEWPORT Hel&hts area, lge Trash ha.uline lot Cleanup. oUen her talenta i n area. Ntw shop, Lklo. Com--2nd , TD Loan ~~v!eyt181~ i;. c~~ runch~ xl~~=· Mt'21~ J:a~mkle~=~~~-, IRO~N:t~r~~ME ~~=ft~~,:=~ ·~~ o:irn>~. space.
baSed on equity cash reward. SU.7659 Llc'd Day care, '7 am to 5:30 prdenine ll!Nicf:I, Call for reuooable. Simple ~ Be B Tllil 545-G611 LOST Bro~ German pm v.1tly. Hot meals: Hat-free estimate. 548-7951 or J1niterial 67'0 $1l &: up, skirts no ~ tty Not
'42--...... %1 ..,... Shorthair pointe.r vie Harbor bor/Ba~r 546-1~. 546--0724. 673--1U9. m l Serving Har""'"' &tta ,3••• ' CLEANING Service, lnc. SOMETHING~ -Custom •
S•ttler Morttago Co. " Adams, CM. ~ Brick. Masonry. JAPANESE Gardener' Floors, windows, janitorial. dressmakinJ. Design your t~~ xec Mon•::~::: s1ree~350 '=:::.'.~1~.~l. a:C *BLOCK* sro': ~-=:,••· ~cl':':'i: ~:~::~-· .. ~ QU~~f~~=: .Agenc'I
By the hour after 5· 30 NEW Lawns, re-seed. Comp! .,...,
w ANTED: Private party to Personals '405 M2-l!M8 * 645.-0r;,1 lawn care. Clean up by jOb NEW LAWNS,-=:... • .,i,., ~;,,edbo.· ,,_0 "'K•""'Y ~.nc. 1, •• tlO \V. Coa.at H\\'Y., N.B.
By i.ppoint. Ml-3938 Joan us $4000-$Ei0l) at 10% 00 or mo. Free est. For Jnlo ... -_.,.,. ... u::.. ..-., ..,
$13,COO provable equity in *FULLY LlCENSED * BRICK, block, stone. Patloe, 891_2417 or~-roto-tlllnn&. renovatinl, On.nae Ave., CP.f. MS-llt2 I ~~~~~~~~=~
our hOme. OUr present 2nd Reruwned Hindu Spiritualist entrance ways. No job too clean-u)), 13i -2 417 or Alteritions _ '42·5145 I \tr BOAT CARPEN'f'Eli i,
.ii due M&l'Ch 1, 19n. We Advice on a11-mattffs. small. 6f6..7825. GEN. Clean up-Tre e a: M&--0332. •. -Neat, accurate, 20 yeU. up. REFINISHER. Penn. job
v.•ill pay a points or? We Love, Marriage, Business Sprinkler Serv. Rototill, w/frlrce berteflta. LAKt
can get aU we wlllll at 10 Rttdings given 7 daya a C•ltlnetm1kfnt '511 New laWDI. Sprayin&". Reu. Limousine Service 6115 Tiie, Cerllftlc •t74 ARROWHEAD MAR.IN .A
pts. so what will you offer? week. 3 AM -9 PM Fine Cabinets &: Shelvin& 1..:6t&-63!8,:::..:::,::::..· -~~--~ <n4) 3S7·Sll.
ll you don't have-rmney 312 N. El Camloo Real, ROTOTILIJNG, Trees and Airport:., Harbors e Ceramic Tlle Work or IOYS T GlltLS
'now. but expect it before San Clemente * 494 • 0602 * shrubs removed. new lawns. ,__ ..., __ ttri"" ft.tu Free a ~•" ...,~• Anyw•on·c. .r-...,;i • • ! :t-t-n contact us ~. 492-9136, 492-00'16 Free est. 5'8-5924. Rates, 4<r a mile. ]I.tin. 20 est, 536-2426 Urn m tak!nr orders at
ANNOUNCEMENTS HAVING A BABY? Carpantorln1 '590 ''""''"Gori!'"''· Exp. mi-.. ""' ,.,._ 830-240I. ___ ........ -Chrutmu "'" trom '°"' -~ml ·NOTIC&S -· Need a "cfib";l>lif·-pen;11r.-····--·-·-·-·-·· ····:~ --General·~=··Haulins· :::=:::::::=::::::,,.==l:r.r ... S.~Jca . ____ .,,tU ·gfJii'M;T?i~~~ ·
d .... -cha.ir tor your new addition! CARPINTRY i =~~...c...--=-.,--MAID SERVICE 6l2J hit'• TtH Sur .. ry tor more intonnatl~n. found (frff A 1) -Don't buy it Rent it! MJNOR REPAIRS. No Job EXP. Jape.ne11t Gardener. 541).3198 *
UNITED "R.iNT ALL Too Small. Cabinel in aar-Gen, cleanup. HaulinJ trees. C 1: S MAIDS AVAIL. im· * BOYs-stll "Trick or Treat"
Si\tAU. Female shaggy dog. 7lO \V. 19th St., Costa ?.lesa &g!!I It o I h e r cabineta. Maint. yard 646-GGllt. mediately. Re re re n c e • , Uphelstery "" c&ndy. Make rood money,
Lost for approx 3 \Yks. * 645-07fi0 * St5-817a II no answer leave GARDENING & La.Dd~ 642-9873 or 60-8814. win priie1 I: help ~
Lool'ou~~ lvik0_~ REla'!,~!.,,.An~: e MALE & F_EMALE iz1~-~ .. 646-2372. H. 0. in& Prunin1-Trimming "Loca.l gtr~ wants to clean p••n.fBING _ALL TYPESt•"'•hool.--6t2-<J803==·,, ... ..,·=-~I nu ... ...._.,. ""' ,.,,........... Remvating 54&-63J9 aft S a.pt.a&. pnv. hGmes. Gd ttl'a ...._.n 24 Hr Service 1:
Mendosa, C.M. a40-9l69· ·~a!i'a~: ~v~~: REP""0AIRS=;;;-_-.:--:A"LT"ERA""''°·· hJ:;AP;:AN~E;;_;;;SE:;.-:;;G.,aC:r':'d,-e"n;_-;;:,~, &: reas. rates! 64i.-1724. FREE EsrIMATES
GREY Striped, yng. cat. SepC..te Sauna's for ladies TION~ * CABINETS. Any Servi«. Neat work. Cleanup \Vater hl!aters $6) llwtall ~1ale, w/white rollar. Vk:: It gentlemen. 10 AM-12 AM, size job yd. maint. 968-Dll P•lntlnt, Garbqe dilpo9e.J $45 install
Goldenvoest It Warner. HB. 7 days. 17434 Beach Blvd, 2.1 yrs exper. 543-6n3 Com1tl• .. Yird (ar•l P1perh1n1lnt 6UO >.LL RATES ft.EASONABLE
847-2386. H.B. Ph. 847-7879 ROOFING JIM 540-4837 ---------!Call Jim Glenn 71.4: O...-ens
WIU. party who c~ed ALCOHOLICS Anonymous_ It All lIDmt Improvements. CLEAN UP SPECIALlST No Wasting St., H.B. 536-aiOI.
96Z-751H on Mon. lnqtu~ins: Phone. 542-7217 or write to F'Ne Ellt. 5.36-loa9 New fence " repair. Mowinc * WALLPAPIR * CZYKOSKI'S (C.y-ko&-kty)
about f 0
1u n d -~.~~nred P .o . Box 1223 Costa ?ttesa. REPAIR, Remodel Ir. patio&. &. edging. Reas. 5f81955. When you ca.n "Mac" CUstom Upholatery, 1131
grey ca.LP ease ... ,... "6 .... • Let the Swede do 11. CLEAiUJP 548-lt« 646-1711 Newp ort Blvd, Of. s~tALL while shaggy dog, Announcements 6411 494-785.l or 673-6417 Hou•~s. ~·-, ho a 11 , &l:l-1454.
poodl r
oo -::::==::;=:=== N.inor landscaping. 962-4914 ~ ""'""" '~=~~=~=== may be e. ou ---------f l agpolea, anytln t JOIS & IMPLOYMENT Fair-.·iev.', C.M. 546-3752 ~11SSlNG -Female Siamese Cement, Concrete 6600 l:J.50 Hr. Weeding, cleanin1, ... everything reasonably
Sl\1ALL mixed lerrier, found Blu Pt, v.·earin.g cle~r .uea i--------paintina:, etc. Ex per· painted .. For free estimate JM W•ntW, Men 7IM
1011/70 Harbor View Hills, collar. crook tn tail. Oc-CONCRETE, All typea, Free I ="':=II•:=•:''=· :'•:;hn=::, GtG-==954=8·== I 646-9732. TOP V\" mech. --~ d•-,
CdM. 644-5937 casionallyo_lf -.balanc~. 1 Sa · b k' h ul \· ·~ wv•~ -1 ~ 1,;~;.::c:.;:=.='°"',-:::;:;;. :I Needa med1cahon. Lost v1c es· wing, tea lfll, a -°*1Mr•I Strvlctl "82 FALL M day !!pecialt Inter. will fix tour VW at nite, any
VERY young black It while tifunle Vi!ta &: Santa Ana. ing, It Sklploadlng. Service & Exler painlina. Fn!!e Mt. mech. problem, ask 1or
puppy found Avocado Sl, 1 ard S4:Z...7ti04. A: quality. 548-3668 Bob l.Dcal refs. Llc'd l Ina. J .B., 5'8-7¥6, anytime. l._<:C:!·'~t.,'_6!!'2~_,~m~-.,-7'-:7::-::llcCOTTO~A'll~'~NN'""~T~-s~hirt~·(Cfroabric· ;:sf11:i.4i.9/i I CEMENT Work of a.11 kinda. RAIN gutters Ins t al I ed. <C~a!!ll~Ch~"~'k~._16t~;.0809~~· ==l°';'~:;;'";=j=''===
• h I k l l" F l Raiey M!UOn her:e 900n. ...: 1-L. w ·-· GREY v.· Le d L'k I Id CM Kni .. 1.... tee es · -1 INT. or EXTERIOR _.. an~,
h. collar 401 Y , i ea o • . ,..,1&, 636-0314 Free est Reas! ~22()8 ' 7020 wit inesione · American Knits. 2026-A N. PAINTING. Loe. 'Ref. li\1-Wemtn
sunflower Ave, Santa Ana. Tuslin, Orange. 637~Z>. DECORATIVE CONCRETE NEED typin1 done? We l\IEO Service . Freei---------
BOY'S bike found vie Beach DRIVES -\VALKS • PATIO can do. Speedy. accuratt, estim1te1. 646--0210 ORANGE Coast Col.Jest rtu-
&: Talbert, ll.8. Jdentify. Cemetery Lats 6411 CAJ...L DON, S.~4 reallOnable, f46.-423I. I~fMEDtAT!: Est. on quality ~tn~ e=1~~~:
347-3862 * CONCRETE v.'Ork: patlc)s, Ed'1 Cleaning Servltt ~tv l u~ paintiq. Apll, all d&" 'Mtllnd•v A: Salm"·
BICYCLE 2 PLOTS reuonab!y prlced drvwaya, etc. LI c en 1 ed. Carpets • Upholstery • Win-homeR ar Just ll room. Jack, d•" Cati Brian~
P.1esa Vmte &J'ell at Harbor Rest, Costa Phillips Cement , 5U-63l(I do.,,,.':. Floor Care. S45-M87 8374911, (7131 430-2866. ._.
Call 54G-l283 aft ;, :\lesa.. 543-5013 alter 5. EX.PER \\'aman '==="'-'~n:::=:-.:·;;;:;I Norman Harlin ?.!ORE Concrete patio for Ed'a Cleaninr Service PAINTING -E~l-lnt. 11 yn. CompanKln, driver, J i&h t
SIAMESE or . Burma k1tten.1-::=~======-==o) less money. Arti!tic tettin&". Carpets -Upholstery • Win-exper. Ins. Lie. Free est. hsekttpin&:
wht paws, .,,tLite apt. Vic. of Auctions 6QD Lie., call ?.tax at 644.·0637 00\\-S _ Floor Care. 545-0t8'l Accoust. Ceilinp, ~91'8. 6t2-57'74
Slaler Ir; Newland. 847·1~ =========..:_===================);;.,-;;-;;:=;::;C::-'--;;::::;;:::; AUCTION DAY Comp.mon .. Practical FOUND, Large male Busel ' nune avail. Jor perm. job.
!lound. Owner pleue call VALUESI VALUES! Ex. 1kills &: l'!f'1. Call
642.$.16 before noon. Red .. med p1wn it•ms, Homemakers, 547-6811
OLE' Yellow type dog Jc>uOO Furni1ure 1ppll•nc•1 R. N. desires \\"rk in Dr'•
2600 blk We1t1nin1ter blk •nd impo~lsl office NB or i....runa area.
CM 646-3~ Wed. Ott 7th, 1: JO pm. 67$--066.l
D<Xi, Jtalia.n Greyhound, COAST PRACTICAL nu~ -exp.,
lema.le-. w I oollar, Sai, AUCTION HOUSE ! ! •··-• rood re ., pre M' ~· 546-9723. . 2426 N•wport Blvd, CM area. 6G-OC38.
FOUND lf>-2 Parakeel Vic: look for our We,enl HOUllekee-plng. al.I typt1 ot
18th&: Tu5tin Ave., C.\t Calli======="'== cle.anln:;. Reliable, own trans ~8-98$7. Tutoring '490 541-3324 or 541..asJO
PUREBRED Siamne male t n.urston ~ area, C REDENTl~LED Englii\h ~ .;., Sch ~ Teacher Waht1 to tu\or In
._ .. NL • htr hGm<' in Etlgllsh. Gen
fOUND On Durell St .• fllll Studk1 l. stucb' 1kill1. maJt. -sttY l: '!''bl. 1triptd 54&-8832.
oat. \\'l>llP•-' 541-31S3. SIRVICE DlltlCTOltY
NaMFICATION of b l rtb -
_.. fOllnd .. Far Wyolltint -or. <~I 557-sM.1 art 3:30
FOUND Poodle 1\lhl cokttd BABYsrrrtNG. My home.
vie. of Wanl It: McFadden Mesa dd '-far, CM Ex·
•II to identify m..7291. ctllent play facUJtle1. Good
fi)UND In Meu Venlt fl lunchet. Sm•ll ch 11 d rt n
"tit CJil w/o.il Ott ltp "l\"t'lcomc. Certified teacher.
54&-l:JOOI. !14>--012$.
,... i\liaih, w-. 7100
A Betttr
Temporary Po1HiM
· Im.rim
Per1ennel S.r•ica
44S E. 17th St.. CM
AIRCJWT "' ................
ried, ovtt n, w/loc.J ref"•,
40 hr "''k, tllP req'd. Mission
8ttchcrUt. O.C. Atrport.
>J;rt, near,-d·e p • nClil,'I
\\Om•n 10 ci.a.n ..,artrrMMt. DAll Y PllOT •. -llO!!!r.-Jl!ST WJlllLJ> Jl~tn'0='==--l!'.J..,.''""n,.., -,-"-::-,_ r.umTlhlifel ftlr~ hom'-fnrt or \\ftktnrb.-ynur n...t .,_t bu:)'I l.n lodaJI• hou.e or mlns. c. M.
ClusiDed Ada. ~--'""'-·----------==============~----'M•~~l~2'1~~~~~'·-~~~~~-··
' )
with a
Classified Ad
Any Item Priced
$50. or less
(If rMr• thin 9"• lteM, the nmlt1"MI fetal
cannot a.....i '50.)
-~=----;o_ -_ ~ = ;:=-"" ----
• ~~~~~~~~~~~·W~M<~•~etd'1~,~0c~lobor~~7,~1~97t~~~~~~i!! TIWQPQltT~T~ICIN~~l!TUM~~Sl'Olt~~T:ATJ~ON~ TRANSPOll.TATICIN i,..,~;;;:;""";,.;;+;.:;;.:;.~I c•;:;•.;:;oh;:..;l;:;·,_y:.;_,,:.;:;;'::.;t•o.,..~J·;.:;: ........ lluu• ,_ M1t1rcyc... ,_ Trudc9 ... .... _ ... __
,_ .... ___ • '4' HOUSEBOAT, XI•~
J1' ,.._ --·-u .. -Sl!P·AvelL
,...,.n. ....... 11/t • 5&2Pf * _,._ !1310~...,..,. .......
-...... iilll br'. --------i!Jlt·W<-~ I -. 'ail 1bai11. 1u111t. writ. «?ft Ba. P. 2'11 NB _,_ on.-lM '#CAPTAIN'S -GIG"
l'. ~ Pwliu cat i:tm 'TJC/M5-352T .-. --NOl'=======<I am.DRl:N OR DO GS . Sol-9111 ...... _ ~d '
·~1 .&we •
roR beutHlll'T ., .. old !di· ALL NEW 16'
w. hive a l'XJ(. llDdl" or New
UIO GMC ClJ!tlltr tnleb •
..., -. heat'tha -
ralao. -Camper -... and UMd tNcka.
TIANll!OllT.tlON TllANSPOllTATjoN tlllliSPOitTATIOH ...... ,......... .• ,.,,.,. ..... ~ ,... ............ ~ ,..
' ""'' tMI AutM HOO
.PIAT KAllMANN , GHIA l'~CHE 1--'-----1
'64 l'OISCHI
_ .... ~\)'_ot ............
,___ __ ~-· s1a-0110~::HOllE ~ATS _Spaces..inJlrand _
riilii ....... -~· . .u llLL Cot.ORS cOlon. fl!iill<I .. ..;.,.. l'REE DEMOS NEW 6 * ~t.&-...111 old. 53&-mt llft PrlCea from $1195. "'Inter
•• J"M · 10/9 Racina atar11 IOOlll G::u:~ =: CAP'N EDS --~sr-t w/chik:lrR. -~"· cq. Rwy,~ NS-mt oR1l:c1:'=VES M&.li5lt . 10/9 FER:RO-crment H-28. wittd J--· Olframp form ...1ti ....._ .. i ... • • ..i~-"'~~ '89 Hodaka Ace 100 A '89 1 ,LO. "''bi1't male rabbit re_, --...... ~ .. i&. of Santa Ana l"rwy. Kawuald 90 both dirt ,._
w/liutch • food • 2 haid work comphted. S"'"' 14 • -b.,:n:p.t.ra't...male . l ~ 64&-TBSS ~ 11rttt equipped w/k11 than ·.,,..,...-. ,.,..131011'1-"a.""'IM;:. :.,-=w=11=-.-o4..,.,K"""-,..1.-1 f'llbtdon Models ~; M~~f:f";,.\t D~G~lbilrt hair kittens. ~ -S2"9 acra of tun llV· ~2527. ·
PT.•Sl&nw•.-1 btk, .l all UD0 ·14 · ~\i:utU·ntWlon $ mobUe·I:'::.:=:.....-----
~· MaH.' 644-&l67 10'18 W/HVY Duty Traller home -communlt,y.
FREE ttrrift' pu:p1, Heinz _$900·===,,..,--'""::;;;""::;: -Full time in park KT'-vV!et:Y. female A malea, 1 ";:; vice center. y,a. M6-39"JO , 10/I PHO~fIX Ca~Wood--COntinUOUI lmOI free * '52 WILLYS: 4-\vhl,/drivc. en decl<J, beautiful finish. ocean breezes. % Ton, ,pµ. Nu radiator,
3 Kn':f'ENS 2'whltc 1 calico I $800. 344 11.st, C.M. 548-6660 -Surrounded by moun· reblt-6 eyl ena:. Gd ShQe.
Mobile Hooie Park
F I I /A T '60 PORSCJi,E Cabriolet; 1600
super, witb bard top. New
enauie, qevr clutch, new
tire1, new paint. AM/FM,
just like new, can be llfltn
at :ms Harbor Blvd., or
phone 645-1982, -.......
-· &l•ouninc m<tollk ail'Vtt, with brand new in-
reri<r, chrome wheels, n·
dial -· AM/FM radio, Lie. PXW'982.
wkl G14.' 2 fen\Mea, 1-m&le. SOIJNG tainl 4 oranae P'O'Jes. 646--3167 Jn _,540-2947 . 10/9 7 I t from d' ~. HALF PRICE -m nu ea: · worJ • JEEP 1965, exotllent,. W
PUPPl '1, mo.· old mixed 213-131-2498. , --Btllch lara:est ahopPJ.nc center. ,;· c;==E=E::;=====::::::: I -~ -DA'1'.5UN ' ~· .• ,
549-3031, Ext 6S or 61
--COffrAMESA ·-
rd t _.b ~2,.MSS lp/! ..,.,,.. (Fuhion.Island) 1991 HONDA 1.$)· CC hube:, towbar, top, iooc1
"·' Ti·· · · ···•HOBIE CAT 14 • ,,..Check These Features scrambler. A-1 shape. New titts, J!a.lnt A CWlhlons.
U'IN·-lllwr.lfl ~
,ITS .... LIVESTOCK W/TRLR &. EXTRAS Championship Lawn motor &. tires. $235. $1750. 494-7901 e
, , , $109.i ** 675-1340 Bowlin& Green, Frte car 968-4737. e •57 JEEP F.C. 150 'Ai ton ..,. ~·ISU• -
P · G -• -Wuh. Put tin it Green. • . -ttt,•e... . • 2>' SLOOP • Croquet Court; under-1970 HONDA 350. 1500 miles. P.U. New ena. trans, tires.
893-7566 • .537-6824
NEW-USED-SE RV. .........,..,..
FOK; •'•JJ.W" · i mo, ioJd co!-'\\'ocid keel boat. Sleepe 2. root Shuffleboard, ~-Xlnt. $750. ,-=2'JJ;=·=· ===== ·-~.""I:" 1'1ake otter. 837-7039 closed Therapeutic Pool, (213) 592-5221 -"Leaderin .. TbeBeacbCities" '69 Flat 124 Cpe ·~: ~~. 111: Power cru1 .. ,. to20 = ::,:; ~ '68 BULTACO 256 cc. Gd for C.mperl 9521 ZIMMERMAN Eltotic ml with black vinyl 7~~; ·stt-2163. Room, Boat' a: Tr&ller street or dirt. Extras. $595. u-w ,71 ..__.___ 2145 HARBOR. BLVD. bucket serlu. Low m:lles, hat: 1='========121· Doral, ~tm made, 2 yrs Sto~ Area, Lovely 540-Sl98. "9 l'VQ9ll ·540-&411 . had excellent care Sacri-
,o..;:..;'l:.• ______ 112_H old. Just completely . ~~mts allowed '59 NORTON~ twin, .ex-l6!XIOHC,P1ckup wltheam~ 'L7 D t lice! (XLY235) Take older
•• aVerha.uled.lofakindboat, -Ima~e a11 thl1 f~m cellent condition, ,450. ·er. Sale price ~ dlr. . .. a-SIHI car In trade. Will finance =· .:
':;.~: ~~!: boahead, c~.4· zttat $11.SO per month 540-fi147 <• 438273) Will take cir ln Bi& 8'du. Liaht bbJe exter-private plll'ty. Call Pat dlr. ~--••· i. _,.._ __ ~·-.11•1"'• t ~~aver 50 14851 Je.ttrrv Rrid Irvine • Y,,U.tAHA 250 Big Bear trade. Will finance private tor with black vinyl bucket aft lo am 491-7506. 5t().3100, ~r..i ..... u.er ·· . .._.... .. p_.. 2lO ml J"antt. · Expenitv.· ·e CALL c· O ·LE' CT &r--mbler • 5,fm mL '"-t .... -.. Call 5'6-fCl02 r.le'• Whl.te PrbJoe oWD!d and $6CNXl to~ ..-uu r-v· Gr IN.ti, 4 speed, dlr. (TRJ194) '61· ,IAT 124 SPIDER
. by ·the EmpmJr ar Japan. prgeous · 714-832-8585 n4-53().2930 cond. 673-6693 49U811. Take •mall down. WW fin. >Speed, radio, heater, Radi.
Worth ~. ftrst $50 dng.
= CEI 213-860-5210 . 714-531..&105'6t.Yamaha175 Endure '69% Chevy H..D . Truck aDCe pvt. pty, Call Maury all, CtUtom pimtrlping, low
cub sets. Or tnde f9t' rood
, Baltic o!!r _,_ Vol-Trlpt. Wide Cornell Like new, $499, 968-4290 wtwestwaya 8' cabo\'er 540-3100or49f.'7506aft10 am. mile~. Ve.ry fine mech.
tape recorder, ·p)Wt'r mow-• ~ ..... , Continental e p ca.mper, extru, Take. $500 DOT D •TSUN cond CXIP-033) ~. TV ••-~... .... w '1 Bat otter for immedt. aramaunt Auto Service or --used car ._ .... l ,. · • tt, ~v , . ,..... "~ "·· . · Burlnil<>• • Urilvenal ·~ " OPEN D:.ILY, $2l9t .W:e avallaNe. M6-3634. . ate Kie. Owner ~. I1aminro e General I Part. ta ~ balanct. &16-1742. ,..,
• 'GStM, Shorthalfoed ~. §48.lSOL Braa.dmoor a.Star-. '63.a!EVY.-aood.body-Llkt. _• '66 VW CAMPER: Reblt AND •'fRIEDllNO£R''
·Pointer AKC ·ll·dwnPll~I •30! OWENS. '66. · Exp Hillcrest • Camblidre. new Wpd Muncie tranl &: motar, New .tirff; tape deck ~UNpAYS 1175' llACH IHwy. HJ
wb Cruimer, by owner, T.S., CHAPMAN linkage Alao good 283 A apn.ken. BeM:b Blvd. 893-7566 e $37-6824
,,,,.,NACM ,fMri. :an 1956 Ponche Speedlter. New
89l-7566 e 537-6824 motor, ttm:, three tops, ton;
NEW .. USED-SERV. neau cover, car cover.~
-consider V\V Bua in trade.
_ ......... =-:=.~~--~~1 '68 912 TARGA, canary yell,
38,(0) mi, AM/FM, dum
whla, Very cln, Best over
$4700. fM.-1826
Salu, SUvlee, Parts
Immtdlate Dtlivery.
All Models
J~rtt1 p o 11
.!illlpL1[ :~,
*'63 RENAULT R-1. lady
owner, immac tn I: GUt!
3100 W, CO.st Hwy., N.B. c""=:;,· Call==-===· ==>-I 642-9405 541).1164 ;. SAAi '60 ?ofGA-1600 HR.DTP. XLNT
COND. ASK $8ll0. --------1 * 545-7329 * Authorized Dealer ·,·
'61 MGB-Llko nowl
Sale• • Servloe • Pull Sonet Coupes in Stock
Orange County'1 Ne.west Dir.
COAST IMPORTS *' * * 5IU1!I * * * S.S., D:F. A '"""· ~,. 6• MOBILE HOMES w/qoad·. ALL OR PART. 111'0 EVES: &1>0545 .'!,.~., .~. · NEW0 USEO.SERV, '~SILKY;TEruU:ERPUPS"""-~rt~· n4164~ .m.N .. ~~ . .::8.A.__ 642--9000 CAMPER abell and boat for ,..... .,....,....... ~':;.~"M.~.\':: ~~~~"'~':,: ;::=.~ s;'~~~c.~:ix:i !.,~=~Pa1t"'f~~ '70DATSUM-~67 FIAT-850 --OPEL __ , ~·~cin~c'?..'~.
·Se.rYloe. M&-7335. baat, mail card -IOP.O. Box COST• ME"• or 1£,00. Like D" $100/best 531-7255 · 4 Doot Sedan. Ulfd (601AVA) I--------..,._ • ~ -· "' ~ ~ dlr. Will take ti'iile or -fin. -:==:;;:,;;;,;;;,;:;,;:;::::,:1
* $2100. 846-180'1 *
GOLDIN 8f6f. Fountain Valley, 92709· Local 1P&ces available now! Oft. ¥.8-3703 -'6f Faril Camper. Hai ance prtvate J>lll"IY. Call 4 1peed, radial tirn, dlr. '66 Opel Stn w~ 28 MPG, -
· __ RITA.I 1~11\$ S d Slcl If )'OU ~ serious about buy. VW Cbulll, Transmia&ione:, everythln;. Will Wee trade. 5f6.4(l52 (It 494-68ll. _ <TOC 558). Will flnanc~ pri-Good cond, $650 or make of-SUNBEAM
: _AKC ~* 7UfS3USBI P11 ...!!-h 9030 tnr a mobile home. Now'• and othel'&. 646-269fl. --vate. party. 5464052 or fer, 982-5948 aft 5. --------the tinle to eee. • • e 642-()W3 e '61 firl:'TDn Step Van Chev. '69 ·oatSUn~ 4,94-6811. 1970 r-1, xlnt cond. Low '62 Sunbeam-~ 10,IXO ml on Sdma~ ,sired, AKC. FOR Sale: CBoat 15') '6'9 Hy-•.a u:.,....... ...,.,..
"".ormed cropped, lhota. dro S'Wlff w/top -& trailer. -v HARBOR e ''4 VW Eftl $175 e V8 bqnks, ed. tires, xlnt. 2 Door Sedap, 4 speed .(XLE mileage, 1 owner. Call aft 4 eng. Hard &: aott tops, Ton-
Evt,I &: Sun, SS7-37a:t 65 H.P. Mere. Like ntw. $200 MOBILE' HOMES • 540-3118 * mech. cond. $600. 548-0226 628) 1.lust ttll! ·dlr. Will fin. JA(iUAR I :::;P;;M:54&-I095.=='===== neau cover, spoke rbna &
pOODLE -AKC. Tay Apricot, &: us~ p\'nnts. Gd for ski-1425 Bakrr St. (at Harbor)" VW E"tlM, Good Cond. '69 DODGE camper Van. ance. 494-7744 1-----.,----I ::";;d:»;;. O:l'l;;OO;;. ="='"=
2877=·==:1 '~·~'!'."'AW<>nn<d. ~-P''"""· Phone c~~,:~ C:or::."" .-~--• =~~.•Ir, FERllAll ..,,,.JDA:UUf.111RS PORSCHE TOYOTA
.:.SEtlER.-pup1,-AKC. l4' R.YNABOUT w/40 hp Hillcftt • Flamingo Tr•ller,_ Travel M25 "Do-lt-younell camper" n&ll' ..,.. ~ '70 911-T COVJ>E
. ltl wb. stow A ~t. From EVinrude. bath . in &<I t.."OIXI. Paramount e Unlvera,1 * lr SANTA Tra ~ Fp~.'.i-2 Balton van $750 FIRllARI ~ Clal7 authartzed JAGUAR 5 apd, map, A.'d/n.f., com· IT191"!91TIAJ .~ wnm avall, &0-5005. Ll'I wheel bit. $650. Baniqton • Bmachncwr FE vtl _, ean, liii7I. hie. N"eWpmt -1mports---i:id.\Or-dealer •-tbe·entin-Hatbor fort grp, $6800. Pvt pty
541-8717 eves. c.antintntal • Star Trailer Hydraulic brakes. '67 Ford SUper Van• ange Count:Y'• only author'-AnL 673-0693
Fax Tm1er ·~~I • General e HWcrt1t Nu t1re.s I water tank. Very automatic. Xlnt cond. Mlllt b:~ dealu. 0.1ipNtr. l ,,,,63,.-9=u-i-.T=.~T~a-n-,-,-,~1-n-e, '71 COROLLAS
;11rt dame:. 8bow ...... ty. IHt· ,Tralltrs ton CHAPMAN Oea.n froO CUh. 897-&nO tell irl\JJledlately. §44-6J.05. SALES-SERVICE-PARTS SALES AMIFMISW, maa whls, 5-HERE NOW
,Cl! tltt ···mxi. 193-<632, MOBILE HOMES s1•v1c1 pd w 2 Dn Co •AKC rq, SILVER ro
HI-WAY Boat Trailer ,._..., ..,.__ Trucka t.500 ft.·--B I ,._., 3100 w:eo.at.Hwy. '> s . Sacrifice, $4500. ago1111, , upea
!:""'. .LE puppliea. w/1thockl, like new, up to .....,;w.L*-n<~~Blvd2930.,*G.G. _ .,.,.... Uff H .,._ Newport Beach PARTS 6~ Automatics Ii: 4 Speed&
•• ~ 961-2804 16' boat $150 • .,,..,,., ·-'68 Chevy vw """" RUJOWr, ,..ttt•"" 612-9406 541).1164 BAUER • '56SPEEDSTER.CLAssr. DEAN LEWIS
Mo'• UWDI SEI'IER. 1989 UNIVERSAL ~24X53. 1970. Iikenderian cam I: Authortzell'Ferrari Dealno .IUICK CAL SHAPE! Call Bi LI , 1966 Harbor, c.M. 646--9303
·,,,.r,, AKC, ·m.., ..ur loot Sllp ~"" ~ ,:.,rlll~~~.?!::'~:. l/2•TOn h>draultc tilter" Holly '67 330 GT 2+2 lo ml., air, IN , eu.; • .,, ,.,....,, eves. '71 TOYOTA'S
icovab!e, -548-2918 -~ ~,., _,_ carb, hi flotation ""''· lull er .. win., Must SeU. Pvt COSTA MESA 83'-1213. H'by40'USLIP4-W11tie. No . .6277 ... New$9900. Long bed pickup, vs. dlr. top&: slde curtalnl, nw1)' pty", 714/546-9444, ~.68::-,PO=RSCHE==~.~12"":~5 -opd~. Instock,lmmedlatedelivery.
C TfYY PoodlH. male. 9 '140/mo, 1970 24X60 Sheraton Manor, $1550 tun price. (#14nGA) xtras. Xlnt on street, dirt or nt/836-6070. 2H E. 11th StNft Mag/Wbls, AM/FM, Blue.
-1m. ~~ * mat!O !Iler ama1 No, '112. $12,900. Mu.t .. n. 494-77'4. .and. 1995. Will .,..,.-541-7'165 JGnl cond. woo. ~ ••--Is * a..t Rnala ;osa De~ (n4> 531-stos '67 % ton 01evy, 8' bed, 6 trade. Jeny Gould. ft6-.88M FIAT '63 XKE Rdstr w/remov * 6#-2432 • ,_....,.
AKC REGISI'ERED 67· 20x43 La C.rena eyl, 3 spd. step bumper, or 642-95CH Hrdtop, Eng rblt, nu cool't POR "70 9ll·T uxi·act mi's "'•WI• Minta~ Po9dle. Pupptel R A Sailboat Set up in Adult Park on/ott road tires, %, ton ./ FULL CAGE: Fast A '..61 FIAT l50 sy&tem install in '68, nu perfect, ha~ to sell rsnbl'. UI
Veey reuonable 49U151 Ht Complete w/1tepa:, awnin&I. rear suspension, trlr hitch. Powerful. Looks rd. Runi Spkfer, 4 1peed, radiG, heater, ~ Ii: dutch ln '69. needs burgundy: 548-2250, 548-9236 Latun• a..ch F: AD6B.ABLE BASSET Cal 25, sleeps 4, fully equl~ carport 1: lhed. Xlnt running cond. $1400. td. Must Sr:ll! A*'-'-•c.7'5 racing: red. Ver, low mile-nunor body work. lit $815 1 ~--";::,:::.;,,;c:_:o::~::.:= I 900 So. Cst. Highway ~~ s" •V/'O .....i $30 ............ -•M AV'".. ~1 7315 ...... '6 ... takes by Oct 15th. 673-1391 • '68 PORSCHE 911-L 494-7503 * 543100
' • QVU.I., ... , PUP ~ ~ ..... ......,, ;-.,.., ~LE --• GI' orr. Eves: 6G-.3176. . qe on this . beautiful one TARGA All ~-..... .._... .... A--.._~,. -per ~ I ED Tues &; -....-, M-""' . tx .. ""'" **-** _. ~ w......i • --Wa. MM IATELY CAMPER shell and boat for owner, (XUB·799) ....... """ "" AFG PUPPIE ""-' lncl·96MllO. Dealer: (nil '31-1105 Datsun pkk-up truck ...,., lrnportod Aulol ffOO $139' wknds. Make otter. 54&-2S32 BILL MAXEY
.u<c; $150 * .... ™9 loot CMmr ,.,, CONTINENTAL by Cam-<Ond •• 1295.00 all 3:30 p.m. ''flllml lllD£R" '62 Jaguar 3.8 Sedan 1969 Porache 911·T '.VGHANS-AKC $100 bridp Manufa<:tum", 2'x50, 531-7255 AUDI IUUIUln New Tift•. X!nt cond, Xlnl cond. 1-"""JlO
·7'74-1391 ar '82'1..$413 32' Twm«ftw ona Craft CUatom Design. '68 Dodp Van, 24,000 mi's, 11111 nA.CM 1thy. ,,, $1t50. fi73.255C. LlKE To wade? Our
tili AKC' ~. Sheltit SJps.6 * Delax baat CHAPMAN xln't cond. Will take trade. AUDI 893-7566 • 537-6824 ntE Futnt 'dn.w in the Trader'• Pltradbie column is
-·-147-1551 I ml H, fll. 01Mt Jtwy, • Bdll pups,.-Swbald.~.f~<lllllH. * 548-2™. as-t03C * MOBILE HOMES 646-2698. 1 ~ wnt. •. a Daily Pilot for you! 5Lines,5r>aysfur
&Ne A: wtlik. 5ft.-0726. . . l2l6 Na. Harbor, S.A. '46 Ford 1% Ton, atake bed, ~ -. Oasi:lfted·Ad. &U-,5678 $5. Olli today •.. &U-5678.
.._.._ · ~ :~~~G=.-: '" cxR~,.woox..,5005
o uoo .~"::· ::. : :. 100 LS · NOW'S THE
HOOlmportocl Autos -
• Yr ~ Qll.arter/thorouJ)I.. aid or fish, Mere '5bp, bred~siallioft.Dbl-w/trlr, $450. 846--~72. !BR.Newawntne&:akirtina. ~:ill take tra de . TIME FOR
,.. ... ....,..,.!Jlhands n<W c:a>p<tlng In hdnn's, · EXECUTIVE CAI .t.~ ownen, but Ob!. 1Ht Ster... to4I chlldttn's section SerlaI • HARD to get '54 :'ord 'A ton 4 Door luxury with Tadio.
'talnablt. Let, •tronc. wtll· BOAT Sb::lrqe in c:.ta S1220, $6995. bir', 531-8105, P.U. Xlnt. concl., $575. heatl!r, radial dre1, US HP QUICK CASH
tempered. Must .ell, ltavin& Mt •a 8Sc per rt. 530-2930, 545-7098. engine. <•690CBX) Set-It at
am. $250. SN at Dl'12 s. w; Water/~ incl SplU' bktc . 1969 DATSUN Pick-up. $1400 H bo '
·B-Saota Ana Hts, 1\0 """' ..... ~48 ON BEACH: IV/Pl>Ol A or he!! offer. ' ar ur THROU ... ~H A Wk. fl'onl 9.~ Airport. · laundry. 17X35. 2 br/ba * 545-3658 * ~'1 CHESTNUT Aircraft '100 Uv'1 nn, kitchen,. din's rm. '55 Chev P/S 6 cyl stick.
A2carcementdrlve.$3IOO, $400 or hetl ofl.r ~ vo·lksw-en DAILY PILOT 4.,_ old morr ...... ,.._ PVT pilot .,....,.... !JI ttn-MUlt "'11. Will llnanc<. or !J6>.ll76. · -,,.
",-.pect. Jn training for tlrw a privately OYr'Ded Siii I !Pvt~_!pty~. ,,:67~0-033~~1~--1'3~mjj;'iio;;;,,-;;,;ii~;'. U7ll. BEAOI BL. M2-4435 llunttr jumper type, m-61'12 ~ a!rtta.tt·at·O .. C. Atrpori. I' E '63 FORD F.cono, reb!t tns. HUNTING~N BEACH PERF CT Rllf, "'"' xlnl -. 1471 •u WANT ·AD • BAY GELD.-tram timf: ta time. Owntn , .,._.
~ -. anty. Call 613-11?3. 12 s ST In five star adult Glenntyre, Lagui. Bch. Saturday -DJME..A-LINES!
A-t , .... -park. No pets. Ideal ioca·l:==:::i:::::i::~:=':::i"':=:O:.:~====:=;;,,;;;:;;;.!'=:========
'IUliSPOllTATION -----'"--''-111-' ~. ~· ~ --~ , """acl A--5f8-CTl4. ~tlon~~ln~Co:•:••~•:•·~'":·~Ph:·:1~lm~~;~~1o4;~·~u1os~;;;~-~;;;J'~~~~---~-~·;·~u1e~1;;;;~~;;:;;~~~;;~~
... &,Yachtt -lOX4' ·GREAT LAKES BAYS.IDE Vllla1e -
7--w/10Xl5 Encl IO'ffft rm Newport's p~1t11e mobll
" RAM-LETS ~·rdr~n!:'~.:2~"e.u._,~= ~!r.\'i !~:.~ ,:iidi:o.::11 -:-·(/j USE I c· IRS ~ C.M. vta CCTS930) Owntr 67!>-lsp
-••. s· w· EIS * Dlr. 545-8242 * MOBlLE houte r'l!sale 20x43. " , NEW Moon, lJ x 62, ~ 1% ba., 2 BR. C...p!.
....... -Ptlc&n _ c;tulb _ do, N' l?&M· pt Martna, 1 setup, C~I adlt park. SU.500
1, -SP'1u:ADING br w/xtra rm, corner Jot. Utrtni. 64>2881 OVER 40 COMPLETELY TV.~: "You'd"' ch!ldrtt 6 peta ••1""""· .:==:==:;==•II · -Genie Glrdl" ._1 Mini llbo 9275 .G1Pnt1cG111scondoro. ~ -----11 RECONDITIONED YW's IN STOCK.
· '1'11i7'11_-on ....,_ '67 -GrMI Leko1 ZEBRA. 31> hp. , Set up in Adlalt Parlr: $T5 ~tlij&tkla t.ram· spR.EA.0-Olmpietlt w/1•. awnlnp. 5*C4. after I pm. L ...._..-. 1===~==11 arge selection of sedans, sedan sun·
Karmann Ghlas, . fully equipped
fastbacks & papular squar ..
AVAIUJILE -yclol -
,.,, i.--or Dnl<r: m•i 531=""~05~H -Chlrtw ::;: 40 Hontpower $400 cash
' lQW. wq«TlR llATISI ,_ UNIVERSAL ill x SI, ""'"' 54M471 , W1::11tvO I • !ilelpl a. eaial No. WI.1-. New san '191a="11ariey~~""C.:-V!doon-,.C.-~125~ .. -11
-"""-"°"1 OW11121: ,.. ~· lll-X 'I. tn!al 13'11 Uke new. 'A" '111 .... 'EM:A.q. No. 017, New $9900. 531.7294 ...., -lS'IO 24XIO Shttatoo Mow, -~.,.,.;~,c;;~--11
-....., tn!al . No. 8J2. $12.lllO. e HOND,,\ HOcc -.u. ..._: n..tfr: (nil m.nos Xlm cond. • 9!8-!006 P~·· --4 ... OI\ BEACH : W/Pool •• ., YAMAHA 125 M/X ~-OW )1111>Cb7. IMS. 2 br-ba llvs Many extru, Must sell. Make
_. lkl ba9t. "' ~tcbm, din's rm. ' 2 :o::;lf,:",:,· ="";;";;;OJ.54~~~~~11 ,...._ Wr prtct.. car ~nt driw. $3lQI. e '10 KAWASAKI 100. Trail, ....i,_ .. G'll !!."'1.~. Finlrlco. Pvt. BoH . i;l!JI l!<w. M ... .,...., Xlru. 1315. l44-M6ll
, ..
"E11y to RHch on the Wey lo th• a.,ch"
-ll111 Beach-llYd;-HlllltinglOll l11cll, 142-4435
Import~ -ffOOlmporlMAulos
e 1fW• . ,.., ..... ·-..... ,
"'De IMW 16H _. Jtol .,. ttie Hit ..-.. ,. ....... ..w ...
llAVAllAH llOlOll-
Not te IMW • .,,... .... ,.._, ,... .. 11111 .. crftla -. IM .... ••••I .... ••••....,. _, IMW ,.,..,_ ..._ Y•'I 111•1111• .., h ...._ ..._ YM're
......, • IMW ....... C-a. fw • ........ tMe,.
Speciel l ui1d1 VJ•'"';"'·
a.ti;., "••*-'· 1wtP'11flc.
'" vw s1395
'67 FIAT SCJ49
'61 POUCHE $1785 Sup•t "90". 11;•4i•, h••t.r,
4 •1fll114, lrfl!ftllUtl1te.
''1 VW CAMPER s22· 95 ft•dio, h11t.f, w1/k thrv
111h , fully equi,petl l11clut1-
l119 ice bex, plu1 1111ny, '"'"'
1xtte1. F.illy 111cJ01H c1lio1111,
c,.. .. '''''· ....... ,. & •• , tlr11. lt14 witli liol1c•
Mc•1t •••h. ITAY·Otll ------------I l1111111cul1t. c0Mitlo11.
t50 s,111., 2 tlr. ,,,;,,
he•ttr, ulhe 1h1rpl
tWTZ·l l•I
1-....... "''• ·TIM MOTORS
J .......... ............ ,_
PAlts. lllYIC:l TUii.. tNla.. ftU. l :H
IJ4.UR l ft ..-..--.rllliMlirmot111-
' • ' ' l}J:'\ 'TJ '.•: ..
23 PIL2T·ADWnsER · wtdnttdar. 0ctobfr·1; i97:P ·.. • · · .. . · :"'. r ~ .t ••• • ~ ~~ " ' • • ·i • · .!-· ' .. • -:~ :.r 1 ~td~~·0c~t.f. '.1~'&": .. ,._ , ~ 1 \· ~~·; ~:;:fi~J
'rli'Aidli61TATION -'fRA N5Polr11l-'9it:. : 'lRANSP'ORTAtJb!f ·::~~NSl!OR1'A1l0.rf . TllANSPORTATION ;titANSPOR,.ATlo,11· Tlti\NSPOlllfATIOlf,~ 'i'liANSflpiO'Afl!f'I 7 -T RAN5P'OA'fOUIOJ(:;'I
lmporied Au'" 9600 llriporfod A : ,._ Imported ""'°' AUfOi -Waritod : "1111 u,"' S!,., ; ,, j • !fOO Qs..i Con '9ICI uo.i IO""<,' ,:; ~ UsoCI f:iii~?r.•· -. .,. Uud·~.-· i ; ·.., VOLKSWA~ ~OLKS~GEN ·;,~~).~N~Tl!L°P.,D0c~~· , , , .;C~RV~~ ....;_ DODGE •-"FORD " '· ; .. '. . __ MU$1'~G-:-1 , · -~ YMQ .... !·~ 1
. , TOYQlA1 . .,
,. •. oe..: ""'~
, •64 'vw=:;·-. ·LcircJe "s.tectiOll "''~!-1.• -12'¥-· oOod Oii• ~· -Tdt-DOU:AR . -.!llGf.•'"'"'2* """'.:·ii6t ~~ii.iv" " . ,,. ·.-u ·'\l\Ai A-t • • .~•.!>111= 14._-otly o'lla"l, ;<Int "•B QODGE ~T • -&A'lt>l<Ond. ,....,,_., .,,~ ., .
Gleaming-white.with red~ VL.1.D' ~mptf$1 _ IJln!kdbEL ittec'h .~. $2$5. !9l:-72tl FUl.Lpo\YER+tacb.yalr, ·~dpr ;t.12oo .~i:,i,t~~J~Oq'.,ER Q,urorrtw~ f'.'·~ .:.~~ Pasll'6ck 4 ~-11&, .had
loving care. ~·iJice! (XSP
491J Take stnall down, \VJII --n.nanee _pvt. pty. eau dlr.
Pat aft 10 arn 540-3100 or
tonor, .,. .. Ona.,,. P''""" Vans · xomlils ·cOENEM\o ~· ' .. , lO(>,!I .. • . Low mile .. ldl'f\, lls";lda" CL.l M USID'!f'RS . 1'110!\'~-.-"
parly, Lfc. 865.aEJ" • ,1 • 'E· ~r~ .ft '63 COR1tAJR ,..bOOt ena., lmm~iatcly.'.Iit.$J)99 ,buy1, ''.011' "ti &ov_._ wr. hcak~s ~ Yide . ...."\"' ;: ......... ,
:,, fi """'•Ji.1 • ·r •1" •. 1 _ ~. . i;lrQ.kesrtdio,bcater,$125. XE\13.54. . " 'fHEODORE 1~•~crngrh'gu .~, .. ,s ,~ .. P3'.tq1 n, :l~~~:t.; ... s· $79 Bu..., ... W • U u••• ... ,S"te~ntly B~ . c:• 1-.. ,P, ""11r:<. to . I, ti • frl "'f,.~.i. ·"' l
CHICK Iv lf!!rMd••t• Qol)v1r:v · can ""'""°' ~ · · l CHICK IVERSON ROBINS FO · 18l<l. 545467. Aut•m•tte rn.osm~-1 ·' ERSON CHICK. IVElSON 1 -· ~n~l!~ ., '" canlair.&iia """"· -;.. · VW • -. RD 'IMl~"cJtl. 418 "·•I'\ "'nil l"l.,,,...o;.e·~· ... :. '? ' YW I .... ......... -.. ;i..:~:" <&Sta Mel'(li"n·. I -OvertiaW!'l enc, {ktlt ofter. , . w~-m H&rbor Blvd. i 1l2500 Cl-"•MS' ulfet!"").n "S' 'J"pWer .)Y!Mo,wk , ·~·.:~ • : • 1
"19'1tr HARBOR BLVD: -'"f"! • Y ·" __.. • 's4D-:aw . -·--~ \Oajl·after 5 pm: 836--0446.-~' M9-3031 "'&x:t. li6 or IJTf; • _ ,.' .~ta Mesa. pf1t,' ~S-.28)7, ~ t')1t~, ~ ~ Roof ...... · ·'"'~ .~1 TRIUMPH . OSTA ~ • -• !l49'.303! Ext. QI or rt lMPOiil'!i Y,Mm:of . -· ' . :--:,,-~l1n.,1L\lllllll\ !".0· . ' c _642.-0010 • I ' . '.. ' ->~eway Speed CO~l!\\l .. n 'l
• -~ -. -~HAROOR B~VD., .'7. "-.. ""--...,--· '::> ~b 'Q ' '6J CllumRY "°OU'CcW&n-. ,.,·~~ ·1. :ll0010;~1Ugi!fF>Drif~'
'67 TRIUMPH TR-IA !~'.?;-.~~.· '!::.."l",, w,tl',". «, :-}l'O!lrA >!!SA J =,m;i;. ~ . .·: 'CORY£! Ill . · k .. , FIR~;.D .. ~1 Blood,.,lo,.ly ~. N•w Or,..DSM981 E '.6Jr;O>"ll!lo~1 . ~-::-;;,"1
l.R.S., 4-llpeed,' rad~ hc•I -w.i .,....---w "" 6fN:f1. R....o...Xtnt ;Nfd BILL ~TOYOTA ., -li81ft .... r tires, Make offer. M2-n93 ~ . . ~ot CODditfo.n ~ · ' ~.
er, \vire "'heds and radlaJ ·radio an extras: crorgeaus .. :~ • · Ji BeiC~ • ~67 CORVETTE ,• · , • \• w 'Toro~~? l~ - F uJ • ,, . : '· $2ffS :• ~~·~,
tires. A·l .mechanical cond. CoqcJ.'· 6,<m rru Still s~lls ,$16'· , , ~~6 after 5:~ ... !888l µi,c ~~Iv~,.-. 11.T., wlt"b sort toP, 4-specd, ·ri Flrebv.J:J0-11,000 ml. 4-· " po11.-er, ra~1al )ii-es, good COOtact..-t.lra.-Jdwnman :~
(TYV-950) ~.f!.~'l3f.OO._ calJ~~t..atµ;!Jr . · _ 1 , ·-. I-l. BetWb. PJ;>.,M7.B!i.55 ell!'Ciflc '. ,wlhdov.'S, power !pd;, Joa(Jed! Beaut. ~ ·' LINCOLN ~ .. ":'!ks~' 6U~r.t ,Oa l I '(he DAILY , l'liln'r !11o' \11.J
$1599 l 547"248. . ..,: ... 1 \. t'. 'VQLVO ' i . .... . , . 'fiiGll' steer1[\ij AM'/~l radio, 6U-Q47 or Q46-3173 \ •; . sil7-'i191,, l\ton-1',rl'. 9-~1· eves ~·<!,lot. ro.:.tm ~ ~· , ·~ ~i
:: • • • .. -• • · ·' 1 v..a·c.rs · .sown •d'.~k..-J>lJlll ll•· · '"" · °" "'-' ' ·1 ''FRIEDLANDER'' --?:~~; ~-t~· _.-.... -·. ~-... :. ~~We BUY .· .-. ' w,y \\..,~ .,~~·~) ~ . ' PO. "'D ~. · 7;atf:._h~~ta!,nd~i~w;~. l~~~g+ Nu~~; convrt-. • ~: .ioHV.<£~!: ':!
13750 BEACH (Hwy. 39) . "Ir 5.16--4~ ·1",.,._ . "llJlll ,.. ... ~ ... "CARS ~-. .. '· --II oller: dS44712. . 'l)ucktt -iieJti, ttnk-r' cOn-• • , -·· . '
893·7566 • 5J7.fil;l24 '68 '~· . ~-. THlNI . . • • . • r 7 ~ ' ~LAMll'' . ·et r<l&ne sblb. )..."tnr"""Cbnd.' $MIS or Of· "67 " FIJtEBIRD CONV· .. ~ ~ '.:"-r'UT' o -c' ,A.;_\C, .;,. :'VOLVO' , ~,aw,.,_ l.,;.11~"'"'~1t> ,,,., "'" 1~"~1;;:•;,:::i: '· MlVERIGl(;:T ,'"·''.'--Of&' . ·· . •·~·""''•.!><•"'''~·ud<el: ·-----------=~~~~·~~= .. . II • • :noo U-•bor __ .. ••Jr.· ...... •'rlU~flll .• .,..,.,, .~ . ShArp-fnt, xlm mfch. No!+• 'a x1 · ~~.-.tr= ._ • 00'()U>S~ll1LOll wa;;e~-6ClltS .. COt1$01e. Vert. ---. '1969 Tl b ~--~r --faul $9116. ..... 111D · · All J>O"·er~ 'run& ~ood BCsf ·rneCbaniCl\llY A-1. ..,.. -~ rump GT • 6+. Black with.._ h;t.ck inlerlor. • ·,,-• e -5 ~... t. · '70 _?i1AVr;~ICK, auto trans, ·~nCr:~ : .~~. ~. $ll50 •. ;~· ·:·' i.o1,
Yellow w/blk int,, radio, 4 & economy special.. "''ill fin· •ffllllftl·;IUftERlt ·1 -• :· -JUIPJC ':.... :-.:. ________.._ ... 10RJ> 1t • ....a. 1t' • reiJ preuy, >..1nt cond., $300 t8Jl . 96&-
8 track stl'reQ 1\v/4 spkni. ~ privat~ party, ~c. -_, ~JUlf!f'""'U .k ~ · . . J'ltlt . . . .... ~Corvette lo.Mt i.ln ... ,..a..oM. · 1aa ·~if'' ;;7r,. T.0.P. 56-3350. • '68 OLDS CUTI...i\SS 2-dr ·-. -_.,,
All ne"· tires, n!w exhaust. XEU-224 . ,, . 1~ •JACM O!.IT~J · · --. . . "t.to,P ~ ooi.n =~-.1.... " ~i.. _!..:...i • • 'llrdtp Fae air p/s 24 000 ··-c~1-............ ..:.",
$2000. C•l: 83>-2262 ·"1!4. $1499 --"'1-nlll! • ·.P!'~ "119 RIYlER,<·Lto N°' )'OX-tops). 327,. ~pd, AM/nl, 'i.,...."_)Ji'"'m , ~. MUSTANG . · mi. i;it;.230.]., :·. · · , ;;,,f .!.-;;;[·A;'k.~g "E;;i~
'65 TRJU.VJPH sPts. 6 Make ~ NEWAJS!~ . • . -l'4 ~ir, s_f~reo .. Nii ,?4~h•lln mac:~ .... ,5/belt 0t:IF. r ~ ~1 ~. I • •, bt~t Q((e r, ·64_2-H6S.~ • . :.;
ollo<'. Herod 1y,.. 640-4388 CHICK~. SON ~· ·\, ~1':'·lop1'.°~.bl~wl;~ 't!-1!111.-' · ' !!'J,'"'~'"'.!J'fr! 'J?"~· *'6' MUSfANG-l OWNER P!,,Y..,OUTH .'691.E 'MANS ·MV~~. eves. -.. :.1 ~ ......_ ... ~. 'UCClaVElTE.convert '-•• ,ps,guuu ·urf!!,ne'WSharp ·Rcd V.S. 4 spd,. ' --~ ·,.-._ •. :*,_.. !..,,.,..,,....
. ·'1 .~-~ · ) ~""· ' ' -Qu~~;~· .-...-r, '.--y: "'-•! ...,_, 'R-·-f" · d.-..~1• brakes. $550 daya 536-381:M: Po1•...1ass tires, RIH.' R""" '67. v u. ·t $~. w ';~.
'66TRlllMPl:ITR4-A 51..,.nEx• ...... 81 :., •. VOLVO ·· :n"=".''' -.m-. -~-· '"'536-""· ~ 0 .:.·,·. '" .. a'" -··•-.-...,,,..,D-.. -·' I.R.§., ·wire wheels;_com_plete 191Tt HARSOR''!llND. .• : ... : .. : . ~. .. 't?-RIVlFJRk-NU pOi;Jlul, f11fei. llS--0439 '" · V , ~·-. • • 1•91fi -. Ii 1t ne\v interior. !Jnmaculatf' COSTA MESA VOJ..\:'O cl.i:MtANC,E . air, F/P, 5a,COO ml. · 1962 Fon:l !ilatlon "'agon. RI. !\take O~! 8"2~3215. 2 Door_. Jrrt~wlato! ~c.tory • ~ ~ • -·
condltlon. IRPL-901 I IMMEDfAl'E'DELIVeRY f S21'!!0, "' ;~ .,. ; _ SiSo-44?5 __ COUG' ·AR-H, automatic. Mechanics 1sa MJ;:ISfANG 6 c)'i. CPE R' warranty .. !Icy\., dlr., radio. '6G'T·~O cony~. alt;~~
$1399 '62 VW .Bug· CAftS TN STOCK \' ii' :!':so . SpeciaJ. Phone 96&-5214 a!tcr .t.' J-1 -xlht. cond. $895. or besl . (UZE'263)'1\lu~t sell.~ 1Jn.. 1~ rliif: 1 t o~. ·: •'f6LsrATIO~\VAGONS 1· 1 ElU,l.+~,.R IVIE~. . . 6 P.l\f. offer. 645-2842 or 52U305. 11nce. 4!»-7744. 49t-1850'"'or.49-l-:!!;S"· .. ··-~.: ''fRIEOLANO£R" 'I .Radio, -i speed, t.:xcell~j.din. '76-SEl")ANS-2 & 4 ~ · S290D/offer. • GTh-loa7 67 Cougar GT, au-, pfa, 'li6 GALAXIE SOO.Ps/pb, fP.c llJ!i6 M1Ular1g HT -Aulo, lac "&l P~\IOUTH 4:<lr, ~VB. 169-~~ ':fun:;DJ~
dition. d\r, (B\VMS81l Will '70--l&xil l: CPE. . '6'l' RiVIER.:A.: NU potygl.ass, R/H, .Dbc brll.ns. ?.1usl air, tape deck. Very good air. ~ tires. p/s. White. a.uto ~ns. Xlnt a>rv;l •. ~-~tr.reo;; pffl~te :;pgrt}\:.W
13750 l!ACH (Hwy, 39) r in a n.c e private party .• 7o-164 SEDANs--4 S....,...ds air. F/P, 52,00Q .IJUi Me\ $1795, 644-24rio., · cond. Lo mi. MZ-2065 · Xlnt e011d ll.350. 67~2226. ing ~525. .. """"· . 500 eyes Afu8 ..... ._~1.w. ,_, ~
893-7566 • 537-6824 · "o .--~ $""M * 54'"75':'?""":'====;::;=:Cc.=====~=:;,,=='~~~~::2~;;'.:~::.~~·~~~;;;;==::;,o.'.;;;~~;;:;;~~"~~:i'=iil :>-l6-4052 or 494-ooll. & Auto1nallcs · · .. "("., · : r . -~-.. 'I ~ 1800 F Cpe for delivery. · -t,19.)lt C1rs NEW vw BUG o ....... del Spociallst CADILLAC 1...:...0....:;.;...;. _ __,;...:.:=::.::..=.:._ _ _.:.:.::::, -----------~---'""" ...... .;..,.,.,..,-=:""~I
;,$55.89 Jr·:-.D.EAN : a.rw1s . 1968 EL DORAOO • Fully
· ~ 1966 Harbor, C.M. 6:16-~ e q\i i pp e d , alJ:.reattief In-
'66 VW BOG . $i47•71 .ioi"n lnc!ydo• '68 · Volvo"142A '""''· xint "'"'"& "·'""' ~ tax .& LI~ Opi.n~~ ra.te. Pvt JllY. $4150. PhOne
VW LEASING 2 Door Sed8n. Automatic,,~ 54~77. 8 to· Sonly, uk 'for Competition orange w i t h
black interior. UOH144
AT dio, 41r. Has had Jovfng1 _;cLo;;,n~· ~=7"~=--CHICK IVERSON =· CYXU 248) Taket?adr -• ., CAD 4-<lr D<)lillo vW , \Vill Iinan~e ·private partY,. .i\if ,·all pofrer; ~o Jll.I.
l9'(0 HARBOR,_Bti_yp. Call Maury 'lilt 10 am Pvt pty .• , ; 1 . ",83.1-3485
51g:3031 Ext. 66 br 61
197o' llARBOR BLVD.
COSTA M"1i'C:_.&. 494-7rfl& (lr, 540-3100. ; FOR SB.le: JIM8 Cadillac in ~-1968'·1V'onob 142 S ' good ~.cood. Best oUer. WANTED Clt!i:ln,.good tire~. Pvt pty, Call ~. eves .. ·
I'U pay top dolla'.• Jod>.)'our $1600. , · 8J2..-594~ eves. '69 SE~-"" Vill~reen COSTA MESA
'65 VW Bug, n1etaJlic brown, VOl:.KSWAGEN today Call '69 VOLVO 4 dr· sed11.n, likf v.•/wbt. ·vinyl ·top.;: Fully
reconditioned 1nru--0ut. ·Low and I.Ilk for Ron Pi~bol, ~\..·,. ~ir cond. 16,000 .iin' equlppe;d; ·S511JS. 5f9-:0l~.mile~ On l't'reflt overhaul. 549-3031 Ext, 6&-67. 673-0900, •. $2300 owner 6.73-6004.~ · _ a :.si c.adiOac'CoUpe..de. Ville
$850, Call days, ~l. V\V 1965 Sedan. Good cond. '--------·! -Xlnt CQl'ld. New tlres .. $700. nltes SJ6..-2673. -673-T~ Grey \V/red interior. Radio Autos Wanted 9700 · · WE-BUY VW BUSES &·extras. $800. 642-291L 420 · ._.61-eadlllao-·4 dr·HT..uke auto snort ltd Golloo, Nowport Shore" W£ PAY CASH now, 58,000 ml. »'ull ·pq .. r, r '68 VW eonvL Outstanding ai:-. -968-6829. ,,
FOR YOUR CAR · 9625 Garden Gtove Blvd. cond. Best oiler. 54J.-8.15S or
530-'7'777 Call Collect 673-6830. ·CAMARO
,i.,. --· '69 VOLKSW AG.EN Bug ' ~195€~vw=~.~U~S-w~/1~964-1~500~--.,,-_
-daik blue, maoy extras! gine, $500 or be$t of(er, 494. , CONN, ELL i '69 camaro ·RS,. air, d,lsc Imn1ac. Orig. owner. $1695. 5352. .tJrakea, PIS,-J?O eng. Blue
84&-7o.;7 " C.JfEVROLEJ \ w/ vloY) L J91l, • !2900.
'64 VW w/'fJ6 engine. am/fm. ; 'I 644-593'1. ' •THIS Won"! Last! Sl1arp l l600 ,~3650 :Ullll6 ' 2828 Hlll1lor ·Blvd. ·, 1-'C:.;.;c:.:..=~----
-'61 VW Squareback. Top sunroo' · ~ · °'6ta. ~ 546-U'.llt · · '68 CA.i~--91, good
Cond. $l300 •. pvt pt Y: 8th St., So. Laguna. -~w~e=-'P~Ar.Y,._,T~O~P~.-··1 cond , Pvt pty, $1515 . .112 w.
540-63B8. '67 VW C1mperiiec:I Bus · Coait Hv,•y, .N.B. 5:48--~1.
e l!nO VW 9 PASS f BUS.
Same as NCw. 8,000 n1i.
Top cond. 673-3269 ~ ·sH
'63 V\V, rebuilt engine. ne1v \:It CHEVRoLET
$2895 . ... 675-3151
•1968 SUNROOF VW -wfw
tire!, r&h, li!e blue, very
clean, $139'.i. 96&-5802.
clutch, low mileage, x,lnl
cond. sn;. 5.l&-3344 tor us..t·ca:s&:""""' iiU. '64 CORVETTE
'65 vw
call us for ftee"estlmate. "Jri" 4 gpeed AM 1· FM GROTH CffEVROLEJ• )3,!.,\i !><~Mp·, oval•, com'.
ple.tely or1(ina1, 1'11 tblll Vet '62 V\V Bug. New Porsche
brakes, board rack. Nt-eds
body "'Ork. $.t'lO. 548-666q
'SS VW Bus,. '60 cng. As: Is,
best offer. 2019 Pomoriai ·ap l
American. ma.gs. wide .lire&,
custom metallic paint w''h
beii.utlful lace worir:. ·ypu.
··Ask for ~cs ?.tanager t1('('ds is a new home. OSC
18211 Beach alvd. '4/!J.·' ;,: -
llw>lll>i:to• ll<aoh . ._ .... .Sll9f-'" .·. 847~ KI 9-3331 ; -· --. ..:. ... ··-..
D, C.1\1 . i " Several other customized
VW lo choose' frorn
FOR TOP usED CARS c • • • vw ., . -· : e '66 VW, Good Cond.
1.tany Extras * 847.SSiO CHICK IVERSON vw U yQ~ car .is extra clean; -~~ .~t, .Gd ·~r 67 .
see us first. )970 HARBOn· BLVD ·
'65 VW 1500 SEDAN
.FMMB radio, ~-
.BAUER BUICK COSTA MESA . S.19-30.11 Ext. 66 or 6l 234 E. 17th St. · · "\ · * 545-8624 * 1970 HARBOR BLVD. Costa Mesa 548-7765 '63 CHEVY, good1_~.-Uke 1'=========-...:;========-::;;======'=='I ne\v 4·Spd· Muncie trans &
Imported A\f,tos 9600 lmPctrtld AUtos 9f.001rnport~ Auto1: · 9600 linkage, Also good 283 ''fii:liiii~--i:.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~--iiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;i;~l 'v/q!Jiltl. ALL . OR' ,PART, 11 642-9600
'68 Datsun 510 Sedan
'68 .. Porw:he 911
Cp•. AM/FM , 4 speed, "r•g wb,,_1l1. Sk6;,i.
-fYWY0-191 •
c $1295
'66 Volvo 122 5'cf.
1 ch. R., H., 4 ·~p11~. Sh11p. I 6~2.A.~PI
. · . SiS95 ' .
161 Volvo }22° Stafion Wlgon
R., H., 4 1p11d. IVEJ1541
'61 Toyota ... Cpr9rla. ·
Sid. R., H .• 1ti~k. IVOR61 .. ·I
. . $1295
'68 Toyota Corona
Sid. R .. H., 111torn"1tic. (V6E494)
, '68 Tr'tumph Spitfire
M1 rk Ill Rod1tr. A., H., -4 .,,.,cl,
'Wh11l1. lwxN-454)
$119& ....
166 VW Squ1reb.c;k
W19. Jt.. f;i .. 4 1p1!'d-. fXSS,54!
$18.95 .
'69 Toyota Corona '
H.T. A., H,.-A&ito .. •tl•i•c .. rv~lr 1olld,
...... 166 MGB Rotdster
'62 V'otk~walien
4 1p11d, cornp1titio11 01A11911 R11 I 1h11p.
" IQKK161)' I
'68 Toyota Coron•
'H:T. Cp1. R., H., 111lom1tic, 1ir co~d.
1fWFErl'll • ~
• : '59 MGA CR"'• 'f11rdtop ·
.• R .• J1 .. 4 lf'•ed'. '11xs1·41L '
~ $2395
'68 Toyota Land ·crufNr
~rH .T .. R .• H., -4 Wh61l driw1. !h1rt";
fXEV90"4• ' '
t'J?5 . '64 MOB Roadster ~ .. H .• ·4 fpi.J, wire wh11l1 IOM62i"l'l
'. $1595 . : ' .
'69 Volkswagen Bug
It, H., 4 1p11cl: IX5StS41
' $795
· t 163 TR38 RcMid1t1r .
R .. H~4 1p11cl. l""ir• -.1..,r,, JfiA,47.41.
. '69 Toyota Coronli .1 .;. •
).,J. R~. M .. •11tow.1tic. IYIU9S91
. • '. 5895 .' .... "
'69 Dune Buggy· · '
CorY•!r 1n9. AOtOYn•ilt tt•fll, Pric1cl lo
: till. 19tlAOXI
' " s1i195 , ',$1 09 5 '70 T oyol• C:oron1
68 Volk1wa91n Dune But1Y Stcl. k., M., 4 1p11!1. A C6, °'"'• low
.. '·
R .. H,<•P•o'ii:i•;I ~ t!iii· ... ,
·~-·; 1 . IMPORTS ·• .~ ~-...........
1966--HAllOtl':tWD, --•.• , .. .,...,.,.MESA
-+ ... -.--v~-·" -· .
'61 lMPALA, 348 CT, 4-e:p,
qu8d, gd cond. $325 or best
offrl':B<>P• ~]347, TI1tll' !>r
-Sa.I. . .. . ..
'53-"CHEVY picki..ip wl\h cam-
Pf't -&. rackl, 4 llJ.. cOm·
poUnd low, split rims, snow
tin:,s, ~. LI a.3935.r ~
'5" ·~ 4 ~ ... agOni Re-
built V.S & auto. trans., w/ :£'1 ~. ~·,. '.
'$ 'Ci*vy· 3'lf& .Jardtne1
4.56 '""'· "'""' 16"1· ~ 1'1~6 !'Wf : ...
'70 C'nev:/ lm~a.la COnv' PIS.
.. PIS. 300 en.J-Xlnt , co~1
1$1795. ~126. ' I I •
• 1961 -Cl-IEVY ·a1ation
wagon, 6 cyl 1Uck.
$3:A~} . ' j ~ 3(7..3180
.• '69 ·Chevy_lm_ea.Ta -~~lr,
pS/Jib, Vil\)'! h.Jp, l2S50, Cil.1I
'.a!tir ~ •. ·~:·
C:~IT, •
1964 Comit aa.""1na04·-6 nt.;
inder. 4 Door Stdan, Haa ra-
dio & heater. A fine econ-
omy, le ·tra1111l9"lt\~ car.
Priced well below blue book
B~. Firm. <?,l!837~ n:mro.. , \. ,,,.. ., ..
'62 Comet-6 l')'i, 4 dr.
·Good .tran1py.tion•car1•1
"""· . 513-4631
INCOLN Continental 'G9 4
dr. In mint condjtWI. Vln)li
?t!O(, leather tritftlkt, aft.
t'Ond, pwr '"' .\.Jlh, '"" wlrxfowl, 6 MY 'r-eieilt, tat>f
stereo, tilt wMel. $4,195., Ph
da)'! 67l-'7022. • 'D 1 f & I
SELttN Ymll' boat? ~·L\1t >
mtll·"us;· .M'!lt" ff-~11lst. na.111
PilOt Cfuaift.a. ~
, .. ' . . .. .
.··• ~·· . . . ·1971
' ' . •• •• 1' ... . '
LINCOLN · .;& .. ,M·ERCURY:·.·:.:';;:.:i:
-'~ IMMEDIA1£ nntVE&Y_ -
------·~·· -_-: '.....::-. • +1---.~ , --..~'I'•" ... -;?---
" GOOfl :-: :SEtEtTION::~~ ·-·::~-.~-.. ;:~1~
'. . . .
Orange Cou~ty'$. Finl st · .Us,ed:t'a r~~: :-~
,_ ' . over.;sor~c~005~ ''~·:-· ... ·~:''.' ··· '. .
·' .· ' i69 CONTINENTAL · Coupe. 8, 'actory air cc1n llnn-
. Ing, full power, radio, he~er,
Landau Roof. All Continental
liJxui:Y fe&t1:U'C8· (},'PT830>
s4222 .. ...
' J '• -,ii.~ i\ A
·' ..
I 66 CONTINENTAL .. $2• 33 4. door sedan. Luxury ~ulppcd 1
· thru out, Full Power & actory .
. .. iir. JoW mileage, v;ell maJntained. ••
·-f.:=KL .542.
I ..
.. . .. .. .. .
-Automatic transmiulon, powt'r '68 COUGAR XR7 . $2666
• 1 !~~~~~:aet~~r~d'a~;~z . •
, ~-., ,XEW 188. .
I ~-.
MONTEGO MX SPY COUPE $2888 na4lo, heater, V-8, automatic .
trans., Power steering, factory
' .alr &,.In factory warranly, · · (25~~GP> . -. .. .
. I -'
• Uon Wagor:i..Full power 'M ~CURT COLONY PARK
with fectory air, driven only
.·I..: ~~900 mllcs. fRR2734)
.. I-. --·-' ''68' MDCURT COLONY PARK $2888 -· · 10 pus, gtation wa~n. Auto--·
.m.atic trans., ndio, eater. ~wer
. steering, p(>wer brakes. fae ory
air; tofc Jugglge rack. excellent
condlt on. YCM 716. • t
I . .,
'65 MUSTANG sm· Autcm&Uc 'trat.inwlon, ndJo, .:
heat~r. power ateerini, factory
air, XSA 945. . .
" ; .
. . ·-· .... '. ~-.· ; '61' COUGAR '. . '· ·• '· ·: ,, .• 8" ss· ' '.~: :Auto.·trans,.; R&:ff: P.S., FAC--• -. . ~
· TOR~AIR·.CCN.9l'f.10 G. . " \
whltc·wl\1' tires, l!\c." {~90) -· _ ' ,,.; ' • • . • • • • . • >"· -.......
-·---·--.. -· -----·-----. .. . ,, .. '66 IUl\:K RIYl!RA" ---· -· . ' Atttrnrt>i"<!.. tal<m\)'_•p:, '\
. ru1!1M'!'!ef,,R&J~· . ..::···" (~-· ~ .. ~ ....... . . -. ·---.. --··---...
' '
·-' ..
• c.~,. •
-'.. ~ '6·1· f.ORP GALAXli . ·' ,, · · 4 Door Hai'dtnp .. Automatic, tacto.s:y air; l?S,'PB, R&li:.
_ (.VA7..J07) ~" r. , ••
~ .. ' ..
-• -= ' • -,
-' : ... . .. '.
.. . . . ~ . ,.
r • .. ~~ ·•·
--: •1 • ' l \I
. . ' ' ..
, CADllUC' -' ":' I' . ·~·'" I~ . .... ... .. ( 67 S<d8n D¢ v1ue. '"'' """"· ..n.. $-· •, .Jattohf:alc. V:r.f)'..clWl. -I '
! AGB.!326. \ .. ,.. • • • • • . ' I '···· ~--·-· ·' ..... , ..
-. -. .... \_• ~ .• '. ~ ; 'i', , ....... ....-. ~ • '\•1,: -. . 1~· .. t , •. J•••,, .... ..,. 'J
. BETTER IDEAS MAKE 'BE~E~ ... ~~-~0:,;U";~ .~''.:.';<:;
·• J ohitsOD ~i S6u·~~:=~~·.::~·: ...
L 1-. f , ~ . ' · ----· ... -l
LINCOLN CONTINENTAL · •· MA-me· m· .~ '.·MERCURY,• :_:cQiic-Q :·;,
.. .. •• ·~3"1 1 l\'I-"
. I
t )
' I ••
. rru1 -
-i:;:;:-:>:I ~
7' ..
~!; ~t i!!o nio ,.o
ntr ~-~ mZio ,. .... _ .,oz
ro .it Cc n., ,. ....
~ .. ,. z a ..
'· E ,, 1 ·~·
At Once A Year Cle-nee ·
. DlscOllnJs
T·Blrds-Galaxln LTD't-
' Wagcint-Torl-t.taverlcks . . UEW i 910 l'P. ne t:$ -..
. '
A i FrNAL i;i:cc ~.: ~Ta
f .100'1 f.250's F-350~s
Econollne Van~
S!,Or> NC'//. Wt-!1~!:
:m ECTiCNS Ami GC! /.I
Full trad•ln value for . JOllf
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f OR
Our Big Volume Inventory Gi~es You a Choice o1·
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to Shop? · . . ·
-NOW"'st'XsAiD"TO"FINAt -•
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For Same-Day Delivery
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OVER 2 J\C!lES oi:
!'l~·!E Tr.AOl:-IN:i
TO er :c o:::: H!OM
Many to choose from -'64 thru '70 modals-'12 tons & ~ tons
standard, automatic, 4 speed tr1niriifssi0ns. Some with air con-
ditioning, campers and camper shells. ·
It r•i111, lowr.r1. 1to .. 1, ice bo•,
sink. Lik• ntw ( 5 I 09 7)
• 68 ~~.~~~.r.Y.~~~!~.~.o.;~X ~ ;J 71 t:ill
cond., .,;nyl roof, lo mil11. IXGV 4711 B V j/ LoM•d. YI, klH, P•-•f••rin9,
1if coftil;iioft1i.jfc-xWYo~, I . --· ----. --~-~----------------~
'68 MUSTANG HARDTOP ;.-t-" r
Avtorn1fic, r1dio, heeter, ,.;..It Li // "-J : )
•f11rin9. !WXE0721 ,• -------"------'67 ~~~!~'~'~""~~MANS;
Low miles. IYCk-0601 . '68 .~~~P..,.~~.~~1.~ 500
elr c.M. 11CJ5161
Auto1111tic, eir co11ditie11i1t9, klH, •hit•
w/r..l i11l•ri•r. IOlllTGJ -
'64 COMET 4 DR. SEDAN 6 cylinder, auto., low rniles,
radio, hC"ater .. (PDT06GJ.
'65 ~~~~~~. ~~!~~~~r 6leering, air conditioning. (EJC707) '69 CORTINA GT 4 spec<'!, radio, heater.
Lo\v milC'agC'.
(YI'I'Si8) .
c •
. \ ,
b •.
' ..
" ., L -:_;
VS, automatic, pou·er :lteering, air '70 RANCHERO GT " " • '
cond., disc brks., R&H, Gem top ,. • l , 0
shell. (81803E J. '66 GALAXIE XL :l dr. H.T. Full PIJ'\'er. (actory air,
automatic. ISJY139J.
,.. "·-('~ --~•"Vb ~ ,,. "' " j .. '" JI
• '69
Custom "S". 1l1nd1rd shift, VI, Rlt-1,
P.S., !YCS l6Sl
' • ' .
17 ..